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20-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2258859C2

Изобретение относится к резьбовым соединениям. Резьбовое соединение для стальной трубы, образованное на штифте и муфте, имеет контактную поверхность, включающую части с резьбой и металлическую контактную часть без резьбы, которое может устойчиво обеспечить сопротивление истиранию и воздухонепроницаемость без нанесения на него составной консистентной смазки. Твердая смазочная пленка, образованная со смазочным порошком (например, дисульфидом молибдена) и органическим или неорганическим связующим веществом, образована на контактной поверхности по меньшей мере одного из элементов - штифта и муфты. При этом отношение площади, занятой вторичными частицами смазочного порошка с эквивалентным диаметром 15-60 мкм, при эквивалентной площади, в поперечном сечении твердой смазочной пленки в направлении по толщине, составляет от 5 до 90%. В варианте выполнения наполнитель волокнистого типа (например, неорганическое вещество в виде нитевидного кристалла) вдобавок к смазочному порошку смешивается в твердую ...

10-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2125968C1

Изобретение предназначено для отраслей, в которых могут быть использованы фторуглеродные частицы. Среднечисленный размер 0,01 - 50 мкм. Распределение частиц с этим размером ±20 % от среднечисленного размера до по крайней мере 50% всего количества частиц. Истинный удельный вес 1,7 - 2,5. Отношение F/С частицы в целом 0,001 - 0,5, на поверхности - 0,1 - 2,0. Степень сферичности 0,8 - 1,0. Фторуглеродные частицы получают нагреванием углеродных частиц с указанными параметрами до 350 - 600oC и пропусканием газообразного фтора. Агенты неклейкости, твердые смазки, водо- и маслоотталкивающие средства, агенты для придания электрической проводимости, добавки к тонеру включают эти фторуглеродные частицы. Композитные материалы включают матрицу - смолы, каучуки, металлы, керамику, микрочастицы мезоуглерода, игольчатый кокс, углеродную сажу, пек, деготь, масла, органические растворители, воду или водные растворы и диспергированные в матрице фторуглеродные частицы. Тонкоизмельченные композитные частицы ...

27-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2100422C1
Принадлежит: Тимкал АГ (CH)

Изобретение относится к дорновому смазочному материалу для применения при изготовлении бесшовных труб, который состоит из графита, глинистых минералов из класса смектитов, полисахарида и в случае необходимости поверхностно-активного вещества. В форме водной дисперсии осуществляют нанесение на дорны, которые прошли охлаждающую ванну. 2 с. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

27-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2072390C1

Сущность: смазочный концентрат содержит в мас.ч. графит, и/или дисульфид молибдена, и/или тальк 50-75, порошкообразные металлы с пределом прочности, не превышающим предел прочности смазываемого материала, или их окислы 0,5-12,5; дисульфидаклкилфенолформальдегидную смолу 5-10, водонерастворимые поверхностно-активное вещество с полярностью, превышающей полярность воды 1-6; бутадиенстирольный термопласт 1,5-10, жирные кислоты с числом атомом С более 15 2-10. Используют твердый смазочный материал с удельной поверхностью 12-15•103 см2/г. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2248495C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовым соединениям для стальных труб. Резьбовое соединение для стальных труб содержит штифт и муфту, способные соединяться друг с другом. Слой пористого цинка или цинкового сплава в качестве нижнего слоя наносится способом рельефного нанесения. Твердая смазочная пленка, содержащая смазочный порошок в органическом или неорганическом связующем веществе, или жидкая смазочная пленка, свободная от порошка тяжелого металла, например жидкая пленка, образованная, главным образом, сильно основной органической солью металла, такой как высокоосновный сульфонат. Пленки в качестве верхнего слоя предусмотрены на части с резьбой и металлической контактной части без резьбы, по меньшей мере, либо штифта, либо муфты. Резьбовое соединение может обеспечить превосходное сопротивление заеданию, сопротивление коррозии и воздухонепроницаемость даже после того, как оно подвергается воздействию высокой температуры, и обеспечивает возможность повторного затягивания и развинчивания в горячей ...

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2604880C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к брикетированной графитовой смазке, используемой при горячей обработке металлов давлением, представляющей собой графитовые блоки, пропитанные водным раствором, содержащим поверхностно-активное вещество и растворимые в воде неорганические плавкие компоненты, причем последние выбирают из группы гидратированных солей натрия и калия фосфорсодержащих кислот либо их смесей, предпочтительно из группы ортофосфатов, и/или гидрофосфатов, и/или полифосфатов, и/или метафосфатов, либо их смесей. Техническим результатом настоящего изобретения является повышение стойкости инструмента и качества наружной поверхности изделий. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321619C1

Изобретение относится к высокотемпературным твердосмазочным составам, применяемым в узлах трения при температурах трения до 400°С на воздухе, и способам их получения. Сущность: композиция содержит 30-70 мас.% дисульфида молибдена, модифицированного эпиламом, содержащим фторорганическое поверхностно-активное вещество (Фтор-ПАВ), в их массовом соотношении 1:(2-3), и 30-70 мас.% графита. Получение смазочного покрытия включает предварительное высушивание дисульфида молибдена при 100-110°С в течение 2-3 ч, обработку его эпиламом, содержащим Фтор-ПАВ, в их массовом соотношении 1:(2-3) путем пропитывания при комнатной температуре в течение 10-18 ч, сушку полученного продукта при комнатной температуре до полного высыхания, термофиксацию при 100-110°С в течение 2-3 ч и смешение с графитом в указанном соотношении. Технический результат - повышение износостойкости узлов трения в условиях высоких нагрузок и температур. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

20-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96111415A

... 1. Композиция смазочного средства для предотвращения науглероживания при изготовлении бесшовных труб, состоящая из: а) 50 - 85 мас.% графита; б) 2 - 12 мас.% одного или нескольких глинистых минералов из группы смектитов; в1) 5-45 мас. % золя кремниевой кислоты или в2) 25-45 мас.% алюмосиликата калия. 2. Композиция смазочного средства по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве графита применяют синтетический графит со средним размером зерен от 1 мкм до 10 мкм. 3. Композиция смазочного средства по одному из пп. 1-2, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве глинистого минерала из группы смектитов применяют монтмориллонит со средним размером частиц d50 от 1 мкм до 10 мкм. 4. Композиция смазочного средства по пп. 1-3, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве золя кремниевой кислоты применяют водный золь коллоидной кремниевой кислоты со средним диаметром частиц SiO2 от 6 Нм до 30 Нм. 5. Композиция смазочного средства по одному из пп. 1-5, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве алюмосиликата калия применяют минерал ...

27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2327733C1

Использование: для уменьшения трения в узлах трения машин и механизмов, в том числе тяжело нагруженных, в процессе их приработки и эксплуатации. Сущность: смазка содержит рентгеноаморфный углерод, имеющий следующие характеристики: размер частиц по данным туннельной микроскопии 30-50 нм; температура начала окисления на воздухе не более 300°С; концентрация несопряженных двойных связей, определяемых по взаимодействию с нейтральным раствором перманганата калия - не менее 1 на 5 атомов углерода; концентрация парамагнитных центров по сигналу ЭПР с g-фактором 2,022 - не менее 1 на 1200 атомов углерода. Смазочная композиция содержит основное масло и рентгеноаморфный углерод. Технический результат - снижение интенсивности изнашивания поверхностей трения, повышение седиментационной устойчивости композиции при хранении. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 25 ил.

10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003117584A

... 1. Плотный материал с объемной плотностью более 90%, самосмазывающийся по всему объему посредством сухой смазки при коэффициенте трения менее 0,3 и образованный матрицей, придающей ему механическую прочность не менее 400 МПа в области температур от 300 до 600°С и заключающей в своем объеме частицы твердой смазки. 2. Материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанные частицы твердой смазки имеют эквивалентный диаметр от 5 до 100 мкм. 3. Материал по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что указанные частицы твердой смазки составляют от 1 до 30%, предпочтительно от 10 до 20% объема материала. 4. Материал по любому из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что состоит из мартенситной нержавеющей стали, заключающей в себе частицы нитрида бора; из сплава на основе кобальта, заключающего в себе частицы нитрида бора и/или графита или из никеля или сплава на основе никеля, заключающего в себе частицы графита. 5. Материал по любому из пп.1-4, отличающийся тем, что получен с использованием метода порошковой металлургии.

23-09-1988 дата публикации

Смазочный состав для редукторов

Номер: SU1425199A1

Изобретение касается смазок, которые используются в синусошариковых редукторах. Цель - увеличение срока службы смазки и снижение износа смазываемых деталей. Смазка содержит, мас.%: графит 25-55, диэтаноламин или триэтаноламин 4-17, глицерин до 100. Испытания показьгаают, что при замене в известном составе смазки гидразина соляно-кислого на дизтил- амин или триэтиламин срок службы последней увеличивается на 50% и интенсивность износа деталей снижается на 40-50%. Кроме того, на метаСлличес- ких деталях, контактирующих со смазкой , не обнаруживаются следы коррозии в течением-240 ч. Т. застывания смазки С(-30)С. 1 табл. а ...

07-05-1988 дата публикации

Смазочный материал для горячей обработки металлов давлением

Номер: SU1395145A3
Принадлежит: ЛОНЦА АГ (ФИРМА)

Изобретение относится к смазочному материалу для горячей обработки металлов давлением Цель изобретения - ловьшение смазочных свойств за счет снижения коэффициента трения, Смазочный материал содержит, мас,%: графит , 11,0-60,8f полиэтилен 3,7-18,4) неорганическую присадку 5,3-35,3 и органический стабилизатор, выбранный из группы, включающей поливинилацетат , поливияилоБьй спирт, полисахариды , поливинилбутираты, поливииилбу- тирали, алкилцеллюлозу, 0,2-80,0, Неорганическая присадка содержит, иас.%: полифосфат натрия (NaPOj)n, где п 6-50000. О,2-98,8 неоргнничес- кое соединение бора, выбранное из группы, в кпючакщей-буру, борную кислоту , , KB50g 4 H.j,0, борат цинка О,2-25,Оj жидкое стекло натрия или жидкое стекло калия с содержанием SiOj 21-47 мас,% ls,0-99,6a Смазочный материал обеспечивает коэффициент трения 0,03-0,054, 4 табл ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE112016000541T5

Eine reibungsarme Beschichtung 5 enthält: eine aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffgruppe, die in einem Infrarot-Absorptionsspektrum einen Peak im Bereich von 2900 cm–1 bis 3000 cm–1 zeigt; eine Carbonylgruppe, die in einem Infrarot-Absorptionsspektrum einen Peak im Bereich von 1650 cm–1 bis 1800 cm–1 zeigt; eine aromatische Komponente (C7H7 +), die in einem durch TOF-SIMS erhaltenen Positivionenspektrum einen Peak bei einer Masse von 91,1 zeigt; und eine auf einem kondensierten Ring basierende Komponente (C9H7 +), die in dem durch TOF-SIMS erhaltenen Positivionenspektrum einen Peak bei einer Masse von 115,2 zeigt.

14-06-2000 дата публикации

Earthquake protection sliding member

Номер: GB0002344605A

The invention relates to a system comprising two sliding members 11 and 14 in contact with each other. Sliding member 14 is of stainless steel whilst sliding member 11 comprises a stainless steel backing plate 12 onto which are attached materials 13a-13e. The materials are of increasing coefficient of friction from low 13a to high 13e. Thus in use a greater degree of resistance is applied to sliding element 14 as the displacement of 14 is increased. The system is intended for use for example between columns and floors in buildings to provide damping of vibrations from earthquakes, a further embodiment employs the system in a brake for a railed vehicle.

17-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002016039B

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413147T

15-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000082012T

15-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000182557T

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000210713T

15-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000197681T

09-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036784923T

27-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035884910T

05-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039515140T

10-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039580565T

06-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038810891T

26-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039089107T

27-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037583469T

04-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037437910T

27-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034261201T

03-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035822869T

16-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031008193T

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035054355T

21-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035206448T

04-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036508370T

20-03-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1050961A

Procédé de mise en oeuvre à froid des aciers inoxydables caractérisé par l'emploi commme agent lubrifiant de fluorure de carbone de formule CF x où le carbone utilisé pour la synthèse du coke, ou du charbon actif, et où x est compris entre 0,4 et 1,1. Ce procédé est notamment utilisable pour le tréfilage et la frappe à froid des aoiers inoxydables.

14-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002431580A1

La présente invention a pour objet: - un matériau dense - densité .gtoreq. 90 % - autolubrifiant à sec dans sa masse - coefficient de frottement < 0,3 -, constitué d'une matrice lui conférant une résistance mécanique adéquate - R m .gtoreq. 400 MPa - dans un domaine de températures moyennes à élevées - - 300.degree.C .ltoreq. .theta. .ltoreq. 600.degree.C - ; ladite matrice renfermant, dans son volume; des particules de lubrifiant solide ; - les pièces mécaniques, réalisées en ledit matériau ; - un procédé d'élaboration dudit matériau.

02-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002431580C

La présente invention a pour objet: - un matériau dense - densité .gtoreq. 90 % - autolubrifiant à sec dans sa masse - coefficient de frottement < 0,3 -, constitué d'une matrice lui conférant une résistance mécanique adéquate - R m .gtoreq. 400 MPa - dans un domaine de températures moyennes à élevées - - 300.degree.C .ltoreq. .theta. .ltoreq. 600.degree.C - ; ladite matrice renfermant, dans son volume; des particules de lubrifiant solide ; - les pièces mécaniques, réalisées en ledit matériau ; - un procédé d'élaboration dudit matériau.

07-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002088527A1

A mandrel lubricant for use in the manufacture of seamless tubes is composed of graphite, a clay mineral from the smectite class, a polysaccharide and optionally, a surfactant. The lubricant is applied to a mandrel in the form of an aqueous dispersion after the mandrel has passed through a cooling bath.

15-03-1978 дата публикации

High temp. lubricants for hot forming of metals

Номер: CH0000596294A5
Принадлежит: LONZA AG

High temp. lubricants for hot forming of metals contg. graphite, alkylene polymer, suspending agent and film stabiliser ...

31-03-1978 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000596894A5

14-09-2012 дата публикации

Lubricating device, useful for a revolving cover of a card engine, where the revolving cover is moved by two drive units arranged at a front side of the revolving cover in an endless loop and partially guided by stationary guides

Номер: CH0000704581A1

The lubricating device for a revolving cover (7) of a card engine, is claimed, where the revolving cover is moved by two drive units (9) arranged at a front side of the revolving cover in an endless loop and partially guided by stationary guides. A sliding surface (23) contacting at the revolving cover of the guide is provided. A lubrication of the sliding surface is provided with graphite as a lubricant carrier. A lubricant material is stored in the sliding surface. The graphite is formed in the form of a rod. The lubricant material is mixed with an additional lubricant material. The lubricating device for a revolving cover (7) of a card engine, is claimed, where the revolving cover is moved by two drive units (9) arranged at a front side of the revolving cover in an endless loop and partially guided by stationary guides. A sliding surface (23) contacting at the revolving cover of the guide is provided. A lubrication of the sliding surface is provided with graphite as a lubricant carrier ...

30-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000015144B1

Резьбовое соединение для стальных труб, содержащее ниппель и муфту, имеющее контактную поверхность (30), включающую резьбовую часть, и нерезьбовую часть контакта металл к металлу, характеризуется герметичностью, стойкостью к истиранию и коррозионной стойкостью, в частности, к щелевой коррозии. Контактная поверхность по меньшей мере одного из ниппеля и муфты покрыта первым слоем (34) гальванического покрытия, выполненным из сплава меди и цинка или из сплава меди, цинка и M1, где M1 представляет собой по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из олова, висмута и индия. Произвольно, подстилающий слой 32 одного или обоих из слоя (32а) гальванического покрытия из никеля и слоя (32b) гальванического покрытия из меди и слоя (36) гальванического покрытия из сплава олова и М2, где М2 представляет собой один или более элементов, выбранных из висмута, индия, никеля, цинка и меди, может быть сформирован под первым слоем и над ним, соответственно. Твердое смазочное покрытие (38а) и смазочное покрытие ...

29-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000023140B1

В изобретении, чтобы осуществить резьбовое соединение труб, образуемое ниппелем и муфтой, каждый из которых имеет резьбу и ненарезанную металлическую контактную часть, с превосходной устойчивостью к заклиниванию и газонепроницаемостью даже в окружающей среде с предельно низкой температурой от -60 до -20°С и свойствами защиты от коррозии без использования композитной смазки, термопластическое твердое смазочное покрытие, содержащее антифрикционные сополимерные частицы, состоящие из акрилового кремнийорганического сополимера, и предпочтительно дополнительно содержащее твердый смазочный материал (например, графит) в термопластической полимерной матрице (например, выбранной из полиолефиновых полимеров и сополимеров этилена и винилацетата), наносят на поверхности резьбы и ненарезанной металлической контактной части ниппеля и/или муфты.

26-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200970827A1

Резьбовое соединение для стальных труб, содержащее ниппель и муфту, имеющее контактную поверхность (30), включающую резьбовую часть, и нерезьбовую часть контакта металл к металлу, характеризуется герметичностью, стойкостью к истиранию и коррозионной стойкостью, в частности, к щелевой коррозии. Контактная поверхность по меньшей мере одного из ниппеля и муфты покрыта первым слоем (34) гальванического покрытия, выполненным из сплава меди и цинка или из сплава меди, цинка и M1, где M1 представляет собой по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из олова, висмута и индия. Произвольно, подстилающий слой 32 одного или обоих из слоя (32а) гальванического покрытия из никеля и слоя (32b) гальванического покрытия из меди и слоя (36) гальванического покрытия из сплава олова и М2, где М2 представляет собой один или более элементов, выбранных из висмута, индия, никеля, цинка и меди, может быть сформирован под первым слоем и над ним, соответственно. Твердое смазочное покрытие (38а) и смазочное покрытие ...

25-07-2018 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000127183U

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KZ0000024940B

В заявке описана высокотемпературная смазка, предназначенная для использования при горячей обработке высококачественных и углеродистых сталей давлением и содержащая графит, органический газообразователь и неорганическое разделительное средство, а также описано ее применение. Согласно изобретению предлагаемая в нем высокотемпературная смазка, которую можно использовать при прокатке широкого спектра сталей самых разных марок и изготовлении из них проката с разной толщиной стенок и с разными коэффициентами вытяжки или удлинения и которая помимо этого обладает высокой температуростойкостью, обеспечивает получение проката стабильного качества при переходе к изготовлению проката с другой толщиной стенки и/или при смене марки стали и не приводит к нежелательному науглероживанию прокатываемого металла, содержит по меньшей мере следующие компоненты, количество которых указано в мас.% в пересчете на содержание твердых веществ: (а) графит в количестве от 40 до 90 мас.%, (б) органический газообразователь ...

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000073017 C2

Винахід стосується машинобудування, а саме антифрикційних композиційних матеріалів, які застосовуються у вкладишах підшипників ковзання, працюючих в умовах обмеженого змащування та високої температури, може бути використаний в металургії та інших галузях промисловості. Антифрикційний композиційний матеріал містить як матрицю мідь, як наповнювач - сталевий литий дріб, який графітизований та сульфідизований, а як тверде мастило - графіт кристалічний та сірку. Застосування даного винаходу дозволяє підвищити термін служби деталей вузлів тертя-ковзання в 2-3 рази у порівнянні з прототипом і зменшити витрати електроенергії на привід механізмів за рахунок низького коефіцієнта тертя матеріалу.

28-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000026556B1

В изобретении представлено трубное резьбовое соединение, которое не содержит вредных тяжелых металлов, которое имеет превосходные характеристики устойчивости к фрикционной коррозии, газонепроницаемости и предотвращения ржавления и которое не проявляет легкой текучести заплечиковых участков, даже когда подвергается свинчиванию с высоким крутящим моментом, составлено ниппелем (1) и муфтой (2), причем каждый конструкционный элемент имеет контактную поверхность, включающую безрезьбовой участок металлического контакта, включающий уплотнительный участок (4а или 4b) и заплечиковый участок (5а или 5b), и резьбовой участок (3а или 3b). Контактная поверхность по меньшей мере одного конструкционного элемента из ниппеля и муфты, поверхность уплотнительного участка и заплечикового участка имеет первое смазочное покрытие (10) в форме твердого смазочного покрытия, и поверхность резьбового участка или вся поверхность контактной поверхности полностью имеет второе смазочное покрытие (11), выбранное из вязкого ...

17-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000037192B1

В изобретении предлагается резьбовое соединение для труб или трубок, имеющее высокие характеристики при превышении крутящего момента, и способ изготовления резьбового соединения для труб или трубок. Резьбовое соединение (1) для труб или трубок в соответствии с настоящим вариантом осуществления включает в себя ниппель (5) и муфту (8). Ниппель (5) и муфта (8) включают в себя контактную поверхность (6), (9), включающую в себя резьбовой участок (4), (7) и металлический контактный участок. Резьбовое соединение (1) для труб или трубок включает в себя слой (21) твердого смазочного покрытия по меньшей мере на одной из контактных поверхностей (6), (9) ниппеля (5) и муфты (8), причем слой (21) твердого смазочного покрытия включает в себя смолу, твердый смазочный порошок и Cr2O3.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201992767A1

25-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: GE0000005946B

Система содержит корпус, с выполненным в нем гнездом 5 со вставленным в него стержнем 8 с фрикционным смазочным материалом для прижатия к поверхности 11 качения колеса и/или рельса при перемещении подвижного состава. В корпусе выполнено дополнительное гнездо 4, в которое вставлен стержень 3 с антифрикционным смазочным материалом для прижатия к поверхности гребня 10 колеса и/или боковой поверхности головки рельса, кроме этого, на корпусе закреплено средство 9 подачи воды на поверхность трения рельса и колеса, связанное с водяным резервуаром. Стержень с фрикционным смазочным материалом представляет собой модификатор, изготовленный из следующих компонентов: цеолит 20-70%, кварцевый песок 20-70%, вода 2-20%, наполнитель 5-40%, связующее 3-30%, а стержень с антифрикционным смазочным материалом представляет собой модификатор, изготовленный из следующих компонентов: графит 0-10%, дисульфид молибдена 0-30%, вода 3-20%, бентонитовая глина 20-80%, антикоррозийный и противопенный наполнитель 5-40% ...

09-01-2008 дата публикации

Magnesium alloy extrusion deforming processing method

Номер: CN0101099978A

The magnesium alloy extruding deformation process includes the following steps: heating the extruding die for bidirectional extrusion and flowing diameter change and painting lubricant to the extrusion passage, heating magnesium alloy blank through homogenizing treatment and setting into the extrusion passage, and bidirectional extrusion on the magnesium alloy blank from its two ends with two male dies moving in opposite direction in the speed of 1.5-2.5 m/min and force of 2.5-5 MPa to realize flowing extrusion deformation. The magnesium alloy extruding deformation process can fine the crystal grain of magnesium alloy greatly, raise its comprehensive mechanical performance, low extrusion temperature and high production efficiency.

24-03-1930 дата публикации

Colloidal Lubréfiant having like conveys a volatile liquid

Номер: FR0000678442A

31-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002416258A

Ce lubrifiant est caractérisé en ce qu'il est préparé par addition d'un lubrifiant pulvérulent solide à un polyalcool. L'invention trouve une application avantageuse dans le mandrinage des tuyaux.

05-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002260726A1

11-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002221210A1

04-06-1990 дата публикации

Номер: KR0100035363B1

19-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012096149A1

A lubricant for hot-rolling contains 10-20 wt% of a particulate oxide-type layered substance selected from potassium tetrasilicate mica, sodium tetrasilicate mica, natural gold mica, bentonite and vermiculite, 10-20 wt% of a binder selected from boric acid and a boric acid compound, and 2-30 wt% of particles of a solid lubricant selected from boron nitride, silicon carbide, ultra-dispersed nanodiamond, fullerene C60 and iron oxide (III). The lubricant enables the prevention of the occurrence of burning between a mandrel lever and a material to be rolled during a stretching/rolling procedure in the production of a seamless metallic tube comprising a high-Cr/high-Ni material by a mannesumann-mandrel mill tube production process.

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: WO2019181131A1

Provided is a slide member for an internal combustion engine of an automobile and the like, the slide member being provided with a good sliding characteristic by having increased lipophilicity of the slide surface due to adjustment of the surface property of a resin layer forming the slide surface, thereby making it possible to effectively prevent wear and seizure of the slide member and a counterpart slide member. Provided is a slide member in which a resin layer is disposed on a surface of a base material, wherein the resin layer has a surface roughening ratio of not less than 1.05 and more preferably not less than 1.07. Local peaks of the resin layer may have an average interval (s) in a range of not less than 2 μm and not more than 12 μm and more preferably in a range of not less than 2 μm and not more than 10 μm. The resin layer may have an average height (Rc) in a range of not less than 0.5 μm and not more than 5.0 μm and more preferably in a range of not less than 0.5 μm and not ...

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011111668A1

The disclosed sliding member comprises a coating layer provided on a substrate, said coating layer having a sliding surface and comprising a resin coating in which a solid lubricant is dispersed. In said sliding member, the (001) plane of the solid lubricant exhibits an improved orientation rate. The mean thickness of the coating layer is at most 3 μm and the mean diameter of the solid lubricant particles, as measured by laser diffraction, is at least 2 μm. The solid lubricant is dispersed with a relative C-axis intensity ratio of at least 90%.

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: WO2017199503A1

This water lubricant composition (10) includes water (11) as a base lubricant and ND particles (12) which are hydrogen-reduced nanodiamond particles. The content ratio of water (11) in the water lubricant composition (10) is at least 90% by mass, for example. The content ratio of ND particles (12) in the water lubricant composition (10) is no more than 0.1% by mass, for example. Such a water lubricant composition (10) is suitable for realizing low friction in water lubrication. {In this water lubricating system, a water lubricant composition (10) such as described above is used to lubricate an SiC member and/or an SiO2 member.

28-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002007072832A1
Автор: KANEKO, Masato

A refrigerating-machine oil composition which is satisfactory in both of sludge-dispersing properties and the prevention of wear and seizing on sliding parts made of aluminum and/or iron of a compressor for refrigerating machines. The refrigerating-machine oil composition is characterized by comprising a base oil which is at least one member selected among mineral oils and synthetic oils and, incorporated therein, at least one polyamide compound having two or more amide groups per molecule, the amount of the polyamide compound being 0.01-5 mass% based on the whole refrigerating-machine oil composition.

21-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006134687A1

A friction material that even in rainy weather of high humidity, can suppress any change of friction factor attributed to humidity change, thereby being stable in friction performance. There is provided an antifriction characterized by being constituted of an organized graphite obtained by subjecting graphite to chemical treatment so as to form a graphite intercalation compound having a low-molecular substance inserted between graphite layers and thereafter immersing the graphite intercalation compound in a solution of organizing agent to thereby effect insertion of an organic compound between the graphite layers. Further, there is provided a friction material characterized by containing the above antifriction constituted of an organized graphite as a solid antifriction for friction regulation.

22-05-2003 дата публикации

Threaded joint for steel pipes having improved galling resistance and rust-preventing properties

Номер: US2003094810A1

In a threaded joint for steel pipes comprising a pin and a box capable of mating with each other, the pin having an externally threaded portion and an unthreaded metal contact portion as a mating surface, and the box having an internally threaded portion and an unthreaded metal contact portion as a mating surface, the mating surface of at least one of the pin and the box is coated with a lower porous zinc or zinc alloy layer by blast plating and with an upper coating which is either a solid lubricating coating (comprising a lubricating powder in an organic or in organic binder) or a liquid, heavy metal powder-free coating (e.g., a liquid coating based on a highly basic organic acid metal salt such as a highly basic metal sulfonate). The threaded joint exhibits improved galling resistance, rust-preventing properties, and gas tightness even after exposure to a high temperature and makes it possible to perform repeated fastening (make-up) and loosening (break-out) in a high-temperature oil ...

02-08-1988 дата публикации

Magnetic recording medium having a back coat layer containing carbon black treated with fatty acids

Номер: US0004761331A1
Принадлежит: Victor Company of Japan, Ltd.

A magnetic recording medium comprises a back coat layer on one side of a non-magnetic support which is opposite to a side on which a magnetic recording layer has been formed. The back coat layer is made of a composition which comprises, in a resin binder, carbon black treated with a fatty acid of the formula, RCOOH, in which R represents a linear saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbon having from 13 to 17 carbon atoms. The medium is particularly suitable for high density recording.

04-08-1981 дата публикации

Process for isothermally shaping a titanium-containing metal workpiece

Номер: US0004281528A1
Принадлежит: TRW Inc.

There is provided an improved process for isothermal shaping of a titanium-containing workpiece in a hot die. A precoat lubricant composition including a glassy component and a solid lubricant such as graphite dispersed in an organic medium is applied to the workpiece, and the workpiece heated to a temperature sufficient to remove the organic medium to leave a residue of glassy material and graphite on the workpiece. The workpiece is then inserted in a heated split die, and the die loaded to alter the shape of the workpiece. The ratio of the solid lubricant to the glassy component is at least one to one. The particle size of the glassy component is important to the surface character of the finally shaped workpiece.

21-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EP2546535B1
Принадлежит: Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

31-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: EP3798459A1

A sliding spline shaft device of the present invention includes a male spline and a female spline that is fitted to the male spline in an axially slidable manner, and at least one of the splines has a surface processed layer. The surface processed layer includes an undercoat layer, an intermediate layer containing phosphate, and a topcoat layer containing solid lubricant, in this order. The undercoat layer contains iron nitride and/or iron carbide. Thus, the surface of a base material has high hardness. As a result, microscopic deformation of the sliding surface is reduced, and increase in a real contact area is suppressed, whereby stick-slip is prevented.

25-09-2002 дата публикации

Fluorinated carbon fiber, and active material for battery and solid lubricant using the same

Номер: EP0001243680A2

A fluorinated carbon fiber has a hollow core structure in which a number of hexagonal carbon layers in the shape of a cup having no bottom are stacked. Edges of the hexagonal carbon layers are exposed on the inner and outer surfaces of the fluorinated carbon fiber. In the fluorinated carbon fiber, the exposed edges of the hexagonal carbon layers are fluorinated and have a structure shown by CxFy.

05-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: JP2009046639A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a thermoconductive grease having excellent heat resistance at high temperatures. SOLUTION: The thermoconductive grease comprises (A) 80-97 mass% inorganic powder filler; (B) 2-19 mass% base oil; (C) 0.001-3 mass% metal soap consisting of a divalent or more metal ion and an organic acid; and (D) 0.03-0.75 mass% amine-based antioxidant, in which the content ratio of the component (C) to the content of a liquid component is 0.01-15 mass%. COPYRIGHT: (C)2009,JPO&INPIT ...

13-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: JP0008041474A

PURPOSE: To obtain a lubricating agent for hot plastic working, capable of preventing occurrence of burning and internal flaw of a deep product in mandrel mill rolling of hollow raw pipe made of stainless steel due to mandrel bar to which Cr plating is applied and provide a hot plastic working method. CONSTITUTION: This lubricating agent comprises 30-80wt.% of an alkali.metal carbonate, 10-30wt.% of an alkali metal fatty acid salt and 0-50wt.% of graphite. This method for carrying out hot rolling working is to blow the lubricating agent into the inner face of a high-temperature hollow raw pipe heated to processing temperature and insert a mandrel bar forming a graphite-rein-based solid lubricating film on the surface by an ordinary method. COPYRIGHT: (C)1996,JPO ...

26-06-1978 дата публикации

Номер: JP0053020261B2

25-01-2006 дата публикации

Номер: JP0003738703B2

04-11-2009 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004356078B2

02-02-1994 дата публикации

Номер: JP0006008213B2

15-06-2005 дата публикации

Номер: JP0003659061B2

22-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: JP2009013192A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a composite hard carbon film which improves compatible characteristic in the friction early time of a carbon nitride film, to achieve an ultra-low frictional state from the extremely early stage of the friction early time. SOLUTION: The composite hard carbon film 20 is characterized by comprising a carbon nitride film 21 formed on a substrate 10 and a carbon coating film 22 formed on the carbon nitride film 21. The thickness of the carbon coating film 22 is preferably 1 to 500 nm, more preferably 2 to 4 nm. COPYRIGHT: (C)2009,JPO&INPIT ...

27-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2320739C2

Изобретение относится к получению самосмазывающихся материалов, которые могут использоваться для деталей турбомашин. Плотный самосмазывающийся по всему объему материал образован металлической матрицей, содержащей от 1 до 30% частиц твердой смазки. Объемная плотность - более 90%. Для его получения готовят гомогенную смесь из металлического порошкового материала, частиц твердой смазки и органического связующего. Смесь формуют посредством прессования или литья под давлением. Заготовку извлекают из формы, удаляют связующее и спекают. Полученный материал имеет коэффициент трения - менее 0,3, механическая прочность в области температур от 300 до 600°С - не менее 400 МПа. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2177498C2

Использование: в горной промышленности для герметизации резьбовых соединений труб. Сущность изобретения: смазка характеризуется определенными значениями статического напряжения сдвига, размерами твердых наполнителей и их концентрацией в смазке. Исходя из этих требований определены составы смазок. Смазка для обсадных труб содержит, мас.%: низкомолекулярный полиэтилен 35-50, буретан 25-38, графитовый порошок 12-40, при этом содержание частиц порошка с размером dч составляет, мас.%: 20 мкм 1; 10 мкм 3, 6 мкм 4-6, менее 6 мкм - остальное. Технический результат - повышение надежности герметизации резьбовых соединений труб, работающих в скважинных условиях, сокращение аварийности, увеличение продолжительности работы инструмента, обсадной колонны и насосно-компрессорных труб. 2 с. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 4 ил.

10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326285C1

Изобретение относится к резьбовым соединениям. Резьбовое соединение для стальной трубы содержит ниппель и муфту с контактной поверхностью, имеющей резьбовую часть и нерезьбовую часть для металлического контакта, в котором на, по меньшей мере, контактной поверхности ниппеля или муфты образована твердая смазочная пленка, содержащая один или несколько видов смазочных порошков, выбранных из смазочных порошков из графита, слюды, карбоната кальция и каолина, медный порошок и связующее. Изобретение обеспечивает возможность многократного соединения и ослабления резьбового соединения без вредного воздействия на организм человека и окружающую среду, имеет значительное сопротивление заеданию, коррозионную стойкость и герметичность. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 5 табл.

27-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2132364C1

Изобретение относится к твердым антифрикционным самосмазывающим материалам. Материал содержит компоненты при следующем соотношении, мас.%: кокс - 10 - 20; дисульфид молибдена - 5 - 10; эпоксидная диановая смола - 5 - 10 и графит - до 100. Материал имеет низкий коэффициент трения (0,055 - 0, 083) и высокую прочность на изгиб (0,32 - 0,51 МПа).

20-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2254361C1

Использование: в средненагруженных узлах трения скольжения, а также в качестве твердой смазки в тяжелонагруженных узлах трения. Сущность: материал содержит, мас.%: кокс 15-25, медь12-18, свинцово-боросиликатное стекло 2-5, эпоксидная смола 7-13, графит - остальное. Технический результат - снижение коэффициента трения и интенсивности изнашивания, повышение нагрузочной способности в различных режимах трения. 1 табл.

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005101075A

... 1. Твердый смазочный материал для смазки поддерживающей подвески вращающегося устройства, содержащий а) органический фосфат, б) твердый смазочный материал, выбранный из группы, включающей графит, молибден, бор, нитрид бора, вольфрам, силикагель, неорганическую глину, политетрафторэтилен, а также их смеси, в) металл, выбранный из группы, включающей медь, алюминий, олово, а также их смеси, причем температура самовозгорания указанного твердого смазочного материала составляет, по меньшей мере, приблизительно 1000°F (537°С). 2. Твердый смазочный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный органический фосфат представляет собой эфир фосфористой кислоты, выбранной из группы, включающей трифенилфосфит, трикрезилфосфит, дифенилнонилфенилфосфит, трис(нонилфенил)фосфит, триизооктилфосфит, дифенилизодецилфосфит, фенилдиизодецилфосфит, а также их смеси. 3. Твердый смазочный материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что указанный органический фосфат представляет собой эфир фосфорной кислоты, выбранной ...

19-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002532906A1

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for producing a stable boric solution

Номер: US20120108475A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a stable boron solution with lubricating characteristics which is intended to be used preferably as an addition in the form of a concentrate/additive to a liquid, e.g. to a liquid fuel or a lubricant. The invention is achieved by the method steps of using a boron substance of pharmaceutical quality ( 1, 11 ), using a liquid as solvent, applying a mixing ratio between the boron substance and the solvent ( 3, 13 ) of preferably 1 g of boron per 15-25 litres of liquid, agitating the mixture for an initial predetermined period of time ( 4, 14 ), adding further liquid to dilute the solution ( 6, 15 ), the quantity of liquid being chosen such that a fmal user mixture reaches a concentration of between 20 and 30 ppm of boron ( 8 ), and further agitating the mixture ( 7, 16 ) for a second predetermined period of time so that the boron substance is completely dissolved in the boron solution, resulting in a boron solution which is stable over time.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Solid Lubricant

Номер: US20120201487A1
Автор: Eugene Kverel
Принадлежит: SKF AB

A solid lubricant is for a bearing and includes at least thirty percent by weight of graphite, a binding material, and inorganic lubricating nanoparticles. Also, a bearing filled with the solid lubricant is provided.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Alkali Metal Borate and Lubricating Compositions Thereof

Номер: US20120214716A1
Принадлежит: Lubrizol Corp

The present invention relates to a lubricating composition containing an alkali metal borate. The invention further provides for a method of lubricating a device with grease or a metalworking fluid by employing the lubricating composition containing the alkali metal borate.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274157A1

The invention relates to lubricating compositions and methods for producing same. The lubricating composition comprises a lubricating medium and the product of dehydration of natural minerals or a mixture of natural minerals, or of synthesized hydrates. 1. A lubricating composition comprising:a lubricating medium; anda dehydration product of natural mineral hydrates, natural mineral composition, or synthesized hydrates in which the dehydration product includes at least one of the oxides MgO, SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, and Na2O and has been obtained after constitution water elimination and crystal lattice destruction at temperature from 400° C. to 900° C.wherein the dehydration product has been obtained after constitution water elimination and crystal lattice destruction at a temperature not higher than 900° C. and wherein the dehydration product reaches at least one of a stable or permanent stage at a temperature exposure over the range of 900° C.-1200° C., wherein an obtained nanostructure of the dehydration product is in the range of 100-100000 nm.2. A method of preparing a lubricating composition , comprising:dehydrating at least one of metal oxides hydrates and nonmetals at the temperature from 300° C. to 1200° C., wherein the stated oxides are at least one of MgO, SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, and Na2O;blending an obtained dehydration product with a lubricating medium; andfollowing the dehydrating step, stabilizing the dehydration product at concerted temperature exposure from 700° C. to 1200° C. for a retention interval of 1-3 hours. This application is a U.S. national stage application of PCT application PCT/UA2011/000116, filed Nov. 16, 2011, and claims the benefit of priority from Ukrainian Patent Application No. a 2010 15684, filed Dec. 24, 2010.The invention belongs to lubricating compounds and their preparation methods. Common knowledge includes numerous lubricant compounds, which can be applied for initial treatment of friction units of cars and ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296203A1

Properties of a phosphate coating are improved by preparing and applying a mixture containing nano-dimensioned hexagonal boron nitride, known as a solid lubricant, to a Zn, Zn-Ca, Fe and Mn phosphate coating. The hexagonal boron nitride is added to the coating bath during the phosphate treatment. Products coated with Zn, Zn-Ca, Fe and Mn phosphate accommodated with hexagonal boron nitride are disclosed.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130303414A1

The invention relates to a coating comprising at least one molybdenum-containing layer having molybdenum oxide, said molybdenum being essentially molybdenum monoxide. The invention further relates to a PVD process for producing the disclosed coating, in which the layer comprising the molybdenum monoxide is produced using arc evaporation. The invention also relates to a component that has said coating. 1. Coating comprising at least one layer containing molybdenum with molybdenum oxide , characterized in that the molybdenum oxide is essentially molybdenum monoxide.2. Coating according to claim 1 , characterized in that the coating comprises at least one molybdenum oxide layer that essentially includes molybdenum monoxide and in that the XRD spectrum of the molybdenum monoxide layer essentially exhibits neither MoOpeaks nor MoOpeaks.3. Coating according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the coating comprises at least one molybdenum nitride layer.4. Coating according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterized in that the coating comprises at least one Mo—N—O layer including molybdenum-nitrogen compounds and molybdenum-oxide compounds claim 1 , wherein essentially the molybdenum atoms form a compound with maximum one oxygen atom and in that molybdenum monoxide is preferably contained in the coating.5. Coating according to claim 4 , characterized in that the Mo—N—O layer lies between a molybdenum nitride layer and a molybdenum monoxide layer.6. Coating according to or claim 4 , characterized in that the atomic concentration ratio in the Mo—N—O layer is described by the following formula: formula: Mo(NO) claim 4 , wherein:e: is the atomic oxygen concentration in the Mo—N—O layerd: is the atomic nitrogen concentration in the Mo—N—O layerz: is the atomic molybdenum concentration in the Mo—N—O layer and z≧y.7. Coating according to claim 4 , or claim 4 , characterized in that the Mo—N—O layer is a graded layer claim 4 , wherein the ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011719A1

A method for improving wear protection in an engine lubricated with a lubricating oil by using as the lubricating oil a formulated oil having a HTHS viscosity of less than 2.6 cP at 150° C. The formulated oil has a composition including a major amount of a lubricating oil base stock and a minor amount of metal phosphate nanoplatelets. The metal phosphate nanoplatelets are dispersed in the lubricating oil base stock sufficient for the formulated oil to pass wear protection requirements of one or more engine tests selected from TU3M, Sequence IIIG, Sequence IVA and OM646LA. Also provided are lubricating engine oil composition having improved wear protection. 1. A method for improving wear protection in an engine lubricated with a lubricating oil by using as the lubricating oil a formulated oil having a HTHS viscosity of less than 4.0 cP at 150° C. , said formulated oil having a composition comprising a major amount of a lubricating oil base stock and a minor amount of metal phosphate nanoplatelets; wherein said metal phosphate nanoplatelets are dispersed in said lubricating oil base stock sufficient for the formulated oil to pass wear protection requirements of one or more engine tests selected from TU3M , Sequence IIIG , Sequence IVA and OM646LA.2. The method of wherein the lubricating oil base stock comprises a Group I claim 1 , Group II claim 1 , Group III claim 1 , Group IV or Group V base oil.3. The method of wherein the metal phosphate nanoplatelets comprise alpha zirconium phosphate (ZrP) nanoplatelets.4. The method of wherein the alpha zirconium phosphate (ZrP) nanoplatelets comprise platy particles having diameters less than 1500 nm.5. The method of wherein the alpha zirconium phosphate (ZrP) nanoplatelets are grafted with a hydrocarbon polymer to form hydrocarbon polymer nanoplates that are dispersed in said lubricating oil base stock.6. The method of wherein the hydrocarbon polymer comprises a homopolymer claim 5 , random copolymer or block copolymer that ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031267A1
Принадлежит: AB Nanol Technologies OY

A lubricant additive composition includes oil soluble metal salts of inorganic and organic acids, and abrasive particles. Use of a lubricant additive composition includes oil soluble metal salts of inorganic and organic acids abrasive particles for wear protection of friction surfaces. 1. Lubricant additive composition comprising oil soluble metal salts of inorganic and organic acids , wherein the additive composition comprises from 0.005 wt % to 0.1 wt % , preferably from 0.01 wt % to 0.05 wt % , most preferably from 0.01 wt % to 0.03 wt % abrasive particles.2. Lubricant additive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the average diameter size of abrasive particles ranges from 0.5 μm to 20 μm claim 1 , preferably from 1 μm to 10 μm claim 1 , most preferably from 1 μm to 3 μm.3. Lubricant additive composition according to claim 1 , wherein abrasive particles have a hardness of at least 7 on the Mohs scale.4. Lubricant additive composition according to claim 1 , wherein abrasive particles comprise carbonates claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , carbides and/or oxides of elements of boron claim 1 , carbon and/or alkaline earth metal groups.5. Lubricant additive composition according to claim 1 , wherein the additive composition comprises at least one of the following: an aliphatic alcohol claim 1 , a succinimide derivative claim 1 , an aromatic amine claim 1 , an epoxy resin and/or a 2-iminosubstituted indoline.6. Use of a lubricant additive composition comprising oil soluble metal salts of inorganic and organic acids and from 0.005 wt % to 0.1 wt % claim 1 , preferably from 0.01 wt % to 0.05 wt % claim 1 , most preferably from 0.01 wt % to 0.03 wt % abrasive particles for wear protection of friction surfaces.7. Use of a composition according to claim 6 , wherein the average diameter size of abrasive particles ranges from 0.5 μm to 20 μm claim 6 , preferably from 1 μm to 10 μm claim 6 , most preferably from 1 μm to 3μm.8. Use of a composition according to claim 6 , ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Metal Treatment Composition and Method of Treating Rubbing Surfaces

Номер: US20140037864A1
Автор: Sergachev Alexander
Принадлежит: Sergachev Technologies LLC

A durable anti-wear coating for friction assemblies, a method of making the same and a method of using the same is provided. The method of use results in the formation of an anti-wear coating and selective carbonization of any ferrous surfaces by impregnating the surface layer with carbon, and makes it possible to selectively optimize the clearances between any bearing surface (ferrous or nonferrous). The method may take place during the standard operating process of the mechanism, without disassembly or with only partial disassembly. 1. A metal treatment composition comprising:from about 0.0025% to about 0.5% by weight of a solid additive; andfrom about 99.9975% to about 99.5% by weight binder; from about 85% to about 100% by weight of varieties of natural minerals; and', 'from about 0% to about 15% by weight surfactant., 'wherein the solid additive consists of2. The metal treatment composition of wherein the varieties of natural minerals comprises:{'sub': Mg', '6', '4', '10', '8, '40-70% [SiO](OH)by weight;'}{'sub': 2', '4', '10', '2, '5-20% Al[SiO](OH)by weight;'}5-10% Amphibole by weight; and{'sub': 3', '2', '5', '4, '20-40% Mg[SiO](OH)by weight.'}3. The metal treatment composition of wherein the said varieties of natural minerals mixed to an elemental consistency claim 1 , according to an x-ray diffraction analysis claim 1 , of;52.0-58.2 wt % silicon (Si);34.6-38.8 wt % magnesium (Mg);1.9-5.2 wt % iron (Fe);0.35-3.5 wt % aluminum (Al);0.35-1.75 wt % chromium (Cr);0.15-1.75 wt % nickel (Ni);0.1-0.9 wt % calcium (Ca);0.04-0.2 wt % manganese (Mn); and0.04-0.15 wt % titanium (Ti).4. The metal treatment composition of wherein the binder comprises one or more of motor oil claim 1 , industrial oil claim 1 , fuel claim 1 , mineral oil claim 1 , synthetic oils and grease.5. The metal treatment composition of comprising about 0.02 wt % solid additive and about 99.98 wt % binder.6. A method of making the metal treatment composition of comprising the following steps:{'sub ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000710A1

A water-based coolant contains at least one inorganic acid salt of phosphate, phosphite, sulfate, sulfite, borate, molybdate, tungstate, carbonate, hydrogen carbonate and sesquicarbonate. Since the water-based coolant of the invention exhibits a high cooling capability but does not easily corrode a metallic material (a cooling object), the water-based coolant of the invention is suitable as a quenching oil or a cutting oil for the metallic material. 1. A water-based coolant comprising:at least one inorganic acid salt selected from the group consisting of a phosphate, a phosphite, a sulfate, a sulfite, a borate, a molybdate, a tungstate, a carbonate, a hydrogen carbonate and a sesquicarbonate.2. The water-based coolant according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one inorganic acid salt is a metal salt.3. The water-based coolant according to claim 2 , whereinthe at least one inorganic acid salt is a sodium salt, a potassium salt, a calcium salt and or a magnesium salt.4. The water-based coolant according to claim 1 , whereina content of the at least one inorganic acid salt is in a range of from 1 mass % to 20 mass % of a total amount of the coolant.5. The water-based coolant according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one inorganic acid salt is a phosphate, which is at least one of an orthophosphate, a hydrogen phosphate, a dihydrogenphosphate, a polyphosphate and a metaphosphate.6. The water-based coolant according to claim 1 , wherein the coolant is a quenching oil or a cutting oil.7. The water-based coolant according to claim 1 , further comprising a water-soluable rust inhibitor and a metal corrosion inhibitor.8. The water-based coolant according to claim 7 , wherein a content of the water-soluable rust inhibitor is in a range of from 0.01 mass % to 5 mass % of a total amount of the coolant.9. The water-based coolant according to claim 7 , wherein a content of the metal corrosion inhibitor is in a range of from 0.01 mass % to 1 mass % of a total amount of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001259A1

A material for trapping a target substance, which is capable of selectively trapping a target substance such as a sludge or a sludge precursor contained in a liquid organic compound such as an engine oil or in a gas such as a blow-by gas (combustion gas). A material for trapping a target substance, which traps a target substance contained in a liquid organic compound or a gas, the material comprising a mesoporous inorganic material having a plurality of pores. 1. A composition comprising:a mesoporous inorganic material having a plurality of pores, wherein a central pore diameter of the mesoporous inorganic material is within a range of from approximately 1 nm to approximately 20 nm;a liquid organic compound; and the liquid organic compound is in contact with the mesoporous inorganic material, and', 'at least a portion of the target substance is trapped within the plurality of pores of the mesoporous inorganic material., 'a target substance; wherein'}2. The composition according to claim 1 , whereina central pore diameter of the mesoporous inorganic material is within a range from approximately 1.5 nm to approximately 11 nm.3. The composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe mesoporous inorganic material is a silica-based mesoporous inorganic material.4. The composition according to claim 3 , whereinthe silica-based mesoporous inorganic material is a spherical silica-based mesoporous inorganic material having an average particle size of not more than approximately 1 μm.5. The composition according to claim 1 , whereinan average particle size of the mesoporous inorganic material is within a range of from approximately 0.2 μm to approximately 100 μm.6. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the mesoporous inorganic material is a material that has been chemically modified with an amino group or a hydrochloride via a hydrocarbon group.7. The composition according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid organic compound comprises engine oil claim 1 , and the target ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002628A1
Автор: Hartley Joseph P.
Принадлежит: Infineum International Limited

A crankcase lubricating oil composition for the crankcase of a spark-ignited or compression-ignited internal combustion engine, comprising a magnesium-containing detergent, in an amount sufficient to provide from 200-4000 ppm magnesium to the lubricating oil composition, in combination with an oil-soluble or oil-dispersible molybdenum compound in an amount sufficient to provide from 600-1500 ppm molybdenum atoms to the lubricating oil composition, and with an oil-soluble or oil-dispersible boron-containing compound in an amount sufficient to provide from 200-600 ppm boron atoms to the lubricating oil composition to improve the friction and fuel economy performance. 1. A crankcase lubricating oil composition comprising or made by admixing:(A) an oil of lubricating viscosity, in a major amount;(B) an oil-soluble or oil-dispersible molybdenum-containing additive, providing from 600-1500 ppm of molybdenum atoms to the lubricating oil composition;(C) a detergent composition comprising one or more magnesium sulfonate detergents in an amount providing from 200 to 4000 ppm magnesium atoms to the lubricating oil composition, measured according to ASTM D5185; and(D) an oil-soluble or oil-dispersible boron-containing compound present in the lubricating oil composition in an amount sufficient to provide from 200-600 ppm boron atoms to the lubricating oil composition, measured according to ASTM D5185.2. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , wherein the detergent composition comprises one or more additional detergent additive selected from magnesium salicylate claim 1 , calcium salicylate claim 1 , calcium sulfonate claim 1 , magnesium phenate claim 1 , calcium phenate claim 1 , hybrid detergents comprising two or more of these additional detergent additives and/or combinations thereof.3. A lubricating oil composition according to claim 2 , wherein the detergent composition further comprises a calcium salicylate and/or a calcium sulfonate detergent.4. A lubricating ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Organic Lubricant

Номер: US20200002636A1
Принадлежит: MJ Research and Development, LP

An organic lubricant composition comprising a vegetable oil; an organic acid; and an organic alcohol, where the organic lubricant composition is substantially free of inorganic compounds. 1. An organic lubricant composition comprising:a. a vegetable oil;b. an organic acid; andc. an organic alcohol, where the organic lubricant composition is substantially free of inorganic compounds.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the components react to form an at least partially-transesterified fatty acid ester.3. The composition according to claim 1 , where the vegetable oil comprises castor oil at about at least 90% by weight in the organic lubricant composition.4. The composition according to claim 3 , where the organic acid comprises glacial acetic acid at about at least 0.5% by weight in the organic lubricant composition.5. The composition according to claim 4 , where the organic alcohol comprises n-propanol at about at least 5% by weight in the organic lubricant composition.6. The composition according to claim 5 , where the organic lubricant composition comprises less than 0.5% by weight any inorganic compounds.7. A method for use of the organic lubricant composition of comprising the step of:applying the organic lubricant composition in a diesel fuel system at between about 50 ppm to about 500 ppm.8. A method for use of the organic lubricant composition of comprising the step of:applying the organic lubricant composition in a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.9. A method for use of the organic lubricant composition of comprising the step of:applying the organic lubricant composition in a wellbore drilling or production system.10. A method for formulating an organic lubricant composition comprising the steps of:mixing together a vegetable oil; an organic acid; and an organic alcohol, where the organic lubricant composition is substantially free of inorganic compounds; andallowing the vegetable oil, organic acid, and organic alcohol to react to form an ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022440A1

A fluoropolymer coating composition comprises: fluorinated homopolymer particles dispersed in water, fluorinated copolymer particles dispersed in water, non-fluorinated polymer particles dispersed in water; and at least one aziridine compound comprising at least two aziridine groups. The composition is especially useful in low friction coating for telecommunication cables. 1. A fluoropolymer coating composition comprising:fluorinated homopolymer particles dispersed in water,fluorinated copolymer particles dispersed in water,non-fluorinated polymer particles dispersed in water; andat least one aziridine compound comprising at least two aziridine groups.2. The fluoropolymer coating composition of wherein the non-fluorinated polymer particles comprise a polyurethane latex material.3. The fluoropolymer coating composition of wherein the non-fluorinated polymer particles comprise an acrylic latex material.4. The fluoropolymer coating composition of wherein the fluorinated homopolymer particles comprise polytetrafluoroethylene.5. The fluoropolymer coating composition of wherein the fluorinated copolymer particles comprise a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene claim 1 , hexafluoropropylene and vinylidene fluoride.6. The fluoropolymer coating composition of further comprising inorganic oxide nanoparticles.7. (canceled)8. The fluoropolymer coating composition of wherein the inorganic oxide nanoparticles comprise nanoparticle silica having an average particle size of less than 100 nm.9. An article having a low friction surface claim 6 , comprising:a substrate having an exposed polymer surface and a thin layer of a low friction coating disposed on the exposed polymer surface of the substrate, wherein the low friction coating comprises a fluorinated homopolymer, a fluorinated copolymer, and non-fluorinated polymer; that have been crosslinked by a polyazidine crosslinking agent.10. The article of claim 9 , wherein the exposed polymer surface comprises a low surface energy plastic. ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023016A1

A low-friction coating includes: an aliphatic hydrocarbon group showing a peak in a region of 2,900 cmto 3000 cmin an infrared absorption spectrum; a carbonyl group showing a peak in a region of 1,650 cmto 1,800 cmin an infrared absorption spectrum; an aromatic component (CH) showing a peak at mass 91.1 in a positive ion spectrum obtained by TOF-SIMS; and a condensed ring based component (CH) showing a peak at mass 115.2 in the positive ion spectrum obtained by TOF-SIMS. 1. An amorphous hydrocarbon based film comprising:{'sup': −1', '−1, 'an aliphatic hydrocarbon group showing a peak in a region of from 2,900 cmto 3,000 cmin an infrared absorption spectrum; and'}at least one of an aromatic component showing a peak at a mass of 91.1 in a positive ion spectrum obtained by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and a condensed ring based component showing a peak at a mass of 115.2 in the positive ion spectrum obtained by the time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry.2. The amorphous hydrocarbon based film according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'sup': −1', '−1, 'a carbonyl group showing a peak in a region of from 1,650 cmto 1,800 cmin an infrared absorption spectrum.'}3. The amorphous hydrocarbon based film according to claim 1 , comprising both the aromatic component and the condensed ring based component.4. The amorphous hydrocarbon based film according to claim 1 ,wherein an average thickness is 2 nm to 1,000 nm.5. A sliding member comprising:a sliding surface comprising a first coating,wherein the sliding member is formed of at least one of metal and ceramics, and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'wherein the first coating comprises the amorphous hydrocarbon based film according to .'}6. The sliding member according to claim 5 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the sliding member is formed of ZrO.'}7. A sliding system comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00005', 'claim 5'}, 'the sliding member according to ; and'}a slid member comprising a ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Auxiliary Emergency Protective Lubrication System for Metal Mechanical Components

Номер: US20180023024A1

An auxiliary lubricant comprising a composition, the comprising intermediate molecular weight surfactant-functionalized nanoparticles dispersed in a base oil. 1. An auxiliary lubricant comprising:a composition comprising intermediate molecular weight surfactant-functionalized nanoparticles dispersed in a base oil.2. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles comprises at least one of a carbon-containing phase and an inorganic phase.3. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 2 , wherein said nanoparticles in said inorganic phase are selected from the group consisting of boric acid claim 2 , metal sulfides claim 2 , and alkali silicates.4. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 3 , wherein said metal sulfide comprises Zn claim 3 , W claim 3 , and Mo.5. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 3 , wherein said alkali silicate comprises Na and K.6. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 2 , wherein said carbon-containing phase comprises at least one of graphene claim 2 , ultra-dispersed nano-crystalline diamond and graphite claim 2 , spheroidal carbons claim 2 , and carbon nanorods.7. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles comprise a dimension ranging from about 1 nanometer to about 20 nanometers.8. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles comprise a dimension less than 1 nanometer.9. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles comprise a narrow-size distribution with an aspect ratio greater than 2.10. The auxiliary lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein said nanoparticles are functionalized with amphoteric surfactants containing alcohol claim 1 , amine claim 1 , carboxylic acid claim 1 , carbonate claim 1 , ester claim 1 , ether alcohol claim 1 , sulfate claim 1 , sulphonate claim 1 , phosphate claim 1 , phosphite claim 1 , or phosphonate head groups and intermediate molecular weight hydrocarbon claim 1 , fluorocarbon claim 1 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Motorcycle Lubricant

Номер: US20190024007A1
Принадлежит: Infineum International Limited

It has been found that the balance between friction reduction in the engine crankcase and the maintenance of sufficient friction in the clutch assembly of a 4T motorcycle, where the engine crankcase and the clutch assembly are lubricating by the same lubricating oil composition from a common sump, can be achieved by use of a lubricating oil composition comprising a combination of molybdenum containing additive and ashless organic friction modifier. 1. A motorcycle having a four cycle engine and a transmission including a clutch assembly , the engine crankcase and the clutch assembly being lubricated by a lubricating oil composition provided from a common sump , wherein said lubricating oil composition comprises a major amount of oil of lubricating viscosity and minor amounts of (A) an oil soluble molybdenum compound and (B) an ashless organic friction modifier , wherein the lubricating oil composition comprises at least 30 ppm and no more than 500 ppm of molybdenum from the oil-soluble molybdenum compound (A).2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. A motorcycle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the oil-soluble molybdenum compound consists of either a molybdenum dithiocarbamate or a molybdenum dithiophosphate or a mixture thereof claim 1 , as the sole source of molybdenum atoms in the lubricating oil composition.6. A motorcycle as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the oil-soluble molybdenum compound consists of a molybdenum dithiocarbamate claim 5 , as the sole source of molybdenum atoms in the lubricating oil composition.7. A motorcycle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the lubricating oil composition wherein the ashless organic friction modifier (B) comprises at least one of (a) a nitrogen-free organic friction modifier comprising an ester formed by reacting carboxylic acids and anhydrides with alkanols claim 1 , (b) an aminic or amine-based friction modifiers comprising alkoxylated mono- and di-amines claim 1 , (c) an ester formed as the reaction product of (i) a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024009A1

Provided is a lubricating oil composition containing a base oil (A); a molybdenum dithiophosphate (B1) in an amount of 400 ppm by mass or more as expressed in terms of a molybdenum atom; an organic metal-based detergent (C1) containing a metal atom selected from an alkali metal atom and an alkaline earth metal atom in an amount of 1,400 ppm by mass or less as expressed in terms of the metal atom; and a hindered amine-based antioxidant (D1) in an amount of 900 ppm by mass or more as expressed in terms of a nitrogen atom, with a sulfated ash content being 0.70% by mass or less. The lubricating oil composition may be one in which the detergency, the wear resistance, and the friction-reducing effect are improved with a well balance while reducing the ash content. 1. A lubricating oil composition , comprising:(A) a base oil (A);(B1) a molybdenum dithiophosphate (B1) in an amount of 400 ppm by mass or more as expressed in terms of a molybdenum atom;(C1) an organic metal-based detergent (C1) comprising a metal atom selected from the group consisting of an alkali metal atom and an alkaline earth metal atom in an amount of 1,400 ppm by mass or less as expressed in terms of the metal atom; and(D1) a hindered amine-based antioxidant (D1) in an amount of 900 ppm by mass or more as expressed in terms of a nitrogen atom,wherein a sulfated ash content of the lubricating oil composition is 0.70% by mass or less.2. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 ,wherein a content of a molybdenum dithiocarbamate (B2), as expressed in terms of a molybdenum atom, is 600 ppm by mass or less on the basis of the whole amount of the lubricating oil composition.3. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 1 , further comprising:(E1) a zinc dithiophosphate (E1).4. The lubricating oil composition according to claim 3 , wherein a content of the component (E1) as expressed in terms of a zinc atom is from 100 to 700 ppm by mass on the basis of the whole amount of the lubricating ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Solid Lubricant Bar

Номер: US20220056366A1
Автор: Kubiak John Chester

A solid lubricant bar comprising hydrogenated castor oil or wax, expandable flake graphite, and copper. ATH, MDH, and zinc borate can also be added to the formulation to enhance fire retardancy and suppression. 1. A lubricant bar comprising by weight:a. hydrogenated castor oil—60%;b. expandable flake graphite—35%; andc. copper—5%.2. The lubricant bar of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenated castor oil or wax ranges from 35%-65% by weight claim 1 , the expandable flake graphite ranges from 30%-60% by weight claim 1 , and the copper ranges from 5%-15% by weight.3. The lubricant bar of claim 1 , wherein the copper can be replaced by sulphides claim 1 , selenides claim 1 , and tellurides (chalcogenides) of molybdenum claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , titanium (eg. WS claim 1 , WS claim 1 , MoSe claim 1 , TaSe claim 1 , TiTe) claim 1 , monochalcenides (GaS claim 1 , GaSe claim 1 , SnSe) claim 1 , chlorides of cadmium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , lead claim 1 , cerium claim 1 , zirconium (eg. CdCl claim 1 , CoCl claim 1 , PbCl claim 1 , CeF claim 1 , PbI) claim 1 , borates (eg. NaBO) claim 1 , sulfates (AgSO) claim 1 , or oxides (BO claim 1 , MoO claim 1 , ZnO claim 1 , ReO claim 1 , TiO claim 1 , CuO—MoO claim 1 , NiO—Mo claim 1 , PbO—BO claim 1 , CuO—ReO).4. The lubricant bar of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogenated castor oil has a melting temperature between 60° C. and 80° C.5. A lubricant bar comprising by weight:a. hydrogenated castor oil—50%;b. expandable flake graphite—40%;c. copper—5%;d. ATH—2%;e. MDH—3%; andf. zinc borate—3%.6. The lubricant bar of claim 5 , wherein the hydrogenated castor oil or wax ranges from 40%-60% by weight claim 5 , the expandable flake graphite ranges from 30%-50% by weight claim 5 , the copper ranges from 3%-6% by weight claim 5 , the ATH ranges from 1%-5% by weight claim 5 , and MDH ranges from 2%-5% by weight and zinc borate ranges from 2%-5% by weight.7. The lubricant bar of claim 5 , wherein the copper can be ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061267A1
Принадлежит: H.E.F.

The element is formed from the winding of a fabric of small thickness ranging between 20 μm and 150 μm and mixed with a resin containing fillers. The fabric has the form of strips having a width ranging between 5 mm and 200 mm, with the strips being crossed in several layers. 1. A self-lubricating joint element operating under high loads in dynamic state , comprising a winding of a fabric of thickness ranging between 20 μm and 150 μm mixed with a resin comprising fillers and being across its entire thickness , said fabric having the form of strips having a width ranging between 5 mm and 200 mm , said strips being crossed in several layers by filament winding.2. The element of claim 1 , wherein the fabric thickness ranges between 20 μm and 130 μm.3. The element of claim 1 , wherein a crossing angle of the crossed strips ranges between 10° and 90°.4. The element of claim 1 , wherein a crossing angle of the crossed strips ranges between 30° and 86°.5. The element of claim 1 , wherein the fabric comprises a synthetic fabric.6. The element of claim 1 , wherein the resin comprises epoxy claim 1 , ester vinyl claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , phenolic claim 1 , or polyimide.7. The element of claim 1 , wherein the fillers comprise PTFE claim 1 , MoS2 claim 1 , or graphite.8. The element of claim 7 , wherein the fillers amount to between 5 and 70% of the volume. The invention relates to the technical field of self-lubricating joints.The invention advantageously applies for all types of joints requiring a greaseless operation, that is, with a self-lubricating operation and operating under high loads in dynamic state.The invention aims at obtaining a self-lubricating joint made of polymer which is homogeneous across its entire thickness with no reinforcement substrate and operating under high loads, for example, greater than 60 MPa in dynamic state.According to the state of the art, this type of composite polymer joint is not fully satisfactory due to its poor load behavior and to ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Plunger lubricant for die casting and method of applying the same

Номер: US20220081640A1

A plunger lubricant for die casting includes a component (a), a component (b), a component (c), and water. The component (a) is one or two or more compounds selected from among mineral oils, synthetic hydrocarbons, and fatty acid esters. The component (b) is one or two or more compounds selected from among alkali metal salts of higher fatty acids or alkali metal salts of aliphatic hydroxy acids. The component (c) is an alkali metal salt of an oxoacid or polyoxoacid that is able to be dehydrated and condensed.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076528A1

Provided is a sliding member, method for manufacturing sliding member, and compressor swash plate using sliding member in which adhesion between the substrate and the resin is enhanced, and which has the excellent durability whereby peeling of the resin film from the substrate does not occur due to prolonged sliding even under harsh load conditions. The sliding member provides a substrate irradiated laser light with energy intensity per unit area of 0.053 J/mmor more and configured an uneven part formed toward a vertical direction by the irradiated laser light and a melted and solidified portion on the uneven part and a resin film including solid lubricant and a binder resin on the substrate. 1. A slide member comprising ,{'sup': '2', 'a substrate irradiated laser light with energy intensity per unit area of 0.053 J/mmor more and configured an uneven part formed toward a vertical direction by the irradiated laser light and a melted and solidified portion on the uneven part, and'}a resin film including solid lubricant and a binder resin on the substrate.2. The slide member according to claim 1 ,wherein the uneven part has hollows of depth of 45 μm or less toward the vertical direction of the substrate.3. The slide member according to claim 1 ,wherein the portion of the substrate is a heterogeneous shape containing beads, rectangular parallelepipeds, or rhombuses.4. The slide member according to claim 1 ,{'sub': 2', '2, 'wherein the solid lubricant is selected from any one of molybdenum disulfide (MoS), graphite, h-BN, tungsten disulfide (WS), Pb, or CF.'}5. A compressor swash plate using the slide member according to .6. A method for manufacturing a slide member comprising the step of claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'irradiating laser light with energy intensity per unit area of 0.053 J/mmor more and configuring an uneven part formed toward a vertical direction on a substrate,'}configuring a melted and solidified portion on the uneven part of the substrate, andconfiguring a ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074409A1
Автор: Gross Donald

To prevent nuisance marine growth in a valve, particularly a ball valve, used to regulate a flow of seawater, a compound for lubricating and preventing nuisance marine growth is provided in the valve. The nuisance marine growth preventing compound includes a substantially uniform mixture of marine grease and an antifouling agent. The compound is introduced into the valve such that the compound is provided between and contacts a valve body and a ball that regulates the flow of seawater within the valve, and inhibits nuisance marine growth at a space between the ball and the valve body which is occupied by the compound. 1. A method of lubricating and preventing marine growth in a valve used to regulate a flow of seawater , the valve comprising a valve body defining an interior and an exterior of the valve , a ball positioned in the interior of the valve to regulate the flow of seawater through the valve body , and a drain port between the interior and the exterior of the valve , the method comprising:providing a compound including a mixture of a marine grease and an antifouling agent, andintroducing the compound to the interior of the valve through the drain port such that the compound is provided between and contacts the ball and the valve body.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compound is provided to include the grease and the antifouling agent at a volumentric ratio of about 5:1.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compound is provided with the antifouling agent including about 2-30% phosphoric acid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the compound is provided to include the antifouling agent in which nuisance marine growth has a solubility of more than about 0.1 g/100 mL at 20° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein prior to introducing the compound to the interior of the valve claim 1 , seawater is disposed in a space near the ball claim 1 , and the compound displaces said seawater while being introduced to the interior of the valve.6. The method of claim 1 , ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Lubricating Grease Based On Perfluoropolyether

Номер: US20140155306A1

A lubricating grease is provided that comprises 90 to 99.45 percent by mass of perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) and 0.5 to 5 percent by mass of fumed silica. 1. A lubricating grease comprising90 to 99.45 percent by mass of perfluoropolyether (PFPE) and0.5 to 5 percent by mass of fumed silica.2. The lubricating grease as claimed in claim 1 , in which the fluoropolyether is a chemical compound of formula (I):{'br': None, 'sub': 1', '2', 'v', '2', '4', 'w', '3', '6', 'x', '3', 'y', '2', '3', 'z', '2, 'R-(O—CF)-(O—CF)-(O—CF)-(O—CFCF)-(O—CFCF(CF))-O—R\u2003\u2003(I)'}{'sub': 1', '2', '3', '2', '5', '3', '7, 'where Rand Rare identical or different and are selected from —CF, —CFand —CF, v, w, x, y, z are integers from ≧0 to 500.'}3. The lubricating grease as claimed in claim 1 , in which the fumed silica is a hydrophilic silica.4. The lubricating grease as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising 0.05 to 5 percent by mass of an additive selected from the group consisting of anticorrosives.5. The lubricating grease as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the anticorrosive is selected from the group consisting of functionalized PFPE derivatives claim 1 , carboxylic acids or metal salts thereof claim 1 , and PFPE ethoxylates.6. The use of the lubricating grease as claimed in as an antisqueak agent in the automotive sector.7. The use of the lubricating grease as claimed in for lubrication in the office and electronics sectors claim 1 , especially in the case of plastic hinges of monitors/television mounts or clamshell cellphones. The invention relates to an essentially thickener-free lubricating grease consisting of perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) and a small proportion of a fumed silica, and customary additives.Perfluorinated polyethers (PFPE) are polymers having good lubrication properties, which are liquid at room temperature and have low surface energies. PFPE compounds are used in virtually all sectors of industry for lubrication, for example in the electronics industry, in aerospace and in ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071981A1

A window lifter assembly for adjusting a window pane comprising a rail defining a track, a slider coupled to and configured to translate along the track to move the window pane, a pulley rotatably coupled the rail, and a cable wound around the pulley and operatively connected to the slider so that movement of the cable rotates the pulley and moves the window pane, wherein the pulley is provided with an anti-friction coating that is configured to form a bearing surface between the pulley and an untreated portion of the rail. 1. A window lifter assembly for adjusting a window pane comprising:a rail defining a track;a slider coupled to and configured to translate along the track to move the window pane;a pulley rotatably coupled the rail; anda cable wound around the pulley and operatively connected to the slider so that movement of the cable rotates the pulley and moves the window pane, wherein the pulley is provided with an anti-friction coating that is configured to form a bearing surface between the pulley and an untreated portion of the rail.2. The window lifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the anti-friction coating is comprised of a solvent that is configured to dry and decrease a coefficient of friction of the pulley after application.3. The window lifter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the anti-friction coating comprises molybdenum disulphide4. The window lifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein anti-friction coating is applied to the pulley by a dip spin process.5. The window lifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the slider is provided with an anti-friction coating that is configured to migrate from an intermediary surface between the slider and a second untreated portion of the rail.6. The window lifter assembly of claim 5 , wherein anti-friction coating is applied to the pulley by a dip spin process.7. The window lifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the untreated portion of the rail does not include powder coating.8. The window lifter assembly of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136559A1

A bearing assembly is disclosed that includes a first component with a first bearing surface, and a second component with a second bearing surface. A fluid is disposed between the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface supporting the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface in a non-contact rotational relationship. The first bearing surface, or the second bearing surface, or both the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface include a surface layer with solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles in a matrix.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Superlubrious high temperature coatings

Номер: US20210095218A1
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

A low friction wear surface operable at high temperatures and high loads with a coefficient of friction in the superlubric regime including MoS 2 and graphene-oxide on the wear surface is provided, and methods of producing the low friction wear surface are also provided. The low friction wear surface remains with a coefficient of friction in the superlubric regime at temperatures in between about 200° C. and 400° C.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180094207A1
Автор: ICHIROKU Nobuhiro

A heat-conductive silicone grease composition comprising (A) an organopolysiloxane in an amount of 20 to 90 parts by mass, (B) a non-silicone-type organic compound in an amount of 80 to 10 parts by mass (wherein the total amount of the components (A) and (B) is 100 parts by mass) and (C) a heat-conductive inorganic filler having an average particle diameter of 0.5 to 100 μm in an amount of 200 to 2,000 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the total amount of the components (A) and (B), wherein the SP value of the non-silicone-type organic compound (B) is greater than that of the organopolysiloxane (A) (i.e., (B)>(A)), the value obtained by subtracting the SP value of the component (A) from the SP value of the component (B) is greater than 2, and the viscosity of the heat-conductive silicone grease composition is 50 to 1,000 Pa·s at 25° C. 3. The thermally conductive silicone grease composition of claim 2 , wherein the organopolysiloxane (A) is a hydrolyzable organopolysiloxane having three or six ORgroups (wherein Ris as defined above).4. The thermally conductive silicone grease composition of or claim 2 , wherein the non-silicone type organic compound (B) is an aromatic liquid compound with a functionality of 3 or less that has on the molecule an organic group selected from among epoxy claim 2 , phenolic hydroxyl and amino groups.5. The thermally conductive silicone grease composition of claim 4 , wherein the non-silicone type organic compound (B) is an aromatic liquid epoxy resin having a functionality of 3 or less.6. The thermally conductive silicone grease composition of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive inorganic filler (C) is one or a combination of two or more selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 1 , silver claim 1 , copper claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , silicon oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide claim 1 , aluminum nitride claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , silicon nitride and metallic ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170096618A1

A water-based solid lubricant includes water, glycerin, isoalkane, molybdenum disulfide, talc powder, calcium sulfonate, and polyisobutylene is described herein. 1. A water-based lubricant comprising:water;glycerin;synthetic isoalkane, wherein the synthetic isoalkane is at least 75% by weight C19 to C23 isoalkane, wherein the synthetic isoalkane has a polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content of ≦0.001 percent;molybdenum disulfide;talc powder;calcium sulfonate; andpolyisobutylene, wherein the lubricant contains no lime and no clay, wherein the lubricant has a viscosity of less than 5,000 cP at 22° C.2. A lubricant comprising:water;a freezing point depressant;a viscosity index modifier; anda synthetic fluid, wherein the lubricant has a viscosity of less than 5,000 cP at 22° C., wherein the lubricant contains no non-synthetic fluids, wherein the synthetic fluid has a polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) content of ≦0.001 percent.3. The lubricant of claim 2 , wherein the lubricant further comprises a friction modifier claim 2 , wherein the lubricant contains no lime.4. The lubricant of claim 3 , wherein the lubricant contains no clay claim 3 , wherein the lubricant further comprises a water-based lubricant.5. The lubricant of claim 4 , wherein the lubricant further comprises a suspension stabilizer.6. The lubricant of claim 5 , wherein the freezing point depressant is a diol or triol.7. The lubricant of claim 6 , wherein the synthetic fluid is isoalkane.8. (canceled)9. The lubricant of claim 7 , wherein the viscosity index modifier is polyisobutylene claim 7 , polyethylene claim 7 , polytetrafluoroethylene claim 7 , polypropylene claim 7 , polycarbohydrate claim 7 , or polyuria claim 7 , wherein the suspension stabilizer is lithium complex base grease claim 7 , aluminum complex base grease claim 7 , or calcium sulfonate.10. The lubricant of claim 9 , wherein the diol is a 1 claim 9 ,2-diol or a 1 claim 9 ,3-diol.11. The lubricant of claim 9 , wherein the diol is ethylene glycol ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140179569A1
Автор: Bill Stefan
Принадлежит: REWITEC GmbH

The invention concerns an agent for mixing into a service fluid for a technical layout, a concentrate for mixing into a service fluid for a technical layout, and a service fluid. An agent according to the invention contains at least one ingredient A chosen from the group of three-layer silicates, at least one ingredient B chosen from the group consisting of bentonites, pyrogenic silicic acids, and talc, and graphite. 1. An agent for mixing in with a service fluid for a technical layout , containing:at least one ingredient A chosen from the group of the three-layer silicates,at least one ingredient B chosen from the group consisting of bentonites, pyrogenic silicic acids, and talc, andgraphite.2. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that ingredient A is a natural or chemically modified muscovite and/or a natural or chemically modified phlogopite.3. The agent according to claim 2 , characterized in that the chemically modified phlogopite is a phlogopite modified with aminosilane.4. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that the bentonite is chemically modified.5. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that the pyrogenic silicic acid is chemically aftertreated.6. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized by at least one additional ingredient C claim 1 , chosen from the group consisting of industrial carbon black claim 1 , organic carbonates claim 1 , water and dispersant.7. The agent according to claim 6 , characterized in that the organic carbonate is propylene carbonate.8. The agent according to claim 1 , characterized in that ingredients A claim 1 , B and C have particle sizes less than 25 μm claim 1 , preferably less than 8 μm claim 1 , especially preferably less than 2 μm.9. A concentrate for mixing in with a service fluid for a technical layout claim 1 , containing a carrier and an agent according to one .10. The concentrate according to claim 9 , characterized in that the agent is dispersed in the carrier.11. The ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100114A1

Provided is a lubricating oil for electric and hybrid vehicles. The lubricating oil includes at least 80 wt % of a lubricating base oil, 0.5 to 5 wt % of one or more dispersants, 0 to 4 wt % of one or more neutral metal detergents, 0 to 1.5 wt % of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate, 0 to 0.2 wt % of molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate, 0 to 2 wt % of an active viscosity modifier, and 0.01 to 5 wt % of one or more other lubricating oil additives. The lubricating oil is essentially free of overbased metal detergents. The lubricating oil has an electrical conductivity from 50 to 3,000 pS/m and a kinematic viscosity from 2 to 20 cSt at 100° C. This disclosure also relates to methods for producing the lubricating oil, methods for lubricating electric and hybrid vehicles, and methods for controlling electrical conductivity of a lubricating oil by using conductivity promoters and conductivity inhibitors. 1. A lubricating oil for use in electric or hybrid vehicles comprising:at least about 80 weight percent of a lubricating base oil, from about 0.5 to about 5 weight percent of one or more dispersants, from about 0 to about 4 weight percent of one or more neutral metal detergents, from about 0 to about 1.5 weight percent of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP), from about 0 to about 0.2 weight percent of molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate (MoDTC), from about 0 to about 2 weight percent of an active viscosity modifier, and from about 0.01 to about 5 weight percent of one or more other lubricating oil additives,wherein the lubricating oil is essentially free of overbased metal detergents, andwherein the lubricating oil has an electrical conductivity of from about 50 pS/m to about 3,000 pS/m, and a kinematic viscosity of from about 2 cSt to about 20 cSt at 100° C.2. The lubricating oil of wherein the lubricating base oil comprises a Group I base stock claim 1 , a Group II base stock claim 1 , a Group III base stock claim 1 , a Group IV base stock claim 1 , a Group V base stock claim 1 , ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Lubricating Composition and Method of Lubricating a Transmission

Номер: US20160108337A1

The present invention relates to a lubricating composition comprising: (a) an oil of lubricating viscosity having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 2.8 to 3.6 cSt (mm2/s) and a viscosity index of 104 to 130; (b) 1.2 to 5.0 wt % of at least one borated dispersant, wherein at least one borated dispersant is further functionalised with a sulphur or phosphorus moiety; (c) a calcium-containing detergent present in an amount to deliver at least 110 ppm to 700 ppm of calcium; (d) at least two phosphorus-containing compounds present in an amount to deliver 360 to 950 ppm of phosphorus; and (e) 0.1 wt % to 5 wt % of a linear polymer viscosity modifier having dispersant functionality. The invention further provides a method of lubricating a transmission with the lubricating composition disclosed wherein. 1. A lubricating composition comprising:{'sup': '2', '(a) an oil of lubricating viscosity having a kinematic viscosity at 100° C. of 2.8 to 3.6 cSt (mm/s) and a viscosity index of 104 to 130;'}(b) 1.2 to 5.0 wt % of at least one borated dispersant, wherein at least one borated dispersant is further functionalised with a sulphur or phosphorus moiety;(c) a calcium-containing detergent, wherein the detergent is present in an amount to deliver at least 110 ppm to 700 ppm of calcium;{'sub': '4-6', '(d) a at least two phosphorus-containing compounds, wherein the phosphorus-containing compounds are present in an amount to deliver 360 to 950 ppm of phosphorus to the lubricating composition, wherein at least 150 ppm of the phosphorus is delivered by a Chydrocarbyl phosphite; and'}(e) 0.1 wt % to 5 wt % of a linear polymer viscosity modifier having dispersant functionality, wherein the linear polymer has a weight average molecular weight of 5,000 to 25,000.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the calcium-containing detergent is present in an amount to deliver 130 ppm to 600 ppm of calcium.3. The composition of wherein the Chydrocarbyl phosphite is a Calkyl phosphite.4. The ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108703A1
Автор: Xu Zhiyue, Zhao Lei

Articles comprising carbon composites are disclosed. The carbon composites contain carbon microstructures having interstitial spaces among the carbon microstructures; and a binder disposed in at least some of the interstitial spaces; wherein the carbon microstructures comprise unfilled voids within the carbon microstructures. Alternatively, the carbon composites contain: at least two carbon microstructures; and a binding phase disposed between the at least two carbon microstructures; wherein the binding phase comprises a binder comprising one or more of the following: SiO; Si; B; BO; a metal; or an alloy of the metal; and wherein the metal is at least one of aluminum; copper; titanium; nickel; tungsten; chromium; iron; manganese; zirconium; hafnium; vanadium; niobium; molybdenum; tin; bismuth; antimony; lead; cadmium; or selenium. 1. An article comprising a carbon composite containing carbon microstructures having interstitial spaces among the carbon microstructures;and a binder disposed in at least some of the interstitial spaces;wherein the carbon microstructures comprise unfilled voids within the carbon microstructures.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article is a sealing element claim 1 , a heat release or exchange element claim 1 , or a friction reducing element.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the sealing element is a seal; a seal seat; a seal assembly; a packoff seal; a packer; a joint sheet; a gasket; a bridge plug; or packing.4. The article of claim 3 , wherein the seal is a static seal; a dynamic seal; a retrievable cementing packoff; a polished bore receptacle packoff; a wireline packoff; a head gasket claim 3 , an exhaust gasket claim 3 , a flange gasket; a valve packing; or a pump packing.5. The article of claim 2 , wherein the heat release or exchange element is a heat sink; a cooling system; a heating radiating component; or a heat exchanger.6. The article of claim 2 , wherein the friction reducing element is a bearing; a bearing seat; or a ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Intrinsic Low Friction Polyoxymethylene

Номер: US20150111796A1

A tribologically modified polyoxymethylene polymer composition is disclosed. The polyoxymethylene polymer composition is comprised of a polyoxymethylene polymer and at least one tribological modifier. The tribological modifier may comprise at least one tribological modifier comprising an ultra-high molecular weight silicone having a kinematic viscosity of greater than 100,000 mms. The composition may exhibit a dynamic coefficient of friction against a counter-material of from about 0.01 to about 0.15. The polyoxymethylene polymer compositions provide polymer articles with improved tribological properties and mechanical properties. 1. A polyoxymethylene polymer composition , the polyoxymethylene polymer composition comprisinga polyoxymethylene copolymer, and{'sup': 2', '−1, 'at least one tribological modifier comprising an ultra-high molecular weight silicone having a kinematic viscosity of greater than 100,000 mms,'}wherein the polymer composition is substantially free of silicone oil, andwherein the polymer composition has a dynamic coefficient of friction against a counter-material of from about 0.01 to about 0.15.2. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight silicone is present in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 10 wt. %.3. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the ultra-high molecular weight silicone is a polydimethylsiloxane.4. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the tribological modifier further comprises a hexagonal boron nitride in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 5 wt. %.5. The polymer composition of claim 4 , wherein the hexagonal boron nitride has a particle size of from about 0.5 μm to about 10 μm.6. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the tribological modifier further comprises polytetrafluoroethylene in an amount of from about 0.1 to about 50 wt. %.7. The polymer composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises a polyethylene wax in an amount of from about 0.1 to ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Composite lubricating material, engine oil, grease, and lubricant

Номер: US20160115413A1
Принадлежит: Graphene Platform Corp

A composite lubricating material include at least a graphite-based carbon material and/or graphene-like graphite exfoliated from the graphite-based carbon material dispersed in a base material. The graphite-based carbon material is characterized by having a rhombohedral graphite layer (3R) and a hexagonal graphite layer (2H), wherein a Rate (3R) of the rhombohedral graphite layer (3R) and the hexagonal graphite layer (2H), based on an X-ray diffraction method, which is defined by following Equation 1 is 31% or more: Rate (3 R )= P 3/( P 3+ P 4)×100   Equation 1 wherein P3 is a peak intensity of a (101) plane of the rhombohedral graphite layer (3R) based on the X-ray diffraction method, and P4 is a peak intensity of a (101) plane of the hexagonal graphite layer (2H) based on the X-ray diffraction method.

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115417A1

The disclosure provides grey cast iron-doped diamond-like carbon coating compositions useful for reducing friction and wear in mechanical contact surfaces and methods for deposition of such compositions. 1. A coating composition comprising diamond-like carbon (DLC) and a grey cast iron (GCI) alloy , wherein the GCI alloy comprises carbon in a range of about 1 at. % to about 6 at. % and silicon in a range of about 0.5 at. % to about 4 at. %.2. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the GCI alloy comprises carbon in a range of about 2.5 at. % to about 4 at. % and silicon in an amount of about 1 at. % to about 3 at. %.3. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the GCI alloy comprises carbon in an amount of about 3.6 at. % and silicon in an amount of about 2.6 at. %.4. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the total Fe content in the coating composition is present in an amount of about 0.1 at. % to about 49.9 at. %.5. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the total Fe content in the coating composition is present in an amount of about 0.1 at. % to about 35 at. %.6. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the total Fe content in the coating composition is present in an amount of about 12 at. % to about 35 at. %.7. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the total Fe content in the coating composition is present in an amount of about 0.1 at. % to about 1.8 at. %.8. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the DLC is hydrogenated.9. The coating composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is deposited on a substrate.10. The coating composition of claim 9 , wherein the substrate comprises a Si surface.11. The coating composition of claim 9 , wherein the substrate comprises a steel alloy.12. The coating composition of claim 9 , wherein the substrate further comprises a bonding interlayer claim 9 , wherein the bonding interlayer is between the coating composition and the substrate.13. The coating composition of claim 12 , wherein the ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115589A1

Provided is a carbon-coated member of which the surface can be simply coated with a DLC coating film to achieve sufficient friction reduction. The carbon-coated member is formed by coating a DLC coating film on an internal sliding part of a cylindrical member. The DLC coating film has a hardness of 3.0 to 10.0 GPa, and a kurtosis Rku of 27.0 or less. 1. A carbon-coated member comprising:a cylindrical body and a diamond-like carbon coating film for coating at least a portion of an inner surface of the body on which another member slides;the diamond-like carbon coating film having a hardness in a range of 3.0 to 10.0 GPa, and a kurtosis Rku indicating a surface roughness distribution per area specified in a coating film surface of 27.0 or less.2. The carbon-coated member according to claim 1 , wherein the hardness of the diamond-like carbon coating film is in a range of 8.0 to 10.0 GPa.3. The carbon-coated member according to claim 1 , wherein the kurtosis Rku of the diamond-like carbon coating film is 20.0 or less.4. The carbon-coated member according to claim 1 , wherein the kurtosis Rku of diamond-like carbon coating film is 8.0 or less.5. The carbon-coated member according to claim 1 , wherein the diamond-like carbon coating film has a surface roughness Rz of 2.7 μm or less.6. The carbon-coated member according to claim 1 , wherein the diamond-like carbon coating film has a surface roughness Rz of 2.0 μm or less.7. The carbon-coated member according to wherein the body is a cylinder block of an internal combustion engine.8. A method of manufacturing a carbon-coated member including a cylindrical body and a diamond-like carbon coating film for coating at least a portion of an inner surface of the body on which another member slides claim 1 , the diamond-like carbon coating film having a hardness in a range of 8.0 to 10.0 GPa claim 1 , and a kurtosis Rku indicating a surface roughness distribution per area specified in a diamond-like carbon coating film surface of ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177800A1

An antifriction coating formulation composition is disclosed. The antifriction coating formulation composition contains (a) a resin and (b) a metal sulfide containing molybdenum and cobalt, and optionally (c) a solid lubricant other than the metal sulfide and (d) a solvent. A coated film formed from the antifriction coating formulation composition provides better wear resistance as well as good coefficient of friction. 1. An antifriction coating formulation composition comprising:(a) a resin and(b) a metal sulfide comprising molybdenum and cobalt,wherein the molar ratio of molybdenum and cobalt in the metal sulfide is from 99 to 1 to 1 to 99.2. The antifriction coating formulation composition of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the metal sulfide is from 10 to 60 parts by weight claim 1 , with respect to 100 parts by weight of the solid contents of the antifriction coating formulation composition.3. The antifriction coating formulation composition of claim 1 , wherein the average particle size of the metal sulfide is from 0.1 to 10 micrometers observed by Scanning Electron Microscope.4. The antifriction coating formulation composition of claim 1 , further comprising at least one (c) solid lubricant other than the metal sulfide.5. The antifriction coating formulation composition of claim 4 , wherein the solid lubricant is selected from graphite claim 4 , polytetrafluoroethylene and polyethylene.6. The antifriction coating formulation composition of claim 1 , further comprising (d) a solvent.7. The antifriction coating formulation composition of claim 1 , wherein the resin is selected from polyamideimide claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , polyamide claim 1 , epoxy resin claim 1 , phenol resin claim 1 , polybenzimidazole claim 1 , polyphenyl sulfonate claim 1 , polyether ether ketone claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , poly-butyltitanate claim 1 , polyacryl-alkyd resin claim 1 , polyether ketone ketone claim 1 , polyoxymethylene claim 1 , polybutylene terephthalate claim 1 , or ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170120293A1

A low friction wear surface with a coefficient of friction in the superlubric regime including graphene and nanoparticles on the wear surface is provided, and methods of producing the low friction wear surface are also provided. A long lifetime wear resistant surface including graphene exposed to hydrogen is provided, including methods of increasing the lifetime of graphene containing wear surfaces by providing hydrogen to the wear surface. 1. A method of forming a low friction wear surface comprising:disposing graphene over a substrate; anddisposing nanoparticles comprising one or more of nickel and diamond over the graphene;forming a plurality of graphene scrolls on the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles comprise nickel and diamond and further wherein the nanoparticles have a size of about 2 nm to about 10 nm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a material selected from the group consisting of a metal claim 1 , a transition metal and an insulator.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the substrate comprises at least a portion of a bearing claim 2 , mold claim 2 , razor blade claim 2 , wind turbine claim 2 , gun barrel claim 2 , gas compressor claim 2 , fuel cell claim 2 , artificial hip joint claim 2 , artificial knee joint claim 2 , magnetic storage disk claim 2 , scratch-free monitor claim 2 , scratch-resistant monitor claim 2 , television claim 2 , barcode scanner claim 2 , solar panel claim 2 , watch claim 2 , mobile phone claim 2 , computer or electrical connector.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising establishing a dry environment over the substrate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing graphene over the substrate comprises spraying a liquid containing graphene onto the substrate.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing the nanoparticles over the substrate comprises spraying a liquid containing the nanoparticles onto the substrate.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising forming a ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130520A1
Автор: HAN Hung Gu, KONG Ho Sung

The present invention relates to a ceramic complex coating material having heat resistance, abrasion resistance, and low friction characteristics and applied on a surface of a rotating shaft to increase resistance of a mechanical element such as a rotating shaft of a turbine or the like in sliding-contact operation at a high speed without oil feeding under high temperature conditions of 400 to 900° C. to friction, heat, and abrasion resulted from contact with a bearing. 1. A thin film adhesive coating material composition , comprising a metal-phosphate-based ceramic binder at 20 to 35 wt % , a solid lubricant at 10 to 60 wt % , a low melting point metal at 4 to 15 wt % , and a balance of water , wherein the low melting point metal forms a cermet with a ceramic.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal-phosphate is a phosphate of a hydroxide or an oxide of one or more metals selected from the group consisting of magnesium (Mg) claim 1 , aluminum (Al) claim 1 , calcium (Ca) claim 1 , chromium (Cr) claim 1 , silicon (Si) claim 1 , zirconia (Zr) claim 1 , zinc (Zn) claim 1 , molybdenum (Mo) claim 1 , titanium (Ti) claim 1 , and iron (Fe).3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein a component of the solid lubricant is one or more selected from the group consisting of tungsten disulfide (WS) claim 1 , molybdenum disulfide (MoS) claim 1 , antimony oxide (SbO) claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , fluorene claim 1 , lead oxide claim 1 , titanium oxide claim 1 , iron oxide claim 1 , Teflon (PTFE) claim 1 , and boron nitride (BN).4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the low melting point metal is one or more selected from the group consisting of tin (Sn) claim 1 , lead (Pb) claim 1 , zinc (Zn) claim 1 , and indium (In).5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein titanium oxide (TiO) claim 1 , iron oxide (FeO) claim 1 , silver (Ag) claim 1 , gold (Au) claim 1 , or a mixture thereof is further added to the solid lubricant.6. A coating method claim 1 , comprising:( ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128302A1

A metallic fastener has a threaded portion coated with a composition. The composition includes (a) a paraffin wax with a melting temperature in the range of 50 to 70° C. (b) 1 to 5 parts by weight (pbw) of a resin per pbw of paraffin wax, (c) 0.1 to 0.25 pbw graphite per pbw of paraffin wax, and (d) 0.05 to 0.30 pbw of an FDA-approved silica per pbw of paraffin wax. A process for coating the metallic fastener includes: (i) providing the composition as defined above, (ii) maintaining the fastener or bringing it to a temperature in the range of 30 to 70° C., (iii) applying the composition at a temperature in the range of 100 to 170° C., (iv) optionally, removing surplus composition, (v) cooling the fastener to less than 100° C., (vi) finishing the fastener in a water bath, and (vii) drying the fastener. 1. A metallic fastener means comprising a threaded portion , wherein at least part of the threaded portion is coated with a composition which is hard and touch-proof at ambient temperature , and wherein the components and their amounts meet the requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as set in 2015 and which essentially consists of:(a) a paraffin wax with a congealing temperature as determined by ASTM method D938-71 (reapproved 1981) in the range of 50 to 70° C.,(b) 1 to 5 parts by weight (pbw) of a resin per pbw of paraffin wax,(c) 0.1 to 0.25 pbw graphite per pbw of paraffin wax, and(d) 0.05 to 0.30, preferably 0.08 to 0.25 pbw of an FDA-approved silica per pbw of paraffin wax.2. The fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the resin is selected from the group consisting of rosin claim 1 , glycerine rosin ester claim 1 , synthetic polyterpene resin claim 1 , C-aromatic hydrocarbon resin claim 1 , C-aliphatic hydrocarbon resin claim 1 , mixed C-aromatic/C-aliphatic resin and mixtures thereof.3. The fastener according to claim 2 , wherein the resin consists of colophony or damar.4. The fastener according to claim 1 , wherein the silica is fumed silica.5. ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130060A1
Принадлежит: VETCO GRAY INC.

The invention provides a powder coating composition comprising of thermoplastic polymers, ceramic particles, and cermet particles for lowering the friction coefficient, and improving wear and corrosion resistance of coated surfaces in high-temperature, high-pressure, and corrosive environments. It also provides a method of coating application for improving adhesion of the coating to the substrate. The coating compositions are devoid of volatile organic solvents and can be applied on surfaces using thermal spraying, compression molding and other particle sintering approaches. A multilayer architecture consisting of an adhesive bottom layer and a non-adhesive, low friction top layer is disclosed. The coating can be used in oil and gas production and seawater injection. 1. A bilayer coating comprising:a bottom layer comprising a first thermoplastic polymer and particles of a first ceramic or particles of a first cermet or both;a top layer comprising a second thermoplastic polymer and particles of a second ceramic or particles of a second cermet or both.2. The bilayer coating layer of claim 1 , wherein the particles of the first and second cermet and the particles of the first and second ceramic have a mean equivalent diameter of 0.2 to 100 microns.3. The bilayer coating layer of claim 1 , wherein the first and second thermoplastic polymers are selected from a group consisting of poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) claim 1 , poly(ether ketone) (PEK) claim 1 , poly(ether ketone ether ketone ketone) (PEKKEK) claim 1 , poly(amide imide) (PAI) claim 1 , polyarylsulfone claim 1 , and poly(ether imide) (PEI).4. The bilayer coating layer of claim 1 , wherein the particles or the first ceramic or the particles of the second ceramic are selected from the group consisting of aluminum oxide claim 1 , tungsten carbide claim 1 , molybdenum disulfide claim 1 , and boron nitride.5. The bilayer coating layer of claim 1 , wherein the particles or the first cermet or the particles of the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137741A1

A water-based lubricating coating agent includes a water-soluble silicate (A) and at least one water-soluble inorganic salt (B) selected from a tungstate, a phosphate and a borate, wherein the water-soluble silicate (A) and the at least one water-soluble inorganic salt (B) are blended such that a solid content mass ratio (B)/(A) falls within a range of 0.7 to 25. 1. A water-based lubricating coating agent , the agent comprising a water-soluble silicate (A) and at least one water-soluble inorganic salt (B) selected from a tungstate , a phosphate and a borate , wherein the water-soluble silicate (A) and the at least one water-soluble inorganic salt (B) are blended such that a solid content mass ratio (B)/(A) falls within a range of 0.7 to 25.2. The water-based lubricating coating agent according to claim 1 , wherein the agent comprises a resin component (C) claim 1 , and a solid content mass ratio (C)/{(A)+(B)} is 0.01 to 3.3. The water-based lubricating coating agent according to claim 2 , wherein the resin component (C) is at least one selected from the group consisting of a vinyl resin claim 2 , an acrylic resin claim 2 , an epoxy resin claim 2 , an urethane resin claim 2 , a phenolic resin claim 2 , a cellulose derivative claim 2 , a polymaleic acid claim 2 , a polyolefin claim 2 , and a polyester.4. The water-based lubricating coating agent according to claim 1 , wherein the agent comprises a lubricant (D) claim 1 , and a solid content mass ratio (D)/{(A)+(B)} is 0.01 to 6.5. The water-based lubricating coating agent according to claim 4 , wherein the lubricant (D) is at least one selected from the group consisting of a wax claim 4 , polytetrafluoroethylene claim 4 , a fatty acid soap claim 4 , a fatty acid metal soap claim 4 , a fatty acid amide claim 4 , molybdenum disulfide claim 4 , tungsten disulfide claim 4 , graphite claim 4 , melamine cyanurate claim 4 , an amino acid compound of layered structure claim 4 , and a layered clay mineral.6. A metal material ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140221259A1

The process basically comprises: dissolving a lamellar disulphide, as a source of the solid lubricant, in an aqueous solvent, forming a first aqueous solution; dissolving a reducing agent, as hydroxylamine, sodium hypophosphite or sodium borohydride, in an aqueous solvent, forming a second aqueous solution; mixing the first and second aqueous solutions, forming a third aqueous solution; neutralizing the pH of the third aqueous solution; dissolving a sulphur source, in an aqueous solvent, forming a fourth aqueous solution; mixing the third and fourth aqueous solutions, forming a fifth aqueous solution, which is contained and heated in an autoclave; cooling the fifth aqueous solution to the room temperature; and removing, from the autoclave, the nanoparticles in powder form. 1. A process for production of solid lubricant nanoparticles , obtained from molybdenum or tungsten compounds to form lamellar metallic disulphides , characterized in that it comprises the steps of:a—dissolving, under stirring, a source of the metallic element which defines the solid lubricant, selected from lamellar disulphides containing said metallic element, in a solvent comprising water and heated between 50° C. and 90° C., forming a first aqueous solution;b—dissolving, under stiffing, a reducing agent selected from hydroxylamine, sodium hypophosphite and sodium borohydride, in a solvent comprising water and heated between 50° C. and 90° C., forming a second aqueous solution;c—mixing the first and second aqueous solutions, forming a third aqueous solution, containing the metallic element which defines the solid lubricant and the reducing agent;d—adjusting the pH of the third aqueous solution, to a neutral condition;e—dissolving, under stirring, a sulphur source, in a solvent comprising water and heated between 50° C. and 90° C., forming a fourth aqueous solution;f—mixing the third and fourth aqueous solutions, forming a fifth aqueous solution, containing the metallic element, the reducing ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152915A1
Автор: HEAU Christophe

A mechanical part provided with an amorphous carbon coating (with at least 70 wt. % of carbon not including hydrogen) and used to cooperate slidingly with an antagonistic part having a surface hardness which is a maximum of two thirds of that of the coating. The mechanical part is such that the coating has a roughness Ra which, measured by profilometry, is equal to a maximum of 0.050 microns and, measured by atomic force microscopy, a micro-roughness which is equal to a minimum of 0.004 microns and a maximum of 0.009 microns. This minimizes the wear of the less hard antagonistic part and that of the coating. 1. A mechanical part provided with a coating of amorphous carbon (with at least 70% at. carbon excluding hydrogen) and configured to slidingly cooperate with a counterbody part whose surface hardness is at most two thirds of that of the coating , that coating having a roughness Ra which , measured by profilometry , is at most equal to 0.050 microns and , measured with atomic-force microscopy , a micro-roughness which is at least equal to 0.004 microns and at most 0.009 microns.2. A part according to claim 1 , whose roughness claim 1 , measured by profilometry claim 1 , is at most equal to 0.046 microns and the micro-roughness by atomic force microscopy is comprised between 0.004 and 0.0075 microns.3. A part according to claim 1 , whose roughness claim 1 , measured by profilometry claim 1 , is greater than 0.025 microns.4. A part according to claim 1 , whose coating contains hydrogen in an amount of 20+/−5% at. claim 1 , measured according to the ERDA technique.5. A part according to claim 1 , comprising under the coating of amorphous carbon claim 1 , which is hydrogenated claim 1 , a layer of at most one micron of CrN.6. A part according to claim 1 , comprising tungsten doping over at most one micron from the surface of the part claim 1 , for a film of at least two microns.7. An pair of slidingly cooperating parts comprising a part according to and a counterbody ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180148660A1

An aqueous lubricant for metal material plastic working, which can form a lubricating coating having excellent lubricity (moisture absorption resistance) under a high humidity environment, seizure resistance to metal working with high difficulty, and the like, and further has excellent long-term agent stability; a metal material having a lubricating coating formed by the aqueous lubricant on/over a surface of the metal material; and a metal processed article obtained by molding the metal material are provided. The above problem can be solved by using an aqueous lubricant for metal material plastic working in which an aliphatic polycarboxylic acid having 5 to 8 carbon atoms and a solubility in water at 20° C. of 10 g/100 mL or more and an alkaline earth metal compound are blended in water, or an alkaline earth metal salt of the aliphatic polycarboxylic acid is dissolved or dispersed in water. 1. An aqueous lubricant for metal material plastic working , wherein an aliphatic polycarboxylic acid having 5 to 8 carbon atoms and a solubility in water at 20° C. of 10 g/100 mL or more and an alkaline earth metal compound are blended in water , or an alkaline earth metal salt of the aliphatic polycarboxylic acid is dissolved and/or dispersed in water.2. The aqueous lubricant according to claim 1 , which further contains at least one kind of organic lubricants selected from an oil claim 1 , a soap claim 1 , a wax claim 1 , an amino acid compound having a layered structure claim 1 , an organic modified clay mineral claim 1 , and an extreme-pressure agent.3. The aqueous lubricant according to claim 1 , which contains claim 1 , as a binder component claim 1 , at least one kind selected from a water-soluble inorganic acid salt claim 1 , a water-soluble organic acid salt claim 1 , and a water-dispersible or water-soluble resin.4. The aqueous lubricant according to claim 1 , which further contains at least one kind of solid lubricants selected from zinc phosphate claim 1 , zinc ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160156014A1

A graphite powder may include highly oriented grain aggregates, wherein the electrical resistivity of the powder decreases with increasing density. A process for coating a substrate may include providing a coating dispersion including such a graphite powder and applying the coating dispersion to the substrate. An electrode may contain such a graphite powder. A coating dispersion may include such a graphite powder dispersed in a liquid medium. A battery may include such a graphite powder. A compressed body of pure graphite may include such a graphite powder. A lubricant may include such as graphite powder. 119-. (canceled)20. A graphite powder comprising:highly oriented grain aggregates,wherein the electrical resistivity of the powder decreases with increasing density.21. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the electrical resistivity of the powder is decreasing with increasing density between 10 and 40% in the density range between 1.5 and 1.8 g/cm.22. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the average particle size is between 10 and 50 microns and the BET surface area is higher than 10 m/g.23. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the average particle size is between 5 and 10 microns and the BET surface area is higher than 15 m/g.24. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the average particle size is between 1 and 5 microns and the BET surface area is higher than 25 m/g.25. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the crystal size in the crystallographic c-direction (Lc) is larger than 10 nm.26. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the spring-back is less than or equal to 10%.27. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein the fraction of rhombohedral crystallinity is less than 10%28. The graphite powder according to claim 20 , wherein substantially no rhombohedral stacking is present claim 20 , and the graphite powder has a loss of at least 15% by weight as measured by ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160147A1

The invention relates to a method for producing a stable boron solution with lubricating characteristics which is intended to be used preferably as an addition in the form of a concentrate/additive to a liquid, e.g. to a liquid fuel or a lubricant. The invention is achieved by the method steps of using a boron substance of pharmaceutical quality (), using a liquid as solvent, applying a mixing ratio between the boron substance and the solvent () of preferably 1 g of boron per 15-25 litres of liquid, agitating the mixture for an initial predetermined period of time (), adding further liquid to dilute the solution (), the quantity of liquid being chosen such that a final user mixture reaches a concentration of between 20 and 30 ppm of boron (), and further agitating the mixture () for a second predetermined period of time so that the boron substance is completely dissolved in the boron solution, resulting in a boron solution which is stable over time. 1. A method for producing a stable boron solution with lubricating characteristics which is intended to be used preferably as an addition in the form of a concentrate/additive to a liquid , e.g. to a liquid fuel or a lubricant , the method comprising the steps ofusing a boron substance of pharmaceutical quality,using a liquid as solvent,applying a mixing ratio between the boron substance and the solvent of preferably 1 g of boron per 15-25 litres of liquid,agitating the mixture for an initial predetermined period of time,adding further liquid to dilute the solution, the quantity of liquid being chosen such that a final user mixture reaches a concentration of between 20 and 30 ppm of boron, andfurther agitating the mixture for a second predetermined period of time so that the boron substance is completely dissolved in the boron solution,resulting in a boron solution which is stable over time.2. A method according to claim 1 , comprising the further step ofagitating the solution so that its temperature rises but does not ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Aqueous lubricant for plastic working of metal material and having superior gas clogging resistance and post-moisture absorption workability

Номер: US20160160150A1
Принадлежит: Nihon Parkerizing Co Ltd

A water-based lubricant for plastic working of a metallic material is obtained by adding to a water-based medium: (A) a polymer and/or a salt thereof containing a carboxylic acid or a derivative thereof as a constituent monomer; (B) an oxoacid of tungsten, of silicon, or of phosphorus, or a condensate thereof, and/or a salt thereof; (C) a hydroxide of an alkali metal; and (D) a lubricating component (D), and the solid content weight ratio (A)/[(A)+(B)+(C)+(D)] is 0.05 to 0.4.

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158981A1

A functional fluid composition containing a fluid base stock (e.g., a phosphate ester fluid base stock) as a major component, and an erosion inhibitor mixture as a minor component. The erosion inhibitor mixture contains at least a first erosion inhibitor (e.g., a perhalometallate or perhalometalloidate salt) and a second erosion inhibitor (e.g., an alkali metal salt of perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acid). Erosion inhibition of the functional fluid composition is improved as compared to erosion inhibition achieved using singly the first erosion inhibitor or the second erosion inhibitor, as measured by one or more of ASTM D2624, ASTM D974, ASTM D130 and ASTM D6304. A method for operating and lubricating a hydraulic system by utilizing as a hydraulic fluid, the functional fluid composition. A method for identifying erosion inhibition effectiveness of the functional fluid. The functional fluids are useful as aircraft hydraulic fluids. 2. The functional fluid composition of wherein the one or more phosphate ester fluid base stocks comprise trialkyl phosphate claim 1 , dialkyl aryl phosphate claim 1 , alkyl diaryl phosphate claim 1 , triaryl phosphate claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.3. The functional fluid composition of wherein the one or more phosphate ester fluid base stocks comprise tri-n-butyl phosphate claim 1 , tri-isobutyl phosphate claim 1 , n-butyl di-isobutyl phosphate claim 1 , di-isobutyl n-butyl phosphate claim 1 , n-butyl diphenyl phosphate claim 1 , isobutyl diphenyl phosphate claim 1 , di-n-butyl phenyl phosphate claim 1 , di-isobutyl phenyl phosphate claim 1 , tri-n-pentyl phosphate claim 1 , tri-isopentyl phosphate claim 1 , triphenyl phosphate claim 1 , isopropylated triphenyl phosphates claim 1 , butylated triphenyl phosphates claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.4. The functional fluid composition of wherein claim 1 , in the one or more phosphate ester fluid base stocks claim 1 , R claim 1 , Rand Rare independently a substituted or unsubstituted alkyl group having ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157454A1

A lubricant composition for application onto a surface of drive elements includes: a base oil; and a silasesquioxane. In an embodiment, the silasesquioxane has the chemical formula [RSiO3/2]with: n=6, 8, 10, 12; where R independently of one another=alkyl (C1-C20), cycloalkyl (C3-C20), alkenyl (C2-C20), cycloalkenyl (C5-C20), alkynyl (C2-C20), cycloalkynyl (C5-C20), aryl (C6-C18) or heteroaryl group, oxy, hydroxy, alkoxy (C4-C10), oxirane polymer (degree of polymerization with 4 to 20 repeat units), carboxy, silyl, alkylsilyl, alkoxysilyl, siloxy, alkylsiloxy, alkoxysiloxy, silylalkyl, alkoxysilylalkyl, alkylsilylalkyl, halogen, epoxy (C2-C20), ester, aryl ether, fluoroalkyl, blocked isocyanate, acrylate, methacrylate, mercapto, nitrile, amine, and/or phosphine group, each substituted or unsubstituted. 1. A lubricant composition for application onto a surface of drive elements , comprising:a base oil; anda silasesquioxane.2. The lubricant composition according to claim 1 , wherein the silasesquioxane has the chemical formula [RSiO3/2]with: n=6 claim 1 , 8 claim 1 , 10 claim 1 , 12; where R independently of one another=alkyl (C1-C20) claim 1 , cycloalkyl (C3-C20) claim 1 , alkenyl (C2-C20) claim 1 , cycloalkenyl (C5-C20) claim 1 , alkynyl (C2-C20) claim 1 , cycloalkynyl (C5-C20) claim 1 , aryl (C6-C18) or heteroaryl group claim 1 , oxy claim 1 , hydroxy claim 1 , alkoxy (C4-C10) claim 1 , oxirane polymer (degree of polymerization with 4 to 20 repeat units) claim 1 , carboxy claim 1 , silyl claim 1 , alkylsilyl claim 1 , alkoxysilyl claim 1 , siloxy claim 1 , alkylsiloxy claim 1 , alkoxysiloxy claim 1 , silylalkyl claim 1 , alkoxysilylalkyl claim 1 , alkylsilylalkyl claim 1 , halogen claim 1 , epoxy (C2-C20) claim 1 , ester claim 1 , aryl ether claim 1 , fluoroalkyl claim 1 , blocked isocyanate claim 1 , acrylate claim 1 , methacrylate claim 1 , mercapto claim 1 , nitrile claim 1 , amine claim 1 , and/or phosphine group claim 1 , each substituted or unsubstituted.3. ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Composition and Method of Manufacturing Sulfonate-Based Greases Using a Glycerol Derivative

Номер: US20200157459A1

A sulfonate-based grease composition and method of manufacture comprising the addition of one or more glycerol derivatives. The glycerol derivative acts to optimally disperse the thickener in the grease such that the conventional step of milling the grease may not be needed. The glycerol derivative reacts with water to form in-situ complexing acids, which may replace at least some of the normally used complexing acids for reacting with calcium containing bases. The greases according to preferred embodiments have a high dropping point, improved thickener yield, and faster conversion time. 1. A sulfonate-based grease composition comprising the following ingredients: (1) overbased calcium sulfonate , (2) optionally overbased magnesium sulfonate , and (3) one or more glycerol derivatives.2. The sulfonate-based grease composition of wherein the one or more glycerol derivatives are one or more of hydrogenated castor oil claim 1 , glyceryl mono-stearate claim 1 , glyceryl mono-tallowate claim 1 , and glycerol mono-oleate.3. The sulfonate-based grease composition of wherein one or more glycerol derivatives are one or more of a mono-acyl glyceride claim 1 , a di-acyl glyceride claim 1 , or a tri-acyl glyceride.4. The sulfonate-based grease composition of wherein the grease comprises 37% or less overbased calcium sulfonate by weight of the final grease.5. The sulfonate-based grease composition of further comprising one or more conventional non-aqueous converting agents.6. The sulfonate-based grease composition of wherein no conventional non-aqueous converting agents are included.7. The sulfonate-based grease composition of further comprising one or more added calcium containing bases; andwherein the one or more added calcium containing bases (1) consists of calcium carbonate and the grease comprises less than 30% overbased calcium sulfonate by weight of the grease or (2) comprises calcium hydroxyapatite and the grease comprises less than 26% overbased calcium sulfonate by ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150191670A1

A powder lubricant composition according to the present invention includes 65 parts by mass to 95 parts by mass of sodium borate, and 5 parts by mass to 35 parts by mass of cryolite. A method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to the present invention includes adhering the above-described powder lubricant composition to a pipe inner surface of a work piece which is piercing rolled to have a tubular shape, and elongation rolling on the work piece after the adhering of the powder lubricant composition. 1. A powder lubricant composition comprising:65 parts by mass to 95 parts by mass of sodium borate; and5 parts by mass to 35 parts by mass of cryolite.2. A method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'adhering the powder lubricant composition according to to a pipe inner surface of a work piece which is piercing rolled to have a tubular shape; and'}elongation rolling on the work piece after the adhering of the powder lubricant composition.3. The method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to claim 2 , whereina temperature of the work piece before initial rolling in the elongation rolling is 700° C. or higher and lower than 1000° C.4. The method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to claim 2 , whereina total reduction in the elongation rolling is 50% to 80%.5. The method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to claim 2 , whereinthe elongation rolling is performed by a mandrel mill rolling.6. The method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to claim 3 , whereina total reduction in the elongation rolling is 50% to 80%.7. The method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to claim 3 , whereinthe elongation rolling is performed by a mandrel mill rolling.8. The method for manufacturing a seamless steel pipe according to claim 4 , whereinthe elongation rolling is performed by a mandrel mill rolling.9. The method for manufacturing a ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160194574A1

Some variations provide a segmented copolymer composition comprising: fluoropolymer first soft segments that are (α,ω)-hydroxyl-terminated and/or (α,ω)-amine-terminated; polyester or polyether second soft segments that are (α,ω)-hydroxyl-terminated and/or (α,ω)-amine-terminated; isocyanate species possessing an isocyanate functionality of 2 or greater; and polyol or polyamine chain extenders or crosslinkers, wherein the molar ratio of the second soft segments to the first soft segments is less than 2.0. Exemplary segmented copolymers are disclosed. The segmented copolymer composition may be present in a low-friction, low-adhesion coating. Such a coating may be characterized by a coefficient of friction, measured at 90% relative humidity, less than 0.7. Such a coating may be characterized by an average kinetic delay of surface ice formation of at least 10 minutes at −10° C. These coatings are useful as bugphobic and icephobic coatings. 1. A segmented copolymer composition comprising:(a) one or more first soft segments selected from fluoropolymers having an average molecular weight from about 500 g/mol to about 10,000 g/mol, wherein said fluoropolymers are (α,ω)-hydroxyl-terminated and/or (α,ω)-amine-terminated;(b) one or more second soft segments selected from polyesters or polyethers, wherein said polyesters or polyethers are (α,ω)-hydroxyl-terminated and/or (α,ω)-amine-terminated;(c) one or more isocyanate species, or a reacted form thereof, possessing an isocyanate functionality of 2 or greater; and(d) one or more polyol or polyamine chain extenders or crosslinkers, or a reacted form thereof,wherein the molar ratio of said second soft segments to said first soft segments is less than 2.0.2. The segmented copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein said molar ratio of said second soft segments to said first soft segments is from about 0.1 to about 1.5.3. The segmented copolymer composition of claim 1 , wherein said fluoropolymers are selected from the group ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180195551A1

A bearing assembly is disclosed that includes a first component with a first bearing surface, and a second component with a second bearing surface. A fluid is disposed between the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface supporting the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface in a non-contact rotational relationship. The first bearing surface, or the second bearing surface, or both the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface include a surface layer with solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles in a matrix. 1. A bearing assembly comprising:a first component comprising a first bearing surface;a second component comprising a second bearing surface;a fluid disposed between the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface supporting the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface in a non-contact rotational relationship,wherein the first bearing surface, the second bearing surface, or both the first bearing surface and the second bearing surface include a surface layer comprising solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles in a matrix.2. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles have a thickness of 1 to 20 atomic layers.3. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles include a dimension perpendicular to the thickness of 10 nm to 25 μm.4. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles comprise graphene claim 1 , hexagonal boron nitride claim 1 , molybdenum disulfide or combinations thereof.5. The bearing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles comprise graphene.6. The bearing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles comprise hexagonal boron nitride.7. The bearing assembly of claim 4 , wherein the solid lubricant 2D nanoparticles comprise molybdenum disulfide.8. The bearing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the surface layer further comprises solid lubricant particles or nanoparticles ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160223019A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

There is provided a rolling bearing used in a liquefied gas environment or in an extremely low temperature, wherein an inner ring and an outer ring are made of steel material which is any one of bearing steel, stainless steel, high-speed tool steel and cemented steel, and a rolling element of the rolling bearing is made of ceramic having a coefficient of linear expansion of 70% to 105% of a coefficient of linear expansion of the steel material forming the inner ring and outer ring. A liquefied gas pump including the rolling bearing is also provided. Further, there is provided a cage which contains PTFE, a fibrous reinforcing material and a solid lubricant, and which is suitable for the above rolling bearing or the like. 1. A rolling bearing having a plurality of rolling elements held between an inner ring and an outer ring via a cage and to be used in a liquefied gas environment or in an extremely low temperature , wherein the inner ring and the outer ring are made of steel material which is any one of bearing steel , stainless steel , high-speed tool steel and cemented steel , and wherein the rolling elements are made of ceramic having a coefficient of linear expansion of 70% to 105% of a coefficient of linear expansion of the steel material forming the inner ring and the outer ring.24-. (canceled)5. The rolling bearing according to claim 1 ,wherein hardness of the ceramic forming the rolling elements is Hv 1000 to Hv 1500.67-. (canceled)8. The rolling bearing according to claim 1 , a resin component which is at least one of PTFE, 5 polyamide, PEEK and PPS;', 'a fibrous filler which is at least one of a glass fiber, a carbon fiber, an calcium titanate whisker and an aluminum borate whisker, and, 'wherein the cage is made of a resin composition containing{'sub': 2', '2, 'a solid lubricant which is, at least one of graphite, MoSand WS.'}9. The rolling bearing according to claim 8 ,{'sub': '2', 'wherein the resin composition forming the cage contains the glass fiber ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Low Zinc Lubricant Composition

Номер: US20200208074A1

The disclosed technology relates to lubricants for compression ignition internal combustion engines, particularly those demonstrating at least one of improved seals performance, reduced deposit formation, and excellent durability. The present invention provides a low zinc lubricating composition comprising (a) an oil of lubricating viscosity, (b) a borated dispersant, and (c) a metal-free organo-phosphorus anti-wear additive, wherein the lubricating composition is substantially free of a metal containing sulfur coupled alkyl phenol compound. Further, the low zinc lubricating composition contains zinc in an amount less than 600 ppm by weight of the composition. 1. A low zinc lubricating composition comprising:an oil of lubricating viscosity;a borated dispersant; anda metal-free organo-phosphorus anti-wear additive, wherein the lubricating composition is substantially free of a metal-containing sulfur-coupled alkylphenol,wherein the lubricating composition contains zinc in an amount less than 600 ppm by weight of the composition.2. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the borated dispersant comprises at least one of a borated succinimide dispersant claim 1 , a borated Mannich dispersant claim 1 , a borated polyolefin succinic acid ester claim 1 , amide or ester-amide and mixtures thereof.3. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the borated dispersant comprises a borated polyalkenyl succinimide derived from a polyolefin having number average molecular weight of 350 to 5000 Daltons and a vinylidene content of at least 50 mol %.4. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the borated dispersant is present in an amount of about 1 wt. % to about 4 wt. % of the composition.5. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein the borated dispersant is present in an amount to deliver at least 25 ppm boron to the composition.6. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , further comprising a phosphorus-free anti-wear additive.7. The lubricating ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211456A1

A surface treated steel strip according to the present invention includes: a base steel sheet; a zinc phosphate coating film layer made of needle zinc phosphate crystals which are formed in an island shape on a surface of the base steel sheet; and a lubricating coating film layer covering the surface of the base steel sheet and a part of the zinc phosphate coating film layer, and containing at least a lubricating component, in which an area ratio of the zinc phosphate crystals exposed from a surface of the lubricating coating film layer is 25% to 90%. 18-. (canceled)9. A surface treated steel strip , comprising:a base steel sheet;a zinc phosphate coating film layer made of needle zinc phosphate crystals which are formed in an island shape on a surface of the base steel sheet; anda lubricating coating film layer covering the surface of the base steel sheet and a part of the zinc phosphate coating film layer, and containing at least a lubricating component, whereinan area ratio of the zinc phosphate crystals exposed from a surface of the lubricating coating film layer is 25% to 90%.10. The surface treated steel strip according to claim 9 , whereinthe zinc phosphate crystals have an average grain diameter in a major axis direction of 25 μm to 70 μm, and have an average grain diameter in a minor axis direction of 3 μm to 10 μm.11. The surface treated steel strip according to claim 9 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'a coating weight of the zinc phosphate coating film layer is 1.5 g/mto 15.0 g/mper one side.'}12. The surface treated steel strip according to claim 10 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'a coating weight of the zinc phosphate coating film layer is 1.5 g/mto 15.0 g/mper one side.'}13. The surface treated steel strip according to claim 9 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'a coating weight of the lubricating coating film layer is 1.0 g/mto 12.0 g/mper one side.'}14. The surface treated steel strip according to claim 10 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'a coating weight of the lubricating ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Nanocomposite solid lubricant coating

Номер: US20160230110A1

A solid lubricant magnetron sputtering physical vapor deposition (MS PVD) coating can be used e.g. in automotive, aircraft and space industries for increasing lifetime of moving parts such as bearings, chains, pistons and joints that experience sliding or rolling friction. A nanocomposite solid lubricant coating contains a carbon matrix with copper grains and at least one of Ti, Zr, Hf, and V, in bulk proportions, at. %: 2. The coating as in claim 1 , wherein the copper grain size is in the range between 20 and 100 nanometers claim 1 , and said copper grains are wrapped in nanolayers of the carbon matrix with thickness in the range between 1 and 10 nanometers.3. The coating as in claim 1 , wherein the thickness of said coating is in the range between 2.5 and 150 micrometers.4. The coating as in claim 1 , wherein the thickness of said coating is in the range between 5 and 15 micrometers.5. A method of magnetron sputtering physical vapor deposition of the nanocomposite solid lubricant coating as in claim 1 , wherein at least one copper-carbon mosaic target and at least one additional metal target are used consecutively with the power density of the copper-carbon mosaic target in the range between 40 W/cmand 250 W/cm. The invention relates to a solid lubricant magnetron sputtering physical vapor deposition (MS PVD) nanocomposite coating, which can be used in mechanical engineering, specifically in automotive, aircraft and space industries for increasing lifetime of moving parts such as bearings, chains, pistons and joints that experience sliding or rolling friction.Usually hard physical vapor deposition (PVD) coatings such as nitrides, carbides or diamond-like coatings with hardness of 2000 HV and higher are used for increasing lifetime of moving parts as is shown in WO 2012/078151, US 2013/0086881, US 2013/0085088. While hard coatings protect a surface and increase its lifetime, they decrease the fatigue strength and increase the wear rate of a counterpart. Also, ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180223208A1

A low friction wear surface with a coefficient of friction in the superlubric regime including graphene and nanoparticles on the wear surface is provided, and methods of producing the low friction wear surface are also provided. A long lifetime wear-resistant surface including graphene exposed to hydrogen is provided, including methods of increasing the lifetime of graphene containing wear surfaces by providing hydrogen to the wear surface. 1. A method of forming a low friction wear surface comprising:{'sub': '2', 'disposing over a substrate a solution comprising nanodiamonds and a 2D material selected from the group consisting of MoSand h-BN to form a first sliding component;'}sliding the first sliding component against a second sliding component having a diamond-like carbon on a sliding surface;forming scrolls of the material around the nanodiamonds; andconverting the scrolled nanodiamonds into nano-onions.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising establishing a dry environment over the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing the solution over the substrate comprises forming patches of the material on the substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming patches of the material on the substrate comprises spraying a liquid containing the material onto the substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing the nanoparticles over the substrate comprises spraying a liquid containing the nanoparticles onto the substrate.6. A method of forming a low friction wear surface comprising:preparing graphene by chemical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite;suspending the graphene in a solvent to form a solution of at least 1 mg/L;adding 50-1000 mg/L of nanodiamonds to the graphene solution; andforming solution processed graphene with nanodiamonds by depositing the solution on a substrate in a dry, inert environment and evaporating the solvent.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the substrate has a surface roughness greater than 1 nm and the ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Agent for mixing into a service fluid for a technical layout, concentrate for mixing into a service fluid for a technical layout, and the service fluid

Номер: US20190218468A1
Автор: Stefan Bill
Принадлежит: REWITEC GmbH

The invention concerns an agent for mixing into a service fluid for a technical layout, a concentrate for mixing into a service fluid for a technical layout, and a service fluid. An agent according to the invention contains at least one ingredient A chosen from the group of three-layer silicates, at least one ingredient B chosen from the group consisting of bentonites, pyrogenic silicic acids, and talc, and graphite. Thanks to an agent according to the invention, a concentrate according to the invention, and a service fluid according to the invention, the detachment of the lubricating film on the surfaces of working components of a technical layout that are moving relative to each other is prevented in a reliable manner. This is accomplished in particular by a smoothing of the surfaces, accompanied by a reduction of the frictional coefficient and the steady-state temperature of the working components. Moreover, it is ensured that the ingredients of the agent according to the invention, the concentrate according to the invention, and the service fluid according to the invention do not agglomerate, so that they can pass through the filters of the technical layout, such as a wind power plant transmission or an internal combustion engine.

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160237374A1

A grease of the invention contains a fluorine synthetic oil as a base oil and an inorganic acid salt that is at least one selected from phosphate, tungstate, sulfate and sulfite. The grease of the invention is suitably usable in a bearing, a gear and the like because of an excellent wear resistance and a low environmental burden. 1. A grease , comprising:a fluorine synthetic oil as a base oil; andan inorganic acid salt that is at least one selected from the group consisting of a phosphate, a tungstate, a sulfate and a sulfite.2. The grease according to claim 1 , whereinthe inorganic acid salt is an alkali metal salt.3. The grease according to claim 1 , whereinthe inorganic acid salt is a phosphate, which is at least one of an orthophosphate, a hydrogenphosphate, a polyphosphate, a phosphite and a methaphosphate.4. A grease claim 1 , comprising:a fluorine synthetic oil as a base oil; anda phosphate and a tungstate as inorganic acid salts.5. The grease according to claim 4 , whereinthe phosphate is at least one of a hydrogenphosphate, a pyrophosphate, a tripolyphosphate and a tetrapolyphosphate.6. The grease according to claim 4 , wherein the inorganic acid salts are salts of the same alkali metal.7. The grease according to claim 4 , wherein the inorganic acid salts are sodium salts.8. The grease according to claim 1 , whereina content of the inorganic acid salt is in a range of from 0.5 mass % to 15 mass % based on a total amount of the grease.9. The grease according to claim 1 , whereinthe fluorine synthetic oil is a perfluoroalkylpolyether oil.10. The grease according to claim 4 , whereina content of the inorganic acid salts are in a range of from 0.5 mass % to 15 mass % based on a total amount of the grease.11. The grease according to claim 4 , whereinthe fluorine synthetic oil is a perfluoroalkylpolyether oil. The present invention relates to a grease containing a fluorine synthetic oil as a base oil.Since a so-called fluorine grease containing a fluorine ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160238076A1

A solid lubricant is formed by molding and firing powder that includes amorphous and self-sintering carbon material powder graphite powder and a binder The solid lubricant has high material strength and hardness, and also excellent impact resistance and wear resistance. 1. A solid lubricant formed by molding and firing powder that includes amorphous and self-sintering carbon material powder , graphite powder , and a binder.2. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , whereina combination ratio of the carbon material powder is larger than a combination ratio of the graphite powder in weight ratio.3. The solid lubricant according to claim 2 , whereinthe carbon material powder of 50 to 60 wt % and the graphite powder of 25 to 40 wt % are contained.4. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , whereinthe carbon material powder and the graphite powder are granulated using the binder, and the granulated powder is molded and sintered.5. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'at least one of W, Mo, and MoSis added.'}6. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , whereincarbon fiber or carbon nanotube is added.7. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , whereinbending strength is set to 40 to 100 MPa, and Shore hardness (HSC) is set to 50 to 100.8. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '3', 'specific wear rate is set to 1.0 to 2.5×10−7 mm/(N·m).'}9. The solid lubricant according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': '3', 'density is set to 1.0 to 3.0 g/cm.'}10. A solid-lubrication rolling bearing comprising:an outer ring having an outer raceway face;an inner ring having an inner raceway face,a plurality of rolling elements disposed between the outer raceway face and the inner raceway face; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a separator disposed between the adjacent rolling elements, the separator being formed of the solid lubricant according to , wherein'}relative movement of the adjacent rolling elements and the ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140323368A1

The present invention relates to a sliding component for use in internal combustion engines, provided with a ferrous base () coated with a protective surface layer () composed of at least one nitride and applied by physical vapor deposition (PVD) or a nitrided layer to the sliding peripheral surface () of which a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating () is applied, the coating () comprising at least one transition layer () composed of WCand/or of at least one layer () of chromium metal with a crystalline structure (bcc—body cubic center) located between the ferrous base () and an external layer of amorphous carbon (). 110112121212212110124123. A sliding component for use in internal combustion engines , provided with a ferrous base () covered with a protective surface layer () consisting of at least one nitride , applied by the process of physical vapor deposition (PVD) or a nitrided layer , on whose sliding peripheral surface () a coating of carbon of the diamond-like carbon (DLC) type () is applied , characterized in that the coating () comprises at least one transition layer () consisting of WCand/or a layer () of metallic chromium of crystalline structure (bcc—body-centered cubic) located between the ferrous base () and an outer layer of amorphous carbon () , and a nanocrystalline phase of carbides , in a multilayer structure (a—C:H:W) and (a—C:H) in the form of an intermediate layer ().215-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a sliding component for use in internal combustion engines, such as for example a piston ring, provided with a coating that comprises at least one transition layer consisting of a ceramic material such as tungsten carbide (WC) or the like and/or of a metal such as metallic chromium (bcc-Cr) or some other necessary or desirable equivalent.The sliding component thus configured offers advantages such as greater stability and durability, endowing the internal combustion engine equipped therewith with a long service life. Recent, ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Calcium Hydroxyapatite Based Sulfonate Grease Compositions and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20160244689A9
Автор: Waynick J. Andrew

An overbased calcium sulfonate grease composition comprising a reduced amount of overbased calcium sulfonate, calcium hydroxyapatite, base oil, one or more converting agents, and one or more complexing acids if a complex grease is desired. The calcium sulfonate grease composition improves thickener yield and expected high temperature utility as demonstrated by dropping point. A method of making the composition comprising the steps of mixing the calcium sulfonate and base oil, adding the calcium carbonate either before or after conversion, adding one or more converting agents, and adding one or more complexing acids. All or a portion of one or more of the complexing acids may be added with or prior to the one or more converting agents. 1. A calcium sulfonate grease composition comprising the following ingredients: overbased oil-soluble calcium sulfonate and calcium hydroxyapatite.2. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to comprising less than 36% overbased oil-soluble calcium sulfonate.3. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the grease has a worked 60 stroke penetration between 265 and 295 and a dropping point of 575 F or higher.4. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the grease is a complex grease and comprises between 25% and 32% overbased oil-soluble calcium sulfonate.5. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to further comprising the following ingredients: at least one converting agent and at least one complexing acid.6. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the amount of calcium hydroxyapatite is stoichiometrically insufficient to neutralize all of the complexing acid.7. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to further comprising one or more other basic calcium compounds selected from the group consisting of: calcium hydroxide claim 6 , calcium oxide claim 6 , added calcium carbonate or any combination thereof in a total amount sufficient to ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Lubricating grease composition

Номер: US20180245010A1
Принадлежит: Setral Chemie GmbH

The present invention relates to lubricating grease compositions comprising (a) at least one high-viscosity fluorinated oil having a viscosity of 500 to 1500 mm2/s, (b) boron nitride and (c) a binder selected from bentonite, alkali metal phosphates, aluminum phosphates, alkali metal silicates, alkaline earth metal silicates, aluminum silicates, alkaline earth metal carbonates, calcium borate, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide and mixtures thereof. The lubricating grease compositions find use especially in the high-temperature sector, for example for the lubrication of oven pullout rails.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Azole Derivatives as Lubricating Additives

Номер: US20180245012A1

Lubricating compositions comprising an azole-acrylic adduct formed by contacting an azole compound with an acrylic. The adduct formed has at least one nitrogen-alkyl group comprising at least one acyl. The lubricating composition also comprises an antiwear agent and an antioxidant. Methods of lubricating an internal combustion engine comprising contacting the internal combustion engine with the lubricating composition comprising an azole-acrylic adduct formed by contacting an azole compound with an acrylic. Methods of reducing corrosion and/or seal deterioration in an internal combustion engine. The use of an azole-acrylic adduct in a lubricating composition to reduce corrosion and/or seal deterioration in an internal combustion engine. 1. A lubricating composition comprising:a. an oil of a lubricating viscosity; i. said adduct is formed by contacting an azole compound with an acrylic; and', 'ii. said adduct has at least one nitrogen-alkyl group comprising at least one acyl;, 'b. an azole-acrylic adduct whereinc. an antiwear agent; andd. an antioxidant.2. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein said acrylic comprises at least one (meth)acrylate claim 1 , (meth)acrylic acid claim 1 , (meth)acrylamide claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The lubricating composition of claim 3 , wherein R is a hydrogen or a methyl group.5. The lubricating composition of claim 3 , wherein said (meth)acrylate comprises at least one acrylate claim 3 , methacrylate claim 3 , or combinations thereof.6. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein said acrylic comprises at least one methacrylate claim 1 , methacrylic acid claim 1 , methacrylamide claim 1 , or combinations thereof.7. The lubricating composition of claim 1 , wherein said acrylic comprises at least one of octadecyl acrylate claim 1 , hexadecyl acrylate claim 1 , tridecyl acrylate claim 1 , dodecyl acrylate claim 1 , decyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-propylheptyl acrylate claim 1 , 2-ethylhexyl acrylate claim 1 , octyl ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации

Method for preparing two-dimensional hybrid composite

Номер: US20170253824A1
Автор: Seung Hun Huh

The present invention relates to a method for preparing a two-dimensional hybrid composite that is capable of solving the problems with the two-dimensional plate type materials, that is, step difference, defects, stretching, etc., that occur as the second-dimensional plate type materials overlap with one another. The present invention provides a method for preparing a two-dimensional hybrid composite that includes: (a) preparing a first plate type material in the solid or liquid state; (b) mixing a second plate type material with the first plate type material, the second plate type material being thinner and more flexible than the first plate type material; (c) mixing a solid or liquid binder with the first and second plate type materials to make the first and second plate type materials partly contact with or apart from each other; and (d) solidifying a composite formed by the steps (a), (b) and (c).

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140349898A1
Автор: GOTO Shingo, Yamane Kyohei
Принадлежит: TAIHO KOGYO CO., LTD.

A swash plate type compressor is arranged with a plurality of semispherical shoes and a disc shaped swash plate. A resin coating having a honeycomb structure is formed on a surface and a rear surface (sliding surface) of the swatch plate which slides with the shoe. An edge part (top end) of each of the multiple cylinder bodies which forms the resin coating layer are at the same plane and forms a sliding surface which slides with the shoe. In addition, an interior space of each cylinder body forms a storage part of a lubricant and a container part for foreign objects. 1. A sliding component comprising:a base; anda coating layer formed on a surface of the base, the coating layer forming a sliding surface which slides with a movable component:whereinthe coating layer is formed from a honeycomb structured resin coating wherein multiple cylinder bodies are fabricated as one body on a surface of the base;the sliding surface is formed by an edge part of an aperture side of each of the cylinder bodies; andthe interior space of each cylinder body acts as a storage part for lubrication and a container part for containing foreign objects.2. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding component is a swash plate of a swash plate type compressor or a thrust washer or a thrust bearing.3. The sliding component according to claim 1 , wherein a material of the resin coating is comprised from a thermoset resin including a solid lubricant and/or hard particles wherein one or more materials selected from MoS2 claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , WS2 claim 1 , h-BN claim 1 , a fluororesin such as PTFE claim 1 , CF is used as the solid lubricant claim 1 , one or more materials selected from an oxide (alumina claim 1 , silica) claim 1 , nitride (SiN) claim 1 , carbide (SiC) claim 1 , sulfide (ZnS) is used as the hard particles and one or more materials selected from PAI claim 1 , PI is used as the thermoset resin. The present invention relates to a siding component. In ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Calcium Hydroxyapatite Based Calcium Sulfonate Grease Compositions and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20190249104A1
Автор: J. Andrew WAYNICK
Принадлежит: NCH Corp

An overbased calcium sulfonate grease composition comprising a reduced amount of overbased calcium sulfonate, calcium hydroxyapatite, base oil, one or more converting agents, and one or more complexing acids if a complex grease is desired. The calcium sulfonate grease composition improves thickener yield and expected high temperature utility as demonstrated by dropping point. A method of making the composition comprising the steps of mixing the calcium sulfonate and base oil, adding the calcium carbonate either before or after conversion, adding one or more converting agents, and adding one or more complexing acids. All or a portion of one or more of the complexing acids may be added with or prior to the one or more converting agents.

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248091A1
Автор: Lee Sang Kuk

The present invention provides an engine oil additive for enhancing engine function and improving fuel economy, the additive allowing engine oil particles to be ionized and fragmented by natural minerals simply and inexpensively without a separate device, such that the interval at which the engine oil particles come into contact with the inner wall of an engine decreases and the plasma state is maintained so as to prevent cations and anions from coupling to each other in liquid, and fuel economy is improved while engine activity is enhanced. To this end, the additive is obtained by mixing 1.5-2 wt % of tourmaline, 0.8-1 wt % of sericite, 0.5-0.8 wt % of monazite and 0.3-0.5 of elvan, in a powder form of 2-3 μm into 95.7-96.9 wt % of a base oil so as to be added to an engine oil to be injected into an engine. 1. Engine oil additive for enhancing engine function and improving fuel efficiency , the engine oil additive comprising a mixture of base oil 95.7 to 96.9 wt % with tourmaline 1.5 to 2 wt % in 2 to 3 μm powder form , sericite 0.8 to 1 wt % in 2 to 3 μm powder form , monazite 0.5 to 0.8 wt % in 2 to 3 μm powder form , and quartz-porphyry 0.3 to 0.5 wt % in 2 to 3 μm powder form.2. The engine oil additive of claim 1 , wherein the engine oil additive is added to engine oil at a content of 9.5 to 10.5 ml based on 1 L of the engine oil. This is a continuation of International Patent Application PCT/KR2018/007046 filed on Jun. 21, 2018, which designates the United States and claims priority of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2018-0006303 filed on Jan. 17, 2018, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates to an engine oil additive. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to an engine oil additive for enhancing engine function and improving fuel efficiency simply and inexpensively in which engine oil particles are ionized by natural minerals and thus are converted into a low molecular weight state which is ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180258362A1

The present invention provides a low-friction sliding mechanism comprising a lubricant composition on a sliding plane between a DLC-coated sliding member (A) and a sliding member (B), wherein the DLC-coated sliding member (A) is formed by coating a base material with diamond-like-carbon containing 10 atom % or less of hydrogen, the sliding member (B) includes at least one kind of material selected from the group consisting of a metal material, a non-metal material, and a metal or non-metal coated material having a surface coated with a thin film, and the lubricant composition contains a basic oil (C), PAG (D), and an acid oxygen-containing organic compound (E) with an acid number of more than 1 mgKOH/g. 1. A low-friction sliding mechanism comprising a lubricant composition on a sliding plane between a DLC-coated sliding member (A) and a sliding member (B) , wherein: the DLC-coated sliding member (A) is formed by coating a base material with diamond-like-carbon containing 10 atom % or less of hydrogen; the sliding member (B) includes at least one kind of material selected from the group consisting of a metal material , a non-metal material , and a metal or non-metal coated material having a surface coated with a thin film; and the lubricant composition contains a basic oil (C) , PAG (D) , and an acid oxygen-containing organic compound (E) with an acid number of more than 1 mgKOH/g.2. The low-friction sliding mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the diamond-like-carbon contains 0.5 atom % or less of hydrogen.3. A low-friction sliding mechanism comprising a lubricant composition on a sliding plane between a DLC-coated sliding member (A) and a sliding member (B) claim 1 , wherein: the DLC-coated sliding member (A) is formed by coating a base material with a-C diamond-like-carbon without hydrogen; the sliding member (B) includes at least one kind of material selected from the group consisting of a metal material claim 1 , a non-metal material claim 1 , and a metal or ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140357538A1
Автор: Meijerhof Antjo H.
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

A method for reducing color in used lubricating oil. The method comprises combining: (i) a used lubricating oil; (ii) an alkali metal borohydride; and (iii) a bisulfite or metabisulfite salt. 1. A method for reducing color in used lubricating oil. The method comprises combining: (i) a used lubricating oil; (ii) an alkali metal borohydride; and (iii) a bisulfite or metabisulfite salt.2. The method of wherein a molar ratio of bisulfite to borohydride is from 1:1 to 8:1.3. The method of in which the alkali metal borohydride is added in an amount from 0.01 wt % to 0.1 wt % claim 2 , based on weight of the used lubricating oil.4. The method of in which the alkali metal borohydride is sodium borohydride.5. The method of in which said molar ratio is from 2:1 to 6:1.6. The method of in which sodium borohydride is added in an amount from 0.02 wt % to 0.08 wt % claim 5 , based on weight of the used lubricating oil. The invention relates to improved methods for reducing color in used lubricating oil.Reduction of color is an important step in treating used lubricating oils to render them suitable for recycling. Various methods have been described for accomplishing this. For example, PL 2004-364533 describes treatment of spent engine and gear oils with sodium borohydride.Still, it remains desirable to develop improved, alternate processes for reducing color in used lubricating oil.This invention is directed to a method for reducing color in used lubricating oil. The method comprises combining: (i) a used lubricating oil; (ii) an alkali metal borohydride; and (iii) a bisulfite or metabisulfite salt.All percentages are expressed as weight percentages (wt %) and all temperatures are in ° C., unless specified otherwise. “Used oil” is lubricating oil that has been in contact with an engine, or other device having moving parts lubricated by oil. Typically used oil is considered no longer suitable for use due to partial decomposition of the oil and/or its additives.Dithionite ion can ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160281015A1
Автор: Xu Zhiyue, Zhao Lei

An article comprises a substrate; a coating comprising a carbon composite; and a binding layer disposed between the substrate and the coating. The carbon composite comprises carbon and a binder containing one or more of the following: SiO; Si; B; BO; a metal; or an alloy of the metal; and the metal comprises one or more of the following: aluminum; copper; titanium; nickel; tungsten; chromium; iron; manganese; zirconium; hafnium; vanadium; niobium; molybdenum; tin; bismuth; antimony; lead; cadmium; or selenium. 1. A method for coating a substrate , the method comprising:disposing a coating on a substrate, the coating comprising a carbon composite foil; andbinding the coating to the substrate;wherein the carbon composite foil comprises a carbon composite, the carbon composite comprising a carbon and a binder;{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'the binder comprises one or more of the following: SiO; Si; B; BO; a metal; or an alloy of the metal; and'}the metal comprises one or more of the following: aluminum; copper; titanium; nickel; tungsten; chromium; iron; manganese; zirconium; hafnium; vanadium; niobium; molybdenum; tin; bismuth; antimony; lead; cadmium; or selenium.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein binding the coating to the substrate comprises heating the coating and the substrate to form a binding layer between the coating and the substrate.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising pressing the coating and the substrate together during heating.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein binding the coating to the substrate comprises heating the coating and a surface of the substrate that the coating is disposed on by one or more of the following: direct current heating; induction heating; microwave heating; or spark plasma sintering.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising pressing the coating and the substrate together during heating.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises disposing a solder between the coating and the substrate; applying heat to the ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150284653A1

In some examples, an article includes a substrate and a coating on the substrate. The coating includes a stabilized microstructure including Magnéli oxide phase including an oxide of at least one of W, Mo, Nb, Ta, or Re. In some examples, a technique may include forming a coating including a refractory metal on a surface of a substrate. The technique also may include heat treating the coating at a temperature between about 500° C. and about 700° C. to form a coating including a stabilized microstructure including Magnéli oxide phase. The stabilized microstructure including Magnéli oxide phase may include an oxide of at least one of W, Mo, Nb, Ta, or Re. In some examples, the coating including the stabilized microstructure including Magnéli oxide phase exhibits a coefficient of friction that is at least 25% less than the coefficient of friction exhibited by the as-deposited coating under similar conditions. 1. An article comprising:a substrate; anda coating on the substrate, wherein the coating comprises a stabilized microstructure including Magnéli oxide phase including an oxide of at least one of W, Mo, Nb, Ta, or Re.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the Magnéli oxide phase comprises at least one metal oxide phase with a chemical formula of at least one of MeOand MeO claim 1 , wherein Me is the at least one of W claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , or Re; and O is oxygen.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating further comprises at least one non-metal selected from the group consisting of N claim 1 , S claim 1 , P claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating further comprises at least one element selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 1 , V claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Rb claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Ag claim 1 , Au claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the coating ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275550A1

A lubricant for a rolling-element bearing includes a conventional lubricant as a base lubricant and at least one first additive, wherein the first additive includes muscovite, and the lubricant includes a proportion of muscovite that is between 3% and 5%. Also a method of lubricating a rolling-element bearing using the lubricant and a method of repairing a rolling-element bearing using the lubricant. 1. A lubricant for a rolling-element bearing , including a conventional lubricant as a base lubricant and at least one first additive ,wherein the first additive includes muscovite, andwherein the lubricant includes a proportion of muscovite that is between 3% and 5%.2. The lubricant according to claim 1 ,wherein the lubricant is suited for use in the food industry.3. A rolling-element bearing including a first raceway claim 1 , a second raceway claim 1 , at least one rolling element disposed between the first raceway and the second raceway claim 1 , and the lubricant according to .4. A rolling-element bearing according to claim 3 , wherein the rolling-element bearing is configured for use in the food industry.59-. (canceled)10. The lubricant according to wherein the conventional lubricant comprises a food-grade lubricant.11. A method comprising:providing a bearing comprising a first bearing element having a first raceway and a second bearing element having a second raceway and a plurality of rolling-elements between the first raceway and the second raceway, wherein a surface roughness of the first raceway and/or a surface roughness of the second raceway and/or a surface roughness of the plurality of rolling elements is between 1 μm and 12.5 μm; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'introducing a first quantity of the lubricant according to into the bearing.'}12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the first bearing element comprises a bearing ring or a bearing shell.13. The method according to claim 11 , including activating the lubricant by ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210363457A1

The present invention provides a lubricant composition comprising: (i) a base oil (ii) an organophilic clay-based thickener; and (iii) a solid lubricant, wherein said solid lubricant does not comprise any heavy metals. The present invention also provides the use of a lubricant composition comprising: a base oil; an organophilic clay-based thickener; and a solid lubricant, wherein said solid lubricant does not comprise any heavy metals, as a pipe dope. 1. A lubricant composition comprising:(i) a base oil(ii) an organophilic clay-based thickener; and(iii) a solid lubricant, wherein said solid lubricant does not comprise any heavy metals.2. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the lubricant composition also comprises one or more group 2 metal based inorganic compounds.3. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the one or more group 2 metal based inorganic compounds comprises calcium phosphate.4. The lubricant composition as claimed in any one claim 1 , wherein the the lubricant composition also comprises a melamine-based powdered flame retardant.5. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the lubricant composition also comprises one or more polymers selected from those solid at room temperature and pressure.6. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the base oil is selected from those biodegradable in a water rich environment.7. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the base oil also contains in the range of from 2 to 20 wt % on the basis of the whole lubricant composition of a mineral oil.8. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the organophilic clay-based thickener is a bentonite-based thickener.9. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the bentonite-based thickener is surface treated with quaternary ammonium compounds with aliphatic hydrocarbon chains in the range from Cto C.10. The lubricant composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150291905A1

[Object] An object of the present invention is to provide a sliding seal member having the characteristics of silicon carbide, such as hardness and low wear, and further having preferable sealing property and lubricating property. 1. A sliding seal member having a sliding surface which is slidable with other member so as to seal a fluid by the sliding surface , comprising:carbon fibers which are oriented substantially parallel to the sliding surface in a longitudinal direction of the carbon fibers, andsilicon carbide existing between the carbon fibers.2. The sliding seal member as set forth in claim 1 , whereinthe carbon fibers form bundles in which the carbon fibers are oriented substantially in the same longitudinal direction of the carbon fibers, and the silicon carbide exists between the carbon fibers forming the bundles.3. The sliding seal member as set forth in claim 2 , further comprising:non-fibrous carbon existing between one of the carbon fiber bundles and the other one of the carbon fiber bundles adjacent thereto.4. The sliding seal member as set forth in claim 3 , whereinthe carbon fiber bundles formed on the sliding surface are randomly oriented.5. The sliding seal member as set forth in claim 4 , whereinan area ratio of the silicon carbide on the sliding surface ranges from 35% or more to less than 85%.6. The sliding seal member as set forth in claim 5 , whereinan arithmetic average roughness Ra of the sliding surface is 0.2 μm or less. The present invention relates to a sliding seal member used for a mechanical seal and the like.As a sliding seal member used for a mechanical seal and the like, the sliding seal member including silicon carbide has been proposed. The silicon carbide is a material capable of realizing a hard and low wear sliding member having favorable heat resistance and high young's modulus. On the other hand, however, the silicon carbide itself exhibits poor self-lubricating property, with the result that it is difficult to use the ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200270541A1

An oxide film () is formed on a surface of a base material () that is a sintered body constituted by an iron-based material. The oxide film () includes a first layer (), a second layer (), and a third layer (). The first layer () is located on an outermost surface and is constituted by at least fine crystals. The second layer () is located under the first layer () and contains columnar structures. The third layer () contains columnar structures and is provided on the second layer () through an interface () so as to be located close to the base material (). The first layer () includes a dense layer (). The oxide film () can exhibit satisfactory abrasion resistance. 1. An oxide film formed on a surface of a base material that is a sintered body constituted by an iron-based material ,the oxide film comprising:a first layer constituted by at least fine crystals;a second layer located under the first layer and containing columnar structures; anda third layer containing columnar structures and provided on the second layer through an interface so as to be located close to the base material.2. The oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer includes a dense layer containing the fine crystals that exist more densely than the fine crystals of the other part of the first layer.3. The oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein the first to third layers are constituted by at least diiron trioxide (FeO) and triiron tetroxide (FeO).4. The oxide film according to claim 3 , wherein:{'sub': 2', '3, 'a component contained most in the first layer is diiron trioxide (FeO);'}{'sub': 3', '4, 'a component contained most in the second layer is triiron tetroxide (FeO); and'}{'sub': 3', '4, 'a component contained most in the third layer is triiron tetroxide (FeO).'}5. The oxide film according to claim 1 , wherein:a crystal grain diameter of the first layer falls within a range of 0.001 to 1 μm; andthe crystal grain diameter of the first layer is smaller than a crystal grain ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210388285A1

An engine oil additive includes carbon nanotubes and boron nitride particulates dispersed within a fluid. The additive is configured to be mixed with a quantity of oil such that the quantity of oil has a concentration from 0.05 to 0.5 grams of carbon nanotubes and of boron nitride particulates per quart of oil to improve the lubricity of the oil. The additive improves the horsepower and torque of the engine while reducing fuel consumption. The carbon nanotubes have an —OH functionalized exterior surface. The carbon nanotubes have a diameter from 1 nanometer to 50 nanometers and have a length from 1 micron to 1000 microns. The boron nitride particulates are hex-boron nitride structures having an average size from 30 nanometers to 500 nanometers. 1. A fluid comprising:an oil;a plurality of carbon nanotubes dispersed within the oil and each having a diameter between 1 nanometer and 80 nanometers; anda plurality of boron nitride particulates dispersed within the oil, wherein each of the plurality of boron nitride particulates are separate from each of the plurality of carbon nanotubes; andwherein a concentration of the plurality of carbon nanotubes is between 0.08 grams and 0.4 grams per 946 milliliters of the oil and wherein a concentration of the plurality of boron nitride particulates is between 0.08 grams and 0.4 grams per 946 milliliters of the oil.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The fluid of wherein at least some of the plurality of carbon nanotubes have an (—OH) functionalized exterior surface.7. The fluid of wherein each of the plurality of carbon nanotubes has a length between 1 micron and 1000 microns.8. The fluid of wherein the boron nitride particulates are hex-boron nitride particulate having an average size between 30 nanometers and 500 nanometers.9. A concentrate comprising:a fluid;a plurality of carbon nanotubes dispersed within the fluid, wherein each carbon nanotube of the plurality of carbon nanotubes has a diameter between 1 ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190276762A1

A sliding member includes: a base material; a coating layer formed on the base material and made of a resin composition including: a binder resin including polyamideimide; PTFE dispersed in the binder resin; and at least one of graphite and MoSdispersed in the binder resin; wherein a surface roughness of the coating layer after a sliding test is equal to or less than the surface roughness of the coating layer before the sliding test. 1. A sliding member comprising:a base material; and a binder resin including polyamideimide;', 'PTFE dispersed in the binder resin; and', {'sub': '2', 'at least one of graphite and MoSdispersed in the binder resin;'}], 'a coating layer formed on the base material and made of a resin composition includingwhereina surface roughness of the coating layer after a sliding test is equal to or less than the surface roughness of the coating layer before the sliding test, the sliding test being carried out under the following condition:Testing device: Oil spray type poor lubrication testerSpeed: 6.3 m/secSurface pressure: 2 to 20 MPa (incremental increase: 2 MPa/min.)Time: up to 10 min.Lubrication method: SprayLubricating oil: refrigeration oilCounterpart material: Bearing steel.2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , whereinthe surface roughness after the sliding test is equal to or less than the half of the surface roughness before the sliding test.3. The sliding member according to claim 1 , whereinthe surface roughness after the sliding test is equal to or less than 2.1 μm RzJIS.4. The sliding member according to claim 2 , whereinthe surface roughness after the sliding test is equal to or less than 2.1 μm RzJIS. This application is a U.S. National Stage Application of International Application No. PCT/JP2017/041337, filed on Nov. 16, 2017, which claims priority to Japanese Application No. 2016-224317, filed on Nov. 17, 2016. The entire disclosures of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Contact member, slide member, compressor comprising contact member or slide member, and manufacturing method of compressor

Номер: US20150300340A1

A contact member or a slide member of the present invention comprises a surface treatment film ( 160 ) including two or more coating layers stacked together, in at least a portion of a contact surface or a slide surface thereof, wherein each of the coating layers includes synthetic resin and a solid lubricant, and wherein the solid lubricant ( 162 ) of the coating layer located at an innermost side is lower in content percentage than the solid lubricant of the coating layer located at an outermost side. A contact member or a slide member of the present invention comprises a surface treatment film ( 160 ) including two or more coating layers stacked together, in at least a portion of a contact surface or a slide surface thereof, each of the coating layers includes synthetic resin, and the coating layer located at an innermost side is larger in elastic deformation amount than the coating layer located at an outermost side.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180290254A1

A machining process includes providing a cutting tool having a rake face and a flank face; bringing the cutting tool into contact with a metal alloy work piece to form a chip by penetrating the cutting tool into the workpiece; and introducing a nanofluid into a vicinity of the penetration to remove heat and, in some instances, customize the finished surface. The nanofluid includes a mixture of a cryo-liquid and nanoparticles having a maximum size of approximately 0.1 nanometers to approximately 100 nanometers. 1. A machining process comprising:providing a cutting tool having a rake face and a flank face;bringing the cutting tool into contact with a metal alloy work piece to form a chip by penetrating the cutting tool into the workpiece; and a cryo-liquid, and', 'nanoparticles having a maximum size of approximately 0.1 nanometers to approximately 100 nanometers., 'introducing a nanofluid into a vicinity of the penetration to remove heat, the nanofluid including a mixture of2. The machining process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanofluid contains claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , up to 10% of the nanoparticles.3. The machining process as recited in claim 2 , wherein the nanofluid contains claim 2 , by weight claim 2 , from approximately 0.1% to approximately 2% of the nanoparticles.4. The machining process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles are selected from the group consisting of metal carbides claim 1 , metal nitrides claim 1 , hexagonal form of boron nitride claim 1 , metal borides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The machining process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles are selected from the group consisting of carbon allotropes.6. The machining process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles are metals selected from the group consisting of silver claim 1 , indium claim 1 , copper claim 1 , tin claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The machining process as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nanoparticles are selected ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Intrinsic Low Friction Polyoxymethylene

Номер: US20180298300A1

A tribologically modified polyoxymethylene polymer composition is disclosed. The polyoxymethylene polymer composition is comprised of a polyoxymethylene polymer and at least one tribological modifier. The tribological modifier may comprise at least one tribological modifier comprising an ultra-high molecular weight silicone having a kinematic viscosity of greater than 100,000 mms. The composition may exhibit a dynamic coefficient of friction against a counter-material of from about 0.01 to about 0.15. The polyoxymethylene polymer compositions provide polymer articles with improved tribological properties and mechanical properties. 126.-. (canceled)27. A polyoxymethylene polymer composition , the polyoxymethylene polymer composition comprising;a polyoxymethylene copolymer having a melt flow index of less than about 50 g/10 min, and{'sup': 2', '−1, 'first tribological modifier comprising an ultra-high molecular weight silicone having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of greater than 100,000 mms, the ultra-high molecular weight silicone being present in the polymer composition in an amount from about 0.1 to about 10% by weight; and'}{'sup': 2', '−1', '2', '−1, 'a second tribological modifier comprising polytetrafluoroethylene particles, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, or a silicone oil having an average molecular weight of at least 5,000 g/mol and less than 75,000 g/mol and having a kinematic viscosity at 40° C. of greater than 100 mmsand less than 15,000 mms, or mixtures thereof.'}28. The polymer composition of claim 27 , wherein the second tribological modifier comprises the silicone oil.29. The polyoxymethylene polymer composition as defined in claim 27 , wherein the second tribological modifier comprises the polytetrafluoroethylene particles claim 27 , the polytetrafluoroethylene particles being present in the polymer composition in an amount from about 0.1 to about 50% by weight.30. The polyoxymethylene polymer composition as defined in claim 27 , wherein ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Auxiliary Emergency Protective Lubrication System for Metal Mechanical Components

Номер: US20180298303A1

An auxiliary lubricant comprising a composition, the comprising intermediate molecular weight surfactant-functionalized nanoparticles dispersed in a base oil. 114-. (canceled)15. An auxiliary lubricant system comprising:an auxiliary lubricant reservoir configured to contain and release an auxiliary lubricant, said auxiliary lubricant comprising a composition comprising intermediate molecular weight surfactant-functionalized nanoparticles dispersed in a base oil wherein the intermediate molecular weight surfactant-functionalized nanoparticles comprise head groups adsorbed on nanoparticle surfaces, leaving intermediate molecular weight tails extended out and forming a boundary-like layer around the nanoparticle surfaces, said intermediate molecular weight tails having backbones 15-30 atoms in length;at least one fluid delivery device fluidly coupled to said auxiliary lubricant reservoir;at least one lubricant supply line fluidly coupled to said auxiliary lubricant reservoir;at least one system component fluidly coupled to said auxiliary lubricant reservoir via said at least one lubricant supply line, wherein said at least one system component is lubricated by a lubricant; andan off-normal instrumentation and control device coupled to said auxiliary lubricant reservoir configured to actuate at least one fluid delivery device to deliver said auxiliary lubricant to said at least one system component responsive to an off-normal system event.16. The auxiliary lubricant system of claim 15 , wherein nanoparticles comprises at least one of a carbon-containing phase and an inorganic phase.17. The auxiliary lubricant system of claim 15 , wherein said nanoparticles are functionalized with amphoteric surfactants containing alcohol claim 15 , amine claim 15 , carboxylic acid claim 15 , carbonate claim 15 , ester claim 15 , ether alcohol claim 15 , sulfate claim 15 , sulphonate claim 15 , phosphate claim 15 , phosphite claim 15 , or phosphonate head groups and intermediate ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170306257A1

Provided are a coating film, a manufacturing method for the same, and a PVD device that not only sufficiently improve the balance of low-friction properties and wear resistance, but also improve chipping resistance and peeling resistance. This film is coated on a substrate surface, wherein the coating film has a hard carbon that presents relatively black and white when observed in a cross-sectional bright-field TEM image, a mesh-shaped hard carbon layer is formed using a PVD method, said layer having white-colored hard carbon in a mesh shape extending in the thickness direction and black-colored hard carbon dispersed into the cavities in the mesh, and the ID/IG ratio is 1-6 when the mesh-shaped hard carbon layer is measured using Raman spectroscopy, said ratio being the ratio of the Raman spectrum D band peak area intensity and G band peak area intensity. 1. A coating film , coated on a substrate surface , whereinthe coating film has a hard carbon that presents relatively black and white when observed in a cross-sectional bright-field TEM image,a mesh-shaped hard carbon layer is formed using a PVD method, wherein the mesh-shaped hard carbon layer is that white-colored hard carbon in a mesh shape extending in the thickness direction and black-colored hard carbon dispersed into the cavities in the mesh, andthe ID/IG ratio is 1-6 when the mesh-shaped hard carbon layer is measured using Raman spectroscopy, said ratio being the ratio of the Raman spectrum D band peak area intensity and G band peak area intensity.2. The coating film according to claim 1 , wherein the white-colored hard carbon in a mesh shape extending in the thickness direction has a width of 0.5 nm to 10 nm.3. The coating film according to claim 1 , wherein the white-colored hard carbon in a mesh shape extending in the thickness direction displays an amorphous scattering pattern in electron beam diffraction.4. The coating film according to claim 1 , wherein at least one part of the black-colored hard ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150322369A1

A method for preventing or reducing low speed pre-ignition in an engine lubricated with a lubricating oil by using as the lubricating oil a formulated oil. The formulated oil has a composition including a lubricating oil base stock as a major component, and at least one zinc-containing compound or at least one antiwear agent, as a minor component. The at least one antiwear agent includes at least one zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate compound derived from a secondary alcohol. A lubricating engine oil having a composition including a lubricating oil base stock as a major component, and at least one zinc-containing compound or at least one antiwear agent, as a minor component. The lubricating oils of this disclosure are particularly advantageous as passenger vehicle engine oil products. 1. A method for preventing or reducing low speed pre-ignition in an engine lubricated with a lubricating oil by using as the lubricating oil a formulated oil , said formulated oil having a composition comprising a lubricating oil base stock as a major component; and at least one zinc-containing compound or at least one antiwear agent , as a minor component; wherein said at least one antiwear agent comprises at least one zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate compound derived at least in part from a secondary alcohol; and wherein the engine exhibits greater than 20% reduced low speed pre-ignition , based on normalized low speed pre-ignition (LSPI) counts per 25 ,000 engine cycles , engine operation at 2000 revolutions per minute (RPM) and brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) at 18 bar , as compared to low speed pre-ignition performance achieved in an engine using a lubricating oilthat does not comprise at least one zinc-containing compound or antiwear agent.2. The method of wherein the minor component further comprises at least one boron-containing compound claim 1 , wherein said boron-containing compound comprises at least one borated dispersant claim 1 , or a mixture of a boron-containing compound ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190309235A1

A resin composition includes: a binder resin made of a thermosetting resin; an additive dispersed in the binder resin, wherein the additive includes PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), and at least one of graphite and MoS, an average particle size of each of the additive is less than 10 μm, and an average particle size of the PTFE is larger than the average particle size of graphite and MoS. 1. A resin composition comprising:a binder resin made of a thermosetting resin; andan additive dispersed in the binder resin, wherein PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), and', {'sub': '2', 'at least one of graphite and MoS,'}], 'the additive includes'}an average particle size of each of the additive is less than 10 μm, and{'sub': '2', 'an average particle size of the PTFE is larger than the average particle size of graphite and MoS.'}2. The resin composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe binder resin includes at least one of Polyamide-imide and Polyimide.3. The resin composition according to claim 2 , whereinthe binder resin is Polyamide-imide.4. The resin composition according to claim 1 , whereina content of the binder resin is 50 to 80 vol %.5. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'a content of the PTFE is higher than a content of the MoS.'}65. The resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein{'sub': '2', 'the content of the MoSis 0 to 10 vol %.'}7. The resin composition according to claim 1 , whereinthe additive includes a hard particle.8. A sliding member comprising:a basic material; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a coating layer made of the resin composition according to .'} This application is a U.S. National Stage Application of International Application No. PCT/JP2017/041336, filed on Nov. 16, 2017, which claims priority to Japanese Application No. 2016-224316, filed on Nov. 17, 2016. The entire disclosures of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a sliding member.To ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160333287A1
Автор: Cai Jiyu, Zou Min

Disclosed is a method for fabricating a low friction and highly durable coating on a solid substrate. Also disclosed is a coating that increase durability and reduce friction of a substrate. The coating comprises at least one layer polydopamine and one layer of graphite. Dip coating is used to deposit said polydopamine layer on top of a substrate and then said graphite coating on top of said polydopamine layer. 1. A method for forming a durable and low friction coating on a substrate , comprising(a) depositing a polydopamine coating on the substrate surface; and(b) depositing solid lubricant with layered atomic structure coating on said polydopamine coating, thereby forming a stack structure having said solid lubricant with layered atomic structure coating formed on top of said polydopamine coating that is, in turn, formed on the substrate.2. The method of further comprising of heating said stack structure at temperatures higher than room temperature.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polydopamine was produced by combining trizma base and dopamine hydrochloride.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said polydopamine layer is made of polydopamine claim 1 , noncovalent aggregates of dopamine and 5 claim 1 ,6-dihydroxyindole claim 1 , and any polydopamine composite in which polydopamine is the main component.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said solid lubricant with layered atomic structure is graphite claim 1 , tungsten disulfide claim 1 , or molybdenum disulfide claim 1 , or the mix of the above.6. A durable and low friction coating on a substrate comprising at least one layer of polydopamine and at least one layer of solid lubricant with layered atomic structure.7. The durable and low friction coating of claim 6 , wherein said polydopamine layer is deposited on the substrate and said solid lubricant with layered atomic structure layer is deposited on top of said polydopamine layer.8. The durable and low friction coating of claim 6 , wherein said polydopamine ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150344802A1

A friction control composition having high and positive factional properties for sliding steel surfaces includes a water insoluble hydrocarbon that enables a reduced water content, a rheological additive, a freezing point depressant, a friction modifier, and a lubricant. 2. The friction control composition of claim 1 , comprising:(a) from about 15 to about 29 w/w % water;(b) from about 4 to about 13 w/w % rheology additive;(c) from about 11 to about 28 w/w % water insoluble hydrocarbon;(d) from about 22 to about 40 w/w % water soluble polyalcohol freezing point depressant;(e) from about 9 to about 24 w/w % liquid or solid friction modifier; and(f) from about 1 to about 6 w/w % liquid or solid lubricant.3. The friction control composition of claim 1 , comprising:(a) from about 24 to about 25 w/w % water;(b) from about 4 to about 7 w/w % rheology additive;(c) from about 14 to about 18 w/w % water insoluble hydrocarbon;(d) from about 22 to about 32 w/w % water soluble polyalcohol freezing point depressant;(e) from about 14 to about 18 w/w % liquid or solid friction modifier; and(f) from about 2 to about 3 w/w % liquid or solid lubricant.4. The friction control composition of claim 1 , wherein said water insoluble hydrocarbon is selected from the group consisting of isoparaffins and fatty oils.5. The friction control composition of claim 4 , wherein said water insoluble hydrocarbon is selected from the group consisting of C13 to C16 isoalkanes and canola oil.6. The friction control composition of claim 1 , wherein said composition has a viscosity achieved by shear mixing in the range of from about 5 claim 1 ,000 cP to about 15 claim 1 ,000 cP claim 1 , and upon termination of shear mixing and return to static conditions claim 1 , the composition has a static viscosity or cone penetration thickness in the range of from about 300 to about 400 tenths of a millimeter.7. The friction control composition of claim 1 , further comprising one or more of the following:(g) from 1 ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180327269A1

Provided are a method for producing a graphite oxide derivative capable of simply producing a high-quality graphite oxide derivative, and a high-quality graphite oxide derivative. The present invention relates to a method for producing a graphite oxide derivative, the method including the steps of oxidizing graphite; and preparing a graphite oxide derivative by reacting graphite oxide in a reaction liquid containing graphite oxide obtained in the oxidation step or graphite oxide in a graphite oxide-containing composition that is separated from the reaction liquid with a compound reactive with an oxygen-containing functional group of the graphite oxide, the method not including the step of purifying and drying the graphite oxide-containing reaction liquid between the oxidation step and the graphite oxide derivative preparation step. 1. A method for producing a graphite oxide derivative , the method comprising the steps of:oxidizing graphite; andpreparing a graphite oxide derivative by reacting graphite oxide in a graphite oxide-containing composition obtained in the oxidation step and a compound reactive with an oxygen-containing functional group of the graphite oxide,the method not comprising the step of purifying and drying the graphite oxide-containing composition between the oxidation step and the graphite oxide derivative preparation step.2. The method for producing a graphite oxide derivative according to claim 1 ,wherein the method does not comprise the step of purifying the graphite oxide-containing composition between the oxidation step and the graphite oxide derivative preparation step.3. The method for producing a graphite oxide derivative according to claim 1 , the method further comprising claim 1 , between the oxidation step and the graphite oxide derivative preparation step:the steps of adding a solvent that has a solubility in water of 0.01% or higher and is not arbitrarily miscible with water to the graphite oxide-containing composition and then ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Composition and Method of Manufacturing Calcium Magnesium Sulfonate Greases

Номер: US20170335221A1
Автор: Waynick J. Andrew

An overbased calcium magnesium sulfonate grease composition and method of manufacture comprising both overbased calcium sulfonate and overbased magnesium sulfonate in a ratio range of 60:40 to 100:1. The grease is made according to any known method for making an overbased calcium sulfonate grease by using the overbased magnesium sulfonate in addition to the overbased calcium sulfonate. A portion of the magnesium sulfonate may be added prior to conversion and another portion after conversion, with or without one or more delay periods between the addition of water or other reactive ingredient and the addition of magnesium sulfonate. The grease can be made using calcium hydroxyapatite and/or added calcium carbonate as calcium containing bases for reacting with complexing acids, a non-aqueous converting agent delay method, added alkali metal hydroxide, or any combination thereof. The grease has a high dropping point and reduced thickener yield. 1. A method of making a sulfonate-based grease comprising:adding and mixing an amount of overbased calcium sulfonate containing amorphous calcium carbonate dispersed therein, an optional base oil, and one or more converting agents to form a pre-conversion mixture;converting the pre-conversion mixture to a converted mixture by heating until conversion of the amorphous calcium carbonate to crystalline calcium carbonate has occurred; andadding and mixing an amount of overbased magnesium sulfonate with the pre-conversion mixture, the converted mixture, or both.2. The method of wherein the amount of overbased calcium sulfonate is 10-45% and the amount of overbased magnesium sulfonate is 0.1-30%.3. The method of wherein the amount of overbased calcium sulfonate is 10-36% and the amount of overbased magnesium sulfonate is 1-24%.4. The method of wherein the amount of overbased calcium sulfonate is 10-30% and the amount of overbased magnesium sulfonate is 1-20%.5. The method of wherein the amount of overbased calcium sulfonate is 10-22% ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Composition and Method of Manufacturing Calcium Sulfonate and Calcium Magnesium Sulfonate Greases Using a Delay After Addition of Facilitating Acid

Номер: US20170335222A1

A method of making an overbased calcium sulfonate or calcium magnesium sulfonate grease using one or more delay periods between the addition of at least a portion of a facilitating acid, such as DDBSA, and at least a portion of the next subsequently added ingredient. The delay period may be a temperature adjustment delay or a holding delay period. An overbased calcium sulfonate or calcium magnesium sulfonate grease composition comprises 0.5%-5% of a facilitating acid, allows for a reduced amount of overbased calcium sulfonate below 22%, and allows for a reduced amount of calcium hydroxyapatite to provide 10-25% of hydroxide equivalent basicity of the total hydroxide equivalent basicity due to calcium hydroxyapatite and added calcium hydroxide, while maintaining a high dropping point. 1. A method of making an overbased calcium sulfonate grease or an overbased calcium-magnesium sulfonate grease comprising:adding and mixing an amount of overbased calcium sulfonate containing amorphous calcium carbonate dispersed therein, an optional base oil, and an amount of facilitating acid to form an initial mixture;adding and mixing one or more converting agents to the initial mixture to form a pre-conversion mixture;converting the pre-conversion mixture to a converted mixture by heating until conversion of the amorphous calcium carbonate to crystalline calcium carbonate has occurred;optionally adding and mixing an amount of overbased magnesium sulfonate with the initial mixture, pre-conversion mixture, the converted mixture, or a combination thereof; andwherein there is one or more facilitating acid delay periods between the addition of the facilitating acid and at least a portion of any subsequently added ingredient; andwherein the one or more facilitating acid delay periods comprise:a facilitating acid holding delay period where the initial mixture is held at a temperature or range of temperatures for a period of time between adding the facilitating acid and the subsequent ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150367381A1

A low friction wear surface with a coefficient of friction in the superlubric regime including graphene and nanoparticles on the wear surface is provided, and methods of producing the low friction wear surface are also provided. A long lifetime wear resistant surface including graphene exposed to hydrogen is provided, including methods of increasing the lifetime of graphene containing wear surfaces by providing hydrogen to the wear surface. 1. A method of forming a low friction wear surface comprising:disposing graphene over a substrate; anddisposing nanoparticles over the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising establishing a dry environment over the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing graphene over the substrate comprises spraying a liquid containing graphene onto the substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein disposing the nanoparticles over the substrate comprises spraying a liquid containing the nanoparticles onto the substrate.5. A low friction wear surface comprising:a substrate;graphene disposed over the substrate; andnanoparticles disposed over the substrate.6. The low friction wear surface of claim 5 , wherein the nanoparticles comprise at least one of nickel nanoparticles and diamond nanoparticles.7. The low friction wear surface of claim 5 , wherein the substrate comprises at least one of a metal claim 5 , a transition metal and an insulator.8. The low friction wear surface of claim 5 , wherein the substrate comprises at least a portion of a bearing claim 5 , mold claim 5 , razor blade claim 5 , wind turbine claim 5 , gun barrel claim 5 , gas compressor claim 5 , fuel cell claim 5 , artificial hip joint claim 5 , artificial knee joint claim 5 , magnetic storage disk claim 5 , scratch-free monitor claim 5 , scratch-resistant monitor claim 5 , television claim 5 , barcode scanner claim 5 , solar panel claim 5 , watch claim 5 , mobile phone claim 5 , computer or electrical connector.9. The low friction wear surface of ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160368776A1

Provided are spherical silicon oxycarbide particle material and manufacturing method thereof, wherein the average particle size is in the range of 0.1-100 μm and having a sphericity of 0.95-1.0. 2. The manufacturing method of spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material according to claim 1 , wherein the forming of the hydrolysate is performed in the aqueous medium that the pH of which is adjusted to 3-6.3. The manufacturing method of spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material according to claim 1 , wherein the condensation reaction is performed while the pH is adjusted to 7-12.4. The manufacturing method of spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material according to claim 1 , wherein the spherical silicon oxycarbide precursor particles are spherical polysilsesquioxane having no melting point or softening point.5. The manufacturing method of spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous medium that is acidic is an acetic acid aqueous solution.6. The manufacturing method of spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material according to claim 1 , wherein the alkaline solution is aqueous ammonia.7. A spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material manufactured by the manufacturing method of spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material according to claim 1 , wherein the silicon claim 1 , the carbon and the oxygen content in total accounts for more than 98% of a composition of the spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material by elemental analysis claim 1 , wherein the silicon content is 20-50% claim 1 , the carbon content is 10-50% claim 1 , the oxygen content is 20-50% claim 1 , and the composition basically consist of Si claim 1 , O and C claim 1 , wherein if elements other than Si claim 1 , C and O are detected claim 1 , then hydrogen is the only other element detected claim 1 , the average particle size of the spherical silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) particle material ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Material System with Sub-Micrometer-Scale Interfaces Exhibiting Structural Lubricity under Ambient Conditions and the Method for Synthesis Thereof

Номер: US20160369196A1
Автор: Baykara Mehmet Z.

Invention is related with a material system with sub-micrometer-scale interfaces exhibiting structural lubricity under ambient conditions. 1. Material system , comprising of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrate and gold nanoparticles , characterized in having interfaces exhibiting structural lubricity under ambient conditions wherein ,the lateral dimensions of gold nanoparticles are between 10-500 nmgold nanoparticles have crystalline structuregold nanoparticle surfaces are not oxidized{'sup': '2', 'contact areas between gold nanoparticles and HOPG are between 4,000-130,000 nm.'}2. Material system according to claim 1 , characterized in exhibiting friction forces less than 2.5 nN at the interface between highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrate and gold nanoparticles during sliding.3. Material system according to claim 1 , wherein HOPG is of grade ZYA or ZYB.4. Method for producing material system according to comprising the steps ofi. Preparation of HOPG substrate by mechanical cleaving in airii. Thermal evaporation of 999.9 purity gold on HOPG held at room temperature under high vacuum in an amount of 1-40 Åiii. Annealing under atmospheric, pressure at temperatures between 600 and 650° C. for 30 min to 4 hours.5. Method according to wherein thermal evaporation of gold on HOPG is in an amount of 1 Å.6. Method according to wherein annealing temperatures is 600° C.7. Method according to wherein annealing time is 2 hours.8. Method according to wherein annealing is performed in a quartz tube furnace. Invention is related with a material system with sub-micrometer-scale interfaces exhibiting structural lubricity under ambient conditions.Despite the fact that friction is ubiquitous in mature, the fundamental physical principles that govern this interesting phenomenon are still not well understood. While the macroscopic laws of friction involving a linearly proportional relationship between the normal load (F) and the friction force (F) arising ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Calcium Hydroxyapatite Based Calcium Sulfonate Grease Compositions and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20160369198A1
Автор: Waynick J. Andrew

An overbased calcium sulfonate grease composition comprising a reduced amount of overbased calcium sulfonate, calcium hydroxyapatite, base oil, one or more converting agents, and one or more complexing acids if a complex grease is desired. The calcium sulfonate grease composition improves thickener yield and expected high temperature utility as demonstrated by dropping point. A method of making the composition comprising the steps of mixing the calcium sulfonate and base oil, adding the calcium carbonate either before or after conversion, adding one or more converting agents, and adding one or more complexing acids. All or a portion of one or more of the complexing acids may be added with or prior to the one or more converting agents. 1. A calcium sulfonate grease composition comprising the following ingredients:overbased oil-soluble calcium sulfonate in an amount greater than 0% but not exceeding 36% by weight of a final grease product made with the composition; and{'sub': 5', '4', '3, 'calcium hydroxyapatite having a formula of Ca(PO)OH or mathematically equivalent formula with a melting point of around 1100 C.'}2. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the final grease product is an NGLI grade no. 000 grease.3. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the final grease product is an NGLI grade no. 00 grease.4. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the final grease product is an NGLI grade no. 0 grease.5. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the final grease product is an NGLI grade no. 1 grease.6. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the final grease product is an NGLI grade no. 2 grease.7. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the final grease product is an NGLI grade no. 3 grease.8. The calcium sulfonate grease composition according to wherein the grease has dropping point of 575 F or higher.9. The calcium sulfonate grease ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200408258A1
Автор: NIMURA Kenji, YASUDA Erina

Disclosed herein is a sliding member for an internal-combustion engine of an automobile or the like. The sliding member has excellent sliding properties due to high oleophilicity of its sliding surface achieved by adjusting the surface texture of a resin layer forming the sliding surface, which makes it possible to effectively prevent wear or seizure of the sliding member and a counterpart sliding member thereof. The sliding member includes a resin layer provided on a surface of a base material, in which the resin layer has a surface roughness of 1.05 or more, preferably 1.07 or more. The mean spacing (s) between local peaks of the resin layer may be in the range of 2 μm or more but 12 μm or less, but may be preferably in the range of 2 μm or more but 10 μm or less. Further, the mean height (Rc) of the resin layer may be in the range of 0.5 μm or more but 5.0 μm or less, but may be preferably in the range of 0.5 μm or more but 3.0 μm or less. 1. A sliding member comprising a resin layer provided on a surface of a base material ,wherein the resin layer has a surface roughness of 1.05 or more, andwherein a mean spacing (s) between local peaks of the resin layer is in a range of 2 μm or more and 12 μm or less, and a mean height (Rc) of the resin layer is in a range of 0.5 μm or more and 5.0 μm or less.2. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein the resin layer has a surface roughness of 1.07 or more.35-. (canceled)6. The sliding member according to claim 1 , wherein the mean spacing (s) between local peaks of the resin layer is in a range of 2 μm or more and 10 μm or less claim 1 , and the mean height (Rc) of the resin layer is in a range of 0.5 μm or more and 3.0 μm or less.7. A sliding member comprising: a resin layer provided on a surface of a base material claim 1 , wherein the resin layer has a surface roughness of 1.05 or more claim 1 , whereinthe resin layer contains a high heat-resistant first solid lubricant and a high lubricative second solid ...

20-03-2006 дата публикации

Method and composition for creation of conversion surface

Номер: PL378289A1
Автор: Dwight M. Smith
Принадлежит: Envirofuels L.P.

25-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107090327A
Принадлежит: Sichuan Carbon World Technology Co Ltd

