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10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2340756C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства, а именно к конструкциям остекления. Изобретение позволяет разработать теплоизолированную стенку с двойным остеклением, которая обеспечивает минимальное рассеивание энергии, требуемой для сохранения оптимальной температуры среды внутри помещения. Теплоизолированная наружная стенка из двойного остекления, в частности, для окон или фасадов зданий, содержащая наружную панель и внутреннюю панель, параллельные друг другу и образующие пространство, узел для принудительной циркуляции воздуха в указанном пространстве, отверстие для поступления воздуха, позволяющее внутренней среде сообщаться с указанным пространством и расположенное у основания внутренней панели, и выпускное отверстие, выходящее наружу и расположенное в верхней части наружной панели. Узел для принудительной циркуляции содержит устройство для выпуска воздуха, установленное на соответствующей опоре, зафиксированной посредством внутреннего отверстия, выполненного в верхней части внутренней ...

27-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2265109C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства и предназначено, в частности, для изготовления плитного утеплителя. Технический результат: упрощение технологии изготовления и повышение прочности торфоплит. Способ изготовления армированных торфоплит заключается в том, что форму заполняют торфяной смесью, затем смесь прессуют и сушат, причем в торфяной смеси размещают армирующую сетку, натяжение которой осуществляют путем взаимного совмещения двух полуформ, при этом сначала в нижнюю полуформу укладывают слоями торфяную смесь и уплотняют ее до полного заполнения нижней полуформы, затем на поверхности смеси и торце нижней полуформы устанавливают армирующую сетку, после чего совмещают верхнюю полуформу с нижней и затягивают их крепежными приспособлениями, при этом края арматурной сетки натягиваются и зажимаются за счет веса верхней полуформы и силы трения, возникающей между сеткой и полуформами, затем укладывают и уплотняют новый слой смеси. Также описано устройство для осуществления данного способа ...

11-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2627809C2

Изобретение относится к строительству, в частности к устройствам для крепления изоляции к стене, предназначенное как для изоляции из пенополистирола, так и для изоляции из минеральной ваты. Устройство для крепления изоляции к стене состоит из фиксирующей втулки, на которую надевается прижимная втулка, образующая единое целое с круглой прижимной пластиной, снабженной расположенной по ее периферии режущими зубьями. Фиксирующая втулка оканчивается на одном конце зоной расширения, а на другом - круглой пластиной. Внутри фиксирующей втулки находится расширительный элемент, предпочтительно в виде винта. При этом расширительный элемент имеет головку, встроенную неразъемным образом во втулку с наружной резьбой, в которой предусмотрено многоугольное отверстие. Прижимная пластина оканчивается круглым фланцем, внутри которого находится изолирующая крышка, а зубья прижимной пластины имеют боковые и передние острые кромки. Технический результат состоит в простоте конструкции при универсальной функциональности ...

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2303744C2

Жаростойкий изоляционный композиционный материал, содержащий изоляционный основной слой, полые непористые частицы, связующую матрицу и теплоотражающий слой, содержащий защитное связующее и агент, отражающий инфракрасное излучение, причем теплопроводность теплоотражающего изоляционного композитного материала составляет примерно 50 мВт/(м·К) или меньше. Изобретение относится также к подложке, содержащей жаростойкий изоляционный композитный материал. Способ получения жаростойкого изоляционного композитного материала включает получение на подложке изоляционного основного слоя, содержащего полые непористые частицы и связующую матрицу, и нанесение на поверхность изоляционного основного слоя теплоотражающего слоя, содержащего защитное связующее и отражающий инфракрасный свет агент, в котором жаростойкий изоляционный композитный материал имеет теплопроводность примерно 50 мВт/(м·К) или меньше. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение хороших изоляционных свойств в условиях сильного ...

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2506377C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства, а именно к способу утепления и защиты от атмосферных осадков наружных стен жилых и промышленных зданий и сооружений. Способ заключается в монтаже на стену панелей утепления, отличается тем, что утепление производят двухслойными, комбинированными сэндвич-панелями, преимущественно с пенополистирольным утеплителем и вставками из базальтовой плиты, изготовленными в заводских условиях, которые закрепляют на поверхности стены анкерами или самонарезающими винтами, стыки между комбинированными сэндвич-панелями запенивают монтажной пеной, на стыки и торцы сэндвич-панелей устанавливают доборные элементы на герметик. Технический результат изобретения - утепление и защита от атмосферных осадков наружных стен жилых и промышленных зданий и сооружений, простота монтажных работ при новом строительстве и при утеплении и защите эксплуатируемых зданий и сооружений, возможность легкой замены утепления фасада после окончания срока эксплуатации; возможность монтажа ...

13-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2630836C2

Изобретение относится к области строительства. Предлагаемый способ получения отражающей тепловое излучение наружной конструкции (1) здания включает образование наружной поверхности (4) здания из изоляционного слоя (11), который одновременно является пароизоляционным слоем (12), и коэффициент поглощения которого ε>0,6, крепление дистанционных элементов (7) к наружной поверхности (4) здания, подготовку опорного слоя (2), содержащего слой (3) с отражающим тепловое излучение материалом, крепление опорного слоя к первому месту на дистанционных элементах (7), натяжение вручную опорного слоя (2), крепление натянутого опорного слоя (2) на других местах или поверхностях дистанционных элементов (7) таким образом, чтобы опорный слой был полностью натянут по дистанционным элементам (7) со сторон и параллельно наружной поверхности (4) здания, причем внутренняя сторона (5) опорного слоя (2), содержащая слой с отражающим тепловое излучение материалом, обращена к наружной поверхности (4) здания, при этом ...

19-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2682440C2

Изобретение относится к крепежной технике, а именно к элементам крепления дополнительных слоев, например теплоизоляции, к несущему основанию. Устройство для крепления выполнено в виде гильзы 1 с продольным отверстием 2 и тарельчатым элементом 3, по меньшей мере диаметр части длины продольного отверстия позволяет смонтировать в него дополнительный элемент 4, представляющий собой стержень, предназначенный для монтажа в продольное отверстие 2 и взаимодействия с распорным элементом 5. На одном конце дополнительного элемента 4 выполнен элемент, образующий шляпку 6, а в теле гильзы выполнено посадочное место 7 для этой шляпки 6. Поверхность шляпки 6, обращенная к стенке посадочного места 7, и ответная ей стенка посадочного места 7 выполнены коническими таким образом, что в смонтированном состоянии дополнительного элемента 4 конические поверхности шляпки 6 и посадочного места 7 входят в контакт на участке их площади 8. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU79118U1

Полезная модель относится к строительным элементам, а именно к трехслойным строительным блокам, используемым как стеновой элемент, например, в малоэтажном строительстве (коттеджи, гаражи, строения сельскохозяйственного, промышленного назначения и т.д.) Строительный блок имеет в своем составе несущий элемент, наружный слой и расположенный между ними теплоизолирующий слой, выполненный в виде плиты экструдированного пенополистирола. На противоположных поверхностях плиты выполнены пазы, образующие выступы между ними. На поверхностях несущего элемента и наружного слоя образованы пазы и выступы, соответствующие пазам и выступам плиты пенополистирола и слои блока соединены между собой этими пазами и выступами. От прототипа блок отличается тем, что пазы на обеих упомянутых противоположных поверхностях плиты пенополистирола имеют в сечении трапециевидную форму, расширяющуюся внутрь, а оси пазов на обеих поверхностях параллельны друг другу. Оптимальное соотношение размеров паза: h/b=0,15-0,5, (h ...

13-05-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU225908U1

Полезная модель относится к элементам каркасно-тентовой конструкции с органичным интегрированием в нее теплоизолирующих с пневмонагнетанием. Конструкция сооружения с утеплением включает жесткий каркас кровли, стен или купола сооружения из металла или сходных по свойствам материалов. Может применяться в строительстве, а именно в возведении таких конструкций, как каркасы теплиц, крытых павильонов и прочих каркасных конструкций, с предъявляемыми требованиями, в виде повышенного сохранения тепла. Пневмофасад для пневмокаркасной конструкции, состоящий из верхнего и нижнего слоев, соединенных между собой способом дублирования, отличающийся тем, что шовные соединения, выполнены таким образом, что между слоями имеются полости, которые при принудительном наддуве в них атмосферного воздуха образуют пневмоподушки, имеющие между собой отверстия для прохождения воздуха с возможностью постоянного принудительного наддува, и имеет крепежные элементы для соединения с каркасной конструкцией. Пневмофасад, ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU125595U1

... 1. Сэндвич-панель, содержащая две металлические отформованные стенки, между которыми расположен пористый материал, на одной торцевой стороне панели расположены два боковых симметричных выступа, прилегающих к стенкам, между боковыми выступами расположен первый уплотнитель, на противоположной торцевой стороне панели расположен центральный выступ, ширина которого меньше расстояния между боковыми выступами, отличающаяся тем, что центральный выступ состоит из двух гребней, между которыми расположен второй уплотнитель.2. Сэндвич-панель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые выступы выполнены с полуцилиндрическими внешними поверхностями, причем радиусы цилиндров боковых поверхностей меньше 0,2 от общей толщины панели.3. Сэндвич-панель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что гребни центрального выступа выполнены в форме полуцилиндрических поверхностей, радиус которых меньше 0,18 от общей толщины панели.4. Сэндвич-панель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые поверхности центрального выступа содержат вогнутые ...

13-07-2021 дата публикации

Энергоэффективная фасадная панель с воздушной ячеистой каверной

Номер: RU205372U1

Полезная модель относится к области промышленно-гражданского строительства, в частности к системам ограждения зданий, и может быть использована при возведении и строительстве энергоэффективных зданий, так и при реконструкции ранее эксплуатируемых сооружений для придания им эстетических качеств и повышения степени теплоизоляции и защиты от внешних атмосферных воздействий.Основной целью данного конструктивного предложения является обеспечение теплозащиты здания, увеличение активного термического сопротивления и уменьшение потерь тепла, повышение энергоэффективности строящихся и эксплуатируемых зданий и сооружений за счет эффективной фасадной конструкции без применения теплоизоляционного материала (утеплителя).Энергоэффективная фасадная панель коробчатой формы, отличающаяся тем, что для увеличения активного термического сопротивления и уменьшения потерь тепла, полость (воздушный зазор) выполнена в виде герметичных ячеек, размеры которых выбраны так, чтобы блокировать свободно-конвективные ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU86612U1

Экструдированная теплоизоляционная плита из пенополистирола, имеющая внутреннюю закрытую ячеистую структуру с газонаполненными равномерно распределенными ячейками и поверхностный упрочняющий слой толщиной 80-200 мкм с коэффициентом анизотропии не более 0,4 и содержащая окрашивающий компонент, отличающаяся тем, что средний размер газонаполненных ячеек составляет 50-100 мкм с коэффициентом анизотропии не менее 0,85, а в качестве окрашивающего компонента плита содержит вещество, выбранное из группы, включающей сажу, графит, мелкодисперсный порошок алюминия или их смеси, окрашивающее плиту в серый цвет.

01-06-2022 дата публикации

Самоклеящийся полимерный композит

Номер: RU211335U1

Полезная модель относится к многослойному композиту с адгезионным слоем постоянной липкости и полимерной теплоизоляционной вспененной основой, обладающему дополнительным разделительным слоем, устраняющим миграцию адгезионного слоя в поверхность вспененной основы и сохраняющим высокую адгезию после термической сборки слоев композита. Эти задачи реализованы в самоклеящемся полимерном композите, представляющем собой слоистую структуру, первый слой которой выполнен из полимерной термоплавкой пленки, второй слой выполнен клеевым, третий слой выполнен из антиадгезионного пленочного материала, при этом полимерная пленка, соединенная термически со слоем несшитого рулонного пенополиэтилена, выполнена из двух слоев полиэтилена, отличающихся между собой и слоем несшитого пенополиэтилена температурой плавления, первый слой термоплавкой пленки с меньшей температурой плавления соединен с пенополиэтиленом, а второй слой термоплавкой пленки с большей температурой плавления обращен в сторону клеевого слоя ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU53331U1

Группа полезных моделей относится к области строительства, а именно, к конструкциям наружных стен многоэтажных отапливаемых гражданских и производственных зданий. В слоистую наружную стену, включающую конструктивные наружный и внутренний слои и средний теплоизоляционный слой, введен дополнительный слой из воздухопроницаемого материала, размещенный на внутреннем конструктивном слое с внутренней стороны стены и имеющий коэффициент паропроницаемости ниже, чем у внутреннего конструктивного слоя. Использование полезной модели позволяет обеспечить в условиях эксплуатации зданий одинаковый влажностный режим и сопротивление воздухопроницанию независимо от расположения помещения по высоте здания (теплового напора), климатических условий района строительства и величины ветрового напора.

16-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU4312U1
Принадлежит: КОО "Связь ЛТД"

... 1. Строительный элемент, включающий внешние стенки и расположенные между ними чередующиеся прокладочные слои, выполненные в виде решетки, и экранирующие слои, выполненные с использованием металлической пленки, отличающийся тем, что элементарной ячейкой решетки является пустотелая призма, высота которой составляет 10 - 20 мм.2. Элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что внешние стенки являются одновременно экранирующими слоями.3. Элемент по пп.1 и 2, отличающийся тем, что внешние стенки, прокладочные и экранирующие слои скреплены между собой.

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU146814U1

... 1. Конструкционно-теплоизоляционный элемент, включающий ячеистый скелет, по крайней мере, часть ячеек которого заполнена теплоизоляционным материалом с образованием, по крайней мере, одного слоя ограждения, отличающийся тем, что ячейки скелета выполнены в виде напрягаемых трубчатых упруго-эластичных элементов каркасного типа, взаимосвязанных между собой, при этом ячейки трубчатых элементов заполнены вспененной массой, например, из пенополистирола или его производных.2. Конструкционно-теплоизоляционный элемент по п.1, отличающийся тем, что трубчатые элементы каркасного типа изготовлены, например, из ударопрочного полиэтилена.

10-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU65522U1

Устройство для теплоизоляции наружных стен многоэтажных зданий Изобретение относится к области строительства, более конкретно к возведению строений с поперечными несущими стенами и самонесущими ограждающими конструкциями. В местах пересечения продольных стен 1, выполняющих роль ограждения эксплуатируемых помещений, и поперечных стен 4 на железно - бетонных стеновых элементах 17 устраиваются вертикальные каналы 18, (фиг.1, 10), в которых установлены элементы 19, выполненные из высоко эффективных теплоизоляционных материалов. Продольный утеплитель 3 (облицовка) установлен на двух железобетонных балках 20, между которыми расположен эффективный утеплитель 21 (фиг.4, 6, 7 и 9). В балконных и оконных проемах в утеплителе 3 (облицовке) устанавливаются пластмассовые трубки 13 и 14 (фиг.1). 2 завис, п-та ф-лы, 11 илл.

30-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011771C1

Использование: для улучшения теплотехнических и физико-механических характеристик конструкций при непрерывной подаче высоковязкой вспенивающейся композиции в полости конструкции установлены горизонтальные перфорированные инъекторы, диаметр отверстий которых возрастает от начала инъектора к концу по параболическому закону с соотношением максимального диаметра к минимальному, равным 1,5 - 2,5. Отношение диаметра перфорационного отверстия к внутреннему диаметру инъектора не превышает критической величины.

27-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2129639C1

Изобретение относится к строительству и строительным материалам. Устройство для теплоизоляции наружных ограждающих конструкций содержит теплоизолирующий слой из последовательно расположенных на внутренней стороне ограждающей конструкции слоя пористого утеплителя, паронепроницаемого теплоотражающего экрана и воздушной прослойки между последним и облицовкой. При этом толщина определяется из соотношения: δ = Aλ, где δ - толщина воздушной прослойки, м; А - коэффициент термического сопротивления теплоизолирующего слоя, м2•oC/Вт; А = (0,1: 1,0)м2•oC/Вт; λ - коэффициент теплопроводности материала слоя пористого утеплителя, Вт/мoС. Возможно размещение между внутренней стороной ограждающей конструкции и слоем пористого утеплителя дополнительного паронепроницаемого теплоотражающего экрана. Причем пористый утеплитель имеет пористость не менее 90%, а паронепроницаемый теплоотражающий экран выполнен с отражением лучистого тепла не менее 80%. Технический результат изобретения -повышение теплозащитных ...

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU114073U1

Теплоизолирующая панель, включающая слой теплоизоляционного материала и разделенные перемычками плоские воздушные полости, отличающаяся тем, что последние формируют в объеме теплоизоляционного материала параллельно поверхностям панели не менее чем в два слоя, причем в разных слоях полости могут быть расположены в шахматном порядке, суммарная площадь перемычек между соседними полостями, расположенными в одном слое, находится в пределах от 15 до 20% от общей площади панели, а в каждой воздушной полости параллельно стенкам с наибольшей площадью располагают с воздушными зазорами один или несколько тепловых отражателей.

25-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2040652C1

Изобретение относится к строительству. Сущность изобретения: фундаментный блок включает панель с верхними и нижними горизонтальными полками и с объединяющими их ребрами жесткости. Высота горизонтальных полок превышает высоту ребер жесткости. К внутренней стороне панели в полости, образованной полками и ребрами жесткости прикреплена тепловая изоляция. К торцам ребер жесткости и свободным внутренним сторонам горизонтальных полос прикреплена дополнительная тепловая изоляция. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 20 ил.

10-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2144115C1

Изобретение относится к области строительства и может быть использовано при сооружении наружных ограждающих конструкций зданий и сооружений жилого, социально-бытового и промышленного назначений. Технический результат изобретения заключается в создании теплоизоляционной панели, основные компоненты которой изготовлены из однородного сырья, обладающего высокими теплотехническими свойствами, экологически и гигиенически чистого, недефицитного и дешевого. Теплоизоляционная строительная панель содержит оболочку с лицевой и тыльной сторонами, размещенные в оболочке глухие ячейки, открытые на лицевую сторону оболочки, защитное покрытие и теплоизолирующий заполнитель, уложенный в ячейки оболочки. Оболочка выполнена из вспененного гипса плотностью 150-300 кг/м3, а заполнитель образован пеногипсовыми вкладышами плотностью 90- 120 кг/м3, причем пеногипсовые вкладыши занимают 30-80% объема панели, а защитное покрытие герметично закрывает всю поверхность панели. Глухие ячейки и пеногипсовые вкладыши выполнены ...

14-10-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2828516C1

Изобретение относится к строительной отрасли, а именно к области энергосбережения зданий и, в частности, к энергосберегающей конструкции наружной стене здания из лёгкого теплоизоляционного материала, включающей фазоизменяемый материал (ФИМ). Технический результат – повышение тепловой инерционности здания из лёгкого теплоизоляционного материала со слоем ФИМ без увеличения массы и объёма ограждающих конструкций (стен и кровли). Описан способ формирования ограждающей конструкции здания, включающий следующие этапы: формирование слоя из лёгкого теплоизоляционного материала, формирование слоя ФИМ в виде плоского слоя единого вещества материала с фазовым переходом, в зависимости от температурного режима возводимого здания: в режиме кондиционирования – в центре конструкции из лёгкого теплоизоляционного материала; в режиме отсутствия кондиционирования – на внутренней поверхности конструкции. Объёмное содержание ФИМ составляет от 2 до 8%. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл., 2 пр.

10-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2104373C1

Изобретение относится к строительству, а именно к наружным ограждающим конструкциям гражданских и промышленных зданий. Применение предлагаемой конструкции панели повышает теплоэффективность и эксплуатационную надежность ограждающих конструкций. Панель состоит из наружного и внутреннего бетонных слоев, соединительных ребер жесткости, промежуточного слоя утеплителя, выполненного из цельного листа и листа с перфорациями, а также слоя фольги. 2 ил.

27-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2114005C1

Изобретение относится к производству железобетонных стеновых панелей и может быть использовано в строительной индустрии. Сущность изобретения: устройство поливинилацетатного покрытия на теплоизоляционных пенополистирольных плитах трехслойных стеновых панелей с целью повышения эффективности их работы в условиях низких температур. 1 табл.

20-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2291988C1

Изобретение относится к строительству зданий и сооружений, в частности к креплению теплоизолирующих плит к стенам зданий и сооружений. Дюбель для фиксации теплоизолирующих плит содержит полимерный крепежный элемент в виде стержня с продольным отверстием, состоящий из головной зоны с прижимной пластиной на конце и основной зоны, а также фиксирующий элемент в виде гвоздя с шляпкой, устанавливаемый в продольном отверстии стержня с возможностью размещения его шляпки в головной зоне, а тела - в основной зоне стержня. Шляпка по концам выполнена в виде двух дисков, контактирующих своими боковыми цилиндрическими поверхностями с цилиндрической поверхностью продольного отверстия головной зоны стержня, и расположенных между ними ребер жесткости, сопряженных соответствующими концами с дисками. На боковых цилиндрических поверхностях дисков выполнено, по крайней мере, или по одной лыске, или по одной продольной канавке. Сопряженная со шляпкой часть гвоздя установлена в продольном отверстии стержня на ...

27-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2480560C1

Изобретение относится к строительству, а именно к устройству для дополнительной теплоизоляции наружных стен помещений эксплуатируемых зданий в качестве теплоизоляционного элемента наружных ограждающих конструкций зданий и сооружений. Устройство включает воздушную прослойку, заполненную каркасом и образованную наружной стеной и облицовкой, покрытой с наружной стороны отражательным материалом в виде алюминиевой фольги. Каркас выполнен из листовой волнообразной алюминиевой фольги, расположенной волнами горизонтально по всему объему прослойки и прикрепленной к облицовке гребнями волн. Облицовка выполнена из композиционного материала, включающего твердый материал, например алюминиевую пластину, теплоизоляционное волокно из базальтового материала и алюминиевую фольгу. Твердый материал со стороны помещения покрыт теплоизоляционным волокном, прикрепленным к алюминиевой фольге. Композиция алюминиевой фольги с высоким коэффициентом теплопроводности и волокна из базальтового материала с низким коэффициентом ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700743C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу утепления каркасно-тентовой конструкции сооружения и к самой каркасно-тентовой конструкции сооружения с утеплением. Каркасно-тентовая конструкция сооружения с утеплением включает каркас кровли и стен сооружения, внешний тент кровли и стен сооружения, а также утеплительный слой кровли и стен сооружения, расположенный под внешним тентом. Утеплительный слой содержит отдельные теплоизоляционные маты, выполненные по краям с люверсами. Маты соединены между собой и металлоконструкцией каркаса в единый целый утеплительный слой с помощью шнуровки, пропущенной через люверсы матов. Маты подвешены с помощью пружинных складных дюбелей, выполненных с зацеплением за тросы, натянутые по прогонам металлоконструкции каркаса сооружения под внешним тентом. Технический результат заключается в повышении теплоизоляционных свойств конструкции. 2 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

05-02-2019 дата публикации

Крепление для фиксации теплоизоляционного материала к утепляемой поверхности

Номер: RU2679030C1

Изобретение относится к строительной отрасли, в частности к креплению теплоизоляционного материала к утепляемой поверхности. Крепление для фиксации теплоизоляционного материала к утепляемой поверхности представляет собой пластину шириной от 30 до 200 мм в зависимости от габаритов утепляемой конструкции, выполненную из заготовки, скроенной из оцинкованного металлического листа, с загнутыми с двух сторон краями с вырезанными зубцами размером от 15 до 100 мм в зависимости от толщины материала, фиксирующую по всему периметру прикрепленный к утепляемой поверхности теплоизоляционный материал. Зафиксированный по всему периметру прикрепленный к утепляемой поверхности теплоизоляционный материал выполнен из несшитого вспененного полиэтилена (НПЭ) с теплоотражающим покрытием или без него, толщиной до 150 мм, в рулонах любой длины, с соединительными продольными замковыми системами на стыке рулонов для бесшовного монтажа. Зафиксированный по всему периметру теплоизоляционный материал прикреплен к утепляемой ...

03-12-2019 дата публикации

Энергосберегающее покрытие с термоиндикаторным эффектом для металлических поверхностей

Номер: RU2707993C1

Изобретение относится к энергосберегающему покрытию с термоиндикаторным эффектом для металлической поверхности, то есть к области теплотехники, и предназначено для использования в качестве теплоизоляции металлических поверхностей на трубопроводах и другом технологическом оборудовании, применяемых на предприятиях добычи и переработки нефти для технологических пунктов по очистке добытой нефти и технологическому оборудованию, в том числе нефтеперерабатывающих заводов, нефте- и газо-, паропроводов, предприятий тепло- и электроснабжения - атомных электростанций, гидроэлектростанций, котельных, обеспечивает снижение тепловых выбросов (инфракрасного излучения (ИКИ) и контактной температуры) в окружающую среду, на площади излучающих элементов технологического оборудования, включающего в себя все механические узлы и поверхности элементов технологических схем, работающих в диапазоне температур на металлической поверхности от -60 до 300°С. Энергосберегающее покрытие с термоиндикаторным эффектом для ...

10-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2152489C1

Изобретение относится к производству плит из минерального волокна. Для изготовления плит из минерального волокна получают отвержденное нетканое полотно из минерального волокна путем получения первого нетканого полотна из минерального волокна, содержащего минеральные волокна, расположенные преимущественно в первом продольном направлении, и сегменты первого полотна из минерального волокна, расположенные с частичным взаимным перекрыванием для получения второго нетканого полотна из минерального волокна, которое содержит минеральные волокна, расположенные в основном под косым углом по отношению друг к другу. Второе полотно из минерального волокна сложено под косым углом для получения третьего нетканого полотна из минерального волокна. Третье нетканое полотно из минерального волокна отверждено для получения отвержденного нетканого полотна из минерального волокна, из которого вырезают плиту из минерального волокна или в альтернативном случае - трубчатый изоляционный элемент. Объем плиты из минерального ...

20-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004123789A

... 1. Термоизоляционный материал, применяемый в областях, требующих непрерывной стойкости к температурам 1260°C без взаимодействия с алюмосиликатным огнеупорным кирпичом, причем изоляционный материал содержит волокна, имеющие композицию, мас.%: 72%<=SiO2<86%, MgO<=2,5%, 14% Подробнее

20-01-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92002386A

Изобретение относится к прокладочным заполняющим материалам, используемым в качестве вентилируемого и амортизационного заполнителя в швейных изделиях для защиты от пониженных /повышенных/ температур и механических воздействий, а также при изготовлении панелей для строительных работ. Известные способы изготовления прокладок не обеспечивают достаточных формоустойчивости, прочности соединения, амортизационных свойств. Цель изобретения - повышение формоустойчивости, прочности соединения, улучшение амортизационных свойств при сохранении фильтрационной способности и массы прокладки. Для этого способ изготовления прокладок, относящийся к прокладочным заполняющим материалам, включающий укладку полос из эластичного поропласта - пенополиуретана в одной плоскости встык, соединение их расположенными в шахматном порядке с обеих сторон стыкуемых полос полосами поперечного направления, которые затем разрезают в шахматном порядке по линиям стыка полос с шагом, равным двойной ширине стыкуемых полос, растяжение ...

20-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004100739A

... 1. Способ изготовления армированных торфоплит, заключающийся в том, что форму заполняют торфяной смесью, размещают в ней арматуру, смесь прессуют, сушат, отличающийся тем, что натяжение арматуры осуществляют путем взаимного совмещения двух полуформ. 2. Устройство для реализации способа, состоящее из поддона и бортов формы, отличающееся тем, что форма состоит из двух полуформ, между которыми натянута арматурная сетка, причем края нижней и верхней полуформ выполнены в виде конуса; а их торцы выполнены с выступами и углублениями соответственно.

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU126724U1

... 1. Полимерная теплоизоляционная панель, содержащая параллельные наружные пластины, установленные поперек теплового потока, при этом пространство между ними заполнено перегородками.2. Полимерная теплоизоляционная панель по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что перегородками между наружными пластинами образована структура воздушных прослоек, не создающая прямого взаимодействия между наружными пластинами через единый воздушный слой.3. Полимерная теплоизоляционная панель по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что наружные пластины и перегородки выполнены из полимеров, не поддерживающих горение.4. Полимерная теплоизоляционная панель по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что грани прямолинейно-полигонально очерченных воздушных прослоек, образованные перегородками, ориентированы либо параллельно, либо перпендикулярно, либо под углом к наружной плоскости панели, образуя шахматную, либо сотовую, либо ромбическую внутреннюю структуру.

10-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93037908A

Изобретение может быть использовано для дополнительной теплоизоляции наружных стен зданий с обеспечением их осушения и поддержания оптимального микроклимата помещений. Устройство содержит полуоткрытые и замкнутые воздушные прослойки, формируемые с помощью полиэтиленовых пленок, и облицовку с воздухопроницаемым участком.

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008109801A

... 1. Теплоизолятор, выполненный с пустотами (порами), отличающийся тем, что поверхность теплоизолятора в пустотах, обращенная к источнику тепла и(или) от источника тепла, выполнена, соответственно, теплоотражающей и теплопоглощающей. 2. Теплоизолятор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пустоты в нем образованы полыми телами с внутренней поверхностью, обращенной к источнику тепла и(или) от источника тепла, выполненной, соответственно, теплоотражающей и теплопоглощающей. 3. Теплоизолятор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пустоты в нем образованы неплотно прилегающими одно к другому телами с поверхностью, обращенной к источнику тепла и(или) от источника тепла, выполненной, соответственно, теплоотражающей и теплопоглощающей. 4. Теплоизолятор по п.3, отличающийся тем, что в качестве тел используют волокна. 5. Теплоизолятор по п.3, отличающийся тем, что в качестве тел используют слои. 6. Теплоизолятор по п.5, отличающийся тем, что слои выполнены сохраняющими форму и скреплены между собой с зазором. 7. Теплоизолятор ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006137271A

... 1. Изолирующее изделие (103), включающее мат (10), содержащий случайным образом ориентированные волокна, сцепленные при помощи связующего, при этом мат имеет первую и вторую основные поверхности (11, 12) и пару боковых участков (14, 15); по меньшей мере, один гибкий армирующий слой (24), сцепленный с матом (10) между первой и второй основными поверхностями (11, 12) и простирающийся по длине мата (10). 2. Изолирующее изделие по п.1, в котором армирующий слой включает лист нетканого материала, содержащий случайным образом ориентированные стекловолокна. 3. Изолирующее изделие по п.1, в котором мат включает несколько гибких армирующих слоев, расположенных между первой и второй основными поверхностями и простирающихся по длине мата. 4. Изолирующее изделие по п.3, в котором упомянутые несколько армирующих слоев включают, по меньшей мере, два армирующих слоя, расположенных, по существу, параллельно первой и второй основным поверхностям и друг другу. 5. Изолирующее изделие по п.4, в котором упомянутые ...

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2285093C1

Изобретение относится к области строительства, а именно к технологии каркасно-монолитного и сборно-каркасного домостроения, и может быть использовано для утепления несущих наружных конструкций зданий путем исключения мостиков холода в местах сопряжения железобетонных перекрытий с несущими стенами и/или колоннами. Технический результат: создание простой и дешевой в изготовлении ограждающей стеновой конструкции для каркасно-монолитного и сборно-каркасного домостроения, обладающей высокими теплофизическими свойствами за счет исключения мостиков холода в местах сопряжения железобетонных межэтажных перекрытий с несущими элементами (стенами и/или колоннами). Ограждающая стеновая конструкция образована торцевыми поверхностями несущих элементов, расположенных между монолитными железобетонными межэтажными перекрытиями, между которыми размещены скрепленные раствором блоки, и имеет утеплитель, причем блоки выполнены выступающими наружу по отношению к торцевым поверхностям несущих элементов на расстояние ...

16-02-2018 дата публикации

Замковая технология теплоизоляционного материала для бесшовной сварки соединительных замков

Номер: RU2645190C1

Изобретение относится к строительной отрасли, в частности к монтажу наружного и/или внутреннего утепления различных объектов строительства с использованием теплоизоляционного материала Тепофол®. Замковая технология бесшовной сварки соединительных замков теплоизоляционного материала, размер которых варьируется от 10 до 250 мм, включает два слоя утеплителя рулонного формата, состоящего из несшитого вспененного полиэтилена (НПЭ) и теплоотражающего покрытия, поверхности которых склеивают между собой посредством строительного фена путем нагревания склеиваемых поверхностей до температуры 110-120°C для достижения цельного герметичного бесшовного теплоизоляционного полотна, полностью сформированного из утеплителя НПЭ рулонного формата. Соединительные замки вырезаются двумя способами: непосредственно в процессе производства утеплителя и являются неотъемлемым элементом готовой продукции либо в момент производства монтажных работ на объекте в случае, когда по условиям монтажа требуется дополнительное ...

16-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2647523C1

Изобретение относится к фасадной конструкции и способу сборки фасадной конструкции. Техническим результатом является усовершенствование фасадной конструкции путем обеспечения возможности ее более быстрой сборки. Технический результат достигается тем, что фасадная конструкция содержит: первые теплоизоляционные элементы, обладающие первой плотностью, расположенные на несущем каркасе, в частности наружной стены здания, вторые теплоизоляционные элементы, обладающие второй плотностью, расположенные на первых теплоизоляционных элементах, при этом вторая плотность превышает первую плотность первых теплоизоляционных элементов, удерживающее устройство, расположенное на несущем каркасе и удерживающее первые и вторые теплоизоляционные элементы на несущем каркасе, а также защитный слой, защищающий вторые теплоизоляционные панели от воздействий внешней среды, таких как влага или механическая нагрузка, промежуточный слой в виде множества монтажных плит, причем промежуточный слой закреплен на удерживающем ...

23-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2651718C1

Изобретение относится к области производства строительных материалов и может быть использовано при производстве термостойкой конструкционной теплоизоляции на основе минеральных волокон. Теплоизоляционное изделие на минеральном связующем, полученное из смеси, содержащей в качестве связующего водную суспензию сапонитсодержащего материала, а в качестве волокнистого заполнителя - базальтовые волокна при следующем соотношении компонентов смеси, мас. %: сапонитсодержащий материал 15-25%, базальтовые волокна 75-85%. Причем указанная смесь подвергается термической модификации при температуре до 1200°С. Техническим результатом является увеличение конструкционной прочности. 1 табл.

10-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99107084A

... 1. Облицовка стен зданий, содержащая чередующиеся ряды основных и перевязочных облицовочных плит, отличающаяся тем, что облицовочные плиты выполнены из защитного и теплоизоляционного элементов, соединенных неразъемно во время их изготовления, так, что в каждой из перевязочных облицовочных плит теплоизоляционный элемент занимает одну часть внутренней области защитного элемента, примыкающую к внешней торцевой грани перевязочной облицовочной плиты, тогда как другая часть защитного элемента выполнена монолитной, при этом центр тяжести облицовки находится в монолитной части защитных элементов перевязочных облицовочных плит. 2. Облицовка стен зданий по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что толщина перевязочных облицовочных плит равна толщине камня основной кладки стены. 3. Облицовка стен зданий по пп. 1-3, отличающаяся тем, что теплоизоляционный элемент перевязочной облицовочной плиты расположен во внутренней области защитного элемента таким образом, что все его грани кроме нижней соединены с соответствующими ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014117683A

... 1. Способ обшивки ранее воздвигнутой стены (2), согласно которому слой (4; 4′; 24) изоляционного материала и гипсокартонная плита (14) размещены против упомянутой ранее воздвигнутой стены (2), отличающийся тем, что он содержит следующие этапы:a) крепят, по меньшей мере, один слой (4; 4′; 24) изоляционного материала на ранее воздвигнутой стене (2);b) устанавливают трубу (12) или аналогичные элементы на этапе а) или после него;c) закрепляют закрывающую панель, содержащую гипсокартонную плиту (14) для накрытия изоляционного материала, прикрепленного на ранее воздвигнутой стене (2),причем слой (4; 4′; 24) изоляционного материала имеет, по меньшей мере, одну сторону с вытянутыми углублениями, параллельными друг другу и вытянутыми от одного края к другому краю упомянутого слоя материала; причем упомянутые углубления разделены рельефными зонами.2. Способ обшивки по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна рельефная зона каждого слоя изоляционного материала содержит плоскую поверхность ...

10-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2556594C1

Изобретение относится к строительству, а именно к конструкциям ограждающих элементов с солнечным коллектором, и может быть использовано в строительстве различных отапливаемых зданий, преимущественно сельскохозяйственных. Технический результат: поддержание заданных теплоизоляционных свойств ограждающего элемента с солнечным коллектором, как при наличии солнечной радиации, так и после ее воздействия. Ограждающий элемент с солнечным коллектором включает герметичные воздушные наклоненные щели по его высоте, восходящие от наружной к внутренней поверхности элемента, причем каждая герметичная наклонная щель имеет переменное поперечное сечение, которое уменьшается к внутренней поверхности. Элемент снабжен теплоизоляционным слоем, выполненным в виде витых пучков, расположенных вертикально между наружной и внутренней поверхностями элемента и с различной длиной от наклонных поверхностей герметичных воздушных наклонных щелей. 1 ил.

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010134483A

... 1. Способ изготовления теплоизоляционного покрытия с применением блоков из пеностекла, выполненных в форме уплощенной призмы, отличающийся тем, что для крепления блоков из пеностекла к основанию защищаемой конструкции и между собой используют жидкую керамическую теплоизоляцию, при этом на поверхность основания защищаемой конструкции предварительно наносят, по меньшей мере, один слой жидкой керамической теплоизоляции, затем на слой жидкой керамической теплоизоляции в течение времени, не превышающего время ее полной полимеризации, укладывают сплошным слоем блоки из пеностекла, предварительно нанеся на их боковые грани, по меньшей мере, один слой жидкой керамической теплоизоляции, при этом блоки совмещают с основанием защищаемой конструкции и друг с другом плотно, без образования воздушных полостей в жидкой керамической изоляции между нижней гранью блока и основанием защищаемой конструкции, а также между боковыми гранями смежных блоков, затем на внешнюю поверхность слоя, образованного блоками ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015138685A

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011153755A

... 1. Наружная изоляционная система зданий, содержащая:изоляционные элементы (1), покрытые отделочными плитами (2), закрепленными на совокупности профилей (5), установленных на подлежащей изоляции стене (0),отличающаяся тем, что изоляционные элементы (1) и профили (5) удерживаются консолями (3), содержащими по существу плоскую первую часть (31) для опоры и крепления на подлежащей изоляции стене (0) и по существу плоскую вторую часть (32) опоры, удержания и крепления на регулируемом расстоянии от указанной стены для первой по существу плоской части (51) профилей (5), которые содержат вторую по существу плоскую часть (52) опоры для отделочных плит (2), причем консоли выполнены из материала с термической проводимостью не превышающей 0,5 B/м·К.2. Наружная изоляционная система зданий по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что профили (5) являются вертикальными, при этом вторая часть (32) консолей (3) расположена вертикально.3. Наружная изоляционная система зданий по одному из предыдущих пунктов, отличающаяся ...

10-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97101800A

Способ изготовления стеновой панели для наружных стен здания, включающий формование наружного и внутреннего бетонных слоев с промежуточным слоем утеплителя пенополистирола, отличающийся тем, что сторону плиты пенополистирола, контактирующую с внутренней поверхностью наружного слоя панели, предварительно покрывают поливинилацетатной дисперсией, дают выдержку 5 - 15 мин, затем приформовывают бетонную смесь наружного слоя.

10-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2279414C1

Изобретение относится к производству строительных материалов на основе полимерных композиций и может быть использовано в качестве конструкционного материала теплоизоляционных плит полифункционального назначения, например стеновых панелей, а также в качестве теплоизоляционного материала. Описывается теплоизоляционная композиция, содержащая 70-90 мас.% пенополиуретана и 10-30 мас.% наполнителя, причем в качестве наполнителя используют зольные микросферы продуктов сжигания угля твердого шлакоудаления с размерами фракций 1-10 мкм не более 20 мас.%, с размерами фракций 30-40 мкм не менее 65 мас.% и с размерами фракций 80-100 мкм не более 15 мас.%. Полученные композиции имеют плотность 51 кг/м3, прочность на сжатие 1,36 МПа и коэффициент теплопроводности 0,124 Вт/м·К. 1 табл.

27-06-2003 дата публикации

Устройство наружной теплоизоляции стен с защитным покрытием

Номер: RU2001117734A

... 1. Устройство наружной теплоизоляции стен предназначено для зданий различной этажности и назначения при их реконструкции и строительстве, включающее утеплитель в виде напиленного монолитного пенополиуретанового слоя (или подобного материала), с высокой адгезией к наружным материалам стен с защитным, цементно-песчаным слоем, усиленным стальной сеткой и фасадным, декоративным покрытием, отличающееся тем, что защитный слой выполняется из теплого раствора в составе органического вяжущего и легких неорганических и органических наполнителей из отходов промышленности, который при необходимости усиливается сеткой из стекловолокна, полимеров. 2. Устройство, отличающееся тем, что защитный слой теплой штукатурки может наноситься непосредственно на поверхность наружных стен без слоя утеплителя в соответствии с комплексным теплотехническим расчетом здания в целом (с учетом приведенного сопротивления теплопередачи и нормативного удельного расхода тепла), назначая толщину слоя по формуле δ3=[R0-(Rв+Rн ...

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2001105069A

... 1. Утепленная стена здания и сооружения, содержащая простенки, дверные и оконные проемы, теплоизоляционные блоки и крепежные элементы, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве теплоизоляционного блока берут блоки, плиты или пластины, выполненные из древесно-минеральных или древесно-бетонных материалов. 2. Стена по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что теплоизоляционные блоки, плиты или пластины устанавливают с внутренней стороны стены. 3. Стена по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что теплоизоляционные блоки, плиты или пластины устанавливают с внешней стороны стены. 4. Стена по пп. 1, 2 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что крепежные элементы выполнены на основе твердеющего раствора. 5. Стена по пп. 1, 2 или 3, отличающаяся тем, что крепежные элементы выполнены в виде анкеров. 6. Стена по пп. 1, 2 или 3, 4, 5, отличающаяся тем, что крепежные элементы выполнены одновременно из твердеющего раствора и анкеров. 7. Стена по пп. 1, 2 или 3, 4, или 5, или 6, отличающаяся тем, что на теплоизоляционные блоки, плиты или пластины наносят ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014107160A

... 1. Способ гидрофобизации микропористого, содержащего гидрофильную кремниевую кислоту теплоизоляционного формованного изделия путем его обработки по меньшей мере одним органосиланом, отличающийся тем, что в камеру, в которой находится микропористое, содержащее гидрофильную кремниевую кислоту теплоизоляционное формованное изделие, подают один или несколько парообразных в условиях реакции органосиланов до тех пор, пока разность давлений Δр не составит 20 мбар или более.2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что давление в камере перед подачей в нее органосилана ниже атмосферного давления.3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что давление в камере перед подачей в нее органосилана равно атмосферному давлению или превышает его.4. Способ по одному из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что в качестве гидрофильной кремниевой кислоты используют пирогенную кремниевую кислоту и/или кремнеземный аэрогель.5. Способ по одному из пп.1-3, отличающийся тем, что органосилан выбирают из группы, включающей R-Si-X, RSi-Y-SiR ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005132226A

... 1. Способ непрерывного изготовления акустической панели, включающий этапы, на которых осуществляют получение смеси, включающей воду, вспениватель и обожженный гипс; разлив смеси с образованием непрерывной ленты; удержание ленты в условиях, достаточных для того, чтобы обожженный гипс образовал переплетенную фиксированную матрицу из затвердевшего гипса; нарезание ленты с образованием предшественника влажной акустической панели; и сушка предшественника влажной панели с получением акустической панели, в котором акустическая панель характеризуется значением нормального случайного звукопоглощения, равным по меньшей мере примерно 0,32, в соответствии с модифицированным ASTM E 1050-98. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором используют смесь, включающую целлюлозное волокно. 3. Способ по п.2, в котором целлюлозное волокно представляет собой бумажное волокно. 4. Способ по п.2, в котором количество целлюлозного волокна составляет от примерно 1 до примерно 12 вес.% от твердого содержимого смеси. 5. Способ по п ...

27-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000115077A

Торфяная плита, включающая заполнитель и связующее из мелкодисперсного торфа, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве заполнителя используют торф слабой степени разложения с длиной волокон 3-5 мм, причем компоненты берут в следующем соотношении, мас. %: Мелкодисперсный торф - 45-50 Слаборазложившийся торф - 30-35 Вода - Остальное ...

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007120633A

... 1. Устройство (5) для удерживания вместе двух поверхностей материала (2) из минерального волокна, содержащее ремень (9), имеющий первый конец и второй конец с шипом (6) на каждом конце, в котором ремень выполнен гибким; а каждый шип выполнен по существу жестким и согнутым под углом таким образом, что содержит соединительную часть (8), присоединенную к ремню, и вводимую часть (7), причем угол между соединительной частью и вводимой частью находится в пределах между 35 и 80°.2. Устройство (5) по п.1, в котором угол между частями (7, 8) каждого шипа (6) находится в пределах между 45 и 70°, предпочтительно между 55 и 65°, а наиболее предпочтительно составляет около 60°.3. Устройство (5) по п.1 или 2, в котором вводимая часть (7) каждого шипа (6) имеет длину в пределах между 0,02-0,20 м, предпочтительно в пределах между 0,04-0,06 м.4. Устройство (5) по п.1, в котором ремень (9) имеет длину, составляющую, по меньшей мере, 0,15 м, предпочтительно в пределах между 0,20 и 0,50 м, а наиболее предпочтительно ...

27-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015102262A

... 1. Устройство для крепления изоляции к стене, состоящее из фиксирующей втулки (1), которая оканчивается на одном конце зоной расширения (2), а на другом - круглой пластиной (3), где внутри фиксирующей втулки (1) находится расширительный элемент (4), предпочтительно - в виде винта, отличающееся тем, что расширительный элемент (4) имеет головку, встраиваемую с образованием неразъемного соединения во втулку (5) с наружной резьбой, где во втулке (5) предусмотрено многоугольное отверстие (6), фиксирующая втулка (1) имеет диаметр с постепенным уменьшением, причем наибольший диаметр (D) находится со стороны ввода, длина Lфиксирующей втулки (1) от ступени до конца фиксирующей втулки не меньше, чем длина Lрасширительного элемента (4) от точки присоединения к втулке (5) до его конца, наибольший внутренний диаметр (D) фиксирующей втулки (1) больше, чем наружный диаметр (D) втулки (5), жестко присоединяемой к расширительному элементу (4), а длина отрезка (K) с наибольшим внутренним диаметром (D) фиксирующей ...

07-10-1989 дата публикации

Теплоизоляционная панель

Номер: SU1513099A2

Изобретение относится к области строительства, а именно к конструкциям наружных панелей зданий и сооружений, в том числе и для районов с резко континентальным климатом, и позволяет повысить эксплуатационные качества за счет снижения контактной хрупкости и исключения сквозной конвекции по толщине и высоте панели, а также теплозащитные качества за счет снижения высотного градиента температур в панели. Между слоями шаров 4 размещены воздухонепроницаемые гибкие горизонтальные прокладки 5, которые торцами 6 заведены в обрамляющий элемент 7 панели. Кроме того, она может иметь вертикальные прокладки 8 с уширениями. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил.

30-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1819229C

07-11-1989 дата публикации

Солнечная стена здания

Номер: SU1520212A1

Изобретение относится к пассивному солнечному отоплению зданий в районах с жарким климатом. Цель изобретения - сокращение тепловых потоков в помещении в летнее время и , кроме того, достижение повышения эффективности поглощения солнечной энергии. Солнечная стена включает несущую конструкцию 1 и закрепленные на ней связующим составом 2 светопрозрачные полые элементы 3, имеющие герметичную воздушную прослойку 5. Для сокращения тепловых потоков в помещении в летнее время при эффективном поглощении солнечной энергии зимой фасадная стенка элемента 3 образована чередующимися наклонной наружу гранью 8 и полкой 9. Зенитный угол грани равен 8-16°, а полки 91-96°. В зимнее время солнечные лучи пропускаются гранью и поглощаются конструкцией 1. Летом при высоком солнцестоянии увеличивается угол падения лучей на грань и снижается ее пропускательная способность, а запыленная при эксплуатации полка выполняет функцию солнцезащитного козырька. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

23-11-1990 дата публикации

Теплоизоляционный блок

Номер: SU1608306A1

Изобретение относится к строительству, а именно к теплоизоляционным элементам для ограждающих конструкций зданий и сооружений. Позволяет улучшить технологические и эксплуатационные качества за счет повышения стойкости к динамическим воздействиям, паровлагозащиты и сопротивления инфильтрации при утилизации использованной полужесткой тары из-под жидких, пастообразных и сыпучих продуктов. Теплоизоляционный слой 1 выполнен из плотно, без зазоров, прижатых друг к другу бумажно-пластиковых пакетов, например, из-под молока. Внутренняя полость каждого пакета заполнена теплоизоляционным материалом, например, заливочным пенопластом. Слой 3 облегает с пяти сторон блок, а кромки 5 слоя 3 заведены в облицовочный слой 2 и заанкерены в нем. В защитном слое 3 размещены дополнительные прокладки 7 из конструкционного или конструкционно-теплоизоляционного материала. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-05-1964 дата публикации

Способ изготовления изоляционных изделий

Номер: SU162947A1

16-09-2010 дата публикации

Dämmung von Zwischensparren-Hohlräumen

Номер: DE202010009677U1

Gerät zum nachträglichen Dämmen von Zwischensparren-Hohlräumen in Altbau-Dachgeschosswohnungen durch Absenkung des Geräts mit einer komprimierten Dämmstoffmatte und anschleißender Dekomprimierung des Dämmstoffs in definierter Hohlraumlage, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Gerät aus einem glattflächigen, u-förmigen oder trapezförmigen Profil (1) besteht, an dessen nach oben offenen Seitenwänden der Länge nach Verschlussteile angebracht sind und dass die u-förmigen oder trapezförmigen Profile (1) mit einem formstabilen, glattflächigen Deckel (3) versehen werden können, an dessen Längskanten ebenfalls Verschlussteile angebracht sind, die durch Handdruck mit dem Profil (1) kraftschlüssig, verschiebbar und wieder lösbar verbunden werden.

20-03-1997 дата публикации

Method of plastering walls of buildings

Номер: DE0019642376A1

The method involves arranging a spacing plate (14) between the blocking plate (17) and the inner side of the shell structure (10), before the structural material (19) is poured into the shell. After pouring and releasing the structural material the spacing plate is withdrawn from the shell. Wall plaster is then poured into the gap newly created between the blocking plate and the shell inner side. The blocking plate is fitted on a substructure inside the shell (18).

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Thermally insulated spacer system for receiving static- and dynamic loads, has core element, particularly round material with high thermal insulating ability, where core element is connected with support tube

Номер: DE102012007961A1

The thermally insulated spacer system has a core element (1), particularly a round material with high thermal insulating ability. The core element is connected with a support tube (2). The support tube has high static and dynamic loading capacity. The support tube is formed of fiber reinforced composites, such as carbon fiber plastic, glass reinforced plastic, aramide fiber reinforced plastic and also has a thermal insulation capability. The force and moment introduction takes place particularly over threads (3) at the end of the spacer system. The core element has a band (4) for reducing the edge pressure on the support tube.

09-12-2004 дата публикации

Faded insulating element for the external side of a building wall useful for insulation of buildings, especially old buildings and for prevention of dew water deposition on the internal side

Номер: DE202004011675U1

Faded insulating element for the external side of a building wall for prevention of dew water deposition on the internal side, comprising two branches (22) for application to the walls (12,14). Faded insulating element for the external side of a building wall for prevention of dew water deposition on the internal side, comprising two branches (22) for application to the walls (12,14), where the length and/or thickness and/or material of the branch (22), depending on the wall thickness and/or material, is so selected that at an external temperature of -5 degreesC and internal temperature +20 degreesC, the wall inside surface temperature is at least 12.5 degreesC. An independent claim is included for a building having a Faded insulating element as described above.

15-02-2007 дата публикации

Hollow block brickwork has insulating material located in at least one cavity of brickwork, and at least one temporary sealable through-hole which leads from outside into cavity is provided in brickwork for feed of insulating material

Номер: DE202006002219U1

The hollow block brickwork with subsequent insulation has the insulating material located in at least one cavity (2,3) of the hollow block brickwork. At least one temporary through-hole (4) which leads from the outside into the cavity is provided in the brickwork for feed of the insulating material. The insulating material can be introduced into the cavity in the brickwork by means of a filling aid (5). The through-hole can be sealed by an acrylic material which corresponds to the color and structure of the external rendering.

03-07-1980 дата публикации

External wall heat insulating mineral fibre panel - has water deflecting impregnation and non moisture proof front skin

Номер: DE0002854099A1

Buildings are provided with heat insulation on the outside by means of mineral fibre panels set on the external wall. Panels (2) are impregnated so as to deflect water and are laid directly on the wall (1). They have a front facing skin (3) which is permeable by moisture, down to a low temperature range. A perforated water catchment and removal channel (5) may be provided at the bottom edge. Fibres pref. run vertically. This does not give rise to diffusion problems, and is architectural acceptable, without appreciable increase in cost.

07-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0019806454C2

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Befestigungsmittel und Verfahren zur Befestigung einer Dämmstoffplatte sowie entsprechende Anordnung

Номер: DE102013208954A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Befestigungsmittel zur Befestigung einer Dämmstoffplatte an einer Unterkonstruktion, wobei das Befestigungsmittel eine Druckscheibe und ein davon quer abstehendes längliches Befestigungselement aufweist. Auf einer Oberseite der Druckscheibe ist ein Wärmedämm-Material nach Art einer Wärmedämm-Scheibe angeordnet, vorteilhaft unlösbar befestigt. Des Weiteren betrifft die Erfindung eine Anordnung mit einer Unterkonstruktion und einer Dämmstoffplatte sowie ein Verfahren zum Befestigen einer Dämmstoffplatte an einer Unterkonstruktion.

21-09-2000 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Befestigen einer hinterlüfteten Außenwandbekleidung

Номер: DE0019653672C2

01-12-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002615608C2

25-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009044545B4

Dämmplatte zur Verlegung insbesondere an einer Gebäudewand, bestehend aus einem von einer Sichtfläche, einer Klebefläche und einer Mehrzahl von Stoßflächen begrenzten Dämmkörper (2), wobei dem Dämmkörper (2) an wenigstens einer seiner Stoßflächen Klemmmittel zur Herstellung einer Klemmverbindung mit Klemmmitteln eines gleichartigen zweiten Dämmkörpers (8) zugeordnet sind, wobei es sich bei den Klemmmitteln jeweils entweder um eine Klemmnut (4) oder eine Klemmfeder (5) handelt, welche kraftschlüssig miteinander in Eingriff bringbar sind, und wobei die Klemmfeder (5) wenigstens eine Auswölbung (11) aufweist, welche in eine Hinterschneidung (10) der Klemmnut (4) kraftschlüssig eingreift, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass an wenigstens einer der Stoßflächen wenigstens zwei parallel zueinander verlaufende, stirnseitige Klemmnuten (4) oder wenigstens zwei parallel zueinander verlaufende, stirnseitige Klemmfedern (5) angeordnet sind, welche zwischen sich wenigstens eine zusätzliche Dichtnut (6) bzw ...

10-10-1996 дата публикации

L-förmiges Schalungselement

Номер: DE0029508968U1

02-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029722566U1

04-09-1997 дата публикации

Aussenwand für Wohnungsgebäude

Номер: DE0029710343U1

19-05-1983 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing a building outer wall and construction member therefor

Номер: DE0003144330A1

Method for manufacturing a building outer wall and construction member therefor in a building having posts lying in the outer wall and taking on the statics, the building outer wall containing posts, taking on the statics, in the form of steel or wooden posts and containing an upright, sill and head structure consisting of sheet-metal sections, the sheet-metal sections preferably being U- or C-sections, the outwardly facing surfaces of which are covered with a distance layer of a heat-insulating material and of planking, preferably of gypsum plasterboard, on both sides, the external planking being water-repellent and bearing, on its outside, a layer of insulating material with a weatherproof plastic finish.

22-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003162316D1

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Nanoporöses Verbundmaterial enthaltend anorganische Hohlpartikel

Номер: DE102015215055A1

Ein nanoporöses Verbundmaterial, enthaltend anorganische Hohlartikel eingebettet in eine Matrix aus einem organisches Bindemittel, wobei der Anteil der anorganischen Hohlpartikeln mindestens 80 Gew.-%, bezogen auf das Verbundmaterial, beträgt, ein Verfahren zur Herstellung des Verbundmaterials, welches die folgenden Stufen a) bis d) umfasst: a) Herstellung einer Mischung von anorganischen Hohlpartikeln und einem organischen Bindemittel, vorzugsweise in Form einer wässrigen Dispersion, beispielsweise einer wässrigen Polyurethan- oder Acrylatdispersion, b) Einbringen der Mischung in eine beheiz- und verschließbare Entlüftungsöffnung aufweisende Form, c) Schließen der Form und Volumenreduktion der Mischung, und d) Aushärten und Entformen des Verbundmateriales, sowie die Verwendung des Verbundmaterials.

21-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029811945U1

07-05-1998 дата публикации

Wärmeisolierendes Bauteil für Profilstahl

Номер: DE0029721204U1

28-01-2020 дата публикации

Строительная панель

Номер: RU0000195433U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, применяется при возведении наружных несущих ограждающих конструкций, перекрытий, несущей кровли и внутренних перегородок.Строительная панель, содержащая, две параллельно расположенные напротив друг друга несущие деревянные балки, скрепленные между собой с помощью двух пар параллельно расположенных перемычек, соединенных между собой одной вертикально ориентированной опорой, при этом внутри панели на расстоянии, равном 10-15% общей ширины панели от крайних несущих балок размещены деревянные перфорированные разделители с диаметром отверстий 0,5-0,8 см и количеством не более 1000 шт/м, а к перфорированному разделителю прикреплена паропроницаемая мембрана; в полости между внешней несущей балкой и перфорированным разделителем размещен вспученный перлитовый песок, а в полости между центральной несущей балкой и перфорированным разделителем расположен зафиксированный утеплитель на основе минеральных или натуральных волокон.Строительная панель позволяет повысить срок службы готовых строительных объектов и сохранить исходный низкий коэффициент теплопроводности панели в 2-4 раза дольше. 1 н.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 433 U1 (51) МПК E04C 2/38 (2006.01) E04B 1/78 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04C 2/38 (2019.08); E04B 1/78 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019128595, 11.09.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "АИСТ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 28.01.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 28.01.2020 Бюл. № 4 1 9 5 4 3 3 R U (54) СТРОИТЕЛЬНАЯ ПАНЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства, применяется при возведении наружных несущих ограждающих конструкций, перекрытий, несущей кровли и внутренних перегородок. Строительная панель, содержащая, две параллельно расположенные напротив друг друга несущие деревянные балки, скрепленные между ...

02-09-2020 дата публикации

Облицовочно-изоляционная плита

Номер: RU0000199449U1

Полезная модель относится к строительной отрасли, а именно к строительным материалам, используемым для облицовки, отделки, утепления, звуко- и теплоизоляции зданий и частных, общественных, жилых, промышленных и других сооружений.Облицовочно-изоляционная плита, содержащая наружный облицовочный слой и внутренний изоляционный слой, соединенные неразъемно между собой, и средства монтажа плиты к поверхности, выполненные как технологические углубления на боковых сторонах плиты со сквозными отверстиями на донной поверхности для размещения крепежных элементов. При этом технологические углубления содержат углубления в облицовочном слое по всей толщине облицовочного слоя, и углубления в изоляционном слое, выполненного на глубину изоляционного слоя в пределах 3...10 мм от поверхности изоляционного слоя, соединенного с облицовочным слоем. Сквозные отверстия для размещения крепежных элементов выполнены на донной поверхности углубления в изоляционном слое. Средства монтажа плиты к поверхности могут дополнительно содержать скрытые крепления с полкой, расположенной в толщине облицовочного слоя, и полкой, расположенной снаружи изоляционного слоя вдоль его внешней поверхности, соединенными между собой участком, проходящим через изоляционный слой.С помощью полезной модели повышают надежность фасадного покрытия поверхности здания и упрощают его создание (монтаж) с помощью облицовочно-изоляционных плит для любой конфигурации здания, а также обеспечивают сплошную поверхность фасадного покрытия без необходимости дополнительной доработки отдельных элементов облицовочно-изоляционных плит одновременно с упрощением технологии производства плиты. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 449 U1 (51) МПК E04B 1/76 (2006.01) E04F 13/072 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04B 1/762 (2020.05); E04B 1/80 (2020.05); E04F 13/072 (2020.05); E04F 13/075 (2020.05); E04F 13/077 (2020.05); E04F 13/0816 (2020.05) (21)(22) Заявка ...

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Partially Fire Resistant Insulation Material Comprising Unrefined Virgin Pulp Fibers and Wood Ash Fire Retardant Component

Номер: US20120199303A1
Принадлежит: International Paper Co

A partially fire resistant cellulosic fiber thermal insulation material from a fibrous web of unrefined virgin softwood and hardwood provides fibers which provides an R-value (as measured by the ASTM C518 test) of at least about 3, and a wood ash fire retardant component present in and/or on the fibrous web in an amount of at least about 1.5% by weight of the fibrous web and sufficient to impart at least partial fire resistance (as measured by the ASTM E970-08A test) to the fibrous web. Also, a process for preparing this at least partially fire resistant thermal insulation material.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Insulation art

Номер: US20120311958A1
Автор: William August
Принадлежит: Individual

A manufacture for insulating a wall, said manufacture includes: an insulation board, and visual artwork on a surface of said insulation board.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Insulating and draining board

Номер: US20130011622A1
Автор: Jonas Jalakas
Принадлежит: IGNUCELL AB

The present invention relates to an insulating and draining board with two opposing main side surfaces and a top side portion and a bottom side portion, said board being formed by bonded beads of foamed plastic, wherein pores are present between the beads forming a network for drainage of water, which bottom side portion of the board being tapered towards a first free end extending in the longitudinal direction of the board, the first free end being located between planes coinciding with the main side surfaces.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074431A1
Автор: Croasdale Scott

An isolator system for preventing the conduction of thermal energy between the metal components of a wall assembly comprising isolator plates adapted to be placed between the metal components of a wall assembly and made of an insulating material. The isolator plates include at least one opening for receiving a fastener, said opening has an annular shoulder adapted to extend into an opening for receiving said fastener in a metal component of a wall assembly. Also disclosed herein is a thermal isolation washer and a girt for use with polymer panel construction. 1. An isolator system for preventing the conduction of thermal energy between two metal components of a wall assembly comprising: an isolator plate adapted to be placed between a wall stud and a fastening member , said fastening member having a surface area adapted to be placed in communication with said wall stud , said plate comprised of an insulating material and sized to be approximately coextensive with said surface area of said fastening member which is adapted to be placed in communication with said wall stud , said plate including at least one opening for receiving a fastener , said opening including an annular shoulder adapted to extend into an opening for receiving said fastener in said fastening member.2. The isolator system of further comprising an isolating washer comprised of insulating material and adapted to encircle a shaft of said fastener.3. The isolator system of wherein said isolating washer further comprises a layer composed of metal.4. The isolator system of wherein said insulating material is comprised of a polymer.5. The isolator system of wherein said isolator plate includes tabs for removably affixing said plate to said fastening member.6. The isolator system of wherein said plate includes an interior air space.7. A wall assembly comprising:(a) a support structure comprised of metal studs having two ends, one said end being affixed to a wall plate and the other said end being affixed ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087735A1
Принадлежит: Synbra Technology B.V.

Particulate, expandable polymer which can be processed into a foam having a fine cell structure and a low density and which, in order to improve the thermal insulation value thereof, contains a carbon-based thermal insulation value-increasing material. A method for preparing particulate, expandable polymer as well as to a foam material obtained therewith. 1. Particulate , expandable polymer which can be processed into a foam having a fine cell structure and a low density and which , in order to improve the thermal insulation value thereof , contains a carbon-based thermal insulation value-increasing material , wherein the polymer particles contain carbon having a particle size of <1 μm as the thermal-insulation-value-increasing material.2. The particulate claim 1 , expandable polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the D50 particle size is at most 1 μm.3. The particulate claim 1 , expandable polymer according to either claim 1 , wherein the D50 particle size is at most 0.8 μm.4. The particulate claim 1 , expandable polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer is selected from polystyrene claim 1 , expanded polypropylene (EPP) claim 1 , expanded cellular polyethylene (EPE) claim 1 , polyphenylene oxide (PPO) claim 1 , polypropylene oxide and polylactic acid claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The particulate expandable polymer according to claim 1 , wherein exfoliated graphite claim 1 , in particular having a particle size in the range of 0.1-0.8 μm claim 1 , is used as the carbon claim 1 , with an aspect ratio of the exfoliated graphite being ≧10:1.6. The particulate claim 5 , expandable polymer according to claim 5 , wherein the aspect ratio of the exfoliated graphite is ≧100:1.7. The particulate claim 1 , expandable polymer according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of carbon is 1-15 wt. % claim 1 , based on the amount of particulate claim 1 , expandable polymer.8. The particulate claim 7 , expandable polymer according to claim 7 , wherein the amount of ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Building insulation system

Номер: US20130094791A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The building insulation system includes a reflective, non-porous bag filled with thermal insulation material. The covering of the bag is made from reflective polymeric facer or plastic, which facilitates reflection of thermal energy radiation. The reflective non-porous bag provides a thermal barrier for conduction, convection and radiation aspects of thermal energy transfer.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118106A1
Автор: Clark Phil
Принадлежит: Oldcastle BuildingEnvelop, Inc.

An insulation system including a first retention member having a first channel, a second retention member having a second channel, and a thermal bridge. The thermal bridge includes a first finger and a second finger. The first finger is received into the first channel and the second finger is received into the second channel. The system further includes a first locking tab associated with the first channel for securing the first finger and a second locking tab associated with the second channel for securing the second finger. The thermal bridge substantially reduces conductive heat transfer between the first retention member and the second retention member. 1. A method of installing a thermal bridge comprising a body region , a first finger , and a second finger , the method comprising:supporting an inner aspect of a first channel disposed on a first retention member;supporting an inner aspect of a second channel disposed on a second retention member;maintaining a desired spacing between the first retention member and the second retention member;inserting the first finger into the first channel;inserting the second finger into the second channel;closing a first locking tab associated with the first channel about the first finger;closing a second locking tab associated with the second channel about the second finger; andwherein the thermal bridge substantially reduces conductive heat transfer between the first retention member and the second retention member.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the closing the first locking tab and the closing the second locking tab comprises bending the first locking tab and bending the second locking tab.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the bending the first locking tab and the bending the second locking tab comprises utilizing a pair of oppositely-disposed crimping wheels.4. The method of claim 3 , comprising applying claim 3 , via the pair of oppositely-disposed crimping wheels claim 3 , a force generally orthogonally to the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

High Temperature Exterior Building Products

Номер: US20130122269A1

An article suitable for outdoor construction applications is provided. The article includes an inner layer having a CPVC composition and an outer layer having a CPVC composition. An intermediate layer is sandwiched between the inner and outer layers. The intermediate layer is a PVC composition. 1. An article for construction applications comprising:a. an inner layer comprising a CPVC composition;b. an outer layer comprising a CPVC composition; andc. an intermediate layer sandwich between said inner and outer layers, the intermediate layer comprising a PVC composition.2. The article of further including a cap layer adhered to the CPVC composition outer layer.3. The article of wherein the CPVC composition is at least 16 weight percent of the material of the article.4. The article of wherein said article includes a siding panel.5. The article of wherein the CPVC composition has a heat distortion temperature greater than 180° F.6. The article of and further including a layer of insulation foam adhered to the inner layer.7. The article of wherein at least one of the inner layer and the outer layer has a thickness in the range of 2 to 19 mils.8. The article of wherein at least one of the inner layer and the outer layer has a thickness in the range of 4 to 6 mils.9. The article of wherein the outer layer is a dark color having an L value less than 50.10. The article of wherein the intermediate layer comprises more than an insignificant amount of talc.11. The article of wherein the article having a CPVC material content of 16 weight percent is deflected less than 5 mm in Oven Sag Tests performed at 180° F. claim 1 , 200° F. claim 1 , and 230° F.12. The article of wherein the article has a thickness of from about 30 to about 50 mils.13. The article of wherein the article has a thickness of from about 40 to about 48 mils.14. The article of where said cap layer is selected from the group consisting of PVC claim 2 , ASA claim 2 , and fluoropolymer.15. The article of wherein ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Partially Fire Resistant Insulation Material Comprising Unrefined Virgin Pulp Fibers and Wood Ash Fire Retardant Component

Номер: US20130153810A1

A partially fire resistant cellulosic fiber thermal insulation material from a fibrous web of unrefined virgin softwood and hardwood provides fibers which provides an R-value (as measured by the ASTM C518 test) of at least about 3, and a wood ash fire retardant component present in and/or on the fibrous web in an amount of at least about 1.5% by weight of the fibrous web and sufficient to impart at least partial fire resistance (as measured by the ASTM E970-08A test) to the fibrous web. Also, a process for preparing this at least partially fire resistant thermal insulation material. 1. An article comprising a fire resistant cellulosic fiber thermal insulation material comprising: from about 5 to about 85% unrefined virgin softwood pulp fibers by weight of the fibrous web; and', 'from about 15 to about 85% unrefined virgin hardwood pulp fibers by weight of the fibrous web; and, 'a fibrous web providing an R-value (as measured by the ASTM C518 test) of at least about 3 and comprisingat least about 1.5% by weight of the fibrous web of a wood ash fire retardant component in and/or on the fibrous web and sufficient to impart at least partial fire resistance (as measured by the ASTM E970-08A test) to the fibrous web.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous web comprises from about 10 to about 60% softwood pulp fibers and from about 40 to about 90% hardwood pulp fibers.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the fibrous web comprises from about 15 to about 30% softwood fibers and from about 70 to about 85% hardwood fibers.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous web provides an R-value in the range of from about 3 to about 4.5.5. The article of claim 4 , wherein the fibrous web provides an R-value in the range of from about 3.4 to about 4.2.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous web has a basis weight about 850 gsm or less and a moisture content of less than about 20%.7. The article of claim 6 , wherein the fibrous web has a basis weight about 500 gsm or ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200292A1

A transparent heat-shielding material having a chemical formula CsNWOCl, characterized by being co-doped with elements of different groups in the periodic table, wherein Cs is cesium; N is tin (Sn) or antimony (Sb) or bismuth (Bi); W is tungsten; O is oxygen; and X, Y, Z, and C are positive numbers satisfying the following conditions: 1. A transparent heat-shielding material having a chemical formula CsNWOCland capable of blocking infrared radiation in a wavelength range of 800-2000 nm; wherein Cs is cesium; N is tin (Sn) or antimony (Sb) or bismuth (Bi); W is tungsten; O is oxygen; and X , Y , Z , and C are positive numbers satisfying the following conditions:X≦1.0, Y≦1.0, Y/X≦1.0, Z≦0.6, and C≦0.1.2. The transparent heat-shielding material as defined in claim 2 , wherein the transparent heat-shielding material is capable of blocking infrared radiation in a wavelength range of 800-1000 nm.3. A transparent heat-shielding film is made of the transparent heat-shielding material of . 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a transparent heat-shielding material and a method for making the same. More particularly, the present invention relates to a transparent heat-shielding film made of such a transparent heat-shielding material and featuring high transparency as well as excellent infrared-blocking properties.2. Description of Related ArtIn order to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it is a common practice nowadays to carry out thermal insulation with a layer of heat-shielding material adhered to the glass panels of building and automobiles. A notable example of heat-shielding materials is metal oxides, whose physical properties contribute to effective thermal insulation and which have been widely used to block infrared radiation.For instance, U.S. Pat. No. 5,385,751 discloses a fluorine-doped tungsten oxide as an infrared-blocking material. This material is made by chemical vapor deposition and is hence disadvantaged by a high ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Binders and Materials Made Therewith

Номер: US20130236650A1
Принадлежит: Knauf Insulation GmbH

A curable aqueous composition is disclosed comprising a carbohydrate, a crosslinking agent, and an amine base, wherein the curable aqueous composition has a pH adjusted by the amine base. Further disclosed is a method of forming a curable aqueous solution. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method of making a thermal or acoustical fiberglass insulation product , comprising the steps of:providing heat-resistant fibers;spraying onto the heat-resistant fibers an uncured, formaldehyde-free binder solution comprising (i) one or more reducing sugars, a carbohydrate that yields one or more reducing sugars in situ under thermal curing conditions, or combinations thereof,', '(ii) one or more acids or salts thereof,', '(iii) an amine base, and', '(iv) optionally one or more non-carbohydrate polyhydroxy compounds,, 'a) reactants consisting of'}b) one or more additives, andc) water; andcuring the binder disposed on the heat-resistant fibers so as to produce the thermal or acoustical fiberglass insulation product.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the heat-resistant fibers are mineral fibers or glass fibers.25. The method of claim 23 , wherein the amine base is selected from the group consisting of ammonia claim 23 , a primary amine claim 23 , and a secondary amine.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the amine base is a primary amine claim 25 , NHR claim 25 , or a secondary amine claim 25 , NHRR claim 25 , wherein Rand Rare each independently selected in NHRR claim 25 , and wherein Rand Rare selected from alkyl claim 25 , cycloalkyl claim 25 , alkenyl claim 25 , cycloalkenyl claim 25 , heterocyclyl claim 25 , aryl claim 25 , and heteroaryl claim 25 , each of which may be optionally substituted.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the amine base is ammonia.28. The method of claim 23 , wherein the uncured claim 23 , formaldehyde-free binder solution has an alkaline pH.29. The method of claim 23 , wherein the uncured claim 23 , formaldehyde-free binder solution further comprisesd) a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239499A1
Автор: Caboni Michele

A variable-geometry modular structure made of a metallic or plastic alloy, having at least one modular element with variable-geometry, with a honey-comb structure, to be joined to different modular components to obtain different embodiments. The modular element has a series of passages in which vacuum is created when manufacturing, through molding or extrusion, the modular element itself; the above modular element is a structural element and has at the same time insulating characteristics. The external surfaces of the modular element have a series of recesses and ribs, shaped as a dovetail, that allow mutually joining two or more elements. Modular elements can further be butt-joined by using posts arranged next to the passages. The modular element can be joined to a panel which has a substantially smooth or a corrugated external surface, which is used for applying plaster or other finishing elements, such as any type photovoltaic panels or tiles. 1. A variable-geometry modular structure , particularly for buildings , comprising at least two variable-geometry modular elements , each one of said modular elements being equipped with a variable-geometry honey-comb structure , each one of said modular elements being made in plastic material and having a series of passages in which vacuum is created when manufacturing , by molding or extrusion , the modular element itself , every modular element being a structural element and having at the same time insulating thermo-acoustic characteristics , wherein said modular elements are mutually joined through a series of spacers to form a variable-geometry caisson.2. The variable-geometry modular structure according to claim 1 , wherein at least one modular element is adapted to be joined to a panel claim 1 , which has a substantially smooth external surface adapted to be assembled at view or a corrugated external surface claim 1 , which is used for applying plaster or other finishing elements.3. The variable-geometry modular ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241098A1

Plasticized polyisocyanate compositions contain (a) an isocyanate terminated reaction product of a polymeric MDI with a difunctional poly(propylene oxide) homopolymer or difunctional copolymer of at least 85% by weight propylene oxide and up to 15% by weight ethylene oxide, which homopolymer or copolymer has a molecular weight of from about 400 to 2200 and (b) at least one alkyl ester of one or more fatty acids, the polyisocyanate composition having an isocyanate content of from about 8 to about 14% by weight and a Brookfield viscosity of no greater than 5000 cps at 25° C. The plasticized prepolymers are particularly useful in foam formulations for insulating cavities in automotive parts and thermal insulating panels such as the walls of buildings or appliances. 1. A method for sealing or insulating a vehicle member or a thermal insulating panel , comprising mixing a polyisocyanate component with a curative component and at least one catalyst for the reaction of a water or a polyol with a polyisocyanate , dispensing the resulting mixture into a cavity of the vehicle member or thermal insulating panel and subjecting the mixture to conditions sufficient to cause it to cure to form a foam having a bulk density of 0.5 to 5 pounds per cubic foot (20-80 kg/m) that at least partially fills the cavity , wherein(a) the polyisocyanate component includes a mixture of an isocyanate-terminated prepolymer and at least one alkyl ester of one or more fatty acids, and has an isocyanate content of from about 8 to about 14% by weight and a Brookfield viscosity of no greater than 5000 cps at 25° C.;(b) the curative component contains isocyanate-reactive materials that have an average functionality of at least about 1.8, wherein the isocyanate-reactive materials include water, at least one polyol, or both water and at least one polyol and(c) if the curative component does not contain water, the reaction mixture contains at least one other blowing agent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

L-shaped sheetmetal anchor with tubular leg and anchoring assembly

Номер: US20130247498A1
Принадлежит: Mitek Holdings Inc

An L-shaped sheetmetal anchor with tubular leg and an anchoring assembly employing the same are disclosed. The assembly is adaptable to varied anchoring structures and for use with interlocking veneer ties and reinforcement wires to provide a high-strength surface mounted anchoring system for cavity walls. The stepped cylinders sheath the mounting hardware to limit insulation tearing and resultant loss of insulation integrity. The assembly is thermally-isolated through the use of a series of strategically placed compressible nonconductive fittings. The assemblies are vertically or horizontally surface mounted on the inner wythe.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251981A1

The present invention relates to an infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film having thermal anisotropy, the film comprising an infrared absorption layer comprising at least one of perovskite oxide dispersed sol, metallic oxide dispersed sol, and ITO or ATO; a thermal resistance layer located on or above one surface of the infrared absorption layer; and an emission layer located on or above another surface of the infrared absorption layer. An infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film having thermal anisotropy according to the present invention may control heat flow, thereby generating excellent insulating effect. 1. Infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film having thermal anisotropy , the film comprising:an infrared absorption layer comprising at least one of perovskite oxide dispersed sol, metallic oxide dispersed sol, and ITO or ATO;a thermal resistance layer located on or above one surface of the infrared absorption layer; andan emission layer located on or above another surface of the infrared absorption layer.2. The infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film according to claim 1 ,wherein the emission layer is arranged in a heat source direction.3. The infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film according to claim 1 ,wherein the perovskite oxide dispersed sol of the infrared ray absorption layer is AxByOz dispersed sol, A is Na, Cs or Li, and B is Mo or W.4. The infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film according to claim 3 , wherein a ratio of the x and y is 1:2.5 to 1:4 claim 3 , and a ratio of the y and z is 1:2.8 to 1:3.2.5. The infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film according to claim 1 , wherein the metallic oxide dispersed sol of the infrared absorption layer is molybdenum dioxide dispersed sol.6. The infrared blocking multi-layered insulating film according to claim 1 , wherein the molybdenum dioxide dispersed sol is composed having ammonium molybdate as a precursor.7. The infrared blocking multi-layered ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256578A1

This invention provides a composition for thermal insulation, comprising magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC) and air-filled glass or ceramic beads, and a method of preparing said composition. The composition may further comprise one or more additives selected from the group consisting of titanium dioxide, fly ash, pigment, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KHPO) and sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaHPO). 1. A method of preparing a composition for thermal insulation , comprising the steps of:(a) Mixing MgO powders with air-filled glass or ceramic beads;{'sub': 2', '2', '4, '(b) Mixing the product from step (a) with a Magnesium Chloride (MgCl) solution comprising potassium hydrogen phosphate (KHPO) to form said composition for thermal insulation;'}wherein said composition may be applied onto an object or structure requiring thermal insulation, forming layers of magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC) and air-filled beads.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein said wave is selected from near infrared claim 2 , infrared claim 2 , visible and ultraviolet waves.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition further comprises one or more additives selected from the group consisting of 0.1-10 volume % titanium dioxide (TiO) claim 1 , 0.1-50 volume % fly ash claim 1 , 0.1-20 volume % pigment claim 1 , 0.1-5 volume % potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KHPO) and 0.1-5 volume % sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaHPO).5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said pigment is iron dioxide.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the refractive index of the magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC) layer is 1.60-1.80.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said composition comprises up to 80 volume % air-filled beads.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said air-filled beads have a refractive index of 1.40-2.50.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the shell of said air-filled beads has a thickness of 10 nm -10 μm.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the molar ratio of magnesium oxide (MgO) to magnesium chloride (MgCl) is 9-17. ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256579A1

The present invention relates to a foamed or non-foamed stable composition for covering, plastering and insulating walls, floor slabs and ceilings, and also for producing insulating structural elements, casting light and insulating ferro-cement structural systems, insulating piping, ducts, filling spaces, stabilizing floors and producing cements floors, for the constructions industry, which comprises the following components: 30 to 90% anhydrite, 0 to 40% Portland cement, 0 to 70% light and/or heavy fillers, 1 to 10% activator additives, 1 to 20% setting and strength regulator additives and 1 to 12% thickening additives. 1. A foamed or non-foamed stable composition for covering walls , floor slabs and ceilings , and also for producing structural elements , casting ferro-cement structural systems , insulating piping , ducts , filling spaces , stabilizing floors and producing cements floors , for the constructions industry and thermal insulation which comprises the following components in percentage in weight , 30 to 90% anhydrite , 0 to 40% Portland cement , 0 to 70% light and/or heavy fillers , 1 to 10% activator additives , 1 to 20% setting and strength regulator additives and 1 to 12% thickening additives.2. A foamed or non-foamed stable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 51 to 90% in weight of anhydrite claim 1 , 0 to 40% Portland cement claim 1 , 41 to 70% light and/or heavy fillers claim 1 , 1 to 10% activator additives claim 1 , 1 to 20% setting and strength regulator additives and 1 to 12% thickening additives.3. A foamed or non-foamed stable composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 51 to 79% in weight of anhydrite claim 1 , 0 to 40% Portland cement claim 1 , 21 to 70% light and/or heavy fillers claim 1 , 1 to 10% activator additives claim 1 , 1 to 20% setting regulator and resistance additives claim 1 , and 1 to 12% in weight of thickening additives.4. A foamed or non-foamed stable composition ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Masonry Insulation and Siding Connector

Номер: US20130269277A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A connector strip is mechanically pressed into a slot formed in a concrete wall. The connector strip has a distal end with resilient, deformable legs that engage the walls of the slot—when the strip is pressed into the slot the legs deform from a resting position and press against the walls of the slot, preventing the strip from being pulled out of engagement in the slot. The proximal end of the connector strip is defined by transverse retaining arms that retain insulation board against the concrete, and which serve as a surface into which siding and sheetrock may be anchored with nails or screws.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

External insulated wall provided with reinforced polystyrene laminate anchored by mechanical fixing device

Номер: US20130298488A1
Автор: Jinlie Zhou, Yue Zhou

An external insulation wall provided with a reinforced polystyrene laminate anchored by a mechanical fixing device is provided. A leveling binder layer ( 2 ) applied on a basic layer wall ( 1 ) is used as a binder layer, and a reinforced polystyrene laminate ( 3 ) is applied before the leveling binder layer ( 2 ) is dried. The reinforced polystyrene laminate ( 3 ) is directly fixed on the basic layer wall ( 1 ) by plastic expansion anchor bolts ( 4 ) through holes drilled on a surface of the reinforced polystyrene laminate ( 3 ). A standard tension load limit of an external thermal insulation system is increased by the reinforced polystyrene laminate with efficient help of the plastic expansion anchor bolts ( 4 ). Therefore, the external insulating wall provided with a reinforced polystyrene laminate anchored by a mechanical fixing device is especially suitable for external thermal insulation energy saving engineering on conventional building walls.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130320253A1

The present invention is an expandable vinyl aromatic polymer which comprises: 1. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer which comprises:a) a matrix of a vinyl aromatic polymer,b) 1-10% by weight calculated with respect to the polymer (a), of an expanding agent englobed in the polymeric matrix,c) 0,1 to 5% by weight calculated with respect to the polymer (a), of PiB (polyisobutene), homogeneously distributed in the polymeric matrix,d) 0-20% by weight, calculated with respect to the polymer (a), of one or more fillers, other than PiB, homogeneously distributed in the polymeric matrix,Wherein the proportion of PiB is adjusted to increase the Melt Flow Index (MFI) from an initial index to a final, index such as the 10% compression strength of the foam made with said expandable vinyl aromatic polymer of the final index is essentially the same or higher than the foam made with said expandable vinyl aromatic polymer of the initial index.2. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer according to wherein it is in the form of beads or granules.3. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer according to wherein it comprises carbon black in a proportion sufficient for the foamed material obtained from the expandable vinyl aromatic polymer to have a thermal conductivity λ of about 34 mW/m° K or lower.4. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer according to wherein the thermal conductivity λ of the foamed material obtained from the expandable vinyl aromatic polymer is between about 33 and 34 mW/m° K.5. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer according to wherein the thermal conductivity λ of the foamed material obtained from the expandable vinyl aromatic polymer is between about 32 and 33 mW/m° K.6. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer according to wherein the thermal conductivity λ of the foamed material obtained from the expandable vinyl aromatic polymer is between about 30 and 31 mW/m° K.7. Expandable vinyl aromatic polymer according to wherein the PiB are those having a molecular weight (number average) of between ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Porous Sphere-like Objects, Method to Form Same and Uses Thereof Involvoing the Treatment of Fluids Including Anti-bacterial Applications

Номер: US20130330388A1
Автор: Sekhar Jainagesh
Принадлежит: MATTECH, INC.

A method and resulting structure are described for the production of refractory and insulative boards comprised of ceramic balls. Improved thermal, physical and mechanical properties are achieved as while also eliminating the safety and environmental impact of fibrous refractories. Also presented is an apparatus and method to remove bacteria and toxins (harmful or undesirable chemicals) from a water column utilizing porous ball-like or sphere-like structures treated with anti-microbial coatings are described. The balls so formed may be coated with a variety of anti-microbial materials and placed within a water or fluid column or water or fluid flowing system. 1) A method of forming porous sphere-like objects , wherein the objects may be fractally dimensioned , the method comprising mixing of a powder mass with a liquid , wherein the powder has a BET number between about 0.3-90 m2/g , wherein the liquid content ranges liquid from about 16% to 28% , wherein the surface porosity of the resultant objects is greater than 15% , and wherein the internal porosity is between about 15% and 95%.2) The method of further comprising air drying.3) The method of wherein the mixing step is for a duration longer than 5 minutes.4) The method of further comprising intermittently mixing a dispersed nano-structure and methyl cellulose after the air drying.5) The method of wherein the dispersed nano-structure is comprised of colloidal alumina.6) The method of wherein the powder mass comprises alumina and carbon.7) The method of wherein the powder mass comprises silica.8) The method of wherein the liquid comprises colloids.9) Porous sphere-like objects comprising a powder mass into which a liquid is mixed wherein the powder has a BET number between about 0.3-90 m2/g claim 1 , and wherein the liquid content ranges from about 16% to 28% and wherein the surface porosity of the objects is greater than 15% claim 1 , and the internal porosity of the objects is between about 15% and 95%.10) The ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Internally Braced Insulated Wall and Method of Constructing Same

Номер: US20140000199A1
Автор: Roy Gary Black
Принадлежит: Integrated Structures Inc

A high thermal resistant vertical wall on a base foundation in which stacked ICFs define an interior wall space that is filled with foam and concrete membranes coat the exteriors of the ICFs.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Graphite-Mediated Control of Static Electricity on Fiberglass

Номер: US20140026517A1
Принадлежит: Knauf Insulation GmbH

A fiberglass material contains glass fibers having graphite evenly distributed thereon. The graphite provides a coating that makes the fiberglass material substantially free of static electricity. Suitable graphite content of the fiberglass material is about 0.25 wt % to about 0.50 wt %, or about 0.25 wt % to about 1.0 wt %, or about 0.8 wt % of dry weight of the glass fibers. The graphite used may be synthetic material or natural material substantially free of silica. Other components of the fiberglass material may include de-dusting oil. 124-. (canceled)25. A method of installing fiberglass insulation not bound or held together with a cured binder as thermal insulation in a building , the method comprising blowing through an installation hose uncured loose-fill fiberglass comprising i) glass fibers which are not bound or held together with a cured binder and ii) graphite , wherein the graphite is effective to reduce the amount of static electricity of the fiberglass.26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the installation hose comprises a plastic tubing.27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the graphite comprises about 0.25 wt % to about 0.5 wt % of dry weight of the glass fibers.28. The method of claim 25 , wherein the graphite comprises about 0.25 wt % to about 1.0 wt % of dry weight of the glass fibers.29. The method of claim 25 , wherein the graphite comprises about 0.8 wt % of dry weight of the glass fibers.30. The method of claim 25 , wherein the loose-fill fiberglass further comprises a de-dusting material disposed on the glass fibers.31. The method of claim 25 , wherein the loose-fill fiberglass further comprises silicone disposed on the glass fibers.32. The method of claim 25 , wherein particle sizes of the graphite range from about 1 micron to about 50 microns.33. The method of claim 25 , wherein the graphite consists essentially of a synthetic material having carbon content of about 99% or more.34. The method of claim 25 , wherein the graphite contains no ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034868A1

The present invention relates to a glass fiberboard and to a production method therefor, and more specifically, to technology for providing a glass fiberboard for vacuum heat insulation and a production method therefor, which have outstanding initial heat insulation performance and economic advantages through application of an optimized inorganic binder. 1. A glass fiberboard comprising: glass fibers and an inorganic binder , wherein the inorganic binder comprises an aluminum compound prepared by neutralization of an aluminum-containing acidic solution and a basic solution.2. The glass fiberboard according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum-containing acidic solution is aluminum sulfate.3. The glass fiberboard according to claim 1 , wherein the basic solution is sodium hydroxide.4. The glass fiberboard according to claim 1 , wherein the aluminum compound is aluminum hydroxide.5. The glass fiberboard according to claim 1 , wherein a dried product of the aluminum compound is aluminum oxide.6. (canceled)7. A method for producing a glass fiberboard claim 1 , comprising:preparing a mixture solution by stifling glass fibers and an inorganic binder solution;obtaining an extract by removing water from the mixture solution; andcompressing and drying the extract.8. The method for producing a glass fiberboard according to claim 7 , wherein the inorganic binder solution comprises a mixture of an aluminum-containing acidic solution and a basic solution.9. The method for producing a glass fiberboard according to claim 8 , wherein the aluminum-containing acidic solution is aluminum sulfate.10. The method for producing a glass fiberboard according to claim 8 , wherein the basic solution is sodium hydroxide.11. The method for producing a glass fiberboard according to claim 8 , wherein the mixture comprises an aluminum compound.12. The method for producing a glass fiberboard according to claim 11 , wherein the aluminum compound is aluminum hydroxide.13. The method for producing a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Fibrous Insulating System with a Corrugated Thermal Break Core

Номер: US20140037905A1
Автор: Cerutti Robert

A fibrous insulation blanket manufactured to be installed between standard, sub-standard, and super-standard framing within those wall, ceiling, and roof cavities between framing members in residential and commercial buildings. Said fibrous insulation blanket includes a structure of flexible corrugated/ribbed material serving as a structural thermal break comprised of a non-heat/cold transmitting material, which provides additional insulating characteristics beyond the capabilities of the fibrous insulating material for increased protection from heat loss and cold infiltration. 1. This invention is a pre-sized , fibrous insulation blanket with a structural corrugated or ribbed thermal break core. The fibrous insulation blanket may be faced (also providing excess face material on the interior major surface for the adhesion of this invention via staples , adhesive material , nails , tacks , etc.) or un-faced , treated or untreated. The corrugated thermal break may be made from corrugated cardboard , corrugated paper , plastic , sponge-like material , etc. , and contains , maintains , and protects pockets of air within the corrugated structure and therefore provides increased insulative protection of the structure , residence , building area where used from heat loss and cold infiltration. The corrugated structural core may be faced with an air film on both , one , or neither major face. This fibrous insulation blanket with a structural corrugated or ribbed thermal break core is used for insulating standard , sub-standard , and super-standard widths and lengths of walls , ceilings , and/or roof cavities. This thermal break core provides additional insulating characteristics beyond the basic insulating characteristics of any fibrous material independently. This corrugated thermal break core is made of a material that is a poor thermal conducting amalgam such as treated or untreated corrugated cardboard , corrugated paper , plastic , sponge-like material , etc. and may ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140038485A1

An environmentally friendly, formaldehyde-free, aqueous binder composition that includes a carbohydrate, a crosslinking agent, and a pre-reacted product of an alcohol or polyol and monomeric or polymeric polycarboxylic acid or polyglycerol is provided. The pre-reacted product may include glycerol and esters of citric acid such a monoglyceryl citrate, diglyceryl citrate, and triglyceryl citrate as well as other higher molecular weight citric acid-based esters. The inclusion of the pre-reacted product in the binder composition helps to speed the crosslinking reaction, induces faster water evaporation, decreases the viscosity of the binder, helps to reduce the amount of water needed for application of the binder, decreases tackiness, and helps to achieve a maximum vertical expansion of the insulation pack in the transfer zone. The binder composition may be used in the formation of insulation materials and non-woven chopped strand mats. 152-. (canceled)53. An aqueous binder composition for use in the formation of fiberglass insulation and non-woven mats comprising:at least one carbohydrate;at least one crosslinking agent; andpolyglycerol.54. (canceled)55. The binder composition of claim 53 , wherein said crosslinking agent is selected from the group consisting of polycarboxylic acids claim 53 , salts of polycarboxylic acid claim 53 , anhydrides claim 53 , monomeric carboxylic acid with anhydride claim 53 , polycarboxylic acid with anhydride claim 53 , citric acid claim 53 , salts of citric acid claim 53 , adipic acid claim 53 , salts of adipic acid claim 53 , polyacrylic acid claim 53 , salts of polyacrylic acid claim 53 , polyacrylic acid based resins and combinations thereof.56. (canceled)57. (canceled)58. The binder composition of claim 53 , wherein said binder composition comprises:from about 30.0% to about 95.0% by weight of the total solids of said at least one carbohydrate;from about 1.0% to about 40.0% by weight of the total solids of said at least one ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Thermal Insulation with Entangled Particulate Units having Non-Integer Dimensionality

Номер: US20140042355A1

A synthetic insulation material that rivals and surpasses down in performance without suffering degradation in insulating power over time. The material is an aggregate of particulate units that have a fractal-like geometric configuration. The geometric configuration includes non-integer dimensionality that promotes physical entanglements of the particulate units. The physical entanglements impart a high frictional resistance to slippage of the particulate units to maintain loft over time by inhibiting the settling of particulate units upon compression. The geometric configuration further includes aspects of self-similarity. The particulate units are formed from a material that efficiently scatters thermal radiation. The combination of high loft and efficient scattering of thermal radiation minimizes heat loss resulting from conduction and radiation, leads to a superior material for thermal insulation, has excellent health characteristics for human and the environment, and exhibits excellent long term life cycle performance.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140059971A1

The present invention relates to thermal insulation materials made of hollow oxide particles. Use of hollow oxide particles having an overall thermal conductivity of less than 0.026 W/(mK) is for example suitable for the building sector or other areas where thermal insulation is required. 121-. (canceled)22. Thermal insulation material with controlled nanoscale structure , comprising hollow oxide particles stuck together to form a material with a low solid content and to lower the gas thermal conductivity due to the Knudsen effect , wherein the overall thermal conductivity is less than 0.026 W/(m K).23. Thermal insulation material according to claim 22 , wherein the hollow oxide particles are filled with a gas and have an inner diameter in a range 10 to 1000 nm.24. Thermal insulation material according to claim 23 , wherein the inner diameter is in the range 20 to 400 nm.25. Thermal insulation material according claim 22 , wherein the hollow oxide particles have a dense or porous shell with a thickness less than 50 nm.26. Thermal insulation material according to claim 25 , wherein the shell is made of a metal oxide or semi-metal oxide.27. Thermal insulation material according to claim 26 , wherein the shell is made of at least one oxide selected from the group consisting of silica claim 26 , titania claim 26 , alumina claim 26 , zinc oxide claim 26 , iron oxide and manganese oxide.28. Thermal insulation material according to claim 22 , wherein the hollow oxide particles have a shape selected from spherical claim 22 , cubic claim 22 , elliptical or tube-like.29. Thermal insulation material according to claim 22 , wherein the hollow oxide particles are surface treated.30. Method for insulating a building claim 22 , comprising installing into the building the thermal insulation material according to .31. Method for preparing the thermal insulation material according to claim 22 , comprising assembling hollow oxide particles to form macroscale particles or objects.32. ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069040A1
Автор: Gibson David

Some embodiments provide a construction system that includes a plurality of panels. Moreover, at least some of the plurality of panels may include an upper side, a lower side, an insulation member, and at least one support member that is coupled to the insulation member. In some aspects, the support member may be coupled to the insulation member such that the support member extends from the upper side to the lower side of the panel. In some embodiments, the construction system may also include a plurality of engagement elements that are configured to engage at least some of the panels to assemble the panels into at least a portion of a structure. 1. A construction system comprising:a plurality of panels, wherein at least some of the plurality of panels further comprise an upper side, a lower side, an insulation member and at least one support member coupled to the insulation member such that the support member extends from the upper side to the lower side;a plurality of engagement elements that are configured to engage at least some of the plurality of panels to assemble the plurality of panels to form a structure.2. The construction system of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the plurality of panels are wall panels.3. The construction system of and further comprising an extension member coupled to at least two of the plurality of panels.4. The construction system of claim 3 , wherein the two of the plurality of panels coupled to the extension member are capable of being coupled together such that the resulting structure defines a first seam and a second seam claim 3 , and further wherein the first seam and the second seam are incongruous.5. The construction system of claim 4 , wherein at least some of the plurality of panels comprise a plurality of horizontal chases.6. The construction system of claim 5 , wherein the support member is coupled to the insulation member such that the apertures substantially align with the plurality of horizontal chases.7. The ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method To Meter A Thermal Barrier Upon A Surface

Номер: US20140072707A1
Автор: JR. Donald Leo, Peek

A manner by which to form a thermal barrier upon a surface, utilizes a pneumatic blower to form a layer of thermal insulation material and a layer of radiant barrier material. The pneumatic blower is first charged with the thermal insulation material, and the thermal insulation material is metered upon the surface. Then, the pneumatic blower is charged with the radiant barrier material, and the radiant barrier material is metered upon the thermal insulation material. 1. A method for installing a thermal barrier upon a surface , said method comprising:collecting processed pieces of thermal insulation material;pneumatically metering the processed pieces of the thermal insulation material to form a thermal insulation layer;collecting processed pieces of radiant barrier material; andpneumatically metering the processed pieces of the radiant barrier material to form a radiant barrier layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the processed pieces of radiant barrier material comprise low emissivity (low-e) material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the processed pieces of radiant barrier material comprise bits of aluminum foil.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising communicating instructions regarding desired pneumatic metering between separated workers handing the pneumatic metering processes.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said instructions are communicated wirelessly.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein said instructions are communicated via wires.7. A method to apply thermal barrier to a substrate claim 4 , said method comprising:applying thermal insulation to the substrate;collecting a radiant barrier material that reflects more than the thermal insulation; andapplying the radiant barrier material to the top of the thermal insulation with blown air.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the radiant barrier material that reflects more than the thermal insulation also emits less than the thermal insulation.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the radiant barrier ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088215A1
Автор: Elbing Mark, FRICKE Marc
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to a process for producing porous materials, which comprises reaction of at least one polyfunctional isocyanate with at least one polyfunctional aromatic amine in the presence of at least one catalyst and a solvent. The invention further relates to the porous materials which can be obtained in this way and the use of the porous materials as insulation material, in particular for applications in the building sector and in vacuum insulation panels. 2. The process according to which comprises reacting from 35 to 93.8% by weight of component (a1) claim 1 , from 0.2 to 25% by weight of component (a2) claim 1 , from 0 to 10% by weight of water and from 6 to 30% by weight of component (a4) claim 1 , in each case based on the total weight of the components (a1) to (a4) claim 1 , where the % by weight of the components (a1) to (a4) add up to 100% by weight.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein at least 5 and at the most 20% by weight of component (a2) are used claim 1 , based on the total weight of the components (a1) to (a4).4. The process according to which comprises reacting 52 to 92.5% by weight of component (a1) claim 1 , from 0.5 to 18% by weight of component (a2) claim 1 , from 0 to 6% by weight of water and from 7 to 24% by weight of component (a4) claim 1 , in each case based on the total weight of the components (a1) to (a4) claim 1 , where the % by weight of the components (a1) to (a4) add up to 100% by weight.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein Q claim 1 , Q claim 1 , Q′ and Q′ are selected so that the aromatic amine (a2) having the general formula I comprises at least two primary amino groups which each have a linear or branched alkyl group which can bear further functional groups claim 1 , having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms claim 1 , in the a position relative to at least one primary amino group bound to the aromatic ring.6. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the amine component (a2) comprises at least one ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Construction System for Walls above Ground Level

Номер: US20140096460A1
Принадлежит: Sto SE and Co KGaA

A construction system for walls situated above the ground and that include thermal insulation having an applied surface layer. An inner insulating panel, which is carried on the wall, has a thermal insulating function as well as a draining function. A surface layer in the form of render forms an external surface layer outside the inner insulating panel.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Unbonded loosefill insulation

Номер: US20200002937A1

A loosefill insulation installation includes a loosefill insulation material made from fiberglass fibers. The loosefill insulation material unexpectedly has improved thermal performance, even though the amount of mineral oil applied to the fiberglass fibers is reduced. For example, the fiberglass fibers can be coated with a mineral oil in an amount that is between 0.1% and 0.6% of the weight of the fiberglass fibers, such as about 0.375%.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007508A1
Автор: VALTANEN Jarkko

An insulation element and a structural system including such an element, wherein the insulation element includes: pedestals, the top surface of which is suitable for bearing a floor panel to be placed on top of the pedestals; and a substantially continuous surface between the pedestals. The continuous surface and the pedestals are fabricated in one piece in the same process from at least one heat insulating material. The mutual layout of the pedestals and the continuous surface is implemented in such a way that onto the substantially continuous surface, through spaces between the pedestals, at least on top of the substantially continuous surface can be pulled installation cables and, in addition, possibly also installation hoses or tubes across the support foundation. 117-. (canceled)191002003008009001000110012001500180010321030341141241341490190211031291102104105107211212305100110021108150315041701. An insulation element ( claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , ) of claim 18 , wherein at least some of the pedestals ( claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , ) comprise or make up at least one mounting element ( claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , claim 18 , ) claim 18 , wherein{'b': 105', '102, 'the mounting element is or comprises an attachment hole () or threading on top of a pedestal for an insert attachment, especially a bolt or screw attachment, or an insert (), especially an attachment bolt or screw, on top of a pedestal, and/or'}{'b': 211', '212', '1108, 'wherein the mounting element is or comprises a groove (, ) or a channel ().'}2010011002. An insulation element of claim 18 , wherein the insulation element claim 18 , most preferably its edge or mounting element claim 18 , comprises at least one laterally form-limited retaining element ( claim 18 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010330A1

An insulated composite structural panel comprises a first concrete layer, a second concrete layer, and an insulation layer disposed therebetween. One or more shear ties are embedded in the panel. The shear ties include a base portion and a plurality of elongated anchor elements extending from the base portion. A portion of each anchor element extends through the first and second concrete layers and insulation layer. The tie is formed of a material exhibiting ductile elastic-plastic behavior under an applied shear load. In a non-limiting example, the tie may be formed of a fiber reinforced polymer. The tie is constructed and acts to form stable flexural hinges at the interface between the insulation layer and each concrete layer. During a shear load event, portions of the anchor elements within the insulation laterally deform in a ductile manner to keep the structural panel relatively intact. 1. An insulated composite structural wall panel comprising:a first concrete layer;a second concrete layer;an insulation layer disposed between the first and second concrete layers;a shear tie embedded in the wall panel and connecting the first concrete layer to the second concrete layer, the shear tie having a longitudinal axis, a base portion, and a plurality of longitudinally elongated anchor elements extending therefrom, the shear tie constructed of a non-metallic material that exhibits an elastic-plastic response to an applied shear load;each of the anchor elements having a length, an upper portion disposed in the first concrete layer, a lower portion defining a terminal distal end disposed in the second concrete layer, and an intermediate portion disposed in the insulation layer;a first flexural hinge formed in each anchor element at a first interface between the first concrete layer and the insulation layer; andwherein when a transverse shear load is applied to the anchor elements by lateral movement of the first or second concrete layers, the intermediate portion of each ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Insulative Material and Method for Installation

Номер: US20180010331A1
Автор: Romes Gary E.

An insulated surface may include a deck. The insulated surface may further include insulative material coupled to the deck. 1. A method of insulating a surface comprising a deck , the method comprisinglocating insulative material comprising a backing layer and an insulative-fiber layer coupled with the backing layer on the surface so that the backing layer is located between the insulative-fiber layer and the deck, andfastening together the insulative material and the deck with a fastener.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fastener extends from the insulative-fiber layer through the backing layer into the deck.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the fastener is a staple and includes a first leg claim 2 , a second leg located in spaced-apart relation to the first leg claim 2 , and a crown extending between the first leg and the second leg.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein a portion of the insulative-fiber layer is located between the crown and the backing layer.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the portion of the insulative-fiber layer that is located between the crown and the backing layer has a density that is greater than a density of a portion of the insulative-fiber layer that is not located between the crown and the backing layer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein some fibers of the insulative-fiber layer are fractured by the fastener during the step of fastening.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the insulative material includes the backing layer claim 1 , the insulative-fiber layer located in spaced-apart relation to the backing layer claim 1 , and an adhesive layer extending between and interconnecting the backing layer and the insulative-fiber layer.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the insulative-fiber layer has a width and the backing layer has a width that is generally less than the width of the insulative-fiber layer.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the backing layer is formed to include vent apertures that extend through the backing layer and ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011114A1
Автор: Gerstein James

A window insulation apparatus includes a cylindrical core having opposite top and bottom ends. A plastic sheet has opposite top and bottom ends and is pleated along parallel fold lines that extend parallel to the top end of the sheet to form a folded sheet. Adhesive is applied adjacent the top end of the sheet. The folded sheet is wound around the cylindrical core so that the top end of the folded sheet is near the top end of the cylindrical core. A housing receives the core and the sheet wound on the core. The housing includes an elongate opening from which the sheet can be unwound. A cutting assembly is mounted to the housing substantially adjacent the elongate opening and can be moved parallel to the opening for cutting the sheet that has been dispensed from the opening. 1. A window insulation apparatus comprising:a cylindrical core having opposite top and bottom ends and opposite inner and outer cylindrical surfaces extending between the ends;a plastic sheet having opposite top and bottom ends, the plastic sheet being pleated along parallel fold lines that extend parallel to the top end of the sheet to form a folded sheet, an adhesive being applied along one surface of the plastic sheet substantially adjacent the top end of the sheet, the folded sheet being wound around the outer cylindrical surface of the cylindrical core so that the top end of the folded sheet is in proximity to the top end of the cylindrical core;a housing having the cylindrical core and the plastic sheet wound around the cylindrical core received in the housing, the housing having an elongate opening dimensioned to permit the plastic sheeting to be dispensed from the housing; anda cutting assembly having a blade guide mounted on an outer surface and extending substantially parallel to the elongate opening in the housing, the cutting assembly further having a blade carriage movably mounted along the blade guide, the blade carriage having at least one blade facing at least partly toward the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013240A1

A prefabricated building element is configured to be connected to a lateral side of a prefabricated building structure for forming a part of a building such that the building element forms a wall or a roof slab or a floor slab of a building. The building element includes a wooden core arranged adjacent to at least one insulating layer, and at least one engagement means for later engagement with the prefabricated building structure by means of a connecting device, wherein the building structure is a prefabricated module or another prefabricated building element. 1. A prefabricated building element configured to be connected to a lateral side of a prefabricated building structure for forming a part of a building such that said building element forms a wall or a roof slab or a floor slab of said part of a building , wherein said building element comprises:a wooden core arranged adjacent to at least one insulating layer; andat least one engagement element capable of engagement with said prefabricated building structure by means of a connecting device, wherein said building structure is a prefabricated module or another prefabricated building element.2. The building element according to claim 1 , wherein said wooden core comprises cross-laminated timber.3. The building element according to claim 1 , wherein said insulating layer is formed as a multi-layer structure comprising an inner layer of acoustic damping material and/or fire resistant material claim 1 , optionally heat insulation material claim 1 , and an outer layer claim 1 , preferably of gypsum board.4. The building element according to claim 3 , wherein said building element is substantially symmetrical along the wooden core.5. The building element according to claim 1 , further comprising pre-installed technical installations claim 1 , such as electric cables.6. The building element according to claim 1 , further comprising hollow electrical cable guides within said building element.7. The building element ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Thermal insulation properties of polyiso foams

Номер: US20210017768A1
Автор: Jawed Asrar, Lance Wang

Embodiments may include an insulated structure. The insulated structure may include a plurality of structural support members coupled together to form a frame. The insulated structure may also include a plurality of first wall boards attached to an exterior side of the frame to form an exterior wall or surface of the structure. The insulated structure may further include a spray foam insulation positioned within at least one of the wall cavities of the structure. The spray foam insulation may have an insulative R-value greater than or equal to 6.0 per inch at 40° F. The spray foam formulation may be made from a formulation that includes a reaction product of a polyisocyanate compound and a polyol compound and a blowing agent. The blowing agent may include a mixture of n-pentane and isopentane, where the mixture is at least 75% isopentane.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022106A1

The invention relates to a dry building material mixture, in particular a plastering mortar, the dry building material mixture comprising at least on aerogel. 112-. (canceled)13. A dry building material mixture for producing an insulation plaster ,characterized in thatthe dry building material mixture contains(A) an aerogel in quantities from 3 to 35% by weight, in relation to the dry building material mixture,(B) at least one lightweight aggregate, in quantities from 40 to 75% by weight, in relation to the dry building material mixture,(C) at least one lime-based binding agent, in quantities from 8 to 40% by weight, in relation to the dry building material mixture,(D) at least one cement-based binding agent, in quantities from 1.5 to 10% by weight, in relation to the dry building material mixture, and(E) at least one additive in quantities from 0.1 to 5% by weight, in relation to the dry building material mixture.wherein the dry building material mixture contains the aerogel and the lightweight aggregate in a weight-based ratio of aerogel to lightweight aggregate from 1:1 to 1:13, andwherein the dry building material mixture contains the lime-based binding agent in a weight-based ratio of lime-based binding agent to cement-based binding agent from 1:1 to 15:1.14. The dry building material mixture of claim 13 , wherein the at least one lightweight aggregate is perlite.15. The dry building material mixture of claim 13 , wherein at least one lime-based binding agent is hydraulic lime.16. The dry building material mixture of claim 13 , wherein at least one cement-based binding agent is white portland cement.17. The dry building material mixture according to claim 13 , characterized in thatthe dry building material mixture contains the aerogel in quantities from 10 to 30% by weight, especially preferably 15 to 25% by weight, in relation to the dry building material mixture, and/orin that the aerogel contained in the dry building material mixture has a particle size from ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022708A1

A manufacture and method for reducing thermal transfer through window systems has a composite window cap retainer. The retainer has a metal extrusion at least partially covered by a thermal spacer having reduced relative thermal conductivity. The thermal spacer is mechanically supported by the metal extrusion and mechanically intermediates and thermally insulates between the cap and the metal window structures to which the cap is secured, reducing thermal transfer between the inside and outside environments of a building. 1. A window system for a building , comprisinga chassis secured to the building, the chassis having a structural element supporting a glazing unit, the structural element having a niche therein along at least a portion of a length thereof;at least one glazing unit secured to the structural element adjacent the niche;a cap covering an edge of the at least one glazing unit;a cap retainer inserted into and retained in the niche at one end and attaching to the cap at the other end, the cap retainer having a first portion made from a material having a first thermal conductivity and a second portion made from a material having a thermal conductivity less than the thermal conductivity of the first material, the second portion interposed between the cap and the niche.2. The window system of claim 1 , wherein the cap retainer is capable of supporting the at least one glazing unit under the influence of gravity.3. The window system of claim 1 , wherein the first portion is a metal extrusion and the second portion is non-metallic and at least partially covers the first portion.4. The window system of claim 3 , wherein the second material is a polymer material.5. The window system of claim 4 , wherein the first material is an aluminum alloy.6. The window system of claim 2 , wherein the second portion is positioned below the first portion and rests on a surface of the niche at a contact area claim 2 , the cap retainer pivoting on the contact area when subjected ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109508A1
Принадлежит: Fi-Foil Company, Inc.

A reflective insulation layer is provided for a structure. The structure includes a wall and spaced-apart strips which extend along the wall from a top portion of the wall to a bottom portion of the wall. The reflective insulation layer includes a low emittance layer having first perforations, an intermediate low emittance layer having first perforations and an outer synthetic polymer layer having second perforations. Additionally, the reflective insulation layer includes a first expander spaced between the low emittance layer and the intermediate low emittance layer, to couple the low emittance layer to the intermediate low emittance layer and form a first air space. Additionally, the reflective insulation layer includes a second expander spaced between the intermediate low emittance layer and the outer synthetic polymer layer, to couple the intermediate low emittance layer to the outer synthetic polymer layer and form a second air space. 1. A reflective insulation layer for a structure , said structure having a wall and a plurality of spaced-apart strips extending along said wall from a top portion of the wall to a bottom portion of the wall , said reflective insulation layer comprising:a low emittance layer;an intermediate low emittance layer ;an outer synthetic polymer layer;a pair of first expanders spaced between said low emittance layer and said intermediate low emittance layer to form a first air space between said low emittance layer and said intermediate low emittance layer; anda pair of second expanders spaced between said intermediate low emittance layer and said outer synthetic polymer layer to form a second air space between said intermediate low emittance layer and said outer synthetic polymer layer.2. The reflective insulation layer of claim 1 , wherein upon securing said respective reflective insulation layer to said strips claim 1 , said pair of first expanders is configured to form said first air space and a third air space between said wall and ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029322A1
Автор: BYNELIUS Jan-Olof

The invention relates to a device () for compressing thermal insulation material into blocks of insulation comprising: a support surface () for the compressed blocks () of insulation, a compression device () with a compression surface (), and a feeding device () for feeding thermal insulation material. By adapting the compression device () for reciprocal movement between a first position, wherein the feeding device () is allowed to feed thermal insulation material to a position on the support surface (), and a second position, wherein, during movement from the first position to the second position of the compression device, thermal insulation material () fed by the feeding device () is compressed, highly compressed blocks of thermal insulation material is obtained that are suitable for use with known shredding devices. A corresponding method is also provided. 2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal insulation material is loose-fill cellulose thermal insulation material.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the compression surface is provided with protrusions claim 1 , such as ribs or nail-like protrusions.4. The device according to claim 1 , comprising a driving device for operating the compression device by hydraulic claim 1 , pneumatic or electrical power claim 1 , such as a rotating electrical machine.5. The device according to claim 1 , comprising means for adjusting a cross-sectional area of compressed thermal insulation material.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the means for adjusting a cross-sectional area of compressed thermal insulation material comprises an adjustable wall claim 5 , preferably a vertically adjustable upper wall claim 5 , which claim 5 , when the adjustable wall is adjusted claim 5 , adjusts the area of an opening defined by the adjustable wall claim 5 , two side walls and the support surface.7. The device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the device is adapted to compress the thermal insulation ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030073A1
Принадлежит: Summit Stone Solutions, LLC

An insulative assembly comprises an insulating structure exhibiting at least one groove extending partially therethrough, at least one supportive insert partially within the at least one groove, an adhesive overlying at least one surface of the insulative structure outside of the at least one groove, and at least one cladding structure over and in contact with the adhesive and the at least one supportive insert. A building structure and a method of forming a building structure are also described. 1. A insulative assembly , comprising:an insulating structure exhibiting at least one groove extending partially therethrough;at least one supportive insert partially within the at least one groove;an adhesive overlying at least one surface of the insulative structure outside of the at least one groove; andat least one cladding structure over and in contact with the adhesive and the at least one supportive insert.2. The insulative assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insulating structure comprises a closed-cell polymeric foam material.3. The insulative assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove extends substantially continuously across an entirety of a major claim 1 , non-planar surface of the insulating structure.4. The insulative assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one supportive insert directly physically contacts sidewalls of the at least one groove.5. The insulative assembly of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the at least one supportive insert extends at least about 50 percent of the way through the at least one groove claim 1 , and wherein another portion of the at least one supportive insert is positioned outside boundaries of the at least one groove.6. The insulative assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insulating structure exhibits multiple grooves extending partially therethrough.7. The insulative assembly of claim 6 , wherein each of the multiple grooves exhibits substantially the same shape and substantially the same size.8. The insulative assembly of ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033645A1
Автор: Sileno John

A pipe brace for securing a pipe passing through a frame of a wall. The pipe brace includes a structural member including a first wall defining an aperture and a second wall extending from the first wall, the first wall and the second wall at least partially defining a channel that receives at least a portion of the frame. A gasket engages a perimeter of the aperture in a press-fit relationship. The pipe may be inserted into the aperture from either a first side or a second side of the aperture, and the gasket forms an air-tight seal with pipe to inhibit airflow. 1. A pipe brace for securing a pipe passing through a frame of a wall , the pipe brace comprising:a structural member including a first wall defining an aperture and a second wall extending from the first wall, the first wall and the second wall at least partially defining a channel that receives at least a portion of the frame; anda gasket engaging a perimeter of the aperture in a press-fit relationship,wherein the pipe may be inserted into the aperture from either a first side or a second side of the aperture, andwherein the gasket forms an air-tight seal with pipe to inhibit airflow.2. The pipe brace of claim 1 , wherein the gasket includesan annular main body defining a recess that receives at least a portion of the first wall proximate the perimeter of the aperture to anchor the gasket within the aperture, andan annular flange extending radially inwardly from the annular main body.3. The pipe brace of claim 2 , wherein the annular main body includes a generally circular cross-section.4. The pipe brace of claim 2 , wherein the annular main body includes an outer diameter greater than a diameter of the aperture.5. The pipe brace of claim 2 , wherein the annular flange includes an inner diameter smaller than an outer diameter of the pipe such that the annular flange is bent in an axial direction when the pipe is inserted into the aperture.6. The pipe brace of claim 5 , wherein the annular flange includes ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Loose-Fill Insulated Building Structures and Methods for Making Them

Номер: US20220049493A1
Принадлежит: Certainteed LLC

The present disclosure relates to insulated building structures. In one aspect of the disclosure, an insulated building structure includes a longitudinally-extending cavity bound by a first lateral surface, a second lateral surface, a back surface and a front surface, the cavity having a cross-sectional area in a plane normal to a longitudinal axis of the cavity; one or more shelves extending into the cavity, each having an occluded area in the plane that is less than the cross-sectional area of the cavity; and loose-fill insulation disposed in the cavity, loose-fill insulation being positioned above and below each of the shelves.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040569A1

The building insulation system includes a reflective, non-porous bag filled with thermal insulation material. The covering of the bag is made from reflective polymeric facer or plastic, which facilitates reflection of thermal energy radiation. The reflective non-porous bag provides a thermal barrier for conduction, convection and radiation aspects of thermal energy transfer. 1. A building insulation system , comprising:a bag having a first and a second surface, a first and a second end, and a first and a second side that form a hollow compartment;an inlet port at the first end of the bag; andthe hollow compartment filled with an insulation material.2. The system of wherein a hose extending from a hopper machine is connected to the inlet port.3. The system of wherein an extension tube is connected between the inlet port and the hose and has a diameter smaller than a diameter of the inlet port to permit air to escape around the extension tube.4. The system of wherein the bag has a vent on one of the sides.5. The system of wherein the vent has a removable cover.6. The system of wherein the inlet port has a removable cover.7. The system of wherein the first surface has at least one removable member that forms an indentation.8. The system of wherein the bag has a cover made of a reflective material. This application is a Continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. No. 16/291,853, filed Mar. 4, 2019 which is a Continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 13/652,442, filed Oct. 15, 2012 which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/548,099, filed Oct. 17, 2011, the contents of these applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.The present invention relates to building construction systems, and particularly to a building insulation system that provides improved insulations for maintaining more moderate temperatures and reducing energy costs.Typical building insulation does not have the capacity to provide the full range of thermal barriers ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047118A1

A product composition that, suitably dispersed in paints or mixed in building products, allows to improve the thermal insulation of the building wall surfaces, is described. The application process of said composition, for the thermal insulation of wall surfaces, is also described. 18-. (canceled)9. A composition able to improve the thermal insulation of building wall surfaces , comprising:at least one natural product, reed and cork, in a conveniently crumbled size, mixed with pyrogenic silica, hydroxyethylcellulose and hollow ceramic microspheres, said components being present in the composition in suitable ratios: reed and cork are, each of them, independently, comprising in the composition in an amount from 0.1% to 45% b.w. referred to the composition total weight; the hollow ceramic microspheres are included in the composition in an amount from 2.5% to 95% b.w. referred to the composition total weight; the pyrogenic silica is included in the composition in an amount from 0.1% to 20% b.w. referred to the composition total weight; hydroxyethylcellulose is included in the composition in an amount from 0.1% to 20% b.w. referred to the composition total weight and that said composition is, optionally, conveniently mixed with suitable products to be used on the wall surfaces.10. The composition able to improve the thermal insulation of the building wall surfaces according to claim 9 , wherein the natural products reed and cork are claim 9 , each of them claim 9 , independently claim 9 , in form of dust with particle size lower than 0.1 mm and present in an amount from 0.1% to 20% b.w.; that the hollow ceramic microspheres are present in an amount from 50% to 95% b.w; that the pyrogenic silica is present in an amount from 0.1% to 10% b.w. and that hydroxyethylcellulose is present in an amount from 0.1% to 15% b.w. and that said composition is dispersed in suitable painting products.11. The composition able to improve the thermal insulation of the building wall surfaces ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127495A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present invention relates to composite elements comprising a profile and an insulating core enclosed at least to some extent by the profile, where the insulating core is composed of an organic porous material which has a thermal conductivity in the range from 13 to 30 mW/m*K, determined in accordance with DIN 12667, and a compressive strength of more than 0.20 N/mm, determined in accordance with DIN 53421, processes for producing composite elements of this type, and the use of a composite element of this type for producing windows, doors, refrigerators, and chest freezers, or elements for facade construction. 1. A composite element comprising a profile and an insulating core enclosed at least to some extent by the profile , where the insulating core is composed of an organic porous material which has a thermal conductivity in the range from 13 to 30 mW/m*K , determined in accordance with DIN 12667 , and a compressive strength of more than 0.20 N/mm , determined in accordance with DIN 53421.2. The composite element according to claim 1 , where the organic porous material is one selected from the group consisting of organic xerogels and organic aerogels and combinations of two or more thereof.3. The composite element according to claim 1 , where the organic porous material is one selected from the group of organic xerogels based on polyurethane claim 1 , polyisocyanurate claim 1 , or polyurea claim 1 , organic aerogels based on polyurethane claim 1 , polyisocyanurate claim 1 , or polyurea claim 1 , and combinations of two or more thereof.4. The composite element according to claim 1 , where the organic porous material has a density in the range from 70 to 300 kg/m.5. The composite element according to claim 1 , where the organic porous material has a heat resistance of more than 160° C.6. The composite element according to claim 1 , where the profile is composed of polyvinyl chloride or of aluminum.7. A continuous process for producing a composite element ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053481A1

Disclosed is a method to produce composite materials, which contain customized mixes of nano- and/or micro-particles with tailored electromagnetic spectral properties, structural elements based thereon, in particular layers, but also bulk materials including inhomogeneous bulk materials. In some embodiments the IR-reflectivity is enhanced predominantly independently of reflectivity for visible wavelength. The enhanced IR-reflectivity is achieved by combining spectral properties from a plurality of nano- and/or micro-particles of distinct size distribution, shape distribution, chemical composition, crystal structure, and crystallinity distribution. This enables to approximate desired target spectra better than know solutions, which comprise only a single type of particles and/or an uncontrolled natural size distribution. Furthermore disclosed are methods of manufacturing such materials, including ceramics, clay, and concrete, as well as applications related to design and construction of buildings or other confined spaces. 1. A method of creating a composite material ,the composite material comprising a plurality of populations of nano- or micro-particles and/or of nano- or micro-cavities of predominantly distinct size distributions, shape distributions, chemical compositions, crystal structures, and crystallinity distributions, wherein the plurality of populations are predominantly embedded in a carrier material,in such composition ratios, with such typical properties per population, and in such density relative to the carrier material, that a specific targeted broadband spectral reflectance at least within the VIS and NIR range is approximated,which is at least partially different from the spectral properties of each individual population within the plurality of populations and the carrier.2. The method according claim 1 , [{'sub': 'i', 'creating a plurality of reservoirs Rcorresponding to a plurality of said populations of nano- or micro-particles,'}, {'sub': i', ' ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051501A1
Принадлежит: MARK G. MILLER, INC.

A building envelope system includes several elements that aid in reducing heat transfer. Panels combining insulation and radiant barrier materials, a weather-resistant textile (e.g., canvas) cover, tube insulation, a vestibule and strip curtains can all contribute to reducing heat transfer and, correspondingly, reducing energy requirements for heating and/or cooling. The panel can include a tongue and groove or similar (e.g., dovetail) coupling allowing two panels to mate. The panel can include a top insulation layer, top air gap layer(s), radiant barrier layer(s), bottom air gap layer(s), phase change insulation layer(s) and a bottom insulation layer. By including an air gap on both sides of the radiant barrier, the radiant barrier is effective at reducing heat transfer in and out of the shelter. 1. A building envelope system comprising: [ a top insulation panel;', 'a bottom insulation panel;', 'a radiant barrier configured to reduce heat transfer through radiation;', 'a top supporting structure substantially a same size as the top insulation panel and coupled to the top insulation panel and the radiant barrier, the top supporting structure configured to provide a first air gap in conjunction with the radiant barrier and the top insulation panel, the top supporting structure comprising a supporting member having a thickness that causes a separation between the top insulation panel and the radiant barrier resulting in the first air gap; and', 'a bottom supporting structure substantially the same size as the top insulation panel and coupled to the bottom insulation panel and the radiant barrier, the bottom supporting structure configured to provide a second air gap in conjunction with the radiant barrier and the bottom insulation panel layer; and, 'a set of layers, the layers comprising, 'an inter-panel coupling at an edge of the panel configured to couple with another panel;, 'a set of panels configured to surround a temporary building, the panels comprisinga ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059260A1

A building facade consisting of a building wall, an insulating layer comprising insulating elements, having a surface and disposed on the building wall, a facade cladding which is disposed at a distance from the building wall and from the insulating layer to form a rearventilation gap between insulating layer and facade cladding and a lock element provided for fire protection, which is disposed between neighbouring insulating elements of the insulating layer. In order to further develop a building facade in such a manner that it can be manufactured simply and therefore cost-effectively without additional structural elements being provided, the invention proposes a generic building facade where the lock element is formed in one piece from fibre material, extends over the surface of the insulating layer in the direction of the facade cladding and exhibits a compressibility and/or flexibility aligned at least predominantly between building wall and facade cladding. 1. A building facade consisting of a building wall , an insulating layer comprising insulating elements , having a surface and disposed on the building wall , a facade cladding which is disposed at a distance from the building wall and from the insulating layer to form a rear ventilation gap between insulating layer and facade cladding and a lock element provided for fire protection , which is disposed between neighbouring insulating elements of the insulating layer , characterised in that the lock element is formed in one piece from fibre material , extends over the surface of the insulating layer in the direction of the facade cladding and exhibits a compressibility and/or flexibility aligned at least predominantly between building wall and facade cladding.2. The building facade according to claim 1 , characterised in that the lock element is formed from mineral fibres claim 1 , in particular from glass wool or rock wool fibres.3. The building facade according to or claim 1 , characterised in that the lock ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140134444A1
Принадлежит: Nichias Corporation

An inorganic fiber block obtained by stacking blanket-like products each including inorganic fibers, wherein the composition of the inorganic fibers have the following composition: SiO: 66 to 82 mass %, CaO:10 to 34 mass %, MgO: 0 to 3 mass %, AlO: 0 to 5 mass %, and the total of SiO, CaO, MgO and AlOis 99 mass % or more. 4. The inorganic fiber block according to claim 1 , which keeps its original shape after heating at least at 1000° C. for 8 hours.5. The inorganic fiber block according to claim 1 , which keeps its original shape after heating at least at 1300° C. for 8 hours.6. A heat insulating structural body obtained by arranging two or more inorganic fiber blocks according to such that they are adjacent with each other.7. The heat insulating structural body according to claim 6 , wherein joint opening between the inorganic fiber blocks constituting the heat insulating structural body or between the blankets constituting the inorganic fiber block is 7.5 mm or less after heating at 1300° C. for 24 hours. The invention relates to an inorganic fiber block. In particular, the invention relates to an inorganic fiber block used as a refractory heat insulating material or the like for various industrial furnaces.Due to its excellent heat resistance, an inorganic fiber block is used as a refractory heat insulating material for lining of various industrial furnaces, for example. An inorganic fiber block is obtained by compressing a stacked body of blankets each formed of inorganic fibers and tightening by means of a band or by sewing into a block shape. An inorganic fiber block is installed onto a furnace wall or a furnace casing, and used as a heat insulating structural body. In order to facilitate working, an inorganic fiber block may contain a support fitting, a jig or the like.As the inorganic fiber used as the material for the blanket, ceramic fibers are widely used. For example, Patent Document 1 discloses an inorganic fiber block obtained by stacking ceramic ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060720A1

A process is provided for forming a rapid-hardening inorganic foam, based on the reaction of the following two components: (a) a solid component in the form of a reactive powder having at the same time structure-building and pore-forming properties, and (b) a liquid component in the form of an alkali metal silicate (water glass). The reactive powder contains the essential constituents: 45-65% by weight aluminum oxide, 10-20% by weight aluminum nitride, and 5-15% by weight metallic aluminum. The alkali metal silicate has a molar ratio of silicon oxide to metal oxide of 1.0 to 2.2. The two components are mixed in a weight ratio of powder to liquid component of 0.5 to 2 to give a paste from which a foamed body having a bulk density of less than 0.7 g/cmis then formed in an exothermal reaction within less than 10 minutes. 122-. (canceled)23. A process of forming a rapid-hardening inorganic foam based on reaction of two components (a) and (b) as follows:a) a solid component in a form of a reactive powder having structure-building and pore-forming properties, andb) a liquid component in a form of an alkali metal silicate, wherein the reactive powder comprises as essential constituents:45-65% by weight aluminum oxide,10-20% by weight aluminum nitride,5-15% by weight metallic aluminum, andhas a particle size of at least 90% by weight smaller than 1 mm,{'sup': '3', 'the process comprising mixing the two components in a weight ratio of the powder to the liquid component of 0.5 to 2 to yield a paste, and forming a foamed body having a bulk density of less than 0.7 g/cmin an exothermal reaction within less than 10 minutes.'}24. The process in accordance with claim 23 , wherein the two components are mixed for a maximum of five minutes claim 23 , optionally a maximum of one minute.25. The process in accordance with claim 23 , wherein the two components are mixed without supply of heat from the outside claim 23 , optionally at room temperature claim 23 , to yield the paste.26. ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Method and a system for fastening an object to a facade

Номер: US20140144094A1

A method and a system for fastening an object to a facade comprising at least one supporting wall made in a hard material coated externally with a thermal insulation coat made in a crumbly material, the object being fastened to the wall by means of a fastening member received in an area for receiving a plot made in a hard material arranged in projection out of the wall. The object is fastened to the wall in an indirect way offsetting towards the outside of the façade the area of the plot. The plot is fastened to the wall by a fastening area extending between the wall and the receiving area. The plot is a straight cylinder extending through the insulation coat.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069064A1

The invention relates to a room system having at least two room modules (), wherein the room modules () can be connected to one another and form a room unit in the connected state, characterized in that each room module () comprises a frame (), the frame legs of which form a cuboid and are used for receiving identical or different surface elements and/or functional elements that define the room delimited by the frame. 119-. (canceled)20111111125. Room system with at least two room modules () , wherein the room modules () can be connected to one another and form a room unit in the connected state , wherein each room module () comprises a frame () with frame legs , the frame legs forming a cuboid and being used for receiving at least one of identical or different surface elements or functional elements that define the room delimited by the frame () , and wherein each of the room modules further comprises at least one entry module () and one rear wall module ().211210. Room system as per claim 20 , wherein at least one of floor elements () claim 20 , ceiling elements () claim 20 , wall elements claim 20 , or door elements are provided.2212. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the floor elements () are equipped with a carpeted floor.2312. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the floor elements () are equipped with a footfall sound insulation.2410. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the ceiling elements () have a sound absorbing structure.2510. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the ceiling elements () include at least one of a supply shaft or supply ducts.26. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the wall elements comprise at least one of functional wall parts or glass windows.27. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the wall elements comprise glass windows that may be selectively opened.2812. Room system as per claim 21 , wherein the wall elements and/or the floor elements () are equipped with electrical heating systems.296. Room system as per claim 21 , ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069069A1

Provided are a transparent heat-insulating material including a transparent heat-insulating resin layer including polymer capsules and an optical resin, and a method for preparing the same. The transparent heat-insulating material may reduce the transmission of radiative heat of solar radiation energy entering from the exterior, and prevent discharge or loss of heat when indoor heating, while showing high transparency as well. In addition, the transparent heat-insulating material may allow easy control of the size of capsules contained in a transparent heat-insulating film, and may be obtained through a simple and easy process. Further, it is possible to control the light transmittability and heat-insulating property of the transparent heat-insulating material with ease. 1. A transparent heat-insulating material comprising a transparent heat-insulating resin layer , wherein the transparent heat-insulating resin layer comprises: an optical resin; and polymer capsules.2. The transparent heat-insulating material according to claim 1 , wherein a difference in refractive index between the polymer capsules and the optical resin is 0-0.1.3. The transparent heat-insulating material according to claim 2 , wherein the optical resin has a light transmittance in the visible light spectrum region of at least 90% based on quartz.4. The transparent heat-insulating material according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent heat-insulating material has a heat conductivity of 0.02-0.15 W/mk claim 1 , and a light transmittance in the visible light spectrum region of at least 60% based on quartz.5. The transparent heat-insulating material according to claim 1 , wherein the optical resin of the transparent heat-insulating material does not dissolve the polymer capsules.6. The transparent heat-insulating material according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer capsules have a vacant space inside and the vacant space is surrounded by a polymer.7. The transparent heat-insulating material according ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069073A1

A curtain wall structure that can provide a continuous sealing plane through the use of a dual density gasket and that offers improved sealing and thermal insulation properties. The curtain wall structure also provides a structural reinforcement element assembly that is integrated into a mullion of the curtain wall structure to provide a better load bearing capacity. A curtain wall water drainage cross element assembly is also provided to prevent water from flowing vertically inside the curtain wall system. An expansion joint assembly is also provided and designed as two movable parts allowing provides a sound free vertical displacement of components by means of no direct metal to metal contact between sliding parts. 2. The curtain wall structure according to claim 1 , further comprising an expansion joint assembly claim 1 , the expansion joint assembly comprising:an upper subassembly;a lower subassembly;a co-extrusion element having a compressible EPDM closed cell foam portion and a substantially rigid EPDM rubber portion, the rubber portion affixed to the upper and lower subassemblies, and the foam portion providing a weatherproofing barrier for the expansion joint assembly and being shaped to provide a thermal insulator structure between adjacent glass panels; anda pressure plate covering a width of the expansion joint assembly and providing means for capping said expansion joint assembly.3. The curtain wall structure according to claim 1 , wherein the mullion base structure of the first-type mullion comprises at least one groove shaped to receive a portion of the at least one profiled rod element and the curtain wall structure further comprises fasteners locking the profiled rod element and the reinforcement element with respect to the mullion base structure4. The curtain wall structure according to claim 1 , wherein the dual density rubber compound comprises a co-extrusion of an EPDM closed cell foam and a second EPDM material having a rigidity greater than the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Universal Barrier System Panels

Номер: US20200063433A1
Автор: Garcia Juan

A universal barrier system includes universal barrier components that may be assembled together to shield floors and walls from moisture and provide a thermal break in an operational area of the universal barrier component. A lap zone of the universal barrier component may allow universal barrier components to be assembled and installed to protect floors, walls, ceilings, footings and the like from moisture and heat gain or loss by minimizing the need for tapes and other joining methods. The universal barrier system may also act as a sound deadening material. The operational area and lap zone of the universal barrier component may be disposed on a vapor block layer to provide some rigidity. The operational area of the universal barrier component may include a thermal break disposed upon the vapor block layer. The thermal break may include an outer protective layer. In addition, universal barrier tape and universal barrier edging may be provided to couple adjoining universal barrier components. 1. A universal barrier system for forming a moisture shield and thermal break in a building comprising:a universal barrier tape made from polyethylene film, up to 12 inches wide to provide typically 6 inches of lap with an adhesive disposed thereon; a common base component of polyethylene film substantially 6 to 15 mills thick and substantially 54 inches wide and of a length that varies depending upon a desired roll size upon which the common base material is disposed;', 'a thermal break having a thickness substantially ranging from 5 mils to 50 mils, and substantially 48 inches wide and made from millable polyurethane foam containing voids created by microspheres disposed in an operational area substantially forty eight inches wide, beginning at an edge of the common base component and leaving a substantially uncovered area substantially 6 inches wide along an opposite edge as a lap zone for joining to other materials;', 'a first protective outer layer of polyethylene film ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150075098A1
Автор: CONRATH Dale

A method and apparatus of reducing heat loss and cooling loss from a bank building caused by automatic teller machines, night drop vaults, and cash deal drawers. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of regulating temperature in a bank building to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for employees , personnel and other persons in said bank building , said method comprising covering a cash deal drawer inside said bank building with an at least partially insulated cover arrangement configured to reduce transmission of heat and cold from said cash deal drawer to said inside of said bank building , and thereby reducing drafts on personnel in a bank building and reducing cold drafts on employees , personnel and other persons in said bank building and reducing heating costs in said bank building during cold weather , and thereby reducing unpleasant heat on employees , personnel and other persons in said bank building and reducing cooling costs in said bank building during hot weather.22. A cover arrangement for performing the method according to claim 21 , said cover arrangement being at least partially insulated to reduce transmission of heat and cold from a cash deal drawer to an inside of a bank building claim 21 , and being configured to ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076241A1
Автор: Guthrie James B.

Among other things, there is shown embodiments of an enclosure such as a portable building with features focusing on overall improvement in energy usage. Wall, roof and floor configurations are disclosed that provide significant energy savings. Methods are also disclosed for preparing such features and/or refitting existing portable buildings for such energy savings. 1. A portable building , comprising:at least one wall having a frame, a first insulation layer within or attached to the frame, and a second insulation layer separate from the first insulation layer, the second insulation layer being substantially rigid and fixed with respect to the frame exterior to the first insulation layer, wherein the second insulation layer and frame substantially prevent air flow through the first insulation layer.2. The portable building of claim 1 , further comprising a one-way gas permeable layer fixed with respect to the second insulation layer and exterior of the second insulation layer.3. The portable building of claim 1 , further comprising a shell covering the one-way gas permeable layer.4. The portable building of claim 3 , wherein at least a portion of the shell contacts the one-way gas permeable layer.5. The portable building of claim 4 , wherein the shell contacts the one-way gas permeable layer along a series of vertical strips claim 4 , forming multiple open channels each defined by a portion of the shell and an opposite portion of the one-way gas permeable layer claim 4 , each respective channel extending vertically between a pair of adjacent strips and being open at the top and bottom of the shell.6. The portable building of claim 1 , further comprising a roof having a frame claim 1 , a first insulation layer within or attached to the roof frame claim 1 , and a second insulation layer separate from the first insulation layer claim 1 , the second insulation layer being substantially rigid and fixed with respect to the roof frame exterior to the first insulation ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089929A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A heat storage material composition includes a main agent composed of a calcium chloride hexahydrate, an ammonium bromide, and a potassium bromide, wherein a 5° C. range lower-limit temperature Tis in a range of 15° C. or more to less than 20° C., and a 5° C. range latent heat of melting His 140 J/g or more. Preferably, the heat storage material composition includes 79 to 90.9 mass % of the calcium chloride hexahydrate, 2.7 to 12.3 mass % of the ammonium bromide, and 1.8 to 14.4 mass % of the potassium bromide in 100 mass % of the main agent. 1. A heat storage material composition , comprising:a main agent composed of a calcium chloride hexahydrate, an ammonium bromide, and a potassium bromide, wherein{'sub': 5L', '5, 'a 5° C. range lower-limit temperature Tis in a range of 15° C. or more to less than 20° C., and a 5° C. range latent heat of melting His 140 J/g or more.'}2. The heat storage material composition according to claim 1 , wherein 79 to 90.9 mass % of the calcium chloride hexahydrate claim 1 , 2.7 to 12.3 mass % of the ammonium bromide claim 1 , and 1.8 to 14.4 mass % of the potassium bromide are included in 100 mass % of the main agent.3. The heat storage material composition according to claim 1 , wherein when a content of the calcium chloride hexahydrate is defined as X mass % claim 1 , a content of the ammonium bromide is defined as Y mass % claim 1 , and a content of the potassium bromide is defined as Z mass % in 100 mass % of the main agent claim 1 , X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , and Z satisfy following equations (1) to (6):{'br': None, '[Equation 1]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'X+Y+Z=', '100\u2003\u2003(1)'}{'br': None, '[Equation 2]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'X−Y−', '+0.0380.41≤0\u2003\u2003(2)'}{'br': None, '[Equation 3]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'X−Y+', '−6.375582.49≥0\u2003\u2003(3)'}{'br': None, '[Equation 4]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'X−Y+', '−0.53256≥0\u2003\u2003(4)'}{'br': None, '[Equation 5]'}{'br': None, 'i': 'X−Y+', '+0.1361.09≥0\u2003\u2003(5)'}{'br': None, '[Equation 6 ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170073963A1

This disclosure relates to an insulative system and materials therefor comprising a polymeric composition disposed at the junctions of the framing and exterior sheathing. In particular, an insulative system and materials therefor comprising a polymeric composition in the form of a sealing structure in contact with both the framing and exterior sheathing of a building are described. 1. A building insulation system comprising an elastomeric polymer and a low density fiber insulation product , whereinthe elastomeric polymer is adapted to contact a building to fill and seal gaps, the gaps formed at a location between two or more structural members of a wall,the elastomeric polymer configured to provide means for blocking movement of air through the wall so that air infiltration is diminished by at least about 96% to maximize energy efficiency of the structure, total volatile organic emissions released during curing is minimized, and ASTM E84 flame resistance is better than 25/75.2. The building insulation system of wherein the elastomeric polymer is configured to have a cross-sectional profile featuring a central ridge having a depth of between about 2 mm and 15 mm.3. The building insulation system of wherein the elastomeric polymer is configured to have a cross-sectional profile having an area of between about 16 mmand 169 mm.4. The building insulation system of wherein the elastomeric polymer is configured to have a cross-sectional profile having an area of between about 36 mmand 144 mm.5. The building insulation system of wherein the elastomeric polymer is configured to have a cross-sectional profile having an area of between about 36 mmand 100 mm.6. The building insulation system of claim 2 , wherein the cross-sectional profile includes a tail region that extends onto the two or more structural members according to a diminishing pattern.7. The building insulation system of claim 6 , wherein the cross-sectional profile results in a concave surface facing away from ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083958A1

A process for producing a mineral foam includes (i) separately preparing one or more slurries of cement, and an aqueous foam for which a D50 of bubbles is less than or equal to 400 μm; (ii) homogenizing the one or more slurries of cement with the aqueous foam to obtain a slurry of foamed cement; (iii) casting the slurry of foamed cement and leaving the cast slurry of foamed cement to set. 1. A process for production of a mineral foam comprising:(i) separately preparing one or more slurries of cement, and an aqueous foam for which a D50 of bubbles is less than or equal to 400 μm;(ii) homogenizing the one or more slurries of cement with the aqueous foam to obtain a slurry of foamed cement;(iii) casting the slurry of foamed cement and leaving the cast slurry of foamed cement to set.2. The process for production of a mineral foam according to claim 1 , wherein step (i) comprises the preparation of two slurries of cement claim 1 , one of which is a slurry of calcium aluminate cement.3. The process for production of a mineral foam according to claim 1 , wherein step (ii) comprises the introduction of the slurry or slurries of cement and the aqueous foam into a static mixer to obtain a slurry of foamed cement.4. A mineral foam obtainable according to the process of .5. The mineral foam obtainable according to having a density of 100 to 600 kg/m.7. The mineral foam according to claim 6 , wherein the slurry of foamed cement comprises 15 to 50% of mineral particles.8. The mineral foam according to claim 7 , wherein the mineral particles are selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate claim 7 , silica claim 7 , ground glass claim 7 , solid or hollow glass beads claim 7 , glass granules claim 7 , expanded glass powders claim 7 , silica aerogels claim 7 , silica fume claim 7 , slags claim 7 , ground sedimentary siliceous sands claim 7 , fly ash or pozzolanic materials and mixtures thereof.9. The mineral foam according to claim 6 , wherein the calcium aluminate cement ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140158926A1
Автор: YAMARICK Paul
Принадлежит: Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. LP

A cryogenic insulation system including a low density low conductivity insulation material for cryogenic service, wherein the low conductivity insulation material is essentially free of hydrocarbon residue. A method for producing a low density low conductivity insulation material for cryogenic service, comprising: exposing the low density low conductivity insulation material to at least one of an elevated temperature or a reduced pressure, for a length of time sufficient to reduce the hydrocarbon residue to less than 1000 ppm. 1: A cryogenic insulation system comprising a low density low conductivity insulation material for cryogenic service , wherein said low conductivity insulation material is essentially free of hydrocarbon residue.2: The insulation system of claim 1 , wherein said low density low conductivity insulation material comprises less than 1000 ppm of hydrocarbon residue.3: The insulation system of claim 2 , wherein said low density low conductivity insulation material comprises less than 500 ppm of hydrocarbon residue.3: The insulation system of claim 2 , wherein said low density low conductivity insulation material comprises less than 250 ppm of hydrocarbon residue.4: The insulation system of claim 2 , wherein said low density low conductivity insulation material comprises less than 100 ppm of hydrocarbon residue.5: The insulation system of claim 2 , wherein said low density low conductivity insulation material comprises less than 50 ppm of hydrocarbon residue.6. A method for producing a low density low conductivity insulation material for cryogenic service claim 2 , comprising: exposing said low density low conductivity insulation material to at least one of an elevated temperature or a reduced pressure claim 2 , for a length of time sufficient to reduce the hydrocarbon residue to less than 1000 ppm.7: The insulation system of claim 5 , wherein said hydrocarbon residue is less than 500 ppm.8: insulation system of claim 5 , wherein said hydrocarbon ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Radiant Barrier Ventilation System

Номер: US20170081841A1
Автор: Le Huu Dang

This invention relates to a system of ventilating a residential or light commercial structure with lightweight, easy to install radiant barriers that reflect external sunlight heat away from the structure, reflect heat produced within the structure to maintain internal warmth, and contain internal air ventilation space to prevent condensation. 1. An improved insulation ventilation system for a roof structure comprising:a load bearing roof frame with a plurality of roof rafters;a plurality of radiant barriers, wherein each radiant barrier comprises a first surface, a second surface, a top edge, a bottom edge, a first side edge, a second side edge, and a plurality of fold lines, further wherein the fold lines produce a corrugated first and second surfaces for each radiant barrier with a plurality of adjacent oppositely pointing apexes on the first surface and the second surface;a plurality of air holes between each of the fold lines;a heat reflective material on the first surface and the second surface of each radiant barrier;wherein the plurality of radiant barriers is attached between each roof rafter with the first surface facing upwards and the second surface facing inwards to form at least one layer;wherein the first surfaces of the plurality of radiant barriers substantially reflects radiant heat, and the second surfaces of the plurality of radiant barriers substantially reflects radiant heat; andthe corrugated surfaces and the air holes for the barriers produce convective air flow the plurality of radiant barriers that removes hot air and moisture from the radiant barriers.2. The insulation ventilation system for a roof structure of claim 1 , wherein the roof bearing frame is made out of at least one of a group of materials consisting of solid wood claim 1 , timber materials claim 1 , engineered wood products claim 1 , wood composite materials claim 1 , steel and aluminum.3. The insulation ventilation system for the roof structure of claim 1 , wherein angle of ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140170350A1

A method of forming a porous sol gel, including a dried porous sol gel, is provided comprising forming a sol gel from a sol gel-forming composition comprising a silane solution and a catalyst solution; and non-supercritically drying the sol gel to provide a dried porous sol gel having no springback. The dried porous sol gel can include dried macroporous or mesoporous sol gels or dried hybrid aerogels. The materials may contain open or filled pores. Such materials are useful as thermal insulators 1. A method of forming a dried porous sol gel comprising:forming a sol gel from a sol gel-forming composition comprising a silane solution and a catalyst solution; andnon-supercritically drying the sol gel to provide a dried porous sol gel having no springback.2. The method of wherein the forming step includes adding the catalyst solution to the silane solution at a rate of from about 5% to about 50% catalyst solution volume per second.3. The method of wherein the forming step includes adding the catalyst solution to the silane solution at a rate of from about 5% to about 25% catalyst solution volume per second claim 1 , further wherein the non-supercritical drying comprises drying under ambient conditions.4. The method of wherein silane in the silane solution has a chemical structure of ASi(OX)(OY)(OZ) claim 1 , wherein A claim 1 , X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , and Z are independently selected from C1-C5 alkyl.5. The method of wherein the silane comprises methyltrimethoxysilane and the silane solution further comprises a silane solution solvent.6. The method of wherein the catalyst solution comprises a base claim 1 , water claim 1 , solvent and base claim 1 , wherein the catalyst solution is added to the silane solution at a rate from about 0.08 to about 4 mL/sec.7. The method of wherein the base is selected from ammonium hydroxide claim 6 , sodium hydroxide claim 6 , potassium hydroxide claim 6 , sodium carbonate claim 6 , sodium bicarbonate claim 6 , potassium carbonate claim 6 ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for making facades of buildings

Номер: US20140174012A1
Автор: Orlando Di Scola
Принадлежит: TECNODIMA Srl

Described is a method for making façades of buildings, comprising the following operations: fixing on an external wall ( 6 ) of a building a plurality of support elements ( 2 ), each projecting from the wall ( 6 ) and equipped with an insulating sleeve ( 4 ); applying and bonding to the wall ( 6 ) a plurality of insulating panels ( 15 ) made of expanded polystyrene, letting terminal ends ( 14 ) of the support elements ( 2 ), each surrounded by the respective insulating sleeve ( 4 ), protrude beyond the insulating panels ( 15 ); putting on the insulating sleeves ( 4 ) a plurality of bearing panels ( 16 ) made of fibre cement; applying and bonding the bearing panels ( 16 ) on the insulating panels ( 15 ); constraining a plurality of discrete finishing elements ( 23 ), such as stone slabs or tiles, to the bearing panels ( 16 ).

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Rigid Foam Board Installation Clip

Номер: US20160097194A1
Автор: Fabis Paul

A clip for facilitating installation of foam insulation boards in a building structure. The clip comprises a body, a spacer and a foot for holding the insulation board, and a connection region for attachment of the clip to a building structural member. The clip is designed to ensure proper ventilation and greatly easy the proper installation of rigid foam insulation. 1. A foam insulation board installation clip comprising:a body, the body having an elongate connection region at a proximal end, the body being mountable to a building structural member with a rear of the body abutting the building structural member and a front face of the body facing away from the structural member;a spacer extending from a distal end of the body, the spacer having a top and a bottom, and a spacing height between the top and the bottom, the top of the spacer being a terminal end of the distal end of the clip, wherein the bottom is oriented approximately perpendicular to the body, and is spaced apart from the top;a foot, the foot being positionable along the body at a distance away from the spacer such that a top of the foot, the front face of the body, and the bottom of the spacer define a cavity, the cavity having an open front and sides, a top of the cavity defined by the bottom of the spacer, a bottom of the cavity defined by a top of the foot, and a rear of the cavity defined by the front face of the body, and wherein the foot is slidably adjustable along a length of the body elongate connection region in a first direction towards the spacer, and prevented from moving in a second opposite direction after passing over a portion of the body elongate connection region.2. The foam insulation board installation clip of further comprising:a ramp extending from a front surface of the body, the ramp being the portion of the body elongate connection region configured to prevent the foot from moving in the second direction.3. The foam insulation board installation clip of wherein the foot ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

External Insulation System for Tanks and the Like

Номер: US20160097195A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus comprises a vessel, a first vertical support, a second vertical support, and a series of insulating panels. The first vertical support and the second vertical support are fixated to the vessel such that the first vertical support is spaced apart from the second vertical support. Each of the insulating panels in the series of insulating panels is supported between the first vertical support and the second vertical support. Moreover, each insulating panel in the series of insulating panels slidably overlaps one or more adjacent insulating panels in the series of insulating panels.

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101271A1
Автор: Naraghi Mohammad

Disclosed are various structure surface configurations and related methods. An exemplary structure includes a facade that has grooved cavities that are configured in a manner that reflects summer (cooling season) insolation and absorbs winter (heating season) insolation. The effective absorptivities of the exemplary structure for various cavity reflectance characteristics, i.e., a wide range of diffuse and specular reflectance characteristics, are evaluated using a Monte Carlo model. The calculations in an illustrated embodiment are performed for the latitude of 41° N where both heating and cooling loads are significant. Embodiments of various structures are similarly within the scope of the disclosure for locations of different latitudes and longitudes. 1. A seasonally selective structure formed at least in part by a radiation absorbing portion covered by a light transmitting plate having a surface with at least one radiation absorbing cavity defined therein , the at least one radiation absorbing cavity being defined by an upper longitudinal surface and a lower longitudinal surface that is generally parallel to the upper interior longitudinal surface , wherein:a) the lower longitudinal surface of the at least one radiation absorbing cavity is oriented to prevent direct solar contact with at least a portion of the at least one radiation absorbing cavity during summer months; andb) the at least one radiation absorbing cavity is oriented to absorb solar radiation in winter months by permitting direct solar contact with at least a portion of the at least one radiation absorbing cavity, the at least one radiation absorbing cavity being configured to permit incident direct solar radiation to undergo multiple reflections within the at least one radiation absorbing cavity between the upper and lower longitudinal surfaces during winter months.2. The seasonally selective structure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one radiation absorbing cavity includes an exterior portion ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101272A1

An insulating system comprises a cover and a generally rigid attic sealing member. The cover defines an interior chamber, and the interior chamber is filled with insulation. The cover further forms a cavity in the bottom of the cover, where the attic sealing member is received into the cavity. Together, the system raises the insulating value (R-value) of an area above an attic opening to a minimum R-value level required by many building codes. The cover may be filled with insulation through a slit or passage extending along the top of the cover. 1. An insulating cover to insulate an area above an attic opening , the cover comprising:a plurality of connected walls and panels each defining an inner surface and an outer surface;wherein the inner surfaces of the connected walls and panels define an interior chamber, said interior chamber adapted to house insulation therein; andwherein the outer surfaces of connected walls and panels define a cavity, the cavity adapted to receive a generally rigid attic sealing therein.2. The insulating cover of claim 1 , further comprising:a top panel spaced apart from a bottom panel, the chamber partially defined therebetween; andan inner panel partially defining the open cavity disposed vertically between the top and bottom panels and the chamber partially defined between the top panel and the inner panel.3. The insulating cover of claim 1 , further comprising:a first endwall spaced apart from a second endwall, the chamber partially defined therebetween; andan inner endwall extending from a bottom panel to an upper inner panel partially defining the cavity and disposed longitudinally between the first and second endwalls, the chamber partially defined between the inner endwall and the first endwall.4. The insulating cover of claim 1 , further comprising:a first sidewall spaced apart from a second sidewall, the chamber partially defined therebetween; andan inner sidewall extending from a bottom panel to an upper inner panel partially ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145643A1
Автор: Bilge Henry H.

Disclosed is a system of cladding along an existing exterior wall of a building featuring a plurality of Z-shaped components deployed in a parallel spaced apart arrangement, with an insulation panel in between two of the Z-shaped components. The Z-shaped components having a J-wall to enforce a moisture gap between exterior wall paneling and insulation. The Z-shaped components may feature Edge-components when the line of insulation panels needs to be interrupted or when it reaches a corner or edge of a wall. 1. A system of securing insulation between an existing wall and exterior wall panels comprising;a plurality of Z-shaped components;each of said plurality of said z-shaped components having a first wall, said first wall having a first end and a second end, said first wall being parallel to and mounting on an existing wall;a second wall extending outwardly at an angle from said second end, said second wall having first side and a second side;wherein said second wall further comprising a plurality of elongated air slots;wherein said elongated air slots being in a parallel spaced apart orientation with each other; wherein said elongated air slots configured to serve as mount points for a holding element:a rearwardly extending wall, said rearwardly extending wall extending from a free end of said second wall, wherein said rearwardly extending wall facing in an opposite direction from said first wallwherein said rearwardly extending wall further comprising a first portion, said first portion being in a parallel orientation with said first wall, a first portion configured to have a wall panel fastened thereto;a second portion extending rearwardly from said first portion in a spaced apart relation to said second wall;said Z-shaped component configured to retain at least one of a plurality of insulation panels, each one of said plurality of insulation panels configured to be mounted between two of said plurality of Z-shaped components; wherein a bottom surface of each of ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Fibrous Insulation Batts Having One Or More Slits And Methods For Installing Them

Номер: US20190093341A1

Disclosed herein are fibrous insulation batts that include a body of fibrous insulation having a first face and a second face that are substantially parallel to each other, and a third face and a fourth face that are substantially parallel to each other. The body of fibrous insulation also includes a first slit that extends from the second face toward, but stopping short of, the first face. The first slit is substantially parallel to the third face. The body of fibrous insulation further includes a facing having a first portion that is attached to the first face, a second portion configured to extend over a portion of the third face, and a third portion configured to extend over a portion of the fourth face. 1. A fibrous insulation batt comprising: a first face and a second face that are substantially parallel to each other;', 'a third face and a fourth face that are substantially parallel to each other and substantially perpendicular to the first and second faces; and', 'a first slit that extends from the second face toward, but stopping short of, the first face, wherein the first slit is substantially parallel to the third face; and, 'a body of fibrous insulation having'}a facing comprising a first portion that configured to be extendable over the first face, a second portion configured to be extendable over a portion of the third face, and a third portion configured to be extendable over a portion of the fourth face.2. The fibrous insulation batt of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous insulation batt is composed of a single portion of interwoven fibrous material.3. The fibrous insulation batt of claim 1 , wherein the body of fibrous insulation comprises one or more of fiberglass material claim 1 , mineral wool claim 1 , stone wool claim 1 , cotton claim 1 , animal wool claim 1 , hemp wool claim 1 , or cellulose.4. The fibrous insulation batt of claim 1 , wherein the first portion of the facing is attached to the second face of the body of fibrous insulation claim 1 , ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140183401A1

The present invention relates to a heat-insulating material, in particular in the form of a solid foam, based on mineral particles of submicron porosity, this material incorporating two different ranges of porosities, advantageously including a first range consisting of (macro)pores with diameters of between 10 microns and 3 mm, and a second range consisting of submicron pores with diameters greater than 4 nm and less than 1 μm, the pore volume of said submicron pores being at least 0.5 cm/g and the mass per unit volume of said insulating material being less than 300 kg/m. 1. A heat-insulating material , in particular in the form of a solid foam , formed from mineral particles of submicron porosity , this material incorporating two different ranges of porosities , advantageously including a first range consisting of macropores with diameters of between 10 microns and 3 mm , and a second range consisting of submicron pores with diameters greater than 4 nm and less than 1 μm , the pore volume of said submicron pores being at least 0.5 cm/g and the mass per unit volume of said insulating material being less than 300 kg/m.2. The heat-insulating material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that it is predominantly inorganic.3. The heat-insulating material as claimed in either of and claim 1 , characterized in that it is obtained from the mixture of at least the following elements: an aqueous foam or water claim 1 , mineral particles of submicron porosity claim 1 , generally incorporated into the foam or the water in the form of a dispersion/suspension claim 1 , said particles having a specific surface area S of greater than 5 m/g claim 1 , and claim 1 , where appropriate claim 1 , an organic binder and/or a mineral binder claim 1 , and/or a surfactant and/or reinforcements.4. The heat-insulating material as claimed in one of to claim 1 , characterized in that the mineral particles are based on silicon oxides and/or derivatives thereof claim 1 , in particular ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102373A1

The present disclosure discloses an air-borne multilayer film building structure which includes an independent film, a heat-insulation structure covering the independent film, and an airbag cover covering or an outer film cover covering the heat-insulation structure. The heat-insulation structure is installed on the outer wall of the independent film and includes at least two heat-insulation layers sequentially from inside to outside. Each heat-insulation layer is formed by paving a plurality of heat-insulation panels, the heat-insulation panels in every two adjacent heat-insulation layers being installed in a staggered manner. The outer heat-insulation layer covers a seam of the inner heat-insulation layer thereof. The air-borne multilayer film building structure has the advantages of good heat-insulation property, good airtightness, convenience in construction and the like. 1. An air-borne multilayer film building structure , comprising an independent film , a heat-insulation structure covering the independent film , and an airbag cover covering the heat-insulation structure , wherein the airbag cover is formed by splicing a plurality of sub-airbags; each sub-airbag comprises an inner layer film facing the independent film and a surface layer film arranged on the outer side of the inner layer film at intervals; two ends of each of the inner layer film and the surface layer film are fixedly welded , wherein the heat-insulation structure is arranged on the outer wall of the independent film.2. An air-borne multilayer film building structure , comprising an independent film , a heat-insulation structure covering the independent film , and an outer film cover covering the heat-insulation structure , wherein the heat-insulation structure is installed on the outer wall of the independent film.3. The air-borne multilayer film building structure according to claim 2 , wherein the heat-insulation structure comprises at least two heat-insulation layers sequentially from ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170107733A1

The invention is directed to a method of insulating tanks having a capacity between 200 mand 20,000 mused for storage of oil and oil products. In the method, foundation elements, including tank bottom heat insulation, are prepared. The tank is mounted on the prepared foundation, then insulation of the tank walls and roof is installed. Supporting relieving skirts are mounted on the tank walls and roof, forming tiers. The tiers are filled with foam glass blocks having expansion joints. A top coat of metal sheets is mounted on the outer surface of the blocks. Foam glass blocks in the lower tier are made to be removable to provide access to a “wall-bottom” corner weld joint, and the blocks of the remaining tiers are fixed to the tank surface and interconnected with an adhesive material. 1. A method for providing heat insulation of tanks , comprising:installing a wall, a roof, and a bottom on a foundation;coupling supporting relieving skirts to the tank, the supporting relieving skirts defining tiers;forming a heat-insulated layer by positioning foam glass blocks in the tiers including a lower row of foam glass blocks that include detachable foam glass blocks and additional rows of foam glass blocks coupled to the tank via an adhesive and oriented such that at least one row of foam glass blocks is offset from at least another row of foam glass blocks;forming at least one vertical expansion joint and at least one horizontal expansion joint in the heat-insulated layer;coupling at least one metal sheet to an outer surface of at least some of the foam glass blocks.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the supporting relieving skirts are mounted on the wall and the roof and separated by between 1.5 meters (1.5 m) and 2 m.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising mounting the supporting relieving skirts on the wall and the roof using fasteners having a same material as the tanks claim 1 , the fasteners including a plate welded perpendicular to a plane of a plate support ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150121776A1

Improved foldable buildings include an improved rafter plate with a fifth hole that can be used for lifting and as a safety anchor and also has angled corners to abut rafter plate stops newly installed on rafters. Rafters and columns have improved bracket plates, new cross brace flanges, and adaptations for L-shaped brackets that support new steel stud purlins and girts. Wall and roof panels now have a vapor barrier and improved insulation. Rafters are further improved by addition of lifting sleeves. Flashing is pre-cut to custom sizes to avoid cutting at the job site and now features steel gauge flashing with adhered closed cell foam rubber on the interior surface. For long ridge flashing, flashing pieces have interlocking ends. Improved methods of assembly are described. 1. An improved folding building system including deployable folded four-panel sections , said panels having sides further comprising outward-facing , spaced-apart , aligned , and opposed steel channels for rafters and for columns , wherein the improvement comprises: i. first and second holes of said five holes are proximate the top of said rafter plate and at opposing ends of said rafter plate and are configured to receive fasteners during transportation, to operate as hinges during deployment, and to subsequently receive fasteners during deployment;', 'ii. third and fourth holes of said five holes are proximate the bottom of said rafter plate and at said opposing ends of said rafter plate and are configured to receive fasteners during deployment; and', 'iii. a fifth hole of said five holes is proximate the top center of said raster plate and configured for lifting during deployment and for receiving safety lines during roof finishing; and, 'a. a rafter plate having five holes for joining first and second opposing rafters proximate a roof ridge, whereinb. first and second top corner side surfaces on said rafter plate configured to abut respective first and second rafter plate stops fixed to said ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150121799A1

A rigid insulating panel comprising an insulating material core with an R-value of at least 2.5 (hr·ft·° F.)/BTU·in. The insulating material core has opposed first and second surfaces, a pair of spaced-apart longitudinal edges, and a pair of spaced-apart lateral edges extending between the pair of longitudinal edges. At least one of the pair of longitudinal edges and the pair of lateral edges comprises connecting members including a tongue and groove assembly with an inner groove and an outer tongue separated by a substantially S-shaped median wall. The tongue and groove assembly is engageable with the tongue and groove assembly of an adjacent insulating panel to provide a flexible interconnection therebetween. The rigid insulating panel also comprises at least one membrane covering one of the first surface and the second surface. An assembly method for insulating a concrete surface of a building using an assembly of insulating panels is also provided. 1. A rigid insulating panel comprising:{'sup': '2', 'an insulating material core with an R-value of at least 2.5 (hr·ft·° F.)/BTU·in, the insulating material core having opposed first and second surfaces, a pair of spaced-apart longitudinal edges, and a pair of spaced-apart lateral edges extending between the pair of longitudinal edges, at least one of the pair of longitudinal edges and the pair of lateral edges comprising connecting members including a tongue and groove assembly including an inner groove and an outer tongue separated by a substantially S-shaped median wall, the tongue and groove assembly being engageable with the tongue and groove assembly of an adjacent insulating panel to provide a flexible interconnection therebetween; and'}at least one polymeric-based membrane covering one of the first surface and the second surface of the insulating material core.2. The rigid insulating panel of claim 1 , wherein the S-shaped median wall comprises an inflection point positioned at a median of the insulating ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140197350A1

A method for producing a low-emissivity layer system on at least one side of the substrate includes the steps of providing the substrate, forming at least one low-emissivity layer on at least one side of the substrate by a deposition process and briefly tempering at least one deposited layer. The electromagnetic radiation used for briefly tempering a low-emissivity layer is adjusted in such a manner that the tempered layer has layer properties comparable to those of a conventionally heat-treated low-emissivity layer of a safety glass. 1. A method for producing a low-emissivity layer system on at least one side of a substrate , comprising the steps ofproviding the substrate,forming at least one transparent metallic IR reflection layer of the low-emissivity layer system on at least one side of the substrate by deposition,subsequently briefly tempering at least one deposited layer by electromagnetic radiation while avoiding immediate heating of the entire substrate,wherein the at least one transparent metallic IR reflection layer is briefly tempered, wherein the electromagnetic radiation for brief tempering is set in such a way that sheet resistance and thus absorption in an infrared spectral range and/or a transmission in a visible spectral range and/or spectral reflection of the low-emissivity layer system are set to values such as those of a conventionally heat-treated low-emissivity layer system of a safety glass.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of briefly tempering the transparent metallic IR reflection layer by electromagnetic radiation is carried out at an emission wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation at which the electromagnetic radiation is at least partly absorbed by the deposited transparent metallic IR reflection layer.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of briefly tempering the transparent metallic IR reflection layer is carried out at an emission wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation in the range of ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Thermal insulation composite system, building comprising such a system and method for producing a thermal insulation composite system

Номер: US20140202104A1
Автор: Fabrizio Plozner
Принадлежит: SIFA FIX AG

The invention relates to a thermal insulation composite system, comprising a plurality of panel-shaped thermal insulating bodies and a plurality of fixing devices for fixing the thermal insulating bodies to an external wall of a building, wherein each of the fixing devices contains a fixing plate for fixing the fixing device to the outer wall, a connecting bridge mounted on the surface side of the fixing plate, and an insert plate that is fixed to the fixing plate via the connecting bridge in a plane substantially parallel to the fixing plate. At least a first portion of the insert plate is designed for relative engagement in the first slot of at least a first of the thermal insulation bodies. The connecting bridge is designed for complete relative engagement in a second slot of the at least one first thermal insulation body, said second slot corresponding to the thickness of the connecting bridge.

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160130800A1
Автор: Williams Steve Lenn

An insulated attic access enclosure is formed from at least one side case, preferably two, and a top case that are adapted to receive an insulating material. The side case is wrapped around the attic access opening to define a sidewall enclosure. The top case is positioned atop the sidewall enclosure and may be attached to the sidewall to define at least one hinged access panel in the top case. 1. An insulating enclosure for an attic access portal , comprising:at least one side case defining a pocket adapted to receive a length of insulating material, the side case having a first end and a second end and a longitudinal length corresponding to a perimeter of the attic access portal, the side case having a plurality of complimentary fasteners attached at an opposed end of the at least one side case; anda top case defining a pocket adapted to receive a length of insulating material, the case having a length corresponding to a length of the attic access portal and a width corresponding to a width of the access portal.2. The insulating enclosure of claim 1 , further comprising:an insulating material received within the pocket of the side case and the pocket of the top case.3. The insulating enclosure of claim 2 , further comprising:a first opening defined in the at least one side case,a fastener operable to close the first opening to contain the insulating material within the side case pocket;a top case opening defined in the top case; anda fastener operable to close the top case opening to contain the insulating material within the top case pocket.4. The insulating enclosure of claim 3 , wherein the complimentary fasteners are secured to hold the opposed ends of the side case in sealing abutment to define an enclosure sidewall.5. The insulating enclosure of claim 4 , wherein the top case is positioned in sealing abutment with the enclosure sidewall.6. The insulating enclosure of claim 5 , further comprising:a hinging fastener attached to the top case and disposed ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Thermal Insulation Material

Номер: US20150137023A1

The present invention relates to a thermal insulation material comprising date pits and polyester resin. 1. A composition comprising:a. date pits; andb. polyester resin.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises from 10% to 70% date pits by weight.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition comprises 60% date pits by weight.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the date pits are ground date pits.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein the ground date pits have a particle size of less than about 800 μm.6. A thermal insulator material formed from the composition of .7. The thermal insulator material of claim 6 , wherein the composition comprises from 10% to 70% date pits by weight.8. The thermal insulator material of claim 6 , wherein the composition comprises 60% date pits by weight.9. The thermal insulator material of claim 6 , wherein the date pits are ground date pits.10. The thermal insulator material of claim 9 , wherein the ground date pits have a particle size of less than about 800 μm.11. A building block formed from the composition of .12. The building block of claim 11 , wherein the composition comprises from 10% to 70% date pits by weight.13. The building block of claim 11 , wherein the composition comprises 60% date pits by weight.14. The building block of claim 11 , wherein the date pits are ground date pits.15. The building block of claim 14 , wherein the ground date pits have a particle size of less than about 800 μm.16. A process for preparing a thermal insulator material claim 14 , the process comprising:a. mixing ground date pits with polyester resin;b. adding an initiator compound to the mixture obtained in step (a); andc. allowing the mixture to cure to form a thermal insulator material. The present invention relates to a thermal insulation material comprising date pits and polyester resin.On average, space heating and cooling accounts for 50-70% of the energy use of a US home (Al-Homoud, 2005). This percentage ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210162704A1

Fabricate a panel () by building a sacrificial relief () by an additive process of multilayer deposition, applying a facade layer () over the sacrificial relief so as to conform to the contour of the sacrificial relief, depositing a foamable composition () over the facade layer. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the smallest width dimension of the sacrificial relief is one meter and the smallest length dimension of the sacrificial relief is one meter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each layer of deposition extends in the width and length dimension of the sacrificial relief and building of the sacrificial relief comprises depositing multiple layers of sacrificial material along the height dimension of the sacrificial relief.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sacrificial material is selected from a group consisting of unbound particulates and bound particulates.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein building of the sacrificial relief further comprises applying a roller or other shaping device to the sacrificial material after depositing the sacrificial material to assist in contouring the sacrificial material.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises applying a release coating over the sacrificial relief prior to applying a façade layer over the sacrificial relief.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the façade layer is applied as a liquid claim 1 , continuous solid film claim 1 , as a particulate material or any combination thereof.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the foamable composition is selected from one component and two component polyurethane foam formulations that expand and cure to form polyurethane foam.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein depositing foamable composition comprises depositing multiple layers of foamable composition one over another.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein subsequent layers of foamable composition have different compositions.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises inserting ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150143774A1

An unbonded loosefill insulation material including a multiplicity of discrete, individual tufts formed from a plurality of insulative fibers and a plurality of conductive fibers mixed with the insulative fibers is provided. The conductive fibers are configured to dissipate static electrical charges. 1. An unbonded loosefill insulation material comprising:a multiplicity of discrete, individual tufts formed from a plurality of insulative fibers; anda plurality of conductive fibers mixed with the insulative fibers;wherein the conductive fibers are configured to dissipate static electrical charges.2. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the conductive fibers are mixed with the insulative fibers in a quantity range of from about 0.1 pounds of conductive fibers to 100 pounds of insulative fibers to about 0.5 pounds of conductive fibers to 100 pounds of insulative fibers.3. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the conductive fibers have an electrically conductive core positioned within a protective sheath.4. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 1 , wherein a material forming the sheath includes an electrically conductive material.5. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 4 , wherein the electrically conductive material in the sheath is titanium dioxide.6. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the insulative fibers have a length and the conductive fibers have a length claim 1 , and wherein the length of the insulative fibers and the conductive fibers is the same.7. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 6 , wherein the lengths of the insulative fibers and the conductive fibers are in a range of from about 0.25 inches to about 1.5 inches.8. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 1 , wherein the insulative fibers have a coating of anti-static material.9. The unbonded loosefill insulation material of claim 3 , wherein a material forming the ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159365A1

The manufacture of a thermal insulating product whereby a foam is produced from a mixture of mineral particles, the product is shaped, and the foam is dried. Specifically, the foam is produced from a crystallized calcic part and a crystallized magnesian part, and a composite aggregate of the crystals of the calcic and magnesian part is formed. The calcic part is chosen from calcite and/or aragonite, and the magnesian part is made of hydromagnesite. 1. A process for the manufacture of a thermal insulating product , comprising:producing a foam from a mixture of mineral particles comprising a crystallized calcic part and a crystallized magnesian part, wherein the crystals of the calcic part and the magnesian part are aggregated in the form of a composite aggregate, the calcic part comprises at least one carbonate selected from the group consisting of calcite and aragonite, and the magnesian part comprises hydromagnesite;shaping the foam to obtain a shaped foam; andat least partially drying the foam or the shaped foam.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mixture of mineral particles comprises a solids content of 15% to 40% by weight claim 1 , relative to the total weight of the mixture.3. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one additive selected from the group consisting of a surfactant claim 1 , an organic or inorganic binder claim 1 , a rheological agent claim 1 , a surface agent claim 1 , and a reinforcer claim 1 , is added to the mixture of particles or to the foam.4. The process as claimed in claim 3 , wherein an organic latex binder is added to the mixture of particles or to the foam.5. A thermal insulating product claim 3 , in the form of a rigid and/or solid foam claim 3 , comprising mineral particles comprising a crystallized calcic part and a crystallized magnesian part claim 3 , wherein the crystals of the calcic part and those of the magnesian part are aggregated in the form of composite aggregates claim 3 , the calcic part ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации

Collapsible Cellular Insulation

Номер: US20150159366A1
Принадлежит: L'GARDE, INC.

Multi-layered insulation is disclosed for having a collapsed configuration in which one dimension of the insulation is minimized to reduce the volume for storage. The multi-layered insulation has an expanded configuration in which the dimension is maximized to separate outer layers of the insulation. The insulation layer is composed of internal connecting membranes between outer surfaces. The MLI lattice is configured such that, when properly deployed, creates a cellular structure, thus providing the air gap between the outer surfaces. 1. An insulation panel , comprising:two outer surfaces; anda plurality of membranes connected to the outer surfaces, the insulation panel configured to translate from a stored configuration, in which the outer surfaces and plurality of membranes are generally aligned, to a deployed configuration, wherein the panel is configured to deploy by translating the outer surfaces outwardly from one another without an associated relative in-plane translation relative to the other.2. The insulation panel of claim 1 , wherein the outer surfaces and membranes are aligned generally flat in a collapsed configuration to minimize the thickness of the insulation panel and reorient to form a layered cellular structure in a deployed configuration.3. The insulation panel of claim 2 , further comprising an intermediate layer between two outer layers defining the two outer surfaces.4. The insulation panel of claim 3 , wherein a plurality of membranes connect the intermediate layer to the outer layers claim 3 , the membranes configured to translate the intermediate layer generally parallel to the two outer layers when transitioning from the collapsed configuration to the deployed configuration.5. The insulation panel of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of membranes are coupled to the intermediate layer at one end of the membrane and extend out of plane claim 4 , away from the intermediate layer on opposing sides of the intermediate layer to an outer end of ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159285A1
Автор: Hohmann, JR. Ronald P.

A wall anchor for use in a cavity wall to connect to a veneer tie to join an inner wythe and an outer wythe of the cavity wall includes an elongate body having a longitudinal axis, a driven end portion and a driving end portion. The driven end portion is adapted to be threadedly mounted on the inner wythe of the cavity wall. The driving end portion includes a drive head including a receptor opening for capturing a portion of a veneer tie. The receptor opening extends transverse to the longitudinal axis of the elongate body through the drive head. A thermal spacer is attached to the elongate bod. The thermal spacer has a conductivity less than a thermal conductivity of the elongate body and is configured and arranged to reduce thermal transfer in the cavity wall along the elongate body. 1. A wall anchor for use in a cavity wall to connect to a veneer tie to join an inner wythe and an outer wythe of the cavity wall , the wall anchor comprising:an elongate body having a longitudinal axis, a driven end portion and a driving end portion, the driven end portion being adapted to be threadedly mounted on the inner wythe of the cavity wall, the driving end portion including a thermally-conductive drive head including a receptor opening for capturing a portion of a veneer tie, the receptor opening extending transverse to the longitudinal axis of the elongate body through the thermally-conductive drive head; anda thermal spacer attached to the elongate body, the thermal spacer having a conductivity less than a thermal conductivity of the elongate body and being configured and arranged to reduce thermal transfer in the cavity wall along the elongate body.2. The wall anchor of claim 1 , wherein the thermal spacer is a material selected from the group consisting of ceramic claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , epoxy and carbon fiber.3. The wall anchor of claim 1 , wherein the elongate body comprises first and second thermally-conductive portions claim 1 , the thermal spacer being ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Z-shaped Girts To Prevent Thermal Bridging

Номер: US20170159293A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An improved girt for building construction that provides structural stability and significantly reduces thermal bridging in facade and cladding wall assemblies. The girt is made of a reinforced, fire-resistant, thermoset resin that does not readily burn. The girt completely eliminates metal-to-metal connection points between internal building structures such as columns or posts and external wall panels, resulting in substantially reduced thermal bridging and U values.

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307256A1
Автор: Krause G. Matt

A stucco construction system and method of installing the stucco construction system that includes a substrate, a first sheathing, a plurality of brackets, a plurality of insulation panels, a second sheathing and a stucco layer. The substrate has a first side and a second side. The first sheathing extends over the second side of the substrate. The plurality of brackets is positioned on the second side of the first sheathing and are coupled to one of the substrate and the first sheathing. The plurality of brackets are spaced apart from each other. The plurality of insulation panels is positioned such that each insulation panel is positioned between the plurality of brackets. The second sheathing extends over the plurality of brackets and the insulation panels and is attached to the plurality of brackets. The stucco layer is disposed over the second sheathing. 1. A stucco construction system , comprising:a substrate having a first side and a second side;a first sheathing extending over the second side of the substrate, the first sheathing having a first side and a second side;a plurality of brackets positioned on the second side of the first sheathing and coupled to one of the substrate and the first sheathing, the plurality of brackets being spaced apart from each other;a plurality of insulation panels with each insulation panel being positioned between the plurality of brackets;a second sheathing extending over the plurality of brackets and the insulation panels and attached to the plurality of brackets capturing the insulation panels between the first sheathing, the second sheathing and the plurality of brackets; anda stucco layer disposed over the second sheathing.2. The stucco construction system of wherein the plurality of brackets comprise a pultruded profile that includes both stranded members and woven members within a resin matrix.3. The stucco construction of wherein the bracket further includes:a first end wall overlying the first sheathing;a body wall ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150176266A1

The invention relates to a thermal insulation device comprising at least one panel () defining a gas-tight chamber () containing at least two flexible films () suitable for being selectively switched between two states: one of thermal conduction wherein said flexible films () are at least partially in mutual contact, and the other of thermal insulation wherein the flexible films () are separated, under the influence of pressure variations in said gas-tight chamber (), applied by fluid control means (), characterised in that, in the thermal insulation state, the distance separating the flexible films () is shorter than the average free path of the gas molecules in the space () defined between said flexible films (). The invention also relates to a method. 1100110120102104150160104150160150160104170150160158150160. A device for thermal insulation , especially for buildings , comprising at least one panel () comprising two walls ( , ) separated by a peripheral main spacer () to define a gastight chamber () , and at least two supple films ( , ) arranged in said chamber () and adapted to be switched selectively between two states: that of thermal conduction in which said supple films ( , ) are at least partially in mutual contact and the other of thermal insulation in which the supple films ( , ) are separated , under the influence of variations in pressure inside said airtight chamber () applied by fluid control means () , characterized in that in the state of thermal insulation the distance separating the supple films ( , ) is less than the free mean path of gas molecules occupying the volume () defined between said supple films ( , ).2150160140. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the supple films ( claim 1 , ) are kept spaced apart by spacers ().3140142144110120146150160. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the spacers () comprise end sections ( claim 1 , ) which are supported on the internal surfaces of the walls ( claim 1 , ) ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260072A1
Автор: McKenna Greg
Принадлежит: ALCOA INC.

A method to cast-in-place thermal barriers to create a hollow tubular extrusion is disclosed herein. Clips, configured to engage and lock with a first and a second extrusion profile, maintain a pocket with precise tolerances into which liquid polyurethane is poured. The clips easily engage in a manner to form a hollow tubular extrusion assembly. Once the assembly is made, it becomes very difficult to take the assembly apart. This feature allows the first and the second extrusion profiles to be cut to length or handled without the potential of the assembly coming apart prior to pouring the liquid polyurethane. Once the polyurethane cures, there is no need to remove the clips because the clips are made from a very low conductance material, and the clips can remain as part of the finished product thus saving the expense of removing and discarding the part. 2. The method of wherein the first portion of the first retainer clip includes flexible tips.3. The method of wherein the flexible tips of the first retainer clip engage with a plurality of teeth in the channel at the first end of the first aluminum extrusion profile.4. The method of wherein the first portion of the second retainer clip includes flexible tips.5. The method of wherein the flexible tips of the second retainer clip engage with a plurality of teeth in the channel at the second end of the first aluminum extrusion profile.6. The method of wherein the second portion of the first retainer clip includes flexible tips.7. The method of wherein the flexible tips of the first retainer clip engage with a plurality of teeth in the channel at the first end of the second aluminum extrusion profile.8. The method of wherein the second portion of the second retainer clip includes flexible tips.9. The method of wherein the flexible tips of the second retainer clip engage with a plurality of teeth in the channel at the second end of the second aluminum extrusion profile.10. The method of wherein the first retainer clip ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272302A1

The invention comprises a product. The product comprises a substrate having a first primary surface and an opposite second primary surface and a layer of cementitious material on the first primary surface. The product further comprises decorative aggregate particles partially embedded in the layer of cementitious material. A method of making the product is also disclosed. 1. A product comprising:a substrate having a first primary surface and an opposite second primary surface;a layer of cementitious material on the first primary surface; anddecorative aggregate particles partially embedded in the layer of cementitious material.2. The product of further comprising a layer of concrete on the second primary surface.3. The product of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a foam insulating panel and further comprising a layer of reinforcing material disposed between the foam insulating panel and the layer of cementitious material.4. The product of claim 1 , wherein approximately 10% of the surface area of the decorative aggregate particles are embedded in the layer of cementitious material.5. The product of claim 1 , wherein approximately 25% of the surface area of the decorative aggregate particles are embedded in the layer of cementitious material.6. The product of claim 1 , wherein approximately 50% of the surface area of the decorative aggregate particles are embedded in the layer of cementitious material.7. The product of claim 1 , wherein approximately 75% of the surface area of the decorative aggregate particles are embedded in the layer of cementitious material.8. The product of claim 3 , wherein the layer of reinforcing material is adhered to the first primary surface by a water-resistant polymer coating.9. The product of claim 1 , wherein the decorative aggregate particles are colorful stone claim 1 , semi-precious stone claim 1 , quartz claim 1 , granite claim 1 , basalt claim 1 , marble claim 1 , stone pebbles claim 1 , glass or shells.10. The product of ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272320A1
Автор: Garcia Juan

A universal barrier system includes universal barrier components that may be assembled together to shield floors and walls from moisture and provide a thermal break in an operational area of the universal barrier component. A lap zone of the universal barrier component may allow universal barrier components to be assembled and installed to protect floors, walls, ceilings, footings and the like from moisture and heat gain or loss by minimizing the need for tapes and other joining methods. The universal barrier system may also act as a sound deadening material. The operational area and lap zone of the universal barrier component may be disposed on a vapor block layer to provide some rigidity. The operational area of the universal barrier component may include a thermal break disposed upon the vapor block layer. The thermal break may include an outer protective layer. In addition, universal barrier tape and universal barrier edging may be provided to couple adjoining universal barrier components. 1. A universal barrier system for forming a moisture shield and thermal break in a building comprising:a universal barrier tape made from polyethylene film, up to 12 inches wide to provide typically 6 inches of lap with an adhesive disposed thereon; a common base component of polyethylene film substantially 6 to 15 mills thick and substantially 54 inches wide and of a length that varies depending upon a desired roll size upon which the common base material is disposed,', 'a thermal break having a thickness substantially ranging from 5 mils to 50 mils, and substantially 48 inches wide and made from millable polyurethane foam containing voids created by microspheres disposed in an operational area substantially forty eight inches wide, beginning at an edge of the common base component and leaving a substantially uncovered area substantially 6 inches wide along an opposite edge as a lap zone for joining to other materials;', 'a protective outer layer of polyethylene film ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183875A1

A thermal bridge-free insulation assembly may include hangers to support insulation in an attic. The hanger may include an axis, a proximal end coupled to a rafter, and a distal end coupled to a barrier. The hanger also may include at least two components that are axially movable relative to each other to selectively adjust a depth of an insulation space. 1. A hanger for supporting insulation in an attic having a roof deck , and a rafter supporting the roof deck , the hanger comprising:an axis, a proximal end configured to be coupled to the rafter, a distal end configured to be coupled to a barrier, an insulation space is configured to be defined between the proximal and distal ends, and the hanger comprises at least two components that are configured to be axially movable relative to each other to selectively adjust a depth of the insulation space.2. The hanger of claim 1 , wherein the at least two components comprise a first component configured to be mounted to the rafter claim 1 , a second component configured to engage the first component claim 1 , and the second component is located inside the barrier.3. The hanger of claim 2 , wherein the first component comprises a bracket claim 2 , the second component comprises a strut that is configured to slidably engage the bracket claim 2 , and the strut and the bracket are configured to have a slight interference fit claim 2 , such that the strut is configured to not disengage the bracket due to gravity claim 2 , and the strut is configured to still be readily movable in the bracket by a user.4. The hanger of claim 3 , wherein the bracket has a groove claim 3 , the strut has a rib that is configured to seat and slide in the groove.5. The hanger of claim 3 , wherein the bracket has a slot claim 3 , and the strut is configured to be fastened directly to the rafter through the slot in the bracket.6. The hanger of claim 3 , wherein the strut comprises teeth extending along at least a portion thereof in the axial direction ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140273701A1

A method of making a nonwoven wet laid aerogel blanket is provided. The aerogel blanket can exhibit improved thermal conductivity, lower corrosivity, lower dust production and a uniform structure. The blanket can be made from an aerogel floc that is formed from a slurry of aerogel particles. 1. A nonwoven insulation blanket comprising:aerogel particles;fibers; anda binder, wherein the density of aerogel particles in the upper 10% of a cross section of the blanket is within +/−20% of the density of aerogel particles in the lowest 10% of the cross section.2. The nonwoven insulation blanket of comprising an infrared opacifier.3. The nonwoven insulation blanket of having a thermal conductivity of less 40 mW/m° K at 150° C.4. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the density of the blanket is less than 0.2 g/cc.5. (canceled)6. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the blanket exhibits corrosivity of less than 5 ppm HCl by ASTM C1617.7. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the aerogel particles have an average diameter of less than 2.0 mm.8. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein all of the aerogel particles have a diameter of less than 4.0 mm.9. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the blanket exhibits a flame spread index (ASTM E84) of less than 25 and a smoke developed index of less than 450 (ASTM E84).10. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the blanket exhibits shrinkage of less than 2% at 650° C. when tested using ASTM method C356.1112-. (canceled)13. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the aerogel particles have a caloric content of less than 10 MJ/Kg.14. The nonwoven insulation blanket of comprising a polymer comprising polyamine claim 1 , polyacrylamide claim 1 , dicyandiamide claim 1 , or polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride.15. The nonwoven insulation blanket of wherein the fibers have an average length less than 5 mm claim 1 , or none of the fibers have a length greater than 5 mm.1620-. (canceled)21. A method of making a ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160201316A1
Автор: Gray Thomas Mitchell

A device for covering a portion of a dock leveler deck and a gap between the deck and a surrounding dock floor surface lying inward relative to a loading dock door is provided. The device may include a rigid frame and a barrier secured to the rigid frame and configured to cover the portion of the dock leveler deck and the gap inward of the loading dock door when the rigid frame is attached to the loading dock door and the loading dock door is fully lowered.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198472A1

A loosefill insulation installation includes a loosefill insulation material made from fiberglass fibers. The loosefill insulation material unexpectedly has improved thermal performance, even through the amount of mineral oil applied to the fiberglass fibers is reduce. For example, the fiberglass fibers can be coated with a mineral oil in an amount that is between 0.1% and 0.6% of the weight of the fiberglass fibers, such as about 0.375%. 1. A loosefill insulation installation comprising:a loosefill insulation material made from fiberglass fibers;wherein the loosefill insulation material has an average installed thickness of 10.5 inches;wherein the average thermal resistance (R) of the 10.5 inches of installed loosefill insulation material is greater than or equal to 30;wherein the average density of the 10.5 inches of installed loosefill insulation material is less than or equal to 0.485 pounds per cubic footwherein the fiberglass fibers are coated with a mineral oil in an amount that is between 0.1% and 0.6% of the weight of the fiberglass fibers.2. The loosefill insulation installation of wherein the average density of the 10.5 inches of installed loosefill insulation material is less than or equal to 0.472 pounds per cubic foot3. The loosefill insulation installation of wherein the fiberglass fibers comprise a combination of two or more of SiO2 claim 1 , Al2O3 claim 1 , CaO claim 1 , MgO claim 1 , B2O3 claim 1 , Na2O claim 1 , K2O claim 1 , and Fe2O3.4. The loosefill insulation installation of wherein the mineral oil is between 0.3% and 0.5% of the weight of the fiberglass fibers.5. The loosefill insulation installation of wherein the mineral oil is a blend of light and heavy paraffinic oils.6. The loosefill insulation installation of wherein the mineral oil has a viscosity of less than or equal to 20 cST at 40 degrees centigrade claim 4 , and less than or equal to 50 cST at 20 degrees centigrade.7. The loosefill insulation installation of wherein the mineral ...
