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20-12-2016 дата публикации

Грузовая тележка мостового двухбалочного крана с поворотными площадками обслуживания

Номер: RU0000167013U1

1. Грузовая тележка мостового двухбалочного крана, содержащая раму, опирающуюся на ходовые колеса, размещенный на раме грузоподъемный механизм, площадки обслуживания, расположенные по ходу движения тележки, и боковые ограждения, смонтированные на раме и на площадках обслуживания,отличающаяся тем, чтоплощадки обслуживания шарнирно связаны с рамой с возможностью их установки и фиксации в горизонтальном или в вертикальном положении, при этом расстояние «а» между продольными секциями боковых ограждений поворотных площадок выполнено меньше расстояния «б» между боковым ограждением рамы.2. Грузовая тележка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что она оборудована приводами поворота площадок обслуживания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B66C 11/00 (13) 167 013 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016133617/28, 16.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.08.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2016 Бюл. № 35 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество Научнопроизводственное объединение "ВНИИПТМАШ" (АО НПО "ВНИИПТМАШ") (RU) 1 6 7 0 1 3 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Грузовая тележка мостового двухбалочного крана, содержащая раму, опирающуюся на ходовые колеса, размещенный на раме грузоподъемный механизм, площадки обслуживания, расположенные по ходу движения тележки, и боковые ограждения, смонтированные на раме и на площадках обслуживания, отличающаяся тем, что площадки обслуживания шарнирно связаны с рамой с возможностью их установки и фиксации в горизонтальном или в вертикальном положении, при этом расстояние «а» между продольными секциями боковых ограждений поворотных площадок выполнено меньше расстояния «б» между боковым ограждением рамы. 2. Грузовая тележка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что она оборудована приводами поворота площадок обслуживания. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ГРУЗОВАЯ ТЕЛЕЖКА МОСТОВОГО ДВУХБАЛОЧНОГО КРАНА С ПОВОРОТНЫМИ ПЛОЩАДКАМИ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ 1 ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Подкрановая балка

Номер: RU0000170094U1

Полезная модель относится к строительным конструкциям, а именно к подкрановым конструкциям преимущественно с тяжелым режимом работы кранов и большой грузоподъемностью. Подкрановая балка включает стенку (1) из листовой стали, нижний пояс (2) из листовой стали и верхний пояс (3) в виде стальной трубы (4), заполненной бетоном (5). Через верхний пояс (3) вертикально установлены шпильки (6) и закреплены к стальной трубе (4) при помощи сварки. К верхнему поясу (3) шпильками (6) прикреплен подрельсовый элемент (7) в виде стального швеллера. Между стальной трубой (4) верхнего пояса (3) и подрельсовым элементом (7) расположена упругая прокладка (8), выполненная из полимерного материала. К верхнему поясу (3) сбоку при помощи сварки закреплена тормозная конструкция (9), состоящая из стального настила (10) и стального наружного пояса (11). К стенке (1) и стальной трубе (4) верхнего пояса (3) прикреплены при помощи сварки поперечные ребра жесткости (12) из листовой стали. Снижается материалоемкость и повышается надежность подкрановой балки. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 094 U1 (51) МПК B66C 6/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016140914, 18.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.10.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Веселов Виталий Владиславович (RU) Дата регистрации: 13.04.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.10.2016 Адрес для переписки: 190031, Санкт-Петербург, Московский пр., 9, ФГБОУ ВО ПГУПС, Патентный отдел 1668275 A1, 07.08.1991. US 4825769 A1, 02.05.1989. JP 2010208792 A, 24.09.2010. 1 7 0 0 9 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Подкрановая балка, содержащая верхний пояс, стенку, нижний пояс и тормозную конструкцию, при этом верхний пояс выполнен трубчатым, отличающаяся тем, что верхний пояс заполнен бетоном, содержит шпильки, установленные вертикально, и к верхнему поясу через упругую прокладку шпильками ...

22-12-2017 дата публикации

Опорная грузовая тележка крана

Номер: RU0000175918U1

Полезная модель относится к подъемно-транспортному оборудованию, а именно к опорным грузовым тележкам, предназначенным для подъема и перемещения груза вдоль металлоконструкции крана. В конструкции тележки используется Х-образная рама, которая в совокупности с настилом образует легкую и прочную опору для механизма подъема груза, представляющим собой канатную таль. Рама имеет два компоновочных исполнения, каждое исполнение может выполняться сварным или монтироваться при помощи разъемных соединений. Металлоконструкция с установленным механизмом подъема крепится к унифицированным колесным блокам и передвигается по ходовому пути при помощи распределенного механизма передвижения, состоящего из двух мотор-редукторов. При осуществлении полезной модели может быть получен технический результат, заключающийся в снижении материалоемкости, повышении надежности, упрощении ремонта и обслуживания, упрощении проектирования и расчетов. Ц 1 175918 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ мае в а = (13) а даа $ <“ < п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК ВббС 1100 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК ВббС 11/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017100756, 10.01.2017 (72) Автор(ы): (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.01.2017 Дата регистрации: 22.12.2017 Приоритет(ь): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 10.01.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 22.12.2017 Бюл. № 36 Адрес для переписки: 241035, г. Брянск, б-р 50-летия Октября, 7, ФГБОУ ВО "Брянский государственный технический университет", патентная группа Гончаров Кирилл Александрович (КО), Денисов Илья Александрович (КП) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ "Брянский государственный технический университет" (КО) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: 0$ 2063911 АТ, 15.12.1936. 05 2063943 АТ, 15.12.1936. 0$ 2063914 АТ, 15.12.1936. 50 203867 А1, 09.10.1967. (54) Опорная грузовая тележка крана, (57) Реферат: Полезная ...

15-12-2020 дата публикации

Портальная балка

Номер: RU0000201435U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения (станкостроения), в частности к стальным (алюминиевым) сборным конструкциям, преимущественно к сборным портальным балкам, эксплуатируемым в условиях высоких динамических нагрузок, в частности, к балкам промышленного оборудования по обработке поверхностей.Технической проблемой полезной модели является высокая металлоемкость и высокая инерционность (низкая скорость смены вектора движения) балки, соответственно, невозможность использования такой балки для динамичной работы нагруженных систем.Техническая проблема решается за счет конструкции портальной балки, содержащей верхний и нижний пояса, соединенные с парой вертикальных стенок. Верхний и нижний пояса, размещенные симметрично относительно друг друга, выполнены в виде металлических или композитных профилей с двойным крестовым сечением, между которыми закреплена перемычка, выполненная также из профиля с двойным крестовым сечением, ориентированная перпендикулярно по отношению к верхнему и нижнему поясу, образуя с ними двутавр. Одна из вертикальных стенок выполнена в виде швеллера, закрепленного к перемычке болтовыми соединениями с предварительным нанесением клея на соединяющиеся поверхности. При этом перемычка, швеллер и вертикальная стенка закреплены к поясам как сверху, так и снизу при помощи болтовых соединений с предварительным нанесением клея на соединяющиеся поверхности. Вертикальная стенка и швеллер могут быть закреплены к поясам и перемычке с одной общей стороны, а вертикальная стенка может иметь Х-образную перфорацию. При этом вертикальная стенка и швеллер дополнительно скреплены между собой точечной сваркой, выполненной на стыках между Х-образной перфорации вертикальной стенки.Техническим результатом является снижение металлоемкости и удельной плотности конструкции, при сохранении прочностных характеристик на кручение и изгиб, что позволяет применять данную конструкцию для высокодинамичных нагруженных систем без риска деформации геометрии портальной балки ...

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Automatic handling system applied to many wafer processing devices

Номер: US20120279415A1
Автор: Tsan-I Chen
Принадлежит: Inotera Memories Inc

An automatic handling system applied to many wafer processing devices includes a handling rail unit and a transport vehicle unit. The handling rail unit includes at least one handling rail. The transport vehicle unit includes a plurality of OHT vehicles disposed under the handling rail and mated with the handling rail, wherein each OHT vehicle includes at least one sliding portion slidably disposed on the handling rail, at least one rotatable portion for clamping at least one wafer carrier device, and at least one suspended portion connected between the sliding portion and the rotatable portion, wherein the wafer carrier device has a wafer pick-and-place opening, and the wafer carrier device is rotated by the rotatable portion of the OHT vehicle according to the position of the wafer processing device for adjusting the direction of the wafer pick-and-place opening to face the wafer processing device.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Base frame for a lifting apparatus, especially a cable traction mechanism, comprising connecting possibilities

Номер: US20120280190A1
Принадлежит: Demag Cranes and Components GmbH

A lifting apparatus, especially a cable traction mechanism, comprises a base frame that has at least two base plates and at least two longitudinal beams that interconnect the base plates and are spaced apart from each other. Attachment elements are mounted on the base plates by means of holding parts. The lifting apparatus, especially a cable traction mechanism, is characterized by a modular design, where the holding parts are arranged as extensions of the longitudinal beams.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112643A1

A movement system includes a bridge crane, a trolley, and a movement device. The movement device includes an attachment portion, a plurality of housings, first and second curved elements, a cable, and a cable angle sensor. The curved elements are pivotally attached to housings and perpendicularly overlap with one another such that a first slot defined in the first curved element is perpendicular to a second slot defined in the second curved element. The first curved element is pivotable about a first axis and the second curved element is configured to pivot about a second axis. The cable extends from the attachment portion and through each of the slots. The cable is pivotable to angularly displace at least one of the curved elements about a respective axis. The cable angle sensor is configured to measure the angular displacement of the at least one of the first and second curved elements. 1. A movement system configured for moving a payload , the movement system comprising:a bridge crane configured for movement along an X axis;a trolley movably attached to the bridge crane and configured for movement along a Y axis, in perpendicular relationship to the X axis; an attachment portion;', 'a plurality of housings operatively extending from the attachment portion;', 'a first curved element and a second curved element extending between respective ends;', 'wherein the ends of the first and second curved elements are pivotally attached to a respective one of the plurality of housings;', 'wherein each of the first and second curved elements forms a partial circle;', 'wherein the first curved element defines a first slot and the second curved element defines a second slot;', 'wherein the first curved element perpendicularly overlaps with the second curved element such that the first slot of the first curved element is in perpendicular relationship to the second slot of the second curved element;', 'wherein the first curved element is configured to pivot about a first axis and ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Transfer system

Номер: US20130197691A1
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

For transferring an article to a desired position, even in a lateral transfer, a transfer system ( 100 ) allows transfer of an article ( 3 ) between a transport vehicle ( 2 ), which conveys the article ( 3 ) while travelling along a rail ( 1 ) provided on a ceiling, and a placement portion provided below the rail, in a lateral transfer manner. The transfer system includes a memory unit ( 101 ) and a controller ( 102 ). The memory unit stores (i) placement position information indicating a transfer position of the article when a transfer unit is to place the article onto the placement portion, and (ii) holding position information indicating a transfer position of the article when the transfer unit is to hold the article on the placement portion. The controller controls the transfer unit such that, when the transfer unit is to place the article, the article is transferred at a transfer position indicated in the placement position information and, when the transfer unit is to hold the article, the article is transferred to a transfer position indicated in the holding position information.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Storage shelf system for storing storage goods

Номер: US20130223961A1
Автор: Joachim Hanel
Принадлежит: Haenel and Co

The invention relates to a storage shelf system ( 10 ) for storing storage goods, comprising at least one service opening ( 18 ) for introducing and for removing storage goods, at least one revolving storage shelf unit ( 20, 30 ) having a plurality of storage locations and at least one storage shelf unit ( 40 ) which has at least one shelving column having storage locations disposed one above the other. The invention further relates to a transfer device ( 60 ) for transporting the storage goods ( 12 ) from a storage location in the storage shelf unit ( 40 ) to a storage location in the revolving storage shelf unit ( 20, 30 ) and vice versa.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Automated material handling system and method for semiconductor manufacturing

Номер: US20130230375A1

A rail transport system and method for a semiconductor fabrication facility (FAB). In one embodiment, the system includes a network of stationary rails and a wheeled vehicle movable on the rails via rolling movement. The vehicle is operable to hold a wafer carrier that stores a plurality of wafers. A cross-floor transport system is provided that may include a vehicle lifter positioned near the network of rails that extends between a first elevation and a second elevation in the FAB. The lifter is configured and operable to receive the vehicle from rails at the first elevation and vertically transport the vehicle to rails at the second elevation without removing the wafer carrier from the wheeled vehicle. In one embodiment, the lifter is configured so that the vehicle may be rolled directly onto and off of the lifter for vertical transport.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294871A1

An apparatus includes a dedicated material handling module having a dedicated automated material handling system (AMHS) defines a transport route between a first tool and a second tool selected from a plurality of tools in a fabrication facility. The dedicated ANHS is configured to transport wafer carriers between the first tool and the second tool or vice versa independent of a fabrication facility AMHS that is configured to transport wafer carriers among the plurality of tools. It is emphasized that this abstract is provided to comply with the rules requiring an abstract that will allow a searcher or other reader to quickly ascertain the subject matter of the technical disclosure. It is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Loadport bridge for semiconductor fabrication tools

Номер: US20130322990A1

A wafer handling system with apparatus for transporting wafers between semiconductor fabrication tools. In one embodiment, the apparatus is a loadport bridge mechanism including an enclosure having first and second mounting ends, a docking port at each end configured and dimensioned to interface with a loadport of a semiconductor tool, and at least one wafer transport robot operable to transport a wafer between the docking ports. The wafer transport robot hands off or receives a wafer to/from a tool robot at the loadports of a first and second tool. The bridge mechanism allows one or more wafers to be transferred between loadports of different tools on an individual basis without reliance on the FAB's automated material handling system (AMHS) for bulk wafer transport inside a wafer carrier such as a FOUP or others.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Overhead Transport Vehicle

Номер: US20140047995A1
Автор: Makoto Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

An overhead transport vehicle comprises a travelling unit that travels on a rail, a conveying unit that moves and conveys an article and a swing inhibiting member that moves between a pushing position and a retracting position. The swing inhibiting members includes a pushing member that pushes a side surface of the article, lever members that support the pushing member at a first end side and are pivotally supported by the conveying unit at a second end side, and a biasing member that biases the pushing member toward the article. The pushing member includes a main body member pivotally supported by the lever members, slide members slidably supported by a main body member, and elastic bodies arranged between the main body member and the slide member that slide elastically the slide member.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002138A1

A motorized container carrier can be configured to travel along a suspended railway. The motorized container carrier can include at least one motorized trolley configured to move the motorized container carrier along the suspended railway. The motorized container carrier can include a plurality of end beams with container engagement devices configured to interact with containers of various lengths. In some embodiments, the container engagement devices are twist locks. The motorized container carrier can include a system of bumpers and/or guide wheels. 1. A container carrier for transporting a container on a suspended railway extending in the longitudinal direction , said container carrier comprising: (i) a support frame structure;', '(ii) a first and a second pair of load wheels configured to ride along said suspended railway; and', '(iii) a plurality of sweep plates mounted to said support frame structure, said plurality of sweep plates for preventing obstructions or debris from encountering said first and second pairs of load wheels as said trolley assembly traverses said suspended railway; and, '(a) a pair of trolley assemblies configured to move said container carrier along said suspended railway, each of said trolley assemblies comprising(b) a carrier body suspended from said pair of trolley assemblies.2. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said pair of trolley assemblies are motorized.3. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein each of said trolley assemblies further comprises:(iv) first and second electric motors mounted on said support frame structure for inducing rotation of said first and second pairs of load wheels, respectively, along said suspended railway.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein said first and second electric motors employ a regenerative power system.5. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein each of said trolley assemblies further comprises:(iv) at least one pair of guide wheels.6. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006106A1

A transport system of a semiconductor fabrication facility, including: a rail for carrying vehicle, a sensor installed on the rail, a controller and a power panel. The sensor is arranged to determine a zone and send a quantity information in response to a quantity of vehicles in the zone. The controller is arranged to send an output signal in accordance with the quantity information. The power panel is arranged to adjust a current in accordance with the output signal, wherein the current is output to a cable extending along the rail. 1. A transport system of a semiconductor fabrication facility , comprising:a rail for carrying vehicle;a sensor installed on the rail, wherein the sensor determines a zone and sends a quantity information in response to a quantity of vehicles in the zone;a controller, arranged to send an output signal in accordance with the quantity information; anda power panel, arranged to adjust a current in accordance with the output signal, wherein the current is output to a cable extending along the rail.2. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein the power panel stops outputting or reduces the current when the output signal indicates that no vehicle is on the rail.3. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein the current and the quantity of vehicles in the zone are positive correlated4. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein communication between the sensor claim 1 , the controller and the power panel is done via Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi).5. A movable container of a semiconductor fabrication facility claim 1 , comprising:a driving mechanism, arranged to provide a momentum to the movable container for generating a displacement on a rail; anda back-up power mechanism, arranged to provide a back-up power at least to the driving mechanism.6. The movable container of claim 5 , wherein the back-up mechanism provides the back-up power when the movable container executes a loading/unloading operation.7. The movable container of claim 5 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006217A1
Автор: MOTOORI Yoichi

A conveyance system includes: a first track and a second track arranged parallel in a vertical direction such that device ports are positioned therebelow and on one side thereof; a plurality of overhead conveyance vehicles configured to travel along each of the first track and the second track and each convey a FOUP, and storage shelves provided below and on the other side of the first track and the second track and each configured to have the FOUP placed thereon. Each of the overhead conveyance vehicles includes: a gripping unit capable of gripping the FOUP; a movement mechanism capable of moving the gripping unit to a position above the device ports or above the storage shelves; and a hoisting mechanism capable of raising and lowering the gripping unit, which has been moved to the position above each thereof by the movement mechanism. 1. A conveyance system , comprising:a first track provided such that a device port is positioned below and on one side of the first track;a second track provided along the first track and arranged below and parallel with the first track in a vertical direction, such that the device port is positioned below and en-the one side of the second track;a plurality of overhead conveyance vehicles configured to travel along each of the first track and the second track and to convey a conveyed object; anda storage section provided below and on the other side of the first track and opposite the one side of the second track, and configured such that the conveyed object is placed on the storage section, whereineach overhead conveyance vehicle comprises:a gripping unit capable of gripping the conveyed object;a movement mechanism capable of moving the gripping unit to above each of the device port and the storage section; anda hoisting mechanism capable of raising and lowering the gripping unit moved to above each of the device port and the storage section by the movement mechanism with respect to each of the device port and the storage section.2. ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013652A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Makoto

An overhead transport vehicle includes a traveler to travel along a traveling rail, an elevator provided to the traveler, a holder to be raised and lowered by the elevator and to hold a flange included in a container, a positioner to ascend and descend with respect to the holder and to engage with a recess in the flange, a detector to detect a relative ascending operation of the positioner with respect to the holder, and a controller to recognize that the container is disposed on a mounting surface of a transfer destination when the detector detects the ascending operation in a case where the holder is lowered by the elevator. 14-. (canceled)5. An overhead transport vehicle comprising:a traveler to travel along a traveling rail;an elevator provided to the traveler;a holder to be raised and lowered by the elevator and to hold a flange included in a container;a positioner to ascend and descend with respect to the holder and to engage with a recess formed in the flange;a detector to detect a relative ascending operation of the positioner with respect to the holder; anda controller to recognize that the container is disposed on a mounting surface of a transfer destination when the detector detects the ascending operation in a case where the holder is lowered by the elevator.6. The overhead transport vehicle according to claim 5 , wherein the controller recognizes that the holder reaches a holding position when the detector detects an ascending operation in a case where the holder is lowered by the elevator.7. The overhead transport vehicle according to claim 5 , further comprising:a dog to ascend and descend in association with ascending and descending operations of the positioner with respect to the holder; whereinthe detector detects a position of the dog.8. The overhead transport vehicle according to claim 7 , whereinthe dog includes a first screen including a first upper end and a first lower end, and a second screen including a second upper end and a second lower ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019707A1
Автор: Suzuki Takashi

A conveyance system includes a travel rail; and a plurality of vehicles each having a travel part configured to travel on the travel rail in a first direction and a second direction and a transfer part including a holder configured to hold the carrier and an elevator configured to elevate and lower the holder, in which the travel rail is disposed such that each of the vehicles is accessible to a first stop position in which the transfer part is arranged immediately above each of the transfer ports of a first processing device group performing processing of a certain process and such that the vehicle is accessible to a second stop position in which the transfer part is arranged immediately above each of the transfer ports of a second processing device group performing processing of a process different from the certain process from the first stop position. 113-. (canceled)14. A conveyance system conveying a carrier housing a substrate between transfer ports provided respectively to a plurality of processing devices performing processing on the substrate , the conveyance system comprising:a travel rail having a plurality of first rails extending linearly in a first direction and a plurality of second rails extending in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, the first rails and the second rails being disposed in a grid pattern substantially on a same plane; anda plurality of vehicles each having a travel part configured to travel on the travel rail in the first direction and the second direction and a transfer part including a holder configured to hold the carrier and an elevator configured to elevate and lower the holder, whereinthe travel rail is disposed such that each of the vehicles is accessible to a first stop position in which the transfer part is arranged immediately above each of the transfer ports of a first processing device group performing processing of a selected process and such that the vehicle is accessible to a second stop position in ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020559A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Makoto

An overhead transport vehicle system includes an overhead transport vehicle to convey an object, and a teaching unit to teach transfer of the object by the overhead transport vehicle to a load port on which the object is to be placed. The teaching unit includes a body including a detector to be brought into contact with a positioning pin on the load port to detect a position of the positioning pin, and a flange movable up and down with respect to the body and to be held by a holder to be raised and lowered by an elevator of the overhead transport vehicle. 16-. (canceled)7. An overhead transport vehicle system comprising:an overhead transport vehicle to convey an object; anda teaching unit to teach transfer of the object by the overhead transport vehicle to a load port on which the object is to be placed; wherein a body including a detector to be brought into contact with a positioning pin disposed on the load port to detect a position of the positioning pin; and', 'a flange movable up and down with respect to the body and to be held by a holder to be raised and lowered by an elevator of the overhead transport vehicle., 'the teaching unit includes8. The overhead transport vehicle system according to claim 7 , further comprising:an operation detector to detect a lifting operation of the body relative to the holder in a state in which the flange is held by the holder; anda controller to recognize, based on a detection result of the operation detector, that the teaching unit has been placed on the positioning pin and the positioning pin is receiving the weight of the teaching unit.9. The overhead transport vehicle system according to claim 8 , wherein the operation detector includes:a detected structure provided to the holder to be movable up and down and to be in contact with the body and ascend relative to the holder in conjunction with an ascent of the body; anda sensor to detect an ascent of the detected structure relative to the holder.10. The overhead transport ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022032A1
Принадлежит: Konecranes Global Corporation

A low-construction hoist for a wire rope hoist is arranged to move along a lower flange of a horizontal beam or rail. The trolley includes a trolley frame; bearing wheels, which are fixed to the trolley body and arranged to move on the upper surface of the lower flange of the rail, a hoisting mechanism including a rope drum for a hoisting rope, a hoisting member in cooperation with the hoisting rope for hoisting a load, and a hoisting motor for driving the rope drum; whereby the rope drum is supported to a first side of the trolley frame so that the axle of the rope drum is parallel to the rail, and the hoisting member is arranged to move under the rail; whereby the hoisting rope is led from the rope drum to a fixing point in the trolley frame through at least a rope pulley arrangement of the hoisting member, whereby the fixing point of the hoisting rope to the trolley frame is located in the longitudinal direction of the trolley outside the end of the rope drum, or outside the vertical plane which is transverse in relation to the rail or beam and passing through the end of the rope drum. 1. A low-construction trolley for a wire rope hoist , arranged to travel along a lower flange of a horizontal beam or rail , whereby the trolley comprises:a trolley frame;bearing wheels that are attached to the frame of the trolley and arranged to travel on the upper surface of the lower flange of the beam or rail, and at least some of which are driven wheels to move the trolley;a hoisting mechanism comprising a rope drum for a hoisting rope, a hoisting member in cooperation with the hoisting rope for hoisting a load, and a hoisting motor for driving the rope drum;whereby the rope drum is supported to a first side of the trolley frame so that the axle of the rope drum is parallel to the beam or rail, and the hoisting member is arranged to move under the beam or rail;whereby the hoisting rope is led from the rope drum to a fixing point in the trolley frame through at least a rope ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Integrated tool lift

Номер: US20220044958A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

Semiconductor processing tools are provided that include an upper support framework, a plurality of semiconductor processing chambers arranged along a first axis, a linear guide system fixedly supported by the upper support framework and extending along a second axis substantially parallel to the first axis, and a carriage. Each chamber has a base portion fixedly mounted relative to the upper support framework and a removable top cover with one or more hoisting features. The carriage includes a hoist arm configured to pivot about a vertical axis that is substantially perpendicular to the second axis, the carriage is configured to movably engage with the linear guide system and translate along the second axis relative to the linear guide system. The carriage and hoist arm are movable such that a hoist feature engagement interface of the hoist arm can be moved engage with hoisting features of any of the removable top covers.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029251A1
Принадлежит: Konecranes Global Corporation

A low-construction trolley for a wire rope hoist is arranged to travel along a lower flange of a horizontal rail, on both longitudinal edges thereof The trolley includes a trolley frame; bearing wheels that are attached to the trolley frame and arranged to travel on an upper surface of the lower flange of the rail; a hoisting mechanism including a rope drum for a hoisting rope, a hoisting member in cooperation with the hoisting rope for hoisting a load, a hoisting motor for driving the rope drum, and a gear to interconnect the hoisting motor and the rope drum; whereby the rope drum is supported to one side of the trolley frame and the hoisting member is arranged to travel under the rail in a vertical plane (A) passing substantially through the middle of the beam. For balancing the trolley without using a counterweight, the hoisting motor is placed under the rail and at least partly on a different side than the rope drum in relation to a vertical plane (B) passing through contact lines of the bearing wheels that touch the lower flange of the rail on the rope drum side. 1. A low construction trolley for a wire rope hoist , arranged to travel along a lower flange of a horizontal beam or rail , whereby the trolley comprises:a trolley frame;bearing wheels that are attached to the frame of the trolley and arranged to travel on an upper surface of the lower flange of the beam or rail on both longitudinal edges thereof, and at least some of which are driven wheels to move the trolley;a hoisting mechanism comprising a rope drum for a hoisting rope, a hoisting member in cooperation with the hoisting rope for hoisting a load, a hoisting motor for driving the rope drum and a gear to interconnect the hoisting motor and the rope drum;whereby the rope drum is supported to one side of the trolley frame and the hoisting member is arranged to travel under the beam or rail in a vertical plane (A) passing substantially through the middle of the beam or rail, andwherein the hoisting ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus And Method For Transporting Wafers Between Wafer Carrier And Process Tool Under Vacuum

Номер: US20160035596A1
Автор: Kamiya Tatsuo

An integrated transport device for a wafer carrier includes: an evacuatable chamber for accommodating therein a wafer carrier having a front opening with a cover; a rotatable platform for placing the wafer carrier thereon in the chamber; and an opening/closing device for opening and closing the cover of the wafer carrier placed on the platform at a first position, wherein the platform rotates to set the wafer carrier at the first position and a second position for transporting a wafer to a wafer-handling chamber. 1. An integrated transport device for a wafer carrier , comprising:an evacuatable chamber for accommodating therein a wafer carrier having a front opening with a cover, said chamber having a rear opening with a gate valve, said rear opening with the gate valve being adapted to communicate gas-tightly with the interior of a wafer-handling chamber;a platform for placing the wafer carrier thereon in the chamber, said platform being rotatable so as to set the wafer carrier at a first position for opening and closing the cover and at a second position for transporting wafers between the wafer carrier and the wafer-handling chamber; andan opening/closing device for opening and closing the cover of the wafer carrier placed on the platform at the first position, said opening/closing device comprising an internal part provided inside the chamber and an external part provided outside the chamber, said internal part being extendable and retractable for opening and closing the cover, said external part actuating movement of the internal part.2. The integrated transport device according to claim 1 , wherein the wafer carrier is a FOUP (front opening unified pod).3. The integrated transport device according to claim 1 , wherein the evacuatable chamber has a top opening with a lid claim 1 , for loading and unloading the wafer carrier to and from the chamber.4. The integrated transport device according to claim 3 , wherein the lid is operable to open from a closed position ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035601A1
Автор: Eum Ki Sang, SEO Jong Seok

The inventive concepts relate to a bake unit and a substrate treating apparatus including the same. The bake unit includes a housing, a heating unit located in the housing and including a heating plate heating a substrate, a transfer unit located in the housing and transferring a substrate, and a cooling unit cooling the heating plate or a heated substrate. The transfer unit includes a transfer plate on which a substrate is laid, and the cooling unit is provided to the transfer plate. 1. A bake unit comprising:a housing;a heating unit located in the housing, the heating unit comprising a heating plate heating a substrate;a transfer unit located in the housing, the transfer unit transferring a substrate; anda cooling unit cooling the heating plate or a heated substrate,wherein the transfer unit comprises: a transfer plate on which a substrate is laid, andwherein the cooling unit is provided to the transfer plate.2. The bake unit of claim 1 , wherein the cooling unit includes a cooling fluid path provided within the transfer plate.3. The bake unit of claim 2 , wherein the housing comprises:a first sidewall through which an entrance is formed, a substrate transferred through the entrance; anda second sidewall opposite to the first sidewall,wherein the heating unit is located to be more adjacent to the second sidewall than to the first sidewall.4. The bake unit of claim 3 , wherein the heating unit further comprises:a cover disposed on the heating plate, the cover providing a heating space including the heating plate; andan actuator moving the cover in up and down directions.5. The bake unit of claim 4 , wherein the heating unit further comprises:a lift pin movable through a pin hole, formed in the heating plate, along up and down directions, the lift pin transferring a substrate to the transfer unit.6. The bake unit of claim 5 , wherein the transfer unit further comprises: a driving member transferring the transfer plate to a first position and a second position claim ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033663A1

A carrier transport device capable of delivering a carrier to and from an external transport device which transports the carrier is provided. The carrier transport device includes a housing on which the carrier is mountable, first ports provided in the housing and configured to deliver the carrier to and from the external transport device, second ports provided in the housing and provided with a lid opening/closing mechanism, and a transfer machine provided in the housing and configured to transfer the carrier. The first ports, the transfer machine and the second ports are disposed under a transport path of the external transport device. The first ports and the second ports are disposed on both sides of the transfer machine. The second ports are configured at multiple stages. 1. A carrier transport device capable of delivering a carrier to and from an external transport device which transports the carrier , comprising:a housing on which the carrier is mountable;first ports provided in the housing and configured to deliver e carrier to and from the external transport device;second ports provided in the housing and provided with a lid opening/closing mechanism; anda transfer machine provided in the housing and configured to transfer the carrier,wherein the first ports, the transfer machine and the second ports are disposed directly under a transport path of the external transport device,wherein the first ports and the second ports are disposed on both sides of the transfer machine, andwherein the second ports are configured at multiple stages.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second ports are disposed to overlap with the first ports in a height direction of the housing in a plan view.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein one of the first ports receives the carrier from the external transport device and the other of the first ports transfers the carrier to the external transport device.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the transfer machine includes:an opening formed ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Automated Material Handling System for Semiconductor Manufacturing Based on a Combination of Vertical Carousels and Overhead Hoists

Номер: US20140119857A1
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

A highly efficient Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) that allows an overhead hoist transport vehicle to load and unload Work-In-Process (WIP) parts directly to/from one or more WIP storage units included in the system. The AMHS includes an overhead hoist transport subsystem and at least one vertical carousel stocker having a plurality of storage bins. The overhead hoist transport subsystem includes an overhead hoist transport vehicle traveling along a suspended track defining a predetermined route, which runs adjacent to the carousel stocker, thereby allowing the overhead hoist transport vehicle to access a WIP part directly from one of the storage bins. At least one of the storage bins includes a movable shelf operative to move laterally from a first position along the carousel path to a second position near the overhead hoist transport vehicle.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055835A1
Автор: ZHUO Fei

An overhead traveling vehicle and an overhead traveling vehicle fault processing system are provided. The overhead traveling vehicle includes: an overhead traveling vehicle main body; a main walking part, installed on the overhead traveling vehicle main body and configured to drive the overhead traveling vehicle main body to walk on tracks; an auxiliary walking part, installed on the overhead traveling vehicle main body and configured to drive the overhead traveling vehicle main body to walk on the tracks; and a control part, configured to control one of the main walking part and the auxiliary walking part to be on the tracks and to control the other one of the main walking part and the auxiliary walking part to leave the tracks. 1. An overhead traveling vehicle , comprising:an overhead traveling vehicle main body;a main walking part, installed on the overhead traveling vehicle main body and configured to drive the overhead traveling vehicle main body to walk on tracks;an auxiliary walking part, installed on the overhead traveling vehicle main body and configured to drive the overhead traveling vehicle main body to walk on the tracks; anda control part, configured to control one of the main walking part and the auxiliary walking part to be on the tracks and to control the other one of the main walking part and the auxiliary walking part to leave the tracks.2. The overhead traveling vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the control part comprises a first control part configured to control the auxiliary walking part to be on the tracks or to control the auxiliary walking part to leave the tracks.3. The overhead traveling vehicle according to claim 2 , wherein the first control part comprises first lifting parts claim 2 , which are installed on front and rear sides of the overhead traveling vehicle main body in a walking direction along the tracks claim 2 , the first lifting part is connected with the auxiliary walking part claim 2 , and a distance of a joint of the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047150A1
Автор: KULTANEN Tero
Принадлежит: Konecranes Global Corporation

A hoisting device includes a first part movably connected to a running rail above it, and a second part suspended under the first part, and a hoist arranged between the first part and second part to lift and lower the second part. In addition, a scissors mechanism is arranged between the first part and second part to prevent the horizontal movement and twisting movement of the second part in relation to the first part. Such a hoisting device is advantageous, because the second part of the hoisting device may be lifted and lowered at the same time as the first part is moved without any notable swinging exerted on the second part. 18.-. (canceled)9. A hoisting device comprising:a first part movably connected to a running rail;a second part suspended under the first part;a hoist arranged between the first part and second part to lift and lower the second part;a scissors mechanism arranged between the first part and second part to prevent horizontal movement and twisting movement of the second part in relation to the first part; andone or more aligning members to align the second part in the correct place in relation to a shelf,wherein said one or more aligning members comprise one or more protruding pins located at a bottom part of the hoisting device that orient themselves in counterparts of the shelf to align the second part in the correct place in relation to the shelf.10. The hoisting device as claimed in claim 9 , wherein said hoist comprises at least one flexible rope fixed to the second part at four fastening points to lift and lower the second part.11. The hoisting device as claimed in claim 9 , wherein said scissors mechanism comprises a plurality of beam pairs claim 9 , at the centre of at least one beam pair there being a first joint connecting the beams claim 9 , and to a first end claim 9 , a second end claim 9 , a third end claim 9 , and a fourth end of said at least one beam pair claim 9 , a second joint claim 9 , a third joint claim 9 , a fourth joint ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059380A1
Автор: WADA Eiji

A conveyance vehicle includes a traveling driver, a main body, an up-and-down stage including a gripper to hold an article and capable of moving up and down with respect to the main body, an up-and-down driver to cause the up-and-down stage to move up and down by drawing out and winding up of belts, a lateral mover to cause the up-and-down driver while being cantilevered to protrude laterally of the main body, and an adjuster. In accordance with a laterally moved amount of the up-and-down driver by the lateral mover and a lowered amount of the up-and-down stage by the up-and-down driver, the adjuster performs one or both of adjustment of the laterally moved amount and adjustment of an orientation of a sensor included in the up-and-down driver to deliver the article to the transfer destination and to receive the article from the transfer destination. 16-. (canceled)7: A conveyance vehicle comprising:a traveler to travel along a track;a main body coupled to the traveler to move by traveling of the traveler;an up-and-down stage including a holder to hold an article and capable of moving up and down with respect to the main body;an up-and-down driver to cause the up-and-down stage to move up and down by drawing out and winding up of a flexible hanging-and-holding structure;a lateral mover to cause the up-and-down driver being cantilevered to protrude laterally of the main body; andan adjuster to perform either on or both of adjustment, in accordance with a laterally moved amount of the up-and-down driver by the lateral mover and a lowered amount of the up-and-down stage by the up-and-down driver, of the laterally moved amount and adjustment of an orientation of a sensor included in the up-and-down driver to deliver the article to a transfer destination or to receive the article from the transfer destination.8: The conveyance vehicle according to claim 7 , whereinthe sensor is configured to apply a detection wave having directivity toward a predetermined position; andthe ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200043767A1
Автор: CHEN Hung-Wen, LAI Wei-Yu

A method for transporting a cassette pod for containing semiconductor wafers is provided. The method includes transporting a cassette pod configured to receive a semiconductor wafer with a transporting apparatus. The method further includes supplying a gas from a cylinder into a housing of the cassette pod. The cylinder is externally positioned on the housing. The method also includes detecting a gas pressure in the cylinder with a detection element. In addition, the method includes issuing a signal to the transporting apparatus when the gas pressure in the cylinder is lower than a predetermined limit. 1. A method for transporting a cassette pod for containing semiconductor wafers , comprising:supplying a gas from a cylinder into a housing of the cassette pod during transportation of the cassette pod by a transporting apparatus, wherein the cylinder is connected to the housing; andissuing a signal to the transporting apparatus when the gas pressure in the cylinder is lower than a predetermined limit.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:delivering the gas from the cylinder to the housing via a tube externally positioned on the housing; andcontrolling a flow of the gas from the cylinder to the housing with a flow control valve connected to the tube.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the gas comprises nitrogen gas.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprisingprocessing a semiconductor wafer with a processing apparatus;placing the semiconductor wafer processed by the processing apparatus into the housing of the cassette pod; andtransporting the cassette pod from the processing apparatus to a predetermined destination with the transporting apparatus.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the gas is supplied to the housing prior to the cassette pod is removed from the processing apparatus.6. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the gas is supplied to the housing no later than the cassette pod is removed from the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047786A1
Автор: Suzuki Takashi

A temporary storage system includes a travel rail having first rails and second rails, the first rails and the second rails being disposed in a grid pattern on a same plane and disposed to surround a transfer port for receiving an article in a two-dimensional view; a vehicle having a travel part and a transfer part including an elevator; and storages each configured to store the article, in which the travel rail is disposed such that the vehicle is accessible to a stop position where the transfer part is disposed immediately above the transfer port from a side with the storage for the transfer port and the vehicle is accessible to another stop position where the transfer part is disposed immediately above the storage. 18.-. (canceled)9. A temporary storage system comprising:a travel rail having a plurality of first rails extending linearly in a first direction and a plurality of second rails extending in a second direction orthogonal to the first direction, the first rails and the second rails being disposed in a grid pattern on a same plane and disposed to surround a transfer port configured to receive an article in a two-dimensional view;a vehicle having a travel part configured to travel on the travel rail in the first direction and the second direction and a transfer part including a holder configured to hold the article and an elevator configured to elevate and lower the holder; anda plurality of storages each configured to store the article, whereinthe travel rail is disposed such that the vehicle is accessible to a first stop position where the transfer part is disposed immediately above the transfer port from a side with the storage for the transfer port and the vehicle is accessible to a second stop position where the transfer part is disposed immediately above the storage, andthe vehicle travels on the travel rail with the transfer part positioned below the travel rail.10. The temporary storage system according to claim 9 , whereinthe transfer part has a ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053636A1

The invention relates to a crane, particularly a bridge crane or gantry crane, including at least one crane girder extending horizontally and designed as a truss with a plurality of braces, on which girder a crane trolley with a lifting gear is movable. At least some of the braces have a flat shape. The flat-shaped braces each have a flat main surface that extends in each case transversely to a longitudinal direction of the crane girder. 1. A crane , in particular a bridge crane or gantry crane , said crane comprising at least one crane girder that extends horizontally and is designed as a truss with a plurality of braces , on which girder a crane trolley with a lifting gear is movable , wherein at least some of the braces are designed having a flat shape , wherein the flat-shaped braces each have a planar main surface that extends in each case transversely with respect to a longitudinal direction of the crane girder , wherein the flat-shaped braces have an elongated shape with longitudinal sides , and comprise in the region of their longitudinal sides in each case at least one folded auxiliary surface that adjoins the main surface , wherein the at least one auxiliary surface points transversely with respect to the longitudinal direction of the crane girder , the braces having opposite brace ends , and wherein the auxiliary surfaces are arranged outside the brace ends and the length of the auxiliary surface is in a range of about 40% to 70% of the total length of the respective brace.2. The crane of claim 1 , wherein all of the braces of the crane girder are designed having a flat shape.3. The crane of claim 1 , wherein the main surfaces of the braces extend over at least half the width of the crane girder.4. The crane of claim 1 , wherein the braces claim 1 , as seen in the direction of their longitudinal axis claim 1 , have an L- claim 1 , U- or Z-shaped cross-section as seen at the level of their auxiliary surfaces.5. The crane of claim 1 , further comprising ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057250A1
Автор: HARASAKI Kazumi

A transport system includes a track, transport vehicles, an area controller, buffers, and a host controller. The area controller, when a number of the transport vehicles present within a control area is a predetermined number and when receiving a first transport command to convey an article from a transfer port to a transport destination outside the control area from the host controller, stores the first transport command and transmits a report that the first transport command is not able to be assigned to the transport vehicle to the host controller. The host controller, when receiving the report, when the buffer is present, transmits a command to delete the stored first transport command to the area controller, generates a second transport command to convey the article from the transfer port to the buffer, and transmits the second transport command to the area controller. 1: A transport system comprising:a track extending over a plurality of areas;a plurality of transport vehicles to travel along the track;an area controller including any of the plurality of areas as a control area and configured or programmed to control the plurality of transport vehicles within the control area;a buffer provided at a position to and from which one of the plurality of transport vehicles within the control areas is able to transfer an article and on which the article is temporarily placed; anda host controller configured or programmed to transmit to the area controller a transport command to cause the one of the plurality of transport vehicles to convey the article; whereinthe area controller is configured or programmed to, when a number of the plurality of transport vehicles present within the control area is a predetermined number set in advance and when receiving a first transport command far to convey the article from a transfer port of the article for a processing apparatus within the control area to a transport destination outside the control area from the host controller, ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Receiving Module for Ceiling Patient Lift System

Номер: US20200054512A1

A receiving module for a ceiling patient lift including a housing defining an internal cavity configured to hold a motor unit, a door hingedly connected to a side face of the housing, the door movable between an open position and a closed position, a slider element operatively connected to the housing, at least one retaining member connected to the slider element and slidably receiving in a side face of the housing, at least one counter support provided on an upper surface of the housing, and at least one ramp member provided in the internal cavity of the housing. 1. A receiving module for a ceiling patient lift , comprising:a housing defining an internal cavity configured to hold a motor unit;a door hingedly connected to a side face of the housing, the door movable between an open position and a closed position;a slider element operatively connected to the housing;at least one retaining member connected to the slider element and slidably receiving in a side face of the housing;at least one counter support provided on an upper surface of the housing; andat least one ramp member provided in the internal cavity of the housing.2. A lift system for lifting and transferring a person , wherein the lift system comprises: a hoist assembly for lifting a person; and a receiving module engagable with a track , wherein the receiving module comprises: a housing for removably receiving a portion of the hoist assembly such that the hoist assembly is detachably coupled to the housing; a pivotable door allowing access to an interior cavity of the housing and securing the portion of the hoist assembly within the housing , wherein the door is movable between a first position in which it is closed , preventing access to the interior cavity of the housing and a second position in which the door is open , actuating a brake for securing the receiving module relative to the track.3. The lift system of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the open position claim 2 , the door engages a portion of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Track Barcode Automatic Mounting System and Method of AMHS

Номер: US20220076196A1
Автор: TONG Lu
Принадлежит: Changxin Memory Technologies Inc

The present application relates to track barcode automatic mounting system and method of an automatic material handling system (AMHS), which system comprises: a running track, at whose position corresponding to an unloading port is provided a barcode mounting region; an overhead hoist transport, installed on the running track, and being moveable along the running track; a locating device, for determining whether the overhead hoist transport has moved to a designated barcode mounting region; a barcode automatic printing and mounting device, disposed on the overhead hoist transport; and a manually operated controller, for sending a movement instruction to the overhead hoist transport to control the overhead hoist transport to move to the designated barcode mounting region, and sending a print confirmation instruction to the barcode automatic printing and mounting device after the overhead hoist transport has moved to the designated barcode mounting region.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220076975A1

An automatic cleaning unit for AMHS includes a plurality of sensors disposed on OHT rails. The sensors are configured to define a cleaning zone and to detect a location of an OHT vehicle. The automatic cleaning unit further includes a vacuum generator and a top cleaning part installed over the OHT rails in the cleaning zone. The top cleaning part is coupled to the vacuum generator. The vacuum generator is turned on to perform a vacuum cleaning operation when the sensors detect the OHT vehicle entering the cleaning zone. 1. A system for a semiconductor fabrication facility , comprising:a network of OHT rails;a plurality of first sensors on the network of OHT rails, wherein the plurality of first sensors are configured to define a plurality of cleaning zones and to detect locations of a plurality of OHT vehicles movably mounted on the network of OHT rails; anda plurality of automatic cleaning units installed in the cleaning zones, wherein the plurality of automatic cleaning units are separated from each other by a distance, and each of the plurality automatic cleaning units is installed over the network of OHT rails and spaced apart from the network of OHT rails to allow the plurality of OHT vehicles to pass through along a moving direction.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the distance between two of the plurality of automatic cleaning units is between approximately 500 m and approximately 3000 m.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of automatic cleaning units comprises a top cleaning part disposed over the network of OHT rails in the cleaning zone.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the each of the plurality of automatic cleaning units comprises a pair of side cleaning parts disposed at two sides of the network of OHT rails in one of the plurality of cleaning zones and coupled to the top cleaning part.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the top cleaning part and the pair of side cleaning parts respectively comprise a plurality of holes or a ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170062258A1

A system for processing wafers in a vacuum processing chamber. Carrier comprising a frame having a plurality of openings, each opening configured to accommodate one wafer. A transport mechanism configured to transport the plurality of carriers throughout the system. A plurality of wafer plates configured for supporting wafers. An attachment mechanism for attaching a plurality of wafer plates to each of the carriers, wherein each of the wafer plates is attached to a corresponding position at an underside of a corresponding carrier, such that each of the wafers positioned on one of the wafer carriers is positioned within one of the plurality of opening in the carrier. Mask attached over front side of one of the plurality of opening in the carrier. Alignment stage supports wafer plate under the opening in the carrier. A camera positioned to simultaneously image the mask and the wafer. 1. A system for processing wafers in a vacuum processing chamber , comprising:a plurality of carriers, each carrier comprising a frame having a plurality of openings, each opening configured to accommodate one wafer;a transport mechanism configured to transport the plurality of carriers throughout the system;a plurality of wafer plates, each wafer plate configured for supporting one wafer;an attachment mechanism for attaching a plurality of wafer plates to each of the carriers, wherein each of the wafer plates is attached to a corresponding position at an underside of a corresponding carrier, such that each of the wafers positioned on one of the wafer carriers is positioned within one of the plurality of opening in the carrier;a plurality of masks, each mask attached over front side of one of the plurality of opening in the carrier;an alignment stage, configured to support one of the wafer plates under one of the plurality of opening in the carrier, the alignment stage configured for motion in translation, rotation, and elevation;a camera positioned to image one of the plurality of masks ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062128A1
Автор: TENG Pin-Pin, YIN Samuel

The present disclosure provides a device for fixing a gantry crane rail in a factory building and a gantry crane system using the same. The device comprises a main body, which comprises a top portion, a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface. The top portion is fixed to a bottom surface of a beam of the factory building, and the first surface and the second surface are substantially parallel to the crane rail. The device further comprises a first protruded support positioned on the first surface and a second protruded support positioned on the second surface. 1. A device for fixing a gantry crane rail in a factory building , comprising: a top portion fixed to a bottom surface of a crossbeam of the factory building;', 'a first surface, and', 'a second surface opposite the first surface,', 'wherein the first surface and the second surface are substantially parallel to the gantry crane rail;, 'a main body, comprisinga first protruded support positioned on the first surface; anda second protruded support positioned on the second surface.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the main body is a solid cuboid claim 1 , is a hollow cuboid claim 1 , or has an I-shaped cross-section.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the main body is fixed to the bottom surface of the crossbeam by means of welding or screw bolts claim 1 , and wherein both the first protruded support and the second protruded support are substantially in a shape of a triangular prism.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a longitudinal beam disposed on the first protruded support or the second protruded support, wherein the gantry crane rail is disposed on the longitudinal beam.5. A gantry crane system used in a factory building claim 1 , comprising:a first pillar having a first supporting base;a second pillar having a second supporting base;a first fixing device;a second fixing device;a first longitudinal beam disposed between the first supporting base and the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160071754A1

In a transport system, a local track is disposed so as to be below an overhead travelling vehicle track in parallel or substantially in parallel therewith, and furthermore above a loading port of a processing device from upstream of the loading port to downstream of the loading port. A local vehicle including a hoist travels along the local track. Below the local track, a first buffer is disposed upstream of the loading port of the processing device, and a second buffer is disposed downstream of the loading port of the processing device, and the overhead travelling vehicle and the local vehicle can both perform delivery and receipt of the article with the first buffer and the second buffer. 1. (canceled)2. A transport system to transport articles among a plurality of processing devices , the transport system comprising:an overhead travelling vehicle track passing over loading ports of the plurality of processing devices;an overhead travelling vehicle travelling in one direction along the overhead travelling vehicle track and including a hoist;a local track disposed so as to be under and in parallel or substantially in parallel with the overhead travelling vehicle track and over a loading port of one of the processing devices from upstream of the loading port to downstream of the loading port along the one direction;a local vehicle travelling along the local track and including a hoist that lifts and lowers one of the articles;a first buffer disposed so as to be under the local track and upstream of the loading port of the one of the processing devices along the one direction, the overhead travelling vehicle and the local vehicle both arranged to deliver and receive one of the articles with the first buffer; anda second buffer disposed so as to be under the local track and downstream of the loading port of the one of the processing devices along the one direction, the overhead travelling vehicle and the local vehicle both arranged to deliver and receive one of the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190067057A1

An apparatus for inspecting wafer carriers is disclosed. In one example, the apparatus includes: a housing having an opening on a wall of the housing; a load port outside the housing; a robot arm inside the housing; and a processor. The load port is coupled to the wall and configured to load a wafer carrier for inspection. The robot arm is configured to move a first camera connected to the robot arm. The first camera is configured to capture a plurality of images of the wafer carrier. The processor is configured to process the plurality of images to inspect the wafer carrier. 1. An apparatus for inspecting wafer carriers , comprising:a housing having an opening on a wall of the housing;a load port outside the housing, wherein the load port is coupled to the wall and configured to load a wafer carrier for inspection;a robot arm inside the housing, wherein the robot arm is configured to move a first camera connected to the robot arm, wherein the first camera is configured to capture a plurality of images of the wafer carrier; anda processor configured to process the plurality of images to inspect the wafer carrier.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the load port comprises an input table configured to receive the wafer carrier that has a door facing the opening on the wall, the input table being movable relative to the housing along a first direction perpendicular to the wall; and open the door of the wafer carrier along the first direction, and', 'move the door along a second direction, that is different from the first direction, to a rest area inside the housing., 'the apparatus further comprises an opening mechanism inside the housing, wherein the opening mechanism is configured to'}3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the plurality of images includes a first image of an exterior side of the door of the wafer carrier before the door is opened and one or more images captured inside the wafer carrier after the door is opened; and whether there is a defect on a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Reticle Transfer System and Method

Номер: US20190067065A1
Автор: Chang Ching-Jung

A method comprises transporting semiconductor devices between a global system and a local system, wherein an input terminal of the local system is connected to the global system, and wherein the global system comprises a plurality of stockers and a global transportation system connected to the stockers and the local system comprises a first service area, an internal buffer, a second service area and a plurality of lithography apparatuses and transporting a semiconductor device from the first service area to a lithography apparatus in the second service area. 1. A method comprising: a first buffer at a boundary between the global system and the local system;', 'a second buffer at a default position of the local system, wherein the default position is a boundary between a first service area and a second service area; and', 'a third buffer at an end of the local system, wherein the first service area is from the first buffer to the second buffer and the second service area is from the second buffer to the third buffer;, 'transporting wafers and reticles between a global system and a local system, wherein an input terminal of the local system is connected to the global system, and wherein the local system comprisestransporting a reticle from a first scanner in the first service area to a second scanner in the second service area;adjusting the boundary between the first service area and the second service area by moving the second buffer, wherein the second scanner is in the first service area as a result of performing the step of adjusting the boundary between the first service area and the second service area; andtransporting the reticle to the second scanner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the global system includes a rail transportation system, a plurality of stockers and a main aisle.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:storing a wafer at a stocker when the wafer is out of a processing apparatus; andretrieving the wafer from the stocker before sending ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074204A1
Автор: SURIKI Keiichiro

Each overhead transport vehicle in an overhead transport vehicle system includes a winding drum to wind a hoisting material, attached to a lift stage to transfer goods, by lap winding, and a controller that controls an amount of rotation of the winding drum to control a height of the lift stage. The amount of rotation of the winding drum corresponding to an overall length of the hoisting material, unique to each overhead transport vehicle, is stored, and the amount of rotation of the winding drum corresponding to the corresponding one of a plurality of transfer heights is calculated from the amount of rotation unique to each overhead transport vehicle. 1. An overhead transport vehicle system comprising: a winding drum to wind a hoisting material, attached to a lift stage to transfer goods, by lap winding; and', 'a controller that controls an amount of rotation of the winding drum to control a height of the lift stage;, 'a plurality of overhead transport vehicles each includinga storage that stores the amount of rotation of the winding drum corresponding to an overall length of the hoisting material, unique to each of the plurality of overhead transport vehicles; anda calculator that calculates the amount of rotation of the winding drum, corresponding to a corresponding one of a plurality of transfer heights, for each of the plurality of overhead transport vehicles, from the amount of rotation unique to each of the plurality of overhead transports vehicle stored in the storage.2. The overhead transport vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein the overhead transport vehicle includes an end sensor to detect that the hoisting material is paid out to an end portion of the hoisting material from the winding drum.3. The overhead transport vehicle system according to claim 1 , wherein {'br': None, 'i': t', 'L', '−π·D·n', 'n, 'sub': 0', '0', '0, 'sup': '2', '=()/π'}, 'the calculator is configured or programmed to calculate a thickness t of the hoisting material ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180076066A1

A technique enabling a stable resist pattern forming process, when substrate processing apparatuses that perform a resist coating process separately from a developing process. A wafer having been heated after a resist coating process in a first substrate processing apparatus is also heated before an exposure process in a second substrate processing apparatus. Thus, even when amine in an atmosphere adheres to the wafer while it is being transported from the first substrate processing apparatus to the second substrate processing apparatus, the amine scatters by the heating process. At least one of a heating time and a heating temperature is adjusted based on a substrate rest time which includes a period of time between a time point at which a FOUP is unloaded from the first substrate processing apparatus and a time point at which the FOUP is loaded into the second substrate processing apparatus. 1. A substrate processing method comprising the steps of:applying a resist to a substrate in a first substrate processing apparatus;then heating the substrate in the first substrate processing apparatus;thereafter bringing the substrate into a carrier and transporting the carrier from a carrier block of the first substrate processing apparatus to a carrier block of a second substrate processing apparatus;heating the substrate in the second substrate processing apparatus with at least one of a heating time and a heating temperature being adjusted, based on a substrate rest time which includes a period of time between a time point at which the carrier is unloaded from the carrier block of the first substrate processing apparatus and a time point at which the carrier is loaded into the carrier block of the second substrate processing apparatus; andexposing the substrate, and further heating the substrate and then developing the substrate in the second substrate processing apparatus.2. The substrate processing method according to claim 1 , comprising the step of measuring the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Equipment module with enhanced protection from airborne contaminants, and method of operation

Номер: US20200073258A1

An Equipment Front End Module (EFEM) having a Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) dock and a tool access port, includes a robotic wafer handling system configured to transfer silicon wafers between a FOUP coupled to the FOUP dock and a process tool positioned for access via the tool access port. An air curtain system inside the EFEM is positioned to produce an air curtain across the tool access port while the port is open, acting to isolate the interior of the EFEM from the tool environment, and prevent passage of airborne contaminants into the EFEM via the access port.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200075375A1

An automatic cleaning unit for AMHS includes a plurality of sensors disposed on OHT rails. The sensors are configured to define a cleaning zone and to detect a location of an OHT vehicle. The automatic cleaning unit further includes a vacuum generator and a top cleaning part installed over the OHT rails in the cleaning zone. The top cleaning part is coupled to the vacuum generator. The vacuum generator is turned on to perform a vacuum cleaning operation when the sensors detect the OHT vehicle entering the cleaning zone. 2. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 1 , further comprising a pair of side cleaning parts installed at two sides of the OHT rails in the cleaning zone claim 1 , wherein the pair of side cleaning parts are coupled to the top cleaning part.3. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 2 , wherein the pair of side cleaning parts are movable by a linear motion guide claim 2 , an X-Y table or ball screws.4. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 2 , wherein the pair of side cleaning parts are aligned with a wheeled trolley of the OHT vehicle in a horizontal direction.5. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 1 , wherein the top cleaning part comprises a plurality of holes.6. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of holes have different sizes or different shapes.7. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 1 , wherein the top cleaning part comprises a plurality of nozzles.8. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 7 , wherein the plurality of nozzles have different lengths.9. The automatic cleaning unit of claim 1 , wherein the controller turns off the vacuum generator when the plurality of sensors detect the OHT vehicle leaving the cleaning zone or when the cleaning operation is completed.10. A system for a semiconductor fabrication facility claim 1 , comprising:a network of OHT rails;a plurality of first sensors on the network of OHT rails, wherein the plurality of first sensors are configured to define a plurality of cleaning zones and to ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081153A1
Автор: Klapper Georg
Принадлежит: Hans Kunz GmbH

Crane girder () for a crane (), wherein the crane girder () includes a hollow profile () having an outer wall () enclosing a cavity () and extends longitudinally, and the outer wall () of the crane girder (), as seen in a cross-section through the crane girder (), has a shape which bulges outwards at least in some regions in order to reduce aerodynamic drag, wherein the outer wall (), as seen in the cross-section through the crane girder (), has two sections () facing one another with an outwards bulging shape, which are joined together by two straight wall sections () of the outer wall (), these straight wall sections face one another, and the crane girder () has at least one running surface () for at least one running wheel () of a trolley () of a lifting tool of the crane (), wherein the sections () facing one another with an outwards bulging shape point upwards and downwards in an operating position of the crane girder and the straight wall sections () delimit the crane girder () on the sides. 1. A crane girder for a crane , the crane girder comprising a hollow profile , having an external wall that encloses a cavity , and extends longitudinally , and the external wall , when viewed in a cross section through the crane girder , has at least in regions an outwardly bulging shape for reducing aerodynamic drag , the external wall , when viewed in the cross section through the crane girder , has two mutually opposite portions , having an outwardly bulging shape , which are interconnected by two mutually opposite straight wall portions of the external wall , and at least one running surface adapted to support at least one running wheel of a trolley of a lifting gear of the crane , the mutually opposite portions , having an outwardly bulging shape , in an operating position of the crane girder point upward and downward , and the straight wall portions in the operating position laterally delimit the crane girder , the straight wall portions extend vertically , and the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180082876A1
Автор: CHEN Hung-Wen, LAI Wei-Yu

A method for transporting a cassette pod for containing semiconductor waters is provided. The method includes transporting a cassette pod configured to receive a semiconductor wafer with a transporting apparatus. The method further includes supplying a gas from a cylinder into a housing of the cassette pod. The cylinder is externally positioned on the housing. The method also includes detecting a gas pressure in the cylinder with a detection element. In addition, the method includes issuing a signal to the transporting apparatus when the gas pressure in the cylinder is lower than a predetermined limit. 1. A method for transporting a cassette pod for containing semiconductor wafers , comprising:transporting a cassette pod configured to receive a semiconductor wafer with a transporting apparatus;supplying a gas from a cylinder into a housing of the cassette pod, wherein the cylinder is externally positioned on the housing;detecting a gas pressure in the cylinder with a detection element; andissuing a signal to the transporting apparatus when the gas pressure in the cylinder is lower a redetermined limit.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:delivering the gas from the cylinder to the housing via a tube externally positioned on the housing; andcontrolling a flow of the gas from the cylinder to the housing with a flow control valve connected to the tube.3. The method as claimed in wherein the gas comprises nitrogen gas.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprisingprocessing the semiconductor wafer with a processing apparatus, wherein the cassette pod is transported from the processing apparatus to a predetermined destination.5. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the gas is supplied to the housing prior to the cassette pod is removed from the processing apparatus.6. The method as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the gas is supplied to the housing no later than the cassette pod is removed from the processing apparatus.7. The method as ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170084472A1

The present disclosure provides a manipulator mounted between a first chamber and a second chamber of a vacuum reaction apparatus for moving a plate material from the first chamber to the second chamber. The manipulator comprises: a first supporting structure on which a rail is provided along a first direction in a horizontal plane, wherein the first chamber and the second chamber are respectively positioned at two opposite ends of the rail; an arm mounted on the first mounting structure for bearing the plate material, wherein the arm is movable along the rail; and a vertically mechanism on which the first supporting structure and the arm are mounted, wherein the vertically mechanism is capable of driving the first supporting structure and the arm to move in a vertical direction.

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090239A1
Автор: Iwasaki Junji

A temporary storage device transfers an article in different positions to and from an overhead travelling vehicle system and a second transport system, and transfers an article to and from an article transfer position outside the temporary storage device. The temporary storage device includes a local carrier including a hoist, travel rails of the local carrier below a travel rail of the overhead travelling vehicle system, passing directly above an article transfer position, and a slide rack below the travel rails of the local carrier, slidable between a portion directly above the transfer position and a second position in which an article can be transferred to and from the second transport system, the second position being different from the portion directly above the transfer position in a direction perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the travel rails of the local carrier in a horizontal plane. 1. A temporary storage device that temporarily stores an article between an overhead travelling vehicle system and an article transfer position , the temporary storage device comprising:a local carrier capable of travelling, the local carrier including a hoist to raise and lower an article;travel rails of the local carrier provided below a travel rail of the overhead travelling vehicle system so as to pass directly above the transfer position; anda slide rack provided below the travel rails of the local carrier, the slide rack being slidable between a portion directly above the transfer position and a second position in which an article is transferred to and from a second transport system including a transfer device, the second position being different from the portion directly above the transfer position in a direction perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the travel rails of the local carrier in a horizontal plane.2. A transport system comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the temporary storage device according to ;'}a first ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220139750A1

Provided are an interface apparatus for resolving congestion through a non-stop interface between a transporting device and a logistics automation storage device, and a container transporting system having the same. The interface apparatus includes a saddle for receiving a container from a container transporting device; and a circulating path for providing a route for transporting the container seated on the saddle to a container storage device, wherein the saddle receives the container while moving together with the container transporting device.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Modular system layout utilizing three-dimensions

Номер: US20170092516A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

A semiconductor processing system may be provided that includes a first plurality of semiconductor processing tools with a first average wafer transfer plane and a second plurality of semiconductor processing tools with a second average wafer transfer plane. The second plurality of semiconductor processing tools may be vertically offset from the first plurality of semiconductor processing tools by a first vertical distance measured between the first average wafer transfer plane and the second average wafer transfer plane, and the first and second pluralities of semiconductor processing tools are in a commonly shared space.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Carrier Configured to Transport Various Sized Objects

Номер: US20220144595A1

A motorized container carrier can be configured to travel along a suspended railway. The motorized container carrier can include at least one motorized trolley configured to move the motorized container carrier along the suspended railway. The motorized container carrier can include a plurality of end beams with container engagement devices configured to interact with containers of various lengths. In some embodiments, the container engagement devices are twist locks. The motorized container carrier can include a system of bumpers and/or guide wheels. 1. A container carrier for transporting a container on a suspended railway extending in a longitudinal direction , said container carrier comprising: (i) a support frame structure;', '(ii) a first and a second pair of load wheels configured to ride along said suspended railway; and, '(a) a pair of trolley assemblies configured to move said container carrier along said suspended railway, each of said trolley assemblies comprising(b) a carrier body suspended from said pair of trolley assemblies.2. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said pair of trolley assemblies are motorized.3. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein each of said trolley assemblies further comprises:(iii) a first electric motor and a second electric motor mounted on said support frame structure for inducing rotation of said first and second pairs of load wheels, respectively, along said suspended railway.4. The container of claim 3 , wherein said first electric motor and second electric motor employ a regenerative power systems.5. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein each of said trolley assemblies further comprises:(iii) at least one pair of guide wheels.6. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein each of said trolley assemblies is connected to said carrier body via a kingpin extending downwardly through an opening formed in the bottom of said support frame structure claim 1 , said kingpin rotatable within said opening.7. The ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210098275A1

A support member system is described for association with an overhead transport system. The support member system provides a safety feature to the overhead transport system by which the overhead transport system is able to avoid damage to wafers that are contained within a wafer cassette that is unintentionally released by the overhead transport system. The support member system is able to prevent such released cassettes from impacting the ground or tools located under the overhead transport system. The support member system targets wafer cassettes that have dimensions which are different than the dimensions of wafer cassettes for which the overhead transport system was originally designed to transport. Stocker systems for receiving, storing and delivering different types of wafer cassettes are also described. 1. A support member system , comprising:an overhead transport vehicle mounting bracket including a first pivot point located at a first end of the bracket, a second pivot point located at a second end of the bracket and at least one connection point;a first support arm with a third pivot point located on a third end of the first support arm;a second support arm with a fourth pivot point located on a fourth end of the second support arm;an axle extending through the first pivot point, the second pivot point, the third pivot point, and the fourth pivot point; anda support member coupled to an end of the first support arm opposite the third end and an end of the second support arm opposite the fourth end.2. The support member system according to claim 1 , wherein when the overhead transport vehicle mounting bracket is associated with the overhead transport vehicle claim 1 , the at least one connection point is attached to an inner side of the overhead transport vehicle.3. The support member system according to claim 1 , further comprising a first stopper connected to the first support arm and a second stopper connected to the second support arm.4. The support ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150104276A1
Автор: CHEN TSAN-I, LEE Chi-Ming

The present invention provides an overhead hoist transport system, which includes a rail, a stocker disposed under the rails, wherein the stocker can move along the direction of the rail, and a cleaning station, disposed on the rail to clean the stocker directly when the stocker is moving. 1. An overhead hoist transport system , comprising:a rail;a stocker, disposed under the rail, moving along the direction of the rail; anda cleaning station, disposed on the rail, cleaning the moving stocker under the rail.2. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning station comprises a compressed air machine.3. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one positioning sensor chip and at least one barcode reader chip disposed on the stocker.4. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 3 , further comprising at least one positioning device disposed within a preparation region claim 3 , and a plurality of positioning barcodes disposed on the rail and arranged in intervals.5. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 4 , wherein the cleaning station disposed on the rail within the preparation region.6. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 4 , when the stocker enters within the preparation region claim 4 , the stocker will be paused claim 4 , and the cleaning station cleans the stocker.7. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one FOUP (Front Opening Unified Pod) claim 1 , wherein the FOUP loads at least one wafer claim 1 , and the FOUP is transported by the stocker.8. The overhead hoist transport system of claim 1 , wherein the stocker comprises at least one wheel claim 1 , the wheel contacts the rail directly. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to semiconductor manufacturing process technologies, in particular, to an overhead hoist transport system.2. Description of the Prior ArtIn the manufacturing process for forming a semiconductor device, the ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180102269A1

A vertical fixing transmission box used for transmitting a container is disclosed. The transmission box includes a carrier substrate and an elastic component, wherein the carrier substrate is utilized to carry the container, and the elastic component may be switched between an opening state and a fixing state. When the container is carried by the carrier substrate and the elastic component is switched to the opening state, the elastic component provides a vertical elastic force to abut against the container downwardly and fix the container. Also, the transmission box may be transport by an automatic material handling system. 1. A transmission box for transmitting a container , comprising:a front-opening box body comprising a top portion, a bottom portion opposing the top portion, a right side portion, a left side portion, and a rear side portion for forming an interior space, and an opening opposing the rear side portion;a door body for sealing the opening of the front-opening box body;a carrier substrate disposed inside the interior space and on the bottom portion for carrying the container; andan elastic component disposed inside the interior space and connected to the top portion and operationally converted between an opening state and a fixing state, wherein the elastic component is compressed in the opening state, and the elastic component is released and provides a vertical elastic force in the fixing state;wherein when the container being carried by the carrier substrate and the elastic component being switched to the opening state, the elastic component provides the vertical elastic force to abut against the container downwardly and fix the container.2. The transmission box as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a fixing element claim 1 , which is disposed above the container and match with the elastic component claim 1 , the fixing element fixes the container's position when the container is carried by the carrier substrate.3. The transmission box as ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Conveyance system and temporary storage method of articles in conveyance system

Номер: US20150110585A1
Автор: Tatsuji Ota
Принадлежит: Murata Machinery Ltd

In a transport system, a track for a local carriage is provided directly below a track for overhead traveling vehicles, and the overhead traveling vehicles and the local carriage both transfer an article to and from the same transfer destination. A buffer is connected to the track for the transport local carriage to deliver and receive the article to and from the local carriage and includes a transport in/out cell below the track for the overhead traveling vehicles to deliver and receive the article to and from the overhead traveling vehicles, the buffer being provided in a location not directly below the track of the local carriage.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200098607A1

A substrate treating apparatus includes the following elements: an indexer block including indexer robots provided for respective carrier receivers and disposed in horizontally fixed positions, each of the indexer robots having arms for taking substrates out of a carrier and loading the substrates into the carrier on the carrier receiver; a bridge block disposed adjacent the indexer block; and a treating block including a plurality of stacked stories each having at least one treating unit. The bridge block includes a buffer, a pass having a plurality of tables covering a range from a bottom story to a top story of the plurality of stories, and two bridge robots each having an arm for transferring the substrates to and from the pass. 1. A substrate treating apparatus comprising:an indexer block including at least two carrier receivers for transferring carriers storing substrates to and from an overhead traveling automatic guided vehicle, and indexer robots provided for the respective carrier receivers and disposed in horizontally fixed positions relative to the carrier receivers, each of the indexer robots having arms capable of advancing and withdrawing horizontally, rotating in horizontal planes, and movable up and down for taking the substrates out of the carrier on the carrier receiver and loading the substrates into the carrier on the carrier receiver;a bridge block disposed adjacent the indexer block; anda treating block disposed adjacent the bridge block and including a plurality of stacked stories each having at least one treating unit;wherein the indexer block has a height less than a top story of the treating block; andthe bridge block includes:a buffer disposed in a position adjacent the indexer block to be capable of transferring the substrates with the indexer robots, and having a plurality of tables arranged in a height direction for receiving the substrates;a pass disposed in a position adjacent the treating block to be capable of transferring the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220171370A1

A high density, controlled integrated circuits factory having process modules occupying approximately two-thirds of the factory floor space with the remaining one-third of the factory floor space being used for servicing the process modules and for loading and unloading wafers to and from the process modules. A subfloor is provided below the factory floor to allow service lifts to travel across the factory. Service lifts can be raised to the factory floor level to service process modules. Overhead lines are also provided over the process modules to transport service items as well as wafers across the factory. 1. An integrated circuit manufacturing factory , comprising:a plurality of process modules for processing integrated circuits, wherein the plurality of process modules is positioned on a floor of the factory, and wherein the plurality of process modules occupies more than half of the floor of the factory; andunoccupied space of the floor of the factory, wherein the unoccupied space is less than half of the floor of the factory.2. The integrated circuit manufacturing factory as recited in claim 1 , wherein the unoccupied space comprises a plurality of service areas positioned on the floor of the factory and a plurality of load areas positioned on the floor of the factory.3. The integrated circuit manufacturing factory as recited in claim 2 , wherein each of the process modules comprises a service side and a load side.4. The integrated circuit manufacturing factory as recited in claim 2 , wherein the service side and load side of each of the process modules is on a different side of the process module.5. The integrated circuit manufacturing factory as recited in claim 4 , wherein the service side is positioned 90 degrees from the load side.6. The integrated circuit manufacturing factory as recited in claim 3 , wherein a service area has at least two service sides facing the service area claim 3 , wherein the at least two service sides comprise a first service ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107084A1

A rope hoist which hoists and lowers a cargo via a wire rope includes: a frame structure which rotatably supports a wheel; a rope drum mechanism which is provided on one side of the frame structure in a width direction, and includes a drum motor which rotates the rope drum; a counterweight which is provided on another side of the frame structure in the width direction and is arranged in a state of having a space with respect to the frame structure; and a control unit which is attached to a side of the counterweight opposite to the rope drum mechanism in the width direction and inverter-controls the drum motor, to the rope drum mechanism side of the counterweight, a braking resistor part which processes regenerative electric power in the inverter control is attached in a state of being located in the space. 1. A rope hoist which enables movement along a rail direction by driving a wheel with respect to a rail , and hoists and lowers a cargo suspended therefrom via a wire rope by changing a winding length of the wire rope by rotation of a rope drum , the rope hoist comprising:a frame structure which rotatably supports the wheel;a rope drum mechanism which is provided on one side of the frame structure in a width direction orthogonal to the rail direction, and comprises the rope drum and a drum motor which rotates the rope drum;a counterweight which is provided on another side of the frame structure in the width direction and is arranged in a state of having a space with respect to the frame structure; anda control unit which is attached to a side of the counterweight opposite to the side where the rope drum mechanism is attached in the width direction and inverter-controls the drum motor,to the rope drum mechanism side of the counterweight, a braking resistor part which processes regenerative electric power in the inverter control is attached in a state of being located in the space.2. The rope hoist according to claim 1 ,wherein the frame structure comprises a pair ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160111308A1

In accordance with an exemplary embodiment a semiconductor workpiece processing system having at least one processing tool for processing semiconductor workpieces, a container for holding at least one semiconductor workpiece therein for transport to and from the at least one processing tool and a first transport section elongated and defining a travel direction. The first transport section has parts, that interface the container, supporting and transporting the container along the travel direction to and from the at least one processing tool. The container is in substantially continuous transport at a substantially constant rate in the travel direction, when supported by the first transport section. A second transport section is connected to the at least one process tool for transporting the container to and from the at least one processing tool. 1. A semiconductor workpiece processing system comprising: being configured to interface with at least one substrate processing tool and at least one of an interbay transport section and an intrabay transport section,', 'being overhead the at least one substrate processing tool, with the at least one of the interbay transport section and the intrabay transport section, so that substrate holding container transfer between the transport section and the at least one of the interbay transport section and the intrabay transport section is overhead the at least one substrate processing tool, and', 'being configured to transport the substrate holding container between the at least one of the interbay transport section and the intrabay transport section and the at least one substrate processing tool;', 'wherein the transport section includes at least one overhead gantry disposed above the at least one substrate processing tool and defining at least two independent intersecting and horizontally coplanar transport axes effecting transport of the substrate holding container with two degree of freedom motion in a horizontal plane of ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122614A1

A lifting mechanism includes a lifting beam, a hanging portion suspended below the lifting beam and including a hanging base, a hanging chain, a movable sprocket disposed on the hanging base, a distance adjusting sprocket, and a power mechanism. The distance adjusting sprocket and the power mechanism are arranged side by side and separately on the lifting beam. The power mechanism includes a fixed sprocket and a driving portion. The fixed sprocket is driven by the driving portion to drive the hanging chain to move, so as to lift or lower the hanging portion. An end of the hanging chain is fixed to the lifting beam, and the other end of the hanging chain engages the movable sprocket, the fixed sprocket, and the distance adjusting sprocket, or the other end of the hanging chain engages the movable sprocket, the distance adjusting sprocket, and the fixed sprocket. 1. A lifting mechanism for an overhead monorail , the lifting mechanism comprising a lifting beam , a hanging portion , a hanging chain , a movable sprocket , a distance adjusting sprocket and a power mechanism , whereinthe hanging portion is suspended below the lifting beam by the hanging chain, the hanging portion comprises a hanging base and a hanging member connected below the hanging base, and the movable sprocket is disposed on the hanging base;the distance adjusting sprocket and the power mechanism are arranged side by side and separately on the lifting beam, the power mechanism comprises a fixed sprocket and a driving portion configured to drive the fixed sprocket to rotate, and the fixed sprocket is driven by the driving portion to drive the hanging chain to move so as to lift or lower the hanging portion;an end of the hanging chain is fixed to the lifting beam, and the other end of the hanging chain engages the movable sprocket, the fixed sprocket, and the distance adjusting sprocket in sequence, or the other end of the hanging chain engages the movable sprocket, the distance adjusting sprocket, and ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Semiconductor Wafer Transportation

Номер: US20180108550A1

A method includes causing a carrier of an overhead hoist transfer system (OHT) to latch onto a top latch of a first semiconductor wafer transportation pod, the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod comprising a top latching mechanism configured to selectively connect to another pod or a carrier mechanism of an overhead hoist transfer (OHT) system, and a bottom latching mechanism configured to selectively connect to another pod. The method further includes rotating the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod such that the top latching mechanism of the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod latches on to a second semiconductor wafer transportation pod. 1. A method comprising:causing a carrier of an overhead hoist transfer system (OHT) to latch onto a first semiconductor wafer transportation pod, the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod comprising a top latching mechanism configured to selectively connect to another pod or a carrier mechanism of the OHT system, and a bottom latching mechanism configured to selectively connect to another pod; androtating the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod such that the top latching mechanism of the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod latches on to a second semiconductor wafer transportation pod.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod comprises a body.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod comprises claim 2 , a main compartment enclosed by the body claim 2 , the main compartment configured to provide a controlled environment.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod comprises a holding device within the main compartment claim 3 , the holding device to hold a plurality of semiconductor wafers.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor wafer transportation pod is configured for use with an Automated Material Handling System (AMHS).6. The method of ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190109032A1
Автор: Flitsch Frederick A.

The present disclosure provides various apparatus and methods for novel cleanspace fabricator designs. In some examples, a cleanspace fabricator may be comprised of vertically stacked tools wherein the product and the processing tools are conveyed through the cleanspace. The fabricator may comprise a processor performing cognitive computing algorithms. In some examples, the processor may be located at a remote location and communication with the cleanspace fabricator. Product may be comprised of or processed upon substrates in some examples. In other examples product may be comprised of materials contained within vessels. In some examples the product within vessels may be in liquid or powder form. 1. A fabricator for processing a product comprising:a first tool chassis;a first toolpod, wherein the first toolpod is connected to the first tool chassis, wherein through the first tool chassis the first toolpod is connected to at least a first utility service of the fabricator;a second tool chassis; wherein the second tool chassis is located within the fabricator such that at least a portion of the second tool chassis is located in a first plane that is vertically above a second plane containing at least a first portion of the first tool chassis;a vertically deployed cleanspace; wherein a first toolport on the first toolpod is located at least partially within the vertically deployed cleanspace, wherein a removal of the first toolpod conveys the first toolpod through the cleanspace;a processor performing cognitive computing algorithms, wherein the cognitive computing algorithms comprises one or more of decision processing, sensitivity analysis, and rule determination;coordinating the removal of the first toolPod with the processor performing cognitive computing algorithms; andwherein the processor provides control data to the first toolPod, wherein the control data controls a first process performed within the first toolPod and wherein the control data is calculated at ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Reticle Transfer System and Method

Номер: US20200105563A1
Автор: Chang Ching-Jung

A method comprises transporting semiconductor devices between a global system and a local system, wherein an input terminal of the local system is connected to the global system, and wherein the global system comprises a plurality of stockers and a global transportation system connected to the stockers and the local system comprises a first service area, an internal buffer, a second service area and a plurality of lithography apparatuses and transporting a semiconductor device from the first service area to a lithography apparatus in the second service area. 1. A method comprising:moving an internal buffer in a local system to adjust a boundary between a first service area of the local system and a second service area of the local system, wherein a first lithography apparatus was in the second service area prior to adjusting the boundary and is in the first service area after adjusting the boundary;loading a reticle from the first lithography apparatus into a carrier, wherein the carrier is separate from the internal buffer; andtransporting the reticle between the local system and a global system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after moving the internal buffer claim 1 , the first service area comprises a first plurality of lithography apparatuses and the second service area comprises a second plurality of lithography apparatuses.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein loading a reticle from the first lithography apparatus into the carrier comprises using a robot.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the local system further comprises overhead rails.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the global system comprises a global transportation system claim 1 , the global transportation system comprising rails and automatic guided vehicles.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein transporting the reticle between the local system and the global system comprises moving the reticle on an overhead rail.7. The method of further comprising storing the reticle in an external buffer ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Equipment for moving people in height in non horizontal surfaces with vertical and horizontal translation

Номер: US20140196983A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to equipment intended to moving people in height in non-horizontal surfaces, allowing their translation vertically and horizontally, comprising a chute with a docking and fixing system, engine for the horizontal displacement engine for the vertical displacement, suspension cable for the harness of the operator, wireless control and safeguarding system for rescue and recovery.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Pallet robot with scissor lift

Номер: US20210138629A1
Автор: Roland Stehr
Принадлежит: Duecker Group GmbH

The invention relates to a handling device (1), having a drive carriage (2) that is movable relative to a carrier (3), wherein a scissor lift (7) having a plurality of scissor-lift members (8) is arranged with its first end on the drive carriage (2), wherein a carrier plate (11) that is movable relative to the drive carriage (2) by means of the scissor lift (7) is arranged at the second end of the scissor lift (7), wherein: a gripping tool is arranged on the carrier plate (11), the scissor-lift members (8) are hollow throughout and are sealingly interconnected in order to actuate the gripping tool by means of a gaseous medium.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139294A1
Автор: STEHR Roland

The invention relates to a handling device () comprising a drive carriage () that can be moved in relation to a beam (), a scissor lift () comprising a plurality of scissor lift members () being arranged on the drive carriage () with the first end thereof, and a beam plate () that can move in relation to the drive carriage () by means of the scissor lift () being arranged on the second end of the scissor lift (). A grip tool is arranged on the beam plate (), and a drive () for actuating the scissor lift () is arranged on the drive carriage (). The beam () has an H-shaped cross-section formed from a middle limb () and upper and lower limbs () projecting from said middle limb. 1. A manipulator comprising:a carriage movable along a beam,a scissor lift mechanism that has multiple scissor members and a first end on the carriage a second end on a support plate movable relative to the carriage by the scissor lift mechanism,a grab on the support plate, anda drive for actuating the scissor lift mechanism on the carriage, beam having an H-shaped cross section formed by a center web and by upper and lower flanges that project from this center web.2. The manipulator according to claim 1 , wherein the drive has at least one drive wheel in a region between the two flanges and the center web that connects them of the H-section beam.3. The manipulator according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one drive wheel of the drive and at least one guide wheel that guides the carriage are supported on the center web of the H-section beam claim 2 , and the at least one guide wheel is also between the two flanges claim 2 , and the center web that connects them of the H-section beam.4. The manipulator according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one drive wheel is fixed on the carriage claim 3 , and the at least one guide wheel is supported in a manner decoupled by a spring on a base of the carriage.5. The manipulator according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one supporting wheel on ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Transfer system

Номер: US20220267093A1
Принадлежит: Daifuku Co Ltd

A transfer system includes a ceiling carrier, a ceiling storage shelf, and a purging device. The ceiling carrier transfers a foup along a running rail. The ceiling storage shelf is provided along the running rail. The ceiling storage shelf stores the foup transferred by the ceiling carrier. The purging device purges the foup stored in the ceiling storage shelf. The ceiling storage shelf includes placement portions and for placing the foup thereon. The placement portions and can be moved with respect to a storage shelf body of the ceiling storage shelf by a driving gas supplied to the purging device.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190122910A1

A vehicle includes one or more travel portions each configured to travel along a rail track, a travel controller configured to perform an image recognition to determine a shape of a portion of the rail track based on an image captured by an imaging device supported by the vehicle and to control the one or more travel portions based on a result of the image recognition, an information obtaining portion configured to obtain position information of each of a plurality of locations that the vehicle travels past as a result of traveling along the rail track, and to obtain the order in which the vehicle travels past such plurality of locations, and memory configured to store information obtained by the information obtaining portion. 1. A vehicle configured to support an imaging device and to travel along a rail track , the vehicle comprising:one or more travel portions each configured to travel along a rail track;a travel controller configured to perform an image recognition to determine a shape of a portion of the rail track based on an image captured by the imaging device and to control the one or more travel portions based on a result of the image recognition;an information obtaining portion configured to obtain position information of each of a plurality of locations that the one or more travel portions travel past as a result of traveling along the rail track, and to obtain the order in which the position information of the plurality of locations is obtained; andmemory configured to store information obtained by the information obtaining portion.2. The vehicle as defined in claim 1 , wherein the travel controller is configured to:(a) determine, based on the result of the image recognition, (i) whether a branching portion is present in which a rail track branches off from another rail track, and (ii) a configuration of the branching portion if present;(b) select a travel direction to be taken such that a rail track that the one or more travel portions has not ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Multilevel Fabricators

Номер: US20160132045A1
Автор: Frederick A. Flitsch
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides various aspects for supporting multilevel fabricators. In some examples, the multilevel fabricators may include a cleanspace region for moving work material. In some examples, panels of filters may be positioned to support the cleanspace. In some embodiments existing processing equipment and automation are placed into the new environment. In other embodiments the processing equipment is placed and new automation equipment is used. Automated tool placement equipment may be used to place the equipment. In some examples, automated tool handling equipment may be used to remove and replace processing equipment into the multilevel fabricator.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Article Transport Vehicle

Номер: US20160133488A1
Автор: Tomida Daichi

An article transport vehicle is provided in which it is difficult for the transported article support portions to interfere with the supported portion of the transported article while reducing transmission of vibrations to the transported article, during a travel of the travel member or during a vertical movement of the vertically movable portion. A support unit which is vertically moved relative to a travel member is provided with: a guiding supporting portion for guiding and supporting transported article support portions for supporting a supported portion of a transported article such that the transported article support portions can be moved to support positions and to retracted positions; and a damper element which is located between a vertically movable portion and the guiding supporting portion and receives load from the guiding supporting portion and which is elastically deformable in a vertical direction. 1. An article transport vehicle comprising:a travel member configured to travel along a travel path;a support unit for suspending and supporting a transported article;a vertical movement actuator for vertically moving the support unit relative to the travel member;wherein the support unit includes a vertically movable portion which is vertically moved by the vertical movement actuator, transported article support portions for supporting a supported portion of the transported article, one or more support actuators for moving the transported article support portions between support positions and retracted positions,wherein the support positions are positions in which the transported article support portions are located directly below the supported portion, and the retracted positions are positions in which the transported article support portions are retracted from directly below the supported portion,wherein the support unit further includes a guiding supporting portion that supports the transported article support portions and movably guides the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129747A1

A motorized container carrier can be configured to travel along a suspended railway. The motorized container carrier can include at least one motorized trolley configured to move the motorized container carrier along the suspended railway. The motorized container carrier can include a plurality of end beams with container engagement devices configured to interact with containers of various lengths. In some embodiments, the container engagement devices are twist locks. The motorized container carrier can include a system of bumpers and/or guide wheels. 1. A container carrier comprising:(a) a load wheel configured to ride along a suspended railway;(b) a trolley assembly; and(c) a at least one end beam configured to align locking mechanisms with a container such that said container is carried below said trolley assembly2. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said trolley assembly is motorized.3. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said trolley assembly comprises:(i) an electric motor; and(ii) a connection-flange point configured to connect said motor to said wheel.4. The container carrier of claim 3 , wherein said body of said container carrier comprises:(i) a first bumper; and(ii) a second bumper.5. The container of claim 3 , wherein said electric motor utilizes a regenerative power system.6. The container carrier of claim 3 , wherein said trolley assembly further utilizes a at least one guide wheel.7. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said locking mechanisms is a four-corner locking pin mechanism configured to lift claim 1 , lower claim 1 , hold claim 1 , and transport said first container.8. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said trolley assembly is connected to the body of said container carrier via a kingpin.9. The container carrier of claim 4 , wherein said first bumper is made of a shock absorbing assembly.10. The container carrier of claim 1 , wherein said load wheel is made of carbon steel.11. The container carrier of claim 1 , ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129748A1

An embodiment is directed to a slider and method for moving a hoist on a crane. The slider includes a hoist support member and mounting arms. The mounting arms extend from either end of the support member. A portion of each mounting arm is spaced from the support member to form a flange receiving slot which is dimensioned to receive a flange a beam of the crane. The slider is provided with a resilient member to resiliently maintain the slider in a position in which the slider is movable relative to a beam of the crane when no load is applied to the slider. The resilient member is compressed when a load is applied to the slider to allow the slider to frictionally engage the beam to prevent the slider from continued movement relative to the beam. 1. A slider for moving a hoist on a crane , the slider comprising:a hoist support member;mounting arms extending from either end of the support member, a portion of each mounting arm is spaced from the support member to form a flange receiving slot which is dimensioned to receive a flange a beam of the crane;wherein the flange receiving slot is dimensioned to allow the slider to move in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the beam while preventing movement of the slider in a direction perpendicular to the beam.2. The slider as recited in claim 1 , wherein wheel mounting members are attached to and extend from the mounting arms claim 1 , each of the wheel mounting members extending from opposite sides of the mounting arm.3. The slider as recited in claim 2 , wherein wheels extend from the wheel mounting members.4. The slider as recited in claim 3 , wherein the wheels are rubber wheels which provide traction so that the sliders moves along the beam without slipping.5. The slider as recited in claim 3 , wherein springs are provided between the wheels and the wheel mounting members claim 3 , the springs support the weight of the slider without creating contact on the flange of the beam when no load is applied to the ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170133255A1

A substrate cassette loading system for docking substrate cassettes to a substrate processing system is provided. A plurality of ports passes substrates into the substrate processing system, wherein a first port of the plurality of ports is vertically above a second port of the plurality of ports. A plurality of cassette loaders provides substrate cassettes to the plurality of ports. 1. A substrate cassette loading system for docking substrate cassettes to a substrate processing system , comprisinga plurality of ports for passing substrates into the substrate processing system, wherein a first port of the plurality of ports is vertically above a second port of the plurality of ports; anda plurality of cassette loaders for providing substrate cassettes to the plurality of ports.2. The substrate cassette loading system claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , further comprising at least one cassette loader actuator for moving at least one cassette loader of the plurality of cassette loaders from a port of the plurality of ports.3. The substrate cassette loading system claim 2 , as recited in claim 2 , wherein a first cassette loader of the plurality of substrate cassette loaders provides substrate cassettes to the first port and wherein a second substrate cassette loader of the plurality of substrate cassette loaders provides substrate cassettes to the second port claim 2 , and wherein the at least one cassette loader actuator moves either the first cassette loader or the second cassette loader claim 2 , from a first position claim 2 , where the first cassette loader is vertically aligned with the second cassette loader claim 2 , to a second position where the first cassette loader is not vertically aligned with the second cassette loader.4. The substrate cassette loading system claim 3 , as recited in claim 3 , wherein the substrate processing system comprises an overhead hoist transport claim 3 , which vertically moves the substrate cassettes onto each of the plurality of ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Reticle Transportation Container

Номер: US20190131147A1
Автор: FANG Yu-Piao, Lee Yu-Ching

A transportation container is provided with a container body constructed of a top wall, a bottom wall, a rear wall, and two sidewalls forming a front opening for loading or unloading a reticle pod into or out of the container body; a lid for opening and closing the front opening; and a lift plate above the container body configured to connect to a carrier of an overhead hoist transfer (OHT) system. 1. A transportation container , comprising:a container body constructed of a top wall, a bottom wall, a rear wall, and two sidewalls forming a front opening for loading or unloading a reticle pod into or out of the container body;a lid for opening and closing the front opening; anda lift plate above the container body configured to connect to a carrier of an overhead hoist transfer (OHT) system.2. The transportation container of claim 1 , wherein the reticle pod is an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) reticle pod.3. The transportation container of claim 1 , further comprising:a latch mechanism inside the container body configured to latch the reticle pod, the latch mechanism being drivable by the lid to shift between a latching condition when the lid is closed and an unlatching condition when the lid is opened.4. The transportation container of claim 3 , wherein the latch mechanism includes a spring-loaded drive plate and a latch tab coupled to the spring-loaded drive plate claim 3 , the spring-loaded drive plate being drivable by the lid to shift the latch tab between the latching condition and the unlatching condition.5. The transportation container of claim 4 , wherein the latch tab has a groove claim 4 , and the spring-loaded drive plate has a drive pin claim 4 , the drive pin being movable along the groove claim 4 , the drive pin and the groove collectively converting a linear movement of the spring-loaded drive plate to a linear movement of the latch tab.6. The transportation container of claim 4 , wherein the latch tab has a rotatory axis claim 4 , and the spring-loaded ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Substrate Processing Apparatus and Substrate Processing Method

Номер: US20200126823A1

There is provided a substrate processing apparatus for processing a substrate, including: a storage part provided on an uppermost portion of the substrate processing apparatus and on which a substrate accommodation container for accommodating the substrate is placed; and a first transfer device configured to directly or indirectly deliver the substrate accommodation container between the storage part and a loading/unloading part, wherein the loading/unloading part is configured to place the substrate accommodation container thereon in the substrate processing apparatus and to load and unload the substrate into and from a processing part of the substrate processing apparatus, and the first transfer device is configured to deliver the substrate accommodation container with respect to an overhead hoist transport that moves above the substrate processing apparatus. 1. A substrate processing apparatus for processing a substrate , comprising:a storage part provided on an uppermost portion of the substrate processing apparatus and on which a substrate accommodation container for accommodating the substrate is placed; anda first transfer device configured to directly or indirectly deliver the substrate accommodation container between the storage part and a loading/unloading part,wherein the loading/unloading part is configured to place the substrate accommodation container thereon in the substrate processing apparatus and to load and unload the substrate into and from a processing part of the substrate processing apparatus,wherein the first transfer device is configured to deliver the substrate accommodation container with respect to an overhead hoist transport that moves above the substrate processing apparatus.2. The substrate processing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a first controller configured to control an operation of the first transfer device,wherein, when the overhead hoist transport directly delivers the substrate accommodation container to the loading ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160141189A1

According to various embodiments, a frame cassette may include: a housing; a mounting structure inserted in the housing, the mounting structure including a plurality of tape-frame slots, wherein each tape-frame slot is configured to receive a tape-frame, wherein the housing includes an opening to introduce a tape-frame into a tape-frame slot of the plurality of tape-frame slots or to remove a tape-frame from a tape-frame slot of the plurality of tape-frame slots, and a door mounted at the housing, wherein the door is configured to close the opening of the housing to seal the interior of the housing from the exterior of the housing. 1. A processing arrangement comprising: a housing;', 'a mounting structure within the housing, the mounting structure comprising a plurality of tape-frame slots, each tape-frame slot configured to receive a tape-frame;', 'wherein the housing comprises an opening to introduce at least one tape-frame into the at least one tape-frame slot of the plurality of tape-frame slots or to remove the at least one tape-frame from the at least one tape-frame slot of the plurality of tape-frame slots;', 'a door mounted at the housing,', 'wherein the door is configured to close the opening of the housing to seal an interior of the housing from an exterior of the housing and to be operated by the overhead transportation system; and, 'a frame cassette comprisingan overhead transportation system configured to transport the frame cassette and to operate the door of the frame cassette.2. The processing arrangement of claim 1 , wherein the frame cassette further comprises the at least one tape-frame disposed within the at last one tape-frame slot of the plurality of tape-frame slots.3. The processing arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the frame cassette further comprises:a door guidance system mechanically connecting the door to the housing, wherein the door guidance system is configured to guide the door movement.4. The processing arrangement ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210166963A1
Автор: MITANI Shuzo

A processing apparatus includes a chuck table that holds a workpiece, a cutting unit that processes the workpiece held by the chuck table, a cassette placing region where a cassette is placed, a carrying unit that carries the workpiece between the cassette placed in the cassette placing region and the chuck table, and a surrounding wall that partitions a route for lifting the cassette upward and downward from an external space, in a space directly above the cassette placing region. A height of the surrounding wall is equal to or more than a height of a ceiling wall of the processing apparatus and is so as not to interfere with the cassette held by a carrier that travels. 1. A processing apparatus to be disposed in a facility having a carrying system , a carrier traveling through a carrying passage disposed on a ceiling side,', 'the carrier carrying a cassette that accommodates a workpiece, lifting the cassette upward and downward, placing the cassette on the processing apparatus to thereby carry the workpiece,, 'the carrying system including'}the processing apparatus comprising:a chuck table that holds the workpiece;a processing unit that processes the workpiece held by the chuck table;a cassette placing region where the cassette is placed;a carrying unit that carries the workpiece between the cassette placed in the cassette placing region and the chuck table; anda surrounding wall that partitions a route for lifting the cassette upward and downward from an external space, in a space directly above the cassette placing region,wherein a height of the surrounding wall is equal to or more than a height of the ceiling of the processing apparatus and is so as not to interfere with the cassette held by the carrier that travels.2. The processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the surrounding wall includes an opening-closing door that permits an operator to enter the partitioned space. The present invention relates to a processing apparatus.A facility such as a ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Container Transport Facility

Номер: US20170140965A1

A transport apparatus transports a container that includes a flow hole forming portion in which a flow hole through which gas can flow between the outside and the inside of the container is formed. A connecting portion that has a flow path through which gas can flow and a filling gas supply source that allows a filling gas to flow through the flow path are provided in the transport apparatus. The connecting portion is configured to be switchable between a non-connected state in which the connecting portion is retracted to the outside of a moving region of the container that moves along a transport path and a connected state in which the connecting portion enters the inside of the moving region and is connected to the flow hole forming portion of the container. 1. A container transport facility comprising:a first apparatus including a pickup portion at which a container that accommodates an article is picked up;a second apparatus including a dropoff portion at which the container is dropped off;a transport apparatus that transports the container from the first apparatus to the second apparatus along a transport path; anda supply apparatus that supplies a filling gas to be filled into the inside of the container to the inside of the container,wherein the container includes a flow hole forming portion in which a flow hole through which gas can flow between the outside and the inside of the container is formed,the supply apparatus includes a connecting portion that has a flow path through which gas can flow and a filling gas supply source that allows the filling gas to flow through the flow path, andthe connecting portion is configured to be switchable between a non-connected state in which the connecting portion is retracted to the outside of a moving region of the container that moves along the transport path and a connected state in which the connecting portion enters the inside of the moving region and is connected to the flow hole forming portion.2. The container ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180141762A1

A substrate processing system including at least two vertically stacked transport chambers, each of the vertically stacked transport chambers including a plurality of openings arranged to form vertical stacks of openings configured for coupling to vertically stacked process modules, at least one of the vertically stacked transport chambers includes at least one transport chamber module arranged for coupling to another transport chamber module to form a linear transport chamber and another of the at least two stacked transport chambers including at least one transport chamber module arranged for coupling to another transport chamber module to form another linear transport chamber, and a transport robot disposed in each of the transport chamber modules, where a joint of the transport robot is locationally fixed along a linear path formed by the respective linear transport chamber. 1at least two vertically stacked transport tunnels, each of the vertically stacked transport tunnels being separate and distinct from another of the at least two vertically stacked transport tunnels and including a plurality of openings arranged to form vertical stacks of openings configured for coupling to vertically stacked process modules, at least one of the vertically stacked transport tunnels includes at least one transport chamber module arranged for coupling to at least one transport tunnel module to form a linear transport tunnel and another of the at least two stacked transport tunnels including at least one transport chamber module arranged for coupling to another at least one transport tunnel module to form another linear transport tunnel separate and distinct from the linear transport tunnel; andan articulated transport robot arm disposed in each of the linear transport tunnel and the other linear transport tunnel, where a joint of the articulated transport robot arm is locationally fixed along a linear path formed by the respective linear transport tunnel and the other linear ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Method for transporting wafers

Номер: US20220285190A1

A method includes moving a wafer transport device to a position above a load port; lowering a hoist unit of the wafer transport device above the load port, wherein the wafer transport device has a plurality of belts, each of the belts is connected to the hoist unit and wound around a respective belt winding drum; detecting sound waves from the belts by using at least one acoustic sensor to measure tensions of the belts; and comparing the tensions from the belts to determine an inclination of the hoist unit.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144868A1
Автор: Meyer William
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler USA Corporation

The present invention relates to a system for lifting and manipulating a load. The system includes a gantry crane having a support rail, a support gantry, and a gantry beam connected to and traversing a space between the support rail and the support gantry. The gantry crane also includes a trolley disposed with the gantry beam. The system further includes a lifting platform secured to a top surface of the gantry beam, and a lifting device disposed with the lifting platform. 1. A method for increasing a capacity of a gantry crane , the method comprising: a support rail;', 'a support gantry; and', 'a gantry beam disposed between, and connected to, the support rail and the support gantry;, 'providing the gantry crane comprisinglocating a lifting platform on the gantry beam such that a substantially-vertical portion of the lifting platform engages the support rail;providing a load to be lifted by the lifting platform; andtransmitting at least a portion of the load to the support rail via the substantially-vertical portion thereby increasing a safe lifting capacity of the gantry crane.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the loading comprises lifting the load via a lifting device coupled to the lifting platform.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising positioning the lifting device with respect to the lifting platform via a positioning winch.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the loading comprises utilizing an auxiliary lifting winch.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising isolating a lifting cable associated with the lifting device from a power supply.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the isolating comprises utilizing a guard.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising redirecting the lifting cable to a region beneath the power supply via a pulley coupled to the guard.8. A method for lifting an object claim 6 , the method comprising:connecting a first lifting cable to a first corner of a lifting frame, the first lifting cable associated with a first crane; ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Overhead Manufacturing, Processing and Storage System

Номер: US20180144964A1

This disclosure relates generally to substrate and manufacturing system, processes and methods. In one example embodiment, to methods, apparatus, and systems which provides improved substrate processing and manufacturing wherein at least a portion of the system, apparatus or method may be in an overhead system, such as attached to a ceiling or overhead mounts, such that floor space and other efficiencies may be founded. 1. A substrate processing system comprising at least the following subsystems:a storage system for storing a plurality of substrates;a processing system for performing at least one action on the plurality of substrates;a loading system for loading and unloading the plurality of substrates to and from the storage and processing system; anda transportation system for transporting the substrates between the storage, processing, and loading system,wherein at least one sub-system is ceiling mounted.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ceiling mounted system reduces foot print of the substrate processing system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system comprises at least one of a high density and low density containers claim 1 , wherein the high density containers hold substrates at a higher density than the low density containers4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the high density containers comprise Tec-cell containers.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the low density containers comprise Front Opening Unified Pod (FOUP) containers.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the storage comprises at least one of an opener station claim 1 , an ID reading station claim 1 , transfer station claim 1 , and high density storage7. The system of claim 1 , wherein all of the system and sub-systems s are ceiling mounted with zero foot print on ground level.8. The system of further comprises an operator station on floor for access to the ceiling mounted system.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes a controller unit.10. The system of claim 9 , wherein ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220291088A1
Принадлежит: SEMES CO., LTD.

A test management module includes a test manager writing a test list, a first emulator controlling an operation of the vehicle according to instruction of the test manager, and a controller controlling an operation of a test station according to instruction of the test manager. The test list includes an event condition to be generated in a vehicle and operation information of the operation of the vehicle, which is performed when the event condition is satisfied, and the operation of the test station provided to virtually test the vehicle. 1. A test management module comprising: an event condition to be generated in a vehicle; and', 'operation information of an operation of the vehicle, which is performed when the event condition is satisfied, and an operation of a test station provided to virtually test the vehicle;, 'a test manager writing a test list, the test list includinga first emulator controlling the operation of the vehicle according to instruction of the test manager; anda controller controlling the operation of the test station according to instruction of the test manager.2. The test management module of claim 1 , wherein the test manager receives a first test result value from the vehicle according to the test list claim 1 , and compares the first test result value and a predicted first test value to determine a state of the vehicle.3. The test management module of claim 2 , wherein the test manager receives a second test result value from the test station according to the test list claim 2 , and compares the second test result value with a predicted second test value to determine the state of the vehicle.4. The test management module of claim 1 , further comprising a simulator providing virtual data to the vehicle claim 1 , which is the same as data generated during the operation of the vehicle claim 1 , to test a software of the vehicle.5. The test management module of claim 4 , wherein the vehicle comprises:a main controlling part operating unit ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210179394A1
Принадлежит: Konecranes Global Corporation

A frame structure of a hoist, the frame structure including a support frame structure, a bearing wheel arrangement fastened to the support frame structure by suspenders to support the hoist on a main support structure and to move the hoist on the main support structure, whereby the bearing wheel arrangement includes, in the movement direction of the hoist, bearing wheels arranged on opposite sides thereof, and upper sheave arrangements secured to the support frame structure, wherein the support frame structure includes two plates arranged opposite and at a distance from each other, the upper parts of the plates bent towards each other, and in the support frame structure there is arranged an axle passing through both plates, on which axle a sheave is arranged between the plates, and the bent upper parts of the plates are detachably fastenable by a wedge locking to the suspender in order to adjust the mutual distance between the bearing wheels arranged on opposite sides of the support frame structure by means of the suspenders. 1. A frame structure of a hoist , the frame structure comprising a support frame structure , a bearing wheel arrangement fastened to the support frame structure by suspenders to support the hoist on a main support structure and to move the hoist on the main support structure , whereby the bearing wheel arrangement comprises , in the movement direction of the hoist , bearing wheels arranged on opposite sides thereof , and upper sheave arrangements secured to the support frame structure , whereinthe support frame structure comprises two plates arranged opposite to and at a distance from each other, the upper parts of the plates bent towards each other, and in the support frame structure there is arranged an axle passing through both plates, on which axle a sheave is arranged between the plates, and the bent upper parts of the plates are detachably fastenable by a wedge locking or by a bolt locking to the suspender in order to adjust the mutual ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Walking device with self-adaptive track gauge and wheel pressure for preventing rail gnawing

Номер: US20220297980A1
Автор: Caihuan Ke, Wei Lan, Yu Liu

A walking device with a self-adaptive track gauge and wheel pressure for preventing rail gnawing comprises a first rail, a second rail parallel to the first rail, a driving trolley disposed on the first rail, a driven trolley disposed on the second rail, two beams connected between the driving trolley and the driven trolley and each of which having a sliding groove, and an electric hoist disposed on the two beams. The driving trolley is hung on the first rail through a first bearing wheel, and the driven trolley is hung on the second rail through a second bearing wheel. The driving trolley is connected with a driving motor, and the driving trolley is configured to drive the driven trolley to synchronously move along length directions of the first rail and the second rail through the two beams, so that the electric hoist is driven to synchronously move.

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150170946A1
Автор: Ota Tatsuji

An overhead traveling vehicle includes a hoist and a first sensor that monitors obstacles below, and a local carriage includes a hoist and travels along the track. A buffer is suspended from the track by vertical supports that extend vertically downward, and no members of the buffer are provided directly over load ports. A second sensor, which monitors an obstacle in a vicinity of the load ports and in a passageway-side area on a side opposite to a processing device, is provided on the track and transmits an obstacle detection signal to the overhead traveling vehicle and the local carriage. Upon receiving the obstacle detection signal from the second sensor, the overhead traveling vehicle and the local carriage stop the hoists, and the overhead traveling vehicle does not monitor obstacles in the passageway-side area using the first sensor. 14-. (canceled)5. An overhead traveling vehicle system comprising:overhead traveling vehicles including a hoist configured to raise and lower an article and a first sensor configured to monitor an obstacle below;an overhead traveling vehicle track;a load port provided at a front surface of a processing device;a local carriage track provided at a position over the load port and directly under the overhead traveling vehicle track;a local carriage including a hoist configured to raise and lower an article and to travel along the local carriage track;a buffer to and from which both the overhead traveling vehicles and the local carriage carry an article by using the hoists;a second sensor attached to the local carriage track and configured to monitor an obstacle in a vicinity of the load port and in a passageway-side area on a side opposite to the processing device; anda communication terminal configured to transmit an obstacle detection signal from the second sensor to the overhead traveling vehicles and the local carriage; whereinboth the overhead traveling vehicles and the local carriage are configured to carry articles to and from ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for sensory automated material handing

Номер: US20190163170A1

In an embodiment an automated material handling system (AMHS) for a semiconductor fabrication facility (FAB) includes: a sensor supported by a rail, wherein the sensor is configured to collect sensor data characterizing a vehicle that moves along the rail, wherein the vehicle is configured to carry at least one wafer; and a monitoring module configured to: detect a trigger event based on the sensor data, and initiate a remediation action in response to the trigger event.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190164795A1
Автор: MOTOORI Yoichi

A transport system includes an overhead transport vehicle that travels on a first track and is capable of delivering and receiving an article to and from a load port of a processing tool; a storage rack having a plurality of shelves that store the articles arranged in a vertical direction; a crane that travels on a second track parallel with the first track and is capable of delivering and receiving the article to and from the load port and the storage rack, respectively; and a first buffer arranged at a position where the crane that has stopped traveling at a position to deliver or receive the article to or from the load port is able to deliver or receive the article. 17.-. (canceled)8. A transport system comprising:an overhead transport vehicle that travels on a first track and is capable of delivering and receiving an article to and from a load port of a processing tool;a storage rack having a plurality of shelves that store the articles arranged in a vertical direction;a crane that travels on a second track parallel with the first track and is capable of delivering and receiving the article to and from the load port and the storage rack, respectively; anda first buffer arranged at a position where the crane that has stopped traveling at a position to deliver or receive the article to or from the load port is able to deliver or receive the article.9. The transport system according to claim 8 , whereinthe overhead transport vehicle includes a lateral extender that moves the article in horizontal directions, andthe first buffer is arranged at a position where the overhead transport vehicle is able to deliver or receive the article using the lateral extender.10. The transport system according to claim 9 , wherein the first buffer is arranged at a position where the overhead transport vehicle that has stopped traveling at a position to deliver or receive the article to or from the load port is able to deliver or receive the article using the lateral extender.11. The ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210202277A1

A system, includes, a semiconductor processing unit, an Automated Materials Handling System (AMHS) vehicle, and a warehouse apparatus, wherein the warehouse apparatus comprises at least one input port, at least one output port, and at least one load/unload port, wherein the warehouse apparatus is configured to perform one of the following: receiving a plurality of tray cassette containers from the AMHS vehicle at the at least one input port, transporting at least one tray cassette in each of a plurality of tray cassette containers to the at least one load/unload port via the at least one input port, transporting at least one first tray from the at least one tray cassette to the semiconductor processing unit via a tray feeder conveyor, and receiving at least one second tray from the semiconductor processing unit via the tray feeder conveyor. 1. A system , comprising:a semiconductor processing unit,an Automated Materials Handling System (AMHS) vehicle, anda warehouse apparatus,wherein the warehouse apparatus comprises at least one input port, at least one output port, and at least one load/unload port, wherein the warehouse apparatus is configured to perform at least one of the following: receiving a plurality of tray cassette containers from the AMHS vehicle at the at least one input port, transporting at least one tray cassette in each of a plurality of tray cassette containers to the at least one load/unload port via the at least one input port, transporting at least one first tray from the at least one tray cassette to the semiconductor processing unit via a tray feeder conveyor, and receiving at least one second tray from the semiconductor processing unit via the tray feeder conveyor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the warehouse apparatus is configured to interface with the semiconductor processing unit through the at least one load/unload port claim 1 , and to interface with the AMHS vehicle through the at least one input port and the at least one output port ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160181086A1

In some embodiments, a system is provided that includes (1) a loading position; (2) a drying position; (3) a movable tank configured to (a) hold at least one substrate; (b) hold a cleaning chemistry so as to expose a substrate within the movable tank to the cleaning chemistry; and (c) translate between the loading position and the drying position; and (4) a drying station located at the drying position and configured to rinse and dry a substrate as the substrate is unloaded from the movable tank when the movable tank is at the drying position. Numerous other aspects are provided. 1. A system comprising:a loading position;a drying position; hold at least one substrate;', 'hold a cleaning chemistry so as to expose a substrate within the movable tank to the cleaning chemistry; and', 'translate between the loading position and the drying position; and, 'a movable tank configured toa drying station located at the drying position and configured to rinse and dry a substrate as the substrate is unloaded from the movable tank when the movable tank is at the drying position.2. The system of wherein the loading position is below an overhead substrate transfer mechanism.3. The system of wherein the loading and drying positions are laterally spaced.4. The system of wherein the movable tank is configured to drain following unloading of a substrate and refill after receiving a subsequent substrate.5. The system of wherein the movable tank includes a manifold having both a drain valve and fill valve within a footprint of the movable tank.6. The system of wherein the movable tank is configured to hold 2 substrates.7. The system of further comprising a substrate holder configured to:hold a substrate within the movable tank;receive a substrate from an overhead substrate transfer mechanism when the movable tank is at the loading position; andunload a substrate from the movable tank through the drying station when the movable tank is at the drying position.8. The system of wherein ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210208517A1
Принадлежит: SEMES CO., LTD.

A storage apparatus for storing an object includes a load port unit that a receptacle is loaded onto or unloaded from, in which the receptacle accommodates the object in a storage space formed by a body and a cover that covers the body, and a controller. The load port unit includes a housing having an interior space, a stage member that is provided on the housing and that opens the storage space by moving the body, the receptacle being seated on the stage member, and an exhaust tube that evacuates a spacing space between the body and the cover spaced apart from each other. One end of the exhaust tube faces toward the spacing space, and an opposite end of the exhaust tube faces toward the interior space. 1. A storage apparatus for storing an object , the storage apparatus comprising:a load port unit configured to load or unload a receptacle, the receptacle having a body and a cover which are detachably attached to each other and further having a first storage space which is defined by the body and the cover attached to each other, the object being accommodated in the first storage space of the receptacle and placed on the body;a storage unit having a second storage space in which the object is to be stored;a transfer unit configured to transfer the object between the first storage space of the load port unit and the second storage space of the storage unit; anda controller coupled to the load port unit and the transfer unit,wherein the load port unit includes:a housing having an interior space;a stage member provided on top of the housing and configured to receive the receptacle and separate the body from the cover so that the body on which the object is placed is introduced into the interior space of the housing and the cover of the receptable is attached to the stage member; andan exhaust tube configured to evacuate the interior space of the housing,wherein the exhaust tube includes a first end which is adjacent to a portion of the interior space of the housing, ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172333A1
Автор: MOTOORI Yoichi

A transport system includes first and second intrabay overhead tracks, first and second interbay overhead tracks, first and second storages, first and second delivery ports, first and second cranes including first and second runners that run along the first and second intrabay overhead tracks, respectively, first and second masts, and first and second transferors, and an overhead transport vehicle including a runner that runs along the first and second intrabay overhead tracks, a holder, a lifting driver, and a lateral extender. 15-. (canceled)6. A transport system comprising:a first intrabay overhead track offset from immediately above a load port in a first processing tool and alongside the load port in the first processing tool;a second intrabay overhead track offset from immediately above a load port in a second processing tool and alongside the load port in the second processing tool;an interbay overhead track that connects the first intrabay overhead track and the second intrabay overhead track;first storages and second storages provided below and lateral to the first intrabay overhead track and the second intrabay overhead track, respectively, and positioned along a vertical direction in a plurality of stages to store therein an article;a first delivery port and a second delivery port provided below and lateral to the first intrabay overhead track and the second intrabay overhead track, respectively;a first crane including a first runner that runs along the first intrabay overhead track, a first mast that hangs down from the first runner, and a first transferor to be guided by the first mast and be raised and lowered, to transport an article between the load port in the first processing tool, the first storage, and the first delivery port;a second crane including a second runner that runs along the second intrabay overhead track, a second mast that hangs down from the second runner, and a second transferor to be guided by the second mast and be raised and ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170186638A1

The present disclosure relates to a wafer cassette system having an adaptive inset configured to enable wafers having a first diameter to be held by a wafer cassette configured to hold wafers having a second diameter larger than the first diameter. The wafer cassette system includes a wafer cassette having a first plurality of wafer slots configured to receive one or more wafers having a first diameter. An adaptive inset is arranged in an interior cavity of the wafer cassette. The adaptive inset has a second plurality of wafer slots configured to receive one or more wafers having a second diameter that is less than the first diameter. The adaptive inset allows for the wafer cassette to hold wafers having the second diameter, thereby enabling semiconductor processing tools to processes wafer having a different diameter than those able to be held by wafer cassettes that the tools can receive. 1. A wafer cassette system , comprising:a wafer cassette having a first plurality of wafer slots respectively configured to receive a semiconductor wafer having a first diameter; andan adaptive inset arranged in an interior cavity of the wafer cassette and having a second plurality of wafer slots respectively configured to receive a semiconductor wafer having a second diameter that is smaller than the first diameter.2. The wafer cassette system of claim 1 , wherein the adaptive inset comprises one or more exterior surfaces contacting one or more interior surfaces of the interior cavity of the wafer cassette.3. The wafer cassette system of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more fastening elements configured to fasten the adaptive inset into the interior cavity of the wafer cassette in a fixed relation.4. The wafer cassette system of claim 3 , wherein the one or more fastening elements comprise one or more screws extending through upper surfaces of the wafer cassette and the adaptive inset.5. The wafer cassette system of claim 1 , further comprising:one or more support structures ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170186639A1
Автор: TAKAI Kaname

A temporary storage apparatus is provided with a slidable buffer which does not prevent installation of the apparatus and maintenance of equipment, has increased storing capacity for carriers without a lateral transfer mechanism in a local vehicle, stores carriers between overhead travelling vehicles and a load port, and is provided with the local vehicle travelling on a rail below the rail for the overhead travelling vehicles and a slidable buffer comprising a cell to support a carrier and a guide mechanism sliding the slidable buffer between an advanced position under the rail and a backward position laterally shifted from the rail. The guide mechanism moves between an active position laterally protruding from the rail and a retracted position allowing transfer by the overhead travelling vehicles between the load port. The rail extends along the front face of the equipment to a waiting position separated from a position over the port. 1. A temporary storage apparatus temporarily storing carriers between overhead travelling vehicles and a load port located in front of equipment , comprising:a local vehicle provided with a hoist for raising and lowering a carrier;a travelling rail for the local vehicle passing over the load port and provided below a travelling path of the overhead travelling vehicles; anda slidable buffer comprising: a cell configurated to support a carrier thereon; and a guide mechanism configured to support and slide the cell between an advanced position under the travelling rail and a backwards position laterally separated from the travelling rail,wherein the guide mechanism is configured to move between an active position laterally protruding from the travelling rail, and a retracted position laterally less protruding from the travelling rail by a shorter length than the active position and allowing an overhead travelling vehicle to transfer a carrier between the load port,wherein the travelling rail extends along a front face of the equipment ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Wafer transport system and method for transporting wafers

Номер: US20200176294A1

A wafer transport device is moved on a transport rail, and stopped above a load port having a top surface. A light beam is projected onto the top surface of the load port, and image of the top surface is and the light beam is captured. A position of the hoist unit of the wafer transport device is aligned with respect to a position of the load port according to the image. The hoist unit is lowered toward the load port.

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Reticle Transfer System and Method

Номер: US20160196994A1
Автор: Chang Ching-Jung

A fabrication system comprises placing an internal buffer at a default position of a local system, wherein the default position is a first boundary between a first service area and a second service area, loading a reticle from a first apparatus into a first carrier, wherein the first apparatus and the first carrier is located in the first service area, determining whether a conflicting reticle transfer event occurs in the second service area and transporting the reticle to a second apparatus in the second service area. 1. A method comprising: a first buffer at a boundary between the global system and the local system;', 'a second buffer at a default position of the local system, wherein the default position is a boundary between a first service area and a second service area; and', 'a third buffer at an end of the local system, wherein the first service area is from the first buffer to the second buffer and the second service area is from the second buffer to the third buffer;, 'transporting wafers and reticles between a global system and a local system, wherein an input terminal of the local system is connected to the global system, and wherein the local system comprisestransporting a reticle from a first scanner in the first service area to a second scanner in the second service area;adjusting the boundary between the first service area and the second service area by moving the second buffer, wherein the second scanner is in the first service area as a result of performing the step of adjusting the boundary between the first service area and the second service area; andtransporting the reticle to the second scanner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the global system includes a rail transportation system, a plurality of stockers and a main aisle.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:storing a wafer at a stocker when the wafer is out of a processing apparatus; andretrieving the wafer from the stocker before sending the wafer into the processing apparatus.4. ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180864A1

A storage system includes shelves each with a nozzle to supply clean gas into containers, flow amount controllers to control a supply amount of clean gas to a nozzle, a transport apparatus to transfer the containers to and from the shelves, and a controller to control the transport apparatus and the flow amount controllers. The controller makes an assignment of at least one shelf in preparation to store an incoming container and before the occurrence of the incoming container, and controls a flow amount controlling device to supply clean gas to the nozzle in the at least one shelf, based upon the assignment. 15-. (canceled)6. A storage system comprising:a plurality of shelves each includes at least one nozzle to supply clean gas into containers;a plurality of flow amount controllers to respectively control a supply amount of the clean gas to the at least one nozzle;at least one transport apparatus to transfer the containers to and from the shelves; anda controller to control the at least one transport apparatus and the flow amount controllers; whereinthe controller is configured or programmed to:make an assignment of at least one shelf in preparation to store an incoming container and before the occurrence of the incoming container; andcontrol one of the flow amount controllers to supply the clean gas to the at least one nozzle in the at least one shelf, based upon the assignment.7. The storage system according to claim 6 , whereinthe storage system is a purge stocker and includes an entrance and dispatch port;the at least one transport apparatus transports the containers between the entrance and dispatch port and the shelves; andthe controller is further configured or programmed to make the assignment of the at least one shelf in advance, before the incoming container arrives at the entrance and dispatch port.8. The storage system according to claim 6 , wherein the controller is further configured or programmed to control the one of the flow amount controllers to ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Pallet robot with grab

Номер: US20200180918A1
Автор: Roland Stehr
Принадлежит: Duecker Group GmbH

The invention relates to a handling apparatus (1), having a drive carriage (2), which is movable relative to a carrier (3), wherein a scissor lift (7) having a plurality of scissor lift members (8) is arranged on the first end of the drive carriage (2), wherein a carrier plate (11), which is movable by means of the scissor lift (7) relative to the drive carriage (2), is arranged on the second end of the scissor lift (7), wherein a gripping tool is arranged on the carrier plate (11), wherein the gripping tool has at least two guide rods (13) mounted on the carrier plate (11), wherein a gripping element (14) is arranged on the end region of each guide rod (13), wherein the distance between the gripping elements (14) can be modified in a controlled manner by means of a drive (15), and wherein the gripping elements (14) are each interchangeably arranged and fixed via a coupling element (40) to the associated guide rod (13) thereof.

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170194182A1
Автор: TAKAI Kaname

Carriers to be temporarily stored are increased in number, without providing a local vehicle with a lateral transfer mechanism. Carriers are transported between load ports of equipment by overhead travelling vehicles and local vehicles, both provided with a hoist, and the overhead travelling vehicles are provided with a lateral transfer mechanism for laterally moving the hoist. A travelling rail for the overhead travelling vehicles is provided so as to pass over a load port, and a travelling rail for the local vehicle is provided below the travelling rail for the overhead travelling vehicles and over the load port. Slidable buffers are provided and configured to slide between forward positions under the travelling rail for the local vehicle and rearward positions laterally separated from the positions under the travelling rail for the local vehicle. A space over the slidable buffers at the rearward position is open for the transfer of carriers. 1. A transport system for transporting carriers between load ports of equipment , comprising:overhead travelling vehicles provided with a hoist raising and lowering carriers and a lateral transfer mechanism laterally moving the hoist;a travelling rail for the overhead travelling vehicles provided in a ceiling space of a building and passing over a load port;a local vehicle provided with a hoist for raising and lowering carriers;a travelling rail for the local vehicle, provided at a position below the travelling rail for the overhead travelling vehicles and over the load port;at least one slidable buffer configured to slide between a forward position under the travelling rail for the local vehicle and a rearward position laterally separated from the position under the travelling rail for the local vehicle and to support a carrier thereon; anda buffer controller configured and programmed to control the local vehicle and the slidable buffer,wherein a space above the slidable buffer at the rearward position is open for transfer ...
