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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 15813. Отображено 199.
10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2247521C2

В заявке описан шарф с рисунком, состоящий из первого и второго слоев ткани, которые заработаны один в другой вдоль их краев. Такой шарф имеет определенную расцветку и/или рисунок, которые образованы уточными нитями путем их прокидки вразрядку между одноцветными основными нитями. Технический результат - улучшение внешнего вида бахромы на поперечных краях шарфа. В качестве основных нитей предлагается использовать текстурированную нить из химических волокон. Упомянутый шарф изготавливают на одной ткацкой машине в два вырабатываемых параллельно друг другу и расположенных рядом друг с другом полотна, затем соединенные таким путем шарфы отрезают один от другого вдоль их продольных краев с помощью режущего устройства. Ткацкая машина для изготовления шарфа имеет зевообразовательный механизм, устройство для прокладки уточной нити с устройством выбора нити, тканерасправитель, режущее устройство для продольного разрезания, товароотвод и систему компьютерного управления. 3 н. и 28 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

20-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2274688C2

Изобретение относится к области аспирации текстильных производств и касается ткацкого станка, содержащего остов, ткацкий навой, ламельный прибор, ремизы, батан, грудницу, товарный валик, защитный кожух с откидными крышками, выполненными с возможностью плотного прилегания к кожуху, и систему микроклимата. Кожух и крышки в прижатом положении образуют замкнутое рабочее пространство станка с разграничением среды между рабочим пространством станка и окружающим пространством, а система микроклимата внутри замкнутого рабочего пространства станка выполнена автономной. Данное решение позволит снизить запыленность производственных цехов и снизить энергозатраты на поддержание температурно-влажностного режима. 1 ил.

20-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2404304C2

Изобретение относится к легкой промышленности и может быть использовано для контроля геометрических параметров текстильных, пленочных материалов в подготовительном производстве. ! Промерочно-разбраковочная машина с гибким разматывающим устройством включает разматывающее устройство, экран для визуальной разбраковки и сматывающее устройство, отличается тем, что разматывающее устройство выполнено в виде каретки с установленными на ней неприводными рольгангами и дополнительно включает цепь, закрепленную на каретке, на посадочные места которой устанавливают оси неприводных рольгангов, вращающихся в шарикоподшипниках, при этом движение каретки осуществляют шаговым двигателем через зубчатое колесо, входящее в зацепление с зубчатой рейкой; регулировку положения устройства в горизонтальной плоскости осуществляют поворотными ножками. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения является снижение трудоемкости перемотки нестандартных рулонов. 2 ил.

20-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU37993U1

1. Шпарутка для ткацкого станка, содержащая установленные на валике под углами наклона к оси валика возрастающими в направлении ширения ткани подколечники, сквозные отверстия которых имеют фигурный профиль, в продольном сечении выполненный в виде трапеции и фланец каждого из подколечников имеет форму прямоугольной трапеции, наклонная боковая грань которой имеет угол наклона, соответствующий углу наклона подколечника, подколечники снабжены игольными кольцами с возможностью вращения, отличающаяся тем, что подколечники установлены на валике под углами наклона к оси валика постоянными в направлении ширения ткани, фигурный профиль отверстия подколечника в продольном сечении выполнен в виде сдвоенных прямоугольных трапеций, повернутых внутрь малыми основаниями, при этом след секущей плоскости, являющийся продолжением внутренней боковой грани фланца и проходящий по месту соединения фланца с подколечником, одновременно является линией соединения малых оснований трапеций, при этом на пересечении линий наклонной стороны трапеции подколечника, с прямоугольной стороной трапеции фланца и линией соединения их малых оснований, образовано геометрическое место точек, определяемое как центр качания, который обеспечивает угловое отклонение подколечника от вертикали, фланец подколечника в продольном сечении имеет форму прямоугольной трапеции с параллельными и боковыми гранями. 2. Шпарутка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что подколечник может быть выполнен разъемным по следу секущей плоскости, проходящей по месту соединения фланца с подколечником. 3. Шпарутка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что подколечник может быть выполнен из стали, композитных материалов, керамики, полимеров путем прессования, литья под давлением, точения. (19) RU (11) 37 993 (13) U1 (51) МПК D03J 1/22 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003137953/20 , 29.12.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.12.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 20. ...

27-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2046857C1
Принадлежит: Цельвегер Устер АГ (CH)

Сущность изобретения: нитенаблюдатель служит для выявления нити и содержит управляемый нитью поворотный орган и контролирующий управление этого поворотного органа сенсор. Поворотный орган выполнен таким образом, что при прохождении нити происходит отклонение из его положения покоя, а после возврат в него, причем чувствительный элемент выполнен для выявления ошибок этого возврата. Поворотный орган является упругим и цельным, а сенсор чувствительным к давлению. 8 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2048655C1

Использование: в насосах для вязких жидкостей, устанавливаемых в узких пространствах, в частности для смазки ремизоподъемных кареток и ткацких станков. Сущность изобретения: улавливающая полость (УП) статора вытянута в направлении вращения ротора (Р) и открыта с переднего конца по направлению вращения Р. Выпускное отверстие выполнено внутри УП в ее противоположном конце. Направляющее ребро ограничивает УП, выступает в зазор между Р и статором и по торцам снабжено уплотнениями. Внутри УП выполнены разделительные стенки (РС). Посредством РС внутри УП образованы последовательно расположенные вихревые камеры. РС с торцевой стенкой Р образованы промежутки. Промежутки выполнены последовательно уменьшающимися в направлении вращения Р и имеют размеры того же порядка, что и толщина слоя жидкости, захватываемой Р. 3 з. п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2092635C1
Принадлежит: Цельвегер Устер АГ (CH)

Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит поршень 21 для данных в форме штабеля LS галев L1, который отделяет соответственно самое переднее галево L11 от штабеля и подготавливает для проборки основы. При рабочем ходе поршня галева L11 транспортируется из штабеля галев LS в промежуточное положение ZP. В этом промежуточном положении ZP предусмотрен толкатель 24 для передачи соответствующего галева L11 заостренным пруткам 25 для транспортировки галева в положение проборки. Благодаря этому могут отделяться все типы галев от штабеля и это не требует ни специальной подготовки галев, ни использования специального типа галев. Кроме того, полностью разобщены разделение галев и дальнейшая обработка, что существенно упрощает как использование оптимального подогнанных к отдельным функциям средств, так и устранение неисправностей. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519986C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению для легкой промышленности и может быть использовано в машинах для измерения длины движущихся длинномерных легкодеформируемых текстильных материалов, преимущественно трикотажных полотен.Устройство для измерения длины движущихся длинномерных легкодеформируемых материалов содержит средства разматывания материала, средства его транспортировки, а также средства считывания и обработки информации о перемещении материала. Согласно изобретению, средства транспортировки материала выполнены в виде двух систем транспортирующих валиков, каждая из которых снабжена двигателем, и дополнительно снабжены системой коррекции результатов измерения в зависимости от величины деформации материала, содержащей эластичный пневматический барабан, вал которого связан с энкодером и пневматическими каналами сообщается с цифровым манометром, а также электронные блоки преобразования считываемой информации, посредством блоков сопряжения скоммутированные с процессором.Данное изобретение ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000102362A

... 1. Механизм для вытяжки и натяжения уточной нити для соплового бесчелночного ткацкого станка, содержащий элемент для создания воздушного потока, направленного, в основном, поперек направления утка и предназначенного для отклонения уточной нити, и закрытый канал для приема отклоненной уточной нити, расположенный на расстоянии от элемента, отличающийся тем, что элемент выполнен в виде сопла (6), создающего, по меньшей мере, одну воздушную струю, при этом сопло (6) установлено в направлении утка с возможностью регулирования относительно канала (8). 2. Механизм по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сопло (6) выполнено с двумя сопловыми отверстиями (14) для создания двух параллельных или расходящихся воздушных потоков. 3. Механизм по одному из п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что сопло (6) установлено с возможностью смещения и/или поворота относительно устья канала (8). 4. Механизм по одному из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что он содержит соплодержатель (5) с каналом (8) и удерживающим участком (10) для сопла ...

07-07-1992 дата публикации

Способ прокладывания уточных нитей на бесчелночном ткацком станке

Номер: SU1745785A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, может быть использовано для выработки тканей напряженных структур и касается способа прокладывания уточных нитей на бесчелночном ткацком станке. С целью расширения технологических возможностей ткачества нить пропитывают перед натяжением пластифицирующей эмульсией, осушают до влажности 8-10% путем перемещения ее в среде повышенного давления, при этом излишки пластифицирующей эмульсии направляют на рекуперацию, а натяжение утка при прокладке в зеве снижают до 30-50% по сравнению с номиналом 1 з п ф-лы, 1 ил ...

23-03-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для определения плотности ткани

Номер: SU1382887A1

Изобретение относится к регулирующим устройствам и позволяет контролировать плотность ткани по утку в широком диапазоне изменения плотностей . Устройство содержит интерферометр , состоящий из зеркал 2 (полупрозрачное зеркало), 3, 4 и 5 (полупрозрачное зеркало). Одно из зеркал, например зеркало 4, установлено с возможностью качания посредством привода 6. В плоскости ткани 7 за счет сложения двух когерентных пучков света , отраженного от зеркала 5 и прошедшего сквозь него, возникает интерференционная картина, состоящая из темных и светлых полос. Шаг интерференционной картины меняется в зависимости от углового положения зеркала 4 относительно оси пучка света. При этом за тканью образуется муаровая картина. Интенсивность света, регистрируемая фотоэлементом 8, будет постоянной до тех пор, пока плотность линий пучка света и плотность ткани по утку не будут равны. Управление приводом 6 осуществляется автомати- чески от блока 9 регистрации. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. (Л ...

07-04-1992 дата публикации

Тележка для транспортировки навоев к ткацким станкам

Номер: SU1724752A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, касается тележек для транспортировки навоев к ткацким станкам и позволяет упростить их конструкцию. Тележка для транспортировки навоев на ткацкий станок выполняет два назначения: транспортировку основ из склада к станкам и накладывание основ на станки. Самотормозящаяся червячная передача обеспечивает плавное опускание навоя на несущих рычагах в гнезда навойных кронштейнов станка. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

30-08-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения длины ткани

Номер: SU1176168A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ДЛИНЫ ТКАНИ, преимущественно на ткацком станке, содержащее мерияьный валик, ось которого кинематически связана с преобразователем угла поворота в электрический сигнал, выходом подключенного к первому входу регистратора, и натяжной ролик, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повьппения точности измерения , путем учета изменения фактического диаметра мерильного валика, оно имеет датчик диаметра мерильного валика, выход которого связан с вторым входом регистратора. g Kj о ф 00 ...

15-12-1991 дата публикации

Способ формирования ткани на челночном ткацком станке

Номер: SU1698319A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности и касается способа изготовления ткани из углеродных трощенных комплексных нитей на челночном ткацком станке. Цель изобретения состоит в переработке углеродных трощеных комплексных нитей за счет улучшения их свойств. Основу на челночном ткацком станке в зоне навой-скало увлажняют до вла- | госодержаиия 30-50%, а уток подают в зону формирования ткани с влаго- содержанием 20-50%. 1 ил., 1 табл.

31-10-1935 дата публикации

Нитеотделитель для ручного проборного станка

Номер: SU44845A1

21-06-1971 дата публикации

Машина для очистки берд

Номер: SU307132A1

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Номер: SU80387A1

15-04-1966 дата публикации

Прибор для записи углового перемещения навоя ткацкого станка

Номер: SU181549A1
Автор: Мамцев Е.Н.

07-03-1987 дата публикации

Устройство контроля усадки и вытяжки

Номер: SU1294887A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике в легкой промышленности . Цель изобретения повьшение точности и быстродействия. Устройст во содержит импульсные датчики, устанавливаемые на входе и выходе зоны обработки материала, которые состоят из оптически связанных линейных источников света и полупроводниковых сканисторов, а встречное направление движения флажков, измеЧнпу/ibCHbie ffamvum 1 - л, Х х (Л VJ х ...

23-01-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля плотности ткани по утку

Номер: SU1285087A1

Изобретение позволяет контролировать плотность ткани по утку (число уточньп нитей на единицу длины) на ткацком станке любого типа. Экран 1 передвигается синхронно с тканью (экран тем или иным способом крепится на ткани). Зона измерения задается расстоянием между точечными фотоэлементами 4 и 5. При перекрытии экраном 1 света (от распределенного источника 2), поступающего на фотоэлемент 4, начинается процесс контроля . Характерной особенностью работы ткацких станков является возвратно-поступательное движение ткани за каждую прокидку уточной нити. В результате перекрытия экраном 1 лучей .света от источника 2, воздействующих на линейный фотоэлемент 3, на выходе последнего имеют место скачки напряжения, которые и фиксируются счетчиком 8. Число этих скачкой на заданной длине и является мерой плотности ткани. Процесс контроля оканчивается при срабатывании фотоэлемента 5. 1 ил. г J (Л с Тнан{г L ...

07-08-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля плотности ткани

Номер: SU1498844A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение точности контроля. Импульсный датчик 1 длины ткани, имеющий скважность выходного сигнала "два", попеременно "открывает" то элемент И 3, то элемент И 4. В результате импульсы с выхода датчика 2 попеременно поступают то в счетчик 5, то в счетчик 6. По сигналам с выходов датчика 1 и элемента НЕ 7 информация переписывается из дешифраторов 10, 11, связанных со счетчиками 5 и 6, в цифровой индикатор 12, отображающий плотность ткани по утку. 2 ил.

23-09-1989 дата публикации

Шпарутка ткацкого станка

Номер: SU1509449A1

Изобретение относится к текстильному производству и позволяет повысить качество ткани и надежность работы шпарутки. Цилиндрический валик 2 имеет по меньшей мере две замкнутые кольцевые канавки 3, наклоненные к его оси. Планки 4 расположены вокруг валика 2 вплотную одна к другой, имеют упругое фрикционное покрытие 7 на наружной поверхности и поперечные пазы 5 на внутренней поверхности, сопряженные с канавками 3 валика 2. В пространства, образованные канавками 3 и пазами 5, помещены шарики 6. Каждая последующая пара кольцевых канавок 3 на валике 2 может быть выполнена в чередующемся порядке под увеличивающимися углами наклона. При этом каждая планка 4 состоит из секций 10, имеющих на внутренней поверхности по два паза 5, сопряженных с соответствующими канавками 3 валика 2. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

23-01-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для контроля плотности ткани

Номер: SU1452866A1

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике текстильной промышленности . Целью изобретения является расширение технологических возможностей путем обеспечения контроля плотности ткани с неоднородным пере- : плетением уточных и основных нитей,. Выходной сигнал датчика 3 наличия уточных нитей, пройдя через формирователь 4 импульсов, поступает на информационный вход многозвенного дискретного фильтра 5. Работой фильтра 5 управляют последовательно включенные синхронизатор б и умножитель 7 частоты. Дискретный фильтр 5 выполнен на базе сдвигающих регистров, ячейки которых через элементы с разными весовыми коэффициентами связаны с входом сумматора. Благодаря такой конструкции фильтра 5 возникновение импульса помехи, вызванного неоднородным переплетением ткани, не влия г ет на точность подсчета импульсов от датчика 3. Отфильтрованные импульсы поступают в блок 2 регистрации, работу которого регламентирует датчик 1 длины ткани. 6 ил. (Л ...

23-04-1988 дата публикации

Способ сборки кулачкового вала зевообразующего механизма ткацкого станка

Номер: SU1390270A1

Изобретение относится к тек стильной промышленности и позволяет повысить точность установки кулачков на кулачковом валу со сдвигом один относительно другого на установленное число градусов. Для этого перед установкой тумбы зала на плиту с угловой разметкой выбирают фикснро ванную от}1оснтельно плиты точк}-, устанавливают на тумбу первый кула чок в произвольном положении, вращА ют его до совмещения выпуклого прО Филя кулачка с фиксированной точкой; при этом при наборе на вала каждого последующего кулач:ка враиают ПШ-1ТУ с тунбой, а кулачок удерш1зают от вращения путем его предзаритель - ной установки в полоА вние контактирования выпуклым пpoфилe с Ликснро ванной точкой, причем плиту с вала вращают в одном направлении 2 ил.

15-10-1988 дата публикации

Измеритель длины ткани или основы на ткацком станке

Номер: SU1430419A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промьштенности. Цель изобретения - повышение точности измерения . Характерной особенностью устройства является установка экрана (флажка ) 3, положение которого контролируется датчиками 1 и 2, на грузе 9,, расположенном на направляющей 8 и связанном с пружинами 10 и 11. Благодаря повышению инерционности экрана 3 удается уменьшить погрешности измерения от обратного по отношению основному направлению движения ткани. (основы). 2 ил.

15-10-1988 дата публикации

Прибор для определения плотности ткани по утку

Номер: SU1430890A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности и может.быть использовано на ткацком оборудовании. Изобретение позволяет упростить конструкцию устройства путем использования циклических перемещений попе- --- речных участков ткани на работающем ткацком станке в зоне опушка - груд- ница. Прибор включает токопроводя-- щий игольчатый элемент 2 с иглами - ползун, направляющую 1 и счетное устройство 9. Второй ползун 5 имеет два скользящих контакта 6, соприкасающихся с шинами 7, последовательно соединенными со.счетным устройством 9. Ползун 2 вместе с поперечными участками ткани 4 совершает возвратно-поступательное движение. При соприкосновении ползуна 2 с контактами 6 происходит их замыкание и, если - контакты находятся на участке шин 7, то происходит передача сигнала на - счетное устройство. 3 ил. (Л ...

23-05-1991 дата публикации

Ткацкий станок

Номер: SU1650815A1

Изобретение относится к текс- (тильному машиностроению, касается ткацких станков и позволяет повысить производительность труда и удобство обслуживания ткацкого станка путем устранения ручного труда при замене навоя. Для этого ткацкий станок включает в себя неподвижные 29 и подвижные 22 опоры навоя, с помощью которых автоматически осуществляется установка полного навоя 1 в рабочее положение и снятие пустого навоя. Пустой навой по направляющим 24 имеет возможность выкатываться в меж- станочное пространство. 6 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

07-11-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для продольной резки термопластичных тканей

Номер: SU1520162A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, а именно к оборудованию для формирования тканых текстильных материалов, и может быть использовано для продольной резки и оплавления срезов термопластичных тканей. Цель изобретения - расширение технологических возможностей устройства за счет увеличения номенклатуры разрезаемых тканей. Продольную резку ткани и одновременное оплавление срезов проводят по заданному фигурному профилю посредством возвратно-поступательного поперечного движения режущего элемента, расположенного выше грудницы. Для изменения высоты фигурного профиля кромки устройство имеет регулятор, выполненный в виде ползуна с регулировочным винтом и кулисой. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

30-05-1990 дата публикации

Устройство отрезания и оплавления кромки ткани к ткацкому станку

Номер: SU1567675A1

Изобретение относится к средствам обработки кромки синтетической ткани, позволяет повысить надежность работы и качество кромок ткани. Устройство содержит V-образный проволочный режущий элемент 1, размещенный в изолированной втулке 4, которая в свою очередь размещена в гильзе 5 пластины 6 для крепления к основанию 7. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

30-09-1931 дата публикации

Приспособление к проборному станку для связывания нитей

Номер: SU23251A1
Автор: Смирнов Л.В.

15-05-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для обрезания и оплавления кромки синтетической ткани к ткацкому станку

Номер: SU1564225A1

Изобретение относится к текстильному производству, предназначено для обработки кромки синтетической ткани путем ее обрезки и плавления и позволяет повысить точность регулировки и удобство обслуживания. Контактная коробка 1 с терморезаком 2 установлена с возможностью поворота вокруг оси 8 при вращении винта 10 и с возможностью перемещения по пазу 17 при повороте рукоятки 23. 2 ил.

31-12-1931 дата публикации


Номер: SU24782A1

23-10-1990 дата публикации

Тележка для транспортирования и укладки ткацких навоев

Номер: SU1601235A1

Изобретение относится к транспортным средствам, преимущественно к тележкам для транспортировки , съема и укладки навоев на ткацкий станок, и позволяет повысить удобство обслуживания. Тележка содержит раму 1 с направляющими 2 для фланцев навоя, соединенными с вертикальными стойками 3, объединенными валом, на концах которого установлены барабаны 5 с гибкой связью 6 и захватами 7. Каждая из направляющих 2 снабжена откидным упором 8. 3 ил.

07-10-1990 дата публикации

Способ определения натяжения нити в вершине баллона и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1597412A1

Изобретение относится к текстильной промышленности, в частности к устройствам для технологического контроля нитей утка в ткачестве, и позволяет повысить точность и расширить технологические возможности. Натяжение нити в вершине баллона определяют путем измерения осевого усилия P воздействия нити на измерительной нитепроводник, угла охвата нитью нитепроводника μ, угла между образующей баллона и осью паковки α, определения коэффициента трения между нитью и нитепроводником F и расчета величины натяжения F по формуле P=P(E+@ -COSΑ). Устройство для определения натяжения нити в баллоне состоит из смонтированного на установленной в корпусе горизонтальной оси двуплечего рычага, несущего основной уравновешенный груз-указатель на одном плече и дополнительный на другом плече. На этом же плече закреплен и кольцевой измерительный нитепроводник. Измерительная шкала состоит из двух отрезков шкалы, расположенных один над другим и соответствующих двум диапазонам измерений, которые устанавливаются с помощью ...

30-06-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для определения плотности ткани

Номер: SU1100339A2

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ПЛОТНОСТИ ТКАНИ по авт. св. №1073348, о тлич.ающе е ся тем, что, с целью повышения точности измерения, оно имеет оптически непрозрачный диск, жестко соединенный с растровым диском и имеющий оптически прозрачную щель, выполненную по диаметру диска и направленную перпендикулярно непрозрачным параллельным линиям растрового диска, щирина которой не превьппает 1/10 ее длины, при этом диаметр оптически непрозрачного диска равен внутреннему диаметру непрозрачного периферийного кольца растрового диска. 32 ...

07-02-1992 дата публикации

Устройство для разрезания ткани и образования кромки из термопластичных нитей на бесчелночном ткацком станке

Номер: SU1710612A1

Изобретение относится к текстильномух машиностроению, касается устройства для разрезания ткани и образования кромки из термопластичных нитей и позволяет расширить его технологические возможности. Ус-, тройство содержит электронагревательный клиновидный электрод (Э) 1, закрепленныйв пластине 5, смонтированной на кронштейне 2, закрепленном на направляющей .4 ткани. Э 1 образован из двух ветвей (В) 9 и 10, связанных между собой в нижней части. Э 1 проводом 12 связан с источником питания током, Для обеспечения разной температуры нагрева ветвей Э 1 В 9, расположенная первой по ходу движения ткани (Т) 11 и образующая узкую переднюю часть Э 1, имеет круглое поперечное^сечение, площадь которого меньше площади прямоугольного сечения В 10, расположенной второй по ходу движения Т 11. При работе ткацкого станка Т 11 движется в направлении стрелки С, а к Э 1 подается ток и его В 9 и 10 нагреваются, причем В 9 имеет более высокую температуру нагрева, чём В 10. Движущаяся Т 11 разрезается нагретой В 9 ...

23-01-1973 дата публикации

Устройство для обесшламливания пульп

Номер: SU366887A1

01-01-1958 дата публикации

Передвижное устройство для проборки нитей основы в бердо

Номер: SU114861A1

30-06-1928 дата публикации

Крючок для ремизных машин

Номер: SU5726A1
Автор: Гордин В.А.

26-05-1965 дата публикации

Проборный станок

Номер: SU171818A1

01-01-1957 дата публикации

Тележка для передвижной узловязальной машины

Номер: SU107678A1

25-04-1974 дата публикации

Устройство для обрезки концов уточных нитей на ткацком станке

Номер: SU424926A1
Автор: Котов Д.И.

30-08-1991 дата публикации

Тканерасправитель для фиксирования или бокового натяжения ткани

Номер: SU1674696A3

Изобретение касается текстильного машиностроения, относится к тканерасправителям для фиксирования или бокового натяжения ткани, в частности, на ткацких станках и позволяет повысить надежность в работе. Тканерасправитель содержит бесконечную направляющую, в которой установлены с возможностью перемещения оснащенные иглами для накалывания ткани элементы, при этом иглы по меньшей мере двух элементов одновременно входят в зацепление с кромкой ткани, и находящиеся в зацеплении с тканью иглы при их накалывании удалены дальше от продольной оси полотна ткани, чем при их раскалывании. Наблюдавшиеся в работе такого тканерасправителя помехи устраняются благодаря тому, что между отдельными элементами предусматривается суммарный зазор, величина которого по меньшей мере равна продольному удлинению ткани между зоной ее накалывания и зоной ее раскалывания, при этом имеется средство для удержания соседнего элемента с непосредственно накалываемым или наколотым элементом в соприкосновении или на максимальном ...

23-07-1983 дата публикации

Ткацкий станок

Номер: SU1031412A3

... 1. ТКАЦКИЙ СТАНОК, содержащий механизмы тканеформирования,смонтированные в корпусе, включающем колпак , установленный на боковых рамах над ремизками в направлении прокладывания уточной нити и соединенный с отсасывакяцим, трубопроводом, и за:слонки , шарнирно соединенные с колпаком и перекрывающие грудницу и скало, о тлич ающий с я тем, что, с |цель 0 повышения удобства обслуживания , корпус имеет съемные направляющие , смонтированные на боковых рамах с возможностью плоскопараллельного смещения, а колпак установлен на направляющих с возможностью скольжения. 2.Станок по п.1, о тлич а ю щи и с я .тем, что каждг1Я съемная направляющая имеет кольцо с закрепленным на нем рычагсж и наклонный к горизонтальной плоскости замкнутый паз, а боковые рамы - фиксаторы, часть из которых смонтирована в пазах , направлякпцих, а другие - в кольцах эксцентрично им. 3.Станок ПОПП.1 и 2, отли ч а ю щи и с я тем, что съемные направлянщие имеют консольные участки , смешенные в направлении товароw отвода.. 4.Станок ...

30-08-1983 дата публикации

Ткацкий станок с питанием уточной нитью с неподвижной бобины

Номер: SU1039447A3

... 1. ТКАЦКИЙ СТАНОК СПИТАНИ УТОЧНОЙ.НИТЬЮ С НЕПОДВИЖНОЙ БОБИНЫ содержащий зевообразующий, батанный мехнизмы, механизм прокладывания : уточной нити, включающий прокладчик с захватом для нити и средства для его подачи и торможения и пневматИч кое очистное приспособление, нагнет ющее сопло которого размещено в начале траектории перемещения прокладчика , отличающийс я тем, что, с целью повышения надежности работы путем повышения эффективности очистки, нагнетающее сопло расположено за средством для подачи прокладчика в направлении перемещения последнего , а ось сопла по меньшей мере на одном участке совпадает с траекторией перемещения прокладчика. 2. Станок по П.1, о тли ч а ющ и и с я тем, что пневматическое очистное приспособление имеет всасывающее сопло, размещенное перед средством для подачи прокладчика в направлении его перемещения, при этом ось сопла по меньшей мере на одном участке совпадает с траекторией перемещения прокладчика.

07-03-1984 дата публикации

Тормозное устройство на машине для выработки текстильных изделий плоской формы

Номер: SU1079182A3

... 1. ТОРМОЗНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО НА МАШИНЕ ДЛЯ ВЫРАБОТКИ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫХ ИЗДЕЛИЙ ПЛОСКОЙ ФОРМЫ, содержащее муфты сцепления главного и- вспомогательного валов машины, датчики текущего положения валов, технологические датчики неисправной работы машины и блок управления, о т личающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности, блок управления состоит из вычислительного блока, селекторов, последовательно включенных блока сравнения и коммутатора и блока заданных положений валов, при этом выходы датчиков текущего положения валов подключены соответственно к первому и второму входам вычислительного блока и к- соответствующим входам блока сравнения, а технологические датчики неисправной работы машины связаны с соответствующими селекторами и через блок заданных положений валов - с третьим входом вычислительного блока, четвертый и пяi тый входы которого соответственно связаны с выходами селекторов, а СЛ первый выход подключен к коммутатору , соединенному с муфтами сцепления главного и вспомогательного валов машины ...

09-04-1998 дата публикации

Spannvorrichtung für Kettfäden

Номер: DE0004033977C2

21-01-1993 дата публикации

Textile machine cleaner - has base blower jets as far as possible from the machine without projecting beyond blower hoses

Номер: DE0004123780A1

The automatic cleaning system for a textile machine with a number of workstations, travelling along its length from an overhead rail with a trolley, has each blowing jet at the base as far as possible from the machine for the delivered air stream, without allowing the blowing jet assembly to extend beyond the mantle line of the blowing hose/tube furthest away from the machine. Pref., the blower jet has a cap shape with a generally vertical limit wall at the side away from the machine. On the side towards the machine, a generally conical wall section is angled downwards away from the machine. The blower jet has a generally slit-shape outlet opening. ADVANTAGE - The appts. gives a cleaning effect from the blown air over a greater cleaning area at the base of the machine.

23-12-1976 дата публикации

Warp boom lifting device - with boom supporting arms guided in split alignable tripartite guides

Номер: DE0002524480A1

Warp boom lifting device includes a mobile carriage in the form of a portal frame, each side of which is provided each with a tri-partite guide rail assembly for guiding the boom supporting arms. The arms are provided at their ends remote from the boom support with levers having guide rollers which co-operate with the guide assembly. One of the guide rails is fixed and the other guide rails are mounted pivotally. Used with a pile fabric weaving machine. Cutting of webs or covering them with plates is dispensed with during boom change.

28-05-1998 дата публикации

Knotting mechanism for warp yarns

Номер: DE0019707623C1

The apparatus to knot the warp yarns has a cam disc (1) which is structured so that, during the first one-third of its rotation, it gives a lifting action to the knotting mandrel (2) where the two yarns (4) are not gripped.

17-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE202006018784U1

30-12-1922 дата публикации

Schuetzenfaenger fuer Webstuehle

Номер: DE0000366143C
Принадлежит: EMMO KUEHN

27-08-1981 дата публикации

Traversing knife-carriage for loom - runs on wheels mounted in dustproof bearings

Номер: DE0003006497A1

Knife carriage for a loom, which cuts the fabric by traversing across the loom width, has a base-plate in which are inset a set of wheels in dust-proof ball or roller bearings. Beneath the base plate is a further set of wheels which are set in angled brackets, forming an acute angle with the first set of wheels. The narrow sides of the carriage have a brush-fringe to keep the track free of fly. The appropriate sections of the track are surfaced with a replaceable braking-mat to prevent wear of the running faces.

04-04-1955 дата публикации

Einrichtung zum Abteilen von kreuzeingelesenen Faeden

Номер: DE0000926060C

20-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001920427B2

09-05-1968 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001985298U

13-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008315465U1

25-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009305741U1

07-09-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002519975C3

04-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001938833B2

12-01-1995 дата публикации

Device for the removal of fly settling on textile machines

Номер: DE0004321869A1

The device (1) comprises a housing-like undercarriage (8) and a fan (9) rotating in the undercarriage (8). Blowing conduits (11) and suction conduits (12) are provided laterally over the undercarriage (8). A cylindrical drum (16) rotating about a vertical axis (15) is provided above an inflow nozzle (13) assigned to the undercarriage (8). The circumferential wall of the drum (16) is designed as a filter (18). The interior (19) of the drum (16) is divided by a partition (20) into a segment-like portion (21) and a remaining portion (22) larger than the latter. Located in the segment-like portion (21) is a blowing nozzle (31) which is connected to the space of the undercarriage (8) receiving the fan (9). A suction nozzle (33) is arranged in front of and opposite the blowing nozzle (31). The suction nozzle (33) is connected via a connecting channel (34) to a suction channel (5) which extends along the undercarriage of the device (1). In the gap (37) between the blowing nozzle (31) and the suction ...

30-07-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Entfernen abstehender Schussfaeden von einer Webware

Номер: DE0001535496A1

14-05-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001535835A1

18-10-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002753638C3

10-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059705551D1

18-04-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003314615C2

27-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027391U1

Устройство для определения деформации движущегося материала, содержащее входной датчик длины, делитель частоты с изменяемым коэффициентом деления, инвертор, выходной датчик длины, элемент И-НЕ, устройство индикации, формирователь интервала задержки, отличающееся тем, что входной датчик длины своим выходом подключен к делителю частоты с изменяемым коэффициентом деления, который своим входом соединен с инвертором, связанным выходом со входом сброса делителя частоты с изменяемым коэффициентом деления, с входом запуска формирователя интервала задержки и одним из входов элемента И-НЕ, выходной датчик длины своим выходом подключен к другому входу элемента И-НЕ, который своим входом соединен со входом счета устройства индикации, вход сброса которого соединен с выходом формирователя интервала задержки. (19) RU (11) 27 391 (13) U1 (51) МПК D03J 1/20 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002114469/20 , 03.06.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.06.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.01.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Фомин Ю.Г., Свиридов А.Г., Белов С.В., Михалина И.В., Петров А.В. 2 7 3 9 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для определения деформации движущегося материала, содержащее входной датчик длины, делитель частоты с изменяемым коэффициентом деления, инвертор, выходной датчик длины, элемент И-НЕ, устройство индикации, формирователь интервала задержки, отличающееся тем, что входной датчик длины своим выходом подключен к делителю частоты с изменяемым коэффициентом деления, который своим входом соединен с инвертором, связанным выходом со входом сброса делителя частоты с изменяемым коэффициентом деления, с входом запуска формирователя интервала задержки и одним из входов элемента И-НЕ, выходной датчик длины своим выходом подключен к другому входу элемента И-НЕ, который своим входом соединен со входом счета устройства индикации, вход сброса которого соединен с выходом ...

10-04-2003 дата публикации

Ширитель бесчелночного ткацкого станка

Номер: RU0000028695U1

1. Ширитель бесчелночного ткацкого станка, содержащий установленные на левой и правой коробках станка передние и задние относительно опушки ткани кромочные кольцевые шпарутки, по меньшей мере, передние из которых имеют крышки, отличающийся тем, что ширитель дополнительно имеет прикрепленную на опоре опушки ткани между передними и задними кольцевыми шпарутками центральную кольцевую шпарутку, расположенную под тканью, концы которой перекрывают концы кромочных кольцевых шпаруток. 2. Ширитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что центральная кольцевая шпарутка установлена с возможностью перемещения в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях, а задние кромочные шпарутки смещены к груднице станка. (19) RU (11) 28 695 (13) U1 (51) МПК D03J 1/22 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002121438/20 , 20.08.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.08.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.04.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Колтунчиков В.С., Чубаров В.Г., Михайлюк О.Ю. (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЗАО "Воскресенск-Техноткань" U 1 2 8 6 9 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Ширитель бесчелночного ткацкого станка, содержащий установленные на левой и правой коробках станка передние и задние относительно опушки ткани кромочные кольцевые шпарутки, по меньшей мере, передние из которых имеют крышки, отличающийся тем, что ширитель дополнительно имеет прикрепленную на опоре опушки ткани между передними и задними кольцевыми шпарутками центральную кольцевую шпарутку, расположенную под тканью, концы которой перекрывают концы кромочных кольцевых шпаруток. 2. Ширитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что центральная кольцевая шпарутка установлена с возможностью перемещения в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях, а задние кромочные шпарутки смещены к груднице станка. 2 8 6 9 5 (54) Ширитель бесчелночного ткацкого станка R U Адрес для переписки: 140235, Московская обл., Воскресенский р-н, п. Хорлово, ЗАО " ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000147572U1

Тормозной элемент тормоза уточной нити, имеющий нормалъное сечение сегментовидной формы, отличающийся тем, что форма криволинейной части сегмента описывается формулой: R=R·e, где R - наибольший радиус кривизны образующей нижней нитеконтактирующей поверхности, R - наименьший радиус кривизны образующей нижней нитеконтактирующей поверхности, μ - коэффициент, находящийся в диапазоне 0,1...0,4, численно равный коэффициенту трения нити о тормозную ленту, φ - угол охвата лапки тормозной пластиной находится в диапазоне от 10° до 60°, а тормозной элемент ориентирован так, что часть нитеконтактирующей поверхности с сечением с наибольшим радиусом кривизны находится со стороны подвижной опоры тормозной ленты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 147 572 U1 (51) МПК B65H 59/00 (2006.01) D03J 1/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014130884/13, 24.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.07.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2014 Бюл. № 31 Адрес для переписки: 156005, г. Кострома, ул. Дзержинского, 17, КГТУ (73) Патентообладатель(и): федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Костромской государственный технологический университет" (RU) 1 4 7 5 7 2 R U R=R0·eµφ, где R - наибольший радиус кривизны образующей нижней нитеконтактирующей поверхности, R0 - наименьший радиус кривизны образующей нижней нитеконтактирующей поверхности, μ - коэффициент, находящийся в диапазоне 0,1...0,4, численно равный коэффициенту трения нити о тормозную ленту, φ - угол охвата лапки тормозной пластиной находится в диапазоне от 10° до 60°, а тормозной элемент ориентирован так, что часть нитеконтактирующей поверхности с сечением с наибольшим радиусом кривизны находится со стороны подвижной опоры тормозной ленты. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Тормозной элемент тормоза уточной нити, имеющий нормалъное сечение сегментовидной формы, ...

20-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000149029U1

Устройство для измерения параметров раздвигаемости нитей текстильных материалов, содержащее неподвижный и условно подвижный зажимы для фиксации исследуемого образца, средства его нагружения в виде мотора-редуктора с приводом, управляемого процессором посредством микроконтроллера и блока сопряжения, подвижную каретку, несущую игольчатую гребёнку, средства измерения величины перемещения нитей образца, содержащие оптически активные элементы и веб-камеру, связанную с процессором, а также средства измерения величины нагружения, отличающееся тем, что средства измерения величины нагружения выполнены в виде тензометрической измерительной системы диафрагменного типа, связанной с процессором через микроконтроллер и блок сопряжения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 149 029 U1 (51) МПК D03J 1/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014129386/12, 16.07.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.07.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2014 Бюл. № 35 1 4 9 0 2 9 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения параметров раздвигаемости нитей текстильных материалов, содержащее неподвижный и условно подвижный зажимы для фиксации исследуемого образца, средства его нагружения в виде мотора-редуктора с приводом, управляемого процессором посредством микроконтроллера и блока сопряжения, подвижную каретку, несущую игольчатую гребёнку, средства измерения величины перемещения нитей образца, содержащие оптически активные элементы и веб-камеру, связанную с процессором, а также средства измерения величины нагружения, отличающееся тем, что средства измерения величины нагружения выполнены в виде тензометрической измерительной системы диафрагменного типа, связанной с процессором через микроконтроллер и блок сопряжения. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ПАРАМЕТРОВ РАЗДВИГАЕМОСТИ НИТЕЙ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ 1 4 9 0 2 9 Адрес для переписки: 690014, г. Владивосток, ул. Гоголя, 41, ВГУЭС, ...

16-11-2018 дата публикации

Шпарутка ткацкой машины

Номер: RU0000185007U1

Полезная модель относится к текстильному машиностроению, в частности к конструкции шпарутки ткацкой машины. Техническим результатом полезной модели является улучшение удержания кромочной части ткани шпаруткой, за счет чего улучшается и процесс прокладывания уточной нити. Шпарутка ткацкой машины, устанавливаемая по краям ткани для удержания кромочной части ткани в соответствии с заправочной шириной ткани по берду, содержит основание, крышку, средство захвата кромочной части ткани, установленное на основании, выполненное в виде диска с вертикальной осью вращения и рядами игл на профилированной боковой поверхности диска. Диск размещен в полости основания, образованной губками с криволинейными внешними поверхностями, профиль которых идентичен профилю боковой поверхности диска. Основание выполнено с передней и задней опорами-направляющими вертикального смещения ткани. Крышка выполнена с передним и задним ограничителями вертикального смещения ткани, расположенными над опорами-направляющими основания, и с направляющими ткани на нижней стороне крышки, расположенными между опорами-направляющими основания и губками основания, при этом профиль упомянутых направляющих идентичен профилю диска. 2 ил. И 1 185007 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ Во“” 185 007“ Ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 06.12.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 05.11.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 05.11.2019 Бюл. №31 Стр.: 1 па 009581 ЕП

17-02-2020 дата публикации

Шпарутка ткацкой машины

Номер: RU0000196097U1

Полезная модель относится к текстильному машиностроению, в частности, к конструкции шпарутки ткацкой машины. Техническим результатом полезной модели является стабилизация положения кромки ткани, что повышает качество ткани и производительность ткацкой машины. Шпарутка ткацкой машины, устанавливаемая на крае ткани для удержания кромки ткани в соответствии с заправочной шириной ткани по берду, содержит основание, средство захвата и удержания кромки ткани, установленное на основании. Упомянутое средство захвата и удержания кромки ткани образовано размещенными по ходу перемещения ткани игольчатыми передним, средним и задним дисками, свободно вращающимися на вертикальных осях, и установленными в полости основания, образованной задней стенкой полости основания и внутренними поверхностями передней и задней губок основания. Средний игольчатый диск смещен в сторону кромки ткани относительно переднего и заднего игольчатых дисков. Каждый из упомянутых игольчатых дисков выполнен с профилированной боковой поверхностью, на которой по периферии размещены ряды игл. Основание выполнено с передней и задней опорами-направляюшими вертикального смещения ткани. Крышка выполнена с передним и задним ограничителями вертикального смещения ткани, расположенными над опорами-направляющими вертикального смещения ткани основания. На нижней стороне крышки размещены передняя, задняя и промежуточные направляющие кромки ткани. При этом передняя и задняя направляющие кромки ткани расположены между опорами-направляюшими вертикального смещения ткани и губками основания, а промежуточные направляющие ткани расположены между игольчатыми дисками средства захвата и удержания кромки ткани. Профили внешних поверхностей губок, боковых поверхностей игольчатых дисков средства захвата и удержания кромки ткани и нижних поверхностей направляющих кромки ткани крышки идентичны. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. И 1 196097 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ЭВо“” 196 097“° Ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ...

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for designing and producing dental prostheses and appliances

Номер: US20120239177A1
Автор: Avi Kopelman, Eldad Taub
Принадлежит: Cadent Ltd

A virtual model of an intraoral cavity is provided, wherein this process is initialized by a dental clinic, and the design and manufacture of a suitable dental prosthesis for the intraoral cavity is shared between a dental lab and a service center.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus employing an action engine for monitoring and/or controlling dynamic environments

Номер: US20130090745A1
Принадлежит: Opteon Corp

A dynamic environment (e.g., an automated industrial process) has multiple conditions in response to which corresponding actions are required, and comprises various equipment, control device(s) to control the equipment, and one or more sensors to generate input signal(s) representing a monitored condition of the environment. A control system for the environment comprises a master processor and one or more co-processors, wherein the master processor configures a given co-processor to evaluate only a first subset of conditions expected to occur in the environment within a specified time period (e.g., less than a response time of the master processor), and to provide first control information representing an action to be taken if a particular condition of the first subset is satisfied. The co-processor receives the input signal(s) representing the monitored condition, processes the input signal(s) so as to determine if the particular condition of the first subset is satisfied, and provides the first control information to the control devices so as to control the equipment. Exemplary applications include dynamic environments in which machine vision techniques and/or equipment are employed.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for remotely managing an enviromental control and monitoring device

Номер: US20130138225A1
Принадлежит: Innovaci Inc

Methods, apparatuses, and computer readable media for remotely managing an environmental control and monitoring device are provided. Remote management of an environmental control and monitoring device may be implemented by receiving, via a network, a device action including notification of at least one of an environmental, maintenance, repair or usage status of an environmental control and monitoring device. A management action is determined based on the device action, and the management action is transmitted, wherein the management action includes a command to execute an operation of the environmental control and monitoring device.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for Applying a Component of a Package for a Substance for Infusion

Номер: US20130181447A1
Автор: Romagnoli Andrea
Принадлежит: TECNOMECCANICA S.r.l.

A method for applying a component of a package for a substance for infusion having a filter bag for containing a substance and a pickup tag for manually picking up the filter bag includes a method for knotting a string to at least one of the components, which has the steps of interposing, between a string which is held taut along a first axis and a needle having an open lateral eye and angled transversally to the axis of the string, at least one of the components of the package, the component being angled so that the plane in which it lies is substantially parallel with the axis of the string; hooking the string with a single needle and using a sequence of passes through the plane in which the component lies forming stitching, which knots at least two loops of the string that are linked together one after another; and tightening the stitching to stably knot the string to the one or each component of the package. 123323123. A method for applying a component (; ) of a package for a substance for infusion comprising components which include a filter bag () containing a substance and a pickup tag () for manually picking up the filter bag () , the method comprising a method for knotting a string () to at least one of the components (; ) , the method for knotting the string comprising the steps of:{'b': 1', '5', '6', '1', '2', '3', '1, 'interposing, between the string (), which is held taut along a first axis (x), and a needle () having an open lateral eye () and angled transversally to an axis (x) of the string (), a component (; ) of the package, the component being angled so that a plane in which the component lies is substantially parallel with the axis (x) of the string ();'}{'b': 1', '5', '2', '3', '12', '7', '8', '1, 'hooking the string () with a single needle () and with a sequence of passes through the plane in which the component (; ) lies forming stitching (), which knots at least two loops (, ) of said string () which are linked together one after another; and ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Weaving Finishing Device

Номер: US20130186505A1
Автор: Cross Tory M., Dua Bhupesh
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A dynamic finishing device that is able to finish one side of a product independently of a second side of the product while the product is being woven is provided. The sides may be finished in a non-linear fashion by the dynamic finishing device. Additionally, one or more finishing devices can be dynamically positioned in an interior portion of the woven product as it is being woven. Once positioned, the finishing devices may create apertures, pockets, and/or tunnels in the woven product and finish the edges of these creations. Finishing in the interior portions of the woven product occurs in the direction of the warp and in the direction of the weft. 1. A finishing device , the finishing device comprising:a positioning mechanism; anda finishing mechanism, the finishing mechanism coupled with the positioning mechanism.2. The finishing device of claim 1 , further comprising:a logic unit programmably-coupled to the finishing device and the positioning mechanism.3. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is located along a lateral beam edge.4. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is located in an interior portion of a beam.5. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device moves in a lateral direction.6. The finishing device of claim 5 , wherein the finishing device moves in the direction of a weft thread.7. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is functional to finish warp threads.8. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is functional to finish weft threads.9. The finishing device of is further comprised of a cutting mechanism.10. The finishing device of claim 9 , wherein the cutting mechanism is functional for cutting weft threads.11. The finishing device of claim 9 , wherein the cutting mechanism is functional for cutting warp threads.12. The finishing device of further comprised of a second finishing mechanism and a second positioning mechanism claim 1 ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211429A1

Apparatus for forming a knot, the apparatus comprising: 1. Apparatus for forming a knot in filament , the apparatus comprising:a first assembly comprising a shuttle, and a mechanism for advancing and retracting the shuttle; anda second assembly having a first pathway for passing a first strand of filament and a second pathway for passing a second strand of filament;wherein the first assembly and the second assembly are connected together so that the shuttle may be passed from the first assembly to the second assembly in order to carry the second strand of filament through the second pathway of the second assembly, thereby forming a knot around the first strand of filament.2. Apparatus according to wherein the first assembly comprises a shuttle reservoir for housing the shuttle.3. Apparatus according to wherein the first assembly further comprises a rotary dial for advancing the shuttle out of the first assembly and retracting the shuttle into the first assembly.4. Apparatus according to wherein the first assembly further comprises a monitor for controlling the extent to which the shuttle is advanced out of the first assembly and retracted into the first assembly.5. Apparatus according to wherein the first assembly comprises a first attachment mechanism and the second assembly comprises a second claim 1 , complementary attachment mechanism for securing the second assembly to the first assembly.6. Apparatus according to wherein the shuttle comprises a strand of spheres having a filament attachment mechanism formed at one end of the shuttle.7. Apparatus according to wherein the filament attachment mechanism comprises an eyelet.8. Apparatus according to wherein the filament attachment mechanism comprises a three-sided cleat.9. Apparatus according to wherein the first pathway comprises a straight path through a center portion of the second assembly claim 1 , and the second pathway comprises a pattern configured to pass over and under the first pathway so as to form a ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Embedded Multi-Processor Parallel Processing System and Operating Method for Same

Номер: US20130211545A1
Автор: Jie Ming, Long Fei, Pan Li

An embedded multi-processor parallel processing system includes a compilation unit, an operational support unit and at least two processing units, and an operating method for the embedded multi-processor parallel processing system, wherein the embedded multi-processor parallel processing system and system operating method provide parallel processing by multiple processing units on an embedded hardware platform. 1. An embedded multi-processor parallel processing system , comprising:a compilation unit configured to generate a plurality of automatic control subroutines according to an automatic control program, and to compile each of the plurality of automatic control subroutines into intermediate code;an operational support unit configured to acquire the intermediate code of each of the plurality of automatic control subroutines from the compilation unit and to convert the intermediate code of each of the plurality of automatic control subroutines to tasks to be run in an embedded operating system, and to identify each processing unit and send each of the tasks to be executed to a corresponding processing unit; andat least two processing units for receiving and executing the tasks obtained through conversion of the intermediate code of the plurality of automatic control subroutines and sent by the operational support unit, each of the at least two processing units being configured to perform data communication with each other while executing tasks corresponding to the automatic control subroutines.2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the operational support unit is further configured to control the at least two processing units to synchronously execute each of the tasks obtained through conversion of the intermediate code of each of the plurality of automatic control subroutines.3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the automatic control program processed by the compilation unit is at least one of a structured text language program claim 1 , a ladder ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

MCP Scheduling For Parallelization Of LAD/FBD Control Program In Multi-Core PLC

Номер: US20130218299A1

A compiler and method for parallelizing automatic control programs, wherein the method is applied to a Multi-Core Programmable Logic Controller (M-PLC) that includes multiple cores. The method includes the steps of dividing a serial automatic control program to be executed by the M-PLC into multiple program blocks, mapping the automatic control program to a parallelization model using the multiple program blocks, performing parallelization scheduling for the multiple program blocks according to the parallelization model to allocate respective multiple program blocks to the multiple cores of the M-PLC, converting each respective program block allocated to each core into respective machine codes, and downloading the machine codes to the multiple cores for their respective execution. 117.-. (canceled)18. A method for parallelizing automatic control programs for application to a Multi-Core Programmable Logic Controller (M-PLC) including multiple cores , the method comprising the steps of:dividing, in a processor of the M-PLC, a serial automatic control program to be executed by the M-PLC into multiple program blocks;mapping, by the processor of the M-PLC, the automatic control program to a parallelization model using the multiple program blocks;performing parallelization scheduling for the multiple program blocks according to the parallelization model to allocate respective multiple program blocks to the multiple cores of the M-PLC; andconverting each program block allocated to each core of the M-PLC into respective machine codes, and downloading the machine codes to the multiple cores for their respective execution.19. The method of claim 18 , wherein the automatic control program comprises multiple instructions claim 18 , wherein the automatic control program is divided into the multiple program blocks according to dependencies between the multiple instructions; and wherein one program block comprises a group of instructions with highly restrictive dependencies.20. ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130298361A1
Автор: Pasteels Pierre
Принадлежит: ODYSSEA PHARMA S.A.

The present invention provides an apparatus for making knots in flexible element attached to a medical device and methods using said apparatus. 2201. The apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding means (ABC) comprises at least three separate guiding means parts claim 1 , A claim 1 , B and C claim 1 , or comprises two separate guiding means parts A and BC claim 1 , forming a geometrical figure which is large enough to contain the device ().32012. The apparatus () according to claim 2 , wherein part A of the guiding means (ABC) is located closest to the end of the device () whereon the element () is fixed.42010. The apparatus () according to claim 2 , wherein the diameter and/or location of part A of the guiding means (ABC) with respect to the second position (′) defines the length of the element between knot and device.5201010220. The apparatus () according to claim 1 , additionally comprising a translating means claim 1 , capable of translating the device from the first position () to the second position (′) claim 1 , by lifting the device over or under and inside one or more closed loops formed in the element () by the apparatus ().620. The apparatus () according to claim 5 , wherein said translating means is a robotic arm.720202. The apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein guiding means (ABC) can be retracted into or lifted away from the apparatus () in order to release element ().82040. The apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein one or more strands of the element are directed towards or away from the guiding means (ABC) by tensioning means ().9202. The apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein the element () is provided to the apparatus in the form of a spindle or bobbin or already cut claim 1 , preferably capable of maintaining a certain tension on the element.1020. The apparatus () according to claim 1 , wherein all movements or rotations of the apparatus are automated.1120. A method for making a knot in a flexible element connected to ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130300114A1
Автор: Ng Cheong Choon

A Brunnian link is a link formed from a closed loop doubled over itself to capture another closed loop to form a chain. The example kit provides for the successful creation of unique wearable articles using Brunnian link assembly techniques and includes several pin bars that are supported in a desired special orientation by at least one base. The desired special orientation is dependent on the desired linked configuration of the completed article. The pins may be assembled in various combination and orientations to provide endless variation of completed link orientations. 1. A device for creating an item consisting of a series of links , the device comprising:a base; anda plurality of pins supported on the base, wherein each of the plurality of pins includes a top portion for holding a link in a desired orientation and an opening on at least one side of each of the plurality of pins.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the opening comprises a slot extending from the top portion toward the base.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the top portion comprises a flared portion for holding a link in place on at least one of the plurality of pins.4. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of pins includes a bottom flared portion spaced apart from the top portion and a mid portion for holding a link.5. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pins comprises rows of offset pins spaced apart and extending upward from the base.6. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the base includes a mating feature for combining additional devices and additional pluralities of pins.7. A kit for creating an item consisting of a series of links claim 1 , the kit comprising:a device including a plurality of pins including a top portion for holding a link in a desired orientation and an opening on at least one side of each of the plurality of pins.8. The kit as recited in claim 7 , including a hook tool for manipulating a link ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307267A1
Автор: Ng Cheong Choon

A Brunnian link is a link formed from a closed loop doubled over itself to capture another closed loop to form a chain. The example kit provides for the successful creation of unique wearable articles using Brunnian link assembly techniques and includes several pin bars that are supported in a desired special orientation by at least one base. The desired special orientation is dependent on the desired linked configuration of the completed article. The pins may be assembled in various combination and orientations to provide endless variation of completed link orientations. 1. A device for creating an item consisting of a series of links , the device comprising:a base; anda plurality of pins supported on the base, wherein each of the plurality of pins includes a top portion for holding a link in a desired orientation and an opening on at least one side of each of the plurality of pins.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the opening comprises a slot extending from the top portion toward the base.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the top portion comprises a flared portion for holding a link in place on at least one of the plurality of pins.4. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of pins includes a bottom flared portion spaced apart from the top portion and a mid portion for holding a link.5. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pins comprises rows of offset pins spaced apart and extending upward from the base.6. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the base includes a mating feature for combining additional devices and additional pluralities of pins.7. A kit for creating an item consisting of a series of links claim 1 , the kit comprising:a plurality of pins supported relative to each other including a top portion for holding a link in a desired orientation and an opening on at least one side of each of the plurality of pins.8. The kit as recited in claim 7 , including a hook tool for ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140036061A1

Accordingly, systems and methods are disclosed herein for providing on-loom inspection of woven fabrics in order to identify weaving faults during manufacture. In one aspect, an on-loom fabric inspection system is disclosed comprising at least one imaging device configured to collect images of at least one section of a weaving area of a loom and to detect at least one fault in the weaving area; wherein the section of the weaving area comprises a shed region, a woven fabric region and a fell region. Optionally, the system further comprises at least one image processor configured to receive data pertaining to the images and to identify irregularities in the data. 1. An on-loom fabric inspection system comprising:at least one imaging device configured to collect images of at least one section of a weaving area of a loom and to detect at least one fault in said weaving area;wherein said section of the weaving area comprises a shed region, a woven fabric region and a fell region.2. The system of further comprising at least one image processor configured to receive data pertaining to said images and to identify irregularities in said data.3. The system of wherein said imaging device comprises a camera.4. The system of wherein said imaging device is configured to image a plurality of weft yarns in the fell region.5. The system of further comprising an image processor operable to measure weft-spacing.6. The system of further comprising an image processor operable to detect irregularities in image data indicating the occurrence of weaving faults.7. The system of wherein said weaving faults are selected from a group consisting of: slubs claim 6 , holes claim 6 , missing yarns claim 6 , yarn variation claim 6 , end out claim 6 , soiled yarns claim 6 , wrong yarn faults claim 6 , oil spots claim 6 , loom-stop marks claim 6 , thin place claim 6 , smash marks claim 6 , open reed claim 6 , mixed filling claim 6 , mixed end claim 6 , knots claim 6 , jerk-in claim 6 , dropped picks ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Shed forming device with ventilation means

Номер: US20180002841A1
Автор: Stefaan Vanheesbeke
Принадлежит: Individual

A shed forming device for a weaving machine, comprising a working space ( 3 ) in which shed forming systems having selection means for the positioning of warp threads are provided, and ventilation means ( 7 ) to create an air flow (A) in this working space ( 3 ), wherein the ventilation means ( 7 ) interact with regulating means ( 8, 9, 10 ) for automatically regulating the air flow rate as a function of at least one of the following measured parameters: the flow rate and the velocity of the air flow (A) and the air pressure in the working space ( 3 ). As a result, the air flow rate can be rapidly adapted to changing conditions and can always be appropriate for efficient cooling and for creation of an overpressure.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method for detecting and remotely managing sensors and/or devices for feeding textile and/or metallic yarns installed on one or more textile machines, and system thereof

Номер: US20190003089A1
Автор: Tiziano Barea
Принадлежит: BTSR International SpA

A method and system detect and remotely manage sensors and/or devices for feeding textile and/or metallic yarns on textile machines. Each textile machine includes an electronic control unit electrically connected to the sensors and/or feeding devices for receiving identifiers associated with a sensor and/or feeding device, and data and operating parameters representing a sensor and/or feeding device operating state. A first communication system is associated with the electronic control unit. Wireless communication between the electronic control unit and a portable electronic device is by a second wireless communication system with a display interface. The electronic control unit transmits the identifiers to the portable electronic device. The portable electronic device processes the identifiers to generate menus with selectable entries associated with the textile machines. Each menu represents the number/type of sensors and/or feeding devices installed. The main menu is displayed with selectable entries on the portable electronic device display interface.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Servo control device, servo control method and servo control system

Номер: US20190004482A1
Автор: Akihiro Ito
Принадлежит: Nidec Sankyo Corp

A servo control device to execute an operation in a discrete time system may include a velocity feedback path having a difference means calculating a pseudo-velocity from a detected position and a lowpass filter, and a PI control means executing a proportional integration control operation on a deviation between the pseudo-velocity and the position deviation to create a drive command for the driver. The velocity feedback path includes a first gain means applying a first gain to the pseudo-velocity, a delay means delaying the pseudo-velocity, and a second gain means applying a second gain to the delayed pseudo-velocity. A sum of an output of the first gain means and the second gain means is inputted to the lowpass filter, and “Fa(z)=1/(1−z−1Fb(z))” is satisfied where a transfer function of the PI control means is Fa(z), and a transfer function of the lowpass filter is Fb(z).

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006151A1

The embodiments herein provide a system and method for enabling anti-texting feature in a cell phone when the cell phone is operated by a driver in a dangerous manner such as text messaging or holding the cell phone to the driver's ear while driving a vehicle. The system creates a green zone or life zone around a driver's seat that controls the driver not to participate in distracting activities while driving a vehicle. The system comprises a sensor module, Bluetooth transmitter, and a Bluetooth receiver installed in driver's cell phone. The Bluetooth transmitters are placed at different locations in vehicle and analyzes the driver behavior while driving the vehicle. The sensor in vehicle monitors the driver behavior and transmits appropriate signals. The Bluetooth receiver receives the signals from the transmitter and disables keypad interface of the driver cell phone through an anti-texting application. 1. A system for preventing anti-texting and making calls by a driver of a vehicle during a vehicle driving condition , the system comprising:a sensor module for detecting a vehicle running condition;a Bluetooth transmitter mounted on a windshield or dash board of a vehicle for creating a safe life zone or green zone around a driver seat; anda Bluetooth receiver, and wherein the Bluetooth transmitter sends a disable signal to the Bluetooth receiver to prevent texting operation or making calls, when the driver of the vehicle operates a mobile communication device for texting or messaging or initiating a call while driving a vehicle based on a sensor output;a master control module, and wherein the master control module is communicatively connected to a main control system of the vehicle;a plurality of slave modules, wherein the plurality of slave modules is positioned within vehicle around a diver seat and is communicatively coupled to the master control module;wherein the master control module is configured to establish a short range wireless communication network ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006944A1

The present disclosure is directed to systems and methods for economically optimal control of an electrical system. Some embodiments employ generalized multivariable constrained continuous optimization techniques to determine an optimal control sequence over a future time domain in the presence of any number of costs, savings opportunities (value streams), and constraints. Some embodiments also include control methods that enable infrequent recalculation of the optimal setpoints. Some embodiments may include a battery degradation model that, working in conjunction with the economic optimizer, enables the most economical use of any type of battery. Some embodiments include techniques for load and generation learning and prediction. Some embodiments include consideration of external data, such as weather. 1. A site controller of an electrical system of a site , the site controller comprising:a central interface configured to communicate with a central controller;a control interface configured to communicate with one or more distributed energy resources (DERs) of an electrical system of a site, the one or more DERs controllable by one or more control values of one or more control variables delivered to the one or more DERs through the control interface; and process a proposed engagement rule set received from the central controller through the central interface, the proposed engagement rule set value configured to indicate a proposed site change in power by the one or more DERs, the site change in power comprising one or more of provision of electrical power and reduction of consumption of electrical power during a proposed period of time;', 'determine a predicted impact of implementing the proposed site change in power, as indicated by the proposed engagement rule set, over the proposed period of time; and', 'generate an impact response message to be transmitted to the central controller through the central interface, the impact response message indicating the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200012240A1

Systems and methods for controlling a drilling rig. The system includes a first layer including a plurality of subsystem controllers coupled with a plurality of rig subsystems, the plurality of subsystem controllers being configured to control operating parameters of the plurality of rig subsystems. The system also includes a second layer configured to receive information from the first layer based on an operation of the plurality of rig subsystems, and to provide control of the plurality of rig subsystems. The system further includes a third layer configured to execute one or more process applications and to provide a task-based command to the second layer. 1. A system for controlling a drilling rig , comprising:a first layer including a plurality of subsystem controllers coupled with a plurality of rig subsystems, the plurality of subsystem controllers being configured to control operating parameters of the plurality of rig subsystems;a second layer configured to receive information from the first layer based on an operation of the plurality of rig subsystems, and to provide control of the plurality of rig subsystems; anda third layer configured to execute one or more process applications and to provide a task-based command to the second layer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is configured to execute operations of a first complexity claim 1 , the second layer is configured to execute operations of a second complexity claim 1 , and the third layer is configured to execute operations of a third complexity claim 1 , the first complexity being lower than the second complexity claim 1 , and the second complexity being lower than the third complexity.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein a human-machine interface is coupled to the second layer to operate and control one or more of the plurality of rig subsystems.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein a first of the plurality of rig subsystems is modifiable without requalifying others of the plurality of rig ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Load Balancing in Multi-Port Power Delivery Applications

Номер: US20200012326A1

A Universal Serial Bus (USB) dock includes ports, a processor, and instructions to cause the processor, below a level of an operating system running applications and accessing the USB dock, identify a first port of the plurality of ports as a priority port. The processor may be further caused to detect a connection to the dock. The processor may be further caused to determine whether a candidate port to which the connection is made is the priority port. The processor may be further caused to, based on a determination that the candidate port is the priority port, recover power from other ports and advertise power capabilities of the priority port to a USB element connecting to the dock. 1. A Universal Serial Bus (USB) dock , comprising:a plurality of ports;a processor; and identify a first port of the plurality of ports as a priority port;', 'detect a connection to the dock;', 'determine whether a candidate port to which the connection is made is the priority port; and', 'based on a determination that the candidate port is the priority port, recover power from other ports and advertise power capabilities of the priority port to a USB element connecting to the dock., 'a non-transitory medium including instructions, the instructions, when loaded and executed on the processor, cause the processor to, below a level of an operating system running applications and accessing the USB dock2. The USB dock of claim 1 , further comprising instructions for causing the processor to:determine that the candidate port is the priority port;determine a power requirement of the USB element connecting to the dock through the candidate port; andbased on a determination that the candidate port is the priority port and a determination that the power requirement exceeds power unassigned to other ports, reclaiming power assigned to other ports.3. The USB dock of claim 2 , wherein reclaiming power assigned to other ports includes resetting power usage of another USB element connected to one of ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Universal translator for an automation and motion control system

Номер: US20160016096A1
Принадлежит: Tait Towers Manufacturing LLC

A universal translator for an automation and motion control system enables components from different manufacturers to communicate with each other and be controlled by the automation and motion control system. The universal translator can remove unnecessary information from the component to enhance operation of the automation and motion control system.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016754A1
Автор: NIKKANEN Jarkko

A device and method are provided for forming a knot to elongated material. The device includes a body, a central cavity inside the body, a material track along which the elongated material is guided in the device, the material track including an opening extending along the material track and open to the central cavity. The device further includes one or more barrier elements for blocking at least part of the opening for preventing the elongated material from escaping from the material track also prevents collapsing/folding of the material to the central cavity via the opening.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Method for auto-discovery and categorization of a plants power and energy smart devices for analytics

Номер: US20220035431A1
Принадлежит: Rockwell Automation Technologies Inc

A power device discovery and visualization system identifies and categorizes smart power and energy devices deployed within an industrial enterprise, and generates interfaces that render customized presentations of a plant's power and energy usage based on data retrieved from the discovered devices. The system also facilitates remote configuration of the discovered smart devices via interaction with a single consolidated interface that affords access to all discovered power and energy devices. The system constructs a device profile for each discovered smart device based on information retrieved from the device, and categorizes each discovered device according to device type (e.g., power meter, IED, VFD, controller, etc.). The system retrieves available historical, real-time, and/or configuration data from each discovered smart device and makes this data available for viewing or modification via the system interface, thereby unifying plantwide power and energy data into a common presentation.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Visual display method

Номер: US20180017951A1
Автор: Richard Joel Petrocy
Принадлежит: Individual

A visual display method involves storing, in multiple portable display units, visual information to individually be displayed by each of the multiple portable display units located within a venue in response to instructions broadcast wirelessly for receipt by at least some of the multiple portable display units within the venue; establishing, for each portable display unit within the venue, a first ad hoc address based upon each portable display unit's physical location; and wirelessly broadcasting instructions for receipt by the portable display units instructing at least some or the multiple portable display units to display a specific portion of the visual information associated with their respective first ad hoc addresses, so that each of the multiple portable display units will display their specific portions of the visual information associated with their ad hoc addresses as specified by the broadcast instructions.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Rescheduling one or more tasks of a digital plan associated with subsystems of a wellsite based on the wellsite's state

Номер: US20210017838A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A method can include receiving scheduled tasks associated with subsystems of a wellsite system wherein the scheduled tasks are associated with achievement of desired states of the wellsite system; transmitting task information for at least a portion of the scheduled tasks to computing devices associated with the subsystems; receiving state information via the wellsite system; assessing the state information with respect to one or more of the desired states; based at least in part on the assessing, scheduling a task; and transmitting task information for the task to one or more of the computing devices associated with the subsystems.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018377A1

Disclosed is a system for controlling pool/spa components. More particularly, disclosed is a system for controlling pool/spa components including a display screen and one or more processors presenting a control user interface for display on the display screen, wherein the control user interface includes a home screen comprising a first portion containing a first plurality of buttons and/or controls for controlling a first group of the plurality of pool/spa components associated with a first body of water, and a second portion containing a second plurality of buttons and/or controls for controlling a second group of the plurality of pool/spa components associated with a second body of water. 1. A control system for a pool or spa installation , comprising:a housing mountable at a pool or spa installation, the housing including a high voltage compartment and a low voltage compartment;a processor positioned in the housing;a WiFi transceiver in communication with the processor and positioned in the housing;a relay positioned in the housing and controlled by the processor, the relay connectable to a power line that provides power to a first pool or spa component;an RS-485 transceiver positioned in the housing and controlled by the processor, the RS-485 transceiver connectable to a second pool or spa component,wherein the relay is positioned in the high voltage compartment, the RS-485 transceiver is positioned in the low voltage compartment, and the processor controls operation of the first and second pool or spa components in response to a control command received by the WiFi transceiver.2. The control system of claim 1 , comprising a second relay positioned in the high voltage compartment of the housing and controlled by the processor claim 1 , the second relay connectable to a power line that provides power to a third pool or spa component.3. The control system of claim 1 , comprising a printed circuit board claim 1 ,wherein the processor, the relay, and the RS-485 ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018383A1
Автор: GEGUINE Gleb

Provided is a control loop and method for monitoring control loops to ensure low cost of commissioning. The method includes collecting a measurement data set from a sensor, determining a state of connectivity of the sensor, selecting parameters based on the state of the connectivity, and/or performing logical operations to evaluate the measurement data set from the sensor. The control loop is configured to determine the measured state of connectivity and determine if action is required. 1. A method comprising:collecting a measurement data set from a sensor;determining a state of connectivity of the sensor;selecting parameters based on the state of the connectivity; andperforming logical operations to evaluate the measurement data set from the sensor based on the parameters2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising collecting a sub-system measurement data set.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising performing logical operation to evaluate the sub-system measurement data set.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising engaging an actuator.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the actuator is configured to activate a light source.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sharing the measurement data states with connected peers.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to monitor ambient light.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the logic operations are performed on a node.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to communicate with a node.10. A control loop claim 1 , comprising;a node;a first sensor associated with the node; andan actuator;wherein the control loop is configured to perform testing to determine if the first sensor is connected to the node; andwherein the actuator can activate changes within the node if the first sensor is connected to the node.11. The control loop of claim 10 , wherein the first sensor is an ambient light sensor (ALS).12. The control loop of claim 10 , wherein the first sensor is configured ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Field device, communication system, and method for controlling field device

Номер: US20150024797A1
Принадлежит: Yokogawa Electric Corp

A communication system includes a plurality of field devices connected to a field network, and a controller configured to communicate with the field devices via the field network to control the field devices. The field device is configured to communicate with the controller via the field network, and to perform a predetermined processing using information obtained by a communication between the field devices via a local network.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Automobile electrical system and isolation system for automobile electrical system

Номер: US20190023198A1
Принадлежит: NIO Nextev Ltd

An automobile electrical system, intended to solve the problem that the existing automobile bus system has low efficiency and poor security in terms of the communication of different bus modules. For this purpose, the automobile electrical system comprises a gateway and a plurality of CAN buses connected to the gateway in parallel, wherein at least one module is connected to each of the CAN buses in parallel; and the automobile electrical system further comprises an ICAN isolation bus, wherein the ICAN isolation bus is arranged between at least two buses of the CAN buses and is used for connecting a module on one CAN bus to a module on another CAN bus. Further disclosed are an isolation system for an automobile electrical system and a method for isolating an automobile electrical system. It would be readily understood by a person skilled in the art that since an ICAN isolation bus is arranged between different CAN buses, modules on different buses can directly communicate with each other via the ICAN isolation bus, without using buses and gateways where the modules are located, thereby not only saving communication lines, but also avoiding communication leakage or communication unavailability caused by a CAN bus fault or a gateway fault, etc.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Method for controlling an engine

Номер: US20150025782A1
Автор: Andreas Erban

A device for controlling an engine includes: a first control circuit having a first controller, and a second control circuit having a second controller, the controllers being designed to control a state variable of the engine in each case. The second controller is disposed in such a way that it lies closer to the engine than the second controller in terms of signal technology.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023918A1

A dynamic environment (e.g., an automated industrial process) has multiple conditions in response to which corresponding actions are required, and comprises various equipment, control device(s) to control the equipment, and one or more sensors to generate input signal(s) representing a monitored condition of the environment. A control system for the environment comprises a master processor and one or more co-processors, wherein the master processor configures a given co-processor to evaluate only a first subset of conditions expected to occur in the environment within a specified time period (e.g., less than a response time of the master processor), and to provide first control information representing an action to be taken if a particular condition of the first subset is satisfied. The co-processor receives the input signal(s) representing the monitored condition, processes the input signal(s) so as to determine if the particular condition of the first subset is satisfied, and provides the first control information to the control devices so as to control the equipment. Exemplary applications include dynamic environments in which machine vision techniques and/or equipment are employed. 1. A control system for monitoring and controlling a dynamic environment having a plurality of conditions in response to which a plurality of actions are required , the control system comprising:a master processor; andat least one co-processor communicatively coupled to the master processor and including a co-processor memory, evaluate only a first subset of the plurality of conditions; and', 'provide first control information representing at least one first action of the plurality of actions if at least one condition of the first subset is satisfied., 'wherein in operation the master processor loads contents into the co-processor memory to configure the at least one co-processor to2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein: A1) equipment to implement an automated process;', 'A2) at ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029236A1

Disclosed is an apparatus or device for making knots in a flexible element that engages a medical device, such as an IUD, and associated methods. 1. An apparatus for forming a knot in a flexible element which has been threaded through an aperture of a medical device comprising:a loading element for receiving the medical device;a spooling element for threading the flexible member through the aperture of the medical device wherein the spooling element automatically engages the loading element;a looping element for looping the flexible member wherein the looping element automatically engages when the flexible member is threaded through the aperture of the medical device;a knot tightening element for tightening the looped flexible member to form the knot wherein the knot tightening element automatically engages after the looping element loops the flexible member; anda base wherein the loading element, spooling element and looping element are positioned on an upper surface of the base.2. The apparatus of wherein the loading element further comprises a platform for engaging the medical device wherein the platform for engaging the medical device integrally forms with a barrel having a central barrel aperture.3. The apparatus of wherein the looping element further comprises a winding mandrel.4. The apparatus of wherein the knot tightening element further comprises a rotary lock and a shaft.5. The apparatus of wherein the spooling element further comprises a spool spindle claim 1 , a nip feed and a thread spool.6. The apparatus of further comprising a housing wherein the loading element claim 1 , spooling element claim 1 , looping element claim 1 , knot tying element and base are positioned within the housing.7. The apparatus of wherein the apparatus is connected to a vision inspection device.8. The apparatus of wherein the vision inspection device includes a camera and a device holder.9. A method of forming a knot in a medical device comprising:loading the medical device ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029988A1

An on-loom fabric inspection system comprising at least one imaging device configured to collect images of at least one section of a weaving area of a loom including a shed region, a woven fabric region and a fell region. The system is operable to detect faults in the weaving area and to produce batches of woven fabric assigned with an objective quality index. 1. An on-loom fabric inspection system comprising:at least one imaging device configured to collect images of at least one section of a weaving area of a loom and to detect at least one fault in said weaving area;wherein said section of the weaving area comprises a shed region, a woven fabric region and a fell region, said fell region being a section of the weaving area where a reed strikes a weft yarn along a fell line during operation of said loom.2. The system of further comprising at least one image processor configured to receive data pertaining to said images and to identify irregularities in said data.3. The system of wherein said imaging device comprises a camera.4. The system of wherein said imaging device is configured to image a plurality of weft yarns in the fell region.5. The system of further comprising an image processor operable to measure weft-spacing.6. The system of further comprising an image processor operable to detect irregularities in image data indicating the occurrence of weaving faults.7. The system of wherein said weaving faults are selected from a group consisting of:slubs, holes, missing yarns, yarn variation, end out, soiled yarns, wrong yarn faults, oil spots, loom-stop marks, thin place, smash marks, open reed, mixed filling, mixed end, knots, jerk-in, dropped picks, drawbacks, burl marks and combinations thereof.8. The system of further comprising a controller operable to respond to detection of weaving faults.9. The system of wherein said controller is operable to stop the loom upon detection of critical weaving faults.10. The system of wherein said controller is operable to ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180032046A1
Автор: Balraj KamalaKannan

Systems and methods for controlling a home automation system based on identifying a user location via a Wi-Fi fingerprint are provided. Some methods can include receiving one or more signals from a mobile device in a region monitored by the home automation system, identifying a signal strength of the one or more signals, based on the signal strength of the one or more signals, identifying a Wi-Fi fingerprint to be associated with the mobile device, identifying known coordinates within the region that are associated with the Wi-Fi fingerprint to be a location of the mobile device, and based on the location of the mobile device, identifying one or more actions to be executed by the home automation system. 1. A method comprising:receiving one or more signals from a mobile device in a region monitored by a system;identifying a signal strength of the one or more signals;based on the signal strength of the one or more signals, identifying a Wi-Fi fingerprint to be associated with the mobile device;identifying known coordinates within the region that are associated with the Wi-Fi fingerprint to be a location of the mobile device; andbased on the location of the mobile device, identifying one or more actions to be executed by the system.2. The method of further comprising identifying the Wi-Fi fingerprint by cross-referencing the signal strength of the one or more signals with a plurality of known coordinates identified in a Wi-Fi fingerprint database.3. The method of further comprising:identifying one or more zones in the monitored region that are associated with the Wi-Fi fingerprint or the known coordinates; andbased on the one or more zones, identifying the one or more actions to be executed by system devices.4. The method of further comprising:receiving the one or more signals from at least one directional sensor within the mobile device;based on the location of the mobile device and the one or more signals from the at least one directional sensor, identifying a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034029A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

Systems and methods include a computer-implemented method for manufacturing a binder for spraying onto tools. A binder is manufactured for binding compacts onto a tool substrate. The binder is designed to provide a coating strength on the tool substrate. The binder includes: a metal selected from iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni); an alloy including the metal selected from Fe, Co, and Ni; or a refractory alloy selected from tungsten, tantalum (Ta), molybdenum (Mo), and niobium (Nb). An ultra-high-pressure, high-temperature operation is performed on pure wurtzite boron nitride (w-BN) powder to synthesize w-BN and cubic boron nitride (c-BN) compact. A binder-compact mixture is produced by turbulently mixing the binder with the compact in a mixer within a vacuum. The binder-compact mixture is thermally sprayed onto a tool substrate to coat the tool. 1. A computer-implemented method to form a tool for oil and gas application , the method comprising: a metal selected from iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni);', 'an alloy including the metal selected from Fe, Co, and Ni; or', 'a refractory alloy selected from tungsten (W), tantalum (Ta), molybdenum (Mo), and niobium (Nb);, 'manufacturing a binder for binding compacts onto a tool substrate and providing a coating strength on the tool substrate, the binder comprisingperforming an ultra-high-pressure, high-temperature operation on pure wurtzite boron nitride (w-BN) powder to synthesize w-BN and cubic boron nitride (c-BN) compact;producing a binder-compact mixture by turbulently mixing the binder with the compact in a mixer within a vacuum; andthermally spraying the binder-compact mixture onto a tool substrate to coat the tool.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises an active brazing alloy (ABA) used for coating ultra-strong polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutters claim 1 , wherein active metal brazing using the ABA bonds superhard PDC cutting materials directly to tungsten ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200036729A1

The present disclosure relates to a system and method for determining or monitoring a process variable having a higher-level unit and a plurality of field devices. The field devices generate data and are connected to one another for communication, and the higher-level unit and the field devices are nodes corresponding to a distributed ledger or blockchain technology comprising transaction creation units. Each field device is assigned a transaction creation unit for creating transactions. A created transaction contains data from the field devices assigned to the transaction creation units. A block creation unit processes a created transaction to form a data block. Validation units check the data block and/or transactions for validity. The data block is valid if at least one predefined number of validation units validates the data block, wherein each node is assigned one of the validation units. The valid data block is stored in a distributed database. 119-. (canceled)20. A system for determining or monitoring a process variable in an automation plant , comprising:at least one higher-level unit; anda plurality of field devices, wherein each of the field devices has a sensor and/or actuator and an electronic unit, wherein the field devices generate data including measurement data, control data, calibration data, diagnostic, historical and/or status data;wherein the field devices are connected to one another for communication via a wireless or wired communication network;wherein the higher-level unit and the field devices are nodes corresponding to a distributed ledger or blockchain technology: create transactions using a plurality of transaction creation units, wherein each of the field devices is assigned one of the transaction creation units, wherein a created transaction contains data from the field devices assigned to each of the transaction creation units;', 'process at least one created transaction to form a data block at regular intervals using at least one ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041941A1

Disclosed herein are two-wire communication systems and applications thereof. In some embodiments, a slave node transceiver for low latency communication may include upstream transceiver circuitry to receive a first signal transmitted over a two-wire bus from an upstream device and to provide a second signal over the two-wire bus to the upstream device; downstream transceiver circuitry to provide a third signal downstream over the two-wire bus toward a downstream device and to receive a fourth signal over the two-wire bus from the downstream device; and clock circuitry to generate a clock signal at the slave node transceiver based on a preamble of a synchronization control frame in the first signal, wherein timing of the receipt and provision of signals over the two-wire bus by the node transceiver is based on the clock signal. 1. A slave node transceiver for low-latency communication , comprising:upstream transceiver circuitry to receive a first signal transmitted over a two-wire bus from an upstream device and to provide a second signal over the two-wire bus to the upstream device;downstream transceiver circuitry to provide a third signal downstream over the two-wire bus toward a downstream device and to receive a fourth signal over the two-wire bus from the downstream device; andclock circuitry to generate a clock signal at the slave node transceiver based on a preamble of a synchronization control frame in the first signal, wherein timing of the receipt and provision of signals over the two-wire bus by the slave node transceiver is based on the clock signal.2. The slave node transceiver of claim 1 , wherein the synchronization control frame is associated with downstream data in a superframe of the first signal claim 1 , the downstream data includes multiple data slots claim 1 , and data for a single peripheral device in communication with the slave node transceiver occupies two or more of the multiple data slots.3. The slave node transceiver of claim 1 , wherein ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Control Architecture for a Vehicle

Номер: US20220055636A1

A control architecture for a vehicle communicatively connects each of a plurality of controllers to all of a plurality of commanded components. Each of the plurality of controllers is configured to send commands to be executed by one or more of the plurality of commanded components. Each of the plurality of commanded components determines that one of the plurality of controllers is a master controller on the basis of at least one signal transmitted from at least one of the plurality of controllers to the plurality of commanded components. 110.-. (canceled)11. A control architecture for a vehicle , the control architecture comprising:a plurality of controllers; anda plurality of commanded components;wherein each of the plurality of controllers is communicatively connected to all of the plurality of commanded components,wherein each of the plurality of controllers is configured to send commands to be executed by one or more of the plurality of commanded components, andwherein each of the plurality of commanded components is configured to determine that one of the plurality of controllers is a master controller on the basis of at least one signal transmitted from at least one of the plurality of controllers to the plurality of commanded components.12. The control architecture according to claim 11 , wherein the at least one signal comprises a trigger signal.13. The control architecture according to claim 11 , wherein the at least one signal comprises a wake up signal.14. The control architecture according to claim 11 , whereinthe at least one signal comprises at least two signals transmitted from at least two controllers of the plurality of controllers, andthe controller of the at least two controllers from which a signal is received first is determined as the master controller.15. The control architecture according to claim 11 , whereinthe at least one signal comprises a signal transmitted from a controller other than a previously determined master controller.16. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056625A1

A system for in-line treatment of thread for use with a thread consuming unit is provided. The system includes a treatment unit including at least one discharge device being configured to dispense one or more coating substances onto the at least one thread when activated. The system further includes a control unit configured to evaluate the thread consumption of a thread consuming device based on operation data and at least one parameter being related to one or more thread consumption parameter, and control the dispensing from the discharge device based on said evaluated thread consumption and/or adjust the thread consumption of the thread consuming device. 119-. (canceled)20. A system for in-line treatment of thread for use with a thread consuming device configured to make stitches into a substrate , comprising:a treatment unit comprising at least one discharge device being configured to dispense one or more coating substances onto the at least one thread when activated; and{'claim-text': 'evaluate the thread consumption of a thread consuming device based on operation data and at least one parameter being related to one or more thread consumption parameter, wherein the thread consumption parameter is related to one or more substrate parameters and to one or more stitches parameters of the thread consuming device, wherein the one or more stitches parameters are related to one or more of:', '#text': 'a control unit configured to:'}the tension of the at least one thread;the angle to which the at least one thread is applied to the substrate;the angle of at least the last stitch;{'claim-text': ['control the dispensing from the discharge device based on said evaluated thread consumption, and/or', 'alter the thread consumption of the thread consuming device based on said evaluated thread consumption.'], '#text': 'features related to underlying stitches, or in any combination thereof; and'}21. The system according to claim 20 , wherein the control unit is further ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056626A1

A system for in-line treatment of one or more threads for use with a thread consuming device is provided. The system includes a treatment unit having a plurality of nozzles being distributed in at least a first and a second dispensing zone, the dispensing zones being separated in a direction being perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the at least one thread, said thread being in motion in use, each nozzle being configured to dispense one or more coating substances at least onto the at least one thread when activated, and a control unit being configured to control activation of each dispensing zone of nozzles independently. A method is further provided. 117-. (canceled)18. A system for in-line treatment of one or more threads for use with a thread consuming device , comprising:a treatment unit having a plurality of nozzles being distributed in at least a first and a second dispensing zone, the dispensing zones being separated in a direction being substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the at least one thread, said thread being in motion in use, each nozzle being configured to dispense one or more coating substances at least onto the at least one thread when activated; anda control unit being configured to control activation of each dispensing zone of nozzles independently.19. The system according to claim 18 , wherein the plurality of nozzles are arranged in one or more nozzle arrays.20. The system according to claim 19 , wherein the plurality of nozzles are arranged in one nozzle array and wherein the nozzle array is arranged at an angle in relation to the direction of the at least one thread.21. The system according to claim 19 , wherein the plurality of nozzles are arranged in at least two nozzle arrays.22. The system according to claim 21 , wherein the at least two nozzle arrays are parallel to each other.23. The system according to claim 19 , wherein the nozzle arrays are arranged at an angle in relation to the direction of the at ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041819A1

A dynamic environment (e.g., an automated industrial process) has multiple conditions in response to which corresponding actions are required, and comprises various equipment, control device(s) to control the equipment, and one or more sensors to generate input signal(s) representing a monitored condition of the environment. A control system for the environment comprises a master processor and one or more co-processors, wherein the master processor configures a given co-processor to evaluate only a first subset of conditions expected to occur in the environment within a specified time period (e.g., less than a response time of the master processor), and to provide first control information representing an action to be taken if a particular condition of the first subset is satisfied. The co-processor receives the input signal(s) representing the monitored condition, processes the input signal(s) so as to determine if the particular condition of the first subset is satisfied, and provides the first control information to the control devices so as to control the equipment. Exemplary applications include dynamic environments in which machine vision techniques and/or equipment are employed. 1a master processor; andat least one co-processor communicatively coupled to the master processor and including a co-processor memory, evaluate only a first subset of the plurality of conditions by receiving at least one input signal representing at least one monitored condition of the plurality of conditions and processing the at least one input signal so as to determine if at least one condition of the first subset is satisfied; and', 'provide first control information representing at least one first action of the plurality of actions if the at least one condition of the first subset is satisfied., 'wherein in operation the master processor loads contents into the co-processor memory to offload from the master processer and configure the at least one co-processor to. A control ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Integrated controller for motion control and motor control

Номер: US20190041823A1
Принадлежит: Rtimeman Motion Control Co Ltd

An integrated controller for motion control and motor control comprises a first processor, a second processor, a cache and a shared memory. The first processor is configured to run an operating system and at least perform motion control. The second processor is configured to at least perform motor control and normally not run the operating system. The cache is coupled to the first processor and the second processor. The shared memory maps onto the cache. The first processor and the second processor are configured to share the shared memory and accordingly perform data transmission via the cache during the periods of motion control and motor control. The first processor, the second processor and the cache are integrated in a same chip.

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Device control system

Номер: US20150051715A1
Автор: Ivan REEDMAN
Принадлежит: Torquing Technology Limited

A heterarchical device control system is provided, comprising a plurality of computer-implemented cells. At least one cell is a control cell having software arranged to communicate instructions to the device being controlled in a language native to the device so as to perform a predetermined task. Also, at least one cell is a sensor cell configured to generate sensor data for input to the control cell to facilitate performance of the predetermined task. The sensor data might be environmentally-related data e.g. position of the device, speed of travel, angle of elevation etc. Messages sent between the cells are formed in accordance with a common format, which might be a high-level programming language, a low level programming language or a protocol. This arrangement provides a fault-tolerant, scalable and autonomous control system.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Providing Sensor-Based Vehicle Functions in a Motor Vehicle, and Motor Vehicle Computing Device and Motor Vehicle

Номер: US20200047693A1
Автор: Günter Kistler
Принадлежит: Audi AG

The present application relates to a method for providing vehicle functions in a motor vehicle, the vehicle functions being provided in a computing device of said motor vehicle on the basis of sensor data from a sensor device of the motor vehicle. The invention provides that the vehicle functions in the motor vehicle are coupled to the sensor device via an integration component, and the integration component procures the sensor data from one sensor unit or a plurality of sensor units of the sensor device independent of the vehicle functions by means of a respective sensor-specific detection routine and generates respective state data therefrom and each of the vehicle functions respectively retrieves at least some of the provided state data from the integration component by means of a sensor-independent retrieval routine.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049912A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

An apparatus to implement functional safety control logic (FSCL) in an autonomous driving system comprises a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) comprising logic elements to be partitioned into a first section to implement one or more safety cores and a second section to implement one or more non-safety cores, a memory to couple to the safety core or to the non-safety core, and a trusted execution environment (TEE) to couple to a remote administrator via a network and to apply a configuration received from the remote administrator to the FPGA. The safety core is to function as an active agent for FSCL during operation, and the non-safety core is to function as a failover agent during operation, and wherein the non-safety core is to perform a liveliness check on the safety core to monitor for a failover and to take over as the active agent in the event of a failover. 1. An apparatus to implement functional safety control logic (FSCL) , comprising:a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) comprising logic elements to be partitioned into a first section to implement one or more safety cores and a second section to implement one or more non-safety cores;a memory to couple to the safety core or to the non-safety core; anda trusted execution environment (TEE) to couple to a remote administrator via a network and to apply a configuration received from the remote administrator to the FPGA.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the safety core is to function as an active agent for FSCL during operation claim 1 , and the non-safety core is to function as a failover agent during operation claim 1 , and wherein the non-safety core is to perform a liveliness check on the safety core to monitor for a failover and to take over as the active agent in the event of a failover.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the non-safety core is to attempt to reset the safety core in response to the failover claim 2 , and to reestablish the safety core as the active agent if the safety core is ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052519A1

A system of at least two microcontrollers on a common semiconductor substrate, each of the at least two microcontrollers respectively having one hardware interface, and the at least two microcontrollers being coupled in data-transmitting fashion via the hardware interfaces by a coupling device. 110-. (canceled)11. A system , comprising:at least two microcontrollers on a common semiconductor substrate, each of the at least two microcontrollers having respectively one hardware interface, and the at least two microcontrollers being coupled in data-transmitting fashion via the respective hardware interfaces by a coupling device.12. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein the at least two microcontrollers each have the same range of functions.13. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein one microcontroller of the at least two microcontrollers have a range of functions that is different from that of another microcontroller of the at least two microcontrollers.14. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein the hardware interfaces being developed as bus interfaces.15. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein the hardware interfaces are developed as parallel or serial interfaces.16. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein the coupling device have one or multiple circuit traces.17. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein the at least two microcontrollers are produced like a single microcontroller.18. The system as recited in claim 11 , wherein the system is designed in such a way that outwardly it behaves like a single microcontroller.19. A processing unit claim 11 , comprising:a system including at least two microcontrollers on a common semiconductor substrate, each of the at least two microcontrollers having respectively one hardware interface, and the at least two microcontrollers being coupled in data-transmitting fashion via the respective hardware interfaces by a coupling device;wherein the processing unit being designed to control an internal ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Modularized self-addressing apparatus and method

Номер: US20170052520A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A monitoring and reporting system involves a master control unit; multiple geographically dispersed monitor units, each comprising a base unit including a self addressing radio controller repeater having at least a microcontroller, a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, and a multi-band communications transceiver; multiple sensors, communicatively coupled to the base unit, including at least one motion, temperature, and electrical sensor; each of the monitor units self-addresses according to complex self-addressing and communicates with at least one other of the monitor units to collectively form an ad hoc network; at least a first of the monitor units operates as a repeater with respect to communications received from either or both (i) of a second of the monitor units located at an equipment location or (ii) the master control unit; and the second of the monitor units will take local readings and report at least one to the master control unit.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Inkjet Loom Weaving Machine

Номер: US20220074089A1

A system for treatment of thread includes a weft thread printer having an intake positioned to receive a weft thread from a source, as well as an encoder that is configured to detect a length of the weft thread as the weft thread moves through the weft thread printer along a travel path. The system also includes a printhead positioned to apply coatings of a plurality of colors to the weft thread and yield a treated weft thread, as well as an outlet positioned to pass the treated weft thread to a loom. 1. A system for treatment of thread , comprising:{'claim-text': ['an intake positioned to receive a weft thread from a source,', 'an encoder that is configured to detect a length of the weft thread as the weft thread moves through the weft thread printer along a travel path,', 'a printhead positioned to apply coatings of a plurality of colors to the weft thread and yield a treated weft thread,', 'an outlet positioned to pass the treated weft thread to a loom.'], '#text': 'a weft thread printer that comprises:'}2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an engagement device that is positioned in the travel path after the printhead and that is configured to grip the treated weft thread and prevent backlash of the treated weft thread in the weft thread printer.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the engagement device comprises a pair of gripping wheels.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a curing station that is positioned to cure the treated weft thread in the travel path after the printhead applies the coatings to the weft thread.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the curing station comprises an ultraviolet light source or a heater.6. The system of wherein:the printhead comprises a piezoelectric printhead;the weft thread printer further comprises a heat press; andthe printhead and heat press are configured to apply the coatings to the weft thread via dye-sublimation printing.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the encoder comprises:a pulley that contains a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056556A1

Disclosed is a method for processing position data of an automotive vehicle motor, implemented by a multi-core electronic computer including: a software module for the production of data of angular position of the motor, and at least one software module for driving the motor as a function of the angular position data. The method includes a step of deactivation of each drive module by the module for the production of angular position data, followed by a step of activation of each drive module by the production module. In the course of the deactivation step, the production module dispatches to each drive module a deactivation command, and then a request for confirmation that each drive module is deactivated, and the step of activation of the drive modules is implemented only when the deactivation of all the drive modules has been confirmed to the production module. 11. A method for processing position data of an automotive vehicle motor , implemented by a multi-core electronic computer () comprising:at least one input, to receive a value of angular position of the crankshaft, from an angular position sensor of the crankshaft,{'b': '10', 'a software module () for the production of data of angular position of the motor, adapted to generate a reference angular position (TDC0) on the basis of at least the information provided by said angular position sensor of the crankshaft, and'}{'b': 20', '10, 'at least one software module () for driving the motor as a function of the angular position data, able to receive from the software module () for data production the value of the reference angular position (TDC0),'}said method comprising:{'b': 100', '10, 'a step () of deactivation of each software module for driving the motor by the software module () for the production of data of angular position of the motor, followed{'b': 200', '10, 'by a step () of activation of each software module for driving the motor by the software module () for the production of data of angular ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059141A1

Lighting control interface techniques and corresponding circuitry are provided. The techniques include receiving a first signal potentially representative of a first lighting control signal, and receiving a second signal potentially representative of a second lighting control signal, and determining if either of the first and second signals complies with a first or second lighting control protocol. The lighting control signal may be applied to the same interface connector (regardless of the protocol), thereby eliminating the need for separate dedicated interface connectors. In some cases, the techniques further include determining that a dummy control signal is manifesting in the first and/or second signals, thereby indicating that no lighting control signal is being applied. Depending on the resulting determination, the techniques may include, for example, setting output lighting power according to a pre-established value, or according to the first or second lighting control protocol. 1. A lighting control interface circuit , comprising:an interface connector configured to receive a lighting control signal;a control signal processing circuit operatively coupled to the interface connector and having a first processing section that provides a first output signal at a first output; anda processor configured to receive the first output signal via the first output, to determine if a lighting control signal is being applied at the interface connector based on the first output signal, and to determine if the lighting control signal applied at the interface connector complies with one of a first lighting control protocol and a second lighting control protocol.2. The lighting control interface circuit of claim 1 , further comprising:a signal generator circuit operatively coupled to the interface connector and configured to provide a dummy control signal at an output of the control signal processing circuit as an indicator to the processor that no lighting control signal is ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Parallel Processing with Cooperative Multitasking

Номер: US20150066157A1
Принадлежит: Regents of the University of Minnesota

Multiple parallel slave processes and a master process are assigned to a node executing an operating system such that the operating system maintains a ready queue comprising a list of one or more processes that are ready to be executed by at least one processing core. A parallel slave process takes an action that causes the operating system to keep the parallel slave process out of the ready queue. Based on receiving an indication that the parallel slave process is to be kept out of the ready queue, the master process sets the parallel slave process to a blocking state, selects a second parallel slave process that is in a runnable state but is currently kept from being in the ready queue, and takes an action that causes the operating system to add the parallel slave process that is in the runnable state to the ready queue. 1. A method of executing a set of processes , the method comprising:assigning multiple slave processes and a master process to a node executing an operating system such that the operating system maintains a ready queue comprising a list of one or more processes that are ready to be executed by at least one processing core;a slave process taking an action that causes the operating system to keep the slave process out of the ready queue; assigning the slave process to a blocking state,', 'selecting a second slave process that is in a runnable state but is currently kept from being in the ready queue, and', 'taking an action that causes the operating system to add the slave process that is in the runnable state to the ready queue., 'based on receiving an indication that the slave process is to be kept out of the ready queue, the master process2. The method of wherein receiving an indication that a slave process is to be kept out of the ready queue comprises receiving an identification of a condition that must be satisfied in order for the slave process to be added to the ready queue.3. The method of further comprising the master process receiving an ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079712A1
Автор: Kopelman Avi, TAUB Eldad

A virtual model of an intraoral cavity is provided, wherein this process is initialized by a dental clinic, and the design and manufacture of a suitable dental prosthesis for the intraoral cavity is shared between a dental lab and a service center. 1. (canceled)2. A method for manufacturing an orthodontic dental appliance , comprising:{'claim-text': ['wherein the service center is at a first geographic location, and', 'wherein the dental clinic is at a second geographic location remote from the first geographic location;'], '#text': "receiving, at a service center and from a dental clinic, three-dimensional data indicative of a patient's teeth in a first arrangement,"}{'claim-text': "wherein the orthodontic dental appliance is configured to move at least one tooth of the patient's teeth from the first arrangement towards a target arrangement;", '#text': 'designing, at the service center, the orthodontic dental appliance based at least in part on the three-dimensional data,'}generating, from the service center, instructions for fabrication of the orthodontic dental appliance;{'claim-text': 'wherein the dental lab is at a third geographic location remote from both the first geographic location and the second geographic location.', '#text': 'transmitting, by the service center and to a dental lab, the instructions for fabrication of the orthodontic appliance,'}3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising receiving claim 2 , at a service center from a dental clinic claim 2 , an orthodontic prescription for the patient's teeth.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the orthodontic prescription specifies which of the patient's teeth are to be moved.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the orthodontic prescription comprises information for the target arrangement of the patient's teeth.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein designing the orthodontic dental appliance comprises generating a three-dimensional digital model based on the three-dimensional data received.7. The method of ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142723A1

An automatic control system synchronizes and controls a control target while preventing unnecessary signal processing. The system includes a slave station that is connected to the control target, a master station that is connected to a control unit for controlling the control target, a contact point information collection and distribution device that collects and distributes a series of contact point information communicated at a predetermined communication cycle, and communication lines connecting between the master and slave stations via the contact point information collection and distribution device. The contact point information collection and distribution device collects and distributes the series of contact point information in synchronization with all the communication lines under the control of the control unit. The control unit compares the collected contact point information with past contact point information and assumes as true in a case of matching, and controls by true contact point information. 1. An automatic control system including a slave station that is connected to a control target , a master station that is connected to a control unit for controlling the control target , a contact point information collection and distribution device , existing between the master station and the slave station , that collects and distributes a series of contact point information communicated at a predetermined communication cycle , and a plurality of communication lines that connect between the master station and the slave station via at least one contact point information collection and distribution device , wherein the contact point information collection and distribution device performs collection and distribution of the series of contact point information in synchronization with all the communication lines under the control of the control unit , and wherein the control unit compares contact point information collected via the contact point information ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Control device, control method, and storage medium

Номер: US20200061819A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A control device includes at least two processors comprising at least a first processor and a second processor. The control device controls at least one autonomous motion mechanism on the basis of a recognition result received from a recognition device. A storage device of the control device stores upper-level software, middle-level software, and lower-level software. The upper-level software derives a feature amount representing a feature of the recognition result. The middle-level software generates a motion plan of the autonomous motion mechanism on the basis of the feature amount. The lower-level software outputs a command value for controlling the autonomous motion mechanism on the basis of the motion plan. The first processor executes at least the upper-level software, the second processor executes at least the lower-level software, and at least one processor included in the control device executes the middle-level software.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Smart home bubble creation

Номер: US20220083016A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A second action is identified by the edged device. The second action is associated with a second networked device of the plurality of networked devices in the environment. The second networked device is unrelated to the first networked device. A relationship is detected between the first networked device and the second networked device by the edge device. A network device bubble is generated by the edge device. The network device bubble is based on the relationship that is detected.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200064801A1
Автор: KUMAZAWA Fumio

A motor driver system. Implementations may include: a motor driver configured to couple with a motor where the motor driver comprises a multipurpose pin. A controller may be included coupled with the motor driver through at least the multipurpose pin. The motor driver during an enable mode, may be configured to receive serial data from the controller and to send serial data to the controller using the multipurpose pin during a normal operation mode of the motor driver. The motor driver may be configured to output a frequency generator (FG) signal to the controller using the multipurpose pin during the normal operation mode of the motor driver. 1. A motor driver system , comprising:a motor driver configured to couple with a motor, the motor driver comprising a multipurpose pin;wherein the motor driver is configured to couple with a controller through at least the multipurpose pin;wherein the motor driver, during an enable mode, is configured to receive serial data from the controller and to send serial data to the controller using the multipurpose pin during a normal operation mode of the motor driver; andwherein the motor driver is configured to output a frequency generator (FG) signal to the controller using the multipurpose pin during the normal operation mode of the motor driver.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the motor driver claim 1 , at an end of the enable mode claim 1 , is configured to wait during a synchronization period before terminating one of sending serial data to or receiving serial data from the controller.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the motor driver further comprises: 'a communication controller, an edge detector, and a busy signal generator operatively coupled together and coupled with an inverter, the inverter coupled with the multipurpose pin; and', 'an interface comprisinga selection signal generator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the motor driver further comprises an interface comprising:a communication controller coupled with an ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Loom for producing paper machine clothing

Номер: US20140150225A1
Автор: Johan Einarsson

A loom for producing a paper machine clothing includes a weaving zone for producing a woven structure having warp threads and weft threads and a tensioning zone following the weave zone in a weaving direction. The tensioning zone has a first receiving roller system and a second receiving roller system following the first receiving roller system in a weaving direction. Each receiving roller system is configured to move the woven structure forward in the weaving direction in order to produce a tension. A heating assembly for thermofixing the woven structure is provided between the first receiving roller system and the second receiving roller system.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Method for Operating a Redundant Automation System

Номер: US20220091946A1
Автор: Grosch Thomas

Method for operating a redundant automation system to control a technical process, wherein a second fail-safe subsystem is operated redundantly in relation to a first fail-safe subsystem, and wherein the faulty second fail-safe subsystem is used, where synchronization data is initially buffered in the second subsystem, and in the event that no errors are identified, the first fail-safe subsystem sends an error-free message to the second fail-safe subsystem to acknowledge the error-free message with an error free acknowledgment and process the initially buffered synchronization data. 1. A method for operating a redundant automation system for controlling a technical process , a first fail-safe subsystem being operated with a first control program divided into first program sections , the control of the technical process being performed by the first fail-safe subsystem , and a second fail-safe subsystem being operated redundantly with a second control program divided into second program sections , the first fail-safe subsystem , with its first control program generates and evaluates events which influence an execution sequence of the first program sections in the first control program according to the events which have occurred and based on the generated or events which have occurred per program section , makes available synchronization data provided with an index , which reflects a respective program section , for the second fail-safe subsystem and makes available original data for an output , the original data being initially held back and not yet being written to the output , and the first subsystem preceding the second subsystem with the processing of the respective first program sections in relation to the index of the processing of the respective second program sections of the second subsystem , the method comprising:buffering the synchronization data initially in the second subsystem, the first fail-safe subsystem initially sending the available original data ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098765A1
Принадлежит: Tsudakoma Industrial Co Ltd

A loom includes a loom frame including a pair of side frames, and heddle frame guides. An inner wall of at least one side frame has, as a reference position, a position of a part, which supports the heddle frame guide in a warp direction, of an inner surface of the inner wall with respect to a width direction of the loom and at least one support part is formed to be an offset support part at which an inner end in a support position of a bearing is located on a more inner side of the loom frame than the reference position.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098777A1
Автор: SUNAOSHI Masayuki
Принадлежит: RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

A dyeing apparatus is configured to be connected to an embroidery apparatus. The dyeing apparatus includes a dyer configured to dye a thread; a conveying path in which a path length of the thread from the dyer to the embroidery apparatus is changed according to an operation of the embroidery apparatus; and a conveyance control unit configured to adjust a conveyance speed of the thread in the conveying path, according to a change in the path length. The dyer dyes the thread at a dyeing speed that matches the adjusted conveyance speed. 1. A dyeing apparatus configured to be connected to an embroidery apparatus , the dyeing apparatus comprising:a dyer configured to dye a thread;a conveying path in which a path length of the thread from the dyer to the embroidery apparatus is changed according to an operation of the embroidery apparatus; anda conveyance control unit configured to adjust a conveyance speed of the thread in the conveying path, according to a change in the path length, whereinthe dyer dyes the thread at a dyeing speed that matches the adjusted conveyance speed.2. The dyeing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein{'claim-text': ['an inlet nip roller provided upstream with respect to the dyer in a conveying direction of the thread, to be an upstream end of the conveying path;', 'an outlet nip roller provided near the embroidery apparatus, to be a downstream end of the conveying path; and', 'a dancer roller provided near an upstream side of the outlet nip roller and configured to be raised and lowered vertically, wherein'], '#text': 'the conveying path includes:'}the inlet nip roller conveys the thread at the conveyance speed controlled by the conveyance control unit,the outlet nip roller conveys the thread such that the thread is pulled by an amount corresponding to an amount of the thread consumed at the embroidery apparatus, andthe path length changes as the dancer roller is raised or lowered according to a difference between a cumulative consumption ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087721A1

Embodiments disclosed herein provide approaches for attaching scan control and other electronic chips to textiles, e.g., on a loom as part of a real-time manufacturing process. 1. (canceled)2. An electronic textile comprising:textile material including threads;sense lines embedded in the textile material, the sense lines including conductive threads, the conductive threads including metal, at least two adjacent ones of the sense lines spaced apart from one another and extending in a warp direction or a weft direction across a section of the textile material; anda package including circuitry, the circuitry coupled to the sense lines, the circuitry coupled to at least one power supply line, the circuitry coupled to at least one signal line, the circuitry to detect signals from one or more of the sense lines, the signals indicative of human contact with a corresponding area of the textile material.3. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the sense lines are woven into the textile material.4. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein an individual one of the sense lines includes braided steel yarn.5. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein an individual one of the sense lines includes braided wire.6. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the circuitry is part of a system-on-chip (SOC) device.7. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the package includes two package portions coupled via an epoxy material.8. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the textile material includes at least one of synthetic fiber claim 2 , wool claim 2 , or cotton.9. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the electronic textile is coupled to a floor covering.10. The electronic textile of claim 2 , wherein the electronic textile is coupled to upholstery.11. An electronic textile comprising:textile material;sense lines embedded in the textile material, the sense lines including conductive yarn, the conductive yarn including metal, at least two adjacent ones of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090808A1
Автор: KARVONEN Andreas

A subsea control unit is disclosed for a subsea control system. In an embodiment, the subsea control unit includes (a) a first interface for connecting to a subsea communication network, (b) a second interface for connecting to a subsea device, and (c) a processing unit adapted to process data received from the subsea device and generate control signals for the subsea device. The processing unit is further adapted to perform a master function. Further, a subsea control system is disclosed, including (a) a plurality of subsea control units, and (b) a subsea communication network. Each subsea control unit of the plurality of subsea control units is connected to a respective subsea device and to the subsea communication network. One of the subsea control units is configured to perform the master function. Yet further, a method of controlling a plurality of subsea devices and a corresponding computer program are disclosed. 1. A subsea control unit for a subsea control system , the subsea control unit comprising:a first interface to connect to a subsea communication network;a second interface to connect to a subsea device; anda processing unit adapted to process data received from the subsea device and generate control signals for the subsea device,wherein the processing unit is further adapted to perform a master function, the master function including processing data from other subsea control units connected to the subsea communication network and generating control signals for the other subsea control units connected to the subsea communication network.2. The subsea control unit of claim 1 , wherein the processing unit is further adapted to at least one of:communicate with a topside control system connected to the subsea communication network; andcommunicate with an external subsea system connected to the subsea communication network.3. The subsea control unit of claim 2 , wherein the processing unit is adapted to activate or deactivate the master function in response ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150094827A1

External programming of at least one processor () of a LED driver (). In a normal operation mode a first control input (B/C) of the LED driver () may be provided to a first processor input of the processor and a second control input (B/C) of the LED driver may be provided to a second processor input of the processor (). In a programming mode the first and second control inputs (B, C) may be provided to programming inputs of the processor () to thereby enable programming of the processor () via the first and second control inputs (B, C). 1. A method of programming a processor of a LED driver , comprising:directing, in a normal operation mode, a first control input of said LED driver to a first processor input of said processor and a second control input of said LED driver to a second processor input of said processor;receiving a programming signal;entering a programming mode in response to said programming signal; anddirecting, in said programming mode, said first control input to a third processor input of said processor and said second control input to a fourth processor input of said processor;wherein said third processor input and said fourth processor input are programming inputs.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising coupling a programmer to said first control input and said second control input.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising utilizing said programmer to program said processor via said first control input and said second control input.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising coupling said programmer to a power source unique from a processor power source powering said processor.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said first control input is also coupled to said first processor input in said programming mode.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein said second control input is also coupled to said second processor input in said programming mode.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising decoupling said first control input from said first ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086892A1

An industrial controller that controls operation of an industrial system. The industrial controller comprises a processor and a memory storing instruction, wherein the instructions cause the processor to perform certain functions. In particular, the instructions cause the processor to communicate high speed data in a first industrial protocol between the industrial controller and a high speed device during a first frame section but not during a second frame section of a controller frame of the industrial controller and communicate linking device data in a second industrial protocol between the industrial controller and a linking device during the second frame section but not during the first frame section or during the third frame section of the controller frame. 1. An industrial controller configured to control operation of an industrial system , the industrial controller comprising:a processor; and communicate high speed data in a first industrial protocol between the industrial controller and a high speed device during a first frame section but not during a second frame section of a controller frame of the industrial controller; and', 'communicate linking device data in a second industrial protocol between the industrial controller and a linking device during the second frame section but not during the first frame section of the controller frame., 'a memory storing instructions, wherein the instructions are configured to cause the processor to2. The industrial controller of claim 1 , wherein the industrial controller is configured to operate using IEEE 1588 precision time protocol (PTP) to synchronize communication of the high speed data and the linking device data.3. The industrial controller of claim 1 , wherein the instructions are configured to communicate high speed data in the first industrial protocol between the industrial controller and the high speed device during the first frame section and a third frame section but not during the second frame section ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136722A1

System and method for designing and deploying a building-related service in a building automation management system (BAMS) based on a software-defined master system (SDMS) architecture. The master system of the BAMS comprising a plurality of building automation systems (BASs) receives a request to create a building-related service involving dynamic coordination between at least two BASs. The request may include a workflow comprising a set of actions and configurations defining the building-related service. The master system uses system description data generated from the workflow to instantiate a blueprint that defines data exchanges with the at least two BASs, information about target hosts, and any dependencies to be resolved. Upon parsing the blueprint to resolve any dependencies, the master system builds a deployment plan that includes a sequence of steps and configurations for implementing the building-related service. The master system

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Wireless sensor system for hvac systems

Номер: US20200088434A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Co

A heating, ventilation, and/or air conditioning (HVAC) system. The system includes a housing with HVAC equipment. A sensor detects an operating condition of the HVAC system and wirelessly transmits a signal indicative of the operating condition. The sensor couples to or is disposed within the housing. A controller receives the signal indicative of the operating condition and controls operation of the HVAC system in response to the signal. The controller is coupled to or disposed within the housing.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220147006A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A control system includes a control apparatus functioning as a master, and plural slaves which are network-connected to the control apparatus. The slaves each have identification information. The control apparatus includes executes a first instruction to set specified identification information to each of one or more specified slaves. The control apparatus outputs first error information indicating which slave that the setting of the identification information to which is failed, among the one or more specified slaves. 1. A control system , comprising:a control apparatus functioning as a master; anda plurality of slaves which are network-connected to the control apparatus, whereinthe plurality of slaves each have identification information, and execute a first instruction to set specified identification information to each of one or more specified slaves; and', 'output first error information indicating which slave that the setting of the identification information to which is failed, among the one or more specified slaves., 'the control apparatus configured to2. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe control apparatus is configured to output an array of members corresponding to the one or more specified slaves, as the first error information.3. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe first instruction is configured to receive a table name to which the first error information is to be output.4. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe control apparatus is further configured to output second error information indicating whether setting of the identification information to each of the one or more specified slaves is failed.5. The control system according to claim 1 , whereinthe control apparatus is further configured to output third error information indicating a reason for failure in setting of the identification information to each of the one or more specified slaves.6. The control system according to claim 1 , further ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Control System for Process Equipment with Prioritized Instructions

Номер: US20160103435A1
Автор: Moore Roy

Disclosed is a system for controlling process equipment. In particular, the disclosure relates to system for prioritizing instructions to process equipment over a common serial or parallel port. By way of the system, process equipment to be monitored and controlled by one or more remote users. The prioritized instructions can relate to, for example, data logging and control functions. The system also employs a web client that permits the requesting user to monitor the process equipment via a web browser. 1. A system for prioritizing instructions related to process equipment , the system operating over a computer network and comprising:a machine under the operation of a controller;a series of computers for generating a plurality of instructions related to the function and operation of the machine;a processor coupled to the controller via a data port, the processor delivering the plurality of instructions from the computers to the controller via the data port, the instructions delivered over the network in accordance with a transmission protocol;a port redirector associated with the processor, the port redirector accepting the plurality of instructions generated by the computers, the port redirector prioritizing the plurality of instructions by determining the order in which the instructions are delivered to the data port, the prioritization being carried out in accordance with pre-determined requirements.2. The system as described in wherein a series of machines and a series of port redirectors are associated with the system.3. The system as described in wherein the data port is a parallel port.4. The system as described in wherein the processor communicates with the network via a wireless connection.5. The system as described in wherein the processor communicates with the network via a wired connection.6. The system as described in wherein the computers operate the machinery via a proprietary protocol.7. The system as described in wherein the computers allows for ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180101150A1

An industrial control system may receive processing information from at least two control systems associated with at least two components within an industrial automation system. The processing information may include a processing load value for each of the at least two control systems. The industrial control system may then distribute processing loads associated with the at least two control systems when a total processing load between the at least two control systems is unbalanced. 1. An industrial automation control system comprising a processor configured to:send a request to a first control system of at least two control systems of one hierarchical level of a plurality of hierarchical levels for processing information associated with the at least two control systems, wherein the at least two control systems are associated with at least two components within an industrial automation system, wherein the processing information comprises a processing load value for each of the at least two control systems, wherein a second control system of the at least two control systems is indirectly coupled to the industrial automation control system and is configured to receive the request via the first control system and forward its respective processing information to the first control system, wherein the first control system is directly coupled to the industrial automation control system and configured to determine a total processing load associated with the at least two control systems;receive the processing information associated with the at least two control systems via the first control system; anddistribute processing loads associated with the at least two control systems between the at least two control systems in response to the total processing load associated with the at least two control systems being unbalanced.2. The industrial control system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to:receive an input that corresponds to a selection of the one ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Intermittent Weaving Splicer

Номер: US20170101732A1
Автор: Bhupesh Dua, Tory M. Cross
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

Woven products using combined materials are provided. An intermittent weaving splicer terminates and combines materials having different functional and/or aesthetic properties to create woven products that reflect the different properties of the combined material. Further, a dynamic tensioner variably adjusts tension on the combined materials based on the different properties of the combined material.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101881A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

The present disclosure provides a configuration of a control device that is capable of controlling the execution timing, etc. of multiple application programs when the multiple programs are executed in parallel in addition to a sequence program in a single control device. In the control device, when a first application program includes a first special command and a second application program includes a second special command, a command calculation part outputs a control command according to commands described after the first special command in the first application program and a control command according to commands described after the second special command in the second application program on the basis of a common timing. 1. A control device , comprising:a storage part that stores a first application program and a second application program sequentially executed and a sequence program, wherein each of the first application program and the second application program comprises at least one command,a program execution part that executes the sequence program and outputs a control command at every control cycle,a parsing part that sequentially generates a first internal command by parsing at least a part of the first application program at every first cycle that is same as or longer than the control cycle, and generates a second internal command by parsing at least a part of the second application program at every second cycle that is same as or longer than the control cycle,a shared memory that stores the first internal command and the second internal command generated by the parsing part, anda command calculation part that outputs control commands at every control cycle according to the first internal command and the second internal command,whereinwhen the first application program comprises a first special command and the second application program comprises a second special command that corresponds to the first special command, the command calculation part outputs ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101884A1

A human interface technique is disclosed for industrial automation systems. The technique allows for visualizations to be distributed to interfaces, such as thin client interfaces, from automation components, such as automation controllers and other sources of visualization content. Access and delivery may be controlled by a visualization manager that stores policies for access to relevant content, such as based on an event, a user, a location of the user, and so forth. Upon occurrence of a particular event, such as relating to a machine or process that is monitored and/or controlled, the visualization manager may allow access to visualizations based upon the relevance factors. 1. A system comprising:a visualization manager that, in operation, communicates with a thin client HMI to cause the thin client HMI to access and display a visualization from an industrial automation visualization source of a controlled machine or process, wherein the visualization is selected to provide adapted content based upon an event trigger of the controlled machine or process.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the visualization is selected based upon a combination of criteria including the event trigger and a user and location of the thin client HMI.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the visualization is selected based upon the event trigger claim 2 , a role of the user claim 2 , and the location of the thin client HMI.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the visualization comprises a reduced data set identifying a component of the system claim 2 , and an operating state of the component.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the event trigger comprises a state of a product being made or processed by the controlled machine or process.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the event trigger comprises an input received via an automation system input/output point of the controlled machine or process.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the event trigger comprises an alarm triggered by an unwanted ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101904A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A configuration of control device capable of linking control applications even in a control system that combines a control device with another control device is provided. A first control device includes: a first program execution part outputting a first control command at every first cycle; a parsing part parsing at least a part of a first application program at every second cycle to sequentially generate an internal command; a command calculation part outputting a second control command at every first cycle according to the internal command generated by the parsing part; and an arbitration part managing a parsing process performed by the parsing part. The arbitration part adjusts an output timing of the second control command according to the internal command generated by the parsing part in response to notification of a timing from the second control device. 1. A control system , comprising:a first control device;a second control device network-connected to the first control device; andone or more actuators operating according to a control command from the first control device,wherein the first control device and the second control device comprise timers that are synchronized with each other in time,wherein the first control device comprises:a first program execution part executing a sequence program at every first cycle to output a first control instruction;a parsing part parsing at least a part of a first application program at every second cycle, which is equal to or longer than the first cycle, to sequentially generate an internal command;a command calculation part outputting a second control command to at least a part of the one or more actuators at every first cycle according to the internal command generated by the parsing part; andan arbitration part managing a parsing process performed by the parsing part, andthe second control device comprises:a second program execution part sequentially parsing a second application program to output a third control ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220171358A1
Автор: Chang Kun-Chieh

A multi-point measurement system and a multi-point measurement method are provided. The multi-point measurement system is for measuring a device under testing and comprises a plurality of sensors and a computing device. The sensors are respectively attached to a plurality of measuring points of the device under testing. The computing device comprises a computing unit and a storage unit; the computing unit comprises a learning module, and the computing device establishes communication connections to the sensors respectively. The sensors generate original sensing data and transmit them to the storage unit for storage. The computing unit inputs processed sensing data obtained by preprocessing the original sensing data into the learning module for data analysis, and obtains a plurality of reference values corresponding to the sensors respectively. At least two adjacent sensors form a group; the computing unit sequentially inputs the processed sensing data corresponding to the sensors in the group into the learning module for a merge operation, and obtains a plurality of merged reference values corresponding to the groups respectively. The computing unit performs a determination operation using the merged reference values corresponding to each group and the reference values corresponding to the sensors in the group and generates a suitability determination for the measuring points. 1. A multi-point measurement system for measuring a device under test , comprising:a plurality of sensors respectively attached to a plurality of measuring points of the device under test; anda computing device including a computing unit and a storage unit, the computing unit including a learning module, the computing device establishing communication connections to the sensors, respectively,wherein the sensors are configured to generate a plurality of original sensing data and transmit the plurality of original sensing data to the storage unit for storage;wherein the computing unit is ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105961A1

An interactive loom, which includes a loom-mechanism, a user interface, a loom interface, and a controller. Each cam is in the form of a cylinder rotating about the axis thereof. The circumferential surface of the cam exhibits a determined surface geometry, such that each of a plurality of sections of said circumferential surface corresponds to a respective one of the arms. The circumferential surface further exhibits a respective cross sectional profile and such that each rotational position of said cam is associated with a respective state of lowered and raised arms. The loom-interface includes a motor coupled with the cam, and operates loom-mechanics according to instructions. The controller receives a design from the user-interface and transforms the design into a sequence of states of the arms required for achieving the design. The controller further provides the instructions to the loom-interface. The instructions are associated with state changes of the arms. 1. An interactive loom comprising:loom mechanics including a plurality or arms coupled with at least one cam, each of said at least one cam is in the form of a cylinder rotating about the axis thereof, the circumferential surface of said cam exhibiting a determined surface geometry, such that each of a plurality of sections of said circumferential surface corresponds to a respective one of said arms, said circumferential surface further exhibiting a respective cross sectional profile and such that each rotational position of said cam is associated with a respective state of lowered and raised arms;a user interface for receiving a design from a user;a loom interface coupled with said loom mechanics, said loom interface at least including a motor coupled with said cam, said loom interface operating said loom mechanics according to received instructions;a controller coupled with said user interface and with said loom interface, said controller receiving said design from said user interface and transforming ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210124314A1
Автор: ITO Akihiro

A servo control device to execute an operation in a discrete time system may include a velocity feedback path having a difference means calculating a pseudo-velocity from a detected position and a lowpass filter, and a PI control means executing a proportional integration control operation on a deviation between the pseudo-velocity and the position deviation to create a drive command for the driver. The velocity feedback path includes a first gain means applying a first gain to the pseudo-velocity, a delay means delaying the pseudo-velocity, and a second gain means applying a second gain to the delayed pseudo-velocity. A sum of an output of the first gain means and the second gain means is inputted to the lowpass filter, and “F(z)=1/(−zF(z))” is satisfied where a transfer function of the PI control means is F(z), and a transfer function of the lowpass filter is F(z). 200z. The servo control device according to claim 1 , wherein “Fb(z)=q/(δ+q)” claim 1 , where δ=z−1;{'b': '0', 'wherein the parameter q is a coefficient of a primary low-pass filter defined by Fb(z) in a discrete time system.'}30210210zz. The servo control device according to claim 2 , wherein when a velocity proportional control gain when the driver is driven by the drive command is G claim 2 , a transfer characteristic P(z) obtained by combining the driver and the operation object is modeled as r/(δ+pδ) claim 2 , and a position command response characteristic from the position command to the detected position is m/(δ+mδ+m) claim 2 ,{'br': None, 'i': G=m', 'r, '0/0,'}{'br': None, 'i': H', 'p', 'm', 'm', 'q', 'm', 'q, 'sub': '1', '=−(1−1+0−0)/(00), and'}{'br': None, 'i': H', 'm', 'm', 'm', 'H, 'sub': '2', '={(1−0)/0}−1;'}{'b': '0', '¬wherein r¬ is a coefficient of the transfer function P(z) in a discrete time system obtained by modeling a control object element;'}{'b': 0', '1, 'm, m ¬ are coefficients; and'}{'b': '1', 'p is a coefficient of a denominator polynomial of the transfer function P(z) in a ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210124326A1

A method includes monitoring an industrial process for an occurrence of a particular process abnormality and in response to finding the occurrence of the particular process abnormality, monitoring a control action response provided by a particular process operator. A determination is made as to whether the control action response provided by the particular process operator meets a benchmark control action response. When the control action response provided by the particular process operator does not meet the benchmark control action response, a simulation profile is created that when entered into a process simulator that is configured to simulate the industrial process, recreates the occurrence of the particular process abnormality in the process simulator to allow the particular process operator to practice providing control action responses in response to the particular process abnormality. 1. A method for training process operators that provide control action responses in response to process abnormalities of an industrial process , the method comprising:monitoring the industrial process for an occurrence of a particular process abnormality;in response to finding the occurrence of the particular process abnormality, monitoring a control action response provided by a particular process operator;determining whether the control action response provided by the particular process operator meets a benchmark control action response; andwhen the control action response provided by the particular process operator does not meet the benchmark control action response, creating a simulation profile that when entered into a process simulator that is configured to simulate the industrial process, recreates the occurrence of the particular process abnormality in the process simulator to allow the particular process operator to practice providing control action responses in response to the particular process abnormality.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particular process ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Modular Parts Loading and Unloading System

Номер: US20180111229A1
Принадлежит: Amada America, Inc.

A basic loading and unloading system comprising a laser, shuttle, and controller, a module being added to the system in a manner whereby neither the laser, shuttle or controller needs to be physically modified. 1. A manufacturing system having first and second components and a controller , the improvement comprising means for adding a first module to said system without substantial physical modifications to either first and second components.2. The system of wherein said first component comprises a laser and said second component comprises a shuttle system.3. The system of wherein communication cables are utilized to connect said first module to said controller.4. The system of wherein a wireless communication system connects said first module to said controller.5. The system of wherein a second module is connected to said controller.6. The system of wherein communication cables connect said second module to said controller.7. The system of wherein a wireless communication system connects said second module to said controller. The present invention provides a cycle loader in modular form that can be incorporated into most parts processing systems.Systems for providing structural support for a particular application, such as a shuttle system, are generally constructed of a variety of components. These components are used to form the shuttle chords and lattice frames, for example. Therefore, in order to form a section of a shuttle frame, various pieces of materials typically need to be cut to size and welded together to form the frame section. The process for forming a section of a shuttle frame is labor intensive and, once assembled, still requires machine work (drilling, etc.) in order to accommodate the shuttle accessories. Once the complete frame structure is built for a specific application, there is little flexibility to the design in order to allow for changes in the width or overall length of the support structure.There is a need for a method to easily and ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180113706A1

A method for porting an existing vehicle control software developed for a single-core control device into a modified multi-core control software or for converting an existing vehicle control software into an optimized multi-core control software is provided. The existing control software comprises numerous repeatedly executable runnables. Information is exchanged between the runnables through writing and reading of communication variables. A modified information exchange via time implicit communication is provided for parallelized runnables in the multi-core control software that is generated by the method. The method includes: analysis of the existing control software regarding a writer-to-reader cardinality of the information exchange with respect to a communication variable; and defining an implementation of the time implicit communication as a function of the determined writer-to-reader cardinality. 1. A method for porting an existing vehicle control software developed for a single-core control device into a modified multi-core control software that can be executed on a multi-core control device , or for converting an existing vehicle control software , which is already developed for a multi core control device. into an optimized multi-core control software , wherein the existing control software comprises numerous repeatedly executable runnables , and wherein information is exchanged between the runnables through writing and reading of communication variables , and wherein a modified information exchange via time implicit communication is provided for parallelized runnables in the multi-core control software that is generated by the method , the method comprising:analysis of the existing control software regarding a writer-to-reader cardinality of the information exchange with respect to a communication variable; anddefining an implementation of the time implicit communication as a function of the determined writer-to-reader cardinality, wherein in particular ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140197636A1
Автор: Crorey David J.

Disclosed herein are embodiments of devices for making knotted string accessories. Embodiments of the device may include a center axis, a base having a substantially planar surface such that the center axis extends perpendicular to the substantially planar surface of the base, a securing member proximate to the center axis and configured to secure a central portion of each of a plurality of individual strings, and a plurality of holders connected to and extending away from the substantially planar surface of the base, the plurality of holders configured to retain a first end portion and a second end portion of each string in the plurality of individual strings, the plurality of holder spaced apart from and positioned symmetrically about the securing member. 1. A device for making knotted string accessories from a plurality of individual strings , wherein each string in the plurality of individual strings includes a first end portion , a second end portion opposite the first end portion , and a central portion between the first end portion and the second end portion , the device comprising:a center axis;a base having a substantially planar surface such that the center axis extends perpendicular to the substantially planar surface of the base;a securing member proximate to the center axis and configured to secure the central portion of each string in the plurality of individual strings; anda plurality of holders connected to and extending away from the substantially planar surface of the base, the plurality of holders configured to retain the first end portion and the second end portion of each string of the plurality of individual strings, the plurality of holders spaced apart from and positioned symmetrically about the securing member.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of holders includes:a first longitudinal set of holders positioned proximate to a first edge of the substantially planar surface of the base;a second longitudinal set of holders ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190115839A1

To measure with ease an input voltage from an external power source and notify the user of the input voltage, a power source apparatus comprising a power source voltage input terminal, an insulating transformer, a power source control device, and a communication unit is provided. The power source voltage input terminal is connected to an external battery. The insulating transformer has a primary coil that is connected to the power source voltage input terminal. The power source control device is connected to the power source voltage input terminal and measures the input voltage to the power source voltage input terminal. The communication unit transmits the voltage value measured by a microcomputer to the secondary side of the insulating transformer. 1. A power source apparatus , comprising:a power source voltage input terminal connected to an external battery;an insulating transformer, comprising a primary-side coil connected to the power source voltage input terminal;processing circuitry connected to the power source voltage input terminal, and the processing circuitry being configured to measure an input voltage to the power source voltage input terminal; anda transmitter configured to transmit a voltage value measured by the processing circuitry to a secondary side of the insulating transformer.2. The power source apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a switch, configured to control a time for applying a voltage to the primary-side coil; anda controller configured to control the switch, whereinthe processing circuitry is further configured to perform a power-off control on the controller when the voltage value is not within a given range.3. The power source apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe processing circuitry a non-volatile memory for storing a first power state flag or a second power state flag, wherein the first power state flag corresponds to a power-on control on the controller, and the second power state flag corresponds to a power ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Multi-protocol gateway with control in a process control system

Номер: US20180120796A1
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric Systems USA Inc

Controlling and communicating with separate sets of industrial process control devices via separate data protocols simultaneously with a single processing device that utilizes redundancy and task-splitting to increase availability. An exemplary system includes a device integrator processor configured to receive and transmit electronic data via a plurality of protocols simultaneously. In one form, the device integrator processor includes a primary module that primarily controls communications and synchronizes itself with a shadow module of the processor. In another form, the processor includes multiple cores that each control a set of devices. Moreover, the cores implement a redundancy scheme.

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Automated Identification Of Generic Module Location Per Electrical Signatures

Номер: US20200117437A1
Автор: Brock Nelson

A database stored electrical signatures of mounting points for generic modules within a vehicle model. Software for programming each mounting point is mapped to the mounting points. For a production unit of the vehicle model, generic modules are placed at the mounting points without being programmed to perform a specific function. The generic modules measure the electrical signature of the mounting point at which they are mounted. The generic modules then coordinate with a server to identify a matching electrical signature in the database and programming the generic modules with corresponding software for performing specific functions. 1. A method comprising:measuring first electrical signatures of first module mount points in a first wire layout in a first system;mapping the first electrical signatures to locations of the first module mount points; anddetermining locations of generic modules at second module mount points in a second wire layout in a second system having a design of the first system according to the mapping and second electrical signatures of the second module mount points.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first system if a first vehicle of a vehicle model and the second system is a second vehicle of the vehicle model.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first wire layout is a first plurality of wiring harnesses according to the vehicle model; andthe second wire layout is a second plurality of wiring harnesses according to the vehicle model.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein:wherein each first mount point of the first module mount points includes a plurality of first pins coupled to wires of the plurality of wiring harnesses;wherein measuring the electrical signatures of first module mount points comprises, for each module mount point of the first module mount points, measuring at least one of a reactance and a resistance between first pins of the each module mount point.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein:the first system further includes one ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210157288A1

An industrial control system may receive processing information from at least two control systems associated with at least two components within an industrial automation system. The processing information may include a processing load value for each of the at least two control systems. The industrial control system may then distribute processing loads associated with the at least two control systems when a total processing load between the at least two control systems is unbalanced. 1. An industrial automation control system comprising a processor configured to:receive processing information from at least two control systems associated with at least two components within an industrial automation system, wherein the processing information comprises a processing load value for each of the at least two control systems;determine whether the processing load value for each of the at least two control systems is balanced by determining whether the processing load value for each of the at least two control systems is within a percentage range of an average processing load value, wherein the average processing value is an average of the processing load value for each of the at least two control systems; anddistribute one or more processing loads associated with the at least two control systems between the at least two control systems in response to the processing load value for one or more of the at least two control systems being outside of the percentage range of the average processing load value.2. The industrial automation control system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to distribute the processing loads by:decreasing a first processing load associated with a first control system of the at least two control systems having a first processing load value greater than the average processing value; andincreasing a second processing load associated with a second control system of the two or more control systems having a second processing load value less than ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160132036A1

An automated machine wherein messages exchanged between components of the machine are forwarded to at least one component at a first time point that temporarily stores them and from that component to a central unit at a second time point is disclosed. Said first time point preceding said second time point within the framework of a cycle time of the automated machine. The time points are determined relative to that cycle time and provided to respective components in conjunction with a startup of the automated machine. The component temporarily storing messages forwards them in the manner of a layer-3 switch. This message forwarding is driven by the respective time points, rather than event-driven, can operate seamlessly in existing systems wherein communications are time-slot controlled, and decouples the components so that real-time communications within the machine can be optimized. 1. An automated machine having a plurality of components that are connected together in a network , said components having real-time communication links between each other and having a predetermined cycle time , said machine comprising:at least one temporarily-storing component switch configured to temporarily store messages received from another component, and to forward a temporarily stored message at a time point which is prescribed or can be prescribed relative to a cycle time of the machine, anda time base generator configured to determine said time point relative to said predetermined cycle time in a startup of the machine and provide said time point to the component.2. The automated machine of claim 1 , further comprising a central unit claim 1 , said components being linked in a tree structure to said central unit claim 1 , a component directly linked to the central unit providing an indirect link to the central unit for the other components claim 1 , said component directly linked to the central unit providing said temporarily-storing component.3. The automated machine of claim ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Slitter device

Номер: US20180127227A1
Автор: Isao Nishimura
Принадлежит: Tsudakoma Industrial Co Ltd

A slitter device includes a first tension detecting unit for obtaining a raw-cloth tension value which is a tension value of a sheet material fed out from a let-off mechanism, a second tension detecting unit for obtaining a divided material tension value which is the sum of the tension values of each of divided sheet materials, and a drive control device which includes a comparator to which the first tension detecting unit and the second tension detecting unit are connected, and which compares the raw-cloth tension value and the divided material tension value with each other; and a drive controller which controls an operating state of a roll driving motor such that the raw-cloth tension value and the divided material tension value coincide or substantially coincide with each other based on the comparison result of the comparator.

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210159700A1

Systems and methods described herein may be used to search for a minimum load overshed in a power system. For example, a control system includes memory and a processor operatively coupled to the memory. The processor may obtain an amount of power consumed by each load in a total set of loads in a microgrid. The processor may detect a difference between the amount of power generated and the amount of power consumed. The processor may select a subset of loads to shed from the total set of loads by searching a tree of potential load shed amounts to substantially balance the amount of power generated with the amount of power consumed. The processor may send one or more signals to one or more electronic devices to cause the selected subset of loads to be shed. 1. A control system , comprising:memory; and obtain an amount of power consumed by each load in a total set of loads in a microgrid;', 'detect a difference between the amount of power generated and the amount of power consumed;', 'select a subset of loads to shed from the total set of loads by searching a tree of potential load shed amounts to achieve minimum amount of load overshed and substantially balance the amount of power generated with the amount of power consumed; and', 'send one or more signals to one or more electronic devices to cause the selected subset of loads to be shed., 'a processor operatively coupled to the memory to execute instructions on the memory to cause the control system to2. The control system of claim 1 , wherein substantially balancing the amount of power generated with the amount of power consumed comprises selecting the subset of loads to shed that fall within a deadband.3. The control system of claim 2 , wherein the deadband varies based at least in part on the required load to shed.4. The control system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to claim 1 , when searching the binary tree of load shed amounts: when the node value is greater than the total load required to be ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Cooperative operating device and method

Номер: US20140214180A1
Автор: Masato Tanaka
Принадлежит: Azbil Corp

A cooperative operating device includes primary controlling units that are provided for individual primary control systems, and calculate operating variables and outputting them to the actuators of the corresponding primary control systems, a selector that combines operating variables by performing a weighting calculation on the operating variables calculated by the primary controlling units, and an operating variable adjustment controlling unit that is provided to correspond to a single secondary control system for controlling an equilibrium point that is a desirable operating variable output with the primary control in a steady-state, inputs a specific operating variable setting value that indicates the equilibrium point, and inputs, as a controlled variable input, the operating variable after combination, outputted from the selector, to calculate an adjustment operating variable and output it to the actuator of the secondary control system.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Weaving Equipment with Strand Modifying Unit

Номер: US20220275543A1

Weaving equipment may include warp strand positioning equipment that positions warp strands and weft strand positioning equipment that inserts weft strands among the warp strands to form fabric. One or more of the warp strands may be selectively modified along its length using a warp strand modification unit. The warp strand modification unit may be interposed between the fabric and a reed, may be interposed between the fabric and the warp strand positioning equipment, may be mounted to the reed, or may be incorporated elsewhere in the weaving equipment. Warp strand modifications may include adding segments of metallic paint coatings or other conductive coatings, adding insulating coatings, applying other liquids to segments of the warp strand, modifying the stretchiness of warp strands, removing material from segments of the warp strand, and attaching electrical components to the warp strand. 1. A method of forming fabric , comprising:with warp strand positioners, positioning warp strands to create a shed, wherein the warp strands include a conductive warp strand with an insulating coating;with equipment, selectively removing a portion of the insulating coating from the conductive warp strand while the shed is open to expose a conductive segment of the conductive warp strand; andwith a weft strand positioner, inserting a weft strand into the shed to incorporate the conductive segment into the fabric.2. The method defined in wherein the equipment comprises a light source and wherein selectively removing the portion of the insulating coating from the conductive warp strand comprises applying light from the light source to the conductive warp strand to remove the portion of the insulating coating.3. The method defined in wherein the light source comprises a laser.4. The method defined in wherein selectively removing the portion of the insulating coating from the conductive warp strand comprises applying an etchant to remove the portion of the insulating coating.5. The ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210165378A1
Автор: Luke Oladayo

The present invention is an Equipment Smart System which is applicable to a majority of non-smart portable equipment. It presents a universal control system which can be plugged into majority of non-smart portable equipment. It has multiple component interfaces but same functionality to suite different types of equipment. One way the present system can be installed on a user's device (such as Personal Computer, Laptop, Tablet, smart phone etc.) in the form of Application software. The proposed system is also applicable to majority of non-smart portable equipment. 1. An Equipment Smart System which is applicable to a majority of non-smart portable equipment which presents a universal control system that can be plugged into majority of non-smart portable equipment and has multiple component interfaces but same functionality to suite different types of equipment.2. The system as claimed in can in one way be installed on a user's device (such as Personal Computer claim 1 , Laptop claim 1 , Tablet claim 1 , etc.) in the form of an Application software and this Application functions by directly interfacing with the PCB and LCD display or through user device app while Wi-Fi Adapter enables remote operation and also uses Wi-Fi claim 1 , RF claim 1 , Z-wave claim 1 , T and Bluetooth technology to connect users' device which in turn command the computing unit of the Master Equipment.3. The Master Equipment as claimed in will manage functions such as to monitor claim 2 , temperature sensor claim 2 , to monitor vibrate sensor claim 2 , to monitor oil gauge sensor claim 2 , to monitor gas gauge sensor claim 2 , automatically synchronize fuel gate with power off and on claim 2 , automatically synchronize choke with power on and power off;4. The system as claimed in can be used to report health of equipment claim 1 , ability to automatically send request (repair claim 1 , maintenance claim 1 , fuel) request to registered vendors claim 1 , ability to schedule power on and/or power ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210165380A1

A method for an intelligent household appliance to communicate with multiple servers, includes: accessing N servers, respectively, wherein N is an integer equal to or greater than 2, and the N servers belong to different manufacturers; and transmitting information related to the intelligent household appliance to the N servers. 1. A method for an intelligent household appliance to communicate with multiple servers , comprising:accessing N servers, respectively, wherein N is an integer equal to or greater than 2, and the N servers belong to different manufacturers; andtransmitting information related to the intelligent household appliance to the N servers.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the information related to the intelligent household appliance carries identification information for uniquely identifying the intelligent household appliance.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the accessing the N servers claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , comprises:acquiring a communication address of a local hub in response to the local hub being deployed by a manufacturer;establishing a communication connection with the local hub according to the communication address; andaccessing a server belonging to the manufacturer via the communication connection with the local hub, and a communication connection between the local hub and the sever belonging to the manufacturer.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the accessing the N servers claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , comprises:acquiring a communication address of a server, wherein the server is only located in a local hub; andestablishing a communication connection with the server according to the communication address.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the accessing the N servers claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , comprises:acquiring a communication address of a server, wherein the server is only located in a cloud hub; andestablishing a communication connection with the server according to the ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Active attack detection in autonomous vehicle networks

Номер: US20200128031A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Systems, methods, computer-readable storage media, and apparatuses to provide active attack detection in autonomous vehicle networks. An apparatus may comprise a plurality of electronic control units communicably coupled by a network, and logic, at least a portion of which is implemented in hardware, the logic to: receive an indication from a first electronic control unit (ECU) of the plurality of ECUs specifying to transmit a first data frame via the network, determine, based on a message identifier (ID) of the first ECU, whether a transmit window for the first ECU is open, and permit the first ECU to transmit the first data frame via the network based on a determination that the transmit window for the first ECU is open.

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Weaving Equipment with Strand Modifying Unit

Номер: US20190136423A1

Weaving equipment may include warp strand positioning equipment that positions warp strands and weft strand positioning equipment that inserts weft strands among the warp strands to form fabric. One or more of the warp strands may be selectively modified along its length using a warp strand modification unit. The warp strand modification unit may be interposed between the fabric and a reed, may be interposed between the fabric and the warp strand positioning equipment, may be mounted to the reed, or may be incorporated elsewhere in the weaving equipment. Warp strand modifications may include adding segments of metallic paint coatings or other conductive coatings, adding insulating coatings, applying other liquids to segments of the warp strand, modifying the stretchiness of warp strands, removing material from segments of the warp strand, and attaching electrical components to the warp strand. 1. A fabric , comprising:warp strands including at least one warp strand that has a first conductive segment and a second conductive segment;an electrical component having a first terminal coupled to the first conductive segment and a second terminal coupled to the second conductive segment; andweft strands woven together with the warp strands.2. The fabric defined in wherein the weft strands include:a first conductive weft strand that overlaps the first conductive segment and that is electrically connected to the first conductive segment; anda second conductive weft strand that overlaps the second conductive segment and that is electrically connected to the second conductive segment.3. The fabric defined in wherein the electrical component comprises a light-emitting diode.4. The fabric defined in wherein the first terminal comprises a first metal terminal that is crimped onto the first conductive segment and wherein the second terminal comprises a second metal terminal that is crimped onto the second conductive segment.5. The fabric defined in wherein the warp strand has an ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200137167A1

This disclosure provides an apparatus, system and method for supporting wired and wireless communications in industrial safety systems. The apparatus, system and method involve a safety management controller comprising one or more processors, one or more wired interfaces, and one or more wireless interfaces; wherein the safety management controller supports an application stack associated with an open industrial protocol that operates over multiple communication protocols, at least one of the communication protocols comprising a wired communication protocol, at least one other of the communication protocols comprising a wireless communication protocol. 1. An apparatus comprising:a safety management controller comprising one or more processors, one or more wired interfaces, and one or more wireless interfaces;wherein the safety management controller supports an application stack associated with an open industrial protocol that operates over multiple communication protocols, at least one of the communication protocols comprising a wired communication protocol, at least one other of the communication protocols comprising a wireless communication protocol.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an application profile associated with the open industrial protocol is common across all of the communication protocols.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the one or more wired interfaces comprise an IEEE 802.3 transceiver; andthe one or more wireless interfaces comprise an IEEE 802.15.4 wireless radio.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the open industrial protocol comprises a PROFIsafe or openSAFETY protocol; andthe communication protocols comprise ISA100, PROFINET, and SafeNet protocols.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the interfaces of the safety management controller is configured to communicate with at least one wireless device via a wireless gateway.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein:the one or more wired interfaces comprise an IEEE 802.3 ...
