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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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10-04-2016 дата публикации

Мачтовое сооружение

Номер: RU0000160981U1

Мачтовое сооружение, содержащее установленный на фундаменте вертикальный ствол и комбинированные оттяжки в количестве не менее трех штук, расположенные радиально в плане на равных между собой угловых расстояниях, включающие оттяжные пояса, верхний конец каждого из которого закреплен к стволу в его верхней части, а нижний - к собственному анкерному фундаменту через натяжное устройство, позволяющее регулировать положение ствола и усилия натяжения элементов комбинированных оттяжек, соединенные со стволом гибкими тяжами, отличающееся тем, что в плоскости каждой комбинированной оттяжки имеется лишь один оттяжной пояс, имеющий очертание ломаной линии с точками излома, принадлежащими параболе, а тяжи, поярусно соединяющие точки излома оттяжных поясов со стволом в промежуточных по его высоте точках, образуют систему горизонтальных растянутых гибких прямолинейных элементов разной длины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 160 981 U1 (51) МПК E04H 12/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014143753/03, 29.10.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.10.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Колодежнов Сергей Николаевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Колодежнов Сергей Николаевич (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 29.10.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 1 6 0 9 8 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Мачтовое сооружение, содержащее установленный на фундаменте вертикальный ствол и комбинированные оттяжки в количестве не менее трех штук, расположенные радиально в плане на равных между собой угловых расстояниях, включающие оттяжные пояса, верхний конец каждого из которого закреплен к стволу в его верхней части, а нижний - к собственному анкерному фундаменту через натяжное устройство, позволяющее регулировать положение ствола и усилия натяжения элементов комбинированных оттяжек, соединенные со стволом гибкими тяжами, отличающееся тем, что в плоскости каждой ...

07-02-2017 дата публикации

Стойка опоры линии электропередачи

Номер: RU0000168521U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству, а именно к сооружению линий электропередачи. Технический результат заключается в расширении арсенала технических средств, относящихся к стойкам для сооружения опор линий электропередачи. Технический результат достигается тем, что в стойке опоры линии электропередачи, выполненной из двух листовых гнутых профилей-сегментов, имеющей по высоте переменное поперечное сечение, при этом сегменты посекционно жестко соединены между собой, а поперечное сечение имеет форму шестиугольника, образованного из двух половин правильного шестиугольника, разделенного посередине его противоположных сторон, при этом пары крайних участков сегментов стойки по всей ее длине расположены на расстоянии L друг от друга и жестко соединены между собой, согласно полезной модели сегменты стойки изнутри соединены диафрагмами жесткости, а каждая диафрагма выполнена в виде пластины с многогранным внешним контуром. Секции стойки жестко соединены встык, а в местах стыка, с внутренней стороны, секции скреплены элементами жесткости, выполненными в виде изогнутых пластин, зеркально повторяющих углы внутреннего контура участка секции, причем каждая пластина жестко соединена с обеими состыкованными секциями. При этом у основания стойки расположены два разнесенных на расстояние по длине стойки узла крепления для установки стойки на цилиндрической поверхности сваи, причем каждый узел крепления содержит два элемента крепления, жестко закрепленных поперечно на внутренних поверхностях сегментов стойки, и каждый элемент крепления выполнен в виде пластины сложного контура, по наружному контуру повторяющего РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 521 U1 (51) МПК E04H 12/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016139986, 11.10.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.10.2016 07.02.2017 (73) Патентообладатель(и): АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО "ГАЗПРОМ ЭЛЕКТРОГАЗ" ( ...

06-05-2019 дата публикации

Трубобетонная стойка

Номер: RU0000188990U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству и может быть использована в качестве конструктивного элемента средней гибкости, работающего на сжатие с изгибом, например, в колоннах каркасных зданий и сооружений, в поясах мостовых ферм и др. Трубобетонная стойка состоит из оболочки в виде замкнутой поверхности, в полости которой размещен армированный бетонный стержень. Оболочка выполнена из сетки, состоящей из базальтовых или углеродных волокон с размером ячейки, равным или меньше 20 мм. Сетка установлена симметрично своей продольной оси и пропитана мелкозернистым бетоном с образованием защитного слоя на своей наружной поверхности толщиной от 20 до 40 мм. Бетонный стержень армирован сетками из базальтовых или углеродных волокон с размером ячейки от 25 до 150 мм, выполненными в виде замкнутых поверхностей, продольные оси которых совпадают с продольной осью оболочки. При этом расстояния между сетками составляют от 25 до 150 мм, а сетки закреплены в рабочем положении посредством стержней-фиксаторов, установленных в поперечном сечении армированного бетонного стержня перпендикулярно продольной оси оболочки на расстоянии, меньшем или равном 400 мм друг от друга. Стержни-фиксаторы выполнены из того же материала, что и сетки армированного бетонного стержня. Стержни-фиксаторы установлены в полости оболочки на расстоянии от 20 до 40 мм от наружных поверхностей торцов. Стержни-фиксаторы соединены с сетками посредством вязальных элементов. Вязальные элементы выполнены из базальтовых или углеродных волокон. 5 н.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 188 990 U1 (51) МПК E04C 3/36 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04C 3/36 (2019.02) (21) (22) Заявка: 2018139715, 12.11.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.11.2018 06.05.2019 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: TIANYU XIE, TOGAY (45) Опубликовано: 06.05.2019 Бюл. № 13 1 8 8 9 9 0 (54) Трубобетонная стойка ( ...

18-03-2020 дата публикации

Мачта ветрогенератора модульного типа

Номер: RU0000196874U1

Полезная модель относится к ветроэнергетике, а именно к ветродвигателям роторного типа с вертикальным валом вращения и может быть использована в электромашиностроении.Задача, на решение которой направлена заявленная модель, заключается в создании модульной мачты, прочной по своей конструкции и, кроме того, удобной для ремонта, монтажа, обслуживания, а также транспортировки.Техническое решение заключается в создании мачты модульного типа, где мачта поделена на несколько модулей: модуль с генератором и модули с лопастями. При сборке модулей образуется внешний каркас, который несет основную нагрузку.Техническим результатом является создание конструкции мачты, совмещающей в себе требования к прочности за счет внешнего каркаса, а также удобства для ремонта, обслуживания и транспортировки, с возможностью изменения мощности генератора, за счет того, что мачта состоит из модулей.Мачта модульного типа состоит минимум из двух модулей, соединенных между собой. Основанием мачты служит модуль генератора. Модуль генератора крепится на грунт, бетонное основание или крышу здания. На модуль генератора сверху устанавливается модуль ветроуловителя (модуль с лопастями). Монтаж происходит таким образом, что выходной вал ветроуловителя соединяется с помощью муфты для передачи момента. Крепление силовых рам модулей болтовое. При необходимости можно поставить еще один или несколько модулей с лопастями, которые соединяются между собой аналогичным образом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 196 874 U1 (51) МПК F03D 13/20 (2016.01) F03D 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F03D 13/20 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019136173, 12.11.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Бизнес Энерджи" (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.03.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 18.03.2020 Бюл. № 8 1 9 6 8 7 4 R U (54) МАЧТА ВЕТРОГЕНЕРАТОРА МОДУЛЬНОГО ТИПА (57) Реферат: ...

03-06-2020 дата публикации

Восьмицепная промежуточная многогранная опора линии электропередачи

Номер: RU0000197874U1

Полезная модель относится к строительству объектов электроэнергетики, в частности к опорам воздушных линий электропередачи, совмещенных с волоконно-оптической линией связи, а именно к восьми цепной промежуточной многогранной опоре с однорядным расположением проводов 110-220 кВ. Восьми цепная промежуточная многогранная опора линии электропередачи содержит гнутую многогранную стойку, закрепленную на фундаменте и состоящую из нижней, средней и верхней секций, на средней секции в три яруса закреплены по две многогранные консольные траверсы, а на верхней секции закреплены две многогранные консольные траверсы, при этом консольные траверсы выполнены в виде усеченных многогранных оболочек овального или круглого сечения, а все соединения секций между собой, нижней секции с фундаментом и консольных траверс с секциями выполнены посредством скрепления резьбовым соединением Z-образных фланцев, представляющего собой скрепленные резьбовым соединением нижнего горизонтального половинчатого фланца, верхнего горизонтального половинчатого противоположного фланца и вертикальной пластины, которая примыкает к торцам этих половинчатых фланцев: основании, консольных траверс, секции. Техническим результатом патентуемого решения является снижение материалоемкости двух цепной высотной опоры с сохранением необходимой жесткости и прочности ее конструкции. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 197 874 U1 (51) МПК E04H 12/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04H 12/08 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019142574, 16.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Хорошкеев Евгений Вячеславович (RU) Дата регистрации: 03.06.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.12.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 03.06.2020 Бюл. № 16 1 9 7 8 7 4 R U (54) ВОСЬМИЦЕПНАЯ ПРОМЕЖУТОЧНАЯ МНОГОГРАННАЯ ОПОРА ЛИНИИ ЭЛЕКТРОПЕРЕДАЧИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к строительству или круглого сечения, а все ...

11-12-2020 дата публикации

Стойка композитной опоры

Номер: RU0000201347U1

Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к стойке композитной опоры, используемой для размещения светосигнального оборудования, рекламы, линий электропередач, оборудования связи и т.д. Стойка композитной опоры содержит модуль, выполненный в форме полого усеченного конуса методом намотки из композитного материала на основе армирующего наполнителя, пропитанного связующим на формообразующий элемент, при этом стенка модуля 3 имеет постоянную толщину вдоль его продольной оси. Модуль выполнен в форме полого усеченного конуса так, что отношение разности диаметров двух торцевых поперечных сечений 1, 2 конуса к расстоянию между ними равно 1:45,(45) и угол наклона линейной зависимости изменения площади поперечного сечения опоры, при котором напряжение в стенке модуля, от действия консольной нагрузки приложенной к вершине перпендикулярно оси модуля, максимально стремится к постоянной величине по всей длине опоры. Полезная модель обеспечивает снижение расхода композита на изготовление опоры и расширение арсенала технических устройств. 17 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 347 U1 (51) МПК E04H 12/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04H 12/02 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020114661, 24.04.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «ЭЛЕКТРОМАШ» (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 11.12.2020 Бюл. № 35 2 0 1 3 4 7 R U (54) СТОЙКА КОМПОЗИТНОЙ ОПОРЫ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области строительства, а именно к стойке композитной опоры, используемой для размещения светосигнального оборудования, рекламы, линий электропередач, оборудования связи и т.д. Стойка композитной опоры содержит модуль, выполненный в форме полого усеченного конуса методом намотки из композитного материала на основе армирующего наполнителя, пропитанного связующим на формообразующий ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Стойка для опоры линии электропередачи

Номер: RU0000204173U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехнического оборудования и предназначена для возведения анкерных опор воздушных линий электропередачи напряжением 6-20 кВ. По географическим и климатическим условиям настоящее техническое решение предназначено для районов, в частности, с вечномерзлыми грунтами с учетом сезонного оттаивания до двух метров и для обычных (минеральных) грунтов. Технический результат заключается в создании технологичной стойки для линии электропередачи, позволяющей увеличить надежность и долговечность при гололедно-ветровых перегрузках. Настоящей полезной моделью предложена стойка для опоры линии электропередачи, выполненная в виде конуса из листового материала, имеющего в поперечном сечении форму выпуклой фигуры, с возможностью установки на нем электротехнического оборудования. Стенка конуса выполнена гибкой листа материала в замкнутую конструкцию, содержащую один продольный сварной шов. Стойка установлена на свае. 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 173 U1 (51) МПК E04H 12/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E04H 12/00 (2021.02); E04H 12/08 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020129693, 09.09.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 13.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 13.05.2021 Бюл. № 14 (54) СТОЙКА ДЛЯ ОПОРЫ ЛИНИИ ЭЛЕКТРОПЕРЕДАЧИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области увеличить надежность и долговечность при электротехнического оборудования и гололедно-ветровых перегрузках. Настоящей предназначена для возведения анкерных опор полезной моделью предложена стойка для опоры воздушных линий электропередачи напряжением линии электропередачи, выполненная в виде 6-20 кВ. По географическим и климатическим конуса из листового материала, имеющего в условиям настоящее техническое решение поперечном сечении форму выпуклой фигуры, с предназначено для районов, в частности, с возможностью установки на нем вечномерзлыми ...

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Composite Connection For A Wind Turbine Tower Structure

Номер: US20120159873A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Wind SL

A tower section for a wind turbine tower structure comprises at least two shell segments defining, in an assembled condition, a substantially hollow structure, and including first connecting means for mutually joining two adjacent shell segments along a joint, which comprise a column of concrete arranged overlapping at least part of the joint between adjacent shell segments. A method for building a tower section for a wind turbine tower structure and a wind turbine comprising a nacelle having rotatable blades and a vertical tower made of at least one of such tower sections are further provided.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Foundation fixing unit, wind energy converter, and method for fixing a tower of a wind energy converter onto a foundation

Номер: US20120260592A1
Автор: Anton Wolf
Принадлежит: AMSC Windtec GmbH

Some general aspects of the invention provide a foundation fixing unit ( 202, 204, 400 ) for fixing a tower ( 108 ) of a wind energy converter ( 100 ) onto a foundation ( 110 ). The unit comprises a fixation plate ( 202 ) fixable to the foundation ( 110 ), walls forming at least one tower fixation hole ( 300 ) in the intermediate plate ( 202 ) for passing a tower fixation bolt ( 220 ) through the fixation plate ( 202 ) in order to fix the tower ( 108 ) to the fixation plate ( 202 ), a tower fixation nut ( 400 ) arranged below the at least one tower fixation hole ( 300 ) for receiving a threaded portion of the tower fixation bolt ( 220 ) and a nut cage ( 204 ) holding the tower fixation nut ( 400 ), the nut cage ( 204 ) being attached to a bottom surface ( 222 ) of the fixation plate ( 202 ). Under further aspects, the invention provides a wind energy converter tower comprising the foundation fixing unit ( 202, 204, 400 ) and a method for fixing a wind energy converter tower onto a foundation.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Composite pole and method for making the same

Номер: US20130042573A1
Принадлежит: CONETT Inc

A composite pole includes at least a first composite member that includes first and second ends; an elongated body defined between the first and second ends; a first interior space; and a constant cross-section. The constant cross-section includes an outer circumference having a first radius and a second radius; an inner circumference; and a wall thickness defined between the outer and inner circumference. The first radius is not equal to the second radius.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Tower-internal-equipment bracket structure and wind turbine generator

Номер: US20130115054A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A tower-internal-equipment bracket structure with a welded structure that can ensure a fatigue strength classification equal to or greater than that of butt welding (BW) or that requires no welding and a wind turbine generator provided with this tower-internal-equipment bracket structure are provided. In a tower-internal-equipment bracket structure provided inside a pole-type steel tower, employing a cylindrical shell ( 11 ), to support tower internal equipment, a ring-shaped member ( 20 ) having a protruding portion ( 21 ) toward the tower interior is interposed, by means of butt welding (BW), between divided portions formed by dividing the cylindrical shell ( 11 ) at a desired position in an axial direction, and the protruding portion ( 21 ) serves as a bracket-member support portion for the tower internal equipment.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Composite Tube Having Co-Bonded End Fittings

Номер: US20130186040A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A structural member such as a strut includes a composite material tube having metal end fittings that are attached to the tube by co-bonded, double shear joints. The double shear bond joint construction reduces the residual stress on the bonds that result from mismatch of the coefficients of thermal expansion of the composite tube and the metal end fittings. The ends of the fittings that are bonded to the tube may include a stepped profile that functions to limit the peak stresses in the bonds. 1. A structural member , comprising:a composite material tube, the composite material tube comprising a first cured inner tube and a second cured outer tube, wherein the first cured inner tube and the second cured outer tube are co-bonded along a respective wall of the first cured inner tube and the second cured outer tube; and,a metal fitting, wherein a portion of the metal fitting is disposed between and co-bonded to the first cured inner tube and the second cured outer tube, wherein an intersection between the metal fitting and the first cured inner tube comprises a first bond joint, and wherein an intersection between the metal fitting and the second cured outer tube comprises a second bond joint, at least one of the first and second bond joints comprising a stepped joint.23-. (canceled)4. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein the metal fitting comprises a cylindrical section claim 1 , and wherein a thickness of the cylindrical section tapers in a direction toward the composite material tube.5. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein the first cured inner tube and the second cured outer tube each comprise multiple plies of composite material.6. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein one of the first cured inner tube and the second cured outer tube extends only a portion of the length of the composite material tube.78-. (canceled)9. The structural member of claim 1 , wherein:the metal fitting includes a cylindrical section having a tapered thickness, and,the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

segmented jacket construction, in particular for a foundation for a wind turbine installation

Номер: US20130202447A1
Автор: Thomas Oestergaard
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A segmented jacket construction is proposed. The segmented jacket construction is for a foundation for a wind turbine installation. The segmented jacket construction has at least two grid segments, which are connected to each other by joints. The joint has two tubular jacket modules, which are bonded by a grouting material.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205714A1

A two piece, non-conductive cover for covering the conductive base of a horizontal post attached to a utility pole. The cover comprises a first section and a second section. The first section overlaps the second section. The two sections cooperate to define a cavity that encases the conductive end of the horizontal post base fitting. The two sections also cooperate to define a pair of opposed arms that define a space configured and dimensioned to extend partially around a utility pole. Attachment apparatus for attaching the arms to the pole can include, but are not limited to, bolts lag screws, screws, nails, straps or any other apparatus that serves to secure the cover to the utility pole. 1. A cover for covering the base end of an apparatus mounted to a utility pole , comprising:a first section and a second section, said first and second sections together in an overlapping arrangement defining an inner cavity sized and dimensioned to house the base end of the apparatus.2. The cover of wherein said first and second sections define a pair of opposed arms dimensioned to extend partially around the utility pole.3. The cover of wherein the first and second sections are made from a non-conductive material.4. The cover of further comprising attachment apparatus for attaching the cover to the pole.5. The cover of wherein the attachment apparatus is selected from a group of attachment apparatus consisting of bolts claim 4 , lag screws claim 4 , screws claim 4 , nails and straps.6. The cover of wherein the apparatus mounted to a utility pole is a horizontal post insulator.7. The cover of wherein said first section includes a forward extension and second section includes a complementary forward extension.8. The cover of wherein said recited forward extensions are upwardly angled.9. A non-conductive cover for covering the conductive base of an apparatus attached to a utility pole claim 1 , comprising:a top section and a bottom section in an overlapping arrangement, said top ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Tower and wind turbine generator

Номер: US20130212972A1
Автор: Minoru Kawabata
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A tower that includes a junction having a sufficient yield strength and can easily ensure the accuracy of used tower sections, and a wind turbine generator having the tower, are provided. The tower configured by stacking a plurality of tower sections in a vertical direction and connecting the tower sections to each other includes a connecting member arranged in the tower section, the connecting member dividing an inside of the tower section into a plurality of regions in a horizontal plane, and having at least one end connected to an inner wall of the tower section, and a frictional joint part for connecting by frictional joint the connecting member to another connecting member connected to another adjacent tower section.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Tower of a Wind Power Plant and Method for Producing a Tower of a Wind Power Plant

Номер: US20130269286A1

The invention relates to a method for the production of a tower ( 1 ) of a wind power plant, wherein at least one tubular tower section ( 2 ) is produced from annular precast concrete parts ( 5 ) having two horizontal contact surface ( 21 ), which are arranged on top of one another. After casting, the annular precast concrete parts ( 5 ) are set up in a processing station ( 27 ) in the precast plant and the two horizontal contact surfaces ( 21 ) of the precast concrete parts ( 5 ) processed in a fixture in a planparallel, material-removing manner. A tower ( 1 ) of a wind power plant comprises at least one tubular tower section ( 2 ) of annular precast concrete parts ( 5 ) having two horizontal contact surfaces ( 21 ), which are arranged on top of one another. Both horizontal contact surfaces ( 21 ) of the precast concrete parts ( 5 ) are reworked in a planparallel, material-removing manner with a parallelism deviation and a flatness deviation of few tenths of a millimeter, preferably less than 0.2 mm.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288068A1
Автор: John Bernard
Принадлежит: Individual

The WS2 is made of a flexible rust resistant galvanized sheet metal, or other material that can be strong and flexible, that is preformed and bent to it permanent shape, which is a rectangular shape with four sides, one of which has a flap which has an outward fold and an adjacent side which has an inward fold. This allows user to hook together the two open sides. The flap and adjacent side have opposite folds that are designed to lock together making WS2 a secure one piece unit. The WS2 can be flexed open and placed around a wooden post, then to, on its own, snaps shut protecting the post from weed eater damage. There is no folding or unfolding needed. No screws or nails are needed to hold WS2 in place, because of WS2 self locking folds.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130326968A1

A precast concrete column supports a building. In one exemplary embodiment, the precast concrete column includes a connector for securing a wooden column to the precast concrete column such that no portion of the connector extends beyond the cross-section of the wooden column. In an alternative embodiment, a jack screw extends from the distal end of the precast concrete column to provide height adjustment for the precast concrete column. In certain embodiments, an insert or tube is cast into the precast concrete column body to allow a fastener to traverse the precast concrete column body so that structural components of the building may be secured thereto. 1. A foundation column for providing support to a structure , the column comprising:a concrete column body having a proximal cross-sectional extent defining a cross-sectional envelope; andan upstanding arm secured to and extending from a proximal end of said concrete column body, said upstanding arm having a cross-sectional extent along its length that never extends beyond the cross-sectional envelope defined by the proximal cross-sectional extent of the concrete column body;a wood column having a distal end, a proximal end and a perimeter along a wood column length between the distal end and the proximal end of the wood column, said wood column including a slot defined by an opening formed through the distal end of the wood column and extending toward the proximal end of the wood column, said slot terminating short of said perimeter, whereby access to said slot is permitted only through the distal end of the wood column, said slot sized to receive said upstanding arm extending from said proximal end of said concrete column body, whereby, with said upstanding arm received in said slot, a fastener may be positioned to engage said wood column and said upstanding arm to secure said wood column to said concrete column body.2. The foundation column of claim 1 , wherein a transverse cross-sectional extent of said ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Crack-resistant member, a method of preventing crack propagation, and a method of assembling a tower

Номер: US20140059964A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A crack-resistant member for preventing crack propagation, a method of preventing crack propagation, and method of assembly a tower are provided. The crack-resistant member includes at least one insert attached to at least one removed portion at a predetermined location along a girth weld and adjacent a heat affected zone of the tower. The at least one insert is positioned perpendicular to a weld direction and intersecting the girth weld. The at least one insert prevents crack propagation in the girth weld of the tower.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083022A1
Автор: KUUSI Tuomo, NUMMI Jukka
Принадлежит: EUROSTAL OY

A hybrid tower structure (), and a method for building the same, which tower structure includes a lower portion () in form of a lattice structure (), an upper portion () with continuous outer surface, and an adapter construction () between the lower and upper portions, wherein the tower structure () further includes plurality of stay cables () connected to the tower structure, and that the lower portion () of the tower structure has a hollow cross-section through its length where the load bearing lattice structure () extends only on the circumference of the cross section, and the lattice structure is formed from hollow steel profiles. 113895438916. A hybrid tower structure () comprising a lower portion () in form of a lattice structure ( , ) , an upper portion () with continuous outer surface , an adapter construction () between the lower and upper portions , the lower portion () of the tower structure has a hollow cross-section through its length where the load bearing lattice structure ( , ) extends only on the circumference of the cross section , and the lattice structure is formed from hollow steel profiles , wherein the tower structure () further comprises plurality of stay cables () connected to the tower structure for obtaining specific frequencies for the tower structure.2189. A tower structure () according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow steel profiles of the lattice structure ( claim 1 , ) are made from corrosion-resistant steel.31614. A tower structure () according to claim 1 , wherein the stay cables () are detachably attached to the tower structure () claim 1 , and preferable to the adapter construction () of the tower structure.4151. A tower structure () according to claim 1 , wherein the upper portion () of the tower structure () is made of steel and is in a form of a hollow truncated cone.51313. A tower structure () according to claim 1 , wherein the cross section of the lower portion () of the tower structure () comprises or more corners claim 1 , ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096475A1
Автор: Ceko Peter
Принадлежит: Trident Industries LLC

A fiber glass utility pole comprising: (a) a center section that comprises from 5% to 15% of the total diameter of the utility pole; (b) a mid-section surrounding the center section, the mid-section comprising from 70% to 90% of the total diameter of the utility pole; and (c) an outer section surrounding the mid-section, the outer section comprising from 5% to 15% of the total diameter of the utility pole, wherein the center section comprises fiber glass oriented at a 30 to 60 degree angle to a center axis, and wherein the mid-section comprises fiber glass oriented parallel to the center axis, and wherein the outer section comprises fiber glass oriented at a 30 to 60 degree angle to a center axis. 1. A hollow fiber glass utility pole comprising:(a) a center section;(b) a mid-section surrounding the center section; and(c) an outer section surrounding the mid-section, wherein the center section comprises fiber glass oriented at an angle to a center axis, and wherein the mid-section comprises fiber glass oriented parallel to the center axis, and wherein the outer section comprises fiber glass oriented at an angle to a center axis.2. The utility pole of claim 1 , wherein the center section comprises from 5% to 15% of the total diameter of the utility pole claim 1 , and wherein the mid-section comprises from 70% to 90% of the total diameter of the utility pole claim 1 , and wherein the outer section comprises from 5% to 15% of the total diameter of the utility pole.3. The utility pole of claim 2 , wherein the center section comprises about 10% of the total diameter of the utility pole claim 2 , and wherein the mid-section comprises about 80% of the total diameter of the utility pole claim 2 , and wherein the outer section comprises about 10% of the total diameter of the utility pole.4. The utility pole of claim 1 , wherein the angle at which the fiber glass in the center and outer sections is oriented to the center axis is 45 degrees.5. The utility pole of claim 1 , ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000090A1
Автор: Murray Gordon
Принадлежит: Stella-Jones Inc.

Disclosed is a wood preservative composition comprising creosote and/or pentachlorophenol (PCP) and one or more unsaturated fatty esters. The composition is useful for reducing insect and microbial decay in wood. Further disclosed are methods of making and using such a composition and wood treated with such a composition. 1. A composition comprising:i) about 85 to 99 wt % creosote; and{'sub': 10', '50, 'ii) about 1 to 15 wt % of a fatty ester component, which comprises greater than 90 wt % of one or more C-Cunsaturated fatty esters.'}219-. (canceled)20. A composition comprising:i) about 1 to 20 wt % pentachlorophenol;ii) about 65 to 98 wt % diesel; and{'sub': 10', '50, 'iii) about 1 to about 15 wt % of one or more C-Cunsaturated fatty esters.'}21. The composition of claim 1 , comprising about 3 to 10 wt % of the fatty ester component and at least about 90 wt % of the creosote.22. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is substantially free of C-Csaturated fatty esters.23. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the C-Cunsaturated fatty esters comprise one or more polyunsaturated fatty esters.24. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the C-Cunsaturated fatty esters comprise C-Cunsaturated fatty esters.25. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated fatty esters are C-Calkyl esters.26. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the unsaturated fatty esters comprise methyl esters.27. The composition of claim 1 , further comprising about 1 to 15 wt % of an ester of boric acid.28. The composition of claim 27 , wherein the compositions comprises about 1 to 5 wt % of the ester of boric acid.29. The composition of claim 27 , wherein the ester of boric acid comprises a monoethanolamine ester of boric acid.30. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has an open-cup flashpoint of at least 66° C.31. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition is a substantially homogenous solution at a temperature of about 15° C. to about 35° C. for up to one ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002990A1

Provided is a stud system for connecting a first flange to a second flange of a tower, the flanges including arrangements of openings in the first flange corresponding to arrangements of threaded blind openings in the second flange, with a predefined opening-length and a predefined opening-diameter of the openings in the first flange and a predefined non-threaded length and a predefined threaded length of the threaded blind openings in the second flange, the stud system including: a stud bolt with a head end, a threaded end and an intermediate portion, and a spacer tube partly encompassing the stud bolt with an outer diameter bigger than the predefined opening-diameter, wherein the stud bolt includes stopping means at the head end, preventing the spacer tube from slipping over the head end. The spacer tube) constructed such that it can be removed laterally from the stud bolt. 1. A stud system for connecting a first flange to a second flange of a tower , the first flange comprising annular arrangements of openings corresponding to annular arrangements of threaded blind openings in the second flange , with a predefined opening-length and a predefined opening-diameter of the openings in the first flange and a predefined non-threaded length and a predefined threaded length of the threaded blind openings in the second flange , the stud system comprising:a stud bolt with a head end, a threaded end, and an intermediate portion between the head end) and the threaded end; anda spacer tube partly encompassing the stud bolt with an outer diameter bigger than the predefined opening-diameter;wherein the stud bolt comprises a stopping means at the head end, preventing the spacer tube from slipping over the head end;wherein the spacer tube is constructed such that the spacer tube can be removed laterally from the stud bolt.2. The stud system according to claim 1 , wherein the head end is threaded and the stud bolt comprises a nut on the threaded head end as the stopping means ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002929A1
Автор: Gandhi Umesh N.

A structural member includes an inflatable member having an elastic, imperforate wall, an outer layer enclosing the inflatable member so as to define a cavity between the inflatable member and the outer layer, and at least one separator member positioned in the cavity so as to separate the outer layer from the inflatable member. The outer layer has at least one opening formed therealong and structured to enable fluid communication between the cavity and an exterior of the structural member. 1. A structural member comprising:an inflatable member having an elastic, imperforate wall;an outer layer enclosing the inflatable member so as to define a cavity between the inflatable member and the outer layer, the outer layer having at least one opening formed therealong and structured to enable fluid communication between the cavity and an exterior of the structural member; andat least one separator member positioned in the cavity so as to separate the outer layer from the inflatable member,wherein the structural member is structured such that inflation of the inflatable member presses the inflatable member against the at least one separator member, so as to increase a static friction force between the at least one separator member and the inflatable member, and such that inflation of the inflatable member presses the at least one separator member against the outer layer, so as to increase a static friction force between the at least one separator member and the outer layer.2. The structural member of wherein the outer layer is stretchable.3. The structural member of wherein the outer layer is formed from a material having an elongation of up to about 20%.4. The structural member of wherein the outer layer is formed from silicone rubber.5. The structural member of wherein the at least one separator member is formed from a polymer material.6. A structural member comprising:an inflatable member having an elastic, imperforate wall;an outer layer enclosing the inflatable member ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002939A1

An arrangement to reduce vortex induced vibrations in a building structure is provided. A building structure is disclosed, including an outer surface, whereby a vortex generator is connected to the outer surface of the building structure. The vortex generator is prepared and arranged in a way to generate vortices in an airstream passing by the outer surface. 1. A building structure , comprising an outer surface , wherein a vortex generator is connected to the outer surface of the building structure , the vortex generator configured to generate vortices in an airstream passing by the outer surface.2. The building structure according to claim 1 , wherein the vortex generator comprises a plurality of fins claim 1 , that are arranged in a row.3. The building structure according to claim 2 , wherein the fins comprise a tip with a maximum elevation vertical to the outer surface claim 2 , and a rim adjacent to the tip that comprises a decreasing elevation vertical to the outer surface.4. The building structure according to claim 2 , wherein the fins are oriented in an angle of up to 60° from a horizontal direction claim 2 , wherein the horizontal direction is determined when the building structure is in an installed state.5. The building structure according to claim 4 , wherein at least two neighboring fins of the row claim 4 , are angled in respect to the horizontal orientation in an alternating way claim 4 , so that the at least two neighboring fins converge at one of their ends.6. The building structure according to claim 2 , wherein the row of the fins is arranged in a substantially vertical direction along a length of the building structure claim 2 , wherein the substantially vertical direction of the building structure is determined when the building structure is oriented as installed.7. The building structure according to claim 2 , wherein at least two rows of fins are arranged along the outer surface of the building structure.8. The building structure according to ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003184A1

An articulating joint for a wind turbine having a tower defining a shaft and a deck provided in the shaft includes a bracket extending from a first end having a fixed connection with the deck to a second end including an opening. A fastener includes a head pivotably connected to the tower and a shaft extending through the opening. A washer connected to the bracket is aligned with the opening for receiving the shaft such that the fastener is pivotable with the washer relative to the opening to allow for relative movement between the tower and the deck. 1. An articulating joint for a wind turbine having a tower defining a shaft and a deck provided in the shaft , comprising:a bracket extending from a first end having a fixed connection with the deck to a second end including an opening;a fastener including a head pivotably connected to the tower and a shaft extending through the opening; anda washer connected to the bracket and aligned with the opening for receiving the shaft such that the fastener is pivotable with the washer relative to the opening to allow for relative movement between the tower and the deck.2. The articulating joint recited in claim 1 , wherein the fastener is a heim joint including a ball swivel.3. The articulating joint recited in further comprising a second fastener extending through the ball swivel and secured to the tower such that the heim joint pivots about the second fastener.4. The articulating joint recited in claim 3 , wherein the second fastener is threadably engaged with a boss on the tower.5. The articulating joint recited in claim 2 , wherein the ball swivel includes a polymer liner.6. The articulating joint recited in further comprising a bolt having a head and a shaft claim 1 , the shaft including a splined portion having a press-fit connection with a second opening in the bracket and the threaded portion extending through the deck for providing the fixed connection between the first end of the bracket and the deck.7. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Method of Modular Pole Construction and Modular Pole Assembly

Номер: US20190003198A1

A method of modular pole construction an elongate modular pole structure is disclosed. A first step of the method involves providing hollow tapered pole section modules, each module having a first open end and an opposed second open end. A cross-section of the second end is less than a cross-section of the first end. The modules are stacked to form an elongated modular pole structure of a selected length by mating the second end of a first module with the first end of a second module. The first and second modules may have different structural properties, such that poles having desired structural properties can be constructed by selectively combining modules having differing structural properties. 131-. (canceled)32. A method of modular pole construction , comprising the steps of:providing two or more than two hollow tapered pole section modules, each module having a first open end and an opposed second open end, a cross-sectional area of the second end (top) is less than a cross-sectional area of the first end (bottom); andstacking the two or more than two modules to form an elongated modular pole structure of a selected length by mating the second end of a first module with the first end of a second module;wherein the first and second modules have at least one different structural property selected from the group consisting of flexural strength, compressive strength, resistance to buckling, shear strength, outer shell durability, stiffness or a mixture thereof.and wherein the elongated modular pole structure has a desired structural property by selectively combining the first and second modules having said least one different structural property.33. The method of claim 32 , wherein first and second modules have at least one different structural property selected from the group consisting of flexural strength claim 32 , compressive strength claim 32 , resistance to buckling claim 32 , shear strength claim 32 , outer shell durability claim 32 , stiffness or a mixture ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Subsection of a tower section, a tower and a method for manufacturing a subsection of a tower section

Номер: US20190003199A1
Принадлежит: eno energy systems GmbH

A subsection of a tower section comprises a shell segment of the tower section and at least a longitudinal flange mounted to a longitudinal side of the shell segment for connecting to a longitudinal flange of a further subsection of the tower section. Here, the longitudinal flange comprises a part of a surface contour extending from a contact surface of the longitudinal flange which is provided for a connection to a longitudinal flange of a further subsection to a connecting surface connected to the shell segment The part of the surface contour comprises a distance to a contacting plane passing through the contact surface 1. A tower comprising a plurality of tower sections , wherein at least one tower section comprises at least two subsections , wherein the at least two subsections each include at least one longitudinal flange connected to a shell segment of the tower section , wherein a one-piece longitudinal flange of a first subsection of the at least two subsections is directly connected to a one-piece longitudinal flange of a second subsection of the at least two subsections , wherein a gap exists between the shell segment of the first subsection and the shell segment of the second subsection ,wherein a gap exists between ends of the two neighboring, one-piece longitudinal flanges facing the shell segments,wherein the gap between the two neighboring, one-piece longitudinal flanges is larger than the gap between the shell segments of the at least two subsections.2. The tower according to claim 1 , wherein the first subsection of the tower section comprises the one-piece longitudinal flange mounted to a longitudinal side of the shell segment for connecting to the longitudinal flange of the second subsection of the tower section claim 1 ,wherein the one-piece longitudinal flange of the first subsection comprises a part of a surface contour extending from a contact surface of the longitudinal flange of the first subsection which is provided for a connection to the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Tapered spiral welded structure

Номер: US20170009479A1
Принадлежит: Keystone Tower Systems Inc

A method for creating a tapered spiral welded conical structure where the overall shape of the cone is first graphically slit axially and unwrapped, and then a series of construction arcs and lines are created to form the edge lines of a strip that can then be wrapped (rolled) to form a tapered conical structure. The edges of the spirally wound strip can be welded together, and a very large conical structure can thus be achieved. Various construction options are presented from a constant width strip to strip made from straight segments. Equations are given for the formation of the strips to enable those skilled in the art of spiral welded tubing to practice the invention.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009747A1

In one aspect, a method for assembling a tower section of a lattice tower structure for a wind turbine on a tower assembly fixture may generally include installing a first trolley onto a first fixture arm of the fixture and installing a second trolley onto a second fixture arm of the fixture. In addition, the method may include securing a first support leg of the tower section to the first trolley, securing a second support leg of the tower section to the second trolley and coupling at least one secondary support member between the first and seconds support legs. 1. A method for assembling a tower section of a lattice tower structure for a wind turbine on a tower assembly fixture , the tower assembly fixture including a plurality of radially extending fixture arms , the method comprising:installing a first trolley onto a first fixture arm of the plurality of radially extending fixture arms, the first trolley including a first base frame configured to be coupled to the first fixture arm and a first leg mount coupled to the first base frame;installing a second trolley onto a second fixture arm of the plurality of radially extending fixture arms, the second trolley including a second base frame configured to be coupled to the second fixture arm and a second leg mount coupled to the second base frame;securing a first support leg of the tower section to the first leg mount;securing a second support leg of the tower section to the second leg mount; andcoupling at least one secondary support member between the first and second support legs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein installing the first trolley onto the first fixture arm comprises positioning the first trolley at a radial location defined between opposed ends of the first fixture arm that is associated with a radial dimension of the tower section being assembled on the tower assembly fixture.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first base frame is configured to be removably coupled to the first fixture arm at a ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010355A1

A pole reinforcement system and method for improving the stability of a pole with both an above-grade and below-grade installation. The pole reinforcement system generally includes a sleeve assembly which is secured around a pole via one or more retainers which may comprise brackets, securing bands, or other structures. One or more insertion attachments are utilized so that the sleeve assembly may be secured to the pole at a position below-grade. The sleeve assembly may comprise one or more sleeves which are secured around the pole. By utilizing the present invention to reinforce the pole both above- and below-grade, the stability of the pole may be greatly improved over prior reinforcement methods. 1. A method of reinforcing a pole using a pole reinforcement system that includes a sleeve assembly comprising a first sleeve , said pole reinforcement system further including a first insertion attachment that comprises a first blade , said pole reinforcement system further including at least one retainer for securing said first sleeve of said sleeve assembly around said pole , the method comprising:connecting said first insertion attachment to said first sleeve; andpositioning said connected sleeve assembly and first insertion attachment alongside said pole and applying downward force to drive said first insertion attachment below grade such that said first blade pushes dirt or other ground material out of the way and facilitates driving said first insertion attachment underneath a ground surface.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising securing said at least one retainer about said sleeve assembly to tighten said first sleeve around said pole.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one retainer comprises one or more bands.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said connecting said first insertion attachment to said first sleeve involves connecting said first insertion attachment to said first sleeve using an adhesive.5. The method of claim 1 , further ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010673A1

An equipment tower includes a foundation, a cast-in-place concrete plinth extending vertically from the foundation, and a tower portion extending vertically from the plinth. The equipment tower is constructed at a site having a set of tower specific parameters, and at least one dimension of the plinth is selected based on a tower specific parameter. For example, a height of the plinth may be selected to achieve a desired elevation of the topmost surface of the plinth, so that two towers having identical tower segments will have a common equipment height in spite of variations in their respective foundation elevations due to variations in local ground level. Moreover, the cast-in-place plinth may be designed to include a door opening large enough to accommodate equipment to be installed within the tower. 1. An equipment tower comprising:a foundation;a cast-in-place plinth extending vertically from the foundation, a door opening formed in the plinth; anda tower portion extending vertically from the plinth,wherein a height of the plinth is selected to achieve a desired equipment elevation of the tower based upon an elevation of the foundation, andwherein the equipment tower comprises a wind turbine tower, and wherein a height of the plinth is selected to achieve a desired wind turbine hub height independent of an elevation of the foundation.2. The equipment tower of claim 1 , wherein the tower portion is formed to have a known vertical dimension claim 1 , the foundation is cast in place with an elevation responsive to a local ground elevation claim 1 , and the cast-in-place plinth is formed to have a vertical dimension responsive to the foundation elevation to provide a predetermined equipment height for the tower independent of the local ground elevation.3. The equipment tower of claim 1 , wherein the plinth is cast to be integral with the foundation.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The equipment tower of claim 1 , wherein a wall thickness of the plinth is selected to ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010286A1
Автор: MA Shengjun

A damper includes a vibration energy buffering transfer unit and a vibration energy dissipation unit. The vibration energy buffering transfer unit includes a plurality of piston transfer structures and connecting tubes, the piston transfer structures includes a cylinder and a piston arranged as a pair, the plurality of piston transfer structures surrounding the vibration energy dissipation unit, the connecting tubes inter-connecting the plurality of cylinders, the vibration energy dissipation unit includes a damping liquid accommodating cavity and damping liquid accommodated in the damping solution accommodating cavity, and one end of the cylinder or the piston being connected to the damping fluid accommodating cavity. The load-bearing enclosing structure provided with said damper can effectively suppress vibration. 1. A damper , wherein , the damper comprises a vibration energy buffer and transmission unit and a vibration energy dissipation unit;the vibration energy buffer and transmission unit comprises a plurality of piston transmission structures and a plurality of communication tube;each of the plurality of piston transmission structures comprises a cylinder and a piston arranged in pairs;the plurality of piston transmission structures is disposed around the vibration energy dissipation unit, and the plurality of communication tube allows the plurality of cylinders to communicate with each other;the vibration energy dissipation unit comprises a damping liquid accommodating cavity and damping liquid accommodated in the damping liquid accommodating cavity; andone end of the cylinder or the piston is connected to an outer wall of the damping liquid accommodating cavity.2. The damper according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , one end of the piston is located in the cylinder claim 1 , and the other end of the piston is hinged to the vibration energy dissipation unit.3. The damper according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the vibration energy dissipation unit comprises ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010287A1
Автор: Reyes Jaime, You Hanming

A porthole reinforcement is configured to attach to a telecommunications pole defining a porthole. The porthole reinforcement includes a first reinforcement segment comprising a first gusset configured to at least partially extend through the porthole and a first plate attached to the first gusset, the first plate defining a first plurality of bores each configured to receive a respective bolt so as to couple the first reinforcement segment to the telecommunications pole. The porthole reinforcement segment also includes a second reinforcement segment comprising a second gusset configured to at least partially extend through the porthole and a second plate attached to the second gusset, the second plate defining a second plurality of bores each configured to receive a respective bolt so as to couple the second reinforcement segment to the telecommunications pole. The first and second reinforcement segments are configured to attach to the telecommunications pole independently from each other. 1. A porthole reinforcement configured to attach to a telecommunications pole defining a porthole , the porthole reinforcement comprising:a first reinforcement segment comprising a first gusset configured to at least partially extend through the porthole and a first plate attached to the first gusset, wherein the first plate defines a first plurality of bores each configured to receive a respective bolt so as to couple the first reinforcement segment to the telecommunications pole; anda second reinforcement segment comprising a second gusset configured to at least partially extend through the porthole and a second plate attached to the second gusset, wherein the second plate defines a second plurality of bores each configured to receive a respective bolt so as to couple the second reinforcement segment to the telecommunications pole,wherein the first and second reinforcement segments are separate from each other and are configured to be fastened to the telecommunications pole ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017595A1

The present invention is a technology concerning hexahedron units, and discloses the inventive novel frame structures and frame joint technology for facilitating the assembly of different units. The inventive hexahedron units may be assembled to fit location conditions so as to construct a building regardless of the size and shape of the land, and also disassembled so as to be removed to another place for construction, thus providing high reusability.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Adjustable Monopole Support Structure

Номер: US20160017630A1
Автор: Mark H. Fairbairn
Принадлежит: Trinity Meyer Utility Structures LLC

A support assembly includes a plurality of support arms coupled to a pole or tower structure. The plurality of support arms project radially from the pole or tower structure in a spaced relationship. A plurality of adjustable foot assemblies are coupled to respective distal ends of the plurality of support arms. Each of the plurality of adjustable foot assemblies is configured for coupling to an embedded helical pier. Each of the plurality of adjustable foot assemblies is capable of movement in each of three dimensions relative to the respective support arm to which it is coupled during installation of the support assembly.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016807A1

Modular fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) poles, suitable for distribution of electricity, telecommunications, lighting and all the other uses relevant to the poles, consisting of successive concave parts of constant cross section (tubes) of various shapes, corresponding annular joints and cap, which are joined together adhesively or/and mechanically. 1. Modular fiber reinforced plastic poles , consisting of two or more successive concave parts of constant cross section of several shapes and sizes , of annular joints of the corresponding shape with circumferential grooves at both their sides suitable for fitting the sections that they connect , and of a cap of corresponding shape , characterized by the fact that each concave part is fitted with the other via the annular joints and the cap is fitted on the top of the upper concave part of the pole.2. Modular fiber reinforced plastic poles claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized by the fact that the concave parts of constant cross section have different shapes and sizes.3. Modular fiber reinforced plastic poles claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized by the fact that the concave parts of constant cross section have similar shapes but different sizes.4. Modular fiber reinforced plastic poles claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized by the fact that the concave parts of constant cross section are cylindrical claim 1 , polygonal or oval.5. Modular fiber reinforced plastic poles claim 1 , according to claim 1 , characterized by the fact that inner tubes are transversely passed through holes and welded claim 1 , for the passing of components claim 1 , screws claim 1 , cables and for fixing of removable steps.6. Modular fiber reinforced plastic poles claim 1 , consisting of two or more successive concave parts of constant cross section which form an internal channel accessible from the exterior of the pole for passing the cables claim 1 , of annular joints with circumferential grooves at both their sides ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017043A1

An arrangement comprising a tower of a wind turbine and a damping device, wherein the tower is situated on a surface. Notably, the damping device is arranged between the tower and the surface. The surface may also been described as the ground or as a floor where the tower is situated on or located at. 1. An arrangement comprising a tower of a wind turbine and a damping device , wherein the tower is situated on a surface , wherein the damping device is arranged between the tower and the surface.2. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the surface is a part of a deck of a vessel and the tower is temporarily located on the deck of the vessel.3. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the surface is a part of a storage site ashore and the tower is temporarily located at the storage site ashore.4. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the surface is a part of a foundation of the wind turbine and the tower is permanently attached to the foundation.5. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the tower is an elongated object with a longitudinal axis claim 1 , and the longitudinal axis of the tower is orientated substantially vertical with regard to the surface.6. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the damping device comprises a laminated elastomeric bearing comprising an elastomeric material claim 1 , a first connector plate and a second connector plate claim 1 , the laminated elastomeric bearing is arranged between the first connector plate and the second connector plate claim 1 , the first connector plate is arranged and prepared to be connected to the surface claim 1 , and the second connector plate is arranged and prepared to be connected to the tower.7. The arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the damping device furthermore comprises a supporting element claim 1 , such as an annular frame or a plurality of individual supporting blocks claim 1 , and the first connector plate is connected to the surface via the supporting ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018035A1

In a foundation for a windmill with a circular or polygonal pedestal for supporting a windmill tower and a plurality of ribs, which project radially outwards from the pedestal, the pedestal is divided into a plurality of circumferential portions, wherein a circumferential portion and a rib are each formed by at least one prefabricated concrete element, respectively, and wherein the prefabricated concrete elements are made of reinforced concrete, which includes a first reinforcement structure, which includes radial tensioning elements, in particular tension rods or tensioning strands, for stressing the prefabricated concrete elements. A second reinforcement structure is also provided, which holds the circumferential portions together and is coupled with the first reinforcement structure, in particular the radial tensioning elements. 1. A foundation for a windmill comprising a circular or polygonal pedestal for supporting a windmill tower and a plurality of ribs , which project radially outwards from the pedestal , wherein the pedestal is divided into a plurality of circumferential portions , wherein a circumferential portion and a rib are each formed by at least one prefabricated concrete element , respectively , wherein the prefabricated concrete elements are made of reinforced concrete , which comprises a first reinforcement structure , which comprises radial tensioning elements , for stressing the prefabricated concrete elements , wherein a second reinforcement structure is provided , which holds the circumferential portions together and is coupled with the first reinforcement structure , wherein the second reinforcement structure comprises a plurality of rigid elongated reinforcement elements , which interconnect tensioning elements of a pair of prefabricated concrete elements arranged opposite relative to the foundation axis , such that a hollow space , which is encircled by the pedestal , is crossed.2. (canceled)3. The foundation according to claim 1 , wherein ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021086A1
Автор: Sanford Denis Scott
Принадлежит: San Diego Gas & Electric Company

Various dulling processes for dulling metallic surfaces are disclosed to produce or render galvanized metallic surfaces less shiny. Particular embodiments of dulling galvanized metallic surfaces, such as galvanized steel, iron, and aluminum surfaces, and processes are disclosed to treat galvanized objects for color variation or enhancement while still maintaining protection provided by the galvanized layer. The present disclosure is also directed to apparatus, product and system having dulled surfaces formed by the disclosed dulling processes. 1. A process for dulling a galvanized metal object comprising the steps:obtaining a non-passivated galvanized metal object in at least two attachable sections including a first section and a second section;cleaning the galvanized metal object in a first bath comprising alkali salts, surfactants, water and an acidic accelerator;rinsing the galvanized metal object in a water bath;soaking the galvanized metal object in a dulling bath comprising zinc phosphate and acid for at least 120 seconds to produce a treated galvanized metal object; andmeasuring the treated galvanized metal object with a spectrophotometer to obtain a value and wherein the value is 56 or less.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the galvanized metal object is soaked for at least 5 minutes.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the dulling bath comprises a mixture comprising zinc nitrate claim 1 , zinc dihydrogen phosphate claim 1 , magnesium nitrate claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , zinc fluoborate claim 1 , and nickel nitrate.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the dulling bath comprises a mixture comprising zinc fluoride claim 1 , zinc dihydrogen phosphate claim 1 , zinc nitrate claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , and nickel fluoride.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the treated galvanized metal object is a component of a transmission tower or a distribution tower.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the first section and the second section are attached to ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023546A1
Автор: Barrows Michael L.

A rotor blade system includes a hub for rotational movement in a defined direction of rotation. A first airfoil having a quarter-chord defined along a span thereof is coupled to the hub, but is uncoupled from the rotational movement of the hub. A second airfoil having a quarter-chord defined along a span thereof is coupled to the hub for rotation in direct correspondence with the rotational movement of the hub. The quarter-chord of the first airfoil leads the quarter-chord of the second airfoil when the hub experiences its rotational movement in the defined direction of rotation. A connector couples the tip of the first airfoil to the tip of the second airfoil. 1. A rotor blade system , comprising:a hub for rotational movement in a defined direction of rotation;a first airfoil having a quarter-chord defined along a span of said first airfoil, said first airfoil coupled to said hub but uncoupled from said rotational movement of said hub, said first airfoil having a tip;a second airfoil having a quarter-chord defined along a span of said second airfoil, said second airfoil coupled to said hub for rotation in direct correspondence with said rotational movement of said hub, said quarter-chord of said first airfoil leading said quarter-chord of said second airfoil when said hub experiences said rotational movement in said defined direction of rotation, said second airfoil having a tip; anda connector for coupling said tip of said first airfoil to said tip of said second airfoil.2. A rotor blade system as in claim 1 , further comprising a tower adapted to be fixed to a ground surface claim 1 , wherein said hub is coupled to said tower claim 1 , and wherein said defined direction of rotation is approximately perpendicular to the ground surface.3. A rotor blade system as in claim 1 , wherein said connector comprises a third airfoil.4. A rotor blade system as in claim 1 , wherein at least one of said first airfoil and said second airfoil includes a mounting portion for ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Wind turbine tower segment for a wind turbine tower and method

Номер: US20220042490A1
Автор: Holger Jordan
Принадлежит: Wobben Properties GMBH

A wind-power-installation tower segment, a wind-power-installation tower, a wind power installation, a use of a holding arrangement, a use of a first transport device and of a second transport device, and to methods for assembling a wind-power-installation tower segment and for assembling a wind-power-installation tower section. In particular, a wind-power-installation tower segment for a wind-power-installation tower, comprising a shell segment, having an extent in the direction of a segment height, a segment ring direction and a segment thickness, and an upper horizontal abutment side and a lower horizontal abutment side, a holding device for arranging requisites inside a wind-power-installation tower segment, having a main section, and at least one projecting section, wherein the main section and the at least one projecting section are arranged adjacently to each other in the segment ring direction, wherein the main section and the at least one projecting section enclose a holding-device angle, a coupling device, which is arranged in a coupling section of the shell segment, adjoining the upper horizontal abutment side, wherein the holding device is coupled to the shell segment by means of the coupling device.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023598A1

Spiral forming devices, systems, and methods can be used to join edges of a of a stock material, in a curved configuration, along one or more joints to form tubular structures, such as conical and/or cylindrical structures (e.g., frusto-conical structures). A planar form of the stock material can be formed from a plurality planar sheets coupled to one another in an abutting relationship. By controlling relative orientation and shapes of the plurality of planar sheets forming the stock material and/or by controlling a position of a roll bender used to curve the planar form of the stock material into the curved configuration, the curved configuration of the stock material can be controlled through transitions between sheets to facilitate rolling the sheets to a desired diameter with a reduced likelihood of dimples or other errors and to facilitate fit up between adjacent sheets in the curved configuration. 1. A structure comprising:a first curved sheet having a pair of first longitudinal edges parallel to one another; anda second curved sheet having a pair of second longitudinal edges parallel to one another, the first curved sheet and the second curved sheet joined to one another at a T-shape intersection of seams including a first spiral seam defined by the first curved sheet and the second curved sheet, and the first curved sheet and the second curved sheet forming at least a portion of a tapered conical segment, and one of the second longitudinal edges of the second curved sheet forms a portion of a second spiral seam oblique to the first spiral seam at the T-shape intersection of seams.2. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the first curved sheet and the second curved sheet are joined end-to-end along a lateral seam extending between the pair of second longitudinal edges claim 1 , and the T-shape intersection of seams includes the lateral seam.3. The structure of claim 1 , wherein the pair of second longitudinal edges abut one another at the T-shape intersection ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Offshore Wind Farm

Номер: US20190024635A1

An offshore wind farm with a plurality of foundation elements which are arranged so as to form the corners of a plurality of parquetted hexagons and with a plurality of floating offshore wind turbines. Each floating offshore wind turbine within a hexagon is connected to the foundation elements which form the hexagon. The invention is characterized in that the floating offshore wind turbines are connected to the foundation elements by means of connection means designed as a chain and/or a cable or a combination of a chain and a cable. The connection means have a length which allows the offshore wind turbines to drift within a circular area with a radius of up to 10% of the hexagon circumradii about the respective hexagon center. 1. An offshore wind farm havinga plurality of foundation elements that are situated to form the corners of a plurality of tiled hexagons, anda plurality of floating offshore wind power plants, wherein in each case one floating offshore wind power plant within each hexagon is connected to the foundation elements forming the hexagon, characterized in that the floating offshore wind power plants are connected to the foundation elements via sagging connectors designed as chains and/or cables or a combination of chains and cables, wherein the connectors have a length that allows drifting of the offshore wind power plants within a circular area having a radius of up to 10% of the hexagon circumradii about the particular hexagon midpoint.2. The offshore wind farm according to claim 1 , characterized in that the foundation elements are selected from the group of foundation elements comprising foundation piles claim 1 , gravity foundations claim 1 , and suction bucket foundations.3. The offshore wind farm according to claim 1 , characterized in that the connectors claim 1 , designed as a combination of chains and cables claim 1 , are connected with their chain portion to the foundation elements claim 1 , and are connected with their cable portion to ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025167A1
Автор: Nielsen Per

Provided in a safety device for bolt connections, including two or more washers with a bore for receiving a bolt, with each washer including an eye, at least one cable to be passed through the eyes and at least one elastic means secured or to be secured to at least one end of the cable. 1. A safety device for bolt connections , comprising two or more washers with a bore for receiving a bolt , with each washer comprising an eye , at least one cable to be passed through the eyes and at least one elastic means secured or to be secured to at least one end of the cable.2. The safety device according to claim 1 , with the eye being a tube extending along a side of the washer.3. The safety device according to claim 1 , with each washer being separately mountable on the bolt claim 1 , or with each washer being fixed to or being an integral part of a nut to be screwed on a bolt.4. The safety device according to claim 1 , with the elastic means being a spring element.5. The safety device according to claim 4 , with the spring element being a helical spring.6. The safety device according to claim 1 , with the cable to be passed with both ends in opposite directions through the elastic means claim 1 , with each end to be secured to the respective end of the elastic means.7. The safety device according to claim 1 , with the cable to be secured with one end to a washer and with the other end to be passed through the elastic means claim 1 , and to be secured to the end of the elastic means.8. The safety device according to claim 1 , comprising several cables and several elastic means claim 1 , with each cable to be passed through the eyes of several washers and with both ends of each cable being secured to separate elastic means.9. The safety device according to claim 8 , with the ends of two separate cables to be passed in opposite directions through a common elastic means with each end to be secured to the respective end of the elastic means claim 8 , or with the end of the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025179A1

In a first aspect, a yaw system for rotating a nacelle with respect to a tower is provided. The yaw system comprises a gliding yaw bearing, an annular gear and a plurality of yaw drives, a braking disk and one or more braking disk for braking the rotation of the nacelle. In a further aspect, a tower adapter for a wind turbine is provided. The tower adapter comprises a first bearing component of a gliding yaw bearing and braking disk to brake the rotation of the nacelle with respect to the tower adapter. In yet a further aspect, a wind turbine comprising such a yaw system and/or such a tower adapter is provided. 115-. (canceled)16. A yaw system for rotating a nacelle with respect to a tower around a rotational axis in a wind turbine , comprising:a gliding yaw bearing comprising a first bearing component configured to be coupled to a tower, a second bearing component configured to be coupled to a nacelle, and a gliding assembly arranged between the first and the second bearing components, wherein the first bearing component is rotatable relative to the second bearing component;an annular gear;a plurality of yaw drives, each yaw drive comprising a motor and a pinion that meshes with the annular gear to rotate the first beating component relative to the second bearing component;a braking disk; andone or more braking units configured to exert a braking force on the braking disk for braking the rotation of the first bearing component relative to the second bearing component.17. The yaw system according to claim 16 , wherein each of the first and the second bearing components comprise a top axial gliding surface claim 16 , a bottom axial gliding surface claim 16 , and a radial gliding surface.18. The yaw system according to claim 17 , wherein the gliding assembly comprises:one or more top axial gliding pads arranged between the top axial gliding surfaces of the first and the second bearing components;one or more bottom axial gliding pads arranged between the bottom axial ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Tower segment handling method and apparatus

Номер: US20170030101A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

This application relates to tower segment handling methods and apparatus, and in particular to methods and apparatus for handling segments of steel wind turbine towers. The wind turbine tower comprises a plurality of cylindrical vertical tower sections, which in the finished tower are mounted on top of one another. The vertical section of the tower has a longitudinal axis and comprises a plurality of wind turbine tower segments, the tower segments have vertical and horizontal edges and combine to form a complete vertical tower section by joining along their vertical edges. Adjacent vertical tower sections are joined to each other along the horizontal edges of the wind turbine tower segments. The tower segments have support members facilitating storage and transport of the segments. A method of assembling and disassembling a tower section on a roller bed is also disclosed.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030680A1
Автор: Bleasdale Matthew

A structure for mounting offshore installations such as wind turbines or oil and gas platforms. The structure comprises a base, a top piece, and a lattice structure connecting the base to the top piece. The sub-components of the structure can be pre-assembled prior to installation to facilitate ease of construction, or they may be transported to a pre-determined location and assembled on site. 1. An offshore structure comprising a base having one or more scour protection mattresses , each scour protection mattress comprising a series of portions which are attached together by attachment means.2. The offshore structure according to claim 1 , wherein the portions are concrete portions.3. The offshore structure according to claim 2 , wherein the portions are substantially cylindrical.4. The offshore structure according to claim 1 , wherein each scour protection mattress is integrally formed with the base.5. The offshore structure according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment means are cables.6. The offshore structure according to claim 5 , wherein the cables are polypropylene cables.7. The offshore structure according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment means form an attachment mechanism for attaching the scour protection mattress to the base.8. The offshore structure according to claim 1 , wherein the portions are substantially cylindrical.9. A method of installing an offshore structure comprising a base having one or more scour protection mattresses claim 1 , each scour protection mattress comprising a series of portions which are attached together by attachment means claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:storing each scour protection mattress in a curled or rolled up configuration during a base transportation and installation process; andafter positioning the base on the seabed, releasing each scour protection mattress such that the portions unfold down onto the seabed.10. The method according to claim 9 , wherein in the curled or rolled up configuration ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030750A1
Автор: Øllgaard Børge

The invention relates to a wind turbine tower access panel, which panel is removably fixable at a service aperture in a tower wall to thereby close said aperture; said access panel being generally planar and extending radially about an axis normal thereto, said access panel comprising a set of two or more fixing elements configured to securely fix said access panel in place at a said aperture; wherein each said fixing element comprises an axial clamp, said clamp comprising an anchor fixed to said access panel, a clamping force adjuster and a clamp head having a clamping surface; said clamp head comprising a relatively deformable resilient material which deforms under an applied clamping load of said clamp thereby applying a clamping force to said tower wall. 1. Wind turbine tower access panel , which panel is removably fixable at a service aperture in a tower wall to thereby close said aperture;said access panel being generally planar and extending radially about an axis normal thereto,said access panel comprising a set of two or more fixing elements configured to securely fix said access panel in place at a said aperture;wherein each said fixing element comprises an axial clamp, said clamp comprising an anchor fixed to said access panel, a clamping force adjuster and a clamp head having a clamping surface;said clamp head comprising a relatively deformable resilient material which deforms under an applied clamping load of said clamp thereby applying a clamping force to said tower wall.2. The access panel according to claim 1 , said deformable clamp head material having an elastic modulus less than 12 GPa.3. The access panel according to claim 1 , wherein said clamping surface comprises said deformable clamp head material.4. The access panel according to claim 1 , wherein said clamp head surface material has a Shore D hardness less than 95 or a Rockwell R hardness less than 130.5. The access panel according to claim 1 , said deformable clamp head material having a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030959A1

A bolt connection of a tower for a wind turbine is provided, the bolt connection including a tower base module with a tower flange, wherein the tower flange forms the bottom end of the tower, a base flange for connecting the tower base module with a foundation, wherein the base flange includes a traverse bore, and a bolt which extends through the traverse bore of the base flange, wherein the bolt includes a bolt head which is arranged at the bottom side of the base flange facing the foundation. The bolt connection further includes a clamping element which at least partially covers the bolt head. The clamping element presses the bolt head against the bottom side of the base flange. 1. A bolt connection of a tower for a wind turbine , the bolt connection comprising:a tower base module with a tower flange, wherein the tower flange forms the bottom end of the tower,a base flange for connecting the tower base module with a foundation, wherein the base flange comprises a traverse bore, anda bolt which extends through the traverse bore of the base flange, wherein the bolt comprises a bolt head which is arranged at the bottom side of the base flange facing the foundation,wherein the bolt connection further comprises a clamping element which at least partially covers the bolt head, andthe clamping element presses the bolt head against the bottom side of the base flange.2. The bolt connection according to claim 1 , wherein the bolt head comprises an end face and one or more lateral surfaces claim 1 , the end face facing away from the bottom side of the base flange claim 1 , andthe clamping element comprises an attachment section for attachment of the clamping element to the bottom side of the base flange, one or more lateral surfaces for at least partially covering the one or more lateral surfaces of the bolt head, and an end face for at least partially covering the end face of the bolt head.3. The bolt connection according to claim 2 , wherein the end face of the clamping ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030871A1

A protective cover for a pole that is typically oriented vertically with a top surface at a top end of the pole and an outer surface that extends down from an outer perimeter of the top surface is provided. The protective cover has a flexible substrate with a central section that engages the top surface of the pole and an outer section that engages the outer surface of the pole. A preservative agent is carried on the central section of the flexible substrate such that the preservative agent engages the top surface of the pole when the cover is installed. 1. A protective cover for a pole , the protective cover comprising:a flexible substrate comprising a central section that is sized to engage an end surface of the pole, and an outer section that, when installed, engages sides of the pole; anda preservative agent carried on the central section of the flexible substrate.2. The protective cover of claim 1 , wherein the flexible substrate is an elastomeric claim 1 , moisture resistant membrane.3. The protective cover of claim 2 , wherein the flexible substrate comprises an ultraviolet protective layer.4. The protective cover of claim 1 , further comprising a carrier that is treated with the preservative agent.5. The protective cover of claim 4 , wherein the carrier comprises a lignocellulosic fibre pad that is treated with a metal-boron complex.6. The protective cover of claim 4 , wherein the carrier comprises natural fibers derived from wood or non-wood sources claim 4 , unprocessed natural fibers claim 4 , chemically processed fibers claim 4 , mechanically processed fibers claim 4 , flax fibers claim 4 , hemp fibers claim 4 , bamboo fibers claim 4 , coir fibers claim 4 , sisal fibers claim 4 , jute fibers claim 4 , ramie fibers claim 4 , recycled fibers claim 4 , newsprint fibers claim 4 , biologically derived scrim claim 4 , synthetic scrim claim 4 , or combinations thereof.7. The protective cover of claim 1 , wherein the preservative agent comprises a copper- ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049498A1
Автор: FERGUSON Brandon

An insulated construction member has a first wooden rail and a second wooden rail. The second wooden rail is positioned in parallel spaced relation to the first wooden rail. This parallel spaced relation creates a thermal break between the first wooden rail and the second wooden rail. A series of planar wooden connectors are positioned at spaced intervals along the length of the first wooden rail and the length of the second wooden rail. Each of the planar wooden connectors extends across the thermal break between the first wooden rail and the second wooden rail. A polymer insulation is positioned between the first wooden rail and the second wooden rail completely filling the thermal break. The polymer insulation encapsulates the series of planar wooden connectors, with the polymer insulation being reinforced by the series of planar wooden connectors. 1. An insulated construction member , comprising:a first wooden rail having a length, a first end, a second end and at least one slotted opening oriented longitudinally along the length;a second wooden rail having a length, a first end, a second end and at least one slotted opening oriented longitudinally along the length, the second wooden rail being positioned in parallel spaced relation to the first wooden rail, the parallel spaced relation creating a thermal break between the first wooden rail and the second wooden rail;a series of planar wooden connectors positioned at spaced intervals along the length of the first wooden rail and the length of the second wooden rail, each of the planar wooden connectors extending across the thermal break between the first wooden rail and the second wooden rail, each of the planar wooden connectors having a first edge and a second edge opposed to the first edge, with the first edge engaging the at least one slotted opening in the first wooden rail and the second edge engaging the at least one slotted opening in the second wooden rail; anda polymer insulation is positioned between ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049682A1

The present invention relates to a damper module adapted to be secured to a wind turbine tower section, the damper module comprising at least one liquid damper secured to a frame structure, wherein each liquid damper comprises a container comprising an interior volume containing an amount of liquid, wherein the amount of liquid in the interior volume of the container sets a natural frequency of the liquid damper, and wherein the frame structure comprises an interface arrangement configured for, in cooperation with a damper module suspension arrangement in a tower section, securing the damper module to said tower section, and a liquid damper fastening arrangement configured for securing said at least one liquid damper to the frame structure. The present invention further relates to a liquid damper and a tower section having at least one damper module secured thereto. 1. A damper module adapted to be secured to a wind turbine tower section , the damper module comprising at least one liquid damper secured to a frame structure , wherein each liquid damper comprisesa container comprising an interior volume containing an amount of liquid, wherein the amount of liquid in the interior volume of the container sets a natural frequency of the liquid damper,and wherein the frame structure comprises:an interface arrangement configured for, in cooperation with a damper module suspension arrangement in a tower section, securing the damper module to said tower section, anda liquid damper fastening arrangement configured for securing said at least one liquid damper to the frame structure.2. The damper module according to claim 1 , wherein the interface arrangement comprises a first set of fastening means configured for securing the damper module relative to a tower section in an axial direction of said tower section.3. The damper module according to claim 1 , wherein the interface arrangement comprises a second set of fastening means configured for securing the damper module ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032775A1
Автор: Agassi Nissim

A reduced profile wind tower system includes a slim cylindrical spinal core extending up vertically from a foundation. A turbine nacelle is mounted on a top end of the core. Wind turbine blades extend out from the nacelle. A plurality of axially loaded tubular arms, braced by the core, are spaced around the core and link to the core through continuous shear wings or discrete bracket assemblies. The tubular arms and shear wings extend up from said foundation. The tubular arms can be set either vertically or slightly sloped; cables may substitute for the tubular arms and a pontoon may substitute for an on ground foundation. 1. A reduced profile wind turbine tower system comprising:a non-tapered cylindrical spinal core resisting a modified and reduced portion of the total bending moments imposed on the tower, anchoring in and extending up vertically from a foundation;a nacelle mounted on a top end of said non-tapered cylindrical spinal core;wind turbine blades extending out from said nacelle;a plurality of upright support arms surrounding said non-tapered cylindrical spinal core spaced therefrom, anchoring in said foundation and extending up from said foundation either vertically, or sloped to resist the increasing bending moments imposed on said tower more efficiently, and terminating substantially adjacent said nacelle or below said nacelle, to resist both tension and compression forces imposed thereon and to substantially reduce and modify the bending moments on said non-tapered cylindrical spinal core;a plurality of vertically extending shear wings, with or without intermittent openings, extending out from the outer surface of said non-tapered cylindrical spinal core, joined with said upright support arms; said vertically extending shear wings anchoring in said foundation and extending vertically from said foundation substantially a full length of said upright support arms; said shear wings capable of engaging said upright support arms and of efficiently ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Alignment tool, system and method for the connection of wind turbine tower segments

Номер: US20170037651A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

The application relates to an alignment tool ( 200 ) for the alignment of a pair of vertical flanges for the connection of the longitudinal edges of adjacent segments of a cylindrical section of a wind turbine tower, and to a system and method utilising one or more such alignment tools ( 200 ). The alignment tool comprises mounting means ( 202 ) for connecting the alignment tool to a portion of a vertical flange of a tower segment; and a longitudinal alignment head ( 204 ) for aligning the vertical flange with an op posing vertical flange of an adjacent tower segment. The alignment head ( 204 ) comprises a front portion ( 218 ) extending in a forwards direction from the mounting means ( 202 ), the front portion ( 218 ) comprising a lower guiding surface ( 222 ) adapted to abut with a top guiding edge of the opposing vertical flange or a bracket or tool mounted thereon and to guide the alignment head ( 204 ) over the top edge of the opposing flange, bracket or tool as the vertical flanges are brought towards each other during connection of the adjacent tower segments.

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056725A1
Автор: Bollmann Frank

The present invention relates to a modular system of construction, conduction and fixation of tubular structure elements, comprising a first module (), a second module () and, optionally, one or more additional modules (n), wherein each module (, n) comprises, in the region of its upper end, an annular fixing flange () and crimp fins () arranged inside the upper end at a fin distance (P) which is equivalent to a crimping depth (P, P) decreased from 10 to 100 millimeters, preferably from 50 millimeters. The crimping depth (P, P), in turn, corresponds to a value between 0.5 and 3, preferably 1.5, times the diameter measurement (D, D) of the corresponding module (). The present invention also relates to a corresponding tubular structure (). 1. A modular system of construction , conduction and fixation of tubular structure elements , said modular system comprising a first module , a second module and , optionally , one or more additional modules , wherein each module comprises , in the region of its upper end , an annular fixing flange and crimp fins arranged inside the upper end at a fin distance which is equivalent to a crimping depth decreased from 10 to 100 millimeters , preferably from 50 millimeters , in which the crimping depth corresponds to a value between 0.5 and 3 , preferably 1.5 , times the diameter measurement of the corresponding module.2. The modular system according to claim 1 , wherein the crimp fins are preferably polygonal in shape claim 1 , with a higher height measuring between 65% and 85% claim 1 , preferably 75% claim 1 , of a total height claim 1 , with a smaller height representing between 65 and 85% claim 1 , preferably 77% claim 1 , of a larger lower width.3. The modular system according to claim 1 , wherein the fins have a higher diameter formed between the edges of the smaller upper width of the fins and of a lower diameter formed between the edges of the larger lower width claim 1 , where the lower diameter represents between 80 and 90% ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056885A1

The following relates to a Foundation for a wind turbine, including base means with a center zone and an outer zone, wherein the outer zone is configured for carrying most of the weight of the wind turbine. In the center zone, the base means include a chamber, wherein the foundation further includes energy storage means, wherein the energy storage means includes a flywheel pivotally arranged within the chamber for storing rotational energy, is provided. The energy storage means further includes transmission means for transforming energy of a wind turbine into rotational energy of the flywheel and for transforming rotational energy of the flywheel into electrical energy. The following further relates to a wind turbine and to a method for storing and using energy generated by a wind turbine. 1. A foundation for a wind turbine , comprising:a base means with a center zone and an outer zone, wherein the outer zone is configured for carrying all of a weight of the wind turbine, wherein in the center zone, the base means comprise a chamber; andan energy storage means, wherein the energy storage means comprise a flywheel pivotally arranged within the chamber for storing rotational energy, and a transmission means for transforming energy of the wind turbine into rotational energy of the flywheel and for transforming rotational energy of the flywheel into electrical energy, wherein the transmission means comprise a flywheel electric motor for transforming electrical energy into rotational energy of the flywheel, and the transmission means comprise electric control means for providing electrical energy from the grid to the flywheel electric motor.2. The foundation according to claim 1 ,wherein the transmission means comprise a flywheel generator for transforming rotational energy of the flywheel into electrical energy.3. The foundation according to claim 1 ,wherein the energy storage means comprise a clutch for mechanically separating the flywheel from transmission means of ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Wind Turbine Tower Section

Номер: US20210048001A1
Автор: Lühn Holger

A tower section of a wind turbine is provided, the tower section including an upper segment that includes a lower flange ; a lower segment that includes an upper flange ; a plurality of first bolt connections that include first bolts and first nuts ; a plurality of second bolt connections that include second bolts and second nuts ; wherein the first bolt connections and the second bolt connections connect the lower flange to the upper flange ; and wherein the first bolt and the second bolts have different axial positions with respect to the longitudinal axis of the tower section 1. A tower section of a wind turbine , the tower section comprising:an upper segment comprising a lower flange;a lower segment comprising an upper flange;a plurality of first bolt connections comprising first bolts and first nuts; anda plurality of second bolt connections comprising second bolts and second nuts;wherein the first bolt connections and the second bolt connections connect the lower flange to the upper flange; and,wherein the first bolts and the second bolts have different axial positions with respect to the longitudinal axis of the tower section, andwherein a separation distance separating one of the plurality of first bolt connections and one of the plurality of second bolt connections is less than a distance required for a tool to tighten the at least one of the plurality of first bolt connections and second bolt connections in a single plane.215-. (canceled)16. The tower section of claim 1 , wherein the upper flange and the lower flange each comprise a plurality of bolt-holes for the plurality of first bolt connections and the plurality of second bolt connections.17. The tower section of claim 1 , wherein the upper flange and the lower flange are made of metal.18. The tower section of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of first bolt connections and the plurality of second bolt connections comprises at least 30% of all bolt connections connecting the lower flange to the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044355A1

A wind turbine including a support structure and one or more turbine blades is presented, that incorporates ways for reducing the radar cross section (RCS), wherein the support structure is notionally divided into an upper section in the shadow of the blade sweep area, and a lower section beneath the upper section, wherein the upper section is adapted to have the ways for reducing the RCS, and the lower section does not have the adaptation. The invention makes use of the realisation that the blade masking the tower as it rotates (or the blade being masked by the tower if facing away from a radar), contributes significantly to interference to radar systems, and so localised application of e.g. RAM can give good RCS reduction at a lower cost than treating the whole structure. 116-. (canceled)17. A wind turbine comprising:a support structure; andone or more turbine blades, each of the one or more turbine blades having a tip at an end thereof, the tip being at a lowest point when the turbine blade reaches its nadir upon aligning with the support structure,wherein the support structure is notionally divided, by the lowest point of the tip of a turbine blade of the one or more turbine blades, into an upper section and a lower section, the upper section including a part of the support structure that overlaps with the turbine blades' sweep area, and the lower section being a remaining part of the support structure below the upper section, wherein a portion spanning from approximately 20° to less than 180° of a circumference of certain cross-sections of the upper section is adapted to have a reduced radar cross section (RCS).18. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the portion of the upper section is covered with radiation absorbent material (RAM) and substantially none of the length of the lower section has a reduced cross section (RCS).19. The wind turbine as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the RAM is adapted to be absorbent at wavelengths transmitted by an ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064937A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Offshore Wind A/S

There is presented a tower element, such as a tower element for a tower for a wind turbine generator, said tower element comprising a hollow, tubular element, a flange on an inside surface of the hollow, tubular shell, a unit comprising a platform and a fixation element, such as a plurality of fixation elements, attached to the platform, wherein the unit is arranged with respect to the flange, so that the flange prevents movement of the platform in both directions along an axis being parallel with an axis of the tubular element, and movement of the platform is allowed in at least one direction along an axis being orthogonal to the axis of the tubular element. There is furthermore presented a tower, a wind turbine generator and a method for providing a tower element. 2. The tower element according to claim 1 , wherein the unit abuts the flange at least at two points of contact including:a first point of contact where the flange inhibits movement of the unit in a first direction along an axis being parallel to the axis of the tubular element,a second point of contact where the flange inhibits movement of the unit in a second direction along an axis being parallel to the axis of the tubular element,where the second direction is opposite the first direction, and where a vector formed by projecting a vector from the first point of contact to the second point of contact onto an axis of the hollow, tubular element, is parallel with the first direction.4. The tower element according to claim 1 ,wherein the fixation element being rotated so that at least some of the portion extending beyond the flange in the first direction is arranged so that the flange prevents relative movement of the unit with respect to the flange in a second direction along the axis of the tubular element, where the second direction is opposite the first direction,can be provided byrotating the fixation element about a central axis of a member, such as a bolt, wherein the portion extending beyond the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Laminated wood tower and method for assembly of a laminated wood tower

Номер: US20220064979A1
Автор: David Olivegren
Принадлежит: Modvion Ab

Laminated wood tower including a plurality of curved modules attached to each other, where each curved module includes a plurality of layers, where each layer includes a plurality of laminated plies, and where a layer includes a first set of plies, where the first set of plies includes a plurality of plies arranged adjacent each other and where the wood grain is directed in a first direction, and a second set of plies, where the second set of plies includes one or more plies arranged adjacent each other and where the wood grain is directed in a second direction, where the first direction is perpendicular to the second direction. The advantage is that a self-supporting laminated wood tower can be obtained in an easy and cost-effective way.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210053205A1

The present disclosure relates to a support assembly, an assembling tooling and an assembling method, wherein the support assembly includes: a fixing member extending in a first direction; a first hinge member, stacked on the fixing member on a second direction and connected to the fixing member; a support member, spaced apart from the first hinge member in the first direction, and stacked on the fixing member on the second direction and connected to the fixing member; wherein in the second direction, a height of the support member is higher than that of the first hinge member, the first hinge member is adapted to rotatably connect with the tower tube segment and serve as a rotation fulcrum of the tower tube segment, and the support member is adapted to support the tower tube segment to maintain a position of the tower tube segment relative to the first hinge member. 1. A support assembly for tower tube segment , wherein the support assembly comprises:a fixing member, extending in a first direction;a first hinge member, stacked on the fixing member on a second direction and connected to the fixing member;a support member, spaced apart from the first hinge member in the first direction, and stacked on the fixing member on the second direction and connected to the fixing member;wherein in the second direction, a height of the support member is higher than that of the first hinge member, the first hinge member is adapted to rotatably connect with the tower tube segment and serve as a rotation fulcrum of the tower tube segment, and the support member is adapted to support the tower tube segment to maintain a position of the tower tube segment relative to the first hinge member.2. The support assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the first hinge member comprises a first end and a second end opposite to each other claim 1 , the first end is fixedly connected with the fixing member while the second end is adapted to rotatably connect with the tower tube segment claim 1 , ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

A multirotor wind turbine

Номер: US20190048847A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

A multirotor wind turbine (1) comprising a tower structure (2) and at least one load carrying structure (3, 4), each load carrying structure (3, 4) being arranged for carrying two or more energy generating units (5, 7) comprising a rotor (6, 8). At least two of the rotors are upwind or downwind rotors (6), the energy generating units (5) comprising upwind or downwind rotors (6) being arranged with their centres of gravity at a first distance behind the tower structure (2) along a direction of the incoming wind, substantially at the same vertical level, and at opposite sides of the tower structure (2) at substantially the same second distance to the tower structure (2) along a direction substantially perpendicular to the direction of the incoming wind. The multirotor wind turbine (1) is self-yawing, even under turbulent wind conditions.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048855A1

A damping device for a wind turbine tower is disclosed having at least one upper mount extending from a tower structure, at least one lower mount extending from one of the tower structure or a tower foundation, at least one damping device extending only in a substantially vertical direction, the damping device having an upper connector coupled with the upper mount and a lower connector coupled with the lower mount, and at least one damper coupled between the upper connector and the lower connector. 1. A wind turbine , comprising;a substantially tubular tower structure extending from a tower foundation, the tower structure comprising a plurality of substantially tubular segments having an exterior wall and an interior wall, the tower foundation comprising an exterior portion and an interior portion;a nacelle mounted atop the tower structure;a rotor coupled to the nacelle, the rotor having one or more rotor blades attached thereto;at least one upper mount extending from the tower structure;at least one lower mount extending from one of the tower structure or the tower foundation;at least one damping device extending parallel with the interior wall of the tubular sections, the damping device comprising an upper connector coupled with the upper mount, a lower connector coupled with the lower mount, and at least one damper coupled between the upper connector and the lower connector.2. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the upper mount extends from the tower structure interior wall and the lower mount extends from the foundation interior portion.3. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the upper mount extends from the tower structure exterior wall and the lower mount extends from the foundation exterior portion.4. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the upper mount and lower mount extend from the tower structure interior wall.5. The wind turbine of claim 1 , wherein the upper mount and lower mount extend from the tower structure exterior wall.6. The wind turbine of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054590A1

A semi-finished part for a foundation of a tower construction, in particular of a wind turbine tower, comprising at least two semi-finished part foundation segments, which each have an outer delimitation element and a reinforcement, which is connected to the outer delimitation element and comprises struts protruding from the outer delimitation element, wherein: the outer delimitation elements of the semi-finished part foundation segments form an outer edge, which delimits an interior to be later filled curable casting material; and the reinforcements of the semi-finished part foundation segments extend from the outer edge into the interior. 1. A semi-finished part for a foundation of a tower construction , comprising: an outer limiting element; and', 'a reinforcement connected to the outer limiting element and comprising struts protruding from the outer limiting element,, 'at least two semi-finished part foundation segments, each comprisingwherein the outer limiting elements of the semi-finished part foundation segments form an outer edge which delimits an interior to be later filled with curable casting compound, andwherein the reinforcements of the semi-finished part foundation segments extend from the outer edge into the interior.2. The semi-finished part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the semi-finished part foundation segments is configured to be arranged on a foundation base surface so that the outer edge and the foundation base surface delimit the interior.3. The semi-finished part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the outer edge is substantially annular.4. The semi-finished part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two semi-finished part foundation segments are substantially identical and configured substantially as ring or circle segments.5. The semi-finished part as claimed in claim 1 , comprising an inner limiting element connected to the reinforcement claim 1 , wherein the inner limiting elements of the semi-finished part foundation segments form ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Structures for offshore installations

Номер: US20150056020A1
Автор: Matthew Bleasdale
Принадлежит: OWLC HOLDINGS Ltd

A structure for mounting offshore installations such as wind turbines or oil and gas platforms. The structure comprises a base, a top piece and a lattice structure connecting the base to the top piece. The sub-components of the structure can be pre-assembled prior to installation to facilitate ease of construction, or they may be transported to a pre-determined location and assembled on site.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170051719A1
Автор: SUN Yuping
Принадлежит: Envision Energy (Jiangsu) Co. Ltd.

A wind turbine and a method of reducing extreme loads and fatigue loads on a wind turbine by using a passively activated tripping device arranged on the pressure side of the wind turbine blade. The tripping device is configured to interrupt the passing airflow, when activated, and transform the airflow into a turbulent airflow. The tripping device is positioned close to the leading edge, wherein its dimensions are optimized so that it reduces the maximum lift coefficient as well as increases the minimum lift coefficient which in turn reduces the range of the lift coefficient. The tripping device is activated at both negative and positive angle-of-attacks outside the normal operating range. 1. A wind turbine comprising:a wind turbine tower,a nacelle arranged on top of the wind turbine tower,a rotatable rotor with at least two wind turbine blades connected to the nacelle,wherein each of the at least two wind turbine blades comprises a tip end, a blade root and an aerodynamic profile,wherein the aerodynamic profile defines a leading edge, a trailing edge, a first side surface which defines a pressure side, and a second side surface which defines a suction side,wherein a chord extends from the leading edge to the trailing edge and has a chord length of 100%,wherein at least one first tripping device is arranged on the pressure side on at least one of the wind turbine blades, the at least one first tripping device is placed at a predetermined position relative to the leading edge, and wherein the at least one first tripping device is configured to passively reduce a maximum lift coefficient when said at least one of the wind turbine blades has a positive AoA outside a normal operating AoA range and to passively increase a minimum lift coefficient when said at least one of the wind turbine blades has a negative AoA outside the normal operating AoA range.2. The wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one first tripping device is further configured to ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059266A1

A tubular building enclosure system for unitized assembly in rows and columns to form a structurally self-supporting, thermally insulating, and solar energy collecting facade. 1. A modular wall system comprising:a plurality of interconnected units, each unit having a top end plate, a bottom end plate, a convex exterior sidewall, an interior sidewall, and an interior void defined by the top end plate, the bottom end plate, the convex exterior sidewall, and the interior sidewall,wherein an outer surface of the exterior sidewall has a radius substantially equal to a radius of an outer surface of the interior sidewall such that, when the exterior sidewall and the interior sidewall are secured to each other, the exterior sidewall and the interior sidewall collectively form a tubular columnar member, and each of the sidewalls extends between the top end plate and the bottom end plate, and', 'each of the units is connected (i) horizontally via a horizontal connector and/or (ii) vertically via a vertical connector., 'wherein,'}2. The modular wall system of claim 1 , each of the units includes a solar energy collection rod extending vertically within the interior void, and', 'the rod is substantially positioned at a focal point defined by the convex exterior sidewall., 'wherein,'}3. The modular wall system of claim 2 ,wherein the rod extends from the top end plate to the bottom end plate.4. The modular wall system of claim 2 ,wherein the rod contains a photovoltaic material.5. The modular wall system of claim 4 ,wherein the photovoltaic material is monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, or copper indium gallium selenide/sulfide.6. The modular wall system of claim 1 ,wherein the interior void is completely evacuated of gases.7. A modular wall system comprising: wherein the interior sidewalls are bonded together at interior lateral joints therebetween via an adhesive, and', 'each of the units is connected (i) horizontally via a ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056354A1

Spiral forming devices, systems, and methods can be used to join edges of a of a stock material, in a curved configuration, along one or more joints to form tubular structures, such as conical and/or cylindrical structures (e.g., frusto-conical structures). A planar form of the stock material can be formed from a plurality planar sheets coupled to one another in an abutting relationship. By controlling relative orientation and shapes of the plurality of planar sheets forming the stock material and/or by controlling a position of a roll bender used to curve the planar form of the stock material into the curved configuration, the curved configuration of the stock material can be controlled through transitions between sheets to facilitate rolling the sheets to a desired diameter with a reduced likelihood of dimples or other errors and to facilitate fit up between adjacent sheets in the curved configuration. 1. A collection of a plurality of planar sheets , the plurality of planar sheets collectively dimensioned to form , in a curved configuration , a tubular structure , the plurality of planar sheets comprising:a first planar sheet having a pair of first longitudinal edges, a mating edge, and an alignment edge, the mating edge and the alignment edge together defining a nonlinear path extending between the first longitudinal edges; anda second planar sheet having a pair of second longitudinal edges and a lateral edge, the lateral edge extending between the second longitudinal edges, wherein the first planar sheet and the second planar sheet are dimensioned to be positionable relative to one another in an abutting relationship in which the mating edge of the of the first planar sheet complements the lateral edge between the second longitudinal edges of the second planar sheet and the alignment edge of the of the first planar sheet is collinear with one of the second longitudinal edges of the second planar sheet.2. The collection of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Pole Reinforcement System

Номер: US20160060892A1

A pole reinforcement system for improving the stability of a pole with both an above-grade and below-grade installation. The pole reinforcement system generally includes a sleeve assembly which is secured around a pole via one or more retainers which may comprise brackets, securing bands, or other structures. One or more insertion attachments are utilized so that the sleeve assembly may be secured to the pole at a position below-grade. The sleeve assembly may comprise one or more sleeves which are secured around the pole. By utilizing the present invention to reinforce the pole both above- and below-grade, the stability of the pole may be greatly improved over prior reinforcement methods. 1. A pole reinforcement system , comprising:a sleeve for installation around a pole;an insertion attachment connected to a lower end of said sleeve, wherein said insertion attachment includes a blade for displacing a ground surface around said pole; andat least one retainer for securing said sleeve around said pole.2. The pole reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one retainer comprises one or more brackets.3. The pole reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one retainer comprises one or more bands.4. The pole reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein said insertion attachment is connected to said sleeve by an adhesive.5. The pole reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein said insertion attachment is integrally formed with said sleeve.6. The pole reinforcement system of claim 1 , wherein said insertion attachment includes a first connector extending upwardly therefrom.7. The pole reinforcement system of claim 1 , including at least one connector for connecting said insertion attachment to said sleeve.8. The pole reinforcement system of claim 7 , wherein said at least one connector comprises at least one fastener.9. The pole reinforcement system of claim 7 , wherein said sleeve includes at least one receiver channel adapted to receive said at least ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055711A1

A foundation for a wind mill includes a circular or polygonal pedestal for supporting a wind mill tower and a plurality of ribs radiating radially outwardly from the pedestal, wherein the pedestal is divided into a plurality of circumferential sections, wherein a circumferential section and a rib are each integrally formed with one another, or are each formed, as a precast concrete element, wherein the precast concrete elements are made from reinforced concrete including a first reinforcement structure, in particular reinforcement bars, embedded into the precast concrete elements, neighbouring precast concrete elements, in their sections radiating outwardly from the pedestal, are spaced from each other in a circumferential direction and the clearance between two neighbouring precast concrete elements is each bridged by a bridging plate. 1. A foundation for a wind mill comprising a circular or polygonal pedestal for supporting a wind mill tower and a plurality of ribs radiating radially outwardly from the pedestal , wherein the pedestal is divided into a plurality of circumferential sections , wherein a circumferential section and a rib are each integrally formed with one another , or are each formed , as a precast concrete element , wherein the precast concrete elements are made from reinforced concrete comprising a first reinforcement structure , embedded into the precast concrete elements , wherein neighbouring precast concrete elements , in their sections radiating outwardly from the pedestal , are spaced from each other in a circumferential direction and wherein the clearance between two neighbouring precast concrete elements is each bridged by a bridging plate.2. A foundation according to claim 1 , wherein said bridging plate has a radial extension so as to radially protrude from the precast concrete elements.3. A foundation according to claim 1 , wherein the bridging plates are realized as precast concrete plates.4. A foundation according to claim 1 , wherein ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Wood Support Protection Device

Номер: US20180058089A1

A wood support protection device for protecting wood supports from water damage includes a tube that defines an interior space. The tube has a top and a bottom. The top is open. The top is complementary to a lower end of a wood support. A plurality of rods is coupled to and extends substantially perpendicularly between opposing sides of the tube. A plurality of slots is positioned in the tube adjacent to the bottom. The top is configured to insert the lower end of the wood support into the interior space. The rods are configured to retain the wooden support above the bottom of the tube. The slots are positioned in the tube such that the slots are configured to drain water from the interior space. The wood support is protected from damage and rot caused by exposure of the lower end of the wood support to water. 1. A wood support protection device comprising:a tube defining an interior space, said tube having a top and a bottom, said top being open, said top being complementary to a lower end of a wood support;a plurality of rods coupled to and extending substantially perpendicularly between opposing sides of said tube, said rods being positioned in a common plane parallel to said top and said bottom of said tube wherein said rods are configured for being positioned under and supporting the wood support, said rods being positioned substantially equally distant from said top and said bottom of said tube, each said rod having an upper face, said upper face being rounded; anda plurality of slots positioned in said tube adjacent to said bottom wherein said slots are configured for facilitating draining water from said tube.2. The device of claim 1 , further including said bottom being open.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:said top and said bottom being substantially dimensionally equivalent; andsaid top being substantially rectangularly shaped.4. The device of claim 3 , further including said tube having opposing sides and opposing ends claim 3 , said ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058474A1
Автор: Haigh Peter

A offshore structure () comprising a tube () having a longitudinal axis () and comprising an open-ended lower end () whose peripheral edge () is adapted to cut into the sea bed () as the offshore structure () is driven into it, the offshore structure () comprising: a plurality of stabilisers () each comprising a main body portion forming a hollow interior volume () and having an open lower end () whose peripheral edge () is adapted, in use, to cut into the sea bed (), whereby in use, a trapped volume of fluids is retained in the hollow interior volume between the main body portion and the sea bed (), each stabiliser () further comprising an outlet () communicating with its respective hollow interior volume () and a control means () to control, in use, the egress of the trapped volume of fluids from the hollow interior volume () of each respective stabiliser (), and wherein the geometric centres of the hollow interior volumes () of the stabilisers () are radially offset () from the longitudinal axis () of the offshore structure (). 1. A offshore structure comprising a tube having a longitudinal axis and comprising an open-ended lower end whose peripheral edge is adapted to cut into the sea bed as the offshore structure is driven into it , the offshore structure comprising: a plurality of stabilisers each comprising a main body portion forming a hollow interior volume and having an open lower end whose peripheral edge is adapted , in use , to cut into the sea bed , whereby in use , a trapped volume of fluids is retained in the hollow interior volume between the main body portion and the sea bed , each stabiliser further comprising an outlet communicating with its respective hollow interior volume and a control means to control , in use , the egress of the trapped volume of fluids from the hollow interior volume of each respective stabiliser , and wherein the geometric centres of the hollow interior volumes of the stabilisers are radially offset from the longitudinal ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Remote Tower Implementation

Номер: US20170058547A1

The present inventions relate generally to tower systems, utility poles, and power transmission poles; and more particularly to a structure and method for implementing such poles and towers. 1. A pole structure , the pole structure comprising:a tube formed of at least a first composite material layer defining an outer surface of the tube and a second composite material layer defining an inner surface of the tube, wherein the first composite material layer is formed of a first composite material and the second composite material layer is formed of a second composite material;wherein the first composite material is a glass fiber material; andwherein the second composite material is selected from a group consisting of: a carbon fiber material, a boron fiber material, an aramid fiber material, a first hybrid material including at least boron fibers and carbon fibers, a second hybrid material including at least boron fibers and aramid fibers, a third hybrid material including at least boron fibers and glass fibers, a fourth hybrid material including at least carbon fibers and aramid fibers, a fifth hybrid material including at least carbon fibers and glass fibers, and a sixth hybrid materials including at least aramid fibers and glass fibers.2. The pole structure of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber material is a carbon fiber reinforced resin claim 1 , wherein the boron fiber material is a boron fiber reinforced resin claim 1 , wherein the aramid fiber material is an aramid fiber reinforced resin claim 1 , and wherein the glass fiber material is a glass fiber reinforced resin.3. The pole structure of claim 1 , wherein the pole structure further comprises:at least one intermediate layer between the first composite layer and the second composite layer; andwherein the at least one intermediate layer is formed of a third composite material selected from a group consisting of: the carbon fiber material, the boron fiber material, the aramid fiber material, the first hybrid ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Tower for a wind turbine with buttresses

Номер: US20170058549A1
Автор: Henrik Stiesdal
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A tower for a wind turbine, the tower including a plurality of tower segments including a first tower segment and at least a second tower segment, a plurality of buttresses, and an attachment piece. The tower segments are arranged one upon the other from the base of the tower to the top of the tower. The attachment piece is arranged between the first tower segment and the second tower segment, and the buttresses are attached to the attachment piece, such that loads which are acting on the tower segments are partially carried by the buttresses. A wind turbine comprising such a tower is also provided.

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for the production of wind turbine tower segments and wind turbine tower

Номер: US20140137507A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method is provided for the production of tower segments, which are used to assemble a wind turbine tower. The method includes providing a sheet steel, cutting the sheet steel into a plurality of steel plates, cutting at least one opening in the plurality of steel plates, and bending the steel plates into a desired shape. The steps are performed in a continuous process, such that the steel plates move from one step in the production to the next.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056395A1
Автор: SEMAAN Robert

Reinforcing bars include load transfer connectors. A link plate includes openings that mate with the load transfer connectors to overlie the splice between reinforcing bars being spliced. A cover plate may be fastened over the link plate. 1. A system for reinforcing a monopole comprising:(a) a first reinforcing bar having a first reinforcing bar opening;(b) a second reinforcing bar having a second reinforcing bar opening;(c) a first load transfer connector configured to be received in the first reinforcing bar opening;(d) a second load transfer connector configured to be received in the second reinforcing bar opening; and(e) a link plate configured to overlay at least a portion of the first reinforcing bar and the second reinforcing bar, the link plate defining a first link plate opening and a second link plate opening, the first reinforcing bar and the second reinforcing bar are disposed to at least partially abut the monopole,', 'the first load transfer connector is configured to be received in the first link plate opening to connect the link plate to the first reinforcing bar,', 'the second load transfer connector is configured to be received in the second link plate opening to connect the link plate to the second reinforcing bar,', 'the first load transfer connector is received in the first reinforcing bar opening and in the first link plate opening through an interference fit, a transition fit, or a running fit,', 'the second load transfer connector is received in the second reinforcing bar opening and in the second link plate opening through an interference fit, a transition fit, or a running fit, and', 'the first load transfer connector and the second load transfer connector are disposed adjacent but do not penetrate the monopole., 'wherein'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first load transfer connector is received in the first reinforcing bar opening through an interference fit.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first load transfer connector is ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063030A1
Автор: Matlock Benjamin
Принадлежит: Innogy SE

The invention relates to a foundation pile comprising a stabilization device that is located within the foundation pile and is connected to at least two inner surface sections of the foundation pile; the stabilization device allows compressive and/or tensile forces to be transmitted such that the stabilization device counteracts lateral deformation and/or torsional deformation of the foundation pile. 110. A foundation pile () , comprising:{'b': 30', '31', '38', '39', '1', '39', '2', '39', '3', '10', '11', '10', '30', '31', '38', '39', '1', '39', '2', '39', '3', '30', '31', '38', '39', '1', '39', '2', '39', '3', '10, 'a stabilization device (; -, _, _, _) arranged within the foundation pile () and connected to at least two inner surface sections () of the foundation pile (), wherein compressive and/or tensile forces can be transmitted by means of the stabilization device (; -, _, _, _), such that the stabilization device (; -, _, _, _) counteracts lateral deformation and/or torsional deformation of the foundation pile (); and'}{'b': 30', '31', '38', '31', '38', '11', '10, 'the stabilization device (; -) comprises at least one stabilization strut (-), the two opposite ends of which are connected to two inner surface sections () of the foundation pile ().'}210303138391392393391392393101110. The foundation pile () of claim 1 , wherein the stabilization device (; - claim 1 , _ claim 1 , _ claim 1 , _) comprises a stabilization ring (_ claim 1 , _ claim 1 , _) arranged within the foundation pile () and connected to at least two inner surface sections () of the foundation pile ().3. (canceled)410. The foundation pile () of wherein{'b': 30', '31', '38', '31', '38, 'the stabilization device (; -) comprises at least two stabilization struts (-), the components of extent of which do not extend parallel to one another, at least in some section or sections; and'}{'b': 31', '38', '11', '10, 'the respective ends of the stabilization struts (-) are each connected to one inner ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Arrangements and methods for damping oscillations in structures

Номер: US20190063063A1
Автор: Jonathan Mechineau
Принадлежит: GE Renewable Technologies Wind BV

Damping arrangements for counteracting oscillations of a structure are disclosed. The damping arrangement comprises a first tuned mass damper having a first mass configured to perform a first reciprocating movement along a first displacement axis in response to oscillations of the structure, and a second tuned mass damper having a second mass configured to perform a second reciprocating movement along a second displacement axis in response to oscillations of the structure. The second mass is arranged vertically separated from the first mass, and the first and second displacement axes are arranged at an angle with respect to each other. Methods for damping oscillations in a structure are also disclosed.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Sealing and Monitoring a Bolted Flange Joint

Номер: US20220082190A1

A bolted flange joint sealing and monitoring apparatus with the bolting flange joint having two flanges abutting one another at an interface and the abutting flanges providing an inner surface and an outer surface. A layer of sealant applied to the interface and an area of the abutting flanges. An inner and outer surface of sheet material providing an air space. A sealant forming an air tight space. A vacuum source in communication with the air tight space and a vacuum monitor monitoring the status of a vacuum in the air tight space. 1. The combination of a bolted flange joint sealing and monitoring apparatus and a bolted flange joint , the bolted flange joint comprising two flanges abutting one another at an interface , each flange having a series of holes therein , the holes of the two flanges of the joint aligned and receiving bolts therein , and the abutting flanges providing an inner surface and an outer surface , the sealing and monitoring apparatus including:a layer of sealant applied to the interface and an area of the abutting flanges surrounding the interface on at least one of the inner and outer surfaces;and on at least one of the inner and outer surfaces a first layer of sheet material adapted to provide an air space and overlying the following step a;a second layer of sheet material overlying the first layer of sheet material;a fluid impermeable sealant overlying the second layer of sheet material;wherein an airtight space is formed around the first layer of sheet material, the apparatus further including a vacuum source, and wherein the said air tight space is in fluid communication with the vacuum source, the apparatus further including vacuum monitoring means configured to monitor the status of a vacuum created in the airtight space.2. The combination of a bolted flange joint sealing and monitoring apparatus and a bolted flange joint according to claim 1 , further including a third layer of sheet material situated between the first and second layers ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Utility Pole with Energy Absorbing Layer

Номер: US20190063100A1
Автор: Shi Haijian, Steeg Richard

A stanchion such as a utility pole has an energy absorbing layer positioned proximate to the ground and surrounding the pole to absorb energy due to vehicular impact. 1. A utility pole for supporting electrical power lines , said pole comprising:a first pole portion adapted to be positioned at least partially below ground;a second pole portion adapted to extend above ground and support said power lines;an attachment segment having a first end attached to said first pole portion and a second end attached to said second pole portion, said attachment segment adapted to be positioned above and proximate to ground;an energy absorbing layer surrounding said attachment segment, said energy absorbing layer having a lower compression strength than said first and said second pole portions.2. The utility pole according to claim 1 , wherein said attachment segment comprises:a first bulkhead attached to said first pole portion;a second bulkhead attached to said second pole portion;a tube having a first end attached to said first bulkhead and a second end attached to said second bulkhead.3. The utility pole according to claim 2 , wherein said tube is coaxially aligned with said first and second pole portions.4. The utility pole according to claim 2 , wherein said tube has a smaller perimeter than said first and second pole portions.5. The utility pole according to claim 4 , further comprising a sleeve surrounding said tube.6. The utility pole according to claim 5 , wherein said sleeve is arranged coaxially with said tube.7. The utility pole according to claim 6 , wherein said sleeve has a perimeter equal to a perimeter of said first and second pole portions.8. The utility pole according to claim 5 , wherein said energy absorbing layer is positioned between said sleeve and said tube.9. The utility pole according to claim 8 , wherein said energy absorbing layer comprises foamed aluminum.10. The utility pole according to claim 8 , wherein said energy absorbing layer comprises a ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190063101A1

A method for creating a tapered spiral welded conical structure where the overall shape of the cone is first graphically slit axially and unwrapped, and then a series of construction arcs and lines are created to form the edge lines of a strip that can then be wrapped (rolled) to form a tapered conical structure. The edges of the spirally wound strip can be welded together, and a very large conical structure can thus be achieved. Various construction options are presented from a constant width strip to strip made from straight segments. Equations are given for the formation of the strips to enable those skilled in the art of spiral welded tubing to practice the invention. 116-. (canceled)17. A stock material comprising:a strip of planar material, the strip of planar material having a plurality of first straight edges and a plurality of second straight edges, each first straight edge defining a respective section of a first stepped spiral, and each second straight edge defining a respective section of a second stepped spiral, wherein each first straight edge of the first stepped spiral is parallel to a respective second straight edge of the second stepped spiral, wherein the plurality of first straight edges and the plurality of second straight edges are collectively dimensioned such that the strip of planar material is formable into a tapered structure in which the first stepped spiral adjoins the second stepped spiral.18. The stock material of claim 17 , wherein at least two of the first straight edges have different lengths.19. The stock material of claim 17 , wherein the strip of planar material is a weldable material.20. A stock material comprising:a plurality of planar sections, each planar section having a first edge and a second edge different from the first edge, wherein the plurality of planar sections is dimensioned such that, in a first planar configuration, the first edges of the plurality of planar sections are spaced apart from and aligned with one ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Method and means for mounting wind turbines upon a column

Номер: US20180066633A1
Автор: Bojanovich Matteo

A variable level, relatively mobile wind power system consists of small, personal use wind turbines mounted upon an axis without need for a concrete mounting platform. As needed, the axis may be brought to the desired level upon a column and retracted to the ground for servicing. The entire wind power system can also be easily transferred to a different location. 1. A method for mounting one or more , small personal use wind turbines on a column without need for a concrete base , said method comprising steps of:providing a first pipe segment adapted for inserting into a hole drilled into a ground surface;bolting said first pipe segment to a steel plate to form the column onto which the one or more wind turbines will be mounted; andstabilizing the column with multiple spikes, each spike being inserted through a hole in the steel plate and hammered into the ground surface.2. The method of claim 1 , which further comprises:joining two metal segments to a second pipe segment for building an axle onto which to mount said one or more wind turbines.3. The method of wherein the first pipe segment and the second pipe segment have a same diameter.4. The method of wherein each of the two metal segments are joined at a right angle to the second pipe segment.5. The method of wherein the one or more wind turbines are adapted for raising and lowering on the column prior to a storm.6. The method of wherein the one or more wind turbines are adapted for raising and lowering on the column manually or mechanically.7. The method of which further includes:providing a winch and pulley system for raising and lowering the wind turbines.8. The method of wherein said winch and pulley system is built into a top section of the column.9. The method of wherein the one or more wind turbines are adapted for raising and lowering on the column for maintenance.10. The method of wherein the one or more wind turbines are adapted for raising and lowering on the column for removal and storage.11. The ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067448A1
Автор: Jensen Daniel Kai

A support structure of a wind turbine and a method of manufacturing the support structure is provided. A support structure of a wind turbine is disclosed, whereby the support structure includes a first end to connect to a rotor of a wind turbine, and a second end to be connected to a tower of a wind turbine. The support structure includes an intermediate part that connects the first end to the second end, and that the intermediate part includes the form of an elbow-shaped tube. The support structure is divided into at least two segments whereby the segments are transportable individually from a manufacturing site to a construction site. The segments are connectable in a way that the support structure is capable of transferring forces from the rotor to the tower. 1. A support structure of a wind turbine comprising:a first end to connect to a rotor of the wind turbine, and a second end to be connected to a tower of the wind turbine;an intermediate part that connects the first end to the second end, the intermediate including a form of an elbow-shaped tube;wherein the support structure is divided into at least two segments the at least two segments being transportable individually from a manufacturing site to a construction site, and connectable in a way that the support structure is capable of transferring forces from the rotor to the tower.2. The support structure according to claim 1 , wherein the first end comprises at least a part of a first segment of the at least two segments.3. The support structure according to claim 2 , wherein the second end comprises at least a part of a second segment of the at least two segments.4. The support structure according to claim 2 , wherein the first segment comprises the first end of the support structure.5. The support structure according to claim 3 , wherein the second segment comprises the second end of the support structure.6. The support structure according to claim 3 , wherein the support structure comprises at least one ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071641A1

A wind energy farm () comprising at least one first wind turbine () and at least one second wind turbine () is disclosed. Each wind turbine () comprises a tower () mounted on a foundation, and at least one rotor () with a hub carrying a set of wind turbine blades (). The at least one first wind turbine () is provided with at least three stay cables (), each stay cable () being connected at one end to the tower () of said at least one first wind turbine () and at the other end to a stay cable foundation. At least one of the stay cable foundations and the foundation of one of said at least one second wind turbines () of the wind energy farm () are combined into a single combination foundation. 1. A wind energy farm comprising at least one first wind turbine and at least one second wind turbine , each wind turbine comprising a tower mounted on a foundation , and at least one rotor with a hub carrying a set of wind turbine blades , wherein said at least one first wind turbine is provided with at least three stay cables , each stay cable being connected at one end to the tower of said at least one first wind turbine and at the other end to a stay cable foundation , wherein at least one of the stay cable foundations and the foundation of one of said at least one second wind turbines of the wind energy farm are combined into a single combination foundation , wherein the at least one first wind turbine has a higher hub height than the at least one second wind turbine.2. The wind energy farm according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one first wind turbine has a rotor diameter which differs from a rotor diameter of the at least one second wind turbine.3. The wind energy farm according to claim 1 , wherein the wind energy farm comprises at least one wind turbine cluster claim 1 , each wind turbine cluster comprising one first wind turbine and at least one second wind turbine.4. The wind energy farm according to claim 3 , wherein the wind energy farm comprises at least two ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Massive Scale Rainwater Harvesting and Redistribution

Номер: US20160076229A1
Автор: Javan Akbar, Javan Andre
Принадлежит: Pluviae LLC

A high-altitude, modular, robust rainwater harvesting construction is deigned, which is made of strong, lightweight building-block composite materials, for relatively rapid assembly and disassembly. Multiple modular rainwater harvesting constructions can be configured to build a modular, scalable, mobile rainwater collection system for harvesting rainwater at high altitudes and at massive scales. The captured potential energy of harvested rainwater at high altitudes provides the energy required for redistribution of rainwater from regions with high precipitation rate to regions with low precipitation rate. The rainwater harvesting system can be used for onshore and offshore rainwater harvesting, using different proposed configuration to connect the rainwater harvesting modules to the ground or to the sea floor. 1. A modular , high-altitude , and scalable Rainwater Harvesting System comprising:a. At least one high-altitude Rainwater Harvesting Moduleb. Wherein each Rainwater Harvesting Module is modular and made of other building-blocksc. Wherein each building-block is made of strong, lightweight construction material2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the micro-structure of the construction material is honeycomb.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the material of construction includes lignin and recycled plastic.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the material of construction includes other durable claim 1 , strong materials claim 1 , including but not limited to metals; metal foils; unreinforced polymers claim 1 , such as polyester claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , acrylic resins claim 1 , styrene resins claim 1 , polyurethanes claim 1 , polysulfones claim 1 , and combinations thereof; reinforced polymers claim 1 , such as polyester claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , polycarbonate claim 1 , acrylic resins claim 1 , styrene resins claim 1 , polyurethanes claim 1 , polysulfones claim 1 , and ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073487A1

A wind power installation foundation having a cylindrical central unit, a plurality of steel carriers which are arranged radially around the central unit and which respectively have a first and a second end, and a plurality of foundation piles. The first ends of the steel carriers are fixed to the central unit so that the second ends of the steel carriers are in the form of free ends. The second free ends of the steel carriers are respectively placed on one of the foundation piles. 1. A wind power installation foundation , comprising:a cylindrical central unit;a plurality of steel carriers arranged radially around the central unit and having first and second ends, respectively, wherein the first ends of the plurality of steel carriers are fixed to the central unit and the second ends of the steel carriers are free ends;a plurality of foundation piles, wherein the second free ends of the steel carriers are respectively placed on the plurality of foundation piles; anda plurality of precast concrete parts between adjacent steel carriers so that the precast concrete parts and the adjacent steel carriers, respectively, form a trough configured to be filled with at least one of: concrete, gravel or earth.2. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of leveling plates arranged on the plurality of foundation piles and after suitable leveling, receive the second free ends of the plurality of steel carriers.3. (canceled)4. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in wherein the central unit has a first end and a second end claim 1 , wherein a lower pylon segment of a wind power installation or a pylon section is configured to be placed on the second end of the central unit.5. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in wherein the plurality of steel carriers have reinforcing struts in a region of the second ends.6. The wind power installation foundation as set forth in further comprising a plurality ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190071833A1
Автор: Matlock Benjamin
Принадлежит: Innogy SE

The invention discloses a foundation pile having at least two interconnected part-cylinder segments which are each produced from a steel plate having a length extent and a width extent, wherein the foundation pile is characterized in that the respective part-cylinder segments are produced by bending the steel plates along their width extent, with the result that end edges extending along the width extent of the part-cylinder segments have a bending, in that a height extent of the respective part-cylinder segments is greater than their width extent, and in that the longitudinal edges of the part-cylinder segments that extend along the height extent of the part-cylinder segments are arranged parallel to one another. The present invention further discloses a method for producing a foundation pile according to the invention. 1. A foundation pile comprising at least two interconnected part-cylinder segments , the part-cylinder segment having a width extent and a high extent , whereinthe part-cylinder segment is made from a steel plate having a length extent and a width extent;the respective part-cylinder segments are each made by bending the steel plates along their width extent so that end edges of the respective part-cylinder segments extending along the width extent of the part-cylinder segments have a bend;the height extent of the respective part-cylinder segments is greater than their width extent; andlongitudinal edges of the part-cylinder segments extending along the height extent of the part-cylinder segments are arranged parallel to one another.2. The foundation pile of claim 1 , whereinthe longitudinal edges of the interconnected part-cylinder segments are arranged parallel to one another to form a foundation pile segment; andthe foundation pile comprises at least two foundation pile segments whose longitudinal axes run substantially co-linear with one another and whose end edges are connected to one another.3. The foundation pile of claim 1 , whereinthe ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090404A1
Автор: Kahlman Sture

A post comprises a first end and a second end. The first end comprises a connection arrangement for fixing the post to the ground or the bottom under water and wherein the post is tubular. A first layer of the post is made of a plastic and a second layer is made of a composite material having a higher e-modulus than that of the plastic and wherein the first layer comprises at least one hole which the composite material of the second layer extends at least partly into. 1. A post comprising a first end and a second end , wherein the first end comprises a connection arrangement for fixing the post to the ground or the bottom under water and wherein the post is tubular ,characterized inthat the post comprises a first layer made of a plastic and a second layer made of a composite material having a higher e-modulus than that of the plastic and wherein the first layer comprises at least one hole which the composite material of the second layer extends at least partly into.2. The post according to claim 1 , wherein the plastic is PVC and the material with a higher e-modulus is a composite material reinforced with fiberglass.3. The post according to claim 2 , wherein the reinforcement is in the form of synthetic fibers.4. The post according to claim 2 , wherein the composite material is a mix of plastic claim 2 , fiberglass claim 2 , and synthetic fibers.5. The post according to claim 2 , wherein the composite material of the second layer extends entirely through the hole.6. The post according to claim 1 , wherein the connection arrangement comprises screw threads arranged on the outside of the post.7. The post according to claim 1 , wherein a part adjacent the second end of the post is provided with grooves on the outside of the post.8. The post according to claim 7 , wherein the grooves are arranged spirally on said part.9. The post according to claim 1 , wherein the second end of the post comprises a connection arrangement for connecting a lamp.10. The post according to ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090405A1
Принадлежит: Valmont Industries, Inc.

The present invention provides an improved pole assembly. According to a first preferred embodiment, the present invention includes a first pole section which is formed by an inner shell wall surrounding a hollow inner cavity. According to a further preferred embodiment, the inner shell wall is formed as a first column of a given shape, which is formed of fiberglass reinforced polymer, and which is surrounded by a center fill layer. The center fill layer is preferably formed of SSC concrete which surrounds the inner shell wall. According to a further preferred embodiment, the present invention preferably further includes an outer shell wall which is formed as a second column of a given shape, which surrounds the center fill layer. 1. A pole assembly , wherein the pole assembly comprises:a hollow inner cavity;an inner shell wall, wherein the inner shell wall comprises a first column; wherein the inner shell wall surrounds the hollow inner cavity; wherein the inner shell wall comprises fiberglass reinforced polymer;a center fill layer, wherein the center fill layer surrounds the inner shell wall; wherein the center fill layer comprises SSC concrete; andan outer shell wall, wherein the outer shell wall comprises a second column; wherein the outer shell wall comprises fiberglass reinforced polymer; wherein the outer shell wall surrounds the inner shell wall and the center fill layer.2. The pole assembly of claim 1 , wherein the center fill layer comprises a plurality of reinforcement wires.3. The pole assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of reinforcement wires is arranged vertically within the center fill layer.4. The pole assembly of claim 3 , wherein at least one reinforcement wire comprises high strength steel.5. The pole assembly of claim 3 , wherein at least one reinforcement wire comprises a fiberglass reinforced polymer bar.6. The pole assembly of claim 2 , wherein the center fill layer is formed of polyurethane.7. The pole assembly of claim 6 , wherein ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090580A1

A coupling device for coupling tower segments, which are arranged on one another, of a tubular tower of a wind power installation, having a coupling plate for contact against a circumferential surface of the tower segments, which are arranged on one another, in an abutting region, comprising a fastening portion having a first contact surface for arranging on a circumferential surface of a first tower segment and a connecting portion having a second contact surface for arranging on a circumferential surface of a second tower segment, and at least one through-opening. The coupling device furthermore comprises a receiving plate which is arranged on an outer surface of the connecting portion of the coupling plate and has at least one receiving element for receiving a counter element which can be bolted to the threaded element and is formed coaxially with respect to the through-opening of the coupling plate and as an anti-twist protection for blocking the counter element from rotating and preventing bolting to the threaded element. 1. A coupling device for coupling first and second tower segments arranged relative to one another of a tubular tower of a wind power installation , the coupling device comprising: a fastening portion having a first contact surface configured to be arranged on a circumferential surface of the first tower segment, and', 'a connecting portion adjacent to the fastening portion and having a second contact surface configured to be arranged on a circumferential surface of the second tower segment and at least one through-opening for the passage of a threaded element, and, 'a coupling plate configured to be in contact with abutting regions of the first and second tower segments and arranged with respect to one another, the coupling plate comprisinga receiving plate arranged on the connecting portion on an outer surface opposite the second contact surface, the receiving plate comprising at least one receiving element for receiving a counter element ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Friction Fit Composite Column

Номер: US20170073972A1
Принадлежит: Jack Walters & Sons, Corp.

A composite assembly includes a series of elongated layers joined lengthwise thereof. At least two of the elongated layers each have an upper elongated portion and a lower elongated portion secured together in an end-to-end relationship at a joint therebetween by a connector arrangement. The upper elongated portion is constructed of a wood material, and the lower elongated portion is constructed of a non-wood material. The lower elongated portion may have a reinforcing rod therein. 1. A composite assembly adapted for use as a vertical support column , the composite assembly comprising:a connection bracket comprising a bottom plate and a plurality of support rods connected to and extending from the bottom plate;a plastic body formed about the support rods, the body defining a center hole; andan adjustment leg secured to a foot, the adjustment leg movably secured to the plastic body by a friction fit between the adjustment leg and the center hole.2. The composite assembly of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment leg is movable within the center hole to define a predetermined distance between the foot and the connection bracket.3. The composite assembly of claim 2 , wherein the center hole is tapered in a decreasing diameter from the bottom of the body in a direction of the connection bracket.4. The composite assembly of claim 2 , wherein the center hole is axially aligned with the body and is radially interior of the support rods.5. The composite assembly of claim 4 , wherein the center hole extends the length of the body and the center hole aligns with an access hole located through the connection bracket.6. The composite assembly of claim 2 , wherein the connection bracket further comprises at least one connection blade which extends from the bottom plate in a direction opposite the plurality of support rods.7. The composite assembly of claim 6 , further comprising lips that extend from the bottom plate in a direction opposite the support rods claim 6 , the lips ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Counterweight Assembly for Use During Single Blade Installation of a Wind Turbine

Номер: US20200072187A1
Автор: Nies Jacob Johannes

A method for installing a plurality of rotor blades to a rotatable hub secured atop a tower of a wind turbine includes providing a counterweight assembly having, at least, a mounting assembly and a counterweight mass secured at a distal end of the mounting assembly. The method also includes securing the mounting assembly at a first position on the hub of the wind turbine such that the counterweight mass biases the hub to rotate about its rotation axis in a first direction. Further, the method includes consecutively installing the plurality of rotor blades onto the hub of the wind turbine. Moreover, the method includes adjusting a position of the counterweight mass between each consecutive installation of the plurality of rotor blades to continuously change a center of gravity of the hub and maintain a balanced rotor of the wind turbine during installation of the plurality of rotor blades. 1. A method for installing a plurality of rotor blades to a rotatable hub secured atop a tower of a wind turbine , the method comprising:providing a counterweight assembly having, at least, a mounting assembly and a counterweight mass secured at a distal end of the mounting assembly;securing the mounting assembly at a first position on the hub of the wind turbine such that the counterweight mass biases the hub to rotate about its rotation axis in a first direction;consecutively installing the plurality of rotor blades onto the hub of the wind turbine; and,adjusting a position of the counterweight mass between each consecutive installation of the plurality of rotor blades to continuously change a center of gravity of the hub and maintain a balanced rotor of the wind turbine during installation of the plurality of rotor blades.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a proximal end of the mounting assembly is fixed with respect to the hub.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein securing the mounting assembly of the counterweight assembly at the first position on the hub of the wind turbine such ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079682A1
Автор: Paulin Robert
Принадлежит: Valmont Industries, Inc.

The present invention provides an improved fire resistant composite pole and a method for producing the same. In accordance with preferred embodiments, the composite utility pole of the present invention includes a composite structure having integrally bonded layers of resin impregnated fiberglass extending along the length of the pole. According to a preferred embodiment, the composite structure of the pole includes an intumescent layer which includes: high temperature mineral fibers, exfoliating graphite, organic binders. and alumina trihydrate (ATH). 1. A composite utility pole , wherein the composite utility pole comprises:a hollow main body; anda composite structure comprising a plurality of integrally bonded layers of resin impregnated fiberglass extending along the length of the pole;wherein the composite structure further comprises an intumescent layer; wherein the intumescent layer comprises high temperature mineral fibers, exfoliating graphite, organic binders. and alumina trihydrate (ATH).2. A method for forming a composite pole , the method comprising:rotating a mandrel between a first support and a second support;moving a delivery ring back and forth across the mandrel;laying down a resin layer and a layer of fiberglass rovings in a helical fashion and at prescribed angles relative to the main axis of the mandrel;wherein the resin and fiberglass layers are applied using filament winding; wherein the fireproof layer is wound into the applied layers; wherein the initial layer of fiberglass rovings is applied at an initial angle; wherein the initial comprises an angle between 0°-90°; wherein the initial layer of fiberglass rovings are applied in 5-15 bands at the initial angle to produce a first layer length of 360″; wherein the first layer ends approximately 216″ from the top from the mandrel;changing the angle of the mandrel to a second angle; wherein the angle of the mandrel is moved 1°-30° to produce the second angle; andapplying a second layer of ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081871A1
Автор: SEMAAN Robert

Reinforcing bars include load transfer connectors. A link plate includes openings that mate with the load transfer connectors to overlie the splice between reinforcing bars being spliced. A cover plate may be fastened over the link plate. 1. A system configured to reinforce a monopole , the system comprising:a first reinforcing bar having an inner, monopole-engagement surface and an outer surface, the inner and outer surfaces of the first reinforcing bar spaced from one another along a first direction, the first reinforcing bar defining at least one opening;a second reinforcing bar having an inner, monopole-engagement surface and an outer surface, the inner and outer surfaces of the second reinforcing bar spaced from one another along the first direction;at least a first load transfer connector configured to be received in the at least one opening of the first reinforcing bar such that the at least first load transfer connector extends out from the outer surface of the first reinforcing bar; anda link plate configured to overlay at least a portion of the first reinforcing bar, the link plate defining at least one opening configured to mate with the at least first load transfer connector when the link plate overlays the at least a portion of the first reinforcing bar.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the at least one load transfer connector includes a monopole-facing surface that is configured to be received in the at least one opening of the first reinforcing bar such that the monopole-facing surface of each of the at least one load transfer connector faces an outer surface of the monopole when the system is mounted onto the monopole.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the link plate is attached the outer surface of the second reinforcing bar.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the link plate is attached to the outer surface of the second reinforcing bar by welding.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one opening in the link plate is configured to ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081872A1
Автор: SEMAAN Robert

Reinforcing bars include load transfer connectors. A link plate includes openings that mate with the load transfer connectors to overlie the splice between reinforcing bars being spliced. A cover plate may be fastened over the link plate. 1. A system configured to reinforce a monopole , the system comprising:a first reinforcing bar having an inner, monopole-engagement surface and an outer surface, the inner and outer surfaces of the first reinforcing bar spaced from one another along a first direction;a first load transfer connector that extends out from the outer surface of the first reinforcing bar;a second reinforcing bar having an inner, monopole-engagement surface and an outer surface, the inner and outer surfaces of the second reinforcing bar spaced from one another along the first direction;a second load transfer connector that extends out from the outer surface of the second reinforcing bar; anda link plate configured to overlay at least a portion of each of the first reinforcing bar and the second reinforcing bar, the link plate defining first and second openings configured to mate with the first and second load transfer connectors, respectively, when the link plate overlays the at least a portion of each of the first and second reinforcing bars.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second openings are configured to mate with the first and second load transfer connectors claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , when the first and second reinforcing bars are arranged end-to-end.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second reinforcing bars has a first end claim 1 , and a second end offset from the first end along a second direction claim 1 , perpendicular to the first direction claim 1 , and the first and second openings are configured to mate with the first and second load transfer connectors claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , when the second end of the first reinforcing bar is disposed adjacent to the first end of the second reinforcing ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080335A1
Автор: Kersten Roy

A flange segment for a wind turbine steel tower ring segment, to a wind turbine tower portion, to a wind turbine tower, to a wind turbine and to a method for producing a wind turbine steel tower ring segment is provided. Also provided is a flange segment for a wind turbine steel tower ring segment, comprising a partially ring shaped basic body which extends from a first end to a second end in the ring direction, having an upper side and a lower side opposite the upper side, an inner circumferential side and an outer circumferential side, and a first abutment side on the first end and a second abutment side on the second end, and a flange projection which is arranged on the upper side of the basic body and extends substantially from the first end to the second end in the ring direction. 1. A flange segment for a wind turbine steel tower ring segment , comprising:a partially ring shaped basic body which extends from a first end to a second end in a ring direction, the partially ring shaped basic body having:an upper side and a lower side opposite the upper side,an inner circumferential side and an outer circumferential side, anda first abutment side at the first end and a second abutment side at the second end,a flange projection which:is arranged at the upper side of the partially ring shaped basic body, andextends substantially from the first end to the second end in the ring direction.2. The flange segment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flange projection has a main direction of extent from a first projection end to a second projection end and has a polygonal profile between the first projection end and the second projection end claim 1 ,wherein the flange projection is formed in the main direction of extent by two or more rectilinear portions, wherein the rectilinear portions enclose an angle.3. The flange segment as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:an outer upper edge formed by the upper side and the outer circumferential side, andan inner upper edge formed by ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150089901A1
Автор: Chan Kong wei

An article of elongate metal piece () comprising a retaining track () and a shaft () at its respective long edges, wherein multiple pieces () of the identical articles are arranged in a side-by-side fashion to assemble a pole section with two contiguous arranged metal pieces () interlocked by engaging the shaft () of one metal piece to the retaining track () of another adjacent metal piece. 130-. (canceled)31. A utility pole , comprising:a lower pole section;an upper pole section; anda fastening plate mounted at one end of the lower and upper pole sections to join both sections together;wherein the lower pole section is composed of a plurality of identical elongate metal pieces that each carries a retaining track and a shaft at its respective long edges characterized in that the lower pole section is assembled through arranging the metal pieces in a side-by-side fashion at the long edges to form a substantial tubular formation and two contiguous arranged metal pieces are interlocked by engaging the shaft of one metal piece to the retaining track of the adjacent metal piece.32. The utility pole of claim 31 , wherein at least one of the metal piece has the shaft defined a internal first locking groove accessible by way of a first top and bottom openings and the fastening plate possesses corresponding first through hole that plugging a bolt via the first top opening into the first locking groove and the first through hole interlocks the metal piece and the fastening plate.33. The utility pole of claim 31 , wherein at least one of the metal piece defining a longitudinal second locking groove accessible by way of a second top and bottom openings and the fastening plate possesses corresponding second through hole that plugging a bolt via the second top opening into the second locking groove and the second through hole interlocks the metal piece and the fastening plate.34. The utility pole of claim 32 , wherein at least one of the metal piece defining a longitudinal second ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087844A1
Автор: Kersten Roy

A wind turbine steel tower ring segment, a wind turbine tower portion, a wind turbine tower, a wind turbine and a method for producing a wind turbine tower portion. A wind turbine steel tower ring segment for a wind turbine tower, comprising a shell segment with an extent in the direction of a segment height, of a segment ring direction and of a segment thickness and with a first horizontal joint side and a second horizontal joint side, a first vertical joint side and a second vertical joint side, wherein a first vertical flange is arranged at the first vertical joint side and/or a second vertical flange is arranged at the second vertical joint side, wherein the first vertical flange and/or the second vertical flange enclose(s) an angle with the shell segment, wherein at least one connection element for the arrangement of functional elements is formed on the first vertical flange and/or on the second vertical flange, wherein the connection element projects from the first vertical flange and/or the second vertical flange. 1. A wind turbine steel tower ring segment for a wind turbine tower , comprising: first horizontal joint side and a second horizontal joint side; and', 'first vertical joint side and a second vertical joint side,, 'a shell segment having a segment height, a segment ring direction, and a segment thickness, the shell segment includinga first vertical flange arranged at the first vertical joint side and a second vertical flange arranged at the second vertical joint side, wherein the first vertical flange and the second vertical flange form a respective flange angle with the shell segment, andwherein at least one connection element for the arrangement of functional elements is formed on the first vertical flange and the second vertical flange, respectively, wherein the respective at least one connection element projects from the first vertical flange and the second vertical flange.2. The wind turbine steel tower ring segment as claimed in claim 1 , ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087845A1

A post mount assembly adapted to resist the corrosive effects of sea air through the incorporation of a 100% stainless-steel hardware. The 100% stainless-steel hardware includes a post sleeve with a base plate for engaging a lower portion of a post, thereby providing a support structure not susceptible to corrosion, rust and other destabilizing natural processes possible in a high-saline, moist environments. The post mount assembly provides a leveling function that embodies a leveling plate disposed between the base plate and the supporting surface so that leveling fasteners can selectively raise at least a portion of the base plate relative to the (unlevel) supporting surface. Thereby, the post mount assembly maintains the structural integrity of supported handrails and/or handrail posts. 1. A post mount assembly , comprising:a post sleeve transversely joined to a base plate;a plurality of base attachment holes spaced apart along the base plate;a plurality of leveling holes spaced apart along the base plate; anda leveling plate having a plurality of bottom attachment holes align with the plurality of base attachment holes, the leveling plate closing off an opening of each of the plurality of leveling holes.2. The post mount assembly of wherein the post mount assembly is made from 100% stainless steel.3. The post mount assembly of further comprising a plurality of elongated fasteners for operatively associating with the pluralities of attachment holes claim 1 , respectively; and a plurality of leveling bolts for operatively associated with the plurality of leveling holes claim 1 , respectively.4. The post mount assembly of wherein the post mount assembly is made from 100% stainless steel.5. The post mount assembly of wherein the plurality of base attachment holes are oblong.6. The post mount assembly of wherein the plurality of base attachment holes and the plurality of leveling holes are alternatingly spaced apart.7. A post mount assembly made from a corrosion and ...
