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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 21131. Отображено 198.
16-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU7684U1

Устройство прядения, содержащее привод вращения, а также последовательно установленные и технологически связанные питающее устройство, дискретизирующий барабанчик, крутильный орган с пряжевыводной трубкой, выводящие валики и нитеукладчик, отличающееся тем, что крутильный орган дополнительно содержит веретено, причем веретено установлено в пряжевыводной трубке соосно с ней и кинематически соединено с приводом вращения. (19) RU (11) 7 684 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/40 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 98100388/20, 15.01.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.09.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Плеханов Федор Михайлович, Плеханов Алексей Федорович (73) Патентообладатель(и): Плеханов Федор Михайлович, Плеханов Алексей Федорович U 1 7 6 8 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство прядения, содержащее привод вращения, а также последовательно установленные и технологически связанные питающее устройство, дискретизирующий барабанчик, крутильный орган с пряжевыводной трубкой, выводящие валики и нитеукладчик, отличающееся тем, что крутильный орган дополнительно содержит веретено, причем веретено установлено в пряжевыводной трубке соосно с ней и кинематически соединено с приводом вращения. 7 6 8 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ПРЯДЕНИЯ КОНСТРУКЦИИ ПЛЕХАНОВЫХ R U (72) Автор(ы): Плеханов Федор Михайлович, Плеханов Алексей Федорович U 1 U 1 7 6 8 4 7 6 8 4 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU FD 7 684 U1 RU 7 684 U1 RU FA 7 684 U1 RU DR 7 684 U1

16-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU7998U1

Сороотводящий канал прядильного блока пневмомеханической прядильной машины, выполненный в виде трубки, входное отверстие которой имеет овальную форму, а выходное - концентричную, отличающийся тем, что верхняя поверхность выполнена волнообразной, а сам канал имеет конусообразную форму по всей длине. (19) RU (11) (13) 7 998 U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 97113910/20, 19.08.1997 (46) Опубликовано: 16.10.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 7 9 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Сороотводящий канал прядильного блока пневмомеханической прядильной машины, выполненный в виде трубки, входное отверстие которой имеет овальную форму, а выходное - концентричную, отличающийся тем, что верхняя поверхность выполнена волнообразной, а сам канал имеет конусообразную форму по всей длине. 7 9 9 8 (54) СОРООТВОДЯЩИЙ КАНАЛ ПРЯДИЛЬНОГО БЛОКА R U (72) Автор(ы): Шитик Е.В., Красик Я.М., Ларин И.Ю. RU 7 998 U1 RU 7 998 U1 RU 7 998 U1 RU 7 998 U1 RU 7 998 U1

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005822C1

Использование: текстильная промышленность, пневмомеханическое прядение. Сущность изобретения: в расположенном вдоль машины воздухопроводящем канале для отвода технологического воздуха размещены опоры роторов и узлы их привода прядильных блоков на обеих сторонках машины и сороудаляющий канал. Этот канал в одном из шкафов привода машины связан с источником разрежения, а в другом шкафу подсоединен к воздухопроводящему каналу. 1 з. п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2041980C1

Использование: в текстильной промышленности. Сущность изобретения: на полке Г-образного кронштейна последовательно вдоль нее и на ее наружной стороне установлены корпус с прядильным ротором и корпус с расчесывающим барабанчиком. На нижней стороне полки размещен корпус привода питающего валика. Г-образный кронштейн с опорным нижним концом установлен с возможностью поворота относительно червячного вала привода питающего валика. Корпуса прядильного ротора и расчесывающего барабанчика имеют средство для их фиксации один относительно другого. Выполненный в корпусе расчесывающего барабанчика питающий канал расположен перпендикулярно образующей рабочей поверхности расчесывающего барабанчика. Над прядильным ротором посредством связанного с его корпусом держателя установлен вкладыш. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

09-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2036829C1

Изобретение: в поточных линиях прядильного производства для доставки малопрочных волокнистых лент и ровниц к волокноприемным механизмам лентоукладчиков, питающих устройств прядильных мест кольцепрядильных, пневмомеханических и пневматических прядильных машин при их непосредственном питании. Волокнистую ленту 22 подают с постоянной скоростью в транспортный канал 1 средством механической подачи 7 и транспортируют ее в воздушном потоке. Воздух в канал 1 подают с постоянным массовым расходом, устанавливаемым дросселирующим устройством 14, расположенным на линии канала 4 подачи воздуха от источника 5. Средство 7 механической подачи ленты расположено в полости камеры 3 между выходным сечением питающего канала 2 и входным сечением транспортного канала 1 и кинематически связано с приводом 10. По крайней мере часть канала 2 выполнена в виде уплотняющей воронки. В выходной части канала 4 может быть расположен успокоитель потока в виде камеры 11 с дренажной системой 12 и отбойниками 13. На линии канала ...

27-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2107758C1

Корпус расчесывающего барабанчика бескольцевого прядения предназначен для обеспечения направленного движения потока разрозненных элементарных волокон к пряжеформирующим устройствам бескольцевого прядения. Канал направленного движения волокнистого потока выполнен отдельным кожухом, имеющим выполненную по эвольвентной кривой плоскую поверхность. Форма канала конусообразная, а его входное отверстие - прямоугольное, выходное - радиально-хордовое. Хордовая внутренняя поверхность канала прямолинейна. Через нее во внутреннюю полость канала вмонтирована пазообразная вставка, обеспечивающая сердечниковому продукту движение через центр радиальной зоны выходного отверстия параллельно плоскости разъема корпуса. Данная конструкция корпуса обеспечивает улучшение эксплуатационных качеств технических решений бескольцевого прядения армированной пряжи. 7 з.п.ф-лы, 10 ил.

27-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164566C1

Изобретения могут быть использованы в текстильном производстве и позволяют повысить производительность прядения, прочность и качество пряжи. Согласно способу осуществляют транспортирование дискретного потока волокон, формирование из волокон мычки на поверхности иглы и кручение свободного конца пряжи путем вращения иглы внутри нити. В области схода крученой пряжи с острого конца иглы ведут дополнительное механическое кручение волокон пряжи с помощью установленных на остром конце иглы усов. В устройстве для прядения дискретизирующий барабанчик соединен через транспортировочный канал с пряжевыводной трубкой, внутри которой установлено веретено, связанное с приводом вращения. Веретено выполнено в виде иглы и снабжено средством механического закручивания волокон пряжи, выполненным в виде одного или нескольких усов. Усы установлены на остром конце иглы и ориентированы под острым углом к оси иглы в сторону вывода пряжи. 2 с. и 5 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2061120C1

Использование: текстильная промышленность, прядильное производство. Сущность изобретения: станина безверетенной прядильной машины имеет по меньшей мере одну секцию, содержащую на каждой стороне машины жесткий несущий узел. Узел имеет расположенные вдоль машины продольные несущие элементы и жестко связанные с ними две концевые стенки. На продольных несущих элементах закреплены промежуточные стенки, размещенные между двумя соседними парами прядильных мест или между соседними прядильными местами. Концевая стенка жесткого несущего узла на одной стороне машины жестко соединена с концевой стенкой жесткого несущего узла на другой стороне машины посредством стенки станины. Прядильные узлы, шесть приводных узлов и наматывающие устройства прядильных мест машины закреплены на продольных несущих элементах и/или на промежуточных поперечных стенках. 25 з. п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-02-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2054062C1

Использование: текстильная промышленность, пневмомеханические прядильные машины. Сущность изобретения: привод содержит плоский ремень, прижатый к валам прядильных роторов машины и огибающий ведущий и ведомый шкивы. Ведомый шкив установлен посредством шарикоподшипников на оси, связанной одним концом с приспособлением для натягивания ремня. На другом конце оси жестко закреплена втулка с буртиком, на которой расположена фигурная втулка с кольцевым выступом. На ведомом шкиве выполнена выемка, соответствующая форме кольцевого выступа. Выступ размещен в выемке с зазором. На фигурной втулке размещен поводок с конусообразным стержнем для вывода ремня из контакта с ведомым шкивом при разрушении его шарикоподшипников. 3 ил.

20-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2093620C1

Использование: текстильная промышленности, пневмомеханическая прядильная машина. Сущность изобретения: во внутренней полости прядильный ротор имеет токовую поверхность скольжения, опорный желоб и кольцевой выступ в донной части, образованный углублением. В углублении равномерно по окружности размещены всасывающие отверстия сквозных вентиляционных каналов. Боковая поверхность кольцевого выступа наклонена в сторону оси ротора с образованием с поверхностью дна углубления в месте их сопряжения соросборного желоба. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2083736C1

Использование: текстильная промышленность, камерные пневмомеханические прядильные машины. Сущность изобретения: за пряжевыводной воронкой последовательно установлены два пневматических вьюрка и баллоноформирующая трубка, размещенная в зоне выхода пряжи из второго в направлении ее вывода вьюрка. Первый вьюрок имеет тангенциальные отверстия для создания в нем крутящего момента, противоположного крутящему моменту во втором вьюрке и крутящему моменту, создаваемому прядильной камерой. Тангенциальные отверстия второго вьюрка расположены на расстоянии от тангенциальных отверстий первого вьюрка, равном 10 - 15 диаметрам тангенциальных отверстий вьюрков. Диаметр тангенциальных отверстий вьюрков составляет 1,2 мм. Корпус второго вьюрка установлен в корпусе первого вьюрка с возможностью перемещения в нем. 2 з. п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000120955A

... 1. Способ центрифугального прядения на прядильной машине со множеством рабочих позиций, при котором вытянутую вытяжным аппаратом ровницу направляют через трубчатый, шанжирующий нитеводитель, прядут в нить и при образовании вращающейся нитяной пряди откладывают на внутренней стенке прядильной центрифуги в качестве прядильного кулича, отличающийся тем, что к началу прядильного цикла прядильной машины 10 отдельные прядильные центрифуги проверяют на наличие остатков паковой пряжи. 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что определяют частоту вращения fG нитяной пряди 20 отдельных прядильных центрифуг и измеренные частоты вращения fG сравнивают с заданным значением. 3. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что частоту вращения fG нитяной пряди определяют с помощью детектирующего движение нити 18 чувствительного элемента 28. 4. Способ по одному из пп. 1-3, отличающийся тем, что чувствительным элементом 28 измеряют пропорциональную частоте вращения fG частоту вращения нитяного баллона. 5. Способ по ...

10-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU96104942A
Автор: Холодов Н.К.

... 1. Прядильный ротор пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащий во внутренней полости боковую поверхность скольжения, сборный желоб и кольцевой выступ в донной части, образованный углублением, в котором размещены симметрично по окружности всасывающие отверстия сквозных вентиляционных каналов, отличающийся тем, что боковая поверхность кольцевого выступа наклонена под острым углом к плоскости вращения ротора в сторону его оси и образует в месте сопряжения с поверхностью дна углубления соросборный желоб. 2. Прядильный ротор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия вентиляционных каналов расположены на соросборном желобе.

20-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94016193A1

Данное изобретение касается устройства подачи волокон /51/ в формирующий желобок для волокон /23/ прядильной камеры машины безверетенного прядения /2/. Она закрыта крышкой /3/, обращенная к прядильной камере /2/ сторона которой является опорой для направляющего корпуса для волокна /8/, образованная в качестве направляющей поверхности для волокна, внутренняя окружная поверхность которой /12/ включает раскрывающийся в направлении прядильной камеры /2/ угол расхождения /1/. Направляющий корпус для волокна /8/ вдается коаксиально в прядильную камеру /2/. В ее внутреннюю окружную поверхность /12/ тангенциально впадает питающий канал для волокна /14.

15-10-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для получения многоцветной фасонной пряжи на бескольцевой прядильной машине

Номер: SU1684362A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности и позволяет расширить ассортимент фасонной пряжи. Питающий столик устройства прижат к нескольким питающим цилиндрам, свободно установленным на приводом валу и имеющим закрепленные на одном из торцов зубчатые колеса. С приводным валом кинематически связан валик с зубчатыми секторами, установленный с возможностью зацепления его зубчатых секторов с зубчатыми колесами питающих цилиндров. Число зубчатых секторов валика соответствует числу зубчатых колес питающих цилиндров. 2 з.ф.п-лы, 3 ил.

01-04-1969 дата публикации


Номер: SU241268A1
Автор: Шишеев М.Д.

30-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1806228C

15-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1782254C

15-05-1987 дата публикации

Прядильная чаша устройства для бескольцевого прядения

Номер: SU478528A1

ПРЯДИЛЬНАЯ ЧАША УСТРОЙСТВА ДЛЯ БЕСКОЛЬЦЕВОГО ПРЯДЕНИЯ, имеющаякрышку и основание, сборную поверхность с желобом для формирования мыч- ки и каналы для отвода воздуха, о т - личающаяся тем, что, с целью улучшения качества пряжи путем отвода из волокон посторонних включений,- на основании чаши по ее окружности з^реплены стержни, вершины которых вместе со сборной поверхностью образуют желоб, а каналы для вывода воздуха располо^сены в крьшке.8Й7сли^ •vj00 СПS ...

15-01-1993 дата публикации

Устройство для оттягивания и наматывания пряжи

Номер: SU1787917A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности и касается устройства для крестовой намотки цилиндрических и конических бобин. Цель изобретения -упрощение конструкции. Устройство для намотки имеет размещенную перед наматываемой бобиной 7 пару оттягивающих валиков 8, 9, один из которых 8 выполнен ведущим, а другой 9-нажимным. На ведущем оттягивающем валике 8 со стороны его торца 11 жестко закреплен вращающийся накопитель 12 пряжи 6. Направители 18 пряжи 6 служат для ее передачи с цилиндрической поверхности валика 8 на поверхность накопителя 12. Периметр боковой поверхности накопителя 12 на 0,5-20% меньше, чем периметр ведущего оттягивающего валика 8. Устройство Снабжено датчиком заполнения 35, связанным с системой управления 33 привода наматывающего валика 24 для прекращения наматывания пряжи. Скорость наматывания превышаетскорость оттягивания пряжи. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. (Л ...

15-09-1990 дата публикации

Способ получения армированной нити и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1007497A1

... 1. Способ получения армированной нити путем подачи разрыхленных волокон на вращающуюся плоскую поверхность диска крутйльно-формирующего органа, проведения сердечнико- вых нитей через зажим крутильно формируняцего органа под углом к плоскости диска, соединения волокон с сердечниковыми нитями с последующим скручиванием их в армированную нить, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьш1ения качества армированной нити, из волокон до соединения их с сердечниковыми нитями формируют на диске мычку, а с оединение сердечниковых нитей одна с другой и с мычкой осуществляют после зажима крутильно-формирующего органа в направлении отвода армированной нити. :2. Способ ПОП.1, отличающийся тем, что сердечниковые нити подают к диску под углом одна к другой. ;3. Способ по П.1, отличающийся тем, что при обрьше армированной нити прекращают подачу волокон к диску путем отвода его и сердечниковых нитей в нерабочее положение . ;4. Устройство для получения армированной нити, содержащее средство для подачи разрыхленных ...

25-02-1974 дата публикации

Устройство для бескольцевого прядения

Номер: SU399199A1

26-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: SU424458A1

23-07-1988 дата публикации

Расчесывающий валик бескольцевой прядильной машины

Номер: SU1412601A3

... . Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, а именно к расчесывающему валику бескольцевой прядильной машины, и позволяет обеспечить надежную фиксацию игольных планок в канавках корпуса в продольном направлении без использования крепежных средств и равномерного размещения игл на корпусе валика. На цилиндрическом корпусе валика вьтолнены сквозные канавки, имеющие в поперечном сечении форму ласточкина хвоста и расположенные по винтовым линиям и с наклоном их проекций на диаметральную плоскость корпуса к его продольной оси под острым углом. В канавке размещены основания игольных планок, имеющие в поперечном сечении форму ласточника хвоста и упруго изогнутые в продольном направлении по винтовым линиям расположения канавок. Угол подъема винтовых линий канавок имеет такую величину, что проекции на диаметральную плоскость корпуса центра каждой ка .1авки на одном конце корпуса и центра соседней с ней канавки на другом конце корпуса расположены на одной прямой, параллельной продольной оси ...

28-02-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для получения пряжи

Номер: SU1463135A3

Изобретение относится к текс- /тильной промьшшенности и позволяет :повысить качество пряжи. Устройство содержит вал с осевым каналом на всей длине, установленный посредством подшипников и имеющий участок со сквозными отверстиями, расположенньй в неподвижном корпусе, связанном с источником разрежения воздуха. Па валу коаксиально ему установлена расположенная в корпусе втулка с образованием с наружной цилиндрической поверхностью вала кольцевого зазора. Втулка жестко связана с валом и имеет продольные прорези, сообща1адиеся со сквозными отверстиями вала, расположенными с наклоном относительно плоскости его поперечного сечения в сторону перемещения волокнистого продукта . Внутри вала в зоне его сквозных отверстий на части его длины со стороны входа в его канал волокнистого продукта вьшолнен вакуумньй резервуар . Диаметр канала вала на участке со стороны входа в него волокнистого продукта до вакуумного резервуара в два раза превышает диаметр канала на участке со стороны выхода из него волокнистого ...

30-03-1993 дата публикации

Способ получения пряжи из волокнистой ленты и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1806228A3

Использование: в текстильной промышленности для получения пряжи повышенной объемности. Сущность изобретения: в вытяжном приборе волокнистую ленту подвер- гают предварительному и основному вытягиванию с уплотнением ленты до минимальной ширины. Вытяжную ленту проводят через пневматический крутильный орган и скручивают в пряжу с образованием баллона пряжи. Минимальная ширина вытянутой ленты перед вводом в крутильный орган составляет 1,5-2,5 диаметра баллона в крутильном органе. Крутильный орган имеет соосно расположенные инжекторный и крутильный каналы равного постоянного диаметра. Ширина расположенного перед зоной вытягивания уплотнителя в 1,5-2,5 раза больше диаметра инжекторного и крутильного каналов. 2q. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил. СО С ...

18-06-2003 дата публикации

Hollow high-speed bearing shaft especially for open-end spinning rotor has internal bore of specified ratio to outside diameter

Номер: DE0010254095A1

A hollow high-speed rotor shaft for spinning multi-component yarns on an open-end spinning machine has the ratio of the diameter of the central hole (11) to the outer diameter of the shaft (1) equal to more than one half and less than three quarters.

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004020411C2

17-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002256052A1

08-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002539088A1

10-06-1998 дата публикации

Open end spinner fibre loosening roller assembly

Номер: DE0019650597A1

The assembly (2) to loosen sliver material into fibres, at an open end spinner, has a locking and release mechanism (25) for the axial mounting of the loosening roller (15) in the housing (14) of the assembly (2) powered by an individual motor. A spring brake (22) for the loosening roller (15) is operated by a defined control. A switch (32) in the power supply (33) is operated, for the drive motor of the loosening roller (15).

18-06-1998 дата публикации

Multi-position open end spinning machine

Номер: DE0019652506A1

A multiposition open end spinning machine has a channel (31) running along the length of the machine to collect trash separated out at each position. A scraper (9) is drawn by a band drive (10) along the channel (31) to push the trash towards a waste suction. The width (b) of the channel (31) is wider than the trash spread region (32) so that there is a dead space (42) free of contaminants to accommodate the scraper drive (10).

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Auflösewalze mit Drehverschluss und Sicherungselement

Номер: DE102013103035A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Auflösewalze (1) für eine Offenendspinnvorrichtung mit einem Grundkörper (2), der mittels eines Drehverschlusses (8) lösbar mit einem Garniturträger (3) verbunden ist, wobei der Garniturträger (3) zum Verbinden mit dem Grundkörper (2) gegenüber diesem um eine Drehachse (A) von einer Entriegelungsstellung in eine Eingriffsstellung und von dieser weiter in eine endlagige Verriegelungsstellung drehbar ist. Erfindungsgemäß umfasst der Drehverschluss (8) zumindest ein Sicherungselement (23), das verhindert, dass sich der Garniturträger (3) während des Betriebs gegenüber dem Grundkörper (2) von der Eingriffsstellung in die Entriegelungsstellung bewegt.

28-03-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002614182C2

15-12-1977 дата публикации

Open:end spun core yarn - has core filaments passed into spinning chamber to be drawn out with spun staple fibres

Номер: DE0002625620A1

Yarn is mfd. from staple fibres by feeding the fibre material to the spinning chamber of an open-end spinning machine. A core filament material is also passed into the spinning chamber to be drawn out together with the spun yarn. The core material can be a single or multiple filament or of staple fibres. The core can also be a mixt. of filament and staple fibres materials. The zero point, in the false twisting of the core material, lies at the point where the staple fibres for the spun yarn are in a loose and open state. There is a separate feed for the core material into the spinning chamber, and an outlet for the spun yarn and core located centrally above the spinning chamber. The outlet tube forms the channel for the spun yarn from the chamber groove, where the fibres are twisted together, to the clamping point of the drawing -out mechanism so that the spun staple fibre strand passes from an open end of the spinning turbine to the spinning groove, with a component in the feed channel ...

12-11-1998 дата публикации

Support disc for open-end spinning rotor bearing

Номер: DE0019719791A1

The support disc is used as a part of a disc bearing for an open-end spinning rotor. The disc has a damped generally cylindrical running surface (14) with parallel grooves. Two grooves (23,24) may divide the surface into a central surface (26) and two edge surfaces (25,27). Each of the edge surfaces may be wider than the central surface.

24-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002619117A1

08-04-1999 дата публикации

Open end spinning rotor

Номер: DE0019743597A1

The rotor, for an open-end spinner, has coated surfaces for the fiber collection trough (6) and fiber sliding surface (5). The coated surfaces contain embedded hard particles which, after a known working life span, show larger particles (10) within the fiber collection trough than the particles (11) in the fiber sliding surface. The coated surfaces have an initial coating layer (8) with larger particles (10), covered by a second layer (9) containing smaller particles (11). The larger particles are 2.5-4.0 mu m and the size of the smaller particles is 1.5-2.0 mu m. The first layer has a thickness of 20-30 mu m and the thickness of the second layer is 10-15 mu m. The first layer has a higher percentage of particles in its composition than the particle content of the second layer.

18-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003021425A1

27-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059909216D1

14-03-1985 дата публикации

Friction spinning device

Номер: DE0003330418A1

To increase the yarn production, a fibre-feed device (53, 54) is arranged for each of the two gussets (31, 32), and each of the two gussets (31, 32) possesses a spinning zone (55, 56) for forming a respective yarn (76, 77) which can be drawn off continuously. The suction ports (43, 44) of the suction devices (35, 36) are arranged offset to one another, the individual suction port (43, 44) being directed towards that gusset (31, 32) in which the feed of the fibres for the yarn forming in the spinning zone of the respective gusset takes place. ...

14-03-1985 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for combining two yarns running parallel to form one yarn

Номер: DE0003330416A1

In the two gussets which are limited by two rotationally symmetrical friction elements (7, 8) of a friction spinning unit (2), two yarns (34, 35) are produced and are drawn off continuously in the direction of the arrow (36). The front yarn (34) runs successively through the two front gussets of a first (3, 4) and, if appropriate, of a second (5, 6) pair of friction elements. The rear yarn (35) thereafter runs through a deflecting device (54) and then meets the front yarn (34) at the combination point (53), whereupon the two yarns are combined to form a single yarn. Both the radially adjacent (3, 4; 5, 6) and the axially adjacent (3, 5; 4, 6) friction elements are driven in opposite directions of rotation. The casings (37 to 40) of the friction elements (3 to 6) are subdivided alternately into portions (49) of high yarn attractive power and portions (50) without any yarn attractive power. Both the radially adjacent (3, 4; 5, 6) and the axially adjacent (3, 5; 4, 6) friction elements have ...

16-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000152950A5

10-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003629498A1

16-04-1987 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the piecing of yarn

Номер: DE0003634498A1

The subject of the invention is a method and an apparatus for the semi-automatic piecing of yarn in work units of a friction-spinning machine. The piecing process is carried out within preselected time intervals by means of a control unit (3a) having a change-over switch (29) connected to thread-break monitors (10) of the work units and, by means of setting members (4), to circuits of the drive means (33, 19, 20) of feeding, spinning and pick-up devices (5, 6, 17, 18) and to a vacuum source (16) in the friction-spinning machine. During the individual elimination of the thread break, the control unit having the change-over switch is connected via the thread-break monitor to the circuit of an electromagnetic coupling of the fibre supply and of an electromagnetic valve of the suction-pipe line and via the setting member to the circuit of the means for actuating the yarn take-up and/or yarn winding. ...

06-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003683072D1

In the open-end spinning appts. a limit stop is formed by two components acting together. On unit is on the shrouding and the other unit is on the housing surrounding the spinning appts. so that they can position the shrouding in relation to the spinning appts. The fibre feed channel has an elastic sepg. surface at an angle (alpha) to the direction of movement of the moving section of the fibre feed channel. Sepg. surface incorporates an elastic ring seal, and it is at the fixed section of the fibre feed channel. The angle (alpha) between the surface and the direction of the moving section movement is not greater than 5 deg. however, not more than 45 deg.

02-07-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003703893C2

28-07-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003741783A1

18-04-2002 дата публикации

Sensor to measure the rotary speed of an open-end spinning rotor, without contact, is within a housing in a telescopic array for setting at the end surface of the rotor support disk fitted with a permanent magnet

Номер: DE0010048793A1

To measure the rotary speed of a rotor without contact, at an open-end spinner, at least one permanent magnet (37) is at a rotor shaft support disk (4) to generate magnetic field lines. A sensor (39) is shrouded within an electrically conductive and earthed housing (48) of a non-ferrous material. The sensor to measure the rotary speed of an open-end spinning rotor is within a sleeve housing of brass, which can be telescopic to set the sensor at the disk surface. The telescopic action is controlled by a setting unit (44) with a return spring (47). The sensor has an induction coil, with a ferromagnetic core to bridge the gap between the induction coil and the end side (36) of the rotor support disk. The return spring, at the sensor housing setting unit, is an electrically conductive signal transfer unit for the signals from the sensor, insulated against the housing during signal transfer. When the sensor is retracted, into the inoperative setting, the housing is short circuited with the return ...

30-03-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002047569A1

26-11-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Be

Номер: DE0002023234A1

23-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010132867A1

Zwischen dem Grundkörper (10) einerseits und dem Garniturträger (11) und/oder der Antriebswelle (2) andererseits ist eine wiederlösbare, insbesondere clips- oder rastenartige, Verbindungsvorrichtung (3) vorgesehen. Diese weist an einem dieser beiden Auflösewalzenteile (10, 11) ein bolzenartiges Element (30) und am anderen dieser beiden Auflösewalzen (11, 10) ein parallel zur Auflösewalzenachse orientierte Bolzenaufnahme (31) mit einer Engstelle an ihrem dem Garniturträger (11) zugewandten Ende auf, wobei die Bolzenaufnahme (31) und/oder das bolzenartige Element (30) in Querrichtung elastisch ausgebildet ist. Alternativ kann die Verbindungsvorrichtung an einem dieser beiden Auflösewalzenteile (11, 10) einen Rasthaken und am anderen dieser beiden Auflösewalzenteile (10, 11) eine eine Ausnehmung begrenzende, mit dem Rasthaken zusammenarbeitende Rastschulter sowie eine Freigabevorrichtung aufweisen, welche durch eine Bewegung des Rasthakens in Längsrichtung der Ausnehmung aktivierbar ist. In ...

11-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002129796B2

08-04-1993 дата публикации

Opening device for open-end spinning - has fibres held by suction on perforated draw off roller between feed nip and draw off nip

Номер: DE0004229082A1

In device draw off roller (12) is hollow with a perforated working section (14) spaced a small distance from a stationary suction nozzle (22,23). Suction sector (A) is between the exit (11) from the feed nip (1) and the entrance (19) of the draw off nip. Imaginary line (P) between the feed exit (11) and the draw off entrance (19) pref. intersects the draw off roller (12). Pref. sliver feed nip (1) has a feed roller (4) and a spring loaded pressure member (5) to control the sliver flow up to the exit point. USE/ADVANTAGE - Allows opening nips to operate at higher speeds without fibre damage. For open-end spinning has a sliver feed nip and a draw off nip for producing single fibres.

21-11-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001760568B2

05-11-1970 дата публикации

Spinneinheit zum Verspinnen eines Faserbandes

Номер: DE0001922743A1

08-10-1970 дата публикации

Spinning drive device

Номер: DE0001913728A1

Drive gear working on the element spinning, principle, as described in DT. P 1901453. 0, has a drive shaft which is wholly or partly kept in radial or axial direction against the guide rollers by gaseous means. Specif. the drive shaft is pneumatically pressed radially against the guide rollers by pressure jets on its radial bearings.

28-11-1974 дата публикации

Open-end spinning loosening roller - fitted with grooves within toothed surface structure for loosening sliver fibres

Номер: DE0002323864A1

The loosening roller incorporates grooves with a depth from the base of the toothed surface between 1/10 and 1/5 of the roller dia., and a width between 1/3 - 1/2 of the groove depth. The purpose is to prevent loose fibres and dust from building up in the gap between the loosening roller and the housing, without requiring an additional air supply from outside to keep the gap clear.

08-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002538260B2

30-10-2008 дата публикации

Open-end spinning device, has brake lining automatically carried by spring force of opening cylinder during up-tilting of housing, where brake device forms tumbler device for up-tiltable housing

Номер: DE102007019733A1

The device (1) has an opening cylinder (4) attached in an up-tiltable housing (13) and a braking device (16) attached to the opening cylinder. The opening cylinder contains brake lining (20) acting with a spring force. The brake lining is automatically carried by the spring force of the opening cylinder during up-tilting of the housing. The brake device forms a tumbler device (17) for the up-tiltable housing, where the tumbler device holds the housing in a closed condition in a force-fit manner.

08-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102008050071A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Offenend-Rotorspinnvorrichtung (1) mit einem zweiteiligen Faserleitkanal (18), dessen ausgangsseitiger Kanalabschnitt (31) in einen Kanalplattenadapter (11) integriert ist, der auswechselbar in einem das Rotorgehäuse (2) während des Spinnbetriebes nach vorne verschließenden Deckelelement (6) angeordnet ist, und dessen während des Spinnbetriebes in einen Spinnrotor ragender turmartiger Ansatz (40) jeweils eine auf den Durchmesser des eingesetzten Spinnrotors abgestimmte Größe aufweist und dessen eingangsseitiger Kanalabschnitt (30) in einem Auflösewalzengehäuse (19) angeordnet ist, das begrenzt drehbar gelagert ist. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass zusätzlich der Kanalplattenadapter (11) bezüglich seiner Mittenachse (20) begrenzt drehbar so gelagert ist, dass der Kanalplattenadapter (11) unabhängig von der Größe seines turmartigen Ansatzes (40) jeweils so positioniert ist, dass die Mittellängslinien (32, 33) der beiden Kanalabschnitte (30, 31) des Faserleitkanals ...

23-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009013987A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Offenend-Spinnvorrichtung mit einem unterdruckbeaufschlagbaren Rotorgehäuse, in dem während des Spinnbetriebes ein Spinnrotor mit hoher Drehzahl umläuft und das durch ein schwenkbar gelagertes Deckelelement verschließbar ist, das eine Aufnahme für einen auswechselbaren Kanalplattenadapter aufweist. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass der Kanalplattenadapter (18) eine bei geschlossenem Deckelelement (7) am Rotorgehäuse (2) anliegende, umlaufende Dichtfläche (31) aufweist und mit rückseitig angeordneten Befestigungselementen (30, 38) ausgestattet ist, die im Einbauzustand des Kanalplattenadapters (18) mit zugehörigen Befestigungsmitteln (21, 41) im Bereich des Deckelelementes (7) korrespondieren.

24-12-2003 дата публикации

Open-ended spinning assembly has a fibre band feed to an intake drum incorporating a fibre band compressor and loop opener

Номер: DE0010227122A1

An open-ended spinning assembly has a fibre band feed to an intake drum. The drum is immediately preceded by a loop opener, fibre band support and fibre band compressor, all enclosed by a swivel-housing with a loose fibre trap. When the housing is swivels the fibre band compressor (15) and loop opener (16) esp. move relative to each other while largely maintaining their separation. The loop opener swings on a pivot (18) attached to the fibre band compressor (15). The pivot (18) is attached to the fibre band support (17) which in turn bears the loop opener (16). The loop opener (16) is clip-fitted to the fibre band support (17) which is held in place against an end-stop (23) by a spring.

29-07-2004 дата публикации

Device for rotor spinning has a sealing element with a protrusion which encases a rear wall of a rotor plate facing an opening up to the region of the largest diameter of the rotor plate leaving a narrow gap

Номер: DE0010303481A1

Device for rotor spinning has a sealing element (10) with a protrusion (18) which encases a rear wall (19) of a rotor plate (2) facing an opening (9) up to the region of the largest diameter (20) of the rotor plate leaving a narrow gap (21).

07-10-1982 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002329223C3

10-04-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001535003B2

10-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014938U1

Дискретизирующий барабанчик для пневмомеханических прядильных машин, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения качества вырабатываемой пряжи за счет повышения эффективности расчесывания и удаления сорных примесей, улучшения эксплуатационных свойств узла дискретизации, предложенная конструкция барабанчика состоит из сменных сегментов, в каждом из которых закреплено как минимум два различных типа гарнитур. (19) RU (11) 14 938 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/32 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000110655/20, 26.04.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.04.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.09.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Хрипунов С.Н., Меркулова Т.А., Павлов Ю.В. 1 4 9 3 8 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Дискретизирующий барабанчик для пневмомеханических прядильных машин, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения качества вырабатываемой пряжи за счет повышения эффективности расчесывания и удаления сорных примесей, улучшения эксплуатационных свойств узла дискретизации, предложенная конструкция барабанчика состоит из сменных сегментов, в каждом из которых закреплено как минимум два различных типа гарнитур. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) ДИСКРЕТИЗИРУЮЩИЙ БАРАБАНЧИК ДЛЯ ПНЕВМОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИХ ПРЯДИЛЬНЫХ МАШИН 1 4 9 3 8 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хрипунов Сергей Николаевич, Меркулова Татьяна Алексеевна, Павлов Ювеналий Васильевич R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пл. Революции 2/1, ЦНТИ (71) Заявитель(и): Хрипунов Сергей Николаевич, Меркулова Татьяна Алексеевна, Павлов Ювеналий Васильевич RU FD 14 938 U1 RU 14 938 U1 RU 14 938 U1 RU FA 14 938 U1 RU DR 14 938 U1 RU 14 938 U1

10-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026560U1

Цельнометаллическая пильчатая лента для дискретизирующего барабанчика, содержащая зубья, разделенные впадинами, отличающаяся тем, что соотношение ширины вершины зубьев к ширине основания зубьев цельнометаллической пильчатой ленты составляет 2:32-34, величина шага зубьев гарнитуры на 1/3 превышает высоту зубьев, а значение высоты зубьев относится к величине общей высоты пильчатой ленты как 1:3,6. (19) RU (11) 26 560 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/30 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002109990/20 , 18.04.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.04.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.12.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Рыбин В.Э., Ларин И.Ю., Шитик Е.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 6 5 6 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Цельнометаллическая пильчатая лента для дискретизирующего барабанчика, содержащая зубья, разделенные впадинами, отличающаяся тем, что соотношение ширины вершины зубьев к ширине основания зубьев цельнометаллической пильчатой ленты составляет 2:32-34, величина шага зубьев гарнитуры на 1/3 превышает высоту зубьев, а значение высоты зубьев относится к величине общей высоты пильчатой ленты как 1:3,6. 2 6 5 6 0 (54) ЦЕЛЬНОМЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКАЯ ПИЛЬЧАТАЯ ЛЕНТА ДЛЯ ДИСКРЕТИЗИРУЮЩЕГО БАРАБАНЧИКА R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, комн. 359, патентный отдел (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 U 1 2 6 5 6 0 2 6 5 6 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 26 560 U1 RU 26 560 U1 RU 26 560 U1 RU 26 560 U1

20-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026797U1
Автор: Павлов К.Ю.

Устройство для роторного пневмомеханического прядения, содержащее прядильный ротор с вентиляционными отверстиями, пряжевыводную трубку, установленную соосно ротору с расширяющимся в направлении к нему осевым входным отверстием, и коаксиально размещенный в ней интенсификатор крутки, отличающееся тем, что интенсификатор крутки выполнен в виде геликоида с внутренним каналом для прохождения пряжи, диаметр которого не превышает диаметра поперечного сечения пряжи, а внешний диаметр сечения геликоида не превышает диаметра сечения пряжевыводной трубки, угол наклона лопасти геликоида составляет 40-45 к оси геликоида, при этом по протяженности геликоид составляет по меньшей мере полтора витка. (19) RU (11) 26 797 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002109037/20 , 08.04.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.04.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (72) Автор(ы): Павлов К.Ю. Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр.Ф.Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, ком.359, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 6 7 9 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для роторного пневмомеханического прядения, содержащее прядильный ротор с вентиляционными отверстиями, пряжевыводную трубку, установленную соосно ротору с расширяющимся в направлении к нему осевым входным отверстием, и коаксиально размещенный в ней интенсификатор крутки, отличающееся тем, что интенсификатор крутки выполнен в виде геликоида с внутренним каналом для прохождения пряжи, диаметр которого не превышает диаметра поперечного сечения пряжи, а внешний диаметр сечения геликоида не превышает диаметра сечения пряжевыводной трубки, угол наклона лопасти геликоида составляет 40-45 o к оси геликоида, при этом по протяженности геликоид составляет по меньшей мере полтора витка. 2 6 7 9 7 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ...

20-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000026798U1
Автор: Павлов К.Ю.

Прядильная камера, содержащая канал для подачи волокна, пряжевыводную воронку, переходящую в пряжевыводную трубку для вывода сформированной пряжи, интенсификатор крутки, ротор для формирования пряжи, внутри которого на приводном валу установлена чаша в форме усеченного конуса с донной частью и расширяющейся боковой стенкой, оканчивающейся кромкой, расположенной в плоскости близкой к плоскости сборного желоба ротора, отличающаяся тем, что у верхнего основания чаши ее боковая поверхность выполнена перфорированной, при этом, отверстия расположены по концентричным окружностям, равноудаленным друг от друга, а угол наклона боковой поверхности чаши выполнен, по меньшей мере, равным или большим 13-15. (19) RU (11) 26 798 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/10 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002109039/20 , 08.04.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.04.2002 (71) Заявитель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (72) Автор(ы): Павлов К.Ю. Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр.Ф.Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, ком.359, патентный отдел (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия U 1 2 6 7 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Прядильная камера, содержащая канал для подачи волокна, пряжевыводную воронку, переходящую в пряжевыводную трубку для вывода сформированной пряжи, интенсификатор крутки, ротор для формирования пряжи, внутри которого на приводном валу установлена чаша в форме усеченного конуса с донной частью и расширяющейся боковой стенкой, оканчивающейся кромкой, расположенной в плоскости близкой к плоскости сборного желоба ротора, отличающаяся тем, что у верхнего основания чаши ее боковая поверхность выполнена перфорированной, при этом, отверстия расположены по концентричным окружностям, равноудаленным друг от друга, а угол наклона боковой поверхности чаши выполнен, по меньшей мере, равным или большим 13-15 o. 2 6 7 9 8 ...

20-11-2003 дата публикации

Прядильное место пневмомеханической прядильной машины

Номер: RU0000033951U1

Прядильное место пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащее выпускные и мотальные валы, микропроцессорную систему управления, отличающееся тем, что прядильное место дополнительно содержит индивидуальный двигатель постоянного тока независимого возбуждения, установленный в приводе выпускных и мотальных валов, логический элемент И, один из входов которого подключен к общей для всех прядильных мест линии управления двигателем постоянного тока, а второй вход соединен с блоком выбора устройства, выполненным на основе логических элементов, восьмиразрядный вход которого подключен к общей для всех прядильных мест шине выбора устройства, линия управления двигателем постоянного тока и шина выбора устройства связаны с единой микропроцессорной системой. (19) RU (11) 33 951 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003113422/20 , 05.05.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.05.2003 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (46) Опубликовано: 20.11.2003 R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, комн.Г359, ИГТА, патентный отдел 3 3 9 5 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Прядильное место пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащее выпускные и мотальные валы, микропроцессорную систему управления, отличающееся тем, что прядильное место дополнительно содержит индивидуальный двигатель постоянного тока независимого возбуждения, установленный в приводе выпускных и мотальных валов, логический элемент И, один из входов которого подключен к общей для всех прядильных мест линии управления двигателем постоянного тока, а второй вход соединен с блоком выбора устройства, выполненным на основе логических элементов, восьмиразрядный вход которого подключен к общей для всех прядильных мест шине выбора устройства, линия управления двигателем постоянного тока и шина выбора устройства связаны с единой ...

10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000038773U1
Автор: Павлов К.Ю.

Узел выпуска текстильной машины, содержащий оттяжную пару, направляющий пруток, водилку с уплотнителем, мотальный барабанчик, отличающийся тем, что на водилке по направлению перемещения нити установлена консольная балочка, на конце которой над направляющим прутком размещен крутильный элемент, причем консольная балочка выполнена из гибкого материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 38 773 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004104752/20 , 17.02.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.02.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 10.07.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Ивановская государственная текстильная академия (RU) U 1 3 8 7 7 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Узел выпуска текстильной машины, содержащий оттяжную пару, направляющий пруток, водилку с уплотнителем, мотальный барабанчик, отличающийся тем, что на водилке по направлению перемещения нити установлена консольная балочка, на конце которой над направляющим прутком размещен крутильный элемент, причем консольная балочка выполнена из гибкого материала. 3 8 7 7 3 (54) УЗЕЛ ВЫПУСКА ТЕКСТИЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, комн.359, ИГТА, патент. отдел (72) Автор(ы): Павлов К.Ю. (RU) U 1 U 1 3 8 7 7 3 3 8 7 7 3 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 38 773 U1 Полезная модель относится к прядильному производству текстильной промышленности и может быть использовано на пневмомеханических прядильных машинах и прядильно-крутильных машинах. Известен узел выпуска прядильно-крутильной машины [1], содержащий полое веретено с паковкой прикручиваемой нити, тормозной рычаг, натяжные шайбы для крученой пряжи, нитенаправитель для крученой пряжи и мотальный механизм. Тянульная пара заменена на натяжное приспособление к веретену. Модернизация ...

27-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000047370U1

1. Прядильный ротор пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащий корпус с вентиляционными каналами, сборную поверхность, расширяющуюся в направлении к желобу, размещенные на донной части ротора воздухонаправляющие каналы и сообщающиеся с ними канавки, расположенные на наружной поверхности ротора, отличающийся тем, что на сборной поверхности ротора выполнены сквозные отверстия, сообщающиеся с канавками на наружной поверхности ротора, при этом оси сквозных отверстий и канавок расположены в одной плоскости под острым углом к радиальной плоскости. 2. Прядильный ротор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что диаметр сквозных отверстий составляет 1,2-1,5 мм. 3. Прядильный ротор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что расстояние между входной частью сквозного отверстия и желобом составляет 1,6-2,0 мм. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 47 370 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/10 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005109325/22 , 31.03.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.03.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) U 1 4 7 3 7 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Прядильный ротор пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащий корпус с вентиляционными каналами, сборную поверхность, расширяющуюся в направлении к желобу, размещенные на донной части ротора воздухонаправляющие каналы и сообщающиеся с ними канавки, расположенные на наружной поверхности ротора, отличающийся тем, что на сборной поверхности ротора выполнены сквозные отверстия, сообщающиеся с канавками на наружной поверхности ротора, при этом оси сквозных отверстий и канавок расположены в одной плоскости под острым углом к радиальной плоскости. 2. Прядильный ротор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что диаметр сквозных отверстий составляет 1,2-1,5 мм. 3 ...

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000064636U1

1. Станок для изготовления текстильного жгута, содержащий привод станка, крутильный механизм, намоточный механизм, натяжное устройство и шпулярник, закрепленные на станине, при этом привод станка содержит электродвигатель, соединенный через редуктор с приводом крутильного и намоточного механизмов, на валу привода крутильного и намоточного механизмов установлено два ведущих элемента, первый из которых приводит во вращение вал крутильного механизма, второй - ведомый элемент намоточного механизма и имеет диаметр больший, чем диаметр первого элемента, при этом крутильный механизм установлен на стойке, закрепленной на станине, и содержит вращающийся в картере, закрепленном на стойке, вал, на котором установлены ведомый элемент привода крутильного механизма и привод барабана, при этом намоточный механизм содержит ведомый элемент, находящийся на валу крутильного механизма и имеющий свободное вращение относительно этого вала, рамку раскладчика, связанную с ведомым элементом намоточного механизма, на краю которой находится жгутоприемник, и раскладчик жгута, установленный на рамке раскладчика. 2. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что станина станка имеет рамную конструкцию, основание которой изготовлено из швеллера, укрепленного уголком. 3. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что электродвигатель соединен с входным валом редуктора через гибкую муфту. 4. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что выходной вал редуктора соединен с валом привода крутильного и намоточного механизмов через шпоночное соединение. 5. Станок по п.1, или 3, или 4, отличающийся тем, что редуктор выполнен червячным. 6. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что стойка изготовлена из двух швеллеров, состыкованных для прочности ребрами друг с другом при помощи сварки. 7. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ведущий и ведомый элементы крутильного механизма и ведущий и ведомый элементы намоточного механизма представляют собой шкивы, связанные между собой приводными ремнями. 8. Станок по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод ...

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000081207U1

Устройство для пневмомеханического прядения, содержащее питающий цилиндр, уплотняющую воронку, закрепленную на питающем столике, дискритизирующий барабанчик, транспортирующий канал, прядильную камеру с закрепленным соосно с ней на ее дне стержнем, имеющим утолщенную часть и заостренный конец в зоне контакта с волокнистой ленточкой, отличающееся тем, что стержень в осевом сечении имеет трапециевидную форму, больший его диаметр входит в пряжевыводную воронку и обеспечивает бесконтактное движение волокнистой ленточки через внутреннее отверстие пряжевыводной воронки, при этом пропорции стержня должны соблюдаться для достижения указанного эффекта. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 81 207 U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008141536/22, 22.10.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.10.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Московский государственный текстильный университет имени А.Н. Косыгина" (RU) U 1 8 1 2 0 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для пневмомеханического прядения, содержащее питающий цилиндр, уплотняющую воронку, закрепленную на питающем столике, дискритизирующий барабанчик, транспортирующий канал, прядильную камеру с закрепленным соосно с ней на ее дне стержнем, имеющим утолщенную часть и заостренный конец в зоне контакта с волокнистой ленточкой, отличающееся тем, что стержень в осевом сечении имеет трапециевидную форму, больший его диаметр входит в пряжевыводную воронку и обеспечивает бесконтактное движение волокнистой ленточки через внутреннее отверстие пряжевыводной воронки, при этом пропорции стержня должны соблюдаться для достижения указанного эффекта. 8 1 2 0 7 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ПНЕВМОМЕХАНИЧЕСКОГО ПРЯДЕНИЯ R U Адрес для переписки: 119071, Москва, ГСП-1, М. ...

10-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000105295U1

Расчесывающий барабанчик пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащий цилиндрическую обечайку с рядами игл игольчатой гарнитуры и осью вращения, отличающийся тем, что между рядами игл на теле барабанчика параллельно его продольной оси выполнены выборки прямоугольной или округлой формы поперечного сечения, а между иглами установлены плоские штырьки высотой до 0,8 высоты игл, причем кромка выборки и плоская поверхность штырька направлены в сторону вращения барабанчика, а штырьки и иглы в соседних рядах расположены в шахматном порядке. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 105 295 (13) U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/30 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011104492/12, 08.02.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.06.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) 1 0 5 2 9 5 R U Формула полезной модели Расчесывающий барабанчик пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащий цилиндрическую обечайку с рядами игл игольчатой гарнитуры и осью вращения, отличающийся тем, что между рядами игл на теле барабанчика параллельно его продольной оси выполнены выборки прямоугольной или округлой формы поперечного сечения, а между иглами установлены плоские штырьки высотой до 0,8 высоты игл, причем кромка выборки и плоская поверхность штырька направлены в сторону вращения барабанчика, а штырьки и иглы в соседних рядах расположены в шахматном порядке. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) РАСЧЕСЫВАЮЩИЙ БАРАБАНЧИК ПНЕВМОМЕХАНИЧЕСКОЙ ПРЯДИЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ 1 0 5 2 9 5 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, проректору по научной работе, ком.Г-359 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.02.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Зарубин Виталий Михайлович (RU), Васенёв Николай Фёдорович (RU), Голубева Елена Николаевна ...

10-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000111141U1

Устройство для определения крутки пряжи в роторе пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащее средства для наблюдения за технологическим процессом и получения визуальной информации о нем, отличающееся тем, что средство для наблюдения за технологическим процессом представлено в виде видеокамеры, на оси ротора со стороны, обращенной к камере, установлена линза, соосно ей последовательно размещены видеокамера, видеопередатчик телесигнала и антенна, при этом устройство по радиоканалу связано с видеоприемником, по изображению которого судят о крутке пряжи. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 111 141 U1 (51) МПК D01H 4/08 (2006.01) G01N 33/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011131585/12, 27.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.07.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2011 Бюл. № 34 R U 1 1 1 1 4 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для определения крутки пряжи в роторе пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащее средства для наблюдения за технологическим процессом и получения визуальной информации о нем, отличающееся тем, что средство для наблюдения за технологическим процессом представлено в виде видеокамеры, на оси ротора со стороны, обращенной к камере, установлена линза, соосно ей последовательно размещены видеокамера, видеопередатчик телесигнала и антенна, при этом устройство по радиоканалу связано с видеоприемником, по изображению которого судят о крутке пряжи. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ КРУТКИ ПРЯЖИ В РОТОРЕ ПНЕВМОМЕХАНИЧЕСКОЙ ПРЯДИЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ 1 1 1 1 4 1 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ком.Г-359, ИГТА, проректору по научной работе (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.07.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Красик Татьяна Яковлевна (RU), ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000119344U1

Дискретизирующее устройство пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащее расчесывающий барабанчик, питающий столик, питающий валик, сороотводящий, транспортирующий каналы и входной канал для подачи воздуха, отличающееся тем, что поперечное сечение входного канала имеет вогнутую симметричную форму, причем ширина сечения в средней его части относится к ширине отверстия в верхней и нижней его частях как 2:3, на нижней и верхней стенках сороотводящего канала в максимальном приближении к рабочей поверхности расчесывающего барабанчика одно над другим выполнены щелевидные отверстия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D01H 4/00 (13) 119 344 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012115067/12, 16.04.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.04.2012 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.08.2012 Бюл. № 23 R U 1 1 9 3 4 4 Формула полезной модели Дискретизирующее устройство пневмомеханической прядильной машины, содержащее расчесывающий барабанчик, питающий столик, питающий валик, сороотводящий, транспортирующий каналы и входной канал для подачи воздуха, отличающееся тем, что поперечное сечение входного канала имеет вогнутую симметричную форму, причем ширина сечения в средней его части относится к ширине отверстия в верхней и нижней его частях как 2:3, на нижней и верхней стенках сороотводящего канала в максимальном приближении к рабочей поверхности расчесывающего барабанчика одно над другим выполнены щелевидные отверстия. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ДИСКРЕТИЗИРУЮЩЕЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ПНЕВМОМЕХАНИЧЕСКОЙ ПРЯДИЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ 1 1 9 3 4 4 Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, проректору по научной работе, ком.Г-359 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.04.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Красик ...

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Component For An Air Jet Spinning Device

Номер: US20120192541A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

A component for an air jet spinning arrangement, in particular a spindle point, comprises a yarn withdrawal channel having an entry opening for drawing a yarn out of a vortex chamber of the air jet spinning arrangement. The component comprises at least one air outlet opening connected to the yarn withdrawal channel for discharging air from the yarn withdrawal channel during a piecing process. The component may comprise an injector channel for feeding back a yarn end back counter to the withdrawal direction during a piecing process. The injector channel, which is connectable to a compressed air source, can be connected by means of an opening to the yarn withdrawal channel and be positioned opposite the entry opening of the yarn withdrawal channel. The air outlet opening can be connected to the yarn withdrawal channel between the entry opening of the yarn withdrawal channel and the mouth of the injector channel.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Opening Cylinder with Clip Connection

Номер: US20120260464A1

An opening cylinder for an open-end spinning device has a core piece over which the opening cylinder is fastened on a drive shaft and a tooth-set carrier supporting the tooth-set. The tooth set-carrier is fastened to the core piece by a clip connection in the axial direction. Additionally, the opening cylinder has a device for the form-fitting connection of the core piece and tooth-set carrier in the circumferential direction with a projecting part and a corresponding recess. The tooth-set carrier is fastened with a clip connection to a core piece of the opening cylinder in the axial direction. The tooth-set carrier has a projecting part for the form-fitting connection with the core piece in circumferential direction.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174530A1

A strand () comprising a group of twisted threads () and arranged so as to have, over a first part () of its length: a sheath () containing the group of twisted threads, and a flexible filling product () filling a peripheral interstice () located between the inner face of the sheath and the periphery of the group of twisted threads, and, over a second part () of its length, which is separate from the first part: a material () covering the periphery of the group of twisted threads, said material adhering to the twisted threads of the group. 1. A strand comprising a group of twisted wires , said strand comprising:over a first part of a length of said strand: a sheath that does not extend beyond said first part and that contains the group of twisted wires, and a flexible filling product that fills a peripheral void located between an inner face of the sheath and a periphery of the group of twisted wires, andover a second part of the length of said strand, the second part being distinct from the first part: a material covering the periphery of the group of twisted wires, said material adhering to the twisted wires of the group.2. The strand of claim 1 , wherein said second part corresponds to a total length which is less than a total length of said first part.3. The strand of claim 1 , wherein said second part corresponds to a set of locations distributed along the length of the strand and each configured to cooperate with a structural element arranged to locally generate axial stresses on the strand.4. The strand of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , on said second part of the length of the strand claim 1 , a protective element placed in contact with said material covering the periphery of the group of twisted wires claim 1 , said protective element having a same physico-chemical nature as the sheath and forming with the sheath a protective barrier having an outer face that is substantially continuous along the entire length of the strand.5. The strand of claim 1 , ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Tooth-Set Carrier and Opening Cylinder with Quick-Locking Mechanism

Номер: US20130189029A1

The invention refers to an opening cylinder ( 1 ) for an open-end spinning device with a core piece ( 2 ) and a tooth-set carrier ( 3 ) capable of rotating around a common rotating axis (A) and detachably connected to one another by means of a quick-locking mechanism. According to the invention, the quick-locking mechanism is executed as a turn-lock fastener ( 8 ), so that the tooth-set carrier ( 3 ) is detachably connected to it by means of a rotational movement around the rotational axis (A) relative to the core piece ( 2 ).

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Method and Device for Yarn Braking Especially at Renewal of Spinning in a Working Position of an Air Jet Spinning Machine

Номер: US20130227925A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The inventions relates to the method of yarn braking especially at renewal of spinning in a working position of an air jet spinning machine by means of attending a device provided with a vacuum tube (), into which before commencement of braking there is the end of the yarn () sucked in, which at drawing off from the vacuum tube () is braked between the braking surfaces of a stationary brake friction member () and a moving brake friction member (), which are arranged on the attending device displaceably to the track of the yarn (), while for generating the braking force the moving brake friction member () moves towards the stationary brake friction member () and it fits against it at a contact abscissa () or a contact surface (). To generate the braking force on the moving brake friction member () the action force in the loading point (Y) and the reaction force in the stop point (X) is acting, whereas one of these points is to be found at the end of the moving brake friction member () lying opposite to the contact abscissa () or the contact surface () and the second is lying between this member and the contact abscissa () or the contact surface (), while the action force is generated by means of the control member () and the reaction force is generated by means of the stop (), against which the moving brake friction member () leans, so that the braking surface of the moving brake friction member () always abuts against the braking surface of the stationary brake friction member () along the whole length of their contact abscissa () or contact surface (). 12100253010030530130230303013023013024630305301302. Method of yarn braking especially at renewal of spinning in a working position of an air jet spinning machine by means of attending a device provided with a vacuum tube () , into which before commencement of braking there is sucked in the end of the yarn () , which at drawing off from the vacuum tube () is braked between the braking surfaces of a stationary brake ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130232938A1
Автор: Roth Daniel
Принадлежит: DAIMLER AG

A modular production device for integral fibre semi-finished products and a method for the creation of endless fibre composite components having a hollow body structure after the production of such integral fibre semi-finished products. The modular production device has at least one moveably guided fibre guide tube (), at least one base element (′) and a plurality of hollow bodies () that are separated from one another in a row by a gap () and that can be fastened to an inner wall of the base element (′). Each hollow body () has at least one base () at least on one side, wherein the gap () has a width that provides a passage for the fibre guide tube (). 19. A modular production device for integral fibre semi-finished products made from endless fibres () for the production of endless fibre composite components having a hollow body structure , wherein the modular production device includes at least{'b': '100', 'a moveably guided fibre guide tube (),'}{'b': 2', '2, 'at least one base element (,′),'}{'b': 7', '8', '2', '2', '7', '6', '8', '100, 'a plurality of hollow bodies () that are separated from one another in a row by a gap () and that can be fastened to an inner wall of the base element (, ′), wherein each hollow body () has at least one base () at least on one side, and wherein the gap () has a width that provides a passage for the fibre guide tube (), and'}{'b': 8', '8', '8, 'a plurality of intermediate-space bodies (′), wherein an intermediate-space body (′) can be inserted into the gap () in an accurately fitting manner with respect to a gap shape, and'}{'b': 2', '2', '5', '7, 'wherein the base element (, ′) has a respective reversal element () on the inner wall at the front of the provided row of hollow bodies ().'}222332211. A modular production device according to claim 1 , wherein themodular production device comprises the base element ( claim 1 , ′) with at least one covering element ( claim 1 , ′) that can be fastened releasably to the base element ( ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239539A1
Автор: Li Xuedong, Shi Johanason

A hybrid cord having a core yarn of meta-aromatic polyamide fibers, and at least one wrapping yarn of para-aromatic polyamide fibers that wraps around the core yarn, wherein the hybrid cord has a high tenacity and high elongation at break. 1. A hybrid cord , comprising:(a) a core yarn consisting of meta-aromatic polyamide fibers, and(b) at least one wrapping yarn consisting of para-aromatic polyamide fibers that warps around the core yarn at a helical angle.2. The hybrid cord of claim 1 , having a tenacity of 9 grams/denier or greater and an elongation at break of 20% or greater.3. The hybrid cord of claim 1 , wherein the core yarn makes up 20-60% by weight and the wrapping yarn makes up 40-80% by weight of the hybrid cord claim 1 , based on the total weight of the hybrid cord.4. The hybrid cord of claim 1 , wherein the core yarn is consisting of at least one ply of meta-aromatic polyamide fibers and each ply has at least one of the properties selected from the group consisting of a ply linear density of 200-3500 denier claim 1 , a tenacity of 3-7 grams/denier claim 1 , and an elongation at break of 20-40%.5. The hybrid cord of claim 1 , wherein each wrapping yarn is consisting of at least one ply of para-aromatic polyamide fibers and each ply has at least one of the properties selected from the group consisting of a ply linear density of 200-3500 denier claim 1 , a tenacity of 18-28 grams/denier claim 1 , and an elongation at break of 1.5-5.0%.6. The hybrid cord of claim 1 , wherein the first twist multiplier of the core yarn is 0-0.5 claim 1 , the second twist multiplier of the hybrid cord is 4.5-12; and the twist per meter (tpm) ratio between the at least one wrapping yarn and the hybrid cord ranges from 0.8 to 1.2.7. The hybrid cord of claim 1 , wherein the helical angle of the wrapping yarn is 10-60 degrees.8. An article selected from the group consisting of a pneumatic tire claim 1 , a hose claim 1 , a belt and a bellow comprising the hybrid cord according to9 ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256930A1
Автор: LEE Jae Hwan

Provided is a nano-fiber manufacturing apparatus capable of mass-producing nano-fibers having uniform quality at a low manufacturing cost. The nano-fiber manufacturing apparatus is equipped with a nozzle block having a plurality of upward nozzles and a polymer solution supply channel. The nano-fiber manufacturing apparatus field-emits the nano-fibers while overflowing the polymer solution from the upward nozzles, and at the same time, collects the overflowed polymer solution so as to reuse it. The nano-fiber manufacturing apparatus is additionally equipped with a raw material tank, regeneration tanks, a middle tank, a first transfer device for transferring the polymer solution to the regeneration tanks, a second transfer device for transferring the polymer solution to the middle tank, and first and second transfer control devices for controlling the transfer operations of the first and second transfer devices. 1. A nano-fiber manufacturing apparatus , which includes: a nozzle block having a plurality of upward nozzles for upwardly discharging a polymer solution from outlets of the upward nozzles and a polymer solution supply channel for supplying the polymer solution to the upward nozzles; a collector arranged above the nozzle block; and a power supply for applying high voltage between the upward nozzles and the collector , and which is capable of field-emitting nano-fibers by discharging the polymer solution from the outlets of the plural upward nozzles while overflowing the polymer solution from the outlets of the plural upward nozzles , and at the same time , collecting the polymer solution overflowed from the outlets of the upward nozzles so as to the collected polymer solution as a raw material of nano-fibers , the nano-fiber manufacturing apparatus comprising:a polymer solution collecting channel formed in the nozzle block for collecting the polymer solution overflowed from the outlets of the upward nozzles;a raw material tank for storing the polymer solution ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276421A1

In a method of manufacturing a fiber-reinforced strand, the fiber-reinforced strand is so manufactured that the cross-section thereof becomes as circular as possible. The present invention concerns a method of causing a reinforced fiber bundle to pass through a resin bath means and, thereafter, twisting the reinforced fiber bundle . The resin bath means includes an impregnation region where the reinforced fiber bundle is impregnated with a thermoplastic resin and a twisting region where the reinforced fiber bundle after the resin impregnation can be twisted, and the reinforced fiber bundle after the resin impregnation is twisted in such a manner that a twist pitch P imparted to the reinforced fiber bundle after the resin impregnation within a length L in the twisting region satisfies L/3≧P≧3.15/90×(dtex). The present invention relates to a fiber-reinforced strand and a method of manufacturing a fiber-reinforced strand.Fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resins (FRTP) are light and excellent in strength. Out of these, long fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resins (LFRTP) containing long reinforced-fibers having a long fiber length are particularly excellent in terms of impact resistance and stiffness and are used in the form of strings, for example, as strings of a tennis racket.As a method of manufacturing such a string-formed product of long fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resins (hereinafter, referred to as a “fiber-reinforced strand”), a method of causing a reinforced fiber bundle such as a plurality of glass rovings to pass through a resin bath means storing a molten thermoplastic resin, thereby impregnating the reinforced fiber bundle with the molten resin, and pulling out the reinforced fiber bundle after the resin impregnation from the resin bath means while twisting the reinforced fiber bundle about a bundle center is disclosed, for example, patent literatures 1 and 2.In the conventional fiber-reinforced strand manufacturing methods, there have been cases where a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283754A1
Принадлежит: OERLIKON TEXTILE GmbH & Co., KG.

An open-end spinning rotor (), comprising a rotor shaft (), a rotor cup () and a coupling device () releasably connecting the rotor shaft () and rotor cup (). The coupling device () has locking bodies (), arranged in a holding element () and lock the rotor cup () and the rotor shaft () in the axial direction under centrifugal force during operation of the open-end spinning rotor (). A resilient element () is associated with the locking bodies () and cooperates with the locking bodies () such that the locking bodies () also lock the rotor cup () to the rotor shaft () in the axial direction at a standstill. The holding element () is configured as a pin which is formed such that it produces a positive shaft-hub connection between the rotor shaft () and rotor cup () in conjunction with a correspondingly formed hub (). 114234236524176766245428. Open-end spinning rotor () , comprising a rotor shaft () , a rotor cup () and a coupling device () for releaseably connecting the rotor shaft () and rotor cup () , wherein the coupling device () has locking bodies () , which are arranged in a holding element () and lock the rotor cup () and the rotor shaft () in the axial direction as a consequence of the centrifugal force during operation of the open-end spinning rotor () , and wherein a resilient element () is associated with the locking bodies () and the resilient element () cooperates with the locking bodies () in such a way that the locking bodies () also lock the rotor cup () to the rotor shaft () in the axial direction at a standstill , characterized in that the holding element () is configured as a pin and the pin is formed in such a way that it produces a positive shaft-hub connection between the rotor shaft () and rotor cup () in conjunction with a correspondingly formed hub ().21. Open-end spinning rotor () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the positive connection is achieved by a spline shaft profile.31. Open-end spinning rotor () according to claim 1 , ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298519A1
Принадлежит: INVISTA North America S.a.r.l.

Disclosed herein are spandex fibers having reduced friction combined to provide a multiple end spandex package. The spandex fibers have a sheath-core cross-section with a lubricating additive is included in the sheath. A fusing additive specifically excluded to avoid coalescence among the individual filaments in the yarn. When combined in a yarn package, the multiple filaments are separable. 1. An article comprising a package of bi-component polyurethane yarn;wherein:(a) said bi-component polyurethane yarn has a sheath and a core;(b) said sheath includes a release agent; and(c) said yarn includes multiple, separable filaments.2. The article of wherein said yarn includes 2 to 10 separable filaments.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein said yarn does not include a fusing additive in said sheath.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein said yarn is a solution-spun yarn.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein said core comprises:(1) a polyurethane,(2) a blend of at least one polyurethane and at least one polyurethane-urea or,(3) a polyurethane-urea.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the release agent is selected from the group consisting of at least one crystalline material which fractures claim 1 , at least one low-friction polymer claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein said release agent is selected from the group consisting of mica claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , carbon black claim 1 , molybdenum disulfide claim 1 , talc claim 1 , boron nitride claim 1 , fumed silica claim 1 , a wax claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein said release agent comprises a fluorine-containing polymer.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein said sheath comprises the release agent in an amount of about 1% to about 50% by weight of the sheath.10. The article of claim 1 , wherein said sheath comprises the release agent in an amount of about 10% to about 25% by weight of the sheath.11. The article of claim 1 , wherein said sheath comprises about 1% ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for preparing high-grade and casual fabric with special leather feel using biologically corn-based fibres

Номер: US20130312236A1
Принадлежит: Danyang Danqi Yuyue Textile Co Ltd

A method for preparing high-grade and casual fabric with special leather feel using a corn-based fiber that comprises the steps of: 1) selecting 0.3-0.5 D/PF ultrafine corn-based SORONA fiber from DuPont (U.S.) and 0.2-0.4 D/PF long porous bright polyester yarns as raw materials; 2) compositing by air-jet texturing: having the above raw materials composited by low tension air-jet texturing in an air texturing machine, with the tension force controlled in the range of 4.5-6.0 cN, so as to form ATY yarns with a denier number of 120-180 D; 3) weaving, which includes yarn sizing, preliminary drying, oil applying and plain weaving; 4) dyeing and finishing, which include treating a fabric by pre-treating, presetting, splitting and alkali detaching, water washing and dehydrating, dyeing, water repellent treatment, instant ultrahigh temperature treatment, and one-sided lustering. The fabric prepared according to the present invention has the following advantages: it has smooth surface and soft feel, is waterproof, antifouling and antistatic, has excellent anti-wrinkle properties, has the luster and texture of natural leather material, and is good in breathability and moisture penetrability, it can be used for making both winter clothing and summer clothing, can be water-washed or dry cleaned, it has no need for ironing, is easy to care for, etc.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313758A1

Devices and methods for high-throughput manufacture of concentrically layered nanoscale and microscale fibers by electrospinning are disclosed. The devices include a hollow tube having a lengthwise slit through which a core material can flow, and can be configured to permit introduction of sheath material at multiple sites of Taylor cone formation formation. 1. A method of forming a structure comprising a core including a first material and a sheath including a second material around said core , the method comprising the steps of:providing the first material in a tube having an external surface with a longitudinal slit therein;providing the second material to the external surface of said tube; andapplying an electric field to at least a portion of the tube to thereby form a plurality of jets of said first and second materials.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said structure is a fiber.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said fiber has a diameter of less than 20 microns.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of jets comprises at least eight jets.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said slit has a width of between 0.01 and 20 millimeters.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said slit has a width of between 0.1 and 5 millimeters.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein said tube has a length of between 5 centimeters and 50 meters.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first material is pumped into said tube at a rate of between 0.01 and 10 milliliters per hour.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of placing a collector at a distance of between 1 and 100 centimeters from said slit.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein said step of providing the second material to the external surface of said tube comprises at least partially submerging said tube in a bath containing the second material.11. A method of forming a structure comprising a core including a first material and a sheath including a second material around said core claim 1 , the method ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Air Jet Spinning Machine and Method of Operation Thereof

Номер: US20130333347A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a method of operation for an air jet spinning machine, which is characterized in that the spinning process is interrupted when a yarn fault ( 18 ) is detected, and subsequent to the interruption of the spinning process a piecing process is initiated which is at least partly carried out by the spinning station ( 2 ) and in which a number of yarn process and handling devices directly assigned to the spinning station ( 2 ) are applied. Furthermore, an air jet spinning machine is proposed which permits such a piecing method.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140061959A1

The present disclosure relates to a method and a device for application of liquid polymeric material onto the active spinning zone of the cord of the spinning member of the spinning electrode, where the application means moving reversibly along the active spinning zone of the cord in the device for production of nanofibres through electrostatic spinning of liquid material in electrostatic field of high intensity between at least one spinning electrode and against it arranged collecting electrode. The liquid polymeric material is applied onto the cord around its whole circumference without any contact with gaseous environment in the spinning space, where the application means reversibly moves, whereas while the cord is leaving the application means the thickness of the layer of the liquid polymeric material is being reduced and immediately after leaving the application means the process of electrostatic spinning of the liquid polymeric material applied on the cord is started. 1. Method for application of liquid polymeric material onto the active spinning zone of a cord of a spinning member of a spinning electrode by an application means moving reversibly along the active spinning zone of the cord in a device for production of nanofibres through electrostatic spinning of liquid material in electrostatic field of high intensity between at least one spinning electrode and against it arranged collecting electrode , wherein the liquid polymeric material is applied onto the cord around its whole circumference without any contact with gaseous environment in the spinning space , where the application means reversibly moves , whereas while the cord is leaving the application means the thickness of the layer of the liquid polymeric material on the cord is being reduced and immediately after leaving the application means the process of electrostatic spinning of the liquid polymeric material applied on the cord is started.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002483A1
Автор: BOCHT Bernhard

A clothing wire for mounting on a clothing roll of a carding machine has a base section () and a blade section (). A gradient dh/db of the height (h) as a function of the width (b) of at least a first section () of at least one blade-section side face () is greater than the gradient dh/db of a second section () of the at least one blade-section side face (). The second section () is closer to the base section () than the first section (). The sign of the gradients dh/db is the same. In a region which extends to a vertical distance of at most ⅛ of the overall height of the blade section beneath the at least one second portion (), there no protrusions or indentations cause a gradient sign change on the at least one blade-section side face (). 1. Sawtooth wire for mounting on a carding roll of a carding machine , the sawtooth wire comprising:{'b': 1', '2', '2, 'a) a foot segment () with a base area () to be supported on a clothing roller, the base area () extending in a longitudinal direction (Z) and a lateral direction (B) of the sawtooth wire,'}{'b': 4', '2', '2', '4', '1', '4, 'b) a blade segment () extending in a height direction (H), which is perpendicular to the base area (), and having height values, as measured from the base area (), increasing in a direction of a side of the blade segment () facing away from the foot segment () up to a maximum height (hmax) of the blade segment (), and'}{'b': 4', '5', '6, 'c) the blade segment () being confined in the lateral direction (B) by a first () and a second () blade-segment lateral surface, wherein{'b': 10', '5', '6', '11', '5', '6', '10', '10', '11, 'd) an absolute value of a gradient dh/db of height (h) as a function of breadth (b) at least of a first portion () at least of one of the first and the second blade-segment lateral surface (, ) is greater than a absolute value of a gradient dh/db of at least a second portion () of the at least of one of the first and the second blade-segment lateral surface (, ), wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003189A1
Принадлежит: Lintec Of America, Inc.

Methods, system, and apparatus for producing an actuator device are disclosed. The method may include twisting a muscle fiber; coiling the twisted muscle fiber about a mandrel; securing the muscle fiber onto the mandrel using a securing means; heating the muscle fiber to a predetermined temperature using a heating means; and removing the coiled muscle fiber from the mandrel. The twisting, coiling, securing, heating, and removing is a process that is continued until the muscle fiber is a desired length. 1. A method of producing an actuator device , the method comprising:twisting a muscle fiber;coiling the twisted muscle fiber about a mandrel;securing the muscle fiber onto the mandrel using a securing means;heating the muscle fiber to a predetermined temperature using a heating means; andremoving the coiled muscle fiber from the mandrel,wherein the twisting, coiling, securing, heating, and removing is a process that is continued until the muscle fiber is a desired length.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the securing means is a rotating belt around the mandrel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the muscle fiber comprises a polymer fiber selected from the group consisting of nylon 6 claim 1 , nylon 66 claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polyvinylidene fluoride claim 1 , and combinations thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the muscle fiber comprises carbon nanotubes (CNT).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating means is operably connected to the mandrel such that the temperature of the mandrel is raised to the predetermined temperature.6. A system for continuous manufacturing of an actuator device claim 1 , the system comprising:a mandrel operably connected to a motor;a securing means; anda heating means,wherein a twisted muscle fiber is coiled around the mandrel using the motor and secured by the securing means, andwherein the heating means heats the muscle fiber to a predetermined temperature.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the securing means is a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Spinning Machine and Method for Operating a Spinning Machine with a Multiple Number of Spinning Stations

Номер: US20170009386A1
Автор: Stephan Adalbert

The invention relates to a method for operating a spinning machine with a multiple number of spinning stations, whereas, in the normal case, the individual spinning stations are supplied with a fiber material and produce a yarn from this, whereas, upon the occurrence of predefined events, yarn production is interrupted at any or all spinning stations, whereas the spinning stations at which yarn production has been interrupted are, when required, spun in with the assistance of a spinning-in process in order to once again start up yarn production, and whereas the respective spinning-in is carried out with the assistance of handling tools with their own spinning machines. In accordance with the invention, it is proposed that the individual spinning stations are classified on the basis of one or more production-related parameters, and that, if more spinning-in processes are to be carried out at the same time than can be carried out by the handling tools, at least the selection of the spinning station to be spun in next is carried out under consideration of the specified classification. 211-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method for operating a spinning machine with a multiple number of spinning stations, whereas, during a spinning operation, each of the individual spinning stations is supplied with a fiber material and produces a yarn from this, whereas, upon the occurrence of predefined events, yarn production is interrupted at any or all spinning stations, whereas the spinning stations at which yarn production was interrupted are, when required, spun in with the assistance of a spinning-in process, in order to restart yarn production, and whereas the respective spinning-in process takes place with the assistance of handling devices with their own spinning machines.Furthermore, a spinning machine with a multiple number of spinning stations for the production of yarn is proposed, whereas each of the spinning stations features at least one spinning unit ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Yarn Draw-Off Unit of a Rotor Spinning Machine and Method for Producing a Yarn with the Aid of a Rotor Spinning Machine

Номер: US20160010245A1

The invention relates to a yarn draw-off unit of a rotor spinning machine, having a draw-off nozzle () which projects into a spinning chamber () of the rotor spinning machine, and a draw-off conduit () for a yarn () produced within the spinning chamber (), the draw-off conduit () being arranged downstream of the draw-off nozzle () in the draw-off direction of the yarn () that is drawn off from the spinning chamber (). The draw-off conduit () comprises a helical section (), with the aid of which a false twist can be imparted to the yarn () within the draw-off conduit (). Furthermore, a draw-off nozzle for a rotor spinning machine is described, the draw-off conduit () of which comprises a helical section (), with the aid of which a false twist can be imparted to the yarn () within the draw-off nozzle (). Finally, the invention relates to a method for producing a yarn () with the aid of a rotor spinning machine. The method is characterised in that the yarn () is exposed to torque within a helical section () of the draw-off conduit (), said torque causing the yarn () to rotate about its longitudinal axis, the direction of rotation of the rotation corresponding to the direction of rotation that is imparted to the yarn () by the spinning rotor (). 121222352223215222324523. Yarn draw-off unit of a rotor spinning machine that has a draw-off nozzle () projecting into a spinning chamber () of the rotor spinning machine , and a draw-off conduit () for yarn () produced inside the spinning chamber () , wherein the draw-off conduit () is arranged downstream of the draw-off nozzle () in the draw-off direction of the yarn () that is drawn off from the spinning chamber () , characterized in that the draw-off conduit () has a helical section () with whose help a false twist can be imparted to the yarn () inside the draw-off conduit ().220-. (canceled) The invention refers to a yarn draw-off unit of a rotor spinning machine that has a draw-off nozzle which projects into a spinning ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Cooling Polyamide Yarn

Номер: US20150013047A1

The present invention provides a polyamide (preferably Nylon 66) yarn for weaving or knitting clothes articles which have a cooling effect on the skin of the wearer. The yarn contains an inorganic additive (preferably Titanium dioxide) in an amount of between 0.3 and 3.0 wt % and is characterized by a low crimp modulus and a flat cross section. 1. A yarn to be used in fabric for cooling the skin of a wearer experiencing increased physical effort or being exposed to higher external temperature , the yarni) comprising polyamide;ii) exhibiting low crimp; andiii) having a flat cross-section.2. A yarn according to claim 1 , wherein said polyamide is Nylon 66.3. A yarn according to claim 1 , wherein said low crimp is characterized by a crimp modulus of between 1 and 4.4. A yarn according to claim 1 , wherein said flat cross-section is characterized by an aspect ratio of between 3:7 and 6:7.5. A yarn according to claim 1 , containing Nylon 66 and an inorganic additive.6. A yarn according to claim 1 , comprising Nylon 66 and an inorganic additive selected from oxides claim 1 , silicates claim 1 , sulfates claim 1 , and their mixtures.7. A yarn according to claim 1 , comprising Nylon 66 and an inorganic additive in an amount of from 0.3 wt % to 3.0 wt %.8. A yarn according to claim 1 , having a titer of from 17 dtex to 78 dtex.9. A yarn according to claim 1 , containing titanium dioxide.10. A polyamide yarn exhibiting low crimp and having a flat cross-section claim 1 , containing an inorganic additive in an amount of between 0.3 and 3.0 wt % for use in manufacturing clothing articles which are efficient in lowering a surface temperature of the skin of the article wearer.11. A fabric knitted or woven from a polyamide yarn containing inorganic additive in an amount of from 0.3 wt % to 3.0 wt % claim 1 , exhibiting low crimp claim 1 , and having a flat cross-section.12. A fabric according to claim 11 , wherein said low crimp is characterized by a crimp modulus of between 1 and ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016151A1

A method and apparatus for producing fibre yarn is provided. The novel apparatus includes a first transportation and pressing element () and a second transportation and pressing element () arranged adjacent to the first transportation and pressing element as well as elements for driving the transportation and pressing elements (). The first and second transportation and pressing elements () are arranged to form a nip there between. The apparatus also includes a nozzle () for feeding fibre suspension (), such as pulp fibre suspension, to the nip between the first and second transportation and pressing elements (). 11391315. Method for producing fibre yarn , comprising feeding fibre suspension () from a nozzle () , which comprises feeding the fibre suspension () to a nip formed by a first transportation and pressing element () and a second transportation and pressing element ().21815. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the yarn () to be formed is pressed between liquid penetrable transportation and pressing elements ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , such as wires or felts.31815. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the yarn () to be formed is pressed between liquid non-penetrable transportation and pressing elements ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , such as rubber or plastic belts.415. Method according to claim 1 , wherein one of the first and second transportation and pressing element ( claim 1 , ) is liquid penetrable claim 1 , such as wire or felt claim 1 , whereas the other is liquid non-penetrable claim 1 , such as rubber or plastic.515151815. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the transportation and pressing elements ( claim 1 , ) are arranged to run so that the machine travel direction of the first transportation and pressing element () is different from that of the second transportation and pressing element () for twisting and rotating the yarn () to be formed between the pressing and transportation elements ( claim 1 , )615. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020495A1
Автор: Ke Tung-Yuan

An apparatus for producing a textile product generally includes a feeding section for providing a starting material to facilitate producing a textile product derived from the starting material; a drafting section operably coupled to the feeding section for gripping, pulling, stretching and breaking at least one strand of the starting material into at least one continuous and cohesive network of an intermediate product; and a spinning section operably coupled to the drafting section for winding and twisting the at least one continuous and cohesive network of an intermediate product onto a removable receiving member to form the textile product; the feeding section, the drafting section, and the spinning section are configured to form the textile product in a continuous operation. 1. An apparatus for producing an intermediate for the production of goods , comprising:a feeding component having at least one feeding element for providing a drafting component with at least one continuous precursor feeding material in a substantially flat, minimally twisted state;wherein said drafting component has a least one drafting element for converting said at least one continuous precursor feeding material into a continuous mass of a randomly arranged collection of minimally twisted wool-like structures;wherein said feeding component and said drafting component are integrated into a single unit for continuous operation;wherein said feeding component is adapted to receive at least one spool of a starting material for delivery to said at least one feeding element;wherein said feeding component provides a passive process for maintaining the feeding material in said substantially flat configuration, with a minimum twist that is no more than about double the twist of the starting material;wherein said feeding component, said drafting component and said spinning component are integrated into a single unit for providing a continuous operation;wherein the spinning component is configured to ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Workstation of a Spinning Machine or Winder

Номер: US20190023522A1

A method at a workstation of a spinning machine or winding machine supplies an auxiliary thread from a thread nozzle to a suction assigned to the workstation, the auxiliary thread stretched between the thread nozzle and the suction. The auxiliary thread is severed to form a thread section protruding into the suction and a thread section extending into the thread nozzle, wherein the thread section protruding into the suction is carried away by the suction. The thread section extending into the thread nozzle is grasped with a thread receiver such that the thread section extending into the thread nozzle extends between the thread nozzle and the thread receiver. The thread section extending into the thread nozzle is severed to form a thread section remaining in the thread nozzle and a thread section coming from the thread receiver. The thread section coming from the thread receiver is transferred to the suction of the workstation. The thread section coming from the thread receiver is grasped with a capture arrangement adjacent a tube at the workstation prior to starting a process of winding the thread section coming from the thread receiver onto the tube. 114-: (canceled)15. A method for operating a workstation of a spinning machine or winding machine , comprising:supplying an auxiliary thread from a thread nozzle to a suction assigned to the workstation, wherein the auxiliary thread is stretched between the thread nozzle and the suction;severing the auxiliary thread to form a thread section protruding into the suction and a thread section extending into the thread nozzle, wherein the thread section protruding into the suction is carried away by the suction;grasping the thread section extending into the thread nozzle with a thread receiver of the workstation, wherein the thread section extending into the thread nozzle extends between the thread nozzle and the thread receiver;severing the thread section extending into the thread nozzle to form a thread section remaining ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Method for a Textile Machine and a Textile Machine

Номер: US20170029234A1

The method in accordance with the invention for a textile machine, in particular a spinning or a winding machine with multiple similar workstations (), serves the purpose of delivering a thread () to a coil (), laying the thread () on the coil (), for winding the thread () on the coil () and for finding a thread end wound on the coil () by means of a suction nozzle (), whereas the thread end is sucked in by means of an opening turned towards the coil circumference that serves as an extraction mouth () of the suction nozzle (). The thread () runs through the suction nozzle () during the delivery to the coil (), whereas it enters through an additional opening in the suction nozzle () serving as an inlet mouth () for the thread () and exits the suction nozzle () through another opening, in particular through the extraction mouth (). A textile machine, in particular a spinning or a winding machine, features multiple similar workstations, in each case with a thread delivery device for delivering a thread () to a coil (), a thread traversing device for laying the thread () on the coil (), a winding device for winding the thread () on the coil () and a suction nozzle () for finding a thread end wound on the coil (), whereas the suction nozzle () features an opening turned towards the coil circumference that serves as an extraction mouth () for sucking in the thread end. The suction nozzle () features an additional opening serving as an inlet mouth () for the thread (), and the thread () runs through the suction nozzle () during the delivery to the coil (), whereas it enters the suction nozzle () through the inlet mouth (), and exits the suction nozzle () through another opening, in particular the extraction mouth (). 11. Method on a textile machine , in particular a spinning or a winding machine with multiple similar workstations () ,{'b': 7', '12, 'for delivering a thread () to a coil (),'}{'b': 7', '12, 'for laying the thread () on the coil (),'}{'b': 7', '12, 'for ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Spinning Unit of an Air Spinning Machine and the Operation of such a Machine

Номер: US20160032498A1

The invention relates to a method for operating an air spinning machine, whereas the air spinning machine features at least one spinning unit with one spinning nozzle () for producing a yarn (), whereas, during the normal operation of the spinning unit, the spinning nozzle () feeds a fiber composite () through an inlet () and in a predefined transport direction (T), whereas the fiber composite () within a vortex chamber () of the spinning nozzle () receives a twist with the assistance of a vortex air flow, such that a yarn () is formed from the fiber composite (), which ultimately leaves the spinning nozzle () through an outlet (), and is spooled on a sleeve with the assistance of a spooling device (), whereas, after an interruption in yarn production, a spinning-in process operation is carried out, with which one yarn end () on the spool side moves counter to the transport direction (T) through the spinning nozzle (), is overlaid with one end () of the fiber composite () after passing through the spinning nozzle () and, together with this, is brought through the net () into the spinning nozzle (), and whereas, after the conclusion of the specified steps of the spinning-in process, the production of yarn () is continued through the resumption of normal operation. In accordance with the invention, it is proposed that, during the spinning-in process, at least temporarily, additive () is applied at the end () of the fiber composite (). In addition, an air spinning machine for carrying out the method is described. 210-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method for operating an air spinning machine, whereas the air spinning machine features at least one spinning unit with one spinning nozzle for producing a yarn, whereas, during the normal operation of the spinning unit, the spinning nozzle feeds a fiber composite through an inlet and in a predefined transport direction, whereas the fiber composite within a vortex chamber of the spinning nozzle receives a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030618A1

An electro spinning apparatus according to embodiments of the inventive concept includes a nozzle unit discharging nano fiber on a substrate, and an alignment device having the substrate disposed thereon and aligning the nano fiber, wherein the alignment device includes a body and an angle adjustment unit adjusting an angle formed by a straight line connecting two electrodes disposed to face each other among the electrodes and the substrate. 1. An electro spinning apparatus comprising:a nozzle unit discharging a nano fiber on a substrate; andan alignment device on which the substrate is placed and which aligns the nano fiber,wherein the alignment device comprises:a body;electrodes disposed on the body; andan angle adjustment unit adjusting an angle formed by a straight line connecting two electrodes disposed to face each other among the electrodes and the substrate.2. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the angle adjustment unit comprises a jig coupled to the body to adjust the angle.3. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the angle adjustment unit further comprises a fixing plate disposed on the body between the electrodes and coupled to the jig.4. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electrodes are provided in two pairs or more.5. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the fixing plate comprises an insulation film.6. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the jig comprises an insulation film.7. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the substrate is disposed on the jig.8. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the level of an upper surface of each of the electrodes is higher than the level of an upper surface of the substrate disposed on the jig.9. The electro spinning apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a collector disposed to face the nozzle unit claim 1 , wherein the nano fibers have a first charge claim 1 , and the collector has a second charge different ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Thread-Guiding Unit, Open-End Spinning Machine and Method for Operating a Spinning Station

Номер: US20180030624A1

This invention relates to a thread guide unit () for drawing off a thread () from a rotor () of a spinning unit () of an open-end spinning machine with a draw-off tube () and a compressed air nozzle (). In accordance with the invention, it is proposed that thread outlet element () is provided, a thread outlet element () is provided and a mouth () of the compressed air nozzle () is formed as a gap between the draw-off tube () and the thread outlet element (). The invention also relates to an open-end spinning machine with a multiple number of spinning units (), whereas each spinning unit () features a spinning assembly (), a thread guide unit () in accordance with the preceding description, draw-off rollers (), a spooling unit () and a thread setting unit (). The invention further relates to a method for operating a spinning unit () of an open-end spinning machine, whereas, if the thread () must be set, a thread setting unit () moves a thread end () to the thread guide unit (), where the thread end () is initially fed into the thread guide unit () by a negative pressure prevailing in the spinning assembly () and is then sucked into the spinning assembly (), whereas a compressed air flow, which emerges in particular from a compressed air nozzle () of the thread guide unit () supports the sucking in of the thread end () into the spinning assembly (), in a manner synchronized with the setting of the thread (). 14211821. Thread guide unit for drawing off a thread () from a rotor () of a spinning unit () of an open-end spinning machine with a draw-off tube () and a compressed air nozzle () ,characterized in that{'b': 19', '23', '21', '18', '19, 'a thread outlet element () is provided and a mouth () of the compressed air nozzle () is formed as a gap between the draw-off tube () and the thread outlet element ().'}219-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a thread guide unit for drawing off a thread from a rotor of a spinning unit of an open-end spinning machine with ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Yarn-Producing Apparatus for an Air Spinning Machine with an Inset and thus an Equipped Spinneret

Номер: US20140116022A1
Автор: Kübler Markus
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a yarn-producing apparatus () for an air spinning machine, which is used for producing a yarn () from a fiber strand () with the assistance of an air flow, whereas the yarn-producing apparatus () has a spinning tip () with an inlet opening () surrounded by the outer surface () of the spinning tip (), in the area of which a yarn () is able to be produced with the assistance of the air flow. In accordance with the invention, it is suggested that the yarn-producing apparatus () have an internal inset () with a draw-off conduit () adjacent to the inlet opening () for the yarn () and several air outlets () branching off on the side from the draw-off conduit (), such that an air flow introduced counter to the direction of spinning (S) in the draw-off conduit () can escape in part through the air outlets () and in part through the inlet opening (). In addition, a spinning unit with a corresponding yarn-producing apparatus () is suggested. 11231465421786298896. Yarn-producing apparatus () for an air spinning machine , which is used for producing a yarn () from a fiber strand () with the assistance of an air flow , whereas the yarn-producing apparatus () has a spinning tip () with an inlet opening () surrounded by an outer surface () of the spinning tip () , in the area of which a yarn () is able to be produced with the assistance of the air flow , characterized in that the yarn-producing apparatus () has an internal inset () with a draw-off conduit () adjacent to the inlet opening () for the yarn () and several air outlets () branching off on the side from the draw-off conduit () , such that an air flow introduced counter to a spinning direction (S) in the draw-off conduit () can escape in part through the air outlets () and in part through the inlet opening ().215-. (canceled) This invention relates to a yarn-producing apparatus for an air spinning machine, which is used for producing a yarn made from a fiber strand with the assistance of an air ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Open-End Spinning Rotor with a Rotor Cup, a Rotor Shaft and a Coupling Device

Номер: US20150033695A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

In an open-end spinning rotor with a rotor cup, and with a rotor shaft, through which the spinning rotor is supported in a bearing, the rotor shaft and the rotor cup are detachably connected to each other through a coupling device. The coupling device includes a positive-locking connection for the transmission of the turning moment between the rotor cup and the rotor shaft, along with a magnetic device for the axial connection of the rotor shaft and the rotor cup. The rotor shaft features at least one projection with a one turning moment-transmitting area, which engages in a recess of the rotor cup with a turning moment-transmitting counter-area. A socket for a permanent magnet is arranged on the rotor cup.

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Cleaning device for cleaning a rotor plate of a spinning rotor, comprising a cleaning head

Номер: US20200032425A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

A cleaning device ( 1 ) for cleaning a rotor plate ( 2 ) of a spinning rotor ( 3 ) comprises a receptacle ( 6 ), a cleaning head ( 4 ) mounted on the receptacle ( 6 ), which can be advanced toward the spinning rotor ( 3 ) for cleaning and which includes at least one cleaning element ( 5, 5 a, 5 b ), and comprising a brake device ( 11 ) for decelerating and/or holding the spinning rotor ( 3 ) once the cleaning head ( 4 ) has been advanced. The cleaning head ( 4 ) comprises an at least partially cylindrical receiving area ( 7 ) for the spinning rotor ( 3 ), which defines an axial direction (AR) and a radial direction (RR) of the cleaning head ( 4 ). The brake device ( 11 ) contains multiple, in particular two, brake elements ( 12 ), which are mounted on the cleaning head ( 4 ) in such a way that they are movable from a neutral position into a braking position, and each of the multiple brake elements ( 12 ) is movable with the aid of its own drive ( 13 ).

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032426A1
Принадлежит: Truetzschler GmbH & Co. KG.

A process and an installation for producing a yarn in accordance with an airjet-spinning method. A carded fibre sliver is subjected to more than three-fold drawing without levelling at a carding machine and deposited in a can (C). At least nine fibre slivers are fed draftfree from cans (C) to a draw frame and subjected to at least 8.5-fold drawing to form a fibre sliver and deposited in a can (C). The fibre sliver in the cans (C) is then fed to a spinning station of an airjet-spinning machine. 117-. (canceled)18. A process for processing fibres , comprising steps of:producing on a carding machine a carded fibre sliver;subjecting the carded fibre sliver to preliminary drawing to produce a pre-drawn fibre sliver;depositing the pre-drawn fibre sliver in one of a plurality of first cans, feeding draftfree at least 9 or 12 of the pre-drawn fibre slivers from a corresponding number of first cans of the plurality of first cans to a draw frame and drawing the at least 9 to 12 pre-drawn fibre slivers on the draw frame to form a drawn fibre sliver;depositing the drawn fibre sliver in one of a plurality of second cans; andfeeding the drawn fibre sliver in the one second can to a spinning station of an airjet-spinning machine.19. The process according to claim 18 , further including subjecting the drawn fibre sliver to at least 20-fold drawing with respect to the carded fibre sliver.20. The process according to claim 18 , wherein the subjecting step includes subjecting the carded fibre sliver to at least 2.5-fold claim 18 , 3-fold or 3.5-fold preliminary drawing at the carding machine.21. The process according to claim 18 , further including effecting the preliminary drawing of the fibre sliver at the carding machine without levelling.22. The process according claim 18 , further including producing at least 80 kg/h of carded fibre sliver in the carding machine.23. The process according to claim 18 , wherein the carded fibre sliver has at least 2.9 ktex or 3.5 ktex.24. The ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Spinning machine comprising a plurality of adjacently arranged workstations and a displaceable service unit comprising a pneumatic working element and method for supplying the pneumatic working element with vacuum

Номер: US20210032781A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

A spinning machine and method of operation include a plurality of adjacently arranged workstations, each workstation having one of a spinning device or a suction nozzle to which a process vacuum is applied during spinning operation. A vacuum duct extends along the workstations for supplying the spinning devices or the suction nozzles with the process vacuum. A maintenance unit is displaceable along the workstations, the maintenance unit including a pneumatic working element and a vacuum line to supply the pneumatic working element with vacuum. A closeable connection opening is at each of the spinning devices or the suction nozzles, the connection opening connected to the process vacuum. The maintenance unit includes a suction head that is advanceable toward the connection opening and is connected to the vacuum line.

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Sliver Can Including a Display Element for Displaying Properties of the Fiber Material

Номер: US20200039780A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a sliver can (1) for accommodating a strand-shaped fiber material (2), comprising a peripheral, at least partially transparent side wall (3), via which an accommodating space (4) for the fiber material (2) is delimited, comprising a can base (5), which is preferably vertically movable within the accommodating space (4), and comprising at least one display element (6) for displaying the quantity and/or at least one property of the fiber material (2) located in the sliver can (1). According to the invention, the display element (6) is arranged in such a way that it is visible through the side wall (3) from outside the accommodating space (4).

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047062A1
Автор: Greenawalt Frank E.

The present disclosure provides a fiber-forming process that includes: providing a centrifugal electrospinning apparatus that includes: an emitter that includes a rotating element having a rotational speed of 10,000 rpm or less; and a collector; and providing a spinning solution including at least one polymer dissolved in at least one solvent; supplying the spinning solution to the emitter; and directing the spinning solution from the emitter toward the collector under conditions effective to form separate fibrous streams from the spinning solution, vaporize the solvent, and produce polymeric fibers on the collector. 1. A fiber-forming process comprising: a rotating free-surface edge emitter comprising a rotating element having a rotational speed of 4,000 rpm or less; and', 'a collector; and, 'providing a centrifugal electrospinning apparatus comprisingproviding a spinning solution comprising at least one polymer dissolved in at least one solvent;supplying the spinning solution to the emitter; anddirecting the spinning solution from the emitter toward the collector under conditions effective to form separate fibrous streams from the spinning solution, vaporize the solvent, and produce polymeric fibers on the collector.2. The process of further comprising providing a voltage potential of 40-80 kV between the emitter and the collector.3. The process of wherein the rotating element of the emitter has a rotational speed of 3500 rpm or less.4. The process of wherein the rotating element of the emitter has a rotational speed of 3000 rpm or less.5. The process of wherein the rotating element of the emitter has a rotational speed of at least 1000 rpm.6. The process of wherein the rotating element defines a forward surface facing the collector configured to discharge the spinning solution centrally therefrom.7. The process of wherein:the forward surface is a concave forward surface and defines a forward surface discharge edge; andthe step of issuing the spinning solution ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047063A1

A method for separating out nano-scale fiber threads from many fiber branches and controlling alignment and deposition of the fiber threads on a substrate, comprising: electrospinning at least synthetic polymer fiber streams from an electrically charged syringe needle; controlling the fiber using at least one electrically charged metallic disk rotating about an axis positioned below the needle; capturing the fiber using electrically grounded collector; extracting a single or plurality of fiber branch threads from the fiber streams, wherein the single or plurality of fiber branch threads is attracted to and intercepted by the collector shape, and depositing the single or plurality of fiber branch threads as substantially aligned fiber on the collector. 1. An apparatus for collecting fiber threads from many fiber branches comprising:a first disk adapted to sustain an electromagnetic field and rotate about a first axis;a second disk adapted to sustain an electromagnetic field and rotate about a second axis, said second axis substantially aligned in a common plane to said first axis;a support structure for positioning said first disk and said second disk so that separation between a first portion of said first disk and a corresponding first portion of said second disk is less than corresponding second portions of said first and second disks;at least one high voltage power supply for applying a charge to said syringe needle, said first disk, and said second disk, said charge on each of said first and second disk being a negative charge;an electrically chargeable syringe needle for electrospinning at least polymer fiber streams, said syringe needle tip positioned offset away from and substantially centered between an edge of said first disk and an edge of said second disk realizing an electrical potential difference;a first disk-speed control motor and a first shaft, said first shaft attached to said first disk;a second disk-speed control motor and a second shaft, said ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124131A1

Various methods and systems are provided for fabrication of nanoporous membranes. In one embodiment, among others, a system includes electrode pairs including substantially parallel electrodes, a controllable power supply to control the electrical potential of each of the electrode pairs, and a syringe to eject an electrically charged solution from a needle to form a nanofiber. The orientation of the nanofiber in a nanofiber layer is determined by the electrical potentials of the electrode pairs. In another embodiment, a method includes providing a nanoporous membrane including nanofiber layers between a transferor and a mainmold of a stamp-through-mold (STM) where adjacent nanofiber layers are approximately aligned in different directions. A patterned membrane is sheared from the nanoporous membrane using the transferor and the mainmold of the STM and transferred to a substrate. 1. A system , comprising:a plurality of electrode pairs, each electrode pair including a pair of substantially parallel electrodes;a controllable power supply configured to control the electrical potential of each of the electrode pairs; anda syringe configured to eject an electrically charged solution from a needle to form a nanofiber, where orientation of the nanofiber in a nanofiber layer of a nanoporous membrane is determined by the electrical potentials of the electrode pairs.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the syringe is configured to form a plurality of nanofibers to form the nanofiber layer claim 1 , wherein the plurality of nanofibers are approximately aligned with each other.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a stamp-thru-mold (STM) including a transferor and a mainmold claim 1 , the STM configured to shear the nanoporous membrane positioned between the transferor and the mainmold.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the mainmold is positioned between the plurality of electrode pairs.5. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a substrate claim 3 , wherein a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048492A1

An open-end spinning device having a rotor housing () which can be acted upon by negative pressure and a spinning rotor (), the rotor housing () is open towards the front and can be closed by a cover element, to the rear the rotor housing () has a rear wall () with a passage opening () for a rotor shaft () of the spinning rotor (). In order to prevent the occurrence of thread coils inside the rotor housing () behind the spinning rotor, a narrow gap () of less than 2 mm is provided between the spinning rotor () and the rear wall () of the rotor housing () at the largest outer diameter of the spinning rotor () and the rear wall () of the rotor housing () is designed such that the area () behind the spinning rotor () is covered inside the rotor housing (). 2293169. The open-end spinning device according to claim 1 , characterised in that the spinning rotor () has a rotor bottom () facing the rear wall () of the rotor housing () and the narrow gap () continues at least partially along the rotor bottom ().32868. The open-end spinning device according to claim 1 , characterised in that the spinning rotor () has an outer edge () on the largest outer diameter and the narrow gap () continues axially along the outer edge ().43110111. The open-end spinning device according claim 1 , characterised in that the rear wall () of the rotor housing () is at least partially formed by an exchangeable attachment () which rests on a boundary wall () of the rotor housing ().510622. The open-end spinning device according to claim 4 , characterised in that the attachment () forms the narrow gap () with the spinning rotor () at the largest outer diameter of the spinning rotor ().610. The open-end spinning device according to claim 4 , characterised in that the attachment () is designed to be conical or cylindrical.71011121. The open-end spinning device according to claim 4 , characterised in that the attachment () is fastened to a boundary wall ( claim 4 , ) of the rotor housing () by means ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for determining an electrical power or an electrical energy consumption of a spinning machine or winder and a spinning machine or winder operating in accordance with the method

Номер: US20210054542A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

A method determines an electrical characteristic at a spinning machine or winder, wherein the electrical characteristic is one or both of electrical power and electrical energy consumption. The spinning machine or winder includes a plurality of adjacently arranged workstations that each include an electrical working element. A total electrical characteristic for the spinning machine or winder is measured with a central measuring unit. The workstations are subdivided into at least two production groups that operated independently of one another. A distribution key is defined and used to calculate the electrical characteristic specific to each of the production groups by allocating the total electrical characteristic to the production groups with the distribution key. The specific production group electrical characteristics are displayed at the spinning machine or winder and transmitted to a computer that is at a higher control level than the spinning machine or winder.

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Yarn Containing a Core of Functional Components

Номер: US20190055678A1

A yarn is produced having a functional core and a covering. The core is either an active functional core having electronic components or passive components and may be monofilament or multifilament. The core and covering are woven together such that the covering protects the core and gives the core a more comfortable feel such that the yarn may be used in textile applications. The core may be covered by various spinning methods such as air jet or Vortex air jet spinning, ring spinning, open end, or friction spinning. The yarn may also be processed in a single or double covering operation. In one embodiment, the yarn is woven into clothing. 1. A yarn comprising:a core, wherein the core comprises a functional component; anda covering, wherein the covering is disposed on at least 50% of a total surface area of the core.2. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the functional component comprises an integrated active electronic component claim 1 , an integrated passive electronic component claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The yarn of claim 2 , wherein the functional component comprises an electrical conductor claim 2 , a microprocessor claim 2 , a computer claim 2 , electronic device claim 2 , an integrated circuit claim 2 , fiber optics claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises a monofilament yarn.5. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the core comprises a multifilament yarn.6. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the covering comprises a staple fiber claim 1 , a continuous monofilament yarn claim 1 , a continuous multifilament yarn claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. The yarn of claim 1 , further comprising an insulation disposed between the core and covering.8. The yarn of claim 7 , wherein the insulation comprises electrical or thermal insulation and is impermeable to liquids.9. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein the core is single covered with a continuous monofilament yarn or a continuous multifilament yarn.10. The yarn of claim 1 , wherein ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Half-slide matched device and its application of ultra-smoothly reconstructing yarn hairy structure

Номер: US20190055679A1
Автор: Xia Zhigang

A half-slide matched device and its application of ultra-smoothly reconstructing yarn hairy structure belong to a textile processing field. According to the half-slide matched device of the present invention, a vortex device static part and a vortex device moving part are symmetrical arranged and are of a half-slide matched. In practice, multiple devices are connected in tandem. When yarn moves, the parts of half-slide matched device are closed, for efficiently constraining and utilizing the vortex airflow. A directional jet tube one-directionally stretches hairiness on yarn surface to avoid hairiness random dispersion and entanglement, remove yarn surface impurities. Tandem-connected devices repeatedly superimpose and strengthen the reconstructed ultra-smooth yarn structure. The half-slide matched device can be opened when the yarn breaks, which facilitates splicing and maintenance. The half-slide matched device has a reasonable structure and is very convenient for wide application. 19101171581246124614321432261412141234347671216589101169101166911610616171522691610171115. A half-slide matched device of ultra-smoothly reconstructing yarn hairy structure , comprising: a first sliding rod () , a second sliding rod () , a third sliding rod () , a fixer () , a connector () , an air inlet tube () , an air outlet tube () , a vortex device static part and a vortex device moving part , wherein the vortex device static part and the vortex device moving part are symmetrical arranged and half-slide matched; the vortex device static part comprises a yarn guide tube right part () , a stationary spindle right part () and a vortex tube tight part (); the yarn guide tube right part () and the stationary spindle right part () are embedded in the vortex tube right part (); the vortex device moving part comprises a yarn guide tube left part () , a stationary spindle left part () and a vortex tube left part (); the yarn guide tube left part () and the stationary spindle left part () ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Support Disk with a Crowned Running Surface

Номер: US20170058434A1

A support disk for a suspension for a spinning rotor () of an open-end spinning device features a base body () and a thrust ring () with a running surface () attached on an outer circumference of the base body (), whereas the running surface () has a crowned outer contour in the axial section. The running surface () features at least two partial sections (), between which at least one groove-shaped recess () is formed. A suspension for a spinning rotor () of an open-end spinning device contains support disks () arranged in pairs forming a wedge slit, whereas the spinning rotor () can be mounted with its shaft () in the wedge slit, and whereas at least one of the support disks () is formed as described above. 12389108101011121416. Support disk for a suspension for a spinning rotor () of an open-end spinning device , whereas the support disk () features a base body () and a thrust ring () with a running surface () attached on an outer circumference of the base body () , whereas the running surface () has a crowned outer contour in the axial section , characterized in that the running surface () features at least two partial sections () , between which at least one groove-shaped recess ( , , ) is formed.212-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a support disk for a suspension for a spinning rotor of an open-end spinning device, whereas the support disk features a base body and a thrust ring with a running surface attached on an outer circumference of the base body, whereas the running surface has a crowned outer contour in the axial section. Furthermore, the invention relates to a suspension for a spinning rotor of an open-end spinning device with support disks arranged in pairs forming a wedge slit, whereas the spinning rotor can be mounted with its shaft in the wedge slit.Suspensions for a spinning rotor of an open-end spinning device, whereas the shaft of the spinning rotor is located in wedge slits formed in/by support disks, are well-known in the state of ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056307A1

A yarn () having a core () and a sheath (), preferably comprising staple fibers, said core comprising at least one polymeric core fiber (), preferably a plurality of polymeric core fibers (), wherein the amount of the core fibers () is at least 35% by weight of the total weight of the yarn () and said core () and said sheath () are spun together. 11232121123. A composite yarn () having a core () and a sheath () , said core comprising at least one polymeric core fiber () , wherein the amount of the core fibers () is at least 35% by weight of the total weight of the yarn () and said core () and said sheath () are spun together.2121. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , wherein said core fibers () are non-texturized fibers.3122. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , wherein said core further includes elastomeric filaments ().4121. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of said core fibers () have a linear density of 14 denier or less.51. A composite yarn () according to wherein the core fibers comprise filaments.61. A composite yarn () according to claim 5 , comprising at least 1 filament.71211. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of core fibers () is in the range of 35% to 90% by weight of the yarn ().81. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , having tenacity comprised between 5 and 160 cN/tex.91. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , obtained by ring spinning.101212121. A composite yarn () according to claim 1 , wherein said core fibers () comprise core fibers () that are selected from polyester polymers and copolymers claim 1 , polyamide polymers and copolymers claim 1 , polyacrylic polymers claim 1 , and mixtures thereof claim 1 , said core fibers () comprising one or more of:PET (polyethylene terephthalate) filaments;PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) filaments;PTT (Poly tri-methylene terephthalate) filaments;PTMT (poly tetra-methylene terephthalate) filaments;filaments made of copolymer of one ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Mounting Carrier for an Opening Roller with Parts of a Securing Device for a Screw Cap and an Opening Roller with a Securing Device for a Screw Cap

Номер: US20170067514A1
Автор: Josef Schermer

A mounting carrier ( 3 ) for an opening roller ( 1 ) of an open-end spinning device features at least one part of a screw cap ( 8 ) comprising multiple positions, by means of which the mounting carrier ( 3 ) can be detachably fastened to a base body ( 2 ) of the opening roller ( 1 ) firmly connected to a drive shaft ( 6 ). Furthermore, the mounting carrier ( 3 ) features at least one part of a securing device ( 7 ). The securing device ( 7 ) includes a cover element ( 15 ) connected to the mounting carrier ( 3 ), by means of which at least one of the positions of the screw cap ( 8 ) can be indicated, and/or by means of which the mounting carrier ( 3 ) can be secured against unintentional detachment from the base body ( 2 ). An opening roller ( 1 ) features a base body ( 2 ) firmly connected to a drive shaft ( 6 ) and a mounting carrier ( 3 ) detachably connected to the base body ( 2 ) by means of a screw cap ( 8 ), whereas the screw cap ( 8 ) features multiple positions and, by rotating the mounting carrier ( 3 ) relative to the base body ( 2 ) around a common axis of rotation (A), can be transferred from a disengaged position (I) through a connecting position (II) into a locking position (III), and back. The screw cap ( 8 ) comprises at least one securing device ( 7 ), which includes one cover element ( 15 ) connected to the mounting carrier ( 3 ), which, at least in the connecting position (II), indicates the position of the screw cap ( 8 ), and/or which, at least in the connecting position (II), secures the mounting carrier ( 3 ) against unintentional detachment from the base body ( 2 ).

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071319A1

According to one embodiment, an electrospinning head includes a head main body and a nozzle. The nozzle projects from the head main body. A flow passage is formed inside the nozzle, and an ejection port of the flow passage is formed at a projecting end of the nozzle. A first extending portion constitutes a connecting portion of the nozzle to the head main body, and a second extending portion further projects from the first extending portion and constitutes the projecting end of the nozzle. A volume in the second extending portion excluding the flow passage is smaller than that in the first extending portion, and a dimension of the second extending portion along a projection direction is smaller than that of the first extending portion. 1. An electrospinning head comprising:a head main body in which a storage hollow capable of storing a material liquid is formed in the inside; anda nozzle made of an electrically conductive material and projecting from an outer peripheral surface of the head main body, a flow passage which communicates with the storage hollow being formed inside the nozzle, and an ejection port of the flow passage being formed at a projecting end of the nozzle from the head main body, wherein a first extending portion that constitutes a connecting portion to the outer peripheral surface of the head main body, a part of the first extending portion excluding the flow passage having a first volume; and', 'a second extending portion that further projects from the first extending portion toward a projection direction of the nozzle and constitutes the projecting end of the nozzle, a part of the second extending portion excluding the flow passage having a second volume smaller than the first volume, and a dimension of the second extending portion along the projection direction being smaller than that of the first extending portion., 'the nozzle comprises2. The electrospinning head according to claim 1 , whereinan area of a cross section of the flow passage ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076172A1
Автор: Duncan Beth

A spinning wheel assembly, including a collapsible frame and a spinning assembly connectable thereto. The spinning assembly includes a first grooved pulley and a plurality of differently sized second grooved pulleys, each pulley being rotatably connectable to the frame. A spindle is removably connectable to a respective grooved second pulley, and an endless belt is operationally connected to the first and second pulleys. Each respective grooved second pulley has at least one circumferential groove defining an effective diameter and at least one unique effective diameter. 1. A spinning wheel assembly , comprising:a collapsible frame portion; and a first grooved pulley rotatably connected to the frame portion;', 'a plurality of differently sized second grooved pulleys, each respective second pulley being rotatably connectable to the frame portion and spaced from the first pulley;', 'a spindle removably connectable to a respective grooved second pulley;', 'an endless belt operationally connected to the first and second pulleys;', 'a tensioner connected to the frame portion and operationally connected to the endless belt;', 'a base member operationally connected to the spindle and rotatably engaged to the frame portion;', 'a plurality of pairs of arms, each respective pair of arms being removably connectible to the base member;', 'a plurality of evenly spaced fingers extending from each respective pair of arms;', 'wherein each respective pair of arms has a unique finger spacing;', 'wherein each respective grooved second pulley has at least one circumferential groove defining an effective diameter;', 'wherein each respective second pulley has at least one unique effective diameter; and', 'wherein only one respective second pulley may be rotatably connectable to the frame portion at any given time., 'a spinning assembly operationally connected to the collapsible frame portion, further comprising2. The assembly of and further comprising a hollow orifice member defining an ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071798A1

In a method for cleaning a spinning rotor () of a spinning device () of an open-end spinning machine, at least one cleaning measure (RM) is carried out on the spinning rotor () with the aid of a pneumatic and/or a mechanical cleaning device (), wherein settings (E), with the aid of which the at least one cleaning measure (RM) is carried out, are predefined by a control unit () of the open-end spinning machine. Various parameter (P) are stored in a memory bank (). Moreover, previously empirically determined settings (E) for carrying out the cleaning measure (RM), which are suitable for the particular parameters (P), and/or rules (R) for determining settings (E) which are suitable for the particular parameters (P) are stored. The settings (E) for carrying out the at least one cleaning measure (RM) are automatically determined by the control unit () with the aid of the memory bank () depending on presently given parameters (P). In the case of an open-end spinning machine comprising at least one spinning device () including a spinning rotor (), comprising at least one cleaning device (), and comprising a control unit (), the control unit () is designed for carrying out the described method. 1414724252425. A method for cleaning a spinning rotor () of a spinning device () of an open-end spinning machine , in which at least one cleaning measure (RM) is carried out on the spinning rotor () with the aid of a pneumatic and/or a mechanical cleaning device () , wherein settings (E) , with the aid of which the at least one cleaning measure (RM) is carried out , are specified by a control unit () of the open-end spinning machine , characterized in that various parameters (P) are stored in a memory bank () , previously empirically determined settings (E) for carrying out the cleaning measure (RM) , which are suitable for the particular parameters (P) , and/or rules (R) for determining settings (E) which are suitable for the particular parameters (P) are stored , and the settings ( ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Slubbing Machine with an Arrangement for Detecting and Removing Yarn Flaws

Номер: US20150082766A1

The invention relates to a slubbing machine for producing a rove () from a fiber web (), wherein the slubbing machine has at least one spinning nozzle () with an inlet opening () for the fiber web (), wherein the spinning nozzle () is assigned at least one air nozzle through which the air can be channeled into the spinning nozzle () in order to impart a protective rotation to the fiber web () within the spinning nozzle (), wherein the spinning nozzle () has an outlet () through which the rove () can be drawn out of the spinning nozzle (), and wherein the slubbing machine comprises at least one receiving device () arranged downstream of the spinning nozzle () in the transport direction of the rove (), particularly in the form of a winding device () to receive the rove () leaving the spinning nozzle (). The invention proposes that the slubbing machine comprises an arrangement (), to be passed by the rove (), for detecting and removing yarn flaws (), the arrangement () being placed between the outlet () of the spinning nozzle () and the receiving device (). The invention further discloses a method for producing a rove () from a fiber web () using a slubbing machine, which is characterized in that, after leaving a spinning nozzle (), the rove () passes an arrangement () for detection and removal of yarn flaws (), which is placed between the outlet () of the spinning nozzle () and a receiving device (), wherein by means of the arrangement (), yarn flaws () are detected upstream of where the rove () is received, and are removed from the rove (). 112. Slubbing machine for producing a rove () from a fiber web () ,{'b': 3', '4', '2, 'wherein the slubbing machine has at least one spinning nozzle () with an inlet opening () for the fiber web (),'}{'b': 3', '3', '2', '3, 'wherein at least one air nozzle is assigned to the spinning nozzle () through which air nozzle the air can be channeled into the spinning nozzle () in order to impart a protective rotation to the fiber web () ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Channel Plate Adapter and Open-End Spinning Device with a Channel Plate Adapter

Номер: US20170081789A1

The invention relates to a channel plate adapter for use in a cover of a rotor housing of an open-end spinning device, whereas a rotor () is rotatably arranged in the rotor housing, with an output fiber channel (), which conveys fibers () to the rotor (), whereas the fibers () enter at an inlet side () of the output fiber channel (), from which the fibers () exit at an outlet side () of the output fiber channel () to the rotor (). In accordance with the invention, the output fiber channel () features a bend () between the inlet side () and the outlet side (), whereas the bend () bends a second section () of the output fiber channel (), which is formed between the bend () and the outlet side () in respect of a first section () of the the output fiber channel (), which is formed between the first bend () and the inlet side, against the direction of rotation (DR) of the rotor (). The invention further relates to an open-end spinning device of a spinning machine with a fiber channel for guiding fibers into a rotor (), which is rotatably mounted in a rotor housing of the open-end spinning device, whereas the fiber channel comprises an input fiber channel (), which is arranged in an opening roller housing () of the open-end spinning device, and an output fiber channel (), which is arranged in a channel plate adapter () that is insertable into a cover of the rotor housing. 1232536323756738579767982. Channel plate adapter for use in a cover of a rotor housing of an open-end spinning device , whereas a rotor () is rotatably arranged in the rotor housing , with an output fiber channel () , which conveys fibers to the rotor () , whereas the fibers enter at an inlet side () of the output fiber channel () , from which the fibers exit at an outlet side () of the output fiber channel () to the rotor () , characterized in that the output fiber channel () features a bend () between the inlet side () and the outlet side () , whereas the bend () splits the output fiber channel () into ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095400A1

A fiber processing device includes a drum having a plurality of openings on an outer peripheral surface, sieving a raw material containing fibers, and configured to rotate about a rotation axis, a housing that supports the drum, a guide portion (convex portion) provided on an outer peripheral surface of the drum; and a restriction portion (bearing) that restricts movement of the drum in a direction of the rotation axis by contacting the convex portion. At least one of the restriction portion and the guide portion is configured to rotate about an axis (rotation axis) orthogonal to the rotation axis. 1. A fiber processing device comprising:a drum having a plurality of openings on an outer periphery, sieving a raw material containing fibers, and configured to rotate about a rotation axis;a housing that supports the drum;a guide portion provided on an outer peripheral surface of the drum; anda restriction portion that restricts movement of the drum in a direction of the rotation axis by contacting the guide portion, whereinat least one of the restriction portion and the guide portion is configured to rotate about an axis orthogonal to the rotation axis.2. The fiber processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe restriction portion is provided in the housing.3. The fiber processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe guide portion is a convex portion protruding outward from the outer peripheral surface, andthe restriction portion is a bearing configured to rotate about the axis orthogonal to the rotation axis.4. The fiber processing device according to claim 3 , whereinan outer ring of the bearing is covered with a material having a hardness lower than a hardness of the convex portion.5. The fiber processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe guide portion is a groove recessed inward from the outer peripheral surface, andthe restriction portion is a bearing that is disposed inside the groove and configured to rotate about the axis orthogonal to the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145495A1

An electrode system for use in an AC-electrospinning process comprises an electrical charging component electrode and at least one of an AC field attenuating component and a precursor liquid attenuating component. The electrical charging component electrode is electrically coupled to an AC source that places a predetermined AC voltage on the electrical charging component electrode. In cases in which the electrode system includes the AC field attenuating component, it attenuates the AC field generated by the electrical charging component electrode to better shape and control the direction of the fibrous flow. In cases in which the electrode system includes the precursor liquid attenuating component, it serves to increase fiber generation, even if the top surface of the liquid precursor is not ideally shaped or is below a rim or lip of the reservoir that contains the liquid on the electrical charging component electrode. 1. An electrode system for use in an alternating current (AC)-electrospinning system , the electrode system comprising:an electrical charging component electrode, the electrical charging component electrode being electrically coupled to an AC source that delivers an AC signal to the electrical charging component electrode to place a predetermined AC voltage on the electrical charging component electrode; andat least one of an AC field attenuating component and a precursor liquid attenuating component.2. The electrode system of claim 1 , wherein the electrode system comprises the AC field attenuating component claim 1 , but not the precursor liquid attenuating component claim 1 , and wherein the predetermined AC voltage is also placed on the AC field attenuating component claim 1 , and wherein the AC field attenuating component attenuates an AC field created by the placement of the predetermined AC voltage on the electrical charging component electrode.3. The electrode system of claim 2 , wherein the electrical charging component electrode is doughnut- ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Method for Preparing a Yarn End for Spinning in at a Rotor Spinning Device of a Rotor Spinning Machine along with a Rotor Spinning Machine

Номер: US20170101728A1

With a method for preparing a yarn end () for spinning in at a rotor spinning device () of a rotor spinning machine () with a rotor housing () that can be closed with a cover () and can be subjected to negative pressure through a negative pressure channel (), with a spinning rotor () that is rotatably mounted in the rotor housing () and rotates with an operating rotational speed during the spinning operation along with a draw-off nozzle (), the yarn end () to be prepared is introduced into the negative pressure channel (), and is interrupted by a severing structure () of the open edge of the rotating spinning rotor (), and is thereby prepared for spinning in. During the interruption of the yarn end (), the spinning rotor () is driven with a defined rotational speed for the preparation of the yarn end, whereas the rotational speed for the preparation of the yarn end is either equal to the operating rotational speed of the spinning rotor () or is less than the operating rotational speed of the spinning rotor (). A corresponding rotor spinning machine () features a control unit (), by means of which the rotor spinning device () can be operated in accordance with one of the preceding claims. 1921348537981059555. Method for preparing a yarn end () for spinning in at a rotor spinning device () of a rotor spinning machine () with a rotor housing () that can be closed with a cover () and can be subjected to negative pressure through a negative pressure channel () , with a spinning rotor () that is rotatably mounted in the rotor housing () and rotates with an operating rotational speed during the spinning operation along with a draw-off nozzle () , whereas , with the method , the yarn end () to be prepared is introduced into the negative pressure channel () , and is interrupted by a severing structure () of the open edge of the rotating spinning rotor () , and is thereby prepared for spinning in , characterized in that , during the interruption of the yarn end () , the ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Work Station of a Textile Machine, Pneumatic Thread Storage Element for a Work Station of a Textile Machine and a Textile Machine

Номер: US20180112334A1

A work station of a textile machine includes a plurality of fiber-guiding work elements that are divided into at least two groups. A first work station part is defined at the work station on which a first group of the fiber-guiding work elements is arranged. A second work station part is defined at the work station on which a second group of the fiber-guiding work elements is arranged. The second work station part is arranged in a movable manner relative to the first work station part at the work station or is arranged in a removable manner at the work station. A pneumatic thread storage element is also provided for a work station of a textile machine for the temporary receiving of a thread, and includes a multi-part structure with a first thread storage section and a second thread storage section connected to one another at a separation point. 113-. (canceled)14. A work station of a textile machine , comprising:a plurality of fiber-guiding work elements that handle or process fibers in the form of fiber material or thread, the fiber-guiding work elements divided into at least two groups;a first work station part on which a first group of the fiber-guiding work elements is arranged;a second work station part on which a second group of the fiber-guiding work elements is arranged; andwherein the second work station part is arranged in a movable manner relative to the first work station part at the work station or is arranged in a removable manner at the work station.15. The work station of a textile machine according to claim 14 , wherein the second work station part is arranged in a pivotable manner at the work station relative to the first work station part.16. The work station of a textile machine according to claim 15 , wherein the first group of fiber-guiding work elements comprises a winding roller arranged by a bracket at the first work station part claim 15 , the second work station part pivotally mounted to the bracket.17. The work station of a textile ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178052A1

A process for operating an air-jet spinning device after a spinning interruption, an air-jet spinning machine having a yarn guide channel and such a yarn guide channel. The air-jet spinning device is preceded in the direction of travel of the fibre web by a drafting system for warping a fibre web and a yarn take-up device, which is optionally driven individually by a motor, for taking off a yarn spun by the air-jet spinning device is connected downstream. After a spinning interruption, the yarn end of the spun yarn accumulated on a take-up package is picked up by a suction nozzle and transferred to a yarn end preparation device arranged downstream of the air-jet spinning device in the direction of the sliver run, the yarn end is processed in the yarn end preparation device and is then transferred to a first area of an outlet opening of the spinning cone, the yarn end is pneumatically transported to a second area of an inlet opening of the spinning cone and is positioned there within the air-jet spinning device at a distance in front of the inlet opening, the drafting system of the relevant workstation is raised and the sliver is conveyed through a sliver guide of the nozzle block into the second area of the inlet opening of the spinning cone and there spun onto the prepared yarn end of the spun yarn. 1. A yarn guide channel for arrangement between a spinning device and a winding device of a spinning machine producing a take-up package in which a yarn guide channel forms a passage channel for a yarn running between the spinning device and the winding device , the yarn guide channel comprising:a plurality of pneumatically engageable channel sections coupled to each other, comprising at least a first channel section, a second channel section and a channel connection section disposed between the first and second channel sections, in which the channel connection section has an orifice for supplying compressed air into the yarn guide channel for generating a pneumatic ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119834A1

A yarn return unit for returning a yarn into a delivery unit of a textile machine during a piecing process includes a yarn-guiding section configured to guide and position the yarn with respect to the delivery unit. A blowing unit generates an air flow for returning the yarn from the yarn-guiding section into the delivery unit, the blowing unit defining a flow direction of the air flow. The yarn-guiding section includes an open contour that defines an insertion area through which the yarn is inserted into the yarn-guiding section transversely to the flow direction of the air flow. 114-. (canceled)15. A yarn return unit for returning a yarn into a delivery unit of a textile machine during a piecing process , comprising:a yarn-guiding section configured to guide and position the yarn with respect to the delivery unit;a blowing unit configured to generate an air flow for returning the yarn from the yarn-guiding section into the delivery unit, the blowing unit defining a flow direction of the air flow; andthe yarn-guiding section comprising an open contour that defines an insertion area through which the yarn is inserted into the yarn-guiding section transversely to the flow direction of the air flow.16. The yarn return unit as in claim 15 , wherein the yarn-guiding section comprises a yarn-guiding channel or a yarn-guiding ring claim 15 , and the insertion area comprises an insertion slot oriented in the flow direction of the air flow.17. The yarn return unit as in claim 15 , further comprising a cutting section spaced apart from the yarn-guiding section in a direction transverse to the flow direction of the air flow claim 15 , the cutting section comprising a cutting unit.18. The yarn return unit as in claim 17 , wherein one or both of the yarn-guiding section and the cutting section comprises one of a circular claim 17 , elliptical claim 17 , or angular cross-section.19. The yarn return unit as in claim 17 , wherein the cutting section comprises a slot-shaped ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140208711A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a roving machine for producing a roving () from a fiber sliver (), wherein the roving machine comprises at least one spinning station () which has a vortex chamber () with an infeed opening () for the fiber sliver () and a roving forming element in the form of a spindle () that has an inlet port () and extends at least partially into the vortex chamber (), wherein the vortex chamber () is associated with spinning nozzles () through which air can be guided into the vortex chamber () in order to impart, after a piecing process, a protective twist to the fiber sliver () in the region of the inlet port (), and wherein the spindle () has a draw-off channel () via which the roving () provided with the protective twist can be drawn out of the vortex chamber (). It is proposed according to the invention that piecing nozzles () are additionally associated with the vortex chamber (), wherein each of the piecing nozzles () has a flow direction which is aligned in the direction of the inlet port () of the spindle (). Furthermore, proposed is a method for piecing a fiber sliver () on a roving machine serving for producing a roving (), which is characterized in that during the piecing process, the fiber sliver () is moved by means of the air flow generated by the piecing nozzles () in a linear movement into the draw-off channel (), and wherein by means of the air flow, a protective twist is imparted to the fiber sliver () in addition to the linear movement. 1123452610441942106914848106. A roving machine for producing a roving () from a fiber sliver () , wherein the roving machine comprises at least one spinning station () which has a vortex chamber () with an infeed opening () for the fiber sliver () and a roving forming element in the form of a spindle () that has an inlet port () and extends at least partially into the vortex chamber () , wherein the vortex chamber () is associated with spinning nozzles () through which air can be guided into the vortex ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130365A1
Автор: Gan Yong X.

The present invention discloses a nanostructured materials processing and manufacturing apparatus comprising a coaxial needle, a rotating disk, two spring pushers, and a electric power source with sufficient voltage, The coaxial needle, which is capable of simultaneously delivering two different types of solutions, is connected to a rotating shaft coupler and tilted at an angle, preferably 2 to 5 degrees, with respect to the vertical direction relative to the surface of the rotating disk. A mechanical action to the solutions is added by the rotation of the slightly tilted coaxial needle. The coaxial needle is electrically connected to the positive electrode of a electric power source by a pad pushed by a spring pusher, which enables the solutions in the coaxial needle to be electrified. The rotating disk is connected to the negative electrode of the power source. Due to both mechanical and electric actions, the apparatus performs electrospraying and/or electrospinning functions. The apparatus may produce nanoparticles, nanofibers, microfibers by adjusting the processing parameters. The apparatus is capable of generating well-aligned nanofibers due to the rotation of the rotating disk. The nanostructured materials may have thermoelectric energy conversion property. The apparatus may also be used to electrospray solution into nanotube specimens for doping the nanotubes. The doped nanotubes demonstrate photovoltaic behavior and self-cleaning function. 1. Nanostructured material manufacturing apparatus comprising: the coaxial needle comprising an inner portion and an outer portion, the inner portion is configured to allow the passage of a first solution and the outer portion is configured to allow the passage of a second solution;', 'the rotating disk collector comprising a surface and the surface is configured to collect products formed from the electrospraying or electrospinning of the first and/or second solutions delivered from the coaxial needle;', 'the coaxial ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for Preparing a Workstation for the Resumption of the Spinning Process on an Air-Jet Spinning Machine and an Air-Jet Spinning Machine for Performing the Method

Номер: US20170137974A1
Автор: Pilar Evzen

The invention relates to a method for preparing a workstation for the resumption of the spinning process on an air-jet spinning machine, in which after an interruption of spinning, the yarn () is guided back into its working path behind a spinning nozzle (), or the yarn () is stopped in controlled manner in its working path with the end of yarn () situated behind the spinning nozzle (), the end of yarn () is introduced into an outlet opening () of the spinning nozzle (), whereupon the yarn () is transported by the reverse motion with the aid of the spinning nozzle () and a feeding device () of fibers as far as to a guide channel () in front of the spinning nozzle (), whereupon a spinning-in end of yarn () is formed on the yarn () in the guide channel () and simultaneously the formation of yarn reserve is started in an underpressure yarn storage device () in front of a winding device () of yarn (). The reverse motion of the yarn () to the guide channel () is performed by the reverse motion of a drawing-off mechanism () of yarn () of the workstation. 15265. A method for preparing of a workstation for the resumption of the spinning process on an air-jet spinning machine , in which after an interruption of spinning , the yarn is guided back to its working path behind a spinning nozzle , or the yarn is stopped in a controlled manner in the working path with the end of yarn situated behind the spinning nozzle , the end of yarn being inserted into an inlet opening of the spinning nozzle , whereupon the yarn is transported by a reverse motion with the aid of the spinning nozzle and a feeding device of fibers as far as to a guide channel before the spinning nozzle , where a spinning-in end of yarn is formed on the yarn in the guide channel and the formation of yarn reserve is started in an underpressure yarn storage device in front of a winding device of yarn , characterized by that the reverse motion of the yarn () to the guide channel () is performed by the reverse motion ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Method for the Resumption of the Spinning Process on an Air-Jet Spinning Machine and an Air-Jet Spinning Machine for Performing the Method

Номер: US20170137975A1
Автор: Pilar Evzen

The invention relates to a method for the resumption of the spinning process on an air-jet spinning machine, in which after an interruption in the spinning process has occurred, yarn () is guided back to its working path behind a spinning nozzle (), or the yarn is stopped in a controlled manner in the working path with the end of yarn behind the spinning nozzle, the end of yarn () being introduced to the outlet opening () of the spinning nozzle (), whereupon the yarn () is transported by a reverse motion by means of the spinning nozzle () and a feeding device () of sliver () as far as to a guide channel () before the spinning nozzle (), where on the yarn () in the guide channel () a spinning-in end of yarn is formed and the yarn () reserve starts to be created in an underpressure yarn storage device () in front of the winding device () of yarn. Before, simultaneously with or after the formation of the spinning-in end of yarn () the winding of the yarn () on the bobbin () is started, whereupon before the yarn () reserve from the underpressure yarn storage device () is used up, the yarn starts to be withdrawn () by the drawing-off mechanism (), whereby following the start of the withdrawal of the yarn () the yarn is clamped by the rotating feeding device () of sliver () and the feed of new fibers through the drafting device () to the feeding device () of sliver () is started. 1545414543024552739590573565530130. A method for the resumption of the spinning process on an air-jet spinning machine , in which after an interruption of spinning has occurred , the yarn () is guided back to its working path behind a spinning nozzle () , or the yarn is stopped in a controlled manner in the working path with the end of yarn situated behind the spinning nozzle , the end of yarn () being introduced into an inlet opening () of the spinning nozzle () , whereupon the yarn () is transported by a reverse motion with the aid of the spinning nozzle () and a feeding device () of sliver () ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131673A1

An air-jet type spinning device (), comprising an at least partially hollow body () which delimits a cylindrical spinning chamber (), the body comprising at least one injection hole () configured to introduce a flow of compressed air in said spinning chamber (), a fibre feeding device (), facing said spinning chamber () so as to feed the fibres in the spinning chamber (). The fibre feeding device () comprises a fibre feeding channel () having a first straight section () leading, at a shoulder (), into a pre-chamber () facing and communicating with said spinning chamber (). The spinning device comprises a spinning spindle () at least partially inserted in the spinning chamber () and fitted with a spinning channel () for the transit of yarn obtained from said fibres, the spinning channel () having a main axis which defines a spinning direction (X-X), and having a front input () for the introduction of the yarn in said spinning channel (). Advantageously, a diameter () of the spinning chamber (), measured relative to a cross-section plane perpendicular to said main axis, is between and mm. [] 1. Air-jet type spinning device comprisinga body at least partially hollow, which delimits a cylindrical spinning chamber, the body comprising at least one injection hole configured to inject a flow of compressed air into said spinning chamber,a fibre feeding device, facing said spinning chamber so as to feed the fibres into the spinning chamber,the fibre feeding device comprising a fibre feeding channel having a first straight section leading, at a shoulder, into a pre-chamber facing and communicating with said spinning chamber,a spinning spindle at least partially inserted in the spinning chamber and fitted with a spinning channel for the transit of yarn obtained from said fibres, the spinning channel having a main axis which defines a spinning direction, and having a front input for the introduction of the yarn in said spinning channel,whereina diameter of the spinning chamber, ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for Optimizing the Production of a Rotor Spinning Machine

Номер: US20200131674A1
Автор: Stephan Adalbert

A method optimizes production of a rotor spinning machine having a plurality of identical spinning units, with each spinning unit having a spinning rotor driven by a rotor drive at a rotor speed to produce yarn at a delivery speed. A permissible range with a minimum delivery speed and a maximum delivery speed for the delivery speed of the spinning units is specified. Operation of the spinning units is started with a starting delivery speed within the permissible range. Current production capacity of the spinning units or the rotor spinning machine is continuously calculated. Current delivery speed of the yarn is regulated as a function of the current production capacity in such a manner that a maximum production capacity is achieved. A rotor spinning machine in accordance with method is also provided. 1. A method for optimizing production of a rotor spinning machine having a plurality of identical spinning units , with each spinning unit having a spinning rotor , and wherein during operation of the rotor spinning machine , the spinning rotors are driven by a rotor drive , rotate at a rotor speed , and provide a yarn at a delivery speed , the method comprising:specifying a permissible range with a minimum delivery speed and a maximum delivery speed for the delivery speed of the spinning units;starting operation of the spinning units with a starting delivery speed within the permissible range;continuously monitoring and calculating current energy consumption of the spinning units or the rotor spinning machine;regulating current delivery speed as a function of the current energy consumption in such a manner that a minimum energy consumption is achieved, comprising decreasing the delivery speed from the starting delivery speed until the minimum energy consumption is reached and only increasing the delivery speed when the minimum delivery speed has been reached or an increase in energy consumption results from operation at the decreased delivery speed.2. The method ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Air Spinning Machine and Method for Producing a Yarn

Номер: US20190136419A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

An air spinning machine for producing a yarn from a fiber structure includes a spinneret with an internal eddy chamber. A spindle in the spinneret has an intake opening and extends into the eddy chamber. An annular gap is formed between an outside surface of the spindle and an inside wall of the eddy chamber. Air jets in the spinneret introduce air into the eddy chamber to impart twist to the fiber structure at the intake opening. An interior draw-off channel in the spinneret has a longitudinal axis by means of which the yarn is withdrawn from the eddy chamber. The air jets are aligned in a direction relative to a front side of the spindle around the intake opening so that some of the air introduced via the air jets during a spinning operation enters the annular gap and a remainder of the air enters the draw-off channel. 113-: (canceled)14. An air spinning machine for producing a yarn from a fiber structure , comprising:a spinneret with an internal eddy chamber;an intake to the eddy chamber for admission of the fiber structure;a yarn-forming element in the spinneret in the form of a spindle having an intake opening, the yarn-forming element extending at least partially into the eddy chamber;an annular gap formed between an outside surface of the spindle and an inside wall of the eddy chamber facing the spindle;air jets in the spinneret by means of which air is introduced into the eddy chamber to impart a twist to the fiber structure in the region of the intake opening;an interior draw-off channel in the spinneret having a longitudinal axis by means of which the yarn is withdrawn from the eddy chamber; andthe air jets aligned in a direction relative to a front side of the spindle around the intake opening so that some of the air introduced via the air jets during a spinning operation enters the annular gap and a remainder of the air enters the draw-off channel.15. The air spinning machine according to claim 14 , wherein the air jets run in a plane between the intake ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Spinning Unit of an Air-Jet Spinning Machine

Номер: US20140223881A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a spinning unit of an air-jet spinning machine for the spinning of a fiber composite. The spinning unit has a pair of delivery rollers and a spinning nozzle, whereas the spinning nozzle has a yarn formation element and a fiber guide element. The fiber guide element has a beginning turned towards the pair of delivery rollers and an end turned away from the pair of delivery rollers. The fiber composite is fed to the spinning nozzle with the pair of delivery rollers, and is introduced into the spinning nozzle through the fiber guide element, and subsequently a yarn is formed from the fiber composite through the yarn formation element. A tool for feeding an additive to the fiber composite is provided between the pair of delivery rollers and the end of the fiber guide element. 1123456789410425458327121144108. Spinning unit () of an air-jet spinning machine for the spinning of a fiber composite () for a yarn () , with a pair of delivery rollers () and a spinning nozzle () , which has a housing () , a yarn formation element () and a fiber guide element () with a beginning () turned towards the pair of delivery rollers () and an end () turned away from the pair of delivery rollers () , whereas the fiber composite () is fed to the spinning nozzle () with the pair of delivery rollers () , and is introduced into the spinning nozzle () through the fiber guide element () , and subsequently a yarn () is formed from the fiber composite () through the yarn formation element () , characterized in that a tool () for feeding an additive () to the fiber composite () is provided between the pair of delivery rollers () and the end () of the fiber guide element ().215-. (canceled) The invention relates to a spinning unit of an air-jet spinning machine for the spinning of a fiber composite into a yarn. The spinning unit has a pair of delivery rollers and a spinning nozzle, whereas the spinning nozzle has a yarn formation element and a fiber guide element. The fiber ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210171817A1
Автор: Funkhouser Gary P.

A method of constructing a plugging device can include incorporating multiple filaments into the plugging device, and coating each individual filament with a swellable material. A plugging device for use in a subterranean well can include a body comprising multiple filaments, and a swellable material on each of the individual filaments. A system can include a plugging device conveyed by fluid flow into engagement with an opening, whereby the plugging device blocks flow through the opening. The plugging device can include multiple filaments, each of the multiple filaments being coated with a swellable material. The swellable material may seal against a surface of the opening. 1. A method of constructing a plugging device for use in a subterranean well , the method comprising:incorporating multiple filaments into the plugging device; andcoating each individual filament with a swellable material prior to forming a body of the plugging device.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the incorporating comprises incorporating the filaments into multiple strands of yarn.3. The method of claim 2 , in which the incorporating further comprises forming a twine with the multiple strands of yarn.4. The method of claim 3 , in which the coating comprises coating the filaments after the twine forming.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising forming a knot in the twine.6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , in which the swellable material comprises a water-swellable material.8. The method of claim 1 , in which the swellable material swells in the well.9. A plugging device for use in a subterranean well claim 1 , the plugging device comprising:a body comprising multiple filaments; anda coating of swellable material on each of the individual filaments.,in which the individual filaments are coated with the swellable material prior to forming the body.10. The plugging device of claim 9 , in which the swellable material comprises a water-swellable material.11. The plugging device of ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180142382A1
Автор: Verma Rohit

The present disclosure relates to an electrostatic intermingling device and a process for intermingling filaments. The filaments are intermingled to produce a yarn. The electrostatic intermingling device comprises a funnel, an expansion tube, a plurality of slits, a plurality of electrodes, and an electrically grounded disc. The plurality of slits are configured on the periphery of the expansion tube to receive a plurality of electrodes. The funnel is adapted to statically charge the filaments passing therethrough. The polarity of the plurality of electrodes is selectively altered to modify the spatial configuration of the statically charged filaments, so as to intermingle the statically charged filaments and obtain intermingled charged filaments. The electrically grounded disc is adapted to receive and neutralize the intermingled charged filaments. The electrostatic intermingling device and the process of the present disclosure are economical. 1100100. An electrostatic intermingling device () for intermingling filaments , said electrostatic intermingling device () comprising:{'b': '1', 'a) a funnel () adapted to statically charge the filaments passing therethrough;'}{'b': 2', '2', '1', '3', '3, 'claim-text': {'b': '3', 'wherein, the polarity of said plurality of electrodes (′) is selectively altered to modify the spatial configuration of said statically charged filaments, thereby intermingling said statically charged filaments to obtain intermingled charged filaments; and'}, 'b) an expansion tube () adapted to receive and allow the passage of said statically charged filaments therethrough, said expansion tube () is detachably attached to an operative lower portion of said funnel () and has a plurality of slits () configured on the periphery thereof to receive a plurality of electrodes (′),'}{'b': 4', '4', '2', '0, 'c) an electrically grounded disc () adapted to receive and neutralize said intermingled charged filaments, said electrically grounded disc () is ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145594A1

According to one embodiment, a spinning apparatus includes a nozzle head, a power generating, and a first atmosphere controller. The nozzle head dispenses a source material liquid from a tip portion toward a collector. The power generating unit generates an electric potential difference between the tip portion and the collector. The first atmosphere controller controls an atmosphere of a first space at a periphery of the nozzle head. 1. A spinning apparatus , comprising:a nozzle head dispensing a source material liquid from a tip portion toward a collector;a power generating unit generating an electric potential difference between the tip portion and the collector; anda first atmosphere controller controlling an atmosphere of a first space at a periphery of the nozzle head.2. The spinning apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first atmosphere controller generates an air flow claim 1 , the air flow having humidity that is adjusted.3. The spinning apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the humidity of the air flow is lower than a humidity of a periphery of the collector.4. The spinning apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the first atmosphere controller adjusts a temperature of the air flow.5. The spinning apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a second atmosphere controller controlling an atmosphere of a second space claim 1 , the second space being above the collector and being other than the first space.6. The spinning apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising an air flow guide guiding the air flow generated from the first atmosphere controller into the first space.7. The spinning apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the air flow guide is disposed between the collector and an outflow port of the air flow of the first atmosphere controller.8. The spinning apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a curvature of a protrusion of a surface of a main body portion of the nozzle head is smaller than a curvature of a surface of the ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Air Spinning Machine along with a Method for Operating the Same

Номер: US20170145601A1

The invention relates to a method for operating an air spinning machine with a multiple number of spinning units (), whereas each spinning unit () comprises at least one spinning nozzle () with an internal vortex chamber (), whereas the spinning nozzle () is fed a fiber composite () through an inlet () of the spinning nozzle () during the operation of the spinning unit (), whereas the spinning nozzle () features a multiple number of air nozzles () leading into the vortex chamber (), through which, during the operating of the air spinning machine, compressed air streams into the vortex chamber (), in order to generate a vortex air flow within the vortex chamber (), whereas the fiber composite () receives a twist with the assistance of the vortex air flow within a vortex chamber (), such that a yarn () is formed from the fiber composite (), which ultimately leaves the spinning nozzle () through an outlet (), and whereas the air spinning machine features an additive supply (), with the assistance of which, during the operation of the air spinning machine, an additive () is at least temporarily fed to at least one part of the spinning units (). In accordance with the invention, it is proposed that a liquid additive () is used, whereas the additive () is degassed prior to leaving the additive supply (). In addition, an air spinning machine with a degassing device () is described. 215-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method for operating an air spinning machine with a multiple number of spinning units, whereas each spinning unit comprises at least one spinning nozzle with an internal vortex chamber, whereas the spinning nozzle is fed a fiber composite through an inlet during the operation of the spinning unit, whereas the spinning nozzle features a multiple number of air nozzles leading into the vortex chamber, through which, during the operating of the air spinning machine, compressed air streams into the vortex chamber, in order to generate a vortex air ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153124A1

A yarn producing apparatus includes front rollers movable while carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers are running and aggregates the CNT fibers. Each of the front rollers includes a groove provided on an outer circumference thereof to aggregate the CNT fibers. 1. A yarn producing apparatus for producing carbon nanotube yarn from carbon nanotube fibers while causing the carbon nanotube fibers to run , the yarn producing apparatus comprising:an aggregating unit that is movable with the carbon nanotube fibers running and aggregates the carbon nanotube fibers; whereinthe aggregating unit includes a groove provided at a portion thereof to aggregate the carbon nanotube fibers.2. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe aggregating unit includes a pair of rollers that rotate about axes in a direction perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to a direction of the carbon nanotube fibers running and opposed to each other at a position at which the carbon nanotube fibers are sandwiched; andthe groove is provided on an outer circumference of at least one of the pair of rollers and extends in a circumferential direction of the roller.3. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe groove is provided in each of the pair of rollers and has an arc-shaped cross section.4. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the groove has an approximately semi-circular cross section.5. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 4 , further comprising a support including a supporting surface that supports a carbon nanotube assembly from which the carbon nanotube fibers are drawn; whereinthe pair of rollers rotate about axes in a direction perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the direction of the carbon nanotube fibers running and perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to the supporting surface of the support.6. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 5 , further comprising a second aggregating unit on a ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Spinning Rotor for an Open-End Spinning Machine having a Friction-Enhancing Lining Made of an Elastomeric Material, and Open-End Spinning Machine

Номер: US20190145025A1
Автор: Greis Dietmar

A spinning rotor for an open-end spinning device includes a rotor shaft, via which the spinning rotor is driven with the aid of a belt. A contact area is on the rotor shaft for engagement with the belt. A friction coefficient-increasing lining made of an elastomeric material is applied along at least part of the contact area. 110-. (canceled)11. A spinning rotor for an open-end spinning device , the spinning rotor comprising:a rotor shaft, via which the spinning rotor is driven with the aid of a belt;a contact area on the rotor shaft for the belt; anda friction coefficient-increasing lining made of an elastomeric material along at least part of the contact area.12. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , wherein the lining comprises an overall width (b) that is less than a width (B) of the belt provided for driving the spinning rotor.13. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , wherein lining is applied onto the rotor shaft as multiple spaced-apart strips.14. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , wherein the lining comprises a thickness (d) of 1 mm or less.15. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , further comprising at least one recess formed in the rotor shaft in the contact area claim 11 , the lining contained in the recess.16. The spinning rotor as in claim 15 , wherein the lining is co-planar with adjacent surfaces of the rotor shaft via grinding of the rotor shaft and lining.17. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , wherein the fining is formed from nitrile rubber (NBR) or hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR).18. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , wherein the lining is formed of a polyurethane elastomer (PUR).19. The spinning rotor as in claim 11 , wherein the rotor shaft is made of a metal.20. An open-end spinning device comprising a spinning rotor and a driving belt claim 11 , wherein the spinning rotor is in accordance with . The present invention relates to a spinning rotor for an open-end spinning device, comprising a rotor shaft, via which the spinning ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Fabric that has Utility to Expand its' Surface Area

Номер: US20210180218A1
Автор: Ellenbogen Dane R.

A knitted component with the function to expand its surface area in all directions due to the utility of the thread. The thread is comprised of an axial braided sleeve around a tensile plastic core thread. 1. A knitted component utilizing manufactured thread outer cotton fibers that axially woven around a shorter core thread comprising of a relatively flexible, tensile and malleable plastic component. The present invention relates to manufacturing knitted components with utility from specially woven thread and more particularly to manufacturing a braided sleeve around a tensile core thread.Prior related art to the example invention is U.S. Pat. No. 3,127,731A, which is plastic core yarn, which relates to some of the materials used for the utility of the example invention but they differ in structure and utility; and U.S. Pat. No. 6,148,865A, which is axial woven structures, which relates to the structure of the outside sleeve of the example invention but they differ in materials used and utility.A knitted component with the utility to increase its surface area. Each individual thread is a braided sleeve around a tensile core.This invention is utilized for fabric that can expand to the users preferences. The fabric is comprised of specially manufactured thread that can extend in length, whilst decreasing in circumference. 8 cotton fiber strands are woven in an axial braid, with 4 of the strands at equal distances apart being woven clockwise at a 45 degree angle and the other 4 strands at equal distances apart being woven counter clockwise at a 45 degree angle to create a cloth axial braided sleeve. Because of the cotton make up the sleeve has no rigid structure without it's internal skeleton, ex. loose cloth Chinese finger trap. Thus the internal skeleton, is a tensile plastic core that can be stretched up to a minimum 1.5 times it's original length before breaking. The cloth is fused to the plastic core thread every three inches in order to evenly pull the cotton ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Spinning Unit for the Production of a Yarn

Номер: US20140237985A1
Автор: Schäffler Gernot
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a spinning unit of the air-jet spinning machine, which serves the purpose of producing a yarn () from a fiber composite (), whereas the spinning unit () possesses a spinning nozzle () with a vortex chamber () featuring an inlet opening () for the fiber composite (), whereas the spinning unit () features air jets () directed into the vortex chamber (), which flow into the vortex chamber () in the area of a wall () surrounding the vortex chamber () and through which air jets, during operation of the spinning unit (), compressed air can be introduced into the vortex chamber () in a given direction of rotation, in order to confer upon the fiber composite () a rotation in the specified direction of rotation, and whereas the air jets () are connected to a source of compressed air () with the assistance of at least one fluid connection (). In accordance with the invention, it is provided that the spinning unit () includes at least one replaceable throttle element (), with the assistance of which the volume flow of the compressed air, which flows from the source of compressed air () into the vortex chamber () during the operation of the spinning unit (), is limited, whereas the throttle element () is placed in the flow path of the compressed air between the source of compressed air () and the air jets (). 123146531216676163219811096110921. Spinning unit of an air-jet spinning machine , which serves the purpose of producing a yarn () from a fiber composite () , whereas the spinning unit () possesses a spinning nozzle () with a vortex chamber () featuring an inlet opening () for the fiber composite () , whereas the spinning unit () features air jets () directed into the vortex chamber () , which air jets flow into the vortex chamber () in the area of a wall () surrounding the vortex chamber () and through which air jets , during operation of the spinning unit () , compressed air can be introduced into the vortex chamber () in a given direction of ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160398A1

A yarn producing apparatus for producing carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn by aggregating CNT fibers. A front roller continuously draws the CNT fibers from at least one CNT forming substrate, a yarn producing unit aggregates the CNT fibers drawn by the front roller, and a status monitors a state of the CNT fibers drawn from the CNT forming substrate, or the CNT yarn. 1. A yarn producing apparatus for producing carbon nanotube yarn by aggregating carbon nanotube fibers , the yarn producing apparatus comprising:a drawing unit configured to continuously draw the carbon nanotube fibers from at least one carbon nanotube forming substrate,a yarn producing unit configured to aggregate the carbon nanotube fibers drawn by the drawing unit, anda status monitor configured to monitor a state of the carbon nanotube fibers drawn from the carbon nanotube forming substrate, or the carbon nanotube yarn.2. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the status monitor is a yarn thickness detecting sensor configured to detect a thickness of the carbon nanotube yarn.3. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the yarn producing apparatus further includes a controller configured to control an amount of the carbon nanotube fibers drawn by the drawing unit claim 1 , in accordance with a monitoring result in the status monitor.4. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the controller controls the amount of drawn carbon nanotube fibers by changing a speed of drawing the carbon nanotube fibers in the drawing unit.5. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 3 , whereinthe yarn producing apparatus further includes a drawing count changing unit configured to change a number of carbon nanotube forming substrates from which the carbon nanotube fibers are drawn, from the plurality of carbon nanotube forming substrates, andthe controller controls the drawing count changing unit to change the number of carbon nanotube forming substrates from ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160401A1
Автор: TAKASHIMA Hiroki

A yarn producing apparatus is an apparatus for producing CNT (carbon nanotube) yarn from CNT fibers while causing the CNT fibers to run. The yarn producing apparatus includes an aggregating unit that aggregates the CNT fibers, and a twisting and winding device that twists the CNT fibers aggregated by the aggregating unit. 1. A yarn producing apparatus for producing carbon nanotube yarn from carbon nanotube fibers while causing the carbon nanotube fibers to run , the yarn producing apparatus comprising:a preliminary aggregating unit that aggregates the carbon nanotube fibers while exerting a resistive force on the carbon nanotube fibers against a direction in which the carbon nanotube fibers run; anda twisting unit that twists the carbon nanotube fibers aggregated by the preliminary aggregating unit.2. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the preliminary aggregating unit includes an adjusting mechanism that adjusts an aggregation state of the carbon nanotube fibers.3. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe preliminary aggregating unit further includes a plurality of assembly parts that define a through hole that the carbon nanotube fibers pass through while in contact with the through hole; andthe adjusting mechanism adjusts the aggregation state of the carbon nanotube fibers by adjusting a positional relation between the assembly parts and adjusting an opening area of the through hole.4. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 3 , whereinthe preliminary aggregating unit further includes a first plate-shaped member and a second plate-shaped member defining the assembly parts, the first plate-shaped member and the second plate-shaped member being provided with a first notch and a second notch respectively, the first notch and the second notch defining the through hole; andthe adjusting mechanism adjusts the opening area of the through hole by moving at least one of the first plate-shaped member and the second ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Fabric and method of manufacturing fabric

Номер: US20170159233A1
Принадлежит: Trident Ltd

The present invention relates to textile fabrics and methods of manufacturing textile fabrics. Particularly, the invention comprises a method of producing a fabric, comprising the steps of (i) blending chemo mechanically felting fibers with non-felting fibers into a blended feed material, (ii) spinning the blended feed material into a blended yarn, (iii) producing a fabric comprising the blended yarn, (iv) subjecting the fabric to a first fabric treatment comprising a mechanical felting treatment; and (v) subjecting the fabric to a second fabric treatment comprising a chemical treatment of the fabric with an alkali, wherein the ratio of weight of the alkali to dry fabric weight is between 0.02 and 0.05, thereby obtaining increased air space in the resultant fabric.

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168762A1

A drafting device for spinning-knitting machines includes a drafting arrangement with which at least two roving yarns can be drawn parallel to form fiber strands and at an outlet of which a nozzle unit with twist nozzles arranged parallel to one another for each of the drawn fiber strands is arranged. Between, the inlets of the twist nozzles, the nozzle unit is provided with a respective plate-shaped separator projection that extends up to a withdrawal roller pair of the drafting arrangement. 1. A drafting device for spinning-knitting machines , comprising:a drafting arrangement for drawing at least two roving yarns in parallel to form fiber strands;a nozzle unit with twist nozzles arranged parallel to one another for each of the drawn fiber strands arranged at an outlet of the drafting arrangement;wherein the nozzle unit is provided with a plate-shaped separator projection between inlets of the twist nozzles that extends up to a withdrawal roller pair of the drafting arrangement.2. The drafting device according to claim 1 , wherein the separator projection is oriented perpendicular to axes of the withdrawal roller pair.3. The drafting device according to claim 1 , wherein the separator projection has a point that projects into a recess between the rollers of the withdrawal roller pair.4. The drafting device according to claim 3 , wherein the point has flanks that run parallel to a cylindrical surface of the rollers of the withdrawal roller pair claim 3 , at least in sections.5. The drafting device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one separator projection is arranged on a housing for the twist nozzles.6. The drafting device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one separator projection is arranged in the center between adjacent twist nozzles and is fabricated from a metal sheet. The invention relates to a drafting device for spinning-knitting machines with a drafting arrangement, with which at least two roving yarns can be drawn parallel to form ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168763A1

A yarn producing apparatus produces carbon nanotube (CNT) yarn by aggregating CNT fibers. A substrate support supports a CNT forming substrate, a winding unit continuously draws the CNT fibers, a yarn producing unit aggregates the CNT fibers, and a substrate replacing mechanism replaces the carbon nanotube forming substrate supported on the substrate support with another carbon nanotube forming substrate. 1. A yarn producing apparatus for producing carbon nanotube yarn by aggregating carbon nanotube fibers , the yarn producing apparatus comprising:a substrate support configured to support a carbon nanotube forming substrate;a continuous drawing unit configured to continuously draw the carbon nanotube fibers from the carbon nanotube forming substrate;a yarn producing unit configured to aggregate the carbon nanotube fibers drawn by the continuous drawing unit, anda substrate replacing mechanism configured to replace the carbon nanotube forming substrate supported on the substrate support with another carbon nanotube forming substrate.2. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate support includes a plurality of substrate supports.3. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the substrate replacing mechanism is movable in a direction of a row of a plurality of the carbon nanotube forming substrates each supported by the substrate support.4. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the substrate replacing mechanism includesa substrate replacing unit configured to replace the carbon nanotube forming substrate supported on the substrate support with another carbon nanotube forming substrate, anda controller configured to control the substrate replacing unit such that the carbon nanotube forming substrate supported on the substrate support is replaced with another carbon nanotube forming substrate.5. The yarn producing apparatus according to claim 4 , whereinthe substrate replacing mechanism further ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Distribution System of a Wetting Liquid for the Spinning Nozzles of an Air-Jet Spinning Machine

Номер: US20170167057A1

A distribution system of a wetting liquid for spinning nozzles of an air-jet spinning machine comprising a supply pipe () of the wetting liquid () to the spinning nozzles () of individual workstations, characterized by that in the supply pipe () of the wetting liquid () is arranged at least one UV light emitting diode () to disinfect the wetting liquid (), whereby the UV radiation emitted by the UV light emitting diode () passes through the wetting liquid (). 121132115151. A distribution system of a wetting liquid for spinning nozzles of an air-jet spinning machine comprising a supply pipe () of the wetting liquid () to the spinning nozzles () of individual workstations , characterized by that in the supply pipe () of the wetting liquid () is arranged at least one UV light emitting diode () to disinfect the wetting liquid () , whereby the UV radiation emitted by the UV light emitting diode () passes through the wetting liquid ().25-. (canceled) The technical solution relates to a distribution system of a wetting liquid for the spinning nozzles of an air-jet spinning machine comprising a plurality of workstations for spinning yarn from a fiber bundle, the workstations being arranged next to each other.When processing certain fibrous materials on air-jet spinning machines, for example polyester, it is necessary to moisten the fibrous material in the spinning nozzle or before entering the spinning nozzle. Therefore, a required amount of a wetting fluid, usually water, is supplied to the spinning nozzle. However, the consumption of the wetting liquid during spinning is very low, in the order of tenths of ml/min, and it is not continuous because the wetting liquid is supplied only during spinning and spinning-in. Given the low consumption of the wetting liquid there is a risk of the occurrence and propagation of bacteria in the distribution system, and it is therefore necessary to provide cleaning and/or disinfection of the wetting liquid so that the wetting liquid ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Method for Controlling a Setting Process for Re-setting a Yarn at a Work Station of a Textile Machine

Номер: US20170175299A1
Автор: Stephan Adalbert

With a method for controlling a setting process for re-setting a yarn (G) at a textile machine, in particular a spinning machine (), by means of a setting device (), a multiple number of work steps as preparation for the actual setting operation are carried out successively in a chronological sequence. In each case, a predetermined time period is allocated to the work steps within which the respective work step is carried out. For at least one of the work steps, the predetermined time period can be varied, whereas the current time period of the at least one work step is determined as a function of a yarn characteristic (GC) of the currently produced yarn (G and/or as a function of a utilization of the setting device (). A textile machine features a control unit (), which is designed to operate the textile machine according to this method. 17155. Method for controlling a setting process for re-setting a yarn (G) at a work station of a textile machine , in particular a setting process for spinning back in a yarn (G) on a spinning unit () of a spinning machine () , by means of a setting device () , with which multiple work steps as preparation for the actual setting operation are carried out successively in a chronological sequence , whereas a predetermined time period is allocated to the work steps within which the respective work step is carried out , characterized in that , for at least one of the work steps , the predetermined time period can be varied , whereas the current time period of the at least one work step is determined as a function of a yarn characteristic (GC) of the currently produced yarn (G and/or as a function of a utilization of the setting device () and/or as a function of a success rate of the work step and/or as a function of the success of the individual work step.213-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a method for controlling a setting process for setting a yarn at a work station of a textile machine, in particular for spinning back ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272409A1
Автор: Chou Chia-Te
Принадлежит: Samson Rope Technologies

A fiber structure for forming a rope structure has a base matrix of base fiber material and at least one lubricity portion of lubricity material. The lubricity material determines a lubricity of at least a portion of a surface of the fiber structure. 1. A fiber structure for forming a rope structure , comprising:a base matrix of base fiber material; andat least one lubricity portion of lubricity material; whereinthe lubricity material determines a lubricity of at least a portion of a surface of the fiber structure.2. A fiber structure as recited in claim 1 , in which:the base fiber material is formed by at least one material selected from the group of materials: Nylon, Polyester, Polypropylene (PP), Olefin, Polyolefin, Polyethylene (PE), Polyacrylonitrile, Carbon, Aramid, PBO (Poly(p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole), LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer), PIPD (Poly[2,6-diimidazo(4,5-b:4′,5′-e)pyridinylene-1,4(2,5-dihydroxy)phenylen]), PBI (Polybenziadazole), PEN (Polyethylene Naphthalate), Glass, Basalt, Metals and metal alloys, PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), PVDC (Polyvinylidene Chloride), Polyurethane-polyurea, Polyvinyl Alcohol, PPS (Polyphylene Sulfide); andthe lubricity material is at least one material selected from the group of materials comprising Wax, Hydrogenated polyolefins, Silicones, Fluorocarbons, Graphite, Molybdenum Disulfide, Tungsten disulfide, Polyalpha-olefin (PAO), Synthetic esters, Polyalkylene glycols (PAG), Phosphate esters, Alkylated napthalenes (AN), Hexagonal boron nitride, Silicate esters, Glycerin, Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and Cellulose ether.3. A fiber structure as recited in claim 1 , in which:the base fiber material is formed by at least one material selected from the group of materials consisting of Nylon, Polyester, High Modulus Polypropylene (HMPP), Olefin, Polyolefin, High Modulus Polyethylene (HMPE), Polyacrylonitrile, Carbon, Aramid, PBO (Poly(p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole), LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer), PIPD (Poly[2,6-diimidazo(4,5-b:4′,5′- ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190177883A1

An opening roller for an open-end spinning device includes a drive shaft and a roller body connected to the drive shaft. The drive shaft includes a coupling element for connection to a driven shaft of a drive. The coupling element includes a form-locking element. An open-end spinning device is also provided that incorporates the opening roller. 117-: (canceled)18. An opening roller for an open-end spinning device , comprising:a drive shaft;a roller body connected to the drive shaft;the drive shaft comprising a coupling element for connection to a driven shaft of a drive; andthe coupling element comprises a form-locking element.19. The opening roller as in claim 18 , wherein the form-locking element comprises at least one coupling surface oriented in an axial direction of the drive shaft and one of a single- or multiple-cornered profile claim 18 , or a multiple-toothed profile.20. The opening roller as in claim 18 , wherein the drive shaft is fixedly connected to a bearing unit for supporting the drive shaft in the open-end spinning device.21. The opening roller as in claim 20 , the coupling surface of the form-locking element comprises a surface finishing.22. The opening roller as in claim 18 , wherein the coupling element is formed separately from and fixed to the drive shaft.23. The opening roller as in claim 22 , wherein the coupling element is replaceable independently of the drive shaft.24. The opening roller as claim 22 , wherein the coupling element and the drive shaft are formed from different materials.25. An open-end spinning device claim 22 , comprising:an opening roller, the opening roller further comprising a drive shaft and a roller body connected to the drive shaft;a drive for the opening roller, the drive further comprising a driven shaft;a coupling device connecting the drive shaft of the opening roller and the driven shaft of the drive, the coupling device comprising a coupling element configured with the drive shaft of the opening roller and a ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200173062A1

An air spinning method comprising the steps of: 1. Air spinning method comprising the steps of:preparing at least one web of textile fibres, to be fed by at least one introducer element upstream of an air spinning device,drawing said at least one web with at least one drawing device,feeding said web, previously drawn, in a spinning chamber of the air spinning device,spinning the fibres inside the spinning chamber by means of compressed air jets, so as to:obtain a yarn comprising internal fibres surrounded by external fibres,wherein the yarn has an overall thread count not exceeding Ne20 and wherein the total number of internal and external fibres is less than 200.2. An air spinning method according to claim 1 , wherein said overall thread count is greater than or equal to Ne10.3. An air spinning method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises the step of increasing the average cross-section or diameter of the fibres of the yarn gradually as the yarn count of the yarn to be produced decreases claim 1 , so as to maintain the total number of internal and external fibres below 200.4. An air spinning method according to claim 2 , wherein the method comprises the step of increasing the average cross-section or diameter of the fibres of the yarn gradually as the yarn count of the yarn to be produced decreases claim 2 , so as to maintain the total number of internal and external fibres below 200.5. Air spinning method according to claim 1 , wherein the method comprises the steps of preparing two textile fibre webs claim 1 , to be fed by at least one corresponding introducer element upstream of the air spinning device claim 1 ,drawing each of said webs with at least one drawing device,joining said webs inside the spinning chamber and spinning the fibres so as to obtain a yarn with a total thread count of less than Ne20 and wherein the total number of internal and external fibres is less than 200.6. Air spinning method according to claim 2 , wherein the method ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200180900A1

A textile machine for producing cross-wound packages, comprising a plurality of workstations, each of which has at least one pneumatic consumer, and comprising a suction system which has at least one vacuum source to which the pneumatic consumers of the workstations are connected via a machine-length vacuum duct arranged in the region of the central axis between two rows of workstations. In order to modify such a textile machine producing cross-wound packages in such a way that it is ensured that the required minimum spinning vacuum is always available at all workstations of the textile machine during spinning operation, according to the invention the textile machine producing cross-wound packages has, in addition to the vacuum duct, a machine-length bypass duct which is also installed in the region of the central axis and is arranged above chain ducts for service units. 1. A textile machine for producing cross-wound packages , comprising a plurality of workstations , each of which has at least one pneumatic consumer , and comprising a suction system which has at least one vacuum source to which the pneumatic consumers of the workstations are connected via a machine-length vacuum duct arranged in the region of the central axis between two rows of workstations ,characterised in thatthe textile machine producing cross-wound packages has, in addition to the vacuum duct, a machine-length bypass duct, which is installed in the region of the central axis and is arranged above chain ducts for service units.2. The textile machine for producing cross-wound packages according to claim 1 , characterised in that the bypass duct connected to the vacuum source is connected to the vacuum duct at the region of the textile machine opposite the vacuum source.3. The textile machine for producing cross-wound packages according to claim 1 , characterised in that the bypass duct is mounted on a frame apparatus arranged between the chain ducts.4. The textile machine for producing cross- ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Spinning Point of a Spinning Machine and Method for the Operation of the Same

Номер: US20140283496A1
Принадлежит: Maschinenfabrik Rieter AG

The invention relates to a spinning point () of a spinning machine, whereas the spinning point () includes a spinning unit (), a drawing-off device () for the yarn () downstream of the spinning unit () in the direction of transport (T) and a yarn accumulator () downstream of the drawing-off device () for the intermediate accumulation of a section of yarn, whereas the yarn accumulator () is allocated a sensor system () for monitoring the filling level of the yarn accumulator (), whereas the spinning point includes a spooling device () for the yarn () downstream of the yarn accumulator (), along with a return unit (), with the assistance of which an end of the yarn (), which is found within the yarn accumulator () after a yarn break, is able to be returned in the area of the spinning point (). What is also proposed is a method for the operation of a spinning point (), characterized in that its spooling device () is stopped in such a manner that, after the stop of the spooling device (), an end section of the yarn () remains within the yarn accumulator (), that, subsequent to this, a part of the yarn () is separated with the assistance of a yarn separation unit () internal to the spinning point, and that the end of the yarn () that newly arises in this manner is returned with the assistance of a return unit () internal to the spinning point in the area of the spinning point (), and that a spinning process is then carried out. 12411. Spinning point of a spinning machine , which serves the purpose of producing a yarn () from a fiber composite () supplied to the spinning point () in a direction of transport (T) , whereas the spinning point () includes at least the following:{'b': 5', '2, 'a spinning unit () with tools for the production of the yarn (),'}{'b': 6', '5', '2', '5, 'a drawing-off device () downstream of the spinning unit () in the direction of transport (T) for the drawing off of the yarn () from the spinning unit (),'}{'b': 7', '6', '7', '8', '7, 'a yarn ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Opening Roller with Screw Cap and Securing Element

Номер: US20140283497A1

The invention relates to an opening roller () for an open-end spinning device with a base body () that is detachably connected to a mountings carrier () by means of a screw cap (), whereas the mountings carrier () for connecting to the base body () in respect of this is rotatable around an axis of rotation (A) from a disengaged position into an engaged position and, from this, further into an end-layer locking position. In accordance with the invention, the screw cap () includes at least one securing element (), which prevents the mountings carrier () from, during operation, moving in respect of the base body () from the engaged position into the disengaged position. 112. Opening roller () for an open-end spinning device with a base body () ,{'b': 3', '8, 'which is detachably connected to a mountings carrier () by means of a screw cap (),'}{'b': 3', '2, 'whereas the mountings carrier () for connecting to the base body () in respect of this is rotatable around an axis of rotation (A) from a disengaged position into an engaged position and, from this, further into an end-layer locking position,'}characterized in that,{'b': 8', '23, 'the screw cap () includes at least one securing element (),'}{'b': 3', '2, 'which prevents the mountings carrier () from, during operation, moving in respect of the base body () from the engaged position into the disengaged position.'}215-. (canceled) This invention relates to an opening roller for an open-end spinning device with a base body that is detachably connected to a mountings carrier by means of a screw cap, whereas the mountings carrier for connecting to the base body in respect of this is rotatable around an axis of rotation from a disengaged position into an engaged position and, from this, further into an end-layer locking position.U.S. Pat. No. 4,296,527 A discloses an opening roller for an open-end spinning device, which features a screw cap formed as a screw lock. Thereby, the base body features an external thread, and the ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140284828A1

The present invention generally relates to a device for measuring characteristics of polymeric fluids (semi-dilute and concentrated polymer solutions and melts) in extremely strong elongational flows. In one embodiment, the present invention relates to a device for measuring characteristics of polymeric fluids (semi-dilute and concentrated polymer solutions and melts) in extremely strong elongational flows in spinning jets and/or electrified jets. In another embodiment, the present invention relates to a method for determining the elastic modulus and the relaxation time of a polymeric fluid. Also, the present invention enables one to determine and/or measure the primary parameters needed to describe a viscoelastic material. 1. A method for creating a perturbation in a polymeric fluid , the method comprising the steps of:(A) providing at least one fluid reservoir containing at least one polymeric fluid material;(B) applying at least one DC charge to the at least one polymeric fluid material in order to cause the at least one polymeric fluid material to undergo an electrospinning and/or electrodeposition process;(C) imparting one or more perturbations to the at least one polymeric fluid material during the electrospinning and/or electrodeposition process; and(D) collecting the electrospun and/or electrodeposited polymeric material on a suitable collector.2. The method of claim 8 , wherein Step (A) utilizes at least one pipette designed to contain the at least one polymeric fluid material.3. The method of claim 8 , wherein Step (B) utilizes at least one ammeter designed to measure one or more DC charge.4. The method of claim 8 , wherein Step (C) utilizes at least one device designed to impart one or more perturbations to the at least one polymeric fluid material during the electrospinning and/or electrodeposition process claim 8 , and wherein the at least one device is a combination of a speaker and a polymer bar that is placed into contact with the at least one fluid ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Method for correcting variations of parameters of components and/or of assembly of active magnetic bearing and active magnetic bearing for bearing rotating working means

Номер: US20140285046A1
Принадлежит: Rieter CZ sro

The invention relates to a method for correcting variations of parameters of components of active magnetic bearing and/or assembly of active magnetic bearing as a whole. At the latest before starting to operate the active magnetic bearing are detected mechanical and/or electrical and/or installation variations and/or other variations of parameters of at least one component of the active magnetic bearing and/or of the whole active magnetic bearing assembly, whereupon the detected variations and/or correction values based on the variations are recorded in memory (M), which is an integral part of the active magnetic bearing assembly, and subsequently these variations and/or correction values are used from the memory (M) for adjustment of system for detecting position of the rotating working means in the active magnetic bearing during operation of the active magnetic bearing. The invention further relates to an active magnetic bearing for bearing a rotating working means which comprises in the basic body placed means of creating a magnetic field, in which the rotating working means is arranged and which further comprises sensors of position of the rotating working means, whereby, with each said sensor of position are aligned detector of its output signal and evaluation circuits. In the active magnetic bearing assembly there is arranged a memory (M), in which are stored values of production and/or electrical and/or installation variations of at least one component of the active magnetic bearing and/or variations of the whole active magnetic bearing assembly and/or in the memory (M) are stored correction values formed from said variations, whereby the memory (M), the control system and/or the detectors (D) of the output signal of the sensors (A) of the position and/or the evaluation circuits are interconnected or interconnectable.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222327A1

A spinning electrode for production of polymeric nanofibres by electric or electrostatic spinning of a polymer solution or melt includes a conduit for the polymer solution or melt. A spinning surface on the conduit is defined by a face of the conduit or an extension on the conduit. A screw shaft is disposed within an inner space of the conduit, wherein the screw shaft and an inner wall of the conduit form a screw conveyor. The screw shaft has a lower end that projects out from the conduit and is connected to a hub of a magnetic coupling. 115-. (canceled)16. A spinning electrode for production of polymeric nanofibres by electric or electrostatic spinning of a polymer solution or melt , comprising:a conduit for the polymer solution or melt;a spinning surface on the conduit defined by a face of the conduit or an extension on the conduit;a screw shaft disposed within an inner space of the conduit, wherein the screw shaft and an inner wall of the conduit form a screw conveyor; andthe screw shaft comprising a lower end that projects out from the conduit and is connected to a hub of a magnetic coupling.17. The spinning electrode according to claim 16 , wherein the screw shaft is terminated at least by a value of an inner diameter of the conduit below an end of the conduit.18. The spinning electrode according to claim 16 , wherein the conduit comprises a plurality of branches claim 16 , each branch comprising a face or an extension that provides the spinning surface.19. A device for production of polymeric nanofibres by electric or electrostatic spinning of a polymer solution or melt claim 16 , comprising:a reservoir having an inner space for the polymer solution or melt; a conduit for the polymer solution or melt;', 'a spinning surface on the conduit defined by a face of the conduit or an extension on the conduit;', 'a screw shaft disposed within an inner space of the conduit, wherein the screw shaft and an inner wall of the conduit form a screw conveyor;', 'a lower end of ...
