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10-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2186796C2

Изобретение направлено на получение составов для улучшения эксплуатационных характеристик полимерных покрытий, материалов и композитов и может быть применено в машиностроении и химической промышленности. Состав для обработки поверхности композиционных полимерных покрытий резинотехнических изделий и углеграфитовой основы перед пропиткой фенолформальдегидной смолой содержит 3,0-5,2 мас. % нафтената кобальта, 0,8-1,0 мас.% триацетонамина и 94-96 мас. % N-метилпирролидона. Улучшаются эксплуатационные характеристики резинотехнических изделий с полимерным покрытием и повышается прочность композиционного материала на основе углеграфитовой ткани и фенолформальдегидной смолы. 1 табл.

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542302C2

Изобретение относится к литейно-металлургическому производству, в частности к получению пористых литых заготовок (отливок, слитков) из металлов и сплавов с невысокой температурой плавления и легкоплавких металлов и сплавов, используемых для изготовления деталей в машиностроении и других отраслях промышленности. Гранулы пенополистирола с упрочняющей оболочкой состоят из поверхностной пленки, содержащей внутри ячейки, наполненные изопентаном и воздухом, покрыты внешней функциональной оболочкой, содержащей один, или два, или три слоя. Каждый слой содержит связующее состава, мас.%: жидкое стекло - 50, вода - 49, поверхностно-активное вещество - 1, и добавку дисперсного металлического порошка, выбранного из алюминиевого, магниевого, цинкового, свинцового порошка, или порошка огнеупорного материала, выбранного из глинозема, магнезита, кремнезема с размерами частиц не более 100 мкм. Описан также способ изготовления гранул пенополистирола с упрочняющей оболочкой, заключающийся в том, что покрытие ...

20-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2283852C2

Изобретение относится к способу обработки изделий из полимерной композиции, включающей полимер на основе винилхлорида, подвергшихся естественному старению на поверхности во время их использования, который включает стадию (Е), согласно которой обрабатывают в окружающей атмосфере поверхность изделий с помощью органического раствора, содержащего органический пероксид и органический растворитель (раствор (S)). Раствор (S) дополнительно содержит УФ-стабилизатор или дополнительно включает стадию (Е'), следующую после стадии (Е), согласно которой поверхность изделия обрабатывают с помощью органического раствора, отличающегося от раствора (S), который включает УФ-стабилизатор и органический растворитель (раствор (S')). 11 з.п. ф-лы.

27-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2261258C2

Изобретение относится к композициям, содержащим эластомер, чувствительный к окислительной, термальной, динамической или свето- и/или озон-индуцированной деградации, и в качестве стабилизатора, по крайней мере, одно соединение типа S-замещенного 4-(3-меркаптосульфинил-2-гидроксипропиламино)дифениламина, а также к способу предотвращения контактного обесцвечивания субстратов, вступающих в контакт с эластомерами, и к способу стабилизации эластомеров, который включает введение в них или покрытие их, по крайней мере, одного соединения типа S-замещенного 4-(3-меркаптосульфинил-2-гидроксипропиламино)дифениламина. Композиция стабилизированного эластомера включает а) натуральный или синтетический эластомер, чувствительный к окислительной, термальной, динамической или свето- и/или озон-индуцированной дегидратации и b) стабилизатор, по крайней мере, одно соединение формулы [R-S(=O)m -CH2-CH(OH)-CH2]n-N(R1)2-n-R2 (I), где R - С4 -С20алкил, гидроксилзамещенный С4-С20алкил, фенил, бензил, α-метилбензил ...

25-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2721995C2
Принадлежит: Х.Е.Ф (FR)

Изобретение относится к производству функциональных композиционных материалов (электрических проводников, проводников тепла и т.п.), которые получают из порошков с покрытием. Техническим результатом является снижение доли проводящей фазы в органической матрице при одновременном обеспечении высоких характеристик удельной проводимости. Предложен проводящий композиционный материал, содержащий взаимосвязанную структуру из проводящих частиц, причем указанные проводящие частицы содержат ядро из органического материала, плакированное по меньшей мере одним слоем электропроводящего и/или теплопроводящего материала, где указанное ядро представляет собой термопластический материал и имеет размер от 5 мкм до 300 мкм, а указанный слой проводящего материала выполнен из металлического или керамического материала, вся совокупность частиц взаимосвязана внутри структуры указанного проводящего композиционного материала с образованием тем самым непрерывной трехмерной структуры проводящего материала. Массовая ...

27-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2138524C1

Описывается новый концентрат, пригодный для получения функционализированных полиолефинов, в виде частиц олефинового полимера, выбранного из гомополимеров или сополимеров олефинов с формулой RCH=CH2, где R является Н или алкильным радикалом c 1-8 углеродными атомами или арильным радикалом, или их смесей, причем указанные частицы покрыты по поверхности и внутри под смесью добавок, включающий: а) от 0,05 до 30% по весу по отношению к общему весу концентрата одного или более винилового мономера, выбранного из группы, включающей ненасыщенные циклические ангидриды и их алифатические диэфиры или их дикислотные производные, причем виниловые мономеры являются неполимеризуемыми, когда их смешивают с частицами указанных олефиновых полимеров, при температуре 50 - 70°С, в присутствии инициатора свободных радикалов, который неактивен при температуре ниже или равной 70°С. Описываются также способ получения концентрата, способы функционализации гомополимеров и сополимеров олефинов, функционализированные ...

10-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2095373C1
Принадлежит: Стамикарбон Б.В. (NL)

Использование: переработка полимеров, в составах для покрытия частиц каучука и способах изготовления крошащихся кип из каучука. Техническая сущность: приготавливают состав для покрытия частиц каучука. Состав содержит минеральное обволакивающее вещество, целлюлозное связующее-загуститель, воду и водорастворимый анионный диспергатор. Смешивают 0,1 - 0,5 мас.ч. загустителя, 0,25 - 0,5 мас. ч. диспергатора на 100 мас. ч. обволакивающего вещества. Обрабатывают частицы каучука составом в количестве 0,2 - 0,5 мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. каучука. Используют влажный каучук. Удаляют влагу из каучука пропусканием его через обезвоживающей экструдер до получения экструдата каучука с влажностью 3 - 7 %. Разрезают на гранулы, наносят покрытие на гранулы на выходе из экструдера. Высушивают с помощью воздуха в сушилке. Прессуют до получения кип каучука. Характеристика крошащихся кип из каучука с покрытием частиц: сохраняют способность крошиться в течение более 6 месяцев их хранения. 2 с. и 13 з.п., 4 ил., 7 ...

10-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008147615A

... 1. Способ изготовления фотохромного изделия, включающий: ! (а) получение промышленного изделия, имеющего прозрачность, определенную в соответствии с ASTM D 1003, по меньшей мере, 10%, содержащего первую композицию, выбранную из группы, состоящей из термопластичной литьевой композиции и термореактивной композиции; ! (b) нанесение, по меньшей мере, на часть поверхности изделия атмосфероустойчивого полиуретанового покрытия; ! (с) затвердевание покрытия с получением изделия, имеющего затвердевшее покрытие; ! (d) введение, по меньшей мере, части покрытия в контакт с обрабатывающей системой, содержащей ! (i) воду, ! (ii) по меньшей мере, один носитель, соответствующий формуле I ! ! где R1 представляет собой радикал, выбранный из группы, состоящей из линейного или разветвленного C1-C18 алкила, бензила, бензоила и фенила, R2 представляет собой R1 или Н; n равен 2, 3 или 4, и m равен от 1 до 35, ! (iii) фотохромное соединение и ! (iv) диол, ! при этом указанный контакт осуществляется в условиях, ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93017945A

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, в частности к средствам защиты автомобильных шин и резинотехнических изделий от действия озона, тепла и световой радиации. Цель изобретения - повышение стойкости резины к озонному старению без снижения эластичности поверхностного слоя и изменения физико-механических свойств резины, а также улучшения внешнего вида изделий после их обработки. Препарат для обработки автомобильных шин и резинотехнических изделий включает антиозонант, парафин и растворитель. Дополнительно в него введены антиоксидант, канифоль и сажа при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.ч.: антиоксидант 10 - 50; антиозонант 10 - 50; парафин 2 - 10; канифоль 2 - 10; сажа 1 - 5; растворитель остальное. В качестве антиоксиданта использован N-алкил-N'-фенил-n-фенилендиамин, а в качестве антиозонанта N-изопропил-N'-фенил-n-фенилендиамин.

06-01-1970 дата публикации

Способ получения пленок

Номер: SU260875A1

23-10-1992 дата публикации

Состав для травления поверхности резины

Номер: SU1770344A1

Использование: машиностроение, подготовка поверхности резины на основе хло- ропренового каучука перед металлизацией при нанесении композиционных антифрикционных и защитных полимерных покрытий на резинотехнические изделия методом электроосаждения. Сущность изобретения: состав содержит едкое кали 15-20%, натриевую соль 2,4-диоксиэзобензол-4-сульфо- кислоты 0,5-1,0%, воду - остальное. Компоненты смешивают, термообрабатыва- ют при 45°С 10 мин, промывают водой, сенсибилизируют в растворе 4% хлористого олова, 4% соляной кислоты, воды -до 100% при комнатной температуре 10-15 мин. Промывают водой. Активируют в рэс-творе хлористого палладия 0,05%, соляной кислоты 1% и воды до 100% при 40°С 5 мин. Промывают дистиллированной водой. Осуществляют химическое меднение из раствора состава, мас.%: сернокислая медь 0.4; калий, натрий виннокислый 2,0; сернокислый натрий 1,5; едкий натр 1,0; формалин 2,0; вода до 100. Характеристика состава: адгезия 3,3-3,7 МПа, шероховатость поверхности резины 1,0-1,5 мкм ...

26-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003772296D1
Принадлежит: BAYER AG

Antistatic finishing or pretreatment of polymer materials (I) based on polyamides, polyimides or polyamide-imides involves treating (I) with a soln. of a mixt. of (a) gp. IA and IIA halides, esp. chlorides, pref. CaCl2, MgCl2, KCl and/or LiCl and/or with (b1) salts of weak inorganic bases and strong inorganic acids, esp. FeCl3, AlCl3, TiCl4, TiCl3, BCl3, BCl3, SbCl5, MoCl5, SnCl2, ZnCl2 and/or CuCl2 and/or (b2) chelate complexes of (b1) with Schiff's bases, complex-forming amines, carboyxlic acids, diketones, alpha, beat-unsatd. ketones and phospines, in (c) a non-etching organic swelling agent or solvent for these materials, pref. a technical alcohol, op. with (c) a non-etching organic swelling agent or solvent for these materials, pref. a technical alochol, opt. with addn. of water. Treatment is carried out at temps. up to the b.pt. of the solvent, pref. at -15 to +60, esp. + 15 to 40 deg.C for 0.5-30 min.. The moulding is then washed with water or solvent and dried.

16-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003883122D1

Self-supporting sheet comprises substrate with an antistatic coating on side(s). The novelty is that side(s) of the substrate is treated with a corona discharge and an aerosol contg. an antistatic agent (I) is introduced into the discharge chamber during corona discharge treatment. Pref. the substrate comprises materials with low electrical conductivity, e.g. plastics, esp. plastics films, (synthetic) paper, plates or textiles. It contains 1-25, (2-20) (wt.)% inert inorg. particles. (I) comprises 0.5-50% aq. soln. or dispersion of quat. ammonium cpds., alkyl sulph(on)ates, amine salts or (co)polymers with quat. ammonium chloride gps.

12-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002124219B2

06-12-2001 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Beschichten von mindestens einem Wischgummi

Номер: DE0010025689A1

The invention relates to a method for coating at least one wiper-blade element (10) consisting of an elastomeric material. According to said method, the surface of the wiper-blade element (10) is first cleaned and activated by a plasma and in a subsequent CVD process, a coating material is converted into a plasmatic state and forms at least one protective layer (64) on the surface of the wiper-blade element (10), whilst a high-frequency voltage is applied via an electrode (56) to the area of the wiper-blade element (10) which faces away from the protective layer (64). The invention is characterised in that, before being introduced into a treatment chamber (32, 34, 36, 38, 40), the wiper-blade element (10) is cut to the correct usable length (66) from a strip profile and positioned on an electrode plate (56), in such a way that its wiper-element lip (18) is approximately perpendicular to the electrode plate (56) which extends on both sides of the wiper-blade element (10) and the latter is ...

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Hydrophilic protective layer, e.g. for preventing misting-up of spectacles,visors, windows or windscreens, comprises crosslinkable nanoparticles of silica surface-modified with amino and polypropylene glycol sulfonate groups

Номер: DE0010239762A1

Hydrophilic protective layer comprises crosslinkable nanoparticles of silica surface-modified with covalently bound amino and polypropylene glycol sulfonate groups.

07-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060117775T2

05-01-2000 дата публикации

Beschichtungsmittel und deren Verwendung

Номер: DE0019829163A1

The invention aims at providing coating agents suitable for producing water-dispersing transparent coatings on shaped bodies exhibiting excellent adhesive strength having no adhesive promoting layer and high mechanical resistance. According to the invention, this is achieved by preparing a coating agent, that is the subject matter of the invention, containing A) 0.005 to 2 parts by weight of a sulfonic acid salt, especially sodium salt of a sulfosuccininc ester; B) 1 to 20 parts by weight of a water-insoluble oxide or several water-insoluble oxides of a metal or a metalloid; C) 80 to 100 parts by weight of an acid and water mixture consisting of more than 90 % water.

04-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001365630A

... 1365630 Scratch-resistant coating ASAHI GLASS CO Ltd 25 May 1972 24757/72 Heading B2E [Also in Division C3] A substrate, e.g. a transparent plastic, is provided with a scratch-resistant coating by first coating it in vacuo with an inorganic material, then applying a polymerizable compound to the inorganic layer and polymerizing it. The polymerizable compound is at least partly absorbed in the pores of the inorganic layer so that a strong composite coating results. In addition polymerizable monomer or oligomer or a compound such as a silane which is polymerizable by hydrolysis and condensation may be used. In the latter case the inorganic layer may first be treated with a solution of an alkali (e.g. KOH) or an alkali metal salt (e.g. NaClO 4 ), residues of which catalyse the polymerization. Alternatively a catalyst such as benzoyl peroxide for addition polymerisation or n-propylamine for condensation may be applied with the monomer. The polymerisation is then carried out by heating or by ...

17-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001406233A

... 1406233 Polymer compositions containing metal derivatives of oxy acids IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd 11 Sept 1972 [20 July 1971 29 Oct 1971 4 Nov 1971 26 Nov 1971 (2) 20 Dec 1971 2 June 1972] 34012/71 50354/71 51293/71 55001/71 55002/71 58999/71 and 25857/72 Headings C3P C3R and C3T [Also in Division C2] Liquid compositions comprise a compound of iron and/or titanium or iron and chromium; a compound of the formula X1X2PO(OH), where X1 and X2 are hydrogen, hydroxyl or halogen, or X2 may have the structure -OPO(X1)(OH); and a solvent comprising at least in part an organic component. In examples, compositions are described containing: partially condensed ethyl silicate (Example 19), tetraethyl silicate (Example 20), methyl triethoxysilane (Example 21), polyacrylic acid (Example 22), polyethylene oxide (Example 23), polyvinyl butyral (Example 24), polyvinyl acetate (Example 25), acrylonitrile-vinylidene dichloride copolymer (Example 26 ...

14-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001421389A

... 1421389 Incorporating cross-linking agent into polyethylene ICI AUSTRALIA Ltd 24 Sept 1973 [3 Oct 1972] 44681/73 Heading C3P A cross-linking agent is incorporated into the surface of a solid body formed from an ethylene polymer or copolymer by treatment with a solution of the cross-linking agent in a mixture of water and a polar organic liquid which mixture causes less than 1% increase in the weight of the ethylene polymer after immersion for 30 days at 20‹ C. and is not a solvent therefor, particularly a water-ethanol mixture. The crosslinking agent is preferably a peroxide.

05-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001434838A

... 1434838 Degradable synthetic resin compositions SHINETSU CHEMICAL CO TEKKOSHA KK and T KAGIYA 25 May 1973 25054/73 Heading C3P A synthetic polymer is made degradable by exposure to ultra-violet light and oxygen by introducing into it a halogenated carbonyl compound selected from halogenated acetones, acetyl halides, halogenated acetyl halides, chloranil, benzoyl halides and phenacyl halides. Polymers exemplified are polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene optionally mixed with chlorinated polyethylene. The carbonyl compounds used are acetyl chloride, triehloroacetyl chloride, dichloroacetone, hexachloroacetone, choranil acetyl bromide, bromoacetyl chloride or bromide, chloroacetone, benzoyl bromide, phenacyl bromide and acetyl iodide. Solvents used to incorporate the additives are acetone, methyl vinyl ketone and ether.

29-09-2021 дата публикации

Metal organic framework material

Номер: GB0002593555A

A MOF material is described comprising a polymer material upon a surface of which MOF crystals are located. Preferably the MOF crystals are nucleated and grown in-situ on the polymer material. The MOF crystals are selected from ZIF-67, ZIF-8, MIL-125, MOF-5, HKUST-1, MIL-100, MOF-74, UiO-66. The polymer material may be in powdered or granulated form and is selected from polyamide 12, polyaryletherketones (PAEK) or polypropylene (PP). Methods of manufacture whereby an organic ligand is dissolved in organic solvent, a polymer is added, and a metal ion is also added. Preferably the ligand is methylimidazole, terephthalic acid, 1,4-benzenedicatboxylic acid, 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid or 2,5-dioxide-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate. Products fabricated using the material are also described and may comprise a sole or insole of an item of footwear, a fan blade, filter or mesh charged with an antimicrobial agent. The articles may be manufactured by additive manufacturing.

08-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008417220D0

10-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001405658A

... 1405658 Coating with indium oxide; anodizing TEIJIN Ltd 13 Nov 1972 [13 Nov 1971] 52404/72 Headings C7B and C7F A transparent electrically conductive article is made by vapour-coating plastics using as vapour source In 2 O 3 at at least 1300‹C at a pressure less than 5 x 10-4 Torr, and thereafter subjecting the coating to oxidation. The substrate is preferably a polyester, particularly polyethylene naphthalate, but other suitable plastics are listed; it may be in the form of a film, sheet, plate, or block of thickness 5Á to 10 mm; film or sheet may be wound reel-to-reel during coating. The source In 2 O 3 may contain up to 20 wt per cent lower In oxides or Sn oxides, and is heated by high-frequency, electron beam, or resistance heating; when W resistance heaters are used these are coated with Al 2 O 3 or BeO. The substrate may be primed with a silicone or epoxy-resin layer, or pre-washed ultrasonically in CCl 4 or acetone, or treated by ion-bombardment, oxidizing flame or chromic ...

29-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001411594A

... 1411594 Phosphate coatings E I DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO 21 Sept 1972 [22 Sept 1971 19 July 1972] 10299/75 Divided out of 1411592 Heading C1A [Also in Division B2] Organic polymeric articles such as films or sheets, are coated with a substantially continuous, gas impermeable coating on at least one surface, by application of an aqueous dispersion of aluminium chlorhydroxide and phosphoric acid (so forming aluminium orthophosphate) wherein the atomic ratio of aluminium to phosphorus is from 1À3-0À8, the dispersion being applied so as to yield a coating of 0À02-0À6 (dry wt.) grams meter-2, and drying said coating. Up to 50% of the aluminium atoms in the coating may be replaced by tin, titanium and zirconium and up to 20% of the aluminium atoms in the coating may be replaced by zinc, chromium and magnesium provided that if tin, titanium or zirconium atom replacement also exists then only a total of up to 50% of the aluminium atoms are replaced. The dispersion is preferably prepared ...

25-06-1997 дата публикации

Polymeric films

Номер: GB0002308318A

Polymeric films consist of at least one layer 1 of a thermoplastic polymer having thereon a layer of a dispersion of a particulate filler 2 in a dispersant 3, the dispersant consisting of or containing a tackifier. The dispersion can form an outer layer or an internal layer of the films. Such films have good barrier properties to oxygen and other gases and are of particular use in the ensiling of vegetable matter such as hay and straw. If the dispersant is migratory and/or volatile it can enable the dispersion to concentrate, thereby enabling dispersions with low concentrations of filler to concentrate.

27-05-1947 дата публикации

Surface curing of amine modified alkyd resins

Номер: GB0000588549A

The surface of a coating containing an amine-modified alkyd resin is cured with a solution containing a salt of a heavy metal, e.g. iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, chromium, cadmium, aluminium, tin, copper, lead, zirconium, titanium, zinc, silver, antimony, vanadium, bismuth, mercury, tungsten, molybdenum. The resin may be prepared from polyhydric alcohols such as glycerine, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, tetraethylene glycol, hexaethylene glycol, decamethylene glycol, octadecandiol, trimethylene glycol, the butylene glycols, pentaerythritol, dipentaerythritol, sorbitol and dicarboxylic acids such as succinic, adipic, sebacic, phthalic, tetrahydrophthalic and azelaic. The amine modifier is preferably an alkylolamine, such as monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, triethanolamine, ethyl monoethanolamine, phenyl monoethanolamine, the propanolamines and methanolethylene diamine. Ethyl diethanolamine, aniline, methyl aniline, piperazine, pyridine, ethylene diamine, diethylene ...

26-01-1933 дата публикации

Improved manufacture of cellulose films

Номер: GB0000386775A

In order to prevent regenerated cellulose films or sheets such as those obtained from viscose and ammoniacal copper solutions from adhering when stacked, the films, after formation and immediately before entering the drying apparatus, are passed through one or more aqueous baths containing about 0,1 per cent by weight of mineral matter in colloidal suspension or of a soluble salt capable of forming, either by dissociation or by reacting with calcium or other salts already contained in the film, a deposit of an insoluble substance whereby an extremely tenuous and practically imperceptible deposit is formed on the surface of the film on drying. The film may be treated with a very dilute solution of sodium silicate and the alkalinity of the solution may be more or less neutralized. Calcium salts contained in the water used in the wet treatment of the film lead to a deposit of calcium silicate upon the film and the deposit also contains silica which is dialysed from the solution of sodium silicate ...

14-03-2007 дата публикации

Moulded thermoplastic articles and process

Номер: GB0002393961B

12-04-2006 дата публикации

Process film for use in producing ceramic green sheet and method for production thereof

Номер: GB0002418875A

A process film for use in producing a ceramic green sheet having a base film, an under coating layer and a cured layer, characterized in that the under coating layer comprises a condensation polymer of a metal alkoxide and/or a partially hydrolyzed product of a metal alkoxide, and the cured layer is prepared by heating an addition reaction type silicone resin composition containing a light sensitizer being applied at a rate of 0.01 to 0.3 g/m<2> in terms of solids at a temperature of 40 to 120{C and then curing the resultant layer by an ultraviolet ray irradiation. The process film, which is suitably used in producing a ceramic green sheet for a ceramic condenser, a laminated inductor element or the like, has a cured layer of a silicon resin composition exhibiting good adhesion to a base film, is excellent in the applicability of a ceramic slurry and the releasability of a ceramic green sheet, and exhibits a high degree of flatness which has not seen conventionally and improved antistatic ...

27-04-2005 дата публикации

Method for producing Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)-metal cluster composite

Номер: GB0000505845D0

30-06-2004 дата публикации

A method for hardening at a surface a component

Номер: GB0000412183D0

23-09-1981 дата публикации

A method of modifying the surface of a polymeric material

Номер: GB0002071673A

A low energy electron beam of ions of an element to be imparted in polymeric material is formed and accelerated, the beam being subjected to electromagnetic separation so that only a high purity stream of the ion of this element impinges upon the substrate for implantation herein.

07-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008305688D0

24-11-2021 дата публикации

Metal organic framework material

Номер: GB0002595204A

A MOF material is described comprising a polymer material upon a surface of which MOF crystals are located. In a preferred embodiment, the MOF crystals are formed in-situ on the polymer surface. The polymer surface should be capable of forming chemical bods with the ligands of the MOF. Preferably the material is in powder or granulated form. The polymer is preferably chosen from Polyamide-12, polypropylene and polyaryletherketones. Preferred MOFs for use in the invention are ZIF-8, MIL-125, MOF-5, HKUST-1, MIL-100, MOF-74 or UIO-66. The composite material may be used in an additive manufacturing process and is preferably used to form porous structures. The material may be made by combining a metal salt, an alcoholic solution of an appropriate ligand, and the polymer and allowing the MOF crystals to form on the surface of the polymer.

10-01-1968 дата публикации

Film-forming compositions containing a cis unsaturated fatty acid amide

Номер: GB0001098474A

Compositions of matter comprise a high molecular weight film-forming thermoplastic substance and a compound of formula RCONHCH2CHOHCH2OH where RCO is the acyl group of an unsaturated fatty acid of 12-24 carbon atoms and having a cis configuration at at least one ethylenic double bond, R containing C and H only, or mixtures of these, with or without the corresponding saturated compounds. The composition is preferably in the form of a film or sheet having the amide incorporated therein or as a layer thereon. The thermoplastic substance may be a cellulose ester, polycarbonate, polyester, polyamide, polyolefine or other ethylenic polymer, e.g. derived from acrylonitrile, methacrylonitrile, styrene, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, vinyl acetate, N-isopropylacrylamide, ethylene, propylene, butene, butadiene or isoprene, or propylene-butene copolymers. The compositions of the invention have improved antifogging and antistatic properties, and may be used as films for packaging, e.g. food, ...

22-07-1940 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to the manufacture of sheet cellulosic material

Номер: GB0000523720A

... 523,720. Coated sheet materials. BRITISH CELLOPHANE, Ltd. Jan. 12, 1939, No. 1104. Convention date, Feb. 2, 1938. [Class 140] [Also in Group IV] Smooth, water-sensitive, non-fibrous cellulosic sheets or films are rendered less liable to stick together by applying to them an aqueous emulsion or dispersion of a water-insoluble solid amide of the formula:- R.CO. N (R,) R, where R is a saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon radical of 11-17 C atoms and R1, R2 each represent H or a saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon radical containing 2-18 C atoms with or without hydroxyl groups, and then drying the coated sheets. Preferably the sheets are treated while in a water-swollen or gel state prior to the drying step during the process of manufacture. Octadecyl amide or stearamide, stearyl stearamide lauryl lauramide, 12-hydroxy stearamide, 12- hydroxy ethanol stearamide, ethanol stearamide, or ethanol lauramide may be used. Softening agents, e.g., glycerol may be included in the amide preparation ...

12-07-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to improving the resistance to ultra violet light of shaped structures of organic polymers

Номер: GB0000872421A

The resistance to ultra-violet light of a shaped article of an organic polymeric material, especially a film, is enhanced by incorporating to a limited depth therein an ultra-violet light absorbent compound compatible therewith and of lower melting point, by a method comprising applying the compound to at least one surface of the article, heating the article to a temperature between the melting points of the compound and the polymeric material until the compound has penetrated the article and removing any residual compound which has not penetrated the article. Preferably, the compound is applied to the surface in an amount of at least about 0,4 gms. per sq. metre and penetrates to a depth of not more than about 20% of the cross-section of the article. In a preferred method, a film of thickness at least 0,5 mil is treated so that the compound penetrates not more than about 0,1 mil from the surface or surfaces so treated. Suitable compounds include p-aminobenzoato chromic chloride, phenyl ...

14-02-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001540568A

26-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412969B

Crosslinked ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE) is disclosed, as well as molded bodies made from the UHMW-PE and a process for making such UHMWE-PE.

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386086T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000495826T

15-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000153686T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000514736T

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000144269T

15-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000054184T

15-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000069786T

15-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000128159T

15-09-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000079906T

15-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0007692003A

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000087017T

15-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000228462T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000314414T

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000312886T

10-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342409B

25-02-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of well responsible inorganic layers on plastics

Номер: AT0000296716B

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000234342T

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000156848T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000215117T

15-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000174953T

10-01-1968 дата публикации

Procedure for the production against UV irradiation resistant plastic of molded article

Номер: AT0000259231B

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000264364T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000275601T

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Surface treatment method for molded article, and molded article produced from material containing cyclic olefin resin

Номер: US20140087199A1
Принадлежит: Ushio Denki KK

A self-assembled monolayer is formed on the surface of a molded article without roughening the surface of the molded article to thereby perform treatment for preventing a biochemical substance from being adsorbed, for example, on a microchip substrate, and imparting functionality of immobilizing a biofunctional molecule thereto. The surface of a cyclic olefin resin molded article, for example, a microchip substrate, is irradiated with vacuum ultraviolet light having a center wavelength of 172 nm from an excimer lamp to activate a portion serving as a flow channel in the substrate. Next, the molded is immersed in a tank filled, for example, with a fluorine compound solution, and a SAM film that is a self-assembled monolayer is formed on the surface activated by ultraviolet radiation.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002158A1

This invention describes a polymer surface being coated at least partly with a coating composition comprising at least one oil and at least one emulsifier, which forms a homogenous solution. The invention further describes a container for holding a fluid comprising at least one inner surface, said inner surface being, in use, in contact with said fluid where said inner surface is a coated surface. The invention further describes a use of a coating composition for improvement of release properties of a polymer surface by coating at least partly said surface with said coating composition comprising at least one oil and at least one emulsifier, which forms a homogenous solution. 1. A polymer coating composition for coating a polymer surface consisting of an oil and an emulsifier , which forms a substantially homogenous solution.2. The polymer coating composition according to claim 1 , wherein said emulsifier is a glycerol or a polyglycerol ester.3. The polymer coating composition according to claim 1 , wherein the HLB-value of said emulsifier is above 3.4. A polymer surface being coated at least partly with a coating composition comprising at least one oil and at least one emulsifier claim 1 , which forms a substantially homogenous solution.5. The polymer surface according to claim 4 , wherein said at least one emulsifier is a glycerol or a polyglycerol ester.6. The polymer surface according to claim 4 , wherein the HLB-value of said emulsifier is above 3.7. (canceled)8. The polymer surface according to claim 4 , wherein said polymer is a polyester.9. The polymer surface according to claim 4 , wherein said surface is part of a structure claim 4 , and wherein said structure comprises an internal additive.10. The polymer surface according to claim 9 , wherein said internal additive is a distilled monoglyceride claim 9 , a mono-diglyceride claim 9 , a diglycerol ester or a mixture of one or more thereof.11. The polymer surface according to claim 9 , wherein said internal ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009884A1

According to the present invention, there is provide a coated film having excellent properties which can be highly prevented from suffering from deposition of oligomers from a surface of the film when exposed to a high temperature condition, and is free from occurrence of disadvantages due to the oligomers (ester cyclic trimer) upon storage, use or processing of the film, etc. The present invention relates to a coated film comprising a single-layer polyester film having an ester cyclic trimer content of not more than 0.7% by weight or a multilayer polyester film comprising a polyester surface layer having an ester cyclic trimer content of not more than 0.7% by weight, and a coating layer formed on at least one surface of the single-layer polyester film or multilayer polyester film, the coating layer being formed from a coating solution comprising a polyvalent aldehyde-based compound. 1. A coated film comprising a single-layer polyester film having an ester cyclic trimer content of not more than 0.7% by weight or a multilayer polyester film comprising a polyester surface layer having an ester cyclic trimer content of not more than 0.7% by weight , and a coating layer formed on at least one surface of the single-layer polyester film or multilayer polyester film , the coating layer being formed from a coating solution comprising a polyvalent aldehyde-based compound.2. The coated film according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the single-layer polyester film or multilayer polyester film is 10 to 300 μm claim 1 , and a thickness of the surface layer of the multilayer polyester film is not less than 1.5 μm.3. The coated film according to claim 1 , wherein the polyester film has a multilayer structure having three layers constituted of two kinds of materials.4. The coated film according to claim 1 , wherein the polyvalent aldehyde-based compound is an acetalization reaction product obtained from a polyvalent aldehyde compound and a polyhydric alcohol.5. The coated film ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024259A1

A composite material in which a graphene-like carbon material has excellent adhesion to a substrate composed of resin, and a method for producing the same are provided. The composite material comprises a substrate composed of resin and a graphene-like carbon material layer provided so as to cover at least part of the surface of the substrate, wherein graphene-like carbon is closely attached to the surface of the substrate. The method for producing a composite material comprises bringing a graphene-like carbon material into contact with at least part of the surface of a substrate composed of resin and heating under the action of a supercritical or subcritical fluid. 1. A composite material comprising a substrate composed of resin and a graphene-like carbon material layer provided so as to cover at least part of the surface of the substrate , wherein graphene-like carbon is closely attached to the surface of the substrate.2. The composite material according to claim 1 , wherein some of the graphene-like carbon penetrates the substrate from the surface of the substrate toward the inner part.3. The composite material according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate composed of resin is fine resin particles and the graphene-like carbon material layer is formed so as to cover the outer surface of the fine resin particles.4. The composite material according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate composed of resin is a sheet substrate and the graphene-like carbon material layer is provided on at least one side of the sheet substrate.5. The composite material according to claim 1 , wherein the graphene-like carbon material is composed of graphene or lamina graphite.6. (canceled)7. (canceled) This application is a Continuation application of patent application Ser. No. 13/885,283, filed on May 14, 2013 which is a 371 application of Application No. PCT/JP2012/063619, filed on May 28, 2012 which is based on Japanese Patent Application No. 2011-125471 filed on Jun. 3, 2011, the entire ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029587A1
Принадлежит: STRATEC Consumables GmbH

A method of producing a polymer part comprising the following steps: (a) incorporating a hydrophobic small molecule into the polymer before, during or after manufacture of the polymer part, the hydrophobic small molecule and the polymer being essentially inert to one another; and (b) annealing the polymer part to induce migration of the hydrophobic small molecules to a surface of the polymer part to provide that surface with a specified degree of hydrophobicity defined by the combination of the polymer and the hydrophobic small molecule; is described. Polymer parts made according to the method are also described. 1: A method of producing a polymer part , comprising:(a) incorporating a hydrophobic small molecule into the polymer before, during or after manufacture of the polymer part, the hydrophobic small molecule and the polymer being essentially inert to one another; and(b) annealing the polymer part to induce migration of the hydrophobic small molecules to a surface of the polymer part to provide that surface with a specified degree of hydrophobicity defined by the combination of the polymer and the hydrophobic small molecule.2: The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:(c) annealing the polymer part to induce migration of the hydrophobic small molecules to a surface of the polymer part to provide the surface of an adjacent part with a specified degree of hydrophobicity by vaporisation onto an adjacent surface defined by the combination of the polymer and the hydrophobic small molecule,wherein said (c) annealing is carried out after said (b) annealing.3: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the specified degree of hydrophobicity is further defined by a coating layer on said surface.4: The method according to claim 3 , wherein said surface has a first surface portion and a second surface portion which differ in their surface coating.5: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is an organic polymer.6: The method according to claim 5 , ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

EPDM Packaging System and Process

Номер: US20160039593A1

The present disclosure provides a packaging process and the resultant package produced from the process. The process includes introducing, into a mixing device, pellets composed of ethylene/propylene/diene polymer (EPDM). The EPDM comprises greater than 60 wt % units derived from ethylene. The pellets have a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm. The process includes adding a silica-based powder to the mixing device and coating at least a portion of the pellets with the silica-based powder. The process includes sealing a bulk amount of the coated pellets in a bag made of a flexible polymeric film The process includes absorbing, with the silica-based powder, the residual moisture from the pellets, and preventing moisture condensation in the bag interior for a period from 7 days after the sealing step to 1000 days after the sealing step. 1. A process comprising:introducing, into a mixing device, pellets composed of ethylene/propylene/diene polymer comprising greater than 60 wt % units derived from ethylene, the pellets having a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm;adding a silica-based powder to the mixing device;coating at least a portion of the pellets with the silica-based powder;sealing a bulk amount of the coated pellets in a bag made of a flexible polymeric film;absorbing, with the silica-based powder, the residual moisture from the pellets; andpreventing moisture condensation in the bag interior for a period from 7 days after the sealing step to 1000 days after the sealing step.2. A package comprising:A. a sealed bag formed from a flexible polymeric film;B. a bulk amount of coated pellets in an interior of the sealed bag, the pellets composed of(i) ethylene/propylene/diene polymer comprising at least 60 wt % units derived from ethylene, the pellets having a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm;(ii) a coating on at least a portion of the pellets, the coating comprising a silica-based powder; andno moisture condensation is ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040084A1

The disclosed is a transparent conductive film and method for manufacturing the same. First, a substrate is provided. Subsequently, an inorganic layer composed of nano-inorganic compound is formed overlying the substrate. A carbon nanotube dispersion is then coated on the inorganic layer and dried to form a carbon nanotube conductive layer. 1. A transparent conductive film , comprising:a substrate, wherein the substrate is selected from a group consisting of glass, plastic, and synthetic resin;an inorganic layer formed on the substrate, wherein the inorganic layer is composed of a nano-inorganic compound, and the nano-inorganic compound is silicon oxide, silica alumina clay, vermiculite, tubular kaolin, sericite, bentonite, mica, or combinations thereof; anda carbon nanotube conductive layer comprising carbon nanotubes overlying and contacting the inorganic layer, wherein the carbon nanotubes lie on and extend along the surface of the inorganic layer,wherein the inorganic layer is disposed between the substrate and the carbon nanotube conductive layer, and the inorganic layer directly contacts the substrate.2. The transparent conductive film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises glass claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , or synthetic resin.3. The transparent conductive film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nano-inorganic compound has at least one dimension of 0.5 nm to 100 nm.4. The transparent conductive film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotube of the carbon nanotube conductive layer has a tube diameter of 0.7 nm to 100 nm.5. The transparent conductive film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotube conductive layer further comprises an additional nano-inorganic compound claim 1 , a polymer claim 1 , a binder claim 1 , or combinations thereof6. The transparent conductive film as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotubes are interlaced to form a network.7. A method for forming a transparent conductive film claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040380A1

A cell seeding substrate comprises a base comprising a rotary surface and a photolysis layer formed on the rotary surface of the base. The photolysis layer comprises a plurality of photolysis groups, and each of the plurality of photolysis groups has a chemical structural formula of 2. The cell seeding substrate of claim 1 , wherein the base is made of poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel claim 1 , and a plurality of silver nano-particles is dispersed in the poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel.3. The cell seeding substrate of claim 1 , wherein Ris a natural polymer comprising sulfur group or a synthetic polymer comprising sulfur group claim 1 , the natural polymer is selected from collagen claim 1 , hyaluronic acid claim 1 , protein for functionalizing cell claim 1 , or peptides for functionalizing cell.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the base is made of poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel claim 5 , and a plurality of silver nano-particles is dispersed in the poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel.9. The cell sheet separating method of claim 8 , wherein the base is made of poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel claim 8 , and a plurality of silver nano-particles is dispersed in the poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogel. The subject matter herein generally relates to a cell seeding substrate, a method for manufacturing the cell seeding substrate, and a cell sheet separating method using the cell seeding substrate.Cells are usually seeded on a thermoresponsive plate to form a cell sheet. The whole thermoresponsive plate can be deformed when cooled, thus allowing the cell sheet to be separated from the thermoresponsive plate. However, an activity of the cells may be decreased when cooled.It will be appreciated that for simplicity and clarity of illustration, where appropriate, reference numerals have been repeated among the different figures to indicate corresponding or analogous elements. In addition, numerous specific details are set forth in order to ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046794A1

Disclosed are a thermoplastic polymer combined with a carbon nanomaterial and a method of preparing the same. More particularly, a thermoplastic polymer combined with carbon nanomaterial, comprising 0.1 to 15 wt % of a carbon nanomaterial, 0.025 to 30 wt % of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative, and 55 to 99.875 wt % of a thermoplastic polymer, wherein the carbon nanomaterial and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative combine through π-π interaction, and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative covalently combines with the thermoplastic polymer, is disclosed. The thermoplastic polymer combined with the carbon nanomaterial and the method of preparing the same, according to the present invention, exhibit excellent tensile strength, tensile modulus, electromagnetic shielding effects and anti-static effects, and the like. 1. A thermoplastic polymer combined with a carbon nanomaterial , comprising 0.1 to 15 wt % of a carbon nanomaterial , 0.025 to 30 wt % of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative , and 55 to 99.875 wt % of a thermoplastic polymer ,wherein the carbon nanomaterial and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative are combined through π-π interaction, and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative and the thermoplastic polymer are covalently bonded.2. The thermoplastic polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanomaterial is at least one selected from the group consisting of single walled carbon nanotubes claim 1 , double walled carbon nanotubes claim 1 , multi-walled carbon nanotubes claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , and carbon nano fibers.3. The thermoplastic polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative comprises 2 to 5 fused benzene rings.4. The thermoplastic polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon derivative comprises a functional group reacting with the polymer.5. The thermoplastic polymer according to claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056079A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc.

To provide an antifouling article having an antifouling layer formed on the surface of an organic material using a fluorinated compound, wherein the antifouling article is excellent in antifouling properties and has durability such as abrasion resistance with respect to the antifouling properties. 1. An antifouling article comprising:a substrate, at least a portion of the surface thereof being made of an organic material;a primer layer disposed on the surface made of the organic material; andan antifouling layer disposed on the primer layer; wherein:the primer layer is a layer formed by using a first silane compound which has a hydrolyzable silyl group and a reactive organic group;the reactive organic group is a group having a linking group and a reactive group, or a reactive group other than a hydrolyzable group;{'sup': 3', '1/2, 'the absolute value of the difference between the SP value of the organic material and the SP value of the reactive organic group is from 0 to 3.0 (J/cm); and'}the antifouling layer is a layer formed by using a second silane compound having a perfluoropolyether group and a hydrolyzable silyl group.2. The antifouling article according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the primer layer is from 5 to 100 nm.3. The antifouling article according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the antifouling layer is from 10 to 100 nm.4. The antifouling article according to claim 1 , wherein the reactive organic group is a group having at least one reactive group selected from a vinyl group claim 1 , an epoxy group claim 1 , a (meth)acryloxy group claim 1 , an amino group claim 1 , an isocyanate group claim 1 , and a mercapto group.5. The antifouling article according to claim 1 , wherein the first silane compound is at least one member selected from 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane claim 1 , 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane claim 1 , and 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane.6. The antifouling article according to claim 1 , wherein the second silane ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066890A1

The invention relates to a multi-layer structure containing a thermoplastic substrate, a barrier layer, a UV protection layer, and a cover layer: 1. a thermoplastic substrate material, 2. a barrier coat containing silicon-based precursors, 3. a UV protection layer based on a metal oxide (MeO) having a composition of Me/O>1, preferably >1.2, wherein the metal oxide is selected from the group diethyl zinc, zinc acetate, triisopropyl titanate, tetraisopropyl titanate, cerium-β-diketonate, and cerammonium nitrate, 4. a covering layer, wherein the covering layer is formed of a silicon-based precursor having an element gradient in the oxygen concentration and/or carbon or hydrocarbon concentration, wherein the oxygen content of the cover layer close to the UV light-absorbing layer is less than on the opposite side of the cover layer and the carbon content close to the UV light-absorbing layer greater than on the opposite side of the cover layer, which is characterised by an excellent abrasion protection and a long-term resistance to ageing. 119.-. (canceled)20. A multilayer structure containing , in the following order:1) a thermoplastic support material,2) a barrier layer containing silicon-based precursors,{'sub': y', 'x', 'y', 'x, '3) a UV protection layer based on a metal oxide (MeO) having a composition of Me/O>1, preferably >1.2, where the metal oxide is selected from the group consisting of diethylzinc, zinc acetate, triisopropyl titanate, tetraisopropyl titanate, cerium β-diketonate and cerium ammonium nitrate,'}4) a covering layer, where the covering layer is formed from a silicon-based precursor having an element gradient in the oxygen concentration and/or carbon or hydrocarbon concentration and the oxygen content of the covering layer close to the UV light-absorbing layer is less than on the opposite side of the covering layer and the carbon content near the UV light-absorbing layer is higher than on the opposite side of the covering layer.21. The multilayer ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066891A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a coated polypropylene-based molded article having an excellent gas barrier property. A coated polypropylene-based molded article according to the present invention includes a molded article formed of a polypropylene-based resin composition and a thin film formed on a surface of the molded article, the polypropylene-based resin composition includes a polypropylene-based resin (D) and a nucleating agent (C), the content of the nucleating agent (C) is from 0.05 to 0.5 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the polypropylene-based resin (D). 2. The coated polypropylene-based molded article according to claim 1 , whereinthe polypropylene-based resin composition includes a polypropylene-based resin (A) satisfying requirements (A-1) and (A-2) and a polypropylene-based resin (B) satisfying requirements (B-1) and (B-2) as the polypropylene-based resin (D), anda content of the polypropylene-based resin (A) is from 1 to 99 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the total mass of the polypropylene-based resin (A) and the polypropylene-based resin (B):(A-1) the polypropylene-based resin (A) is a copolymer of propylene, and one or more olefins selected from the group consisting of ethylene and α-olefins having 4 to 20 carbon atoms;(A-2) a crystalline melting point measured in conformity to JIS-K7121:1987 with a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is in a range of 130 to 150° C.;(B-1) the polypropylene-based resin (B) is a propylene homopolymer or a copolymer of propylene, and one or more olefins selected from the group consisting of ethylene and α-olefins having 4 to 20 carbon atoms; and(B-2) a crystalline melting point measured in conformity to JIS-K7121:1987 with a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is in a range of 151 to 165° C.3. The coated polypropylene-based molded article according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene-based molded article is a container.4. The coated polypropylene-based ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160082473A1
Автор: Garbar Arkady

A method for preparing a coated substrate that includes (a) applying a photoinitiator to a surface of a substrate; (b) exposing the photoinitiator to ultraviolet or ultraviolet-visible radiation to activate the photoinitiator and form a pre-treated surface; and (c) applying a coating composition to the pre-treated substrate to form a coated substrate. The coating composition may be a nanoparticle-containing emulsion. 1. A method for preparing a coated substrate comprising:(a) applying a photoinitiator to a surface of a substrate;(b) exposing the photoinitiator to ultraviolet or ultraviolet-visible radiation to activate the photoinitiator and form a pre-treated surface; and(c) applying a coating composition to the pre-treated substrate to form a coated substrate.2. The method of wherein the coating composition comprises an emulsion that includes nanoparticles dispersed in a liquid claim 1 , where the liquid comprises (i) an oil phase comprising a solvent that is non-miscible with water and (ii) a water phase comprising water or a water-miscible solvent. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/828,379, filed May 29, 2013. The disclosure of the prior application is considered part of (and is incorporated by reference in) the disclosure of this application.This invention relates to pre-treating substrates prior to coating.Coating processes often require treating the substrate prior to coating to improve properties such as adhesion, wetting uniformity, and compatibility between the substrate and the coating. Such pre-treatments may alter the nature of the substrate surface by modifying the surface chemistry. Known pre-treatments include chemical primers, corona exposure, plasma exposure, and ultraviolet (UV) exposure. The pre-treatment may be done in line with the coating step, or may be done separately.UV activation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates prior to coating with a self-assembling emulsion to form a ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Air-permeable film imparted with oil repellency

Номер: US20150089911A1
Автор: Yoshiki Ikeyama
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

Disclosed is an air-permeable film imparted with oil repellency, including a porous body having a surface coated with an oil-repellent agent. The oil-repellent agent contains a linear fluorine-containing hydrocarbon group represented by —R 1 C 5 F 10 CH 2 C 4 F 9 or —R 2 C 6 F 13 , where R 1 and R 2 are each independently an alkylene group having 1 to 12 carbon atoms or a phenylene group, and the porous body is a porous formed body composed of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fine particles that are bound together. This air-permeable film is imparted with oil repellency without significantly reducing its air permeability.

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095087A1

An infrared transmissive product includes a body. The body is configured to cover a transmitting unit and a receiving unit for infrared rays in an infrared sensor. The body includes a base made of a transparent plastic having an infrared transmissivity, and a coating film layer that is formed on a rear surface of the base in a transmission direction of infrared rays from the transmitting unit and has an infrared transmissivity. The coating film layer includes dispersed aggregates of particles of a pigment. 1. An infrared transmissive product , comprising:a body configured to cover a transmitting unit and a receiving unit for infrared rays in an infrared sensor, wherein a base made of a transparent plastic having an infrared transmissivity, and', 'a coating film layer that is formed on a rear surface of the base in a transmission direction of infrared rays from the transmitting unit and has an infrared transmissivity, and, 'the body includes'}the coating film layer includes dispersed aggregates of particles of a pigment.2. The infrared transmissive product according to claim 1 , wherein a metal oxide is used as the pigment.3. The infrared transmissive product according to claim 1 , wherein the aggregates have a particle size in a range from 100 nm to 300 nm.4. The infrared transmissive product according to claim 1 , whereina light transmissivity of the infrared transmissive product when a wavelength is 900 nm is 30% or higher, andan L value in a Lab color system of the infrared transmissive product is 30 or greater.5. An infrared transmissive product claim 1 , comprising:a body configured to cover a transmitting unit and a receiving unit for infrared rays in an infrared sensor, wherein a base made of a plastic having an infrared transmissivity, and', 'a coating film layer that is formed on a front surface of the base in a transmission direction of infrared rays from the transmitting unit and has an infrared transmissivity, and, 'the body includes'}the coating film ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145030A1

This application features a method of forming a polymer layer on the surface of a substrate using a self-initiating monomer. A polymer layer is formed by polymerization of a monomer on a metal layer to fill or cover defects of the metal layer. The metal layer the polymer layer may be used as an airtight material. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal layer comprises a metal foil having a thickness in a range between about 1 μm and about 200 μm claim 1 , wherein the intermediate device further comprises an adhesive layer between the metal layer and the plastic film.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the intermediate device comprises:providing the plastic film and the metal layer;laminating the plastic film and the metal layer with an adhesive material applied between the plastic film and the metal layer to provide the adhesive layer interposed between the plastic film and the metal layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal layer comprises a metal deposit formed on the plastic film and has a thickness in a range between about 1 nm and about 50 nm claim 1 , wherein no distinct layer is interposed between the metal layer and the plastic film.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the intermediate device comprises:providing the plastic film; andconducting a vapor deposition of a metal to form the metal layer on the plastic film.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the intermediate device further comprises subjecting a surface of the plastic film to a plasma treatment before conducting the vapor deposition claim 1 , wherein the vapor deposition of the metal is performed on the surface of the plastic film.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein causing the polymerization reaction comprises causing the metal layer of the intermediate device to contact the polymerization reaction composition.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer layer claim 1 , as a result of polymerization reactions on the metal layer claim 1 , comprises at least ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107378A1

This invention describes a dispersion for coating a polymer surface comprising polyglycerol esters and a surfactant being a neutralized or partially neutralised fatty acid or a neutralized or partially neutralized ester of fatty acids. The dispersion can be diluted into a coating composition, which can be applied as a coating on a polymer surface. The coating has anti-static and anti-fogging effects and can be used for for example a variety of different packaging materials. 1. A dispersion for coating a polymer surface comprising polyglycerol esters and a surfactant being a neutralized or partially neutralised fatty acid or a neutralized or partially neutralized ester of fatty acids.2. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the solid content of said dispersion is 10-70 wt %.3. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the viscosity of said dispersion at a temperature of 20° C. and a shear rate of 10/s is 0.01-100 Pa s.4. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the concentration of said polyglycerol esters is above 10 wt % of the total solid content.5. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , said surfactant is sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL).6. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the dispersion further comprises monoglyceride.7. The dispersion according to claim 6 , characterized in that claim 6 , the concentration of said monoglyceride is 1-50 wt % of the total solid content.8. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the concentration of said surfactant is 0.1-50 wt % of the total solid content.9. The dispersion according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , said dispersion further comprises a co-surfactant.10. A coating composition for coating a polymer surface comprising a dispersion as described in .11. The coating composition as described in claim 10 , wherein the coating ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180111712A1

A structure including a formed body () formed in a predetermined shape and an externally added region formed on the surface of the formed body (), wherein the externally added region has externally added protuberances () of a mixture of a wax component and a liquid () formed on the surface of the formed body () and, further, has a mountain/valley surface formed by the distribution of the externally added protuberances (); and on the externally added region, the surfaces (valley portions) of the formed body 1 are covered with the liquid () at portions among the externally added protuberances (). 1. A structure including a formed body formed in a predetermined shape and an externally added region formed on a surface of said formed body , wherein:said externally added region has externally added protuberances of a mixture of a wax component and a liquid formed on the surface of said formed body and, further, has a mountain/valley surface formed by the distribution of said externally added protuberances; andon said externally added region, the surfaces of said formed body are covered with said liquid at portions among the externally added protuberances.2. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein a difference h of elevation is at least not less than 10 μm between the mountain portion and the valley portion on the mountain/valley surface in said externally added region.4. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein said wax component has a melting point of not lower than 50° C.5. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein said liquid is an oily liquid.6. The structure according to claim 5 , wherein said oily liquid acquires an angle of contact (23° C.) of not more than 45° relative to the surface of said formed body and has a viscosity (25° C.) of not more than 100 mPa·s7. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein said externally added protuberances as well as the surfaces of said formed body among said externally added protuberances are coated with said liquid ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115519A1

Provided are polymeric materials that demonstrate excellent mar resistance as well as clarity and weatherability as well as processes for their manufacture. In some aspects a thermoplastic material includes a light stabilizer at or within the surface of the material and a mar resistant coating material layered directly on the surface, optionally without any intermediate primer layer, adhesion promotion layer or material, or other functional layer. 1. A process of forming a mar resistant thermoplastic material comprising:providing a substrate comprising a thermoplastic material;combining a light stabilizer into the thermoplastic material by infusion into a surface of the thermoplastic material, or mixing into said thermoplastic material, or combinations thereof, so as to form a light stabilized surface, the light stabilizer penetrating the surface; andlayering a mar resistant coating onto the light stabilized surface to produce a mar resistant thermoplastic material, wherein the mar resistant material is absent any composition between the light stabilized surface and the mar resistant coating that promotes adhesion of the mar resistant coating to the light stabilized surface and such that the mar resistant coating is directly on the light stabilized surface.2. The process of wherein the mar resistant thermoplastic material is absent an adhesion promoter infused into the surface of the thermoplastic material claim 1 , optionally absent an adhesion promoter coated onto the surface of the thermoplastic material.3. The process of wherein said substrate is polymerized prior to said step of combining.4. The process of wherein the step of combining is by infusing the light stabilizer into the surface of the substrate.5. The process of any one of - wherein said substrate comprises a polycarbonate claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) claim 1 , polycarbonate (PC) claim 1 , polylactic acid (PLA) claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , PET ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128182A1

A flexible printed circuit board (PCB) has stretchability and durability. The flexible PCB includes: a first polymer substrate having flexibility, stretchability, or elasticity; a second polymer substrate having flexibility, stretchability, or elasticity; a conductive track disposed between the first and second polymer substrates and including metal nanowires; and a cured silane coupling agent which bonds the conductive track to at least one of the first and second polymer substrates. 1. A flexible printed circuit board (PCB) comprising:a first polymer substrate having at least one of flexibility, stretchability, and elasticity;a second polymer substrate having at least one of flexibility, stretchability, and elasticity;a conductive track comprising metal nanowires disposed between the first polymer substrate and the second polymer substrate; anda cured silane coupling agent configured to bond the conductive track to at least one of the first polymer substrate and the second polymer substrate.2. The flexible PCB of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer substrate and the second polymer substrate each have a thickness in a range of about 10 μm to about 3 claim 1 ,000 μm.3. The flexible PCB of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer substrate and the second polymer substrate each comprise at least one of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based resin claim 1 , a polyimide (PI)-based resin claim 1 , a polyamide-based resin claim 1 , a polyester-based resin claim 1 , a polyethylene-based resin claim 1 , a polypropylene-based resin claim 1 , a polyurethane-based resin claim 1 , and a polycarbonate-based resin.4. The flexible PCB of claim 1 , wherein the first polymer substrate and the second polymer substrate comprise a PDMS-based resin.5. The flexible PCB of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanowires have an average aspect ratio in a range of about 20 to about 300.6. The flexible PCB of claim 1 , wherein the metal nanowires have an average diameter in a range of about 1 nm to about 500 ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Polycarbonate Glazing and Method of Preparing the Same

Номер: US20150132572A1

A polycarbonate glazing includes a polycarbonate substrate and a silicon oxide-containing hard coating layer formed on one surface of the substrate, wherein the polycarbonate glazing has a haze difference (ΔHaze) of about 4.5 or less between before and after abrasion, as measured in accordance with ASTM D1003 after 500-cycle testing under conditions of a CS-10F abrasion wheel and a load of 500 g using a Taber Abraser, and has a water contact angle from about 40° to about 60°. The polycarbonate glazing may exhibit excellent abrasion resistance and transparency. 1. A polycarbonate glazing comprising:a polycarbonate substrate; anda silicon oxide-containing hard coating layer formed on a surface of the substrate,wherein the polycarbonate glazing has a haze difference (ΔHaze) of about 4.5 or less between before and after abrasion, as measured in accordance with ASTM D1003 after 500-cycle testing under conditions of a CS-10F abrasion wheel and a load of 500 g using a Taber Abraser, and has a water contact angle from about 40° to about 60°.2. The polycarbonate glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the hard coating layer is formed from a coating solution including a silicone compound.3. The polycarbonate glazing according to claim 2 , wherein the silicone compound comprises a polysiloxane compound claim 2 , a polysilsesquioxane compound claim 2 , or a mixture thereof.4. The polycarbonate glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the polycarbonate substrate has a thickness from about 1 mm to about 10 mm.5. The polycarbonate glazing according to claim 1 , wherein the hard coating layer has a thickness from about 0.1 μm to about 25 μm.6. The polycarbonate glazing according to claim 1 , further comprising:an interlayer formed between the polycarbonate substrate and the silicone hard coating layer,wherein the interlayer is a binding layer, a functional layer, or a stacked structure thereof.7. The polycarbonate glazing according to claim 6 , wherein the binding layer comprises at ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170131439A1

Provided is a resin film, etc. not having the film strength thereof being easily degraded, even when an additive is used. Further, provided is a resin film, etc. having a lower reflectivity. A low refractive index layer (the resin film) comprises a binder. Further, the low refractive index layer comprises hollow particles distributed in the binder. Further, the low refractive index layer comprises a fluorine-containing polymer which is immiscible with the hollow particles. The fluorine-containing polymer which is immiscible with the hollow particles is mostly distributed on the surface of the low refractive index layer. 1. An optical element comprisinga substrate; anda low refractive layer formed on the substrate,wherein the low refractive layer comprises a resin layer that has a first surface and a second surface opposite to the first surface,the first surface is a convex-concave surface, and the second surface is located adjacent to the substrate, andthe resin layer comprises a first binder; hollow particles distributed in the first binder; and a fluorine-containing polymer immiscible with the hollow particles.2. The optical element of claim 1 , wherein the first binder further comprises a silsesquioxane.3. The optical element of claim 1 , wherein the resin layer further comprises a modified silicone compound claim 1 , and a concentration of the modified silicone compound at the convex-concave surface is higher than a concentration of the modified silicone compound at a central part claim 1 , in a thickness direction claim 1 , of the resin layer.4. The optical element of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of the fluorine-containing polymer at the convex-concave surface is higher than a concentration of the fluorine-containing polymer at the central part claim 1 , in the thickness direction claim 1 , of the resin layer claim 1 , the hollow particles are hollow silica particles claim 1 , and the hollow particles have a plurality of relative maximum points in a ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Transparent Polycarbonate Elements With Alumina Coatings

Номер: US20160137798A1
Автор: Groner Markus D.

Polycarbonate elements are coated with an ultrathin alumina coating. These elements are highly resistant to yellowing when exposed to electromagnetic radiation of about 25 to 700 nm in wavelength. Accordingly, the coated polycarbonate elements are useful component of a wide variety of devices, such as aircraft, vehicles, optical devices and LED devices. 1. A device comprising a transparent polycarbonate element , wherein the transparent polycarbonate element is coated on at least one surface with a continuous alumina film having a thickness of up to 200 nm.2. The device of which is an aircraft claim 1 , and the transparent polycarbonate element is a canopy.3. The device of which is an aircraft claim 1 , and the transparent polycarbonate element is a window.4. The device of wherein the transparent polycarbonate element is a protective window claim 1 , barrier or door.5. The device of which is a protective shield.6. The device of which is an optical device claim 1 , and the transparent polycarbonate element is a lens or window.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the optical device is an eyeglass claim 6 , and the transparent polycarbonate element is a focusing lens.8. The device of claim 6 , wherein the optical device is a camera claim 6 , and the transparent polycarbonate element is a focusing lens.9. The device of claim 6 , wherein the optical device is a microscope or telescope claim 6 , and the transparent polycarbonate sheet is a focusing lens.10. The device of which is an LED claim 1 , and the transparent polycarbonate element is a lens or window.11. The device of claim 10 , wherein the LED is an automotive light.12. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is an artificial lighting device and the transparent polycarbonate element is a lens claim 1 , diffuser claim 1 , protective cover or bulb material.13. The device of claim 1 , wherein the alumina coating is from 5 to 50 nm thick.14. The device of claim 13 , wherein the alumina coating is from 15 to 35 nm ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Formation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Номер: US20160137799A1

Technologies are described for methods and systems effective for etching nanostructures in a substrate. The methods may comprise depositing a patterned block copolymer on the substrate. The methods may comprise applying a precursor to the patterned block copolymer to generate an infiltrated block copolymer. The precursor may infiltrate into the first polymer block domain and generate a material. The methods may comprise applying a removal agent effective to remove the polymer block domains to the infiltrated block copolymer to generate a pattern of the material. The methods may comprise etching the substrate. The pattern of the material may mask the substrate to pattern the etching. The etching may be performed under conditions to produce nanostructures in the substrate. The methods may comprise removing the pattern of the material and coating the nanostructures and the surface of the substrate with a hydrophobic coating. 1. A method for etching nanostructures in a substrate , the method comprising:depositing a patterned block copolymer on the substrate, wherein the patterned block copolymer includes a first polymer block domain and a second polymer block domain;applying a precursor to the patterned block copolymer on the substrate to generate an infiltrated block copolymer on the substrate, wherein the precursor infiltrates into the first polymer block domain and generates a material in the first polymer block domain and the precursor does not infiltrate into the second polymer block domain;applying a removal agent to the infiltrated block copolymer on the substrate to generate a pattern of the material on the substrate, wherein the removal agent is effective to remove the first polymer block domain and the second polymer block domain from the substrate, and is not effective to remove the material in the first polymer block domain;etching the substrate, wherein the pattern of the material on the substrate masks the substrate to pattern the etching and the etching ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Organic substrates having improved weatherability and mar resistance

Номер: US20190136001A1
Принадлежит: Radco Infusion Technologies LLC

There is a great desire for new organic resin materials that have acceptable weatherability and scratch resistance. Provided are processes and organic resin materials that address these needs. Such materials include a thermoplastic substrate, an adhesion promoter infused into a surface of the thermoplastic such that an inorganic component (IC) of the adhesion promoter is surface exposed and an organic component (OC) of the adhesion promoter penetrates the surface, and a mar resistant coating contacting the substrate absent an intermediate layer. Processes of forming such materials are also provided.

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147602A1

A method for providing electrically-conductive silver-containing metal in a thin film or one or more thin film patterns on a substrate. Electrically-conductive metallic silver is provided from a non-hydroxylic-solvent soluble silver complex represented by the following formula (I): 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern has a resistivity of less than 1000 ohms/□.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern has a resistivity of less than 500 ohms/□.4. The method of claim 1 , whereinafter photochemically converting the reducible silver ions to electrically-conductive silver metal, contacting the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern with water or an aqueous or non-aqueous salt solution, andoptionally, drying the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern.5. The method of claim 1 , whereinafter photochemically converting the reducible silver ions to electrically-conductive silver metal, contacting the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern with an aqueous or non-aqueous non-salt solution, andoptionally, drying the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern.6. The method of claim 1 , whereinafter photochemically converting the reducible silver ions to electrically-conductive silver metal, contacting the electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film or electrically-conductive silver metal-containing thin film pattern with an aqueous or non-aqueous salt solution,contacting the ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168688A1
Автор: TSAO Cheng-Shang

A method for preparation of a composite composition involves performing magnetron sputtering deposition to nanolize at least one target such as silver or titanium dioxide or zinc oxide and to deposit the target over surfaces of a plastic matrix, so as to obtain a composite matrix, and using pressing or blowing or injection forming to make the composite matrix into a composite composition. Thereby, the method ensures that the target is evenly distributed over the film, making it a composite composition that is antibacterial, capable of generating anions and far infrared rays or highly ventilative. 1. A method for preparation of a composite composition , the method comprising the following steps:A) providing a plastic matrix;B) performing a vapor deposition process to form at least one target over surfaces of the plastic matrix, so as to obtain a composite matrix; andC) using an integratedly forming process to make the composite matrix into a composite composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plastic matrix of Step A) is made of polyethylene(PE) claim 1 , polypropylene (PP) claim 1 , polyurethane (PU) claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride (PVC) claim 1 , polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) claim 1 , acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymers (ABS) claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate (PET) claim 1 , polycarbonate (PC) claim 1 , polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) claim 1 , epoxy claim 1 , or phenol formaldehyde resin.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vapor deposition process of Step B) is a sputtering deposition process.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target for the vapor deposition process of Step B) is silver claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , or zinc oxide claim 1 , and the target is formed by the vapor deposition process into nanoparticles of nano silver claim 1 , nano titanium oxide claim 1 , nano zinc oxide.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein nano-scale gaps are formed between the nanoparticles or between the nanoparticles and a contacting ...

14-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180162078A1

Article comprising a polymeric substrate having a first major surface comprising a plurality of particles (e.g., clay particles, graphite particles, boron nitride particles, carbon particles, molybdenum disulfide particles, bismuth oxychloride particles, and combinations thereof) attached thereto. Articles described herein are useful, for example, for a tamper evident surface. 1. An article comprising a polymeric substrate having a first major surface comprising a plurality of two-dimensional particles attached thereto , the plurality of particles having an outer surface and lengths greater than 1 micrometer , wherein for at least 50 percent by number of the particles there is at least 20 percent of the respective particle surface area consisting of points having tangential angles in a range from 5 to 175 degrees from the first major surface of the polymeric substrate , wherein the particles have thickness no greater than 300 nm.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the particles are at least one of clay particles claim 1 , graphite particles claim 1 , boron nitride particles claim 1 , carbon particles claim 1 , molybdenum disulfide particles claim 1 , or bismuth oxychloride particles.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the particles have a largest dimension in a range from 1 micrometer to 50 micrometers.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the outer surface of the respective particles has a coating thereon.5. The article of claim 1 , further comprising a tie layer disposed between the first major surface of the polymeric substrate and the plurality of particles.6. An article comprising a polymeric substrate having a first major surface with a tie layer on the first major surface of the polymeric substrate and a plurality of two-dimensional particles attached to the tie layer claim 1 , the particles each having an outer surface claim 1 , wherein for at least 50 percent by number of the particles there is at least 20 percent of the respective ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Composite structure, product using same, and method for producing composite structure

Номер: US20140248500A1
Принадлежит: Kuraray Co Ltd

A composite structure disclosed includes a base (X) and a layer (Y) stacked on the base (X). The layer (Y) includes a reaction product (R). The reaction product (R) is a reaction product formed by a reaction at least between a metal oxide (A) and a phosphorus compound (B). A peak for a binding energy of an oxygen-atom 1s orbital observed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the layer (Y) is located at 532.0 eV or higher, and the peak has a half width of less than 2.0 eV.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167075A1
Принадлежит: OSAKA KASEI CO., LTD.

According to the present disclosure, a resin product is brought in contact with a treatment liquid containing an antiviral compound (A) of a quaternary ammonium halide having a molecular weight of not greater than 1500 and, in this state, heat-treated under a normal pressure or under an increased pressure, whereby the antiviral compound (A) is immobilized on at least a surface of the resin product. Thus, an excellent antiviral finished product having water resistance and laundry durability is provided. 18-. (canceled)9. An antiviral finished product production method for producing an antiviral finished product having an antiviral property , the method comprising the steps of:preparing a resin product;preparing a treatment liquid containing an antiviral compound of a quaternary ammonium halide having a molecular weight of not greater than 1500; andimmobilizing the antiviral compound on at least a surface of the resin product by heat-treating the resin product under a normal atmospheric pressure or under an increased pressure with the resin product in contact with the treatment liquid.10. The antiviral finished product production method according to claim 9 , wherein the resin product comprises at least one resin selected from a polyester resin claim 9 , a polyamide resin claim 9 , an acryl resin and a polyurethane resin.11. The antiviral finished product production method according to claim 9 , wherein the resin product comprises a polyester resin.12. The antiviral finished product production method according to claim 9 ,wherein, in the step of immobilizing the antiviral compound on at least the surface of the resin product, having the resin product in contact with the treatment liquid is performed by spraying the treatment liquid onto the resin product, by immersing the resin product in the treatment liquid or by coating the resin product with the treatment liquid, andwherein, in the step of immobilizing the antiviral compound on at least the surface of the resin ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176202A1

A selective dyeing method is used for dyeing a substrate, selectively within a first exposed surface portion of said substrate. For this purpose, the substrate consists of a material that is impervious to a dye with the exception of the first portion of the exposed surface. In particular, the impervious material can form a layer which covers a base portion of the substrate in a second portion of the exposed surface. The substrate is heated such that the dye penetrates a pervious material which constitutes the first portion of the exposed surface. The method is particularly useful for eliminating light diffused by the walls of a multilayer structure which is supported by means of ocular glass. 2. The transparent cellular component of claim 1 , wherein the first material forms a transparent layer having opposite first and second sides claim 1 , the second side facing the base substrate claim 1 , and the second material forms a network of walls arranged on the first side of the transparent layer claim 1 , the walls extending perpendicularly to the upper surface of the base substrate.3. The transparent cellular component of claim 1 , wherein the second material incorporates dyes and the first material is without dyes.4. The transparent cellular component of claim 1 , wherein a distribution of said dyes inside the second material corresponds to a diffusion profile from a surface of said second material.5. A transparent cellular component allowing a clear vision through said component and comprising:a transparent base substrate having an upper surface;a transparent first material supported by the upper surface of the base substrate and having opposite first and second sides, the second side facing the base substrate; anda transparent second material arranged on the first side of the first material, the walls extending perpendicularly to the upper surface of the base substrate,wherein the second material incorporate dyes in a distribution of said dyes inside the second ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198441A1
Принадлежит: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

The present invention relates to a metallic decorative member which when a transparent base material containing rubber particle is used, is able to make the metallic luster after molding excellent. The metallic decorative member is one including a metal vapor deposited film having a metal vapor deposited layer on a transparent base material, the transparent base material being disposed so as to face toward the outer layer side, wherein the transparent base material is a transparent resin base material containing rubber particles and a binder resin; the metal vapor deposited layer has island portions composed of a metal and sea portions positioning between the island portions; and an area A per island portion is 4,400 to 56,000 nm. 1. A metallic decorative member comprising a metal vapor deposited film having a metal vapor deposited layer on a transparent base material , the transparent base material being disposed so as to face toward the outer layer side , wherein the transparent base material is a transparent resin base material containing rubber particles and a binder resin; the metal vapor deposited layer has island portions composed of a metal and sea portions positioning between the island portions; and an area A per island portion is 4 ,400 to 56 ,000 nm.2. The metallic decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein an outer shell of the rubber particle contains an acrylic resin claim 1 , and the binder resin contains an acrylic resin.3. The metallic decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein a thermal shrinkage ratio on the occasion of heating the transparent base material at 75° C. for 30 minutes is 1.0% or less.4. The metallic decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein a primer layer is provided between the transparent base material and the metal vapor deposited layer.5. The metallic decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the metal vapor deposited layer is an indium vapor deposited layer.6. The metallic decorative member according ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169736A1
Принадлежит: TOYOBO CO., LTD.

The present invention has been made in view of the above-mentioned conventional technical problems. That is, an object of the present invention is to provide a gas barrier film excellent in barrier properties to oxygen and water vapor, preferably excellent in water vapor barrier properties after being left to stand in a humidified environment for a prescribed period. 1. A method for manufacturing a rolled gas barrier film comprising an inorganic compound thin film formed on at least one surface of a plastic film , which comprises;a step of forming the inorganic compound thin film by heating and vaporizing aluminum oxide particles having a particle size of 2 to 6 mm and magnesium oxide particles having a particle size of 2 to 6 mm to make vapors separately, mixing the vapors in vapor phase, and then depositing the vapors on at least one surface of the plastic film; and 'wherein', 'a step of winding the plastic film on which the inorganic compound thin film is formed to make the rolled gas barrier film;'}the inorganic compound thin film contains aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, and optionally other compounds,the ratio of magnesium oxide is not less than 5 mass % and not more than 90 mass % of the total mass of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide contained in the inorganic compound thin film,the thickness of the inorganic compound thin film is 5 to 80 nm,the gas barrier film has a rate of change of water vapor transmission rate (ΔWVTR) of not more than 50% after being treated at 40° C. and 90% RH for 50 hours.2. The method for manufacturing the gas barrier film according to claim 1 , the inorganic compound thin film is formed by a vacuum vapor deposition method.3. The method for manufacturing the gas barrier film according to claim 2 , the inorganic compound thin film is formed by an electron beam heating vapor deposition method.4. The method for manufacturing the gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the magnesium oxide is present in an amount of (i) not less ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183466A1
Принадлежит: ENI S.P.A.

Process for the impregnation of a polymer substrate including at least one polymer, which comprises putting said polymer substrate in contact with at least one aqueous emulsion, preferably an aqueous microemulsion, including at least one organic additive. The impregnated polymer substrate obtained from said process can be advantageously used for obtaining polymer end-products having improved aesthetic characteristics (for example, impregnation with at least one dye) or stability characteristics (for example, impregnation with at least one stabilizer), which can be used in various fields such as, for example, the optical field (e.g., advanced optical components, laser applications), the medical field (e.g., the release of pharmaceutical substances), the agricultural field (e.g., release of pesticides), fragrances (e.g., release of fragrances). More specifically, said polymer substrate can be used in luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) which, in their turn, can be advantageously used together, for example, with photovoltaic cells (or solar cells), or photoelectrolytic cells, in solar devices (i.e. devices for exploiting solar energy). Furthermore, said luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) can be advantageously used together, for example, with photovoltaic cells (or solar cells), in photovoltaic windows. 1: A process for impregnating a polymer substrate , the process comprising:contacting the polymer substrate comprising a polymer with at least one aqueous emulsion comprising an organic additive.2: The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of a polyacrylate claim 1 , a polycarbonate claim 1 , a polystyrene claim 1 , a styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3: The process according to claim 1 , wherein the organic additive is a photoluminescent dye.4: The process according to claim 3 , wherein the photoluminescent dye is selected from the group consisting of a benzothiadiazole compound claim ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Powdered Pouch And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20180186534A1
Принадлежит: MONOSOL, LLC

Disclosed herein are water-soluble films and resulting packets including a water-soluble film coated by a powder, wherein the powder includes a mixture of a powdered lubricant and an active agent. Optionally, the active agent may be encapsulated, e.g. microencapsulated, for release of the active agent through mechanisms including, but not limited to, mechanical rupture, melt, ablation, dissolution, diffusion, biodegradation, or pH-controlled release. Active ingredients described include enzymes, oils, flavors, colorants, odor absorbers, fragrances, pesticides, fertilizers, activators, acid catalysts, metal catalysts, ion scavengers, bleaches, bleach components, fabric softeners and combinations thereof. Examples of packet fills include laundry detergents, bleach and laundry additives, fabric care, dishwashing, hard surface cleaning, beauty care, skin care, other personal care, and foodstuffs. 1. A water-soluble packet , comprising:a water-soluble film in the form of a packet; and a powdered lubricant and', 'an active agent, provided that when the active agent is a fragrance the fragrance is microencapsulated, wherein the powdered lubricant is not the same as the microcapsule., 'a powder coating on the film in the form of a packet, the powder coating comprising a mixture of'}2. The water-soluble packet of claim 1 , wherein the active agent is microencapsulated.3. The water-soluble packet according to claim 1 , wherein the powdered lubricant is selected from the group consisting of starches claim 1 , modified starches claim 1 , silicas claim 1 , siloxanes claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , magnesium carbonate claim 1 , clay claim 1 , talc claim 1 , silicic acid claim 1 , gypsum claim 1 , zeolites claim 1 , cylclodextrins claim 1 , calcium stearate claim 1 , zinc stearate claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , magnesium stearate claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , zinc oxide and combinations thereof.4. The water-soluble packet according to claim 3 , wherein the powdered lubricant is ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Barrier Film Laminate Comprising Submicron Getter Particles and Electronic Device Comprising Such a Laminate

Номер: US20210234130A1

A barrier film laminate () comprising an organic layer () that is situated in between two inorganic layers (). The organic layer comprises submicron getter particles () at an amount between 0.01 and 0.9% by weight. The barrier film laminate can be used for encapsulating organic electronic devices such as OLEDs. The long term homogenous transparency makes this laminate in particular suited for protecting the light emitting side of an OLED. 1. A barrier film laminate comprising a first inorganic layer , a second inorganic layer and a first organic layer comprising homogeneously dispersed submicron getter particles , the organic layer being situated in between the first and the second inorganic layer wherein the first inorganic layer , the second inorganic layer , and the first organic layer are all optically transparent , characterized in that the amount of homogeneously dispersed submicron getter particles in the organic layer is between 0.01 and 0.9% by weight of the organic layer.2. The barrier film laminate according to claim 1 , comprising a third inorganic layer and a second organic layer comprising homogeneously dispersed submicron getter particles at an amount between 0.01 and 0.9% by weight of the second organic layer claim 1 , wherein the second organic layer is situated in between the first inorganic layer and the third inorganic layer such that the barrier film laminate comprises an alternating stack of organic and inorganic layers.3. The barrier film laminate according to claim 2 , wherein the amount of homogeneously dispersed submicron getter particles in the first organic layer is between 0.01 and 0.5% by weight of the first organic layer.4. The barrier film laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the number averaged particle size of the homogeneously dispersed submicron getter particles in the only organic layer or in one or more of the organic layers is 200 nanometer or less.5. The barrier film laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the homogeneously ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140302312A1
Автор: Singh Pushpendra

The present invention relates to a method for the formation of virtually defect-free monolayers of particles with long-range order. The technique involves assembling the monolayer of particles on the interface between a solidifiable liquid and a fluid, which can be air or another liquid, ordering the particles using an electric field and then solidifying the former, e.g., by applying UV light. The monolayer becomes embedded on the surface of the solidified film. The monolayers can be coated onto the surface of materials to optimize their mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties. 1. A film with a monolayer of particles with long range order embedded on its surface.2. The film of which is a resin that has been cured by UV light.3. The film of wherein the particles are selected from glass claim 2 , silica claim 2 , polystyrene claim 2 , steel or salt crystals.4. The film of wherein the particles are from about 100 nm to about 100 μm in diameter.5. A process for producing a film with a monolayer of particles with long range order embedded on its surface which comprisesplacing particles in a fluid-fluid interface,applying an ac or dc electric field in the direction normal to the interface,forming a monolayer of particles,embedding the monolayer of particles on the surface of one of the fluids of the fluid-fluid interface, andremoving the remaining fluid.6. The process of wherein the fluid on which the monolayer is embedded is a solidifiable fluid.7. The process of wherein the fluid on which the monolayer is embedded is a UV curable resin.8. The process of wherein the second fluid of the fluid-fluid interface is selected from air claim 4 , silicone oil claim 4 , or corn oil.9. The process of wherein the particles are deagglomerated before the electric field is applied.10. The process of wherein the particles are dissolvable so that regular pores are created in the film after the particles are dissolved or removed from the film. This application claims the ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160222179A1
Принадлежит: RADCO Infusion Technologies, LLC

There is a great desire for new organic resin materials that have acceptable weatherability and scratch resistance. Provided are processes and organic resin materials that address these needs. Such materials include a thermoplastic substrate, an adhesion promoter infused into a surface of the thermoplastic such that an inorganic component (IC) of the adhesion promoter is surface exposed and an organic component (OC) of the adhesion promoter penetrates the surface, and a mar resistant coating contacting the substrate absent an intermediate layer. Processes of forming such materials are also provided. 2. The process of wherein said adhesion promoter comprises the formula{'br': None, 'sub': 'x', 'IC-OT\u2003\u2003(I)'}where IC is an inorganic material; OT is an organic component comprising a hydrophobic organic tail; and x is an integer between 1 and 6.3. The process of wherein said IC is a metal claim 2 , optionally a metal oxide.4. The process of wherein said IC is a silicon oxide claim 2 , aluminum oxide claim 2 , or derivative thereof.57-. (canceled)1017-. (canceled)18. A mar resistant thermoplastic material comprising:a thermoplastic substrate; andan adhesion promoter infused into a surface of said thermoplastic or portion thereof, such that an inorganic component (IC) of said adhesion promoter is surface exposed and an organic component (OT) of said adhesion promoter penetrates said surface.19. The thermoplastic material of further comprising:a mar resistant coating or hardcoat coating contacting said substrate absent an intermediate layer.20. The material of wherein said adhesion promoter comprises a structure having the formula{'br': None, 'sub': 'x', 'IC-OT\u2003\u2003(I)'}where IC is said inorganic component; OT is an organic component comprising an oligomeric tail; and x is an integer between 1 and 6.21. The material of wherein said IC is a metal.22. The material of wherein said IC comprises silicon oxide claim 18 , aluminum oxide claim 18 , or derivative ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200216629A1

Provided is a composite body where ceramic crystals are thinly and uniformly coated onto a base material containing a hydrophilic polymer. The composite body has a base material containing a hydrophilic polymer, and a ceramic layer which is coated onto at least a portion of a surface of the base material, and the ceramic layer contains crystals having a laminated structure. The ceramic layer may contain calcium phosphate. A thickness of the ceramic layer is 0.3 nm to 50 nm. The composite body is produced through a step of mixing and stirring a dispersion liquid in which the base material is dispersed, a first solution containing calcium ions, and a second solution containing phosphate ions. 1. A composite body comprising:a base material containing a hydrophilic polymer; anda ceramic layer which is coated onto at least a portion of a surface of the base material, whereinthe ceramic layer contains crystals having a laminated structure where hydroxyapatite is laminated toward an outside of the base material in a c axis direction.2. The composite body according to claim 1 , wherein the ceramic layer is formed of crystals having a laminated structure.35-. (canceled)6. The composite body according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the ceramic layer is 0.3 nm to 50 nm.7. The composite body according to claim 6 , wherein a thickness of the ceramic layer is 1 nm to 20 nm.8. The composite body according to claim 7 , wherein a thickness of the ceramic layer is 1 nm to 10 nm.9. The composite body according to claim 1 , wherein the composite body is a core-shell particle where the base material forms a core and the ceramic layer forms a shell.10. The composite body according to claim 1 , wherein the composite body has a sheet shape.11. The composite body according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic polymer is protein.12. The composite body according to claim 11 , wherein the protein is gelatin or a bovine serum albumin (BSA).13. The composite body according to claim 1 , ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации

Hydrophilic Film, Preparation Method and Applications Thereof

Номер: US20150241441A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

The present invention provides a hydrophilic film that causes a liquid to diffuse rapidly in a single direction. The hydrophilic film comprises a substrate having a texture of parallel sunken and raised patterns, and a hydrophilic coat comprising a coat of silicon dioxide particles. The present invention also provides a method for preparing the hydrophilic film. The method comprises: preparing an aqueous dispersion of silicon dioxide particles, wherein the average size of the silicon dioxide particles is 1 to 60 nm, and the concentration of the silicon dioxide particles is 0.05% to 15% by weight; coating the aqueous dispersion of silicon dioxide particles on a substrate, wherein the substrate has a texture of parallel sunken and raised patterns; and drying the substrate coated with the aqueous dispersion of silicon dioxide particles.

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Method for Laminating an Interference Coating Comprising an Organic/Inorganic Layer, and Item Thus Obtained

Номер: US20180231691A1

The invention relates to a method for preparing an optical system item having a non-zero radius of curvature and coated with an interference coating. Said method includes: a) providing a thermoplastic film coated with a multilayer interference coating containing at least one layer having a refractive index of greater than 1.65 and at least one layer having a refractive index of less than or equal to 1.65, at least one of the interference coating layers being a vacuum-deposited organic/inorganic layer, b) laminating said coated thermoplastic film, by means of an adhesive layer, onto an optical system item including a substrate, and c) recovering said optical system item, including a substrate coated with the adhesive layer, from the thermoplastic film and the multilayer interference coating. 1. A process for preparing an optical article having a non-zero radius of curvature coated with an interference coating , comprising the following steps:a) providing a thermoplastic film coated with a multilayer interference coating, said interference coating comprising at least one layer having a refractive index of greater than 1.65 and at least one layer having a refractive index of less than or equal to 1.65, at least one of the layers of the interference coating being a layer of organic-inorganic nature that has been deposited under vacuum,b) laminating said coated thermoplastic film on an optical article comprising a substrate, by means of a layer of adhesive, said layer of adhesive being positioned between the optical article and the surface of the thermoplastic film not coated with the interference coating,c) recovering said optical article comprising a substrate coated with the layer of adhesive, the thermoplastic film and the multilayer interference coating.2. The preparation process of claim 1 , wherein at least one portion of the reflection spectrum in the visible range of the multilayer interference coating present on the thermoplastic film provided in step a) has a ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170252964A1
Принадлежит: Solutia Inc.

Resin layers and interlayers exhibiting enhanced adhesion to inorganic surfaces, such as glass, are provided. In some cases, the layers and interlayers may comprise at least one adhesion stabilizing agent for improving adhesion to various surfaces, even in the presence of moisture. Such layers and interlayers may be useful, for example, in multiple layer panels, such as, for example, safety glass used in automotive and architectural applications. 1. A method of making a multiple layer panel , said method comprising:(a) applying a coating material to at least a portion of at least one surface of an ionomeric resin sheet to thereby provide a surface-treated ionomeric resin sheet comprising one or more surface-treated locations, wherein said coating material comprises at least one silanol-containing adhesion stabilizing agent or precursor thereto;(b) assembling said surface-treated ionomeric resin sheet between a pair of rigid substrates to form a construct, wherein said surface-treated ionomeric resin sheet is positioned between said pair of rigid substrates such that at least a portion of said surface-treated locations are in contact with one of said rigid substrates; and(c) laminating said construct to form said multiple layer panel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said silanol-containing adhesion stabilizing agent or precursor thereto is present in said coating material in an amount of at least 0.25 weight percent claim 1 , based on the total weight of said coating material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said silanol-containing adhesion stabilizing agent or precursor thereto comprises at least one alkoxysilane selected from the group consisting of γ-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane claim 2 , aminoethylaminopropyltrimethoxysilane claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said rigid substrates comprises a float glass panel having a tin-side surface and an air-side surface claim 1 , wherein said assembling includes ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Rubber Pellet Treatment

Номер: US20180251608A1

Rubber pellets are coated with an anti-tack material. The anti-tack material may be comprised of a metallic stearate, such as magnesium stearate. The coated rubber pellets are loaded on to a rotational conveyance mechanism that rotates at a speed and radial amount to provide an interaction time between the rubber pellets and the anti-tack material. The coated rubber pellets may then be dried in a centrifuge dryer having a plurality of angled fins extending from a rotational shaft. 1. A method of treating rubber pellets for a reduction in tackiness , the method comprising:coating the rubber pellets with a liquid anti-tack material forming coated pellets;loading the coated pellets on a rotary conveyance machine at a first location of the rotary conveyance machine;conveying the coated pellets on the rotary conveyance machine for a time between 1 minute and 8 minutes;dispensing the coated pellets from the rotary conveyance machine at a second location; anddrying the coated pellets in a centrifuge dryer having a plurality of fins extending outwardly from a central rotational axis.2. The method of further comprising forming the rubber pellets prior to coating the rubber pellets.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second location is greater than 190 degrees from the first location.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first location and the second location of the rotary conveyance machine are radially offset by at least 1.1 Radians.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rotary conveyance machine has a rotational velocity of at least 0.125 revolutions per minute (“RPM”).6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the rotary conveyance machines has a rotational velocity less than 0.75 RPM.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anti-tack material is a composition comprised of metallic stearates.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the metallic stearates is comprised of magnesium stearate.9. The method of further comprising vibrating the coated pellets.10. The method of claim 1 , ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140349046A1
Автор: Thieblemont Virginie

The subject matter of the present invention is a process for preparing polyamide granules having heat-resistance properties, and also the use of these granules, in particular in the aid of the manufacture of yarns for airbags or for tyre cords. More specifically, the invention relates to a process for preparing polyamide granules having heat-resistance properties by wet impregnation of the granules with an aqueous solution comprising at least one heat stabilizer. 1. A process for preparing polyamide granules with heat resistance properties , comprising contacting the polyamide granules with a single aqueous solution comprising at least one heat stabilizer , wherein the total amount of aqueous solution relative to the polyamide granules is less than or equal to 1% by weight.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the heat stabilizer is a mixture of alkali metal or alkaline-earth metal halide and of copper halide.3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the alkali metal halide is potassium or sodium iodide.4. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the copper halide is copper iodide.5. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the heat stabilizer is a mixture of potassium iodide and copper iodide.6. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the ratio between the number of moles of halide and the number of moles of copper is greater than or equal to 7/1.7. The process as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the copper iodide is present in an amount of less than or equal to 6% by weight in an aqueous solution of potassium iodide at 50% by weight.8. The process as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising performing a step of rinsing the polyamide particles with water after contacting the granules with the single aqueous solution.9. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amount of aqueous solution relative to the polyamide is between 0.15% and 1% by weight.10. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polyamide is polyamide 66.11. The process as ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

EPDM Packaging System and Process

Номер: US20190263581A1

The present disclosure provides a packaging process and the resultant package produced from the process. The process includes introducing, into a mixing device, pellets composed of ethylene/propylene/diene polymer (EPDM). The EPDM comprises greater than 60 wt % units derived from ethylene. The pellets have a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm. The process includes adding a silica-based powder to the mixing device and coating at least a portion of the pellets with the silica-based powder. The process includes sealing a bulk amount of the coated pellets in a bag made of a flexible polymeric film. The process includes absorbing, with the silica-based powder, the residual moisture from the pellets, and preventing moisture condensation in the bag interior for a period from 7 days after the sealing step to 1000 days after the sealing step. 1. A process comprising:introducing, into a mixing device, pellets composed of ethylene/propylene/diene polymer comprising greater than 60 wt % units derived from ethylene, the pellets having a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm;adding a silica-based powder to the mixing device;coating at least a portion of the pellets with the silica-based powder;sealing a bulk amount of the coated pellets in a bag made of a flexible polymeric film;absorbing, with the silica-based powder, the residual moisture from the pellets; andpreventing moisture condensation in the bag interior for a period from 7 days after the sealing step to 1000 days after the sealing step.28-. (canceled)9. The process of comprising forming coated pellets having a maximum unconfined yield strength of less than 200 pounds per square foot after 2 months storage at 37° C.10. The process of comprising coating at least a portion of the pellets with amorphous silica.11. The process of comprising coating at least a portion of the pellets with a blend of an amorphous silica and talc.12. The process of coating a least a portion of the pellets with the ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180273714A1

A method for the preparation of nanocomposite plastic materials includes coating thermoplastic polymer granules with sizes from 0.5 to 5 mm, using a physical vapor deposition (PVD) sputtering technique, with a coating layer from 1 to 100 nm of a material dispersible in a matrix of said thermoplastic polymer to form coated thermoplastic polymer granules, and thereafter plasticizing and injection moulding the coated thermoplastic polymer granules at high pressure into a closed mould. 1. Method for the preparation of nanocomposite plastic materials comprising:coating thermoplastic polymer granules with sizes from 0.5 to 5 mm are coated, using a physical vapor deposition (PVD) sputtering technique, with a coating layer from 1 to 100 nm of a material dispersible in a matrix of said thermoplastic polymer; andplasticizing and injection moulding the coated thermoplastic polymer granules at high pressure into a closed mould.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that said thermoplastic polymer granules have sizes from 1 to 5 mm.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the coating layer comprises one or more of Al claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Cd claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Sc claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Au claim 1 , Eu claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , and Cu and their alloys claim 1 , borides claim 1 , carbides claim 1 , fluorides claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , oxides claim 1 , silicides claim 1 , selenides claim 1 , sulfides claim 1 , tellurides claim 1 , antimonides claim 1 , and arsenides.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that said thermoplastic polymer is selected from the group consisting of POM claim 1 , PAN claim 1 , ABS claim 1 , SAN claim 1 , PA6 claim 1 , PA66 claim 1 , PA12 claim 1 , PC claim 1 , PET claim 1 , PBT claim 1 , PP claim 1 , PE claim 1 , LDPE claim 1 , MDPE claim 1 , HDPE claim 1 , LLDPE claim 1 , UHMWPE claim 1 , PEI claim 1 , PS claim 1 , PEEK claim 1 , PEKK claim 1 , PSU ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150291754A1

In one aspect, microporous membranes are described herein demonstrating composite architectures and properties suitable for electronic and/or optical applications. In some embodiments, a composite membrane described herein includes a microporous polymeric matrix or substrate having an interconnected pore structure and an index of refraction and an electrically conductive coating deposited over one or more surfaces of the microporous polymeric matrix. In other embodiments, the pores are filled and the membranes are substantially transparent. 1. A composite membrane comprising:a microporous polymeric matrix having an interconnected pore structure and an index of refraction; andan electrically conductive coating deposited over one or more surfaces of the microporous polymeric matrix.2. The composite membrane of further comprising filler material in the pore structure of the polymeric matrix claim 1 , the filler material having an index of refraction substantially matching the index of refraction of the polymeric matrix.3. The composite membrane of claim 2 , wherein the filler material is a solid.4. The composite membrane of claim 2 , wherein the filler material comprises an adhesive.5. The composite membrane of claim 2 , wherein the membrane is transparent or translucent.6. The composite membrane of claim 1 , wherein the microporous polymeric matrix is formed of one or more polyolefins (POs) claim 1 , including polyethylene (PE) claim 1 , polypropylene (PP) or copolymers thereof claim 1 , of polyamide claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polysulfone such as polyethersulfone (PES) claim 1 , cellulose or fluoropolymer including polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) claim 1 , polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) and/or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) claim 1 , or combinations or blends thereof.7. The composite membrane of claim 6 , wherein the one or more polyolefins are selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 6 , polypropylene and copolymers and blends thereof.8. The composite ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160289454A1

A method of making a coatable composition includes: providing a first composition comprising silica nanoparticles dispersed in an aqueous liquid vehicle, wherein the first composition has a pH greater than 6; acidifying the first composition to a pH of less than or equal to 4 using inorganic acid to provide a second composition; and dissolving at least one metal compound in the second composition to form the coatable composition. The silica nanoparticles have a polymodal particle size distribution, wherein the polymodal particle size distribution comprises a first mode having a first particle size in the range of from 8 to 35 nanometers, wherein the polymodal particle size distribution comprises a second mode having a second particle size in the range of from 2 to 20 nanometers, wherein the first particle size is greater than the second particle size. Coatable compositions, antistatic compositions, preparable by the method are also disclosed. Soil-resistant articles including the antistatic compositions are also disclosed. 130-. (canceled)31. A method of making a coatable composition , the method comprising:providing a first composition comprising silica nanoparticles dispersed in an aqueous liquid medium, wherein the silica nanoparticles have a polymodal particle size distribution, wherein the polymodal particle size distribution comprises a first mode having a first particle size in the range of from 8 to 35 nanometers, wherein the polymodal particle size distribution comprises a second mode having a second particle size in the range of from 2 to 20 nanometers, wherein the first particle size is greater than the second particle size, and wherein the first composition has a pH greater than 6; andacidifying the first composition to a pH of less than or equal to 4 using inorganic acid to provide the coatable composition, wherein the coatable composition comprises agglomerated silica nanoparticles.32. The method of claim 31 , further comprising dissolving at least one ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200269157A1

The present disclosure relates to a filter. The filter includes a porous element, a compression element and a housing. At least a portion of the porous element is coated with an alkylsilyl coating. The compression element is configured to receive the porous element thereby forming an assembly. The housing has an opening formed therein. The opening is configured to receive the assembly. The assembly is retained within the opening when the assembly is received therein. 127-. (canceled)28. A chromatographic column for separating analytes in a sample , the chromatographic column comprising:a column body having an interior surface, at least a portion of the interior surface coated with an alkylsilyl coating; and a porous element, at least a portion of the porous element coated with the alkylsilyl coating;', 'a compression element configured to receive the porous element thereby forming an assembly; and', 'a housing having an opening formed therein, the opening configured to receive the assembly,, 'a filter configured to connect to the column, the filter comprising'}wherein the assembly is retained within the opening when the assembly is received therein; andwherein the alkylsilyl coating is undamaged when the filter is connected to the column body.2935-. (canceled)37. The chromatographic column of claim 36 , wherein X is (C-C)alkyl.38. The chromatographic column of claim 36 , wherein X is ethyl.39. The chromatographic column of claim 36 , wherein R claim 36 , R claim 36 , R claim 36 , R claim 36 , R claim 36 , and Rare each methoxy or chloro.40. The chromatographic column of claim 36 , wherein the alkylsilyl coating of Formula I is bis(trichlorosilyl)ethane or bis(trimethoxysilyl)ethane.42. The chromatographic column of claim 41 , wherein y is an integer from 2 to 9.43. The chromatographic column of claim 41 , wherein y is 9 claim 41 , Ris methyl claim 41 , and R claim 41 , R claim 41 , and Rare each methoxy claim 41 , ethoxy or chloro.4446-. (canceled)47. The ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160312011A1
Принадлежит: TOTAI Co, Ltd.

A hydroxylated-fullerene-containing solution in which a hydroxylated fullerene is evenly nano-dispersed in a solvent removable at low temperature in a subsequent step is provided. The hydroxylated-fullerene-containing solution includes a continuous phase including a mixed solvent consisting essentially of tetrahydrofuran and water or including melted phenol, and at least one of a hydroxylated fullerene and a hydroxylated fullerene derivative that is dispersed as a dispersed phase in the continuous phase, wherein the number-standard average particle diameter of particles in the dispersed phase is 50 nm or less. This solution is applied onto a surface of a resin molding, and then tetrahydrofuran and water, as the mixed solvent, are removed to form a hydroxylated fullerene layer on the surface of the resin molding. Alternatively, this solution is mingled with a resin, and then the mixed solvent is removed to produce a hydroxylated-fullerene-containing resin composition. 1. A hydroxylated-fullerene-containing solution , comprising:a continuous phase comprising (i) a mixed solvent consisting essentially of tetrahydrofuran and water, or (ii) melted phenol; andat least one compound selected from the group of a hydroxylated fullerene and a hydroxylated fullerene derivative, dispersed as a dispersed phase in the continuous phase;wherein the number-standard average particle diameter of particles in the dispersed phase is 50 nm or less.2. The hydroxylated-fullerene-containing solution according to claim 1 , wherein the solution comprises the mixed solvent claim 1 , and contains water in a proportion of 15% by weight or more.3. A method for producing a resin molding having a hydroxylated fullerene layer claim 1 , in which at least a surface of the resin molding comprises a hydrophilic resin of a polymer having a hydrophilic group at a main chain or a side chain of the polymer claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'applying, onto the surface of ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160326326A1

A method for manufacturing a quantum dot thin film includes applying a tensile force to a substrate to elongate the substrate, coating a quantum dot particle on the substrate to form a quantum dot thin film, replacing a ligand of the quantum dot particle, and removing the tensile force from the substrate. The method may reduce a crack in a quantum dot thin film. 1. A method for manufacturing a quantum dot thin film , the method comprising:applying a tensile force to a substrate to elongate the substrate;coating a quantum dot particle on the substrate to form a quantum dot thin film;replacing a ligand of the quantum dot particle; andremoving the tensile force from the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate includes a polymer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein substrate includes polyester terephthalate claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polydimethyl siloxane claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , or polyurethane.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the quantum dot particle includes a compound of Group 13 and Group 15 claim 1 , a compound of Group 12 and Group 16 or a compound of Group 14 and Group 16.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the quantum dot particle includes a first ligand before replacing the ligand claim 4 , and includes a second ligand having carbon atoms less than the first ligand after replacing the ligand.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein replacing the ligand of the quantum dot particle comprises providing alcane thiol claim 5 , hydrazine or hydroxyl amine to the quantum dot particle.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein an elongation percentage of the substrate is 0.1% to 10%.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heating the substrate at 40° C. to 100° C. after replacing the ligand of the quantum dot particle. 1. FieldThe present invention relates to a quantum dot thin film. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method for forming a quantum dot thin film, ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150337100A1
Принадлежит: Kolon Industries, Inc

Disclosed herein is a transparent polyimide substrate, including: a transparent polyimide film; and a silicon oxide layer which is formed on one side or both sides of the transparent polyimide film and which includes a silicon oxide. 2. The transparent polyimide substrate of claim 1 , wherein the silicon oxide layer has a thickness of 0.3˜2.0 μm.3. The transparent polyimide substrate of claim 1 , wherein the silicon oxide layer has a surface roughness (RMS) of 5 nm or less.4. A method of manufacturing a transparent polyimide substrate claim 1 , comprising the steps of:applying a polysilazane-containing solution onto one side or both sides of a transparent polyimide film and then drying the solution to form a polysilazane layer; andcuring the polysilazane layer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the polysilazane has a weight average molecular weight of 1 claim 5 ,000˜5 claim 5 ,000.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the polysilazane layer has a thickness of 0.3˜2.0 μm.8. The method of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in the step of curing the polysilazane layer claim 4 , the polysilazane layer is thermally cured by performing heat treatment at a temperature of 200˜300° C.9. The method of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 , in the step of applying the polysilazane-containing solution claim 4 , the polysilazane-containing solution further includes a UV curing agent claim 4 ,{'sup': '2', 'and, in the step of curing the polysilazane layer, the polysilazane layer is cured by irradiating it with UV having a short wavelength of 312 nm or 365 nm at a radiation intensity of 1500˜4000 J/m.'}10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the UV curing agent includes any one selected from a benzoin ether photoinitiator claim 9 , a benzophenone photoinitiator and a mixture thereof. The present invention relates to a transparent polyimide substrate which can be used as a flexible display substrate, and a method of manufacturing the same.Recently, electronic appliances, such as flexible OLEDs, color EPDs, ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150344651A1
Автор: KONDO Maiko

An object of the present invention is to provide a process for manufacturing a gas barrier film which exhibits excellent storage stability. The process for manufacturing a gas barrier film of the present invention is characterized by including: (a) forming, on a substrate, an unmodified layer A which contains a silicon compound having a structure represented by the following General Formula (1) —[Si(R)(R)—N(R)]—; (b) forming a layer B which contains a compound having an oxygen element or a nitrogen element on the unmodified layer A; and (c) irradiating with vacuum ultraviolet ray from the layer B side to modify the unmodified layer A. 3. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the compound having an oxygen element or a nitrogen element is at least one selected from a group consisting of silicon oxide claim 2 , perhydrosilsesquioxane claim 2 , and a metal compound having a constitutional unit represented by General Formula (2) in which M is silicon (Si) claim 2 , aluminum (Al) claim 2 , or boron (B) and at least one of R claim 2 , R claim 2 , and Ris an alkyl group with 1 to 10 carbon atoms or an alkoxy group with 1 to 10 carbon atoms.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the layer B has thickness (dry film thickness) of 10 to 500 nm.5. A gas barrier film manufactured by the process according to .6. The process according to claim 2 , wherein the layer B has thickness (dry film thickness) of 10 to 500 nm.7. A gas barrier film manufactured by the process according to .8. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the layer B has thickness (dry film thickness) of 10 to 500 nm.9. A gas barrier film manufactured by the process according to .10. A gas barrier film manufactured by the process according to . The present invention relates to a process for manufacturing a gas barrier film. More specifically, it relates to a process for manufacturing a gas barrier film with excellent stability, in particular, excellent stability under high temperature and high ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Platelet for an Optoelectronic Device, Method for Producing an Optoelectronic Device and Optoelectronic Device

Номер: US20190326487A1
Принадлежит: OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH

A platelet for an optoelectronic device, a method for producing an optoelectronic device and an optoelectronic device are disclosed. In an embodiment, a platelet includes silicone and chemical compounds located on at least one surface of the platelet, wherein each chemical compound comprises an anchor group and a head group, wherein the chemical compounds are bonded to the silicone by the anchor group, and wherein an adhesion on the at least one surface is reduced by the head groups of the chemical compounds. 120-. (canceled)21. A platelet for an optoelectronic device comprising:silicone; andchemical compounds located on at least one surface of the platelet,wherein each chemical compound comprises an anchor group and a head group,wherein the chemical compounds are bonded to the silicone by the anchor group, andwherein an adhesion on the at least one surface is reduced by the head groups of the chemical compounds.22. The platelet according to claim 21 , wherein the chemical compounds bonded to the silicone by the anchor group form a monomolecular layer.23. The platelet according to claim 21 , wherein the chemical compounds bonded to the silicone by the anchor group form a self-assembling monolayer.24. The platelet according to claim 21 , wherein the head group is selected from the group consisting of linear alkyl groups claim 21 , branched alkyl groups claim 21 , at least partially fluorinated linear alkyl groups claim 21 , at least partially fluorinated branched alkyl groups claim 21 , perfluorinated linear alkyl groups and perfluorinated branched alkyl groups.25. The platelet according to claim 21 , wherein the anchor group of the chemical compounds is bonded to the silicone by a covalent bond.27. The platelet according to claim 21 , wherein the chemical compounds further contain a middle group arranged between the anchor group and the head group.28. The platelet according to claim 27 , wherein the middle group is selected from the group consisting of linear alkyls ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Powdered Pouch And Method Of Making Same

Номер: US20200331678A1

Disclosed herein are water-soluble films and resulting packets including a water-soluble film coated by a powder, wherein the powder includes a mixture of a powdered lubricant and an active agent. Optionally, the active agent may be encapsulated, e.g. microencapsulated, for release of the active agent through mechanisms including, but not limited to, mechanical rupture, melt, ablation, dissolution, diffusion, biodegradation, or pH-controlled release. Active ingredients described include enzymes, oils, flavors, colorants, odor absorbers, fragrances, pesticides, fertilizers, activators, acid catalysts, metal catalysts, ion scavengers, bleaches, bleach components, fabric softeners and combinations thereof. Examples of packet fills include laundry detergents, bleach and laundry additives, fabric care, dishwashing, hard surface cleaning, beauty care, skin care, other personal care, and foodstuffs. 1. A water-soluble packet , comprising:a water-soluble film in the form of a packet; and a powdered lubricant and', 'an active agent, provided that when the active agent is a fragrance the fragrance is microencapsulated in a wax, stearic acid, stearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearates, or polymeric microcapsule,', 'wherein the powdered lubricant is not the same as the microcapsule and the active agent is selected from the group consisting of enzymes, oils, flavors, colorants, pesticides, fertilizers, activators, acid catalysts, metal catalysts, ion scavengers, bleaches, bleach components, fabric softeners or combinations thereof., 'a powder coating on the film in the form of a packet, the coating consisting of a powder comprising'}2. The water-soluble packet of claim 1 , wherein the active agent is microencapsulated in a wax claim 1 , stearic acid claim 1 , stearyl alcohol claim 1 , glyceryl stearates claim 1 , or polymeric microcapsule.3. The water-soluble packet according to claim 1 , wherein the powdered lubricant is selected from the group consisting of starches claim 1 , ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации

Refresh Agent

Номер: US20150368419A1

A coated rubber composition includes a rubber composition coated with a liquid refresh agent selected from the group consisting of one or more liquid terpenes, limonene, carvone, pinene, pine needle oil, citral, orange oil, C9-C15 aliphatics, C9-C15 cycloaliphatics, ethyl lactate, dipentene, 1,8-cineole, eucalyptol, citronellol, geraniol, citronellene, terpinen-4-ol, and combinations thereof. A method of application and a coated rubber composition are also disclosed.

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150376766A1

The present invention has been made in view of the above-mentioned conventional technical problems. That is, an object of the present invention is to provide a gas barrier film excellent in barrier properties to oxygen and water vapor, preferably excellent in water vapor barrier properties after being left to stand in a humidified environment for a prescribed period. 1. A gas barrier film comprising an inorganic compound thin film formed on at least one surface of a plastic film , wherein the inorganic compound thin film contains aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide as main components , the ratio of magnesium oxide is not less than 5 mass % and not more than 90 mass % relative to 100 mass % in total of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide contained in the inorganic compound thin film , and the thickness of the inorganic compound thin film is 5 to 80 nm.2. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the gas barrier film has a rate of change of water vapor transmission rate (ΔWVTR) of not more than 50% after being treated at 40° C. and 90% RH for 50 hours.3. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of magnesium oxide is not less than 5 mass % and not more than 25 mass % relative to 100 mass % in total of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide contained in the inorganic compound thin film claim 1 , and the gas barrier film has a rate of change of water vapor transmission rate (ΔWVTR) of not more than 50% after being treated at 40° C. and 90% RH for 50 hours.4. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of magnesium oxide is not less than 70 mass % and not more than 90 mass % relative to 100 mass % in total of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide contained in the inorganic compound thin film claim 1 , and the gas barrier film has a rate of change of water vapor transmission rate (ΔWVTR) of not more than 50% after being treated at 40° C. and 90% RH for 50 hours.5. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150376769A1

Provided is a gas barrier film having superior gas barrier properties even when an organic gas barrier layer is provided to the surface of a plastic film. The gas barrier film is provided with an organic gas barrier layer containing a 1,3,5-triazine derivative at least at one surface of the plastic film, and is characterized by the 1,3,5-triazine derivative having as a substituent group a group containing sulfur at position 2, 4, or 6. 1. A gas barrier film comprising a plastic film and an organic gas barrier layer containing a 1 ,3 ,5-triazine derivative on at least one surface of the plastic film , whereinthe 1,3,5-triazine derivative has sulfur-containing groups as a substituent on 2, 4 and 6 positions.2. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the 1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazine derivative is triazine trithiol.3. The gas barrier film according to claim 2 , wherein the organic gas barrier layer has a thickness of 100 nm or more.4. The gas barrier film according to claim 3 , wherein the organic gas barrier layer is formed on the plastic film by vacuum vapor deposition method.5. The gas barrier film according to claim 2 , wherein the organic gas barrier layer is formed on the plastic film by vacuum vapor deposition method.6. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the organic gas barrier layer has a thickness of 100 nm or more.7. The gas barrier film according to claim 6 , wherein the organic gas barrier layer is formed on the plastic film by vacuum vapor deposition method.8. The gas barrier film according to claim 1 , wherein the organic gas barrier layer is formed on the plastic film by vacuum vapor deposition method. The present invention relates to a gas barrier film excellent in gas barrier properties to water vapor and oxygen and suitable as a packaging film for foods, pharmaceutical products, etc.There has conventionally been known, as a gas barrier film, a gas barrier laminate film including a plastic film and a thin film of an ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170369664A1

Provided herein are methods of making functional surfaces, including liquid repellant surfaces that can exhibit selective wetting properties. Methods of forming a functional surfaces can comprise providing a dispersion of nanoparticles; and applying the dispersion to a polymer surface to form a multiplicity of re-entrant structures embedded within and protruding from the polymer surface. The re-entrant structures are formed from aggregates of the nanoparticles. Also provided are functional surfaces prepared by these methods, as well as articles comprising these functional surfaces. 1. A method of forming a functional surface , the method comprising:providing a dispersion of nanoparticles; andapplying the dispersion to a polymer surface to form a multiplicity of re-entrant structures embedded within and protruding from the polymer surface, wherein the re-entrant structures are formed from aggregates of the nanoparticles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dispersion comprises the nanoparticles dispersed in a solvent that induces a structural change in the polymer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the dispersion comprises the nanoparticles dispersed in a solvent that swells the polymer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dispersion comprises the nanoparticles dispersed in a solution of a solvent and the polymer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the dispersion to the polymer surface comprises heating the dispersion and depositing the dispersion on the polymer surface.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein heating the dispersion comprises heating the dispersion to a temperature greater than the melting point of the polymer.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles comprise hydrophilic nanoparticles.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles have an average particle size claim 1 , as determined by electron microscopy claim 1 , of from 1 nm to 200 nm.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles comprise silicon dioxide ...

28-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170373275A1

A barrier film laminate () comprising an organic layer () that is situated in between two inorganic layers (). The organic layer comprises submicron getter particles () at an amount between 0.01 and 0.9% by weight. The barrier film laminate can be used for encapsulating organic electronic devices such as OLEDs. The long term homogenous transparency makes this laminate in particular suited for protecting the light emitting side of an OLED. 1. A barrier film laminate comprising a first inorganic layer , a second inorganic layer and a first organic layer comprising submicron getter particles , the organic layer being situated in between the first and the second inorganic layer wherein the first inorganic layer , the second inorganic layer , and the first organic layer are all optically transparent , characterised in that the amount of submicron getter particles in the organic layer is between 0.01 and 0.9% by weight of the organic layer.2. The barrier film laminate according to claim 1 , comprising a third inorganic layer and a second organic layer comprising submicron getter particles at an amount between 0.01 and 0.9% by weight of the second organic layer claim 1 , wherein the second organic layer is situated in between the first inorganic layer and the third inorganic layer such that the barrier film laminate comprises an alternating stack of organic and inorganic layers.3. The barrier film laminate according to claim 2 , wherein the amount of submicron getter particles in the first organic layer is between 0.01 and 0.5% by weight of the first organic layer.4. The barrier film laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the number averaged particle size of the submicron getter particles in the only organic layer or in one or more of the organic layers is 200 nanometre or less.5. The barrier film laminate according to claim 1 , wherein the submicron getter particles comprise calcium oxide claim 1 , barium oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide claim 1 , or strontium oxide.6. ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190375906A1
Принадлежит: Sabic Global Technologies B.V.

An electrically-conductive material includes a polymeric substrate and a conductive nanostructured or microstructured material adhered to at least one surface of the polymeric substrate. The polymeric substrate includes a polymeric block copolyester-carbonate derived from resorcinol or alkylresorcinol isophthalate-terepthalate. The polymeric block copolyestercarbonate has a glass transition temperature of at least 130 degrees Celsius (° C.) and a sheet resistance of less than 20 ohms (Ω) per square (sq). Methods for making an electrically-conductive material are also described. The electrically-conductive material may exhibit improved properties, including but not limited to one or more of inherent ultraviolet resistance, transparency, light transmission properties, chemical resistance and/or sheet resistance. 1. An electrically-conductive material comprising a polymeric substrate and a conductive nanostructured or microstructured material adhered to at least one surface of the polymeric substrate , whereinthe polymeric substrate comprises a polymeric block copolyestercarbonate derived from resorcinol or alkylresorcinol isophthalate-terepthalate,the polymeric block copolyestercarbonate has a glass transition temperature of at least 130 degrees Celsius (° C.), andthe polymeric block copolyestercarbonate has a sheet resistance of less than 20 ohms (Ω) per square (sq).2. The electrically-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric block copolyestercarbonate is inherently ultraviolet resistant.3. The electrically-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the electrically-conductive material is transparent.4. The electrically-conductive material according to wherein the electrically-conductive material has a light transmission of greater than 80% at a wavelength of 400 to 700 nanometers (nm).5. The electrically-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the polymeric block copolyestercarbonate has good chemical resistance properties. ...

12-06-2008 дата публикации

Plasma-enhanced functionalization of substrate surfaces with quaternary ammonium and quaternary phosphonium groups

Номер: US20080138626A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Bactericidal substrates and methods of functionalizing the surface of substrates with quaternary ammonium and quaternary phosphonium groups using non-equilibrium RF plasmas are provided. The methods include the step of treating the surface of a substrate with a plasma to create surface active sites. Some methods include the step of reacting the surface active sites with linker molecules, which are then reacted with quaternary ammonium precursor molecules to provide a substrate surface functionalized with quaternary ammonium precursor groups. Other methods react the surface active sites with polymer precursor molecules under plasma conditions to form a covalently-bound polymer layer having reactive sites. The polymer reactive sites are reacted with quaternary phosphonium precursor molecules to provide a substrate surface functionalized with quaternary phosphonium groups. Also provided are bactericidal substrates having immobilized, covalently-bound quaternary ammonium or quaternary phosphonium groups.

12-04-1989 дата публикации

Laminated film having gas barrier properties

Номер: EP0311432A2

A gas barrier laminated film comprising a thermoplastic film having a polar group and a thin silicon oxide layer formed on the one side of the thermoplastic film in which the bond energy of silicon in the silicon oxide layer varies along the direction of the thickness of the layer and becomes large in the vicinity of the plastic film. It has a high level of gas barrier properties for steam and oxygen and is suitable for a variety of packaging materials.

31-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN106750784A
Принадлежит: Limited By Share Ltd Inc


04-10-2011 дата публикации

Plasma-enhanced functionalization of substrate surfaces with quaternary ammonium and quaternary phosphonium groups

Номер: US8029902B2

Bactericidal substrates and methods of functionalizing the surface of substrates with quaternary ammonium and quaternary phosphonium groups using non-equilibrium RF plasmas are provided. The methods include the step of treating the surface of a substrate with a plasma to create surface active sites. Some methods include the step of reacting the surface active sites with linker molecules, which are then reacted with quaternary ammonium precursor molecules to provide a substrate surface functionalized with quaternary ammonium precursor groups. Other methods react the surface active sites with polymer precursor molecules under plasma conditions to form a covalently-bound polymer layer having reactive sites. The polymer reactive sites are reacted with quaternary phosphonium precursor molecules to provide a substrate surface functionalized with quaternary phosphonium groups. Also provided are bactericidal substrates having immobilized, covalently-bound quaternary ammonium or quaternary phosphonium groups.

10-10-2014 дата публикации

Способ химического пассивирования полимерных поверхностей

Номер: RU2013113923A

1. Способ пассивирования полимерного материала, включающий:обработку поверхности полимерного материала, в результате которой полимерный материал не взаимодействует с окружающей средой.2. Способ по п.1, в котором обработка поверхности дополнительно включает покрытие полимерного материала напылением одного или более металлов для образования тонкого слоя металла на поверхности полимерного материала.3. Способ по п.2, в котором один или более металлов включают платину и палладий.4. Способ по п.3, в котором один или более металлов включают платину и палладий в массовом соотношении от около 90:10 до около 50:50, соответственно.5. Способ по п.2, в котором один или более металлов включают металл, выбранный из группы, состоящей из палладия, платины, золота, серебра, хрома, тантала, вольфрама, алюминия, никеля, кобальта, меди, иридия, железа, молибдена, титана и их смесей.6. Способ по п.2, в котором напыление покрытия эжектируется при давлении от около 0.01 мбар до около 0.06 мбар.7. Способ по п.2, в котором напыление покрытия осуществляется в течение от около 10 до около 600 с.8. Способ по п.2, в котором тонкий слой металла имеет толщину от около 0.5 нм до около 20 нм.9. Способ по п.1, в котором поверхностная обработка дополнительно включает погружение полимерного материала в водный раствор либо тетраоксида рутения, либо тетраоксида осмия, и сушку полимерного материала.10. Способ по п.1, в котором поверхностная обработка дополнительно включает погружение полимерного материала в водный раствор, содержащий один из следующих компонентов: фосфорновольфрамовую кислоту, бром, йод, хлорсульфоновую кислоту, сульфид серебра, трифторацетат ртути, хлорид олова, а� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C09D 129/00 (13) 2013 113 923 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013113923/05, 28.03.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): КСЕРОКС КОРПОРЭЙШН (US), НЭЙШНЛ РИСЕЧ КОНСИЛ ОФ КАНАДА (CA) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

18-11-1980 дата публикации

Oriented polyolefin film

Номер: US4234664A
Автор: Brian N. Hendy
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

Oriented polyolefin (especially polypropylene) film having antistatic properties is produced by applying to the cast extrudate an aqueous solution of an `Ethoquad` salt (e.g. `Ethoquad` C/12) before heating and stretching the extrudate to orient it. The corresponding tertiary amine chlorides (e.g. prepared from `Ethomeen` T/12) are not effective.

23-12-1980 дата публикации

Antistatic polyolefin films

Номер: US4241144A
Автор: Brian N. Hendy
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

Oriented polyolefin (especially polypropylene) film having antistatic properties is produced by applying to the cast extrudate a solution of an `Ethomeen` sulphate (e.g. `Ethomeen` T/12 sulphate) before heating and stretching the extrudate to orient it. The corresponding hydrochlorides are not effective. Inclusion of a quaternary ammonium compound, such as choline chloride, in the solution confers improved antistatic properties.

22-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CN1738711A
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Kogyo KK


10-06-2008 дата публикации

소수성 고분자 표면에 수용성 난연제 조성물을 도포하는방법

Номер: KR100836635B1
Автор: 김주영
Принадлежит: 김주영

본 발명은 소수성 고분자 표면에 수용성 난연제 조성물을 균일하게 도포하여, 난연성을 부여하는 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 하기 화학식 1로 표시되는 카르복실산 유도체를 함유하는 인계 난연제 1∼3중량%; 제1금속산화물 18∼25중량%; 이산화규소를 함유하는 제2금속산화물 40∼53중량%로 이루어진 무기계 난연제; 및 잔량의 물로 이루어진 수용성 난연제 조성물에, 지방산 유도체 2∼5중량%를 더 첨가하여 알칼리성 용액 하에 친수성 및 소수성을 가지도록 유도하여, 상기 수용성 난연제 조성물을 소수성 고분자 표면에 균일하게 도포함으로써, 난연성을 부여할 수 있다. (상기 식에서 R 1 은 -CH 2 COOH, -CH 2 CH 2 COOH 또는 -COOH이다.) 난연성, 지방산, 발포폴리스티로폼, 소수성 고분자

25-06-2019 дата публикации

EPDM packaging system and process

Номер: US10329071B2
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure provides a packaging process and the resultant package produced from the process. The process includes introducing, into a mixing device, pellets composed of ethylene/propylene/diene polymer (EPDM). The EPDM comprises greater than 60 wt % units derived from ethylene. The pellets have a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm. The process includes adding a silica-based powder to the mixing device and coating at least a portion of the pellets with the silica-based powder. The process includes sealing a bulk amount of the coated pellets in a bag made of a flexible polymeric film. The process includes absorbing, with the silica-based powder, the residual moisture from the pellets, and preventing moisture condensation in the bag interior for a period from 7 days after the sealing step to 1000 days after the sealing step.

23-08-2022 дата публикации

EPDM packaging system and process

Номер: US11421085B2
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present disclosure provides a packaging process and the resultant package produced from the process. The process includes introducing, into a mixing device, pellets composed of ethylene/propylene/diene polymer (EPDM). The EPDM comprises greater than 60 wt % units derived from ethylene. The pellets have a residual moisture content from 500 ppm to 2500 ppm. The process includes adding a silica-based powder to the mixing device and coating at least a portion of the pellets with the silica-based powder. The process includes sealing a bulk amount of the coated pellets in a bag made of a flexible polymeric film. The process includes absorbing, with the silica-based powder, the residual moisture from the pellets, and preventing moisture condensation in the bag interior for a period from 7 days after the sealing step to 1000 days after the sealing step.

11-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111349420B


05-03-1980 дата публикации

Antistatic thermoplastic polymeric film

Номер: GB2028168A
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

A stiff antistatic film comprising a polyolefin substrate including a modulus improver, such as a polyterpene resin, a polymeric heat-sealable surface layer and an antistatic coating layer comprising a quaternary ammonium salt, such as choline chloride.

08-09-1982 дата публикации

Antistatic thermoplastic polymeric film

Номер: GB2028168B
Принадлежит: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd

17-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN112876721B
Принадлежит: Sichuan University


12-12-2000 дата публикации

Method for producing a plastic film having improved characteristics, apparatus for performing the method, and film thus obtained

Номер: AU5396800A
Принадлежит: BP Europack SpA

A method for producing a plastic film having improved characteristics, which consists in nebulizing on the faces, in the region downstream of the extruder, at least one "active substance" or a mixture of "active substances", utilizing the various states of aggregation of the product generated by the temperature distribution. These substances modify the structure of the film, in particular its surface structure, by bonding and penetrating to a depth which is a function of the temperature, of the material of the film and of the type of substance used.

19-03-2019 дата публикации

There is the container of excellent sliding property to mobility content

Номер: CN104981407B


05-05-2020 дата публикации

Degradable freshness protection package and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN111100361A
Принадлежит: Individual


12-10-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing low binding surfaces

Номер: EP1464677B2
Принадлежит: Corning Inc

10-02-1998 дата публикации

Biodegradable plastic with barrier property

Номер: JPH1034807A
Принадлежит: Toyo Ink Mfg Co Ltd

(57)【要約】 【課題】微生物,菌などによって分解し、高度なバリヤ ー性と無色透明性に優れるプラスチックの提供。 【解決手段】多糖類を含有する生分解性プラスチック (A)の片面または両面に、珪素酸化物及び金属フッ化 物からなる薄膜層(B)を形成してなるバリヤー性を有 する生分解性プラスチック。

12-04-1994 дата публикации

Process for making coated polypropylene film

Номер: US5302327A
Принадлежит: Mobil Oil Corp

A process for producing thermoplastic film which is an antifogging, heat-sealable polypropylene film; the antifogging agent is a polyglycerol ester or a sorbitan ester of a fatty acid. The resultant film, which has good clarity, persistent antifogging characteristics, and excellent heat sealability, is useful for packaging refrigerated foods. The disclosure also provides a process for making the film in which the polypropylene-containing thermoplastic resin is extruded into a sheet with subsequent orientation of said sheet in the longitudinal direction to form a monoaxially oriented film; the film is then oriented in the transverse direction.

29-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: US5175312A
Автор: Paul Dubs, Rita Pitteloud
Принадлежит: Ciba Geigy Corp

Novel compounds of the formula I ##STR1## in which R 1 is C 13 -C 30 alkyl, R 2 is hydrogen, C 1 -C 10 alkyl, C 5 -C 12 cycloalkyl, C 5 -C 7 cycloalkyl which is substituted by C 1 -C 4 alkyl, or is phenyl or C 7 -C 12 phenylalkyl, R 3 is hydrogen or C 1 -C 4 alkyl and Z is phenyl, phenyl which is substituted by C 1 -C 8 alkyl, C 1 -C 4 alkoxy or chlorine, a group ##STR2## in which n is 1 or 2 or a group ##STR3## in which the radicals A independently of one another are C 1 -C 8 alkyl, methoxy or ethoxy, are suitable for stabilizing organic material against oxidative, thermal and actinic degradation.

14-07-1998 дата публикации

Molded polymeric object with wettable surface made from latent-hydrophilic monomers

Номер: US5779943A
Принадлежит: Johnson and Johnson Vision Products Inc

This invention provides a molded polymeric object, partially or completely coated with a hydrophilic polymer which provides a wettable surface to the molded object such as a contact lens. It also provides a process for using latent-hydrophilic monomers to make molded objects with wettable surfaces.

05-04-2019 дата публикации

A kind of preparation method of the flexible conducting material of high temperature resistant substrate

Номер: CN109575346A
Принадлежит: Dalian University


16-11-2016 дата публикации

Method for producing coated polymer

Номер: PT2597175T
Принадлежит: Innovative Systems & Tech

10-06-1975 дата публикации

Method for adjusting triboelectric charging characteristics of materials

Номер: US3888678A
Принадлежит: Eastman Kodak Co

Method for adjusting the charging characteristics of surfaces are disclosed. A preferred embodiment relates to methods for altering the contact surfaces of materials that are ordinarily subject to the production of relatively large scale triboelectric effects when such a surface is frictionally contacted with another surface, to thereby eliminate or minimize the potential for undesired static electric discharge, for example. The present methods involve altering such a surface with a ''''charge control agent'''' as defined herein to thereby provide a desired, predetermined adjustment in the triboelectric charging propensity of the surface. Specific products having minimized, maximized, narrowly adjusted (as desired) surface impact charging characteristics are disclosed.

12-09-2007 дата публикации

Production method of antistatic film

Номер: JP3975855B2
Принадлежит: UBE Industries Ltd

16-03-2006 дата публикации

Light Diffusion Transflective Film

Номер: KR100537087B1
Автор: 김순식, 임대우, 정성구
Принадлежит: 주식회사 새 한

본 발명은 광확산형 반투과 필름에 관한 것으로서, 액정표시장치의 보다 심미적인 배경을 위하여 밝기 문제를 개선할 수 있는 광확산형 반투과 필름의 제공을 목적으로 한다. The present invention relates to a light diffusing transflective film, and an object of the present invention is to provide a light diffusing transflective film capable of improving brightness problems for a more aesthetic background of a liquid crystal display. 본 발명에 따른 광확산형 반투과 필름은, 제전처리된 투명필름에, 이산화티탄, 실리카 및 탄산칼슘이 선택적으로 조합된 백색입자를 열경화성 수지에 혼합한 도포액을 도포하여 이루어지는 백색 투과확산형 필름을 가진 것을 특징으로 한다. 또한 본 발명에 따르면, 상기 백색 투과확산형 필름에, 진주안료 및 형광염료가 투명점착물질에 의하여 균일하게 분산되어 적층됨으로써 이루어지는 광확산점착층을 더 가질 수 있다. 그리고, 제전처리된 투명필름의 산란투과율은 20∼70%이고, 백색입자는 열경화성 수지에 대하여 5∼50중량%를 함유하며, 이산화티탄의 함량은 백색입자 전체에 대하여 30∼70중량%인 것이 바람직하다. 따라서, 이산화티탄, 실리카, 탄산칼슘 등의 백색입자를 열경화성 수지와 혼합하여 제전처리된 백색 투과확산형 필름에 도포하여 이루어짐으로써 백색도에 의한 밝기 및 투과율이 효과적으로 개선된다. The light-diffusion semi-transmissive film according to the present invention is a white transmission diffusion film formed by applying a coating liquid in which white particles, in which titanium dioxide, silica and calcium carbonate are selectively combined, are mixed with a thermosetting resin to an antistatically treated transparent film. Characterized in having a. In addition, according to the present invention, the white permeation diffusion film may further have a light diffusion adhesive layer formed by uniformly dispersing and laminating a pearl pigment and a fluorescent dye by a transparent adhesive material. In addition, the scattering transmittance of the antistatically treated transparent film is 20 to 70%, the white particles contain 5 to 50% by weight based on the thermosetting resin, and the content of titanium dioxide is 30 to 70% by weight based on the total white particles. desirable. Therefore, the white particles such as titanium dioxide, silica, calcium carbonate and the like are mixed with the thermosetting resin and applied to the antistatically treated white transmission diffusion film, thereby effectively improving the brightness and transmittance due to ...

09-03-2018 дата публикации

A kind of graphene double-layer electric actuation membrane and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN107778514A
Автор: 刘剑, 桑玮, 赵黎明

本发明公开了一种石墨烯双层电致动膜及其制备方法,该石墨烯双层电致动膜由柔性导电层和柔性聚合物层组成;制备方法是:采用Hummers法,将鳞片石墨粉、NaNO 3 、硫酸、KMnO 4 ,以及去离子水混合反应,经洗涤、干燥得到氧化石墨烯;将氧化石墨烯、水合联氨、氨水、去离子水混合超声分散后经反应,得到还原氧化石墨烯分散液;在柔性聚合物层‑‑聚合物薄膜上滴涂或旋转涂膜还原氧化石墨烯分散液,经干燥,即在聚合物薄膜表面形成一层柔性导电层,制得石墨烯双层电致动膜。本发明石墨烯双层电致动膜在电的驱动下具有高响应性、低功率、宽耐压范围等特性,可应用于柔性穿戴设备、微型电机致动器、微型机器人等领域。

20-07-2020 дата публикации

Laminate film

Номер: KR102135609B1
Принадлежит: 도요보 가부시키가이샤

플라스틱 필름 상에 무기층 및 유기층을 적층한 경우라도, 밀착성 및 가스 배리어성이 우수한 적층 필름을 제공한다. 플라스틱 필름의 적어도 한쪽 표면에, 무기층 및 1,3,5-트리아진 유도체를 포함하는 유기층이 적층되어 있는 적층 필름이며, 1,3,5-트리아진 유도체는 2,4,6 위치 중 적어도 1개에 황을 포함하는 기를 치환기로서 갖는 것을 특징으로 하는 적층 필름으로 한다. Even when the inorganic layer and the organic layer are laminated on a plastic film, a laminated film excellent in adhesion and gas barrier properties is provided. A laminated film in which an organic layer including an inorganic layer and a 1,3,5-triazine derivative is laminated on at least one surface of a plastic film, and the 1,3,5-triazine derivative has at least one of 2,4,6 positions. A laminated film characterized by having a group containing sulfur as a substituent in one.

10-03-1998 дата публикации

Production of molded item from rubber or elastomeric material

Номер: JPH1067872A
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes dEssuyage SAS

(57)【要約】 【課題】 自動車のスクリーンワイパーのワイパースト リップの表面層を、従来よりも耐久性のあるものにす る。 【解決手段】 成形体の材料を加硫処理する工程の間 に、成形体を粉体、例えばグラファイトが分散された溶 液内に浸漬するか、または噴霧された状態の溶液を成形 体に塗布することにより、表面層を形成させる。

16-11-2021 дата публикации

Preparation method of fuel cell diaphragm material

Номер: CN111969232B
Принадлежит: Yancheng Institute of Technology

本发明公开了一种燃料电池隔膜材料的制备方法,包括制备预浇铸的Nafion膜;将预浇铸的Nafion膜溶解于N,N‑二甲基甲酰胺中,搅拌,加入离子液体1‑乙基咪唑三氟甲基磺酸盐,继续搅拌,加入羟基化碳纳米管,搅拌后真空脱气,干燥,淋洗、烘干。本发明改性膜在常温下电导率达到0.124S cm ‑1 ,在零下的温度环境中导电能力超过Nafion膜材料,在‑40℃电导率仍能达到0.0077S cm ‑1 ;改性膜材料仍表现出很好的热稳定性,初始降解温度达到390.7℃,最大降解温度为505.5℃;在室温下进行H 2 /O 2 的单电池发电测试,发电功率达到91.7mW cm ‑2 。

05-11-2019 дата публикации

A kind of nanoelectronic protective materials and preparation method thereof

Номер: CN110408110A
Автор: 杜都
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Lidu Technology Co Ltd


22-06-2016 дата публикации

Surface treatment method for plastic material and mobile phone battery cover

Номер: CN105694080A
Автор: 付望霖


10-07-2012 дата публикации

A organic-inorganic complex barrier film and a process for preparing the same

Номер: KR20120078489A
Автор: 정이운, 정재호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 효성

본 발명은 중간층으로서 무기층이 부분적으로 증착되어 있고 최외층으로서 유기층 또는 유-무기 하이브리드층이 도포되어 있는 배리어 필름을 절단하고, 절단된 배리어 필름들을 적층하고, 유기층들 또는 유-무기 하이브리드층들을 경화시켜 적층된 배리어 필름들을 접합함으로써 무기층 진공 증착 공정을 최소화하여 설비비를 절감하고 공정 관리가 용이한 유-무기 복합 배리어 필름 제조 방법에 관한 것이다.

10-11-2017 дата публикации

A kind of PC material surfaces anti-reflection processing method of notebook computer

Номер: CN107337803A
Автор: 蒋建忠
Принадлежит: Chongqing Enjoy Technology Co Ltd


15-10-2021 дата публикации

Article and method of making the same

Номер: CN107810225B
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co


26-10-2016 дата публикации

Method for preparing surface-silvered polyimide film

Номер: CN106046409A

