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20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2272064C2

Изобретение относится к способу пиролиза и газификации твердых органических веществ или смесей органических веществ. Способ включает ввод сырья в один или несколько реакторов сушки и пиролиза, состоящих из одного или нескольких реакторов с подвижным слоем, или из одного или нескольких вращающихся реакторов, или из одного или нескольких вращающихся реакторов и реакторов с подвижным слоем, для контакта с материалом псевдоожиженного слоя сгорания, содержащего только золу органических веществ, или золу органических веществ и несгоревших углеродистых остатков органических веществ, или золу органических веществ и дополнительный материал псевдоожиженного слоя, или золу органических веществ и несгоревших углеродистых остатков органических веществ и дополнительный материал псевдоожиженного слоя, или для контакта с материалом псевдоожиженного слоя и реакторной стенкой псевдоожиженного слоя сгорания. В результате чего образуется водяной пар и продукты пиролиза, состоящие из газов с конденсируемыми ...

16-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2628390C2

FIELD: oil and gas industry. SUBSTANCE: gasifier for producing synthesis gas comprises an upper gasification zone in a fluidized bed, which has inlets to allow the introduction of materials selected from the group consisting of carbon, fine carbon particles of greater than 75 micrometers and less than 10 mm in size, gas and steam in fluid communication through a venturi nozzle with the lower gasification zone in co-current which has inlets to allow the introduction of materials selected from the group consisting of coal, fine coal particles of less than 75 micrometers in size, gas and steam. EFFECT: increased efficiency of gasification, lower costs. 16 cl, 1 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 628 390 C2 (51) МПК C10J 3/46 (2006.01) C10J 3/54 (2006.01) C10J 3/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2015129477, 18.12.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.12.2012 (72) Автор(ы): У, Лун (CN), ДЭН, Юньхой (CN) (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЛИНДЕ АКЦИЕНГЕЗЕЛЛЬШАФТ (DE) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 0050905 A1, 05.05.1982. Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 18.12.2012 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 23.01.2017 Бюл. № 3 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 20.07.2015 (86) Заявка PCT: CN 2012/086808 (18.12.2012) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: C 2 R U (54) УЛУЧШЕННАЯ ГАЗИФИКАЦИЯ УГЛЯ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к газификации угля для производства синтез-газа. Газификатор для производства синтез-газа содержит верхнюю зону газификации в псевдоожиженном слое, которая имеет впуски, чтобы предоставить введение материалов, выбранных из группы, состоящей из угля, мелких частиц угля больше чем 75 микрометров и меньше чем 10 мм в размере, газа и пара, в сообщении по текучей среде через сопло Стр.: 1 C 2 Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул. Б. Спасская, 25, строение 3, ООО "Юридическая фирма ...

10-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2137038C1
Принадлежит: Спинхит Элтиди (US)

Изобретение относится к устройствам для получения пара при сжигании топлива в газогенераторе с вращающимся псевдоожиженным слоем. Газогенератор 1 с вращающимся псевдоожиженным слоем включает топочную камеру 5 и неподвижный подающий трубопровод 3, по которому углеродосодержащий материал и/или известняк снаружи газогенератора 1 может подаваться в газификационную камеру топочной камеры 5 сквозь вращающуюся стенку топочной камеры 5, причем неподвижный трубопровод 3 расположен внутри топочной камеры 5 по ее оси так, что вращающийся внутренний узел топочной камеры 5 вращается вокруг неподвижного трубопровода 3. Устройство для получения пара включает котел с пароперегревателем, экономайзером и пылеуловителем. Изобретение позволяет предотвратить преждевременное закоксовывание топлива и вынос его газовым потоком. 2 с. и 25 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000119142A

... 1. Система газификации топлива, содержащая газификационную камеру для псевдоожижения высокотемпературной псевдоожижающей среды для образования псевдоожиженного слоя газификационной камеры, имеющего межфазную границу, и газификации топлива в псевдоожиженном слое газификационной камеры, камеру для сжигания полукокса для псевдоожижения в ней высокотемпературной псевдоожижающей среды для образования псевдоожиженного слоя камеры для сжигания полукокса, имеющего межфазную границу, и сжигания полукокса, полученного посредством газификации в газификационной камере, в псевдоожиженном слое этой камеры для сжигания полукокса для нагрева псевдоожижающей среды, и первое средство для регенерации энергии для использования газов, полученных в газификационной камере, в качестве топлива, при этом газификационная камера и камера для сжигания полукокса объединены друг с другом, газификационная камера и камера для сжигания полукокса отделены друг от друга первой разделительной стенкой для предотвращения прохождения ...

27-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94046081A

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для газификации порошкообразного твердого углеродистого топлива с высоким содержанием влаги, причем способ включает в себя ввод топлива в одну или больше сушильных камер под давлением без добавки воды топливо, уменьшение содержания влаги в топливе в сушильной камере (камерах) до уровня, требуемого для газификации, посредством пропускания полученного горячего газа через каждую сушильную камеру, при этом частицы топлива улавливают потоком газа, в результате газ охлаждается и увлажняется, охлажденный и увлажненный газ отделяют от топлива, топливо с уменьшенным содержанием влаги передают из каждой сушильной камеры в камеру газификации для получения горячего газа, и по крайней мере часть горячего газа вводят в каждую сушильную камеру. Изобретение также касается интегрированного способа получения энергии, особенно электроэнергии из порошкообразного твердого углеродистого материала.

01-01-1953 дата публикации

Номер: SU95432A1

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Номер: SU80551A1

30-07-1987 дата публикации

Способ газификации в кипящем слое пылевидного топлива и аппарат для его осуществления

Номер: SU1326606A1

Изобретение относится к химической промьшшенности, а именно к способам и аппаратам для газификации пылевидного топлива в кипящем слое. с целью интенсификации в аппарате для газификации предусмотрен предварительный подогрев мелкодисперсной части пылевидного топлива до температуры самовоспламенения в бункере-нагревателе 5, соединенном через систему подачи с фурмами 6 для ввода мелкодисперсной части топлива, расположенными над теплообменником 2 на боковой поверхности топки 1. Газораспределительная решетка вьшолнена в виде коллектора 7 с прикрепленными к нему барботерами, на которых закреплены колпачки с отверстиями. Основ- , ная часть топлива из бункера 3 через фурмы 4 для ввода пылевидного топлийа пневмотранспортером забрасывается в топку кипящего слоя. Одновременно с подачей пылевидного топлива подают S Л СО ГО (35 Фие.} ...

01-01-1952 дата публикации

Секционный газогенератор

Номер: SU94035A1

23-05-1990 дата публикации

Reactor for allothermal coal gasification

Номер: DE0003903936A1

The invention relates to a reactor for allothermal coal gasification, with a pyrolysis zone and at least one gasification zone which follows this zone and in which exchange tubes are arranged in a suspended manner in parallel successive planes, which tubes debouch into common manifolds and distribution lines. The object of the invention is to dispense, entirely or in part, with a multiplicity of supply and discharge pipes passing through the reactor top, and with the associated sealing problems of the gas plenum above the banks of tubes in the individual reactor zones, and to facilitate the replacement of the meander- or hairpin-shaped exchange tubes of the banks of tubes of the reactor zones, another object being to provide for the possibility of blanking off individual tubes in a simple manner. To this end it is provided that there extends, across the pyrolysis zone(s) and the gasifier zone(s) (I, II, III) for all exchanger tubes (16-19), at least one common manifold (12) which has at ...

27-06-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003903936C2

11-02-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003339260C2

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE112007003362B4
Принадлежит: IHI CORP, IHI CORP.

Wirbelschichtvergasungssystem, das umfasst: einen Wirbelschichtverbrennungsofen (1), um Schichtmaterial (11) durch Verbrennen von Holzkohle (26) zu erhitzen, einen Separator (8), um Schichtmaterial (11) von heißem Fluid von dem Wirbelschichtverbrennungsofen (1) zu trennen, einen Wirbelschichtvergasungsofen (2), in den Rohmaterial (26) eingeleitet wird und in den das in dem Separator (8) getrennte Schichtmaterial (11) über ein Fallrohr (12) eingeleitet wird, wobei das Rohmaterial (26) mittels einer Wirbelschicht (16), der ein Vergasungsmittel zugeführt wird, vergast wird, um Produktionsgas zu entnehmen, und einen Zufuhrströmungsdurchlass (25), um das Schichtmaterial (11) und Holzkohle, die bei der Vergasung des Rohmaterials (26) in dem Wirbelschichtvergasungsofen (2) produziert wird, zu dem Wirbelschichtverbrennungsofen (1) zu leiten, wobei das Wirbelschichtvergasungssystem dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass der Wirbelschichtvergasungsofen (2) in der Nähe des Wirbelschichtverbrennungsofens ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014007366A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Reaktor (V) sowie ein Verfahren zur thermischen Vergasung von kohlenstoffhaltigen Feststoffen (F) mit einem Reaktionsraum (R), über dessen Boden Wasserdampf und Sauerstoff eingeleitet werden können, um eine Wirbelschicht (W) aus kohlenstoffhaltigen Feststoffpartikeln zu erzeugen, sowie einer Abzugseinrichtung (S), über die bei der Vergasung erzeugtes Produktgas aus dem Reaktionsraum (R) abziehbar ist. Kennzeichnend für die Erfindung ist, dass der Strömungsquerschnitt des Reaktionsraums (R) sich im Bereich der Wirbelschicht (W) in Strömungsrichtung des Gases erweitert.

23-05-1985 дата публикации

Process for gasifying carbonaceous solids, and fluidised-bed reactor for carrying out the process

Номер: DE0003439404A1

In a process and in a fluidised-bed reactor for gasifying carbonaceous solids, having at least one nozzle for blowing exothermic and endothermic gasifying agents in, the nozzle being provided with at least two pipes arranged coaxially to one another, the procedure is such that the velocity at which the endothermic gasifying agent 26 flows out of the outer pipe 24, is greater than the velocity at which the exothermic gasifying agent 25 flows out of the inner pipe 23. In addition, the outer pipe 24 ends at such a distance from the end of the inner pipe 23 that its boundary 27 at the end face is located in the region of the pressurised interior of the reactor 10, where the temperature is below the melting point of the ash from the carbonaceous solid particles to be gasified. ...

26-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002164660A

A combined fluidised bed (FB) and fixed bed (UB) gasifier in which the fixed bed gasifier is arranged in the path of the effluent gases from the fluidised bed gasifier. The fixed bed fuel (coal) acts as a filter for the entrained particles, char, ash etc. from the fluidised bed and in return the effluent gases devolatilise the fixed bed fuel. The latter is thus broken down and falls, or is driven, into the fluidised bed. The fixed bed (UB) may be arranged either (Fig. 1) directly above the fluidised bed (FB) or (Fig. 5) in an adjacent duct (27) from which it has to be driven up before falling into the fluidised bed.

06-07-1988 дата публикации

Melting gasifier

Номер: GB0002199258A

A novel melting gasifier (7) is disclosed, in which material at least largely comprising metal is melted in a fluidized bed. The latter is maintained by oxygen-containing gas laterally injected through approximately equidistant nozzles in the lower part of the melting gasifier. A carbon carrier and from above the material to be melted are also introduced into the melting gasifier. Over at least part of the fluidized bed height, the gasifier has a horizontal cross-section, which has different dimensions in two directions perpendicular to one another. The nozzles can project by different amounts into the gasifier vessel.

14-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002221628A

The invention provides a circulating fluidized bed apparatus comprising a housing and a pair of spaced partitions located within the interior of the housing. The partitions are spaced from each other to define a draught zone therebetween having a lower inlet and an upper outlet. Separate fluid feed arrangements are provided for feeding separate fluidizing fluids into the housing for fluidizing particulate material in the draught zone and for fluidizing particulate material outside the draught zone. Above the draught zone the housing has a fluid outlet arrangement for fluidizing fluid from the draught zone, and a fluid outlet arrangement for fluidizing fluid from the housing outside the draught zone.

30-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002095652B

19-07-2000 дата публикации

Process and device to enable autothermic gasification of solid fuels

Номер: GB0000012957D0

27-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002085748B

12-05-1982 дата публикации

EFG process

Номер: GB0002086411A

A process for gasifying a carbonaceous fuels to produce carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane in which a first stream of carbonaceous material is gasified in a high temperature partial oxidation zone (2) without bed formation the mineral matter content of the fuel being removed as molten slag. A second stream of carbonaceous material is entrained/fluidised in a rapid mixing (10) zone by the upflowing products from the partial oxidation zone and circulating char from a surrounding annular fluidised bed zone (11), the latter being fluidised by the addition of an appropriate agent.

24-06-1981 дата публикации

Apparatus and process for the gasificatin of carboniferous material

Номер: GB0002065162A
Автор: Schuster, Ernst

Disclosed is a process for gasifying carboanceous material with the use of two fluidized beds superimposed on a fixed bed, and a flue dust gasification chamber arranged inside the reactor between the fluidized beds.

05-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008828339D0

06-12-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001534759A

... 1534759 Gasifying organic waste UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 26 Feb 1976 [28 March 1975] 7557/76 Heading C5E Organic waste is pyrolyzed and gasified in a fluidized reactant bed of char in a reactor contained within a solar furnace, the fluidizing gas (steam and/or CO 2 ) being heated to 600‹ C. or above by the solar furnace; a catalyst (NaHCO 3 or cobalt molybdate) is mixed with the waste.If it is desired to heat the fluidizing gas additionally to the solar heating, gas produced in the reactor may be recycled into the fluidizing gas, together with oxygen.

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Novel compounds active as muscarinic receptor antagonists.

Номер: AP0201005512D0

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003733A

31-12-2010 дата публикации

A two-stage high-temperature preheated steam gasifier.

Номер: AP2010005514A0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Novel compounds active as muscarinic receptor antagonists.

Номер: AP2010005512A0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

A two-stage high-temperature preheated steam gasifier.

Номер: AP0201005514D0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

A two-stage high-temperature preheated steam gasifier.

Номер: AP0201005514A0

31-12-2010 дата публикации

Novel compounds active as muscarinic receptor antagonists.

Номер: AP0201005512A0

25-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398783B

15-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: ATA338487A

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000350334T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509681A1

The method involves partially gasifying and/or removing fuel in a circulating fluidized bed of a gasification zone (2). The remaining and/or not-converted fuel with a cooled bed material is placed in a combustion zone (3) and is recycled into the circulating fluidized bed of the gasification zone by a separator (8). The exhaust gas obtained from the separator and formed in the combustion zone is supplied to a solid separator (10) to separate the remaining bed material in the exhaust gas. The material is recycled into the combustion zone directly and/or by a bed material container (7). An independent claim is also included for a device for producing gas by gasification of fuel in a reactor.

15-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000333487A

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000031972T

15-05-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000019789T

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000080908T

15-02-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000639T

15-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000192481T

03-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000567848B2

30-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003266006A1

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Entrained-flow gasifier with cooling screen and bellows compensator

Номер: AU2008217009B2

ENTRAINED-FLOW GASIFIER WITH COOLING SCREEN AND BELLOWS COMPENSATOR Abstract In a reactor for the gasification of solid and liquid fuels in the entrained flow at temperatures between 1200 and 1900 *C and pressures between ambient pressure and 10 MPa with an oxidizing agent containing free oxygen, the cooling screen is connected in a gas-tight manner to the pressure shell via a bellows compensator to accommodate linear 5 deformation. Continuous sweeping by gas of the annular gap between pressure shell and cooling screen is unnecessary and backflow by producer gas is prevented. to Fig. 1 TRN- R6RQRQ pilot burner gas 51---6 ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Fluidized bed reactor system

Номер: AU2011264446A1

The invention relates to a fluidized bed reactor system consisting of at least two fluidized bed reactors, comprising a first and a second reactor (1, 2), which are each designed as a circulating fluidized bed, a particle line (7) comprising a particle separator (3) for transporting fluidized bed particles from the first into the second reactor, and a particle line (17) leading out in the lower half of the second reactor (2) for transporting fluidized bed particles back into the first reactor (1), characterized in that, at least in the second reactor (2), reaction zones (9, 10, 22) that are separated from one another by one or more flow regulators (18, 21) are provided, and the particle line (7) opens into the second reactor (2) above at least one flow regulator (18).

30-07-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000517419B2

17-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000551184B2

13-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003968678A

21-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002755353A1

A dry feed two stage gasification system and process is disclosed for gasifying feedstock such as carbonaceous materials with improved energy efficiency, along with reductions in feedstock consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The feedstock is first dried and pretreated with the hot syngas in the upper section of the gasifier to generate a dry char that is low in volatile-matter content. This dry char is sent to the first stage of a two stage gasifier where it reacts with oxygen in the presence of steam to produce a hot syngas stream.

22-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1109268A

Solid fuel is acted on by a gasifying medium in a fluidised bed W. The resulting gas enters a cyclone 20 having an outlet for solid particles connected to a gasification chamber 30 in which the particles are gasified by a separate stream of gasifying medium supplied by an injector 25.

27-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1266180A

Case 4652 "IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO HOT GAS GENERATION" In a hot gas generating apparatus coal is fed to a first gasifying fluidised bed wherein it is partially gasified to generate a combustible gas and char. The char is circulated to a second combustion fluidised bed for burning in the presence of excess air. The combustible gas is mixed with the oxygen rich gases from the second bed and burnt to give a hot gas product.

20-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1066487A

A distributor for distributing a fluid into the volume of a fluidized bed contained in a vessel comprises a base member in which are mounted upstanding nozzles having outlets for directing the fluid horizontally away from the nozzles into the volume of the bed, the outlets of same nozzles being arranged at a lower level than the outlets from other nozzles so that fluidizable bed material will be fluidized above a contour substantially defined between the outlets of the nozzles. Thus, there will be a "well" or depression in the contour around each nozzle, and the contour will extend to just below the outlet of each nozzle. The contour may be formed by the upper surface of unfluidized d fluidizable material (e.g.,from the bed) or by the upper surface of non-fluidizable material (e.g., blocks of refractory cement or metal sheeting) which may constitute at least part of the base member. Another fluid may be passed into the volume of the fluidized bed by providing conduits whcih extend horizontally ...

07-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001324881C

A fluidized bed system comprises a fluidized bed reactor, a solids separator and a return line and serves to carry out exothermic processes in a circulating fluidized bed. The system comprises lines for supplying oxygencontaining primary gases through the bottom of the fluidized bed reactor, lines for supplying oxygen-containing secondary gases on a level which is at least 1 meter above the bottom of the reactor but not in excess of 30% of the height of the reactor, and a fuel line, which opens into the fluidized bed reactor between the primary and secondary gas inlet means. In order to ensure a satisfactory transverse mixing of the oxygen-containing secondary gas and fuel particularly in reactors having large dimensions, the fluidized bed system is provided with one or more displacing body which covers or cover 40 to 75% of the bottom surface area of the fluidized bed reactor and has or have a maximum height that is equal to one-half of the height of the fluidized-bed reactor. The displacing ...

20-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001178033A1

15-06-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001125514A1

12-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001221543A1

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002710367A1

An improved system and method is provided for operating a parallel entrainment fluidized bed gasifier system. A first aspect of the present invention relates to a method for reducing ash agglomeration in a parallel entrainment fluidized bed gasifier/combustor system by adding a quantity of MgO to the feedstock used in the gasifier/combustor system. A second aspect of the present invention relates to an apparatus and method for reducing erosion at piping bends in fluidized particulate piping systems which utilizes sand retention cavities positioned to receive and retain a portion of the fluidized particulate. A third aspect of the present invention relates to an apparatus and method for facilitating the flow of sand and char fragments from a first compartment to a second compartment while minimizing the flow of gases between the first and second compartments.

01-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002739497A1

A novel tar-free gasification process and system is disclosed that involves the partial combustion of recy-cled dry solids and the drying of a slurry feedstock comprising carbonaceous material in two separate reactor zones in a two stage gasifier, thereby producing mixture products comprising synthesis gas. The synthesis gas produced from the high temperature first stage reaction zone is then quenched in the second stage reaction zone of the gasifier prior to introduction of a slurry feedstock. The temperature of the final syngas exiting the second stage reaction zone of the gasifier is thereby moderated to be in the range of about 350°-900°F, which is below the temperature range at which tar is readily formed, depending upon the type of carbonaceous feedstock utilized.

08-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002747357A1

L'invention concerne un procédéde production et de purification d'un gaz de synthèse au moyen d'un combustible carboné, consistant à effectuer une gazéification dans un premier réacteur (1A) à une température comprise entre 780 et 1150°C et à effectuer une purification du gaz obtenu dans un deuxième réacteur (2A). Selon l'invention, -ladite gazéification est effectuée au moyen d'une première boucle de réacteur à lit fluidisé rapide (1) comportant ledit premier réacteur (1A) alimenté en oxydant, un premier séparateur cyclone associé (1B) et une première conduite de retour des solides (1C) vers ledit premier réacteur (1A), -ladite purification est effectuée au moyen d'une unique deuxième boucle de réacteur à lit fluidisé rapide (2) comportant ledit deuxième réacteur (2A) fluidisé par le gaz obtenu en sortie de gaz dudit premier séparateur cyclone (1B), un deuxième séparateur cyclone associé (2B) et une deuxième conduite de retour des solides (2C) vers ledit deuxième réacteur(2A), ledit deuxièmeréacteur ...

29-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002793930A1

A process and system for producing synthesis gas from biomass by carbonization are provided. The system comprises a pre-treatment part for biomass raw material, a carbonization furnace (4), a gasification furnace (20) and a pipeline connection and gas delivery system thereof. The top of the carbonization furnace (4) is connected with a cyclone separator (5), and the output end of the cyclone separator (5) is connected with a combustion bed (7) and a charcoal hopper (12) respectively. The output end of the combustion bed (7) is connected to a heat exchanger (9) for heating cycling pyrolysis gas. An outlet of the heated pyrolysis gas is connected with the carbonization furnace (4), and an outlet of the heat-exchanged waste heat flue gas is connected with a drying system (2). The pipeline from a charcoal outlet of the carbonization furnace (4) to the charcoal hopper (12) is provided with a water-cooling screw conveyer (11) which cools the charcoal from the outlet of the carbonization furnace ...

25-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002134871A1

... 2134871 9323500 PCTABS00028 This invention provides a process and apparatus for gasifying a particulate solid carbonaceous fuel with a high moisture content, the process comprising: introducing the fuel into one or more pressurized drying vessels without adding water to the fuel; reducing the moisture content of the fuel in the drying vessel(s) to a level suitable for gasification by passing hot product gas through the or each drying vessel such that the fuel particles are entrained in the gas flow, thereby cooling and humidifying the gas; separating the cooled and humidified gas from the fuel; transferring the fuel with reduced moisture content from the or each drying vessel to a gasification vessel, gasifying the fuel in the gasification vessel to produce hot product gas; and introducing at least a portion of the hot product gas into the or each drying vessel. The invention also relates to an integrated process for producing power, especially electric power, from particulate solid carbanaceous ...

12-10-1995 дата публикации

A Pressurized Reactor System and a Method of Operating the Same

Номер: CA0002183890A1

30-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000610594A5

25-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000101012C2

Предложен способ подачи биомассы в напорный резервуар и устройство для его осуществления. Согласно способу подачи биомассы в напорный резервуар газификационной установки для производства синтез-газа посредством шнековой транспортировочной системы, шнековая транспортировочная система состоит из, по крайней мере, двух шнековых транспортеров, при этом шнековые транспортеры размещены аксиально друг за другом, при этом между двумя шнековыми транспортерами размещен участок без транспортировочных элементов, при котором скоростями вращения шнековых транспортеров управляют независимо друг от друга с формированием в области без транспортировочных элементов почти газонепроницаемой пробки из биомассы.

28-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA200900342A1

Изобретение относится к углепереработке и может быть использовано в теплоэнергетике для получения энергетического или технологического газа. Предложен способ газификации угля в псевдоожиженном слое, включающий сжигание угля в восходящем модифицируемом потоке воздуха с добавлением в качестве модифицирующей добавки в нижнюю зону псевдоожиженного слоя угля воды и смеси воздуха с частью отобранного газа, а в верхнюю зону псевдоожиженного слоя угля - воздуха, обогащенного кислородом. Устройство для осуществления данного способа содержит вертикальную цилиндрическую камеру и коллекторы (нижний и верхний), соединенные с камерой патрубками для подвода в горящий слой угля дополнительных газифицирующих агентов. Вне камеры установлен блок автоматического управления регуляторами подачи в камеру воздуха, воды, кислорода, отводимого газа, воздуха через нижний коллектор, воздуха через верхний коллектор. Использование предложенного способа газификации угля и устройства для его осуществления даёт возможность ...

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000070945 C2

Піч або реактор на основі псевдозрідженого шару, що циркулює, що забезпечує підвищену ефективність циркуляції найдрібніших часток реагентів. Поліпшена циркуляція досягається за рахунок повторного використання газу, що містить дрібні частки, шляхом подачі його з бункера збору твердих часток, сполученого з сепаратором твердих часток, у реактор. Система одного або більшої кількості трубопроводів використовується для сполучення верхньої частини бункера збору твердих часток з реактором. Система трубопроводів обладнана засобом здійснення подачі газу з бункера назад в реактор. Пристрій за винаходом являє собою недорогу систему, що дозволяє здійснювати рециркуляцію найдрібніших часток, які в іншому разі були б виведені із сепаратора разом із газом.

15-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000049772 A

Пристрій для газифікації вуглецевмісного дрібнозернистого матеріалу в завислому стані містить вертикально спрямовану шахту з похилими розбіжними догори бічними стінками і склепінням, камеру догазифікації. Шахта містить живильник із завантажувальним каналом, щонайменше одну колосникову решітку і спрямоване догори дуттьове сопло. Камера догазифікації установлена над шахтою і з'єднана з нею через отвір, виконаний у склепінні шахти з утворенням заплечиків. Стінки камери догазифікації похилі і розходяться догори, а її склепіння утворене опуклою сферичною поверхнею. Випускні отвори для газу виконані у верхній частині камери догазифікації під її склепінням над колосниковою решіткою і спрямовані по дотичній до поверхні склепіння камери догазифікації. Завантажувальний канал живильника розташований тангенціально щодо стінок шахти і з'єднаний із джерелом текучого середовища під тиском. В нижній частині камери догазифікації встановлене додаткове дуттьове сопло, розташоване тангенціально і спрямоване ...

16-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000049772C2

30-04-2012 дата публикации

Способ получения генераторного газа и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: BY0000015605C1

... 1. Способ получения генераторного газа, при котором осуществляют паровую газификацию биомассы, в частности древесины, в кипящем слое реактора газификации (1) при температуре 750 °С и давлении 3 атм с получением генераторного газа, содержащего, в основном, водород и CO, при этом паровую газификацию биомассы осуществляют за счет тепла, выделяющегося при сжигании при температуре 850 °С и давлении 1 атм части биомассы в кипящем слое секции сжигания биомассы (3) реактора разложения CaCO3 (2) и переносимого в реактор газификации (1) непрерывно циркулирующим через реакторы (1) и (2) материалом кипящего слоя, содержащим твердые частицы CaO и CaCO3, образующиеся при обжиге доломита в реакторе разложения CaCO3 (2) при температуре 750 °С и давлении 3 атм, а для поддержания кипящего слоя и его циркуляции между реакторами используют водяной пар и воздух.

28-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000012268B1

Изобретение относится к области переработки угля и может быть использовано в теплоэнергетике для получения энергетического или технологического газа. Предложен способ газификации угля в псевдоожиженном слое, включающий сжигание угля в восходящем модифицируемом потоке воздуха с добавлением в качестве модифицирующей добавки в нижнюю зону псевдоожиженного слоя угля воды и смеси воздуха с частью отобранного газа, а в верхнюю зону псевдоожиженного слоя угля - воздуха, обогащенного кислородом. Устройство для осуществления данного способа содержит вертикальную цилиндрическую камеру 1 и коллекторы (нижний 3 и верхний 4), соединенные с камерой патрубками 5 для подвода в горящий слой угля дополнительных газифицирующих агентов. Вне камеры установлен блок 20 автоматического управления регуляторами подачи в камеру: 21 - воздуха, 22 - воды, 23 - кислорода, 24 - отводимого газа, 25 - воздуха через нижний коллектор, 26 - воздуха через верхний коллектор. Использование предложенного способа газификации угля ...

30-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201270081A1

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Fluidised-bed gasifier

Номер: CN0105102591A

03-12-2014 дата публикации

Coal gasification device of circulating fluid bed

Номер: CN0203976736U

29-12-2017 дата публикации

Force returning charge circulating fluidized bed gasification equipment

Номер: CN0206814712U

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Circulating fluidized bed coal gasification system

Номер: CN0208649244U

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Living beings circulating fluidized bed gasifier air distribute device

Номер: CN0205874324U

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Composite furnace catalytic gasification's device

Номер: CN0205368272U

... 本实用新型公开了一种复合炉催化气化的装置,复合炉包括气化室和催化室,以及配套的给料装置、过滤单元等。一种实现方式中,内筒为气化室,物料通过螺旋给料机送入气化室,气化室上部为过滤单元,过滤掉气化气中的颗粒物,并返回气化炉进行再次气化,外筒与内筒之间的环形空间为催化室,装有催化剂,对气化气中的焦油进行催化裂解。另一种实现方式中,内筒为催化室,外筒与内筒之间的环形空间为气化室。本实用新型提供了一种更加节能、紧凑和高效的复合式气化炉催化裂解装置及方法,省去了旋风分离器和附加的催化室加热设备,充分利用气化室的高温来加热催化剂。 ...

27-04-2011 дата публикации

Waste water gasification device with high-temperature semi-coke powder

Номер: CN0201809317U

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Gas distributor and gasification furnace

Номер: CN0108485715A

20-07-2016 дата публикации

Gasification experimental device of biomass derived fuel

Номер: CN0105779016A

08-06-2018 дата публикации

The ash cooling method and device

Номер: CN0105247018B

06-11-2013 дата публикации

Biomass and coal fluidized bed co-gasification equipment

Номер: CN102786989B

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Integrated gasification combined cycle plant with char preparation system

Номер: US20120167585A1
Автор: Alex Wormser
Принадлежит: Wormser Energy Solutions Inc

Provided herein are systems, methods and equipment that include Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle technology to retrofit existing plants, that include, e.g., subsystems for separating char fines from syngas after it emerges from an internally-circulating fluidized bed carbonizer and injecting the char into the carbonizer draft tube as a fuel source. Efficiency and power generation are thus increased to the extent that inclusion of carbon capture systems are now possible for existing coal plants in order to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Process to provide a particulate solid material to a pressurised reactor

Номер: US20120251408A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

A system to provide a particulate solid material to a pressurised gasification reactor includes a low pressure storage vessel fluidly connected to the inlet of a bulk materials pump, a first part of a transport conduit directly connecting the outlet of the bulk materials pump to an inlet of a diverter valve, a second part of the transport conduit connecting an outlet of the diverter valve to a burner as present in a reactor vessel, wherein said diverter valve is provided with a second outlet connecting a recycle conduit with the low pressure storage vessel and which diverter valve is adjustable to either fluidly connect the bulk materials pump to the burner or alternatively fluidly connect the bulk materials pump to the low pressure storage vessel.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US20130028801A1
Принадлежит: Rentech Inc

A system configured for the production of at least one product selected from the group consisting of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products, power, and chemicals, the system comprising a dual fluidized bed gasification apparatus and at least one apparatus selected from power production apparatus configured to produce power from the gasification product gas, partial oxidation reactors configured for oxidation of at least a portion of the product gas, tar removal apparatus configured to reduce the amount of tar in the product gas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis apparatus configured to produce Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products from at least a portion of the product gas, chemical production apparatus configured for the production of at least one non-Fischer-Tropsch product from at least a portion of the product gas, and dual fluidized bed gasification units configured to alter the composition of the product gas. Methods of operating the system are also provided.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US20130030062A1
Принадлежит: Rentech Inc

A system configured for the production of at least one product selected from the group consisting of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products, power, and chemicals, the system comprising a dual fluidized bed gasification apparatus and at least one apparatus selected from power production apparatus configured to produce power from the gasification product gas, partial oxidation reactors configured for oxidation of at least a portion of the product gas, tar removal apparatus configured to reduce the amount of tar in the product gas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis apparatus configured to produce Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products from at least a portion of the product gas, chemical production apparatus configured for the production of at least one non-Fischer-Tropsch product from at least a portion of the product gas, and dual fluidized bed gasification units configured to alter the composition of the product gas. Methods of operating the system are also provided.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Fuel gasification system

Номер: US20130078158A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fuel gasification system including a gasification furnace including a fluidized bed formed by fluidizing reactant gas for gasifying fuel charged into gasification gas and flammable solid content, a combustion furnace for combustion of the flammable solid content into which the flammable solid content produced in the furnace is introduced together with bed material and that includes a fluidized bed formed by fluidizing reactant gas, a material separator such as hot cyclone that separates bed material from exhaust gas introduced from the combustion furnace, the separated bed material being fed through a downcomer to the gasification furnace, and a tar decomposing mechanism that heats the gasification gas produced in the furnace to decompose tar contained in the gasification gas.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Two stage dry feed gasification process

Номер: US20130099168A1
Автор: Shuncheng Ji
Принадлежит: Phillips 66 Co

A dry feed two stage gasification system and process is disclosed for gasifying feedstock such as carbonaceous materials with improved energy efficiency, along with reductions in feedstock consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The feedstock is first dried and pretreated with the hot syngas in the upper section of the gasifier to generate a dry char that is low in volatile-matter content. This dry char is sent to the first stage of a two stage gasifier where it reacts with oxygen in the presence of steam to produce a hot syngas stream.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

System And Method For Thermal Conversion Of Carbon Based Materials

Номер: US20130118075A1
Принадлежит: GET PATENT B.V.

The present invention relates to a system for thermal conversion of carbon based materials into combustible oil and/or gas. More specifically, said system comprises: a first fluid bed reactor, a second vapour wash reactor, a third fractionation reactor, a fourth moving bed reactor, a fifth fluid bed reactor and a sixth gasification reactor. 1. System for the thermal conversion of carbon based materials into combustible oil and/or gas comprising:a first fluid bed reactor for thermal cracking of carbon based materials, the first fluid bed reactor comprising at least one intake, the at least one intake comprising at least one inlet for receiving carbon based materials, at least one inlet for receiving processed solid materials, and at least one inlet for receiving solids and oil, at least one discharge end, the at least one discharge end comprising at least one outlet for carbon comprising solid material, at least one outlet for metals and minerals, and at least one outlet for effluent vapor and gas;a second vapor wash reactor connected to the outlet for effluent vapor and gas for washing effluent vapor and gas from the first fluid bed reactor, the second vapor wash reactor comprising at least one intake, the at least one intake comprising at least one inlet for receiving the effluent vapor gas, and at least one discharge end, the at least one discharge end comprising at least one outlet for washed vapor and gas, and at least one outlet for solids and oil connected to the inlet for solids and oil of the first fluid bed reactor for reintroducing the solids and oil into the first fluid bed reactor;a third reactor connected to the outlet for washed vapor and gas for fractioning of the vapor and gas, the third reactor comprising at least one intake, the at least one intake comprising at least one inlet for receiving the washed vapor and gas, at least one discharge end, the at least one discharge end comprising at least one outlet for combustible oil, and at least one ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Devices and Methods for a Pyrolysis and Gasification System for Biomass Feedstock

Номер: US20130153395A1
Принадлежит: The Texas A&M University System

A pyrolysis and gasification system produce a synthesis gas and bio-char from a biomass feedstock. The system includes a feed hopper that has a flow measurement device. The system also includes a reactor that is operable in a gasification mode or a pyrolysis mode. The reactor is configured to receive the biomass feedstock from the feed hopper. The reactor is operable to provide heat to the biomass feedstock from the feed hopper to produce the synthesis gas and bio-char. The system also includes a cyclone assembly. The produced synthesis gas including the bio-char is fed to the cyclone assembly. The cyclone assembly removes a portion of the bio-char from the synthesis gas. 1. A pyrolysis and gasification system for producing a synthesis gas and bio-char from a biomass feedstock , comprising:a feed hopper, wherein the feed hopper comprises a flow measurement device;a reactor that is operable in a gasification mode or a pyrolysis mode, and wherein the reactor is configured to received the biomass feedstock from the feed hopper, and further wherein the reactor is operable to provide heat to the biomass feedstock from the feed hopper to produce the synthesis gas and bio-char; anda cyclone assembly, wherein the produced synthesis gas comprising bio-char is fed to the cyclone assembly, and wherein the cyclone assembly removes bio-char from the synthesis gas.2. The pyrolysis and gasification system of claim 1 , wherein the reactor comprises a reactor bed claim 1 , wherein the reactor bed is fluidized by a fluidizing medium input.3. The pyrolysis and gasification system of claim 1 , wherein the reactor comprises an upper portion and a bottom portion claim 1 , and wherein the upper portion comprises an increased diameter over a diameter of the bottom portion.4. The pyrolysis and gasification system of claim 1 , wherein the cyclone assembly comprises a first cyclone and a second cyclone.5. The pyrolysis and gasification system of claim 1 , further comprising a pressure swing ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Hydromethanation of a carbonaceous feedstock

Номер: US20130172640A1
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

The present invention relates generally to processes for hydromethanating a carbonaceous feedstock in a hydromethanation reactor to a methane product stream and a char by-product, and more specifically to removal of the char by-product from the hydromethanation reactor.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Multistage Hierachical Pyrolysis and Gasification of Solid Fuels

Номер: US20130239479A1

This invention relates to an apparatus and a method for multistage hierarchical pyrolysis and gasification of solid fuels. The apparatus comprises a feeding device a multistage fluidized bed reactor a residual discharging valve a cyclone and a condenser A gas inlet is provided at the bottom of the multistage fluidized bed reactor and a number of stages of fluidized beds are provided within the multistage fluidized bed wherein the fluidized beds are separated by a number of perforated distributors The top stage fluidized bed is connected with the feeding device and the coal fed thereto is heated by char obtained from pyrolysis in this stage and the mixture of high temperature ascending pyrolysis and gasification gas to undergo pyrolysis reactions at low temperature, thereby to obtain solid particles after preliminary pyrolytic process. The solid particles flow downwards through an overflow standpipe the perforated distributor to the next stage of the fluidized bed and then are pyrolyzed through being heated by char and the mixture of pyrolysis and gasification gas. The solid particles in turn pass into the next stage of the fluidized bed and finally enter into the bottom stage fluidized bed to undergo gasification reactions. More light fractions in tar can be produced using the present apparatus and method. 1. An apparatus for multistage hierarchical pyrolysis and gasification of solid fuels , wherein said apparatus for pyrolysis and gasification of solid fuels comprises a feeding device , a multistage fluidized bed reactor , a residue discharging valve , a cyclone and a condenser , comprising:a gas inlet is provided at the bottom of the multistage fluidized bed reactor, which is used for injecting gasification agent to the multistage fluidized bed reactor where coal pyrolysis and char gasification reactions occur to obtain pyrolysis and gasification gas with high temperature;the multistage fluidized bed reactor consists of a number of stages of fluidized bed which ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Gasification Of High Ash, High Ash Fusion Temperature Bituminous Coals

Номер: US20140008580A1

This invention relates to gasification of high ash bituminous coals that have high ash fusion temperatures. The ash content can be in 15 to 45 weight percent range and ash fusion temperatures can be in 1150° C. to 1500° C. range as well as in excess of 1500° C. In a preferred embodiment, such coals are dealt with a two stage gasification process—a relatively low temperature primary gasification step in a circulating fluidized bed transport gasifier followed by a high temperature partial oxidation step of residual char carbon and small quantities of tar. The system to process such coals further includes an internally circulating fluidized bed to effectively cool the high temperature syngas with the aid of an inert media and without the syngas contacting the heat transfer surfaces. A cyclone downstream of the syngas cooler, operating at relatively low temperatures, effectively reduces loading to a dust filtration unit. Nearly dust- and tar-free syngas for chemicals production or power generation and with over 90%, and preferably over about 98%, overall carbon conversion can be achieved with the preferred process, apparatus and methods outlined in this invention. 1. A gasification system for high ash , high ash fusion temperature bituminous coal comprising:a gasifier combining a bituminous coal stream and a gasifier oxidant stream to produce a gasifier syngas stream containing an unwanted species at a first concentration, wherein the gasifier operates within an operating gasfier temperature range, an operating gasifier gas superficial velocity range, and an operating gasifier pressure range at an exit of the gasifier;a partial oxidizer that combines the gasifier syngas stream and a partial oxidizer oxidant stream to produce a partial oxidizer syngas stream containing the unwanted species at a second concentration being lower than the first concentration, wherein the partial oxidizer operates within an operating partial oxidizer temperature range, an operating partial ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and Device for Producing Synthesis Gas from Biomass

Номер: US20150013224A1
Автор: Tetzlaff Karl-Heinz

A method and a device for producing synthesis gas from biomass, wherein the biomass is decomposed into pyrolysis coke and pyrolisis gas in at least one pyrolisis reactor, the pyrolysis coke is introduced into the fluidised bed of a synthesis gas reactor and the pyrolysis gas is used as fluidisation gas for the synthesis gas reactor.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Producing Substitute Natural Gas

Номер: US20150034876A9
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown and Root LLC

Systems and methods for producing synthetic gas are provided. The method can include gasifying a carbonaceous feedstock in the presence of an oxidant within a gasifier to provide a raw syngas. The raw syngas can be cooled within a cooler to provide a cooled syngas. The cooled syngas can be processed within a purification system to provide a treated syngas. The purification system can include a saturator adapted to increase a moisture content of the cooled syngas. The treated syngas and a first heat transfer medium can be introduced to a methanator to provide a synthetic gas, a second heat transfer medium, and a methanation condensate. At least a portion of the methanation condensate can be recycled from the methanator to the saturator.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045457A1

A device for treating steam-saturated crude gases from the entrained flow gasification of fuels before entry into heat exchanges sited upstream of a crude gas converting operation. To avoid solid deposits in an entrance region of the heat exchangers, a crude gas is converted from a saturated into the superheated state by supply of hot gas. Hot gas contemplated is superheated high pressure steam or recycled superheated converted crude gas. 1. A device for treatment of crude synthesis gas from a facility for partial oxidation of fuels in an entrained flow gasifier , in which a path of the crude synthesis gas is in sequence of following stages , the device comprising:an entrained flow gasifier configured for supplying a steam-saturated crude synthesis gasa cascade of water scrubbers receiving the steam-saturated crude synthesis gas and configured for cleaning the crude synthesis gas to remove dust particles therefrom,a mixer having a first entrance for receiving the cleaned crude synthesis gas from the water scrubbers, the mixer having a second entrance for receiving a supply of hot gas,the mixer having an exit for supplying superheated, unsaturated crude synthesis gas from the exit of the mixer;a heat exchanger having a first gas channel for receiving the crude synthesis gas from the exit of the mixer;,a crude gas converting device receiving the crude synthesis gas from the first gas channel) of the heat exchanger,the heat exchanger having a second gas channel for receiving the crude synthesis gas from the crude gas converting device into the second gas channel of the heat exchanger, andthe second gas channel of the heat exchanger having an exit for the converted crude synthesis gas.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mixer comprises a static mixer.39. The device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a heating device for heating the hot gas comprised of superheated high pressure steam ().4. The device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the hot gas ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

All-Steam Gasification with Solid Fuel Preparation System

Номер: US20220073828A1
Принадлежит: Wormser Energy Solutions, Inc.

A carbonaceous fuel gasification system includes a micronized char preparation system comprising a transport reactor with a pulverizer function that receives solid carbonaceous fuel, hydrogen, oxygen, and fluidizing steam that produces micronized char, steam, and volatiles. An indirect gasifier includes a pressure vessel reactor comprising a dense bed of solids. A draft tube can be inside or outside the pressure vessel. A combustor provides heat for the gasification reaction by combustion of hydrogen and air and that provides products of combustion that flow through the draft tube. A distributor plate receives the micronized char, steam, and devolatilized hydrocarbons from the output of the micronized char preparation system. The indirect gasifier mixes the micronized char with steam at a temperature that converts them to syngas comprising hydrogen and carbon monoxide. 1. A carbonaceous fuel gasification system comprising:a) a micronized char preparation system comprising a transport reactor with a pulverizer function that receives solid carbonaceous fuel, hydrogen, oxygen, and fluidizing steam to provide heat for devolatilization, the micronized char preparation system producing micronized char, steam, and volatiles at an output; and i) a draft tube in the pressure vessel;', 'ii) a dense bed of solids that surrounds the draft tube;', 'iii) a combustor positioned below the draft tube that provides heat for the gasification reaction by combustion of hydrogen and air and that provides products of combustion that flow through the draft tube and exit at a vent positioned in the pressure vessel; and', 'iv) a distributor plate that receives the micronized char, steam, and devolatilized hydrocarbons from the output of the micronized char preparation system,, 'b) an indirect gasifier, comprising a pressure vessel reactor comprisingwherein the indirect gasifier mixes the micronized char with steam at a temperature that converts them to syngas comprising hydrogen and carbon ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Two-stage syngas production with separate char and product gas inputs into the second stage

Номер: US20220073829A1
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A two-stage syngas production method to produce a final product gas from a carbonaceous material includes producing a first product gas in a first reactor, separating char from the first product gas to produce separated char and char-depleted product gas, and separately reacting the separated char and the char-depleted product gas with an oxygen-containing gas in a second reactor to produce a final product gas. The separated char is introduced into the second reactor above the char-depleted product gas. The solids separation device may include serially connected cyclones, and the separated char may be entrained in a motive fluid in an eductor to produce a char and motive fluid mixture prior to being transferred to the second reactor. A biorefinery method produces a purified product from the final product gas.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Methods of Converting Fuel

Номер: US20140144082A1
Принадлежит: Ohio State University

A method for converting fuel may include reducing at least one metal oxide in a first reactor with a fuel to produce a reduced metal or a reduced metal oxide, transporting the reduced metal or reduced metal oxide from the first reactor to a second reactor, oxidizing at least a portion of the reduced metal or reduced metal oxide from the first reactor in the second reactor to produce a metal oxide intermediate, transporting the metal oxide intermediate from the second reactor to a third reactor, removing ash, char, or unwanted materials with a separation unit from the metal oxide intermediate transported from the second reactor to the third reactor, regenerating the at least one metal oxide, and transporting the regenerated metal oxide from the third reactor to the first reactor.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Internally Self-Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasifier And Air Distributor Therein For Generating Stepped Constrained Wind

Номер: US20200071628A1

The present disclosure provides an internally self-circulating fluidized bed gasifier and an air distributor therein for generating a stepped constrained wind. The air distributor includes a gas-material mixture through hole and a plurality of vent holes. Each of the vent holes is designed to have a winding path. Due to the winding paths of the vent holes and an arrangement of converging outlets of the vent holes to the gas-material mixture through hole, which is in communication with a furnace chamber, the present disclosure enables a gas entering the furnace chamber to form a stepped constrained wind and effectively prevents solid-phase materials in the furnace chamber from leaking into a gas mixture chamber. The internally self-circulating fluidized bed gasifier can achieve self-circulation combustion gasification for multiple times and a well-controlled gasification temperature, resulting in a high coal gasification efficiency without an ash leakage. 1. An air distributor , comprising:an air distributor body;a gas-material mixture through hole located within the air distributor body; anda plurality of vent holes located within the air distributor body, the gas-material mixture through hole extends from a top surface of the air distributor body towards a center of the air distributor body,', 'each of the plurality of vent holes has an outlet that is in communication with a bottom portion of the gas-material mixture through hole,', 'each of the plurality of vent holes has an inlet that is located at a bottom surface of the air distributor body, and', 'each of the plurality of vent holes has a winding path extending between the inlet of the respective vent hole and the outlet of the respective vent hole., 'wherein2. The air distributor of claim 1 , wherein:the gas-material mixture through hole comprises a cylindrical hole and a hollow frustum tapering from bottom to top,an upper end of the cylindrical hole is located at the top surface of the air distributor body,a ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Enriched Air Gasifier

Номер: US20200080011A1

A method may include, but is not limited to: providing a volume of feedstock and a volume of oxygen-enriched air to a thermal reformer; reacting the volume of feedstock and the volume of oxygen-enriched air with the thermal reformer at an operating temperature to produce a raw syngas stream; removing particulate matter from the raw syngas stream with a two-stage cyclone assembly, wherein the two-stage cyclone assembly comprises a first cyclone and a second cyclone; scrubbing the raw syngas stream received from the two-stage cyclone assembly with a quench scrubber to produce an engine gas stream; and providing the engine gas stream to a CHP genset to be used as fuel. 1. A method for enriched air gasification , comprising:providing a volume of feedstock and a volume of oxygen-enriched air to a thermal reformer;reacting the volume of feedstock and the volume of oxygen-enriched air with the thermal reformer at an operating temperature to produce a raw syngas stream;removing particulate matter from the raw syngas stream with a two-stage cyclone assembly, wherein the two-stage cyclone assembly comprises a first cyclone and a second cyclone;scrubbing the raw syngas stream received from the two-stage cyclone assembly with a quench scrubber to produce an engine gas stream; andproviding the engine gas stream to a CHP genset to be used as fuel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the thermal reformer comprises a thermal reformer with a single bubbling bed gasifier configuration.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the volume of oxygen-enriched air comprises both a fluidization medium and a gasification reactant.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the operating temperature is between 600° C. and 800° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reacting the volume of feedstock and the volume of oxygen-enriched air with the thermal reformer to produce a raw syngas stream takes place at substantially atmospheric pressure.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the volume of feedstock comprises ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087479A1

The present disclosure provides an integrated method and apparatus for catalytic cracking of heavy oil and production of syngas. A cracking-gasification coupled reactor having a cracking section and a gasification section is used as a reactor in the method. A heavy oil feedstock is fed into a cracking section to contact with a bed material in a fluidized state that contains a cracking catalyst, a catalytic cracking reaction is conducted under atmospheric pressure to obtain light oil-gas and coke. The coke is carried downward by the bed material into a gasification section to conduct a gasification reaction to generate syngas; the syngas goes upward into the cracking section to merge with the light oil-gas, and is guided out from the coupled reactor and enter a gas-solid separation system. Oil-gas fractionation is performed to a purified oil-gas product output from the gas-solid separation system to collect light oil and syngas products. 1. An integrated method for catalytic cracking of heavy oil and production of syngas , wherein a cracking-gasification coupled reactor having a cracking section and a gasification section that are internally connected with each other is used as a reactor , the integrated method comprises:feeding a heavy oil feedstock into the cracking section in an upper portion of the cracking-gasification coupled reactor to contact with a bed material in a fluidized state that contains a cracking catalyst, a catalytic cracking reaction is conducted under atmospheric pressure to obtain light oil-gas and coke; the coke is carried downward by the bed material into the gasification section in a lower portion of the cracking-gasification coupled reactor to conduct a gasification reaction to generate syngas; the syngas goes upward in the cracking-gasification coupled reactor into the cracking section to merge with the light oil-gas, and is guided out from the coupled reactor to a gas-solid separation system;subjecting the light oil-gas and the syngas in ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087483A1

A method for heavy oil lightening and synthesis gas production and a device thereof are provided, where the method uses a cracking/gasification coupled reactor, which internally has a cracking section and a gasification section that communicate with each other, and includes the following steps: feeding a heavy oil material into the cracking section to implement a cracking reaction, to produce a light oil gas and a coke; the coke being carried by the coke powders and descending into the gasification section to implement a gasification reaction, to produce a synthesis gas; at least performing a first stage gas-solid separation, collecting coke powder particles and dividing them into two parts; performing an oil and gas fractionation on a purified oil and gas product output by the gas-solid separation system, and collecting a light oil product and a synthesis gas product. 1. A method for heavy oil lightening and synthesis gas production , using a cracking/gasification coupled reactor , which internally has a cracking section and a gasification section that communicate with each other , as a reactor , and comprising the following steps:feeding a heavy oil material into the cracking section at an upper part of the cracking/gasification coupled reactor, so as to contact with fluidized coke powders to implement a cracking reaction, to produce a light oil gas and a coke; the coke being carried by the coke powders and descending into the gasification section at a lower part of the cracking/gasification coupled reactor to implement a gasification reaction, to produce a synthesis gas; wherein the synthesis gas ascends into the cracking section, then is combined with the light oil gas, and is led out of the cracking/gasification coupled reactor to enter a gas-solid separation system;at least performing a first stage gas-solid separation on the light oil gas and the synthesis gas in the gas-solid separation system, collecting coke powder particles and dividing them into two ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Integrated method and integrated device for heavy oil contact lightening and coke gasification

Номер: US20210087484A1
Принадлежит: China University of Petroleum Beijing

An integrated method and an integrated device for heavy oil contact lightening and coke gasification are provided. The integrated method uses a coupled reactor including a cracking section and a gasification section, and the integrated method includes: feeding a heavy oil material into the cracking section to implement a cracking reaction, to obtain a light oil gas and a carbon-deposited contact agent; passing the carbon-deposited contact agent into the gasification section, so as to implement a gasification reaction, to obtain a regenerated contact agent and a syngas; and discharging the light oil gas and the ascended and incorporated syngas from the cracking section, to perform a gas-solid separation, so that the carbon-deposited contact agent carried is separated and returned to the cracking section, and a purified oil gas is obtained at the same time.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145194A1

A method and process arrangement for producing hydrocarbons from polymer-based waste in which the polymer-based waste is gasified with steam at low temperature in a gasifier for forming a product mixture, and the temperature is 640-750° C., and the product mixture is supplied from the gasifier to a recovery unit of the hydrocarbons for separating at least one hydrocarbon fraction. 1. A method for producing hydrocarbons from polymer-based waste , wherein the method comprises:gasifying the polymer-based waste with steam at low temperature in a gasifier for forming a product mixture, and the temperature is 640-750° C., andarranging the gasifier in parallel with at least one cracking unit, and supplying the product mixture from the gasifier and a hydrocarbon mixture of the cracking unit to a recovery unit of the hydrocarbons for separating at least one hydrocarbon fraction, wherein the product mixture is a portion of the feed to the recovery unit.2. (canceled)3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gasifier is a fluidized bed gasifier.42. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment temperature is 700-750° C. in the gasifier ().52. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treatment temperature is 700-720° C. in the gasifier ().6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the bed material is sand and/or calcium-containing bed material in a fluidized bed of the gasifier.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer-based waste comprises at least polyolefins and other polymers.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein residence time is 4-30 seconds in the gasifier.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the product mixture is cooled to temperature of 400-500° C. after the gasifier.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the product mixture is filtered after the gasifier.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the product mixture comprises at least ethylene claim 1 , propylene and light aromatic hydrocarbons.12. The ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190118234A1
Принадлежит: Thermochem Recovery International, Inc.

A multi-stage product gas generation system converts a carbonaceous material, such as municipal solid waste, into a product gas which may subsequently be converted into a liquid fuel or other material. One or more reactors containing bed material may be used to conduct reactions to effect the conversions. Unreacted inert feedstock contaminants present in the carbonaceous material may be separated from bed material using a portion of the product gas. A heat transfer medium collecting heat from a reaction in one stage may be applied as a reactant input in another, earlier stage. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for producing a H2 , CO , and CO2 from a carbonaceous material using a first reactor , a second reactor , and a third reactor , the method comprising:(a) reacting carbonaceous material with a steam reactant in the first reactor and producing a first reactor product gas containing char;(b) introducing at least a portion of the char generated in step (a) into the second reactor;(c) reacting the char of step (b) with an oxygen-containing gas in the second reactor and producing a second reactor product gas;(d) transferring the first reactor product gas generated in step (a) and the second reactor product gas generated in step (c) to the third reactor, to form a combined product gas;(e) reacting the combined product gas with an oxygen-containing gas in the third reactor to generate a third reactor product gas and heat;(f) transferring heat generated in step (e) to a heat transfer medium contained within a third reactor heat exchanger in thermal contact with the interior of the third reactor;(g) transferring at least some of the heat transfer medium which has passed through the third reactor heat exchanger, to a second reactor heat exchanger in thermal contact with the interior of the second reactor;(h) introducing a first portion of the heat transfer medium which has passed through the second reactor heat exchanger, into the first reactor as the steam reactant of step ( ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Char Preparation System and Gasifier for All-Steam Gasification with Carbon Capture

Номер: US20210155860A1

An ASG system for polygeneration with CC includes a devolatilizer that pyrolyzes solid fuel to produce char and gases. A burner adds exothermic heat by high-pressure sub-stoichiometric combustion, a mixing pot causes turbulent flow of the gases to heat received solid fuel, and a riser micronizes resulting friable char. A devolatilizer cyclone separates the micronized char by weight providing micronized char, steam and gases to a gasifier feed and oversized char to the mixing pot. An indirect fluid bed gasifier combustion loop includes a gasifier coupled to the gasifier feed, a steam input to provide oxygen for gasification and to facilitate sand-char separation, and an output for providing syngas. A burner provides POC to a mixing pot which provides hot sand with POC to a POC cyclone via a riser, where the POC cyclone separates sand and POC by weight and provides POC and sand for steam-carbon reaction. 1. An all-steam gasification system for polygeneration with carbon capture , the system comprising: i) a devolatilizer burner having at least one input that receives gases comprising hydrogen, oxygen and steam or gases comprising syngas, steam, and a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the devolatilizer burner adding exothermic heat to the devolatilizer by high-pressure sub-stoichiometric combustion of the received gases to eliminate substantially all oxidation of char in the devolatilizer;', 'ii) a devolatilizer mixing pot having an input coupled to the output of the devolatilizer burner and a solid fuel input that receives solid fuel, the devolatilizer mixing pot configured to cause a turbulent flow of hot gases provided by the devolatilizer burner to heat the received solid fuel and to generate friable char, pyrolysis gas, and steam at an output;', 'iii) a riser having an input that is coupled to the output of the devolatilizer mixing pot, the riser micronizing the friable char and providing the micronized char with volatiles and steam to an output;', 'iv) a ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150141536A1

A method for recycling carbon dioxide from biomass gasification. The method includes: 1) employing carbon dioxide as a gasifying agent, allowing the carbon dioxide to gasify biomass to yield syngas; 2) cooling the syngas; 3) introduced cooled syngas to a cyclone separator and a gas scrubber for dust removal and purification; 4) allowing purified syngas in 3) to react with the vapor to modify a ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide of the syngas; 5) desulfurizing modified syngas to remove HS and COS therein; 6) decarburizing desulfurized syngas to separate carbon dioxide therein; 7) introducing desulfurized and decarburized syngas to a synthesizing tower to yield oil products and exhaust gas including carbon dioxide; 8) decarburizing the exhaust gas including carbon dioxide and separating the carbon dioxide; and 9) introducing the carbon dioxide separated in 6) and 8) to 1) as the gasifying agent for gasification. 1. A method for recycling carbon dioxide from biomass gasification , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '4', '2', '2', '2, '1) employing carbon dioxide as a gasifying agent, allowing the carbon dioxide to gasify biomass in a gasifier in the presence of external auxiliary energy, whereby yielding syngas comprising CO, CO, CH, H, HO, HS, and COS, wherein the gasifying agent carbon dioxide is collected from following steps;'}2) cooling the syngas using a primary heat exchanger and a secondary heat exchanger in sequence, wherein the primary heat exchanger employs carbon dioxide as a cooling medium whereby preheating the carbon dioxide as the gasifying agent in 1), and the secondary heat exchanger employs water as a cooling medium whereby producing vapor;3) introduced cooled syngas in 2) to a cyclone separator and a gas scrubber for dust removal and purification;4) allowing purified syngas in 3) to react with the vapor so that part of carbon monoxide of the syngas is transformed into hydrogen and carbon dioxide, whereby modifying a ratio of hydrogen to carbon ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200140769A1

A gasification co-generation process of coal powder in a Y-type entrained flow bed, comprising: spraying coal water slurry or coal powder, gasification agent and water vapor into a gasification furnace through a top nozzle and a plurality of side nozzles for performing combustion and gasification with a residence time of 10 s or more; chilling the resulting slag with water, and subjecting the chilled slag to a dry method slagging to obtain gasification slag used as cement clinker; discharging the produced crude syngas carrying fine ash from the Y-type entrained flow bed to perform ash-slag separation. 1. A gasification co-generation process of coal powder in a Y-type entrained flow bed , comprising the following steps:(1) mixing coal with lime powder to obtain coal powder, or mixing the coal, lime powder and water to obtain coal water slurry; in the coal water slurry or coal powder, the weight ratio of calcium to aluminum is 2-4:1, the weight ratio of calcium to silicon is 1-4:1, and the weight ratio of calcium to iron is 1-3:1;(2) introducing the coal water slurry or coal powder, gasification agent and water vapor into a gasification furnace of a Y-type entrained flow bed, and performing combustion and gasification at a temperature range of 1,300-2,000° C., so as to produce a crude syngas and slag at a temperature range of 1300-2000° C.;wherein the coal water slurry or coal powder, gasification agent and water vapor are sprayed into the gasification furnace through a top nozzle and a plurality of side nozzles of the gasification furnace, and collide, ignite and turbulently mix with each other at the combustion chamber center of the gasification furnace, to form a rotational strike and high temperature reaction zone; the residence time of a residual ash generated by the combustion and gasification in the rotational strike and high temperature reaction zone is 10 s or more;the residual ash is thrown toward the furnace wall of the gasification furnace and swirled ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175016A1

The present invention relates to a combustor-independent fluidized bed indirect gasification system for technology for obtaining high quality synthetic gas through effective indirect gasification of low quality fuels, such as biomass/waste/coal, having various properties, and provides a combustor-independent fluidized bed indirect gasification system comprising: a pre-processor having a sorter a gasifier to which a first fuel sorted in the pre-processor is supplied; a combustor to which a second fuel sorted in the pre-processor is supplied; and a riser connecting the gasifier and the combustor and having functions of increasing the temperature of a bed material and transferring the bed material therein. 1. A combustor-independent fluidized bed indirect gasification system , comprising:a pre-processor having a sorter;a gasifier to which a first fuel sorted in the pre-processor is supplied;a combustor to which a second fuel sorted in the pre-processor is supplied; anda riser which connects the gasifier and the combustor and has functions of increasing the temperature of a bed material and transferring the bed material.2. The combustor-independent fluidized bed indirect gasification system of claim 1 , wherein a dispersion section is provided between the riser and the combustor.3. The combustor-independent fluidized bed indirect gasification system of claim 1 , further comprising a transfer unit claim 1 , which connects the gasifier and the combustor and transfers incombustibles and unreacted char accumulated in the gasifier to the combustor.4. The combustor-independent fluidized bed indirect gasification system of claim 1 , comprising:a first hollow passage which is connected between a lower part of the riser and the gasifier at a location higher than the lower part of the riser; anda second hollow passage which is connected between a lower part of the gasifier and the riser at a location higher than the lower part of the gasifier.5. The combustor-independent ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194568A1
Принадлежит: Pyroneer A/S c/o Dong Energy A/S

Provided are apparatus and methods of gasification using a circulating fluidized bed reactor comprising a separate pyrolysis reaction chamber, one or more primary char gasification chambers, and one or more secondary char gasification chambers which comprise an internal vertical reaction volume suitable for containing a particle bed fluidized by a predominantly vertical upwards gas flow. The vertical reaction volume is advantageous in that this provides the possibility for increased retention time of particles, facilitating comparatively slow “productive” temperature moderation based on endothermic char conversion. 1. A circulating fluidized bed (CFB) reactor for thermal processing of added carbonaceous material , comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '5, 'i': a', 'c', 'b', 'd, 'a first pyrolysis reaction chamber () comprising at least one inlet () for carbonaceous material (), at least one inlet () for fluidizing gas, and at least one outlet () for product gas situated in its upper part of the first reaction chamber () which product gas carries carbon containing char particles and recirculating inert particles, and an inlet () for product gas from a primary char gasification chamber (),'}{'b': 4', '4', '1', '4', '5', '14, 'i': a', 'b, 'one or more separators () each of which is in fluid communication with an outlet for product gas from the pyrolysis chamber and has an inlet () through which product gas carrying char and inert particles from the first pyrolysis reaction chamber () is received, and an outlet () through which a separated part of char and inert particles leave each separator and enter into a primary char gasification chamber () via one or more conduits (), and'}{'b': 5', '4', '5', '5', '6', '5', '5', '5', '7', '7', '9, 'i': a', 'b', 'd', 'c, 'one or more primary char gasification chambers () each of which is in fluid communication with at least one particle separator () and each of which comprises an inlet () for receiving recirculating ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Constant Liquid Level Gasification Furnace with Waste Boiler

Номер: US20180195015A1
Автор: MA Hongbo, WANG Shuai, Yue Jun

The present disclosure relates to a constant liquid level gasification furnace with a waste boiler comprising: a housing; an upper portion of the housing is defined as a gasification section, a middle portion of the housing is defined as a radiant section, and a lower portion of the housing is defined as a quenching section. The gasification section internally includes a membrane type water-cooled wall, wherein the inner region defined by the membrane type water-cooled wall is a gasification chamber. The radiant section internally includes a built-in radiant waste boiler assembly, wherein the internal region defined by the built-in radiant waste boiler assembly is a radiant chamber. The region defined by the quenching section is a quenching chamber. 1. A constant liquid level gasification furnace with a waste boiler comprising:a housing and an inner assembly; an upper portion of an inner space of the housing is defined as a gasification section, a middle portion of the inner space of the housing is defined as a radiant section, and a lower portion of the inner space of the housing is defined as a quenching section; wherein,the gasification section internally includes a burner, a membrane type water-cooled wall and a heat-resistant passage, the inner region defined by the membrane type water-cooled wall is a gasification chamber;the radiant section internally includes a built-in radiant waste boiler assembly, the internal region defined by the built-in radiant waste boiler assembly is a radiant chamber; andthe quenching section internally includes a quenched water inlet, a quenched water film generator, a water film passage, a crude coal gas outlet and a slag outlet, the region defined by the quenching section is a quenching chamber.2. The constant liquid level gasification furnace with a waste boiler of claim 1 , wherein the burner is at the top of the housing claim 1 , and the burner passes through the housing and the membrane type water-cooled wall into the ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199470A1
Автор: Su Sam

In one aspect, a method for coal purification and gasification may include steps of heating the coal including various hydrocarbons and harmful substances such as sulfides, phosphates, etc. to 900 to 1200° C. in a coal gasifier; providing a reaction chamber with oxygen and connecting with the coal gasifier; the sulfides, phosphates, etc. in the gasified coal entering the reaction chamber from the coal gasifier and reacting with the oxygen therein; separating mixtures from the reaction chamber to collect hydrocarbons in its fluidized phase; heating the fluidized hydrocarbons; and providing oxygen to react with the gasified form of hydrocarbons to achieve a complete burning of the hydrocarbons. 1. A method for coal purification and complete burning comprising steps of:(a) heating the coal in a solid form to a gasified form without air including various hydrocarbons and harmful substances to a predetermined range of temperature in a coal gasifier, and the temperature is controlled by a feedback control system;(b) providing a reaction chamber with oxygen and connecting with the coal gasifier;(c) separating the harmful substances from the hydrocarbons;(d) condensing the gasified coal from the reaction chamber to collect hydrocarbons in its fluidized phase;(e) heating the fluidized hydrocarbons to become a gasified form;(f) providing oxygen to mix with the gasified form of the fluidized hydrocarbons; and(g) igniting mixed hydrocarbons and oxygen to achieve complete burning.2. The method for coal purification and complete burning of claim 1 , wherein harmful substances include sulfides and phosphates.3. The method for coal purification and complete burning of claim 2 , wherein sulfides can be removed through a sulfonation process according to the formula below:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '3, '2S+3O=2SO\u2003\u2003(i)'}{'br': None, 'sub': 6', '6', '3', '6', '5', '3, 'CH+SO=CHSOH\u2003\u2003(ii)'}{'br': None, 'sub': 6', '5', '3', '2', '6', '6', '2', '4, 'CHSOH+HO=CH+HSO\u2003\ ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150232770A1

The invention relates to an oxygen lance that has at least three mutually coaxial pipes, each of which delimits at least one annular gap. The outermost pipe is designed to conduct superheated steam and has a steam supply point, the central pipe is designed as an annular gap, and the innermost pipe is designed to conduct oxygen at a temperature of no higher than 180° C. and has an oxygen supply point. A temperature sensor is arranged within the innermost pipe, said temperature sensor extending to just in front of the opening of the innermost pipe. The innermost pipe tapers in the form of a nozzle before opening; the innermost pipe opens into the central pipe; and the opening of the central pipe protrudes farther relative to the opening of the outermost pipe. 114.-. (canceled)15. An oxygen lance comprising:an inner pipe having, an oxygen feed inlet disposed at a proximal end thereof, a mouth disposed at a distal end thereof, and a tapered nozzle section disposed upstream of said mouth, said inner pipe being configured to permit oxygen having a maximum temperature of 180° C. to flow there through from said feed inlet to said mouth;a middle pipe coaxially disposed around an outer surface of at least said distal end of said inner pipe and defining a middle annular gap between the outer surface of said inner pipe and an inner surface of said middle pipe, said middle pipe having a mouth disposed at a distal end thereof, said middle pipe being configured to permit oxygen to flow out of said mouth of said inner pipe and into said middle pipe;an outer pipe coaxially disposed around an outer surface of at least a portion of said middle pipe and defining an outer annular gap between the outer surface of said middle pipe and an inner surface of said outer pipe, said outer pipe having a steam feed input disposed at a proximal end thereof and a mouth disposed at a distal end of said outer pipe beyond which said mouth of said middle pipe extends, said outer pipe being configured to ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140314629A1

The present invention provides a hybrid gasification system which simultaneously has the advantages of an entrained-flow gasifier using pulverized fuel and a fluidized-bed gasifier utilized for gasifying fuel with relatively various properties. The present intention provides a hybrid gasification system employing a structure in which a second reaction chamber operated at a temperature of 700 to 900 is surrounded by a first reaction chamber operated at temperature, thereby obtaining an insulation effect, performing additional heat exchange, and minimizing a heat loss. Furthermore, the present invention provides a hybrid gasification system having a structure in which unreacted substances and tar within synthetic gas generated from a first reaction chamber reacts within a second reaction chamber, thereby increasing the entire gasification efficiency. 1. A hybrid gasification system comprising:a hollow gasifier;a first reaction chamber positioned in the center of the gasifier;a second reaction chamber positioned to surround the first reaction chamber within the gasifier;a first distributor positioned at the bottom of the second reaction chamber; anda synthetic gas transfer part positioned at the bottom of the first and second reaction chambers,wherein pulverized fuel introduced into the first reaction chamber through a pulverized fuel injection pipe is converted into synthetic gas through the first reaction chamber, andthe synthetic gas generated from the first reaction chamber is introduced to the second reaction chamber through the first distributor.2. The hybrid gasification system of claim 1 , further comprising a fluidized-bed reactor positioned under the synthetic gas transfer part within the gasifier and having a second distributor formed therein.3. The hybrid gasification system of claim 2 , wherein the fluidized-bed reactor causes a reaction to convert unreacted substances remaining in the synthetic gas transfer part into the synthetic gas through the second ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140318013A1

A method, apparatus, and system for a solar-driven chemical plant that may include a solar thermal receiver having a cavity with an inner wall, where the solar thermal receiver is aligned to absorb concentrated solar energy from one or more of 1) an array of heliostats, 2) solar concentrating dishes, and 3) any combination of the two. Some embodiments may include a solar-driven chemical reactor having multiple reactor tubes located inside the cavity of solar thermal receiver, wherein a chemical reaction driven by radiant heat occurs in the multiple reactor tubes, and wherein particles of biomass are gasified in the presence of a steam (H2O) carrier gas and methane (CH4) in a simultaneous steam reformation and steam biomass gasification reaction to produce reaction products that include hydrogen and carbon monoxide gas using the solar thermal energy from the absorbed concentrated solar energy in the multiple reactor tubes. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of producing chemicals in an integrated plant to produce a fuel , comprising:providing a chemical reactor having multiple reactor tubes located inside a cavity of a thermal receiver, wherein a simultaneous biomass gasification reaction and steam methane reforming reaction is driven by radiant heat, wherein the simultaneous chemical reaction occurs in the multiple reactor tubes in the chemical reactor, wherein particles of biomass are gasified in a presence of steam to produce products that include hydrogen and carbon monoxide gas using thermal energy from the radiant heat, where the products from the biomass gasification reaction that include hydrogen and carbon monoxide gas are mixed with products from the steam methane reforming reaction, where the products from both reactions are then commonly fed through a first input into a first on-site fuel synthesis reactor, which is configured to produce the fuel;supplying the particles of biomass from forestry wastes, forestry thinnings, or another woody source from a feed ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240170A1

A method and apparatus for treating waste material having organic components and radioactive agents. The method including the steps of gasifying the waste material at temperature between 600-950° C. in a reactor to form a gaseous material. The gaseous material is cooled to a temperature between 300-500° C., after the cooling the solid fraction including the radioactive agents are removed. 1. A method for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents , wherein that the method comprising steps the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents which are low-level and/or medium-level radioactive agents is gasified at temperature between 600-950° C. in a reactor to form a gaseous material ,the gaseous material is cooled by water quenching so that temperature is between 300-500° C. after the cooling, andsolid fraction including radioactive agents is removed from the gaseous material in a gas cleaning step,in order to form a treated gaseous material.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous material is combustible.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous material is cooled by heat exchanger.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gaseous material is filtered in the gas cleaning step.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the filtration is carried out at temperatures between 300-500° C.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treated gaseous material is burnt after the removing of the solid fraction including radioactive agents.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the treated gaseous material is post-treated by a gas scrubbing.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein other organic material is added into the waste material including organic components and radioactive agents before the gasification.9. An apparatus for treating waste material including organic components and radioactive agents claim 1 , wherein the apparatus for forming a treated gaseous ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224110A1

The invention provides a method of biomass grading pyrolysis gasification in a circulating fluidized bed comprising: feeding biomass into the lower-middle part of a carrying fluidized bed, mixing with high temperature synthesis gas and heat carrier from a turbulent fluidized bed, heating the biomass to carry out a pyrolysis reaction, and carrying the pyrolysis product upward; subjecting the cracked oil and gas to a gaseous phase catalytic cracking in an upper-middle part of the carrying fluidized bed, cracking the tar into methane, ethane and the like; subjecting the heat carrier, semi-coke and fuel gas after the reaction to the multi-stage of gas-solid separation, a large particle carrier and semi-coke following a first-level separation are used as the fuel gas cracking catalyst and the filter material for filtering and removing dust, and enter into a moving bed filter to separate out an ultra-fine ash and subsequently return to the turbulent fluidized bed so as to perform gasification reaction, the ultra-fine ash is delivered to the outside as a silicon-potash fertilizer product; the medium and small particle carrier and semi-coke separated from a second-level separation are directly recycled to the turbulent fluidized bed, the fine particles separated from a third-level separation is discharged to the outside as a silicon-potash fertilizer product, the moving bed filter further catalytically cracks a small amount of tar in the fuel gas into methane and ethane and removes the ultra-fine ash simultaneously, the purified fuel gas is delivered to the outside as a product. 1. A method of biomass grading pyrolysis gasification in a circulating fluidized bed comprising:1) feeding biomass particles having an average particle diameter less than 5 mm into a carrying fluidized bed in a circulating fluidized bed, the carrying fluidized bed having an upper part, a middle part, and a bottom part, and the biomass particles are fed into the carrying fluidized bed below the ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210292665A1
Автор: CHISHIMA Hiroshi

A fuel production system includes a gasification unit including a gasification furnace that gasifies biomass feedstock to produce a syngas; a liquid fuel production unit that produces a liquid fuel from the syngas produced by the gasification unit; an electrolysis unit that produces hydrogen from water using electric power generated using renewable energy; a hydrogen tank that stores the hydrogen produced by the electrolysis unit; a remaining hydrogen amount determining section that determines the amount of hydrogen remaining in the hydrogen tank; a hydrogen supply unit that supplies the hydrogen from the hydrogen tank to the gasification unit; and a control unit that performs a hydrogen consumption increasing control to reduce the H/CO ratio of the syngas produced by reaction in the gasification furnace and to increase the amount of hydrogen supplied by the hydrogen supply unit, when the remaining amount of hydrogen is more than a predetermined amount. 1. A fuel production system for producing a liquid fuel from biomass feedstock , comprising:a gasification unit comprising a gasification furnace that gasifies biomass feedstock to produce a syngas comprising hydrogen and carbon monoxide;a liquid fuel production unit that produces a liquid fuel from the syngas produced by the gasification unit;an electrolysis unit that produces hydrogen from water using electric power generated using renewable energy;a hydrogen tank that stores the hydrogen produced by the electrolysis unit;a remaining hydrogen amount determining section that determines an amount of hydrogen remaining in the hydrogen tank;a hydrogen supply unit that supplies the hydrogen from the hydrogen tank to the gasification unit; and{'sub': '2', 'a control unit that performs a hydrogen consumption increasing control to reduce a H/CO ratio of the syngas produced by reaction in the gasification furnace and to increase an amount of hydrogen supplied by the hydrogen supply unit, when the remaining amount of ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for liquefaction of organic solids

Номер: US20140346030A1
Автор: Ben Zion Livneh

Methods of liquefying solid organic materials, such as coal, biomass and shale are described. Also described are apparatus useful to effect such changes.

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170260465A1

This powder transport device comprises: transport pipe () that can transport powder by way of gravity by having a prescribed angle of inclination; a porous plate () that is disposed along the transport pipe () so as to divide a line cross section into a top section and bottom section and form a powder line () in the top section; an inert gas supply line for fluidization () that is provided under the porous plate () and supplies an assist gas (g) to the powder line () through the porous plate (); and a deposit status monitoring device () that constantly monitors the state of the powder deposited on the top face side of the porous plate () in the powder line (). 115-. (canceled)16. A powder transport device , comprising:a powder transport line which can transport powder by way of gravity by having a prescribed angle of inclination;a deposit status monitoring device which constantly monitors a status of the powder deposited in the powder transport line and includes a sensor for detecting a deposition state of the powder in the powder transport line; anda controller which judges the deposition state based on a detection value of the sensor,wherein multiple sensors are provided in an axial direction of the powder transport line.17. The powder transport device according to claim 16 ,wherein the sensor is a temperature sensor which detects a wall surface temperature of the powder transport line.18. The powder transport device according to claim 17 ,wherein the temperature sensor detects an inner wall surface temperature of the powder transport line.19. The powder transport device according to claim 16 ,wherein multiple sensors are provided in a peripheral direction of the powder transport line.20. The powder transport device according to claim 16 ,wherein the deposit status monitoring device includes an observation window which can perform monitoring in a direction intersecting a flow direction of the powder in the powder transport line.21. The powder transport device ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140366447A1

Provided are a fluidized-bed combustion furnace , a separator for separation into bed material and an exhaust gas, a fluidized-bed gasification furnace into which the bed material is introduced through a downcomer and into which raw material is introduced, a circulation passage for circulating char and the bed material to the combustion furnace , a dispersion section extending along a width of a bed-material-introduction-side wall of the gasification furnace to receive the bed material from the downcomer, fluidizing-gas introduction means for blowing fluidizing gas into the dispersion section to fluidize the bed material in the section , and a supply section for supplying the bed material in the dispersion section to the fluidized-bed gasification furnace substantially evenly throughout the width on the bed-material-introduction side. 1said method comprising supplying the bed material from said downcomer to a dispersion section extending along a width of a bed-material-introduction-side wall of the fluidized-bed gasification furnace, blowing a fluidizing gas into the dispersion section to fluidize the bed material, and supplying the bed material in the dispersion section into the fluidized-bed gasification furnace substantially evenly throughout the width on a bed-material-introduction side.. A fluidized-bed gasification method arranging a fluidized-bed combustion furnace where char is burned to heat a bed material, hot fluid from said fluidized-bed combustion furnace being separated by a separator into the bed material and an exhaust gas, the separated bed material being introduced through a downcomer into a fluidized-bed gasification furnace, a raw material being introduced into said fluidized-bed gasification furnace where the raw material is gasified in a fluidized bed fed with a gasifying agent and a resultant produced gas is taken out, char produced upon the gasification of the raw material and the bed material being circulated to said fluidized-bed combustion ...

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160298040A1

A power generating method of Carbon-molecule gasification combustion, the method comprising the following main processes: taking coal with desulfurizing agent, and first conducting desulfirization and gasification in a molecular gasifier to produce clean coal gas; mixing hot coal gas and low excess air for combustion in the furnace of a boiler; conducting coke refining and dust removal in accordance with coal quality and demand; after heat transfer via the heated surface of the boiler, emitting high temperature flue gas complying with the standard from the chimney; and the vapor generated by the boiler drives a steam turbine to generate power. The gasification method can be applied to a power generating system of a gas engine and a gas turbine to produce desired cooling coal gas, and can also produce chemical feed gas. The method has a simple process, which is energy saving. 1. A power generating method of Carbon-molecule gasification combustion , the method comprising the following main steps:step 1: adding a desulfurizing agent to coal, and conducting desulfiurization and gasification in a molecular gasifier to produce a hot coal gas and a coke dust wherein;the structure of the molecular gasifier is designed so that inside the gasifier the complete oxidization of a thick bed with a large interface designed in the molecular level matches the positive reduction reaction of a thick bed with a small cross section;the molecular gasifier can desulfurize the coal in the absence of the oxygen where the ratio between Ca and S in the desulfurizing agent approaches 1; 'wherein, depending the change of temperature measured on the temperature measurement point, an adjustment can be effected by means of steam to ensure a complete oxidation of the thin bed with a large interface matching the positive reduction of the thick bed with a small cross section steadily operate;', 'the molecular gasifier is provided with a regional adjusting means comprising an annular temperature ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315498A1
Автор: Deng Yunhui, Wu Long

A two-zone gasifier is used to produce syngas from coal fines, oxygen and steam. The two-zone gasifier has a top fluidized gasification zone and a bottom entrained flow gasification zone connected by a Venturi throat. The syngas production will occur in both zones with the syngas being collected from the top of the gasifier. 1. A gasifier for producing syngas comprising an upper fluidized gasification zone in fluid communication through a Venturi throat with a lower entrained flow gasification zone.2. The gasifier as claimed in wherein said upper fluidized gasification zone has refractory lining walls.3. The gasifier as claimed in wherein said entrained flow gasification zone has water membrane walls.4. The gasifier as clairned in wherein said upper fluidized gasification zone has inputs to provide for injecting materials selected from the group consisting of coal claim 1 , fines claim 1 , gas and steam.5. The gasifier as claimed in wherein said entrained flow gasification zone has inputs to provide for injecting materials selected from the group consisting of coal claim 1 , fines claim 1 , gas and steam.6. The gasifier as claimed in wherein said Venturi throat has a diameter small than said upper fluidized gasification zone and said entrained flow gasification zone.7. The gasifier as claimed in wherein said entrained flow gasification zone has an opening at its bottom.8. A method for producing syngas comprising the steps:a) Feeding coal fines oxygen and steam simultaneously to fluidize gasification zone and entrained flow gasification zone;b) Reacting said coal fines in the presence of oxygen and steam to form syngas;c) Feeding syngas from said entrained gasification zone to said fluidized gasification zone; andd) Recovering syngas from said fluidized gasification zone.9. The method as claimed in wherein said fluidized gasification zone is at a temperature of about 1000° C.10. The method as claimed in wherein the coal fines fed to said fluidized gasification zone ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322356A1

A method for heating a high-temperature Winkler gasifier during the start-up of the gasifier includes the use of at least one burner for heating purposes. A gasifier head of the Winkler gasifier is assigned a cyclone with a return conduit for returning the particles separated off in the cyclone into the fluidized bed in the lower region of the gasifier, by means of which method the heating of a high-temperature Winkler gasifier is simplified and made substantially independent of the structural size of the gasifier. The at least one burner, which is installed in the head region of the gasifier and which acts downward into the interior of the gasifier, allows gas flow to be generated in the reverse direction through the return conduit of the cyclone. 110.-. (canceled)12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the burner is operated stoichiometrically or substoichiometrically.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein claim 12 , during substoichiometric operation of the burner claim 12 , combustion air required in the lower region of the gasifier is additionally injected through different nozzle planes.14. The method of claim 11 , wherein a flap located in a feed conduit from the gasifier to the cyclone is operated in temperature-regulated fashion to rotate between an open position and a closed position.15. The method of claim 11 , wherein claim 11 , when the required start temperature of the gasifier is reached claim 11 , the at least one burner provided in the head of the gasifier is retracted into a region of relatively low particle concentration.16. The method of claim 11 , wherein the at least one burner is supplied with coolant for preventing the formation of particle melt phases.17. A high-temperature Winkler gasifier having:a cyclone assigned to a head of the gasifier; anda solids return conduit from the cyclone into a lower region of the gasifier; at least one burner is provided in the gasifier head; and', 'the burner is configured to act into the interior of the gasifier ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Circulating fluidized bed apparatus

Номер: US20180306434A1

A circulating fluidized bed apparatus, comprising a circulating fluidized bed furnace 10 with an outer furnace wall 10r and at least one heat exchange chamber 20, which is friction-locked to a section of the outer furnace wall 10r, as well as a platform PL which extends horizontally and at a distance to an upper ceiling 10c of said heat exchange chamber 20, wherein the heat exchange chamber 20 is further supported by at least one leverage 50, which is arranged onto said platform PL and extends from a first end 50f, pivotally mounted to the outer furnace wall 10r, away from said furnace wall 10r to a second end 50s, and a fastener 60 extending downwardly from said second end 50s of said leverage 50 to a part of the heat exchange chamber 20 offset the outer furnace wall 10r.

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334625A1
Автор: Su Sam

In one aspect, a method for coal purification and gasification may include steps of heating the coal including various hydrocarbons and harmful substances such as sulfides, phosphates, etc. to 900 to 1200° C. in a coal gasifier; providing a reaction chamber with oxygen and connecting with the coal gasifier; the sulfides, phosphates, etc. in the gasified coal entering the reaction chamber from the coal gasifier and reacting with the oxygen therein; separating mixtures from the reaction chamber to collect hydrocarbons in its fluidized phase; heating the fluidized hydrocarbons; and providing oxygen to react with the gasified form of hydrocarbons to achieve a complete burning of the hydrocarbons. 1. A method for coal purification and complete burning comprising steps of:heating the coal in a solid form to a gasified form without air including various hydrocarbons and harmful substances to a predetermined range of temperature in a coal gasifier;providing a reaction chamber with oxygen and connecting with the coal gasifier;separating the harmful substances from the hydrocarbons;condensing the gasified coal from the reaction chamber to collect hydrocarbons in its fluidized phase;heating the fluidized hydrocarbons to become a gasified form;providing oxygen to mix with the gasified form of the fluidized hydrocarbons; andigniting mixed hydrocarbons and oxygen to achieve complete burning.2. The method for coal purification and complete burning of claim 1 , wherein harmful substances include sulfides and phosphates.3. The method for coal purification and complete burning of claim 2 , wherein sulfides can be removed through a sulfonation process according to the formula below:{'br': None, 'sub': 2', '3, '2S+3O═2SO\u2003\u2003(i)'}{'br': None, 'sub': 6', '6', '3', '6', '5', '3, 'CH+SO═CHSOH\u2003\u2003(ii)'}{'br': None, 'sub': 6', '5', '3', '2', '6', '6', '2', '4, 'CHSOH+HO═CH+HSO\u2003\u2003(iii)'}4. The method for coal purification and complete burning of claim 2 , wherein ...

29-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160376513A1

A biomass gasification system. The system includes: a) a gasifier; b) a waste heat exchanger; c) a waste heat boiler; d) a cyclone separator; e) a gas scrubber; f) a shift reactor; g) a desulfurizing tower; h) a first decarburizing tower; i) a synthesizing tower; and j) a second decarburizing tower. In the system, the gasifier, the waste heat exchanger, the cyclone separator, the gas scrubber, the shift reactor, the desulfurizing tower, the first decarburizing tower, the synthesizing tower, and the second decarburizing tower are connected sequentially. In addition, COoutlets of the first decarburizing tower and the second decarburizing tower are both connected to a cold medium inlet of the waste heat exchanger; and a cold medium outlet of the waste heat exchanger is connected to a gasifying agent entrance of the gasifier. 1. A biomass gasification system , the system comprising:a) a gasifier;b) a waste heat exchanger;c)a waste heat boiler;d) a cyclone separator;e) a gas scrubber;f) a shift reactor;g) a desulfurizing tower;h) a first decarburizing tower;i) a synthesizing tower; andj) a second decarburizing tower; a syngas outlet of the gasifier is connected to a heat medium inlet of the waste heat exchanger; a heat medium outlet of the waste heat exchanger is connected to a heat source inlet of the waste heat boiler;', 'a heat source outlet of the waste heat boiler is connected to a gas inlet of the cyclone separator; a gas outlet of the cyclone separator is connected to an inlet of the gas scrubber;', 'an outlet of the gas scrubber is connected to a gas inlet of the shift reactor via a compressor; a vapor outlet of the waste heat boiler is connected to a vapor inlet of the shift reactor;', 'a vapor outlet of the shift reactor is connected to an inlet of the desulfurizing tower, and an outlet of the desulfurizing tower is connected to an inlet of the first decarburizing tower which is configured for the decarburizing of the syngas;', 'an outlet of the first ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Implementing Gasification By Combining Circulating Fluidized Bed And Pyrolysis Bed

Номер: US20190367826A1

The present disclosure provides a method and an apparatus for implementing gasification by combining a circulating fluidized bed and a pyrolysis bed. The method and the apparatus may be applied to raw coal for generating coal gas with a high raw coal gasification rate while producing no pollutants, such as tar, during gasification. The apparatus includes a circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace and a pyrolysis bed gasification furnace. In the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace, raw coal is converted to coal gas along with carbon-containing fly ash and semicoke, with the latter two separated from the coal gas using a cyclone separator and a deposition chamber. The semicoke is further processed by the pyrolysis bed gasification furnace to generate more coal gas, whereas the carbon-containing fly ash is sent back to the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace for further combustion. 1. A gasification apparatus , comprising:a circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace;a cyclone separator;a deposition chamber;a conveyor;a high-temperature air pipe;a vapor pipe;an oxygen pipe;a fly ash pipe;a slag pan; anda gas distribution body, the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace is configured to receive raw coal through a coal conveying pipe,', 'an upper portion of the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace is in communication with an upper portion of the cyclone separator via a first coal gas pipe,', 'a top portion of the cyclone separator is in communication with a top portion of the deposition chamber via a second coal gas pipe,', 'the upper portion of the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace forms a gasification furnace chamber,', 'a gas distributor is disposed in a middle portion of the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace,', 'a lower portion of the circulating fluidized bed gasification furnace forms a first mixture gas distribution chamber,', 'the cyclone separator comprises a central cylinder disposed ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Mixing And Pre-burning Gasification Agent

Номер: US20190367827A1

A method and an apparatus for mixing and pre-burning a gasification agent are disclosed. The apparatus includes a gasifier body comprising a furnace chamber, a gas distribution plate, and a gasification agent mixing chamber. The apparatus also includes a pulverized coal transport pipe and a carbon-containing fly ash transport pipe, which respectively feed a pulverized coal and a carbon-containing fly ash to a middle portion of the gasification agent mixing chamber. The apparatus further includes a gasification agent transport pipe that feeds a gasification agent to a bottom of the gasification agent mixing chamber. The present disclosure advocates a pre-burning process of the gasification agent that involves the pulverized coal and the carbon-containing fly ash, which heats the gasification agent as the gasification agent is being fed to the circulating fluidized bed gasifier, thereby ensuring a more complete burning, pyrolysis and gasification of coal within the circulating fluidized bed gasifier.

04-01-2007 дата публикации

Mild catalytic steam gasification process

Номер: US20070000177A1
Автор: Atul Sheth, Edwin Hippo
Принадлежит: Hippo Edwin J, Sheth Atul C

The present invention provides an improved alkali metal catalyzed steam gasification process that utilizes a CO 2 trap material and/or a mineral binder material within the gasifier. The process optimally achieves over 90% carbon conversion with over 80% yield of methane. The raw gas product can be used directly as fuel. The catalyst can be recovered from the solid purge and recycled to the gasifier and/or the CO 2 trap can be regenerated and recycled to the gasifier.

12-04-2007 дата публикации

Catalytic steam gasification of petroleum coke to methane

Номер: US20070083072A1
Автор: Nicholas Nahas

The present invention provides a catalytic steam gasification process for gasifying petroleum coke. The solids composition within the gasification reactor of the disclosed invention is maintained by controlling the catalyst composition of the feed. The process utilizes sour water from the raw gasification product gases to recover and recycle catalyst. Fine particles generated in the handling of coke are advantageously utilized to increase the efficiency of the process.

19-02-2009 дата публикации

Catalyst-Loaded Coal Compositions, Methods of Making and Use

Номер: US20090048476A1
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

The present invention relates to catalyst-loaded coal compositions having a moisture content of less than about 6 wt %, a process for the preparation of catalyst-loaded coal compositions, and an integrated process for the gasification of the catalyst-loaded coal compositions. The catalyst-loaded coal compositions can be prepared by a diffusive catalyst loading process that provides for a highly dispersed catalyst that is predominantly associated with the coal matrix, such as by ion-exchange.

03-09-2009 дата публикации

Selective Removal and Recovery of Acid Gases from Gasification Products

Номер: US20090220406A1
Автор: Mustafiz Rahman
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

Processes and apparatuses are described for the selective removal and recovery of acid gases from a gas source comprising at least hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. A step-wise approach is illustrated wherein hydrogen sulfide may be selectively removed from a gas source by treatment with methanol under conditions where substantially all the hydrogen sulfide may be removed. The partially purified gas source may then be provided with a second treatment with methanol under conditions which selectively remove carbon dioxide from the gas stream. Such methods are generally applicable to any gas source comprising at least hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, for example, a gas source produced from the catalytic gasification of a carbonaceous material, the combustion of a carbonaceous material, or the oxy-blown gasification of a carbonaceous material.

03-09-2009 дата публикации

Coal Compositions for Catalytic Gasification

Номер: US20090217586A1
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

Particulate compositions are described comprising an intimate mixture of a coal and a gasification catalyst. The particulate compositions are gasified in the presence of steam to yield a plurality of gases including methane and at least one or more of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other higher hydrocarbons. Processes are also provided for the preparation of the particulate compositions and converting the particulate composition into a plurality of gaseous products.

03-09-2009 дата публикации

Carbonaceous Fines Recycle

Номер: US20090217589A1
Автор: Earl T. Robinson
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

Processes are provided for capturing and recycling carbonaceous fines generated during a gasification process. In particular, the recycled fines are processed into a particulate composition which is useable as a carbonaceous feedstock and is conversion into a gas stream comprising methane.

03-09-2009 дата публикации

Biomass Char Compositions for Catalytic Gasification

Номер: US20090217575A1
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

Particulate compositions are described comprising an intimate mixture of a biomass char producedfrom the combustion of a biomass, such as switchgrass or hybrid poplar, with at least a second carbonaceous material, such as petroleum coke or coal, and, optionally a gasification catalyst, for gasification in the presence of steam to yield a plurality of gases including methane and at least one or more of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other higher hydrocarbons are formed. Processes are also provided for the preparation of the particulate compositions and converting the particulate composition into a plurality of gaseous products.

03-09-2009 дата публикации

Biomass Compositions for Catalytic Gasification

Номер: US20090217587A1
Принадлежит: Greatpoint Energy Inc

Particulate compositions are described comprising an intimate mixture of a biomass, such as switchgrass or hybrid poplar, a non-biomass carbonaceous material, such as petroleum coke or coal, and a gasification catalyst, where the gasification catalyst is loaded onto at least one of the biomass or non-biomass for gasification in the presence of steam to yield a plurality of gases including methane and at least one or more of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other higher hydrocarbons are formed. Processes are also provided for the preparation of the particulate compositions and converting the particulate composition into a plurality of gaseous products.

29-12-2004 дата публикации

Device for the gasification of carbonaceous feedstock

Номер: EP1187892B1
Автор: Jürgen Karl
Принадлежит: Technische Universitaet Muenchen

15-01-2004 дата публикации

Process for gasifying biomass and plant therefor

Номер: DE10227074A1

Ein Verfahren zur Vergasung von Biomasse (B) in einem Vergasungsreaktor (2) durch thermo-chemische Zersetzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen in einer Wasserdampfatmosphäre hat die Schritte: DOLLAR A - Verbrennung von Substanzen in einer von dem Vergasungsreaktor (2) gasdicht getrennten Verbrennungskammer (3), DOLLAR A - Zuführen von Wärmeenergie aus der Verbrennungskammer (3) in den Vergasungsreaktor (2), und DOLLAR A - Ableiten der Verbrennungsgase (A) aus der Verbrennungskammer (3) getrennt von den bei der Vergasung der Biomasse (B) erzeugten Produktgasen (P). A method for the gasification of biomass (B) in a gasification reactor (2) by thermo-chemical decomposition of hydrocarbons in a water vapor atmosphere has the steps: DOLLAR A - combustion of substances in a combustion chamber (3) separated from the gasification reactor (2) in a gas-tight manner, DOLLAR A - supply of thermal energy from the combustion chamber (3) into the gasification reactor (2), and DOLLAR A - discharge of the combustion gases (A) from the combustion chamber (3) separately from the product gases generated during the gasification of the biomass (B) (P ).

22-10-1985 дата публикации

Fast fluidized bed reactor and method of operating the reactor

Номер: US4548138A
Автор: Jakob Korenberg
Принадлежит: York Shipley Inc

A fast fluidized bed reactor, comprising an upright reaction chamber for containing a bed of granular material, the chamber having a cylindrical upper region and a lower region; a feeder for feeding matter into the lower region; apparatus for supplying pressurized air to the reaction chamber to fluidize the granular material in the circulating regime, whereby a portion of the granular material is entrained into the upper region; apparatus for tangentially supplying pressurized air to the upper region, the second stream of air being supplied, and the reactor being constructed, in a manner to provide a Swirl number of at least 0.6 and a Reynolds number of at least 18,000 in the upper region, thereby creating a cyclone of turbulence; apparatus for separating the granular material and the reaction gases exiting from the reaction chamber and returning the separated granular material to the lower region; a second fluidized bed fluidized in the bubbling regime and situated in the lower region adjacent a partition formed in the lower region for partitioning the circulating fluidized bed from the second fluidized bed, the second fluidized bed fluidizing the granular material separated from the reaction gases and the partition being situated to permit a portion of the granular material from the second fluidized bed to overflow into the circulating bed; and a heat exchanger immersed in the second fluidized bed.

17-06-2013 дата публикации

Fluidized bed reactor system

Номер: DK2178630T3
Принадлежит: Univ Wien Tech

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Fluidized bed gasification system

Номер: DE112007003362B8
Принадлежит: IHI Corp

28-07-2015 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US9089827B2
Принадлежит: Res USA LLC

A system configured for the production of at least one product selected from the group consisting of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products, power, and chemicals, the system comprising a dual fluidized bed gasification apparatus and at least one apparatus selected from power production apparatus configured to produce power from the gasification product gas, partial oxidation reactors configured for oxidation of at least a portion of the product gas, tar removal apparatus configured to reduce the amount of tar in the product gas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis apparatus configured to produce Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products from at least a portion of the product gas, chemical production apparatus configured for the production of at least one non-Fischer-Tropsch product from at least a portion of the product gas, and dual fluidized bed gasification units configured to alter the composition of the product gas. Methods of operating the system are also provided.

09-06-2015 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US9050574B2
Принадлежит: Res USA LLC

A system configured for the production of at least one product selected from the group consisting of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products, power, and chemicals, the system comprising a dual fluidized bed gasification apparatus and at least one apparatus selected from power production apparatus configured to produce power from the gasification product gas, partial oxidation reactors configured for oxidation of at least a portion of the product gas, tar removal apparatus configured to reduce the amount of tar in the product gas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis apparatus configured to produce Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products from at least a portion of the product gas, chemical production apparatus configured for the production of at least one non-Fischer-Tropsch product from at least a portion of the product gas, and dual fluidized bed gasification units configured to alter the composition of the product gas. Methods of operating the system are also provided.

11-08-2015 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US9101900B2
Принадлежит: Res USA LLC

A system configured for the production of at least one product selected from the group consisting of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products, power, and chemicals, the system comprising a dual fluidized bed gasification apparatus and at least one apparatus selected from power production apparatus configured to produce power from the gasification product gas, partial oxidation reactors configured for oxidation of at least a portion of the product gas, tar removal apparatus configured to reduce the amount of tar in the product gas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis apparatus configured to produce Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products from at least a portion of the product gas, chemical production apparatus configured for the production of at least one non-Fischer-Tropsch product from at least a portion of the product gas, and dual fluidized bed gasification units configured to alter the composition of the product gas. Methods of operating the system are also provided.

19-04-2016 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US9314763B2
Принадлежит: Res USA LLC

A system configured for the production of at least one product selected from the group consisting of syngas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products, power, and chemicals, the system comprising a dual fluidized bed gasification apparatus and at least one apparatus selected from power production apparatus configured to produce power from the gasification product gas, partial oxidation reactors configured for oxidation of at least a portion of the product gas, tar removal apparatus configured to reduce the amount of tar in the product gas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis apparatus configured to produce Fischer-Tropsch synthesis products from at least a portion of the product gas, chemical production apparatus configured for the production of at least one non-Fischer-Tropsch product from at least a portion of the product gas, and dual fluidized bed gasification units configured to alter the composition of the product gas. Methods of operating the system are also provided.

09-02-2016 дата публикации

Gasification system and method

Номер: US9255232B2
Принадлежит: Res USA LLC

A method including introducing a carbonaceous feedstock and a heated heat transfer material into a gasifier, whereby at least a portion of the carbonaceous material is pyrolyzed; removing a gasification product gas comprising, entrained therein, char, particulate heat transfer material, and optionally unreacted carbonaceous feedstock; separating a solids product comprising char, heat transfer material and optionally unreacted carbonaceous material from the gasification product gas; heating at least a portion of the solids product via a combustor, thus producing a heated portion of the solids product and a combustor flue gas, wherein a portion of the heat for heating is obtained via combustion of the char; separating the heated portion from the flue gas, and introducing the separated heated portion into the gasifier, providing heat for pyrolysis; and utilizing at least a portion of the gasification product gas for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and/or power production.

06-05-2014 дата публикации

Device for generating combustible product gas from carbonaceous feedstocks

Номер: CA2743075C
Принадлежит: Highterm Research GmbH

A device is provided for generating combustible product gas from carbonaceous feedstocks through allothermal steam gasification in a pressurized gasification vessel. The pressurized allothermal steam gasification of carbonaceous fuels requires that heat be supplied to the gasification chamber at a temperature level of approximately 800-900 °C. In a heat pipe reformer, as is known from EP 1 187 892 B1, combustible gas is generated from the carbonaceous feedstocks to be gasified through allothermal steam gasification in a pressurized fluidized bed gasification chamber. The heat needed for this is fed to the gasifier or reformer from a fluidized bed combustion system through a heat pipe arrangement. Due to the straight and tubular construction of heat pipes, the combustion chamber and reformer/gasification chamber are disposed one above the other in the known heat pipe reformer from EP 1 187 892 B1. The pressure vessel base is under particular stresses due to the high temperatures in the combustion chamber. In addition, the base is weakened by a plurality of heat pipe feedthroughs. The sealing of the feedthroughs also presents a problem. In conventional tubular heat pipes, the line for liquid heat transfer medium and for gaseous heat transfer medium are both disposed in the common tubular shell. The fact that the present invention uses loop heat pipes in which the liquid heat transfer medium is conveyed spatially separated from the gaseous heat transfer medium allows the number of feedthroughs to be reduced to two, namely a liquid line and a vapor line. When a plurality of such loop heat pipes is used, the separate vapor and fluid lines thereof can be combined in the gasification pressure vessel to form a common vapor and liquid line, which then penetrate the gasification pressure vessel. Outside the gasification pressure vessel, the two common lines can then be separated again. This allows the number of feedthroughs from and into the gasification pressure vessel to be ...

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Fluid bed reactor having vertically spaced apart clusters of heating conduits

Номер: US20070245627A1
Автор: Ravi Chandran
Принадлежит: ThermoChem Recovery International Inc

A fluid bed reactor is configured to process a reactive material to form one or more products. The reactor includes a reaction vessel defining a compartment configured to receive the reactive material. A first cluster of heating conduits at least partially occupies the compartment and extends over a first vertical extent within the compartment. A second cluster of heating conduits partially occupies the compartment and extends over a second vertical extent within the compartment. The first cluster of heating conduits is vertically below the second cluster of heating conduits and spaced apart therefrom by a first separation distance. Feedstock inlets are configured to introduce the reactive material into a region that is vertically between the first and second clusters of heating conduits. The heating conduits in the first cluster have a first thickness while the heating conduits in the second cluster have a second thickness. The first separation distance is at least as great as the smaller of the first and second thicknesses.

22-10-1991 дата публикации

Indirectly heated thermochemical reactor apparatus and processes

Номер: US5059404A

Resonant tubes of a pulse combustor are immersed in a bed of solid particles in a reaction zone to provide indirect heat from the pulsating combustion gases to the solid particles of the bed. The bed is maintained in an agitated state by a gas or vapor flowing through the bed. Reactant materials are introduced into the agitated bed and undergo reaction at enhanced rates resulting from heat transfer coefficients at least about twice as high as those of steady flow combustors and an intense acoustic pressure level propagated from the pulsating combustor into the reaction zone. The apparatus is useful, for example, to steam reform heavy hydrocarbons and to gasify carbonaceous material, including biomass and black liquor to produce combustible gas at relatively low temperatures, with steam being usilized as the bed fluidizing medium. Black liquor gasification, utilizing sodium carbonate as bed solids, results in liquor energy and chemical content recovery without smelt production.

15-01-1985 дата публикации

Gasification system

Номер: US4493636A
Принадлежит: US Department of Energy

A method and system for injecting coal and process fluids into a fluidized bed gasification reactor. Three concentric tubes extend vertically upward into the fluidized bed. Coal particulates in a transport gas are injected through an inner tube, and an oxygen rich mixture of oxygen and steam are injected through an inner annulus about the inner tube. A gaseous medium relatively lean in oxygen content, such as steam, is injected through an annulus surrounding the inner annulus.

21-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: BR112014001765A2
Принадлежит: Rentech Inc

20-12-1983 дата публикации

Control of bed height in a fluidized bed gasification system

Номер: US4421523A
Принадлежит: US Department of Energy

In a fluidized bed apparatus a method for controlling the height of the fdized bed, taking into account variations in the density of the bed. The method comprises taking simultaneous differential pressure measurements at different vertical elevations within the vessel, averaging the differential pressures, determining an average fluidized bed density, then periodically calculating a weighting factor. The weighting factor is used in the determination of the actual bed height which is used in controlling the fluidizing means.

16-11-1983 дата публикации

Control of bed height in a fluidized bed gasification system

Номер: EP0093801A2

A method for controlling the height of the fluidized bed wherein variations in the density of the bed are taken into account by taking simultaneous differential pressure measurements at different vertical elevations within the vessel, averaging the differential pressures, determining an average fluidized bed density, then periodically calculating a weighting factor. The weighting factor is used in the determination of the actual bed height which is used in controlling the fluidizing means.

24-09-1985 дата публикации

Control of bed height in a fluidized bed gasification system

Номер: CA1194185A
Принадлежит: KRW Energy Systems Inc

ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE In a fluidized bed apparatus a method for con-trolling the height of the fluidized bed, taking into account variations in the density of the bed. The method comprises taking simultaneous differential pressure measurements at different vertical elevations within the vessel, averaging the differential pressures, determining an average fluidized bed density, then periodically calcu-lating a weighting factor. The weighting factor is used in the determination of the actual bed height which is used in controlling the fluidizing means.

28-09-1988 дата публикации

Fluidized-bed reactor and its operational process

Номер: EP0211483A3
Принадлежит: Aalborg Vaerft AS

17-08-1988 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for treating particulate solids in a fluidized bed

Номер: EP0278287A1

Der mit dem Gas aus dem Wirbelbettreaktor (20) ausgetragene und in einem Abscheider (14) abgetrennte Feststoff wird über eine Rückführeinrichtung (11) in den Reaktor zurückgeführt. Zur Vermeidung von aufgrund der innerhalb des Reaktors herrschenden Druckverhältnisse verursachten Störungen bei der Rückführung wird der Druck in der Rückführeinrichtung zwischen Abscheider und oberer Begrenzung des in der Rückführeinrichtung sich bildenden Feststoffbetts (13) durch Gasabsaugung auf ein Niveau abgesenkt, das nicht höher liegt als der tiefste Druck im Abscheider, der wiederum tiefer liegt als der Druck im Reaktor. The solid discharged with the gas from the fluidized bed reactor (20) and separated in a separator (14) is returned to the reactor via a return device (11). In order to avoid disturbances in the return caused by the pressure conditions prevailing in the reactor, the pressure in the return device between the separator and the upper limit of the solid bed (13) formed in the return device is reduced to a level by gas extraction which is not higher than the lowest Pressure in the separator, which in turn is lower than the pressure in the reactor.

27-04-2012 дата публикации

Fluid bed reactor with furnace-type pulsed heat transfer modules

Номер: RU2448765C2

FIELD: process engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention may be used in chemical industry. Proposed fluid bed reactor 300 comprises reaction vessel 302 with first wall part and second wall part, first heat transfer module 310 connected to vessel 302. First heat transfer module 310 comprises first pulse furnace 312 connected to first acoustic chamber 311 with first and second faces. First pulse furnace 312 comprises, at least, one exhaust pipe 314 terminating in first acoustic chamber 311 between first and second faces, and multiple heat transfer pipes 326. Every said heat transfer pipes 326 stays in fluid contact with acoustic chamber 311 via said wall part. Combustion products from exhaust pipe 314 along first channel of every heat transfer pipe from first wall part and, then, along second channel toward wall first part. Resonance tube of first pulse furnace 312 does not extend inside reaction vessel 302. EFFECT: efficient conversion of carbides into gas. 20 cl, 16 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 448 765 (13) C2 (51) МПК B01J 8/18 (2006.01) F27B 15/00 (2006.01) C10J 3/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2008146061/05, 20.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.04.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ТЕРМОКЕМ РИКАВЕРИ ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ, ИНК. (US) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.04.2006 US 11/409,837 08.05.2006 US 11/429,917 (72) Автор(ы): ЧАНДРАН Рави (US) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.05.2010 Бюл. № 15 2 4 4 8 7 6 5 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2012 Бюл. № 12 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6149765, 21.11.2000. SU 245006 A, 04.06.1969. SU 959632 A, 15.09.1982. US 5842289 A, 01.12.1998. US 5064444 A, 12.11.1991. 2 4 4 8 7 6 5 R U (86) Заявка PCT: US 2007/067095 (20.04.2007) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 24.11.2008 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2007/127679 (08.11.2007) Адрес для переписки: ...

15-01-1992 дата публикации

Установка дл многоступенчатой переработки органических сыпучих материалов в псевдоожиженных сло х

Номер: SU1705331A1

Изобретение относитс  к установкам дл  многоступенчатой переработки органических сыпучих материалов в псевдоожи- женных сло х и позвол ет повыситькачество продукта, экономить капитальные и энергозатраты. Установка содержит сушилку 1 и один или несколько реакторов 2 и 3. расположенных друг над другом в одном корпусе, снабженных газораспределительными устройствами - решетками 4 и соединенными разгрузочно-загрузочными шахтами. Стороны загрузки и разгрузки каждого реактора и сушилки наход тс  на противоположных сторонах. Реакторы отделены друг от друга газораспределительным устройством вышерасположенного реактора, сушилка отделена от верхнего реактора газонепроницаемым дном 7. Установка содержит несколько корпусов пр моугольного сечени , соединенных в батарею, причем две сушилки и два реактора имеют общую перегородку 10, разгрузочно-загрузочные шахты смежных сушилок и реакторов расположены по обе стороны одной общей перегородки, перегородки в местах расположени  шахт имеют прорези 11.3 ил.

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Two stage dry feed gasification system and process

Номер: KR101643792B1
Автор: ?쳉 지, 슌쳉 지

본 발명에는, 공급원료 소비 및 이산화탄소 배출을 감소시킴에 따라 에너지 효율이 개선되는, 탄소질 재료와 같은 공급원료를 기화하기 위한, 건조 공급 2단계 기화 시스템 및 공정이 기재된다. 공급원료는, 비휘발성 물질 함량이 낮은 건조 차르를 발생시키기 위해, 기장 먼저, 기화기의 상부 섹션에서 고온 합성가스와 함께 건조 및 사전처리된다. 이러한 건조 차르는 2단계 기화기의 제1 단계로 보내지고, 여기서 증기의 존재 하에서 산소와 반응하여 고온 합성가스 스트림을 생성한다. The present invention describes a dry feed two-stage vaporization system and process for vaporizing a feedstock such as a carbonaceous material, wherein the energy efficiency is improved by reducing feedstock consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. The feedstock is dried and pretreated with hot syngas in the upper section of the vaporizer, first, to produce a dry char with a low non-volatile content. This dry char is sent to the first stage of a two stage vaporizer where it reacts with oxygen in the presence of steam to produce a high temperature syngas stream.

24-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN112210403B
Автор: 刘雷, 李克忠, 祖静茹


17-06-2015 дата публикации

A fluidized bed system in use with independent combustor

Номер: KR101526959B1
Принадлежит: 한국생산기술연구원

The present invention relates to a fluidized bed indirect gasification system with an independent combustor which enables to obtain high quality of synthetic gas through effective indirect gasification of low grade fuels having various constellations such as biomass, waste, coal, etc. According to the present invention, the system comprises a pre-process unit having a selector (500); a gasifier (300) supplied with a first fuel selected in the pre-process unit; a combustor (100) supplied with a second fuel selected in the pre-process unit; and a riser (200) for connecting the gasifier (300) and the combustor (100) and having temperature-increasing and transporting functions of a bed material therein. According to the present invention, the system processes most impurities in the combustor since the combustor is separately provided, unlike a conventional indirect gasification system which only focuses on separation of gaseous material by separating combustion gas and synthetic gas, and separates not only gaseous material discharged from the combustor by using heat generated during combustion only for gasification, but also separates a solid material, thereby remarkably reducing operational failure by incombustible material, and at the same time, reducing impurities in the synthetic gas.

15-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CN1016231B
Принадлежит: Aalborg Vaerft AS


20-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN106995728B


13-12-1977 дата публикации

Fluidized bed apparatus

Номер: US4062656A
Принадлежит: Exxon Research and Engineering Co

A fluidized bed apparatus having an outer vessel provided at a lower region with a plenum chamber as well as a grid situated directly above the plenum chamber and carrying a plurality of nozzles through which gas flows from the plenum chamber into the space in the vessel above the grid. These nozzles provide a given pressure drop in the gas flowing therethrough while as the gas flows from the plenum chamber through each nozzle there is also provided by way of a suitable structure a preliminary pressure drop, so that a two-stage pressure drop is provided in the gas flowing through each nozzle from the plenum chamber into the vessel above the grid. In this way it is possible to achieve a flow of gas above the grid sufficient to maintain the particles suspended in the fluidized bed while attrition of the particles is maintained at a minimum so that very little if any fines flow out of the vessel with gas which is formed therein. According to this method, the particles are petroleum coke particles while the gas is a mixture of steam and air maintained in the plenum chamber at a pressure of only 1-5 psig above the pressure in the bed while at the region of the interior of the vessel above the grid the temperature is on the order of 1500°-1800° F. The grid supporting the nozzles is sloped 3° to 5° downwards towards a center well and supporting member to allow solid agglomerations such as lumps of coke and slag to move radially inward into the well for withdrawal.

09-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113097544A
Автор: 周强, 张东旭, 郝文斌, 闵婷
Принадлежит: Xian Jiaotong University

本发明提供一种固体氧化物燃料电池与流化床集成的发电装置及方法,包括流化床气化炉,流化床气化炉内沿纵向同轴设置有若干管式固体氧化物燃料电池单体;相邻两管式固体氧化物燃料电池单体之间通过连接管首尾连通形成一燃料电池组。本发明利用流化床反应器气化固体碳燃料,解决了加料问题、固体燃料与电极接触受限以及碳燃料自身反应活性较低的问题;并且,燃料电池和碳气化反应的直接集成,使燃料电池电化学反应产生的CO 2 ,可以直接气化碳颗粒,促进了碳气化反应的进行;SOFC自身工作产生的热量可以直接供给碳气化本身的吸热过程,减少了能量损失,实现了更高的能量转化率。

22-07-1993 дата публикации

Fluidized-bed reactor and its operation process

Номер: KR930006677B1

내용 없음. No content.

14-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CN104277882A


04-08-1981 дата публикации

Fluidized bed injection assembly for coal gasification

Номер: US4282010A
Принадлежит: US Department of Energy

A coaxial feed system for fluidized bed coal gasification processes including an inner tube for injecting particulate combustibles into a transport gas, an inner annulus about the inner tube for injecting an oxidizing gas, and an outer annulus about the inner annulus for transporting a fluidizing and cooling gas. The combustibles and oxidizing gas are discharged vertically upward directly into the combustion jet, and the fluidizing and cooling gas is discharged in a downward radial direction into the bed below the combustion jet.

05-07-1983 дата публикации

Gasification system

Номер: US4391611A
Принадлежит: US Department of Energy

A method and system for injecting coal and process fluids into a fluidized bed gasification reactor. Three concentric tubes extend vertically upward into the fluidized bed. Coal particulates in a transport gas are injected through an inner tube, and an oxygen rich mixture of oxygen and steam are injected through an inner annulus about the inner tube. A gaseous medium relatively lean in oxygen content, such as steam, is injected through an annulus surrounding the inner annulus.

28-02-2017 дата публикации

Solid fuel staged gasification-combustion dual-bed polygeneration system and method

Номер: KR101711181B1

본 발명은 고체 연료 분급 가스화-연소 이중층 병산 시스템에 관한 것으로서, 연소 시스템, 가스화 시스템, 합성가스 냉각 정화 시스템 및 합성가스 메탄화 시스템을 포함하고, 연소 시스템은 순환 피드백 시스템을 통하여 가스화 시스템과 연결된다. 연소 시스템은 순환 유동층 연소 방식을 채택하고, 가스화 시스템은 유동층 불완전 가스화 방법을 채택하고, 생성된 반성 코크스는 연소 시스템으로 반송하여 재이용하고, 합성가스 냉각 정화 시스템은 물 순환과 가연성 물질 재활용 방법을 채택하고, 합성가스 메탄화 시스템의 부산물인 CO 2 와 수증기는 고체 연료 분급 가스화-연소 이중층 병산 시스템에서 재활용이 가능하므로, 시스템 내 에너지 이용효율을 극대화시켰다. The present invention relates to a solid fuel-classified gasification-burning bilayer spraying system, comprising a combustion system, a gasification system, a syngas cooling purification system and a syngas methanation system, wherein the combustion system is connected to the gasification system via a circulation feedback system . The combustion system adopts the circulating fluidized bed combustion system, the gasification system employs the fluidized bed incompletely gasification method, the generated coke is returned to the combustion system for reuse, and the syngas cooling and purging system adopts the water circulation and combustible material recycling method And CO 2 and water vapor, which are byproducts of the syngas methanation system, can be recycled in a solid fuel-classified gasification-combustion bilayer system, thereby maximizing energy utilization efficiency in the system.

10-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN109453824B
Автор: 周三, 王蕾, 郑征, 马丽荣


20-08-1999 дата публикации

Method and installation for gasification of powder-like solid carbon fuel and integrated power generation method

Номер: RU2134713C1

FIELD: solid fuels. SUBSTANCE: method of gasifying powder-like solid carbon fuel with higher than 20% moisture content consists in feeding fuel into one or several drying chambers under pressure and avoiding addition of water to fuel, reducing moisture in fuel to the required level by passing hot gas product through each drying chamber. Partially cooled and wetted gas is separated from fuel, which is transferred into gasification chamber to produce hot gas (at least part of which is deviated into drying chambers). EFFECT: facilitated gasification of friable materials. 24 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl СДУ ГсС ПЫ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ” 2134 713. (51) МПК 13) С1 С 10 4 3/46, 3/54, 3/56 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 94046081/04, 04.05.1993 (30) Приоритет: 08.05.1992 АЦ РЕ 2300 (46) Дата публикации: 20.08.1999 (56) Ссылки: СВ 1485542 А, 1977. ЗИ 13277595 А, 1983. (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную фазу: 04.11.94 (86) Заявка РСТ: АЦ 9300193 (04.05.93) (87) Публикация РСТ: М/О 93/23500 (25.11.93) (98) Адрес для переписки: 129010, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, д.25, стр.3, ООО "СОЮЗПАТЕНТ" (71) Заявитель: Стейт Электрисити Коммишн оф Виктория (АЦ) (72) Изобретатель: Теренс Ричард Джонсон (АЦ), Энтони Кэмписи (АЦ), Бернард Андерсон (АД), Дэвид Маклин Уилсон (АЦ), Дэнх Кван Хюнх (АЦ), Грэм Элдред Плезанс (АЦ) (73) Патентообладатель: Стейт Электрисити Коммишн оф Виктория (АЦ) (54) СПОСОБ ГАЗИФИКАЦИИ ПОРОШКООБРАЗНОГО ТВЕРДОГО УГЛЕРОДИСТОГО ТОПЛИВА И УСТРОИСТВО ДЛЯ ЕГО ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИЯ, ИНТЕГРИРОВАННЫЙ СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ЭНЕРГИИ (57) Реферат: Способ газификации порошкообразного твердого углеродистого топлива С содержанием влаги более 20% включает в себя ввод топлива в одну или более сушильных камер под давлением без добавки воды в Топливо, уменьшение содержания влаги в топливе в сушильной камере (камерах) до уровня, требуемого для газификации, посредством пропускания полученного горячего газа через каждую ...

31-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN110938474A
Автор: 刘雷, 李克忠, 李鹏, 王会芳


01-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CN109401792A
Автор: 徐俊, 金渭龙, 钟思青, 高攀


02-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CN103897743A
Автор: 倪建军, 杨震, 熊杰, 陈楠
Принадлежит: Shanghai Boiler Works Co Ltd

本发明公开了固体燃料分级气化-燃料双床多联产系统,包括燃烧系统、气化系统、合成气冷却净化系统和合成气甲烷化系统,燃烧系统通过循环回料系统与气化系统关联。燃烧系统主要采用循环流化床燃烧方式,气化系统采用流化床不完全气化方法,产生的半焦回燃烧系统再利用,合成气净化冷却单元采用水循环和可燃物再循环利用,在甲烷化单元中副产的CO 2 和水蒸汽在系统可实现循环利用,使系统内能量利用效率实现最大化。

12-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CN101302445A
Автор: 孙松良, 顾鸣海, 骆光亮


10-08-2021 дата публикации

천연 광물을 기반으로 하는 촉매 및 이를 이용한 가스화 방법

Номер: KR102287827B1

본 발명의 구체예에서는 천연 광물을 기반으로 하여 특정 조성 범위를 갖도록 활성 성분을 담지시킨 가스화 촉매, 및 이를 유동층 가스화 반응기에 적용하여 가스화 활성을 개선할 뿐만 아니라 촉매의 분리 및 회수가 용이한 가스화 방법이 제공된다.
