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11-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2809322C2

Изобретение относится к системе колонны с разделительной стенкой для производства гексана, причем указанная система содержит: колонну с разделительной стенкой, содержащую разделительную стенку, которая разделяет колонну с разделительной стенкой по меньшей мере частично на первую и вторую стороны, причем одна сторона из первой и второй сторон выполнена с возможностью работы в качестве колонны деизогексанизации, а другая сторона из первой и второй сторон выполнена с возможностью работы в качестве гексановой колонны для производства гексана, причем указанная система дополнительно содержит установку доочистки гексана, соединенную с колонной с разделительной стенкой, так что гексан, образующийся в колонне с разделительной стенкой, передается в установку доочистки гексана, причем установка доочистки гексана содержит реактор доочистки гексана для гидрогенизации по меньшей мере части бензола, содержащегося в полученном гексане. Изобретение также касается способа производства гексана и способа получения ...

27-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2412927C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу переработки нефтехимического сырья, включающего нафту, содержащую углеводороды от С5 до С9+, в котором осуществляют каталитический крекинг исходного сырья, содержащего тяжелые углеводороды с образованием потока сырья, включающего нафту, посредством контакта потока исходного сырья тяжелых углеводородов с катализатором крекинга углеводородов в реакционной зоне с псевдоожиженным слоем с получением выходящего потока ряда углеводородных продуктов, включающих легкие олефины; ввод сырья, включающего нафту, содержащую углеводороды от С5 до С9+, в разделительную колонну с разделительной перегородкой и разделение указанного сырья на легкую фракцию, включающую соединения, содержащие от пяти до шести атомов углерода, промежуточную фракцию с соединениями, содержащими от семи до восьми атомов углерода, и тяжелую фракцию с соединениями, содержащими более восьми атомов углерода, и крекинг, по меньшей мере, части соединений легкой фракции, содержащих от пяти до шести атомов ...

26-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2804186C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу извлечения углеводородов С3/С4 из потока (28) продукта риформинга. Способ включает: разделение в первой зоне (14) разделения продукта (28) зоны риформинга, содержащего H2, углеводороды C4- и углеводороды C5+, включая ароматические соединения, с образованием сухого газофазного потока (34), содержащего углеводороды C6- и H2, и жидкофазного углеводородного потока (36), содержащего C5+, включая ароматические соединения; разделение во второй зоне (16) разделения сухого газофазного потока (34) с образованием первого богатого H2 потока (74) и потока (76) газа, который содержит H2 и углеводороды C4-; охлаждение потока (76) газа до температуры от 15,6 до 71,1°C (от 60 до 160°F) с образованием потока (84) охлажденного газа; охлаждение жидкофазного углеводородного потока (36) до температуры от 15,6 до 71,1°C (от 60 до 160°F) с образованием охлажденного жидкофазного углеводородного потока (88); и абсорбцию углеводородов C3/C4 из потока (84) охлажденного газа охлажденным ...

20-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2246475C2

Использование: нефтехимия. Сущность изобретения: ректификацию проводят в двух колоннах. Исходное сырье подают на верх второй колонны, в линию ее флегмы, с верха второй колонны отводят изопреновую фракцию и направляют ее в первую колонну. Из куба второй колонны отводят пипериленовую фракцию. С верха первой колонны отводят изопрен, из куба этой колонны отводят изопрен-амиленовую фракцию, направленную на экстрактивную ректификацию. Технический результат: снижение энергозатрат, повышение качества продуктов разделения, снижение их потерь. 2 ил., 25 табл.

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2558369C2
Принадлежит: СОЛИОС КЕМИКАЛ (FR)

Изобретение относится к способу получения очищенного флуорена с высокой чистотой из масла флуореновой фракции, в котором масло флуореновой фракции, полученное путем дистилляции исходного масла каменноугольной смолы, содержащего флуорен и дибензофуран, затем подвергают кристаллизации из расплава. При этом указанную кристаллизацию осуществляют, используя жидкое масло флуореновой фракции, которое медленно охлаждают во время стадии охлаждения до температуры, составляющей от 95 до 115°С, причем указанное значение температуры зависит от исходного содержания флуорена в указанном масле флуореновой фракции, при этом скорость охлаждения во время стадии охлаждения кристаллизации составляет менее чем приблизительно 0,05°С/мин. Предлагаемый способ обладает хорошей воспроизводимостью и не расходует дополнительные химические реагенты или растворители. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 1 пр.

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2572597C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу отделения по меньшей мере одного олигомеризованного выходящего потока. Способ включает в себя стадии, на которых: A) разделяют промытый водой сырьевой поток, содержащий воду, а также С3 и С4 углеводороды на поток, содержащий воду и С3 углеводороды, и поток, содержащий С4 углеводороды; B) сушат указанный поток, содержащий воду и С3 углеводороды, в сушилке для удаления воды и получения обедненного водой потока, содержащего С3 углеводороды; C) вводят указанный обедненный водой поток, содержащий С3 углеводороды, в первую зону жидкофазной олигомеризации для получения первого выходящего потока, содержащего С9 углеводороды, С12 углеводороды, или их комбинацию; D) вводят указанный поток, содержащий С4 углеводороды, во вторую зону жидкофазной олигомеризации для получения второго выходящего потока, содержащего С8 углеводороды, С12 углеводороды, или их комбинацию, причем рециркулирующий поток С8+ углеводородов вводят в указанную вторую зону жидкофазной олигомеризации ...

12-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666850C2

Изобретение относится к способу снижения потребления энергии в процессе перегонки с использованием тепловой связи. Перегонная установка содержит первую ректификационную колонну, имеющую верхнюю секцию и нижнюю секцию, причем верхняя секция представляет собой секцию предварительного фракционирования; вторую ректификационную колонну, имеющую верхнюю секцию и нижнюю секцию, причем нижняя секция представляет собой основную секцию второй ректификационной колонны; первый приемный резервуар головного продукта, сообщающийся по текучей среде с секцией предварительного фракционирования первой ректификационной колонны и верхней секцией второй ректификационной колонны; парциальный конденсатор, сообщающийся по текучей среде с секцией предварительного фракционирования первой ректификационной колонны и первым приемным резервуаром головного продукта; боковой ребойлер, сообщающийся по текучей среде с секцией предварительного фракционирования первой ректификационной колонны; линию подачи парообразной боковой ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2500450C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к разделению углеводородов. Установка для дистилляционного отделения первого компонента от смеси включает перегонную колонну, содержащую секцию ректификации с выходом для верхнего парового потока, выпарную секцию с выходом для кубового жидкого потока и сырьевую секцию со входом для сырья, расположенную между секцией ректификации и выпарной секцией, ребойлер кубового содержимого для повторного испарения кубового жидкого потока, поступающего из выпарной секции, верхнюю секцию конденсации для конденсации верхнего парового потока, выходящего из секции ректификации, боковой пароотвод из секции ректификации, тепловой насос-компрессор, имеющий вход, который сообщается по текучей среде с боковым пароотводом, и выход, и второй ребойлер-теплообменник, имеющий жидкостную сторону, сообщающуюся по текучей среде с кубовым потоком из выпарной секции, и паровую сторону, сообщающуюся по текучей среде с выходом из теплового насоса-компрессора. Изобретение обеспечивает эффективную перегонку ...

06-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2773653C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу ингибирования образования губчатого полимера 1,3-бутадиена в течение экстракции и очистки. Способ включает введение потока углеводородов, содержащего 1,3-бутадиен, в дистилляционную установку, периодическое добавление в верхнюю часть дистилляционной установки газового потока, содержащего ингибитор полимеризации для уменьшения полимеризации 1,3-бутадиена. Ингибитор полимеризации включает оксид азота в концентрации 100-500 частей на миллион газового потока. После чего проводят дистилляцию 1,3-бутадиена из потока углеводородов. Также предложены варианты способа. Технический результат – эффективное ингибирование образования губчатого полимера в паровой фазе бутадиеновой дистилляционной установки. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл., 3 пр.

14-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2764176C2
Принадлежит: ТЕКНИП ФРАНС (FR)

Изобретение касается способа извлечения потока (12) С2+ углеводородов, содержащихся в нефтезаводском остаточном газе (16), включающего следующие стадии: формирование из указанного нефтезаводского остаточного газа (16) остаточного потока (28); подача указанного остаточного потока (28) в испарительную емкость (30) для образования газообразного головного потока (32) испарительной емкости и жидкого кубового потока (34) испарительной емкости; подача указанного кубового потока (34) испарительной емкости в дистилляционную колонну (38); охлаждение указанного головного потока (32) испарительной емкости в теплообменнике (36) с получением охлажденного головного потока (58) испарительной емкости; разделение указанного охлажденного головного потока (58) испарительной емкости на жидкий нижний поток (64), подаваемый в дистилляционную колонну (38), и газообразный верхний поток (80); подача нижнего потока (64) в дистилляционную колонну (38) выше места ввода кубового потока (34) испарительной емкости; извлечение ...

05-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615512C2

Изобретение относится к способу образования пропилена. Способ заключается в реакции сырьевого потока метатезиса, содержащего бутен с этиленом в присутствии первого катализатора метатезиса посредством первой реакции метатезиса для образования потока продукта первого метатезиса, содержащего пропилен, этилен, бутен и олефины С; выделении по меньшей мере части пропилена и этилена из потока продукта первого метатезиса для образования первого верхнего потока и первого пропеноотгонного нижнего потока, содержащего бутен и олефины С; реакции по меньшей мере части первого пропеноотгонного нижнего потока с этиленом в присутствии второго катализатора метатезиса посредством второй реакции метатезиса для образования потока продукта второго метатезиса, содержащего пропилен, этилен, бутен и олефины С; и выделении по меньшей мере части пропилена и этилена из потока продукта второго метатезиса для образования второго верхнего потока; и восстановлении пропилена из первого верхнего потока, второго верхнего ...

10-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239484C1

Изобретение относится к технике разделения многокомпонентных смесей веществ на индивидуальные вещества или фракции, а именно к ректификационным установкам для разделения близкокипящих смесей высших кислот алифатического ряда на четыре фракции. Изобретение может найти применение в масложировой, пищевой и других отраслях промышленности. Задачей изобретения является снижение энергетических затрат, требуемых для работы ректификационной установки. Ректификационная установка включает три последовательно соединенные колонны адиабатического типа, первая из которых снабжена дефлегматором, а вторая и третья колонны снабжены кипятильниками. Первая колонна имеет расположенные последовательно по ее высоте сверху вниз три сечения ввода питания. В верхней части первой колонны расположен соединенный с дефлегматором узел отбора целевой фракции разделяемой смеси. На уровне первого сечения ввода питания в первой колонне имеются первый узел подачи промежуточного продукта ректификации и первый узел отбора промежуточного ...

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU54805U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для переработки жидких углеводородов, в том числе сероводородсодержащих, а именно, к ректификационным установкам для фракционирования широкой фракции легких углеводородов, и может быть использован на предприятиях газовой, нефтяной и нефтехимической промышленности. Заявляемая полезная модель решает задачу повышения эффективности работы установки фракционирования углеводородов в широком диапазоне нагрузок и снижения удельных энергозатрат. Установка фракционирования углеводородов, содержащая ректификационную колонну, вход которой соединен с линией подачи сырья, снабженной теплообменником, подогревателем и сырьевой емкостью, верх соединен с линией отвода пропан-бутановой фракции, снабженной воздушным холодильником, дефлегматором, а низ - с линией отвода пентан-гексановой фракции, подключенной к теплообменнику, дополнительно содержит холодильник-конденсатор, установленный параллельно теплообменнику и подключенный к линии отвода пропан-бутановой фракции ...

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2343140C1

Изобретение относится к способу переработки отходов производства изопрена из 4,4-диметил-1,3-диоксана, заключающемуся в разделении ректификацией высококипящих побочных продуктов, образующихся при синтезе 4,4-диметил-1,3-диоксана из изобутилена и формальдегида в присутствии кислотного катализатора, выделенных из масляного и водного слоев и являющихся кубовым остатком ректификации 4,4-диметил-1,3-диоксана, используемого для получения изопрена разложением на кальцийфосфатном катализаторе, включающему предварительное удаление под вакуумом из высококипящих побочных продуктов в первой колонне легкокипящей широкой фракции углеводородов и последующую отгонку углеводородов из оставшегося кубового продукта первой колонны в процессе его обработки острым водяным паром и характеризующемуся тем, что отгонку легкокипящей широкой фракции углеводородов в первой колонне проводят при остаточном давлении 0,00065-0,0055 МПа в верхней части колонны с выдерживанием температуры вспышки оставшегося в первой колонне ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507188C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу производства отдельного изомера ксилола из исходных сырьевых потоков, содержащих ароматические соединения С8, ароматические соединения С9 и более тяжелые ароматические соединения. Способ включает: (а) процесс дистилляции, включающий использование двух ксилольных колонн, отделяющих ароматические соединения С8 от ароматических соединений С9 и более тяжелых ароматических соединений, содержащихся по меньшей мере в одном потоке сырья с более низкой температурой кипения и по меньшей мере в одном потоке сырья с более высокой температурой кипения, при этом указанный по меньшей мере один поток сырья с более высокой температурой кипения имеет более высокое содержание ароматических соединений С9 и более тяжелых ароматических соединений, по сравнению по меньшей мере с одним потоком сырья, имеющим более низкую температуру кипения; процесс дистилляции включает дистилляцию по меньшей мере одного потока исходного сырья, имеющего более высокую температуру кипения, в первой ...

28-08-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2802428C1

Изобретение относится к способу очистки стирола с использованием ребойлеров с падающей пленкой и технологии теплового насоса с целью получения источника тепла, необходимого для разделительной колонны. Согласно способу, основанному на существующей энергосберегающей технологии соединенных колонн выделения этилбензола и стирола высокого и низкого давления, высококонцентрированный газообразный этилбензол, выделенный из верхней части колонны выделения этилбензола и стирола низкого давления, подвергается непосредственному сжатию компрессором, или рабочая среда теплового насоса газифицируется с использованием высококонцентрированного газообразного этилбензола, выделенного из верхней части колонны выделения этилбензола и стирола низкого давления, при этом газифицированная рабочая среда теплового насоса подвергается сжатию. Газообразный этилбензол высокой концентрации, подвергаемый непосредственному сжатию, или газифицированный и находящийся под давлением газообразный этилбензол высокой концентрации ...

16-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2826641C1

Изобретение относится к способу обработки потока, выходящего с этапа олигомеризации, включающему этап нейтрализации указанного потока с целью дезактивации каталитической композиции и последующий этап термического разделения нейтрализованного потока. Способ включает: первый этап выпаривания, выполняемый при давлении от 2,0 до 5,0 МПа и температуре от 70 до 150°C, позволяющий получить жидкую фракцию, направляемую на второй этап выпаривания, и газообразную фракцию, предпочтительно направляемую в секцию дистилляции, указанный второй этап выпаривания, проводимый при давлении от 0,5 до 3,0 МПа и температуре от 70 до 150°C, что позволяет получить жидкую фракцию и газообразную фракцию, и указанная газообразная фракция предпочтительно направляется в секцию дистилляции, причем давление на первом этапе выпаривания выше давления на втором этапе выпаривания по меньшей мере на 0,5 МПа. Использование предлагаемого способа позволяет повысить получение желаемых олефинов и ограничить расходы, связанные с ...

25-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2040293C1
Принадлежит: Элкор Корпорейшн (US)

Использование: для улавливания и извлечения этана и более тяжелых углеводородных компонентов из потока углеводородного газа. Сущность изобретения: поток подразделяется на первый и второй потоки. Первый поток охлаждается с последующим конденсированием всего этого потока и расширением до давления, которое ниже давления дистилляционной колонны. После расширения охлажденный первый поток направляется в теплообменник, где он вступает в теплообменную связь с более теплым дистилляционным потоком, поднимающимся из секций фракционирования дистилляционной колонны. После этого происходит разделение нагретого первого потока с целью образования холодного пара и потока жидкости. Жидкость подается в колонну в первой позиции подачи по центру колонны, а холодный пар подается в колонну во второй позиции подачи по центру колонны. Второй поток расширяется до давления колонны, а затем подается в колонну в третьей позиции подачи по центру колонны. Дистилляционный поток охлаждается первым потоком в достаточной ...

27-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2220128C1

Изобретение относится к нефтехимии, а именно к способам переработки пентансодержащих фракций углеводородов с выделением циклопентана из бензина пиролиза, очищенного гидрированием от диеновых и ацетиленовых углеводородов. Способ включает перегонку гидрогениза. В первой ректификационной колонне дистиллятом выделяют С5 фракцию, содержащую циклопентен и циклопентан, которую затем подают на повторное гидрирование на платино- или никельсодержащем катализаторе и на дальнейшую ректификацию. Дистиллятом следующей ректификационной колонны выделяют пентан-изопентановую фракцию, а кубовым продуктом колонны или боковым отбором выделяют фракцию, содержащую циклопентан. Фракция, выделенная кубовым продуктом колонны, содержит 50,0-85,5 мас.% циклопентана, фракция, выделенная боковым отбором, содержит 80,0-99,5 мас.% циклопентана. Предпочтительно из фракции, содержащей 50,0-85,5 мас.% циклопентана, в следующей по ходу ректификационной колонне дистиллятом выделять циклопентан. Технический результат - увеличение ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2600339C1

Изобретение относится к способам подготовки газового конденсата к однофазному транспорту и может быть использовано в газовой промышленности. Способ стабилизации газового конденсата включает сепарацию редуцированного нестабильного конденсата, которую осуществляют в одну ступень в вертикальной отпарной пленочной колонне, оснащенной верхним и нижним блоками тепломассообменных элементов и зоной питания, расположенной между ними. В верхнюю часть внутреннего пространства верхнего блока тепломассообменных элементов подают редуцированный нестабильный конденсат, выводят из его нижней части и направляют в зону питания. С верха колонны выводят газ выветривания, а с низа колонны выводят конденсат, который нагревают, подают в качестве теплоносителя в нижнюю часть внутреннего пространства нижнего блока тепломассообменных элементов и выводят из его верхней части в качестве товарного конденсата. Редуцированный нестабильный газовый конденсат предварительно сепарируют с получением газа сепарации, который ...

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003125362A

... 1. Способ извлечения состава, обогащенного компонентами, представляющими собой тетрамантан, и компонентами, представляющими собой другие высокомолекулярные алмазоиды, включающий следующие операции: а) выбор исходного реагента, содержащего компоненты, представляющие собой тетрамантан, и компоненты, представляющие собой другие высокомолекулярные алмазоиды, в количестве, поддающемся извлечению; б) удаление из исходного реагента достаточного количества компонентов, имеющих температуру кипения меньше, чем наиболее низкая температура кипения компонента, представляющего собой тетрамантан, в условиях, при которых компоненты, представляющие собой тетрамантан, и компоненты, представляющие собой другие высокомолекулярные алмазоиды, остаются в обработанном исходном реагенте в количестве, поддающемся извлечению; и в) термическую обработку исходного реагента, извлеченного на операции (б), для пиролиза, по меньшей мере, достаточного количества содержащихся в нем компонентов, не являющихся алмазоидами, ...

18-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675242C1
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу увеличения выхода из зоны изомеризации, который включает отделение части Сциклических углеводородов от потока нафты, содержащего Суглеводороды, для получения потока, обедненного по Сциклическим углеводородам; отделение изоCуглеводородов, изоCуглеводородов и изоCуглеводородов от потока, обедненного по Сциклическим углеводородам; и направление по меньшей мере одного потока, обогащенного по изоСуглеводородам, изоCуглеводородам, изоCуглеводородам или их комбинации, в зону изомеризации. Способ позволяет эффективно и действенно превращать изоуглеводороды в нормальные парафины в одной и той же зоне изомеризации. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 1 табл.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2268251C1

Использование: нефтехимия. Сущность: проводят фракционирования стабильного катализата риформинга с выделением легкокипящей бензолсодержащей фракции, которую затем контактируют с пропиленсодержащей фракцией в реакторе с перемешиванием в присутствии отработанной серной кислотой, образующейся в качестве побочного продукта при алкилировании изопарафинов олефинами, при температуре 10-20°С, молярном соотношении бензол : пропилен 1:0,20-1, объемном соотношении отработанная кислота алкилирования : углеводороды 1,0:0,5-1,5, времени контакта 5-10 минут, с последующим отделением от получаемого продукта кислоты, нейтрализацией, промывкой образующейся фракции продуктов взаимодействия бензола с пропиленом и ее смешением с высокооктановой кубовой фракцией стабильного катализата риформинга. Технический результат: снижение содержания бензола во фракциях стабильных катализатов риформинга без снижения величины октанового числа. 1 табл., 1 ил.

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94028723A

Назначение: технология производства низших моно- и диалкилбензолов. Сущность изобретения: способ получения низших моно- и диалкилбензолов (ДАБ) включает подачу бензола и низшего олефина в установку алкилирования, оснащенную реакторным блоком для взаимодействия бензола с низшими олефинами в присутствии катализаторного комплекса на основе безводного хлорида алюминия, узлом отделения катализаторного комплекса от алкилата, узлом многоступенчатой ректификации последнего со ступенями выделения возвратного бензола, низшего алкилбензола, низшего ДАБ, частично возвращаемого в реактор алкилирования, а частично отводимого с установки, и полиалкилбензолов (ПАБ), при этом низшие ДАБ перед отводом с установки подвергают четкой ректификации в трех ректификационных колоннах, в первой из которых выделяют легкую фракции, поток которой возвращают в узел многоступенчатой ректификации и реакторный блок, во второй колонне осуществляют исчерпывающее отделение легкой фракции, поток которой возвращают в узел многоступенчатой ...

27-11-2003 дата публикации

Способ выделения циклопентана

Номер: RU2002113475A

... 1. Способ выделения циклопентана из очищенного гидрированием от диеновых и ацетиленовых углеводородов бензина пиролиза, включающий разделение гидрогенизата с выделением кубовым продуктом первой ректификационной колонны C6 фракции углеводородов, повторное каталитическое гидрирование C5 фракции углеводородов и последующее разделение полученной фракции ректификацией, отличающийся тем, что в первой ректификационной колонне дистиллатом выделяют C5 фракцию, содержащую циклопентен и циклопентан, которую затем подают на повторное гидрирование и дальнейшую ректификацию, при этом дистиллатом следующей ректификационной колонны выделяют пентан-изопентановую фракцию, а кубовым продуктом колонны или боковым отбором выделяют фракцию, содержащую циклопентан. 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кубовым продуктом колонны выделяют фракцию, содержащую 50,0-85,5 мас.% циклопентана. 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что боковым отбором колонны выделяют фракцию, содержащую 80,0-99,5 мас.% циклопентана.

10-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014112339A

... 1. Способ разделения путем абсорбции пиролизного газа от получения низших олефиновых углеродов, в котором первичный абсорбент и вторичный абсорбент подают в деметанизатор, чтобы разделить путем абсорбции сырье деметанизатора путем противоточного контактирования с ними при умеренных температуре и давлении, тем самым получая верхнюю фракцию, содержащую в основном водород и метан, и нижнюю фракцию, в основном содержащую абсорбенты и С2+ фракцию, при этом первичный абсорбент, по существу, представляет собой смешанную Cn или Cn+ фракцию, вторичный абсорбент, по существу, представляет собой фракцию С′ алкана, или смешанную Cn′, или Cn′+ фракцию, причем n и n′ независимо равны 3, 4 или 5, при условии, что когда вторичный абсорбент представляет собой смешанную фракцию, n′ не равно 3.2. Способ по п.1, в котором в деметанизатор сырье подают в среднюю часть или нижнюю часть, первичный абсорбент подают в среднюю часть, вторичный абсорбент подают в верхнюю часть, и в деметанизаторе температура составляет ...

09-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019143085A

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013130673A

... 1. Способ олигомеризации одного или нескольких углеводородов, включающий в себя стадии, на которых:A) подают сырье, включающее один или несколько С- и С-углеводородов, в зону отделения;B) отделяют первый поток, содержащий количество С-олефинов, эффективное для олигомеризации;C) сушат по меньшей мере часть первого потока для уменьшения содержания воды в первом потоке и получения высушенного первого потока;D) отделяют второй поток, содержащий количество одного или нескольких С-олефинов, эффективное для олигомеризации;E) подают по меньшей мере часть высушенного первого потока в первую зону олигомеризации для получения по меньшей мере одного из С- и С-углеводородов, иF) подают по меньшей мере часть второго потока во вторую зону олигомеризации для получения по меньшей мере одного из C- и С-углеводородов.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором первая зона олигомеризации заключает в себе по меньшей мере один кислотный катализатор.3. Способ по п. 1, в котором первая зона олигомеризации находится при температуре ...

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003117587A

... 1. Ректификационная установка, включающая три последовательно соединенные колонны адиабатического типа, первая из которых снабжена дефлегматором, а вторая и третья колонны снабжены кипятильниками, первая колонна имеет расположенные последовательно по ее высоте сверху вниз три сечения ввода питания, в верхней части первой колонны расположены соединенный с дефлегматором узел отбора целевой фракции разделяемой смеси и соединенный с дефлегматором через делитель узел подачи в первую колонну части конденсата указанной фракции, на уровне первого сечения ввода питания в первой колонне имеются первый узел подачи промежуточного продукта ректификации и первый узел отбора промежуточного продукта ректификации, на уровне второго сечения ввода питания в первой колонне имеются второй узел подачи промежуточного продукта ректификации и второй узел отбора промежуточного продукта ректификации, на уровне третьего сечения ввода питания в первой колонне имеется узел подачи исходной смеси, в нижней части первой ...

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: SU925048A1

Способ очистки изопентана, используемого в качестве растворителя в процессе полимеризации изопрена, путем азеотропной осушки с выделением в качестве кубового остатка целевого продукта и азеотропа, углеводородную часть которого направляют на ректификацию, с выделением в качестве дистиллата смеси углеводородов C4 и C5 и кубового продукта, рециркулируемого в виде флегмы на азеотропную осушку, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения степени очистки, в качестве дистиллата при ректификации отбирают смесь углеводородов C4 и C5 в весовом соотношении 1 : 0,5 - 1,5 и рециркуляцию кубового продукта проводят при весовом соотношении флегма : исходное сырье 1 : 1 - 5..

27-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: SU944267A1

Способ выделения и очистки бутадиена из бутенбутадиеновых фракций путем двухступенчатой экстрактивной ректификации в присутствии полярного органического растворителя с последующей очисткой от пропина путем четкой ректификации с отбором в дистиллате фракции, содержащей бутадиен и пропин, отличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения потерь бутадиена и улучшения безопасных условий ведения процесса, четкую ректификацию осуществляют с отбором в дистиллате фракции, содержащей 75 - 95 вес.% бутадиена, которую подвергают каталитическому гидрированию с использованием катализатора, выбранного из группы, содержащей никель на кизельгуре, никельхромовый, палладий на окиси алюминия и никель на окиси алюминия, с последующим возвратом продуктов гидрирования на первую ступень экстрактивной ректификации.

10-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: SU1220279A1

Способ очистки стирола от примесей ингибитора термополимеризации аминного типа в процессе выделения стирола из продуктов дегидрирования этилбензола многоступенчатой ректификацией, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения качества выделяемого стирола, ректификацию на последней ступени проводят в колонне при температуре куба колонны 10-30oC, остаточном давлении верха колонны 1-10 мм рт.ст. и куба 5-60 мм рт.ст. в присутствии азота.

07-02-1989 дата публикации

Способ разделения многокомпонентной жидкой смеси

Номер: SU1456174A1

Изобретение относится к способу разделения многокомпонентных смесей, например углеводородного конденсата, и йожет найти применение в газоперерабатывающей , нефтехимической и других отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - снижение энергозатрат и обеспечение возможности регулирования состава и качества бокового продукта . Сырье в виде подогретого углеводородного конденсата подают по линии 1 в печь, где перегревают его выше температуры кипения, а затем направляют углеводородный конденсат в паровом состоянии в нижнюю часть колонны по линии 2 для отпарки из бокового продукта 3 парового потока 4. Охлажденный углеводородный конденсат в виде парожидкостной смеси подают по линии 5 на массообмен с потоком 6, стекающим навстречу, с выделением из смеси высококипящих компонентов в виде жидкостного потока. 1 ил. S (Л ...

05-07-1974 дата публикации

Способ очистки циклопентена

Номер: SU435221A1

15-06-1984 дата публикации

Способ переработки высокосернистого газоконденсата

Номер: SU1097644A1

СПОСОБ ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ ВЫСОКОСЕРНИСТОГО ГАЗОКОНДЕНСАТА путем раз деления его на широкую фракцию легких углеводородов и стабильный конденсат , очистки широкой фракции от сероводорода и меркаптанов с последующим разделением очищенной широкой фракции на целевые фракции и остаточВС ТЖГЯЧ : -, -.. tgl i -j-. БКь МОТЕК ную фракцию углеводородов Сд и выше, гидроочистки конденсата, стабилизации гидрогенизата с вьщелением газа стабилизации , фракции углеводородов целевого стабильного конденсата, очистки газа стабилизации и фракции углеводородов Сч- Cg от сероводорода, разделения фракции углеводородов С,-Сс на целевые продукты и фракцию углеводородов С с последующим смещением ее с очищенной широкой фракцией легких углеводородов, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности процесса, из стабильного конденсата перед его гидроочисткой выделяют фракцию НК-60°С, S которую подвергают очистке от меркаптанов экстракцией делочньм раствором с последующей регенерацией целочного раствора и выделением низкокипящих ...

07-01-1992 дата публикации

Способ разделения содержащей двуокись углерода и легкие углеводороды газовой смеси

Номер: SU1704646A3
Принадлежит: ЛИНДЕ АГ (ФИРМА)

Изобретение относится к технологии разделения газовых смесей, в частности к способу разделения содержащей двуокись углерода и легкие углеводороды газовой смеси, и позволяет снизить энергозатраты. Способ включает в себя ступенчатую ректификацию смеси, отвод из первой ступени ректификации головного продукта, содержащего углеводороды Ci и С2 и часть двуокиси углерода, и кубового продукта, подачу кубового продукта на вторую ступень ректиИзобретение относится к технологии разделения газовых смесей, в частности к способу разделения содержащей двуокись углерода и легкие углеводороды газовой смеси, Цель изобретения - снижение энергозатрат . На чертеже изображена технологическая схема выполнения способа. фикации.отвод из второй ступени головного продукта, содержащего фракцию двуокиси углерода, и кубового продукта, содержащего фракции углеводородов Сз+, при этом разделение газовой смеси в первой ступени осуществляют при давлении 30-45 бар с получением кубового продукта, содержащего 95,7-96,6 мол.

08-01-1973 дата публикации

Способ получения ароматических углеводородов C8

Номер: SU365897A3

07-05-1984 дата публикации

Способ получения ароматических углеводородов

Номер: SU1091850A3

СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ АРОМАТИЧЕСКИХ УГЛЕВОДОРОДОВ путем контактирования продуктов риформинга с цеолитом типа NiHZSM-5 в присутствии водорода при повьпиенных температуре и давлении, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения выхода целевых -продуктов, в качестве исходного сырья используют продукт риформинга с т.кип. 28-18о С, содержащий 10-60 мас.% ароматических углеводородов и менее 15 мас.% алифатических углеводородов, который подвергают дистилляции при температуре 80190 С и давлении 0,7-7,03 кт/см с выделением бензолсодержащей фракции, полученный остаток подвергают контактированию с цеолитом при температуре 260-538°С и давлении 7-42 кг/см при молярном соотношении водород:углеводороды 1-6 и объемной скорости 0,5-14 Ч-1.

15-03-1979 дата публикации

Sepn. of highly pure ethylene and propylene - from gas mixts. obtd. by hydrogenation of pyrolysed petroleum distillates

Номер: DE0002740145A1

The gaseous mixt. comprises H2, methane, ethylene, acetylene hydrocarbons propylene, propane and traces of satd. 4C hydrocarbons. It is first hydrogenated to remove the acetylene hydrocarbons, the residual mixt. being cooled to very low temps. to abtain a condensate and an H2/methane gas mixt. which is sepd. The condensate is demethanised by rectification to obtain a still residue contg. ethylene, ethane, propane, propylene and satd. 4C hydrocarbons. This still residue is then rectified at a still temp. of 52-60 degrees C to obtain highly pure ethylene; the still residue is further rectified to obtain ethane and the residue obtd. rectified again to obtain highly pure propylene. Sepn. of thje ethylene, ethane and propylene is effected in separate rectifying columns. A suitable plant is described. Economy in energy and cost is achieved; no compressors are needed. Ethylene and proplene are obtd. in purities of up to 99.9 vol. %.

26-11-1964 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Zerlegung eines Gasgemisches

Номер: DE0001182257B

10-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002638080A1

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Produkten mit wenig Wasserstoffhalogenid

Номер: DE112010005065T5

Verfahren zum Herstellen von Produkten mit wenig Wasserstoffhalogenid, umfassend: a) Strippen oder Destillieren eines Ausflusses aus einem Reaktor in eine erste Fraktion mit einer Menge eines Wasserstoffhalogenids, und eine zweite Fraktion mit einer reduzierten Menge des Wasserstoffhalogenids; wobei der Reaktor Folgendes umfasst: einen ionischen Flüssigkatalysator mit einem Metallhalogenid, und ein Wasserstoffhalogenid oder ein organisches Halogenid; und b) Gewinnen von einem oder mehreren Produktströmen aus der zweiten Fraktion mit weniger als 25 Gew.-ppm des Wasserstoffhalogenids. In einer Ausführungsform weist der ionische Flüssigkatalysator Metallhalogenid auf; und die Gewinnung gewinnt Propan, n-Butan und Alkylatbenzin mit weniger als 25 Gew.-ppm Wasserstoffhalogenid. In einer anderen Ausführungsform benutzt das Gewinnen eine Destillierkolonne mit schlechter Korrosionsbeständigkeit gegenüber dem Wasserstoffhalogenid, wobei die Destillierkolonne keine Korrosion zeigt. Außerdem wird ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Hochfahrschritte für ionenflüssigkeitskatalysierte Kohlenwasserstoff-Umwandlungsverfahren

Номер: DE112011102165B4
Принадлежит: CHEVRON USA INC, Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Verfahren zum Betreiben einer chloraluminat-ionenflüssigkeitskatalysierten Alkylierungsanlage, wobei das Verfahren umfassta) Entfernen von Luft und freiem Wasser aus mindestens einem Abschnitt der Anlage;b) Einbringen von mindestens einem Reaktanten in den mindestens einen Abschnitt der Anlage;c) Rezirkulieren des mindestens einen Reaktanten durch den mindestens einen Abschnitt der Anlage und zwar über mindestens eine Beschickungstrocknereinheit bis der mindestens eine Reaktant beim Austritt aus dem mindestens einen Abschnitt der Anlage einen Wassergehalt von oder unter einem Schwellenwert etwa 10 ppm aufweist; undd) Einbringen eines Chloraluminat-Ionenflüssigkeitskatalysators in einen Reaktor der Anlage nach Schritt c).

18-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002251051A1

12-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001619728B2

12-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003408997A1

14-12-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002444112B2

01-10-1970 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002013735A1

23-05-2002 дата публикации

Distillation purification of butadiene comprises using single partitioned column

Номер: DE0010056841A1

Distillation purification of butadiene comprises using partitioned column (1) having longitudinal partition (8) forming common upper section (9), common lower section (14), feed section (10) and discharge section (11). An Independent claim is also included for partitioned column for carrying out process, comprising 40-70 theoretical plates.

24-09-1997 дата публикации

Method for producing para-xylene by high temperature crystallisation in at least one stage and partial crystal fusion

Номер: GB0009715071D0

17-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001406415A

18-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001425665A

... 1425665 Ethylcyclohexane AQUILA SpA 31 Dec 1973 [29 Dec 1972] 60195/73 Heading C5E Ethylcyclohexane is produced from a mixture comprising ethylbenzene, m-xylene and, optionally o and p xylene by a process comprising: (a) separating any o xylene from the mixture; (b) effecting a partial catalytic hydrogenation of the remaining mixture to obtain a conversion of ethylbenzene to ethylcyclohexane of 50-90% and a xylene conversion of 10-50%; (c) separating by distillation non-hydrogenated xylenes; optionally (d) separating by distillation the ethyloyclohexane and ethylbenzene from the remainder of the hydrogenate; (e) catalytically hydrogenating the ethylcyclohexane and ethylbenzene fraction. If step (d) is omitted ethylcyclohexane is separated from the product of the catalytic hydrogenation (e) the fraction remaining after removal of the non-hydrogenated xylenes. The partial catalytic hydrogenation may be effected at 80-230‹ C. using a Pd or Ni catalyst on an Al 2 O 3 or SiO 2 support in one ...

21-12-1955 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to process for segregation of c dienes

Номер: GB0000742365A

C5 diolefines are separated from a cracked petroleum distillate fraction containing appreciable amounts of isoprene together with piperylene and cyclodiolefines including cyclopentadiene, by heating said fraction in the liquid phase in a first thermal soaking zone, under such conditions of temperature and pressure and for such a time that at least half but not all of the cyclopentadiene is dimerized without substantially polymerizing or copolymerizing the isoprene and piperylene, distilling an isoprene-rich distillate from the heat-soaked fraction, heating the bottoms product in the liquid phase in a second thermal soaking zone under more severe conditions and for such a time that the dimerization of the cyclopentadiene is substantially completed, and distilling the piperylene from the cyclopentadiene dimer. The bottoms product from the isoprene distillation may be blended with a C5-C7 hydrocarbon stream, obtained from severely cracked petroleum oils and containing methylcyclopentadiene ...

15-04-1970 дата публикации

Treatment of Hydrocarbon Streams.

Номер: GB0001187899A

... 1,187,899. Isoprene; piperylene; mono- and di-cyclopentadiene. MONSANTO CO. 26 April, 1968 [28 April, 1967], No. 19896/68. Addition to 1,187,898. Heading C5E. A C 5 hydrocarbon stream containing isoprene, piperylene and cyclopentadiene is separated by a process comprising the steps of: (1) treating said stream for 1-3 hours in a dimerization zone maintained at 90-110‹ C., the stream preferably being boiling, (2) fractionally distilling the effluent from (1) in a zone having a kettle temperature of 100-150‹ C., at least 5 distillation plates and a reflux ratio of at least 0-2 : 1 so as to obtain an overhead comprising mainly C 5 hydrocarbons and a bottoms comprising dicyclopentadiene, (3) fractionally distilling the overhead from (2) in a zone having at least 40 distillation plates and a reflux ratio of at least 8 : 1, so as to obtain an overhead comprising mainly hydrocarbons boiling lower than isoprene and a bottoms comprising isoprene and hydrocarbons boiling higher than isoprene (including ...

08-05-1963 дата публикации

Purification of benzene

Номер: GB0000925854A

Crude benzene containing carbon disulphide and dicyclopentadiene is purified by distilling in a first stage to remove as vapour benzene with carbon disulphide and any cyclopentadiene monomer while leaving heavier constituents including cyclopentadiene dimer in the liquid phase and in a second stage the vapours are separated into cyclopentadiene and carbon disulphide overhead and pure benzene bottoms. Part of the overhead from the first column may be condensed and, after removing any aqueous layer, returned as reflux, the amount returned being controlled in relation to the temperature in the column; similarly part of the overhead from the second column may be condensed and returned as reflux. The bottoms from the first column may be further fractionated in a third column to obtain toluene overhead and xylene, the heat of condensation of the toluene being used to heat the second benzene column and the toluene also being further purified if desired in a fourth column.

09-09-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in the purification of crude benzole

Номер: GB0000969533A

Crude benzole is purified and benzole is simultaneously recovered from a coke oven gas by mixing the crude benzole with the hot coke oven gas and fractionally condensing the benzole hydrocarbons by cooling in stages. The crude benzole may be one obtained by washing coke oven gas and recovering from the wash oil. The gas used in the purification is heated by compression and preferably saturated or more than saturated with crude benzole, some of the purified benzole being recycled if necessary to to effect this. The impurities are recovered first during the condensation and part of this fraction may be recycled and the gas containing light oil is then preferably desulphurized before condensing out benzene, toluene, xylene and accompanying aliphatics. The remaining gas is preferably washed with an oil to recover remaining benzole and then dried by cooling; the cooled gas is then used to cool the gas in the condensations by heat exchange. The crude benzole may be added to the gas by injection ...

30-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008903011D0

07-08-1968 дата публикации

Low-temperature fractionation

Номер: GB0001122673A

... 1,122,673. Cold separation of gas mixtures; refrigeration. UNIVERSAL OIL PRODUCTS Co. 24 Nov., 1965 [3 Dec., 1964], No. 49860/65. Headings F4H and F4P. A low temperature fractional distillation column 18 is operated in conjunction with a heat pump employing a multi-stage refrigeration system in which vaporous refrigerant is passed from a compression stage higher than the lowest of multi-stage compressor 43 by line 30 to heat the reboiler 28 of the column, the cooled refrigerant is separated in separator 35 into vapour in line 47, which is returned to the highest stage of compressor 43, and liquid in line 36, which is expanded into intermediate pressure load 40 and again separated in separator 38, from which liquid in line 39 is taken to cool the overhead condenser 20 of the column then returned to the lowest stage of compressor 43, and vapour from the highest stage of the compressor is expanded into high pressure load 33 and then passed to separator 35. Part of the liquid refrigerant in ...

07-08-1968 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of styrene by dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene

Номер: GB0001122857A

In the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene, ethylbenzene is separated from the product stream also containing steam by passing said stream to a heat exchange zone, condensing the steam in said stream and generating steam in said heat exchange zone, compressing said generated steam so that the minimum condensation temperature of said steam is 210-240 DEG F., using the compressed generated steam to heat the reboiler of an ethylbenzene distillation column, and recovering ethylbenzene as a distillate. The compression is preferably effected by a steam turbine driven by high-pressure steam which is then superheated and mixed with feed ethylbenzene for the dehydrogenation.

30-04-1969 дата публикации

Process for the Separation of Liquified Methane Mixtures

Номер: GB0001150798A

... 1,150,798. Cold separating of gas mixtures. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ, N.V. 3 Aug., 1967 [5 Aug., 1966], No. 35767/67. Heading F4P. Methane is separated from liquefied natural gas containing saturated C 2 to C 4 hydrocarbons by increasing the pressure of the liquid feed by a pump 4 from one atmosphere to a pressure below the critical pressure of methane but not less than 12 atmos. below said critical pressure, feeding through a line 6 to a column 7, withdrawing overhead methane at 8, condensing it in an indirect heat exchanger 5 cooled by increasing feed, returning a portion of the so-liquefied separated methane through a line 9 for use as washing liquid for column 7 and passing the remainder through a line 12 for use as hereinafter explained. Liquid bottoms from column 7 are fed through a line 17 to column 18 from which separated gaseous ethane is withdrawn through a line 20, condensed at 21 and forced by a pump 22 through a line 23 as washing liquid for column 18 and ...

27-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001220653A

... 1,220,653. Fractional distillation; steamstripping. FOSTER WHEELER CORP. 3 April, 1969 [25 April, 1968], No. 17643/69. Heading B1B. [Also in Division C5] A relatively low-boiling component, e.g. butadiene, is separated from a mixture of water-immiscible liquids, such as a hydrocarbon oil, by introducing the mixture through inlet 10 into a fractionating tower 12 where the mixture is distilled in the presence of steam, passing the overhead vapour to condenser 32, separating water from the condensed low-boiling component in drum 34, withdrawing condensed steam (together with a small proportion of entrained immiscible liquid) from one or more intermediate trays 20, 22, 24 of the tower to separator 28, mixing water withdrawn from separator 28 and water withdrawn from drum 34 with higher-boiling liquid, withdrawn from the bottom tray 26 of the tower, passing the mixture through reboiler 44 and inroducing the vapours produced in the reboiler into the lower section of the tower. The water-immiscible ...

05-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001562208A

08-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001566542A

17-07-1957 дата публикации

Processes for the separation of mixtures of fluids by distillation and/or absorption

Номер: GB0000779073A

... Recovery of C3 hydrocarbons from cracked and distillation gases is effected in an absorption column 15 to which the gases are fed at 20 atmospheres pressure through a line 16 and to which a liquid gasoline fraction at 16 DEG C. is fed through a line 17 connected to the base of a distillation column 18 fed with loaded absorption liquid issuing from the base of column 15. The C3 hydrocarbon product is discharged from the column 18 at the top thereof and the purified gasoline leaving the base at 240 DEG C. has its temperature reduced to 16 DEG C. in a water cooler 25 and in exchangers 23, 21 cooled by gas from the top of column 15 after expansion in vortex tubes 20, 22. Specification 405,781 [Group XIII] is referred to.

07-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001555068A

15-03-1966 дата публикации

Process of obtaining pure paraffinic hydrocarbons with right chain.

Номер: OA0000000201A

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AP2017009768A0

22-03-1968 дата публикации

Process of degasification of a liquid rich in ethylene.

Номер: OA0000000885A

30-07-2003 дата публикации

Process for liquefying a natural gas stream containing at least one freezable component

Номер: OA0000011270A

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Heat pump distillation for <50% light component in feed

Номер: US20120000244A1
Автор: Bing Sun, Paul A. Sechrist
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process is presented for the separation of a hydrocarbon mixture having less than 50% of the light component in the feedstream. The process provides an energy efficiency through drawing off a vapor stream from the rectifying section of a distillation column, and using recompression of the vapor to provide a portion of the heat for reboiling a portion of the bottoms stream exiting the stripping section of the distillation column.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Process for the Production of Purified Xylene Isomers

Номер: US20120108867A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The invention is directed to a process to produce paraxylene and orthoxylene, including reducing the amount of isomerate recycle from vapor phase xylenes isomerization by providing a parallel configuration of vapor phase and liquid phase isomerization units.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Process for recycling product streams separated from a hydrocarbon-containing feed stream

Номер: US20120178879A1
Принадлежит: Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy SA

The present invention relates to a process for recycling product streams that have been separated from a hydrocarbon-containing feed stream comprising olefin monomer, olefin co-monomer, hydrocarbon diluent and components such as H 2 , N 2 , O 2 , CO, CO 2 , and formaldehyde. In accordance with the present process a hydrocarbon-containing feed stream is separated into a) a first side stream comprising hydrocarbon diluent and olefin monomer; b) a second side stream which is substantially hydrogen-free and comprises hydrocarbon diluent and olefin monomer, c) a bottom stream comprising substantially olefin-free hydrocarbon diluent, and d) an overhead vapor stream comprising olefin monomer, hydrocarbon diluent and components such as formaldehyde, H 2 , N 2 , O 2 , CO and CO 2 . The present process further includes recycling said first and said second side streams in a polymerization process for preparing bimodal polyolefin.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Component Separations in Polymerization

Номер: US20120232231A1
Принадлежит: Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

A process for component separation in a polymer production system, comprising separating a polymerization product stream into a gas stream and a polymer stream, wherein the gas stream comprises ethane and unreacted ethylene, distilling the gas stream into a light hydrocarbon stream, wherein the light hydrocarbon stream comprises ethane and unreacted ethylene, contacting the light hydrocarbon stream with an absorption solvent system, wherein at least a portion of the unreacted ethylene from the light hydrocarbon stream is absorbed by the absorption solvent system, and recovering a waste gas stream from the absorption solvent system, wherein the waste gas stream comprises ethane, hydrogen, or combinations thereof.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Dividing Wall Column for Alpha-Methylstyrene and Cumene Distillation

Номер: US20130068609A1
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown and Root LLC

Methods and systems for fractionating a crude alpha-methylstyrene (AMS) feed using one or more dividing wall columns are provided. The method can include introducing a crude AMS to a fractionation column, wherein the fractionation column contains a dividing wall disposed at least partially within the fractionation column such that an internal volume of the fractionation column is divided into at least a pre-fractionation section and a main fractionation section. The crude AMS can be introduced to the pre-fractionation section of the fractionation column. A light hydrocarbon can be withdrawn from the fractionation column at or proximal a first end thereof, a side-stream can be withdrawn from the main fractionation section of the fractionation column, and a heavy hydrocarbon can be withdrawn from the fractionation column at or proximal the second end thereof.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Gas Expansion Cooling Method

Номер: US20130072740A1
Автор: Brandon Paul HILLMAN
Принадлежит: Individual

A gas expansion cooling method for reducing hydrocarbon emissions includes feeding a high pressure cooling gas through a valve, decreasing a temperature of the cooling gas by decreasing its pressure; feeding the cooling gas into a heat exchanger; and diverting a hydrocarbon gas into the heat exchanger such that the cooling gas decreases a temperature of the hydrocarbon gas. The cooling gas may be drawn from a preexisting high pressure gas system that serves a purpose other than supplying a coolant for the gas expansion cooling system. A portion of the hydrocarbon gas may be condensed in the heat exchanger to form a hydrocarbon liquid, which may be separated from the hydrocarbon gas in a separation vessel. The hydrocarbon liquid may be recovered, while the hydrocarbon gas may be fed to a ventilation system.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102827A1

This method includes the separation of an upstream partly condensed cracked gas stream in an intermediate separator (B) in order to recover an intermediate liquid (), and an intermediate cracked gas stream () and the introduction of the intermediate liquid () into an intermediate demethanization column (). 1. A method for treating a cracked gas stream stemming from a hydrocarbon pyrolysis installation , comprising the following steps:upstream cooling and partial condensation of a crude cracked gas stream in at least one upstream heat exchange region;separating the partly condensed crude gas stream in at least one upstream separator in order to recover an upstream liquid and an upstream cracked gas stream;{'sub': '2', 'sup': '+', 'introducing the upstream liquid into an upstream demethanization column for recovering at the head of the upstream column, an upstream head stream rich in methane and, at the bottom of the upstream column, a first liquid stream rich in Chydrocarbons;'}intermediate cooling and partial condensation of the upstream cracked gas stream in at least one intermediate heat exchange region;separating the partly condensed upstream cracked gas stream in at least one intermediate separator for recovering at least one intermediate liquid and one intermediate cracked gas stream;{'sub': '2', 'sup': '+', 'introducing the or each intermediate liquid into an intermediate demethanization column in order to recover at the head of the intermediate column, an intermediate head stream, and at the bottom of the intermediate column, a second liquid stream rich in Chydrocarbons;'}introducing at least one portion of the upstream head stream from the upstream column into the intermediate column;downstream cooling and partial condensation of the intermediate cracked gas stream in at least one downstream heat exchange region;separating the intermediate partly condensed cracked gas stream in a downstream separation assembly for recovering a downstream liquid and a ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Process to Decrease or Eliminate Corrosion from the Decomposition of Halide Containing Olefin Cataysts

Номер: US20130102828A1

A process is provided to inhibit or limit the decomposition of a halide-containing olefin oligomerization catalyst system during recovery of an oligomerization product. The process includes deactivation of an olefin oligomerization catalyst system present in an olefin oligomerization reactor effluent stream by contact with an alcohol under conditions that minimize potential for deactivated catalyst system decomposition. Such conditions include minimization of the water content of the deactivation agent and concentration of the deactivation agent. 1. A process to deactivate a halide-containing olefin oligomerization catalyst system and inhibit or limit the decomposition of the deactivated catalyst system during recovery of an olefin oligomerization product comprising the steps of:a) forming an intermediate stream by contacting an olefin oligomerization reactor effluent stream which comprises one or more olefin products, the catalyst system, and heavies with an alcohol that is soluble in any portion of the reactor effluent stream thereby deactivating the catalyst system; andb) separating the intermediate stream into at least one product stream comprising the olefin oligomerization product and at least one heavies stream, wherein separating the intermediate stream comprises distilling a material, wherein distilling the material comprises passing the material through a reboiler, wherein the material is maintained below about 190° C.2. The process of wherein the material is maintained below about 185° C.3. The process of wherein the material is maintained below about 175° C.4. The process of wherein distilling the material comprises passing the material through at least two distillation stages.5. The process of wherein the alcohol has a boiling point different from at least one of the one or more olefin products in the reactor effluent stream.6. The process of wherein the alcohol has 6 or more carbon atoms per molecule.7. The process of wherein the alcohol is selected ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123559A1

A method of processing feed streams high in hydrogen sulfide is provided. The method includes providing a feed gas stream that includes hydrocarbons and at least 5 vol % hydrogen sulfide. At least a portion of the feed gas stream is separated into a hydrogen sulfide stream and a hydrocarbon stream. The hydrocarbon gas stream is processed to produce natural gas. At least 34 mol. % of the hydrogen sulfide in the hydrogen sulfide stream is combusted with an oxidant to generate thermal power. Thermal power generated by the combustion is utilized in one or more of the steps of separating the feed gas stream into the hydrogen sulfide stream and the hydrocarbon gas stream, and processing the hydrocarbon gas stream to produce natural gas, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas. 1. A method , comprising:providing a feed gas stream comprising hydrogen sulfide and hydrocarbons, wherein the feed gas stream comprises at least 5% by volume hydrogen sulfide;separating at least a portion of the feed gas stream into a hydrogen sulfide stream and a hydrocarbon gas stream, the hydrogen sulfide stream containing more hydrogen sulfide, by volume percent, than the feed gas stream, and the hydrocarbon gas stream containing less hydrogen sulfide, by volume percent, than the feed gas stream;processing the hydrocarbon gas stream to produce natural gas; andcombusting at least 34 mol % of the hydrogen sulfide in the hydrogen sulfide stream with an oxidant containing molecular oxygen to generate thermal power, where the molar ratio of molecular oxygen to hydrogen sulfide in the hydrogen sulfide stream and oxidant that are combusted is at least 1.4 to 1;utilizing the thermal power in one or more of the steps of separating the feed gas stream into the hydrogen sulfide stream and the hydrocarbon gas stream when processing the hydrocarbon gas stream to produce natural gas.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein processing the hydrocarbon gas stream to produce natural gas comprises performing ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

"process for removing oxygenated contaminants from an hydrocarbonstream"

Номер: US20130172653A1
Принадлежит: Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy SA

The present invention is a process for removing oxygenated contaminants and water from an hydrocarbon stream comprising: introducing the contaminated hydrocarbon stream in a gaseous phase in an absorption zone, contacting said hydrocarbon stream in said absorption zone at a pressure of at least 5 bars, advantageously in the range 5 to 40 bars with an alcohol capable to absorb water and oxygenated contaminants at conditions effective to produce an overhead hydrocarbon stream having a reduced oxygenated contaminants and water content and an absorbent bottoms stream comprising the alcohol, hydrocarbons and having an enhanced oxygenated contaminants and water content, sending the overhead of the absorption zone to a wash column (referred to as the high pressure water wash column) at a pressure of at least 5 bars, advantageously in the range 5 to 40 bars, essentially washed with water at conditions effective to produce an overhead hydrocarbon stream having a reduced oxygenated contaminants and an aqueous bottoms stream having an enhanced oxygenated contaminants content. Advantageously the process is further comprising: sending the bottoms stream from the absorption zone to a distillation column (referred to as the alcohol distillation column) operating at a pressure of less than 3 bars absolute and advantageously at a pressure in the range 1-3 bars absolute at conditions effective to produce an overhead comprising essentially oxygenated contaminants and hydrocarbons, optionally treated to recover the hydrocarbons, an alcohol bottoms stream comprising water and essentially free of hydrocarbons and oxygenated contaminants, sending said alcohol bottoms to the process which has produced the hydrocarbon stream comprising oxygenated contaminants and water to be purified.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172654A1

The present invention is a process for removing oxygenated contaminants and water from an hydrocarbon stream comprising: 1. Process for removing oxygenated contaminants and water from an hydrocarbon stream comprising:introducing the contaminated hydrocarbon stream in a gaseous phase in an absorption zone, an overhead hydrocarbon stream having a reduced oxygenated contaminants and water content and', 'an absorbent bottoms stream comprising the absorbent, hydrocarbons and having an enhanced oxygenated contaminants and water content,', 'introducing the above absorbent bottoms stream in a stripping zone at conditions effective to produce', 'an absorbent bottoms stream essentially free of hydrocarbons, oxygenated contaminants and water and', 'an overhead stream comprising essentially hydrocarbons, water and the oxygenated contaminants,, 'contacting said hydrocarbon stream in said absorption zone with an absorbent capable to absorb water and oxygenated contaminants at conditions effective to produce'}recycling the absorbent bottoms stream of the stripping zone to the absorption zone,optionally fractionating the overhead stream from the stripping zone to recover the hydrocarbons,optionally sending the overhead of the absorption zone to a caustic wash to remove the acidic components and recovering an hydrocarbon stream essentially free of water and oxygenated contaminants.2. Process according to wherein the hydrocarbon stream comprising oxygenated contaminants and water is successively compressed and cooled in one or more steps to remove the major part of water and further fed to the absorption zone.3. Process according to wherein the stripping zone is a distillation column.4. Process according to wherein the overhead stream of said distillation column of the stripping zone is cooled to produce an aqueous phase comprising oxygenated contaminants and a gaseous phase comprising hydrocarbons and oxygenated contaminants claim 3 , a part of said aqueous phase is used as the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172655A1

The present invention is a process for removing oxygenated contaminants and water from an hydrocarbon stream comprising: 1. Process for removing oxygenated contaminants and water from an hydrocarbon stream comprising:introducing the contaminated hydrocarbon stream in a gaseous phase in an absorption zone,contacting said hydrocarbon stream in said absorption zone at a pressure of at least 5 bars, advantageously in the range 5 to 40 bars with an alcohol capable to absorb water and oxygenated contaminants at conditions effective to produce,an overhead hydrocarbon stream having a reduced oxygenated contaminants, and water content, andan absorbent bottoms stream comprising the alcohol, hydrocarbons and having an enhanced oxygenated contaminants and water content,sending the overhead of the absorption zone to a wash column (referred to as the high pressure water wash column) at a pressure of at least 5 bars, advantageously in the range 5 to 40 bars, essentially washed with water at conditions effective to produce,an overhead hydrocarbon stream having a reduced oxygenated contaminants, andan aqueous bottoms stream having an enhanced oxygenated contaminants content.2. Process according to wherein the alcohol is an aqueous solution comprising at least 80 w % of alcohol.3. Process according to wherein the overhead of the high pressure water wash column is sent to a caustic wash to remove the acidic components and recovering an hydrocarbon stream essentially free of oxygenated contaminants.4. Process according to further comprising:sending the bottoms stream from the absorption zone to a distillation column (referred to as the alcohol distillation column) operating at a pressure of less than 3 bars absolute and advantageously at a pressure in the range 1-3 bars absolute at conditions effective to produce,an overhead comprising essentially oxygenated contaminants and hydrocarbons, optionally treated to recover the hydrocarbons,an alcohol bottoms stream comprising water and ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178684A1
Автор: HEIDA Bernd, Hugo Randolf

Mixtures of hydrocarbons predominantly having 4 carbon atoms per molecule known as Ccuts are used in obtaining crude 1,3-butadiene by a thermal cracking process. Vaporous purified crude Ccuts are produced from liquid crude Ccuts, containing butanes, butenes, 1,3-butadiene, Chydrocarbons, Coligomers and polymers, and Chydrocarbons via an extractive distillation by fist removing the Coligomers and polymers and the Chydrocarbons and then vaporizing the liquid crude Ccut in a vaporizer vessel. The vaporizer vessel is directly or indirectly in contact with a stripping column where liquid Ccuts are supplied to the upper region, direct gas and liquid exchange with the vaporizer vessel occurs in the lower region, and vaporous purified crude Ccuts are removed from the top region. 1. A process for providing a vaporous purified crude Ccut (2) as a feed stream for an extractive distillation with a selective solvent to obtain crude 1 ,3-butadiene ,{'sub': 4', '3', '4', '5+', '4, 'claim-text': [{'sub': '5+', 'less than two thirds of the Chydrocarbons present in the feed stream and'}, {'sub': '4', 'less than 5% by weight of the Coligomers and polymers present in the feed stream,'}], 'proceeding from a liquid crude Ccut (1) as a feed stream, comprising not only butanes, butenes and 1,3-butadiene but also Chydrocarbons, Coligomers and polymers, and Chydrocarbons, said purified vaporous crude Ccut comprising'} [{'sub': 4', '5', '4, '1) removing the Coligomers and polymers and the C+hydrocarbons, in each case down to the residual contents specified above for the vaporous purified crude Ccut, and'}, {'sub': '4', '2) vaporizing the liquid crude Ccut in a vaporizer vessel (VK),'}], 'comprising the process steps of'}wherein{'sub': 4', '4, 'the vaporizer vessel (VK) is assigned a stripping column (K) having one or more plates, to which the liquid Ccut (1) is supplied in the upper region thereof, which is in direct gas and liquid exchange with the vaporizer vessel (VK) in the lower region ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Process for dehydration of ethanol into ethylene with low energy consumption

Номер: US20130190547A1

A process for dehydration of an ethanol feedstock into ethylene, comprising the vaporization of said ethanol feedstock in a mixture with at least a portion of the recycled purified water stream from heat exchange with the effluent that is obtained from the last reactor.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206581A1

A process and apparatus for separating an olefin from mixed gases containing light olefins is provided. The process includes adsorbing the olefin of an olefin-containing mixed gas in an adsorption column packed with an adsorbent selectively adsorbing the olefin; discharging gases other than the olefin through the outlet of the adsorption column; desorbing the adsorbed olefin by displacement using a desorbent, and separating the olefin from the desorbent, thereby producing a high-purity olefin. The apparatus includes adsorption columns packed with an adsorbent selectively adsorbing an olefin, and at least two distillation columns for separating an olefin/desorbent mixture and an olefin poor stream/desorbent into their components. If the olefin concentration of the off-gas from an olefin rinse step is higher than that of a raw material gas, recovering the olefin from the off-gas is carried out before or after the adsorption step. 1. A method for separating an olefin from an olefin-containing mixed gas using at least one adsorption column and at least two distillation columns including a distillation column for separating an olefin rich stream from a desorbent and a distillation column for separating an olefin poor stream from a desorbent , comprises the steps of:i) introducing the olefin-containing mixed gas into an adsorption column packed with an olefin selective adsorbent to adsorb an olefin from the mixed gas, and sending unadsorbed components and a desorbent, fed into the adsorption column during desorption, through the outlet of the adsorption column to a distillation column for separating an olefin poor stream/desorbent mixture into components;ii) introducing a high-concentration olefin, obtained from a distillation column for separating an olefin from a desorbent, into the adsorption column, thereby removing paraffin and other gases from the adsorption column to increase the purity of the olefin in the adsorption column;iii) introducing a desorbent into the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209510A1
Автор: Hora Maninder

An improved method for preparing squalene from a squalene-containing composition, said method comprising the steps of (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T; (b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T>200° C. 1. A method for the manufacture of an oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant , comprising:{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '2', '1', '2, '(i) preparing squalene from a composition comprising squalene from an animal source by a process comprising steps of: (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T; and (b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T≧200° C.; and'}(ii) preparing an emulsion using the squalene prepared in step (i).2. A method for the manufacture of an oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant , comprising:{'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '2', '1', '1', '2, '(i) preparing squalene from a squalene-containing composition by a process comprising steps of: (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T; and (b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; T<140° C. and T≧200° C.; and'}(ii) preparing an emulsion using the squalene prepared in step (i).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein T<140° C.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the squalene prepared in step (i) is kept sterile following distillation treatment and prior to the preparation of the emulsion in step (ii).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition used in step (i) comprises one or more proteins.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the composition comprises parvalbumin.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the denaturing distillation is carried out at a pressure of from ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211171A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

In a method for removing acid gases from hydrocarbon-comprising fluids, (a) a carbon dioxide-rich acid gas stream is separated off from the fluid by scrubbing with a liquid absorbent, (b) the fluid is contacted with a solid adsorbent for removing sulfur-comprising acid gases, and (c) the loaded solid adsorbent is regenerated by contacting with at least one purge gas under regeneration conditions. A carbon dioxide-rich acid gas stream separated off in step (a) is used as purge gas. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method for removing acid gases from hydrocarbon-comprising fluids , wherein(a) a carbon dioxide-rich acid gas stream is separated off from the fluid by scrubbing with a liquid absorbent,(b) the fluid is contacted with a solid adsorbent for removing sulfur-comprising acid gases, and(c) the loaded solid adsorbent is regenerated by contacting with at least one purge gas under regeneration conditions, wherein a carbon dioxide-rich acid gas stream separated off in step (a) is used as purge gas.16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the liquid absorbent is a physically acting absorbent.17. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the liquid absorbent is a chemically acting absorbent.18. The method according to claim 17 , wherein the liquid absorbent is a solution of a base.19. The method according to claim 18 , wherein the liquid absorbent is an aqueous solution of a base selected from alkali metal carbonates claim 18 , amines claim 18 , amino acid-metal salts or combinations thereof.20. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the solid adsorbent is selected from zeolites claim 15 , carbon-based adsorbents claim 15 , silica gels claim 15 , activated aluminum oxides and combinations thereof.21. The method according to claim 20 , wherein the zeolites have a pore size of at least about 4.6 Å.22. The method according to claim 15 , wherein at least one further gas different from the carbon dioxide-rich acid gas stream is used as purge gas.23. The method according ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Recovery method and system for delivering extracted btx from gas streams

Номер: US20130245351A1
Автор: Mohammad N. Al-Haji
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A recovery method and a system for delivering extracted benzene, toluene, and xylene from a hydrocarbon gas stream is provided. The method includes introducing a feed stream of a BTX-rich hydrocarbon gas into an absorber. The method further includes combining, in the absorber, the hydrocarbon gas with an aprotic solvent, such that the hydrocarbon gas and the aprotic solvent are thoroughly intermixed so that the BTX is absorbed into the aprotic solvent, resulting in the production of a BTX-rich solvent and a substantially BTX-free gas. The method further includes vaporizing, using a vaporizer, the BTX-rich solvent to produce a vaporized BTX-rich solvent, and separating, using a distiller, the BTX from the vaporized BTX-rich solvent for delivering the extracted BTX from the hydrocarbon gas. The separation of the BTX from the vaporized BTX-rich solvent also produces a BTX-lean solvent that is recycled back into the absorber as the aprotic solvent.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267751A1

A method and an apparatus (′) for separating 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene by fractional distillation of a mixture () that contains C9 or C9+ aromatic hydrocarbons, and possibly hydrocarbons with less nine nine carbon atoms. In an aspect of the invention, a first distillation step and a second distillation step are carried out in respective distillation chambers (′) defined by a cylindrical vertical container and by an inner partition wall () of the container. 13151. A method for separating and recovering Pseudocumene from a raw mixture ( ,) containing aromatic hydrocarbons with nine carbon atoms and preferably with more than nine carbon atoms , and preferably hydrocarbons with less than nine carbon atoms , said method comprising the steps of:{'b': 83', '85', '89', '73', '75', '79', '79', '73', '75', '79, 'prearranging a vertical elongated container having an inner partition wall (,,), said container and said inner partition wall defining a first longitudinal chamber (,,-′) and a second longitudinal chamber (′,′,″) within said elongated container;'}feeding said raw mixture into said first longitudinal chamber, said first longitudinal chamber maintained within a predetermined first working temperature range and at a predetermined first working pressure;{'b': 32', '42', '52, 'extracting a first overhead vapour fraction (,,) from said first longitudinal chamber, said first overhead vapour fraction comprising aromatic hydrocarbons that are lighter than said Pseudocumene;'}{'b': 38', '98, 'extracting from said first longitudinal chamber a first bottom fraction (,) comprising aromatic hydrocarbons that are heavier than said Pseudocumene;'}wherein said first working temperature range and/or said first working pressure are selected in such a way that Pseudocumene is present substantially in only one fraction selected between said first overhead fraction and said first bottom fraction, such that a Pseudocumene-containing fraction and a substantially Pseudocumene-free mixture are ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267752A1

The present invention relates to a method for purification of a hydrocarbon stream containing linear alpha olefins, isomers thereof and at least one organic amine, the linear alpha olefins, isomers and the amine having boiling points under atmospheric pressure which differ by at most 5° C., comprising the step of removing a major amount of the organic amine from the hydrocarbon stream by distillation, wherein the distillation is carried out to that, together with the amine, between 5% and 95 wt % of the isomers, based on the total amount of the isomers in the hydrocarbon stream, are removed from the hydrocarbon stream in an amine/isomer-rich fraction. 1. A method for purification of a hydrocarbon stream containing linear alpha olefins , isomers thereof and at least one organic amine , comprising:removing a major amount of the organic amine from the hydrocarbon stream by distillation;wherein the distillation is carried out so that, together with the amine, between 5% and 95 wt % of the isomers, based on the total amount of the isomers in the hydrocarbon stream, are removed from the hydrocarbon stream in an amine/isomer-rich fraction of the distillation; andwherein the linear alpha olefins, isomers and the amine having boiling points under atmospheric pressure which differ by at most 5° C.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the boiling points under atmospheric pressure of the linear alpha olefins claim 1 , isomers thereof and the organic amine differ by at most 3° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the distillation is carried out under atmospheric pressure.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a distillation column is utilized for removing the major amount of the organic amine.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon stream contains as a major constituent linear Calpha olefins and its isomers and/or linear Calpha olefins and its isomers.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the amine/isomer-rich fraction is further separated by removing the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140012059A1

A process for recovering 1-hexene comprising: a) separating the mixture obtained from the ethylene trimerization reaction into a top fraction comprising ethylene and a bottom fraction, b) separating a portion of the bottom fraction obtained from step a) into a top fraction comprising 1-hexene and 1-butene and a bottom fraction, c) separating a portion of the fraction comprising 1-hexene and 1-butene obtained from step b) into a top fraction principally comprising 1-butene and into a bottom fraction principally comprising 1-hexene, and in said process: a portion of the bottom fraction obtained from step b) is returned to the reaction section and another portion of said bottom fraction obtained from step b) is used in a recirculation loop connecting the reaction section and the column of said step b), said recirculation loop being used to cool the reaction section and to reboil said column of step b). 1. A process for separating 1-hexene from a mixture obtained from an ethylene trimerization reaction section , said mixture comprising ethylene , solvent , ethylene trimerization catalyst and products formed , including 1-hexene , the process comprising:a) separating the mixture obtained from the ethylene trimerization reaction in a first distillation column into a top fraction comprising ethylene and a bottom fraction;b) separating, in at least one other distillation column, at least a portion of an effluent deriving from the bottom fraction obtained from step a) into a top fraction comprising 1-hexene and 1-butene and a bottom fraction; 'at least a portion of an effluent deriving from the bottom fraction obtained from step b) is returned to the reaction section and at least one other portion of said bottom fraction obtained from step b) is used in at least one recirculation loop connecting the reaction section and the column of said step b), said recirculation loop being used to cool the reaction section and to reboil said column of step b).', 'c) separating, in a ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140100405A1

A butadiene extraction processes designed for flexible operations, with or without a compressor, is disclosed. The ability to run at both high and low pressures provides added process flexibility. 1. A system for recovering 1 ,3-butadiene from a Cfraction in both a high pressure mode or a low pressure mode , comprising:{'sub': 4', '3', '5+, 'a feed vaporization system for at least partially vaporizing a hydrocarbon feed containing butanes, butenes, 1,2-butadiene, 1,3-butadiene, Cacetylenes, Cacetylenes, and Chydrocarbons;'}{'sub': 4', '3', '5+, 'an extractive distillation system for contacting the vaporized hydrocarbon fraction with a solvent to selectively dissolve a portion of the hydrocarbon fraction forming (a) an enriched solvent fraction comprising the 1,3-butadiene, the 1,2-butadiene, Cacetylenes, Cacetylenes, Chydrocarbons, and a first portion of the butanes and the butenes and (b) a vapor fraction comprising a second portion of the butanes and the butenes;'}{'sub': 3', '4', '5+, 'a rectifier and afterwasher for at least partially degassing the enriched solvent and recovering a first vapor fraction comprising the first portion of the butanes and butenes, a second vapor fraction comprising the Cand Cacetylenes, 1,3-butadiene, 1,2-butadiene, and Chydrocarbons, and a bottoms fraction comprising partially degassed solvent;'}a degasser and cooling column for further degassing the solvent and recovering a liquid fraction comprising degassed solvent, a third vapor fraction comprising at least one of C4 acetylenes and 1,2-butadiene, and a fraction comprising C4 acetylenes;wherein the system for recovering 1,3-butadiene is configured to operate alternatively (a) with the degasser in a high pressure mode, or (b) with the degasser in a low pressure mode.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a compressor for compressing the third vapor fraction when operating in the low pressure mode; anda heat exchanger for indirectly heating the partially degassed solvent with ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001198A1

Process for separating a highly pure propylene product from a liquefied petroleum gas stream is disclosed, which eliminates a C3 splitter having over 120 trays and the additional equipment that a C3 splitter requires. The process includes passing a feed stream to a dividing wall column to produce an overhead stream, a first side draw stream, a second side draw stream, and a product stream. The first side draw stream is passed to a treatment unit to produce a treated stream. The treated stream is passed to a membrane unit and a permeate stream is passed from the membrane unit to produce a polymer grade propylene stream. 1. A process , comprising:passing a feed stream to a dividing wall column to produce an overhead stream; a first side draw stream; a second side draw stream on the opposite side of the dividing wall from the feed stream; and a product stream;flashing the overhead stream to produce an off gas stream and an overhead liquid stream;passing the overhead liquid stream back to the dividing wall column;passing the first side draw stream to a treatment unit to produce a treated stream;passing a first portion of the second side draw stream back to the dividing wall column and passing a second portion of the second side draw stream as a propane product;passing the treated stream to a membrane unit; andpassing a retentate stream from the membrane unit back to the dividing wall column and passing a permeate stream from the membrane unit to produce a polymer grade propylene stream.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream may be is a treated liquid petroleum gas stream from a caustic mercaptan oxidation process.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the dividing wall column comprises about 40 to about 80 trays.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the membrane unit comprises a plurality of membranes wherein said membranes are facilitated transport membranes comprising a nanoporous support membrane claim 1 , a hydrophilic polymer inside the nanopores on a skin ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002255A1

The present invention relates to a method for treating a cracked stream stemming from a fluid catalytic cracker unit (FCCU) in order to improve propylene recovery. The present invention also relates to the corresponding installation to implement the method. 1. Method for treating a cracked stream stemming from a fluid catalytic cracker unit (FCCU) comprising the following steps:compressing and partly condensing the gas stream from the main fractionator column overhead receiver of the FCCU;separating the partly condensed gas stream in order to recover an upstream liquid and an upstream gas;heating the upstream liquid;introducing this heated liquid into an upstream stripper for recovering at the top of the stripper a stream rich in C2 compounds and at the bottom a first liquid stream rich in C3+ hydrocarbons;introducing the first liquid stream rich in C3+ into a first heat exchanger and then into a second heat exchanger;introducing the liquid recovered from the second heat exchanger into a stabilizer column for recovering at the top of the stabilizer column a stream rich in C3 and C4 hydrocarbons and from the side of the stabilizer column a liquid stream rich in C5 and C6 hydrocarbons and from the bottom of the stabilizer column a liquid stream rich in C5, C6 and C7+ hydrocarbons;introducing the liquid stream rich in C5 and C6 hydrocarbons into the first heat exchanger;introducing a liquid stream from stabilizer column bottom into a primary absorber and introducing the upstream gas into a primary absorber for recovering at the top of the primary absorber a first gas stream; and at the bottom of the primary absorber a second liquid stream;introducing lean oil from FCCU main fractionator into a sponge absorber;cooling the first gas stream from primary absorber and introducing it into a propylene absorber;cooling the liquid stream rich in C5 and C6 hydrocarbons from the first heat exchanger;introducing the liquid stream rich in C5 and C6 hydrocarbons recovered from the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002246A1
Автор: Baxter, Jr. Clyde Edward

In an embodiment, a process to convert a feed includes introducing a feed to an oligomerization catalyst in an oligomerization reactor to form a first reactor effluent; introducing the first reactor effluent to a distillation unit to form a first distillation effluent and a second distillation effluent, the second distillation effluent comprising an oligomer of isobutylene; and introducing the second distillation effluent to a cracking reactor to form a cracking reactor effluent comprising a high purity isobutylene. In another embodiment, an apparatus includes a feed line coupled to a first end of an oligomerization reactor; a first distillation unit coupled with a second end of the oligomerization reactor; a first end of a cracking reactor coupled to a second end of the first distillation unit via a first line; a first end of an isomerization reactor coupled to: a third end of the first distillation unit and the feed line. 1. A process to convert a feed , comprising:introducing a feed comprising isobutylene to an oligomerization catalyst in an oligomerization reactor to form a first reactor effluent comprising one or more oligomers of isobutylene;introducing the first reactor effluent to a first distillation unit to form a first distillation effluent and a second distillation effluent, the second distillation effluent comprising one or more oligomers of isobutylene; andintroducing the second distillation effluent to a cracking reactor to form a cracking reactor effluent, the cracking reactor effluent comprising a high purity isobutylene.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising introducing the first distillation effluent to an isomerization reactor to form an isomerized product effluent claim 1 , the isomerized product effluent enriched in isobutylene;combining the isomerized product effluent with the feed comprising isobutylene; andintroducing the isomerized product effluent to the oligomerization reactor.3. The process of claim 2 , further comprising purging ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002247A1
Автор: DUPUY Carole

The invention provides an emollient composition comprising at least one hydrocarbon fluid in an amount of 50 to 100% by weight, preferably from 80 to 100% by weight, more preferably from 90 to 100% by weight and preferably equal to 100% by weight relative to the total weight of the composition, said fluid being obtainable by a process of catalytically hydrogenating a feed comprising more than 85% by weight of oligomerized olefins, at a temperature from 115 to 195° C. and at a pressure from 30 to 70 bars. 117.-. (canceled)18. An emollient composition comprising at least one hydrocarbon fluid in an amount of 50 to 100% by weight , relative to the total weight of the composition , said fluid being obtainable by a process of catalytically hydrogenating a feed comprising more than 85% by weight of oligomerized olefins , at a temperature from 115 to 195° C. and at a pressure from 30 to 70 bars.19. The emollient composition of claim 18 , wherein the hydrocarbon fluid has a bromine Index of less than 5 mgBr/100 g of fluid.20. The emollient composition of claim 18 , wherein the process comprises three hydrogenation stages.21. The emollient composition of claim 18 , wherein the feed comprises more than 90% by weight of oligomerized olefins.22. The emollient composition of claim 18 , wherein the feed is selected from trimeric butene and tetrameric propylene cuts.23. The emollient composition of claim 18 , wherein the hydrogenation conditions are the following:Pressure: 40 to 60 bars;Temperature: 125 to 185° C.;{'sup': '−1', 'Liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV): 0.1 to 3 hr;'}{'sup': '3', 'Hydrogen treat rate: 50 to 300 Nm/ton of feed.'}24. The emollient composition of claim 18 , wherein the process comprises (i) a fractionating step which is carried out before the hydrogenating step claim 18 , or after the hydrogenating step or both claim 18 , or (ii) the process comprises three hydrogenation stages claim 18 , or (iii) both (i) and (ii).25. The emollient composition of claim ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002252A1
Принадлежит: AXENS

The present invention relates to a process for producing high-purity para-xylene, comprising a single step of separation by adsorption in an SMB, with a subsequent step of separation by distillation in a first three-fraction distillation column producing at least two raffinates and optionally of two isomerization steps, making it possible to improve the overall para-xylene yield of the aromatic loop and to minimize the economic impact. 1. Process for producing para-xylene from a feedstock containing xylenes , ethylbenzene and C9+ hydrocarbons , comprisinga single step A of separation in a simulated moving bed of said feedstock performed with a zeolite as adsorbent and a desorbent, at a temperature of between 20 and 250° C., at a pressure of between 1.0 and 2.2 MPa, and with a volume ratio of the desorbent to the feedstock in the simulated moving bed separation unit of between 0.4 and 2.5; a first fraction (A1) containing a mixture of para-xylene and of desorbent, and', 'at least one second fraction (A2 or A21) containing ethylbenzene (EB), ortho-xylene (OX) and meta-xylene (MX) and desorbent,, 'said step A allowing the production of'} a first fraction (B2) containing EB, OX and MX,', 'a second fraction (B3) containing OX and MX, and', 'a third fraction (B42) containing desorbent., 'a step B of fractionation by distillation in at least one first distillation column (B_C3) of said second fraction derived from step A, allowing the production of three fractions2. Process according to claim 1 , in which the first fraction (B2) derived from step B has an EB content greater than the EB content of the second fraction (B3) derived from the first column (B_C3) used in step B.3. Process according to claim 2 , in which the EB content of the first fraction is at least 1.0% greater than that of the second fraction.4. Process according to claim 1 , in which the distillation column used in step B comprises between 30 and 80 theoretical plates.5. Process according to claim 1 , in ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002373A1

A method of producing hexene, comprising: passing a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons and water through a distillation column; wherein the feed stream comprises greater than or equal to 0.1 wt. % water; distributing a light fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons and water to a top portion of the distillation column; distributing a heavy fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a bottom portion of the distillation column; and withdrawing a top product comprising hexene from the distillation column. 1. A method of producing hexene , comprising:{'sub': 1', '24, 'passing a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons and water through a distillation column;'}wherein the feed stream comprises greater than or equal to 0.1 wt. % water;{'sub': 4', '6, 'distributing a light fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons and water to a top portion of the distillation column;'}{'sub': 8', '12, 'distributing a heavy fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a bottom portion of the distillation column; and'}withdrawing a top product comprising hexene from the distillation column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises Cto Chydrocarbons.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises ethylene claim 1 , ethane claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , butene claim 1 , hexene claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , octene claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distillation column is a packed bed distillation column.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises 0.1 wt. % to 0.4 wt. % water.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water composition in the feed stream is greater than or equal to 0.2 wt. %.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a temperature within the distillation column is 85° C. to 200° C.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a pressure within the column is 0.4 MegaPascals to 0.45 MegaPascals.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the light fraction comprises butene.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005550A1

The present invention provides a paraffin mixture that is suitable for use as cosmetics and cleansing oil for skin and hair and has excellent volatility. The paraffin mixture according to the present invention is a mixture that contains isoparaffin having a carbon number of 12 to 16, and the mixture has a boiling point range of 185° C. to 215° C. and has the content of 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane at less than 10 mass %. 1. A paraffin mixture comprising isoparaffin with a carbon number of 12 to 16 , wherein the paraffin mixture has a boiling point range of 185° C. to 215° C. and has the content of 2 ,2 ,4 ,6 ,6-pentamethylheptane at less than 10 mass %.2. A method of producing the paraffin mixture of claim 1 , comprising the following steps 1 to 4 of:Step 1) providing a polybutene mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less by removing an unreacted component and a polymer having a carbon number of 20 or more from a polymerization reaction system of isobutylene and normal butene;Step 2) providing a paraffin mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less by hydrogenating the polybutene mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less that is provided in step 1;Step 3) treating the paraffin mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less that is obtained in step 2 with an adsorbent so as to have an iron content of 10 ppm or less; andStep 4) distilling the paraffin mixture having a carbon number of 16 or less that is treated with an adsorbent in step 3 by 15 mass % or more with respect to a charged quantity by vacuum distillation. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a paraffin mixture that is suitable for use as cosmetics or cleansing oil for skin and hair and has excellent volatility, and a method of producing the same.2. Description of the Related ArtAs hydrocarbons that have been conventionally used as volatile oils, hydrocarbons having a carbon number of 6 to 12 are known, including n-hexane, isohexane, cyclohexane, n-octane, isooctane, n-nonane, n- ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005561A1

An adsorption process using a fractionation column including a drying section is described. The drying section dries the desorbent and removes water from the adsorption process resulting in increased capacity for the adsorbent bed. 1. A process for the separation of a desired normal paraffin from a feed mixture comprising at least the desired normal paraffin and a non-normal paraffin comprising:passing a feed stream comprising the feed mixture through a first bed of adsorbent comprising a shape selective adsorbent and located in an adsorbent chamber which contains a plurality of compartmentalized beds of the adsorbent separated by transfer points for streams used in the process, which adsorbent selectively retains the desired normal paraffin,passing a desorbent stream into the adsorbent chamber;withdrawing an extract stream comprising the desorbent and the desired normal paraffin from the adsorbent chamber;withdrawing a raffinate stream comprising the desorbent and the non-normal paraffin from the adsorbent chamber;periodically incrementing the transfer points in the adsorbent chamber of the feed, desorbent, extract and raffinate streams to simulate countercurrent movement of the beds of adsorbent and the feed stream;separating the desired normal paraffin from the desorbent in an extract column having a separation section comprising a rectifying section and a stripping section;separating the non-normal paraffin from the desorbent in a raffinate column having a separation section comprising a rectifying section and a stripping section;passing the desorbent through a column drying section to remove water from the desorbent, the column drying section comprising a plurality of drying trays, the column drying section positioned above the rectifying section in the raffinate column, the extract column, or both; andrecovering the desired normal paraffin.2. The process of further comprising recycling the dried desorbent to the adsorbent chamber.3. The process of wherein the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005562A1

An exemplary embodiment can be a process for removing one or more sulfur compounds in a gas hydrocarbon stream. The process may include feeding the gas hydrocarbon stream to a prewash zone containing an alkali stream and passing the gas hydrocarbon stream from the prewash zone to an extraction zone. Usually, the gas hydrocarbon stream includes one or more sulfur compounds and the prewash zone includes a hollow fiber membrane. 1. A process for removing one or more sulfur compounds in a gas hydrocarbon stream , comprising:A) feeding the gas hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more sulfur compounds to a prewash zone containing an alkali stream wherein the prewash zone comprises a hollow fiber membrane; andB) passing the gas hydrocarbon stream from the prewash zone to an extraction zone.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the alkali stream comprises at least one of an ammonia claim 1 , a potassium hydroxide and a sodium hydroxide.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow fiber membrane comprises at least one of a ceramic claim 1 , cellulose acetate claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polysulfone claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , and polytetrafluoroethylene.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow fiber membrane comprises at least one tube and a shell.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the gas hydrocarbon stream is provided to the at least one tube.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the at least one tube comprises multiple tubes.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gas hydrocarbon stream comprises one or more C4hydrocarbons.8. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the gas hydrocarbon stream upstream of the prewash zone is operated at a temperature of about 30 - about 50° C. claim 1 , and a pressure of about 400 - about 1 claim 1 ,900 KPa.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the extraction zone comprises a vessel claim 1 , in turn comprising a plurality of trays.10. A process for removing ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017436A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

Systems and methods for separating a mixture of olefinic and paraffinic Ccomponents are disclosed. The systems and methods include adsorptive equipment and adsorptive processes for separating components from the mixture. 1. A method of recovering olefins from a Chydrocarbon mixture , the method comprising:{'sub': '4', 'fractionating the Chydrocarbon mixture in a first separation section to form (1) a first olefin stream comprising primarily 1-butene and isobutene collectively and (2) a first byproduct stream that comprises primarily cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene collectively; and'}separating the first olefin stream to form an isobutene stream comprising primarily isobutene and a 1-butene stream comprising primarily 1-butene via a second separation section, wherein the second separation section is adapted to separate hydrocarbon streams by adsorption.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first separation section comprises a first distillation column.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first olefin stream further comprises isobutane and the first byproduct stream further comprises n-butane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second separation section comprises one or more adsorber unit(s).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second separation section separates the first olefin stream into (a) a second olefin stream comprising primarily isobutene and 1-butene collectively and (b) an isobutane stream comprising primarily isobutane.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:separating the second olefin stream into the isobutene stream comprising primarily isobutene and the 1-butene stream comprising primarily 1-butene.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the separating of the second olefin stream is carried out by a molecular sieve unit.8. The method claim 1 , wherein the second separation section separates the first olefin stream into (a) a second olefin stream comprising primarily isobutene and isobutane collectively and (b) a 1-butene stream comprising ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008735A1

A process for washing hydrocarbons said process comprising: (I) distilling a crude acetone mixture preferably obtained from the cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide and containing hydrocarbons and water so as to form a bottoms fraction containing said hydrocarbons in an organic phase and an aqueous phase; (II) contacting at least a part of said bottoms fraction with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 0.1 to 5 wt % MOH, where M is an alkali metal, in the aqueous phase; (III) separating the aqueous phase and the organic phase; (IV) contacting at least a part the organic phase from step (III) with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 6 to 20 wt % MOH in the aqueous phase; (V) separating the organic phase and aqueous phase formed in step (IV); (VI) washing at least a part of the organic phase of step (V) with water. 1. A process comprising:(I) distilling a crude acetone mixture containing hydrocarbons and water so as to form a bottoms fraction containing said hydrocarbons in an organic phase and an aqueous phase;(II) contacting at least a part of said bottoms fraction with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 0.1 to 5 wt % MOH, where M is an alkali metal, in the aqueous phase;(III) separating the aqueous phase and the organic phase;(IV) contacting at least a part the organic phase from step (III) with an aqueous metal hydroxide solution so as to provide a concentration of 6 to 20 wt % MOH, where M is an alkali metal, in the aqueous phase;(V) separating the organic phase and aqueous phase formed in step (IV);(VI) washing at least a part of the organic phase of step (V) with water.2. A process as claimed in wherein the hydrocarbons comprise cumene and alpha methyl styrene (AMS).3. A process as claimed in said process comprising:(I) distilling a crude acetone mixture obtained from the cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide and containing hydrocarbons and water so as to form a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for producing alpha-olefin low polymer

Номер: US20180009728A1
Автор: Hiroki Emoto
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Chemical Corp

An object of the present invention is to provide a method for suppressing the precipitation of polymers with a high concentration dissolved in a solvent in the operation termination step and suppressing the blockage of the apparatus by the polymers even when the polymers with a high concentration are precipitated, and the invention relates to a method for producing an α-olefin low polymer comprising a production operation step and an operation termination step, wherein the supply position of a supply liquid to a distillation column in the operation termination step is changed to a position lower than the supply position of a supply liquid to the distillation column in the production operation step.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Xylene separation process

Номер: US20180009729A1

A process is described for separating paraxylene from a multicomponent fluid mixture of C8 aromatics. A mixture of C8 aromatics is fed to a simulated moving-bed adsorptive apparatus. The location of the feed to the apparatus is moved at set intervals. The rate of flow of feed to the apparatus is varied during each interval to enhance the separation of paraxylene from the multicomponent mixture.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Linear Alpha Olefin Processes

Номер: US20210009486A1

The present disclosure provides assemblies for producing linear alpha olefins and methods for producing linear alpha olefins. In at least one embodiment, a method for producing a linear alpha olefin includes oligomerizing an olefin in the presence of a catalyst and a process solvent in at least one reactor, quenching the reactor effluent, and subjecting the quenched effluent to separation steps to obtain a stream enriched in one or more linear alpha olefins. 1. A method for forming one or more linear alpha olefins , the method comprising the steps of:(a) providing a feed comprising an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a reaction zone including at least one reactor under oligomerization conditions to obtain a reactor effluent produced in the at least one reactor;(b) contacting at least a portion of the reactor effluent with a quench agent to obtain a quenched effluent;(c) separating at least a portion of the quenched effluent to obtain a vapor effluent and a liquid effluent;(d) separating at least a portion of the liquid effluent to obtain at least one aqueous phase enriched in catalyst and quench agent and an organic phase depleted in catalyst and quench agent;(e) separating at least a portion of the organic phase to obtain a stream enriched in one or more linear alpha olefins.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the feed comprises <25 ppb water by weight.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (a) comprises:providing the feed to a first tubular reactor under oligomerization conditions to obtain a first effluent; andtransferring the first effluent to a second tubular reactor under oligomerization conditions to obtain the reactor effluent.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising providing steam to a first steam jacket disposed around the first tubular reactor and providing steam to a second team jacket disposed around the second tubular reactor claim 3 ,optionally further comprising controlling the pressure of steam in the first steam jacket pressure ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010099A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

A method for recovery of a product fraction from a mixture comprising an impurity and linear alpha olefins, the method comprising: introducing the mixture into a distillation column, wherein an overhead stream is separated from a bottom stream, wherein the overhead stream comprises a Cn product, a Cn+x product, and an impurity, wherein n is an integer from 4 to 30, wherein x is an integer from 0 to 26; directing the overhead stream into a fractionation column; and separating a Cn product fraction and a Cn+x product fraction in the fractionation column, wherein the Cn+x product fraction comprises at least a portion of the impurity, wherein, when an amount of the impurity is greater than 1 part per million in the Cn+x product fraction, at least a portion of the collected Cn+x product fraction is recycled to the distillation column. 1. A method for recovery of a product fraction from a mixture comprising an impurity and linear alpha olefins , the method comprising:introducing the mixture into a distillation column, wherein an overhead stream is separated from a bottom stream, wherein the overhead stream comprises a Cn product, a Cn+x product, and an impurity, wherein n is an integer from 4 to 30, wherein x is an integer from 0 to 26;directing the overhead stream into a fractionation column; andseparating a Cn product fraction and a Cn+x product fraction in the fractionation column, wherein the Cn+x product fraction comprises at least a portion of the impurity,wherein, when an amount of the impurity is greater than 1 part per million in the Cn+x product fraction, at least a portion of the collected Cn+x product fraction is recycled to the distillation column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the impurity comprises toluene claim 1 , benzene claim 1 , p-xylene claim 1 , m-xylene claim 1 , ethyl benzene claim 1 , paraffins claim 1 , naphthenes claim 1 , cyclo-paraffins or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein n equals 4 ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010100A1

A method of producing hexene includes: passing a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons through a distillation column, wherein the feed stream comprises greater than or equal to 1 wt. % octene; distributing a light fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a top portion of the distillation column; distributing a heavy fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a bottom portion of the distillation column; and withdrawing a top product comprising hexene from the distillation column. 1. A method of producing hexene , comprising:{'sub': 1', '24, 'passing a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons through a distillation column, wherein the feed stream comprises greater than or equal to 1 wt. % octene;'}{'sub': 4', '6, 'distributing a light fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a top portion of the distillation column;'}{'sub': 8', '12, 'distributing a heavy fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a bottom portion of the distillation column; and'}withdrawing a top product comprising hexene from the distillation column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises Cto Chydrocarbons.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises ethylene claim 1 , ethane claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , butene claim 1 , hexene claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , octene claim 1 , water claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distillation column is a packed bed distillation column.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises 1 wt. % to 5 wt. % octene.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein octene composition in the feed stream is greater than or equal to 3 wt. %.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the octene composition in the feed stream is less than or equal to 4 wt. %.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a temperature within the distillation column is 85° C. to 200° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a pressure within the distillation column is 0.4 MegaPascals to 0.45 MegaPascals.10. The method of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010101A1

A method of producing hexene includes: passing a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons through a distillation column, wherein a reflux ratio of the distillation column is greater than or equal to 1.33; distributing a light fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a top portion of the distillation column; distributing a heavy fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a bottom portion of the distillation column; and withdrawing a top product comprising hexene from the distillation column. 1. A method of producing hexene , comprising:{'sub': 1', '24, 'passing a feed stream comprising Cto Chydrocarbons through a distillation column, wherein a reflux ratio of the distillation column is greater than or equal to 1.33;'}{'sub': 4', '6, 'distributing a light fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a top portion of the distillation column;'}{'sub': 8', '12, 'distributing a heavy fraction comprising C-Chydrocarbons to a bottom portion of the distillation column; and'}withdrawing a top product comprising hexene from the distillation column.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises Cto Chydrocarbons.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises ethylene claim 1 , ethane claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , butene claim 1 , hexene claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , octene claim 1 , water claim 1 , or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distillation column is a packed bed distillation column.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reflux ratio of the distillation column is greater than or equal to 1.35.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the reflux ratio of the distillation column is greater than or equal to 1.36.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the reflux ratio of the distillation column is 1.35 to 1.40.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein a temperature within the distillation column is 85° C. to 200° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein a pressure within the distillation column is 0.4 MegaPascals to 0.45 ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033323A1

The present disclosure relates to a process for preparing linear alkyl benzne (LAB). The process comprises alkylation of benzene with an alkylating agent in the presence of an ionic liquid to obtain a first product mixture comprising a first organic phase and a first aqueous phase comprising first partially spent ionic liquid. The first organic phase is deacidified and fractionally distilled to obtain a fraction comprising LAB and a fraction comprising HAB. The fraction comprising HAB is transalkylated with benzene in the presence of the ionic liquid to obtain a second product mixture comprising a second organic phase comprising LAB and a second aqueous phase comprising second partially spent ionic liquid. The partially spent ionic liquids are regenerated, and reused in the steps of alkylation or transalkylation for at least 6 cycles. 1. A process for preparing linear alkyl benzene by alkylation of benzene , said process comprising the following steps:a) alkylating benzene with an alkylating agent in the presence of an ionic liquid to obtain a first product mixture;b) allowing the first product mixture to settle to obtain a first biphasic mixture comprising a first organic phase and a first aqueous phase, wherein the first organic phase comprises linear alkyl benzene (LAB), heavier alkyl benzene (HAB) and unreacted benzene, and the first aqueous phase comprises first partially spent ionic liquid;c) deacidifying the first organic phase to obtain a deacidified first organic phase;d) fractionally distlling the deacidified first organic phase to obtain a fraction comprising unreacted benzene, a fraction comprising LAB and a fraction comprising HAB;e) transalkylating the fraction comprising HAB with benzene in the presence of the ionic liquid at a temperature in the range of 70° C. to 120° C. to obtain a second product mixture;f) allowing the second product mixture to settle to obtain a second biphasic mixture comprising a second organic phase and a second aqueous phase; ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Process for the Separation of Linear Alpha-Olefins Using a Dividing Wall Column

Номер: US20220033327A1

Many linear alpha olefin (LAO) syntheses form a range of LAO products when oligomerizing ethylene in the presence of a Ziegler-type catalyst. The range of products typically requires a plurality of distillation columns to separate the LAO products up to a desired carbon count, but such approaches may be energy- and capital-intensive. LAO product separation using at least one dividing wall column may lessen these burdens. Methods for separating LAOs may comprise: providing a pre-processed product stream comprising Cg+ linear alpha olefins (LAOS) to a first of a series of distillation columns, at least one member of the series of distillation columns comprising a dividing wall column; and separating an overhead stream comprising a first LAO from the dividing wall column and one or more side streams from the dividing wall column, each side stream comprising a different LAO that also differs from the first LAO. 1. A method comprising:{'sub': '8+', 'providing a pre-processed product stream comprising C linear alpha olefins (LAOS) to a first of a series of distillation columns, at least one member of the series of distillation columns comprising a dividing wall column; and'}separating an overhead stream comprising a first LAO from the dividing wall column and one or more side streams from the dividing wall column, each side stream comprising a different LAO that also differs from the first LAO.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:{'sub': '6+', 'providing a light olefin-depleted product stream comprising C LAOs and a solvent to a first distillation column upstream from the series of distillation columns; and'}{'sub': 6', '8+, 'separating CLAOs as an overhead stream from the first distillation column and C LAOs as a bottoms stream from the first distillation column, the bottoms stream being provided as the pre-processed product stream to the series of distillation columns.'}3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:separating the solvent as a side stream from ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016650A1

The invention relates to a method for producing butadiene from n-butenes having the steps: 110.-. (canceled)11. A method for producing butadiene from n-butenes having the steps:A) providing a feed gas stream a comprising n-butenes;B) feeding the feed gas stream a comprising n-butenes and an oxygen-comprising gas into at least one oxidative dehydrogenation zone and oxidatively dehydrogenating n-butenes to butadiene, wherein a product gas stream b comprising butadiene, unreacted n-butenes, steam, oxygen, low-boiling hydrocarbons, high-boiling minor components, optionally carbon oxides and optionally inert gases is obtained;Ca) cooling the product gas stream b by contacting it with a refrigerant and condensing at least a part of the high-boiling minor components;Cb) compressing the remaining product gas stream b in at least one compression stage, wherein at least one aqueous condensate stream c1 and a gas stream c2 comprising butadiene, n-butenes, steam, oxygen, low-boiling hydrocarbons, possibly carbon oxides and possibly inert gases are obtained;{'sub': 4', '4, 'Da) separating off non-condensable and low-boiling gas components comprising oxygen, low-boiling hydrocarbons, possibly carbon oxides and possibly inert gases as gas stream d2 from the gas stream c2 by absorbing the Chydrocarbon-comprising butadiene and n-butenes in an absorbent, wherein an absorbent stream loaded with Chydrocarbons and the gas stream d2 are obtained, and'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'Db) subsequent desorption of the Chydrocarbons from the loaded absorbent stream in a desorption column, wherein a Cproduct gas stream d1 is obtained,'}wherein a polymerization inhibitor is added in step Db) at the column head of the desorption column.12. The method according to further comprising:{'sub': '4', 'E) separating the Cproduct stream d1 by extractive distillation using a solvent selective for butadiene into a material stream e1 comprising butadiene and the selective solvent, and a material stream e2 comprising n- ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023965A1

An apparatus for recycling propylene includes a first propylene recovery column, a flash tank, a second propylene recovery column, and a depropanizing column. The apparatus can effectively solve the problem of high power consumption in the prior art, and can be used for the industrial manufacturing of propylene recovery from a propylene oxide apparatus. A process for recycling and refining propylene also is described. 1. A process for recycling and refining propylene , comprising the steps of:step 1: feeding a stream containing propylene, cumene, α,α-dimethyl-benzyl alcohol, propane, and propylene oxide, which is obtained from an epoxidation reaction, to a first propylene recovery column, then obtaining a first light component stream containing non-condensable gas from a top of the first propylene recovery column, a first heavy component stream containing propylene, cumene, α,α-dimethyl-benzyl alcohol, and propylene oxide from a bottom thereof, and a side-draw stream containing propylene from an intermediate section thereof, and subsequently dividing the side-draw stream into a first side-draw stream and a second side-draw stream;step 2: feeding the first side-draw stream to a depropanizing column, and obtaining a second light component stream from a top of the depropanizing column and a second heavy component stream containing propane from a bottom thereof;step 3: performing an adiabatic flash separation on the first heavy component stream, and obtaining a third light component stream containing propylene, cumene, and propylene oxide, and a third heavy component stream containing α,α-dimethyl-benzyl alcohol, cumene, and propylene oxide; andstep 4: feeding the third light component stream and the third heavy component stream to a second propylene recovery column, the position through which the third heavy component is fed to the second propylene recovery column being higher than the position through which the third light component stream is fed thereto; then feeding ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041527A1

A process for treating effluent streams in a naphtha complex is described. One or more of the sour water stripping unit for the NHT sour water from the NHT, the amine treatment unit and the caustic treatment unit for the NHT stripper off-gas, the caustic scrubber unit or other chloride treatment unit for the off-gas from the C-Cisomerization zone and the Cisomerization zone, and the caustic scrubber unit or other chloride treatment unit for the regenerator off-gas are replaced with a thermal oxidation system. 1. A process for treating off-gas and water effluent streams in a naphtha complex comprising:{'sub': 5', '6', '5', '6', '4', '4, 'claim-text': [{'sub': 5', '6', '4', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'thermally oxidizing the at least one of the NHT stripper off-gas stream, the C-Cisomerization stabilizer off-gas stream, the regenerator off-gas stream, the Cisomerization stabilizer off-gas stream, and the NHT sour water stream in a thermal oxidizing section forming flue gas consisting essentially of at least one of HO, CO, N, O, SOx, NOx, HCl, Cl, dioxins, and furans;'}, 'optionally recovering waste heat from the flue gas in a waste heat recovery section;', {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'claim-text': quenching the flue gas in a quench section to form quenched flue gas after recovering the waste heat; and', {'sub': 3', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '2', '3', '2', '3', '4', '2', '4', '4, 'contacting a caustic solution or an NHbased solution with the quenched flue gas in scrubbing section to form the de-SOx outlet flue gas and a liquid stream comprising at least one of HO, NaSO, NaSO, NaHSO, NaCO, NaCl, (NH)SO, and NHCl;'}, 'or', {'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '3', '2', '4', '3', '2', '4', '3', '3', '2', '2', '3', '4', '3', '2', '2', '3', '3', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '2, 'reacting the flue gas with a reactant in an SOx reaction section to form a reaction section flue gas consisting essentially of at least one of HO, CO, N, O, NaCl, NaCO, NaSO, NaNO, CaCl, CaSO, CaCO, Ca( ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041528A1
Автор: Reyneke Rian
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown & Root LLC.

In a propane dehydrogenation (PDH) process, the purpose of the deethanizer and chilling train systems is to separate the cracked gas into a methane-rich tail gas product, a C2, and a C3 process stream. By the use of staged cooling, process-to-process inter-change against propane feed to the reactor and use of high efficiency heat exchangers and distributed distillation techniques, refrigeration power requirements are reduced and a simple and reliable design is provided by the process described herein. 1. A system for recovering propylene from a propane dehydrogenation (PDH) process comprising a PDH Reactor , the system comprising:a Process Gas Dryer configured to feed dried process gas to a First Deethanizer Feed Chiller and chill it against propane;a First Deethanizer Feed Drum configured to receive the dried process gas from the First Deethanizer Feed Chiller;a Deethanizer configured to receive liquid from the First Deethanizer Feed Drum;a Process Gas Compressor (PGC) configured to receive overhead vapors from the First Deethanizer Feed Drum;a Second Deethanizer Feed Chiller configured to cool discharge from the PGC against propane;a Third Deethanizer Feed Chiller configured to cool discharge from the PGC with propylene refrigerant;a Second Deethanizer Feed Drum configured to receive discharge from the Third Deethanizer Feed Chiller and to send feed liquid to the Deethanizer;a Cold Box configured to receive, chill, and partially condense vapor from the Second Deethanizer Feed Drum;a First Cold Drum configured to separate process effluent from the Cold Box into vapor and liquid phases and recycling vaporized liquid to a first stage of the PGC;an overhead Deethanizer Condenser configured to partially condense overhead vapor against Propylene refrigerant;a Deethanizer Reflux Drum configured to separate process effluent from the overhead Deethanizer Condenser into vapor and liquid, sending a vapor phase to the Cold Box;a line directing the liquid from the Deethanizer ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025292A1

The invention describes a method for separating hydrocarbons in an installation for generating hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon-containing charge by cleavage. The product gas of the cleavage, which contains gaseous hydrocarbons, is compressed, dried, and supplied as charge material into a separation stage (a front end C3/C4 separation). The front end C3/C4 separation comprises a C4 absorber and a depropanizer. A hydrocarbon fraction consisting of hydrocarbons having a maximum of 3 carbon atoms is obtained as a gaseous overhead product of the C4 absorber. A liquid hydrocarbon fraction consisting of hydrocarbons having at least 4 carbon atoms is obtained as a bottom product of the depropanizer. The front end C3/C4 separation comprises an additional process technological C2/C4 separation stage is arranged between the C4 absorber and the depropanizer. 1. A method for separating hydrocarbons in a facility for generating hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbonaceous feed by cleavage{'b': 1', '2', '5', '5, 'i': a', 'a', 'b, 'wherein the product gas of the cleavage which is formed as raw gas () and contains gaseous hydrocarbons is compressed () and dried (, ),'}and is conducted as feedstock into a separation stage (hereinafter: front end C3/C4 separation){'b': 1', '15', '17, 'in which the raw gas () is separated into a hydrocarbon fraction of hydrocarbons having a maximum of 3 carbon atoms () and a hydrocarbon fraction of hydrocarbons having at least 4 carbon atoms (),'}{'b': 6', '8, 'wherein the front end C3/C4 separation comprises in terms of the process a C4 absorber () and a depropanizer (),'}{'b': 15', '6, 'wherein a hydrocarbon fraction of hydrocarbons having a maximum of 3 carbon atoms is obtained as a gaseous overhead product () of the C4 absorber (),'}{'b': 17', '8, 'and wherein a liquid hydrocarbon fraction of hydrocarbons having at least 4 carbon atoms is obtained as a bottom product () of the depropanizer (), characterized in that'}{'b': '7', 'the front end C3/C4 ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Process for Removing Light Components from an Ethylene Stream

Номер: US20190024971A1

A process for removing light components from an ethylene stream may include providing a dried ethylene stream containing ethylene, ethane, CO, CO, H, CH, and C hydrocarbons. The process may include sending the dried ethylene stream to a stripper to produce an overhead stream containing ethylene, CO, Hand CH, and a bottom stream containing ethylene, ethane, CO, and C hydrocarbons. The gaseous phase on top of the stripper may be condensed in a heat exchanger cooled by a refrigerant stream to get a first gaseous phase and a first liquid phase. The first gaseous phase may be condensed in a heat exchanger cooled by liquid ethane or liquid ethylene to get a second gaseous phase containing ethylene CO, Hand CHand a second liquid phase. The first and second liquid phases may be the reflux of the stripper. 119-. (canceled)20. A process for removing light components from an ethylene stream comprising:{'sub': 2', '2', '4', '3+, 'a) providing a dried ethylene stream (A) comprising ethylene, ethane, CO, CO, H, CH, C hydrocarbons and optionally oxygenates;'} [{'sub': 2', '4, 'an overhead gaseous stream (B) comprising ethylene, CO, Hand CH; and'}, {'sub': 2', '3+, 'a bottom stream (C) comprising ethylene, ethane, CO, C hydrocarbons and optionally oxygenates;'}], 'b) separating from said dried ethylene stream (A) in a separation mean that is a demethanizer or a stripper to formc) cooling the overhead gaseous stream (B) to a temperature ranging from −10° C. to −45° C. to get a first gaseous stream (D) and a first liquid stream (E);{'sub': 2', '4, 'd) cooling the first gaseous stream (D) to a temperature ranging from −10° C. to −45° C. lower than the temperature of step c) to get a second gaseous stream (F) comprising ethylene CO, Hand CHand a second liquid stream (G); and'}e) sending the first and second liquid streams (E) and (G) to the separation mean as a reflux.21. The process according to claim 20 , wherein the cooling of step c) is performed with a refrigerant stream that ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024441A1

The present description relates to heptane obtained from a plant source, wherein the plant source comprises . Uses of said heptane in perfumery, cosmetics and food flavoring are also described. 1Commiphora wildiiCommiphora wildii. A heptane composition obtained from a plant source , wherein the plant source comprises , and wherein the heptane composition is prepared by a process of extraction comprising hydrodistilling or steam distilling a resin of to obtain an essential oil.2. (canceled)3. The heptane composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises physically purifying the essential oil.4. The heptane composition as claimed in claim 3 , wherein physically purifying comprises distilling by fractional distillation or by molecular distillation.5. The heptane composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a content of linear isomer n-heptane is above 99.0%.6. The heptane composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the essential oil is obtained in an amount of about 5.5% based on a fresh weight of resin.7. The heptane composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises collecting resin from plants of a cultivated type or wild type.8. The heptane composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the process further comprises collecting resin from a whole plant.9. A method of using the heptane composition as claimed in claim 1 , the method comprising extracting one or more natural products with a solvent comprising the heptane composition.10mimosa. The method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the natural product comprises rose claim 9 , jasmine claim 9 , lily claim 9 , violet claim 9 , claim 9 , tuberose or any other plant useful in perfumery claim 9 , cosmetics and food flavoring.11. (canceled) The present description relates to heptane obtained from a plant source, for example by a process of extraction including distilling a resin from a plant source. The present description also relates to methods of using the heptane in perfumery ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024843A1

A method of producing a fuel additive includes passing a feed stream comprising C hydrocarbons through a hydrogenation unit producing a hydrogenated stream; passing the hydrogenated stream through a distillation unit producing a first stream and a second stream; producing an isobutylene stream by passing the first stream through a molecular sieve unit; passing the isobutylene stream to a hydration unit as a feedstock for the fuel additive; and forming the fuel additive in the hydration unit. 1. A method of producing a fuel additive , comprising:passing a feed stream comprising C4 hydrocarbons through a hydrogenation unit producing a hydrogenated stream;passing the hydrogenated stream through a distillation unit producing a first stream and a second stream;producing an isobutylene stream by passing the first stream through a molecular sieve unit;passing the isobutylene stream to a hydration unit as a feedstock for the fuel additive; andforming the fuel additive in the hydration unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the feed stream comprises at least one of propylene claim 1 , ethyl acetylene claim 1 , vinyl acetylene claim 1 , propadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,2-butadiene claim 1 , isobutylene claim 1 , cis-2-butene claim 1 , trans-2-butene claim 1 , 1-butene claim 1 , isobutane claim 1 , n-butane claim 1 , or propene.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first stream comprises isobutane and isobutylene.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second stream comprises 1-butene and 2-butene.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein greater than or equal to 85% by weight of any butadiene present in the feed stream is converted to 1-butene and/or 2-butene within the hydrogenation unit.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising passing a water stream through the hydration unit.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding tertiary butyl catechol and/or hydrogen to the feed stream prior to passing through the hydrogenation unit.8. The ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Process and Device for Removing Water and/or Oxygen from Organic Liquid

Номер: US20170028312A1

A process and a device for removing water and/or oxygen from a crude organic liquid stream using a distillation column with heat input and dry nitrogen stream. A side effluent stream comprising water at a high concentration is drawn from the distillation column. An optional settling drum can be used to separate the aqueous phase from the organic phase in the side effluent stream can be used. The invention can be advantageously used for purifying a crude organic liquid stream comprising one or more of benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, cumene, cyclohexane, cyclohexene, cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, and the like. 1. A process for removing water and/or oxygen from a crude organic liquid stream , the process comprising:(I) feeding the crude organic liquid stream into a distillation column at a first location on a side of the distillation column;(II) feeding a stream of dry nitrogen gas into the distillation column at a second location on the side below the first location;(III) drawing a side effluent stream comprising water at a concentration higher than in the crude organic liquid stream at a third location on the side between the first location and the second location;(IV) drawing a gas effluent stream comprising nitrogen, oxygen, and organic vapor from a fourth location in the vicinity of the top of the distillation column;(V) providing heat to the liquid in the distillation column at a fifth location in the vicinity of the bottom of the distillation column; and(VI) drawing a purified organic liquid stream comprising at least one of water and oxygen at a concentration lower than in the crude organic liquid stream from a sixth location in the vicinity of the bottom of the distillation column.2. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:(VII) introducing at least a portion of the side effluent stream into a settling vessel;(VIII) obtaining an upper organic phase and a lower aqueous phase in the settling vessel; and(IX) recycling at least a portion of the organic ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114110A1
Автор: Mak John

Gas processing plants and methods are contemplated in COis effectively removed to very low levels from a feed gas to an NRU unit by adding a physical solvent unit that uses waste nitrogen produced by the NRU as stripping gas to produce an ultra-lean solvent, which is then used to treat the feed gas to the NRU unit. Most preferably, the physical solvent unit includes a flash unit and stripper column to produce the ultra-lean solvent. 1. A gas treatment plant for treatment of a feed gas that includes COand N , comprising:{'sub': 2', '2, 'a primary COremoval unit configured to receive a feed gas from a feed gas source, and further configured to remove from the feed gas COto a first concentration to so form a treated feed gas;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'a secondary COremoval unit fluidly coupled to the primary COremoval unit and configured to receive the treated feed gas, and further configured to use an ultra-lean solvent in an absorber to produce a CO-loaded solvent and a CO-depleted feed gas having residual COat a second concentration; and'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'a nitrogen rejection unit configured to remove Nfrom the CO-depleted feed gas and to produce a Nwaste stream and a pipeline gas;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'wherein the secondary COremoval unit comprises a flash unit and a stripping column fluidly coupled to the absorber, wherein the flash unit is configured to flash the CO-loaded solvent and to produce a flashed solvent, and wherein the stripping column is configured to use the Nwaste stream as a stripping gas for the flashed solvent to thereby produce the ultra-lean solvent.'}2. The plant of wherein the feed gas source is a hydrocarbon production well and wherein the feed gas has a Nconcentration of at least 10 mol % and a COconcentration of at least 2 mol %.3. The plant of wherein the feed gas source is a hydrocarbon production well and wherein the feed gas a pressure of at least 1000 psig.4. The plant of wherein the primary COremoval unit comprises an ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Recovery of monomers

Номер: US20140114111A1

The invention relates to a process for the recovery of one or more monomers from a gas stream ( 1 ), comprising the following stages: within one and the same first extraction column C 1, a) a stage of extraction by bringing the gas stream ( 1 ) into contact, in an extraction column (C 1 ), with an organic extraction solvent ( 2 ), in which the said extraction solvent ( 2 ) absorbs the said monomer or monomers, and b) a stage of stripping or desorption with an inert gas in the extraction column (C 1 ), by feeding, at the bottom of the column (C 1 ) and below the feeding of the gas stream (I) laden with monomers, with a stream of inert gas, preferably molecular nitrogen or a gas stream enriched in molecular nitrogen ( 12 ), a liquid stream ( 3 ) comprising the extraction solvent and the monomer or monomers being recovered at the bottom of the column (C 1 ) and an exiting gas stream ( 4 ) being recovered at the top of the column (C 1 ), then within a second recovery column C 2, c) a stage of recovery of the said monomer or monomers, in which the said monomer or monomers are separated from the extraction solvent by distillation in a recovery column (C 2 ) fed with the liquid stream ( 3 ) recovered at the bottom of the column (C 1 ), a stream comprising concentrated monomer(s) ( 5 ) being recovered at the top of the column (C 2 ) and a liquid stream ( 2 ) comprising the extraction solvent being recovered at the bottom of the column (C 2 ) and then recycled to the top of the column (C 1 ), the monomer or monomers being chosen from dienes, vinylaromatic compounds and isobutene.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150031930A1

The invention relates to a method of isolating cymene comprising the following steps: a) providing a solution comprising cymene and monoterpenes, b) adding sulphuric acid to the solution in a) such that the concentration of sulphuric acid in the solution is at least 0.5% (w/w), such as 1-25% (w/w), c) distilling the solution mixture from step b) such that a target chemical stream enriched in cymene is obtained and separated from a residual stream. 114.-. (canceled)15. A method of isolating cymene comprising:a) providing a solution comprising cymene and monoterpenes,b) adding sulphuric acid to the solution in a) such that the concentration of sulphuric acid in the solution is at least 0.5% (w/w),c) distilling the solution mixture from b) such that a target chemical stream enriched in cymene is obtained and separated from a residual stream.16. The method according to claim 15 , the concentration of sulphuric acid in the solution is 1-25% (w/w).17. The method according to claim 15 , the concentration of sulphuric acid in the solution is 3-25%.18. The method according to claim 15 , wherein at least part of the monoterpenes from step a) react to one of the following selected from diterpenes claim 15 , triterpenes claim 15 , oligoterpenes and polyterpenes in one or both of b) and c).19. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the majority of the terpenes in the residual stream in c) is in the form of one of the following selected from diterpenes claim 15 , triterpenes claim 15 , oligoterpenes and polyterpenes.20. The method according to claim 19 , wherein at least 50% of the terpenes in the residual stream in c) is in the form of one of the following selected from diterpenes claim 19 , triterpenes claim 19 , oligoterpenes and polyterpenes.21. The method according to claim 19 , wherein at least 90% of the terpenes in the residual stream in c) is in the form of one of the following selected from diterpenes claim 19 , triterpenes claim 19 , oligoterpenes and polyterpenes. ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047963A1

A method of decomposing a phenol by-product produced in a phenol preparation process, in which acetophenone separated from a distillation column is mixed with tar separated and collected in a decomposition reactor, thereby significantly decreasing viscosity of tar. The decomposition method according to the present invention allows tar to have sufficient viscosity for flowability even at room temperature, whereby transfer and storage of tar may be more smoothly done without using any heating device for transfer of tar. 1. A phenol by-product decomposition device , comprising:a decomposition reactor for decomposing a phenol by-product produced in a phenol and acetone preparation process;a tar transfer tube for transferring the tar collected from a lower portion of the decomposition reactor to a tar storage device;an effective component collection unit for collecting an effective component from the phenol by-product, wherein the effective component comprises phenol, α-methylstyrene, and cumene; andan acetophenone collection unit for collecting acetophenone from the phenol by-product,wherein the tar transfer tube and the acetophenone collection unit are connected to each other.2. The phenol by-product decomposition device of claim 1 ,wherein the phenol by-product decomposition device further comprises:an upper fraction collection unit provided in an upper portion of the decomposition reactor for collecting an upper fraction containing the effective component and the acetophenone;a distillation column connected to the upper fraction collection unit for separating the acetophenone and the effective component from the upper fraction;an effective component collection unit provided in an upper portion of the distillation column; andan acetophenone collection unit provided in a lower portion of the distillation column and connected to the tar transfer tube.3. The phenol by-product decomposition device of claim 1 ,wherein the decomposition reactor is a reaction distillation ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047964A1
Автор: Noh Hae Yong
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Embodiments disclosed relate to a debutanizer with a dividing wall. The configuration of the debutanizer includes having a feed section, a top section, a bottom section, and a draw-off section. The debutanizer produces a C4s product, a C5s product and a natural gasoline (NG) product from a C4+s feed. The dividing wall is configured such that an upper portion of the dividing wall is positioned off-set from a vertical centerline and a lower portion of the dividing wall is positioned along the vertical centerline of the debutanizer. A process of use of the debutanizer is also disclosed. A natural gas liquids (NGL) system that includes parallel debutanizers, each with a dividing wall, and a process of use of such system, is also disclosed. 1. An apparatus , comprising: where the feed section is configured to receive and to partially fractionate an introduced alkane C4+s stream,', 'where the top section is configured to fractionate top product components from middle product components and to produce an alkane C4s product stream,', 'where the bottom section is configured to fractionate bottom product components from middle product components and to produce a natural gasoline (NG) product stream,', 'where the draw-off section is configured to fractionate middle product components from both top and bottom product components and to produce an alkane C5s product stream, and', 'where the dividing wall is configured such that an upper portion of the dividing wall is positioned off-set from a vertical centerline of the debutanizer and a lower portion of the dividing wall is positioned along the vertical centerline of the debutanizer., 'A debutanizer with a dividing wall having a feed section, a top section, a bottom section, and a draw-off section,'}2. The apparatus of where a rectifier zone in the feed section is configured to process a greater amount of vapor and a reduced amount of liquid flows than a rectifier zone in the draw-off section.3. The apparatus of where a stripper ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048017A1

The present invention pertains to a method for recovering a selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst and a method for reusing the recovered selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst. The method for recovering a selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst comprises: a step for synthesizing cyclododecene by selectively hydrogenating a first reaction solution containing cyclododecatriene, triphenylphosphine, formaldehyde, and ruthenium chloride, wherein a selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst is prepared during the selective hydrogenation reaction from the triphenylphosphine, formaldehyde, and ruthenium chloride to synthesize the cyclododecene; and a step for distilling and separating unreacted cyclododecatriene and cyclododecadiene, as well as the product cyclododecene, from a second reaction solution in which the cyclododecene synthesis has been completed, and recovering the selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst. 1. A method for recovering a selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst , comprising:a step of synthesizing cyclododecene by selectively hydrogenating a first reaction solution containing cyclododecatriene, triphenylphosphine, formaldehyde, and ruthenium chloride, the cyclododecene being synthesized by preparation of a selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst from the triphenylphosphine, the formaldehyde, and the ruthenium chloride during the selective hydrogenation; anda step of distilling and separating unreacted cyclododecatriene and cyclododecadiene, and the cyclododecene that is a product from a second reaction solution in which the cyclododecene synthesis is completed, and recovering the selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the distillation and separation is performed at a temperature of 100 to 200° C. and a pressure of 0.5 bar or less.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recovering of the selective homogeneous hydrogenation catalyst is performed at a temperature of 10 to 30° C. ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Process to Mitigate Unwanted Formation of Popcorn Polymers Using Acoustic Emission Signals

Номер: US20190030454A1

Process to monitor unwanted formation of a polymer, having internal mechanical strain, wherein said formation of polymer generates acoustic emissions due to the sudden break of the polymer, wherein the number of said acoustic emissions increases over time when there is formation of said unwanted polymer formation, wherein said acoustic emissions is detected by a resonant piezo electric transducer having a resonant frequency centred on the second harmonic of said acoustic emission. 114.-. (canceled)15. A process to mitigate the unwanted popcorn formation of a cross-linked polymer having internal mechanical strain comprising the steps of:a) providing an installation in which unwanted popcorn formation of a cross-linked polymer may occur, with at least one resonant piezo electric transducer being attached outside of the installation;b) counting the acoustic emissions generated by the cross-linked polymer formation originating by the sudden break of the polymer with the at least one resonant piezo electric transducer and comparing the number of acoustic emissions counted per unit of time with at least one predefined threshold; andc) intervening on the installation in order to limit the unwanted popcorn formation of a cross-linked polymer when the number of acoustic emissions counted per unit of time of step b) is higher than the at least one predefined threshold;characterized in that the step of counting the acoustic emissions is done by detecting the second harmonic of the acoustic emissions.16. The process according to characterized in that the step b) of counting the acoustic emissions includes monitoring the increase of the number of acoustic emissions counted per unit of time.17. The process according to wherein the resonant frequency claim 15 , V/μbar claim 15 , calibrated with ASTM E976 claim 15 , of the resonant piezo electric transducer is in the range of 140 to 180 kHz.18. The process according to wherein the resonant piezo electric transducer measures the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Phosphorus Modified Molecular Sieves, Their Use In Conversion of Organics to Olefins

Номер: US20150038754A1

A phosphorous modified zeolite (A) can be made by a process that includes selecting a zeolite, steaming the zeolite, leaching the zeolite, separating solids from liquid, and calcining. An olefin product can be made from an oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic feedstock by contacting the feedstock with the phosphorous modified zeolite (A) in an XTO reactor under conditions effective to convert at least a portion of the feedstock to olefin products. The XTO reactor effluent can include light olefins and a heavy hydrocarbon fraction. The light olefins can be separated from the heavy hydrocarbon fraction. The heavy hydrocarbon fraction can be contacted in an OCP reactor at conditions effective to convert at least a portion of the heavy hydrocarbon fraction to light olefins. 143-. (canceled)44. A process comprising:contacting an oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic feedstock in a first reactor with a catalyst under conditions effective to convert the oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic feedstock to a first reactor effluent comprising olefin products, wherein the catalyst comprises a phosphorus modified zeolite having a P content ranging between 0.3 and 7 weight percent.45. The process of claim 44 , wherein the first reactor effluent comprises light olefins and a heavy hydrocarbon fraction and is sent to a first fractionator to separate the light olefins from the heavy hydrocarbon fraction claim 44 , and wherein the heavy hydrocarbon fraction is recycled to the first reactor at conditions effective to convert at least a portion of the heavy hydrocarbon fraction to olefin products.46. The process of claim 44 , wherein the olefin products include ethylene and propylene that are fractionated to form a stream comprising ethylene claim 44 , and wherein at least a part of the stream comprising ethylene is recycled to the first reactor to increase propylene production.47. The ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038755A1

A process and system for the production of at least one xylene isomer is provided. The process includes passing a first stream to one side of a split shell fractionation column and a second stream to the other side of the column. The first stream has a higher ratio of methyl to C2+ alkyl-substituted C9 aromatic compounds than the second stream. A bottoms stream from the one side is separated and passed as feed to a transalkylation zone. 1. A process for producing one or more xylenes , comprising:passing a first stream comprising xylenes and C9 aromatic at a first ratio of methyl- to phenyl-groups to one side of a split shell fractionation column including a vertical baffle separating the one side from another side;passing a second stream comprising xylenes and C9 aromatic compounds at a second lower ratio of methyl- to phenyl-groups than the first ratio to the other side of the split shell fractionation column;separating a common overhead stream from the split shell fractionation column comprising xylenes;separating a first bottoms stream from the one side of the split shell fractionation column; andseparating a second bottoms stream from the other side of the split shell fractionation column.2. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising passing the first bottoms stream as a feed to a transalkylation zone.3. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising recovering at least a portion of the second bottoms stream as a gasoline component.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the first stream comprises at least a portion of a transalkylation zone effluent.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the second stream comprises at least a portion of a reformate stream.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the first stream comprises at least a portion of an isomerization zone effluent.7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the portion of the isomerization zone ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041307A1

Split-shell fractionation columns and associated processes for separating aromatic hydrocarbons are provided herein. In an embodiment, a split-shell fractionation column includes a housing shell having a first height and a partition having a second height and disposed within the housing shell. The partition includes first and second vertically oriented baffles separated by a gap region, a seal plate connecting top ends of the baffles, a first input port formed to extend through the partition for the introduction of a gas into the gap region, and a first output port formed to extend outwardly from a bottom of the gap region and through the housing shell. The partition defines a first distillation zone and a second distillation zone within the housing shell. 1. A process for separating aromatic hydrocarbons , comprising the steps of:introducing a first stream comprising a plurality of aromatic hydrocarbons into a first distillation zone of a split-shell fractionation column;introducing a second stream comprising a plurality of aromatic hydrocarbons into a second distillation zone of the split-shell fractionation column, the first and second distillation zones being defined by a partition within the split-shell fractionation column, the partition having a gap region therein;separating the first stream into a first overhead product and a first bottom product, wherein the first bottom product comprises a first liquid that collects at a bottom portion of the first distillation zone;separating the second stream into a second overhead product and a second bottom product, wherein the second bottom product comprises a second liquid that collects at a bottom portion of the second distillation zone;draining the first liquid, the second liquid, or a combination thereof in the gap region through a first outlet port.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising introducing nitrogen gas into the gap region.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising maintaining the gap region at ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Green Oil Removal From Ethylene Plants

Номер: US20190039974A1
Принадлежит: Janus Technology Solutions, LLC

A method may comprise: feeding a backend deethanizer overhead stream comprising ethylene, ethane, and acetylene to a hydrogenation reactor; hydrogenating at least a portion of the acetylene in the backend deethanizer overhead stream to form a reactor effluent stream comprising ethylene, ethane, and green oil; feeding the reactor effluent stream to a gas/liquid coalescer; and removing at least a portion of the green oil from the reactor effluent stream to produce a cleaned effluent stream. 16.-. (canceled)7. A method comprising: a front steering wheel assembly,', 'a rear wheel assembly,', 'a sensor package,', 'a corrosion package,', 'a tapered spring joint, and', 'a ported housing;, 'running a mud sensing hole finder into a borehole, wherein the mud sensing hole finder is capable of attachment to a wireline logging tool-string, wherein the mud sensing hole finder comprisesdiverting, with the ported housing, mud flow passed the sensor package and the corrosion package while the mud sensing hole finder is moving in a borehole;pulling the mud sensing hole finder from the borehole; andreversing a direction of the mud flow through the ported housing.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the tapered spring joint is pivotable to facilitate lateral movement of the front steering wheel assembly passed obstructions in a borehole.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the mud sensing hole finder further comprises a pressure sealed crossover to a logging vendor's wireline tool-string connection.10. The method of claim 7 , wherein the mud sensing hole finder further comprises a mandrel that holds a common axle and a set of profiled and grooved wheels.11. The method of claim 7 , further comprising acquiring data with a logging package for borehole diagnostics and wireline conveyance optimization.12. The method of claim 7 , further comprising providing corrosion analysis claim 7 , mechanical testing claim 7 , archiving claim 7 , or any combinations thereof.13. The method of claim 7 , ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for decommisioning and regenerating a reactor for the oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butenes

Номер: US20200039901A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE, Linde GmbH

The invention relates to a process for preparing butadiene from n-butenes in n reactors R 1 to Rn operated in parallel, wherein the process in the production phase of a reactor Rm in the n reactors comprises the steps: A) provision of a feed gas stream a 1 m comprising n-butenes; B) feeding of the feed gas stream a 1 m comprising n-butenes, an oxygen-comprising gas stream a 2 m and a substream d 2 m of an oxygen-comprising total recycle gas stream d 2 into the oxidative dehydrogenation zone of the reactor and oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butenes to butadiene, giving a product gas substream bm comprising butadiene; C) combination of the product gas substream bm with further product gas substreams to form a total product gas stream b and cooling and compression of the total product gas stream b and condensation of at least part of the high-boiling secondary components, giving at least one aqueous condensate stream c 1 and a gas stream c 2 comprising butadiene; D) feeding of the gas stream c 2 into an absorption zone and separation of incondensable and low-boiling gas constituents as gas stream d from the gas stream c 2 by absorption of the C 4 -hydrocarbons in an absorption medium, giving an absorption medium stream d 1 loaded with C 4 -hydrocarbons and a recycle gas stream d 2 , and recirculation of a substream d 2 m of the total recycle gas stream d 2 into the reactor Rm, and during the regeneration phase of the reactor Rm further reactors are in the production phase and the regeneration phase of the reactor Rm comprises the steps in the order i) to v): i) reduction of the feed gas stream a 1 m comprising n-butenes and of the oxygen-comprising gas stream a 2 m and the feeding of an inert gas stream a 4 m into the reactor Rm; ii) further reduction of the feed gas stream a 1 m comprising n-butenes down to 0, reduction of the recycle gas substream d 2 m and increase of the inert gas stream a 4 m until the oxygen content in the reactor Rm is from 2 to 3% by volume; ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047247A1
Автор: Mir Nazir

The present invention relates to methods of preparing purified cyclopropylene (1-methylcyclopropylene) gas employing one or more non-reactive purification processes to purify substances including, without limitation, cyclopropene (1-methylcyclopropylene) gas and/or lithio-cyclopropene. 1. A method of preparing a purified cyclopropene gas , comprising:reacting a lithium-based precursor of a cyclopropene gas with water to generate an unpurified 1-methylcyclopropene gas; andproducing a purified 1-methylcyclopropene gas by scrubbing the unpurified 1-methylcyclopropene gas with non-reactive scrubber, wherein the non-reactive scrubber is a polar or non-polar, non-reactive and at least partially removes synthesis and/or reaction contaminants from the generated unpurified 1-methylcyclopropene gas,wherein the purified 1-methylcyclopropene gas has an impurity presence of less than 0.1% for any of the at least one synthesis and/or reaction contaminant impurities.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising synthesizing the lithium-based precursor by reacting an allyl compound with a non-nucleophilic strong base claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the allyl compound claim 1 , including but not limited to an allylic halide claim 1 , to strong base is from 20:1 claim 1 , to 10:1 claim 1 , to 5:1 claim 1 , to 1:1 to 1:2.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium-based precursor can be a lithio-cyclopropene and the ratio of water to the lithio-cyclopropene can range from 20:1 claim 1 , to 15:1 claim 1 , to 10:1 claim 1 , to 1:1 claim 1 , to 1:2.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium-based precursor can be suspended in a mineral oil having a viscosity range from 2 to 350 mm/s at 40° C. claim 1 , or from 3 to 310 mm/s at 40° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-reactive scrubber can be at least one of a polar and/or non-polar claim 1 , non-reactive water and/or solvent-based mixture claim 1 , and the number of each non-reactive scrubber employed can range from 1 to 10 ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140121435A1

The invention relates to the production of olefin oligomers by a method of oligomerization of olefins, and, in particular, to a method of isolating olefin oligomerization products and decomposing the oligomerization catalyst residues. The method of isolating products of an oligomerization reaction of olefins including a terminal double bond, in which the reaction is carried out by the action of a catalyst having chromium compounds, a nitrogen-containing ligand and organoaluminum compounds, includes a step of isolating independent olefin products and a step of treating catalyst residues. Further, the method includes the following sequential steps: 1. A method for isolating products of an oligomerization reaction of olefins comprising a terminal double bond , wherein the reaction is carried out by the action of a catalyst comprising chromium compounds , a nitrogen-containing ligand and organoaluminum compounds , said method comprising a step of isolating individual olefin products and a step of treating catalyst residues , characterized in that the method comprises the following sequential steps:a) isolating at least one liquid product of the oligomerization reaction of olefins from an output stream of an oligomerization reactor;b) treating a residue with an aqueous solution of an acid; andc) separating an organic layer and an aqueous layer.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that any acids having aluminum and chromium salts with the water solubility of not less than 10 g/l are used as the acid.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the catalyst prepared with using SHF-radiation exposure of organoaluminum compounds is used.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the olefin comprising a terminal double bond is ethylene claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , butene-1 or hexene-1.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the olefin comprising a terminal double bond is ethylene.6. The method according to ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170044081A1

The present application relates to an apparatus and method for purifying cumene. The apparatus and method for purifying cumene according to the present application can reduce the amount of energy consumption which occurs during purification processes and can provide an apparatus and method capable of efficiently purifying cumene. 1. An apparatus for purifying cumene comprising:a first dividing wall type distillation column which takes in a stream from an alkylation reaction unit and comprises a first benzene output line through which benzene is discharged and a lower output line through which a benzene/cumene/polyisopropylbenzene stream is discharged;a second dividing wall type distillation column which takes in a stream from a transalkylation reaction unit and the benzene/cumene/polyisopropylbenzene stream discharged through the lower output line of the first dividing wall type distillation column, includes a second benzene output line through which benzene is discharged from an upper portion, and includes a polyisopropylbenzene stream output line through which a polyisopropylbenzene stream is discharged from a lower portion; anda third distillation column which takes in the polyisopropylbenzene stream discharged through the polyisopropylbenzene stream output line of the second dividing wall type distillation column, includes a polyisopropylbenzene output line through which polyisopropylbenzene is discharged from an upper portion, and includes a heavies output line through which heavy materials are discharged from a lower portion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first distillation column further includes an upper output line through which light materials and water are discharged from an upper portion.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first distillation column includes a benzene input line which is positioned at a front end portion and takes in fresh benzene.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second distillation column further includes a ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044265A1

Embodiments of methods and apparatuses for recovery of ethylene from FCC absorber off-gas comprising a heavy cut comprising ethylene, ethane and heavier hydrocarbons and a light cut comprising hydrogen, nitrogen and methane. An exemplary method includes passing the FCC absorber off-gas to an adsorption zone containing an adsorbent selective for the adsorption of the light cut, the adsorption zone adsorbing at least a portion of the light cut and recovering an adsorption zone effluent stream comprising the heavy cut. The adsorption zone effluent is passed to a demethanizer column to provide an overhead stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ethylene and ethane and a net bottoms stream comprising ethylene, ethane and the heavier hydrocarbons. 1. A process for the concentration and recovery of a heavy cut comprising ethylene , ethane and heavier hydrocarbons from a hydrocarbon feed stream comprising a light cut and the heavy cut , the light cut comprising hydrogen , nitrogen and methane , the process comprising the following steps:a) passing the hydrocarbon feed stream to an adsorption zone containing an adsorbent selective for the adsorption of the light cut, the adsorption zone adsorbing at least a portion of the light cut and recovering an adsorption zone effluent stream comprising the heavy cut; andb) passing the adsorption zone effluent to a demethanizer column to provide an overhead stream comprising hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ethylene and ethane and a net bottoms stream comprising ethylene, ethane and the heavier hydrocarbons.2. The process of further comprising recycling the overhead stream to the adsorption zone.3. The process of further comprising sending the net bottoms stream to a Csplitter for recovery of ethylene.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption zone adsorbs at least about 70% of methane present in the light cut.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the adsorption zone adsorbs at least about 80% of each of hydrogen and nitrogen ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044266A1

The present invention relates to a separation method and a separation process system for easily recovering ethanol from an ethanol oligomerization reactant containing unreacted ethanol. A separation method according to the present invention may easily reflux ethylene while reducing or excluding the use of a reflux system which uses an expensive cooling medium, and the like, and thus may improve the economics while increasing separation efficiency. 1. A separation method for recovering ethylene from an ethylene oligomerization reactant , the method comprising:1) cooling the ethylene oligomerization reactant;2) for flashing the cooled reactant to thereby separate the reactant into a first top fraction and a first bottom fraction;3) introducing the first bottom fraction into a distillation column, and recovering a second top fraction from the top of the column and a second bottom fraction from the bottom of the column; and4) condensing the recovered second top fraction,wherein the condensation is performed through a heat exchange between at least a portion of the first bottom fraction and the second top fraction.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene oligomerization reactant of the step 1) has a temperature range of 50° C. to 100° C. and a pressure of at least 60 bar.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cooling is performed using cooling water such that the ethylene oligomerization reactant has a temperature range of 30° C. to 50° C. and a pressure of 55 to 60 bar.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flashing of the step 2) is performed such that the temperature of the first bottom fraction is 5° C. to 50° C. lower than the temperature of the second top fraction.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flashing of the step 2) is performed as thermally insulated flashing such that the first top fraction and the first bottom fraction produced from the cooled reactant have a pressure range of 5 to 20 bar.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first top fraction ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064078A1

Methods and systems for producing high purity methanol and isobutene from crude MTBE feed using multiple divided wall columns are provided. The methods can include purifying the MTBE, dissociating the MTBE to produce isobutene and methanol, purifying the isobutene and recovering/purifying methanol.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064084A1

Systems and methods for producing olefins and/or aromatics are disclosed. Methods disclosed includes aqua-processing hydro-processing of crude oils and/or heavy oils and/or residue, in an aqua-processing hydro-processing unit, to produce intermediate products, which can then be used to make valuable chemicals such as olefins and aromatics.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064086A1

The present invention relates to a device and a process for converting aromatic compounds, wherein: methyl-substituted aromatic compounds are extracted from a hydrocarbon feedstock () comprising aromatic compounds having at least 8 carbon atoms in an extraction unit (), to produce at least one effluent enriched in methyl-substituted aromatic compounds (A, B) and an effluent depleted in methyl-substituted aromatic compounds (); and C2+ alkyl chains of the aromatic compounds of the depleted effluent () are converted into methyl groups in a hydrogenolysis unit () placed downstream of the extraction unit (), to produce a hydrogenolysis effluent enriched in methyl-substituted aromatic compounds ().

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160051670A1
Автор: Hora Maninder

An improved method for preparing squalene from a squalene-containing composition, said method comprising the steps of (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T(b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T>200° C. 123-. (canceled)24. A method for the manufacture of an oil-in-water emulsion comprising: wherein the conditions for both the purification and the denaturing distillation are sufficient to cause squalene to boil; and', 'wherein the denaturing distillation denatures and/or removes potential contaminant proteins and viruses, thereby rendering the squalene safe for human use as compared with non-denatured squalene; and, 'i. obtaining squalene prepared from a fish oil source by a process comprising subjecting fish oil comprising squalene to: (a) a purification distillation carried out at near vacuum; and (b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature greater than or equal to 210° C. at a pressure of 0.8 to 0.5 mmHg, wherein the temperature in the denaturing distillation exceeds the temperature in the purification distillation; and'}ii. preparing an oil-in-water emulsion using the squalene from step (i).25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation occurs at a temperature of less than 140° C.26. The method of claim 24 , wherein the squalene prepared in step (i) is kept sterile following distillation treatment and prior to the preparation of the oil-in-water emulsion.27. The method of claim 24 , wherein the fish oil comprises one or more contaminant proteins.28. The method of claim 27 , wherein the contaminant protein comprises parvalbumin.29. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out at a temperature of from 70 to 100° C.30. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out at a pressure of from 0.5 μm Hg to 5 μm ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047923A1

Methods and systems for separating Chydrocarbons from lighter hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water are provided. In certain embodiments, the methods include feeding a gaseous mixture including C, C, and Chydrocarbons and benzene solvent to the absorber column where benzene solvent selectively absorbs Chydrocarbons. The methods can further include removing a first stream comprising benzene solvent and absorbed Chydrocarbons from the absorber column, and feeding the first stream to a stripper column where benzene solvent is separated from Chydrocarbons, and removing a second stream comprising Chydrocarbons from the stripper column. 1. A method for separating Chydrocarbons from a gaseous mixture comprising C , C , and Chydrocarbons , the method comprising:(a) feeding the gaseous mixture to an absorber column;{'sub': '3', '(b) feeding benzene solvent to the absorber column, wherein benzene solvent selectively absorbs Chydrocarbons;'}{'sub': '3', '(c) removing a first stream comprising benzene solvent and absorbed Chydrocarbons from the absorber column;'}{'sub': '3', '(d) feeding the first stream to a stripper column where benzene solvent is separated from Chydrocarbons; and'}{'sub': '3', '(e) removing a second stream comprising Chydrocarbons from the stripper column.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gaseous mixture further comprises hydrogen claim 1 , carbon monoxide claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , water or combinations thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Chydrocarbons comprise methane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Chydrocarbons comprise ethane claim 1 , ethylene claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Chydrocarbons comprise propane claim 1 , propylene claim 1 , or combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing a third stream comprising Cand Chydrocarbons from the absorber column.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising removing a fourth stream comprising ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200047079A1

A process is presented for removing the fouling problems associated with the product recovery in a methanol to olefins conversion process. The process includes passing the quenched MTO process stream to a product separator, wherein an intermediate stream is generated and includes water and heavier hydrocarbons. The intermediate stream is processed to remove the buildup of heavier hydrocarbons. 1. A process for separating heavy hydrocarbons from an MTO reactor effluent , the process comprising:separating an effluent from an MTO reaction zone in a product separation zone into a vapor stream comprising olefinic hydrocarbons, oxygenates, and steam, and a first liquid stream comprising two phases, a first phase comprising water and a second phase comprising heavy hydrocarbons;compressing the vapor stream in a compression zone having a plurality of stages of compression and being configured to provide at least one compressed liquid stream and a compressed vapor stream, each compressed liquid stream comprising two phases, a first phase comprising water and a second phase comprising heavy hydrocarbons; and,separating the first liquid stream from the product separation zone and the at least one compressed liquid stream from the compression zone in a separation vessel into a hydrocarbon liquid stream and a lean hydrocarbon water stream.2. The process of wherein the separation vessel comprises a settling vessel.3. The process of further comprising:stripping DME from the vapor stream in a DME stripping zone, wherein the DME stripping zone includes a charge drum and a stripping column, and wherein the compressed vapor stream is provided by the charge drum.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the charge drum provides the at least one compressed liquid stream claim 3 , and further comprising:separating the at least one compressed liquid stream from the charge drum in the separation vessel into the hydrocarbon liquid stream and the lean hydrocarbon water stream.5. The process of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Production and Use of 3,4' and 4,4'-Dimethylbiphenyl Isomers

Номер: US20210053890A1

Processes are described for separating 3,4′- and 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl from a mixture comprising at least 3,3′-, 3,4′- and 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl. In the processes, the mixture is cooled to produce a crystallization product comprising at least of the 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl from the feed mixture and a first mother liquor product. The first mother liquor product is distilled to produce a bottoms stream enriched in 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl as compared with the first mother liquor product and an overhead stream deficient in 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl as compared with the first mother liquor product. The overhead stream is then cooled to produce a second crystallization product comprising at least part of the 3,4′-dimethylbiphenyl from the overhead stream and a second mother liquor product. 1. A process for producing 3 ,4′- and 4 ,4′-dimethylbiphenyl , the process comprising:(a) cooling a feed mixture comprising at least 3,3′-, 3,4′- and 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl to produce (i) a first crystallization product comprising at least part of the 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl from the feed mixture, and (ii) a first mother liquor product;(b) distilling at least part of the first mother liquor product to produce a bottoms stream enriched in 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl as compared with the first mother liquor product and an overhead stream depleted in 4,4′-dimethylbiphenyl as compared with the first mother liquor product; and(c) cooling at least part of the overhead stream to produce (i) a second crystallization product comprising at least part of the 3,4′-dimethylbiphenyl from the overhead stream, and (ii) a second mother liquor product.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cooling step (a) comprises cooling the feed mixture to a first temperature from −30 to 40° C.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the cooling step (a) comprises cooling the feed mixture to a first temperature from −6 to 40° C.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the cooling step (c) comprises cooling at least part of the overhead stream ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053891A1

The present invention relates to a process for oligomerization of C2- to C8-olefins in at least two reaction stages, wherein in the last distillation column the reaction mixture is fractionated such that only very small amounts of the oligomers formed remain in the distillate. 1. A process for oligomerization of from C2- to C8-olefins in at least two serially connected reaction stages , each of which comprise at least one reactor and at least one distillation column , whereinan input mixture containing the from C2- to C8-olefins as reactant olefins and a proportion of >10% by weight of alkanes is subjected to oligomerization in the at least one reactor using a heterogeneous catalyst with a reactant olefin conversion of from 60 to 95%, and the reaction mixture obtained from the at least one reactor is distilled in the at least one distillation column to separate the formed oligomers from the residual reaction mixture containing at least the unconverted reactant olefins and forming the distillate from the distillation column, wherein the distillate formed in the at least one distillation column is at least partially passed to the reactor(s) of the same or preceding reaction stage, characterized in that the concentration of the oligomers in the distillate from the last distillation column of the last reaction stage is <100 ppmw, while the distillate(s) from the preceding distillation column(s) has or have a concentration of the oligomers in the range from >200 ppmw to 7000 ppmw.2. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the oligomers in the distillate from the last distillation column of the last reaction stage is <80 ppmw.3. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the oligomers in the distillate from the last distillation column of the last reaction stage is <50 ppmw.4. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the reactors of the individual reaction stages ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053892A1

The present invention relates to a process for oligomerization of C2- to C8-olefins in at least two reaction stages, wherein in the last distillation column the reaction mixture is fractionated such that only very small amounts of the reactant olefins and the analogous alkanes remain in the bottom of the distillation column. 1. A process for oligomerization of from C2- to C8-olefins in at least two serially connected reaction stages , each of which comprise at least one reactor and at least one distillation column , whereinan input mixture containing at least the from C2- to C8-olefins as reactant olefins and a proportion of >10% by weight of their analogous alkanes is subjected to oligomerization in the at least one reactor using a heterogeneous catalyst with a reactant olefin conversion of 60 to 95%, and the reaction mixture obtained from the at least one reactor is distilled in the at least one distillation column to separate the formed oligomers from the residual reaction mixture containing at least the unconverted reactant olefins and the alkanes and forming the distillate from the distillation column, wherein the distillate formed in the at least one distillation column is at least partially passed to the reactor(s) of the same or preceding reaction stage,wherein the bottom output or the bottom outputs from the distillation column(s) are passed from the respective reaction stages to the last distillation column of the last reaction stage and the concentration of the reactant olefins and/or the concentration of the alkanes in the bottom of the last distillation column is <200 ppmw.2. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein in the bottom or in the bottoms of the preceding distillation column(s) the concentration of the reactant olefins and/or the concentration of the alkanes is >200 ppmw by contrast.3. The process for oligomerization according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the reactant olefins and/or the concentration of the ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for producing diisobutylene using mixed c4 fraction as raw material

Номер: US20140128652A1
Принадлежит: Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd

There is provided a process for producing high-purity diisobutylene with a high reaction selectivity in which a mixed C4 fraction is contacted with an oligomerization catalyst to subject isobutene to oligomerization at one stage. The present invention relates to a process for producing diisobutylene by contacting a mixed C4 fraction as a raw material with a solid acid catalyst, which includes the steps of (a) isobutene oligomerization; (b) subjecting the resulting reaction products to distillation to separate the unreacted C4 fraction and an oligomer fraction including a C8 fraction produced from each other; and (c) purification of diisobutylene from the C8 fraction by distillation, in which a conversion of isobutene contained in the mixed C4 fraction upon conducting the step (a) is controlled to a range of from 60 to 95%.

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Energy Efficient Fractionation Process for Separating the Reactor Effluent from TOL/A9+ Transalkylation Processes

Номер: US20170050901A1
Автор: Jeffrey AMELSE
Принадлежит: BP Corp North America Inc

Processes and apparatus are disclosed for the energy efficient separation of the effluent from a TOL/A9+ transalkylation reactor. The apparatus includes a reboiled prefractionation column and a sidedraw tower that produces: 1) an overhead stream including unreacted toluene, 2) a stream including unreacted C9+ aromatics, a portion of which stream may be recycled to the reactor; and 3) a sidedraw stream including C8 aromatics that may be directed to a crystallization or selective adsorption paraxylene separation unit for recovery o a paraxylene product.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Diene production method

Номер: US20180050970A1
Принадлежит: JXTG Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

A method for producing diene comprises a step 1 of obtaining a straight chain internal olefin by removing a branched olefin from a raw material including at least the branched olefin and a straight chain olefin; and a step 2 of producing diene from the internal olefin by oxidative dehydrogenation using a first catalyst and a second catalyst, and the first catalyst has a complex oxide including bismuth, molybdenum and oxygen, and the second catalyst includes at least one selected from the group consisting of silica and alumina.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150057478A1

A method for producing a hydroisomerization catalyst includes a first step of preparing a support precursor by heating a mixture containing an ion-exchanged zeolite and a binder, the ion-exchanged zeolite being prepared by ion-exchanging an organic template-containing zeolite which contains an organic template and has a one-dimensional pore structure including a 10-membered ring in a solution containing ammonium ions and/or protons, at a temperature of 250 to 350° C. under Natmosphere, and a second step of preparing a hydroisomerization catalyst, which is prepared by calcining a catalyst precursor, the catalyst precursor being prepared based on the support precursor containing a platinum salt and/or a palladium salt, at a temperature of 350 to 400° C. in an atmosphere containing molecular oxygen, the hydroisomerization catalyst containing a support which includes a zeolite and carries platinum and/or palladium. 1. A method for producing a hydroisomerization catalyst comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a first step of preparing a support precursor by heating a mixture containing an ion-exchanged zeolite and a binder, the ion-exchanged zeolite being prepared by ion-exchanging an organic template-containing zeolite which contains an organic template and has a one-dimensional pore structure including a 10-membered ring in a solution containing ammonium ions and/or protons, at a temperature of 250 to 350° C. under Natmosphere; and'}a second step of preparing a hydroisomerization catalyst, which is prepared by calcining a catalyst precursor, the catalyst precursor being prepared based on the support precursor containing a platinum salt and/or a palladium salt, at a temperature of 350 to 400° C. in an atmosphere containing molecular oxygen, the hydroisomerization catalyst containing a support which includes a zeolite and carries platinum and/or palladium.2. The method for producing a hydroisomerization catalyst according to claim 1 ,wherein the organic template-containing zeolite is ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150057483A1
Автор: Shecterle David James
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Embodiments of methods and apparatuses for isomerization of paraffins are provided. In one example, a method comprises the steps of separating an isomerization effluent into a product stream that comprises branched paraffins and a stabilizer overhead vapor stream that comprises HCl, H, and C-hydrocarbons. C-hydrocarbons are removed from at least a portion of the stabilizer overhead vapor stream to form a HCl and H-rich stream. An isomerization catalyst is activated using at least a portion of the HCl and H-rich stream to form a chloride-promoted isomerization catalyst. A paraffin feed stream is contacted with the chloride-promoted isomerization catalyst in the presence of hydrogen for isomerization of the paraffins. 1. A method for isomerization of paraffins , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': 42', '44', '46, 'sub': 2', '6, 'separating an isomerization effluent () into a product stream () that comprises branched and un-branched paraffins and a stabilizer overhead vapor stream () that comprises HCl, H, and C-hydrocarbons;'}{'sub': 6', '2, 'b': 46', '40, 'removing C-hydrocarbons from at least a portion of the stabilizer overhead vapor stream () to form a HCl and H-rich stream ();'}{'sub': '2', 'b': '40', 'activating an isomerization catalyst using at least a portion of the HCl and H-rich stream () to form a chloride-promoted isomerization catalyst; and'}{'b': '22', 'contacting a paraffin feed stream () with the chloride-promoted isomerization catalyst in the presence of hydrogen for isomerization of the paraffins.'}2465462. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of removing comprises separating the stabilizer overhead vapor stream () at first separation conditions effective to form a liquid stream () that comprises Chydrocarbon and a net gas stream () that comprises HCl claim 1 , H claim 1 , and C-hydrocarbons.346. The method of claim 2 , wherein the step of removing comprises separating the stabilizer overhead vapor stream () at the first separation ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Process for oligomerization of isobutene

Номер: US20220073438A1

A process can be used for oligomerization of isobutene by conversion of an isobutene-containing hydrocarbon stream over an acid catalyst in at least one reaction stage, where a particular ratio of recycle to feed is employed. 1. A process for producing diisobutene , comprising:performing an oligomerization of isobutene over an acid catalyst in at least one reaction stage which in each case contains at least one reactor and at least one distillation column,wherein an isobutene-containing input stream, which comprises an isobutene-containing hydrocarbon stream as feed and a recirculated stream as recycle, is converted in the at least one reactor of the at least one reaction stage to obtain a product mixture containing at least the diisobutene formed having a proportion of 2,4,4-trimethylpent-1-ene of at least 75 mol %, and unconverted isobutene, and an obtained product mixture is supplied to the at least one distillation column,wherein at the top of the distillation column a residual hydrocarbon stream depleted in the diisobutene formed based on the obtained product mixture is withdrawn and at least partially recirculated to the at least one reactor as recycle,wherein a ratio of recycle to feed is at least 4.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of recycle to feed is at least 5.3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the ratio of recycle to feed is at least 6.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the isobutene-containing hydrocarbon stream is a C-hydrocarbon stream.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the isobutene-containing hydrocarbon stream is a pure isobutene stream.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the residual hydrocarbon stream withdrawn at the top of the distillation column is completely recirculated to the at least one reactor.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one reaction stage comprises at least two reactors which are connected in series or parallel claim 1 , relative to one ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060191A1

A process for the recovery of Chydrocarbons from a C/Cisomerization zone. A portion of the effluent stream from the C/Cisomerization zone comprising Chydrocarbons is combined in a stabilizer section with an effluent from a Cisomerization zone. In order to increase the Chydrocarbons in the effluent stream from the C/Cisomerization zone, a chilling zone may be used. 1. A process for the recovery of Chydrocarbons comprising:{'sub': '4', 'stabilizing and separating a first effluent stream in a first stabilization zone into an overhead stream, a C− liquid stream, and a bottoms stream, wherein the first effluent stream is from a first isomerization zone;'}stabilizing a second effluent stream from a second isomerization zone in a second stabilization zone;{'sub': '4', 'passing at least a portion of the C− liquid stream to the second stabilization zone; and,'}{'sub': 4', '4', '3, 'separating the second effluent stream and the at least a portion of the C− liquid stream into a Cstream and a C− stream.'}2. The process of further comprising:{'sub': 4', '4', '4, 'separating the Cstream into an iCstream and a nCstream.'}3. The process of further comprising:{'sub': '4', 'passing the iCstream to the second isomerization zone.'}4. The process of wherein the first stabilization zone comprises a stabilizer claim 1 , a receiving zone and a chilling zone.5. The process of further comprising:{'sub': '4', 'passing a C− stream from the stabilizer to the receiver;'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'separating the C− stream in the receiver into a vapor stream and a liquid stream, the liquid stream comprising the C− liquid stream.'}6. The process of further comprising:cooling the vapor stream from the receiver in the chilling zone.7. The process of further comprising:{'sub': '3', 'combining a portion of the vapor stream from the receiver and the C− stream of the second stabilization zone.'}8. The process of further comprising:operating the first isomerization zone under isomerization conditions, in the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055176A1

The invention concerns a process for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. In the process an ethane comprising stream is fed to a distillation column to remove propane. The purified ethane stream is subjected to oxidative dehydrogenation using a catalyst comprising Mo/V/Sb, or Mo/V/Nb and Te or Sb in the orthorhombic M1 crystalline phase. The reactor effluent comprises ethylene. The effluent is washed with water to remove acetic acid. The acetic acid is recovered from the aqueous stream by means of solvent extraction. 1. A process for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane , comprising the steps of:(a) feeding a gas stream comprising ethane and propane to a distillation column to obtain a stream comprising propane and a stream comprising ethane;(b) feeding at least a part of the gas stream comprising ethane obtained in step (a) to a reactor;(c) contacting, in the reactor, oxygen and ethane and optionally ethylene with a catalyst comprising a mixed metal oxide;(d) cooling the reactor effluent and, simultaneously and/or in a subsequent step, add water to the reactor effluent to obtain a liquid stream comprising water and acetic acid and a gas stream comprising ethylene;(e) recovering the acetic acid from the liquid stream obtained in step (d) by means of solvent extraction;wherein at least 50 wt % of the mixed metal oxide in the catalyst used in step (c) is in the orthorhombic M1 crystalline phase; and molybdenum, vanadium and antimony, or', 'molybdenum, vanadium, niobium and optionally tellurium or antimony., 'wherein the mixed metal oxide in the catalyst used in step (c) comprises2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein a gas stream in the reactor in step (c) comprises an amount of oxygen which is at least 6 vol. % and at most 40 vol. %.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein step (a) is performed at a pressure in the range of from 1 to 100 bara claim 1 , preferably 8 to 100 bara claim 1 , more preferably 25 to 100 bara.4. The process according to claim 1 , ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Alkylaromatic Sulfonate Compositions From Mixed Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20180057451A1

Provided herein are various methods for forming alkylaromatic sulfonate compositions and blended alkylaromatic sulfonate compositions, and such compositions themselves. The methods of various embodiments include obtaining a C-Chydrocarbon mixture, optionally treating the mixture to concentrate the mixture in sulfonatable aromatics, and sulfonating the mixture to form the alkylaromatic sulfonates. The mixture or treated mixture may be blended with linear alkyl benzene (LAB) compositions and sulfonated, and/or the alkylaryl sulfonates may be blended with linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) compositions, to form the blended alkylaromatic sulfonates of some embodiments. These compositions and processes for making them may be tailored to serve a variety of end uses, such as detergents in cleaning solutions or for enhanced oil recovery operations, and/or as low foaming and/or hydrotropic additives in detergent formulations, and the like. 1. A process comprising:{'sub': 7', '30, 'claim-text': wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises 5-40 wt % sulfonatable aromatics comprising: (i) mono-alkyl benzenes; (ii) multi-alkyl benzenes in which any two adjacent alkyl substitutions on the benzene may be joined to form a non-aromatic ring fused to the benzene, provided that either or both of the benzene and the fused non-aromatic ring is further alkyl-substituted; and, optionally, (iii) alkyl-substituted polycyclic aromatics;', 'further wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises 1.75-30 wt % of the mono-alkyl benzenes, 0.25-30 wt % of the multi-alkyl benzenes, and 0-20 wt % of the alkyl-substituted polycyclic aromatics, such wt % s based on the total mass of the hydrocarbon mixture;, '(a) obtaining a hydrocarbon mixture comprising at least 90 wt % C-Chydrocarbons;'} wherein the treating comprises 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 solvent extractions; and', 'further wherein the precursor alkylaromatic composition comprises 15-35 wt % mono-alkyl benzenes, 15-30 wt % multi-alkyl benzenes; and 0-25 wt % ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Alkylaromatic Sulfonate Compositions From Mixed Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20180057453A1

Provided herein are various methods for forming alkylaromatic sulfonate compositions and blended alkylaromatic sulfonate compositions, and such compositions themselves. The methods of various embodiments include obtaining a C-Chydrocarbon mixture, optionally treating the mixture to concentrate the mixture in sulfonatable aromatics, and sulfonating the mixture to form the alkylaromatic sulfonates. The mixture or treated mixture may be blended with linear alkyl benzene (LAB) compositions and sulfonated, and/or the alkylaryl sulfonates may be blended with linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) compositions, to form the blended alkylaromatic sulfonates of some embodiments. These compositions and processes for making them may be tailored to serve a variety of end uses, such as detergents in cleaning solutions or for enhanced oil recovery operations, and/or as low foaming and/or hydrotropic additives in detergent formulations, and the like. 3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises at least 95 wt % of the alkylated naphthalenes claim 1 , and the blended alkylaromatic precursor comprises (i) from 2 to 60 wt % of the alkylated naphthalenes claim 1 , and (ii) from 40 to 98 wt % of the LAB composition.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the blended alkylaromatic precursor comprises (i) from 2 to 25 wt % of the alkylated naphthalenes claim 3 , and (ii) from 75 to 98 wt % of the LAB composition.5. The process of claim 2 , wherein each of the alkylated naphthalenes is a tri-alkyl-substituted naphthalene claim 2 , such that one of R-Ris H.6. The process of claim 4 , wherein Ris H claim 4 , Ris C-Calkyl claim 4 , and Rand Rare each C-Calkyl.7. The process of claim 5 , wherein each of the alkylated naphthalenes is 6 claim 5 ,7-dimethyl-1-(4-methylpentyl)-Naphthalene.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises at least 95 wt % of the di-alkylbenzenes claim 1 , and the blended alkylaromatic precursor comprises (i) from 2 to 60 wt % ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140135558A1

Olefins may be recovered from a methanol to olefins reactor effluent by initially feeding the effluent to an absorber demethanizer to contact the effluent with an absorbent to recover an overheads including methane and ethylene and a bottoms including the absorbent, ethylene, and ethane. The bottoms are separated to recover an ethylene fraction and an ethane fraction. The overheads are cooled and partially condensed in a first heat exchanger to a temperature of −40° C. or greater. The resulting stream, or a portion thereof, may be further cooled and condensed via indirect heat exchange with a mixed refrigerant to a temperature of less than −40° C. The non-condensed vapors are separated from the condensed liquids to form a liquid fraction and a methane fraction. The liquid fraction is fed to the absorber demethanizer as reflux, and the methane and ethane fractions combined to form the mixed refrigerant. 1. A process for recovery of the olefins from a methanol to olefins reactor effluent , the process comprising:feeding an effluent from a methanol-to-olefins reactor system comprising methane, ethylene, and ethane to an absorber demethanizer;contacting at least a portion of the effluent with an absorbent in the absorber demethanizer to recover an overheads vapor fraction comprising methane and ethylene and a bottoms fraction comprising the absorbent, ethylene, and ethaneseparating the bottoms fraction via one or more extractive distillation and/or distillation stages to recover an ethylene fraction and an ethane fraction;cooling and partially condensing the overheads vapor fraction in a first heat exchanger to a temperature of about −40° C. or greater;cooling and partially condensing at least a portion of the cooled and partially condensed overhead vapor fraction, via indirect heat exchange with a mixed refrigerant comprising methane and ethane, in a second heat exchanger to a temperature of less than about −40° C.;separating non-condensed vapors from the liquids ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200055798A1

A method for producing an α-olefin oligomer, the method including subjecting α-olefin to oligomerization reaction to produce an α-olefin oligomer mixture, carrying out distillation separation of α-olefin oligomer having less than n carbon atoms in the mixture to obtain a distillation residue containing α-olefin oligomer having n or more carbon atoms, and then carrying out a step of removing high molecular weight molecules from the distillation residue. 1. A method for producing an α-olefin oligomer , the method comprising:subjecting an α-olefin to an oligomerization reaction to produce an α-olefin oligomer mixture,carrying out a distillation separation of an α-olefin oligomer having less than n carbon atoms in the α-olefin oligomer mixture to obtain a distillation residue containing an α-olefin oligomer having n or more carbon atoms, and thenremoving high molecular weight molecules from the distillation residue.2. The method for producing an α-olefin oligomer according to claim 1 , wherein the oligomerization reaction of the α-olefin is carried out in an organic solvent in the presence of a Ziegler-based catalyst.3. The method for producing an α-olefin oligomer according to claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin is ethylene.4. The method for producing an α-olefin oligomer according to claim 1 , wherein the number of carbon atoms n is 26 or 30.5. The method for producing an α-olefin oligomer according to claim 1 , wherein the high molecular weight molecules have a weight average molecular weight of 100 claim 1 ,000 or more.6. The method for producing an α-olefin oligomer according to claim 1 , wherein the removing of the high molecular weight molecules from the distillation residue occurs by removing the high molecular weight molecules by thin film distillation of the distillation residue.7. The method for producing an α-olefin oligomer according to claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , in the thin film distillation claim 6 , a distillation temperature is from 150 to 320° C. claim 6 , ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Linear Alpha Olefin Process Using Temperature Control in Oligomerization Reactor

Номер: US20200055799A1

The present disclosure provides assemblies for producing linear alpha olefins and methods for producing linear alpha olefins. In at least one embodiment, a method for producing a linear alpha olefin includes providing an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a first tubular reactor; obtaining an effluent from the first tubular reactor; and transferring the effluent to a second tubular reactor. In at least one embodiment, an assembly for producing linear alpha olefins includes a first tubular reactor having a first end and a second end; an effluent line having a first end and a second end, the first end coupled with the second end of the first tubular reactor; and a second tubular reactor having a first end and a second end, the first end coupled with the second end of the effluent line. 1. A method for producing a linear alpha olefin , comprising:providing an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a first tubular reactor under oligomerization conditions;obtaining an effluent produced in the first tubular reactor;transferring the effluent to a second tubular reactor under oligomerization conditions; andobtaining an effluent produced in the second tubular reactor.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing steam to a first steam jacket disposed around the first tubular reactor and providing steam to a second steam jacket disposed around the second tubular reactor.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising controlling the pressure of steam in the first steam jacket with a valve disposed on the outlet of the steam jacket to provide a temperature (T1) within the first steam jacket.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising controlling the pressure of steam in the second steam jacket with a valve disposed on the outlet of the steam jacket to provide a temperature (T2) within the second steam jacket.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein temperature (T1) is greater than temperature (T2).6. The method of claim 4 , wherein temperature (T1) and ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Linear Alpha Olefin Process Using Solvent Flash Drum for Olefin Separation

Номер: US20200055800A1

The present disclosure provides assemblies for producing linear alpha olefins and methods for producing linear alpha olefins. In at least one embodiment, a method for producing a linear alpha olefin includes providing an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a reactor under oligomerization conditions; obtaining an effluent produced in the reactor; and transferring the effluent to a solvent-containing portion of a flash drum via a first effluent line coupled with the flash drum. In at least one embodiment, an assembly for producing linear alpha olefins includes a configuration to provide olefin, catalyst and process solvent coupled with a reactor; a flash drum; a first effluent line coupled with the reactor at a first end and coupled with the flash drum at a second end; and a second effluent line coupled with the flash drum at a first end and coupled with the first effluent line at a second end. 1. A method for producing a linear alpha olefin , comprising:providing an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a reactor;obtaining an effluent produced in the reactor; andtransferring the effluent to a solvent-containing portion of a flash drum via a first effluent line coupled with the flash drum.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising controlling the flow rate of effluent transferred to the flash drum with a V-Ball valve.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing heat to the effluent line using one or more heaters coupled with the effluent line.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature in the flash drum is 130° C. or greater.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising transferring an effluent from the flash drum to a knockout drum via an effluent line and cooling the effluent using a chiller coupled with the effluent line.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising transferring a first effluent from the knockout drum to the reactor and transferring a second effluent from the knockout drum to the flash drum.7. The method of ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060783A1

The invention relates to a method for performing a heat and mass exchange process for a liquid-liquid, gas-liquid, and liquid-solid system. A method for distillation of liquids at inert gas environment comprising: introducing an initial mixture and a non-condensable inert gas, converting of one or more components of the initial mixture into a gas phase at inert gas environment, withdrawing the separation products, separating one or more components of the initial mixture of gas phase from the inert gas. The ratio of the mass of the introduced non-condensable inert gas to the mass of inert gas providing, in aggregate with the vapors of the substance to be removed the same volume of vapor phase at the point of its introduction, as in the process without the introduced inert gas at a lower pressure at the same process temperature, is 0,5-5,0. 1. A method for distillation of liquids at inert gas environment , said method consisting of the steps of:introducing an initial mixture,introducing a non-condensable inert gas,converting of one or more components of the initial mixture into a gas phase at inert gas environment,withdrawing the separation products,separating one or more components of the initial mixture of gas phase from the inert gas,wherein the ratio of the mass of the introduced non-condensable inert gas to the mass of inert gas providing, in aggregate with the vapors of the substance to be removed the same volume of vapor phase at the point of its introduction, as in the process without the introduced inert gas at a lower pressure at the same process temperature, is 0,5-5,0.2. The method according to further comprising step of returning the inert gas to interact with the initial mixture.3. The method according to wherein the introduction and/or withdrawal of the inert gas is carried out in several stages during the separation of the initial mixture.4. The method according to wherein separating one or more components of the initial mixture of gas phase is ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142363A1

The present invention pertains to a pervaporation membrane process for the separation of high octane fuel components from a gasoline feed stream comprising feeding a mixed phase vapor-liquid feed to a cyclone separation means to separate the liquid from the vapor, then sending the saturated vapor to the membrane, thereby extending the useful life of the membrane. 1. An apparatus for the separation of high octane components from a feed stream , said feed stream including aromatic and non-aromatic hydrocarbons and having a boiling range of at least 50° C. , said apparatus comprising:means for heating the feed stream to produce a combination vapor and liquid feed stream;means for separating the liquid feed stream from the vapor feed stream, a pervaporation membrane that selectively permeates high octane aromatics and oxygenates from the vapor feed stream;means for collecting the permeate of the pervaporation membrane;means for collecting the retentate of the pervaporation membrane and the liquid from the separating means.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the separation means is a cyclone and said feed stream is gasoline.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further including pressure control means claim 2 , wherein feed pressure Pand feed temperature Tto the pervaporation membrane are selectively controlled to condense a liquid layer upon the membrane.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein said feed stream is a gasoline containing oxygenates that comprise methanol claim 3 , ethanol claim 3 , propanol claim 3 , and butanol.5. A process for extending the life of a pervaporation membrane for separating high octane components from a gasoline feed stream claim 3 , including aromatics and non-aromatics and having a boiling point of at least 50° C. comprising:{'sub': f', 'f, 'heating the gasoline at a temperature Tunder pressure Pto partially vaporize the gasoline to produce a saturated vapor and a liquid from the gasoline;'}separating the vapor from the liquid;directing the vapor ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142364A1

An apparatus includes a first distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in C8+ aromatics; a second distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in C8 aromatics; an adsorption separation apparatus for obtaining an extract containing para-xylene and a raffinate containing xylene isomers; a third distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in para-xylene; and a fourth distillation apparatus for obtaining a fraction enriched in xylene isomers. The second distillation apparatus includes a high-pressure part including a rectifying section; a low-pressure part including a stripping section; a line for directing overhead vapor of the low-pressure part to a column bottom of the high-pressure part; a line for directing a column bottom liquid of the high-pressure part to a column top of the low-pressure part; and a heat exchange structure for transferring heat from the rectifying section to the stripping section. 1. An aromatic hydrocarbon production apparatus , comprising:a first distillation apparatus configured to obtain, by distillation, from a feedstock, a fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 or more carbon atoms and a fraction enriched in a component lighter than the aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 or more carbon atoms;a second distillation apparatus configured to obtain, by distillation, from the fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 or more carbon atoms obtained from the first distillation apparatus, a fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 carbon atoms and a fraction enriched in an aromatic hydrocarbon having 9 or more carbon atoms;an adsorption separation apparatus configured to separate para-xylene, by adsorption separation, from the fraction enriched in aromatic hydrocarbons having 8 carbon atoms obtained from the second distillation apparatus, and to obtain an extract and a raffinate, the extract being a stream containing a desorbent and para-xylene, and the raffinate being a stream ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Process for recovering benzene and fuel gas in an aromatics complex

Номер: US20190062237A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process for separating xylene from a feedstock in which the feedstock is separated into a xylene stream, a benzene rich stream and a light ends stream. Two separation zones may be utilized in which liquid from both is sent to a compression zone and the vapor from the compression zone is combined with a stream prior to the stream entering the second separation zone.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062238A1

A process for separating xylenes from a feedstock in which the feedstock is separated into a xylene stream, a benzene rich stream and a light ends stream. Two separation zones may be utilized in which liquid from the first zone sent to a toluene recovery zone and vapor from the first zone is sent to a compression zone. The compressed vapor from the compression zone is sent to the second separation zone. 1. A process for the recovery of a benzene rich liquid stream and a light ends vapor stream in a xylene isomerization process from a feedstock , the process comprising:passing a feedstock into a deheptanizer in which the feedstock is separated into a deheptanizer vapor phase and a deheptanizer liquid phase, the deheptanizer vapor phase containing hydrocarbons with seven carbon atoms or less, and the deheptanizer liquid phase containing hydrocarbons with eight carbon atoms or more;passing the deheptanizer vapor phase from the deheptanizer to a first separation zone;separating the deheptanizer vapor phase in the first separation zone into a first liquid phase and a first vapor phase;passing the first liquid phase from the first separation zone to a toluene recovery comprising an overhead stream and a bottoms stream;passing the first vapor phase from the first separation zone to a compression zone in which the first vapor phase is compressed and partially condensed to provide a compressed and partially condensed vapor phase;passing the compressed and partially condensed vapor phase from the compression zone to the toluene recovery zone to be combined with the toluene recovery zone overhead stream, which is passed to a second separation zone;separating the compressed and partially condensed vapor phase into a second liquid phase and a second vapor phase in the second separation zone, the second vapor phase being a light ends vapor stream;recovering the light ends vapor stream;passing the second liquid phase back to the toluene recovery zone; andrecovering the benzene ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081375A1

As part of an integrated oxidative alkane dehydrogenation and hydrogen generation process, carbon dioxide from Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) off gas stream of Hydrogen Generation Unit (HGU), and alkane from any known source are sent to oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) unit for producing high value olefins, such as ethylene, propylene and butenes. Products formed from ODH reactor are separated and the stream comprising of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane are recycled to Shift reactor of HGU unit for enhanced production of hydrogen at PSA. 1. An integrated process for catalytic oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of alkane(s) and for generation of hydrogen , the process comprising:a) feeding a fresh hydrocarbon alkane feed along with a carbon dioxide rich stream to an ODH reactor comprising of dehydrogenation catalyst, where the alkane feed gets converted into alkenes and producing an effluent gas comprising of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water and unreacted alkanes;{'sub': 4', '3', '2, 'b) separating ODH effluent gas from the ODH reactor in a Gas Separation system, wherein the Gas Separation system consists of a De-Propanizer section, a De-Butanizer and CSplitter section, a CSplitter section, a De-Methanizer section and a CSplitter section;'} [{'sub': 4+', '4', '4, '(i) a C stream consisting of Calkanes, Colefins and higher hydrocarbons;'}, {'sub': '3', '(ii) a Cstream consisting of propane and propylene; and'}, '(iii) an Off gas stream consisting of hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethylene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the De-Propanizer section;, 'c) separating the ODH effluent gases into{'sub': 4', '4, 'd) separating butanes, butene and heavy hydrocarbons from the C+ stream in the De-Butanizer and the CSplitter section and recycling back the butane to the ODH reactor for further conversion;'}{'sub': 3', '3, 'e) separating the Cstream into petrochemical grade propylene and a propane rich stream in a CSplitter and recycling back the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061187A1
Автор: Hora Maninder

An improved method for preparing squalene from a squalene-containing composition, said method comprising the steps of (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T(b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T>200° C. 123-. (canceled)24. A method for preparing squalene from a composition comprising squalene from an animal source , said method comprising steps of (a) a purification distillation carried out at a temperature T , (b) a denaturing distillation carried out at a temperature T; wherein steps (a) and (b) may be performed in either order; Tand Tare sufficient to cause squalene to boil; T>T; and T≥200° C.; and T−Tis from 10° C. to 300° C.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the composition comprises one or more proteins.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the composition comprises parvalbumin.27. The method of claim 24 , wherein the denaturing distillation is carried out at a pressure of from 0.5 mm Hg to 5.0 mm Hg.28. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out at a temperature of from 70 to 100° C.29. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out at a pressure of from 0.5 μm Hg to 5 μm Hg.30. The method of claim 24 , wherein the purification distillation is carried out prior to the denaturing distillation.31. The method of claim 24 , wherein the composition comprising squalene is subjected to saponification.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein saponification comprises the addition of NaOH or KOH to the composition comprising squalene.33. A method for re-distillation of a composition comprising 99% squalene or more claim 31 , said method comprising:{'sub': '1', '(i) providing a squalene-containing composition comprising 99% squalene or more from an animal source, wherein said squalene-containing composition has been obtained by a process of ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062644A1

Processes for reforming and transalkylating hydrocarbons are disclosed. A method for processing a hydrocarbon stream includes the steps of separating para-xylene from a first mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream to produce a first non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream and isomerizing the first non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream to produce additional para-xylene. The method further includes transalkylating a toluene stream to produce a second mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream, separating para-xylene from the second mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream to produce a second non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream, and isomerizing the second non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream using a liquid phase isomerization process to produce additional para-xylene. 1. A process for processing a hydrocarbon stream comprising the steps of:separating para-xylene from the first mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream to produce a first non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream;isomerizing the first non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream to produce additional para-xylene;transalkylating a toluene stream to produce a second mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream;separating para-xylene from the second mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream to produce a second non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream; andisomerizing the second non-equilibrium xylene and ethylbenzene stream using a liquid phase isomerization process to produce additional para-xylene.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream comprises a greater proportion of ethylbenzene than does the second mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising reforming a naphtha-containing hydrocarbon stream to produce the first mixed-xylene and ethylbenzene-containing stream and the toluene stream.4. The process of claim 3 , ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Linear Alpha Olefin Process Using Catalyst Deactivation with High Product Purity

Номер: US20200062673A1

The present disclosure provides assemblies for producing linear alpha olefins and methods for producing linear alpha olefins. In at least one embodiment, a method for producing a linear alpha olefin includes providing an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a reactor under oligomerization conditions; obtaining an effluent produced in the reactor; transferring the effluent through an effluent line; and providing a quench agent to the effluent line via a quench agent line coupled with the effluent line. In at least one embodiment, an assembly for producing linear alpha olefins includes a configuration to provide olefin, catalyst and process solvent coupled with a reactor; an effluent line coupled with the reactor at a first end and coupled with a mixer or a flash drum at a second end; and a quench agent line coupled with the effluent line at a first end. 1. A method for producing a linear alpha olefin , comprising:providing an olefin, a catalyst, and a process solvent to a reactor under oligomerization conditions; 'transferring the effluent through an effluent line; and', 'obtaining an effluent produced in the reactor;'}providing a quench agent to the effluent line via a quench agent line coupled with the effluent line.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising controlling the flow rate of effluent transferred through the effluent line using a V-Ball valve coupled with the effluent line.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein transferring the effluent comprises transferring the effluent through the effluent line to a mixer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein transferring the effluent comprises transferring the effluent through the effluent line to a flash drum.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the flash drum has a pressure from 300 psi to 400 psi and a temperature from 100° C. to 150° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quench agent is provided to the effluent line via a dip tube coupled with a first end of the quench agent line and disposed within the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062674A1

Methods and a system for manufacturing a base stock from an ethanol stream are provided. An example method includes dehydrating an ethanol stream to form an impure ethylene stream, recovering an ethylene stream from the impure ethylene stream, and oligomerizing the ethylene stream to form a raw oligomer stream. A light olefinic stream is distilled from the raw oligomer stream and blended with the ethylene stream prior to the oligomerization. A heavy olefinic stream is distilled from the raw oligomer stream and hydro-processed to form a hydro-processed stream. The hydro-processed stream is distilled to form the base stock. 1. A system for manufacturing a base stock from an ethanol stream , comprising:a dehydration reactor configured to form an impure ethylene stream from the ethanol stream;a recovery system configured to purify the impure ethylene stream to form an ethylene stream;an oligomerization reactor configured to oligomerize the ethylene stream to form a raw oligomer stream; a light olefinic stream, wherein the light olefinic stream is blended with the ethylene stream to form a blended stream, and the blended stream is provided to the oligomerization reactor;', 'an intermediate olefinic stream; and', 'a heavy olefinic stream;, 'a distillation column configured to separate the raw oligomer stream intoa hydro-processing system configured to hydroprocess the heavy olefinic stream to form a hydroprocessed stream; anda product distillation column configured to separate the hydroprocessed stream to form the base stock.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising a dimerization reactor configured to dimerize the intermediate olefinic stream and return a dimerized stream to the distillation column.3. The system of claim 1 , comprising an alkylation reactor configured to alkylate the intermediate olefinic stream and provide an alkylated stream to an alkylation distillation column.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the alkylation distillation column is configured to separate ...
