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Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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20-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2179563C2

Изобретение относится к вспененным прокладкам и способу их формования. Вспененная прокладка содержит, по меньшей мере, один гомогенно разветвленный полимер этилена и, по меньшей мере, один газообразующий агент. Полимер имеет плотность от 0,85 до 0,93 г/см3, молекулярно-массовое распределение Мw/Mn от 1,5 до 2,5 и индекс распределения короткоцепочечных разветвлений - больший, чем 50%. Полученные прокладки являются особенно пригодными для использования при герметизации контейнеров с пищевыми продуктами и жидкостями и не привносят вкуса и/или запаха в упакованный продукт, что является особенно полезным в применениях для упаковки пищевых продуктов. 2 с. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2341541C2

Изобретение относится к технологии пенопластов и может быть использовано при производстве стеклопластиковых "сэндвичевых" конструкций. Описан способ получения пористых пластических материалов из ненасыщенных полиэфирных смол посредством их вспенивания углекислым газом, выделяющимся при взаимодействии карбоната натрия с кислотой, в присутствии стеарата цинка, аэросила, отвердителя - пероксида циклогексанона и ускорителя - нафтената кобальта, в котором в не содержащую воды смесь исходных реагентов вводят в качестве кислотного компонента газообразователя раствор уксусной кислоты в безводном диметилформамиде.

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2577378C2

Изобретение относится к пенопласту на основе фенольных смол и его применению. Пенопласт изготавливается по меньшей мере с применением следующих стадий: а) изготовление преполимера путем конденсации по меньшей мере фенольного соединения и формальдегида в соотношении 1:1,0-1:3,0 с применением 0,15-5 мас.% от количества используемого сырья основного катализатора при температуре от 50 до 100°C с получением коэффициента преломления реакционной смеси 1,4990-1,5020, измеренного при 25°C в соответствии с DIN 51423-2; б) добавка от 5 до 40 мас.% от количества используемого сырья по меньшей мере одного натурального полифенола при температуре от 50 до 100°C; в) добавка от 2 до 10 мас.% от количества используемого сырья одного или нескольких эмульгаторов и их смесей; г) добавка от 2 до 10 мас.% от количества используемого сырья одного или нескольких порообразователей и их смесей; д) добавка от 10 до 20 мас.% от количества используемого сырья отвердителя и е) отверждение. Результатом является создание ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557234C2

Изобретение относится к быстрореагирующей композиции, используемой для получения жесткого пенополиуретана низкой плотности. Описана быстрореагирующая композиция, используемая для получения жесткого пенополиуретана низкой плотности, она получена путем смешивания следующих компонентов в соответствующей пропорции по массе: высокоактивный сложный материал:пенообразователь:изоцианат - 100:(8~28):(105~155); причем высокоактивный сложный материал получен путем смешивания следующих компонентов в соответствующей пропорции по массе: смешанный полиол:стабилизатор пены:катализатор:вода:дополнительный ингредиент - 100:(0,5~3,5):(1,0~10):(0,5~3,0):(0~5); причем пенообразователь относится к смеси циклопентана и HFC-365 mfc, или смеси циклопентана и HFC-245 fa, или смеси циклопентана, HFC-365 mfc и HFC-245 fa; причем смешанный полиол состоит из сложного полиэфирполиола с гидроксильным числом 100-450 мг КОН/г, полиола Манниха с гидроксильным числом 160-750 мг КОН/г и простого полиэфирполиола, где сложный ...

27-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2365601C2

Вспениваемая композиция для получения вспененных продуктов содержит поливинилхлорид, первичный пластификатор, при необходимости, другие добавки и в качестве сложного алкилового эфира бензойной кислоты изонониловый эфир бензойной кислоты в количестве от 5 до 95 мас.%, считая на массу всего имеющегося пластификатора, что составляет 10 до 400 мас.ч. на 100 мас.ч. поливинилхлорида. Способ получения продукта, содержащего, по меньшей мере, один вспененный слой поливинилхлорида состоит в нанесении вспениваемой композиции на носитель, до или после нанесения ее вспенивают и в заключение термически обрабатывают. Продукт представляет собой покрытие для полов, искусственную кожу и обои. Технический результат - снижение вязкости композиции, температуры ее желатинирования, что ведет к простой и более быстрой переработке композиции. 4 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 8 табл.

20-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2376329C2

Изобретение относится к сырьевой смеси для изготовления теплоизоляционных изделий на основе пенопласта. Смесь содержит карбамидоформальдегидную смолу, кислотный отвердитель, поверхностно-активное вещество, модифицирующую добавку и воду. В качестве модифицирующей добавки она содержит раствор природного минерала бишофит формулы MgCl2·6H2O плотностью 1,24-1,40 т/м3. Полученная сырьевая смесь обеспечивает текучесть пеномассы, ее устойчивость к патогенной микрофлоре, снижает процент усадочной деформации и объемную массу, увеличивает стойкость к возгоранию, снижает степень выделения токсичных веществ. 11 табл., 1 ил.

10-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2205846C2

Изобретение относится к иономерной полимерной смеси, в частности к частично сшитым термопластичным и эластомерным полиолефиновым смесям, имеющим низкую твердость. Смесь включает С2-С10-олефиновые полимеры с прививкой мономеров, содержащих, по меньшей мере, одну карбоксильную группу или ее производную, и ионы металлов I или II группы Периодической системы. С2-С10-олефиновые полимеры представляют собой полиолефиновую смесь, включающую 100 мас.ч. гетерофазной полиолефиновой композиции, содержащей кристаллический полипропилен, и эластомерную фракцию этиленпропиленового сополимера, или этилен-α-олефинового сополимера, с содержанием этилена менее 40 мас. %, и 0-250 мас.ч. эластомерного полимера. Смеси могут дополнительно содержать усиливающие наполнители, пигменты, красители, антиоксиданты, стабилизаторы, вспенивающие агенты и т.д. Полученные смеси характеризуются низкой жесткостью, удовлетворительными свойствами при средних и высоких температурах, улучшенными эластомерными и осязательными показателями ...

10-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525240C2
Принадлежит: БАСФ СЕ (DE)

Изобретение относится к способу получения жестких пенополиуретанов. Способ получения жестких пенополиуретанов осуществляют путем взаимодействия:a) органических полиизоцианатовb) с соединениями, содержащими по меньшей мере два реакционноспособных по отношению к изоцианатным группам атома водорода,в присутствииc) порообразователей,d) катализаторов, а также при необходимостие) вспомогательных веществ и добавок,при этом в качестве компонента b) используют смесь, содержащую:b1) от 20 до 70 масс.ч. одного или нескольких высокофункциональных простых эфиров многоатомных спиртов с функциональностью от 3,7 до 5,2 и гидроксильным числом от 370 до 500 мг КОН/г,b2) от 5 до 30 масс.ч. одного или нескольких простых эфиров многоатомных спиртов на основе ароматических аминов с функциональностью от 3 до 4 и гидроксильным числом от 150 до 500 мг КОН/г,b3) от 5 до 20 масс.ч. содержащего гидроксильные группы сложного эфира жирной кислоты иb4) от 1 до 20 масс.ч. одного или нескольких низкомолекулярных агентов ...

20-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2528677C2

Изобретение относится к стабилизированным полимерным композициям, содержащим бромированный полимерный антипирен, предназначенным, в частности, для получения пеноматериала. Полимерная композиция содержит блочный полимер, например полимер или сополимер стирола, алифатический бромсодержащий полимер и смесь, по меньшей мере, одного алкилфосфита и, по меньшей мере, одного эпоксидного соединения. Комплект стабилизаторов, в который входят алкилфосфиты и эпоксидные соединения, является очень эффективным для предупреждения реакций поперечного сшивания, которые протекают, когда алифатический бромсодержащий полимер подвергается воздействию высоких температур, которые встречаются в процессах переработки из расплава. Изобретение позволяет улучшить процесс переработки, предупредить гелеобразование бромсодержащего полимера при переработке. 2н. и 9з.п. ф-лы, 3табл., 17пр.

10-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291167C2

Изобретение относится к мультимодальному полимерному пенопласту, содержащему абсорбирующий каолин, и способу его получения. Описан полимерный пенопласт, включающий полимер, содержащий в себе множество ячеек и, по меньшей мере, одну абсорбирующую глину, диспергированную в указанном полимере, причем указанный пенопласт имеет мультимодальное распределение ячеек по размерам и содержит менее 0,2 частей по массе бентонита в расчете на 100 частей по массе полимера. Также описан способ получения пенопласта, включающий: (а) получение вспениваемой полимерной композиции объединением пластифицированной полимерной композиции, которая содержит полимер и, по меньшей мере, одну абсорбирующую глину, с композицией вспенивающего агента, включающей 0,5-99,5 массовых процентов диоксида углерода и 0,5-80 массовых процентов воды, в расчете на массу композиции вспенивающего агента, при начальном давлении, исключающем вспенивание; и (b) расширение вспениваемой полимерной композиции в полимерный пенопласт, содержащий ...

27-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2311427C1
Принадлежит: ЭЛ ДЖИ КЕМ, ЛТД. (KR)

Изобретение относится к вспенивающейся полистирольной смоле, имеющей лучшую механическую прочность. Описана окрашенная вспенивающаяся полистирольная смола, имеющая высокую прочность, содержащая: а) 100 массовых частей стирольного мономера; b) от 0,5 до 5 массовых частей наночастиц карбоната кальция; и с) от 0,5 до 10 массовых частей красителя. Также описан способ получения окрашенной вспенивающейся полистирольной смолы и вспенивающийся формованный продукт из частиц стирольной смолы, имеющий высокую прочность. Технический результат - получение окрашенной вспенивающейся смолы высокой прочности, имеющей хорошую степень окрашивания, устойчивость к химическим воздействиям и механическую прочность. 3 н. и 1 з.п.ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-12-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2050282C1

Использование: переработка гранул вспенивающегося полистирола в изделия. Сущность изобретения: способ включает предварительное спенивание предвспененных отходов вспенивающегося полистирола крупной и мелкой фракции с размером частиц более 3,0 мм и менее 0,4 мм при соотношении 1:1. Полученные гранулы смешивают с дроблеными отходами пенопласта с последующим формованием смеси при нагревании. В качестве дробленых отходов пенопласта используют отходы полихлорвинилового пенопласта с размером частиц 0,2 2,0 мм в количестве 20-30 мас. Кроме того, в смесь могут дополнительно вводить дробленые отходы полистрольного пенопласта с размером частиц 0,2-50 мм в количестве до 20 мас. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2096427C1

Использование: пенополистирол в качестве теплоизоляционного материала. Сущность изобретения: пенопласт, выполненный из пенополистирола с закрытой ячеистой структурой, содержащей 1,5-20 мас.% углеродной сажи с размером частиц 15-74 нм и площадью их поверхности 25-1475 м2/г. 5 з.п.ф-лы, 4 табл.

21-02-2023 дата публикации

Углеводородный вспенивающий агент

Номер: RU2790483C1

Изобретение относится к органической химии, а именно к области получения углеводородных вспенивающих агентов для производства жестких пенополиуретанов (ППУ), применяемых в качестве теплоизоляционных материалов в различных отраслях промышленности. Углеводородный вспенивающий агент по изобретению предназначен для получения жестких пенополиуретанов теплоизоляционного назначения и содержит н-пентан в количестве 72-78 мас.%, изопентан в количестве 15-21 мас.% и циклопентан в количестве 4-10 мас.%. Использование углеводородного вспенивающего агента по изобретению обеспечивает повышение прочности на сжатие готовой полиуретановой пены при сохранении теплопроводности и обеспечении стабильности линейных размеров, что позволяет получать высококачественные жесткие пенополиуретаны теплоизоляционного назначения.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004123791A

... 1. Полимерный пенопласт, включающий полимер, содержащий в себе множество ячеек и, по меньшей мере, одну абсорбирующую глину, диспергированную в указанном полимере; причем указанный пенопласт имеет мультимодальное распределение ячеек по размерам и содержит менее 0,2 частей по массе бентонита в расчете на 100 частей по массе полимера. 2. Пенопласт по п.1, где указанный пенопласт по существу не содержит зародышеобразующих агентов помимо указанной глины. 3. Пенопласт по п.1, где менее одного процента указанных ячеек содержит точечные поры. 4. Пенопласт по п.1, где указанный пенопласт имеет первичные ячейки, имеющие размер ячейки от 0,2 до 2 миллиметров, и вторичные ячейки, имеющие размер ячейки менее 0,2 миллиметров, причем размеры ячеек определены согласно методу ASTM D-3576. 5. Пенопласт по п.1, где указанная глина выбрана из группы, включающей двухслойные минералы группы каолинита, трехслойные минералы группы смектита и их соли. 6. Пенопласт по п.1, где указанная глина представляет собой ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003127741A

... 1. Маслонаполненный 1,2-полибутадиен, полученный добавлением (е) масляного наполнителя в количестве от 1 до 200 частей по весу к 100 частям по весу (переведенными на содержание твердых веществ) раствора полимера (а) 1,2-полибутадиена, в котором полимеризация завершена, с последующим перемешиванием в растворенном состоянии. 2. Маслонаполненный 1,2-полибутадиен по п.1, в котором (а) представляет собой синдиотактический 1,2-полибутадиен. 3. Маслонаполненный 1,2-полибутадиен по п.1 или 2, в котором (а) 1,2-полибутадиен имеет средневесовой молекулярный вес от 10000 до 5000000 и содержание 1,2-винильной связи составляет 70% или более. 4. Маслонаполненный 1,2-полибутадиен по любому из пп.1-3, в котором (е) масляный наполнитель имеет гравитационную константу вязкости (значение V.G.C), составляющую от 0,790 до 0,999. 5. Способ получения маслонаполненного 1,2-полибутадиена, включающий первую стадию смешивания от 1 до 200 частей по весу (е) масляного наполнителя со 100 частями по весу (переведенными ...

14-01-2020 дата публикации

Многослойный материал на основе вспененного вторичного полиэтилентерефталата и способ его производства

Номер: RU2710907C1

Изобретение относится к многослойному материалу, предназначенному для получения упаковочного изделия для хранения в условиях окружающей среды и к способу его получения.Многослойный материал получен на основе вспененного вторичного полиэтилентерефталата и включает печатный слой, слой вспененного вторичного полиэтилентерефталата или слой вспененного вторичного полиэтилентерефалата, соединенный со слоем не вспененного вторичного полиэтилентерефталата, с плотностью от 100 до 900 кг/м, с характеристической вязкостью от 0,5 до 1,0 дл/г, а также слой полиэтилена или сополимера полиэтилена, или сополимера полиэтилентерефталата. Способ получения многослойного материала заключается в том, что отходы полиэтилентерефталата моют, очищают, затемдробят дофракций размером от 1 до 20 мми сепарируют по видам полимеров и по цвету, далее осуществляют расплавку полиэтилентерефталата и последующую экструзию расплава полиэтилентерефталата. Затем проводят поликонденсацию полиэтилентерефталата в жидкой фазе под ...

20-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94027571A

Способ изготовления плит пенополиуретана, согласно которому подготовленная полимеризуемая реакционная смесь, содержащая газообразователь, подается на движущиеся узлы 7, 10 конвейера, при этом в почти герметизированном закрытом объеме 17 происходит свободное разбухание и полимеризация этой смеси. Давление в этом объеме поддерживается в определенных пределах за счет непрерывной подачи газа в объем в дополнение к выделяемым газам при одновременном откачивании газа из объема, благодаря чему в этом объеме можно уменьшить колебания давления, а изменение других параметров, например температуры, можно регулировать, что и позволяет получать пенопласт с постоянными характеристиками. В изобретении описана также почти герметизированная закрытая машина для непрерывного изготовления плит пенопласта, с помощью которой реализуется предложенный способ.

27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003115451A

... 1. Способ получения многомодальной термопластичной полимерной пены, содержащий следующие последовательные стадии: (а) диспергирование стабилизатора вспенивающего агента и вспенивающего агента в термопластицированной термопластичной полимерной смоле при начальном давлении с образованием вспенивающейся композиции и (b) вспенивание указанной вспенивающейся полимерной композиции в основном при отсутствии воды и при давлении ниже указанного начального давления с получением многомодальной термопластичной пены. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором дополнительно проводят охлаждение указанной вспенивающейся композиции между стадиями (а) и (b), и на стадии (а) дополнительно прикладывают сдвиговые усилия с образованием вспенивающейся композиции. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором стабилизатор вспенивающего агента присутствует в концентрации от одного до 50 мас.% по отношению к массе полимерной смолы. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором вспенивающий агент содержит газ, выбранный из группы, состоящей из диоксида углерода, ...

26-10-1973 дата публикации

Композиция для получения эпоксидного пенопласта

Номер: SU403709A1
Автор: Сахаров В.И.

10-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003042651A1

12-09-2002 дата публикации

Multi-layer foamed sheet manufacturing method, for e.g. food containers, comprises forming foam layer and non-foam layer with a specific melt flow rate

Номер: DE0010205882A1

Method for producing a multilayer foam sheet comprising foam and non-foam layers by a multilayer coextrusion method. The shear stress at the interface of foam layer and the non-foam layer, is 5000 - 50000 Pa.

20-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001420831B2

02-11-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001694519B2

02-11-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001694869B2

09-10-1969 дата публикации

Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Herstellung eines Leichtbaustoffes aus Kunststoff mit Zellstruktur

Номер: DE0001504211A1

05-05-1976 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000119551A1

05-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002413567B2

02-01-1997 дата публикации

Verpackungsformteile und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung

Номер: DE0019523629A1

The invention concerns shaped parts for packaging. The shaped parts are made of polyethylene foamed material and/or polypropylene foamed material comprising more than 50 % recycled material. The invention also concerns a method of producing these shaped parts.

28-03-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002908801C2

29-05-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003435625C2
Принадлежит: HOLTMANN, ROBERT, DR., 5100 AACHEN, DE

13-07-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung beladbarer Kunststoffschäume

Номер: DE0019900490A1

The invention relates to a method of producing chargeable plastic foams. According to the inventive method, a chemical expanding agent is added to at least one thermoplastic base polymer. The mass is molten, mixed before and/or after melting, and the mixture is cooled, whereby a bulky, porous carrier material is formed, with the proviso that an extruder or multi-screw kneader-extruder is used and that at least intermittently an inert gas is fed to the melt consisting of the base polymer and the chemical expanding agent and that the mass is extruded in the presence of a surface-active agent.

06-02-1969 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellen von Formkoerpern aus Polyamiden

Номер: DE0001495202A1

11-05-1989 дата публикации

Номер: DE7918334U1

08-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002023594B2

28-05-2003 дата публикации

Poröse Materialien basierend auf templatbildenden Mikroorganismen

Номер: DE0010155469A1

The present invention relates to a process for producing a porous material from a mixture comprising at least one microorganism at least one nutrient and at least one skeletonforming substance characterized in that the microorganisms act in conjunction with the nutrient in a combined growth and drying process as templateformer for the skeletonforming substance The present invention further relates to a material produced by this process wHich is distinguished in particular by a consecutive or complex that is to say not simple or random distribution of pore sizes ...

18-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001313922A

... 1313922 Moulding skinned foamed articles NAGOYA RUBBER CO Ltd 15 May 1970 [15 May 1969 (2)] 23603/70 Heading B5A [Also in Divisions B7 C3 F2 and H5] Foamed material having an unfoamed skin is made by subjecting foamable polar natural or synthetic rubber or natural or synthetic rubber blended with carbon black to dielectric heating whilst externally cooling it. The material thus formed has a vulcanized foamed core and an unvulcanized or partially vulcanized non- foamed skin and is heated to a temperature below the foaming temperature or under a pressure higher than the foaming pressure to cause the skin to become fully vulcanized but unfoamed. The material may be a rubber, for example a chloroprene based material, a material based upon a mixture of styrenebutadiene rubber and acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, or an acrylonitrile butadiene based material. The foaming and heating may or may not be effected within a mould. In one embodiment (see Fig. 3, not shown) an extruded strip is passed ...

02-05-1951 дата публикации

Light and stable thermoplastic base products made up of closed polyhedral cells, and a method of manufacturing the same

Номер: GB0000652696A

Thermoplastic polycellular products having closed polyhedral cells are obtained by making a reduced scale pattern of the desired shape, heating, introducing gas under pressure into the mixture forming the pattern at a temperature near that at which gelatinization commences, increasing the volume by 10 to 30 per cent by a reduction of pressure, gelatinizing by heating, cooling to ambient temperature, and then heating till the material softens sufficiently to expand and form a polycellular product. The gas producing agent may be diazoaminobenzene or azoisobutyric acid dinitrile. In examples: (1) polystyrol, (2) and (3) polyvinyl chloride, and (4) polyvinyl acetal, are treated together with an appropriate gas producing agent in the moulds described in Group V.

04-09-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001365852A

... 1365852 Polyurethane foams MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Ltd 9 Jan 1973 [10 Jan 1972] 1075/73 Heading C3R Polyurethane foams are prepared by the frothing technique by mixing a polyol, polyisocyanate and a catalyst for urethane formation in a helix mixer in the presence of a primary foaming agent and a secondary foaming agent, the primary foaming agent being a liquid which vaporizes in the mixer to produce a primaryfoamed mixture and the secondary foaming agent being a substance which remains in the mixture until secondary foaming is initiated, the supply of the primary foaming agent being initiated before the supply of the other components, whereupon the ratio of the supply rate of the primary foaming agent to the supply rate of the other components at the time of initiation of the supply of the other components (ratio P) is at least 1À5 times the ratio of the supply rate of the primary foaming agent to the supply rate of the other components in normal conditions (defined) (ratio Q) and ...

29-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001411567A

... 1411567 Polyfuran foams KONINKLIJKE EMBALLAGE INDUSTRIE VAN LEER NV 14 Aug 1973 [25 Aug 1972] 39707/72 Heading C3C A synthetic foam comprises (A) 100 parts by weight of a polymer of which at least 50 parts of the material is derived from furfuryl alcohol and at least one part by weight of at least one amino compound selected from urea, this urea and melamine, together with up to 49 parts by weight of material derived from formaldehyde and (B) 0 to 100 parts of a filler, or alternatively an extender. The filler (B) may be reactive with the polymer (A). Examples are given in which mixtures comprising urea-paraformaldehyde-furfuryl alcohol resin (UFF), furan resin and furfuryl alcohol, n-hexane, dimethoxymethane or a halohydrocarbon blowing agent, optionally additional urea or formaldehyde and a filler selected from ammonium lignin sulphonate or other lignin derivative, carbon black, talc, icing sugar, wood flour, potato flour, and dextrose, a silicone surfactant and a phosphoric acidsulphuric ...

13-09-1967 дата публикации

Re-using scrap foamed thermoplastic polymers

Номер: GB0001082875A

Re-using scrap foamed thermoplastic polymer by hot-extruding the previously ground-up scrap as an unfoamed solid containing a foaming agent and quench chilling the solid throughout preferably in a liquid bath such as a water bath. The scrap polymer preferably contains a volatile foaming agent. An optional feature of the invention involves incorporating virgin unfoamed expansible thermoplastic polymer and/or a small amount of make-up foaming agent in the scrap prior to extruding the unfoamed solid as above. The unfoamed extrudate may be in the form of a rod or sheet and is preferably conminuted before being mixed, if desired, with additional volatile liquid foaming agent and passed through a second extruder to form foamed articles such as sheets or tubes with or without unfoamed surface skins. The preferred thermoplastic polymers are polymers of mono-olefines having 2-4 carbon atoms, vinyl chloride resins or styrene resins particularly crystal grade or specified high impact polystyrenes ...

14-05-1952 дата публикации

Process for the production of closed cell cellular bodies

Номер: GB0000672136A

Cellular bodies are produced from non-vulcanizable organic high molecular weight thermoplastic substances, e.g. polymers or copolymers of vinyl chloride, styrene or cellulose esters, by mixing with a gas liberating agent, e.g. diazoaminobenzene and ammonium nitrite, which decomposes irreversibly on heating to liberate a gas which diffuses slowly through the walls of the closed cells formed. The mixture is filled completely into a closed space under external pressure and is heated so that the mass assumes the condition requisite for solution of the gas liberated, which dissolves under high pressure. The hot mass is then cooled to a consistency which allows it to expand under internal pressure without rupture of the cells, upon release of the external pressure. In a modification, the mass is cooled till solid, the external pressure released and the mass then heated to a suitable temperature for cell formation. Other substances such as tricresyl phosphate, tetra-, penta-, and hexa-methylene ...

20-03-2002 дата публикации

Process for making foam component by pressurising/depressurising

Номер: GB0002366797A

The present invention relates to a process for making air stable, water-reactive foam components comprising polymeric material and an active ingredient and preferably a liquid, which are to be delivered to aqueous environment, using the step of submitting a viscous mixture of the ingredients, having a specific viscosity and/or being intensively mixed, to pressure, typically by using an extrusion process, and whereby a gas is introduced in this mixture. The process is typically such that only small amount of liquid are required and only limited drying is needed to remove the liquid to obtain the components. Typically additional gas is injected in the process (in addition to gas of mixing) to improve foaming. The invention also provides components obtained by such a process.

26-04-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001271956A

... 1,271,956. Foamed, hardened epoxy resins. FARBWERKE HOECHST A.G. 21 July, 1969 [20 July, 1968], No. 36653/69. Headings C3B and C3C. A foamed, hardened epoxy resin is made by mixing an epoxy resin having 2-10 epoxy groups per molecule, a liquid and/or solid expanding agent, an amine hardener which comprises one or more aromatic polyamines each containing two or more primary amino groups, and an accelerator which comprises one or more polyphenolic compounds, at a temperature within the range of from 30‹ to 80‹ C., to foam and harden the epoxy resin. A pore regulator may be mixed with the epoxy resin, and may be a polysiloxane or a block copolymer of a polysiloxane and ethylene oxide. The hardener may additionally comprise a cycloaliphatic amine and/or an aliphatic amine. The polyphenolic compound may be a novolak. The aromatic polyamine may be a condensation product of aniline and formaldehyde having a molecular weight of 200 to 600. The epoxy resin may be the reaction product of 2,2-diphenylol ...

30-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001392113A

20-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008503859D0

19-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008624560D0

05-02-1969 дата публикации

Heat-expansible polysulphone resins and the production thereof

Номер: GB0001142482A

... 1,142,482. Expandable polysulphone resins. PRODUITS CHIMIQUES PECHINEYSAINT-GOBAIN. 15 March, 1966 [15 March, 1965; 21 Jan., 1966], No. 11325/66. Headings C3C and C3P. A polysulphone resin which can be expanded by the application of heat to form a highly porous mass, comprising a copolymer of sulphur dioxide with an unsaturated organic compound, in the form of separate particles into which a compound that can be converted into gas by heating has been introduced during the copolymerization may be prepared by copolymerizing the sulphur dioxide with the unsaturated organic compound in aqueous suspension in the form of separate particles, in the presence of one or more gasifiable compounds, which are soluble in the polysulphone resins but are not solvents thereof and have boiling points of or below 50‹ C. at atmospheric pressure. Suitable gasifiable compounds are aliphatic or cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons, e.g. butane, pentane or hexane or one or more of the organic comonomers, e.g. 1-butene, ...

30-07-1969 дата публикации

Extrusion of Resins.

Номер: GB0001159920A

... 1,159,920. Extruding foamed thermoplastics. MONSANTO CHEMICALS Ltd. 19 March, 1968 [5 May, 1967], No. 21006/67. Addition to 1,034,120. Heading B5A. A process for making foamed thermoplastic resin articles is substantially as described in Specifications 1,034,120 and 1,098,408, but the die disclosed in the latter Specification is modified by the provision of grooves 10-12 in the outlet face of the die which extend from some or all of passages 7. These grooves ensure the void-free filling of the volumes enclosed by resin extruding through slits 3-6. Preferably grooves 10-12 are straight, have a square or rectangular cross-section, and extend to the corners of the surrounding mesh. Modifications include the provision of grooves which curve somewhat, have a varying cross-section, and extend only part-way towards the surrounding slits. Typical dimensions are: width of grooves 0À005-0À30 in. and depth 0À020- 0À080 in.

24-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002027435B

01-02-1967 дата публикации

Polyamides and preparation thereof

Номер: GB0001056838A

A process for polymerizing a lactam in the presence of a catalyst, the salt of a lactam with a base strong enough to convert the lactam to its iminium salt, comprises using as co-catalyst either (1) a polymeric ester of an organic acid or carbonic acid containing a repeat unit -[Ar-O-CO-X] where Ar is a bivalent aromatic radical, the free valencies of which are attached to aromatic carbon atoms, and X is a single bond, an oxygen atom, the group -D-CO-O- or the group -NR- where D and R are bivalent aromatic or aliphatic radicals bonded to any carbonyl radical via carbon or tertiary nitrogen and wherein any acyclic chain that may be linked to a -CO-O-Argroup contains at least 4 carbon atoms in such a chain; or (2) an ester of a phenol and carbocyclic polybasic acid or an aliphatic polybasic acid having at least 4 carbon atoms between any two carboxyl groups. Specified lactams are pyrrolidone, piperidine, e -caprolactam, enantholactam, caprylolactam, lauralactam and mixtures thereof. Specified ...

06-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002083487B
Принадлежит: JOHNSON & JOHNSON

25-08-1982 дата публикации

Unsaturated polester resin foams

Номер: GB0002093036A
Автор: Murakami, Shinji

Unsaturated polyester foams having fine and uniform cells are prepared at an atmospheric temperature from an admixture which comprises in combination a liquid unsaturated polyester resin, a hydrazide compound, a cobalt compound and a powdered inorganic compound selected from the group consisting of percarbonates, perborates and perphosphates.

10-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008318584D0

04-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008413529D0

17-12-1969 дата публикации

Surface Coverings

Номер: GB0001174582A

... 1,174,582. Foamed coatings. MARLEY TILE CO. Ltd. 6 Feb., 1967 [10 Feb., 1966], No. 5926/66. Heading B2E. [Also in Division B5] A vinyl chloride homo- or co-polymer foam having a textured surface effect is produced by (1) replacing part of the surface of a prefoamed vinyl chloride homopolymer or copolymer layer by a vinyl chloride homopolymer or copolymer plastisol, the layer and also if desired the plastisol containing a blowing agent and the compositions of the layer and plastisol being selected to have different rates of foaming at the blowing temperatures, and (2) heating e.g. to 165 to 200‹C, to effect foaming whereby areas of the layer with the plastisol on their surface are raised to a different extent to other areas thereby forming foam with a textured surface. The pre-formed vinyl chloride homopolymer or copolymer layer may be formed by applying a coating of a vinyl chloride homopolymer or copolymer plastisol on to a substrate e.g. woven or non-woven fabrics such as paper felt, ...

15-10-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the production of expanded plastic materials

Номер: GB0000572588A

Producing expanded ethenoid type polymers or copolymers by forming gas bubbles in a dough consisting of the partly polymerized material obtained by heating a liquid monomer or low polymer at a moderate temperature until a rubbery consistency is produced and heating the material further until it is strong enough to retain the cellular structure. Ethenoid compounds specified are polystyrene, polymethyl methacrylate, polyethylene and styrene-methyl methacrylate copolymer. The gas bubbles may be produced either by gassing or by the addition of a blowing agent such as sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate or diazoaminobenzene. The blowing agent may be added to the monomer before the production of the partly polymerized material, or may be added to the partly polymerized material. Inhibitors such as hydroquinone and accelerators such as benzoyl peroxide may be used. Fillers, plasticizers and colouring materials may be incorporated either in the monomer or in the partly polymerized material. In ...

07-11-1951 дата публикации

A method of producing rigid and light materials having a closed cellular structure

Номер: GB0000660358A

Cellular products are prepared from organic thermoplastic polymers, such as polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate, and polystyrene, by incorporating in the polymer a gas-blowing agent activated by heat, particularly azo di(isobutyronitrile) and one or more aryl isocyanates, heating the material to form an initial cellular product, and then subjecting the cellular product to the action of water to react with the aryl isocyanates to liberate carbon dioxide within the initial cellular structure to swell it, and to increase its resistance to deformation. In examples, the isocyanates used are phenyl isocyanate and a mixture of 2,4- and 2,6-toluene diisocyanate.

16-05-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of cellular material

Номер: GB0000749052A

... 749,052. Moulding cellular rubber and resin EQUIPMENT MENAGER ET INDUSTRIEL E. M. I. Aug. 27, 1953 [Aug. 27, 1952], No. 21582/52. Addition to 652,696, Class 87(2) In a process of the kind described in the parent Specification the polycellular moulding material is allowed to expand in a mould having a yielding wall. A shown, a. hydraulically-operated ram 21 co-operates with a mould 18 containing the mix and resists the expansion of the mix on heating to such a degree that only an expansion between 10 and 30 per cent of the original volume is permitted. The platens 20, 23 are heated by steam in passages 27, 28. In an example, a rubber mix is used comprising 100 parts of premasticated rubber, 1.5 parts of stearic acid, 5 parts of zinc oxide, 10 parts of sulphur, 0.4 parts of phenoxy guanidine, 12 parts of finely powdered azo-isobutyric acid dinitrile, as the blowing agent. The mould 18 was filled to the top and the ram 21 held down on it, being adjusted so that it would yield on a pressure ...

12-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001552204A

In order to achieve processability in an extruder and to produce an insulation of low density and high heat resistance, the mixture preferably contains from 50 to 70 parts by weight of rigid polyethylene, from 30 to 50 parts by weight of flexible (soft) polyethylene, from 2 to 4 parts by weight of blowing agent, for example azodicarbonamide, and from 0.1 to 2 parts by weight of crosslinking agent.

21-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001600694A

08-08-1979 дата публикации

A panel based on polycondensable resin and a method for the manufacture of this panel

Номер: GB0002013209A

A panel comprises a phenolic resin covering fillers, the phenolic resin being an expanded phenolic resin having a system of closed cells. The panel is made by mixing the fillers with a fluid mixture comprising at least one phenolic resin, a hardening agent, a surface active agent and a pore forming agent chosen such that it has a boiling point less than the polycondensation temperature of the mixture and greater than the ambient temperature during mixing. The panel may be made in a closed mould and the walls of the mould may be covered with a layer of phenolic resin so as to form a covering on the panel.

07-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001494676A

The incorporation of additives into thermoplastic polymers, in particular to give foamable polymers, which are used for the preparation of an extrudable melt is carried out without the use of an adhesion promoter by adsorbing the additives onto foam flakes, optionally mixed with polymer granules, and adding them in this form to the thermoplastics before the melting. The uniform distribution of the additives enables the preparation of end products having a smooth surface without bubbles or holes. Blockage of the extruder due to precipitated additives is also prevented.

13-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001479719A

... 1479719 Foamable polyester compositions GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 21 June 1974 [2 July 1973] 27701/74 Heading C3C A foamable injection moldable thermoplastic composition comprises (a) a polyester resin or copolyester resin containing 0À5-2 wt. per cent of units derived from an aliphatic or aromatic dicarboxylic acid and/or polyol and which is a poly(ethylene terephthalate) or a poly( 1,4- butylene terephthalate) with either the above resin or 1-40 wt. per cent of a linear aliphatic polyester resin, (b) fibrous glass, a mineral and/or a synthetic silicate as filler and (c) a minor amount by weight of a foaming agent. In the Examples (1-10) poly(ethylene terephthalate) was blended with chopped glass strands and formed into pellets which were then mixed with 5-phenyltetrazole as foaming agent; blends of poly(1,4-butylene terephthalate) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) or poly(epsiloncaprolactone) were also used as the resins, and wollastonite was used as an additional filler.

13-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001589587A

30-04-1983 дата публикации

Products absorbents, process and compositions for the immobilization of particulate absorbents.

Номер: OA0000006890A

20-09-1969 дата публикации

Process of obtaining articles foams starting from setting synthetic matters.

Номер: OA0000001656A

30-06-1981 дата публикации

Panel out of phenolic resin expanded and its manufactoring process.

Номер: OA0000006162A

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Process for producing rigid polyurethane foams

Номер: US20120022179A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to a process for producing rigid polyurethane foams by reacting a) polyisocyanates with b) compounds having at least two hydrogen atoms which are reactive toward isocyanate groups in the presence of c) blowing agents, wherein the component b) comprises at least one polyether alcohol bi) prepared by addition of alkylene oxides onto toluenediamine and at least one polyether alcohol bii) prepared by addition of alkylene oxides onto H-functional starter substances comprising oligomeric glycerol.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Expandable vinyl aromatic polymers and process for the preparation thereof

Номер: US20120132845A1
Принадлежит: Total Petrochemicals Research Feluy SA

The present invention is an expandable vinyl aromatic polymer which comprises: a) a matrix of a branched aromatic ionomer, b) 1-10% by weight calculated with respect to the polymer (a), of an expanding agent englobed in the polymeric matrix, c) 0-20% by weight, calculated with respect to the polymer (a), of a filler homogeneously distributed in the polymeric matrix, in which, the branched aromatic ionomer comprises the product of co-polymerizing a first monomer comprising an aromatic moiety and an unsaturated alkyl moiety and a second monomer comprising an ionic moiety and at least two unsaturated moieties, wherein the ionic moiety has at least two ionizable groups, a cationic group that ionizes to form cations and an anionic group that ionizes to form anions, and wherein the cationic group is polyvalent and one capable of forming bridges to other molecules. The present invention also relates to the use of the expandable vinyl aromatic polymer to make expanded articles, in particular insulation boards.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085196A1

Disclosed is a versatile dispersant for an additive for olefin resins. The dispersant (A) for an additive (B) for polyolefins contains an alkyl methacrylate polymer which comprises an alkyl methacrylate (a1) unit having an alkyl group with a carbon number of at least 2 as the main component, and which has a mass average molecular weight of 15,000-145,000. 1. A dispersing agent (A) comprising an alkyl methacrylate-based polymer comprising mainly an alkyl methacrylate (a1) unit comprising a C2 or greater alkyl group , and having a weight-average molecular weight of between 15 ,000 and 145 ,000.2. The dispersing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the C2 or greater alkyl group is a C4 alkyl group.3. The dispersing agent according to claim 1 , wherein the (a1) unit is an i-butyl methacrylate unit.4. The dispersing agent according to claim 1 , which is suitable for an additive for a polyolefin (B) claim 1 , said additive being at least one selected from the group consisting of a flame retardant claim 1 , a crystal nucleating agent claim 1 , a foaming agent and a pigment.5. A polyolefin-based resin composition claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the dispersing agent (A) according to ;'}an additive for a polyolefin (B), anda polyolefin-based resin (C),wherein the dispersing agent (A) is suitable for the additive for the polyolefin (B).6. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the additive for a polyolefin (B) is at least one type selected from the group consisting of a flame retardant claim 5 , a crystal nucleating agent claim 5 , a foaming agent and a pigment.7. A molded article obtained by molding the polyolefin-based resin composition according to .8. A method for producing the polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 5 , the method comprising combining a master batch comprising a total amount of the dispersing agent (A) claim 5 , a total amount of the additive for the polyolefin (B) claim ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190413A1

Polymeric foam and polymeric foam products that contain a foamable polymer material, at least one blowing agent, an infrared attenuating agent, and a polystyrene/polyethylene oxide copolymer are provided. In exemplary embodiments, the blowing agent contains an HFC. The maleic anhydride-styrene copolymer grafted with polyethylene oxide increases the cell size of the polymer foam and offsets or even negates the decreased cell size caused by an HFC blowing agent and/or infrared attenuating agents. In addition, the copolymer of maleic anhydride-styrene grafted with polyethylene oxide has a positive affect on the processability of the blowing agent(s) in the composition by both widening the process window and enhancing the solubility of the blowing agent in the polymer melt. Thus, the polystyrene/polyethylene oxide copolymer present in the inventive composition acts as a cell enlarger, a plasticizer, and a processing aid. A method of forming an extruded foam product is also provided. 120-. (canceled)22. The composition of claim 21 , wherein said composition further comprises a foamable polymer material is selected from polyvinyl chloride claim 21 , chlorinated polyvinyl chloride claim 21 , polyethylene claim 21 , polypropylene claim 21 , polycarbonates claim 21 , polyisocyanurates claim 21 , polyetherimides claim 21 , polyamides claim 21 , polyesters claim 21 , polycarbonates claim 21 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 21 , poyphenylene oxide claim 21 , polyurethanes claim 21 , phenolics claim 21 , polyolefins claim 21 , styreneacrylonitrile claim 21 , acrylonitrile butadiene styrene claim 21 , acrylic/styrene/acrylonitrile block terpolymer claim 21 , polysulfone claim 21 , polyurethane claim 21 , polyphenylenesulfide claim 21 , acetal resins claim 21 , polyamides claim 21 , polyaramides claim 21 , polyimides claim 21 , polyacrylic acid esters claim 21 , copolymers of ethylene and propylene claim 21 , copolymers of styrene and butadiene claim 21 , copolymers of vinylacetate ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202793A1

A method of producing a foam is disclosed. The method includes providing an epoxy-containing compound, a cationic catalyst, an optional blowing agent, and at least one additive. The method further includes combining the epoxy-containing compound with the cationic catalyst, the optional blowing agent, and the at least one additive, wherein the epoxy-containing compound and the cationic catalyst react to polymerize the epoxy-containing compound to provide the foam having a density from about 0.3 lbs/ftto about 5.0 lbs/ftas measured by ASTM D1622. Further disclosed are the foam and a method for installing the foam. 1. A method of producing a foam comprising:providing an epoxy-containing compound, a cationic catalyst, an optional blowing agent and at least one additive; and{'sup': 3', '3, 'combining the epoxy-containing compound with the cationic catalyst, the optional blowing agent, and the at least one additive, wherein the epoxy-containing compound and the cationic catalyst react to polymerize the epoxy-containing compound to provide the foam having a density from about 0.3 lbs/ftto about 5.0 lbs/ftas measured by ASTM D1622.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the epoxy-containing compound is bio-based claim 1 , petrochemical based claim 1 , or combination thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the bio-based epoxy compound is derived from linseed oil claim 2 , corn oil claim 2 , soybean oil claim 2 , sunflower oil claim 2 , safflower oil claim 2 , canola oil claim 2 , rapeseed oil claim 2 , palm oil claim 2 , camelina oil claim 2 , fish oil claim 2 , tall oil claim 2 , algae oil claim 2 , or combinations thereof.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic catalyst is an acid.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cationic catalyst is present at an amount of about 0.05 wt. % to about 2.0 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total composition.13. The method of claim 1 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210950A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

The present invention relates to a reaction system for preparing polyurethane microcellular foam, a polyurethane microcellular foam and the use thereof. The reaction system for preparing polyurethane microcellular foam comprises isocyanate prepolymer, polyols, catalysts and chain extenders. The isocyanate prepolymer is a reaction product of polyisocyanates and polyester polyols, wherein the polyester polyols comprise 10-60 wt. % succinic acid units, based on 100 wt. % of the polyester polyols, the NCO content of the isocyanate prepolymer is 13-30 wt. %, based on 100 wt. % of isocyanate prepolymer. By using the reaction components provided in the present invention, the demould time for preparing the polyurethane microcellular foam can be reduced. The obtained polyurethane microcellular foam, which possesses good physical and mechanical properties, is particularly suitable to prepare shoes. 115-. (canceled)17. The reaction system as claimed in claim 16 , wherein component B further comprises one or more additives selected from the group consisting of:b4) one or more blowing agent; andb5) from 0.01 to 5 weight % of one or more surfactants, based on 100 weight % of polyurethane microcellular foam.18. The reaction system as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the polyester polyols comprise from 40 to 53 weight % of the succinic acid units claim 16 , based on 100 weight % of polyester polyols.19. The reaction system as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the NCO content of the isocyanate prepolymer is from 16 to 20 weight % claim 16 , based on 100 weight % of isocyanate prepolymer.21. The polyurethane microcellular foam as claimed in claim 20 , wherein component B further comprises one or more additives selected from the group consisting of:b4) one or more blowing agent; andb5) from 0.01 to 5 weight % of one or more surfactants, based on 100 weight % of polyurethane microcellular foam.22. The polyurethane microcellular foam as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the polyester polyols ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231410A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The invention relates to rigid polyurethane foams obtainable by reaction of 1. A rigid polyurethane foam obtainable by reaction ofA) organic or modified organic polyisocyanates or mixtures thereof,B) compounds having two or more isocyanate-reactive hydrogen atoms in the presence ofC) optionally further polyester polyols,D) optionally polyetherol polyols,E) optionally flame retardants,F) one or more blowing agents,G) catalysts, andH) optionally further auxiliaries and/or additives,wherein component B) comprises the reaction product ofa1) 15 to 40 wt % of one or more polyols or polyamines having an average functionality of 2.5 to 8,a2) 2 to 30 wt % of one or more fatty acids and/or fatty acid monoesters,a3) 35 to 70 wt % of one or more alkylene oxides of 2 to 4 carbon atoms.2. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein the polyols or polyamines of component al) are selected from the group consisting of sugars claim 1 , pentaerythritol claim 1 , sorbitol claim 1 , trimethylolpropane claim 1 , glycerol claim 1 , tolylenediamine claim 1 , ethylenediamine claim 1 , ethylene glycol claim 1 , propylene glycol and water.3. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein said component a1) comprises a mixture of glycerol and sucrose.4. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein said component a2) comprises oleic acid or an oleic acid derivative.5. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein the alkylene oxide of component a3) is propylene oxide.6. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein said component B) has an OH number of 200 to 700 mg KOH/g.7. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein said component B) has a functionality of 2.5 to 8.8. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein said component D) is a propoxylated ethylenediamine.9. The rigid polyurethane foam according to wherein said component D) is a propoxylated polyol based on a mixture of glycerol and sucrose.10. The process for producing rigid polyurethane foams by reaction ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Blowing Catalyst

Номер: US20130261199A1
Принадлежит: Huntsman Corporation Hungary ZRt

The invention relates to a primary amine component corresponding to formula I being (RRNR)NRwherein 114-. (canceled)15. The use of a component according to formula I as a blowing catalyst of a catalyst system in a reaction of at least one polyisocyanate component and at least one isocyanate-reactive component , the catalyst system further comprising at least one gelling catalyst different from said component of formula I , formula I being (RRNR)NR , wherein{'sup': 1', '2, 'each of Rand Rare chosen from the group consisting of a methyl group, an ethyl group, an iso-propyl group and an n-propyl group;'}{'sup': '3', 'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'Ris an alkoxyalkyl group chosen from the group consisting of —CHCHOCHCH—, —CHCHOCHCHCH—'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'and —CHCHCHOCHCHCH—; and'}{'sup': '4', 'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'Ris chosen from the group consisting of a hydrogen and —CHCHCHNH.'}16. The use according to claim 15 , wherein the reaction of at least one polyisocyanate component and at least one isocyanate-reactive component is carried out in the presence of water.17. The use according to claim 15 , wherein Ris hydrogen.18. The use according to claim 17 , wherein Rand Rare methyl groups.19. The use according to claim 15 , wherein Ris —CHCHCHNH.20. The use according to claim 15 , wherein{'sup': 1', '2, 'each of Rand Rare a methyl group;'}{'sup': '3', 'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'Ris —CHCHOCHCH—; and'}{'sup': '4', 'Ris hydrogen.'}21. The use according to claim 15 , wherein the at least one isocyanate-reactive component is a polyamine.22. The use according to claim 15 , wherein the at least one isocyanate-reactive component is a polyol.23. The use according to for providing a polyurethane rigid foam or a semi-rigid foam.24. The use according to for providing a polyurethane flexible foam.25. The use according to claim 15 , wherein the at least polyisocyanate component is toluenediisocyanate (TDI) or a diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)- ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266766A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Prepare extruded thermoplastic polymer foam by preparing a foamable polymer mixture containing thermoplastic polymer and blowing agent at a mixing pressure, cooling the foamable polymer mixture and extruding it through a foaming die at a die pressure at least 90 bars lower than the mixing pressure and out through a die opening having cross sectional dimensions of 2.5 millimeter or more and a cross sectional area of at least 700 square millimeters at a flow rate greater than 500 kilograms per hour and allow it to expand into a polymer foam between shaping elements while restraining the extrusion rate with a restraining device so as to form polymer foam having 96 volume percent or less void volume, anisotropic cell size, a thickness of 50 millimeter or greater, compressive and tensile moduli in the thickness dimension greater than 35 mega pascals and an average shear modulus greater than 16 mega pascals. 2. The process of claim 1 , further characterized by the temperature difference between the die and foamable polymer mixture within the die being less than six degrees Celsius.3. The process of claim 1 , further characterized by the pressure difference between the mixing pressure and die pressure being at least 100 bars.4. The process of claim 1 , further characterized by the foamable polymer mixture comprising a blowing agent selected from carbon dioxide claim 1 , butane isomers claim 1 , and 1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,1 claim 1 ,2-tetrafluoroethane.5. The process of claim 4 , further characterized by the foamable polymer mixture comprising at least 0.08 moles of blowing agent per hundred grams of thermoplastic polymer.6. The process of claim 1 , further characterized by the foamable polymer mixture comprising polystyrene.7. The process of claim 6 , further characterized by the polystyrene having a weight-averaged molecular weight of 140 claim 6 ,000 grams per mole or more.8. The process of claim 6 , further characterized by the foamable polymer mixture comprising carbon ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Process for the production of expanded plastic materials, in particular PVC-based polymeric foams and a formulation of a polymeric blend for effecting said process

Номер: US20130267620A1

A perfected process for the production of expanded plastic materials, comprising a hot moulding phase of a starting polymeric blend inside a mould, wherein the heating of said blend is effected by making the same a heat source, by triggering an exothermic reaction in its interior. With respect to the known art in the field, the process of the invention allows an improvement in the heating of the polymeric mass inside the mould, reducing the times necessary for effecting it and homogenizing the thermal values inside this mass. 1. A perfected process for the production of expanded plastic materials , comprising a hot moulding phase of a starting polymeric blend inside a mould , characterized in that the heating of said blend is effected by making the same a heat source , by triggering an exothermic reaction in its interior.2. The process according to claim 1 , characterized in that said triggering of the exothermic reaction is effected by supplying heat from the outside of said mould.3. The process according to or claim 1 , characterized in that said exothermic reaction is suitable for bringing the mentioned blend to the melting point of the polymer or polymers of which it is formed.4. The process according to to claim 1 , characterized in that said exothermic reaction is effected by adding an activator of the mentioned exothermic reaction claim 1 , to said starting polymeric blend.5. The process according to claim 4 , characterized in that said activator is selected from catalysts claim 4 , emulsifiers and surfactants claim 4 , alone or combined with each other.6. The process according to to claim 4 , characterized in that said exothermic reaction is effected by means of activators present from the start claim 4 , as synthesis intermediates of the expandable polymers which are part of the mentioned starting polymeric blend.7. The process according to claim 6 , characterized in that said activators consist of catalysts claim 6 , emulsifiers and surfactants based on ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281561A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Roehm GmbH

The invention relates to a process for producing poly(meth)acrylimide foams and also blocks, sheets and the like composed of such poly(meth)acrylimide foams and also the intermediate articles formed from the copolymer of (meth)acrylic acid and (meth)acrylonitrile, which are all distinguished by a particularly low residual monomer content. 1. A process for producing a poly(meth)acrylimide foam in block or sheet form , the process comprising copolymerizing (meth)acrylic acid and (meth)acrylonitrile with or without further copolymerisable monomers in three process steps of polymerisation; andtempering and foaming at three respectively higher process temperatures, wherein a polymerisation mixture contains three initiators, in which decomposition temperatures of the three initiators are such that the first initiator has a one hour half-life below 80° C., the second initiator has a one hour half-life between 80 and 110° C. and the third initiator has a one hour half-life above 110° C., and a product directly after foaming has a (meth)acrylonitrile content below 6000 ppm.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the polymerisation is carried out at a temperature between 30 and 80° C. claim 1 , the tempering is carried out at least partially at a temperature between 80 and 110° C. claim 1 , and the foaming is carried out at a temperature between 110 and 200° C.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the first initiator has a one hour half-life of from 40 to 80° C. claim 1 , the second initiator has a one hour half-life of from 80 to 110° C. and the third initiator has a one-hour half-life of from 110 to 180° C. claim 1 , and the decomposition temperatures of the three initiators are at least 10° C. apart.4. The process according to claim 3 , wherein the first initiator has a one hour half-life of from 50 to 75° C. claim 3 , the second initiator has a one hour half-life of from 85 to 100° C. and the third initiator has a one hour half-life of from 110 to 150° C. ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Aromatic polyesters, polyol blends comprising the same and resultant products therefrom

Номер: US20130289151A1
Автор: Giuseppe Lista
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The present invention discloses low viscosity aromatic polyester polyols suitable for blending with other polyols or other materials mutually compatible with the polyester polyols to achieve polyurethane and polyisocyanurate products. In particular the present invention discloses polyester polyols comprising the reaction of: A) an aromatic component comprising at 80 mole percent or greater of terephthalic acid; B) polyethylene glycol having a molecular weight from 150 to 1000; and C) a glycol different from the glycol of B); wherein A, B, and C are present in the reaction on a percent weight bases of 20 to 60 weight percent A); 40 to 75 weight percent of B); and 0 to 40 weight percent of C).

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289152A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH

A method for producing foamed mouldings comprises the steps of providing a mould () and introducing a foam-forming reaction mixture () into the mould (), wherein the foam-forming reaction mixture () is introduced into the mould () under constant injection pressure and in a quantity which is variable over time. The introduced quantity of the foam-forming reaction mixture is changed over time by varying the output of a pump motor acting on the reaction mixture. 1. A method for producing foamed mouldings , comprising the following:A) providing a mould andB) introducing a foam-forming reaction mixture into the mould, whereinin B) the foam-forming reaction mixture is introduced into the mould under constant injection pressure and in a quantity which is variable over time,wherein the introduced quantity of the foam-forming reaction mixture is changed over time by varying the output of a pump motor acting on the reaction mixture.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the output of the pump motor is varied by varying the speed of the motor using a frequency inverter.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the foam-forming reaction mixture is obtained from the reaction of a first and a second reaction component and the first and second reaction components are each introduced into a mixing chamber by means of constant pressure injectors.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the foam-forming reaction mixture is selected so that a rigid polyurethane foam is obtained.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the foam-forming reaction mixture comprises a setting time of ≧15 s to ≦50 s.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the time period during which the foam-forming reaction mixture is introduced into the mould in a quantity which is variable over time is ≧1 s to ≦20 s.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in B) the delivery rate of the foam-forming reaction mixture which is introduced is ≧0.5 m/s to ≦6 m/s.8. The method according to claim 1 , ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for Producing Silyl-Functionalized Polyolefins and Silyl-Functionalized Polyolefins with Silyl Monomer Incorporation

Номер: US20140011900A1

Methods for producing a silyl-functionalized polyolefin with silyl monomer incorporation are provided. The method includes reacting a silicon-containing olefin with an α-olefin, in the presence of a catalytic amount of a group IV catalyst for a time sufficient to produce a silyl-functionalized polyolefin. 2. The method of wherein the α-olefin is selected from the group consisting of ethylene and propylene.3. The method of where R is independently selected from the group consisting of alkoxy group and amine group.4. The method of wherein the group IV compound comprises a group IV metallocene complex.5. The method of further comprising combining a co-catalyst capable of alkylating the group IV catalyst.6. The method of wherein the co-catalyst comprises methylalumoxane.7. The method of wherein the group IV catalyst comprises a group IV metallocene having the formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 5', '5', '2', '6', '5', '3, '[(CMe)ZrMe][MeB(CF)].'}8. The method of wherein the catalyst comprises a group IV metallocene having the formula{'br': None, 'sub': 5', '2', '3', '2', '6', '5', '3, '[(1,2-CMeH)ZrMe][MeB(CF)].'}9. The method of wherein the catalyst comprises a group IV metallocene having the formula{'br': None, 'sub': 5', '5', '2', '6', '5', '3, '[(CH)ZrMe][MeB(CF)].'}10. The method of wherein the group IV compound comprises a group IV constrained geometry catalyst (CGC).13. The method of wherein m is 1 claim 1 , Z is C(O)O— and n is comprised between 1 and 6 claim 1 , a is 3 and R is an alkoxy group.14. The method of wherein the silyl monomer incorporation is greater than 0.5 molar percent preferably one molar percent in the resulting polymer.15. The method of wherein the group IV CGC comprises the formula:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '5', '4', '2, 'MeSi(CMe)(NtBu)TiCl.'}16. The method of wherein the CGC is mixed with a co-catalyst comprising methylalumoxane at a molar ratio of 1:50 or higher.17. The method of wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of toluene ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140024731A1

The present relates to novel organopolysiloxane compositions intended to generate an elastomer foam (or silicone foam) with good mechanical properties and low density low density, i.e. less than 0.35 g/cm3 and preferably less than 0.25 g/cm3. 1. An organopolysiloxane composition X which is a precursor of a silicone foam , comprising:{'sub': 2', '6, 'at least one polyorganosiloxane A having a viscosity of from 10 to 300 000 mPa·s and exhibiting, per molecule, at least two C-Calkenyl groups bonded to silicon,'}at least one polyorganosiloxane B having a viscosity of from 1 to 5000 mPa·s and exhibiting, per molecule, at least two ≡SiH units and optionally at least three ≡SiH units,a catalytically effective amount of at least one catalyst C which is a compound derived from at least one metal belonging to the platinum group,at least one porogenic agent D,optionally at least one diorganopolysiloxane oil E blocked at each end of a diorganopolysiloxane chain thereof, by a triorganosiloxy unit, the organic radicals of which bonded to the silicon atoms are selected from alkyl radicals having from 1 to 8 carbon atoms inclusive, optionally comprising methyl, ethyl, propyl and 3,3,3-trifluoropropyl groups, cycloalkyl groups, optionally comprising cyclohexyl, cycloheptyl and cyclooctyl groups, and aryl groups, optionally comprising xylyl, tolyl and phenyl,{'sup': 2', '2, 'at least one inorganic filler F which is a fumed silica, having a specific surface area S of less than 65 m/g, optionally less than 50 m/g,'}optionally at least one additive G, andoptionally at least one polyorganosiloxane resin H,with the proviso that, the nature and the amount of constituents are determined such that viscosity of said organopolysiloxane composition X is less than 55 000 mPa·s, optionally less than 30 000 mPa·s and said viscosities are dynamic viscosities measured at 25° C. using a Brookfield viscometer according to the instructions of the AFNOR NFT 76-102 standard.2. The organopolysiloxane ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030503A1
Автор: Wright Jeffrey J.

The present invention pertains to foam cushion backings. More particularly, the present invention pertains to foam cushion backings suitable for use in carpets and carpet tile products. The present invention further pertains to foam cushion-backed carpet and carpet tile products. The present invention further pertains to methods of making such foam cushion backings and carpet and carpet tiles as described herein. 1. A foam cushion backing comprising: 'i) one or more of a homogenously branched ethylene polymer (HBEP) or a substantially linear ethylene polymer (SLEP),', 'a) a foamable polymer composition comprisingwherein a foam cushion backing is prepared from the foamable polymer composition,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the foam cushion backing is substantially uncrosslinked, has a thickness of greater than 0.075 inches, has a uniform density in the range of from 10 to 30 lbs/ft, and'}wherein the foam cushion backing is suitable for use in carpet or carpet tiles.2. (canceled)3. The foam cushion backing of claim 1 , comprising the SLEP.4. The foam cushion backing of having a thickness of from about 0.100 to about 0.225 inches.5. The foam cushion backing of claim 1 , wherein the foamable polymer composition further comprises ii) an adhesive polymer component comprising an adhesive material claim 1 , and wherein the adhesive material comprises a functionalized polymer or copolymer.6. The foam cushion backing of claim 5 , wherein the foamable polymer composition comprises from about greater than 0 to about 10% of the functionalized polymer or copolymer claim 5 , as measured by total weight of the foamable polymer composition.7. The foam cushion backing of claim 5 , wherein the functionalized polymer or copolymer material comprises maleic anhydride grafted to an ethylene polymer.8. The foam cushion backing of claim 1 , wherein the foamable polymer composition further comprises iii) a filler component.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. ( ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030539A1

A foaming composition for filling and sealing contains a vinyl copolymer having an ester bond in a side chain thereof, an organic peroxide, a foaming agent, a hydrophobic resin, and a hydrophilic resin. A content ratio of the hydrophobic resin is in a range of 5 to 25 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the vinyl copolymer. A content ratio of the hydrophilic resin is in a range of 1 to 20 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the vinyl copolymer. 1. A foaming composition for filling and sealing , containing:a vinyl copolymer having an ester bond in a side chain thereof;an organic peroxide;a foaming agent;a hydrophobic resin; anda hydrophilic resin, whereina content ratio of the hydrophobic resin is in a range of 5 to 25 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the vinyl copolymer, anda content ratio of the hydrophilic resin is in a range of 1 to 20 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the vinyl copolymer.2. A foaming composition for filling and sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl copolymer is an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer.3. A foaming composition for filling and sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophobic resin is at least one synthetic rubber selected from the group consisting of a styrene-butadiene rubber claim 1 , an acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber claim 1 , and a butyl rubber.4. A foaming composition for filling and sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic resin is an epoxy resin and/or a polyamide resin.5. A foaming composition for filling and sealing according to claim 1 , wherein the foaming agent is azodicarbonamide.6. A foaming member for filling and sealing claim 1 , comprising:a foaming composition for filling and sealing; anda fitting member attached to the foaming composition for filling and sealing to be capable of being mounted in an inner space of a hollow member, whereinthe foaming composition for filling and sealing contains a vinyl copolymer having an ester bond in a side chain ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031445A1
Принадлежит: Toray Industries, Inc.

A method of manufacturing a resin foam includes dissolving a blowing agent into a mixture of a resin C and a resin D having a difference of solubility with respect to the blowing agent in an amount of more than 0% and less than 5%; subjecting the mixture to heat-melting for extrusion; and evaporating the blowing agent such that the resin foam has a porosity (X) of not less than 80%, a cell (L) with a cell diameter of not less than 1 μm and not more than 1000 μm, and a cell (S) with a cell diameter of not less than 0.01 μm and less than 1 μm, in which two peaks are present in cell diameter distribution, one peak thereof being present in not less than 10 μm and not more than 500 μm and the other peak being present in not less than 0.01 μm and less than 1 μm. 1. A method of manufacturing a resin foam comprising:dissolving a blowing agent into a mixture of a resin C and a resin D having a difference of solubility with respect to the blowing agent in an amount of more than 0% and less than 5%;subjecting the mixture to heat-melting for extrusion; andevaporating the blowing agent such that the resin foam has a porosity (X) of not less than 80%, a cell (L) with a cell diameter of not less than 1 μm and not more than 1000 μm, and a cell (S) with a cell diameter of not less than 0.01 μm and less than 1 μM, in which two peaks are present in cell diameter distribution, one peak thereof being present in not less than 10 μm and not more than 500 μm and the other peak being present in not less than 0.01 μm and less than 1 μm.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein evaporating the blowing agent occurs only once.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a number density of the cell (L) is not less than 10/mmand not more than 10/mm claim 1 , and a number density of the cell (S) is not less than 10/μmand not more than 10μm.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein a number density of the cell (L) is not less than 10/mmand not more than 10/mm claim 2 , and a number density ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042356A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for producing a polymer foam comprises reacting components A to C in the presence of component D and optionally E or an isocyanate-functional prepolymer of components A and B with component C in the presence of component D and optionally component E, the total amount of which is 100 wt %, 1. A process for producing a polymer foam comprising reacting components A to C in the presence of component D and optionally E or an isocyanate-functional prepolymer of components A and B with component C in the presence of component D and optionally component E , the total amount of which is 100 wt % ,(A) 35 to 65 wt % of at least one polyisocyanate component A, wherein 10 to 100 wt % of component A is a condensation product comprising polyimide groups and resulting from condensing at least one polyisocyanate component with at least one polycarboxylic acid having at least 3 COOH groups per molecule or its anhydride,(B) 5 to 50 wt % of at least one polyol component B,(C) 1 to 59 wt % of at least one polycarboxylic acid component C, and(D) 0.01 to 3 wt % of at least one Lewis base component D,(E) 0 to 5 wt % of at least one foam stabilizer component E,wherein the reaction takes place with release of carbon dioxide.2. The process according to wherein said polyol component B has an average molecular weight in the range from 200 g/mol to 6000 g/mol.3. The process according to wherein the polymer foam is a rigid polymer foam.4. The process according to wherein said component B has an OH number in the range from 10 mg KOH/g to 1000 mg KOH/g.5. The process according to wherein the polymer foam has a foam density in the range from 8 g/l to 200 g/l.6. The process according to wherein said Lewis base component D is selected from N-methylimidazole claim 1 , melamine claim 1 , guanidine claim 1 , cyanuric acid claim 1 , dicyandiamide and their derivatives or mixtures thereof claim 1 , especially N-methylimidazole.7. The process according to wherein the reaction takes place in the ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140045959A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a fluorinated elastomer composition which can improve, in production of a fluorinated foamed rubber by foaming and crosslinking a fluorinated elastomer using an organic peroxide as a crosslinking agent, the foamed state and physical properties of the fluorinated foamed rubber. 1. A fluorinated elastomer composition to be used for production of a fluorinated foamed rubber , which comprises 100 parts by mass of a fluorinated elastomer , from 0.1 to 20 parts by mass of a blowing agent and from 0.05 to 10 parts by mass of a crosslinking agent comprising a peroxide compound , and which contains no crosslinking aid or contains the following crosslinking aid in a content of at most 0.3 part by mass:crosslinking aid: a compound having at least two carbon-carbon double bond-containing groups in the same molecule, provided that the carbon-carbon double bond-containing groups present in the same molecule may be the same or different.4. The fluorinated elastomer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated elastomer is at least one member selected from the group consisting of a tetrafluoroethylene/propylene copolymer claim 1 , a vinylidene fluoride/hexafluoropropylene copolymer and a tetrafluoroethylene/vinylidene fluoride/hexafluoropropylene copolymer.5. The fluorinated elastomer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking aid is triallyl cyanurate claim 1 , triallyl isocyanurate or trimethallyl isocyanurate.6. The fluorinated elastomer composition according to claim 1 , which contains the crosslinking aid in a content less than 0.1 part by mass.7. The fluorinated elastomer composition according to claim 1 , wherein the blowing agent is an azo compound claim 1 , a nitroso compound or a hydrazine compound.8. A fluorinated foamed rubber claim 1 , obtained by foaming and crosslinking the fluorinated elastomer composition as defined in .9. The fluorinated foamed rubber according to claim 8 , wherein the expansion ratio represented by the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010187A1

A flexible cellular foam or composition contains a flexible foam structure that comprises a plurality of highly thermally conductive solids including nanomaterials. The thermally conductive solids may be carbon nanomaterials or other metallic or non-metallic solids. The carbon nanomaterials may include, but are not necessarily limited to, carbon nanotubes and graphite nanoplatelets. The highly thermally conductive solids may include but are not limited to micro-sized solids that may include graphite flakes, for example. When mixed within flexible foam, the presence of nanomaterials may impart greater support factor, greater thermal conductivity, and/or a combination of these improvements. The flexible foam composition may be polyurethane foam, latex foam, polyether polyurethane foam, viscoelastic foam, high resilient foam, polyester polyurethane foam, foamed polyethylene, foamed polypropylene, expanded polystyrene, foamed silicone, melamine foam, among others. 1. A composite comprising:a flexible cellular foam; anda plurality of highly thermally-conductive nanomaterials dispersed in the flexible cellular foam.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the highly thermally-conductive nanomaterials are selected from a group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotubes claim 1 , double-walled carbon nanotubes claim 1 , multi-walled carbon nanotubes claim 1 , graphite nanoplatelets claim 1 , graphene nanoplatelets claim 1 , graphite oxide claim 1 , graphene oxide claim 1 , diamond nanoparticles claim 1 , carbonado nanoparticles claim 1 , carbon nanodots claim 1 , carbon nanofibers claim 1 , carbon nanotips claim 1 , carbon nanowhiskers claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the flexible cellular foam is produced by an in situ process comprising polymerizing a polyol with a poly-isocyanate in the presence of the highly thermally-conductive nanomaterials.4. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the flexible cellular foam is selected from the group ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009885A1
Автор: Zeng Cong

Disclosed is a high filling and high resilience soft foaming polyethylene material, comprising the following parts of raw materials by weight: 15-20 parts polyethylene, 5-20 parts elastomers, 60-80 parts modified calcium carbonate, 1-10 parts chemical foaming agent, 0.5-1.5 parts crosslinking agent and 1-5 parts physical foaming agent. Also disclosed is a method of preparing high filling and high resilience soft foaming polyethylene material. The present invention can prepare a high calcium carbonate filling and high resilience soft foaming polyethylene material with calcium carbonate filler content as high as 55-75%, improving rigidity, hardness and compressive strength of the material while maintaining the elasticity of the foaming material, and reducing material density. The present invention has a simple process, greatly reduces costs and is economical and practical. 1. A high filling high resilient soft foaming polyethylene material , comprising following parts of raw materials by mass fraction:15-20 parts of polyethylene, 5-20 parts of elastomers, 60-80 parts of modified calcium carbonate, 1-10 parts of chemical foaming agent, 0.5-1.5 parts of crosslinking agent and 1-5 parts of physical foaming agent.2. The material of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene is selected from a group consisting of low density polyethylene (LDPE) claim 1 , high density polyethylene (HDPE) claim 1 , linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and a combination thereof.3. The material of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer is selected from a group consisting of polymer elastomer (POE) claim 1 , Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer (EVA) claim 1 , Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene (SEBS) claim 1 , Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) claim 1 , Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) claim 1 , ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) and a combination thereof.4. The material of claim 1 , wherein the modified calcium carbonate is calcium carbonate modified by a coupling agent claim 1 , the mesh number of modified ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Method of Fabricating Foam Container

Номер: US20160017107A1
Автор: Lin Pei-Ti

A foam container is made. A foam material is uniformly coated on at least one surface of the container. The foam material is formed by mixing a PU aqueous liquid, a defoamer, a thickener, a foaming agent, an adhesive and an additive. Fabrication speed is improved with reduced power consumption. The container thus fabricated has increased thickness, good hydrolysis resistance, good adhesion (without crumbs dropped), good heat insulation, good scratch resistance, good abrasion resistance, good printability and good workability for continuous production.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Cushioning Foams Containing Reflective Particulates With Visually Distinguishable Reflective Surfaces to Create a Unique Appearance

Номер: US20150018443A1
Принадлежит: Peterson Chemical Technology, Inc.

Methods and combinations for making and using reflective particulate foam comprising flexible cellular foam and a plurality of reflective particulates randomly and/or uniformly dispersed during the production of the reflective particulate foam. Reflective particulates have reflective surfaces which are visually distinguishable as individual reflective particulates without the use of magnification. Reflective particulate foam provides a novel and uniquely distinguishable appearance for use on, under, or within mattresses, pillows, bedding products, medical cushioning foams, outdoor bedding pads, pet beds, outdoor pillows, cushioned display cases, cushioned package containers, and other cushioning products. 1. A reflective particulate foam (RP Foam) comprising:a flexible cellular foam; andreflective particulates having at least one reflective surface per particle that is of sufficient size to be visually distinguishable from the flexible cellular foam without the use of magnification, where said reflective particulates are dispersed in the flexible cellular foam.2. The RP Foam of wherein the flexible cellular foam is selected from the group consisting of open-celled polyether polyurethane foam claim 1 , partially open-celled polyether polyurethane foam claim 1 , reticulated polyurethane foam claim 1 , high-resiliency polyether polyurethane foam claim 1 , open-celled viscoelastic polyether polyurethane foam claim 1 , partially open-celled viscoelastic polyether polyurethane foam claim 1 , open-celled polyester polyurethane foam claim 1 , partially open-celled polyester polyurethane foam claim 1 , open-celled polyester foam claim 1 , partially open-celled polyester foam claim 1 , latex foam claim 1 , melamine foam claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The RP Foam of wherein the reflective particulates have a Reflectivity of at least 0.20 as measured by integrating the total reflected radiant flux for any sub-range of visible light in the wavelength range of about 350 nm ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022344A1

A foamable composition comprising from 60 to 99.88% by weight (% wt.) of at least one poly(aryl ether sulfone), from 0.10 to 10.00% by weight (% wt.) of at least one olefinic polymer, from 0.01 to 5.00% by weight (% wt.) of at least one tetrazole compound and from 0.01 to 2.50% by weight (% wt.) of at least one additive selected from the group of titanium dioxide (Ti02), clays, talc, silicates, silica, aluminates, barites, titanates, borates, nitrides, carbon-based materials or combinations thereof, all % wt. are relative to the total weight of the composition (C). Foam materials made from said foamable compositions and articles made from said foam materials. 114-. (canceled)17. The foamable composition (C) according to claim 15 , wherein the olefinic polymer is selected from the group consisting of a very low density polyethylene claim 15 , a linear low density polyethylene claim 15 , a low density polyethylene claim 15 , a propylene homopolymer claim 15 , or a propylene copolymer.19. The foamable composition (C) according to claim 15 , wherein the additive is selected from the group of TiO claim 15 , silicates claim 15 , and talc.20. The composition (C) according to comprising from 0.01 to 1.00 wt. % of the additive.21. The composition (C) according to further comprising one or more additional ingredient (I) other than the poly(aryl ether sulfone) PAES polymer claim 15 , the olefinic polymer claim 15 , the tetrazole compound claim 15 , and the additive claim 15 , selected from the group consisting of (i) colorants claim 15 , (ii) pigments claim 15 , (iii) light stabilizers claim 15 , (iv) heat stabilizers claim 15 , (v) antioxidants claim 15 , (vi) acid scavengers claim 15 , (vii) processing aids claim 15 , (viii) internal lubricants and/or external lubricants claim 15 , (ix) flame retardants claim 15 , (x) smoke-suppressing agents claim 15 , (xi) anti-static agents claim 15 , (xii) anti-blocking agents claim 15 , (xiii) conductivity additives claim 15 , (xiv) ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039124A1
Автор: Li Yan, Zeng Changchun

A novel material for producing auxetic foams is disclosed. The material comprises a multiphase, multicomponent polymer foam with a filler polymer having a carefully selected glass transition temperature. Novel methods for producing auxetic foams from the material are also disclosed that consistently, reliably and quickly produce auxetic polyurethane foam at about room temperature (25° C.). This technology overcomes challenging issues in the large-scale production of auxetic PU foams, such as unfavorable heat-transmission problem and harmful organic solvents. 1. (canceled)2. The method of claim 18 , wherein the filler polymer comprises styrene acrylonitrile copolymer.3. The method of claim 18 , wherein the compressed volume of the foam ranges from about 15 percent to about 85 percent of the initial volume.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 18 , wherein the predetermined time ranges from about 1 minute to about 4 hours.7. (canceled)8. The method of claim 18 , wherein the predetermined time is less than about 10 minutes.9. The material system of claim 29 , wherein the compressed gas is primarily carbon dioxide or nitrogen.10. (canceled)11. The method of claim 18 , wherein the foam has a Poisson's ratio greater than zero prior to placement in the pressure chamber and a Poisson's ratio less than zero after removal from the pressure chamber.12. The method of claim 18 , wherein varying a concentration of the filler polymer in the foam causes variation of mechanical properties of the foam.13. The method of claim 18 , wherein the pressure chamber further comprises a mold claim 18 , and the flexible foam conforms to a shape of the mold after removal of the foam from the pressure chamber.14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. A method for producing an auxetic foam claim 18 , comprising:providing a flexible foam having an initial volume, the foam comprising a plurality of cells, and further comprising a soft domain having a first glass ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053065A1
Принадлежит: XFLAM PTY LTD

Polystyrene-phenolic foam composites and precursor compositions are disclosed. The composites exhibit excellent flame resistance properties and may be suitably prepared in standard expanded polystyrene processing equipment. 2. A particulate composition according to wherein the expandable polystyrene particles are partially expanded.3. A particulate composition according to wherein the density of the expandable polystyrene particles is between 5 kg/mand 20 kg/m.4. A particulate composition according to further comprising one or more fillers.5. A particulate composition according to wherein the filler is present in an amount of 0.5-60% by weight based on the total weight of the composition.6. A particulate composition according to wherein the filler is a surface treated filler.7. A particulate composition according to wherein the phenolic resole resin is derived from a reactive resole resin having one or more of the following properties:(a) a viscosity between 500 and 4,000 cP;(b) a water content between 2 and 7% by weight;(c) a free phenol content less than 25%; or(d) a free formaldehyde content of less than 3%.8. A particulate composition according to wherein the expandable thermoplastic microspheres have an average particle size from between 1 and 50 microns and wherein the expandable microspheres contain a propellant encapsulated within a thermoplastic polymer shell.9. A particulate composition according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer shell is derived from monomers selected from the group consisting of acrylonitrile claim 8 , methacrylonitrile claim 8 , α-chloroacrylonitrile claim 8 , α-ethoxyacrylonitrile claim 8 , fumaroacrylonitrile claim 8 , crotoacrylonitrile claim 8 , acrylic esters claim 8 , methacrylic esters claim 8 , vinyl chloride claim 8 , vinylidene chloride claim 8 , vinylidene dichloride claim 8 , vinyl pyridine claim 8 , vinyl esters claim 8 , and derivatives or mixtures thereof.10. A particulate composition according to wherein the acidic ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051150A1

Foamable aqueous compositions can be foamed and applied to porous substrates to make light-blocking dry opacifying elements. Such compositions have 0.05-15 weight % of porous particles; at least 20 weight % of a binder; at least 0.0001 weight % of additives (including a surfactant); water; and at least 0.001 weight % of an opacifying colorant. Each porous particle includes a continuous polymeric phase and discrete pores; a mode particle size of 2-50 μm; and a porosity of 20-70 volume %. The continuous polymeric phase Tis >80° C. and has a polymer viscosity of 80-500 centipoises at an ethyl acetate shear rate of 100 secat a concentration of 20 weight % at 25° C. The dry opacifying element light blocking value is at least 4 and has a luminous reflectance>40% as measured by the Y tristimulus value. The foamed aqueous composition has a foam density of 0.1-0.5 g/cm. 1. A foamable aqueous composition that has at least 35% solids and up to and including 70% solids , and comprises:{'sup': '−1', '(a) at least 0.05 weight % and up to and including 15 weight % of porous particles, each porous particle comprising a continuous polymeric phase and a first set of discrete pores dispersed within the continuous polymeric phase, the porous particles having a mode particle size of at least 2 μm and up to and including 50 μm and a porosity of at least 20 volume % and up to and including 70 volume %, and the continuous polymeric phase having a glass transition temperature greater than 80° C. and comprising a polymer having a viscosity of at least 80 centipoises and up to and including 500 centipoises at a shear rate of 100 secin ethyl acetate at a concentration of 20 weight % at 25° C.,'}(b) at least 20 weight % of a binder material;(c) at least 0.0001 weight % of one or more additives comprising at least one surfactant;(d) water; and(e) at least 0.001 weight % of an opacifying colorant different from all of the one or more (c) additives, which opacifying colorant absorbs predetermined ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060413A1

A composite resin expanded molded article comprising: 100 parts by mass of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer; and 100 to 400 parts by mass of a polystyrene-based resin, wherein the composite resin expanded molded article has an average cell diameter D of 100 to 500 μm and an average cell membrane thickness T of 1 to 5 μm. 1. A composite resin expanded molded article comprising: 100 parts by mass of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer; and 100 to 400 parts by mass of a polystyrene-based resin , wherein said composite resin expanded molded article has an average cell diameter D of 100 to 500 μm and an average cell membrane thickness T of 1 to 5 μm.2. The composite resin expanded molded article according to claim 1 , wherein said composite resin expanded molded article does not include a flame retardant.3. The composite resin expanded molded article according to claim 1 , wherein said average cell diameter D and said average cell membrane thickness T satisfy a relationship of 200≦D×T≦1 claim 1 ,100.4. The composite resin expanded molded article according to claim 1 , wherein a content of aliphatic hydrocarbons having 3 to 6 carbons in said composite resin expanded molded article is 0.5% by mass or less. The present invention relates to a molded body of composite resin foam (composite resin expanded molded article). More specifically, the present invention relates to a composite resin expanded molded article having superior slow-burning properties and thermal resistance.In general, although expanded molded articles of a polyethylene-based resin have high elasticity, and superior oil resistance and impact resistance, they have the disadvantages of low rigidity and weak compression strength. On the other hand, expanded molded articles of a polystyrene-based resin, although having superior rigidity, have the disadvantage of being brittle.Thus, in order to complement these disadvantages, expanded molded articles of a composite resin of a polyethylene-based resin and a ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Thermoformed foam articles

Номер: US20160060414A1

A method for manufacturing a thermoformed a polyetherimide/poly(biphenyl ether sulfone) foam article which comprises following three steps: 115-. (canceled)16. A method for manufacturing a thermoformed polyetherimide/poly(biphenyl ether sulfone) foam article , the method comprising:preparing a polyetherimide (PEI)/poly(biphenyl ether sulfone) foamable composition, composition (FP), wherein said composition (FP) comprises polyetherimide (PEI) in an amount ranging from 0.1 wt. % to 99.9 wt. %, based on the total weight of the polyetherimide (PEI) and the poly(biphenyl ether sulfone),foaming the composition (FP) to yield a foamed polyetherimide (PEI)/poly(biphenyl ether sulfone) material, foam (P) material, andmolding said foam (P) material under the effect of heat and pressure to provide a thermoformed foamed article.17. The method according to claim 16 , wherein the composition (FP) comprises a polyetherimide (PEI)/poly(biphenyl ether sulfone) polymer in an amount above 50 wt. % claim 16 , based on the total weight of the composition (FP).21. The method according to claim 16 , wherein from 0.1 to 5 wt. % of a nucleating agent is used in preparing the composition (FP) claim 16 , based on the total weight of the composition (FP).22. The method according to claim 16 , wherein foaming the composition (FP) is performed by a foaming technique selected from a group consisting of pressure cell processes claim 16 , autoclave processes claim 16 , extrusion processes claim 16 , direct (variotherm) injection processes claim 16 , and bead foaming.23. The method according to claim 16 , wherein molding the foam (P) material is performed by a thermoforming process selected from a group consisting of vacuum forming claim 16 , pressure forming claim 16 , matched mold forming claim 16 , and twin sheet thermoforming processes.24. The method according to claim 23 , wherein the thermoforming process is performed by: (i) pre-forming the foam (P) material under the effect of heating; (ii) ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071479A1
Автор: ONODERA Masaaki
Принадлежит: KYORAKU CO., LTD.

A foam duct has a superior cushioning property. The foam duct includes a tube portion; while the tube portion has a cell deformation ratio in a circumferential direction of 0.3 or lower, and a cell anisotropy of 0.6 to 1.6. 1. A foam duct comprising a tube portion; wherein:the tube portion has a cell deformation ratio in a circumferential direction of 0.3 or lower, and a cell anisotropy of 0.6 to 1.6.2. The foam duct of claim 1 , wherein the tube portion has an expansion ratio of 1.5 to 3.5 times.3. The foam duct of claim 1 , wherein the tube portion has an average thickness of 1.0 to 2.0 mm.4. The foam duct of claim 1 , wherein the tube portion has a blow ratio 0.3 to 1.0.5. The foam duct of claim 1 , wherein the tube portion an average cell diameter in a thickness direction of 100 μm or less.6. The foam duct of claim 1 , wherein a resin structuring the tube portion comprises HDPE and LDPE claim 1 , and a mass ratio of the HDPE and the LDPE is 35:65 to 70:30. The present invention relates to a foam duct.Dashboard of an automobile is provided with a duct (referred to as “instrument panel duct”) for allowing air ventilation from air conditioner. Considering thermal insulation and sound insulation, a foam duct structured with a foam molded body is used for the duct (Patent Literature 1). The foam duct is formed by foam blow molding and the like.When an automobile comes into a frontal collision with a pedestrian, the head of the pedestrian may collide with the dashboard due to the collision impact. It is preferable that the foam duct has cushioning property to relieve shock applied to the head.The present invention has been made by taking the afore-mentioned circumstances into consideration. The present invention provides a foam duct with superior cushioning property.According to the present invention, provided is a foam duct comprising a tube portion; wherein: the tube portion has a cell deformation ratio in a circumferential direction of 0.3 or lower, and a cell ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Method for the Manufacture of Foams of Low Density

Номер: US20150087733A1
Автор: Heusser Rolf

A method for manufacturing low density foams comprises the following steps. A polymeric material is melted in a first extruder () to a polymer melt, a blowing agent is added to the polymer melt, and a melt containing the blowing agent is obtained which is directed to a second extruder (). Thereafter the melt containing the blowing agent is cooled in the second extruder (), thereafter the melt is directed through a static mixer after leaving the second extruder (), whereby the static mixer is disposed with a mixer insert (), by which the temperature of the melt is homogenized over the entire cross-section, whereby the static mixer can be cooled and/or heated to obtain a temperature stabilized cooled melt. Subsequently the temperature stabilized cooled melt is discharged through a die element (). 120121121121133240250. A method for manufacturing low density foams in which a polymeric material is melted in a first extruder () to a polymer melt , the polymer melt is fed to a second extruder () a blowing agent is added to the polymer melt , such that a melt containing the blowing agent is obtained , thereafter the melt containing the blowing agent is cooled in the second extruder () , thereafter the melt is directed through a static mixer after leaving the second extruder () , whereby the static mixer is disposed with a mixer insert () , whereby the mixer insert () has insert elements , which engage with the melt , such that the temperature of the melt is homogenized over the entire cross-section of the mixer insert , whereby the static mixer can be cooled and/or heated to obtain a temperature stabilized cooled melt , whereby the temperature stabilized cooled melt is discharged subsequently through a die element ( , ).2. The method according to claim 1 , whereby at least one of the insert elements contains a channel for the passage of a heat exchange fluid.3. The method according to claim 2 , whereby the entire melt is mixed by the insert elements continuously in the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220135756A1
Автор: CHO Jae Young
Принадлежит: YOUNG CHANG ECO CO., LTD.

A method of recycling a large amount of insole scrap stack is proposed. The method includes forming a plate-shaped stack made of flat-plate-shaped foam and woven fabric, separating an insole scrap stack from the plate-shaped stack, and forming a pulverized insole scrap having an average diameter of 0.05 to 0.7 mm by cool-pulverizing or freeze-pulverizing the insole scrap stack at 10° C. or less. The pulverized insole scrap may be used for manufacturing foam.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Polymeric Material with a Multimodal Pore Size Distribution

Номер: US20160102185A1

A polymeric material having a multimodal pore size distribution is provided. The material is formed by applying a stress to a thermoplastic composition that contains first and second inclusion additives dispersed within a continuous phase that includes a matrix polymer. Through the use of particular types of inclusion additives and careful control over the manner in which such additives are dispersed within the polymer matrix, the present inventors have discovered that a unique, multimodal porous structure can be achieved. 131-. (canceled)32. A porous polymeric material that contains a thermoplastic composition , the thermoplastic composition including a continuous phase in which a first inclusion additive and second inclusion additive are dispersed in the form of discrete first and second domains , respectively , the continuous phase including a matrix polymer , wherein a plurality of micropores are formed at and/or around the first domains that have an average cross-sectional dimension of from about 0.5 to about 30 micrometers , and wherein a plurality of nanopores are formed at and/or around the second domains that have an average cross-sectional dimension of from about 50 to about 500 nanometers.33. The porous polymeric material of claim 32 , wherein the micropores have an average cross-sectional dimension of from about 60 to about 450 nanometers.34. The porous polymeric material of claim 32 , wherein the nanopores have an average cross-sectional dimension of from about 1 to about 20 micrometers.35. The porous polymeric material of claim 32 , wherein the first domains have an average cross-sectional dimension of from about 0.05 to about 50 micrometers.36. The porous polymeric material of claim 32 , wherein the second domains have an average cross-sectional dimension of from about 50 to about 500 nanometers.37. The porous polymeric material of claim 32 , wherein the porous network further comprises a plurality of second nanopores that are formed at and/or around ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102429A1

Disclosed herein are improved cross-linked resilin compositions and methods of making these improved compositions. These include new methods of cross-linking resilin compositions, use of polar nonaqueous solvents for adjusting material properties of cross-linked resilin solid compositions, and resilin foam compositions and methods of making the same. 1. A method of cross-linking recombinant resilin , comprising:providing a composition comprising purified recombinant resilin;placing said recombinant resilin in a cross-linking solution comprising ammonium persulfate; andincubating said recombinant resilin in said cross-linking solution at a temperature of at least 60° C., thereby generating a cross-linked recombinant resilin solid composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said incubation is performed for at least 15 minutes claim 1 , at least 30 minutes claim 1 , at least 45 minutes claim 1 , at least 60 minutes claim 1 , at least 90 minutes claim 1 , or at least 2 hours.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said recombinant resilin in said cross-linking solution is incubated at a temperature of from 60° C. to 85° C. claim 1 , from 70° C. to 85° C. claim 1 , or from 75° C. to 85° C.4. (canceled)5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking solution does not comprise a photocatalyst or a cross-linking enzyme.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linked recombinant resilin solid composition is stable at room temperature for more than 5 days claim 1 , more than 10 days claim 1 , more than 20 days claim 1 , or more than 40 days.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said purified recombinant resilin is prepared by recombinantly expressing a gene encoding said recombinant resilin in a modified organism in a culture claim 1 , and purifying expressed recombinant resilin from said culture.810.-. (canceled)11. A recombinant resilin composition comprising a cross-linked recombinant resilin in a polar nonaqueous solvent.1225.-. (canceled)26. The method of claim 1 , ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Foam Block Reinforced with Embedded Body of Support Material

Номер: US20170122464A1

A reinforced foam block features a body of foam material forming a main body having a volume enclosed by at least one peripheral face. At least one body of reinforcing material, being more pressure resistant than the foam material before incurring permanent shape change and forming a sheet, is embedded in the body of foam material so as to be carried by the body of foam material in prescribed position within the main body. The respective body of reinforcing material provides strength to the main body against force applied to the main body in a direction transversely with respect to the prescribed surface area of the respective body of reinforcing material. 1. A reinforced foam block comprising:a body of foam material forming a main body which has at least one peripheral face with a predetermined surface area;at least one body of reinforcing material, which is more resistant to pressure than the foam material before incurring permanent shape change, forming a sheet with a prescribed surface area and a peripheral edge delimiting the prescribed surface area, said at least one body of reinforcing material being embedded in the body of foam material so as to be carried by the body of foam material in prescribed position within the main body;said at least one body of reinforcing material providing strength to said main body against force applied to the main body in a direction transversely with respect to the prescribed surface area of the respective body of reinforcing material.2. The reinforced foam block according to wherein the foam material comprises polyurethane foam.3. The reinforced foam block according to wherein said at least one body of reinforcing material is carried at or adjacent said at least one peripheral face.4. The reinforced foam block according to wherein said at least one body of reinforcing material is located at said at least one peripheral face so as to define a surface of said at least one peripheral face.5. The reinforced foam block according to ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150133574A1

A process for capturing or concentrating microorganisms for detection or assay comprises (a) providing a concentration device comprising a sintered porous polymer matrix comprising at least one concentration agent that comprises an amorphous metal silicate and that has a surface composition having a metal atom to silicon atom ratio of less than or equal to 0.5, as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); (b) providing a sample comprising at least one microorganism strain; and (c) contacting the concentration device with the sample such that at least a portion of the at least one microorganism strain is bound to or captured by the concentration device. 1. A concentration device comprising a sintered porous polymer matrix comprising at least one concentration agent that comprises an amorphous metal silicate and that has a surface composition having a metal atom to silicon atom ratio of less than or equal to 0.5 , as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).2. The concentration device of claim 1 , wherein said sintered porous polymer matrix comprises at least one thermoplastic polymer.3. The concentration device of claim 2 , wherein said thermoplastic polymer is selected from olefin homopolymers claim 2 , olefin copolymers claim 2 , copolymers of olefins and other vinyl monomers claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The concentration device of claim 3 , wherein said thermoplastic polymer is selected from olefin homopolymers and combinations thereof.5. The concentration device of claim 4 , wherein said olefin homopolymer is polyethylene.6. The concentration device of claim 5 , wherein said polyethylene comprises an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene having a molecular weight of at least about 750 claim 5 ,000.7. The concentration device of claim 1 , wherein said sintered porous polymer matrix comprises at least one polymer having a particle shape comprising surface convolutions.8. The concentration device of claim 1 , wherein said ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170129146A1
Автор: Li Yan, Zeng Changchun

A novel material for producing auxetic foams is disclosed. The material comprises a multiphase, multicomponent polymer foam with a filler polymer having a carefully selected glass transition temperature. Novel methods for producing auxetic foams from the material are also disclosed that consistently, reliably and quickly produce auxetic polyurethane foam at about room temperature (25° C.). This technology overcomes challenging issues in the large-scale production of auxetic PU foams, such as unfavorable heat-transmission problem and harmful organic solvents. 1. A method for producing an auxetic foam , comprising:providing a flexible foam having an initial volume, the foam comprising a plurality of cells, and further comprising a soft domain, a hard domain, and a filler polymer;placing the foam into a pressure chamber and compressing the foam to a compressed volume less than the initial volume, such that the cells are deformed;exposing the compressed foam within the pressure chamber to a compressed gas, and maintaining the pressure chamber at a predetermined temperature and predetermined pressure for a predetermined time;dissolving at least a portion of the compressed gas into the filler polymer and reducing a glass transition temperature of the filler polymer such that the filler polymer transitions from a glassy state to a rubbery state; andallowing the foam to reach atmospheric pressure and removing the foam from the pressure chamber such that the filler polymer transitions from the rubbery state to the glassy state and fixes the cells of the foam in the deformed state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the filler polymer comprises styrene acrylonitrile copolymer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compressed volume of the foam ranges from about 15 percent to about 85 percent of the initial volume.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined temperature and predetermined pressure are selected to produce a glass transition temperature of the filler ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Polyolefin Polymers With Increased Melt Strength

Номер: US20190127552A1
Автор: Montoya Amaia, Zhong Jing

A polymer composition with increased melt strength is disclosed. The polymer composition contains at least one polypropylene polymer combined with at least one melt strength modifier. The melt strength modifier can comprise a sorbitol derivative in an amount sufficient to change the melt strength characteristics and properties of the polymer. The polymer composition can be used in thermoforming processes and to produce polymer foams. The melt strength modifier can increase the melt strength of the polymer without having to induce branching in the polypropylene polymer. 1. A polymer composition with increased melt strength comprising:a polypropylene polymer blended with a melt strength modifier, the melt strength modifier being present in the polymer composition in an amount sufficient to create a penetration network when the polymer composition is heated to a molten state.2. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition comprises at least 90% by weight polypropylene polymer.3. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition has a viscoelastic transition temperature of at least 180° C.4. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition has a strain hardening index of greater than 0.4 claim 1 , a shear thinning factor of greater than 100 claim 1 , and an elastic index of greater than 0.2.5. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene polymer comprises a polypropylene homopolymer.6. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene polymer comprises a polypropylene copolymer claim 1 ,7. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the melt strength modifier comprises a benzylidiene sorbitol derivative.8. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition has a strain hardening index of greater than about 0.9.9. A polymer composition as defined in claim 1 , wherein the polymer composition has a ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137801A1
Принадлежит: Armacell Enterprise GmbH & Co. KG

The present invention refers to an expanded polymeric material which consists of at least 300 phr, but less than 1000 phr ingredients in total, comprising 100 phr of at least two polymers, of which 1) An expanded polymeric material which consists of at least 300 phr , preferably at least 400 phr , but less than 1000 phr , preferably less than 850 phr , especially preferred less than 700 phr ingredients in total , comprising 100 phr of at least two polymers , of which1) at least 55 phr, preferably at least 65 phr is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinyl chloride copolymer or vinyl chloride terpolymer or a mixture thereof and2) at least 10 phr, preferably at least 25 phr is at least one additional chlorinated organic polymer that is crosslinked by sulphur and/or metal oxides and/or thiadiazoles.2. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl chloride copolymer and/or vinyl chloride terpolymer comprises acetate or acrylate groups.3. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl chloride terpolymer is a vinyl chloride ethylene vinylacetate terpolymer (PVC/EVA terpolymer).4. The material according to claim 1 , wherein the additional chlorinated organic polymer is polychloroprene (CR) and/or chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM) and/or chlorobutyl rubber (CIIR) claim 1 , preferably polychloroprene (CR).5. The material according to claim 1 , comprising at least 3 phr claim 1 , preferably at least 5 phr of polybutadiene.6. The material according to claim 1 , comprising at least one plasticizer which is present in the formulation in at least 15 phr claim 1 , preferably at least 30 phr claim 1 , especially preferred at least 50 phr.7. The material according to claim 6 , wherein at least one plasticizer is a chlorinated plasticizer (chlorinated paraffin and/or chlorinated fatty acid substituted glycerin and/or chlorinated alpha-olefin) claim 6 , preferably a chlorinated plasticizer having a chlorine content of at least 20 wt % claim 6 , with respect to the weight of ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137802A1

Porous polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) films with pore size control ranging from nano- to micro-scale. A layer-by-layer (LbL) technique is used to fabricate PEMs, and the built up PEMs are subject to subsequent porous treatment under acidic conditions. Besides shortening the processing time, polyelectrolytes with high molecular weight are used for the first time. Multi-scale porous structures are provided with either micro-sized porous structure on top of nano-sized porous structure or the other way around. 1. A polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film having pores in the film , wherein at least some of the pores have a diameter of 20 to 50 nm.2. The film of claim 1 , wherein the film comprises alternating layers of polycation and polyacrylic acid.3. The film of claim 2 , wherein the polyacrylic acid has a weight average molecular weight over 100 claim 2 ,000 g/mole.4. A polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film claim 2 , having a hydrophobic surface characterized by a contact angle with water of greater than 150°.5. The film of claim 4 , wherein the contact angle is 160° or greater.6. The film of claim 4 , wherein the film comprises alternating layers of polycation and of polyacrylic acid.7. A polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film comprising built up alternating layers of polycation and polyanion claim 4 , wherein the polyanion comprises poly acrylic acid having a weight average molecular weight of greater than 100 claim 4 ,000 g/mole.8. The polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film according to claim 7 , wherein the polyacrylic acid has a weight average molecular weight of about 225 claim 7 ,000 g/mole.9. The polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film according to claim 8 , wherein the film has a smooth morphology.10. The polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film according to claim 8 , wherein the film has a microporous morphology.11. A method of making a polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film using layer by layer assembly of alternating polycation and polyanion claim 8 , the method ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Polymerization Activators for Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalysts

Номер: US20140221514A1

Processes for producing impact copolymers are provided. Ethylene and at least one copolymer can be polymerized in the presence of one or more catalysts, polypropylene particles, and one or more halocarbon compounds to produce an impact copolymer that includes the polypropylene particles and an ethylene copolymer. 1. A process for making an impact copolymer , comprising:polymerizing ethylene and at least one comonomer in the presence of one or more catalysts, polypropylene particles, and one or more halocarbon compounds to produce an impact copolymer comprising the polypropylene particles and an ethylene copolymer.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more halocarbon compounds is present in an amount from about 50 mg to about 1 claim 1 ,000 mg per mole of ethylene.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene particles have a weight average particle size along the longest cross-sectional length thereof of about 0.05 mm to about 5 mm claim 1 , and wherein the halocarbon compound is present in an amount from about 50 mg to about 1 claim 1 ,000 mg per mole of ethylene.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene particles have a pore volume from about 5% to about 80% claim 1 , and wherein the halocarbon compound is present in an amount from about 50 mg to about 1 claim 1 ,000 mg per mole of ethylene.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene particles have a weight average particle size along the longest cross-sectional length thereof of about 0.05 mm to about 5 mm and a pore volume of about 5% to about 80% claim 1 , and wherein the halocarbon compound is present in an amount from about 50 mg to about 1 claim 1 ,000 mg per mole of ethylene.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more halocarbon compounds comprises a plurality of halogen atoms bonded to a single carbon atom.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more halocarbon compounds comprises an activated halogen.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Incipient Wetness Method to Enhance Productivity of Supported Ziegler-Natta Catalysts

Номер: US20140221515A1

Processes for producing impact copolymers are provided. Ethylene and at least one comonomer can be polymerized in the presence of one or more catalysts, polypropylene particles, and an inert solvent to produce an impact copolymer. The polypropylene particles can have a weight average particle size along the longest cross-sectional length thereof of about 0.05 mm to about 5 mm and a pore volume of less than 80%. The inert solvent can be present in a volume amount of about 0.1 to about 2 times the pore volume of the polypropylene particles. 1. A process for making an impact copolymer , comprising:polymerizing ethylene and at least one comonomer in the presence of one or more catalysts, polypropylene particles, and an inert solvent to produce an impact copolymer comprising the polypropylene particles and an ethylene copolymer, wherein the polypropylene particles have a weight average particle size along the longest cross-sectional length thereof of about 0.05 mm to about 5 mm and a pore volume of less than 80%, wherein the inert solvent is present in a volume amount of about 0.1 to about 2 times the pore volume of the polypropylene particles.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the comonomer is propylene and the miscibility of propylene in the inert solvent is greater than the miscibility of ethylene in the inert solvent.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the inert solvent comprises hexane claim 1 , cyclohexane claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , or any mixture thereof.4. The process of claim 1 , further comprising polymerizing a non-conjugated diene with the ethylene and the at least one comonomer to produce the impact copolymer.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ethylene copolymer has an ethylene content of from about 20 wt % to about 85 wt % claim 1 , and wherein an amount of the ethylene copolymer in the impact copolymer is from about 5 wt % to about 85 wt % claim 1 , based on the combined weight of the polypropylene particles and the ethylene copolymer.6. The process ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150148437A1

The present invention relates to a new polypropylene composition for the production of foamed molded articles, such as finished parts for the automotive industry. 1. A composition comprising:(A) from 30 to 85% by weight of one or more propylene-based components being selected from the group consisting of propylene homopolymers, propylene copolymers and heterophasic propylene polymer, such first propylene-based component having a flexural modulus determined in accordance with ISO 178 higher than 800 MPa;(B) from 1 to 20% by weight of a heterophasic propylene polymer comprising:(B1) from 20 to 90% by weight of a crystalline polypropylene;(B2) from 10 to 80% by weight, preferably from 15 to 60% by weight, of a copolymer of ethylene and at least one C3-C10 alpha-olefin, such copolymer containing from 10 to 70% by weight of ethylene, being soluble in xylene at room temperature, and having an intrinsic viscosity in tetrahydronaphtalene at 135° C. from 3.5 dl/g, to 8 dl/g;(C) from 1 to 30% by weight, of an ethylene-based plastomer, having a hardness (Shore A, ASTM D-2240) value equal to or lower than 90 points;(D) from 5 to 30% by weight of talc.(E) from 1 to 10%, by weight of high-density polyethylene (HDPE); and(F) from 0.1 to 1.5% by weight of an anti-scratch additive.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer (B2) has an intrinsic viscosity in tetrahydronaphtalene at 135° C. of from 5 to 8 dl/g.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (B) comprises (percent by weight):{'sup': I', 'I', 'II', 'II', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'II, 'A) 20%-90% of a crystalline polypropylene component containing from 25% to 75% of a fraction Ahaving a melt flow rate MFRof from 0.5 to 10 g/10 min., and from 75% to 25% of a fraction Ahaving a melt flow rate MFRsuch that a ratio MFR/MFRis from 30 to 2000; and wherein fractions Aand Aare independently selected from the group consisting of a propylene homopolymer, a random copolymer of propylene containing up to 8 ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160159999A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a method for producing a rigid foam, which comprises reacting at least one polyisocyanate with a mixture comprising at least one polyepoxide, water, and at least one other hydrogen-acidic compound, the reaction taking place in the presence of a metal-free Lewis base having at least one nitrogen atom, to rigid foams obtainable by such a method, and to the use of a rigid foam of the invention for producing insulating materials, vacuum insulation panels, refrigeration equipment, construction elements, wind rotor blades, or elements for boatbuilding and vehicle construction. 1: A method for producing a rigid foam , the method comprising:reacting at least one polyisocyanate with a mixture comprising at least one polyepoxide, water, and at least one other hydrogen-acidic compound, the reaction taking place in the presence of a catalyst, which is a metal-free Lewis base comprising at least one nitrogen atom,wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of 1,8-diazabicyclo-5,4,0-undecen-7-ene, N-methyl-N′-(dimethylaminomethyl)piperazine, pentamethyldiethylenetriamine, methylimidazole, and a mixture and a derivative thereof.2: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one other hydrogen-acidic compound is selected from the group consisting of a polyol and a polyamine.3: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polyepoxide is used in an amount in a range from 5 to 70 wt % claim 1 , based on a sum of the polyepoxide and the at least one other hydrogen-acidic compound used.4: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is a tertiary amine.5: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 1 ,8-diazabicyclo-5 claim 1 ,4 claim 1 ,0-undecen-7-ene claim 1 , and a derivative thereof.6: The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is used in an amount in a range from 0.01 to 2 wt % claim 1 , based on a sum of the polyisocyanate and of the ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153144A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Stabiliser, comprising the reaction product of at least one macromer with at least one C-alkyl(meth)acrylate in at least one polyether polyol 1 in the presence of at least one free radical polymerisation catalyst and optionally at least one chain transfer agent, the at least one macromer being at least one molecule which comprises in its structure one or more polymerisable double bonds, able to copolymerise with C-alkyl(meth)acrylates and which furthermore comprises in its structure one or more hydroxyl-terminated polyether chains. 126-. (canceled)27. A stabiliser , comprising a reaction product of at least one macromer with at least one C-alkyl(meth)acrylate in at least one polyether polyol 1 in the presence of at least one free radical polymerisation catalyst and optionally at least one chain transfer agent ,{'sub': '4-30', 'the at least one macromer being at least one molecule which comprises in its structure at least one polymerisable double bond, able to copolymerise with a C-alkyl(meth)acrylate and which furthermore comprises in its structure at least one hydroxyl-terminated polyether chain,'}{'sub': '4-30', 'wherein a weight ratio of the reaction product of the at least one macromer with the at least one C-alkyl(meth)acrylate to the at least one polyether polyol 1 is in a range of from 20:80 to 80:20, and'}the stabiliser has a particle size DSO smaller than 0.5 μm as determined by static laser diffraction, using a Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern Instruments Ltd), of a sample comprising the stabiliser and diluted with isopropanol in order to obtain an optical concentration suitable for the static laser diffraction.28. The stabiliser of claim 27 , wherein the weight ratio of the reaction product of the at least one macromer with the at least one C-alkyl(meth)acrylate to the at least one polyether polyol 1 is in a range of from 50:50 to 70:30.29. The stabiliser of claim 27 , wherein an amount of the at least one C-alkyl(meth)acrylate is 5 to 50 wt % claim 27 , based ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166754A1
Автор: Simonsen Ivan Simon
Принадлежит: Tempur-Pedic Management, LLC

According to one embodiment, the disclosure provides a foam-based object containing a foam having a density of 30 kg/mor less. The foam contains a base polyol, a filled polyol, and an additive polyol. The foam lacks a chain extender or crosslinker. In another embodiment, the foam has a hardness loss of less than 15% in a hardness loss test. According to another embodiment, the disclosure provides an initial formulation containing a base polyol, a filled polyol, an additive polyol, and a catalyst, but lacking a chain extender or crosslinker. The initial formulation is operable to form a foam having a density of 30 kg/mor less upon reaction with an isocyanate. A fourth embodiment provides a method of forming a foam by combining an isocyanate with such an initial formulation to produce a foam having a density of 30 kg/m3 or less and lacking a chain extender or crosslinker. 1. A foam-based object comprising:{'sup': '3', 'claim-text': a base polyol, wherein the base polyol, prior to foam formation, has a functionality of between 2 and 3, comprises at least 70% secondary hydroxyl (OH) groups, and has a hydroxyl (OH) number of between 20 and 240;', 'a filled polyol, wherein the filled polyol, prior to foam formation, comprises at least 70% secondary material; and', 'an additive polyol, wherein the additive polyol, prior to foam formation, has a functionality greater than two and comprises greater than 50% ethylene oxide (EO),, 'a foam having a density of 30 kg/mor less, wherein the foam compriseswherein the foam lacks a chain extender or crosslinker.2. The foam-based object according to claim 1 , wherein the base polyol is present in an amount of between 45 and 95 parts per hundred polyol (pphp).3. The foam-based object according to claim 1 , wherein the base polyol comprises ethylene oxide (EO).4. The foam-based object according to claim 1 , wherein the base polyol comprises propylene oxide (PO).5. The foam-based object according to claim 1 , wherein the filled polyol is ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150166755A1
Автор: Kim Hee sook

Provided is a composition for a foam tire. The composition includes 100 parts by weight of a blend of an olefin block copolymer and a rubber as a polymer matrix, 0.02 to 4 parts by weight of a crosslinking agent, and 1 to 6 parts by weight of a foaming agent. The olefin block copolymer and the rubber are present in amounts of 50 to 80% by weight and 20 to 50% by weight, respectively, based on the total weight of the polymer matrix. 1. A composition for a foam tire comprising a blend of an olefin block copolymer and a rubber as a polymer matrix , a crosslinking agent , and a foaming agent.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the olefin block copolymer and the rubber are present in amounts of 50 to 80% by weight and 20 to 50% by weight claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polymer matrix.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the olefin block copolymer is a multi-block copolymer which comprises ethylene and one or more copolymerizable α-olefin comonomers in a polymerized form and has a plurality of blocks or segments of two or more polymerized monomer units having different chemical or physical properties.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber is selected from the group consisting of a natural rubber claim 1 , a synthetic rubber claim 1 , and a combination thereof.5. A composition for a foam tire comprising 100 parts by weight of a blend of an olefin block copolymer and a rubber as a polymer matrix claim 1 , 0.02 to 4 parts by weight of a crosslinking agent claim 1 , and 1 to 6 parts by weight of a foaming agent wherein the olefin block copolymer and the rubber are present in amounts of 50 to 80% by weight and 20 to 50% by weight claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , based on the total weight of the polymer matrix.6. The foam tire produced by injection molding and foaming the composition according to any one of .7. The foam tire produced by injection molding and foaming the composition according to ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140249241A1
Принадлежит: PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.

The invention includes a method of preparing an aqueous dispersion of particles at least partially encapsulated by a polymer, the method comprising dispersing inorganic particles in an aqueous phase; functionalizing at least a portion of the surfaces of the inorganic particles with a coupling agent, the coupling agent having pendent reactive groups; polymerizing the reactive groups on the functionalized particles with a first polymerizable component to produce inner polymer shells surrounding the inorganic particles; polymerizing a second polymerizable component to form outer polymer shells at least partially encapsulating the inner polymer shells; and producing voids within the outer polymer shells, such that the inorganic particles are received within the voids. 1. A method of preparing an aqueous dispersion of particles at least partially encapsulated by a polymer , the method comprising:dispersing inorganic particles in an aqueous phase;functionalizing at least a portion of the surfaces of the inorganic particles with a coupling agent, the coupling agent having pendent reactive groups;polymerizing the reactive groups on the functionalized particles with a first polymerizable component to produce inner polymer shells surrounding the inorganic particles;polymerizing a second polymerizable component to form outer polymer shells at least partially encapsulating the inner polymer shells; andproducing voids within the outer polymer shells, such that the inorganic particles are received within the voids.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said step of producing voids comprises (i) expanding the inner polymer shells and the outer polymer shells and (ii) shrinking the expanded inner polymer shells thereby forming the voids within the expanded outer polymer shells.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the inorganic particles received within the voids are at least partially encapsulated by the inner polymer shells.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising crosslinking the ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140250648A1

An object of the invention is to provide molded urethane foam pads and vehicle seats that can contribute to the reduction of environmental load and have appropriate impact resilience and hardness and excellent durability with good balance, and also have high comfort. A molded urethane foam pad for vehicle seats including a polyurethane is obtainable by foaming and curing materials including a plant-derived polyol (A), a non-plant-derived polyol (B), water, a catalyst, a foam stabilizer and a polyisocyanate, and has a core density of 55 to 65 kg/mas measured in accordance with JIS K6400; the plant-derived polyol (A) is a polyol which is obtained by condensing a polyhydric alcohol of 6 hydroxyl groups with a plant-derived, C15 or higher hydroxycarboxylic acid and which has a hydroxyl value of 45 to 55 mg KOH/g; the non-plant-derived polyol (B) is a polyol having a hydroxyl value of 18 to 26 mg KOH/g, and/or a polymer-dispersed polyol in which fine particles of a polymer of a compound having an unsaturated bond are dispersed in the polyol; and the polyurethane contains a plant-derived molecular structure and the content of the plant-derived molecular structure is 15 to 20 wt % based on 100 wt % of the molded urethane foam pad.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150175764A1

Described herein are surface coverings comprising a support layer; and a vinyl base layer formed from a fluid matrix comprising a virgin vinyl chloride resin, a recycled vinyl chloride resin, a plasticizer, and a blowing agent. Also described are methods of making and using same. 1. A surface covering comprising:a support layer; and a vinyl chloride resin comprising a virgin vinyl chloride resin and a recycled vinyl chloride resin;', 'a plasticizer; and', 'a blowing agent., 'a vinyl base layer formed from a fluid matrix comprising2. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the virgin vinyl chloride resin or the recycled vinyl chloride resin comprises a vinyl chloride homopolymer.3. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the virgin vinyl chloride resin or the recycled vinyl chloride resin comprises a vinyl chloride copolymer.4. The surface covering of claim 3 , wherein the vinyl chloride copolymer comprises a vinyl chloride monomer and a second monomer selected from: vinyl acetate claim 3 , a methacrylate-based monomer; and a combination thereof.5. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the vinyl base layer formed from a fluid matrix comprises from about 5 wt. % to about 25 wt. % of a recycled vinyl chloride resin.6. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the vinyl base layer formed from a fluid matrix comprises about 9.5 wt. % of a recycled vinyl chloride resin.7. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the vinyl base layer formed from a fluid matrix further comprises a heat stabilizer selected from a mixed metal stabilizer; an epoxy compound and a combination thereof.8. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the vinyl chloride resins are suspended within the plasticizer.9. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the virgin vinyl chloride resin and the recycled vinyl chloride resin have an average particle size of from about 1 to about 150 microns.10. The surface covering of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of vinyl chloride resin to plasticizer is from ...

23-06-2016 дата публикации

Flexible Polymeric Material with Shape Retention Properties

Номер: US20160177044A1

A shaped polymeric material having a three-dimensional configuration with one or more angular displacements is provided. The polymeric material is formed from a thermoplastic composition containing a continuous phase that includes a matrix polymer. A microinclusion additive and nanoinclusion additive are dispersed within the continuous phase in the form of discrete domains, and a porous network is defined in the material. 1. A shaped polymeric material having a three-dimensional configuration with one or more angular displacements , wherein the polymeric material is formed from a thermoplastic composition containing a continuous phase that includes a matrix polymer , and further wherein a microinclusion additive and nanoinclusion additive are dispersed within the continuous phase in the form of discrete domains , and wherein a porous network is defined in the material.2. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the angular displacements range from about 5° to about 250°.3. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the three-dimensional configuration possesses multiple angular displacements.4. The shaped polymeric material of any of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material is bent.5. The shaped polymeric material of any of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material is twisted.6. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the material exhibits a bend retention index and/or twist retention index of from about 0.1 to 1.7. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the average pore volume of the material is from about 15% to about 80% per cm.8. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the density of the material is about 1.2 g/cmor less.9. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the modulus of elasticity of the material is about 2500 MPa or less.10. The shaped polymeric material of claim 1 , wherein the porous network includes a plurality of nanopores having an average cross-sectional dimension of about 800 nanometers ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150183947A1

Thermal insulation material capable of being obtained from the mixture of at least the following elements: 1: A thermal insulation material obtained from a mixture comprising:an aqueous foam;silica aerogel particles; anda binder selected from comprising an organic binder and/or a mineral binder.2: The thermal insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises claim 1 , relative to a total weight of the mixture:from 25 to 75% of the aqueous foam,from 5 to 35% of the silica aerogel particles andfrom 5 to 35% of the binder.3: The thermal insulation material of claim 2 , wherein the mixture comprises claim 2 , relative to a total weight of the mixture:from 35 to 65% of aqueous foam,from 17 to 25% of silica aerogel particles, andfrom 17 to 25% of the binder.5: The thermal insulation material of claim 4 , wherein the cationic surfactant salt is at least one salt selected from the group consisting of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 4 , dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 4 , tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 4 , tetradecyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 4 , hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 4 , hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 4 , octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 4 , octadecyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 4 , cetyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 4 , cetyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 4 , cetylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride claim 4 , cetyltriethylammonium bromide claim 4 , and (tallow)trimethylammonium chloride.6: The thermal insulation material of claim 4 , wherein the cationic surfactant salt is (tallow)trimethylammonium chloride.7: The thermal insulation material of claim 4 , wherein the anionic surfactant salt is at least one salt selected from the group consisting of ammonium stearate claim 4 , potassium stearate claim 4 , and sodium stearate.8: The thermal insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous foam comprises a mixture comprising water claim 1 , glycerol claim 1 , a surfactant and a ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150183948A1

A bio-polyol composition and a bio-polyurethane foam material are provided. By using the modifier and applying the dispersing and grinding process, the modified lignin is uniformly dispersed in the polyol solution and a bio-polyol composition is obtained. The obtained bio-polyol composition may be used to prepare the bio-polyurethane foam material with a high lignin content, a high compression strength and superior flame-resistance. 1. A bio-polyol composition , comprising:a polyol and a surface modified lignin, wherein a surface of the surface modified lignin is coated or adsorbed with a modifier and the modifier is coated or adsorbed to the surface of the surface modified lignin via a physical bonding, and a particle size of the surface modified lignin ranges between 1-100 μm.2. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyol includes a diol claim 1 , a triol claim 1 , a tetraol claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein the surface modified lignin has a solubility ranging between 15-45 J/cm.4. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein the surface modified lignin has a surface energy ranging between 25-70 mJ/m.5. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein a lignin of the surface modified lignin includes lignin sulfonate claim 1 , alkali lignin claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.6. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein the modifier is an alcohol having a hydroxyl group or an alcohol having an epoxy group claim 1 , an epoxy resin claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.7. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein a content of the surface modified lignin ranges between 0.1-60 wt % of a total weight of the bio-polyol composition.8. The bio-polyol composition of claim 1 , wherein the surface modified lignin is obtained by mixing a lignin and the modifier and performing a dispersing and grinding process to cover the modifier on a surface of the lignin claim 1 , and the dispersing and grinding process ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160185928A1

A composition may include a resin and a plurality of polymer nanoparticles included in the resin to form a resin mixture. At least some of the polymer nanoparticles may have a greater distortion capability than the resin due to the nature of the polymer backbone of the polymer nanoparticles, and/or due to the nanoparticle free volume being greater than the free volume of the resin, and/or due to the nanoparticle porosity being greater than a porosity of resin. The incorporation of the polymer nanoparticles in the resin may result in an improvement in the strain and/or distortional capability of the resin mixture which may improve the performance of the composite structure. 1. A composition , comprising:a resin;a plurality of polymer nanoparticles; a nature of a polymer backbone of the polymer nanoparticles;', 'a nanoparticle free volume that is greater than the free volume of the resin; and', 'a nanoparticle porosity that is greater than a porosity of the resin., 'at least some of the polymer nanoparticles have a greater distortion capability than the resin due to at least one of the following2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:the polymer nanoparticles are generally spherical.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:the resin when cured has a strain capability along at least one direction that is greater than the strain capability of the resin lacking the polymer nanoparticles.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:at least some of the polymer nanoparticles have a nanoparticle porosity provided by a single pore occupying greater than 50 percent of a total nanoparticle volume.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:at least some of the polymer nanoparticles have a nanoparticle free volume wherein up to 95 percent of the volume of a polymer nanoparticle is a non-consolidated solid and thereby enabling free volumetric expansion of the polymer nanoparticle.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein:the polymer nanoparticles have a particle cross-sectional width of 10- ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150203647A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Prepare a thermoplastic polymer foam having a porosity of 70% or more and at least one of: (i) an average cell size of 200 nanometers or less; and (ii) a nucleation density of at least 1×1015 effective nucleation sites per cubic centimeter of foamable polymer composition not including blowing agent using a foamable polymer composition containing a thermoplastic polymer selected from styrenic polymer and (meth)acrylic polymers, a blowing agent comprising at least 20 mole-percent carbon dioxide based on moles of blowing agent and an additive having a Total Hansen Solubility Parameter that differs from that of carbon dioxide by less than 2 and that is present at a concentration of 0.01 to 1.5 weight parts per hundred weight parts thermoplastic polymer. 1. A process for preparing thermoplastic polymer foam , the process comprising:a. providing a thermoplastic polymer selected from styrenic polymers and (meth)acrylic polymers;b. compounding with the thermoplastic polymer one or more than one additive having a Total Hansen Solubility Parameter that differs from that of carbon dioxide by less than 2 where the total concentration of said one or more than one additive is 1.5 weight-parts or less and 0.01 weight-parts or more based on 100 weight-parts of thermoplastic polymer to form a thermoplastic polymer compound;c. incorporating into the thermoplastic polymer at an initial pressure sufficient to prevent foaming, either before or after step (b), a blowing agent comprising 20 mole-percent or more carbon dioxide based on total moles of blowing agent; and{'sup': '15', 'd. reducing the pressure on the thermoplastic polymer compound thereby allowing the blowing agent to expand the thermoplastic polymer into thermoplastic polymer foam having a porosity of 70% or more and at least one of (i) an average cell size of 200 nanometers or less; and (ii) a nucleation density of at least 1×10effective nucleation sites per cubic centimeter of foamable polymer composition not including ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230389A1

A phenolic resin foam has a density of 30 kg/mto 80 kg/m, a closed cell ratio of 85% or more, and reaches a total amount of heat release of 8 MJ/min a time of 20 minutes or more in a heat release test performed using a cone calorimeter. 1. A phenolic resin foam having a density of 30 kg/mto 80 kg/m , a closed cell ratio of 85% or more , and reaching a total amount of heat release of 8 MJ/min a time of 20 minutes or more in a heat release test performed using a cone calorimeter.2. The phenolic resin foam according to claim 1 , having a peak at either or both a diffraction angle 2θ of 14.9° to 15.9° and a diffraction angle 2θ of 16.2° to 17.2° in an X-ray diffraction pattern obtained through analysis by X-ray diffraction.3. The phenolic resin foam according to claim 1 , having a highest intensity peak at either or both a diffraction angle 2θ of 14.9° to 15.9° and a diffraction angle 2θ of 16.2° to 17.2° in an X-ray diffraction pattern obtained through analysis by X-ray diffraction.4. The phenolic resin foam according to claim 1 , having a peak at both a diffraction angle 2θ of 14.9° to 15.9° and a diffraction angle 2θ of 16.2° to 17.2° in an X-ray diffraction pattern obtained through analysis by X-ray diffraction.5. The phenolic resin foam according to claim 1 , having a peak at both a diffraction angle 2θ of 14.9° to 15.9° and a diffraction angle 2θ of 16.2° to 17.2° in an X-ray diffraction pattern obtained through analysis by X-ray diffraction claim 1 , and that when maximum intensity of a peak at 14.9° to 15.9° is taken to be A and maximum intensity of a peak at 16.2° to 17.2° is taken to be B claim 1 , 0.5≤A/B≤4.5.6. The phenolic resin foam according to claim 1 , having a peak at both a diffraction angle 2θ of 14.9° to 15.9° and a diffraction angle 2θ of 16.2° to 17.2° in an X-ray diffraction pattern obtained through analysis by X-ray diffraction claim 1 , and that when maximum intensity of a peak at 14.9° to 15.9° is taken to be A and maximum intensity of a peak ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160214286A1
Принадлежит: Covestro Deuschland AG

The invention relates to a method for producing a moulded part () by structural foam moulding, in which a polymer melt () is provided by melting a thermoplastic material, in which the polymer melt () is charged with a foaming agent () and in which the polymer melt () charged with the foaming agent () is injected under pressure into a cavity () of a mould (), and so the polymer melt () fills the cavity () behind a melt front () running through the cavity (), wherein the rate of injection at which the polymer melt () is injected into the cavity () of the mould () is set such that the internal pressure of the polymer melt () in the cavity (), in a region () that follows a portion of the melt front () with a time delay of at most 0.15 seconds, is greater than the critical pressure of the foaming agent (), at least at one point in time during the injection-moulding operation. The invention also relates to a moulded part () of an expanded thermoplastic material, wherein the moulded part () has a surface region with visual structuring formed by the expanded thermoplastic material of which the average ratio of the degrees of gloss measured in the direction of flow in relation to the degrees of gloss measured transversely to the direction of flow is below 1.9, preferably below 1.5, in particular below 1.2. The invention also relates to uses of such a moulded part. 118.-. (canceled)19. A process for the production of a molding by structural foam molding , comprisingproviding a plastics melt by melting of a thermoplastic,loading the plastics melt with a blowing agent, andinjecting the plastics melt loaded with the blowing agent under pressure into a cavity of a mold in such a way that the plastics melt fills the cavity behind a melt front proceeding through the cavity,whereinthe injection velocity at which the plastics melt is injected into the cavity of the mold is adjusted in such a way that, in a region that follows a section of the melt front with a chronological ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

PIPA Based Combustion-Modified Flexible Foam

Номер: US20160215113A1

A process for forming a combustion-modified ether (CME) polyurethane foam includes providing a polyol component including a PIPA polyol that is a dispersion having a solids content from 10 wt % to 75 wt %, based on a total weight of the PIPA polyol, providing an isocyanate component that includes at least one polyisocyanate, providing an additive component that includes at least one flame retardant, and forming a reaction mixture including the polyol component, the isocyanate component, and the additive component to form a CME polyurethane foam. The reaction mixture has an isocyanate index from 90 to 150. The PIPA polyol is a reaction product of a mixture including at least a low equivalent weight polyol having a number average hydroxyl equivalent weight of less than 80, a polyisocyanate compound having a number average isocyanate equivalent weight that is less than 225, and a liquid base poly ether polyol having a number average hydroxyl equivalent weight of at least 200 and at least 80% of secondary hydroxyl groups based on a total amount of hydroxyl groups in the liquid base polyether polyol. 1. A process for forming a combustion-modified ether (CME) polyurethane foam , the process comprising:providing a polyol component including a PIPA polyol that is a dispersion having a solids content from 10 wt % to 75 wt %, based on a total weight of the PIPA polyol, the PIPA polyol being a reaction product of a mixture including at least a low equivalent weight polyol having a number average hydroxyl equivalent weight of less than 80, a polyisocyanate compound having a number average isocyanate equivalent weight that is less than 225, and a liquid base polyether polyol having a number average hydroxyl equivalent weight of at least 200 and at least 80% of secondary hydroxyl groups based on a total amount of hydroxyl groups in the liquid base polyether polyol;providing an isocyanate component that includes at least one polyisocyanate;providing an additive component that ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160222180A1
Принадлежит: Braskem America, Inc.

A foamable composition includes a semi-crystalline polyolefin having a crystallinity of at least 50% and a poly(sulfonyl azide) of at least 500 ppm based on the total weight of the foamable composition. The foamable composition has a melt strength of at least 20 cN, a melt drawability of at least 100 mm/s, flexural modulus is greater than about 240,000 psi. Such a composition can be used to make a low density foam having a density in the range from 0.005 g/cmto 0.6 g/cm. A resulting foam or a fabricated article, the methods of the composition and the foam are also provided. 1. A foamable composition comprising:a semi-crystalline polyolefin having a crystallinity of at least 50%; anda poly(sulfonyl azide) of at least 500 ppm, based on the total weight of the foamable composition,wherein the foamable composition has a melt strength of at least 20 cN, a melt drawability of at least 100 mm/s, and a flexural modulus is greater than about 240,000 psi.2. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the foamable composition has a heat distortion temperature under load of 66 psi (DTUL@ 66psi) is greater than 101° C.3. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the foamable composition has a ratio of melt strength to melt flow rate (MFR) is greater than 18.4. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the semi-crystalline polyolefin is a homopolymer.5. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the semi-crystalline polyolefin is a polypropylene homopolymer.6. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the semi-crystalline polyolefin has a crystallinity in the range of from 60% to 90%.7. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the semi-crystalline polyolefin has a crystallinity in the range of from 70% to 80%.8. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the content of the poly(sulfonyl azide) is in the range from 500 ppm to 3000 ppm claim 1 , based on the total weight of the foamable composition.9. The foamable composition of claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180215885A1
Принадлежит: KYORAKU CO., LTD.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a foam molding resin containing LDPE capable of enhancing foaming magnification. According to the present invention, there is provided a foam molding resin containing low-density polyethylene, wherein the low-density polyethylene has a melt tension of 100 to 250 mN and a shear viscosity of 350 to 450 Pa·s. 1. A foam molding resin containing low-density polyethylene , wherein the low-density polyethylene has a melt tension of 100 to 250 mN and a shear viscosity of 350 to 450 Pa·s.2. The resin of claim 1 , wherein the foam molding resin further contains high-density polyethylene.3. The resin of claim 2 , wherein the mass ratio of the low-density polyethylene and the high-density polyethylene is 2:8 to 8:2.4. A method of manufacturing a foam molded article claim 2 , comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'forming a foam parison by extruding, from a foam extruder, a melt-kneaded resin obtained by melt-kneading the foam molding resin of and a foaming agent in the foam extruder;'}molding the foam parison to obtain the foam molded article. The present invention relates to a foam molding resin and a method for manufacturing a foam molded article.For example, in an air conditioner such as an automobile, a tubular air conditioning duct for ventilating air is used.As an air conditioning duct, a foam molded article using a foam resin obtained by foaming a thermoplastic resin with a foaming agent is known. The foam molded article is expanding demand because it can realize high heat insulation and light weight at the same time.As a method of manufacturing such a foam molded article, a blow molding method is widely known in which a molten foam resin is clamped with split molds and air is blown into the inside to expand the foam resin.Patent Document 1 discloses a technique of increasing the melt tension (MT) to a predetermined value or more and increasing the MT×melt flow rate (MFR) to a ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150228948A1

Provided are a microporous membrane including a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of 220° C. or more and a polyolefin, the thermoplastic resin (a) having an acicular structure, and a method for producing the microporous membrane. The microporous membrane has high resistance to thermal shrinkage since it includes a polyolefin and a high-melting-point thermoplastic resin having an acicular structure. Thus, a battery separator for nonaqueous electrolyte secondary batteries and, in particular, a single-layer battery separator for nonaqueous electrolyte secondary batteries which have a good shut-down function and high resistance to thermal shrinkage may be produced. 1. A microporous membrane comprising a thermoplastic resin having a melting point of 220° C. or more , a polyolefin , and a compatibilizer , the thermoplastic resin having an acicular structure.2. The microporous membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic resin has an aspect ratio of 1.1 to 100.3. The microporous membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the composition ratio between the thermoplastic resin and the polyolefin is such that the amount of the thermoplastic resin is 1% to 73% by mass and the amount of the polyolefin is 99% to 27% by mass of the total mass of the thermoplastic resin and the polyolefin.4. The microporous membrane according to claim 1 ,wherein the composition ratio among the thermoplastic resin, the polyolefin, and the compatibilizer is such that the total mass of the thermoplastic resin and the polyolefin is 90% to 97% by mass and the amount of the compatibilizer is 10% to 3% by mass of the total mass of the thermoplastic resin, the polyolefin, and the compatibilizer.5. (canceled)6. The microporous membrane according to claim 1 , wherein the compatibilizer is a thermoplastic elastomer including a functional group capable of reacting with the thermoplastic resin.7. A battery separator for nonaqueous electrolyte secondary batteries claim 1 , the battery ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160229977A1

Polymeric porous particles have a continuous organic solid phase and at least two sets of discrete pores that are isolated from each other within the continuous phase and that have different average sizes. One set of discrete pores has a larger average size than another set of discrete pores by at least 50%. At least one set of discrete pores is free of detectably different marker materials. There porous particles can be prepared using evaporative limited coalescence techniques with especially chosen discrete pore stabilizing hydrocolloids to protect the pores during formation and to provide the different average sizes. The resulting porous particles can be incorporated into articles of various types and having various shapes. 1. An article comprising a porous particle that comprises one or more organic polymers that provide a continuous solid phase including an external particle surface , and at least first and second discrete closed pores that are isolated from each other and dispersed within the continuous phase , the first and second discrete closed pores having first and second average sizes ,wherein:the second average size is greater than the first average size by at least 50%,the first or second closed discrete pores are free of detectably different marker materials,the porous particle has a mode particle size of at least 2 μm and up to and including 50 μm, andthe first and second discrete closed pores comprise first and second discrete pore stabilizing hydrocolloids, respectively, which provide different osmotic pressures of at least 0.4 psi.2. The article of comprising a plurality of the porous particles that are adhered to one another through an annealing process claim 1 , or by chemical attachment.3. The article of that is a molded three dimensional object or film with a designed variation in the index of refraction and density achieved provided by the plurality of the porous particles.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the porous particle comprises a ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233542A1
Автор: Mather Patrick T.

A triple shape memory polymeric foam that is open cell in nature and features a two phase, crosslinked SMP with a glass transition temperature of one phase at a temperature lower than a melting transition of the second phase. The resulting soft material features high fidelity, repeatable triple shape behavior, and is useful for complex deployment using a combination of foam compression and bending. 1. A triple shape memory polymer , comprising a foam having an epoxy phase with a glass transition temperature and a thermoplastic phase having a melting temperature that are intermixed to form a continuous phase , wherein the continuous phase defines walls having a thickness of between 1 and 100 micrometers and pores having a diameter of between 100 and 1000 micrometers.2. The polymer of claim 1 , wherein the glass transition temperature of the epoxy phase is lower than the melting temperature of the thermoplastic phase.3. The polymer of claim 2 , wherein the epoxy comprises a copolymer.4. The polymer of claim 3 , wherein the copolymer comprises an aromatic diepoxide monomer and an aliphatic diepoxide monomer.5. The polymer of claim 4 , wherein the aromatic diepoxide monomer comprises diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA).6. The polymer of claim 5 , wherein the aliphatic diepoxide monomer comprises neopentyl glycol diglycidyl ether (NGDE).7. The polymer of claim 4 , wherein the thermoplastic phase comprises poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL).8. The polymer of claim 1 , further comprising a cross-linker.9. The polymer of claim 8 , wherein the cross-linker comprises a polyetheramine.10. The polymer of claim 9 , wherein the polyetheramine comprises polypropylene glycol) bis(2-aminopropyl) ether.11. A method of forming a triple shape memory polymer claim 9 , comprising the steps of:blending an aromatic diepoxide monomer and an aliphatic diepoxide monomer with a thermoplastic polymer;blending a cross-linker into the aromatic diepoxide monomer, the aliphatic diepoxide monomer, and ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150259495A1

Crosslinked silicone foams are provided that can be substantially free of chemical blowing agents or byproducts thereof. These foams can be prepared from polymerizable silicone compositions that include an MQ-water cluster including a silicate MQ resin and a quantity of water dispersed in the silicate MQ resin and a silicone fluid, wherein the MQ-water cluster and silicone fluid collectively provide a inverted emulsion having a continuous and a discontinuous phase, the continuous phase including the silicone fluid and the discontinuous phase including the MQ-water cluster. The foams can be made by dispersing water into a silicate MQ resin to provide an MQ-water cluster; dispersing the stabilized MQ-water cluster into a silicone fluid to obtain an inverted silicone emulsion having the MQ-water cluster as a discontinuous phase and the silicone fluid as a continuous phase; foaming the silicone emulsion by evolving the water in the MQ-water cluster to provide a cellular structure; and polymerizing the silicone emulsion. 1. A silicone foam comprising:a crosslinked silicone network of polysiloxane and a silicate resin, the silicone network being substantially free of any chemical blowing agents or byproducts thereof; anda multiplicity of voids embedded in the silicone network to provide a cellular structure.3. The foam of claim 1 , wherein the MQ resin is a tackifying polymer.4. The foam of claim 1 , further comprising one or more particulate fillers dispersed in the silicone polymer and selected from the group consisting of: silica claim 1 , zirconium oxide claim 1 , titanium dioxide claim 1 , ground quartz claim 1 , aluminum oxides claim 1 , aluminosilicates claim 1 , organic waxes claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide claim 1 , salts of aliphatic carboxylic acids claim 1 , reaction products of isocyanates claim 1 , and alkyl amides.5. The foam of claim 1 , wherein the foam is substantially free of microspheres.6. The foam of claim 1 , wherein the foam is ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239621A1
Автор: Glos Martin

Compositions suitable for production of polyurethane foams, comprising at least one OH-functional compound (OHC) obtainable by the partial or complete hydrogenation of ketone-aldehyde resins, wherein the OH-functional compound contains at least one structural element of the formula (1a) and optionally of the formulae (1b) and/or (1c), 2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the OH-functional compound (OHC) is present in a total proportion by mass of from 0.1 to 90.0 parts claim 1 , based on 100 parts polyol component.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein polyester polyols are present.5. The polyurethane foam claim 4 , preferably open-cell rigid polyurethane foam claim 4 , obtained by a process according to .6. The rigid polyurethane foam according to claim 5 , wherein the density is from 3 to 300 kg/m.7. The rigid polyurethane foam according to claim 5 , wherein the closed-cell content is ≤50% claim 5 , the closed-cell content being determined in accordance with DIN ISO 4590.8. The polyurethane foam according to claim 6 , wherein it includes from 0.1% to 60% by mass claim 6 , of OH-functional compounds (OHC).9. An insulation panel comprising the foam according to wherein the insulation panel is selected from the group consisting of acoustic foams for sound absorption claim 6 , as packaging foam claim 6 , as roof lining for automobiles or pipe claddings for deep-sea pipes.11. A foam-stabilizing component comprising the OH-functional compounds (OHC) according to .12. A polyurethane foam comprising the foam-stabilizing component comprising the OH-functional compounds (OHC) according to for compliance with the fire protection standard of at least B2 according to DIN 4102-1.13. (canceled)16. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the OH-functional compound (OHC) is present in a total proportion by mass of from 0.5 to 80.0 parts claim 1 , based on 100 parts polyol component.17. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the OH-functional ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267021A1
Автор: SHIMAKAWA Masanari

There are provided a composition for silicone rubber foam, a manufacturing method of a silicone rubber foam, and a silicone rubber foam in which it is possible to control the foaming states. The composition for silicone rubber foam contains: (A) 100 parts by mass of polyorganosiloxane having a degree of polymerization of 4,000 to 10,000 and having two or more alkenyl groups at a content of 0.001 mmol/g or more and less than 0.3 mmol/g; an amount of polyorganohydrogensiloxane having an average of two or more Si-atom-bonded hydrogen atoms so that a molar ratio of the hydrogen atoms to the alkenyl groups in the (A) component is 0.001 to 5; 0.1 to 10 parts by mass of an organic foaming agent with a decomposition temperature of 50 to 250° C.; 5 to 200 parts by mass of silica powder; and a catalyst amount of a platinum-based metal catalyst activated with ultraviolet rays. 2. The silicone rubber foam claim 1 , according to claim 1 ,wherein, the foaming ratio is 1.1. to 6 times.3. The silicone rubber foam according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the foam has an average cell diameter from 10 to 700 μm, obtained by measuring all of cell cross-sections existing per 1.65 mmof a cross-section of the foam using a microscopic image.'}4. The silicone rubber foam according to claim 2 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the foam has an average cell diameter from 10 to 700 μm, obtained by measuring all of cell cross-sections existing per 1.65 mmof a cross-section of the foam using a microscopic image.'}5. The silicone rubber foam according to claim 1 ,wherein the composition for silicone rubber foam further comprise (F) 0.001 to 10 parts by mass, per 100 parts by mass of the (A) component, of organic peroxide with a decomposition temperature equal to or higher than the decomposition temperature of the (C) component.6. The silicone rubber foam according to claim 5 ,wherein the foaming ratio is 1.1 to 6 times.7. The silicone rubber foam according to claim 5 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the foam ha a an ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

High temperature sulfone (HTS) foam materials

Номер: US20150267023A1

A foam material made from a composition [composition (C)] comprising at least one high temperature poly(aryl ether sulfone) (PAES) polymer characterized in that the PAES polymer comprises from 1 to 99% by weight amount of at least one recurring unit (R) [(R−1)]) based on the total amount of recurring units, and from 1 to 99% by weight amount of at least one recurring unit (R) [(R−2)], based on the total amount of recurring units, and wherein said (R−2) recurring unit is different from the (R−1) recurring unit. 115-. (canceled)19. The foam material according to comprising 50-98% by weight of the recurring unit (R−1) claim 16 , based on the total amount of the recurring unit (R−1) and the recurring unit (R−2) in the (PAES) polymer.20. The foam material according to claim 16 , wherein the composition (C) further comprises at least one other thermoplastic polymer claim 16 , (polymer T) claim 16 , chosen from the group consisting of a poly(biphenyl ether sulfone) claim 16 , a polyethersulfone claim 16 , a polyetherethersulfone claim 16 , or a polysulfone.21. The foam material according to comprising from 0 to 50% by weight of the (polymer T) claim 20 , based on the total weight of the polymer composition (C).22. The foam material according to claim 16 , wherein the foam material has a density of 10 to 500 kg/m.23. The foam material according to claim 16 , wherein the foam material has a substantially uniform cell size.24. A process for manufacturing the foam material according to claim 16 , the process comprising a foaming process claim 16 , wherein the foaming process is selected from the group consisting of pressure cell processes claim 16 , autoclave processes claim 16 , and extrusion processes.25. The process according to claim 24 , wherein a blowing agent is used in an amount from 0.5 to 15% by weight claim 24 , based on the total weight of the composition (C).26. The process according to claim 24 , wherein a nucleating agent is used in an amount from 0.1 to 5.0% by ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264746A1
Автор: Paulsen Carlotta M.
Принадлежит: Tempur-Pedic Management, LLC

A foam composite includes a matrix and a plurality of fibers embedded in the matrix. The matrix can include viscoelastic foam. Also disclosed herein are methods of manufacturing such a foam composite. 1. A foam composite comprising:a matrix including viscoelastic foam;a plurality of fibers embedded in the matrix;wherein the fibers include at least one of natural fibers and synthetic fibers;wherein the fibers include polyethylene and wherein the polyethylene includes at least one of low melt polyethylene, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, and E380F fibrillated high density polyethylene.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. A foam composite comprising:a matrix including viscoelastic foam;a plurality of fibers embedded in the matrix; andwherein the fibers include at least one of chemically interactive fibers and chemically inert fibers.6. The foam composite of claim 5 , wherein the chemically interactive fibers include at least one of rayon fibers claim 5 , nylon fibers claim 5 , and polyester fibers.7. The foam composite of claim 5 , wherein the chemically inert fibers include at least one of polyethylene fibers and polypropylene fibers.8. The foam composite of claim 7 , wherein the polyethylene fibers include at least one of low melt polyethylene fibers claim 7 , ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibers claim 7 , and E380F fibrillated high density polyethylene fibers.9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. The foam composite of claim 1 , wherein the fibers chemically interact with the viscoelastic foam in the matrix.18. The foam composite of claim 1 , wherein the fibers are inert and do not chemically interact with the viscoelastic foam in the matrix.19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. The foam composite of claim 1 , wherein a dynamic fatigue hardness loss of the foam composite is less than a dynamic fatigue hardness loss of the matrix alone.22. The foam composite of claim 21 , ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170267827A1

A High Internal Phase Emulsion (HIPE) foam having cellulose nanoparticles.

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150284526A1
Автор: Yoshida Toru

Polypropylene resin foamed particles containing a polypropylene random copolymer having a ratio of a Z-average molecular weight Mz to a number average molecular weight Mn, Mz/Mn, of 20 or more and 300 or less, a melt-flow rate of 5 g/10 minutes or more and 20 g/10 minutes or less, a melt strength of 2.5 cN or less, and a flexural modulus of 600 MPa or more and 1600 MPa or less, and preferably having at least two heat quantity areas of fusion can provide an in-mold foam molded article such as a returnable box having a short molding cycle at in-mold foam molding and beautiful surface properties; and are excellent in moldability even if an inner pressure more than the atmospheric pressure is not provided to the particles or the particles are filled in a mold without compressing them with a gas during the in-mold foam molding. 1. Polypropylene resin foamed particles comprising , as a base material resin , a polypropylene random copolymer which has a ratio of a Z-average molecular weight Mz to a number average molecular weight Mn , Mz/Mn , of 20 or more and 300 or less; a melt-flow rate of 5 g/10 minutes or more and 20 g/10 minutes or less; a melt strength of 2.5 cN or less; and a flexural modulus of 600 MPa or more and 1600 MPa or less.2. The polypropylene resin foamed particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene random copolymer has an Mz/Mn of 20 or more and 140 or less.3. The polypropylene resin foamed particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene random copolymer has an Mz/Mn of 23 or more and 60 or less.4. The polypropylene resin foamed particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene random copolymer has a melt strength of 1.5 cN or less.5. The polypropylene resin foamed particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene random copolymer has a flexural modulus of 1300 MPa or more and 1600 MPa or less.6. The polypropylene resin foamed particles according to claim 1 , wherein the polypropylene random copolymer is a ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210355307A1

The present invention relates to a polypropylene composition, an injection molded article comprising the polypropylene composition, a foamed article comprising the polypropylene composition as well as the use of said polypropylene composition for reducing the stiffness reduction factor of a foamed injection molded article by at least 200 as determined by the difference of the flexural modulus measured according to ISO 178 of the non-foamed and foamed injection molded article. 1. A polypropylene composition comprisinga) from 65 to 85 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of a polypropylene homopolymer (HPP),b) from 10 to 35 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of a polypropylene copolymer (CPP),c) from 0 to 30 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of a filler (F), andd) from 2.5 to 5 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of at least one additive selected from the group consisting of colorants, pigments, stabilisers, acid scavengers, nucleating agents, foaming agents, antioxidants and mixtures thereof,wherein the sum of the amount of the polypropylene homopolymer (HPP), the polypropylene copolymer (CPP), the filler (F) and the at least one additive in the polypropylene composition is 100.0 wt. %.2. The polypropylene composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises:a) from 65 to 75 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of the polypropylene homopolymer (HPP),b) from 25 to 35 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of a polypropylene copolymer (CPP), andc) from 2.5 to 5 wt. %, based on the total weight of the composition, of at least one additive selected from the group consisting of colorants, pigments, stabilisers, acid scavengers, nucleating agents, foaming agents, antioxidants and mixtures thereof.3. The polypropylene composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyproyplene composition has:{'sub': '2', 'a) a melt flow rate MFR(230° C.) measured according ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170283542A1

A flame retarded slabstock polyurethane foam composition including polyol and polyisocyanate as main materials, and an additive for forming a general polyurethane foam except for a flame retarded agent, in which the polyol may be polyether polyol and may include 10 to 45 wt % of polyether polyol (A) having a weight-average molecular weight of 2,000 to 5,000 g/mol and 55 to 90 wt % of polyether polyol (B) having a weight-average molecular weight of 600 to 1,500 g/mol, and an isocyanate index of the composition defined by Equation 1 may be in a range of 70 to 95, and Equation 1 may be Isocyanate index=mole of isocyanate group (NCO)/mole of hydroxyl group (OH)×100. 1. A flame retarded slabstock polyurethane foam composition , comprising: {'br': None, 'isocyanate index=amount in moles of isocyanate group (NCO)/amount in moles of hydroxyl group (OH)×100.'}, 'polyol and polyisocyanate as main materials, and an additive for forming a general polyurethane foam and not a flame retardant agent, wherein the polyol is polyether polyol and includes 10 to 45 wt % of polyether polyol A having a weight-average molecular weight of 2,000 to 5,000 g/mol and 55 to 90 wt % of polyether polyol B having a weight-average molecular weight of 600 to 1,500 g/mol, and an isocyanate index of the composition of a range of 70 to 95 as defined by the following equation2. The flame retarded slabstock polyurethane foam composition of claim 1 , comprising: 100 parts by weight of polyether polyol; 30 to 120 parts by weight of polyisocyanate; 0.01 to 2 parts by weight of an amine-based catalyst; 0.01 to 2 parts by weight of a silicon-based foam stabilizer; 1 to 5 parts by weight of a foaming agent; and 1 to 20 parts by weight of a cell opener.3. The flame retarded slabstock polyurethane foam composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyether polyol comprises bio polyether polyol induced from vegetable oil.4. The flame retarded slabstock polyurethane foam composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyisocyanate ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200270821A1
Автор: Hanson, JR. Wallace Lee

Disclosed is an infill for an artificial turf field, the infill comprising: from about 40 wt. % to about 60 wt. % of a polyvinyl chloride resin; from about 5 wt. % to about 30 wt. % of a plasticizer derived from a naturally occurring source; from about 2 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of a reflective pigment; from about 0.01 wt. % to about 0.1 wt. % of a blowing agent; and from about 5 wt. % to about 30 wt. % of a filler. The infill is pelletized and maintains the temperature of an artificial turf field, when disposed throughout the artificial turf field, at a temperature about 15° F. to about 25° F. less than a temperature of a comparative artificial turf under substantially similar ambient and environmental conditions, wherein a comparative infill of the comparative artificial turf consists essentially of crumbed rubber infill. 1. An infill comprising:from about 40 wt. % to about 60 wt. % of a polyvinyl chloride resin;from about 5 wt. % to about 30 wt. % of a plasticizer derived from a naturally occurring source;from about 2 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of a reflective pigment;from about 0.01 wt. % to about 0.1 wt. % of a blowing agent; andfrom about 5 wt. % to about 30 wt. % of a filler, wherein the filler is calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, a silica powder, or a combination thereof, and wherein the filler has a specific gravity of greater than 2,wherein the infill has a melting point greater than 200° F.,wherein the infill is pelletized and exhibits a specific gravity greater than 1, andwherein the pelletized infill maintains the temperature of an artificial turf field, when disposed throughout the artificial turf field, at a temperature about 15° F. to about 25° F. less than a temperature of a comparative artificial turf under substantially similar ambient and environmental conditions, wherein a comparative infill of the comparative artificial turf consists essentially of crumbed rubber infill.2. The infill of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer is derived from corn or ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282502A1
Автор: Liu Guobin

A kind of aromatic latex and its fabricating method of mixing and foaming by the following components at the weight ratio of 10˜20 percent of natural latex, 70˜80 percent of synthetic latex, 0.5˜2 percent of aromatizer, 1˜3 percent of fatty acid ester, 4˜6 percent of sulphur, 1˜3 percent of zinc oxide, 0.5˜2 percent of curing agent. The present invention belongs to the technical field of latex material, particularly a kind of aromatic latex and its fabricating method with merits of high breathability, high elasticity, strong supporting force, aromatic and fresh smell that can improve the sleep quality with the efficacy of skin care and health care. This aromatic latex is mainly used for fabrication of latex mattress. 1. A kind of aromatic latex mixed and foamed by the following components at the weight ratio of 10˜20 percent of natural latex , 70˜80 percent of synthetic latex , 0.5˜2 percent of aromatizer , 1˜3 percent of fatty acid ester , 4˜6 percent of sulphur , 1˜3 percent of zinc oxide , and 0.5˜2 percent of curing agent.2. The aromatic latex of claim 1 , which is mixed and foamed by the following components at the weight ratio of 15 percent of natural latex claim 1 , 75 percent of synthetic latex claim 1 , 1 percent of aromatizer claim 1 , 2 percent of fatty acid ester claim 1 , 4 percent of sulphur claim 1 , 2 percent of zinc oxide claim 1 , and 1 percent of curing agent.3. The aromatic latex of claim 1 , wherein the molecular weight of the said natural latex is 2×10˜3×10g/mol; the solid content of the said natural latex is no lower than 60%; the particle diameter of the said natural latex is 1˜2 μm.4. The aromatic latex of claim 1 , wherein the said synthetic latex is styrene butadiene rubber.5. The aromatic latex of claim 1 , wherein the said aromatizer is green tea powder or rose powder.6. A fabricating method for aromatic latex comprising the following procedures:1) Taking every component according to the weight ratio;2) Mixing uniformly the natral latex, ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304689A1
Автор: Takemoto Masahiko
Принадлежит: TOYO TIRE & RUBBER CO., LTD.

A polyrotaxane is blended into a polyol composition, which can reduce the tensile stress of a flexible polyurethane foam. A vertical compressive stress due to the weight of a sitting user and a tensile stress due to the input of lateral vibrations act on a urethane pad. However, by reducing the tensile stress of the flexible polyurethane foam, the direction (inclination) of a resultant force obtained by combining the compressive stress and the tensile stress can be brought close to the vertical direction. Thus, the angle of inclination of the user's hip (ischium) on the urethane pad to the vertical direction due to the input of lateral vibrations can be reduced, so that the sense of wobble of the urethane pad can be reduced. 1. A polyol composition for producing a flexible polyurethane foam , the polyol composition containing a polyol component , an isocyanate component , a polyrotaxane , and a medium capable of dissolving or dispersing the polyrotaxane ,wherein the polyrotaxane includes an axle molecule including hydroxyl group-containing cyclic molecules thereon in a skewered manner and stopper groups placed at both ends of the axle molecule.2. The polyol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the medium contains as a main ingredient a compound having a weight-average molecular weight of 100 or more.3. The polyol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the medium contains as a main ingredient a compound having one or two hydroxyl groups per molecule.4. The polyol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the medium is a surfactant.5. The polyol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the medium contains a polyoxyalkylene group-containing compound as a main ingredient.6. A flexible polyurethane foam obtained by foaming and curing the polyol composition according to .7. A method for producing a flexible polyurethane foam claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a first step of obtaining a solution in which the polyrotaxane ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160304690A1

A polyrotaxane is blended into a polyol composition, which can reduce the tensile stress of a flexible polyurethane foam. A vertical compressive stress due to the weight of a sitting user and a tensile stress due to the input of lateral vibrations act on a urethane pad. However, by reducing the tensile stress of the flexible polyurethane foam, the direction (inclination) of a resultant force obtained by combining the compressive stress and the tensile stress can be brought close to the vertical direction. Thus, the angle of inclination of the user's hip (ischium) on the urethane pad to the vertical direction due to the input of lateral vibrations can be reduced, so that the sense of wobble of the urethane pad can be reduced. 1. A polyol composition for producing a flexible polyurethane foam ,the polyol composition containing a polyol component, an isocyanate component, and a polyrotaxane,wherein the polyrotaxane includes an axle molecule including cyclic molecules thereon in a skewered manner and stopper groups placed at both ends of the axle molecule.2. The polyol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyrotaxane has a hydroxyl value of 30 to 85 mgKOH/g.3. The polyol composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polyrotaxane is blended in 0.9 to 30 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the polyol component.4. A flexible polyurethane foam obtained by foaming and curing the polyol composition according to . The present invention relates to polyol compositions for producing flexible polyurethane foams and flexible polyurethane foams and particularly relates to a polyol composition and a flexible polyurethane foam from which a urethane pad capable of reducing a sense of wobble can be produced.Urethane pads used for seats mounted on conveyances, such as vehicles, boats, ships, and aircraft, furniture chairs, and the like may give users a sense of lateral wobble. For example, an urethane pad mounted on a vehicle may be deformed by vibrations in a low- ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации

Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant Polyolefin Composite Foam Material And Preparation Method Thereof

Номер: US20160304691A1
Автор: CHEN Zhijie, ZHENG Yuying

This present invention discloses a halogen-free flame retardant polyolefin foam composite, which is comprises: 80-125 parts by weight of ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), 8-13 parts by weight of high density polyethylene (HDPE) or low density polyethylene (LDPE), 15-25 parts by weight of polyolefin elastomer (POE), 60-77 parts by weight of acid source material, 17-22 parts by weight of carbon source material, 8-11 parts by weight of gas source material, 1-8 parts by weight of retardant synergist, 5.5-8 parts by weight of composite foaming agent, 0.7-1.0 parts by weight of crosslinking agent, 4.0-5.5 parts by weight of plasticizer, 0.5-1.6 parts by weight of surface treatment agent, 20-35 parts by weight of compatibility, 6-14 parts by weight of inorganic filler, and 1.6-4.6 parts by weight of additive. This halogen-free flame retardant polyolefin foam composite has the advantages of good softness, flexibility, impact resistance, low density, low compressibility and deformability, good shock absorbability, and so on. 1. A halogen-free flame retardant polyolefin foam composite comprising:80-125 parts by weight of ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA),8-13 parts by weight of high density polyethylene (HDPE) or low density polyethylene (LDPE),15-25 parts by weight of polyolefin elastomer (POE),60-77 parts by weight of acid source material,17-22 parts by weight of carbon source material,8-11 parts by weight of gas source material,1-8 parts by weight of retardant synergist,5.5-8 parts by weight of composite foaming agent,0.7-1.0 parts by weight of crosslinking agent,4.0-5.5 parts by weight of plasticizer,0.5-1.6 parts by weight of surface treatment agent,20-35 parts by weight of compatibility,6-14 parts by weight of inorganic filler, and1.6-4.6 parts by weight of additive.2. The composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the POE comprises one or more of the following materials: ethylene-octene copolymer claim 1 , ethylene-styrene copolymer claim 1 , ethylene- ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315351A1

A polylactic acid-based resin foamed molded article having a voidage of 5 to 45% by volume, a bulk density BD [g/cm] of 0.01 to 0.2 g/cmand a ratio FT/BD of a flexural strength FT [MPa] thereof to the bulk density BD in the range of 6 to 25 MPa·cm/g. 1. A polylactic acid-based resin foamed molded article having a voidage of 5 to 45% by volume , a bulk density BD [g/cm] of 0.01 to 0.2 g/cmand a ratio FT/BD of a flexural strength FT [MPa] thereof to the bulk density BD in the range of 6 to 25 MPa·cm/g.2. The polylactic acid-based resin foamed molded article according to claim 1 , wherein said polylactic acid-based resin foamed molded article is obtained by molding polylactic acid-based resin expanded beads that show at least one high temperature peak having a peak top temperature higher than a reference temperature and at least one low temperature peak having a peak top temperature equal to or lower than the reference temperature on a first heating run DSC curve obtained when a measurement samples from the polylactic acid-based resin expanded beads is heated from 23° C. to a first temperature higher by 30° C. than a fusion peak ending temperature at a heating speed of 10° C./min according to heat flux differential scanning calorimetry referenced in JIS K7122 (1987) claim 1 ,wherein said reference temperature is a peak top temperature of an endothermic peak that is located on the highest temperature side on a second heating run DSC curve obtained when the measurement sample, after having been maintained at said first temperature for 10 minutes and then cooled to 30° C. at a cooling speed of 10° C./min, is heated from 30° C. to a second temperature higher by 30° C. than a fusion peak ending temperature at a heating speed of 10° C./min according to heat flux differential scanning calorimetry referenced in JIS K7122 (1987).3. The polylactic acid-based resin foamed molded article according to claim 2 , wherein said at least one high temperature peak has a total calorific ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160326297A1

Additives for making polyurethanes are disclosed. The additives are based on combining specific carboxylic acids or carboxylic di-acids together with a gelling catalysts obtained when mixing an isocyanate-reactive tertiary amine catalysts with dimethyl tin di carboxylate salts and/or dimethyltin mercaptide salts. 1) A catalyst composition for making polyurethane polymer comprising a combination of: i) at least one dimethyltin di-carboxylate salt , ii) at least one gelling tertiary amine catalyst , and 3) at least one organic carboxylic acid.2) The composition of wherein the at least one gelling tertiary amine catalysts having at least one isocyanate-reactive group.3) The composition of wherein the at least one carboxylic acid comprises at least one member selected from the group consisting of organic aromatic carboxylic acids and alkyl/alkenyl or substituted alkyl/alkenyl organic carboxylic di-acids.4) The composition of further comprising at least one blowing catalyst5) A catalyst composition for making polyurethane polymer comprising a combination of: i) at least one dimethyltin mercaptide salt claim 1 , ii) at least one gelling tertiary amine catalyst claim 1 , and 3) at least one organic carboxylic acid.6) The composition of further comprising at least one dimethyltin di-carboxylate salt.7) The composition of further comprising at least one blowing catalyst.8) A method for making polyurethane polymer comprising contacting at least one polyol and at least one isocyanate while in the presence of the catalyst of .9) The method of wherein the method further comprising contacting in the presence of at least one blowing catalyst and at least one blowing agent thereby forming a polyurethane foam.10) A method for making polyurethane polymer comprising contacting at least one polyol and at least one isocyanate while in the presence of the catalyst of .11) The method of further comprising contacting in the presence of at least one blowing catalyst and at least one blowing ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327659A1

A composition and method for making polymeric foam is provided. The composition includes a flame retardant composition comprising brominated polymeric compounds. The resulting polymeric foams have a low bromine content of from about 0.01-0.5 wt. %, while maintaining acceptable flame retardant characteristics. 1. A foamable polymeric mixture comprising:a polymer composition;a blowing agent composition; anda flame retardant composition comprising a brominated polymeric compound;wherein the foamable polymeric mixture comprises from about 0.01-0.5 wt. % bromine.2. The foamable polymeric mixture of claim 1 , wherein the brominated polymeric compound comprises a block copolymer of polystyrene and brominated polybutadiene claim 1 , wherein the brominated polymeric compound has a bromine content less than about 70 wt. %.3. (canceled)4. The foamable polymeric mixture of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant composition further comprises at least one stabilizer selected from the group consisting of a phenolic antioxidant claim 1 , an organophosphite antioxidant claim 1 , an aromatic amine antioxidant claim 1 , an epoxy stabilizer claim 1 , a brominated epoxy stabilizer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. (canceled)6. The foamable polymeric mixture of claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant composition further comprises a synergist selected from the group consisting of 2 claim 1 ,3-dimethyl-2 claim 1 ,3-diphenyl butane claim 1 , poly(1 claim 1 ,4-diisopropylbenzene) claim 1 , bis(α-phenylethyl)sulfone claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,2% dimethyl-2 claim 1 ,2′-azobutane claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,2′-dichloro-2 claim 1 ,2′-azobutane claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,2′-dibromo-2 claim 1 ,2′-azobutane claim 1 , α claim 1 ,α′-bis-t-butylperoxy-diisopropylenebenzene claim 1 , dioctyl tin maleate claim 1 , dibutyl tin maleate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. (canceled)8. The foamable polymeric mixture of claim 1 , wherein the blowing agent is selected from water claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , methyl ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322830A1

A porous material according to an embodiment of the present invention is a porous material having a large number of fibrous skeletons containing polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component, in which another fluororesin is evenly present on outer peripheral surfaces of fibers of the large number of fibrous skeletons, and the other fluororesin is a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluorodioxole copolymer, a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoromethyl vinyl ether copolymer, a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoroethyl vinyl ether copolymer, a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoropropyl vinyl ether copolymer, or a combination of these. 1. A porous material comprising a large number of fibrous skeletons containing polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component ,wherein another fluororesin is evenly present on outer peripheral surfaces of fibers of the large number of fibrous skeletons, andthe other fluororesin is a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluorodioxole copolymer, a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoromethyl vinyl ether copolymer, a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoroethyl vinyl ether copolymer, a tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoropropyl vinyl ether copolymer, or a combination of these.2. The porous material according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the other fluororesin relative to 100 parts by mass of the polytetrafluoroethylene is 0.08 parts by mass or more and 2.0 parts by mass or less.3. The porous material according to claim 1 , wherein the porous material has a porosity of 30% by volume or more and 80% by volume or less.4. The porous material according to claim 1 , wherein the other fluororesin is also present inside the fibers of the large number of fibrous skeletons.5. The porous material according to claim 1 , wherein the porous material has an average thickness of 50 μm or more and 5 mm or less.6. A gas sensor comprising the porous material according to in a vent portion.7. A method for producing a porous material having a large number of fibrous skeletons containing polytetrafluoroethylene as a main component ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170342229A1

The present disclosure relates to a method for preparing high-performance melamine foam, comprising the following steps: preparing a primary polymer of waterborne melamine formaldehyde resin; uniformly mixing the primary polymer of the waterborne melamine formaldehyde resin, the polar solvent, the surfactant and the additive to obtain a mixture A; uniformly mixing the mixture A with the solid methylol melamine to obtain a mixture B; uniformly mixing the mixture B with the foaming agent to obtain a mixture C; uniformly mixing the mixture C with the curing agent to obtain a mixture D; and carrying out microwave radiation, foaming, curing, drying and quenching on the mixture D in a microwave foaming device to obtain the high-density melamine foam. The melamine foam described in the present invention has high density and high strength performance. 1. A method for preparing high-performance melamine foam , characterized by comprising the following steps:a. preparing a primary polymer of waterborne melamine formaldehyde resin;b. uniformly mixing the primary polymer of the waterborne melamine formaldehyde resin, a polar solvent, a surfactant and an additive in a thermostatic mixing tank proportionally to obtain a mixture A;c. uniformly mixing the mixture A with solid methylol melamine in a thermostatic single screw extruder or twin-screw extruder proportionally to obtain a mixture B;d. uniformly mixing the mixture B with a foaming agent in the twin-screw extruder proportionally to obtain a mixture C;e. uniformly mixing the mixture C with a curing agent in a thermostatic high-speed mixer proportionally to obtain a mixture D; andf. carrying out microwave radiation, foaming, curing, drying and quenching on the mixture D in a microwave foaming device to obtain the high-performance melamine foam.2. The method for preparing the high-performance melamine according to claim 1 , characterized in that a solid content of the mixture B in step c is 70% to 99%.3. The method for ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200332093A1

A composition comprising at least the following components: A) an olefin multi-block copolymer; and B) a silicone rubber that comprises pendant vinyl groups, and optionally comprises terminal vinyl groups. 1. A composition comprising at least the following components:A) an olefin multi-block copolymer; andB) a silicone rubber that comprises pendant vinyl groups, and optionally comprises terminal vinyl groups.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the silicone rubber has a weight average molecular weight (Mw)≥200 claim 1 ,000 g/mole.3. The composition of or claim 1 , wherein the silicone rubber comprises one or more structures selected from i) claim 1 , and optionally one or more structures selected from ii) below:{'sub': '2', 'i) —O—[Si(R)(CH═CH)]-[Si(R′)(R″)]—O—, where R, R′ and R″ are each, independently, an alkyl group, and further a C1-C6 alkyl group, and wherein R, R′ and R″ may all be the same alkyl group;'}{'sub': '2', 'sup': IV', 'V', 'IV', 'V', 'IV', 'V, 'ii) HC═CH-[Si(R)(R)]—O—, where Rand Rare each, independently, an alkyl group, and further a C1-C6 alkyl group, and wherein Rand Rmay be the same alkyl group.'}4. The composition of any one of the previous claims claim 1 , wherein the silicone rubber that comprises pendant vinyl groups and terminal vinyl groups.5. The composition of any one of the previous claims claim 1 , wherein the olefin/alpha-olefin block copolymer has a density from 0.866 g/cc to 0.887 g/cc.6. The composition of any one of the previous claims claim 1 , wherein the olefin/alpha-olefin block copolymer has a melt index (12) from 0.5 to 5.0 g/10 min (190° C. and 2.16 kg).7. The composition of any one of the previous claims claim 1 , wherein the olefin multi-block copolymer is an ethylene/α-olefin multi-block copolymer.8. The composition of any one of the previous claims claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises from 10 wt % to 30 wt % of component B claim 1 , based on weight of component A and component B.9. An article comprising at ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150361238A1

A thermoplastic resin foam that is formed of a thermoplastic resin composition including 100 parts by mass of a thermoplastic resin and 0.001 to 30 parts by mass of a fluorine-containing highly branched polymer, wherein the fluorine-containing highly branched polymer is a fluorine-containing highly branched polymer that is obtained by polymerizing a monomer A having in a molecule two or more radical-polymerizable double bonds with a monomer B having in a molecule a fluoroalkyl group and at least one radical-polymerizable double bond, in presence of a polymerization initiator C in an amount of 5 to 200 mol % with respect to the number of moles of the monomer A; and a method for producing the foam. 1. A thermoplastic resin foam that is formed of a thermoplastic resin composition comprising 100 parts by mass of a thermoplastic resin (a) and 0.001 to 30 parts by mass of a fluorine-containing highly branched polymer (b) , whereinthe fluorine-containing highly branched polymer (b) is a fluorine-containing highly branched polymer that is obtained by polymerizing a monomer A having in a molecule two or more radical-polymerizable double bonds with a monomer B having in a molecule a fluoroalkyl group and at least one radical-polymerizable double bond, in presence of a polymerization initiator C in an amount of 5 to 200 mol % with respect to the number of moles of the monomer A.2. The thermoplastic resin foam according to claim 1 , whereinthe monomer B is a compound that has at least either one of a vinyl group and a (meth)acrylic group.5. The thermoplastic resin foam according to claim 1 , whereinthe monomer A is a compound having either one or both of a vinyl group and a (meth)acrylic group.6. The thermoplastic resin foam according to claim 5 , whereinthe monomer A is a divinyl compound or a di(meth)acrylate compound.7. The thermoplastic resin foam according to claim 5 , whereinthe monomer A is divinylbenzene or ethylene glycol di(meth)acrylate.8. The thermoplastic resin ...

31-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150376362A1

Disclosed is a porous membrane comprising a cellulosic material and a copolymer of the formula: A-B-A (I) or A-B (II), wherein block A, for example, polyglycerol, a polymer of allyl glycidyl ether, or a copolymer of glycidol and allyl glycidyl ether, or a polymer of allyl glycidyl ether or a copolymer of glycidol and allyl glycidyl ether wherein one or more allyl groups having been replaced by hydrophilic groups. Also disclosed is a method for preparing such a membrane. 1. A porous membrane comprising a cellulosic material and a block copolymer of the formula: A-B-A (I) or A-B (II) ,wherein block A is:(i) a hydrophilic polymeric segment comprising polyglycerol;(ii) a polymer of allyl glycidyl ether, said polymer having allyl groups;{'sub': 2', 'a', '2', 'b', '2, '(iii) a polymer of allyl glycidyl ether wherein one more of the allyl groups have been replaced with 1,2-dihydroxypropyl group or a group of the formula: —(CH)—S—(CH)—X, wherein a is 3 and b is 1 to 3, and X is selected from an acidic group, a basic group, a cation, an anion, a zwitterion, halo, hydroxyl, acyl, acyloxy, alkylthio, alkoxy, aldehydo, amido, carbamoyl, ureido, cyano, nitro, epoxy, a group of the formula —C(H)(COOH)(NH), and a group of the formula —C(H)(COOH)(NHAc), or a salt thereof;'}(iv) a copolymer of glycidol and allyl glycidyl ether, the copolymer having one or more allyl groups; or{'sub': 2', 'a', '2', 'b', '2, '(v) a copolymer of glycidol and allyl glycidyl ether, wherein one or more of the allyl groups of the copolymer have been replaced with 1,2-dihydroxypropyl group or a group of the formula: —(CH)—S—(CH)—X, wherein a is 3 and b is 1 to 3, and X is selected from an acidic group, a basic group, a cation, an anion, a zwitterion, halo, hydroxyl, acyl, acyloxy, alkylthio, alkoxy, aldehydo, amido, carbamoyl, ureido, cyano, nitro, epoxy, a group of the formula —C(H)(COOH)(NH), and a group of the formula —C(H)(COOH)(NHAc), or a salt thereof; and'}block B is an aromatic hydrophobic polymeric ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190350356A1

Polishing media in the form of bristles made from a porous polymer-based material, apparatus and systems including the media, and methods of forming and using the media, apparatus, and systems are disclosed. A method of manufacturing bristles for use in polishing a workpiece which includes a non-planar surface includes the steps of combining a liquid polymer material and a foaming agent to form a foamed polymeric material, and separating the foamed polymeric material into a plurality of bristles. The foaming agent is configured to impart a porosity to the polymeric material, where the porosity is characterized by a density in the range of 0.3 to 1.2 g/cm. 1. A polishing brush comprising a plurality of bristles , wherein:each bristle of the plurality of bristles comprises a porous polymeric material; andeach bristle of the plurality of bristles comprises a constrained proximal end and an unconstrained distal end.2. The polishing brush of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material comprises at least one of a polyurea claim 1 , a polyurethane claim 1 , and a polyurethane/polyurea hybrid material.3. The polishing brush of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material comprises one of a polyester polyurethane and a polyether polyurethane.4. The polishing brush of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric material comprises a density in the range of 0.3 to 1.2 g/cm.5. The polishing brush of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric material comprises a density in the range of 0.4 to 0.7 g/cm.6. The polishing brush of claim 4 , wherein the polymeric material is characterized by pores having a mean diameter in the range of 10 microns to 3 millimeters.7. The polishing brush of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric material further comprises polyether polyol.8. The polishing brush of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material is foamed.9. The polishing brush of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material comprises at least one of an MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) and a TDI (toluene diisocyanate) type ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190359786A1

The present process is directed to a solvent-free process of expanding expandable polymeric hollow, fluid-filled microspheres. 1. A solvent-free process of expanding expandable polymeric hollow , fluid-filled microspheres comprising the steps of:agitating unexpanded expandable polymeric hollow fluid-filled microspheres in a vessel in the absence of solvent; andheating the vessel such that a free flowing mixture of expanded microspheres is formed; thereby expanding the expandable polymeric microsphere to a specific, larger particle size.2. (canceled)3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the microspheres are continuously agitated while heating.4. (canceled)5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the microspheres are continuously agitated before and during heating.6. (canceled)7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the microspheres are continuously agitated before claim 1 , during and after heating.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein the vessel further comprises an agitator that continuously moves the microspheres by shaking or stirring such that the material in contact with the side-walls of the vessel is kept moving.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the agitator comprises an impeller attached to a rotating shaft.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein the vessel further comprises one or more scraper blades.11. The process of claim 10 , wherein the scraper blade comprises a blade that continually scrapes the interior surface of the vessel claim 10 , thereby preventing scorching or a build-up of a product film on the interior side wall of the vessel.12. The process of claim 11 , wherein the scraper blades are selected from the group consisting of a stainless steel scraper; a nickel alloy scraper; a S/S backed claim 11 , Teflon® (Polytetrafluoroethylene)-tipped scraper; a Teflon® (Polytetrafluoroethylene) scraper; a Ryton® (Polyphenylene Sulfide) scraper; a ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) scraper; a scraper made of other plastics common to one skilled in the ...

28-08-2008 дата публикации

Polyvinylchloride/polyurethane hybrid foams with improved burn properties and reduced after-glow

Номер: US20080207784A1
Принадлежит: Bayer MaterialScience LLC

The present invention provides a rigid polyurethane foam comprising the reaction product, at an isocyanate index of from about 90 to about 400, of a polyisocyanate and a polyol component comprising, about 20 wt. % to about 80 wt. %, based on the weight of the polyol component, of a double metal cyamide (DMC)-catalyzed polyether polyol having a number average molecular weight of greater than about 1,000 Daltons (Da), about 80 wt. % to about 20 wt. %, based on the weight of the polyol component, of a sucrose-based polyol having a functionality of from about 2.5 to about 6 and a number average molecular weight of from about 350 Da to less than about 1,000 Da, and about 0 wt. % to about 40 wt. %, based on the weight of the polyol component, of a low molecular weight organic compound having a number average molecular weight of less than about 600 Da in the presence of water, polyvinylchloride (PVC) particles having a diameter of from about 0.1 microns to about 200 microns, glass beads having a diameter of from about 40 microns to about 400 microns, and about 1 wt. % to about 30 wt. %, based on the weight of the polyol component, of expanded graphite, optionally, in the presence of at least one of carbon dioxide, surfactants, flame retardants other than expanded graphite, crosslinking agents, pigments and catalysts, wherein the rigid polyurethane foam with a density of about 10 pcf to about 25 pcf has a heat sag measured at 102 mm overhang at 121° C. and one hour of less than about 5 mm and an average after-glow time of less than about 35 seconds. The inventive rigid polyurethane foams exhibit improved burn properties and reduced after-glow while maintaining improved heat sag performance over commercial materials.

23-01-1991 дата публикации

Process for the preparation of flexible polyester polyurethane foams

Номер: EP0409035A2
Принадлежит: TH Goldschmidt AG

Process for the preparation of flexible polyesterpolyurethane foams by reacting at least bifunctional polyesterols with at least bifunctional organic isocyanates in the presence of catalysts and of a stabiliser mixture of organic and organosilicon compounds, water, optionally blowing agents and optionally conventional additives, in which a stabiliser mixture is used which consists of … …  a) a (meth)allylpolyoxyalkylene ether polymer or a copolymer thereof with vinylmonomers and …  b) a polyoxyalkylene-polysiloxane block copolymer, the weight ratio of a : b being 1 : 9 to 9 : 1. … …<??>The polyester foams obtained have a high content of open cells and can be punched without edge adhesion.

08-07-2014 дата публикации

Polymeric compositions and foams, methods of making the same, and articles prepared from the same

Номер: US8772414B2
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The invention provides a composition comprising an ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated diene interpolymer, which has the following properties: an M z (abs)/M z (Conv) value greater than 1.35; an M z (BB)/M w (abs) value greater than 1.6; and a non-conjugated diene content less than 10 weight percent, based on the total weight of the interpolymer.

01-12-1998 дата публикации

Cross-linked low-density polymer foam

Номер: US5844009A
Принадлежит: Sentinel Products Corp

The invention relates to physically-blown low density polyethylene (LDPE) foams that are blends of an LDPE resin and a silane-grafted single-site initiated polyolefin resin. The LDPE resin generally has a density between about 0.91 and about 0.93 g/cm 3 and a melt index greater than 1, and the silane-grafted single-site initiated polyolefin resin generally is a copolymer of ethylene and a C 3 -C 20 alpha-olefin that has a density between about 0.86 and about 0.96 g/cm 3 and a molecular weight distribution between about 1.5 and about 3.5.

07-01-2014 дата публикации

Foamed polyolefin composition

Номер: US8623932B2
Принадлежит: Basell Poliolefine Italia SpA

A foamed polyolefin composition comprising (all percent amounts being by weight): A) 50%-90% of a polypropylene component; and B) 10%-50% of a copolymer component of ethylene and at least one C 3 -C 10 α-olefin, the copolymer containing from 15% to 50% of ethylene, and optionally minor amounts of a diene; the said amounts of (A) and (B) being referred to the total weight of (A) and (B); said composition having at least one of the following features i) and ii), or both: i) a Polydispersity Index of component (A) of 4 or more; ii) a value of viscosity [η] of the fraction soluble in xylene at room temperature equal to or higher than 3.5 dl/g.

16-01-2001 дата публикации

Open-cell foam and method of making

Номер: US6174471B1
Принадлежит: Dow Chemical Co

An open-cell polystyrene foam is provided which is formed from a blend of polystyrene and an ethylene-styrene interpolymer. The ethylene-styrene interpolymer functions as a cell opening agent, and is used to control the open cell content of the resulting foam, which may contain greater than 80 percent open cells. The foam is produced by an extrusion process in which carbon dioxide is used as the preferred blowing agent. The resulting foams may be formed into beads, plank, round, sheets, etc.

30-11-1999 дата публикации

Enlarged cell size foams made from blends of alkenyl aromatic polymers and alpha-olefin/vinyl or vinylidene aromatic and/or sterically hindered aliphatic or cycloaliphatic vinyl or vinylidene interpolymers

Номер: US5993707A
Принадлежит: Dow Chemical Co

This invention pertains to a composition and a process for preparing a closed cell alkenyl aromatic polymer foam having enlarged cell size, comprising one or more alkenyl aromatic polymers, one or more substantially random interpolymers, one or more blowing agents having zero ozone depletion potential and optionally one or more co-blowing agents, and optionally, one or more nucleating agents and optionally, one or more other additives. This combination allows the manufacture of closed cell, low density alkenyl aromatic polymer foams of enlarged cell size, when blowing agents of relatively high nucleation potential are employed. When such blowing agents are used with alkenyl aromatic polymers in the absence of the substantially random interpolymers, small cell foams result.

30-06-2011 дата публикации

Polymeric compositions and foams, methods of making the same, and articles prepared from the same

Номер: US20110160323A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

The invention provides a composition comprising an ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated diene interpolymer, which has the following properties: an M z (abs)/M z (Conv) value greater than 1.35; an M z (BB)/M w (abs) value greater than 1.6; and a non-conjugated diene content less than 10 weight percent, based on the total weight of the interpolymer. The invention also provides a process for forming a crosslinked composition, said process comprising: (a) forming a polymeric admixture comprising at least the following: (A) an ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated diene copolymer rubber (B) which has the following properties: an M z (abs)/M z (Conv) value less than 1.3; an M z (BB)/M w (abs) value greater than 1.6, but less than 2.5; and an M w (abs) value less than 350,000 g/mole; and (B) a coupling amount of (i) at least one poly(sulfonyl azide) or (ii) at least one peroxide; and (b) heating the resulting admixture to a temperature at least the decomposition temperature of the crosslinking agent. The invention also provides a process for forming a shaped article, said process comprising: (a) forming a polymeric admixture comprise of at least one ethylene/α-olefin/non-conjugated diene interpolymer, at least one sulfur-based curative or organic peroxide-based crosslinking agent, and, optionally, a process oil, carbon blacks, additional inorganic fillers, organic fillers, cure accelerators, and/or foaming agents; (b) shaping the resulting admixture; (c) heating the resulting admixture to a temperature at least the decomposition temperature of the sulfur-based cure agent or the peroxide crosslinking agent.

29-09-2011 дата публикации

Foamed Polyolefin Composition

Номер: US20110233449A1
Принадлежит: Basell Poliolefine Italia SpA

A foamed polyolefin composition comprising (all percent amounts being by weight): A) 50%-90% of a polypropylene component; and B) 10%-50% of a copolymer component of ethylene and at least one C 3 -C 10 α-olefin, the copolymer containing from 15% to 50% of ethylene, and optionally minor amounts of a diene; the said amounts of (A) and (B) being referred to the total weight of (A) and (B); said composition having at least one of the following features i) and ii), or both: i) a Polydispersity Index of component (A) of 4 or more; ii) a value of viscosity [η] of the fraction soluble in xylene at room temperature equal to or higher than 3.5 dl/g.

15-04-2020 дата публикации

Foamable polypropylene composition

Номер: EP3636710A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The present invention relates to a polypropylene composition, an injection molded article comprising the polypropylene composition, a foamed article comprising the polypropylene composition as well as the use of said polypropylene composition for reducing the stiffness reduction factor of a foamed injection molded article by at least 200 as determined by the difference of the flexural modulus measured according to ISO 178 of the non-foamed and foamed injection molded article.

16-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CN102257046B
Автор: A·梅德里, L·伦吉
Принадлежит: Basell Poliolefine Italia Srl

一种泡沫聚烯烃组合物,所述泡沫聚烯烃组合物包含(所有百分数均以重量计):A)50%-90%的聚丙烯组分;和B)10%-50%的乙烯和至少一种C 3 -C 10 α-烯烃的共聚物组分,所述共聚物包含15%至50%的乙烯和任选的少量二烯;所述(A)和(B)的量关系到(A)和(B)的总重量;所述组合物具有以下特征i)和ii)的至少之一或两者:i)4或更大的组分(A)的多分散指数;ii)在室温可溶于二甲苯的部分的粘度[η]值等于或高于3.5dl/g。
