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10-10-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000019840U1

1. Приспособление для гладильной доски, содержащее каркас, выполненный из металла, из нескольких вертикальных прутов, соединенных между собой горизонтальными прутами, отличающееся тем, что каркас выполнен из двух частей, не равных по величине и соединенных между собой, при этом верхние концы боковых прутьев одной части каркаса выполнены в виде крючков, загнутых во внутрь, а их нижние концы соединены шарнирно с боковыми прутами другой части каркаса, на центральном прутке закреплен наружный крючок, расположенный ниже боковых крючков. 2. Приспособление для гладильной доски по п.1, отличающееся тем, что между прутами закреплена сетка, выполненная из синтетического материала. (19) RU (11) 19 840 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 81/10 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001106664/20 , 11.03.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.03.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 10.10.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Шунелько И.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Шунелько Ирина Витальевна R U Адрес для переписки: 183693, г.Мурманск, ул. Папанина, 4, ЦНТИ, Патентный отдел, Л.Л.Кирьяновой (71) Заявитель(и): Шунелько Ирина Витальевна 1 9 8 4 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Приспособление для гладильной доски, содержащее каркас, выполненный из металла, из нескольких вертикальных прутов, соединенных между собой горизонтальными прутами, отличающееся тем, что каркас выполнен из двух частей, не равных по величине и соединенных между собой, при этом верхние концы боковых прутьев одной части каркаса выполнены в виде крючков, загнутых во внутрь, а их нижние концы соединены шарнирно с боковыми прутами другой части каркаса, на центральном прутке закреплен наружный крючок, расположенный ниже боковых крючков. 2. Приспособление для гладильной доски по п.1, отличающееся тем, что между прутами закреплена сетка, выполненная из синтетического материала. 1 9 8 4 0 U 1 (54) ПРИСПОСОБЛЕНИЕ ДЛЯ ГЛАДИЛЬНОЙ ДОСКИ U 1 U 1 ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000070261U1

Стол гладильный, содержащий рабочую доску, подставку для утюга, приставку над рабочей доской с возможностью вывода ее из рабочего положения, отличающийся тем, что стол снабжен доской-опорой, съемной пластиной с тканевым покрытием, металлической пластинкой с фигурными отверстиями, установленной над рабочей доской, футляром, жестко закрепленным на стене помещения, с возможностью размещения в нем подставки для утюга, приставки, рабочей доски в ее нерабочем положении и других вспомогательных принадлежностей, при этом рабочая доска шарнирно соединена с основанием футляра и с доской-опорой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 70 261 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 81/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007138130/22 , 15.10.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.10.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Коротаев Василий Семенович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коротаев Василий Семенович (RU) U 1 7 0 2 6 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Стол гладильный, содержащий рабочую доску, подставку для утюга, приставку над рабочей доской с возможностью вывода ее из рабочего положения, отличающийся тем, что стол снабжен доской-опорой, съемной пластиной с тканевым покрытием, металлической пластинкой с фигурными отверстиями, установленной над рабочей доской, футляром, жестко закрепленным на стене помещения, с возможностью размещения в нем подставки для утюга, приставки, рабочей доски в ее нерабочем положении и других вспомогательных принадлежностей, при этом рабочая доска шарнирно соединена с основанием футляра и с доской-опорой. 7 0 2 6 1 (54) СТОЛ ГЛАДИЛЬНЫЙ R U Адрес для переписки: 644029, г.Омск, ул. Нефтезаводская, 12, кв.30, Коротаеву В.С. RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 70 261 U1 Техническое решение относится к устройствам для глажения текстильных и швейных изделий в предприятиях бытового обслуживания и в быту. Известна гладильная ...

10-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000100083U1

1. Гладильная доска с ножками, содержащая опорную поверхность и подставку, установленные на продольных элементах. 2. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит два цельных металлических продольных элемента, снабженных креплениями ножек. 3. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что опорная поверхность и подставка выполнены из металла методом штамповки и установлены на продольных элементах при помощи заклепок, опорная поверхность оснащена рабочей поверхностью. 4. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что на подставке установлены кронштейн для провода и держатель для плечиков. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 100 083 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06F 81/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010127883/12, 06.07.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Коваль Александр Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Коваль Александр Николаевич (RU) U 1 1 0 0 0 8 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Гладильная доска с ножками, содержащая опорную поверхность и подставку, установленные на продольных элементах. 2. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит два цельных металлических продольных элемента, снабженных креплениями ножек. 3. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что опорная поверхность и подставка выполнены из металла методом штамповки и установлены на продольных элементах при помощи заклепок, опорная поверхность оснащена рабочей поверхностью. 4. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что на подставке установлены кронштейн для провода и держатель для плечиков. 1 0 0 0 8 3 (54) ГЛАДИЛЬНАЯ ДОСКА R U Адрес для переписки: 426052, г.Ижевск, ул. Лесозаводская, 23/175, А.Н. Ковалю RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100 083 U1 Полезная модель относится к устройствам для глажения текстильных и швейных изделий в ...

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000101450U1

1. Гладильная доска, содержащая опорную поверхность, выполненные из металлических труб стойки с поперечными элементами, на поперечных элементах с возможностью стыковки со стойками сформированы вмятины, стойка соединена с поперечным элементом при помощи сварки. 2. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что стойка соединена с поперечным элементом при помощи сварки по границе вмятины. 3. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что стойки выполнены из трубы прямоугольного сечения, поперечные элементы выполнены из трубы круглого сечения, вмятины выполнены в виде двух бороздок или в виде прямоугольной площадки. 4. Гладильная доска по п.1, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит подставку, опорная поверхность и подставка установлены на продольных элементах. 5. Гладильная доска по п.4, характеризующаяся тем, что содержит два цельных металлических продольных элемента, снабженных креплениями поперечных элементов. 6. Гладильная доска по п.4, характеризующаяся тем, что опорная поверхность и подставка выполнены из металла методом штамповки и установлены на продольных элементах при помощи заклепок, опорная поверхность оснащена рабочей поверхностью. 7. Гладильная доска по п.4, характеризующаяся тем, что на подставке установлены кронштейн для провода и держатель для плечиков. 8. Гладильная доска, содержащая опорную поверхность, выполненные из металлических труб стойки с поперечными элементами, концы стоек сплющены и соединены при помощи сварки с поперечными элементами. 9. Гладильная доска по п.8, характеризующаяся тем, что стойки выполнены из трубы прямоугольного сечения, концы стоек сплющены по двум граням, поперечные элементы выполнены из трубы круглого сечения. 10. Гладильная доска по п.8, характеризующаяся тем, что стойки выполнены из трубы круглого сечения, концы стоек сплющены с образованием плоского, или П-, или С-, или Е-образного поперечного сечения, поперечные элементы выполнены из трубы круглого сечения. 11. Гладильная доска по п.8, характеризующаяся тем, ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Гладильное устройство

Номер: RU0000169932U1

Гладильная доска-трансформер относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к устройствам для глажки различных изделий, предпочтительно текстильных, и может использоваться в быту и на предприятиях бытового обслуживания населения. Гладильная доска-трансформер содержит гладильную доску (2) с механизмом трансформации (3), содержащим газлифт (12) и систему труб (13), образующих подвижную в вертикальной плоскости конструкцию. Механизм трансформации (3) соединен с рамой (1) через отдельный металлический корпус (4), закрепленный на двух съемных пластинах (15), (16). Для вращения в вертикальной плоскости газлифт (12) смонтирован на поворотной муфте (17), вращающейся на осях (18). Гладильная доска-транформер оснащена дверью (9). На нижней планке рамы (1) может быть установлен столик для хранения утюга. Задачей является создание компактного, удобного в использовании гладильного устройства. Техническими результатами предлагаемого технического решения являются уменьшение усилия для складывания-раскладывания в процессе использования, обеспечение автоматической фиксации гладильной доски-трансформера в рабочем состоянии, реализация поставленной задачи. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 932 U1 (51) МПК D06F 81/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016114994, 19.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.04.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 19.04.2016 U 1 (54) Гладильное устройство (57) Реферат: Гладильная доска-трансформер относится к легкой промышленности, а именно к устройствам для глажки различных изделий, предпочтительно текстильных, и может использоваться в быту и на предприятиях бытового обслуживания населения. Гладильная доска-трансформер содержит гладильную доску (2) с механизмом трансформации (3), содержащим газлифт (12) и систему труб (13), образующих подвижную в вертикальной плоскости конструкцию. Механизм ...

14-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000177267U1

Полезная модель относится к гладильным доскам для глажения тканей, белья и других текстильных изделий в домашних условиях, прачечных и при шитье. Задача технического решения - расширение функциональных возможностей гладильного устройства. Задача решена тем, что гладильное устройство содержит корпус, имеющий две боковые вертикальные стенки, соединенные между собой горизонтальными поперечинами, и дверь, выполненную с возможностью перекрытия пространства корпуса, при этом внутри корпуса размещена гладильная доска на раме, подвижно связанная с вертикальными направляющими, закрепленными на боковых вертикальных стенках, с возможностью фиксированного вертикального перемещения и установки гладильной доски в рабочее и нерабочее положения. Устройство снабжено механизмом фиксации в рабочем горизонтальном положении и может быть выполнено с двумя опорными стойками, механически закрепленными в нижней части корпуса. Положительный технический результат - возможность надежной установки гладильной доски в рабочем горизонтальном положении и возможность обеспечения мобильности устройства за счет установки опорных стоек. И 1 177267 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ’ 177 267 ° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 09.11.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 26.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 26.08.2020 Бюл. №24 Стр.: 1 па ДС ЕП

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Structural profile members for producing household utensils, and method for producing said profile members

Номер: US20120245273A1
Принадлежит: Kloner SL

The invention relates to profile members made from recycled plastic material, such as handles, stands, frames and legs of ironing boards, indoor and outdoor clotheshorses, etc. The main component of the plastic profile members is a polymer having a high modulus of elasticity, such as PET, polyamide, ABS, etc., as well as traces of materials that contain fibreglass. The structural profile members are produced by mixing and subsequent extrusion.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Ironing board

Номер: US20120246983A1
Автор: Cocksedge John
Принадлежит: Vale Mill Rochdale Ltd

An ironing board ( 1 ) having a board member ( 3 ) connected to a support structure ( 5 ). The ironing board ( 1 ) also has a base ( 7 ) for supporting the ironing board ( 1 ) on a surface and adjustment means ( 9 ) which permits the position of the support structure ( 5 ) relative to the base ( 7 ) to be adjusted to enable the height of the board member ( 3 ) to be adjusted relative to the surface. The base ( 7 ) may have a first leg ( 42 ) formed by a pair of substantially parallel elongate tubes ( 40 ) and a second leg ( 46 ) formed by a single elongate member ( 46 ) which is pivotally connected to the adjustment means ( 9 ). The board member ( 3 ) may be made from two sections ( 11, 13 ) that are pivotally connected to one another to permit the board member ( 3 ) to be folded.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111787A1

An ironing board assembly (), comprising:—an ironing board (), including:—a main board portion (), and—at least one auxiliary board portion () that is movably connected to said main board portion () such that it is movable between an operating position, and a collapsed position;—a flexible ironing board cover () that is attachable to the ironing board () so as to cover ironing sides () of both the main board portion () and the auxiliary board portion (), and to provide an ironing surface () for a user to iron on; and—tensioning means () configured to pull the flexible cover () taut over said covered ironing sides (), such that the provided ironing surface () extends seamlessly across any joint or gap () between the main board portion () and the auxiliary board portion (). 1. An ironing board assembly , comprising: a main board portion having an ironing side, and', 'at least one auxiliary board portion also having an ironing side and being movably connected to said main board portion such that it is movable between an operating position, in which the auxiliary board portion extends substantially in line with the main board portion, and a collapsed position, in which it does not extend substantially in line with the main board portion;, 'an ironing board, includinga flexible ironing board cover that is attachable to the ironing board so as to cover the ironing sides of both the main board portion and the auxiliary board portion, and to provide an ironing surface for a user to iron on; andtensioning means configured to pull the flexible cover taut over said covered ironing sides, such that the provided ironing surface extends seamlessly across any joint or gap between the main board portion and the auxiliary board portion, at least when the auxiliary board portion is in the operating position,.characterized in that the tensioning means include an elastic fabric of which the ironing board cover is at least partly made.2. The ironing board assembly according to claim 1 , ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111788A1

An ironing board assembly (), comprising an ironing board (), including a main board () having a substantially flat ironing surface () that extends longitudinally between a first end and a second end; and at least one wing () being integrally and movably connected to said main board () and having a wing surface () for extending the ironing surface () of the main board (). 1. An ironing board assembly , comprising: a main board having a substantially flat ironing surface that extends longitudinally between a first end and a second end; and', 'at least one wing being integrally and movably connected to said main board and having a wing surface for extending the ironing surface of the main board., 'an ironing board, including2. The ironing board assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the ironing board includes at least two wings claim 1 , each of said wings being integrally and movably connected to said main board and having a wing surface for extending the ironing surface of the main board.3. The ironing board assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the wings are arrangeable to bring the ironing board in at least two alternative configurations claim 2 , in a first of which at least one of the wings is arranged to longitudinally extend the ironing surface of the main board at its first end while none of the other wings is arranged to transversally extend the ironing surface claim 2 , and in a second of which at least two of the wings are arranged to transversally extend the ironing surface of the main board at opposite longitudinal sides adjacent its first end while none of the other wings is arranged to longitudinally extend the ironing surface.4. The ironing board assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said two wings are movably connected to the main board at opposite longitudinal sides of a fixed claim 2 , tapering tip of the main board.5. The ironing board assembly according to claim 1 , wherein at least one wing is hingedly connected to the main board claim 1 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192102A1
Принадлежит: QUIRKY, INC.

An ironing board apparatus comprising a primary ironing board component comprising a first surface suitable for ironing fabrics; and a secondary ironing board component comprising a second surface suitable for ironing fabrics, wherein the secondary ironing board component is rotatably attached to the primary ironing board component, and wherein the secondary ironing board component lies in a different but parallel plane than the primary ironing board component. Another aspect comprises an ironing board apparatus comprising a primary ironing board component comprising a first surface suitable for ironing fabrics; and secondary ironing board component comprising a second surface suitable for ironing fabrics, wherein the secondary ironing board component is rotatably attached to the primary ironing board component, and wherein the secondary ironing board component lies in a same plane as the primary ironing board component when the secondary ironing board component is in a closed position. 1. An ironing board apparatus comprising:a primary ironing board component comprising a first surface suitable for ironing fabrics; anda secondary ironing board component comprising a second surface suitable for ironing fabrics;wherein said secondary ironing board component is rotatably attached to said primary ironing board component, andwherein said secondary ironing board component lies in a different but parallel plane than said primary ironing board component when said secondary ironing board component is in a closed position.2. An apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said primary ironing board component comprises an upper surface and a lower surface; said secondary ironing board component comprises an upper surface and a lower surface; and said upper surface of said secondary ironing board component is rotatably attached to said lower surface of said primary ironing board component.3. An apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein said secondary ironing board component is configured to ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Ironing Board Comprising Two Legs Arranged in an X-Configuration

Номер: US20130312297A1
Принадлежит: SEB S.A.

Ironing board comprising a frame supporting a top and at least two legs joined to the frame, one of the legs having an upper end pivotably mounted on a back end of the frame, the other leg having an upper end slidably mounted on said frame, the two legs being connected to one another by a pivot linkage and movable between a storage position. 1. An ironing board comprising a frame supporting a top and at least two legs joined to said frame , one of the legs having an upper end pivotably mounted on a back end of the frame , the other leg having an upper end slidably mounted on the frame , the two legs being connected to one another by a pivot linkage at a midpoint of their length and being movable between a storage position , in which the legs are arranged essentially parallel to the top , and a working position , in which the legs are arranged in the shape of an X , wherein one of the legs , the so-called first leg , is divided into two parts joined to one another by a joint , said joint enabling , when the legs are in the storage position , the pivoting of a lower segment of the first leg from a folded position , in which said lower segment is disposed in the extension of an upper segment of the first leg , to a folded position , in which the lower segment is folded over the upper segment , characterized in wherein the other leg , the so-called second leg , is in one piece and in that the lower end of the second leg reaches the back end of the frame when the first and second legs are in the storage position.2. The ironing board as in claim 1 , wherein the joint has means for securing the lower segment in the unfolded position.3. The ironing board as in claim 2 , wherein the securing means comprise a device for locking the lower segment in the unfolded position and at least one unlocking button for deactivating the locking device.4. The ironing board as in claim 3 , wherein the joint has two unlocking buttons disposed on two opposite surfaces of the joint.5. The ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333255A1
Автор: PARIENTI Raoul

Fold-away ironing device comprising a frame () attached to the wall and in which there is an ironing board surrounded by a mobile frame (). In a first position, the ornamental front part is visible in the frame fixed to the wall and the ironing board is folded away, and in the second position, the front part is folded away and the ironing board becomes visible. First pivot means comprising a top hinge and a bottom hinge at the right-hand end or at the left-hand end of the frame fixed to the wall forming a vertical axis allowing the ironing board to be pivoted through an angle of around 90° and, on the other hand, two hinges situated at the middle of the horizontal parts of the mobile frame forming the vertical axis () allowing the ironing board to pivot so that it becomes visible. Second pivot means allow the ironing board in the second position to be moved from the vertical position into the horizontal position. 112143110. Foldaway steam ironing device for ironing linens , including a frame () attached to the wall and forming a cavity () in which an ironing board is located , having a rear portion having an ironing surface () and a front portion () integral with the rear portion constituting a decorative surface or a mirror , said ironing board being capable of adopting a first position in which said front portion is visible in said frame attached to the wall and the rear portion is folded away , and a second position in which said front portion is folded away and said rear portion is made visible in said frame attached to the wall , said device having first pivoting means suitable for moving said ironing board from the first position to the second position and vice versa , and second pivoting means for moving said ironing board in the second position from the vertical position to the horizontal position as a bracket so that a user can use said ironing surface;said device being characterized in that{'b': '18', 'said ironing board is inside a mobile frame () ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Ironing Board Comprising One Leg Composed of Two Parts Connected to One Another by a Joint

Номер: US20130340301A1
Принадлежит: SEB S.A.

Ironing board consisting of a top supported by at least one leg with two sections connected to one another by hinge; said hinge allows lower segment of leg to pivot between an unfolded position, in which said lower segment forms an extension of upper segment of leg, and a folded position, in which lower segment is folded in the direction of upper segment, wherein said hinge contains a mechanism to lock the lower segment in an unfolded position and at least one unlocking button to deactivate the locking mechanism to allow lower segment to rotate into the folded position. 1. An ironing board comprising a top supported by at least one leg with two sections hinged to one another; said hinge allows lower segment of leg to pivot between an unfolded position , in which said lower segment forms an extension of upper segment of leg , and a folded position , in which lower segment is folded in the direction of upper segment and the hinge contains a locking mechanism to lock the lower segment in an unfolded position wherein said hinge contains at least two unlocking buttons conveniently placed on the two opposing faces of hinge , allowing the locking mechanism to be deactivated to allow lower segment to be rotated into the folded position.2. The ironing board based on claim 1 , wherein lower segment extends parallel to upper segment when in the folded position.3. The ironing board based on claim 2 , wherein upper segment and lower segment are connected by axis of rotation located on the outside of leg.4. The ironing board based on claim 1 , wherein the hinge contains first button mounted to pivot around axis located on first section of the integrated hinge of upper segment; said first button can shift between a rest position claim 1 , in which first button contains an end with hook that works with blocking device located on second section of the integrated hinge of lower segment to immobilize second section in the unfolded position claim 1 , and a working position in which ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002813A1
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.

The instant invention provides for novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations, containing cationic lipids, for use as vaccine adjuvants and/or as antigen delivery systems. It is an object of the instant invention to provide LNP formulations that demonstrate enhancements in humoral and/or cellular immunogenicity of vaccine antigens, particularly subunit vaccine antigens, when utilized alone or in combination with immunostimulatory agents (e.g. small molecule or oligonucleotide TLR agonists). The instant invention further identifies physical and chemical properties of the LNP formulations that can be manipulated to enhance antigen efficiency and adjuvant tolerability in vivo. 131-. (canceled)32. A composition comprising:a) a lipid nanoparticles (“LNP”) adjuvant comprising (13Z,16Z)-N,N-dimethyl-3-nonyldocosa-13,16-dien-1-amine; andb) one or more antigens;wherein the composition provides an increased CD4+ T-cell response to the one or more antigens compared to a CD4+ T-cell response to the one or more antigens provided by the composition in the absence of the LNP adjuvant.33. The composition of claim 32 , wherein the LNP comprises 34-59 mole % (13Z claim 32 ,16Z)-N claim 32 ,N-dimethyl-3-nonyldocosa-13 claim 32 ,16-dien-1-amine claim 32 , 30-48 mole % cholesterol claim 32 , 10-24% DSPC and 1-2 mole % PEG-DMG.34. The composition of claim 32 , further comprising one or more agonists selected from Toll-like receptors (TLR) agonists and Stimulator of Interferon Gene (STING) agonists.35. The composition of claim 32 , further comprising an immunostimulatory agent selected from saponin claim 32 , squalene claim 32 , aluminum phosphate and aluminum hydroxide.36. The composition of claim 32 , wherein the composition is in the form of an aerosol claim 32 , dispersion claim 32 , solution claim 32 , or suspension.37. A method of immunizing a subject comprising administering to the subject an effective amount of the composition of .39. The composition of claim 38 , wherein the LNP ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003110A1

A steam ironing and/or smoothing appliance including an ironing board against which a garment to be ironed can be placed for a steam treatment, the ironing board being mounted with the ability to pivot by a hinge device enabling the ironing board to be immobilized in various tilted positions, the hinge device including a first part which is mobile in rotation in relation to a second part, the first part including at least one notch in which is engaged at least one locking element carried by the second part in order to prevent the hinge device from rotating, wherein the second part is mobile in translation in relation to the first part according to a course and a direction enabling the locking element to engage and disengage in the notch. 1) A steam ironing and/or smoothing appliance comprising an ironing board against which a garment to be ironed can be placed for a steam treatment , the ironing board being mounted with the ability to pivot by a hinge device enabling the ironing board to be immobilized in various tilted positions , the hinge device comprising a first part which is mobile in rotation in relation to a second part , the first part comprising at least one notch in which is engaged at least one locking element carried by the second part in order to prevent the hinge device from rotating , the second part being mobile in translation in relation to the first part according to a course and a direction enabling the locking element to engage and disengage in the notch , wherein the hinge device comprises a finger , carried by either the first or second part , which is mounted with the ability to slide in a groove arranged in the other of the first or second part , the finger being configured to pivot freely in the groove.2) The steam ironing and/or smoothing appliance according to claim 1 , wherein the shape and position of the notch are adapted so that the locking element automatically engages in the notch under the effect of the weight of the ironing board. ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047083A1
Автор: JEON Hoil, YOO Taewoo

A laundry treating apparatus () is disclosed. The laundry treating apparatus () includes a cabinet () forming an external appearance of the laundry treating apparatus, a support part () configured to be withdrawable from the cabinet (), the support part () providing a space to support laundry when the laundry is withdrawn from the cabinet (), and a laundry treating unit () configured to be withdrawable from the cabinet (), the laundry treating unit () supplying at least one of heat and moisture to the laundry supported by the support part (). 1. A laundry treating apparatus comprising:a cabinet forming an external appearance of the laundry treating apparatus;a support part configured to be withdrawable from the cabinet, the support part providing a space to support laundry when the laundry is withdrawn from the cabinet; anda laundry treating unit configured to be withdrawable from the cabinet, the laundry treating unit supplying at least one of heat and moisture to the laundry supported by the support part.2. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the support part comprises a first support plate and a second support plate claim 1 , the first and second support plates forming the space to support the laundry when withdrawn from the cabinet and unfolded.3. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the support part further comprises a laundry fixing unit provided to at least one of the first support plate and the second support plate to fix the laundry to surfaces of the first support plate and the second support plate.4. The laundry treating apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein each of the first support plate and the second support plate comprises a support plate base providing a space to accommodate the laundry fixing unit claim 3 , a cover provided to an upper portion of the support plate base to support the laundry claim 3 , the cover allowing external air to be supplied into the support plate base therethrough claim 3 ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Pressing Mat

Номер: US20140150306A1
Автор: Purdy Kathryn Ann

A pressing mat for ironing elements of material that can be placed on a support surface for ironing that includes a backing board layer and a composite material layer superimposed adjacent one another and secured together near the peripheral edges of each layer. The composite material layer has a foam layer and a fabric layer and is positioned such that the fabric layer is adjacent to the backing board layer with the foam layer providing an exterior surface. Alternatively, the pressing mat may be comprised of two pressing board assemblies superimposed adjacent to one another and secured together such that the backing board layers are adjacent to each other and the foam layers provide the exterior surface. In this alternative embodiment, the entire exterior surface of the pressing mat consists of the foam layer. The pressing mat may be configured for folding. 1. A pressing mat that secures elements of material being pressed , the pressing mat comprising:a pressing board assembly including a backing board layer and a composite material layer that are superimposed adjacent one another and secured together at least adjacent the peripheral edges thereof, the composite material layer comprising a foam layer and a fabric layer and being positioned such that the fabric layer is adjacent to the backing board layer and the foam layer serves as an exterior planar surface of the pressing board assembly and covers the lateral edges of the pressing board assembly.2. A pressing mat that secures elements of material being pressed , the pressing mat comprising:two pressing board assemblies, each pressing board assembly including a backing board layer and a composite material layer that are superimposed adjacent one another and secured together at least adjacent the peripheral edges thereof, the composite material layer comprising a foam layer and a fabric layer and being positioned such that the fabric layer is adjacent to the backing board layer and the foam layer serves as an ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071876A1

The invention concerns an ironing board cover () to cover the top surface of an ironing board and to form a support for the clothing during ironing, characterised in that it comprises an upper cover part () in the form of a cover, in particular of a material on which a pattern can be printed, for example cotton, and at least one part () defining a so-called active envelope containing air in an airtight manner to form at least one layer of air, the envelope being placed between the upper cover part and the side of the cover that comes into contact with the upper surface of the board. 1. Ironing cover to cover the top surface of an ironing board and form a support for the clothing to be ironed during ironing , characterised in that it comprises an upper covering part in the form of a cover , in particular of a material permitting a pattern to be printed on it , for example cotton , and at least one part defining a co-called active envelope in the form of a sheet of bubble wrap containing air in an airtight manner and placed between the upper covering part and the side of the cover that comes into contact with the upper surface of the board.2. Cover according to claim 1 , characterised in that a layer of aluminium is laid on at least one face of the active envelope forming a layer of air claim 1 , preferably on both the upper and lower surfaces.3. Cover according to claim 1 , characterised in that between the upper part of the cover and the active envelope claim 1 , a lining is placed claim 1 , in particular of foam claim 1 , to protect the active envelope.4. Cover according claim 1 , characterised in that the bubble wrap comprises a basic film from one side of which project domes forming airtight bubbles containing air.5. Cover according to claim 1 , characterised in that the active envelope consists of a sheet of bubble wrap comprising a basic film from one side of which project domes forming airtight bubbles and containing air claim 1 , the bubble wrap being folded ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081798A1

The invention relates to a garment steamer with inclinable ironing board, which comprises a garment steamer with inclinable ironing board () comprising a base () and a support structure () extending upwardly from the base (). The support structure () comprises an upper part () and a lower part () and an ironing board () attached to the upper part (). An inclining structure () comprising an inclining linkage () connects the upper part () and the lower part () in such a way that the upper part () is inclinable relative to the lower part () and can be fixed in a position in which the upper part () is inclined from the lower part () at an angle between horizontal and vertical. The inclining linkage () comprises first and second link arms () extending side -by-side between the upper and lower parts of the support structure (), each of the first and second link arms () having an upper end pivotably connected to the upper part () and a lower end pivotably connected to the lower part (). The first link arm () is longer than the second link arm () such that upper part () assumes an inclined position relative to the lower part () when the upper and lower ends of the link arms () are pivoted about the upper and lower parts (), respectively, of the support structure (). 1. A garment steamer with inclinable ironing board comprising a base , a support structure extending upwardly from the base , the support structure comprising an upper part and a lower part , an ironing board is attached to the upper part , an inclining structure comprising an inclining linkage that connects the upper part and the lower part such a way that the upper part is inclinable relative to the lower part and can be fixed in a position in which the upper part is inclined from the lower part at an angle between horizontal and vertical , wherein the inclining linkage comprises front and rear link arms extending between the upper and lower parts of the support structure , the front and rear link arms each ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098788A1
Принадлежит: Ironmatik, LLC

The carrying element () of the present invention is formed in relation to the ironing surface () of the ironing board. The carrying element () is in the form of a reservoir that allows additional material storage. The reservoir consists of at least one plate guide (). Plate guides () define the mounting guides that allow movable plates () to be attached and detached. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. An ironing board comprising:an ironing surface; anda carrying element adapted to store objects used while ironing, the carrying element defines a reservoir and includes a plate guide and a moveable plate, the plate guide is adapted to receive the moveable plate and thereby change the area and size of the reservoir;wherein the carrying element is positioned adjacent to the ironing surface.8. The ironing board of claim 7 , wherein the carrying element includes a plurality of plate guides that are formed on the inner walls of the reservoir defined by the carrying element.9. An ironing board comprising:an ironing surface; anda carrying element adapted to store objects used while ironing, the carrying element defines a reservoir and includes a plate guide and a moveable plate, the plate guide is adapted to receive the moveable plate and thereby change the area and size of the reservoir;wherein the carrying element is seated in an opening in the ironing board and positioned adjacent to the ironing surface.10. The ironing board of claim 9 , wherein the carrying element includes an outwardly extending perimeter lip.11. The ironing board of claim 9 , wherein the carrying element includes a plurality of plate guides that are formed on the inner walls of the reservoir defined by the carrying element. The invention is related to an ironing board, having a reservoir that has chambers changeable in size and number, in order for different sized objects to be stored therein.Mechanisms in the form of a table, which can be opened and closed ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Handicraft tool for pressing or supporting cloth or fabric

Номер: US20150108181A1
Принадлежит: Clover Manufacturing Co Ltd

A handicraft tool includes a first end, a second end and an intermediate portion. The first end and the second end are spaced apart from each other in the longitudinal direction of the handicraft tool. The intermediate portion is positioned between the first end and the second end. The intermediate portion is in the form of a bar having a cross section that is uniform along the longitudinal direction. At least the surface of the intermediate portion is made of a thermosetting elastomer.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190048A1

The present invention relates to an ironing board cover with at least three layers () that are arranged on top of each other, wherein one of the layers () is a heat resistant cover layer () that is permeable to steam (), another one of the layers () is a porous layer () that is at least partially permeable to steam () and heat, and a further one of the layers () is a water proof layer () that is impermeable to steam () and/or liquid, wherein the porous layer () is arranged between the cover layer () and the water proof layer (). 122. Ironing board cover with at least three layers that are arranged on top of each other , wherein one of the layers is a heat resistant cover layer that is permeable to steam , another one of the layers is a porous layer that is at least partially permeable to steam and heat , and a further one of the layers is a water proof layer () that is impermeable to steam and/or liquid , wherein the porous layer is arranged between the cover layer and the water proof layer , and wherein the porous layer comprises an open-cell structure foam with a pore size in a range of 10 to 70 pores per inch (≈per 2.54 cm) or a 3D spacer fabric.2. Ironing board cover according to claim 1 , wherein the cover layer comprises a fabric material claim 1 , preferably cotton claim 1 , linen or a cotton polyester blend.3. Ironing board cover according to claim 1 , wherein the porous layer has a layer thickness-POI) of less than or equal to 8 mm claim 1 , preferably in a range of 2 to 8 mm.4. (canceled)5. Ironing board cover according to claim 1 , wherein the porous layer has a pore size that is adapted to at least partially reflect steam claim 1 , which enters through the cover layer claim 1 , back to said cover layer.6. Ironing board cover according to claim 1 , wherein the porous layer comprises a pore size in a range of 10 to 50 pores per inch (≈per 2.54 cm).7. Ironing board cover according to claim 1 , wherein the 3D spacer fabric has an area density in a range of ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123698A1

The present invention relates to a system iron. The system iron of the present invention includes a body including therein a steam generator for generating steam; an ironing plate disposed on the body so as to spray the steam generated by the steam generator to an outside; a height adjustment box, which is retracted into the body and extended outwards from the body so as to adjust a height of the ironing plate; a lock including a first bar, which projects outwards from the height adjustment box so as to limit the movement of the height adjustment box; a lock holder, which is connected to two side surfaces of an end of the lock so as to change the position of the first bar, thereby allowing the height adjustment box to be moved; and a height adjustment lever for moving the lock holder via a wire. 1. A system iron comprising:a body including therein a steam generator for generating steam;an ironing plate disposed on the body so as to spray the steam generated by the steam generator to an outside;a height adjustment box, which is retracted into the body and extended outwards from the body so as to adjust a height of the ironing plate;a lock including a first bar, which projects outwards from the height adjustment box so as to limit movement of the height adjustment box;a lock holder, which is connected to two side surfaces of an end of the lock so as to change a position of the first bar, thereby allowing the height adjustment box to be moved; anda height adjustment lever for moving the lock holder via a wire.2. The system iron according to claim 1 , wherein the lock is hingedly connected to an underframe disposed in the height adjustment box.3. The system iron according to claim 1 , wherein the lock includes:the first bar, which is rotated about a hinge shaft and a portion of which projects outwards from the height adjustment box; anda second bar, which is connected at two side surfaces thereof to the lock holder and which changes a position of the first bar by ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145039A1

A modular laundry system includes a washing machine defining a single width and a single width horizontal module below the washing machine. The single width horizontal module below the washing machine includes a cabinet capable of supporting the washing machine thereupon and having an open face. A drawer is slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an opened and closed position relative to the open face. A tub is provided within the drawer, and a wash chamber is provided within the tub. 1. A modular laundry system comprising:a washing machine defining a single width; and a cabinet capable of supporting the washing machine thereupon and having an open face;', 'a drawer slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an opened and closed position relative to the open face;', 'a tub provided within the drawer; and', 'a wash chamber provided within the tub;, 'a single width horizontal module below the washing machine and comprisingwherein the height of the cabinet is less than the height of the washing machine.2. The modular laundry system according to wherein the horizontal module comprises a control panel for the selection of a wash cycle.3. The modular laundry system according to wherein the control panel is mounted on the drawer.4. The modular laundry system according to wherein the washing machine comprises a horizontal axis washing machine with a control panel on a front of the washing machine.5. The modular laundry system according to wherein the height of the horizontal module is less than half the height of the washing machine.6. The modular laundry system according to wherein the horizontal module comprises a wash basket supported by the drawer and defining the wash chamber.7. The modular laundry system according to wherein the wash basket is rotatably mounted within the tub.8. The modular laundry system according to wherein the horizontal module comprises a detergent dispenser supported by the drawer.9. The modular laundry system according to ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153300A1

An ironing board locking device for retaining and selectively securing a leg of an ironing board is provided. The device can include a leg locking member for securing a collapsed ironing board leg and a base attachment member for attaching the device to the base or frame of an ironing board. The leg locking member can include a pair of outwardly and oppositely extending retaining arms configured to flex outwardly in order to receive and engage the ironing board leg. The base attachment member can include two oppositely extending arms, each with a connecting component for connecting the device to both edges of the ironing board base. The base attachment member can also have bending and resilient properties to allow the base attachment member to be flex around and snap onto the ironing board base. 1. A leg locking device for selectively retaining a collapsible leg of an ironing board in a collapsed position , said device comprising:a leg locking member comprising two outwardly extending arms, wherein said two outwardly extending arms form a partially enclosed opening for receiving said collapsible leg of said ironing board; and a first atm extending transversely away from said leg locking member in a first direction;', 'a second arm extending transversely away from said leg locking member in a second direction, said second direction generally opposite said first direction;', 'a first connector component positioned at a terminal end of said first arm; and', 'a second connector component positioned at a terminal end of said second arm;, 'a base attachment member connected to said leg locking member, said base attachment member comprisingwherein said base attachment member is configured to be selectively attached to a base plate of said ironing board in general alignment with an axis of rotation of said collapsible leg, wherein said first connector component is configured to engage a first terminal edge of said base plate and said second connector component is configured ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140245646A1
Автор: Glenn, JR. James L.
Принадлежит: Houeshold Essentials, LLC.

An ironing board system, having a frame having an upper end and a lower end, a plurality of mounting hooks, each mounting hook having a first end configured for detachable securement to a door, and a second end engaged to the upper end of the frame, an ironing board having a proximal end and a distal end, a guide assembly operatively connected between the ironing board and the frame for guided movement of the ironing board between a generally vertical position and a generally horizontal position; and a biasing assembly pivotally connected between the proximal end of the ironing board and the lower end of the frame, for biasing the ironing board towards the generally vertical position. 1. An ironing board system , comprising:a frame having an upper end and a lower end;a plurality of mounting hooks, each mounting hook having a first end configured for detachable securement to a door, and a second end engaged to the upper end of the frame;an ironing board having a proximal end and a distal end;a guide assembly operatively connected between the ironing board and the frame for guided movement of the ironing board between a generally vertical position and a generally horizontal position; anda biasing assembly pivotally connected between the proximal end of the ironing board and the lower end of the frame, for biasing the ironing board towards the generally vertical position.2. The ironing board system of claim 1 , the guide system comprising:a first track;a second track;a guide moveably engaged between the first track and the second track; anda support member having a first end connected to the guide and a second end pivotally connected to the lower end of the frame.3. The ironing board system of claim 1 , further comprising:a latch pivotally connected between the first track and the second track for movement between;a rod extending between the first track and the second track;a pawl attached to the latch for engagement and disengagement with the rod, wherein the pawl is ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140250744A1

The invention refers to an ironing aid and a device for safekeeping of ironing aids for smoothing closed tubular items of clothing. The object was to propose a solution in the application of which a wire frame shaped ironing aid is an integral part of the aid for thermal smoothing of items of clothing and better handling is ensured. The object is achieved by their insertion in a profile bracket provided with an adhesion means. According to the invention, several ironing aids can be combined with a profile bracket, at least one of the ironing aids having a loop-like rounding at its end. Furthermore, one of the ironing aids can have a slight kink at a right angle to its planar extension (FIGS. ).

15-06-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable Hanging System and Method

Номер: US20170167657A1
Автор: Jennifer LeeAnn Wei
Принадлежит: Individual

An adjustable hanging system comprising a first support portion with a first portion configured to be removably mounted to a fixture and a second portion configured to guide him to hold an article, a second support portion with a first portion configured to be mounted to a fixture and a second portion configured to hold an article, and a spacer configured to connect the first and second support portions at an adjustably selected separation distance. A method of use is also disclosed.

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180179695A1
Автор: BARLOW Lori A.

An ironing pad includes at least a top layer and a bottom layer. The top layer is constructed of fabric and has a first coefficient of friction. The bottom layer has at least a bottom surface with a second coefficient of friction. The bottom layer is constructed of silicone rubber. The silicone rubber covers an entirety of a bottom surface. The second coefficient of friction is greater than the first coefficient of friction. The bottom surface defines a uniform and substantially flat surface when the ironing pad is oriented in a planar configuration. 1. An ironing pad comprising:a top layer of fabric having a first coefficient of friction; anda bottom layer having a bottom surface, the bottom surface having second coefficient of friction covering an entirety thereof, the second coefficient of friction being greater than the first coefficient of friction.2. The ironing pad of claim 1 , further comprising at least one intermediate layer between the top layer and bottom layer.3. The ironing pad of claim 2 , wherein the at least one intermediate layer includes a first intermediate layer selected from a material consisting of polyester batting and cotton batting.4. The ironing pad of claim 2 , wherein the at least one intermediate layer is constructed of an open cell foam.5. The ironing pad of claim 2 , wherein the at least one intermediate layer includes a first intermediate layer and a second intermediate layer claim 2 , the first intermediate layer selected from a material consisting of polyester batting and cotton batting claim 2 , the second intermediate layer constructed of an open cell foam.6. The ironing pad of claim 2 , wherein the at least one intermediate layer includes a first intermediate layer and a second intermediate layer claim 2 , the first intermediate layer selected from a material consisting of polyester batting and cotton batting claim 2 , the second intermediate layer constructed of an open cell foam.7. The ironing pad of claim 4 , wherein the open ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Ironing center

Номер: US20170204557A1
Автор: Clinton Merle Bunch

The present invention provides for a complete ironing center to be attached to and stored within a wall cabinet. The ironing board is deployed perpendicularly from the back wall of the cabinet. In one embodiment, the cabinet is integrated into a larger wall cabinet system. In these embodiments, the cabinet is extended from the wall cabinet and locked into an open position. This complete system is easily and quickly closed and stored out of sight within the cabinet when not in use.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Ironing Board

Номер: US20150233046A1

An ironing board having a leg base operable to provide increased lateral stability and further having an integrated electrical interface. The ironing board includes a support frame having a center support member that is generally cylindrical and hollow. Slidably coupled to the second end of the center support member is a mounting sleeve. The mounting sleeve has pivotally secured thereto opposing and rotatable leg sections. An upper support member is slidably secured to the center support member proximate the first end of the center support member for height adjustment. The upper support member has secured thereto a mounting rod and sleeve. The mounting rod and sleeve are operably coupled with an ironing surface. An iron holding member is releasably secured to the upper support member being configured to retain a clothes iron. Further included is a hanging rod underneath the ironing surface for hanging of clothes. 1. An ironing board comprising:an ironing surface, said ironing surface being planar in manner, said ironing surface having a first end and a second end, said ironing surface having an upper surface and a lower surface;a support frame, said support frame further including a center support member, said center support member having a first end and a second end, said first end being proximate said ironing surface, said center support member being cylindrical in shape and substantially hollow, said support frame further including a mounting sleeve, said mounting sleeve being surroundably mounted to said center support member proximate said second end, said mounting sleeve operable to slidably traverse along a portion of said center support member, said support frame further including an upper support member, said upper support member being movably coupled wither said center support member proximate said first end, said upper support member operably coupled with said ironing surface, said upper support member movable so as to provide height adjustment for said ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Leg Retaining Clip

Номер: US20150233047A1
Автор: JR. Thomas J., Welsh
Принадлежит: PD3D, INC.

In one embodiment, the present invention provides an ironing board having a leg-retaining clip adapted for use with at least one adjustable leg. The board includes a plate secured in a spaced relationship from the board. The leg-retaining clip includes a base having a first side and a second side. The clip also includes a base member having a first section adapted to engage one side of the plate and a second section adapted to engage another side of the plate. The base may also include at least one opening that receives a locking member located on the plate to retain the base on the plate. At least one leg-locking clip is attached to the base to releasably engage one or more adjustable legs. 1. An ironing board having at least one adjustable leg comprising:a plate having a first side and a second side;a base member having a first section adapted to engage said first side of said plate and a second section adapted to engage said second side of said plate;said base having at least one opening;said plate including at least one locking member that is positioned to be received within said at least one opening of said base to retain said base on said plate; andat least one leg locking clip attached to said base, said leg locking clip adapted to extend away from said plate section and releasably engages said at least one adjustable leg.2. The device of wherein said base member engages opposingly located sides of said plate.3. The device of wherein said first section of said base includes a plurality of curved sections that are sized to curved sides of said plate.4. The device of wherein said second section of said base includes a plurality of openings and said plate includes a plurality of locking members that are positioned to be received within said openings of said base to retain said base on said plate.5. The device of wherein said first section of said base includes a plurality of extensions that extend into a channel formed in one side of said plate.6. The device of ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233920A1

A laundry system includes a laundry appliance having a front-loading wash chamber in which a first clothes load can be washed and a module above the front-loading wash chamber. The module includes a rotatably mounted wash basket defining a top-loading wash chamber in which a second clothes load can be washed. 1. A laundry system comprising:a laundry appliance having a front-loading wash chamber for washing a first clothes load; and the module has a height less than a height of the laundry appliance; and', 'the top-loading wash chamber has a low capacity relative to a capacity of the front-loading wash chamber; and, 'a module vertically above the front-loading wash chamber for washing a second clothes load, the module comprising a rotatably mounted wash basket defining a top-loading wash chamber, whereinwherein the module has an open configuration in which the top-loading wash chamber is accessible and a closed configuration in which the top-loading wash chamber is inaccessible.2. The laundry system of claim 1 , wherein the laundry appliance is a first of two laundry appliances and the module is a first of two modules claim 1 , the laundry system further comprising:a second laundry appliance horizontally arranged next to the first laundry appliance and having a front-loading drying chamber; anda second module vertically arranged above the second laundry appliance and horizontally arranged relative to the first module; the first laundry appliance performs a washing function;', 'the first module performs a washing function;', 'the second laundry appliance performs a drying function; and', 'the second module performs a non-tumble drying function., 'wherein3. The laundry system of claim 2 , wherein the second module that performs the non-tumble drying function includes a drying chamber having a drying rack.4. The laundry system of claim 3 , wherein the drying rack is removably mounted.5. The laundry system of claim 3 , wherein the drying rack comprises a rack frame.6. ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233921A1

A laundry system includes a washing machine having a first wash chamber and a washing module below the first wash chamber. The washing module includes a drawer and a rotatably-mounted wash basket defining a second wash chamber with a low capacity relative to a capacity of the first wash chamber. 1. A laundry system comprising:a washing machine for washing a first clothes load and having a first wash chamber; and a drawer capable of forward extension relative to a front of the washing machine;', 'a rotatably mounted wash basket provided in the drawer and defining a second wash chamber;', 'wherein the second wash chamber has a low capacity relative to a capacity of the first wash chamber; and', 'wherein the washing module is capable of performing a washing operation independently of a washing operation performed by the washing machine., 'a washing module below the first wash chamber for washing a second clothes load by subjecting the second clothes load to a wash process wherein wash liquid is used to clean the second clothes load, the washing module comprising2. The laundry system of wherein the wash basket comprises an upwardly-facing open top.3. The laundry system of wherein the drawer is movable between an open position in which the second wash chamber is accessible and a closed position in which the second wash chamber is inaccessible.4. The laundry system of wherein the drawer is movable relative to the front of the washing machine between: a closed position claim 1 , in which the second wash chamber is inaccessible to the user and the drawer is flush with the front of the washing machine claim 1 , and an open position claim 1 , in which the drawer is extended forwardly from the front of the washing machine and the second wash chamber is accessible to the user.5. The laundry system of wherein the washing module further comprises a tub supported by the drawer claim 1 , and wherein the wash basket is rotatably mounted within the tub.6. The laundry system of ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234007A1

A rotatable ironing board assembly for ironing while in a seated position includes a post that has an upper end and a lower end. A rolling unit is attached to the lower end of the post to facilitate movement of the post. A base is pivotally coupled to the upper end of the post. The base is positionable in a stored position that is vertically orientated and pivotable into a deployed position is horizontally orientated. A plate is rotatably coupled to the base. An ironing board is attached to the plate. A catch is attached to and extends outwardly from the post. The catch releasably engages the ironing board when the ironing board is in a vertical orientation. 1. An ironing board assembly comprising:a post having an upper end and a lower end;a rolling unit being attached to said lower end of said post to facilitate movement of said post;a base being pivotally coupled to said upper end of said post, said base being positioned in a stored position being vertically orientated and pivotable into a deployed position being horizontally orientated;a plate being rotatably coupled to said base;an ironing board being attached to said plate; anda catch being attached to and extending laterally outward from said post, said catch releasably engaging said ironing board when said ironing board is in a vertical orientation, said catch including a leg portion attached to a foot portion, said leg portion being attached to and extending away from said post adjacent to said rolling unit, said ironing board being positionable foot portion and said post to retain said ironing board in said vertical orientation.2. The ironing board assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said post is telescopic and has an adjustable height.3. The ironing board assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said rolling unit includes a plurality of feet claim 1 , each of said feet being attached to said lower end of said post and extending outwardly therefrom claim 1 , each of said feet having a distal end relative ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190234008A1

An ironing board cover includes a padded textile base section configured to be placed on ironing board having multiple shapes in an entirely one-piece construction. The padded base section includes multiple layers of material, laminated together to form a smooth, heat-reflective ironing surface. The ironing board cover is machined in a substantially oval shape, with a taper at a point distal to a second end portion for fitting over a narrow end of an ironing board. A first end portion fits over a large end of an ironing board. The ironing board cover also includes an attenuated edge along a bottom segment, and an adjustable elastic bungee fastening mechanism forming at least part of the attenuated edge and stretching along an entirety of the bottom segment of the padded base section that allows the padded base section to be stretched. 1. An ironing board cover , comprising:a padded textile base section comprised of multiple layers of material adhered together to form a smooth, heat-reflective ironing surface, and having a first end portion for fitting over a large end of an ironing board, a taper at a point distal to a second end portion, the second end portion for fitting over a narrow end of an ironing board, and a bottom segment having an attenuated edge; andan elastic bungee fastening mechanism forming at least part of the attenuated edge and stretching along an entirety of the bottom segment of the padded textile base section, the adjustable elastic bungee fastening mechanism allowing the padded textile base section to be stretched, so that the padded textile base section is configured to be universally placeable on ironing boards having multiple shapes, and so that the ironing board cover is comprised of an entirely one-piece construction.2. The ironing board cover of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of hook and loop fasteners each hook and loop fastener coupled to different sides of the bottom segment configured to secure the ironing board cover when ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210277558A1
Автор: Chen Chi-Jen

A portable patchwork sewing tool kit includes: a base plate, the inner face thereof is provided with a first page and a second page which can be folded or unfolded optionally; a rotary cutting mat fixed to the first page, the rotary cutting mat comprises a bottom plate and a cutting plate pad screwed on the bottom plate through a pivot joint base to be rotated under stress; a detachable ironing mat fixed to the second page, including a core board, a cotton spreading layer covering the core board and a cotton fabric surface layer covering the cotton spreading layer, an ironing face formed outside the cotton fabric surface layer; and a plurality of pushing edges formed around the cutting plate pad and spaced apart. 1. A portable patchwork sewing tool kit comprises:a base plate with an inner face and a back side, wherein the inner face is provided with a first page and a second page which can be folded or unfolded optionally, and the first page and the second page are connected by a folding joint page;a rotary cutting mat, comprising a cutting plate pad with a cutting face and a friction surface; a bottom plate superposed under the cutting plate pad; the bottom plate has an upper side face and a lower side face; there is a stepped axle hole in the bottom plate, and the stepped axle hole vertically penetrates through the upper side face and the lower side face, wherein the upper side face is provided for overlapping the friction surface of the cutting plate pad downwards, and the lower side face is fixed to the first page of the base plate; the stepped axle hole comprises a first hole part and a second hole part with different hole sizes and an annular shoulder between the first hole part and the second hole part; a pivot joint base screwed in the stepped axle hole, the pivot joint base comprises a hole enlargement part and a coupling part with different outside diameters, wherein the hole enlargement part is aligned with the first hole part of the stepped axle hole, ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150259850A1

Various embodiments of the present disclosure include an ironing board with two expandable front legs configured to expand to a wider separation in an open position than in a collapsed position. The wider separation in the open position allows for greater stability without increasing the size of the board in the collapsed position. The ironing board of the present disclosure includes a front leg pivot system that permits each of the front legs to spread apart from each other and an adjustable pivot mechanism that allows the front legs to move apart from the rear legs. In one embodiment, a cam is mounted to the two rear legs to serve as a track for the front legs. In another embodiment, a tension member is mounted to the two front legs to control the spread of the two front legs. 1. An ironing board having a collapsed position for storage and a deployed position for use during ironing , the ironing board comprising:a board, said board including a top side and an underside;at least one rear leg slidably coupled to the underside of the board to allow movement of the rear leg along the underside of the board;a pair of front legs including a first front leg and a second front leg, the pair of front legs rotatably coupled to the underside of the board by a front leg axle to allow rotation of the front legs about the front leg axle and movement of the front legs along an axis of the front leg axle; anda pivot mechanism coupling the pair of front legs to the at least one rear leg and enabling the pair of front legs to slide apart along an axis of the pivot mechanism as the ironing board is moved to the deployed position.2. The ironing board of claim 1 , wherein the pivot mechanism comprises a single pivot axle slidably coupled to each of the front legs and the rear leg claim 1 , the first and second front legs sliding in opposite directions along the single pivot axle as the ironing board is moved to the deployed position.3. The ironing board of claim 2 , wherein as the ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240065A1

A modular laundry system includes a laundry appliance defining a width and a height. A module is below the laundry appliance. The module has a cabinet with an open face. A tub is provided within the cabinet. A washing or drying chamber is provided within the tub for receiving fabric items to be washed or dried. 1. A laundry system comprising:a laundry appliance defining a width and a height; anda module below the laundry appliance and having a cabinet with an open face, a tub within the cabinet, and a washing or drying chamber within the tub for receiving fabric items to be washed or dried;wherein the module has a height less than the height of the laundry appliance.2. The laundry system of wherein the module further comprises a drawer and the tub is provided within the drawer.3. The laundry system of wherein the drawer is slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an opened and closed position relative to the open face.4. The laundry system of wherein the module further comprises a control panel for selection of a washing or drying cycle.5. The laundry system of wherein the laundry appliance is supported in an elevated position on the module.6. The laundry system of wherein the laundry appliance is supported in an elevated position on the cabinet.7. The laundry system of wherein the module has a width approximately equal to the width of the laundry appliance.8. The laundry system of wherein the tub comprises an imperforate tub.9. A laundry system comprising:a laundry appliance defining a width and a height; anda module below the laundry appliance and having a drawer, a tub within the drawer, and a washing or drying chamber within the tub for receiving fabric items to be washed or dried;wherein the module has a height less than the height of the laundry appliance.10. The laundry system of wherein the module further comprises a cabinet with an open face.11. The laundry system of wherein the drawer is slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180266045A1
Принадлежит: Polder Products, LLC

An apparatus for ironing fabric-containing articles is provided. The apparatus includes a board having a top surface, and a tray movably coupled with the board. The tray comprises a base portion, and a top portion coupled with the base portion. The tray is configured to be movable from an open configuration to a closed configuration. In the open configuration, one end of the tray is extended away from the board. An iron can be placed onto the top portion of the tray. In the closed configuration, the tray is folded onto a portion of the board for storage. 1. An apparatus comprising:a board having a top surface and a bottom surface;a tray extending from a first end to a second end, the first end of the tray being movably coupled with the board, the tray comprising a base portion, and a top portion coupled with the base portion,wherein the tray is configured to be selectively positioned in an open configuration in which the tray extends away from the board and in a closed configuration in which the second end of the tray is disposed adjacent to the board.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a strap or belt disposed on a back wall of the tray and configured to fasten an iron when the tray in the closed configuration.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the tray is pivotally coupled to a first end of the board.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the tray is shaped and sized to support an iron in the open configuration.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the tray is made of an elastomer claim 1 , and the base portion of the tray is made of a metal or a plastics.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the top portion of the tray is mechanically interlocked with claim 1 , or molded or bonded onto claim 1 , the base portion of the tray.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a hinge device disposed between and coupled with the board and the tray.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the hinge ...

27-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200268186A1

A bottle cage is attached to an adjustable clamp that attaches to the edge of the table top of a domestic ironing board. An upper jaw and a lower jaw mechanically engage each other so that they can be squeezed together and immovably lock on the table top edge of an ironing board. One of the jaws (the first jaw) has at least one rack with evenly spaced teeth. The other jaw (the second jaw) has locking teeth, affixed to a resilient upright, which ratchet against the at least one rack as the jaws are squeezed together. The second jaw also incorporates a button on a stalk that protrudes through a slot in the first jaw. A bottle cage incorporates an open-ended slot connector that slides over the button to lock the first jaw to the second jaw. A bottle fits within the bottle cage. 1. A bottle holder assembly comprising:a first jaw;a second jaw that mechanically engages the first jaw to form a slidable jaw assembly so that the two jaws can be squeezed together and immovably lock on a table top edge of an ironing board;a bottle cage pivotally connectable to the jaw assembly, said bottle cage preventing release of a locked configuration of the jaws so long as it is connected to the jaw assembly.2. The bottle holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein said first jaw is equipped with at least one rack having equally-spaced ramped teeth claim 1 , the second jaw is equipped with at least one locking tooth that is resiliently biased toward the rack claim 1 , said at least one locking tooth engaging teeth of the rack in a locking and ratcheting manner as the first and second jaws are squeezed together.3. The bottle holder assembly of claim 2 , wherein as the first and second jaws are squeezed together claim 2 , each incremental ratcheting movement of the jaws results in the jaws being joined in a locked state claim 2 , said locked state being releasable by disengaging the locking teeth from the teeth on said at least one rack.4. The bottle holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190292717A1

A protective layer for an ironing board comprises an overlay portion and an edge that extends over an entirety of sides of a top surface of an ironing board to prevent slippage of the protective layer from the ironing board. The protective layer includes a plurality of tabs extending from the edge, each tab having a hole positioned therein for hanging items from the protective layer. The protective layer is stretchable to fit over the top surface of an ironing board, and the plurality of tabs are positioned on each elongated side of the protective layer and on a back portion thereof. The protective layer may be part of an ironing board cover that includes a padded textile base section to form a smooth, heat-reflective and secure ironing surface. 1. A protective layer for an ironing board , comprising:an overlay portion;an edge that extends over an entirety of sides of a top surface of an ironing board and is configured to grip the sides of the top surface of the ironing board to prevent slippage of the protective layer from the ironing board; anda plurality of tabs extending from the edge, and the plurality of tabs each having a hole positioned therein for hanging items from the protective cover,wherein the protective layer is stretchable to fit over the top surface of an ironing board, and wherein the plurality of tabs are positioned on each elongated side of the protective layer and on a back portion of the protective layer.2. The protective layer of claim 1 , wherein at least the overlay portion and the edge are formed from silicone.3. The protective layer of claim 1 , wherein the protective layer is fabricated with an ironing board cover.4. The protective layer of claim 1 , wherein the ironing board is fabricated with the protective layer affixed thereto.5. The protective layer of claim 1 , further comprising one or more hanging portions that are coupled to the plurality of tabs.6. The protective layer of claim 1 , wherein the one or more hanging portions are ...

25-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180305850A1

A laundry system includes at least one laundry appliance and at least one laundry module below the laundry appliance. The laundry module has a height that is less than the height of the laundry appliance and has a drawer, a tub within the drawer, a wash chamber within the tub for receiving fabric items to be washed, and a control panel for the selection of a wash cycle. 1. A laundry system comprising:a laundry appliance defining a width; anda module below the laundry appliance and having a drawer, a tub within the drawer, a wash chamber within the tub for receiving fabric items to be washed, and a control panel for the selection of a wash cycle;wherein the module has a height less than the height of the laundry appliance and a width approximately equal to the width of the laundry appliance.2. The laundry system according to wherein the module comprises a cabinet and the laundry appliance is supported on the cabinet.3. The laundry system according to wherein the cabinet comprises an open face claim 2 , and the drawer is slidably mounted to the cabinet for movement between an opened and closed position relative to the open face.4. The laundry system according to wherein the control panel is mounted on the drawer.5. The laundry system according to wherein the wash chamber is supported by the drawer.6. The laundry system according to wherein the module comprises a wash basket supported by the drawer and defining the wash chamber.7. The laundry system according to wherein the wash chamber is inaccessible in the closed position and accessible in the opened position.8. The laundry system according to wherein the module is a stand-alone unit that does not require physical connection to the laundry appliance for operation.9. The laundry system according to wherein the module has a lower capacity for fabric items than the laundry appliance.10. The laundry system according to wherein the module can be controlled remotely.11. A laundry system comprising:a module having a drawer ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for use with fabric.

Номер: US20150330016A1
Автор: Linstrom Maria Estela

A pad for use when ironing, steaming, or quilting fabric material. An apparatus that makes ironing and steaming less cumbersome and improves handling of materials such as clothing during ironing or steaming and adds personalization to these daily chores, protects surfaces from irons when an ironing board is not available, and eliminates the difficult setup of ironing boards, simplifies storing boards, provides a flexible surface for ironing, and makes it easier for those that are disabled or on physical therapy to iron.

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313025A1
Автор: Moalem Farhad

A steam ironing system may include an ironing board and an iron. The ironing board may have an ironing surface having a plurality of steam apertures. A steam generator may be configured to generate steam from water, and a steam chamber may store and/or communicate the steam from the steam generator to the steam apertures. An iron base may support the iron and provide an electrical connector may provide an electrical connection between the iron and ironing board when the iron is supported by the iron base. The iron may include a sole plate which may generate heat using the electric power provided by the electrical connector. An object that is to be ironed may be placed on the ironing surface. Steam may be applied to the object via the steam apertures. Additionally, the iron may be moved across the object by the user while heat is applied to the object via the sole plate. 1. A steam ironing system , the system comprising:an ironing board having an ironing surface;a plurality of steam apertures disposed in the ironing surface;a steam aperture in communication with the plurality of steam aperturesan iron base configured to support an iron; andan electrical connector configured to provide electric power to an iron.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an iron having a sole plate which is configured to generate heat using the electric power provided by the electrical connector. This application claims priority to and the benefit of the filing date of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/490,163, filed on Apr. 26, 2017, entitled “Cordless Steam Iron System”, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.This application contains an appendix labeled as “Appendix_A”. The entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.This patent specification relates to the field of devices and systems for ironing and removing wrinkles from cloth and clothes. More specifically, this patent specification relates to a system for providing ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170321371A1

The present application relates to a stand garment steamer (). The stand garment steamer () has a base unit (), a support () extending from the base unit (), and a treatment board () with a treatment surface () against which fabric is positionable. The treatment board () is supported and spaced from the base unit () by the support ().A tilting mechanism () connects the support () to the treatment board (), the tilting mechanism () being operable to allow the treatment board () to be fixed in multiple operating orientations between vertical and horizontal positions. A reversible generator is in the base unit (), and at least one vent () is in the treatment surface () through which air and/or steam from the reversible generator is passable. A fluid pathway () fluidly connects the reversible generator and the at least one vent () irrespective of the operating orientation of the treatment board. This stand garment steamer improves ironing experience of users. 1. A stand garment steamer comprising:a base unit,a support extending from the base unit,a treatment board with a treatment surface against which fabric is positionable, the treatment board being supported and spaced from the base unit by the support,a generator in the base unit,at least one vent in the treatment surface through which fluid is passable, anda fluid pathway fluidly communicating the generator and the at least one vent, whereinthe generator is reversible,and bya tilting mechanism connecting the support to the treatment board, the tilting mechanism being operable to allow the treatment board to be fixed in multiple operating orientations between vertical and horizontal positions.2. The stand garment steamer according to claim 1 , wherein at least part of the fluid pathway is defined in the support.3. The stand garment steamer according to claim 1 , wherein the support defines a fluid conduit claim 1 , the fluid conduit forming at least part of the fluid pathway between the at least one vent in the ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170327996A1

The present application relates to a garment treatment device comprising a base, a support structure extending upwardly from the base, and an ironing board connected to the support structure. The ironing board is pivotable relative to the support structure and positionable into a first operative position in which the ironing board is horizontal, and a second operative position in which the ironing board is vertical. The ironing board comprises a first section and a second section hingedly coupled together and pivotable relative to each other between an operative position in which they extend co-planar to each other and a storage position in which they are pivoted away from a co-planar orientation. The first and second ironing board sections () and the hinge mechanism () are configured such that the first and second ironing board sections () pivot away from each other from said operative position towards said storage position. The garment treatment device thereby advantageously enables garment it treatment in a variety of orientations, such as flat ironing or vertical steaming, with the ironing board providing garment support in all operative positions. Also, the garment treatment device advantageously allows for a compact configuration in the storage position for efficiency of storage space. 112. A garment treatment device comprising a base , a support structure extending upwardly from the base , and an ironing board connected to the support structure , the ironing board being pivotable relative to the support structure and positionable into a first operative position (P) in which the ironing board is horizontal , and a second operative position (P) in which the ironing board is vertical , wherein the ironing board comprises a first section and a second section hingedly coupled together by a hinge mechanism and pivotable relative to each other between an operative position in which they extend co-planar to each other and a storage position in which they are pivoted ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Iron Cradling Device

Номер: US20180327962A1
Автор: Barnwell Russell

An iron cradling device for stabilizing an iron on an ironing board includes a first plate and a pair of second plates. The second plates are coupled to and extend perpendicularly from a top of the first plate to define a channel. The channel is complementary to a base of an iron. A plurality of couplers is coupled to the first plate. The couplers are configured to reversibly couple to an ironing board. The channel is configured to insert the base of the iron to stabilize the iron on the first plate. The couplers are configured to couple to the ironing board to couple the first plate to the ironing board. 1. An iron cradling device comprising:a first plate;a pair of second plates coupled to and extending perpendicularly from a top of said first plate defining a channel complementary to a base of an iron;a plurality of couplers coupled to said first plate, said couplers being configured for reversibly coupling to an ironing board; andwherein said second plates are positioned on said first plate such that said channel is configured for inserting the base of the iron for stabilizing the iron on said first plate, wherein said couplers are positioned on said first plate such that said couplers are configured for coupling to the ironing board for coupling the said first plate to the ironing board.2. The device of claim 1 , further including said first plate being substantially rectangularly shaped.3. The device of claim 2 , further including said first plate being dimensioned substantially complementarily to a flat end of an ironing board.4. The device of claim 1 , further including said second plates extending transversely from a first edge toward a second edge of said first plate such that a wide end of said channel is positioned adjacent to said first edge and a narrow end of said channel is positioned proximate to a midpoint of said first plate.5. The device of claim 4 , further including said channel being centrally positioned on said first edge.6. The device of ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

System iron

Номер: US20190323168A1
Автор: Jiyeon Park, Sungmin Ye

The present invention relates to a system iron. The system iron according to the embodiment includes a body including therein a steam generator for generating steam; an ironing plate, which is rotatably coupled to an upper portion of the body and which includes therein steam nozzles for spraying the steam generated by the steam generator to an outside; a first fan for discharging air to the outside of the ironing plate or sucking air into the ironing plate; and a second fan for cooling an iron placed on the ironing plate.

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180340290A1

A laundry treatment apparatus dries laundry by sending air to the laundry while the laundry is hung on a hanger, and dehumidifies surrounding air of the laundry to reduce a drying time of the laundry. The laundry treatment apparatus of the present disclosure includes: a cabinet which has an air inlet; a dehumidifying unit which is provided inside the cabinet, and dehumidifies air suctioned into the cabinet through the air inlet; a first blower unit which is provided at a top portion of the cabinet, and discharges the air dehumidified in the cabinet by the dehumidifying unit; and a second blower unit which is provided over the cabinet with a distance therebetween, has a hanging part on which a hanger is hung, and suctions air to send the air to the laundry hung on the hanger. 1. A laundry treatment apparatus comprising:a cabinet having an air inlet;a dehumidifier which is provided inside the cabinet, and dehumidifies air suctioned into the cabinet through the air inlet;a first blower which is provided at a top of the cabinet, and discharges the air dehumidified in the cabinet by the dehumidifier; anda second blower which is provided over the cabinet with a distance therebetween, and suctions air to send the suctioned air toward laundry hung above the cabinet.2. The laundry treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when operating claim 1 , the first blower is drawn out of the cabinet claim 1 , and when stopping operation claim 1 , is inserted into the cabinet.3. The laundry treatment apparatus of claim 2 , wherein an access hole claim 2 , through which the first blower passes claim 2 , is provided at the top of the cabinet.4. The laundry treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first blower includes:a case having an air outlet; anda fan which suctions the air dehumidified in the cabinet by the dehumidifier, and sends the air into the case.5. The laundry treatment apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first blower is provided below and rearward of the laundry, and ...

08-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160355974A1
Автор: Shojania Masoud

There is provided an ironing board assembly. The assembly includes a planar member having a bottom and a top upon which an item of clothing may be ironed. The assembly includes a pair of spaced-apart, horizontally-extending supports coupled to the bottom of the planar member. The supports are elongate in the longitudinal direction. The supports have bottoms which are spaced-apart from the planar member. The supports function to elevate the planar member to enable the item of clothing to at least partially extend around the planar member. The assembly includes magnets coupled to the bottoms of respective ones of the supports. The magnets enable the ironing board assembly to selectively magnetically connect to a surface made of a ferromagnetic material. 1. An ironing board assembly comprising:a planar member having a bottom and a top upon which items may be ironed;at least one horizontally-extending support having a bottom and a top coupled to the bottom of the planar member; anda magnet operatively connected to the bottom of the at least one horizontally-extending support.2. The assembly as claimed in wherein the support is substantially a rectangular prism in shape.3. The assembly as claimed in wherein the support is u-shaped in top profile.4. The assembly as claimed in wherein the magnet is part of a magnetic strip.5. The assembly as claimed in wherein the top of the support is arcuate shaped and wherein the bottom of the support is planar.6. The assembly as claimed in claim 1 , the items to be ironed being clothing claim 1 , and wherein the assembly further includes a second magnet and a second horizontally-extending support having a bottom to which the second magnet couples and a top coupled to the bottom of the planar member claim 1 , the magnets enabling the ironing board assembly to selectively magnetically connect to a surface made of a ferromagnetic material claim 1 , the supports being elongate in the longitudinal direction claim 1 , and the supports ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190345666A1

The present invention relates to a system iron. The system iron according to the present invention includes a body including a steam generator for generating steam; an ironing plate rotatably coupled to an upper portion of the body; a hinge shaft, which has therein a cavity and which is open at at least one of two ends thereof so as to allow the ironing plate to be rotated, the hinge shaft being provided in a zone on a peripheral surface thereof with a flow through hole; and a steam flow channel, which extends through the open end and the flow through hole in the hinge shaft so as to allow the steam, generated by the steam generator, to be sprayed to the outside of the ironing plate. 1. A system iron comprising:a body including a steam generator for generating steam;an ironing plate, which is rotatably coupled to an upper portion of the body and which includes steam nozzles for spraying the steam generated by the steam generator;a hinge shaft, which has therein a cavity and which is open at at least one of two ends thereof positioned on a rotational axis so as to allow the ironing plate to be rotated, the hinge shaft being provided in a zone on a peripheral surface thereof with a flow through hole; anda steam flow channel, which extends through the open end and the flow through hole in the hinge shaft so as to allow the steam, generated by the steam generator, to be supplied to the steam nozzles.2. The system iron according to claim 1 , wherein the flow through hole opens in an upward direction of the ironing plate.3. The system iron according to claim 1 , further comprising connecting bars connecting the hinge shaft to the ironing plate claim 1 ,wherein the flow through hole opens in a direction in which the connecting bars extend.4. The system iron according to claim 1 , further comprising a height adjustment box for adjusting a height of the ironing plate claim 1 ,wherein the steam flow channel extends through an inside of the height adjustment box and is secured ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации

Integrated laundry care machine and operating method thereof

Номер: US20190368098A1

An integrated laundry care machine and an operating method thereof. The integrated laundry care machine comprises a housing ( 1 ), and a washing system ( 2 ) and a care system ( 3 ) disposed in the housing ( 1 ). A collapsible support plate ( 4 ) is disposed between the washing system ( 2 ) and the care system ( 3 ). After being expanded, the support plate ( 4 ) can be ascended or descended along a height direction of the integrated laundry care machine. The support plate ( 4 ) is provided to hold clothes taken out from the washing system ( 2 ), and transfer, towards the care system ( 3 ), the clothes taken out from the washing system ( 2 ), facilitating an increase in operating efficiency of transferring clothes from the washing system ( 2 ) to the care system ( 3 ), and reducing labor intensity. Moreover, the support plate can catch clothes dropping from the washing system ( 2 ) or the care system ( 3 ) when taking out the clothes, preventing clothes from dropping on the ground.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190368118A1
Автор: SONG Sungho, Ye Sungmin

A system iron according to the present invention includes a body including a steam generator for generating steam; an ironing plate rotatably disposed on the body and spraying the steam, which is generated by the steam generator, to an outside thereof, a top being hung on an outer side of the ironing plate; a spreading unit for tensioning the top hung on the outer side of the ironing plate; a front press for holding a front surface of the top, which is hung on the outer side of the ironing plate; and a pair of arm tensioners for tensioning sleeves of the top hung on the outer side of the ironing plate. 1. A system iron comprising:a body including a steam generator for generating steam;an ironing plate rotatably disposed on the body and spraying the steam, which is generated by the steam generator, to an outside thereof, a top being hung on an outer side of the ironing plate;a spreading unit for tensioning the top hung on the outer side of the ironing plate;a front press for holding a front surface of the top, which is hung on the outer side of the ironing plate; anda pair of arm tensioners for tensioning sleeves of the top hung on the outer side of the ironing plate.2. The system iron according to claim 1 , wherein the front press brings the front surface of the top claim 1 , which is hung on the outer side of the ironing plate claim 1 , into close contact with a lower surface of the ironing plate.3. The system iron according to claim 2 , wherein the front press is detachably attached to the lower surface of the ironing plate by virtue of a magnetic material.4. The system iron according to claim 1 , further comprising an iron protector for holding a rear surface of the top claim 1 , which is hung on the ironing plate.5. The system iron according to claim 1 , wherein the spreading unit includes a pair of side tensioners claim 1 , which are disposed at two lateral side surfaces of the ironing plate and which are spread outwards from the ironing plate.6. The system ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190376228A1

Apparatus for steam treatment of laundry including an ironing and/or smoothing tool including at least one hole for the emission of steam and at least one pole which supports an ironing board including a bearing surface that can be arranged vertically and against which a garment to be smoothed can be arranged so that it can be steam-treated using the tool, wherein the board includes at least two identical parts put end to end and joined to one another which together at least partially define the bearing surface. 1) An apparatus for steam treatment of laundry including an ironing and/or smoothing tool comprising at least one hole for the emission of steam and at least one pole which supports an ironing board comprising a bearing surface that can be arranged vertically and against which a garment to be smoothed can be arranged so that the garment can be steam-treated using the tool , wherein the board includes at least two identical parts put end to end and joined to one another which together at least partially define the bearing surface.2) The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of said at least two parts of the board has a rectangular general shape and includes a connecting edge at which the at least two parts are joined to one another.3) The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the connecting edge includes at least one protruding element and at least one cavity intended to receive the protruding element of the other part.4) The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the protruding element has the shape of a hook which engages elastically above a stop arranged in the cavity claim 3 , the stop preventing the hook from becoming disengaged from the cavity.5) The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the at least two parts of the board are connected to one another by at least the connecting rod.6) The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the connecting rod extends over at least two-thirds of the length of the ironing board.7) The apparatus ...

12-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190376230A1
Автор: LAUCHET Nicolas

An apparatus for steam treatment of laundry including an ironing and/or smoothing tool includes at least one hole for the emission of steam and at least one pole which supports an ironing board including a bearing surface that can be arranged vertically and against which a garment to be smoothed can be arranged so that it can be steam-treated using the tool, wherein the board includes at least two parts put end to end and which together at least partially define the bearing surface, and wherein the two parts of the board are connected to one another by at least one connecting rod. 1) An apparatus for steam treatment of laundry including an ironing and/or smoothing tool comprising at least one hole for the emission of steam and at least one pole which supports an ironing board comprising a bearing surface that can be arranged vertically and against which a garment to be smoothed can be arranged so that the garment can be steam-treated using the tool , wherein the board includes at least two parts put end to end and which together at least partially define the bearing surface , and wherein the at least two parts of the board are rigidly connected to one another by at least one connecting rod.2) The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the connecting rod extends over more than half of a length of the ironing board.3) The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the connecting rod extends over at least two-thirds of the length of the ironing board.4) The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two parts of the ironing board comprise two lateral edges which have a throat receiving a connecting rod.5) The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the at least two parts of the board include a connecting edge at which the at least two parts are arranged side by side claim 4 , and wherein the connecting rods extend perpendicularly to the connecting edges.6) The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the throat includes an element for wedging the connecting ...

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220356639A1
Автор: COCKS David

An ironing board having a board, an upwardly extending support that is self-supporting, and a pivot that pivotally connects the board and the upwardly extending support. The pivot is being arranged so that the board is rotatable about the pivot and relative to the upwardly extending support between a stowed orientation and an ironing orientation. The pivot is fixed relative to both the board and the upwardly extending support. 1. An ironing board comprising:a board;an upwardly extending support; anda pivot that pivotally connects the board and upwardly extending support, the pivot being arranged so that the board is rotatable about the pivot and relative to the upwardly extending supporter between a stowed orientation, in which the ironing board is self-supporting, and an ironing orientation, wherein the pivot is fixed relative to both the board and the upwardly extending support.2. An ironing board of claim 1 , wherein the ironing board self-supporting such that it remains supported in an upright position on a level surface when the board is in the stowed orientation claim 1 , without external claim 1 , or additional claim 1 , support.3. The ironing board of claim 1 , further comprising a collapsible support arranged to support the ironing board in the ironing orientation and to be collapsible when the ironing board is manipulated from the ironing orientation to the stowed orientation.4. The ironing board of claim 3 , wherein the collapsible support includes a support strut to support the board and to resist rotation of the board about the pivot from the ironing orientation to the stowed orientation.5. The ironing board of claim 4 , wherein the support strut is pivotally connected to the board and the upwardly extending support claim 4 , the support strut being lockable when the board is in the ironing orientation so as to brace the board to the upwardly extending support.6565152. The ironing board of claim 5 , wherein the support strut comprises a first strut part ...

11-11-1997 дата публикации

Extendable support foot for an ironing board

Номер: US5685237A
Автор: David Lehrman
Принадлежит: Individual

An extendable support foot for an ironing board is disclosed. The ironing board includes an ironing table with at least one support leg extending therefrom. The support foot includes an outer tubular member attached to the support leg and an inner tubular member disposed within the outer tubular member. A guide is attached to the outer tubular member and has a bearing portion disposed between the outer tubular member and the inner tubular member. The bearing portion includes an inner race diameter which is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the inner tubular member so as to permit sliding and rotation of the inner tubular member within the guide and with respect to the outer tubular member. A rotatably engagable locking mechanism is located between the inner tubular member and the outer tubular member. The locking mechanism has an unlocked position for allowing sliding of the inner tubular member with respect to the outer tubular member, and a locked position for preventing sliding of the inner tubular member with respect to the outer tubular member. In one embodiment, the locking mechanism includes a fixed locking element attached to the inner tubular member and a rotatable locking element disposed about the fixed locking element. The rotatable locking element is in frictional contact with an inner surface of the outer tubular member when the locking mechanism is in its locked position.

30-01-1968 дата публикации

Seam buster

Номер: US3366292A
Автор: Hugh L Thompson
Принадлежит: Individual

11-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: US3865285A

A seambuster adapted for pressing trousers is disclosed. The seambuster includes a twin buck configuration which provides for pulling a separate vacuum on each of four pressing surfaces, and with individual heating means for each pressing surface.

22-07-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN113403824B
Автор: 刘茂生, 李玉祥, 李阳平


30-04-2008 дата публикации

Laundry dryer

Номер: KR100826205B1
Автор: 김영종, 문정욱, 손영복
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

A laundry dryer is provided to dry delicate laundry such as a knit and a Y-shirt by drying the laundry in a state that the laundry are fixed and to sterilize laundry with relatively low temperature of air. A laundry dryer comprises a cabinet, a heat pump, and an ironing unit(400). The ironing unit is pulled in and out from the cabinet, and irons the laundry. The ironing unit has a moving unit(460) having a heating member(464), and a storage unit(410) having a compressing unit. The moving unit can be pulled in and out from the ironing unit. The storage unit selectively contains the moving unit. The compressing unit has a roller(424) and a roller guide. The roller guide guides the roller.

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Гладильная доска с двумя ногами, расположенными в форме буквы х

Номер: RU2013122961A
Принадлежит: СЕБ С.А.

1. Гладильная доска, содержащая каркас (1), служащий опорой для верхней части (2), и по меньшей мере две ноги (3, 4), присоединенные к указанному каркасу (1), причем одна из ног (3, 4) имеет верхний конец, шарнирно закрепленный на заднем конце указанного каркаса (1), а другая нога имеет верхний конец, закрепленный с возможностью скольжения на указанном каркасе (1), при этом две ноги (3, 4) соединены между собой в их середине посредством шарнирной связи (5) и выполнены с возможностью перемещения между положением для хранения, в котором ноги (3, 4) расположены по существу параллельно верхней части (4), и рабочим положением, в котором ноги (3, 4) расположены в форме буквы X, причем одна из ног, так называемая первая нога (3), разделена на две части (31, 32), присоединенные друг к другу посредством соединения, предназначенного, в положении для хранения, для перемещения путем вращения нижнего сегмента (32) первой ноги (3) из разложенного положения, в котором указанный нижний сегмент (32) расположен как продолжение верхнего сегмента (31) первой ноги (3), в сложенное положение, в котором нижний сегмент (32) сложен над верхним сегментом (31), отличающаяся тем, что другая нога, так называемая вторая нога (4), является цельной деталью, а нижний конец второй ноги (4) доходит до заднего конца каркаса (1), если первая и вторая ноги (3, 4) находятся в положении для хранения.2. Гладильная доска по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что соединение (8) имеет средство для удерживания нижнего сегмента (32) в разложенном положении.3. Гладильная доска по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что удерживающее средство содержит устройство (83А) для блокировки нижнего сегмента (32) в разложенном положении и по меньшей мере од� РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06F 81/00 (13) 2013 122 961 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013122961/12, 21.05.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): СЕБ С.А. (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.05.2012 ...

21-12-2021 дата публикации

Vertical steamer with rotary board

Номер: RU2762676C1

Изобретение относится к отпаривателю (100) для одежды, содержащему основание (101), узел (102) стойки, установленный на указанном основании (101), доску (103), соединенную с указанным узлом (102) стойки посредством первого шарнирного соединения (C1), проходящего вдоль горизонтальной оси (X1), и рычажный элемент (104), расположенный между указанным узлом (102) стойки и указанной доской (103). Рычажный элемент (104) содержит складываемую конструкцию, выполненную с возможностью принятия сложенной конфигурации, в которой длина (L) рычажного элемента (104) имеет первую величину (L1), в результате чего доска (103) занимает первое угловое положение относительно узла (102) стойки, и раскрытой конфигурации, в которой длина (L) рычажного элемента (104) имеет вторую величину (L2), в результате чего доска (103) занимает второе угловое положение относительно узла (102) стойки. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 762 676 C1 (51) МПК D06F 81/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D06F 81/02 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021112109, 06.04.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС Н.В. (NL) 21.12.2021 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 109322126 A, 12.02.2019. EP 3173520 A1, 31.05.2017. US 3148639 A, 15.09.1964. CN202450345, 26.09.2012. RU 2017121113 A, 20.11.2010. 08.04.2019 EP 19167721.0; 13.06.2019 EP 19179886.7 (45) Опубликовано: 21.12.2021 Бюл. № 36 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 27.04.2021 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 7 6 2 6 7 6 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: R U 06.04.2020 (72) Автор(ы): МА, Кок Вах (NL), ЛИМ, Лид Йлен (NL), СИН, Хи Пох (NL) 2 7 6 2 6 7 6 R U C 1 C 1 EP 2020/059753 (06.04.2020) (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2020/207968 (15.10.2020) Адрес для переписки: 190900, Санкт-Петербург, BOX-1125, ПАТЕНТИКА (54) ВЕРТИКАЛЬНЫЙ ОТПАРИВАТЕЛЬ С ...

24-09-2019 дата публикации

Garment steamer with inclined ironing board

Номер: RU2700963C2

FIELD: textile. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to clothes steamer with inclined ironing board, which is steamer (100) for clothes with inclined ironing board, containing base (10) and support structure (50) extending upwards from base (10). Support structure (50) comprises upper part (51) and lower part (52) and ironing board (60) fixed on upper part (51). Inclination structure (70) comprising inclined lever mechanism (80) connects upper part (51) and lower part (52) such that upper part (51) is inclined relative to lower part (52) and can be fixed in position, in which upper part (51) is inclined from lower part (52) at angle between horizontal and vertical. Inclined leverage (80) comprises front and rear connecting levers (83, 84) extending between upper and lower parts (51, 52) of support structure (50), and front, and rear connection levers (83, 84) have upper end pivotally connected to upper part (51), and lower end connected with possibility of rotation with lower part (52). Front connecting lever (83) is longer than rear connecting lever (84), so that upper part (51) assumes inclined position relative to lower part (52), when upper and lower ends of front and rear connecting levers (83, 84) are turned respectively around upper and lower parts (51, 52) of support structure (50). EFFECT: disclosed is a steamer for clothes with inclined ironing board. 9 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 700 963 C2 (51) МПК D06F 73/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D06F 73/00 (2019.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017103754, 08.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС Н.В. (NL) 24.09.2019 23.01.2015 EP 15152230.7 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 08.08.2018 Бюл. № 22 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2010/095565 A1, 22.04.2010. US 2005/005481 A1, 13.01.2005. US 2002/195911 A1, 26.12.2002. (45) ...

09-12-2009 дата публикации

Steam ironing appliance, iron board and ironing system with device that charging vapour output is provided

Номер: CN100567617C


12-08-2021 дата публикации

Multi-type iron

Номер: KR102289544B1
Автор: 김태균, 박지혜, 황호연

Provided is a multi-type iron comprising: a first body having a steam pressurizing plate, which has a plurality of holes formed on a front surface to discharge steam, placed on one side surface; a second body having an ironing board, which is placed to face the steam pressurizing plate of the first body, combined with one side surface in a sliding manner; a water bucket member mounted on the other side surface of the second body to provide water for steam; and a handy steamer connected to the water bucket member by a steam supply pipe to discharge steam. One end of the first body and one end of the second body are hinged to each other, the hinged ends are supported from the ground and the ironing plate extends upward in a sliding manner, thereby constituting a stand-type iron using a handy steamer, or the other end is opened by supporting the lower part of the second by the ground and the steam pressurizing plate pressurizes the ironing plate, thereby constituting a press-type iron.

23-10-2019 дата публикации

Lipid nanoparticle vaccine adjuvants and antigen delivery systems

Номер: EP3556353A2
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp and Dohme LLC

The instant invention provides for novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations, containing cationic lipids, for use as vaccine adjuvants and/or as antigen delivery systems. It is an object of the instant invention to provide LNP formulations that demonstrate enhancements in humoral and/or cellular immunogenicity of vaccine antigens, particularly subunit vaccine antigens, when utilized alone or in combination with immunostimulatory agents (e.g. small molecule or oligonucleotide TLR agonists). The instant invention further identifies physical and chemical properties of the LNP formulations that can be manipulated to enhance antigen efficiency and adjuvant tolerability

03-11-2020 дата публикации

Lipid nanoparticle vaccine adjuvants and antigen delivery systems

Номер: US10821175B2
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp and Dohme LLC

The instant invention provides for novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations, containing cationic lipids, for use as vaccine adjuvants and/or as antigen delivery systems. It is an object of the instant invention to provide LNP formulations that demonstrate enhancements in humoral and cellular immunogenicity of vaccine antigens, particularly subunit vaccine antigens, when utilized alone or in combination with immunostimulatory agents (e.g. small molecule or oligonucleotide TLR agonists). The instant invention further identifies physical and chemical properties of the LNP formulations that can be manipulated to enhance antigen efficiency and adjuvant tolerability in vivo.

09-08-2022 дата публикации

Lipid nanoparticle vaccine adjuvants and antigen delivery systems

Номер: US11406706B2
Принадлежит: Merck Sharp and Dohme LLC

The instant invention provides for novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations, containing cationic lipids, for use as vaccine adjuvants and/or as antigen delivery systems. It is an object of the instant invention to provide LNP formulations that demonstrate enhancements in humoral and/or cellular immunogenicity of vaccine antigens, particularly subunit vaccine antigens, when utilized alone or in combination with immunostimulatory agents (e.g. small molecule or oligonucleotide TLR agonists). The instant invention further identifies physical and chemical properties of the LNP formulations that can be manipulated to enhance antigen efficiency and adjuvant tolerability in vivo.

14-03-2005 дата публикации

L type roadside drain having boundary stone and construction method thereof

Номер: KR100475329B1
Автор: 정성필
Принадлежит: 주식회사 오륙개발

보도 침하에 의한 경계석의 기울어짐을 방지하는 구조를 갖는 엘(L)형 측구 및 그 시공 방법이 개시된다. 상기 엘(L)형 측구는 경사진 면상에 우수가 흐르는 유로홈이 형성되고, 상기 유로홈으로부터 이격되어 형성된 설치홈 및 상기 설치홈의 중앙에서 그 하부로 관통된 그라우팅 홀을 가지는 측구와; 상기 측구의 하단 모서리와 골재 다짐면의 사이에 위치되어진 바닥 고임재들과; 보도에 놓여지는 보도블록이 얹어지는 걸림턱이 상부의 일측에 형성되어 상기 측구의 설치홈에 안착되어 포리머시멘트 패이스트에 의해 결합되는 경계석으로 구성된다. 상기 설치홈에 경계석이 안착되기 전에 상기 설치홈에 형성된 그라우팅 홀을 통해 그라우트 시공되어 상기 측구가 골재 다짐면에 부착되도록 한다. An L-shaped side opening and a construction method thereof having a structure for preventing tilting of a boundary stone due to sidewalk settlement are disclosed. The L-shaped side opening includes: a side opening having a flow path groove flowing in a rainwater on an inclined surface, the groove having a groove spaced from the flow path groove, and a grouting hole penetrating downward from the center of the installation groove; Bottom stiffeners positioned between the bottom edge of the side opening and the aggregate compaction surface; A locking jaw on which a sidewalk block placed on the sidewalk is placed is formed on one side of the upper side, and is formed of a boundary stone seated in an installation groove of the side opening and coupled by a polymer cement paste. The grout is installed through the grouting hole formed in the installation groove before the boundary stone is seated in the installation groove so that the side opening is attached to the aggregate compaction surface.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Ironing board with two x-arranged feet

Номер: RU2619021C2
Принадлежит: СЕБ С.А.

FIELD: satisfaction of human life necessities. SUBSTANCE: ironing board comprises a frame (1) serving as a support for the upper part (2) and at least two feet (3, 4) attached to the said frame (1). One of the feet (3, 4) has an upper end pivotally attached to the rear end of the said frame (1). The other foot has an upper end fixed slidably on the said frame (1). The two feet (3, 4) are interconnected in their middle by means of a hinged coupling (5) and are movable between the storage position in which the feet (3, 4) are arranged substantially parallel to the upper part (2) and the operating position in which the feet (3, 4) are X-arranged. One of the feet, the so-called first foot (3), is divided into two parts (31, 32) connected to each other by means of a joint intended for storage, to move by rotation of the lower segment (32) of the first foot (3) from the unfolded position in which the lower segment (32) is arranged as a continuation of the upper segment (31) of the first foot (3), to a folded position in which the lower segment (32) is folded over the upper segment (31). The other foot, the so-called second foot (4), is an integral part. The lower end of the second foot (4) extends to the rear end of the frame (1), if the first and the second feet (3, 4) are in the storage position. EFFECT: convenience and safety when using, maintaining the board stability. 14 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 619 021 C2 (51) МПК D06F 81/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2013122961, 21.05.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.05.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ДЮКРЮЭ Ги (FR), ВИЭЙРА ГАМЕЙРУ Даниэль (PT) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СЕБ С.А. (FR) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 729630 A, 11.05.1955. GB 449441 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.05.2012 FR 1254788 (45) Опубликовано: 11.05.2017 ...

26-03-2019 дата публикации

Patent RU2017121113A3

Номер: RU2017121113A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

“7 ВУ“? 2017121113” АЗ Дата публикации: 26.03.2019 Форма № 18 ИЗ,ПМ-2011 Федеральная служба по интеллектуальной собственности Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение 5 «Федеральный институт промышленной собственности» (ФИПС) ОТЧЕТ О ПОИСКЕ 1. . ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ ЗАЯВКИ Регистрационный номер Дата подачи 2017121113/12(036492) 04.11.2015 РСТ/ЕР2015/075653 04.11.2015 Приоритет установлен по дате: [ ] подачи заявки [ ] поступления дополнительных материалов от к ранее поданной заявке № [ ] приоритета по первоначальной заявке № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи первоначальной заявки № из которой данная заявка выделена [ ] подачи ранее поданной заявки № [Х] подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) в государстве-участнике Парижской конвенции (31) Номер первой(ых) заявки(ок) (32) Дата подачи первой(ых) заявки(ок) (33) Код страны 1. 14193945.4 19.11.2014 ЕР* Название изобретения (полезной модели): [Х] - как заявлено; [ ] - уточненное (см. Примечания) ОТПАРИВАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ОДЕЖДЫ Заявитель: КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС Н.В., МГ. 2. ЕДИНСТВО ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ [Х] соблюдено [ ] не соблюдено. Пояснения: см. Примечания 3. ФОРМУЛА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ: [Х] приняты во внимание все пункты (см. Примечания) [ ] приняты во внимание следующие пункты: [ ] принята во внимание измененная формула изобретения (см. Примечания) 4. КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ ОБЪЕКТА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ (ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ) (Указываются индексы МПК и индикатор текущей версии) рОбЕ 73/00 (2006.01) 5. ОБЛАСТЬ ПОИСКА 5.1 Проверенный минимум документации РСТ (указывается индексами МПК) 206Е71/00, 206Е73/00, 206Е75/00, 206Е81/00, 206Е8 1/08 5.2 Другая проверенная документация в той мере, в какой она включена в поисковые подборки: 5.3 Электронные базы данных, использованные при поиске (название базы, и если, возможно, поисковые термины): РЕРАТБ пе, Езрасепе, Соозе, /-Р]а Раб КТРКВГ5, РАТЕМТСОРЕ, Рабеагсв, КОРТО, ОРТО 6. ДОКУМЕНТЫ, ОТНОСЯЩИЕСЯ К ПРЕДМЕТУ ПОИСКА Кате- Наименование документа с указанием (где необходимо) частей, Относится к гория* относящихся к предмету ...

19-12-2006 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescence display and method of making the same

Номер: KR100659797B1
Автор: 이승준, 최경희, 최도현
Принадлежит: 대우전자서비스주식회사

본 발명은 한 층의 절연막 패턴으로 소자 분리가 가능하도록 하여 제조 공정의 단순화 및 제조 원가를 절감시킬 수 있는 유기 전계 발광 소자의 제조 방법에 관한 것으로 기판 상에 줄무늬 형상의 복수의 제 1 전극을 형성하는 단계와 상기 복수의 제 1 전극을 포함하는 상기 기판 상에 절연막을 형성하는 단계와 상기 절연막을 패터닝하여, 상기 복수의 제 1 전극과 직교하는 제 1 영역과 상기 복수의 제 1 전극 사이의 제 2 영역 상에 격자 형상의 제 1 절연막 패턴을 형성하는 단계와 상기 제 1 영역상의 제 1 절연막 패턴의 일부의 최소한 상층부를 제거하고, 상기 제 2 영역 상의 상기 제 1 절연막 패턴의 상층부를 제거하여 제 2 절연막 패턴을 형성하는 단계와 상기 복수의 제 1 전극 상에 유기 발광층을 형성하는 단계와 상기 복수의 유기 발광층 상에 복수의 제 2 전극을 형성하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 절연막 패턴, 구(trench), 상변환 공정, 상변환 감광막, 소자 분리 The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an organic electroluminescent device that can simplify the manufacturing process and reduce the manufacturing cost by enabling device separation by using a single insulating film pattern. A plurality of first electrodes having a stripe shape are formed on a substrate. And forming an insulating film on the substrate including the plurality of first electrodes and patterning the insulating film, thereby forming a first region between the first region perpendicular to the plurality of first electrodes and the plurality of first electrodes. Forming a lattice-shaped first insulating film pattern on the second region, removing at least an upper layer portion of a portion of the first insulating film pattern on the first region, and removing an upper layer portion of the first insulating film pattern on the second region; Forming an insulating film pattern, forming an organic emission layer on the plurality of first electrodes, and forming a plurality of organic emission layers on the plurality of organic emission layers Forming a second electrode. Insulation pattern, sphere, phase conversion process, phase conversion photoresist, device isolation

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013122960A
Принадлежит: СЕБ С.А.

1. Гладильная доска, содержащая верхнюю часть (2), опирающуюся по меньшей мере на одну ногу (3) с двумя секциями (31, 32), соединенными друг с другом посредством шарнира (8), причем указанный шарнир (8) предназначен для перемещения путем вращения нижнего сегмента (32) ноги (3) между разложенным положением, в котором указанный нижний сегмент (32) расположен как продолжение верхнего сегмента (31) ноги (3), и сложенным положением, в котором нижний сегмент (32) сложен в направлении верхнего сегмента (31), при этом шарнир содержит блокирующий механизм для блокировки нижнего сегмента в разложенном положении, а также по меньшей мере две разблокирующие кнопки (83, 87), удобно расположенные на двух противоположных поверхностях шарнира (8) и выполненные с возможностью деактивации блокирующего механизма для обеспечения поворота нижнего сегмента (32) в сложенное положение.2. Гладильная доска по п.1, в которой нижний сегмент (32) в сложенном положении расположен параллельно верхнему сегменту (31).3. Гладильная доска по п.2, в которой верхний сегмент (31) и нижний сегмент (32) соединены посредством оси (80) вращения, расположенной на внешней стороне ноги (3).4. Гладильная доска по любому из пп.1-3, в которой шарнир содержит первую кнопку (83), установленную с возможностью перемещения путем вращения вокруг оси (84), расположенной на первой секции (81) шарнира, являющегося частью верхнего сегмента (31), причем указанная первая кнопка (83) выполнена с возможностью перемещения между исходным положением, в котором первая кнопка (83) содержит конец с крючком (83А), который взаимодействует с блокирующим устройством (86), расположенным на второй секции (82) шарнира и прикрепленным к нижн РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06F 81/00 (13) 2013 122 960 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013122960/12, 21.05.2013 (71) Заявитель(и): СЕБ С.А. (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.05.2012 FR 1254787 ...

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Fold-away ironing device with steam generator

Номер: KR101823998B1
Автор: 라울 파리엔티
Принадлежит: 라울 파리엔티

벽에 부착되는 프레임(12)을 포함하고 그리고 그 안에 이동프레임(18)에 의하여 둘러싸여진 다림질판이 존재하는 접이식 다림질 기구가 기술된다. 제1 위치에서, 장식적인 전방부가 상기 벽에 고정된 상기 프레임 내에서 가시적이고, 그리고 제2 위치에서, 상기 전방부가 접혀지고 그리고 상기 다림질판이 가시화된다. 제1 선회수단은 상기 벽에 부착된 상기 프레임의 우측단부에 그리고 좌측단부에 위치되고 그리고 상기 이동프레임과 상기 다림질판이 수직축에 대하여 약 90°의 각도로 반시계 방향(또는 그 반대)으로 선회하도록 하는 것을 가능하게 하는 수직축을 형성하는 2개의 상부힌지 및 바닥힌지들 및 다른 한편으로 상기 이동프레임의 수평부분들의 중간에 위치되어 상기 다림질판이 선회되어 가시화되도록 하는 것을 허용하는 수직축(20)을 형성하는 2개의 힌지들을 포함한다. 제2 선회수단은 제2 위치에서 상기 다림질판이 수직위치로부터 수평위치로 이동하도록 하는 것을 허용한다. A folding ironing mechanism is described which includes a frame 12 attached to the wall and in which there is an ironing board surrounded by a moving frame 18. [ In the first position, the decorative front portion is visible in the frame secured to the wall, and in the second position, the front portion is folded and the ironing plate is visualized. The first pivoting means is located at the right end and the left end of the frame attached to the wall and the moving frame and the ironing board are pivoted counterclockwise (or vice versa) at an angle of about 90 degrees relative to the vertical axis Two vertical hinges and bottom hinges forming a vertical axis to enable the ironing board to be pivoted and a vertical axis 20 positioned midway between the horizontal portions of the moving frame to allow the ironing board to be pivoted and visualized And includes two hinges. The second pivoting means allows the ironing plate to move from the vertical position to the horizontal position in the second position.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Ironing board with foot, containing two sections, connected to one another by hinge

Номер: RU2619020C2
Принадлежит: СЕБ С.А.

FIELD: satisfaction of human life necessities. SUBSTANCE: ironing board comprises an upper part (2) resting on at least one foot (3) with two sections (31, 32) connected to each other by means of a hinge (8). The said hinge (8) is intended to be moved by rotating the lower segment (32) of the foot (3) between the unfolded position in which the said lower segment (32) is arranged as a continuation of the upper segment (31) of the foot (3), and the folded position in which the lower segment (32) is folded in the direction of the upper segment (31). The hinge comprises a mechanism for lower segment locking in the unfolded position, and also at least one unlocking button (83) to deactivate the locking mechanism to rotate the lower segment (32) to the folded position. EFFECT: convenience and safety when using. 14 cl, 12 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 619 020 C2 (51) МПК D06F 81/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 2013122960, 21.05.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.05.2013 (72) Автор(ы): ДЮКРЮЭ Ги (FR), ВИЭЙРА ГАМЕЙРУ Даниэль (PT) (73) Патентообладатель(и): СЕБ С.А. (FR) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: GB 449441 A, 26.06.1936. EP 1848852 Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 24.05.2012 FR 1254787 (45) Опубликовано: 11.05.2017 Бюл. № 14 Адрес для переписки: 191002, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 5, ООО "Ляпунов и партнеры" 2 6 1 9 0 2 0 R U (57) Формула изобретения 1. Гладильная доска, содержащая верхнюю часть (2), опирающуюся по меньшей мере на одну ногу (3) с двумя секциями (31, 32), соединенными друг с другом посредством шарнира (8), причем указанный шарнир (8) предназначен для перемещения путем вращения нижнего сегмента (32) ноги (3) между разложенным положением, в котором указанный нижний сегмент (32) расположен как продолжение верхнего сегмента (31) ноги (3), и сложенным положением, в котором ...

20-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013131037A
Принадлежит: Рауль ПАРИЕНТИ

1. Убирающееся устройство для глаженья с центральным паром для глаженья белья содержит раму (12), которая крепится к стене и образует полость (14), в которой находится гладильная доска, состоящая из задней части, содержащей поверхность для глаженья (31), и передней части (10), жестко соединенной с задней частью, образующей декоративную поверхность или зеркало; причем упомянутая гладильная доска может занимать первое положение, в котором упомянутая передняя часть видна в упомянутой раме, прикрепленной к стене, а задняя часть убрана, и второе положение, в котором упомянутая передняя часть убрана, а упомянутая задняя часть становится видна в упомянутой раме, прикрепленной к стене; причем упомянутое устройство содержит первые средства вращения вокруг оси, приспособленные для перевода упомянутой гладильной доски из первого положения во второе положение и обратно, и вторые средства вращения вокруг оси для перевода упомянутой гладильной доски, находящейся во втором положении, из вертикального положения в горизонтальное положение, в качестве консоли для того, чтобы пользователь смог бы использовать упомянутую поверхность для глаженья;отличающееся тем, что- упомянутая гладильная доска находится внутри подвижной рамы (18), вращаясь вокруг оси при помощи верхнего шарнирного узла и нижнего шарнирного узла, расположенных на правом краю или на левом краю упомянутой рамы, прикрепленной к стене, и позволяющих упомянутой гладильной доске поворачиваться в направлении против движения часовой стрелки (или наоборот) вокруг упомянутой вертикальной оси на угол приблизительно 90°, и- упомянутые первые средства вращения вокруг оси сод РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06F 81/06 (13) 2013 131 037 A (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013131037/12, 06.12.2011 (71) Заявитель(и): ПАРИЕНТИ Рауль (FR) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (72) Автор(ы): ПАРИЕНТИ Рауль (FR) 07.12.2010 FR 10/04759 (85) Дата ...

03-01-2013 дата публикации

A Steam Inspirator

Номер: KR101218524B1
Автор: 김명균
Принадлежит: 김명균

본 발명은 스팀 다림질용 스팀 흡입기에 관한 것으로, 보다 구체적으로는 진공흡입력이 작용하는 흡입구가 형성되어 있는 흡입헤드를 포함하는 진공흡입기에 있어서, 상기 흡입구에 회전가능하게 장착되는 회전체로서, 표면에 다수의 흡입공이 구비되어, 상기 회전체가 회전하면서 스팀 공급기에 의해 의류면에 공급된 스팀을 상기 흡입공을 통해 흡입함으로써 의류면에서 상기 흡입헤드의 이동을 용이하게 하는 커버부재를 포함하는 스팀 다림질용 스팀 흡입기에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a steam inhaler for steam ironing, and more particularly, to a vacuum inhaler including a suction head having a suction inlet for acting as a vacuum suction input, the rotating body being rotatably mounted to the inlet, the surface A plurality of suction holes are provided, and the steam iron including a cover member which facilitates the movement of the suction head on the garment surface by sucking the steam supplied to the garment surface by the steam supply while the rotating body rotates through the suction hole. For a steam inhaler.

25-10-2019 дата публикации

System flatiron

Номер: CN110382769A
Автор: 宋成镐, 芮圣民


12-08-2021 дата публикации

Clothes steamer with hanger movable relatively to stationary ironing board

Номер: RU2753272C1

FIELD: clothing care devices.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of clothing care devices. Clothes steamer (100) contains base (103), at least one rack (104) extending from base (103), ironing board (120), which is stationary relatively to at least one rack (104) to hold the clothing item during processing, and hanger (110) to hang the clothing item (20) during processing. Clothes steamer (100) also contains first connecting element (111) to allow hanger (110) to move left/right along first horizontal axis (A1) relatively to ironing board (120).EFFECT: provided is possibility of adjusting the position of the clothing item relatively to the ironing board in a simple and universal way, allowing one to steam and/or iron all areas of clothing items of various sizes, widths, lengths and types without necessity of replacing parts on the steamer.15 cl, 20 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 753 272 C1 (51) МПК D06F 73/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК D06F 58/203 (2021.02); D06F 73/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020136128, 19.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС Н.В. (NL) 12.08.2021 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2017121113 A, 19.12.2018. RU2012144580 A, 27.04.2014. CN106283581A, 04.01.2017. CN204898375U, 23.12.2015. CN209584691U, 05.11.2019. 21.12.2018 EP 18215146.4 (45) Опубликовано: 12.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 03.11.2020 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 7 5 3 2 7 2 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2020/127794 (25.06.2020) Адрес для переписки: 190900, BOX 1125, Санкт Петербург, Нилова Мария Иннокентьевна (54) ОТПАРИВАТЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ОДЕЖДЫ С ВЕШАЛКОЙ, ПОДВИЖНОЙ ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНО НЕПОДВИЖНОЙ ГЛАДИЛЬНОЙ ДОСКИ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к области устройств обеспечения возможности перемещения вешалки для ухода за одеждой. Отпариватель ...

10-07-2018 дата публикации

System Iron

Номер: KR20180078921A
Автор: 이영주, 이용주
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 시스템 다리미의 시스템 다리미에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 시스템 다리미는 스팀을 발생시키는 스팀제너레이터를 포함하는 바디; 상기 바디 상측에 회전가능하게 연결되며, 상기 스팀제너레이터에서 발생한 스팀을 외부로 분사하는 다리미판; 상기 다리미판의 회전을 제한하는 각도잠금장치; 상기 각도잠금장치와 연동되어 상기 각도잠금장치의 상기 다리미판에 대한 회전 제한을 해제하는 버튼장치; 및 상기 각도잠금장치의 상기 다리미판에 대한 회전 제한을 유지시키는 탄성부재를 포함한다.

09-02-2011 дата публикации

Irioning table with inhalation pipe of vapor

Номер: KR20110012172A
Автор: 김두준
Принадлежит: 김두준

본 발명은 의류의 구김살을 펴거나 주름을 잡아주는 과정에서 이용하는 다림질기구에 관한 것으로; 다림질장소에 배치되는 테이블(110)과, 상기 테이블(110)에 탑재되어 의류가 놓여지는 다림판(120), 및 상기 다림판(120)에 선택적으로 안착되면서 상기 의류의 접힘부가 놓여지는 마감판(130)을 갖는 증기흡입식 다림질기구로서, 상기 테이블(110)에 고정부재(11)를 통해 설치되면서 상기 마감판(130)이 결합되는 증기배출관(10), 및 상기 증기배출관(10)의 관로상에 장착되면서 상기 마감판(130)으로부터 발생하는 증기를 흡입하는 흡입팬(30)을 포함함으로써; 상기 다림질기구의 다림질과정에서 발생하는 증기가 상기 흡입팬에 의해 흡인되어 배출되므로 상기 의류의 다림질작업에 따른 작업하중 및 작업시간이 절감되고 상기 증기에 의한 인적사고가 예방되도록 한 것이다. 다림질기구, 테이블, 다림판, 마감판. 증기배출관, 흡입팬,

02-01-2003 дата публикации

Callapsible support frame particularly for ironing boards

Номер: US20030000117A1
Автор: Arcangelo Manfiotto
Принадлежит: Axana 2000 Srl

The invention relates to a collapsible support frame ( 1 ), particularly for ironing boards ( 2 ), comprising a ground bearing base ( 3 ), at least an arm ( 6; 6 a ; 6 b ) having one end linked with the bearing base ( 3 ) and the other end that can be restrained to the ironing board ( 2 ), and blocking removable means acting both on the arm ( 6 ), or on the arms ( 6 a , 6 b ), and on the bearing base ( 3 ), and on the ironing board ( 2 ) to maintain said arm erected in a working position at an adjustable level above the bearing base ( 3 ), wherein said blocking removable means comprise at least two strut elements, one of which has its end articulated, when used, respectively one to said arm ( 6 ), or arms ( 6 a , 6 b ), and the other one to said bearing base ( 3 ), while the other strut element is articulated, when used, to said arm ( 6 ), or arms ( 6 a , 6 b ), and to the ironing board ( 2 ), and locking removable means to lock the position of said strut elements, each strut element comprising a plurality of plate-shaped element, packed by the interposition of a friction spacing element between two adjacent plate-shaped elements, and each one providing one end articulated to the arm ( 6 ) or arms ( 6 a , 6 b ) or to the bearing base ( 3 ), or to the ironing board ( 2 ), the other end provided with a slot ( 13 ) for the loose articulation, to the bearing base ( 3 ) or to the ironing board ( 2 ), or to the arm ( 6 ), or arms ( 6 a , 6 b ), respectively, and said locking removable means providing a tension rod ( 14 ), axially slidably mounted, and acting to engage the slots ( 13 ) and to pack said plurality of plate-shaped elements ( 8 ), elastic means ( 18 ) to load the tension rod ( 14 ), and an operation device, suitable to neutralize, upon activation, the elastic loading force of the tension rod ( 14 ), thus allowing the sliding displacement each other between plate-shaped elements ( 8 ) and tension rod ( 14 ), said collapsible frame ( 1 ) being characterized in ...

21-03-2005 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescence display and method of making the same

Номер: KR20050027907A
Автор: 이승준, 최경희, 최도현
Принадлежит: 대우전자서비스주식회사

본 발명은 한 층의 절연막 패턴으로 소자 분리가 가능하도록 하여 제조 공정의 단순화 및 제조 원가를 절감시킬 수 있는 유기 전계 발광 소자의 제조 방법에 관한 것으로 기판 상에 줄무늬 형상의 복수의 제 1 전극을 형성하는 단계와 상기 복수의 제 1 전극을 포함하는 상기 기판 상에 절연막을 형성하는 단계와 상기 절연막을 패터닝하여, 상기 복수의 제 1 전극과 직교하는 제 1 영역과 상기 복수의 제 1 전극 사이의 제 2 영역 상에 격자 형상의 제 1 절연막 패턴을 형성하는 단계와 상기 제 1 영역상의 제 1 절연막 패턴의 일부의 최소한 상층부를 제거하고, 상기 제 2 영역 상의 상기 제 1 절연막 패턴의 상층부를 제거하여 제 2 절연막 패턴을 형성하는 단계와 상기 복수의 제 1 전극 상에 유기 발광층을 형성하는 단계와 상기 복수의 유기 발광층 상에 복수의 제 2 전극을 형성하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Induction ironing apparatus and method

Номер: KR20070108050A
Автор: 초이 룽 와이
Принадлежит: 초이 룽 와이

코드없는 다리미 장치는 다리미와, 다리미에 사용되는 다리미 보드를 포함한다. 다리미는 밑판을 포함한다. 다리미 보드는 섬유가 위치되는 다리미면과 전자기력 생성기를 포함한다. 전자기력 생성기는 다리미의 밑판에 열을 생성하는 전자장을 만든다. 선택적으로, 다리미장치는 다리미와, 다리미 보드로부터 제거나 분리가능한 유도장치를 포함한다. 유도장치는 전자기력 생성기를 포함하는데, 이는 다리미의 밑판에서 열을 생성하는 전자장을 만든다.

20-11-2010 дата публикации

Ironing board

Номер: RU2404314C2

FIELD: personal use articles. ^ SUBSTANCE: ironing board (1) comprises a fan (20) for generation air flow and a control unit (40) to control the mode when the fan (20) runs during the operation of the ironing board (1). If it is necessary to supply air flow through the ironed thing the control unit (40) activates the fan in a mode when it rotates at a normal operating speed. However, when this is not necessary, the control unit (40) takes the fan (20) in a mode when it rotates at a speed lower than the normal operating speed. Thus, the fan is attained to rotate continuously during operation of the ironing board (1); working of the fan is also not required (20) in the case when the process of ironing is performed with the help of the ironing board (1). ^ EFFECT: prevention of condensation of steam inside the ironing board. ^ 14 cl, 2 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 404 314 (13) C2 (51) МПК D06F 81/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008104633/12, 04.07.2006 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.07.2006 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 20.08.2009 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 05-200198 A, 10.08.1993. JP 05-228300 A, 07.09.1993. RU 2223687 C1, 20.02.2004. RU 2106446 C1, 10.03.1998. (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОНИНКЛЕЙКЕ ФИЛИПС ЭЛЕКТРОНИКС Н.В. (NL) 2 4 0 4 3 1 4 R U (86) Заявка PCT: IB 2006/052238 (04.07.2006) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата перевода заявки PCT на национальную фазу: 07.02.2008 (87) Публикация PCT: WO 2007/007230 (18.01.2007) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", А.В.Мицу (54) ГЛАДИЛЬНАЯ ДОСКА (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к гладильной доске с воздуходувными средствами. Гладильная доска (1) содержит вентилятор (20) для производства воздушного потока и управляющий блок (40) для контроля режима, в котором вентилятор (20) работает во ...

13-11-2018 дата публикации

A kind of sliding ironing board

Номер: CN108797070A
Автор: 邬晨燚
Принадлежит: Individual


12-01-2011 дата публикации

Multi-functional peripheral device

Номер: KR101007474B1
Автор: 이정숙
Принадлежит: 이정숙

본 발명은 차량 및 가정용 스팀 복합기에 관한 것으로서, 운전자가 운전중에 구겨진 옷, 넥타이, 블라우스 등을 손쉽게 차안에서 다림질 및 성애제거, 건조기능 등을 할 수 있는 차량 및 가정용 스팀 복합기를 얻기 위한 것인 바, 물탱크와 초음파진동자 및 물수위 센서로 구성된 수증기발생부와; 상기 수증기발생부로 부터 발생된 수증기를 배출토록 구성된 팬과 모터를 포함한 송풍부와; 상기 수증기를 가열토록 코일히터를 구성한 가열수단부와; 스팀발생과 건조가열과 가습을 선택하는 스위치를 포함한 제어부로 구성함으로서, 물을 가열하여 증기를 발생하지 않고, 빠른 시간내에 스팀을 발생할 수 있는 뛰어난 효과가 있다. 또한, 건조기능과, 가습기 기능, 스팀 기능을 할 수 있으며, 특히 다양한 소켓을 끼워 청소기능을 수행할 수 있는 뛰어난 효과가 있다. 초음파진동자, 가열히터

23-04-2009 дата публикации

Ironing device with a support frame for two rotatably mounted rollers

Номер: DE102007047366A1
Принадлежит: Miele und Cie KG

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bügelvorrichtung mit einem Traggestell für zwei drehbar gelagerte Walzen, von denen eine über einen Antriebsmotor antreibbar ausgebildet ist, sowie einer bahnartig von Walze zu Walze aufgespannten Bügelunterlage, die ein Obertrum und ein Untertrum aufweist, wobei das Obertrum die Bügelfläche bildet, auf der das Bügelgut mittels einer beheizbaren Bügelsohle bearbeitet wird. Um eine Bügelvorrichtung derart auszubilden, dass alle unterschiedlichen Haushaltwäschestücke mit einer einzigen Vorrichtung zufriedenstellend bearbeitet werden können, ist eine Bügelsohle an einer großflächigen Pressplatte (8) angeordnet, die über einen am Traggestell (2) gelagerten Tragarm (9) in Richtung der Bügelfläche (6) bewegbar ausgebildet ist und eine weitere Bügelsohle ist an einem frei über die Bügelfläche (6) bewegbaren Bügeleisen (10) angeordnet.

21-06-1979 дата публикации

Ironing device

Номер: DE2451730B2
Принадлежит: Individual

06-11-2008 дата публикации

an ironing stand board

Номер: KR100867441B1
Автор: 오승훈
Принадлежит: 주식회사 뉴맥스채널

본 발명은 다림질대에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 다리미판이 수평을 유지하는 상태에서는 조절 레버의 눌러짐이 방지되어 "X"형으로 교차 결합된 다리들이 급격하게 접혀지면서 하강되어 안전사고가 발생되는 폐단을 방지할 수 있도록 한 발명에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to an ironing board, and more particularly, in the state where the ironing board is kept horizontal, the pressing of the control lever is prevented, so that the legs cross-coupled with the "X" type are suddenly folded and lowered to cause a safety accident. The present invention relates to an invention to prevent closure. 전술한 본 발명은, 가이드봉(20)의 양측에 수직으로 세워진 지지봉(21) 사이에는 다리미판(10)이 회전 가능하게 장착되고, 중앙에 핀(43)을 중심으로 "X"형으로 교차 결합된 일측 다리(41)의 상단은 가이드봉(20)의 일측에 힌지(41a) 결합되며, 타측 다리(42)의 상단은 가이드봉(20)에 슬라이드 결합된 이동관(30)에 힌지(42a) 결합되어 이동관(30)에 장착된 레버(31)를 조작하면 양측 다리(41)(42)들이 접혀지거나 세워질 수 있도록 구성된 다림질대(1)에 있어서, 상기 이동관(30)의 내부 상측에는 레버(31)가 축(31a)으로 결합되어 회동 가능하게 장착되고, 레버(31)의 하부에는 스프링(33)이 장착되어 레버(31) 선단의 걸림구(32)가 축(31a)을 중심으로 아래로 회동되며, 걸림구(32)가 가이드봉(20)에 연속 형성된 래칫형 걸림홈(20a)들에 결합되어 이동관(30)이 가이드봉(20)에 고정되고, 이동관(30)의 내부 걸림구(32)의 전방에는 경사진 유도편(34)이 형성되고, 유도편(34)과 걸림구(32) 사이에는 구(35)가 위치되어 자중에 의하여 하강된 구(35)가 걸림구(32)의 작동을 정지시켜 가이드봉(20)이 수평인 상태에서는 레버(31)의 눌려짐이 방지되도록 한 것을 특징으로 하는 다림질대에 의하여 달성될 수 있는 것이다. In the above-described present invention, the ironing board 10 is rotatably mounted between the supporting rods 21 vertically placed on both sides of the guide rod 20, and is cross-coupled in an "X" shape around the pin 43 at the center thereof. The upper end of one leg 41 is coupled to the hinge (41a) on one side of the guide rod 20, the upper end of the other leg 42 is hinged to the movable pipe (30) slide-coupled to the guide rod 20 (42a) In the ironing table 1 coupled to operate the lever 31 mounted on the moving tube 30 so that both legs 41 and 42 can be folded or erected. 31 is coupled to the shaft 31a so as to be pivotally mounted, and a spring 33 is mounted to the lower portion of the lever 31 so that the locking hole 32 at the tip of the lever 31 is lowered about the shaft 31a. Is ...

05-06-2018 дата публикации

A kind of ironing table and apply its Garment Steamer Machine

Номер: CN108118517A
Автор: 黄其胜


21-01-2010 дата публикации

Drum type washing machine

Номер: KR100937410B1
Автор: 김영수, 안병환
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 드럼식 세탁 장치에 관한 것으로써, 특히 의류 건조기와 세탁기가 나란히 붙어 있는 형태의 세탁 장치에 따른 전반적인 구조를 개선하여 여유 공간에 대한 활용이 다양히 이루어질 수 있는 구성을 제공하고자 한 것이다. The present invention relates to a drum type washing apparatus, and more particularly, to provide a configuration in which the utilization of the free space can be variously improved by improving the overall structure according to the washing apparatus in which the clothes dryer and the washing machine are side by side. 이를 위해, 본 발명은 세탁물의 세탁 혹은, 건조를 수행하는 각종 세탁 장치 중 투입구가 전방측에 위치된 드럼식 세탁 장치에 있어서, 상기 세탁 장치의 상면 후방측을 따라 구비된 몸체와, 상기 몸체에 회동 가능하게 장착된 다리미판과, 상기 몸체를 따라 형성된 다수의 수납 공간이 포함되어 구성됨을 특징으로 하는 드럼식 세탁 장치용 보조 장치를 제공한다. To this end, the present invention is a drum-type laundry machine in which the inlet is located in the front of the various washing apparatus for washing or drying the laundry, the body provided along the rear side of the upper surface of the washing apparatus, and rotated to the body Provided is an auxiliary device for a drum type laundry machine, characterized in that it comprises an iron board and possibly a plurality of storage spaces formed along the body. 세탁 장치, 보조 장치, 다리미판 Laundry device, auxiliary device, ironing board

18-02-2004 дата публикации

Ironing support

Номер: KR200342392Y1
Автор: 김일현
Принадлежит: 김일현

본 고안은 가구와 일체화되도록 가구 내부에 회동부재를 중심으로 수납되어 필요에 따라 용이하게 회전식으로 인출하여 사용할 수 있는 다림질 받침대에 관한 것으로서, 본체 프레임과, 이의 상부에서 X형 링크부재에 의하여 승강 가능하도록 설치되는 다림질판을 포함하는 다림질 받침대에 있어서, 상기 본체 프레임을 가구의 내부공간으로부터 회전식으로 인출 및 수납 가능하도록 본체 프레임의 일측에 형성된 회동부재와; 상기 회동부재를 회전 가능하도록 고정하여 상기 가구의 내부공간에 고정되는 고정부재와; 상기 본체 프레임의 일측에 일단부가 회전 가능하도록 장착되고, 타단부는 상기 고정부재에 회전 가능하도록 장착되는 에어스프링을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 다림질 받침대를 제공한다. The present invention relates to an ironing base which is housed about a rotating member inside the furniture so as to be integrated with the furniture, and can be easily pulled out and used as needed, which can be lifted by the main frame and an X-type link member thereon. An ironing base comprising an ironing plate installed to be provided, comprising: a rotating member formed on one side of the main body frame to enable the main frame to be pulled out and received from the internal space of the furniture in a rotatable manner; A fixing member fixed to the internal space of the furniture by rotatably fixing the pivot member; One end of the main body frame is rotatably mounted, and the other end provides an ironing pedestal comprising an air spring rotatably mounted to the fixing member. 이와 같이, 본 고안은 사용자와 다림질 받침대와 작업거리를 최소한 좁히고, 다림질 받침대의 전방부 및 하부 공간부를 확보하여 보다 용이하게 다림질을 수행할 수 있음과 동시에 다림질 받침대의 본체 프레임에 옷걸이는 장착하여 다림질 옷감을 임시로 걸어둘 수 있다. As such, the present invention can at least narrow the working distance between the user and the ironing stand, secure the front portion and the lower space of the ironing stand so that the ironing can be performed more easily, and at the same time, the clothes hanger is attached to the main frame of the ironing stand. You can hang the cloth temporarily.

07-07-1996 дата публикации

Ironing board with telescoping storage racks

Номер: CA2166747A1
Автор: David Lehrman
Принадлежит: David Lehrman

A foldable ironing board including forward and aft support legs which are foldable with respect to an ironing table. A lower rack is mounted to the support legs below the ironing table and includes two rack portions whichare each pivotally connected to one of the support legs. The pivotal attachment permits each rack portion to rotate with respect to its attached support leg. The rack portions are telescopically attached to one another so as to permit displacement therebetween when the support legs scissor apart during folding. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, the telescopic interconnection between the rack portions includes three rod members extending from one rack portion which slidably engage with complimentary cylindrical tubes formed on the other rack portion. The present invention also contemplates an upper rack slidably attached to the ironing table near its heel through rails slidably disposed within rail guides located on the bottom of the ironing table. The upper rack can be stored under the ironing table when not in use and slid out when it is desired to rest an iron thereon.

14-11-1979 дата публикации

Ironing machine

Номер: GB2020317A
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal ironing machine (1) comprises a steam generating base machine (2) comprises a horizontal ironing board (3) and associated with a tailor's dummy (10) for ironing articles of clothing, a rotatable supplementary finishing board (11), a sleeve board (12) and a vaporisation unit (5) for the tailor's dummy. A trouser tensioning device (9) is provided. Suction is applied to the board (3) and steam is supply to the dummy (10). Suction is deviated from the board (3) to the board (11) by an externally-controlled sliding baffle. <IMAGE>

18-01-2000 дата публикации

Ironing board with laundry sorter and drying rack

Номер: US6014827A
Автор: David Lehrman
Принадлежит: Individual

An ironing board having a table with a top surface to carry out ironing functions and opposing first and second sides bisected by a longitudinal axis and a frame extending form the table for supporting the table above a support surface is provided. The frame extends from the table between the first side and longitudinal axis and defines an open area beneath the table that is sized to receive a person seated in a chair to permit the person to carry out ironing functions on the top surface while sitting. The ironing board also includes a drying rack having a plurality of rungs slidably disposed on the table. A laundry sorter is suspended from the table and includes a receptacle with a plurality of dividers dividing the receptacle into a plurality of compartments.
