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27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320253C2
Принадлежит: УНИЛЕВЕР НВ (NL)

FIELD: beverage dispensing or preparing equipment. SUBSTANCE: apparatus has means for feeding of improvement component directly into beverage precursor, or directly into solvent, or into beverage precursor when it is combined with diluting agent, or after joining of beverage precursor with diluting agent. EFFECT: improved nutritive and aromatic properties of beverage produced using beverage dispensing apparatus. 11 cl, 5 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 320 253 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ A47J 31/40 B67D 5/56 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005111233/12, 02.09.2003 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÒÎÁÈÍ Äæîí Âèëëü ì (US), ÑÏÈÑÀÊ Ìàðòèí Äæîí (US) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 02.09.2003 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÓÍÈËÅÂÅÐ Í (NL) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 18.09.2002 (ïï.1-11) US 10/245,950 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.09.2005 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 27.03.2008 Áþë. ¹ 9 2 3 2 0 2 5 3 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: US 6240829 B1, 05.06.2001. SU 258754 À, 03.12.1969. SU 195733 À, 04.05.1967. US 2002/0074350 A1, 20.06.2002. US 4826046 À, 02.05.1989. RU 2578 U1, 16.08.1996. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 18.04.2005 2 3 2 0 2 5 3 R U (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2004/026092 (01.04.2004) C 2 C 2 (86) Çà âêà PCT: EP 03/09747 (02.09.2003) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ñ.À.Äîðîôååâó (54) ÓÑÒÐÎÉÑÒÂÎ ÄËß ÂÛÄÀ×È ÍÀÏÈÒÊΠ(57) Ðåôåðàò: Íàñòî ùåå èçîáðåòåíèå îòíîñèòñ ê óñòðîéñòâó äë âûäà÷è èëè âàðêè íàïèòêîâ. Òî÷íåå, íàñòî ùåå èçîáðåòåíèå îòíîñèòñ ê óñòðîéñòâó äë âûäà÷è èëè âàðêè íàïèòêîâ, âûïîëíåííîìó ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ ïîäà÷è óëó÷øàþùåãî êîìïîíåíòà â ïðåäøåñòâåííèê íàïèòêà. Ñðåäñòâî ïîäà÷è âûïîëíåíî ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ ïîäà÷è óëó÷øàþùåãî êîìïîíåíòà íåïîñðåäñòâåííî â ïðåäøåñòâåííèê íàïèòêà èëè íåïîñðåäñòâåííî â ðàçáàâèòåëü, èëè â ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462758C2

Изобретение относится к получению на выбор напитка из разливающих постмикс устройств. Техническим результатом является обеспечение получения напитка выбранного цвета. В одном варианте реализации способ получения напитка отдельно выбранного цвета из постмикс системы для розлива напитков включает получение по меньшей мере двух основ напитков для розлива из постмикс системы для розлива напитков; раздельное хранение по меньшей мере двух красителей в постмикс системе для розлива напитков; получение процессором компьютера запроса на выбранную основу напитка и отдельно выбранный цвет и в ответ на выбор основы напитка и отдельно выбранный цвет автоматический розлив выбранной основы напитка и по меньшей мере одного из красителей для получения напитка отдельно выбранного цвета через один вентиль постмикс системы для розлива напитков непрерывно в заранее определенном соотношении для любого объема разливаемого напитка. 6 н. и 34 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2391280C2
Принадлежит: ТАПЛАСТ С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение касается устройства, соединяемого с контейнером, содержащим жидкий продукт, подлежащий распределению в форме пены или аэрозоля. Устройство содержит средства всасывания, перемещаемые из первого исходного положения во второе положение, чтобы вытягивать жидкость, смесительную камеру, соединенную со средствами всасывания. Когда средства всасывания перемещаются из первого положения во второе положение, жидкость вытягивается и передается в смесительную камеру. Устройство содержит и средство сжатия для газа. Средство сжатия содержит две камеры, содержащие газ и соединенные со смесительной камерой так, что, когда средства всасывания перемещаются из первого во второе положение, часть газа передается в смесительную камеру. Изобретение обеспечивает распределение большого количества продукта при небольших габаритах. 2 н. и 36 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361410C2

Камера смешивания для получения негазированного чайного напитка, подверженного развитию в нем вызывающих порчу микроорганизмов, которая содержит линию подачи чайного концентрата, имеющую обратный клапан; линию подачи горячей воды; линию подачи холодной воды, имеющую обратный клапан; и причем полученный негазированный чайный напиток имеет микробное число лучше допустимого значения и является по существу однородным негазированным чайным напитком. Камера смешивания входит в устройство для выдачи чайного напитка. Это позволяет получить чайный напиток, имеющий микробное число лучше допустимого значения и которое является по существу однородным негазированным чайным напитком. 2 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

10-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2385707C2

Изобретение относится к медицинским контейнерам для размещения и выдачи лекарства, в частности парентерального. Контейнер содержит полую иглу в зоне отверстия, а также запечатанную, за исключением отверстия для выдачи лекарства, цельную оболочку. Контейнер выполнен с возможностью выдачи лекарства при изменении, по меньшей мере, одной зоны оболочки и имеет возможность достижения или, по меньшей мере, инициирования выдачи лекарства за счет нажатия на твердую и упругую половину оболочки, которая входит в другую половину оболочки, принимая противоположную направленную внутрь контейнера кривизну, и самопроизвольно продолжает выдачу определенного объема лекарства. Раскрыто применение контейнера с инфузионной или инъекционной иглой для инфузии или инъекции лекарства. Технический результат заключается в упрощении конструкции и облегчении введения лекарства. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009129940A

... 1. Устройство (3) для дозирования основной жидкости и перемешивания этой основной жидкости с разбавителем для приготовления непищевого продукта, приспособленное для соединения с емкостью (4), содержащей жидкость, при этом устройство (3) содержит: ! канал (69) для дозирования жидкости, ! впускное отверстие (71) для разбавителя с каналом (70) для разбавителя, ! смесительную камеру (80) для перемешивания жидкости и разбавителя, ! при этом канал (70) для разбавителя расположен относительно канала (69) для дозирования жидкости так, чтобы поток разбавителя пересекал поток жидкости перед смесительной камерой (80) или в смесительной камере, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено жидкостным насосом (6), который является элементом устройства и предназначен для дозирования жидкости в канал для дозирования жидкости, а также оно содержит средства для повышения скорости потока разбавителя, относительно его скорости во впускном отверстии (71), на том участке, где пересекаются потоки разбавителя и жидкости ...

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007142372A

... 1. Устройство (10) управления автомата для приготовления горячих напитков, причем автомат для приготовления горячих напитков выполнен с возможностью приготовления и выдачи нескольких различных напитков и/или смешанных напитков, которые соответственно выбираются посредством устройства (10) управления и приготавливаются и выпускаются соответственно их выбору, причем устройство (10) управления выполнено как сенсорный экран, который визуально отображает записанные в устройстве памяти символы (2а, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h) как представление основной установки в качестве ! первого средства (2) выбора для выбора желаемого напитка или смешанного напитка, посредством которого при его активации касанием визуально представленного на сенсорном экране символа (2а, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g, 2h) запускается выбранный процесс приготовления, который затем проходит и визуально отображается в его временной последовательности циклов на сенсорном экране, или ! в качестве второго средства (21) выбора для выбора ...

10-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013139700A

... 1. Способ контроля за розливом напитка, включающий:измерение расхода потока ингредиента для приготовления напитка, содержащегося в напитке, предназначенном для розлива из разливочного устройства для розлива напитка;определение наличия разницы между измеренным расходом потока ингредиента для приготовления напитка и ожидаемым расходом потока ингредиента для приготовления напитка; ирегулирование по меньшей мере одного расхода потока соответствующего по меньшей мере одного ингредиента для приготовления напитка в соответствии с рецептом напитка, причем рецепт содержит по меньшей мере указанный ингредиент для приготовления напитка и по меньшей мере один другой ингредиент для приготовления напитка.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что регулирование по меньшей мере одного расхода потока соответствующего по меньшей мере одного ингредиента для приготовления напитка в соответствии с рецептом напитка включает уменьшение по меньшей мере одного расхода потока из числа указанного по меньшей мере одного ...

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007135338A

... 1. Устройство (1, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105) для распределения газожидкостных смесей, подсоединяемое к контейнеру (С) для жидкости (L), содержащее средства (2) всасывания, выполненные с возможностью перемещения по меньшей мере из первого исходного положения по меньшей мере во второе положение, чтобы вытягивать упомянутую жидкость (L), по меньшей мере одну смесительную камеру (3), связанную с средствами (2) всасывания так, что при перемещении средств всасывания из по меньшей мере одного первого положения в по меньшей мере одно второе положение жидкость (L) вытягивается и передается в по меньшей мере одну смесительную камеру (3), средства сжатия (5) газа (7), отличающееся тем, что средства (5) сжатия содержат по меньшей мере две камеры (5а, 5b) для газа (7), связанные с по меньшей мере одной смесительной камерой (3) так, что при перемещении средств (2) всасывания из по меньшей мере одного первого положения в по меньшей мере одно второе положение по меньшей мере часть газа передается в ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013133278A

... 1. Разливочная система для розлива пользователю продуктов, включающая:устройство ввода/вывода, выполненное с возможностью получения от пользователя варианта выбора одного из продуктов,разливочное устройство, выполненное с возможностью розлива ингредиентов, причем ингредиенты и их доля соответствуют по меньшей мере частично варианту выбора пользователя, при этомустройство ввода/вывода включает континуум для ввода варианта выбора, представленный двухкоординатным графиком, который визуально иллюстрирует ингредиенты соответственно их относительному количеству в продукте.2. Система по п.1, в которой:ингредиенты содержат по меньшей мере один ароматизирующий компонент.3. Система по п.2, в которой по меньшей мере один ароматизирующий компонент содержит соковые концентраты, а разливочное устройство выполнено с возможностью создания первого сокового концентрата из универсальной соковой основы и первого концентрированного ароматизирующего агента и создания второго сокового концентрата из универсальной ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006124966A

... 1. Контейнер для хранения запаса, включающий закрытую закрывающим колпачком (1) приемную емкость (2), причем для одновременного закрывания по меньшей мере двух образованных соответствующим краем (4) отверстий (5) на приемной емкости, которая при необходимости может быть выполнена секционной, и в закрытом состоянии контейнера для хранения запаса закрывающий колпачок (1) соединен с приемной емкостью (2) с фрикционным замыканием и/или предпочтительно с геометрическим замыканием, отличающийся тем, что на закрывающем колпачке (1) для каждого отверстия (5) имеется или образован собственный запорный участок (6) и в закрытом состоянии контейнера для хранения запаса запорный участок (6) прилегает встык к краю (4) соответствующего отверстия (5), обеспечивая тем самым уплотнение, и что закрывающий колпачок (1) на приемной емкости (2) в закрытом состоянии контейнера для хранения запаса занимает точно определенную запорную позицию, в которой запорные участки (6) при воздействии незначительной прижимающей ...

20-10-2005 дата публикации

Spender für flüssige Kosmetika

Номер: DE202005011106U1

Spender für ein kosmetisches Fluid, umfassend: eine Flasche für ein Fluid mit einer Seitenwand, die eine Mundöffnung begrenzt und eine Außenseite und eine Innenseite aufweist, einen auf der Mundöffnung der Flasche befestigten Durchflussregulierungsauslass, umfassend ein Gehäuse mit einem inneren Ende in Fluidverbindung mit der Mundöffnung der Flasche, einem entgegengesetzten äußeren Ende und einer Seitenwand, die sich zwischen dem inneren Ende und dem äußeren Ende erstreckt und eine Innenseite aufweist, die angepasst ist, um einen Durchflussregler festzuhalten, wobei die Seitenwand des Gehäuses und die Seitenwand der Flasche jeweils mit Einrichtungen zur Befestigung des Gehäuses auf der Flasche an oder benachbart zum inneren Ende des Gehäuses versehen sind, und einen Deckel für das äußere Ende des Gehäuses, der abnehmbar auf dem Gehäuse oder der Flasche befestigbar ist, bei dem sich die Seitenwand des Gehäuses axial mit der Flaschenseitenwand überlappt, entweder innerlich oder äußerlich ...

21-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002946466A1

31-10-2002 дата публикации

Ausgabevorrichtung mit vom Oktangehalt abhängigen Mischen von Komponenten

Номер: DE0069713117T2

21-09-2006 дата публикации

A method for delivering chilled carbonated drinking water from a combined refrigerator and freezer appliance has a fresh water inlet and stored chilled water with a carbon dioxide reservoir and control valve

Номер: DE102006011444A1

The refrigerator (35) has a fresh water supply (WS) to a filter (37) and cold water storage vessel (39) with a valve (V2) to the dispenser (41) in the front of the freezer (33). The invention relates to the addition of a carbon dioxide tank (60) with a rotary valve (50) by which the chilled water may be dispensed carbonated.

06-11-1980 дата публикации

Automatic proportional mixer for water and beverage concentrate - has aspirator connected to water supply for drawing concentrate into water flowing through aspirator

Номер: DE0002916551A1

Automatic proportional mixer for intermittently delivering vols. of water mixed with proportional vols. of liq. additive comprises an aspirator connected to a water supply and to a liq. additive delivery pipe. A metering valve adjusts the pressure established in the aspirator by the water and so controls the vol. of additive delivered to the aspirator for admixture with the water. The water/liq. additive mixt. is discharged from the aspirator through a discharge conduit. Mixing water with liq. beverage concentrate for supply to non-carbonated beverage dispensing machines. Small vols. of water and additive can be mixed and supplied at frequent intervals as required.

20-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007221995U
Принадлежит: SPENGLER W

31-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001226953A

31-03-1999 дата публикации

Portable wash and rinse system with dilution

Номер: GB0009902886D0

09-06-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in apparatus for adding a liquid proportionately to another liquid

Номер: GB0000507090A

... 507,090. Mixing liquids in flow; electric control systems. PERMUTIT CO., Ltd., MILTON, J. G., and CLARK, R. Jan. 26, 1938, No. 2557. [Class 86] [Also in Group XXXVIII] Apparatus for adding one liquid in proportionate quantities to a stream of a second liquid comprises electrically-operated means, actuated by a meter in the second stream, for moving a shoot which in one position supplies the first liquid to the stream, and in the other position returns the first liquid to storage, the return being effected after a predetermined amount of the first liquid has been added. The second liquid passes through a meter 13 and the first, continuously supplied to a pipe 6, is deflected by the distributer 8 either to the funnel 10 to be mixed with the second liquid, or to the funnel 11 which returns it to the storage tank. The distributer is operated by a cam 23 actuated by a motor 22 which also actuates, through 1: 2 gearing, a mercury switch 26, a second mercury switch 27 being actuated by the meter ...

24-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001350902A

... 1350902 Liquid fuel dispensing apparatus DRESSER EUROPE SA 19 April 1971 [29 Jan 1970] 4434/70 Heading A4T In a mixed liquid fuel dispenser blend knob 4, Fig. 1 rotates spur gear 8, Fig. 2 to select the ratio of two basic fuels and alter the increment gearing driving price register 9. Clockwise (on) rotation of lever 3 moves pawl 10 between spurs on gear 8 to lock the blend setting and through an over-center and lost motion linkage 11, 14, 22, and sector 20, Figs. 2, 4a and 4b, a register reset motor 15 is switched on which, after completing the reset, operates latched pump start switch 16. Anti-clockwise (off) movement of lever 3 switches off the pumps before pawl 10 is withdrawn from gear 8. Clockwise movement of lever 3 moves link 13 and cranked link 13c pivoted at 13a on link 13, at 13b on pawl 10 and at 12b on crank 12a to rotate shaft 12 from the position in Fig.4a to that in Fig.4b, so that link 22 moves whereby blend gear 8 is locked by movement of pawl 10 before the last part of ...

23-08-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to liquid dispensing apparatus

Номер: GB0001080672A

... 1,080,672. Dispensing liquids. W. D. HENDERSON. Jan. 27, 1965 [Jan. 27, 1964], No. 3704/65. Heading A4T. An additive such as a colouring agent is injected into petrol delivered through a meter 2 operating a counter 10, the additive being supplied by a pump 22 to a push-pull four-way valve 23 operated by a solenoid 25 controlled by an impulser 76 operated from the shaft of counter 10 so that the additive is injected through a pipe 16 and nozzle 14 into the petrol at a rate determined by the flow through meter 2. A valve 3 allows petrol without additive to be dispensed and a counter 77 measures the quantity of petrol with additive. A metering device 33 with piston 34 determines the quantity of additive supplied at each throw of the piston of valve 23.

03-01-2007 дата публикации

Volumetric dispenser

Номер: GB0002411892B

03-10-1956 дата публикации

Machine for mixing and metering a plurality of liquids

Номер: GB0000758536A

... 758,536. Mixing liquids in proportionate quantities. CHIANTELASSA, A. Dec. 16, 1953 [Dec. 16, 1952], No. 35062/53. Class 86. [Also in Groups XXIV and XXIX] A mixing and metering machine for a quantity of liquids comprises a metering unit for each liquid having a plurality of pistons and cylinders mechanically coupled by a swash plate whilst the swash plates are coupled by a common drive, and means for adjusting the inclination of a swash plate for varying the delivery of the associated metering unit. Each of a pair of meters 1, 2, Fig. 1, contains a set of four pistons 6-9 and 29-32 respectively, the piston rods of which are engaged by swash plates 10 and 34 respectively, on rotatable shafts 14 and 38 respectively which are rigidly connected together. Petrol and oil under pressure are admitted into inlets 3 and 26 respectively and under the control of rotary distributors 4, 27 respectively are admitted into and exhausted from the cylinders whereby metered quantities of petrol and oil are ...

31-10-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a metering system

Номер: GB0000909685A

... 909,685. Electric selective signalling systems. BRITISH PETROLEUM CO. Ltd., and DE HAVILLAND ENGINE CO. Ltd. Oct. 6, 1960 [Oct. 26, 1959; April 11, 1960], Nos. 36192/59 and 12789/60. Class 40 (1). In a liquid dispensing system the volume of liquid and its price are determined by counting pulses produced photo-electrically from two discs 12, 19, Fig. 1, driven via appropriate gearing 4, 5, 8 from a shaft 1 of a fluid flow meter. The disc 12 is mounted on a central shaft 2, and is easily changed for different price per unit volume discs, and the disc 19 is mounted on a concentric sleeve. Specifications 909,681 909,682 and 909,683 are referred to.

09-10-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to liquid fuel dispensing apparatus

Номер: GB0000938747A

... 938,747. Liquid dispensing apparatus. WAYNE TANK & PUMP CO. Ltd. Feb. 5, 1962 [Feb. 8, l961], No. 4772/61. Class 116. In apparatus for dispensing different grades of petrol, a unit price indicating device comprises a stationary shaft 1 carrying a number of sets of price numeral discs 3, as shown arranged to show shillings, pence and halfpence, each of which is rotatable on the shaft against frictional resistance, and a rotatable index drum 4 made of opaque material and formed with windows arranged in pairs 5 and 51 which are longitudinally and angularly displaced in relation to each other so that only one pair of the windows is visible from the front at any given moment. The discs 3 are held between pairs of friction discs by collars secured to the shaft 1 and are manually movable as necessary to indicate a new price through the windows 5, 51. The drum 4 is rotated to indicate the price of a selected grade of petrol through a pinion 7 driven by a pinion 8 which also drives the ...

13-09-2000 дата публикации

A dispensing system for anti-freeze and detergent

Номер: GB0002347665A

A dispensing unit 10 for dispensing anti-freeze or detergent together with water from a water supply, comprises a storage container for anti-freeze 12 and a storage container for detergent 14, an inlet for a water supply 21, a delivery unit such as a pump 20, and a dispensing outlet (30, fig.3) connected to the delivery unit 20. A third storage container 16 containing another type of anti-freeze may also be included. The anti-freeze may be dispensed with the water in first or second proportions selected by the user. The dispensing outlet (30, fig.3)preferably comprises a nozzle in the form of a pistol grip, attached to the dispensing outlet by means of a flexible pipe (28, fig.2). The flexible pipe (28, fig.2) preferably has separate ducts for the anti-freeze, detergent and water, and the water may flow through the space surrounding the anti-freeze and detergent ducts. The dispensing unit 10 may have means to monitor the ambient temperature over a period of time, such as a week, and dispense ...

25-08-2004 дата публикации

Fuel and reductant delivery system

Номер: GB0002376941B

26-08-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a metering system

Номер: GB0000967726A

... 967,726. Mixing liquids in flow. BRITISH PETROLEUM CO. Ltd., DE HAVILLAND ENGINE CO. Ltd., and RINGSDORFFWERKE G.m.b.H. March 23, 1961 [April 11, 1960], No. 12788/60. Drawings to Specification. Heading B1C. The description is identical to that contained in Specification 967,725, which is referred to, but the claims differ. Specifications 909,684, 909,685 and 967,724 also are referred to.

28-06-1967 дата публикации

Apparatus for introducing a liquid additive to a liquid product flowing in a pipeline

Номер: GB0001073886A

... 1,073,886. Mixing liquids in flow. COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'AUTOMATISME and COMPAGNIE D'APPLICATIONS ET RECHERCHES ATOMIQUES. Jan. 29, 1965 [Jan. 31, 1964; Dec. 23, 1964], No. 4156/65. Heading B1C. [Also in Divisions G1 and G4] A valve 13 is adjusted automatically to control the amount of a liquid additive mixed with a liquid flowing in a pipe 11. One of tubes 1, 2 is filled with the additive from tank 30 while the other tube is being emptied through valves 8, 13. Tube 2 has a radioactive float 12 and a double ionization chamber detector 17 which is suspended on a chain 14. As a tube is emptied, the detector 17 controls a servo system 15 so that the detector 17 is moved to remain level with the float 12. A photo-electrically sensed perforated disc 31 is coupled to the servo system 15 and produces pulses which are proportional in number to the amount of additive dispensed. A device 23 produces pulses which are proportional in number to the amount of liquid flowing in pipe 11, and this number ...

03-09-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in dispensing apparatus

Номер: GB0000580304A

... 580,304. Delivering measured volumes of liquid. POLSEN, S. D., and NELSON, S. H. June 28, 1944, No. 12314. [Class 106 (v)] Apparatus for delivering measured volumes of liquid comprises a closed vessel fitted with a vertically reciprocating dipper the upper part of the stem of which is enclosed by an extensible seal. The vessel 10 is fitted with a part 17 having a sloping groove therein leading to a discharge spout 19, the part 17 being surmounted by a part 13 having an extension 43 in which is housed the extensible seal 49 enclosing the upper part of the stem 36 by which the dipper 30 is operated. The stem is fitted with a dasher 39 and the dipper has a re-entrant part 35 on its under side whereby it is tilted as it is moved downwards to enter the liquid. At the top of its travel the spout 31 of the dipper engages an edge 60 and discharges into the groove. The latter is fitted with a guard plate 21 and a floating seal to prevent refilling of the vessel through the spout. The seal 49, made ...

08-01-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in devices for measuring and mixing fluid materials

Номер: GB0000946183A

... 946,183. Mixing appliances. J. M. TRUBY. June 20, 1962 [Nov. 29, 1961], No. 23706/62. Headings B1C and B1X. A device for mixing fluent materials comprises a reservoir 20 in which is pivoted at 36 a tilting cup 30 having a buoyant bottom portion 34 which may, as shown, be an air chamber. The cup 30 being charged with a liquid or granular material, liquid is charged into the reservoir causing the cup to upset. When the reservoir is filled to the level line 28 it is discharged automatically by the siphon 40 or by a power-operated valve, the materials being mixed by turbulence in the siphon tube 44, 46. The cup 30 may be retained in the inverted position by a magnet 50 or a sliding weight (not shown). In modifications (see Figs. 4-7, not shown) the cup may have a sloping division or offset pivot to cause it to upset always in the same direction, and there may be more than one cup. As shown, the apparatus may be constructed in the form of a funnel as for charging a fuel tank with a mixture of ...

14-11-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in mixing and measuring devices

Номер: GB0000438310A

... 438,310. Liquid - meters. MARTINIHUNEKE UND SALZKOTTEN MASCHINEN UND APPARATEBAU AKT.-GES., Salzkotten, Westphalia, Germany. Feb. 7, 1935, No. 4040. Convention date, Feb. 7, 1934. [Class 69 (ii)] [See also Group II] Apparatus for mixing liquids in flow in proportionate quantities comprises piston measuring devices operated by the different liquids, the pistons being interconnected so as to work in unison by means which are adjustable whereby their strokes may be varied. The piston rods 12, 12 are connected to radial links 14 carried by a sector D which oscillates about a horizontal axis on bearings 15, 16 formed on a transverse member 18 which can be adjusted about a vertical axis 19 by a hand lever 20. The liquids are supplied to the cylinders 1 through pipes 5 fitted with change-over valves 23 which are operated through linkage from the sector and are connected to the ends of the cylinders and to exhaust by pipes 3, 4 and 6 respectively. Counting mechanisms 34 are operated from ...

13-07-1960 дата публикации

Apparatus for dispensing either one of two different liquids or alternatively mixtures in selected ratios of the two different liquids

Номер: GB0000840851A

... 840,851. Mixing fluids in flow. SYMING- TON WAYNE CORPORATION. July 20, 1956 [Nov. 25, 1955], No. 22582/56. Class 86 [Also in Groups XVIII and XXIV] Apparatus for dispensing mixtures in selected ratios of two different liquids, such as a base petrol and a high grade petrol, comprises individual flow lines 18, 32, Fig. 2, pumps 4, 22, meters 14 and 30 and control valves 36, 38 for each of said liquids, and adjustable means 80, 82 operated by said meters for simultaneously controlling said valves to effect the delivery of said liquids in a preselected ratio. The pump 4 is driven by a motor and receives the base petrol through pipe 6 from a supply tank. The pump 4 is provided with a by-pass 8 having a relief valve 10 for recirculating the base petrol. The petrol is then delivered through a pipe 12 and meter 14 from which it is delivered through a pipe 18 containing a check valve 16. A pump 22 for the additive (e.g. high grade fuel) draws its supply from a tank through pipe 20. Pump 22 is similar ...

28-08-1957 дата публикации

Mixing apparatus for supply of a certain amount of liquid mixture

Номер: GB0000781818A

... 781,818. Mixing fluids in flow. BURLAGE, K. M. July 25, 1955, No. 21427/55. Class 86 In apparatus for mixing various grades of oil, disposed in containers 9, 10, with petrol, disposed in a container 13, the containers are connected by conduits 4, 5 and 6 to a distributer 3 disposed at the -top of a mixing 'chamber 1. Each oil conduit 4, 5 is closed by a manually operable stop valve, 19, 20 and a valve 61 controls the supply of petrol through the conduit 6 connecting tank 13 with the mixing chamber 1. The position of a piston 2 in the cylinder 1 determines the quantity of oil to be mixed, this quantity being varied by a control device comprising a cylinder 21 having an inclined slot 18 which is engaged by a pin 53 on the end of the piston rod 17. The cylinder 21 also carries a cam 22 which operates on a rod 23 and lever 24 for opening the petrol supply valve 61. A scale is associated with the cylinder 21. After a predetermined quantity of oil has been admitted to the measuring chamber 1, ...

07-10-1997 дата публикации

Installation of mixture and conditioning of liquid products

Номер: OA0000010330A

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398087T

25-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000352562B

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391694T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000443677T

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477060T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000504425B1

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000462459T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000427686T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000492348T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000526932T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553062T

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000543777T
Автор: JOHN D, JOHN, D.

15-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000159694A

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516886T

15-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366774A

26-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006152U2

A transportable compact mixing and filling system for bottles, containers or the like, in particular, for cleaning agents, which consist of a mixture containing a concentrate with water, comprises a mixing reservoir (2) and a filling reservoir (3), which is connected downstream therefrom via an electromagnetic valve and to which a customary filling machine (16). A concentrate reservoir (10) equipped with a pump (11) is assigned to the mixing reservoir (2) and, for a mixing process, supplies the mixing reservoir (2) with the amount of concentrate stipulated by the mixing ratio, according to the weighing result of a scale (9) for the concentrate or according to a flowmeter . These components, together with a controller (13), are placed on or above a base plate (1). The controller (13) activates an electromagnetic valve (7) in a water supply line and the pump (11) for the concentrate, and closes the electromagnetic valve (12) to the filling reservoir (3). After the mixing process, the magnetic ...

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000316066T

15-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000148522T

15-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000247072T

15-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000216281T

15-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000292514T

02-09-2021 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing systems with limited time offering circuits

Номер: AU2020219829A1

The present application provides a beverage dispenser capable of dispensing one or more limited time offering beverages. The beverage dispenser may include a dispensing valve, a limited time offering ingredient source, and a limited time offering circuit extending between the dispensing valve and the limited time offering ingredient source. The limited time offering circuit may include a stainless steel line extending between the dispensing valve and the limited time offering ingredient source.

02-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000609498B2

14-03-2000 дата публикации

Improved dispensing valve mounting assembly

Номер: AU0005568599A

28-10-2004 дата публикации

Dispenser for hardenable viscous pasty compound

Номер: AU2004201247A1

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Liquid concentrate/extract beverage dispenser with replaceable concentrate/extract cartridge

Номер: AU2006311952B2

A cartridge for dispensing a liquid concentrate/extract includes a hollow body, a dispensing tube that contains a pumping device, and a valve having a valve stem that passes through a port of a valve seat connected to the dispensing tube. The valve stem includes a first end having a piston, and a second end having a valve body in removable contact with the valve seat for alternately opening and closing the port. The piston can include a membrane disposed towards the valve stem and configured to dispense fluid into the dispensing tube when the valve body contacts the valve seat and to forcibly express fluid from the dispensing tube when the valve body is moved from its contact position. A liquid dispenser suitable for numerous applications, having a removably insertable concentrate/extract cartridge and a method of dispensing a liquid are also provided.

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for switching flow circuits in a product dispenser

Номер: AU2007243713A1

28-04-2011 дата публикации

Systems and methods for dispensing flavor doses and blended beverages

Номер: AU2006311621B2

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Air piston and dome foam pump

Номер: AU2009202124B2

A foam pump for pumping a foamable liquid from a foamable liquid source includes a premix chamber having an interior volume receiving the foamable liquid from the foamable liquid source. The foam pump also include a premix chamber air inlet 5 valve, and a collapsible air chamber surrounds the premix chamber and fluidly communicates with the interior volume of the premix chamber through said premix chamber air inlet valve. The collapsible air chamber has an expanded volume and a compressed volume, and, when the collapsible air chamber is moved from its expanded volume to its compressed volume, air within the collapsible air chamber 10 is forced into the premix chamber through the premix chamber air inlet valve and mixes with the foamable liquid received in the premix chamber. An outlet communicates with the premix chamber and, upon compression of the collapsible air chamber from its expanded volume to its compressed volume, foamable liquid and air are advanced from the premix chamber into ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing assembly

Номер: AU2011271145A1

The present invention is directed a beverage dispensing machine and beverage dispenser that may be used for mixing and dispensing liquids. The beverage dispenser has a mounting bracket with a carrier that is removably connected to the mounting bracket and a mixing bowl that is removably connected to the carrier. The beverage container also has a first set of fittings extending from the mounting bracket for receiving a first set of liquids and dispensing the first set of liquids into the mixing bowl. The beverage container also has a second set of fittings also extending from the mounting bracket for receiving a second set of liquids and dispensing the second set of liquids into the mixing bowl.

02-03-2006 дата публикации

Positive displacement pump

Номер: AU2005277732A1

09-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007085787A

08-03-2001 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for adding fluid additives to fluids

Номер: AU0007205800A

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AU2013201375A1

Systems and methods for dispensing a product are provided. A plurality of product 5 ingredients are associated with a product dispenser that is operable to form a plurality of selectable products from the plurality of products ingredients. Input for a selected product is received and a recipe that defines the ratio of product ingredients for forming the selected product is identified. The dispense of each of the respective product ingredients is commenced based at least in part on the identified recipe, and the dispense of each of the 10 respective product ingredients is independently monitored during the dispense of the selected product. Onu wne> ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Mixing apparatus with improved structure

Номер: AU2016102229A4
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

An mixing apparatus with improved structure comprises a fixture having a tank body disposed thereon; a discharge pipe and a clamping mechanism disposed on a bottom of the tank body; a valve disposed on the discharge pipe; a motor disposed on a top end of the tank body; a rotating shaft disposed in the tank body; a can body connecting with the rotating shaft; a stirring plate disposed on a outer wall of the can body; inclined plates disposed on the rotating shaft or on a inner wall of the can body; and an inlet disposed in the annular space formed between the rotating shaft and the can body. The present invention solves the issues that the bottom of the tank body is easy to be distorted or damaged and the reagent can't be mixed well enough due to the deviating from the axial direction of the agitating shaft.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

System and method of providing individual quantities of custom colored sealing compound

Номер: AU2009228386B2

A system and method for providing custom colored sealant are generally provided with a dispensing container, containing a quantity of sealant base solution. A nozzle, is shaped and sized to be removably secured with an open end portion of the dispensing container. A supplemental container is provided that contains a quantity of sealant thickener. A transfer pipette may be provided for selectively transferring a coloring agent to the dispensing container. The coloring agent may be mixed with the sealant base solution by agitating the dispensing container, until a desired color is attained. The sealant thickener may then added and mixed by similar agitation of the dispensing container. The nozzle is then coupled with the dispensing container and the custom-colored sealant is ready to be dispense ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Intermittent dosing

Номер: AU2014236404A1

A system comprising a highly concentrated micro component source, an accumulator, a micro component valve and a controller. The accumulator may be configured to keep the highly concentrated micro component under a first pressure. The micro component valve may be configured to dose the highly concentrated micro component at the first pressure for a first period of time. The controller may be configured to control the dosing of the highly concentrated micro component by the micro component valve. The system may further comprise a source of a diluent configured to provide a flow of the diluent during a second period of time at a second pressure. The highly concentrated micro component along with the diluent may be dosed using different time periods and under different pressures.

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Fuel distributor, the hydraulic compartment of which is equipped with an additive injection device

Номер: AU2016340366B2

Fuel distributor (1) comprising a hydraulic compartment (2) comprising at least one pumping unit (4) connected to at least one fuel distribution line (3) comprising a fuel flow meter (5) and a flexible tube (6) equipped with a nozzle (7), as well as at least one additive injection device (8) comprising an additive reservoir (9) and at least one injection unit (12) intended to suck a regulated quantity of additive from the additive reservoir (9) to the fuel distribution line (3), said injection unit (12) comprising a suction pump (10) driven by a motor (11), characterised in that the injection unit (12) comprises an explosion-proof housing (13) in which the motor is housed (11), the suction pump (10) being mounted outside of the explosion-proof housing (13) and being driven by the motor (11) via a drive shaft (14) passing through a wall (15) of the explosion-proof housing (13), the suction pump (10) and the motor (11) being separated by said wall (15) of the explosion-proof housing.

05-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002488188A

11-08-1997 дата публикации

Mix head eductor

Номер: AU0001576397A

30-09-1999 дата публикации

Automatic fill system for a beverage dispenser

Номер: AU0002130199A

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing System with a Head Capable of Dispensing Plural Different Beverages

Номер: US20130126555A1
Принадлежит: PEPSICO, INC.

A beverage dispensing system includes a base to which a dispensing head is removably attached without additional fasteners. Beverage-forming liquids are supplied through a plurality of separate conduits in the base. Each base conduit has a normally closed valve that normally blocks fluid flow. The dispensing head has at least one passageway that receives liquid from an associated one of the base conduits. A projection associated with each dispensing head passageway opens the associated conduit valve to allow fluid flow from the base to the head. Dispensing valves in the dispensing head regulate the dispensing of the beverage. By selectively opening the dispensing valves, a plurality of beverages are formed from combinations of one or more liquids. A dispensing head includes an inlet opening and an outlet opening at each end of a passage extending through a body, the inlet opening having a smaller cross-sectional area than the outlet opening. 1. An apparatus comprising:a base having a plurality of base conduits through which separate and distinct fluid streams are permitted to flow and a plurality of base valves, each base valve located in a separate one of the base conduits and positioned to normally block fluid flow out of the base conduit; a first set of passageways, the first set of passageways configured to be coupled to a first set of the base conduits;', 'a dispensing valve associated with each of the first set of passageways for regulating fluid flow through each passageway in the first set of passageways; and', 'a first set of valve actuators, each valve actuator being associated with a separate passageway in the first set of passageways;, 'a first dispensing head for attachment to the base configured to form a first beverage, the first dispensing head havingconfiguring the first dispensing head to be removable from the base where the first set of valve actuators are retracted away from the associated base valves so that the base valves close;a second ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219632A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Methods for producing a coloring agent for keratin fibers from a first composition A, a second composition B and a third composition C, in which the first composition A is directed from a container A, by means of a filling device, via an inlet, to a second container B containing the second composition B and/or, to a third container C containing the third composition C, wherein composition A is introduced into container B and/or into container C, and container B and/or container C, through the introduction of composition A and/or the influence of the filling device, forms at least one outlet, from which a mixture of compositions A and B and/or a mixture of compositions A and C emerges, are suitable for producing homogeneous coloring agents for keratin fibers with a viscosity that is suitable for the treatment of hair. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein composition A is introduced into container B and into container C claim 1 , and container B and container C claim 1 , through the introduction of composition A and/or the influence of the filling device claim 1 , form at least one outlet claim 1 , from which a mixture of compositions A and B or a mixture of compositions A and C emerges claim 1 , and the mixture of compositions A and B and the mixture of compositions A and C are subsequently combined to form a coloring agent for keratin fibers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein composition A is introduced into container B claim 1 , and container B claim 1 , through the introduction of composition A and/or the influence of the filling device claim 1 , forms at least one outlet claim 1 , from which a mixture of compositions A and B emerges claim 1 , which mixture is subsequently introduced into container C containing composition C with formation of the coloring agent for keratin fibers.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein composition A is introduced into container C claim 1 , and container C claim 1 , through the introduction of composition A and/or the influence of the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320039A1
Автор: Gates Matthew

A beverage dispensing system includes a nozzle body with a plurality of ingredient inlets and a water inlet disposed in the nozzle body. A diffuser is connected to the nozzle body and has floor with a plurality of holes therethrough. A nozzle cap is connected to the diffuser and has an outlet. A first mixing chamber is formed between the ingredient inlets and the diffuser floor, and a second mixing chamber is formed between the diffuser and the outlet, with the second mixing chamber being configured to receive fluid from the first mixing chamber via the holes in the diffuser floor. A first water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the first mixing chamber, and a second water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the second mixing chamber, wherein the second water flow path bypasses the first mixing chamber. 1. A dispensing device , comprising:a nozzle body;a plurality of ingredient inlets disposed in the nozzle body;a water inlet disposed in the nozzle body;a diffuser connected to the nozzle body and having floor with a plurality of holes therethrough;a nozzle cap connected to the diffuser and having an outlet;a first mixing chamber between the ingredient inlets and the diffuser floor;a second mixing chamber between the diffuser and the outlet configured to receive fluid from the first mixing chamber via the holes in the diffuser floor;a first water flow path between the water inlet and the first mixing chamber; anda second water flow path between the water inlet and the second mixing chamber, wherein the second water flow path bypasses the first mixing chamber.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein:the nozzle body has a top surface and side surfaces perpendicular to the top surface;the ingredient inlets are disposed in the top surface; andthe water inlet is disposed in the side surface.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the water inlet is a first water inlet claim 1 , and wherein the device further comprises a second water inlet.4. The device ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027472A1
Автор: Reddy Balakrishna
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

Mixing nozzle fitments and beverage devices containing the mixing nozzle fitments are provided. In an embodiment, the mixing nozzle fitment includes a first shaft defining an inlet passage, a second shaft defining a curved outlet passage and attached to the first shaft, and a coupling member attached to the second shaft. The coupling member defines a passage that leads into the curved outlet passage of the second shaft. The mixing nozzle fitment can be used in any suitable beverage dispensing device. 1. A dispensing device comprising:a concentrate container;a tube attached to the concentrate container;a pump operatively connected to the tube; a first shaft defining an inlet passage,', 'a second shaft comprising a first end comprising a fluid outlet of the fitment, and the second shaft is attached to the first shaft at a second end of the second shaft, defines a curved outlet passage that extends from the first end to the second end, and is continuously curved from the first end to the second end, and', 'a coupling member attached to the second shaft and defining a passage that leads into the curved outlet passage of the second shaft, the tube removably attached to the coupling member; and, 'a mixing nozzle fitment comprising'}a diluent dispensing nozzle removably attached to the first shaft of the mixing nozzle fitment.2. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the concentrate container claim 1 , the tube claim 1 , the pump claim 1 , the diluent dispenser and a portion of the mixing nozzle fitment are contained within a housing.3. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the coupling member comprises an expanded member and a catch for receiving the tube.4. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the second shaft comprises a flange.5. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first shaft and the second shaft comprises a textured grip.6. The dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first shaft and the second shaft ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Automatic beverage dispenser

Номер: US20140069953A1
Принадлежит: Smart Bar USA LLC

A beverage dispenser for providing mixed beverages. The beverage dispenser has a housing containing a plurality of first liquids, a plurality of second liquids, and a water supply, wherein the first liquids comprise liquors, and wherein the second liquids comprise mixer syrup. The beverage dispenser also has an interface, a dispensing spout and a server. The interface is provided on the housing to input variable data and receive variable instructions. The server electrically operates valves to control the flow of first liquids, second liquids and water to the beverage dispenser spout based on instructions entered at the interface and a pouring schema stored in memory.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Micro Dosing Dispensing System

Номер: US20160009539A1

A dispensing nozzle comprises a dispensing nozzle manifold. The manifold comprises orifices. Each orifice comprises a port and a corresponding conduit. The manifold comprises at least a first orifice configured to receive a first diluent, and at least a second diluent orifice configured to receive a second diluent, and at least two free-flowing food component orifices. The dispensing nozzle manifold comprises a top, middle, and bottom portions. The plurality of orifices is located at the top portion. The middle portion comprises a first set of conduits, each conduit of the first set of conduits corresponding to a port. The bottom portion comprises a funnel. The dispensing nozzle is configured so that a diluent received in the funnel mixes with at least one free-flowing food component before the received diluent and the at least one free-flowing food component exit the dispensing nozzle. 1. A dispensing nozzle comprising:a top portion, a middle portion, and a bottom portion; anda dispensing nozzle manifold comprising a plurality of orifices, wherein each orifice comprises a corresponding port and a corresponding conduit;the dispensing nozzle manifold comprising at least a first orifice configured to receive a first diluent, and at least a second diluent orifice configured to receive a second diluent, and at least two free-flowing food component orifices configured to receive free-flowing food components;wherein the top portion of the dispensing nozzle comprises a plurality of ports, each port corresponding to an orifice of the plurality of orifices;wherein the middle portion of the dispensing nozzle comprises a first set of conduits, each conduit of the first set of conduits corresponding to a port;wherein the bottom portion of the dispensing nozzle comprises a funnel having a side wall;the funnel configured to receive at least the first diluent and/or the second diluent, and allow the received diluent to flow downwardly and in a swirling path along the side wall of ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017346A1
Автор: Hong Jinpyo, Kim YoungJoon

A decompression mechanism may include a decompression case having an inlet that receives a beverage and an outlet that discharges the beverage; a decompression inner member including an inner body positioned inside of the decompression case and a guide formed in a spiral shape on an outer circumference of the inner body and in contact with an inner face of the decompression case; and a decompression channel defined between the decompression case and the decompression inner member. The decompression channel may have an input opening in communication with the inlet and an output opening in communication with the outlet, and a cross-sectional area of the decompression channel may increase as the decompression channel extends from the input opening to the output opening. 1. A decompression mechanism , comprising:a decompression case having an inlet that receives a beverage and an outlet that discharges the beverage;a decompression inner member including an inner body positioned inside of the decompression case and a guide formed in a spiral shape on an outer circumference of the inner body and in contact with an inner face of the decompression case; anda decompression channel defined between the decompression case and the decompression inner member, wherein the decompression channel has an input opening in communication with the inlet and an output opening in communication with the outlet, and wherein a cross-sectional area of the decompression channel increases as the decompression channel extends from the input opening to the output opening.2. The decompression mechanism of claim 1 , wherein an inner diameter of the decompression case decreases as the decompression case extends in a direction from the inlet toward the outlet.3. The decompression mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the decompression case has an open portion defined therein into which the decompression inner member is inserted claim 1 , and wherein the open portion is closer to the inlet than to the outlet.4 ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method for Production and Dispensing Carbonated Beer from Beer Concentrate

Номер: US20200017347A1

An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage has a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet, a water inlet, a pressurized gas inlet, a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet, a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed. The carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm, preferably less than 0.50 mm, highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm. 1. An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage , wherein the appliance comprises a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet , a water inlet , a pressurized gas inlet , a carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet , a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed , whereby the carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm , preferably less than 0.50 mm , and highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm.2. An appliance according to whereby the final constituted beverage has a foam height of at least 6 mm and whereby the foam half life is greater than 15 seconds.3. An appliance according to whereby the water contains between 5 and 10 g C02/L at the mixing unit inlet.4. An appliance according to further comprising a liquid line and a flow rate controller regulating the flow rate through the liquid line and whereby the flow rate controller regulates the residence time of the liquid such as to maintain the gas dissolved in the liquid.5. An appliance according to further comprising gas pressure regulating means for varying the gas at the inlet of the carbonation unit and a water pressure control unit allowing control of the pressure on the water at the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160039657A1

A fluid dispensing device is provided. The fluid dispensing device includes a dispensing cylinder and a first inlet and a second inlet configured to facilitate intake of one of or more fluids into the dispensing cylinder. The first inlet is disposed within a first container on which the fluid dispensing device is mounted. The first inlet and the second inlet are configured to facilitate intake of only one fluid into the dispensing cylinder at a given point in time. The fluid dispensing device also includes a first outlet and a second outlet configured to dispense the one or more fluids. The first outlet and the second outlet are configured to dispense only one fluid out of the dispensing cylinder at a given point in time. The fluid dispensing device further includes a valve assembly fluidically coupled to the first inlet and the second inlet, and to the first outlet and the second outlet. The valve assembly is configured to control flow of the fluids within and/or out of the dispensing cylinder. 1. A fluid dispensing device , the device comprising:a dispensing cylinder;a first inlet and a second inlet configured to facilitate intake of one or more fluids into the dispensing cylinder, wherein the first inlet is disposed within a first container on which the fluid dispensing device is mounted and wherein the first inlet and the second inlet are configured to facilitate intake of only one fluid into the dispensing cylinder at a given point in time;a first outlet and a second outlet configured to dispense the one or more fluids, wherein the first outlet and the second outlet are configured to dispense only one fluid out of the dispensing cylinder at a given point in time; anda valve assembly fluidically coupled to the first inlet and the second inlet, and to the first outlet and the second outlet, wherein the valve assembly is configured to control flow of the fluids within and/or out of the dispensing cylinder.2. The fluid dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Dispensing nozzle assemblies with static mixers

Номер: US20220055883A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a target assembly with a number of fins and a number of channels and a static mixer positioned about the fins.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039873A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

An insert for use with a beverage dispenser includes a diffuser having an upstream end configured to receive the first base fluid, a downstream end with an outlet configured to dispense the first base fluid, and a center bore extending between the upstream end and the downstream end along an axis. A stem is disposed in the center bore of the diffuser and has a first end configured to receive a second base fluid and an opposite second end with an outlet configured to dispense the second base fluid. The outlet of the diffuser is upstream from the outlet of the stem such that the first base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the diffuser mixes with an additive fluid before the second base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the stem mixes with the additive fluid. 1. An insert for use with a beverage dispenser having a base fluid module and an additive fluid manifold positioned around the base fluid module , the base fluid module having a chamber , a first conduit through which a first base fluid is conveyed into the chamber , and a second conduit through which a second base fluid is conveyed into the chamber , the additive fluid manifold having an inlet that receives an additive fluid and an outlet that dispenses the additive fluid , the insert comprising:a diffuser having a upstream end configured to be inserted into the chamber and to receive the first base fluid, a downstream end with an outlet configured to dispense the first base fluid, and a center bore extending between the upstream end and the downstream end along an axis; anda stem disposed in the center bore and having a first end configured to be coupled to the second conduit to thereby receive the second base fluid from the second conduit and an opposite second end with an outlet configured to dispense the second base fluid;wherein the outlet of the diffuser is upstream from the outlet of the stem such that the first base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the diffuser mixes with the additive fluid before ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044161A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

A volume of fluid may be received at the air chamber from a fluid source and dispensed to a nozzle. The fluid source may be in fluid communication with the air chamber. The flow may be reversed to draw the fluid to the air chamber and purge air within the air chamber or the fluid to the atmosphere. 1. A method for removing air within an air chamber , comprising:receiving a flow of a fluid at a first port of the air chamber from a fluid source in fluid communication with the air chamber;dispensing the fluid at a second port of the air chamber; andreversing the flow to draw the fluid into the air chamber to purge air within any one of the air chamber and the fluid source through a third port.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising dispensing the fluid from the second port to a nozzle via a three-way valve and a pump.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises a beverage forming ingredient.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein reversing the flow to draw the fluid to the air chamber comprises reversing the flow upon receiving an indication from one of: (i) a user at an interface; and (ii) a sensor within the air chamber.5. The method claim 1 , further comprising pumping the air to the atmosphere.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein reversing the flow to draw fluid into the air chamber further comprises:changing a flow path from a pump to the air chamber; andallowing the pump to pump fluid into the second port.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein reversing the flow to draw the fluid into the air chamber further comprises reversing a pump to draw the fluid to the air chamber and purge air within any one of the air chamber and the fluid source.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein reversing the pump comprises:changing a flow path from the pump to the air chamber; andreversing a flow direction of the pump to pump fluid into the first port or the second port.9. The method of claim 6 , further comprising a recirculation path that allows fluid in the air chamber to be ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073332A1

A post-mix drink dispenser includes a mixer body securable to a drink dispensing system and having at least one beverage concentrate inlet and outlet sheltered within a downwardly open cavity in the bottom thereof; a diluent channel formed exterior to the cavity and about a lower sidewall of the mixer body; and a nozzle housing securable in place about the mixer body. The dispenser includes an air channel formed in a wall portion of the nozzle housing, a diffuser to organize flows of diluent along the interior surface of the nozzle housing, or both a vent and a diffuser. The air channel includes provisions to impede ingress of diluent, and to contain flow through the channel of liquid beverage components. The diffuser may be formed unitary with the nozzle housing, or may be selectively removable from the drink dispenser. 177-. (canceled)78. A post-mix drink dispenser , comprising:a mixer securable to a drink dispensing system, the mixer including at least one beverage concentrate inlet, and, for each provided beverage concentrate inlet, a corresponding beverage concentrate outlet;a diluent pathway running through a diluent channel;a nozzle housing securable in place about the mixer body, the nozzle housing being adapted for receiving a diluent flowing from the diluent channel and a beverage concentrate flowing from the mixer and for directing the diluent and the beverage concentrate from the nozzle housing; anda vent formed in the nozzle housing, the vent being configured for air transfer between an interior and an exterior of the nozzle housing concurrent with the nozzle housing receiving the diluent and the beverage concentrate.79. The post-mix drink dispenser of claim 78 , wherein the vent through the air transfer between the interior and the exterior of the nozzle housing concurrent with the nozzle housing receiving the diluent and the beverage concentrate equalizes air pressure within the nozzle housing with ambient air pressure exterior of the nozzle housing. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060095A1

A fluid product dispenser is sized to removably receive a product package containing a supply of the fluid product. The product package includes an internally integrated fluid pump, and the dispenser includes a drive unit powered by flow of a fluid. Flow of the fluid powers the drive unit, which in turn drives the pump internal to the product package, resulting in dispensation of the fluid product in a product/fluid ratio that is independent of the fluid flow rate. 1. A dispensing apparatus comprising:a housing having a cavity sized to receive a product package containing a fluid product to be dispensed;a fluid drive unit having an inlet directly connected to receive a supply of a fluid such that flow of the fluid causes rotation of the water drive unit;an outlet from which the fluid exits the housing; anda pump engagement mechanism configured to removably connect the fluid drive unit to a pump internally integrated into the product package and to transfer rotational motion of the fluid drive unit to the pump, resulting in dispensing of the fluid product from the product package responsive to rotation of the water drive unit.2. The dispensing apparatus of wherein the fluid is a liquid or a gas.3. The dispensing apparatus of wherein the fluid drive unit comprises a wheel drive unit.4. An apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a product package formed by a plurality of sidewalls forming an enclosed cavity that contains a fluid product to be dispensed from the product package;an outlet through which the fluid product is dispensed from the cavity of the product package; anda pump internally integrated into the cavity of the product package and fluidly connected to the outlet to pump the fluid product to the outlet of the product package,the pump further including a pump engagement coupling configured to be removably connected to a drive unit of a chemical product dispenser.5. A dispensing system claim 1 , comprising: an outlet through which the fluid chemical product is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Cannabis Extract Dispensing System

Номер: US20190062144A1
Принадлежит: Vireo Health LLC

A custom cannabis extract dispenser for dispensing a cannabis extract into a container is provided. The custom cannabis extract dispenser includes several reservoirs for containing the various ingredients that will make up the final extract. The ingredients include purified cannabinoids, namely THC, CBD, minor cannabinoids, and various flavorants. A fluid management system in communication with a computer controller enables a user to select the amounts of the various ingredients desired in a custom cannabis extract. 1A plurality of reservoirs holding separate ingredients to be used in extract formulations;a processor to control mixing any combination of the plurality of separate ingredients, the processor being adapted to customize a cannabis extract formulation by controlling the mixing of combinations and amounts of the plurality of separate ingredients based on a user's input;wherein the processor regulates the mixing based on user preferences to mix a customized cannabis extract formulation from the separate ingredients held within the plurality of reservoirs, wherein the customized cannabis extract formulation comprises one or more ingredients selected from the group consisting of the major cannabinoids, the minor cannabinoids, terpenes, terpenoids, flavorants, and supplements held within the plurality of reservoirs; anda dispensing nozzle in communication with the plurality of reservoirs to dispense the customized extract.. A cannabis extract dispenser comprising: N/AThe present invention relates generally to cannabis extract dispensing systems and methods and particularly relates to a cannabis extract dispenser for providing a number of different cannabis extract alternatives.Cannabis extracts have risen in popularity as medical and recreational cannabis has proliferated. Depending on the use for which the extract will be used by the customer, different ratios of cannabis constituents will be desired. There is currently no way to provide individual quantities ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Making Machine

Номер: US20140150669A1

A beverage making machine includes a first beverage making cartridge including at least one of a gas source portion, the gas source portion contains a solid gas source that through sublimation emits a gas, and a gas storage tank arranged to store the gas emitted from the solid gas source. The beverage making machine further includes a second beverage making cartridge includes at least one of a beverage ingredient, a beverage diluent receptacle for receiving a beverage diluent liquid, a dissolver dissolves portion of the gas, from the gas storage tank, into the beverage diluent liquid, and a dispenser selectively dispenses a predefined ratio of at least one of the beverage ingredient and the beverage diluent liquid, to form a beverage. Exemplary embodiments include a computer control arranged to receive a beverage selection from a consumer and control the beverage making machine to form beverages. 1. A beverage making machine comprising:a first beverage making cartridge comprising at least one of a gas source portion, the gas source portion contains a solid gas source that through sublimation emits a gas;a gas storage tank arranged to store the gas emitted from the solid gas source;a second beverage making cartridge comprising at least one of a beverage ingredient;a beverage diluent receptacle for receiving a beverage diluent liquid;a dissolver dissolves portion of the gas, from the gas storage tank, into the beverage diluent liquid; anda dispenser selectively dispenses a predefined ratio of at least one of the beverage ingredient and the beverage diluent liquid, to form a beverage.2. The beverage making machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the gas storage tank further comprising a pressure release valve preventing the gas storage tank from exceeding a maximum pressure limit.3. The beverage making machine in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the solid gas source portion further comprising a one-way vent claim 1 , which allows the gas to escape the solid gas ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Making Cartridges for Use in a Beverage Making Machine

Номер: US20140154369A1
Автор: Kolls Brock

A beverage making cartridge for use in a beverage making machine includes making cartridge comprising a beverage making cartridge enclosure further comprising a gas source portion further comprising a solid gas source, that through sublimation, emits a gas to be dissolved in a beverage diluent liquid and a beverage ingredient portion further including a beverage ingredient, the beverage ingredient is dispensed and mixed in a pre-defined volumetric ratio with the beverage diluent liquid to form a beverage. 1. A beverage making cartridge for use in a beverage making machine , the beverage making cartridge comprising:a beverage making cartridge enclosure further comprising a gas source portion further comprising a solid gas source, that through sublimation, emits a gas to be dissolved in a beverage diluent liquid and a beverage ingredient portion further comprising a beverage ingredient, the beverage ingredient is dispensed and mixed in a pre-defined volumetric ratio with the beverage diluent liquid to form a beverage.2. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the beverage ingredient portion further comprising:a wall that is movable to force the beverage ingredient to exit the beverage ingredient portion.3. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the beverage ingredient portion further comprising:a fluid handler through which the beverage ingredient can be extracted from the beverage ingredient portion.4. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the gas source portion and the beverage ingredient portion are arranged to prevent the gas source from contacting portions of the beverage diluent liquid and the beverage ingredient used to form the beverage.5. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the gas further comprising a carbonation gas and an aroma enhancing gas.6. The beverage making cartridge in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the carbonation gas is carbon ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158241A1
Принадлежит: SEKO S.P.A.

This invention relates to a flexible membrane separation valve, comprising a housing (), the lateral surfaces of which are provided with slits (), within which housing () a flexible membrane () with cylindrical symmetry is housed, within which an insert () having a body () with cylindrical symmetry is in turn housed, the insert () comprising a proximal end () having a proximal apex () spaced along the longitudinal axis of the insert () from a base () with cylindrical symmetry, through which the proximal end () joins to the body (), the proximal apex () being joined to the base () through a continuous surface, the valve being characterised in that the proximal end () has an axial section such that tangent lines to the proximal apex () form an angle containing the longitudinal axis of the insert that is lower than or equal to 90°. The invention further relates to an apparatus for mixing a liquid comprising such a flexible membrane separation valve. 111-. (canceled)12. Flexible membrane separation valve , comprising a housing , the lateral surfaces of which are provided with slits , within which housing a hollow flexible membrane with cylindrical symmetry is housed , within which an insert having a body with cylindrical symmetry is in turn housed , the insert comprising a proximal end having a proximal apex spaced along the longitudinal axis of the insert from a base with cylindrical symmetry , through which the proximal end joins to the body , the proximal apex being joined to the base through a continuous surface , wherein the proximal end has an axial section such that tangent lines to the proximal apex form an angle containing the longitudinal axis of the insert that is lower than or equal to 90°.13. Valve according to claim 12 , wherein the insert is provided with a side notch in a longitudinal position corresponding to a distal internal edge of the housing.14. Valve according to claim 12 , wherein the insert comprises a distal circular base having a diameter D2 ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200077767A1

A method is used for dispensing a fragrance blend (FB) comprising at least one fragrance (F, F), wherein the method comprises, by a fragrance dispensing apparatus (), offering at least one desired agent function for user selection and blending at least one fragrance (F, F) with at least one functional agent (F) based on at least one selected agent function to obtain the fragrance blend (FB) and dispensing the fragrance blend (FB). A fragrance dispensing apparatus () is adapted to perform the method. The invention is particularly useful for selecting and producing a fragrance blend directly by a user. 1. A method for dispensing a fragrance blend comprising at least one fragrance , wherein the method comprises , by a fragrance dispensing apparatus ,offering at least one desired agent function for user selection,blending at least one fragrance with at least one functional agent based on at least one selected agent function to obtain the fragrance blend anddispensing the fragrance blend.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein offering at least one desired agent function is followed by offering to add at least one functional agent corresponding to the at least one selected agent function.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one functional agent is an anti-aging agent.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one functional agent is an appetite curbing agent.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one functional agent is a hormone balance agent.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one functional agent is a memory triggering agent.7. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe fragrance dispensing apparatus tracks at least one personal user feature andadds at least one functional agent to the fragrance blend based on at least one tracked personal user feature.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the functional agent is an odourless agent.9. A fragrance dispensing apparatus claim 1 , comprising:at ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Beverage Dispensing Heads with Lighting Modules

Номер: US20190084820A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

A beverage dispensing head includes a housing having a front, a rear, and a base that extends between the front and the rear. A mixing nozzle is configured to dispense a flow of beverage via the base. A valve is configured to control the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle, and a switch is movable into and between a closed position in which the valve opens the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle and an open position in which the valve closes the flow of beverage via the mixing nozzle. A lighting module disposed in the housing is configured to illuminate the front of the housing and the base of the housing when the switch is moved into the closed position. 1. A beverage dispensing head comprising:a housing having a front with a display window and a base with a lighting opening;a valve disposed in the housing and configured to control a flow of beverage from a mixing nozzle;a switch operable control the valve and thereby control the flow of beverage from the mixing nozzle; anda lighting module configured to illuminate the display window, the lighting opening, and the flow of beverage from the mixing nozzle;wherein the lighting module comprises a first light source that emits light toward the display window, a light guide that guides light from the first light source alongside the display window, the light guide having a reflective surface that reflects light emitted from the first light source toward the display window, and a second light source that emits light toward the lighting opening and the flow of beverage from the mixing nozzle.2. The beverage dispensing head according to claim 1 , wherein the lighting module further comprises a casing defining a cavity in which the first and second light sources are located.3. The beverage dispensing head according to claim 2 , wherein the front is removable from a remainder of the housing so that the lighting module can be manually inserted into and coupled to the housing.4. The beverage dispensing head according to ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121166A1
Автор: Lozano Alberto Adarve

The invention refers to a system for achieving the sensation of drinking a particular drink, known as the target, when in fact another drink, such as water, is being drunk. The invention consists of a glass which contains not only water but also a small amount of the target drink, in order to provide the true smell and image of the desired drink, as well as an electronic system for generating a series of signals which, by means of electrodes, stimulate the user's tongue, the effect of which is to act on a series of nerve cells, providing the brain with a signal as similar as possible to that which the real drink provides to the taste buds of the user. The user of the system thus has the sensation of drinking the target drink. 1. A simulator system for different liquid flavors comprising:a vessel, with three components:a reservoir wherein a sample of target liquid is housed which provides the smell and image thereof,a main receptacle where carbonated or non-carbonated water is housed, corresponding to a liquid to drink, and "the electronics complemented with a set of signal generators a set of amplifiers to amplify the signal generated, and a set of electrodes adapted to excite different areas sensitive to flavor of a user's tongue,", 'a secondary receptacle for electronics assisted by a voltage adapter,'}a support for said electrodes that, on drinking, is adapted to come into contact with the user's tongue and cause the electrodes, to make contact with the sensitive areas of the tongue;wherein the electronics are controlled by a processor responsible for generating the appropriate stimuli and controlling the overall operation of the simulator system.2. The simulator system for different liquid flavors of claim 1 , wherein the simulator incorporates data transmission means by radio associated to a coil for its control and programming.3. The simulator system for different liquid flavors of claim 1 , further comprising a Peltier cell with a temperature sensor as ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Mobile product dispenser

Номер: US20210155465A1
Принадлежит: Pepsico Inc

Mobile product dispensers for storing and dispensing products to consumers at various locations. A mobile product dispensers may include a product dispensing system, a user interface, a powertrain system, and a control unit. The mobile product dispenser may freely roam or follow a predetermined path within its environment of operation, and may engage with and service consumers along its route. A consumer may also summon the mobile product dispenser to a location using a user device such as a smartphone, smartwatch, or the like. The control unit may enable the mobile product dispenser to autonomously travel within its environment of operation and/or to navigate to the location of a consumer.

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130126A1

The invention concerns a mixing nozzle () for mixing a concentrate and a diluent and dispensing the mixture comprising: a concentrate conduit including a concentrate inlet port () and a concentrate outlet port () and a concentrate flowpath () therebetween, said conduit defining the longitudinal axis (XX′) of the mixing nozzle; a toroidal chamber () around said concentrate conduit having a water inlet conduit () tangentially disposed with respect thereto to create a swirling of the water in said chamber, said toroidal chamber presenting multiple openings () at the bottom wall of the toroidal chamber to create multiple flows of diluent around the concentrate outlet port (); an assembly of multiple radially projecting ribs () provided downstream to the multiple openings () of the toroidal chamber, the ribs being curved at their downstream ends () towards the mixing nozzle longitudinal axis (XX′). 1. Mixing nozzle for mixing a concentrate and a diluent and dispensing the mixture comprising:a concentrate conduit including a concentrate inlet port and a concentrate outlet port and a concentrate flowpath therebetween, the conduit defining the longitudinal axis of the mixing nozzle:,a toroidal chamber around the concentrate conduit having a water inlet conduit tangentially disposed with respect thereto to create a swirling of the water in the chamber, the toroidal chamber presenting multiple openings at the bottom wall of the toroidal chamber around the concentrate outlet port; andan assembly of multiple radially projecting ribs provided downstream to the multiple openings of the toroidal chamber, the ribs being curved at their downstream ends towards the mixing nozzle longitudinal axis.2. Mixing nozzle according to wherein the multiple radially projecting ribs do not extend downstream to the concentrate outlet port.3. Mixing nozzle according to wherein at least two openings of the toroidal chamber emerge in the space separating two ribs.4. Mixing nozzle according to ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser

Номер: US20140209629A1
Автор: Matthew Gates
Принадлежит: FBD Partnership LP

A beverage dispensing system includes a nozzle body with a plurality of ingredient inlets and a water inlet disposed in the nozzle body. A diffuser is connected to the nozzle body and has floor with a plurality of holes therethrough. A nozzle cap is connected to the diffuser and has an outlet. A first mixing chamber is formed between the ingredient inlets and the diffuser floor, and a second mixing chamber is formed between the diffuser and the outlet, with the second mixing chamber being configured to receive fluid from the first mixing chamber via the holes in the diffuser floor. A first water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the first mixing chamber, and a second water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the second mixing chamber, wherein the second water flow path bypasses the first mixing chamber.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127199A1
Автор: OZAWA Takefumi, SEKI Arata

A beverage server including: a main body having a space, the main body having a top end opened; an inner lid disposed on an upper part of the main body; and an outer lid put on the top end of the main body with the inner lid covered, the outer lid being configured to make the space hermetic, wherein the inner lid has a plurality of liquid pumping pipes to be inserted into the space, and a beverage discharge pipe communicating with the liquid pumping pipes, the beverage discharge pipe being configured to discharge a beverage from the space to outside the main body, the outer lid has a pump configured to feed air to the hermetic space, and a manipulation member configured to switch between discharging a beverage and discharging no beverage, and the pump is operated by switching the manipulation member to discharging a beverage. 1. A beverage server comprising:a main body having a space, the main body having a top end opened;an inner lid disposed on an upper part of the main body; andan outer lid put on the top end of the main body with the inner lid covered, the outer lid being configured to make the space hermetic, whereinthe inner lid has a plurality of liquid pumping pipes to be inserted into the space, and a beverage discharge pipe communicating with the liquid pumping pipes, the beverage discharge pipe being configured to discharge a beverage from the space to outside the main body,the outer lid has a pump configured to feed air to the hermetic space, and a manipulation member configured to switch between discharging a beverage and discharging no beverage, andthe pump is operated by switching the manipulation member to discharging a beverage.2. A beverage server comprising:a main body having a can accommodation space in which a plurality of beverage cans is accommodatable, the main body having a top end opened;an inner lid disposed on an upper part of the main body; andan outer lid put on the top end of the main body with the inner lid covered, the outer lid ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224835A1

A dispensing tool is disclosed which includes an exchangeable container having a main component A, a container having a minor component B, a mixer for the components A and B, and an expelling device for at least one of the containers, the expulsion into the mixer of at least one of the components being controllable independently of the other components. In addition, a method is disclosed for refilling the container of the minor component B of a dispensing tool. 1. Dispensing tool comprising:an exchangeable container for a main component A and a container for a minor component B;a mixer for the components A and B; andat least one expelling device for at least one of the containers, for regulating expelling of at least one of the components A or B into the mixer independently of the other component B or A.2. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:a metering unit for regulated expelling of the minor component B, the metering unit being located between the container of the minor component B and the mixer.3. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the metering unit is a metering pump.4. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a volume of the minor component B to a volume of the main component A is 1:2-1:100.5. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:a drive for the at least one expelling device for driving the expelling device by at least one of gas pressure, spring tension and by a motor.6. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:an expelling device for each container.7. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the containers is selected from the group consisting of: a cylindrical receptacle with movable piston claim 1 , a bag claim 1 , a bag with form fit claim 1 , and a bag surrounded by a receptacle with a hard outer jacket.8. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the dispensing tool is a portable device.9. Dispensing tool as claimed in claim 1 , in combination with the main ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Multi-Tower Modular Dispensing System

Номер: US20140231455A1
Принадлежит: PEPSICO, INC.

The disclosure concerns a system including a multi-tower modular dispensing system comprising at least a first dispensing head and a second dispensing head at a counter, a transfer unit located remotely from the counter, piping extending from the transfer unit to the counter, the transfer unit comprising a centralized ingredient system having a plurality of beverage ingredient sources, the centralized ingredient system configured to supply beverage ingredients to the piping for the dispensing of a first beverage at the counter, the piping comprising a main micro bundle, the main micro bundle comprising at least two separate beverage ingredient lines. 1. A multi-tower modular dispensing system comprising:at least a first dispensing head of a first tower at a first counter, at least a second dispensing head of a second tower at a second counter, the first and second counters remote from each other, a transfer unit located remotely from the first counter and the second counter, piping extending from the transfer unit to the first counter and the second counter, the transfer unit comprising a centralized ingredient system having a plurality of beverage ingredient sources, the centralized ingredient system configured to supply beverage ingredients to the piping for the dispensing of a first beverage at the first counter and for the dispensing of a second beverage at the second counter, the piping comprising a main micro bundle, the main micro bundle comprising at least two separate beverage ingredient lines.2. The multi-tower modular dispensing system of claim 1 , wherein the piping is configured to supply beverage ingredients from the transfer unit to the first counter and the second counter in series or in parallel.3. The multi-tower modular dispensing system of claim 1 , further comprising at least a first doser unit corresponding to the first dispensing head claim 1 , the first doser unit configured to receive a first beverage ingredient through the main micro bundle ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140238247A1
Принадлежит: apiqe inc

In one aspect, an apparatus is disclosed for dispensing water including: a first inlet, a second inlet, and a third inlet; a chamber in fluid communication with first, second and third inlets, and a dispenser nozzle in fluid communication with the chamber. 1. An apparatus for dispensing water comprising:a first inlet, a second inlet, and a third inlet;a chamber in fluid communication with first, second and third inlets,a dispenser nozzle in fluid communication with the chamber;a chilled carbonated water source in fluid communication with the first inlet;an unchilled water source in fluid communication with the second inlet; anda heated water source in fluid communication with the third inlet.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chamber is tapered with a wide end proximal the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third inlets and a narrow end proximal the nozzle.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the chamber operates as an expansion chamber for water flowing from any one of the inlets into the chamber.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third inlets includes a check valve configured to allow forward flow in a forward flow direction from the inlet to the chamber and to reduce or prevent back flow from the chamber in the opposite of the forward flow direction.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third inlets includes a check valve configured to allow forward flow in a forward flow direction from the inlet to the chamber and to reduce or prevent back flow from the chamber in the opposite of the forward flow direction.6. That apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises a converging nozzle.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprises at least one connection facility for connecting a peripheral device.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the connection facility comprises a twist and lock connector.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140246459A1
Автор: Robinson Jon Joseph

A beverage tower having a solid cold block with glycol recirculation, the tap/valve is built into the cold block and is integral and fused thereto, so as to keep the entire beverage tap cold and maintain the beverages in a sanitary condition meeting health codes. The coolant lines within the cold block pass entirely around the tap in the cold block in serpentine fashion or in a coolant chamber, resulting in a tap which remains cooled effectively, while the cold block provides thermal inertia to the system. In particular, the entire valve stem and parts of the tap containing it are integral with and surrounded by the cold block. A method of construction is provided for an improved unitary integrated fused tapped cold block. 1. A method of producing a cold block for a beverage tower , the method comprising the steps of:providing at least one stout tap body, the stout tap body lacking a stem, the stout tap body having an internal valve assembly and an exterior tap body;connecting a beverage conduit to the stout tap body, the beverage conduit having a first end connected to the stout tap body and a second end distal therefrom;providing a mold for casting of the cold block, the mold having a plurality of walls defining at least a top, bottom, and rear;positioning the stout tap body with connected beverage conduit within the mold, with the second end of the beverage conduit projecting to one wall of the mold, and further with the stout tap body projecting from the top and bottom of the mold, and further with the internal valve assembly and exterior tap body of the stout tap body within the mold;positioning within the mold at least one coolant line having first and second ends, the coolant line being positioned within the mold with the first and second ends projecting to at least one wall of the mold,casting molten metal into the mold to entirely surround everything within the mold, whereby the exterior tap body of the stout tap body, the beverage line, and the coolant ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Beverage Dispenser Nozzle

Номер: US20140263416A1
Автор: GREEN C. Brad

An apparatus for controlling a fluid flow may include a flow channel, a housing, a flow restrictor, and a housing adjustment member. The flow channel defines a fluid pathway for the fluid flow. The fluid pathway includes an inlet and an exit. The housing surrounds the flow channel. The housing comprises an exterior surface defining a first threaded portion. The flow restrictor is located within the housing and proximate the exit. The housing adjustment member includes a second threaded portion in contact with the first threaded portion. Embodiments may include a method for controlling a fluid flow. The method comprises: causing the fluid flow to pass through a flow channel having an inlet and an exit; restricting, via a flow restrictor, the fluid flow, the flow restrictor located proximate the exit; and adjusting a position of the flow restrictor to further restrict or unrestrict the fluid flow. 1. An apparatus for controlling a fluid flow , the apparatus comprising:a flow channel defining a fluid pathway for the fluid flow, the fluid pathway including an inlet and an exit;a housing surrounding the flow channel, the housing comprising an exterior surface defining a first threaded portion;a flow restrictor located within the housing and proximate the exit; anda housing adjustment member comprising a second threaded portion in contact with the first threaded portion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the flow restrictor comprises a protuberance sized to at least partially block the exit.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a distributor defining a first flow channel in fluid communication with a first plurality of delivery ports located proximate the exit and a second flow channel in fluid communication with a second plurality of delivery ports located proximate the exit; anda distributor top bounding at least a portion of the first flow channel and the second flow channel, the distributor top defining a first input port in fluid communication with the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206620A1
Автор: EDWARDS Simon
Принадлежит: Ourip Pty Ltd

Various aspects of the invention described herein relate to a removable connector assembly, and methods of use and manufacture thereof. More particularly, certain embodiments relate to apparatus and methods to provide a connection to a spout disposed upon a container, such as upon a bag holding fluid. Embodiments of connector assemblies comprise an elongated outer housing, an inner housing, and a slider assembly for moving the outer surface of the sleeve member over the inner surface of the outer housing wall in a lengthwise motion to position the spout connector upon the spout and secure the spout connector in said position. 1. A connector assembly for connecting with a spout for connecting with a spout provided on a flexible fluid container , wherein the connector assembly comprises ,an elongated outer housing for maintaining an inner housing substantially therein formed from a wall having an inner surface and terminating at a first lengthwise end with an outlet shoulder for maintaining an outlet portion partially within the elongated outer housing, and terminating at a second lengthwise end with a spout engagement collar for aligning the connector assembly above the spout,the inner housing further comprising an elongated sleeve member having an outer surface and defining an internal channel for allowing the passage of fluid therethrough, the outer surface of the elongated sleeve member facing at least a portion of the inner surface of the elongated outer housing and configured to have minimal clearance between the outer surface and the inner surface, the elongated sleeve member extending at one end with an outlet for directing the flow of fluid therethrough and at the other end with a spout connector configured to form a sealed connection with the spout on the flexible fluid container, anda slider assembly for moving the outer surface of the elongated sleeve member over the inner surface of the wall of the outer housing in a lengthwise motion to position the ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180931A1

Disclosed is a post-mix beverage dispensing nozzle. The dispensing nozzle includes an input fitting, a cap, an insert, and a body. The dispensing nozzle defines a first flow path and a second flow path. The first flow path flows from a first input port offset from a central axis of the dispensing nozzle to a mixing chamber. The second flow path flows from an input port offset from the central axis of the dispensing nozzle to the mixing chamber. At the point of the mixing chamber both the first flow path and second flow path have uniform flow rates in all radial directions around the central axis. 1. A post-mix beverage dispensing nozzle , comprising:a body comprising a top opening, a bottom opening opposite the top opening, a central vertical axis extending between the top opening and bottom opening, and an inner surface extending between the top opening and the bottom opening and surrounding the central vertical axis;a first input port disposed at the top opening and radially offset from the central vertical axis; anda second input port disposed at the top opening and radially offset from the central axis;wherein a first flow path for a first beverage component is defined to flow from the first input port, through the body, and out the bottom opening,wherein a second flow path for a second beverage component is defined to flow from the second input port, through the body coincident to the central axis, and out the bottom opening,wherein a portion of the first flow path within the body is separate from and surrounds a portion of the second flow path within the body, andwherein the first flow path and the second flow path are configured so that the first beverage component and the second beverage component mix prior to exiting the bottom opening.2. The post-mix beverage dispensing nozzle of claim 1 , further comprising an insert within the body claim 1 , wherein the insert comprises a conical portion claim 1 , an upper plate on a side of the conical portion proximate ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305967A1
Автор: Hecht Thomas R.
Принадлежит: Automatic Bar Controls, Inc.

Devices for dispensing beverages, particularly multiple differing beverages from a dispensing nozzle, are provided herein. In an exemplary embodiment, a multiple beverage dispensing device includes a dispensing array attached to a dispense point isolation device within a dispensing nozzle, the dispensing array facilitates flow of a beverage base and at least one beverage additive into the dispensing nozzle and the dispense point isolation device isolating discharge of beverage additive to prevent cross-contamination and color-carryover caused by the residual traces of beverage additive often associated with conventional dispensing devices. In many embodiments, the dispense point isolation device further includes one or more isolation features, including any or all of a recess, trough, notch, raised ridge or tubular projection around an exit orifice of the beverage additive flow channel so as to further isolate release of the beverage additive and further inhibit cross-contamination and color-carryover. 1. A beverage dispensing device comprising:a dispensing nozzle for separately dispensing a plurality of differing beverages, each beverage comprising a beverage base and at least one beverage additive;a dispensing array having a top surface, an underside surface and a plurality of fluid flow paths and channels extending therebetween, wherein the fluid flow paths facilitate downward flow of one or more beverage bases and the plurality of channels facilitate downward flow of one or more beverage additives; anda dispense point isolation device having a plurality of additive outlet paths extending from an upper surface to an exit orifice in a bottom surface of the dispense isolation device, wherein the upper surface of the device is coupled to the underside of the dispensing array so as to fluidly couple each of the plurality of outlet paths with a corresponding channel of the dispensing array, wherein during operation of the dispensing device, the outlet portion extends ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229675A1
Принадлежит: FBD Partnership, LP

Applicants have created an improved multi-flavor food and/or beverage dispenser including an improved nozzle for injection of flavored liquids into a base liquid. The apparatuses and systems described herein can be used with different food and beverage products including, but not limited to, frozen carbonated beverages, frozen alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, frozen yogurts, frozen ice creams and other dispensable food and beverage products 1. A nozzle assembly , comprising: a plurality of O-rings, and', 'one or more injection ports;, 'a faceplate comprising,'} a plurality of circumferential recesses, wherein each recess cooperates with the plurality of O-rings to define a syrup flow channel, and', 'one or more radially spaced additive ports, wherein the one or more radially spaced additive ports comprise a hole that passes from the outside of the nozzle to a center of the nozzle;, 'a nozzle that cooperates with the plurality of O-rings, wherein the nozzle comprises,'}a valve stem assembly, wherein the valve stem assembly fits within the nozzle; andwherein the one or more injection ports are aligned with the syrup flow channels.2. The nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the nozzle comprisesan upper cylindrical section,a flat face section below the upper cylindrical section,sloped conical section below the flat face section andwherein the nozzle comprises a hollow center,3. The nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the valve stem assembly is capable of movement within the nozzle.4. The nozzle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the valve stem assembly is capable of moving upwards to cause a base product to flow through the hollow center of the nozzle.5. The nozzle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the valve stem assembly is capable of moving downwards to cause the valve stem assembly to seat against a portion of the nozzle to stop the flow of a base product.6. The nozzle assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one additive check valve connected to the faceplate ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225936A1

Vertical beverage dispensers including a vertical dispensing manifold for dispensing a beverage. The vertical dispensing manifold may include an input port coupled to one end of a vertical shaft and a dispensing nozzle coupled to the other end of the vertical shaft. The vertical shaft may include a hollow interior and a plurality of orifices for introducing ingredients into the hollow interior formed in the sidewall of the vertical shaft. The vertical shaft may define a vertical flow path for the flow of a base liquid from the input port, through the vertical shaft to combine with one or more ingredients, and to the dispensing nozzle. The flow of base liquid and ingredients within the vertical shaft may be uniform. 1. A vertical dispensing manifold for dispensing a beverage comprising:an input port for receiving a base liquid;a vertical shaft coupled to the input port, the vertical shaft comprising a hollow interior defined by a sidewall of the vertical shaft and a plurality of orifices for introducing ingredients into the hollow interior, where each orifice is formed in the sidewall of the vertical shaft and is in communication with the hollow interior of the vertical shaft; anda dispensing nozzle coupled to the vertical shaft for dispensing a combination of the base liquid and one or more ingredients;wherein the hollow interior of the vertical shaft defines a vertical flow path for the flow of the base liquid from the input port, through the vertical shaft to combine with one or more ingredients, and to the dispensing nozzle.2. The vertical dispensing manifold of claim 1 , wherein the vertical shaft comprises a plurality of modules releasably coupled together between the input port and the dispensing nozzle claim 1 , wherein each module comprises one or more orifices for introducing ingredients into the hollow interior of the vertical shaft claim 1 , and wherein each orifice is formed in a sidewall of the modules and is in communication with the hollow interior of ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150239723A1

A multi-single serve beverage dispensing apparatus, method and system is disclosed. Storage, management and delivery of a desired liquid enhancement cartridge to a beverage preparation positioned in a refrigerator or other liquid dispensing appliance is provided. A liquid dispensing cartridge is inserted and retrieved through a cartridge loading/unloading interface associated with a cabinet body of a liquid dispensing appliance. A storage system having multiple cartridge holding positions for storing and staging a variety of liquid enhancement cartridges is included. An indexing system has a means for moving one or more of the cartridges into a beverage preparation position for preparing and dispensing a beverage. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. A multi-single serve cartridge beverage dispensing system comprising:a cartridge loading interface, the interface configured to receive a cartridge having a liquid enhancement component;a storage system associated with the cartridge loading interface, the storage system comprising a storage device having a plurality of cartridge holding positions for staging cartridges proximate a beverage preparation position; andan indexing system comprising means for moving one or more of the cartridges into a liquid pathway at the beverage preparation position for passing liquid through the cartridge for preparing and dispensing a beverage at a dispensing area.17. The system of claim 16 , wherein the storage device comprises one or more channels claim 16 , belts claim 16 , chutes claim 16 , columns claim 16 , carousels claim 16 , magazines claim 16 , or wheels having cartridge holding positions for storing a plurality of cartridges.18. The system of claim 16 , wherein the indexing system comprises an actuator for moving or rotating the storage device for staging a ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233234A1

Disclosed is a beverage dispensing system for dispensing a non-mixed fluid along with a post-mix fluid. The post-mix fluid is formed by mixing a base beverage with at least one beverage additive. For example, the beverage dispensing system may dispense a post-mix fluid (e.g. cola) and a non-mixed fluid (e.g. spirits) separately. In some embodiments, the post-mix fluid may be dispensed simultaneously with the non-mixed fluid from separate fluid outlet ports. In other embodiments, the post-mix fluid may be dispensed from a first fluid outlet port and, subsequently, the non-mixed fluid may be dispensed from a second fluid outlet port. 1. A beverage dispensing system , comprising:a diffuser block having a primary outlet port configured to dispense a first beverage fluid and a plurality of secondary outlet ports disposed around the primary outlet port, the secondary outlet ports configured to dispense a second beverage fluid;a transition plate coupled to the diffuser block, the transition plate including:a plurality of channels provided on a top surface of the transition plate, wherein at least one of the plurality of channels is in fluid communication with at least one of the secondary outlet ports of the diffuser block for receiving the second beverage fluid, anda plurality of outer outlet ports, provided on a bottom surface of the transition plate, in fluid communication with a first set of the channels of the transition plate; andan external port nozzle coupled to the transition plate, wherein the external port nozzle includes a primary outlet port and a plurality of secondary outlet ports disposed around the primary outlet port, wherein the secondary outlet ports of the external port nozzle are in fluid communication with one or more of the outer outlet ports of the transition plate,wherein a first portion of the second beverage fluid is configured to flowthrough the one or more of the outer outlet ports of the transition plate and the secondary outlet ports of the ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236414A1
Автор: Rudick Arthur G.

A chilling reservoir for providing in-line carbonation in a beverage dispenser includes a housing having a first beverage material pathway extending therethrough. The first beverage material pathway may have a flow inlet arrangement and a flow outlet arrangement. The chilling reservoir also includes a heat exchanger arrangement that is positioned and configured to be selectively operated to chill beverage material passing through the first beverage material pathway. The chilling reservoir also includes a carbonation chamber operably positioned in the first beverage material pathway of the housing. The carbonation chamber may be configured to removably receive therein a carbonator. 1. A chilling reservoir for a beverage dispenser; the chilling reservoir comprising:a housing defining a first beverage material pathway extending therethrough, the first beverage material pathway having a flow inlet arrangement and a flow outlet arrangement;a heat exchanger arrangement that is positioned and configured to be operated to chill beverage material passing through the first beverage material pathway; anda carbonation chamber operably positioned in the first beverage material pathway of the housing, the carbonation chamber being configured to removably receive therein a carbonator.2. The chilling reservoir of claim 1 , wherein the chilling reservoir is a cold plate.3. The chilling reservoir of claim 1 , wherein the first beverage material pathway is a coil formed of stainless steel tubing.4. The chilling reservoir of claim 1 , wherein the first beverage material pathway and the chilling reservoir are integrated in the housing.5. The chilling reservoir of claim 1 , wherein the flow inlet arrangement extends from the chilling reservoir for connection to at least one source of beverage material.6. The chilling reservoir of claim 1 , wherein the flow outlet arrangement connects to a beverage dispensing valve.7. The chilling reservoir of claim 1 , further comprising a second ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150251890A1

The invention relates to a system for hygienically reconstituting and delivering food preparations, such as drinks, comprising a metering and mixing device connected to a container containing a base liquid, in the form of a package configured to be connected to a base station. The metering and mixing device comprises a pump for metering the liquid, a diluent intake and a mixing chamber. Coupling means are provided for providing the diluent supply and the means for driving the liquid pump. 17-. (canceled)8. Package for metering a liquid and mixing this liquid with a diluent to prepare a product , comprising:a multi-dose container to form a reserve of liquid;a metering and mixing device comprising:a diluent inlet,a liquid pump for metering the quantity of liquid,a mixing chamber for mixing the liquid and the diluent,a diluent coupling member and a member for driving the liquid pump which are configured to connect the metering and mixing device to a base station capable of providing a diluent supply to the diluent coupling member and capable of driving the member for driving the liquid pump,wherein the metering and mixing device forms a cap connected to the container.9. Package according to claim 8 , wherein the cap comprises two half-shells assembled with one another along a parting line and configured to delimit at least the contours of the chamber of the pump and the mixing chamber.10. Package according to claim 9 , wherein the two half-shells define claim 9 , by their assembly claim 9 , along their parting line claim 9 , a duct of the metering device for delivering the flow of diluted and mixed liquid directly to a receptacle claim 9 , the said duct thus extending the mixing chamber.11. Package according to claim 9 , wherein the two half-shells define claim 9 , along the parting line claim 9 , the liquid metering duct and claim 9 , at least partially claim 9 , the diluent duct.12. Package according to claim 10 , wherein the diluent duct is positioned relatively to ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140346189A1

A modular beverage dispenser for engagement with bag-in-box or other source of pressurized concentrate and a pressurized ambient water source, such as city water, is provided. The dispenser has a housing having housing walls, the walls defining an interior space, the interior having interior walls defining a multiple of interior spaces. The housing engages either a flange (configured to engage a perimeter of a countertop drop-in cutout) or legs configured to depend downward from the housing to support the same above a support surface. An ice container is provided for receiving ice therein configured to engage the housing so as to be substantially within the interior space. A cold plate is provided with a multiplicity of cold plate contained fluid lines therein adapted to engage the ice container so as to be cooled by the contents thereof. A carbonator is located in a first interior space. A carbonator pump and motor is located in a second interior space. A flow control and manifold assembly is provided, including a python and a bar gun having a nozzle adapted to dispense a beverage therefrom; a multiplicity of fluid lines are provided for engaging the cold plate containing the cold plate fluid lines, wherein the near ends of the fluid lines engage either a concentrate source (such as bag-in-box) or a water source, and the removed ends of the fluid lines engage the flow control and manifold assembly through a coupling member having an on/off switch. The cold plate includes an extension with a recess designed to receive at least some of the exterior of the carbonator. The multiplicity of fluid lines includes a line configured to pre-chill and post-chill the carbonated water, before delivering it to the coupling member. 1. A modular beverage dispenser for engagement with a multiplicity of remote bag-in-box or other source of pressurized concentrates , a remote pressurized ambient water source , such as city water , and a remote source of electric power , the modular ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200247653A1

A liquid dispensing system comprises a container enclosing a chamber. A flexible bag in the chamber contains a first liquid. First and second conduits are contained in the chamber. The first conduit connects the chamber to an outlet port in the container where the second conduit connects the bag to the first conduit. A supply source introduces a pressurized second liquid into the chamber. The first conduit serves to direct an existing flow of the second liquid from the chamber to the outlet port, with the pressurized second liquid serving to collapse the bag and expel the first liquid contained therein via the second conduit to the first conduit for mixture with the exiting flow of the second liquid. The second conduit lacks flow restrictions, such as metering orifices or the like. 120.-. (canceled)21. A liquid dispensing system comprising:a first container enclosing a chamber;a flexible container in the chamber;a first liquid contained in the flexible container;a first conduit and a second conduit in the chamber, the first conduit connecting the chamber to an outlet port in the first container, the second conduit connecting the flexible container to the first conduit where the second conduit is coupled to the flexible container at a flexible container outlet location, wherein the second conduit is connected to the chamber via an orifice and the output port; andsupply source for introducing a pressurized second liquid into the chamber, the first conduit serving to direct an exiting flow of the pressurized second liquid from the chamber to the outlet port, with the pressurized second liquid serving to collapse the flexible container and expel the first liquid contained therein via the second conduit to the first conduit for mixture with the exiting flow of the pressurized second liquid.22. The liquid dispensing system of wherein the supply source includes a constant flow valve located external of the first container.23. The liquid dispensing system of claim 21 , ...

11-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210347624A1

A liquid dispensing system comprises a container enclosing a chamber. A flexible bag in the chamber contains a first liquid. First and second conduits are contained in the chamber. The first conduit connects the chamber to an outlet port in the container were the second conduit connects the bag to the first conduit. A supply source introduces a pressurized second liquid into the chamber. The first conduit serves to direct an exiting flow of the second liquid from the chamber to the outlet port, with the pressurized second liquid serving to collapse the bag and expel the first liquid contained therein via the second conduit to the first conduit for mixture with the exiting flow of the second liquid. The second conduit lacks flow restrictions, such as metering orifices or the like. 1. A cleaning system for a drink dispensing device comprising:a cleaner canister coupled to a water source;a cleaner CFValve coupled to the water source which provides a first water flow to the cleaner canister, the cleaner canister configured to provide a cleaner solution to one or more parts of the drink dispensing device.2. The cleaning system of claim 1 , further comprising a sanitizer canister coupled to the water source and a sanitizer CFValve coupled to the water source which provides a second water flow to the sanitizer canister claim 1 , the sanitizer canister configured to provide a sanitizer solution to one or more parts of the drink dispensing device.3. The cleaning system of claim 2 , further comprising a water flush device coupled to the water source and a water flush CFValve coupled to the water source which provides a third water flow to the one or more parts of the drink dispensing device.4. The cleaning system of claim 2 , further comprising an inlet dry breaking fitting and an outlet dry breaking fitting on the sanitizer canister.5. The cleaning system of claim 1 , further comprising an inlet dry breaking fitting and an outlet dry breaking fitting on the cleaner canister. ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Method for Production and Dispensing Carbonated Beer from Beer Concentrate

Номер: US20190276296A1

An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage has a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet, a water inlet, a pressurized gas inlet, an in-line carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet, and a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed. 1. An appliance for the production and dispensing of malt based fermented beverage , wherein the appliance comprises a malt based fermented beverage concentrated inlet , a water inlet , a pressurized gas inlet , an in-line carbonation unit having a water inlet and a pressurized gas inlet , and a mixing unit in which the carbonated water and malt based fermented beverage concentrate are mixed.2. An appliance according to whereby the final constituted beverage has a foam height of at least 6 mm and whereby the foam half life is greater than 15 seconds.3. An appliance according to whereby the carbonation unit is capable of generating gaseous bubbles having an average major dimension at the carbonated water outlet of the carbonation unit of less than 0.75 mm claim 1 , preferably less than 0.50 mm claim 1 , and highly preferably between 0.25 and 0.75 mm.4. An appliance according to whereby the water contains between 5 and 10 g CO2/L at the mixing unit inlet.5. An appliance according to further comprising a liquid line and a flow rate controller regulating the flow rate through the liquid line and whereby the flow rate controller regulates the residence time of the liquid such as to maintain the gas dissolved in the liquid.6. An appliance according to further comprising gas pressure regulating means for varying the gas at the inlet of the carbonation unit and a water pressure control unit allowing control of the pressure on the water at the water inlet of the carbonation unit and/or in the liquid line.7. An appliance according to whereby the water pressure controller allows the pressure in the liquid line to maintain ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292032A1

A dispensing assembly that can include first and second elements is provided. The first element can define a first outlet through which a first liquid is dispensed. The second element can define a second outlet through which a second liquid is dispensed. The first liquid can form an internal liquid stream when dispensed through the first outlet. The second liquid can form an annular liquid column around the internal liquid stream when dispensed through the second outlet. 1. A dispensing assembly comprising:a first element defining a first outlet through which a first liquid is dispensed; anda second element defining a second outlet through which a second liquid is dispensed; the first liquid forms an internal liquid stream when dispensed through the first outlet; and', 'the second liquid forms an annular liquid column around the internal liquid stream when dispensed through the second outlet., 'wherein2. The dispensing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first element includes a cylindrical wall defining a tube through which the first liquid passes to the first outlet.3. The dispensing assembly of claim 2 , wherein the cylindrical wall of the first element is positioned at least partially within the second outlet of the second element.4. The dispensing assembly of claim 3 , wherein the cylindrical wall extends beyond a bottom surface of the second element.5. The dispensing assembly of claim 4 , wherein one or more apertures are defined through the cylindrical wall of the first element claim 4 , the cylindrical wall separating the first and second liquids.6. The dispensing assembly of claim 5 , wherein the one or more apertures are arranged to:limit passage of the second fluid toward the first outlet when the second fluid exhibits a dispensing pressure; andallow passage of the second fluid toward the second outlet when the second fluid exhibits a cleaning pressure that is greater than the dispensing pressure.7. A dispensing assembly comprising:first and second liquid ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315006A1
Автор: Ziesel Lawrence B.
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a core module with a diluent path and a sweetener path, an injector ring with a number of micro-ingredient paths and a number of macro-ingredient paths surrounding the core module, and a target assembly positioned about the core module. 1. A dispensing nozzle assembly , comprising:a core module;the core module comprising a diluent path and a sweetener path;an injector ring surrounding the core module;the injector ring comprising a plurality of micro-ingredient paths and an plurality of macro-ingredient paths; anda target assembly positioned about the core module.2. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the injector ring comprises an upper injector ring and a lower injector ring.3. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the injector ring comprises a middle column with the core module positioned therein.4. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the middle column comprises a diluent inlet in communication with the diluent path and a sweetener inlet in communication with the sweetener path.5. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of micro-ingredient paths comprises a micro-ingredient port and a micro-ingredient chamber.6. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 5 , wherein the micro-ingredient port comprises a inlet with a first diameter claim 5 , an outlet with a second diameter claim 5 , and wherein the first diameter is larger than the second diameter.7. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 5 , wherein the micro-ingredient chamber comprises a micro-ingredient dispensing port angled towards the target assembly.8. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of micro-ingredient paths comprises a plurality of micro-ingredient chambers of a first size and a plurality of micro-ingredient chamber of a second size.9. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Beverage Dispenser and Method for Mixing One or More Beverage Components with at Least One Carbonated Liquid

Номер: US20160318746A1
Принадлежит: Anheuser-Busch InBev S.A.

A beverage dispenser and method for mixing one or more beverage components with at least one carbonated liquid is disclosed. The beverage container has at least one dispenser beverage inlet connected or connectable to a source of a beverage component. The beverage container has at least one dispenser carbonated liquid inlet connected or connectable to a source of a carbonated liquid. A mixing device for mixing one or more beverage components with at least one carbonated liquid into a final beverage is provided. The beverage container has a dispenser outlet for dispensing the final beverage. The mixing device has one or more double jet mixers. 1. A beverage dispenser comprising:at least one dispenser beverage inlet connected or connectable to a source of a beverage component;at least one dispenser carbonated liquid inlet connected or connectable to a source of a carbonated liquid;a mixing device for mixing one or more beverage components with at least one carbonated liquid into a final beverage; anda dispenser outlet for dispensing the final beverage;wherein said mixing device having one or more double jet mixers, comprising each one or more double jet mixer having at least a first jet mixer fluid supply entry and a second jet mixer fluid supply entry, a pair of corresponding jet mixer fluid flow channels having each a jet mixer discharge end for expelling fluids in mutually, oppositely directed or impinging jet streams, so to mix the fluids into a fluid mixture, foam or emulsion, and a jet mixer outlet through which the fluid mixture, foam or emulsion can leave the double jet mixer.2. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one dispenser beverage inlet is connected or connectable to the first jet mixer fluid supply entry of a first double jet mixer.3. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , further comprising a second dispenser beverage inlet connected or connectable claim 1 , on the one hand claim 1 , to a source of a second ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160343048A1

The present invention relates to a system for optimizing the use and the income generated a service station or other service locations where different service related fluids are used by service providers and retail users, and more specifically to the coordination at both retail and an associated services station of fluids like window washing fluids using a multiple wall mounting dispensers. Also part of the system are HTML based tools for the management of the fluids and the management of information between the service station operators, the clients, and the service provider in charge of maintaining the system. Also included are methods of use thereof. 1. A system for optimizing the use of washing fluid at a service station , the service station having a retail vehicle service area , a retail vending area , and a vehicle repair area , the system comprising:at least a concentrated fluid reservoir,at least one of either a pneumatic pumping station with dilution, a buffer generator with dilution volume storage tank, or a multiple concentrator dilution selector, each connected to syphon a first concentrated fluid from the at least one concentrated fluid reservoir,at least a dilutive water entry source from a main from the vehicle repair area main water source in fluidic connection with each of the at least one of the group of elements comprising the pneumatic station with dilution, the buffer generator, and the multiple concentrator dilution selector, wherein each of the group of elements draw water from the dilutive water entry source and mix it with the first concentrated fluid from the concentrated fluid reservoir to generate a diluted fluid, andat least a wall mounted dispenser in fluidic contact with each of the group of elements with a hand delivery system for providing to a user the diluted fluid.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the system includes at least two wall mounted dispensers claim 1 , the first located in the retail vehicle service area claim 1 , and ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации

Beverage Dispenser and Related Methods

Номер: US20150353335A1
Автор: Breault Michael John
Принадлежит: SPRIZZI DRINK CO.

The present invention relates to a beverage dispenser configured to dispense variable serving sizes of cold beverages. The dispenser can dispense both carbonated and non-carbonated beverages. The dispenser includes a mechanism to carbonate water and can be used with a variety of different syrup flavors. 1at least one control to determine a specific type of drink;a flavor port suitable for receiving a flavor bullet;a flavor injector that is connected to the flavor port and defined by a first inlet, a second inlet, a syrup outlet, a beverage outlet, a pressure rod, and a sensing rod that receives the flavor bullet;a carbonation tank connected to the second inlet; and,a nozzle connected to the beverage outlet, wherein a drink that is mixed in the beverage outlet with water from the first or second inlet and syrup from the syrup outlet is dispensed.. A beverage dispenser comprising: This application claims the priority and benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/010,422 entitled “Beverage Dispenser and Related Methods” filed Jun. 10, 2014, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety as if fully set forth herein.Not applicable.1. Field of the InventionThe disclosed subject matter is in the field of beverage dispensers.2. Background of the InventionA beverage is a liquid drink for human consumption. Beverage varieties include, but are not limited to: water, alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, fruit or vegetable juice, and hot drinks (e.g., coffee, tea, and hot chocolate). Beverages of any variety are consumed by the general population on a daily basis.Beverages, other than water, frequently involve complicated or lengthy preparations. As a result, large quantities of premade beverages are frequently canned or bottled for later consumption. Consuming canned or bottled beverages can be problematic. For instance, bottled or canned beverages, once opened, must be consumed within a relatively short period to avoid spoliation ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190330044A1

A post-mix drink dispenser includes a mixer body securable to a drink dispensing system and having at least one beverage concentrate inlet and outlet sheltered within a downwardly open cavity in the bottom thereof; a diluent channel formed exterior to the cavity and about a lower sidewall of the mixer body; and a nozzle housing securable in place about the mixer body. The dispenser includes an air channel formed in a wall portion of the nozzle housing, a diffuser to organize flows of diluent along the interior surface of the nozzle housing, or both a vent and a diffuser. The air channel includes provisions to impede ingress of diluent, and to contain flow through the channel of liquid beverage components. The diffuser may be formed unitary with the nozzle housing, or may be selectively removable from the drink dispenser.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170349423A1

Disclosed is a beverage dispensing system for dispensing a non-mixed fluid along with a post-mix fluid. The post-mix fluid is formed by mixing a base beverage with at least one beverage additive. For example, the beverage dispensing system may dispense a post-mix fluid (e.g. cola) and a non-mixed fluid (e.g. spirits) separately. In some embodiments, the post-mix fluid may be dispensed simultaneously with the non-mixed fluid from separate fluid outlet ports. In other embodiments, the post-mix fluid may be dispensed from a first fluid outlet port and, subsequently, the non-mixed fluid may be dispensed from a second fluid outlet port. 1. A beverage dispensing system , comprising:a diffuser block having a primary outlet port configured to dispense a first beverage fluid and a plurality of secondary outlet ports disposed around the primary outlet port, the secondary outlet ports configured to dispense a second beverage fluid;a transition plate coupled to the diffuser block, the transition plate including:a plurality of channels provided on a top surface of the transition plate, wherein at least one of the plurality of channels is in fluid communication with at least one of the secondary outlet ports of the diffuser block for receiving the second beverage fluid, anda plurality of outer outlet ports, provided on a bottom surface of the transition plate, in fluid communication with a first set of the channels of the transition plate; andan external port nozzle coupled to the transition plate, wherein the external port nozzle includes a primary outlet port and a plurality of secondary outlet ports disposed around the primary outlet port, wherein the secondary outlet ports of the external port nozzle are in fluid communication with one or more of the outer outlet ports of the transition plate,wherein a first portion of the second beverage fluid is configured to flowthrough the one or more of the outer outlet ports of the transition plate and the secondary outlet ports of the ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180354772A1

A liquid dispensing system comprises a container enclosing a chamber. A flexible bag in the chamber contains a first liquid. First and second conduits are contained in the chamber. The first conduit connects the chamber to an outlet port in the container were the second conduit connects the bag to the first conduit. A supply source introduces a pressurized second liquid into the chamber. The first conduit serves to direct an exiting flow of the second liquid from the chamber to the outlet port, with the pressurized second liquid serving to collapse the bag and expel the first liquid contained therein via the second conduit to the first conduit for mixture with the exiting flow of the second liquid. The second conduit lacks flow restrictions, such as metering orifices or the like. 1. A liquid dispensing system comprising:a container enclosing a chamber;a flexible bag in said chamber;a first liquid contained in said bag;first and second conduits in said chamber, said first conduit connecting said chamber to an outlet port in said container, said second conduit connecting said bag to said first conduit; andsupply means for introducing a pressurized second liquid into said chamber, said first conduit serving to direct an exiting flow of said second liquid from said chamber to said outlet port, with said pressurized second liquid serving to collapse said bag and expel the first liquid contained therein via said second conduit to said first conduit for mixture with the exiting flow of said second liquid.2. The liquid dispensing system of wherein said supply means includes a constant flow valve located externally of said container.3. The liquid dispensing system of further comprising a check valve in said first conduit for preventing a reverse flow of liquid into said chamber.4. The liquid dispensing system of claim I further comprising a check valve on said second conduit for preventing a reverse flow of liquid into said bag.5. The liquid dispensing system of wherein said ...

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200346914A1
Принадлежит: Cornelius, Inc.

An insert for use with a beverage dispenser includes a diffuser having an upstream end configured to receive the first base fluid, a downstream end with an outlet configured to dispense the first base fluid, and a center bore extending between the upstream end and the downstream end along an axis. A stem is disposed in the center bore of the diffuser and has a first end configured to receive a second base fluid and an opposite second end with an outlet configured to dispense the second base fluid. The outlet of the diffuser is upstream from the outlet of the stem such that the first base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the diffuser mixes with an additive fluid before the second base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the stem mixes with the additive fluid. 1. A beverage dispenser comprising:an additive fluid manifold configured to dispense an additive fluid;a base fluid module configured to receive a first base fluid and a second base fluid;a diffuser having an upstream end configured to receive the first base fluid from the base fluid module and a downstream end configured to dispense the first base fluid; anda stem having a first end configured to receive the second base fluid from the base fluid module and a second end configured to dispense the second base fluid;wherein the downstream end of the diffuser is upstream of the second end of the stem such that the additive fluid dispensed from the additive module mixes with the first base fluid before mixing with the second base fluid, and wherein the first base fluid, the second base fluid, and the additive fluid mix to form a mixed beverage.2. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , further comprising a nozzle configured to the dispense the mixed beverage.3. The beverage dispenser according to claim 1 , wherein the additive fluid manifold has center axis claim 1 , and wherein the base fluid module claim 1 , the diffuser claim 1 , and the stem are each aligned along the center axis.4. The beverage dispenser ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354208A1

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a target assembly with a number of fins and a number of channels and a static mixer positioned about the fins. 1. A dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid , comprising:a target assembly;the target assembly comprising a plurality of fins and a plurality of channels; anda static mixer positioned about the plurality of fins.2. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the target assembly comprises a tip and wherein the static mixer is positioned about the tip.3. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the static mixer comprises an upper mixing tube portion and a lower mixing tube portion.4. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the upper mixing tube portion comprises a first diameter claim 3 , the lower mixing tube portion comprises a second diameter claim 3 , and wherein the second diameter is smaller than the first diameter.5. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the upper mixing tube portion surrounds the plurality of fins of the target assembly.6. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the lower mixing tube portion extend below the plurality of fins of the target assembly.7. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the static mixer comprises a plurality of baffles therein.8. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the static mixer comprises a plurality of mixing fins therein.9. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the target assembly comprises a plurality of slots in the plurality of channels.10. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the target assembly comprises a hollow core.11. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the target assembly comprises a plurality of slots in the plurality of channels and a hollow core.12. The dispensing nozzle assembly of claim ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190359467A1
Автор: Ferro Jon Martin

A post-mix beverage dispenser includes a dispenser head, a diffuser, and a spout. The bottom of the dispenser head includes an outer wall and an inner wall that defines a channel therebetween which allows for the spout to be coupled thereto. The dispenser head includes a dispenser base formed with the inner wall and defines a diluent port and a concentrate port where the concentrate port is centrally positioned. The diffuser includes a cylindrical wall having a base extend inwardly from wall and which defines a channel within the middle of the base. The channel is aligned with the concentrate port and a portion of the base is aligned with the diluent port. The diffuser is designed to dispense agitated, whipped, foamed or frothed beverages by allowing the diluent to exit the diluent port and hit the base, thereby scattering the diluent into the concentrate stream at a high velocity. 1. A diffuser for use in a post-mix beverage dispenser , comprising:a cylindrical wall having an inner surface and an outer surface; anda diffuser base extending inwardly from the inner surface towards a centerline axis extending axially through the center of the cylindrical wall, wherein the diffuser base forms a channel within the middle of the diffuser base, the centerline axis extending axially through the center of the channel;wherein the diffuser base is positioned near a top end of the cylindrical wall and away from the bottom end of the cylindrical wall.2. The diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the bottom end of the cylindrical wall comprises a tapered edge.3. The diffuser of claim 2 , wherein the tapered edge tapers inwardly.4. The diffuser of claim 3 , wherein the tapered edge tapers inwardly at a forty-five degrees angle.5. The diffuser of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the cylindrical wall forms a recess extending circumferentially about an upper portion of the cylindrical wall claim 1 , the recess being located vertically above the diffuser base.6. The diffuser of claim 5 ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200399114A1

A liquid direct injection assembly includes a direct injection supply kit to mix liquid components into a mixture and deliver the mixture to a treatment device. The supply kit includes one or more liquid component containers that each include an elongated flexible bladder and a discharge nozzle to discharge a corresponding liquid component from the bladder. The supply kit also includes one or more metering bodies each defining a metering orifice to control a flow rate of the corresponding liquid component from the bladder. The liquid direct injection assembly also includes a container tray configured to removably support a liquid component container. 1. A direct injection supply kit to mix liquid components into a mixture and deliver the mixture to a treatment device , said direct injection supply kit comprising:one or more liquid component containers each presenting an interior space configured to receive a corresponding one of the liquid components of the mixture, each of said one or more containers including an elongated flexible bladder, which generally defines the interior space, and a discharge nozzle, which fluidly communicates with the interior space to discharge a flow of the corresponding liquid component from the bladder; andone or more metering bodies fluidly communicating with the respective one or more component containers, each of said one or more metering bodies defining a metering orifice to control a flow rate of the corresponding liquid component from the bladder, wherein the metering bodies present dissimilar metering orifices so as to provide distinct flow rates of the corresponding liquid components.2. The direct injection supply kit as claimed in claim 1 , comprising one liquid component container.3. The direct injection supply kit as claimed in claim 1 , comprising two or more liquid component containers.4. The direct injection supply kit as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising: an enclosed mixing structure that fluidly communicates with ...

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220356056A1

A drink making device including a hood, a base configured to support at least four bottles, a tower connecting the base and the hood; and a dispenser for dispensing a beverage. The hood includes at least four attachment connectors. Liquid from the bottles is selectively pumped through the connectors through the dispenser to dispense a beverage. 1. A drink making device , comprising:a hood;a base configured to support at least four bottles;a tower connecting the base and the hood; anda dispenser for dispensing a beverage;wherein the hood includes at least four attachment connectors; andwherein liquid from the bottles is selectively pumped through the connectors through the dispenser to dispense a beverage.2. The drink maker of claim 1 , wherein the base and attachment connectors are configured to receive bottles of different sizes.3. The drink maker of claim 1 , further comprising a pump to selectively draw liquids out of the bottles.4. The drink maker of claim 1 , wherein the hood is substantially rectangular shaped.5. The drink maker of claim 1 , wherein the base is substantially rectangular shaped.6. The drink maker of claim 1 , wherein the base includes at least one LED for illuminating at least one bottle.7. The drink maker of claim 1 , further comprising a controller for controlling operation of the drink maker.8. The drink maker of claim 1 , wherein the drink maker can be powered by a battery pack or through a wall outlet; andwherein the tower includes a compartment for receiving the battery pack.9. The drink maker of claim 1 , further comprising a flavor capsule;wherein liquid from at least one of the bottles is mixed with contents of the flavor capsule to create a beverage.10. The drink maker of claim 1 , wherein the hood is substantially square-shaped and the base is substantially square-shaped.11. A drink making device claim 1 , comprising:a base configured to support a bottle containing a liquid;a hood;a tower connecting the base and the hood;a dispenser ...

30-11-1999 дата публикации

System for injecting additive within a fuel tank

Номер: US5992473A
Автор: Carl L. Hammonds
Принадлежит: Hammonds Technical Services Inc

A system for injecting an additive within a fuel storage tank or the fuel tank (10) of a vehicle (12) including an additive injector (22) mounted within the tubular inlet (14) of the fuel tank (10). The additive injector (22) includes an additive pump (46) driven by impeller blades (50) on an end of a pump shaft (48). The fuel discharged from the fuel nozzle (58) strikes the blades (50) to rotate the impeller (47) of pump (46) for dispensing the additive. The additive container (51) has an additive line (56) extending to a pump (46) for the supply of additive thereto for discharge from additive nozzle (54) into the flowing fuel stream. The additive is blended with the flowing fuel stream when discharged. The additive injector (22) may be utilized as a retrofit unit on an existing fuel tank by the removal of fuel tank cap (18) and the insertion of additive dispenser (22) within the tubular inlet (14). The additive container (51A) in an alternative embodiment is positioned in the fuel tank (10A) at the bottom of the body (24A) of the additive dispenser (22A).

05-10-1999 дата публикации

Controlled product dispensing system

Номер: US5960840A
Принадлежит: Link Res and Dev Inc

By providing a securely locked product dispensing valve assembly mounted to a product bearing container which requires a specially constructed cooperating adapter for opening the valve assembly, a controlled dispensing system is realized which provides complete controlled distribution of any desired chemical product. By employing the present invention, only authorized personnel are able to open the container incorporating the valve assembly, enabling the contents to be transferred into only suitable containers incorporating the required adapter for unlocking the valve assembly. As a result, control over the distribution of the chemical product is attained and a completely closed loop, spill-free system is realized. In addition, a rinsing head is provided for being cooperatively associated with the product bearing container and valve assembly to enable complete cleaning of the container prior to recycling.

23-02-1971 дата публикации

Self-proportioning fluid dispensing apparatus

Номер: US3565289A
Автор: Charles D Erickson
Принадлежит: AO Smith Corp

This disclosure relates to gasoline dispensing including an intermediate grade pump interconnected to both the premium grade storage tank and the regular grade storage tank through a blending valve. The blending valve includes a pair of flow passageways. A common throttling valve inversely varies the flow through the two passageways. A manual control valve is provided to adjustably and inversely set the cross-sectional areas of the flow passageways. The throttle valve is connected to a hydraulic diaphragm actuator having pressure chambers to the opposite sides of a movable diaphragm. Signal pressure lines connect the passageways between the two valves to corresponding pressure chambers to position the diaphragm and throttling valve to establish equal pressures in the passageways.

07-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE69822216T2
Принадлежит: PRC Desoto International Inc

20-01-2010 дата публикации

Method and device for portion preparation and distribution into cups, mixing and foaming of hot and cold drinks from liquid concentrates

Номер: RU2378969C2
Принадлежит: НЕСТЕК С.А.

FIELD: personal demand items. ^ SUBSTANCE: device for portion preparation and distribution of liquid food product for preparation and distribution of hot or cold drinks or other liquid food products without use of chambers for mixing or whipping comprises one source of liquid component and source of diluter, feeding device and one nozzle for diluter and one nozzle for food component, in which feeding device and nozzles for diluter and food component have configuration, which provides for exhaust of one stream of diluter at specified spatial configuration into container within the range of speeds efficient for creation of turbulence and mixing with food component so that hot or cold drink is made. ^ EFFECT: lower costs for device washing and maintenance. ^ 36 cl, 14 dwg, 34 ex РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 378 969 (13) C2 (51) МПК A47J 31/46 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007111913/12, 19.08.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.08.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): НЕСТЕК С.А. (CH) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.11.2008 2 3 7 8 9 6 9 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2010 Бюл. № 2 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 3986642 А, 19.10.1976. GB 1367354 A, 18.09.1974. WO 02081356 A1, 17.10.2002. RU 2134987 C1, 27.08.1999. 2 3 7 8 9 6 9 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2005/008989 (19.08.2005) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 02.04.2007 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2006/024409 (09.03.2006) Адрес для переписки: 103735, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 5/2, ООО "Союзпатент", пат.пов. Л.С.Кишкиной (54) СПОСОБ И УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПОРЦИОННОГО ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЯ И ВЫДАЧИ В СТАКАНЧИКИ, СМЕШИВАНИЯ И ВСПЕНИВАНИЯ ГОРЯЧИХ И ХОЛОДНЫХ НАПИТКОВ ИЗ ЖИДКИХ КОНЦЕНТРАТОВ (57) Реферат: Устройство для порционного приготовления и выдачи жидкого пищевого продукта для приготовления и выдачи горячих или холодных напитков либо других жидких пищевых ...

17-10-1988 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser valve assembly system for use with pulpy citrus concentrate

Номер: KR880002159B1

The valve assembly includes a body (12) having a concentrate passageway (14) with a valving chamber (16) having a flexible diaphragm (20) for controlling concentrate flow. The diaphragm sealingly separates the concentrate valving chamber into a pressurised air receiving region (22) and a concentrate receiving region (24). A compressed airline (32) is connected to the pressure region through a solenoid controlled three-way valve (36). The valve can maintain pressure on the diaphragm to hold it closed or alternatively vent the pressure to atmosphere, allowing the diaphragm to open under the pressure of the concentrate.

01-06-2016 дата публикации

음용수 공급장치 및 이의 제어방법

Номер: KR101626492B1
Автор: 유기원
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 음용수 공급장치에 관한 것으로, 본 발명의 일측면에 따르면 필터를 통하여 필터링된 정수가 유동하는 정수배관; 상기 정수배관을 유동하는 정수의 유량을 감지하는 유량센서; 상기 정수배관의 후단에 위치하여 출수신호에 의해 정수가 출수되는 급수관; 미네랄수 생성 여부에 따라 선택적으로 개폐되는 미네랄 공급밸브가 구비되어 상기 급수관으로 미네랄을 공급하는 미네랄 공급관; 상기 미네랄 공급관에 연결되고 농축 미네랄이 수용되는 미네랄 카트리지; 상기 급수관과 미네랄 공급관을 연결하고 정수와 미네랄이 혼합되는 공간이 형성되는 미네랄수 생성부; 출력전압에 따라 모터 회전수가 가변되고, 상기 미네랄 카트리지 또는 미네랄 공급관을 가압하여 수용된 미네랄을 상기 미네랄수 생성부로 유출시키는 펌프; 상기 미네랄수 생성부에 연결되어 정수 또는 미네랄수가 토출되는 토출관; 및, 상기 유량센서에서 감지한 유량에 따라 상기 급수관으로 공급되는 미네랄 공급량을 조절하기 위하여 상기 펌프의 출력전압을 가변하는 제어부;를 포함하는 음용수 공급장치가 제공된다.

13-08-1991 дата публикации

Variable blending dispenser

Номер: US5038971A
Принадлежит: Tokheim Corp

The present invention is a variable blending dispenser for fluids, particularly for fuel dispensers. The dispenser controls variable valves according to volumetric data observed by flow meters on input lines to the dispenser, by calculating measuring error as the difference between desired blend ratio and the observed blend ratio calculated from volumes of blend components dispensed. The dispenser successively corrects the settings of the valves after dispensing predetermined volumes, the corrections determined by a volume based PID error function so that the total amount of each blend component is separately and accurately measured while providing the desired blend ratio.

30-06-1992 дата публикации

Variable blending dispenser

Номер: US5125533A
Принадлежит: Tokheim Corp

The present invention is a variable blending dispenser for fluids, particularly for fuel dispensers. The dispenser controls variable valves according to volumetric data observed by flow meters on input lines to the dispenser, by calculating measuring error as the difference between desired blend ratio and the observed blend ratio calculated from volumes of blend components dispensed. The dispenser successively corrects the settings of the valves after dispensing predetermined volumes, the corrections determined by a volume based PID error function so that the total amount of each blend component is separately and accurately measured while providing the desired blend ratio.

18-03-1969 дата публикации

Blending method and apparatus

Номер: US3433606A
Принадлежит: Mobil Oil Corp

11-01-1966 дата публикации

Fluid blending apparatus using digital computing means

Номер: US3229077A
Автор: William B Gross

25-02-1969 дата публикации

Dispensing apparatus for a blend of two liquids with cost increment means

Номер: US3429480A
Автор: Colin Roderick Petyt
Принадлежит: Avery Hardoll Ltd, Beck and Co Meters Ltd

22-04-2015 дата публикации

Liquid delivery system

Номер: CN104540775A


16-05-1961 дата публикации

Meter controller proportioning valve

Номер: US2984388A
Автор: Bruce R Walsh, Scarr John
Принадлежит: Gulf Research and Development Co

03-10-2007 дата публикации

Method and system for in-cup dispensing, mixing and foaming hot and cold beverages from liquid concentrate

Номер: CN101048096A
Принадлежит: Nestec SA


24-06-2019 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing apparatus comprising at least two agents for receiving tablets or capsules

Номер: RU2692268C2

FIELD: satisfaction of vital human requirements.SUBSTANCE: beverage dispensing device comprising at least a body which comprises a beverage preparation and dispensing assembly with a liquid inlet and a beverage outlet, wherein the beverage preparation and dispensing assembly comprises reception means for accommodating at least two ingredient containers, containing a single dose of the beverage ingredient intended for dispensing, and a fluid line in fluid communication with the liquid base source, with ingredient containers (if properly installed in the device) and with the beverage outlet, characterized in that the liquid line is divided into two lateral lines at point A located downstream flow from fluid inlet, wherein both side lines are connected to the fluid communication at point B located downstream of point A and upstream of the beverage outlet, at least one of the ingredient containers is in liquid communication with the liquid line at point M1 located downstream of point A and upstream of point B.EFFECT: device for beverage dispensing is disclosed.8 cl, 4 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 692 268 C2 (51) МПК B67D 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B67D 1/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017108199, 25.09.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): АНХОЙЗЕР-БУШ ИНБЕВ С.А. (BE) Дата регистрации: 24.06.2019 R U 25.09.2015 (72) Автор(ы): ПЕЛЛОД Джером (US) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 1120377 A1, 10.01.2001. EP 1538124 A1, 10.03.2004. US 20070068966 A1, 29.03.2007. 26.09.2014 EP 14186712.7 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 26.10.2018 Бюл. № 30 (45) Опубликовано: 24.06.2019 Бюл. № 18 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 26.04.2017 2 6 9 2 2 6 8 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: EP 2015/072141 (25.09.2015) C 2 C 2 (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: R U 2 6 9 2 2 6 8 WO ...

13-01-2016 дата публикации

Mixing nozzle

Номер: CN105246822A


11-04-2017 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing system using highly concentrated beverage syrup

Номер: US9617139B2
Автор: George Harold Hoover
Принадлежит: Cornelius Inc

A fountain beverage dispenser for constituting a beverage by mixture of a beverage syrup and a diluent for the syrup is characterized by use of a highly concentrated beverage syrup supply and at least one diluent and syrup blending station for diluting the highly concentrated syrup with diluent before the diluted syrup is mixed with diluent in the final mixture of syrup and diluent delivered to a dispensing nozzle.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Dispensing nozzle assemblies with static mixers

Номер: WO2020131873A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a target assembly with a number of fins and a number of channels and a static mixer positioned about the fins.

15-10-2019 дата публикации

Nozzle with isolation porting

Номер: US10442671B2
Принадлежит: Automatic Bar Controls Inc

Disclosed is a beverage dispensing system for dispensing a non-mixed fluid along with a post-mix fluid. The post-mix fluid is formed by mixing a base beverage with at least one beverage additive. For example, the beverage dispensing system may dispense a post-mix fluid (e.g. cola) and a non-mixed fluid (e.g. spirits) separately. In some embodiments, the post-mix fluid may be dispensed simultaneously with the non-mixed fluid from separate fluid outlet ports. In other embodiments, the post-mix fluid may be dispensed from a first fluid outlet port and, subsequently, the non-mixed fluid may be dispensed from a second fluid outlet port.

10-09-2013 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser

Номер: US8528786B2
Автор: Matthew Gates

A beverage dispensing system includes a nozzle body with a plurality of ingredient inlets and a water inlet disposed in the nozzle body. A diffuser is connected to the nozzle body and has floor with a plurality of holes therethrough. A nozzle cap is connected to the diffuser and has an outlet. A first mixing chamber is formed between the ingredient inlets and the diffuser floor, and a second mixing chamber is formed between the diffuser and the outlet, with the second mixing chamber being configured to receive fluid from the first mixing chamber via the holes in the diffuser floor. A first water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the first mixing chamber, and a second water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the second mixing chamber, wherein the second water flow path bypasses the first mixing chamber.

12-07-2016 дата публикации

Beverage dispenser

Номер: US9388033B2
Автор: Matthew Gates
Принадлежит: FBD Partnership LP

A beverage dispensing system includes a nozzle body with a plurality of ingredient inlets and a water inlet disposed in the nozzle body. A diffuser is connected to the nozzle body and has floor with a plurality of holes therethrough. A nozzle cap is connected to the diffuser and has an outlet. A first mixing chamber is formed between the ingredient inlets and the diffuser floor, and a second mixing chamber is formed between the diffuser and the outlet, with the second mixing chamber being configured to receive fluid from the first mixing chamber via the holes in the diffuser floor. A first water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the first mixing chamber, and a second water flow path is situated between the water inlet and the second mixing chamber, wherein the second water flow path bypasses the first mixing chamber.

01-09-2020 дата публикации

Inserts and nozzle assemblies for beverage dispensers

Номер: US10759645B2
Принадлежит: Cornelius Inc

An insert for use with a beverage dispenser includes a diffuser having an upstream end configured to receive the first base fluid, a downstream end with an outlet configured to dispense the first base fluid, and a center bore extending between the upstream end and the downstream end along an axis. A stem is disposed in the center bore of the diffuser and has a first end configured to receive a second base fluid and an opposite second end with an outlet configured to dispense the second base fluid. The outlet of the diffuser is upstream from the outlet of the stem such that the first base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the diffuser mixes with an additive fluid before the second base fluid dispensed from the outlet of the stem mixes with the additive fluid.

12-11-2020 дата публикации

Dispensing nozzle assemblies with static mixers

Номер: WO2020227271A1
Принадлежит: The Coca-Cola Company

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a target assembly with a number of fins and a number of channels and a static mixer positioned about the fins.

12-02-2002 дата публикации

Multiple flavor beverage dispensing air-mix nozzle

Номер: US6345729B1
Автор: John D. Santy, Jr.
Принадлежит: Lancer Partnership Ltd

In a beverage dispensing nozzle, a cap member includes first, second, and third beverage syrup inlet ports coupled to a respective first, second, and third beverage syrup sources and a mixing fluid inlet port coupled to a mixing fluid source. A first annulus coupled with the cap member includes discharge channels, wherein the first beverage syrup inlet port communicates beverage syrup to the discharge channels for discharge from the beverage dispensing nozzle. A second annulus disposed within the first annulus and coupled with the cap member includes discharge channels, wherein the second beverage syrup inlet port communicates beverage syrup to the discharge channels for discharge from the beverage dispensing nozzle. A third annulus disposed within the second annulus and coupled with the cap member includes discharge channels, wherein the third beverage syrup inlet port communicates beverage syrup to the discharge channels for discharge from the beverage dispensing nozzle. An outer housing coupled to the cap member defines a mixing fluid channel with the first annulus, wherein the mixing fluid inlet port communicates mixing fluid to the mixing fluid channel for discharge from the beverage dispensing nozzle and mixing with exiting beverage syrup.

16-05-1995 дата публикации

Large volume beverage dispensing nozzle

Номер: US5415326A
Принадлежит: Lancer Corp

A beverage dispensing nozzle which dispenses beverages at a high volume flow comprises a housing which includes a body and cap having an opening therein connected to the top of the body, a conduit in the lower portion of the body, a diffuser residing over the conduit, and a diffuser plate positioned about the diffuser. The nozzle connects to a standard electric valve which communicates with both a beverage syrup source and a mixing fluid source. The diffuser includes a passageway which communicates with the beverage syrup source to deliver beverage syrup into a mixing chamber defined by the interior of the conduit. The exterior surface of the diffuser and the interior surfaces of the body and cap define a first channel which communicates with the mixing fluid source. The exterior surface of the conduit and the interior surface of the body define a second channel. The diffuser plate resides within the first channel and includes a plurality of holes that produce a laminar flow in the mixing fluid stream as it enters the first channel. Upon exit from the first channel, the conduit divides the mixing fluid stream into a first and second mixing fluid streams. The first mixing fluid stream enters the mixing chamber where it mixes with the beverage syrup before being dispensing from an outlet of the housing. The second mixing fluid stream flows through the second channel and exits the second channel at the outlet of the housing where it contacts the previously mixed beverage syrup and mixing fluid stream flowing from the mixing chamber. The second mixing fluid stream and the previously mixed beverage syrup and mixing fluid combine in a cup to form a dispensed beverage.

09-11-2010 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing system with a head capable of dispensing plural different beverages

Номер: US7828175B2
Принадлежит: Pepsico Inc

A beverage dispensing system with a base to which a dispensing head is removably attached without additional fasteners, wherein beverage forming liquids are supplied through a plurality of separate conduits in the base. Each base conduit has a normally closed valve that normally blocks fluid flow. The dispensing head has at least one passageway that receives liquid from an associated one of the base conduits. A projection associated with each dispensing head passageway opens the associated conduit valve to allow fluid flow from the base to the head. Dispensing valves in the dispensing head are independently accountable to regulate the dispensing of the beverage. In one version of the invention, four liquids are supplied to the dispensing head through the conduits, namely two liquid concentrates; carbonated water; and non-carbonated water. By selective opening of the dispensing valves, a plurality of beverages are formed from combinations of one or more of the liquids. A dispensing head for dispensing at least one carbonated fluid includes an inlet opening and an outlet opening at each end of a passage extending through a body, the inlet opening having a smaller cross-sectional area than the outlet opening.

16-02-2010 дата публикации

Method and system for in-cup dispensing, mixing and foaming hot and cold beverages from liquid concentrates

Номер: US7661352B2
Принадлежит: Nestec SA

Liquid food dispensing device ( 1 ) for dispensing hot or cold beverages or other liquid foods without using any mixing or whipping chambers comprising at least one liquid component source ( 30, 31 ) and a diluent source ( 18 ), a delivery device and at least one diluent nozzle and one food component nozzle wherein the delivery device and diluent and food component nozzles are configured for ejecting at least one stream ( 6 a , 6 b ) of diluent at a predetermined spatial configuration inside a container ( 10 ) and within a velocity range effective to create turbulence and mix the food component so to produce the food product such as the hot or cold beverage.

06-07-2021 дата публикации

Reconstitution of independent beverage flows

Номер: US11053110B2
Принадлежит: Bedford Systems LLC

A dispensing assembly that can include first and second elements is provided. The first element can define a first outlet through which a first liquid is dispensed. The second element can define a second outlet through which a second liquid is dispensed. The first liquid can form an internal liquid stream when dispensed through the first outlet. The second liquid can form an annular liquid column around the internal liquid stream when dispensed through the second outlet.

23-08-2022 дата публикации

Reconstitution of independent beverage flows

Номер: US11420860B2
Принадлежит: Bedford Systems LLC

A dispensing assembly that can include first and second elements is provided. The first element can define a first outlet through which a first liquid is dispensed. The second element can define a second outlet through which a second liquid is dispensed. The first liquid can form an internal liquid stream when dispensed through the first outlet. The second liquid can form an annular liquid column around the internal liquid stream when dispensed through the second outlet.

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Dispensing nozzle assemblies with static mixers

Номер: CA3124077A1
Принадлежит: Coca Cola Co

The present application provides a dispensing nozzle assembly for mixing a first fluid and a second fluid. The dispensing nozzle assembly may include a target assembly with a number of fins and a number of channels and a static mixer positioned about the fins.

22-11-2016 дата публикации

Liquid delivery system

Номер: US9499390B1

A system for the on demand delivery of a liquid mixture to an on/off dispenser comprises a mixing chamber having first and second inlets and an outlet connected to the dispenser. A first constant flow valve has a first outlet connected to the first inlet via a first supply line. The first constant flow valve is adapted to deliver a first liquid to the mixing chamber at a first substantially constant pressure. A second constant flow valve has a second outlet connected to the second inlet via a second supply line. The size of the second inlet is at least as large as the size of the second outlet. The second constant flow valve is adapted to deliver a second liquid to the mixing chamber at a second pressure greater than the first pressure, with the second pressure being determined primarily by the flow resistance of the second supply line. At least one of the first and second liquids, or a third liquid delivered to the mixing chamber via a third supply line, may be atomized. Compressed air may be introduced into the mixing chamber to enhance liquid mixing.

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Microdosing dispensing system

Номер: RU2620945C2
Принадлежит: Пепсико, Инк.

FIELD: food industry. SUBSTANCE: dispensing nozzle includes the dispensing nozzle manifold. The manifold contains outlets. Each outlet contains a port and a corresponding channel. The manifold comprises at least the first outlet for receiving the first solvent, and at least the second outlet for receiving the second solvent, and at least two outlets for a free-flowing food component. The dispensing nozzle manifold comprises the upper part, the middle part and the lower part. A plurality of outlets is located in the upper part. The middle part comprises the first set of channels, each channel of the first set of channels corresponding to the port. The lower part contains the funnel. The dispensing nozzle is configured so that the received solvent is mixed with at least one free-flowing food component before the received solvent and at least one free-flowing food component will be released from the dispensing nozzle. EFFECT: increasing the dosage accuracy. 20 cl, 43 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 620 945 C2 (51) МПК B67D 7/74 (2010.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2015143625, 13.03.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.03.2014 Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ПЕПСИКО, ИНК. (US) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 30.05.2017 (72) Автор(ы): ДЖЕРСИ Стивен Т. (US), ХЕДЕН Стивен (US), ХАРТ Билл (US), ЛОПЕС Сельенид (US) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2012055954 A1, 08.03.2012. WO 14.03.2013 US 61/784,081 9008728 A1, 09.08.1990. WO 2011163227 A1, 29.12.2011. (45) Опубликовано: 30.05.2017 Бюл. № 16 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 14.10.2015 (86) Заявка PCT: US 2014/026357 (13.03.2014) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: 2 6 2 0 9 4 5 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 17.04.2017 Бюл. № 11 2 6 2 0 9 4 5 R U Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, стр. 3, ООО " ...

23-03-1999 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for dispensing plain water from a postmix carbonated beverage dispenser

Номер: US5884813A
Принадлежит: IMI Wilshire Inc

A carbonated beverage dispenser is provided with a station for dispensing chilled still water. The dispenser includes an adapter block which is easily installed in place of a standard dispensing valve, blocks the soda delivery tube and accepts chilled water from a syrup delivery tube for dispensing through a standard spigot.

21-09-2004 дата публикации

Beverage dispensing machine

Номер: US6792847B2
Принадлежит: Unilever Bestfoods North America

A brewing machine suitable to deliver beverage enhancing component to a beverage precursor is described. The brewing machine may be used to dispense a ready-to-drink tea beverage having superior aroma, flavor and color characteristics.

06-04-2006 дата публикации

Alcoholic beverage dispenser with additive injection

Номер: WO2006036353A1
Автор: E. Scott Sevcik

A system for introducing liquid additive into an alcoholic beverage is characterized by an alcoholic beverage dispensing faucet and at least one liquid additive delivery line routed between a supply of liquid additive and the faucet. Liquid additive may optionally, incident to dispensing alcoholic beverage and under control of a user of the faucet, be delivered through the at least one delivery line for introduction into the dispensed alcoholic beverage.

11-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019119611A

РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2019 119 611 A (51) МПК B67D 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2019119611, 30.11.2017 (71) Заявитель(и): АНХОЙЗЕР-БУШ ИНБЕВ С.А. (BE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 30.11.2016 EP 16201425.2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 01.07.2019 R U (43) Дата публикации заявки: 11.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 (72) Автор(ы): ПЕИРСМАН, Даниэль (BE), ВАНДЕКЕРКХОВ, Стейн (BE) (86) Заявка PCT: (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2018/100105 (07.06.2018) R U (54) СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ И ВЫДАЧИ ГАЗИРОВАННОГО ПИВА ИЗ ПИВНОГО КОНЦЕНТРАТА (57) Формула изобретения 1. Устройство для получения и выдачи ферментированного напитка на основе солода, содержащее: впуск (8) для концентрированного ферментированного напитка на основе солода, впуск (1) для воды, впуск (2) для газа под давлением, блок (4) газирования, имеющий впуск для воды и впуск для газа под давлением, блок (9) для смешивания, в котором обеспечена возможность смешивания газированной воды и концентрата ферментированного напитка на основе солода, причем блок газирования выполнен с возможностью вырабатывания газовых пузырьков, имеющих средний основной размер на выпуске для газированной воды блока газирования менее 0,75 мм, предпочтительно менее 0,50 мм, более предпочтительно от 0,25 до 0,75 мм. 2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором напиток конечного состава имеет высоту пены по меньшей мере 6 мм, при этом половина времени существования пены превышает 15 сек. 3. Устройство по одному из пп. 1-2, в котором вода содержит от 5 до 10 г СО2/л на впуске блока для смешивания. 4. Устройство по одному из пп. 1-3, также содержащее жидкостную линию (6) и контроллер расхода, выполненный с возможностью регулировки расхода через Стр.: 1 A 2 0 1 9 1 1 9 6 1 1 A Адрес для переписки: 190000, г. Санкт-Петербург, БОКС-1125 2 0 1 9 1 1 9 6 1 1 EP 2017/081061 (30.11.2017) A 2 0 1 9 1 1 9 6 1 1 R U A 2 0 1 9 1 1 9 6 1 1 R U ...

20-06-2005 дата публикации

Air mixing nozzle for pouring of beverages with plurality of aromas

Номер: RU2254290C2

FIELD: food-processing industry. SUBSTANCE: nozzle has cap member including first, second and third syrup inlet channels for pouring of syrups, said channels being respectively connected with first, second and third syrup sources for preparing of beverages. Inlet channel for mixing fluid is connected to mixing fluid source. First ring coupled to cap member includes outlet channels, wherein first syrup inlet channel for preparing of beverages supplies syrup for preparing of beverages to outlet channels for further discharge through beverage pouring nozzle. Second ring mounted inside first ring and connected to cap member includes outlet channels, wherein second syrup inlet channel for preparing of beverages feeds syrup for preparing of beverages to outlet channels for discharge of beverages from pouring nozzle. Third ring mounted inside second ring and connected to cap member includes outlet channels, wherein third syrup inlet channel for preparing of beverages feeds syrup for preparing of beverages to outlet channels for discharge through beverage pouring nozzle. EFFECT: increased efficiency by providing high-quality mixing without excessive foaming of water and various syrups. 18 cl, 21 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) 2 254 290 (13) C2 B 67 D 5/56 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2003103591/12, 06.08.2001 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÄÆÎÍ Ä. Ñàíòè Þí (US) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 06.08.2001 (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 07.08.2000 (ïï.1-18) US 09/633,384 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(ëè): ËÀÍÑÅÐ ÏÀÐÒÍÅÐØÈÏ, Ëòä. (US) R U (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 20.08.2004 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.06.2005 Áþë. ¹ 17 2 2 5 4 2 9 0 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: US 4928854 À, 29.05.2990. US 5415326 À, 16.05.1995. SU 90340 A1, 01.01.1950. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 07.03.2003 (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 01/24452 (06.08.2001) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 121087 ...

01-08-2014 дата публикации

Bottle-drink mixer

Номер: KR101424511B1
Автор: 이슬
Принадлежит: (주)제이비엘, 이슬

The present invention relates to a beverage mixer contained in a bottle. The mixer has a plurality of beverage injecting holes attached to the neck of a beverage container to inject a beverage, and a ratio adjustment unit installed inside the beverage container to simply mix two or more beverages with a desired ratio without using a specific power source.

23-04-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017108199A3

Номер: RU2017108199A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

7 ВУ“” 2017108199"” АЗ Дата публикации: 23.04.2019 Форма № 18 ИЗИМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2017108199/12(014320) 25.09.2015 РСТ/ЕР2015/072141 25.09.2015 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 14186712.7 26.09.2014 ЕР* Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) Устройство для разлива напитка, содержащее по меньшей мере два средства для приема таблеток или капсул Заявитель: АНХОЙЗЕР-БУШ ИНБЕВ С.А., ВЕ 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. п см. Примечания [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) В67) 1/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) В670 1/00, 1/04 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): СМГРА, РЕРАТБЗ пе, Е$расепев, Соозе, /]-Р]а( Рав КТРВТУ, РАТЕМТЗСОРЕ, Раеагсв, КОРТО, ОРТО 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) ...


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