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28-04-2018 дата публикации

Бетонная винтовая свая

Номер: RU0000179155U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к элементам фундамента зданий, опор линий электропередач, опор контактной сети, вышек сотовой связи, ограждений, анкерных закреплений, в опорах временных мостов, трубопроводов, причалов и пр.Техническим результатом полезной модели бетонной винтовой сваи является уменьшение стоимости затрат при изготовлении, транспортировке и монтаже данной бетонной винтовой сваи за счет того, что при ее производстве полый бетонный ствол формируется не закладкой в тело сваи профильной трубы, а технической операцией, позволяющей сформировать данную продольную полость по всей длине сваи, не применяя профильную трубу. При монтаже сваи в продольную полость на всю длину вставляется металлический ключ, вращая за который происходит погружение сваи. Продольное армирование производится обычной рифленой арматурой. Это техническое решение данной полезной модели позволяет значительно снизить себестоимость и вес готовой бетонной винтовой сваи, что приводит в свою очередь к упрощению монтажа бетонной винтовой сваи при строительстве, а также значительно снижает стоимость транспортировки сваи до объекта строительства.Заявленная полезная модель состоит из конструкции бетонной винтовой сваи, выполненной в виде полого ствола бетона, полость которого имеет многоугольное сечение и идет по всей длине бетонного тела сваи. Арматурный каркас выполнен из продольной арматуры обвитой по всей длине арматурой, выполненной в виде спирали, при этом полый ствол из бетона на оконечной части имеет металлический наконечник с буром. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 155 U1 (51) МПК E02D 5/30 (2006.01) E02D 5/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02D 5/30 (2006.01); E02D 5/56 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017138785, 07.11.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Тяпугин Антон Вячеславович (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.04.2018 (56) Список ...

14-08-2018 дата публикации

Винтовая свая

Номер: RU0000182309U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству и может быть использована для закрепления различных объектов на грунте, а также для сооружения свайных фундаментов, технический результат заключается в повышении надежности винтовой сваи. Для достижения указанного технического результата предложена винтовая свая, состоящая из цельного цилиндрического корпуса, имеющего зону с постоянным диаметром сечения, а также зону с постепенно уменьшающимся диаметром сечения, имеющего заостренное окончание, подвергнутое термообработке с последующей ковкой и закаливанием, и спирали 10-20 мм шириной и 1-3 мм толщиной, расположенной на части внешней поверхности цилиндрического корпуса таким образом, что одна из ее крайних точек совпадает с заостренным окончанием, а вторая расположена на зоне цилиндрического корпуса с постоянным диаметром сечения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 182 309 U1 (51) МПК E02D 5/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02D 5/56 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018102790, 24.01.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Землянухин Юрий Александрович (RU), Чащин Руслан Энверович (RU) Дата регистрации: 14.08.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 109161 U1, 10.10.2011. RU (45) Опубликовано: 14.08.2018 Бюл. № 23 1 8 2 3 0 9 R U (54) ВИНТОВАЯ СВАЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к строительству и может быть использована для закрепления различных объектов на грунте, а также для сооружения свайных фундаментов, технический результат заключается в повышении надежности винтовой сваи. Для достижения указанного технического результата предложена винтовая свая, состоящая из цельного цилиндрического корпуса, имеющего зону с постоянным диаметром сечения, а также зону с постепенно Стр.: 1 уменьшающимся диаметром сечения, имеющего заостренное окончание, подвергнутое термообработке с последующей ковкой и закаливанием, и спирали 10-20 мм ...

29-01-2019 дата публикации

Винтовая свая

Номер: RU0000186670U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к конструкциям винтовых свай. Технической задачей заявляемой полезной модели является повышение надежности сваи при работе в условиях вечной мерзлоты. На дне внутренней поверхности нижней части сваи, по ее оси, прикреплена силовая стяжка, заполнитель представляет собой закладные элементы, выполненные с возможностью перемещения по силовой стяжке и установленные в ряд, между закладными элементами помещены О-образные контейнеры с герметизирующим раствором. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 186 670 U1 (51) МПК E02D 5/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02D 5/56 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018136675, 17.10.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Неустроев Евгений Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.01.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 182759 U1, 30.08.2018. RU 93412 U1, 27.04.2010. RU 179155 U1, 28.04.2018. RU 2523264 C2, 20.07.2014. US 5713701 A1, 03.02.1998. (45) Опубликовано: 29.01.2019 Бюл. № 4 R U (54) ВИНТОВАЯ СВАЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к конструкциям винтовых свай. Технической задачей заявляемой полезной модели является повышение надежности сваи при работе в условиях вечной мерзлоты. На дне внутренней поверхности нижней части Стр.: 1 сваи, по ее оси, прикреплена силовая стяжка, заполнитель представляет собой закладные элементы, выполненные с возможностью перемещения по силовой стяжке и установленные в ряд, между закладными элементами помещены О-образные контейнеры с герметизирующим раствором. 3 ил. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 620100, г. Екатеринбург, Сибирский тракт, 37, УГЛТУ, отдел ОНИРС и ИС 1 8 6 6 7 0 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 17.10.2018 1 8 6 6 7 0 R U 17.10.2018 (72) Автор(ы): Неустроев Евгений Николаевич (RU) U 1 U 1 1 8 6 6 7 0 1 8 6 6 7 0 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 ...

25-11-2019 дата публикации

Винтовой анкер

Номер: RU0000194016U1

Полезная модель включает полую цилиндрическую стальную приводную трубу 1 диаметром 110-325 мм и с толщиной стенок 10-20 мм. На нижней погружной части трубы 1, установлена винтовая лопасть 2 из стальной полосы для нарезания пазов в грунте во время ввертывания анкера в лидерное отверстие скального грунта. Погружной конец трубы 1 с высоты, превышающей высоту крепления нижнего конца нижней винтовой лопасти 2 на трубе 1, выполнен сужающимся в сторону погружного конца анкера с углом конусности α=15-20. Винтовая лопасть 2 на цилиндрической несущей части анкера выполнена с шагом витков 140-240 мм и в переходе на сужающуюся часть трубы 2 – с шагом 190-320 мм из стальной полосы 3 шириной 40-50 мм и толщиной 10-20 мм. На торцевой части витков 2 стальной полосы выполнены вырезы 3 глубиной 10-25 мм с наклоном 60-80относительно касательной к поверхности витка в сторону вращения анкера при ввертывании его в скальный грунт, образуя боковые ножи для врезки в скальный грунт. Нижний торец суженной части трубы 2 снабжен торцевыми резцами 4 высотой 15-20 мм. Торцевые резцы 4 выполнены в виде треугольных выступов или пилообразных зубьев, равномерно распределенных по окружности торцевой части нижнего конца трубы 1 анкера. Верхняя часть цилиндрической трубы 1 снабжена сквозными отверстиями 5 для соединения с валом привода вращения анкера.Полезная модель позволяет повысить прочность конструкции и режущих возможностей винтового анкера для возведения свайного фундамента на скальных грунтах без применения бетона. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 194 016 U1 (51) МПК E02D 5/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02D 5/56 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019126426, 21.08.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Козлов Максим Анатольевич (RU), Момот Олег Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 25.11.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Anchoring device

Номер: US20120036797A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An anchoring device comprising a shaft, at least part of whose length comprises a tapered portion, with at least one helical flange which runs substantially along the length of said tapered section and an engagement means to allow the device to engage with a lever wherein in use rotation of the lever about the axis of the shaft results in rotation of the device such that the tapered portion and the helical flange co-operate to drive the device into the ground.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142576A1
Автор: Köcher Johannes

A method for gradually introducing thin-walled pipes into the ground includes inserting a pipe clamp, which has been arranged horizontally on a mast, into a horizontal pipe, bracing the pipe clamp (pipe gripping jaw) with the rear part of the pipe, moving the pipe clamp back with the pipe braced thereon, erecting the mast, with the tools, the pipe clamp and the pipe, into a vertical position, introducing the pipe to the desired depth with the tools, unclamping the pipe clamp and pulling it out of the pipe, and repositioning the mast back into a horizontal position. A device has a carrier unit, a mast, which can be pivoted between vertical and horizontal, tools with a pipe clamp, arranged on the mast, and a magazine a pipe arranged substantially horizontally. The pipe clamp is inserted into the pipe coaxially in relation to the pipe and substantially horizontally. 1. A process for gradually inserting thin-walled pipes into the ground , the process comprising the steps ofinserting a pipe gripping jaw, arranged horizontally on a mast, into a horizontally positioned thin-walled pipe;bracing the pipe gripping jaw with a rear part of the pipe;retracting the pipe gripping jaw with the pipe braced thereto;erecting the mast with tools such that the pipe gripping jaw and the pipe are moved into a vertical position;inserting the pipe to the desired depth by means of the tools;releasing and pulling out the pipe gripping jaw from the inserted pipe; andreturning the mast into a horizontal position.2. A process in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a superstructure is pivoted via a live ring about a vertical axis before or during the step of erecting the mast and is pivoted back after or during the step of returning the mast.3. A process in accordance with claim 1 , wherein a next point of insertion claim 1 , where a next thin-walled pipe is inserted claim 1 , is reached during at least one of the steps of inserting the pipe gripping jaw into the pipe claim 1 , bracing the pipe ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251460A1
Автор: DESMEULES Alain
Принадлежит: 9267-9075 QUEBEC INC.

A pile connecting metal bracket adapted to be secured to a structure to be supported by a metal pile is described. The bracket has a pair of elongated straight vertical support flanges in a pair of spaced-apart horizontal guide walls secured across the vertical support flanges. The guide wall guides driven hollow metal tubes of the pile. A drive mechanism is removably connected to an attachment. The pile connecting bracket is secured to a structure and the metal tubes of the pile are connected to the metal bracket after the metal pile has been driven into soil to a position of rest whereby the pile can support the structure 1. A pile connecting metal bracket adapted to be secured to a structure to be supported by a metal pile comprised by one or more hollow metal tubes , said pile connecting metal bracket comprising a pair of elongated straight vertical support flanges spaced-apart in parallel relationship , at least a pair of spaced-apart horizontal guide walls secured across said vertical support flanges , each said horizontal guide wall having an aperture therein dimensioned to receive a driven one of said one or more hollow metal tubes in close fit therethrough and between said pair of elongated straight vertical support flanges , attachment means for removably connecting a drive mechanism to said pile connecting metal bracket , attachment flanges connected to said vertical support flanges and provided with securement apertures for receiving fastener means to secure said pile connecting metal bracket to said structure , and connection means to immovably connect an uppermost portion of said one or more hollow metal tubes to said pile connecting metal bracket after said metal pile has been driven into soil to a position of rest.2. A pile connecting bracket as claimed in wherein there is further provided a foot plate attachment secured to a lowermost part of said pile connecting metal bracket for lifting engagement under said structure.3. A pile connecting bracket ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272799A1
Автор: Suver Paul W.

A pipe assembly may have one or more pipe segments that are coupled together or coupled to a drive socket by a coupler. The bottom-most pipe segment being a bottom pile segment that may have a body with a central axis, an exterior surface an upper end connectable to the pipe pile assembly, and a bottom end, the bottom end inhibiting grout from passing through the bottom end, helical flights extending from the exterior surface of the body substantially perpendicular to the central axis, and grout ports through which the grout is emittable. The bottom pipe segment is designed to receive grout introduced through the pipe assembly so that the grout can be emitted the grout ports during the driving of the pile assembly into soil. The emitted grout forms a grout/soil mixture jacket within the disturbed soil along an exterior of the pipe pile assembly which adds appreciably to the overall stability, and particularly the lateral stability, of the pipe pile column created. 1. A bottom pile segment for receiving a viscous , hardening material from a pipe pile assembly and delivering such viscous , hardening material to soil proximate the bottom pile segment , comprising:a body with a central axis, an exterior surface an upper end connectable to the pipe pile assembly, and a bottom end, the bottom end inhibiting the viscous, hardening material from passing through the bottom end;at least one helical flight extending from the exterior surface of the body substantially perpendicular to the central axis; andat least one exit port through which the viscous, hardening material is emittable.2. A bottom pile segment of claim 1 , wherein the bottom end further comprises a bottom end plate secured to the body.3. A bottom pile segment of claim 1 , wherein the bottom end further comprises a digging tip.4. A bottom pile segment of claim 1 , wherein the bottom end further comprises an inclined cutting edge.5. A bottom pile segment of claim 1 , wherein the at least one helical flight ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Steel pipe pile and steel pipe pile implementation method

Номер: US20130272801A1

Since the distal backside is provided on a rear side of a wing edge in an entering direction, when a steel pipe pile is rotationally driven into the ground, the distal backside resists against the rotation moment with the wing edge at the center. Thus, while avoiding the off-centered movement of the steel pipe pile and ensuring linearity, the steel pipe pile can be penetrated into the ground. Further, since a slanted opening is provided at a front side of the wing edge in the entering direction, soil excavated in accordance with the rotational drive into the ground can be smoothly introduced into the steel pipe pile body through the slanted opening. Thus, while restraining the ground resistance in accordance with the entering, the soil introduced into the steel pipe pile body can be pushed upward, thereby reducing an increase in the penetration resistance caused by clogging within the pipe.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Securing System For Basketball Pole

Номер: US20130305633A1
Автор: Hurley Alan R.

A securing system for a portable basketball pole assembly is disclosed. The securing system includes ground screws which secure in the ground on either side of a base of the portable basketball pole assembly. A strap is extended from one ground member to the other over the base to hold the base securely to the ground and prevent tipping. Additional straps may be used to extend from the ground members to the pole to further secure the pole. In certain preferred embodiments, separate straps extend from the ground members to the pole. In other embodiments, a single strap is used. The straps are attached to the pole via a pole attachment member. The pole attachment member may conveniently be an after-market part which fits around an existing pole and provides a receiving element to receive the strap or straps. Buckles may be included to allow the straps to be tightened or loosened. 1. A securing system for a portable basketball pole assembly comprising:a first ground securing member adapted to be secured in the ground on one lateral side of a base of a portable basketball pole assembly and having a receiving element disposed on a top portion thereof,a second ground securing member adapted to be secured in the ground on a second lateral side of such a base of a portable basketball pole assembly and having a receiving element disposed on a top portion thereof, anda strap adapted to extend from said first ground securing member over such a base to said second ground securing member, said strap being attachable at a first end to the receiving element of said first ground securing member, and attachable at a second end to the receiving element of said second ground securing member.2. The securing system for a portable basketball pole assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said first ground securing member and said second ground securing member each comprise a screw adapted to be driven into the ground claim 1 , and wherein said receiving elements comprise hooks or loops on ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Support platform for an oil field pumping unit using helical piles

Номер: US20130309024A1
Автор: Robert L. Jones
Принадлежит: Individual

A support platform for an oil field pumping unit includes a frame supporting the oil field pumping unit, vertical helical piles, and diagonal helical piles. The vertical helical piles are driven into the ground beneath the frame to support the frame and oil field pumping unit. Each diagonal helical pile has an upper end secured to the frame and a lower portion extending diagonally downward from the frame with a helical blade threaded into the ground to restrain horizontal forces exerted by the oil field pumping unit.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Pile with Grout Vortex

Номер: US20130343823A1

A pile is provided for installation into earth, comprising, a shaft that includes a shaft axis, a plurality of helices, and a metal that is capable of being welded so as to securely attach the helices; the shaft is provided with an end that has been configured for successive piling; the helices are shaped so that, when the shaft is torqued, the helices screw the pile into the earth about the shaft axis; a bladed portion provide with a shaft-accommodating section, a pile securing structure, a collar, and a blade; the shaft-accommodating section of the bladed portion is shaped according to the end of the shaft; the pile securing structure is configured to cooperate with a fastener; the collar of the bladed portion is generally concentric about the shaft axis; and the blade is shaped, at least in part, to agitate grout. 1: A pile for installation into earth , comprising ,a) a shaft that includes a shaft axis, a plurality of helices, and a metal that is capable of being welded so as to securely attach the helices;b) the shaft is provided with an end that has been configured for successive piling;c) the helices are shaped so that, when the shaft is torqued, the helices screw the pile into the earth about the shaft axis;d) a bladed portion provided with a shaft-accommodating section, a pile securing structure, a collar, and a blade;e) the shaft-accommodating section of the bladed portion is shaped according to the end of the shaft;f) the pile securing structure is configured to cooperate with a fastener;g) the collar of the bladed portion is generally concentric about the shaft axis; andh) the blade is shaped, at least in part, to agitate grout.2: A pile according to wherein the blade extends axially from the shaft-accommodating section of the bladed portion.3: A pile according to wherein the collar is shaped to create a generally cylindrical volume about the shaft axis.4: A pile according to wherein the bladed portion has been cast through use of a sand mold.5: A pile ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Post Anchor Apparatus and Method of Use

Номер: US20140020310A1
Автор: Lee Richard

Herein described is a post anchor apparatus and methods of use in erecting and anchoring posts in natural terrain. The apparatus of the present invention provides a convenient means of erecting a post in natural terrain while also providing improved strength, stability, and durability to the post. The apparatus comprises at least a hosing for receiving the base of a post, a rod, stabilizer element for stabilizing the apparatus within the natural terrain, and an auger blade for driving the rod into the natural terrain. 1. A post anchor apparatus comprising a housing for receiving a post , a rod , at least one auger blade , a stabilizer , and a crank pin , said housing comprising bore holes for receiving post fasteners to secure said housing to said post , at least two matching bore holes on opposite faces of said housing for receiving said crank pin for mechanical rotation of said apparatus to drive said rod and auger blade into the ground , and one or more dimples for additional stabilizing engagement with said post.2. The post anchor apparatus of wherein said stabilizer further comprises one or more ground penetrating members claim 1 , a central bore for receipt of said rod there through claim 1 , one or more release elements claim 1 , and a second bore for receipt of said second crank pin.3. The post anchor apparatus of wherein said auger blade comprises an upper and lower tongue that are 2″ apart.4. The post anchor apparatus of wherein said rod comprises a washer engaged thereto above said stabilizer and below said housing for prevention of said stabilizer from rising greater than the desired distance as the apparatus is driven into the ground.5. The post anchor apparatus of wherein said washer is positioned about 1″ from the underside of said housing at its uppermost position.6. A post anchor apparatus comprising a housing for receiving a post claim 4 , a rod claim 4 , at least one auger blade claim 4 , a stabilizer comprising at least two side walls having ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037388A1
Автор: Ahola Tomi

The invention relates to a rock bolt to be installed into a borehole () drilled in a rock, wherein an expansion member () of the rock bolt includes an internal second cone abutment surface () in the interior of the expansion member in the vicinity of a second end () thereof. A second cone member () is at least partially fitted in the interior of the second end () of the expansion member (). The second cone member includes a hole (), through which a drawbar () is adapted to extend with a clearance, and a second cone surface () tapering inward relative to the expansion member and abutting against the second cone abutment surface () of the expansion member. A first end () of an elongated pushing member () bears on tightening members () and a second end () bears against the second cone member () on the opposite side relative to the expansion member () so that, as the drawbar () is tightened by the tightening members (), the pushing member simultaneously pushes the second cone member () to the interior of the expansion member () for expanding the expansion member and engaging the expansion member to the wall of the borehole. 1. A rock bolt to be installed into a borehole drilled in a rock , the rock bolt includinga drawbar having an inner end to be inserted into the borehole and an outer end extending out from the borehole,tightening members provided at the outer end of the drawbar for drawing the drawbar outward relative to the borehole in order to tighten the rock bolt in its place,a first cone member substantially immovably connected to the drawbar in the vicinity of the inner end, including a first cone surface,an expansion member including a first end which is the end on the side of the inner end of the drawbar, a second end is the end on the side of the outer end of the drawbar, and a first cone abutment surface in the interior of the expansion member in the vicinity of the first end thereof, the first cone member being provided in the interior of the first end so ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140056652A1
Автор: Suver Paul W.

A pipe assembly may have one or more pipe segments that are coupled together or coupled to a drive socket by a coupler. The coupler may have a body with a generally tubular shape with an interior surface and an exterior surface. First and second flanges may extend outward from the exterior surface to engage the drive socket, thereby providing enhanced stability and coaxiality. The interior surface may have an upper receiving feature that can receive the bottom end of an overhead pipe segment, and a lower receiving feature that can receive the top end of a subtending pipe segment. The upper receiving feature may have an upper threaded bore with a lead-in portion that facilitates alignment of the overhead pipe segment with the upper threaded bore. The interior surface may also have a stop feature that prevents over-insertion of the top end and/or the bottom end into the coupler. 1. A coupler for connecting to a subtending pipe segment , comprising:a body having a generally tubular shape having an axis, the body comprising an exterior surface and an interior surface, the interior surface comprising a lower receiving feature shaped to receive a top end of the subtending pipe segment;a first flange secured to the exterior surface, wherein the first flange extends generally perpendicular to the axis, the first flange having a first noncircular shape insertable into a drive socket to enable the drive socket to transmit rotation about the axis to the body through the first flange; anda second flange secured to the exterior surface, wherein the second flange extends generally perpendicular to the axis, the second flange having a second shape that is aligned with the first noncircular shape such that the second shape is also insertable into the drive socket to enable the drive socket to transmit rotation about the axis to the body through the second flange;wherein the first and second flanges are spaced apart from each other.2. The coupler of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079492A1
Автор: Mayrhofer Martin

Alpine anchor for anchoring threaded rods in soil or rock, with a metal base plate having a number of threaded bores which are distributed about the circumference and into which the threaded rods can be screwed with an assembly machine, wherein at least one plug coupling is arranged between the stationary part of the assembly machine and the base plate. 1. An alpine anchor system comprising an alpine anchor for anchoring threaded rods in soil or rock , having a base plate made of metal , the base plate comprising a plurality of threaded bores distributed about the circumference into which the threaded rods are screwable by means of an assembly machine , further comprising an assembly machine , wherein at least one pluggable coupling is disposed between the stationary part of the assembly machine and the base plate.2. The alpine anchor system according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of threaded bores into which the threaded rods are screwable disposed in the base plate claim 1 , and that molded receptacles for torque-proof engagement of the stationary part of the assembly machine are provided on or in the base plate in the vicinity of the threaded bores claim 1 , into which molded receptacles the assembly machine is plugged in claim 1 , in a torque-proof manner while the threaded rods are being screwed in.3. The alpine anchor system according to claim 2 , wherein the molded receptacles are provided in or on the top side of the base plate for torque-proof engagement for the assembly machine and that the molded receptacles at least partially surround the threaded bores for threaded engagement of the threaded rods.4. The alpine anchor system according to claim 2 , wherein the molded receptacle projects out over the top side of the base plate and forms in the vicinity around the threaded bore a molded cavity for engagement of the molded part provided on the machine side.5. The alpine anchor system according to claim 2 , wherein the molded receptacle is ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000249A1
Автор: COHEN Noam

An apparatus for secured ground anchoring, including a stake that has a locking section at one end of the stake, an intermediate elongated portion and an anchoring section, a locking mechanism attached to the locking section, and a handle insertable into avoid within the stake, the handle is topped by a locking head connectable on top of the locking mechanism when the handle is inserted into the void. 1. An apparatus for secured ground anchoring , comprising:a stake comprising a locking section at one end of the stake, an intermediate elongated portion and an anchoring section;a locking mechanism attached to the locking section; anda handle insertable into a void within the stake, the handle is topped by a locking head connectable on top of the locking mechanism when the handle is inserted into the void.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a ring structure to be installed from below the locking mechanism claim 1 , the ring structure mechanically connects to the locking mechanism or to the locking head.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a spiral blade at the anchoring section.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the spiral blade has an angle of between 81 to 99 degrees with respect to a longitudinal plane of the stake at the anchoring section.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising a hollow tip at the edge of the anchoring section.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the hollow tip has a diagonal cut.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein when the locking mechanism is in a locked state claim 1 , the handle cannot be pulled out from the stake or be inserted into the stake.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the locking head is connected on top of the locking mechanism and the locking mechanism is in a locked state claim 1 , the locking head is locked to the locking mechanism.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein applying of rotational force on the locking mechanism does not result with the rotation of stake.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002874A1
Автор: SCHULTES Klaus

The invention relates to a connection between a foundation pile of a construction, in particular of an onshore or offshore construction, for example an onshore or offshore wind energy plant, having an in particular tubular transition piece, wherein the foundation pile and the transition piece are fitted one over the other or plugged one into the other with an intermediate space in between, and the intermediate space is at least partially filled with a mortar or concrete which has high strength after hardening, and to a method for producing same. 1. Connection between a foundation pile of a structure and a tubular transition piece , in which the foundation pile and the transition piece are fitted one over the other or plugged one inside the other with an interspace therebetween and the interspace is at least partially filled with a concrete or mortar which has a high strength after curing ,wherein,at least during curing, there are arranged in the interspace a first group of double wedges which are arranged against one another and which are arranged to run around at a distance from one another, and a second group, arranged axially offset with respect to the first group, of double wedges which are in each case arranged against one another and which are arranged to run around at a distance from one another, in order to suppress or inhibit a relative movement between the foundation pile and the transition piece.2. Connection according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the double wedges of the first group and/or at least one of the double wedges of the second group is/are designed to be self-locking.3. Connection according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the wedges of the double wedge of the first group and/or at least one of the wedges of the double wedge of the second group is/are premounted.4. Connection according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the wedges of the double wedge of the first group and/or at least one of the wedges of the double wedge of the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002884A1

Precast collars for screw type anchors that have a body made of a high strength composite or concrete material. The body having an opening to receive an anchor base head portion of an anchor so that a structure to be supported by the anchor is in direct contact with the anchor. 1. A collar for an anchor , the collar comprising a body made of a high strength natural limestone sand based composite and a foam core , the body having a central opening to receive a mounting plate of an anchor.2. The collar according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a trapezoidal shape.3. The collar according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a cylindrical shape.4. The collar according to claim 1 , wherein the body has an octagonal shape.5. The collar according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a square shape.6. The collar according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a pentagonal shape.7. The collar according to claim 1 , wherein the body has a frustum of a cone shape.8. An anchor kit comprising:a screw type anchor; anda collar comprising a body made of a high strength natural limestone sand based composite and a foam core, the body having a central opening to receive a mounting plate of the screw type anchor.9. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the body has a trapezoidal shape.10. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the body has a cylindrical shape.11. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the body has an octagonal shape.12. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the body has a square shape.13. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the body has a pentagonal shape.14. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the body has a frustum of a cone shape15. The anchor kit according to further comprising an anchor clamp that can be secured to the screw type anchor and is configured to support the collar so that the collar is in a fixed relationship relative to the screw type anchor.16. The anchor kit according to claim 8 , wherein the screw type ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002843A1
Автор: Kemp Timothy Michael

A helical pile including a heat exchanger is described. The pile is formed from a lead section and one or more extension sections. The interior of the lead and extension sections are hollow and form a heat exchanger cavity. At the lower end of the lead section is a helical blade. Rotation of the lead section causes the helical blade to screw into the ground, thus pulling the lead section downward. Extension sections are added to the lead section and the pile is rotated until it is installed to a desired depth. The pile includes an inflow tube extending a predetermined distance into the heat exchanger cavity and an outflow port connected with the heat exchanger cavity. In operation, a heat carrying fluid is pumped into the inflow tube from a heat source or sink, for example, a heat pump for a building heating and cooling system. The fluid exits the tube at a point near the bottom of the heat exchanger cavity. The fluid flows upward through the heat exchange cavity and exchanges heat with the surrounding soil. The fluid flows out through the outflow port and back to the heat source or sink. 1. A helical pile comprising:at least one shaft having a proximal end, a distal end and a cavity extending along at least a portion of the interior of the shaft;at least one helical load bearing plate secured to the shaft;a first tube extending a first predetermined distance into the cavity; anda second tube extending a second predetermined distance into the cavity;wherein the cavity is sealed except for the first tube and the second tube, such that when the helical pile is driven into soil, fluid can be circulated between the first tube, the cavity and the second tube so that heat can be exchanged between the fluid and the soil.2. The helical pile according to claim 1 , wherein the first predetermined distance is adjacent the distal end of the shaft claim 1 , and the second predetermined distance is adjacent the proximal end of the shaft.3. The helical pile according to claim 1 , ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Block Retaining Wall with Micro-Pile Soldier Piles

Номер: US20190003142A1
Принадлежит: H&k Group Inc

A retaining wall system includes a plurality of large mass retaining blocks formed with vertically oriented openings passing therethrough for the installation of micro-pile soldier piles. The retaining blocks can be formed of pre-cast concrete and stacked vertically so that the vertical openings are aligned for the installation of micro-pile soldier piles through the stacked retaining blocks and into the bedrock below the retaining blocks. The micro-pile soldier piles can include a steel casing that is installed through the aligned vertical openings to terminate at the bedrock with grout filling the steel casing except for optional reinforcement. The retaining blocks can be formed with cutout key openings that allow concrete to be inserted to provide a key interlock between adjacent retaining blocks to further stabilize the retaining wall. The retaining wall can also include a row of waler blocks that incorporate a pair of tie-back anchors for each waler block.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003143A1

A pad site and a method for supporting a rig structure, of which the method includes positioning a plurality of piles in a ground of a core operating section of a pad site, and laying a plurality of mats over the pad site. A first portion of the plurality of mats are at least partially supported by the plurality of piles, and a second portion of the plurality of mats are not supported by the plurality of piles. The first portion of the plurality of mats are configured to support a rig structure. 1. A method for supporting a rig structure , comprising:positioning a plurality of piles in a ground of a core operating section of a pad site; andlaying a plurality of mats over the pad site,wherein a first portion of the plurality of mats are at least partially supported by the plurality of piles, and a second portion of the plurality of mats are not supported by the plurality of piles, andwherein the first portion of the plurality of mats are configured to support a rig structure.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a torque claim 1 , a depth claim 1 , or both for positioning the plurality of piles based on one or more characteristics of the ground and one or more characteristics of the rig structure claim 1 , wherein positioning the plurality of piles comprises drilling the plurality of piles into the ground at the determined torque claim 1 , depth claim 1 , or both.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising spreading a layer of gravel over the plurality of mats.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting a height of at least one of the plurality of piles after drilling the at least one of the plurality of piles into the ground.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:supporting the rig structure on the first portion of the plurality of mats at the core operating section of the pad site;drilling a wellbore using the rig structure while the rig structure is supported on the first portion of the plurality of mats;moving the rig ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Pile connection for horizontally fixing an elongated beam for a foundation support system

Номер: US20220010516A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a pile connection for horizontally fixing an elongated beam for a foundation support system. In particular, disclosed is a pile connection including at least one pile sleeve and at least one coupling attaching the at least one pile sleeve to an elongated beam such that a pile within the at least one pile sleeve extends between a top and bottom of the beam. Such a configuration provides a cost-effective, modular, and scalable system that is easily installed and adaptable to a variety of different terrains.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010304A1

A coupler interconnects adjacent sections of soil nail members to extend a length for a soil nail to be installed. The coupler includes a plurality of projections extending from the exterior surface of the coupler. The projections serve multiple purposes. One purpose is to center the soil nail within a drilled hole. Another purpose is to provide mixing for selected amounts of drilled material to remain within the hole, and/or evacuation of drilled material to be removed from the hole. Another purpose is to create a drilled hole with varying diameters in response to different geological layers encountered during drilling. The coupler with projections therefore serves as a secondary drill bit implement. The size of the projections can be altered to selectively enlarge a desired portion of a drilled hole. The invention further includes a soil nail assembly and a method for installing a soil nail assembly including couplers with projections. 1. A coupler especially adapted for use in interconnecting of soil nails , said coupler comprising:a body having a threaded opening formed through the body, said body having a length and a longitudinal axis, said threaded opening extending along said longitudinal axis; anda plurality of projections mounted to an exterior surface of said body, said projections extending radially outward from said longitudinal axis.2. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.3. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections include at least two projections substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.4. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections include at least three projections substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.5. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are made from corresponding sections of solid metallic stock material.6. The coupler ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010305A1

A coupler interconnects adjacent sections of soil nails to extend the lengths of the nails. The coupler includes projections extending from the exterior surface of the coupler. The projections serve multiple purposes. One purpose is to center the soil nail within a drilled hole. 1. A coupler especially adapted for use in interconnecting of soil nails , said coupler comprising:a body having a threaded opening formed through the body, said body having a length and a longitudinal axis, said threaded opening extending along said longitudinal axis;a plurality of projections mounted to an exterior surface of said body, said projections extending radially outward from said longitudinal axis; andat least one port formed in said body and communicating with said threaded opening.2. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.3. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally formed in a casting process.4. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally formed in a forging process.5. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are welded to said exterior surface of said body.6. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are arranged in a helical shape about the exterior surface of said body.7. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said plurality of projections have a frangible joint, wherein said frangible joint breaks at a predetermined stress or torque separating said plurality of projections from said body.8. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:at least one of said plurality of projections has a forward oriented edge especially adapted for cutting or drilling as said coupler is advanced into a hole in the ground.9. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010314A1

A foundation pile comprising a longitudinal through hole () and a plurality of crosswise through holes () transverse to longitudinal through hole () extending between longitudinal through hole () and the outer surface of the pile and optionally further comprising check valves positioned in the crosswise through holes (), configured such that the crosswise through holes () and the check valves allow one-way communication from the inside of the pile to the outside of the pile from longitudinal through hole () to the outer side surfaces of the pile. 1. A foundation pile comprising a longitudinal through hole , characterized in that it comprises a plurality of crosswise through holes transverse to the longitudinal through hole extending between the longitudinal through hole and the outer surface of the pile.2. A foundation pile according to claim 1 , characterized in that the crosswise through holes comprise check valves configured such that the crosswise through holes and the check valves allow one-way communication from the inside of the pile to the outside of the pile from the longitudinal through hole to the outer side surfaces of the pile.3. A foundation pile according to claim 1 , characterized in that a cross-section of the pile comprises two crosswise through holes arranged so as to extend in opposing directions.4. A foundation pile according to claim 3 , characterized in that a cross-section of the pile comprises four crosswise through holes arranged so that each pair extends in opposing directions two by two.5. A foundation pile according to claim 1 , characterized in that it is divided longitudinally into sections that can be coupled together.6. A method of grouting a foundation pile claim 1 , characterized in that a grouting material is injected through a longitudinal through hole in the pile and the grouting material subsequently expands through a plurality of crosswise through holes transverse to longitudinal through hole extending between the longitudinal ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Supports for Helical Piles and Anchors

Номер: US20210010217A1

The present disclosure provides a lateral support for a shaft of a helical pile, the lateral support including a tubular portion for receiving the shaft and a plurality of fins extending from the tubular portion. 1. A lateral support for a shaft of a helical pile , the lateral support comprising:a member having a hollow center portion that can receive the shaft of the helical pile so that the shaft of the helical pile is rotatable within the hollow center portion and independent of the member; anda plurality of fins extending outwardly from the member.2. The lateral support according to claim 1 , wherein the member has a circular cross-section.3. The lateral support according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of fins are permanently attached to the member or integrally formed to the member.4. The lateral support according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of fins are monolithically formed into the member.5. The lateral support according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of fins are substantially flat plates made of steel or galvanized steel.6. The lateral support according to claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of fins has a diagonal corner edge.7. A lateral support for a shaft of a helical pile claim 1 , the lateral support comprising:a tubular member having a hollow center portion that can receive the shaft of the helical pile so that the shaft of the helical pile is rotatable within the hollow center portion and independent of the tubular member; anda plurality of fins extending outwardly from the tubular member.8. The lateral support according to claim 7 , wherein the tubular member has a circular cross-section.9. The lateral support according to claim 7 , wherein each of the plurality of fins are permanently attached to the tubular member or integrally formed to the tubular member.10. The lateral support according to claim 7 , wherein each of the plurality of fins are monolithically formed into the tubular member.11. The lateral ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010219A1
Автор: KIM Kyu Sang

A hydraulic jack expansion-type rotary penetration device for a circular pipe comprises: a rotating head which receives torque from the outside; one or more hollow shafts arranged in series downward along the central axis of the rotating head; shaft-connection socket which interconnect the first hollow shaft which is connected to the rotating head with the remaining adjacent hollow shafts, to thereby transmit the torque of the rotating head; and one or more clamp modules which are installed in the hollow shafts and pressed against the inner surface of the circular pipe by hydraulic pressure generated in the rotating head to thereby generate clamping force. 15. A hydraulic jack expansion-type rotary penetration device for circular pipe for rotating and inserting a circular pipe () , the device comprising:{'b': '20', 'a rotating head () which receives external torque;'}{'b': 30', '20, 'a hollow shaft () arranged in series downward along the central axis of the rotating head ();'}{'b': 40', '30', '20', '30', '30', '20, 'a shaft connection socket () which interconnects the first hollow shaft () which is connected to the rotating head () with the remaining adjacent hollow shafts ( and ), to thereby transfer the torque of the rotating head (); and'}{'b': 50', '30', '5', '20, 'a clamping module () which is installed in the hollow shaft () and pressed against the inner wall of the circular pipe () by hydraulic pressure generated in the rotating head () to thereby generate clamping force.'}220. The hydraulic jack expansion-type rotary penetration device for circular pipe of claim 1 , wherein the rotating head () comprises:{'b': 201', '201, 'a head connecting hollow shaft () having a polygonal insert (A);'}{'b': 202', '201, 'a head housing () mounted above the head connecting hollow shaft ();'}{'b': 203', '202, 'a battery () mounted inside the head housing ();'}{'b': 204', '203, 'a hydraulic pump () electrically connected to and operated by the battery ();'}{'b': 205', '204, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Portable Stake Mounting

Номер: US20190010672A1
Автор: Yackley Robert T.

A stake assembly provides an earth anchor and includes a stake having a longitudinal axis and an upper portion and a lower portion. The stake is attached to a cup having a sidewall defining a closed perimeter and a top wall substantially closing the sidewall, the sidewall having an open bottom end. The stake passes through the top wall with the upper portion above the top wall and the lower portion below the top wall. When the stake is pounded or screwed into the ground the cup captures soil which adds resistance to the stake being removed from the ground. One embodiment has the cup at an oblique angle to the top wall. 1. A stake assembly for providing an earth anchor , comprising:a concave portion arranged facing the earth;a stake portion engaged to the concave portion; andthe concave portion is arranged to capture earth therein when the stake portion is driven into the earth.2. The stake assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the concave portion has a flat top wall and a depending sidewall below the top wall claim 1 , the sidewall enclosing a perimeter and having an open end.3. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the perimeter is circular.4. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stake portion is a helical shaft intended to be screwed into the earth.5. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stake portion is a straight shaft intended to be pounded into the earth.6. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stake portion has a shaft and a stop carried on an upper part of the shaft claim 2 , and the top wall has a hole claim 2 , wherein the hole is sized to allow the shaft to pass through the hole from above but not sized to allow the stop pass through the hole.7. The stake assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the stake portion is a helical shaft intended to be screwed into the earth.8. The stake assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the stake portion is a straight shaft intended to be pounded into the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016893A1
Автор: Miller Dan, Suver Paul

An accessory mounting system a swivel assembly has a swivel member defining first and second swivel member connector portions, a swivel housing, and first and second bearings operatively arranged between the swivel member and the swivel housing. The accessory mounting system operatively connects a helical pile driving system having a rotational drive system and at least one clamp system to an accessory. The first swivel member connector portion is adapted to operatively connect the swivel member to the drive system. The second swivel member connector portion is adapted to operatively connect the swivel member to the accessory. The swivel housing is adapted to engage the at least one clamp system such that the clamp system may be operated to fix a position of the swivel housing relative to the drive system. The first and second bearings are configured to allow rotation of the swivel member relative to the swivel housing. 1. An accessory mounting system for operatively connecting a helical pile driving system comprising a rotational drive system and at least one clamp system to an accessory , the accessory mounting system comprising: a swivel member defining first and second swivel member connector portions,', 'a swivel housing, and', 'first and second bearings operatively arranged between the swivel member and the swivel housing; wherein, 'a swivel assembly comprising'}the first swivel member connector portion is adapted to operatively connect the swivel member to the drive system;the second swivel member connector portion is adapted to operatively connect the swivel member to the accessory;the swivel housing is adapted to engage the at least one clamp system such that the clamp system may be operated to fix a position of the swivel housing relative to the drive system; andthe first and second bearings are configured to allow rotation of the swivel member relative to the swivel housing.2. An accessory mounting system as recited in claim 1 , in which the swivel ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020464A1

A tilt tower and pipe auger anchor assembly comprising a tilt tower having a mast and a swing tube and a coax cable engaging both the mast and the swing tube, the mast has a near end, the near end has a mast flange plate with fastener holes therethrough. A pipe auger anchor has walls defining a generally hollow elongated body having a near end and a removed end, the near end including a pipe auger anchor flange plate mateable with the mast flange plate. The pipe auger anchor flange plate has fastener openings therein and fixedly attached to the near end perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the hollow elongated body and an auger at the removed end. The auger provides a penetration force when the body is rotated and the auger is engaged with the ground. 1. A pipe auger anchor , comprising:a pipe auger anchor, the pipe auger anchor walls defining a generally hollow elongated body having a near end, the near end having a top edge, and the body having a body outer diameter, and a removed end, the near end including a pipe auger anchor flange plate, the pipe auger anchor flange plate fixedly attached to the near end perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the hollow elongated body and an auger at the removed end of the hollow elongated body, the auger adapted to provide a penetration force when the body is rotated and the auger is engaged with the ground, wherein the generally hollow elongated body has at least one coaxial access port in the walls thereof, the coaxial access port having an area;wherein the pipe auger anchor flange plate has an inner diameter just slightly less than the outer diameter of the elongated body and is affixed to the elongated body by dual pin welds.2. The pipe auger anchor of claim 1 , wherein the dual pin welds are full pin welds.3. The pipe auger anchor of claim 1 , wherein an inner weld of the pin welds engages the top edge of the elongated body and walls defining the flange plate inner diameter.4. The pipe auger anchor of claim 3 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Pressure grouted displacement screw piles

Номер: US20210017728A1

A grouting module may include a lower surface configured for connection to a screw pile component, an upper surface configured for connection to an upper hollow pile shaft, a body disposed between the upper surface and the lower surface, and an axial bore through the upper surface and at least a portion of the body. The body may include a flange configured to create an annular space around the upper adapter and one or more flow injection conduits configured for injecting grout received from the upper hollow pile shaft through the axial bore extension into the annular space while the pile is advanced downward into a substrate. Once the final pile tip elevation is reached, the pile extensions above the grouting module are counter-rotated slightly to realign the ports in the grouting module from side to bottom discharge and allow post-grouting of the lead pile extension.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Sealing Arrangement for a Connection Between Two Connecting Elements of an Offshore Structure and Method for Producing Same

Номер: US20210018093A1

Seal arrangement for a joint of two joint elements, in particular realized as a monopile and a transition piece, of an offshore structure, preferably an offshore wind energy installation, in particular a substructure thereof, in which, for the purpose of producing a stable joint, an upper joint element and a lower joint element are inserted into each other in a clamping manner by means of at least one seal unit, comprising one of the joint elements and the at least one seal unit fixed to the joint element, in such a manner that the seal unit, in a joining position, is arranged between an inner joint surface of one joint element and an outer joint surface of the other joint element, at least one seal unit having at least one elastic sealing element, which extends in the circumferential direction around the entire circumference and the thickness (D) of which is greater than the thickness (D′) of an adjoining seal unit region and method for producing a seal arrangement. 1. (canceled)225.-. (canceled)26. Seal arrangement for a joint of two joint elements , in particular realized as a monopile and a transition piece , of an offshore structure , preferably an offshore wind energy installation , in particular a substructure thereof , in which , for the purpose of producing a stable joint , an upper joint element and a lower joint element are inserted into each other clamping at least one seal unit , comprising one of the joint elements and the at least one seal unit fixed to the joint element , the at least one seal unit being fixed to the joint element in such a manner that the seal unit , in a joining position , is arranged between an inner joint surface of one joint element and an outer joint surface of the other joint element , the at least one seal unit being load-bearing , such that said seal unit distances the joint elements in the joining position from each other and supports the upper joint element , at least one seal unit having at least one elastic sealing ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160024739A1
Автор: Kelleher Stephen

A ground mounting assembly, system and methods for ground mounting a structure include one or a plurality of posts, each of which are attached to at least one stabilizing plate. The posts may be at least partially positioned underground, with the stabilizing plates being buried to a depth of for example, about 1 foot. Posts in a front portion of the mounting assembly optionally may be connected to an adjacent one of posts in a back portion of the assembly by a cross member. A ground mounted post that is driven them lifted to deploy uplift members. A ground mounting system based on a double pounder pile driven mono pole is also described. 1. A ground mounted structure , comprising:a ground mounting pole having a proximal end extending from the ground, and a distal end driven into the ground, wherein the ground mounted structure comprises a double pounder pile driven mono pole comprising an elongate hollow pole, said elongate hollow pole being open at its proximal end to accommodate a plunger, and capped at its distal end, and having a follower mounted to the cap within the hollow, said mono pole further having at least one stabilizing element extendable from the pole and locked in place.2. The ground mounted structure of claim 1 , characterized by one or more of the following features:(a) further including one or more ground stabilizing elements affixed to the mono pole above ground for resistance to the plunger strikes;(b) wherein the cap is shaped as a pyramid;(c) wherein said pole is square in cross-section.(d) wherein said at least one stabilizing element adjacent the pole distal end comprises a flat plate shaped structure extending through a slot in a wall of the mono pole, and(e) wherein said at least one stabilizing element adjacent the pole distal end comprises a flat plate shaped structure extending through a slot in a wall of the mono pole, adjacent the distal end thereof.3. The ground mounted structure of claim 2 , characterized by one or both of the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022699A1
Автор: LIM Matakii OGoshi

The invention relates to a system for erecting a building structure, the system comprising a foundation for receiving the building structure, and a plurality of inner and outer walls, roof and floor panels, the panels being adapted to engage each other for defining at least one story of the building structure, wherein the foundation comprises a first section and a second section, the first section being adapted to bear the load of the building structure and the second section being adapted to provide access to the interiors of the building structure. 1151.-. (canceled)152. A panel for defining a wall structure , the panel having a lower end adapted to be mounted on a foundation , and an upper end adapted to receive a roof structure , the panel comprising first and second outer layers , and an inner core , the core comprising a plurality of holes adapted for receiving fastening means for securing another panel to the panel to define a wall structure , wherein the holes are located at the upper end and at the lower end of the panel , and wherein the fastening means comprises clips having a plurality of legs for fastening the panel to the other panel.153. A panel according to wherein the holes comprise recesses adapted to receive the legs of the clips for fastening of the panel and the other panel together claim 152 , wherein the holes extend from the lower end of the panel to the upper end of the panel claim 152 , defining conduits that extend longitudinally along the panel claim 152 , and wherein the conduits are adapted to receive conductors and piping.154. A panel according to wherein the panel comprises a first side and a second side claim 152 , each side adapted to receive one other panel claim 152 , wherein the first side comprises a longitudinal indentation adapted to receive a longitudinal protrusion of the other panel claim 152 , and wherein the indentation comprises a nine-face groove element155. A panel according to wherein the second side comprises a ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to pile foundations

Номер: US20220042268A1
Принадлежит: Keltbray Ltd

A pile ( 270 ) within a bore ( 110 ) comprises a column ( 250 ). The column ( 250 ) comprises a stack of a plurality of pile sections ( 300 ) arranged end-to-end within the bore ( 110 ). There is a cured material ( 260 ) between at least a part of an outside surface of the column ( 250 ) and the surface of the bore ( 110 ). The cured material, for example grout, may be provided through channels in the pile sections.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042269A1
Принадлежит: GIKEN LTD.

Provided are a pile press-in device and a pile press-in method that allow an efficient construction even when electrically powered devices and hydraulic devices coexist in order to give drive members a driving force. A pile press-in device () comprises a chuck () for gripping and rotating a pile () in order to press the pile () into a ground while rotating the pile (). The pile press-in device () causes electric motors () corresponding to the electrically powered device of the invention to give the chuck () a driving force for the rotation. The chuck () is moved up and down by lift cylinders () which are hydraulically powered hydraulic devices. An integrated control board () controls the electric motors () and the lift cylinders () in an interlocked manner. 1. A pile press-in device for pressing a pile into a ground while rotating the pile , the pile press-in device comprising:a rotation device for gripping and rotating the pile;an electrically powered device for acting on the rotation device to give the rotation device a driving force for a rotation;a hydraulic device as a lift for moving the rotation device up and down; anda controller for controlling the electrically powered device and the hydraulic device in an interlocked manner.2. The pile press-in device according to claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the up-and-down movement of the rotation device caused by the lift claim 1 , based on a rotation output of the electrically powered device at a time of press-in of the pile gripped by the rotation device.3. The pile press-in device according to claim 2 , wherein the rotation output is calculated based on an inverter command issued to the electrically powered device.4. The pile press-in device according to claim 2 , wherein the controller causes the lift to stop lowering the rotation device when the rotation output of the electrically powered device reaches a prescribed value.5. The pile press-in device according to any one of claim 2 , wherein the ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140112722A1
Автор: Chin Michael Gregory

There is provided an apparatus for securing a hollow pile in the ground. The pile has a wall with an inner surface. The apparatus is positionable within the pile. The apparatus includes a housing having an interior and a plurality of apertures. The apparatus includes a plurality of spaced-apart protrusions slidably extending through the apertures of the housing. The protrusions are moveable outwards from the housing for selectively deforming portions of the wall of the pile and creating anchor knobs in the pile upon pressurized hydraulic fluid being applied to the interior of the housing. The apparatus includes a plurality of support members extending outwardly from the housing. The support members are shaped to selectively abut and support the inner surface of the wall of the pile when the anchor knobs are being formed. 1. An apparatus for securing a hollow pile in the ground , the pile having a wall with an inner surface , the apparatus being positionable within the pile and comprising:a housing having an interior and a plurality of apertures;a plurality of spaced-apart protrusions slidably extending through the apertures of the housing, the protrusions being moveable outwards from the housing for selectively deforming portions of the wall of the pile and creating anchor knobs in the pile upon pressurized hydraulic fluid being applied to the interior of the housing; anda plurality of support members extending outwardly from the housing and shaped to selectively abut and support the inner surface of the wall of the pile when the anchor knobs are being formed.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , the pile being tubular claim 1 , and wherein the apertures of the housing are circumferentially spaced-apart claim 1 , the protrusions radially extend outwards and are circumferentially spaced-apart claim 1 , and the support members are circumferentially spaced-apart and have outer surfaces that are arcuate-shaped.3. The apparatus as claimed in wherein the support ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030041A1
Принадлежит: CMI LIMITED CO.

Improved systems, apparatus and methods for construction of slurry walls are provided. A sheet piling barrier is installed into a slurry wall construction to provide improved fluid barrier capability and/or structural integrity. A void creation device allows removal of cementitious material from around the engagement lock element of an installed sheet piling member to prevent interference with engagement of the engagement lock element of a subsequently installed sheet piling member after hardening of the slurry wall. 1. A wall system comprising:a slurry wall comprising a cementitious material; andat least one sheet piling element comprising a top, a bottom, a leading edge, and a trailing edge, wherein the at least one sheet piling is at least partially embedded in the slurry wall.2. The wall construction of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of sheet piling elements are installed into the cementitious mixture in a connected array claim 1 , the connected array being linked by cooperating lock engagement features on the leading and trailing edges of the sheet pilings.3. The wall construction of claim 1 , wherein the slurry wall is formed in a trench below ground surface.4. The wall construction of claim 1 , wherein the sheet piling element comprises a polymeric material.5. A method of constructing a slurry wall having a sheet piling barrier at least partially embedded within the slurry wall claim 1 , the method comprising:excavating a trench;depositing a cementitious slurry within the trench; andinstalling at least one sheet piling into the trench, the at least one sheet piling comprising a leading edge and a trailing edge, wherein the at least one sheet piling is at least partially embedded in the cementitious slurry.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the cementitious slurry mixture is deposited within the trench before the at least one sheet piling is installed into the trench.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the at least one sheet piling is installed into the trench ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Portable Stake Mounting

Номер: US20160032551A1
Автор: Yackley Robert T.

A stake assembly provides an earth anchor and includes a stake having a longitudinal axis and an upper portion and a lower portion. The stake is attached to a cup having a sidewall defining a closed perimeter and a top wall substantially closing the sidewall, the sidewall having an open bottom end. The stake passes through the top wall with the upper portion above the top wall and the lower portion below the top wall. When the stake is pounded or screwed into the ground the cup captures soil which adds resistance to the stake being removed from the ground. One embodiment has the cup at an oblique angle to to the top wall. 1. A stake assembly for providing an earth anchor , comprising:a concave portion arranged facing the earth;a stake portion engaged to the concave portion; andthe concave portion is arranged to capture earth therein when the stake portion is driven into the earth.2. The stake assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the concave portion has a flat top wall and a depending sidewall below the top wall claim 1 , the sidewall enclosing a perimeter and having an open end.3. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the perimeter is circular.4. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stake portion is a helical shaft intended to be screwed into the earth.5. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stake portion is a straight shaft intended to be pounded into the earth.6. The stake assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the stake portion has a shaft and a stop carried on an upper part of the shaft claim 2 , and the top wall has a hole claim 2 , wherein the hole is sized to allow the shaft to pass through the hole from above but not sized to allow the stop pass through the hole.7. The stake assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the stake portion is a helical shaft intended to be screwed into the earth.8. The stake assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the stake portion is a straight shaft intended to be pounded into the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030681A1
Автор: Stroyer Benjamin G.

A pile includes a first pile section having a first end that engages a supporting medium and an opposing second end. A first end of a second pile section is engageable with the second end of the first pile section, each of the first and second pile sections having mating end fittings that create an interlocking fit. A sleeve overlays the first and second engaged ends of the first and second pile sections. At least one through hole aligned with at least one corresponding through hole of the first pile section is sized for receiving a fastener for securing the sleeve to the first pile section. In another version, the ends of the pile section are engaged in contact while the overlaying sleeve has a pair of interlocking sleeve or coupler portions that are configured to provide torsional resistance. Additional pile sections can be sequentially attached to the second pile section. 1. A pile comprising:a first pile section defined by a first end that is configured for engaging a supporting medium and an opposing second end;a second pile section having a first end engageable with the second end of the first pile section, each of the first and second pile sections having mating end fittings that create an interlocking fit; anda sleeve sized to overlay the first and second engaged ends of the first and second pile sections, the sleeve having at least one through hole aligned with at least one corresponding through hole of the first pile section, the at least one through hole being sized for receiving a fastener for securing the sleeve to the first pile section.2. The pile as recited in claim 1 , wherein the mating end fittings are defined by irregular cuts in the circumference of the pile section ends claim 1 , such that the irregular cuts of the first pile section match those of the second pile section to create the interlocking fit with one another.3. The pile as recited in claim 1 , in which the sleeve is secured to the second pile section.4. The pile as recited in claim 3 ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049448A1

The invention relates to a method and a device for producing an injection anchor in the ground, wherein a bore is created in the ground, a hardening material for forming the anchor foot is injected by means of an injection member at least in a partial region of the bore, and after partial, not yet complete, hardening of the material a post-grouting medium is introduced under pressure in a region of the anchor foot via a post-grouting member, by which medium the not yet completely hardened anchor foot is broken up. According to the invention, provision is made for an automatic post-grouting machine to be connected to the post-grouting member, by which machine the post-grouting medium for breaking up the not yet hardened anchor foot is automatically introduced into the post-grouting member at a freely specifiable time. 1. A Method for producing an injection anchor in the ground ,{'claim-text': ['a bore is created in the ground,', 'a hardening material for forming an anchor foot is injected by means of an injection member at least in a partial region of the bore, and', 'after partial, not yet complete, hardening of the material a post-grouting medium is introduced under pressure into a region of the anchor foot via a post-grouting member, by which medium the not yet completely hardened anchor foot is broken up,'], '#text': 'wherein'}whereinan automatic post-grouting machine is connected to the post-grouting member, by which machine the post-grouting medium for breaking up the not yet hardened anchor foot is automatically introduced into the post-grouting member at a freely specifiable time.2. The method according to claim 1 ,whereinthe post-grouting medium is a liquid, in particular water, or a gas, in particular compressed air, by which the anchor foot is broken up, anda hardenable medium is introduced temporally spaced into the broken-up anchor foot.3. The method according to claim 1 ,whereina hardenable medium is used as post-grouting medium, in particular the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140119838A1
Автор: Perko Howard A.

An elevated equipment assembly includes operating equipment situated atop a platform above grade. Piles are installed into the ground with free ends thereof extending above grade, and pile caps are coupled to the free ends of the piles. Each pile cap includes a cap plate disposed in a generally horizontal orientation. A platform is situated atop the pile caps and includes two longitudinally-extending structural beams and cross beams spanning between the two structural beams. Attachment members are secured to and extend outwardly from the outboard side of each structural beam. Each attachment member includes a generally flat attachment plate disposed in a generally horizontal orientation and secured to a cap plate of a pile cap. 1. An elevated equipment assembly , comprising:a plurality of piles installed into the ground with free ends thereof extending above grade,a plurality of pile caps coupled to the free ends, each pile cap including a cap plate disposed in a generally horizontal orientation, two longitudinally-extending structural beams spaced apart and oriented generally parallel with one another, a plurality of cross beams spanning between the two structural beams, the structural beams each having an inboard side and an outboard side, the inboard side of each structural beam facing the inboard side of the other structural beam and the cross beams secured to the inboard side of each structural beam, and', 'a plurality of attachment members secured to and extending outwardly from the outboard side of each structural beam, each attachment member including a generally flat attachment plate disposed in a generally horizontal orientation and secured to a cap plate of a pile cap, and, 'a platform situated atop the pile caps and includingoperating equipment supported atop the platform.2. The elevated equipment assembly of claim 1 , wherein the structural beams each include a lower surface that defines a lower plane of the platform and the attachment plates are ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036858A1
Автор: Southworth Patrick
Принадлежит: ALLIED STEEL

This patent pertains to secondary containment systems. One implementation includes a support assembly that includes an elongate post member and a stabilization plate. In one instance, a stabilization plate is mounted on the elongate post member to reduce movement of the elongate post member when the stabilization plate is embedded in the ground. Another implementation includes a panel splice assembly including reinforcing members that secure overlapping, corrugated panels. 1. A support assembly comprising:an elongate post member having first and second major surfaces that are generally parallel;a first stabilization plate secured against the first major surface proximate a first end of the elongate post member, the first stabilization plate being generally planar and extending generally parallel to the first major surface; and a first generally planar portion extending generally parallel to the second major surface, a top edge of the first generally planar portion positioned against the elongate post member and the top edge orthogonal to the elongate post member, the top edge being furthest from the first end of the elongate post member, and', 'a second generally planar portion that extends from the top edge of the first generally planar portion, is orthogonal to the first generally planar portion, and extends from the second major surface past the first major surface., 'a second stabilization plate secured against the second major surface at a location that is farther from the first end than the first stabilization plate, but is closer to the first end of the elongate post member than a second opposite end of the elongate post member, wherein the second stabilization plate includes2. The support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second generally planar portion extends past the first major surface by a distance that is equal to or greater than a width of the elongate post member as measured between the first and second major surfaces.3. The support assembly of claim ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Anchor device

Номер: US20150040491A1
Автор: Joshua W. FRANK

A portable secure anchor device may comprise a shaft having a proximal end, a distal end having a helical surface located at the distal end, and a housing which rotatably receives the proximal end of the shaft. The housing may include a locking mechanism in communication with an internal engagement mechanism connected to the proximal end of the shaft. The locking mechanism may have two or more positions, which either locks the internal engagement mechanism and allows the anchor device to be inserted or removed from the ground, or allows the engagement mechanism to freely spin and not be able to remove the anchor device from the ground.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037590A1

A self-aligning and torque transmitting coupler assembly includes an outer coupler coupled to a first shaft of and an inner coupler coupled to a second shaft. The outer coupler comprises an inner surface having primary and secondary alignment and torque transmitting features, and the inner coupler comprises an outer surface having primary and secondary alignment features. The primary and secondary alignment features are configured to interlock and facilitate alignment of the first and second shafts along a common axis in an exemplary application of a foundation support system. 113-. (canceled)14. A shaft assembly comprising:a first shaft comprising a first distal end;a second shaft comprising a second distal end;an outer coupler extending on the first distal end, the outer coupler formed with at least a first alignment feature comprising a projection or a groove; andan inner coupler extending on the second distal end, the inner coupler comprising at least a second alignment feature that is configured to engage the at least one first alignment feature;wherein when the inner coupler and the outer coupler are partly mated and one of the inner coupler and outer coupler is rotated relative to the other of the inner coupler and the outer coupler, the first alignment feature is self-aligning with the second alignment feature; andwherein when the first alignment feature and the second alignment feature are aligned and mated, the inner coupler and the outer coupler are rotationally interlocked with one another to facilitate torque transmission from the first shaft to the second shaft without utilizing a fastener hole in either of the first shaft or the second shaft.15. The shaft assembly in accordance with claim 14 , wherein the first axial alignment feature comprises at least one groove defined on a round inner surface of the outer coupler claim 14 , and wherein the second axial alignment feature comprises at least one rib extending from a round outer surface of the inner ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Device for a Pile, which Can Be Anchored in the Bottom of a Lake or the Sea and/or the Ground

Номер: US20150050090A1
Автор: Kahlman Sture

A device for a pile anchorable in the bottom of a lake or sea and/or in the ground and of the screw- and/or push-type. The device includes a force-transmitting part arranged at an upper portion of a front tubular part of the pile. The force-transmitting part includes either a disk-shaped part with a substantially vertically extending flange directed toward the front tubular part, or a threaded portion along the pile that includes at least approximately one turn around and a cylinder-shaped part extending in a longitudinal direction of the threaded portion and completely around the threaded portion. The front tubular part includes apertures for debouching water and air from the upper portion. The force-transmitting part enables transmitting downwardly directed axial forces and laterally directed horizontal forces to the bottom or ground. 110.-. (canceled)11. A device for a pile anchorable in a lake- or sea-bottom or a ground and of a screw- or push-type , the device comprising: either a disk-shaped part with a substantially vertically extending flange directed toward the front part, or', 'a threaded portion along the pile that has at least approximately one turn of thread around the pile, with a cylinder-shaped part extending in a longitudinal direction of the thread and completely around the thread,, 'a force-transmitting part arranged at an upper portion of a front tubular part of the pile, the force-transmitting part comprisingwherein the upper portion of the front tubular part includes a number of apertures for debouching water or air, and the force-transmitting part is configured for transmitting downwardly directed axial forces and laterally directed horizontal forces to the lake- or sea-bottom or ground.12. The device of claim 11 , wherein the force-transmitting part comprises the threaded portion claim 11 , at least a front portion of the front tubular part has a number of threads claim 11 , and threads of the front portion have a pitch that is the same as ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064892A1

In a machine for driving screw anchors and other foundation components, a desired embedment depth is calculated based on a minimum required embedment depth, work point height and length of available upper leg sections. Once calculated, the machine automatically drives the screw anchor to the depth so that one of the available upper leg lengths will fit between the driven screw anchor and apex truss hardware. If a secondary condition is satisfied that guarantees sufficient pull-out strength, a new upper leg length may be selected and the driving operation terminated prior to reaching the desired embedment depth, reducing the amount of material necessary to construct the truss foundation.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064893A1

In a machine for driving screw anchors and other foundation components, a desired embedment depth is calculated based on a minimum required embedment depth, work point height and length of available upper leg sections. Once calculated, the machine automatically drives the screw anchor to the depth so that one of the available upper leg lengths will fit between the driven screw anchor and apex truss hardware. If uplift is detected during driving, the machine will add additional embedment depth. In-situ validation of driven screw anchors may be performed after the embedment depth is reached.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048855A1

Soil displacement piles having a shaft and one or more soil displacement assemblies secured to the shaft are provided. If more than one soil displacement assembly is utilized, each soil displacement assembly is separated by a longitudinal distance. Each soil displacement assembly has an upper helical plate, a lower helical plate and separated from the upper helical plate by a longitudinal plate distance, and at least one soil displacement plate positioned relative to the shaft, the upper helical plate and the lower helical plate. 1. A soil displacement pile for forming a composite pile column , the soil displacement pile comprising: a lead shaft; and', 'at least one lead soil displacement assembly attached at least partially to the lead shaft, the at least one lead soil displacement assembly including:', 'an upper helical plate having a central opening defining an inner edge portion and an outer edge portion;', 'a lower helical plate having a central opening defining an inner edge portion and an outer edge portion, the lower helical plate being independent of the upper helical plate and spaced a predefined distance from the upper helical plate along a longitudinal axis of the soil displacement assembly; and', 'a curved soil displacement plate having a first edge portion attached to the upper helical plate and a second edge portion attached to the lower helical plate such that a convex surface of the curved soil displacement plate forming a soil contacting surface extends from the inner edge portions of the upper helical plate and the lower helical plate to the outer edge portions of the upper helical plate and the lower helical plate, and such that the convex surface is oriented to contact soil when the soil displacement assembly is driven into the soil to displace the soil from the inner edge portions of the upper helical plate and the lower helical plate toward the outer edge portions of the upper helical plate and the lower helical plate so as to create a cavity ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060838A1

A reinforced helical pile system suitable for use in seismically active areas incorporates steel fibers in the grout and a fiber reinforced polymer sleeve (casing). A low-friction driving assembly and low-friction sleeve couplings enable the sleeve to be drawn into the soil substantially without rotation, reducing power consumption and preserving the integrity of the casing. 1. An apparatus for installing a cased helical pile in soil , the pile including a segmented shaft having a screw near one end thereof followed axially by a radially outwardly projecting soil displacing member , and a segmented casing including a plurality of serially arranged , cylindrical sleeves surrounding the shaft , the apparatus comprising: a rotatable head having a central opening adapted to receive and engage the shaft, and', 'a low-friction, axially facing, annular drive seat surrounding the central opening and adapted to abut an end of a sleeve and allow the head to rotate relative to the sleeve as the sleeve is drawn into the soil; and, 'a driving assembly including,'}at least one cylindrical sleeve coupling, each sleeve coupling adapted to surround the shaft and join a pair of adjacent sleeves, each sleeve coupling including two axially opposed, low-friction, annular coupling seats, each of the coupling seats adapted to abut an end of one of the pair of adjacent sleeves and allow the sleeve coupling to rotate relative to the pair of adjacent sleeves.2. Apparatus for installing a cased helical pile according to claim 1 , wherein the rotatable head comprises a cap having an annular end wall and an annular side wall extending therefrom claim 1 , and the annular drive seat comprises a self-lubricating washer in the cap abutting the end wall and a metallic washer abutting the self-lubricating washer and adapted to abut an end of a sleeve.3. Apparatus for installing a cased helical pile according to claim 2 , wherein the self-lubricating washer is made of Teflon claim 2 , and the metallic ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061353A1

A method of installing a plurality of pin piles into a seabed including at least the steps of: (a) lowering a pin pile apparatus comprising a first pin pile and an attached clump weight towards the seabed; (b) allowing the first pin pile to self-penetrate the seabed based on self-weight of the pin pile apparatus and the momentum from step (a) until the clump weight reaches the sea bed; (c) disconnecting the clump weight from the first pin pile; and (d) recovering the clump weight for use with a second pin pile and repeating steps (a)-(c). In this way, the pin piles are easily installed from their descent to the seabed with the clump weight, which can then be removed and applied to the next pin pile in an easy and repeatable operation without requiring a suction apparatus or hammer or drill. 1. A method of installing a plurality of pin piles into a seabed comprising at least the steps of:(a) lowering a pin pile apparatus comprising a first pin pile and an attached clump weight towards the seabed;(b) allowing the first pin pile to self-penetrate the seabed based on self-weight of the pin pile apparatus and the momentum from step (a) until the clump weight reaches the sea bed;(c) disconnecting the clump weight from the first pin pile; and(d) recovering the clump weight for use with a second pin pile and repeating steps (a)-(c).2. A method as claimed in wherein the pin pile apparatus is lowered towards the sea bed based on one or more winches and gravity.3. A method as claimed in wherein the clump weight is recovered to a sea surface prior to repeating steps (a)-(c).4. A method as claimed in wherein the clump weight is attached to the pin pile comprising a collar and one or more lateral bolts claim 1 , and wherein step (c) comprises moving the one or more bolts from an attachment position to a release position.5. A pin pile apparatus for executing the method of comprising a hollow or solid pin pile and a separable and reusable clump weight.6. A pin pile apparatus as ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063923A1

The present invention relates to a quick coupling for pipe pile, comprising an upper end plate, a lower end plate and a screw hook made of spring steel for coupling the upper and lower end plate, a plurality of tapped holes are uniformly provided on the upper end plate, a plurality of holes corresponding to the tapped holes are provided on the lower end plate, a lock hole is positioned at the lower portion of the hole, while the cross-section area of the lock hole is bigger than the cross-section area of the hole. One end of the screw hook is provided with a screw end mating with the tapped hole on the upper end plate, while the other end is provided with a hook end mating with the lock hole on the lower end plate, whereby the upper and lower end plate can be coupled firmly. 1. A quick coupling for pipe pile , comprising an upper end plate , a lower end plate and a screw hook coupling the upper and lower end plates; A plurality of tapped holes are uniformly provided on the upper end plate , and a plurality of holes corresponding to the tapped holes are provided on the lower end plate; The screw hook have two ends , one end is a screw end mating with the tapped hole on the upper end plate , while the other end is a hook end mating with the holes on the lower end plate;the quick coupling configured to couple an upper pile and a lower pile, the upper end plate is fixed onto the lower end surface of the upper pile, the lower end plate is fixed onto the upper end surface of the lower pile, the upper endplate and the lower end plate have identical cross-sections to the cross-section of the piles, the screw end is secured to the tapped hole on the upper end plate, and then the hook end is inserted into the hole on the lower end plate, whereby the upper and lower end plates can be coupled firmly.2. (canceled)3. The quick coupling for pipe pile according to claim 1 , wherein an end surface of the hook end is arc-shaped.4. The quick coupling for pipe pile according to claim 1 ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056343A1

The present disclosure provides helical ground anchors or piles designed to cut through rock. The helical ground anchors have a shaft, one or more helical plates attached to the shaft and at least one cutting tip attached to the distal end of the shaft in order to make a first cut through rock along the axis of rotation of the shaft. The distal end of the shaft is tapered and the at least one cutting tip can be attached to the longer end of the shaft. The helical shaped plates are attached to the shaft at a distance above the at least one cutting tip. 1. A lead for a helical pile , the lead comprising:a shaft having an end portion and a head portion, wherein a distal end of the end portion of the shaft is tapered, and wherein the head portion is configured to connect to a helical pile extension or a pile drive system;at least one load bearing helical plate attached at the end portion of the shaft;a first cutting tip secured to a long end of the tapered distal end of the end portion; anda second cutting tip secured to a short end of the tapered distal end of the end portion.2. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the first cutting tip comprises a mounting portion secured to the long end of the tapered distal end claim 1 , and a cutting body having a cutting bit extending beyond the long end of the tapered distal end claim 1 , and wherein second cutting tip comprises a mounting portion secured to the short end of the tapered distal end claim 1 , and a cutting body having a cutting bit extending beyond the short end of the tapered distal end.3. The lead according to claim 2 , wherein the cutting bit of the first cutting tip and the cutting bit of the second cutting tip are offset.4. The lead according to claim 2 , wherein the cutting bit of the first cutting tip and the cutting bit of the second cutting tip are made at least in part of impregnated carbide steel.5. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one load bearing helical plate attached at the end ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150071712A1

A coupling assembly for connecting first and second members of a helical pile system. A coupling member has a first opening at a first end and a second opening at a second end. A hollow protrusion extends outwardly from and axially along the outer surface of the coupling member. A fastener opening is disposed in the coupling member. A first member is fixedly receivable by the first opening of the coupling member. A second member has a rib disposed on an outer surface. The rib is receivable by the protrusion when the second member is received by the second opening of the coupling member. A fastener is receivable in the fastener opening. The fastener prevents withdrawal of the second member after being inserted in the coupling member. 1. A coupling assembly for a helical pile system , comprising:a coupling member having a first opening at a first end and a second opening at a second end;a hollow protrusion extending radially outwardly from and axially along said outer surface of said coupling member;a fastener opening in said coupling member;a first member fixedly receivable by said first opening of said coupling member;a second member having a rib disposed on an outer surface, said rib being receivable by said protrusion when said second member is received by said second opening of said coupling member; anda fastener receivable in said fastener opening, said fastener preventing removal of said second member after being inserted in said coupling member.2. The coupling assembly according to claim 1 , whereina first inner shoulder of said coupling member limits insertion of said first member.3. The coupling assembly according to claim 2 , whereina second inner shoulder of said coupling member limits insertion of said second member.4. The coupling assembly according to claim 1 , whereinsaid first and second members are hollow.5. The coupling assembly according to claim 1 , whereinan outer end of said fastener is substantially flush with said outer surface of said ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071381A1

A modular foundation support system includes modular foundation support components including self-aligning and torque transmitting coupler features wherein a plurality of axially elongated ribs are aligned with a plurality of axially elongated ribs to rotationally interlocke the modular foundation support components to one another. 143-. (canceled)44. A modular foundation support system , comprising:a first modular foundation support component comprising a first steel shaft having a predetermined axial length required to support a building foundation, the steel shaft having a first distal end with a first outer surface that is at least partially rounded and at least two spaced apart ribs extending outwardly from the first outer surface; anda second modular foundation support component comprising a second steel shaft having a predetermined axial length required to support the building foundation in combination with the first modular support component, the second modular foundation support component having a second distal end with a second inner surface that is at least partially rounded, and at least two spaced apart grooves depending inwardly from the second inner surface;wherein when the first outer surface is inserted into the second inner surface the at least two ribs are received in the at least two grooves to establish a rotationally interlocked mechanical connection between the first and second foundation support components while the first and second foundation support components are being driven into the ground proximate the building foundation with a predetermined coupled shaft length.45. The modular foundation support system in accordance with claim 44 , further comprising a first fastener hole formed in the first distal end and a second fastener hole formed in the second distal end claim 44 , wherein when the at least two ribs are mated with the at least two grooves claim 44 , the first and second fastener holes are self-aligning with one another to ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Earth anchor method and apparatus

Номер: US20160076215A1
Автор: Peter V. Schwartz
Принадлежит: Individual

An improved earth anchor includes modifications allowing it to be driven more accurately into hard or clay-rich soil. Methods of manufacture, use, and devices are described.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073487A1

A wind power installation foundation having a cylindrical central unit, a plurality of steel carriers which are arranged radially around the central unit and which respectively have a first and a second end, and a plurality of foundation piles. The first ends of the steel carriers are fixed to the central unit so that the second ends of the steel carriers are in the form of free ends. The second free ends of the steel carriers are respectively placed on one of the foundation piles. 1. A wind power installation foundation , comprising:a cylindrical central unit;a plurality of steel carriers arranged radially around the central unit and having first and second ends, respectively, wherein the first ends of the plurality of steel carriers are fixed to the central unit and the second ends of the steel carriers are free ends;a plurality of foundation piles, wherein the second free ends of the steel carriers are respectively placed on the plurality of foundation piles; anda plurality of precast concrete parts between adjacent steel carriers so that the precast concrete parts and the adjacent steel carriers, respectively, form a trough configured to be filled with at least one of: concrete, gravel or earth.2. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of leveling plates arranged on the plurality of foundation piles and after suitable leveling, receive the second free ends of the plurality of steel carriers.3. (canceled)4. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in wherein the central unit has a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein a lower pylon segment of a wind power installation or a pylon section is configured to be placed on the second end of the central unit.5. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in wherein the plurality of steel carriers have reinforcing struts in a region of the second ends.6. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in further comprising a plurality ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071835A1
Принадлежит: Proferro NV

A tip is described for attachment to a bottom end of a foundation pile. The tip comprises a cast iron tip body and an element partially molded into the cast iron tip body. A foundation pile assembly comprises such a tip. A method for manufacturing is provided for such a tip. 115.-. (canceled)16. A tip , for attachment to a bottom end of a foundation pile , wherein the tip comprises a cast iron tip body , wherein the tip further comprises an element partially molded into the cast iron tip body.17. A tip according to claim 16 , wherein:the tip extends axially from a top attachment side for the attachment of the foundation pile to an opposite bottom tip side along a central longitudinal axis;the cast iron tip body also extends axially along the central longitudinal axis of the tip, from a top end to a bottom end; andthe element partially molded into the cast iron tip body also extends axially along the central longitudinal axis of the tip, from an external end toward a molded end.18. A tip according to claim 16 , wherein the element partially molded into the cast iron tip body:comprises a molded part which extends into the cast iron tip body and is enveloped by the cast iron of the cast iron tip body; andcomprises an external part which extends outside the cast iron tip body.19. A tip according to claim 16 , wherein the element partially molded into the cast iron tip body consists of a material having a higher melting point than the cast iron of the cast iron tip body.20. A tip according to claim 18 , wherein the molded part comprises the following:one or more openings, recesses and/or protrusions which at least partially extend radially; and/orone or more openings, recesses and/or protrusions which at least partially extend axially, eccentrically with respect to the central longitudinal axis.21. A tip according to claim 16 , wherein the tip is configured for attachment to a steel foundation pile by means of a welded joint claim 16 , wherein the element partially ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Expanding foundation components and related systems and methods

Номер: US20200071901A1

A foundation component having an elongated shaft with a below-ground end and an opposing above-ground end. The foundation component is installed by sleeving it over a mandrel and applying downward force to the mandrel to insert the component and mandrel into underlying soil. Proximate to the underground end, the shaft has one or more crumple zones formed along its length. When the mandrel is rotated to a locked position and upward force is applied while bracing the above-ground end of the component, one or more of the crumple zones expand transversely into the soil, depending on the soil's density, thereby increasing the component's bearing capacity and resistance to pull out. 1. An expanding foundation member comprising:an elongated open shaft having a first end and an opposing second end; andat least one crumple zone, proximate to the first end, wherein after the member is driven into a supporting medium, compression of the first end towards the second end causes the shaft to deform at the at least one crumple zone.2. The expanding foundation member according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one crumple zone comprises adjacent openings in the surface of the shaft claim 1 , each opening beginning at a common distance from the first end and extending a uniform distance along the shaft.3. The expanding foundation member according to claim 2 , further comprising transverse crumple lines proximate to the beginning and end of each opening and connecting each adjacent opening at an approximate midpoint claim 2 , wherein compression of the first end of the shaft towards the second end causes the member to deform orthogonally about the crumple lines thereby widening a cross section of the foundation member.4. The expanding foundation member according to claim 3 , wherein causing the member to deform at the crumple zone comprises causing it fold substantially about the plurality of crumple lines.5. The expanding foundation member according to claim 1 , further comprising a ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Integrated Pile Anchor Reinforcement Systems

Номер: US20200071902A1
Автор: Safaqah Osama Abu

A pile anchor reinforcing system includes a pile anchor having an end penetrating a seafloor, and a reinforcing pile penetrating the seafloor past the end of the pile anchor and being operatively coupled to the pile anchor to reinforce the pile anchor against lateral and vertical loading. 1. A pile anchor reinforcing system , comprising:a pile anchor having an end penetrating a seafloor; anda reinforcing pile penetrating the seafloor past the end of the pile anchor and operatively coupled to the pile anchor to reinforce the pile anchor against lateral loading.2. The pile anchor reinforcing system of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing pile comprises an elongated claim 1 , cylindrical structure having a cross-sectional shape selected from the group consisting of circular claim 1 , elliptical claim 1 , ovoid claim 1 , polygonal claim 1 , and any combination thereof.3. The pile anchor reinforcing system of claim 1 , wherein one or more locking elements are positioned within a gap defined between the pile anchor and the reinforcing pile to facilitate lateral contact at depth between the pile anchor and the reinforcing pile.4. The pile anchor reinforcing system of claim 3 , wherein the one or more locking elements are selected from the group consisting of an expandable packer element claim 3 , a mechanical packer element claim 3 , a grout bag fillable with grout claim 3 , and any combination thereof.5. The pile anchor reinforcing system of claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing pile is driven through a middle of the pile anchor and penetrates a soil plug within an interior of the pile anchor claim 1 , and wherein the soil plug facilitates lateral contact between the reinforcing pile and the pile anchor.6. The pile anchor reinforcing system of claim 1 , further comprising an upper restraining frame coupled to the reinforcing pile and engageable with a cap of the pile anchor to reinforce the pile anchor against vertical loading.7. The pile anchor reinforcing system of claim 6 , ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079617A1
Автор: Ong Chin Chai

The present invention discloses an end plate system for joining spun piles together comprises a top end plate () mounted at a bottom end of a first spun pile: and a bottom end plate () mounted at a top end of a second spun pile; wherein the end plates () respectively have an interlocking surface that is formed with a plurality of segmental protrusions () and segmental recesses () arranged in an alternate configuration; characterized in that each segmental protrusion () has a first radial interlocking profile () and a second radial interlocking profile () that extend towards the central portion of the end plates (); wherein the top end plate () and the bottom end plate () are mated by registering the segmental protrusion () of one end plate to the segmental recess () of another end plate and through a rotating movement about the central axis of the mated end plates (), a first interlocking joint () is formed by two adjacent first radial interlocking profiles () in full surface contact, and a second interlocking joint () is created by inserting a pin () into a passageway () formed between two adjacent second radial interlocking profiles (). 1. An end plate system for joining spun piles together comprising:{'b': '100', 'a top end plate () mounted at a bottom end of a first spun pile; and'}{'b': '200', 'a bottom mi plate () mounted at a tip end of a second spun pile;'}{'b': 100', '200', '110', '210', '120', '220, 'wherein the end plates (, ) respectively have an interlocking surface that is formed with a plurality of segmental protrusions (, ) and segmental recesses (, ) arranged in an alternate configuration;'}{'b': 110', '210', '111', '211', '112', '212', '100', '200, 'characterized in that each segmental protrusion (, ) has a first radial interlocking profile (, ) and a second radial interlocking profile (, ) that extend towards the central portion of the end plates (, );'}{'b': 100', '200', '110', '210', '120', '220', '100', '200', '300', '211', '400', '402', '401', ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Coupler for Soil Nail and Method of Emplacing Same

Номер: US20190078284A1

A coupler interconnects adjacent sections of soil nails to extend the lengths of the nails. The coupler includes projections extending from the exterior surface of the coupler. The projections serve multiple purposes. One purpose is to center the soil nail within a drilled hole. Another purpose is to provide mixing for amounts of drilled material to remain within the hole, and/or evacuation of drilled material to be removed from the hole. Another purpose is to create a drilled hole with varying diameters in response to different geological layers encountered during drilling. The coupler may include a plurality of ports or openings formed in the body of the coupler enabling injected material such as grout to be further mixed by the rotating action of the coupler during use. The invention further includes a soil nail assembly and a method for installing a soil nail assembly including couplers with projections. 1. A coupler especially adapted for use in interconnecting of soil nails , said coupler comprising:a body having an opening formed through the body, said body having a length and a longitudinal axis, said opening extending along said longitudinal axis;a plurality of projections mounted to an exterior surface of said body, said projections extending radially outward from said longitudinal axis, said plurality of planar shaped projections having a frangible joint wherein said frangible joint breaks at a predetermined stress or torque separating said plurality of projections from said body; andat least one port formed in said body and communicating with said opening.2. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said projections are substantially evenly spaced about a periphery of said body.3. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally formed in a casting process.4. The coupler claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:said coupler and said plurality of projections are integrally ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for repairing a tilt wall construction

Номер: US20190078319A1
Автор: Christopher H. Cates
Принадлежит: Patents of Tomball LLC

A method of repairing a tilt wall construction includes affixing a fixture at a bottom of the wall, installing a piling into the earth directly below the fixture, forming a support member having a link corresponding to a distance between the fixture and a head the piling, and affixing the support member to the fixture and to the head such that the piling supports the wall. The fixture is an angle member that is anchored to the wall. A plate is affixed onto a top surface of the head of the piling. The support member can include a pair of steel pipes that are welded at one end to the plate and an opposite end welded to the angle member.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097957A1
Автор: Southworth Patrick
Принадлежит: ALLIED STEEL

This patent pertains to secondary containment systems. One implementation includes a support assembly that includes an elongate post member and a stabilization plate. In one instance, a stabilization plate is mounted on the elongate post member to reduce movement of the elongate post member when the stabilization plate is embedded in the ground. Another implementation includes a panel splice assembly including reinforcing members that secure overlapping, corrugated panels. 1. A support assembly comprising:an elongate post member having first and second major surfaces that are generally parallel;a first stabilization plate secured against the first major surface proximate a first end of the elongate post member, the first stabilization plate being generally planar and extending generally parallel to the first major surface; and a first generally planar portion extending generally parallel to the second major surface, a top edge of the first generally planar portion positioned against the elongate post member and the top edge orthogonal to the elongate post member, the top edge being furthest from the first end of the elongate post member, and', 'a second generally planar portion that extends from the top edge of the first generally planar portion, is orthogonal to the first generally planar portion, and extends from the second major surface past the first major surface., 'a second stabilization plate secured against the second major surface at a location that is farther from the first end than the first stabilization plate, but is closer to the first end of the elongate post member than a second opposite end of the elongate post member, wherein the second stabilization plate includes2. The support assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second generally planar portion extends past the first major surface by a distance that is equal to or greater than a width of the elongate post member as measured between the first and second major surfaces.3. The support assembly of claim ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Tie Down Ground Anchor Head

Номер: US20220098815A1
Автор: Zhou Alivia Faye, Zhou Wei

An anchor head mounted to or incorporated into the shaft of conventional tie down stakes and earth anchors. The anchor head eliminates the need to manually drive the earth anchor into the ground and allows the anchor to be placed and removed using conventional powered drill/drivers and hex sockets or wrenches. The anchor head has a hexagonal top section and a hexagonal bottom sectional separated by an integral, central annular shoulder. The top and bottom sections are each configured to have six equilateral side walls and dimensioned to receive two different sizes of wrench or hex socket. The bottom section of the anchor head has a threaded axial bore for receiving the threaded end of the anchor shaft. The bottom section also has a lateral “swage” bore through which a punch is inserted to swage or deform the threads of the shaft to permanently secure the anchor head to the shaft. 1. An anchor head mountable to a tie down ground anchor having a shaft end thereof , the anchor head comprising:a first head section and a second head section integrally connected axially to the first head section,the first head section having first side walls configured to receive a standard wrench or hex socket,the second head section having opposed second side walls configured to receive a standard wrench or hex socket, the second head section having an axial bore for receiving the shaft end.2. The anchor head of wherein the second head section includes a lateral bore extending through the second side walls open into the axial bore thereof.3. The anchor head of wherein the first head section includes a lateral bore extending there through for receiving a tool or guide line.4. The anchor head of wherein the first side walls are hexagonal equilateral side walls and having a first cross-sectional dimension claim 1 , the second side walls are hexagonal equilateral side walls and having a second cross-sectional dimension.5. The anchor head of wherein the first cross-sectional dimension is ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087768A1
Автор: WILLIAMSON Justin

A pile is disclosed which includes an elongate member having a longitudinal axis, and an anchoring portion connected to the elongate member. The anchoring portion has a plate and also an arcuate member that is radially spaced from the elongate member. The plate has an arcuate distal edge. The plate is connected to the elongate member at a non-perpendicular angle to the longitudinal axis. The arcuate member is located on the arcuate distal edge of the plate. The plate has a leading portion which includes a lower portion of the arcuate distal edge that extends beyond the arcuate member and engages the earth as the pile is screwed into the ground. 1. A pile comprising:an elongate member having a longitudinal axis; andan anchoring portion connected to the elongate member,wherein: the anchoring portion has a plate and also an arcuate member that is radially spaced from the elongate member; the plate has an arcuate distal edge; the plate is connected to the elongate member at a non-perpendicular angle to the longitudinal axis; the arcuate member is located on the arcuate distal edge of the plate; and the plate has a leading portion which includes a lower portion of the arcuate distal edge that extends beyond the arcuate member and engages the earth as the pile is screwed into the ground.2. A pile as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the elongate member includes a connecting portion.3. A pile as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the connecting portion is located at an end portion of the elongate member.4. A pile as claimed in or claim 2 , wherein the connecting portion is located at an opposite end of the elongate member vis-à-vis the anchoring portion.5. A pile as claimed in any one of - claim 2 , wherein the connecting portion is configured to releasably connect to a machine claim 2 , for example a rotary powerhead claim 2 , auger drive or the like claim 2 , or to another pile or pile section.6. A pile as claimed in any one of - claim 2 , wherein the connecting portion is ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087773A1
Автор: LIM Matakii

The present invention relates to a building system and a method of making and assembling the building system. In particular, the present invention relates to a footing for a building structure, the footing comprises a plurality of precast concrete layers, each precast concrete layer comprising reinforcement bars and a plurality of apertures. The footing further comprises a base structure comprising a base plate and a plurality of alignment bars protruding from the base plate. The footing is configured such that when the plurality of precast concrete layers are positioned on top of one another, the plurality of alignment bars of the base structure extend through the respective apertures of each precast concrete layer. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a building structure having one or more building modules. 1. A footing for a building structure , the footing comprising:a plurality of precast concrete layers, each precast concrete layer comprising reinforcement bars and a plurality of apertures, anda base structure comprising a base plate and a plurality of alignment bars protruding from the base plate,wherein the footing is configured such that when the plurality of precast concrete layers are positioned on top of one another, the plurality of alignment bars of the base structure extend through respective apertures of each concrete layer.2. The footing of wherein the base structure is further arranged to secure the footing to a piling structure.3. The footing of further comprising a centre column arranged to be directly secured to the piling structure.4. The footing of wherein each precast concrete layer comprises a central aperture and the footing is configured such that when the plurality of precast concrete layers are positioned on top of one another claim 3 , the centre column extends through the respective central apertures of the plurality of prefabricated concrete layers.5. The footing of wherein each concrete layer comprises a plurality of steel ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for anchoring structural loads

Номер: US20180087231A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed are devices, systems and methods for anchoring buildings to foundations. The disclosed devices, methods and systems comprise an embedment block comprising fasteners attaching a load bearing structure to a foundation anchor. Anchors comprise a head such as pierhead, loop, or plate or other assemblies that easily affix the anchor to its load.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085582A1

A steel cap for structurally connecting together a new foundation and an existing tower is disclosed. The new foundation includes at least one foundation element positioned in the ground. The existing tower includes an existing foundation and a tower structure extending from and supported by the existing foundation. The steel cap comprises (a) a first element for connecting the cap to the new foundation element or foundation elements and (b) a second element for connecting the cap to the existing tower and thereby, in use, connecting together the new foundation and the existing tower. 119-. (canceled)20. A steel cap for structurally connecting together a new foundation and an existing tower , with the new foundation including at least one foundation element , such as a pile positioned in the ground , and with the existing tower including an existing foundation and a tower structure extending from and supported by the existing foundation , the steel cap comprising (a) a first element for connecting the cap to the new foundation pile or piles , with the first element being formed to extend in use around at least a part of the existing tower and (b) a second element extending from the first element for connecting the cap to the existing tower and thereby , in use , connecting together the new foundation and the existing tower.21. The steel cap defined in wherein the first element is in the form of a plate.22. The steel cap defined in wherein the plate is a flat steel plate.23. The steel cap defined in wherein the plate includes an opening for the foundation element of the new foundation or a plurality of openings for the multiple foundation elements of the new foundation so that the plate can be connected claim 21 , for example by being bolted or welded claim 21 , to the single or multiple foundation elements.24. The steel cap defined in wherein the first element is formed to be positioned against the existing tower.25. The steel cap defined in wherein in a situation ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Steel pipe pile with spiral blades, composite pile, and construction method of composite pile

Номер: US20170089024A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Kasei Construction Materials Corp

There is disclosed a steel pipe pile with spiral blades which is capable of effectively improving comparatively soft ground in which a clay layer and the like are present at deep positions of several ten meters beneath the surface of the ground. A steel pipe pile 1 with spiral blades comprises a steel pipe pile main body 10 and one or more spiral blades 20 attached to the steel pipe pile main body 10 , and a diameter D of the spiral blade 20 is set to three times or more as large as a diameter d of the steel pipe pile main body 10.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136200A1
Принадлежит: GIKEN LTD.

Provided are a pile joint, a pile coupling structure, and a pile coupling method that allow firm uniting of piles to be coupled. A joint () for coupling two piles () comprises: a tubular body () into which each pile () provided with a key () on a periphery thereof is inserted through an end (A) of the body (); and a fitting portion () formed on the body () so as to be fitted to the key () by the insertion and rotation of the pile (). The fitting portion () is formed with: a tapered shape having a surface (A) that is inclined so as to become distant from the end (A) of the body () as the surface (A) extends in the direction of rotation of the pile (); or a wedge shape for fitting between a projection and a pile.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136201A1
Автор: Barnes Sean A.

A pile guide has a collar with a void therein. A planar flange extends from a side of the collar. A first guide and a second guide form opposing guides constructed and arranged for receiving the planar flange of the pile guide therein. The planar flange is in a slidable relationship within the opposing guides, and the bracket is constructed and arranged for mounting to a dock. The opposing guides pivot relative to the dock during installation and allow pivoting of the pile guide relative to the dock or other mounting. The distance and angle of the collar relative to the dock or other mounting can be adjusted to accommodate for positioning of pile guides due to positioning of piles relative to a dock or other structure.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150097062A1
Автор: Frager James R.

An anchoring device for a self-propelled irrigation system includes a screw pile and drive assembly that drives the screw pile into the ground to anchor a drive tower of the irrigation system to the ground. The screw pile is rotatably driven about a vertical axis and movable vertically relative to the drive tower. The drive assembly can include an electric motor with a suitable gear reduction that causes the screw pile to be rotated slowly with a large amount of torque. The drive assembly can be mounted stationary to the drive tower, or it can be mounted on tracks so as to move vertically together with the screw pile. A low voltage electrical system with one or more batteries can be used to power the electric motor. A solar battery charger or other charging system can be used to maintain an electrical charge in the batteries. A controller is provided to activate the drive assembly when adverse weather conditions are detected, or upon receiving a remote command from the operator. 1. An anchoring device for a self-propelled irrigation system , comprising:a screw pile supported on the irrigation system and arranged to be raised and lowered relative to the irrigation system; anda drive motor arranged to rotate the screw pile to wind the screw pile into the ground to anchor the irrigation system to the ground to prevent overturning during severe weather.2. The anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein said drive motor is mounted stationary relative to said irrigation system claim 1 , and said screw pile is raised and lowered relative to said drive motor.3. The anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein said drive motor is mounted for vertical movement relative to said irrigation system claim 1 , whereby said drive motor is raised and lowered together with said screw pile relative to said irrigation system during operation.4. The anchoring device according to claim 3 , further comprising a mounting assembly for mounting the screw pile and drive motor to the ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087882A1

Described are an apparatus and method for driving piles prior to lifting and stabilizing foundations that have subsided in unstable ground. A press head, comprising two non-slip arms actuated by a safety lever, is connected to an angle cleat-type foundation piece secured to the foundation by a pair of hydraulic rams in order to drive the piles into the ground as far as the bedrock when the rams contract. The apparatus includes a safety system actuated by the lever for controlling the arms. In order to level the building, other hydraulic rams are installed on each driven pile, all connected in series in order that they may be actuated simultaneously in order to lift the building. When the foundations have been adequately raised and levelled, each pile and the corresponding angle cleat-type foundation piece, both made of steel, are welded in order to stabilize the foundations. 1. An apparatus for driving a pile into loose soil until reaching sufficiently hard soil to support the pile , said pile next being used to lift and stabilize a foundation of a building , the apparatus comprising:a foundation board suitable for being fixed to the foundation and comprising a first pile guide suitable for receiving the pile in a vertical position; a second pile guide suitable for receiving the pile, the first and second pile guides being aligned so as to allow the pile to slide through the pile guides;', 'a rigid frame secured to the second pile guide and surrounding the second pile guide so as to slide along the pile; and', 'two nonskid arms arranged in an opposite manner relative to the pile, each arm comprising a proximal end mounted at the rigid frame via a first pivot and a distal end projecting toward the pile and defining a nonskid surface once in contact with the pile;, 'a press head suitable for being installed at a given distance above the foundation board and comprisinga security system comprising a security lever connected to the rigid frame, the security system being ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145563A1
Автор: WILLIAMSON Justin

A pile ground anchoring member is disclosed which includes an elongate member having a longitudinal axis, and an anchoring portion connected to the elongate member. The anchoring portion has a plate and also an arcuate member that is radially spaced from the elongate member. The plate has an arcuate distal edge. The plate is connected to the elongate member at a non-perpendicular angle to the longitudinal axis. The arcuate member is located on the arcuate distal edge of the plate. The plate has a leading portion which includes a lower portion of the arcuate distal edge that extends beyond the arcuate member and engages the earth as the pile is screwed into the ground. 1. A pile comprising:an elongate member having a longitudinal axis; anda first anchoring portion and a second anchoring portion connected to the elongate member,wherein each of the first and second anchoring portions comprise only one planar plate connected to a respective arcuate member that is radially spaced from the elongate member,wherein each plate has an arcuate distal edge and a leading portion which includes a lower portion of the arcuate distal edge that extends beyond the respective arcuate member and engages the earth as the pile is screwed into the ground,wherein the arcuate members are located on the respective arcuate distal edges of the plates,wherein the plates are connected to the elongate member at non-perpendicular angles to the longitudinal axis,wherein the first anchoring portion is spaced from the second anchoring portion along the longitudinal axis of the elongate member, andwherein the plate of the first anchoring portion lies in a first plane and the plate of the second anchoring portion lies in a second plane.2. A pile as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the elongate member includes a connecting portion.3. A pile as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the connecting portion is located at an end portion of the elongate member.4. A pile as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the connecting ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093300A1
Автор: Rawlyk Michael G.

Helical screw pile assemblies for piling and screwing into a foundation or the ground are provided. These pile assemblies comprise a disc member that mechanically engages with an elongated member causing the disc member to fasten onto the elongated member. 1. A pile assembly comprising: a disc member comprising:', 'an outer peripheral extent and an inner peripheral extent;', 'a slot extending between the outer peripheral extent and the inner peripheral extent to form spaced-apart first and second ends; and', 'a plurality of protruding elements displaced radially along the inner peripheral extent;, 'an elongated member comprising a plurality of holes, the plurality of holes displaced helically along the surface of the elongated member; and'}whereas in a first unassembled configuration, the first end and second end of the disc member are substantially coplanar with each other; andwhereas in a second assembled configuration, the first end and the second end of the disc member are axially separated from each other such that the disc member forms a helical shape and the plurality of protruding elements engage with the plurality of holes along the surface of the elongated member.2. The assembly of wherein in the first configuration the diameter of the inner peripheral extent is greater than an outer diameter of the elongated member.3. The assembly of wherein the disc member in the second configuration comprises a central cavity defined by the inner peripheral extent.4. The assembly of wherein the diameter of the cavity in the second configuration is essentially the same as an outer diameter of the elongated member.5. The assembly of wherein in the second configuration the distance the first end and the second end of the disc member are axially separated from each other is greater than an outer diameter of the elongated member.6. The assembly of wherein the disc member is composed of a deformable material radially biased inwardly.7. The assembly of wherein the disc member ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for soil compaction and/or soil stabilization

Номер: US20140178132A1
Автор: Joerg GNAUERT, Ulf Koehler
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for compaction is provided that includes a compaction tool and a vibration device. The compaction tool is adapted to be lowered vertically into a soil area to be compacted. The vibration device being configured to be placed at an upper end on the compaction tool. The compaction tool being moveable only in the vertical direction by the vibration device. The compaction tool at its bottom end has a tool head on which at least one ripping tool is arranged, which is pivotable around a horizontal pivot axis into a first position and into a second position. In the first position, the at least one ripping tool is oriented substantially parallel to the compaction tool and in the second position is oriented substantially radially to the compaction tool and radially projects beyond a diameter of the tool head.

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Foundation Construction Device and Its Construction Method

Номер: US20200095747A1
Автор: Wang Yubin

A foundation construction device for use in a construction device of a foundation () provided with a chain cutters () at the bottom during construction, comprising a fixed guiding device () and a composite device (). The fixed guiding device () is composed of a fixed rack (-) and a guiding device (-). The composite device () comprises a chain cutter power transmission device (-), a spoil treatment device (-), and a rack (-). Also disclosed is a construction method for the foundation construction device. 1124311112221222321222321435453433132311424242134342243324. A foundation construction device is characterized in that foundation construction device includes fixed guide () and combined device () , which is used for the construction of foundation () with chain blade () at the bottom. Device () consists of fixed frame (-) and guide (-). Device () includes chain blade power transmission device (-) , spoil treatment device (-) , and rack (-). Device (-) and device (-) are installed on rack (-). Device (-) , foundation () , and chain blade () constitute chain excavating device (). Foundation () is the rack of chain excavating device () , while chain blade () only excavates the rock and soil at the bottom of foundation (). Chain blade () is composed of chain (-) and cutter (-) fixed on chain (-) for rock and soil excavation. Device () guides foundation () and/or device () to make foundation () in a straight state. During construction , device () is connected with the top of foundation () , and device (-) drives chain blade () to run along the track of foundation (). Chain blade () excavates the rock and soil at the bottom of foundation () , and transports the excavated rock and soil to the top. Device (-) separates the rock and soil transported from the bottom of foundation () by chain blade () from chain blade () , and device () and foundation () descend synchronously.221211212213. As claim 1 , the present foundation construction device is characterized in that the ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Split Flight Pile Systems and Methods

Номер: US20170101759A1
Автор: Suver Paul

A pile assembly to be driven into the ground comprises an elongate member, a drive member, and a plurality of flight members. The drive member is supported by the elongate member to facilitate axial rotation of the elongate member. The plurality of flight members is supported by the elongate member. Axial rotation of the elongate member causes the plurality of flight members to auger the elongate member into the ground. The flight members are arranged to balance the loads on the elongate member as the elongate member is driven into the ground. 1. A pile assembly to be driven into the ground comprising:an elongate member;a drive member supported by the elongate member to facilitate axial rotation of the elongate member; anda plurality of flight members supported by the elongate member; wherebyaxial rotation of the elongate member causes the plurality of flight members to auger the elongate member into the ground; andthe flight members are arranged to balance the loads on the elongate member as the elongate member is driven into the ground.2. A pile assembly as recited in claim 1 , in which at least one of the plurality of flight members is at least partially helical.3. A pile assembly as recited in claim 1 , in which:the elongate member defines a pile axis; andat least one of the plurality of flight members is offset from another one of the plurality of flight members along the pile axis.4. A pile assembly as recited in claim 1 , comprising first and second flight members symmetrically supported on the elongate member.5. A pile assembly as recited in claim 4 , in which the first and second flight members extend partly around the elongate member.6. A pile assembly as recited in claim 4 , in which the first and second flight members extend through an angle of approximately 180 degrees around the elongate member.7. A pile assembly as recited in claim 1 , in which at least one tooth portion is on the elongate member.8. A pile assembly as recited in claim 1 , in which a ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101774A1
Автор: PARGHI Anantray

A construction technique for strengthening existing infrastructure and its components (e.g. bridge columns) using sprayed fiber reinforced polymer (sprayed-FRP) made of randomly oriented chopped fibers and resins on the said existing deficient infrastructure. Sprayed-FRP composite laminates are applied to reinforced concrete (RC) or steel or wooden or masonry structure substrates as an external reinforcement as effective means for obtaining higher level of fiber utilization before premature failure. 1. A method of strengthening an existing seismically deficient infrastructure constructed from concrete , masonry , steel and/or timber wherein the infrastructure may have a first deficient area , the method comprising repairing any first deficient area of the infrastructure using cement motor and then externally jacking the infrastructure , including the cement motor , in a sprayed fiber reinforced polymer jacket.2. A sprayed-fiber reinforced polymer composite member claim 1 , for use in the method of claim 1 , for increasing the compressive claim 1 , tensile claim 1 , shear and flexural strengths of reinforced concrete bridge column and supports claim 1 , wherein the member includes:an external case of sprayed fibre and resin combination where the combination includes substantially 60 to 65% glass fiber and substantially 35 to 40% vinyl ester resin;wherein the external case encases an internal concrete core so as to provide an axial and circumferential reinforcement for the internal concrete core.3. The member of wherein the member is sprayed fiber reinforced polymer jacketing which includes randomly oriented chopped fibers chosen from the group: glass claim 2 , carbon claim 2 , basalt and aramid fibers group; in combination with a resin chosen from the group: vinyl ester claim 2 , polymer and epoxy resin.4. The member of wherein the external case includes a multilayer of wraps.5. The member of wherein the multi-layer of wraps further includes randomly oriented chopped ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Pile with Platform

Номер: US20140186126A1
Принадлежит: MacLean Fogg Co

Embodiments of a helical pile, comprising a shaft that is provided with an axis, a first end, and a second end, a lead located at the first end, a first plate that is attached to the helical pile, and a second plate that is attached to the first plate.

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Suction pile equipment

Номер: US20220170223A1
Автор: Scott P. DINGMAN
Принадлежит: Delta SubSea LLC

Disclosed embodiments include a suction pile vent plug having a cylindrically-shaped body having a sealing element, a plurality of coupling features, and a handle connected to the cylindrically-shaped body. The sealing element is configured to form a watertight seal with walls of a suction pile vent into which the vent plug is installed. The plurality of coupling features are configured to engage with corresponding coupling features of the suction pile vent. The movable handle is configured to be moved into one or more locked configurations. Disclosed embodiments further include a suction pile vent having a hollow cylindrically-shaped body having coupling features. The coupling features are configured to engage with corresponding coupling features of a suction pile vent plug to thereby mechanically couple the suction pile vent plug to the suction pile vent. Disclosed embodiments further include a fluidic port that fluidically couples a suction pile to a removable fluidic coupling.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220170230A1
Автор: Timmerman James

The present invention is a tieback installation system, comprising: a mount, wherein the mount is secured to a piece of machinery having mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical connection means; a motor mechanically connected to the mount and hydraulically and electrically connected to the piece of machinery; and a drive shaft connected to the motor, wherein the drive shaft is sized to receive an anchoring member. 1. A tieback installation system , comprising:a mount, wherein the mount is secured to a piece of machinery having mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical connection means;a motor mechanically connected to the mount and hydraulically and electrically connected to the piece of machinery; anda drive shaft connected to the motor, wherein the drive shaft is sized to receive an anchoring member.2. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the drive shaft is longitudinally extending from the motor.3. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the piece of machinery has hydraulic and electrical controls claim 1 , and wherein the hydraulic and electrical controls are connected to the motor.4. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the motor provides a rotary motion about a longitudinal axis.5. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the controls of the piece of machinery are able to maintain the motor claim 1 , drive shaft claim 1 , and anchoring member along a longitudinal axis claim 1 , while also translating the anchoring member along the longitudinal axis.6. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the mount is able to adjust the position of the motor.7. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the hydraulic and electrical controls are remote.8. The tieback installation system of claim 1 , wherein the drive shaft is releasably connected to the anchoring member9. A tieback installation system comprising:a guide system connected to a piece of machinery;a motor mechanically connected to the guide ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Helical Screw Pile and Soil Displacement Device with Curved Blades

Номер: US20150117960A1

A helical screw pile having a soil displacement device (lead displacement plate) on its shaft above at least one helical plate, which pulls the pile into the ground when the shaft is rotated. The lead displacement plate has a disk that carries at least two curved, axially extending bottom blades, which preferably extend beyond the disk periphery. The axial height of the blades preferably is greater than the axial pitch of the helical plate(s) divided by the number of blades. The top of the disk has an axially extending adapter ring that defines an annular seat for centering a tubular casing. Extension displacement plates can be used between extension shafts for centering additional tubular casings. 1. A soil displacement device for penetrating and forming a void in the ground when rotated about a central longitudinal axis by a helix-bearing shaft , the device comprising:a disk having a periphery, a top, a bottom and a central through-opening for receiving a shaft; andat least two blades disposed substantially completely below the top of the disk, each blade projecting substantially axially from said bottom to a free distal edge and curving outward from near said opening to at least said periphery.2. The soil displacement device of claim 1 , wherein the radius of curvature of each blade is non-uniform.3. The soil displacement device of claim 2 , wherein the radius of curvature of each blade is larger near the opening and near the disk periphery than its radius of curvature in an intermediate portion therebetween.4. The soil displacement device of claim 3 , wherein the blades extend beyond the disk periphery.5. The soil displacement device of claim 4 , wherein a portion of each blade beyond the disk periphery is substantially normal to a radius of the disk.6. The soil displacement device of claim 5 , wherein each blade tapers toward its distal edge.7. The soil displacement device of claim 6 , wherein each blade has a convex face and a concave face claim 6 , and ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180112369A1

A pile top assembly includes an adapter configured to couple to an upper end of a subsea anchor, a tensioning system mounted on an upper end of the adapter, and a flexible tension member having a first end coupled to the tensioning system. The tensioning system is operable to pay in and pay out the flexible tension member relative to the tensioning system. The pile top assembly further includes means coupled to the adapter for selectively engaging the upper end of the subsea anchor. 1. A system for tethering a subsea blowout preventer (BOP) , the system comprising:an anchor disposed about the subsea BOP and secured to the sea floor;a pile top assembly secured to an upper end of the anchor, wherein the pile top assembly includes a chain sheave;a subsea buoy;a flexible tension member, wherein the flexible tension member has a first end pivotably coupled to the subsea BOP and a second end coupled to the subsea buoy, wherein the flexible tension member extends around the chain sheave, and wherein the flexible tension member extends upwardly from the chain sheave to the first end;wherein the subsea buoy is configured to apply a predetermined tensile preload to the flexible tension member to impart a lateral preload on the subsea BOP.2. The system of wherein the chain sheave includes:a base releasably locked within the pile top assembly;a chain wheel rotatably coupled to the base; anda locking mechanism coupled to the base and configured to selectively prevent pay out of the flexible tension member.3. The system of wherein a portion of the flexible tension member between the first end and the second end includes a chain extending around the chain wheel.4. The system of wherein the locking mechanism includes a chock pivotally coupled to the base claim 3 , wherein the chock has a locked position with the chock pivoted into engagement with the chain claim 3 , thereby preventing the chain from being paid out from the chain wheel claim 3 , and an unlocked position with the ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140134A1

In a machine for driving screw anchors and other foundation components, a desired embedment depth is calculated based on a minimum required embedment depth, work point height and length of available upper leg sections. Once calculated, the machine automatically drives the screw anchor to the depth so that one of the available upper leg lengths will fit between the driven screw anchor and apex truss hardware. If uplift is detected during driving, the machine will add additional embedment depth. In-situ validation of driven screw anchors may be performed after the embedment depth is reached. 1. An automated control system for a screw anchor driving machine comprising:a plurality of control nodes;a processor controllably coupled to the plurality of control nodes to perform an automated screw anchor driving operation;a plurality of sensor nodes; anda storage device communicatively coupled to the processor, the storage device storing program code executable by the processor to cause it to calculate an upper leg length, to calculate an actual embedment depth based on the upper length, and to drive the screw anchor substantially to the embedment depth based in part on information received from at least one of the sensor nodes during a driving operation.2. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the storage device stores program code executable by the processor to cause it to calculate the upper length by calculating an interim leg length based on a stored minimum embedment depth for the screw anchor and a truss work point claim 1 , and increasing the interim length to a final length closest to one of a plurality of available leg lengths.3. The control system according to claim 2 , wherein the storage device stores program code executable by the processor to cause it to calculate the actual embedment depth based on at least the final length.4. The control system according to claim 3 , wherein the storage device stores program code executable by the processor to ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации

Launchable Tethered Remote Anchoring Module

Номер: US20170121927A1
Автор: Hoyt Robert
Принадлежит: Tethers Unlimited Inc.

A launchable land anchor having a tether, an anchor head housing a self-righting control module, a ground penetration device, a plurality of stability panels extending from a bottom portion having an interior surface and an exterior surface, and a plurality of sensors disposed on said exterior surface of said stability panels. Embodiments according to the present invention allow for self-righting functionality and continuous monitoring of stability to ensure security of the anchoring and removing the need of an on-site operator to setup and monitor the land anchor. 1. A launchable land anchor , comprising:a tether;an anchor body;an anchor head housing a self-righting control module;a ground penetration device disposed in said anchor body;a plurality of stability panels having an interior surface and an exterior surface; anda plurality of sensors disposed on said exterior surface of said stability panels,wherein said plurality of stability panels extend from a bottom portion of said anchor body.2. The launchable land anchor of claim 1 , wherein said tether comprises a power over tether.3. The launchable land anchor of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of extendable sharply pointed projections.4. The launchable land anchor of claim 1 , wherein said self-righting control module comprises:a self-righting motor;a drill translation motor; anda motor controller.5. The launchable land anchor of claim 1 , wherein said self-righting control module comprises:a stored energy device;a drill translation motor; anda motor controller.6. The launchable land anchor of further comprising:an inner structure having a top, a middle, and a bottom;a self-righting collar disposed around said middle having a plurality of short struts extending from said collar;a plurality of long struts connectively attached to said plurality of short struts; anda plurality of lead screws disposed in said inner structure threading said collar.7. The launchable land anchor of wherein said ground ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Modular Center Post, Associated Kit and Associated Method

Номер: US20220267978A1
Автор: Phil David Ehnle
Принадлежит: Individual

A kit for use to support a building member such as a guide for a door for use in post frame construction includes a column defining a longitudinal axis of the column. The column has opposed first and second ends. The kit further includes a connector extending from the first end of the column. The connector has a first set of connecting features and a second set of connecting features. The second set of connecting features is at least partially distinct from the first set of connecting features. The kit further includes a first physical feature for engaging the building member and a second physical feature for engaging the building member. The second physical feature has at least one feature different from the corresponding feature of the first physical feature. The first set of connecting features secures the first physical feature to the column and the second set of connecting features secures the second set of physical features to the column.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220267979A1
Принадлежит: Dalian University of Technology

A construction method for a recyclable anchor rod. The recyclable anchor rod includes a reinforcing steel bar body and an unlocking device. The unlocking device includes a housing, a fixed panel, a top limiter, lifting screw limiters, a lifting screw, transmission gears, gear clamping arms, a thread limiter, and a pressure bearing plate. The construction method includes: 1, positioning; 2, drilling; 3, anchoring; 4, performing primary grouting; 5, performing secondary grouting; 6, tensioning and locking; and 7, recycling the reinforcing steel bar body. Shock-absorbing pressure-bearing devices are arranged between the lower end of the housing and the pressure bearing plate. The present disclosure effectively solves the problems that a conventional anchor rod hinders the construction of an adjacent underground structure and pollutes underground environment, and the problems that the existing recyclable anchor rod unlocking device is unstable, does not have earthquake resistance, and cannot realize 100% recovery of rod bodies. 1. A construction method for a recyclable anchor rod , wherein the recyclable anchor rod comprises a reinforcing steel bar body , an unlocking device , a base plate , and an anchor head; the tail end of the reinforcing steel bar body is an unlocking end; the unlocking end comprises a first conventional section , a first diameter reducing section , a second conventional section , a threaded section , and a second diameter reducing section from bottom to top; the diameter of the second diameter reducing section is less than or equal to the thread inner diameter of the threaded section; the cross section of the top of the second diameter reducing section is in a radial sawtooth shape; the unlocking device includes a housing , a top limiter located at the top end of the housing , and a fixed panel fixedly connected to the housing; annular lifting screw limiters are arranged on the fixed panel; the lifting screw penetrates through the lifting screw ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115857A1
Автор: White David J.

A system for and method of stabilizing rail track structures using a load transfer apparatus is disclosed. The load transfer apparatus includes a vertical load transfer element and a top load transfer element, wherein the top load transfer element is used to transfer applied locomotive and rail car loads to the vertical load transfer element. In one embodiment, the top load transfer element includes helical flights. In another embodiment, the top load transfer element includes a flared top. In yet another embodiment, the top load transfer element includes a load transfer cap. In a further embodiment, the top load transfer element includes two or more support legs each with a top support attached thereto. The railroad stabilization system can comprise any one type or any combinations of types of the aforementioned load transfer apparatuses. 1. A system for stabilizing railroad ties and rails , the system comprising:a) a vertical load transfer element; andb) a top load transfer element;wherein the vertical load transfer element and top load transfer element transfer the load applied to the railroad ties and rails to less compressible underlying soils.2. The system of wherein the vertical load transfer element comprises a pile.3. The system of where the pile comprises any one of a concrete pile claim 2 , steel pile claim 2 , timber pile claim 2 , or composite pile.4. The system of wherein the vertical load transfer element comprises an extensible shell defining an interior for holding granular construction material and defining an opening for receiving the granular construction material into the interior claim 1 , wherein the shell is flexible such that the shell expands laterally outward when granular construction material is compacted in the interior of the shell.5. The system of wherein the extensible shell has a diameter in the range of 3 to 12 inches (7.6 to 30.5 cm).6. The system of wherein the top load transfer element comprises helical flights attached to an ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Systems, methods and machines for constructing foundation piers

Номер: US20200115874A1
Автор: Flanigan Daniel, Mar David

A machine, method and system for installing helical foundation piers that sues a driving tamper connected to a rotary tool to drive helical piers into the ground. Once the pier reaches the target depth, the tamper is decoupled, and counter rotated away from the pier. While it is withdrawn the soil between the driven and pier and the driving tamper is compressed by intermittent downward action of the tamper. 1. An assembly for driving a helical foundation pier comprising:a rotary tool;a tamping driver connected to an output of the rotary tool; anda helical pier coupled to the tamping driver, wherein the rotary tool is configured to drive the helical pier into supporting soil with the tamping driver and to remove the tamping driver from the supporting soil while leaving the driven pier in place.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the tamping driver comprises a first elongated hollow shaft and at least one first helical portion.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the helical pier comprises a second elongated hollow shaft and at least one second helical portion.4. The assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the rotary tool is configured to compress the soil above the second helical portion with the first helical portion while removing the tamping driver from the supporting soil.5. The assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one first helical portion comprises at least one opening for soil to pass through when the tamping driver is removed from the supporting soil.6. The assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a dispenser proximate to the tamping driver for discharging a soil hardening agent into the supporting soil.7. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary tool is configured to drive the helical pier into supporting soil by rotating the driver in a first rotational direction and to remove the tamping driver from the supporting soil by rotating the driver in an opposite rotational direction.8. The assembly ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150132068A1
Автор: Meline Christian

A method for anchoring a device in multilayer soil includes analyzing the soil to determine the depth, hardness and density of at least two layers of soils. The anchoring device is prepared for positioning by attaching a self-drilling bit to a bottom end of a hollow rod, attaching a drilling disc to the rod at a position above the self-drilling bit, attaching at least one helical disc to the rod above the drilling disc, and attaching a positioning plate to the rod at a distance from the drilling disc such that the distance from the bottom of the drilling disc to the bottom of the positioning plate is approximately equal to the depth of a first layer of soil. The anchoring device is drilled into the soil until the drilling disc rests on top of the second layer and the positioning plate rests on top of the first layer. 1. A method for anchoring a device in multilayer soil , comprising:(a) analyzing the soil to determine the depth, hardness and density of at least a first and a second layer of soils, wherein the second layer is harder than the first layer; (i) attaching a self-drilling bit to a bottom end of a hollow rod,', '(ii) attaching a drilling disc to the rod at a position above the self-drilling bit,', '(iii) attaching at least one helical disc to the rod above the drilling disc, wherein the number and diameter of helical discs is selected based on the depth and density of the first layer to provide a sufficient anchoring force within the second layer without causing excessive torque on the helical discs during drilling, and', '(iv) attaching a positioning plate to the rod at a distance from the drilling disc such that the distance from the bottom of the drilling disc to the bottom of the positioning plate is approximately equal to the depth of the first layer; and, '(b) preparing the anchoring device for positioning in the multilayer soil by(d) drilling the anchoring device into the soil until the drilling disc rests on top of the second layer and the ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Self-Drilling Rock Bolt Assembly and Method of Installation

Номер: US20160130778A1
Автор: CHARLTON Paul, LEVEY Mark

A self-drilling rock bolt assembly () including a drill head mechanism () and a fluid delivery system () operatively associated with each other and adapted in use to secure a self-drilling rock bolt () into a strata (). The rock bolt () having a shaft () having a cutting end () and a driving end (). The drill head mechanism () having a bolt coupling portion () to releasably engage with the driving end () of the rock bolt (). Wherein rotation of the bolt coupling portion () rotates the rock bolt. A central hollow portion () provides access to a fluid connection port () of the rock bolt and a nut coupling portion () releasably engages with a nut element () located on the shaft of the rock bolt. Wherein rotation of the nut coupling portion rotates the nut element. The fluid delivery system () has an injection nozzle () in communication with one or more sources of fluid for delivering measured quantities of one or more fluids to a predetermined location about said assembly. Each source of fluid including a reservoir () in fluid communication with a pump (). The pump being in fluid communication with the injection nozzle so that said fluid from said reservoir is adapted to be pumped to said predetermined location. Whereby in use said drill head mechanism drives the rock bolt into the strata by rotating in a drilling direction the rock bolt and nut element at the same rate such that the nut element remains in the same position relative to the shaft of the rock bolt. 1. A self-drilling rock bolt assembly including a drill head mechanism and a fluid delivery system operatively associated with each other and adapted in use to secure with pre-tension , chemically , via injection , a self-drilling rock bolt into a strata;the rock bolt including a shaft having a cutting end and a driving end; the assembly including: a bolt coupling portion to releasably engage with the driving end of the rock bolt, wherein rotation of the bolt coupling portion rotates the rock bolt;', 'a ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127940A1

In one aspect, a tieback assembly is provided herein for supporting a SOE, the tieback assembly including: at least one anchor; an anchor threaded element extending from an end of the anchor; at least one tendon threaded element; and, a coupler having a body with a threaded bore, the tendon threaded element and the anchor threaded element threadedly engaging the threaded bore. Furthermore, the tendon threaded element is provided with sufficient length to extend at least from the coupler to externally of the SOE so that a portion of the tendon threaded element may be engaged externally of the SOE to allow for disengagement of the tendon threaded element from the coupler. Advantageously, the subject invention allows for at least partial removal of a tendon from a tieback assembly, including removal of the tendon threaded element. 1. A tieback assembly for supporting a SOE against adjacent earth , the tieback assembly comprising:at least one anchor for being located in the adjacent earth spaced from the SOE;an anchor threaded element extending from an end of said anchor;at least one tendon threaded element; and,a coupler having a body with a threaded bore extending between first and second ends of said body, said at least one tendon threaded element threadably engaging said threaded bore through said first end of said body and said anchor threaded element threadedly engaging said threaded bore through said second end of said body,wherein, said at least one tendon threaded element has sufficient length to extend at least from said coupler to externally of the SOE so that a portion of said at least one tendon threaded element may be engaged externally of the SOE to allow for disengagement of said at least one tendon threaded element from said coupler.2. A tieback assembly as in claim 1 , wherein said anchor includes one or more protrusions which define recesses for engagingly receiving earth or cementitious grout.3. A tieback assembly as in claim 2 , wherein said anchor ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180127943A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure generally relate to a pumping unit base and methods for operating with the pumping unit base. The pumping unit base may include a plurality of driven piles installed in the ground, and a metal platform fixedly attached to the plurality of driven piles, wherein the metal platform is positioned above the ground. The metal platform may be removed from the driven piles and reinstalled to the driven piles. 1. A pumping unit base , comprising:a plurality of driven piles installed in the ground; anda metal platform fixedly attached to the plurality of driven piles, wherein the metal platform is positioned above the ground.2. The pumping unit base of claim 1 , wherein each of the driven pile includes a splice assembly connecting a first tubular installed in the ground and a second tubular attached to the metal platform.3. The pumping unit base of claim 2 , wherein the splice assembly comprises:a ring attached to an outer diameter of the first tubular; anda disk attached to the ring, wherein the second tubular is attached to the disk at an outer diameter of the second tubular.4. The pumping unit base of claim 3 , wherein the ring and the disk are attached to the first tubular and the second tubular by welding.5. The pumping unit base of claim 1 , wherein the metal platform is attached to the plurality of driven piles by welding.6. The pumping unit base of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of driven piles is driven in the ground to a predetermined depth or until the driven pile is driven to a resistance corresponding to a target load.7. The pumping unit base of claim 6 , wherein the plurality driven piles form:a first group including two or more of the plurality of driven piles, wherein each driven pile in the front group is installed to support a first load; anda second group including two or more of the plurality of driven piles, wherein each driven pile in the second group is installed to support a second load different from the ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации

System and Apparatus for Repairing a Foundation

Номер: US20140212223A1
Автор: Hill Michael

A foundation repair system comprising a starter pile, a cable, a stop, and at least one piling segment. The starter pile includes an elongate housing and a base with an opening therethrough. The cable extends from the elongate housing, through the base and through the piling segments. The piling segments include a first portion with a first cross-sectional area and a second portion with a second-smaller cross-sectional area, the second portion of one piling segment resting atop the first portion of the lower piling segment. 1. An apparatus for use in repairing a foundation , said apparatus comprising:an elongate starter pile, said starter pile having a first end, a second end, and a peripheral wall defining a housing;a base connected to said first end of said starter pile, said base having a first side, a second side, and a hole extending therethrough;a cable having a first end and a second end and slidably extending through said hole, said second end extending into said housing; anda stop secured to said second end of said cable for preventing said second end of said cable from being pulled out of said housing through said hole in said base.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said cable is mechanically connected to said stop.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein said stop comprises a body having a first end and a second end claim 2 , a tapered bore having its smallest cross-section proximal said first end of said stop claim 2 , said cable being received through said bore claim 2 , at least two wedge shaped locking members received in said larger end of said bore and in surrounding relationship to said cable to lock said cable in said stop claim 2 , said first end of said stop being positioned proximal said second side of said base.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein there is an annular wall connected to said first side of said base and defining a receiving formation.5. A system for repairing a foundation claim 1 , said system comprising:an elongate starter pile ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170130416A1

The present disclosure provides helical ground anchors or piles designed to cut through rock. The helical ground anchors have a shaft, one or more helical plates attached to the shaft and at least one cutting tip attached to the distal end of the shaft in order to make a first cut through rock along the axis of rotation of the shaft. The distal end of the shaft is tapered and the at least one cutting tip can be attached to the longer end of the shaft. The helical shaped plates are attached to the shaft at a distance above the at least one cutting tip. 1. A lead for a helical pile , the lead comprising:a shaft having an end portion and a head portion, wherein the head portion is configured to connect to a helical pile extension or a pile drive system;at least one load bearing helical plate attached at the end portion of the shaft; anda single cutting tip secured to a distal end of the end portion of the shaft.2. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting tip comprises a mounting portion secured to the distal end of the end portion of the shaft claim 1 , and a cutting body having a cutting bit extending beyond the distal end of the end portion of the shaft.3. The lead according to claim 2 , wherein the cutting bit is made at least in part of impregnated carbide steel.4. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the distal end of the end portion of the shaft is tapered and the cutting tip is secured to a long end of the tapered distal end.5. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one load bearing helical plate attached at the end portion of the shaft comprises a plurality of load bearing helical plates spaced apart on the shaft distance that promotes the load bearing capacity of the plates.6. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft is square.7. The lead according to claim 1 , wherein the shaft is round.8. A helical pile claim 1 , comprising: a lead shaft with an end portion and a head portion, wherein the head portion is configured to ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190127940A1

A modular foundation support system includes modular foundation support components including self-aligning and torque transmitting coupler features wherein a plurality of axially elongated ribs are aligned with a plurality of axially elongated ribs on a second distal end to rotationally interlocked the modular foundation support components to one another. First and second pair of fastener holes are self-aligning with one another to receive a fastener therethrough such that the fastener is mechanically isolated from rotational torque transmission. 1. A modular foundation support system , comprising:a first foundation support component having a first distal end and a plurality of axially elongated ribs extending from an outer surface of the first distal end, and a first pair of fastener holes extending through the outer surface proximate the first distal end; anda second foundation support component having a second distal end and plurality of spaced apart, axially elongated grooves on an inner surface of the second distal end, and a second pair of fastener holes extending through the inner surface of proximate the second distal end;wherein when the plurality of axially elongated ribs are mated with the plurality of axially extending grooves, the first and second foundation support components are rotationally interlocked with one another; andwherein when the plurality of axially elongated ribs are mated with the plurality of axially extending grooves, the first and second pair of fastener holes are self-aligning with one another to receive a first fastener therethrough such that the fastener is mechanically isolated from rotational torque transmission.2. The modular foundation support system in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ribs includes a first pair of ribs opposing one another on the outer surface.3. The modular foundation support system in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the plurality of ribs includes a second pair of ribs opposing one another ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210164186A1

The present invention aims to provide an interlocking stabilization system () for stabilizing slope, unrestrained earth or the like. Accordingly, the interlocking stabilization system () includes: a) a compressed bearing plate (); b) at least one earth anchor () having a plurality of extendable pivotally hinged wings () penetrated to a predetermined depth and in communication with the compressed bearing plate () through a tendon bar/wire (); wherein the compressed bearing plate () is adapted to be compressed and advanced toward the at least one earth anchor () through the tendon bar/wire (), such that a reflective frustum cone or compact soil reaction () is formed thereof; wherein the plurality of extendable pivotally hinged wings () of the at least one earth anchor () is able to extend outwardly to an angle as the earth anchor () is progressively withdrawn under the compression, such that a frustum cone or end bearing force () is formed thereof; and wherein action-reaction forces (reflective frustum and end bearing force) defined between the compressed bearing plate () and progressively with-drawn of the at least one earth anchor () through the tendon bar/wire () are able to eliminate or overcome the active and passive zone pressures existed in the slope, unrestrained earth or the like. 1100100. An interlocking stabilization system () for stabilizing slope , unrestrained earth or the like , the interlocking stabilization system () includes:{'b': '110', 'a) a compressed bearing plate ();'}{'b': 150', '152', '110', '160, 'b) at least one earth anchor () having a plurality of extendable pivotally hinged wings () penetrated to a predetermined depth and in communication with the compressed bearing plate () through a tendon bar/wire ();'}{'b': 110', '150', '160', '112, 'wherein the compressed bearing plate () is adapted to be compressed and advanced toward the at least one earth anchor () through the tendon bar/wire (), such that a reflective frustum cone or compact soil ...
