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20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2416626C2

Изобретение относится к композициям дизельного топлива, к их получению и применению. Композиция содержит смесь произведенного не в синтезе Фишера-Тропша базового дизельного газойлевого топлива и произведенного в синтезе Фишера-Тропша керосинового топливного продукта. Базовое дизельное газойлевое топливо имеет температуру конца кипения в интервале 290-400°С, керосиновый топливный продукт в интервале 190-260°С. Композиция дополнительно может содержать произведенный в синтезе Фишера-Тропша газойль, имеющий температуру конца кипения в интервале 150-400°С. Композицию получают смешением компонентов и применяют в качестве топлива для двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Использование топливной композиции приводит к повышению эффективности процесса горения при эксплуатации двигателя, увеличению мощности двигателя и уменьшению времени разгона. Кроме того, этот продукт может быть использован для уменьшения выбросов из двигателя, улучшения характеристики текучести на холоду и повышения цетанового числа ...

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2345822C2

Изобретение относится к обогащенным витальными ("жизненными") элементами и/или защитными веществами тропосферным объемным объектам, способам их получения и применения. Тропосферные объемные объекты в виде содержащих вредные вещества облаков, способных образоваться в результате аварий различного оборудования, обогащены защитными веществами, которые способны предотвратить попадание радиоактивных элементов в организмы, минимизировать расширение областей, накрываемых такими облаками, неся дополнительно при этом предупредительную и сигнальную функции. Для обогащенных тропосферных объемных объектов характерны многие положительные эффекты, важнейшими из которых являются: уменьшение парникового эффекта и стабилизация климатических условий, увеличение производства продуктов питания, производство гидрометана и керогена как энергоносителей будущего, снижение содержания вредных веществ в окружающем воздухе, увеличение количества осадков, уменьшение числа несчастных случаев и жертв, особенно, при авариях ...

20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2352618C2

Описан способ повышения эффективности топлива для двигателей внутреннего сгорания, включающий добавление к топливу перед вводом топлива в автомобиль или другое устройство, включающее двигатель внутреннего сгорания, оксида церия, детергента и, необязательно, одной или нескольких добавок, и топливная присадка, содержащая оксид церия и детергент. 2 н. и 31 з.п. ф-лы.

10-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2386078C2
Принадлежит: ЭлДжиЭр ЭлЭлСи (US)

В изобретении предлагается система доставки каталитического аэрозоля, позволяющая получить аэрозоль, содержащий катализатор, для доставки непосредственно в зону пламени реакционной системы сжигания топлива или непосредственно на впуск воздуха, или на впуск топлива или топливовоздушной смеси, или непосредственно в горячие отработавшие газы реакции горения, или в любую комбинацию этих трех местоположений. Система доставки аэрозоля для использования совместно с устройством сжигания топлива содержит камеру, имеющую первый впуск для подачи в камеру источника газа, второй впуск для подачи в камеру раствора катализатора, содержащего одну или несколько неорганических солей металлов, и распылительное сопло для выпускания флюида из камеры в виде аэрозоля; причем первый впуск, второй впуск и распылительное сопло расположены так, что газ и флюид в камере перемешиваются и объединяются так, чтобы образовать аэрозоль при выпуске через сопло, при этом сопло имеет флюидное сообщение с одной или несколькими ...

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009174C1

Использование: в производстве топлив, в частности в присадочных к ним составах. Сущность изобретения: присадка к углеводородному топливу содержит, мас. % : продукт конденсации полиамина общей формулы NH2-(CH2)2-[-NH-CH2 -CH2 -]n-NH2, где n - целое число 0 - 4, с синтетическими жирными кислотами C7-C20 - 5 - 10, алифатический спирт C3-C4 25 - 40, углеводородная фракция с температурой выкипания в интервале 180 - 350С - до 100. Присадка может содержать также 0,3 - 5% моноалкилфенилового эфира полиэтиленгликоля. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2151168C1

Изобретение относится к области нефтепереработки и эксплуатации дизельных двигателей и может быть использовано для снижения содержания токсичных компонентов и твердых частиц (сажи) в отработавших газах дизельных двигателей. В качестве экологической присадки используется смесь 10-90% ацетилацетоната железа и до 100% ферроцена. Технический результат: снижается содержание оксидов азота на 17-23%, оксида углерода на 33-45%, несгоревших углеводородов на 13-21% и дымности на 67-81%. 1 табл., 6 ил.

27-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2103327C1

Изобретение относится к топливным добавкам, а более конкретно к противодымным присадкам. Противодымная присадка к топливам на основе карбоксилатов железа и нафтената церия с пониженным содержанием металлов и добавками органических пероксидов или гидропероксидов, использование которой позволяет снизить в два-три раза дымность выхлопных газов; снизить токсичность выхлопных газов из-за отсутствия в продуктах сгорания топлива диоксида серы и щелочно-земельных металлов; значительно улучшить эксплуатацию автомобилей за счет снижения выбросов с выхлопными газами; удешевить топливо с противодымной присадкой ввиду ее пониженной стоимости и малого расхода. 1 табл.

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004122001A

... 1. Способ снижения количества углерода в зола-уносе, образующемся при сжигании угля, включающий в себя объединение угля и добавки, содержащей марганецсодержащее соединение, с образованием их смеси, и сжигание указанной смеси в топочной камере, причем марганецсодержащее соединение присутствует в количестве, эффективном для снижения количества углерода в зола-уносе, образующемся при сжигании угля в топочной камере. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором соединение марганца представляет собой металлоорганическое соединение. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором органическая часть металлоорганического соединения является производной от материала, выбранного из группы, состоящей из спиртов, альдегидов, кетонов, сложных эфиров, ангидридов, сульфонатов, фосфонатов, нафтенатов, хелатов, фенолятов, краун-эфиров, карбоновых кислот, амидов, ацетилацетонатов и их смесей. 4. Способ по п.2, в котором металлоорганическое соединение содержит трикарбонилметилциклопентадиенилмарганец. 5. Способ по п.2, в котором соединение марганца ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2430959C1

Изобретение относится к топливу для декоративных каминов, сгорающее бездымно и без остатка досуха. Топливо содержит низший алифатический спирт, алкилацетат, где алкил - низший алкил, и воду при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: низший алифатический спирт - 66-70; указанный алкилацетат - 15-22; вода - остальное. Технический результат - изобретение позволяет получить топливо, сгорающее бездымно, досуха и без выделения при горении вредных веществ. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

10-09-2003 дата публикации

Способ сжигани в паровой фазе и соединени дл реализации указанного способа II

Номер: RU2001134211A

... 1. Состав топлива, включающий: 1) улучшающее сгорание количество C1-C12 спиртов, причем указанное соединение или смесь соединений имеет скрытую теплоту парообразования не менее 21 кДж/моль при средней температуре кипения, и 2) улучшающее сгорание количество по меньшей мере одного не содержащего свинца металла или элемента, включая соединения, являющиеся его органическими и неорганическими производными, выбранного из группы, состоящей из Be, F, Si, P, S, Cl, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Те, J, Cs, Ba, Hf, Та, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Bi, Po, At, Fr, Ra, Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr, Unq, Unp, Unh, Uns элементов Периодической системы элементов и их смесей, при этом указанный состав характеризуется тем, что имеет скорость ламинарного Бунзеновского пламени не менее 40 см/с. 2. Состав топлива, включающий: 1) улучшающее сгорание количество С1-C2 спиртов или их смесей и 2) улучшающее ...

10-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94039986A

Способ производства брикетов из бурого угля с пониженным выбросом окиси серы при сгорании заключается в том, что в бурый уголь вводятся связывающие серу добавки, что позволяет достичь полного связывания серы без оказания при этом какого-либо негативного воздействия на производство брикетов. Данная задача решается посредством того, что сырой бурый уголь смешивается с суспензией, связывающей серу добавками кальция, и в смесь вводится инертное с точки зрения связывания серы горючее вещество, например молотый кокс из бурого угля.

20-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94022255A

Описываются присадки к топливу, которые содержат определенные алифатические амины и алифатические спирты в парафиновом носителе, например, керосине. Присадки повышают полноту сгорания и экономию топлива и уменьшают количество загрязняющих и корродирующих веществ, образующихся в процессе горения.

20-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU93058674A

Присадка, содержащая растворимый в масле устойчивый свободный радикал, такой как нитроксид или его предшественник, которая используется в жидком нефтяном топливе при его сжигании для снижения эмиссий частиц, углеводородных эмиссий, эмиссий окиси углерода и эмиссий окислов азота.

10-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94039986A1

Способ производства брикетов из бурого угля с пониженным выбросом окиси серы при сгорании заключается в том, что в бурый уголь вводятся связывающие серу добавки, что позволяет достичь полного связывания серы без оказания при этом какого-либо негативного воздействия на производство брикетов. Данная задача решается посредством того, что сырой бурый уголь смешивается с суспензией, связывающей серу добавками кальция, и в смесь вводится инертное с точки зрения связывания серы горючее вещество, например молотый кокс из бурого угля.

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006102141A

... 1. Топливная добавка для углеводородных топлив, содержащая молекулу, имеющую сопряженную систему двойных связей между углеродными атомами и с количеством от 2 до 11 двойных связей. 2. Топливная добавка по п.1, дополнительно содержащая, по меньшей мере, одну концевую группу, содержащую цикл с от 5 до 8 атомов углерода ароматического, циклоалифатического, насыщенного или ненасыщенного фрагмента. 3. Топливная добавка по п.2, дополнительно содержащая, по меньшей мере, одну кислородсодержащую группу, замещенную, по меньшей мере, одной циклической концевой группой. 4. Топливная добавка по п.3, в которой кислородсодержащую группу выбирают из группы, состоящей из гидроксильных групп или кетогрупп, связанных с циклическим алифатическим насыщенным или ненасыщенным фрагментом. 5. Топливная добавка по п.3, дополнительно содержащая, по меньшей мере, одну метильную группу, связанную с группой, содержащей сопряженную двойную связь между углеродными атомами, с циклической концевой группой или с их комбинацией ...

30-10-1987 дата публикации

Противодымная присадка к топливам для дизельных двигателей

Номер: SU1349701A3

Изобретение касается присадок К топливам, в частности гтротиводым- ной присадки (ПР) к топливам диаель- ных двигателей. Для улучшения процесса сгорания топлива в качестве органических соединений бария и цинка в состав ПР вводят нониламино (или нитро) фенолят бария и Zn-соль фракции -органических кислот С - С, с кислотным числом 350-380 мг КОН/г при молярном соотношении (в пересчете на металлы) 8 - 12:1. Использование ПР в топливе (15А) снижает дымность при работе на шестицилиндровом двигателе САВИЕМ (число оборотов 3000) на 32 - 37,9%. 1 табл. &0 4 CD ...

24-12-1998 дата публикации

Bio-catalyst additive for liquid hydrocarbon fuels

Номер: DE0019701961A1

The biocatalyst additive for liquid hydrocarbon fuels and coal slurry fuel comprises: (a) essential trace elements either as dissolved complexes or as dissolved salts of organic acids or as dispersed and stabilised salts of (in)organic acid; (b) oxygen; (c) non-poisonous natural surface-active agents as emulsifier, solvent promoter, complex former, stabiliser, and coupler, e.g. for metal salts and organic acids; (d) natural materials, which act in small traces as reaction releaser; (e) natural component suitable for purifying engages and firing devices; (f) components which deacidify soils; and (g) natural non-poisonous components whose non-poisonous combustion products compete with ozone killers in the atmosphere and thus protect the ozone layer.

03-09-2003 дата публикации

Cerium oxide nanoparticles as fuel supplements

Номер: GB0000317852D0

25-06-1997 дата публикации

Two-cycle engine lubricant oil

Номер: GB0002308381A

A lubricating oil composition for two-cycle engines comprises a major amount of a base lubricating oil and a smoke reducing amount of at least one oil-soluble and fuel-soluble manganese carbonyl compound.

04-06-1997 дата публикации

Method of making a hybrid fuel and fuel made by the method

Номер: GB0009707498D0

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009315974D0

20-09-2006 дата публикации

Method for controlling exhaust emissions from direct injection homogeneous charge compression ignition engines

Номер: GB2424225A

A method is disclosed for controlling exhaust emissions from direct injected homogeneous charge compression ignition engines by combusting therein a fuel having a cetane number equal to or less than 50, and aromatic content equal to or greater than 15wt%.

21-06-2000 дата публикации

Fuel composition

Номер: GB0000010575D0

31-05-2006 дата публикации

Method for controlling exhaust emissions from direct injection homogeneous charge compression ignition engines

Номер: GB0000608088D0

31-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009020604D0

04-05-2005 дата публикации

Fuel composition

Номер: GB0000506402D0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of fuels

Номер: AP0200102092D0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Dieseal fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of diesel fuels

Номер: AP0200102086D0

16-12-2004 дата публикации

Fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of fuels.

Номер: AP0000001348A

A fuel additive for use in the treatment of liquid hydrocarbon fuels to reduce polluting emissions during the combustion of such fuels wherein the additive composition is formulated mineral seal oil, mineral spirits, a glycol alkyl ether and at least one alkyl aromatic ethoxylated surfactant. It has been found that the fuel additive composition of the invention can be blended with such fuels to drammatically reduce emissions during the combustion of such fuels.

16-12-1999 дата публикации

Fuel for advance vapour phase combustion.

Номер: AP0000000790A

Cold high energy fuel compositions for jet, turbine, diesel and gasoline combustion engines. The fuel comprises EHS (Enhanced Combustion Structure) compounds and a combustion-improving amount of fuel soluble metallic compounds of high heating value. The EHS compounds have a latent heat of evaporation of at least 21 kJ/mol at boiling point and a laminar Bunsen flame velocity of at least 40 cm/sec. The combustion-improving fuel of soluble metallic compounds has a heating value of at least 5000 Kcal/kg ...

30-09-2005 дата публикации

Diesel fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of diesel fuels

Номер: AP0000001455A

A fuel additive for use in the treatment of diesel fuels to reduce polluting emissions during the combustion of such fuels wherein the additive composition is formulated to contain mineral seal oil, mineral spirits, a glycol alkyl ether and at least one alkyl aromatic ethoxylated surfactant. It has been found that the fuel additive composition of the invention can be blended with such fuels to drammaticaly reduce emissions during the combustion of such fuels.

31-01-1998 дата публикации

Vapor phase combustion method and compositions II.

Номер: AP0009801185A0

Method reduced temperature metallic vapor phase combustion for jet, turbine, diesel, fuel oil, and gasoline combustion system. More particularly, it relates to methods and composition of metal containing fuels comprised of enhanced combusition structure capable of increasing combustion burning velocity and reducing combustion temperature.

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Dieseal fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of diesel fuels

Номер: AP2001002086A0

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Unleaded MMT fuel compositions

Номер: AP0009600863A0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of fuels

Номер: AP2001002092A0

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Method and composition for improving fuel combustion.

Номер: AP2004003033A0

31-10-2007 дата публикации

Method and composition for improving fuel combustion

Номер: AP0000001784A

08-11-2001 дата публикации

Unleaded mmt fuel compositions

Номер: OA0000010373A

27-06-2006 дата публикации

Method and composition for improving fuel combustion.

Номер: OA0000012724A

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Method and composition for improving fuel combustion.

Номер: AP0200403033A0

31-01-1998 дата публикации

Vapor combustion method and compositions II

Номер: AP0009801185D0

31-01-1998 дата публикации

Vapor phase combustion method and compositions II

Номер: AP0009801169D0

31-10-1996 дата публикации

Unleaded MMT fuel compositions

Номер: AP0009600863D0

30-06-2004 дата публикации

Method and composition for improving fuel combustion.

Номер: AP0200403033D0

31-01-1998 дата публикации

Vapor phase combustion method and compositions II

Номер: AP0009801169A0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of fuels

Номер: AP0200102092A0

31-03-2001 дата публикации

Dieseal fuel additive composition and method for the treatment of diesel fuels

Номер: AP0200102086A0

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372344T

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000395398T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000302257T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000432334T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516338T

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000087024T

25-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000854U1

15-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007896T

27-12-1974 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of high-basic, bariumhaltiger dispersions

Номер: AT0000319449B

15-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000280212T

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000285028T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250658T

26-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0006302890A

18-02-2002 дата публикации

Additive for reducing particulate in emissions deriving from the combustion of diesel oil

Номер: AU0008585701A

20-11-2003 дата публикации

Vapor Phase Combustion Method and Composition II

Номер: AU2003252892A1

26-10-1995 дата публикации

Gasoline engine fuels of enhanced properties

Номер: AU0000663876B2

18-11-1993 дата публикации

Reduction of NOx emissions from gasoline engines

Номер: AU0000643604B2

25-01-1996 дата публикации

Catalyzed chemical process to be employed in reciprocating internal combustion engines

Номер: AU0002418295A

11-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002194692A

06-05-1996 дата публикации

Additives designed to improve fuel quality in reciprocating internal combustion engines

Номер: AU0003708995A

18-11-1993 дата публикации

Process for chemical desulfurization of coal

Номер: AU0003713493A

08-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002571471C
Принадлежит: NOX II, LTD.

... ²²²A process for burning coal or other carbonaceous fuels captures sulfur and ²other undesirable compounds are captured and retained in non-reactive ceramic-²like form after the combustion phase. The process involves addition of ²multiple element alkali powders and/or sorbents preferably containing ²oxidizing anions such as nitrates and nitrites, preferably based on calcium. ²In various embodiments, the remediation materials when applied in a complex ²powder and/or liquid containing multiple elements, result in higher sulfur ²capture than the materials would otherwise achieve on an individual basis. In ²a preferred embodiment, the sorbents contain elements that minimize or lower ²the melting point of the ash. This leads to lowered cohesiveness and toughness ²of the ash so that less ash builds up on the boiler and better heat transfer ²is obtained.² ...

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002705431A1

Embodiments of a composition useful as a fuel or fuel additive are provided. Certain disclosed embodiments of the composition comprise mid to low flash point naptha, at least one alcohol having a ratio of between about 1 to about 4carbon atoms to 1 hydroxyl functional group, at least one lubricating oil, and at least one oxygenated natural aromatic compound, wherein the oxygenated natural aromatic compound has a flash point between about 60 °C and about 160 °C, has at least one oxygenated functional group, and is soluble in the composition.

16-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002438157A1

A method of reducing the negative effects of accumulation of ash in a diesel fuel combustion system includes supplying a diesel fuel having an additive that includes a manganese compound to a diesel fuel combustion system. The combustion system includes a catalyzed diesel particulate filter or, alternatively, a continuously regenerating technology diesel particulate filter. The fuel is then combusted in the combustion system to product at least one byproduct that includes the manganese compound. The manganese compound is supplied in an amount effective to complex with the combustion byproduct.

30-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002400946A1
Автор: RAE, ALAN

There is described a fuel additive composition comprising an alkanolamide, an alkoxylated alcohol, an alkoxylated fatty acid, or a derivative thereof, in which the degree of alkoxylation of the C18 to C22 fatty acid is from 0.5 to 5 mols of alkoxylate to 1 mol of fatty acid. There is also described a fuel composition comprising a liquid hydrocarbon fuel and a surfactant composition according to the invention. A method of running an internal combustion engine comprising the use of such a fuel is also described.

30-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002345099A1

Glyoxal in an aqueous solution is used in a fuel additive in order to reduce pollutants in the exhaust gases of gasoline and diesel engines. It is sufficient to add glyoxal in aqueous solution to gasoline in the dilution in the ratio of 1:1.000 to 1:20.000 and higher in order to obtain a reduction of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in vehicles with catalytic converters at idle and at increased idle of almost 100 %. Esterified aliphats and polyethyleneglycol are added as emulsifiers and solubilizers. Additionally, glyoxal can be used in form of its acetals and hemiacetals with the resultant product being added to the fuel in combustion engines in order to reduce the pollutant emission and carbon particles/deposits.

22-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002373327A1

A fuel additive is provided that includes a plant oil extract, .beta.- carotene, and jojoba oil. The additive may be added to any liquid hydrocarbon fuel, coal, or other hydrocarbonaceous combustible fuel to reduce emissions of undesired components during combustion of the fuel. A method for preparing the additive is also provided.

07-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002428726A1

An aqueous additive containing a metal compound is used to improve the operation of combustion exhaust after treatment systems. The additive is introduced into the combustion chamber as part of an emulsion with the fuel or, alternatively, in the emulsion or alone as an aqueous stream introduced into the exhaust or emission path. The metal compound scavenges combustion byproducts in order to protect and make more efficient the after treatment system.

07-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002445419A1

There is described a fuel additive composition comprising an oleic alkanolamide and an alkoxylated oleic acid. There is also described a fuel composition comprising a hydrocarbon fuel and a fuel additive comprising an oleic alkanolamide and an alkoxylated oleic acid and also a method of running a combustion engine using the fuel if the invention.

04-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3016138C
Принадлежит: NOX II LTD, NOX II, LTD.

A process of burning coal by adding liquid and/or powder sorbents prior to combustion captures sulfur and other undesirable compounds in non-reactive ceramic-like form after the combustion phase. The process involves addition of multiple element alkali powders and/or sorbents preferably containing oxidizing anions such as nitrates and nitrites, preferably based on calcium. In various embodiments, the remediation materials, when applied in a complex powder and/or liquid containing multiple elements, result in higher sulfur capture than the materials would otherwise achieve on an individual basis. In a preferred embodiment, the sorbents contain elements that minimize or lower the melting point of the ash. This leads to lowered cohesiveness and toughness of the ash so that less ash builds up on the boiler and better heat transfer is obtained.

05-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002367517A1

This invention relates to fuel oil, especially middle distillate fuel oil, compositions comprising middle distillate fuel oil and incorporated therein an additive composition comprising (a) at least one fuel-soluble or fuel- dispersible neutral alkaline earth metal compound and/or at least one fuel- soluble or fuel-dispersible neutral alkali metal compound, and (b) at least one fuel-soluble or fuel-dispersible transition metal compound, characterised in that the fuel oil composition contains at most 0.05 mass% of sulfur, the total metal content derived from (a) and (b) in the fuel oil composition is at most 50 ppm by mass, and the mass proportion of (a) to (b), based on metal content, is in the range of from 1:99 to 99:1.

07-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002417562A1

An improved fuel additive formulation, method of use, and method of producing the fuel formulation are described. The improved fuel additive of the present invention comprises a mixture of nitroparaffins (comprising nitromethane, nitroethane, and nitropropane), and a combination of modified commercially available ester oil and/or a solubilizing agent, and/or toluene. The ratio of ester oil and/or solubilizing agent and/or toluence to nitroparaffin is preferably less than 20 volume percent, with nitroparffins comprising the balance of the additive. A method of preparing and using the additive formulation is also provided.

18-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002467957C

... ²²²A fuel or fuel additives is disclosed which comprise particles of cerium oxide ²which ²have been doped with a divalent or trivalent metal or metalloid which is a ²rare earth ²metal, a transition metal or a metal of group IIA, IIIB, VB, or VIB of the ²Periodic ²Table.² ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Ethanol/fuel blends for use as motor fuels

Номер: US20120030996A1
Принадлежит: Celanese International Corp

An ethanol/fuel blend composition. The ethanol/fuel blend composition includes an ethanol composition including at least 92 wt. % ethanol, and from 95 wppm to 1,000 wppm isopropanol and a fuel.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

High cetane renewable fuels

Номер: US20120132183A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

A method for reducing the emissions of a diesel engine using a RHE-diesel fuel.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Nano-sized zinc oxide particles for fuel

Номер: US20120204480A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A fuel composition contains a liquid fuel and a specific amount of nano-sized zinc oxide particles and a surfactant that does not contain sulfur atoms. The nano-sized zinc oxide particles can be used to either improve combustion or increase catalytic chemical oxidation of fuel.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Reducing Mercury Emissions From The Burning Of Coal

Номер: US20120272877A1
Автор: Douglas C. Comrie
Принадлежит: Nox II Ltd

Sorbent components containing halogen, calcium, alumina, and silica are used in combination during coal combustion to produce environmental benefits. Sorbents such as calcium bromide are added to the coal ahead of combustion and other components are added into the flame or downstream of the flame, preferably at minimum temperatures to assure complete formation of the refractory structures that result in various advantages of the methods. When used together, the components reduce emissions of elemental and oxidized mercury; increase the level of Hg, As, Pb, and/or Cl in the coal ash; decrease the levels of leachable heavy metals (such as Hg) in the ash, preferably to levels below the detectable limits; and make a highly cementitious ash product.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Mixed alcohol fuels for internal combustion engines, furnaces, boilers, kilns and gasifiers and slurry transportation

Номер: US20130019519A1
Принадлежит: Standard Alcohol Co of America Inc

Mixed alcohol formulas can be used as a fuel additive in petroleum-based hydrocarbon liquid fuels, synthetic or bio-derived gasoline, diesel fuels, jet fuel, aviation gasoline, heating oil, bunker oil, coal, petroleum coke, heavy crude oil, bitumen, or as a neat fuel in and of itself. The mixed alcohol formulations can be blended with ground petroleum coke, coal, heavy crude oil, or bitumen to form a thixotropic slurry for ease of transportation. The mixed alcohol formulations can also be used to shurry transport ground biomass. The mixed alcohol formulations can contain a blend of C 1 -C 5 alcohols, or C 1 -C 8 alcohols or higher C 1 -C 10 alcohols in order to further boost energy content.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Process for operating a utility boiler and methods therefor

Номер: US20130040250A1
Автор: Thomas J. Wolferseder
Принадлежит: Environmental Energy Services Inc

A process for operating a utility boiler. The process has the following steps: (a) providing fuel to the boiler; (b) providing one or more additives selected from the group consisting of (i) one or more slag control agents, (ii) one or more oxygen-generating agents, (iii) one or more acid mitigation agents, (iv) one or more fouling prevention agents, (v) one or more oxidizer agents, (vi) one or more heavy metal capturing agents, and (vii) any combination of the foregoing to the boiler or an auxiliary device thereof; (c) providing air to the boiler; (d) burning the fuel in the boiler to generate heat and an exhaust gas; (e) intermittently or continuously monitoring one or more physical and/or chemical parameters of the fuel and/or intermittently or continuously monitoring one or more emissions variables of the exhaust gas to obtain one or more values therefor; and (f) varying or maintaining the rate at which either or both of the fuel and the one or more additives are provided to the boiler based on the one or more values obtained.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074398A1

A jet aviation fuel based on aliphatic ethers is disclosed wherein the fuel comprises a compound according to the invention, a mixture of compounds according to the invention, a mixture of the pure or mixed aliphatic ethers admixed with conventional jet aviation fuel, or a mixture of said ethers with conventional hydrocarbon fuel, thus giving a product conforming to a jet aviation fuel standard. 155-. (canceled)56. A jet aviation fuel comprising an aliphatic ether compound of formula (I):{'br': None, 'R1-O—R2'}wherein R1 and R2 individually are aliphatic carbon chains.57. The jet aviation fuel of claim 56 , the aliphatic ether compound of formula (I) having a total number of carbon atoms in the range of 6 to 16.58. The jet aviation fuel of claim 56 , R1 having 1 to 10 carbon atoms.59. The jet aviation fuel of claim 58 , R1 having 1 to 3 carbon atoms and R2 having 4 to 10 carbon atoms.60. The jet aviation fuel of claim 56 , R2 having 1 to 10 carbon atoms.61. The jet aviation fuel of claim 60 , R2 having 1 to 3 carbon atoms and R1 having 4 to 10 carbon atoms.62. The jet aviation fuel of claims 56 , R1 and R2 individually being un-branched aliphatic carbon chains.63. The jet aviation fuel of claim 56 , the aliphatic ether compound of formula (I) being selected from the group consisting of propyl butyl ether claim 56 , diisopentyl ether claim 56 , propyl pentyl ether claim 56 , isopropyl pentyl ether claim 56 , butyl pentyl ether claim 56 , pentyl ether claim 56 , methyl hexyl ether claim 56 , ethyl hexyl ether claim 56 , propyl hexyl ether claim 56 , isopropyl hexyl ether claim 56 , butyl hexyl ether claim 56 , (1-methylpropyl) hexyl ether claim 56 , pentyl hexyl ether claim 56 , hexyl ether claim 56 , methyl heptyl ether claim 56 , ethyl heptyl ether claim 56 , propyl heptyl ether claim 56 , butyl heptyl ether claim 56 , pentyl heptyl ether claim 56 , isoamyl heptyl ether claim 56 , methyl octyl ether claim 56 , ethyl octyl ether claim 56 , propyl octyl ether claim 56 ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111807A1

According to one embodiment, a process for treating an organic feedstock is disclosed. The organic feedstock including a convertible component is preprocessed to increase the concentration of the convertible component. The organic feedstock is processed to convert at least a portion of the convertible component to a fuel and the fuel is extracted from the organic feedstock. 1. A process comprising:preprocessing an organic feedstock comprising a convertible component to increase the concentration of the convertible component;processing the organic feedstock to convert at least a portion of the convertible component to a fuel; andextracting the fuel from the organic feedstock.2. The process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the process is continuous.3. The process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the convertible component is algae.4. The process as recited in claim 3 , wherein the concentration of algae is increased to greater than or equal to 30% by weight of the organic feedstock.5. The process as recited in claim 1 , wherein preprocessing comprises heating the organic feedstock.6. The process as recited in claim 5 , wherein heating the organic feedstock comprises heating the organic feedstock in a heat exchanger and a heater.7. The process as recited in claim 6 , wherein the heat exchanger heats the organic feedstock to a temperature of 55° C. and the heater heats the organic feedstock to a temperature of 75° C.8. The process as recited in claim 1 , wherein processing the organic feedstock comprises pressurizing and heating the organic feedstock.9. The process as recited in claim 8 , wherein the organic feedstock is pressurized to a pressure between 100-350 bar and heated to a temperature between 250-400° C.10. The process as recited in claim 1 , wherein extracting the fuel from the organic feedstock comprises contacting the organic feedstock with a solvent.11. The process as recited in claim 10 , wherein the solvent is at least one solvent selected from the group ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130183628A1

An additive composition for a fuel comprises: 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein component (i) is an iron complex selected from the group consisting of bis-cyclopentadienyl iron; substituted bis-cyclopentadienyl iron; overbased iron soaps; and mixtures thereof.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein component (i) is ferrocene.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein component (ii) is a bicyclic monoterpene or substituted bicyclic monoterpene selected from the group consisting of camphor claim 1 , camphene claim 1 , isobornyl acetate claim 1 , dipropyleneglycol-isobornyl ether claim 1 , adamantane claim 1 , propylene carbonate; and mixtures thereof.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein component (ii) is camphor.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizer (iii) is selected from the group consisting of an asphaltene dispersant claim 1 , a cold flow improver claim 1 , a wax antisettling additive and mixtures thereof.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein (iii) is a phenolic resin selected from the group consisting of:copolymers containing di(C1-4 alkyl)amino (C1-4 alkyl)acrylate or methacrylate units;copolymers of alkenes and unsaturated esters, alkylmethacrylate polymers, polyoxyalkylene esters, ethers, ester/ethers;maleic anhydride olefin copolymer additives prepared by the reaction of maleic anhydride with an α-olefin; andimides produced by the reaction an alkyl amine, maleic anhydride and α-olefin.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein components (i) claim 1 , (ii) and (iii) are present in the following relative amounts by weight:3-1000 parts (i) to 3 to 600 parts (ii) and to 1 to 10000 parts (iii).10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is selected from bio-fuel claim 1 , diesel claim 1 , gasoline claim 1 , marine fuel claim 1 , bunker fuel claim 1 , heating oil claim 1 , middle distillate oil and heavy fuel oil; and including GTL (gas-to-liquid) claim 1 , CTL (coal-to-liquid) claim 1 , BTL (biomass-to-liquid) claim 1 , and OTL (oil sands-to-liquid); and including blends ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Combustion Modifier and Method for Improving Fuel Combustion

Номер: US20130185990A1
Автор: Perry Stephen C.

A composition for improving the combustion efficiency of an internal combustion engine. The composition includes a mixture of a hydrocarbon fuel and an organometallic soap selected from among several cerium-containing and ferric compounds. The cerium-containing compound or compounds increase the energy released during combustion of the fuel. The ferric compound or compounds coat an interior wall of a combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine to increase the power output of the engine by reducing the accumulation of residues deposited on the interior wall which interfere with the combustion of fuel. 1. A composition for improving performance of an internal combustion engine , the composition comprising:an iron-containing compound; andat least one synergistic carrier selected from the group consisting of: adamantane, biphenyl, naphthalene, camphor, camphene, (E)-1,2-diphenylethene, adamantanone, acenaphthene, and dicyclopentadiene.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the iron-containing compound comprises ferrocene and the at least one synergistic carrier comprises adamantane.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the iron-containing compound comprises ferrocene and the at least one synergistic carrier comprises biphenyl.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the iron-containing compound comprises ferrocene and the at least one synergistic carrier comprises (E)-1 claim 1 ,2-diphenylethene.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one synergistic carrier comprises admantane.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one synergistic carrier comprises biphenyl.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one synergistic carrier comprises (E)-1 claim 1 ,2-diphenylethene.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one synergistic carrier comprises dicyclopentadiene.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the iron-containing compound comprises a ferrocene compound.10. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the iron- ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199481A1
Принадлежит: NESTE OIL OYJ

Gasoline fuel and method of making and using it. The fuel comprises from 5 to 20 vol.-% paraffinic hydrocarbons originating from biological oils, fats, or derivatives or combinations thereof. Further, it comprises oxygenates, such as ethanol present in a concentration of about 5 to 15 vol.-%; or iso-butanol present in a concentration of 5 to 20 vol.-%, preferably about 10 to 17 vol.-%; or ETBE present in a concentration of 7 to 25 vol.-%, preferably about 15 to 22 vol.-%. The bioenergy content of the gasoline is at least 14 Energy equivalent percentage (E-%) calculated based on the heating values given in the European Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC. By means of the invention, fuels with a high bioenergy content are provided which can be used in conventional gasoline-fuelled automotive engines. 1. Gasoline fuel comprising paraffinic hydrocarbons originating from biological oils , fats , or derivatives or combinations thereof , and oxygenates.2. The fuel according to claim 1 , comprising hydrocarbons originating from hydrogenation of biological oils claim 1 , fats claim 1 , or derivatives or combinations thereof.3. The fuel according to claim 1 , comprising paraffinic and isomerized hydrocarbons originating from hydrogenation of biological oils claim 1 , fats claim 1 , or derivatives or combinations thereof.4. The fuel according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the hydrocarbons originating from biological oils claim 1 , fats claim 1 , or derivatives or combinations thereof ranges from 5 to 20 vol-%.5. The fuel according to claim 1 , wherein the oxygenates are selected from the group of alcohols and ethers.6. The fuel according to claim 5 , wherein the oxygenate is selected fromethanol present in a concentration of 5 to 15 vol-%; oriso-butanol present in a concentration of 5 to 20 vol-%; orETBE present in a concentration of 7 to 25 vol-%; ora combination thereof.7. The fuel according to claim 1 , wherein the bioenergy content is at least 14 Energy ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219777A1

A fuel or fuel blendstock comprising ethanol, ethyl ethers, olefins, and alkanes. In some embodiments, the fuel or fuel blendstock of claim wherein the fuel or fuel blendstock may have an octane number greater than 92 (RON+MON)/2). In other embodiments, the fuel or fuel blendstock may have a Reid vapor pressure less than 7.2 psi. Also disclosed is a process for the production of a fuel, the process including: contacting ethanol and at least one gasoline fraction including alkanes and olefins in the presence of a catalyst to form a fuel mixture including ethyl ethers, alkanes, unreacted olefins, and unreacted ethanol; and recovering the fuel mixture for use as a gasoline or gasoline blendstock without separation of the ethanol from the fuel mixture. 1. A process for increasing the volume of a fuel mixture by chemically and physically blending an ethanol fraction and at least one gasoline fraction , the process comprising:contacting said ethanol fraction and at least one gasoline fraction, wherein said at least one gasoline fraction comprises a mixture of alkanes and olefins, in the presence of an etherification catalyst to form said fuel mixture, wherein said fuel mixture comprises ethyl ethers, alkanes, unreacted olefins, and unreacted ethanol;recovering said fuel mixture; andusing said fuel mixture as a gasoline or gasoline blendstock without separation of the ethanol from said fuel mixture,wherein the process chemically and physically blends said ethanol fraction into said gasoline fraction and thereby provides an increase in the volume of barrels per day by at least 10% compared to a fuel mixture produced by a splash blend only process.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the contacting further comprises:feeding said ethanol fraction and said gasoline fraction to a distillation column reactor system containing at least one etherification reaction zone; andwithdrawing said fuel mixture from the distillation column reactor system as a bottoms fraction.3. The process ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261345A1

The present invention relates to a process for the production of fuel additives in which in a first step isobutanol is subjected to a simultaneous dehydration and skeletal isomerisation to make substantially corresponding olefins, having the same number of carbons and consisting essentially of a mixture of n-butenes and iso-butene and in a second step the butene mixture is subjected to etherification, said process comprising: 1. Process for the production of fuel additives in which in a first step isobutanol is subjected to a simultaneous dehydration and skeletal isomerisation to make substantially corresponding olefins , having the same number of carbons and consisting essentially of a mixture of n-butenes and iso-butene and in a second step the butene mixture is subjected to etherification , said process comprising:a) introducing in at least one reactor a stream (A) comprising at least 40 wt % isobutanol, optionally an inert component,b) contacting said stream with at least one catalyst in said reactor(s) at conditions effective to simultaneously dehydrate and skeletal isomerise at least a portion of the isobutanol to make a mixture of n-butenes and iso-butene,c) removing the inert component if any, recovering from said reactor(s) a stream (B) comprising a mixture of n-butenes and iso-butene,d) sending the stream (B) to at least one etherification reactor and contacting stream (B) with at least one catalyst in said etherification reactor(s), in the presence of ethanol and/or methanol, at conditions effective to produce ETBE and/or MTBE respectively,e) recovering from said etherification reactor a stream (E) comprising essentially ETBE and/or MTBE, unreacted butenes, heavies, optionally unreacted ethanol and/or methanol respectively,f) fractionating stream (E) to recover ETBE and/or MTBE.2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the stream (A) comprises at least 70 wt % of isobutanol.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the stream (A) comprises one or more C4 ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283676A1

A fuel additive for hydrocarbon fuel that is fueled in fired burners and open flames for enhancing fuel storage, for enhancing fuel combustion by increasing fuel efficiency, and/or for reducing undesirable emissions, such as pollutants, includes an inorganic metal oxide, a metal carboxylate, an acid, and an organic dispersion fluid. 1. A fuel additive composition for liquid hydrocarbon fuel fueled in fired burners or open flames comprising:an inorganic metal oxide;a metal carboxylate;an acid; andan organic dispersion fluid.2. The fuel additive composition of the claim 1 , wherein comprises from 30% to 40% by weight of said inorganic metal oxide claim 1 , preferably form 33% to 38% by weight of said inorganic metal oxide.3. The fuel additive composition of the claim 1 , wherein comprises from 10% to 20% by weight of said metal carboxylate claim 1 , preferably from 13% to 17% by weight of said metal carboxylate.4. The fuel additive composition of the claim 1 , wherein comprises from 1% to 10% by weight of said add claim 1 , preferably from 3% to 7% by weight of said add.5. The fuel additive composition of the claim 1 , wherein comprises from 10% to 20% by weight of said organic dispersion fluid claim 1 , preferably from 13% to 17% by weight of said organic dispersion fluid claim 1 ,6. The fuel additive composition of the claim 1 , wherein said inorganic metal oxide is selected from a group consisting of magnesium oxide claim 1 , iron oxide claim 1 , copper oxide claim 1 , cobalt oxide claim 1 , ruthenium oxide claim 1 , osmium oxide claim 1 , palladium oxide claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The fuel additive composition of the claim 6 , wherein said inorganic metal oxide is magnesium oxide.8. The fuel additive composition of the claim 1 , wherein said metal carboxylate is selected from a group consisting of manganese octoate claim 1 , cobalt octoate claim 1 , zirconium octoate claim 1 , calcium octoate claim 1 , and combinations thereof.9. The fuel additive ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283679A1
Автор: TRUITT Matthew J.

The present disclosure relates to methods for converting biomass-derived streams of hydrocarbon diols into products suitable for use as a biomass-derived fuel additive. These methods involve the condensation of diols comprising five or six carbon atoms to form condensation products containing at least ten carbon atoms. The remaining hydroxyl functional groups of the condensation products are optionally modified to decrease overall polarity of the products, and improve miscibility with liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. 110-. (canceled)11. A process comprising the steps of:(a) providing a biomass-derived feedstream comprising hydrocarbon diols that contain five or six carbon atoms;(b) contacting the feedstream of step (a) with a first catalyst in a reactor, wherein the contacting results in an acidic condensation reaction that converts a least a portion of the feedstream to condensation products, wherein said condensation products comprise at least 10 carbon atoms and at least one ether functional group; 'wherein the liquid hydrocarbon mixture has increased miscibility in liquid hydrocarbon fuels as a result of step c).', '(c) reducing at least a portion of the remaining hydroxyl groups on the condensation products from step (b) by combining the condensation products with a second catalyst in the presence of hydrogen to produce water and a liquid hydrocarbon mixture suitable for use as an additive for a liquid hydrocarbon fuel,'}12. The process of claim 11 , wherein the feedstream of step (a) comprises one member selected from the group consisting of 1 claim 11 ,3-pentanediol claim 11 , 1 claim 11 ,4-pentandiol claim 11 , 1 claim 11 ,5-pentanediol claim 11 , 1 claim 11 ,3-hexanediol claim 11 , 1 claim 11 ,4-hexandiol claim 11 , 1 claim 11 ,5-hexanediol claim 11 ,1 claim 11 ,6-hexanediol and mixtures thereof.13. The process of claim 11 , further comprising combining the liquid hydrocarbon mixture of step (c) with a liquid hydrocarbon fuel to produce a improved liquid ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033605A1
Принадлежит: Evonik Oil Additives GmbH

The present invention describes a composition comprising at least one antioxidant and at least one ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer comprising units being derived from at least one alkyl (meth)acrylate having 1 to 30 carbon atoms in the alkyl residue. The composition is useful as cold flow improver and oxidation stabilizer in fossil fuel oil and or biodiesel fuel oil. 1. A composition , comprising:an antioxidant andan ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer comprising units derived from at least one alkyl (meth)acrylate having 1 to 30 carbon atoms in an alkyl residue.2. The composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the antioxidant is a phenolic compound having 2 or more hydroxyl groups.3. The composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer comprises from 2 to 36 weight % of vinyl acetate.4. The composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer comprises from 30 to 80 weight % of units derived from at least one alkyl (meth)acrylate having 1 to 30 carbon atoms in the alkyl residue.5. The composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer comprises from 5 to 40 weight % of units derived from ethylene.6. The composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer comprises from 30 to 90 weight % of units derived from at least one alkyl (meth)acrylate having 7 to 20 carbon atoms in the alkyl residue.7. The composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer is a graft copolymer having an ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer as a graft base and an alkyl (meth)acrylate having 1 to 30 carbon atoms in the alkyl residue as a graft layer.8. The composition according to claim 7 ,wherein a weight ratio of the graft base to the graft layer is of from 1:1 to 1:20.9. The composition according to claim 1 ,{'sub': n', 'w', 'n, 'wherein the composition comprises a polyalkyl(meth)acrylate polymer having a number average molecular weight Mof from 1000 to 10000 g ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Fuel Fix +

Номер: US20140053457A1
Автор: Frank David Elsik
Принадлежит: Individual

A chemical substance for the purpose of removing carbon builds up from burning Chambers of gasoline engines, diesel engines, coal, oil, and gas burning furnaces. A chemical substance for the purpose of helping to protect the environment by Causing engines and furnaces to operate more efficiently. A chemical substance which would improve MPG by reducing carbon build up in internal combustion engines. A chemical substance when mixed with the main fuel in the fuel tank, would cause the fuel to burn more efficiently thus cleaning the system from engine to exhaust.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Reducing sulfur gas emissions resulting from the burning of carbonaceous fuels

Номер: US20140053760A1
Принадлежит: Nox II Ltd

A method of reducing sulfur emissions by applying remediation materials in a powder sorbent onto coal and combusting the coal with the materials applied. The powder sorbent contain sources of silicon, aluminum, calcium, iron, and magnesium, and ash from combustion contains the captured sulfur.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059923A1

A fuel composition comprising: a diesel base fuel; from 1 to 10% v/v of a fatty acid alkyl ester; and more than 10% v/v of an ether component, the ether component comprising one or more ether compounds having in the range of from 8 to 12 carbon atoms and selected from compounds of formula I 2. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component comprises symmetrical ether compounds.3. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component comprises dipentyl ether.4. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component has a density of at least 0.770 g/cm.5. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component has a flash point of at least 50° C.6. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component has a vapour pressure at 25° C. of at most 5 Torr.7. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component has a boiling point of at least 100° C.8. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component is a biofuel component.9. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component is present in an amount of from 15% to 90% v/v.10. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component is present in an amount of from 15% to 50% v/v.12. The fuel composition of wherein the ether component has a density of at least 0.770 g/cm claim 1 , a flash point of at least 50° C. claim 1 , a vapour pressure at 25° C. of at most 5 Torr claim 1 , and a boiling point of at least 100° C.13. The fuel composition of wherein the fuel composition has a measured cetane number of 40 or greater.15. The method of wherein the diesel fuel composition contains a fatty acid ester or a fatty alcohol ester. This present application claims the benefit of European Application No. 12183067.3, filed Sep. 5, 2012.This invention relates to diesel fuel compositions comprising certain ethers, their preparation and their use, as well as to the use of certain ethers in fuel compositions for new purposes.Many diesel fuel compositions contain cetane boost components, also known as ignition improvers. The cetane number of a fuel ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002628A1
Автор: Redman James

There is provided an emulsifier comprising at least one Cto Cfatty acid diethanolamide, at least one Cto Cfatty acid, at least one Cto Calcohol ethoxylate and optionally at least one sorbitan ester and/or at least one alkylene glycol monoalkyl ether. There is additionally provided emulsions comprising a fuel, water and an emulsifier and methods of producing emulsions. 1. An composition comprising:at least one Cs to Cis fatty acid diethanolamide;at least one C12 to C24 fatty acid; and{'sub': '6', 'at least one Cto Cis alcohol ethoxylate;'}wherein the composition is useful as an emulsifier.2. A composition according to comprising:a fuel comprising at least one of diesel, low sulphur diesel, biodiesel and heavy fuel oil;less than or equal to 30 wt % water{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'from 0.5 to 15 wt % of the emulsifier of .'}3. A composition according to comprising:60-90 wt % of the at least one Cs to Cis fatty acid diethanolamide;2-10 wt % of the at least one C12 to C24 fatty acid; and{'sub': '6', '5-20 wt % of the at least one Cto Cis alcohol ethoxylate.'}4. An composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said emulsifier does not comprise naphtha.5. A composition according to comprising:a fuel comprising at least one of diesel, low sulphur diesel and heavy fuel oil, wherein the fuel does not contain any bio-components;less than or equal to 20 wt % water; andthe emulsifier,wherein the emulsifier:water volume ratio is from 1.5:1 to 1:2.9,wherein the composition is a nanemulsion.6. A composition according to comprising:50-75 wt % of the at least one Cs to Cis fatty acid diethanolamide;2-10 wt % of the at least one C12 to C24 fatty acid;{'sub': '6', '5-20 wt % of the at least one Cto Cis alcohol ethoxylate; and'}10-40 wt % of at least one sorbitan esters.7. A composition according to claim 6 , wherein said emulsifier does not comprise naphtha.8. A composition according to comprising:a fuel comprising at least one of diesel, low sulphur diesel, ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002556A1

The present description relates to a method and system for generating a fuel from high sulfur fuel waste materials having a reduced SO2 emission. In one example, the fuel may include petroleum coke, a biomass constituent, and an alkali substituent. Further in another example, the fuel may include iron oxide catalyst increasing the capture of SO2. 1. A fuel comprising:petroleum coke, having a sulfur content up to 5.5%;a biomass constituent;an alkali constituent adapted to capture SO2 emissions by reacting with sulfur of the petroleum coke upon burn of the fuel; and 'wherein the petroleum coke, the biomass constituent, the alkali constituent, and the iron oxide catalyst are combined to form a fuel with decreased SO2 emissions at temperatures at or above 750 C.', 'an iron oxide catalyst reducing SO2 emissions to less than 10 percent;'}2. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the fuel is in the form of one or more of a briquette claim 1 , powder claim 1 , bead claim 1 , and various agglomerates.3. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is one of limestone claim 1 , lime or sodium base alkali.4. The fuel of claim 3 , wherein the alkali constituent comprising lime is slaked.5. The fuel of claim 1 , further comprising one or more surfactants incorporated in the alkali constituent.6. The fuel of wherein the biomass constituent is wood waste.7. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the biomass constituent includes a volatile to increase combustibility of the petroleum coke.8. The fuel of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is processed to increase surface area of the alkali constituent claim 1 , wherein processing includes grinding the alkali constituent claim 1 , and wherein the increased surface area captures an increased amount of SO2.9. A fuel comprising:petroleum coke, having a sulfur content up to 5.5%;a biomass constituent to provide volatiles;an SO2 sorbent to capture SO2 emissions upon burn of the fuel; and{'sub': 2', '3', '2', '3, 'claim-text': {'sub': 2', '3, ' ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002635A1
Автор: CHEN Yi-Yi, CHEN Yu-Wei

An environmental-friendly fuel is provided which comprises 65 wt % to 95 wt % of a plurality of fine granules of recycled material mixed with 5 wt % to 35 wt % of a halogen-free flame retardant. The plurality of fine granules of recycled material are pulverized from waste polyurethane foamed material recovered from discarded objects. 1. An environmental-friendly fuel , comprising a mixture formed by 65 wt % to 95 wt % of a plurality of fine granules of pulverized waste polyurethane foamed thermoplastic material recovered from discarded objects mixed with 5 wt % to 35 wt % of a halogen-free flame retardant , the mixture being molded to form a refuse derived environmental-friendly fuel.2. The environmental-friendly fuel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mixture is molded into the refuse derived solid environmental-friendly fuel by heating the mixture claim 1 , compressing the heated mixture and injection molding.3. An environmental-friendly fuel claim 1 , comprising a mixture formed by 59 wt % to 93 wt % of a plurality of fine granules of pulverized waste polyurethane foamed thermoplastic material recovered from discarded objects claim 1 , 5 wt % to 35 wt % of a halogen-free flame retardant and 2 wt % to 6 wt % of an adhesion agent claim 1 , the mixture being molded to form a refuse derived environmental-friendly fuel.4. The environmental-friendly refuse derived fuel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the adhesion agent is an aqueous based resin. The present invention relates to an environmental-friendly fuel formed from recycled material and in particular, converts a waste foamed material into an environmental-friendly fuel so as to achieve economic benefits.Scrapped appliances containing refrigerant such as discarded refrigerators, refrigerated cabinets, air conditioners, and scrapped cars and motorcycles, have been classified as waste that should be recycled, but foamed materials are not listed as mandatory recycling items. Polyurethane (PU) material is widely used ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002780A1
Автор: PREVOST Julie

The use of one or more copolymers as a detergent additive in a liquid fuel for internal combustion engines. The copolymer includes at least one repeat unit having an ester of alkyl or alkyl ester function and a repeat unit containing a nitrile group. 1. A method for keeping clean and/or for cleaning at least one of the internal parts of an internal combustion engine , said method comprising the introduction in said internal combustion engine of at least one copolymer comprising at least one repeating unit comprising an alkyl ester or alkylester function and one repeating unit comprising a nitrile group.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is a block copolymer comprising at least:{'sub': 'a', 'one block A consisting of a chain of structural units derived from an alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m), and'}{'sub': 'b', 'one block B consisting of a chain of structural units derived from an olefinic monomer (m) comprising a nitrile group.'}3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the block copolymer is obtained by block polymerization claim 2 , optionally followed by one or more post-functionalizations.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the copolymer is obtained by copolymerization of at least:{'sub': 'a', 'one alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m), and'}{'sub': 'b', 'one olefinic monomer (m) comprising a nitrile group.'}5. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m) is chosen from Cto Calkyl (meth)acrylates.7. The method as claimed in claim 6 , wherein monomer (m) is chosen from acrylonitrile claim 6 , methacrylonitrile claim 6 , cyanostyrene and cyano-alpha-methylstyrene.8. The method as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the copolymer is a block copolymer comprising at least:{'sub': 'a', 'one block A consisting of a chain of structural units derived from the alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer (m), and'}{'sub': 1', 'b, 'one block Bconsisting of a chain of structural units derived from acrylonitrile (m), ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003100A1

Declared composition of the fuel-water emulsion and the method of treating the fuel before combustion in a developed cavitation mode are designed to reduce emissions of exhaust and greenhouse gases of internal combustion engines and boilers using diesel fuel and other types of liquid hydrocarbon fuels. 1. A method for reducing harmful and greenhouse gases emission of internal combustion engines and boiler units when using liquid fuels , characterized in that a liquid carbon fuel , before being combusted , is subjected to a physical and chemical transformation by treating thereof in a developed cavitation mode under the temperature of from 0° C. to 70° C. and pressure of from 1 to 3 atm that leads in the fuel combustion process to 100% oxidation of the fuel molecules up to carbon dioxide in a combustion chamber , to reduction of the volume of the fuel consumption for up to 10% , to increase of efficiency of the air oxygen consumption for up to 10% without increase of volumes of consumption thereof that is necessary for combustion of a fuel unit , to increase of the engine or boiler unit performance efficiency for up to 8% that , in turn , in the emission formation process leads to: reduction of a total volume of the greenhouse gases emission for up to 10% during performing a unit of work that is performed by the non-treated fuel and generates 100% of the emission volume; reduction of the concentration of carbon oxide , sulfur dioxide , polycarbonates , solid particles for up to 0%; reduction of nitrogen oxides for up to 30-60% in exhaust and flue gases of internal combustion engines and boiler units.2. A water-fuel emulsion that consists of a liquid fuel and an aqueous suspension that is characterized in that the suspension consists of mineral iron compounds with a concentration of from 0.0001% to 0.1% , wherein the suspension volume is 0.5-40% of the fuel volume.3. A method for reducing harmful and greenhouse gases emission of internal combustion engines and boiler ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009166A1

Described herein are fuel modifiers for natural gas reciprocating engines, while recognizing the application of the inventions herein may be applied more broadly, to other natural gas-based engine systems. The fuel modifiers are primarily free-radical initiators, and the presence of this fuel modifier allows the engine operator to operate the engine under leaner conditions because, while employing the same ignition energy, more free-radicals are formed, thus overcoming the problems associated with dilution of the pool of free-radicals in the flame. 1. A modified fuel , comprising a base fuel and a fuel modifier selected from the group consisting of azo compounds , dialkylsulfides , alkyl sulfones , nitroalkyls , peroxygens , and hydrocarbons which contain symmetrically substituted carbon-carbon bonds where that bond is relatively weak.2. The modified fuel of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel is natural gas.3. The modified fuel of claim 2 , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from the group consisting of azo compounds having a molecular weight of between 80 and 500 g/mol claim 2 , and a decomposition temperature between 80 and 300° C.5. The modified fuel of claim 4 , wherein the fuel modifier is azobisisobutylnitrile.7. The modified fuel of claim 6 , wherein the fuel modifier is dismethylsulfide.9. The modified fuel of claim 8 , wherein the fuel modifier is dismethylsulfone.11. The modified fuel of claim 10 , wherein the fuel modifier is nitromethane.13. The modified fuel of claim 12 , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from the group consisting of linear and branched C-Calkyl peroxides.14. The modified fuel of claim 13 , wherein the fuel modifier is di-tert-butyl peroxide.15. The modified fuel of claim 13 , wherein the fuel modifier is dimethoxymethane.16. The modified fuel of claim 2 , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from the group represented by the formula below:{'br': None, 'sub': 13', '14', '12', '14', '12', '13, 'R—C(R, R)—C(R, R, R)'}{'sub': 12', '13 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Formulation of a new diesel fuel suitable for diesel engines

Номер: US20170009168A1
Автор: Rosario Rocco Tulino
Принадлежит: Tulino Research and Partners Ltd

The new fuel conceived for diesel engines is formulated using one part of standard diesel fuel and two groups of components with different characteristic rating. The first group is composed by reformulated chemicals, while the second group in made by a blend of vegetal oils properly balanced. The fuel obtained with this formulation has a better thermodynamic performance and allows an appreciable reduction of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and particulate matter (PT) output which are, respectively, approximately 50% and 60% lower

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Processes for Production of Fuel and Fuel Blends

Номер: US20170015919A1

Systems and processes for the production of fuel and fuel blends involve the production of fuels for blending with one or more alcohols such as ethanol and/or butanol. A method for producing a fuel blend includes blending a light distillate product from an oil refinery with butanol. The fuel blending can be at the oil refinery. 118-. (canceled)19. A method for producing a blended gasoline , comprising:(a) operating an oil refinery to produce a light distillate product from crude oil; and(b) blending the light distillate product with an amount of butanol to produce a butanol blended gasoline,wherein the light distillate product includes an amount of a light naphtha product comprising pentane, butane, or a mixture thereof, the amount of the light naphtha product being greater than any amount of light naphtha product included in a different light distillate product which is an automotive-grade gasoline free of bioalcohol fuel or which is for blending with an amount of ethanol to produce an automotive-grade blended gasoline.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the light distillate product comprises gasoline.21. The method of claim 19 , wherein the butanol comprises isobutanol.22. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of butanol that is blended with the light distillate product is at least about 10 vol % of the butanol blended gasoline.23. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of butanol that is blended with the light distillate product is from about 10 vol % to about 16 vol % of the butanol blended gasoline.24. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of butanol that is blended with the light distillate product is from about 16 vol % to about 24 vol % of the butanol blended gasoline.25. The method of claim 19 , wherein the amount of ethanol that is blended with the light distillate product for producing the automotive-grade blended gasoline is not more than about 10 vol % of the automotive-grade blended gasoline.26. The method of claim 19 , wherein the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017246A1

PURPOSE: The present invention provides a fuel oil which emits a reduced amount of exhaust gas such as NOX and THC and is used in an internal-combustion engine comprising a combustion chamber which is adapted so that a fuel oil and gas comprising 65% by volume or more of oxygen are subjected to combustion in the combustion chamber. 1. A fuel oil for an internal-combustion engine comprising a combustion chamber which is adapted so that the fuel oil and gas comprising 65% by volume or more of oxygen are subjected to combustion in the combustion chamber , wherein the fuel oil meets at least one of the following requirements (1) to (7):(1) the fuel oil comprises 60% by volume or more of a hydrocarbon oil, wherein an amount of saturated hydrocarbons is 30% by volume or more relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil, an amount of olefinic hydrocarbons is 35% by volume or less relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil and an amount of aromatic hydrocarbons is 50% by volume or less relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil;(2) the fuel oil comprises 60% by volume or more of a hydrocarbon oil, wherein an amount of saturated hydrocarbons is 30% by volume or more relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil, an amount of olefinic hydrocarbons is 40% by volume or less relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil and an amount of aromatic hydrocarbons is 50% by volume or less relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil; and the fuel oil has an initial boiling point of 21 to 80 degrees C., a 10% by volume distillation temperature of 35 to 90 degrees C., a 90% by volume distillation temperature of 100 to 190 degrees C. and a final boiling point of 130 to 230 degrees C.;(3) the fuel oil comprises 60% by volume or more of a hydrocarbon oil, wherein an amount of saturated hydrocarbons is 15% by volume or more relative to the total volume of the hydrocarbon oil, an amount of olefinic hydrocarbons is 35% by volume or less relative to ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Associative polymers and related compositions, methods and systems

Номер: US20190016859A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140101989A1

The invention relates to a device of producing low-sulfur high-octane-number gasoline with low cost and method thereof, the device is composed of an extractor, a first cutting column, an etherification device, a hydrogenation desulfurizer, a reforming pretreatment device, a second cutting column, an isomerization device, a reformer and a stabilizing device. Sulfur in raw material is enriched in extracted oil by introducing extractor in the invention, thereby reducing the scale of hydrogenation desulfurization device. The scale of reformer is increased by delivering heavy raffinate obtained from the first cutting column in the reformer. Benzene extractor and corresponding fractionation device are saved by adjusting the cutting temperature in the second cutting column, thereby greatly lowering investment and energy consumption, and increasing the gasoline yield. The investment of reformer is reduced, while the liquid yield is increased by introducing the reforming patent technology. The sulfur content in gasoline products is lowered to 10 ppm by selecting the device and method. The device and method have obvious advantages in investment, hydrogenation scale, product cleanliness, quality, etc. 1. A device for the low-cost production of a low-sulphur , high-octane gasoline , characterized in that it comprises an extraction device , a first cutting column , an etherification device , a hydrofinishing desulfurization device , a reforming pretreatment device , a second cutting column , an isomerization device , a reforming device and a stabilizing device; the top of the extraction device is connected with the middle portion of the first cutting column through pipelines; the top of the first cutting column is connected with the etherification device through pipelines; the etherification device is connected with a methanol supplying device; a gasoline product is withdrawn from the etherification device through pipelines; the bottom of the extraction device is connected with ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

A multicomponent diesel composition

Номер: US20200017785A1
Принадлежит: Neste Oyj

The invention discloses novel diesel fuel compositions including a renewable paraffinic diesel component, a fossil diesel component and an oxygenate component, as well as methods for manufacture and use of a combination of a renewable paraffinic diesel component, and an oxygenate component for reducing NOx emissions.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022438A1

The present invention relates to methods of fueling an internal combustion engine, and composition, that provide improved nitrogen-free detergency in the engine, particularly in the area of injector deposit control. The present invention also provides methods of providing both improved detergency and improved corrosion inhibition, while avoiding compatibility problems with fuels and/or while limiting the amount of nitrogen delivered to the fuel from the deposit control additive. 1. A fuel composition comprising:(a) a fuel; (i) hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydrides;', '(ii) hydrolyzed hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydrides; or', '(iii) combinations thereof; and, '(b) a nitrogen-free additive comprising at least one of'}(c) at least one nitrogen-containing dispersant.2. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein said nitrogen-free additive comprises (b) hydrolyzed hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydrides.3. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the substituted hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbyl substituted acylating agent with di-acid functionality.4. The fuel composition of claim 3 , wherein the hydrocarbyl group of the substituted acylating agent is derived from a hydrocarbon which has a number average molecular weight (M) of at least about 300.5. The fuel composition of claim 3 , wherein the hydrocarbyl group of the substituted acylating agent comprises a polyisobutylene group.6. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein said nitrogen-containing dispersant comprises a succinimide dispersant.7. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein said nitrogen-containing dispersant comprises a Mannich base.8. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein said nitrogen-containing dispersant comprises a quaternary salt.9. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the fuel composition comprises less than 5 claim 1 ,000 ppm of said nitrogen-containing dispersant.10. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the fuel composition comprises diesel fuel claim 1 , biodiesel or ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024001A1
Автор: McDuff Patrick

Provided herein are biodiesel fuel mixtures having improved properties for reducing NOx emissions as well as total particular matter emissions, CO emissions, and total hydrocarbon emissions. 1. A biodiesel fuel mixture composition comprisinga) 12-15 wt. % of a first biodiesel fuel;b) 6-8 wt. % of a second biodiesel fuel;c) 79-81 wt. % of a base petroleum diesel fuel; andd) from 1000 to 3500 ppm 2-ethylhexyl nitrate,wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture has a cetane number of 45 to 70.2. The biodiesel fuel mixture of comprisinga) 13 wt. % of a first biodiesel fuel;b) 7 wt. % of a second biodiesel fuel; andc) 80 wt. % of a base petroleum diesel fuel.3. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture has a cetane number of 45 to 65.49-. (canceled)10. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises 25% or less of aromatics by volume.1115-. (canceled)16. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises less than 7% polycyclic aromatics by weight.17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of total aromatics to polycyclic aromatics in the mixture is 5:1.20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of total aromatics to polycyclic aromatics in the mixture is 2:1.23. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the sulfur content is less than 15 ppm.2426-. (canceled)27. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogen content is from 0 ppm to about 800 ppm.2830-. (canceled)31. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the fatty acid methyl ester content is 19 to 21%.32. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity at 40° C. is 1.9 to 4.1 centistokes.33. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the 2-ethylhexyl nitrate is present in an amount of 1000 claim 1 , 1500 claim 1 , 2000 claim 1 , 2500 claim 1 , 3000 claim 1 , or 3300 ppm.34. The biodiesel fuel mixture ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024533A1

A quaternary ammonium salt of formula (I): (I) where in X is a linking group; Y is O, NH or NRwherein Ris H or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; Q is a moiety that includes a quaternary ammoniumcation; A is an anion; Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group; Ris hydrogen or an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group; and n is 0 or a positive integer; provided that n is not 0 when Ris hydrogen. 1. (canceled)3. (canceled)5. The salt claim 2 , composition according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:(a) a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof; with{'sup': 3', '2, 'sub': 'n', '(b) an alcohol of formula R(OR)OH;'}(c) a reactive alcohol or amine including a tertiary amino group; and(d) a quaternising agent.6. The composition according to wherein X is an optionally substituted alkylene or arylene and Ris an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group.7. The composition according to wherein n is 0 and Ris an optionally substituted alkyl or alkenyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms.8. The composition according to wherein each Ris ethylene or propylene.9. The composition according to wherein Ris hydrogen and n is at least 1.10. The composition according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkyl group having 4 to 40 carbon atoms and n is from 1 to 40.12. The composition according to wherein Ris an optionally substituted alkylene group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms claim 11 , Ris Cto Calkyl claim 11 , Ris Cto Calkyl and Ris an unsubstituted Cto Calkyl group or a hydroxy substituted Cto Calkyl group.13. The composition according to wherein A is a carboxylate anion.14. (canceled)15. The composition according to wherein the quaternary ammonium salt additive is prepared by reacting:(a) an optionally substituted succinic acid or anhydride thereof;{'sup': 2', '3, 'sub': 'n', '(b) an alcohol of formula H(OR)OH or ROH;'}(c) a reactive alcohol including a tertiary amino group; and(d) a quaternising agent.16. ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024540A1
Автор: MIYAMOTO Kiyohide

To provide a lubricating oil additive, a lubricating oil, a grease composition, a fuel oil additive, a fuel oil, and an oil sludge suppression method, which are capable of effectively suppressing oil sludge in the lubricating oil. The lubricating oil additive for suppressing oil sludge contains titanium dioxide particles as an active ingredient. 128-. (canceled)29. A method of suppressing oil sludge of a lubricating oil by adding a lubricating oil additive , whereinthe lubricating oil additive contains, as an active ingredient, titanium dioxide particles on which coating treatment is not carried out,the titanium dioxide particles are anatase type titanium dioxide particles, andthe content of the titanium dioxide particles in lubricating oil is 0.005 wt % or more and less than 0.3 wt %.30. The method according to claim 29 , wherein the titanium dioxide particles are nanoparticles having an average particle size of 1 nm to 300 nm.31. The method according to claim 29 , wherein the titanium dioxide particles have the photocatalytic function.32. The method according to claim 29 , wherein the lubricating oil additive further contains oil.33. The method according to claim 32 , wherein the lubricating oil additive is given as a composition mixed with oil and containing 0.1 to 5 wt % of the titanium dioxide particles.34. The method according to claim 29 , the method being effective in additionally improving fuel consumption.35. The method according to claim 29 , the method being effective in additionally suppressing mechanical vibration.36. A method of suppressing oil sludge of a fuel oil by adding a fuel oil additive claim 29 , whereinthe fuel oil additive contains, as an active ingredient, titanium dioxide particles on which coating treatment is not carried out, andthe titanium dioxide particles are anatase type titanium dioxide particles.37. The method according to claim 36 , wherein the fuel oil additive is used in a state of adding 0.00001 wt % or more and less than 0. ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Inhibition of Spontaneous Combustion in Low-Rank Coals

Номер: US20150033619A1

A method for treating coal to reduce spontaneous combustion by reducing an exothermic heat of adsorption after the coal has begun to dry and when the coal is subsequently exposed to a liquid water is described. A source of a fluid pressure of a diluted hydrocarbon mixture is provided. A hydrocarbon in the mixture is a hydrocarbon emulsion of mineral when the coal is subsequently exposed to a liquid water oil, fuel oil, asphalt, or coal tar emulsions. A volume of the diluted hydrocarbon mixture is applied to a stream of freshly-mined and undried coal to provide a water-proofing of the coal to prevent water uptake after exposure to precipitation or flooding during transport and storage of the coal. The treated coal is loaded into a bulk pile. A temperature change trend in the bulk pile is reversed wherein a temperature of the bulk pile trends towards an ambient temperature rather than trending to a temperature higher than the ambient temperature. 1. A method for treating coal to reduce spontaneous combustion by reducing an exothermic heat of adsorption after the coal has begun to dry and when the coal is subsequently exposed to a liquid water comprising the steps of:providing a source of a fluid pressure of a hydrocarbon; andapplying the hydrocarbon to a stream of coal.2. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon emulsion.3. The method of wherein a low-level amount of the hydrocarbon emulsion is applied to the coal as a percentage of a weight of the coal.4. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon emulsion is selected from the group consisting of: mineral oil claim 3 , fuel oil claim 3 , asphalt claim 3 , and coal tar emulsions.5. The method of wherein the coal is freshly-mined and un-dried.6. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon emulsion reduces self-heating of the coal caused by exothermic heat of absorption.7. A method for treating coal to reduce spontaneous combustion by reducing an exothermic heat of adsorption after the coal has begun to dry and when ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049173A1
Автор: McDuff Patrick

Provided herein are biodiesel fuel mixtures having improved properties for reducing NOx emissions as well as total particular matter emissions, CO emissions, and total hydrocarbon emissions. 1. A biodiesel fuel mixture composition comprising: a cetane number of 47 or greater;', 'a sulfur content of 15 ppm or less;', 'a flash point of 190° F. or greater; and', 'a fatty acid methyl ether (FAME) content of 95 volume % or greater; and, '18-21 wt. % of biodiesel, the biodiesel having between 10 wt % and 25 wt % aromatics;', '7 wt % polycyclic aromatics or less;', 'a cetane number between 45 and 60;', 'a sulfur content of 15 ppm or less;', 'a flash point of 125° F. or greater; and', 'a FAME content of 5 volume % or less; and', 'from 1000 to 3500 ppm 2-ethylhexyl nitrate,, '79-82 wt. % of a base petroleum diesel fuel, the base petroleum diesel fuel havingwherein the biodiesel fuel mixture has no negative impact on NOx emissions as compared to the base petroleum diesel fuel of an engine.2. The biofuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture decreases NOx emissions of the engine by 1 to 7%.3. The biofuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture decreases total particulate matter emissions of the engine by 20 to 25%.4. The biofuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture decreases CO emissions of the engine by 15 to 25%.5. The biofuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture decreases total hydrocarbon emissions of the engine by 15 to 25%.6. The biofuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture has a cetane number of 45 to 70.7. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 6 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture has a cetane number of 45 to 65.8. The biofuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture comprises 2-20% aromatics by volume.9. The biodiesel fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the biodiesel fuel mixture comprises less than 7% polycyclic aromatics by weight.10. The biodiesel fuel mixture of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Biodiesel fuel mixtures

Номер: US20190031968A1
Автор: Patrick McDuff
Принадлежит: Hull Partners LLC

Provided herein are biodiesel fuel mixtures having improved properties for reducing NOx emissions as well as total particular matter emissions, CO emissions, and total hydrocarbon emissions.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031972A1

A wax composition can be incorporated into a biomass mixture, such as a woody biomass mixture, for formation of pellets, such as wood fuel pellets. The addition of wax compositions with suitable amounts of n-paraffins relative to the amount of oil-in-wax can result in biomass pellets with improved properties, such as improved durability and/or reduced tendency to uptake moisture during storage. Addition of a suitable wax composition can also allow for formation of biomass pellets with improved properties while also reducing or minimizing the power requirements during pellet formation. 1. A biomass pellet composition comprising 0.15 wt % to 5.0 wt % of a wax composition relative to a weight of the biomass pellet composition , the wax composition comprising n-paraffins and oil-in-wax , a weight of the n-paraffins being greater than a weight of the oil-in-wax by at least 0.10 wt % relative to the weight of the biomass pellet composition.2. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the wax composition comprises at least 1.0 wt % oil-in-wax relative to a weight of the wax composition.3. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the weight of the n-paraffins is greater than the weight of the oil-in-wax by at least 0.15 wt % relative to the weight of the biomass pellet composition.4. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the biomass comprises woody biomass claim 1 , grassy biomass claim 1 , residual agricultural biomass claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the biomass pellet composition comprises a surface wax concentration that differs from an interior wax concentration by less than 60 wt % relative to the surface wax concentration.6. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the wax composition comprises a particle size of at least 4.0 μm.7. The biomass pellet composition of claim 1 , wherein the biomass pellet composition comprises a pellet durability index of at least 97.0 ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037335A1
Автор: MITCHELL James Brian

The invention relates to a material consisting of a preparation made from a mixture of ferrocene and an inert flameproof material such as plaster, the material being presented in the form of granules and being suitable for spreading over a hydrocarbon fire in a simple and rapid manner such that, under the effect of the heat from the fire, the ferrocene contained in the granulated material is diffused progressively and homogeneously in a vapour phase over the base of the flames, so as to optimise the combustion of the hydrocarbon and to reduce the emission of smoke and unwanted particles. 1. Granule of material comprising a preparation made from a homogeneous mixture of an organometallic compound and of an inert flameproof material (FPM) , wherein said material is porous and its greatest dimension is between 10 and 30 mm.2. Granule of material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said organometallic compound is a set of particles (F) of ferrocene (F) and/or of a derivative of ferrocene.3. Granule of material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said inert flameproof material (FPM) is plaster or fireclay.4. Granule of material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ferrocene content is between 10 and 30 percent of the total material present in said preparation.52. Granule of material as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said granule (P) is hollow and that its density is such that it floats on the surface of an oil or of a hydrocarbon.6. Granule of material as claimed in wherein it has a spherical claim 1 , elliptical claim 1 , rectangular claim 1 , square shape claim 1 , or the shape of a chip. The invention relates to the field of the combustion of hydrocarbons. More particularly, the invention relates to the reduction of smoke coming from the combustion of hydrocarbons and the reduction of unwanted combustion products.In the case of poor combustion of a hydrocarbon and when there is sufficient oxygen to guarantee complete combustion, the product of the combustion is broken down into ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040141A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms. 2. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , having a weight averaged molecular weight equal to or lower than about 2 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000 g/mol.3. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , having a weight averaged molecular weight 400 claim 1 ,000 Подробнее

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040275A1
Принадлежит: Swift Fuels, LLC

Described are preferred compositions for a motor fuel. Such motor fuels may be particularly well suited for use in the motor of an aircraft. In particular, compositions of the present disclosure may comprise 50-75 wt % isooctane/alkylates, 20-40 wt % ETBE, 0-3 wt % isobutane, and 0-5 wt % aromatics. The present disclosure describes a full spectrum of unleaded fuels with various motor octane (MON) values. 1. A piston engine fuel formulation comprising:{'sub': 4', '12, '50 to 80 wt % C-Calkylates;'}20 to 40 wt % ETBE; andisobutane in an amount up to about 3 wt %;{'sub': 6', '12, 'said fuel formulation being substantially free of C-Caromatic hydrocarbons and being free of lead-containing constituents, said fuel formulation having a MON of at least 96.'}2. The fuel formulation of consisting essentially of:{'sub': 4', '12, '57 to 80 wt % C-Calkylates;'}20 to 40 wt % ETBE; andisobutane in an up to 3 wt %.3. A piston engine fuel formulation comprising:58 to 78 wt % isooctane;20 to 40 wt % ETBE; and2 wt % isobutane,{'sub': 6', '12, 'said fuel formulation being substantially free of C-Caromatic hydrocarbons and being free of lead-containing constituents, said fuel formulation having a MON of at least 96.'}4. The fuel formulation of consisting essentially of:58 to 78 wt % isooctane;20 to 40 wt % ETBE; and2 wt % isobutane.5. The fuel formulation of consisting of:58 to 78 wt % isooctane;20 to 40 wt % ETBE; and2 wt % isobutane.7. The fuel formulation of consisting essentially of:58 wt % isooctane;40 wt % ETBE; and2 wt % isobutane.8. The fuel formulation of consisting of:58 wt % isooctane;40 wt % ETBE; and2 wt % isobutane. The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/024,028, filed Jul. 14, 2014, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to lead-free piston engine fuels (unleaded avgas) comprising aliphatic hydrocarbon components, typically including lower boiling Cto Calkanes, alkenes, ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Hybrid Fuel and Method of Making the Same

Номер: US20150047252A1
Автор: Goerz, JR. David

A hybrid fuel and methods of making the same. A process for making a hybrid fuel includes the steps of combining a biofuel emulsion blend and a liquid fuel product to form a hybrid fuel. Optionally, the hybrid fuel can be combined with water in a water-in-oil process and include oxygenate additives and additive packages. A hybrid fuel includes blends of biofuel emulsions and liquid fuel products, including light gas diesel. Optionally, the hybrid fuel can include water, oxygenate additives, and other additive packages. 1introducing a first reactant to a reactor, wherein the first reactant comprises one or more light gases;exposing the first reactant to non-thermal plasma under conditions sufficient to reform the first reactant to form syngas and to generate free radicals and energetic electrons;introducing a first liquid feed fuel to the reactor; andintimately contacting the reaction products from the exposure of the first reactant to non-thermal plasma with the first liquid feed fuel in the reactor to produce a modified liquid fuel.. A hybrid fuel prepared from a process that comprises: This application claims the benefit, and priority benefit, of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/794,115, filed Mar. 15, 2013, titled “Hybrid Fuel and Method of Making Same,” the disclosure of which is incorporated herein in its entirety.This invention generally relates to the formulation and production of hybrid fuels, and, more specifically, to techniques for the production of liquid fuels, including mineral-, plant-, and animal-based hydrocarbons.Transportable liquids are important commodities for fuel and chemical use. Currently, liquid hydrocarbons are mostly frequently produced from crude oil-based feedstocks by a variety of processes. However, as the world supplies of crude oil feedstocks decrease, there is a growing need to find alternative sources of liquid energy products. Possible alternate sources include biomass, coal and natural gas. Methane, which is the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046875A1

A method for magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic treatment of fluids consisting of three separate phases that are spatially and temporally decoupled. In the first phase, a magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic field is applied to a working fluid under circulation to obtain the directly ionized fluid. In the second phase, the directly ionized fluid is used as an ionizer or an ionizing agent for ionizing indirectly the normal non-ionized fluid by mixing the directly ionized fluid and normal non-ionized fluid in accordance with a predetermined mixing ratio and mixing method between the directly ionized fluid and normal non-ionized fluid. In the third phase, the resultant mixed or indirectly-ionized fluid is used in the proper application directly or stored in a storage tank for later use. 139-. (canceled)40. A method and apparatus for magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic treatment of fluids comprising three spatially and temporally decoupled phases:i.) the treatment phase, wherein directly magnetized fluid is produced in this phase by applying a direct magnetic/electrostatic/electromagnetic field to a normal non-ionized fluid while the fluid is in circulation according to a treatment method;ii) the mixing phase, wherein the mixed or indirectly magnetized fluid is produced in this phase by mixing the directly magnetized fluid produced from the treatment phase, and another/same normal non-magnetized fluid according to a predetermined mixing ratio and mixing method; andiii) the usage phase, wherein the indirectly-ionized fluid produced in the mixing phase can be used immediately in the proper application or can be stored and/or transported for later use.41. A method for the production of the directly magnetized fluid in the treatment phase according to claim 40 , the method comprising:a) a first fluid tank containing a first normal non-ionized fluid;b) a second fluid tank containing a second directly ionized fluid, wherein the second directly ionized fluid is ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047591A1

A fuel composition contains a liquid fuel and a specific amount of nano-sized zinc oxide particles and a surfactant that does not contain sulfur atoms. The nano-sized zinc oxide particles can be used to either improve combustion or increase catalytic chemical oxidation of fuel. 1. A fuel composition having reduced nitrogen oxides emissions from an exhaust comprising:a hydrocarbon fuel;suspended within the hydrocarbon fuel from about 5 ppm to about 60 ppm of nano-sized zinc oxide particles to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions by at least about 30% by weight from exhaust as compared to corresponding emissions from use of the same fuel composition without inclusion of the nano-sized zinc oxide particles, wherein at least about 95% by weight of the nano-sized zinc oxide particles having a size from about 1 nm to about 50 nm; andfrom about 0.001% to about 0.5% by weight of a surfactant that does not contain sulfur atoms.2. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the nano-sized metal particles or the nano-sized metal oxide particles or combinations thereof have a surface area from about 50 m/g to about 1 claim 1 ,000 m/g.3. The fuel composition of comprising from about 7.5 ppm to about 50 ppm of nano-sized zinc oxide particles.4. The fuel composition of comprising from about 10 ppm to about 30 ppm of nano-sized zinc oxide particles.5. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein at least about 95% by weight of the nano-sized zinc oxide particles having a size from about 1.5 nm to about 50 nm.6. The fuel composition of comprising nano-sized zinc oxide particles having a substantially spherical shape.7. The fuel composition of comprising from about 0.01% to about 0.1% by weight of the surfactant.8. The fuel composition of having a higher RON claim 1 , MON claim 1 , and/or CN than a RON claim 1 , MON claim 1 , and/or CN for a second fuel composition comprising the hydrocarbon fuel but without the nano-sized zinc oxide particles.9. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045408A1
Автор: Comrie Douglas C.

Sorbent components containing halogen, calcium, alumina, and silica are used in combination during coal combustion to produce environmental benefits. Sorbents such as calcium bromide are added to the coal ahead of combustion and other components are added into the flame or downstream of the flame, preferably at minimum temperatures to assure complete formation of the refractory structures that result in various advantages of the methods. When used together, the components 1. A method of combusting coal to reduce the amount of mercury released into the environment from a coal burning facility , comprisingcombusting the coal to produce heat energy, fly ash, and flue gas;injecting a mercury sorbent comprising halogen into the flue gas where the temperature is higher than 500° C.; andadding a powder sorbent to the coal before combustion or injecting a powder sorbent into the furnace while the coal is combusting,wherein the powder sorbent comprises a source of calcium, alumina, and silica.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising injecting the mercury sorbent where the temperature is higher than 1000° C.3. The method according to claim 1 , comprising injecting the mercury sorbent where the temperature is 1500-2200° F.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising injecting the mercury sorbent where the temperature is 2400-2600° F.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprising injecting the mercury sorbent where the temperature is 3000-3300° F.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mercury sorbent comprises a bromine compound.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mercury sorbent comprises an iodine compound.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the powder sorbent comprises an aluminosilicate material.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the powder sorbent comprises cement kiln dust.10. The method according to claim 1 , comprising adding the powder sorbent to the coal before combustion.11. The method according to claim 1 , ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Water for Emulsifying Oil, Method of Manufacturing Water for Emulsifying Oil, and Method and Apparatus for Emulsifying Oil

Номер: US20150052801A1

A liquid can be used for emulsifying oil. The liquid includes water, a first additive within the water and a second additive within the water. The first additive includes a metal hydride, where a negative hydrogen ion (H) is bound to the metal hydride. The second additive includes a hydroxide, a second type of metal hydride with a negative hydrogen ion (H) bound thereto, a hydride, a mineral, hydrogen gas, or a metal within the water. 132-. (canceled)33. A liquid used for emulsifying oil , the liquid comprising:water;{'sup': '−', 'a first additive within the water, the first additive comprising a metal hydride, wherein a negative hydrogen ion (H) is bound to the metal hydride; and'}{'sup': '−', 'a second additive within the water, the second additive comprising an additive selected from the group consisting of a hydroxide, a second type of metal hydride with a negative hydrogen ion (H) bound thereto, a hydride, a mineral, hydrogen gas, and a metal.'}34. The liquid according to claim 33 , wherein the liquid comprises:the water; and{'sup': '−', 'a combination of the metal hydride and the hydroxide within the water, wherein a negative hydrogen ion (H) is bound to the metal hydride.'}35. The liquid according to claim 34 , wherein the combination of the metal hydride and the hydroxide comprises any of a combination of MgHand Ca(OH) claim 34 , a combination of CaHand Mg(OH) claim 34 , or a combination of MgHand Na(OH).36. The liquid according to claim 33 , wherein the liquid comprises:the water; and{'sup': −', '−, 'a combination of the metal hydride and the second type of metal hydride within the water, wherein a negative hydrogen ion (H) is bound to the metal hydride and wherein a negative hydrogen ion (H) is bound to the second type of metal hydride.'}37. The liquid according to claim 36 , wherein the combination of the metal hydride and the second type of metal hydride comprises CaHand MgH.38. The liquid according to claim 33 , wherein the liquid comprises:the water; ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054298A1

This disclosure relates to compositions and methods of making an additized fuel composition comprising a base fuel composition and a randomly branched nitrate composition. The randomly branched nitrate composition includes a plurality of primary nitrate molecules, each molecule therein having an empirical chemical formula of CnNO3, wherein Cn is a branched aliphatic moiety which may be the same or different for each molecule, n is an integer selected from the group consisting of 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, at least one carbon atom in the branched aliphatic moiety being bound to three or more carbon atoms, a branching index ranging from 1.8 to 2.2, and greater than 80% of the branches in the aliphatic moiety being in other than the alpha position. The additized fuel composition may be diesel fuel composition or a gasoline fuel composition. Such randomly branched nitrate composition may be more stable, and thus safer to handle than 2-ethylhexylnitrate and may have a lower overall nitrogen content, leading to lower NOx emissions upon combustion in diesel and gasoline fuel compositions. 1. An additized fuel composition comprising:a base fuel composition, and{'sub': n', '3', 'n, 'a randomly branched nitrate composition comprising a plurality of primary nitrate molecules, each molecule therein having an empirical chemical formula of CNO, wherein Cis a branched aliphatic moiety which may be the same or different for each molecule, n is an integer selected from the group consisting of 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, at least one carbon atom in the branched aliphatic moiety being bound to three or more carbon atoms, a branching index ranging from 1.8 to 2.2, and greater than 80% of the branches in the aliphatic moiety being in other than the alpha position; and'}wherein the additized fuel composition is a diesel fuel composition or a gasoline fuel composition.2. The fuel composition as in claim 1 , wherein the additized fuel composition is a diesel fuel composition further comprising a ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051220A1
Принадлежит: Swift Fuels, LLC

Disclosed herein are motor fuels providing enhanced properties for use with 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. The fuels comprise isooctane, alkylate, mesitylene, isopentane and butane, and optionally a special lube oil premixed in solution. 1) 4-stroke fuel comprising Isooctane (40-65%) , Alkylate (15-30%) , Mesitylene (0-15%) , Isopentane (10-20%) and Butane (0-5%).2) A 2-stroke fuel taking the compositions in plus up to 2% w/w % special lub oil premixed in solution.3) and with a fragrance enhancing additive and/or a color dye. Spark-ignited internal combustion engines come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and are widely used for automotive engines (as distinguished from jet-fuel turbine engines or diesel engines). There is a growing market of smaller combustion engines, notable 2-stroke (or 2-cycle) and 4-stroke (4-cycle) engines that are used in variety of portable machines including chain saws, lawnmowers, edgers, pumps, dirt bikes, outboard motors, motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles, gas-powered fans, generators, handheld blowers, motor scooters, 4-wheelers, radio-controlled models, ultra-light airplanes and piston-powered unmanned aviation vehicles.The 2-stroke variety of engines is generally considered to require lubricating oil in the combustion chamber, but often smokes (so called blue smoke) and emits other forms of pollution which can irritate the user of a handheld application such as a chainsaw, and generally be a nuisance. The 4-stoke variety are generally larger engines which do not require a lubricant, but nevertheless may emit various pollutants depending upon the choice of fuel.The availability of gasoline to power 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines has evolved over the years. Auto gasoline is now largely tailored to include ethanol, a water soluble fuel, which is generally not desirable for 2- or 4-stroke engines as it can rust the fuel system, damage parts or cause rough-idle knocking. Auto gasoline also has vapor pressure requirements which may not ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Cerium oxide containing nanoparticles

Номер: US20150059236A1
Принадлежит: Cerion LLC

A process for making cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles includes providing an aqueous reaction mixture containing a source of cerous ion, optionally a source of one or more metal ions (M) other than cerium, a source of hydroxide ion, at least one monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizer wherein the molar ratio of said monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizers to cerous ions is greater than 0.2, and an oxidant. The cerous ion is oxidized to ceric ion, thereby forming a product dispersion of cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles CeO 2-δ , wherein δ has a value of about 0.0 to about 0.5. The nanoparticles may have a mean hydrodynamic diameter from about 1 nm to about 50 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 45 nm.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059237A1

A process for making cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles includes providing an aqueous reaction mixture containing a source of cerous ion, optionally a source of one or more metal ions (M) other than cerium, a source of hydroxide ion, at least one monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizer wherein the molar ratio of said monoether carboxylic acid nanoparticle stabilizers to total metal ions is greater than 0.2, and an oxidant. The cerous ion is oxidized to ceric ion, thereby forming a product dispersion of cerium-containing oxide nanoparticles, optionally containing one or more metal ions (M), CeMO, wherein x has a value from about 0.001 to about 0.95 and δ has a value of about 0.0 to about 0.5. The nanoparticles may have a mean hydrodynamic diameter from about 1 nm to about 50 nm, and a geometric diameter of less than about 45 nm. 1. A method for making a dispersion of cerium oxide nanoparticles that include at least one other metal , comprising: i) a source of cerous ion and a source of one or more metal ions other than cerium;', 'ii) a source of hydroxide ion;', 'iii) at least one monoether carboxylic acid, wherein the molar ratio of said monoether carboxylic acid to total metal ions is greater than 0.2; and', 'iv) an oxidant;, 'a) forming an aqueous reaction mixture comprisingb) oxidizing the cerous ion to ceric ion; and{'sub': 1-x', 'x', '2-δ, 'c) thereby forming in the reaction mixture a dispersion of metal-containing cerium oxide nanoparticles, CeMO, wherein x has a value from about 0.001 to about 0.95; M represents said at least one other metal, and δ has a value of about 0.0 to about 0.5.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles have a mean hydrodynamic diameter of about 1 nm to about 50 nm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles have a mean hydrodynamic diameter of 1.5 to 8 nm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles have a mean hydrodynamic diameter of 2 to 4 nm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said other ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059625A1

Low emission fuel pellets are formed from fuel sources such as non-recyclable paper and plastic materials by combining sorbent(s) to the interior of the pellet as it is being formed or coating the pellet with sorbent(s) after it has been formed. The sorbent compound is a metal compound preferably formed from an alkaline or alkali earth metal or copper which will react with any acid gases and heavy metals formed during the burning of the pellets to form corresponding stable metal salts, which will remain in the ash. 1. A pelletized fuel product comprising pelletized fuel and a metal compound effective to react with HCl formed during burning of said fuel product.2. The pelletized fuel product claimed in wherein said metal compound is one of a carbonate claim 1 , hydroxide claim 1 , oxide claim 1 , bicarbonate claim 1 , or organic acid ester.3. The pelletized fuel claimed in wherein said metal is an alkali or alkaline earth metal.4. The pelletized fuel claimed in wherein said metal is strontium.5. The pelletized fuel claimed in wherein said metal is barium.6. The pelletized fuel claimed in wherein said metal compound includes at least one of Ba(OH)2 and Sr(OH)2.7. The pelletized fuel claimed in wherein said fuel is a blend of paper and plastic and said metal compound is blended with said paper and plastic.8. The pelletized fuel product claimed in wherein said fuel is a blend of paper and plastic and said metal compound is coated on said fuel product.9. The pelletized fuel product claimed in wherein said metal compound decomposes at a temperature less than 1800° F.10. The pelletized fuel product claimed in wherein said metal compound includes a metal ion which forms a metal chloride which is stable at 1400° F.11. The method of generating heat by combusting the pelletized fuel claimed in in a stoker boiler or a fluidized bed combustor.12. A method of scrubbing combustion gas comprising combusting a fuel pellet comprising a fuel source blended with a sorbent effective to ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Fuel oil composition

Номер: US20220073830A1
Принадлежит: Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd

Provided is a fuel oil composition that has a sulfur content of 0.50 mass % or less but yet has a storage stability, long-term storage stability, combustion performance, low-temperature fluidity and kinetic viscosity sufficient for use in ships. A fuel oil composition that has a sulfur content of 0.50 mass % or less, aromatic content of 50.0 to 75.0 mass %, a mass ratio of sum of paraffin and asphaltene to the sum of aromatic and resin is 0.20 to 0.80 wherein the paraffin, the asphaltene, the aromatic and the resin are measured using a TLC/FID method respectively, a CCAI is 860 or less, a kinematic viscosity (50° C.) is 10.00 to 180 0 mm2/s, and a pour point of 25.0° C. or less.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220073831A1
Автор: Hoon, JUN Kyung

The present invention relates to a combustion additive comprising a colloidal solution containing dispersed fine metal particles. The present invention also relates to a method for producing the colloid. More particularly the present teaching relates to a combustion additive having a colloid, wherein the colloid comprises metal particles providing in an alkaline aqueous solution, the metal particles being dispersed within that solution and having an average diameter in the range of 30 nm to 30 μm. The colloid can partly/fully substitute water of a water injection system or used as an air humidification component for combustion. 1. A combustion additive aqueous colloidal solution having:a pH of 8.0 to 12.5,a Total Dissolved Solid, TDS, value in the range of 1500 to 3500 ppm,an average particle size of 30 nm to 30 μm,sodium constituent having a concentration of 1500 to 3000 mg/L, andother metal constituents having a total concentration of 0.5 to 200 mg/L.2. The combustion additive colloidal solution of having claim 1 , when measured at 20° C.:a DC conductivity of 5 to 13 mS/cm anda surface tension of 50 to 70 mN/m.3. The combustion additive colloidal solution of further comprising an ammonia/ammonium constituent having a concentration of 3 to 10 mg/L at 20° C.4. A combustion additive mixture comprising the colloidal solution of mixed with at least one of:water;water miscible solvents;hydrogen peroxide; orsodium percarbonate.5. A method of water injection/air humidification for combustion claim 1 , wherein water is at least partially substituted by the colloidal solution of .6. A method of forming the colloidal solution claim 1 , the method comprising:providing an alkaline aqueous starting solution in an electrolysis bath, the electrolysis bath comprising a plurality of stainless steel electrodes, andeluting metal elements from the one or more of the plurality of electrodes using electrolysis to form the colloidal solution.7. The method of wherein the starting solution ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074358A1

Separation of carbon dioxide from the exhaust of an internal combustion engine, the production of hydrogen from water, and reformation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen into relatively high-octane fuel components. 1. An internal combustion engine comprising:an engine control system in communication with said engine that detects and evaluates the presence of engine knock;a carbon dioxide separator to separate carbon dioxide from internal combustion engine exhaust;a condenser and electrolyzer to separate water from said engine exhaust and provide hydrogen;a reformer that converts said separated carbon dioxide and hydrogen into one or more high octane fuel components;wherein said engine control system is configured to introduce said one or more high octane fuel components into said engine upon determination that said engine requires said one or more components to mitigate and/or prevent engine knock.2. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said carbon dioxide separator comprises a substrate layer of inorganic oxides claim 1 , a barrier layer of in-situ LiZrO claim 1 , a LiZrOsorbent layer and an inorganic oxide cap layer.3. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein reformer converts said separated carbon dioxide and hydrogen into a mixture of methane claim 1 , methanol and ethanol.4. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said reformer comprises a catalyst selected from Cu claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , AlOor NiGa.5. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said engine includes an intake system and said high octane components are configured to be introduced into said intake system.6. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , wherein said engine includes a fuel rail that supplies fuel injectors wherein said one or more high octane components are configured to be introduced to said fuel rail.7. The internal combustion engine of claim 1 , having fuel injectors dedicated to delivery of said one or more high octane fuel components.8. ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060559A1
Автор: Barford Eric Dennis

The present invention relates to a method of making a firelog, as well as to a firelog itself, and methods of using the firelog. The method of the present invention allows firelogs to be made that burn very cleanly. This is advantageous for the environment. Furthermore, the firelogs of the present invention can be burnt in a conventional fireplace, or in a stove. This is in contrast to the presently available firelogs which cannot be burnt in a stove. 1. A method of making a firelog , wherein the firelog comprises a fibre component , a wax component and an aqueous binder , the method comprising the steps of:(a) mixing the fibre component and the wax component together at a temperature above the drop point of the wax component;(b) simultaneously stirring and cooling the mixture of the fibre component and the wax component from step (a) to below the congealing temperature of the wax component;(c) mixing the cooled mixture of the fibre component and the wax component from step (b) with the aqueous binder; and then(d) extruding the mixture of the fibre component, the wax component and the aqueous binder from step (c) to form a firelog.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the firelog comprises 15% to 50% by weight of the fibre component claim 1 , 20% to 65% by weight of the wax component and 15% to 30% by weight of the aqueous binder.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the firelog comprises to 20% to 40% by weight of the fibre component claim 1 , 30% to 60% by weight of the wax component and 21 to 25% by weight of the aqueous binder.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the wax component comprises by weight at least 90% fully saturated compounds claim 1 , preferably wherein the wax component comprises by weight at least 95% fully saturated compounds claim 1 , more preferably wherein the wax components comprises 100% fully saturated compounds.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the fully saturated compounds are selected from the group ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058223A1

Low sulphur marine fuel compositions are provided. Embodiments comprise greater than 50 to 90 wt % of a residual hydrocarbon component comprising at least one of an atmospheric tower bottoms (ATB) residue and a vacuum tower bottoms residues (VTB), wherein the residual hydrocarbon component has a kinematic viscosity at ˜50 degrees C. of at least 100 cSt; and at least 10 and up to 50 wt % of a non-hydroprocessed hydrocarbon component comprising deasphalted oil (DAO), where the marine fuel composition has a kinematic viscosity at ˜50 degrees C. of at least 10 cSt. Embodiments of the marine fuel composition can have a sulphur content of about 0.1 wt % or less. 1. A marine fuel composition comprising:greater than 50 to 90 wt % of a residual hydrocarbon component comprising at least one of an atmospheric tower bottoms (ATB) residue and a vacuum tower bottoms residues (VTB), wherein the residual hydrocarbon component has a kinematic viscosity at ˜50 degrees C. of at least 100 cSt; andat least 10 and up to 50 wt % of a non-hydroprocessed hydrocarbon component comprising deasphalted oil (DAO);wherein the marine fuel composition has a kinematic viscosity at ˜50 degrees C. of at least 10 cSt.2. The marine fuel composition of comprising at least 10 and up to 50 wt % of deasphalted oil (DAO).3. The marine fuel composition of wherein the residual hydrocarbon component has a sulphur content of at most 0.4 wt %.4. The marine fuel composition of wherein the sulphur content of the marine fuel composition is in a range of 400 to 1000 wppm.5. The marine fuel composition of which exhibits at least one of the following:a hydrogen sulfide content of at most 2.0 mg/kg; an acid number of at most 2.5 mg KOH per gram; a sediment content of at most 0.1 wt %; a water content of at most 0.5 vol %; and an ash content of at most 0.15 wt %.6. The marine fuel composition of which has at least one of the following: a density at 15 degrees C. in a range of 0.870 to 1.010 g/cm claim 1 , a pour point of ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Fuel and fuel blend for internal combustion engine

Номер: US20220081631A1
Автор: John E. DEC, Yi Yang

A fuel or fuel blending agent for an internal combustion engine includes a ketone compound that is a C4 to C10 branched acyclic ketone, cyclopentanone, or a derivative of cyclopentanone. The ketone compound may be blended with a majority portion of a fuel selected from the group consisting of: gasoline, diesel, alcohol fuel, biofuel, renewable fuel, Fischer-Tropsch fuel, or combinations thereof. The ketone compound may be derived from biological sources. A method for powering an internal combustion engine with a fuel comprising the ketone compound is also provided.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081632A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions that can be used when the non-polar composition is in a flow, and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone with a longest span having a molecular weight that remains substantially unchanged under the flow conditions and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms. 2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , wherein the association constant is 6≤logk≤14.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , wherein the another associative functional group is presented at least one end of a different associative polymer.8. The framing associative polymer of claim 1 , wherein the framing associative polymers are formed by at least two structure units having formula [[FG-chain-[node] (I) and optionally one or more structural units having formula -node-chain]- (II) claim 1 , FG is an associative functional group (FGa);', {'br': None, 'sub': 1', 'n', '2, 'R-[A]R\u2003\u2003(III)'}, 'chain is a non-polar polymer substantially soluble in a non-polar composition, the polymer having formula, A is a chemical and in particular an organic moiety forming the monomer of the polymer;', {'sub': 1', '2', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'Rand Rare independently selected from any carbon based or organic group with one of Rand Rlinked to an FG or a node and the other one of Rand Rlinked to an FG or a ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073595A1

A method for marking a petroleum hydrocarbon or a liquid biologically derived fuel by adding to the petroleum hydrocarbon or liquid biologically derived fuel a compound having formula C{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)}{OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)}, wherein Ph represents a benzene ring, R, Rand Rindependently are C-Calkyl or C-Cheteroalkyl; R, Rand Rindependently are C-Calkyl or C-Cheteroalkyl, i, j, m, n, o and p independently are zero, one or two. Each compound having formula C{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(0R)} is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 20 ppm. 1. A method for marking a petroleum hydrocarbon or a liquid biologically derived fuel;{'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '1', '3', '5', '2', '4', '6', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6, 'sub': i', 'j', '2', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', '1', '18', '4', '18', '1', '18', '4', '18', 'i', 'j', '2', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p, 'said method comprising adding to said petroleum hydrocarbon or liquid biologically derived fuel at least one C{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)}, wherein Ph represents a benzene ring, R, Rand Rindependently are C-Calkyl or C-Cheteroalkyl; R, Rand Rindependently are C-Calkyl or C-Cheteroalkyl, i, j, m, n, o and p independently are zero, one or two; provided that (a) at least one of i and j is not zero, or (b) at least one of m and n and at least one of o and p are not zero; wherein each compound having formula C{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)} is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 20 ppm.'}2. The method of in which all R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rsubstituents collectively have a total of eight to thirty-five carbon atoms.3. The method of in which at least one of R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , R claim 2 , Rand Rhas at least three carbon atoms.4. The method of in which R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , R claim 3 , Rand Rare independently are C-Calkyl.5. The method of in which each compound having formula C{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)}{Ph(R)(OR)} is present at a level from 0.01 ppm to 10 ppm.6. The method of in which R ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073599A1

The invention relates to the use of engineered fuel feedstocks to control the emission of sulfur-based, chlorine-based, nitrogen-based, or mercury-based pollutants, such as SO, SO, HSO, NO, NO, HCl, and Hg that are generated during the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal. Disclosed are novel engineered fuel feedstocks, feedstocks produced by the described processes, methods of making the fuel feedstocks, methods of producing energy from the fuel feedstocks, and methods of generating electricity from the fuel feedstocks. 130.-. (canceled)31. A method of making an engineered fuel feedstock , comprising:processing a plastic and a sorbent to form a plastic-sorbent composition;processing the plastic-sorbent composition with a fiber to form a fiber-plastic-sorbent-composition; andprocessing the fiber-plastic-sorbent-composition to form the engineered fuel feedstock.32. The method of claim 31 , wherein the sorbent comprises a sorbent for mercury reduction.33. The method of claim 31 , wherein the sorbent comprises a sodium-based sorbent and a calcium-based sorbent.34. The method of claim 33 , wherein the sodium-based sorbent claim 33 , and the calcium-based sorbent are in an amount that is stoichiometrically about 10% to about 500% greater than the amount of a sulfur or a chlorine derived pollutant to be removed.35. The method of claim 31 , wherein the engineered fuel feedstock comprises about 10% (w/w) to about 30% (w/w) plastic and about 70% (w/w) to about 90% (w/w) fiber.36. The method of claim 31 , wherein the plastic is a mixed plastic claim 31 , and the engineered fuel feedstock comprises about 50% (w/w) to about 95% (w/w) fiber and about 5% (w/w) to about 50% (w/w) mixed plastic.37. The method of claim 31 , wherein the engineered fuel feedstock comprises about 30% (w/w) to about 71% (w/w) fiber claim 31 , about 6% (w/w) to about 38% (w/w) plastic claim 31 , and about 23% (w/w) to about 40% (w/w) sorbent.38. The method of claim 31 , wherein the engineered fuel ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071629A1

A flue gas additive is provided that includes both a nitrogenous component to reduce gas phase nitrogen oxides and a halogen-containing component to oxidize gas phase elemental mercury. 1) A method of forming a treated combustion feed material comprising:providing a combustion feed material comprising coal; andcontacting the feed material with an additive to form a treated combustion feed material, wherein the additive comprises a nitrogenous material that forms ammonia when combusted and a halogen containing material that forms a gas-phase halogen when combusted.2) The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and an amide and wherein the additive is a free flowing particulate composition having a Psize ranging from about 6 to about 20 mesh (Tyler).3) The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and an amide and wherein the nitrogenous material is supported by a particulate substrate claim 1 , the particulate substrate being one or more of the combustion feed material claim 1 , a zeolite claim 1 , a porous metal silicate material claim 1 , a clay claim 1 , an activated carbon claim 1 , char claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , flyash claim 1 , a metal claim 1 , and a metal oxide.4) The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises urea.5) The method of claim 1 , wherein a halogen in the halogen-containing material is one or more of iodine and bromine.6) The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material is encapsulated with a coating comprising one or more of a silane claim 1 , siloxane claim 1 , organosilanes claim 1 , amorphous silia to impede thermal degradation and/or decomposition of the nitrogenous material.7) The method of claim 1 , wherein the treated combustion feed material comprises from about 0.05 to about 1 wt. % of the additive with the remainder being the coal and wherein the treated combustion feed material comprises a mass ratio of nitrogen: ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Fuel Enhancement Process

Номер: US20160084500A1
Автор: Daood Syed, Nimmo William

A process for breaking hydrocarbon bonds during the combustion or heating of a particulate hydrocarbon containing fuel bound carbon and fuel bound nitrogen comprises the steps of: heating the particulate hydrocarbon with a fuel improver in a burner, the fuel improver comprising predominantly iron oxide and silicon dioxide. The proportion of fuel improver to fuel is up to 33%, by weight of particulate hydrocarbon. The particulate hydrocarbon has a particle size distribution and the fuel improver has a particle size distribution, and particles of hydrocarbon at the 90th percentile of its particle size distribution are larger than the particles of the fuel improver at the 90th percentile of its particle size distribution, and wherein the particles of fuel improver at the 10th percentile of its particle size distribution are an order of magnitude smaller than the hydrocarbon particles at the 90th percentile its particle size distribution. 2. (canceled)3. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the particle size of the particulate hydrocarbon in the 100th percentile is between 60 micron and 700 micron.4. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the particle size of the fuel improver at the 90th percentile is selected from the group comprising: not greater than 35 micron claim 1 , not greater than 32 micron claim 1 , and not greater than 25 micron.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the volume weighted mean particle size of the fuel improver particles is selected from the group comprising: not greater than 26 micron claim 1 , and not greater than 17 micron.8. (canceled)9. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the volume weighted mean particle size of the particulate hydrocarbon is 29 micron to 90 micron.10. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the surface weighted mean particle size of the fuel improver is selected from the group comprising: not greater than 9 micron claim 1 , and not greater than 6 micron.11. (canceled)12. A ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098502A1
Автор: HOU Wenhao, Tong Yan

A terahertz material for emission reduction and fuel saving of gasoline vehicles and its preparation method and application, includes the following raw materials in parts by weight: 20˜35 SiO, 3˜15 AlO, 25˜45 SiO, 15˜25 FeO, 20˜40 ochre, 0.5˜2 barium tungstate, 15˜25 CaCO, wherein a preparation methodincludes: mixing the component raw materials according to the above ratio; after crushing, performing heating to 600˜1,200° C. in an oxygen-free environment, maintaining the temperature for 3˜8 hours, and then performing crushing for the second time; and performing enhancement processing with terahertz irradiation rays at 10 mW to 100 W for 5 seconds to 1 hour to obtain a terahertz material, wherein the terahertz material improves combustion efficiency by increasing the molecular activity of gasoline and air participating in combustion work and reducing molecular groups, and has the effects of emission reduction, energy saving and improving power. 19-: (canceled)10: A composition for manufacturing a terahertz material , including the following raw materials in parts by weight: 20˜35 SiO , 3˜15 AlO , 25˜45 SiO , 15˜25 FeO , 20˜40 ochre , 0.5˜2 barium tungstate , 15˜25 CaCO , wherein SiOis made by mixing crude silicon , SiOand Binchotan in a weight ratio of 1:(3˜5):(5˜10) , and heating to 700˜1500° C. in an oxygen-free environment for 1˜8 hours to obtain a black crystal SiO.11: The composition for manufacturing a terahertz material claim 10 , as recited in claim 10 , including the following raw materials in parts by weight: 25 SiO claim 10 , 8 AlO claim 10 , 30 SiO claim 10 , 20 FeO claim 10 , 30 ochre claim 10 , 1 barium tungstate claim 10 , 20 CaCO claim 10 , wherein SiOis made by mixing crude silicon claim 10 , SiOand Binchotan in a weight ratio of 1:4:8 claim 10 , and heating to 1200° C. in an oxygen-free environment for 5 hours to obtain a black crystal SiO.12: The composition for manufacturing a terahertz material claim 10 , as recited in claim 10 , including the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098503A1

GDI deposit fluidizing additives, liquid fuel compositions including such additives and methods that improve a liquid fuel composition's GDI performance are provided. A liquid fuel composition may include a major amount of a base gasoline fuel; and 1 to 500 ppm of one or more polyether monohydroxy compounds, with the proviso that the liquid fuel composition is essentially free of fuel detergent additives. The liquid fuel composition provides at least 10% lower particulate emission as a function of time relative to a comparable liquid fuel composition not including the one or more polyether monohydroxy compounds. The GDI deposit fluidizing enhancing additive may include polyether monohydroxy compounds with the butane oxide and propene oxide in a variety of ratios and randomly distributed in the additive. 1. A liquid fuel composition for use in a gas direct injection (GDI) engine comprising:a major amount of a base gasoline fuel; and1 to 500 ppm of one or more polyether monohydroxy compounds, with the proviso that the liquid fuel composition is essentially free of fuel detergent additives, andwherein the fuel composition provides at least 10% lower particulate emission as a function of time as measured by a particle number measurement system described herein relative to a comparable liquid fuel composition not including the one or more polyether monohydroxy compounds.3. The liquid fuel composition of claim 2 , wherein the weight average molecular weight of the polyether monohydroxy compounds is from 500 to 3000.4. The liquid fuel composition of wherein Ris a linear or branched aliphatic hydrocarbyl group of 5 to 20 carbon atoms.5. The liquid fuel composition of further including about 5 wt. % to about 45 wt. % of one or more oxygen-containing compounds.6. The liquid fuel composition of claim 5 , wherein the one or more oxygen containing compounds are selected from the group consisting of methanol claim 5 , ethanol claim 5 , diethyl ether claim 5 , methyl t-butyl ether ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Diesel Fuel Composition

Номер: US20150089862A1

A diesel fuel substitute composition includes an alcohol, an acetal, and an additive comprising a component selected from the group consisting of Cdialkyl ethers, alkylated phenols, R—NO, and combinations thereof. A method for forming the diesel fuel substitute is also provided. 2. The composition of wherein the additive is an ignition enhancer.3. The composition of wherein the additive is a peroxide inhibitor.4. The composition of wherein:the alcohol having formula (1) is present in an amount from 0.01 to 90 mole percent:the acetal is present in an amount from 10 to 90 mole percent; andthe additive is present in an amount 0.01 to 10 mole percent.5. The composition of wherein the acetal is formed by reacting a polyol with the component selected from the group consisting of Caldehydes claim 1 , Cketones claim 1 , and Cdialdehydes.6. The composition of further comprising methanol.7. The composition of wherein the oxygenate functionality is OH or O═ (carbonyl) or OR (ether).8. A method comprising:{'sub': 1-5', '1-5', '1-5', '1-5, 'a) providing a first mixture of oxygenates selected from the group consisting of Calcohols, Caldehydes, Cketones, Corganic acids, and combinations thereof.'}b) separating and dehydrating oxygenated compounds from the first mixture to form a second mixture:{'sub': 1-5', '1-5, 'c) partially separating Calcohols from the second mixture to form a third mixture, the third mixture including the Calcohols;'}{'sub': 1-5', '3-5', '2-5', '2-5, 'd) synthesizing Caldehydes and/or Cketones and/or Calcohols and/or Cpolyols from a portion of the third mixture;'}{'sub': 1-5', '3-5, 'e) forming a fourth mixture including acetals from the third mixture and the Caldehydes and/or Cketones;'}f) separating acetals from the fourth mixture; and{'sub': 3-8', '2, 'g) blending an additive with the acetals, the additive comprising a component selected from the group consisting of Cdialkyl ethers, alkylated phenols, R—NO, and combinations thereof where R is a aliphatic ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180086996A1
Автор: Steiro Karl Jens

There is described a hydro-fuel composition of a water solution containing hydrogen, wherein the water solution has less than 1000 ppm total dissolved solids, and an oxidation reduction potential of less than −250 milliVolts. The hydro-fuel composition can be used in a diesel engine after the temperature of the diesel engine reaches a temperature of 80° C. to 90° C. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A process of manufacturing a hydro-fuel comprising:providing water having less than 1000 ppm total dissolved solids and an oxidation reduction potential of 200 mV or greater;supplying hydrogen gas through a porous metal member immersed in the water while monitoring the oxidation reduction potential of the water;stopping the hydrogen gas when the oxidation reduction potential of the water is less than −250 mV to produce the hydro-fuel; andstoring the hydro-fuel in a container at a pressure of at least 100 psi.4. (canceled)5. A process for operating a diesel engine comprising:providing diesel fuel to the diesel engine during startup;monitoring a temperature of the diesel engine;injecting a hydro-fuel comprising water solution containing hydrogen, wherein the water solution has less than 1000 ppm total dissolved solids, an oxidation reduction potential of less than about −250, and diesel fuel to the diesel engine when the temperature of the engine reaches between 80° C. to 90° C.;stopping the injection of the hydro-fuel while continuing to provide diesel fuel during shutdown of the diesel engine; andrunning the diesel engine on diesel fuel for a period of time sufficient to remove any moisture from the diesel engine.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein a weight ratio of hydro-fuel to diesel fuel is from about 1 to 2 to about 1 to 49.7. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the water solution has less than 800 ppm total dissolved solids.8. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the water solution has less than 600 ppm total dissolved solids.9. A process for ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Catalyst for desulfurization, method of preparing the same, and desulfurization method using the same

Номер: US20190085254A1
Автор: Cheol Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a catalyst for desulfurization, including (a) an oxide selected from among SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, MgO, MnO, CaO, Na2O, K2O and P2O3, (b) a metal selected from among Li, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Cd and Pb, and (c) a liquid compound selected from among sodium tetraborate (Na2B4O7.10H2O), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The catalyst of the invention has a 2:1 type layered structure in which one octahedral layer is interposed between two tetrahedral layers and which has a net negative charge due to occupation of only two of three positively charged sites in the octahedral layer, and the catalyst for desulfurization is provided in the form of a metal chelate compound through chelation with a metal ion, whereby sulfur oxide (SOx) can be adsorbed and removed at high efficiency upon combustion of a combustible substance.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Desulfurization system using catalyst for desulfurization

Номер: US20190085255A1
Автор: Cheol Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a desulfurization system using a catalyst for desulfurization, including a coal feed unit for conveying a combustible substance, a spray unit for spraying a catalyst for desulfurization, a coal pulverization unit for pulverizing the combustible substance conveyed from the coal feed unit, and a combustion unit for combusting the pulverized combustible substance, wherein during transfer of the combustible substance from the coal feed unit to the coal pulverization unit, the catalyst for desulfurization is sprayed using the spray unit and is mixed with the combustible substance. The desulfurization system of the invention can be simply and easily applied to various combustion facilities because, during the transfer of the combustible substance from the coal feed unit to the coal pulverization unit, the catalyst for desulfurization is sprayed and is mixed with the combustible substance, thereby efficiently reducing sulfur oxide (SOx) emission due to combustion of fossil fuel.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Associative polymers and related compositions, methods and systems

Номер: US20220145012A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling a physical and/or chemical property of non-polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. Associative polymers herein described have a non-polar backbone and functional groups presented at ends of the non-polar backbone, with a number of the functional groups presented at the ends of the non-polar backbone formed by associative functional groups capable of undergoing an associative interaction with another associative functional group with an association constant (k) such that the strength of each associative interaction is less than the strength of a covalent bond between atoms and in particular less than the strength of a covalent bond between backbone atoms.

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Benzyl hemiformal-containing biodiesel mixtures

Номер: US20220145197A1
Автор: WACHTLER Peter

A mixture comprising 110-. (canceled)11. A mixture comprisinga) biodiesel, andb) 10% to 60% by weight of benzyl hemiformal.12. The mixture according to claim 11 , wherein the biodiesel is present in an amount of 40% to 90% by weight.13. The mixture according to claim 11 , wherein the components a) and b) are present in an amount of 99-100% by weight based on the mixture.14. The mixture according to claim 11 , comprising claim 11 , as biocide claim 11 , benzyl hemiformal in an amount of more than 95% by weight based on the total amount of biocide in the mixture.15. A process for producing the mixture according to claim 11 , comprising dissolving the benzyl hemiformal in the biodiesel.16. A process for the stabilization of diesel fuel against microorganisms comprising contacting the diesel fuel with the mixture according to .17. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the diesel fuel has a biodiesel content of up to 26% by weight.18. The process according to claim 16 , wherein the diesel fuel has a biodiesel content of with less than 2% by weight.19. A diesel fuel comprisingi) at least 200 ppm of benzyl hemiformal andii) 0.18% to 26% by weight of biodiesel.20. The diesel fuel according to claim 19 , wherein the content of benzyl hemiformal is 0.02% to 0.2% by weight and the content of biodiesel is less than or equal to 1.8% by weight claim 19 , based in each case on the diesel fuel. The invention relates to benzyl hemiformal-containing biodiesel mixtures, to a process for producing same, to the use of same for the stabilization of diesel fuels against microorganisms and also to corresponding stabilized diesel fuels.Since the use of biodiesel has gained increasing significance in recent times as a legally stipulated additive in diesel fuels for automobiles, recent years have also correspondingly seen a growing rise in the production and marketing of petrodiesel admixed with biodiesel, known as B5, B10 or B20 diesel fuels, the appended number representing the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145199A1

The present disclosure provides a fuel composition that includes hydrocarbon-based fuel boiling in the gasoline or diesel range; an amine-based detergent given by formula R—O—(CH)—NHR, wherein the additive is present in about 10 ppm to about 750 ppm by weight based on total weight of the fuel composition; wherein Ris a hydrocarbylgroup having 8 to 20 carbons, Ris hydrogen or (CH)NHmoiety, and wherein m, n are independently integers having a value of 3 or greater; and one or more nitrogen-containing detergent. 1. A fuel composition comprising:a hydrocarbon-based fuel boiling in the gasoline or diesel range; {'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2', 'm', '2, 'R—O—(CH)—NHR,'}, 'an amine-based detergent given by formula'}{'sub': 1', '2', '2', 'n', '2, 'wherein the amine-based detergent is present in about 10 ppm to about 750 ppm by weight based on total weight of the fuel composition; wherein Ris a hydrocarbyl group having 8 to 20 carbons, Ris hydrogen or (CH)NHmoiety, and wherein m, n are independently integers having a value of 3 or greater; and'}one or more nitrogen-containing detergent.2. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein Ris linear or branched.3. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more nitrogen-containing detergent is an aliphatic hydrocarbyl amine claim 1 , hydrocarbyl-substituted poly(oxyalkylene)amine claim 1 , hydrocarbyl-substituted succinimide claim 1 , Mannich reaction product claim 1 , nitro and amino aromatic ester of polyalkylphenoxyalkanol claim 1 , or polyalkylphenoxyaminoalkane.3. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the amine-based detergent or the one or more nitrogen-containing detergent is a monoamine or a polyamine.4. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the amine-based detergent is present in about 10 ppm to 750 ppm of the fuel composition.5. The fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more nitrogen-containing detergent is present in about 50 ppm to about 2500 ppm of the fuel composition.6. The fuel composition of ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Liquid Fuel Composition and the Use Thereof

Номер: US20150101241A1
Автор: Boot Michael Dirk

The present invention relates to a liquid fuel composition comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons and a cyclic hydrocarbon compound that suppresses the emission of soot particulates. The present invention also relates to a method for reducing the emission of soot particulates in the exhaust gases of an internal combustion engine. It is desirable for the cyclic hydrocarbon compound to contain one or more oxygen atoms. 1. A liquid fuel composition comprising a mixture of hydrocarbons to which has been added a cyclic hydrocarbon compound for use in a compression-ignition engine , wherein the ring of the cyclic hydrocarbon compound contains at least five carbon atoms , the compound containing at least one oxygen atom , and which liquid fuel composition has a cetane number of 10-40.2. The liquid fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein the cyclic hydrocarbon compound has one or more branches claim 1 , which branches may optionally be an aliphatic hydrocarbon group or optionally cyclic claim 1 , or a combination of the two.3. The liquid fuel composition according to wherein the at least one oxygen atom is contained in the ring.4. The liquid fuel composition according to wherein the at least one oxygen atom is outside the ring.5. The liquid fuel composition according to wherein the cyclic hydrocarbon compound is comprises cyclohexanone or cyclopentanol.6. The liquid fuel composition according to claim 5 , wherein the cyclic hydrocarbon compound comprises cyclohexanone.7. The liquid fuel composition according to wherein the cyclic hydrocarbon compound comprises tetrahydropyran.8. The liquid fuel composition according to wherein the amount of cyclic hydrocarbon compound contained in the liquid fuel composition is at least 5 wt. % claim 1 , relative to the weight of the total liquid fuel composition.9. The liquid fuel composition according to claim 8 , wherein the amount of cyclic hydrocarbon compound contained in the liquid fuel composition is at least 10 wt. % claim 8 ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Sorbents For Coal Combustion

Номер: US20190093883A1
Автор: Comrie Douglas C.

Sorbent compositions containing calcium and iodine are added to coal to mitigate the release of mercury and/or other harmful elements into the environment during combustion of coal containing natural levels of mercury. 1. A method for reducing the amount of sulfur gases released into the atmosphere from a coal burning plant , comprising adding a sorbent to the coal prior to combustion; delivering the coal into a furnace; burning the coal in the furnace to produce ash and flue gases; and measuring the level of sulfur gases in the flue gas; wherein the sorbent comprises calcium iodide.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the coal is lignite coal.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the coal is bituminous coal.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the coal is anthracite coal.5. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising controlling the rate of the sorbent addition based on the level of sulfur gases determined in the flue gas.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the sorbent comprises at least one of cement kiln dust claim 1 , lime kiln dust claim 1 , and Portland cement.7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein the sorbent further comprises aluminosilicate clay.8. A method for reducing emissions of sulfur and/or other harmful elements arising from combustion of coal in a coal burning facility claim 6 , the method comprising: applying a sorbent composition comprising calcium and iodine onto coal; burning the coal containing the calcium and iodine sorbent composition to produce ash and combustion gases; measuring a level of sulfur in the combustion gases; and adjusting the amount of calcium added onto the coal based on the measured level of sulfur.9. A method according to claim 8 , wherein 90% of the mercury in the coal is captured in the ash to prevent its release into the environment.10. A method according to claim 8 , further comprising measuring a level of mercury in the combustion gases and adjusting the amount of iodine added to the ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации

Process for producing volatile organic compounds from biomass material

Номер: US20150105593A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

Embodiments of the present invention provide for production and recovery of ethanol or other volatile organic compounds, such as acetic acid, from solid biomass material. One embodiment comprises introducing a biomass material to a compartment of a solventless recovery system, wherein the biomass material contains one or more volatile organic compounds; contacting the biomass material with a superheated vapor stream in the compartment to vaporize at least a portion of an initial liquid content in the biomass material, said superheated vapor stream comprising at least one volatile organic compound; separating a vapor component and a solid component from the heated biomass material, said vapor component comprising at least one volatile organic compound; and retaining at least a portion of the vapor component for use as part of the superheated vapor stream.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095512A1

The disclosure relates to fuel additive compositions including heavy paraffinic distillates and lighter petroleum distillates, in particular with the heavy paraffinic distillates including a mixture of hydrotreated and/or saturated components and solvent-dewaxed and/or branched components. The disclosure further relates to fuel compositions including the fuel additive composition and a liquid or solid combustible fuel. Related methods include methods of making the fuel compositions and methods of burning the fuel compositions. The resulting fuel compositions have several improved combustion properties such as improved combustion efficiency, improved combustion energy/calorie content, reduced sulfur generation, and reduced ash generation. 1. A fuel additive composition comprising:(a) hydrotreated heavy paraffinic distillates present in amount ranging from 10 wt. % to 50 wt. % based on the fuel additive composition;(b) solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic distillates present in amount ranging from 10 wt. % to 50 wt. % based on the fuel additive composition; and(c) petroleum distillates comprising hydrocarbons having from 5 to 16 carbon atoms and present in an amount ranging from 10 wt. % to 50 wt. % based on the fuel additive composition.2. The fuel additive composition of claim 1 , wherein:(i) the hydrotreated heavy paraffinic distillates are present in amount ranging from 28 wt. % to 34 wt. %;(ii) the solvent-dewaxed heavy paraffinic distillates are present in amount ranging from 34 wt. % to 40 wt. %; and(iii) the petroleum distillates are present in amount ranging from 29 wt. % to 35 wt. %.3. A fuel additive composition comprising:(a) saturated heavy paraffinic distillates comprising saturated hydrocarbons having from 20 to 50 carbon atoms or a sub-range thereof and present in amount ranging from 10 wt. % to 50 wt. % based on the fuel additive composition;(b) branched heavy paraffinic distillates comprising branched hydrocarbons having from 20 to 50 carbon atoms or a ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095513A1

A diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive an ester compound which is the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and an alcohol or formula ROH, wherein R is an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group. 1. A diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive an ester compound which is the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and an alcohol of formula ROH , wherein R is an optionally substituted hydrocarbyl group.2. A method of combatting deposits in a diesel engine , the method comprising combusting in the engine a diesel fuel composition comprising as an additive the reaction product of an optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or an anhydride thereof and an alcohol of formula ROH , wherein R is an optionally substituted alkylene group.3. (canceled)4. The composition according to wherein the optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof is a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic acid or a hydrocarbyl substituted succinic anhydride.5. The composition according to wherein R is an alkyl group having 6 to 36 carbon atoms.6. The composition according to any wherein the polycarboxylic acid or anhydride thereof includes an optionally substituted alkyl or alkenyl group having 6 to 100 carbon atoms.7. The composition according to wherein the optionally substituted polycarboxylic acid or hydrocarbyl substituted anhydride and alcohol of formula ROH are reacted in a ratio of from 1.5:1 to 1:1.5.10. The composition according to wherein the additive comprises the reaction product of a succinic acid or anhydride having a Cto Calkyl or alkenyl substituent and an alcohol selected from the group consisting of butanol and 2-ethylhexanol.12. The composition according to wherein the diesel engine is a modern diesel engine having a high pressure fuel system.13. The method according to which achieves “keep clean” performance.14. The method according to which ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100642A1

Described herein are associative polymers capable of controlling one or more physical and/or chemical properties of non--polar compositions and related compositions, methods and systems. 122-. (canceled)24. The method of wherein the concentration c is between 0.5 c* to 2 c* and the physical and/or chemical property is mist control.25. The method of wherein the concentration c is less than approximately c* and the physical and/or chemical property is fuel efficiency.26. The method of wherein the concentration c is between 0.1 c* and 0.5 c* and the physical and/or chemical property is fuel efficiency.27. The method of wherein the concentration c is below or approximately equal c* and the physical and/or chemical property is drag reduction and/or enhanced lubrication.28. The method of wherein the concentration c is between 0.05 c* to c* and the physical and/or chemical property is drag reduction and/or enhanced lubrication.29. The method of wherein the concentration c is greater than c* and the physical and/or chemical property is converting a liquid into a gel.30. The method of wherein the concentration c is between 2 c* to 10 c* and the physical and/or chemical property is converting a liquid into a gel.3132-. (canceled)33. The method of claim 23 , wherein the at least one associative polymer has a weight averaged molecular weight equal to or lower than about 2 claim 23 ,000 claim 23 ,000 g/mol.34. The method of claim 23 , wherein the at least one associative polymer has a weight averaged molecular weight is equal to or lower than about 2 claim 23 ,000 claim 23 ,000 g/mol and/or a Mequal to or higher than about 100 claim 23 ,000 g/mol.35. The method of claim 23 , wherein the at least one associative polymer has a weight averaged molecular weight is between about 100 claim 23 ,000 g/mol and about 1 claim 23 ,000 claim 23 ,000 g/mol.36. The method of claim 23 , wherein the functional group is a carboxylic acid and the other functional group is a carboxylic acid claim ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190100708A1

Described herein are fuel modifiers for natural gas reciprocating engines, while recognizing the application of the inventions herein may be applied more broadly, to other natural gas-based engine systems. The fuel modifiers are primarily free-radical initiators, and the presence of this fuel modifier allows the engine operator to operate the engine under leaner conditions because, while employing the same ignition energy, more free-radicals are formed, thus overcoming the problems associated with dilution of the pool of free-radicals in the flame. 1. A method for reducing the ignition energy required for ignition of a natural gas fuel in a natural gas engine , comprising providing a natural gas fuel comprising a natural gas base fuel and a fuel modifier to a natural gas engine , wherein the fuel modifier is selected from azo compounds , dialkylsulfides , alkyl sulfones , nitroalkyls , peroxygens , hydrocarbons which contain symmetrically substituted carbon-carbon bonds where that bond is relatively weak , or a mixture thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are pre-blended or are blended proximal to the engine prior to introduction into the engine claim 1 , or are separately introduced into the engine.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are pre-blended prior to introduction into the engine.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are blended proximal to the engine prior to introduction into the engine.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base fuel and the fuel modifier are separately introduced into the engine.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the fuel modifier comprises azobisisobutylnitrile claim 6 , dimethylsulfide claim 6 , dimethylsulfone claim 6 , nitromethane claim 6 , di-tert-butyl peroxide claim 6 , dimethoxymethane claim 6 , or 2 claim 6 ,3-dimethyl-2 claim 6 ,3-diphenylbutane.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spark or laser ignition energy ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Reducing Mercury Emissions From The Burning Of Coal

Номер: US20190101286A1
Автор: Comrie Douglas C.

Sorbent components containing halogen, calcium, alumina, and silica are used in combination during coal combustion to produce environmental benefits. Sorbents such as calcium bromide are added to the coal ahead of combustion and other components are added into the flame or downstream of the flame, preferably at minimum temperatures to assure complete formation of the refractory structures that result in various advantages of the methods. When used together, the components 1. A method of operating a coal burning facility to reduce emissions of sulfur or other harmful components arising from combustion of coal in a furnace of the facility , comprising:adding a sorbent composition comprising a halogen to the coal;burning coal with the applied sorbent composition to make energy, combustion gas, and ash; andmeasuring a concentration of sulfur in the combustion gas, wherein no sorbent components are added into the combustion gas or in any section of the facility downstream of the furnace during the coal burning.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the halogen is bromine.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the halogen is iodine.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises sodium iodide.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises potassium iodide.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises calcium bromide.7. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises calcium iodide.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises alumina and silica.9. The method according to claim 8 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises an aluminosilicate clay.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises cement kiln dust.11. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the sorbent composition comprises a source of calcium and a source of halogen.12. The method according to claim 11 , ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220169934A1

Provided are marine fuels or fuel blending compositions, methods of making such fuels or compositions and methods of potentially reducing the life cycle carbon intensity of marine fuels or a fuel blending compositions. The marine fuel or fuel blending composition disclosed herein includes at least 20 vol % of a resid-containing fraction, and from 5 vol % to 80 vol % of one or more renewable fuel blending components. The one or more renewable fuel blending components includes one or more fatty acid alkyl esters. Optionally the one or more renewable fuel blending components may include gas-to-liquid hydrocarbons from renewable synthesis gas, hydrotreated natural fat or oil, hydrotreated waste cooking oil, hydrotreated tall oil, pyrolysis gas oil, or combinations thereof. Optionally, the resulting marine fuel or fuel blending composition can have a BMCI−TE difference value of 15 or less. 1. A marine fuel or fuel blending composition comprising: at least 20 vol % of a resid-containing fraction , and from 5 vol % to 80 vol % of one or more renewable fuel blending components , wherein the one or more renewable fuel blending components includes one or more fatty acid alkyl esters.2. The marine fuel or fuel blending composition of comprising from 5 vol % to 70 vol % of the one or more fatty acid alkyl esters based on the total marine fuel or fuel blending composition.3. The marine fuel or fuel blending composition of comprising from 10 vol % to 55 vol % of the one or more fatty acid alkyl esters.4. The marine fuel or fuel blending composition of claim 1 , wherein the one or more renewable fuel blending components further include gas-to-liquid hydrocarbons from renewable synthesis gas claim 1 , hydrotreated natural fat or oil claim 1 , hydrotreated waste cooking oil claim 1 , hydrotreated tall oil claim 1 , pyrolysis gas oil claim 1 , or combinations thereof at from 1 vol % to 50 vol. % of the total marine fuel or fuel blending composition.5. The marine fuel or fuel blending ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108332A1

In order to blend fuels to meet specific regulatory and industry requirements, for instance octane requirements, different octane blending components can be used. One added component includes a composition of higher aromatics content. Unfortunately, this aromatic content may increase the particulate emissions of an internal combustion engine when the high aromatic fuel is combusted in that engine. As explained herein, reducing the aromatics content and replacing that octane increasing requirement with an alternative octane enhancer results in a formulated fuel that will have lower particulate emissions in the real-world driving of that engine as compared with a fuel having higher aromatic content. 1. A method of reducing the particulate emission from an internal combustion engine comprising the steps of:providing a base fuel having an aromatic content of at least about 10% by volume;adding into the base fuel an amount of an octane enhancer to form a fuel formulation, wherein the fuel formation containing the octane enhancer and the base fuel has an aromatic content that is less than the aromatic content of the base fuel without the octane enhancer;wherein (1) the particulate emission from combustion of the fuel formulation as measured by particle number (PN) (both solid and volatiles) is reduced as compared with particulate emission from the combustion of the base fuel, and wherein (2) the octane number of the fuel formulation is substantially the same or higher than the octane number of the base fuel without the octane enhancer.2. A method of reducing particulate emission as described in claim 1 ,wherein the aromatic content of the base fuel is at least about 20% by volume.3. A method of reducing particulate emission as described in claim 1 ,wherein the aromatic content of the base fuel is at least about 35% by volume.4. A method of reducing particulate emission as described in claim 1 ,wherein the fuel formulation further comprises an olefin content of at least ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150112106A1

The present invention describes a method of making a jet fuel composition comprising: blending from about 3 vol % to about 30 vol % of a catalytically and/or thermally cracked blendstock into a non-cracked jet-boiling-range distillate to produce a jet-type blend with a smoke point less than 18 mm; and thereafter, blending from about 2 vol % to about 50 vol % of synthesized paraffinic kerosine (SPK) into the jet-type blend to produce a jet fuel with a smoke point of at least 18 mm. 1. A method of making a jet fuel comprising:blending from about 3 vol % to about 30 vol % of a catalytically and/or thermally cracked blendstock into a non-cracked jet-boiling-range distillate to produce a jet-type blend with a smoke point less than 18 mm; andthereafter, blending from about 2 vol % to about 50 vol % of synthesized paraffinic kerosine into the jet-type blend to produce a jet fuel with a smoke point of at least 18 mm.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the blending of synthesized paraffinic kerosine into the jet-type blend achieves at least one of the following for the resulting jet fuel: a JFTOT pass at or above about 260° C.; a naphthalenes content below about 3.0 vol % claim 1 , an aromatics content below about 25 vol % claim 1 , and a total sulfur content below 0.30 mass %.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising utilizing a relationship between smoke point and concentration of cracked blendstock and/or a relationship between smoke point and concentration of synthesized paraffinic kerosine to assist in selecting appropriate amounts of different components in the jet fuel product.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein measurement of smoke point is carried out with an automated procedure.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein measurement of smoke point is carried out with an automated procedure.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cracked blendstock comprises heavy cat naphtha from fluid catalytic cracking.7. The method ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113860A1
Принадлежит: ENI S.P.A.

The object of the present invention relates to a composition that can be used as fuel comprising: at least one hydrocarbon mixture at least one hydrophobic ketal or acetal of glycerine. Said composition can be advantageously used as fuel for diesel or gasoline engines. 2. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the cyclic ketal and/or acetal having formula (I) or (II) is present in said composition in an amount ranging from 0.5% by volume to 15% by volume.3. The composition according to claim 2 , wherein the cyclic ketal and/or acetal having formula (I) or (II) is present in an amount ranging from 1% by volume to 10% by volume claim 2 , with respect to the total volume of the composition.4. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon mixture is selected from gasoil claim 1 , gasoline claim 1 , biodiesel claim 1 , green diesel and mixtures thereof.5. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the compounds having formula (I) or (II) claim 1 , Ris selected from H claim 1 , CHand CH claim 1 , and Ris selected from CH claim 1 , CH claim 1 , CHand CH.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the compounds having formula (I) or (II) claim 1 , Rcontains from 2 to 4 carbon atoms.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the compounds having formula (I) or (II) claim 1 , Ris ethyl or n-butyl.9. The process according to claim 8 , wherein the transformation in step (1) corresponds to the etherification of glycerine claim 8 , effected by reaction with an alcohol having formula ROH to give the corresponding 3-(RO)-1 claim 8 ,2-propanediol claim 8 , 2-(RO)-1 claim 8 ,3-propanediol or a mixture thereof claim 8 , wherein Ris a linear or branched alkyl containing from 1 to 8 carbon atoms.10. The process according to claim 8 , wherein the transformation in step (1) corresponds to the reduction of glycerine to the corresponding diol claim 8 , effected with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst to ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113867A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The use of an alkoxylated polytetrahydrofurane of formula 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkoxylated polytetrahydrofurane of formula (I) is an additive in a fuel for minimization of power loss in internal combustion engines and for improving acceleration of internal combustion engines.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the alkoxylated polytetrahydrofurane of formula (I) is an additive in a fuel for improving lubricity of lubricant oils in an internal combustion engine for lubricating purposes by operating the internal combustion engine with a fuel comprising an effective amount of the alkoxylated polytetrahydrofurane of formula (I).4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein k is an integer in the range of ≧3 to ≦25.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the alkoxylated polytetrahydrofurane has a weight average molecular weight Mw in the range of 500 to 20000 g/mol determined according to DIN 55672-1 polystyrene calibration standard.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein (m+m′) is in the range of ≧3 to ≦65.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of (m+m′) to k is in the range of 0.3:1 to 6:1.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein m is an integer in the range of ≧1 to ≦25 and m′ is an integer in the range of ≧1 to ≦25.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein Ris an unsubstituted claim 1 , linear alkyl radical having 6 claim 1 , 7 claim 1 , 8 claim 1 , 9 claim 1 , 10 claim 1 , 11 claim 1 , 12 claim 1 , 13 claim 1 , 14 claim 1 , 15 claim 1 , 16 claim 1 , 17 or 18 carbon atoms.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein Rdenotes is —CH.11. The method according to claim 1 , whereinm is an integer in the range of ≧1 to ≦30,m′ is an integer in the range of ≧1 to ≦30,(m+m′) is an integer in the range of ≧3 to ≦50,n is an integer in the range of ≧3 to ≦45,n′ is an integer in the range of ≧3 to ≦45,(n+n′) is an integer in the range of ≧6 to ≦90,p is an integer in the range of ≧0 to ≦75,p′ is an integer in the range of ≧0 to ≦75,k ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107436A1

The present invention relates to a Fuel Supplement comprising of selected plant oils mixed in given proportions, which when added to fuels like petrol and diesel can reduce harmful emissions during combustion of fuel. It can significantly decrease the Sulphur content in fuels and thus protect the environment from harmful pollutants. It improves the fuel lubricity and engine performance. It also increases the flash point of Diesel. 1. A fuel supplement to reduce harmful emissions , for petrol , which comprises:{'i': 'Thymus vulgaris', 'Dust of Thymol (extracted from ) in the range of 50 to 125 mg,'}{'i': 'Cinnamomum Camphora', 'Dust of Camphor White (extracted from ) in the range of 100 to 180 mg,'}{'i': 'Mentha arvensis', 'Dust of Mint (extracted from ) in the range of 130 to 210 mg,'}{'i': 'Azadirachta Indica', 'Neem Oil () in the range of 8 to 22 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Ficus benghalensis', 'Banyan Leaf Oil () in the range of 5 to 15 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Saraca asoca', 'Ashoka Leaf Oil () in the range of 4 to 16 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Linum usitatissimum', 'Linseed Oil () in the range of 15 to 25 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Eugenia cayophyllata', 'Clove Oil () in the range of 2 to 10 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Cymbopogan flexuosus', 'Lemongrass Oil () in the range of 10 to 35 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Cinnamomum tamala', 'Indian Bay Leaf Oil () in the range of 1 to 5 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Simmondsia chenesis', 'Jojoba Oil () in the range of 40 to 60 ml v/v'}{'i': 'grandis', 'Teak Oil (Tectona ) in the range of 50 to 75 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Curcuma longa', 'Turmeric Oil () in the range of 0.5 to 5 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Cedrus atlantica', 'Cedarwood Oil () in the range of 1 to 10 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Pinus roxburghii', 'Turpentine Oil () in the range of 60 to 100 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Cocus nucifera', 'Coconut Oil () in the range of 80 to 100 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Helianthus annus', 'Sunflower Oil () in the range of 30 to 80 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Ficus religiosa', 'Peepal Leaf oil () in the range of 35 to 50 ml v/v'}{'i': 'Ocimum basilicum', 'Basil Leaf Oil () in the ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Biofuel composition

Номер: US20170107437A1
Принадлежит: RECYCLE LLC

This invention relates to the fuels, and can be used in the national economy as a motor fuel equivalent by its physical and chemical properties to the oil motor fuel. The technical result of this invention is a biofuel produced, which allows to improve the combustion process efficiency in engine operation, increase engine power and reduce the startup time. In addition, this product can be used to reduce harmful emissions from the engine with significant cost reduction by using components based on low-cost large tonnage products available provided with domestic raw materials, including renewable ones, improve cold flow performance and increase the cetane number. This effect can be achieved by the biofuel as a mixture of dietilformal 40-80 by vol. % and glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids 20-60 by vol. %. Vegetable oils are used as glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids.

17-07-2014 дата публикации

Glycerol Containing Fuel Mixture for Direct Injection Engines

Номер: US20140196358A1
Принадлежит: SeaChange Group LLC

The invention provides fuel mixtures containing fuel oil, glycerol, glycerol impurities and non-ionic surfactants. The mixtures remain homogeneous longer and are more chemically stable than previous mixtures. Upon combustion, the mixtures generate reduced SOx, NOx and particulate matter emissions compared to residual fuels and offer improved engine performance over previous mixtures. 1. A fuel mixture comprising:(a) an oil in an amount from about 50% to about 99% (vol/vol) of the fuel mixture;(b) a plurality of droplets evenly dispersed in the oil, wherein the droplets have sizes of from about 100 nm to about 10 μm; the droplets comprise glycerol, a combustion improver, and water; the combustion improver is present in an amount less than about 10% (wt/wt) of the glycerol; and water is present in an amount less than about 20% (wt/wt) of the glycerol; and(c) a surfactant in an amount from about 0.1% to about 5% (wt/wt) of the fuel mixture,wherein the mixture remains homogeneous or chemically stable at room temperature for at least 24 hours.2. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises about 65% oil (vol/vol).3. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises from about 1% to about 50% glycerol (vol/vol).4. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the mixture comprises about 35% glycerol (vol/vol).5. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the combustion improver is selected from the group consisting of an ether claim 1 , a peroxide claim 1 , and a nitrile claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.6. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , wherein the surfactant is selected from the group consisting of a polyethylene glycol claim 1 , a polyoxyethylene claim 1 , a glyceride claim 1 , a polyglycerol claim 1 , a sorbitan glycoside claim 1 , an ester claim 1 , and an acid claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.7. The fuel mixture of claim 1 , further comprising a viscosity enhancer claim 1 , wherein the viscosity enhancer is selected from the group consisting of a resin claim 1 ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140196361A1
Принадлежит: Elite Fuels LLC

The present description relates to a method and system for generating a fuel pellet from high sulfur fuel waste materials having a reduced SO2 emission. In one example, the fuel pellet may include petroleum coke, a biomass constituent, and an alkali substituent. Further in another example, the fuel pellet may include iron oxide catalyst increasing the capture of SO2. 1. A fuel pellet comprising:petroleum coke, having a sulfur content up to 5.5%;a biomass constituent;an alkali constituent adapted to capture SO2 emissions by reacting with sulfur of the petroleum coke upon burn of the pellet; and 'wherein the petroleum coke, the biomass constituent, the alkali constituent, and the iron oxide catalyst are combined to form a fuel pellet with decreased SO2 emission at temperatures at or above 750 C.', 'an iron oxide catalyst reducing SO2 emissions to less than 10 percent;'}2. The fuel pellet of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is an SO2 sorbent.3. The fuel pellet of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is one of limestone claim 1 , lime or sodium base alkali.4. The fuel pellet of claim 3 , wherein the alkali constituent comprising lime is slaked.5. The fuel pellet of claim 1 , further comprising one or more surfactants incorporated in the alkali constituent.6. The fuel pellet of wherein the biomass constituent is wood waste.7. The fuel pellet of claim 1 , wherein the biomass constituent includes a volatile to increase the combustibility of the petroleum coke.8. The fuel pellet of claim 1 , wherein the alkali constituent is processed to increase surface area of the alkali constituent claim 1 , wherein processing includes grinding the alkali constituent claim 1 , and wherein the increased surface area captures an increased amount of SO2.9. The fuel pellet of claim 1 , wherein the particle size of petroleum coke is minimized.10. A fuel pellet comprising:petroleum coke, having a sulfur content up to 5.5%;a biomass constituent to provide volatiles;an SO2 sorbent to ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Alcohol and ether fuel additives for lead-free gasoline

Номер: US20210139803A1

An octane-enhancing additive includes a mixed butanol composition, sec-butyl ether, methanol, methyl tert-butyl ether, and a C4-dimer, the mixed butanol composition comprising sec-butanol and tert-butanol, and the C4-dimer comprising di-isobutylene, 2,2,4 trimethylpentane, 2,3,3 trimethylpentane, or a combination comprising at least one of the foregoing.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119040A1

The production carbonaceous feedstock material from waste containing carbon sources and the use thereof in gasification processes for hazardous emissions of greenhouse gases and sulphur are significantly minimized and enhanced reaction rates are described. A process for producing a carbonaceous feedstock material from waste containing carbon sources, including the steps consisting of: (i) introducing a source of biochar to a source of discard coal fines to form a bio-coal mixture; (ii) introducing a catalyst additive selected from the group consisting of a source of an alkali metal or a source of an alkaline earth metal to the bio-coal mixture; (iii) optionally, contacting the bio-coal mixture with a binder; and (iv) compacting the resulting mixture of step (ii) or (iii) to form one or more carbonaceous feedstock briquettes, the size of said briquettes having a dimension of at least 5 mm. 1. A process for producing a carbonaceous feedstock material from waste-containing carbon sources , the process including the steps consisting of:(i) introducing a source of biochar to a source of discard coal fines to form a bio-coal mixture;(ii) introducing a catalyst additive selected from the group consisting of a source of an alkali metal or a source of an alkaline earth metal to the bio-coal mixture;(iii) optionally, contacting the bio-coal mixture with a binder; and(iv) compacting the resulting mixture of step (ii) or (iii) to form one or more carbonaceous feedstock briquettes, the size of said briquettes having a dimension of at least 5 mm.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the carbonaceous feedstock briquettes are employed for use in reducing the melting point and increasing the efficiency of in-situ sulphur retention of the carbonaceous feedstock material during gasification processes.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein the in-situ sulpur capturing gasification process is a fixed-bed gasifier claim 2 , operating in catalytic gasification mode.4. The process of claim 1 , ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119589A1

An oil-replacement additive for two-stroke engine fuel capable of reducing fuel consumption, enhancing combustion and reducing emissions comprises boron and a carrier, wherein the boron concentration in said additive is in the interval of 100 to 600 ppm, the carrier comprises an alcohol, the amount of oil in the additive is less than 10% (w/w), and the balance is a fuel. Most preferably said additive is substantially oil-free. A two-stroke fuel comprising said additive, and a significantly reduced amount of oil, or substantially no oil, said fuel having a boron concentration in the interval of about 1 to 12 ppm. 1. An oil-replacement additive for two-stroke engine fuel , said additive comprising boron and a carrier , wherein the boron concentration in said additive is in the interval of 1 to 600 ppm , the carrier comprises an alcohol , the amount of oil in the additive is less than 10% (w/w) , and the balance is a fuel.2. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of oil in the additive is less than 8% (w/w).3. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of oil in the additive is less than 1% (w/w).4. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein said alcohol is chosen from methanol claim 1 , ethanol claim 1 , propanol claim 1 , and butanol claim 1 , and said balance of fuel is a fuel having a flash point similar to that of the two-stroke fuel to which the additive is intended to be added.5. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of boron is in the interval of 10 to 600 ppm.6. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the concentration of boron is in the interval of 100 to 300 ppm.7. The additive according to claim 1 , wherein the boron is added in the form of a stable boron solution prepared by dissolving a boron compound in an alcohol claim 1 , followed by vigorous mixing and exclusion of particles larger than 100 nm.8. A two-stroke engine fuel comprising an additive according to claim 1 , wherein the boron ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130518A1

A coke slurry fuel composition of the instant disclosure comprises 40-80 percentage by weight of petroleum coke (dry basis), 20-60 percentage by weight of biological sludge (wet basis), and 1-4 percentage by weight of basic additive. Accordingly, the coke slurry fuel composition with high combustion efficiency can be adapted to reduce emissions of toxic or air pollutants, and the purpose of sludge reduction can also be achieved. A method of making coke slurry fuel composition is further provided. 1. A coke slurry fuel composition , having a burnout rate of at least 97% , comprising (a) petroleum coke , (b) biological sludge , and (c) a basic additive;wherein the content of the component (a) is 40 wt % to 80 wt % on a dry basis, the content of the component (b) is 20 wt % to 60 wt % on a wet basis, and the content of the component (c) based on the entire amount of components (a) and (b) is 1 wt % to 4 wt %;wherein the component (c) is added to control the sulfur-oxygen compounds (SOx) generated by the burning of the coke slurry fuel composition, whereby the content of SOx in the fuel gas is less than about 150 ppm.2. The coke slurry fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (b) is derived from domestic sewage claim 1 , industrial sewage claim 1 , animal sewage claim 1 , municipal sewage claim 1 , or the combination thereof.3. The coke slurry fuel composition according to claim 1 , wherein the component (c) is selected from the group consisting of sodium carbonate claim 1 , sodium hydroxide claim 1 , sodium silicate claim 1 , sodium tripolyphosphate claim 1 , and the combination thereof.4. The coke slurry fuel composition according to claim 3 , having a water content in the range of 35% to 42% and a viscosity less than 1250 mPa*s at 20° C.5. The coke slurry fuel composition according to claim 4 , the nitrogen-oxygen compounds (NOx) generated by the burning of which is less than about 30 ppm.6. The coke slurry fuel composition according to claim 5 , ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135583A1
Автор: BAI Dingrong

Systems and methods for producing engineered fuels from municipal solid waste material are described herein. In some embodiments, a method includes combining a first waste stream that includes at least one of hard plastic, soft plastic and mixed plastic with a sorbent and increasing the temperature of the combined first waste stream and sorbent to a temperature of at least about 200° C. The method further includes combining the thermally treated first waste stream and sorbent with a second waste stream that includes fiber, and compressing the combined first waste stream, sorbent, and second waste stream to form a densified engineered fuel feedstock. 1. A method of producing an engineered fuel feedstock from a processed MSW waste stream , the method comprising:combining a first waste stream that includes at least one of hard plastic, soft plastic and mixed plastic with a sorbent;increasing the temperature of the combined first waste stream and sorbent to a temperature of at least about 200° C.;combining the thermally treated first waste stream and sorbent with a second waste stream, the second waste stream including fiber; andcompressing the combined first waste stream, sorbent, and second waste stream to form a densified engineered fuel feedstock.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the combined first waste stream and sorbent is increased for at least about 10 minutes.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the temperature of the combined first waste stream and sorbent is increased to at least about 30 minutes.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the temperature of the combined first waste stream and sorbent is increased to at least about 350° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first waste stream consists essentially of hard plastic and soft plastic.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second waste stream consists essentially of fiber.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:processing the engineered fuel feedstock to an average particle size ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150136002A1

The invention relates to quaternary ammonium amide and/or ester salts and their use as additives, including their use in fuels, such as diesel fuel. The invention particularly relates to the use of quaternary ammonium amide and/or ester salts as detergents in diesel fuels. 1. A composition comprising a quaternary ammonium salt detergent containing an ester group , where the quaternized detergent comprises the reaction product of:(a) the condensation product of a hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent and at least one of N,N-dimethylaminopropanol, N,N-diethylaminopropanol, N,N-diethylaminobutanol, 1-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperidine, 2-[2-(dimethylamine)ethoxy]-ethanol, 2-dimethylamino-2-methyl-1-propanol, or combinations thereof; and(b) a quaternizing agent.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a protic solvent is present during the reaction of (a) and (b) and wherein the reaction of (a) and (b) is essentially free of any additional acid component other than an acid group present in the structure of the detergent.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein the protic solvent comprises water and/or a linear or branched alcohol containing 1 to 10 carbon atoms.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent comprises the reaction product of a polyolefin and a α claim 1 ,β-monounsaturated Cto Canhydride.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent comprises polyisobutylene succinic anhydride.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the quaternized detergent comprises the condensation product of a hydrocarbyl-substituted acylating agent and at least one of 1-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperidine claim 1 , 2-[2-(dimethylamine)ethoxy]-ethanol claim 1 , 2-dimethylamino-2-methyl-1-propanol claim 1 , or combinations thereof.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (b) claim 1 , the quaternizing agent claim 1 , comprises ethylene oxide claim 1 , propylene oxide claim 1 , butylene oxide claim 1 , styrene oxide claim 1 , or ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127673A1

A flue gas additive is provided that includes both a nitrogenous component to reduce gas phase nitrogen oxides and a halogen-containing component to oxidize gas phase elemental mercury. 1. A method , comprising:contacting a combustion feed material with an additive to form a combined combustion feed material, the additive comprising a nitrogenous material; andcombusting the combined combustion feed material to form an off-gas comprising a nitrogen oxide and a derivative of the nitrogenous material, the derivative of the nitrogenous material causing removal of at least a portion of the nitrogen oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and amide claim 1 , wherein the derivative of the nitrogenous material comprises ammonia claim 1 , and wherein the additive is a free flowing particulate composition having a Psize ranging from about 6 to about 20 mesh (Tyler).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combustion feed material comprises mercury claim 1 , wherein combustion of the combined combustion feed material volatilizes elemental mercury claim 1 , and wherein the additive comprises a halogen-containing material to oxidize the elemental mercury.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and amide claim 1 , wherein the derivative of the nitrogenous material comprises ammonia claim 1 , and wherein the nitrogenous material is supported by a particulate substrate claim 1 , the particulate substrate being one or more of the combustion feed material claim 1 , a zeolite claim 1 , other porous metal silicate material claim 1 , clay claim 1 , activated carbon claim 1 , char claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , (fly) ash claim 1 , metal claim 1 , and metal oxide.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and amide claim 1 , wherein the derivative of the nitrogenous material comprises ammonia claim 1 , and wherein the ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127650A1
Автор: BOEHMAN Andre, KIM TaeMin

A dimethyl ether blended fuel having a fuel composition including dimethyl ether (DME), glycerol, and a co-solvent, wherein the fuel composition achieving a kinematic viscosity of at least 0.2 centistokes (cSt). 1. A dimethyl ether blended fuel comprising:a fuel composition having dimethyl ether (DME), glycerol, and a co-solvent, wherein the fuel composition having a kinematic viscosity of at least 0.2 centistokes (cSt).2. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the fuel composition having a kinematic viscosity of at least 1.3 centistokes (cSt)3. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the fuel composition having a kinematic viscosity of at least 1.9 centistokes (cSt)4. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the co-solvent comprises Di-propylene glycol (DPG).5. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the fuel composition having a binary mixture of DPG and glycerol of about 54 wt. %.6. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the binary mixture of DPG and glycerol has about 34.02 wt. % DPG and 19.98 wt. % of glycerol.7. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the fuel composition having a binary mixture of DPG and glycerol of about 60 wt. %.8. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the binary mixture of DPG and glycerol has about 35.40 wt. % DPG and 24.6 wt. % of glycerol.9. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the co-solvent comprises propylene glycol (PG).10. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the fuel composition having a binary mixture of PG and glycerol of about 52 wt. %.11. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the binary mixture of DPG and glycerol has about 34.05 wt. % PG and 17.94 wt. % of glycerol.12. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the fuel composition having a binary mixture of PG and glycerol of about 58 wt. %.13. The dimethyl ether blended fuel according to wherein the binary mixture of DPG and ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140215903A1

A process for separation of a mixture comprising at least a microbial oil and a microbial substance into at least a first phase comprising at least part of the microbial oil and a second phase comprising at least part of the microbial substance, wherein the separation is carried out by a cyclone type separation unit. 115-. (canceled)16. A process comprisingseparating a mixture containing a microbial oil and a microbial substance into at least a first phase comprising at least part of the microbial oil and a second phase comprising at least part of the microbial substance using a cyclone type separation unit, wherein the mixture is a lysate mixture produced by lysis of one or more oil containing microorganisms.171. The process of claim , wherein the microbial substance comprises disrupted cell walls of the cells of one or more microorganisms and wherein the process further comprises retrieving at least part of the microbial substance from the second phase and use of the retrieved microbial substance as animal feed or as a feedstock to produce methane.18. The process of claim 16 , wherein the mixture further comprises water.19. The process of claim 16 , wherein the microbial substance comprises one or more autotrophic and/or heterotrophic microorganisms.20. The process of claim 16 , wherein the microbial substance comprises one or more microorganisms selected from the group consisting of bacteria claim 16 , fungi claim 16 , yeast claim 16 , algae claim 16 , and any combination thereof.21. The process of claim 16 , wherein the microbial substance comprises one or more marine microalgae.22. The process of claim 16 , wherein the microbial substance comprises one or more yeasts.23. The process of further comprising retrieving at least part of the microbial oil from the first phase.24. The process of further comprising hydrotreating of the retrieved microbial oil to produce a hydrocarbon product.25. The process of further comprising blending the hydrocarbon product with ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Green Renewable Liquid Fuel

Номер: US20160137939A1
Принадлежит: Hanya Seidner, Leo Seidner, Marc Seidner

A liquid fuel derived from processed biomass having extremely low water content and suitable for use in diesel engines or as an additive to petroleum based fuels, or which can be used as a petroleum or coal slurry substitute in those uses where a lower cost fuel have reduced emission is desired, is described.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160137942A1

A flue gas additive is provided that includes both a nitrogenous component to reduce gas phase nitrogen oxides and a halogen-containing component to oxidize gas phase elemental mercury. 1. A method , comprising:contacting a combustion feed material with an additive to form a combined combustion feed material, the additive comprising a nitrogenous material; andcombusting the combined combustion feed material to form an off-gas comprising a nitrogen oxide and a derivative of the nitrogenous material, the derivative of the nitrogenous material causing removal of at least a portion of the nitrogen oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and amide claim 1 , wherein the derivative of the nitrogenous material comprises ammonia claim 1 , and wherein the additive is a free flowing particulate composition having a Psize ranging from about 6 to about 20 mesh (Tyler).3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nitrogenous material comprises at least one of an amine and amide claim 1 , wherein the derivative of the nitrogenous material comprises ammonia claim 1 , and wherein the nitrogenous material is supported by a particulate substrate claim 1 , the particulate substrate being one or more of the combustion feed material claim 1 , a zeolite claim 1 , other porous metal silicate material claim 1 , clay claim 1 , activated carbon claim 1 , char claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , (fly) ash claim 1 , metal claim 1 , and metal oxide.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 3 , wherein an amount of nitrogen added in a nitrogenous material added to the off-gas is at least about 0.5% of a theoretical stoichiometric ratio based on an amount of nitrogen oxide present claim 3 , wherein the combined combustion feed material comprises from about 0.05 to about 0.75 wt. % additive claim 3 , and wherein the nitrogen content of the nitrogenous material:halogen in the additive ranges from about 1:1 to about 2400:1.7. The method of claim ...
