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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 20465. Отображено 200.
27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320253C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству для выдачи или варки напитков. Точнее, настоящее изобретение относится к устройству для выдачи или варки напитков, выполненному с возможностью подачи улучшающего компонента в предшественник напитка. Средство подачи выполнено с возможностью подачи улучшающего компонента непосредственно в предшественник напитка или непосредственно в разбавитель, или в предшественник напитка, когда его объединяют с разбавителем, или после объединения предшественника напитка с разбавителем. Напиток, выдаваемый из устройства для выдачи напитка по настоящему изобретению, имеет превосходные вкусовые и ароматические свойства. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2652950C2
Принадлежит: КРОНЭС АГ (DE)

Устройство (1) для извлечения жидкостей из деформируемых емкостей (10) содержит первое удерживающее устройство (2) для креплении одной первой области (10а) емкости (10), второе удерживающее устройство (4) для крепления второй области (10b) емкости (10), причем эта вторая область (10b) расположена на расстоянии от первой области (10а), устройство (12) для извлечения жидкости из емкости и приводное устройство (8), которое перемещает второе удерживающее устройство (4) относительно первого удерживающего устройства (2) в заданном направлении (L) движения. В соответствии с изобретением устройство (12) извлечения расположено с возможностью удаления на устройстве (1) и по меньшей мере один элемент устройства (12) извлечения выполнен в качестве элемента разового использования. 2 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2312058C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для разлива жидкостей или напитков, имеющему самоочищающееся разливное сопло. Это устройство включает корпус, снабженный внутренним каналом, имеющим первый конец, к которому подсоединяется разливное сопло, и второй конец, который предназначается для подсоединения к нему впускного трубопровода для жидкости. Устройство дополнительно включает коллекторный элемент, который может перемещаться относительно корпуса между первым своим положением, в котором выпускное отверстие сопла освобождается от коллекторного элемента и осуществляется разлив напитка, и вторым своим положением, в котором коллекторный элемент может быть установлен перед выпускным отверстием сопла, чтобы собирать всю жидкость, которая выходит из выпускного отверстия, и осуществляется очистка сопла. Изобретением обеспечивается эффективная промывка и очистка разливного сопла. 3 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

23-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2762864C2
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО, ИНК. (US)

Описанные варианты осуществления изобретения по существу относятся к диспенсеру для напитков. В частности, варианты осуществления относятся к клапану выдачи напитка, а также к системам и способам для выдачи напитка через сопло, которые применяют в диспенсере для напитков, чтобы уменьшить насыщение углекислым газом в готовом напитке. Клапан выдачи напитка может включать в себя впускное отверстие для приема газированной воды, оболочку сопла и выпускное отверстие, расположенное ниже по потоку от оболочки сопла и выполненное с возможностью выдачи готового напитка. Оболочка сопла может включать в себя отверстие, открытое в среду, находящуюся под атмосферным давлением. Способ выдачи напитка может включать протекание газированной воды через впускное отверстие клапана выдачи напитка, снижение давления газированной воды в достаточной степени, чтобы это способствовало образованию пузырьков углекислого газа, протекание газированной воды через камеру, открытую в окружающую среду, таким образом, что ...

24-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692460C2

Аппарат (1) для разлива напитков, предназначенный для разлива разных типов напитков или компонентов (4, 6, 8) напитка, по меньшей мере один из которых является напитком или компонентом напитка на основе солода, содержащий несколько подающих линий (9), каждая из которых проходит от соответствующего подающего источника (2) и содержит управляемый клапан (10) подающей линии, а также управляющее устройство (19) для последовательной установки управляемых клапанов (10) подающей линии, при этом напиток (24) содержит несколько напитков или компонентов (4, 6, 8) напитка, разливаемых в приемную емкость (14) после осуществления каждого этапа последовательности, и это происходит в течение одного цикла выпуска жидкости через кран. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2393106C2

Изобретение предназначено для определения соотношения между потоками, образующими на выходе напиток, например, из сиропа и воды. Устройство представляет собой разделитель потока для использования с разливочным соплом. Разделитель потока содержит камеру для приема первой жидкости и наружную камеру для приема второй жидкости. Внутренняя камера содержит вентиляционный элемент для ввода воздуха в эту камеру. Представлен также способ пространственного разделения посредством этого разделителя, при котором получают точное и быстрое измерение соотношения выведенных из него компонентов. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2346883C2
Принадлежит: ИНБЕВ С.А. (BE)

Изобретение предназначено для разлива напитков из пакета, помещенного в емкость. Емкость размещена в корпусе и имеет установленный на нее адаптер крана для разлива из нее напитка. Адаптер содержит первый газовый соединительный элемент и газопровод, выполненный с возможностью соединения с емкостью для снабжения ее газом под давлением для облегчения разлива напитка. Адаптер имеет по меньшей мере один установочный элемент газового соединения. В корпусе устройства размещен питающий газопровод, имеющий второй газовый соединительный элемент, выполненный с возможностью герметичного соединения с первым газовым соединительным элементом. Устройство имеет направляющую для установки в ней второго газового соединительного элемента и выполненную с возможностью приема установочного элемента газового соединения адаптера крана в поступательном и направляющем соотношении между ними, позволяющем перемещение первого газового соединительного элемента в герметичное замыкание со вторым газовым соединительным ...

06-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650070C2
Принадлежит: КРОНЭС АГ (DE)

Устройство (1) для извлечения жидкостей из деформируемых емкостей (10), содержащее первое удерживающее устройство (2) для удержания первой области (10а) емкости 10 и второе удерживающее устройство (4) для удержания второй области (10b) емкости (10), причем вторая область (10b) расположена на расстоянии от первой области (10а), устройство (12) для извлечения жидкости из емкости и приводное устройство (8), которое перемещает второе удерживающее устройство (4) относительно первого удерживающего устройства (2) в заданном направлении (L) движения. В соответствии с изобретением устройство (12) извлечения расположено с возможностью удаления на втором удерживающем устройстве и предусмотрен опорный элемент (13), который в режиме извлечения подпирает по меньшей мере один элемент (14) устройства извлечения в направлении (L) движения. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361410C2

Камера смешивания для получения негазированного чайного напитка, подверженного развитию в нем вызывающих порчу микроорганизмов, которая содержит линию подачи чайного концентрата, имеющую обратный клапан; линию подачи горячей воды; линию подачи холодной воды, имеющую обратный клапан; и причем полученный негазированный чайный напиток имеет микробное число лучше допустимого значения и является по существу однородным негазированным чайным напитком. Камера смешивания входит в устройство для выдачи чайного напитка. Это позволяет получить чайный напиток, имеющий микробное число лучше допустимого значения и которое является по существу однородным негазированным чайным напитком. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

27-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2371375C2

Изобретение представляет собой разливной автомат для питьевой воды. Автомат обеспечивает подачу напитка из контейнера для напитка через систему труб, при этом предусмотрено устройство, предназначенное для тепловой стерилизации системы труб и соединительной части контейнера для напитка, соединенного с системой труб и крана. Разливной автомат обеспечивает подачу напитка из контейнера для напитка через систему труб и кран, при этом предусмотрено устройство, предназначенное для тепловой стерилизации системы труб и крана. Между контейнером для напитка и резервуаром для горячего напитка расположено поглощающее средство для восприятия повышения уровня воды, вызванное объемным расширением горячего напитка в резервуаре для горячего напитка. Таким образом, обеспечивается стерилизация системы в разливном автомате, при которой не требуется дополнительного ввода горячей воды. 9 н. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил., 2 табл.

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2536554C2
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО, ИНК. (US)

Автомат (1) для разливки напитков принимает контейнер (104) для жидкости в позиции (141) установки и включает в себя устройство (120) считывания данных, конфигурированное для сканирования отличительного знака продукта на установленном контейнере. На основе данных этого сканирования контроллер управляет насосом (197) и клапаном (206) для смешивания концентрата напитка из установленного контейнера с разбавителем, который соответствует желательному напитку. Контроллер смешивает концентрат и разбавитель в пропорции, которая основана на данных сканирования. Контроллер также может выбирать правильный разбавитель на основе данных сканирования. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

24-06-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для разлива напитков

Номер: RU2692283C2

Устройство для разлива напитков содержит корпус; первое входное отверстие для жидкости, присоединенное или выполненное с возможностью присоединения к источнику жидкой основы; второе входное отверстие для жидкости, присоединенное или выполненное с возможностью присоединения к источнику жидкой основы или к источнику сжатого газа; пару струйных смесителей; первую жидкостную линию, соединяющую первое входное отверстие для жидкости и струйный смеситель; вторую жидкостную линию, соединяющую второе входное отверстие для жидкости и струйный смеситель; первый контейнер для ингредиента, содержащий первый ингредиент напитка, таблетку или капсулу, предусмотренную в средстве для приема первого контейнера для ингредиента, выполненный так, что при обеспечении потока жидкости в первой жидкостной линии первый ингредиент напитка подается из контейнера для ингредиента в поток жидкости; второй контейнер для ингредиента, содержащий второй ингредиент напитка, при этом контейнер для ингредиента, предусмотренный ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2474531C2

Группа изобретений относится к системам заполнения контейнеров, в которых струи ингредиентов комбинируют в зоне заполнения. Предлагается линия розлива для заполнения партии контейнеров, содержащая замкнутый конвейер и дозаторы микроингредиента, установленные рядом с замкнутым конвейером и содержащие один или более микроингредиентов с коэффициентом разбавления, по меньшей мере, 10:1, и одну или более станций макроингредиентов, установленных рядом с замкнутым конвейером. При этом дозаторы микроингредиента выполнены с возможностью выдачи требуемых доз микроингредиентов без остановки замкнутого конвейера у каждого из указанных дозаторов. Группа изобретений обеспечивает быстродействие разливочной системы и ее адаптирование к розливу продуктов различного состава. 3 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

11-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2633202C1
Принадлежит: ПЕПСИКО, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение касается системы, включающей в себя модульную систему для розлива, по меньшей мере одну раздаточную головку на барной стойке, передаточный блок, находящийся на расстоянии от барной стойки, и трубопровод, идущий от передаточного блока к барной стойке. В одном аспекте передаточный блок содержит централизованную восстановительную технологическую систему, содержащую, по меньшей мере, первую смесительную камеру и вторую смесительную камеру и выполненную с возможностью объединения воды, по меньшей мере, с первым высококонцентрированным ингредиентом напитка в первой смесительной камере для образования первой восстановленной смеси и объединения воды, по меньшей мере, со вторым высококонцентрированным ингредиентом напитка во второй смесительной камере для образования второй восстановленной смеси, а в другом аспекте - централизованную систему ингредиентов, имеющую множество источников вкусовых ингредиентов напитков, а трубопровод содержит главный пучок микротрубок. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил ...

21-07-2022 дата публикации

Устройство для розлива напитка

Номер: RU2776496C1

Изобретение относится к торговому оборудованию и может быть использовано для отпуска напитка в торговых точках. Устройство для розлива напитка содержит источник давления, тройники, емкость с жидкостью, механизм фиксации тары, соединенные посредством трубопровода, плату управления. Редуктор контроля подачи давления соединен с источником давления и с датчиком контроля подачи давления, соединенным с индикатором подачи давления, с емкостью с жидкостью и с механизмом фиксации тары. Между датчиком контроля подачи давления и механизмом фиксации тары установлен электромагнитный клапан блокировки давления. Между емкостью с жидкостью и механизмом фиксации тары установлены электромагнитный клапан блокировки подачи жидкости и счетчик жидкости. Механизм фиксации тары соединен с помощью тройников с редуктором контроля сброса давления и с электромагнитным клапаном полного сброса давления. Между механизмом фиксации тары и редуктором контроля сброса давления установлены электромагнитный клапан контролируемого ...

27-06-2003 дата публикации

Мобильная установка для розничной торговли пивом, квасом и другими прохладительными напитками

Номер: RU30250U1
Автор: Левчук В.В.

... 1. Мобильная установка для розничной торговли пивом, квасом и другими прохладительными напитками, содержащая корпус для размещения в нем емкостей и разливочно-охладительного оборудования, включающий боковые и переднюю панели, плоскую столешницу, основание, обрамляющий каркас в виде замкнутой пространственной фермы, образованной соединенными между собой стержнями из коробчатых металлических профилей с продольными пазами, охватывающими кромки панелей и столешницы, площадку на столешнице с отверстием для крепления разливочного устройства, колесные опоры и, по крайней мере, одну транспортировочную ручку, отличающаяся тем, что основание выполнено из металлического листа и оснащено прикрепленными к металлическому листу поперечными балками, опирающимися на колесные опоры, и поперечными и продольными отбортовками, поперечные и передняя продольная отбортовки отогнуты вверх, примыкают к боковым и передней панелям и жестко соединены с ними с образованием совместно с основанием жесткой несущей панельной ...

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU105903U1

... 1. Корпус (1) аппарата для ручного розлива пенящихся и/или газированных напитков, представляющий собой составное тело, верхняя съемная часть (2) которого с крышкой (3) образует внутреннюю полость (4) для установки переключателя (5) потоков и имеет элемент (6) прижима переключателя (5) потоков, а в нижней части (7) тела корпуса (1) выполнены каналы (8 и 9) для подключения штуцеров подачи напитка и газа или напитков и каналы (10 и 11) для налива напитка и подачи газа в емкость и вывода газа в атмосферу, вокруг которой расположена с возможностью поворота и возвратно-поступательного перемещения подвижная часть (12) корпуса (1) с ручкой (13) управления, кинематически связанная с нижней частью (7) посредством байонетного или резьбового соединения, отличающийся тем, что верхняя съемная часть (2) тела корпуса (1) с крышкой (3) и элементом (6) прижима переключателя (5) потока и/или подвижная часть (12) корпуса (1) с ручкой (13) управления выполнены в виде единой неразъемной конструкции. ! 2. Корпус ...

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU82205U1

... 1. Многофункциональная автоматическая установка для розничной торговли напитками, включающая корпус с передней панелью и расположенные в корпусе емкость с водой, емкость с углекислым газом, емкости с добавками, связанные трубопроводами, блок оплаты, блок выдачи тары, блок выдачи напитка и систему управления, а также расположенные на передней панели корпуса электронное устройство приема денег, как минимум одно окно для выдачи тары и розлива напитка, при этом установка снабжена камерой смешивания, связанной входными трубопроводами со всеми емкостями, и электроактиватором воды, связанным входным трубопроводом с емкостью для воды, а выходным трубопроводом - с камерой смешивания и соединенным с системой управления, причем камера смешивания снабжена краном с тремя выходами и связана тремя линиями трубопроводов с блоком выдачи напитка, одна из которых соединена с блоком выдачи напитка напрямую, другая снабжена охладителем, а третья снабжена нагревателем, при этом установка снабжена блоком утилизации ...

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Мобильная установка для розничной торговли, преимущественно прохладительными напитками

Номер: RU30529U1
Автор: Левчук В.В.

... 1. Мобильная установка для розничной торговли, преимущественно прохладительными напитками, содержащая корпус, включающий боковые и переднюю стенки из пластиковых панелей, плоскую столешницу, основание, обрамляющий каркас в виде пространственной фермы, образованной соединенными между собой стержнями из коробчатых металлических профилей, обрамляющими кромки панелей и столешницы, колесные опоры и, по крайней мере, одну транспортировочную ручку, отличающаяся тем, что корпус выполнен с двумя разновысокими отсеками, каждый из которых имеет собственную столешницу, и оснащен вертикальной поперечной стенкой из пластиковой панели, разделяющей указанные отсеки, основание является единым для обоих отсеков, выполнено из металлического листа и оснащено прикрепленными к металлическому листу поперечными балками, опирающимися на колесные опоры, и поперечными и продольными отбортовками, задняя продольная отбортовка основания отогнута вниз, охватывает снаружи задний нижний продольный стержень обрамляющего ...

27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU110732U1

... 1. Кран для разлива пищевых продуктов, характеризующийся тем, что содержит ручку переключателя потоков, связанную через втулку пивного крана и шпильку с верхней крышкой и выполненную с возможностью размещения поверх крышки сферической смесителя, фитинг прямой, крышку сферическую смесителя, соединенную с корпусом смесителя, внутри которого расположен картридж смесителя, и выполненный с возможностью размещения на корпусе крана, выполненный с горизонтальным сквозным отверстием, закрытым с одной стороны пробкой с прокладкой, а с другой стороны в сквозное отверстие вставлен штуцер, связанный с ниппелем, при этом корпус крана имеет два расположенных друг под другом боковых отверстия, в одно из которых вставлен фитинг-угольник, подключенный через шланг фитингом-тройником, а в другом закреплен дроссель, в который вставляется ручка дросселя, и снизу корпус крана соединен с механизмом поджима бутылки, связанным через втулку пивного крана и винт с ручкой механизма поджима бутылки, а внутри корпуса ...

25-12-2018 дата публикации

Фитинговое устройство

Номер: RU185937U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к области упаковочных элементов, предназначенных для герметичного укупоривания одноразовых ПЭТ-кег емкостью 30 литров, применяемых для розлива таких напитков, как пиво, квас, сидр, лимонад, вино. Фитинговое устройство включает корпус, клапан, уплотнительный элемент, шайбу, шток, пружину и крышку. Корпус имеет колоколообразную форму и ребра жесткости. В крышку вкручены корпус в сборе со штоком, клапаном, шайбой и пружиной. При этом крышка имеет ключ-замок с усилителями, представленный чередованием углублений и возвышений, расположенных сверху и снизу верхней плоской части крышки. Между крышкой и корпусом находится уплотнительное кольцо. Шток представлен трубкой с одним отверстием в низу и двумя по бокам, имеет выступы – упоры для корпуса. На шток надеты: клапан, шайба и пружина. При этом шайба является прокладкой между торцом пружины и клапаном. Пружина изготовлена из нержавеющей стали. Полезная модель позволяет продлить срок службы за счет повышения качества ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182420U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для дозированного отпуска талой воды, горячей и холодной, и предназначена для использования в домашних условиях, в офисах, учреждениях и других общественных местах. Кулер содержит полый корпус, термоизолированную емкость, выполненную в виде прямоугольного параллепипеда с сужающемся книзу днищем и откидной крышкой. В термоизолированной емкости, снабженной системой охлаждения, установлена подставка с элементом нагрева для ледяного блока. Термоизолированная емкость через сливной патрубок соединена с накопительной емкостью. Накопительная емкость соединена с емкостями горячей и охлажденной воды. Охлаждающий элемент способен охлаждать воду до температуры в диапазоне от +3 до +25°С, а нагревательный элемент может нагревать воду до температуры в диапазоне от +25 до +100°С. В наклонном, сужающемся к низу днище термоизолированной емкости выше центрального сливного патрубка расположено сливное отверстие, связанное с резервной емкостью. Кулер удобен в эксплуатации ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU182600U1

Укупорочный узел для кега относится к устройствам, обеспечивающим сохранность газированных напитков при транспортировании, хранении и отпуске напитков. Разработан для массового производства. Обеспечивает за счет байонетного соединения и двух разного типа фиксаторов надежный прижим клапана к горловине кега, защищая это соединение от проворота клапана относительно горловины кега и от размыкания.

27-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175305C1

Узел предназначен для использования в пищевой, медицинской и химической промышленностях при подготовке тары и заполнении ее продуктом производства. Узел зажимной содержит корпус, концентрично установленный на наружном патрубке. Наружный и внутренний патрубки имеют штуцер для, соответственно, выхода и входа рабочего агента. Внутренний патрубок жестко связан со штоком пневмоцилиндра, корпус которого закреплен на корпусе зажимного узла, имеющего прорезь для размещения штуцеров наружного и внутреннего патрубков. Патрубки установлены с возможностью первоначального совместного осевого перемещения относительно корпуса и последующего осевого перемещения внутреннего патрубка относительно наружного при фиксированном положении последнего. Наружный патрубок имеет кольцевую манжету из упругого эластичного материала. Внутренний патрубок выполнен на свободном конце с кольцевым наконечником, имеющим кольцевой выступ, перфорированный со стороны упомянутого кольцевого наконечника и расположенный с возможностью ...

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2070398C1

Использование: для смешивания напитков, например при приготовлении холодных сатурированных напитков. Сущность изобретения: сатуратор 14 содержит наружный жесткий контейнер 15, внутри которого расположен гофрированный внутренний сосуд 16, который сжимается и расширяется, при этом в начальный период цикла насыщается углекислым газом; сосуд 16 сжат под действием пружины 22. Вода подается через трубку 18 в сосуд 16, который расширяется до тех пор, пока усилие пружины не уравновесит давление в трубке 18, и поток воды перекрывается клапаном 20. Затем по трубопроводу 25 через диффузор 24 подается под давлением двуокись углерода. 1 з.п. ф-лы. 7 ил.

17-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2709199C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для газовой заправки. Устройство (1) для газовой заправки содержит средства заправки для транспортирования газа от его источника через трубопровод при одновременном измерении расхода газа, соединенный с этим трубопроводом заправочный шланг (3), снабженный на одном конце заправочным пистолетом (4), держатель (5) для подвешивания пистолета и направляющий механизм (7) для перемещения заправочного пистолета от его держателя в заданное положение после отделения этого пистолета от держателя. Направляющий механизм может направлять заправочный пистолет к заправочному штуцеру установленного на автомобиле топливного баллона. Достигается перемещение заправочного пистолета к заправочному штуцеру топливного баллона при большом весе заправочного пистолета. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

15-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2755364C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу разлива напитков в гостиничной отрасли или другой коммерческой сфере, а также в случаях бытового или потребительского применения и, в частности, для автоматизированного управления дозированным разливом напитков под давлением. Способ раздачи и разлива напитков включает создание избыточного давления в полном объеме напитка; передачу указанного напитка, находящегося под избыточным давлением, в дозатор для обеспечения дозированного выпуска, сообщающегося по текучей среде с краном или патрубком, способом, который обеспечивает конкретный управляемый дозированный разлив напитка в сосуд для напитка; и согласование указанного сосуда для напитка с дозированием раздаваемого регламентированного напитка; причем указанный дозатор дополнительно содержит камеру дозирования, выполненную с возможностью действовать в качестве питаемого линейным давлением двунаправленного разливочного устройства, при этом указанная камера образует заданный внутренний объем, который приблизительно ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005119638A

... 1. Устройство для дозирования стабильной пекарной дрожжевой суспензии (21) в пекарне, содержащее - предмет обстановки, снабженный охлаждаемым отделением (10), имеющим регулируемую внутреннюю температуру от -2 до 12°С, предпочтительно от 0 до 5°С; - сменный переносной резервуар (20), расположенный в охлаждаемом отделении (10) и содержащий стабильную дрожжевую суспензию (21), причем указанный резервуар (20) имеет общий внутренний объем от 1 до 100 л, предпочтительно от 3 до 100 л, более предпочтительно от 5 до 50 л, и даже более предпочтительно от 10 до 25 л, и выходное отверстие (24) для дрожжевой суспензии; - выходной канал (26) для дозирования дрожжевой суспензии, причем указанный канал (26) соединяет выходное отверстие (24) сменного переносного резервуара (20) с выпускным отверстием (27) на наружной стороне охлаждаемого отделения (10), и - механизм 30 открывания/закрывания для выходного канала (26), обеспечивающий открывание выходного канала (26) для выдачи дрожжевой суспензии и закрывание ...

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004112756A

... 1. Способ термической дезинфекции питьевой воды в водоразборной колонке, имеющей в своем составе систему или контур распределения воды и содержащей участок запитывания водой, причем система или контур распределения воды содержат трубопроводы, резервуары, краны и аналогичные элементы, а также выходной раздаточный кран, отличающийся тем, что проводят непрерывную дезинфекцию воды, содержащейся в системе или контуре распределения водоразборной колонки, с обеспечением нагревания всей системы или контура и соответственно воды, содержащейся в системе или контуре, находящихся в контакте с водой и располагающихся между участком запитывания водой, соответствующим системе ударного пробивания пробки баллона с водой или системе подвода воды от водопроводной сети, и выходным раздаточным краном, причем нагревание осуществляют до некоторой предварительно определенной температуры и на протяжении некоторого предварительно определенного времени, и с некоторой предварительно определенной частотой, выбираемой ...

10-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007106886A

... 1. Машина для розлива, содержащая а) трубку для перемещения компонента, интенсифицирующего напиток, прикрепленную к устройству для хранения компонента, интенсифицирующий напиток; b) трубку перед насосом, прикрепленную к камере хранения, содержащей исходный продукт для получения напитка, при этом компонент, интенсифицирующий напиток, и исходный продукт для получения напитка нагнетают внутри машины для розлива посредством одного пищевого насоса к трубке за насосом, причем трубку для перемещения компонента, интенсифицирующего напиток, соединяют с трубкой перед насосом и отрицательное давление, создаваемое пищевым насосом, втягивает компонент, интенсифицирующий напиток, к трубке перед насосом с исходным продуктом для получения напитка. 2. Машина для розлива по п.1, в которой трубка за насосом содержит предварительную смесь для приготовления напитка, содержащую компонент, интенсифицирующий напиток, и исходный продукт для получения напитка. 3. Машина для розлива по п.1, в которой компонентом, ...

20-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006132721A

... 1. Устройство для выдачи напитков, содержащее корпус, включающий зону выдачи для выдачи напитка в контейнер; по меньшей мере, один насос и управляющий клапан, соединенные с источником разбавителя, подлежащего выдаче в зоне выдачи; зону приема картриджа в корпусе; выдачной исполнительный механизм, расположенный в корпусе; картридж с концентратом/экстрактом, с возможностью удаления вводимый в зону приема картриджа в положение для приведения в действие выдачным исполнительным механизмом, при этом картридж с концентратом/экстрактом приспособлен для удерживания концентрата/экстракта напитка и включает отверстие для выдачи концентрата/экстракта напитка в зону выдачи после помещения картриджа с концентратом/экстрактом в зону приема картриджа; и контроллер, расположенный в корпусе, для управления исполнительным механизмом для выдачи концентрата/экстракта из картриджа и управления по меньшей мере одним насосом или управляющим клапаном для выдачи разбавителя, так чтобы выдавать концентрат/экстракт ...

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006107564A

... 1. Охлаждающая пластина для использования с дозатором напитка, источником напитка, содержащим напиток, и контуром, через который проходит хладагент, причем охлаждающая пластина, содержит первую трубу и вторую трубу, при этом указанная первая труба выполнена с возможностью соединения с указанным дозатором напитка и указанным источником напитка для получения соединения по текучей среде указанного напитка, причем указанная вторая труба выполнена с возможностью соединения с указанным контуром для обеспечения сообщения по текучей среде указанного хладагента, при этом указанные первая и вторая трубы находятся в тепловом контакте друг с другом, тем самым, охлаждая указанный напиток указанным хладагентом. 2. Пластина по п.1, дополнительно содержащая корпус, в котором первая и вторая трубы являются каналами, образованными в указанном корпусе. 3. Пластина по п.1, в которой указанные первая и вторая трубы так расположены относительно друг друга, чтобы максимально увеличить область теплового контакта ...

10-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009135831A

... 1. Дозатор содержит: ! корпус, имеющий полость, образованную в нем и имеющую выпускное отверстие; ! поршень, размещенный внутри корпуса; ! подпружиненный предохранительный механизм, соединенный с поршнем и имеющий отверстие, образованное в нем; ! удлиненный элемент, способный выполнять поступательное перемещение в первом направлении и во втором направлении, противоположном первому направлению, причем удлиненный элемент способен фрикционно входить в зацепление с предохранительным механизмом на краю отверстия таким образом, что когда удлиненный элемент перемещается в первом направлении, предохранительный механизм заставляет поршень перемещаться в первом направлении, при этом предохранительный механизм способен поворачиваться, когда удлиненный элемент перемещается во втором направлении таким образом, что удлиненный элемент проходит через отверстие в предохранительном механизме и перемещается во втором направлении независимо от поршня; ! спусковой крючок, находящийся в функциональной связи ...

20-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009129940A

... 1. Устройство (3) для дозирования основной жидкости и перемешивания этой основной жидкости с разбавителем для приготовления непищевого продукта, приспособленное для соединения с емкостью (4), содержащей жидкость, при этом устройство (3) содержит: ! канал (69) для дозирования жидкости, ! впускное отверстие (71) для разбавителя с каналом (70) для разбавителя, ! смесительную камеру (80) для перемешивания жидкости и разбавителя, ! при этом канал (70) для разбавителя расположен относительно канала (69) для дозирования жидкости так, чтобы поток разбавителя пересекал поток жидкости перед смесительной камерой (80) или в смесительной камере, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено жидкостным насосом (6), который является элементом устройства и предназначен для дозирования жидкости в канал для дозирования жидкости, а также оно содержит средства для повышения скорости потока разбавителя, относительно его скорости во впускном отверстии (71), на том участке, где пересекаются потоки разбавителя и жидкости ...

27-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008101263A

... 1. Устройство розлива напитков, имеющее источник воды и источник газа, содержащее распределительный клапан для напитка; один или более трубопроводов воды, соединяющих распределительный клапан с источником воды; расходомер, установленный на указанных трубопроводах, для измерения расхода проходящей по ним воды; и дозатор, установленный у источника газа, для подачи заданного объема газа, в зависимости от расхода воды, измеренного расходомером, в один или более трубопроводов воды. ! 2. Устройство розлива по п.1, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит водяной насос, соединенный с источником воды. ! 3. Устройство розлива по п.2, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит пневматическую камеру, соединенную с водяным насосом. ! 4. Устройство розлива по п.1, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит охлаждающую плиту, соединенную с источником воды. ! 5. Устройство розлива по п.1, отличающееся тем, что один или более трубопроводов включают в себя один или более трубопроводов простой воды ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013157953A

... 1. Многобашенная модульная раздаточная система, содержащая:по меньшей мере первую раздаточную головку и вторую раздаточную головку на стойке, транспортный узел, расположенный удаленно от стойки, систему трубок, проходящую от транспортного узла к стойке, при этом транспортный узел содержит централизованную систему ингредиентов, имеющую множество источников ингредиентов напитка, при этом централизованная система ингредиентов выполнена с возможностью подачи ингредиентов напитка в систему трубок для раздачи первого напитка на стойке, при этом система трубок содержит основной микропучок, содержащий по меньшей мере две отдельные линии ингредиентов напитка.2. Система по п. 1, содержащая по меньшей мере один узел дозатора, соответствующий по меньшей мере первой раздаточной головке, при этом узел дозатора выполнен с возможностью приема ингредиента напитка от транспортного узла и для дозирования заранее определенного количества ингредиента напитка на первую раздаточную головку.3. Система по п. 2, ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Раздаточная система для напитков

Номер: RU2015125892A

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013118442A

... 1. Дозирующее устройство (2), приспособленное для дозировки жидкости из емкости (1), удерживаемой в позиции в удерживающей части (201) устройства, причем указанная емкость (1) содержит подлежащую дозировке жидкость и содержит горловину (5), закрытую затвором (8), содержащим по меньшей мере одно дозирующее отверстие (10B), причем указанное дозирующее устройство (2) содержит дозирующую часть (202), снабженную:(a) системой (300) клапанов для управления потоком из емкости, и(b) принимающей системой (100A), принимающей и съемно закрепляющей(c) дозирующий патрон (100), частично заключающий дозирующий патрубок (10A), не образующий острый угол и содержащий впускной конец (10IN) и выпускной конец (10OUT), выступающие за первую и вторую стороны указанного патрона соответственно, где, по меньшей мере, часть (10D) указанного дозирующего патрубка (10A), содержащая выпуск (10OUT), выполнена из эластичного, упругого материала, причем указанная эластичная часть (10D) введена в зацепление с системой (300 ...

10-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003124642A

... 1. Устройство для розлива бутылочной воды, содержащее опору бутылки для воды, устанавливаемую на горлышке бутылки для воды, при этом опора бутылки для воды включает в себя стерилизующее средство, предназначенное для стерилизации внутреннего пространства бутылки для воды, воздухо-подсосную трубку, имеющую на первом конце воздушный фильтр, а на втором конце - средство предотвращения подсоса воздуха, и изогнутую для введения в плотный контакт с внутренней поверхностью опоры бутылки для воды, колпачок, в котором имеется незаполненное пространство и водовыпускное отверстие, закрывающий элемент, вставленный вертикально с возможностью перемещения в водовыпускное отверстие для избирательного открывания и закрывания водовыпускного отверстия, и упругий элемент, предназначенный для упругого опирания закрывающего элемента, воронкообразную герметизирующую крышку, устанавливаемую на отверстии дозатора бутылочной воды для заключения в этой крышке опоры бутылки для воды, устанавливаемой на бутылке для ...

28-02-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для дозированной выдачи пенящихся жидкостей из изотермической емкости

Номер: SU1142435A1

... 1.УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ДОЗИРОВАННОЙ ВВДАЧИ ПЕНЯЩИХСЯ ЖИДКОСТЕЙ ИЗ ИЗОТЕРМИЧЕСКОЙ ЕМКОСТИ, состоящее из соединенной с последней системы подачи сжатог® газа с регулятором давления, клапана сброса избыточного давления, датчика уровня жидкости, системы охлаждения, включающей испаритель , и клапанов выдачи жидкости , отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения точности дозирования путем исключения влияния давления столба жидкости в изотермической емкости и возможности выдачи жидкости из нескольких емкостей , оно снабжено дополнительной емкостью, сообщенной с изотермической емкостью через разделительный клапан, а система подачи сжатого газа содержит две магистрали - высокого и низкого давлений, при том первая соединена с изотермической емкостью, а вторая - с дополнитель (/) ной емкостью. Л / ...

15-09-1974 дата публикации

Номер: SU382583A1

15-03-1992 дата публикации

Система разлива газированного заранее приготовленного напитка в условиях микрогравитации космоса

Номер: SU1720478A3

Изобретение относится к разливочной технике и может быть использовано, напри , / t мер, для разлива предварительно смешанных газированных напитков в условиях мик- рогравитации, Цель изобретения - повышение удобства в эксплуатации. Упаковка 19 устанавливается на платформе 10 и после нажатия кнопки выбора напитка срабатывает соленоидный клапан 16, платформа поднимается и трубки 20 упаковки входят в сливную трубку 7, После этого срабатывает соленоидный клапан 13, сообщая цилиндр 8 с источником 2 двуокиси углерода . При этом шток цилиндра 8 выдвигается и выталкивает плунжер 9 из сливной трубки 7, освобождая проход смеси, которая из контейнера 1 через ящик 3 с термоизоляцией и регулятор расхода 14 поступает в сливную трубку 7 и заполняет упаковку 19. Платформа 10 опускается и упаковка готова к употреблению. 4 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил. 8 Ё V4 КЭ 2 VI 00 со ...

07-10-1985 дата публикации

Шкаф разливочного устройства для смешиваемых напитков

Номер: SU1184440A3

... 1. ШКАФ РАЗЛИВОЧНОГО УСТРОЙСТВА ЛЛЯ СМЕШИВАЕМЫХ НАПИТКОВ, содержащий переднюю, заднюю, боковые и нижние стенки, отсеки для размещения в них емкости для воды и входного желоба, бака сатуратора, сменных контейнеров для сиропа и баллона с углекислым газом, отличающийся тем, что, с целью удобства пользования, он снабжен панелью для перекрытия отсеков с контейнерами для сиропа и баллона углекислого газа, панелью для перекрытия отсеков с емкостью для воды и баком сатуратора, панелью для перекрытия отсеков с баллоном углекислого газа, в верхней стенке шкафа образованы отверстия для доступа к отсекам с емкостью и входному желобу, с баллоном углекислого газа и с контейнерами для сиропа, а в передней стенке образованы отверстия для досту- . па к отсекам с контейнерами для сиропа и углекислого газа. 2.Шкаф по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что панель для перекрытия отсеков с контейнерами для сиропа и баллоном углекислого газа смонтирована с возможностью перемещения относительно стенок. 3.Шкаф по п. 2, отлича ...

07-01-1990 дата публикации

Контейнерная система для хранения и раздачи сатурированного напитка и наполнительное устройство к ней

Номер: SU1535375A3

Изобретение относится к хранению и раздаче воды или ароматизированных напитков, находящихся под давлением 6 - 10 атм, и может быть использовано, например, для хранения и выдачи сельтерской воды. Целью изобретения является повышение удобства пользования. Для слива жидкости из контейнера 1 снимают предохранительный колпачок и навинчивают раздаточную головку 7. Нажимают на ручку 9 управления, при этом выступ 36 движется вниз и взаимодействует с наконечником 37, который передает усилие на средство 8 для открывания клапана. При дальнейшем опускании штифт нажимает на наконечник 21, пружина 27 при этом прижимается к упору 38 в держателе 39. Под действием давления газа сатурированная вода поднимается по сифонной трубке 6 и через отверстия 25, 26 поступает в камеру 24. Жидкость проходит между уплотнением и седлом 29 клапана вверх мимо канавок в штифте и поступает в камеру 24. Выпускное отверстие 41 обеспечивает прохождение жидкости под давлением в канал 42, и через канал 12 жидкость выходит наружу ...

30-11-1989 дата публикации

Система для приготовления путем смешивания и выдачи напитка в условиях космической невесомости

Номер: SU1526567A3

Изобретение относится к системам для выдачи напитков и может быть использовано в условиях космоса для приготовления напитка. Целью изобретения является обеспечение возможности приготовления газированных напитков. Предварительно отмеренное количество вкусового концентрата заливается в модуль, из емкости для питья вынимают пробку для удаления из нее газа. Газированная вода от источника через впускной канал 2 и впускной клапан 4 поступает в модуль, где происходит ее смешивание с вкусовым концентратом и получение напитка. При заполнении емкости для питья трубчатое средство подсоединяется к каналу клапанного узла. Заполнение емкости в этом случае достигается нажатием клапанного рычага, который открывает клапан и обеспечивает тем самым проход газированной воды из баллона через трубку и клапанный узел в емкость для питья. 4 ил.

17-04-2012 дата публикации

Wasserventil mit Anflanschkammer ohne Ozon Modulares System

Номер: DE202011106390U1

Das Wasserventil mit Anflanschkammer zur Abgabe von Tafelwasser, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Wasserzulauf an den Korpus angedockt wird.

10-04-1997 дата публикации

Getränke-Abgabevorrichtung für eine Bar

Номер: DE0069308606D1

19-05-2004 дата публикации

Gas holder for chilled water dispenser is a soft polyvinyl chloride plastic component fabricated by injection molding or lathe turning

Номер: DE202004002255U1

A chilled drinks dispenser is linked to a supply via a plastic gas holder (3) with a connector (1) fitting having a threaded tube outlet (2). The outlet (2) is a soft polyvinyl chloride plastic component fabricated by injection molding or lathe turning.

26-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002946398A1

04-02-1982 дата публикации

Controlling addn. of gas or liq. to drink - by balancing double system responsive to property changes

Номер: DE0003024493A1

The addn. of a gas and/or liq. component into a second liq. for making drinks is controlled by initially measuring a physical and/or chemical property of one component, deriving a standard amt. of added component, and controlling the component feed adjuster by a first system responsive to the standard amt. and an instantaneous index value. The property concerned is measured in the mixt. and the actual value is compared with an index value by a second control system. When a permitted deviation is exceeded, a corrective signal alters the instantaneous index value at specified intervals. The first control system supplies the second control system with a signal indicating the change in the feed adjuster and which is compared with the deviation from the index value and ceases to activate the feed adjuster when a predetermined change is reached therein. The appts. is also claimed. Used for adding CO2 with a concentrate to mineral waters, etc., and produces a standard mixt. without hunting of ...

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019649567A1

The invention concerns a liquid container (9) for the storage and removal of liquids, the liquid container comprising a removal opening (8) which can be opened and closed. A sealing element (1c) seals the removal opening with respect to the liquid container when the residual pressure in the liquid container has dropped to a given value. In a further embodiment of a liquid container for the storage and removal of liquids, the liquid container comprising a removal opening which can be opened and closed, the interior of the liquid container is divided by a separator element into two separate partial volumes whose ratio of sizes can be varied by varying the shape and/or position of the separator element. Each of the volumes has a connection which, for one of the volumes, can be used for filling with a gas or air until a given pressure is reached and, for the other volume, constitutes the removal opening.

13-06-1955 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Abgabe abgemessener Mischgetraenke

Номер: DE0000928871C

01-10-1987 дата публикации

Concentrate discharging apparatus for a discharging device for subsequently mixed drinks

Номер: DE0003709161A1

A discharging apparatus for subsequently mixed drinks contains a fully disposable concentrate discharging device, a non-disposable mixing nozzle device which mixes the concentrate and the water without allowing the concentrate to come into contact with any of the walls of the nozzle, and a valve device, which permits a single peristaltic impeller wheel optionally to discharge concentrate from one of a multiplicity of concentrate reservoirs, which can each interact with the single impeller wheel.

31-05-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003744778C2

21-09-1972 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Formkoks aus Kohlen beliebiger Art

Номер: DE0001421258B1
Принадлежит: FMC CORP

01-06-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8803828U1

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Getränkespender mit einem Kühlsystem

Номер: DE102017220159A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Getränkespender umfassend Getränketank (1), einen Getränkeauslass (3a), einen Vorratstank (4) und einen Sammeltank (2) für Kühlflüssigkeit und eine Kältemaschine (6, 7) mit einem Kältepol (8) und einem Wärmepol (9), wobei der Kältepol (8) zwischen dem Getränketank (1) und dem Getränkeauslass (3a) angeordnet ist, so dass er einer im Betrieb vom Getränketank (1) zu dem Getränkeauslass (3a) fließenden Trinkflüssigkeit Wärmeenergie entzieht, der Wärmepol (9) zwischen dem Vorratstank (4) und dem Sammeltank (2) angeordnet ist, so dass er im Betrieb an eine vom Vorratstank (4) zu dem Sammeltank (2) fließenden Kühlflüssigkeit Wärmeenergie abgibt, und die so erwärmte Kühlflüssigkeit in dem Sammeltank (2) gesammelt wird.

21-08-1997 дата публикации

Beer keg surrounded by bucket-shaped thermal insulation

Номер: DE0019605756A1

A bucket-shaped thermally-insulated (1) chilling unit holds drinks especially beer in a keg, drawn through a tap (17). The cylindrical keg wall (5) is formed by a succession of rings which are flat, angled and curved. The recessed flat keg base (6) accommodates an ultra-cooled chill-bag (17), while the roof (7) is slightly domed. The outer keg wall (5) rests against the inner face of the Styrofoam insulation jacket (2).

29-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060126666D1
Автор: FUNK C, FUNK, C.

26-06-1980 дата публикации

Automatic carbonated flavoured drink dispenser - has carbon di:oxide cylinder with valve above level of contents and under liq. tank

Номер: DE0002855839A1

The automatic dispenser for carbonated drinks has a set of push buttons at the front so that a flavour can be selected. At the bottom, to the side, is a compartment where the liquid is dispensed into a beaker. Alongside, behind a cover plate is a cylinder (11) containing carbon dioxide at high pressure. The cylinder is positioned with the dispensing valve (12) alongside a pressure reducting valve (13) and above the level of the contents. The liq. supply tank (10) is located inside the top of the housing.

06-11-1980 дата публикации

Automatic proportional mixer for water and beverage concentrate - has aspirator connected to water supply for drawing concentrate into water flowing through aspirator

Номер: DE0002916551A1

Automatic proportional mixer for intermittently delivering vols. of water mixed with proportional vols. of liq. additive comprises an aspirator connected to a water supply and to a liq. additive delivery pipe. A metering valve adjusts the pressure established in the aspirator by the water and so controls the vol. of additive delivered to the aspirator for admixture with the water. The water/liq. additive mixt. is discharged from the aspirator through a discharge conduit. Mixing water with liq. beverage concentrate for supply to non-carbonated beverage dispensing machines. Small vols. of water and additive can be mixed and supplied at frequent intervals as required.

22-01-2009 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Abfüllen eines Mediums

Номер: DE502004008614D1

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Wasserspender und Wasserbehälter dafür

Номер: DE202014011508U1
Принадлежит: Lee

Wasserspender (10), gekennzeichnet durch: einen Hauptkörper (50) mit einem Aufnahmeraum (51) und einem Anschlussstutzen (53), und einen Wasserbehälter (30) mit einem Behälterkörper (31) und einem Wasserspender-Verbindungsstück (33), worin der Behälterkörper (31) eine Aufnahmekammer (311) zur Aufnahme von Flüssigkeit aufweist, worin das Wasserspender-Verbindungsstück (33) mit dem Behälterkörper (31) verbunden und an einem unteren Abschnitt des Behälterkörpers (31) angeordnet ist, worin, wenn der Wasserbehälter (30) in dem Aufnahmeraum (51) des Hauptkörpers (50) montiert ist und das Wasserspenderverbindungsstück (33) des Wasserbehälters (30) mit dem Verbindungsstutzen (53) des Hauptkörpers (50) verbunden ist, die Flüssigkeit in der Aufnahmekammer (311) des Behälterkörpers (31) durch das Wasserspenderverbindungsstück (33) zu dem Verbindungsstutzen (53) des Hauptkörpers (50) strömen kann, und worin, wenn der Wasserbehälter (30) von dem Hauptkörper (50) abgenommen wird, das Wasserspenderverbindungsstück ...

05-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602007010757D1
Принадлежит: LUDGATE 332 LTD

15-10-1970 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002007726A1

15-06-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002160512A1

30-08-2000 дата публикации

Beer dispensing apparatus

Номер: GB0000017207D0

12-01-2005 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser

Номер: GB0000426969D0

21-07-2021 дата публикации

A drinks dispensing system

Номер: GB2544053B

17-06-1953 дата публикации

Improved liquid dispenser

Номер: GB0000692795A

... 692,795. Mixingliquids in flow in proportionate quantities. HEATH. Ltd.. W. H. June 14. 1951 [Sept. 7, 19501. No. 22067/50. Class 86 [Also in Group XXVIII] A dispensing apparatus for dispensing a mixture of liquids such as water and fruit essence in desired proportions comprises a pedestal, Fig. 1, through which extends a water supply pipe, a tray 2 carrying containers 1 for fruit essence and mixing devices 9 connected to the water supply pipe and each separately communicating with one of the containers 1 through a tube 7. Each mixing device 9, Fig. 2, comprises a tubular mixing chamber 12, a branch 13 connecting it to the water supply pipe and a branch 14 to which is attached one of the tubes 7, this branch including a metering orifice 18 in a washer 17 and a non-return valve 22. An outlet branch 15 includes a manually operated valve 21 which when opened permits water from the supply pipe to flow through the tube 12 to induce fruit essence from the branch 14 producing a mixture which flows ...

17-05-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001274250A

... 1,274,250. Commingling flowing liquids. TORNADO G.m.b.H. 7 Nov., 1969 [14 Dec., 1968], No. 54644/69. Heading B1C. [Also in Division F2] A valve for dispensing drinks mixed from carbonated water and fruit juice has two separate feed ducts ending in an outlet mouthpiece and each provided with a control valve (16), 22 which is manually actuated by a pivoted lever 32 through a plunger 33, a tiltable plate 34 and respective valve stems (16a, 22a). A control valve 9 is disposed in the duct for the fruit juice adjacent to and upstream of the valve 22 to compensate for pressure, viscosity and temperature variations and comprises an adjustably spring-loaded piston 10 with a restriction 10b and movable to regulate apertures 8a. The duct for the fruit juice, has an inlet 7 and an outlet formed by inclined tube 25 while the duct for the carbonated water has an inlet (15) and an outlet formed by slots 30 connecting opening 28 with annular chamber 27.

19-12-1912 дата публикации

Improvements in Apparatus for Drawing Off Liquors from Barrels or the like.

Номер: GB0191203968A

... 3968. Maher, D. Feb. 16. [Cognate Applications, 6159/12, 10,056/12, and 17,783/12.] Beer pumps; suction reservoirs. - Apparatus for drawing-off beer and other liquids from casks comprises an easilycleaned glass or other vessel E, Fig. 1, capable of being rapidly opened and closed air-tight by a lid F, Fig. 2, which may be held in position by means such as hinged screws I<1> engaging with lugs on the cover. Through the cover passes a pipe A connected to the beer pump and another B connected to the barrel. Two other passages D. C, Figs. 1 and 2, are connected to the vent peg of the barrel and the drip from the beer pump, respectively. The inlet from the barrel and the drip inlet are provided with non-return valves consisting of a strip of india-rubber R, Fig. 3, which ma be provided with a rib S and a guard P. The rate at which beer enters the chamber may be regulated by means of interchangeable perforated disks O fitted in the pipe B. The suction pipe A is provided with a strainer L. Between ...

03-09-1952 дата публикации

Dispensing and mixing valve

Номер: GB0000678381A

... 678,381. Dispensing liquids. SADLER, A. L. Aug. 26, 1949, No. 22183/49. [A Specification was laid open to inspection under Sect. 91 of the Acts, Dec. 7, 1950]. Class 116. A valve for dispensing carbonated and other liquid under pressure has a storage chamber with at least one plunger for controlling flow to a surge chamber through a restricted passage, the outlet of the surge chamber is out of line with the inlet and of greater area so that liquid is reduced to atmospheric pressure before discharge. The body 10 of the valve has a tubular support 12 and an inlet 25 for the carbonated water and inlets 42, 43 for syrups. A bore in the body has a plug 14 with three bores for a valve plunger which has a head 28 and a stem 27 and seating in a thimble 29 bearing against the bottom of the plug 14 and urged upwardly by a spring 31. The plug has a diametral bore 30, sealing rings 26 and a groove 16 corresponding with the passage 17 communicating with a tapered bore 18. A plug 23 fits loosely in the ...

16-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001439824A

... 1439824 Mixing flowing streams BOOTH DISPENSERS Ltd 28 Aug 1973 [13 March 1973] 12102/73 Heading B1C A convergent-divergent dispensing nozzle for a beverage has a conduit 38 to which still or carbonated water may selectively be supplied, and a tube 46 for flavouring syrup passing through one of seven apertures 62 in a disc 56 so that jets from the tube and apertures commingle. Up to six of the apertures 62 may accommodate a tube as 46 for different flavouring syrups. The liquid supplies are controlled by solenoid-operated valves (18, Figs. 3 and 4 not shown). In another embodiment, see Fig. 5 (not shown) there is no disc 56 and the tube 46 passes through the wall of the nozzle at an acute angle to the axis, water being supplied through an annular clearance space surrounding the tube.

31-01-1968 дата публикации

Improvements relating to dispensing device for fluids

Номер: GB0001101079A

02-09-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for preparing and measuring beverages

Номер: GB0000257504A

... 257,504. Vetter, O. March 1, 1926. Moving-chamber apparatus.-An apparatus for dispensing lemonades and other beverage under pressure of carbonic acid comprises a plurality of hollow plugcooks, each of which forms a, measuring chamber, in combination with a water-aerating chamber. Fig. 1 shows a device wherein four plug cocks 1 - - 4, are set in a casing A closed by a bottom plate B. The spindles a<1> - - a<4> of the cocks are hollow, and communicate with chambers I-IV containing fruit juices &c., which, the plug being positioned like the plug 1, fill the measuring-chamber. The plug may then be rotated so that the ports i<1>, e communicate respectively with the aerated water-chamber C and the outlet b, b<1>, as shown by the plug 4. Further, the plug may be turned so that the port i<1> communicates with a port y, and an air pipe x, and the port o with the outlet b, b<1>; in this case unaerated liquid is supplied. Also the plug may be turned so that the ports y, o communicate with the chamber ...

15-05-1968 дата публикации

Beverage mixing and dispensing system

Номер: GB0001113498A

... 1,113,498. Mixing apparatus. F. WELTY. 10 July, 1965, No. 29347/65. Heading BIC. [Also in Division A4] In apparatus for dispensing beverages mixed from water and flavouring syrups, the water is supplied by pump 18 to a carbonating tank 13 having CO, supplied via pressure regulator 23 and pipe 22, such that when a faucet valve 35 is opened, carbonated water passes through a cooling coil 12 and a flow restricting coil 29 into discharge spaces 30, 31, 32 causing a pressure drop between the space 32 and the inlet to coil 12. The pressures at these points are applied by pipes 46, 47 to opposite sides of plunger 41 which lifts to allow syrup to flow at a constant rate from a pressurised tank 25 via pipes 27, 53 into the space 30 for mixing with the water. A spring loaded ball 51 in a sleeve with a tapered slot 50 moves with the syrup flow to compensate for pressure changes in tank 25 and contracts to accommodate viscosity increases due to fall in temperature. A pipe 56 may be fixed to feed water ...

14-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008720929D0

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of Selecting and Dispensing Products

Номер: US20120285989A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

Embodiments of a dispensing system for dispensing a number of products to a user are disclosed. The dispensing system may include an input/output device and a dispenser. The input/output device may be adapted to receive a selection of one of the products from the user. The dispenser may be adapted to dispense a plurality of diluent components, the diluent components and a ratio of the diluent components corresponding at least in part to the selection of the user.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240559A1
Автор: Rudick Arthur G.
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

Methods and apparatuses for providing a selectable beverage from a post-mix beverage dispenser are provided. In one embodiment, the method for providing a beverage having a separately selected color front a post-mix beverage dispensing system comprises: (a) providing at least two beverage bases for dispense from the post-mix beverage dispensing system; (b) separately storing at least two colorants in the post-mix beverage dispensing system; (c) receiving a request for a selected beverage base and the separately selected color with a computer processor; and (d) in response to the selection of the selected beverage base and the separately selected color, automatically dispensing through a single faucet of the post-mix beverage dispensing system, continuously in a predetermined ratio for any volume of the beverage dispensed, the selected beverage base and at least one of the colorants to provide the beverage having the separately selected color. 144.-. (canceled)45. A method for providing a beverage from a post-mix beverage dispensing system comprising:a. providing at least two beverages for dispense from the post-mix beverage dispensing system;b. providing a user interface comprising a wireless signal receiver;c. receiving a selection a blended beverage comprising at least two of the beverages via the user interface; andd. in response to the selection of the blended beverage, automatically dispensing through a single faucet of the post-mix beverage dispensing system at least two of the beverages to form the blended beverage.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein receiving a selection via the user interface comprises wirelessly receiving a selection from a user of the blended beverage.47. The method of claim 45 , wherein the blended beverage comprises at least two of the beverages selected by an automated program.48. The method of claim 47 , wherein the automated program is a pre-programmed recipe claim 47 , a randomizing program claim 47 , or a combination thereof.49. ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser

Номер: US20130325174A1
Автор: Harry Lee Crisp, III
Принадлежит: Beverage Works Inc

An appliance including a housing, a dispenser, and a water supply mechanism. The appliance includes a drink supply mechanism configured to removably hold a plurality of drink supply containers, a user interface panel, and a computer. The computer is configured to: cause the user interface panel to display a plurality of different images, each image associated with a different one of a plurality of different beverages which correspond to a drink supply in at least one of the plurality of drink supply containers held by the drink supply mechanism, enable the user interface panel to receive an input from a user of a selected one of the plurality of different displayed images, and after receiving the input from the user of the selected one of the plurality of different displayed images, cause the dispenser to dispense the beverage corresponding to the selected image.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027472A1
Автор: Reddy Balakrishna
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

Mixing nozzle fitments and beverage devices containing the mixing nozzle fitments are provided. In an embodiment, the mixing nozzle fitment includes a first shaft defining an inlet passage, a second shaft defining a curved outlet passage and attached to the first shaft, and a coupling member attached to the second shaft. The coupling member defines a passage that leads into the curved outlet passage of the second shaft. The mixing nozzle fitment can be used in any suitable beverage dispensing device. 1. A dispensing device comprising:a concentrate container;a tube attached to the concentrate container;a pump operatively connected to the tube; a first shaft defining an inlet passage,', 'a second shaft comprising a first end comprising a fluid outlet of the fitment, and the second shaft is attached to the first shaft at a second end of the second shaft, defines a curved outlet passage that extends from the first end to the second end, and is continuously curved from the first end to the second end, and', 'a coupling member attached to the second shaft and defining a passage that leads into the curved outlet passage of the second shaft, the tube removably attached to the coupling member; and, 'a mixing nozzle fitment comprising'}a diluent dispensing nozzle removably attached to the first shaft of the mixing nozzle fitment.2. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the concentrate container claim 1 , the tube claim 1 , the pump claim 1 , the diluent dispenser and a portion of the mixing nozzle fitment are contained within a housing.3. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the coupling member comprises an expanded member and a catch for receiving the tube.4. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the second shaft comprises a flange.5. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first shaft and the second shaft comprises a textured grip.6. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first shaft and the second shaft ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002120A1

Implementations of the present disclosure are directed to dispensing beverages from a beverage dispensing machine and include determining, from computer-readable media, pour parameters for a beverage of a plurality of beverages, the pour parameters being specific to the beverage, at least one pour parameter including a tilt value, and automatically, by the beverage dispensing machine: rotating a drum that holds a vessel to achieve the tilt value, initiating dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from a tap, automatically rotating the drum to reduce the tilt value of the vessel during dispensing of the beverage, and ceasing dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from the tap, the tilt value being substantially zero upon ceasing. 120.-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method for dispensing beverages from a beverage dispensing machine , the method comprising:determining, from computer-readable media, pour parameters for a beverage of a plurality of beverages, the pour parameters being specific to the beverage, at least one pour parameter comprising a tilt value; and rotating a drum that holds a vessel to achieve the tilt value, and', 'automatically rotating the drum to reduce the tilt value of the vessel during dispensing of the beverage, such that the tilt value is substantially zero., 'automatically, by the beverage dispensing machine22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the pour parameters further comprise a flow rate and the beverage is dispensed substantially at the flow rate.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the pour parameters further comprise a variable flow rate and the beverage is dispensed at a flow rate that varies based on the variable flow rate during dispensing.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the drum rotates in a first direction for any beverage dispensed.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the drum rotates in a first direction for a first beverage that is dispensed and rotates in a second direction for a second beverage that is ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002153A1
Автор: AN Siyeon, KIM Yonghyun

A water dispenser and a method of controlling a water dispenser are provided. The water dispenser may control power output of an induction heater having a hot water module based on changes in flow rate of water supplied or a temperature of water discharged. 1. A water dispenser , comprising:a tube configured to receive water;a flow sensor provided along the tube, the flow sensor configured to sense an amount of water flowing through the tube;a water tank configured to receive the water;a heater to heat the water in the water tank by induction heating; anda controller that reduces power output of the heater when a flow rate of water sensed by the flow sensor is a prescribed flow rate or less.2. The water dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the heater includes:a coil that is wound at a position facing the water tank and generates an electromagnetic force to heat water in the water tank via induction heating;a plurality of ferrite cores that is circumferentially arranged around a center of the coil to prevent a loss of the electromagnetic force generated by the coil; anda mounting bracket on which the water tank, the coil, and the plurality of ferrite cores are mounted.3. The water dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the controller is provided on a rear of the heater and coupled to a rear of the mounting bracket.4. The water dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the controller reduces the power output of the heater in proportion to a decrease of the water flow rate sensed by the flow sensor.5. The water dispenser of claim 1 , wherein a control valve that controls the flow rate of water supplied is provided on the supply pipe claim 1 , and the control valve is integrated with the flow sensor.6. A water dispenser comprising:a water storage tank to receive water;an induction heater that heats water in the water storage tank;a discharge pipe that discharges water heated by the induction heater from the water storage tank;a temperature sensor provided on the discharge pipe, the temperature ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008747A1
Автор: Niazi Sarfaraz K.

A non-chemical leaching fluoropolymer container for dispensing, storing and aerating degradable wines. 1. (canceled)2. The container of claim 4 , wherein the fluoropolymer is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) claim 4 , perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) claim 4 , or fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP).3. (canceled)4. A wine holding and pouring container comprising:a) a flexible, collapsible fluoropolymer bag completely filled with a wine;b) at least one flexible fluoropolymer tube having a wall, a proximal end connected to the bag and a distal end in communication with the outside;c) a clamp to hermetically close and open the tube;d) a hanging mean to dispose the bag in a vertical position.5. The container of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , the tube wall comprises a plurality of holes in the wall of the tube between the clamp and the distal end of the tube.6. The container of claim 4 , wherein the clamp is a compression valve.7. The container of claim 4 , wherein the wine is poured out of the container by disposing the bag in a vertical position by connecting the hanging means of the container to an external support claim 4 , opening the clamp and allowing the wine to pour under gravity effect through the distal end of the tube and closing the clamp upon completion of the pouring of wine. Wine is produced from the fermentation of plant sugars into alcohol by yeasts. Typically the alcohol content of a wine is in the region of 9-15% alcohol by volume. In addition to the alcohol content wines typically contains a myriad of complex organic compounds that contribute to the taste and flavor of the product. Most but not all of these organic compounds, including the alcohol, may be subject to chemical reaction on exposure to atmospheric oxygen producing a chemically altered product. The chemistry of wine is complex and there is merit, in some cases, of exposing a wine to atmospheric oxygen—generally known as allowing a wine to ‘breathe’.However, extended exposure to oxygen can result in the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Micro Dosing Dispensing System

Номер: US20160009539A1

A dispensing nozzle comprises a dispensing nozzle manifold. The manifold comprises orifices. Each orifice comprises a port and a corresponding conduit. The manifold comprises at least a first orifice configured to receive a first diluent, and at least a second diluent orifice configured to receive a second diluent, and at least two free-flowing food component orifices. The dispensing nozzle manifold comprises a top, middle, and bottom portions. The plurality of orifices is located at the top portion. The middle portion comprises a first set of conduits, each conduit of the first set of conduits corresponding to a port. The bottom portion comprises a funnel. The dispensing nozzle is configured so that a diluent received in the funnel mixes with at least one free-flowing food component before the received diluent and the at least one free-flowing food component exit the dispensing nozzle. 1. A dispensing nozzle comprising:a top portion, a middle portion, and a bottom portion; anda dispensing nozzle manifold comprising a plurality of orifices, wherein each orifice comprises a corresponding port and a corresponding conduit;the dispensing nozzle manifold comprising at least a first orifice configured to receive a first diluent, and at least a second diluent orifice configured to receive a second diluent, and at least two free-flowing food component orifices configured to receive free-flowing food components;wherein the top portion of the dispensing nozzle comprises a plurality of ports, each port corresponding to an orifice of the plurality of orifices;wherein the middle portion of the dispensing nozzle comprises a first set of conduits, each conduit of the first set of conduits corresponding to a port;wherein the bottom portion of the dispensing nozzle comprises a funnel having a side wall;the funnel configured to receive at least the first diluent and/or the second diluent, and allow the received diluent to flow downwardly and in a swirling path along the side wall of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009398A1

Apparatus for preparing and dispensing a diluted beverage has a mains water inlet, a valve for opening or shutting water flow, a food concentrate container, an outlet for the beverage, a user interface for commanding dispensing of the beverage, and a volumetric pump communicating with the valve outlet and the beverage outlet for drawing and mixing the food concentrate and water. A first conduit is connected to an outlet of the food concentrate container and the volumetric pump inlet. A second conduit communicating with the valve outlet and an intermediate portion of the first conduit. A control unit activates the valve and the volumetric pump. The second conduit has a section narrowing for regulating the outflow velocity of the water entering the first conduit. The control unit activates the volumetric pump to regulate the flow of food concentrate mixture and water in response to data from a water flow detector. 1. A preparing and dispensing machine of a diluted beverage , comprising:a water inlet to be connected to the municipal water supply;a valve which has an inlet of the valve in fluid communication with the water inlet, which has an outlet of the valve and which is activatable for enabling or shutting down the flow of water coming from the water inlet;a food concentrate mixture container which has an outlet of food concentrate mixture;an outlet of diluted beverage;a user interface for commanding dispensing of a diluted beverage;a volumetric pump for aspirating internally thereof the food concentrate mixture and water, and for mixing them with one another, which has an inlet of the volumetric pump and an outlet of the volumetric pump;a first conduit which comprises: a first end which is connected to the outlet of the food concentrate mixture; and a second end which is connected to the inlet of the volumetric pump;a second conduit which comprises: a third end which is in fluid communication with the outlet of the valve; and a fourth end which is connected to an ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Generating a Drive Signal

Номер: US20150014357A1

A method and computer program product for defining a PWM drive signal having a defined voltage potential. The PWM drive signal has a plurality of “on” portions and a plurality of “off” portions that define a first duty cycle for regulating, at least in part, a flow rate of a pump assembly. At least a portion of the “on” portions of the PWM drive signal are pulse width modulated to define a second duty cycle for the at least a portion of the “on” portions of the PWM drive signal. The second duty cycle regulates, at least in part, the percentage of the defined voltage potential applied to the pump assembly.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017346A1
Автор: Hong Jinpyo, Kim YoungJoon

A decompression mechanism may include a decompression case having an inlet that receives a beverage and an outlet that discharges the beverage; a decompression inner member including an inner body positioned inside of the decompression case and a guide formed in a spiral shape on an outer circumference of the inner body and in contact with an inner face of the decompression case; and a decompression channel defined between the decompression case and the decompression inner member. The decompression channel may have an input opening in communication with the inlet and an output opening in communication with the outlet, and a cross-sectional area of the decompression channel may increase as the decompression channel extends from the input opening to the output opening. 1. A decompression mechanism , comprising:a decompression case having an inlet that receives a beverage and an outlet that discharges the beverage;a decompression inner member including an inner body positioned inside of the decompression case and a guide formed in a spiral shape on an outer circumference of the inner body and in contact with an inner face of the decompression case; anda decompression channel defined between the decompression case and the decompression inner member, wherein the decompression channel has an input opening in communication with the inlet and an output opening in communication with the outlet, and wherein a cross-sectional area of the decompression channel increases as the decompression channel extends from the input opening to the output opening.2. The decompression mechanism of claim 1 , wherein an inner diameter of the decompression case decreases as the decompression case extends in a direction from the inlet toward the outlet.3. The decompression mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the decompression case has an open portion defined therein into which the decompression inner member is inserted claim 1 , and wherein the open portion is closer to the inlet than to the outlet.4 ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for Production and Dispensing Carbonated Beer from Beer Concentrate

Номер: US20200017347A1

An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage has a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet, a water inlet, a pressurized gas inlet, a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet, a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed. The carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm, preferably less than 0.50 mm, highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm. 1. An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage , wherein the appliance comprises a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet , a water inlet , a pressurized gas inlet , a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet , a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed , whereby the carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm , preferably less than 0.50 mm , and highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm.2. An appliance according to whereby the final constituted beverage has a foam height of at least 6 mm and whereby the foam half life is greater than 15 seconds.3. An appliance according to whereby the water contains between 5 and 10 g C02/L at the mixing unit inlet.4. An appliance according to further comprising a liquid line and a flow rate controller regulating the flow rate through the liquid line and whereby the flow rate controller regulates the residence time of the liquid such as to maintain the gas dissolved in the liquid.5. An appliance according to further comprising gas pressure regulating means for varying the gas at the inlet of the carbonation unit and a water pressure control unit allowing control of the pressure on the water at the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017010A1
Автор: FUNKE Thomas, KAYA Özkan

This disclosure relates to a sanitary fitting for dispensing prepared liquids, for example, for beverages. A disclosed system includes a first control element for setting a quantity of the prepared liquid to be dispensed and an actuating element for providing the quantity of prepared liquid set by means of the first control element, wherein at least one second control element is configured to select a type of preparation, for example, from at least two different types of preparation, of non-prepared liquid, wherein the first and the at least one second control element are actuatable independently of one another. 1. A sanitary fitting configured to dispense prepared liquids including beverages , the sanitary fitting comprising:a first control element configured to set a quantity of a prepared liquid to be dispensed and an actuating element configured to provide the quantity of prepared liquid set by the first control element;at least one second control element; andat least one display device,wherein the at least one second control element is configured to select a type of preparation from at least two different types of preparations of non-prepared liquid,wherein the first and the at least one second control element are actuatable independently of one another,wherein a first display device is configured to display at least two different types of preparation, and/orwherein a second display device is configured to display at least one operating state of the sanitary fitting.2. The sanitary fitting as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one display device is configured to provide a visual display and/or an acoustic output signal claim 1 ,wherein the at least one display device and/or at least one of the first or second control elements is configured to have a ring shape, and/orwherein the at least one display device is configured to provide at least three visually different displays.3. The sanitary fitting as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising two display ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017011A1

A system for carbonating fluid is provided comprising a gas supply and a fluid vessel for carbonating fluid, the fluid vessel having at least one internal surface for obstructing a return path of the gas to an upper surface of the fluid after injection. A retainer retains the fluid vessel relative to the gas supply and a gas injector injects gas from the gas supply into the fluid vessel. During use, the gas injector injects gas below a fluid level within the fluid vessel. 1. A system for carbonating fluid comprising:a gas supply;a fluid vessel, the fluid vessel comprising at least one internal surface for obstructing a return path of the gas to an upper surface of the fluid after injection;a retainer for retaining the fluid vessel relative to the gas supply; anda gas injector for injecting gas from the gas supply into the fluid vessel,wherein, during use, the gas injector injects gas below a fluid level within the fluid vessel.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal surface is a spiral path adjacent an outside wall of the fluid vessel.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the spiral path further comprises surface agitators on a lower surface of the path for redirecting fluid traveling along the spiral path.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal surface comprises annular flanges below the fluid level claim 1 , and wherein claim 1 , upon injection claim 1 , gas travels to a bottom of the fluid vessel and upon rising to an upper surface of the fluid claim 1 , is redirected downwards by the annular flanges.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the annular flanges are downwardly concave and retain gas below the fluid level.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the annular flanges are mesh claim 5 , thereby allowing contact between the gas and fluid above the annular flanges.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one internal surface comprises a plurality of annular flanges fixed to the gas injector.8. The system of claim 1 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022040A1

A liquid dispensing device includes a liquid extraction system that extracts a liquid from a container. The liquid dispensing device includes an identification system that identifies a type of the liquid. The liquid dispensing device includes a liquid preservation system that prevents degradation of the liquid. The liquid may be wine or other liquids. 1. A liquid dispensing device , comprising:a liquid extraction system configured to extract a liquid from a container;an identification system configured to identify a type of the liquid; anda liquid preservation system configured to prevent degradation of the liquid.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the liquid extraction system comprises:a penetration device configured to penetrate the container;a container holding device; anda liquid metering device that dispenses a quantity of the liquid from the container.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the penetration device comprises: an injection port configured to inject gasses into the container; and', 'an extraction port configured to extract the quantity of the liquid., 'a needle configured to penetrate a portion of the container, wherein the needle comprises4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the extraction port is disposed in a recess and the recess is disposed on a surface of the needle.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the recess has a length along an insertion direction of the needle.6. The device of claim 4 , wherein the recess has a helical shape along an insertion direction of the needle.7. The device of claim 4 , wherein the recess has a circular shape and lies in a plane that is orthogonal to an insertion direction of the needle.8. The device of claim 3 , wherein the needle further comprises an engagement portion for mechanically engaging the container.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein the engagement portion is a screw.10. The device of claim 3 , wherein the penetration device further comprises:an actuator configured to rotate the needle during penetration of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for monitoring and controlling the dispense of a plurality of product forming ingredients

Номер: US20170022043A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

Systems and methods for dispensing a product are provided. A plurality of product ingredients are associated with a product dispenser that is operable to form a plurality of selectable products from the plurality of products ingredients. Input for a selected product is received and a recipe that defines the ratio of product ingredients for forming the selected product is identified. The dispense of each of the respective product ingredients is commenced based at least in part on the identified recipe, and the dispense of each of the respective product ingredients is independently monitored during the dispense of the selected product.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022593A1
Автор: FEOLA Anthony V.

The present disclosure relates to a liquid beverage dispensing apparatus and specifically a modular component for installation on and use in conjunction with the liquid beverage dispensing system. The modular component includes a communication interface and controller, an actuator for a valve, for use with a beverage faucet that dispenses the liquid beverage. The actuator is in electronic communication with the communication interface and controller and is responsive to direction received from the communication interface and controller to open or close the valve. The modular component is sized, dimensioned, and configured to be retrofitted to an existing beverage dispensing system to replace an existing conventional manual beverage faucet, or as a newly manufactured system. 1. A modular component configured for use in a beverage dispensing system , comprising:a communication interface and controller; an actuator;', 'a valve adapted to control flow of liquid beverage through the faucet, the valve coupled with and controllable by the actuator to open and close the valve;, 'a beverage faucet, comprisingwherein the actuator is in electronic communication with the communication interface and controller and is responsive to direction received from the communication interface and controller to open or close the valve;wherein the modular component is sized, dimensioned, and configured to be retrofitted to an existing beverage dispensing system to replace an existing conventional manual beverage faucet.2. The modular component of claim 1 , wherein the beverage dispensing system is a coffee dispensing system.3. The modular component of claim 1 , wherein the beverage dispensing system is a beer dispensing system.4. The modular component of claim 1 , wherein the beverage dispensing system is a carbonated beverage dispensing system.5. The modular component of claim 1 , further comprising a plunger or a guillotine coupled with the actuator and moveable within the valve to ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023869A1

A water-guiding component assembly for a household cooling appliance contains a plurality of connection interfaces connecting to units not forming part of the component assembly and/or to components forming part of the component assembly. The component assembly contains an outer housing, in which the connection interfaces are comprised and housed. 1. A water-guiding component assembly for a household cooling appliance , the water-guiding component assembly comprising:a plurality of connection interfaces connecting to units not forming part of the water-guiding component assembly and/or to components forming part of the water-guiding component assembly; andan outer housing in which said connection interfaces are disposed.2. The water-guiding component assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said outer housing has at least one opening formed therein claim 1 , by said opening a connection of the unit not forming part of the water-guiding component assembly is insertable in said outer housing for connecting to the component of the water-guiding component assembly in an interior of said outer housing claim 1 , wherein a connection inside said outer housing between the connection of said unit not forming part of the water-guiding component assembly and the component is at least one of said connection interfaces.3. The water-guiding component assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising two separate components and one of said connection interfaces is configured between said two separate components disposed in said outer housing and forming part of the water-guiding component assembly.4. The water-guiding component assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a filter disposed outside of said outer housing on said outer housing.5. The water-guiding component assembly according to claim 4 , wherein said outer housing has a first filter housing part for said filter being integrally formed.6. The water-guiding component assembly according to claim 4 ,further ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024119A1

A beverage dispenser and process of dispensing a beverage may include pumping a micro-ingredient from a micro-ingredient container via a fluid path toward a nozzle to dispense a beverage inclusive of the micro-ingredient. The micro-ingredient may be reverse pumped via the fluid path back to the micro-ingredient container to cause an air bubble in the fluid path to be pushed into the micro-ingredient container. 1. A method of manufacturing a beverage dispenser , said method comprising:disposing a micro-ingredient container containing micro-ingredient to be dispensed by the beverage dispenser;disposing a two-way pump; andfluidly connecting a conduit between the micro-ingredient container and the two-way pump to enable the two-way pump (i) to pump micro-ingredient liquid contained within the micro-ingredient container through the conduit, and (ii) to pump the micro-ingredient and any air bubbles contained therein via the conduit into the micro-ingredient container.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising positioning an air bubble sensor along the conduit to sense air that enters the conduit.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein positioning the air bubble sensor along the conduit includes positioning the air bubble sensor closer to the micro-ingredient container than the two-way pump.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein disposing the two-way pump includes disposing a micro-pump.5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising fluidly connecting a level sensor between the two-way pump and the micro-ingredient container.6. The method according to claim 5 , further comprising communicatively connecting the level sensor to a processing unit that claim 5 , in response to sensing that the level sensor has an air bubble contained therein claim 5 , is configured to cause the two-way pump to operate in reverse to push the air bubble into the micro-ingredient container.7. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising fluidly connecting ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029263A1

Methods and systems for accurately determining and delivering the appropriate ingredients, in appropriate quantities, of a particular substance are disclosed. In some instances, a controller of a fluid delivery device opens a valve for an appropriate amount of time to deliver an appropriate amount of fluid. In some instances, the appropriate amount of time is communicated to the controller by an external user device (e.g., a smartphone or a tablet). 1. A fluid delivery apparatus comprising:a valve;a fluid outlet in fluidic communication with the valve; anda controller configured to control operation of the valve,wherein the controller is adapted to open the valve for a predetermined amount of time based on a predetermined amount of fluid to be delivered from the fluid outlet.2. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises a ball adapted to be moved between an open position and a closed position.3. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ball is adapted to be moved between the open position and the closed position by a magnet.4. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the magnet is adapted to be moved by operation of a lead screw.5. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a communication module adapted to receive a communication from at least one of a smartphone and a tablet.6. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the communication module is adapted to communicate using at least one of WiFi and Bluetooth communication protocols.7. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the predetermined amount of time that valve is opened is based on the communication received from the smartphone or the tablet.8. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the communication comprises at least one of a substance identity claim 5 , an ingredient quantity claim 5 , and the predetermined amount of time for the valve to be open.9. The fluid delivery apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029858A1
Автор: Hertensen Paul

A dispenser platform for receiving a product container, having a casing, wholly or partially encasing a control panel coupled a control module and a product container receptacle having a product container coupling assembly. The product container coupling assembly includes a first product supply conduit configured to receive a barrel of a product container. A second product supply conduit couples to a reservoir or to a supply of a second product, such as water. The product container holds a first product, such as concentrated coffee, concentrated tea, concentrated flavored drink, flavored syrup (cola) or concentrated juice. Components of the dispenser platform include a pump assembly, a heating and/or cooling assembly responsively coupled to a control panel via a control module and a filter assembly. The product container can be a BOV container or an airless dispensing container. 1. A product container , comprising a bag on valve (BOV) within a sealed canister , the BOV having contained therein a product concentrate.2. The product container of claim 1 , wherein the product concentrate is one selected from the group consisting of a concentrated coffee claim 1 , concentrated tea claim 1 , concentrated flavored drink claim 1 , flavored syrup (e.g. claim 1 , cola) and concentrated juice.3. The product container of claim 1 , further comprising the product container having a barrel configured to be received by a dispenser platform.4. The product container of claim 1 , further comprising:a cup proximate the top of the sealed canister;the barrel flexibly coupled to the cup, the cup rigidly coupled to the sealed canister;a valve assembly having an outlet, the outlet directly or indirectly coupled to and in communication with the barrel and a valve assembly inlet;the BOV further comprising a substantially impervious BOV bag, the BOV bag having a BOV bag outlet in communication with the interior of the BOV bag; anda conduit forming a pathway from the bag outlet, and hence the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029859A1

Disclosed are various embodiments for dispensing and tracking beverages. An identifier associated with a user can be read by an identification device. Beverage availability information for the user can be determined. The beverage availability information can specify categories of beverages that the user is authorized to dispense. Valves can be selected that correspond to the authorized beverage categories. The valves can be enabled to allow the user to dispense beverages from the authorized beverage categories. The quantity of beverages dispensed can be tracked. 1. A system comprising:a data store comprising beverage availability information corresponding to an identifier;a plurality of fluid dispensers configured to dispense a plurality of fluids, individual ones of the plurality of fluid dispensers comprising a valve and a flow meter and individual ones of the plurality of fluids corresponding to one of a plurality of fluid categories;an identification device configured to read the identifier from an identification item; and select at least one valve of the plurality of fluid dispensers based at least in part on the beverage availability information;', 'send a command to enable the at least one valve of the plurality of fluid dispensers; and', 'receive a measurement indicating a quantity of fluid dispensed from the at least one valve of the plurality of fluid dispensers., 'a computing device communicably coupled to the plurality of fluid dispensers and the identification device, the computing device configured to at least2. The system of claim 1 , further comprisinga plurality of second fluid dispensers;a second identification device; and receive a request from the second computing device including the identifier;', 'select at least one second valve of the plurality of second fluid dispensers based at least in part on the beverage availability information;', 'send another command to the second computing device to enable the at least one second valve of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029860A1

A beverage dispenser for providing mixed beverages. The beverage dispenser has a housing containing a plurality of first liquids, a plurality of second liquids, and a water supply, wherein the first liquids comprise liquors, and wherein the second liquids comprise mixer syrup. The beverage dispenser also has an interface, a dispensing spout and a server. The interface is provided on the housing to input variable data and receive variable instructions. The server electrically operates valves to control the flow of first liquids, second liquids and water to the beverage dispenser spout based on instructions entered at the interface and a pouring schema stored in memory. 1. A housing having a plurality of valves for receiving a plurality of first liquids and a plurality of second liquids , wherein the first liquids comprise liquors and the second liquids comprise mixer syrups;an interface on an exterior of the housing to input variable data and receive variable instructions, the variable data input via the interface including management function data for one or more of obtaining reports, creating user accounts, and creating pouring schema;a beverage dispensing spout fluidly connected to the plurality of first liquids and the plurality of second liquids, the spout dispensing one or more of the plurality of first liquids and the plurality of second liquids into the container; and,a controller connected to the interface, the controller operating valves to control the flow of first liquids and second liquids to the beverage dispensing spout based on instructions entered at the interface,wherein the beverage dispenser is configured to provide a drink ordered queue that is populated following each selection of a beverage by a user.2. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a processor and a memory retaining a program to operate the beverage dispenser.3. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising an I/O device that communicates with the interface to ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048753A1

A beverage dispenser includes a nozzle to dispense a beverage. The beverage dispenser further includes a camera to capture an image of the beverage as the beverage is dispensed from the nozzle. The camera has a field of view that includes the beverage. The beverage dispenser further includes a light source that illuminates the field of view of the camera. The beverage dispenser further includes a computer. The computer analyzes the image of the beverage and determines a characteristic of the beverage. 17.-. (canceled)8. A method of monitoring a beverage dispensed from a beverage dispenser comprising:dispensing the beverage from a nozzle of the beverage dispenser;capturing, while dispensing the beverage, an image of the beverage as the beverage is dispensed from the nozzle using a camera of the beverage dispenser; andanalyzing the image by performing a linear unmixing analysis to determine a characteristic of an additive ingredient relative to other ingredients in the beverage.9. (canceled)10. The method of monitoring the beverage dispensed from the beverage dispenser of claim 8 , wherein the additive ingredient comprises at least one a flavoring claim 8 , an enhancer claim 8 , a sweetener claim 8 , and a coloring.11. The method of monitoring the beverage dispensed from the beverage dispenser of claim 8 , wherein the other ingredients comprise at least one of a base ingredient and a supplemental base ingredient.12. The method of monitoring the beverage dispensed from the beverage dispenser of claim 11 , wherein the base ingredient comprises a consumable liquid and the supplemental base ingredient comprises a consumable gas.13. The method of monitoring the beverage dispensed from the beverage dispenser of claim 8 , further comprising analyzing the image to determine a presence of carbonation.14. The method of monitoring the beverage dispensed from the beverage dispenser of claim 8 , further comprising analyzing the image to determine a presence of water.15. The method ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Frozen Beverage Dispensing Machines with Multi-Flavor Valves

Номер: US20190031483A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

A beverage machine includes a valve that receives a base fluid and dispenses a mixed beverage comprising the base fluid and an additive fluid. The valve has a bore through which the base fluid flows, and the bore has a perimetral surface that defines a plurality of ports through which the additive fluid is injected to thereby mix with the base fluid. An injector is coupled to the valve and configured to radially inject the additive fluid into the base fluid through the plurality of ports as the base fluid flows through the bore such that the additive fluid mixes into the base fluid to form the mixed beverage. 1. A beverage machine comprising:a valve that receives a base fluid and dispenses a mixed beverage comprising the base fluid and an additive fluid, the valve has a bore through which the base fluid flows and a channel that surrounds the bore and through which the additive fluid flows to a plurality of ports that radially inject the additive fluid into the bore such that the additive fluid mixes with the base fluid to form the mixed beverage; andan injector coupled to the valve and configured to inject the additive fluid into the channel such that the additive fluid flows through the channel and the plurality of ports and into the bore, the injector has a manifold configured to receive a plurality of fluid components and dispense the plurality of fluid components which mix to form the additive fluid.2. The beverage machine according to claim 1 , wherein the injector has an outlet through which the additive fluid dispenses from the injector claim 1 , and a surface configured to direct the additive fluid toward the outlet.3. The beverage machine according to claim 2 , wherein the injector has an injector axis claim 2 , and wherein the surface radially inwardly directs the additive fluid toward the injector axis.4. The beverage machine according to claim 3 , wherein the surface is a frustoconical surface centered on the injector axis.5. A beverage machine ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Beer tap improvement system for colored beer and other additives

Номер: US20190031484A1
Автор: Allgood Timothy J.

A beer tap improvement system for adding an additive to a beer made with a three-way connection component to connect to an outlet nozzle and the three-way connection component configured as (1) a three-way tee with threaded apertures; (2) a removable threaded connection from the three-way tee to an to existing common tap outlet nozzle; (3) a removable threaded connection and aperture from the three-way tee to an outlet nozzle for a mixture of additive and beer; (4) a removable threaded connection from the three-way tee to an additive container and an additive nozzle; (b) the outlet nozzle for a mixture of additive and beer; and (c) the additive container and the additive nozzle where a color or flavor additive can be manually combined with the beer by an operator squeezing the additive container that results in a mixture of the additive and a single beer. 1. A beer tap improvement system for adding an additive to a beer wherein the beer tap improvement system is comprised of: (a) a three-way connection component to removably connect the component with an additive container to outlet nozzle , wherein the three-way connector is made of durable material and comprises: (1) a three-way tee with threaded apertures; (2) a removable threaded connection from the three-way tee to an to existing common tap outlet nozzle; (3) a removable threaded connection and aperture from the three-way tee to an outlet nozzle for a mixture of additive and beer; (4) a removable threaded connection from the three-way tee to an additive container and an additive nozzle; (b) the outlet nozzle for a mixture of additive and beer; and (c) the additive container and the additive nozzle further comprised of a waterproof and pliable material wherein additive can be manually combined with the beer by an operator squeezing the additive container which releases the additive and then by the operator pulling a beer tap handle which allows the beer to mix with the additive in the three-way connection ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for rationalizing ingredients

Номер: US20200031652A1
Автор: Arthur G. Rudick
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The present application provides a beverage dispensing system. The beverage dispensing system may include a nozzle, a first beverage component with a first ingredient in communication with the nozzle via a first pump, and a second beverage component with the first ingredient and a second ingredient in communication with the nozzle via a second pump. The first pump and the second pump may vary the flow rate of the first beverage component and the second beverage component to the nozzle to create different beverages

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing

Номер: US20200031654A1

Among other things, a chiller for chilling water to be dispensed as part of beverages includes a tank configured to contain a cooling mass for chilling the water. A first tube in the tank is configured to be immersed in the cooling mass and to carry the water along a path from a source towards a location where the chilled water is to be dispensed as part of the beverages. A second tube is configured to be immersed in the cooling mass and to carry a coolant along a recirculation path from a coolant source and back to the coolant source. The coolant has a sufficiently low temperature to cause a frozen mass to be formed as part of the cooling mass within the tank and in the vicinity of the second tube. The first tube and the second tube are configured and positioned relative to one another within the tank so that the frozen mass occupies at least 30 percent of the volume of the cooling mass in the tank but does not touch the first tube. 1. A machine-implemented method comprisingdisplaying on a display screen of a beverage dispenser touch sensitive icons representing selectable characteristics of a beverage to be dispensed through a nozzle,receiving signals from the display screen representing touch inputs at the icons, andcontrolling beverage components of the beverage dispenser to cause a beverage to be dispensed through the nozzle, the characteristics of the beverage conforming to the received signals,the selectable characteristics comprising at least one of temperature, carbonation level, and flavor.2. The method of in which the characteristics comprise temperature and carbonation and the icons represent hot water claim 1 , still cold water claim 1 , and carbonated cold water.3. The method of in which the characteristics of the beverage to be dispensed can be changed between hot water claim 2 , still cold claim 2 , and carbonated cold water essentially as quickly as the touch inputs change.4. The method of in which the characteristics comprise a selectable ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200031656A1

A beverage dispenser and method for operating a beverage dispenser may include receiving a handshake request from a mobile device of a user. A communications link may be established with the mobile device. Responsive to receiving control data associated with a beverage order from the mobile device, a physical function may be caused to be performed by the beverage dispenser. 1. A beverage dispenser , comprising:a non-transitory memory configured to store user control data; receive, via the communications network, a handshake request from the mobile device;', 'establish a communications link with the mobile device; and', 'responsive to receiving control data associated with a beverage order from the mobile device, cause a physical function to be performed by the dispenser., 'a processing unit in communication with said memory and I/O unit, and configured to, 'an input/output (I/O) unit configured to communicate over a communications network with a mobile device;'}2. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , further comprising a dispenser mechanism configured to dispense an ingredient into a vessel of a user claim 1 , and wherein said processing unit claim 1 , in causing a physical function claim 1 , includes causing the dispenser mechanism to dispense the ingredient into the vessel.3. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein said processing unit claim 1 , in causing a physical function to be performed claim 1 , is configured to move a cursor being displayed on said electronic display.4. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein said processing unit claim 1 , in causing a physical function to be performed claim 1 , is configured to display an image associated with the user.5. (canceled)6. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein said processing unit claim 1 , in causing a physical function to be performed claim 1 , is configured to alter a user interface being displayed on said display.78-. (canceled)9. The beverage dispenser ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032086A1
Принадлежит: Mayu Water Art Ltd.

A device for storing and circulating drinking water with vortex flow includes a base, a tank and an actuator housed in the base and configured to circulate the drinking water stored in the tank with vortex flow. The base includes an inlet port through which the drinking water is received and an outlet port through which the drinking water is dispensed. The tank is mounted on the base with a sealed engagement and is configured to store the drinking water. The tank has spherical or egg shape and includes an air inlet on an upper portion of the tank through which air can flow in and out of the tank. 1. A device for circulating stored drinking water with vortex flow comprising:a base including at least one port through which the drinking water is received and dispensed;a tank mounted on the base with a sealed engagement and configured to store the drinking water, wherein the tank is spherical or egg shaped and includes an air inlet on an upper portion of the tank through which air can flow in and out of the tank; andan actuator housed in the base and configured to circulate the drinking water stored in the tank with vortex flow.2. The device according to comprising a sensor configured to monitor a volume or a level of the drinking water in the tank or to monitor a change in the volume or a change in the level of the drinking water in the tank.3. The device according to claim 2 , comprising:a valve configured to control flow of the drinking water through the at least one port; anda controller configured to control the valve based on input from the sensor.4. The device according to claim 3 , wherein the controller is configured to maintain a pre-defined level of the drinking water in the tank based on controlling the valve.56-. (canceled)7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator is an impeller.8. The device according to wherein the at least one port includes an inlet port and an outlet port and wherein the inlet port is above or at a level of the impeller ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033329A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

An ice dispensing system is provided. The system includes multiple sidewalls forming an ice bin cavity configured to store ice. The system further includes an auger drive assembly. The auger drive assembly includes a drive assembly that is coupled to one of the multiple sidewalls and has a motor configured to rotate a drive gear. The auger drive assembly further includes an auger assembly positioned within the ice bin cavity. The auger assembly includes a helical auger coupled to an auger gear. The drive gear is configured to mate with the auger gear to drive rotation of the helical auger and cause ice to be dispensed through an ice chute. The drive assembly is additionally configured to move relative to the auger assembly between a closed position and an opened position. The opened position permits removal of the auger assembly from the ice bin cavity. 1. An ice dispensing system comprising:a plurality of sidewalls forming an ice bin cavity configured to store ice; and a drive assembly coupled to one of the plurality of sidewalls and having a motor configured to rotate a drive gear; and', 'an auger assembly positioned within the ice bin cavity and having a helical auger coupled to an auger gear, wherein the drive gear is configured to mate with the auger gear to drive rotation of the helical auger and cause ice to be dispensed through an ice chute; and, 'an auger drive assembly comprisingwherein the drive assembly is movable relative to the auger assembly between a closed position and an opened position, the opened position configured to permit removal of the auger assembly from the ice bin cavity.2. The ice dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the motor is coupled to a drive mounting plate.3. The ice dispensing system of claim 2 , wherein the drive mounting plate is coupled to the one of the plurality of sidewalls using a gravity hinge.4. The ice dispensing system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more drive assembly locking components configured to inhibit ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Dispensing nozzle assemblies with static mixers

Номер: US20220055883A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a target assembly with a number of fins and a number of channels and a static mixer positioned about the fins.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039873A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

An insert for use with a beverage dispenser includes a diffuser having an upstream end configured to receive the first base fluid, a downstream end with an outlet configured to dispense the first base fluid, and a center bore extending between the upstream end and the downstream end along an axis. A stem is disposed in the center bore of the diffuser and has a first end configured to receive a second base fluid and an opposite second end with an outlet configured to dispense the second base fluid. The outlet of the diffuser is upstream from the outlet of the stem such that the first base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the diffuser mixes with an additive fluid before the second base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the stem mixes with the additive fluid. 1. An insert for use with a beverage dispenser having a base fluid module and an additive fluid manifold positioned around the base fluid module , the base fluid module having a chamber , a first conduit through which a first base fluid is conveyed into the chamber , and a second conduit through which a second base fluid is conveyed into the chamber , the additive fluid manifold having an inlet that receives an additive fluid and an outlet that dispenses the additive fluid , the insert comprising:a diffuser having a upstream end configured to be inserted into the chamber and to receive the first base fluid, a downstream end with an outlet configured to dispense the first base fluid, and a center bore extending between the upstream end and the downstream end along an axis; anda stem disposed in the center bore and having a first end configured to be coupled to the second conduit to thereby receive the second base fluid from the second conduit and an opposite second end with an outlet configured to dispense the second base fluid;wherein the outlet of the diffuser is upstream from the outlet of the stem such that the first base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the diffuser mixes with the additive fluid before ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047169A1

A system and method detection of an empty keg is provided. Carbonated beverages from a keg communicates a carbonated alcoholic beverage to a liquid beverage sensor in fluid communication with the bulk keg. The liquid beverage sensor includes at least one phase detection sensor capable of identifying a foam or gas-liquid interface (Float on Beer Detector), at least one pressure sensor, at least one flow sensor, or at least one temperature sensor. A controller in operative communication with the TCB communicates with the control valve, the actuation button and in communication with the sensors. Upon detection of a low float level for the FOB detector, or low system pressure, or high system temperature, an alarm and/or override of the control fo the tap is accomplished. 1. A system for dispensing carbonated beverages from a bulk keg comprising:a keg containing a carbonated alcoholic beverage that is pressurized by a pressurized tank of gas;a liquid beverage sensor for measuring at least one property of the carbonated alcoholic beverage in fluid communication with the bulk keg;a first delivery line for communicating the carbonated alcoholic beverage to the liquid beverage sensor;a second delivery line for communicates the carbonated alcoholic beverage from a tap for dispensed a pour directly to a serving container; a control valve;', 'a tap control board (TCB) that actuates the control valve; and', 'an actuation button for initiating the dispensing of a pour; and, 'said tap further comprisinga controller in operative communication with the TCB via a Controller Area Network (CAN bus), said controller in operational communicates with the control valve, the actuation button and in communication with the liquid beverage sensor in a manner to facilitate operation of the control valve.2. The system for dispensing carbonated beverages from a bulk keg of claim 1 , wherein said liquid beverage sensor is selected from at least one of a group comprising: at least one phase ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Syrup Pump And Controller

Номер: US20180044157A1

A beverage syrup pump system is disclosed including a pump housing having an internal pumping chamber, a pump motor, and a pumping mechanism driven by the motor within the pumping chamber. The pumping mechanism receives a syrup fluid at a first pressure and discharges the fluid at a second pressure which is greater than the first pressure. A pressure transducer adjacent a sensor port and in contact with a quantity of the fluid at the second pressure generates an electrical signal based upon the second pressure. A programmable micro controller receives the electrical signal from the pressure transducer and is capable of starting and stopping the pump motor. The micro controller will immediately stop the pump motor if the second pressure exceeds a predetermined maximum pressure level. The micro controller will also stop the pump motor if the second pressure falls and remains below a predetermined minimum pressure level for a predetermined first time interval. 1. A pump and controller system comprising:a pump housing having an internal pumping chamber, an inlet port, an outlet port, and a sensor port, each of the ports being in flow communication with the pumping chamber;a pump motor;a pumping mechanism driven by the pump motor and at least partially disposed within the pumping chamber, the pumping mechanism being capable of receiving a fluid through the inlet port into the pumping chamber at a first pressure and discharging the fluid from the pumping chamber through the outlet port at a second pressure which is greater than the first pressure;a pressure transducer disposed adjacent the sensor port, the transducer being in contact with a quantity of the fluid at the second pressure and generating an electrical signal based upon the second pressure;a programmable micro controller, which receives the electrical signal from the pressure transducer, and is electrically connected to the pump motor and capable of starting and stopping the pump motor,wherein the micro ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044161A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

A volume of fluid may be received at the air chamber from a fluid source and dispensed to a nozzle. The fluid source may be in fluid communication with the air chamber. The flow may be reversed to draw the fluid to the air chamber and purge air within the air chamber or the fluid to the atmosphere. 1. A method for removing air within an air chamber , comprising:receiving a flow of a fluid at a first port of the air chamber from a fluid source in fluid communication with the air chamber;dispensing the fluid at a second port of the air chamber; andreversing the flow to draw the fluid into the air chamber to purge air within any one of the air chamber and the fluid source through a third port.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising dispensing the fluid from the second port to a nozzle via a three-way valve and a pump.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises a beverage forming ingredient.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein reversing the flow to draw the fluid to the air chamber comprises reversing the flow upon receiving an indication from one of: (i) a user at an interface; and (ii) a sensor within the air chamber.5. The method claim 1 , further comprising pumping the air to the atmosphere.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein reversing the flow to draw fluid into the air chamber further comprises:changing a flow path from a pump to the air chamber; andallowing the pump to pump fluid into the second port.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein reversing the flow to draw the fluid into the air chamber further comprises reversing a pump to draw the fluid to the air chamber and purge air within any one of the air chamber and the fluid source.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein reversing the pump comprises:changing a flow path from the pump to the air chamber; andreversing a flow direction of the pump to pump fluid into the first port or the second port.9. The method of claim 6 , further comprising a recirculation path that allows fluid in the air chamber to be ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Beverage Dispense Valve Controlled by Wireless Technology

Номер: US20150053715A1

Methods and systems directed to dispensing fluids, such as beverages, using wireless technology are provided. Aspects relate to a container, such as a beverage cup, having a wireless transceiver configured to transmit and/or receive wireless signals to a second wireless transceiver associated with a dispenser. The wireless transceiver may be configured to transmit electronic signals indicative that the container is validated to receive a beverage and whether it is properly located to receive the beverage from a valve of the dispenser. Further aspects of the invention relate to a beverage dispensing system having a wireless transceiver. In one embodiment, the dispenser is configured to receive a return signal from a container indicative that the container is validated to receive a beverage and whether the container is properly located to receive a beverage from a valve of the dispenser. 1. A method for dispensing fluids , the method comprising the steps of:sensing a beverage container in close proximity to a beverage dispenser, wherein the beverage dispenser further includes a housing with a push-button and a valve extending from the housing configured to dispense a fluid into the beverage container located below the valve, wherein pushing the push-button controls a flow of the fluid from the valve to the beverage container;transmitting a first electronic signal to the beverage container from a dispenser wireless transceiver located in close proximity to the beverage dispenser;transmitting a second electronic signal to the dispenser wireless transceiver from a container wireless transceiver associated with the container; anddispensing the fluid from the beverage dispenser to the beverage container,wherein the first electronic signal and the second electronic signal meet a threshold signal strength that is required for the valve to dispense the fluid, and wherein the threshold signal strength is met only when the first electronic signal and the second electronic ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050156A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

Agitating a plurality of fluid packages in a tower. The housing tower may include a stationary tower as well as an agitation device. The agitation device may include an agitation chassis assembly and an agitation rack tower. The plurality of fluid packages may be received at the agitation rack tower. Once received, the plurality of fluid packages may be connected to a pump assembly, wherein the pump assembly is located at the agitation chassis assembly. In addition, the agitation rack tower may be agitated relative to the agitation chassis assembly about a pivot point located on the agitation rack tower. 1. A housing tower , comprising:a chassis assembly configured to house a rack tower and a pump assembly, wherein the rack tower is configured to receive a plurality of fluid packages, wherein the pump assembly is adapted to fluidly connect with the plurality of fluid packages upon receipt into the rack tower; andan agitation assembly configured to agitate the rack tower relative to the chassis assembly;wherein the chassis assembly remains stationary as the agitation assembly agitates the rack tower.2. The housing tower of claim 1 , wherein the chassis assembly comprises at least one of a control board claim 1 , power and data connection to the pump assembly claim 1 , and a pump electrical connection claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , as the agitation assembly agitates claim 1 , the at least one of the control board claim 1 , the power and data connection to the pump assembly claim 1 , and the pump electrical connection remain stationary.3. The housing tower of claim 2 , wherein the rack tower comprises a radio frequency identification antenna claim 2 , wherein the control board is coupled to the chassis assembly on a first side panel and the radio frequency identification antenna is located on a second side panel of the chassis assembly opposite to the first side panel.4. The housing tower of claim 1 , wherein the rack tower comprises slots to receive the plurality of ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Mixed Drink Producing Apparatus With An Overall Container With Multiple Chambers As Well As Household Refrigeration Apparatus With A Mixed Drink Producing Apparatus

Номер: US20180055279A1

A mixed drink producing apparatus for a household refrigeration apparatus with a first dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a first liquid having a first freezing point and addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus and which is connected to a dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the first liquid from the first dispensing container to the dispensing unit, and with at least one second dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a second liquid having a second freezing point different from the first freezing point and addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus and which is connected to the dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the second liquid from the second dispensing container to the dispensing unit, wherein the first dispensing container and the second dispensing container are formed as chambers in an overall container, and the chamber of the first dispensing container is separated from the chamber of the second dispensing container by at least one partition in the overall container. It can also be provided that a storage container is formed as a chamber in the overall container. 1. A mixed drink producing apparatus , comprising:a dispensing unit for dispensing liquid from the mixed drink producing apparatus,a first dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a first liquid having a first freezing point and addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus, whereinthe first dispensing container is connected to a dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the first liquid from the first dispensing container to the dispensing unit, anda second dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a second liquid having a second freezing point different from the first freezing point and addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus, whereinthe second dispensing container is ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073332A1

A post-mix drink dispenser includes a mixer body securable to a drink dispensing system and having at least one beverage concentrate inlet and outlet sheltered within a downwardly open cavity in the bottom thereof; a diluent channel formed exterior to the cavity and about a lower sidewall of the mixer body; and a nozzle housing securable in place about the mixer body. The dispenser includes an air channel formed in a wall portion of the nozzle housing, a diffuser to organize flows of diluent along the interior surface of the nozzle housing, or both a vent and a diffuser. The air channel includes provisions to impede ingress of diluent, and to contain flow through the channel of liquid beverage components. The diffuser may be formed unitary with the nozzle housing, or may be selectively removable from the drink dispenser. 177-. (canceled)78. A post-mix drink dispenser , comprising:a mixer securable to a drink dispensing system, the mixer including at least one beverage concentrate inlet, and, for each provided beverage concentrate inlet, a corresponding beverage concentrate outlet;a diluent pathway running through a diluent channel;a nozzle housing securable in place about the mixer body, the nozzle housing being adapted for receiving a diluent flowing from the diluent channel and a beverage concentrate flowing from the mixer and for directing the diluent and the beverage concentrate from the nozzle housing; anda vent formed in the nozzle housing, the vent being configured for air transfer between an interior and an exterior of the nozzle housing concurrent with the nozzle housing receiving the diluent and the beverage concentrate.79. The post-mix drink dispenser of claim 78 , wherein the vent through the air transfer between the interior and the exterior of the nozzle housing concurrent with the nozzle housing receiving the diluent and the beverage concentrate equalizes air pressure within the nozzle housing with ambient air pressure exterior of the nozzle housing. ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073334A1
Принадлежит: Marmon Foodservice Technologies, Inc.

A beverage dispensing head includes a housing having a front, a rear, and a base that extends between the front and the rear. A mixing nozzle is configured to dispense a flow of beverage via the base. A valve is configured to control the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle, and a switch is movable into and between a closed position in which the valve opens the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle and an open position in which the valve closes the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle. A lighting module disposed in the housing is configured to illuminate the front of the housing and the base of the housing when the switch is moved into the closed position. 1. A lighting module for a beverage dispensing head with a housing , the light module comprising:a first light source configured to emit light in a first direction from the dispensing head;a second light source configured to emit light in a different, second direction from the dispensing head;a casing defining a cavity in which the first light source and the second light source are positioned; anda wire harness configured to electrically couple the first light source and the second lighting source to the beverage dispensing head.2. The lighting module according to claim 1 , further comprising a light guide positioned in the cavity relative to the first light source and configured to transmit light from the first light source through the light guide.3. The lighting module according to claim 2 , further comprising a reflective surface positioned relative the light guide to reflect light from the first light source in the first direction from the dispensing head.4. The lighting module according to claim 3 , wherein the reflective surface has a reflective property that increases as the reflective rear surface extends away from the first light source.5. The lighting module according to claim 3 , wherein the reflective surface is a reflective film secured to the light guide.6. The lighting module according to claim ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073337A1

A carbonated water dispenser comprises a carbonator with a water inlet and a carbonated water outlet. A backflow preventer module is fluidically coupled to the water inlet and comprises a check valve and a thermal mass flow meter. The thermal mass flow meter is configured to communicate a first signal based on a measured amount of heat transferred from a heater to a temperature sensor by a flow of a fluid through the backflow preventer module. A shut-off valve is fluidically coupled between the carbonated water outlet and a nozzle. The shut-off valve is configured to allow or prevent fluid flow from the carbonated water outlet to the nozzle base on a control signal. A controller is configured to detect a backflow condition based on the first signal and generate the control signal to configure the shut-off valve to prevent dispensing carbonated water upon detection of the backflow condition. 1. A backflow preventer module , comprising:a housing having an inlet and an outlet and a passageway extending between the inlet and the outlet, the passageway defining a flow path through the backflow preventer module;a thermal mass flow meter, the thermal mass flow meter located between the inlet and the outlet along the flow path, wherein the thermal mass flow meter is configured to communicate a first signal based on a flow rate of a fluid along the flow path; anda check valve located b the inlet and the outlet along the flow path and configured to prevent a flow of fluid in a direction from the outlet to the inlet.2. The backflow preventer module of claim 1 , further comprising:a second check valve located between the inlet and the outlet along the flow path and configured to prevent a flow of fluid in the direction from the outlet to the inlet.3. The backflow preventer module of claim 1 , wherein the thermal mass flow meter is further configured to communicate a second signal based on a measured temperature of the fluid.4. The backflow preventer module of claim 1 , wherein ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Mixed Drink Producing Apparatus With A Manipulation Device For Manipulating An Orientation Of A Jet Of A Liquid Of The Mixed Drink, Household Refrigeration Apparatus As Well As Method For Producing And Dispensing A Mixed Drink

Номер: US20180057337A1

A mixed drink producing apparatus with a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a liquid addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus and which is connected to a dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit, wherein the dispensing unit has a dispensing opening, from which the mixed drink can be dispensed, and the mixed drink producing apparatus has a gas adding unit, which is disposed such that a gas output by it is directed to a jet of the liquid dispensed from the dispensing container and the gas is addable to the jet before the dispensing opening such that the orientation of the jet after the dispensing opening is variable by the gas addition. The invention also relates to a household refrigeration apparatus and to a method for producing and dispensing a mixed drink. 1. A mixed drink producing apparatus , comprising:a dispensing unit for dispensing liquid from the mixed drink producing apparatus,a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a liquid addable to a cooled mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus, whereinthe dispensing container is connected to a dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit,the dispensing unit has a dispensing opening, from which the mixed drink can be dispensed, andthe mixed drink producing apparatus has a gas adding unit, which is disposed such that a gas output by it is directed to a jet of the liquid dispensed from the dispensing container and the gas can be added to the jet before the dispensing opening such that the orientation of the jet after the dispensing opening is variable by the gas addition.2. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gas to be added to the jet is air.3. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the gas adding unit is a pump.4 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Mixed drink producing apparatus with an inline mixer, household refrigeration apparatus as well as method for producing a drink

Номер: US20180057339A1

A mixed drink producing apparatus as well as to a household refrigeration apparatus with a mixed drink producing apparatus with a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a liquid addable to a cooled mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus and which is connected to a dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit, wherein the mixed drink producing apparatus has a gas adding unit for adding carbonizing gas to the first liquid, and the mixed drink producing apparatus has at least one inline mixer, by which the carbonizing gas added to the liquid can be disintegrated. There is also described a method for producing a mixed drink. 1. A mixed drink producing apparatus , comprising:a dispensing unit for dispensing liquid from the mixed drink producing apparatus,a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a liquid addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus, whereinthe dispensing container is connected to the dispensing unit for conducting the liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit,a gas adding unit for adding carbonizing gas to the first liquid, andat least one inline mixer, by which the carbonizing gas added to the liquid can be disintegrated and/or by which inline carbonization can be performed.2. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the inline mixer is an active inline mixer.3. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the active inline mixer is a stirrer driven by a motor.4. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the inline mixer is a passive inline mixer.5. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the passive inline mixer is a vortex generator.6. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mixed drink producing apparatus has at least two inline mixers claim 1 , which are ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Mixed drink producing apparatus with a degassing unit as well as household refrigeration apparatus with such a mixed drink producing apparatus

Номер: US20180057340A1

A mixed drink producing apparatus with a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a liquid addable to a mixed drink by the mixed drink producing apparatus and which is connected to a dispensing unit of the mixed drink producing apparatus for conducting the liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit, and with a gas adding unit, which is formed for adding a carbonizing gas to the liquid, wherein the mixed drink producing apparatus has a degassing unit, by which the liquid can be degassed from carrier gases before supplying the carbonizing gas. There is also described a household refrigeration apparatus and a method for producing a mixed drink. 1. A mixed drink producing apparatus , comprising:a dispensing unit for dispensing liquid from the mixed drink producing apparatus,a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a first liquid addable to a drink by the drink producing apparatus, whereinthe dispensing container is connected to the dispensing unit of the drink producing apparatus for conducting the liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit,a gas adding unit, which is formed for adding a carbonizing gas to the liquid,a degassing unit, by which the liquid can be degassed from carrier gases before supplying the carbonizing gas.2. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the degassing unit is formed for vacuum degassing.3. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the degassing unit is formed for thermal degassing.4. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the degassing unit is formed for column degassing.5. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the degassing unit is formed for pressure degassing with stripping gas.6. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the degassing unit is formed for degassing by catalytic reactions.7. The mixed drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Production and Dispensing Carbonated Beer from Beer Concentrate

Номер: US20200055717A1

An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage has a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet, liquid lines, a water inlet, a pressurized gas inlet, a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet, a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed. The appliance further has a pressure control unit allowing control of the pressure on the water at the water inlet of the carbonation unit. 1. An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage , wherein the appliance comprises a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet , liquid lines , a water inlet , a pressurized gas inlet , a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet , a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed further comprising a pressure control unit allowing control of the pressure on the water at the water inlet of the carbonation unit.2. An appliance according to further comprising gas pressure regulating means for varying the gas at the inlet of the carbonation unit.3. An appliance according to whereby the pressure of the liquid water is up to 6 bar and the pressure of the gas is up to 6 bar.4. An appliance according to whereby the liquid water is pressurized up to 6 bar.5. An appliance according to whereby the carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm claim 1 , preferably less than 0.50 mm claim 1 , and highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm.6. An appliance according to whereby the water contains between 5 and 10 g CO2/L at the mixing unit inlet.7. An appliance according to further comprising a flow rate controller at the liquid line which connects to the inlet of the carbonation unit and/or at the liquid line which fluidly connects the carbonation unit to ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Production and Dispensing Carbonated Beer from Beer Concentrate

Номер: US20200055718A1

An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage has a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet, a water inlet, a pressurized gas inlet, a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet, a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed, wherein the appliance has a cooling unit in which the water is cooled before carbonation. 1. An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage , wherein the appliance comprises a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet , a water inlet , a pressurized gas inlet , a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet , a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed , wherein the appliance comprises a cooling unit in which the water is cooled before carbonation.2. An appliance according to whereby the final constituted beverage has a foam height of at least 6 mm and whereby the foam half life is greater than 15 seconds.3. An appliance according to whereby the carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm claim 1 , preferably less than 0.50 mm claim 1 , and highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm 0.75 mm.4. An appliance according to whereby the water contains between 5 and 10 g CO2/L at the mixing unit inlet.5. An appliance according to further comprising a liquid line and a flow rate controller regulating the flow rate through the liquid line and whereby the flow rate controller regulates the residence time of the liquid such as to maintain the gas dissolved in the liquid.6. An appliance according to further comprising gas pressure regulating means for varying the gas at the inlet of the carbonation unit and a water pressure control unit allowing control of the pressure on the water at the water inlet ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059633A1
Принадлежит: PEPSICO, INC.

The disclosure concerns a system including a modular dispensing system comprising a first module comprising a cold engine assembly, and a second module comprising a hot engine assembly. The system comprises a carbonator configured to dissolve carbon dioxide in water to form carbonated water. The cold engine assembly comprises a cold bath. A cold liquid mixer is configured to mix a concentrate and the carbonated water to form a cold ready-to-drink liquid. The hot engine assembly comprises a hot tank. A hot liquid mixer is configured to mix the hot water from the hot tank and a powder to form a hot ready-to-drink liquid. In an aspect, the cold engine assembly and the hot engine assembly form a single dispensing unit. 1. A modular dispensing system comprising:a cold engine assembly; anda hot engine assembly;the cold engine assembly comprising a cold bath configured to cool a liquid from an initial temperature to a desired lower temperature, a carbonator configured to dissolve carbon dioxide in water to form carbonated water, and a cold liquid mixer, the cold engine assembly comprising a concentrate line configured to convey a concentrate through the cold bath and to the cold liquid mixer, a cold water line configured to convey water through the cold bath to the cold liquid mixer, the cold liquid mixer configured to mix the concentrate and carbonated water that has been cooled in the cold bath to form a cold carbonated concentrate based ready-to-drink liquid;the hot engine assembly comprising a hot tank configured to heat water from an initial temperature to a desired elevated temperature, a hot liquid mixer, the hot engine assembly comprising a powder line configured to convey a powder to the hot liquid mixer, the hot liquid mixer configured to mix the powder and the water from the hot tank having the desired elevated temperature to form a hot non-carbonated powder based ready-to-drink liquid;the modular dispensing system comprising a cold liquid dispensing nozzle ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062138A1
Автор: Elmery Ramy

This invention relates to a beverage delivery vending system that provides the consumer with the option of choosing ingredients of their choice, using a computer touchscreen that is connected to a computing system. The ingredients chosen are delivered using a frozen food delivery system. The ingredients are blended using a blending system and dispensed through solenoid valves and into a disposable cup, which is dispended by a cup-dispenser unit. The ingredients are mixed inside the disposable cup using a sanitary mixer. The consumer has the option of payment for the drink in cash, by debit card, and/or credit card. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A beverage delivery vending system comprising: a front panel;', 'an interior volume;, 'a main cabinet including 'wherein said refrigerator compartment is located within said interior volume of said main cabinet and is adapted to store and refrigerate a blending device for liquids and food;', 'a refrigerator compartment;'} [ at least one wall member forming an interior volume adapted to hold and store a liquid or food therein;', 'an aperture on a bottom section thereof adapted to allow said liquid or food to pass therethrough and out of said interior volume; and', 'a valve member mechanically connected to at least one of said at least one wall member and is adapted to selectively cover said aperture and allow a predetermined amount of said liquid or food to exit its respective cartridge through said aperture and enter a beverage container member;, 'a plurality of cartridges each including, 'wherein each of said plurality of cartridges is adapted to be refilled when empty;', 'wherein each of said plurality of cartridges is adapted to be replaced when empty; and', 'wherein said blending device is located within said refrigerator compartment and is adapted to deliver chosen liquids and food to said ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081277A1

A drink dispensing device including one or more processors, a drink dispensing item located above a drink container positioning area, and a first sensor to determine when a drink container is located in the drink container positioning area, where the one or more processors initiate a drink container filling operation based on a first signal from the first sensor that the drink container is located in the drink container positioning area. 1. A control device comprising:one or more processors configured to determine drink dispensing data;a housing with at least one inlet and at least one outlet;the housing containing a control unit and a solenoid;the control unit is configured to maintain a relative constant flow of fluid from a variable pressure fluid supply to a fluid outlet, the control unit including: a) a valve housing having an inlet port and an outlet port adapted to be connected to the variable pressure fluid supply and the fluid outlet; b) a diaphragm chamber interposed between the inlet port and the outlet port; c) a cup contained within the diaphragm chamber; d) a diaphragm closing the cup; e) a piston assembly secured to a center of the diaphragm, the piston assembly having a cap and a base; f) a stem projecting from the cap through a first passageway in a barrier wall to terminate in a valve head; and g) a spring in the cup coacting with the base of the piston assembly for urging the diaphragm into a closed position, and the spring being responsive to fluid pressure above a predetermined level to adjust a size of a control orifice.2. The control device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more processors are configured to transmit the drink dispensing data to a remote device.3. The control device of claim 2 , wherein the remote device transmits commands to the one or more processors based on the transmitted drink dispensing data.4. The control device of claim 2 , wherein the remote device initiates one or more actions based on the transmitted drink dispensing ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069087A1
Автор: Brown James W.

Disclosed is a hybrid beverage dispenser that can be configured in a number of flexible arrangements, providing the opportunity for a configurable beverage dispensing “station” having a variable “footprint”. The hybrid beverage dispenser may have “on board” refrigeration and/or heating system for providing both hot and cold beverages from the same dispenser. A remote chiller may provide chilled syrups for the beverages. Also disclosed is a countertop hybrid beverage dispensing unit for situations where limited space is an issue. Also disclosed is a hybrid beverage dispenser that provides the ability to dispense from one dispenser beverages which usually are dispensed from separate dispensers. The countertop unit possesses the same beverage dispensing flexibility; however, all ingredients are remotely chilled and pumped to the point of dispensing. 1. A beverage dispenser comprising:a point of use portion for use by an individual to make and dispense beverages, the point of use portion comprised of a plurality of dispensers for dispensing beverages, wherein at least two of the plurality of dispensers dispense a beverage from a different beverage type selected from the group consisting of blended ice beverages, carbonated beverages, non-carbonated beverages and combinations of any of the foregoing; and a user interface that provides sequential direction to the individual for making and dispensing the beverages.2. A beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the point of use portion further comprises an ice maker for providing ice for the beverages and/or a blend chamber for blending the ingredients of the beverages.3. A beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the point of use portion further comprises a refrigerated base.4. A beverage dispenser according to claim 3 , wherein the refrigerated base holds blended ice beverage ingredients claim 3 , carbonated beverage ingredients and/or non-carbonated beverage ingredients selected from the group consisting ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069088A1

A cartridge for selectively dispensing an additive to water that includes a housing, a bladder disposed within the housing, and a pump connected to the housing and in fluid communication with the bladder. The bladder is configured to contain a consumable additive such as a flavor, for water. The pump is operable to selectively dispense an amount of the additive into water. The cartridge may be connected to a water filtration system such that the cartridge may dispense the additive into filtered water. 1. A cartridge for selectively dispensing an additive to water , comprising:a housing;a ventless bladder disposed within said housing and configured to contain a consumable additive; anda pump connected to said housing and in fluid communication with said bladder, said pump operable to selectively dispense an amount of additive to water;wherein said cartridge is configured such that it may dispense said amount of additive from any orientation.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein said pump comprises a diaphragm pump.3. The cartridge according to claim 1 , wherein said pump comprisesan inlet check valve in fluid communication with said bladder;a diaphragm positioned over said inlet check valve defining a chamber between said valve and said diaphragm; andan outlet check valve disposed on said diaphragm and in fluid communication with said chamber;wherein said outlet check valve is configured to open when pressure is applied to said diaphragm to dispense said amount of additive contained within said chamber.4. The cartridge according to claim 3 , wherein said pump further comprisesa pump body connected to one end of said housing, said pump body having an opening therethrough;wherein said bladder is sealed to said pump body and in fluid communication with said opening;wherein said inlet check valve is disposed within said opening; andwherein said diaphragm is connected to said pump body and positioned over said inlet check valve.5. The cartridge according to ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Liquid Product Dispensing System and Method

Номер: US20140144928A1

An embodiment system and method for dispensing multiple dairy products includes a dispenser which houses two or more dairy product bases with different formulations, which may be combined with or without water to create a multitude of homogenous dairy beverages. The two or more dairy product bases may be mixed together first and then separately mixed with water, mixed together simultaneously with water, or mixed together without adding water. They may be mixed together with or without additional flavoring, ingredients, mineral or nutritional additives. The dispenser comprises a pump with a quick-release mechanism to allow for quick and clean maintenance of the system. 1. A pump system comprising:a first pump roller;a first pump door movable between a first position and a second position, wherein the first pump door is configured to pump in conjunction with the first pump roller in the first position; anda first pump handle configured to movably rotate between a third position and fourth position, wherein the first pump handle is configured to engage the first pump door with the first pump roller in the first position and to release the first pump door from engaging with the first pump roller in the second position.2. The pump system of claim 1 , further comprising a first liquid base product tube located between the first pump roller and the first pump door when the first pump door is in the first position.3. The pump system of claim 2 , further comprising a first liquid base product package in connection with the first liquid base product tube claim 2 , wherein the first pump roller and the first pump door are configured to pump a first liquid from the first liquid base product package.4. The pump system of claim 3 , further comprising:a second pump roller laterally removed from the first pump roller;a second pump door movable between a fifth position and a sixth position, wherein the second pump door is configured to pump in conjunction with the second pump roller ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210070599A1
Автор: OTTO Harry

A method may comprise storing a first service provider record associated with a first project located at a first geographic location, receiving a request for project identifiers located within a section of a geographic area, providing a subset of the first set of the one or more project identifiers to be displayed on a second map the first user device, receiving a selected project of the project identifiers, providing a project page indicating categorical identifiers associated with the first project indicating at least some work performed, a link to at least one service professional's profile page, an opinion review and an insight review, receiving a selection of the link to the at least one service professional's profile page, and providing, a profile page of the at least one service professional, the profile page including contact information of the at least one service professional. 1. A system for selectively managing dispensing of a portion of a liquid volume stored in a pressurized environment , the system comprising:an incompressible, pressurized container including a hollow housing portion and an outer portion, the pressurized container being airtight and operable to maintain a pressure level in an internal pressurized environment in the hollow housing portion, the pressurized container including a portal to allow access to the hollow housing portion and enabling a first compressible container to be stored within the hollow housing portion;a dispensing system including at least one liquid transport conduit extending from the outer portion through a pressurized container interface to the hollow housing portion of the pressurized container, the pressurized container interface capable of maintaining the pressure level in the internal pressurized environment in the hollow housing portion, an end of the at least one liquid transport conduit within the hollow housing portion of the pressurized container including a releasable connection capable of releasably ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Making Machine

Номер: US20140150669A1

A beverage making machine includes a first beverage making cartridge including at least one of a gas source portion, the gas source portion contains a solid gas source that through sublimation emits a gas, and a gas storage tank arranged to store the gas emitted from the solid gas source. The beverage making machine further includes a second beverage making cartridge includes at least one of a beverage ingredient, a beverage diluent receptacle for receiving a beverage diluent liquid, a dissolver dissolves portion of the gas, from the gas storage tank, into the beverage diluent liquid, and a dispenser selectively dispenses a predefined ratio of at least one of the beverage ingredient and the beverage diluent liquid, to form a beverage. Exemplary embodiments include a computer control arranged to receive a beverage selection from a consumer and control the beverage making machine to form beverages. 1. A beverage making machine comprising:a first beverage making cartridge comprising at least one of a gas source portion, the gas source portion contains a solid gas source that through sublimation emits a gas;a gas storage tank arranged to store the gas emitted from the solid gas source;a second beverage making cartridge comprising at least one of a beverage ingredient;a beverage diluent receptacle for receiving a beverage diluent liquid;a dissolver dissolves portion of the gas, from the gas storage tank, into the beverage diluent liquid; anda dispenser selectively dispenses a predefined ratio of at least one of the beverage ingredient and the beverage diluent liquid, to form a beverage.2. The beverage making machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the gas storage tank further comprising a pressure release valve preventing the gas storage tank from exceeding a maximum pressure limit.3. The beverage making machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the solid gas source portion further comprising a one-way vent claim 1 , which allows the gas to escape the solid gas ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Making Cartridges for Use in a Beverage Making Machine

Номер: US20140154369A1
Автор: Kolls Brock

A beverage making cartridge for use in a beverage making machine includes making cartridge comprising a beverage making cartridge enclosure further comprising a gas source portion further comprising a solid gas source, that through sublimation, emits a gas to be dissolved in a beverage diluent liquid and a beverage ingredient portion further including a beverage ingredient, the beverage ingredient is dispensed and mixed in a pre-defined volumetric ratio with the beverage diluent liquid to form a beverage. 1. A beverage making cartridge for use in a beverage making machine , the beverage making cartridge comprising:a beverage making cartridge enclosure further comprising a gas source portion further comprising a solid gas source, that through sublimation, emits a gas to be dissolved in a beverage diluent liquid and a beverage ingredient portion further comprising a beverage ingredient, the beverage ingredient is dispensed and mixed in a pre-defined volumetric ratio with the beverage diluent liquid to form a beverage.2. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the beverage ingredient portion further comprising:a wall that is movable to force the beverage ingredient to exit the beverage ingredient portion.3. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the beverage ingredient portion further comprising:a fluid handler through which the beverage ingredient can be extracted from the beverage ingredient portion.4. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the gas source portion and the beverage ingredient portion are arranged to prevent the gas source from contacting portions of the beverage diluent liquid and the beverage ingredient used to form the beverage.5. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the gas further comprising a carbonation gas and an aroma enhancing gas.6. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the carbonation gas is carbon ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Multivalve dispenser

Номер: US20220098021A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The present application provides a beverage dispensing system. The beverage dispensing system may include a first valve connected to a rigid form by way of a first tube positioned through a valve cover and a second valve connected to a second tube positioned through the valve cover and exiting the valve cover without being in connection with the rigid form.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098022A1

A contactless beverage dispenser, system, and method of contactlessly dispensing a beverage are disclosed herein. Embodiments of the present invention utilize a sensor that is operatively coupled to a pump for selective activation thereof. The sensor detects, in a sensor zone, the presence of a beverage container proximal a dispensing spout of the beverage dispenser. The sensor may be a proximity sensor, such as a photoelectric sensor. Upon detection of the beverage container, the pump is activated and dispenses a beverage to a user. 1. A beverage dispenser comprising:a reservoir configured to contain a beverage;a dispensing spout configured to dispense the beverage;a sensor configured to detect when a beverage container is disposed in a sensor zone proximal the dispensing spout; anda pump operably coupled to the reservoir and the dispensing spout, the pump being configured to pump the beverage out of the dispensing spout upon the detection, by the sensor, of the beverage container being disposed in the sensor zone.2. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is a proximity sensor.3. The beverage dispenser of claim 2 , wherein the proximity sensor is a photoelectric sensor.4. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is mounted to a housing such that the sensor is disposed a predetermined horizontal distance from the dispensing spout.5. The beverage dispenser of claim 4 , wherein the sensor is located below the dispensing spout.6. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising one or more ultraviolet lights configured to sanitize at least one of the dispensing spout and a portion of the sensor zone.7. The beverage dispenser of claim 6 , wherein the one or more ultraviolet lights are configured to run continuously.8. The beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a housing in which the pump is mounted claim 1 , an inlet conduit coupled to the reservoir and the pump claim 1 , and an outlet conduit coupled to the pump and the ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086621A1

The invention concerns a beverage dispenser () configured for dispensing in a drinking container () a beverage composed of a plurality of layers (a, b, c) of beverage components, said dispenser comprising: a preparation unit for preparing the beverage components () and dispensing said beverage components in a drinking container, a control unit () for enabling a user to control the preparation unit, said control unit comprising: a user interface () for enabling a user to select a beverage, a processing unit for driving the preparation unit in accordance with the beverage selected by the user, wherein the user interface () enables the user to choose the vertical order of the layers (a, b, c) of beverage components in the drinking container, and wherein the processing unit is adapted to calculate the density (d, d, d, d) of each beverage component in order to obtain the vertical order of layers selected by the user in the drinking container. 1. Beverage dispenser configured for dispensing in a drinking container a beverage composed of a plurality of layers of beverage components , the dispenser comprising:a preparation unit for preparing the beverage components and dispensing the beverage components in a drinking container, the preparation unit preparing the beverage components by dilution of at least one soluble beverage ingredients with a diluent, preferably water;a control unit for enabling a user to control the preparation unit, the control unit comprising:a user interface for enabling a user to select a beverage,a processing unit for driving the preparation unit in accordance with the beverage selected by the user;wherein the user interface enables the user to choose the vertical order of the layers of beverage components in the drinking container, andwherein the processing unit is adapted:to calculate the density of each beverage component in order to obtain the vertical order of layers selected by the user in the drinking container, andto drive the preparation ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing Heads with Lighting Modules

Номер: US20190084820A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

A beverage dispensing head includes a housing having a front, a rear, and a base that extends between the front and the rear. A mixing nozzle is configured to dispense a flow of beverage via the base. A valve is configured to control the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle, and a switch is movable into and between a closed position in which the valve opens the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle and an open position in which the valve closes the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle. A lighting module disposed in the housing is configured to illuminate the front of the housing and the base of the housing when the switch is moved into the closed position. 1. A beverage dispensing head comprising:a housing having a front with a display window and a base with a lighting opening;a valve disposed in the housing and configured to control a flow of beverage from a mixing nozzle;a switch operable control the valve and thereby control the flow of beverage from the mixing nozzle; anda lighting module configured to illuminate the display window, the lighting opening, and the flow of beverage from the mixing nozzle;wherein the lighting module comprises a first light source that emits light toward the display window, a light guide that guides light from the first light source alongside the display window, the light guide having a reflective surface that reflects light emitted from the first light source toward the display window, and a second light source that emits light toward the lighting opening and the flow of beverage from the mixing nozzle.2. The beverage dispensing head according to claim 1 , wherein the lighting module further comprises a casing defining a cavity in which the first and second light sources are located.3. The beverage dispensing head according to claim 2 , wherein the front is removable from a remainder of the housing so that the lighting module can be manually inserted into and coupled to the housing.4. The beverage dispensing head according to ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088410A1

Among other things, beverages are dispensed from one or more beverage dispensers based on selections made by users. Information about the dispensing of the beverages is sent to a central server where it is used to manage a variety of functions including replacement of depleted supplies of components. Various features of the beverage dispensers enable the beverages that are dispensed to be uniform and appealing to users. 1. A beverage dispensing method comprisingreceiving a signal from a manually operated switch indicating a carbonation level of a beverage to be dispensed, andin response to the signal, controlling a digital pressure regulator associated with a supply of CO2 or controlling a ratio of still water and carbonated water flowing to a dispensing orifice, or both, to dispense the beverage at the indicated carbonation level.2. The method of in which the manually operated switch comprises a portion of a touch screen.3. The method of in which the signal from the manually operated switch is indicative of a carbonation level on an arbitrary scale claim 1 , and the method comprises mapping the carbonation level from the arbitrary scale to a parameter representing a pressure at the digital pressure regulator or two relative degrees of valve openings for flows of the still water and the carbonated water.4. The method of in which the mapping changes to reflect information about previous beverages dispensed claim 3 , including updated information about preferences of consumers of dispensed beverages.5. A beverage dispensing method comprisingreceiving a signal from a manually operated switch indicating a strength of a flavor of a beverage to be dispensed, andin response to the signal, controlling operation of a peristaltic pump to withdraw from a concentrated supply an additive associated with the flavor, the additives being withdrawn at a rate to achieve the indicated strength relative to a rate of flow of a base liquid of the beverage.6. The method of in which the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135389A1

The present application thus provides a beverage dispensing system for combining a micro-ingredient and a diluent. The beverage dispensing system may include a nozzle and a remote micro-ingredient storage system positioned at a distance from the nozzle. The remote micro-ingredient storage system may include a recirculation loop in communication with the nozzle to agitate the micro-ingredient therein.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087132A1

The present application provides a beverage dispensing system for dispensing beverages with low solubility ingredients. The beverage dispensing system may include a sweetener flow, a first diluent flow, a low solubility ingredient premixing system for mixing a low solubility ingredient with a second diluent flow to create a mixed flow, and a nozzle to mix the sweetener flow, the first diluent flow, and the mixed flow. 1. A beverage dispensing system for dispensing beverages with low solubility ingredients , comprising:a sweetener flow;a first diluent flow;a low solubility ingredient premixing system;wherein the low solubility ingredient premixing system mixes a low solubility ingredient with a second diluent flow to create a mixed flow; anda nozzle to mix the sweetener flow, the first diluent flow, and the mixed flow.2. The beverage dispensing system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of micro-ingredient flows.3. The beverage dispensing system of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of micro-ingredient flows are mixed with the sweetener flow claim 2 , the first diluent flow claim 2 , and the mixed flow at the nozzle.4. The beverage dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the low solubility ingredient premixing system comprise a low solubility ingredient storage chamber with a volume of the low solubility ingredient therein.5. The beverage dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the low solubility ingredient premixing system comprises a low solubility ingredient mixing chamber.6. The beverage dispensing system of claim 5 , wherein the low solubility ingredient mixing chamber is in communication with one or more diluent sources.7. The beverage dispensing system of claim 5 , wherein the low solubility ingredient mixing chamber is in communication with one or more diluent additive sources.8. The beverage dispensing system of claim 5 , wherein the low solubility ingredient mixing chamber is in communication with one or more storage containers.9. The beverage dispensing ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Beverage Dispense Valve Controlled by Wireless Technology

Номер: US20160096715A1

Methods and systems directed to dispensing, fluids, such as beverages, using wireless technology are provided. Aspects relate to a container, such as a beverage cup, having a wireless transceiver configured to transmit and/or receive wireless signals to a second wireless transceiver associated with a dispenser. The wireless transceiver may be configured to transmit electronic signals indicative that the container is validated to receive a beverage and whether it is properly located to receive the beverage from a valve of the dispenser. Further aspects of the invention relate to a beverage dispersing system having, a wireless transceiver. In one embodiment, the dispenser is configured to receive a return signal from a container indicative that the container is validated to receive a beverage and whether the container is properly located to receive a beverage from a valve of the dispenser. 1. A beverage dispensing system comprising: a sidewall disposed around a central bottom, wherein the bottom is distal to an opening for receiving a beverage, and', 'a container wireless transceiver associated with the container; and, 'at least one beverage container, the beverage container comprising a housing,', 'a valve extending from the housing configured to dispense the beverage into the container located below the valve, and', 'a dispenser wireless transceiver located in close proximity to the beverage dispenser configured to communicate with the container wireless transceiver on the beverage container., 'at least one beverage dispenser, the beverage dispenser comprising2. The beverage dispensing system according to , wherein the container wireless transceiver is affixed to the bottom of the container. The beverage dispensing system according to , wherein the container wireless transceiver is affixed to the sidewall of the container.4. The beverage dispensing system according to claim 1 , wherein the container wireless transceiver is located in an impermeable layer between the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Dispensing a Beverage

Номер: US20210094813A1

Beverage dispensers are disclosed. A beverage dispenser may include a carbonation pump, pressure tank, and a pressure switch configured to active the pressure pump when a pressure in the pressure tank falls below a threshold pressure. The pressure switch may cause the carbonation pump to shut off when the pressure in the pressure tank exceeds an upper threshold pressure. The beverage dispenser may be convertible from a carbonated beverage dispenser to a non-carbonated beverage dispenser. 1. A method of converting a carbonated beverage dispenser to a non-carbonated beverage dispenser , the method comprising:removing a carbonation tank from the beverage dispenser,installing a pressure tank, the pressure tank fluidly installed between a carbonation pump and a mixing nozzle of the beverage dispenser;installing a pressure switch, the pressure switch configured to monitor a pressure of the pressure tank,wherein the pressure switch is configured to actuate the carbonation pump when the pressure of the pressure tank is below a lower pressure threshold, and wherein the pressure switch is configured to shut off the carbonation pump when the pressure of the pressure tank is above an upper pressure threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising installing a pressure regulator.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pressure tank is a hydro-pneumatic tank.4. A beverage dispenser comprising:a carbonation pump fluidly coupled to a water source and a beverage supply line;a pressure tank fluidly coupled to the beverage supply line;a pressure switch configured to monitor a pressure in the pressure tank; anda mixing nozzle fluidly coupled to the beverage supply line,wherein the pressure switch is configured to actuate the carbonation pump when the pressure in the pressure tank is below a lower threshold pressure, and wherein the pressure switch is configured to shut the carbonation pump off when the pressure tank is above an upper threshold pressure.5. The beverage dispenser ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210094814A1
Автор: Showalter Edward

Systems for filling and dispensing free-flowing contents into and out of a container, the container comprising: a top and a bottom, a plurality of vertical walls extending between the bottom and the top, an ice portal disposed in the top, the ice portal having a removable cap for filling an ice chamber with ice, a removable container cap, a tube vertically disposed in the container cap, the tube extending between a beverage bag and a gate valve above the container cap, an air hose disposed in the container cap parallel with the tube, an air bag attached to a bottom end of the air hose, the air bag being adjacent to the beverage bag, such that a volume between the bags and an interior of the plurality of vertical walls is the ice chamber, and a beverage flow portal protruding longitudinally from a side of the gate valve. 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the container further comprises a filter housing disposed within the tube claim 1 , the filter housing having a filter and a removable cap encapsulating the filter within the filter housing claim 1 , such that the free flowing contents filling the beverage bag can pass through the filter.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the beverage bag is attached to the tube and wherein the air bag is attached to the bottom end of the air hose each via a female and a male connector couplings claim 1 , the male connector coupling fitting into the female connector coupling claim 1 , such that the beverage bag and the air bag are each sandwiched between the male and the female connector couplings.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the container further comprises an air pump bellows connected to a top end of the air hose claim 1 , such that compression of the air pump bellows pumps air into the air bag.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the container further comprises:a gate valve slidably disposed within the gate valve shaft, the gate valve sliding upwardly for opening of the beverage flow portal; anda gate valve stopper inserted ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing System

Номер: US20170096322A1
Автор: Volftsun Lev

A system and method for the automated dispensing of bulk keg wine is provide having, in combination: integrated temperature control; pressure monitoring; automated purging; and integrated point of sale data acquisition for determining inventory usage statistics for each keg of wine dispensed. The system provides for precise measurement of each portion. An error alarm system warns an operator about beverage tank low level. A system for forcing the flashing of poor quality beverage. Recording of all delivery process events allows for operator or management review and control. 1. A method for dispensing a beverage comprising:receiving a pressurized beverage fluid into a metering chamber having a first volume; anddispensing any selected number of multiples or fractions of said first volume in an uninterrupted continuous output flow of said beverage fluid.2. An apparatus for dispensing a pour of a beverage comprising:a generally cylindrical metering chamber having a first access at a first end opposite a second access at a second end;a first input flow control mechanism for controlling a fluid communication between a bulk beverage volume and said first access;a second input flow control mechanism for controlling a fluid communication between said bulk beverage volume and said second access;a first output flow control mechanism for controlling a fluid communication between said first access and a dispenser;a second output flow control mechanism for controlling a fluid communication between said second access and said dispenser;a reciprocating piston retained within said cylindrical metering chamber for sliding between said first access and said second access wherein movement toward said first access allows fluid access to said metering chamber through said second access and movement toward said second access allows fluid access to said metering chamber through said first access; wherein an uninterrupted continuous output flow of said beverage fluid is provided by ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095111A1

A system, method and device for monitoring fluid dispensing are described. The method includes coupling a plurality of sensors to a valve of a fluid dispensing assembly, wherein the valve is configured to operate in either a first state or a second state to control fluid flow from the inlet to the outlet. A change of a state of the valve is detected from the first state to the second state from the second state back to the first state. The detected data from the detected sequence of triggering events, a time duration and a predetermined flow rate may be transmitted through a wireless transceiver, to one or both of an external user device and a remote central monitoring unit for a determination of a volume V of fluid being dispensed. 1. A method for monitoring fluid dispensing , comprising:coupling a plurality of sensors to a valve of a fluid dispensing assembly, wherein the plurality of sensors are housed within a tracking device housing, wherein the fluid dispensing assembly comprises a dispenser body having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet of the dispenser body is configured to be connected either to a fluid container or to a conduit that transports fluid, and the valve is disposed between the inlet and the outlet, wherein the valve is configured to operate in either a first state or a second state to control fluid flow from the inlet to the outlet;detecting a change of a state of the valve from the first state to the second state through detecting a sequence of first triggering events;detecting a subsequent change of states of the valve from the second state back to the first state through detecting a sequence of second triggering events;{'sub': '1', 'determining a first time duration ΔTbetween two successive changes of the first states of the valve;'}transmitting through a wireless transceiver, to one or both of an external user device and a remote central monitoring unit, first data from the detected sequence of first triggering events, second data from the ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140188271A1

A beverage dispensing system includes a control system electrically connected with a beverage dispenser, a proximity sensor, and a touch-sensitive display. The control system causes the touch-sensitive display to display an advertising state when the proximity sensor indicates a user is not present at the beverage dispensing system and a beverage selection state when the proximity sensor indicates a user is present. The control system further causes the touch-sensitive display to display a pour state after a beverage choice selection is made through the touch sensitive display during the display of the beverage selection state. The control system still further causes the beverage dispenser to deliver the beverage choice after a pour request is made through the touch sensitive display during the display of the pour state. 1. A method for a beverage dispensing system , comprising:displaying on a touch-sensitive display a beverage selection state, comprising a plurality of three-dimensional graphical representations of cups having thereon drink brand labels of beverage choice selections and movable in a progression through non-beverage selection positions and a beverage selection position;registering a contact with the touch-sensitive display at one of the plurality of three-dimensional graphical representations of cups;processing the contact to determine whether the contact is a stationary contact or a moving contact;determining in response to a moving contact a starting point of the contact and an ending point of the contact among the non-beverage selection positions and the beverage selection position;progressing a contacted cup from the starting point of the contact to the ending point of the contact, thereby moving the contacted cup among the non-beverage selection positions and the beverage selection position; andsaving a contacted cup as a beverage choice selection when the contact is a stationary contact and the contacted cup resides at the beverage selection ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing Appliance Comprising a Cooling Unit

Номер: US20170107092A1
Принадлежит: Anheuser Busch InBev SA

An appliance for dispensing a beverage is disclosed. The appliance has a housing that defines an inner space for a beverage keg. The keg extends along a gravitational direction, X1, parallel to the gravity field, from a top position to a bottom position, wherein the top position is higher in the gravity field than the bottom position when the appliance is in use. A pressure unit pressurizes the interior of the keg. A tap unit dispenses beverages from the keg driven by pressure. A cooling unit cools the beverage in the keg. The cooling unit is suitable for cooling a specific cold area of the keg's outer wall to a temperature lower than any other point of the keg. The cold area of the keg is located in the top third portion of the keg according to the X1 direction.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111814A1
Принадлежит: Dispenser Beverages Inc.

A beverage dispensing nozzle is provided. The beverage dispensing nozzle may include an upper portion configured to receive juice concentrate, a lower portion coupled to the upper portion and configured to receive juice concentrate from the upper portion, an agitation device configured to mix the juice concentrate and a liquid within the lower portion, and a nozzle output configured to output a mixture of the juice concentrate and the liquid mixed by the agitation device. At least one of the upper portion and lower portion may include an umbrella valve configured to regulate flow of the juice concentrate. 1. A beverage dispensing nozzle comprising:an upper portion configured to receive juice concentrate;a lower portion coupled to the upper portion and configured to receive juice concentrate from the upper portion;an agitation device configured to mix the juice concentrate and a liquid within the lower portion; anda nozzle output configured to output a mixture of the juice concentrate and the liquid mixed by the agitation device;wherein the upper portion comprises an upper umbrella valve, and the lower portion comprises a lower umbrella valve to regulate flow of the juice concentrate.2. (canceled)3. The beverage dispensing nozzle of further comprising:a liquid inlet configured to provide the liquid that is mixed by the agitation device within the lower portion.4. (canceled)5. The beverage dispensing nozzle of claim 4 , wherein the upper agitator comprises:a first plurality of protrusions configured to mix the juice concentrate and liquid; andone or more outlets configured to output the mixture of juice concentrate and the liquid.6. The beverage dispensing nozzle of claim 5 , wherein the lower agitator comprises a second plurality of protrusions configured to mix the mixture of juice concentrate and the liquid.7. The beverage dispensing nozzle of claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of protrusions extend radially outward from a center of the upper agitator.8. The ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111815A1
Принадлежит: Dispenser Beverages Inc.

A beverage dispensing nozzle is provided. The beverage dispensing nozzle may include an upper portion configured to receive juice concentrate, a lower portion coupled to the upper portion and configured to receive juice concentrate from the upper portion, an agitation device configured to mix the juice concentrate and a liquid within the lower portion, and a nozzle output configured to output a mixture of the juice concentrate and the liquid mixed by the agitation device. At least one of the upper portion and lower portion may include an umbrella valve configured to regulate flow of the juice concentrate. 1. A beverage dispensing nozzle comprising:an upper portion configured to receive juice concentrate;a lower portion coupled to the upper portion and configured to receive juice concentrate from the upper portion;an agitation device configured to mix the juice concentrate and a liquid within the lower portion; anda nozzle output configured to output a mixture of the juice concentrate and the liquid mixed by the agitation device;wherein at least one of the upper portion and lower portion comprises an umbrella valve configured to regulate flow of the juice concentrate; andwherein the agitation device comprises:an upper agitator configured to mix the juice concentrate and the liquid; anda lower agitator configured to receive the mixture of juice concentrate and the liquid from the upper agitator, and further mix the juice concentrate and the liquid.2. The beverage dispensing nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the upper portion comprises an upper umbrella valve claim 1 , and the lower portion comprises a lower umbrella valve.3. The beverage dispensing nozzle of further comprising:a liquid inlet configured to provide the liquid that is mixed by the agitation device within the lower portion.4. (canceled)5. The beverage dispensing nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the upper agitator comprises:a first plurality of protrusions configured to mix the juice concentrate and liquid; andone or ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122172A1

The present system provides a beverage dispensing assembly having a radio transmitter, wherein a personal communication device having associated software receives content from a remote content management system in response to a signal from the transmitter being received at the personal communication device. The radio transmitter may be in a retaining cavity of an extender assembly which is positioned between a faucet and a tap handle of the beverage dispensing assembly. 1. An extender assembly for a beverage dispensing tap assembly , the tap assembly having a faucet with a projecting threaded shaft and a tap handle having a threaded receptacle , the extender assembly comprising:(a) a housing having a retaining cavity, a threaded recess configured to cooperatively engage the projected threaded shaft and a projecting threaded stud configured to be cooperatively received in the threaded receptacle of the tap handle; and(b) a self-contained radio transmitter at least partly retained within the cavity.2. The extender assembly of claim 1 , wherein the retaining cavity is defined by the housing.3. The extender assembly of claim 1 , wherein the retaining cavity is partly defined by the housing and a separate cover.4. The extender assembly of claim 1 , wherein the radio transmitter is programmable.5. The extender assembly of claim 1 , wherein the radio transmitter has sub-14 mA peak current.6. The extender assembly of claim 1 , wherein the radio transmitter includes a transceiver.7. A beverage dispensing tap assembly claim 1 , comprising:(a) a faucet body having an inlet and a spout, and a valve lever projecting from the faucet body and moveable between a closed position and an open position to selectively pass beverage from the inlet to the spout;(b) optionally an extender assembly connected to the valve lever;(c) a tap handle operatively connected either to the valve lever or to the optional extender assembly, when present, for controlling a position of the valve lever; ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122173A1

An automatic extraction device may include a displacement measuring unit for measuring the distance to a container by transmitting a measurement signal and then generating the measurement value which corresponds to the distance to the container; a control unit for outputting a water extraction signal if the measurement value is included within the predetermined target distance range and if the measurement value is not changed during the predetermined reference time; and a water extraction cock for supplying fluid to the container by opening a water extraction valve if the water discharge signal is input. 1. An automatic extraction device comprising:a displacement measuring unit transmitting a measurement signal to measure a distance to a container and generate a measurement value corresponding to the distance to the container;a control unit outputting a water extraction signal when the measurement value is within a preset target distance range and not changed for a preset reference period of time; anda water extraction cock opening a water extraction valve to supply fluid to the container when the water extraction signal is input.2. The automatic extraction device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after transmitting the measurement signal claim 1 , the displacement measurement unit measures a time required for the measurement signal to be returned after being reflected from a surface of the container claim 1 , and generates the measurement value using a propagation rate of the measurement signal and the required time.3. The automatic extraction device of claim 1 , wherein the target distance range is set by applying a preset error range to a distance from the displacement measuring unit to the water extraction cock.4. The automatic extraction device of claim 1 , wherein when the measurement value is within the preset target distance range and is not changed for the preset reference period of time claim 1 , the control unit outputs the water extraction signal to control ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121166A1
Автор: Lozano Alberto Adarve

The invention refers to a system for achieving the sensation of drinking a particular drink, known as the target, when in fact another drink, such as water, is being drunk. The invention consists of a glass which contains not only water but also a small amount of the target drink, in order to provide the true smell and image of the desired drink, as well as an electronic system for generating a series of signals which, by means of electrodes, stimulate the user's tongue, the effect of which is to act on a series of nerve cells, providing the brain with a signal as similar as possible to that which the real drink provides to the taste buds of the user. The user of the system thus has the sensation of drinking the target drink. 1. A simulator system for different liquid flavors comprising:a vessel, with three components:a reservoir wherein a sample of target liquid is housed which provides the smell and image thereof,a main receptacle where carbonated or non-carbonated water is housed, corresponding to a liquid to drink, and "the electronics complemented with a set of signal generators a set of amplifiers to amplify the signal generated, and a set of electrodes adapted to excite different areas sensitive to flavor of a user's tongue,", 'a secondary receptacle for electronics assisted by a voltage adapter,'}a support for said electrodes that, on drinking, is adapted to come into contact with the user's tongue and cause the electrodes, to make contact with the sensitive areas of the tongue;wherein the electronics are controlled by a processor responsible for generating the appropriate stimuli and controlling the overall operation of the simulator system.2. The simulator system for different liquid flavors of claim 1 , wherein the simulator incorporates data transmission means by radio associated to a coil for its control and programming.3. The simulator system for different liquid flavors of claim 1 , further comprising a Peltier cell with a temperature sensor as ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119092A1

A beverage supply device is provided with: physical buttons for receiving an indicator operation indicating that a beverage selected from among the plurality of types of beverages is to be supplied; a control unit that causes a selected beverage to be discharged from a predetermined nozzle while one of the physical buttons is receiving an indicator operation; and a storage unit that stores the number of sales for each beverage. The control unit increases the number of sales for a beverage by one sale when the same beverage is supplied continuously and the interval during which the beverage is supplied continuously is longer than a predetermined period. The control unit does not increase the number of sales for a beverage when the interval during which the beverage is supplied continuously is shorter than a predetermined period. 1. A beverage supplying apparatus comprising:a display operation section that simultaneously displays a first operation section for instructing that a first beverage group be displayed, and a second operation section for instructing that a second beverage group be displayed, the first beverage group including one or more types of beverages which are previously selected, the second beverage group including one or more types of beverages which are changed based on a number of sales for each beverage; anda control section that controls the display operation section to display the one or more types of beverages included in the second beverage group in accordance with an operation of the second operation section.2. The beverage supplying apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the one or more types of beverages included in the second beverage group includes at least one type of beverage having a top cumulative number of sales.3. The beverage supplying apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein:the control section specifies the at least one type of beverage having the top cumulative number of sales by setting a number of sales as one for one ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Beverage Dispenser Nozzle

Номер: US20150129614A1
Автор: C. Brad Green
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

An apparatus for controlling a fluid flow may include a flow channel, a housing, a flow restrictor, and a housing adjustment member. The flow channel defines a fluid pathway for the fluid flow. The fluid pathway includes an inlet and an exit. The housing surrounds the flow channel. The housing comprises an exterior surface defining a first threaded portion. The flow restrictor is located within the housing and proximate the exit. The housing adjustment member includes a second threaded portion in contact with the first threaded portion. Embodiments may include a method for controlling a fluid flow. The method comprises: causing the fluid flow to pass through a flow channel having an inlet and an exit; restricting, via a flow restrictor, the fluid flow, the flow restrictor located proximate the exit; and adjusting a position of the flow restrictor to further restrict or unrestrict the fluid flow.

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Mobile product dispenser

Номер: US20210155465A1
Принадлежит: Pepsico Inc

Mobile product dispensers for storing and dispensing products to consumers at various locations. A mobile product dispensers may include a product dispensing system, a user interface, a powertrain system, and a control unit. The mobile product dispenser may freely roam or follow a predetermined path within its environment of operation, and may engage with and service consumers along its route. A consumer may also summon the mobile product dispenser to a location using a user device such as a smartphone, smartwatch, or the like. The control unit may enable the mobile product dispenser to autonomously travel within its environment of operation and/or to navigate to the location of a consumer.

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130126A1

The invention concerns a mixing nozzle () for mixing a concentrate and a diluent and dispensing the mixture comprising: a concentrate conduit including a concentrate inlet port () and a concentrate outlet port () and a concentrate flowpath () therebetween, said conduit defining the longitudinal axis (XX′) of the mixing nozzle; a toroidal chamber () around said concentrate conduit having a water inlet conduit () tangentially disposed with respect thereto to create a swirling of the water in said chamber, said toroidal chamber presenting multiple openings () at the bottom wall of the toroidal chamber to create multiple flows of diluent around the concentrate outlet port (); an assembly of multiple radially projecting ribs () provided downstream to the multiple openings () of the toroidal chamber, the ribs being curved at their downstream ends () towards the mixing nozzle longitudinal axis (XX′). 1. Mixing nozzle for mixing a concentrate and a diluent and dispensing the mixture comprising:a concentrate conduit including a concentrate inlet port and a concentrate outlet port and a concentrate flowpath therebetween, the conduit defining the longitudinal axis of the mixing nozzle:,a toroidal chamber around the concentrate conduit having a water inlet conduit tangentially disposed with respect thereto to create a swirling of the water in the chamber, the toroidal chamber presenting multiple openings at the bottom wall of the toroidal chamber around the concentrate outlet port; andan assembly of multiple radially projecting ribs provided downstream to the multiple openings of the toroidal chamber, the ribs being curved at their downstream ends towards the mixing nozzle longitudinal axis.2. Mixing nozzle according to wherein the multiple radially projecting ribs do not extend downstream to the concentrate outlet port.3. Mixing nozzle according to wherein at least two openings of the toroidal chamber emerge in the space separating two ribs.4. Mixing nozzle according to ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser

Номер: US20140209629A1
Автор: Matthew Gates
Принадлежит: FBD Partnership LP

A beverage dispensing system includes a nozzle body with a plurality of ingredient inlets and a water inlet disposed in the nozzle body. A diffuser is connected to the nozzle body and has floor with a plurality of holes therethrough. A nozzle cap is connected to the diffuser and has an outlet. A first mixing chamber is formed between the ingredient inlets and the diffuser floor, and a second mixing chamber is formed between the diffuser and the outlet, with the second mixing chamber being configured to receive fluid from the first mixing chamber via the holes in the diffuser floor. A first water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the first mixing chamber, and a second water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the second mixing chamber, wherein the second water flow path bypasses the first mixing chamber.

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140209634A1
Принадлежит: Smart Bar International LLC

A mobile vehicle or cart based beverage dispenser for providing mixed beverages is provided. The vehicle beverage dispenser has a vehicle that includes a housing containing a plurality of first liquids, a plurality of second liquids, and a water supply, wherein the first liquids comprise liquors, and wherein the second liquids comprise mixer syrup. The vehicle beverage dispenser also has an interface, a dispensing spout and a controller. The interface allows to input variable data and receive variable instructions. The controller electrically operates valves to control the flow of first liquids, second liquids and water to the beverage dispenser spout based on instructions entered at the interface and a pouring schema stored in memory. 1. A vehicle beverage dispenser for providing mixed beverages , comprising:a motorized vehicle;a housing connected to the motorized vehicle for storing a plurality of first liquids and a plurality of second liquids, wherein the first liquids comprise liquors, and wherein the second liquids comprise mixer syrup;a cooled compartment to store ice, the cooled compartment having an openable closure providing access to the cooled compartment;an interface on an exterior of the housing to input variable data and receive variable instructions;a beverage dispensing spout fluidly connected to the plurality of first liquids and the plurality of second liquids;a controller electrically connected to the interface, the controller operating valves to control the flow of first liquids and second liquids to the beverage dispenser spout based on instructions entered at the interface and a pouring schema stored in memory of the controller.2. The vehicle beverage dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a water supply and a carbon dioxide tank in fluid communication with the water supply claim 1 , the water supply and being fluidly connected to the beverage dispensing spout for mixing with the second liquids.3. The vehicle beverage dispenser of claim 1 , ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127258A1

A drink producing apparatus includes: 1. Drink producing apparatus comprising:a dispensing unit for dispensing carbonized liquid from the drink producing apparatus,a dispensing container, which is formed for receiving a carbonized liquid addable to a drink by the drink producing apparatus, whereinthe dispensing container is connected to the dispensing unit of the drink producing apparatus for leading the carbonized liquid from the dispensing container to the dispensing unit,the dispensing unit comprises a dispensing opening, from which the carbonized liquid can be dispensed,a receiving device for receiving a vessel, wherein the carbonized liquid to be dispensed from the dispensing opening can be filled into the vessel,a position variation device, by which a position between the dispensing opening and the receiving device is variable, anda distance setting device, by which a vertical distance between the dispensing opening and a local reference location at or in the vessel is kept constant during the dispensing process of the carbonized liquid.2. Drink producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the reference location is a surface of the liquid already filled into the vessel or a vessel bottom of the vessel claim 1 , and the distance setting device comprises at least one detector unit claim 1 , by which there is detectable the surface of the filled liquid in the vessel in non-contacting manner with the filled liquid or the vessel bottom in non-contacting manner.3. Drink producing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the detector unit is an optical detector unit.4. Drink producing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the optical detector unit is an infrared detector unit.5. Drink producing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the optical detector unit is arranged such that in the state claim 3 , in which the vessel is disposed on the receiving device claim 3 , a light beam of the optical detector unit captures the surface of the filled liquid or the ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190125122A1
Автор: FEOLA Anthony V.

The present disclosure relates to a flowable product, such as a frozen and/or liquid beverage, automated dispensing apparatus and specifically an automated component for installation on and use in conjunction with the flowable product dispensing system. The modular component includes a communication interface and controller, an actuator for a valve, for use with a frozen beverage dispenser that dispenses the frozen and/or liquid beverage. The actuator is in electronic communication with the communication interface and controller and is responsive to direction received from the communication interface and controller to open or close the valve. An electronic switch assembly placed in the frozen and/or liquid beverage system replaces conventional manual switch systems and is in communication with the communication interface and controller. 1. An automated component in flowable products dispensing systems , comprising:a communication interface and controller; 'an electronic switch system in communication with an electronic automated motor system for activating the dispensing and/or injecting system;', 'an automated flow system comprising an actuator;', 'an automated valve adapted to control flow of flowable products, the valve coupled with and controllable by the actuator to open and close an orifice;, 'an automated flowable products dispenser, comprisingwherein the actuator is in electronic communication with the communication interface and controller and is responsive to direction received from the communication interface and controller to open or close the orifice; andwherein the electronic switch system is in communication with the communication interface and controller and is responsive to direction received from the communication interface and controller to activate the automated flow system to dispense and/or inject the flowable products, frozen flowable products, and/or liquid beverage.2. The automated component in flowable products dispensing systems of claim 1 ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127199A1
Автор: OZAWA Takefumi, SEKI Arata

A beverage server including: a main body having a space, the main body having a top end opened; an inner lid disposed on an upper part of the main body; and an outer lid put on the top end of the main body with the inner lid covered, the outer lid being configured to make the space hermetic, wherein the inner lid has a plurality of liquid pumping pipes to be inserted into the space, and a beverage discharge pipe communicating with the liquid pumping pipes, the beverage discharge pipe being configured to discharge a beverage from the space to outside the main body, the outer lid has a pump configured to feed air to the hermetic space, and a manipulation member configured to switch between discharging a beverage and discharging no beverage, and the pump is operated by switching the manipulation member to discharging a beverage. 1. A beverage server comprising:a main body having a space, the main body having a top end opened;an inner lid disposed on an upper part of the main body; andan outer lid put on the top end of the main body with the inner lid covered, the outer lid being configured to make the space hermetic, whereinthe inner lid has a plurality of liquid pumping pipes to be inserted into the space, and a beverage discharge pipe communicating with the liquid pumping pipes, the beverage discharge pipe being configured to discharge a beverage from the space to outside the main body,the outer lid has a pump configured to feed air to the hermetic space, and a manipulation member configured to switch between discharging a beverage and discharging no beverage, andthe pump is operated by switching the manipulation member to discharging a beverage.2. A beverage server comprising:a main body having a can accommodation space in which a plurality of beverage cans is accommodatable, the main body having a top end opened;an inner lid disposed on an upper part of the main body; andan outer lid put on the top end of the main body with the inner lid covered, the outer lid ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137479A1
Автор: Hecht Thomas R.

A manifold for a liquid dispensing system has at least two layers. The first layer has multiple through holes along its thickness direction, and one or more fluid channels perpendicular to the thickness direction. The second layer has one or more through holes along its thickness direction, each communicating with one of the through holes of the first layer. The second layer also has one or more fluid channels perpendicular to the thickness direction. The fluid channels each have an inlet at the edge of the respective layer and an outlet at one of the through holes. The second layer also has one or more holes defining valve bores. A valve in each of the valve bores controls flow of a liquid to a respective one of the fluid channels of the second layer. Also provided are a liquid dispensing system and a method of manufacturing a manifold. 1. A method of manufacturing a manifold for use in a liquid dispensing tower , comprising: one or more first through holes substantially along a thickness direction thereof, and', 'one or more first fluid channels in a first plane, transverse to the thickness direction, wherein the first fluid channels are disposed entirely within the first layer;, 'manufacturing a first upper layer, the first layer comprising one or more second through holes substantially along a thickness direction thereof,', 'one or more second fluid channels in a second plane, transverse to the thickness direction, wherein the second fluid channels are disposed entirely within the second layer, and', 'one or more additional holes, each additional hole defining at least a portion of a valve bore, wherein the valve bore is configured and dimensioned for a valve to be positioned therein and to control flow of a liquid to a respective one of the second fluid channels;, 'manufacturing a second lower layer, the second layer comprisingwherein each fluid channel comprises an inlet at an edge of its respective layer and an outlet at a respective one of the through holes; ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

System, Method, And Apparatus For Purchasing, Dispensing, Or Sampling Of Products

Номер: US20150144653A1

A product dispenser is configured to dispense products subject to a warning and products not subject to a warning, the product dispenser further configured to transmit a product warning notice only in response to a request to dispense a product subject to the warning. In another embodiment, a product dispenser is configured to dispense a food or beverage product and provide information indicative of an attribute of the food or beverage product, such as nutrition facts, as it is being dispensed. In another embodiment, a product dispenser is configured to enable a user to request a customized product from the product dispenser, to determine a first profile for the customized product blend, compare the first profile to a second profile, and reformulate the customized product blend to a dispensed product blend comprising a third profile approximating the second idealized profile. 1. A product dispenser configured to dispense a first product comprising an at least one attribute subject to a product warning and a second product without any attributes subject to a product warning , the product dispenser further configured to transmit or display the product warning notice only in response to a request that the product dispenser dispense the first product.2. The product dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the product dispenser is configured to query a user claim 1 , prior to dispensing the first product claim 1 , if the user desires instead that the product dispenser dispense a product without the at least one attribute subject to a warning.3. The product dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the product dispenser comprises a beverage dispensing machine claim 1 , the first product comprising a sugar-sweetened beverage claim 1 , and the second product comprising a beverage that is not sugar-sweetened.4. The product dispenser of claim 3 , wherein the beverage dispensing machine is configured claim 3 , in response to a request received from a consumer that the beverage dispensing machine ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135607A1
Автор: Petermann Carlo
Принадлежит: Integrated Dispensing Systems, LLC

A liquid dispenser comprise a nozzle comprising an inlet in fluid communication with an outlet to form a flow path, a thermistor in fluid communication with the inlet, an actuator rod comprising a gasket rod tip viton, at least one centering pin to center the actuator rod in at least a portion of the flow path, a flowmeter in fluid communication with the inlet, a double acting pneumatic cylinder comprising a first pneumatic inlet and a second pneumatic inlet operatively connected to the actuator rod, and a switch lever operatively coupled to a micro switch, wherein the nozzle opens when gas enters the first pneumatic inlet when the switch lever is activated by pressing on the micro switch and closes when gas enters the second pneumatic inlet when the switch lever is deactivated. Portable and non-portable liquid dispensing systems comprising the liquid dispenser are also described. 122-. (canceled)23. A beer dispenser comprising: an inlet in fluid communication with an outlet to form a flow path,', 'an actuator rod comprising a gasket rod tip viton, and', 'an least one centering pin to center the actuator rod in at least a portion of the flow path;, 'a nozzle comprising'}a flowmeter in fluid communication with the inlet;a double acting pneumatic cylinder comprising a first pneumatic inlet and a second pneumatic inlet operatively connected to the actuator rod;an activation device operatively coupled to a micro switch;at least one pressure sensor to measure at least one of the pressure of the double acting pneumatic cylinder and the pressure of a beer to be dispensed; anda processor to control the pneumatic cylinder, the flowmeter, the at least one pressure sensor and the micro switch.24. The beer dispenser of claim 23 , wherein the gasket rod tip viton has an angle of greater than 0 degrees with respect to a longitudinal axis along the actuator rod.25. The beer dispenser of claim 23 , wherein the flow path at the outlet includes an angle of greater than 0 degrees with ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Multi-Tower Modular Dispensing System

Номер: US20140231455A1
Принадлежит: PEPSICO, INC.

The disclosure concerns a system including a multi-tower modular dispensing system comprising at least a first dispensing head and a second dispensing head at a counter, a transfer unit located remotely from the counter, piping extending from the transfer unit to the counter, the transfer unit comprising a centralized ingredient system having a plurality of beverage ingredient sources, the centralized ingredient system configured to supply beverage ingredients to the piping for the dispensing of a first beverage at the counter, the piping comprising a main micro bundle, the main micro bundle comprising at least two separate beverage ingredient lines. 1. A multi-tower modular dispensing system comprising:at least a first dispensing head of a first tower at a first counter, at least a second dispensing head of a second tower at a second counter, the first and second counters remote from each other, a transfer unit located remotely from the first counter and the second counter, piping extending from the transfer unit to the first counter and the second counter, the transfer unit comprising a centralized ingredient system having a plurality of beverage ingredient sources, the centralized ingredient system configured to supply beverage ingredients to the piping for the dispensing of a first beverage at the first counter and for the dispensing of a second beverage at the second counter, the piping comprising a main micro bundle, the main micro bundle comprising at least two separate beverage ingredient lines.2. The multi-tower modular dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the piping is configured to supply beverage ingredients from the transfer unit to the first counter and the second counter in series or in parallel.3. The multi-tower modular dispensing system of claim 1 , further comprising at least a first doser unit corresponding to the first dispensing head claim 1 , the first doser unit configured to receive a first beverage ingredient through the main micro bundle ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Beverage dispense head assembly

Номер: US20220289548A1
Принадлежит: Smart Bar USA LLC

A beverage dispense head assembly is made of a liquor port assembly, a mixer port assembly, a diffuser and a mixing bowl. The liquor port assembly has liquor ports that dispense liquid at an inward angle and outside the mixing bowl. The mixer port assembly has a first mixer port that dispenses liquid into the diffuser, and a second mixer port that dispenses liquid directly into the cavity of the mixing bowl. The diffuser has a cavity that dispenses liquid onto a shoulder extending from the diffuser wall, and a flange with ports to allow liquid to escape from the diffuser and into the cavity of the mixing bowl. The mixing bowl has a second opening at a second end thereof providing an exit to the mixing bowl for the liquids therein.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220289551A1

A liquid supply device includes a tank, an electric heating element, a dispenser to dispense liquid from the tank, and a controller configured to initiate a user-responsive heating operation. The user-responsive heating operation includes recording data regarding dispensed liquid amount and temperature, developing an expected heating pattern for the electric heating element, detecting a user, and directing the electric heating element accordingly. 1. A liquid supply device , comprising:a tank in which liquid is stored;an electric heating element connected to the tank to heat the liquid in the tank;a dispenser connected to the tank that selectively dispenses the liquid from the tank;a temperature sensor provided within the liquid supply device and configured to sense a temperature of the liquid; and recording data regarding dispensed liquid temperature from the dispenser over a period of time,', 'developing an expected heating pattern for activation of the electric heating element based on the recorded data,', 'detecting a user presence within the vicinity of the liquid supply device, and', 'directing the electric heating element according to the heating pattern based on detecting the user presence., 'a controller in communication with the temperature sensor and the electric heating element, the controller configured to initiate a user-responsive heating operation, the user-responsive heating operation comprising'}2. The liquid supply device of claim 1 , wherein developing the expected heating pattern comprises:determining a number of activation instances for the dispenser over the period of time; andestablishing a dispenser-activation schedule based on the number of activation instances.3. The liquid supply device of claim 1 , further comprising a proximity sensor attached to the liquid supply device and in communication with the controller claim 1 , the proximity sensor configured to transmit a proximity signal to the controller.4. The liquid supply device of claim ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144252A1

A system for dispensing fluid is provided in which a first fluid cartridge and a second fluid cartridge each comprise a first spout at corresponding fluid outlets, and wherein a docking location is provided for docking each of the fluid cartridges such that the first spout is adjacent the second spout. The system may further comprise a drop sensor for detecting a number of drops dispensed from the fluid cartridges at a drop detection location. The docking location may define a specific orientation for any cartridge docked at the docking location, and the cartridges may be wedge shaped and may each taper towards their corresponding spouts. Also provided is a fluid cartridge comprising a cartridge housing, a fluid inlet, a fluid outlet above a fluid fill level, and a syphon for transporting fluid from inside the cartridge to the fluid outlet. 1. A system for dispensing fluid comprising:a first fluid cartridge comprising a first spout at a fluid outlet of the first fluid cartridge for dispensing fluid;a second fluid cartridge comprising a second spout at a fluid outlet of the second fluid cartridge for dispensing fluid; anda docking location for docking a plurality of fluid cartridges;wherein the first spout is adjacent the second spout when the first fluid cartridge and the second fluid cartridge are both docked in the docking location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid cartridge and the second fluid cartridge are each wedge shaped claim 1 , and wherein the first fluid cartridge and the second fluid cartridge each taper to the first fluid spout and the second fluid spout respectively.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the docking location defines a specific orientation for any cartridge docked at the docking location claim 1 , such that the spout of the corresponding cartridge is located at a specified location.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the first fluid cartridge and the second fluid cartridge each dock to the docking location by way of a ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238247A1
Принадлежит: apiqe inc

In one aspect, an apparatus is disclosed for dispensing water including: a first inlet, a second inlet, and a third inlet; a chamber in fluid communication with first, second and third inlets, and a dispenser nozzle in fluid communication with the chamber. 1. An apparatus for dispensing water comprising:a first inlet, a second inlet, and a third inlet;a chamber in fluid communication with first, second and third inlets,a dispenser nozzle in fluid communication with the chamber;a chilled carbonated water source in fluid communication with the first inlet;an unchilled water source in fluid communication with the second inlet; anda heated water source in fluid communication with the third inlet.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chamber is tapered with a wide end proximal the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third inlets and a narrow end proximal the nozzle.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chamber operates as an expansion chamber for water flowing from any one of the inlets into the chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third inlets includes a check valve configured to allow forward flow in a forward flow direction from the inlet to the chamber and to reduce or prevent back flow from the chamber in the opposite of the forward flow direction.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third inlets includes a check valve configured to allow forward flow in a forward flow direction from the inlet to the chamber and to reduce or prevent back flow from the chamber in the opposite of the forward flow direction.6. That apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises a converging nozzle.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises at least one connection facility for connecting a peripheral device.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the connection facility comprises a twist and lock connector.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297998A1

A method for operating a water dispenser, the water dispenser having a water supply, a carbon dioxide supply, an outlet for pouring water into a container placed below the outlet, a controller and a user interface, the method including the following steps, which are executed in response to an activation of the water dispenser via the user interface: 1. A method for operating a water dispenser , the water dispenser having a water supply , a carbon dioxide supply , an outlet for pouring water into a container placed below the outlet , a controller and a user interface , the method comprising the following steps , which are executed in response to an activation of the water dispenser via the user interface:determining a nominal value of a water volume (V) that is to be filled into the container;determining a nominal value of a waiting period (WP) of using the controller;determining nominal values of a first partial volume (V1) and a second partial volume (V2) with V1+V2=V using the controller, in particular by determining a volume ratio (R) with R=V1/V for dividing the water volume (V) into the partial volumes (V1, V2),pouring the first partial volume (V1) through the outlet,waiting through the waiting period (WP); andpouring the second partial volume (V2) through the outlet.2. The method for operating a water dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the waiting period (WP) and/or the volume ratio (R) are determined on the basis of at least one of the following parameters:the water volume (V),a first temperature (T1) of the water being poured,a second temperature (T2) of an area surrounding the water dispenser,a saturation degree (D) of carbon dioxide in the water volume (V), anda flow rate (Q) of the water dispenser.3. The method for operating a water dispenser according to claim 2 , wherein the first temperature (T1) claim 2 , the second temperature (T2) claim 2 , the saturation degree (D) and/or the flow rate (Q) are the same for both the first partial volume (V1) ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190152759A1
Автор: Renzi Massimiliano
Принадлежит: O.D.L. S.R.L.

A device () for on-site dispensing of a beverage containing a liquid and a gaseous substance dissolved therein is described, the device comprising a dispensing means (), and a conduit () for supplying the beverage to said dispensing means (), wherein said conduit () is configured to be connected to a container () suitable for containing at least liquid for obtaining said beverage. The device further comprises a pushing means (′) for imparting to the beverage a push sufficient to enable the dispensing of the beverage via said dispensing means () according to a predetermined dispensing condition. Furthermore, the device can comprise a pressure modulating means () for modulating the pressure in the conduit, a means for reducing the pressure to be introduced into the container, and a compensation means for improving the operation of the device on the basis of one or more automatic controls thereof. 190. A device () for on-site dispensing of a beverage containing a liquid and a gaseous substance dissolved therein , the device comprising:{'b': '60', 'a dispensing means () for dispensing the beverage;'}{'b': 40', '60', '40', '10, 'a conduit () for supplying the beverage to said dispensing means (), wherein said conduit () is configured to be connected to a container () suitable for containing at least liquid for obtaining said beverage;'}{'b': 20', '20', '60, 'a pushing means (, ′) for imparting to said beverage a push sufficient to enable the dispensing of the beverage via said dispensing means () according to a predetermined dispensing condition;'}{'b': 30', '40', '30', '60, 'a pressure modulating means () suitable for modulating the pressure of the beverage in said conduit (), wherein said pressure modulating means () is capable of modulating the pressure of the beverage even when the flow of the beverage is zero due to the effect of the dispensing means ();'}{'b': 70', '30, 'a control means () configured to control the activation of the modulating means () in such a ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158483A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

A beverage nozzle for mixing at least a first beverage ingredient and a second beverage ingredient into a homogeneous mixture is disclosed herein. The beverage nozzle may include a housing having a first portion and a second portion. A first inlet may be in fluid communication with the housing. The first inlet may be configured to provide the first beverage ingredient to the housing. A second inlet may be in fluid communication with the housing. The second inlet may be configured to provide the second beverage ingredient to the housing. The beverage nozzle also may include a mixing core disposed within the housing. The mixing core may be configured to mix the first beverage ingredient and the second beverage ingredient into the homogeneous mixture. An outlet may be disposed about the housing. The homogeneous mixture may exit the housing by way of the outlet. 1. A beverage nozzle for mixing at least a first beverage ingredient and a second beverage ingredient into a homogeneous mixture , the beverage nozzle comprising:a housing comprising a first portion and a second portion;a first inlet in fluid communication with the housing, wherein the first inlet is configured to provide the first beverage ingredient to the housing;a second inlet in fluid communication with the housing, wherein the second inlet is configured to provide the second beverage ingredient to the housing;a mixing core disposed within the housing, wherein the mixing core is configured to mix the first beverage ingredient and the second beverage ingredient into the homogeneous mixture; andan outlet disposed about the housing, wherein the homogeneous mixture exits the housing by way of the outlet.2. The beverage nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises an upper portion claim 1 , and the second portion comprises a lower portion.3. The beverage nozzle of claim 1 , wherein the first portion comprises a first side portion claim 1 , and the second portion comprises a second side portion.4. The ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166319A1

A beverage dispenser is disclosed that includes a cleaning adapter configured to form a cleaning space in which each syrup nozzle and a dilution water supply section are located between the cleaning adapter and a multivalve and to clean each syrup nozzle by dilution water discharged from the dilution water supply section. A gap between the cleaning adapter and the multivalve is sealed above a nozzle distal end portion of each syrup nozzle and the dilution water supply section. The cleaning adapter includes discharge port that discharges the dilution water after cleaning each syrup nozzle from a position higher than the nozzle distal end portion of each syrup nozzle. 1. A beverage dispenser comprising a multivalve that mixes syrup selectively discharged from a plurality of syrup nozzles and dilution water discharged from a dilution water supply section and that supplies the mixture , whereinthe beverage dispenser further comprises a cleaning adapter configured to form a cleaning space in which each syrup nozzle and the dilution water supply section are located between the cleaning adapter and the multivalve and to clean each syrup nozzle by the dilution water discharged from the dilution water supply section, whereinthe cleaning space between the cleaning adapter and the multivalve is sealed above a nozzle distal end portion of each syrup nozzle and the dilution water supply section, andthe cleaning adapter includes a discharge port that discharges the dilution water after cleaning each syrup nozzle from a position higher than the nozzle distal end portion of each syrup nozzle.2. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , whereinthe multivalve includes: a diffuser in which each syrup nozzle and the dilution water supply section are formed; and a spout detachably attached to outside of the diffuser via an O-ring and configured to guide the dilution water from the dilution water supply section so as to collide with the syrup from the syrup nozzle, whereinin a state ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210188613A1

Implementations of the present disclosure are directed to dispensing beverages from a beverage dispensing machine and include determining, from computer-readable media, pour parameters for a beverage of a plurality of beverages, the pour parameters being specific to the beverage, at least one pour parameter including a tilt value, and automatically, by the beverage dispensing machine: rotating a drum that holds a vessel to achieve the tilt value, initiating dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from a tap, automatically rotating the drum to reduce the tilt value of the vessel during dispensing of the beverage, and ceasing dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from the tap, the tilt value being substantially zero upon ceasing. 120.-. (canceled)21. A computer-implemented method for dispensing beverages from a beverage dispensing machine , the method comprising:determining, from computer-readable media, pour parameters for a beverage of a plurality of beverages, the pour parameters being specific to the beverage, at least one pour parameter comprising a tilt value; and rotating a drum that holds a vessel to achieve the tilt value, the drum rotating about an axis that passes through the vessel, and', 'automatically rotating the drum to reduce the tilt value of the vessel during dispensing of the beverage, such that the tilt value is substantially zero upon ceasing dispensing of the beverage into the vessel from the tap., 'automatically, by the beverage dispensing machine22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the pour parameters further comprise a flow rate and the beverage is dispensed substantially at the flow rate.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the pour parameters further comprise a variable flow rate and the beverage is dispensed at a flow rate that varies based on the variable flow rate during dispensing.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the drum rotates in a first direction for any beverage dispensed.25. The method of claim 21 , wherein the drum ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140246459A1
Автор: Robinson Jon Joseph

A beverage tower having a solid cold block with glycol recirculation, the tap/valve is built into the cold block and is integral and fused thereto, so as to keep the entire beverage tap cold and maintain the beverages in a sanitary condition meeting health codes. The coolant lines within the cold block pass entirely around the tap in the cold block in serpentine fashion or in a coolant chamber, resulting in a tap which remains cooled effectively, while the cold block provides thermal inertia to the system. In particular, the entire valve stem and parts of the tap containing it are integral with and surrounded by the cold block. A method of construction is provided for an improved unitary integrated fused tapped cold block. 1. A method of producing a cold block for a beverage tower , the method comprising the steps of:providing at least one stout tap body, the stout tap body lacking a stem, the stout tap body having an internal valve assembly and an exterior tap body;connecting a beverage conduit to the stout tap body, the beverage conduit having a first end connected to the stout tap body and a second end distal therefrom;providing a mold for casting of the cold block, the mold having a plurality of walls defining at least a top, bottom, and rear;positioning the stout tap body with connected beverage conduit within the mold, with the second end of the beverage conduit projecting to one wall of the mold, and further with the stout tap body projecting from the top and bottom of the mold, and further with the internal valve assembly and exterior tap body of the stout tap body within the mold;positioning within the mold at least one coolant line having first and second ends, the coolant line being positioned within the mold with the first and second ends projecting to at least one wall of the mold,casting molten metal into the mold to entirely surround everything within the mold, whereby the exterior tap body of the stout tap body, the beverage line, and the coolant ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156919A1

The present invention relates generally to a static and dynamic display dispenser for in-line fluid flow, apparatus, system, and a method of using same. More particularly, the invention encompasses an inventive fluid measuring apparatus having a tap shell housing or handle, a tap head or frame, at least one display screen, a tap stem, and a tap adaptor to connect the tap shell housing or handle to a tap spigot system. The inventive fluid measuring apparatus has at least one means to measure in real-time the fluid or liquid that is being dispensed. The inventive fluid measuring apparatus has at least one means to transmit the collected data to at least one other electronic device via a wired or wireless connection. The invention also allows for the display of at least one image. The invention also provides a method of using the inventive fluid measuring apparatus. 1. An fluid flow measuring and dispensing apparatus , comprising:(a) a tap shell housing having a tap stem at one end, and a tap head at an opposite end, and wherein said tap shell housing has at least one electronic switch;(b) said tap head having at least one first digital display screen on one side of said tap head, and at least one second digital display screen on the opposite side of said tap head;(c) said tap stem having a tap adaptor, wherein said tap adaptor securely engages with a tap spigot system;(d) said spigot system having at least one line connection with at least one fluid dispenser at one end, and at least one opening at an opposite end for dispensing of said at least one fluid; and(e) wherein a tap head protective sleeve having at least one fluid proof window is slideably slid over said tap head, and wherein said tap head protective sleeve protects one of said at least one first digital display screen, and said at least one second digital display screen, and said at least one fluid proof window allows an unobstructed viewing of one of said at least one first digital display screen, and ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Providing Portion Control Programming in a Product Forming Dispenser

Номер: US20150175400A1
Автор: Newman David Roy

Disclosed are systems and methods for configuring portion control for a dispenser apparatus. A plurality of beverage ingredients may be associated with the dispenser apparatus, and a plurality of selectable beverages may be formed from the plurality of beverage ingredients. Input for one or more preferences associated with portion control may be received. Stored information associated with at least one of the plurality of selectable beverages may be accessed. At least one portion control for at least one of the plurality of selectable beverages may be determined based at least in part on at least a portion of the received input and at least a portion of the accessed information. 1. A method of facilitating a portion control dispense of a beverage by a beverage dispenser , comprising:providing a graphical user interface displaying a plurality of selectable beverage indicators and a plurality of selectable cup size indicators, the plurality of selectable beverage indicators corresponding to a plurality of beverages, the plurality of selectable cup size indicators corresponding to a plurality of available cup sizes;receiving a selection of a beverage from the plurality of selectable beverage indicators in the graphical user interface;receiving a selection of a cup size from the plurality of selectable cup size indicators in the graphical user interface;configuring a portion control dispense of the selected beverage based on the selected cup size; anddispensing the selected beverage from the beverage dispenser in an amount corresponding to the selected cup size.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a graphical user interface displaying a plurality of selectable beverage indicators and a plurality of selectable cup size indicators comprises providing a plurality of graphical user interfaces for displaying the plurality of selectable beverage indicators and the plurality of selectable cup size indicators.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a graphical user ...
