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20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000126004U1

1. Проволока для изготовления силовых сетчатых конструкций, включающая металлическую основу и изоляционное покрытие основы, содержащее функциональный слой из наноструктурированного композиционного материала на основе полиэтилена, содержащего дисперсно-распределенные в полиэтиленовой матрице частицы монтмориллонита, отличающаяся тем, что покрытие дополнительно содержит адгезионный подслой из термопластичного клея, размещенный между основой и функциональным слоем, при этом композиционный материал функционального слоя покрытия содержит 0,1-2 мас.% монтмориллонита. 2. Проволока по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве металлической основы использована сталь. 3. Проволока по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно содержит цинковый слой, размещенный между металлической основой и адгезионным подслоем. 4. Проволока по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в функциональном слое использован органомодифицированный монтмориллонит. 5. Проволока по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что частицы монтмориллонита имеют пластинчатую форму, при этом длина пластинок составляет 100-200 нм, а толщина 2-6 нм. 6. Проволока по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что термопластичный клей адгезионного подслоя включает этиленвинилацетат, парафиновый воск и эфирканифоль. 7. Проволока по п.6, отличающаяся тем, что термопластичный клей дополнительно содержит минеральный наполнитель и антиоксидант. 8. Проволока по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что композиционный материал функционального слоя дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере один из компонентов, выбранный из группы: антиоксиданты, термостабилизаторы, светостабилизаторы, эластомеры, наполнители и красители. 9. Проволока по п.8, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве антиоксидантов использованы фенольные смолы. 10. Проволока по п.8, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве термостабилизаторов использованы фосфиты. 11. Проволока по п.8, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве светостабилизаторов использованы затрудненные амины. 12. Проволока по п.8, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве красителей ...

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000132077U1

Устройство для компенсации нагрузок, действующих на композитный материал с токопроводящими упрочняющими волокнами, содержащее блок управления и связанный с ним источник тока, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит связанный с источником тока датчик, измеряющий частоту колебаний композитного материала при нагрузке, и связанный с датчиком микропроцессор, соединенный с блоком управления и компенсирующий действующие нагрузки на композитный материал путем изменения величины тока в токопроводящих волокнах. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 132 077 U1 (51) МПК C22C 49/14 (2006.01) C08K 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012107494/02, 28.02.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.02.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2013 Бюл. № 25 R U 1 3 2 0 7 7 Формула полезной модели Устройство для компенсации нагрузок, действующих на композитный материал с токопроводящими упрочняющими волокнами, содержащее блок управления и связанный с ним источник тока, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно содержит связанный с источником тока датчик, измеряющий частоту колебаний композитного материала при нагрузке, и связанный с датчиком микропроцессор, соединенный с блоком управления и компенсирующий действующие нагрузки на композитный материал путем изменения величины тока в токопроводящих волокнах. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОМПЕНСАЦИИ НАГРУЗОК, ДЕЙСТВУЮЩИХ НА КОМПОЗИТНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ С ТОКОПРОВОДЯЩИМИ УПРОЧНЯЮЩИМИ ВОЛОКНАМИ 1 3 2 0 7 7 Адрес для переписки: 625000, г.Тюмень, ул. Володарского, 38, ТюмГНГУ, патентно-информационный отдел, Л.С. Ивановой (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет" (ТюмГНГУ) (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.02.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Кучерюк Виктор Иванович (RU), Шатайлова Наталья Викторовна (RU) ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140812U1

1. Огнезащитный вспучивающийся слоистый материал, включающий гибкую основу и огнезащитный полимерный слой, отличающийся тем, что в качестве гибкой основы он содержит бумагу с двухсторонним антиадгезионным покрытием, между гибкой основой и огнезащитным полимерным слоем расположен слой акриловой дисперсии, противоположная сторона огнезащитного полимерного слоя закрыта гидроизоляционным материалом, а огнезащитный полимерный слой выполнен из композиции, содержащей следующие компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: 2. Материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что толщина огнезащитного полимерного слоя составляет 1,1-1,5 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК B32B 33/00 C09K 21/00 C08L 23/34 C08K 3/00 C08K 5/00 (13) 140 812 U1 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013156602/05, 19.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2013 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Автопластик" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.05.2014 Бюл. № 14 Формула полезной модели 1. Огнезащитный вспучивающийся слоистый материал, включающий гибкую основу и огнезащитный полимерный слой, отличающийся тем, что в качестве гибкой основы он содержит бумагу с двухсторонним антиадгезионным покрытием, между гибкой основой и огнезащитным полимерным слоем расположен слой акриловой дисперсии, противоположная сторона огнезащитного полимерного слоя закрыта гидроизоляционным материалом, а огнезащитный полимерный слой выполнен из композиции, содержащей следующие компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: Хлорсульфированный полиэтилен R U 1 4 0 8 1 2 Пентаэритрит 8,0-12,0 12,0-20,0 Сахароза 5,0-8,0 Аммофос 18,0-28,0 Дициандиамид 10,0-15,0 Карбамид 5,0-8,0 Тетраборат натрия водный 5,0-8,0 Пудра оксида кремния 2,0-5,0 Эфир глицериновый таловой канифоли 0,6-1,0 Полиэтилен высокого давления в виде плёнки 1,0-2,0 Трихлорпропилфосфат 1,5-3,0 Хлорпарафин- ...

27-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000144524U1

1. Огнезащитный вспучивающийся слоистый материал, включающий гибкую основу и огнезащитный полимерный слой, отличающийся тем, что в качестве гибкой основы он содержит полиэтилентерефталатную пленку с двухсторонним антиадгезионным покрытием, между гибкой основой и огнезащитным полимерным слоем расположен слой акриловой дисперсии, противоположная сторона огнезащитного полимерного слоя закрыта гидроизоляционным материалом, а огнезащитный полимерный слой выполнен из композиции, содержащей следующие компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: 2. Материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что толщина огнезащитного полимерного слоя составляет 1,7-2,3 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 144 524 U1 (51) МПК B32B 7/10 (2006.01) C09K 21/12 (2006.01) C09K 21/14 (2006.01) C08K 3/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013156601/04, 19.12.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2013 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Автопластик" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2014 Бюл. № 24 Формула полезной модели 1. Огнезащитный вспучивающийся слоистый материал, включающий гибкую основу и огнезащитный полимерный слой, отличающийся тем, что в качестве гибкой основы он содержит полиэтилентерефталатную пленку с двухсторонним антиадгезионным покрытием, между гибкой основой и огнезащитным полимерным слоем расположен слой акриловой дисперсии, противоположная сторона огнезащитного полимерного слоя закрыта гидроизоляционным материалом, а огнезащитный полимерный слой выполнен из композиции, содержащей следующие компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: R U 1 4 4 5 2 4 Хлорсульфированный полиэтилен 6,0-9,0 Пентаэритрит 14,0-18,0 Полифосфат аммония 20,0-26,0 Дициандиамид 7,0-10,0 Тетраборат натрия водный 5,0-7,0 Эфир глицериновый талловой канифоли 1,0-2,0 Полиэтилен высокого давления в виде плёнки 0,5-1,5 Трихлорпропилфосфат 6,0-8,0 Хлорпарафин - 470 10,0-12,0 Окисленный ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Lubricant for thermoplastic polymers

Номер: US20120005991A1
Автор: Peter Daute
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a polymer composition, comprising at least one thermoplastic polymer, at least one pigment or at least one filler or a mixture thereof and at least one diester of a linear diol having 2 to 8 C-atoms with a linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated monocarboxylic acid having 6 to 44 C-atoms, wherein the fraction of diesters comprising different fatty acid radicals in a molecule is less than 10% by weight with regard to the total amount of diesters.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Connection sheet for solar battery cell electrode, process for manufacturing solar cell module, and solar cell module

Номер: US20120012153A1
Принадлежит: Shin Etsu Chemical Co Ltd

Disclosed is a connection sheet for a solar battery cell electrode, which is a polymer sheet for use in the connection between an electrode for extracting an electric power from a solar battery cell and a wiring member through an electrically conductive adhesive material by heating and pressurizing, and which is intercalated between a heating/pressurizing member and the wiring member upon use.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Firestop Composition Comprising Thermoplastic, Intumescent, and Flame Retardants

Номер: US20120022201A1
Принадлежит: Pyrophobic Systems Ltd

A composition for a firestop is provided. The composition comprises a thermoplastic; expandable graphite; alumina trihydrate; and a flame retardant compound or mixture comprising antimony and a halogen. There is also provided a flame retardant composite, which comprises expandable graphite; alumina trihydrate; antimony; and a halogen. The halogen may include bromine. The flame retardant compound may be brominated antimony. The flame retardant mixture may include an antimony oxide and a compound containing bromine. The flame retardant composite may comprise brominated antimony, or comprise antimony trioxide and a bromine-containing compound.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound with enhanced fluidity and method of preparing the same

Номер: US20120022202A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Fine Chemicals Co Ltd

Provided are a wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound and a method of preparing the same. The wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound comprises a first wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin with a low melting point, a second wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin with a high melting point, and an additive, wherein the amount of the first wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin is 5 to 10 parts by weight with respect to 100 parts by weight of the second wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Wholly Aromatic Liquid Crystalline Polyester Resin Compound Having Enhanced Releasing Property And Method Of Preparing The Same

Номер: US20120037848A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Fine Chemicals Co Ltd

A wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound and a method of preparing the same. The wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound includes at least one of a polyethylene-based resin and a polypropylene-based resin as an additive. The method of preparing the wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polyester resin compound includes adding at least one of a polyethylene-based resin and a polypropylene-based resin as an additive.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Water-based black ink composition for ink jet recording and image forming method

Номер: US20120050390A1
Автор: Naoko Nishimura
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A water-based black ink composition for ink jet recording including: a carbon black pigment at least partially coated with a water-insoluble first dispersant polymer containing a structural unit represented by the following formula (1) and a structural unit different from the structural unit represented by the following formula (1); a coloring pigment selected from the group consisting of a phthalocyanine pigment, a quinacridone pigment and an azo pigment, the coloring pigment being at least partially coated with the first dispersant polymer or a second dispersant polymer consisting of the same structural units as the structural units constituting the first dispersant polymer but having a composition ratio of the structural units different from a composition ratio of the structural units of the first dispersant polymer; and an aqueous medium:

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing printed circuit board including flame retardant insulation layer

Номер: US20120064231A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a printed circuit board including a flame retardant insulation layer. The printed circuit board of the present invention exhibits excellent thermal stability and excellent mechanical strength, is suitable for imprinting lithography process, provides improved reliability by reducing coefficient of thermal expansion, and has excellent adhesion between circuit patterns and an insulation layer.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Coating composition

Номер: US20120070673A1
Принадлежит: Merck Patent GmBH

The present invention relates to a pigmented coating composition for an automobile clear coat, to the use of a coating composition of this type, to an automobile clear coat, and to a process for the coating of an automobile with a clear coat.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Coatings and Hard Mask Compositions for Integrated Circuit Applications, Methods of Production and Uses Thereof

Номер: US20120070689A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A coating material is described herein that includes at least one inorganic compound, and at least one densifying agent, wherein the densifying agent increases the density of the coating material as compared to the density of the at least one inorganic compound. A method of producing a coating material is described herein that includes: providing at least one inorganic compound, providing at least one densifying agent, combining the at least one inorganic compound with the at least one densifying agent to form the coating material, wherein the densifying agent increases the density of the coating material as compared to the density of the at least one inorganic compound.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Superabsorbent polymer compositions having color stability

Номер: US20120083411A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Stockhausen LLC

The invention relates to absorptive, crosslinked polymeric compositions that are based on partly neutralized, monoethylenically unsaturated monomer carrying acid groups wherein the absorptive, crosslinked polymeric composition further includes an antioxidant and is color stable.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Composition for Solid Electrolyte and Solar Cell Using the Same

Номер: US20120104308A1
Принадлежит: Soken Chemical and Engineering Co Ltd

A composition for a solid electrolyte includes a polymer compound (A) and a charge transfer material. The polymer compound (A) is obtained by polymerizing a monomer (a) comprising a monomer (a-2) having chelating ability. The charge transfer material is preferably a carbon material and/or a π-conjugated polymer (β). When a polymer electrolyte layer of a dye-sensitized solar cell is formed from the above solid electrolyte, efficient charge transfer and sufficient charge life can be reconciled with each other.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Polyimide precursor solution composition containing filler, and polyimide film using same

Номер: US20120104310A1
Принадлежит: UBE Industries Ltd

There is provided a filler-containing dispersion solution exhibiting very improved filler dispersion stability by dispersing a filler in a solvent using a polyimide precursor solution composition. Furthermore, in the filler-containing dispersion solution, a tetracarboxylic dianhydride and/or its derivative is reacted with a diamine compound to prepare a filler-containing polyimide precursor solution composition, which is then used to provide a polyimide in which a filler is dispersed.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Resin composition, multilayer body containing the same, semiconductor device, and film

Номер: US20120126393A1
Автор: Kenji Iida
Принадлежит: Mitsui Chemicals Inc

Disclosed is a resin composition which has high heat dissipation properties and high electrical insulation properties at the same time, while having low-temperature bondability to a conductor circuit or the like. The resin composition contains (A) a thermoplastic polyimide resin having a glass transition temperature of 160 DEG C or less and (B) an inorganic filler. The aspect ratio, that is the value of length/thickness, of the inorganic filler (B) is 9 or more, and the content of the inorganic filler (B) is 40-70 weight % relative to the total weight of the resin composition. The resin composition has a melt viscoelasticity of 10-300 MPa (inclusive) at 170 DEG C.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Silane grafted polyethylene with a reduced level of extractable methanol

Номер: US20120128910A1
Автор: Carl M. Mahabir
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Inc

A hydrophobic molecular sieve having a pore size of about 5 Å can be blended into a silane grafted crosslinkable polyethylene to reduce the level of extractable methanol present in articles made with such polymeric compositions after crosslinking. The molecular sieve apparently acts to “lock-up” the methanol generated as a by-product of the crosslinking reaction without compromising the desirable chemical or physical properties of articles that are manufactured with the crosslinked polyethylene.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Reduced density opaque coatings and aerospace vehicles at least partially coated therewith

Номер: US20120141774A1
Принадлежит: PRC Desoto International Inc

Disclosed are reduced density coating compositions and articles, such as aerospace vehicles, at least partially coated with an opaque coating deposited from such compositions. The reduced density coating compositions include low density microspheres comprising a core and a solid opacifying coating covering a surface of the core.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Plastic molding material and method for producing it

Номер: US20120153532A1

A plastic molding material contains at least one filler and a polymer resin, selected from the group made up of cyanate ester resins, epoxy novolac resins, multifunctional epoxy resins, bismaleimide resins and their mixtures. The proportion of filler in the plastic molding material is in the range of 65 to 92 wt. %, with reference to the overall mass of the plastic molding material.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Tire Rubber Composition Comprising an Acetylacetonate Compound

Номер: US20120165446A1

Rubber composition which can be used in particular for the manufacture of s, comprising at least a diene elastomer, a reinforcing filler, a crosslinking system, between 0.2 and 10 phr of an antioxidant, such as a substituted para-phenylenediamine, and between 0.2 and 10 phr of chromium (III) acetylacetonate. This acetylacetonate compound makes it possible to advantageously reduce the consumption of antioxidant during the thermo-oxidizing ageing of the composition. Metal/rubber composite comprising such a composition and at least a metal reinforcing member. comprising such a composition or such a composite.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Solventless one liquid type cyanate ester-epoxy composite resin composition

Номер: US20120178853A1
Автор: Ryo Ogawa, Shinsuke Yamada
Принадлежит: Adeka Corp

The present invention is a solventless one liquid type cyanate ester-epoxy resin composition having high thermal resistance as well as excellent storage stability and curing properties, which contains (A) cyanate ester, (B) epoxy resin, (C) guanidine compounds and (D) at least one kind of phenol compounds selected from a group consisting of phenol compounds represented by the following general formulae. In the general formulae, 1 is an integer selected from 0 to 4, R 1 represents an unsubstituted or fluorine-substituted monovalent hydrocarbon group. General formula:

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Use of non-ionic surfactants to increase oxygen scavenger activity of functionalized polyolefin films

Номер: US20120187345A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

An oxygen-scavenging composition comprising (I) an oxidizable metal component, (II) an electrolyte component, (III) a non-electrolytic, acidifying component, and (IV) a non ionic surfactant component, preferably selected from the group consisting of alkyl polyethylene glycol ethers, polyethylene glycols, polypropylene glycols, polypropylene glycol polyethylene glycol block copolymers and polyethylene polyethylene glycol block copolymers.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Elastomeric Nanocomposites, Nanocomposite Compositions, and Methods of Manufacture

Номер: US20120190772A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

An elastomeric nanocomposite contains: (a) at least one elastomer comprising units derived from isoolefins having from 4 to 7 carbon atoms; (b) at least 10 phr of a carbon black; and (c) at least 1 phr of a nanoclay; wherein when the nanocomposite is used in an article, the article has a gas permeation coefficient of 80.0 cc*mm/[m 2 -day] at 40° C. The carbon black may be graphitized to reduce interactions between the carbon black and the nanoclays. The elastomeric nanocomposite may, with or without the use of the graphitized carbon black, may calendared or extruded in such a manner as to orient the nanoclay platelets within the composition such that the oriented nanoclay elastomer nanocomposite has an orientation parameter of greater than 0.15.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Low molecular weight phosphorus-containing polyacrylic acids and use thereof as dispersants

Номер: US20120202937A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

An aqueous solution of acrylic acid polymers having a total phosphorus content of organically and possibly inorganically bound phosphorus, wherein (a) a first portion of the phosphorus is present in the form of phosphinate groups bound within the polymer chain, (b) a second portion of the phosphorus is present in the form of phosphinate and/or phosphonate groups bound at the polymer chain end, (c) possibly a third portion of the phosphorus is present in the form of dissolved inorganic salts of phosphorus, wherein at least 76% of the total phosphorus content is present in the form of phosphinate groups bound within the polymer chain.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Glass fiber binder for aircraft insulation

Номер: US20120205571A1
Автор: Albert Lewis
Принадлежит: Glass Inc

Glass fiber compositions are provided in the form of mats comprising a binder of thermoplastic polymer or other non-hazardous insulation material which resists high temperatures such as 2,000° F. for long periods. A binder for a fiber insulation mat utilizes a high molecular weight resin polyacrylic acid polymer mixed with a catalyst such as sodium hypophosphite and triethonal to provide a bond. A silicone provides water repellency, a surfactant controls surface tension, and ammonia or an acid adjusts the pH and a silane.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Thermally conductive and electrically insulative polymer compositions containing a thermally insulative filler and uses thereof

Номер: US20120217434A1

Disclosed herein are compositions comprising a. from 35 to 80 vol % of a thermoplastic polymer; b. from 5 to 45 vol % of a thermally insulative filler with an intrinsic thermal conductivity less than or equal to 10 W/mK; and c. from 5 to 15 vol % of a thermally conductive filler with an intrinsic thermal conductivity greater than or equal to 50 W/mK, wherein the composition is characterized by: i. a thermal conductivity of at least 1.0 W/mK; ii. a thermal conductivity of at least 7 times the total filler volume fraction times the thermal conductivity of the pure thermoplastic polymer; and iii. a volume resistivity of at least 10 7 Ohm.cm. Also disclosed are articles and methods of use therefor.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Activated resol cure rubber composition

Номер: US20120225963A1
Принадлежит: Lanxess Elastomers BV

The invention is related to a vulcanizable rubber composition comprising an elastomeric polymer, a phenol formaldehyde resin cross-linker, and an activator package characterized in that the vulcanizable rubber composition comprises an activated zeolite. The invention also relates to a process for the manufacture of a vulcanized article comprising the steps of preparing a vulcanizable rubber composition, shaping the vulcanizable rubber composition and vulcanizing the shaped rubber composition. The invention further relates to a vulcanized article.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Conductive adhesive, method for manufacturing the same, and electronic device including the same

Номер: US20120228560A1
Принадлежит: Duk San Tekopia Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a conductive adhesive, a method for manufacturing the same, and an electronic device including the same. The conductive adhesive includes: a conductive particle; a low-melting alloy powder including an alloy including Sn and at least one material selected from the group consisting of Ag, Cu, Bi, Zn, In, and Pb; a nano powder; a first binder including a thermosetting resin; and a second binder including a rosin compound.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Reflector for light-emitting device, and light-emitting device

Номер: US20120228564A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corp, Nichia Corp

The present invention relates to a reflector for a light-emitting device consisting of (A) an polyamide composition comprising a polyamide polymerized from (a) a dicarboxylic acid comprising at least 50 mol % of an alicyclic dicarboxylic acid and (b) a diamine comprising at least 50 mol % of a diamine with a branched main chain.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrically insulating and thermally conductive composition and electronic device

Номер: US20120229981A1

An embodiment of the invention provides an electrically insulating and thermally conductive composition including 5-80 parts by weight of a resin, 20-95 parts by weight of an electrically insulating and thermally conductive powder, and 0.0001-2 parts by weight of a graphene. Another embodiment of the invention also provides an electronic device including the electrically insulating and thermally conductive composition.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Polyester resin containing tungsten-titanium carbide particles and polyester preform made therefrom

Номер: US20120232205A1
Автор: Zo-Chun Jen
Принадлежит: Nan Ya Plastics Corp

A polyester resin containing tungsten-titanium carbide particles having a weight ratio (W/Ti) of tungsten (W) to titanium (Ti) ranging between 5:5 and 7:3 is suitable to produce PET preforms possessed excellent infrared-absorbing capability, and the polyester resin as well as preforms and bottles made from the polyester resin are clearer and have good and less yellowish appearances.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Durable polyoxymethylene composition

Номер: US20120238680A1
Автор: Chi-En Lin, Jung-Pao Chang
Принадлежит: MIN AIK Tech CO Ltd

A durable polyoxymethylene composition includes a polyoxymethylene copolymer with 1,3-dioxolane as a comonomer, a lubricant, an inorganic filler, a nucleating agent including a sodium salt, a stabilizer, an anti-static agent. A ramp is made of the durable polyoxymethylene. The ramp and the durable polyoxymethylene have excellent micro-wear-resistant property.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

High magnesium surface concentration nanocalcite composites

Номер: US20120245253A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Compositions comprising surface-modified calcite nanoparticles dispersed in a curable resin and to coatings and fibrous composites incorporating such compositions are described. The nanocalcite particles have a high magnesium to calcium surface concentration ratio. The surface-modifying agents include a binding group ionically associated with the nanoparticles, and a compatiblizing segment compatible with the curable resin. The surface-modifying agent may also include a reactive group capable of reacting with the curable resin. Methods of preparing nanocalcite composites, and coatings and fibrous composites prepared from such nanocalcite composites are also described.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Heat resistant fluoroelastomer bushings

Номер: US20120259054A1
Автор: Shuichi Okutsu
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

A cured fluoroelastomer sensor bushing comprises A) fluoroelastomer having at least 53 wt. % fluorine, and B) 10 to 50 parts by weight, per hundred parts by weight fluoroelastomer, of carbon black a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 70-150 m 2 /g and a dibutyl phthalate absorption of 90-180 ml/100 g.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Mixtures composed of functionalized diene rubbers with trimethylolpropane and fatty acid, a process for production thereof and use thereof

Номер: US20120270974A1

The invention relates to functionalized diene rubbers with trimethylolpropane and fatty acid, to a process for production there of and use thereof for the production of wet-skid-resistant and low-rolling-resistance motor-vehicle tire treads with high abrasion resistance.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Polyimide resins for high temperature wear applications

Номер: US20120273731A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

Polyimide resin compositions that contain an end-capped rigid aromatic polyimide, graphite and, optionally, a filler selected from sepiolite, attapulgite, kaolinite, or a mixture thereof, are found to exhibit low wear at high temperatures. Such compositions are especially useful in molded articles that are exposed to wear conditions at high temperatures such as aircraft engine parts.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Tire component not in contact with air, based on natural rubber, a reinforcing filler and a dihydrazide

Номер: US20120277359A1

Tire component which is not in contact with air or with an inflation gas, comprising a rubber composition based on (a) an elastomeric matrix based on natural rubber, (b) a reinforcing filler, (c) from more than 2.5 to 8.5 phr of sulphur and (d) a dihydrazide compound corresponding to the following formula: in which R is a divalent hydrocarbon radical chosen from substituted or unsubstituted aromatic radicals having 6 to 20 carbon atoms, linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated, aliphatic radicals having 2 to 20 carbon atoms, and n is equal to 0 or 1. These tire components are more particularly those which comprise thread-like reinforcing elements, more especially metallic thread-like reinforcing elements, such as the carcass or crown plies of the tire.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Surface covering materials and products

Номер: US20120277365A1
Принадлежит: American Biltrite Canada Ltd

In various embodiments, the present inventions provide a heat and color stable flooring materials/product comprising between about 1 wt % to about 50 wt % a polyolefin-based elastomer material; between about 2 wt % to about 50 wt % a polyolefin-based thermoplastic material; between about 20 wt % to about 75 wt % a filler; and between about 0.25 wt % to about 5 wt % a curing system containing a peroxide. Also provided in various embodiments are method of making and using such a flooring material/product.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Rubber Composition Including an Expoxide Resin

Номер: US20120283360A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A rubber composition which can be used in particular in tires, based on at least one diene elastomer, one reinforcing filler, one crosslinking system, between 1 and 20 phr of an epoxide resin and between 1 and 15 phr of an amine-comprising curing agent. The pair formed of epoxide resin with an amine-comprising curing agent advantageously replaces the pair formed of phenol/formaldehyde resin, which is a methylene acceptor, with the curing agent(s) HMT or H3M, which are conventional methylene donors. The use of this pair of reactants, epoxide resin and amine-comprising curing agent, makes it possible to obtain rubber compositions exhibiting a greater low-strain stiffness in comparison with conventional rubber compositions, without significantly damaging the hysteresis. Moreover, the combination of a phenolic resin, which is a methylene acceptor, with HMT or H3M, which is a methylene donor, produces formaldehyde during the vulcanization of the rubber composition. In point of fact, it is desirable to reduce, indeed even in the long run to eliminate, the formaldehyde of rubber compositions due to the environmental impact of this compound.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Preparation method of clay/polymer composite using supercritical fluid-organic solvent system

Номер: US20120289618A1

The present invention relates to a method for preparing a clay/polymer composite having a predetermined form such as powder or porous foam with an enhanced thermal and mechanical stability using a simple, economical and eco-friendly supercritical fluid-organic solvent system, and more particularly, to a method for preparing a clay/biodegradable polymer stereoisomeric nanocomposite and a clay/polymer composite prepared by the method thereof. The method of preparing a clay/polymer composite according to the present invention may include (a) introducing a clay, a biodegradable single-phase D-type/L-type stereoisomeric polymer and an organic solvent into a reactor, (b) introducing a supercritical fluid into the reactor to form a stereoisomeric composite, and forming a clay/polymer composite dispersed with the clay on the stereoisomeric composite, and (c) collecting the clay/polymer composite, and the clay/polymer composite of the present invention is a clay/polymer composite prepared by the preparation method.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Powder coating composition

Номер: US20120289642A1
Автор: Bulent Tepe
Принадлежит: Ulster University

The present invention provides a powder coating composition, and in particular a corrosion protection enhanced high temperature resistant powder coating which, when exposed to high temperature, withstands adhesion failure or cracking, often called mud cracking, which is due to a mismatch in thermal coefficients between the coating and the substrate, the powder coating composition comprising a corrosion inhibitor and reinforcing fibres which increases the tensile modulus, elongation and tensile strength of the composition, allowing the reinforced powder coating to resist the above described cracking at elevated temperatures.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Compositions of polyesters and fibrous clays

Номер: US20120292812A1
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

Compositions of thermoplastic polyesters containing dispersed nanoparticles of fibrous clay are made by polymerizing the polyester precursors in the presence of exfoliated fibrous clay that has not been organically modified. The compositions have good physical properties and can be melt molded into various articles. Many of these articles may be coated (painted) and are especially useful for appearance parts such as visible exterior automotive body parts.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Vibration-proof rubber composition and vibration-proof rubber using the same

Номер: US20120302692A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd

A vibration-proof rubber composition excellent in both characteristics of durability and compression set characteristic is provided. A vibration-proof rubber composition includes components (A) to (C) below, wherein an amount of reacted silane coupling agent in the component (B) is 6.5% by weight or more, and an amount of unreacted silane coupling agent is in a range of 0.5 to 2.5% by weight: (A) diene rubber; (B) pre-treated silica prepared by surface-treating, with a silane coupling agent, silica having a BET specific surface area in a range of 180 to 230 m 2 /g; and (C) sulfur.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Global Composition System

Номер: US20120306912A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A global composition system is described. In one or more implementations, the global composition system may be configured to perform rendering for a plurality of applications. For example, the global composition system may be configured to expose one or more application programming interfaces (APIs) that are accessible to the applications. The APIs may then be used to cause a single composition engine to perform the rendering for the plurality of applications. The use of a single composition engine may be used to support a variety of different functionality, such as to perform efficient rendering by knowing what elements are provided by each of the applications and how those items relate for rendering to a display device.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Painted Polyolefin Articles

Номер: US20120308752A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Articles having a Shore A hardness of 50 to 95 and made from polyolefin compositions comprising an ethylene-alpha-olefin interpolymer (random or block or a mixture of the two) are paintable without the need for a primer or other surface treatment with paints free of phthalate-based plasticizer and designed to paint SBS- or SEBS-type rubber based compositions. These polyolefin compositions are free of (1) phthalate-based plasticizer, (2) halogen-containing polymer, and (3) leachable, small polymeric units derived from styrene monomer. In addition, the content of the alpha-olefin in the polyolefin composition is at least 9.7 mole percent.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing thermally-conductive adhesive sheet

Номер: US20120309879A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Denko Corp

Provided is a method for producing a thermally-conductive adhesive sheet including a thermally-conductive adhesive agent layer by performing: a composition preparation step of preparing a thermally-conductive adhesive agent composition including a thermally-conductive particle and an acrylic polymer component; and an adhesive agent layer formation step of forming a sheet-shaped thermally-conductive adhesive agent layer with the thermally-conductive adhesive agent composition, wherein in the composition preparation step, a cyclic organic compound of 8 or less carbon atoms, or an organic compound of 3 or less carbon atoms having a hydroxy, ketone, aldehyde, carboxyl or nitrile group is mixed as a constitutional component of the thermally-conductive adhesive agent composition.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Flame-retardant resin composition for aluminum electric wire and aluminum electric wire using same

Номер: US20120312582A1
Автор: Kousuke Kogo
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

The invention relates to a flame-retardant resin composition for an aluminum electric wire, the resin composition comprising: a base resin containing (A) 75 to 95 parts by weight of a resin composition containing 45 to 65 parts by weight of an olefin-based resin having a tensile modulus of 1000 to 1500 MPa, 10 to 30 parts by weight of an olefin-based resin having a D hardness of 40 to 55, and 5 to 15 parts by weight of a maleic acid-modified resin and (B) 5 to 25 parts by weight of a flexible resin, and (C) 90 to 150 parts by weight of magnesium hydroxide blended into 100 parts by weight of the base resin.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Solar cell backsheet

Номер: US20120328869A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

A solar cell backsheet is disposed to contact a sealing material on a cell side of a substrate at which solar cell elements are sealed with the sealing material, and includes a support that satisfies Equation (1) and an adhesive layer including a binder and inorganic fine particles in an amount of from 50% to 200% by volume of the total volume of the binder, peeling strength between the sealing material and the adhesive layer being 10 N/20 mm or more after the solar cell backsheet is stored in an 85° C. and 85% RH atmosphere for 1,000 hours. Equation (1): 1.0≧(ELBA)/(ELBB)≧0.5 (ELBA and ELBB respectively denote elongation at break after and before 50 hours of storage in a 120° C. and 100% RH atmosphere.) The backsheet has excellent adhesion to a sealing material in a wet and hot environment.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Optical assembly having a display panel and methods of making and disassembling same

Номер: US20130011683A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An optically clear adhesive layer includes a liquid optically clear adhesive having a viscosity of less than about 20 Pa·s at a shear rate of 1 sec −1 and a thixotrope. The optically clear adhesive layer has a haze of about 2% or less, a viscosity of between about 2 and about 30 Pa·s at a shear rate of 10 sec −1 , a displacement creep of about 0.2 radians or less when a stress of 10 Pa is applied for about 2 minutes and a recovery time of about 60 seconds or less to reach a delta of 35 degrees after a torque of about 100 microN·m is applied for about 60 seconds at a frequency of 1 Hz and immediately followed by a torque of 80 microN·m at a frequency of 1 Hz. The adhesive layer can be used in an optical assembly to bond a display panel to a substantially transparent substrate. The adhesive layer provides a cleavage strength between glass substrates of about 15 N/mm or less such that the optical assembly can be disassembled with little or no damage to the display panel or the substrate. Optical assemblies and methods of making the optical assembly are also disclosed. The optical assembly may be used in an optical device such as a handheld device, a television, a computer monitor, a laptop display, or a digital sign.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Carbonized asphaltene-based carbon-carbon fiber composites

Номер: US20130040520A1

A method of making a carbon binder-reinforced carbon fiber composite is provided using carbonized asphaltenes as the carbon binder. Combinations of carbon fiber and asphaltenes are also provided, along with the resulting composites and articles of manufacture.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Thermoplastic resin with high thermal conductivity

Номер: US20130043425A1
Принадлежит: Kaneka Corp

Provided is a thermoplastic resin which (A) remarkably improves thermal conductivity of a resin composition when a thermally conductive filler is added and (B) can be injection-molded even by use of a general injection-molding die. The thermoplastic resin is a resin wherein: a main chain which mainly has a specific repeating unit; and 60 mol % or more ends of molecular chains are carboxyl groups.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Polymer thick film silver electrode composition for use in thin-film photovoltaic cells

Номер: US20130056062A1
Автор: Jay Robert Dorfman
Принадлежит: EI Du Pont de Nemours and Co

The invention is directed to a polymer thick film silver composition comprising: (a) conductive silver flake (b) organic medium comprising (1) phenoxy organic polymeric binder and (2) organic solvent. The composition may be processed at a time and energy sufficient to remove all solvent. The invention is further directed to method(s) of grid formation on top of Thin-Film photovoltaic cells.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Strippable Insulation Shield for Cables

Номер: US20130062096A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Strippable semiconductive shields comprise a composition comprising in weight percent (wt %) based on the weight of the composition: (A) 20 to 80% of an interpolymer of an olefin and an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl comonomer, (B) 1 to 90% chlorinated polyolefin, (C) 20 to 45% carbon black, (D) 0.1 to 5% antioxidant, (E) 0.01 to 5% acid scavenger stabilizer; (F) Optionally free radical initiator, (G) Optionally silane functionality, (H) Optionally a sulfur-containing curative, and (I) Optionally a radiation-cure catalyst.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Epoxy resin composition for semiconductor encapsulant and semiconductor device using the same

Номер: US20130062748A1
Автор: Jun-Ichi Tabei
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd

According to the present invention, an epoxy resin composition for semiconductor encapsulant including (A) an epoxy resin, (B) a curing agent, (C) an inorganic filler, and (D) a compound in which a copolymer of a 1-alkene having 5 to 80 carbon atoms and maleic anhydride is esterified with an alcohol having 5 to 25 carbon atoms in the presence of a compound represented by General Formula (1), wherein R 1 in General Formula (1) is selected from the group consisting of an alkyl group having 1 to 5 carbon atoms, a halogenated alkyl group having 1 to 5 carbon atoms, and an aromatic group having 6 to 10 carbon atoms is provided.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Composite comprising at least one type of perfluoroalkyl-perfluoro-phthalocyanine

Номер: US20130064712A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a composite comprising at least one type of perfluoroalkyl-perfluoro-phthalocyanine, and to a method of producing such composite. The present invention also relates to a method of generating singlet oxygen, a method of killing eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells and a method of sterilization, cleaning and/or decontamination. Moreover, the present invention relates to a composite or a device for use in a method of sterilization, cleaning and/or decontamination.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Laser-induced plastic foaming

Номер: US20130065979A1
Принадлежит: Chemische Fabrik Budenhiem KG

A matrix material composed of polymer, preferably of thermoplastic polymer, or coating material. The matrix material includes 0.01 to 50% by weight of an additive for foaming of the matrix material which can be triggered by irradiation with laser light or IR light. The additive includes at least the following constituents: a) at least one absorber material which, embedded or dissolved in the matrix material, absorbs laser light or IR light and brings about local heating in the matrix material at the site of irradiation with laser light or IR light, and b) at least one blowing agent which, when heated due to the irradiation with laser light or IR light to temperatures above 50° C., forms a gas which foams the matrix material by decomposition, chemical conversion or reaction.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068129A1

Salt based cores made of a slat, a binder and optionally auxiliary agents are stabilized with an infiltrate. 144-. (canceled)44. Salt-based cores comprising:an infiltrate; anda cores material mixture containing at least one salt and at least one binder, wherein said cores are stabilized by said infiltrate.45. The salt based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the cores material mixture further comprises an auxiliary substance.46. The salt based cores according to claim 45 , wherein the auxiliary substance is selected from the group consisting of an additive claim 45 , a filler claim 45 , a wetting agent and a catalyst. s claim 45 , and that the cores are stabilized by an infiltrate.47. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt and the binder are inorganic.48. The salt based cores according to claim 47 , wherein the salt and the binder are water soluble.49. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the cores material mixture is flowable.50. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the cores material mixture is pourable.51. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt has a decomposition point or melting point which lies above the temperature of a liquid metal cast around the cores.52. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt is selected from the group consisting of an alkali chloride claim 44 , an alkaline earth chloride claim 44 , an alkali sulfate claim 44 , an alkaline earth sulfate claim 44 , an alkali nitrate claim 44 , an alkaline earth nitrate and an ammonium salt.53. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt is sodium chloride.54. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt has a grain size in the range of from 0.01 mm to 2 mm.55. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt is present in bi- claim 44 , tri- claim 44 , or multimodal grain size distribution.56. The salt-based cores according to claim 44 , wherein the salt is ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Silica gel comprising guanidine carbonate

Номер: US20130068139A1

A process of preparing a silica sol is described. The process involves reacting a fresh sol with guanidine carbonate. The reaction may be conducted in the presence of a base (e.g., sodium water glass), and at a pH of from 8 to 12. The process of the present invention may also include concentrating steps. The silica sol prepared by the method of the present invention has a BET surface area of greater than or equal to 100 m/g, and contains from 0.05 to 15% by weight of gaunidinium ions, based on the total weight of the silica gel. 121-. (canceled)22. A silica sol having a BET surface area of from 100 to 1200 m/g , wherein said silica sol comprises from 0.05 to 15% by weight of guanidinium ions and up to 15% by weight of SiO , based on the total weight of the silica sol , wherein said silica sol is free of amine.23. The silica sol of claim 22 , wherein said silica sol has a BET surface area of from 300 to 1200 m/g.24. The silica sol of claim 22 , wherein said silica sol has a pH of from 2 to 12.25. The silica sol of claim 22 , wherein said silica sol is not stabilized with aluminum.26. The silica sol of claim 22 , wherein said silica sol has a molar SiO/N ratio of from 2 to 20.27. The silica sol of claim 22 , wherein said silica sol has a zeta potential of from −20 to −80 mV.28. The silica sol of claim 22 , wherein said silica sol has an Si—O stretching vibration IR band position at a wave number of from 1113 cmto 1080 cm.2934. A paper retention aid comprising the silica sol of claim . This application is a Continuation of application Ser. No. 10/520,574 filed on Jul. 15, 2005 which is incorporated by reference. Application Ser. No. 10/520,574 is a national stage application of Application No. PCT/EP2003/007235 filed on Jul. 7, 2003 which claims priority of German Application No. 102 30 982.5 filed on Jul. 10, 2002 in Germany.The present invention relates to guanidinium ion-containing silica sol, a process for its preparation and concentration and its use, for example ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071619A1

A nano-composite is described, including a matrix resin , metal fine-particles immobilized in the matrix resin , a binding species immobilized on a part or all of the metal fine-particles , and metal fine-particles indirectly immobilized on the metal fine-particles via the binding species . Each of at least a part of the metal fine-particles has a portion embedded in the matrix resin , and a portion (exposed portion ) exposed outside of the matrix resin , while the binding species is immobilized on the exposed portions. 1. A metal fine-particle composite , comprising:a matrix resin, and metal fine-particles immobilized to the matrix resin, whereina) the metal fine-particles include a plurality of first metal fine-particles immobilized in the matrix resin, and second metal fine-particles indirectly immobilized on the first metal fine-particles,b) the first metal fine-particles are present independently without contacting with each other, andc) each of at least a part of the first metal fine-particles has a portion embedded in the matrix resin and another portion exposed outside of the matrix resin, while the second metal fine-particles are immobilized via a binding species immobilized on the another exposed portion.2. The metal fine-particle composite of claim 1 , wherein the first metal fine-particles have particle diameters in a range of 1 nm to 50 nm and a mean particle diameter greater than or equal to 3 nm claim 1 , and the second metal fine-particles have a mean particle diameter in a range of 40 nm to 200 nm.3. The metal fine-particle composite of claim 1 , wherein the first metal fine-particles are present with a distance that is greater than or equal to a particle diameter of a larger one of two neighboring fine-particles among the first metal fine-particles.4. The metal fine-particle composite of claim 1 , wherein another binding species having a functional group interacting with a specific substance is immobilized on surfaces of the second metal fine- ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130072618A1

A method for producing polymeric balls or polymeric beads doped with at least one metal element is provided. The method may comprise the following steps: a) a step for forming polymeric balls or beads by polymerization, in an organic phase comprising a polymerization initiator, of at least one ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element; and b) a step for putting said polymeric balls or beads in contact with a solution comprising at least one metal element. 123.-. (canceled)24. A method for producing polymeric balls doped with at least one metal element , comprising:a) forming polymeric balls by polymerization, in an organic phase comprising a polymerization initiator, of at least one ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element; andb) putting said polymeric balls in contact with a solution comprising at least one metal element,wherein said a) is applied with the succession of the following operations:{'sub': '1', 'forming liquid balls by encapsulation of a first aqueous phase Win an organic phase, this organic phase comprising at least one ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element and at least one polymerization initiator;'}{'sub': '2', 'emulsifying in a second aqueous phase Wthe thereby formed balls; and'}polymerizing the constitutive monomer(s) of the organic phase, by means of which polymeric balls are obtained.25. A method according to claim 24 , wherein the ethylenic monomer comprising at least one chelating ligand of at least one metal element is a monomer including at least one group bearing a free doublet and/or at least one negatively charged group.32. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the monomer comprises a cyclic amine comprising at least two nitrogen atoms.38. The method according to claim 24 , wherein the metal element is selected from alkaline metals claim 24 , earth alkaline metals claim 24 , transition ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Resin Composition Containing Polyglycolic Acid Improved in Water Resistance

Номер: US20130079450A1

A resin composition containing polyglycolic acid having a structure represented by a formula (1) 2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the calcium-containing inorganic compound is the carbonate claim 1 , hydroxide or phosphate of calcium.3. The resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the calcium-containing inorganic compound is calcium carbonate or tricalcium phosphate ([Ca(PO)].Ca(OH)).4. The resin composition according to any one of to claim 2 , which comprises the calcium-containing inorganic compound in a proportion of 50 to 10 claim 2 ,000 ppm to the polyglycolic acid.5. The resin composition according to claim 1 , which further comprises a carboxyl group end-capping agent.6. The resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the carboxyl group end-capping agent is a carbodiimide compound.7. The resin composition according to claim 1 , which further comprises a heat stabilizer. The present invention relates to a resin composition comprising polyglycolic acid as a main component, the hydrolytic resistance (water resistance) of which has been improved.Aliphatic polyesters such as polyglycolic acid and polylactic acid attract attention as biodegradable polymeric materials which impose little burden on an environment because they are degraded by microorganisms or enzymes present in the natural world such as soil and sea. The aliphatic polyesters are also utilized as medical polymeric materials for surgical sutures, artificial skins, etc. because they have degradability and absorbability in vivo.Among the aliphatic polyesters, polyglycolic acid is excellent in gas barrier properties such as oxygen gas barrier property, carbon dioxide barrier property and water vapor barrier property and aroma barrier property and also excellent in heat resistance and mechanical strength, and so its uses have been developed either singly or in the form of a composite with other resin materials in fields of packaging materials and the like.However, the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Polymer film and its application in a lighting assembly

Номер: US20130083540A1
Принадлежит: Taimide Tech Inc

Present embodiments provide for a polymer film with a reflective ratio equal to or above about 80%, comprising a white polyimide layer and a white adhesive layer disposed on a surface of the white polyimide layer The white adhesive layer including an adhesive agent and a white filler distributed in the adhesive agent. Present embodiments also provide for a lighting assembly that comprises a substrate, a lighting component disposed on the substrate, and a reflective surface formed by the polymer film.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Method for making particle/polymer composites and applications

Номер: US20130084420A1
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

The invention provides a method for producing bioinert biocompatible diamond particles/polymer composites or any other matrix (e.g. glass, metal, plastic, ceramic and more)/diamond particle composites, even if not biocompatible with outstanding mechanical, tribological, and biological properties, the method comprising selecting a polymer having a melting temperature below about 300 C; mixing diamond particles with the polymer to form a liquid mixture, poring the liquid diamond particle/polymer or any other diamond particle/matrix composite in liquid form into a mold and then causing the composite to sinter with the diamond particles densely and uniformly distributed through the bulk and surface of the composite, such that the diamond particles distributed on the surface can form a diamond layer covering the surface.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085197A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Dispersions comprise a liquid phase and a solid phase. 1. A dispersion comprising a continuous phase (C) and a phase which is solid at 20° C. and dispersed in the continuous phase , wherein the continuous phase (C) comprises at least one compound having at least two Zerewitinoff-active hydrogen atoms , and the solid phase comprises at least one filler , wherein the filler is a hybrid material which in each case comprises at least one organic polymer (P) and at least one inorganic particle , and wherein the at least one inorganic particle has an average maximum diameter of at most 5 μm for primary particles , wherein at least one and preferably all of the dimensions of the inorganic particle is/are in the range of 1-100 nm.2. The dispersion according to wherein the compound having at least two Zerewitinoff-active hydrogen atoms is selected from the group comprising polyether polyols claim 1 , chain extenders claim 1 , polyester polyols claim 1 , polyether-polyester polyols claim 1 , polycarbonate polyols claim 1 , polyetheramines and mixtures thereof.3. The dispersion according to either one of and wherein the compound having at least two Zerewitinoff-active hydrogen atoms is a polyether polyol.4. The dispersion according to any one of to wherein the compound having at least two Zerewitinoff-active hydrogen atoms is a polyether polyol having a molecular weight (Mn) of 200-12 000 g/mol and/or an OH number of 10-1000 mg KOH/g and/or a polyol starter functionality of 2-8.5. The dispersion according to any one of to wherein the organic polymer (P) is selected from the group comprising polystyrene claim 1 , poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) claim 1 , polyacrylonitrile claim 1 , polyacrylate claim 1 , polymethacrylate claim 1 , polyolefins claim 1 , polyesters claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyisobutylene claim 1 , polyethylene glycol claim 1 , polyvinyl acetate or mixtures thereof.6. The dispersion according ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085225A1

The invention provides a rubber composition that achieves a well-balanced improvement in fuel economy, wet-grip performance, and abrasion resistance, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The invention relates to a rubber composition, including a rubber component and silica, wherein the rubber component contains not less than 5% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, the conjugated diene polymer containing a constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene and a constituent unit represented by the following formula (I): 2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': '1-6', 'wherein the Rand Rin the formula (Ia) are Chydrocarbyl groups.'}3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2', '3, 'wherein two of the X, X, and Xin the formula (I) are selected from the group consisting of a group represented by the formula (Ia) and a hydroxyl group.'}6. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the conjugated diene polymer has a vinyl bond content of at least 10 mol % but not more than 80 mol %, based on 100 mol % of the constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene.7. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , comprising at least one of natural rubber and butadiene rubber.8. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the silica has a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 40 to 400 m/g.'}9. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , which is for use as a rubber composition for a tread.10. A pneumatic tire claim 1 , formed from the rubber composition according to . The present invention relates to a rubber composition and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition.The demands on automobiles for better fuel economy have been increasing in recent years as concern with environmental issues has been rising. Hence, better fuel economy is also required of rubber compositions used for automotive tires. For example, ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085226A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition that achieves a well-balanced improvement in fuel economy, wet-grip performance, and abrasion resistance, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition, including a rubber component and silica, wherein the rubber component contains not less than 5% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, the conjugated diene polymer containing a constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene and a constituent unit represented by the following formula (I): 2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': '1-6', 'wherein the Rand Rin the formula (Ia) are Chydrocarbyl groups.'}3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2', '3, 'wherein two of the X, X, and Xin the formula (I) are selected from the group consisting of a group represented by the formula (Ia) and a hydroxyl group.'}5. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the conjugated diene polymer has a vinyl bond content of at least 10 mol % but not more than 80 mol %, based on 100 mol % of the constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene.6. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , comprising at least one of natural rubber and butadiene rubber.7. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the silica has a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 40 to 400 m/g.'}8. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , which is for use as a rubber composition for a tread.9. A pneumatic tire claim 1 , formed from the rubber composition according to . The present invention relates to a rubber composition and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition.The demands on automobiles for better fuel economy have been increasing in recent years as concern with environmental issues has been rising. Hence, better fuel economy is also required of rubber compositions used for automotive tires. For ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096231A1

The instant invention provides a masterbatch composition, method of producing the same, polymeric compositions suitable for films, and films made therefrom. The masterbatch composition according to the present invention comprises: (a) from 70 to 90 percent by weight of a filler comprising calcium carbonate; and (b) from 10 to 30 percent by weight of a propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition, wherein said propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition has a crystallinity in the range of from 1 percent by weight to 30 percent by weight, a heat of fusion in the range of from 2 Joules/gram to 50 Joules/gram, and a DSC melting point in the range of 25° C. to 110° C. 1. A masterbatch composition comprising:from 70 to 90 percent by weight of a filler comprising calcium carbonate; andfrom 10 to 30 percent by weight of a propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition, wherein said propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition has a crystallinity in the range of from 1 percent by weight to 30 percent by weight, a heat of fusion in the range of from 2 Joules/gram to 50 Joules/gram, and a DSC melting point in the range of 25° C. to 110° C.2. A method for producing a masterbatch composition comprising the steps of:selecting a filler comprising calcium carbonate;selecting a propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition, wherein said propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition has a crystallinity in the range of from 1 percent by weight to 30 percent by weight, a heat of fusion in the range of from 2 Joules/gram to 50 Joules/gram, and a DSC melting point in the range of 25° C. to 110° C.;compounding that filler into said propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition; andthereby producing said masterbatch composition, wherein said masterbatch composition comprises from 70 to 90 percent by weight of that filler and from 10 to 30 percent by weight of said propylene/alpha-olefin copolymer composition.3. A polymeric composition suitable for films comprising: from 70 to 90 percent by ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Composite Material and Related Methods

Номер: US20130096246A1
Автор: Walker Eric

A composition having a composite material having a polymer with about 1% to about 3% by weight thin-graphite materials dispersed therein; the thin-graphite materials having diameters less than or equal to 2 microns and a surface area greater than or equal to about 300 mper gram; and the composite material having a tensile modulus that is at least 25% greater than the unfilled polymer. 1. A composition comprising:{'sup': '2', 'a composite material having a polymer with about 1% to about 3% by weight thin-graphite materials dispersed therein; the thin-graphite materials having diameters less than or equal to 2 microns and a surface area greater than or equal to about 300 mper gram; and the composite material having a tensile modulus that is at least 25% greater than the unfilled polymer.'}2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polypropylene homopolymer claim 1 , polypropylene copolymer claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , nylon 6 claim 1 , nylon 6/6 claim 1 , nylon 11 claim 1 , nylon 12 claim 1 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , polyolefin claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , low-density polyethylene claim 1 , high-density polyethylene claim 1 , high molecular weight polyethylene claim 1 , ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene claim 1 , linear-low-density polyethylene claim 1 , very-low density polyethylene claim 1 , maleated polypropylene claim 1 , polybutylene claim 1 , polyhexalene claim 1 , polyoctene claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl-acetate copolymer claim 1 , copolymers claim 1 , mixtures claim 1 , blends claim 1 , alloys and combinations thereof.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is about 1% to about 2% by weight thin-graphite materials.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the polymer is about 1% by weight thin-graphite materials.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the tensile modulus is 55-80% greater than the unfilled polymer.6. A composition comprising:{'sup': '2', 'an ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096247A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.

Provided is a polyolefin-based resin composition capable of obtaining a molded product having a high modulus of elongation and a low coefficient of linear expansion. The polyolefin-based resin composition includes a polyolefin-based resin containing either one or both of an acid-modified polyolefin-based resin and a polyolefin-based resin with a hydroxyl group, and flaked graphite. The flaked graphite is uniformly dispersed in the polyolefin-based resin. As a result, a molded product formed by using the polyolefin-based resin composition has excellent mechanical strength such as a high modulus of elongation, a low coefficient of linear expansion, and high dimensional stability, and can be used for various applications such as a material that is suitable for use as the exterior panels of automobiles or a steel sheet replacement material. 1. A polyolefin-based resin composition , comprising a polyolefin-based resin containing either one or both of an acid-modified polyolefin-based resin and a polyolefin-based resin with a hydroxyl group , and flaked graphite.2. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flaked graphite has an oxygen content of 3 atm % or more.3. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the flaked graphite has an oxygen content of 10 atm % or more.4. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acid-modified polyolefin-based resin is an unsaturated carboxylic acid-modified polyolefin-based resin.5. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 4 , wherein the unsaturated carboxylic acid-modified polyolefin-based resin is a maleic acid-modified polyolefin-based resin.6. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the maleic acid-modified polyolefin-based resin is a maleic anhydride-modified polyolefin-based resin.7. The polyolefin-based resin composition according to claim 4 , wherein the unsaturated carboxylic acid-modified ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Carbonaceous nano-scaled materials having highly functionalized surface

Номер: US20130099170A1
Принадлежит: Aerospace Corp

A method and composition wherein carbonaceous nano-scaled filler material is subjected to atmospheric plasma treatment using carbon monoxide as the active gas. The treatment with carbon monoxide plasma has been found to significantly increase the incorporation of oxygen groups on the surface of the filler material without degrading the surface and thus serves to increase wettability and dispersion throughout the matrix. The composite that incorporates the treated filler material has enhanced mechanical and electrical properties.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Stone Based Copolymer Substrate

Номер: US20130101774A1
Автор: Mathew D. MacLeod
Принадлежит: Green Folks and MacLeod LLC

A stone based copolymer substrate includes calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from approximately fifty to eighty-five percent (50-85%) by weight and varying in size generally from 1.0 to 3.0 microns, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) from approximately two to twenty-five percent (2-25%) by weight and a biopolymer from approximately two to twenty-five percent (2-25%) by weight. The substrate may include a biodegradation additive from approximately three fourths of a percent to two percent (0.75-2%) by weight. By selectively adjusting the ranges of the substrate's components, various products can be made to replace current tree-based and plastic-based products. The substrate can be configured to be tear proof, water proof, fade resistant and fire retardant while utilizing less energy and producing less waste during its manufacture. In an exemplary embodiment of the invention, the stone used in the substrate includes limestone.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Rubber Mixture

Номер: US20130102714A1

A rubber mixture, in particular for vehicle pneumatic tires, straps, belts and hoses. The rubber mixture includes the following constituents: at least one synthetic diene rubber; at least one carbon black; at least one silane; and, at least one amphophilic compound. The rubber mixture ameliorates the target conflict between rolling resistance and wet grip. 1. A rubber mixture comprising;at least, one synthetic diene rubber;at least one carbon black;at least one silane; and,at least one amphiphilic compound.2. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the synthetic diene rubber is a solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber.3. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amounts used of the silane are from 0.3 to 5 phr.4. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the silane is a mercaptosilane.5. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , comprising from 0.5 to 10 phr of at least one amphiphilic compound.6. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the amphiphilic compound is an anionic surfactant claim 1 , or a nonionic surfactant claim 1 , or a cationic surfactant claim 1 , or an amphoteric surfactant claim 1 , or a block copolymer claim 1 ,7. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the block copolymer is a poloxamer.8. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the nonionic surfactant is a polyoxyethylene fatty acid ester.9. A method of producing a tire claim 1 , comprising preparing a rubber mixture as claimed in .10. The method as claimed in for producing the tread and/or a body mixture of a tire.11. The method as claimed in for producing a belt claim 1 , a strap or a hose. This application is a continuation application of international patent, application PCT/EP2011/058888, filed May 31, 2011, designating the United, States and claiming priority from German application 10 2010 017 305.5, filed Jul. 8, 2010, and the entire content of both applications is incorporated herein by reference.The invention ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Carbon Nanotube Enhanced Conductors for Communications Cables and Related Communications Cables and Methods

Номер: US20130105195A1
Принадлежит: Commscope Inc

A conductor for a communications cable includes an elongated metal wire and a metal sheet that includes a plurality of carbon nanotubes that at least partially surrounds the elongated metal wire. The metal wire may include copper, and the metal sheet may likewise include copper and may be welded to an outside surface of the metal wire to surround the metal wire. This conductor may be used in a variety of communications cables that carry high frequency signals.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105929A1
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A resin composition for obtaining a cured resin material exhibiting improved heat resistance and a higher glass transition temperature is disclosed. The resin composition contains a resin selected from a) a thermosetting resin and a curing agent, or b) a thermoplastic resin, and an inorganic filler with an average particle diameter of 1000 nm or less. 1. A resin composition comprising: a) a thermosetting resin and a curing agent, and', 'b) a thermoplastic resin; and, '(i) a resin selected from'}(ii) an inorganic filler with an average particle diameter of 1000 nm or less.2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein a mixing ratio of the inorganic filler in the resin composition is 0.1 to 10 wt % based on a total mass of the resin composition.3. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic filler is at least one selected from the group consisting of AlO claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , BN claim 1 , AlN and SiN claim 1 , and has an average particle diameter of 1 to 1000 nm.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the resin is a thermosetting resin and a curing agent.5. The resin composition according to claim 4 , wherein the thermosetting resin is an epoxy resin and the curing agent is an acid anhydride curing agent or a curing agent containing a molecule having 1 or more of functional groups —NH claim 4 , —NHand —NH in a molecular structure thereof claim 4 , and the inorganic filler has an average particle diameter of 100 nm or less.6. The resin composition according to claim 5 , wherein the epoxy resin is a trifunctional epoxy resin.7. A cured nanocomposite resin material obtained by thermosetting the resin composition according to .8. The cured nanocomposite resin material according to claim 7 , wherein an average inter-filler distance is 1 to 200 nm.9. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the resin is a thermoplastic resin.10. The resin according to claim 9 , wherein the thermoplastic resin is a nylon claim 9 ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Thermoplastic Composition for Use in Forming a Laser Direct Structured Substrate

Номер: US20130106659A1
Автор: Paul C. Yung, Rong LUO
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A thermoplastic composition that contains a unique combination of a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer, dielectric material, laser activatable additive, and a fibrous filler is provided. The nature of the components and/or their concentration are selectively controlled in the present invention to maintain a high dielectric constant, good mechanical properties (e.g., deflection under load), and good processibility (e.g., low viscosity), yet still be laser activatable. Thus, the thermoplastic composition can be readily shaped into a thin substrate and subsequently applied with one or more conductive elements using a laser direct structuring process (“LDS”).

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116362A1

The invention relates to an inorganic-organic hybrid material which comprises an inorganic component and an organic component, has a content of the inorganic component of 20-80% by mass, and has a refractive index of 1.60 or higher, wherein, when preparing a strip specimen having a thickness of 1,000 μm, a width of 5 mm and a length of 70 mm by using the inorganic-organic hybrid material and winding the specimen by 180° on a cylindrical metal rod having a diameter of 10 mm at 25° C., the specimen does not crack. 1. An inorganic-organic hybrid material which comprises an inorganic component and an organic component , has a content of the inorganic component of 20-80% by mass , and has a refractive index of 1.60 or higher , wherein , when preparing a strip specimen having a thickness of 1 ,000 μm , a width of 5 mm and a length of 70 mm by using the inorganic-organic hybrid material and winding the specimen by 180° on a cylindrical metal rod having a diameter of 10 mm at 25° C. , the specimen does not crack.2. The inorganic-organic hybrid material according to claim 1 , which has a total light transmittance of 80% or higher when having a thickness of 0.5 mm.3. The inorganic-organic hybrid material according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic component is particles which comprise a metal oxide having a refractive index of 2.0 or higher.4. The inorganic-organic hybrid material according to claim 3 , wherein the metal oxide contains at least one member selected from the group consisting of Zr claim 3 , Ti claim 3 , Sn claim 3 , Ce claim 3 , Ta claim 3 , Nb claim 3 , and Zn.5. The inorganic-organic hybrid material according to claim 1 , wherein the organic component comprises at least one resin selected from the group consisting of acrylic resins claim 1 , methacrylic resins claim 1 , epoxy resins claim 1 , and silicone resins.6. The inorganic-organic hybrid material according to claim 1 , which contains a sulfur component in an amount of 1.5-10% by mass in terms of sulfur ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Polyethylene Additive Compositions and Articles Made From Same

Номер: US20130122226A1

A method comprising forming a polymeric composition by adding zinc oxide to a polymer wherein a pipe formed from the polymeric composition displays a time to failure as determined in accordance with ASTM F2263-07(E1) that is increased by greater than about 25% when compared to an otherwise similar pipe formed from a polymeric composition lacking zinc oxide. A pipe comprising polyethylene and greater than about 0.5 wt. % zinc oxide having a time to failure as determined in accordance with ASTM F2263-07(E1) that is at least about 25% greater than an otherwise similar pipe prepared in the absence of zinc oxide. A method comprising forming a composition comprising a polymer and zinc oxide into an article, and testing the structural integrity of the article when exposed to chlorinated water wherein the zinc oxide is present in an amount of from about 500 ppm to about 10000 ppm. 1. A method comprising forming a polymeric composition by adding zinc oxide to a polymer wherein a pipe formed from the polymeric composition displays a time to failure as determined in accordance with ASTM F2263-07(E1) that is increased by greater than about 25% when compared to an otherwise similar pipe formed from an otherwise similar polymeric composition lacking the zinc oxide.2. The method of wherein the zinc oxide is present in the polymeric composition in an amount of from about 500 ppm to about 10 claim 1 ,000 ppm.3. The method of wherein the zinc oxide is present in the polymeric composition in an amount of from about 1000 ppm to about 9 claim 1 ,000 ppm.4. The method of wherein the zinc oxide is added within a reactor claim 1 , during extrusion of a reactor fluff claim 1 , during formation of the pipe claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The method of wherein the polymeric composition has a polydispersity index of from about 5 to about 40.6. The method of wherein the polymer comprises polyethylene.7. The method of wherein the polymer has a density of from about 0.93 g/cc to about 0.97 g ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123415A1

Fine graphite particles include plate-like graphite particles; and an aromatic vinyl copolymer which is adsorbed on the plate-like graphite particles, and which contains a vinyl aromatic monomer unit represented by the following formula (1): 1. Fine graphite particles comprising:plate-like graphite particles; and {'br': None, 'sub': '2', '—(CH—CHX)—\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'an aromatic vinyl copolymer which is adsorbed on the plate-like graphite particles, and which contains a vinyl aromatic monomer unit represented by the following formula (1)(in the formula (1), X represents a phenyl group, a naphthyl group, an anthracenyl group, or a pyrenyl group, provided that these groups may have each a substituent).2. The fine graphite particles according to claim 1 , whereinthe aromatic vinyl copolymer comprises the vinyl aromatic monomer unit and another monomer unit derived from at least one monomer selected from the group consisting of (meth)acrylic acid, (meth)acrylates, (meth)acrylamides, vinylpyridines, maleic anhydride, and maleimides.3. The fine graphite particles according claim 1 , whereinthe aromatic vinyl copolymer is a block copolymer.4. The fine graphite particles according to claim 1 , whereinthe plate-like graphite particles have thicknesses of 0.3 to 1000 nm.5. The fine graphite particles according to claim 1 , whereinat least one functional group selected from the group consisting of hydroxyl group, carboxyl group, and epoxy group is bonded to 50% or less of all carbon atoms near a surface of the plate-like graphite particle.6. The fine graphite particles according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one hydrocarbon chain which is bonded to the aromatic vinyl copolymer claim 1 , and which is selected from the group consisting of alkyl chains claim 1 , oligoolefin chains claim 1 , and polyolefin chains.7. The fine graphite particles according to claim 6 , whereinthe aromatic vinyl copolymer has a functional group, andthe hydrocarbon chain is formed by ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131214A1

The present invention relates to a composition comprising a hydrogel polymer having less than 100% haze, and distributed therein an oxygen enhancing effective amount of oxygen permeable particles having an oxygen permeability of at least about 100 barrer, average particle size less than about 5000 nm. 1. A composition comprising a hydrogel polymer having distributed therein an oxygen enhancing effective amount of oxygen permeable particles comprising oxygen permeable perovskite oxides , said oxygen permeable particles having an oxygen permeability of at least about 100 barrer and average particle size less than about 5000 nm.2. The composition of wherein said composition has an oxygen permeability of at least about 40 barrer.3. The composition of wherein said composition has an oxygen permeability of at least about 60 barrer.4. The composition of wherein said composition has an oxygen permeability of at least about 100 barrer.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen permeable particles are non-reactive.6. The composition of wherein said oxygen permeable particles have an oxygen permeability of about 100 barrer to about 6000 barrer.7. The composition of wherein said oxygen permeable particles have an oxygen permeability of about 300 barrer to about 1000 barrer.8. The composition of wherein said oxygen permeable particles have an average particle size of less than about 800 nm.9. The composition of wherein said oxygen permeable particles have an average particle size of less than about 600 nm.10. The composition of wherein said oxygen permeable particles have an average particle size of less than about 200 nm.11. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen permeable particles are encapsulated.12. The composition of claim 11 , wherein the oxygen permeable materials are encapsulated with materials selected from a coating claim 11 , micelle claim 11 , liposome claim 11 , combinations thereof and the like.13. The composition of wherein said oxygen permeable ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131246A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention provides an effect pigment comprising: (a) substrate optionally coated with metal oxide; and (b) triacetin. The present effect pigment may be used in cosmetics, plastics, security markings, inks, coatings including solvent and water borne automotive paint systems, and unsaturated polyester buttons. 1. A polyester article comprisinga polyester and incorporated therein, an effect pigment comprising(a) bismuth oxychloride optionally coated with metal oxide and(b) triacetin.2. The article of wherein the bismuth oxychoride is coated with metal oxide.3. The article of wherein said triacetin (b) is present at from about 0.75 to about 3.5 times said bismuth oxychoride (a) claim 1 , by weight.4. A sheet comprising said article of .5. A button comprising said article of . The use of effect pigments, also known as pearlescent pigments or nacreous pigments, in order to impart a pearlescent luster, metallic luster and/or multi-color effect approaching iridescent, is well-known. The effect pigments are composed of a plurality of laminar platelets, each of which is coated with one or more reflecting/transmitting layers. Pigments of this type were first based on metal oxides, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,087,828 and 3,087,829, and a description of their properties can be found in the L. M. Greenstein, “Nacreous (Pearlescent) Pigments and Interference Pigments”, Volume I, Second Edition, pp. 829-858, John Wiley & Sons, NY (1988) More recently, use of other coating layers to realize optically variable effects have been developed.The unique appearance of effect pigments is the result of multiple reflections and transmissions of light. The platelet substrate usually has a refractive index which is different from the coating and usually also has a degree of transparency. The coating is in the form of one or more thin films which have been deposited on the surfaces of the platelets.There are a number of important aspects to effect pigments. One is that they are ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131249A1
Автор: MÜNCHOW Dieter

The invention relates to a process for the preparation of coating dispersions for use in the paper industry by co-grinding natural calcium carbonate (GCC) and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), characterized in that powdery GCC is co-ground with a slurry containing from 5 to 70% by weight of PCC to obtain a particle size distribution of the calcium carbonate with at least 90% by weight of smaller than 5 μm, at least 70% by weight of smaller than 2 μm, and at least 20% by weight of smaller than 1 μm, with a weight average particle size within a range of from 0.7 to 3 μm. 110-. (canceled)11. A coating dispersion obtainable by a process for the preparation of coating dispersions for use in the paper industry by co-grinding characterized in that said co-grinding is performed at a temperature of at least 50° C. in a vertical ball mill natural calcium carbonate (GCC) and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) , characterized in that powdery GCC is co-ground with a slurry containing from 5 to 70% by weight of PCC to obtain a particle size distribution of the calcium carbonate with at least 90% by weight of smaller than 5 μm , at least 70% by weight of smaller than 2 μm , and at least 20% by weight of smaller than 1 μm , with a weight average particle size within a range of from 0.7 to 3 μm , characterized in that polymer dispersions containing resins selected from natural rubber , synthetic rubber , artificial resins and plastic materials , especially those based on polyurethane , styrene/butadiene , styrene/acrylic acid or acrylate , styrene/butadiene/acrylic acid or acrylate as well as vinyl acetate/acrylic acid or acrylate , are employed during said co-grinding.12. Use of the coating dispersions according to for the preparation of coating slips in the paper industry claim 11 , especially of coatings claim 11 , or for various segments of paper industry claim 11 , such as sheet-fed offset claim 11 , rotary offset claim 11 , intaglio printing claim 11 , cardboard and ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Composite Structures with Phase Change Material and Adsorbent and Encapsulant Materials

Номер: US20130134347A1

A composite structure providing heat storage capability and including a phase change material (PCM), adsorbent material and encapsulant material. The encapsulate material surrounds the PCM and adsorbent. The phase change material and adsorbent material and encapsulant material can be provided in a mixture which is subsequently formed into a structural panel. The composite structure may be used to provide passive thermal control. A method of making composite structures having PCM, adsorbent material and encapsulant materials is also provided. 1. A composite structure comprising:a phase change material mixed with an adsorbent material; andan encapsulant material which encapsulates the mixture of phase change material and adsorbent material.2. The composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the phase change material is selected from the group consisting of derivatives of fatty acids and paraffin claim 1 , polyethylene glycols claim 1 , salts and salt hydrates.3. The composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the adsorbent material is selected from the group consisting of activated carbon claim 1 , diatomaceous earth powder claim 1 , cellulose claim 1 , fibers claim 1 , foams claim 1 , meshes claim 1 , silica claim 1 , cellite claim 1 , gypsum claim 1 , zeolite claim 1 , cork claim 1 , wood pulp claim 1 , and graphite.4. The composite structure of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulant material is a polymer.5. The composite structure of claim 4 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 4 , polypropylene claim 4 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 4 , acrylic polymer gels claim 4 , and polyurethane.6. The composite structure of further comprising an external coating providing protection to the structure.7. The composite structure of wherein the structure is a relatively rigid panel providing heat storage capability.8. A composite structure comprising:a phase change material;an adsorbent material; andan encapsulant material which encapsulates ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137792A1

A method for preparing an organopolysiloxane compound by mixing (A) an organopolysiloxane of the formula (1): 3. The curing composition of claim 2 , further comprising 0.1 to 100 parts by weight of (H) fumed silica per 100 parts by weight of component (A).4. A part bonded and/or sealed with a cured product of the curing composition defined in or . This non-provisional application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) on Patent Application No. 2011-260559 filed in Japan on Nov. 29, 2011, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.This invention relates to a method for preparing an organopolysiloxane compound suited for use as a curing composition that is provided with both simple photocurability and room temperature curability and also to a curing composition comprising the compound.It is well known that organopolysiloxanes heated in the presence of an organic peroxide are converted to silicone rubbers excellent in heat resistance, cold resistance, weatherability and electric characteristics. It is also known that organopolysiloxanes are cured by light irradiation in the presence of a photoinitiator.In JP-B S52-40334 (Patent Document 1) and JP-A S60-104158 (Patent Document 2), for example, there are disclosed UV-curing organopolysiloxane compositions which contain a vinyl group-containing polysiloxane and a mercapto group-containing polysiloxane and are able to form a cured product through photoradical addition reaction. In JP-B S53-36515 (Patent Document 3) and JP-A S60-215009 (Patent Document 4), there are also disclosed photocurable organopolysiloxane compositions which contain an acrylic group-containing polysiloxane and a sensitizer and are able to form a cured product by photoirradiation.In JP 2639286 (Patent Document 5), there is disclosed a photocurable organopolysiloxane composition making use of a curable organopolysiloxane compound obtained by reaction between a hydroxy-terminated organopolysiloxane and a (meth)acrylic functional ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137807A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Tatsuya

For the purpose of improving rolling resistance and durability, the present invention provides a rubber composition for insulation of a tire comprising 0.2 to 4 parts by mass of (B) an alkylphenol-sulfur chloride condensate, and 20 to 59 parts by mass of (C) carbon black having a BET specific surface area of 25 to 50 m/g based on 100 parts by mass of (A) a rubber component comprising 30 to 85% by mass of (a1) a natural rubber and/or an isoprene rubber, 0 to 70% by mass of (a2) at least one styrene butadiene rubber selected from the group consisting of an emulsion-polymerized styrene butadiene rubber, a solution-polymerized styrene butadiene rubber and a modified styrene butadiene rubber, and 0 to 60% by mass of (a3) a butadiene rubber, and a tire having insulation prepared from the rubber composition. 15-. (canceled)6. A rubber composition for insulation of a tire comprising:0.2 to 4 parts by mass of (B) an alkylphenol-sulfur chloride condensate, and{'sup': '2', '20 to 59 parts by mass of (C) carbon black having a BET specific surface area of 25 to 50 m/g,'}based on 100 parts by mass of (A) a rubber component consisting of30 to 85% by mass of (a1) a natural rubber and/or an isoprene rubber,0 to 70% by mass of (a2) at least one styrene butadiene rubber selected from the group consisting of an emulsion-polymerized styrene butadiene rubber, a solution-polymerized styrene butadiene rubber and an emulsion-polymerized modified styrene butadiene rubber, and0 to 60% by mass of (a3) a high cis 1,4-polybutadiene rubber and/or a butadiene rubber comprising 1,2-syndiotactic polybutadiene crystals.7. The rubber composition of claim 6 , wherein in the rubber component (A) claim 6 ,(a1) is a natural rubber, and(a2) is an emulsion-polymerized styrene butadiene rubber.8. The rubber composition of claim 6 , wherein the content of (a3) butadiene rubber in the rubber component (A) is 0% by mass claim 6 , andthe rubber composition comprises 3 to 30 parts by mass of (D) a filler which is ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Rubber composition

Номер: US20130137814A1
Автор: Sadayuki Nakano
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a rubber composition comprising (A) an ethylene-α-olefin-based copolymer rubber, (B) a softening agent, and (C) an alkyl(meth)acrylate-based polymer.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140481A1
Автор: Naerum Lars, Nissen Povl

A bonded mineral fibre product exhibiting high fire resistance in accordance with Class A1 of Standard EN 13501-1 as well as improved punking resistance comprises man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF)) bound by a cured binder composition, the non-cured binder composition comprising (a) a sugar component, and either (b) a polycarboxylic acid component and an alkanolamine, or (c) a reaction product of a polycarboxylic acid component and an alkanolamine, or (d) a combination of (b) and (c), the amount of sugar component (a) being within the range of 42 to 72 percent by weight, based on the total weight (dry matter) of the binder components. 117.-. (canceled)19. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein (a) is present in an amount of from 45% to 70% by weight.20. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product has a density of from 10 to 250 kg/m.21. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product has a density of from 20 to 200 kg/m.22. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product has an organic content of from 0.25 to 14 kg/m.23. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product has an organic content of from 1 to 10 kg/m.24. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product has an organic content of from 3 to 10 kg/m.25. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product exhibits a loss on ignition (LOI) of from 0.3 to 7.0%.26. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein the product exhibits a loss on ignition (LOI) of from 0.5 to 6.0%.27. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein (a) is selected from sucrose claim 18 , reducing sugars claim 18 , and mixtures thereof.28. The mineral fiber product of claim 27 , wherein (a) comprises a reducing sugar having a dextrose equivalent (DE) of from 40 to 100.29. The mineral fiber product of claim 18 , wherein (a) comprises a reducing sugar selected from high DE glucose syrup claim 18 , high-fructose syrup claim 18 , and mixtures thereof.30. The ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130140545A1

A moisture absorption filling material for an organic light-emitting device may include a fibrous web structure including an assembly of fibers, the fibers including a binder resin and hygroscopic particles, the hygroscopic particles being secured into the fibers. A method of preparing a moisture absorption filling material for an organic light-emitting device may include electrospinning a mixture including about 10 wt % to about 60 wt % of hygroscopic particles and about 40 wt % to about 90 wt % of a binder. 1. A moisture absorption filling material for an organic light-emitting device , the material comprising:a fibrous web structure including an assembly of fibers, the fibers including a binder resin and hygroscopic particles, the hygroscopic particles being secured into the fibers.2. The moisture absorption filling material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fibers have an average diameter of about 0.1 μm to about 200 μm.3. The moisture absorption filling material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the moisture absorption filling material has a porosity of about 5% to about 95% and is formed with pores having an average diameter of about 0.1 μm to about 100 μm.4. The moisture absorption filling material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hygroscopic particles include:a hygroscopic material particle made of a hygroscopic material,a surface-treated hygroscopic material particle obtained by surface treatment of the hygroscopic material with a polymer resin, ora mixture of the hygroscopic material particle and the surface-treated hygroscopic material particle.5. The moisture absorption filling material as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the hygroscopic material includes at least one selected from the group of a molecular sieve zeolite claim 4 , a silica gel claim 4 , a carbonate claim 4 , a clay claim 4 , a metal oxide claim 4 , a metal hydroxide claim 4 , an alkali earth metal oxide claim 4 , a sulfate claim 4 , a metal halide claim 4 , a perchlorate claim 4 , an ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130143044A1
Автор: ROOS Markus, Runkel Guido

The invention relates to granular pumice, wherein the surface is covered with a hydrophobic coating. 1. A granular pumice comprising:a surface coated with a hydrophobic coating.2. The granular pumice as claimed in ;wherein the coating comprises a silane, a siloxane, or a mixture thereof.4. The granular pumice as claimed in :wherein the coating comprises at least one compound selected from organic fatty acids and salts of organic fatty acids.5. The granular pumice as claimed in :wherein the coating comprises a mineral oil or a mineral oil emulsion.6. The granular pumice as claimed in :wherein the coating comprises at least one alkane.7. The granular pumice as claimed in :wherein the coating comprises bitumen or a bituminous emulsion.8. A process for producing the granular pumice as claimed in claim 1 , comprisingwetting the granular pumice with an emulsion containing at least one hydrophobicizing agent which is distributed in an outer phase of the emulsion, and which forms the inner phase of the emulsion; andsubsequently drying the granular pumice, so that the hydrophobicizing agent forms a hydrophobic coating on a surface of the pumice granules.9. The process as claimed in ; wherein the emulsion is sprayed on.10. The process as claimed in ;wherein the granular pumice is mixed during and after addition of the emulsion.11. The process as claimed in ;wherein the mixing time is 1 min to 25 min.12. The process as claimed in ;wherein the wetted granular pumice is dried at a temperature of 0°-200° C.13. The process as claimed in ;wherein the hydrophobicizing agent comprises at least one silane, at least one siloxane, or a mixture thereof.15. The process as claimed in ;wherein the hydrophobicizing agent comprises at least one compound selected from organic fatty acids and salts of organic fatty acids.16. The process as claimed in ;wherein the hydrophobicizing agent comprises mineral oil.17. The process as claimed in ;wherein the hydrophobicizing agent comprises an alkane.18 ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Interlayer film for laminated glass, and laminated glass

Номер: US20130143049A1
Принадлежит: Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd

The present invention provides an interlayer film for laminated glass which enables to produce laminated glass having a low yellow index and excellent heat shielding properties; and laminated glass including the interlayer film for laminated glass. An interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention comprises a thermoplastic resin; heat shielding particles; and a first component, the first component is at least one of a phthalocyanine compound, a naphthalocyanine compound, and an anthracyanine compound, and contains vanadium atom(s); and Laminated glass of the present invention comprises: a first member for laminated glass; a second member for laminated glass; and a single-layer interlayer film or a multi-layer interlayer film between the first member for laminated glass and second member for laminated glass, wherein the single-layer interlayer film or the multi-layer interlayer film includes the interlayer film for laminated glass according to the present invention.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130143981A1

To provide a resin composition having excellent thermal conductivity and excellent insulation reliability, a molded object, a substrate material, and a circuit board. [Solution] Provided is a resin composition which comprises an epoxy resin, a hardener, and an inorganic filler, wherein the epoxy resin and/or the hardener has a naphthalene structure, the inorganic filler comprises hexagonal boron nitride, and the inorganic filler accounts for 50-85 vol. % of the whole resin composition. Since a naphthalene structure, which imparts the satisfactory ability to wet the hexagonal boron nitride included in the inorganic filler, has been introduced into the epoxy resin and/or the hardener to heighten the inorganic-filler loading characteristics, this resin composition attains excellent heat dissipation properties, heat resistance, insulating properties, etc. 1. A resin composition comprising an epoxy resin , a curing agent and an inorganic filler , wherein: one or both of the epoxy resin and the curing agent contain a naphthalene structure; the inorganic filler contains hexagonal boron nitride; and the inorganic filler is contained in an amount of 50 to 85 vol % in the entire resin composition.2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic filler contains coarse particles having an average particle diameter of 10 to 400 μm and fine particles having an average particle diameter of 0.5 to 4.0 μm claim 1 , and the blending ratio of the coarse particles is 70% or more.3. The resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the coarse particles are particles of hexagonal boron nitride.4. The resin composition according to claim 2 , wherein the fine particles are particles of hexagonal boron nitride.5. The resin composition according to claims 2 , wherein: the coarse particles are particles of hexagonal boron nitride having a graphitization index (GI) value of 1.5 or less; the shape of the coarse particles is individual flat plate or the aggregate of flat ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145959A1
Автор: Di Emidio Gemmina
Принадлежит: Universiteit Gent

The present invention relates to improved clayey barriers, such as compacted clay liners or geosynthetic clay liners, which can be used, among other uses, to isolate waste liquids from the environment. More in particular, the present invention relates to clay which is treated with an anionic polymer and is subsequently dehydrated before it is used as a barrier. The latter improved clays are surprisingly well, and for a long term, protected from chemical attack by aggressive electrolyte solutions present in, for example, sea water or waste liquids. 1. A method of preparing a hydraulic clayey barrier comprising a) mixing a dry clay with an anionic polymer solution to obtain a clay treated with an anionic polymer , and b) dehydrating said clay treated with an anionic polymer.2. The method of wherein said clay is bentonite and wherein said anionic polymer is sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.3. The method of wherein said clay is bentonite.4. The method of wherein said anionic polymer is sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.5. The method of wherein said clay is mixed with 2% up to 16% by dry weight of said anionic polymer.6. The method of wherein said dehydrating is undertaken by oven drying the slurries of clay claim 1 , polymer and water resulting from said mixing a dry clay with an anionic polymer solution at a temperature higher than 60° C.7. The method of wherein said composition is ground after said dehydrating said clay treated with an anionic polymer and is rehydrated before use as a hydraulic clayey barrier.8. The method of wherein said composition is ground after said dehydrating said clay treated with an anionic polymer.9. The method of wherein said composition is rehydrated before use as a hydraulic clayey barrier.1012-. (canceled)13. The method of wherein said clay is dredging soil or kaolin.14. The method of wherein said hydraulic clayey barrier maintains its efficiency for a long term.15. A hydraulic clayey barrier prepared by the method of .16. A hydraulic clayey ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Cold temperature-resistant chloroprene casing mixture

Номер: US20130148932A1
Принадлежит: Nexans SA

A casing mixture for a cable is provided having chloroprene with fillers and additives, particularly processing aids and softeners, as well as a cross-linking system, adhesion promoters, stabilizers, anti-aging agents, optionally coloring agents, which results after cross-linking in cold resistant and cold elastic vulcanizates which are suitable for extra heavy duty applications, for example, according to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 96-09 for moving lines for energy supply.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150512A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide a rubber composition with which it is possible to produce a tire that retains wear resistance and has excellent frictional force on ice, and a pneumatic tire using the rubber composition. The rubber composition of the present invention is a rubber composition comprising a diene rubber, carbon black and/or a white filler, and a master batch prepared by premixing a non-diene rubber and an organic peroxide, wherein a total content of carbon black and white filler is from 20 to 70 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of diene rubber and a content of the non-diene rubber in the master batch is from 3 to 30 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the diene rubber. 1. A rubber composition comprising: a diene rubber , a carbon black and/or a white filler , and a master batch prepared by premixing a non-diene rubber and an organic peroxide , whereina total content of the carbon black and the white filler is from 20 to 70 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the diene rubber anda content of the non-diene rubber in the master batch is from 3 to 30 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the diene rubber.2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , further comprising an ester plasticizer.3. The rubber composition according to claim 2 , wherein the master batch is a master batch prepared by premixing the non-diene rubber claim 2 , the organic peroxide and the ester plasticizer.4. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein an average glass transition temperature of the diene rubber is −50° C. or lower.5. The rubber composition according to claim 2 , wherein an average glass transition temperature of the ester plasticizer is −50° C. or lower.7. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the organic peroxide is from 0.1 to 10 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the non-diene rubber.8. The rubber composition according to claim 2 , wherein a content of the ester plasticizer is from 10 to 100 ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150513A1

The present invention provides a vinyl chloride resin composition having an improved resistance to warm-water bleaching. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to the present invention is characterized by comprising, with respect to 100 parts by mass of a vinyl chloride-based resin, 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of (a) a zinc-modified hydrotalcite and 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of (b) an acrylic processing aid having a weight-average molecular weight of 200,000 to 7,000,000. The above-described (a) zinc-modified hydrotalcite is preferably a compound represented by the following Formula (I): 1. A vinyl chloride resin composition , which is characterized by comprising , with respect to 100 parts by mass of a vinyl chloride-based resin , 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of (a) a zinc-modified hydrotalcite and 0.01 to 10 parts by mass of (b) an acrylic processing aid having a weight-average molecular weight of 200 ,000 to 7 ,000 ,000.2. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein said (a) zinc-modified hydrotalcite is a compound represented by the following Formula (I):{'br': None, 'sub': x1', 'x2', '2', '2(x1+x2)+4', '3', '2, 'MgZnAl(OH).CO.mHO \u2003\u2003(I)'}(wherein, x1 and x2 each represent a number satisfying the conditions of the following equations; and m represents a real number: 0.1≦x2/x1<10, 2≦x1+x2<20).3. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein said (a) zinc-modified hydrotalcite has a refractive index of 1.52 to 1.56.4. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein said (b) acrylic processing aid has a weight-average molecular weight of 200 claim 1 ,000 to 2 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000.5. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , which comprises a plasticizer component in an amount of 0 to 10 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of said vinyl chloride-based resin. The present invention relates to a vinyl chloride resin composition. More particularly, the present ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Rubber Compositions Comprising Graphene and Reinforcing Agents and Articles Made Therefrom

Номер: US20130150516A1
Автор: Lettow John S.
Принадлежит: Vorbeck Materials Corp.

Compositions comprising graphene sheets. at least one reinforcing agent, and at least one rubber. The compositions may further comprise carbon black. The compositions may be formed into articles including tire components. 1. A composition , comprising graphene sheets , at least one silicon containing reinforcing agent , and at least one rubber.2. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising carbon black.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing agent is silica.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing agent is at least one silicate.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the rubber is one or more selected from the group consisting of natural rubbers. butyl rubbers. and styrene-butadiene rubbers. 1.4-polybutadiene rubbers.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the graphene sheets have a surface area of at least about 300 m/g.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the graphene sheets have a surface area of at least about 400 m/g.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the graphene sheets have a carbon to oxygen molar ratio of at least about 10:1.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the graphene sheets have a carbon to oxygen molar ratio of at least about 20:1.10. The composition of claim 1 , comprising about 0.1 to about 20 phr of graphene sheets.11. The composition of claim 1 , comprising about 0.5 to about 10 phr of graphene sheets.12. A method of making a rubber composition claim 1 , comprising the step of blending graphene sheets claim 1 , at least one silicon containing reinforcing agent claim 1 , and at least one rubber.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein the graphene sheets have a surface area of at least about 300 m/g.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the graphene sheets have a surface area of at least about 400 m/g.15. The method of claim 12 , wherein the graphene sheets have a carbon to oxygen molar ratio of at least about 10:1.16. The method of claim 12 , wherein the composition comprises about 0.1 to about 20 phr of ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Boron-Containing Nucleating Agent for Polyphenylene Sulfide

Номер: US20130156565A1
Автор: Feng Ke
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A boron-containing nucleating agent is provided for use with a polyarylene sulfide. The boron-containing nucleating agent can have low crystallinity, a small particle size, and a large specific surface area. By selectively controlling certain aspects of the nucleating agent, the crystallization properties of a thermoplastic composition including the nucleating agent and a polyarylene sulfide can be significantly improved. For instance, the recrystallization temperature can be increased, which can allow the “cooling time” during a molding cycle to be substantially reduced. Through use of the boron-containing nucleating agent the recrystallization temperature can be greater than about 231° C. 1. A thermoplastic composition comprising a boron-containing nucleating agent and a polyarylene sulfide , the boron-containing nucleating agent having a graphitization index of greater than about 4 , the nucleating agent having an average particle size and a specific surface area , wherein the ratio of the average particle size to the specific surface area is between about 0.001 and about 1 micrometers per square meter per gram , the thermoplastic composition having a recrystallization temperature of greater than about 231° C. as determined according to differential scanning calorimetry.2. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the average particle size to the specific surface area of the boron-containing nucleating agent is between about 0.01 and about 0.8.3. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the boron-containing nucleating agent is less than about 10 micrometers.4. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the specific surface area of the boron-containing nucleating agent is greater than about 15 square meters per gram.5. The thermoplastic composition of claim 1 , wherein the graphitization index of the boron-containing nucleating agent is greater than about 5.6. The thermoplastic composition of ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Nucleating System for Polyarylene Sulfide Compositions

Номер: US20130157033A1
Принадлежит: Ticona LLC

A nucleating system for a thermoplastic composition that contains a polyarylene sulfide is provided. The nucleating system includes a combination of an inorganic crystalline compound and an aromatic amide oligomer. The present inventors have discovered that the combination of these different types of nucleating agents result in excellent crystallization properties (e.g., rate of crystallization). Due to the improved crystallization rate, the thermoplastic composition can be molded at lower temperatures to still achieve the same degree of crystallization. In addition to minimizing the energy requirements of the molding operating, the use of lower temperatures can also decrease the production of “flash” normally associated with high temperature molding operations. The composition may also possess good viscosity properties that allow it to be readily molded into parts of a variety of different shapes and sizes.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Friction material

Номер: US20130158162A1

There is provided a friction material. The friction material includes a fibrous material, a friction modifier, and a binder. The friction material contains potassium titanate powders, steel fibers, calcium pyrophosphate and iron oxide. An amount of the potassium titanate powders may be 10 to 30 mass %. An amount of the steel fibers may be 1 to 7 mass %. An amount of the calcium pyrophosphate may be 5 to 20 mass %. An amount of the iron oxide may be 1 to 5 mass %.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158181A1

To provide a rubber composition capable of sufficiently abrading a sealing lip while sliding it in an initial stage of rotation and sufficiently reducing a running torque, and further capable of securing a sufficient sealing property. The composition includes a first compounding ingredient which is one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide and barium sulfate in an amount of 50 to 200 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of a rubber component, and a second compounding ingredient which is one or two kinds selected from the group consisting of carbon black and a silica in an amount of more than 0 parts by mass and 50 parts by mass or lower. 1. A rubber composition comprising a first compounding ingredient which is one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate , magnesium oxide , aluminum oxide and barium sulfate in an amount of 50 to 200 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of a rubber component , wherein the composition does not comprise carbon black nor a silica.2. A rubber composition comprising a first compounding ingredient which is one or more kinds selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate , magnesium oxide , aluminum oxide and barium sulfate in an amount of 50 to 200 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of a rubber component , and a second compounding ingredient which is one or two kinds selected from the group consisting of carbon black and a silica in an amount of more than 0 parts by mass and 50 parts by mass or lower.3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein barium sulfate is used as the first compounding ingredient.4. A molded rubber product which is formed by cross-linking the rubber composition according to .5. A seal for a bearing which is formed by cross-linking the rubber composition according to .6. The rubber composition according to claim 2 , wherein barium sulfate is used as the first compounding ingredient.7. A ...
