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20-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2331698C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к производству стального листа для изготовления сверхвысокопрочных магистральных труб, обладающих прекрасной низкотемпературной ударной вязкостью. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение прочности на тангенциальное растяжение не ниже 900 МПа, не увеличивая при этом прочность на осевое растяжение труб, производимых путем шовной сварки краев листов. Для достижения технического результата листы получают из стали, содержащей, мас.%: С от 0,03 до 0,07, Si не более 0,6, Mn от 1,5 до 2,5, Р не более 0,015, S не более 0,003, Ni от 0,1 до 1,5, Мо от 0,15 до 0,60, Nb от 0,01 до 0,10, Ti от 0,005 до 0,030, Al не более 0,06, один или более элементов из группы: В, N, V, Cu, Cr, Ca, РЗМ и Mg в необходимых количествах, остальное железо и неизбежные примеси, лист имеет отношение (Hv-avep)/(Hv-M*): средней твердости Hv-avep по Виккерсу в направлении толщины к твердости мартенсита - Hv-M*, определяемой содержанием углерода, составляющее ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321667C2
Принадлежит: ЮЗИНОР (FR)

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к стали с очень высокой механической прочностью, листу, выполненному из такой стали, способу его получения, и может быть использовано в автомобильной промышленности. Сталь содержит, мас.%: 0,080≤С≤0,120, 0,800≤Mn≤0,950, Si≤0,300, Cr≤0,300, 0,150≤Mo≤0,350, 0, 020≤Al≤0,100, Р≤0,100, В≤0,010, Ti≤0,050, остальное - железо и примеси, образовавшиеся при выплавке, при этом микроструктура образована ферритом и мартенситом. Способ получения стального листа включает отливку листового слитка, горячую и холодную прокатки слитка для получения листа, нагрев листа со скоростью 2-100°С/с до температуры выдержки 700-900°С, охлаждение листа со скоростью 2-100°С/с до температуры, близкой к температуре ванны жидкого цинка или цинкового сплава, нанесение на лист покрытия из цинка или цинкового сплава погружением в указанную ванну и охлаждение до температуры окружающей среды со скоростью 2-100°С/с. Сталь имеет высокую прочность и способность к цинкованию. 4 н. и ...

10-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2318911C2
Принадлежит: АРСЕЛОР Франс С.А. (FR)

Изобретение относится к изделию из сверхпрочной стали и способу его получения. Изделие выполнено из сверхпрочной стали, содержащей, по меньшей мере, бейнитную фазу и/или мартенситную фазу, распределение фаз таково, что бейнитная и мартенситная фазы составляют в сумме более 35%. Способ получения изделия включает приготовление стального сляба, горячую прокатку указанного сляба, причем температура конца прокатки выше температуры Аr3, с образованием горячекатаной подложки, охлаждение до температуры смотки в рулон, смотку в рулон указанной подложки при температуре смотки от 450 до 750°С, травление указанной подложки с целью удаления оксидов. Согласно изобретению получают холоднокатаный и, в ряде случаев, горячеоцинкованный стальной лист с толщиной менее 1 мм и значениями предела прочности на растяжение 800-1600 МПа, тогда как удлинение А80 составляет от 5 до 17% в зависимости от параметров технологического процесса. Состав стали изделия подобран таким образом, что удается достичь высоких уровней ...

27-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2195611C2

Изобретение относится к сжижению богатого метаном потока сжатого газа, в котором сжижение потока газа происходит в теплообменнике, охлаждаемом холодильной машиной с многокомпонентным хладагентом с замкнутым циклом для производства богатого метаном жидкого продукта, имеющего температуру выше приблизительно -112oС и давление, достаточное для того, чтобы жидкий продукт был в точке начала кипения или ниже нее. Сжиженный газообразный продукт затем помещают в емкость для хранения при температуре выше приблизительно -112oС. Использование изобретения позволит более экономично и эффективно произвести сжижение газа. 3 с. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл., 10 ил.

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2285053C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к производству сортового проката в прутках, калиброванного круглого, из среднеуглеродистой стали повышенной обрабатываемости резанием, используемого для изготовления штоков амортизаторов. Техническим результатом изобретения является получение структуры сортового проката, обеспечивающей рациональные условия обработки резанием широкими резцами при одновременном обеспечении повышенных характеристик технологической пластичности и вязкости стали. Для реализации поставленной задачи предложен способ производства сортового проката в прутках, калиброванного круглого, из среднеуглеродистой стали повышенной обрабатываемости резанием, включающий выплавку стали в электропечи, внепечную обработку, микролегирование серой, непрерывную разливку с защитой струи аргоном, горячую прокатку непрерывнолитой заготовки с использованием режимов термомеханической обработки, горячую калибровку и смотку сортового проката в бунты, размотку прутков, порезку и правку ...

20-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2285729C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к производству сортового проката в прутках, калиброванного круглого, из среднеуглеродистой стали повышенной обрабатываемости резанием, используемого для изготовления штоков амортизаторов. Техническим результатом изобретения является получение структуры сортового проката, обеспечивающей рациональные условия обработки резанием широкими резцами при одновременном обеспечении повышенных характеристик технологической пластичности и вязкости стали. Для реализации поставленной задачи предложен способ производства сортового проката в прутках из среднеуглеродистой стали повышенной обрабатываемости резанием, включающий выплавку стали в электропечи, внепечную обработку, микролегирование серой, непрерывную разливку с защитой струи аргоном, горячую прокатку непрерывнолитой заготовки с использованием режимов термомеханической обработки и смоткой сортового проката в бунты, размотку прутков, порезку и правку прутков, специальную отделку поверхности ...

24-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2827343C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к изготовлению стальной детали из стального листа. Стальной лист имеет состав, включающий в мас.%: С: 0,05-0,25, Mn: 3,5-8, Si: 0,1-2, Аl: 0,01-3, S ≤ 0,010, Р ≤ 0,020, N ≤ 0,008, при необходимости Cr: 0-0,5 и/или Mo: 0-0,25, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси. Лист имеет микроструктуру, включающую, в долях поверхности, 10-50% остаточного аустенита, 50% или более суммы феррита, бейнита и отпущенного мартенсита, менее 5% свежего мартенсита и менее 2% карбидов. Содержание углерода [C]A в аустените строго более 0,4 и строго менее 0,7 мас.%, а массовый процент азота %N, кремния %Si, марганца %Mn, хрома %Cr, никеля %Ni, меди %Cu, молибдена %Mo и углерода в аустените [C]A, такие, что Md30 находится в диапазоне 200-350°C, причем Md30 определяется как: Md30(°C) = 551 - 462*([C]A +%N) - 9,2*%Si - 8,1*%Mn - 13,7*%Cr - 29*(%Ni+%Cu) - 18,5*(%Mo). Указанный стальной лист разрезают до заданной формы для получения стальной заготовки. Стальную ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2447180C2

Изобретение относится к сплавам на основе железа, которые могут быть использованы в качестве материала для режущих и обрабатывающих инструментов. Сплавы содержат, мас.%: углерод - от 0,5 до 2,0; хром - от 1,0 до 7,0; эквивалент вольфрама, определяемый по формуле 2Mo+W, - от 7,0 до 12,0; ниобий - от 0,5 до 3,5; ванадий - от 0,5 до 3,5, ниобий может быть частично или полностью замещен ванадием в соотношении Nb:V=2:1; кобальт - менее 10, кремний - от 0,1 до 3,0; алюминий - от 0,04 до 3,0; марганец - до 0,5; фосфор - до 0,04; сера - до 0,005; азот - менее 0,03; церий или другие РЗМ или актиниды или Hf, Rf, La, Ac - от 0,005 до 0,2; остальное - по существу Fe и неизбежные примеси. Сплавы обладают высокой твердостью и износостойкостью. 3 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил., 7 табл.

20-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2234542C2

Изобретение относится к листам из высокопрочных, свариваемых низколегированных трехфазных сталей с превосходной вязкостью при криогенных температурах и к способу получения листа. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение вязкости стали и снижение температуры вязко-хрупкого перехода до температуры менее приблизительно -62°С у основной стали в поперечном направлении и в зоне теплового влияния, повышение прочности на разрыв и получение превосходной свариваемости. Сверхпрочную свариваемую низколегированную трехфазную сталь с превосходной вязкостью при криогенных температурах в основном листе и в зоне теплового влияния (HAZ) при сварке, имеющую прочность на разрыв более примерно 830 МПа и микроструктуру, включающую ферритную фазу, вторую фазу преимущественно пластинчатого мартенсита и нижнего бейнита и фазу остаточного аустенита, получают нагревом стального сляба, включающего железо и конкретное весовое содержание некоторых или всех из добавок углерода, марганца, никеля, азота, ...

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2218443C2

Изобретение относится к толстолистовой стали для трубопроводов, имеющей прочность на растяжение по меньшей мере 930 МПа, энергию удара, измеренную в испытании образцов с V-надрезом по Шарпи при -40oС, по меньшей мере 120 Дж, и микроструктуру, содержащую по меньшей мере 90 об.% смеси мелкозернистого нижнего бейнита и мелкозернистого сетчатого мартенсита, в которой по меньшей мере 2/3 указанной смеси содержат мелкозернистый нижний бейнит, образованный из нерекристаллизованного аустенита, имеющего средний размер зерен меньше 10 мкм, и содержащей, вес.%: углерод 0,05-0,1; марганец 1,7-2,1; никель 0,2-1,0; ниобий 0,01-0,1; титан 0,005-0,03; сера менее 0,003; фосфор менее 0,015; молибден 0,25-0,6; железо - остальное. Сталь получают нагревом стальной заготовки до 1050-1250oС, затем уменьшают толщину заготовки, получая лист за один или несколько проходов на горячих валках в интервале температур рекристаллизации аустенита, после чего дополнительно уменьшают толщину листа и закаливают указанный лист ...

07-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756939C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к отпущенной листовой стали с покрытием, применяемой для изготовления деталей транспортных средств. Сталь имеет химический состав, содержащий следующие далее элементы, выраженный в мас.%: 0,17 ≤ углерод ≤ 0,25, 1,8 ≤ марганец ≤ 2,3, 0,5 ≤ кремний ≤ 2,0, 0,03 ≤ алюминий ≤ 1,2, сера ≤ 0,03, фосфор ≤ 0,03, при необходимости, по меньшей мере один элемент из: хром ≤ 0,4, молибден ≤ 0,3, ниобий ≤ 0,04 и титан ≤ 0,1, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси. Микроструктура листовой стали включает в долях площади поверхности от 3 до 20% остаточного аустенита, по меньшей мере 15% феррита, от 40 до 85% отпущенного бейнита и не менее 5% отпущенного мартенсита, причем общее количество отпущенного мартенсита и остаточного аустенита находятся в диапазоне от 10 до 30%. Сталь обладает требуемым уровнем предела прочности, относительного удлинения и коэффициента раздачи отверстия. 5 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл.

20-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2208747C2

Изобретение относится к системам хранения сжиженного природного газа под давлением (СПГД-топлива) от примерно 1035 до примерно 7590 кПа и при температуре от примерно -123 до примерно -62oС и подачи испаряющегося СПГД-топлива для сгорания в двигателе. Системы подачи и хранения топлива имеют резервуары для хранения топлива, которые выполнены из сверхвысокопрочной низколегированной стали, содержащей менее 9 вес.% никеля и имеющей предел прочности при растяжении, превышающий 830 МПа, и температуру перехода от пластичного разрушения к хрупкому ниже, чем примерно -73oС. Изобретение особенно применимо для транспортных средств с двигателями, предназначенными для работы за счет сгорания природного газа. Использование изобретение позволит создать экономичную систему хранения и подачи топлива для сгорания в двигателе автомобиля. 6 с. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 4 ил.

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532782C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к получению холоднокатаного стального листа, используемого в качестве внешних или внутренних панелей автомобиля. Лист выполнен из стали, содержащей в мас.%: 0,0005-0,0050 С, не более 0,30 Si, не более 1,50 Mn, не более 0,100 P, не более 0,020 S, не более 0,080 Al(кислоторастворимый алюминий), не более 0,0045 N, 0,003-0,100 Nb, остальное Fe и неизбежные примеси. Содержание углерода и ниобия в стали удовлетворяет соотношению 0,50≤([%Nb]/93)/([%C]/12)≤1,50. Лист обладает высоким качеством поверхности после штамповки и способностью к упрочнению при обжиге. 2 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 1 пр.

14-07-2017 дата публикации

Конструкционная литейная аустенитная стареющая сталь с высокой удельной прочностью и способ ее обработки

Номер: RU2625512C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к конструкционной литейной аустенитной стареющей стали, используемой в различных отраслях промышленности, в том числе для изготовления легких узлов и конструкций в транспортном машиностроении и в строительстве. Сталь содержит, мас.%: C 1,5-1,8, Mn 18-22, Al 8-12, Mo 0,8-1,2, Si 0,5-0,8, Cr ≤0,1, Ni ≤0,l, Cu ≤0,05, N ≤0,0020, Н ≤0,0002, S ≤0,0020, P ≤0,010, Sn, Pb, Bi и As не более 0,005 каждого, РЗМ 0,005-0,010, Fe – остальное. Сталь обладает высокой удельной прочностью. 4 н.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 1 пр.

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2443787C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности для изготовления холодно- или горячекатаной ленты из двухфазной стали повышенной прочности с высокой характеристикой деформируемости, используемой при производстве автомобилей облегченной конструкции. Для обеспечения однородных механических и технологических свойств при изготовлении ленты с изменяющейся толщиной по длине и ширине ее получают из стали, содержащей, вес.%: углерод от 0,1 до 0,16, алюминий от 0,02 до 0,05, кремний от 0,40 до 0,60, марганец 1,5 до 2,0, фосфор меньше или равно 0,020, сера меньше или равно 0,003, азот меньше или равно 0,01, ниобий больше или равно 0,01, ванадий больше или равно 0,02, остальное - железо и присущие стали сопутствующие элементы, при оптимальной добавке титана. Холодно- или горячекатаную стальную ленту подвергают непрерывнму отжигу, при этом ее нагревают в проходной отжигательной печи за одну стадию до температуры от 820 до 1000°С, предпочтительно от 840 до 1000°С, затем охлаждают с температуры ...

20-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2216604C2

Изобретение относится к черной металлургии и может быть использовано в дисковых тормозных устройствах автомобилей и в других транспортных средствах. Сплав железа содержит 1,5-43,5 вес.% углерода, 1,5-4,35 вес.% кремния, 1,2-6,5 вес. % молибдена, железо и случайные примеси - остальное. При этом суммарное содержание молибдена, никеля, меди не превышает 6,5%. Сплав представляет собой чугун со сфероидальным графитом. Изобретение позволяет получить сплав для изготовления роторов дисковых тормозных устройств автомобилей. 3 с. и 33 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 8 ил.

04-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2765929C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к криогенным сосудам высокого давления, выполненным из криогенной стали. Криогенный сосуд высокого давления изготовлен из криогенного стального сплава, содержащего, мас.%: С 0,01-0,06, Mn до 2,0, P до 0,02, S до 0,15, Si до 1,0, Ni 7–11, Cr до 1,0, Мо до 0,75, V до 0,2, Nb до 0,1, Al до 0,1 и N до 0,01. Сплав имеет предел прочности при растяжении по меньшей мере 900 МПа, общее удлинение по меньшей мере 20%; энергию удара по Шарпи в поперечном направлении по меньшей мере 27 Дж при -196°C; расширение в поперечном направлении по меньшей мере 0,381 мм при -196°C. Микроструктура состоит из 5-20% повторно образовавшегося аустенита и остальное - отпущенный мартенсит. Увеличиваются прочностные характеристики стали, а также ударная вязкость. Уменьшается количество используемого металла для производства криогенного сосуда высокого давления, уменьшается толщина стенок изготавливаемых сосудов. 18 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 5 табл.

20-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361956C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к составам сталей, которые могут быть использованы для изготовления отливок сложных конфигураций. Сталь содержит углерод, кремний, марганец, ванадий, азот, кальций, алюминий, фосфор, бор и железо при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,1-0,15, кремний 0,2-0,3, марганец 0,4-0,7, ванадий 0,1-0,2, азот 0,02-0,03, кальций 0,006-0,01, алюминий 0,04-0,06, фосфор 0,1-0,15, бор 0,4-0,5, железо остальное. Повышается жидкотекучесть стали. 1 табл.

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238337C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к производству сортового проката из низкоуглеродистой стали для холодной объемной штамповки крепежных деталей особо сложной формы. Техническим результатом изобретения является получение непосредственно в потоке стана (без проведения дополнительного сфероидизирующего отжига) структуры сортового проката, обеспечивающей рациональные условия холодной объемной штамповки сложнопрофильных крепежных деталей при одновременном обеспечении повышенных характеристик деформируемости стали. Для реализации технического результата способ включает выплавку стали в электропечи, внепечную обработку, разливку в изложницы с защитой струи, горячую прокатку слитка и получение заготовки с последующей ее прокаткой, контролируемым охлаждением и смоткой сортового проката в бунты. Выплавляют сталь, содержащую, мас.%: углерод 0.17-0.25, марганец 0.30-0.65, кремний 0.01-0.17, сера 0.005-0.020, ванадий 0.005-0.07, ниобий 0.005-0.02, кальций 0.001-0.010. Причем 0.46 ...

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2021640C1

Изобретение относится к постоянным магнитам и может найти применение, в частности, в электромеханических изделиях, требующих высоких рабочих характеристик постоянных магнитов. Сущность изобретения: предложен материал для постоянных магнитов следующего состава, мас.%: неодим 28 - 34; диспрозий с тербием 4 - 6,5; кобальт 7 - 14; бор 1 - 1,3; галлий 0,75 - 3; ниобий 0,75 - 4; железо остальное. 1 табл.

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2347004C1

Изобретение относится к области черной металлургии и касается составов сплавов, используемых для изготовления деталей песковых и грязевых насосов, мельниц, дробилок. Литой высокобористый сплав содержит углерод, кремний, марганец, бор, кобальт, молибден, церий и железо, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 2,3-2,7, кремний 0,8-1,0, марганец 3,0-4,0, бор 3,8-4,2, кобальт 6,0-8,0, молибден 14,4-16,4, церий 0,6-1,0, железо - остальное. Повышается износостойкость сплава. 1 табл.

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2238339C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к производству сортового проката из низкоуглеродистой стали для холодной объемной штамповки сложнопрофильных крепежных деталей особо сложной формы. Техническим результатом изобретения является получение структуры сортового проката, обеспечивающей рациональные условия холодной объемной штамповки сложнопрофильных высокопрочных крепежных деталей при одновременном обеспечении повышенных характеристик технологической пластичности и вязкости стали. Для достижения технического результата выплавляют стали в электропечи, проводят внепечную обработку, разливку в изложницы с защитой струи, горячую прокатку слитка и получение заготовки с последующей ее контролируемой прокаткой, смоткой сортового проката в бунты, калибровкой проката со степенью деформации 15-20% и сфероидизирующим отжигом. Выплавляют сталь при следующем соотношение компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,27-0,32, марганец 0,30-0,65, кремний 0,01-0,17, хром 0,01-0,25, сера 0,005-0,020, ниобий ...

27-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2422550C1

Изобретение относится к черной металлургии, а именно к составам стали, используемой в автомобильной промышленности. Сталь содержит углерод, кремний, марганец, никель, ванадий, ниобий, азот, празеодим и железо при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,06-0,08; кремний 0,25-0,35; марганец 1,1-1,4; никель 5,2-6,2; ванадий 0,07-0,09; ниобий 0,07-0,09; азот 0,003-0,005; празеодим 0,6-0,8; железо - остальное. Обеспечивается повышение прочности стали. 1 табл.

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2330095C1

Сталь используется для изготовления отливок сложных конфигураций. Сталь содержит, мас.%: углерод 0,15-0,25, кремний 0,2-0,3, марганец 0,4-0,7, ванадий 0,1-0,2, азот 0,08-0,15, кальций 0,008-0,012, алюминий 0,03-0,08, магний 0,03-0,08, стронций 0,01-0,05, бор 0,1-0,3, железо - остальное. Повышается жидкотекучесть стали. 1 табл.

13-03-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2815311C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к получению горячекатаного стального листа, используемого в качестве конструкционного материала или для изготовления промышленного оборудования. Горячекатаный стальной лист имеет состав, включающий в себя следующие элементы, мас.%: 0,18 ≤ углерод ≤ 0,3, 1,8 ≤ марганец ≤ 4,5, 0,8 ≤ кремний ≤ 2, 0,001 ≤ алюминий ≤ 0,2, 0,1 ≤ молибден ≤ 1, 0,001 ≤ титан ≤ 0,2, 0 ≤ фосфор ≤ 0,09, 0 ≤ сера ≤ 0,09, 0 ≤ азот ≤ 0,09, при необходимости по меньшей мере один из следующих элементов: 0,0001 ≤ бор ≤ 0,01, 0 ≤ хром ≤ 0,5, 0 ≤ ниобий ≤ 0,1, 0 ≤ ванадий ≤ 0,5, 0 ≤ никель ≤ 1, 0 ≤ медь ≤ 1, 0 ≤ кальций ≤ 0,005 и 0 ≤ магний ≤ 0,0010, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси. Микроструктура стального листа содержит в долях площади по меньшей мере 75% мартенсита, состоящего из отпущенного мартенсита и свежего мартенсита, и от 8 до 25% остаточного аустенита, причем аспектное отношение остаточного аустенита составляет от 4 до 12. Лист обладает требуемым комплексом ...

02-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2804576C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к высокопрочному холоднокатаному и отожженному стальному листу, используемому в качестве материала для изготовления структурных элементов и панелей кузовов транспортных средств. Лист выполнен из стали, имеющей состав, включающий в мас.%: C: 0,03-0,18, Mn: 6,0-11,0, Al: 0,2-3, Mo: 0,05-0,5, B: 0,0005-0,005, S≤0,010, P≤0,020, N≤0,008, при необходимости по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из: Si≤1,20, Ti≤0,050, Nb≤0,050, Cr≤0,5 и V≤0,2, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси, образующиеся при плавке. Лист обладает микроструктурой, содержащей, в долях поверхности, от 25 до 54% остаточного аустенита, от 46 до 75% феррита и от 0 до 8% свежего мартенсита. Количества углерода [C]A и марганца [Mn]A в аустените, выраженные в массовых процентах, удовлетворяют условию [C]A*√[Mn]A, составляющему от 0,48 до 1,8. Неоднородное повторное выделение марганца с областями выше и ниже номинального значения содержания марганца в стальном листе характеризуется ...

10-02-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2789798C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к низкопрочному стальному листу для горячей штамповки, используемому в автомобилестроении при производстве горячештампованного элемента, имеющего предел прочности TS 500-800 МПа. Стальной лист содержит, мас.%: C: от 0,005% до 0,12%, Si: от 0,50% до 2,0%, Mn: 0,50% или меньше (не включая 0%), Al: от 0,010% до 1,0%, P: 0,1000% или меньше (не включая 0%), S: 0,0100% или меньше (не включая 0%), N: 0,0100% или меньше (не включая 0%), O: 0,0100% или меньше (не включая 0%), необязательно, по меньшей мере один из Ti: 0,10% или меньше, не включая 0%, и Nb: 0,10% или меньше, не включая 0%, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси. Доля площади феррита на глубине 1/4 толщины стального листа составляет 80% или больше, а точка Ac3 (°C), определяемая по уравнению: Точка Ac3 (°C) = 910 - 203 × [C]1/2 + 44,7 × [Si] - 30 × [Mn] + 700 × [P] + 400 × [Al] + 400 × [Ti], где [C], [Si], [Mn], [P], [Al] и [Ti] представляют собой содержание в стали соответствующих ...

02-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2804512C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к холоднокатаному и отожженному высокопрочному стальному листу, используемому в автомобильной промышленности. Лист выполнен из стали, имеющей состав, включающий в мас.%: C 0,03-0,18, Mn 6,0–11,0, Al 0,2–3, Mo 0,05–0,5, B 0,0005–0,005, S≤0,010, P≤0,020, N≤0,008, при необходимости по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из: Si≤1,20, Ti≤0,050, Nb≤0,050, Cr≤0,5 и V≤0,2, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси, образующиеся при плавке. Стальной лист обладает микроструктурой, заключающей в себе, в долях поверхности, от 25 до 55% остаточного аустенита, от 45 до 75% феррита, от 0 до 5% свежего мартенсита. Содержание углерода [C]A и марганца [Mn]A в аустените, выраженное в мас.%, такое, что отношение ([C]A×[Mn]2A)/(C%×Mn%) составляет от 19,0 до 41,0 мас.%, при этом C% и Mn% представляют собой номинальные значения содержания углерода и марганца в стальном листе в мас.%. Плотность карбидов в микроструктуре составляет менее 3×106/мм2 и неоднородное ...

09-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2039118C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к конструкционной стали для изготовления корпусов контейнеров для хранения и транспортировки отработанного ядерного топлива. Цель изобретения состоит в повышении хладостойкости. Сталь содержит компоненты при следующем соотношении, мас. углерод 0,07 0,13; марганец 0,39 0,80; кремний 0,15 0,41; никель 2,20 - 2,95; молибден 0,05 0,16; ниобий 0,005 0,02; кальций 0,002 - 0,005; азот 0,002 0,011; алюминий 0,005 0,04; железо остальное. 1 табл.

24-01-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2788793C1

Изобретение относится к металлическому порошку для изготовления стальных деталей, в частности, методами аддитивной технологии, металлический порошок содержит, мас.%: 6,5≤Si≤10, 4,5≤Nb≤10, 0,2≤B≤2,0, 0,2≤Cu≤2,0, C≤2 и необязательно содержит Ni≤10, и/или Co≤10, и/или Cr≤7, и/или Zr в качестве заменителя части Nb в соотношении один к одному, и/или Mo в качестве заменителя части Nb в соотношении один к одному, и/или P в качестве заменителя части Si в соотношении один к одному, и/или один или несколько дополнительных элементов, выбранных из Hf, Ta, W, V, Y, причем содержание каждого дополнительного элемента составляет менее 3,5, и/или одного или нескольких редкоземельных металлов, причем содержание каждого редкоземельного металла составляет менее 0,2, остальное - железо и неизбежных примеси, при этом металлический порошок имеет микроструктуру, содержащую по меньшей мере 5% от площади аморфной фазы, остальное - кристаллические ферритные фазы с размером зерна ниже 20 мкм, и имеет среднюю сферичность ...

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009256C1

Сплав на основе железа с эффектом запоминания формы содержит, мас. % : марганец 27 - 32; кремний 3 - 6; углерод 0, 05 - 0,10; азот - 0,05 - 0,10, а также один или несколько элементов из группы, содержащей ванадий 0,05 - 0,15; ниобий 0, 05 - 0,20; титан 0,05 - 0,10; железо остальное. Сплав обеспечивает повышение прочностных свойств Fe - Mn - Si сплавов с эффектом запоминания формы и понижение их температуры начала мартенетного превращения до уровня - 20 + 20С. 2 табл.

23-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746997C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к холоднокатаной и термообработанной листовой стали, используемой в автомобилестроении. Сталь имеет следующий химический состав, мас.%: 0,10≤С≤0,25, 3,5≤Mn≤6,0, 0,5≤Si≤2,0, 0,3≤Al≤1,2, 0,10≤Mo≤0,50, S≤0,010, P≤0,020, N≤0,008, при необходимости один или несколько элементов, выбранных из: 0,01≤Cr≤1,0, 0,010≤Ti≤0,080, 0,010≤Nb≤0,080, 0,010≤V≤0,30 и 0,0005≤B≤0,004, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси. Сталь обладает микроструктурой, состоящей, при выражении в поверхностных долевых концентрациях, из: от 10% до 45% феррита, характеризующегося средним размером зерен, составляющим, самое большее, 1,3 мкм, от 8% до 30% остаточного аустенита, самое большее, 8% свежего мартенсита и самое большее, 2,5% цементита и подвергшегося перераспределению мартенсита. Произведение поверхностной долевой концентрацией феррита на средний размер зерен феррита составляет, самое большее, 35 мкм%, а остаточный аустенит характеризуется уровнем содержания Mn, составляющим ...

12-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705826C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу производства листовой стали с пластичностью, наведенной двойникованием, имеющей аустенитную матрицу и используемой при изготовлении автомобильных транспортных средств. Сляб, содержащий при расчете на массу: 0,5 < C < 1,2%, 13,0 ≤ Mn < 25,0%, S ≤ 0,030%, P ≤ 0,080%, N ≤ 0,1%, Si ≤ 3,0%, 0,051% ≤ Al ≤ 4,0%, 0,1 ≤ V ≤ 2,5%, при необходимости один или несколько элементов из Nb ≤ 0,5%, B ≤ 0,005%, Cr ≤ 1,0%, Mo ≤ 0,40%, Ni ≤ 1,0%, Cu ≤ 5,0%, Ti ≤ 0,5% и 0,06 ≤ Sn ≤ 0,2%, остальное - железо и неизбежные примеси, повторно нагревают, осуществляют его горячую прокатку, скатывают в рулон, выполняют первую холодную прокатку, рекристаллизационный отжиг и вторую холодную прокатку. Обеспечивается получение листовой стали с высокими механическими свойствами. 2 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 пр.

20-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2495946C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к термической обработке монокристаллов ферромагнитного сплава нового состава Fe-Ni-Co-Al-Nb, и может быть использовано в машиностроении, авиационной, космической промышленности, механотронике и микросистемной технике для создания исполнительных механизмов, датчиков, актюаторов, демпфирующих элементов. Для повышения функциональных свойств монокристаллов в способе термической обработки монокристаллов ферромагнитного сплава Fe-Ni-Co-Al-Nb с термоупругими γ-α' мартенситными превращениями осуществляют гомогенизирующий отжиг монокристаллов ферромагнитного сплава, содержащего, мас.%: Fe-40,2, Ni-28,85, Со-17,55, Al-5,45, Nb-7,95, в атмосфере инертного газа Не при температуре 1250°С в течение 10 часов. Затем ведут нагрев и выдержку при температуре 1280°С в течение 1 ч с последующей закалкой в воду комнатной температуры и старение в атмосфере инертного газа Не при температуре 700°С в течение 0,5-7 часов с последующим охлаждением в воде. Монокристаллы ...

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2340698C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к производству хладостойких сталей для изготовления сварной трубопроводной арматуры, эксплуатируемой в условиях низких температур. Сталь содержит углерод, кремний, марганец, хром, никель, молибден, алюминий, церий, кальций, серу, фосфор и железо при следующем соотношении, мас.%: углерод 0,08-0,12, кремний 0,40-0,80, марганец 0,90-1,20, хром 0,01-0,50, никель 0,30-0,90, молибден 0,20-0,35, алюминий 0,01-0,05, церий 0,010-0,020, кальций 0,005-0,05, сера не более 0,020, фосфор не более 0,020, железо остальное. Углеродный эквивалент, равный [С]экв=С+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo)/5+Ni/15+P/2, не превышает 0,430. Улучшается свариваемость при сохранении высокого уровня прочности и хладостойкости. 7 табл.

27-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006116578A

... 1. Способная к эмалированию с обеих сторон горячекатаная лента или лист из стали, в частности из стали IF, толщиной до 10 мм, при этом сплав на основе железа имеет следующий состав, вес.%: С: max 0,010 Si: max 0,030 Mn: max 0,80 Р: max 0, 020 S: min 0,030 Al: 0,020-0,060 Nb: (0,6-1,0)×(93/12)×[C], В: (0,5-1,5)×(11/14)×[N], Ti: min 48/14×([N]-14/18×[В]+48/32×[S]+48/12×([С]-12/93×[Nb]) max 0,15 остальное: железо с неизбежными примесями, обусловленными плавкой. 2. Сталь по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она представляет собой сталь IF, причем после связывания углерода, серы и азота в стали остается свободное остаточное содержание титана и/или ниобия, по меньшей мере, 0,02%. 3. Способ изготовления способных к эмалированию с обеих сторон горячекатаных лент или листов толщиной до 10 мм из стали с составом по п.1, отличающийся тем, что при непрерывной разливке сталь отливают в слябы, которые после резки на мерные длины и нагрева до температуры ≥1050°С прокатывают в горячем состоянии до получения лент ...

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012132847A

... 1. Холоднокатаный стальной лист, обладающий превосходным качеством поверхности после штамповки, имеющий химическую композицию, содержащую 0,0005-0,0050 мас.% С, не более 0,30 мас.% Si, не более 0,50 мас.% Mn, не более 0,050 мас.% Р, не более 0,020 мас.% S, 0,010-0,100 мас.% Ti, не более 0,080 мас.% sol. Al (кислоторастворимый алюминий), не более 0,007 мас.% N и остальное - Fe и неизбежные примеси, при условии, что содержание С, N, S и Ti удовлетворяет следующему соотношению (I):,где [%М] представляет содержание в стали элемента М (мас.%),отличающийся тем, что лист не образует линейных структур, когда к испытательному образцу в виде полосы прикладывают в направлении прокатки 1-5% однонаправленную деформацию растяжения, а затем поверхность образца зачищают наждачным камнем.2. Холоднокатаный стальной лист по п.1, который, кроме того, содержит по меньшей мере один из 0,0003-0,0030 мас.% В и 0,003-0,100 мас.% Nb, и в случае присутствия Nb вместо уравнения (1) удовлетворяет следующему соотношению ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2562582C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к получению горячекатаного стального листа, используемого в машиностроении. Лист выполнен из стали, содержащей в мас.%: С: от 0,04 до 0,09, Si: 0,4 или менее, Mn: от 1,2 до 2,0, Р: 0,1 или менее, S: 0,02 или менее, Al: 1,0 или менее, Nb: от 0,02 до 0,09, Ti: от 0,02 до 0,07, N: 0,005 или менее, Fe и неизбежные примеси остальное. Для компонентов стали выполняется соотношение 2,0≤Mn+8[%Ti]+12[%Nb]≤2,6. Лист имеет микроструктуру, в которой процентная доля площади перлита составляет 5% или менее, общая процентная доля площади мартенсита и остаточного аустенита составляет 0,5% или менее, остальная структура представляет собой феррит и/или бейнит. Средний размер зерен феррита и бейнита составляет 10 мкм или менее, а средний размер частиц карбонитридов легирующих металлов с некогерентными межфазными границами, которые содержат Ti и Nb, составляет 20 нм или менее. Изготавливаемые листы имеют максимальный предел прочности на разрыв 600 МПа или ...

24-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642242C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, к способам получения листовых плакированных сталей и может быть использовано при изготовлении сварных конструкций и оборудования для химической, нефтехимической, нефтеперерабатывающей, коксохимической и других отраслей промышленности. Заявлен способ получения высокопрочной коррозионностойкой листовой плакированной стали. Способ включает горячую прокатку при температуре не выше 1250°С с ее окончанием при температуре выше 880°С, проведение смотки полосы в рулон при температуре 570-660°С. Основной слой выполняют из низкоуглеродистой стали, микролегированной молибденом и титаном, способствующих образованию межфазных наноразмерных карбидных и карбонитридных выделений, а плакирующий слой выполняют из коррозионностойкой аустенитной стали, состав которой удовлетворяет условию Cr/Ni≤1,6, причем хромовый эквивалент составляет Cr=%Cr+1,37%Мо+1,5%Si+2%Nb+3%Ti, а никелевый эквивалент - Ni=%Ni+0,31%Mn+22%C+14,2%N+%Cu. Обеспечиваются стабильно высокие значения ...

28-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2728054C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к стальному продукту, предназначенному для использования при низких температурах. Сталь продукта имеет следующий химический состав, вес.%: С от 0,01 до <0,3, Мn от 4 до <10, Аl от 0,003 до 2,9, Мо от 0,01 до 0,8, Si от 0,02 до 0,8, Ni от 0,005 до 3, Р<0,04, S<0,02, N<0,02, остальное железо и неизбежные примеси. Стальной продукт удовлетворяет одному из трех вариантов. В первом варианте сталь может содержать по меньшей мере один из следующих элементов, вес.%: Ti от 0,002 до 0,5; V от 0,006 до 0,1; Сr от 0,05 до 4; Сu от 0,05 до 2; Nb от 0,003 до 0,1; В от 0,0005 до 0,014; Со от 0,003 до 3; W от 0,03 до 2; Zr от 0,03 до 1; Са<0,004 и Sn<0,5, при этом выполняется условие 6<1,5Мn+Ni<8. Во втором варианте сталь может содержать по меньшей мере один из следующих элементов, вес.%: Ti от 0,002 до 0,5; V от 0,006 до 0,1; Сr от 0,05 до 4; Сu от 0,05 до 2; Nb от 0,003 до 0,1; В от 0,0005 до 0,014; Со от 0,003 до 3; W от 0,03 до 2; Zr от 0,03 до 1 ...

31-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2740067C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к горячекатаной толстолистовой стали, используемой для изготовления высокопрочных сварных труб для магистральных трубопроводов. Сталь имеет химический состав, содержащий, в мас.%: С: от 0,04 до 0,08, Si: от 0,01 до 0,50, Mn: от 1,2 до 2,0, Р: от 0,001 до 0,010, S: 0,0030 или менее, Al: от 0,01 до 0,08, Nb: от 0,050 до 0,100, Ti: от 0,005 до 0,025, N: от 0,001 до 0,006, по меньшей мере один элемент, выбранный из Cu: от 0,01 до 1,00, Ni: от 0,01 до 1,00, Cr: от 0,01 до 1,00, Мо: от 0,01 до 1,00, V: от 0,01 до 0,10 и В: от 0,0005 до 0,0030, остальное - Fe и неизбежные примеси. В микроструктуре в положении на 1/2 толщины толстолистовой стали поверхностная долевая концентрация мартенсита составляет менее чем 3%, а поверхностная долевая концентрация бейнитного феррита составляет 95% или более. Бейнитный феррит имеет средний диаметр зерна, составляющий 6,0 мкм или менее. Количество выделений Nb в форме карбонитрида Nb составляет 0,025 мас.% ...

10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2558786C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к стали строительного назначения, предназначенной для производства горячекатаной арматуры класса прочности А400 (A-III). Сталь содержит углерод, марганец, кремний, азот, ванадий и железо, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,30-0,37, марганец 0,80-1,10, кремний 0,17-0,37, азот 0,016-0,020, ванадий 0,008÷0,022, железо и водород остальное. Отношение ванадий/азот составляет 0,25-2,4, а отношение азот/водород составляет не более 30. Повышаются механические свойства стали при обеспечении хороших условий разливаемости стали на машинах непрерывного литья заготовок. 2 табл., 1 пр.

10-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012107393A

... 1. Лист электротехнической стали с ориентированными зернами, содержащий в мас.%: 0,005% или меньше С, от 1,0% до 8,0% Si и от 0,005% до 1,0% Mn; один или несколько элементов, выбранных из Nb, Та, V и Zr, так что их общее содержание составляет от 10 до 50 м.д.; и остальное Fe и неизбежные примеси, в котором, по меньшей мере, 10% от содержания Nb, Та, V и Zr находится в виде частиц выделившейся фазы; причем частицы выделившейся фазы имеют средний диаметр (диаметр эквивалентного круга) от 0,02 до 3 мкм; и вторично рекристаллизованные зерна в стальном листе имеют средний размер 5 мм или больше.2. Лист электротехнической стали с ориентированными зернами по п.1, который дополнительно содержит в мас.%, по меньшей мере, один элемент, выбранный из: от 0,010% до 1,50% Ni, от 0,01% до 0,50% Cr, от 0,01% до 0,50% Cu, от 0,005% до 0,50% Р, от 0,005% до 0,50% Sn, от 0,005% до 0,50% Sb, от 0,005% до 0,50% Bi и от 0,005% до 0,100% Мо.3. Лист электротехнической стали с ориентированными зернами по п.1 или ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011138907A

Высокоуглеродистая сталь для производства подката для получения холоднодеформированного арматурного периодического профиля для железобетонных изделий, содержащая углерод, марганец, кремний, фосфор, серу, хром, никель, медь, алюминий, азот и железо, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно содержит бор при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: ...

10-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93015445A
Автор: Цымбал В.П.

Изобретение относится к области черной металлургии, в частности к получению низкоуглеродистой полуспокойной стали с минимальным расходом металла на первом переделе, а также повышенной прочностью готового проката. Целью изобретения является снижение расхода металла на первом переделе при одновременном повышении прочности готового проката. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что сталь, содержащая углерод, марганец, кремний, дополнительно содержит германий и ниобий при следующем соотношении компонентов, вес.%: углерод 0,03 - 0,20, марганец 0,20 - 1,70, кремний 0,01 - 0,07, германий 0,0005 - 0,003, ниобий 0,005 - 0,04, железо остальное. В предложенной стали допускается содержание сопутствующих примесей, вес.%: сера 0,007- 0,030, фосфор 0,006 - 0,035, хром 0,01 - 0,10, никель 0,02 - 0,20, медь 0,03 - 0,25, азот 0,004 - 0,007, алюминий 0,005 - 0,05.

27-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: SU629774A1

Магнитотвердый сплав на основе железа, содержащий кобальт, никель, алюминий, кремний и ниобий, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения магнитных свойств, он содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, вес.%: Кобальт 13-15 Никель 12-13 Алюминий 6,5-8,0 Кремний 05,-1,0 Ниобий 0,05-0,6 Железо Остальное ...

07-03-1991 дата публикации

Сплав на основе железа

Номер: SU1633004A1

Изобретение относится к металлургии , в частности к получении коррозионно-стойких сплавов на основе же теза. Цель изобретения - повышение эксплуатационных свойств. В сплав на основе железа, содержащий углерод, кремний, марганец, редкоземельные мета шы, молибден, барий, магний и. кальций , вводят медь, алюминий, хром и один или более металлов из группы, содержащей бор и цирконии, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,3-0,8; кремний 14,5-16; марганец 0,3-0,8; редкоземельные металлы 0,01-0,05; молибден 0,03-3,5; барий 0,002-0,008; ма:ний 0,002-0,03; кальции 0,003-0,03; медь 0,25-0,52; алюминий 0,003-0,07; хром 0,02-0,3; один или более металлов из группы, содержащей бор и цирконий, 0,003-0,02; железо остальное. 2 табл. с Ј (Л ...

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Конструкционная свариваемая сталь

Номер: SU124957A1
Автор: Тутов И.Е.

04-11-1969 дата публикации


Номер: SU256279A1

23-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1789571C

30-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1813116C

30-10-1992 дата публикации

Котельная сталь

Номер: SU1772208A1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии , в частности к котельной стали, предназначенной для изготовления элементов энергетического оборудования (котлы, сосуды высокою давления), работающих в области температур до 400°С. С целью повышения характеристик кратковременной и длительной прочности сталь дополнительно содержит ниобий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас,%: углерод 0,18- 0,22; кремний 0,17-0,37; марганец 0,27-0,60; ванадии 0,05-0,10; ниобий 0,01-0,04, железо -остальное, при условии выполнения следующих соотношений: бхванадш ибхниобий 0,56; ЮООООхванадийхниобий2 8,0. 2 табл.

30-11-1993 дата публикации

Заэвтектоидная рельсовая сталь

Номер: RU2003728C1

Изобретение относится к черной металлургии, в частности к составу заэвтектоидной рельсовой стали. Для повышения временного сопротивления, ударной вязкости и снижения износа рельсов зээв- тектоидная рельсовая сталь дополнительно содержит карбиды железа и нитриды алюминия при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,83 - 0,87; марганец 0.75 - 1,15: кремний 025 - 0.45; азот 0,004 - 0,011; алюминий 0,004 - 0.02; кальций или магний 0,0025 - 0,015; ванадий 0,01 - 0,10; карбиды железа 9,0 - 12,0; нитриды алюминия 0,005 - 0,018; железо остальное. 2 табл.

07-11-1990 дата публикации

Сплав на основе железа

Номер: SU1153569A1

СПЛАВ НА ОСНОВЕ ЖЕЛЕЗА преимущественно для металлокерамических Изобретение относится к металлургии , а именно к изысканию материалов для приборостроительной промьшленности , в частности для металлокерамических узлов, работающих до температуры 750°С. ;Известен сплав Vacon -20, содержащий 28% никеля, 21% кобальта, остальное - железо р. Сплав предназначен для изготовления металлокерамических узлов, однако его коэффициент термического расширения (КТЛР) согласуется сКТЛР керамики лишь до температуры , что недостаточно для работы изделий при повьш1енных темйературах и их изготовлении. Наиболее близким к предлагаемому изобретению по технической сущности и достигаемому результату является узлов, содержащий никель, кобальт, алюминий, лантан и церий, о т л и ч а ю щ и и с я тем, что, с целью согласования термического коэффициента линейного расширения сплава с термическим коэффициентом линейного расширения керамики в интервале температур 20-750°С, дополнительно содержит вольфрам при следующем соотношении ...

26-10-1964 дата публикации

Сталь, например, для изготовления буровых штанг

Номер: SU165758A1

30-03-1984 дата публикации

Немагнитный сплав

Номер: SU1082857A1

НЕМАГНИТНЫЙ СПЛАВ, содержащий марганец, кремний и железо, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения предела текучести, :он дополнительно содержит азот и ванадий при следующем соотношении компонентов , мас.%: Азот0,15-0,25 17,0-19,0 Марганец 2,0-2,5 Кремний 1,1-1,5 Ванадий Остальное Железо (Л с: ...

30-09-1984 дата публикации

Мартенситностареющая сталь

Номер: SU1116088A1

МАРТЕНСИТНОСТАРЕЮЩАЯ СТАЛЬ, содержащая углерод, никель, кобальт, вольфрам, молибден и железо, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повьппения пластичности при скорости деформации менее 10 с после старения при 400-450 С, она дополнительно содержит алюминий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мае. %: Углерод0,001-0,030 Никель11-19 Кобальт0,1-711,0 Вольфрам8-12 Молибден0,1-3,0 Алюминий0,2-2,0 i ЖелезоОстальное (Л е ...

15-01-1989 дата публикации

Немагнитная сталь

Номер: SU1451179A1

Изобретение относится к металлургии , в частности к немагнитным безникелевым сталям, и может быть использовано для изготовления немагнитных деталей маиин и приборов, в том числе сварных конструкций. Цель изобретения - повышение механических свойств стали. Сталь дополни- . тельно содержит ниобий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,01-0,05; марганец 18-22, ниобий 0,07-0,12; железо остальное. Щ именение стали позволяет улучшить эксплуатационные характеристики и повысить срок службы изделий, работа- кмцих в условиях ударных нагрузок. 2 табл.Q ...

04-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003877589D1

The alloy consists of at least 3 elements, i.e. Fe 60-85 at.%, pref. max. 82 at.%, 4-35 at.% of Mo and/or W and 2-20 at.% of a rare earth element. The alloy contains a tetragonal ThMn12 structure. The allowable concns. are defined by the pentagon indicated in a 3-component phase-diagram (fig.2) with the corners P1-P5 with the compsns. resp. giving the amt. of rare earth, Fe and Mo or W in at.%: P1 : 4, 65, 31; P2 : 4, 85, 11; P3 : 9, 85, 6; P4 : 15, 79, 6; P5 : 15, 65, 20. In addn. to the ThMn12 structure at least one other phase in the RFeM-system may be present. A fourth element may be present, max. 10 at.%, pref. max. 8 at.%, of Co substituting Fe. The R-component rare earth can consist of more than 1 element. The material can be mixed in or attached to another material.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Oxidationsbeständige Vanadiumlegierungen für hochtemperaturbeanspruchte Bauteile

Номер: DE102015114092A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Vanadiumlegierung mit 2 bis 35 At.% Silizium und 3 bis 50 At.% Bor, die auch bei höheren Temperaturen oxidationsbeständig ist und insbesondere für die Herstellung von hochtemperaturbeanspruchten Bauteilen geeignet ist.

20-07-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000114279A5

08-05-2008 дата публикации

Tiefgezogenes Maschinenbauteil mit wenigstens einer gehärteten Lauf- oder Führungsfläche, insbesondere Motorenelement

Номер: DE102006051545A1

Tiefgezogenes Maschinenbauteil mit wenigstens einer gehärteten Lauf- oder Führungsfläche, insbesondere Motorenelement, hergestellt aus einem Kaltband mit ienem Kohlenstoffanteil von 0,13-0,2% sowie einem oder mehreren Sondernitridbildnern, wobei der Anteil des einen Sondernitridbildners oder der Summenanteil der mehreren Sondernitridbildner wenigstens 0,5% beträgt.

27-05-2004 дата публикации

Use of an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy for shadow masks and their frames in flat monitors and TV screens

Номер: DE0010258356B3

Use of an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy for shadow masks and their frames in flat monitors and TV screens is new. The alloy contains (in wt.%) 32.5-34.5 Ni, 3.0-4.5 Co, maximum 0.05 Mo, maximum 0.05 Cr, maximum 0.009 C, maximum 0.04 Mn, maximum 0.03 Si, maximum 0.003 S, maximum 0.004 N, maximum 0.01 Ti, maximum 0.05 Cu, maximum 0.005 P, 0.005-0.03 Al, maximum 0.0008 Mg, maximum 0.001 Ca, maximum 0.03 Zr, maximum 0.0060 O, and a balance of Fe.

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Sinterkörper auf Eisenbasis mit hervorragenden Eigenschaften zum Einbetten durch Eingießen in Leichtmetall-Legierung und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung

Номер: DE0010360824B4

Sinterkörper auf Eisenbasis mit einer Zusammensetzung, die in % Masse ausgedrückt 0,5 bis 2,5% von C und 5 bis 40% von Cu mit einem Ausgleich von Fe und unvermeidbaren Verunreinigungen enthält und eine Struktur hat, die Poren und freie Cu-Phasen aufweist, die in einer Matrix dispergiert sind, mit einem mittleren thermischen Expansionskoeffizienten von 13,5 x 10-6/° C oder weniger von Raumtemperatur bis 200° C und mit einer Oberflächen-Rauhigkeit Rz von 10 bis 100 μm, wobei dieses Sintermaterial durch Einbetten in eine Leichtmetall-Legierung durch Gießen verwendet wird und der Sinterkörper Nuten aufweist, die auf einer der Endflächen oder Seitenflächen oder beiden ausgebildet sind.

30-10-2008 дата публикации

Verwendung einer Stahllegierung

Номер: DE102007018861A1

Beschrieben ist die Verwendung einer Stahllegierung als Guss für Fahrwerksbauteile, insbesondere für Querlenker. Erfindungsgemäß weist der Stahlguss die folgende, in Gewichtsprozent angegebene Zusammensetzung auf: Kohlenstoff (C) 0,09-0,13%, Silizium (Si) 0,15-0,30%, Mangan (Mn) 1,10-1,60%, Phosphor (P) max. 0,015%, Schwefel (S) max. 0,011%, Chrom (Cr) 1,00-1,60%, Molybdän (Mo) 0,30-0,60%, Aluminium (Al) 0,02-0,05%, Vanadium (V) 0,12-0,25%, Rest Eisen (Fe) und erschmelzungsbedingte Verunreinigungen.

04-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002346979A1

05-10-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002428995B2

13-06-2002 дата публикации

Stahllegierung zur Herstellung von Stossfängern für Kraftfahrzeuge

Номер: DE0059901386D1

22-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060004094T2

20-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002361801A1

11-04-1935 дата публикации

Gegenstaende mit hoher Warmstreckgrenze

Номер: DE0000611995C

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Steel sheet for cans with excellent surface properties after drawing and ironing and method for producing the same

Номер: US20120018055A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

A component composition contains, by % by mass, 0.0016 to 0.01% of C, 0.05 to 0.60% of Mn, and 0.020 to 0.080% of Nb so that the C and Nb contents satisfy the expression, 0.4≦(Nb/C)×(12/93)≦2.5. In addition, the amount of Nb-based precipitates is 20 to 500 ppm by mass, the average grain diameter of the Nb-based precipitates is 10 to 100 nm, and the average crystal grain diameter of ferrite is 6 to 10 μm. Nb is added to ultra-low-carbon steel used as a base, and the amount and grain diameter of the Nb-based precipitates are controlled to optimize the pinning effect. Grain refinement of ferrite is achieved by specifying the Mn amount, thereby achieving softening and excellent resistance to surface roughness of steel.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Non-oriented electrical steel sheet

Номер: US20120156086A1
Автор: Takeshi Kubota
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-oriented electrical steel sheet contains 2.8 mass % or more and 4.0 mass % or less of Si, 0.2 mass % or more and 3.0 mass % or less of Al, and 0.02 mass % or more and 0.2 mass % or less of P. The non-oriented electrical steel sheet contains further contains 0.5 mass % or more in total of at least one kinds selected from a group consisting of 4.0 mass % or less of Ni and 2.0 mass % or less of Mn. A C content is 0.05 mass % or less, a N content is 0.01 mass % or less, an average grain diameter is 15 μm or less, and a <111> axial density is 6 or larger.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Soft magnetic alloy and method for producing a soft magnetic alloy

Номер: US20130000797A1
Принадлежит: Vacuumschmelze GmbH and Co KG

A soft magnetic alloy is provided that consists essentially of 47 weight percent≦Co≦50 weight percent, 1 weight percent≦V≦3 weight percent, 0 weight percent≦Ni≦0.25 weight percent, 0 weight percent≦C≦0.007 weight percent, 0 weight percent≦Mn≦0.1 weight percent, 0 weight percent≦Si≦0.1 weight percent, at least one of niobium and tantalum in amounts of x weight percent of niobium, y weight percent of tantalum, remainder Fe. The alloy includes 0 weight percent≦x<0.15 weight percent, 0 weight percent≦y≦0.3 weight percent and 0.14 weight percent≦(y+2x)≦0.3 weight percent. The soft magnetic alloy has been annealed at a temperature in the range of 730° C. to 880° C. for a time of 1 to 6 hours and comprises a yield strength in the range of 200 MPa to 450 MPa and a coercive field strength of 0.3 A/cm to 1.5 A/cm.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Rare-earth permanent magnetic powder, bonded magnet, and device comprising the same

Номер: US20130020527A1
Принадлежит: Grirem Advanced Materials Co Ltd

A rare-earth permanent magnetic powder, a bonded magnet, and a device comprising the bonded magnet are provided. The rare-earth permanent magnetic powder is mainly composed of 7-12 at % of Sm, 0.1-1.5 at % of M, 10-15 at % of N, 0.1-1.5 at % of Si, and Fe as the balance, wherein M is at least one element selected from the group of Be, Cr, Al, Ti, Ga, Nb, Zr, Ta, Mo, and V, and the main phase of the rare-earth permanent magnetic powder is of TbCu 7 structure. Element Si is added into the rare-earth permanent magnetic powder for increasing the ability of SmFe alloy to from amorphous structure, and for increasing the wettability of the alloy liquid together with the addition of element M in a certain content, which enables the alloy liquid prone to be injected out of a melting device. The average diameter of the rare-earth permanent magnetic powder is in the range of 10-100 μm, and the rare-earth permanent magnetic powder is composed of nanometer crystals with average grain size of 10-120 nm or amorphous structure

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076477A1
Автор: Yasushi Kino
Принадлежит: Sintokogio Ltd

The present invention provides a Fe-group-based soft magnetic powder that is used for the pressed powder magnetic cores for a choke coil, reactor coil, etc., and that has a higher magnetic permeability. At least one selected from Fe, Co, or Ni that is generally used is used as the main component of the Fe-group-based alloy (iron-based alloy) soft magnetic powder. The soft magnetic powder is produced by adding a small amount of Nb (0.05-4 wt %) or V, Ta, Ti, Mo, or W, to the molten metal and by means of an inexpensive method such as the water-atomizing method.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087252A1

A high-strength hot-rolled steel sheet has a composition including C: 0.005% or more and 0.050% or less, Si: 0.2% or less, Mn: 0.8% or less, P: 0.025% or less, S: 0.01% or less, N: 0.01% or less, Al: 0.06% or less, and Ti: 0.05% or more and 0.10% or less, on a mass percent basis, such that S, N, and Ti satisfy Ti≧0.04+(N/14×48+S/32×48), the remainder being Fe and incidental impurities; a matrix in which a ferrite phase constitutes 95% by area or more of the entire structure; and a structure in which Ti-containing fine carbide having an average grain size of less than 10 nm is dispersedly precipitated, and the volume ratio of the fine carbide to the entire structure is 0.0007 or more. 1. A high-strength hot-rolled steel sheet having excellent formability , comprising: C: 0.005% or more and 0.050% or less, Si: 0.2% or less,', 'Mn: 0.8% or less, P: 0.025% or less,', 'S: 0.01% or less, N: 0.01% or less,', {'br': None, 'Ti≧0.04+(N/14×48+S/32×48)\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'Al: 0.06% or less, and Ti: 0.05% or more and 0.10% or less, on a mass percent basis, such that S, N, and Ti satisfy Formula (1), the remainder being Fe and incidental impurities; a matrix in which a ferrite phase constitutes 95% by area or more of the entire structure; and a structure in which Ti-containing fine carbide having an average grain size of less than 10 nm is dispersedly precipitated, and volume ratio of the fine carbide to the entire structure is 0.0007 or more, wherein the high-strength hot-rolled steel sheet has a tensile strength of 590 MPa or more], 'a composition comprising'}wherein S, N, and Ti denote their respective contents (% by mass).5. The steel sheet according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one of Cu claim 1 , Sn claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Ca claim 1 , Mg claim 1 , Co claim 1 , As claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , W claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Pb claim 1 , and Ta claim 1 , which in total constitutes 0.1% or less of the composition on a mass percent basis.6. The steel sheet according to claim 1 , ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118647A1

A method of producing an austenitic steel strip or sheet excellent in resistance to delayed cracking and a steel produced thereby. 2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminium content of the work piece is at least 1.25 and/or at most 3.5%.3. Process according to claim 1 , wherein during the cooling at a cooling rate Vafter the continuous annealing the strip or sheet is led through a hot dip bath for providing a metallic coating by hot dipping the strip or sheet into a molten bath of the metal making up the metallic coating.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the strip or sheet is pickled after continuous annealing and wherein the strip or sheet is provided with a metallic coating by pickling after annealing followed by heating to a temperature below the continuous annealing temperature before the strip or sheet is led through a hot dip bath for providing a metallic coating by hot dipping the strip or sheet into a molten bath of the metal making up the metallic coating.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein reduction of the cold-rolling is between 10 to 90%.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the annealed strip or sheet is temper rolled with a reduction of from 0.5 to 10% prior to or after the metallic coating has been provided to the strip or sheet.7. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the Vanadium content is between 0.06 and 0.22%.8. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling rate Vis between 20 and 80° C./s.9. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the strip or sheet is pickled after continuous annealing and wherein the strip or sheet is provided with a metallic coating claim 1 , by pickling after continuous annealing followed by heating to a temperature between 400 and 600° C. before the strip or sheet is led through a hot dip bath for providing a metallic coating by hot dipping the strip or sheet into a molten bath of the metal making up the metallic coating.10. Process according to claim 9 , wherein the Fe in the strip or ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133790A1

Described is a high tensile strength hot rolled steel sheet having high strength and formability, and a manufacturing method. It has tensile strength≧980 MPa and excellent formability, and specifically identified ranges by mass % of C, Si, Mn, P, S, N, Al, Ti, V, Solute V, and Solute Ti; (ii) microstructure with fine carbides dispersion precipitated therein, the fine carbides containing Ti and V and having the average particle diameter<10 nm, as well as volume ratio with respect to the entire microstructure≧0.007; and matrix as ferrite phase having area ratio with respect to the entire microstructure≧97%. C, Ti, V, S and N satisfy (1) Ti≧0.08+(N/14×48+S/32×48) and (2) 0.8≦(Ti/48+V/51)/(C/12)≦1.2, where “C”, “Ti”, “V”, “S” and “N” represent contents (mass %) of corresponding elements, respectively. 1. A high tensile strength hot rolled steel sheet having tensile strength of at least 980 MPa and excellent formability , comprising: C: 0.07% to 0.13% (inclusive of 0.07% and 0.13%),', 'Si: 0.3% or less,', 'Mn: 0.5% to 2.0% (inclusive of 0.5% and 2.0%),', 'P: 0.025% or less,', 'S: 0.005% or less,', 'N: 0.0060% or less,', 'Al: 0.06% or less,', 'Ti: 0.08% to 0.14% (inclusive of 0.08% and 0.14%),', 'V: 0.15% to 0.30% (inclusive of 0.15% and 0.30%),', 'Solute V: 0.04% to 0.1% (inclusive of 0.04% and 0.1%),', 'Solute Ti: 0.05% or less, and', 'remainder consisting of Fe and incidental impurities;, 'a composition including by mass %,'}microstructure with fine carbides dispersion precipitated therein, the fine carbides containing Ti and V and having the average particle diameter of less than 10 nm, as well as volume ratio with respect to the entire microstructure of at least 0.007; and [{'br': None, 'Ti≧0.08+(N/14×48+S/32×48)\u2003\u2003(1)'}, {'br': None, '0.8≦(Ti/48+V/51)/(C/12)≦1.2\u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'matrix as ferrite phase having area ratio with respect to the entire microstructure of at least 97%, wherein contents of C, Ti, V, S and N satisfy formula (1) and formula (2) ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177469A1

Methods comprising providing a composition comprising iron and a high melting point element; heating the composition to an elevated temperature up to about 3,500° F.; holding the composition at the elevated temperature for a time sufficient for the heat's temperature to stabilize; and allowing the composition to cool or solidify. Methods comprising providing a master alloy comprising iron and up to about 30% by weight of a high melting point element; and adding the master alloy to a heat of steel. Compositions comprising an alloy of iron and high melting point element in which the alloy is up to about 30% by weight of the high melting point element. Compositions comprising an alloy of iron and high melting point element having a substantially uniform microstructure. 1. A method comprising:providing a composition comprising iron and a high melting point element;heating the composition to an elevated temperature up to about 3,500° F.;holding the composition at the elevated temperature for a time sufficient for the heat's temperature to stabilize; andallowing the composition to cool or solidify.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the high melting point element is up to about 30% by weight of the composition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the high melting point element is one or more of Tungsten (W) claim 1 , Niobium (Ni) claim 1 , Rhenium (Re) claim 1 , Osmium (Os) claim 1 , Tantalum (Ta) claim 1 , Iridium (Ir) claim 1 , Boron (B) claim 1 , Ruthenium (Ru) claim 1 , Hafnium (Hf) claim 1 , Technetium (Tc) claim 1 , Rhodium (Rh) claim 1 , Zirconium (Zr) claim 1 , Platinum (Pt) claim 1 , and Thorium (Th).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the time sufficient for the heat's temperature to stabilize is between about 1 and 10 hours.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adding the master alloy to a heat of steel.6. A method comprising:providing a master alloy comprising iron and up to about 30% by weight of a high melting point element; andadding the master alloy to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192726A1
Принадлежит: Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.

A method of hot forming a steel blank into an article the method including the following steps: d) cooling a heated steel blank to form an article during hot forming, starting at a starting temperature T above Ar3; to an interrupt temperature T in the range of 400-550° C. at a cooling rate V of at least 25° C./s; e) immediately further cooling the article from the interrupt temperature T to ambient temperature at a cooling rate V of 0.2-10° C./s, wherein the interrupt temperature T and cooling rate V are selected such that the article thus obtained has multiphase microstructure including by volume fraction: 55-90% of bainitic ferrite 5-15% of retained austenite 5-30% martensite. 1. Method of hot forming a steel blank into an article , the method comprising the following steps:{'b': 2', '3', '2, 'd) cooling a heated steel blank to form an article during hot forming, starting at a starting temperature T above Ar3 to an interrupt temperature T in the range of 400-550° C. at a cooling rate V of at least 25° C./s,'} C: 0.15-0.45', 'Si: 0.6-2.5', {'b': 3', '0, 'Mn: 1.0-b .'}, 'Al: 0-1.5', 'Mo: 0-0.5', 'Cr: 0-1.0', 'P: 0.001-0.05', 'S: <0.03', 'Ca: <0.003', 'Ti: <0.1', 'V: <0.1, 'wherein the blank has the following composition in weight %the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities,wherein Si+Al=1.2-2.5%;{'b': 3', '3', '3, 'e) without holding the blank for a predetermined time at a temperature of T immediately further cooling the article from the interrupt temperature T to ambient temperature at a cooling rate V of 0.2-10° C./s,'}{'b': 3', '3', '3', '3, 'claim-text': 55-90% of bainitic ferrite', '5-15% of retained austenite', '5-30% martensite., 'wherein the interrupt temperature T and cooling rate V are selected using the relation that the higher T is the lower V is, such that the article thus obtained has a multiphase microstructure comprising by volume fraction2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the blank is produced from a steel strip or sheet.3. Method ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202914A1

A hot rolled steel strip made by the steps including assembling a twin roll caster, forming a casting pool of molten steel of such composition that the cast strip produced comprises by weight, greater than 0.25% and up to 1.1% carbon, between 0.40 and 2.0% manganese, between 0.05 and 0.50% silicon, less than 0.01% aluminum, counter rotating the casting rolls to solidify metal shells and forming a steel strip, hot rolling the steel strip such that mechanical properties at 10% and 35% reduction are within 10% for yield strength, tensile strength and total elongation, and coiling the hot rolled steel strip at a temperature between 550 and 750° C. to provide a majority of the microstructure comprising pearlite, along with bainite and acicular ferrite. The steel may have a free oxygen content between 5 and 50 ppm or between 25 and 45 ppm. 1. A hot rolled steel strip made by the steps comprising:assembling an internally cooled roll caster having laterally positioned casting rolls forming a nip between them, and forming a casting pool of molten steel supported on the casting rolls above the nip and confined adjacent the ends of the casting rolls by side dams, the molten steel of such composition that hot rolled thin cast strip produced has a composition comprising by weight, greater than 0.25% and up to 1.1% carbon, between 0.5 and 2.0% manganese, between 0.05 and 0.50% silicon, less than 0.01% aluminum,counter rotating the casting rolls to solidify metal shells on the casting rolls as the casting rolls move through the casting pool, andforming from the metal shells downwardly through the nip between the casting rolls a steel strip,hot rolling the steel strip such that mechanical properties at 10% and 35% reduction are within 10% for yield strength, tensile strength and total elongation; andcoiling the hot rolled steel strip at a temperature between 550 and 750° C. to provide a majority of the microstructure comprising pearlite, along with bainite and acicular ferrite in ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Magnetic body

Номер: US20130271249A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corp

A magnetic body which can reversibly change its magnetic force with a small external magnetic field while having a high residual magnetic flux density is provided. The magnetic body of the present invention has a residual magnetic flux density Br of at least 11 kG and a coercive force HcJ of 5 kOe or less, while an external magnetic field required for the residual magnetic flux density Br to become 0 is 1.10 HcJ or less.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130273392A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A hot-dip galvanized steel sheet includes a steel sheet and a hot-dip galvanized layer arranged on the steel sheet, in which the Si content and the Al content by mass % of components of the steel sheet satisfy a relationship 0.5<Si+Al<1.0, and a metallographic structure of the steel sheet satisfies a relationship of {(n 2 ) 2/3 ×d 2 }/{(n 1 ) 2/3 ×d 1 }×ln(H 2 /H 1 )<0.3 when the n 1 is the number of a MnS of a surface portion of the steel sheet, the d 1 μm is an average equivalent circle diameter of the MnS in the surface portion of the steel sheet, the H 1 GPa is a hardness of a martensite of the surface portion of the steel sheet, the n 2 is the number of the MnS of a center portion of the steel sheet, the d 2 μm is an average equivalent circle diameter of the MnS in the center portion of the steel sheet, and the H 2 GPa is the hardness of the martensite of the center portion of the steel sheet.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Non-oriented electrical steel sheet

Номер: US20140041769A1
Автор: Takeshi Kubota
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

A non-oriented electrical steel sheet contains 2.8 mass % or more and 4.0 mass % or less of Si, 0.2 mass % or more and 3.0 mass % or less of Al, and 0.02 mass % or more and 0.2 mass % or less of P. The non-oriented electrical steel sheet contains further contains 0.5 mass % or more in total of at least one kinds selected from a group consisting of 4.0 mass % or less of Ni and 2.0 mass % or less of Mn. A C content is 0.05 mass % or less, a N content is 0.01 mass % or less, an average grain diameter is 15 μm or less, and a <111> axial density is 6 or larger.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056752A1

A steel material has excellent atmospheric corrosion resistance and a composition which contains more than 0.06% and less than 0.14% C, 0.05% or more and 2.00% or less Si, 0.20% or more and 2.00% or less Mn, 0.005% or more and 0.030% or less P, 0.0001% or more and 0.0200% or less S, 0.001% or more and 0.100% or less Al, 0.10% or more and 1.00% or less Cu, 0.10% or more and 0.65% or less Ni, 0.0001% or more and 1.000% or less Mo, preferably 0.005% or more and 1.000% or less Mo, 0.005% or more and 0.200% or less Nb, and Fe and unavoidable impurities as a balance. 1. A steel material having a the composition which contains , by mass % , more than 0.06% and less than 0.14% C , 0.05% or more and 2.00% or less Si , 0.20% or more and 2.00% or less Mn , 0.005% or more and 0.030% or less P , 0.0001% or more and 0.0200% or less S , 0.001% or more and 0.100% or less Al , 0.10% or more and 1.00% or less Cu , 0.10% or more and 0.65% or less Ni , 0.001% or more and 1.000% or less Mo , 0.005% or more and 0.200% or less Nb , and Fe and unavoidable impurities as a balance.2. The steel material according to claim 1 , further containing claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , 0.005% or more and 1.000% or less Mo.3. The steel material according to claim 1 , further containing one claim 1 , two or more kinds selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , 0.2% or more and 1.0% or less Cr claim 1 , 0.01% or more and 1.00% or less Co claim 1 , 0.0001% or more and 0.1000% or less REM and 0.005% or more and 0.200% or less Sn.4. The steel material according to claim 1 , further containing one claim 1 , two or more kinds selected from the group consisting of claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , 0.005% or more and 0.200% or less Ti claim 1 , 0.005% or more and 0.200% or less V claim 1 , 0.005% or more and 0.200% or less Zr claim 1 , 0.0001% or more and 0.0050% or less B and 0.0001% or more and 0.0100% or less Mg.5. The steel material according to claim 2 , further containing one claim 2 , ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086785A1
Автор: Claude Antoine
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

An austenitic iron-based alloy containing manganese and at most 10% by weight and in particular at most 5% by weight nickel, based in each case on the overall weight of the iron-based alloy. 1. An austenitic iron-based alloy containing manganese and at most 10% by weight nickel , based on the overall weight of the iron-based alloy.2. The austenitic iron-based alloy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the manganese content is 8 to 25% by weight based on the overall weight of the iron-based alloy.3. The austenitic iron-based alloy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in addition to iron and manganese claim 1 , it contains at least one of the elements selected from the group consisting of C claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , W and N.6. A component for turbocharger applications claim 1 , having an exhaust-gas temperature of up to 1050° C. consisting essentially of an iron-based alloy as claimed in .7. An exhaust-gas turbocharger claim 1 , comprising at least one component consisting essentially of an iron-based alloy containing manganese and at most 10% by weight nickel claim 1 , based on the overall weight of the iron-based alloy.8. The exhaust-gas turbocharger as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the manganese content in the iron-based alloy is 8 to 25% by weight based on the overall weight of the iron-based alloy.11. A process for producing a component made of an iron-based alloy as claimed in comprising:a. hot working the entire article to a first geometry which approximates the desired final geometry except for portions of the article which are at least about 25% oversized compared to the desired final geometry;b. heat treating the article to increase the grain size;c. warm working the oversized portions of the article to final shapewhereby the warm-worked portions of the article have enhanced tensile properties and the hot-worked portions of the article have enhanced creep properties by a pressure die casting process.12. (canceled)13. An ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000796A1

This high-strength steel sheet contains, in mass %, 0.05 to 0.3% of C, 1 to 3% of Si, 0.5 to 3% of Mn, up to 0.1% (inclusive of 0%) of P, up to 0.01% (inclusive of 0%) of S, 0.001 to 0.1% of Al and 0.002 to 0.03% of N with the balance consisting of iron and unavoidable impurities, and has a microstructure which comprises, in area fraction relative to the microstructure, 40 to 85% of bainitic ferrite, 5 to 20% of retained austenite (γ), 10 to 50% (in total) of martensite and γ, and 5 to 40% of ferrite. The retained austenite (γ) has a C concentration of 0.5 to 1.0 mass %, while the quantity of γpresent in the ferrite grains is 1% or more (in area fraction) relative to the microstructure. 1. A high-strength steel sheet comprising iron and , in mass % ,C: from 0.05% to 0.3%,Si: from 1 to 3%,Mn: from 0.5% to 3%,P: from 0 to 0.1%,S: from 0 to 0.01%,Al: from 0.001% to 0.1% andN: from 0.002% to 0.03%,and having a microstructure which comprises:bainitic.ferrite: from 40 to 85%,retained austenite: from 5 to 20%,martensite+retained austenite: from 10 to 50%, andferrite: from 5 to 40%in terms of an area fraction relative to the total microstructure area, and{'sub': 'R', 'the retained austenite having from 0.5 to 1.0 mass % of a C concentration (Cγ), and the retained austenite comprises ferrite grains of 1% or more in terms of the area fraction relative to the total microstructure.'}2. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more ofCr: from 0.01% to 3%.Mo: from 0.01 to 1%,Cu: from 0.01 to 2%.Ni: from 0.01 to 2%,B: from 0.00001 to 0.01%Ca: from 0.0005 to 0.01%,Mg: from 0.0005 to 0.01%, andREM: from 0.0001 to 0.01%.4. The method according to wherein the steel further comprises one or more ofCr: from 0.01% to 3%.Mo: from 0.01 to 1%,Cu: from 0.01 to 2%.Ni: from 0.01 to 2%,B: from 0.00001 to 0.01%Ca: from 0.0005 to 0.01%,Mg: from 0.0005 to 0.01%, andREM: from 0.0001 to 0.01%.5. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002163A1

A hydrogen storage cartridge small and lightweight allows storage and discharge of hydrogen at low pressure and normal temperature. It also can effectively absorb the volume expansion accompanying atomization of a hydrogen storage alloy that occurs due to repeated storage and discharge of hydrogen, and therefore a hydrogen storage cartridge (A) is provided in which deformation due to repeated use, and in particular irregular deformation, extremely unlikely, also it can effectively avoid hydrogen storage irregularities of the hydrogen storage alloy. The hydrogen storage cartridge (A) is used for storage of hydrogen contained in biomass thermal decomposition gas, wherein the material of the hydrogen storage cartridge (A) is pure titanium, and the hydrogen storage cartridge (A) includes in the interior space (), as a hydrogen storage alloy, at least one hydrogen storage alloy selected from the group comprising lanthanum mischmetal/nickel, titanium/iron, calcium/nickel, and lanthanum/nickel. 1. A hydrogen occlusion cartridge used for occluding hydrogen recovered from a biomass pyrolysis gas , wherein a material for the hydrogen occlusion cartridge is pure titanium , and an inner space of the hydrogen occlusion cartridge contains one or more selected from a group consisting of a lanthanum mischmetal-nickel type hydrogen occlusion alloy , a titanium-iron type hydrogen occlusion alloy and a calcium-nickel type hydrogen occlusion alloy as hydrogen occlusion alloys.2. The hydrogen occlusion cartridge according to claim 1 , whereina shape of the inner space of the hydrogen occlusion cartridge is substantially rectangular parallelepiped,the inner space of the hydrogen occlusion cartridge comprises a plurality of chambers for accommodating the hydrogen occlusion alloy, which are separated by at least one partitioning plate,a dimension of the partitioning plate in a longitudinal direction is 70 to 80% of a total length of a dimension of the inner space of the hydrogen occlusion ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002436A1

A ferritic steel sheet according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention includes C at 0.01 to 0.3 wt %, Mn at 0.5 to 8 wt %, Al at 5 to 12 wt %, and Nb at 0.015 to 0.2 wt % based on an entire composition of 100 wt %, and a remaining part of Fe and an impurity. 1. A ferritic steel sheet including C at 0.01 to 0.3 wt % , Mn at 0.5 to 8 wt % , Al at 5 to 12 wt % , and Nb at 0.015 to 0.2 wt % based on an entire composition of 100 wt % , and a remaining part of Fe and an impurity ,wherein an average grain size of a ferrite crystal existing in the steel sheet is 30 μm or less.2. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein:the average grain size of the ferrite crystal is 15 μm or less.3. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein:the ferritic steel sheet includes Si at 0.04 to 2.0 wt %, Cr at 2.0 wt % or less (0% is not included), Mo at 1.0 wt % or less (0% is not included), Ni at 1.0 wt % or less (0% is not included), Ti at 0.1 wt % or less (0% is not included), V at 0.2 wt % or less (0% is not included), B at 0.01 wt % or less (0% is not included), Zr at 0.2 wt % or less (0% is not included), or a combination thereof based on the entire composition of 100 wt %.4. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein:a κ-carbide of a spherical shape, an oval shape, an acicular shape, or a band shape existing inside the ferritic steel sheet is included.5. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 4 , wherein:the κ-carbide at 1 to 10 vol % is included based on the entire 100 vol % of the steel sheet.6. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 4 , wherein:a particle size of the κ-carbide is in a range of 20 nm to 10 μm, and{'sup': 3', '6', '2, 'the κ-carbide is present in the range of 5×10to 1×10particles per unit area (mm).'}7. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein:a NbC compound existing inside the ferritic steel sheet is included.8. The ferritic steel sheet of claim 7 , wherein:the NbC compound at 0.1 to 1 vol % is included based on the entire 100 vol % of the steel ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002772A1

A method for manufacturing a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet, according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: heating a slab, based on 100 wt % of a total composition thereof, including N at 0.0005 wt % to 0.015 wt %, Ti at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, V at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, Nb at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, B at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, and the remaining portion including Fe and other impurities, and then hot rolling it to prepare a hot-rolled steel sheet; annealing the hot-rolled steel sheet; after the hot-rolled steel sheet is annealed, cooling the hot-rolled steel sheet, and then cold rolling it to prepare a cold-rolled steel sheet; decarburization-annealing the cold-rolled steel sheet and then nitriding-annealing it, or simultaneously performing the decarburization-annealing and the nitriding-annealing; and final-annealing the decarburization-annealed and nitriding-annealed steel sheet. 1. A manufacturing method of a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet , comprising:heating a slab, based on 100 wt % of a total composition thereof, including N at 0.0005 wt % to 0.015 wt %, Ti at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, V at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, Nb at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, B at 0.0001 wt % to 0.020 wt %, and the remaining portion including Fe and other impurities, and then hot rolling it to prepare a hot-rolled steel sheet;annealing the hot-rolled steel sheet;after the hot-rolled steel sheet is annealed, cooling the hot-rolled steel sheet, and then cold rolling it to prepare a cold-rolled steel sheet;decarburization-annealing the cold-rolled steel sheet and then nitriding-annealing it, or simultaneously performing the decarburization-annealing and the nitriding-annealing; andfinal-annealing the decarburization-annealed and nitriding-annealed steel sheet,wherein the annealing of the hot-rolled steel sheet includes heating the steel sheet, primary-soaking the heated steel sheet, cooling the primary-soaked steel sheet and then secondary- ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002748A1

Disclosed is an alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy from which sintered parts that do not contain expensive Ni, or Cr or Mn susceptible to oxidation, that have excellent compressibility, and that have high strength in an as-sintered state can be obtained. The alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy has: a chemical composition containing Mo: 0.5 mass % to 2.0 mass % and Cu: 1.0 mass % to 8.0 mass %, with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities; and a microstructure in which an FCC phase is present at a volume fraction of 0.5% to 10.0%. 1. An alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy comprising:a chemical composition containing Mo: 0.5 mass % to 2.0 mass %, and Cu: 1.0 mass % to 8.0 mass %, with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities; anda microstructure in which an FCC phase is present at a volume fraction of 0.5% to 10.0%.2. An iron-based mixed powder for powder metallurgy , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy as recited in ; and'}a graphite powder in an amount of 0.2 mass % to 1.2 mass % with respect to a total amount of the iron-based mixed powder for powder metallurgy.3. The iron-based mixed powder for powder metallurgy according to claim 2 , further comprising a Cu powder in an amount of 0.5 mass % to 4.0 mass % with respect to a total amount of the iron-based mixed powder for powder metallurgy. This disclosure relates to an alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy, and, in particular, to an alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy having excellent compressibility from which sintered parts having high strength in an as-sintered state can be obtained. This disclosure also relates to an iron-based mixed powder for powder metallurgy containing the above-described alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy.Powder metallurgical technology enables manufacture of complicated-shape parts with dimensions very close to the products' shapes (i.e., near net shapes). This ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010173A1

A process for fabricating a steel sheet is provided. The process includes soaking a steel sheet. The steel has a composition including iron, carbon, manganese, silicon, aluminum, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen and at least one metallic element X chosen among vanadium, titanium, niobium, molybdenum, and chromium. A quantity Xof metallic element under the form of carbides, nitrides or carbonitrides is, by weight: 1. A process for fabricating a steel sheet , comprising: [{'br': None, '0.35≦C≦1.05%;'}, {'br': None, '15%≦Mn≦26%;'}, {'br': None, 'Si≦3%;'}, {'br': None, 'Al≦0.050%;'}, {'br': None, 'S≦0.030%;'}, {'br': None, 'P≦0.080%;'}, {'br': None, 'N≦0.1%;'}], 'soaking a steel sheet, comprising a steel with a composition comprising Fe, and by weight [{'br': None, '0.050%≦V≦0.50%,'}, {'br': None, '0.040%≦Ti≦0.50%,'}, {'br': None, '0.070%≦Nb≦0.50%,'}, {'br': None, '0.14%≦Mo≦2%; and'}, {'br': None, '0.070%≦Cr≦2%;'}], 'at least one metallic element X chosen among vanadium, titanium, niobium, molybdenum, and chromium, in a percentage as follows{'sub': 'p', 'claim-text': [{'br': None, 'sub': 'p', '0.030%≦V≦0.40%'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 'p', '0.030%≦Ti≦0.50%'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 'p≦', '0.040%≦Nb0.40%'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 'p', '0.14%≦Mo≦0.44%'}, {'br': None, 'sub': 'p', '0.070%≦Cr≦0.6%,'}], 'wherein a quantity Xof metallic element under the form of carbides, nitrides or carbonitrides is, by weightunder a pure nitrogen or argon atmosphere with a dew point lower than −30° C. at a soaking temperature θ comprised between 250 and 900° C., with a dynamic circulation of a regenerated atmosphere.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet comprises a Zn or Zn—Y alloy coating claim 1 , wherein element Y is at least one element selected from the group consisting of consisting of Ni claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , and Mg and wherein the temperature and time of the soaking satisfy θ(° C.)Ln(t(s))≧2200.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein θ (° C.)Ln(t(s))≧2450.4. The process of claim 2 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Iron-carbon-manganese austenitic steel sheet with excellent resistance to delayed cracking

Номер: US20160010187A1

An austenitic steel sheet excellent in resistance to delayed cracking is provided. The composition of said steel comprises in weight: 0.35%≦C≦1.05% 15%≦Mn≦26% Si≦3% Al≦0.050% S≦0.030% P≦0.080% N≦0.1%, at least one metallic element X chosen among vanadium, titanium, niobium, molybdenum, chromium 0.050%≦V≦0.50%, 0.040%≦Ti≦0.50% 0.070%≦Nb≦0.50% 0.14%≦Mo≦2% 0.070%≦Cr≦2%. The composition may optionally include B, Ni and/or Cu. The remainder of the composition includes iron and unavoidable impurities inherent to fabrication, including hydrogen. The quantity Xp of the at least one metallic element under the form of carbides, nitrides or carbonitrides is, in weight: 0.030%≦Vp≦0.40% 0.030%≦Tip≦0.50% 0.040%≦Nbp≦0.40% 0.14%≦Mop≦0.44% 0.070%≦Crp≦0.6%. The hydrogen content Hmax designating the maximal hydrogen content that can be measured from a series of at least five specimens, and the quantity Xp, in weight, is such that: 1000  H max X P ≤ 3.3 .

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010207A1

Disclosed herein is a high-strength plated steel sheet containing an internal oxidized layer, a soft layer including the internal oxidized layer, and a hard layer including a structure having metallic structure containing a low-temperature-transformation produced phase in a proportion of 70% or more by area of the whole of the metallic structure, in which polygonal ferrite is in a proportion of 0% or more by area, and 10% or less by area of the same, and retained austenite is in a proportion of 5% or more by volume of the same. The high-strength plated steel sheet satisfies the average depth D of the soft layer is 20 μm or more, the average depth d of the internal oxidized layer is 4 μm or more and less than D, and a tensile strength of 980 MPa or more. 1: A high-strength plated steel sheet having a hot-dip galvanized layer or a hot-dip galvannealed layer on a surface of a base steel sheet , the base steel sheet comprising , in % by mass:C: 0.10 to 0.5%,Si: 1 to 3%,Mn: 1.5 to 8%,Al: 0.005 to 3%,P: more than 0% to 0.1% or less,S: more than 0% to 0.05% or less, andN: more than 0% to 0.01% or less,wherein: an internal oxidized layer comprising at least one an oxide selected from the group consisting of Si and Mn,', 'a soft layer comprising the internal oxidized layer, and having a Vickers hardness of 90% or less of a Vickers hardness of a portion of t/4 of the base steel sheet where “t” is a sheet thickness of the base steel sheet, and', 'a hard layer comprising a structure having metallic structure which comprises, when the metallic structure is observed through a scanning electron microscope, a low-temperature-transformation produced phase in a proportion of 70% or more by area of the whole of the metallic structure, and polygonal ferrite in a proportion of 0 to 10% by area of the whole of the metallic structure;, 'the plated steel sheet sequentially comprises, from an interface between the base steel sheet and the galvanized layer or galvannealed layer toward the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010220A1

The invention relates to a hot-rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength of greater than 1200 MPa, an R/Rratio of less than 0.75 and an elongation at break of greater than %, the composition of which contains, the contents being expressed by weight: 0.10%≦C≦0.25%; 1%≦Mn≦3%; Al≧0.015%; Si≦1.985%; Mo≦0.30%; Cr≦1.5%; S≦0.015%; P≦0.1%; Co≦1.5%; B≦0.005%; it being understood that 1%≦Si+Al≦2%; Cr +(3×Mo)≦0.3%, the balance of the composition consisting of iron and inevitable impurities resulting from the smelting, the microstructure of the steel consisting of at least 75% bainite, residual austenite in an amount equal to or greater than 5% and martensite in an amount equal to or greater than 2%. 1. A process for manufacturing a hot-rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength of greater than 1200 MPa , an R/Rratio of less than 0.75 and an elongation at break of greater than 10% , the process comprising the steps of: 0.10%≦C≦0.25%;', '1%≦Mn≦3%;', 'Al≧0.015%;', 'Si≦1.985%;', 'Mo≦0.30%;', '0.3%≦Cr≦1.5%;', 'S≦0.015%;', 'P≦0.1%;', 'Co≦1.5%;', 'B≦0.005%;', 'wherein 1%≦Si+Al≦2% and Cr+(3×Mo)≧0.3%, and', 'a balance of the steel composition includes iron and inevitable impurities resulting from smelting;, 'supplying a steel composition comprising, the contents being expressed by weightcasting a semi-finished product from the steel composition;heating said semi-finished product to a temperature above 1150° C.;hot-rolling said semi-finished product in a temperature range in which the microstructure of the steel is entirely austenitic; then{'sub': DR', 'FR', 'R', 'DR', 'FR', 'FR', 'S', 'S', 's', 's', 's, 'cooling the sheet thus obtained from a temperature Tlying above Ar3 down to a transformation temperature Tin such a way that the primary cooling rate Vbetween Tand Tis between 50 and 90° C./s and the temperature Tis between B′and M+50° C., B′denoting a temperature defined relative to the bainite transformation start temperature B, and Mdenoting the martensite transformation start ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010116A1

The present invention relates to a steel composition comprising, in percentages by weight of the total composition: 1. A steel composition comprising , in percentages by weight of the total composition:Carbon: 0.06-0.20;Chromium: 2.5-5.0;Molybdenum: 4.0-6.0;Tungsten: 0.01-3.0;Vanadium: 1.0-3.0;Nickel: 2.0-4.0;Cobalt: 9.0-12.5;Iron: remainderas well as the inevitable impurities,optionally further comprising one or more of the following elements:Niobium: ≤2.0;Nitrogen: ≤0.50;Silicon: ≤0.70;Manganese: ≤0.70;Aluminum: ≤0.15;the combined niobium+vanadium content being in the range 1.0-3.5;{'b': '30', 'and the carbon nitrogen content being in the range 0.06-0.50.'}2. The steel composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , in percentages by weight of the total composition:Carbon: 0.06-0.20;Chromium: 3.0-4.5;Molybdenum: 4.0-6.0;Tungsten 0.01-3.0;Vanadium: 1.5-2.5;Nickel: 2.0-4.0;Cobalt: 9.5-12.5;Iron: remainderas well as the inevitable impurities,optionally further comprising one or more of the following elements:Niobium: ≤2.0;Nitrogen: ≤0.20;Silicon: ≤0.70;Manganese: ≤0.70;Aluminum: ≤0.10;the combined niobium+vanadium content being in the range 1.0-3.5;and the carbon+nitrogen content being in the range 0.06-0.50.3. The steel composition as claimed in claim 1 , comprising at most 1 wt % of inevitable impurities.4. The steel composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the inevitable impurities are selected from titanium claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , copper claim 1 , tin claim 1 , lead claim 1 , oxygen and mixtures thereof.5. The steel composition as claimed in claim 1 , which is carburizable and/or nitridable.6. The steel composition as claimed in claim 1 , which has claim 1 , after a thermochemical treatment claim 1 , followed by a heat treatment claim 1 , a surface hardness above 67 HRC.7. The steel composition as claimed in claim 1 , which has claim 1 , after a thermochemical treatment claim 1 , followed by a heat treatment claim 1 , a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

High Silicon Bearing Dual Phase Steels With Improved Ductility and Method

Номер: US20190010585A1

A dual phase steel sheet is provided. The steel sheet has a microstructure containing ferrite and tempered martensite, a tensile strength of at least 980 MPa, a total elongation of at least 15%, and a hole expansion ratio of at least 15%. The dual phase steel sheet has a composition including 0.2 to 0.3 wt. % C, 1.6 to 2.5 wt. % Si and 1.75 to 2.5 wt. % Mn. A method for producing the dual phase steel sheet is also provided. 1. A dual phase steel sheet comprising:a microstructure including ferrite and tempered martensite;a tensile strength of at least 980 MPa, a total elongation of at least 15% and a hole expansion ratio of at least 15%; and 0.1 to 0.3 wt. % C;', '1.5 to 2.5 wt. % Si; and', '1.75 to 2.5 wt. % Mn., 'a composition including2. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet has at total elongation of at least 18%.3. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet has a tensile strength of at least 1180 MPa.4. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the composition includes from 0.14 to 0.21 wt. % C.5. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 4 , wherein the composition includes less than 0.19 wt. % C.6. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 4 , wherein the composition includes about 0.15 wt. % C.7. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the composition includes from 1.8 to 2.2 wt. % Mn.8. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , further comprising:from 0.05 to 1 wt. % Al.9. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 8 , further comprising:from 0.005 to 0.1 wt. % total of one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Nb, Ti, and V.10. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , further comprising:from 0 to 0.3 wt. % Mo.11. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet has a hole expansion ratio of at least 20%.12. The dual phase steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein the steel sheet has a hole expansion ratio of at least 25%.13. A method for producing a dual phase steel sheet comprising the steps of: ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Iron-based multi-phase environmentally-friendly hydrogen storage material

Номер: US20200010939A1
Автор: Huang Qian

The invention provides an iron-based multi-phase environmentally-friendly hydrogen storage material, which is prepared by the following method: the Ti, V, Fe, Zr, Ce and Gd metal raw materials are weighed according to a preset chemical formula; then the Ti, V, Fe, Zr, Ce and Gd metal raw materials are vacuum smelted to obtain the first TiVFe alloy ingots; then perform the first heat treatment for the first TiVFe alloy ingots; after the first heat treatment, the first TiVFe alloy ingots are subjected to the first rolling to obtain the second TiVFe alloy ingots; then the second heat treatment is performed on the second TiVFe alloy ingots; and after the second heat treatment, the second TiVFe alloy ingots are subjected to the second rolling to obtain the third TiVFe alloy ingots; and the third TiVFe alloy ingots are then subjected to a third heat treatment. 1. An iron-based multi-phase environmentally-friendly hydrogen storage material , characterized in that: the iron-based multi-phase environmentally-friendly hydrogen storage material is prepared by the following method:Provide Ti, V, Fe, Zr, Ce, and Gd metal raw materials;The Ti, V, Fe, Zr, Ce, and Gd metal materials are weighed according to a preset chemical formula;After weighing, the Ti, V, Fe, Zr, Ce, and Gd metal raw materials are vacuum smelted to obtain the first TiVFe alloy ingots;Perform a first heat treatment on the first TiVFe alloy ingots;Perform a first rolling on the first TiVFe alloy ingots after the first heat treatment to obtain the second TiVFe alloy ingots;Perform a second heat treatment on the second TiVFe alloy ingots;Perform a second rolling on the second TiVFe alloy ingots after the second heat treatment to obtain the third TiVFe alloy ingots;The third TiVFe alloy ingots is then subjected to a third heat treatment.2. The iron-based multi-phase environmentally-friendly hydrogen storage material mentioned in claim 1 , characterized in that: in this patent claim 1 , the preset chemical formula is ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011846A1
Автор: Petzold Jörg

A magnet core for low-frequency applications and method for producing a magnet core for low-frequency applications is provided. The magnet core is made of a spiral-wound, soft-magnetic, nanocrystalline strip. The strip essentially has the alloy composition FeCoCuNbSiBC, wherein a, b, c, d, e and f are stated in atomic percent and 0≦a≦1; 0.7≦b≦1.4; 2.5≦c≦3.5; 14.5≦d≦16.5; 5.5≦e≦8 and 0≦f≦1, and cobalt may wholly or partially be replaced by nickel. The magnet core has a saturation magnetostriction λof λ<2 ppm, a starting permeability μof μ>100 000 and a maximum permeability μof μ>400 000. In addition, a sealing metal oxide coating is provided on the surfaces of the strip. 1. A method for producing a magnet core for low-frequency applications from a spiral-wound , soft-magnetic , nanocrystalline strip , the strip essentially having the alloy composition FeCoCuNbSiBC , wherein a , b , c , d , e and f are stated in atomic percent and 0≦a≦1; 0.7≦b≦1.4; 2.5≦c≦3.5; 14.5≦d≦16.5; 5.5≦e≦8 and 0≦f≦1 , and cobalt may wholly or partially be replaced by nickel , wherein the strip is provided with a coating with a metal oxide solution and/or an acetyl-acetone-chelate complex with a metal , which coating forms a sealing metal oxide coating during a subsequent heat treatment for the nanocrystallisation of the strip , and wherein , in the heat treatment for the nanocrystallisation of the strip , a saturation magnetostriction λof |λ|<2 ppm is set.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein an element selected from the group of Mg claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Be claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , V claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Nd claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , further elements of the 2and 3main groups and of the group of rare earth metals is used as a metal for the coating.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a saturation magnetostriction λof |λ|<1 ppm claim 1 , preferably |λ|<0.5 ppm claim 1 , is set in the heat treatment process.4. The method according to claim 1 , ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012934A1

Provided are: a sintered body that forms a rare-earth magnet and is configured in a manner such that the divergence between the orientation angles of the easy axes of magnetization of magnet material particles and the orientation axis angle of the magnet material particles is kept within a prescribed range in an arbitrary micro-section of a magnet cross-section; and a rare-earth sintered magnet. This sintered body for forming a rare-earth magnet has two or more different regions exhibiting an orientation axis angle of at least 20°, given that the orientation axis angle is defined as the highest-frequency orientation angle among the orientation angles of the easy magnetization axes, relative to a pre-set reference line, of a plurality of magnet material particles in a rectangular section at an arbitrary position in a plane including the thickness direction and the widthwise direction. 1the sintered body being of a parallelepiped three dimensional shape which has a lengthwise dimension in a lengthwise direction, a thickness dimension defined between a first surface and a second surface in a thickness direction in a section perpendicular to the lengthwise direction, and a cross-thickness dimension taken in a cross-thickness direction which is perpendicular to the thickness direction;said sintered body further having at least two regions respectively having defined axis orientation angles different each other by 20° or more, the defined axis orientation angle being defined as a most frequently appearing orientation angle with respect to a predefined reference line, among orientation angles of a plurality of magnet material particles contained in an area of a square shape having a dimension of each side of 35 μm in any position in a plane containing said thickness direction and said cross-thickness direction;wherein in each said area of square shape, an angular deviation of the orientation angle of each easy magnetization axis of each magnet material particle with ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Cold work tool steel

Номер: US20170016099A1
Принадлежит: UDDEHOLMS AB

The invention relates cold work tool steel. The steel includes the following main components (in wt. %): C 2.2-2.4, Si 0.1-0.55, Mn 0.2-0.8, Cr 4.1-5.1, Mo 3.1-4.5, V 7.2-8.5, balance optional elements, iron and impurities.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

High-strength hollow steel pipe material having enhanced corrosion resistance

Номер: US20170016100A1
Автор: Dong-Lim SEO
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

Disclosed is a high-strength hollow steel pipe material. The high-strength hollow steel pipe material includes Fe as a main ingredient, 0.30 to 0.40% by weight of C, 0.10 to 0.40% by weight of Si, 1.10 to 1.60% by weight of Mn, 0.20 to 0.40% by weight of Cr, 0.50 to 1.00% by weight of Ni and 0.001 to 0.005% by weight of B, the high-strength hollow steel pipe material having increased material corrosion fatigue life, compared to conventional steel pipe materials, by enhancing elongation and corrosion resistance while reinforcing strength through increase of the amounts of C and Ni conventionally added and addition of Nb and Mo as new materials.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016656A1

A steel sheet has a microstructure that contains ferrite in an area ratio of 20% or more, martensite in an area ratio of 5% or more, and tempered martensite in an area ratio of 5% or more. The ferrite has a mean grain size of 20.0 μm or less. An inverse intensity ratio of γ-fiber to α-fiber in the ferrite is 1.00 or more and an inverse intensity ratio of γ-fiber to α-fiber in the martensite and the tempered martensite is 1.00 or more. 213-. (canceled)15. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the high-strength steel sheet is a cold-rolled steel sheet.16. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 14 , wherein the high-strength steel sheet is a cold-rolled steel sheet.17. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the high-strength steel sheet comprises a coating or plating on a surface thereof.18. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 14 , wherein the high-strength steel sheet comprises a coating or plating on a surface thereof.19. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 17 , wherein the coating or plating is a galvanized coating or plating.20. The high-strength steel sheet according to claim 18 , wherein the coating or plating is a galvanized coating or plating.21. A method for producing the high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'heating a steel slab comprising the chemical composition as recited in to a temperature range of 1150° C. to 1300° C.;'}subjecting the steel slab to hot rolling with a finisher delivery temperature from 850° C. to 1000° C. to obtain a hot-rolled steel sheet;subjecting the hot-rolled steel sheet to coiling in a temperature range of 500° C. to 800° C.;subjecting the hot-rolled steel sheet to cold rolling at a cold rolling reduction of 40% or more to obtain a cold-rolled steel sheet;subjecting the cold-rolled steel sheet to first heat treatment, whereby the cold-rolled steel sheet is heated to a ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017155A1
Автор: Kingston William R.

The present invention describes a novel martensitic steel with iron, nickel, boron, a carbide former, manganese, and carbon. The steel has substantially no cementite, substantially no interstitial carbon and substantially no interstitial nitrogen. There are ordered intermetallics dispersed in the iron and ordered intermetallics clustered at the dislocations. The present invention also describes a method of making high strength steel by alloying steel comprising iron and carbon with a strong carbide former, boron, and titanium, followed by heating the alloy steel to a sufficiently high temperature that the steel transitions to an austenitic, face centered cubic lattice phase and the strong carbide former removes substantially all of the carbon from the crystal lattice by forming a metal carbide other than iron carbide. The alloy steel is then quenched to a quench temperature with a quench faster than still air such that a body centered cubic lattice is formed by displacement, which forms ordered intermetallics in the alloy steel. 1. A martensitic steel comprising:a) iron, at least some of the iron having dislocations,b) less than 10% nickel,c) between 0.0001 and 0.01% boron,d) more than 0.01% carbide former,e) less than 10% manganese,f) carbon, andg) less than 7% of all other elements,wherein the steel has substantially no cementite, substantially no interstitial carbon and substantially no interstitial nitrogen, andwherein there are ordered intermetallics dispersed in the iron and ordered intermetallics clustered at the dislocations.2. The steel of wherein the carbide former comprises vanadium claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , niobium claim 1 , zirconium claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The steel of wherein the carbide former is titanium.4. The steel of claim 1 , further comprising more than 0.025% titanium.5. The steel of claim 1 , further comprising more than 0.05% titanium.6. The steel of claim 1 , further comprising more than 0.075% titanium.7. The steel of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220037068A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

A magnetic core includes a metal magnetic powder, which has a large size powder, an intermediate size powder, and a small size powder. A particle size of the large size powder is 10 μm or more and 60 μm or less. A particle size of the intermediate size powder is 2.0 μm or more and less than 10 μm. A particle size of the small size powder is 0.1 μm or more and less than 2.0 μm. The large size powder, the intermediate size powder, and the small size powder have an insulation coating. When A1 represents an average insulation coating thickness of the large size powder, A2 represents an average insulation coating thickness of the intermediate size powder, A3 represents an average insulation coating thickness of the small size powder, A3 is 30 nm or more and 100 nm or less, A3/A1≥1.3, and A3/A2≥1.0. 1. A magnetic core comprising a metal magnetic powder , in whichthe metal magnetic powder has a large size powder, an intermediate size powder, and a small size powder,a particle size of the large size powder is 10 μm or more and 60 μm or less,a particle size of the intermediate size powder is 2.0 μm or more and less than 10 μm,a particle size of the small size powder is 0.1 μm or more and less than 2.0 μm,the large size powder, the intermediate size powder, and the small size powder have an insulation coating, andwhen A1 represents an average insulation coating thickness of the large size powder, A2 represents an average insulation coating thickness of the intermediate size powder, A3 represents an average insulation coating thickness of the small size powder, A3 is 30 nm or more and 100 nm or less, A3/A1≥1.3 is satisfied, and A3/A2≥1.0 is satisfied, andwherein a ratio of the large size powder existing with respect to the metal magnetic powder is 39% or more and 86% or less in terms of an area ratio in a cross section of the magnetic core.2. The magnetic core according to claim 1 , wherein 10 nm≤A1≤77 nm and 10 nm≤A2≤100 nm are satisfied.3. The magnetic core according to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017636A1

There is provided a galvanized steel sheet more highly excellent in terms of punchability. The steel sheet has a specified chemical composition and a microstructure including a ferrite phase and a tempered bainite phase in a total amount of 95% or more in terms of area ratio, in which the average grain diameter of the microstructure is 5.0 μm or less, the amount of Fe precipitated is 0.10 mass % or more, the amount of Ti, Nb, and V precipitated in the form of precipitates having a grain diameter of less than 20 nm is 0.025 mass % or more in terms of precipitate C equivalent, and half or more of precipitates having a grain diameter of less than 20 nm are formed at random. 1. A galvanized steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising , by mass %:C: 0.08% to 0.20%,Si: 0.5% or less,Mn: 0.8% to 1.8%,P: 0.10% or less,S: 0.030% or less,Al: 0.10% or less,N: 0.010% or less, [{'br': None, 'C*=(Ti/48+Nb/93+V/51)×12 \u2003\u2003(1),'}, 'where, the atomic symbols in equation (1) respectively denote the contents by mass % of the corresponding elements, and, 'fat least one selected from the group consisting of Ti: 0.01% to 0.3%, Nb: 0.01% to 0.1%, and V: 0.01% to 1.0%, in which C* derived using equation (1) is 0.07 or morea balance of Fe and inevitable impurities,wherein the steel sheet has a microstructure including a ferrite phase and a tempered bainite phase in a total amount of 95% or more in terms of area ratio,an average grain diameter of the microstructure is 5.0 μm or less,an amount of Fe precipitated is 0.10 mass % or more, [{'br': None, '([Ti]/48+[Nb]/93 +[V]/51)×12 \u2003\u2003(2),'}, 'where, [Ti], [Nb], and [V] in equation (2) respectively denote the amounts by mass % of Ti, Nb, and V precipitated in the form of precipitates having a grain diameter of less than 20 nm, and, 'an amount of Ti, Nb, and V precipitated in a form of precipitates having a grain diameter of less than 20 nm is 0.025 mass % or more in terms of precipitate C equivalent derived using formula ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140103684A1

A vehicle collision energy absorbing member is excellent in collision energy absorbing performance in the axial direction upon collision. The vehicle collision energy absorbing member is formed of a high strength thin steel sheet having TS of at least 980 MPa and having an n-value and a limit bending radius Rc satisfying the following Formula: Rc/t≦1.31×ln(n)+5.21. 18.-. (canceled)9. A vehicle collision energy absorbing member formed by shaping a high strength thin steel sheet , {'br': None, 'i': Rc/t≦', 'n, '1.31×ln()+5.21\u2003\u2003(1);'}, 'wherein the high strength thin steel sheet has a tensile strength TS of at least 980 MPa, and has an n-value and a limit bending radius Rc satisfying Formula (1) belowwhereRc: limit bending radius (mm),t: sheet thickness (mm), andn: n-value obtained for a true strain is 5% to 10%.10. A vehicle collision energy absorbing member formed by shaping a high strength thin steel sheet , {'br': None, 'i': Rc/t≦', 'n, '1.31×ln()+4.21\u2003\u2003(2);'}, 'wherein the high strength thin steel sheet has a tensile strength TS of at least 980 MPa, and has an n-value and a limit bending radius Rc satisfying Formula (2) belowwhereRc: limit bending radius (mm),t: sheet thickness (mm), andn: n-value obtained for a true strain is 5% to 10%.11. The member according to claim 9 , C: 0.14% to 0.30%;', 'Si: 0.01% to 1.6%;', 'Mn: 3.5% to 10%;', 'P: 0.060% or less;', 'S: 0.0050% or less;', 'Al: 0.01% to 1.5%;', 'N: 0.0060% or less;', 'Nb: 0.01% to 0.10%; and', 'the balance being Fe and incidental impurities,, 'wherein the high strength thin steel sheet includes a chemical composition containing, by mass %wherein the high strength steel sheet has a microstructure including a ferrite phase by 30% to 70% in volume fraction with respect to the entire microstructure and a secondary phase other than the ferrite phase, the ferrite phase having an average grain size of 1.0 μm or smaller, the secondary phase at least containing a retained austenite phase by at ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023274A1

Provided is a gear () (machine part), including a sintered compact obtained by sintering a green compact of raw material powder () that contains as a main raw material iron-based alloy powder containing molybdenum and has 0.1 to 0.8 mass % of carbon powder blended therein, the gear () (machine part) including a hardened layer () formed through heat treatment after the sintering, and having a true density ratio of 97% or more and less than 100%. 15-. (canceled)6. A method of manufacturing a machine part comprising a sintered compact having a true density ratio of 97% or more and less than 100% , the method comprising:a compression molding step of compression molding raw material powder that contains as a main raw material iron-based alloy powder containing molybdenum and has 0.1 to 0.8 mass % of carbon powder blended therein, in a mold to obtain a green compact;a sintering step of heating the green compact at a temperature equal to or higher than a sintering temperature of the iron-based alloy powder to obtain a sintered compact; anda heat treatment step of subjecting the sintered compact to heat treatment to form a hardened layer.7. The method of manufacturing a machine part according to claim 6 , wherein the compression molding step comprises compression molding the raw material powder in a state in which a solid lubricant adheres to a molding surface of the mold.8. The method of manufacturing a machine part according to claim 6 , wherein the raw material powder to be used has a solid lubricant added thereto.9. The method of manufacturing a machine part according to claim 7 , wherein the compression molding of the raw material powder is performed in a state in which the mold is heated.10. The method of manufacturing a machine part according to claim 6 , further comprising a plastic processing step of subjecting the sintered compact to plastic processing between the sintering step and the heat treatment step.11. The method of manufacturing a machine part according ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024621A1

Disclosed herein are embodiments of hardfacing alloys which can be resistant to hot tearing and cracking. In doing so, the hardfacing alloys can meet certain thermodynamic, microstructural, and performance criteria. For example, embodiments of the alloy have a martensitic matrix embedded with isolated carbides and/or borides. Further, in some embodiments the hardfacing alloys can also have high levels of macro-hardness. 1. A hardfacing layer comprising:a microstructure which contains below 5 volume % grain boundary carbides, and contains at least 5 volume % Ti and/or Nb carbides;wherein the hardfacing layer and/or a feedstock welding material used to form the hardfacing layer comprises a macro-hardness of at least 50 HRC; and Nb+Ti: 2.5 to 3.5; and', 'C: 0.75 to 1.2., 'wherein the hardfacing layer and/or the feedstock welding material comprises Fe and in weight percent2. The hardfacing layer of claim 1 , wherein the hardfacing layer and/or the feedstock welding material comprises Fe and claim 1 , in weight percent claim 1 , Nb+Ti+V: 2.5 to 3.5.3. The hardfacing layer of claim 1 , wherein the hardfacing layer comprises:high abrasion resistance as defined by an ASTM G65A mass loss of less than 1 gram;at least 50% martensite;a melt range of 60K or below;below 5 mole % grain boundary carbides; andat least 5 mole % Ti and/or Nb carbides.4. A work piece having at least a portion of its surface covered by a substrate layer comprising:a microstructure which contains below 5 volume % grain boundary carbides, and contains at least 5 volume % Ti and/or Nb carbides; andwherein the substrate layer and/or a feedstock welding material used to form the substrate layer comprises a macro-hardness of at least 50 HRC;wherein the substrate layer and/or the feedstock welding material comprises a melt range of 60K or below.5. The work piece of claim 4 , wherein the substrate layer and/or the feedstock welding material comprises Fe and claim 4 , in weight percent:Nb+Ti: 2.5 to 3.5; andC: 0 ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024628A1

Disclosed are embodiments of Fe-based alloys for use as a hardfacing material having high hardness while avoiding the use of chromium. The alloys can be twin arc or thermally sprayed as coatings on different types of equipment. In some embodiments, the alloys can be readable even after heating of the alloys. 1. A work piece having at least one surface , the work piece comprising:a coating applied to the at least one surface, the coating comprising an Fe-based alloy having substantially no chromium, having substantially no carbides, and having substantially no borides;wherein the alloy comprises a Vickers hardness of at least 500 and an adhesion strength of at least 5,000 psi.2. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises Fe and claim 1 , in weight percent:B: about 0-4;C: about 0-0.25;Si: about 0-15;Mn: about 0 to 25;Mo: about 0-29;Nb: about 0-2;Ta: about 0-4;Ti: about 0-4;V: about 0-10;W: about 0-6;Zr: about 0-10;wherein B+C+Si is about 4-15; andwherein (Mo+Mn+Nb+Ta+Ti+V+W+Zr) is about 5 to 38.3. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises Fe and in weight percent:C: about 0 to 0.25;Mn: about 5 to 19;Mo: about 7 to 23;Ni: about 0 to 4; andSi: about 5 to 10.4. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises one or more of the following compositions in weight percent:Fe, Mn: about 5, Mo: about 13, Si: about 10, Al: about 2; orFe, Mn: about 5, Mo: about 7, Si: about 10, Al: about 2.5. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating is non-magnetic and the coating thickness can be accurately measured with an Elcometer™ thickness gauge or similar device after it has been exposed to temperatures exceeding about 1100 K for 2 hours or more and then slow cooled at a rate of 10K/s or less.6. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating is amorphous.7. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating is nanocrystalline claim 1 , as defined by having a grain size of 100 nm or less.8. The work piece of claim 1 , wherein the coating is ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022736A1

A process of casting an article includes an iron alloy being heated to a pour temperature of between 1460° C. and 1650° C. and a fluidity length of greater than 23 millimeters to form a melt. The melt is poured into a mold and allowed to solidify to the article. The article is then removed from the mold. A process of forging an article is also provided that includes an iron alloy workpiece being heated to a temperature of between 600° C. and 1200° C. The heated workpiece is then placed into a die set and repeatedly struck with a forging die. The workpiece flows into the die cavity in response to the striking. The workpiece is then removed from the die cavity. The resulting articles and the alloy from which such articles are formed are also provided. 1. A process of casting an article comprising:heating an iron alloy to a pour temperature of between 1460° C. and 1650° C. and a fluidity length of greater than 23 millimeters to form a melt;pouring the melt into a mold;allowing the melt to solidify to the article; andremoving the article from the mold.2. A process of forging an article comprising:heating an iron alloy workpiece to a temperature of between 600° C. and 1200° C.;inserting the heated workpiece into a die set;repeatedly striking the workpiece with a forging die;allowing the workpiece flow into the die cavity; andremoving the workpiece from the die cavity.3. The process of wherein the mold has a minimal interior dimension reflected in the article of between 1 and 5 millimeters.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The process of wherein the pour temperature is between 1460° C. and 1650° C.7. The process of wherein the alloy composition is about 90% Fe claim 1 , 0.1-2.0% C claim 1 , 1.5-5% Si claim 1 , 0.1-0.6% Mn claim 1 , 0.1-2% Cu claim 1 , 0.5-5% Ni claim 1 , 0.01-1% Mo claim 1 , with the remainder being trace elements and a liquidus temperature (T) of less than 1515° C.8. The process of wherein Tis 1536-K(% C)-8(% Si)-5(% Mn)-30(% P)-25(% S)-1.7(% Al)-5(% Cu)-1.5 ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042157A1

A soft magnetic material that is sheet-shaped or foil-shaped and has a high saturation magnetic flux density, contains iron, carbon, and nitrogen, and includes a martensite containing carbon and nitrogen, and γ-Fe, wherein the γ-Fe includes a nitrogen-containing phase. The soft magnetic material is produced by steps of heating an iron-based material that is sheet-shaped or foil-shaped, carburizing the iron-based material with a carburizing gas, dispersing a granular carbide in α-Fe in the iron-based material at a temperature equal to or lower than a eutectoid temperature, transforming the α-Fe into γ-Fe at a temperature higher than the eutectoid temperature, diffusing nitrogen into the γ-Fe using a nitrogen supply gas to form γ-Fe—N—C, and rapidly heating and then rapidly cooling the γ-Fe—N—C to transform the γ-Fe—N—C into a martensite. The result is a thermally stable soft magnetic material having a saturation magnetic flux density higher than that of pure iron. 1. A soft magnetic material that is sheet-shaped or foil-shaped , the soft magnetic material comprising:iron, carbon, and nitrogen; anda martensite containing carbon and nitrogen, and γ-Fe,wherein the γ-Fe includes a face-centered cubic crystal containing nitrogen.2. (canceled)3. The soft magnetic material according to claim 1 , wherein a volume fraction of the face-centered cubic crystal is 1 vol % or more and lower than a volume fraction of the martensite.4. The soft magnetic material according to claim 3 , wherein the volume fraction of the face-centered cubic crystal is 1 vol % or more and 20 vol % or less.5. The soft magnetic material according to claim 1 , wherein the martensite includes a body-centered cubic crystal and a body-centered tetragonal crystal.6. The soft magnetic material according to claim 1 , having an average carbon concentration of 0.45 mass % or more and 1.12 mass % or less claim 1 , and an average nitrogen concentration of 0.4 mass % or more and 1.2 mass % or less.7. The soft ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027597A1
Автор: Liu Cheng, RANA Radhakanta

This invention relates to a high strength bake-hardenable low density steel and to a method for producing said the steel. 2. The steel according to wherein C_solute is at most 0.0050 (50 ppm).3. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein Mn is at least 0.1%.4. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein Al is at least 6% and/or at most 9%.5. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein C_total is at least 0.0010% (10 ppm).6. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein C_solute is at least 0.0010% (10 ppm) and/or at most 0.0040% (40 ppm).7. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein N is at most 0.005% (50 ppm).8. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein Si is at most 0.2%.9. The steel according to claim 1 , wherein the specific density of the steel is between 6800 and 7300 kg/m3.10. A method for producing a ferritic steel strip according to comprising the steps of: continuous casting, or', 'by thin slab casting, or', 'by belt casting, or', 'by strip casting;, 'providing a steel slab or thick strip byoptionally followed by reheating the steel slab or strip at a reheating temperature of at most 1250° C.;hot rolling the slab or thick strip and finishing the hot-rolling process at a hot rolling finishing temperature of at least 850° C. to form a hot rolled ferritic strip;coiling the hot-rolled strip at a coiling temperature of between 550 and 750° C.11. The method according to claim 10 , wherein the hot-rolled strip carbon is reheated in:a continuous annealing step, optionally followed by hot-dip galvanising followed by fast cooling, ora heat-to-coat step, followed by hot-dip galvanising and fast cooling.12. A method for producing the ferritic steel strip comprising the steps of{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00010', 'claim 10'}, 'cold-rolling the hot rolled ferritic steel strip of at a cold-rolling reduction of from 40 to 90% to produce a cold-rolled strip;'}annealing the cold-rolled strip in a continuous annealing process with a peak metal temperature of between 700 and 900° C.; ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Steel Alloy and Method for Heat Treating Steel Alloy Components

Номер: US20200024680A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A steel alloy including, by weight percent: Ni: 18 to 19%; Co: 11.5 to 12.5%; Mo: 4.6 to 5.2%; Ti: 1.3 to 1.6%; Al: 0.05 to 0.15%; Nb: 0.15 to 0.30%; B: 0.003 to 0.020%; Cr: max 0.25%; Mn: max 0.1%; Si: max 0.1%; C: max 0.03%; P: max 0.005%; and S: max 0.002%, the balance being iron plus incidental impurities. 1. A steel alloy comprising , by weight percent:Ni: 18 to 19%;Co: 11.5 to 12.5%;Mo: 4.6 to 5.2%;Ti: 1.3 to 1.6%;Al: 0.05 to 0.15%;Nb: 0.15 to 0.30%;B: 0.003 to 0.020%;Cr: max 0.25%;Mn: max 0.1%;Si: max 0.1%;C: max 0.03%;P: max 0.005%; andS: max 0.002%,the balance being iron plus incidental impurities.2. The steel alloy of wherein the Nb content is in a range of 0.15 to 0.20 weight percent.3. The steel alloy of wherein the Nb content is in a range of 0.20 to 0.25 weight percent.4. The steel alloy of wherein the Nb content is in a range of 0.25 to 0.30 weight percent.5. The steel alloy of wherein the B content is in a range of 0.003 to 0.005 weight percent.6. The steel alloy of wherein the B content is in a range of 0.005 to 0.010 weight percent.7. The steel alloy of wherein the B content is in a range of 0.010 to 0.015 weight percent.8. The steel alloy of wherein the B content is in a range of 0.015 to 0.020 weight percent.9. The steel alloy of having an ultimate tensile strength of at least about 190 ksi.10. The steel alloy of having a Kfracture toughness of at least about 70 ksi-in.11. The steel alloy of having a hardness of at least about 56 HRC.12. A powder formed from the steel alloy of .13. A wire formed from the steel alloy of .14. A component formed from the steel alloy of .15. The component of wherein the component is an aircraft component.16. The component of wherein the component is a helicopter component.17. The component of wherein the component is one of a drive system component claim 14 , a shaft and a gear.18. A method for heat treating a steel alloy component claim 14 , the method comprising: Ni: 18 to 19%;', 'Co: 11.5 to 12.5%;', 'Mo: 4.6 to 5 ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200024707A1

A thin gauge wear-resistant steel sheet, including the following chemical elements expressed in percentage by weight: 0.15-0.20 wt. % of carbon; 1.2-1.8 wt. % of manganese; 0.1-0.40 wt. % of copper; 0.15-0.30 wt. % of molybdenum; 0.20-0.40 wt. % of chromium; 0.03-0.06 wt. % of niobium; 0.01-0.03 wt. % of titanium; 0.0006-0.0015 wt. % boron; less than 0.015 wt. % of phosphorus; less than 0.010 wt. % of sulphur; and the balance being ferrum and unavoidable impurities, wherein the thickness of the steel sheet is in a range of 3.0 to 8 mm. 1. A thin gauge wear-resistant steel sheet , comprising the following chemical elements in percentage by weight: 0.15-0.20 wt. % of carbon; 1.2-1.8 wt. % of manganese; 0.1-0.40 wt. % of copper; 0.15-0.30 wt. % of molybdenum; 0.20-0.40 wt. % of chromium; 0.03-0.06 wt. % of niobium; 0.01-0.03 wt. % of titanium; 0.0006-0.0015 wt. % boron; less than 0.015 wt. % of phosphorus; less than 0.010 wt. % of sulphur; with a balance being ferrum and unavoidable impurities , wherein the thickness of the steel sheet is in a range of 3.0 to 8 mm.2. The thin gauge wear-resistant steel sheet of claim 1 , wherein a surface Brinell hardness of the steel sheet is greater than or equal to 370 HBW; and/or a tensile strength of the steel sheet is greater than or equal to 1200 MPa claim 1 , and a broken extension rate A50 of the steel sheet is greater than or equal to 10%.3. A method of manufacturing the thin gauge wear-resistant steel sheet according to claim 1 , comprising steps of:S1, performing hot metal desulfurization and converter smelting and controlling the content of sulphur in the hot metal to be not less than or equal to 0.0030%, and a thickness of a slag layer to be not less than or equal to 50 mm in the hot metal;S2, performing converter tapping, and performing deoxidation and alloying using a ferrosilicon or silicon manganese alloy;S3, performing deoxidation and alloying by RH furnace refining;S4, performing ladle furnace, adding an aluminum ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Thermoelectric Conversion Material

Номер: US20180026171A1

Provided is a thermoelectric conversion material formed from a full Heusler alloy represented by the composition formula: Fe(TiM1)(AlM2). M1 represents at least one element selected from the group consisting of V, Nb and Ta, and M2 represents at least one element selected from the group consisting of Group 13 elements except for Al and Group 14 elements, α satisfies the relation: 0<α≦0.42, β satisfies the relation: 0≦β<0.75, and δ satisfies the relation: 0≦δ< 0.5. The valence electron concentration, VEC, satisfies the relation: 5.91≦VEC<6.16. 2. The thermoelectric conversion material according to claim 1 , wherein β satisfies the relation: 0≦β≦0.625.3. The thermoelectric conversion material according to claim 1 , wherein β satisfies the relation: 0<β<0.375.5. The thermoelectric conversion material according to claim 4 , wherein β satisfies the relation: 0≦β≦0.625.6. The thermoelectric conversion material according to claim 4 , wherein β satisfies the relation: 0<β<0.375.8. The thermoelectric conversion material according to claim 7 , wherein β satisfies the relation: 0<β<0.375. The present invention relates to a thermoelectric conversion material.In recent years, there is a demand for technical innovation for COreduction in relation to the phenomenon of global warming, and attention has been paid to new energy utilization technologies for suppressing the amount of use of energy resources. One of the candidate technologies is a technology involving the use of natural energy such as sunlight and wind power as energy sources, and another promising candidate technology is a technology of reutilizing the loss of energy resources.Under the current circumstances of energy utilization, about 60% of primary energy is dissipated as heat, and thus it is required to reutilize this industrial waste heat as electric power. Regarding the technology for converting waste heat to electric power, a conversion technology of using a turbine is generally used. However, in a region with a ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150028724A1
Автор: Meloy Rob, Summers Eric

A product, such as one or more thin sheets, each containing a single or near-single crystalline inclusion-containing magnetic microstructure, is provided. In one embodiment, the inclusion-containing magnetic microstructure is a Galfenol-carbide microstructure. Various methods and devices, as well as compositions, are also described. 1. A product comprising a single or near-single crystalline inclusion-containing magnetic microstructure comprising a Galfenol-carbide microstructure.2. The product of comprising one or more thin sheets.3. (canceled)4. The product of wherein an inclusion in the inclusion-containing magnetic microstructure is niobium carbide.5. The product of wherein an amount of NbC is included in the niobium carbide.6. The product of having an eta (η)-fiber texture greater than about 45.3 area % up to about 100 area % and a misorientation of less than about 30 degrees.7. The product of having a magnetostriction between about 200.1 ppm and about 400 ppm.8. The product of having a grain diameter in the rolling direction (RD)-transverse direction (TD) plane of at least about 10 mm and a thickness of no more than about 3 mm.9. The product of wherein the thickness is no more than about 0.381 mm.10. The product of having an operating frequency from about direct current (DC) to about 30 kHz.11. The product of wherein between about 230 and about 1400 ppmw of C (0.1 to 0.68 at %) is present and the AGG is moderate to strong.12. The product of comprising (Fe—Ga)(Nb)(C).13. The product of configured for use in a device comprising an actuator claim 9 , sensor or energy harvester.14. The product of wherein the energy harvester is a motor mount configured to convert motor vibrations from a motor into electrical energy.15. A method of making one or more thin sheets comprising:combining one or more form factor components with a dopant, a magnetic material, a magnetic material performance enhancer and a precipitate former to produce a melted alloy, wherein the dopant is ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Stator Magnetic Core Brushless Motor Apparatus, System and Methods

Номер: US20170033618A1
Автор: LIANG Hongxin

A stator magnetic core and manufacturing process thereof and brushless motor comprising the stator magnetic core, wherein the stator magnetic core is made of iron-based amorphous material containing Co and V, and the composition of the iron-based amorphous material by weight percentage is: Co 0.8-1.4%, V 0.6-1.2%, B 2.7-3.3%, Si 6.5-8%, and Fe for the rest. A brushless DC motor, comprising a rotor spindle, a front end cover, a housing, a stator magnetic core and a rear end cover, wherein the stator magnetic core is assembled inside the housing, a stator coil is disposed inside the stator magnetic core, and the stator magnetic core and the stator core don't contact each other and an insulating layer is formed between them. The stator magnetic core in the present invention is made of iron-based amorphous material containing Co and V. Through addition of Co and V elements, the stator magnetic core refines crystalline grain and raises material toughness. It not only overcomes the previous problem of difficult machining and shaping but also raises the efficiency of the brushless DC motor containing this stator magnetic core. It is a breakthrough process. 1. A stator magnetic core , comprising: an iron-based amorphous material comprising Co and V , wherein the composition of the iron-based amorphous material by weight percentage is Co 0.8-1.4% , V 0.6-1.2% , B 2.7-3.3% , Si 6.5-8% , and Fe for the rest.2. The stator magnetic core of claim 1 , wherein the iron-based amorphous material by weight percentage is about Co 1% claim 1 , V 0.8% claim 1 , B 3.2% claim 1 , Si 7.5% claim 1 , and Fe 87.5%.3. A manufacturing process of the stator magnetic core of claim 1 , wherein a vacuum heat treatment process of the stator magnetic core comprises steps for: raising a first temperature to 310° C.; holding the first temperature for 20-25 min at first; raising the first temperature to a second temperature at 345° C.; holding the second temperature for about 15-20 min; raising the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032365A1

A hot rolled steel sheet having a chemical composition consisting of, in mass %, C: 0.020-0.180%, Si: 0.05-1.70%, Mn: 0.50-2.50%, Al: 0.010-1.000%, N: 0.0060%, P≤0.050%, S≤0.005%, Ti: 0-0.150%, Nb: 0-0.100%, V: 0-0.300%, Cu: 0-2.00%, Ni: 0-2.00%, Cr: 0-2.00%, Mo: 0-1.00%, B: 0-0.0100%, Mg: 0-0.0100%, Ca: 0-0.0100%, REM: 0-0.1000%, Zr: 0-1.000%, Co: 0-1.000%, Zn: 0-1.000%, W: 0-1.000%, the balance: Fe and impurities, wherein a metal microstructure includes, in area %, at a position ¼ W or ¾ W from an end face of the steel sheet and ¼ t or ¾ t from a surface, martensite: more than 2%-10%, retained austenite <2%, bainite 40%, pearlite 2%, the balance: ferrite, an average circle-equivalent diameter of a metallic phase constituted of martensite/retained austenite is 1.0-5.0 μm, an average of minimum distances between adjacent metallic phases is 3 μm or more, and a standard deviation of nano hardness is 2.0 GPa or less. 1. A hot rolled steel sheet having a chemical composition consisting of , in mass % ,C: 0.020 to 0.180%,Si: 0.05 to 1.70%,Mn: 0.50 to 2.50%,Al: 0.010 to 1.000%,N: 0.0060% or less,P: 0.050% or less,S: 0.005% or less,Ti: 0 to 0.150%,Nb: 0 to 0.100%,V: 0 to 0.300%,Cu: 0 to 2.00%,Ni: 0 to 2.00%,Cr: 0 to 2.00%,Mo: 0 to 1.00%,B: 0 to 0.0100%,Mg: 0 to 0.0100%,Ca: 0 to 0.0100%,REM: 0 to 0.1000%,Zr: 0 to 1.000%,Co: 0 to 1.000%,Zn: 0 to 1.000%,W: 0 to 1.000%,Sn: 0 to 0.050%, andthe balance: Fe and impurities, whereinwhen a width and a thickness of the steel sheet in a cross section perpendicular to a rolling direction of the steel sheet are defined as W and t, respectively, a metal microstructure includes, in area %, at a position ¼ W or ¾ W from an end face of the steel sheet and ¼ t or ¾ t from a surface of the steel sheet,martensite: more than 2% to 10% or less,retained austenite: less than 2%,bainite: 40% or less,pearlite: 2% or less,the balance: ferritean average circle-equivalent diameter of a metallic phase constituted of martensite and/or retained austenite ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032718A1

A ferritic stainless steel sheet is provided that has a chemical composition consisting of, in mass %, C: 0.001 to 0.020%, Si: 0.02 to 1.50%, Mn: 0.02 to 1.50%, P: 0.01 to 0.05%, S: 0.0001 to 0.01%, Cr: 10.0 to 25.0%, Ti: 0.01 to 0.30%, N: 0.001 to 0.030%, and optional elements, with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities, wherein: a grain size number is 6 or more; the ferritic stainless steel sheet satisfies the formulas [A+B≥12.0/t], [X+Y≥12.0/(t−0.3)] and [(X+Y)−(A+B)≤5.0] with respect to crystal orientation intensities of a ferrite phase obtained by X-ray diffraction; and the sheet thickness is 1.0 mm or more. 1. A ferritic stainless steel sheet , comprising a chemical composition consisting of , in mass % ,C: 0.001 to 0.020%,Si: 0.02 to 1.50%,Mn: 0.02 to 1.50%,P: 0.01 to 0.05%,S: 0.0001 to 0.01%,Cr: 10.0 to 25.0%,Ti: 0.01 to 0.30%,N: 0.001 to 0.030%,Nb: 0 to less than 0.10%,Sn: 0 to 0.500%,Mg: 0 to 0.0100%,B: 0 to 0.0050%,V: 0 to 1.0%,Mo: 0 to 3.0%,W: 0 to 3.0%,Al: 0 to 0.5%,Cu: 0 to 2.0%,Zr: 0 to 0.30%,Co: 0 to 0.50%,Sb: 0 to 0.50%,REM: 0 to 0.05%,Ni: 0 to 2.0%,Ca: 0 to 0.0030%,Ta: 0 to 0.10%,Ga: 0 to 0.1%, andthe balance: Fe and unavoidable impurities,wherein:a grain size number is 6.0 or more,the ferritic stainless steel sheet satisfies formula (i), formula (ii) and formula (iii) described hereunder with respect to crystal orientation intensities of a ferrite phase obtained by X-ray diffraction, [{'br': None, 'i': A+B≥', 't, '12.0/\u2003\u2003(i)'}, {'br': None, 'i': X+Y≥', 't−, '12.0/(0.3)\u2003\u2003(ii)'}, {'br': None, 'i': X+Y', 'A+B, '()−()≤5.0\u2003\u2003(iii)'}], 'and a sheet thickness is 1.0 mm or more;'}where, each symbol in the above formulas is defined as follows:t: sheet thickness (mm)A: a {111}<112> crystal orientation intensity at a center portion of sheet thicknessB: a {111}<112> crystal orientation intensity at a ¼ portion of the sheet thicknessX: a {322}<236> crystal orientation intensity at a center portion of sheet thicknessY: a { ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051750A1

A high-temperature bimetal capable of being inhibited from considerably shifting from an original position when the temperature has fallen to an ordinary temperature is provided. This high-temperature bimetal () includes a high thermal expansion layer () made of austenitic stainless steel and a low thermal expansion layer () made of a thermosensitive magnetic metal having a Curie point and bonded to the high thermal expansion layer. The high-temperature bimetal is employed over both a high temperature range of not less than the Curie point and a low temperature range of less than the Curie point, while an upper limit of operating temperatures in the high temperature range of not less than the Curie point is at least 500° C. 121-. (canceled)22. A high-temperature bimetal comprising:a high thermal expansion layer made of austenitic stainless steel; anda low thermal expansion layer made of a thermosensitive magnetic metal having a Curie point and bonded to said high thermal expansion layer,the high-temperature bimetal being employed over both a high temperature range of not less than said Curie point and a low temperature range of less than said Curie point, wherein an upper limit of operating temperatures in said high temperature range of not less than said Curie point is at least 500° C.,a first end portion of said low thermal expansion layer is fixed, and a vicinity of a second end portion of said low thermal expansion layer comes into contact with a fixed stopper member in said high temperature range of not less than said Curie point.23. The high-temperature bimetal according to claim 22 , whereinsaid vicinity of said second end portion of said low thermal expansion layer comes into contact with said stopper member at a temperature in said high temperature range of not less than said Curie point and close to said Curie point.24. The high-temperature bimetal according to claim 22 , whereina bending coefficient in said high temperature range of not less than said ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Direct Smelting Process

Номер: US20150038317A1

A molten bath-based direct smilting process comprises controlling the process conditions in a direct smelting vessel so that molten slag in a molten bath of metal and slag in the vessel has a viscosity in a range of 0.5-5 poise when the slag temperature is in the range of 1400-1550° C. in the molten bath in the vessel. 1. A molten iron product of a direct smelter , the molten iron product comprising molten iron and vanadium and wherein the vanadium comprises at least 50% of the vanadium output from the direct smelter.2. The molten iron product defined in claim 1 , wherein the vanadium in the molten iron product comprises at least 65% of the vanadium output from the direct smelter.3. The molten iron product defined in claim 1 , wherein the vanadium in the molten iron product comprises at least 80% of the total vanadium supplied to the smelter as part of a metalliferous feed material.4. A slag product of a direct smelter claim 1 , the slag product comprising molten slag that includes:{'sub': '2', 'TiO: at least 15 wt. %,'}{'sub': '2', 'SiO: at least 15 to 20 wt. %,'}CaO: at least 15 to 30 wt. %,{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlO: at least 10 to 20 wt. %,'}FeO: at least 3 to 10 wt. %, andvanadium oxide comprising up to 50% of the vanadium output from the direct smelter.5. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the vanadium in the slag product comprises up to 35% of the vanadium output from the direct smelter.6. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the vanadium in the slag product comprises up to 20% of the vanadium output from the direct smelter as part of a metalliferous feed material.7. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag further comprises a carbon content of 3 to 5 wt. %.8. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag comprises at least 20 wt. % TiO.9. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag comprises at least 50 wt. % TiO.10. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag further ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180037969A1

A steel sheet contains C: 0.15% to 0.22%, Si: 1.0% to 2.0%, Mn: 1.7% to 2.5%, P: 0.05% or less, S: 0.02% or less, Al: 0.01% to 0.05%, N: 0.005% or less, O: 0.01% or less, and the balance being iron and unavoidable impurities while satisfying [Si]/[Mn]≧0.5 ([Si] and [Mn] represent Si and Mn contents, wherein the steel sheet has a structure including, in terms of area fraction, 60% to less than 100% of tempered martensite, 5% or less including 0% of untransformed austenite, and the balance being ferrite, and the ferrite has an average crystal grain size of less than 3.5 μm, wherein less than 10 particles/100 μmof Si—Mn compound oxide particles having a circle equivalent diameter of 5 μm or less are present on a surface of the steel sheet, and the surface is covered with Si-based oxide at a coverage of 1% or less. 19- (canceled)11. The high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet according to claim 10 , wherein the composition further comprises at least one element selected from at least one group consisting of claim 10 , in terms of % by mass claim 10 ,group I: Ti: 0.010% or more and 0.020% or less,group II: Nb: 0.02% or more and 0.10% or less,group III: B: 0.0002% or more and 0.0020% or less,group IV: at least one selected from V: 0.01% or more and 0.30% or less, Mo: 0.01% or more and 0.30% or less, and Cr: 0.01% or more and 0.30% or less,group V: at least one selected from Cu: 0.01% or more and 0.30% or less and Ni: 0.01% or more and 0.30% or less, andgroup VI: at least one selected from Sn: 0.001% or more and 0.100% or less, Sb: 0.001% or more and 0.100% or less, Ca: 0.0002% or more and 0.0100% or less, W: 0.01% or more and 0.10% or less, Co: 0.01% or more and 0.10% or less, and REM: 0.0002% or more and 0.0050% or less.12. A method of producing a high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet claim 10 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00010', 'claim 10'}, 'heating a steel having the composition according to to a temperature of 1,200° C. or higher, performing hot rolling ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210035720A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

Provided is a soft magnetic metal powder including a plurality of soft magnetic metal particles. Each of the soft magnetic metal particles includes a metal particle and an oxidized part covering the metal particle. The metal particle includes at least Fe. The oxidized part includes at least one kind of element of S and an element M. The element M is at least one kind of element selected from the group consisting of Nb, Ta, W, Zr, Hf, and Cr. A unit of a concentration of each of S and the element M in the metal particle and the oxidized part is atom %. The concentration of S or the element M in the metal particle and the oxidized part has a maximum value in the oxidized part. 1. A soft magnetic metal powder including a plurality of soft magnetic metal particles ,wherein each of the soft magnetic metal particles includes a metal particle and an oxidized part covering the metal particle,the metal particle includes at least Fe,the oxidized part includes at least one kind of element of S and an element M,the element M is at least one kind of element selected from the group consisting of Nb, Ta, W, Zr, Hf, and Cr,a unit of a concentration of each of S and the element M in the metal particle and the oxidized part is atom %, andthe concentration of S or the element M in the metal particle and the oxidized part has a maximum value in the oxidized part.2. The soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 1 ,wherein an average value of the concentration of the element M in the metal particle is expressed as [M]a, andan average value of the maximum value of the concentration of the element M in the oxidized part is expressed as [M]m,[M]m−[M]a is 0.4 atom % or more.3. The soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 2 ,wherein [M]m−[M]a is 5.0 atom % or less.4. The soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 2 ,wherein [M]a is from 0 atom % to 16.0 atom %, and[M]m is from 0.4 atom % to 21.0 atom %.5. The soft magnetic metal powder according to claim 1 ,wherein an average ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Method of Tetratenite Production and System Therefor

Номер: US20210035733A1

The invention provides method for making high coercivity magnetic materials based on FeNi alloys having a Llo phase structure, tetratenite, and provides a system for accelerating production of these materials. The FeNi alloy is made by preparing a melt comprising Fe, Ni, and optionally one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ti, V, Al, B, C, Mo, Ir, and Nb; cooling the melt and applying extensional stress and a magnetic field. This is followed by heating and cooling to form the L10 structure. 1. A method of making a magnetic FeNi alloy material containing L1ordered structure , the method comprising the steps of:{'sub': (0.5-a)', '(0.5-b)', '(a+b), '(a) preparing a melt comprising Fe, Ni, and optionally one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ti, V, Al, B, C, Mo, Ir, and Nb, wherein the atomic ratio of elements in the melt is according to the formula FeNiX, wherein X is Ti, V, Al, B, C, Mo, Ir, or Nb, and wherein 0 ≤(a+b)≤0.1;'}(b) cooling the melt to yield a solid form of an FeNi alloy material;{'sub': '0', '(c) subjecting the solid form to a severe plastic deformation process comprising deforming the solid form in a longitudinal direction, wherein the severe plastic deformation process is performed at a first temperature, below a chemical ordering temperature of said L1phase, to yield a deformed solid form of said FeNi alloy;'}(d) applying an extensional stress to the deformed solid form along said longitudinal direction;(e) applying a magnetic field to the deformed solid form along said longitudinal direction;(f) heating the deformed solid form in a reduced oxygen environment to a second temperature, above said chemical ordering temperature; and{'sub': '0', '(g) cooling the solid form from said second temperature to a third temperature, below said chemical ordering temperature, whereby the magnetic FeNi alloy material containing L1ordered structure is obtained.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (d) and/or step (e) is ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056544A1
Автор: LEE Hak-Cheol

One embodiment of the present invention provides an ultra-thick structural steel having excellent brittle crack initiation resistance, and a manufacturing method therefor, the ultra-thick structural steel comprising, by wt %, 0.03-0.08% of C, 1.6-2.2% of Mn, 0.6-1.3% of Ni, 0.005-0.03% of Nb, 0.005-0.02% of Ti, 0.1-0.4% of Cu, 100 ppm or less of P, 40 ppm or less of S, 1.5 ppm or less of H, and the balance of Fe and other inevitable impurities, wherein the sum of acicular ferrite and granular bainite in the microstructure is 80% or more by area fraction, the sum of the total length of cracks having a size of 30 μm or more per unit area of 1 mm2 in a ±1 mm region on the basis of the thickness center of the steel is 130 μm or less, and the yield strength is 500 MPa or more. 1. A structural ultra-thick steel material having excellent brittle crack initiation resistance , the structural ultra-thick steel comprising , by weight % , 0.03 to 0.08% of carbon (C) , 1.6 to 2.2% of manganese (Mn) , 0.6 to 1.3% of nickel (Ni) , 0.005 to 0.03% of niobium (Nb) , 0.005 to 0.02% of titanium (Ti) , 0.1 to 0.4% of copper (Cu) , 100 ppm or less of phosphorus (P) , 40 ppm or less of sulfur (S) , 1.5 ppm or less of hydrogen (H) , and a balance of iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities ,wherein a sum of acicular ferrite and granular bainite in a microstructure is 80% or more by area fraction,{'sup': '2', '#text': 'a sum of total lengths of cracks having a size of 30 μm or more per unit area of 1 mmin regions of ±1 mm from a thickness center of the steel material is 130 μm or less, and'}yield strength is 500 MPa or more.2. The structural ultra-thick steel material of claim 1 , wherein a balance structure of the microstructure is one type or more of upper bainite claim 1 , a martensite-austenite (MA) constituent claim 1 , and degenerated pearlite.3. The structural ultra-thick steel material of claim 1 , wherein a base material of the steel material has a crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044503A1

A method for manufacturing a high strength galvanized steel sheet and a high strength galvanized steel sheet are provided. A base steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising C: 0.03% to 0.35%, Si: 0.01% to 0.50%, Mn: 3.6% to 8.0%, Al: 0.001% to 1.000%, P≦0.10%, S≦0.010%, and the balance comprising Fe and incidental impurities, on a percent by mass basis, is subjected to annealing and galvanization treatment, wherein the maximum steel sheet temperature in an annealing furnace is 600° C. or higher and 700° C. or lower, the steel sheet transit time in a temperature region of the maximum steel sheet temperature of 600° C. or higher and 700° C. or lower is specified to be 30 seconds or more and 10 minutes or less, and the dew point in an atmosphere is specified to be −45° C. or lower. 1. A method for manufacturing a high strength galvanized steel sheet having a zinc coating layer with an amount of deposition of coating of 20 to 120 g/mper one surface on the surface of a base steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising C , 0.03% to 0.35% , Si: 0.01% to 0.50% , Mn: 3.6% to 8.0% , Al: 0.001% to 1.000% , P≦0.10% , S≦0.010% , and the balance comprising Fe and incidental impurities , on a percent by mass basis , the method comprising the step of subjecting the base steel sheet to annealing and galvanization treatment in a continuous galvanizing line , wherein:the maximum steel sheet temperature in an annealing furnace is 600° C. or higher and 700° C. or lower, andthe steel sheet transit time in a temperature region of the maximum steel sheet temperature of 600° C. or higher and 700° C. or lower is specified to be 30 seconds or more and 10 minutes or less, and the dew point in an atmosphere is specified to be −45° C. or lower.2. The method for manufacturing a high strength galvanized steel sheet claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition further contains at least one selected from B: 0.001% to 0.005% claim 1 , Nb: 0.005% to 0.050% claim ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040421A1
Автор: TANAKA Takaaki, Toji Yuki

A high strength cold rolled steel sheet has a composition which contains, in terms of mass %, more than 0.15% and not more than 0.45% of C, 0.50-2.50% of Si, 1.50-3.00% of Mn, not more than 0.050% of P, not more than 0.0100% of S, 0.010-0.100% of Al and not more than 0.0100% of N, with the remainder including Fe and unavoidable impurities, has a total content of ferrite and bainitic ferrite of 20-80%, has a retained austenite content of more than 10% and not more than 40%, has a martensite content of more than 0% and not more than 50%, and is such that the proportion of retained austenite that has an aspect ratio of not more than 0.5 is not less than 75%, and the proportion of retained austenite having an aspect ratio of not more than 0.5 that is present at Bain group boundaries is not less than 50%. 16.-. (canceled)7. A high strength cold rolled steel sheet having a composition including: by mass ,C in an amount of more than 0.15% but not more than 0.45%,Si in an amount of not less than 0.50% but not more than 2.50%,Mn in an amount of not less than 1.50% but not more than 3.00%,P in an amount of not more than 0.050%,S in an amount of not more than 0.0100%,Al in an amount of not less than 0.010% but not more than 0.100%, andN in an amount of not more than 0.0100%, with balance Fe and inevitable impurities,wherein in its microstructure, a total area fraction of ferrite and bainitic ferrite is not less than 20% but not more than 80%, an area fraction of retained austenite is more than 10% but not more than 40%, and an area fraction of martensite is more than 0% but not more than 50%,a percentage of retained austenite having an aspect ratio of 0.5 or less in whole retained austenite is not less than 75% in area fraction, anda percentage of retained austenite present at a Bain group boundary in the retained austenite having an aspect ratio of 0.5 or less is not less than 50% in area fraction.8. The high strength cold rolled steel sheet according to claim 7 , wherein the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047705A1

One aspect, this invention relates to a carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel including a composition designed and processed such that the carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel meets property objectives comprising a yield strength in a range of about 1000-2000 MPa, a uniform ductility, a desired total elongation and hole-expansion ratio, a desired level of weldability and an austenite stability designed to have an austenite start temperature M to be equal to an application temperature in range from about 50° C. to −50° C. The property objectives are design specifications of the carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel. 1. A carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel , comprising:{'sub': 's', 'sup': 'σ', 'a composition designed and processed such that the carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel meets property objectives comprising a yield strength in a range of about 1000-2000 MPa, a uniform ductility, a desired total elongation and hole-expansion ratio, a desired level of weldability and an austenite stability designed to have an austenite start temperature M to be equal to an application temperature in range from about 50° C. to −50° C., wherein the property objectives are design specifications of the carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel.'}2. The carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel of claim 1 , wherein the composition is processed with a cooling and partitioning treatment.3. The carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises carbon (C) no more than 0.4 wt % claim 1 , silicon (Si) no less than 1.0 wt % claim 1 , and iron (Fe) in balance.4. The carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel of claim 2 , wherein the composition further comprises manganese (Mn) in a range of about 0.2-1.0 wt. % claim 2 , and molybdenum (Mo) in a range of about 0.4-0.8 wt. %.5. The carbide-free bainite and retained austenite steel of claim 2 , wherein the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Method For Producing an Ultra High Strength Galvannealed Steel Sheet and Obtained Galvannealed Steel Sheet

Номер: US20210047707A1

A method for producing a coated steel sheet having a tensile strength TS of at least 1450 MPa and a total elongation TE of at least 17% includes the successive steps of providing a cold rolled steel sheet made of a steel having a chemical composition comprising, in weight %: 0.34%≤C≤0.45%, 1.50%≤Mn≤2.30%, 1.50≤Si≤2.40%, 0% Подробнее

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy and iron-based mixed powder for powder metallurgy

Номер: US20210047713A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

Disclosed is an alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy from which sintered parts that do not contain expensive Ni, or Cr or Mn susceptible to oxidation, that have excellent compressibility, and that have high strength in an as-sintered state can be obtained. The alloyed steel powder for powder metallurgy has: a chemical composition containing Cu: 1.0 mass % to 8.0 mass %, with the balance being Fe and inevitable impurities; and constituent particles in which Cu is present in an precipitated state with an average particle size of 10 nm or more.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Steel material for composite pressure vessel liner, steel pipe or tube for composite pressure vessel liner, and method of manufacturing steel pipe or tube for composite pressure vessel liner

Номер: US20180044748A1
Принадлежит: JFE Steel Corp

Steel material for composite pressure vessel liners that, when used as raw material for manufacturing a composite pressure vessel liner, yields a liner having sufficient strength and a high fatigue limit and enables the manufacture of an inexpensive composite pressure vessel is provided. Steel material for composite pressure vessel liners comprises: a chemical composition containing, in mass %, C: 0.10% to 0.60%, Si: 0.01% to 2.0%, Mn: 0.1% to 5.0%, P: 0.0005% to 0.060%, S: 0.0001% to 0.010%, N: 0.0001% to 0.010%, and Al: 0.01% to 0.06%, with a balance being Fe and incidental impurities; and a metallic microstructure in which a mean grain size of prior austenite grains is 20 μm or less, and a total area ratio of martensite and lower bainite is 90% or more.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180044752A1

Disclosed herein is a high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet, in which the metal structure at a position of ¼ of the sheet thickness satisfies (1) to (4): (1) an area ratio of ferrite is more than 10% to 65% or less, with a balance being a hard phase including quenched martensite and retained austenite and including at least one selected from the group consisting of bainitic ferrite, bainite, and tempered martensite; (2) a volume ratio V of retained austenite is 5% to 30%; (3) an area ratio Vof an MA structure in which quenched martensite and retained austenite are combined is 3% to 25%, and an average circle-equivalent diameter of the MA structure is 2.0 μm or less; and (4) a ratio V/V of the area ratio Vof the MA structure to the volume ratio V of the retained austenite is 0.50 to 1.50. 1: A high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet having a tensile strength of 980 MPa or more and being excellent in formability and crashworthiness , the high-strength cold-rolled steel sheet comprising , in mass %:C: 0.10% or more to 0.5% or less,Si: 1.0% or more to 3% or less,Mn: 1.5% or more to 7% or less,P: more than 0% to 0.1% or less,S: more than 0% to 0.05% o or less,Al: 0.005% or more to 1% or less,N: more than 0% to 0.01% or less, andO: more than 0% to 0.01% or less,wherein (1) when the metal structure is observed with a scanning electron microscope, an area ratio of ferrite relative to a whole of the metal structure is more than 10% to 65% or less, with a balance being a hard phase including quenched martensite and retained austenite and including at least one selected from the group consisting of bainitic ferrite, bainite, and tempered martensite,', {'sub': 'γ', '(2) when the metal structure is measured by X-ray diffractometry, a volume ratio V of retained austenite relative to the whole of the metal structure is 5% or more to 30% or less,'}, {'sub': 'MA', '(3) when the metal structure is observed with an optical microscope, an area ratio Vof an MA structure, in which quenched ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Amorphous strip master alloy and method for preparing same

Номер: US20220064763A1
Автор: Jingran WANG
Принадлежит: Individual

Provided is a method for preparing an amorphous strip master alloy. The method includes: providing an amorphous alloy and cementite Fe3C; and placing the amorphous alloy and the cementite Fe3C in a smelting furnace for smelting treatment to obtain the amorphous strip master alloy, wherein elements constituting the amorphous alloy include Fe element, Si element and B element. An amorphous strip master alloy prepared by the preparation method is also provided.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064765A1
Принадлежит: Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.

The invention relates to a steel strip, sheet or blank used for painted parts, wherein the steel strip, sheet or blank is optionally metallic coated. The steel is an Ultra Low Carbon (ULC) steel type having a composition of (in weight %):

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Samarium-Containing Soft Magnetic Alloys

Номер: US20190048442A1

The present teaching is generally directed to soft magnetic alloys. In particular, the present teaching is directed to soft magnetic alloys including Samarium (“Sm”). In a non-limiting embodiment, an Sm-containing magnetic alloy is described including 15 wt % to 55 wt % of Cobalt (“Co”), less than 2.5 wt % of Sm, and 35 wt % to 75 wt % of Iron (“Fe”). The Sm-containing magnetic alloy may further include at least one element X, selected from a group including Vanadium (“V”), Boron (“B”), Carbon (“C”), Chromium (“Cr”), Manganese (“Mn”), Molybdenum (“Mo”), Niobium (“Nb”), Nickel (“Ni”), Titanium (“Ti”), Tungsten (“W”), and Silicon (“Si”). The Sm-containing magnetic alloy may further have a magnetic flux density of at least 2.5 Tesla.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054478A1

A high-ductility, high-strength steel sheet having excellent close-contact bendability and a method for producing the same. The steel sheet has a specified chemical composition and a microstructure comprising, by area percentage, 50% or more of a ferrite phase, 5% to 30% of a pearlite phase, and 15% or less in total of bainite, martensite, and retained austenite, in which the area percentage of ferrite grains each containing three or more cementite grains having an aspect ratio of 1.5 or less is 30% or less, and the number of inclusions having a particle size of 10 μm or more present in a portion extending from a surface to a ¼ thickness position is 2.0 particles/mmor less. 1. A high-ductility high-strength steel sheet having a chemical composition comprising , by mass %:C: 0.100% to 0.250%;Si: 0.001% to 1.0%;Mn: 0.75% or less;P: 0.100% or less;S: 0.0150% or less;Al: 0.010% to 0.100%;N: 0.0100% or less; andthe balance being Fe and incidental impurities,wherein the steel sheet has a microstructure comprising, by area percentage, 50% or more of a ferrite phase, in a range of 5% to 30% of a pearlite phase, and 15% or less in total of bainite, martensite, and retained austenite,the area percentage of ferrite grains each containing three or more cementite grains having an aspect ratio of 1.5 or less is 30% or less, and{'sup': '2', 'a number of inclusions having a particle size of 10 μm or more present in a portion extending from a surface to a ¼ thickness position is 2.0 particles/mmor less.'}2. The high-ductility high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition further comprises claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 , at least one element selected from the group consisting of Cr: 0.001% to 0.050% claim 1 , V: 0.001% to 0.050% claim 1 , Mo: 0.001% to 0.050% claim 1 , Cu: 0.005% to 0.100% claim 1 , Ni: 0.005% to 0.100% claim 1 , and B: 0.0003% to 0.2000%.3. The high-ductility high-strength steel sheet according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150056093A1
Принадлежит: DAIDO STEEL CO., LTD.

Provided is a maraging steel excellent in fatigue characteristics, including, in terms of % by mass: C: ≦0.015%, Ni: from 12.0 to 20.0%, Mo: from 3.0 to 6.0%, Co: from 5.0 to 13.0%, Al: from 0.01 to 0.3%, Ti: from 0.2 to 2.0%, O: ≦0.0020%, N: ≦0.0020%, and Zr: from 0.001 to 0.02%, with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities. 1. A maraging steel excellent in fatigue characteristics , comprising , in terms of % by mass:C: ≦0.015%,Ni: from 12.0 to 20.0%,Mo: from 3.0 to 6.0%,Co: from 5.0 to 13.0%,Al: from 0.01 to 0.3%,Ti: from 0.2 to 2.0%,O: ≦0.0020%,N: ≦0.0020%, andZr: from 0.001 to 0.02%,with the balance being Fe and unavoidable impurities.2. The maraging steel excellent in fatigue characteristics according to claim 1 , further comprising one or more of claim 1 , in terms of % by mass:B: from 0.0010 to 0.010%,Mg: ≦0.003%, andCa: ≦0.003%. The present invention relates to a maraging steel. More specifically, the present invention relates to a maraging steel having fatigue characteristics improved by refining the size of a TiN inclusion.A maraging steel is a steel containing a large amount of Ni, Mo, Ti, Co, etc. as strengthening elements and is a steel of a type that undergoes age hardening in a martensitic state by heat treatment, and a maraging steel is an ultrahigh-strength steel capable of achieving a very high tensile strength of around 2,000 MPa.Since a maraging steel has a high tensile strength, a maraging steel is used as a material suitable particularly for a member requiring high strength, such as aerospace or aircraft structural member, a continuously variable transmission component of an automotive engine, a high-pressure vessel, a tool material, a metal mold, etc.The strengthening mechanism of a maraging steel is attributable to precipitation hardening of an intermetallic compound such as Ni—Ti and Ni—Mo in an aging treatment, and as a representative compositional example thereof, Fe-18Ni-9Co-5Mo-0.4Ti-0.1Al steel has been conventionally known. ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074017A1

In accordance with one aspect of the present disclosure, there is provided a steel material for a tailor-welded blank, including 0.04 to 0.06 wt % of carbon (C), 1.2 to 1.5 wt % of manganese (Mn), 0.01 to 0.10 wt % of titanium (Ti), 0.01 to 0.10 wt % of niobium (Nb), and the balance of iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities; having a tensile strength (TS) of 550 MPa or greater, a yield strength (YS) of 300 MPa or greater, and an elongation (EL) of 20% or greater; and having a dual-phase structure of ferrite and martensite. 13.-. (canceled)4. A method for manufacturing a hot-stamped part , comprising the steps of:(a) preparing a first blank using a steel slab comprising 0.04 to 0.06 wt % of carbon (C), 1.2 to 1.5 wt % of manganese (Mn), 0.01 to 0.10 wt % of titanium (Ti), 0.01 to 0.10 wt % of niobium (Nb), and the balance of iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities, and a second blank obtained by cutting a steel plate provided separately from the first blank;(b) welding the first and second blanks to each other by a tailor-welded blank process, thereby forming a joined steel material;(c) hot-stamping the joined steel material in a press mold, thereby forming a molded body; and(d) cooling the molded body, thereby forming a hot-stamped part.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein step (a) comprises:(a-1) finish-hot-rolling the steel slab at a finishing delivery temperature (FDT) of 860° C. to 920° C.;(a-2) cooling the hot-rolled steel plate to a coiling temperature (CT) of 620° C. to 660° C., followed by coiling;(a-3) uncoiling the coiled steel plate, followed by cold rolling; and(a-4) subjecting the cold-rolled steel plate to annealing heat treatment.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the second blank has a tensile strength of 1 claim 4 ,200 to 1 claim 4 ,500 MPa after hot stamping.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein step (c) comprises:(c1) heating the joined steel material at a temperature of 850° C. to 950° C.; and(c2) transferring the heated joined steel material to the press ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074029A1

A hot rolled steel having a composition including the following elements, expressed in percentage by weight: 128-. (canceled)29. A hot rolled steel having a composition comprising the following elements , expressed in percentage by weight:15%≤Nickel≤25%6%≤Cobalt≤12%2%≤Molybdenum≤6%0.1%≤Titanium≤1%0.0001%≤Carbon≤0.03%0.002%≤Phosphorus≤0.02%0%≤Sulfur≤0.005%0%≤Nitrogen≤0.01%and can contain one or more of the following optional elements0%≤Aluminum≤0.1%0%≤Niobium≤0.1%0%≤Vanadium≤0.3%0%≤Copper≤0.5%0%≤Chromium≤0.5%0%≤Boron≤0.001%0%≤Magnesium≤0.0010%a remainder of the composition being composed of iron and unavoidable impurities caused by processing;a microstructure of the steel comprising in area fraction, 20% to 40% Tempered Martensite, at least 60% of Reverted Austenite and inter-metallic compounds of Molybdenum, Titanium and Nickel.30. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 16% to 24% of Nickel.31. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 16% to 22% of Nickel.32. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 6% to 11% of Cobalt.33. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 7% to 10 of Cobalt.34. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 3% to 6% of Molybdenum.35. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 3.5% to 5.5% of Molybdenum.36. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 0.1% to 0.9% Titanium.37. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the composition includes 0.2% to 0.8% of Titanium.38. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the inter-metallic compounds of Molybdenum claim 29 , Titanium and Nickel are at least one or more from the group consisting of: Ni3Ti claim 29 , Ni3Mo and Ni3(Ti claim 29 ,Mo).39. The hot rolled steel as recited in wherein the inter-metallic compounds of Molybdenum claim 29 , Titanium and Nickel includes inter-granular and intra-granular inter-metallic ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060516A1

A process and apparatus for hydroprocessing a biorenewable feedstock involves an advantageous metallurgy. The biorenewable feed stream is hydrotreated in a hydrotreating reactor comprising a stainless steel having a composition of at least about 2 wt-% molybdenum which is sufficiently resistant to acidic corrosion. The hydrotreated biorenewable stream is hydroisomerized in a hydroisomerization reactor comprising a stainless steel having a composition of less than about 2 wt-% molybdenum. Most of the free fatty acids are deoxygenated in the hydrotreating reactor to make water, thus avoiding exposure of downstream equipment to acid attack. The stainless steel of said hydrotreating reactor may have a composition of no more than about 0.02 wt-% carbon. 1. A process for hydroprocessing a biorenewable feedstock , the process comprising:hydrotreating a biorenewable feed stream in a hydrotreating reactor in the presence of hydrogen to saturate olefins, deoxygenate oxygenated hydrocarbons and demetallize metallized hydrocarbons to produce a hydrotreated stream, said hydrotreating reactor comprising a stainless steel having a composition of at least about 2 wt-% molybdenum; andhydroisomerizing the hydrotreated stream in a hydroisomerization reactor over a hydroisomerization catalyst in the presence of a hydroisomerization hydrogen stream to provide a hydroisomerized stream, said hydroisomerization reactor comprising a steel having a composition of less than about 2 wt-% molybdenum.2. The process of wherein the steel of said hydroisomerization reactor has a composition of no more than about 1.2 wt-% molybdenum.3. The process of wherein the steel of said hydroisomerization reactor has a composition of no less than about 0.3 wt-% molybdenum.4. The process of wherein the stainless steel of said hydrotreating reactor has a composition of at least about 3 wt-% molybdenum.5. The process of wherein the stainless steel of said hydrotreating reactor has a composition of no more than ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060736A1

A pearlitic steel rail with high strength and toughness and a producing method thereof. The producing method comprises: controlling the following processing conditions in a rolling procedure to produce the pearlitic steel rail with high strength and toughness: initial rolling temperature of 1,120-1,180° C., final rolling temperature of 840-880° C., rail profile reduction in last two rolling passes of 6%-12%; the steel rail is cooled to 600° C. or lower at a cooling rate ≦2.0° C./s after final rolling, and then air-cooled to room temperature; the chemical composition of the steel rail meets the following requirements: C: 0.75%-0.84%, Si: 0.30%-0.80%, Mn: 0.50%-1.50%, V: 0.04%-0.12%, Ti: 0.004%-0.02%, and 0.10%≦V+10Ti≦0.25%, [N]≦30 ppm, P≦0.020%, S≦0.008%, with the remaining content consisting of Fe and inevitable impurities. 1. A pearlitic steel rail with high strength and toughness , wherein the chemical composition of the steel rail meet the following requirements: C: 0.75%-0.84% , Si: 0.30%-0.80% , Mn: 0.50%-1.50% , V: 0.04%-0.12% , Ti: 0.004%-0.02% , and 0.10%≦V+10Ti≦0.25% , [N]≦30 ppm , P≦0.020% , S≦0.008% , with the remaining content consisting of Fe and inevitable impurities;and the following processing conditions are controlled in the rolling procedure to produce the pearlitic steel rail with high strength and toughness: initial rolling temperature of 1,120-1,180° C., final rolling temperature of 840-880° C., and rail profile reduction in last two rolling passes of 6%-12%; the steel rail is cooled to 600° C. or lower at a cooling rate ≦2.0° C./s after final rolling, and then air-cooled to room temperature.2. The pearlitic steel rail with high strength and toughness according to claim 1 , wherein the steel rail is cooled to 600° C. or lower at a cooling rate ≦2.0° C./s after final rolling claim 1 , by using compressed air as cooling medium.3. The pearlitic steel rail with high strength and toughness according to claim 1 , wherein the steel rail is cooled to ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055635A1

An Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy is represented by Composition Formula, (FeM)MBPCuM, where Mis at least one element selected from the group consisting of Co and Ni, Mis at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nb, Mo, Zr, Ta, W, Hf, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn, Mis at least two elements selected from the group consisting of C, Si, Al, Ga, and Ge but necessarily includes C, and 0≤a≤0.5, 1.5 Подробнее

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062290A1

A metal strip is provided having a casting-wheel side that has been solidified on an outer surface of a heat sink, an opposing, air side and a microstructure. The microstructure is at least 80 vol. % amorphous or has at least 80 vol. % nanocrystalline grains and a residual amorphous matrix in which at least 80% of the nanocrystalline grains have an average grain size of less than 50 nm and a random orientation. The air side of the metal strip has a surface crystallisation proportion of less than 23%. 1. A metal strip , comprising: an air side opposing the casting-wheel side, and', 'a microstructure that is at least 80 vol. % amorphous or has at least 80 vol. % nanocrystalline grains and a residual amorphous matrix in which at least 80% of the nanocrystalline grains have an average grain size of less than 50 nm and a random orientation,, 'a casting-wheel side that has solidified on an outer surface of a heat sink;'}the air side having a surface crystallisation proportion of less than 23%.2. A metal strip according to claim 1 , wherein the air side comprises a surface crystallisation proportion of less than 5%.3. A metal strip according to claim 1 , wherein the casting-wheel side comprises a surface crystallisation proportion of less than 23%.4. A metal strip according to claim 1 , wherein the metal strip comprises a surface layer that forms between 0.01% and 5% of the total volume and contains crystalline grains that form the surface crystallisation.5. A metal strip according to claim 3 , wherein 80 vol. % of the crystalline grains of the surface crystallisation have an average grain size of greater than 100 nm.6. A metal strip according to claim 4 , wherein the crystalline grains of the surface crystallisation have a crystallographic texture.7. A metal strip according to claim 1 , wherein the metal strip comprisesa width of 2 mm to 300 mm, and/ora thickness of less than 50 μm.8. A metal strip according to claim 1 , wherein the metal strip comprises a titanium ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062308A1
Принадлежит: TDK Corporation

Provided is a soft magnetic alloy having a composition of a compositional formula (FeX1X2)))PCSiCuM. X1 is one or more selected from a group consisting of Co and Ni, X2 is one or more selected from a group consisting of Al, Mn, Ag, Zn, Sn, As, Sb, Bi, N, 0, and rare earth elements, and M is one or more selected from the group consisting of Nb, Hf, Zr, Ta, Ti, Mo, W and V. 0.050≤a≤0.17, 0 Подробнее

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062310A1

The present invention relates to an alloy with composition of RE-Fe-M-B as defined herein, wherein said alloy comprises at least 80 vol % REFeB phase, the average crystal grain size of the REFeB phase is in the range of about 20 nm to about 40 nm, and the alloy is an alloy ribbon having a width measured from a left edge to a center portion to a right edge, and the average crystal REFeB grain size difference between the center portion, and left and right edges of said alloy ribbon is less than 20%. The present invention also relates to a method for preparing an alloy ribbon with composition of RE-Fe-M-B as defined herein comprising the steps of: (i) ejecting a melt of the alloy with composition of RE-Fe-M-B onto a rotating wheel at a mass flow rate of about 0.2 kg/min to about 1.0 kg/min; and (ii) quenching the melt using the rotating wheel to obtain said alloy ribbon 1. An alloy with composition of Formula (I):{'br': None, 'RE-Fe-M-B \u2003\u2003Formula (I)'} RE is one or more rare earth metals;', 'Fe is iron;', 'M is absent or one or more metals; and', 'B is boron;, 'whereinwherein:{'sub': 2', '14, 'said alloy comprises at least 80 vol % REFeB phase;'}{'sub': 2', '14, 'the average crystal grain size of the REFeB phase is in the range of 20 nm to 40 nm; and'}{'sub': 2', '14, 'the alloy is an alloy ribbon having a width measured from a left edge to a center portion to a right edge, and the average crystal REFeB grain size difference between the center portion, and left and right edges of said alloy ribbon is less than 20%.'}2. The alloy of claim 1 , comprising at least 98 vol % REFeB phase.3. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the left edge of the alloy ribbon comprises greater than 0% to 10% of the width claim 1 , the right edge of the alloy ribbon comprises greater than 0% to 10% of the width claim 1 , and the centre portion of the alloy ribbon comprises 1% to 40% of the width claim 1 , or wherein the average crystal REFeB grain size at the center portion of said alloy ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056254A1

A method for manufacturing thin-specification high-Ti wear-resistant steel NM450 comprises the steps of preparing melted iron in a blast-furnace, preprocessing the melted iron, smelting the melted iron in a converter, refining the melted steel in a LF furnace, refining the melted steel in a RH furnace, conventional slab continuous casting, heating the slab in a heating furnace, dephosphorizing the slab by high-pressure water, heating the slab in a hot continuous rolling mill, performing ultra fast cooling, reeling, flattening, heating, quenching, tempering and finishing. 1. A method for manufacturing thin-specification high-Ti wear-resistant steel NM450 , comprising the steps of:(1) slagging off qualified melted iron with a temperature greater than 1250° C. and a [S] no more than 0.020%, and removing S by KR according to requirements on a temperature, a weight and a sulfur content at a desulfurization end of incoming melted iron, wherein [S] is no more than 0.0020%, a whole-course argon blowing technology is employed, and an alkalinity of final slags ranges from 3.0 to 4.0;(2) smelting the melted iron in a converter, using pellet as a coolant, and adding the pellet and oxidized scale according to relevant regulations; and adding fluorite in a small amount in batches according to slag situations in the converter, wherein no more than 4 kg of fluorite is added in each ton of steel and no more than 5.5 kg of fluorite is added in each ton of steel during double slag, adding the fluorite 2 min before a blowing end point is strictly forbidden, double slag cutoff tapping is performed by using a slag-blocking awl and a slag-blocking plug, a slag thickness is no more than 50 mm, and deoxidizing is performed by a step-by-step deoxidation technology in the course of converter tapping;{'sub': '2', '(3) feeding the melted steel to a LF refining station, and after the melted steel enters the refining station, stirring the melted steel by argon at a flow rate of 300 NL/min to 800 ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061538A1

Disclosed is a Ho and W-containing rare-earth magnet. The rare-earth magnet comprises a RFeB type principal phase, and comprises the following raw material components: R: 28 wt % to 33 wt %, wherein R is a raw-earth element comprising Nd and Ho, and the content of Ho is 0.3 wt % to 5 wt %; B: 0.8 wt % to 1.3 wt %; W: 0.005 wt % to 0.3 wt %, and the balance of T and inevitable purities, wherein T is an element mainly comprising Fe and/or Co. The rare-earth magnet mainly consists of a W-rich grain boundary phase and a Ho-rich principal phase; crystal grain growth of the Ho-containing magnet in a sintering process is constrained by the trace of W, thereby preventing AGG from occurring on the Ho-containing magnet, and obtaining a magnet with high coercivity and high heat resistance. 1. A rare-earth magnet comprising a main phase of RFeB and comprising the following raw material components:R: 28 wt % to 33 wt %, where R is a rare-earth element comprising Nd and Ho, and a content of Ho ranging from 0.3 wt % to 5 wt %;B: 0.8 wt % to 1.3 wt %;W: 0.0005 wt % to 0.03 wt %; anda balance being T and inevitable impurities, where T mainly comprises Fe and 0 wt % to 18 wt % of Co.2. The rare-earth magnet according to claim 1 , wherein T comprises at least one element with a content less than or equal to 2.0 wt % selected from Sn claim 1 , Sb claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Bi claim 1 , V claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Zn claim 1 , Ga claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Si claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , S claim 1 , or P; Cu with a content less than or equal to 0.8 wt %; Al with a content less than 0.8 wt %; and a balance being Fe.3. The rare-earth magnet according to claim 2 , wherein the rare-earth magnet is manufactured by:preparing an alloy for the rare-earth magnet from a melt of the raw material components of the rare-earth magnet;performing coarse grinding on the alloy for the rare-earth magnet to manufacture coarse powder;performing fine grinding on the coarse ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080534A1
Автор: LIU Tzeng-Feng

A series of welding filler wires with innovative composition design for fusion welding precipitation-hardened lightweight austenitic Fe—Mn—Al—C alloys. The first class of the welding filler wires is composed of 23-34 wt. % Mn, 7.5-11.5 wt. % Al, 1.35-1.95 wt. % C, with the balance being essentially Fe. After fusion welding, there are high-density of nano-sized (˜3-5 nm) (Fe,Mn)AlC carbides (κ-carbides) uniformly distributed within the austenite dendrite cells in the fusion zone (FZ). The amount of nano-sized (˜6-10 nm) κ-carbides existing within the eutectic regions is significantly increased and the size of the austenite dendrite cells is substantially reduced. The second class of welding filler wires has the composition of 23-34 wt. % Mn, 7.5-11.5 wt. % Al, 1.40-1.95 wt. % C, 0.1-2.5 wt. % Ti, 0.1-3.0 wt. % Nb, 0.1-2.5 wt. % V, with the balance being essentially Fe. The microstructure of the FZ in the as-welded condition results in formation of substantial amount of nano-sized (˜6-10 nm) face-centered-cubic structured ductile Ti-rich Ti-carbides, Nb-rich Nb-carbides and V-rich V-carbides within the eutectic regions. These carbides are extremely hard (2000˜3500 Hv), enhancing hardness of the obtained FZ. 1. A welding filler wire , for fusion welding precipitation-hardened austenitic Fe—Mn—Al—C alloys , consisting essentially of , by weight , 23 to 34 percent manganese (Mn) , 7.5 to 11.5 percent aluminum (Al) , 1.35 to 1.95 percent carbon (C) , and balance essentially iron (Fe).2. A welding filler wire , for fusion welding precipitation-hardened austenitic Fe—Mn—Al—C alloys , consisting essentially of , by weight , 24 to 32 percent manganese (Mn) , 8.0 to 11.0 percent aluminum (Al) , 1.40 to 1.95 percent carbon (C) , and balance essentially iron (Fe).3. A welding filler wire , for fusion welding precipitation-hardened austenitic Fe—Mn—Al—C alloys , consisting essentially of , by weight , 23 to 34 percent manganese (Mn) , 7.5 to 11.5 percent aluminum (Al) , 1.40 to 1 ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220081735A1

A superplastic medium manganese steel according to the present invention preferably has a composition containing 4 to 8 wt. % of manganese (Mn) and 3 wt. % or less (excluding 0 wt. %) of aluminum (Al), with the remainder being iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities. In another embodiment, a superplastic medium manganese steel according to the present invention preferably has a composition containing 4 to 8 wt. % of manganese (Mn) and 3 wt. % or less (excluding 0 wt. %) of silicon (Si), with the remainder being iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities. 1. A method of producing a superplastic medium manganese steel , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': '1', '(S) melting either a medium manganese steel having a composition containing 4 to 8 wt. % of manganese (Mn) and 3 wt. % or less (excluding 0 wt. %) of aluminum (Al), with the remainder being iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities, or a medium manganese steel having a composition containing 4 to 8 wt. % of manganese (Mn) and 3 wt. % or less (excluding 0 wt. %) of silicon (Si), with the remainder being iron (Fe) and inevitable impurities, and then homogenizing the medium manganese steel;'}{'b': '2', '(S) hot-rolling the homogenized medium manganese steel;'}{'b': '3', '(S) cooling the hot-rolled steel;'}{'b': '4', '(S) cold-rolling the cooled steel; and'}{'b': '5', '(S) annealing the cold-rolled steel at a predetermined elevated temperature, wherein a microstructure of the superplastic medium manganese steel undergoes a reverse transformation from a martensite single phase structure to a ferrite-austenite dual phase structure.'}211. The method of claim 1 , wherein a temperature for the homogenizing in step (S) is 1200° C. claim 1 , and the melting in step (S) is performed at a temperature equal to or higher than the temperature for the homogenizing.32. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hot rolling in step (S) is performed at a temperature in a range of 1000 to 1200° C.43. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (S) is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062859A1

A steel sheet for a can having high strength, excellent ductility, and good corrosion resistance, and a method for manufacturing the steel sheet. The steel sheet has a chemical composition containing, by mass %, C: 0.020% or more and 0.130% or less, Si: 0.04% or less, Mn: 0.10% or more and 1.20% or less, P: 0.007% or more and 0.100% or less, S: 0.030% or less, Al: 0.001% or more and 0.100% or less, N: more than 0.0120% and 0.0200% or less, Nb: 0.0060% or more and 0.0300% or less, and Fe and inevitable impurities. An absolute value of a difference in an amount of solid solution Nb between a region from a surface to a position located at ⅛ of a thickness and a region from a position located at ⅜ of the thickness to a position located at 4/8 of the thickness is 0.0010 mass % or more. 1. A steel sheet for a can , the steel sheet comprising: C: 0.020% or more and 0.130% or less, by mass %,', 'Si: 0.04% or less, by mass %,', 'Mn: 0.10% or more and 1.20% or less, by mass %,', 'P: 0.007% or more and 0.100% or less, by mass %,', 'S: 0.030% or less, by mass %,', 'Al: 0.001% or more and 0.100% or less, by mass %,', 'N: more than 0.0120% and 0.0200% or less, by mass %,', 'Nb: 0.0060% or more and 0.0300% or less, by mass %, and', 'Fe and inevitable impurities,, 'a chemical composition including the steel sheet has an upper yield strength of 460 MPa to 680 MPa,', 'the steel sheet has a total elongation of 12% or more, and', 'an absolute value of a difference in an amount of solid solution Nb between a region from a surface of the steel sheet to a ⅛ depth position and a region from a ⅜ depth position to a 4/8 depth position is 0.0010 mass % or more,', 'where, the terms “⅛ depth position”, “⅜ depth position”, and “ 4/8 depth position” respectively denote a position located at ⅛ of a thickness from the surface of the steel sheet, a position located at ⅜ of the thickness from the surface of the steel sheet, and a position located at 4/8 of the thickness from the surface of the steel ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062881A1

Described herein are high aluminum containing manganese steels and methods of preparing and using the same. In some embodiments, the steel of the present invention is in the form of a steel plate and may be suitable for thick plate structural applications. A steel of the present invention comprises manganese, aluminum, carbon, and iron, and one or more of: molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, calcium, silicon, cerium, lanthanum, nickel, chromium, cobalt, and tungsten. 1. A steel comprising , by weight percent:manganese in an amount of about 15% to about 35%,aluminum in an amount of about 7% to about 12%,carbon in an amount of about 0.7% to about 1.1%,molybdenum in an amount of about 0.5% to about 1.5%,vanadium or niobium in an amount of about 0.01% to about 2%,calcium in an amount of about 0.01% to about 0.1%,silicon in an amount of about 0.01% to about 1.5%, anda balance comprising iron.2. The steel of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , by weight percent claim 1 , at least one of:cerium in an amount up to about 0.05%,lanthanum in an amount up to about 0.05%,nickel in an amount up to about 5%,chromium in an amount up to about 5%,cobalt in an amount up to about 5%, andtungsten in an amount up to about 5%.3. The steel of claim 1 , wherein the steel comprises vanadium in an amount of about 0.01% to about 2%.4. The steel of claim 1 , wherein manganese is present in an amount of about 28% to about 35%.5. (canceled)6. The steel of claim 1 , further comprising one or more impurities claim 1 , wherein the one or more impurities comprise claim 1 , by weight percent claim 1 , phosphorus in an amount of less than about 0.0075% claim 1 , nitrogen in an amount of less than about 0.01% claim 1 , and/or sulfur in an amount of less than about 0.01%.7. (canceled)8. The steel of claim 1 , wherein the steel is in the form of a plate having a thickness of 1 inch to about 5 inches.9. The steel of claim 1 , wherein the steel has a yield strength of about 500 or 1000 MPa to about 1500 MPa ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062882A1
Автор: ISHIKAWA Kyohei

Provided is an abrasion-resistant steel including a predetermined chemical composition, in which content (mass %) of Mo and B satisfy Mo×B>0.0010, a mass fraction of MoFeBis from 0.0010 to 0.10%, an area ratio of martensite in a central portion in a thickness direction is 70% or more, Ceq obtained by the following (Formula 1) is 0.80% or less, and a plate thickness exceeds 50 mm; 1. An abrasion-resistant steel , comprising , by mass %:C: 0.10 to 0.40%,Si: 0.05 to 0.50%,Mn: 0.50 to 1.50%,B: 0.0015 to 0.0050%,Mo: 0.60 to 2.50%,Al: 0 to 0.300%,S: 0.010% or less,P: 0.015% or less,N: 0.0080% or less,Ti: 0 to 0.100%,Nb: 0 to 0.100%,Cu: 0 to 1.50%,Ni: 0 to 2.00%,Cr: 0 to 2.00%,V: 0 to 0.20%,Ca: 0 to 0.0100%,REM: 0 to 0.0100%,Mg: 0 to 0.0100%,W: 0 to 2.00%, anda balance: Fe and impurities, wherein:contents (mass %) of Mo and B satisfy Mo×B>0.0010,{'sub': 2', '2, 'a mass fraction of MoFeBis from 0.0010 to 0.1000%,'}an area ratio of martensite in a central portion in a thickness direction is 70% or more,Ceq obtained by the following (Formula 1) is 0.80% or less, and {'br': None, 'i': 'Ceq', '=C+Mn/6+(Cu+Ni)/15+(Cr+Mo+V)/5\u2003\u2003(Formula 1),'}, 'a plate thickness exceeds 50 mm;'}wherein, in (Formula 1), C, Mn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, and V are contents (mass %) of each element.2. The abrasion-resistant steel according to claim 1 , wherein a mass fraction of Fe(C claim 1 , B)is 0.0020% or less.3. The abrasion-resistant steel according to or claim 1 , wherein the contents (mass %) of Mo and B satisfy Mo×B≥0.0015.4. The abrasion-resistant steel according to or claim 1 , wherein the contents (mass %) of Mo and B satisfy Mo×B≥0.0020.5. The abrasion-resistant steel according to or claim 1 , wherein a content (mass %) of Mo satisfies from 0.70 to 2.50%. The present disclosure relates to an abrasion-resistant steel.In general, the abrasion resistance of steels is correlated with the hardness. For example, for abrasion-resistant steels used in industrial machines such as cutting edges of ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144553A1

A cold-rolled steel sheet having a refined structure in which grain growth during annealing is suppressed has a chemical composition containing, in mass percent, controlled amounts of carbon, manganese, niobium, titanium, vanadium, sol. Aluminum, chromium, molybdenum, boron, calcium, and REM and a microstructure which contains at least 50% by area of ferrite as a main phase, a second phase containing at least 10% by area of a low temperature transformation phase and 0-3% by area of retained austenite and which satisfies the following Equations (1)-(3), in addition to a particular texture, 3. A cold-rolled steel sheet as set forth in wherein the chemical composition contains claim 1 , in mass percent claim 1 , sol. Al: at least 0.1%.4. A cold-rolled steel sheet as set forth in wherein the chemical composition contains claim 1 , in mass percent claim 1 , one or more elements selected from Cr: at least 0.03% claim 1 , Mo: at least 0.01% claim 1 , and B: at least 0.0005%.5. A cold-rolled steel sheet as set forth in wherein the chemical composition contains claim 1 , in mass percent claim 1 , one or two elements selected from Ca: at least 0.0005% claim 1 , and REM: at least 0.0005%.6. A cold-rolled steel sheet as set forth in which has a plating layer on the surface of the steel sheet.8. A process for manufacturing a cold-rolled steel sheet as set forth in wherein the hot-rolled steel sheet is obtained by a hot rolling step comprising performing hot rolling with a temperature at completion of rolling of at least the Arpoint on a slab having the above-described chemical composition and then performing cooling to a temperature range of 750° C. or below at an average cooling rate of at least 400° C. per second within 0.4 seconds after completion of rolling.9. A process for manufacturing a cold-rolled steel sheet as set forth in further having a step of carrying out plating on the cold-rolled steel sheet after step (B). This invention relates to a cold-rolled steel sheet and ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066090A1
Автор: Eibl Cameron

Disclosed herein are embodiments of hardfacing/hardbanding materials, alloys, or powder compositions that can have low chromium content or be chromium free. In some embodiments, the alloys can contain transition metal borides and borocarbides with a particular metallic component weight percentage. The disclosed alloys can have high hardness and ASTM G65 performance, making them advantageous for hardfacing/hardbanding applications. 1. A low chromium or chromium-free ferrous alloy comprising less than or equal to about 3 wt. % chromium , wherein the alloy is formed into or configured to form a material comprising , under equilibrium solidification conditions:a total mole fraction of transition metal borides and borocarbides of between about 5 and about 50%, wherein a metallic portion of the transition metal borides and borocarbides comprises greater than or equal to about 15 wt. % W+Mo; anda mole fraction of isolated carbides in the material between about 5 and about 40%, wherein isolated carbides are defined as MC type carbides having one or more of the following elements: V, Ti, Nb, Zr, Hf, W, Mo.2. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the isolated carbides have a metallic component greater than or equal to about 50 wt. % vanadium.3. The alloy of claim 1 , comprising less than or equal to about 0.01 wt. % chromium.4. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein a mole fraction of an embrittling hard phase in the material comprising FeB claim 1 , M(C claim 1 ,B) claim 1 , M(C claim 1 ,B) claim 1 , and M(C claim 1 ,B) is less than or equal to about 10% when measured at a matrix solidus temperature claim 1 , wherein M is greater than or equal to about 75 wt. % Fe.5. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the metallic portion of the transition metal borides and borocarbides comprise greater than or equal to about 35 wt. % W+Mo.6. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein an FCC-BCC transition temperature of the material under equilibrium solidification conditions is less than or equal to about 1300K.7. The ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066346A1

Provided are a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet with low iron loss even when including at least one grain boundary segregation element among Sb, Sn, Mo, Cu, and P, and a method for manufacturing the same. In our method, Pr is controlled to satisfy Pr≦−0.075T+18, where T>10, 5 Подробнее

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147329A1

A dual phase steel (martensite+ferrite) having a tensile strength of at least 980 MPa, and a total elongation of at least 15%. The dual phase steel may have a total elongation of at least 18%. The dual phase steel may also have a tensile strength of at least 1180 MPa. The dual phase steel may include between 0.5-3.5 wt. % Si, and more preferably between 1.5-2.5 wt. % Si. 1. A dual phase steel , said steel having a tensile strength of at least 980 MPa , and a total elongation of at least 15%.2. The dual phase steel of claim 1 , wherein said steel has a total elongation of at least 18%.3. The dual phase steel of claim 1 , wherein said steel has a tensile strength of at least 1180 MPa.4. The dual phase steel of claim 1 , wherein said steel includes between 0.5-3.5 wt. % Si.5. The dual phase steel of claim 4 , wherein said steel includes between 1.5-2.5 wt. % Si.6. The dual phase steel of claim 5 , wherein said steel further includes between 0.1-0.3 wt. % C.7. The dual phase steel of claim 6 , wherein said steel includes between 0.14-0.21 wt % C.8. The dual phase steel of claim 7 , wherein said steel includes less than 0.19 wt. % C.9. The dual phase steel of claim 7 , wherein said steel includes about 0.15 wt. % C.10. The dual phase steel of claim 6 , wherein said steel further includes between 1-3 wt. % Mn.11. The dual phase steel of claim 10 , wherein said steel includes between 1.75-2.5 wt % Mn.12. The dual phase steel of claim 11 , wherein said steel includes about 1.8-2.2 wt % Mn.13. The dual phase steel of claim 10 , wherein said steel further includes between 0.05-1 wt % Al.14. The dual phase steel of claim 13 , wherein said steel further includes between 0.005-0.1 wt. % total of one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Nb claim 13 , Ti claim 13 , and V.15. The dual phase steel of claim 10 , wherein said steel further includes between 0-0.3 wt. % Mo. This Application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Application No. ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071286A1

The present disclosure relates to an iron-based prealloy powder having excellent strength and processability, and an iron-based alloy powder for powder metallurgy and a sinter-forged member using the same. The iron-based prealloy powder for powder metallurgy according to an embodiment of the present disclosure includes 0.5 to 5.0 wt % of Cu, 0.1 to 0.5 wt % of Mo, and a balance of Fe and other inevitable impurities. A Cu content (Cu %) and a Mo content (Mo %) satisfy the following Relational Equation (1): 1. An iron-based prealloy powder for powder metallurgy , comprising:0.5 to 5.0 wt % of Cu (a Cu content), 0.1 to 0.5 wt % of Mo (a Mo content), and a balance of Fe and other inevitable impurities, {'br': None, '0.3×Cu %+3×Mo %≤2.7\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'wherein the Cu content (Cu %) and the Mo content (Mo %) satisfy a following Relational Equation (1)2. The iron-based prealloy powder of claim 1 , wherein the iron-based prealloy powder further includes 0.4 wt % or less of Mn (a Mn content) claim 1 , and the Cu content (Cu %) claim 1 , the Mo content (Mo %) claim 1 , and the Mn content (Mn %) satisfy a following Relational Equation (2):{'br': None, '0.3×Cu %+3×Mo %+4×Mn %≤2.7\u2003\u2003(2)'}3. The iron-based prealloy powder of claim 2 , wherein the iron-based prealloy powder includes 0.05 to 0.4 wt % of Mn.4. A diffusion-bonded powder for powder metallurgy claim 2 , comprising: {'br': None, '0.3×Cu %+3×Mo %≤2.7\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'a Cu powder at a content of less than 5 wt % bonded to a surface of an iron-based prealloy powder, wherein the iron-based prealloy powder includes 0.5 to 5.0 wt % of Cu (a Cu content), 0.1 to 0.5 wt % of Mo (a Mo content), and a balance of Fe and other inevitable impurities, and in which the Cu content (Cu %) and the Mo content (Mo %) satisfy a following Relational Equation (1)5. The diffusion-bonded powder of claim 4 , wherein the iron-based prealloy powder further includes 0.4 wt % or less of Mn (a Mn content) claim 4 , and the Cu content (Cu ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150249A1
Автор: Johnston Gwynne

A semi-processed electrical steel is provided comprising the elements 2. The semi-processed electrical steel of wherein antimony is <0.01%.3. The semi-processed electrical steel of wherein antimony is <0.005%.4. The semi-processed electrical steel of wherein antimony is 0%.5. The semi-processed electrical steel of further comprising at least one of the elements selected from the group consisting of copper claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , and molybdenum.6. The semi-processed electrical steel of wherein said semi-processed electrical steel requires an annealing after stamping.7. The semi-processed electrical steel of wherein the carbon is in a range from 0.005 to 0.050%.9. The method of wherein at least one of the elements selected from the group consisting of copper claim 8 , nickel claim 8 , chromium claim 8 , and molybdenum is additionally present in the electrical steel.10. The method of wherein the stamped parts are annealed before the parts are assembled to form the core.11. The method of wherein the stamped parts are annealed after the stamped parts are assembled to form the core. Cold Rolled Motor Lamination (CRML) electrical steels, which are understood herein to include electrical steels for applications in motors, transformers, alternators, generators, ballasts, or other electrical products, have been developed and used in the USA predominantly for more than 50 years. This type of steel was initially an improvement of commercial quality steels through the addition of small amounts of silicon and annealing of the products after stamping. The growth of this electrical steel in the USA during the 1970's and 1980's was driven by the relative low cost of production within integrated steel mills which used the same equipment to produce CRML electrical steel as was used to produce high volume automotive and commercial quality cold rolled steel. The incentive for the steel mills was that CRML steel provided a premium to conventional cold rolled steel, ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic core, method and device for its production and use of such a magnetic core

Номер: US20140152416A1
Принадлежит: Vacuumschmelze GmbH and Co KG

A magnetic core, such as for an interphase transformer, made of a nanocrystalline alloy, which consists of Fe 100-a-b-c-d-x-y-z Cu a Nb b M c T d Si x B y Z z and up to 1 at. % of impurities, whereby M is one or more of the elements Mo, Ta or Zr; T is one or more of the elements V, Cr, Co or Ni; and Z is one or more of the elements C, P or Ge, and 0 at. %≦a<1.5 at. %, 0 at. %≦b<4 at. %, 0 at. %≦c<4 at. %, 0 at. %≦d<5 at. %, 12 at. %<x<18 at. %, 5 at. %<y<12 at. %, and 0 at. %≦z<2 at. %, the core having a saturation magnetostriction of <2 ppm and a permeability between 100 and 1,500, wherein the alloy has been exposed to a heat treatment at a temperature between 450 and 750° C. under a tensile stress between 30 and 500 MPa.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071748A1

A method for temperature-treating a manganese steel intermediate product whose alloy includes: a manganese content, which lies in the following manganese range: 3 wt. %≤Mn≤12 wt. %, a fraction of one or more alloying elements of the group: silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), nitrogen (N), copper (Cu), boron (B), cobalt (Co), tungsten (W), an optional carbon content (C) of less than 1 wt. %, an optional content of one or more microalloying elements, wherein the total content of the micro-alloying elements is less than 0.45 wt. %; and as a remainder an iron content (Fe) and unavoidable impurities. 1: Method for temperature-treating a manganese steel intermediate product whose alloy comprises:a manganese content (Mn), which lies in the following manganese range (MnB): 3 wt. %≤Mn≤12 wt. %,a content of one or more alloying elements of the group: silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), nitrogen (N), copper (Cu), boron (B), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co),an optional carbon content (C) of less than 1 wt. %,an optional content of one or more microalloying elements, wherein the total content of the micro-alloying elements is less than 0.45 wt. %; and{'b': 1', '2, 'as a remainder an iron content (Fe) and unavoidable impurities, wherein the temperature-treating of the steel intermediate product comprises a first temperature treatment process (S.) and a subsequent second temperature treatment process (S.), characterized in that'}{'b': 1', '1', '1, 'sub': KG', 'KG', 'K', 'K', 'K', 'K, 'the first temperature treatment process (S.) is a high-temperature process in which the steel intermediate product is subjected during a first holding period (Δ) to a first annealing temperature (T) lying above a critical temperature limit (T), which is defined as follows: T=(856−S*manganese content) degrees Celsius, wherein Sis a slope value, and wherein said slope value S=7. ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Steel sheet and method for producing same

Номер: US20200071799A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel Corp

Steel sheet low in cost and improved in fatigue characteristics without causing a drop in the cold formability, characterized in that it comprises an inner layer and a hard layer on one or both surfaces of the inner layer, a thickness of the hard layer is 20 μm or more and 40% or less of the thickness of the steel sheet, an average micro-Vickers hardness of the hard layer is 240 HV or more and less than 400 HV, an amount of C of the hard layer is 0.4 mass % or less, an amount of N is 0.02 mass % or less, a variation of hardness measured by a nanoindenter at a depth of 10 from the surface of the hard layer is a standard deviation of 2.0 or less, an average micro-Vickers hardness of the inner layer is 80 HV or more and less than 400 HV, a volume rate of carbides contained in the inner layer is less than 2.00%, and the average micro-Vickers hardness of the hard layer is 1.05 times or more the average micro-Vickers hardness of the inner layer.

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074128A1

A magnetic sheet includes a magnetic made of an Fe-based alloy, wherein the magnetic layer includes a first surface region and a second surface region opposing each other in a thickness direction of the magnetic layer, and an internal region disposed between the first surface region and the second surface region, and a crystallinity of the first surface region is higher than a crystallinity of the second surface region. 1. A magnetic sheet comprising:a magnetic layer made of an Fe-based alloy,wherein the magnetic layer comprises a first surface region and a second surface region opposing each other in a thickness direction of the magnetic layer, and an internal region disposed between the first surface region and the second surface region, anda crystallinity of the first surface region is higher than a crystallinity of the second surface region.2. The magnetic sheet of claim 1 , wherein a crystallinity of the internal region is different from the crystallinity of the first surface region and the crystallinity of the second surface region.3. The magnetic sheet of claim 1 , wherein a crystallinity of the internal region is higher than the crystallinity of the second surface region.4. The magnetic sheet of claim 3 , wherein the crystallinity of the first surface region is higher than the crystallinity of the internal region.5. The magnetic sheet of claim 4 , wherein a crystallinity of the magnetic sheet gradually increases from the second surface region to the first surface region.6. The magnetic sheet of claim 1 , wherein the Fe-based alloy is represented by a composition formula of FeBSiMA in which M is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Nb claim 1 , V claim 1 , W claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , P claim 1 , C claim 1 , and Mo claim 1 , A is at least one element selected from the group consisting of Cu and Au claim 1 , and x claim 1 , y claim 1 , and z expressed in atomic % satisfy the conditions 75%≤x≤90% claim 1 ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Direct Smelting Process

Номер: US20170081745A1

A molten bath-based direct smelting process comprises controlling the process conditions in a direct smelting vessel so that molten slag in a molten bath of metal and slag in the vessel has a viscosity in a range of 0.5-5 poise when the slag temperature is in the range of 1400-1550° C. in the molten bath in the vessel. 1. A molten iron product of a direct smelting process , the molten iron product comprising molten iron and vanadium and wherein the vanadium comprises less than 50% of a total vanadium output from the direct smelting process.2. The molten iron product defined in claim 1 , wherein the vanadium in the molten iron product comprises less than 35% of the total vanadium output from the direct smelting process.3. The molten iron product defined in claim 1 , wherein the vanadium in the molten iron product comprises less than 20% of the total vanadium output from the direct smelting process.4. A slag product of a direct smelting process claim 1 , the slag product comprising molten slag that includes:{'sub': '2', 'TiO: at least 15 wt. %,'}{'sub': '2', 'SiO: at least 15 to 20 wt. %,'}CaO: at least 15 to 30 wt. %,{'sub': 2', '3, 'AlO: at least 10 to 20 wt. %,'}FeO: at least 3 to 10 wt. %,carbon content: 3-5%, andvanadium oxide comprising more than 50% of a total vanadium output from the direct smelting process.5. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein vanadium in the slag product comprises more than 65% of the total vanadium output from the direct smelting process.6. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein vanadium in the slag product comprises more than 80% of the total vanadium output from the direct smelting process.7. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag comprises at least 20 wt. % TiO.8. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag comprises at least 50 wt. % TiO.9. The slag product defined in claim 4 , wherein the molten slag further comprises manganese oxide.10. A feed material for a sulphate process ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098697A1

Provided are a grain-oriented electrical steel sheet having excellent iron loss property without using magnetic domain refining treatment and an iron core produced using the same. The steel sheet comprises: a predetermined chemical composition; and a steel microstructure in which: crystal grains are made up of coarse secondary recrystallized grains of 5.0 mm or more, fine grains of more than 2.0 mm and less than 5.0 mm contained at a frequency of 0.2 to 5 grains per cm, and very fine grains of 2.0 mm or less; for each coarse secondary recrystallized grain extending through the sheet in a thickness direction, an area ratio of a region in which projected surfaces of exposed areas of the coarse secondary recrystallized grain on a front side and a back side of the sheet coincide with each other to each of the exposed areas is 95% or more. 1. A grain-oriented electrical steel sheet comprising:a chemical composition containing, in mass %, Si: 1.5% to 8.0%, Mn: 0.02% to 1.0%, and at least one selected from Sn: 0.010% to 0.400%, Sb: 0.010% to 0.400%, Mo: 0.010% to 0.200%, and P: 0.010% to 0.200%, with a balance being Fe and inevitable impurities; and{'sup': '2', '#text': 'a microstructure in which: crystal grains are made up of coarse secondary recrystallized grains of 5.0 mm or more in grain size, fine grains of more than 2.0 mm and less than 5.0 mm in grain size, and very fine grains of 2.0 mm or less in grain size; for each coarse secondary recrystallized grain extending through the steel sheet in a thickness direction among the coarse secondary recrystallized grains, an area ratio of a region in which projected surfaces of exposed areas of the coarse secondary recrystallized grain on a front side and a back side of the steel sheet coincide with each other to each of the exposed areas is 95% or more; and the fine grains of more than 2.0 mm and less than 5.0 mm in grain size are contained at a frequency of 0.2 grains to 5 grains per cm,'}wherein the steel sheet is not ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080177A1

A method for producing a dual phase steel sheet is provided. The method includes providing a dual phase hot rolled steel sheet having a microstructure including ferrite and martensite and a composition including 0.1 to 0.3 wt. % C, 1.5 to 2.5 wt. % Si and 1.75 to 2.5 wt. % Mn. The steel sheet is annealed at a temperature from 750 to 875° C., water quenched to a temperature from 400 to 420° C. and subject to overaging at the temperature from 400 to 420° C. to convert the martensite in the hot rolled steel sheet to tempered martensite. The overaging is sufficient to provide the hot rolled steel sheet with a hole expansion ratio of at least 15%. 1. A method for producing a dual phase steel sheet comprising the steps of: 0.1 to 0.3 wt. % C;', '1.5 to 2.5 wt. % Si; and', '1.75 to 2.5 wt. % Mn;, 'providing a dual phase hot rolled steel sheet having a microstructure including ferrite and martensite having a composition includingannealing the hot rolled steel sheet at a temperature from 750 to 875° C.;water quenching the hot rolled steel sheet to a temperature from 400 to 420° C.; andoveraging the steel sheet at the temperature from 400 to 420° C. to convert the martensite in the hot rolled steel sheet to tempered martensite;the overaging sufficient to provide the hot rolled steel sheet with a hole expansion ratio of at least 15%.2. The method for producing a dual phase steel sheet as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of:grinding the hot rolled steel sheet to remove decarburized layers.3. The method for producing a dual phase steel sheet as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the step of:cold rolling the hot rolled steel sheet.4. The method for producing a dual phase steel sheet as recited in claim 1 , wherein said dual phase steel sheet has a hole expansion ratio of at least 20%. This is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 16/130,335, filed Sep. 13, 2018, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/361,292 filed May 28, 2014 now issued ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093285A1

The present invention relates to a magnetic material, which contains at least one transition metal (TM), at least one rare earth metal (RE) and tungsten, wherein the proportion of transition metal (TM) is 60 to 90% by mass, the proportion of rare earth metal (RE) is 10 to 20% by mass, and the proportion of tungsten (W) is 5 to 25% by mass, in each case in relation to the total mass of the magnetic material. 1. A magnetic material containing at least one transition metal (TM) , at least one rare earth metal (RE) and tungsten , the magnetic material having a proportion of transition metal (TM) that is 60 to 90% by mass , a proportion of rare earth metal (RE) that is 10 to 20% by mass and a proportion of tungsten (W) that is 5 to 25% by mass , in each case in relation to a total mass of the magnetic material.2. The magnetic material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the transition metal (TM) is selected from the group consisting of: Fe claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Ni and Mn.3. The magnetic material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the rare earth metal (RE) is selected from the group consisting of: Nd claim 1 , La claim 1 , Ce claim 1 , Dy claim 1 , Tb claim 1 , Pr claim 1 , Sm claim 1 , Pm claim 1 , Eu claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Sc claim 1 , Gd claim 1 , Ho claim 1 , Er claim 1 , Tm claim 1 , Yb and Lu.4. The magnetic material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the proportion of transition metal (TM) is 60 to 70% by mass claim 1 , and/or the proportion of rare earth metal (RE) is 13 to 19% by mass claim 1 , and/or the proportion of tungsten (W) is 10 to 25% by mass claim 1 , in each case in relation to the total mass of the magnetic material.5. The magnetic material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the structure of the magnetic material is selected from: an RE(TM claim 1 ,W)structure claim 1 , a ThZnstructure such as RE(TM claim 1 ,W)and an RE(TM claim 1 ,W)structure.6. The magnetic material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Fuel rail

Номер: US20180087482A1
Автор: Koichi Hayashi
Принадлежит: Usui Co Ltd

To obtain a fuel rail that maintains low hardness and good formability before being formed into a tube stock, can be made to easily form a thin absorbing wall surface, and has a high hardness and pressure resistance so as to be usable not only at a fuel pressure of 400 kPa or less, but also at a relatively high fuel pressure of 400 kPa or more. A fuel rail for port injection that is provided with a fuel pressure absorbing wall surface 1 and is used at a fuel pressure of 200 kPa to 1400 kPa. The fuel rail comprises an iron alloy that includes chemical components of C, Si, Mn, P, S, Nb, and Mo. The fuel rail has an internal volume of at least 60 cc and an amount of change in internal volume, when pressure is applied, of at least 0.5 cc/MPa. A bainitic structure can be precipitated by brazing the fuel rail in a furnace during manufacturing.

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091611A1

A multi-part stator for an electric machine is provided. The multi-part stator has a plurality of stator segments, each comprising a plurality of soft magnetic lamination sheets that are stacked one on top of another in a direction of stacking to form a laminated core. At least one lamination sheet projects on at least one edge side of the laminated core of a first stator segment and forms a finger. At least two lamination sheets project on at least one edge side of the laminated core of a second stator segment and form at least two fingers. The finger of the first stator segment and the at least two fingers of the second stator segment engage with one another in order to mechanically couple the first stator segment to the second stator segment. 1. A multi-part stator for an electric machine , comprising a plurality of stator segments ,the stator segments each having a plurality of soft magnetic lamination sheets that are stacked one on top of another in a direction of stacking to form a laminated core,at least one lamination sheet projecting on at least one edge side of the laminated core of a first stator segment and forming a finger, and at least two lamination sheets projecting on at least one edge side of the laminated core of a second stator segment and forming at least two fingers,the finger of the first stator segment and the at least two fingers of the second stator segment engaging with one another in order to mechanically couple the first stator segment to the second stator segment.2. A stator according to claim 1 , whereina recess is formed between the two fingers of the second stator segment, and the finger of the first stator segment is arranged in the recess in the second stator segment in order to mechanically couple the first stator segment to the second stator segment.3. A stator according to claim 1 , whereinthe fingers extend perpendicular to the direction of stacking in a radial direction of the stator.4. A stator according to claim 1 , ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087761A1
Принадлежит: Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V.

A steel strip, sheet or blank used for painted parts, the steel strip, sheet or blank is optionally metallic coated. 2. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the amounts of Ti claim 1 , Nb and Mo are as follows (in weight %):{'br': None, 'if Ti≥0.005 and Nb≥0.005{'br': None, '0.06≤4Ti+4Nb+2Mo≤0.30'}{'br': None, 'otherwise'}{'br': None, '0.06≤Ti+2Nb+2 Mo≤0.10.'}3. The ultra low carbon steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , being bake hardenable claim 1 , wherein the amount of Ti claim 1 , Nb and Mo are tuned with respect to the C claim 1 , N and S levels as follows (all in wt %):{'br': None, 'Ti(free)=Ti−3.43N−1.5S'}{'br': None, 'i': c', 'c, 'if Ti(free)≤0 than Ti()=0, else Ti()=Ti(used)'}{'br': None, 'i': Csol', 'c, 'and =C−0.125Mo−0.129Nb−0.25Ti()'}{'br': None, 'i': 'Csol≤', 'such that 0.0008≤0.0033'} [{'br': None, '0.06≤4(Ti+Nb)+2Mo≤0.60 wt %'}, {'br': None, 'otherwise: 0.06≤Ti+2Nb+2Mo≤0.60 wt %.'}], 'and furthermore if Ti and Nb are both >0.005 wt %'}4. (canceled)5. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the essentially equi-axed grains have a median size smaller than 10.0 micrometer.6. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the undeformed steel surface of the strip claim 1 , sheet or blank has a waviness Wsa≤0.35 μm where Wsa is measured in the rolling direction.7. The steel strip claim 1 , sheet or blank according to claim 1 , wherein the strip claim 1 , sheet or blank is coated with a zinc based coating claim 1 , a Zn—Al—Mg based coating claim 1 , or an aluminium based coating claim 1 , wherein thethe zinc based coating consists of 0.1-1.2 wt % aluminium and up to 0.3 wt % of other elements, the remainder being unavoidable impurities and zinc, orthe Zn—Al—Mg based coating consists of 0.2-3.0 wt % aluminium and 0.2-3.0 wt % magnesium, up to 0.3 wt % of other elements, the remainder being unavoidable impurities and zinc, orthe aluminium based ...
