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20-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000086948U1

1. Установка улавливания нефтепродуктов из реактора замедленного коксования, включающая трубопровод для вывода из реактора дистиллятных продуктов коксования и продуктов пропарки и охлаждения кокса, соединенный с трубопроводом для подачи дистиллятных продуктов коксования в нижнюю часть ректификационной колонны, снабженной системой трубопроводов для вывода парообразных продуктов, тяжелого остатка, легкого и тяжелого газойлей, и с трубопроводом для подачи продуктов пропарки и охлаждения кокса в нижнюю часть абсорбера, снабженного массообменными устройствами для разделения продуктов пропарки и охлаждения кокса на паровую и жидкую фазы, трубопровод для подачи остатка с низа абсорбера в качестве абсорбента на массообменное устройство, конденсатор-холодильник для охлаждения и конденсации паровой фазы, уходящей из абсорбера, сепаратор для разделения полученных продуктов охлаждения на газообразные и жидкие нефтепродукты и воду, отличающаяся тем, что установка снабжена трубопроводами, соединенными с трубопроводом для вывода тяжелого газойля и подачи последнего в качестве разбавителя продуктов пропарки и охлаждения кокса перед подачей в абсорбер и для подачи на верхнее массообменное устройство абсорбера, а также системой трубопроводов для рециркуляции балансового количества остатка из абсорбера и отделившихся нефтепродуктов из сепаратора в нижнюю часть ректификационной колонны, при этом выходная часть трубопровода для подачи остатка с низа абсорбера расположена в средней его части, предпочтительно над третьим или четвертым массообменным устройством. 2. Установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что конденсатор-холодильник снабжен средством для подачи промывочного продукта, в частности снабжен трубопроводом, соединенным с трубопроводом для вывода тяжелого газойля из ректификационной колонны. 3. Установка по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве массообменных устройств абсорбер содержит клапанные тарелки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 86 948 U1 (51) МПК C10B 55/00 (2006. ...

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000114459U1

1. Установка коксования нефтесодержащих остатков, содержащая реакторную емкость периодического действия, отличающаяся тем, что в ее состав входят пустотелый цилиндрический нагревательный элемент, газовая горелка, последовательно соединенные холодильник и сепаратор жидких продуктов термолиза, помимо прочего реакторная емкость оборудована поворотными цапфами для выгрузки получаемого полукокса, а взаимное расположение реактора и нагревательного элемента - коаксиальное. 2. Установка коксования нефтесодержащих остатков по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что нагревательный элемент имеет несмачиваемую наружную поверхность. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 114 459 U1 (51) МПК C10B 55/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011128836/05, 12.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.07.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2012 Бюл. № 9 R U 1 1 4 4 5 9 Формула полезной модели 1. Установка коксования нефтесодержащих остатков, содержащая реакторную емкость периодического действия, отличающаяся тем, что в ее состав входят пустотелый цилиндрический нагревательный элемент, газовая горелка, последовательно соединенные холодильник и сепаратор жидких продуктов термолиза, помимо прочего реакторная емкость оборудована поворотными цапфами для выгрузки получаемого полукокса, а взаимное расположение реактора и нагревательного элемента - коаксиальное. 2. Установка коксования нефтесодержащих остатков по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что нагревательный элемент имеет несмачиваемую наружную поверхность. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТАНОВКА КОКСОВАНИЯ НЕФТЕСОДЕРЖАЩИХ ОСТАТКОВ 1 1 4 4 5 9 Адрес для переписки: 681013, Хабаровский край, г. Комсомольск-наАмуре, пр. Ленина, 27, ГОУВПО "КнАГТУ", отдел защиты интеллектуальной собственности (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет" (RU) R U ...

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000124676U1

1. Реактор для крекинга некондиционных продуктов и отходов нефтепереработки, содержащий вертикально установленный герметичный цилиндрический корпус, снабженный приемником сырья, смонтированным на консольном валу привода ножа, обогреватели, системы подачи и отвода рабочего газа и вывода продуктов крекинга, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен в виде каскада идентичных секций, размещенных друг над другом и соединенных между собой в единое целое, а нож выполнен сборным из подвижно укрепленных на его основании с возможностью регулировки переднего, заднего и вертикального лезвий, и посредством приводного рычага соединен с валом привода. 2. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая секция включает корпус секции, образованный наружной и внутренней обечайкой, донную рабочую плиту, снабженную нагревателями, и свод в виде плоского диска, имеющие соосно расположенные по центру отверстия, в которых расположен вал привода, несущий приводной рычаг ножа и упомянутый нож. 3. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что приводной рычаг ножа выполнен полым в виде разливочного патрубка продуктов. 4. Реактор по п.3, отличающийся тем, что на разливочных патрубках последующих после верхней секций установлены воронки для приема продуктов крекинга с вышерасположенной секции. 5. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что переднее лезвие ножа согнуто по конической поверхности, укреплено на основании посредством кронштейна и плотно поджато нижней кромкой к рабочей плите. 6. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что заднее лезвие ножа согнуто по дуге окружности и укреплено на основании посредством кронштейнов с установочными отверстиями и зазор между его кромкой и плитой выполнен регулируемым. 7. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что вертикальное лезвие ножа выполнено в виде пластинки, закрепленной на основании, и его рабочая кромка плотно поджата к внутренней обечайке корпуса. 8. Реактор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в каждой секции установлены два диаметрально расположенных идентичных ножа. 9. Реактор по п. ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000134528U1

Установка замедленного коксования тяжелых нефтяных остатков, содержащая блок реакторов, огороженную приреакторную площадку с расположенным над ней мостовым грейферным краном, узел дробления и стационарный ленточный конвейер, отличающаяся тем, что узел дробления установлен на рельсах с возможностью перемещения вдоль приреакторной площадки под мостовым грейферным краном. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 134 528 U1 (51) МПК C10B 1/04 (2006.01) C10B 55/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012155456/05, 19.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Кузнецов Владимир Александрович (RU) Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.12.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.11.2013 Бюл. № 32 R U 1 3 4 5 2 8 Формула полезной модели Установка замедленного коксования тяжелых нефтяных остатков, содержащая блок реакторов, огороженную приреакторную площадку с расположенным над ней мостовым грейферным краном, узел дробления и стационарный ленточный конвейер, отличающаяся тем, что узел дробления установлен на рельсах с возможностью перемещения вдоль приреакторной площадки под мостовым грейферным краном. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТАНОВКА ЗАМЕДЛЕННОГО КОКСОВАНИЯ ТЯЖЕЛЫХ НЕФТЯНЫХ ОСТАТКОВ 1 3 4 5 2 8 Адрес для переписки: 450076, г.Уфа, ул. З. Валиди, 32, БашГУ, Начальнику патентного отдела Шангараевой Г.С. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Башкирский государственный университет" (RU) U 1 U 1 1 3 4 5 2 8 1 3 4 5 2 8 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 134 528 U1 Полезная модель относится к нефтеперерабатывающей и нефтехимической промышленности, в частности к оборудованию установок замедленного коксования, и представляет собой устройство для получения нефтяного кокса. Наиболее близкой по технической сущности к заявляемой полезной модели является установка ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000143106U1

Установка для получения нефтяных спекающих добавок, состоящая из реактора, оснащенного системой отвода пиролизных газов, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит расширительную камеру, оснащенную системой отвода пиролизных газов, а реактор снабжен шнеком и терморубашкой и присоединен под углом к расширительной камере, также камера снабжена системой подачи газообразного азота, распределительной тарелкой, расположенной ниже точки присоединения шнекового реактора; в нижней части расширительная камера присоединена ко входу дополнительного шнекового реактора, снабженного зоной нагрева, зоной охлаждения, системой подачи газообразного азота и системой отвода пиролизных газов, а на выходе дополнительного шнекового реактора присоединена экструзионная головка, подключенная своим выходом в полость бункера приема продукта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 143 106 U1 (51) МПК C10B 55/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013139014/05, 21.08.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.08.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2014 Бюл. № 19 1 4 3 1 0 6 R U Формула полезной модели Установка для получения нефтяных спекающих добавок, состоящая из реактора, оснащенного системой отвода пиролизных газов, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит расширительную камеру, оснащенную системой отвода пиролизных газов, а реактор снабжен шнеком и терморубашкой и присоединен под углом к расширительной камере, также камера снабжена системой подачи газообразного азота, распределительной тарелкой, расположенной ниже точки присоединения шнекового реактора; в нижней части расширительная камера присоединена ко входу дополнительного шнекового реактора, снабженного зоной нагрева, зоной охлаждения, системой подачи газообразного азота и системой отвода пиролизных газов, а на выходе дополнительного шнекового реактора присоединена экструзионная головка, подключенная своим выходом в полость бункера приема ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Coal Liquefaction System

Номер: US20120082593A1
Принадлежит: Quantex Research Corp

The present disclosure relates to a coal liquefaction system for utilizing a hydrogenated vegetable oil to liquefy coal. The system includes a reactor for exposing a coal to a hydrogenated vegetable oil in the presence of a coal-derived solvent to form a slurry, a heater that elevates the temperature of the slurry in the reactor to facilitate liquefying the coal and liberating a volatile matter, and a centrifuge that separates the insoluble components from the slurry to obtain a de-ashed coal extract, wherein the coal extract is suitable for downstream processing. The system may also include a distillation column that distills the de-ashed coal extract to obtain a pitch. The system may also include a coker that cokes at least one of the de-ashed coal extract and the pitch to obtain a coke

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Rubber Material in Coal Liquefaction

Номер: US20120091043A1
Автор: Alfred H. Stiller
Принадлежит: Quantex Research Corp

The present disclosure provides methods and systems for coal liquefaction using a rubber material. A method of obtaining a de-ashed coal extract includes exposing a coal to a rubber material in the presence of a coal-derived solvent to form a slurry, elevating the temperature of the slurry to facilitate liquefying the coal and liberating a volatile matter, and separating the insoluble components from the slurry to obtain a de-ashed coal extract, wherein the coal extract is suitable for downstream processing.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Sewage Material in Coal Liquefaction

Номер: US20120091044A1
Автор: Alfred H. Stiller
Принадлежит: Quantex Research Corp

The present disclosure provides methods and systems for coal liquefaction using a sewage material. A method of obtaining a de-ashed coal extract includes exposing a coal to a sewage material in the presence of a coal-derived solvent to form a slurry, elevating the temperature of the slurry to facilitate liquefying the coal and liberating a volatile matter, and separating the insoluble components from the slurry to obtain a de-ashed coal extract, wherein the coal extract is suitable for downstream processing.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Method of Obtaining a High Quality Coke from Low Rank Coal Liquefaction

Номер: US20120097580A1
Автор: Alfred H. Stiller
Принадлежит: Quantex Research Corp

The present disclosure provides methods and systems for coal liquefaction and obtaining a obtaining a high quality coke from a low rank coal extract. A method of obtaining a high quality coke from a low rank coal extract may include exposing a coal to a hydrogenated vegetable oil in the presence of a coal-derived solvent to form a slurry, elevating the temperature of the slurry to facilitate liquefying the coal and liberating a volatile matter, separating the insoluble components from the slurry to obtain a de-ashed coal extract that is quinoline insoluble-free, distilling the coal extract under vacuum to obtain a pitch with a suitable softening point, and coking the pitch to obtain a coke. The coke may be at least one of an anisotropic coke, a metallurgical coke, a graphite coke, an anode coke, and a needle coke.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Raw petroleum coke composition for anode material for lithium ion secondary battery

Номер: US20130089491A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

Provided is a raw petroleum coke composition as a raw material of an anode carbon material that can improve, when a battery is discharged at a high current, the ratio capable of maintaining the capacity obtained during discharge at a low current. More specifically, provided is a raw petroleum coke composition for an anode carbon material of a lithium ion secondary battery, the raw petroleum coke composition being produced by subjecting a heavy-oil composition to a delayed coking process, and comprising an atomic ratio of hydrogen atoms H to carbon atoms C(H/C atomic ratio) of 0.30 to 0.50, and a micro-strength of 7 to 17% by weight. Further provided are a method for producing an anode carbon material of a lithium ion secondary battery, comprising the steps of: pulverizing the raw petroleum coke composition into particles having an average particle diameter of 5 to 30 μm, and subjecting the particles to carbonization and/or graphitization; and a lithium ion secondary battery comprising an anode comprising such a carbon material.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153466A1

Coke drum assembly is provided with a vessel having a body portion defining an interior, a central axis, and having a lower portion including a sidewall, and at least one feed inlet coupled with the lower portion in fluid communication with the interior of the vessel. The at least one feed inlet is directed toward the central axis of the vessel, and angled upwardly at a feed inlet angle relative to the central axis. At a location opposite the feed inlet, the side wall of the lower portion is angled upwardly at an opposing wall angle relative to the central axis, wherein the feed inlet angle is less than or equal to the opposing wall angle. Method also is provided for delayed coking using the coke drum assembly disclosed herein. 2. The coke drum assembly of claim 1 , wherein the feed inlet angle is approximately equal to the opposing wall angle.3. The coke drum assembly of claim 1 , wherein the opposing wall angle is equal to or greater than about 45° relative to the central axis and the feed inlet angle is equal to or less than about 45° relative to the central axis of the vessel.4. The coke drum assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one feed inlet includes at least two feed inlets evenly spaced about the lower portion around the central axis of the vessel.5. The coke drum assembly of claim 4 , wherein the at least two feed inlets are generally directed toward a common focal point in the interior of the vessel.6. The coke drum assembly of claim 5 , wherein the common focal point is located along the central axis of the vessel.7. The coke drum assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a feed pipe system in fluid communication with the at least one feed inlet.8. The coke drum assembly of claim 8 , wherein the at least one feed inlet includes at least two feed inlets spaced about the lower portion of the vessel claim 8 , the feed pipe system including a primary feed pipe and a plurality of branch feed pipes extending from the primary feed pipe claim 8 , each branch ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Selective separation of heavy coker gas oil

Номер: US20130240410A1
Автор: Daniel B. Gillis
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler USA Corp

Embodiments of the invention are directed to the improvement of the design of coker systems and processes in order to improve the yields and separation of heavy coker gas oils derived therefrom.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267745A1

An integrated process comprising to convert crude oil, comprising: converting crude oil () in a feed preparation facility () by separating the crude oil to a gas fraction (), liquid fraction (), and first residuum fraction in an atmospheric distillation unit (); separating the 1residuum to a vacuum gas oil fraction () and a second residuum () in a vacuum distillation unit (); converting the vacuum gas oil fraction to a CU gas fraction (), a CU liquid fraction (), and an CU higher boiling fraction () in a cracking unit (); and processing the second residuum fraction to DCU gas oil/lighter fraction () in a coking unit (); and steam cracking at least one of the gas fraction (), liquid fraction (), CU gas fraction (), and DCU gas oil/lighter fraction () to the hydrocarbon products (). 1. An integrated process comprising to convert crude oil into fractions suitable for conversion to chemicals , comprising:{'b': 10', '800, 'claim-text': [{'b': 101', '102', '100, 'separating the crude oil to a gas fraction (), liquid fraction (), and first residuum fraction in an atmospheric distillation unit ();'}, {'sup': 'st', 'b': 202', '201', '200, 'separating the 1residuum to a vacuum gas oil fraction () and a second residuum () in a vacuum distillation unit ();'}, {'b': 301', '401', '302', '303', '402', '300', '400, 'converting the vacuum gas oil fraction to a CU gas fraction (,), a CU liquid fraction (), and an CU higher boiling fraction (,) in a cracking unit (,); and'}, {'b': 501', '502', '500, 'processing the second residuum fraction to DCU gas oil/lighter fraction () and coke () in a coking unit (); and'}], 'converting crude oil () in a feed preparation facility () by'}{'b': 800', '920', '900, 'claim-text': {'b': 101', '102', '301', '401', '501, 'steam cracking at least one of the gas fraction (), liquid fraction (), CU gas fraction (,), and DCU gas oil/lighter fraction () to hydrocarbon products.'}, 'converting feedstock products from the feed preparation facility () into ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276587A1

This invention relates to the field of oil refining and, in particular, to a delayed coking process that produces coke with a volatile substances content of 15-25% for use as a coking additive in a coal coking charge in the production of metallurgical coke. The invention is directed towards increasing the content of volatile substances in coke and increasing the efficiency of a plant. The method comprises preheating a primary raw material, mixing the latter with recycle in a tank in order to form a secondary raw material, heating the secondary raw material to 455-470° C. and supplying the latter to a coking chamber, and coking to form a coking additive. It is expedient to feed an antifoaming additive into the coking chamber 3-5 hours before coking is finished. It is preferable to feed in the antifoaming addition agent at two-four points around the perimeter of the coking chamber. 13-. (canceled)4. A method of producing a coking additive in delayed coking , comprising:heating a primary charge to 270-330° C.;mixing the primary charge with a recirculate in a tank to form a secondary charge;heating the secondary charge and introducing it into a coking chamber; andcoking to form a target product;wherein the secondary charge is introduced into the coking chamber at 455-470° C.5. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising introducing an anti-foaming dope into the coke chamber 3-5 hours before the end of coking.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the anti-foaming dope is introduced into 2-4 areas around a perimeter of the coking chamber. This invention relates to oil refining, in particular to delayed coking that produces coke containing 15-25% of volatiles substances, which can be used as a coking additive in a coal coking charge for metallurgical coke production.Oil coke with more than 14% but less than 25% volatiles is capable not only of replacing the K-brand (coking) coal, which is in short supply, in coal coking charges, but also of improving the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Hydrocarbon Conversion Process

Номер: US20130310601A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The invention relates to processes for converting hydrocarbons to phthalic acids such as terephthalic acid. The invention also relates to polymerizing phthalic acid derivatives to produce, e.g., synthetic fibers.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Efficient Method for Improved Coker Gas Oil Quality

Номер: US20130341248A1

An efficient delayed coking process improvement for producing heavy coker gas oil of sufficient quality to be used as hydrocracker feedstock.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Carbon material for negative electrode of lithium ion secondary battery and production method therefor

Номер: US20140030601A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corp

The carbon material for a negative electrode of a lithium ion secondary battery includes: particles having a structure including a plurality of stacked plates which are prepared from a raw coke materials obtained by a delayed coking method, where the ratio of the total of the generation rate of a hydrogen gas, a hydrocarbon gas having one carbon atom, and a hydrocarbon gas having two carbon atoms and the formation rate of a raw coke materials satisfies the condition: total of generation rate/formation rate=0.30 to 0.60, and where the structure is curved into a bow shape, and where, in each of the plates, an average plate thickness is defined as T, an average bow height including the plate thickness is defined as H, and an average length in the vertical direction is defined as L, L/T is 5.0 or more and H/T is from 1.10 to 1.25.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Method and system for improving spatial efficiency of a furnace system

Номер: US20140045133A1
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler USA Corp

A furnace system includes at least one lower radiant section having a first firebox disposed therein and at least one upper radiant section disposed above the at least one lower radiant section. The at least one upper radiant section has a second firebox disposed therein. The furnace system further includes at least one convection section disposed above the at least one upper radiant section and an exhaust corridor defined by the first firebox, the second firebox, and the at least one convection section. Arrangement of the at least one upper radiant section above the at least one lower radiant section reduces an area required for construction of the furnace system.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Catalytic Cracking of Undesirable Components in a Coking Process

Номер: US20140061097A1
Автор: ETTER Roger G.

Undesirable components of traditional coking processes are selectively cracked or coked in the coking vessel by injecting an additive into the vapors in the coking vessel. The additive contains catalyst(s), seeding agent(s), excess reactant(s), quenching agent(s), carrier(s), or any combination thereof to modify reaction kinetics to preferentially crack (or coke) these undesirable components that typically have a high propensity to coke, and are often precursors to coke in the coking process. These undesirable components can also be very problematic in downstream catalytic cracking processes, significantly contributing to coke on catalyst and catalyst deactivation. Exemplary embodiments of the present invention also provide methods to (1) decrease coke production, (2) increase liquid transportation fuels, (3) control the coke crystalline structure, and (4) control the quantity and quality of volatile combustible materials (VCMs) in the resulting coke. Pet coke from this process may have unique characteristics with substantial utility. 1. A process comprising introducing an additive comprising carrier fluid(s) into a coking vessel above a vapor/liquid-solid interface during a coking cycle of a delayed coking process.2. The process of wherein said additive further comprises at least one of seeding agent(s) claim 1 , excess reactant(s) claim 1 , catalyst(s) claim 1 , and quenching agent(s).3. The process of wherein said carrier fluid(s) comprises liquid claim 1 , gas claim 1 , hydrocarbon vapor claim 1 , or any combination thereof that is adapted to make the additive easier to introduce into the coking vessel.4. The process of wherein said carrier fluid(s) comprises gas oil claim 1 , FCCU slurry oil claim 1 , FCCU cycle oil claim 1 , other hydrocarbon(s) claim 1 , other oil(s) claim 1 , inorganic liquid(s) claim 1 , water claim 1 , steam claim 1 , nitrogen claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The process of wherein said carrier fluid(s) comprises gas oil available at ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140082999A1
Автор: Faegh Ahmad

A process for producing coke that may include: heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock; feeding the heated coker feedstock to a coking drum; feeding a coking additive, such as at least one hydroconversion or hydrocracking catalyst, to the coking drum; and subjecting the heated coker feedstock to thermal cracking in the coking drum to crack a portion of the coker feedstock to produce a cracked vapor product and produce a coke product. 1. A process for producing coke , the process comprising:heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock;feeding the heated coker feedstock to a coking drum;feeding a coking additive comprising at least one hydroconversion or hydrocracking catalyst to the coking drum;subjecting the heated coker feedstock to thermal cracking in the coking drum to crack a portion of the coker feedstock to produce a cracked vapor product and produce a coke product.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coke product has a VCM concentration in the range from about 5% to about 50% by weigh claim 1 , as measured by ASTM D3175t.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coke product comprises at least one of sponge coke claim 1 , needle coke claim 1 , and shot coke.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the coking additive is fed directly to the coking drum.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the coking additive is dispersed into a lower portion of the coking drum.6. The process of claim 1 , further comprising mixing the coker additive with the heated coker feed prior to feed to the coker drum.7. The process of claim 1 , further comprising:heating a coker feedstock to a coking temperature to produce a heated coker feedstock and feeding the heated coker feedstock to a coking drum for a selected time period prior to starting coker additive feeding.8. The process of claim 1 , further comprising admixing the coking additive with a carrier medium.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Center feed system employing removable inserts in a retractable injection nozzle

Номер: US20140097268A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention extends to a center feed system that allows residual byproduct to be injected into a vessel from within the center of the vessel. The center feed system can include an inlet sleeve that is attached to the vessel and a retractable injection nozzle that extends into the vessel to inject residual byproduct into the vessel and that retracts into the inlet sleeve after injecting the residual byproduct. A retractable injection nozzle in accordance with one or more embodiments of the invention may include one or more openings that each includes an insert that can be removed from the opening. The inserts can therefore be replaced to customize the functionality of the nozzle or to replace the inserts when they have become worn.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001131A1

A process for producing a caking additive for coke production, the process including a step of extracting a solvent deasphalted pitch that can be used as a caking additive for coke production from a residue containing at least one of an atmospheric residue obtained by atmospheric distillation of a crude oil and a vacuum residue obtained by atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation of a crude oil, wherein the extraction is performed using, as a solvent, a light reformate obtained by catalytic reforming a naphtha fraction that is fractionated from a crude oil by atmospheric distillation of the crude oil. 14-. (canceled)5. A process for producing coke , the process comprising:a step of extracting a solvent deasphalted pitch that can be used as a caking additive for coke production from a residue comprising at least one of an atmospheric residue obtained by atmospheric distillation of a crude oil and a vacuum residue obtained by atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation of a crude oil, wherein the extracting is performed using, as a solvent, a light reformate obtained by catalytic reforming a naphtha fraction that is fractionated from a crude oil by atmospheric distillation of the crude oil, anda step of producing a coke by performing dry distillation of a raw material coal for coke production that comprises the solvent deasphalted pitch.6. The process for producing coke according to claim 5 , wherein the raw material coal for coke production comprises 0.5 to 10% by mass of the solvent deasphalted pitch.7. The process for producing coke according to claim 5 , wherein the raw material coal for coke production comprises 10 to 50% by mass of a non-caking coal or slightly caking coal.8. The process for producing coke according to claim 6 , wherein the raw material coal for coke production comprises 10 to 50% by mass of a non-caking coal or slightly caking coal. The present invention relates to a process for producing a caking additive for coke production and a ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Multiport Valve

Номер: US20220003327A1

Multiport valve with outlets transverse to the inlet useful as a coker switch valve. A sealed lower sleeve assembly provides semi-trunnion ball support. An upper part of the outlet seat recesses is formed in the bonnet, and a lower part in the valve body, which together bias a resilient member to load the seats, independently of end connections. Before bonnet assembly, when the ball is rotated to face a body outlet, there is sufficient space in the seat recesses to insert the seat, slide the seat onto the ball, and then insert the resilient member. When all the seats and resilient members are in place, engagement of the bonnet biases the upper part of the resilient members to load the seat. In valve operation, an enlarged ball outlet bore can straddle two outlet ports and maintain process media flow during switching. Also, methods of assembling, operating, and servicing the valve. 1. A multiport valve , comprising:a valve body comprising a body inlet coaxial to a first axis and a plurality of body outlets each oriented at an angle transverse to the first axis;a spherical flow control element disposed within a cavity of the valve body in a sealed semi-trunnion arrangement to support the spherical flow control element;wherein the valve body comprises a lower main body sealingly engaged with an upper bonnet;a lower part of a respective outlet seat recess formed in the lower main body of the valve;an upper part of the respective outlet seat recess formed in the bonnet;wherein the bonnet and body together bias a respective resilient member to load the seat, maintaining alignment of the ball and equalizing stresses, independently of end connection loads.2. The multiport valve of claim 1 , wherein the resilient member comprises a Belleville resilient member.3. The multiport valve of claim 1 , wherein an outlet of the spherical flow control element has a larger bore than an inlet of the spherical flow control element.4. The multiport valve of claim 1 , wherein the spherical ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Petroleum Coking Additive

Номер: US20200002618A1

The quality of coke is improved by increasing the coking properties of a component of a coking feedstock (a coking additive) and by ensuring stability of the coking properties of a component when the coking additive constitutes up to 99% of the total volume of the coking feedstock. The result is an increase in the stability of a coking additive and in the coking properties of said coking additive. It is achieved by a petroleum coking additive consisting of a product of the delayed low temperature carbonization of heavy petroleum residues at temperatures of up to 500° C., said product being characterized by a 14 to 28% volatile substance content, the product of the delayed low temperature carbonization of heavy petroleum residues obtained at a recycle ratio of from 1.05 to 1.2 in the coking chamber is characterized by coking properties of not less than G on the Gray-King scale. 1. A petroleum coking additive comprising a product of a delayed low temperature carbonization of heavy petroleum residues at temperatures of up to 500° C., the product having a content of volatile substances from 14% to 28%, the product being obtained in the coking chamber at a recycle ratio from 1.05 to 1.20 and having a coking property of no less than G on a Gray-King scale. This Application is a Continuation Application of International Application PCT/RU2017/000020, filed on Jan. 18, 2017, which in turn claims priority to Russian Patent Applications RU2016143290, filed Nov. 2, 2016, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.The invention relates to the by-product coke industry, specifically, to technologies of producing of furnace coke from feedstock which includes petrochemical products; the invention can be used in metallurgy, in particular, at by-product coke industry plants.From RU Patent No. 2400518, a method of producing a coking feedstock by delayed carbonisation is known which includes feeding of a heated stock into a coking chamber, coking of the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220025283A1

Integrated processes and systems for the production of distillate hydrocarbons and coke. The process may include feeding a hydrocarbon feedstock, comprising a residuum hydrocarbon fraction, to a residue hydrocracking reactor system to convert hydrocarbons therein, producing a hydrocracked effluent. The hydrocracked effluent may then be fed to a separation system, separating the hydrocracked effluent into one or more distillate hydrocarbon fractions and a vacuum residue fraction. The vacuum residue fraction may be fed to a coker system, converting the vacuum residue fraction into a coke product and a coker vapor effluent, recovering the coke product, and feeding the coker vapor effluent to the separation system. The one or more distillate hydrocarbon fractions are hydroprocessed to produce a hydroprocessed effluent, and the hydroprocessed effluent is separated into product distillate hydrocarbon fractions. 1. A process for the production of distillate hydrocarbons and coke , the process comprising:feeding a hydrocarbon feedstock, comprising a residuum hydrocarbon fraction, to a residue hydrocracking reactor system to convert hydrocarbons therein, producing a hydrocracked effluent;in a separation system, separating the hydrocracked effluent into one or more distillate hydrocarbon fractions and a vacuum residue fraction;in a coker system, converting the vacuum residue fraction into a coke product and a coker vapor effluent, recovering the coke product, and feeding the coker vapor effluent to the separation system;hydroprocessing the one or more distillate hydrocarbon fractions to produce a hydroprocessed effluent; andseparating the hydroprocessed effluent into product distillate hydrocarbon fractions.2. The process of claim 1 , comprising feeding a straight run vacuum residue to the separation system.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the residue hydrocracking reactor system comprises one or more ebullated bed reactors.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014120A1
Автор: Eng Odette, KLEIN Benjamin

Systems and methods for refining conventional crude and heavy, corrosive, contaminant-laden carbonaceous crude (Opportunity Crude) in partially or totally separated streams or trains. 1. A system for processing an opportunity crude , comprising:at least one of a pre-flash heater and an evaporator column for separating the opportunity crude into a light material and a heavy material; anda delayed coker for processing the heavy material.2. The system of wherein the heavy material is processed with a vacuum resid using the delayed coker to convert the vacuum resid into one of a light gas oil and a fuel grade coke products.3. The system of wherein the light material comprises a carbonaceous material with a boiling point below about 650° F. and the heavy material comprises a carbonaceous material with a boiling point above about 650° F.4. The system of wherein the light material comprises a low boiling opportunity crude and the heavy material comprises a high boiling opportunity crude.5. The system of wherein the heavy material is processed without vacuum distillation.6. The system of further comprising:a vacuum distillation tower for processing only at least one of the light material and a reduced crude to recover a vacuum gas oil from the reduced crude and produce a vacuum resid for the delayed coker.7. The system of wherein the vacuum resid is further processed using the delayed coker to produce a treated product for gasoline blending.8. A system for processing an opportunity crude claim 6 , comprising:{'sub': 'i', 'at least one of a pre-flash heater and an evaporator column fr separating the opportunity crude into a light material and a heavy material; and'}an atmospheric crude distillation tower for processing only the light material and a conventional crude.9. The system of wherein the light material and the conventional crude are processed to produce at least one of a reduced crude claim 8 , a diesel product claim 8 , atmospheric gas oil claim 8 , a kerosene ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014593A1
Автор: Guyomarch Raymond

The invention relates to a process for treating liquid and/or pasty hydrocarbon materials, more particularly fuel oil, more particularly still heavy fuel oil, in which the hydrocarbon materials are firstly brought to the autoignition temperature, then mixed with a controlled amount of oxygen in order to obtain a first gaseous stream and a non-gaseous mass, more particularly a solid mass, comprising solid hydrocarbon molecules which are then oxidized by a gaseous stream of COin order to obtain a second gaseous stream. The first and second gaseous streams are then mixed in order to obtain a third gaseous stream comprising carbon monoxide having a high energy value. The invention also relates to a system implementing the process according to the invention and an installation implementing such a system. 1. A process for treating liquid and/or pasty hydrocarbon-based materials comprising a gaseous volatile part and a non-gaseous solid part , more particularly heavy fuel oil , for example heavy fuel oil of category 2 or higher , tar sands or earths polluted by hydrocarbons , the process comprising the following steps:bringing of said hydrocarbon-based materials to a temperature greater than or equal to the autoignition temperature of said hydrocarbon-based materials; [{'sub': 2', '2, 'a first gaseous stream at a temperature of greater than or equal to 800° C. comprising CO and HO molecules, hydrocarbon-based molecules in the gaseous phase and Hmolecules, and'}, 'a non-gaseous feedstock comprising non-gaseous hydrocarbon-based molecules;, 'gasification of said hydrocarbon-based materials by injection of a controlled amount of oxygen, said gasification producing{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'oxidation of said non-gaseous hydrocarbon-based molecules contained in said non-gaseous feedstock, by means of an oxidation gaseous stream consisting of Oand COat a temperature of between 1000° C. and 1200° C., said oxidation producing a second gaseous stream comprising CO, Oand HO ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016503A1

The present subject matter describes a method and apparatus for operating a delayed coker. The method comprises contacting a vapour produced in a delayed coker-drum with a catalyst maintained in form of a bed, and maintaining a level of said catalyst-bed within pre-defined limits during catalytic-cracking of the vapour. Thereafter, the cracked-vapour is routed to a coker-fractionator column to trigger conversion into one or more hydrocarbon products. 1. A process comprising:{'b': 108', '5', '6', '22', '23', '37', '47', '48', '68', '69, 'contacting (step ) a vapour produced in a delayed coker-drum (, , , , , , , , ) with a catalyst maintained in form of a bed;'}{'b': 110', '8', '25', '26', '41', '71', '50', '51, 'maintaining (step ) a level of said catalyst-bed (, , , , , , ) within pre-defined limits during catalytic-cracking of the vapour; and'}{'b': 112', '12', '28', '53', '64, 'routing (step ) the cracked-vapour to a coker-fractionator column (, , , ) to trigger conversion into one or more hydrocarbon products.'}2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein prior to said contacting claim 1 , the method comprises:{'b': 102', '3', '20', '45', '66, 'heating (step ) a hydrocarbon-feed stream into a coker-furnace (, , , ) to a pre-determined temperature; and'}{'b': 104', '5', '6', '22', '23', '37', '47', '48', '68', '69, 'filling (step ) the heated stream into the coker-drum (, , , , , , , , ) for triggering vapour-production.'}3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein prior to said contacting claim 1 , the method comprises:{'b': 106', '8', '25', '26', '41', '71', '50', '51', '5', '6', '22', '23', '37', '47', '48', '68', '69, 'distributing (step ) said vapors across the catalyst-bed to facilitate a catalytic-cracking of said vapour through said catalyst-bed (, , , , , , ) located within the coker-drum (, , , , , , , , ) around the exit.'}41108252641715051. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said maintenance (step ) of catalyst-bed ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Coal-to-coal adhesiveness evaluation method

Номер: US20180017539A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

In order to evaluate the compatibility of coals used in coke production and to produce cokes with desired strength by blending coals in consideration of the compatibility, the invention provides a technique which evaluates the adhesion strength obtained when two kinds of coals are carbonized based. on properties of the coals. Surface tensions of two kinds of semicokes obtained by heat treating two kinds of coals are measured. Based on the difference between the two measured values of surface tension, the quality of the adhesiveness between the two kinds of coals is evaluated.

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023004A1
Принадлежит: GrafTech International Holdings Inc.

A method of producing low CTE graphite electrodes from needle coke formed from a coal tar distillate material having a relatively high initial boiling point. 1. A method of creating a low coefficient of thermal expansion graphite electrode , comprising:(a) heating a needle coke precursor comprising at least 80% coal tar distillate having a boiling point of greater than 280° C. under pressure, thereby converting 60-90% of the coal tar distillate into raw coke;(b) calcining the raw coke to create low coefficient of thermal expansion needle coke;(c) milling the needle coke;(d) mixing the milled needle coke with coal tar binder pitch to create a mix;(e) extruding the mix to form a green electrode;(f) baking the green electrode to create a baked electrode; and(g) graphitizing the baked electrode to create a low coefficient of thermal expansion graphite electrode.2. The method of wherein the mixing step contains from about 15% by weight to about 35% by weight coal tar binder pitch.3. The method of wherein the low coefficient of thermal expansion graphite electrode has a coefficient of thermal expansion of from about 0.005 ppm/° C. to about 0.150 ppm/° C.4. The method of further comprising crushing the raw coke of step (a) prior to the calcining of step (b).5. The method of wherein the coal tar distillate has a modified Conradson carbon value of at least about 1%.6. The method of wherein the pressure of step (a) is of from about 20 psig to about 100 psig.7. The method of wherein the pressure is about 50 psig.8. The method of further comprising heating the coal tar distillate of step (a) at a rate of from about 35° C. per hour to about 65° C. per hour.9. The method of further comprising holding the temperature of step (a) for from about 16 hours to about 25 hours.10. The method of wherein the crushed raw coke of step (b) is calcined to a temperature of from about 1300° C. to about 1500° C.11. The method of further comprising calcining the coal tar distillate of step (b) at ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041934A1

A method for preparing needle coke for ultra-high power (UHP) electrodes from heavy oil is provided. In this method, heavy oil is used as a raw material. The size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is conducted with polystyrene (PS) as a packing material to separate out specific components with a relative molecular weight of 400 to 1,000. The ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) is conducted to remove acidic and alkaline components to obtain a neutral raw material. The neutral raw material is subjected to two-stage consecutive carbonization to obtain green coke, and the green coke is subjected to high-temperature calcination to obtain the needle coke for UHP electrodes. The needle coke has a true density of more than 2.13 g/cmand a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of ≤1.15×10/° C. at 25° C. to 600° C. 1. A method for preparing needle coke for ultra-high power (UHP) electrodes from heavy oil , comprising the following steps:(1) selecting heavy oil as a raw material;(2) subjecting the raw material to size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to separate out components with a relative molecular weight of 400 to 1,000;(3) removing acidic and alkaline components by ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) to obtain a neutral raw material;(4) subjecting the neutral raw material to first-stage carbonization for 1 h to 6 h at a pressure of 2 MPa to 8 MPa and a temperature of 400° C. to 450° C.;(5) after the first-stage carbonization is completed, heating a reactor to 460° C. to 520° C., conducting second-stage carbonization for 6 h to 12 h at a pressure of 0 MPa to 2 MPa to obtain a green coke product, and subjecting the green coke product to high-temperature calcination to obtain the needle coke for the UHP electrodes;wherein a packing material used for the SEC is an organogel, and the organogel is one from the group consisting of polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl acetate (PVA), cross-linked dextran, and cross-linked polyacrylamide (CL-PAM); an eluate used for the SEC is one from the group ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029720A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

An integrated process is provided for producing deasphalted oil, high quality petroleum green coke and liquid coker products. An enhanced solvent deasphalting process is used to treat the feedstock to reduce the level of asphaltenes, N, S and metal contaminants and produce a deasphalted oil with reduced contaminants. A coking process is integrated to produce liquid and gas coking unit products, and petroleum green coke. 1. An integrated process that operates within the battery limits of a refinery for conversion of a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock containing asphaltenes , sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing polynuclear aromatic molecules comprising: at a temperature and pressure that are below the critical pressure and temperature of the solvent to promote solvent-flocculation of solid asphaltenes', 'and', 'for a time sufficient to adsorb the sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing polynuclear aromatic molecules on the solid adsorbent material;, 'a. mixing the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, paraffinic solvent and an effective quantity of solid adsorbent material'}b. passing the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, paraffinic solvent and solid adsorbent material to a first separation vessel;c. separating a solid phase comprising asphaltenes and solid adsorbent material from a liquid phase comprising deasphalted oil and paraffinic solvent;d. passing the solid phase to a filtration vessel with an aromatic and/or polar solvent to desorb the adsorbed contaminants and to recover regenerated solid adsorbent material;e. passing the liquid phase to a second separation vessel to separate deasphalted oil and paraffinic solvent, and optionally recycling at least a portion of the separated paraffinic solvent to step (a);f. passing deasphalted oil from the second separation vessel to a coking unit;g. thermally cracking the deasphalted oil in a coking unit to produce liquid and gas coking products; andh. recovering petroleum green coke from the coking unit.2. The process of wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029724A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

A system and process for upgrading a whole crude oil feed in an integrated ebullated-bed and hydrotreater is provided in which the whole crude oil is flashed into a flashed straight run distillates fraction and an atmospheric residue fraction. The atmospheric residue fraction is hydroprocessed in an ebullated-bed reaction zone, while the flashed straight run distillates fraction and the products fraction produced from the ebullated-bed reaction zone are hydrotreated in a fixed-bed reaction zone. The unconverted residue fraction from the ebullated-bed reaction zone is processed in a coker unit to produce high quality petroleum green coke. 1. A method for upgrading a crude oil feed to reduce the content of undesired hetero atom compounds containing metals , sulfur and nitrogen , the method comprising:a. heating the crude oil feed and flashing the heated crude oil feed to produce a flashed straight run distillate fraction and an atmospheric residue fraction;b. hydroprocessing the atmospheric residue fraction in an ebullated-bed reaction zone in the presence of hydrogen and an ebullated-bed reactor catalyst to produce a desulfurized and demetallized ebullated-bed reactor effluent stream, wherein make-up hydrogen is introduced as needed;c. separating the ebullated-bed reactor effluent stream into a hydroprocessed products stream containing hydrogen, a recycle oil stream and an unconverted residue stream;d. hydrotreating in a fixed bed hydroprocessing zone a combined stream of the hydroprocessed products stream containing hydrogen and the flashed straight run distillate fraction in the presence of a hydrotreating catalyst in a hydrotreater to produce a hydrotreated effluent, wherein hydrogen from the hydroprocessed products stream forms at least a portion of the requisite hydrogen for hydrotreating reactions;e. separating the hydrotreated effluents to produce a light gas stream and a hydrotreated distillate stream;f. purifying the light gas stream and recycling the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031514A1
Принадлежит: SGL CARBON SE

The invention relates to a method for producing graphite materials as well as the use thereof in lithium ion batteries 111-. (canceled)12. A method for producing graphite materials , comprising the following steps:a) adding of at least one catalyst which is effective for catalytic graphitisation and is selected from at least one compound of oxides and carbides from the group including the elements iron, nickel, titanium, silicon, and boron to petroleum residues, coal tar pitch, and/or residues from coal gasification, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, or coal hydrogenation in a delayed coker;b) producing of the doped green coke in the delayed coker;c) calcination of the doped green coke obtained in step b) at 1100-1400° C. to form a doped and calcinated coke;d) mechanical comminution of the doped and calcinated coke;e) shaping a green body made of the doped and calcinated coke from step d) along with a binder additive followed by carbonisation of the green body;f) graphitisation of the carbonised green body from step d) at temperatures of greater than 2600° C., preferably greater than 2800° C., and particularly preferably greater than 3000° C. using the Acheson or the Castner graphitising process or by means of either continuous or batch powder graphitisation of the powder from step d);g) grinding of the body from step e).13. The method for producing graphite materials according to claim 12 , wherein at least one compound selected from the group including SiC claim 12 , SiO2 claim 12 , Fe2O3 claim 12 , or TiO2 is selected as the catalyst in step a).14. The method for producing graphite materials according to claim 12 , wherein the calcinated and doped coke from step b) contains a maximum of 15 wt. % catalyst.15. The method for producing graphite materials according to claim 12 , wherein during the production of the green body in step e) claim 12 , the doped and calcinated coke has a grain size larger than 100 μm.16. The method for producing graphite materials according to ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031961A1
Принадлежит: SGL CFL CE GmbH

Coke including additives that are accumulated at the yield points or in the regions surrounded by the yield points. For homogeneous distribution, the additives are continuously dosed into the delayed coker during the filling time. The dosing can be carried out by powdery blowing with an inert gas (nitrogen) or also distributed in a slurry consisting of the reaction components and a partial flow of the coker feed (vacuum resid, pytar, decant oil or coal-tar distillates). According to an advantageous form of embodiment, the additives may optionally have a diameter of between 0.05 mm and 5 mm, preferably between 1 mm and 3 mm. Advantageously, the additives can be selected from at least one of acetylene coke, fluid coke, flexi coke, shot coke, carbon black, non-graphitisable carbons (chars), non-graphitic anthracite, silicon carbide, titanium carbide, titanium diboride or mixtures thereof. 111-. (canceled)12. A coke comprising:additives,the additives are accumulated at the yield points or in the regions surrounded by the yield points.13. The coke according to claim 12 , wherein the coke is chosen from the group consisting of petroleum coke claim 12 , coal-tar pitch coke or from the residues of coal gasification claim 12 , coal hydrogenation or also the cokes obtained from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or from a petrol/coal-tar pitch mixture obtained from the mixture of petrol and coal-tar pitch residues claim 12 , or any mixture of the named cokes.14. The coke according to claim 12 , wherein the additives are accumulated at the yield points or are embedded in the regions surrounded by the yield points or are both accumulated at the yield points and embedded in the regions surrounded by the yield points.15. The coke according to claim 14 , wherein the additives are selected from the group consisting of acetylene coke claim 14 , fluid coke claim 14 , flexi coke claim 14 , shot coke claim 14 , carbon black claim 14 , non-graphitisable carbons (chars) claim 14 , non-graphitic ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Coke morphology by image segmentation

Номер: US20220051393A1
Принадлежит: Chevron USA Inc

The present invention is directed to a method for the prediction of coke morphology from feed characteristics using cross-polarized light optical microscopy, image segmentation, and statistical analysis.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037821A1

In one aspect, the present invention relates to a furnace having a heated portion arranged adjacent to an unheated portion. A plurality of straight tubes are formed of a first material and are at least partially disposed in the heated portion. A plurality of return bends are operatively coupled to the plurality of straight tubes. The plurality of return bends are formed of a second material and are at least partially disposed in the unheated portion. The first material exhibits a maximum temperature greater than the second material thereby facilitating increased run time of the furnace. The second material exhibits wear-resistance properties greater than the first material thereby facilitating wear-resistance of the furnace. 1. A method of manufacturing a heater process coil , the method comprising:forming a plurality of straight tubes from a first material;forming a plurality of return bends from a second material;joining the plurality of straight tubes to the plurality of return bends;orienting the plurality of straight tubes and the plurality of return bends within a furnace such that the plurality of straight tubes are at least partially disposed within a heated portion and the plurality of plug headers are at least partially disposed within an unheated portion;wherein the first material exhibits a maximum temperature greater than the second material thereby facilitating increased run time of the furnace; andwherein the second material exhibits wear-resistance properties greater than the first material facilitating wear resistance of the furnace.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising forming a plurality of plug headers from the second material.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the joining comprises joining opposite ends of the plurality of straight tubes to the plurality of return bends.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming the plurality of return bends comprises forming a plurality of 180 degree bends.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040260A1

An automatic dehydration, extraction and transportation apparatus for petroleum coke, includes a bottom cover device, crusher, coke chute and extracting device. The bottom cover device is at the bottom of a coke tower and connected to a coke storage pool via the chute. A grid net for filtering petroleum coke is horizontally provided in the lower part of the pool. A partition door is on an end, away from the chute, of a side pool wall of the pool. The extracting device enters and exits the coke storage pool through the partition door. A partition wall is between the partition door and the chute. The surface of the partition wall is opposite the chute, such that a corridor is formed between the other pool wall opposite the chute and the partition wall. One end of the partition wall is connected to the pool wall provided with the partition door. 1. An automatic dehydration , extraction and transportation apparatus for petroleum coke , comprising a bottom cover device , a coke chute , a coke storage pool , and an extracting device , the bottom cover device being arranged at the bottom of a coke tower and connected to the coke storage pool via the coke chute , wherein the top of the coke storage pool is open and the bottom is horizontally provided with a grid net for filtering petroleum coke , a track is provided at the top of a pool wall of the coke storage pool , the extracting device is movable along the track , a hoist stretching from the extracting device to the coke storage pool extracts the petroleum coke on the grid net , a partition door is provided on the pool wall of the coke storage pool , and the hoist enters and exits the coke storage pool through the partition door; anda partition wall is further provided in the coke storage pool, and the surface of the partition wall is opposite the coke chute, such that a corridor is formed between a pool wall opposite the coke chute and the partition wall, the partition door being located at an end of the corridor ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040262A1
Автор: Scandroli Tony
Принадлежит: AZZ WSI LLC

An apparatus for improving thermal-mechanical stress resistance in a delayed coking drum having a drum shell. The apparatus includes a support skirt section configured to mount to and to assist in supporting the coking drum above a ground surface. A joining edge joins the support skirt section to an exterior portion of the drum shell. A T-shaped slot is formed in the support skirt section and is located proximate the joining edge. The T-shaped slot may be formed by a vertical slot portion and a horizontal slot portion joined together as a single slot. 1. An apparatus for improving thermal-mechanical stress resistance in a delayed coking drum having a drum shell , the apparatus comprising:a support skirt section configured to mount to and to assist in supporting the coking drum above a ground surface;a joining edge for joining the support skirt section to an exterior portion of the drum shell; anda T-shaped slot formed in the support skirt section and located proximate the joining edge.2. The apparatus of wherein the T-shaped slot is formed by a vertical slot portion and a horizontal slot portion joined together as a single slot.3. The apparatus of wherein the T-shaped slot is formed by a vertical slot portion having a vertical section formed by sides; and a first horizontal slot portion having left and right ends that are separated by a horizontal section claim 1 , and wherein the horizontal section includes: left and right first horizontal faces joined by shoulders to the sides of the vertical section claim 1 , and a second horizontal face that is located opposite the first horizontal faces.4. The apparatus of wherein the vertical section of the vertical slot portion is centered between the left and right ends of the first horizontal slot portion.5. The apparatus of wherein at least one of the left and right ends of the first horizontal slot portion is curved.6. The apparatus of wherein both the left and right ends of the first horizontal slot portion are curved.7. ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Delayed coke drum quench systems and methods having reduced atmospheric emissions

Номер: US20190048265A1

Systems and methods for reducing atmospheric emission of hydrocarbon vapors by flashing off hydrocarbon vapors in an overflow drum where the pressure is ultimately reduced to 0 psig and then flashing off any remaining hydrocarbon vapors in an overflow tank wherein the pressure in the overflow tank is reduced to 0 psig by an overflow ejector.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053184A1

Process for reclaiming useful products from a waste oil, comprising a thermal separation step performed in a vessel at conditions, of temperature and pressure, allowing to substantially avoid cracking of the waste oil and to assure the separation of said heated waste oil into a first heavy oil fraction and into a second light oil fraction having, in comparison with the waste oil, a low content in solids and/or in other contaminants that are different from water and from inert gas. The process is further characterized in that while, during the thermal separation treatment, the waste oil is heated to a temperature about the boiling temperature of the heavy oil fraction, and below the cracking temperature of the waste oil, and at a pressure that is preferably below the atmospheric pressure, the heavy oil fraction of the vapours existing the vessel, in contact with a cooler surface, condenses and falls back into the vessel, while the second fraction, in a gaseous state, is eventually submitted to at least one further separation treatment. When water is present in the waste oil, said water is used to improve the amount of recovered light oils; and/or when no water is present in the waste oil, water or at least one inert gas or at least one component that may become an inert gas by heating may be added to the waste oil or to the thermal separation unit. Uses of the process for environmental applications and for treating used oils and to prepare oil products. Systems for reclaiming useful products from waste oils comprising at least one rotating kiln and at least one self-refluxing condenser and/or at least one dephlegmator. 148-. (canceled)49. A thermal process for reclaiming useful products from a waste oil , the process comprising a thermal separation performed in a vessel , at a pressure that is below the atmospheric pressure and at conditions of temperature allowing to substantially avoid cracking of the waste oil and to assure the separation of said heated waste oil ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048558A1

Systems and methods for safe on-line pigging decoking of a coker furnace tubes and which also permits on-line spalling operations. 1. A method for on-line pigging in a tube coil for a furnace in a delayed coking system , which comprises:terminating a process fluid supply flow to the furnace;introducing high pressurized steam from a first pressurized steam source through the tube coil and a main line, and from a second pressurized steam source through a second line connected to the main line;isolating a vent, in fluid communication with the second line, from the main line by introducing high pressurized steam from a third pressurized steam source through the second line to maintain a constant pressure against one side of first and second closed valves positioned in fluid communication with the vent between the vent and the main line while introducing the high pressurized steam from the first pressurized steam source and the second pressurized steam source;terminating the introduction of the high pressurized steam from the first pressurized steam source, the second pressurized steam source and the third pressurized steam source;isolating a drum input line, in fluid communication with the main line, from a portion of the main line by introducing high pressurized steam from a fourth pressurized steam source through a third line connected to the main line to maintain a constant pressure against one side of third, fourth and fifth valves in fluid communication with the drum input line;disconnecting the tube coil from the main line and the first pressurized steam source;connecting the tube coil to a pigging unit after the main line reaches atmospheric pressure; andintroducing water from a water source to the pigging unit for driving a pig through the tube coil.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:supplying steam to the tube coil and to a closed blowdown system header until the tube coil of the furnace reaches at least about 400° F. and not more than about 700° F. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060541A1

The liquid feed nozzle assemblies for a circulating fluid bed reactor comprise (i) a throttle body premixer to combine liquid feed with atomization steam to form a liquid feed/steam mixture comprising gas bubbles in liquid; (ii) a conduit connected to the premixer and to a discharge nozzle to convey a flow of the liquid/steam mixture created by the premixer to the nozzle body; (iii) a discharge nozzle connected to the flow conduit to shear the liquid feed/steam mixture to create liquid feed droplets of reduced size and (iv) a disperser at the outlet of the discharge nozzle to provide a spray jet of liquid feed having an increased surface area relative to a cylindrical jet. The nozzle assembles are particularly useful in fluid coking units using heavy oil feeds such a tar sands bitumen. 1. A circulating fluid bed reactor having a reactor wall of circular cross section about a vertical axis , a lower inlet for fluidizing gas and feed injection nozzle assemblies for a liquid heavy oil feed and atomization steam above the lower fluidizing gas inlet and around the reactor wall , the nozzle assemblies each extending through the reactor wall into the reactor with a discharge orifice within the reactor and a feed inlet for the liquid heavy oil feed at the end remote from the discharge orifice; each feed injection nozzle assembly comprising:a premixer section to combine the liquid heavy oil feed with atomization steam to form a liquid feed/steam mixture comprising gas bubbles in liquid, the premixer section comprising successive converging and diverging zones with a plurality of radial steam inlet ports located at the entry of the converging zone;a flow conduit section following and connected to the outlet of the premixer section, extending from the premixer section to a discharge nozzle, to convey a flow of the liquid/steam mixture created by the premixer to the discharge nozzle;a discharge nozzle having a convergent entry following and connected to the flow conduit section ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Process for conversion of residue employing de-asphalting and delayed coking

Номер: US20190055481A1
Принадлежит: Indian Oil Corp Ltd

The present invention relates to resid processing, particularly related to conversion of resid material with maximum recovery of lighter hydrocarbons. The invented process utilizes a novel scheme for integration of solvent de-asphalting and delayed coking processes to maximize the residue conversion to valuable products, with cleaner quality of middle distillates and fuel oil products, in comparison with other integrated solvent de-asphalting and delayed coking schemes. This process also has an additional flexibility to vary the recycle quantity, without impacting fractionator operation of the delayed coking section, which further enhances the product recovery and achieves maximum conversion of the resid feedstock, with minimum impact on liquid product properties.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Bulge-resistant coke drum

Номер: US20170058201A1
Автор: Mahmod Samman

A bulge-resistant coke drum includes: a cylindrical section; a cap connected to an upper end of the cylindrical section; a bottom, and a knuckle connecting the bottom and the cylindrical section. The cylindrical section includes a plurality of arcuate segments attached together by vertical welds. Each arcuate segment includes a plurality of arcuate plates attached together by circumferential welds. The circumferential welds of each arcuate segment are offset from the circumferential welds of each adjacent arcuate segment.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058202A1

A system includes a heat exchange system and a power generation system. The heat exchange system includes first, second, and third heat exchangers each operable as a continuous source of heat from a delayed coking plant. The first and second heat exchangers heat first and second fluid streams to produce heated first and second fluid streams, respectively. The heated second fluid stream has a lower temperature and a greater quantity of heat than the heated first fluid stream. The third heat exchanger heats a third fluid stream to produce a heated third fluid stream that includes the heated first fluid stream and a hot fluid stream. The heated third fluid stream has a lower temperature than the heated first fluid stream. The power generation system generates power using heat from the heated second and third fluid streams. 1. A system comprising: a first heat exchanger operable as a continuous source of heat from a delayed coking plant, the first heat exchanger configured to heat a first fluid stream to produce a heated first fluid stream;', 'a second heat exchanger operable as a continuous source of heat from the delayed coking plant, the second heat exchanger configured to heat a second fluid stream to produce a heated second fluid stream, wherein the heated second fluid stream has a lower temperature and a greater quantity of heat than the heated first fluid stream;', 'a third heat exchanger operable as a continuous source of heat to the delayed coking plant, the third heat exchanger configured to heat a third fluid stream to produce a heated third fluid stream, wherein the third fluid stream includes the heated first fluid stream and a hot fluid stream, wherein the heated third fluid stream has a lower temperature than the heated first fluid stream; and, 'a heat exchange system comprisinga power generation system configured to generate power using heat from the heated second fluid stream and the heated third fluid stream.2. The system of claim 1 , further ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for operating a coker unit

Номер: US20200063037A1
Принадлежит: Suncor Energy Inc

Implementations of the present disclosure relate to a method of operating a coker unit comprising the steps of: collecting a coker-furnace feed stream; introducing the coker-furnace feed-stream into a coker furnace for producing a coker-drum feed stream; and introducing a hydrogen-donor gas into either or both of the coker-furnace feed stream or the coker-drum feed stream.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063038A1
Автор: Harandi Mohsen N.

A method upgrading waste to produce fuel can include: introducing a hydrocarbon feed stream into a 450° C. to 1050° C. coking zone of a reactor containing a fluidized bed of coke particles maintained at coking temperatures to produce a vapor phase hydrocarbon product while coke is deposited on the coke particles; allowing the coke particles to pass downwards to a stripper section of the reactor; introducing a steam stream into the stripper section; transferring the coke particles from the stripper section to a gasifier/burner; contacting the coke particles in the gasifier/burner an oxygen-containing gas in an oxygen-limited atmosphere at 850° C. to 1200° C. to heat the coke particles and form a fuel gas product that comprises carbon monoxide and hydrogen; recycling the heated coke particles from the gasifier/burner to the coking zone of the reactor; and introducing at least one waste stream to the reactor and/or the gasifier/burner. 1. A method comprising:introducing a hydrocarbon feed stream into a 450° C. to 1050° C. coking zone of a reactor containing a fluidized bed of coke particles maintained at coking temperatures to produce a vapor phase hydrocarbon product while coke is deposited on the coke particles;allowing the coke particles to pass downwards in the reactor to a stripper section of the reactor;introducing a steam stream into the stripper section of the reactor;transferring the coke particles from the stripper section of the reactor to a gasifier/burner;contacting the coke particles in the gasifier/burner an oxygen-containing gas in an oxygen-limited atmosphere at 850° C. to 1200° C. to heat the coke particles and form a fuel gas product that comprises carbon monoxide and hydrogen;recycling the heated coke particles from the gasifier/burner to the coking zone of the reactor; andintroducing at least one waste stream to the reactor and/or the gasifier/burner.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one waste stream comprises a first hydrocarbon-rich ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066971A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

The invention relates to processes for producing anode grade coke from whole crude oil. The invention is accomplished by first deasphalting a feedstock, followed by processing resulting DAO and asphalt fractions. The DAO fraction is hydrotreated or hydrocracked, resulting in removal of sulfur and hydrocarbons, which boil at temperatures over 370° C., and gasifying the asphalt portion in one embodiment. This embodiment includes subjecting hydrotreated and/or unconverted DAO fractions to delayed coking. In an alternate embodiment, rather than gasifying the asphalt portion, it is subjected to delayed coking in a separate reaction chamber. Any coke produced via delayed coking can be gasified. 1. A method for producing anode grade coke , comprising:(i) solvent deasphalting said feedstock to produce an asphalt fraction and a deasphalted rail (DAO) fraction, in a first reaction chamber;(ii) processing said DAO fraction and asphalt fraction in separate, second, third, and fourth reaction chambers;(iii) hydrotreating or hydrocracking said DAO fraction in said second reaction chamber to remove sulfur and nitrogen therefrom and to distill any hydrocarbons contained in said DAO which have a boiling point over 370° C.;(iv) subjecting any hydrotreated or unconverted DAO fraction to delayed coking in a third chamber, and(v) gasifying, said asphalt fraction via combining it with oxygen and steam, in said fourth reaction chamber, to produce hydrogen therefrom.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising gasifying any coke produced in step (iv).3. The method of claim 1 , comprising introducing said hydrogen produced in said third reaction chamber into said second reaction chamber.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solvent deasphalting comprises mixing claim 1 , said crude oil with a paraffinic solvent containing C-Ccarbon atoms claim 1 , at a temperature and a pressure below critical temperature and critical pressure of said solvent.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071085A1

Described is a reaction chamber () configured to house coking reactions comprising a main body () with a base portion (B) and a head portion (S), wherein the base portion (B) and the head portion (S) are joined together at their respective joint edges, characterised in that the walls of the main body () are made of stainless steel in such a way as to allow a joint between the base portion (B) and the head portion (S), of the main body (), by welding only the base sheet since no plating is present on the sheet itself and in such a way as to allow the construction of the base portion (B) and the head portion (S), when constructed by coupling and welding a plurality of sheets, by welding only the base sheet since no plating is present on the sheet itself. 1100. A reaction chamber () configured to house coking reactions comprising:{'b': '90', 'a main body () having a base portion (B) and a head portion (S), wherein said base portion (B) has a conical conformation for conveying the reaction products and wherein said head portion (S) has a substantially cylindrical conformation delimited at the top by a closing cap, said base portion (B) and said head portion (S) being jointed to each other by a plurality of welded joints at respective junction edges,'}{'b': '90', 'characterized in that said portions of said main body () are made of stainless steel in such a way as to allow a junction between sheets forming the three aforementioned portions and the junction between said portions by means of a single welded junction line, so avoiding the plating restoration operation required for clad sheet metal not characterized by carbon and/or low alloy steel metal sheet.'}2100. The reaction chamber () according to claim 1 , wherein said stainless steel comprises a balanced percentage of ferritic steel wherein the remaining percentage is austenitic steel.310090. The reaction chamber () according to claim 1 , wherein said main body () comprises a substantially cylindrical lateral casing ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071092A1

A heavy hydrocarbon oil is mixed with one or more disulfide oil compounds and/or one or more oxidized disulfide oil compounds and, optionally, a homogeneous catalyst includes dissolved hydrogen, and the mixture is subjected to a delayed coking process to produce a liquid coking unit product stream for recovery and further processing, with the delayed coking being completed in a reduced residence time as compared to the delayed coking of the heavy hydrocarbon oil without the DSO and/or ODSO compounds. 1. A process for the delayed coking of a heavy hydrocarbon oil feed , the process comprising:a. introducing and mixing the heavy oil hydrocarbon teed and one or more disulfide oil compounds, or oxidized disulfide oil compounds, or disulfide oil and oxidized disulfide oil compounds in a mixing zone and recovering a blended heavy oil mixture;b. heating the blended heavy oil mixture in a coking unit furnace to a delayed coking temperature;c. passing the heated blended heavy oil mixture to at least one coking drum of a delayed coking unit to produce a delayed coking unit product stream and depositing coke on the interior of the drum; andd. recovering the delayed coking unit liquid and vapor product stream for further downstream processing.2. The process of which includes adding a homogeneous liquid catalyst for inclusion in the blended heavy oil mixture introduced into the delayed coking unit.3. The process of in which the homogeneous liquid catalyst includes transition metal-based compounds derived from an organic acid salt claim 2 , or from an organo-metal compound containing molybdenum claim 2 , vanadium claim 2 , tungsten claim 2 , chromium or iron.4. The process of claim 2 , in which the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of vanadium pentoxide claim 2 , molybdenum alicyclic and aliphatic carboxylic acids claim 2 , molybdenum naphthenate claim 2 , nickel 2-ethylhexanoate claim 2 , iron pentacarbonyl claim 2 , molybdenum 2-ethylhexanoate claim 2 , molybdenum ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Introducing an Additive into a Coking Process to Improve Quality and Yields of Coker Products

Номер: US20150076032A1
Автор: Roger G. Etter
Принадлежит: Individual

Heavy gas oil components, coking process recycle, and heavier hydrocarbons in the delayed coking process are cracked in the coking vessel by injecting a catalytic additive into the vapors above the gas/liquid-solid interface in the coke drum during the coking cycle. The additive comprises cracking catalyst(s) and quenching agent(s), alone or in combination with seeding agent(s), excess reactant(s), carrier fluid(s), or any combination thereof to modify reaction kinetics to preferentially crack these components. The quenching effect of the additive can be effectively used to condense the highest boiling point compounds of the traditional recycle onto the catalyst(s), thereby focusing the catalyst exposure to these target reactants. Exemplary embodiments of the present invention can also provide methods to (1) reduce coke production, (2) reduce fuel gas production, and (3) increase liquids production.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089955A1

High-quality graphite/needle grade coke is produced with reduced impurity levels and improved coefficient of thermal expansion using an integrated hydrotreatment, catalytic cracking and coking reaction sections, employing a combination of highly paraffinic hydrotreated VGO stream and aromatic CLO stream, which is thereafter processed in a delayed coking section. 1. A process for production of graphite/needle grade coke with reduced impurity levels and improved coefficient of thermal expansion , wherein the process comprises:(a) routing a VGO feed to a riser reactor of a fluid catalytic cracking unit, wherein the VGO feed reacts with a hot catalyst supplied from a regenerator;(b) sending products of reaction from step (a) along with a catalyst to a stripper for separation of a hydrocarbon vapor product from the catalyst;(c) sending the hydrocarbon vapor product to a first fractionator column for separation into different products like off gases with naphtha, LCO, and HCO;{'sub': '2', '#text': '(d) mixing a VGO stream with Hand sending to a furnace for heating;'}(e) sending hot feeds from step (d) to a fixed bed reactor, wherein the hydrotreatment of a vacuum gas oil occurs and reaction products are sent to a high-pressure separator where lighter gases are removed and sent to a low-pressure separator;(f) sending remaining liquid to a second fractionator column for further separation of lighter products;(g) routing a hydrotreated VGO stream from the second fractionator column to a bottom section of the first fractionator column, wherein it is mixed with a CLO product fraction generated in the fluid catalytic cracking unit;(h) heat exchange between the hydrotreated VGO stream and the CLO product fraction occurring in the bottom section of the first fractionator column and forming a homogenous mixture;(i) sending the homogenous mixture through a parallel filtration assembly for separation of entrained catalyst fines present coming through the CLO product fraction; and(j) ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Process for Depolymerizing Coal to Co-Produce Pitch and Naphthalene

Номер: US20170073587A1

A method of depolymerizing coal includes preparing a high temperature depolymerizing medium consisting of heavy hydrocarbon oils and mixing it with coal to form a mixture, performing an optional first distillation at a temperature below 250° C. to recover naphthalene, heating the mixture to a temperature between 350° C. and 450° C. to create a digested coal, centrifuging the digested coal to remove ash and obtain a centrate, and distillation of the centrate into separate fractions. The high temperature depolymerizing medium may be a heavy hydrocarbon with a hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratio higher than 7.0% and may include liquids chosen from the group consisting of: coal tar distillate, decant oil, anthracene oil, and heavy aromatic oils. The high temperature depolymerizing medium may be blended with an oil, preferably with H/C ratio higher than 10.0%, such as soybean oil, other biomass derived oil, lignin, petroleum oil, pyrolysis oil such that the overall hydrogen-to-carbon mass ratio in a digestion reactor is over 7.0% for the mixture of depolymerizing medium and coal. The depolymerized coal is an aromatic liquid that can itself be, either wholly or in part, a depolymerizing medium so that the process can be repeated. 1. A method of depolymerizing coal , comprising:preparing a high temperature depolymerizing medium consisting of heavy hydrocarbon oils and mixing it with coal to form a mixture;performing a first distillation to recover naphthalene;heating the mixture to a temperature of at least 350° C. to create a digested coal slurry; andcentrifuging the slurry to produce a centrate liquid with ash content less than 0.5% by mass.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the high temperature depolymerizing medium is a heavy hydrocarbon with H/C ratio higher than 7.0%.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the high temperature depolymerizing medium consists of liquids chosen from the group consisting of: coal tar distillate claim 1 , decant oil claim 1 , anthracene oil claim 1 ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems to produce needle coke from aromatic recovery complex bottoms

Номер: US20210079302A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Provided here are systems and methods of production of needle coke by processing an aromatic rejects stream containing long chain alkyl monoaromatics and bridged diaromatics through a delayed coking process. Various other embodiments may be disclosed and claimed.

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080002A1

In one aspect, the present invention relates to a furnace having a heated portion arranged adjacent to an unheated portion. A plurality of straight tubes are formed of a first material and are at least partially disposed in the heated portion. A plurality of return bends are operatively coupled to the plurality of straight tubes. The plurality of return bends are formed of a second material and are at least partially disposed in the unheated portion. The first material exhibits a maximum temperature greater than the second material thereby facilitating increased run time of the furnace. The second material exhibits wear-resistance properties greater than the first material thereby facilitating wear-resistance of the furnace. 19-. (canceled)10. A furnace comprising:a plurality of straight tubes formed of a first material and at least partially disposed in a heated portion;a plurality of return bends coupled to the plurality of straight tubes, the plurality of return bends formed of a second material and at least partially disposed outside of the heated portion;a plurality of plug headers coupled to the plurality of straight tubes at an end opposite the plurality of return bends, the plurality of plug headers formed of the second material;wherein the first material exhibits a design-maximum tube-metal temperature greater than the second material thereby facilitating increased run time of the furnace; andwherein the second material exhibits wear-resistance properties greater than the first material facilitating wear resistance of the furnace.11. The furnace of claim 10 , wherein the plurality of plug headers are at least partially disposed outside of the heated portion.12. The furnace of claim 10 , wherein the first material is an austenitic material.13. The furnace of claim 10 , wherein the second material is a ferritic material.14. The furnace of claim 10 , wherein the first material is TP347H.15. The furnace of claim 10 , wherein the second material is 9Cr-1Mo.16. ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087483A1

A method for heavy oil lightening and synthesis gas production and a device thereof are provided, where the method uses a cracking/gasification coupled reactor, which internally has a cracking section and a gasification section that communicate with each other, and includes the following steps: feeding a heavy oil material into the cracking section to implement a cracking reaction, to produce a light oil gas and a coke; the coke being carried by the coke powders and descending into the gasification section to implement a gasification reaction, to produce a synthesis gas; at least performing a first stage gas-solid separation, collecting coke powder particles and dividing them into two parts; performing an oil and gas fractionation on a purified oil and gas product output by the gas-solid separation system, and collecting a light oil product and a synthesis gas product. 1. A method for heavy oil lightening and synthesis gas production , using a cracking/gasification coupled reactor , which internally has a cracking section and a gasification section that communicate with each other , as a reactor , and comprising the following steps:feeding a heavy oil material into the cracking section at an upper part of the cracking/gasification coupled reactor, so as to contact with fluidized coke powders to implement a cracking reaction, to produce a light oil gas and a coke; the coke being carried by the coke powders and descending into the gasification section at a lower part of the cracking/gasification coupled reactor to implement a gasification reaction, to produce a synthesis gas; wherein the synthesis gas ascends into the cracking section, then is combined with the light oil gas, and is led out of the cracking/gasification coupled reactor to enter a gas-solid separation system;at least performing a first stage gas-solid separation on the light oil gas and the synthesis gas in the gas-solid separation system, collecting coke powder particles and dividing them into two ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Integrated method and integrated device for heavy oil contact lightening and coke gasification

Номер: US20210087484A1
Принадлежит: China University of Petroleum Beijing

An integrated method and an integrated device for heavy oil contact lightening and coke gasification are provided. The integrated method uses a coupled reactor including a cracking section and a gasification section, and the integrated method includes: feeding a heavy oil material into the cracking section to implement a cracking reaction, to obtain a light oil gas and a carbon-deposited contact agent; passing the carbon-deposited contact agent into the gasification section, so as to implement a gasification reaction, to obtain a regenerated contact agent and a syngas; and discharging the light oil gas and the ascended and incorporated syngas from the cracking section, to perform a gas-solid separation, so that the carbon-deposited contact agent carried is separated and returned to the cracking section, and a purified oil gas is obtained at the same time.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

System and Process for Heavy Fuel Oil Pyrolysis

Номер: US20220145191A1
Автор: Schuppel Andreas

Provided is a system for continuous processing of heavy fuel oil from recycling waste oil and the processing residues of crude oil into useful products including means for feeding waste oil; at least one hot-gas filter, at least one condenser, at least one rotating kiln including an outer stationary jacket which forms a heating channel, and an inner rotating reactor, and means for removing solid coke from the rotating reactor. The at least one hot gas filter is configured to separate a naphtha/gasoil fraction after the processing of the heavy fuel oil from a soft coke fraction. The rotating reactor is configured to recover a solid coke fraction comprising high contaminant content. The invention further relates to a process for continuous processing of heavy fuel oil from recycling waste oil and the processing residues of crude oil into useful products, preferably with the system of the invention. Moreover, the invention relates to use of the products and waste products produced with the process and system of the invention. 2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said system comprises four spray lances of different length claim 1 , said spray lances comprising nozzles which project the heavy fuel oil evenly into the rotating reactor volume and onto the inner wall the rotating reactor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said nozzles are arranged that the heavy fuel oil is sprayed directly on the inner wall of the rotating reactor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the rotating reactor is heated indirectly by gas burners claim 1 , which are mounted to the heating channel via a pre-combustion chamber.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the rotating reactor is equipped on its outer wall with ribbed plates to ensure turbulent flow and even distribution of the heating gas in the heating channel.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein said system further comprises a diverter claim 1 , rotary valves claim 1 , a hot-rolling screw conveyor and a cooling screw conveyor for discharging the ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Predictive control systems and methods with offline gains learning and online control

Номер: US20210096518A1
Автор: Elhanan Ilani, Nadav Cohen
Принадлежит: Imubit Israel LTD

A controller for a plant that exhibits nonlinear dynamics includes one or more processors and memory storing instructions that cause the one or more processors to perform operations. The operations include training a neural network model during an offline learning period using historical plant data representing a plurality of different historical states of the plant and using the neural network model during online operation of the plant to generate a linear predictor as a function of a current state of the plant, the linear predictor defining a linearization of the nonlinear dynamics localized at the current state of the plant. The controller controls equipment that operate to affect the current state of the plant by performing a predictive control process that uses the linear predictor to generate values of one or more manipulated variables provided as inputs to the equipment.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095790A1
Автор: WHEELER Lucie B.

A reactor and its internals used for the thermal processing of a liquid mixture. The reactor comprises plates and at least part of the surface of said plates is used to perform the thermal processing. The reactor and its internals are used for the thermal processing of various liquid mixtures containing organic compounds. The processes, for thermal processing the mixture comprising organic compounds, comprising the steps of feeding the reactor and its internals and being useful for treating wastes oils and/or for destroying hazardous and/or toxic products; and/or for reusing waste products in an environmentally acceptable form and/or way, and/or for cleaning contaminated soils or beaches, and/or cleaning tar pits, and/or use in coal-oil co-processing, and/or recovering oil from oil spills, and/or PCB free transformed oils. A process for fabricating the reactor and its internals is also proposed. 1. A reactor and internals of said reactor for thermal processing of a liquid mixture comprising at least one member chosen from a used oil , a waste oil , an heavy oil , and Marpol , said reactor comprising:a. a rotating kiln;b. a heating system;c. at least one shelf on a wall of the rotating kiln;d. a charge of plates of consistent shapes, at least a portion of said plates being held by said at least one shelf against said reactor wall so as to heat a surface of said plates for a time until rotation of said kiln causes said plates to flip and fall so as to present said heated surface of said plates to said liquid mixture to be thermally processed;e. means for bringing the liquid mixture to be thermally processed on the surface of at least part of the plates;f. means for removing the solids, produced in the reactor during the thermal processing, from the rotating kiln;g. means for recovering reaction and straight run products produced in the reactor during the thermal processing; andh. means for venting gas, obtained by the thermal processing, outside the zone defined by ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169928A1

Systems and methods are provided for co-processing of biomass oil with mineral coker feeds in a coking environment. The coking can correspond to any convenient type of coking, such as delayed coking or fluidized coking. The biomass oil can correspond to biomass oil with a molar ratio of oxygen to carbon of 0.24 or less on a dry basis. Such types of biomass oil can be formed from pyrolysis methods such as hydrothermal pyrolysis, and are in contrast to biomass oils formed from pyrolysis methods such as fast pyrolysis. By using a biomass oil with a molar ratio of oxygen to carbon of 0.24 or less, improved yields of light coker gas oil can be achieved in conjunction with a reduction in the yield of heavy coker gas oil. 1. A method for co-processing biomass , comprising:exposing a biomass oil comprising an oxygen to carbon molar ratio of 0.10 to 0.24 on a dry basis and a feedstock comprising a vacuum resid boiling range fraction to a catalyst in a reactor under coking conditions to form one or more liquid product fractions, the biomass oil comprising 2.5 wt % to 50 wt % of a combined weight of the biomass oil and the feedstock.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass oil comprises a hydrogen to carbon molar ratio of 1.2 or more.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass oil comprises an effective molar ratio of hydrogen to carbon of 0.7 or more.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the biomass oil comprises 1.0 wt % to 20 wt % of oxygen.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises converting a biomass feed under pyrolysis conditions to form the biomass oil.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the pyrolysis conditions comprise hydrothermal pyrolysis conditions claim 5 , hydropyrolysis conditions claim 5 , catalytic pyrolysis conditions claim 5 , or a combination thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coking conditions comprise delayed coking conditions.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coking conditions comprise fluidized coking ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Process for Depolymerizing Coal to Co-Produce Pitch and Naphthalene

Номер: US20180112135A1
Принадлежит: Quantex Research Corp

A method of depolymerizing coal includes preparing a high temperature depolymerizing medium consisting of heavy hydrocarbon oils and mixing it with coal to form a mixture, performing an optional first distillation at a temperature below 250° C. to recover naphthalene, heating the mixture to a temperature between 350° C. and 450° C. to create a digested coal, centrifuging the digested coal to remove ash and obtain a centrate, and distillation of the centrate into separate fractions. The high temperature depolymerizing medium may be a heavy hydrocarbon with a hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratio higher than 7.0% and may include liquids chosen from the group consisting of: coal tar distillate, decant oil, anthracene oil, and heavy aromatic oils. The high temperature depolymerizing medium may be blended with an oil, preferably with H/C ratio higher than 10.0%, such as soybean oil, other biomass derived oil, lignin, petroleum oil, pyrolysis oil such that the overall hydrogen-to-carbon mass ratio in a digestion reactor is over 7.0% for the mixture of depolymerizing medium and coal. The depolymerized coal is an aromatic liquid that can itself be, either wholly or in part, a depolymerizing medium so that the process can be repeated.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114278A1
Принадлежит: Foster Wheeler USA Corporation

A furnace system includes at least one lower radiant section having a first firebox disposed therein and at least one upper radiant section disposed above the at least one lower radiant section. The at least one upper radiant section has a second firebox disposed therein. The furnace system further includes at least one convection section disposed above the at least one upper radiant section and an exhaust corridor defined by the first firebox, the second firebox, and the at least one convection section. Arrangement of the at least one upper radiant section above the at least one lower radiant section reduces an area required for construction of the furnace system. 1. A furnace system comprising:at least one lower radiant section comprising a first firebox disposed therein;at least one upper radiant section disposed above the at least one lower radiant section, the at least one upper radiant section comprising a second firebox disposed therein, the at least one upper radiant section and the at least one lower radiant section being controlled independently from each other;at least one convection section disposed above the at least one upper radiant section;an exhaust corridor defined by the first firebox, the second firebox, and the at least one convection section; andwherein arrangement of the at least one upper radiant section above the at least one lower radiant section reduces an area required for construction of the furnace system.2. The furnace system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one convection section is offset from the at least one upper radiant section and the at least one lower radiant section.3. The furnace system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one convection section comprises a convection inlet and a convection outlet.4. The furnace system of claim 3 , wherein the convection inlet receives a residual oil feed.5. The furnace system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one lower radiant section comprises a first radiant inlet and a first radiant outlet ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Reverse Flow Reactors Having High Purge Efficiencies While Containing Asymmetric Feeds, Methods of Using Same, and Pyrolysis Products Made from Same

Номер: US20210139789A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Reverse flow reactor (RFR) apparatuses exhibiting asymmetric feed profiles and improved purge mode efficiency, and methods of using same to transform a hydrocarbon feed into a pyrolysed hydrocarbon product are disclosed. The RFR apparatus includes an RFR body with a reaction zone having at least one bed. The RFR body has a central vertical axis and flanked by first and second void spaces. The method utilizes at least two oxygen-containing feeds, a combustion fuel feed, a purge feed, and a hydrocarbon pyrolysis feed. The RFR apparatus can cycle between an exothermic heating mode (heated to ≥700° C. while maintaining a pressure drop across the reaction zone of ≤100 kPag), a purge mode (purging oxygen using <6 bed volumes of purge gas to achieve a residual oxygen level of ≤20 ppm while maintaining a pressure drop of ≤35 kPag), and an endothermic pyrolysis mode (feeding pyrolysis hydrocarbons through the reaction zone to form pyrolysis products, while maintaining a pressure drop across the reaction zone of ≤70 kPag).

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Coker switch valve operating system and method

Номер: US20210140561A1
Принадлежит: Mogas Industries Inc

An operating system for switching a coker switch valve to drum A, drum B, and bypass. The system has a shear pin linkage between the actuator and the valve stem and a position indicator independent of the actuator, to maintain functionality in the event of shear pin failure; and/or lockout functionality to prevent an inadvertent switch to bypass when switching between drum A and drum B and to lock down bypass mode to prevent an inadvertent switch from bypass to an open drum.

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Automated Batch Control of Delayed Coker

Номер: US20180119018A1
Автор: Lucas Richard

An automatic batch sequence computer control system is configured to automatically operate process valves in a delayed coker for a complete coke drum cycle. Double verification of the movement of the process valves is used to confirm advancing to the next step. Primary verification is achieved by using position sensors on the valves. Secondary verification is achieved by using monitored process conditions and confirming the measured conditions correlate with expected process conditions for an arrangement of valve positions at a given sequence in the coke drum cycle. A safety interlock system may be integrated with the control system. 14-. (canceled)5. A method for automatic operation of a delayed coker comprising one or more pairs of coke drums , the method comprising:operating the one or more pairs of coke drums in alternating cycles of filling a first drum of a pair with heated feed material while emptying a second drum of the pair;initiating an automatic batch sequence computer control system configured to automatically operate one or more sets of double block valves, each set of double block valves including a first valve and a second valve positioned along process piping between the first drum of the pair and the second drum of the pair, wherein the process piping connects the one or more pairs of coke drums with additional components of the delayed coker through a sequence of steps for a complete coke drum cycle; andin one step of the cycle:transmitting a command to close a set of the double block valves;monitoring position sensors on the set of double block valves as a primary verification to confirm the double block valves are both closed;monitoring a pressure at a valve isolation point between the set of double block valves to confirm the pressure between the double block valves has increased above a predetermined threshold as a secondary verification to confirm the double block valves are both closed;confirming that the double block valves are both closed ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267151A1
Автор: Hada Kyohei

To provide low CTE and low puffing needle coke more stably while dealing with changes in the properties of a feedstock. The low CTE and low puffing needle coke is obtained by mixing and coking a needle coke main feedstock of a coal tar-based heavy oil or petroleum-based heavy oil having a weak hydrogen donating property with a PDQI value expressed by equation (1) of less than 5.0, with a secondary feedstock having a strong hydrogen donating property with a PDQI value expressed by equation (1) of 5.0 or more, and calcining the obtained raw coke. [Equation (1)] PDQI=H %×10×(HNβ/H), wherein H % is a hydrogen amount (% by weight) obtained by elemental analysis, and HNβ/H is a ratio of β naphthenic hydrogen to total hydrogen measured by H-NMR. 1. Low CTE and low puffing needle coke , obtained by mixing and coking 100 parts by weight of a needle coke main feedstock of a coal tar-based heavy oil or petroleum-based heavy oil having a weak hydrogen donating property with a PDQI value expressed by equation (1) of less than 5.0 , with 10 to 80 parts by weight of a secondary feedstock having a strong hydrogen donating property with a PDQI value expressed by equation (1) of 5.0 or more , and calcining the obtained raw coke:{'br': None, 'PDQI=H %×10×(HNβ/H) \u2003\u2003[Equation (1)]'}{'sup': '1', 'wherein H % is a hydrogen amount (% by weight) obtained by elemental analysis, and HNβ/H is a ratio of β naphthenic hydrogen to total hydrogen measured by H-NMR.'}2. Low CTE and low puffing needle coke , having a CTE-related structure index (NCSIC) expressed by equation (2) of more than 25.0 , and a puffing-related structure index (NCSIP) expressed by equation (3) of more than 5.0:{'br': None, 'i': 'Lc/d', 'NCSIC=((002)+(open pore ratio))/(σ(θ)) \u2003\u2003[Equation (2)]'} {'br': None, 'NCSIP=(open pore amount/closed pore amount)+(HIT/1000)/EIT \u2003\u2003[Equation (3)]'}, 'wherein Lc represents a crystallite size, d002 represents an interplanar spacing, and σ(θ) represents a ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Thermal cracking additive compositions for reduction of coke yield in delayed coking process

Номер: US20150129460A1
Принадлежит: Indian Oil Corp Ltd

The present invention is directed to novel thermal cracking additive compositions for reduction of coke yield in Delayed Coking process and method for preparing the same. The present invention also provides that the thermal cracking additive compositions of the present invention are in micron-size and nano-size. Further, the present invention provides a process of thermal cracking of heavy petroleum residue used in petroleum refineries using Delayed Coking process to produce petroleum coke and lighter hydrocarbon products with decreased coke yield and increased yield of liquid and/or gaseous products.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136580A1

A process for pyrolyzing coal using a recycled hydrogen donor includes introducing a coal feed to a pyrolysis zone and heating the coal feed to a temperature of about 300° C. in the absence of hydrogen. A hydrogen donor solvent is introduced to the pyrolysis zone after the coal feed is heated to about 300° C., and the temperature of the coal feed and the hydrogen donor solvent is increased to about 475° C., while increasing a pressure in the pyrolysis zone to at or above a vapor pressure of the hydrogen donor solvent. At least an aromatic hydrocarbon rich fraction is separated from the coal tar stream and hydrogenated. The hydrogenated aromatic hydrocarbon rich fraction is recycled to the pyrolysis zone as the hydrogen donor solvent. 1. A process for pyrolyzing coal using a recycled hydrogen donor , comprising:introducing a coal feed to a pyrolysis zone;heating the coal feed to a temperature of about 300° C. in the absence of hydrogen;introducing a hydrogen donor solvent to the pyrolysis zone after the coal feed is heated to the temperature of about 300° C.;increasing the temperature of the coal feed and the hydrogen donor solvent, while increasing a pressure in the pyrolysis zone to at or above a vapor pressure of the hydrogen donor solvent to evolve coal tar from the pyrolysis zone;increasing the temperature of the coal feed and the hydrogen donor solvent while maintaining the pressure in the pyrolysis zone at or above the vapor pressure of the hydrogen donor solvent to produce a coke stream and a coal tar stream until no further coal tar is evolved from the pyrolysis zone;reducing the pressure in the pyrolysis zone to approximately atmospheric pressure while increasing the temperature of the coal feed and the hydrogen donor solvent to about 1,000° C. to about 2,000° C.;separating at least an aromatic hydrocarbon rich fraction from the coal tar stream;hydrogenating the aromatic hydrocarbon rich fraction; and,recycling the hydrogenated aromatic hydrocarbon rich ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128929A1

The present invention discloses a catalyst and process for hydrocracking of heavy hydrocarbon oils having majority portion boiling above 525° C. in the presence of hydrogen. A process comprising first step of converting heavy oil into lighter products in the presence of catalyst and hydrogen in slurry phase is disclosed. The process further comprises recycling of part of liquid products (HVGO) along with fresh heavy oil for improving the product selectivity. This recycled HVGO is having high concentrations of aromatics compounds. The separation of particles generated during the reaction at reactor exit also avoids the chances of choking of downstream sections. 1. A method of producing in situ catalyst in a hydrocracking process , comprising:(a) providing a mixture of hydrogen, heavy hydrocarbon oil, and an oil soluble catalyst, and{'sup': −1', '−1, '(b) decomposing the oil soluble catalyst by preheating the mixture at a predetermined fast enough velocity to predetermined temperature and passing through a confined hydrocracking zone maintained at a temperature between about 250° C. and 550° C., pressure between 40 to 250 bar and a space velocity of 0.5 hup to 4 h, to obtain a finely dispersed nano sized metallic iron particles in hydrocarbon oil, wherein, the nano sized metallic iron particles act as hydrogenating catalyst.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oil soluble catalyst is used in the range of about 0.01-2% by weight of heavy hydrocarbon oil.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the oil soluble catalyst is ferrocene.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nano sized iron particles is composed of only few iron atoms.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the decomposition starts from around 400° C. and gets completed before the feed and the catalyst reaches the slurry reactor.6. A method of producing graphite claim 1 , comprising:(a) providing a mixture of hydrogen, heavy hydrocarbon oil, and an oil soluble catalyst,{'sup': −1', '−1, '(b) decomposing the oil ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Processes and Systems for Upgrading a Hydrocarbon-Containing Feed

Номер: US20220275283A1

Processes and systems for upgrading a hydrocarbon-containing feed. The hydrocarbon containing feed and a plurality of fluidized particles can be fed into a pyrolysis reaction zone. The plurality of fluidized particles can have a first temperature that can be sufficiently high to enable pyrolysis of at least a portion of the hydrocarbon-containing feed on contacting the particles. The particles can include an oxide of a transition metal element capable of oxidizing molecular hydrogen at the first temperature. The hydrocarbon-containing feed can be contacted with the particles in the pyrolysis reaction zone to effect pyrolysis of at least a portion of the hydrocarbon-containing feed to produce a pyrolysis effluent. At least a portion of the transition metal element in the particles in the pyrolysis effluent can be at a reduced state compared to the transition metal element in the particles fed into the pyrolysis reaction zone. 1. A process for converting a hydrocarbon-containing feed by pyrolysis , comprising:(I) feeding the hydrocarbon-containing feed into a pyrolysis reaction zone;{'sub': '2', '(II) feeding a plurality of fluidized particles having a first temperature into the pyrolysis reaction zone, wherein the first temperature is sufficiently high to enable pyrolysis of at least a portion of the hydrocarbon-containing feed on contacting the particles, and the particles comprise an oxide of a transition metal element capable of oxidizing molecular hydrogen (H) at the first temperature; and'}(III) contacting at least a portion of the hydrocarbon-containing feed with the particles in the pyrolysis reaction zone to effect pyrolysis of at least a portion of the hydrocarbon-containing feed to produce a pyrolysis effluent comprising olefins, hydrogen, and the particles, wherein at least a portion of the transition metal element in the particles in the pyrolysis effluent is at a reduced state compared to the transition metal element in the particles fed into the ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123450A1

Process scheme configurations are disclosed that enable conversion of crude oil feeds with several processing units in an integrated manner into petrochemicals. The designs utilize minimum capital expenditures to prepare suitable feedstocks for the steam cracker complex. The integrated process for converting crude oil to petrochemical products including olefins and aromatics, and fuel products, includes mixed feed steam cracking and gas oil steam cracking. Feeds to the mixed feed steam cracker include light products and naphtha from hydroprocessing zones within the battery limits, recycle streams from the C3 and C4 olefins recovery steps, and raffinate from a pyrolysis gasoline aromatics extraction zone within the battery limits. Feeds to the gas oil steam cracker include gas oil range intermediates from the vacuum gas oil hydroprocessing zone. Furthermore, vacuum residue is processed in a delayed coker unit to produce coker naphtha, which is hydrotreated and passed as additional feed to aromatics extraction zone and/or the mixed feed steam cracker, and coker gas oil range intermediates as additional feed to the gas oil hydroprocessing zone. 119.-. (canceled)20. An integrated system for producing petrochemicals and fuel products comprising:an atmospheric distillation unit (ADU) operable to receive and separate a feed, and discharge a first ADU fraction comprising naphtha, a second ADU fraction comprising at least a portion of middle distillates from the feed, and a third ADU fraction comprising atmospheric residue;a vacuum distillation unit (VDU) operable to receive and separate the third ADU fraction, and discharge a first VDU fraction comprising vacuum gas oil and a second VDU fraction comprising vacuum residue;a delayed coking zone operable to receive and convert the second VDU fraction comprising vacuum residue into a coker naphtha stream, a coker gas oil stream and petroleum coke;a distillate hydroproces sing (DHP) zone operable to receive and convert middle ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144530A1

This invention relates to petroleum processing, in particular to producing coke with a delayed coking process and to an assembly for trapping the products formed during the coke steaming and cooling processes. 12-. (canceled)3. A method of delayed coking of petroleum residues , comprising the steps of:coking a feedstock, wherein coke is deposited in a coke drum;fractionating any distillate products in a rectification column into vapour products including light and heavy gas oils and heavy bottoms;steaming coke with a water steam;water cooling the coke;introducing the products of the coke steaming and cooling steps into an absorber equipped with a plurality of mass-exchange assemblies;fractionating the steaming and cooling products into vapour and liquid phases in the absorber;producing low-volatility petroleum products from the vapour phase by introducing the heavy bottoms from a bottom part of the absorber into the mass-exchange assembly;cooling and condensation of the vapour components in a condenser/refrigerator and fractionating the cooling products in a fractionator into gas, petroleum products and water;wherein the produced heavy gas oil is split into a plurality of flows, wherein a first flow is used as a recirculate and is mixed with the feedstock in the evaporator column prior to coking, wherein a second flow dilutes the products of coke steaming and cooling prior to introducing it into the absorber, wherein a third flow is introduced into a top mass-exchange assembly of the absorber, wherein the heavy bottoms are returned from the bottom part of the absorber into the mass-exchange assembly located in a middle part of the absorber, into a third or fourth mass-exchange assembly, wherein a left-over part of the heavy bottoms from the absorber, as well as the separated petroleum products from the fractionator, are returned into the bottom part of the rectification column.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising feeding a wash product including ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171835A1

A coking system comprises the 1st to the m-th heating units and the 1st to the n-th coke towers, each of the m heating units being in communication with the n coke towers, respectively, each of the n coke towers being in communication with one or more separation towers, respectively, in communication with the m-th heating unit and optionally with the i-th heating unit. The coking system can at least utilize petroleum series or coal series raw materials to produce high-quality needle coke with stable performance. 1. A coking system comprising a 1st to a m-th (total m) heating units (preferably heat exchangers or furnaces , more preferably furnaces) and a 1st to a n-th (total n) coke towers , m being any integer from 2 to n−1 , n being any integer from 3 or more (preferably any integer from 3 to 20 , more preferably any integer from 3 to 5 , more preferably 3) , each of the m heating units being in communication with the n coke towers , respectively , each of the n coke towers (preferably the upper part and/or the overhead) being in communication with one or more (preferably one) separation towers (preferably rectifying tower , flash tower , evaporation tower or fractionation tower , more preferably fractionation tower) , respectively , the one or more separation towers (preferably the lower part and/or the bottom) being in communication with the m-th heating unit and optionally being in communication with an i-th heating unit (i being any integer greater than 1 and less than m) (preferably not being in communication with the 1st heating unit).2. The coking system of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit configured to enable to start and terminate the material transport from each of heating units to an h-th coke tower sequentially in the order from the 1st heating unit to the m-th heating unit from the time T0 claim 1 , and terminate the material transport from the m-th heating unit to the h-th coke tower at the time Te claim 1 , assuming T0 is a coke-charging ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142174A1
Автор: GRAINGER John, SMITH Geoff
Принадлежит: Sage & Time LLP

Processes and systems are provided for converting a carbonaceous feedstock into a reaction gas and a syngas, involving a step of pyrolysing and methanating the feedstock in a pyrolysis chamber to produce the reaction gas and a step of gasifying unconverted feedstock in the presence of a reactant to produce a syngas. 1. A process for converting a carbonaceous feedstock into a reaction gas , comprising the step of:i) pyrolysing and methanating the feedstock to produce a reaction gas in at least one pyrolysis chamber, wherein the at least one pyrolysis chamber operates at a temperature at or above 853° C.2. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one pyrolysis chamber operates at a temperature at or above 950° C. claim 1 ,3. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carbonaceous feedstock comprises coal claim 1 ,4. A process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the reaction gas comprises methane.5. A process as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising the steps of claim 1 ,ii) removing the reaction gas from the at least one pyrolysis chamber,iii) gasifying the unconverted feedstock from the at least one pyrolysis chamber to produce a syngas in at least one gasification chamber, wherein the at least one gasification chamber comprises one or more reactant injection ports for injecting reactant to enable gasification and operates at a temperature between 700-1100° C.,iv) removing the syngas from the at least one gasification chamber.6. A process as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the syngas comprises at least one of tar claim 5 , hydrogen and carbon monoxide claim 5 ,7. A process as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the reactant comprises at least one of steam claim 5 , hydrogen claim 5 , oxygen and air.8. A process as claimed in claim 5 , further comprising a step of separating a hydrocarbon having a carbon number of at least two from the reaction gas and the syngas to form a product gas and a purified syngas respectively.9. A process as claimed in claim 8 , wherein ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145319A1
Принадлежит: Intevep, S.A.

A coke drum includes a coke drum vessel having a substantially cylindrical wall and a conical bottom portion; a skirt downwardly depending from a transition of the cylindrical wall into the conical bottom portion, an inner annular space being defined between the skirt and the conical bottom portion; and a fluid injection system communicated with the inner annular space for injecting fluid at a desired temperature to heat or cool the inner annular space. The fluid injection system allows the inner annular space and junction of the skirt with the coke drum vessel to be heated or cooled to minimize temperature difference between these areas and a batch of coke to be introduced into the drum. 1. A coke drum , comprising:a coke drum vessel comprising a substantially cylindrical wall and a conical bottom portion;a skirt downwardly depending from a transition of the cylindrical wall into the conical bottom portion, an inner annular space being defined between the skirt and the conical bottom portion; anda fluid injection system communicated with the inner annular space for injecting fluid at a desired temperature to heat or cool the inner annular space.2. The coke drum of claim 1 , wherein the fluid injection system comprises a toroid tube in the inner annular space and communicated with a source of the fluid.3. The coke drum of claim 1 , wherein the fluid injection system has a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet claim 1 , and at least one baffle in the inner annular space between the fluid inlet and the fluid outlet.4. The coke drum of claim 1 , further comprising a bottom wall section connected between the skirt and the conical bottom portion and closing off the inner annular space.5. The coke drum of claim 1 , wherein the fluid injection system comprises a first toroid tube defining a fluid inlet claim 1 , a second toroid tube defining a fluid outlet claim 1 , and a series of baffles in the inner annular space between the first toroid tube and the second toroid tube.6. The ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190144756A1

Systems and methods are provided for integrating a fluidized coking process, optionally a coke gasification process, and processes for production of additional liquid products from the coking and/or gasification process. In some aspects, the integrated processes can allow for conversion of olefins generated during a fluidized coking process to form additional liquid products. Additionally or alternately, in some aspects the integrated processes can allow for separation of syngas from the flue gas/fuel gas generated by a gasifier integrated with a fluidized coking process. This syngas can then be used to form methanol, which can then be converted in a methanol conversion process to form heavier products. In such aspects, olefins generated during the fluidized coking process can be added to the methanol conversion process to improve the yield. Additionally, in various aspects, the off-gas from the integrated conversion process can be used as an additional paraffin feed that can be recycled to one of the heat integration conduits in the fluidized coker for additional generation of olefins. This can provide a further increase in liquid yields using a carbon source (C paraffins) that is conventionally viewed as a low value product from coking. 1. A method for performing fluidized coking on a feed , comprising:exposing a feedstock comprising a T10 distillation point of 343° C. or more to a fluidized bed comprising solid particles in a reactor under coking conditions to form a coker effluent, the thermal cracking conditions comprising 10 wt % or more conversion of the feedstock relative to 343° C., the thermal cracking conditions being effective for depositing coke on the solid particles;introducing an oxygen-containing stream and steam into a coke combustion stage;passing at least a portion of the solid particles comprising deposited coke from the reactor to the coke combustion stage;{'sub': 2', '2, 'exposing the at least a portion of the solid particles comprising ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180148651A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

The invention relates to processes for producing anode grade coke from whole crude oil. The invention is accomplished by first deasphalting a feedstock, followed by processing resulting DAO and asphalt fractions. The DAO fraction is hydrotreated or hydrocracked, resulting in removal of sulfur and hydrocarbons, which boil at temperatures over 370° C., and gasifying the asphalt portion in one embodiment. This embodiment includes subjecting hydrotreated and/or unconverted DAO fractions to delayed coking. In an alternate embodiment, rather than gasifying the asphalt portion, it is subjected to delayed coking in a separate reaction chamber. Any coke produced via delayed coking can be gasified. 124-. (canceled)25. A method for producing anode grade coke , comprising:(i) solvent deasphalting a hydrocarbon feedstock to produce an asphalt fraction and a deasphalted oil (DAO) fraction, in a first reaction chamber;(ii) processing said DAO fraction and asphalt fraction in separate, second, third, and fourth reaction chambers;(iii) hydrocracking said DAO fraction to remove sulfur and nitrogen therefrom and distill any hydrocarbons contained in said DAO fraction which have a boiling point over 370° C., in a series of multiple chambers;(iv) subjecting any hydrotreated or unconverted DAO fraction to delayed coking in a third chamber, and(v) gasifying said asphalt fraction via combining it with oxygen and steam, in said fourth reaction chamber, to produce hydrogen therefrom.26. The method of claim 25 , further comprising gasifying any coke produced in step (iv).27. The method of claim 25 , comprising introducing any hydrogen produced in said third reaction chamber into said second reaction chamber.28. The method of claim 25 , wherein said hydrocarbon feedstock is crude oil and said solvent deasphalting comprises mixing said crude oil with a paraffinic solvent containing C-Ccarbon atoms claim 25 , at a temperature and a pressure below critical temperature and critical pressure of ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Automated Batch Control of Delayed Coker

Номер: US20150159090A1
Автор: Lucas Richard E.

An automatic batch sequence computer control system is configured to automatically operate process valves in a delayed coker for a complete coke drum cycle. Double verification of the movement of the process valves is used to confirm advancing to the next step. Primary verification is achieved by using position sensors on the valves. Secondary verification is achieved by using monitored process conditions and confirming the measured conditions correlate with expected process conditions for an arrangement of valve positions at a given sequence in the coke drum cycle. A safety interlock system may be integrated with the control system. 2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying a plurality of valves as hydrocarbon isolation points;identifying a plurality of valves as an atmosphere isolation points;confirming that all valves on a hydrocarbon isolation point are closed before transmitting a signal to open a valve on an atmospheric isolation point; andconfirming that all valves on an atmospheric isolation point are closed before transmitting a signal to open a valve on a hydrocarbon isolation point.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein confirming that all valves on a hydrocarbon isolation point are closed comprises receiving the primary verification and the secondary verification associated with the valve.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein:a main feed isolation valve, drum condensation double block valves, antifoam double block valves, overhead quench double block valves, overhead vapor double block valves and blowdown double block valves are identified as valves on the hydrocarbon isolation points; anda top head valve, a bottom head valve, and overhead vent double block valves are identified as valves on the atmospheric isolation points.5. A method for automatic operation of a delayed coker comprising:initiating an automatic batch sequence computer control system configured to automatically operate process valves in a delayed coker through a sequence of ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159092A1

The present invention relates to a method and system for recovering and processing a hydrocarbon mixture from a subterranean formation. The method comprises: (i) mobilising said hydrocarbon mixture; (ii) recovering said mobilised hydrocarbon mixture; (iii) coking said recovered hydrocarbon mixture to produce decoked hydrocarbon and coke; (iv) combusting said coke to generate steam and/or energy and CO; (v) upgrading said decoked hydrocarbon by hydrogen addition to produce upgraded hydrocarbon; and (v) adding a diluent to the decoked hydrocarbon prior to upgrading and/or adding a diluent to the upgraded hydrocarbon; wherein said method is at least partially self-sufficient in terms of steam and/or energy and diluent. 1. A method of recovering and processing a hydrocarbon mixture from a subterranean formation , comprising:(i) mobilising said hydrocarbon mixture;(ii) recovering said mobilised hydrocarbon mixture;(iii) coking said recovered hydrocarbon mixture to produce decoked hydrocarbon and coke;{'sub': '2', '(iv) combusting said coke to generate steam and/or energy and CO;'}(v) upgrading said decoked hydrocarbon by hydrogen addition to produce upgraded hydrocarbon; and(v) adding a diluent to the decoked hydrocarbon prior to upgrading and/or adding a diluent to the upgraded hydrocarbon;wherein said method is at least partially self-sufficient in terms of steam and/or energy and diluent.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said method is at least partially self-sufficient in terms of hydrogen.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said combusting step generates hydrogen.4. A method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said combusting step is gasifying.5. A method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein at least some of said hydrogen for upgrading is hydrogen generated in the combusting step.6. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said upgrading comprises hydrotreating.7. A method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising fractionating said recovered hydrocarbon ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Catalytic Pyrolysis Method and Apparatus

Номер: US20160160131A1
Автор: Perez-Cordova Ramon

Method includes heating mixture of heavy oil (API<22.3), water, and catalyst in a reactor to form pyrolyzate vapor condensable to form an oil phase lighter than the heavy oil. The feed mixture can include 100 parts by weight heavy oil, 5 to 100 parts by weight water, and 1 to 20 parts by weight solid catalyst particulates, which can include an oxide or acid addition salt of a Group 3-16 metal on a mineral support. Also, an apparatus for treating the heavy oil includes a mixing zone to prepare the emulsion, a transfer line to a pyrolysis zone; and a control system for the pyrolysis zone. Also, a process includes injecting the pyrolyzate in a treatment fluid into an injection well. 1. A process comprising:feeding to a reactor a feed mixture comprising 100 parts by weight heavy oil (API<22.3), from about 5 to 100 parts by weight water, and from about 1 to 20 parts by weight solid catalyst particulates comprising a mineral support and an oxide or acid addition salt of a Group 3-16 metal;heating the feed mixture in the reactor at a temperature, pressure, and for a period of time sufficient to produce a pyrolyzate vapor phase at an exit from the reactor condensable to form an oil phase lighter than the heavy oil.2. The process of wherein the absolute pressure in the reactor is from about 1 to 1.5 atm and the pyrolyzate vapor phase exits from the reactor at a temperature above 200° C.3. The process of wherein the pyrolyzate vapor phase exits from the reactor at a temperature above 300° C.4. The process of wherein the pyrolyzate vapor phase exits from the reactor at a temperature from about 300° C. to about 500° C.5. The process of wherein the catalyst particulates comprise particulates recovered from a thermal desorption process in which an oil contaminated substrate comprising a peptizable matrix component selected from acid-reactive clays and minerals claim 1 , has been contacted with an acidic reagent to form a peptizate claim 1 , and the peptizate mixed with a ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155633A1

Process scheme configurations are disclosed that enable conversion of crude oil feeds with several processing units in an integrated manner into petrochemicals. The designs utilize minimum capital expenditures to prepare suitable feedstocks for the steam cracker complex. The integrated process for converting crude oil to petrochemical products including olefins and aromatics, and fuel products, includes mixed feed steam cracking and gas oil steam cracking. Feeds to the mixed feed steam cracker include light products and naphtha from hydroprocessing zones within the battery limits, recycle streams from the C3 and C4 olefins recovery steps, and raffinate from a pyrolysis gasoline aromatics extraction zone within the battery limits. Feeds to the gas oil steam cracker include gas oil range intermediates from the vacuum gas oil hydroprocessing zone. Furthermore, vacuum residue is processed in a delayed coker unit to produce coker naphtha, which is hydrotreated and passed as additional feed to aromatics extraction zone and/or the mixed feed steam cracker, and coker gas oil range intermediates as additional feed to the gas oil hydroprocessing zone. 1. An integrated process for producing petrochemicals and fuel products from a crude oil feed comprising: a first ADU fraction comprising straight run naphtha,', 'a second ADU fraction comprising at least a portion of middle distillates from the crude oil feed, and', 'a third ADU fraction comprising atmospheric residue;, 'separating from the crude oil feed, in an atmospheric distillation unit (ADU), at least'} a first VDU fraction comprising vacuum gas oil, and', 'a second VDU fraction comprising vacuum residue;, 'separating from the third ADU fraction, in a vacuum distillation unit (VDU), at least'}coking at least a portion of the vacuum residue to a delayed coking zone and recovering a coker naphtha stream, a coker gas oil stream and petroleum coke;hydroprocessing in a distillate hydroprocessing (DHP) zone middle distillates ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153323A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Process embodiments for producing high grade coke and fuel grade coke from residual oil comprises: introducing the residual oil and a first paraffinic solvent having a carbon number Cto a first solvent deasphalting unit to produce a high quality deasphalted oil (HQDAO) fraction and a first asphalt fraction; passing the HQDAO fraction to a delayed coker to produce green coke; passing at least a portion of the first asphalt fraction and a second paraffinic solvent carbon number of Cto a second solvent deasphalting unit to produce a low quality deasphalted oil (LQDAO) fraction and a second asphalt fraction; and passing the LQDAO fraction to the delayed coker to produce the fuel grade coke. 1. A system for producing green coke and fuel grade coke from residual oil comprising:{'sub': 'n', 'a first solvent deasphalting unit configured to produce a high quality deasphalted oil (HQDAO) fraction and a first asphalt fraction from the residual oil and a first paraffinic solvent having a carbon number C;'}{'sub': 'n+1', 'a second solvent deasphalting unit downstream of the first solvent deasphalting unit, the second solvent deasphalting unit being configured to produce a low quality deasphalted oil (LQDAO) fraction and a second asphalt fraction from the first asphalt fraction and a second paraffinic solvent having carbon number of C; and'}a delayed coker in fluid communication with the first solvent deasphalting unit and the second solvent deasphalting unit, wherein the delayed coker is configured to produce green coke from the HQDAO fraction and is configured to produce fuel coke from the LQDAO fraction.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an adsorption column disposed downstream of the first solvent deasphalting unit and upstream of the delayed coker.3. The system of claim 2 , where the adsorption column comprises at least one packed column.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a first hydrotreater disposed downstream of the first solvent deasphalting unit ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158963A1

An apparatus for supplying additives into a coker drum includes an inlet for supplying a hydrocarbon feed stream into the coker drum and conduits along the circumference of walls of the coker drum. Each conduit has an injection nozzle to supply additives inside the coker drum. An injection control system controls the operation of the injection nozzles such that 1) one or more of the injection nozzles placed within a first distance above a vapour liquid interphase of the hydrocarbon feed stream are configured to supply the additives; and 2) supply of the additive discontinues from a particular injection nozzle when a distance between the injection nozzle and the vapour liquid interphase is less than or equal to a second distance. The apparatus optionally includes a mechanical drive system moving at least one of the conduits based on the level of the vapour liquid interphase in the coker drum. 1. An apparatus for supplying additive (s) into a coker drum , the apparatus comprising:a. an inlet adapted to supply a hydrocarbon feed stream;b. a plurality of conduits arranged inside the coke drum, the plurality of conduits being arranged along a vertical height of the coker drum, each of the plurality of the conduits being provided with an injection nozzle for supplying additives inside the coker drum and i. supplying the additive through one or more of the injection nozzles placed within a first predetermined distance in a first direction along a vapour liquid interphase of the hydrocarbon feed stream; and', 'ii. discontinuing supply of the additive from a particular injection nozzle when a distance in a first direction between the injection nozzle and the vapour liquid interphase is less than or equal to a second predetermined distance., 'c. an injection control system adapted for2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the injection control system is further adapted to introduce steam into the coker drum via injection nozzles located at a distance greater than ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158967A1

Systems and methods are provided for pretreatment and upgrading of crude bio oils for further processing and/or use as fuel products. Crude bio oils can be treated by one or more of flash fractionation and thermal cracking to generate fractions suitable for further processing, such as further hydroprocessing. Blending of crude bio oil fractions with mineral feeds can also be used to reduce metals contents to levels suitable for refinery processing. 1. A method for upgrading a crude bio oil fraction , comprising:thermally cracking a feedstock comprising a first crude bio oil fraction, the first crude bio oil fraction having a metals content of at least about 500 wppm and a T95 boiling point of about 600° C. or less, under effective thermal cracking conditions comprising a temperature of about 300° C. to about 500° C. and a pressure of about 50 kPaa to about 1000 kPaa, to form at least a liquid product and coke product, the coke product comprising metals in an amount of at least about 80 wt % of the metals content of the crude bio oil, phosphorus in an amount of at least about 80 wt % of a phosphorus content of the crude bio oil, or a combination thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:fractionating a second crude bio oil fraction to form a fraction having a T5 boiling point of about 280° C. to about 360° C., the first crude bio oil fraction comprising at least a portion of the fraction having a T5 boiling point of about 280° C. to about 360° C.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:hydroprocessing at least a portion of the liquid product under effective hydrotreating conditions to form a hydroprocessed liquid product.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein hydroprocessing at least a portion of the liquid product further comprises hydroprocessing a first mineral feed with the at least a portion of the liquid product claim 3 , the at least a portion of the liquid product comprising at least about 5 wt % of a combined weight of the at least a portion of ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148960A1
Автор: Harandi Mohsen N.

Systems and methods are provided for using an oxygen-containing gas as at least part of the stripping gas for the stripping zone or section in a fluidized coker. By using an oxygen-containing gas as the stripping gas, heat can be added to the stripping zone selectively based on combustion of coke and/or hydrocarbons with the oxygen in the stripping gas. This can allow the temperature of the stripping zone to be increased relative to the temperature of the coking zone of a fluidized coking system. The flow of oxygen can be controlled to achieve a desirable temperature in the stripper while the reactor temperature is independently set by preheating of the feed and/or hot coke circulation to the reaction zone. 1. A method for performing fluidized coking , comprising:exposing a feedstock comprising a T10 distillation point of 343° C. or more to a first portion of a fluidized bed comprising solid particles in a coking zone of a reactor under thermal cracking conditions to form a 343° C. liquid product, the thermal cracking conditions being effective for depositing coke on the solid particles;introducing an oxygen-containing stream into a stripping zone of the reactor, the stripping zone comprising a second portion of the fluidized bed, under stripping conditions to oxidize at least a first portion of the deposited coke, a stripping temperature of the stripping conditions being greater than a cracking temperature of the thermal cracking conditions;passing at least a portion of the solid particles comprising deposited coke from the reactor to at least one of a gasifier and a burner;{'sub': '2', 'exposing the at least a portion of the solid particles comprising deposited coke to oxidation conditions in the at least one of a gasifier and a burner to form partially oxidized solid particles and a gas phase product comprising CO and CO;'}removing at least a first portion of the partially oxidized solid particles from the at least one of a gasifier and a burner; andpassing at ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Process for Depolymerizing Coal to Co-Produce Pitch and Naphthalene

Номер: US20160168474A1

A method of depolymerizing coal includes preparing a high temperature depolymerizing medium consisting of heavy hydrocarbon oils and mixing it with coal to form a mixture, performing an optional first distillation at a temperature below 250° C. to recover naphthalene, heating the mixture to a temperature between 350° C. and 450° C. to create a digested coal, centrifuging the digested coal to remove ash and obtain a centrate, and distillation of the centrate into separate fractions. The high temperature depolymerizing medium may be a heavy hydrocarbon with a hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratio higher than 7.0% and may include liquids chosen from the group consisting of: coal tar distillate, decant oil, anthracene oil, and heavy aromatic oils. The high temperature depolymerizing medium may be blended with an oil, preferably with H/C ratio higher than 10.0%, such as soybean oil, other biomass derived oil, lignin, petroleum oil, pyrolysis oil such that the overall hydrogen-to-carbon mass ratio in a digestion reactor is over 7.0% for the mixture of depolymerizing medium and coal. The depolymerized coal is an aromatic liquid that can itself be, either wholly or in part, a depolymerizing medium so that the process can be repeated. 1. A method of depolymerizing coal , comprising:preparing a high temperature depolymerizing medium consisting of heavy hydrocarbon oils and mixing it with coal to form a mixture;performing a first distillation at a temperature below 250° C. equivalent atmospheric pressure to recover naphthalene;heating the mixture to a temperature between 350° C. and 450° C. for a period of at least one minute to create a digested coal slurry;optionally centrifuging the slurry to produce a centrate liquid with ash content less than 0.5% by mass; andoptionally distilling the centrate liquid to produce a pitch residue with hydrogen content between 4.0% and 5.0%, and optimally with a softening temperature of about 110° C. and ash level less than 0.5% by mass.2. The ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220305398A1

The present invention utilizes mechanical vapor compression and/or thermal vapor compression integrating compression loops across multiple process stages. A sequential network of compressors is utilized to increase the pressure and condensing temperature of the vapors within each process stage, as intra-vapor flow, and branching between process stages, as inter-vapor flow. Because the vapors available are shared among and between compressor stages, the number of compressors can be reduced, improving economics. Balancing vapor mass flow through incremental compressor stages which traverse multiple process stages by splitting vapors between compressor stages enables the overall vapor-compression system to be tailored to individual process energy requirements and to accommodate dynamic fluctuations in process conditions. 1. A multiple-stage , energy-integrated system comprising:(a) a plurality of process sub-systems collectively configured for continuously or semi-continuously converting a feedstock into one or more products, wherein said plurality of process sub-systems is configured to utilize vapor-liquid phase changes; and(b) a vapor-compression sub-system, wherein said vapor-compression sub-system includes at least a first vapor compressor and a second vapor compressor, wherein said first vapor compressor is a mechanical vapor compressor or a thermal vapor compressor, and wherein said second vapor compressor is a mechanical vapor compressor or a thermal vapor compressor,wherein said first and second vapor compressors are sequentially arranged and configured to increase pressure and condensing temperature of first vapors within a first process sub-system and second vapors within a second process sub-system that is physically separated from, but in flow communication with, said first process sub-system;wherein said first vapor compressor is in flow communication with said second process sub-system, or a third process sub-system, via a first compressed-vapor line, ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Supercritical water upgrading process to produce high grade coke

Номер: US20170166819A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Embodiments of a process for producing high grade coke from crude oil residue include at least partially separating, in a solvent extraction unit, the crude oil residue into a deasphalted oil (DAO)-containing stream and an asphaltene containing-stream, producing a pressurized, heated DAO-containing stream, where the pressurized, heated DAO-containing stream, mixing a supercritical water stream with the pressurized, heated DAO-containing stream to create a combined feed stream, introducing the combined feed stream to an upgrading reactor system operating at supercritical temperature and pressure to yield one or more upgrading reactor output streams comprising upgraded product and a slurry mixture, where the slurry mixture comprises sulfur and one or more additional metals. The process also may include calcining the slurry mixture at a temperature of from 700° C. to 1900° C. to produce a product stream comprising the high grade coke.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161681A1

A furnace system includes at least one lower radiant section having a first firebox disposed therein and at least one upper radiant section disposed above the at least one lower radiant section. The at least one upper radiant section has a second firebox disposed therein. The furnace system further includes at least one convection section disposed above the at least one upper radiant section and an exhaust corridor defined by the first firebox, the second firebox, and the at least one convection section. Arrangement of the at least one upper radiant section above the at least one lower radiant section reduces an area required for construction of the furnace system. 1. A furnace system comprising:at least one lower radiant section comprising a first firebox disposed therein;at least one upper radiant section disposed above the at least one lower radiant section, the at least one upper radiant section comprising a second firebox disposed therein, the at least one upper radiant section and the at least one lower radiant section being controlled independently from each other;at least one convection section disposed above the at least one upper radiant section; andan exhaust corridor defined by the first firebox, the second firebox, and the at least one convection section.2. The furnace system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one convection section is offset from the at least one upper radiant section and the at least one lower radiant section.3. The furnace system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one convection section comprises a convection inlet and a convection outlet.4. The furnace system of claim 3 , wherein the convection inlet receives a residual oil feed.5. The furnace system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one lower radiant section comprises a first radiant inlet and a first radiant outlet.6. The furnace system of claim 5 , wherein the at least one upper radiant section comprises a second radiant inlet and a second radiant outlet.7. The furnace system of ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251783A1

A fluid coking unit for converting a heavy oil feed to lower boiling products by thermal has a centrally-apertured annular baffle at the top of the stripping zone below the coking zone to inhibit recirculation of solid particles from the stripping zone to the coking zone. By inhibiting recirculation of the particles from the stripping zone to the coking zone, the temperatures of the two zones are effectively decoupled, enabling the coking zone to be run at a lower temperature than the stripping zone to increase the yield of liquid products.

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161684A1

A process for converting a heavy hydrocarbonaceous feedstock to liquid products is provided comprising introducing the hydrocarbonaceous feedstock into a fluid coker comprised in part of a fluidized bed of heated coke particles, the fluidized bed having a high velocity core region of heated coke particles and a low velocity annular region of unreacted hydrocarbon and coke particles using a plurality of high thrust nozzles and reacting the hydrocarbonaceous feedstock with the heated coke particles in the fluid coker to produce the liquid products. 2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , whereby the high thrust nozzles have a spray angle of about 3°-160° and a nozzle diameter between about 0.2″ and 0.8″.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the high thrust nozzle comprises a diverging section at the tip of the nozzle.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the high thrust nozzle comprises a converging section followed by a diverging section at the tip of the nozzle. This invention relates to a fluid coking process for converting a heavy hydrocarbonaceous feedstock to liquid products which uses high thrust feed nozzles for injecting feedstock into the circulating fluidized bed of heated coke particles.Fluidized bed coking (fluid coking) is a petroleum refining process in which heavy petroleum feeds, typically the non-distillable residue (resid) from fractionation or heavy oils are converted to lighter, more useful products by thermal decomposition (coking) at elevated reaction temperatures, typically about 480 to 590° C., (about 900 to 1100° F.) and in most cases from 500 to 550° C. (about 930 to 1020° F.). Heavy oils that may be processed by the fluid coking process include heavy atmospheric resids, vacuum resids, aromatic extracts, asphalts, and bitumen from oil sands.The process is carried out in a unit with a large reactor vessel containing hot coke particles that are maintained in the fluidized condition at the required reaction temperature with a ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Process for catalytic cracking of naphtha using radial flow moving bed reactor system

Номер: US20200157435A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A method of catalytically cracking liquid hydrocarbons is disclosed. The method includes the use of one or more radial flow moving bed reactors. The method may include mixing a liquid hydrocarbon stream comprising primarily C5 and C6 hydrocarbons with water or a dry gas to form a feed mixture and flowing the feed mixture into the one or more radial flow moving bed reactors in a manner so that the feed mixture flows radially inward or radially outward through the moving catalyst bed and thereby contacts the catalyst particles under reaction conditions to produce a hydrocarbon stream comprising light olefins (C2 to C4 olefins).

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157440A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

An integrated system is provided for producing deasphalted oil, high quality petroleum green coke and liquid coker products. An enhanced solvent deasphalting system, is used to treat the feedstock to reduce the level of asphaltenes, N, S and metal contaminants and produce a deasphalted oil with reduced contaminants. A coking system is integrated to produce liquid and gas coking unit products, and petroleum green coke. 120.-. (canceled)21. An integrated system that is located within the battery limits of a refinery for conversion of a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock containing asphaltenes , sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing polynuclear aromatic molecules comprising:a mixing vessel in fluid communication with a source of heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, a source of paraffinic solvent, and a source of solid adsorbent material, and having an outlet for discharging a mixture of heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, paraffinic solvent, and adsorbent material;a first separation vessel in fluid communication with the mixing vessel outlet for discharging a mixture, and having an outlet for discharging a liquid phase comprising deasphalted oil and paraffinic solvent and an outlet for discharging a solid phase containing asphaltenes and adsorbent material;a filtration vessel in fluid communication with the first separation vessel outlet for discharging the solid phase and in fluid communication with a source of aromatic or polar solvent stream, and having an outlet for discharging a solvent and asphalt mixture and an outlet for discharging asphalt;a second separation vessel in fluid communication with the first separation vessel outlet for discharging a liquid phase, and having an outlet for discharging paraffinic solvent, and an outlet for discharging deasphalted oil; anda coking unit in fluid communication with the second separation vessel outlet for discharging deasphalted oil, having an outlet for discharging liquid and gas coking products and having an apparatus for removing coke. ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184080A1
Автор: Barker Craig T.

Methods for defoaming in hydrocarbon processes include the steps of providing a defoaming agent, and introducing the agent into a hydrocarbon process to inhibit or control foaming in the hydrocarbon process. These methods may be particularly useful in coking processes, especially as to foaming in coke drums. In certain embodiments, defoaming agents may comprise a plurality of carbon nanoparticles. In some embodiments, drag reducing agents may comprise high-molecular weight alkanes. Advantages include, but are not limited to, more efficient and effective foam inhibition, reduced or eliminated product contamination, reduced or eliminated catalyst poisoning, increased refinery production rate, debottlenecking the coker, and reduced cost and consequences of applying too much antifoam. 1. A method for defoaming in a coking process comprising the steps of:providing a defoaming agent wherein the defoaming agent comprises a plurality of carbon nanoparticles;introducing the defoaming agent into the coking process;detecting a presence of foaming in one or more coke drums using a level indicator; andintroducing an effective amount of the defoaming agent into the coking process wherein the effective amount is determined as comprising an amount of carbon nanoparticles required to substantially inhibit foaming in the one or more coke drums.2. The method of further comprising the steps of:providing a carrier fluid within which the defoaming agent is dissolved or dispersed to form a liquid defoaming agent; andintroducing the liquid defoaming agent into the coking process.3. The method of wherein the carrier fluid comprises at least one of kerosene claim 2 , light coker gas oil claim 2 , heavy coker gas oil claim 2 , light cycle oil and gasoline.4. The method of wherein the carrier fluid is a hydrocarbon having a boiling point less than about 1 claim 2 ,000° F.5. The method of wherein the defoaming agent is introduced into a feed to one or more coke drums to control foaming in the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177621A1

Systems and process are provided for refining off-gases that are produced by a carbonizer with a controlled heated column. The controlled heated column performs hydro-carbon recycling, and acts as a cracking tower that takes the carbonizer off-gas as a feedstock and distills the off-gases into constituent parts under pressure and temperature conditions where the feedstock evaporates and condenses into a fractional column of distillates. The carbonizer uses anaerobic thermal transformation processing to convert waste into bio-gas; bio-oil; carbonized materials; non-organic ash, distillates, and varied further co-products. The carbonaceous waste is transformed into useful co-products that are re-introduced into the stream of commerce at various economically advantageous points including carbon, carbon-based inks and dyes, activated carbon, aerogels, bio-coke, and bio-char, as well as generate electricity, produce adjuncts for natural gas, and/or various aromatic oils, phenols, and liquids, all depending upon the input materials and parameters 1. A system for treating waste , the system comprising:a controlled heated column with a series of temperature zones;a carbonizer in fluid communication with said controlled heated column, where said carbonizer anaerobically thermally converts the waste and resultant hot gases produced from said carbonizer and are supplied to said controlled heated column; andone or more outputs that correspond to the series of temperature zones that supply distillates obtained from the supplied hot gases.2. The system of wherein the waste feed stock includes at least one of municipal solid waste claim 1 , infectious medical waste claim 1 , or bitumen that optionally contains non-reactive inorganics.3. The system of wherein said carbonizer employs anaerobic thermal transformation processing to treat the waste feed stock.4. The system of wherein said carbonizer utilizes a thermo-chemical reactor claim 1 , where said thermos-chemical reactor is one ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200172812A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

The invention relates to processes for producing anode grade coke from whole crude oil. The invention is accomplished by first deasphalting a feedstock, followed by processing resulting DAO and asphalt fractions. The DAO fraction is hydrotreated or hydrocracked, resulting in removal of sulfur and hydrocarbons, which boil at temperatures over 370° C., and gasifying the asphalt portion in one embodiment. This embodiment includes subjecting hydrotreated and/or unconverted DAO fractions to delayed coking. In an alternate embodiment, rather than gasifying the asphalt portion, it is subjected to delayed coking in a separate reaction chamber. Any coke produced via delayed coking can be gasified. 1. A method for producing anode grade coke , comprising:(i) solvent deasphalting a hydrocarbon feedstock to produce an asphalt fraction and a deasphalted oil (DAO) fraction, in a first reaction chamber;(ii) processing said DAO fraction and asphalt fraction in separate, second, third, and fourth reaction chambers;(iii) hydrocracking said DAO fraction in said second reaction chamber to remove sulfur and nitrogen therefrom and to distill any hydrocarbons contained in said DAO which have a boiling point over 370° C. wherein said second reaction chamber is a fixed bed, ebullated bed, or slurry bed chamber;(iv) subjecting any hydrotreated or unconverted DAO fraction to delayed coking in a third chamber, and(v) gasifying said asphalt fraction via combining it with oxygen and steam, in said fourth reaction chamber, to produce hydrogen therefrom.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising gasifying any coke produced in step (iv).3. The method of claim 1 , comprising introducing any hydrogen produced in said third reaction chamber into said second reaction chamber.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said hydrocarbon feedstock is crude oil and said solvent deasphalting comprises mixing said crude oil with a paraffinic solvent containing C-Ccarbon atoms claim 1 , at a temperature and a ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Carbon products derived from lignin/carbon residue

Номер: US20160200579A1
Принадлежит: Graftech International Holdings Inc

A precursor having at least five percent of lignin based coke and d002 spacing of more than 3.36 angstroms and less 3.44 for making graphite. Methods for making a green/graphite article include mixing coke derived from a petroleum product, a coal product or a bitumen product with coke derived from lignin. Alternatively, the precursor material for the various types of coke may be mixed and coked together. The mixture may be formed into a desired shape. The article may be subsequently carbonized and graphitized. The amount of lignin derived coke comprises a sufficient quantity to change at least a selected property of the graphite article.

27-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190194549A1
Автор: DuBois Walter E.

The present invention relates to a system and a process for converting heavy oils into light hydrocarbon products and electric power. The system comprises a CFB reactor for thermal cracking of heavy oils to generate light hydrocarbon products, coupled with a CFB boiler power plant for converting coke particles produced in the CFB reactor into flue gas and then producing steam for generation of electric power. The system and process of the present invention efficiently produces valuable products from heavy oils (electric power and a full range of hydrocarbon products ranging from Heavy Coker Gas Oil to refinery fuel gas) with negligible coke production and minimal or no generation of low heating value gas. 1. A system for converting a heavy oil feed to light hydrocarbons and electric power , comprising: a coking zone containing a fluidized bed of solid particles, into which the heavy oil feed is introduced and subjected to thermal cracking to form light hydrocarbon vapors and coke particles with hydrocarbons adhered thereto;', 'a scrubbing zone, located above the coking zone, for scrubbing the light hydrocarbon vapors; and', 'a stripping zone, located at the bottom of the coking zone, for stripping at least a portion of hydrocarbons adhered to the coke particles to form stripped coke particles;, 'a reactor comprisinga furnace connected to the stripping zone for receiving at least a portion of the stripped coke particles, in which the stripped coke particles are combusted to form a stream comprised of flue gas and coke fines;at least one fines separator connected to the furnace for receiving at least a portion of the stream formed in the furnace and separating the coke fines from the flue gas;at least one heat-exchange means for exchanging the heat of the separated flue gas with water and/or steam to form heated steam for generation of electric power.2. The system of further comprising a conduit for recycling at least a portion of the coke fines from the furnace to ...
