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10-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2221155C2

Установка относится к выработке энергии в комбинированном цикле. Остаток от перегонки нефти под атмосферным давлением, полученный путем перегонки подаваемой нефти в устройстве для перегонки под атмосферным давлением, подвергается перегонке под вакуумом в заранее заданных условиях в устройстве для перегонки под вакуумом, чтобы посредством этого разделить его на легкое вещество и остаток от перегонки нефти под вакуумом. Легкое вещество подается как топливо в газовую турбину. Остаток от перегонки нефти под вакуумом подается как топливо в котел паротурбинной генерирующей секции вместе с высокотемпературным отработавшим газом, выходящим из газовой турбины так, чтобы паровую турбину можно было привести в действие паром, выработанным в котле, чтобы посредством этого дать возможность осуществить выработку энергии в паротурбинной генерирующей секции. Остаток от перегонки нефти под атмосферным давлением может быть использован как топливо для газовой турбины и котла так, чтобы эффективность выработки ...

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2267516C2
Принадлежит: ЮОП ЛЛК (US)

Изобретение относится к способу адсорбционного разделения для получения раздельных потоков исходного сырья, загружаемых в установку парового крекинга для получения этилена. Способ включает пропускание потока исходного сырья технологического процесса, содержащего С5-С9 углеводороды, в том числе С5-С9 нормальные парафины, в первую зону фракционирования и разделение углеводородов, поступающих в первую зону фракционирования, на первый поток технологического процесса, обогащенный С5 парафинами, и второй поток технологического процесса, содержащий С6-С9 углеводороды. Второй поток технологического процесса подают в зону адсорбции зоны адсорбционного разделения и селективно удерживают нормальные парафины на адсорбенте, расположенном в зоне адсорбции, с получением потока рафината, содержащего С6-С9 углеводороды, имеющие нелинейное строение, и C5 парафины. Первый поток подают в зону десорбции в зоне адсорбционного разделения в виде, по меньшей мере, части потока десорбирующего агента и удаляют нормальные ...

20-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661875C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к интеграции вакуумной перегонки и деасфальтизации растворителем для повышения производства топлив. Описан способ возврата на переработку неконвертированной нефти, получаемой на выходе установки гидрокрекинга, включающий: подачу атмосферных остатков, представляющих собой остатки из установки перегонки, в установку вакуумной перегонки при 370-520°C; получение вакуумных остатков, представляющих собой углеводороды, точки кипения которых превышают диапазон точек кипения газойля, получаемых на выходе установки вакуумной перегонки; подачу вакуумных остатков в установку деасфальтизации растворителем и получение деасфальтированных углеводородных продуктов; подачу деасфальтированных углеводородных продуктов в установку гидрокрекинга для получения неконвертированной нефти и углеводородных продуктов; подачу неконвертированной нефти в вакуумный фракционирующий испаритель и получение вакуумного дистиллята и нижней фракции вакуумного дистиллята; и подачу нижней фракции ...

15-12-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2024586C1

Сущность изобретения: способ переработки тяжелого асфальтенсодержащего углеводородного сырья, содержащего 72 - 95 мас.% фракций, выкипающего при 520°С (конец кипения), включает его предварительный подогрев, термический крекинг до конверсии, равной 38 - 61 мас.%, разделение полученного продукта с выделением дистиллятных и остаточной фракций и ее последующую деасфальтизацию с получением асфальта и деасфальтированного продукта. Термокрекинг ведут при 410 - 520°С, давлении 1 - 90 атм. Деасфальтизацию ведут в растворе C3-C8 парафинового углеводорода. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

27-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96120600A

... 1. Способ деметаллизации сырой нефти в процессе ее переработки и устройство для его осуществления, включающий атмосферную дистилляцию и термический крекинг сырой нефти, например, радиационнно-термический, отличающийся тем, что остаток после термического крекинга, представляющий собой несущую жидкую среду с температурой 400±20oC, с равновмерноразмещенными в ней твердыми мелкодисперсными частицами металлов или их оксидов (окислов), направляют в герметичную, теплоизолированную емкость, контролируют и управляют процессом заполнения емкости, воздействуют на несущую среду в процессе заполнения и отстоя гидроакустическим волновым полем, и используют среду как рабочее тело (агент) в гидроакустическом излучателе, вызывают волновыми эффектами процесс расслоения, локализации и осадкообразования мелкодисперсных частиц в поле сил гравитации, контролируют и управляют процессом осадкообразования и параметрами волнового поля, удаляют раздельно из емкости несущую среду и осажденные частицы, прокаливают ...

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006104102A

... 1. Реакторно-регенерационный блок установки для переработки газообразных углеводородов, содержащий последовательно соединенные реактор, дозатор, снабженный патрубками для ввода и вывода твердой дисперсной фазы, регенератор с патрубком для ввода твердой дисперсной фазы и патрубком ввода горючей газо-воздушной смеси и сепаратор с патрубком вывода продуктов сгорания и патрубком вывода регенерированной твердой дисперсной фазы, отличающийся тем, что регенератор выполнен в виде пневмоствола, а патрубок вывода регенерированной твердой дисперсной фазы соединен с реактором. 2. Реакторно-регенерационный блок установки для переработки газообразных углеводородов по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пневмоствол выполнен в виде пустотелой трубы.

07-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663622C1

Изобретение относится к термическому крекингу углеводородных смесей, таких как неотбензиненные сырые нефти или другие углеводородные смеси, для получения олефинов. Описан способ термического крекинга углеводородной смеси для получения олефинов, включающий в себя: нагревание углеводородной смеси в нагревателе для испарения части углеводородов в углеводородной смеси и образования нагретой углеводородной смеси; разделение нагретой углеводородной смеси в первом сепараторе на первую паровую фракцию и первую жидкую фракцию; нагревание первой жидкой фракции в конвекционной зоне реактора пиролиза для испарения части углеводородов в первой жидкой фракции и образования второй нагретой углеводородной смеси; разделение второй нагретой углеводородной смеси во втором сепараторе на вторую паровую фракцию и вторую жидкую фракцию; смешивание водяного пара с первой паровой фракцией, перегрев полученной в результате смеси в конвекционной зоне и подачу перегретой смеси в первый радиантный змеевик в радиантной ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren und Anlage zur Gewinnung von Rohölprodukten

Номер: DE102014006326A1

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Rohölprodukten vorgeschlagen, bei dem aus einem Rohölstrom (b) durch Verdampfen (2) ein gasförmiger Strom (d) gebildet und der gasförmige Strom (d) zumindest zum Teil einem Dampfspaltverfahren (1) unterworfen wird, wobei in dem Dampfspaltverfahren (1) ein Spaltgasstrom (e) erzeugt wird, der zumindest zum Teil unter Erhalt eines Quenchabstroms (g) mit einem flüssigen Kohlenwasserstoffstrom (f) gequencht wird. Es ist dabei vorgesehen, einen bei dem Verdampfen (2) des Rohölstroms (b) flüssig verbleibenden Anteil (f) des Rohölstroms (b) zumindest zum Teil zur Bildung des zum Quenchen verwendeten flüssigen Kohlenwasserstoffstroms (f) zu verwenden. Eine zur Durchführung des Verfahrens eingerichtete Anlage (100) ist ebenfalls Gegenstand der Erfindung.

21-05-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002834475C2

29-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060127855T2
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

27-02-2002 дата публикации

Purifying hydrocarbons

Номер: GB0002365874A

A process for purifying a hydrocarbon is characterised by removing mercury by contact at over 90C with a solid sorbent comprising sulfided metal. The active material of the sorbent is based on at least one transition metal from groups IB, IIIA to VIIA and VIII of the Periodic Table quoted in the European Patents Handbook Part I Chapter 6.16.4 (1983). The process may be operated operated in conjunction with one or more of:
```arsenic removal by contacting with lead oxide 20-30% (as PbO) on alumina.;
```purification at 10-50C by contact with copper oxide/zinc oxide or with activated
```carbon, which may contain sulfur; and
```drying to a water dew-point under 4C. In an important application the hydrocarbon feedstock is raw or partly purified natural gas and the process is operated in combination with the stages of pre-cut, debutanisation and condensate splitting.

08-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001592730A

13-12-2004 дата публикации

Deep conversion combining the demetallization and the conversion of crudes, residues or heavy oils into light liquids with pure or impure oxygenated compounds.

Номер: AP0000001341A

A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons that are solid or have a high boiling temperature and may be laden with metals, sulfur or sediments, into liquids (gasolines, gas oil, fuels) with the help of a jet of gas properly superheated betwwen 600 and 800c. The process comprises preheating a feed (5) in a heater (8) to a temperature below the selected temperature of a reactor (10). This feed injected by injectors (4) into the empty reactor (10) (i.e. without catalyst.) the feed is treated with a jet of gas or superheated steam from superheater (2) to activate the feed. The activated products in the feed are well allowed to stabilize at the selected temperature and at a selected pressure in the reactor and are then run through a series of extractors (13) to separate heavy and light hydrocarbons and to demetallize the feed. Useful products appearing in the form of water/hydrocarbon emulsions are generally demulsified in emulsion breaker (16) to form water laden with different impurities ...

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008830A0

31-01-1984 дата публикации

Process of obtaining the synthetic oil crude.

Номер: OA0000007085A

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508830A0

31-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508830D0

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000359346T

15-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000272696T

03-04-1974 дата публикации

Номер: AU0000447472B2

14-05-2001 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for processing heavy hydrocarbon feeds

Номер: AU0001246601A

28-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001213238A1

01-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002324557A1

Apparatus for processing a heavy hydrocarbon feed, in accordance with the present invention, includes firstly a heater for heating the heavy hydrocarbon feed. The heated, heavy hydrocarbon feed produced is fed to an atmospheric fractionating tower for fractionating the heated heavy hydrocarbon feed fed to the inlet of the atmospheric fractionating tower producing light atmospheric fractions and atmospheric bottoms. In addition, the apparatus includes a vacuum fractionating tower for fractionating heated atmospheric bottoms heated by a further heater and producing lighter vacuum fractions and vacuum residue. Furthermore, the apparatus includes a solvent deasphalting (SDA) unit for producing deasphalted oil (DAO) and asphaltenes from the vacuum residue as well as a thermal cracker for thermally cracking the deasphalted oil and producing a thermally cracked product which is recycled to the inlet of said atmospheric fractionating tower. Moreover, the apparatus includes a further thermal cracker ...

09-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002688523C

A method for thermally cracking a hydrocarbonaceous feed (2) wherein the feed is first processed in an atmospheric thermal distillation step (31) to form a light gasoline (35) and atmospheric residuum (37) mixture (2). The light.gasoline/residuum combination is gasified at least. in part in a vaporization step (11), and the gasified product (25) of, the vaporization step is thermally cracked (1).

06-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002683943C

A method for thermally cracking a hydrocarbonaceous feed wherein the feed is first gasified in a vaporization unit. A significant component of the feed is residua from the atmospheric thermal distillation of crude oil.

29-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001279598C

K 9729FF PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF BITUMEN Process for the preparation of bitumen in which a residual fraction of a thermally cracked hydrocarbon feedstock is distilled under subatmospheric pressure at a maximum distillation temperature that corresponds with the boiling point at the subatmospheric pressure of hydrocarbons having an atmospheric boiling point of 455-540.degree.C and at least a part of the distillation residue is recovered as bitumen.

01-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1142117A

K 5417 "Process for the preparation of gas oil". Thermal tar obtained in a thermal gas oil unit is flashed and/or deasphalted and the flashed destillate and/or the deasphalted oil, optionally in combination with related fractions from the visbroken tar, are applied as feed for a cat cracker or hydrocracker. Purpose: production of distillates, particularly gas oils.

24-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1198390A

A process for producing additional liquid products from a heavy hydrocarbon material by vis-breaking of a separated asphaltene-containing fraction under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure. The asphaltenecontaining fraction is obtained by contacting the heavy hydrocarbon material with a first solvent under elevated temperature and pressure conditions to separate the asphaltenes as a heavy phase from the remainder of the heavy hydrocarbon material. The products of the vis-breaking operation comprise distillable and substantially nondistillable liquid products in association with a residue including organometallic compounds. The distillable and substantially nondistillable liquid products then are separated from the residue. The distillable products can be separated by distillation. The nondistillable products are separated from the residue employing a second solvent maintained under elevated temperature and pressure conditions and then recovered as a liquid phase product.

22-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1114764A

TREATMENT OF PYROLYSIS FUEL OIL A pyrolysis fuel oil (black oil) is contacted with a promoter liquid having a 5 volume percent distillation temperature of at least 250.degree.F and a 95 volume percent distillation temperature of at least 350.degree.F and no greater than about 750.degree.F, with the liquid having a characterization factor of at least 9.75 to promote the separation of quinoline insolubles and asphaltenes from the fuel oil. A fraction free of quinoline insolubles and having a reduced content of asphaltenes may be subjected to coking to produce a needle coke, or employed directly for the production of carbon black. -i- ...

30-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002325725A1

A method is described for making a high purity coke fuel or anode grade coke from a heavy petroleum residuum by contacting a molten anhydrous alkali metal hydroxide with the heavy petroleum residuum at a temperature and for a time sufficient to extract substantially all sulfur and heavy metals contained in the petroleum residuum to the alkali metal hydroxide and recovering the coke product.

20-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001178231A1

15-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3008527C

The oily mixture is received and frozen to generate frozen oily mixture. The frozen oily mixture is broken into pieces. The pieces are dehydrated in a first heating process to generate dehydrated pieces. The dehydrated pieces are cracked in a second heating process.

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3085045A1

A system and process for refining crude oil to produce higher-purity, cleaner-burning designer fuels with reduced emissions. The crude oil may be treated with viscosity-reductant additives, which reduces viscosity by up to 50% and increases API gravity by more than 2 points. The method of spray-cracking and vacuum-flashing of crude oil separates light end chains and heavy end chains inside the reactor. The vapor is condensed into designer fuels like bunker, diesel, jet/kerosene fuel, naphtha and gasoline fuel using multi-stage horizontal reverse condensate-condenser. The GVF centrifuges are configured to separate targeted fuels of desired density value as per their ideal fuel densities, which carry out centrifugal polishing to generate targeted fuel products of desired density and hydrocarbon molecules of desired purity values. These designer fuels are further treated with desulfurization additive. A method for automating daily selection of designer fuels and chemical-rich residuum from ...

26-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002346181C

A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons that are solid or have a high boiling temperature and may be laden with metals, sulfur or sediments, into liquids (gasolines, gas oil, fuels) with the help of a jet of gas properly superheated between 600 and 800.degree.C. The process comprises preheating a feed (5) in a heater (8) to a temperature below the selected temperature of a reactor (10). This feed is injected by injectors (4) into the empty reactor (10) (i.e., without catalyst.) The feed is treated with a jet of gas or superheated steam from superheater (2) to activate the feed. The activated products in the feed are allowed to stabilize at the selected temperature and at a selected pressure in the reactor and are then run through a series of extractors (13) to separate heavy and light hydrocarbons and to demetallize the feed. Useful products appearing in the form of water/hydrocarbon emulsions are generally demulsified in emulsion breaker (16) to form water laden with different impurities ...

24-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002624746C

The present invention is directed to the upgrading of heavy petroleum oils of high viscosity and low API gravity that are typically not suitable for pipelining without the use of diluents. The method comprises introducing a particulate heat carrier into an up-flow reactor, introducing the feedstock at a location above the entry of the particulate heat carrier, allowing the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock to interact with the heat carrier for a short time, separating the vapors of the product stream from the particulate heat carrier and liquid and byproduct solid matter, collecting a gaseous and liquid product mixture comprising a mixture of a light fraction and a heavy fraction from the product stream, and using a vacuum tower to separate the light fraction as a substantially bottomless product and the heavy fraction from the product mixture.

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002907885A1
Принадлежит: ADE & COMPANY INC.

There is disclosed a system and method for processing diesel fuel from petroleum-based waste oil on a small scale compared to conventional methods for re-refining waste oil to a valuable product. In an embodiment, the method comprises dehydrating waste oil to remove water from the waste oil, and operating a vertical cylindrical reactor to induce pyrolysis of the dehydrated waste oil and convert it into a hydrocarbon vapour phase. The hydrocarbon vapour derived from pyrolysis is condensed and distilled using a distillation tower to produce diesel fuel, heavy liquid hydrocarbon, light liquid hydrocarbon and light hydrocarbon vapour. A filtering step cleans the processed diesel fuel to obtain a clean diesel fuel product.

18-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002952068A1

The present invention relates to decreasing the amount of diluent needed to convert a heavy oil to a bitumen product that can be transported by pipeline. More specifically, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for partially upgrading heavy oil into a lower viscosity bitumen product.

24-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002702395C
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

Methods (10, 110, 210) of hydrocracking hydrocarbon streams (12, 112, 212) are provided that employ substantially liquid-phase continuous hydroprocessing conditions. In one aspect, the method includes a separate hydrotreating and hydrocracking system where the hydrocracking zone (24) is a substantially liquid-phase continuous system. In another aspect, the method includes a two stage hydrocracking system where one or both of the hydrocracking zones (113, 124) (213, 224) are a substantially liquid-phase continuous reaction system.

23-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002244598C

A hydrocarbon source feed is upgraded using a solvent deasphalting (SDA) unit employing a solvent having a critical temperature T c by initially separating from a first hydrocarbon input stream fractions with an atmospheric equivalent boiling temperature less than about T f .degree. F. for producing a stream of T f- fractions and a residue stream (T f+ stream), where T f is greater than about T c - 50 .degree. F. In the SDA unit, a second hydrocarbon input stream which includes the residue stream is deasphalted for producing a first product stream of substantially solvent-free asphaltenes, and a second product stream containing substantially solvent-free deasphalted oil (DAO). The source feed may be included in either the first or second input streams. The DAO in the second product stream is thermally cracked for producing an output stream that includes thermally cracked fractions and by-product asphaltenes produced by thermally cracking the DAO. Finally, at least some the said thermally ...

19-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000038171B1

Интегрированные способы гидроочистки и парового пиролиза в целях прямой переработки сырой нефти для получения олефиновых и ароматических нефтехимических продуктов.

29-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000037443B1

Изобретение относится к способу получения высококачественного исходного материала для процесса парового крекинга, причем вышеупомянутый способ предусматривает следующие этапы: i) получение углеводородного исходного материала; ii) введение в контакт вышеупомянутого углеводородного исходного материала с растворителем в эффективной дозировке для удаления ароматических соединений и нафтенов из вышеупомянутого исходного материала с образованием очищенного исходного материала и одного или нескольких потоков, содержащих ароматические соединения и нафтены; iii) обработку вышеупомянутого очищенного исходного материала в процессе парового крекинга.

25-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000038032B1

Предложен интегрированный способ гидроочистки и парового пиролиза в целях прямой переработки сырой нефти для получения олефиновых и ароматических нефтехимических продуктов в результате разделения сырой нефти на легкие компоненты и тяжелые компоненты.

29-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201690128A1

27-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200001012A2

31-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000030559B1

Изобретение относится к способу получения ароматических соединений и легких олефинов из углеводородного сырья, включающему стадии: (а) сольвентной экстракции углеводородного сырья в установке сольвентной экстракции; (b) выделения из обработанного сольвентной экстракцией углеводородного сырья, полученного на стадии (а), фракции рафината, содержащей парафины, и фракции, содержащей ароматические соединения и нафтены; (с) конверсии указанной фракции, содержащей ароматические соединения и нафтены, в установке гидрокрекинга и разделения на фракцию с высоким содержанием ароматических соединений и поток с высоким содержанием легких парафинов; (d) конверсии указанной фракции рафината в установке парового крекинга в легкие олефины.

22-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200100399A1

Способ конверсии углеводородов, которые являются твердыми, имеют высокую температуру кипения и могут содержать примеси в виде металлов, серы или осадка, в жидкости (бензины, газойль, различные виды топлива) при помощи струи газа, нагретого надлежащим образом до температуры от 600 до 800°C. Способ предусматривает предварительный нагрев сырья 5 в нагревателе 8 до температуры ниже температуры реактора 10, которое затем впрыскивают при помощи инжекторов 4 в пустой (то есть не имеющий катализатора) реактор 10. Сырье подвергают обработке при помощи струи газа или перегретого пара, подаваемого при помощи пароперегревателя 2, обеспечивающей активизацию сырья. Далее производят стабилизацию активизированных продуктов при заданной температуре и заданном давлении в реакторе, а затем пропускают их через ряд экстракторов 13 для проведения разделения тяжелых углеводородов от легких углеводородов и для деметаллизации сырья. Полезные продукты, которые имеют вид эмульсий воды с углеводородом, обычно дезэмульгируют ...

15-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000066875 C2

Спосіб конверсії вуглеводнів, які є твердими або мають високу температуру кипіння і можуть бути навантажені металами, сіркою або осадом, у рідини (бензин, газові масла, палива) з допомогою струменя газу, перенагрітого при температурі від 600 до 800 °С. Спосіб включає попереднє нагрівання сировини 5 у нагрівачі 8 до температури, нижче встановленої у реакторі 10. Цю сировину вприскують з допомогою інжекторів 4 у порожній реактор 10 (тобто без каталізатора). Сировину обробляють струменем газу або перенагрітої пари від пароперенагрівача 2 з метою активації сировини. Активовані продукти у сировині стабілізують при заданій температурі та тиску у реакторі, після чого пропускають через ряд екстракторів 13 для розділення важких і легких вуглеводнів та деметалізації сировини. Корисні продукти у вигляді емульсій типу вода/вуглеводень, як правило, деемульгують в деемульгаторі 16 з одержанням води, що містить різні домішки. Легку фазу, що містить кінцеві вуглеводні, нагрівають у нагрівачі 98 і розділяють ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации

Устройство и способ конвеpсии углеводородов

Номер: GE0000003409B

... 1. Технический результат Улучшение технологии переработки тяжелых и загрязненных примесями углеводородов. 2. Суть Способ предусматривает переработку в жидкость твердых, высококипящих или загрязненных примесями углеводородов при помощи потоков газа с температурой 600-8000С. Поток углеводородов 5 предварительно нагревают в нагревателе 8 до первой температуры, которая меньше температуры в реакторе 10, обрабатывают во втором нагревателе 2 потоком газа, и после этого осуществляют подачу полученной смеси в безкатализаторный реактор 10. Посредством поданного потока газа осуществляют расщепление молекул загруженной массы на такие жидкие углеводороды, которые существенно не содержат газообразных углеводородов и кокс или копоть. 3. Область применения Химическая технология. Пунк.: 5 незав. 37 зав. Фиг.: 10 ...

24-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200001012A3

02-12-2009 дата публикации

Delayed coking process

Номер: CN0101591561A

The invention discloses a delayed coking process, which aims to overcome the defects of serious furnace coking and low liquid product yield and the like for a heating furnace in the prior delayed coking process. The delayed coking process is characterized by comprising the following steps: heating input materials to a temperature of between 360 and 460 DEG C in a convection chamber or the convection chamber and an irradiation chamber of the heating furnace, then putting the input materials into a visbreaking reactor to perform cracking reaction; putting reaction products into the irradiation chamber of the heating furnace, heating the reaction products to a temperature of between 480 and 515 DEG C, and then putting the reaction products into a coking tower; and putting oil gas from the coking tower into a coking fractionating tower to perform fractionating. The delayed coking process can improve the delayed coking liquid product yield, reduce the coke yield, prolong the start working period ...

23-09-2015 дата публикации

A heavy oil contact cracking method and heavy oil contact cracking device

Номер: CN0103773447B

30-09-1987 дата публикации

Diesel fuel production

Номер: CN0087102345A

07-12-2011 дата публикации

Номер: CN0102268289A

07-12-2011 дата публикации

Номер: CN0102268287A

30-01-2013 дата публикации

Delayed coking method

Номер: CN102899076A

The invention discloses a delayed coking method. The method comprises the following steps: heating mixed heavy oil to 360-450DEG C, carrying out viscosity breaking, carrying out gas-liquid separation of viscosity breaking products, allowing the separated oil gas to enter a fractionating tower, heating the separated viscosity breaking heavy oil to 480-515DEG C, allowing the heated viscosity breaking heavy oil to enter a coking tower, coking, allowing the coked high temperature oil gas to enter a cracking fractionating tower, allowing coking high-temperature oil gas fractionation coking products to be discharged from the cracking fractionating tower, allowing parts of coking fractionating bottom oil to be returned to the cracking fractionating tower and the other parts of the coking fractionating bottom oil to enter a vacuum tower, fractionating, and using the fractionated vacuum residuum as a part of the mixed heavy oil. The method improves the properties of heavy coal gas oil, and alleviates ...

29-08-2012 дата публикации

Delayed coking and reduced pressure distillation combined processing method

Номер: CN0101619238B

The invention discloses a delayed coking and reduced pressure distillation combined processing method. The method comprises the following steps that: high-temperature gases produced by the delayed coking device are delivered into a coking fractional distillation column for distillation and a dry point of the wax oil is controlled to ensure the quality of the wax oil; and coking tail oil and normal-pressure residual oil are delivered into a reduced pressure distillation device together to further and deep extract residual coking wax, the residual coking wax and straight run wax oil are discharged out from the device at the same time, and reduced pressure residual oil containing a small amount of coke powder is used as delayed coking feed. The method improves the yield of coking wax oil andensures the quality of the coking wax oil. With the increase of the extraction amount of the coking waxy oil, the amount of coking circulation oil is greatly reduced and the processing capacity of the coking ...

03-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002566795A


05-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002393843A

L'invention concerne un procédé intégré d'oxydation partielle et de craquage thermique pour l'utilisation plus complète des constituants de matières premières à base de pétrole brut Ce procédé consiste à brûler des courants de combustible et d'oxydant en présence de vapeur surchauffée, à injecter une fraction de distillat de pétrole brut, à faire passer le courant après injection dans une zone réactionnelle pour le craquage thermique, à abaisser rapidement la température dudit courant, à éliminer le brai et fractionner à séparer CO2 et H2 S, à séparer les gaz de synthèse, CH4 et de C2 H4 et à recycler des fractions de CH4 comme combustible. Application à la production simultanée de gaz de synthèse et d'un courant riche en oléfine.

27-07-1970 дата публикации


Номер: FR0001600622A

28-01-1972 дата публикации

Номер: FR0002092618A1

20-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002412605A


01-09-2002 дата публикации

Process for reducing total acid number of crude oil

Номер: TW0000500796B

The instant invention is directed to a process for reducing organic acids in petroleum feeds containing organic acids comprising: (a) thermally treating a petroleum feed containing organic acids in a thermal reaction zone comprising a plurality of stages in series, at a temperature and pressure sufficient to decompose at least a portion of said organic acids while sweeping said plurality of stages with an inert gas, to produce a volatile organic acid containing hydrocarbon fraction and a non-volatile hydrocarbon fraction; (b) treating said volatile hydrocarbon fraction to neutralize at least a portion of said organic acids therein and to produce a treated volatile hydrocarbon fraction; (c) collecting said non-volatile hydrocarbon fraction from said thermal reaction zone; and (d) blending said treated volatile hydrocarbon fraction of step (b) with said collected non-volatile hydrocarbon fraction.

03-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010062390A2

A method for producing products containing cyclic organic compounds from biomass oil includes adding a biomass oil to a vessel; heating the biomass oil to crack the biomass oil; removing undesired or unreacted materials, heavy ends, and light ends from the cracked biomass oil; and extracting components from the cracked biomass oil to produce a mixture of products containing between 5% and 90% cyclic organic compounds by weight. A method for producing a high-octane aviation fuel with low lead content includes cracking a biomass oil, separating a middle distillate mixture from cracked biomass oil, decarboxylating the middle distillate mixture to produce a mixture of products containing at least about 50% cyclic alkane and alkene compounds by weight, and blending the mixture of products with a fuel having an octane number below 95 to produce an aviation fuel having an octane number of at least 100.

23-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009052017A2

Methods (10, 110, 210) of hydrocracking hydrocarbon streams (12, 112, 212) are provided that employ substantially liquid-phase continuous hydroprocessing conditions. In one aspect, the method includes a separate hydrotreating and hydrocracking system where the hydrocracking zone (24) is a substantially liquid-phase continuous system. In another aspect, the method includes a two stage hydrocracking system where one or both of the hydrocracking zones (113, 124) (213, 224) are a substantially liquid-phase continuous reaction system.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020159719A1

Disclosed are process and system for making an asphalt product and an olefin product from an asphaltenes-rich feed without using a vacuum distillation column. The feed is first deep stripped in a first stripping column using a stripping vapor such as steam and/or a C2-C3 paraffins-rich stream to obtain a bottoms liquid effluent having a high cutpoint and an overheads effluent comprising gas oil, lighter hydrocarbons, and the stripping vapor. The high- boiling point bottoms liquids effluent, with optional additional separation and/or treatment, can be used as asphalt products. The overheads effluent, with optional additional separation, can be fed into a pyrolysis furnace cracker, where it is converted into a cracker product mixture comprising olefins, lighter hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and the like, which can be recovered in a products recovery subsystem.

04-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009070561A1

The invention relates to a process for the desulfurization of a gasoline fraction with high recovery of olefins and reduced loss of Research Octane Number (RON). A petroleum fraction is contacted with hydrogen and a commercially available hydrodesulfurization catalyst under mild conditions with to remove a first portion of the sulfur present, and is then contacted with an adsorbent for the removal of additional sulfur.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013142609A1

An integrated hydrotreating, steam pyrolysis and catalytic cracking process for the production of olefins and aromatic petrochemicals from a crude oil feedstock is provided. Crude oil and hydrogen are charged to a hydroprocessing zone under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent, which is thermally cracked in the presence of steam in a steam pyrolysis zone to produce a mixed product stream. Heavy components are catalytically cracked, which are derived from one or more of the hydroprocessed effluent, a heated stream within the steam pyrolysis zone, or the mixed product stream catalytically cracking. Catalytically cracked products are produced, which are combined with the mixed product stream and the combined stream is separated, and olefins and aromatics are recovered as product streams.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014072058A1

A process is proposed for producing olefinic products by thermal steam cracking of a first furnace charge of hydrocarbons in at least one first cracking furnace (2) and a second furnace charge of hydrocarbons in at least one second cracking furnace (1), wherein the first furnace charge in the at least one first cracking furnace (2) is at least in part converted into a first product stream (F) and the second furnace charge in the at least one second cracking furnace is at least in part converted into a second product stream, wherein, from the first product stream (F), a first pyrolysis oil (P) is obtained and at least in part chemically processed. It is provided that the first pyrolysis oil (P), downstream of the chemical processing, is at least in part returned as furnace charge (Ρ') into the at least one first cracking furnace (2), and that the at least one first cracking furnace (2) and the at least one second cracking furnace (1) are operated at different cracking conditions.

06-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: WO2021087026A1

Processes and systems for making recycle content hydrocarbons, including olefins, from recycled waste material. Recycle waste material may be pyrolyzed to form recycle content pyrolysis oil composition (r-pyoil), at least a portion of which may then be cracked to form a recycle content olefin composition (r-olefin). The r-olefin may then be further separated into product streams in a separation zone downstream of the cracker furnace. The presence of recycle content hydrocarbons may facilitate more efficient operation of one or more distillation columns in the separation zone, including the propylene fractionator.

09-07-2019 дата публикации

Supercritical water upgrading process to produce high grade coke

Номер: US0010344228B2

Embodiments of a process for producing high grade coke from crude oil residue include at least partially separating, in a solvent extraction unit, the crude oil residue into a deasphalted oil (DAO)-containing stream and an asphaltene containing-stream, producing a pressurized, heated DAO-containing stream, where the pressurized, heated DAO-containing stream, mixing a supercritical water stream with the pressurized, heated DAO-containing stream to create a combined feed stream, introducing the combined feed stream to an upgrading reactor system operating at supercritical temperature and pressure to yield one or more upgrading reactor output streams comprising upgraded product and a slurry mixture, where the slurry mixture comprises sulfur and one or more additional metals. The process also may include calcining the slurry mixture at a temperature of from 700° C. to 1900° C. to produce a product stream comprising the high grade coke.

30-04-1985 дата публикации

Process for separating and converting heavy oil asphaltenes in a field location

Номер: US0004514283A

Viscous asphaltenic crude oils are converted to pumpable liquid oil products in field locations by precipitating and separating asphaltenes, then mildly thermally converting the asphaltenes to mobile asphaltene-conversion products that can be mixed with at least the maltene components of the crude oils to form the pumpable liquid oil products.

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194564A1

A process is provided that is directed to a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. The integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals comprises charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase; thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream; separating the mixed product stream; recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; and recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase;b. thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam in the steam pyrolysis zone to produce a mixed product stream;c. separating the thermally cracked mixed product stream;d. recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; ande. recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream.2. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein step (c) comprisescompressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with plural compression stages;subjecting the compressed thermally cracked mixed product stream to caustic treatment to produce a thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide;compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced ...

29-08-2017 дата публикации

Treatment of heavy oils to reduce olefin content

Номер: US0009745525B2

A process for treating heavy oil to provide a treated heavy oil having a reduced density and viscosity, as well as an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %. The process comprises separating the initial heavy oil into a first fraction, which in general contains lower-boiling components, and a second fraction. The second fraction comprises a heavy oil having a p-value of at least 5% greater than the p-value of the initial heavy oil prior to separating the initial heavy oil into the first fraction and the second fraction, and the second fraction has an aromaticity that is no more than 5% less than the aromaticity of the initial heavy oil prior to separating the initial heavy oil into the first fraction and the second fraction. The second fraction then is upgraded to reduce the density and viscosity of the heavy oil. After the second fraction is upgraded, it is recombined with at least a portion of the first fraction to provide a treated heavy oil having an olefin content that does ...

19-10-2021 дата публикации

Integrated supercritical water and steam cracking process

Номер: US0011149218B2

A method for producing a supercritical water (SCW)-treated product is provided. The method comprising the steps of introducing a crude oil stream and a water stream to a supercritical water process, wherein the crude oil stream can undergo conversion reactions to produce the supercritical water (SCW)-treated product, wherein the SCW-treated product includes an increased paraffin concentration as compared to crude oil stream. The method further includes the step of introducing the SCW-treated product to a steam cracking process, wherein the SCW-treated product can undergo conversion reactions to produce furnace effluent.

17-02-2015 дата публикации

Process to make olefins from oxygenates

Номер: US8957271B2

The present invention relates to a process to make light olefins, in a combined XTO-OC process, from an oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic feedstock comprising: a) providing a catalyst comprising zeolitic molecular sieves containing 10 member and larger channels in their microporous structure, b) providing an XTO reaction zone, an OC reaction zone and a catalyst regeneration zone, said catalyst circulating in the three zones, such that at least a portion of the regenerated catalyst is passed to the OC reaction zone, at least a portion of the catalyst in the OC reaction zone is passed to the XTO reaction zone and at least a portion of the catalyst in the XTO reaction zone is passed to the regeneration zone; c) contacting said oxygen-containing, halogenide-containing or sulphur-containing organic feedstock in the XTO reactor with the catalyst at conditions effective to convert at least a portion of the feedstock to form a XTO reactor effluent comprising ...

04-10-2016 дата публикации

Solvent extraction process to stabilize, desulphurize and dry wide range diesels, stabilized wide range diesels obtained and their uses

Номер: US0009458391B2
Принадлежит: ENVIROLLEA INC., ENVIROLLEA INC, Envirollea Inc.

A process allowing the removal of contaminants from an unstable oil such as those produced by thermal or catalytic cracking, wherein, in at least one step of the process, mixing of the unstable oil with a pure or impure solvent having a dipole moment greater than 2 is performed. The stabilized diesels thereby obtained exhibit interesting properties among which significant stability features and are useful in numerous applications, some of these stabilized wide range diesels are new as well as their uses.

19-07-2022 дата публикации

Configuration for olefins and aromatics production

Номер: US0011390817B2

Processes herein may be used to thermally crack various hydrocarbon feeds, and may eliminate the refinery altogether while making the crude to chemicals process very flexible in terms of crude. In embodiments herein, crude is progressively separated into at least light and heavy fractions. Depending on the quality of the light and heavy fractions, these are routed to one of three upgrading operations, including a fixed bed hydroconversion unit, a fluidized catalytic conversion unit, or a residue hydrocracking unit that may utilize an ebullated bed reactor. Products from the upgrading operations may be used as feed to a steam cracker.

10-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EP2160450A1
Автор: POWERS, Donald, H.

20-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EP3444320A1

The present invention relates to resid processing, particularly related to conversion of resid material with maximum recovery of lighter hydrocarbons. The invented process utilizes a novel scheme for integration of solvent de-asphalting and delayed coking processes to maximize the residue conversion to valuable products, with cleaner quality of middle distillates and fuel oil products, in comparison with other integrated solvent de-asphalting and delayed coking schemes. This process also has an additional flexibility to vary the recycle quantity, without impacting fractionator operation of the delayed coking section, which further enhances the product recovery and achieves maximum conversion of the resid feedstock, with minimum impact on liquid product properties.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Process to produce low sulfur catalytically cracked gasoline without saturation of olefinic compounds

Номер: US20120138510A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

The invention relates to a process for the desulfurization of a gasoline fraction with high recovery of olefins and reduced loss of Research Octane Number (RON). A petroleum fraction is contacted with hydrogen and a commercially available hydrodesulfurization catalyst under mild conditions with to remove a first portion of the sulfur present, and is then contacted with an adsorbent for the removal of additional sulfur.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Obtaining Aromatics from Diverse Feedstock

Номер: US20120149958A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The process relates to the use of any naphtha-range stream containing a portion of C8+ aromatics combined with benzene, toluene, and other non-aromatics in the same boiling range to produce toluene. By feeding the A8+ containing stream to a dealkylation/transalkylation/cracking reactor to increase the concentration of toluene in the stream, a more suitable feedstock for the methylation reaction can be produced. This stream can be obtained from a variety of sources, including the pygas stream from a steam cracker, “cat naphtha” from a fluid catalytic cracker, or the heavier portion of reformate.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Refining Corrosive Crudes

Номер: US20120261308A1
Автор: Benjamin Klein, Odette Eng

Systems and methods for refining conventional crude and heavy, corrosive, contaminant-laden carbonaceous crude (Opportunity Crude) in partially or totally separated streams or trains.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197289A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process is provided that is directed to a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. The integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals comprises charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase; thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream; separating the mixed product stream; recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; and recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase;b. thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream;c. separating the thermally cracked mixed product stream;d. recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; ande. recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream.2. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein step (c) comprises compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with plural compression stages;subjecting the compressed thermally cracked mixed product stream to caustic treatment to produce a thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide;compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206642A1

The invention provides an integrated process for processing heavy oil, wherein the integrated process at least comprises: solvent deasphalting is carried out for heavy oil material, and de-oiled asphalt phase is mixed with dispersing agent and then entered a thermal cracking reactor to undergo thermal cracking reactions. Upgraded oil can be obtained through the mixture of the de-asphalted oil and thermal cracking oil separated from thermal cracking reaction products. The solvent and heavy gas oil, which are separated from the thermal cracking reaction products, are respectively recycled back to the solvent deasphalting process as solvent and as mixed feed to remove asphaltene. The integrated process of the present invention solves the problems that solvent is difficult to be separated from asphalt with high softening point in solvent deasphalting process and hard asphalt is difficult to be transported. 1. A integrated process for processing heavy oil , comprising at least the following processes , wherein:a heavy oil feedstock, which substantially does not comprise <350° C. atmospheric distillates, is used as feed and subjected to solvent deasphalting process in an extraction tower with an extraction solvent, a de-asphalted oil and a de-oiled asphalt phase including the extraction solvent are collected;the de-oiled asphalt phase including the extraction solvent is mixed with a dispersing solvent and then enters into a thermal cracking reactor to be subjected to a thermal cracking process, so as to obtain thermal cracking reaction product and coke, the thermal cracking reaction product is led out, gas, solvent, thermal cracking oil and 450° C.+ heavy gas oil are separated therefrom;the solvent separated from the thermal cracking product is recycled back to the solvent deasphalting process to be recycled, the 450° C.+ heavy gas oil is recycled back to the solvent deasphalting process to be used as mixed feed;upgraded oil is obtained through mixing the de-asphalted oil ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Integrated hydrotreating and steam pyrolysis process including hydrogen redistribution for direct processing of a crude oil

Номер: US20130228495A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Steam pyrolysis and hydroprocessing are integrated including hydrogen redistribution to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. A feed is initially split into a light portion and a heavy portion, and the heavy portion is hydroprocessed. A hydroprocessed effluent is charged, along with steam, to a convection section of a steam pyrolysis zone. The mixture is heated and passed to a vapor-liquid separation section. A residual portion is removed and light components are charged to a pyrolysis section of the steam pyrolysis zone. A mixed product stream is recovered from the steam pyrolysis zone and it is separated into product including olefins and aromatics.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228496A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A process is provided that is directed to a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. The integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals comprises charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase; thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream; separating the mixed product stream; recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; and recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent to produce a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase;b. thermally cracking the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream;c. separating the thermally cracked mixed product stream;d. recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; ande. recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream.2. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein step (c) comprisescompressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with plural compression stages;subjecting the compressed thermally cracked mixed product stream to caustic treatment to produce a thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide;compressing the thermally cracked mixed product stream with a reduced content of hydrogen sulfide and ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313162A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A petroleum feedstock upgrading method is provided. The method includes supplying a mixed stream that includes hydrocarbon feedstock and water to a hydrothermal reactor where the mixed stream is maintained at a temperature and pressure greater than the critical temperatures and pressure of water in the absence of catalyst for a residence time sufficient to convert the mixed stream into a modified stream having an increased concentration of lighter hydrocarbons and/or concentration of sulfur containing compounds. The modified stream is then supplied to an adsorptive reaction stage charged with a solid adsorbent operable to remove at least a portion of the sulfur present to produce a trimmed stream. The trimmed stream is then separated into a gas and a liquid streams, and the liquid stream is separated into a water stream and an upgraded hydrocarbon product stream. 1. A method for upgrading a petroleum feedstock without supplying an external hydrogen gas supply , the method comprising the steps of:supplying a petroleum feedstock to a mixer, where the step includes pumping the petroleum feedstock to a pressure greater than 22.06 MPa and heating the petroleum feedstock to a temperature of up to about 250° C. to produce a pressurized and heated petroleum feedstock,supplying a water feed to a mixer, where the step includes pumping the water feed to a pressure greater than 22.06 MPa and heating the water feed to a temperature of between about 250° C. and 650° C. to produce a pressurized and heated water feed;combining the heated and pressurized petroleum feedstock and the heated and pressurized water feed in the mixer to produce a pressurized and heated combined stream;supplying the pressurized and heated combined stream to a hydrothermal reactor, where the hydrothermal reactor is maintained at a temperature between about 380° C. and 550° C. and where the pressurized and heated combined stream is maintained in a reaction zone of the hydrothermal reactor for a hydrothermal ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001091A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove nitrogen compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, 'sup': '-', '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more CChydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove nitrogen compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl( ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001092A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove metal compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more C-Chydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove metal compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(octyl)phosphonium ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001093A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove sulfur compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more C-Chydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove sulfur compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(octyl) ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001094A1
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

The invention involves a process for hydrocarbon conversion. The process can include providing a feed to a primary upgrading zone and then treating the product from the primary upgrading zone with a feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove carbon residue compounds. 1. A process for hydrocarbon conversion , comprising: (1) at least one upgrading reactor; and', '(2) at least one separator;, '(a) providing a heavy oil hydrocarbon feed to a primary upgrading zone, wherein the primary upgrading zone comprises{'sub': 16', '45, '(b) obtaining a hydrocarbon stream comprising one or more C-Chydrocarbons from at least one separator; and'}(c) sending the hydrocarbon stream to an ionic liquid extractor containing a hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid to remove carbon residue compounds.2. The process of wherein said upgrading reactor is selected from the group consisting of a slurry hydrocracking reactor claim 1 , a vis-breaking reactor and a delayed coking reactor.3. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one ionic liquid from at least one of tetraalkylphosphonium dialkylphosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium dialkyl phosphinates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium phosphates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium tosylates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium sulfonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium carbonates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium metalates claim 1 , oxometalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium mixed metalates claim 1 , tetraalkylphosphonium polyoxometalates claim 1 , and tetraalkylphosphonium halides.4. The process of wherein the hydrocarbon feed-immiscible ionic liquid comprises at least one of trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(methyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium bromide claim 1 , tributyl(hexyl)phosphonium chloride claim 1 , tributyl( ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for the Devolatilization of Thermally Produced Liquids

Номер: US20140053456A1
Принадлежит: Ensyn Renewables Inc

Methods and systems for the devolatilization of thermally produced liquids to raise the flash point are disclosed. Various methods and apparatus can be used to effectively reduce the volatile components, such as wiped film evaporator, falling film evaporator, flash column, packed column, devolatilization vessel or tank.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002275A1
Автор: Gupta Subodh

Methods for preparing, converting, and/or transporting bitumen are provided. Asphaltene prills, prilling processes, and converted bitumen suitable for transport are disclosed. One method for preparing bitumen for transport comprises: separating asphaltene from the bitumen to generate a deasphalted oil and asphaltene; separating the asphaltene into a first asphaltene fraction and a second asphaltene fraction, the first asphaltene fraction being less soluble in deasphalted oil and the second asphaltene fraction being more soluble in deasphalted oil; and forming an asphaltene prill comprising an inner core comprising the second asphaltene fraction and an outer layer comprising the first asphaltene fraction. Asphaltene prills disclosed herein may comprise an inner core comprising an asphaltene fraction having more solubility in deasphalted oil, and an outer layer comprising an asphaltene fraction having less solubility in deasphalted oil. Methods for the transport of bitumen via a pipeline are disclosed. 1. A method for preparing or converting bitumen for transport , the method comprising:separating asphaltene from the bitumen to generate a deasphalted oil and asphaltene;separating the asphaltene into a first asphaltene fraction and a second asphaltene fraction, the first asphaltene fraction being less soluble in deasphalted oil and the second asphaltene fraction being more soluble in deasphalted oil; andforming an asphaltene prill comprising an inner core comprising the second asphaltene fraction and an outer layer comprising the first asphaltene fraction.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:adding one or more hollow portions to the asphaltene prill to control the density of the asphaltene prill.3. The of claim 2 , wherein the one or more hollow portions are added to the inner core of the asphaltene prill.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:combining the asphaltene prill with the deasphalted oil to form a slurry suitable for ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Supercritical Water Separation Process

Номер: US20200002629A1

A supercritical water separation process and system is disclosed for the removal of metals, minerals, particulate, asphaltenes, and resins from a contaminated organic material. The present invention takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of supercritical water to effect the desired separation of contaminants from organic materials and permit scale-up. At a temperature and pressure above the critical point of water (374° C., 22.1 MPa), nonpolar organic compounds become miscible in supercritical water (SCW) and polar compounds and asphaltenes become immiscible. The process and system disclosed continuously separates immiscible contaminants and solids from the supercritical water and clean oil product solution. The present invention creates a density gradient that enables over 95% recovery of clean oil and over 99% reduction of contaminants such as asphaltenes and particulate matter depending on the properties of the contaminated organic material. 1. A process for treating a feedstock comprising:delivering a feedstock and supercritical water into a hydrothermal separation vessel, said hydrothermal separation vessel including an upper separation zone, a mid-level mixing zone, and a bottom concentration zone, wherein the feedstock and supercritical water are fed separately into the mixing zone to form a mixture, said mixing zone providing sufficient shear and mixing to cause dissolution of any soluble components of the feedstock into the supercritical water;maintaining a temperature and pressure within the hydrothermal separation vessel to achieve a vertical density gradient therein such that the separation zone exhibits a lower density than the concentration zone to form a product stream and a stream containing insoluble components; andremoving the product stream from the separation zone and the stream containing insoluble components from the concentration zone.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein any components present in the feedstock that are ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Method of Upgrading Heavy Crude Oil

Номер: US20160010004A1
Автор: Oehr Klaus H

A method of upgrading a heavy crude oil () by thermally cracking () the heavy crude oil in a cracking vessel to convert a portion to volatile components () while simultaneously venting the volatile components from the cracking vessel. Tetrathydrofurfuryl alcohol is optionally added to the heavy crude oil feedstock before or during cracking. The vented volatile components are separated () into condensable volatile components () and non-condensable volatile components (). The condensable components are collected and comprise cracked-distilled oil. The cracking residue () is removed from the cracking vessel and a cracking residue extract is prepared and mixed with the cracked-distilled oil to produce synthetic crude oil. 1. A method of upgrading a heavy crude oil , comprising:(a) thermally cracking the heavy crude oil in a cracking vessel to convert a portion of the heavy crude oil to volatile components while simultaneously venting the volatile components from the cracking vessel;(b) separating the vented volatile components into condensable volatile components and non-condensable volatile components; and(c) collecting the condensable volatile components, said components comprising cracked-distilled oil.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising mixing tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) with the heavy crude oil prior to or during the thermal cracking.3. A method according to claim 2 , further comprising venting the THFA from the cracking vessel simultaneously with the thermal cracking claim 2 , and separating the THFA from the condensable volatile components.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the separation of the THFA from the condensable volatile components is by distillation.5. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the separation of the THFA from the condensable volatile components is by solvent extraction.65. A method according to any one of - claims 1 , further comprising removing a cracking residue from the cracking vessel claims 1 , mixing a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010005A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

An integrated process is provided to produce asphalt, high quality petroleum green coke, and liquid and gas coker unit products. Sulfur molecules contained in heavy petroleum fractions, including organosulfur molecules, and in certain embodiments organonitrogen molecules are oxidized. The polar oxidized sulfur compounds shift from the oil phase to the asphalt phase. The deasphalted/desulfurized oil phase is passed to a coker unit to produce liquid and gas coker products as an effluent stream and recover high quality petroleum green coke. 1. An integrated process that operates within the battery limits of a refinery producing asphalt , coker oil and gas products , and petroleum green coke , the process comprising:charging a feedstock to an oxidizing unit along with an effective quantity of oxidant to produce an intermediate charge containing oxidized organosulfur compounds;passing the intermediate charge to a solvent deasphalting unit along with an effective quantity of solvent to produce a deasphalted/desulfurized oil phase and an asphalt phase containing oxidized organosulfur compounds; and produce liquid and gas coker products as an effluent stream and', 'recover petroleum green coke from the coker drum., 'passing the deasphalted/desulfurized oil phase to a coker unit including a coker furnace and at least one coker drum to'}2. The process of wherein the coker unit is a delayed coker unit.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the coker unit is configured with two or more parallel drums and is operated in a swing mode claim 2 , and wherein the process is continuous claim 2 ,4. The process of wherein the deasphalted/desulfurized oil phase contains less than 2.5 W % sulfur.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the unconverted residue stream contains less than 700 ppmw metal.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the petroleum green coke recovered from the coker drum effective raw material for calcination into anode grade coke (sponge) or electrode grade coke (needle).7. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Supercritical Water Separation Process

Номер: US20180010057A1

A supercritical water separation process and system is disclosed for the removal of metals, minerals, particulate, asphaltenes, and resins from a contaminated organic material. The present invention takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of supercritical water to effect the desired separation of contaminants from organic materials and permit scale-up. At a temperature and pressure above the critical point of water (374° C., 22.1 MPa), nonpolar organic compounds become miscible in supercritical water (SCW) and polar compounds and asphaltenes become immiscible. The process and system disclosed continuously separates immiscible contaminants and solids from the supercritical water and clean oil product solution. The present invention creates a density gradient that enables over 95% recovery of clean oil and over 99% reduction of contaminants such as asphaltenes and particulate matter depending on the properties of the contaminated organic material. 1. A process for separating contaminants from a contaminated feedstock comprised of:combining a contaminated feedstock and supercritical water to form a supercritical water and feedstock solution in a hydrothermal separation vessel, said hydrothermal separation vessel including an upper separation zone and a bottom concentration zone;maintaining a temperature and pressure within the hydrothermal separation vessel to achieve a vertical density gradient therein such that the separation zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel exhibits a lower density than the concentration zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel, to cause the contaminants to separate from the solution in the separation zone and to form a product stream;removing the product stream from the separation zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel; andremoving the contaminants from the concentration zone of the hydrothermal separation vessel.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the separation zone is maintained at a pressure greater than 22.1 MPa ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Temperature Control for Centrifugation of Steam Cracked Tar

Номер: US20220033720A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

Processes for preparing a low particulate liquid hydrocarbon product are provided and includes blending a tar stream containing particles with a fluid to produce a fluid-feed mixture containing tar, the particles, and the fluid, and centrifuging the fluid-feed mixture at a temperature of greater than 60° C. to produce a higher density portion and a lower density portion, where the lower density portion contains no more than 25 wt % of the particles in the fluid-feed mixture.

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Production of lubricant oils from thermally cracked resids

Номер: US20210024846A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Methods are provided for processing deasphalted gas oils derived from thermally cracked resid fractions to form Group I, Group II, and/or Group III lubricant base oils. The yield of lubricant base oils (optionally also referred to as base stocks) can be increased by thermally cracking a resid fraction at an intermediate level of single pass severity relative to conventional methods. By performing thermal cracking to a partial level of conversion, compounds within a resid fraction that are beneficial for increasing both the viscosity and the viscosity index of a lubricant base oil can be retained, thus allowing for an improved yield of higher viscosity lubricant base oils from a thermally cracked resid fraction.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029720A1
Автор: KOSEOGLU Omer Refa

An integrated process is provided for producing deasphalted oil, high quality petroleum green coke and liquid coker products. An enhanced solvent deasphalting process is used to treat the feedstock to reduce the level of asphaltenes, N, S and metal contaminants and produce a deasphalted oil with reduced contaminants. A coking process is integrated to produce liquid and gas coking unit products, and petroleum green coke. 1. An integrated process that operates within the battery limits of a refinery for conversion of a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock containing asphaltenes , sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing polynuclear aromatic molecules comprising: at a temperature and pressure that are below the critical pressure and temperature of the solvent to promote solvent-flocculation of solid asphaltenes', 'and', 'for a time sufficient to adsorb the sulfur-containing and nitrogen-containing polynuclear aromatic molecules on the solid adsorbent material;, 'a. mixing the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, paraffinic solvent and an effective quantity of solid adsorbent material'}b. passing the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock, paraffinic solvent and solid adsorbent material to a first separation vessel;c. separating a solid phase comprising asphaltenes and solid adsorbent material from a liquid phase comprising deasphalted oil and paraffinic solvent;d. passing the solid phase to a filtration vessel with an aromatic and/or polar solvent to desorb the adsorbed contaminants and to recover regenerated solid adsorbent material;e. passing the liquid phase to a second separation vessel to separate deasphalted oil and paraffinic solvent, and optionally recycling at least a portion of the separated paraffinic solvent to step (a);f. passing deasphalted oil from the second separation vessel to a coking unit;g. thermally cracking the deasphalted oil in a coking unit to produce liquid and gas coking products; andh. recovering petroleum green coke from the coking unit.2. The process of wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Optimal asphaltene conversion and removal for heavy hydrocarbons

Номер: US20170029721A1
Принадлежит: Meg Energy Corp

The invention provides improved apparatus and method for producing a pipeline-ready or refinery-ready feedstock from heavy, high asphaltene crude, comprising a pre-heater for pre-heating a process fluid to a design temperature at or near the operating temperature of a reactor; moving the process fluid into the reactor for conversion of the process fluid by controlled application of heat to the process fluid in the reactor so that the process fluid maintains a substantially homogenous temperature to produce a stream of thermally affected asphaltene-rich fractions, and a stream of vapour. The stream of vapour is separated into two further streams: of non-condensable vapour, and of light liquid hydrocarbons. The thermally affected asphaltene-rich fraction is deasphalted using a solvent extraction process into streams of heavy deasphalted oil liquid, and concentrated asphaltene, respectively. The deasphalted oil liquid and the light liquid hydrocarbons produced are blended to form a pipeline or refinery -ready feedstock.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Enhanced methods for solvent deasphalting of hydrocarbons

Номер: US20160040079A1
Принадлежит: Meg Energy Corp

Improvements to open-art Solvent Deasphalting (SDA) processes have been developed to reduce capital and operating costs for processing hydrocarbon streams are provided whereby open art SDA scheme is modified to include appropriately placed mixing-enabled precipitators (MEP's) to reduce solvent use requirements in an asphaltene separation step and to increase overall reliability for SDA processes, particularly suitable for Canadian Bitumen. When integrated with a mild thermal cracker, the improved SDA configuration further improves crude yield to be pipeline-ready without additional diluent and for use to debottleneck existing facilities such as residue hydrocrackers and coking units.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056351A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

The present disclosure relates to a method of producing high quality components from renewable raw material. Specifically, the disclosure relates to production of renewable materials which can be employed as high-quality chemicals and/or as high quality drop-in gasoline components. Further, the disclosure relates to drop-in gasoline components and to polymers obtainable by the method. 1. A method for producing renewable component(s) , the method comprising:a provision step of providing an isomeric raw material originating from a renewable source, wherein the isomeric raw material contains at least 60 wt.-% iso-paraffins;a cracking step of thermally cracking the isomeric raw material to produce a biohydrocarbon mixture containing C4 olefins; anda reaction step of reacting at least a part of the C4 olefins to produce the renewable component(s).2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said renewable component(s) are drop-in gasoline component(s) having a high octane number.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said renewable component(s) are bio-monomer(s) or bio-polymer(s) claim 1 , with at least one selected from the group consisting of butyl rubber claim 1 , methyl methacrylate claim 1 , polymethyl methacrylate claim 1 , polyisobutylene claim 1 , substituted phenol claim 1 , and polybutene.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mixture containing C4 olefins contains at least isobutene and the reaction step of reacting at least a part of the C4 olefins is a step of reacting at least a part of the isobutene to produce the renewable component(s).5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the isomeric raw material is selected to contain at least one or more of at least 70 wt.-% claim 1 , at least 75 wt.-% claim 1 , at least 80 wt.-% claim 1 , at least 83 wt.-% claim 1 , at least 85 wt.-% claim 1 , at least 90 wt.-% claim 1 , and/or at least 95 wt.-% iso-paraffins.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the iso-paraffins contain multi-branched ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056353A1

Processes herein may be used to thermally crack various hydrocarbon feeds, and may eliminate the refinery altogether while making the crude to chemicals process very flexible in terms of crude. In embodiments herein, crude is progressively separated into at least light and heavy fractions. Depending on the quality of the light and heavy fractions, these are routed to one of three upgrading operations, including a fixed bed hydroconversion unit, a fluidized catalytic conversion unit, or a residue hydrocracking unit that may utilize an ebullated bed reactor. Products from the upgrading operations may be used as feed to a steam cracker. 1. A process for converting whole crudes , the process comprising:separating a whole crude into at least a medium boiling fraction and a high boiling residue fraction;separating the high boiling fraction in a solvent deasphalting unit to produce a deasphalted oil fraction and a pitch fraction;converting the medium boiling fraction and the deasphalted oil fraction into one or more stream crackable products to produce a hydrotreated effluent;feeding the hydrotreated effluent to a steam cracker to convert hydrocarbons therein into one or more light olefins.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the medium boiling fraction has two or more of the following properties:a 5% boiling point temperature in the range from about 130° C. to about 200° C.;a 95% boiling point temperature in the range from about 400° C. to about 600° C.;a hydrogen content in the range from about 12 wt % to about 14 wt %;a BMCI in the range from about 5 to less than 50;an API gravity of in the range from about 10° to about 40°;a sulfur content in the range from about 1000 ppm to about 10000 ppm;a nitrogen content in the range from about 1 ppm to about 100 ppm;a viscosity, measured at 40° C., of greater than 1 cSt;less than 5 wt % MCRT; andless than 50 ppm total metals.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the high boiling residue fraction has two or more of the following ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056354A1

Processes herein may be used to thermally crack various hydrocarbon feeds, and may eliminate the refinery altogether while making the crude to chemicals process very flexible in terms of crude. In embodiments herein, crude is progressively separated into at least light and heavy fractions. Depending on the quality of the light and heavy fractions, these are routed to one of three upgrading operations, including a fixed bed hydroconversion unit, a fluidized catalytic conversion unit, or a residue hydrocracking unit that may utilize an ebullated bed reactor. Products from the upgrading operations may be used as feed to a steam cracker. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A system for converting whole crudes and other heavy hydrocarbon streams to produce olefins , the system comprising:a separation unit for separating a whole crude into at least a light boiling fraction, a medium boiling fraction, and a high boiling residue fraction;a solvent deasphalting unit for deasphalting the high boiling residue fraction and producing a deasphalted oil fraction and a pitch fraction;a conditioning system for destructively hydrogenating the medium boiling fraction and the deasphalted fraction to produce a hydrotreated effluent;a steam cracker unit for converting the hydrotreated effluent and the light boiling fraction into one or more light olefins and a pyrolysis oil.14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. The system of claim 13 , wherein the conditioning system for hydrotreating the medium boiling fraction and the deasphalted oil fraction comprises:a first hydroprocessing unit for hydroprocessing the medium boiling fraction; anda second hydroprocessing unit for hydroprocessing the deasphalted oil fraction.18. The system of claim 13 , further comprising a flow line for diverting the deasphalted oil fraction to the first hydroproces sing unit.19. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056355A1

Methods and systems for producing light olefins are disclosed. A feedstock comprising crude oil is distilled to produce a plurality of streams including a naphtha stream and a vacuum residue stream. The naphtha is fed to a steam cracking unit to produce light olefins, Chydrocarbons, pyrolysis gasoline and pyrolysis oil. The vacuum residue stream is hydrocracked to produce additional naphtha and heavy unconverted oil. The heavy unconverted oil and the pyrolysis oil from steam cracking unit can be deasphalted to produce deasphalted oil and pitch product. The deasphalted oil can be further hydrocracked to produce naphtha. The pitch product can be gasified to produce synthesis gas, which is further used to produce methanol. The methanol can be used to react with isobutylene of the Chydrocarbon stream from steam cracker to produce methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE). 1. A method of producing olefins , the method comprising:distilling a feedstock comprising crude oil to produce a plurality of distilling product streams comprising a naphtha stream and a vacuum residue stream;{'sub': ['2', '3', '4'], '#text': 'steam cracking the naphtha stream to produce a plurality of cracking product streams comprising a Cto Colefins stream, a mixed Chydrocarbon stream, and a pyrolysis oil stream;'}hydrocracking the vacuum residue stream to produce a distillate stream having a boiling range less than the vacuum residue stream and a heavy unconverted oil stream having a boiling range higher than the vacuum residue stream; anddeasphalting the heavy unconverted oil stream and the pyrolysis oil from steam-cracking with a solvent to produce a deasphalted oil stream and a pitch stream.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising gasifying the pitch stream to produce a synthesis gas stream.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising reacting carbon monoxide and hydrogen of the synthesis gas stream in the presence of a catalyst under reaction conditions sufficient to produce methanol.4. The method ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046879A1

A process for producing pipeline-ready or refinery-ready feedstock from heavy hydrocarbons using a high-performance solvent extraction process with high local solvent-to-process fluid ratios yet maintaining low overall solvent-to-process fluid ratios, by first performing mild thermal cracking on the heavy hydrocarbons and then separating asphaltene-rich fractions from a resulting thermally affected fluid so that the high solvent-to-oil ratio portion of the process acts only on those asphaltene-rich fractions, and producing a dry, solid asphaltene as an end-product. 1. Process apparatus for processing heavy hydrocarbons to produce pipeline-ready or refinery-ready feedstock , comprising:(a) a process fluid preparation component for mixing heavy hydrocarbon with other substances as required to prepare a process fluid;(b) transport means to move the process fluid to a pre-heater;(c) the pre-heater for heating the process fluid to a temperature close to or at a desired operating temperature of a reactor;(d) transport means to move the heated process fluid to the reactor;(e) the reactor having heat exchange means to provide a desired heat flux to the process fluid and maintain the process fluid in-reactor at a substantially uniform desired temperature for a desired residence time;(f) means to provide sweep gas to the process fluid in the reactor; (i) non-condensable vapours', '(ii) light liquid hydrocarbons', '(iii) thermally-affected asphaltene-rich fractions, '(g) means to remove various produced substances from the reactor at the end of the residence time, those substances comprising at least(h) means to separate non-condensable vapours from light liquid hydrocarbons;(i) transport means to move the thermally affected asphaltene-rich fractions to a solvent extraction processor;(j) the solvent extraction processor including means to supply C4-C8 solvent and to mix the solvent with the thermally affected asphaltene rich fractions, and means to keep the processor and ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053184A1

Process for reclaiming useful products from a waste oil, comprising a thermal separation step performed in a vessel at conditions, of temperature and pressure, allowing to substantially avoid cracking of the waste oil and to assure the separation of said heated waste oil into a first heavy oil fraction and into a second light oil fraction having, in comparison with the waste oil, a low content in solids and/or in other contaminants that are different from water and from inert gas. The process is further characterized in that while, during the thermal separation treatment, the waste oil is heated to a temperature about the boiling temperature of the heavy oil fraction, and below the cracking temperature of the waste oil, and at a pressure that is preferably below the atmospheric pressure, the heavy oil fraction of the vapours existing the vessel, in contact with a cooler surface, condenses and falls back into the vessel, while the second fraction, in a gaseous state, is eventually submitted to at least one further separation treatment. When water is present in the waste oil, said water is used to improve the amount of recovered light oils; and/or when no water is present in the waste oil, water or at least one inert gas or at least one component that may become an inert gas by heating may be added to the waste oil or to the thermal separation unit. Uses of the process for environmental applications and for treating used oils and to prepare oil products. Systems for reclaiming useful products from waste oils comprising at least one rotating kiln and at least one self-refluxing condenser and/or at least one dephlegmator. 148-. (canceled)49. A thermal process for reclaiming useful products from a waste oil , the process comprising a thermal separation performed in a vessel , at a pressure that is below the atmospheric pressure and at conditions of temperature allowing to substantially avoid cracking of the waste oil and to assure the separation of said heated waste oil ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053189A1

The present invention provides a method for the conversion of asphaltenes to light fractions, including: a process of reacting a hydrogen donor solvent with an asphaltene-containing feedstock, and fractionating reaction products, where a weight ratio of the hydrogen donor solvent to the asphaltene-containing feedstock is 0.1-5:1, a weight hourly space velocity of the reaction is 0.2-5 h, reaction pressure is 0.5-25 MPa, reaction temperature is 360-500° C., and the hydrogen donor solvent is a solvent containing polycyclic aromatic compound having α-hydrogen. The method according to the present invention can effectively achieve light fraction conversion of the asphaltenes to light fractions, and the process operation is simple. 1. A method for the conversion of asphaltenes to light fractions , comprising: a process of reacting a hydrogen donor solvent with an asphaltene-containing feedstock , and fractionating reaction products , wherein a weight ratio of the hydrogen donor solvent to the asphaltene-containing feedstock is 0.1-5:1 , a weight hourly space velocity of the reaction is 0.2-5 h , reaction pressure is 0.5-25 MPa , reaction temperature is 360-500° C. , and the hydrogen donor solvent is a solvent containing polycyclic aromatic compound having α-hydrogen.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising: blending heavy oil obtained by fractionating the reaction products with the asphaltene-containing feedstock claim 1 , and using obtained mixture as reactant to carry out reaction claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio of the heavy oil to the asphaltene-containing feedstock is 0.1-5:1.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising introducing hydrogen to a reactant comprising the asphaltene-containing feedstock and the hydrogen donor solvent claim 1 , wherein a volume ratio of the introduced hydrogen to the reactant comprising the hydrogen donor solvent and the asphaltene-containing feedstock is 10-1000:1.4. The method according to claim 3 , comprising ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Processing Diesel Fuel From Waste Oil

Номер: US20160053190A1

There is disclosed a system and method for processing diesel fuel from petroleum-based waste oil on a small scale compared to conventional methods for re-refining waste oil to a valuable product. In an embodiment, the method comprises dehydrating waste oil to remove water from the waste oil, and operating a vertical cylindrical reactor to induce pyrolysis of the dehydrated waste oil and convert it into a hydrocarbon vapour phase. The hydrocarbon vapour derived from pyrolysis is condensed and distilled using a distillation tower to produce diesel fuel, heavy liquid hydrocarbon, light liquid hydrocarbon and light hydrocarbon vapour. A filtering step cleans the processed diesel fuel to obtain a clean diesel fuel product. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for refining petroleum based waste oil to diesel fuel and products comprising:(i) dehydrating waste oil to remove free and emulsified water;(ii) operating a vertical cylindrical reactor to obtain a hydrocarbon vapour from pyrolysis of the dehydrated waste oil;(iii) operating a hydrocarbon vapour distillation column to condense and distil one or more hydrocarbon fractions including a liquid hydrocarbon within a diesel boiling point range; and(iv) filtering the liquid hydrocarbon in the diesel boiling point range with a regenerable adsorbent material to remove particulates, contaminants, colour bodies, and odour.22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising operating the vertical cylindrical reactor at an operating vacuum pressure below atmospheric pressure ranging from about 0 kPag to about −49 kPag and preferably in the range of −7 kPag to about −21 kPag (about −1 psig to −3 psig).25. The method of claim 21 , further comprising arranging the rate of continuous in flow of feed of the waste oil relative to the volume of material in the reactor to cause operating the vertical cylindrical reactor with an average nominal liquid residence time of about 0.5 hours to about 3.0 hours.26. The method of ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051213A1
Автор: Zimmermann Heinz

A method for obtaining crude oil products is proposed in which a gaseous stream (d) is formed from a crude oil stream (b) by evaporation () and the gaseous stream (d) is at least partially subjected to a steam cracking process (), a cracked gas stream (e) being produced in the steam cracking process () which is at least partially quenched with a liquid hydrocarbon stream (f), thereby forming a quenching effluent (g). It is provided that a fraction (f) of the crude oil stream (b) that remains liquid during the evaporation () of the crude oil stream (b) is used at least partly to form the liquid hydrocarbon stream (f) used for the quenching. The liquid hydrocarbon stream used for the quenching is low in or free from components that have been separated from the quenching effluent (g) or a stream formed from the quenching effluent (g) and the quenching effluent (g) is obtained by quenching with the liquid hydrocarbon stream (f) at a temperature in the range from 0 to 250° C. The invention also relates to an apparatus () configured to carry out the method. 1112. Method for obtaining crude oil products wherein a gaseous stream (d) is formed from a crude oil stream (b) by evaporation and the gaseous stream (d) is at least partly subjected to a steam cracking process () , wherein , in the steam cracking process () , a cracked gas stream (e) is produced which is at least partly quenched with a liquid hydrocarbon stream (f) , with formation of a quenching effluent (g) , characterised in that a fraction (f) that remains liquid during the evaporation () of the crude oil stream (b) is at least partly used to form the hydrocarbon stream (f) using for quenching , wherein the liquid hydrocarbon stream used for the quenching is low in or free from components that have been separated from the quenching effluent (g) or a stream formed from the quenching effluent (g) and the quenching effluent is obtained by quenching with the liquid hydrocarbon stream (f) at a temperature in the range ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Treatment of Heavy Oils to Reduce Olefin Content

Номер: US20150060333A1

A process for treating heavy oil to provide a treated heavy oil having a reduced density and viscosity, as well as an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %. The process comprises separating the initial heavy oil into a first fraction, which in general contains lower-boiling components, and a second fraction. The second fraction comprises a heavy oil having a p-value of at least 5% greater than the p-value of the initial heavy oil prior to separating the initial heavy oil into the first fraction and the second fraction, and the second fraction has an aromaticity that is no more than 5% less than the aromaticity of the initial heavy oil prior to separating the initial heavy oil into the first fraction and the second fraction. The second fraction then is upgraded to reduce the density and viscosity of the heavy oil. After the second fraction is upgraded, it is recombined with at least a portion of the first fraction to provide a treated heavy oil having an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %. The separation of the initial heavy oil into first and second fractions enables one to achieve improved reduction of the density and viscosity of the treated heavy oil while maintaining the olefin content at an acceptable level. 1. A process for treating a heavy oil to provide a treated heavy oil having a reduced density and viscosity , and an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. % , comprising:(a) separating an initial heavy oil into a first fraction and a second fraction, wherein said second fraction comprises a heavy oil having a p-value of at least 5% greater than the p-value of said initial heavy oil prior to separating said initial heavy oil into said first fraction and said second fraction, and said second fraction has an aromaticity that is no more than 5% less than the aromaticity of said initial heavy oil prior to separating said initial heavy oil into said first fraction and said second fraction;(b) reducing the density and viscosity of said ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060550A1

A heavy petroleum oil feed is upgraded by having its amenability to cracking improved by subjecting the oil to selective partial oxidation with a catalytic oxidation system to partially oxidize aromatic ring systems in the heavy oil. The partially oxidized oil can then be cracked in the conventional manner but at lower severities to lower molecular weight cracking products. The cracking following the partial oxidation step may be thermal in nature as by thermal cracking, delayed, contact or fluid coking or fluid catalytic cracking or hydrogenative as in hydrocracking. 1. A process of upgrading a heavy petroleum oil stream which comprises subjecting the heavy oil stream to selective partial oxidation with a catalytic oxidation system to partially oxidize aromatic ring systems in the heavy oil to improve its crackability and then cracking the partially oxidized oil to lower molecular weight cracking products.2. A process according to in which the cracking of the partially oxidized oil is by fluid catalytic cracking.3. A process according to in which the cracking of the partially oxidized oil is by hydrocracking.4. A process according to in which the cracking of the partially oxidized oil is by coking.5. A process according to in which the catalytic oxidation system comprises a metal salt or a metal oxide as catalyst and a peroxy oxidant.6. A process according to in which the catalytic oxidation system comprises a ruthenium tetroxide and sodium periodate.7. A process according to in which the catalytic oxidation system comprises an aqueous solution of a metal salt as catalyst and an oxidant.8. A process according to in which the heavy oil stream comprises a vacuum resid containing aromatic compounds of 3 claim 1 , 4 and 5-membered fused aromatic rings.9. A process according to in which 4 and 5-membered fused aromatic rings of the vacuum resid are oxidized to form 3 or fewer membered fused aromatic rings.10. A process according to in which 4 and 5-membered fused ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055480A1

The present invention relates to a method for producing high-quality feedstock for a steam cracking process, said method comprising the following steps: i) providing a hydrocarbon feedstock; ii) contacting said hydrocarbon feedstock with a solvent at a dosage effective to remove aromatics and naphthenes from said feedstock forming a refined feedstock and one or more aromatics and naphthenes containing streams; iii) processing said refined feedstock in a steam cracking process. 1. A method for producing high-quality feedstock for a steam cracking process , said method comprising the following steps:i.) providing an aromatics and naphthenes containing hydrocarbon feedstock;ii.) contacting said hydrocarbon feedstock with a solvent at a dosage effective to remove aromatics and naphthenes from said feedstock forming a refined feedstock and one or more aromatics and naphthenes containing streams;iii.) processing said refined feedstock in a steam cracking process.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step ii) comprises two sub steps claim 1 , namely a step iia) comprising separation of aromatics from said hydrocarbon feedstock of step i) thereby forming a naphthenes containing intermediate stream and an aromatics containing stream claim 1 , and a step iib) comprising separation of naphthenes from said intermediate stream thereby forming a naphthenes containing stream and said refined feedstock.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step ii) comprises simultaneously removal of aromatics and naphthenes from said feedstock forming a refined feedstock.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said hydrocarbon feedstock has a boiling range in a range of 300-550° C.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said hydrocarbon feedstock originates from a paraffinic crude oil.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein step ii) is carried out at within a temperature range of 85 to 125° C. and a solvent dosage within the range of 250 to 450 percent.7. The method ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Process for conversion of residue employing de-asphalting and delayed coking

Номер: US20190055481A1
Принадлежит: Indian Oil Corp Ltd

The present invention relates to resid processing, particularly related to conversion of resid material with maximum recovery of lighter hydrocarbons. The invented process utilizes a novel scheme for integration of solvent de-asphalting and delayed coking processes to maximize the residue conversion to valuable products, with cleaner quality of middle distillates and fuel oil products, in comparison with other integrated solvent de-asphalting and delayed coking schemes. This process also has an additional flexibility to vary the recycle quantity, without impacting fractionator operation of the delayed coking section, which further enhances the product recovery and achieves maximum conversion of the resid feedstock, with minimum impact on liquid product properties.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058215A1
Автор: Zimmermann Heinz

A method for obtaining crude oil products is proposed in which a gaseous stream (d) is formed from a first crude oil stream (b) and the gaseous stream (d) is at least partially subjected to a steam cracking process () in which a cracked gas stream (e) is produced which is at least partially quenched with a liquid hydrocarbon stream (f), thereby forming a quenching effluent (g). It is provided that at least part of the quenching effluent (g) is used to form a separation feed and that the separation feed is separated by distillation () together with a second crude oil stream (c), forming distillation effluents (h, i, k, p, r). The separation feed is formed so that it contains hydrocarbons having one, two, three, four or more carbon atoms contained in the quenching effluent (g) and/or hydrocarbons formed from such hydrocarbons. The invention also relates to an apparatus () configured to carry out the method. 11158. Method for obtaining crude oil products wherein a gaseous stream (d) is formed from a first crude oil stream (b) and the gaseous stream (d) is at least partly subjected to a steam cracking process () , wherein , in the steam cracking process () , a cracked gas stream (e) is produced which is at least partly quenched with a liquid hydrocarbon stream (f) , with formation of a quenching effluent (g) , characterised in that at least part of the quenching effluent (g) is used to form a separation feed and that the separation feed is separated ( , ) by distillation together with a second crude oil stream (c) , forming distillation effluents (h , i , k , p , r) , the separation feed being formed such that it contains hydrocarbons contained in the quenching effluent (g) having one , two , three , four or more carbon atoms and/or hydrocarbons formed from hydrocarbons of this kind.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the separation feed is formed so that it contains hydrocarbons which were previously contained in the liquid hydrocarbon stream (f) used for the ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Heavy Oils Having Reduced Total Acid Number and Olefin Content

Номер: US20150065766A1

A process for treating a heavy oil by heating a feedstock comprising a heavy oil in order to separate from the heavy oil a first fraction. The first fraction contains no more than 25% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil. A second fraction contains at least 75% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil. The second fraction then is treated under conditions that provide a heavy oil that has a total acid number, or TAN, that does not exceed 1.0 mg KOH/g, or is at least 50% lower than the total acid number prior to treatment, an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %, and a p-value of at least 50% of the p-value of the heavy oil prior to treatment, or a p-value that is at least 1.5. 1. A process for treating a heavy oil , comprising:(a) heating a feedstock comprising a heavy oil to remove from said heavy oil a first fraction, wherein said first fraction contains no more than 25% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil, and thereby providing a second fraction, wherein said second fraction contains at least 75% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil; and(b) treating said second fraction under conditions that provide a treated heavy oil that has a total acid number (TAN) that does not exceed 1.0 mg KOH/g, or is at least 50% lower than the total acid number (TAN) of said heavy oil prior to step (a), an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %, and a p-value which is at least 50% of the p-value of said heavy oil prior to step (a), or a p-value of at least 1.5.2. The process of wherein step (a) comprises heating said feedstock comprising a heavy oil to a temperature that does not exceed 350° C. atmospheric equivalent temperature and subjecting said feedstock comprising a heavy oil a pressure that does not exceed 3 atm.3. The process of wherein step (b) comprises heating said second fraction to a temperature that does not exceed 400° C. atmospheric equivalent temperature and subjecting said second fraction to a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079975A1

Steam pyrolysis and hydroprocessing are integrated including hydrogen redistribution to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. A feed is initially split into a light portion and a heavy portion, and the heavy portion is hydroprocessed. A hydroprocessed effluent is charged, along with steam, to a convection section of a steam pyrolysis zone. The mixture is heated and passed to a vapor-liquid separation section. A residual portion is removed and light components are charged to a pyrolysis section of the steam pyrolysis zone. A mixed product stream is recovered from the steam pyrolysis zone and it is separated into product including olefins and aromatics. 1. An integrated hydrotreating and steam pyrolysis system for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the system comprising:a separation zone having a heavy fraction outlet and a light fraction outlet;a catalytic hydroprocessing zone in fluid communication with the heavy fraction outlet of the separation zone having inlet for receiving a mixture of the heavy components and hydrogen recycled from a steam pyrolysis product stream effluent, and make-up hydrogen as necessary, and an outlet for discharging a hydroprocessed effluent, the catalytic hydroprocessing zone including a reactor operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent; a thermal cracking convection section with an inlet in fluid communication with the hydroprocessing zone outlet, and an outlet, and', 'a thermal cracking pyrolysis section having an inlet in fluid communication with the outlet of the convection section and the light fraction outlet, and a pyrolysis section outlet;, 'a thermal cracking zone including'}a quenching zone in fluid communication with the pyrolysis section outlet, the quenching zone having an outlet for discharging an intermediate quenched mixed product stream and an outlet for discharging ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Process and System for Processing Asphaltenes-Rich Feed

Номер: US20220098495A1

Disclosed are process and system for making an asphalt product and an olefin product from an asphaltenes-rich feed without using a vacuum distillation column. The feed is first deep stripped in a first stripping column using a stripping vapor such as steam and/or a C2-C3 paraffins-rich stream to obtain a bottoms liquid effluent having a high cutpoint and an overheads effluent comprising gas oil, lighter hydrocarbons, and the stripping vapor. The high-boiling point bottoms liquids effluent, with optional additional separation and/or treatment, can be used as asphalt products. The overheads effluent, with optional additional separation, can be fed into a pyrolysis furnace cracker, where it is converted into a cracker product mixture comprising olefins, lighter hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and the like, which can be recovered in a products recovery subsystem. 1. A process for producing an asphalt product and an olefin product from an asphaltenes-rich feed , the process comprising:(I) feeding the asphaltenes-rich feed to a first stripping column through a first inlet on the first stripping column;(II) feeding a first stripping vapor stream to the first stripping column through a second inlet on the first stripping column, the second inlet being located below the first inlet;(III) obtaining a first overhead effluent from the first stripping column;(IV) feeding at least a portion of the first overhead effluent to a pyrolysis furnace cracker operating under pyrolysis cracking conditions;(V) obtaining a cracker product mixture effluent from the pyrolysis furnace cracker;(VI) obtaining the olefin product from the cracker product mixture effluent in a cracked product recovery zone;(VII) obtaining a first bottoms effluent from the first stripping column rich in asphaltenes; and(VIII) obtaining the asphalt product from the bottoms effluent.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein inside the first stripping column and between the first inlet and the second inlet claim 1 , a first ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080009A1
Автор: DERKS Willem

The invention provides a method for pretreating a hydrocarbon steam cracker feed, comprising contacting the feed with a solvent to produce a pretreated feed having a reduced content of fouling components that cause fouling in the preheat, convection and radiant sections of the steam cracker and a rich solvent having an increased content of fouling components. The invention further provides a method for steam cracking hydrocarbons comprising: a) feeding a hydrocarbon steam cracker feed to the process; b) pretreating the feed by contacting the feed with a solvent to produce a pretreated feed having a reduced content of fouling components that cause fouling in the steam cracker and a rich solvent having an increased content of fouling components; c) heating the pretreated feed; and d) passing the pretreated feed through a steam cracker under cracking conditions to produce cracked products. 1. A method of pretreating a hydrocarbon steam cracker feed , comprising contacting the feed with a solvent to produce a pretreated feed having a reduced content of fouling components that cause fouling in the preheat , convection and radiant sections of the steam cracker and a rich solvent having an increased content of fouling components.2. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon steam cracker feed comprises hydrowax claim 1 , hydrotreated vacuum gas oil claim 1 , gasoil claim 1 , slackwax or mixtures thereof.3. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon steam cracker feed comprises pyrolysis oil from plastic waste.4. The method of wherein the fouling components comprise polycyclic aromatics claim 1 , resins or a mixture thereof.5. The method of wherein the pretreated feed has a higher hydrogen content than the hydrocarbon steam cracker feed.6. The method of wherein the fouling components cause fouling by condensing in the transfer line exchangers.7. The method of wherein the solvent is selected from the group consisting of furfural claim 1 , sulfolane claim 1 , toluene claim 1 , N-formyl ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087586A1

A system and method for thermal cracking of crude oil is provided. The system includes a plurality of communicatively coupled components configured to support thermal cracking of crude oil and performs a method including a continuous, industrial-sized thermal cracking process used to convert heavy crude oil or extra-heavy crude oil into lighter crude oil, using a liquid catalyst to prevent coke formation and promote alkylation reactions. 1. A method for thermal cracking of crude oil , the method comprising:heating a base crude oil to a first designated heating temperature;based on the base oil reaching the first designated heating temperature, generating an oil-based essence substance;transporting the oil-based essence substance to a separator drum configured to generate a modified oil-based essence substance;filtering, via the separator drum, the oil-based essence substance in order to generate the modified oil-based essence substance;transporting the modified oil-based essence substance to a reactor configured to support application of a liquid catalyst to the modified oil-based essence substance;applying the liquid catalyst to the modified oil-based essence substance in the reactor;heating the reactor to a second designated heating temperature;based on the reactor reaching the second designated heating temperature, generating an optimum oil substance; andcooling the optimum oil substance and storing it in one or more reservoirs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of cooling the optimum oil substance further comprises:adding a plurality of virgin crude oil to the reactor; andcooling the optimum oil substance via the plurality of virgin crude oil.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:storing the optimum oil substance in the reactor for at least four minutes before the step of cooling the optimum oil substance.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first designated heating temperature is about 110° C. and the second designated heating temperature is ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108324A1

The present invention provides a method for preparing a pipelineable hydrocarbon mixture from a crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture comprising: —visbreaking said crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture at a temperature of 350 to 440° C. and a pressure of 20 to 150 bar for 0.5 to 15 minutes to produce a visbroken hydrocarbon mixture; and —mixing said visbroken hydrocarbon mixture with a diluent to produce said pipelineable hydrocarbon mixture. 1. A method for preparing a pipelineable hydrocarbon mixture from a crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture comprising:visbreaking said crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture at a temperature of 350 to 440° C. and a pressure of 20 to 150 bar for 0.5 to 15 minutes to produce a visbroken hydrocarbon mixture; andmixing said visbroken hydrocarbon mixture with a diluent to produce said pipelineable hydrocarbon mixture.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said visbreaking is at a temperature of 390 to 415° C.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said visbreaking is at a pressure of 50 to 150 bar.4. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said visbreaking is for 1 to 10 minutes.5. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said visbreaking has a conversion of 1 to 14%.6. A method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein said visbreaking has a conversion of 8 to 10%.7. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein substantially all of the crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture is visbroken.8. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least 90% wt of said visbroken hydrocarbon mixture is incorporated into said pipelineable hydrocarbon mixture.9. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture is separated from a heavy hydrocarbon and water mixture in a separator prior to said visbreaking.10. A method as claimed in claim 9 , wherein diluent is added to said heavy hydrocarbon and water mixture prior to claim 9 , or during claim 9 , separation in said separator.11. A method as claimed in claim 10 , wherein said crude heavy hydrocarbon mixture ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107432A1

A technique for treating heavy hydrocarbon oil in the oil production process or oil refining process. A method and apparatus for adding and mixing a liquid phase of hydrocarbon oil to a hydrocarbon oil feedstock containing heavy hydrocarbon oil in an oil production process or oil refining process including a hydrocarbon oil dehydration process, thereby processing the heavy hydrocarbon oil to be lighter and thus increasing the throughput of the heavy hydrocarbon oil. 1. A method for treating heavy hydrocarbon oil using a liquid phase of hydrocarbon oil , which method is to increase the throughput of heavy hydrocarbon oil in an oil production or refining process including a dehydration process , the method comprising:(a) a mixing step of adding and mixing a liquid phase of hydrocarbon oil to a hydrocarbon oil feedstock containing heavy hydrocarbon oil to produce a feedstock processed to be lighter;(b) a dehydration step of removing water from the feedstock processed to be lighter; and(c) a separation step of separating the feedstock from the dehydration step (a) into gas, non-residual oil and residue.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the dehydration step (b) is performed by at least one process of separation claim 1 , coalescence and desalting.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:(d) an oil-upgrading step of modifying the residue to produce a liquid phase of hydrocarbon oil, after the separation step (c),wherein the liquid phase of hydrocarbon oil produced in the oil-upgrading step is added to the hydrocarbon oil feedstock of the mixing step (a).4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the oil-upgrading step (d) is performed to modify the residue by at least one process of thermal cracking claim 3 , hydrocracking claim 3 , solvent extraction claim 3 , and catalytic cracking.5. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the oil-upgrading step (d) is performed to modify the residue by solvent extraction and then an additional process ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102509A1

Provided herein is a process for separating alkane isomers from a hydrocarbon mixture in an integrated refining unit, comprising: passing the hydrocarbon mixture through a normal alkane-selective membrane in a single stage to produce a normal alkane-enriched stream and a membrane reject stream; and feeding the normal alkane-enriched stream to a steam cracker to produce olefins; wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises n-paraffins and at least two of isoparaffins, cycloparaffins, and aromatics. 1. A process for separating alkane isomers from a hydrocarbon mixture in an integrated refining unit , comprising:a. passing the hydrocarbon mixture through a normal alkane-selective membrane in a single stage to produce a normal alkane-enriched stream and a membrane reject stream; and 'wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises n-paraffins and at least two of isoparaffins, cycloparaffins, and aromatics.', 'b. feeding the normal alkane-enriched stream to a steam cracker to produce olefins;'}2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the normal alkane-selective membrane is an organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) membrane.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the normal alkane-selective membrane is a pervaporation membrane.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the membrane reject stream comprises the at least two of the isoparaffins claim 1 , the cycloparaffins claim 1 , and the aromatics.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon mixture comprises a naphtha claim 1 , a kerosene claim 1 , a diesel claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.6. The process of claim 1 , additionally comprising feeding the membrane reject stream to a hydrocracker.7. The process of claim 6 , additionally comprising separating an effluent from the hydrocracker into a C2-C4 hydrocarbon fraction and a hydrocracked fraction that comprises the n-paraffins and the isoparaffins; feeding the C2-C4 hydrocarbon fraction to the steam cracker; and skeletally isomerizing at least a portion of the hydrocracked fraction to ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177785A1

Systems and methods for producing one or more olefins using waste plastics and used lubricating oil are disclosed. Mixed waste plastic is processed in a pyrolysis unit to produce plastic derived oil. The plastic derived oil is subsequently blended with used lubricating oil to form a mixture. The mixture is then separated into (1) a light-end stream comprising C1 to C8 hydrocarbons and (2) a heavy hydrocarbon feed stream. The heavy hydrocarbon feed stream is then processed to produce a steam cracking feedstock stream. The light end-stream and/or the steam cracking feedstock stream are then flowed into a cracking unit to produce one or more olefins. 1. A method of producing one or more olefins , the method comprising:blending a plastic derived oil with a used lubricating oil to from a blended hydrocarbon feed;{'sub': 1', '8, 'separating the blended hydrocarbon feed to form (1) a light-end stream comprising primarily Cto Chydrocarbons and (2) a heavy hydrocarbon feed;'}flowing the light-end stream to a steam cracking unit;processing the heavy hydrocarbon feed to produce a steam cracking feedstock; andcracking (1) hydrocarbons of the steam cracking feedstock and (2) hydrocarbons of the light-end stream to produce one or more olefins.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to the blending step claim 1 , pyrolizing claim 1 , in a pyrolysis unit claim 1 , plastic material to form the plastic derived oil.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the pyrolizing is carried out at a temperature in a range of 100 to 500° C.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the pyrolizing is carried out at a pressure in a range of 0.05 barg to 10 barg.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to flowing the light-end stream to the steam cracking unit claim 1 , and hydroprocessing the light-end stream.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the hydroprocessing of the light-end stream is performed at a temperature in a range of 250 to 400° C.7. The method of claim 5 ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160122662A1

The invention relates to a process for converting a hydrocarbon-containing feedstock containing at least one hydrocarbon fraction having a sulphur content of at least 0.1% by weight, an initial boiling temperature of at least 340° C. and a final boiling temperature of at least 440° C., making it possible to obtain a heavy fraction having a sediment content after ageing of less than or equal to 0.1% by weight, said process comprising the following stages: a) a stage of visbreaking the feedstock in at least one maturation chamber (soaker), b) a stage of separating the effluent obtained at the end of stage a), c) a stage of maturation of the heavy fraction originating from stage b), d) a stage of separating the sediments from the heavy fraction originating from the maturation stage c) in order to obtain said heavy fraction. 1) Process for converting a hydrocarbon-containing feedstock containing at least one hydrocarbon fraction having a sulphur content of at least 0.1% by weight , an initial boiling temperature of at least 340° C. and a final boiling temperature of at least 440° C. , making it possible to obtain a heavy fraction having a sediment content after ageing of less than or equal to 0.1% by weight , said process comprising the following stages:a) a stage of visbreaking the feedstock in at least one maturation chamber (soaker),b) a stage of separating the effluent obtained at the end of stage a) into at least one light hydrocarbon fraction containing fuel bases and a heavy fraction containing compounds boiling at at least 350° C.,c) a stage of maturation of the heavy fraction originating from the separation stage b) making it possible to convert a part of the potential sediments to existing sediments, carried out for a duration comprised between 1 and 1500 minutes, at a temperature comprised between 50 and 350° C., and at a pressure of less than 20 MPa,d) a stage of separating the sediments from the heavy fraction originating from the maturation stage c) in ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119582A1
Автор: Gupta Subodh

Methods for preparing, converting, and/or transporting bitumen are provided. Asphaltene prills, prilling processes, and converted bitumen suitable for transport are disclosed. One method for preparing bitumen for transport comprises: separating asphaltene from the bitumen to generate a deasphalted oil and asphaltene; separating the asphaltene into a first asphaltene fraction and a second asphaltene fraction, the first asphaltene fraction being less soluble in deasphalted oil and the second asphaltene fraction being more soluble in deasphalted oil; and forming an asphaltene prill comprising an inner core comprising the second asphaltene fraction and an outer layer comprising the first asphaltene fraction. Asphaltene prills disclosed herein may comprise an inner core comprising an asphaltene fraction having more solubility in deasphalted oil, and an outer layer comprising an asphaltene fraction having less solubility in deasphalted oil. Methods for the transport of bitumen via a pipeline are disclosed. 1. A converted bitumen comprising:asphaltene prills, the asphaltene prills comprising an asphaltene inner core comprising an asphaltene fraction that is more soluble in deasphalted oil and an asphaltene outer layer comprising an asphaltene fraction that is less soluble in deasphalted oil; anddeasphalted oil.2. The converted bitumen of claim 1 , wherein the deasphalted oil is visbroken deasphalted oil.3. The converted bitumen of claim 1 , wherein the asphaltene prills further comprise at least one hollow portion.4. The converted bitumen of claim 3 , wherein the at least one hollow portion is in the inner core of the asphaltene prills.5. The converted bitumen of claim 1 , wherein the converted bitumen further comprises one or more additional diluents.6. An asphaltene prill comprising:an inner core, the inner core comprising an asphaltene fraction having a first solubility in deasphalted oil; andan outer layer, the outer layer comprising an asphaltene fraction having a ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210155856A1

A process for continuously upgrading heavy oil to produce light hydrocarbon gases which are recycled in the process as a carrier gas used in spark-discharge hydrocarbon cracking within the process. The process also produces light hydrocarbon liquids which are used to upgrade the heavy oil. An apparatus for continuously upgrading heavy oil to produce light hydrocarbon gases which are recycled in the as a carrier gas used in spark-discharge hydrocarbon cracking within the apparatus. The apparatus also produces light hydrocarbon liquids which are used to upgrade the heavy oil. 1. An apparatus for continuously upgrading the quality of heavy oil , the apparatus comprising:a heavy oil feed connected to a heat exchanger for conveying heavy oil through the heat exchanger, wherein the heavy oil feed is continuous with a first line connecting the heat exchanger with a first trim exchanger;a reactor with a second line configured to deliver heavy oil thereto, wherein the second line runs through the first trim exchanger and is continuous with the first line;a separator connected to the reactor by a third line, wherein the separator is connected to a fourth line that splits into a recycling line and a fifth line, wherein the recycling line merges with the second line, and the fifth line connects to the heat exchanger, and wherein a sixth line is connected to the separator and splits into a produced light liquids line and a seventh line, wherein the seventh line connects to a blender;a second trim exchanger, connected to the heat exchanger by an eighth line, wherein the eighth line is continuous with the fifth line;a ninth line connecting the blender and the second trim exchanger;an upgraded oil line connected to the blender, for removing upgraded oil from the apparatus;a compressor, wherein a tenth line is connected to the separator and splits into a recycle gas line and an eleventh line, wherein the recycle gas line connects to the compressor and the eleventh line connects to a ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145499A1

A process for reducing coke formation during hydrocarbon upgrading reactions using a double-wall reactor comprising the steps of feeding a heated feed water to a shell-side volume of the double-wall reactor to produce a heat transfer stream, the double-wall reactor comprising an exterior wall and an interior wall, a reaction section volume, a heating element configured to heat the heat transfer stream, wherein heat is transferred from the heat transfer stream to the reaction section volume, feeding the hot water return exiting the shell-side volume through a filter; mixing the filtered water stream with a heated hydrocarbon feedstock; feeding the mixed stream to the reaction section volume in a configuration counter-current to the heat transfer stream; reacting the reaction flow stream at a reaction temperature, wherein the heat transferred to the reaction section volume is operable to maintain the reaction temperature above the critical temperature of water. 1. A process for reducing coke formation during hydrocarbon upgrading reactions using a double-wall reactor , the process comprising the steps of: an exterior wall and an interior wall, the exterior wall and the interior wall defining the shell-side volume disposed between,', 'a reaction section volume bounded by the interior wall,', 'a heating element, the heating element adjacent to the exterior wall, wherein the heating element is configured to heat the heat transfer stream to create a hot water return, such that the heat transfer stream is above the critical temperature of water, wherein heat is transferred from the heat transfer stream through the interior wall to the reaction section volume, wherein the hot water return exits the shell-side volume,', 'wherein the heat transfer stream is at a temperature greater than the critical temperature of water and is at a pressure greater than the critical pressure of water;, 'feeding a heated feed water to a shell-side volume of the double-wall reactor to produce a ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Processing Diesel Fuel From Waste Oil

Номер: US20170145321A9

There is disclosed a system and method for processing diesel fuel from petroleum-based waste oil on a small scale compared to conventional methods for re-refining waste oil to a valuable product. In an embodiment, the method comprises dehydrating waste oil to remove water from the waste oil, and operating a vertical cylindrical reactor to induce pyrolysis of the dehydrated waste oil and convert it into a hydrocarbon vapour phase. The hydrocarbon vapour derived from pyrolysis is condensed and distilled using a distillation tower to produce diesel fuel, heavy liquid hydrocarbon, light liquid hydrocarbon and light hydrocarbon vapour. A filtering step cleans the processed diesel fuel to obtain a clean diesel fuel product. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for refining petroleum based waste oil to diesel fuel and products comprising:(i) dehydrating waste oil to remove free and emulsified water;(ii) operating a vertical cylindrical reactor to obtain a hydrocarbon vapour from pyrolysis of the dehydrated waste oil;(iii) operating a hydrocarbon vapour distillation column to condense and distil one or more hydrocarbon fractions including a liquid hydrocarbon within a diesel boiling point range; and(iv) filtering the liquid hydrocarbon in the diesel boiling point range with a regenerable adsorbent material to remove particulates, contaminants, colour bodies, and odour.22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising operating the vertical cylindrical reactor at an operating vacuum pressure below atmospheric pressure ranging from about 0 kPag to about −49 kPag and preferably in the range of −7 kPag to about −21 kPag (about −1 psig to −3 psig).25. The method of claim 21 , further comprising arranging the rate of continuous in flow of feed of the waste oil relative to the volume of material in the reactor to cause operating the vertical cylindrical reactor with an average nominal liquid residence time of about 0.5 hours to about 3.0 hours.26. The method of ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145322A1

The present invention relates to delayed coking of heavy petroleum residue producing petroleum coke and lighter hydrocarbon products. The invented process utilize a pre-cracking reactor for mild thermal cracking of the feedstock and an intermediate separator, before being subjected to higher severity thermal cracking in delayed coking process, resulting in reduction in overall coke yield. 1. A method of reducing overall coke yield said method comprising the steps of:{'b': 1', '19', '37', '54', '74', '2', '20', '38', '55', '76', '3', '21', '39', '56', '77, '(a) heating a hydrocarbon feedstock [, , , , ] in a furnace [, , , , ] to obtain hot feed [, , , , ];'}{'b': 3', '21', '39', '56', '77', '4', '22', '40', '57', '78', '5', '23', '41', '58', '79, '(b) introducing the hot feed [, , , , ] of step (a) in a pre-cracking reactor [, , , , ] wherein it undergoes mild thermal cracking reactions to obtain an outlet product material stream [, , , , ];'}{'b': 5', '23', '41', '58', '79', '24', '30', '6', '42', '59', '80', '7', '43', '62', '81', '8', '44', '63', '82', '7', '43', '62', '81', '12', '36', '61', '73, '(c) passing the outlet product material stream [, , , , ] of step (b) either directly to a main fractionator [] to obtain heavy bottom fraction [] or an intermediate separator [, , , ] to split outlet product material stream into top fraction [, , , ] and bottom product [, , , ] and transferring the top fraction [, , , ] to a main fractionator [, , , ];'}{'b': 30', '8', '44', '63', '82', '2', '20', '38', '55', '76', '9', '31', '45', '64', '83, '(d) heating the heavy bottom fraction [] or the heavy bottom [, , , ] of step (c) in a furnace [, , , , ] to obtain hot hydrocarbon stream [, , , , ];'}{'b': 9', '31', '45', '64', '83', '10', '32', '46', '65', '84', '11', '33', '47', '66', '85, '(e) transferring the hot hydrocarbon stream [, , , , ] of step (d) to preheated coke drums [, , , , ] where it undergoes severe thermal cracking reactions to obtain product vapors [, , , ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Heavy Oils Having Reduced Total Acid Number and Olefin Content

Номер: US20190144762A1

A process for treating a heavy oil by heating a feedstock comprising a heavy oil in order to separate from the heavy oil a first fraction. The first fraction contains no more than 25% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil. A second fraction contains at least 75% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil. The second fraction then is treated under conditions that provide a heavy oil that has a total acid number, or TAN, that does not exceed 1.0 mg KOH/g, or is at least 50% lower than the total acid number prior to treatment, an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %, and a p-value of at least 50% of the p-value of the heavy oil prior to treatment, or a p-value that is at least 1.5. 1. A process for treating a heavy oil , comprising:(a) heating a feedstock comprising a heavy oil to remove from said heavy oil a first fraction, wherein said first fraction contains no more than 25% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil, and thereby providing a second fraction, wherein said second fraction contains at least 75% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil; and(b) treating said second fraction under conditions that provide a treated heavy oil that has a total acid number (TAN) that does not exceed 1.0 mg KOH/g, or is at least 50% lower than the total acid number (TAN) of said heavy oil prior to step (a), an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %, and a p-value which is at least 50% of the p-value of said heavy oil prior to step (a), or a p-value of at least 1.5.2. The process of wherein step (a) comprises heating said feedstock comprising a heavy oil to a temperature that does not exceed 350° C. atmospheric equivalent temperature and subjecting said feedstock comprising a heavy oil a pressure that does not exceed 3 atm.3. The process of wherein step (b) comprises heating said second fraction to a temperature that does not exceed 400° C. atmospheric equivalent temperature and subjecting said second fraction to a ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158971A1

Embodiments provide a method and apparatus for upgrading a hydrocarbon feedstock. According to at least one embodiment, the method includes (a) supplying a hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, where the hydrocarbon feedstock is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock; (b) separating the hydrocarbons and the oxidized sulfur compounds by solvent extraction; (c) collecting a residue stream that includes the oxidized sulfur compounds; (d) supplying the residue stream to a coker to produce coker gases and solid coke; and (e) recycling at least a portion of the volatile component stream to the oxidation reactor to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds in the volatile component stream, the recycled portion of the volatile component stream comprising at least one of light coker gas oils and heavy coker gas oils. 1. A method of upgrading a hydrocarbon feedstock , the method comprising:supplying the hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, the hydrocarbon feedstock comprising sulfur-containing compounds;contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with an oxidant in the presence of a catalyst in the oxidation reactor under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock to produce a hydrocarbon stream that comprises hydrocarbons and oxidized sulfur-containing compounds;supplying the hydrocarbon stream to an extraction vessel and separating the hydrocarbon stream into an extracted hydrocarbon stream and a mixed stream by extracting the hydrocarbon stream with a polar solvent, the mixed stream comprising the polar solvent and the oxidized sulfur-containing compounds and wherein the extracted hydrocarbon stream has a lower concentration of the sulfur containing-compounds than the hydrocarbon feedstock;separating the mixed stream using a distillation column into a first recovered polar solvent stream and a first residue ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158972A1

Embodiments provide a method and apparatus for upgrading a hydrocarbon feedstock. According to at least one embodiment, the method includes (a) supplying a hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, where the hydrocarbon feedstock is oxidized in the presence of a catalyst under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock; (b) separating the hydrocarbons and the oxidized sulfur compounds by solvent extraction; (c) collecting a residue stream that includes the oxidized sulfur compounds; (d) supplying the residue stream to a coker to produce coker gases and solid coke; and (e) supplying spent adsorbent including residual oils from the adsorption column to the coker for disposing the spent adsorbent after completion of an adsorption cycle. 1. A method of upgrading a hydrocarbon feedstock , the method comprising:supplying the hydrocarbon feedstock to an oxidation reactor, the hydrocarbon feedstock comprising sulfur-containing compounds;contacting the hydrocarbon feedstock with an oxidant in the presence of a catalyst in the oxidation reactor under conditions sufficient to selectively oxidize sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feedstock to produce a hydrocarbon stream that comprises hydrocarbons and oxidized sulfur-containing compounds;supplying the hydrocarbon stream to an extraction vessel and separating the hydrocarbon stream into an extracted hydrocarbon stream and a mixed stream by extracting the hydrocarbon stream with a polar solvent, the mixed stream comprising the polar solvent and the oxidized sulfur-containing compounds and wherein the extracted hydrocarbon stream has a lower concentration of the sulfur containing-compounds than the hydrocarbon feedstock;separating the mixed stream using a distillation column into a first recovered polar solvent stream and a first residue stream;supplying the first residue stream to a coker to produce a volatile component stream;supplying the extracted ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации

Desalter Configuration Integrated with Steam Cracker

Номер: US20220306949A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc

The present disclosure provides for processes for producing light hydrocarbons. In an embodiment, a process includes pressurizing the hydrocarbon feed in one or more pumps producing a pressurized hydrocarbon feed and heating the pressurized hydrocarbon feed in one or more heat exchangers to produce a heated hydrocarbon feed. The process includes mixing the heated hydrocarbon feed with water and separating an inter-stage hydrocarbon feed from interstage water. The process includes mixing the inter-stage hydrocarbon feed with water and separating a desalted hydrocarbon feed from outlet water. The process includes pyrolysing the desalted hydrocarbon feed in a steam cracker.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150175906A1

Method for optimising the production of middle distillate in a refinery, comprising at least one catalytic cracking unit () and at least one vacuum distillation unit (), the optimising operation consisting in: 1. Method for optimising the production of middle distillate in a refinery , comprising at least one catalytic cracking unit with fractionation of the effluents for treating an atmospheric and/or vacuum residue type of feed and at least one vacuum distillation unit , the optimising comprising:a) sending at least part of a cut obtained by fractionation of the effluents from the catalytic cracking of the said feed, distilling at at least 320° C. also called 320° C.+ cut in the feed of the said vacuum distillation unit,b) distilling the said cut under vacuum into at least two fractions, a fraction distilling between 320° C. and 550° C. called the HCOSV fraction, and a fraction distilling at at least 550° C. called the SSV fraction,c) sending the HCOSV fraction thereby obtained to at least one distillate treatment unit, andd) sending the SSV fraction, as such or after intermediate upgrading treatment, to the feed of the catalytic cracking unit and/or to heavy fuel oil blending and storage units.2. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the said vacuum distillation unit is the vacuum distillation unit used for distilling the atmospheric residues or RAT issuing from the atmospheric distillation of crude oil or a unit intended for the vacuum separation of the two SSV and HCOSV fractions from the 320° C.+ cut.3. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that the HCOSV fraction is sent alone or in a mixture with at least one vacuum distillate DSV to at least one distillate treatment unit.4. Method according to claim 1 , characterised in that in step (d) claim 1 , the SSV fraction is sent claim 1 , alone or in a mixture with at least one vacuum residue or RSV and/or at least one atmospheric distillation residue or RAT claim 1 , in the feed of the ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175013A1

The present invention relates to decreasing the amount of diluent needed to convert a heavy oil to a bitumen product that can be transported by pipeline. More specifically, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for partially upgrading heavy oil into a lower viscosity bitumen product. 1. A method for partially upgrading a hydrocarbon containing heavy oil or dilbit with an oxcombustion process , comprising:(a) reacting a fuel with an oxidant in a combustion chamber at a ratio close to stoichiometric value producing a hot combustion gas mixture;(b) introducing and contacting a gas with the hot combustion mixture producing a hot gas mixture;(c) routing the hot gas mixture in a reactor zone of a contact vessel through a converging/diverging nozzle to produce a hot accelerated gas stream;(d) atomizing in the reactor zone the heavy oil with the hot accelerated gas stream to form heavy oil droplets;(e) at least partially evaporating in the reactor zone hydrocarbons from the heavy oil droplets into hot gas stream; and(f) cracking the heavy oil hydrocarbons by shear forces, thermal cracking, free radicals or a combination thereof forming an upgraded hydrocarbon product.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is steam claim 1 , carbon dioxide claim 1 , nitrogen claim 1 , methane or mixtures thereof.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heavy oil may contain water or diluent.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot gas stream is at a temperature ranging from about 1000-2200° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot accelerated gas stream has a velocity ranging from 150-1000 m/sec.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reactor exit temperature in step c is at a temperature ranging from about 425-540° C.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reactor residence time in step c is less than 30 sec.8. An integrated method for partially upgrading a hydrocarbon containing heavy oil claim 1 , comprising:(a) introducing a hydrocarbon containing heavy oil into a reactor ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194565A1

A process is provided that is directed to a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone and a hydrotreating zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. The integrated solvent deasphalting, hydrotreating and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals comprises: charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent for producing a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase; charging the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and hydrogen to a hydroprocessing zone operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent reduced having a reduced content of contaminants, an increased paraffinicity, reduced Bureau of Mines Correlation Index, and an increased American Petroleum Institute gravity; thermally cracking the hydroprocessed effluent in the presence of steam to produce a mixed product stream; separating the mixed product stream; purifying hydrogen recovered from the mixed product stream and recycling it to the hydroprocessing zone; recovering olefins and aromatics from the separated mixed product stream; and recovering pyrolysis fuel oil from the separated mixed product stream. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting , hydrotreating and steam pyrolysis process for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the process comprising:a. charging the crude oil to a solvent deasphalting zone with an effective amount of solvent for producing a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and a bottom asphalt phase;b. charging the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and hydrogen to a hydroprocessing zone operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent reduced having a reduced content of contaminants, an increased paraffinicity, reduced Bureau of Mines Correlation Index, and ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Process and Apparatus for Converting Hydrocarbons

Номер: US20150197696A1

An apparatus and process are provided for processing hydrocarbon feeds. The process enhances the conversion of hydrocarbon feeds into conversion products, such as ethylene and propylene. In particular, the present techniques utilize two high-severity pyrolysis reactors integrated with another reactor type to convert hydrocarbons to other petrochemical products. The pyrolysis reactors recycle a portion of one of the reactor products to at least one of the pyrolysis reactors to further enhance the process. 1. A hydrocarbon conversion method comprising:exposing a first pyrolysis feed in a first pyrolysis reactor to a peak pyrolysis gas temperature≧1400.0° C. to produce a first reactor product, wherein the first pyrolysis feed has a hydrogen content≧14.0 wt % based on the weight of hydrocarbon in the pyrolysis feed;exposing a second pyrolysis feed in a second pyrolysis reactor to a peak pyrolysis gas temperature≧1400.0° C. to produce a second reactor product having≧0.5 wt % methane based on the weight of the second reactor product, wherein the second pyrolysis feed has a hydrogen content<14.0 wt % based on the weight of hydrocarbon in the pyrolysis feed; and{'sub': '2', 'separating hydrogen (H) from at least a portion of the first reactor product, wherein the second pyrolysis feed comprises at least a portion of the separated hydrogen;'}separating methane from at least a portion of the second reactor product, wherein the first pyrolysis feed comprises at least a portion of the separated methane.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising combining the at least a portion of the first reactor product with the at least a portion of the second reactor product.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second reactor product has a C to acetylene weight ratio≦0.5.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first pyrolysis feed comprises ≧50.0 wt % of hydrocarbon claim 1 , the hydrocarbon having a hydrogen content≧14.0 wt %.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein at least 50 ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Refining Corrosive Crudes

Номер: US20180187098A1
Автор: Eng Odette, KLEIN Benjamin

Systems and methods for refining conventional crude and heavy, corrosive, contaminant-laden carbonaceous crude (Opportunity Crude) in partially or totally separated streams or trains. 1. A system for processing an opportunity crude , comprising:at least one of a pre-flash heater and an evaporator column in fluid communication with an opportunity crude line, a light material line and a heavy material line; anda vacuum distillation tower in fluid communication with only a reduced crude line, a vacuum gas oil line and a vacuum resid line.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a delayed coker in fluid communication with the heavy material line and the vacuum resid line to convert vacuum resid in the vacuum resid line into one of a light gas oil and a fuel grade coke products.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein a light material in the light material line comprises a carbonaceous material with a boiling point below about 650° F. and a heavy material in the heavy material line comprises a carbonaceous material with a boiling point above about 650° F.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein a light material in the light material line comprises a low boiling opportunity crude and a heavy material in the heavy material line comprises a high boiling opportunity crude.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein a heavy material in the heavy material line is processed without vacuum distillation.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein a vacuum resid in the vacuum resid line is further processed using a delayed coker to produce a treated product for gasoline blending.7. A system for processing an opportunity crude claim 1 , comprising:at least one of a pre-flash heater and an evaporator column in fluid communication with an opportunity crude line, a light material line and a heavy material line; andan atmospheric crude distillation tower in fluid communication with the light material line and a conventional crude line for processing only the light material and a conventional crude.8. The ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180187099A1

A system is provided integrating a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone and a hydrotreating zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting , hydrotreating and steam pyrolysis system for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the system comprising:a solvent deasphalting zone having a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream outlet and a bottom asphalt outlet;a catalytic hydroproces sing zone in fluid communication with the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream outlet of the solvent deasphalting zone, the catalytic hydroprocessing zone having inlet for receiving a mixture of the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and hydrogen recycled from a steam pyrolysis product stream effluent, and make-up hydrogen as necessary, and an outlet for discharging a hydroprocessed effluent, the catalytic hydroprocessing zone including a reactor operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent; a thermal cracking convection section with an inlet in fluid communication with the hydroprocessing zone outlet, and an outlet, and', 'a thermal cracking pyrolysis section having an inlet in fluid communication with the outlet of the convection section and the light fraction outlet, and a pyrolysis section outlet;, 'a thermal cracking zone including'}a quenching zone in fluid communication with the pyrolysis section outlet, the quenching zone having an outlet for discharging an intermediate quenched mixed product stream and an outlet for discharging quenching solution;a product separation zone in fluid communication with the quenching zone outlet, and the product separation zone having a hydrogen outlet, one or more olefin product outlets and one or more pyrolysis fuel oil outlets; anda hydrogen purification zone in fluid communication with the product separation zone hydrogen outlet, the ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Two Stage Thermal Cracking Process With Multistage Separation System

Номер: US20190185765A1

The present invention relates to Delayed Coking of heavy petroleum residue producing petroleum coke and lighter hydrocarbon products. The invented process utilizes a pre-cracking reactor for mild thermal cracking of the feedstock and intermediate multistage separation system before being subjected to higher severity thermal cracking in delayed coking process, resulting in reduction in overall coke yield. 1. A method of reducing overall coke yield in delayed coking process , said method comprising the steps of:a) passing fresh hydrocarbon feed to bottom of a main fractionator and mixing with internal recycle to make secondary hydrocarbon feedstock;b) heating the secondary hydrocarbon feedstock in a furnace to obtain hot feed at a desired inlet temperature of a pre-cracking reactor;c) passing the hot feed at desired temperature and pressure to the pre-cracking reactor, wherein the hot feed undergoes mild thermal cracking reactions to obtain outlet product material stream;d) introducing the outlet product material stream to a first intermediate separator to split hydrocarbons in the outlet material stream into top and bottom fractions, wherein the top fraction comprises of lighter products and gases and the bottom fraction is split into first portion and second portion;e) routing the top fraction to the main fractionator;f) separating first portion of the bottom fraction in a second separator column operating in vacuum conditions to obtain top product and heavier product;g) passing the top product obtained in step (f) to the main fractionator;h) withdrawing the heavier product cuts from the second separator of step (f) and passing to the main fractionator, wherein the heavier cuts comprises of Light Vacuum Gas Oil (LVGO) and Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil (HVGO);i) mixing the second portion from the first intermediate separator of step (d) and the bottom product from the second separator column of step (f) and heating in a furnace to a desired coking temperature to obtain hot ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

High Efficiency Pour Point Reduction Process

Номер: US20150203768A1

A process and system for converting a high-pour-point organic feedstock to an upgraded product that exhibits good low-temperature properties (cloud point, pour point, and viscosity) and improved transportability. The high-efficiency process includes a continuous-flow, high-rate hydrothermal reactor system and integrated separation systems that result in low complexity, small footprint, high energy efficiency, and high yields of high-quality upgraded product. The system is specifically desirable for use in converting waxy feedstocks, such as yellow and black wax petroleum crudes and wax from the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process, into upgraded crude that exhibits a high diesel fraction and, correspondingly, low vacuum gas oil (VGO) fraction. 1. A continuous flow process for converting a high-pour-point organic feedstock to an upgraded product comprising:providing a high-pour-point organic feedstock;feeding the high-pour-point organic feedstock into a separation system to produce a distillate fraction and a heavy fraction;feeding the heavy fraction from the separation system into a high-rate hydrothermal reactor system to produce an upgraded heavy fraction; andfeeding the upgraded heavy fraction into the separation system or combining the upgraded heavy fraction with the distillate fraction to form the upgraded product.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the high-rate hydrothermal reactor system transfers a predetermined amount of energy to the upgraded heavy fraction such that when the upgraded heavy fraction is fed into the separation system claim 1 , the predetermined amount of energy is sufficient to effect separation of the distillate fraction and the heavy fraction.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising mixing the heavy fraction from the separation system with one of a water and water-oil mixture to produce a heavy fraction mixture and feeding the heavy fraction mixture into the high-rate hydrothermal reactor system.4. The process of claim 3 , further ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Integrated aromatic separation process with selective hydrocracking and steam pyrolysis processes

Номер: US20200190414A1
Автор: Omer Refa Koseoglu
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

Aromatics extraction and hydrocracking processes are integrated with a stream pyrolysis unit to optimize the performance of the hydrocracking units by processing the aromatic-rich and aromatic-lean fractions separately in order to better control the hydrocracking operating severity and/or catalyst reactor volume design requirements.

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208862A1

A system is provided integrating a steam pyrolysis zone integrated with a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. 1. An integrated solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis system for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the system comprising:a solvent deasphalting zone having a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream outlet and a bottom asphalt outlet; a thermal cracking convection section with an inlet in fluid communication with the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream outlet of the solvent deasphalting zone, and an outlet, and', 'a thermal cracking pyrolysis section having an inlet in fluid communication with the outlet of the convection section and the light fraction outlet, and a pyrolysis section outlet;, 'a thermal cracking zone including'}a quenching zone in fluid communication with the pyrolysis section outlet, the quenching zone having an outlet for discharging an intermediate quenched mixed product stream and an outlet for discharging quenching solution; anda product separation zone in fluid communication with the quenching zone outlet, and having a hydrogen outlet, one or more olefin product outlets and one or more pyrolysis fuel oil outlets.2. The integrated system of claim 1 , further comprising:a first compressor zone having an inlet in fluid communication with the quenching zone outlet discharging an intermediate quenched mixed product stream and an outlet discharging a compressed gas mixture;a caustic treatment unit having an inlet in fluid communication with the multi-stage compressor zone outlet discharging a compressed gas mixture, and an outlet discharging a gas mixture depleted of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide; anda second compressor zone having an inlet in fluid communication with the caustic treatment unit outlet, and an outlet for discharging compressed cracked gas;a dehydration zone having ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208863A1

A system is provided integrating a steam pyrolysis zone with a hydrotreating zone and a solvent deasphalting zone to permit direct processing of crude oil feedstocks to produce petrochemicals including olefins and aromatics. 1. An integrated hydrotreating , solvent deasphalting and steam pyrolysis system for the direct processing of a crude oil to produce olefinic and aromatic petrochemicals , the system comprising:a catalytic hydroprocessing zone having inlet for receiving the crude oil feedstream and hydrogen recycled from a steam pyrolysis product stream effluent, and make-up hydrogen as necessary, and an outlet for discharging a hydroprocessed effluent, the catalytic hydroprocessing zone including a reactor operating under conditions effective to produce a hydroprocessed effluent;a solvent deasphalting zone in fluid communication with the hydroprocessed effluent outlet of the catalytic hydroprocessing zone having an inlet for receiving the hydroprocessed effluent and an outlet for a deasphalted and demetalized oil stream and an outlet for a bottom asphalt; a thermal cracking convection section with an inlet in fluid communication with the deasphalted and demetalized oil stream outlet, and an outlet, and', 'a thermal cracking pyrolysis section having an inlet in fluid communication with the outlet of the convection section and the light fraction outlet, and a pyrolysis section outlet;, 'a thermal cracking zone including'}a quenching zone in fluid communication with the pyrolysis section outlet, the quenching zone having an outlet for discharging an intermediate quenched mixed product stream and an outlet for discharging quenching solution;a product separation zone in fluid communication with the intermediate quenched mixed product stream outlet, and having a hydrogen outlet, one or more olefin product outlets and one or more pyrolysis fuel oil outlets; anda hydrogen purification zone in fluid communication with the product separation zone hydrogen outlet, the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Raffinate-2 Refining Method

Номер: US20200207687A1
Принадлежит: LG Chem Ltd

Provided is a method of separating and refining 1-butene with a high purity and a high yield from a raffinate-2 stream, and recovering the refined 1-butene while maximizing an energy saving rate by using a high efficiency distillation column installed with a separation wall.

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Process for production of MARPOL compliant bunker fuel from petroleum residues

Номер: US20210246380A1

This invention relates to production of low sulfur MARPOL compliant bunker fuel oil and distillates using high sulfur residue, low sulfur residue and/or blend of high and low sulfur residue feed stock. The invention also describes a method for production of a cutterstock stream having a lower paraffin and higher aromatic content than a feed stream using a paraffin separation section and its blending to produce bunker fuel. 1. An integrated process for producing low pour point MARPOL complaint bunker fuel oil , said process comprising:a) mild thermal cracking of residue feed stock;b) withdrawing 140-280° C. boiling range stream from the cracked effluent stream;c) subjecting the withdrawn stream of 140-280° C. boiling range along with straight run kerosene stream to stripping and vacuum column separation for producing an aromatic enriched stream with a low pour point; andd) blending the aromatic enriched stream with 380° C.+ fraction from mild thermal cracking and paraffinic stream to produce MARPOL compliant bunker fuel oil having low pour point and high flash point.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the residue feed stock is selected from a group comprising heavy hydrocarbon feed stocks like vacuum residue claim 1 , atmospheric residue claim 1 , pitch having sulfur content in the range 0.1-0.6 wt %.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein stripper is having top temperature in the range of 150-200° C. claim 1 , top pressure 1-2 Kg/cm(g) and bottom temperature: 200-300° C.4. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein vacuum column separation is having top temperature: 40-100° C. claim 1 , pressure below 760 mm Hg and bottom temperature of the vacuum separator ranges from 250-300° C.510. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein MARPOL compliant bunker fuel is produced using 380° C.+ boiling fraction () in the range of 60-80 wt % claim 1 , 140-280° C. boiling fraction in the range of 5-15 wt % claim 1 , aromatic enriched stream in the range of 5-15 ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224103A1

An integrated process that is operated to create both a higher value pipelineable crude and a higher value carbon fiber product from a lower value common heavy hydrocarbon feedstock where the feedstock is processed in a thermal reactor followed by a solvent deasphalting unit with the liquids being gathered and processed to reduce olefins for pipeline transport and the solids are processed to generate a marketable carbon fiber product with any gases generated throughout the entire process reused in the process or sold. 1. An integrated process operated to produce both a pipelineable crude product and a carbon fiber product from a heavy hydrocarbon feedstock , where the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock is processed in a thermal reactor and some of the product from the thermal reactor is treated in a solvent deasphalting unit , with produced liquids being collected and mixed and further processed to reduce olefins , to produce a liquid crude stream for pipeline transport , and with asphaltene solids produced from the solvent deasphalting unit further processed into a carbon fiber product , and where gases generated at any portion of the entire process are reused in the process or sold , the process comprising:a. introducing the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock into a heater and raising the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock temperature to a desired temperature range below the cracking temperature of the heavy hydrocarbon feedstock of 600-660° F. to produce a heated heavy hydrocarbon feedstock;b. sending the heated heavy hydrocarbon feedstock for processing to a near atmospheric thermal reactor operating at an elevated uniform bulk liquid temperature of 700-790° F. for an in-reactor residence time of (1 min to 7 hours) to create and produce a vaporized lighter heavy hydrocarbon stream and a heavier liquid hydrocarbon stream;c. condensing the lighter heavy hydrocarbon stream produced from the reactor in step b) to produce a condensed lighter heavy hydrocarbon stream;d. saturating olefins ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160244676A1

A method for separating a lubrication oil from a waste fluid includes separating water from the waste fluid including a lubrication oil by heating the waste fluid while sealed in a first vacuum chamber to a first maximum specified temperature and first specified pressure. Fuel oil is separated from a fluid received from the first vacuum chamber by heating the fluid while sealed in a second vacuum chamber to a second maximum specified temperature that his higher than the first maximum specified temperature and at a second specified pressure. Finally, the lubrication oil is separated from a fluid received from the second vacuum chamber by heating the fluid received from the second vacuum chamber while sealed in a third vacuum chamber to a third maximum specified temperature that his higher than the second maximum specified temperature and at a third specified pressure. The first, second and third pressures need not be different. 1. A method comprising:separating water from a waste fluid comprising a lubrication oil by heating the waste fluid sealed in a first vacuum chamber to a first maximum specified temperature;separating fuel oil from a fluid received from the first vacuum chamber by heating the fluid received from the first vacuum chamber while sealed in a second vacuum chamber to a second maximum specified temperature that is higher than the first maximum specified temperature; andseparating the lubrication oil from a fluid received from the second vacuum chamber by heating the fluid received from the second vacuum chamber while sealed in a third vacuum chamber to a third maximum specified temperature that is higher than the second maximum specified temperature.2. The method of claim 1 , where the first maximum specified temperature is below the critical vaporization temperature of the fuel oil at a pressure in the first vacuum chamber.3. The method of claim 2 , where the first maximum specified temperature is at or between 60 and 121 degrees Celsius.4. The ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140332444A1

A process for the conversion of oil feeds for the production of low sulphur fuels comprises the following steps in succession: 1. A process for the conversion of a hydrocarbon feed with a sulphur content of at least 0.1% by weight , an initial boiling point of at least 300° C. and an end point of at least 440° C. , in which: a′) a step in which the guard zones are used together for a period at most equal to the deactivation and/or plugging time of one of them;', 'a″) a step during which the deactivated and/or plugged guard zone is short-circuited and the catalyst it contains is regenerated and/or replaced by fresh catalyst, and during which the other guard zone(s) is/are in use; and', 'a′″) a step during which the guard zones are used together, the guard zone for which the catalyst has been regenerated during the preceding step being reconnected and said step being continued for a period at most equal to the deactivation and/or plugging time of one of the guard zones;, 'a) said feed undergoes a hydrodemetallization treatment in a fixed bed hydrodemetallization section comprising one or more fixed bed hydrodemetallization zones preceded by at least two hydrodemetallization guard zones, also fixed bed, disposed in series for use in a cyclic manner consisting of the successive repetition of steps a″) and a′″) defined belowb) at least a portion of the at least partially demetallized effluent is hydrocracked in a hydrocracking section containing at least one fixed bed hydrocracking catalyst;c) at least a portion of the at least partially hydrocracked effluent undergoes fractionation in order to obtain a light fraction and a heavy fraction;d) at least a portion of said heavy fraction is hydrodesulphurized in a hydrodesulphurization section containing at least one fixed bed hydrodesulphurization catalyst, and into which hydrogen is reinjected.2. A process according to claim 1 , in which hydrodemetallization claim 1 , hydrocracking or hydrodesulphurization are carried out ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

System and Method for Controlling and Optimizing the Hydrothermal Upgrading of Heavy Crude Oil and Bitumen

Номер: US20170241249A1
Автор: Trygstad W. Marcus

A system and method is provided for upgrading a continuously flowing process stream including heavy crude oil (HCO). A reactor receives the process stream in combination with water, at an inlet temperature within a range of about 60° C. to about 200° C. The reactor includes one or more process flow tubes having a combined length of about 30 times their aggregated transverse cross-sectional dimension, and progressively heats the process stream to an outlet temperature T(max)1 within a range of between about 260° C. to about 400° C. The reactor maintains the process stream at a pressure sufficient to ensure that it remains a single phase at T(max). A controller selectively adjusts the rate of flow of the process stream through the reactor to maintain a total residence time of greater than about 1 minute and less than about 25 minutes. 1. A method for upgrading a continuously flowing process stream including heavy crude oil (HCO) , comprising:conveying the process stream continuously through a fluid flow path in a downstream direction, the flow path including a reactor;the reactor receiving the process stream in combination with water, at an inlet temperature within a range of about 60° C. to about 200° C.;the reactor including one or more process flow tubes defining an aggregated interior cross-sectional dimension in a plane extending transversely to the downstream direction therethrough, the one or more flow tubes having a combined length of at least about 30 times the aggregated interior cross-sectional dimension;{'b': '1', 'the reactor applying heat to the process stream flowing therethrough, to progressively heat the process stream from the inlet temperature at an upstream portion of the reactor, to an outlet temperature T(max) within a range of between about 260° C. to about 400° C. at a downstream portion of the reactor;'}{'b': '1', 'the reactor maintaining the process stream at a pressure within a range of about 103 to about 207 bar (about 1500 to about 3000 ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150267125A1
Автор: Medoff Marshall

Biomass (e.g., plant biomass, animal biomass, and municipal waste biomass) is processed to produce useful products, such as fuels. For example, systems are described that can use feedstock materials, such as cellulosic and/or lignocellulosic materials and/or starchy materials, to produce ethanol and/or butanol, e.g., by fermentation. Hydrocarbon-containing materials are also used as feedstocks. 1. A method of processing a hydrocarbon-containing material , the method comprising: irradiating with accelerated particles a combination formed by combining a hydrocarbon-containing material with an inorganic material , to produce an irradiated combination , wherein the hydrocarbon-containing material is selected from the group consisting of: tar sands , oil sands , oil shale , crude oil , bitumen , coal , petroleum gases , liquefied natural gas , synthetic gas , and asphalt.2. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon-containing material comprises a solid claim 1 , particulate claim 1 , powder claim 1 , liquid claim 1 , gas or a combination thereof.3. The method of wherein the combination comprises bitumen and silica.4. The method of wherein the liquid comprises coal.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particles comprise electrons accelerated to a speed of greater than 75% the speed of light.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon-containing material is combined with the inorganic material by dry blending or co-comminuting.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein during co-comminuting claim 6 , each of the hydrocarbon-containing material and the inorganic material is cooled to a temperature below 25° C.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein during co-comminuting claim 6 , each of the hydrocarbon-containing material and the inorganic material is cooled to a temperature below 0° C.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic material comprises a metal or a metal alloy.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the metal or metal alloy is selected from the group consisting of ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Removal of olefins from hydrothermally upgraded heavy oil

Номер: US20190249096A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A method for sulfur removal and upgrading comprising the steps of mixing a heated oil feed and a supercritical water feed in a feed mixer, allowing conversion reactions to occur in the supercritical water reactor, reducing the temperature in the cooling device to produce a cooled fluid, reducing the pressure in the depressurizing device to produce a discharged fluid, separating the discharged fluid in the gas-liquid separator to produce a liquid phase product, increasing the pressure to produce pressurized liquid product, the pressure of pressurized liquid product is greater than the critical pressure of water, processing the pressurized liquid product in the hydration reactor to produce a hydrated oil stream, separating the hydrated oil stream to produce an extracted upgraded oil and an oxygenate concentrated stream, the oxygenate concentrated stream comprises the oxygenates, and processing the extracted upgraded oil in the hydrotreater to produce a desulfurized upgraded oil.

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170260461A1

A process for facile separation of lighter hydrocarbon fractions from the heavier fractions of hydrocarbon oil feedstocks is disclosed, which utilizes novel sparging and reverse distillation techniques. The present invention can be utilized for the facile “topping” of crude oil extracted on-site. Moreover, while heavier hydrocarbon fractions may be shipped to refineries for further processing, this invention will also prove useful for quick separation of light fractions produced by cracking processes off-site. 1. A method for separating crude oil feedstock wherein reverse distillation of hydrocarbon oil produces vapor comprising at least two different components inside a series of modules;wherein said modules are in communication with each other such that vapor produced in a first module is passed to a second module and so forth;wherein the second and succeeding modules are maintained at a temperature where one component collects and the remainder of the vapor passes to the next module; andwherein each of the successive modules is maintained at a sequentially lower temperature so that each module collects a different component of the vapor as a condensate.2. A method for separating crude oil feedstock by reverse distillation of hydrocarbon oil , the method comprising producing vapors comprising at least two different components inside a series of modules;wherein said components are selectively separated by condensation in modules of controlled temperature;wherein the oil feedstock is sparged in each module with an inert gas.3. A method for the thermal separation of distillates from hydrocarbon oil feedstock containing both distillates and non-distillates , which method comprises:a) heating the hydrocarbon feedstock in a first module at a non-cracking first temperature selected to provide vaporization of distillates to be separated;b) allowing the distillate vapor to collect into a second module maintained at a second temperature which is below the first temperature, ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Conversion process using supercritical water

Номер: US20190264113A1
Автор: Ki-Hyouk Choi
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Co

A process for upgrading a heavy oil, the process comprising the steps of introducing a heavy oil feed to a partial oxidation unit; introducing a water feed to a partial oxidation unit; introducing an oxidant feed to a partial oxidation unit, where the oxidant feed comprises an oxidant; processing the heavy oil feed, the water feed, and the oxidant feed in the partial oxidation unit to produce a liquid oxidation product, where the liquid oxidation product comprises oxygenates; introducing the liquid oxidation product to a supercritical water unit; introducing a water stream to the supercritical water unit; and processing the liquid oxidation product and the water stream in the supercritical water unit to produce an upgraded product stream, the upgraded product stream comprising upgraded hydrocarbons relative to the heavy oil feed.

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210363441A1

Processes herein may be used to thermally crack various hydrocarbon feeds, and may eliminate the refinery altogether while making the crude to chemicals process very flexible in terms of crude. In embodiments herein, crude is progressively separated into at least light and heavy fractions. Depending on the quality of the light and heavy fractions, these are routed to one of three upgrading operations, including a fixed bed hydroconversion unit, a fluidized catalytic conversion unit, or a residue hydrocracking unit that may utilize an ebullated bed reactor. Products from the upgrading operations may be used as feed to a steam cracker 1. A system for converting whole crudes and other heavy hydrocarbon streams to produce olefins and/or aromatics , the system comprising:a first integrated separation device configured for separating a hydrocarbon feedstock comprising the whole crudes into at least a light boiling fraction, a medium boiling fraction, and a high boiling residue fraction;a first conditioning unit, comprising a resid hydrocracking system, configured for hydrocracking the high boiling residue fraction and pyrolysis oil to produce a hydrocracked effluent;a second integrated separation device configured for separating the hydrocracked effluent to produce a fuel oil fraction and a partially conditioned fraction;a second conditioning unit configured for destructively hydrogenating the medium boiling fraction and the partially conditioned fraction to produce a steam cracker feedstream;a steam cracker configured for converting hydrocarbons in the steam cracker feedstream into one or more light olefins and the pyrolysis oil.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a flow line configured for feeding the light boiling fraction to the steam cracker.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an integrated hydrotreater configured for converting the fuel oil fraction into an ultra-low sulfur fuel oil stream.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the integrated ...

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190270939A1

A process for dechlorination of a hydrocarbon stream and/or a hydrocarbon stream precursor comprising introducing the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor, a first zeolitic catalyst, and a stripping gas to a devolatilization extruder (DE) to produce an extruder effluent, wherein the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor comprises one or more chloride compounds in an amount of equal to or greater than about 10 ppm chloride, based on the total weight of the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor, and wherein the extruder effluent comprises one or more chloride compounds in an amount of less than the chloride amount in the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor. 1. A process for dechlorination of a hydrocarbon stream and/or a hydrocarbon stream precursor comprising introducing the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor , a first zeolitic catalyst , and a stripping gas to a devolatilization extruder (DE) to produce an extruder effluent , wherein the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor comprises one or more chloride compounds in an amount of equal to or greater than about 10 ppm chloride , based on the total weight of the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor , and wherein the extruder effluent comprises one or more chloride compounds in an amount of less than the chloride amount in the hydrocarbon stream and/or hydrocarbon stream precursor.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first zeolitic catalyst comprises a fluid catalytic cracking catalyst claim 1 , a molecular sieve claim 1 , a zeolite claim 1 , a hydrophobic zeolite claim 1 , a ZSM-5 zeolite claim 1 , a metal loaded zeolite claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first zeolitic catalyst is characterized by an average particle size of less than 100 microns.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first zeolitic catalyst is present in an amount of less than about ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200270535A1

A method for producing a supercritical water (SCW)-treated product is provided. The method comprising the steps of introducing a crude oil stream and a water stream to a supercritical water process, wherein the crude oil stream can undergo conversion reactions to produce the supercritical water (SCW)-treated product, wherein the SCW-treated product includes an increased paraffin concentration as compared to crude oil stream. The method further includes the step of introducing the SCW-treated product to a steam cracking process, wherein the SCW-treated product can undergo conversion reactions to produce furnace effluent. 1. An apparatus for upgrading a crude oil stream , the apparatus comprising:a pre-reaction stage configured to produce a mixed stream from the crude oil stream and a water stream, the pre-reaction stage comprising a feed pump, a feed heater, a water pump, a water heater, and a mixer; a convection section of a furnace fluidly connected to the pre-reaction stage, the convection section configured to subject the mixed stream to conversion reactions to produce convection upgraded stream, wherein the convection upgraded stream is at a temperature between the critical temperature of water and 500° C.,', 'a supercritical reactor fluidly connected to the convection section, wherein the supercritical reactor is configured to subject the convection upgraded stream to one or more conversion reactions to produce a reactor effluent, wherein the supercritical reactor is maintained at a temperature between 380° C. and 450° C. and a pressure between 23 MPa and 35 MPa,', 'a radiation section of the furnace fluidly connected to the convection section of the furnace, wherein the radiation section is configured to upgrade a second fraction of components of an SCW-treated and diluents to produce a furnace effluent, where the second fraction of components of the SCW-treated product are subject to radical-mediated reactions; and, 'a reaction stage fluidly connected to the ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180282641A1

The present invention relates to decreasing the amount of diluent needed to convert a heavy oil to a bitumen product that can be transported by pipeline. More specifically, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for partially upgrading heavy oil into a lower viscosity bitumen product. 17-. (canceled)8. An integrated method for partially upgrading a hydrocarbon containing heavy oil , comprising:(a) introducing a hydrocarbon containing heavy oil into a reactor to a thermal nozzle and treating the hydrocarbon containing heavy oil to an oxycombustion process wherein the hydrocarbon containing heavy oil is atomized and cracked into a partially upgraded reactor effluent;(b) routing the partially upgraded reactor effluent to a process boiler wherein the upgraded hydrocarbon reactor effluent is cooled;(c) separating the cooled upgraded reactor effluent in step (b) in a flash drum into a lighter hydrocarbon and cracked combustion gases which are removed overhead from the top portion of the flash drum, and flash drum bottom portion of the partially upgraded hydrocarbon;(d) at least one heat exchanger to cool the product from the top portion of the second flush drum;(e) a treater to receive the cooled flash drum portion and separate it into a gas fraction, a water fraction and a light hydrocarbon liquid fraction; and(f) combining the flash drum bottom portion from step (c) with the light hydrocarbon liquid fraction from step (e) to form a partially upgraded oil product.9. The integrated method of claim 8 , wherein the hydrocarbon containing heavy oil comprises by volume about 70-100% bitumen claim 8 , 0-20% water and 0-30% diluent.10. The integrated method of claim 8 , wherein the upgraded hydrocarbon product has a viscosity of less than 50 claim 8 ,000 cSt at 20° C.1113-. (canceled)14. The integrated method of partially upgrading a hydrocarbon claim 8 , comprising:(a) operating an oxyfuel combustion process carried out in a thermal nozzle disposed on a reactor ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации

Production of lubricant oils from thermally cracked resids

Номер: US20160298048A1
Принадлежит: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co

Methods are provided for processing deasphalted gas oils derived from thermally cracked resid fractions to form Group I, Group II, and/or Group III lubricant base oils. The yield of lubricant base oils (optionally also referred to as base stocks) can be increased by thermally cracking a resid fraction at an intermediate level of single pass severity relative to conventional methods. By performing thermal cracking to a partial level of conversion, compounds within a resid fraction that are beneficial for increasing both the viscosity and the viscosity index of a lubricant base oil can be retained, thus allowing for an improved yield of higher viscosity lubricant base oils from a thermally cracked resid fraction.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190284485A1

A process for steam cracking hydrocarbon feedstock in a steam cracking furnace, the process comprising superheating hydrocarbon feedstock using flue gas from a radiant section of the steam cracking furnace in hydrocarbon feedstock superheating means or the hydrocarbon feedstock superheater, superheating steam from the steam generator using the flue gas from the radiant section of the steam cracking furnace in second heat exchanging means or a second heat exchanger, steam cracking the super-heated hydrocarbon feedstock from the hydrocarbon feedstock superheating means or the hydrocarbon feedstock superheater into cracked gas in a fired tubular reactor, vaporizing the hydrocarbon feedstock, using hydrocarbon feedstock vaporizing means, wherein the hydrocarbon feed-stock vaporizing means or the hydrocarbon feedstock vaporizer are heated with a heat transfer medium having a temperature less than or equal to 350° C. and feeding the vaporized hydrocarbon feedstock to the steam cracking furnace. 1. A process for steam cracking hydrocarbon feedstock in a steam cracking furnace , the process comprising:{'b': '350', 'vaporizing the hydrocarbon feedstock, using hydrocarbon feedstock vaporizing means or the hydrocarbon feedstock vaporizer external of the steam cracking furnace, wherein the hydrocarbon feedstock vaporizing means are heated with a heat transfer medium having a temperature less than or equal to ° C.;'}feeding the vaporized hydrocarbon feedstock to the hydrocarbon feedstock superheating means or the hydrocarbon feedstock superheater in the convection section of the steam cracking furnace.superheating the vaporized hydrocarbon feedstock using flue gas from a radiant section of the steam cracking furnace in hydrocarbon feedstock superheating means or the hydrocarbon feedstock superheater in a convection section of the steam cracking furnace;superheating steam from a steam generator using the flue gas from a radiant section of the steam cracking furnace in second heat ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292469A1

A method of operating a refinery including at least one coke drum coupled to a coker fractionator. A pump characteristics curve is provided for a fractionator bottom pump coupled to the coker fractionator comprising a net positive suction head required (NPSHr) curve as a function of a pump flow rate. Fog computing utilizes the pump characteristics curve along with at least one sensed input parameter including a real-time value for the pump flow rate to control the fractionator bottom pump to dynamically control a column pressure (Pc) in the coker fractionator. A reduction in Pc is obtained that reduces an available NPSH (NPSHa) which lessens a difference between the NPSHa and the NPSHr. 1. A method of operating a refinery including at least one coke drum coupled to a coker fractionator , comprising:providing a pump characteristics curve for a fractionator bottom pump coupled to said coker fractionator comprising a net positive suction head required (NPSHr) curve as a function of a pump flow rate for said fractionator bottom pump, andfog computing utilizing said pump characteristics curve along with at least one sensed input parameter including a real-time value for said pump flow rate to control said fractionator bottom pump to dynamically control a column pressure (Pc) in said coker fractionator,wherein a reduction in said Pc reduces an available NPSH (NPSHa) which lessens a difference between said NPSHa and said NPSHr.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said sensed input parameter further comprises at least one of a noise claim 1 , a temperature increase claim 1 , a current drawn claim 1 , and a vibration of said fractionator bottom pump.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said sensed input parameter further comprises a plurality of noise claim 1 , a temperature increase claim 1 , a current drawn claim 1 , and a vibration of said fractionator bottom pump.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said control of said fractionator bottom pump is through a programmable logic ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180298289A1

Partial upgrading processes can include thermal treatment combined with solvent deasphalting, and recycling of certain streams, to process bitumen feedstocks and produce a bitumen product. The thermal treatment can be done so that the feedstock is in liquid phase at conditions below incipient coking conditions. Solvent deasphalting can be done before or after thermal treatment depending on the configuration of the process. Subjecting the bitumen feedstock to a partial upgrading can facilitate viscosity reduction of the bitumen feedstock and can facilitate avoiding the need for the addition of an external source of hydrogen. 1213-. (canceled)214. A process for treating a hydrocarbon feedstock comprising a liquid phase that includes at least a heavy fraction , the process comprising the steps of:subjecting the hydrocarbon feedstock to a thermal treatment at about or below incipient coking conditions, comprising heating the hydrocarbon feedstock at a temperature from about 200° C. to about 475° C. and at a pressure of between about 50 psi and about 1500 psi, a light fraction and a lighter fraction being generated during the thermal treatment, to produce a thermally treated hydrocarbon stream comprising a treated liquid phase and a gas phase;wherein the thermal treatment is operated such that at least a portion of the lighter fraction is retained in the liquid phase to allow a transfer of hydrogen from the heavy fraction to the light fraction directly in the liquid phase.215. The process of claim 214 , further comprising:separating the gas phase of the thermally treated hydrocarbon stream from the treated liquid phase thereof; anddeasphalting the treated liquid phase of the thermally treated hydrocarbon stream or a fraction thereof, comprising contacting the treated liquid phase with a deasphalting solvent to obtain an asphaltene-reduced stream and an asphaltene-enriched stream.216. The process of claim 215 , further comprising processing the asphaltene-enriched stream ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315488A1

Systems and methods of coking are provided that crack feeds and/or products of the coker to improve liquid yields and/or increase the Conradson carbon residue of the hydrocarbon feed to the coker. 1. A method of coking comprising:subjecting a hydrocarbon feed to hydrodynamic cavitation to crack at least a portion of the hydrocarbon molecules present in the hydrocarbon feed and thereby produce a cavitated hydrocarbon feed; andfeeding at least a portion of the cavitated hydrocarbon feed to a coker.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed comprises a residual oil claim 1 , the residual oil accounting for at least 50 wt % of the hydrocarbon feed.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the residual oil accounts for at least 80 wt % of the hydrocarbon feed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein when the hydrocarbon feed is subjected to hydrodynamic cavitation claim 1 , a portion of the hydrocarbons in the hydrocarbon feed are converted to lower molecular weight hydrocarbons.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein 1 to 35 wt % of a 1050+° F. boiling point fraction of the hydrocarbon feed are converted to lower molecular weight hydrocarbons.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed has a T95 of at least 1000° F.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon feed is subjected to a pressure drop of at least 400 psig when subjected to hydrodynamic cavitation.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the pressure drop is greater than 1000 psig.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the pressure drop is greater than 2000 psig.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cavitated hydrocarbon feed is fed to a coker product fractionator before at least a portion of the cavitated hydrocarbon feed is fed to the coker.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cavitated hydrocarbon feed is fed to a single stage flash unit wherein a vapor stream is separated from a liquid stream and the liquid stream is fed to the coker.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein a product of the coker is fed ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315490A1

Systems and methods are provided for deasphalting with integrated hydrodynamic cavitation to improve the yield or quality of deasphalted oil obtained from a deasphalting unit. 1. A method of improving deasphalted oil yield or quality from a deasphalting unit comprising:subjecting a resid-containing stream having an API gravity of less than 22° to hydrodynamic cavitation in a hydrodynamic cavitation unit to convert a portion of hydrocarbons in the resid-containing stream to lower molecular weight hydrocarbons and thereby produce a cavitated resid stream; andsubjecting at least a portion of the cavitated resid stream to deasphalting to separate a deasphalted oil-rich stream from an asphaltene-rich stream.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid-containing stream is at least 50 wt % vacuum or atmospheric resid.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid-containing stream is at least 80 wt % vacuum or atmospheric resid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid containing stream is vacuum resid.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid-containing stream has a T95 of 1000° F. or greater.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid-containing stream comprises a 1050+° F. boiling fraction claim 1 , and about 1 to about 35 wt % of the 11050+° F. boiling fraction is converted when subjected to hydrodynamic cavitation.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid-containing stream is subjected to a pressure drop greater than 400 psig when subjected to hydrodynamic cavitation.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the pressure drop is greater than 1000 psig.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the pressure drop is greater than 2000 psig.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the resid-containing stream comprises deasphalted rock from another deasphalting unit.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the deasphalted oil rich stream has a Ni content that is at least 65% less than that of the resid-containing stream.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the deasphalted oil rich stream ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315492A1

Methods and systems are provided for improving liquid product quality or yield from atmospheric or vacuum distillation unit by subjecting fractionated streams from such distillation units to hydrodynamic cavitation. 1. A method for improving liquid product yield or quality from a distillation unit comprising:feeding a fractionated stream from an atmospheric or vacuum distillation unit from the distillation unit to a hydrodynamic cavitation unit wherein the fractionated stream is subjected to hydrodynamic cavitation to convert a portion of hydrocarbons in the fractionated stream to lower molecular weight hydrocarbons in a cavitated stream; wherein the fractionated stream is selected from a group consisting of an atmospheric tower bottoms stream, an atmospheric gas oil stream, a vacuum gas oil stream, a quench oil stream, a vacuum tower bottoms stream, and combinations thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fractionated stream comprises a 1050+° F. boiling point fraction claim 1 , and wherein the hydrodynamic cavitation unit converts at least 1 to 35 wt % of the 1050+° F. boiling point fraction to lower molecular weight hydrocarbons.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising feeding at least a portion of the cavitated stream to a distillation unit.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising recovering at least a portion of the lower molecular weight hydrocarbons by atmospheric fractionation or flash separation.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fractionated stream has a T95 of 600° F. or greater.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the fractionated stream has a T95 of 800° F. or greater.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrodynamic cavitation is performed in the absence of a catalyst.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrodynamic cavitation is performed in the absence of a hydrogen containing gas or wherein hydrogen gas is present at less than 50 standard cubic feet per barrel.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrodynamic cavitation is ...

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200291309A1

A process for steam cracking a whole crude including a volatilization step performed to maintain a relatively large hydrocarbon droplet size. The process may include contacting a whole crude with steam to volatilize a portion of the hydrocarbons, wherein the contacting of the hydrocarbon feedstock and steam is conducted at an initial relative velocity of less than 30 m/s, for example. The resulting vapor phase, including volatilized hydrocarbons and steam may then be separated from a liquid phase comprising unvaporized hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons in the vapor phase may then be forwarded to a steam pyrolysis reactor for steam cracking of the hydrocarbons in the vapor phase.

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190316045A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

An integrated upgrading process for upgrading a heavy oil, the process comprising the steps of introducing a heavy oil to a visbreaker unit; processing the heavy oil in the visbreaker unit to produce a visbreaker product stream; feeding the visbreaker product stream to a fractionator; separating the visbreaker product stream in the fractionator to produce a bottoms stream, a gas oil stream, a naphtha stream, and a gas product stream; feeding the bottoms stream to a supercritical water unit; and processing the bottoms stream in the supercritical water unit to produce an upgraded bottoms stream. 1. An integrated upgrading process for upgrading a heavy oil , the process comprising the steps of:introducing the heavy oil to a visbreaker unit;processing the heavy oil in the visbreaker unit to produce a visbreaker product stream;feeding the visbreaker product stream to a fractionator;separating the visbreaker product stream in the fractionator to produce a bottoms stream, a gas oil stream, a naphtha stream, and a gas product stream;feeding the bottoms stream to a supercritical water unit; andprocessing the bottoms stream in the supercritical water unit to produce an upgraded bottoms stream.2. The integrated upgrading process of claim 1 , wherein the heavy oil is selected from the group consisting of a vacuum residue claim 1 , an atmospheric residue claim 1 , a fluid catalytic cracking clarified slurry oil having a T5% cut point of greater than 600 deg F. claim 1 , a naphtha steam cracker pyrolysis fuel oil claim 1 , and residue streams.3. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein the fractionator comprises a separator that separates based on boiling point.4. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein the gas oil stream comprises hydrocarbons with a T95% cut point of 600 deg F.5. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein the naphtha stream comprises hydrocarbons with a T95% cut point of 350 deg F.6. The integrated process of claim 1 , wherein the visbreaker unit ...

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200318016A1
Автор: JAMIESON John, OJala Antti
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

A method for producing a cracking product comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons, a thermal cracking feedstock, a cracking product comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons, and a method for producing polymers using the cracking product are provided. 1. A method comprising the steps of:a) providing a thermal cracking feedstock comprising:1-100 wt-% renewable isomeric paraffin composition of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock, the renewable isomeric paraffin composition comprising:at least 60 wt-% paraffins of the total weight of the renewable isomeric paraffin composition, wherein of said paraffins 10-95 wt-% are isoparaffins, and the ratio of the wt-% amount of isoparaffins with more than three branches to the total wt-% amount of the isoparaffins is less than 0.15, and0-99 wt-% fossil naphtha of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock,the sum of the wt-% amounts of the renewable isomeric paraffin composition and of the fossil naphtha being at least 90 wt-% of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock; andb) thermally cracking the thermal cracking feedstock provided in step a) to form a cracking product comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal cracking feedstock comprises:50-100 wt-% renewable isomeric paraffin composition of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock; and0-50 wt-% fossil naphtha of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal cracking feedstock comprises 50-85 wt-% renewable isomeric paraffin composition and 15-50 wt-% fossil naphtha of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock claim 1 , andthe sum of the wt-% amounts of the renewable isomeric paraffin composition and of the fossil naphtha preferably being at least 95 wt-% of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the wt-% amount of isoparaffins with more than three ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Process for production of anisotropic coke

Номер: US20200325407A1
Принадлежит: Indian Oil Corp Ltd

The present invention relates to a process for production of anisotropic coke from a hydrocarbon feedstock and a system for producing the same. More particularly, the present invention relates to a thermal cracking of heavy petroleum residue producing petroleum coke and lighter hydrocarbon products. The invented process utilizes a novel scheme for production of a premium quality coke from primarily, a clarified oil feedstock. Clarified oil from fluid catalytic cracking unit is routed through a process scheme comprising a separator column, hydro-treatment section and an aromatic extraction section to create an ad-mix of effluents which form the feedstock to a thermal cracking unit. Premium quality anisotropic coke is produced in the thermal cracker reactor drums under tailor made process conditions employing the said feedstock.

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200362249A1
Автор: JAMIESON John, OJala Antti
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

A method for producing a cracking product having a mixture of hydrocarbons, a thermal cracking feedstock, a cracking product containing a mixture of hydrocarbons is disclosed as is a method involving use of the cracking product for producing polymers. 2. The thermal cracking feedstock according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal cracking feedstock comprises:50-100 wt-% renewable isomeric paraffin composition of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock; and0-50 wt-% fossil naphtha of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock.3. The thermal cracking feedstock according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal cracking feedstock comprises:50-85 wt-% renewable isomeric paraffin composition and 15-50 wt-% fossil naphthaa of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock; andthe sum of the wt-% amounts of the renewable isomeric paraffin composition and of the fossil naphtha is at least 95 wt-% of the total weight of the thermal cracking feedstock.4. The thermal cracking feedstock according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the wt-% amount of isoparaffins with more than three branches to the total wt-% amount of the isoparaffins in the renewable isomeric paraffin composition is less than 0.10.5. The thermal cracking feedstock according to claim 1 , wherein of the isoparaffins in the renewable isomeric paraffin composition claim 1 , at least 85 wt-% are in the range of carbon number C14-C18.6. The thermal cracking feedstock according to claim 1 , wherein of the total weight of the renewable isomeric paraffin composition at least 70 wt-% are paraffins claim 1 , and of the paraffins in the renewable isomeric paraffin composition claim 1 , 60-95 wt-% claim 1 , are is oparaffins.7. The thermal cracking feedstock according to claim 1 , wherein the fossil naphtha comprises:20-85 wt-% paraffins, 0-35 wt-% olefins, 10-30 wt-% naphthenes, and 0-30 wt-% aromatics of a total weight of the fossil naphtha, a wt-% of hydrocarbons in the fossil naphtha being at least 95 wt-% ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for obtaining polymerizable aromatic compounds

Номер: US20200369969A1
Автор: Bruder David, FRITZ Helmut

The invention relates to a process () for deriving polymerizable aromatic compounds having nine carbon atoms (S) in which a component mixture (B) is formed at least partially by steam cracking, in which the component mixture (B) is subjected to a workup () comprising a gasoline removal () and thereafter is a compression () and a fractionation (), and wherein one or more pyrolysis gasoline fractions (H, L) is or are formed in the gasoline removal () and/or the compression (). The invention provides that a separation feed is formed which comprises predominantly exclusively pyrolysis gasoline from the or at least one of the pyrolysis gasoline fractions (H, L) and that the separation feed is subjected to a separation (), wherein in the separation () at least one fraction (P) enriched in aromatic compounds having nine carbon atoms compared to the separation feed is formed. A corresponding plant likewise forms part of the subject matter of the invention. 110023455810581058101077. Process () for deriving polymerizable aromatic compounds having nine carbon atoms (S) in which a component mixture (B) is formed at least partially by steam cracking , wherein the component mixture (B) is at least partially subjected to a a workup sequence ( , , , ) comprising a gasoline removal () and thereafter is subjected to a compression () and a fractionation () , and wherein in the gasoline removal () and/or during the compression () one or more pyrolysis gasoline fractions (H , L) and in the fractionation () one or more further pyrolysis gasoline fractions (O) is or are formed , characterized in that a separation feed is formed which comprises more than 75% pyrolysis gasoline from the or at least one of the pyrolysis gasoline fractions (H , L) which is or are formed in the pyrolysis gasoline removal () and/or during the compression () and less than 25% pyrolysis gasoline from the one or more further pyrolysis gasoline fractions (O) from the fractionation () , wherein the pyrolysis ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации

Heavy Oils Having Reduced Total Acid Number and Olefin Content

Номер: US20200407647A1

A process for treating a heavy oil by heating a feedstock comprising a heavy oil in order to separate from the heavy oil a first fraction. The first fraction contains no more than 25% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil. A second fraction contains at least 75% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil. The second fraction then is treated under conditions that provide a heavy oil that has a total acid number, or TAN, that does not exceed 1.0 mg KOH/g, or is at least 50% lower than the total acid number prior to treatment, an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %, and a p-value of at least 50% of the p-value of the heavy oil prior to treatment, or a p-value that is at least 1.5. 124-. (canceled)25. A process for treating a heavy oil , comprising:(a) heating a feedstock comprising a heavy oil, said heavy oil having acid groups, to remove from said heavy oil a first fraction, wherein said first fraction contains no more than 25% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil, and thereby providing a second fraction, wherein said second fraction contains at least 75% of the total number of acid groups of the heavy oil; and(b) treating said second fraction under conditions that provide a treated heavy oil that has a total acid number (TAN) that does not exceed 1.0 mg KOH/g, or a total acid number that is at least 50% lower than the total acid number (TAN) of said heavy oil prior to step (a), an olefin content that does not exceed 1.0 wt. %, and a p-value which is at least 50% of the p-value of said heavy oil prior to step (a), or a p-value of at least 1.5, wherein, in step (b), hydrogen is not added to said second fraction.26. The process of wherein step (a) comprises heating said feedstock comprising a heavy oil to a temperature that does not exceed 350° C. atmospheric equivalent temperature and subjecting said feedstock comprising a heavy oil to a pressure that does not exceed 3 atm.27. The process of wherein step (b) comprises ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220403259A1

Processes and systems for making recycle content hydrocarbons, including olefins, from recycled waste material. Recycle waste material may be pyrolyzed to form recycle content pyrolysis oil composition (r-pyoil), at least a portion of which may then be cracked to form a recycle content olefin composition (r-olefin). The r-olefin may then be further separated into product streams in a separation zone downstream of the cracker furnace. In some cases, presence of recycle content hydrocarbons may facilitate more efficient operation of one or more distillation columns in the separation zone, including the deethanizer and ethylene fractionator. 14-. (canceled)644-. (canceled)45. The process of claim 5 , wherein prior to said cracking claim 5 , introducing a first feed stream comprising a Cto Chydrocarbon composition and a second feed stream comprising said r-pyoil separately into the cracking furnace claim 5 , wherein said introducing includes feeding a stream comprising said Cto Chydrocarbon composition into a first coil in said cracker furnace and feeding a stream comprising said r-pyoil into a second coil in said cracker furnace separate from said first coil.47. The process of claim 46 , further comprising prior to the introducing claim 46 , cracking a cracker feed stream comprising a recycle content pyrolysis oil (r-pyoil) in a cracker furnace to provide an olefin-containing effluent claim 46 , wherein said column feed comprises at least a portion of said olefin-containing effluent.49. The process of claim 48 , prior to said cracking claim 48 , introducing a first feed stream comprising a Cto Chydrocarbon composition and a second feed stream comprising said r-pyoil separately into the cracking furnace claim 48 , wherein said introducing includes feeding a stream comprising said Cto Chydrocarbon composition into a first coil in said cracker furnace and feeding a stream comprising said r-pyoil into a second coil in said cracker furnace separate from said first coil. ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220403260A1

Processes and systems for making recycle content hydrocarbons, including olefins, from recycled waste material. Recycle waste material may be pyrolyzed to form recycle content pyrolysis oil composition (r-pyoil), at least a portion of which may then be cracked to form a recycle content olefin composition (r-olefin). The r-olefin may then be further separated into product streams in a separation zone downstream of the cracker furnace. The presence of recycle content hydrocarbons may facilitate more efficient operation of one or more distillation columns in the separation zone, including the propylene fractionator. 251-. (canceled)52. The process of claim 1 , further comprising prior to the introducing claim 1 , cracking a cracker feedstock comprising a recycle content pyrolysis oil (r-pyoil) in a cracker furnace to provide an olefin-containing effluent claim 1 , wherein said column feed comprises at least a portion of said olefin-containing effluent.53. The process of claim 1 , wherein either:(a) said cracker feed stream has not been hydrotreated; or(b) said r-pyoil is present in said cracker feed stream in an amount of not more than about 25 weight percent, or(c) said cracker feed stream composition comprises at least 60 weight percent of non-recycle C2 to C4 hydrocarbons.55. The process of claim 54 , further comprising prior to the introducing claim 54 , cracking a cracker feedstock comprising a recycle content pyrolysis oil (r-pyoil) in a cracker furnace to provide an olefin-containing effluent claim 54 , wherein said column feed comprises at least a portion of said olefin-containing effluent.57. The process of claim 56 , wherein either:(a) said cracker feed stream has not been hydrotreated; or(b) said r-pyoil is present in said cracker feed stream in an amount of not more than about 25 weight percent, or(c) said cracker feed stream composition comprises at least 60 weight percent of non-recycle C2 to C4 hydrocarbons. Waste materials, especially non-biodegradable ...

15-04-2020 дата публикации

A method and feedstock for producing hydrocarbons

Номер: FI128378B
Автор: Antti Ojala, John Jamieson
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

A method for producing a cracking product comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons, a thermal cracking feedstock, a cracking product comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons, and use of the cracking product for producing polymers are provided.

14-09-1993 дата публикации

PSA process for recovery or ethylene

Номер: US5245099A
Автор: Michael J. Mitariten
Принадлежит: UOP LLC

A process is provided for the concentration and recovery of ethylene and heavier components from a hydrocarbon feedstream. A pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process is used to remove from hydrocarbon feedstream light cut comprising hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane and subsequently concentrate a heavy cut comprising the ethylene and heavy components in the PSA tail gas. In one aspect of the invention, an FCC off gas is separated into a light cut and a heavy cut and the heavy cut is routed to an ethylene plant. In another aspect of the invention, a C 2 -rich stream is withdrawn from an ethylene plant and used to enhance the recovery of the ethylene and heavier stream in the PSA process and an ethylene-rich stream is returned to the ethylene plant.
