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10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000028147U1
Автор: Кошкин В.А.

Установка для производства рулонного гидроизоляционного материала, содержащая основание, отличающаяся тем, что основание выполнено в виде перфорированного поддона и снабжено редкой тканью. (19) RU (11) 28 147 (13) U1 (51) МПК E04D 5/00 (2000.01) C08L 95/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002123779/20 , 09.09.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.09.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Кошкин В.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кошкин Владимир Александрович R U Адрес для переписки: 420110, РТ, г. Казань, а/я 2, пат.пов. Н.С. Гайнутдиновой, рег.№ 256 (71) Заявитель(и): Кошкин Владимир Александрович (54) УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ РУЛОННОГО ГИДРОИЗОЛЯЦИОННОГО МАТЕРИАЛА 2 8 1 4 7 (57) Формула полезной модели Установка для производства рулонного гидроизоляционного материала, содержащая основание, отличающаяся тем, что основание выполнено в виде перфорированного поддона и снабжено редкой тканью. R U 2 8 1 4 7 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 28 147 U1 RU 28 147 U1 RU 28 147 U1

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000085884U1

1. Упаковка для дорожного битума, содержащая не менее двух вложенных один в другой мешков из полимерной пленки, которая при взаимодействии с нагретым до рабочего состояния битумом растворяется в нем без остатка, и наружный мешок, выполненный из ткани, сплетенной из полимерной нити, имеющий прочность на разрыв, обеспечивающую хранение и транспортировку битума без вытекания и просачивания при наложении упаковок с битумом друг на друга в 4-6 слоев. 2. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что температура плавления каждого из мешков лежит ниже температуры рабочего состояния битума и составляет 100-120°С для первого к битуму (внутреннего) мешка, 120-140°С для второго мешка и 140-170°С для наружного мешка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 85 884 U1 (51) МПК B65B 63/08 (2006.01) C08L 95/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009112668/22, 06.04.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.04.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2009 (72) Автор(ы): Валитова Екатерина Петровна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Валитова Екатерина Петровна (RU) U 1 8 5 8 8 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Упаковка для дорожного битума, содержащая не менее двух вложенных один в другой мешков из полимерной пленки, которая при взаимодействии с нагретым до рабочего состояния битумом растворяется в нем без остатка, и наружный мешок, выполненный из ткани, сплетенной из полимерной нити, имеющий прочность на разрыв, обеспечивающую хранение и транспортировку битума без вытекания и просачивания при наложении упаковок с битумом друг на друга в 4-6 слоев. 2. Упаковка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что температура плавления каждого из мешков лежит ниже температуры рабочего состояния битума и составляет 100-120°С для первого к битуму (внутреннего) мешка, 120-140°С для второго мешка и 140-170°С для наружного мешка. 8 5 8 8 4 (54) УПАКОВКА ДЛЯ ДОРОЖНОГО БИТУМА R U Адрес для ...

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000096506U1

1. Функциональный комплекс для приготовления композиционного сероасфальтобетона, включающий средства модифицирования серы, средства смешения модифицированной серы с битумом с образованием гомогенной структуры, включающие вспомогательный смеситель, а также средства смешения полученной гомогенной структуры с совокупностью минеральных заполнителей, в том числе, минеральным порошком, например известняковым и/или доломитовым, и каменными материалами, например песком, и/или гравием, и/или щебнем, с возможностью образования структурно-однородной смеси, выполненные в виде основного смесителя, конструктивно-технологически связанного со вспомогательным смесителем и магистралями подачи минеральных заполнителей, отличающийся тем, что комплекс оснащен: бункером для структурообразователя, функционально являющимся емкостью для волокон хризотил-асбеста или базальта, модифицированного наноуглеродом, выходная магистраль которой организована с возможностью смешения упомянутого структурообразователя с минеральным порошком и/или серой перед их поступлением в соответствующий смеситель; а также кавитационно-акустическим средством активации битума с рециркуляционным контуром, конструктивно-технологически связанным с магистралью подачи нагретого битума во вспомогательный смеситель; средства модифицирования серы также выполнены кавитационно-акустического типа с рециркуляционным контуром, конструктивно-технологически связанным с магистралью подачи серы во вспомогательный смеситель; при этом магистраль подачи активированного битума связана с магистралью подачи серы с возможностью осуществления модифицирования серы частью активированного битума в ее рециркуляционном контуре с кавитационно-акустическим эффектом, а средства смешения модифицированной серы с битумом, включающие вспомогательный смеситель, оснащены средством осуществления эффекта акустической кавитации с рециркуляционным контуром, связанным со вспомогательным смесителем. 2. Функциональный комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в ...

27-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000097998U1

1. Комплекс для приготовления композиционного серобитума, состоящий из узла приготовления серобитума и узла получения модифицированной серы, отличающийся тем, что узел приготовления серобитума включает в себя емкость для битума, технологически связанную через обогреваемый трубопровод и первый дозатор с первым питателем, узел получения модифицированной серы включает в себя емкость для структурообразователя и емкость для элементарной серы, технологически связанные через второй дозатор со вторым питателем, причем первый питатель соединен с первым рециркуляционным акустическим или гидродинамическим кавитатором для активации битума, а также соединен со входом во второй питатель для подачи части активированного битума на модификацию серы и со входом в смеситель для подачи основной части активированного битума, второй питатель соединен со вторым рециркуляционным акустическим или гидродинамическим кавитатором для модификации серы частью активированного битума, а также со входом в смеситель для подачи модифицированной серы на смешение с основной частью активированного битума, при этом смеситель соединен с третьим рециркуляционным акустическим или гидродинамическим кавитатором для гомогенизации и стабилизации композиционного серобитума и с трубопроводом подачи готового композиционного серобитума потребителю. 2. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рециркуляционные акустические кавитаторы представляют собой экспоненциальные излучатели ультразвукового диспергатора с диапазоном частот 20-35 кГц. 3. Комплекс по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рециркуляционные гидродинамические кавитаторы представляют собой устройства, состоящие из конфузора, проточной камеры, диффузора и вала с кавитационной насадкой, выполненные с возможностью осуществления режима гидродинамической кавитации в диапазоне частот 10-80 Гц. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 97 998 (13) U1 (51) МПК C04B 28/36 (2006.01) C08L 95/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ...

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Конструкция дорожной одежды

Номер: RU0000175002U1

Техническое решение относится к области транспортного строительства и может быть использовано для устройства и укрепления покрытий и оснований транспортных сооружений, в частности автомобильных дорог и других транспортных сооружений, конструкций дорожного покрытия, откосов, укрепленных обочин, конусов мостов, оснований автомобильных дорог, велосипедных дорожек, а также аэродромов, промышленных и строительных площадок, для защиты водоотводных канав, надводного и подводного пространств береговых линий, русел водоемов от размыва, при благоустройстве и строительстве объектов гидротехнического, гражданского и промышленного строительства, например набережных городского, курортного и промышленного типов и т.п. Задачей настоящего технического решения является повышение прочности дорожной одежды путем формирования монолитного слоя щебня с заданной фракцией или фракциями с обеспеченными повышенными однородными свойствами размерно-механических характеристик с коэффициентом вариации меньше 0,1. Конструкция дорожной одежды состоит из дорожного покрытия 1, слоев 2 основания из щебеночного материала и подстилающего слоя 3 (фиг. 1). Щебеночный слой 2 основания выполнен из двух слоев - верхнего слоя 4 из уплотненного щебня заданной фракции и нижнего слоя 5, выполненного в виде каркасной конструкции из зерновых элементов 6, покрытых оболочками 7 отвержденного вяжущего, вертикальных нитей 8 отвержденного вяжущего, исходящих из нижней точки зерновых элементов 6, и случайно распределенных пустот 9, образованных в области точечных соединений мест контакта оболочек 7 друг с другом, при этом высота «h» нижнего слоя 5 составляет 5-50% от общей высоты «Н» щебеночного слоя 2. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил. Ц 1 175002 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ‚ааа даа ВУ” 178 002094 (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ ВОС 7/18 (2006.01) ВОС 3/00 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017126242, 21.07.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.07.2017 Дата ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Binder composition comprising a low viscosity naphthenic oil for coloured hot-mix asphalt applications

Номер: US20120016062A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an essential colourless binder composition comprising a naphthenic oil having a total content of naphthenics of 35%-80% by weight, based on the total weight of the naphthenic oil, and a petroleum or synthetic hydrocarbon resin, wherein the ratio of the naphthenic oil and the petroleum or synthetic hydrocarbon resin is between 10:90 to 90:10. The essential colourless binder composition is suitable for use in coloured asphalt compositions and emulsions.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Fast Drying Emulsion Systems

Номер: US20120157597A1
Принадлежит: Tremco LLC

The drying time for aqueous asphalt emulsions used in the roofing and other waterproofing industries is shortened by separately applying an emulsion breaking agent to the substrate to be waterproofed, to the aqueous asphalt emulsion after it is applied, or both.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Use of waxes in a cross-linked bitumen/polymer composition for improving its resistance to chemical attack and cross-linked bitumen/ polymer composition comprising said waxes

Номер: US20120220700A1
Принадлежит: Total Raffinage Marketing SA

The present disclosure relates to the use of 2 to 6% by mass of Fischer-Tropsch waxes in a cross-linked bitumen/polymer composition for improving the cross-linked bitumen/polymer composition's resistance to aggressive chemical agents.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Wet-End Manufacturing Process for Bitumen-Impregnated Fiberboard

Номер: US20120247700A1
Автор: Tariq Mahmood Malik
Принадлежит: W R Meadows Inc

A process for manufacturing fiberboard by preparing a fiber slurry mixture including containing cellulose fibers and water then atomizing a liquid bituminous material, such as asphalt. The liquid bituminous material is atomized by mixing it with a pressurized gas, such as compressed air, forming a mist comprising droplets of bituminous material having a diameter between 20 microns and 50 microns. A water spray solidifies the bituminous material droplets thereby forming bituminous particles which fall into the fiber slurry within the spray chamber. From there the slurry is sheared, dewatered, and dried, forming a finished fiberboard.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Destabilized bituminous bonding layer

Номер: US20120275860A1
Автор: Marvin K. Exline
Принадлежит: Road Science LLC

A method of applying a new surface to an existing surface. The method comprises applying a bituminous emulsion bonding layer to the existing surface; destabilizing the bituminous emulsion bonding layer; and applying a bituminous mixture to the bituminous emulsion bonding layer.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Continuous process for fractioning, combination, and recombination of asphalt components for pelletization and packaging of asphalt and asphalt-containing products

Номер: US20130036714A1
Принадлежит: Gala Industries Inc

A continuous process for fractioning, combination, and recombination of asphalt sources into asphalt components for pelletization of asphalt and asphalt-containing products such that the pellets formed are generally uniform in dimension, freely flowing, free from agglomeration, and the pelletized asphalt is packaged, and preferably compatibly packaged, for additional processing and applications.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Asphalt modification processing system and method for asphalt additives

Номер: US20130042793A1
Принадлежит: Heritage Research Group LLC

A process method for producing modified asphalt binder compositions that involves mixing an asphalt binder and at least one asphalt additive and/or asphalt modifier in a stirred ball mill so as to subject the mixture to mixing, shearing, impacting and grinding.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068135A1
Принадлежит: EUROVIA

The present invention relates to a process for producing cold bituminous mixes, comprising the following successive steps: a. in a mixer, coating, at ambient temperature, all of the solid mineral fractions with all of the binder in emulsion, and optionally a portion of fluxing agent, over a time interval T sufficient to observe a coating of the mix; then b. at the end of the time interval T, adding the remaining amount of fluxing agent, over a time interval t, such that the T/t ratio is greater than 2, the other mixing conditions of steps a) and b) being otherwise substantially identical. The present invention also relates to cold bituminous mixes, capable of being obtained by the process according to the invention and the use thereof for the production of wearing courses, the production of emulsion-stabilized gravels or the production of storage-grade mixes. 1. Process for manufacturing cold mix asphalt consisting of solid mineral fractions coated using an emulsion binder , said binder comprising a fluxing or fluidizing agent , characterised in that it consists of the following steps:a. In a mixer, at room temperature coat the totality of solid mineral fractions with an emulsion binder, said emulsion comprising the totality of the binder but not containing the totality of the fluxing or fluidizing agent, for a time period T sufficient to observe coating of the mix; thenb. At the end of the time interval T, add the remaining quantity of fluxing or fluidizing agent, and if need be an additive suited to the nature of the fluxing or fluidizing agent, in a mixer for a time interval t such that the T/t ratio is greater than 2, the other mixing conditions for steps a) and b) being moreover almost identical2. Process according to characterised in that steps a) and b) are successive and continuous.3. Process according to characterised in that steps a) and b) are not successive but are interrupted by storage of the mixes obtained after step a).4. Process according to any one ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074729A1
Принадлежит: A.L.M. Holding Company

The present invention provides a functionally dry warm mix asphalt binder composition modified with lubricating agents or additives that can be mixed with aggregate and compacted at temperatures substantially below asphalt binder compositions that do not contain the disclosed lubricating additives. 1. An asphalt paving composition comprising functionally dry , essentially water-free , non-foamed asphalt binder containing lubricating additive comprising an anionic surfactant or a non-ionic surfactant mixed with uncompacted aggregate to provide aggregate coated with binder and lubricating additive suitable for use as a warm mix paving composition; wherein the warm mix paving composition is produced at a warm mix temperature which is at least 30° F. lower than a comparison production temperature needed to produce a comparison paving composition containing binder-coated aggregate without the lubricating additive.2. An asphalt paving composition according to wherein the anionic surfactant comprises saturated or unsaturated fatty acids claim 1 , fatty acid pitch claim 1 , or fatty acid derivatives.3. An asphalt paving composition according to wherein the anionic surfactant comprises fatty acid sulfonates.4. An asphalt paving composition according to wherein the non-ionic surfactant comprises a surfactant having fatty acid ester bonds claim 1 , a surfactant having ether bonds claim 1 , a surfactants having amide bonds claim 1 , an alkylenated oxide copolymer or a polyoxyethylenated mercaptan.5. An asphalt paving composition according to wherein the non-ionic surfactant comprises an alkylphenoloxyethylene or a polyoxyethylenated alcohol.6. An asphalt paving compositions according to further comprising an antistrip material.7. An asphalt paving composition according to wherein the warm mix paving composition is paved and compacted at a warm mix temperature at least 30° F. lower than a comparison paving temperature needed for proper paving of the comparison paving composition ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Asphalt emulsions, products made from asphalt emulsions, and processes for making fibrous mats from asphalt emulsions

Номер: US20130092338A1
Принадлежит: Building Materials Investment Corp

The invention relates to asphalt emulsions comprising an asphalt component selected from the group consisting of a solvent extracted asphalt, an oxidized asphalt, and combinations thereof. The invention also relates to products made therefrom, including fibrous mats comprising a fiber component, such as glass fibers, and a binder component comprising an asphalt emulsion. The invention further relates to wet-laid processes for manufacturing fibrous mats and that employ the use of an amphoteric surfactant, which is applied to a wet fiber web prepared from a dispersion of fiber components, such as glass fibers.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096039A1

A method for heating materials by application of radio frequency (“RF”) energy is disclosed. For example, the disclosure concerns a method and apparatus for RF heating of petroleum ore, such as bitumen, oil sands, oil shale, tar sands, or heavy oil. Petroleum ore is mixed with a substance comprising mini-dipole susceptors such as carbon strands. A source is provided which applies RF energy to the mixture of a power and frequency sufficient to heat the mini-dipole susceptors. The RF energy is applied for a sufficient time to allow the mini-dipole susceptors to heat the mixture to an average temperature greater than about 212° F. (100° C.). Optionally, the mini-dipole susceptors can be removed after the desired average temperature has been achieved. The susceptors may provide advantages for the RF heating of hydrocarbons, such as higher temperatures (sufficient for distillation or pyrolysis), anhydrous processing, and greater speed or efficiency. 120-. (canceled)21. A composition suitable for radio frequency (RF) heating comprising:a petroleum ore; anda plurality of carbon fibers mixed with said petroleum ore.22. The composition according to wherein said petroleum ore has a dielectric dissipation factor less than 0.05 at 3 GHz.23. The composition according to wherein said petroleum ore has a dielectric dissipation factor less than 0.01 at 3 GHz.24. The composition according to wherein said petroleum ore has a dielectric dissipation factor less than 0.001 at 3 GHz.25. The composition according to wherein said petroleum ore comprises 10% to 90% by volume of a total volume of said petroleum ore and said plurality of carbon fibers.26. The composition according to wherein said plurality of carbon fibers comprises 1% to 50% by volume of a total volume of said petroleum ore and said plurality of carbon fibers.27. The composition according to further comprising less than 5% by volume of water.28. The composition according to wherein said petroleum ore comprises at least one ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Pre-Treatment of Rubber-Modified Asphalt Cement, and Emulsions Thereof

Номер: US20130096240A1
Автор: Flanigan Theodore P.

This invention encompasses asphalt cement emulsions, as well as methods for preparing a pre-treated rubber-modified asphalt cement emulsions and methods for coating industrial surfaces using asphalt cement emulsions. 1. An asphalt cement emulsion composition , comprising:i) a rubber-modified asphalt cement;ii) an emulsifier, comprising a diamine compound; andiii) an aqueous emulsification solution, comprising clay.2. The emulsion composition of claim 1 , wherein the clay is a hydrophobic clay.3. The emulsion composition of claim 1 , wherein the clay is sepiolite clay.4. The emulsion composition of claim 1 , wherein the rubber-modified asphalt cement comprises one or more additives claim 1 , comprising a thickener claim 1 , an anti-foam agent claim 1 , a polymer latex claim 1 , a sulfonic acid claim 1 , or a surfactant.5. The emulsion composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises from about 0.01 to 25 wt. % of the rubber-modified asphalt cement.6. The emulsion composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises from about 9 to 13 wt. % of rubber claim 1 , relative to the total wt. % of the rubber-modified asphalt cement.7. The emulsion composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises one or more emulsifiers.8. The emulsion composition of claim 7 , wherein the one or more emulsifiers comprises one or more amine-containing compounds.9. The emulsion composition of claim 8 , wherein the one or more amine-containing compounds comprises a monoamine compound.10. The emulsion composition of claim 9 , wherein the monoamine compound comprises an amine oxyalkylate compound.11. The emulsion composition of claim 7 , wherein the one or more emulsifiers comprises one or more aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.12. The emulsion composition of claim 7 , wherein the one or more emulsifiers comprises a carboxylic acid.13. The emulsion composition of claim 7 , wherein the one or more emulsifiers comprises a tall oil compound or derivative.14. The ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods for Changing Stability of Water and Oil Emulsions

Номер: US20130104772A1

At least one embodiment of the inventive technology may involve the intentional changing of the stability of an emulsion from a first stability to a more desired, second stability upon the addition of a more aromatic asphaltene subfraction (perhaps even a most aromatic asphaltene subfraction), or a less aromatic asphaltene subfraction (perhaps even a least aromatic asphatene subfraction) to a emulsion hydrocarbon of an oil emulsion, thereby increasing emulsion stability or decreasing emulsion stability, respectively. Precipitation and redis solution or sorbent-based techniques may be used to isolate a selected asphaltene subfraction before its addition to an emulsion hydrocarbon when that hydrocarbon is part of an emulsion or an ingredient of a yet-to-be-formed emulsion. 1. A method for changing the stability of an emulsion that comprises an emulsion hydrocarbon , from a first stability to a second , more desired stability , said method comprising the steps of:precipitating at least a first asphaltene subfraction of a hydrocarbon and a second asphaltene subfraction of said hydrocarbon within a substantially inert stationary phase to generate precipitated asphaltenes, wherein said second asphaltene subfraction is more aromatic than said first asphaltene subfraction;dissolving at least a portion of at least said first asphaltene subfraction from said precipitated asphaltenes to generate at least one dissolved asphaltene subfraction;adding at least some of one of said at least one dissolved asphaltene subfraction to said emulsion hydrocarbon; andchanging the stability of said emulsion comprising said emulsion hydrocarbon from said first stability to said second, more desired stability.2. The method as described in wherein said hydrocarbon comprises a hydrocarbon selected from the group consisting of: crude oils claim 1 , asphalts claim 1 , distillation residua claim 1 , processed oils claim 1 , oils processed via catalytic hydrotreating claim 1 , oils processed via ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104774A1
Принадлежит: Crown Iron Works Company

A process extracts and reclaims the components of an asphalt-based material having as constituents at least asphalt and one or more solid materials. A solvent for asphalt dissolves the asphalt constituent to form a slurry of asphalt-solvent liquid and the solid materials. The liquid and the solids in the slurry are then separated. The liquid is separated into solvent and asphalt. The solids, when of more than one type, are separated into at least one pure constituent solid. In a preferred embodiment, the process runs in a continuous mode with the various materials flowing as streams into spaces where steps of the process operate. The process can be used for both worn roofing shingles and for asphalt paving. 1. A process for separating constituents of an asphalt-based material having as constituents at least asphalt and one solid material , comprising the steps of:a) shredding the asphalt-based material to form a shredded material mass;b) providing a first solvent;c) mixing the shredded material mass with the first solvent to dissolve the asphalt in the shredded material mass, to form a first slurry mass comprising dissolved asphalt, solvent, and solid materials;c) separating the mass of solid materials from the dissolved asphalt and solvent in the first slurry mass to form a final solid materials mass and a final asphalt-solvent mass; andd) separating the solvent and the asphalt in the final asphalt-solvent mass to form a reclaimed solvent mass and an asphalt mass.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the shredded material mass is provided as a shredded material stream claim 1 , the first solvent is provided in a first solvent stream claim 1 , and the first slurry mass is provided in the form of a first slurry stream; and wherein the final solid materials mass is in the form of a final solid materials stream claim 1 , the final asphalt-solvent mass is in the form of a final asphalt-solvent stream claim 1 , the reclaimed solvent mass is in the form of a reclaimed ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116364A1

A method for producing bulk good of agglomerates made of rubber particles and wax. A composition of the agglomerate and the use of the bulk good to produce asphalt or bitumen masses are created in that rubber is activated by swelling and using a swelling agent and a melt made of viscosity-reducing wax and of optional polyoctenamer is added, the activated rubber particles are agglomerated by means of the viscosity-reducing wax and optional adhesion-improving substances. The resulting larger volume leads to a viscosity reduction and the softening leads to a more intimate and more homogeneous wetting with the wax and, in the mixed good to be produced, a viscosity reduction remaining stable in the mixed good for <180 min and an increased stability of the cross-linking of the rubber molecules among each other after the agglomerates have been incorporated are achieved. 123-. (canceled)24. A process for preparing bulk material of agglomerates having rubber particles and waxes , comprising the steps of:a) activating the rubber particles by applying a swelling agent which causes the rubber to swell,b) adding a melt of viscosity-reducing wax to the activated rubber of step a),c) agglomerating the activated rubber particles and viscosity-reducing wax by adding adhesion-enhancing materials, such as resins or polyisobutenes, by mixing.25. The process according to claim 24 , wherein the rubber particles are obtained at ambient temperature and derived from mechanically generated screen fractions.26. The process according to claim 24 , wherein the rubber particles are obtained cryogenically from mechanically generated screen fractions.27. The process according to claim 24 , wherein preparing a mixture of pure claim 24 , rubber particles claim 24 , obtained both at ambient temperature and cryogenically claim 24 , from mechanically generated screen fractions.28. The process according to claim 24 , further comprising forming a layer by adding wax on the rubber particles activated by ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Wet-End Manufacturing Process for Bitumen-Impregnated Fiberboard

Номер: US20130125784A1
Автор: Malik Tariq Mahmood
Принадлежит: W. R. MEADOWS, INC.

A process for manufacturing fiberboard by preparing a fiber slurry mixture including containing cellulose fibers and water then atomizing a liquid bituminous material, such as asphalt. The liquid bituminous material is atomized by mixing it with a pressurized gas, such as compressed air, forming a mist comprising droplets of bituminous material having a diameter between 20 microns and 50 microns. A water spray solidifies the bituminous material droplets thereby forming bituminous particles which fall into the fiber slurry within the spray chamber. From there the slurry is sheared, dewatered, and dried, forming a finished fiberboard. 1. A bitumen-impregnated material comprising:from about 10% to about 40% by weight bituminous material, cellulose fibers,one or more filler materials,a sufficient amount of at least one dye to color the cellulose fibers and/or filler materials, andoptionally, an outer coating disposed on both major sides of the bitumen-impregnated material.2. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the sufficient amount of dye is about 0.001% or greater weight of the bitumen-impregnated material.3. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the dye comprises about 0.001% to about 2.0% weight of the bitumen-impregnated material.4. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the material is a fiberboard material or an expansion joint material.5. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the material has a density of at least 20 lb/cu. ft. or greater.6. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the material has a density of at least 21 lb/cu. ft.7. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the material has a density of at least 23 lb/cu. ft.8. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the material has a compression claim 1 , as measured in accordance with ASTM D 1751-04 claim 1 , of at least 150 psi or greater.9. The bitumen-impregnated material of claim 1 , wherein the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Asphalt composition containing ground tire rubber

Номер: US20130143985A1
Принадлежит: Blacklidge Emulsions Inc

We disclose a method of making an asphalt composition containing large quantities of ground tire rubber. Over 20% GTR by weight can be used in the asphalt composition without the GTR settling out. The method comprises a series of heating and blending and using a GTR stabilizer.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods For Reducing Odors In Asphalt

Номер: US20130145960A1
Автор: Quinn Robert Edwin

Compositions and methods for reducing the foul odors of a hydrocarbonaceous material such as asphalt comprise the addition of an odor reducing amount of a reducing carbohydrate and/or a soluble zinc compound. The reducing carbohydrate may be a monosaccharide, oligosaccharide or polysaccharide, including a starch; and it may be used as a sole odor reducing agent or in combination with soluble zinc compounds and/or other odor reducing compounds. 1. A method for reducing the undesirable odors of a hydrocarbonaceous material , comprising adding to the hydrocarbonaceous material a composition containing an odor mitigating amount of at least one reducing carbohydrate.2. The method of wherein the reducing carbohydrate is a monosaccharide.3. The method of wherein the monosaccharide is glucose.4. The method of wherein the reducing carbohydrate is a polysaccharide.5. The method of wherein the polysaccharide has a DE from about 2 to about 70.6. The method of wherein the reducing carbohydrate is an oligosaccharide.7. The method of wherein the hydrocarbonaceous material is an asphalt.8. The method of wherein the odor mitigating amount is from about 0.001% w/v to about 5.0% w/v.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding to the hydrocarbonaceous material at least one additional odor mitigating compound.10. The method of wherein the at least one additional odor mitigating compound is selected from a soluble zinc compound or a carbonyl compound having a molecular weight greater than about 100 Daltons and a boiling point greater than about 375° F.11. A hydrocarbonaceous material having reduced foul odors claim 9 , comprising:one or more asphalts; andan odor mitigating concentrate containing an odor mitigating compound in an odor mitigating amount,wherein the foul odors are reduced relative to the asphalt in the absence of the odor mitigating concentrate; and wherein the odor mitigating compound is selected from at least one reducing carbohydrate, at least one soluble zinc ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160674A1

A method of forming an asphalt mixture can include mixing a bio-asphalt and a bitumen source material different from the bio-asphalt. The bio-asphalt can be formed by mixing a bio-source material with a liquid catalyst. Particles can be added to the asphalt mixture. In an embodiment, the bitumen source material can have a softening point of at least approximately 93° C. and a penetration distance no greater than approximately 25 dmm. In another embodiment, the roofing-grade asphalt mixture can have a softening point of at least approximately 104° C., a penetration distance no greater than approximately 12 dmm, a viscosity of at least approximately 3000 cps at a temperature of 204° C., or any combination thereof. The asphalt mixture can be applied to a base material to form a roofing product. The asphalt mixture can be applied as a pavement product. 1. A method of forming an asphalt mixture comprising:mixing a liquid catalyst with a bio-source material to form the bio-asphalt; andmixing the bio-asphalt with a bitumen source different from the bio-asphalt to form the asphalt mixture.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising agitating claim 1 , wherein the agitating includes stirring claim 1 , propelling claim 1 , shearing claim 1 , impelling claim 1 , bubbling the mixture with a gas claim 1 , or any combination thereof.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising heating the asphalt mixture to at least about 100° C. claim 1 , such as at least about 120° C. claim 1 , at least about 140° C. claim 1 , or at least about 180° C.6. (canceled)7. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the liquid catalyst includes a metal salt wherein the metal includes cobalt claim 2 , manganese claim 2 , zirconium claim 2 , vanadium claim 2 , iron claim 2 , calcium claim 2 , nickel claim 2 , copper claim 2 , zinc claim 2 , osmium claim 2 , rhodium claim 2 , rhenium claim 2 , hafnium claim 2 , or any combination thereof.8. (canceled)9. ( ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160675A1
Автор: Hunt Christopher

An asphalt composition comprises aggregate, binder coating the aggregate and reflective particles embedded in the binder. In various embodiments, the binder may comprise one or more of clear bitumen, bio-bitumen or a polymer modified bitumen for cold application. The binder may comprise a glare control additive The reflective particles may be metal or metal oxide. 1. An asphalt composition , comprising:aggregate, binder coating the aggregate, the binder being at least partially transparent to visible and infrared radiation;titanium dioxide in the binder; andreflective particles embedded within and coated by the binder, the reflective particles being aluminum or aluminum oxide particles having fracture faces.2. The asphalt composition of in which the binder comprises clear bitumen.3. The asphalt composition of in which the binder comprises bio-bitumen.4. The asphalt composition of in which the binder comprises a polymer modified bitumen for cold application.5. The asphalt composition of in which the reflective particles are aluminum oxide particles present in an amount of from 1% to 20% by weight of liquid components of the binder.6. The asphalt composition of in which the aluminum oxide particles have dimensions each less than 0.2 mm.7. The asphalt composition of in which the reflective particles are present in an amount of from 0.01% to 2.4% by weight of the asphalt composition.8. An asphalt composition claim 1 , comprising:aggregate, binder coating the aggregate, the binder being at least partially transparent to visible and infrared radiation; andreflective metal or metal oxide particles embedded within and coated by the binder, the metal or metal oxide particles having fracture faces, the reflective metal or metal oxide particles being present in an amount of from 0.01% to 2.4% by weight of the asphalt composition.9. The asphalt composition of further comprising a glare control additive in the binder.10. The asphalt composition of in which the glare control ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171899A1

A method of forming an asphalt mixture can include mixing a bio-source material and a bitumen source to form a bitumen mixture. The bitumen mixture can be mixed with a catalyst to form the asphalt mixture. Particles can be added to the asphalt mixture to form a roofing-grade asphalt mixture. In an embodiment, the bitumen source material can have a softening point of at least approximately 93° C. and a penetration distance no greater than approximately 25 dmm. In another embodiment, the roofing-grade asphalt mixture can have a softening point of at least approximately 104° C., a penetration distance no greater than approximately 12 dmm, a viscosity of at least approximately 3000 cps at a temperature of 204° C., or any combination thereof. The asphalt mixture can be applied to a base material to form a roofing product. The asphalt mixture can be applied as a pavement product. 1. A method of forming an asphalt mixture comprising:mixing a bitumen source with a bio-source material to form a bitumen mixture; andadding a catalyst to form an asphalt mixture.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bio-source material is in an amount of at least about 5 wt % claim 1 , at least about 11 wt % claim 1 , or at least about 15 wt % of the bitumen mixture.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst includes a liquid catalyst.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bio-source material comprises a partially oxidized oil.21. The method of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt mixture has a softening point of at least approximately 88° C. claim 1 , a penetration distance no greater than approximately 30 dmm claim 1 , a viscosity of not greater than approximately 2000 cps at a temperature of 177° C. claim 1 , or any combination thereof.22. (canceled)23. ( ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172452A1

Embodiments of the present invention are directed to compositions and methods for a thermoplastic paving composition including an asphalt rubber binder and a polyethylene polymer additive. 1. A thermoplastic paving composition , comprising:an asphalt-rubber binder; anda polyethylene polymer additive.2. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene polymer is present in an amount of about 1% to about 4% by weight of the asphalt-rubber binder.3. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene polymer is present in an amount of about 2% to about 4% by weight of the asphalt-rubber binder.4. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene polymer is present in an amount of about 3% by weight of the asphalt-rubber binder.5. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene polymer is an oxidized polyethylene homopolymer.6. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene polymer has a melting point of about 88° C. to about 140° C.7. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene is an oxidized polyethylene homopolymer having a melting point of about 100° C. to about 140° C.8. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt-rubber binder is asphalt-rubber seal coat.9. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the performance grade (PG) rating of the thermoplastic paving composition is PG 88.10. The thermoplastic paving composition of claim 1 , wherein the PG rating of the thermoplastic paving composition is PG 94.11. A method of increasing the softening point temperature of asphalt-rubber paving composition claim 1 , comprising mixing a polyethylene polymer with an asphalt-rubber binder in an amount of about 1 to 4% by weight of the asphalt-rubber binder.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the mixing the polyethylene polymer with the asphalt rubber binder comprises mixing the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174759A1

Road material compositions, systems for uses and methods of making are provided in which the road material includes an asphaltene mixture. The asphaltene mixture generally includes at least one of the following: a surfactant, peptizer, stabilizer and light end hydrocarbons. The asphaltene mixture is combined with waste cuttings from a drill site and an aggregate to form a road-based material. The road-based material, thus, re-uses drill cuttings waste avoiding its disposal and the high costs associated with disposal. The road-based material is suitable for high and low traffic roads, oil roads, black top, as a patch mix and as a road base. The asphaltene mixture and the road-based material when formed are capable of immediate use as well as long-term storage. The asphaltene mixture and road-based material may both be readily modified for small and large scale production. 1. An asphaltene composition comprising:an asphaltene, wherein the asphaltene is the insoluble component or precipitate after dilution of crude oil with an n-alkane;a surfactant; anda peptizer, wherein the peptizer includes or acts as a solvent,wherein the composition is provided as an aqueous or non-aqueous homogenized mixture.2. The composition of further comprising light end hydrocarbons.3. The composition of wherein the asphaltene comprises 50% to 80% of the composition by weight.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphaltene is about 20 pen or less.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphaltene composition is stable at room temperature.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the peptizer is a nitrogen-based resin or a liquid rosin.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphaltene composition is not an emulsion.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphaltene composition is milled to form particulates of 1 to 50 microns.9. The composition of further comprising naptha.10. An asphaltene composition comprising:an asphaltene, wherein the asphaltene is the insoluble ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180431A1

Embodiments are presented herein that provide a filler that is a combination of zeolite and hydrated lime. Addition of this filler to asphalt is more beneficial than addition of either zeolite or hydrated lime alone. The beneficial properties of zeolite include a controlled release of moisture that aids mixture workability and the ability of the asphalt to effectively coat the aggregate particles. The mixture of zeolite and hydrated lime is easier to handle and integrate into a process than use of either compound alone, and it offers a number of other benefits. 1. A filler for asphalt , comprising:lime; andzeolite.2. The filler of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite and lime are present in a ratio claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of 2 to 6 parts lime to 1 part zeolite.3. The filler of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite and lime are present in a ratio claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of 3 to 5 parts lime to 1 part zeolite.4. The filler of claim 1 , wherein the zeolite and lime are present in a ratio claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of 4 parts lime to 1 part zeolite.5. The filler of claim 1 , further comprising water.6. The filler of claim 5 , wherein at least some of said water is adsorbed by the zeolite.7. The filler of claim 1 , further comprising a binder.8. The filler of claim 7 , wherein said binder is selected from the group consisting of sodium silicate claim 7 , potassium silicate claim 7 , molasses claim 7 , calcium silicate claim 7 , calcium limestone claim 7 , dolomitic limestone claim 7 , and bentonite clay.9. The filler of claim 8 , wherein the binder is sodium silicate.10. The filler of claim 7 , wherein said binder is present in an amount between 0.2 to 2% by weight.11. The filler of claim 1 , wherein the filler is a powdered filler.12. The filler of claim 1 , wherein the filler is a granulated filler.13. An asphalt mix comprising:asphalt;lime in an amount of 0.5 to 2.5 percent of the asphalt mix, by weight; andzeolite in an amount of 0.1 to 0.35 percent by weight of the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184382A1

Bitumen may be prepared by mixing at least two bitumen feed streams to prepare a bitumen product stream; analyzing the feed streams and the product stream to determine a stability index for each using a Bitumen Asphaltene Stability Index Test; and when the index value for the bitumen product stream is less than about 90% of the weighted average index value for the feed streams, modifying the product stream to achieve a stability index value that is at least 90% of the weighted average index value for the feed streams. 1. A method of preparing bitumen comprising mixing at least two bitumen feed streams to prepare a bitumen product stream; analyzing the feed streams and the product stream to determine a stability index for each using a Bitumen Asphaltene Stability Index Test; and when the index value for the bitumen product stream is less than about 90% of the weighted average index value for the feed streams , modifying the product stream to achieve a stability index value that is at least 90% of the weighted average index value for the feed streams.2. The method of wherein the at least two bitumen feed streams are a virgin bitumen claim 1 ,3. The method of wherein at least one of the two bitumen feed streams is a bitumen recycle stream.4. The method of wherein the bitumen recycle stream is selected from the group consisting of recycled asphalt recovered from roads or parking lots claim 3 , recycled roofing shingles claim 3 , recycle roofing membranes claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. The method of wherein the bitumen recycle stream has been melted and treated to remove fillers and gravel.6. The method of wherein at least one of the bitumen feed streams is a very heavy hydrocarbon.7. The method of wherein the bitumen product stream has a too low stability index claim 1 , employing remedial efforts to raise the bitumen product stream's stability index.8. The method of wherein the remedial effort is introducing a stabilizing additive to the bitumen product stream.9 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195551A1

The present disclosure generally relates to formulations for, and methods of making and using, an asphalt aggregate paving material without heating the material. 1. A method of making cold mix asphalt aggregate paving material comprising:combining more than one aggregate, an emulsion, and water, wherein said combining is at an ambient temperature range of 35° F. to 130° F.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said combining of the more than one aggregate and the emulsion forms an emulsion-coated aggregate blend.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said combining is performed in a pug mill.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said emulsion is a polymer-modified cationic slow setting emulsified asphalt with a solvent-free rejuvenator.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said emulsion is greater than 1% by weight of the more than one aggregate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said emulsion is less than 8% by weight of the more than one aggregate.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said temperature range is 45° F. to 120° F.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said water is 2-4% greater than aggregate surface saturation.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein of said more than one aggregate claim 1 , 100% passes through a 19.0-mm sieve claim 1 , 98-100% passes through a 12.7-mm sieve claim 1 , 85-100% passes through a 9.51-mm sieve claim 1 , 50-70% passes through a 4.76-mm sieve claim 1 , 28-40% passes through a 0.595-mm sieve claim 1 , 2-15% passes through a 0.297-mm sieve claim 1 , and 0-5% passes through a 0.074-mm sieve.10. A method of using cold mix asphalt aggregate paving material comprising:applying a cold mix asphalt aggregate paving material comprising more than one aggregate coated with an emulsion, and water to a surface, wherein said applying is at a temperature range of 35° F. to 130° F.; andcompacting the cold mix asphalt aggregate paving material on the surface, wherein said compacting is at a temperature range of 35° F. to 130° F.11. The method of claim 10 , further ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130195552A1

The present disclosure generally relates to formulations of, and methods of making and using, recycled reclaimed asphalt pavement. 1. A formulation of recycled reclaimed asphalt pavement comprising:a reclaimed asphalt pavement;an emulsion; andwater.2. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed asphalt pavement is reprocessed asphalt paving materials.3. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed asphalt pavement and emulsion are combined to form an emulsion-coated reclaimed asphalt pavement.4. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the emulsion is a polymer-modified cationic slow setting emulsified asphalt with a solvent-free rejuvenator.5. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the emulsion is less than 2% by weight of the reclaimed asphalt pavement.6. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the water is 2-2.5% greater than surface saturation of the reclaimed asphalt pavement.7. The formulation of claim 1 , wherein the reclaimed asphalt pavement passes through a 1¼-inch sieve.8. A method of making recycled reclaimed asphalt pavement comprising:fractionating a reclaimed asphalt pavement to form a fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement; andcombining the fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement, an emulsion, and water.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the reclaimed asphalt pavement is reprocessed asphalt paving materials.10. The method of claim 8 , wherein the fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement passes through a 1¼-inch sieve.11. The method of claim 8 , wherein the combining of the fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement and the emulsion forms an emulsion-coated fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement.12. The method of claim 8 , wherein the combining is in a pug mill.13. The method of claim 8 , wherein the emulsion is a polymer-modified cationic slow setting emulsified asphalt with a solvent-free rejuvenator.14. The method of claim 8 , wherein the emulsion is less than 2% by weight of the reclaimed asphalt pavement.15. The method of claim 8 , wherein the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197128A1

Methods and compositions for improving the strength and longevity of secondary roadways through environmentally sound practices are disclosed herein. A composition for road sealing includes an aqueous emulsion of acrylic and vinyl acetate polymer, water, and a resin-modified emulsion, wherein the resin-modified emulsion includes a mixture of pitch and rosin, an emulsifying agent, and water. 1. A composition for road sealing , the composition comprising:an aqueous emulsion of acrylic and vinyl acetate polymer;water; and, a mixture of pitch and rosin;', 'an emulsifying agent; and,', 'water, wherein the composition is substantially free of asphalt., 'a resin-modified emulsion, wherein the resin-modified emulsion comprises2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises:soil; and,a binder.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises:synthetic fibers.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the acrylic and vinyl acetate polymer are between about 5.0% and about 60.0% by weight claim 1 , the water is between about 40.0% and about 94.0% by weight claim 1 , and the resin emulsion between about 1.0% and about 55.0% by weight claim 1 , wherein within the resin emulsion the pitch is between about 1.0% and about 95% by weight claim 1 , the rosin is between about 1% to about 70% claim 1 , the emulsifying agent is between about 0.1% to about 5.0% by weight claim 1 , and the water is between about 10% to about 98% by weight.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises:a tack coat.6. The composition of claim 5 , wherein the composition further comprises:limestone chips.7. The composition of claim 6 , wherein the tack coat comprises:resin-modified emulsion of pitch, rosin, an emulsifying agent, and water; and,an aqueous emulsion of acrylic and vinyl acetate polymer.8. The composition of claim 6 , wherein the tack coat comprises an aqueous emulsion.9. The composition of claim 6 , wherein the tack coat ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197134A1
Принадлежит: Quimigel Indústria E Comércio Ltda.

The present invention relates to use of organic chemical additives for the preparation of warm asphalt mixtures. The compositions of asphalt mixtures in accordance with the present invention provides a manufacturing, spreading and compaction lower temperatures up to 70° C. compared to the temperatures used in the production and application of conventional hot mix asphalt used in paving and road asphalt concrete overlays. 2. The warm asphalt mix composition of claim 1 , wherein the fine aggregates have dimensions between 0.075 mm to 2.0 mm and the coarse aggregates have dimensions greater than 2.0 mm.3. The warm asphalt mix composition of claim 2 , additionally comprising one or more components selected from adhesion promoters agents claim 2 , acid adjuvants claim 2 , crosslinking agents claim 2 , fluxing agents claim 2 , additives reagents claim 2 , talc claim 2 , carbon black and used scrap tires powder.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the step (iv) is conducted between 1 minute to several hours at temperatures ranging from 110° C. to 160° C.6. The process of claim 4 , wherein the step (v) includes providing a warm mix asphalt ready for use at spreading and compacting temperature range between 90° C. to 120° C.7. The process of claim 4 , wherein at least one organic chemical additive is added to a continuous flow of the asphalt by a continuous process in the manufacturing process of warm mix asphalt.8. The process of claim 4 , wherein the step (i) includes adding at least one organic chemical additives before claim 4 , concomitantly or after manufacturing the asphalt mixture.9. The process of claim 4 , further comprising using the warm mix asphalt composition in construction or maintenance of highways claim 4 , roads claim 4 , sidewalks claim 4 , parking lots claim 4 , bridges claim 4 , airport runways claim 4 , sidewalks claim 4 , parks claim 4 , roofs claim 4 , walls claim 4 , service roads claim 4 , waterproof membranes claim 4 , asphalt recycling and any ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Compositions for Recycled Asphalt Shingles Material

Номер: US20130199410A1
Принадлежит: ICL Performance Products LP

Certain aspects of the present invention are drawn recycled asphalt shingles-modified asphalt binder blends, mixes, and pavements, especially those comprising a mineral acid. Recycled asphalt shingles material may come from manufacturer asphalt shingle waste or from consumer asphalt shingle waste. It has been discovered that addition of a mineral acid significantly improves various rheological properties. Methods of making such asphalt binders, mixes, and pavements and their use are also disclosed. 1. An asphalt mix comprising an asphalt binder , recycled asphalt shingles material , aggregate , and a mineral acid , wherein the recycled asphalt shingles material is selected from the group consisting of manufacturer asphalt shingle waste , consumer asphalt shingle waste , and combinations thereof.2. The asphalt mix of wherein the mineral acid is a phosphoric acid selected from the group consisting of orthophosphoric acid claim 1 , polyphosphoric acid claim 1 , and superphosphoric acid.3. The asphalt mix of wherein the recycled asphalt shingles material comprises consumer asphalt shingle waste.4. The asphalt mix of wherein the asphalt binder is a blend comprising neat binder and binder extracted from recycled asphalt shingles material.5. The asphalt mix of wherein the mineral acid is selected from the group consisting of hydrochloric acid claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , nitric acid claim 1 , and sulfuric acid.6. The asphalt mix of wherein the phosphoric acid is polyphosphoric acid.7. The asphalt mix of wherein the asphalt mix comprises from about 0.1 wt % to about 5.0 wt % polyphosphoric acid.8. The asphalt mix of wherein the asphalt mix comprises from about 1 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled asphalt shingles material.9. The asphalt mix of wherein the asphalt mix comprises from about 10 wt % to about 15 wt % recycled asphalt shingles material.10. A method of producing a mineral acid-modified recycled asphalt shingles material-containing asphalt mix claim 1 , the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130210966A1

The invention provides a bituminous composition comprising a bitumen in an amount ranging from 20 to 80% wt, a copolymer comprising one or more vinyl aromatic compounds and one or more conjugated dienes, in an amount of 0.1 to 7 % wt, and sulphur in an amount of 20 to 60% wt, all percentages based on the weight of bitumen, copolymer and sulphur. It further provides a process for making this composition and asphalt compositions comprising such bituminous composition. 1. A bituminous composition comprising a bitumen in an amount ranging from 20 to 80% wt , a copolymer comprising one or more vinyl aromatic compounds and one or more conjugated dienes , in an amount of 0.1 to 7% wt , and sulphur in an amount of 20 to 60% wt , all percentages based on the weight of bitumen , copolymer and sulphur.2. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of bitumen ranges from 50 to 75% wt.3. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the vinylaromatic compound includes styrene.4. A composition according to claim 3 , wherein the vinylaromatic compound consists for at least 90% mol of styrene.5. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the dienes are selected from the group consisting of butadiene and isoprene.6. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is a block copolymer of the vinylaromatic compound and the diene.7. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the block copolymer is a linear styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer of formula ABA wherein A is a polystyrene block and B is a polybutadiene block.8. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the vinylaromatic compound in the copolymer of vinylaromatic compound and diene is present in an amount ranging from 10 to 50% wt claim 1 , based on the weight of the copolymer.9. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is present in an amount ranging from 0.2 to 3% wt.10. A process for manufacturing a bituminous composition according to claim 1 , the process comprising the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Producing Rubber Powder Modified Asphalt and Product of Continuous Asphalt Modification

Номер: US20130217809A1

The object of the invention is the method of producing rubber powder modified asphalt in a double screw extruding machine and the product of continuous asphalt modification. A method for producing rubber powder modified asphalt in a continuous process using a twin-screw extruder is characterised in that rubber powder and asphalt are batched into the twin-screw extruder with a cylinder temperature ranging from 60° C. to 400° C., where extruder screws are co-rotating or counter-rotating, with the co-rotating screws preferred. According to the invention, the product of continuous asphalt modification is asphalt in the amount of up to 99 wt %, rubber powder in the amount of 1 to 99 wt %, and additives in the amount of up to 80 wt %. 1. A method for producing rubber powder modified asphalt comprising placing in a continuous process using a twin-screw extruder rubber powder and asphalt into said twin-screw extruder; ranging a cylinder temperature between 60° C. and 400° C.; wherein the extruder screws are co-rotating or counter-rotating.2. The product of continuous asphalt modification comprising asphalt in the amount of up to 99 wt % , rubber powder in the amount of 1 to 99 wt % , and additives in the amount of up to 80 wt %.3. The product of continuous asphalt modification according to wherein the additives comprising up to 80 wt % serve as fillers or compatibilizing agents or plasticizers or asphalt-rubber binder modifiers.4. The product of continuous asphalt modification according to wherein the asphalt used during the modification with rubber powder further comprises hydrocarbon binders claim 2 , including bituminous binders claim 2 , tar claim 2 , binders containing tar and their derivatives.5. The product of continuous asphalt modification according to comprising rubber powder that is generated as a result of mechanical grinding of crumb rubber claim 2 , preferably car tires.6. The product of continuous asphalt modification according to comprising rubber powder ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Recycled asphalt paving formulation and method of making same

Номер: US20130220175A1
Автор: Thomas J. Zickell
Принадлежит: Recycled Asphalt Shingle Technology

An asphalt paving mixtures suitable for roadway paving is formulated by mixing very soft penetration asphalt having a penetration value on the order of 300 to 400 and a melt point of 110° F. with recycled or reclaimed asphalt roofing shingles and/or recycled or reclaimed asphalt pavement granule material having a much higher melt point and a much lower penetration value. 10% to 30% of the recycled or reclaimed asphalt material in the final mixture will bring the formulation into compliance with PG grade paving asphalt. The asphalt paving mixture may utilize recycled asphalt shingle granules of approximately 50 mesh in size and preferably between 10 and 50 mesh while a powder may be utilized that is sized below 50 mesh.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225733A1
Автор: Smith Jason

A roofing membrane that includes a blend of thermoplastic polyurethane and petroleum liquid so as to improve the UV stability of the blend without adversely affecting the flexibility of the dried and/or cured blend. 132-. (canceled)33. A method for forming a coating composition that has improved ultraviolet (UV) stability and which maintains a desired flexibility comprising:a) providing a petroleum liquid, said petroleum liquid including one or more materials selected from the group consisting of asphalt, modified asphalt, bitumen, modified bitumen, coal-tar and modified coal tar;b) providing polymer, said polymer including one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of block polymer and plastomer;c) providing solid pellets of thermoplastic polyurethane, said solid pellets of thermoplastic polyurethane includes one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of polyether backbone Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), polyester backbone TPU, polyether/polyester backbone TPU and polycarbonate backbone TPU; and,d) mixing together said petroleum liquid, said polymer and said solid pellets of thermoplastic polyurethane at a temperature above 130° F. to form said coating composition, a weight percent of said petroleum liquid in said coating composition being greater than a weight percent of said polymer in said coating composition, said weight percent of said petroleum liquid in said coating composition being greater than a weight percent of said thermoplastic polyurethane in said coating composition.34. The method as defined in claim 33 , wherein said polymer including one or more compounds selected from the group constituting of block polymer and plastomer claim 33 , said polymer includes one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of Amorphous Poly-Alpha-Olefin (APAO) claim 33 , Atactic Polypropylene (APP) claim 33 , Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) claim 33 , Polyphthalamide (PPA) claim 33 , Polymeric Polyisocyanate (PPI) claim 33 , Styrene- ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228098A1

A bituminous composition comprising a bitumen emulsion in an amount from about 2% to about 10% by total weight of the bituminous composition, and aggregate in an amount from about 90% to about 99% by total weight of the bituminous composition, wherein the bituminous composition is at a temperature range of about 50° C. to about 140° C. The bitumen emulsion comprises hard bitumen in an amount from about 50% to about 75% by total weight of the bitumen emulsion, the hard bitumen being characterized by a penetration number of about 100 dmm or less at 25° C. as determined according to the AASHTO Method T49, and an emulsifier in an amount from about 0.05% to about 2% by total weight of the bitumen emulsion, the emulsifier having a Hildebrand solubility parameter of at least of about 19 (MPa)½. Also disclosed are the methods of producing and using such bituminous compositions. 1. Bituminous composition comprising: (i) hard bitumen in an amount from about 50% to about 75% by total weight of the bitumen emulsion, the hard bitumen being characterized by a penetration number of about 100 dmm or less at 25° C. as determined according to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Method T49,', '(ii) an amphoteric emulsifier in an amount from about 0.05% to about 2% by total weight of the bitumen emulsion, the emulsifier having a Hildebrand solubility parameter of at least of about 19 (MPa)½; and, '(a) a bitumen emulsion in an amount from about 2% to about 10% by total weight of the bituminous composition, wherein the bitumen emulsion comprises(b) aggregate in an amount from about 90% to about 99% by total weight of the bituminous composition,wherein the bituminous composition is at a temperature range of about 50° C. to about 140° C.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the amphoteric emulsifier comprises a member selected from the group consisting of:a reaction product of polyethylene polyamines reacting with C-12 to C-24 fatty acids, ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237633A1
Автор: Tamir Yuval
Принадлежит: U.B.Q. MATERIALS LTD.

The subject matter discloses a composite material comprising a first component and a second component, the first component comprising an organic element and a thermoplastic element and the second component comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of vulcanized rubber and tire cords. The subject matter further discloses a process comprising mixing while heating under shear forces a first component comprising organic waste and thermoplastic waste with a second component comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of vulcanized rubber and tire cords; to obtain a melt; processing the melt, the processing comprises at least cooling the melt to obtain a composite material comprising: organic element; thermoplastic element; and at least one element selected from the group consisting of vulcanized rubber and tire cords. 1. A composite material comprising a first component and a second component , the first component comprising an organic element and a thermoplastic element and the second component comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of vulcanized rubber and tire cords.2. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the first component is between about 10% weight to weight (w/w) to about 50% w/w of the total weight of the composite material.3. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the amount of thermoplastic element in the composite material is between 1% w/w to about 30% w/w of the composite material and the amount of organic element is between about 10% w/w to about 49% w/w of the composite material.4. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the second component is between 50% w/w to about 90% w/w of the composite material.5. The composite material of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the second component is not more than about 90% w/w of the composite material claim 1 , the amount of the vulcanized rubber in the composite material is not more than about 80% w ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237646A1

A graft polymer PG includes a polymer backbone P and at least one side graft G linked to the polymer backbone, the graft G having the general formula (1): in which Rand Rrepresent, separately from one another, straight or branched, unsaturated or saturated hydrocarbon groups, such that the total number of carbon atoms in groups Rand Ris between 2 and 110; X represents an amide, amino-acid, urea or urethane function, the graft G being linked to the polymer backbone P via the sulphur atom. The graft polymer PG is a polymer that allows thermoreversible cross-linking and can be used in many fields such as coatings, paints, thermoplastics, adhesives, lubricants, fuels, inks, cements, construction materials, rubbers and bitumens. The graft polymer PG can be used in particular for thermoreversibly cross-linking bitumen/polymer compositions and thus for reducing coating, spreading and/or compaction temperatures during the production of bituminous coated materials. 2. The graft polymer according to claim 1 , in which the total number of carbon atoms of the Rand Rgroups is comprised between 4 and 90.3. The graft polymer according to claim 1 , in which Rrepresents a linear claim 1 , saturated hydrocarbon group claim 1 , of formula CHand Rrepresents a linear claim 1 , saturated hydrocarbon group of formula CHwith n and m being integers such that the sum n +m is comprised between 2 and 110.4. The graft polymer according to claim 3 , in which n is comprised between 1 and 60 and m is comprised between 1 and 50.5. The graft polymer according to claim 1 , in which the main polymer chain P results from the copolymerization of conjugated diene units and monovinyl aromatic hydrocarbon units.6. The graft polymer according to claim 5 , comprising a content of units with 1-2 double bonds originating from the conjugated diene claim 5 , comprised between 5% and 70% by mass claim 5 , with respect to the total mass of the conjugated diene units.9. A method for manufacturing in at least one of ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Asphalt modifiers for "warm mix" applications including adhesion promoter

Номер: US20130239850A1
Принадлежит: AKZO NOBEL N.V.

The present invention generally relates to an additive package for warm-mix asphalt formulations for the pavement of road surfaces, said additive package comprising a) surfactant component, and b) an asphalt rheology modifying component, wherein said asphalt rheology modifying component comprises at least one of a i) a wax component and ii) a resin component. The invention also relates to a warm mix asphalt having improved compaction at lower temperatures, and to a pavement made from said warm mix asphalt. 1. An additive package for warm-mix asphalt formulations for the pavement of road surfaces , said additive package comprisinga) from about 20 to about 60 wt %, based on the total weight of the additive package of surfactant component, andb) about 30 to about 80 wt % of the additive package of an asphalt rheology modifying component,wherein said asphalt rheology modifying component comprises at least one wax component or at least one resin component,wherein the surfactant component comprises at least one surfactant selected from the group consisting of amines, diamines, polyamines, ethoxylated amines, ethoxylated alkyl diamines, ethoxylated alkyl polyamines, amido amines, amidopolyamines, imidazolines, any of their corresponding organic or inorganic salts, and mixtures thereof,wherein the wax component is selected from the group consisting of carnuba wax, beeswax, montan wax from coal, Fischer Tropsch wax from coal, petroleum or gas origin, amide waxes, fatty acids and soaps; fatty alcohols, hydrogenated fats, fatty esters, and mixtures thereof, andwherein the resin component is selected from the group consisting of tall oil pitch, pine tar pitch, tall oil rosins, rosin acids, pine rosins, gum rosins, maleated rosins, fumarated rosins, resinous by-products from tall oil processing or the processing of gum rosins, petroleum resins, phenolic resins, and mixtures thereof.3. The additive package of wherein said surfactant component comprises at least one amine and/or ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261232A1
Принадлежит: Arr-Maz Products, L.P.

A pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder comprising a binder and at least one polymer that contains at least % conjugated diene where the polymer comprises greater than % by weight of the pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder, where the pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder is capable of incorporating quickly into diluent binder under low shear conditions and where the pre-processed polymer concentrate in hinder does not comprise chlorinated polymer. 2. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the polymer comprises greater than 50% by weight of the pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder.3. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the polymer comprises greater than 75% by weight of the pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder.4. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the polymer comprises greater than 85% by weight of the pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder.5. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the pre-processed polymer concentrate is made into pellets that maintain an individual pellet shape.6. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the pre-processed polymer concentrate has a loose bulk density of greater than 28 lbs/ft.7. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the pre-processed polymer concentrate has a loose bulk density of greater than 30 lbs/ft.8. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the pre-processed polymer concentrate has a loose bulk density of greater than 32 lbs/ft.9. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in hinder of where the pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder is stable at normal temperatures and can be stored and transported without heating.10. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the binder comprises greater than 25% bituminous asphalt.11. The pre-processed polymer concentrate in binder of where the binder comprises used motor oil claim 1 , re-refined used motor oil ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261233A1
Автор: Eyster Perry, Selcuk Sibel

A method of producing sulfur modified organosilane compounds that can be used in asphalt binders which method involves: combining together an organosilane or mixtures of organosilanes, a sulfide, a halogen acceptor and solvent to form a reaction mixture; and allowing the organosilane to react with the sulfide in the presence of a halogen acceptor to produce a sulfur modified organosilane compound. The sulfur modified organosilane compound can be introduced into a polymer modified or unmodified asphalt binder in which the sulfur modified organosilane compound reacts with components in the asphalt mixture to form a modified asphalt. The organosilanes used to produce the sulfur modified organosilanes can be from a source of waste products (such as Direct Product Residue) in which case the waste products can be reused in asphalt binders. 110-. (canceled)11. A polymer-modified asphalt composition produced by the steps of:a) combining together an organosilane or a mixture of organosilanes, a sulfide, a halogen acceptor, a suitable solvent to form a reaction mixture;b) allowing the organosilane to react with the sulfide in the presence of a halogen acceptor to generate the sulfur containing organosilane; andd) applying the sulfur containing organosilane to a polymer modified asphalt binder as an additive and/or as a crosslinking agent.12. An asphalt composition that comprises a sulfur containing organosilane compound as a binder and/or as a crosslinking agent.13. An asphalt composition according to that further comprises a polymer.1417-. (canceled) This application is based upon U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/234,793, filed Aug. 18, 2009 to which priority is claimed under 35 U.S.C. §120 and of which the entire specification is expressly incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates generally to a process for the production of sulfur containing organosilane compounds. The present invention further relates to a method of using sulfur ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276668A1
Автор: Ranka Mikhil, Ranka Moulik

The present invention is related to processes for the preparation of asphalt compositions including a step of adding an organosilane composition, including one or more quaternary organosilane compounds, to an asphalt binder to provide a stable foamed asphalt binder composition. The foamed asphalt binder composition can be mixed with, sprayed onto, or otherwise coated substantially over the outer surface on an aggregate to provide an asphalt composition suitable for a variety of paving applications. 1. A process for preparation of a foamed asphalt binder composition comprising:heating an asphalt binder to a temperature sufficient to obtain a flowable asphalt binder;adding a quaternary organosilane composition to the flowable asphalt binder, said quaternary organosilane composition comprising one or more quaternary organosilane compounds in an aqueous-based solvent; andmixing the flowable asphalt binder and the quaternary organosilane composition at a temperature sufficient to provide a foamed asphalt binder composition.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous-based solvent comprises a mixture of water and at least one alcohol.3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous-based solvent consists of water.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more quaternary organosilane compounds include (i) a polar cationic nitrogen and (ii) a non-polar organic functional group.5. A process according to claim 4 , wherein at least one of the one or more quaternary organosilane compounds is water soluble.6. A process according to claim 4 , wherein all of the one or more quaternary organosilane compounds are water soluble.7. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the asphalt binder is heated to a temperature from about 100° C. to about 180° C. to obtain a flowable asphalt binder.8. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the step of adding a quaternary organosilane composition to the flowable asphalt binder comprises injecting the quaternary ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Non-carboxylated styrene-butadiene copolymers, preparation method and use thereof

Номер: US20130289172A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A non-carboxylated styrene-butadiene copolymer, preparation method and use thereof are provided. The non-carboxylated styrene-butadiene copolymer is prepared by hot polymerization in the absence of acid monomers and is used in asphalt-based systems such as asphalt emulsions.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289173A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

Styrene-based copolymers having acid monomer units, dispersions, preparation method and use thereof are provided. The styrene-based copolymer is prepared by polymerizing styrene, one or more acid monomers, and optionally butadiene at a temperature of 40° C. or greater and then is vulcanized. The obtained styrene-based copolymer is used in asphalt-based systems. 1. A method of making copolymer dispersion , comprising:polymerizing styrene, one or more acid monomers, and optionally butadiene in an aqueous medium at a temperature of 40° C. or greater to produce an uncured copolymer; andmixing a sulfur-based curing agent with the copolymer, said curing agent allowing the copolymer to cure when exposed to an elevated temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymerizing step includes butadiene.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymerizing step includes 10% or less of said one or more acid monomers and said polymerizing step comprises polymerizing styrene and butadiene.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymerizing step includes 5% or less of said one or more acid monomers.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymerizing step includes 3% or less of said one or more acid monomers.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said one or more acid monomers in said polymerizing step include one or more of itaconic acid claim 1 , fumaric acid claim 1 , acrylic acid claim 1 , and methacrylic acid.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of curing the copolymer with the sulfur-based curing agent at an elevated temperature to produce a cured copolymer.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein said curing step comprises curing the copolymer with a sulfur-based curing agent and a vulcanization accelerator.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymerizing step comprises polymerizing styrene and butadiene in a weight ratio of styrene to butadiene of 20:80 to 80:20.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polymerizing step comprises polymerizing styrene and ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291761A1
Автор: Cox Andrew Tilman

A device for producing small-scale batches foamed bitumen. The device has a first pressurized, holding chamber for heating bitumen to a selected temperature, a second pressurized, holding chamber for heating bitumen additive (e.g., a foaming agent or chemical additive) to a selected temperature, and various conduits and valves as needed for delivering heated and pressurized bitumen with heated and pressurized additive to a mixing chamber having a selected volume to produce foamed bitumen. 1. A method of producing foamed bitumen , the method comprising the steps of:heating bitumen to a selected temperature in a first holding chamber,heating additive to a selected temperature in a second holding chamber,pressurizing the bitumen to a selected air pressure in said first holding chamber,pressurizing the additive to a selected air pressure in said second holding chamber,mixing the heated and pressurized bitumen with the heated and pressurized additive in a mixing chamber having a selected volume to form a foamed bitumen, andcollecting the foamed bitumen in a container.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein heating additive comprises heating a foaming agent or chemical additive.3. The method of comprising heating bitumen to a temperature of about 370° F. to about 410° F.4. The method of comprising heating additive to a temperature of about 160° F. to about 200° F.5. The method of comprising pressurizing the bitumen to about 12-70 pounds per square inch.6. The method of comprising pressurizing the additive to about 12-70 pounds per square inch.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additive is added to the mixing chamber before the bitumen is added to the mixing chamber.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein changing the pressure of one or both of the bitumen and the additive changes the final mixture of foamed bitumen.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additive is introduced to the mixing chamber by atomization or aerosolization.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additive ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298799A1

The present invention relates to a bituminous composition comprising from 20 wt % to 99.9 wt % of bitumen, from 0.01 wt % to 10 wt % of a maleimide compound and from 0.5 to 75 wt % of sulphur, by weight of the bituminous composition. The present invention also relates to an asphalt composition comprising said bituminous composition and filler and/or aggregate. The bituminous and asphalt compositions of the present invention exhibit significantly reduced HS emissions. 1. A bituminous composition , comprising from 20 wt % to 99.9 wt % of bitumen; from 0.01 wt % to 10 wt % of a maleimide compound; and from 0.5 to 75 wt % of sulphur , by weight of the bituminous composition.3. A composition according to claim 2 , wherein the maleimide compound is of formula (I) claim 2 , Xand Xare H claim 2 , and R is H claim 2 , Calkyl or phenyl.5. An asphalt composition claim 1 , comprising: the bitumen composition as claimed in and filler and/or aggregate.8. A method of reducing hydrogen sulphide emissions from a bituminous composition claim 1 , wherein the bituminous composition comprises from 20 wt % to 99.9 wt % of bitumen claim 1 , and from 0.5 to 75 wt % of sulphur claim 1 , by weight of the bituminous composition claim 1 , by incorporation from 0.01 wt % to 10 wt % of a maleimide compound into the bituminous composition.9. An asphalt composition claim 2 , comprising: the bitumen composition as claimed in and filler and/or aggregate.10. An asphalt composition claim 3 , comprising: the bitumen composition as claimed in and filler and/or aggregate.11. An asphalt composition claim 4 , comprising: the bitumen composition as claimed in and filler and/or aggregate.13. A process as recited in claim 12 , wherein the maleimide compound is of formula (I) claim 12 , Xand Xare H claim 12 , and R is H claim 12 , Calkyl or phenyl.15. A process as recited in claim 7 , wherein the maleimide compound is of formula (I) claim 7 , Xand Xare H claim 7 , and R is H claim 7 , Calkyl or phenyl.17. A ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298800A1

The invention relates to a method of making a theremorevsible bituminous composition. The method includes transferring an additive to a bitumen to form a mixture, and stirring the mixture until its appearance is homogenous. The additive can be an organogelator with general formula R″—(COOH), where R″ is a linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated chain having 4 to 68 carbon atoms and z is an integer varying from 2 to 4. The bituminous composition is hard at the temperature of use without increasing its viscosity when hot. 1. A method for obtaining a thermoreversible bituminous composition which is hard at the temperature of use without increasing its viscosity when hot , the method comprising introducing a minor proportion of at least one chemical additive to a major proportion of at least one bitumen , the additive comprising at least one unit of general formula (IV): R″—(COOH) , with R″ a linear or branched , saturated or unsaturated chain comprising 4 to 68 carbon atoms and z an integer varying from 2 to 4.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein R″ comprises a linear or branched claim 1 , saturated or unsaturated chain of 4 to 54 carbon atoms.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein R″ comprises a linear or branched claim 1 , saturated or unsaturated chain of 4 to 36 carbon atoms.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the additive is an organogelator.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the organogelator creates a network of hydrogen bonds between organogelling molecules.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the organogelator molecules have a molar mass of less than or equal to 2000 gmol.7. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the organogelling molecules have a molar mass of less than or equal to 1000 gmol.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the additive is a diacid of general formula HOOC—CH—COOH with w being an integer varying from 4 to 22 claim 1 , z=2 claim 1 , and R″=CH.9. The method according to claim 8 , ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303666A1
Принадлежит: Rhodia (China) Co., Ltd.

An additive for a bitumen or polymer modified bitumen product, which is prepared by mixing together a sulphur-based product, a vulcanized rubber, for example, a waste vulcanized rubber, preferably a fatty acid, and a bitumen, is described. The use of this additive for preparing, with very limited gaseous emissions, elastomer-containing bituminous product is also described. Such use may be especially suitable for making bituminous coated material including, for example, asphalt concrete. 1. An additive for a bitumen product which is prepared by mixing together:(a) a sulphur-based product;(b) a vulcanized rubber;(c) optionally a fatty acid; and(d) a bitumen.2. The additive of claim 1 , which is in the form of granules or agglomerates.3. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the sulphur-based product (a) is sulphur.4. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the content of the sulphur-based product (a) is from 20% to 70% claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , on the basis of the total weight of the additive.5. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the vulcanized rubber (b) is obtained by recycling waste vulcanized rubber objects.6. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the content of the vulcanized rubber (b) is from 10% to 50% claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , on the basis of the total weight of the additive.7. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the fatty acid (c) is selected from the group consisting of lauric claim 1 , myrisic claim 1 , palmitic claim 1 , stearic claim 1 , arachidic claim 1 , palmitoleic claim 1 , oleic claim 1 , erucic claim 1 , linoleic claim 1 , linolenic acid and mixtures thereof.8. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the content of the fatty acid (c) is from 0.01% to 30% claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , on the basis of the total weight of the additive.9. The additive of claim 1 , wherein the content of the bitumen (d) is from 5% to 35% by weight claim 1 , on the basis of the total weight of the additive.10. A process for preparing polymer modified bituminous product claim 1 , the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310492A1

Additives may be used to improve certain physical properties of bitumen. The additives are prepared using a formulation comprising: a first component selected from the group consisting of (alkoxylated)-(di or tri)-alkyl phenol-aldehyde (amine) resins; α-Olefin-maleic anhydride co-polymers and grafted polymers including half ester/amide and full ester/amide derivatives; and combinations thereof; and a second component which is a synergist and selected from the group consisting of polyamines, amidoamines, imidazolines, and combinations thereof. 1. A method for modifying bitumen comprising admixing unmodified bitumen with an additive to produce a modified bitumen wherein the modified bitumen has a physical property change , as compared to the unmodified bitumen and the physical property change is to a physical property selected from the group consisting of:a set up point that is at least 2° C. lower than the unmodified bitumen;an asphaltene stability that is improved such that asphaltenes are more resistant to precipitation during asphalt blending, gasoil blending, vacuum gasoil blending, storage and transport as compared to an unmodified bitumen;an improved resistance to oxidative aging;a more stable viscosity;an improved adhesive strength wherein the modified bitumen has an adhesive strength that is at least 10 percent greater than unmodified bitumen; andcombinations thereof;wherein the additive is prepared from a formulation comprising:a first component selected from the group consisting of (alkoxylated)-(di or tri)-alkyl phenol-aldehyde (amine) resins; α-Olefin-maleic anhydride co-polymers and grafted polymers including half ester/amide and full ester/amide derivatives; and combinations thereof; anda second component which is a synergist and selected from the group consisting of polyamines, amidoamines, imidazolines, and combinations thereof.2. The method of wherein the additive is prepared including an (alkoxylated)-(di or tri)-alkyl phenol-aldehyde (amine) resin ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Constrained-layer damping material

Номер: US20130319791A1
Автор: Gilles Stopin

A constrained-layer damping material including a bitumen material, a binder material, and a tackifier, wherein the bitumen is a soft grade with a penetration of at least 150 dmm and a ring and ball softening point of greater than about 35° C.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000152A1

The present invention relates to modified colloidal silica particles covalently linked to at least one polyalkyleneoxy moiety having at least about 3 alkyleneoxy units. The invention also relates to an aqueous dispersion thereof, and a method of producing such modified silica particles. The invention further relates to use of the modified colloidal silica particles as emulsifiers for paper sizing agents, agriculturally active ingredients and asphalts, as well as dispersant for oil spills. 1. A modified colloidal silica particle covalently linked to at least one polyalkyleneoxy moiety having at least 3 alkyleneoxy units , wherein said polyalkyleneoxy moiety is terminated by an alkyl group.2. The modified silica particle according to claim 1 , wherein said modified colloidal silica particle is covalently linked by an alkoxy silane to said at least one polyalkyleneoxy moiety.3. The modified silica particle according to claim 1 , wherein said modified colloidal silica particle is covalently linked by a siloxane bond formed by condensation of a silane to said at least one polyalkyleneoxy moiety.4. The modified silica particle according to claim 3 , wherein said modified colloidal silica particle is covalently linked by a siloxane bond formed by condensation of a silane containing at least one polyalkyleneoxy moiety.5. The modified silica particle according to claim 1 , wherein said particle is not modified by an ethylenically unsaturated group or attached to a photosensitive lithographic printing plate.6. The modified silica particle according to claim 1 , wherein said polyalkyleneoxy moiety is polypropylene glycol or polyethylene glycol or copolymers thereof.7. The modified silica particle according to claim 1 , wherein said polyalkyleneoxy moiety is terminated by a methyl group.8. The modified silica particle according to claim 1 , wherein the surface density of polyalkyleneoxy moiety to silica particle is from 0.1 to 4 μmoles/msilica surface.9. The modified silica ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000475A1

A method of manufacturing a wood product including using a water and wax mixture with wood particles in a production process of wood products, wherein the wax mixture includes a hydrocarbon wax, and a water-repellant material selected from the group consisting of (a) an asphaltite, (b) a polyolefin copolymer, (c) a polyolefin synthetic wax, and (d) combinations thereof, and forming a wood product. 1. An aqueous wax mixture comprising:water;a hydrocarbon wax; anda water-repellant material selected from the group consisting of (a) an asphaltite, (b) a polyolefin copolymer, (c) a polyolefin synthetic wax, and (d) combinations thereof.2. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein said asphaltite is selected from the group consisting of uintaite claim 1 , gilsonite claim 1 , grahamite claim 1 , and glance pitch.3. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein said polyolefin copolymer is selected from the group consisting of ethylene acrylic acid copolymers claim 1 , ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers and oxidized ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers.4. The mixture according to claim 1 , wherein said polyolefin synthetic wax is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene homopolymers and oxidized polyethylene homopolymers.5. The mixture according to claim 1 , further comprising montan wax.6. The mixture according to claim 1 , further comprising polyvinyl alcohol.7. A method of manufacturing a wood product comprising:using a water and wax mixture with wood particles in a production process of wood products, wherein said wax mixture comprises a hydrocarbon wax, and a water-repellant material selected from the group consisting of (a) an asphaltite, (b) a polyolefin copolymer, (c) a polyolefin synthetic wax, and (d) combinations thereof; andforming a wood product.8. A wood product made by the method of . The present invention relates generally to water repellants, such as wax or wax-like substances that are used to impart water repellency and other characteristics to wood ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Bituminious Compositions and Methods for Reducing Toxic Emissions From Bituminious Compositions.

Номер: US20140000479A1
Автор: Lungren Bart, Stevens Jim

Methods of reducing toxic emissions from coal tar or asphalt compositions. The methods include providing an initial composition including coal tar, a coal tar emulsion, or asphalt and adding a rheological modifier to the initial composition to form a reduced emission composition, wherein the rheological modifier includes a tall oil saponified in an anhydrous strong base and wherein the reduced emission composition releases less toxic emissions into the atmosphere than the initial composition itself would otherwise release. Further, reduced emission compositions for reducing toxic emissions that would otherwise occur in coal tar compositions or asphalt compositions. The reduced emission compositions include an initial composition including coal tar, a coal tar emulsion, or asphalt; and a chemical rheological modifier including a tall oil saponified in an anhydrous strong base. 1. A method of reducing toxic emissions from bituminous compositions , comprising the steps of:providing an initial composition including coal tar, a coal tar emulsion, asphalt, or asphalt composition; andadding a rheological modifier to the initial composition to form a reduced emission composition;wherein the rheological modifier includes a tall oil saponified in an anhydrous strong base; andwherein the reduced emission composition releases less toxic emissions into the atmosphere than the initial composition itself would otherwise release.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the toxic emissions reduced by the reduced emission composition include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) claim 1 , or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons include naphthalene claim 2 , 2-methylinaphthalene claim 2 , 1-methylinaphthalene claim 2 , acenaphthylene claim 2 , or acenaphthene.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons include fluorene.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Vulcanization composition in the form of granules, process for preparing same and use thereof

Номер: US20140005309A1
Принадлежит: Eiffage Travaux Publics SAS

The present invention relates to a granule comprising: less than 30 %, preferably between 0.5 and 20 %, more preferably between 2 and 5 % by weight of bitumen; and more than 70 %, preferably between 80 and 99.5 %, more preferably between 95 and 98 % by weight of a vulcanization composition comprising a vulcanization agent; to the process for manufacturing same by extrusion and the use of same in modified bitumens.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014000A1

A method for manufacturing a processed asphalt suspension is provided. The method includes dry grinding shingle waste material to a particle size of less than 1 cm, forming ground recycled shingle material, introducing virgin asphalt into a heated slurry tank and mixing the ground recycled shingle material with the virgin asphalt in the heated slurry tank, forming a mixed asphalt slurry, introducing the mixed asphalt slurry into a wet grinding machine, and recovering a processed asphalt suspension comprising particles having a size no greater than about 200 microns. Roofing and paving products manufactured from the processed asphalt suspension are also provided. 1. A method for manufacturing a processed asphalt suspension composition comprising:dry grinding shingle waste material to a particle size of less than 1 cm, forming ground recycled shingle material;introducing virgin asphalt into a slurry tank heated to a temperature between about 150-260° C.;adding said ground recycled shingle material to said heated slurry tank and mixing said ground recycled shingle material with said virgin asphalt in said heated slurry tank, forming a mixed asphalt slurry;introducing said mixed asphalt slurry into a wet grinding machine; andrecovering a processed asphalt suspension comprising particles having a size no greater than about 200 microns.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said virgin asphalt is oxidized prior to mixing with the ground recycled shingle material.3. The method of claim 1 , further including adding an antifoam agent is added to said virgin asphalt prior to the addition of said ground recycled shingle material.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wet grinding machine comprises an attritor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said processed asphalt suspension comprises particles having a size no greater than about 150 microns.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said processed asphalt suspension comprises particles having a size no greater than about 100 microns.7. ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020599A1
Принадлежит: QUIMIKAO, S.A. DE C.V.

It is an additive that modifies the Theological properties of asphalt under warm conditions, and makes it possible to mix and compact asphalt mixtures with a reduction in temperature of up to 35° C., which is constituted by wax, an adhesion-improving additive and a fluxing agent, which reduces asphalt oxidation, causing it to be less-aged and more resistant to fatigue, reduces the interfacial tension between the aggregate and the asphalt, increases adhesion between them, making the mixture resistant to the damages caused by humidity, increases resistance to permanent deformation, causes gas emissions to be reduced and leads to savings in fuel consumption. The additive according to the invention has the following effects:—At high temperatures (between 100° C. and 160° C.), IT REDUCES the asphalt viscosity, as compared to asphalt without the additive.—At temperatures between 58° C. and 82° C., IT INCREASES the asphalt viscosity, as compared to asphalt without the additive.—At temperatures lower than 25° C., IT REDUCES the asphalt viscosity, as compared to asphalt without the additive. 2. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , and Rin Formula (I) represent hydrocarbon groups containing 8 carbon atoms.3. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein component (a) comprises a synthetic wax claim 1 , a polyethylene wax claim 1 , a Fischer-Tropsch wax claim 1 , or a saturated fatty amide wax.4. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein component (a) comprises a saturated fatty amide wax.5. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein component a) is obtained from a reaction between fatty acids with a C16 to C18 chain and a short-chain amine.6. The additive according to claim 5 , wherein the short-chain amine is ethylenediamine.7. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein component (a) is present at between 1% and 20% by weight with respect to the asphalt in an asphalt mixture.8. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein component ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140024735A1

The disclosure includes a process for preparing cross-linked bitumen/polymer compositions without adding a cross-linking agent, the process comprising contacting at least one bitumen with at least one polymer, and subjecting a mixture of the bitumen and the polymer to electromagnetic wave radiation in a high frequency and/or microwave range. 1. A process for the preparation of cross-linked bitumen/polymer compositions without the addition of a cross-linking agent , the process comprising contacting at least one bitumen with at least one polymer , and subjecting a mixture of the bitumen and the polymer to an electromagnetic wave radiation in a high frequency and/or microwave range.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the frequencies of the electromagnetic waves are comprised between 1 MHz and 300 GHz.3. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising cross-linking the bitumen/polymer mixture at a temperature less than or equal to 240° C.4. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising cross-linking the bitumen/polymer mixture in a liquid phase at a temperature greater than or equal to 90° C.5. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising cross-linking the bitumen/polymer mixture at a temperature varying from 120° C. to 220° C.6. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one step of mixing the bitumen with the polymer and at least one step of subjecting the mixture to a radiation by electromagnetic waves.7. The process according to claim 6 , further comprising obtaining the bitumen/polymer mixture at ambient temperature by grinding the two components respectively then intimately mixing of them.8. The process according to claim 6 , further comprising heating the bitumen to a temperature at least equal to 90° C. claim 6 , and then the polymer is introduced in divided form into the bitumen.9. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the bitumen/polymer mixture is subjected to an electromagnetic radiation for a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for High Throughput Preparation of Rubber-Modified Asphalt Cement

Номер: US20140024747A1
Автор: Theodore P. Flanigan
Принадлежит: Wright Asphalt Products Co

This invention encompasses rubber modified asphalt cement compositions, as well as systems, apparatuses, methods for preparing, as well as methods for using rubber-modified asphalt cement compositions.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031461A1

A fluororubber composition comprising 100 parts by weight of a peroxide-crosslinkable tetrafluoroethylene-vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropene ternary copolymer rubber having a fluorine content of 64 wt. % or more, (A) 5 to 90 parts by weight of carbon black having a specific surface area of 5 to 20 m/g, (B) 5 to 40 parts by weight of a fine bituminous powder, (C) at least one of 1 to 20 parts by weight of hydrophilicity-imparted talc and/or 1 to 30 parts by weight of hydrophilicity-imparted clay, and (D) 0.5 to 6 parts by weight of an organic peroxide; the fluororubber composition being used as a molding material for fuel oil sealing materials to be in contact with fuel oil. The fluororubber composition provides a sealing materials having excellent metal corrosion resistance, without compounding an acid acceptor comprising a metal oxide. 2. The fluororubber composition according to claim 1 , which is free from an acid acceptor comprising a metal oxide.3. The fluororubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the peroxide-crosslinkable ternary type copolymer rubber has a fluorine content of 67 to 69 wt. %.4. The fluororubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon black is MT carbon black or FT carbon black.5. The fluororubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the fine bituminous powder is Austin black.6. The fluororubber composition according to claim I claim 1 , wherein the talc is imparted with hydrophilicity by surface treatment at a high temperature of 1 claim 1 ,100° C. or more.7. The fluororubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the clay is imparted with hydrophilicity by surface treatment with a silane coupling agent.8. The fluororubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of carbon black as the component (A) and fine bituminous powder as the component (B) is 6 to 1/6 claim 1 , and the total amount of the component (A) and the component (B) is 10 to 100 parts by weight based on 100 parts by weight ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050525A1

A method for waterproofing a substrate, the method including adhering an adhesive member obtained by using an active hydrogen-containing synthetic resin, to a urethane-based waterproof layer to laminate a pavement adhesive layer; applying or spraying an isocyanate group-containing compound onto the pavement adhesive layer; and paving an asphalt mixture on the surface of the pavement adhesive layer. 1. A method for waterproofing a substrate , the method comprising:adhering an adhesive member obtained by using an active hydrogen-containing synthetic resin, to a urethane-based waterproof layer, to form a pavement adhesive layer;applying or spraying an isocyanate group-containing compound onto the pavement adhesive layer; andpaving an asphalt mixture above the pavement adhesive layer.2. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the active hydrogen-containing synthetic resin contains an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer resin.3. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein a softening point of the active hydrogen-containing synthetic resin is lower than 60° C.4. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive member is in a woven fabric form claim 1 , a non-woven fabric form claim 1 , or a knitted form.5. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the molecular weight of the isocyanate group-containing compound is 800 or less.6. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the adhesive member is 0.1 mm to 2 mm.7. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the adhesive member is adhered to the urethane-based waterproof layer using an adhesive interlayer positioned between the adhesive member and the urethane-based waterproof layer.8. The method for waterproofing a substrate according to claim 7 , wherein the adhesive member is adhered to the urethane-based waterproof layer before ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058018A1
Автор: Memon G. Mohammed

A method for making a modified polymer is characterized by re-capsulating the polymer via extrusion. A cross-linking agent is mixed with particles of synthetic rubber material to form a mixture which is then heated and delivered to an extrusion device. The extrusion device further heats the mixture and produces strands of modified polymer material which are cooled and pelletized to form small pellets of re-capsulated modified polymer. A partitioning or anti-blocking agent is added to the pellets to prevent re-agglomerization of the modified polymer. When mixed with asphalt for a sufficient period of time, a modified polymer asphalt is produced with enhanced rheological properties for high and low temperatures. 1. A method for making a modified polymer , comprising the steps of (a) mixing a cross-linking agent comprising a carrier material including mineral oil and an acidic activator containing sulfur with particles of synthetic rubber material comprising styrene butadiene rubber or styrene butadiene styrene rubber to form a modified polymer mixture;(b) heating the modified polymer mixture to a first temperature;(c) extruding the mixture into strands of pliable modified polymer material;(d) pelletizing the strands of modified polymer material;(e) dusting pellets of said modified polymer material with a partitioning agent to prevent re-agglomeration of said modified polymer material;(f) combining said dusted modified polymer material with hot asphalt; and(g) continuously mixing said dusted modified polymer material with hot asphalt for at least 150 minutes to completely break the double bond of the butadiene said synthetic rubber material to stabilize the asphalt and produce a modified asphalt material which has improved rheological, separation and solubility characteristics.2. A method as defined in claim 1 , and further comprising the step of cooling said strands of modified polymer material following said extruding step.3. A method as defined in claim 2 , wherein ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Polymer-modified asphalt compositions

Номер: US20140066549A1

A modified-asphalt composition prepared by introducing a diene end-capped block copolymer with a molten asphalt composition, where the block copolymer is defined by the formula α-(D-V-d) x where each D is independently a polydiene block, each V is independently a vinyl aromatic block, each d is a polydiene end cap, α is a coupling moiety, and x is an integer from 2 to 10.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069297A1

A non-blown roofing grade bitumen composition comprising bitumen feedstock, polyolefin having a molecular weight of from about 800 to about 50,000 g/mol, and optionally one or more additives, wherein the softening point of the composition is above 70° C. as determined according to method ASTM D36 and the penetration of the composition is at least about 12 dmm at 25° C. as determined according to method ASTM D5. A method of making the same. 1. A non-blown roofing grade bitumen composition comprising: a) bitumen feedstock; b) polyolefin having a molecular weight of from about 800 to about 50 ,000 g/mol; and c) optionally one or more additives , wherein the softening point of the composition is above 70° C. as determined according to method ASTM D36 and the penetration of the composition is at least about 12 dmm at 25° C. as determined according to method ASTM D5.2. The bitumen composition of claim 1 , wherein the bitumen feedstock is a paving grade bitumen.3. The bitumen composition of claim 2 , wherein the polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene (PE) homopolymer claim 2 , low density polyethylene homopolymer (LDPE) claim 2 , linear low density polyethylene homopolymer (LLDPE) claim 2 , high density polyethylene homopolymer (HDPE) claim 2 , oxidized low density polyethylene homopolymer (Ox LDPE) claim 2 , oxidized high density polyethylene homopolymer (Ox HDPE) claim 2 , polypropylene (PP) homopolymer claim 2 , ethylene-acrylic acid (EAA) co-polymer claim 2 , ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) co-polymer claim 2 , ethylene maleic anhydride (MAPE) co-polymer claim 2 , propylene maleic anhydride (MAPP) co-polymer claim 2 , Fischer-Tropsch wax (FT wax) claim 2 , and mixtures thereof.4. The bitumen composition of claim 3 , wherein the additives are selected from the group consisting of plastomers claim 3 , elastomers claim 3 , waxes claim 3 , polyphosphoric acid claim 3 , flux oil claim 3 , plasticizers and anti-oxidants.5. The bitumen composition of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069298A1

The present invention concerns agents containing at least one inorganic pigment, one or more oils, at least one Fischer-Tropsch wax and at least one second wax, processes for production thereof and their use for coloration of building products, preferably asphalt, bitumen, bituminous mixtures, tar and tar-containing compositions, and also a process for coloration of building products and the building products colored with the agents. 1. An agent where at least 50 wt % of the agent has a particle size of 1 mm or more , containingat least one inorganic pigment selected from the group of iron oxides, iron oxide hydroxides, chromium oxides, titanium dioxides and/or mixed-phase pigments based on metal oxides,one or more oils,at least one Fischer-Tropsch wax having a congealing point between 50 and 140° C. and a needle penetration at 25° C. of up to 1 mm, and at least one second wax having a congealing point between 50 and 140° C., wherein this wax is not a Fischer-Tropsch wax nor a polyolefin wax.2. The agent as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , characterized in that the proportion of Fischer-Tropsch wax relative to the total amount of Fischer-Tropsch wax and second wax is from 20 wt % to 80 wt %.3. The agent as claimed in one or more of or claim 1 , characterized in that the total amount of oil or oils is from 0.1 to 5.0 wt % based on the total amount of the agent.4. The agent as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that the second wax is selected from the group of mineral waxes claim 1 , montan waxes claim 1 , vegetable waxes and/or animal waxes.5. The agent as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that the total amount of Fischer-Tropsch wax and second wax is from 5 to 25 wt % based on the total amount of the agent.6. A process for producing agents as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that eithera) at least one inorganic pigment is mixed with one or more oils andb) the mix of step a) is ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for Transporting Straight Run Bitumen, and Bitumen Mixture

Номер: US20140080947A1

Straight run bitumen is widely used in the production of built-structure waterproofing systems, more particularly waterproofing membranes. In order to be able to obtain supplies of straight run bitumen wherever it is obtainable at favorable prices, it would have to be transported over relatively long distances. Since straight run bitumen is viscid at ambient temperature, it would have to be transported hot, which is not possible with conventional straight run bitumen. According to the invention, the straight run bitumen is admixed with a small proportion of at least one hydrocarbonaceous polymer. This solidifies straight run bitumen at ambient temperatures, making it transportable cold in the solid state. 1. A method for transporting straight run bitumen , comprising solidifying the straight run bitumen with a small proportion of at least one hydrocarbonaceous polymer and transporting the straight run bitumen comprising the at least one hydrocarbonaceous polymer in the cold state as solid straight run bitumen.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of at least one hydrocarbonaceous polymer is added to the straight run bitumen such that the melting or softening point of the straight run bitumen comprising the at least one added hydrocarbonaceous polymer is above 50° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the straight run bitumen has added to it a proportion of up to 10% by weight of at least one hydrocarbonaceous polymer.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one hydrocarbonaceous polymer added to the straight run bitumen leads to a solidifying or hardening of the straight run bitumen in the course of a descending temperature passing through the lower limit of a narrow temperature range.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbonaceous polymer is added to the straight run bitumen in the liquid or at least viscid state claim 1 , preferably to the warmed/heated straight run bitumen.6. The method according to ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083330A1

The present invention concerns agents containing at least one inorganic pigment, one or more oils, and one or more waxes, and also processes for production thereof and their use for coloration of building products, preferably asphalt, bitumen, bituminous mixtures, tar and tar-containing compositions, and also a process for coloration of building products and the building products colored with the agents. 1. An agent containing at least one inorganic pigment selected from the group of iron oxides , iron oxide hydroxides , chromium oxides , titanium dioxides and/or mixed-phase pigments based on metal oxides , one or more oils , and one or more waxes where at least 50 wt % of the agent has a particle size of 1 mm or more , characterized in that the total amount of wax or waxes is greater than 10 to 25 wt % , based on the total amount of the agent , and the agent has an attrition value of 10 wt % or less.2. The agent as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the oils are selected from the group of synthetic oils consisting essentially of the elements carbon and hydrogen and/or nitrogen and/or oxygen and/or sulfur and/or halogens and/or boron; mineral oils; animal and/or vegetable oils.3. The agent as claimed in or claim 1 , characterized in that the total amount of oil or oils is from 0.1 to 5.0 wt % based on the total amount of the agent.4. The agent as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that the waxes have a congealing point between 50 and 140° C.5. The agent as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that the waxes are selected from the group of Fischer-Tropsch waxes claim 1 , mineral waxes claim 1 , montan waxes claim 1 , vegetable waxes and/or animal waxes.6. The agent as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that the total amount of wax or waxes is from 13 to 20 wt % based on the total amount of the agent.7. A process for producing agents as claimed in one or more of to claim 1 , characterized in that ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083331A1
Автор: Fini Elham H.

The present application relates generally to bio-adhesive components isolated from bio-oil prepared from animal waste, methods of preparation of the bio-adhesive components and uses thereof. Such uses include, but are not limited to, asphalt bio-binders, bio-adhesion promoters, asphalt bio-rejuvenators, asphalt bio-extenders, bio-asphalt as well as uses in roofing, soil stabilization, crack and joint sealing and flooring adhesives. 1) A method of isolating a bio-adhesive composition from a bio-oil , the method comprising:(a) providing a bio-oil derived from animal waste; and(b) distilling the bio-oil to remove a light liquid fraction, wherein the distilling occurs at a vacuum pressure of between about 1 mm Hg and about 80 mm Hg while heating to a temperature of up to 60° C.(c) isolating a bio-adhesive composition from the bio-oil under conditions such that the viscosity of the bio-adhesive composition is not allowed to exceed 1 centipoise (cP) at 135° C.2) The method of claim 1 , where the animal waste comprises beef manure claim 1 , dairy manure claim 1 , swine manure claim 1 , sheep manure claim 1 , poultry manure or combinations thereof.3) The method of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity of the bio-adhesive composition is not allowed to exceed 0.5 cP at 135° C.4) The method of claim 1 , wherein the bio-adhesive composition comprises a heavy liquid fraction and a bio-residue.5) The method of claim 2 , wherein the animal waste comprises swine manure; the vacuum pressure is between about 1 mm Hg and about 40 mm Hg and the rate of heating is between about 5° C. per hour and about 50° C. per hour.6) The method of claim 1 , wherein the bio-oil is treated with a solvent to provide a bio-char and the bio-char is isolated optionally by filtration.7) The method of claim 1 , further comprising using the bio-adhesive composition as a component of a composition selected from the group consisting of a bio-adhesion promoter claim 1 , an asphalt bio-extender claim 1 , a bio- ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083332A1

The present invention provides a method for extracting bitumen from an oil sand stream, the method comprising at least the steps of, a) providing an oil sand stream; b) contacting the oil sand stream with a liquid comprising a solvent to obtain a solvent-diluted oil sand slurry; c) separating the oil sand slurry to obtain a first solids-depleted stream and a first solids-enriched stream; d) filtering the first solids-enriched stream obtained in step c) to obtain bitumen-depleted sand and at least a first filtrate; e) separating at least a part of the first filtrate to obtain a second solids-depleted stream and a second solids-enriched stream; and f) contacting at least a part of the second solids-enriched stream from step e) with solvent to obtain a solvent-diluted second solids-enriched stream; and g) separating the solvent-diluted second solids-enriched stream to obtain a third solids-enriched stream and a third solids-depleted stream. 1. A method for extracting bitumen from an oil sand stream , the method comprising at least the steps of:(a) providing an oil sand stream;(b) contacting the oil sand stream with a liquid comprising a solvent thereby obtaining a solvent-diluted oil sand slurry;(c) separating the solvent-diluted oil sand slurry, thereby obtaining a first solids-depleted stream and a first solids-enriched stream;(d) filtering the first solids-enriched stream obtained in step (c), thereby obtaining bitumen-depleted sand and at least a first filtrate;(e) separating at least a part of the first filtrate thereby obtaining a second solids-depleted stream and a second solids-enriched stream; and(f) contacting at least a part of the second solids-enriched stream as obtained in step (e) with solvent thereby obtaining a solvent-diluted second solids-enriched stream; and(g) separating the solvent-diluted second solids-enriched stream thereby obtaining a third solids-enriched stream and a third solids-depleted stream.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Performance Modifiers for Bitumen Comprising Straight and Branched Chain Fatty Amide Waxes

Номер: US20160002442A1

The present invention generally relates to the discovery that a blend of linear and branched amide wax additives can be used to enhance the performance of asphalt binders and asphalt emulsion residues. In particular, high temperature properties of asphalt pavement can be improved while maintaining or improving low temperature properties. The additives also improve workability and lower processing temperatures for asphalt paving (e.g. warm mix) or for roofing. These amide wax additives can reduce the tracking of tack coats, by decreasing binder penetration and forming a non-tacky surface layer. 2. The composition of wherein each R group is independently selected from a saturated or unsaturated claim 1 , optionally substituted long-chain alkyl group having from 17 to 23 carbon atoms.3. The composition of wherein each R′ group is independently selected from a saturated or unsaturated claim 1 , optionally substituted long-chain claim 1 , branched alkyl group having from 17 to 23 carbon atoms.4. The composition of wherein the alkyl branching in each R′ is methyl branching claim 1 , and said methyl branching occurs on at least 40% of the R′ groups.5. (canceled)6. The composition of wherein the ratio of said first fatty bisamide wax to said second fatty bisamide wax is from about 8:1 to about 1:8.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)10. The composition of wherein the alkyl branching in R′ of structure (IV) is methyl branching claim 9 , and said methyl branching occurs on at least 40% of the R′ groups.12. The composition of which comprises from about 0.5% to 10% by weight performance modifier based on the weight of the bitumen.13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. The composition of wherein the performance modifier comprises from about 15% to about 75% of said second fatty bisamide wax claim 12 , the remainder being said first fatty bisamide wax.16. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. An asphalt paving composition comprising aggregate and from about 2% to 20% of the asphalt binder composition of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002464A1

An asphalt formulation showing increased lifespan without requiring thermal conditions is disclosed. The formulation exhibits the following two properties: 1) inhibition the oxidation of its flowed components, resins and oils (aromatic and saturated) and 2) preservation of the colloidal stability of the asphaltene, inhibition of its adsorption on aggregates (pricked stone, sand) until the moment of the paving. 16.-. (canceled)7. A mixture , comprising:glycerine;bitumen; andcoking coal.8. The mixture of claim 7 , wherein the glycerine is a 70% liquid solution.9. The mixture of claim 7 , wherein the coking coal is a solid at constant pressure with a heat supplied value between 11 claim 7 ,000 and 12 claim 7 ,000 Btu.10. The mixture of claim 7 , wherein the mixture contains a ratio of 4 L of the glycerine to 8 L of the bitumen to 2 Kg of the coking coal.11. A mixture claim 7 , comprising:glycerine;bitumen;coking coal; andconventional asphalt mixture.12. The mixture of claim 11 , wherein the glycerine is a 70% liquid solution.13. The mixture of claim 11 , wherein the coking coal is a solid at constant pressure with a heat supplied value between 11 claim 11 ,000 and 12 claim 11 ,000 Btu.14. The mixture of claim 11 , wherein there is 4 L of glycerine claim 11 , 8 L of bitumen claim 11 , 2 Kg of coking coal claim 11 , and 250 Kg of conventional asphalt mixture.15. The mixture of claim 11 , wherein the mixture contains a ratio of 4 L of the glycerine to 8 L of the bitumen to 2 Kg of the coking coal to 250 Kg of the conventional asphalt mixture.16. A method claim 11 , comprising:Preparing a mixture by combining glycerine, bitumen, and coking coal;Adding the mixture of glycerine, bitumen, and coking coal to conventional asphalt mixture and combining to create a catalytic mixture; andCreating a hermetic seal around the catalytic mixture.17. The method of claim 16 , wherein the glycerine is a 70% liquid solution.18. The method of claim 16 , wherein the coking coal is a solid at ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002172A1
Автор: Avramidis Kostas S.

Disclosed herein are compositions comprising an ionic crosslinking agent (e.g., compositions comprising crosslinked products prepared by ionically crosslinking a polymer derived from styrene and optionally butadiene using an ionic crosslinking agent). The present disclosure also relates to methods of making the disclosed compositions. The compositions disclosed herein can be used in a variety of applications including, but not limited to, asphalt compositions, paints, coatings, carpet compositions, paper binding and coating compositions, foams, or adhesives. 1. A composition comprising:a crosslinked product prepared by ionically crosslinking a polymer derived from styrene and optionally butadiene using an ionic crosslinking agent.2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is polystyrene.3. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is derived from styrene and butadiene.4. The composition according to claim 3 , wherein the polymer is a carboxylated styrene-butadiene copolymer.5. The composition according to claim 3 , wherein the polymer is a non-carboxylated styrene-butadiene copolymer.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is further derived from glycidyl methacrylate or N-methylolacrylamide.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ionic cross-linking agent has a valency of at least 2.8. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ionic cross-linking agent has a valency of at least 3.9. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the ionic crosslinking agent includes zirconium.10. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the crosslinked product is free of sulfur.11. A paint claim 1 , a paper binding or paper coating composition claim 1 , an adhesive claim 1 , a foam claim 1 , a powder claim 1 , or a carpet composition comprising the composition according to .12. An asphalt composition comprising the composition according to .13. The asphalt composition according to claim 12 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002202A1

In a process for producing a cross-linked asphalt/polymer composition (“polymer-modified asphalt” or PMA) that comprises or is produced from asphalt and an ethylene copolymer, an anhydride is used as a promoter. The ethylene copolymer comprises copolymerized units derived from ethylene and an epoxy-containing comonomer. An improvement in asphalt properties is demonstrated without the use of an acid catalyst. 1. A polyepoxy-polymer-linked-asphalt composition comprising(a) about 89 to about 99.4 weight % of asphalt;{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2, 'sup': 1', '2', '1', '2', '3', '4', '3', '4, '(b) about 0.5 to about 10 weight % of an epoxy-functionalized ethylene copolymer, said epoxy-functionalized ethylene copolymer represented by the empirical formula “E/X/Y/Z”, wherein E represents copolymerized repeat units of the formula —(CHCH)— derived from ethylene; X represents copolymerized repeat units of the formula —(CHCRR)—, wherein Ris hydrogen, methyl, or ethyl, and Ris carboalkoxy, acyloxy, or alkoxy of 1 to 10 carbon atoms; Y represents copolymerized repeat units of the formula —(CHCRR)—, wherein Ris hydrogen or methyl and Ris carboglycidoxy or glycidoxy; and Z represents copolymerized repeat units derived from one or more additional comonomers; and wherein the amount of X is from 0 to about 40 weight %, the amount of Y is from about 0.3 to about 15 weight %, the amount of Z is from 0 to about 10 weight %, the amount of E is complementary to the amounts of X, Y and Z, and wherein the weight percentages of E, X, Y and Z are based on the total weight of the epoxy-functionalized ethylene copolymer; and'}(c) about 0.1 to about 1 weight % of an anhydride;wherein the weight percentages of component (a), component (b) and component (c) are based on the total weight of the polyepoxy-polymer-linked-asphalt composition.2. The polyepoxy-polymer-linked-asphalt composition of claim 1 , comprising about 0.5 to about 3 wt % of the epoxy-functionalized ethylene copolymer.3. The polyepoxy- ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002867A1
Автор: HAUZA Philippe

A sealed agglomerated base (SAB) composition includes at least a hydrocarbon binder and a granular mixture, the granular mixture having the following particle size distribution, by weight, as compared to the granular mixture total weight: 45 to 90% of the granular mixture have a size that is higher than or equal to 10 mm, with at least 25% having a size that is higher than or equal to 20 mm, characterized in that the void content in volume as compared to the SAB composition total volume, as measured according to the NF EN 12697 Standard at 120 gyrations in a gyratory shear compactor (GSC), is lower than or equal to 10%, preferably ranges from 2 to 9% and most preferably from 4 to 8%. A road coating including the SAB composition is also described. 1. A sealed agglomerated base (SAB) composition comprising at least a hydrocarbon binder and a granular mixture , said granular mixture having the following particle size distribution , by weight , as compared to the granular mixture total weight: from 45 to 90% of the granular mixture have a size that is higher than or equal to 10 mm , with at least 25% having a size that is higher than or equal to 20 mm , characterized in that the void content in volume as compared to the SAB composition total volume , as measured according to the NF EN 12697 Standard , at 120 gyrations in a gyratory shear compactor (GSC) , is lower than or equal to 10%.2. A SAB composition according to claim 1 , wherein less than 25% (limits included) claim 1 , preferably from 6 to 15% by weight of the granular mixture have a size lower than or equal to 4 mm.3. A SAB composition according to claim 1 , wherein the granular mixture having a size that is higher than or equal to 10 mm has a low kurtosis coefficient of about 0 to 20% claim 1 , preferably lower than 15% claim 1 , such as measured according to the NF EN 933-3/A1 Standard on 16 claim 1 , 20 claim 1 , 25 and 31.5 mm-slotted grids.4. A SAB composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002538A1
Принадлежит: Heritage Research Group

A void filling asphalt emulsion and a method of using the void filling asphalt emulsion to fill voids below the surface of an asphalt pavement. The void filling emulsion is prepared by forming a base asphalt emulsion having about 45 to 75 wt. % of an asphalt content, and combining the base asphalt emulsion with a surface tension reducing solution to produce a void filling asphalt emulsion that has about 25 to 50 wt. % of an asphalt content. When applied to an asphalt pavement the void filling emulsion penetrates into the asphalt pavement and fills voids in the asphalt pavement. The void filling emulation further being water resistant so as not to be washed off a pavement surface by water after being applied to the pavement. 1. A method of preparing a void filling asphalt emulsion , comprising:providing a base asphalt emulsion having about 45 to about 75 wt. % of an asphalt; andcombining the base asphalt emulsion with a wetting agent solution to produce a void filling asphalt emulsion, wherein the asphalt comprises about 25 to about 50 wt. % of the void filling asphalt emulsion.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt comprises about 30 to about 45 wt. % of the void filling asphalt emulsion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt comprises about 38 to about 44 wt. % of the void filling asphalt emulsion.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the base asphalt emulsion comprises water and at least one primary emulsifier.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the primary emulsifier comprises at least one of a tall oil based carboxylate or an alkyl amine.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent solution comprises water and at least one surfactant.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent solution comprises at least one of a polymeric surfactant or a mixed stream surfactant.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent solution comprises at least one of an alcohol ethoxylate claim 1 , an amine ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002484A1

A modified asphalt binder with improved elastic properties and methods of making such modified asphalt binder. The modified asphalt binders may include one or more of an asphalt binder, a solvent deasphalted (SDA) pitch, a polymeric material, and optionally, a ground tire rubber. The disclosed modified asphalt binders exhibit properties consistent with decreased susceptibility to rutting and thus may be used in asphalt concrete applications. 1. A modified asphalt binder comprising:an asphalt binder;a solvent deasphalted (SDA) pitch; anda polymeric material.2. The modified asphalt binder of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt binder has two or more of:a viscosity of from about 1900 poise to about 3000 poise at 60° C. (140° F.);a G*/sin delta value in excess of 1.0 kPa at temperatures ranging from 64° C. to 67° C.;{'sub': 'nr3.2', 'sup': '−1', 'a non-recoverable creep compliance 3.2 kPa (J) value of <4.5 kPaat 64° C. and/or at 67° C.;'}a penetration of from about 45 to about 77 dmm at 25° C., where dmm represents 0.1 mm of penetration as measured with a penetrometer under ASTM D5; ora softening point greater than about 50° C.3. The modified asphalt binder of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt binder claim 1 , prior to modification claim 1 , has a performance grade (PG) designation of from PG 64-22 to PG 67-22.4. The modified asphalt binder of claim 1 , wherein the SDA pitch has a penetration of from 0-10 dmm claim 1 , a softening point of from about 210° F. to about 240° F. claim 1 , or both.5. The modified asphalt binder of claim 1 , wherein the SDA pitch is present in an amount from about 1% to about 7% by weight claim 1 , based on the weight of the asphalt binder and SDA.6. The modified asphalt binder of claim 1 , wherein the SDA pitch is present in an amount from about 5% to about 6% by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of the modified asphalt binder.7. The modified asphalt binder of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric material is selected from styrene-butadiene (SB) ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008156A1

A bitumen, characterized in that said bitumen is a mixture. 1. A bitumen , characterized in that said bitumen is a mixture of a first oil pitch comprising particles of soot and saturated oils , and a second oil pitch comprising Heavy Pyrolysis Oil (HPO) , aromatic oils and resins.2. The bitumen according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first oil pitch is present at a content of 15-75% by wet weight with respect to the total mass of said bitumen and the second oil pitch is present at a content of 85-25% by wet weight with respect to the total mass of said bitumen.3. The bitumen according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first oil pitch comprises saturated oils at a content of at least 10% in wet weight and wherein said second oil pitch comprises aromatic oils in an amount of at least 10% in wet weight.4. The bitumen according to claim 1 , characterized in that said first oil pitch comprises at least 30% in wet weight of saturated oils claim 1 , at least 10% in wet weight of aromatic oils claim 1 , at least 15% in wet weight of resins and at least 15% in dry weight of asphaltenes claim 1 , and said second oil pitch comprises at least 3% in wet weight of saturated oils claim 1 , at least 35% in wet weight of aromatic oils claim 1 , at least 30% in wet weight of resins and at least 2% in dry weight of asphaltenes.5. The bitumen according to claim 1 , further comprising a bituminous roof waste which is present in an amount between 0.5-70% in dry weight of the total mass of the bitumen claim 1 , said bituminous roof waste comprising a first polymer in an amount situated between 0.5-30% in dry weight claim 1 , preferably 0.5-25% in dry weight claim 1 , more preferably 2-20% in dry weight claim 1 , particularly 4-15% in dry weight claim 1 , more particularly 10-15% in dry weight claim 1 , preferably 7% in dry weight of the total mass of the bitumen.6. The bitumen according to claim 5 , comprising a second polymer in an amount between 0.5-30% in dry weight claim ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Bitumen which is solid at ambient temperature

Номер: US20220017752A1
Принадлежит: Total Marketing Services SA

A bituminous composition including at least: bitumen, a compound of general formula R1-(COOH)z (I), a compound of general formula R2-(NH)nCONH—X—(NHCO)p(NH)n-R3 (II), and a compound of general formula Ar1-R-Ar2 (III), in particular in solid form and divided at ambient temperature; and a method for producing a bituminous composition as defined above and to the use thereof as asphalt binder and/or in various industrial applications.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009894A1

A catalytic process for preparing a roofing asphalt composition comprising an oxidized blend of a paving grade asphalt and recycled rubber is described herein. 1. A catalytic process for preparing a roofing asphalt composition , the process comprising:(a) catalytically oxidizing a paving grade asphalt and recycled rubber particles at a temperature ranging from about 200° C. to about 300° C. and obtaining a catalytically oxidized mixture;(b) homogenizing the catalytically oxidized mixture; and(c) recovering the asphalt composition.2. The catalytic process of claim 1 , wherein the catalytic oxidation is conducted in the presence of an acid catalyst.3. The catalytic process of claim 1 , further comprising adding a fluxing oil prior to or during the homogenizing step.4. The catalytic process of claim 3 , wherein the fluxing oil is added prior to or during step (a).5. The catalytic process of claim 1 , further comprising selecting at least a portion of the recycled rubber from at least one of a natural rubber and a synthetic rubber.6. The catalytic process of claim 1 , further comprising selecting the recycled rubber from at least partially vulcanized natural rubber and synthetic rubber.7. The catalytic process of claim 6 , wherein the catalytic oxidation is conducted for a time to effect at least a partial devulcanization of the rubber.8. The catalytic process of claim 1 , further comprising obtaining at least a portion of the recycled rubber from waste tires or tubes.9. The catalytic process of claim 5 , further comprising selecting at least a portion of the synthetic rubber from the group consisting of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) claim 5 , styrene butadiene (SBR) claim 5 , styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS) claim 5 , polyethylene claim 5 , polyisoprene claim 5 , polybutylene claim 5 , polychloroprene (neoprene) claim 5 , nitrile rubber (acrylonitrile butadiene) claim 5 , butyl rubber and polyacrylonitrile.10. The catalytic process of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160009920A1

A roofing asphalt composition comprising an oxidized blend of a paving grade asphalt and recycled rubber is described herein. 1. A roofing asphalt composition comprising an oxidized blend of a paving grade asphalt and recycled rubber.2. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises:from 60 to 99% by weight of the paving grade asphalt; andfrom 1 to 40% by weight of the recycled rubber.3. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises:from 80 to 95% by weight of the paving grade asphalt; andfrom 5 to 20% by weight of the recycled rubber.4. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , further comprising from 0.01% to 20% by weight of fluxing oil.5. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 4 , wherein the composition comprises from 2% to 8% by weight of the fluxing oil.6. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , further comprising from 0.01% to 3% by weight of an acid catalyst.7. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 6 , wherein the composition comprises from 0.1% to 0.5% by weight of the acid catalyst.8. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , wherein the recycled rubber comprises at least one of a natural rubber and a synthetic rubber.9. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 8 , wherein at least a portion of the recycled rubber is at least partially vulcanized.10. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , wherein the rubber is generally uniformly mixed with the asphalt.11. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 10 , wherein the asphalt and the rubber comprise a homogenized blend.12. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the recycled rubber is obtained from waste tires or tubes.13. The roofing asphalt composition of claim 8 , wherein at least some of the synthetic rubber is selected from the group consisting of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) claim 8 , styrene butadiene (SBR) claim 8 , styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene (SEBS) claim 8 , polyethylene claim ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011686A1

A system and method for producing solid pellets from a slurry HDC pitch is disclosed which utilizes a polymer additive that is mixed with the pitch to increase the softening point of the solid pellets. 1. A method of producing solid pellets from a hydroconversion pitch produced from a hydroconversion process , the method comprising:providing a stream hydroconversion pitch;providing a stream of polymer additive;mixing the stream of hydroconversion pitch with the stream of polymer additive to produce a mixture of hydroconversion pitch and polymer additive; andpelletizing the mixture of hydroconversion pitch and polymer additive to produce pellets having a softening point of at least 65° C. (150° F.).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the hydroconversion pitch is slurry hydroconversion pitch claim 1 , wherein the hydroconversion process is a slurry hydroconversion process.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture of hydroconversion pitch and polymer additive contains less than 10 wt % of polymer additive.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the stream of polymer additive is a molten stream of polymer additive.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer additive is one of polyethylenes claim 1 , polypropylenes and polycarbonates and mixtures thereof.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the polymer additive is a low density polyethylene (LDPE) claim 5 , a high density polyethylene (HDPE) claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:providing a stream of air; andpassing the stream of hydroconversion pitch through the stream of air prior to mixing with the stream of the polymer additive.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pellets having a softening point of at least 93° C. (200° F.).9. A system for producing solid pellets from a hydroconversion pitch produced from a hydroconversion process claim 1 , the system comprising:a source of hydroconversion pitch;a ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017148A1

Asphalt compositions for roofing applications are provided, as well as filled asphalt material comprising the asphalt compositions and methods for making asphalt compositions and filled asphalt material. More particularly, the asphalt compositions comprise non-oxidized base asphalt; and a low molecular weight polyolefin present in an amount of from about 0.5 to about 15 wt % based on the total weight of the asphalt composition. The asphalt composition has a softening point from about 87.8 to about 160° C. (about 190 to about 320° F.), a penetration of greater than 12 deci-millimeters @ 25° C., as well as improved stain resistance and heat resistance.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017149A1

The present invention relates to a polymer modified bitumen composition comprising a petroleum vacuum residue, a nitrogen rich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and a functionalized polymer having enhanced softening point, good antistripping effect, enhanced elastic recovery higher performance grade and low temperature creep stiffness effect. The present invention also relates to processes for the preparation of polymer modified bitumen composition. 1. A polymer modified bitumen composition comprising:(a) a petroleum vacuum residue;(b) a nitrogen rich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; and(c) a functionalized polymer.2. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 1 , wherein the petroleum vacuum residue is produced from high sulphur crude or low sulphur crude or mixture thereof.3. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 1 , wherein the petroleum vacuum residue has a penetration range of 50 to 150 dmm or 80 to 150 dmm.4. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen rich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon comprises a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon condensed with a heterocyclic ring containing nitrogen.5. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 4 , wherein the heterocyclic ring containing nitrogen is selected from pyrrole claim 4 , pyridine claim 4 , pyrimidine claim 4 , porphyrine ring or contains amide functional groups.6. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen rich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon is present in the range of 1 to 6 wt % based on the total weight of the composition.7. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 1 , wherein the functionalized polymer is a copolymer having ethylene or propylene backbone with side chains having functional groups.8. The polymer modified bitumen composition of claim 7 , wherein the functional groups comprise methacrylates claim 7 , butyl acrylates vinyl ether claim 7 , glycidyl methacrylate claim 7 , glycidyl vinyl ether and epoxides ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016437A1

The invention discloses anchoring of crumb rubber in asphalt using waste plastic particularly polyethylene terephthalate (PET) derived terepthalamide along with bi-functional reactive compounds. The invention also discloses a process for the production of storage stable crumb rubber modified bitumen by incorporating various components such as waste PET, waste crumb rubber powder and bi-functional reactive compounds in bitumen. 1. A crumb rubber modified bitumen composition comprising:(a) asphalt;(b) crumb rubber;(c) PET derivatives; and(d) bi-functional reactive compounds.2. The composition of wherein the asphalt is natural asphalt or obtained from petroleum residue claim 1 , or may be a mixture thereof.3. The composition of wherein the asphalt has a penetration range from 30 to 250 dmm.4. The composition of wherein asphalt is present in the composition in a range of 30 to 90% by weight of the composition.5. The composition of wherein crumb rubber is obtained from grinding of used truck tyres or automobile tyres claim 1 , or from any other source of rubber.6. The composition of wherein crumb rubber is present in the composition in the range of between 1 to 50% by weight of the composition claim 1 , or between 1 to 30% by weight of the composition.7. The composition of wherein PET derivatives include waste PET derivatives comprising terephthalamide chemical compounds obtained by aminolysis of waste PET.8. The composition of wherein PET derivatives are present in the composition in the range between 0.01 to 20% by weight of the composition claim 1 , or between 1 to 10% by weight of the composition.9. The composition of wherein the bi-functional reactive compounds are selected from aliphatic claim 1 , cycloaliphatic or aromatic bi-functional compounds claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.10. The composition of wherein the aliphatic bi-functional compounds have the general formula{'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'n, 'X—(CH)—Y'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein X and Y are —OH, —COOH, —NH, —CONH ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Polymerized Oils & Methods of Manufacturing the Same

Номер: US20180016438A1

Described herein is a polymerized biorenewable, previously modified, or functionalized oil, comprising a polymeric distribution having about 2 to about 80 wt % oligomer content, a polydispersity index ranging from about 1.30 to about 2.20, and sulfur content ranging from 0.001 wt % to about 8 wt %. Methods of manufacturing the polymerized oil as well as its incorporation into asphalt paving, roofing, and coating applications are also described. 1. A polymerized biorenewable , previously modified , or functionalized oil (“polymerized oil”) , comprising:(a) a polymeric distribution having about 2 to about 80 wt % oligomer content;(b) a polydispersity index ranging from about 1.30 to about 2.20; and(c) sulfur content ranging from 0.001 wt % to about 8 wt %.2. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric distribution has about 15 to about 60 wt % oligomer content.3. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , wherein the polydispersity index ranges from about 1.50 to about 2.05.4. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur content is less than about 6 wt %.5. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur content is less than about 4 wt %.6. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur content is less than about 2 wt %.7. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , having a flash point ranging from about 100° C. to about 400° C.8. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , having a flash point ranging from about 200° C. to about 350° C.9. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , having a flash point ranging from about 245° C. to about 275° C.10. The polymerized oil of claim 1 , wherein the polymerized oil is derived from a starting oil material selected from the group consisting of palm oil claim 1 , sunflower oil claim 1 , corn oil claim 1 , soybean oil claim 1 , canola oil claim 1 , rapeseed oil claim 1 , linseed oil claim 1 , tung oil claim 1 , castor oil claim 1 , tall oil claim 1 , cottonseed oil claim 1 , peanut oil claim 1 , safflower oil claim 1 , corn stillage oil claim ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Polymer Modified Natural Asphalts (PMNAs) are formed by using polymers to polymerize the bitumen in the many natural asphalts which are available worldwide, resulting in PMNAs which do not flow or coalesce, perform better than PMBs, and better than refined asphalts or gilsonites used as a modifier of refinery bitumen. These natural asphalts include those found in Trinidad, Venezuela and Iraq, the gilsonites available in the USA, Iran, and China, together with all other natural asphalts

Номер: US20190016893A1
Автор: Mungalsingh Anand

Some natural asphalts deposits, like those in Trinidad, Venezuela and Iraq, are thermoplastic in nature. After removing the water content, the resulting refined asphalt flows, coalesces, and its mineral matter sediments when blended with refinery bitumen. Packaged in 250 kg coated kegs and barrels, specialized road-paving plants are required for use. On the other hand, gilsonites, also a natural asphalts, are used-friendly, but performs unsatisfactorily compared with refined asphalts as a modifier of refinery bitumen for road-paving. Furthermore, refinery bitumen has been polymerized with polymers for decades. This polymerization of bitumen is used in this patent—the bitumen in these natural asphalts are polymerized with polymers to produce PMNAs which are user-friendly (discrete elements do not flow or coalesce), could be packaged in powders or pellets, could be used with conventional road-paving equipment so there is no need for specialized equipment, and saving costs to the end-user. 16-. (canceled)7. An asphalt paving composition wherein a natural asphalt and one or more polymers are combined to form a polymerized modified asphalt. Polymer Modified Natural Asphalts (PMNAs) are formed by using polymers to polymerize the bitumen in the many natural asphalts which are available worldwide, resulting in PMNAs which do not flow or coalesce, perform better than PMBs, and better than refined asphalts or gilsonites used as a modifier of refinery bitumen. These natural asphalts include those found in Trinidad, Venezuela and Iraq, the gilsonites available in the USA, Iran, and China, together with all other natural asphalts.Not Applicable.This patent deals with all of the forms of natural asphalts available worldwide, i.e. the natural bitumen-based asphalts which are available worldwide.1. Introduction:(a) Thermoplastic Asphalts.These natural asphalts are found at La Brea, Trinidad, West Indies, or at Guanoco Lake, Sucre State, Venezuela, or at Abu Jir, City of Hit, Iraq, ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016894A1

A method for preparing a solid bitumen material at ambient temperature, said method comprising at least the steps of: a) preparing an emulsion of bitumen drops in a water phase; b) preparing a silica sol or silica gel from a silicon oxide precursor that has a pH of 4 to 8; c) bringing the emulsion of bitumen drops from step a) into contact with the silica sol or silica gel from step b); d) subjecting the bitumen suspension from step c) to an atomization treatment. 113-. (canceled)14. A process for preparing a bitumen material which is solid at ambient temperature , this process comprising at least the steps consisting in:a) preparing an emulsion of bitumen drops in an aqueous phase,b) preparing a silica sol or a silica gel from a silicon oxide precursor at a pH ranging from 4 to 8,c) bringing the emulsion of bitumen drops from step a) into contact with the silica sol or silica gel from step b),d) subjecting the bitumen suspension resulting from step c) to a spray-drying treatment.15. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material is in the form of particles comprising a core and a coating layer.16. The process as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the material is in the form of particles comprising a core and a coating layer claim 15 , in which:the core comprises at least one bitumen base,the coating layer is silica-based.17. The process as claimed in claim 16 , wherein the bitumen material has a layer of silicon oxide on at least 90% of its surface.18. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material comprises from 5% to 35% by weight of silica relative to the total weight of the material.19. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the material is in powder form20. The process as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the silicon oxide precursor is chosen from silicates.21. The process as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the silicon oxide precursor is chosen from the group made up of sodium silicate claim 20 , magnesium silicate claim 20 , iron silicate ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016920A1

A composition useful as an asphalt additive includes a plurality of substrate particles and a coating layer disposed on the particles, the coating layer including a solid elastomer. A method of producing an asphalt additive includes mixing an emulsion comprising an elastomer with a plurality of substrate particles. Another composition useful as an asphalt additive includes a plurality of substrate particles substantially coated with a first coating layer and a second coating layer, the first coating layer including a solid elastomer. An asphalt mix includes the asphalt additive composition, aggregate, and a binder. 1. A composition comprising a plurality of substrate particles and a coating layer disposed on the particles , the coating layer comprising a solid elastomer.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of substrate particles are crumb rubber particles.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the coating layer further comprises a cross-linking agent.4. The composition of wherein the solid elastomer is selected from the group consisting of styrene butadiene claim 1 , styrene butadiene rubber claim 1 , styrene butadiene styrene claim 1 , chloroprene latex and terpolymer and mixtures thereof.5. The composition of wherein the solid elastomer is styrene butadiene rubber.6. The composition of wherein the crosslinking agent is selected from the group consisting of elemental sulfur claim 1 , a sulfur donating compound claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The composition of wherein the sulfur donating compound is a disulphide.8. The composition of wherein the crumb rubber particles are recycled crumb rubber.9. An asphalt mix comprising the composition of claim 1 , aggregate and binder.10. A method of producing a chip seal surface comprising the steps of{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'mixing the composition of with an asphalt binder to form an asphalt composition;'}applying the asphalt composition to a surface to form a sealed surface; ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016963A1

A solid bitumen pellet, including a mixture of bitumen and an additive, where the additive operates to increase the viscosity of the mixture. Optionally, the pellet includes a protective shell. 1. A solid pellet comprising a shell enclosing a core ,the core including crude oil refinery feedstock which is suitable for use as a feedstock to an oil refinery to separate into constituents that can be used as fuels, lubricants and feedstocks in petrochemical processes,wherein the shell constitutes a leak proof barrier configured to prevent one or more of the constituents of the crude oil from which a fuel can be derived by a refining process at the oil refinery from oozing out of the pellet, and wherein the pellet when subjected to a crush-resistance test, manifests a probability of failure per pellet that does not exceed 0.25 when the height of the load of pellets is of 1 meter.2. The solid pellet according to claim 1 , wherein the shell includes a material that is separable from the core such that the crude oil refinery feedstock maintains compatibility with the oil refinery to allow separation of the crude oil refinery feedstock into said constituents.3. The solid pellet according to claim 2 , wherein the pellet when subjected to a crush-resistance test claim 2 , manifests a probability of failure per pellet that does not exceed 0.25 when the height of the load of pellets is of 5 meters.4. The solid pellet according to claim 2 , wherein the pellet when subjected to a crush-resistance test claim 2 , manifests a probability of failure per pellet that does not exceed 0.25 when the height of the load of pellets is of 10 meters.5. The solid pellet according to claim 2 , wherein the pellet when subjected to a crush-resistance test claim 2 , manifests a probability of failure per pellet that does not exceed 0.25 when the height of the load of pellets is of 20 meters.6. The solid pellet according to claim 2 , wherein the pellet when subjected to a crush-resistance test claim 2 ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017687A1

The present technology relates to an anti-stripping agent for an asphalt mixture, which includes a refined slowly-cooled slag obtained by processing slag, generated in ironmaking and steelmaking processes, using a specific method, and to a method for preparing the same, an asphalt mixture including the same, and a method for preparing the asphalt mixture. The refined slowly-cooled slag may include 55 to 65 mass % of CaO, 5 to 10 mass % of SiO, 1 to 5 mass % of AlO, and 1 to 5 mass % of MgO. 1. An anti-stripping agent for an asphalt mixture comprising a refined slowly-cooled slag , wherein the refined slowly-cooled slag comprises 55 to 65 mass % of CaO , 5 to 10 mass % of SiO , 1 to 5 mass % of AlO , and 1 to 5 mass % of MgO.2. The anti-stripping agent of claim 1 , wherein the refined slowly-cooled slag further comprises one or more selected from the group consisting of MnO claim 1 , NaO claim 1 , KO claim 1 , POand TiO.3. The anti-stripping agent of claim 1 , wherein the anti-stripping agent is in powder form.4. The anti-stripping agent of claim 1 , wherein the refined slowly-cooled slag is obtained by processing iron and steel slag so as to increase the collection and recovery of a nonferrous material comprising CaO claim 1 , SiO claim 1 , AlOand MgO.5. The anti-stripping agent of claim 1 , wherein the anti-stripping agent satisfies conditions specified in KS F 3501.6. The anti-stripping agent of claim 1 , wherein the refined slowly-cooled slag precipitates a calcium ion on a surface of aggregate in the asphalt mixture claim 1 , and the precipitated calcium ion binds to an acid contained in asphalt to form an insoluble salt claim 1 , thereby improving adhesion between the asphalt and the aggregate.7. A method for preparing an anti-stripping agent for an asphalt mixture comprising a refined slowly-cooled slag claim 1 , the method comprising:(a) sizing iron and steel slag, and collecting slag equal to or smaller than a reference diameter;(b) collecting a non-attached ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017386A1

Disclosed are asphalt binder compositions and methods for making such compositions with sterol. The sterol improves various rheological and chemical properties of asphalt binder. 1. An upcycled asphalt binder composition comprising , asphalt binder and sterol , wherein the asphalt binder comprises aged asphalt binder and the sterol comprises a reclaimed sterol.2. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt binder is an aged asphalt binder-containing reclaimed sterol.3. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the aged asphalt binders is derived from reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) claim 1 , reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) claim 1 , or combinations of both.4. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the asphalt binder composition further comprises virgin asphalt binder claim 1 , aged asphalt binder claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The asphalt binder composition of claim 14 , wherein the asphalt binder composition further comprises a softening agent.6. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the sterol comprises reclaimed sterol claim 1 , fresh sterol claim 1 , or combinations thereof.7. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the sterol comprises 0.5 to 20 wt % of the asphalt binder composition.8. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , further comprising added aggregate claim 1 , wherein the asphalt binder composition with added aggregate is compacted over a base surface to form a paved surface.9. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the sterol is present in an amount effective to provide a less negative ΔTc value of the aged asphalt binder composition compared to an asphalt binder composition without the sterol.10. The asphalt binder composition of claim 1 , wherein the sterol retards the aging rate of the asphalt binder composition compared to a similarly aged asphalt binder composition that does not include the sterol.11. A method of forming an upcycled asphalt binder ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Block Copolymer Composition, Method of Preparing the Same, and Asphalt Composition Including the Same

Номер: US20210017387A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided is a block copolymer composition, and more particularly, a block copolymer composition including a diblock copolymer and a triblock copolymer. The diblock copolymer includes a first block containing a first conjugated diene-based monomer-derived repeating unit and a second block containing a first vinyl aromatic monomer-derived repeating unit, and a functional group derived from a modified initiator represented by the Chemical Formula 1 (see description of the invention) is included at one end of the diblock copolymer. A method of preparing the same, and an asphalt composition including the same, are provided. 2. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the block copolymer composition includes 25% by weight to 42% by weight of the diblock copolymer and 58% by weight to 75% by weight of the triblock copolymer.3. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the block copolymer composition includes 30% by weight to 35% by weight of the diblock copolymer and 65% by weight to 70% by weight of the triblock copolymer.4. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris a hydrocarbyl group having 2 to 8 carbon atoms; Ris an alkylene group having 1 to 8 carbon atoms; and Rand Rare independently of each other hydrogen or an alkyl group having 1 to 8 carbon atoms.6. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the triblock copolymer includes a third block containing a second vinyl aromatic monomer-derived repeating unit claim 1 , a fourth block containing a second conjugated diene-based monomer-derived repeating unit claim 1 , and a coupling agent-derived linking group.7. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein coupling efficiency of the block copolymer composition is 62% to 79%.8. The block copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein coupling efficiency of the block copolymer composition is 65% to 67%.10. The method of preparing a block copolymer composition of claim 9 , wherein the block copolymer composition includes ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017388A1

Provided herein are asphalt compositions comprising asphalt, a carboxylated copolymer, a polyalkyleneimine, and a photoinitiator. The carboxylated copolymer present in the asphalt compositions can be a latex composition derived from a carboxylated styrene-butadiene copolymer. The carboxylated copolymer includes from 0.5% to 25% by weight carboxylic acid monomers. The carboxylated styrene-butadiene polymer and the asphalt can be present in a weight ratio of from 1:99 to 1:10. The polyalkyleneimine present in the asphalt compositions can be in an amount of greater than 0% to up to 10% by weight of the asphalt composition. The photoinitiator can include benzophenone and/or a derivative thereof. Tack coats meeting ASTM-D-977 standard comprising the asphalt compositions disclosed herein are also provided. The tack coat can have a tack-free time of 10 minutes or less. Methods of producing the asphalt compositions and tack coats are also disclosed. 149.-. (canceled)50. An asphalt composition comprising:a) asphalt,b) a carboxylated copolymer derived from one or more carboxylic acid monomers and one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers selected from the group consisting of styrene, butadiene, meth(acrylate) monomers, vinyl acetate, vinyl ester monomers, and combinations thereof,c) a polyalkyleneimine present in an amount of greater than 0% to up to 10% by weight of the asphalt composition; andd) a photoinitiator.51. A method of producing an asphalt composition , comprising:mixing asphalt; a carboxylated copolymer derived from one or more carboxylic acid monomers and one or more ethylenically unsaturated monomers selected from the group consisting of styrene, butadiene, meth(acrylate) monomers, vinyl acetate, vinyl ester monomers, and combinations thereof; a polyalkyleneimine; and a photoinitiator at a pH of 7 or greater. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/648,639 filed Mar. 27, 2018, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017452A1

Historically, bitumen from oil sands has been carried over land using trucks, pipelines, or by rail, and over water using tankers. Each mode of transportation faces economic or technical challenges of its own. Here there is provided a method for transporting bitumen, comprising: receiving in a dry bulk shipping container a load of discrete pellets with bitumen entrapped into the pellets, wherein the pellets have non-stick outer surfaces configured to prevent the bitumen from sticking to walls of the container when the pellets are carried in the container; and transporting the dry bulk shipping container containing the pellets over a distance. Alternatively or additionally, the pellets may have non-stick outer surfaces configured to prevent the load from caking when the pellets are carried in the container such that the load of bitumen pellets is substantially free-flowing when the transporting is completed. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method for dry bulk shipping bituminous material , comprising: 'wherein the pellets have non-stick outer surfaces configured to prevent the bituminous material from sticking to walls of the container when the pellets are carried in the container, whereby the load remains pourable while it is being transported in the container; and', 'a) receiving in a dry bulk shipping container a pourable load of discrete pellets including bituminous material,'}b) transporting the dry bulk shipping container containing the pellets over a distance.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the bituminous material is derived from bitumen which is suitable as a feedstock for a refinery to separate the feedstock into constituents that can be used as fuels and lubricants.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the bituminous material is suitable for use as an oil refinery feedstock to separate the feedstock into constituents that can be used as fuels and lubricants.23. The method of claim 20 , wherein the dry bulk shipping container is a railcar.24. The method of claim ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020711A1

This invention is based upon the discovery that activated carbon can be used to sequester polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that may be present in asphalt and creosote compositions. The treatment of asphalt and creosote compositions with activated carbon accordingly reduces the level of free polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in such compositions by sequestering them therein or removing them from the composition. After being sequestered the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons remain trapped in the asphalt or creosote composition, and are not available to the environment during normal processing into useful industrial products. This sequestration reduces the risk of exposing humans and the environment to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which would otherwise be free to migrate from the asphalt or creosote product during manufacturing and the service life of the product. In other words, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are absorbed onto the activated carbon and are not available for bioaccumulation from the environment. 1. An asphalt composition having a low level of free polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons which is comprised of an asphalt and activated carbon having polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons sequestered thereon.2. The asphalt composition as specified in wherein the asphalt is an industrial asphalt having a softening point which is within the range of 50° C. to 200° C.3. The asphalt composition as specified in wherein the industrial asphalt has a penetration value of less than 15 dmm.4. The asphalt composition as specified in wherein the level of free benzo(a)pyrene is less than 1 ppm.5. The asphalt composition as specified in wherein the level of free benzo(a)pyrene is less than 0.5 ppm.6. The asphalt composition as specified in wherein the level of free benzo(a)pyrene is less than 0.2 ppm.7. The asphalt composition as specified in wherein the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including benzo(a)pyrene claim 1 , benzo(e)pyrene claim 1 , benzo(a)anthracene claim 1 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Polyphosphoric acid resistant hydrogen sulfide scavenger for use in asphalt applications

Номер: US20170022109A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A method and composition for reducing hydrogen sulfide generated or emitted from an asphalt composition are disclosed. In certain aspects, a method for reducing hydrogen sulfide emissions from an asphalt composition is provided wherein an additive is mixed with the asphalt composition and the additive is a copper-based complex. The asphalt composition can include asphalt and an asphalt modifying acid. The copper-based complex can comprise copper carboxylate. The copper carboxylate can be an oil-soluble metal organic.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024292A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Disclosed are an asphalt modifying agent and an asphalt composition containing the same. More specifically, disclosed are an asphalt modifying agent comprising a vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene block copolymer and a low-molecular weight conjugated diene rubber (LCDR), and an asphalt composition containing the same. 1. An asphalt modifying agent comprising:a vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene block copolymer; anda low-molecular weight conjugated diene rubber (LCDR),wherein the low-molecular weight conjugated diene rubber (LCDR) has a weight average molecular weight of 8,000 to 52,000 g/mol.2. The asphalt modifying agent according to claim 1 , wherein the asphalt modifying agent comprises 85 to 97% by weight of the vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene block copolymer and 3 to 15% by weight of the low-molecular weight conjugated diene rubber (LCDR).3. The asphalt modifying agent according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene block copolymer has a weight average molecular weight of 50 claim 1 ,000 to 500 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.4. The asphalt modifying agent according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene block copolymer comprises a vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene-vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon triblock copolymer claim 1 , a vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene diblock copolymer or a mixture thereof.5. The asphalt modifying agent according to claim 1 , wherein the vinyl aromatic hydrocarbon-conjugated diene block copolymer has a conjugated diene content of 50 to 85% by weight.6. The asphalt modifying agent according to claim 1 , wherein the low-molecular weight conjugated diene rubber (LCDR) comprises low-molecular weight polybutadiene (LBR).7. An asphalt composition comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the asphalt modifying agent according to ; and'}an asphalt.8. An asphalt composition comprising:92 to 97% by weight of an asphalt;2 to 7% by ...
