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20-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU82254U1

... 1. Фурнитура для стеклянной двери, характеризующаяся наличием разъемного корпуса, включающего лицевой и тыльный элементы, в которых выполнены соосные отверстия под установку дверной ручки, стяжек лицевого и тыльного элемента и под личину запирающего механизма, при этом изнутри к лицевому и тыльному элементам прикреплены упругие прокладки с отверстиями, соответствующими соосным отверстиями лицевого и тыльного элементов, а в одном из элементов выполнена полость под установку запирающего механизма. ! 2. Фурнитура для стеклянной двери по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что лицевой и тыльный элементы выполнены в виде крышек прямоугольной формы. ! 3. Фурнитура для стеклянной двери по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что полость под установку запирающего механизма выполнена с размерами, соответствующими размерам магнитного замка или механического замка. ! 4. Фурнитура для стеклянной двери по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что прокладки выполнены из полимерного материала или резины.

10-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2067647C1

Использование: изобретение относится к скобяным изделиям, дверным замкам, врезным и накладным, и позволяет повысить надежность запертой двери путем увеличения жесткости дверного полотна при установке замка. Сущность изобретения: дверной замок, закрепляемый на пластине, соединенной с дверным полотном, имеющей длину равную ширине двери, содержит дополнительную пластину шарнирно соединенную с первой и предназначенную для закрепления на косяке дверного проема. 1 ил.

20-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2167249C1

Изобретение относится к области скобяных изделий и касается устройства для закрывания замочной скважины, содержащего корпус, по меньшей мере, с одним отверстием для замочной скважины и, по меньшей мере, с одним отверстием в виде лабиринта и заслонку с отверстием, установленную с возможностью перемещения по поверхности корпуса. Дополнительно снабжено диском с фиксаторами и крышкой, при этом на наружной периферийной поверхности диска по всему его периметру выполнены метки, а диск посредством фиксаторов кинематически соединен с отверстиями для замочной скважины, выполненными в корпусе и в заслонке, и установлен с возможностью поворота относительно поверхности указанных отверстий, фиксаторы взаимодействуют с лабиринтом, а крышка установлена внутри корпуса в зоне отверстия для замочной скважины, причем в крышке выполнено отверстие для замочной скважины и монтажные отверстия. Данное устройство имеет повышенную устойчивость к взлому. 2 с. и 2 з.п.ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2180034C1

Изобретение относится к области скобяных изделий и касается замка, состоящего из корпуса замка, в котором расположены засов и имеющий рукоятку для открывания замка изнутри механизм секретности, при этом механизм секретности состоит из корпуса механизма и поворотной втулки, с которой скреплен центральный стержень, причем в корпусе механизма и в поворотной втулке выполнены соосные радиальные отверстия, в которых размещены элементы, обеспечивающие запирание замка как при вынутом, так и при вставленном ключе, если его код не соответствует коду механизма, а в качестве приводного механизма использована зубчато-реечная передача, состоящая из засова, на котором нарезаны зубья, и скрепленной с рукояткой вала-шестерни, причем на торце вала-шестерни выполнена полумуфта, сцепленная с полумуфтой, расположенной на торце центрального стержня, которые могут быть расцеплены при оттягивании рукоятки, причем рукоятка является постоянным магнитом, который притягивается к корпусу замка, а шестерня, элементы ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007116151A

... 1. Нижняя пластинка для стыковой накладки,отличающаяся тем, чтоона содержит средства захвата, содержащие, по меньшей мере, одну поверхность захвата, располагаемую на краю крепежного отверстия для предотвращения поперечного перемещения нижней пластинки, установленной на крепежном основании, в направлении поверхности крепежного основания, при этом поверхность захвата имеет протяженность, параллельную любому диаметру нижней пластинки, и протяженность, параллельную высоте нижней пластинки, причем поверхность захвата обеспечивает зацепление с краями монтажных отверстий различного размера, при этом средства захвата выполнены гибкими в направлении, параллельном высоте нижней пластинки, и таким образом обеспечивают размещение нижней пластинки на самой поверхности крепежного основания, причем средства захвата содержат гибкую прикрепляющую часть, через которую средства захвата входят в контакт с корпусом нижней пластинки, при этом прикрепляющая часть является тонкой полоской материала, а часть, образованная ...

10-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96112429A

Запорное устройство для сейфа, содержащее замок, закрепленный на внутренней поверхности дверцы с помощью фиксирующего элемента, отличающееся тем, что фиксирующий элемент выполнен в виде П - образного короба с отогнутым внутрь его полости язычком и своим основанием соединенного с дверцей, при этом замок, расположенный внутри короба, с одной стороны своим ригелем, полностью выдвинутым при закрытом замке, упирается в запорный элемент корпуса сейфа, и противоположным торцем - в язычок, а при открытом замке последний удерживается в коробе вставленным ключом, причем короб своим торцем со стороны петлевой зоны дверцы соединен с боковой стенкой сейфа таким образом, что открыть дверцу наружу при расстыковке узлов навески ее при взломе не представляется возможным.

27-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008133484A

... 1. Фиксируемое крепежное устройство (10, 110) для установки арматуры (12, 112) или иных объектов в отверстии или в углублении (16, 116), имеющем противоположные кромки (14, 114), или стенки, такое как прямоугольное отверстие или углубление (16, 116) в тонкой или толстой стенке, такой как листовой металл или деревянная панель (18, 118), включающее головную часть (20, 120), располагаемую на одной внешней стороне тонкой или толстой стенки (18, 118) и закрывающую внешнюю кромку (22, 122) отверстия или углубления (16, 116), и от которой отходит в монтажном положении опорная часть (24, 124), проходящая через отверстие (16) или заходящая вовнутрь углубления (116), удерживающие элементы (30, 130), смещаемые относительно один другого под воздействием упругой силы или усилия, создаваемого пружиной, в канале (26, 126), образованном в опорной части (24, 124), и выступающие из опорной части (24, 124) в направлении ее внешней поверхности, свободный торец (32, 132) удерживающих элементов (30, 130), имеющий ...

20-05-1999 дата публикации

Door lock with PVC tubes to carry cylinder mounting screws together with a fuse cable which triggers a relay alarm if the door is attacked

Номер: DE0019833834A1

The front door lock has a mounting screw to hold the lock cylinder, passed through a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube in the screw drilling. The screw drilling also carries a fuse cable with a current passing through. If the fuse cable is broken, an alarm is tripped through a relay to show that the lock has been attacked by a jemmy or other tool.

24-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202010004366U1

26-01-1978 дата публикации

Profiled cylinder lock with anti-breaking device - has steps for contacting against support plate and relieved bridge section

Номер: DE0002633370A1

The profile cylinder lock has clamping screw held in tapped hole in flange. The lock is secure against breaking, and the middle bridge section in relieved when axial tensile forces are applied to the lock. The outside surface has a support step for ensuring contact against the support plate resting on the door plate contact face. The support plate is provided with a fork opening and is mounted on the cylindrical part. Several support steps are arranged in the form of slots in series.

11-11-1922 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000363675C

03-08-2006 дата публикации

Verriegelbare Türgriffvorrichtung mit eingebautem Kombinationsschloss

Номер: DE0060303094T2

25-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010049637A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Verschlusseinrichtung für einen Schaltschrank mit einer Halterung, die in einer Griffaufnahme einen Handhebel aufnimmt, wobei der Handhebel an der Halterung in einer Sperrstellung mittels eines verstellbar gelagerten Riegels festlegbar ist, und wobei die Halterung in einem Schlossgehäuse zur Betätigung des Riegels ein Schloss aufnimmt, das über ein Stellglied mit dem Riegel in Wirkverbindung steht. DOLLAR A Um bei Schaltschränken die Zugangsberechtigung zweier unterschiedlicher Benutzergruppen auf einfache Weise regeln zu können, ist es erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass die Halterung ein Zweitschloss aufnimmt, das ebenfalls mit dem Riegel in Wirkverbindung steht oder das Zweitschloss mittels eines zweiten Stellgliedes mit einem zweiten Riegel in Wirkverbindung steht, wobei der zweite Riegel ebenfalls den Handhebel in seiner Sperrstellung an der Halterung festlegt.

03-03-2005 дата публикации

In eine Öffnung einer Tür, insbesondere Kraftfahrzeug-Tür einsetzbarer Griffbeschlag

Номер: DE0004443117B4

In eine Öffnung einer Tür, insbesondere Kraftfahrzeug-Tür, einsetzbarer und mittels eines am Griffbeschlag angeordneten Haltegliedes zu befestigender Griffbeschlag mit verlagerbarer Betätigungshandhabe, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Halteglied (15, 48) durch eine erstmalige Verlagerung der Betätigungshandhabe (10 bzw. 41) in die Haltestellung bewegbar ist und dort verrastet.

02-01-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE8526739U1

26-06-1969 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001808292A1

03-02-2005 дата публикации

Tür- oder Fensterflügel

Номер: DE0010358530A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Tür- oder Fensterflügel mit einem Kunststoffhohlprofilrahmen (20), in den an der Schließseite (21) stirnseitig eine Schlossausnehmung zum Einschieben eines Kastenschlosses (40) mit wenigstens einem Schließriegel (41) vorgesehen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass wenigstens im Bereich der Schlossausnehmung in einer Hohlkammer des Kunststoffhohlprofilrahmens (20) ein das Kastenschloss (40) umfassendes Verstärkungsprofil (30) mit U-förmiger Konfiguration angeordnet ist, wobei DOLLAR A - die Breite des Verstärkungsprofils (30) wenigstens in einem von dem Schließriegel (41) abgewandten endseitigen Bereich zwischen den Außenseiten der seitlichen Profilschenkel (31, 32) im Wesentlichen der Breite der Hohlkammer entspricht und DOLLAR A - die Breite des Verstärkungsprofils (30) zwischen den Innenseiten der seitlichen Profilschenkel (31, 32) im Wesentlichen der Breite des Hinterkastens des zwischen diesen einschiebbare Kastenschlosses (40) entspricht.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Dead-end cylinder for sealing profile cylinder opening in e.g. lock, is designed such that threaded holes run transverse to longitudinal axis of cylinder, where distance of holes towards spacing ranges between zero and twice of spacing

Номер: DE102008049875A1

The cylinder (1) is designed in such a manner that two fixing screw threaded holes (3) are provided for receiving a fixing screw, where the threaded holes run transverse to a longitudinal axis (2) of the cylinder. Distance (A) of the threaded holes towards contact spacing (B) ranges between zero and twice of the contact spacing. The distance of the threaded holes is zero in a given adjusting region (X), so that an elongated recess is formed for continuous adjustment of the cylinder.

28-12-2000 дата публикации

Stangenverschluß für Blechschranktüren

Номер: DE0019927685A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Stangenverschluß für Blechschranktüren mit zwei im Türblech (1) ausgebildeten Öffnungen (1b), bestehend aus einem auf der Außenseite des Türbleches (1) anzuordnenden Griffgehäuse (5), an dem die Antriebswelle (6) gelagert ist, und aus einem auf der Innenseite des Türbleches (1) anzuordnenden Stangenschloß (3), das ein Schloßgehäuse mit einem mindestens die eine Schloßstange (3a) betätigenden Antrieb umfaßt, der von der Antriebswelle (6) mittels einer Handhabe (7) antreibbar ist. Um die Befestigung der Einzelteile des Stangenverschlusses am Türblech (1) zu erleichtern und die Vormontage von einzelnen Teilen des Stangenverschlusses zu ermöglichen, ist sowohl das Griffgehäuse (5) als auch das Gehäuse des Stangenschlosses (3) durch mindestens zwei klammerartige Adapter (2) am Türschloß befestigbar. Jeder Adapter (2) ist jeweils an den Rand einer der Öffnungen (1b) einsetzbar und mit sowohl an der Außenseite als auch an der Innenseite des Türbleches (1) anliegenden ...

03-01-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059705442D1

31-10-1931 дата публикации

Befestigung von Zylinderschloessern an Einsteckschloessern

Номер: DE0000537277C

19-10-2006 дата публикации

Vorhängeschloss mit einem U-förmigen Schlossgehäuse

Номер: DE0060120412T2

01-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060144481D1

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE202015005011U1
Принадлежит: vitaDOOR GmbH & Co. KG

Ganzglastür mit einem Ganzglastürblatt (5) mit einer Bandseite (6) und einer Bandgegenseite (7), die einen oberen Rand (8), einen unteren Rand (9), einen bänderseitigen Rand (10) und einen schlossseitigen Rand (11) aufweisen, mit im Ganzglastürblatt (5) am bänderseitigen Rand (10) angebrachten Bändern (12) und mit einem am Ganzglastürblatt (5) am schlossseitigen Rand (11) angebrachten Türschloss (13) mit einem Schlosskasten (14) mit einer Schlossfalle (15) und mit einem Türdrücker (16) auf zumindest einer Seite des Ganzglastürblattes (5), mit dem die Schlossfalle (15) zurückziehbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Schlosskasten (14) des Türschlosses (13) an der Bandgegenseite (7) des Ganzglastürblattes (5) angeordnet ist und dass der Rand des Schlosskastens (14) gegenüber dem schlossseitigen Rand (11) des Ganzglastürblattes (5) nach innen versetzt ist.

15-03-2007 дата публикации

Schließzylinder für insbesondere an Fahrzeugen vollziehbare Funktionen

Номер: DE102005042350A1

Der Schließzylinder besitzt ein zweiteiliges Gehäuse, bestehend aus einem Oberteil und einem Unterteil. Im Gehäuse befindet sich ein Zylinderkern, der über einen Schlüssel drehbetätigbar ist. Das Gehäuse des Schließzylinders wird über Befestigungsmittel an einer Karosserie des Fahrzeugs befestigt. Für eine raumsparende Ausbildung und einfachere Handhabung wird vorgeschlagen, dasjenige Befestigungsmittel, welches zum Anbringen des Gehäuses vom Schließzylinder an der Karosserie dient, zugleich als Verbindungsmittel zu nutzen, um den Gehäuse-Oberteil am Gehäuse-Unterteil festzulegen.

05-07-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002339919B2

08-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008314847U1

31-05-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE9003572U1

22-04-2010 дата публикации

Tube case for door- and/or fence element, has upper surface that is variable in structure and color, and collar held by clamping force of knob -and/or clip set or by adhesive bonding or welding

Номер: DE102008050518A1

The case (4.1) has a lock cover (4.2), a tube and an upper surface that is variable in structure and color. Material thickness of the tube is varied depending upon designated use, material and demanded rigidity. The tube is made of steel, non -ferrous metal or plastic, and comprises a geometrical shape of round, square, oval and hexagonal. A collar produces a parallel surface for a knob-and/or clip. The collar is held by a clamping force of a knob -and/or clip set or by adhesive bonding or welding. Openings for clip/pusher are avoided by a tub lock.

29-03-1995 дата публикации

Bolt for a door,window or the like

Номер: GB0009502629D0

18-04-1968 дата публикации

Means for securing lock or latch mechanisms to doors or other panels

Номер: GB0001109751A

... 1,109,751. Attaching lock mechanisms to doors. EATON YALE & TOWNE Inc. 19 May, 1965 [28 May, 1964], No. 22071/64. Heading E2A. Means for securing a lock or latch mechanism to a door or other panel e.g. a glass door 10 comprises a U-shaped block 12 in or on which the lock or latch mechanism can be mounted having a mid portion adapted to fit into a recess 11 in the door, and limb portions arranged to overlap the boundary of the recess, and securing means whereby the block can be secured to the door or panel, at least one of the limb portions having an opening for receiving part of the mechanism when fitted to the block and the mid portion having an opening to accommodate a bolt of the mechanism. In the embodiment shown the block 12 is secured to the door 10 by a peg passing through aligned holes 13 in the block and door. In a second embodiment the recess is of V-shape and a lock cylinder passes through aligned holes in the block and the door to secure the block to the door. In further embodiments ...

01-07-1970 дата публикации

Improvements relating to Locking Mechanisms

Номер: GB0001197263A

... 1,197,263. Locks. ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS Inc. 5 Nov., 1968 [15 Nov., 1967], No. 52434/68. Heading E2A. A lock mechanism adapted to be mounted in an apertured workpiece comprises a body member 50 having a bore therethrough, a panel assembly rotatably mounted in the bore and the body member having integrally formed axially spaced means for engaging opposite sides of the workpiece for securing the lock to the workpiece. In the construction shown the axially spaced means of the body member consist of a head portion 68 presenting a radially extending face for engaging one side of the workpiece which, as described, is a door panel and two resilient wing elements 90 and 92 which extend from a centre portion 72 of the body member, the free ends of the wing element having shoulder surfaces which engage the opposite surface of the panel to secure the body member in place. The aperture 4 in the panel is substantially rectangular in shape and the shank portion has a rectangular section immediately adjacent ...

21-12-1988 дата публикации

Barrel lock

Номер: GB0002205891A

A lock has a key-receiving member (14) which slides axially in a body (10) of the lock. A resilient bar (28) is mounted in the body at an inner end thereof to bear against a peripheral surface of the key-receiving member and to engage in a slot (27) formed therein when the key-receiving member is depressed into the body. ...

14-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002231367A

An "electronic" lock has a thrower 5 for extending and retracting the bolt when turned by a key carrying a proper code. Turning of the thrower through a sufficient distance to shift the bolt is normally blocked by a dogging lever 20 with which the thrower lug 6 abuts. The thrower lug also sweeps a cam track 28 on a second lever 26 so as to pivot the latter during initial turning movement of the thrower away from its rest position. The second lever carries an electromagnet 30. While the electromagnet remains de-energized there is no interaction between the two levers so that the second lever 26 can pivot independently of the first 20 and turning of the thrower remains limited. When a correct key code is detected, however, the electromagnet is energized to hold the two levers together. Initial turning of the thrower thereby causes the second lever to carry the dogging lever away from its blocking position and thus free the thrower for 360 DEG movement.

31-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002277553B

08-02-2012 дата публикации

A Lock assembley

Номер: GB0002454643B

06-01-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001218041A

... 1,218,041. Barrel locks. ABBOTT BROS. (SOUTHALL) Ltd. 1 Jan., 1969 [3 Jan., 1968], No. 360/68. Heading E2A. What we claim is:- In an article of furniture, a barrel lock mechanism A incorporates means for securing same in an aperture provided for the purpose in a locating member of B said article of furniture comprising substantially parallel grooves formed in a body of said lock mechanism normal or substantially so to the axis thereof, a shoulder 20 formed in said body arranged to bear against the front of said locating member, a spring draw-up clip C having spaced arms 32 for engaging said grooves and said drawup clip being located in a recess or channel of said locating, member so as to prevent turning of said lock mechanism about its axis. Each of the arms of the clip is formed with a projection 33 for preventing accidental disengagement of clip from the body. The arms of the clip are bowed so as to draw the shoulder firmly into abutment with the margin around the aperture.

19-09-1951 дата публикации

Improved safety key guide

Номер: GB0000657584A

... 657,584. Key-hole barrels. OROQUIETA, J. V. Feb. 21, 1949, No. 4673. Convention date, Jan. 20. [Class 44] A key-hole barrel is rotatably mounted in a cylindrical member 2, Fig. 2, having at one end a flange 1 and at the other at least one annular groove 3 to receive a locking plate 4, Fig. 3, dimensioned to fit the groove. The locking plate has a hole 6 to receive a securing screw and may be slightly bent to produce a spring effect. The flange 1 has at least one sharp projection 7 penetrating the wood of the door to prevent rotation. A closed tube 8 fixed to the inner face of the flange 1 carries a spring 9 adapted to urge a ball 10 through an opening 11 to engage the outer surface of the key-hole barrel and locate it in a normal position by entering a recess therein.

13-05-1987 дата публикации

Handle with locking cover

Номер: GB0002182382A

A fastening device, e.g. for windows has a cover and a base plate. The base plate 10 has a sloping end 11 and straight end 12 and is provided with fixing holes 13 to receive screws by which the base plate may be fixed to a window frame. The base plate is also provided with a threaded bore 14 to receive a grub screw 15. The cover 16 has a dovetail shaped end portion 17 adapted to engage in the inclined portion 11 of the base plate 10. The cover 16 also has an end portion 18 adapted to engage over the corresponding end portion 12 of the base 10. In the cover is a countersunk bore 19 which received the grub screw 15. There is also a bore 20 through which a pivot pin 24 or rivet for a handle 23 may pass. The base plate 10 has upstanding walls which, when the cover is assembled on the base plate, conceal the sidewalls of the cover. A locking pin 25 extending from the handle can engage a bore in the top of screw 15. ...

24-08-1994 дата публикации

Latch retainer

Номер: GB0002275300A

A lock assembly comprising a lock body (10) capable of receiving a key operated lock barrel releasably in a main bore (11), a latch means (15, 30) capable of conventional operation by said lock barrel when said barrel is operationally installed in said main bore (11), a spring plate (22) including at least one leaf spring element (26) is provided to hold the latch means (15, 30) in at least one rotational position indicative of a latched position of the lock mechanism wherein the latch means (15, 30) is capable of manipulated from a forward end of the main bore (11) with the lock barrel removed so that the latch means (15, 30) can be selectably and manually moved to and from the latched position. The assembly permits furniture to be produced with drawers and doors in place and effectively retained in a latched position for transport without the lock barrel in place. ...

09-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002158500B

03-03-2004 дата публикации

Bi-directional door lock with concealed fixings

Номер: GB0002392474A

A bi-directional lock ie one having key-operation on both sides of the door has inner 1 and outer 2 locking elements operating a deadbolt 32. Screws 136 engaging through a fixing plate 13 fasten outer lock base 21 to the door. Inner lock base 11 covers the screws 136 to prevent access thereto and has door-engaging projections 112 provided with holes 113 which are engaged by screws 45 inserted from the door edge.

29-06-2005 дата публикации

Improved lockable handle assembly

Номер: GB0002409493A

The present invention provides a lockable handle assembly for a window or door comprising: a handle member 12, the handle member having a lockable position to lock a window or door, the handle member being moveable away from the lockable position in order to open the window or door; a handle mounting 2 to which the handle member is pivotally connected at 15; a locking device 16 having a locked condition for preventing movement of the handle away from the lockable position and an unlocked condition for allowing movement of the handle away from the lockable position and being resiliently biased to the locked condition, wherein the locking device is exposed to be demountable from the handle assembly when the handle member is turned substantially beyond its normal operational angle of opening movement (fig.7) but is otherwise trapped by the handle mounting against removal eg at the normal opening position (fig.5).

08-10-2003 дата публикации

Push lock

Номер: GB0000320991D0

26-01-2005 дата публикации

Slide latch

Номер: GB0000427995D0

27-09-1923 дата публикации

An improved lock

Номер: GB0000194655A

... 194,655. Maunder, R. M. March 11, 1922, [Convention date]. Locks, cases for; preventing destruction of.-To prevent release by turning of the barrel of a rotary-barrel lock of the kind in which a cylinder 1 embracing the barrel projects from a flange 2 bearing on the face of a door, an additional cylinder 3 is provided parallel with the first, the whole fitting in two circular intersecting holes. The lock is secured by a screw engaging a threaded hole in the cylinder 3, or by an integral screwed part 12 thereon engaged by a nut 13. The Specification as open to inspection under Sect. 91 (3) (a) comprises also a modification, Fig. 10 (Cancelled), wherein a cylindrical portion 21 is provided on each side of the main cylinder,. and these extend to form securing bolts 20, or the additional cylinder may be replaced by a portion approximately cross-shaped in cross-section. This subject-matter does not appear in the Specification as accepted.

01-02-1984 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to security locks

Номер: GB0002123474A

A lock comprises a housing and a core which can be removed from the housing by a forward pull on the operating key in intermediate positions between the locked and unlocked positions thereof. The core is provided with a series of spring loaded, key-engaging detainers (9) which are received within slots (11) to define the locked and unlocked positions and to permit withdrawal of the operating key in those positions. In intermediate positions therebetween, a pull on the operating key is transferred to the lock core which is held in the housing by a round section circlip received within a groove (6). A firm pull on the operating key will dislodge the circlip from the groove (6) and permit removal of the core from the housing. The core can similarly be relocated by a backwards push to re-engage the circlip in the groove (6). ...

05-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002174453A

The doorlatch may have an exterior free knob rotation which is in the knob collar and is tied through cam means for non-engagement or engagement to drive the latch bolt. If the doorlatch has an exterior key operated lock, the cam means may be shifted by that lock for driving the latch. The cam means may also be shifted by an interior control, such as a turn button of an interior knob. Various combinations of exterior knobs with or without key locks and interior knobs may be provided, including the freely rotatable mechanism as desired. The front end loading may include a cylinder with plug assembly for the doorlatch which may have the plug rotated 180 degrees out of phase with the cylinder, the assembly then inserted and the plug rotated back to normal. A flange is provided beyond the lock cylinder on the plug which engages behind an inward depression for controlling the proper rotation during and after assembly. During assembly and removal of the lock cylinder and plug, a torque blade ...

30-03-2005 дата публикации

Snap-in latch housing assembly

Номер: GB0000503766D0

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008417729D0

16-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008613976D0

05-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008807611D0

09-03-1994 дата публикации

Shrouded shackle lock

Номер: GB0009400441D0

05-01-1937 дата публикации

Improvements in half-mortice or flush locks and latches

Номер: GB0000459253A

... 459,253. Locks. BRYAN, S. P., 45, Lea Road, Wolverhampton. Nov. 6, 1935, No. 30649. [Class 44] A half mortice lock or latch has a face plate a and a body portion b which is circular or built up of two intersecting circles c. The door F has a portion cut away by a circular cutter to the required depth to accommodate the lock body, and a cut h to seat the projection d around the bolt j.

26-06-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in barrel or like locks

Номер: GB0000217746A

... 217,746. Stevens, T. A., Jerrard, H., and Baker, P. May 30, 1923. Locks, revolving-barrel.- In a revolving-barrel lock of the type in which sliding plates are mounted in the barrel and carry projections which pass through slots in the barrel to engage a groove in the casing, the sliding plates 8 have cam surfaces 14 and shoulders 15 at the end thereof for engagement by the key to move the projections 9 out of the grooves 16 and rotate the barrel. A second shoulder 17 is provided on each plate against which the key bears to rotate the barrel into the locking position or for positioning the key for withdrawal. The barrel forms an enlarged head on the end of the spindle and is retained in the front 5, Fig. 4, of the casing 2 by a plate 6, Fig. 9. The top of the casing has an extension 5 to support an end piece 5a having holes to receive screws from the interior of the door.

19-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001330451A

... 1330451 Locks JAMES GIBBONS Ltd 1 Jan 1971 155/71 Heading E2A [Also in Division G4] A lock has a case 1 for mounting against the face of a door or drawer 5, the case having a mounting plate with a projection 3 to engage with a bracket 4 adapted to be attached to the door or drawer, and a retainer comprising a barrel 6 carried by the mounting plate and a tubular flanged collet 9 for insertion axially into the barrel through a hole in the door or drawer so as to clamp the rim of the hole in the door or drawer between the barrel and the collet flange; there are key-operated means 11 for fastening the collet in the barrel. As shown, the key-operated means consists of a screw 11 which is engageable with a screw-threaded axial bore 12 in the barrel, the screw being held captive but rotatable and with some freedom for axial movement in the collet and having a head 14 located well within the collet so that it is accessible only by a key 16 inserted axially into the collet. The lock is thus easily ...

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365846T

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360125T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000322596T

10-12-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000369094B

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435949T

15-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000472647T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398718T

15-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: ATA381775A

15-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: ATA159198A

15-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: ATA182695A

15-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000182695A

15-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000373759T

26-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000409402B

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000519005T

15-07-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000388482A

27-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007601U1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Behälter (1) zur Aufnahme von Postsendungen oder sonstiger zu sichernder Gegenstände, mit einem Schließblech (6), einem Türelement (2) und einem Schloss (4), bei dem das Schließblech (6) von außen durch eine erste Öffnung (7) in den Behälter (1) oder das Türelement (2) funktionssicher eingesetzt ist. Das Schließblech ist bei einem geschlossenen Türelement mit einem verriegelten Schloss von außen derart eingesetzt, dass das Schließblech den Riegel des Schlosses versperrt. Das Schloss ist derart in das Türelement oder den Behälter eingesetzt, dass das Türelement vor Einsetzen des Schließblechs vollständig geschlossen werden kann, ohne dass der Riegel des Schlosses in Schließstellung an eine Innenkante des Behälters oder des Türelements anstößt.

15-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000064646T

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000101680T

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: ATA12989A

15-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000082354T

15-06-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000090136T

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012989A

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000108237T

15-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000108505T

15-07-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000155199T

15-12-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000038700T

15-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000022147T

15-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000314544T

10-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337042B

15-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000095268T

15-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000225893T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000214769T

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000239160T

27-05-2008 дата публикации

Блок врезного замка

Номер: RU0000073690U1

Блок врезного замка, содержащий узел (1) замка, снабженный передней планкой (2), и крепежные средства для крепления узла (1) замка к двери, люку или подобному изделию посредством передней планки (2). Крепежные средства содержат крепежные дюбели (3), расположенные в соответствии с крепежными отверстиями (2а) в передней планке, причем упомянутые дюбели выполнены с возможностью крепления к передней планке (2) посредством крепежных шурупов (4) или подобных крепежных элементов и расположения в двери, люке или подобном изделии для фиксирования узла (1) замка. Фиг.1 ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 73 690 (13) U1 (51) ÌÏÊ E05B 9/08 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÏÎËÅÇÍÎÉ ÌÎÄÅËÈ Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ(òèòóëüíûé ëèñò) (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2007141507/22, 06.11.2007 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 06.11.2007 (72) Àâòîð(û): ËÀÓÐÅÍ Ïåêêà (FI) (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÁÜÅÐÊÁÎÄÀ ËÎÑ ÎÉ ÀÁ (FI) R U (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 07.11.2006 FI U20060465 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 27.05.2008 Áþë. ¹ 15 7 3 6 9 0 R U (57) Ôîðìóëà ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè 1. Áëîê âðåçíîãî çàìêà, ñîäåðæàùèé óçåë (1) çàìêà, ñíàáæåííûé ïåðåäíåé ïëàíêîé (2), è êðåïåæíûå ñðåäñòâà äë êðåïëåíè óçëà (1) çàìêà ê äâåðè, ëþêó èëè ïîäîáíîìó èçäåëèþ ïîñðåäñòâîì ïåðåäíåé ïëàíêè (2), îòëè÷àþùèé òåì, ÷òî êðåïåæíûå ñðåäñòâà ñîäåðæàò êðåïåæíûå äþáåëè (3), ðàñïîëîæåííûå â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ êðåïåæíûìè îòâåðñòè ìè (2à) â ïåðåäíåé ïëàíêå, ïðè÷åì äþáåëè óñòàíîâëåíû ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ êðåïëåíè íà ïåðåäíåé ïëàíêå (2) ïîñðåäñòâîì êðåïåæíûõ øóðóïîâ (4) èëè ïîäîáíûõ êðåïåæíûõ ýëåìåíòîâ è ðàçìåùåíè â äâåðè, ëþêå èëè ïîäîáíîì èçäåëèè äë ôèêñèðîâàíè óçëà (1) çàìêà. 2. Áëîê âðåçíîãî çàìêà ïî ï.1, îòëè÷àþùèéñ òåì, ÷òî êðåïåæíûé äþáåëü (3) ðàñïîëîæåí íà çàäíåé ïîâåðõíîñòè (2b) ïåðåäíåé ïëàíêè òàêèì îáðàçîì, ÷òî ïåðåäí ïëàíêà (2) ðàñïîëîæåíà ìåæäó êðåïåæíûì äþáåëåì (3) è êðåïåæíûì øóðóïîì (4) èëè ïîäîáíûì ýëåìåíòîì, çà ñ÷åò ÷åãî êîíñòðóêöè âðåçíîãî çàìêà îáðàçóåò êîìïàêòíûé, ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Quickly assemblable mortise lock

Номер: US20120034021A1
Автор: Gongchun Zhang
Принадлежит: CMECH Guangzhou Industrial Ltd

A quickly assemblable mortise lock includes a mortise lock body, characterized in that at least one pair of snap-fitting tabs cooperating with a positioning profile is provided symmetrically on a positioning slot plate at both end sides of the mortise lock body, and in that each of the snap-fitting tabs is spaced apart a proper gap from a lateral cover plate of the mortise lock body. As compared with the prior art, the quickly assemblable mortise lock has the following advantageous effects: 1. the mortise lock is overally simpler in structure and easy to make, and can be processed on the basis of the prior art mortise locks, thereby reducing the production cost; and 2. the mortise lock is universally useable, conveniently and quickly assemblable, and time-saving and labor-saving, thereby improving the efficiency.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Panel fastener

Номер: US20120181799A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The housing of a panel fastener is provided with pockets along the upper edge of the elongated recess that receives a hook assembly or a pin assembly and pairs of locking elements are mounted in selected pairs of oppositely disposed pockets to engage adapters used in the foamed-in-place molding of a wall panel.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199254A1

Provided is a device for securing an essential component, in particular a lock cylinder, a lock cylinder catch or the like, of a handle of a motor vehicle, the device having a carrier, which can be secured on the inside to a movable part, in particular to a lid, tailgate or door. A blocking unit is arranged on the carrier and comprises movable gear elements, by means of which the blocking unit can be moved between a blocking position and a release position, the component being located in a detached manner in the carrier in the release position and the component being held securely on the carrier in the blocking position. 1. Device for attaching an essential component , of a handle of a motor vehicle , with a carrier which can be attached on the inside on a movable part , specifically a lid , a tailgate , or a door , wherein a blocking unit is arranged on the carrier that comprises movable gear elements with which the blocking unit can be moved between a blocking position and a release position , with the component being located loosely on the carrier in the release position , and the component being held reliably on the carrier in the blocking position.2. Device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one gear element is accessible from the outside in order to effect an attachment of the component claim 1 , specifically with access to at least one gear element provided from the inside of the movable part.3. Device according to claim 1 , wherein an outside grip element may be arranged on the carrier and/or that an outside grip element is supported movably on the carrier claim 1 , with the grip element and the carrier extending in elongated configuration that extends horizontally or vertically on the movable part claim 1 , with the movable part consisting specifically of a hinged door or tailgate or a sliding door.4. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the blocking unit comprises a safety device that secures the retention of the blocking position in activated ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008922A1

A door lock assembly is configured for installation in a cross bore of a door. The lock assembly includes a lock housing including a disk portion having an outer perimeter and an inner wall extending from the disk portion and defining an annular space between the inner wall and the outer perimeter and a lock space inside of the inner wall. The inner wall is sized to fit within the cross bore and define an annular gap between the inner wall and the cross bore. A retention clip is removably attached to the lock housing and includes a retention portion that engages the cross bore to removably retain the lock housing within the cross bore without the use of fasteners. 1. A door lock assembly configured for installation in a cross bore of a door , the lock assembly comprising: a disk portion having an outer perimeter; and', 'an inner wall extending from the disk portion and defining an annular space between the inner wall and the outer perimeter and a lock space inside of the inner wall, the inner wall sized to fit within the cross bore and define an annular gap between the inner wall and the cross bore;, 'a lock housing including'}a retention clip removably attached to the lock housing and including a retention portion that engages the cross bore to removably retain the lock housing within the cross bore without the use of fasteners.2. The door lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the retention clip is disposed completely within the annular space.3. The door lock assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a lock mechanism disposed completely within the lock space.4. The door lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the retention clip includes an engagement portion having a C-shaped cross section claim 1 , the engagement portion engageable with the disk portion to retain the retention clip in the annular space.5. The door lock assembly of claim 1 , wherein the disk portion includes two hook members positioned to engage the C-shaped engagement portion to retain the retention clip.6 ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Key plug for a key-programmable cylinder lock and key-removable lock core

Номер: US20140020440A1
Автор: Rodrick A. Herdman

A plug assembly for use in a key-operated lock, having a cylindrical key plug that can rotatable between a key insertion position and a control position, the key plug having a keyway and tumbler bores, an axial groove into the periphery displaced tangentially from the tumbler bores, a curved trough extending radially inwardly from the carriage groove, a control tooling slot formed radially inwardly from the curved trough. A carriage is moveable axially within the carriage groove, and has an outer surface proximate with the cylindrical periphery of the key plug. The carriage has radially-formed retainer bores that align tangentially with the tumbler bores when the carriage is in a position to accept lock configuration change balls. A separate change tooling blade can be inserted into the control tooling slot to raise any change balls within the retainer bores out through an outer opening the retainer bore.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Keyless Insertion Locking System and Method

Номер: US20140026385A1
Принадлежит: Dewalch Technologies Inc

The present invention, in a non-limiting example embodiment provides a locking apparatus and method for securing locking hardware without the use of a key. In an example embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least a keyless insertion rotatable disk-style, barrel locking apparatus that, in a locked state can be inserted into a securing device without first unlocking, and then, thereafter, locking after insertion. In a nonlimiting example embodiment, unlocking and re-locking requires a key. The present invention, in an example embodiment, also provides features that allow the locking apparatus to enter and exit multiple apertures without requiring a key.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002587A1
Автор: Wheeler Thomas J.
Принадлежит: Hanchett Entry Systems, Inc.

An interchangeable core assembly for a lock core assembly capable of being flush mounted in a door including a housing, a lock insert mounted in the housing, a lock core mounted in the housing adjacent to and cooperative with the lock insert, a thumb-turn assembly mounted in the non-cylindrical housing coaxial with the lock core, a first offset cam mounted on the thumb-turn assembly for rotation therewith, and a second offset cam mounted on the lock core for rotation therewith. The barrel of the lock core assembly is unobstructed by locking train components such that the lock core assembly extends completely through the latch assembly when installed therein. The lock core assembly is secured to the latch assembly without threads and a means to remove/replace the thumb-turn component is provided. 1. A lock core assembly connectable to a latch assembly in a door stile , the door stile having an outer surface and an opening for receiving the lock core assembly , the lock core assembly comprising:a housing including an outer face, an inner face; anda core including a core face,wherein the housing includes a channel configured for receiving the core, andwherein when the opening of the door stile receives said lock core assembly, the outer face of the housing is substantially coplanar with the outer surface of the door stile.2. A lock core assembly in accordance with wherein when the opening in the door stile receives the lock core assembly claim 1 , the outer face of the housing and the core face are substantially coplanar with the outer surface of the door stile.3. A lock core assembly in accordance with further comprising a core insert including a core insert face claim 1 , wherein when the opening in the door stile receives the lock core assembly claim 1 , the outer face of the housing claim 1 , the core face claim 1 , and the core insert face are substantially coplanar with the outer surface of the door stile.4. A lock core assembly in accordance with wherein the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002971A1
Автор: Chan Tien-Fu

A lock mechanism includes a first mounting plate, a second mounting plate, a restricting plate, a fixing base, at least one first fixing element and at least one second fixing element. The first mounting plate and the restricting plate are mounted on one side of a door, and the second mounting plate and the fixing base are mounted on the other side of the door. The first fixing element is penetrated through the restricting plate in a direction from the restricting plate toward the second mounting plate. The second fixing element is penetrated through the fixing base in a direction from the fixing base toward the first mounting plate. The fixing base and a lock cylinder disposed on the fixing base can be disassembled and replaced by removing the second fixing element such that dismantling the whole lock mechanism is not necessary. 1. A lock mechanism , comprising:a first mounting plate;a second mounting plate;a restricting plate coupled to the first mounting plate and located between the first and second mounting plates;a fixing base disposed on the second mounting plate;at least one first fixing element having a first end and a second end, the at least one first fixing element is penetrated through the restricting plate in a direction from the restricting plate toward the second mounting plate, wherein the first end is restricted on the restricting plate and the second end is coupled to the second mounting plate such that a clamping space is formed between the restricting plate and the second mounting plate; andat least one second fixing element having a third end and a fourth end, the at least one second fixing element is penetrated through the fixing base in a direction from the fixing base toward the first mounting plate, wherein the third end is restricted on the fixing base and the fourth end is coupled to the first mounting plate.2. The lock mechanism in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the first mounting plate includes at least one fixing column having a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010291A1
Принадлежит: SOUTHCO, INC.

A latch assembly for mounting in an opening of a door and for releasably latching the door to a door frame. The latch assembly includes a housing that is mountable to the opening of the door. A lever is rotatably coupled to the housing between a deployed position and a retracted position. A lock plug is rotatably mounted within the housing, the lock plug having one end for receiving either a tool or key, and an opposite end having an engagement surface. A latching member is movably coupled to the housing, and is engaged with both the rotatable lock plug and the lever in the retracted position of the lever. A torsion spring biases the lock plug back to a starting position after the lock plug is rotated from the starting position using the tool or the key. 1. A latch assembly for mounting in an opening of a door and for releasably latching the door to a door frame , said latch assembly comprising:a housing that is mountable to the opening of the door;a lever that is rotatably coupled to the housing between a deployed position and a retracted position, wherein in the retracted position, a handle portion of the lever is substantially flush with the door, and in the deployed position, the handle portion of the lever protrudes from the door for grasping by a user and moving the door relative to the door frame;a lock plug that is rotatably mounted within the housing, the lock plug having one end for receiving either a tool or key, and an opposite end having an engagement surface;a latching member that is movably coupled to the housing, and is engaged with both the rotatable lock plug and the lever in the retracted position of the lever, wherein, starting from the retracted position of the lever, rotation of the lock plug causes movement of the latching member, which causes the latching member to release the lever; anda torsion spring for biasing the lock plug back to a starting position after the lock plug is rotated from the starting position using the tool or the key.2. ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Door Hardware and Method of Installation

Номер: US20160017633A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to an improved aesthetically appearing and easy to install door hardware, including a flanged housing door hardware mounting plated having a built in drilling/screw positioning guide.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Lock Apparatus

Номер: US20200018094A1
Автор: Densmore Scott A.

A lock and method of use for securing and un-securing first and second articles, the lock comprises a first element rotationally engaged about a longitudinal axis to the first article, an extension beam rotationally engaged about a lengthwise axis to the first article, the lengthwise and longitudinal axes are coincident, the beam has structure to rotationally engage and disengage the first element. Also included is structure to engage and disengage the second article that is driven from the beam, wherein operationally the beam rotationally engages the first element and the extension beam engages and disengages the first and second articles, resulting in the beam always being able to engage and disengage the first and second articles and the first element only having an ability to engage and disengage the first and second articles when the first element and the beam are rotationally engaged to one another. 1. A lock apparatus for selectively securing and un-securing a first article to a second article , said lock apparatus comprising;(a) a first element including a primary end portion and an opposing secondary end portion with a longitudinal axis spanning therebetween, said first element having a first element rotational engagement about said longitudinal axis that is adapted to attach to the first article;(b) an extension beam including a first end portion and an opposing second end portion with a lengthwise axis spanning therebetween, said extension beam having an extension beam rotational engagement about said lengthwise axis that is adapted to attach to the first article, wherein said lengthwise axis and said longitudinal axis are coincident to one another, wherein said extension beam second end portion has a structure to selectively rotationally engage and disengage said first element secondary end portion; and(c) a means to selectively engage and disengage the second article that is driven from said extension beam, wherein operationally said extension beam ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Interchangeable core lock assemblies

Номер: US20210025196A1
Принадлежит: Delta Lock Co LLC

In one aspect of the present disclosure, a locking device is provided including an interchangeable core (IC), a barrel, an anti-rotation plate, a prong driver, a bolt and a backplate. The barrel is coupled to the backplate and includes a hollow interior to receive the IC. The bolt is slidably disposed in a slot of the backplate. The IC includes a key hole. The prong driver is coupled to the IC and the bolt, such that, when a proper key is inserted into the key hole and rotated the bolt can be extended from the slot in a direction away from the locking device or retracted into the slot in a direction toward the interior of the locking device. The anti-rotation plate of the locking device is coupled to the barrel to prevent the locking device from being rotated relative to a structure the locking device is mounted to.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032617A1

A lock insert for a cylinder lock is disclosed for locking an electric switch, including a main part with an opening for receiving the cylinder lock. In an embodiment, the inner wall of the opening is designed to at least partially contact an outer wall of the cylinder lock, and in the inner wall at least one slot is formed to allow freedom of radial movement of locking elements in the cylinder lock, the positions of which correspond to a locked position of the cylinder lock. 1. A lock insert for a cylinder lock for locking an electric switch , comprising:a main part including a receiving opening for receiving the cylinder lock, an inner wall of the receiving opening being designed to contact an outer wall of the cylinder lock at least in sections, at least one groove being formed in the inner wall to allow freedom of radial movement of locking elements of the cylinder lock, and a position of the at least one groove corresponding to a locked position of the cylinder lock.2. The lock insert of claim 1 , wherein anti-twist protection for securing the main part against twisting relative to a housing of the switch is arranged on an outer side of the main part.3. The lock insert of claim 1 , wherein the main part includes a mechanical fastening interface for the fastening to a housing of the electric switch.4. The lock insert of claim 1 , wherein the at least one groove includes at least two grooves claim 1 , formed in the inner wall claim 1 , the position of each of the at least two grooves corresponding to a locked position of the cylinder lock.5. The lock insert of claim 1 , wherein the main part is at least partially formed from plastic claim 1 , in particular from an injection molding material.6. The lock insert of claim 1 , wherein markings of possible locked positions are arranged on the main part in a section visible in the installation position.7. A sales unit claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'at least two of the lock ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032547A1
Автор: Ray John David
Принадлежит: Cothron's Safe & Lock Inc.

A system for mounting a lock for a door that must have at least one hole to accommodate the lock includes a panel, a pin connected to the panel, and at least one template hole, respectively, for each of the at least one hole, respectively, in the panel positioned relative to the pin and in location required for marking the at least one hole. pin extends substantially perpendicular from a face of the panel and has cross-section of shape of a cylinder cutout of the door. The panel is generally rectangular in shape and has a planar surface on which is connected the pin. 1. A system for mounting a lock for a door that must have at least one hole to accommodate the lock , comprising:a panel;a pin connected to the panel; andat least one template hole, respectively, for each of the at least one hole, respectively, in the panel positioned relative to the pin and in location required for marking the at least one hole.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the pin extends substantially perpendicular from a face of the panel and has cross-section of shape of a cylinder cutout of the door.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pin is sized in length sufficient to extend into a cylinder cutout of the door formed for the lock and is shaped in cross-section to extend to slightly smaller than the cylinder cutout.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the panel is rectangular and extended in length claim 1 , and the template holes are offset from the pin where connected to the panel in opposing location along the length.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the pin is generally circular in cross-section and of slightly smaller diameter than the cylinder cutout.6. The system of claim 3 , wherein the pin is generally circular in cross-section and of slightly smaller diameter than the cylinder cutout.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the panel is rectangular and has length and width sufficient to accommodate template holes located from the pin connection to the panel in relative position of the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032561A1
Автор: BRÜCK Daniel

The invention relates to a push rod lock for a switch cabinet housing, having a linearly adjustable push rod which is arranged on an inner side of a switch cabinet door and projects with a coupling piece from the inner side through the switch cabinet door, wherein a door lock plate which is mounted via an outer side of the switch cabinet door opposite the inner side is fixed to an actuating element which is coupled to the coupling piece via a mushroom pin connection on the switch cabinet door, wherein the push rod is adjustable between a second open position and a second closed position via the actuating element which is adjustable between a first open position and a first closed position, wherein the mushroom pin connection is arranged at least in a release position in which the door lock plate is removable from the switch cabinet door at least when the push rod is arranged in the second closed position and the actuating element is arranged in an intermediate position between the first open position and the first closed position, and wherein the mushroom pin connection assumes a locking position when the actuating element is transferred from the intermediate position into the second closed position when the door lock plate is placed on the switch cabinet door in the release position. Additionally, a corresponding arrangement and a corresponding method are described. 1. A push rod lock for a switch cabinet housing , having a linearly adjustable push rod which is arranged on an inner side of a switch cabinet door and projects with a coupling piece from the inner side through the switch cabinet door , wherein a door lock plate which is mounted via an outer side of the switch cabinet door opposite the inner side is fixed to an actuating element which is coupled to the coupling piece via a mushroom pin connection on the switch cabinet door , wherein the push rod is adjustable between a second open position and a second closed position via the actuating element which is ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032562A1
Автор: Horwood Stuart

A lock assembly comprising: a cradle configured to support at least part of a lock cylinder; a lock body configured to retain the cradle at least partly inside a space provided in the lock body; and a first fastener for fastening the lock cylinder to the cradle. A method for installing a lock assembly in a door or window comprising: attaching a lock cylinder to a cradle using a first fastener; and attaching the cradle to a lock body. A lock assembly comprising: a lock body having a longitudinal axis; a first bolt provided at least in part inside the lock body and configured to move substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis and between a first retracted position and a first extended position; an actuator configured to move the first bolt between the first retracted position and the first extended position; and a locking bar configured in an unlocked position to allow the first bolt to move to or from the first extended position and in a locked position to engage with the first bolt preventing the first bolt from moving from the first extended position. 1. A lock assembly comprising:a cradle configured to support at least part of a lock cylinder;a lock body configured to retain the cradle at least partly inside a space provided in the lock body; anda first fastener for fastening the lock cylinder to the cradle.2. The lock assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cradle comprises a first cradle hole adapted to receive the first fastener.3. The lock assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first cradle hole is substantially perpendicular to a cylindrical axis of the lock cylinder when installed.4. The lock assembly as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first cradle hole is positioned so that when the cradle supports at least part of the lock cylinder claim 2 , the first cradle hole aligns with a lock cylinder hole provided in the lock cylinder such that the first fastener can pass through both the first cradle hole and the lock cylinder hole to fasten the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Keyless Insertion Locking System and Method

Номер: US20210032901A1
Принадлежит: DeWalch Technologies, Inc.

The present invention, in a non-limiting example embodiment provides a locking apparatus and method for securing locking hardware without the use of a key. In an example embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least a keyless insertion rotatable disk-style, barrel locking apparatus that, in a locked state can be inserted into a securing device without first unlocking, and then, thereafter, locking after insertion. In a nonlimiting example embodiment, unlocking and re-locking requires a key. The present invention, in an example embodiment, also provides features that allow the locking apparatus to enter and exit multiple apertures without requiring a key. 1inserting the barrel lock in hardware capable of receiving said barrel lock;exerting an external force on said locking member; andcausing said locking member to retract into said body so as to allow insertion of said barrel lock into said hardware.. A method for installing a barrel lock comprising a body and a retractable locking member, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/842,933, filed Mar. 15, 2013, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/070,456, filed Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,851 filed on Mar. 24, 2010.All written material, figures, content and other disclosure in each of the above-referenced applications is hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates generally to a locking apparatus and more specifically it relates to a locking system, apparatus and method for fostering ease of installation of various securing devices, as well as controlling access and preventing unauthorized access to such various securing devices used in, for example, the gas, water and electric utility services industries, and those used in other suitable industries as well and it relates to other aspects features as well as provided ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Door Hardware and Method of Installation

Номер: US20180038130A1

This invention relates to an improved aesthetically appearing and easy to install door hardware, including a flanged housing for door-hardware mounting plates having a built-in drilling/screw positioning plate. 1. A method of creating a recess in a door or a jamb , the method comprising:a) drilling a first hole into the door or the jamb, as the case may be;b) drilling a second hole having a centre offset from the centre of the first hole;c) widening the second hole to substantially the same diameter as the first hole, to at least a portion of the depth of the first hole;d) removing material from the door or jamb, as the case may be, to form a recess comprising two substantially straight sides, each straight side substantially tangent to each of the previously drilled holes.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the method comprises claim 1 , before step d) claim 1 ,drilling a third hole proximate one of the previously drilled holes, the third hole substantially positioned on the line intersecting the centres of both the first and second holes; andwidening the third hole to substantially the same diameter as the first hole, to at least a portion of the depth of the first hole.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the method comprises claim 1 , after step a) claim 1 , inserting the central portion of a template member according to any one of - into the first hole claim 1 , and drilling the second hole and the third hole each at the location of a guide hole of the template member.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the method comprises marking the position of the second and/or third holes through first and/or second guide holes in the template member prior to drilling the second and/or third holes.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the recess is configured to receive a latch assembly.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the recess is configured to receive a strike assembly.8. A door hardware including a receiving member ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038132A1
Автор: Bullwinkel William H.

Lock assemblies having cylinders with interchangeable cores are provided. In one embodiment a lock assembly comprises a cylinder including a keyway and a core. Also, the lock assembly includes a first driver operatively connected to the cylinder. In particular, key cuts of the core are changeable without removing the cylinder from the driver. 120-. (canceled)21. A locking assembly comprising:a housing including a front portion and a rear portion, the front portion including an aperture revealing an interior of the housing, the rear portion including at least one recess;an interchangeable core cylinder disposed through the aperture and mounted within the interior of the housing, the interchangeable core cylinder including a keyway;a locking mechanism disposed within the interior of the housing and coupled to the interchangeable core cylinder; anda locking bar received by the recess of the housing, such that the locking bar is disposed through the locking mechanism, the locking mechanism configured to secure the locking bar in a locked position,wherein when an operational key is inserted into the keyway and rotated, the locking mechanism is configured to allow the locking bar to be withdrawn from the locking mechanism.22. The locking device of claim 21 , wherein the locking bar includes a serrated edge and the locking mechanism includes a spring configured claim 21 , such that claim 21 , in an unbiased state claim 21 , the spring engages the serrated edge of the locking bar to secure the locking bar in a locked position.23. The locking assembly of claim 22 , wherein the locking mechanism includes a first driver and a second driver claim 22 , the first driver coupled to the interchangeable core cylinder and including a first cam claim 22 , the second driver including a first surface claim 22 , the first surface having a groove claim 22 , wherein when the operating key is inserted into the keyway and rotated claim 22 , the first cam rides in the groove of the second ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047861A1
Принадлежит: SimpliSafe, Inc.

A door lock that includes a latch adapted to be moved manually relative to a mounting bracket and lock body to attach the body to the mounting bracket. The latch may be movably mounted to the body, and arranged to capture a portion of the mounting bracket between the latch and the body. A detent may be used to hold the latch in the closed position relative to the body, and a spring may be adapted to bias the latch away from the body. 1. A door lock comprising:a mounting bracket adapted to be mounted to a door;a body adapted to be mounted to the mounting bracket;a latch adapted to be moved manually relative to the mounting bracket and the body to attach the body to the mounting bracket;a lock drive movably mounted to the body and adapted to move a lock mechanism between locked and unlocked positions; anda thumb turn movably mounted to the body and adapted for manual movement between at least two positions, the thumb turn being coupled to the lock drive such that movement of the thumb turn moves the lock drive.2. The door lock of claim 1 , wherein the latch is movably mounted to the body.3. The door lock of claim 2 , wherein the latch is movable relative to the body in a plane of a door surface to which the mounting bracket is mounted.4. The door lock of claim 2 , wherein the latch is movable relative to the body to capture a portion of the mounting bracket between the latch and the body.5. The door lock of claim 2 , wherein the latch is movable relative to the body between open and closed positions claim 2 , wherein in the open position a portion of the latch is extended laterally from an outer periphery of the body claim 2 , and in the closed position the latch is positioned within the outer periphery of the body.6. The door lock of claim 1 , wherein the latch is a first latch claim 1 , the door lock further comprising a second latch claim 1 , wherein the first and second latches are movable toward each other to attach the body to the mounting bracket.7. The door ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Keyless Insertion Locking System and Method

Номер: US20210054652A1
Принадлежит: DeWalch Technologies, Inc.

The present invention, in a non-limiting example embodiment provides a locking apparatus and method for securing locking hardware without the use of a key. In an example embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least a keyless insertion rotatable disk-style, barrel locking apparatus that, in a locked state can be inserted into a securing device without first unlocking, and then, thereafter, locking after insertion. In a nonlimiting example embodiment, unlocking and re-locking requires a key. The present invention, in an example embodiment, also provides features that allow the locking apparatus to enter and exit multiple apertures without requiring a key. 1inserting the barrel lock in hardware capable of receiving said barrel lock;exerting an external force on said locking member; andcausing said locking member to retract into said body so as to allow insertion of said barrel lock into said hardware.. A method for installing a barrel lock comprising a body and a retractable locking member, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. Nonprovisional application Ser. No. 13/636,666 filed on Sep. 21, 2012, still pending, which is a national stage of International Application No. PCT/US2011/029688, filed Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,851 filed on Mar. 24, 2010.All written material, figures, content and other disclosure in each of the above-referenced applications is hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates generally to a locking apparatus and more specifically it relates to a locking system, apparatus and method for fostering ease of installation of various securing devices, as well as controlling access and preventing unauthorized access to such various securing devices used in, for example, the gas, water and electric utility services industries, and those used in other suitable industries as well and it ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058560A1
Автор: LIN Chia-Sheng

A lock is provided, including a shell body, a lock main body and an abutting assembly. The shell body is for being fixedly disposed on an object. The lock main body has a first end and a second end which is opposite to the first end, the second end has a first engaging portion, the lock main body is releasably and rotatably inserted into the shell body along a first direction, and the first direction is defined as a connection between the first end and the second end. The abutting assembly has a base, a second engaging portion, which is connected to the base and positionably engaged with the first engaging portion, and a lock plate which is connected to the base and driven by the lock main body, and the lock plate is for being optionally locked with the object. 1. A lock , including:a shell body, for being fixedly disposed on an object;a lock main body, having a first end and a second end which is opposite to the first end, the second end having a first engaging portion, the lock main body being releasably and rotatably inserted into the shell body along a first direction, the first direction being defined as a connection between the first end and the second end;an abutting assembly, having a base, a second engaging portion, which is connected to the base and positionably engaged with the first engaging portion, and a lock plate which is connected to the base and driven by the lock main body, the lock plate for being optionally locked with the object.2. The lock of claim 1 , wherein the abutting assembly further has an elastic member claim 1 , the elastic member has a positioning end claim 1 , an abutting end and an elastic main body claim 1 , the shell body protrudes to form two position-restricting blocks which are lateral to the first direction claim 1 , the positioning end is positioned on the base claim 1 , and the abutting end is disposed between the two position-restricting blocks and optionally abuts against one of the two position-restricting blocks ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063470A1

An exemplary trim assembly includes a mounting bracket and a lever pivotably mounted to the mounting bracket. The lever is pivotable between an actuated position and a deactuated position, and is biased toward the deactuated position. A bumper is mounted to the mounting bracket and engages the lever when the lever is in the deactuated position. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a mounting bracket;a cam mounted to the mounting bracket for rotation about a rotational axis between a home position and a rotated position, the cam comprising an armature;a bumper mounted to the mounting bracket;a cam stop mounted to the mounting bracket, wherein the cam stop is configured to abut the armature when the cam is in the rotated position; a body portion through which the pivot axis extends, the body portion having a first side and an opposite second side;', 'a first stop pin mounted to the body portion, wherein the first stop pin is parallel to the pivot axis;', 'a handle projecting from the first side of the body portion, wherein the handle is configured to be manually engaged by a user to drive the lever from the deactuated position to the actuated position; and', 'a cam post projecting from a second side of the body portion, wherein the cam post is configured to rotate the cam from the home position to the rotated position as the lever pivots from the deactuated position to the actuated position;, 'a lever mounted to the mounting bracket for pivotal movement about a pivot axis between a deactuated position and an actuated position, wherein the lever is operable to pivot in a deactuating direction from the actuated position toward the deactuated position, wherein the lever is operable to pivot in an actuating direction from the deactuated position toward the actuated position, wherein the lever is biased in the deactuating direction, wherein the pivot axis is perpendicular to the rotational axis, and wherein the lever compriseswherein with the lever in the deactuated position, the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210071440A1
Автор: Ho Harvey, Saeedi Ehsan
Принадлежит: Gate Labs Inc.

A packaging fixture with a mounted locking device is disclosed. The packing fixture allows users to become familiar with the locking device and associated software applications while the locking device is still attached to the packaging fixture. The removal of the locking device from the packaging fixture demonstrates important aspects of the installation of the locking device on a door to help familiarize the user with the locking device and the installation procedure. 1. A packageable assembly for an electronic device , comprising:an electronic locking device; anda packaging fixture,wherein the packageable assembly comprises a first configuration and a second configuration, wherein the electronic locking device is assembled on the packaging fixture when the packageable assembly is in the first configuration, and wherein the electronic locking device is detached from the packaging fixture when the packageable assembly is in the second configuration.2. A locking device packaging fixture system , for demonstrating a locking device , comprising:a packaging fixture, wherein the locking device packaging fixture is configured to allow a user to operate a door management platform before the locking device is installed in a door.3. The system of wherein the door lock management platform is configured to send claim 2 , via a wireless communication interface claim 2 , a real-time stream of video acquired by the camera to a computing device of an administrator of a door management platform.4. A locking device packaging fixture system claim 2 , comprising:a locking device;a door management platform; anda packaging fixture comprising a packaging block,wherein the packaging fixture is of the same thickness as a standard outside door, and wherein the locking device is removably attached to the packaging block.5. A method for utilizing a locking device packaging fixture claim 2 , for testing a locking device claim 2 , the locking device packaging fixture including a door ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Lock Apparatus

Номер: US20180073270A1
Автор: Densmore Scott A.

A lock and method of use for securing and un-securing first and second articles, the lock comprises a first element rotationally engaged about a longitudinal axis to the first article, an extension beam rotationally engaged about a lengthwise axis to the first article, the lengthwise and longitudinal axes are coincident, the beam has structure to rotationally engage and disengage the first element. Also included is structure to engage and disengage the second article that is driven from the beam, wherein operationally the beam rotationally engages the first element and the extension beam engages and disengages the first and second articles, resulting in the beam always being able to engage and disengage the first and second articles and the first element only having an ability to engage and disengage the first and second articles when the first element and the beam are rotationally engaged to one another. 1. A lock apparatus for selectively securing and un-securing a first article to a second article , said lock apparatus comprising;(a) a first element including a primary end portion and an opposing secondary end portion with a longitudinal axis spanning therebetween, said first element having a first element rotational engagement about said longitudinal axis to the first article;(b) an extension beam including a first end portion and an opposing second end portion with a lengthwise axis spanning therebetween, said extension beam having an extension beam rotational engagement about said lengthwise axis to the first article, wherein said lengthwise axis and said longitudinal axis are coincident to one another, wherein said extension beam second end portion has a structure to selectively rotationally engage and disengage said first element secondary end portion; and(c) a means to selectively engage and disengage the second article that is driven from said extension beam, wherein operationally said extension beam selectively rotationally engages said first element and ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090413A1

A method including placing a first adhesive on a first surface of a strike plate, wherein the strike plate includes a pocket extending into a second surface of the strike plate opposite the first surface of the strike plate. The method further includes placing a second adhesive on a first surface of a lock module, wherein the lock module includes a bolt operable to extend beyond a second surface of the lock module. The method also includes aligning the pocket with the bolt such that the bolt is operable to extend into the pocket, and with the pocket and the bolt aligned with one another, releasably joining the strike plate and the lock module with a releasable coupler, thereby forming an aligned locking assembly. 1. A method , comprising:placing a first adhesive on a first surface of a strike plate, wherein the strike plate includes a pocket extending into a second surface of the strike plate opposite the first surface of the strike plate;placing a second adhesive on a first surface of a lock module, wherein the lock module includes a bolt operable to extend beyond a second surface of the lock module;aligning the pocket with the bolt such that the bolt is operable to extend into the pocket; andwith the pocket and the bolt aligned with one another, releasably joining the strike plate and the lock module via a releasable coupler, thereby forming an aligned locking assembly.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the releasable coupler comprises a removable double-sided adhesive strip; andwherein releasably joining the strike plate and the lock module with the releasable coupler comprises adhering a first adhesive side of the removable double-sided adhesive strip to the second surface of the strike plate, and adhering a second adhesive side of the removable double-sided adhesive strip to the second surface of the lock module.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the removable double-sided adhesive strip comprises a layer of foam between the first adhesive side and the second ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Modular Closure Device for Different Closure Elements

Номер: US20210102400A1

A modular closure device for different closure elements, such as finger levers, plate cylinders, profile cylinders, profile half cylinders, for locking a pivot lever in a recess, is described, wherein the closure elements can be inserted and fastened in a receptacle arranged in the recess or the pivot lever, either from the front or from the rear, characterised in that the closure device, which has an interchangeable insert adapted to the closure device and having a different design for the various receptacles, interacts with a guide in such a way that this can be inserted into the recess or into the pivot lever, and the recess or the pivot lever having the inserted interchangeable insert can be plugged in a door leaf through an opening in the door leaf or the like and can be fastened with a cap. 14.-. (canceled)5. A modular closure device for different closure elements , such as finger levers , plate cylinders , profile cylinders , profile half cylinders , for locking a pivot lever in a recess , wherein the closure elements can be inserted and fastened in a receptacle arranged in the recess or the pivot lever , either from the front or from the rear , wherein the closure device , which has an interchangeable insert adapted to the closure device and having a different design for the various receptacles , interacts with a guide of the interchangeable insert in such a way that this can be inserted into the recess or into the pivot lever , and the recess or the pivot lever having the inserted interchangeable insert can be plugged in a door leaf through an opening in the door leaf or the like and can be fastened with a cap , wherein the interchangeable insert is characterised by a lever hook fixedly fitted with a surface of the closure device , which therefore has always to be changed therewith , wherein the surface of the closure device closes the lever hook with an opposite closure surface and is opened such that the closure element actuates the lever hook and thereby ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115709A1
Автор: JEONG Jin, LEE Sang-Han
Принадлежит: SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD.

Provided is an inner body fixing device of a door lock. The inner body fixing device includes a first fixing part fixed on a surface of a door; a third fixing part coupled to the first fixing part; and a second fixing part provided between the first fixing part and the third fixing part and coupled to an inner body of the door, wherein a first coupling part of the first fixing part and a second coupling part of the third fixing part are configured to couple to each other, and the third fixing part is coupled to the second fixing part by a fixing member. 1. An inner body fixing device of a door lock , comprising:a first fixing part fixed on a surface of a door;a third fixing part coupled to the first fixing part; anda second fixing part provided between the first fixing part and the third fixing part and coupled to an inner body of the door,wherein a first coupling part of the first fixing part and a second coupling part of the third fixing part are configured to couple to each other, andthe third fixing part is coupled to the second fixing part by a fixing member.2. The inner body fixing device of a door lock of claim 1 , wherein a first fastening part is provided in the first coupling part or the second coupling part.3. The inner body fixing device of a door lock of claim 2 , wherein the first fastening part is an inlet hole or an inlet groove provided in the first coupling part claim 2 , and the second coupling part is a protrusion configured to be inserted into the first fastening part.4. The inner body fixing device of a door lock of claim 2 , wherein the first fastening part is an inlet hole or an inlet groove provided in the second coupling part claim 2 , and the first coupling part is a protrusion configured to be inserted into the first fastening part.5. The inner body fixing device of a door lock of claim 1 , wherein the third fixing part comprises a ring-shaped structure configured to cover an edge surface of the second fixing part.6. The inner body fixing ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170114570A1
Автор: Hallett Aaron

An access control device comprising: a locking mechanism for a moveable barrier a first locking/user interface component for positioning on a first side of the moveable barrier; and a second locking/user interface component for positioning on a second side of the moveable barrier. The first and second components are arranged to be secured to an intermediary barrier member , provided with either a first set of through holes for a first alternative locking member or a second set of through holes for a second alternative locking member, the first set of through holes including a hole having a mutually distinct position from a hole included in the second set of through holes. The first and second components are provided with fixing apertures corresponding to the first and second sets of through holes so that the components can be secured via a fixing placed in a hole corresponding to either of the alternative locking members, without requiring additional through holes in the moveable barrier. A method of fitting an access control device is also provided. 1. An access control device comprising:a locking mechanism for a moveable barrier, the moveable barrier having a first side and a second side, the locking mechanism having a locked and an unlocked state;a first locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the first side of the moveable barrier; anda second locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the second side of the moveable barrier;wherein the first and second locking and/or user interface components are arranged to be secured to an intermediary barrier member which has been provided with either a first set of through holes for a first alternative locking member or a second set of through holes for a second alternative locking member, the first set of through holes including at least one hole having a mutually distinct position from at least one hole included in the second set of through holes, and wherein the first and second locking ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170116801A1
Автор: Hallett Aaron

An access control device comprising: a locking mechanism for a moveable barrier the moveable barrier having a first side and a second side, the locking mechanism having a locked and an unlocked state; a first locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the first side of the moveable barrier; a second locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the second side of the moveable barrier; and a fixing member for extending through a barrier member and for securing the first and second locking and/or user interface components to the barrier member; wherein the fixing member is operable to transmit data signals between the locking and/or user interface components on opposite sides of the moveable barrier. There is also an access control method provided. 1. An access control device comprising:a locking mechanism for a moveable barrier, the moveable barrier having a first side and a second side, the locking mechanism having a locked and an unlocked state;a first locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the first side of the moveable barrier;a second locking and/or user interface component for positioning on the second side of the moveable barrier; anda fixing member for extending through a barrier member and for securing the first and second locking and/or user interface components to the barrier member;wherein the fixing member is operable to transmit data signals between the locking and/or user interface components on opposite sides of the moveable barrier.2. An access control device according to claim 1 , wherein:the first locking and/or user interface component is a user interface component; andthe second locking and/or user interface component is a locking component comprising an actuating control unit operable to control the locking mechanism between the locked state and the unlocked state and to communicate with the user interface unit.3. An access control device according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing member is ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119448A1
Автор: Farag Hanna O., Lin James

A housing configured to accept a rekeyable lock core for use in lockable enclosures. The housing is configured to use a lock core that is designed for deadbolt and door lever/knob operation. The housing allows a rekeyable lock cylinder to be used in one's home as well as other enclosure enclosures. A common key may therefore be used for all devices as the lock core is of a rekeyable design. 1. A lock core assembly comprising:a body having an enclosure mounting interface, the body having a first portion extending to a first side of the enclosure mounting interface and a second portion extending to a second side of the enclosure mounting interface opposite the first side, the body defining a housing bore, the housing bore having an opening defined in the body at the first side, the housing bore further including lock core retaining features defined therein;a lock core removably positioned within the housing bore and mated with the lock core retaining features, wherein the lock core retaining features are sized and shaped to prevent relative rotation between at least a portion of the lock core and the body, the lock core including a rotatable housing interface;a lock core interface positioned within the housing bore, the lock core interface removably coupled with the housing interface of the lock core; anda locking mechanism interface positioned at the second side of the body and in rotational communication with the lock core interface, the locking mechanism interface being positioned at an exterior of the housing bore and configured to be coupled with a locking mechanism, wherein the housing interface of the lock core is rotationally coupled to the locking mechanism interface by way of the lock core interface.2. The lock core assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lock core interface is disposed on an adapter removably coupled to the second side of the first body.3. The lock core assembly of claim 2 , wherein the locking mechanism interface is disposed on an opposite side ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119951A1
Автор: Huang Fu-Chih

A door lock and a method for installation and un-installation of the door lock, includes a lock plate unit and a lock unit. The lock plate unit having an installation hole, an inside face and a cylinder hole. The installation hole includes a first guide and the lock unit includes a second guide. The lock unit includes a latch unit. When installing the door lock, the lock unit is simply installed to the installation hole and rotated. When un-installing the door lock, the latch unit is simply pushed to be disengaged from the cylinder hole, and the lock unit is rotated to remove the lock unit from the lock plate unit without using any tool and without damaging the lock plate unit. 1. An operational method for a door lock , comprising:an installation method of the door lock and an un-installation method of the door lock, the installation method of the door lock comprising:a step of providing a lock plate unit and a lock unit, the lock plate unit having an installation hole and an inside face, the inside face having a cylinder hole which communicating with the installation hole, the cylinder hole being a non-circular hole, the installation hole having at least one first guide protruding from an inner periphery thereof, the lock unit having a second guide which is engaged with the at least one first guide, the lock unit having a latch unit which is shaped so as to be movably located in the cylinder hole, the installation hole defining a first axis and a first rotational direction which is rotated about the first axis;a step of inserting the second guide of the lock unit into the installation hole, the second guide of the lock unit located corresponding to the at least one first guide of the lock plate unit along the first axis, the latch unit and the cylinder hole being not located on a common axis, anda step of rotating the lock unit in the first rotational direction to position the at least one first guide in the second guide, and the latch unit being positioned to ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128018A1

An exemplary exit device includes a remote latch mechanism and a transmission assembly operably coupled with the remote latch mechanism. The exit device further includes a pushbar assembly including a drive assembly and a latch control assembly operably coupled with the drive assembly such that the drive assembly is operable to actuate the latch control assembly. A self-adjusting coupling assembly operably connects the transmission assembly with the latch control assembly. The self-adjusting coupling assembly includes a lift finger movably mounted to a movable component of the latch control assembly, and a spring urging the lift finger into contact with a transmission of the transmission assembly. A first fastener selectively secures the first lift finger to the first movable component. 1. A method of installing an exit device to a door , the method comprising:mounting a pushbar assembly to the door, wherein the pushbar assembly includes a drive assembly and a latch control assembly operably coupled with the drive assembly such that the drive assembly is operable to actuate the latch control assembly;mounting a first remote latch mechanism to the door, the first remote latch mechanism including a first link member operable to actuate the first remote latch mechanism;mounting a transmission assembly to the door, the transmission assembly including a housing and a first transmission movably mounted to the housing;operably coupling the first transmission with the first link member such that the first transmission is operable to actuate the first remote latch mechanism;maintaining the transmission assembly in a transmission assembly predetermined state in which the first transmission is in a first transmission predetermined position;maintaining the latch control assembly in a latch control assembly predetermined state corresponding to the transmission assembly predetermined state; movably mounting the first lift finger to a first movable component of the latch control ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Retention Mechanism for Insertion Member in Vehicular Door Handle Assembly

Номер: US20190128029A1

A door handle assembly includes a bracket mountable to the door and an insertion member received in and retained in the bracket via a retaining mechanism. The retaining mechanism includes a biasing member and a movable locking member that retains the insertion member in the bracket. The movable locking member is biased into a securing position by the biasing member when the insertion member is fully received in the bracket to retain the insertion member in the bracket. The movable locking member is selectively displaceable from the securing position against a force of the biasing member either to permit insertion of the insertion member in the bracket during assembly or to accommodate disassembly by permitting the insertion member to be removed from the bracket. 1. A door handle assembly comprising:a bracket;a locking member supported by the bracket for translation between a first position and a second position and including a first leg, a second leg opposite the first leg, a base extending between the first leg and the second leg, and an end opposite the base, the first leg including a first projection including a first side facing the base and a second side facing the end;a biasing member having a first end engaging the locking member and a second end engaging the bracket to bias the locking member from the first position to the second position; andan insertion member including a forward end, a rearward end opposite the forward end, and a recess extending between the forward end and the rearward end,wherein the first projection is configured to translate in the recess in a first direction and a in a second direction transverse to the first direction when the locking member translates between the first position and the second position.2. The door handle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first side and the end of the locking member define a void therebetween.3. The door handle assembly of claim 2 , wherein the void extends through the locking member.4. The door ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138087A1

A lock structure suitable for various lock cores includes an engagement arranged at one side of a lock core axle of a lock device. The engagement member includes a rod section such that the engagement member is coupled to a link bar. A handle axle includes an arrestor member, such that the arrestor member is coupled to a stop plate and a push bar. A retention member is arranged under the push bar. When the lock core axle is rotated by means of a key, the engagement member and the link bar are driven to achieve locking, or a handle is operated to achieve unlocking. When the lock core is damaged, the damaged lock core is replaceable with one of various types of lock core without the need to replace the entire lock thereby improving the utilization of the lock. 1. A lock structure , suitable for various types of lock core , comprising an engagement arranged at one side of a lock core axle of a lock device , the engagement member comprising a rod section such that the engagement member is coupled to a link bar , a handle axle comprising an arrestor member , such that the arrestor member is coupled to a stop plate and a push bar , a retention member being arranged under the push bar , wherein when the lock core axle is rotated by means of a key , the engagement member and the link bar are driven to achieve locking , or a handle is operated to achieve unlocking and when the lock core is damaged , the damaged lock core is replaceable with a lock core of one of various types without the need to replace the entire lock thereby improving the utilization of the lock.2. The lock structure according to claim 1 , wherein the engagement member comprises a mounting hole and has two ends respectively forming the rod section and a hook section claim 1 , such that the engagement member is mounted by means of the mounting hole to the lock device and a spring is mounted to the engagement member with two ends of the spring respectively supported on the link bar and the hook section.3. ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282525A1

A door lock assembly with interchangeable lock cylinders is described. The door lock assembly includes a handle. The handle includes a lock cylinder passage to receive a push to lock cylinder or a key to lock cylinder. A spring plate includes a bolt opening to position the lock cylinder. The spring plate further includes a side bolt opening. A side bolt is configured to selectively enter the side bolt opening of the spring plate to lock the lock cylinder and to selectively withdraw the side bolt from the side bolt opening of the spring plate to unlock the lock cylinder. 1. A door lock assembly with an interchangeable lock cylinder , comprising:a handle, the handle comprising a lock cylinder passage;a lock cylinder comprising a locking bolt and a side bolt, wherein the lock cylinder is a push to lock cylinder or a key to lock cylinder;the handle receives the lock cylinder in the lock cylinder passage;a spring plate affixed to the handle, the spring plate comprising a base portion and a tab portion, the base portion comprising a bolt opening that receives the locking bolt, the tab portion comprising a side bolt opening, wherein the side bolt is configured to selectively enter the side bolt opening of the spring plate to lock the lock cylinder and to selectively withdraw the side bolt from the side bolt opening of the spring plate to unlock the lock cylinder;an escutcheon plate comprising a locking opening;the handle configured to rotate relative to the escutcheon plate; and,wherein the locking bolt of the lock cylinder is configured to selectively enter the locking opening of the escutcheon plate to prevent rotation of the handle and to selectively withdraw from the locking opening of the escutcheon plate to permit rotation of the handle.2. The door lock assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the tab portion is generally perpendicular to the base portion claim 1 , and wherein the tab portion is integral to the base portion.3. The door lock assembly according to claim ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282535A1
Автор: Zeitler Ron

A quarter turn twist lock door latch. 1 'said latch having a back edge, said latch having a lock block mounted on said back edge, said lock being insertable in said opening of said latch and turnable therein;', 'A. a latch having a front opening, a center core, a cross slot in a front of said center core, and a latch extension extending from said latch;'}B. a lock for said latch;C. a rubber O-ring surrounding said center core at a distal end of said center core.. A quarter turn twist lock door latch, said quarter turn twist lock door latch comprising in combination: This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Utility patent application Ser. No. 16/538,993, filed Aug. 13, 2019, from which priority is claimed.Not Applicable.Not Applicable.Applicant is aware of two prior publications dealing with quarter turn fasteners. U.S. Pat. No. 4,657,462 that issued to Hoen on Apr. 14, 1987, deals with a quarter turn fastener assembly in which two panels are fastening together by inserting a nose portion through a slot hole in a second panel and the fastener turn head is rotated a quarter turn.A second patent, U.S. Pat. No. 5,630,632 that issued on May 20, 1997, to Swan deals with quarter turn latch which consists of a latching member connected to an actuating member that are snapped together.The present invention is a quarter turn twist lock door latch. The quarter turn twist lock door latch comprises in combination, a latch, a quarter turn twist lock door latch that has a front opening, a center core, a cross slot in a front of the center core and a latch extension extending from the latch.The latch has a back edge. The latch has a lock block mounted on the back edge. The lock is insertable in the opening of the latch and is turnable therein.There is also a lock for the latch. There is also a rubber O-ring surrounding the center core at a distal end of the center core.T is an illustration of a device of this invention in expanded form. The quarter turn twist lock door ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145915A1

A locking assembly for a door of a storage container is provided. The storage container defines a door frame, and the door is movably mounted to the door frame. The locking assembly may include a first keeper secured to the door frame, a first locking cam configured to movably engage the first keeper, and a handle assembly coupled to the first locking cam. The handle assembly may be movable between a first position in which the handle assembly is in contact with the door frame and the first locking cam engages the first keeper to maintain the door in the closed position relative to the door frame and a second position in which the first locking cam disengages the first keeper to allow the door to open. The first and second positions of the handle assembly illustratively define an obtuse angle therebetween. 1. A locking assembly for a door of a storage container , the storage container defining a door frame , the door movably mounted to the door frame , the locking assembly comprising:a lockrod configured to be coupled to the door;a locking cam coupled to an end of the lockrod and adapted to engage a lockrod keeper coupled to the door frame; anda handle assembly coupled to the locking cam, wherein the handle assembly includes an elongated lever having one end coupled to the locking cam and a handle pivotably coupled to an opposite end thereof by a pin defining an offset pivot axis, wherein the handle includes a lock member coupled to the handle for pivoting movement therewith about a pivot axis and relative to the elongated lever, and wherein the lock member defines a cylindrical shape having a longitudinal axis spaced-apart from the pivot axis and configured to pivot about the offset pivot axis.2. The locking assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lock member is movable between a first position wherein the lock member is configured to be received through an aperture in the door frame and a second position wherein the lock member is pivoted relative to the elongated lever ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145716A1

The present invention is directed to a door latch assembly for a roller door that has a plastic mounting plate and a latching plate and latch tongue positioned substantially within the mounting plate. The use of a plastic mounting plate avoids the problems of corrosion when two different metal surfaces are fixed to each other. 1. A door latch assembly for a roller door , the roller door having a corrugated surface of ridges and grooves; the door latch assembly including:a non-metal mounting means attachable to the roller door;a latching member locatable substantially within the mounting means; anda latch tongue operatively retained by the mounting means and movable between a retracted position and an extended position for engagement with a door jamb, wherein the latch tongue has at least one protruding portion,wherein the assembled door latch assembly has the latching member located substantially therein and the at least one protrusion of the latch tongue extends outwardly through the mounting means and the latching member to provide access to the latch tongue, and wherein the non-metal mounting means is attached to the roller door when the assembled door latch assembly is in use.2. The door latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mounting means is spaced from the roller door surface to allow the circulation of air to dry the surface.3. The door latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mounting means is made of UV stabilized plastics.4. The door latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mounting means is attached substantially within the groove of the corrugations of the roller door.5. The door latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mounting means includes a mounting plate and latching tongue backing plate.6. The door latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the mounting means includes a mounting plate having a recess to accommodate the latching member.7. The door latch assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one protrusion forms a handle that can be used by a person to ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Keyless Insertion Locking System and Method

Номер: US20220290461A1
Принадлежит: DeWalch Technologies, Inc.

The present invention, in a non-limiting example embodiment provides a locking apparatus and method for securing locking hardware without the use of a key. In an example embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least a keyless insertion rotatable disk-style, barrel locking apparatus that, in a locked state can be inserted into a securing device without first unlocking, and then, thereafter, locking after insertion. In a nonlimiting example embodiment, unlocking and re-locking requires a key. The present invention, in an example embodiment, also provides features that allow the locking apparatus to enter and exit multiple apertures without requiring a key. 1inserting the barrel lock in hardware capable of receiving said barrel lock;exerting an external force on said locking member; andcausing said locking member to retract into said body so as to allow insertion of said barrel lock into said hardware.. A method for installing a barrel lock comprising a body and a retractable locking member, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 16/911,275, filed Jun. 24, 2020, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/842,933, filed Mar. 15, 2013, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/070,456, filed Mar. 23, 2011. The Cross-reference to related applications of application Ser. No. 13/842,933, filed Mar. 15, 2013, notes that application Ser. No. 13/070,456, filed Mar. 23, 2011 claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,851 filed on Mar. 24, 2010. application Ser. No. 16/911,275, filed Jun. 24, 2020, is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/070,456, filed Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,851 filed on Mar. 24, 2010.The present invention relates generally to a locking apparatus and more specifically it relates ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145126A1
Автор: MINTZ Yair, WOLFISH Arnon

A cylinder-lock assembly configured to allow affixing accessories that are designed to be operatively coupled with a standard European locking cylinder to operate an American mortise type lock system. The cylinder-lock assembly includes a cylinder-lock-member that includes a cylinder-housing having an external shape of a European cylinder-housing, and a cylindrical lock core. The cylinder-housing defines a cylindrical through bore configured to receive the cylindrical shaft, and the cylindrical shaft is adapted to rotate there inside the cylinder-housing. The cylinder-lock assembly further includes an adapting-ring, a cylindrical American housing and a rotation-conveyor, configured to operatively convey rotational motion of a fitted key, which is disposed inside the cylindrical shaft, to an American-lock type cam, to thereby actuate the door lock/unlock mechanism of the American type mortise lock. 117.-. (canceled)18. A cylinder-lock assembly configured to allow affixing accessories that are designed to be operatively coupled with a European locking cylinder , to operate an American type mortise lock mechanism , the cylinder-lock assembly comprises:a) a cylinder-lock-member comprising a cylinder-housing, having an external shape of a European cylinder housing, and a cylindrical lock core having a cylindrical shaft and a key verification mechanism, wherein said cylinder-housing defines a cylindrical through bore configured to receive said cylindrical shaft adapted to rotate there inside said cylinder-housing, wherein a key engagement end of said cylindrical lock core is adapted to receive a fitted key into a first key-receiving-slit formed therein parallel to the rotational axis of said cylindrical shaft, and wherein a lateral slit is formed at the second circular end of said cylindrical shaft;b) an adapting-ring, said adapting-ring defining a first cylindrical through bore on a first side, and a second European-profile shaped through bore on the second side, wherein ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Keyless Insertion Locking System and Method

Номер: US20210180362A1
Принадлежит: DeWalch Technologies, Inc.

The present invention, in a non-limiting example embodiment provides a locking apparatus and method for securing locking hardware without the use of a key. In an example embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least a keyless insertion rotatable disk-style, barrel locking apparatus that, in a locked state can be inserted into a securing device without first unlocking, and then, thereafter, locking after insertion. In a nonlimiting example embodiment, unlocking and re-locking requires a key. The present invention, in an example embodiment, also provides features that allow the locking apparatus to enter and exit multiple apertures without requiring a key. 1inserting the barrel lock in hardware capable of receiving said barrel lock;exerting an external force on said locking member; andcausing said locking member to retract into said body so as to allow insertion of said barrel lock into said hardware.. A method for installing a barrel lock comprising a body and a retractable locking member, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 16/919,045, filed on Jul. 1, 2020, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 13/070,456 filed on Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,851 filed on Mar. 24, 2010, and also which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010.This application is also a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/836,261, filed on Mar. 15, 2013, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/636,666 filed on Sep. 21, 2012, which is a national stage of International Application No. PCT/US2011/029688, filed Mar. 23, 2011.U.S. Nonprovisional application Ser. No. 13/636,666 filed on Sep. 21, 2012 is a national stage of International Application No. PCT/US2011/029688, filed Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316, ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152682A1

A top pull gravity latch device to selectively secure a gate in a closed position to block the opening or portal in a fence, wall or other barrier comprising a latch assembly including a latch actuator assembly, intermediate pull actuator assembly and pivotal latch member each movable between a first and second position and a keeper assembly including a striker pin to selectively engage the pivotal latch member to move the pivotal latch member from the first to second position when the keeper assembly is moved from the second to first position and back to the first position wherein the gate is securely closed when the latch actuator assembly, intermediate pull actuator assembly, pivot latch member of the latch assembly and the striker pin of the keeper assembly are all in the first position and wherein the intermediate pull actuator assembly is moved from the first to second position to move the pivotal latch member from the first to second position clearing the striker pin of the keeper assembly to be moved from the first to second position to allow the gate to be opened. 1. A gravity latch to selectively secure a gate in a closed position to block the opening or portal in a fence , wall or other barrier comprising a latch assembly including a latch actuator assembly and a keeper latch assembly including pivotal latch member each movable between a first position and second position , and a keeper assembly movable between a first or closed position and a second or opened position including a striker pin wherein said latch actuator assembly is disposed to selectively engage said pivotal latch member such that when said latch actuator assembly is moved from said first position to said second position said pivotal latch member is moved from said first position to said second position clearing said striker pin from said keep latch assembly allowing said keeper assembly to be moved from said first or closed position to said second or open position to open the gate and ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Security Locking Device for Enclosure Covers

Номер: US20160160532A1
Принадлежит: Lockdown, Inc.

An apparatus for locking an enclosure cover, such as a manhole cover or enclosure lid, in seated engagement on its enclosure frame, includes a lock housing positioned within a lock aperture extending perpendicularly through the top surface of the enclosure cover. A reciprocating, manual throw bolt is inserted within an aperture extending laterally within the enclosure cover between the lock aperture and the side of the enclosure cover for releasable engagement into a receiving aperture within the enclosure frame. When inserted, the lock housing maintains the manual throw bolt in locking engagement with the enclosure frame. The lock housing includes a cylinder cam lock for releasably locking the lock housing in place within the lock aperture. The cylinder cam lock uses conventional keys that can be mastered or zoned. The locking apparatus can be retrofit into existing enclosure covers or included during initial manufacture of such covers. 2. The locking apparatus of wherein the lock aperture extends through the bottom surface of the enclosure cover.3. The locking apparatus of wherein engagement of the first mounting indent on the end of the mounting post and engagement of the second mounting indent on the one end of the shaft of the manual throw bolt prevents the lock housing from being forced too far into the lock aperture.4. The locking apparatus of wherein the first and second mounting indents of the lock housing are shaped to mate claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , with the end of the mounting post and the one end of the shaft of the manual throw bolt.5. The locking apparatus of wherein the first and second mounting indents of the lock housing are rounded or saddle-shaped.6. The locking apparatus of wherein the lock aperture and the lock housing are cylindrical.7. The locking apparatus of wherein the lock aperture and the lock housing are non-cylindrical.8. The locking apparatus of wherein the one end of the manual throw bolt is a removable plate.9. The locking ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Door lock

Номер: US20210189768A1
Автор: Achim Bloh, Roman Jung
Принадлежит: Rittal GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a door lock with a locking element ( 1 ) for locking the door ( 3 ) in a closed state and a fastening element ( 2 ) for fastening the locking element ( 1 ) to the door ( 3 ), wherein that the fastening element ( 2 ) has an adjustable adjustment device ( 4 ) to compensate for different door thicknesses.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190169874A1

A wireless, electronic interchangeable locking core insertable into a core receptacle, the locking core including an outer housing and a lock core that is selectively rotatable via an external handle between a locked position and an unlocked position. The handle is prevented from rotating the locking core unless wirelessly-provided authorization credentials are validated and/or a pattern of physical input interactions with an electronic sensor is matched with a stored pattern. The pattern may be defined, for example, as a sequence of short and long interactions with a button, light sensor, touch panel, or the like. The electronic interchangeable locking core may include a battery and be configured for installation in small format interchangeable core (SFIC) housings. 1. A wireless , electronic locking core , comprising:an external handle;an lock core selectively rotatable by the external handle based on a status of authorized or unauthorized; and receive authorization credentials from a physically separate mobile device, and', 'detect a pattern of short and long input interactions via an electronic sensor;', the received authorization credentials, and', 'the detected pattern of short and long input interactions; and, 'determine the status of the lock core as authorized based on validation of at least one of, 'determine the status of the lock core as unauthorized based on a failure to validate., 'an electronic controller configured to2. The locking core of claim 1 , wherein the electronic controller is further configured to physically transition the locking core from the unauthorized status to the authorized status claim 1 , based on the validation claim 1 , by actuating a motor to physically move a portion of the lock core.3. The locking core of claim 1 , wherein the lock core conforms to the small format interchangeable core (SFIC) standards and is configured for insertion into a core receptacle of a lock assembly configured to receive SFIC lock cores.4. A wireless ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Fixation of door locks without screws into home appliances

Номер: US20150191932A1
Автор: Bojan Bicic

A door-locking device for a domestic appliance, comprising a fastening portion ( 22 ) for fastening without screws the door-locking device (P) to a front panel ( 10 ) of the domestic appliance, the fastening portion ( 22 ) comprising: a body ( 24 ) having an opening ( 28 ) intended to receive a hook connected to the door of the domestic appliance, the body ( 24 ) including an integral engagement portion projecting from a bottom wall ( 33 ) of the body ( 24 ) and including first and second opposite teeth ( 30, 32 ) adapted to engage opposite edges of an aperture ( 12 ) of the front panel, and a protection plate ( 34 ) fixed to a side of said body ( 24 ) opposite to said bottom wall ( 33 ), the protection plate ( 34 ) including a base wall ( 36 ) and at least one integral pin ( 42 ) projecting from said base wall ( 36 ) and having a front end projecting from said bottom wall ( 33 ) of the body ( 24 ) and adapted to engage a hole ( 14 ) of said front panel (P), wherein said protection plate ( 34 ) is fastened to said body ( 24 ) in a fixed position and said at least one pin ( 42 ) is free to move axially with respect to said body ( 24 ) between a retracted position and an extracted position, said movement of the pin ( 42 ) being allowed by an elastic deformation of lateral portion base wall ( 36 ).

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Push/Pull Operating Device for Driving a Latch Device

Номер: US20150197968A1
Автор: Jimmy Shen
Принадлежит: I Tek Metal Manufacturing Co Ltd

A push/pull operating device includes first and second operational devices mounted to two sides of a door. The first operational device includes a first bracket having two slots. A fixing plate is pivotably mounted to the first bracket. Two engaging rods extend through the slots of the first bracket. The fixing plate can be pivoted to a position where through-holes in a latch device and through-holes are aligned with the engaging rods. Thus, the push/pull operating device can be used with differently handed doors and different latch devices having different through-hole locations.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210222465A1
Автор: Cheng Qianyan

Cylinder assembly with rotating winged latch bolt for sliding door lockset includes a special latch bolt that holds in an extended position and holds in a retracted position which alternates back and forth by pressing the latch bolt with your finger. The special latch bolt rotates ninety degrees by turning the doorknob, door handle, thumb turn, or coin turn and rotates back ninety degrees by turning the doorknob, door handle, thumb turn, or coin turn back. The special latch bolt has a special winged shape that catches within the strike plate when rotated ninety degrees and releases from the strike plate when rotated ninety degrees back. Also there is a special face plate or cylinder face plate with tabs or notches that serve as a two-position mechanical stop to prevent the latch bolt from over rotating beyond ninety degrees in either direction. 1. A rotating winged latch bolt assembly comprising: a winged latch bolt; a latch bolt collar; a latch bolt collar pin; a latch bolt spring; a latch bolt catch; a latch bolt housing; a latch bolt hub; and a latch bolt gear , wherein ,said winged latch bolt is a solid rigid cylindrical member with a first end, a second end, an exterior surface, an outside diameter, a length, a longitudinal axis, and a first wing,said first wing protrudes outward from said first end of said winged latch bolt,said first wing is a rigid protrusion that extends outward from said first end of said winged latch bolt, at a right angle to said longitudinal axis of said winged latch bolt,said first wing has a length, a longitudinal axis, a width, and a latitudinal axis,said length and said longitudinal axis of said first wing extends outward at a right angle to said longitudinal axis of said winged latch bolt,said width and said latitudinal axis of said first wing run perpendicular to said length of said first wing,said winged latch bolt further comprises a lock tongue protruding outward from said second end,said lock tongue is a rigid protrusion with ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180194320A1
Автор: Witchey Bryan

A lock for securing semi-trailers. More specifically, the lock of the invention secures the landing gear assembly of a semi-trailer. The lock is made up of a main body, a detachable locking plate, and a lock mechanism. The main body includes a post located in a crankshaft securing portion of the main body. The crankshaft securing portion includes a plurality of crankshaft guides and opposite facing lips which in combination provide a slot to accommodate the detachable locking plate. The post extends outward from an interior surface of the main body. The detachable locking plate fits over at least a portion of the crankshaft securing portion of the main body. The lock mechanism is in operable communication with the detachable locking plate. 1. A lock for securing landing gear assemblies , comprising:a main body with a post located in a crankshaft securing portion of the main body, the post extending outward from an interior surface of the main body, an end plate having a cut-out therein and located at a first end of the crankshaft securing portion, a security plate defines a second end of the crankshaft securing portion, a plurality of crankshaft guides located at least part way between the end plate and the post;a detachable locking plate that secures at least a portion of the crankshaft securing portion of the main body; anda lock mechanism in operable communication with the detachable locking plate.2. The lock for securing landing gear assemblies according to claim 1 , wherein the crankshaft securing portion includes opposite facing lips each of which extend into the crankshaft securing portion claim 1 , the plurality of crankshaft guides claim 1 , wherein the opposite facing lips and the plurality of crankshaft guides provide a slot to accommodate the detachable locking plate.3. The lock for securing landing gear assemblies according to claim 1 , wherein the crankshaft securing portion includes opposite facing lips each of which extend into the crankshaft ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Bridge adapter

Номер: US20180195313A1
Автор: Steven M. Goldstein
Принадлежит: Individual

Bridge adapters configured for insertion into a cavity within a door stile are presented, the bridge adapter including: a planar body including, a top plate disposed along a distal end of the planar body, a first side plate including a first side plate front edge and a first side plate back edge located opposite the first side plate front edge, where the first side plate is mechanically coupled along the first side plate front edge and the top plate back edge by a first hinge, a bottom plate including a bottom plate front edge and a bottom plate back edge located opposite a bottom plate front edge, where the bottom plate front edge is mechanically coupled along the first side plate back edge and the bottom plate front edge by a second hinge.

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211261A1
Автор: Jukka Lasaroff
Принадлежит: ABLOY OY

In the invention the lock cylinder of the padlock can be released from the body of the padlock without releasing the cam member or locking balls. In the invention the cam member remains in the body of the padlock because at least one locking ball is against the cam member keeping it at place.

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200190849A1

A lock defining a rotating axis and being installed on a door includes a mounting plate, a fastening member and a first handle set. The mounting plate is disposed on a side of the door and includes a mounting plate body and a protruding lug connected to the mounting plate body. The mounting plate body includes a locking slot structure. The protruding lug includes a fastening hole. The fastening member is inserted through the fastening hole of the protruding lug to fix the mounting plate on the door. The first handle set is assembled on the mounting plate. The first handle set includes an engaging structure and a decoration cover. The engaging structure is engaged with the locking slot structure to fix the first handle set on the mounting plate. The decoration cover covers the mounting plate and includes an opening corresponding to the fastening hole. 1. A lock defining a rotating axis and being installed on a door , the lock comprising:a mounting plate disposed on a side of the door, the mounting plate comprising a mounting plate body and a protruding lug connected to the mounting plate body, the mounting plate body comprising a locking slot structure, the protruding lug comprising a fastening hole;a fastening member inserted through the fastening hole of the protruding lug to fix the mounting plate on the door; and an engaging structure engaged with the locking slot structure to fix the first handle set on the mounting plate; and', 'a decoration cover covering the mounting plate, the decoration cover comprising an opening corresponding to the fastening hole;, 'a first handle set assembled on the mounting plate, the first handle set comprisingwherein the protruding lug protrudes from the mounting plate body toward the first handle set along the rotating axis, and a dimension of the opening of the decoration cover is greater than a maximum radial dimension of the fastening member.2. The lock of claim 1 , wherein the first handle set further comprises:a cover plate ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160215522A1
Автор: TSURUTA Hiroshi

A key cylinder device includes a rotor case that encloses a rotor operable to rotate by a mechanical key, the rotor being inserted into the rotor case from a direction opposite to an insertion direction of the mechanical key, a holding member including a pair of leg portions held by the rotor case, and a fixing member that protrudes from the holding member. The rotor case includes a fixing member-holding structure that the fixing member is held by the leg portions of the holding member at a temporary assembly position for temporarily assembling the fixing member in a retracted state without inwardly protruding beyond an inner surface of the rotor case and at an assembly position for assembling the fixing member in a state of inwardly protruding from the inner surface of the rotor case. 1. A key cylinder device , comprising:a rotor case that encloses a rotor operable to rotate by a mechanical key, the rotor being inserted into the rotor case from a direction opposite to an insertion direction of the mechanical key;a holding member comprising a pair of leg portions held by the rotor case; anda fixing member that protrudes from the holding member,wherein the rotor case comprises a fixing member-holding structure that the fixing member is held by the leg portions of the holding member at a temporary assembly position for temporarily assembling the fixing member in a retracted state without inwardly protruding beyond an inner surface of the rotor case and at an assembly position for assembling the fixing member in a state of inwardly protruding from the inner surface of the rotor case.2. The key cylinder device according to claim 1 , wherein the fixing member-holding structure comprises a pair of vertical walls and a protruding portion horizontally protruding from each of the vertical walls claim 1 ,wherein the pair of vertical walls are formed upright on an outer surface of the rotor case such that the fixing member is arranged between the vertical walls while ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации

Temporary door hardware system and door

Номер: US20150218858A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A temporary door hardware system includes a latch assembly securable between a first side component and a second side component when the first and second side component are installed in the door. The latch assembly is dimensioned for integration with an opening in an door frame. The latch assembly includes first assembled position relative to the first and second side components. The latch assembly includes a second assembled position relative to the first and second side components. The latch assembly in the first assembled position extends from the first and second side components a greater distance than the latch assembly in the second position. Further disclosed is a door utilizing the latch assembly.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199911A1

An interchangeable electro-mechanical lock core for use with a lock device having a locked state and an unlocked state is disclosed. The interchangeable electro-mechanical lock core may include a moveable plug having a first position relative to a lock core body which corresponds to the lock device being in the locked state and a second position relative to a lock core body which corresponds to the lock device being in the unlocked state. The interchangeable electro-mechanical lock core may include a core keeper moveably coupled to a lock core body. The core keeper may be positionable in a retain position wherein the core keeper extends beyond an envelope of lock core body to hold the lock core body in an opening of the lock device and a remove position wherein the core keeper is retracted relative to the envelope of the lock core body to permit removal. 1. An interchangeable lock core for use with a lock device having a locked state and an unlocked state , the interchangeable lock core removable from an opening of the lock device with the aid of a tool , the interchangeable lock core comprising:a lock core body having an exterior lock core body envelope, the lock core body including an upper lock core body having a first cylindrical portion with a first maximum lateral extent, a lower lock core body having a second cylindrical portion with a second maximum lateral extent, and a waist having a third maximum lateral extent, the third maximum lateral extent being less than the first maximum lateral extent and being less than the second maximum lateral extent;a moveable plug positioned within a lower portion of the lock core, the moveable plug having a first position relative to the lock core body which corresponds to the lock device being in the locked state and a second position relative to the lock core body which corresponds to the lock device being in the unlocked state, the moveable plug being rotatable between the first position and the second position about a ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for installing door locks

Номер: US20190211581A1
Принадлежит: Schlage Lock Co LLC

The present disclosure is directed to an apparatus for releasably coupling a lock assembly to a structure. An inner housing and an outer housing are positioned on opposing sides of the structure. An elongate rod extends throughout the inner housing and into the outer housing. The elongate rod is configured to slide axially within an internal bore of the outer housing until a handle engages the inner housing. The elongate rod is configured to couple the inner and outer housing to the structure when the lever is rotated approximately one quarter of a full turn (90 degrees).

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226233A1

An exemplary strike box is configured for use with a lockset including a bolt operable to move in an extending direction and a retracting direction. The strike box includes a housing having an opening sized and configured to receive the bolt, and further includes a bolt-slowing mechanism mounted in the housing. The bolt-slowing mechanism is configured to engage the bolt as the bolt moves in the extending direction, and to exert a force urging the bolt in the retracting direction. The force exerted by the bolt-slowing mechanism slows the extension speed of the bolt, such that the strike box reduces noise generated during such extension. 1. A system configured for use with a closure assembly comprising a frame and a door having a closed position relative to the frame , wherein the door is mounted to the frame for swinging movement in an opening direction from the closed position to an open position , the system comprising: 'at least one bolt mounted for movement relative to the lockset case between an extended position and a retracted position, wherein each bolt is mounted for movement relative to the lockset case in an extending direction and an opposite retracting direction, wherein each bolt has a first side facing the opening direction and an opposite second side facing a closing direction opposite the opening direction, wherein the first side includes a flat side surface; and', 'a lockset housing configured for mounting within the door; and'}, 'a lockset configured for mounting to the door, the lockset comprising a case defining a chamber;', 'a strike plate positioned on a proximal side of the case, the strike plate defining at least one bolt opening connected with the chamber, wherein each bolt opening is sized and configured to receive a corresponding one of the at least one bolt, wherein each bolt opening has a fixed edge defined by the strike plate, and wherein the fixed edge of each bolt opening is operable to engage the flat side surface of the ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Overhead locking device

Номер: US20190226238A1
Автор: Scott P. Sullivan
Принадлежит: Hanchett Entry Systems Inc

A lock unit of an electric locking device comprises a lock housing, a keeper, an inhibitor and a latch bolt. A second end of the latch bolt is positioned outwardly and cooperates with the inhibitor when in a locked orientation. The keeper includes a keeper shaft having a shaft axis of rotation, wherein said keeper is rotatable about said keeper shaft between first and second rotational positions, wherein the keeper is movable between first and second directional positions relative to the lock housing, wherein the movement between the first and second directional positions is generally linear, wherein when the keeper is held in the first rotational position and the first directional position by the inhibitor, the door is secured to the door frame, and wherein when the keeper is in the second rotational position and the second directional position, the door is allowed to move away from said door frame.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180238081A1
Автор: MONAGHAN Daniel

A door latch system () comprises a latch () and rose bases (A,B) which clamp together against a door panel through a cross-drilling in the door panel by screws engaging in bosses () above and below the latch body (). The latch body is supported in the cross drilling by an adaptor () which in turn supports sleeve extensions () of the rose bases to prevent the rose bases from turning on operation of the handle knob/levers attached to the rose bases. The sleeve extensions are open, (that is, C-shaped in section) so that the diameter of the parts of the system within the cross drilling can be minimised, whereby the diameter of the rose bases can likewise be kept within desirable limits of size. 2. A door latch system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the screw holes of each rose base are adapted to receive the head of a screw which is freely rotatable in the screw holes and said boss is a separate sleeve claim 1 , threaded from each end claim 1 , to receive at each end one of said cross screws claim 1 , said boss being received in a close sliding fit within each extension sleeve.3. A door latch system as claimed in claim 2 , wherein reception of the boss in each extension sleeve is a close sliding fit to inhibit bending moments between the boss and extension sleeve in a direction of rotation of the rose base about said operation axis.4. A door latch system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the screw holes are set to either side of a flange around a lever or knob reception bore of the rose base claim 1 , said flange having a sufficiently large diameter that a cover cap with a corresponding central opening can be manoeuvred around a lever after installation of the system in a door to cover heads of the cross screws.5. A door latch system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein engagement between the extension sleeve of the rose bases and the adaptor is so close to inhibit bending moments between the adaptor and extension sleeve in a direction of rotation of the rose base about said ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160251878A1

A locking device for a door or flap having a cylinder lock that has a cylinder bush and a cylinder core rotatably supported in the cylinder bush. A bearing bracket is fastenable to the door or flap and has a receptacle for the cylinder lock. A screw is also provided that establishes a mechanical connection of the cylinder bush to a trim element for the door or flap. The screw interacts with a threaded hole of a bow element in order to move the bow element. The cylinder bush has a radial recess, which forms a pressure tip at the end of the screw facing the cylinder bush, which pressure tip, while inserted in the radial recess, interacts with the pressure surface in order to axially and radially support the screw. 1. A locking device for a door or flap of a vehicle , the locking device comprising:a cylinder lock that has a cylinder bushing and has a cylinder core that is rotatably supported in the cylinder bushing;a bearing bracket fastenable to the door or flap and has a receptacle for the cylinder lock;a screw that establishes a mechanical connection of the cylinder bushing to a trim element for the door or flap; anda bracket element that radially surrounds the cylinder bushing at least in part and is movably supported on the bearing bracket and has at least one engagement for engaging a recess of the cylinder bushing,wherein the screw interacts with a threaded bore of the bracket element for the displacement thereof,wherein the cylinder bushing has a radial indentation that forms a pressure surface,wherein the screw has a pressure tip at an end facing the cylinder bushing that, when introduced into the radial indentation, interacts with the pressure surface to axially and radially support the screw,wherein the pressure surface of the radial indentation is conical in design,wherein the pressure tip of the screw is complementary to the pressure surface,wherein the trim element has an opening through which the screw is passed, andwherein the screw has a screw head ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Window/Door Securing Device

Номер: US20180245369A1
Автор: Eduard Buchmüller

A window/door securing device for securing a leaf, in particular an outwardly opening leaf, of a window or door in a closed position in which the leaf contacts a frame of the window or door comprises a base body and a counter-piece that is selectively latchable to the base body so that on a fastening of the base body to the frame and of the counter-piece to the leaf, the leaf can be secured in the closed position by latching the counter-piece to the base body. The base body has two installation surfaces so that one of the installation surfaces of the base body can be selectively placed on and fastened to the frame. In this respect, two installation surfaces are aligned perpendicular to one another.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Household electric and mechanical dual-controlled intelligent lock

Номер: US20210332609A1

A household electric and mechanical dual-controlled intelligent lock includes a mechanical clutching structure and an intelligent electronic control structure. The mechanical clutching structure includes a locking head, a springback lock tongue, a first round rotary table and a fixed seat, wherein: an end portion of the springback lock tongue extends outside the fixed seat, an arched guide rail which is fitted with the first round rotary table is located on the springback lock tongue. The intelligent electronic control structure includes a PCB (printed circuit board), a motor, a scalable suite and a second round rotary table, wherein: one end of the scalable suite is fixedly connected with the motor, the other end of the scalable suite is fixedly connected with the second round rotary table, an arched guide rail which is fitted with the second round rotary table is located on the other surface of the springback lock tongue. 1: A household electric and mechanical dual-controlled intelligent lock , which comprises a mechanical clutching structure and an intelligent electronic control structure , wherein:the mechanical clutching structure comprises a locking head, a springback lock tongue, a first round rotary table and a fixed seat, wherein: the springback lock tongue is fixed on the fixed seat, an end portion of the springback lock tongue extends outside the fixed seat, a first arched guide rail which is fitted with the first round rotary table is located on one surface of the springback lock tongue, the locking head is connected with the springback lock tongue through the first round rotary table, so that when a key is inserted into the locking head for rotating to drive the first round rotary table to rotate, the end portion of the springback lock tongue is retracted into the fixed seat;the intelligent electronic control structure comprises a PCB (printed circuit board), a motor, a scalable suite and a second round rotary table, wherein: the PCB is electrically ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190257115A1
Автор: Clifford Jason C.

A system including a lock class having a plurality of lock families, with each lock family including a plurality of lock cylinders. Each of the lock families has a control pin location which is different from the control pin location of another of the lock families within the lock class. Each of the lock cylinders generally includes a shell, a plug rotatably mounted in the shell, and a control ring rotatably mounted on the plug at the control pin location of the lock family of which the lock cylinder is a member, and a control pin operable to selectively couple the plug with the control ring. Each lock family may be associated with a control key family. Each control key family may include a plurality of control keys, each of which may have a control bitting configured to urge control pins of the associated lock family to a coupling position. 112.-. (canceled)13. A system , comprising:a control key class comprising a plurality of control key families, wherein each of the control key families has a control bitting location, and the control bitting location of each of the control key families within the control key class is different from the control bitting location of another of the control key families within the control key class; and an edge and a side surface, the side surface including a surface cut;', 'the surface cut comprising a control bitting formed at the control bitting location of the control key family of which the control key is a member; and', 'wherein the surface cut does not include a second control bitting formed at the control bitting location of at least one control key family of which the control key is not a member., 'a plurality of control keys, wherein each control key is a member of one of the control key families, and wherein each of the control keys comprises14. The system of claim 13 , wherein each of the control keys within the control key class defines a cross-sectional profile selected for the control key class.15. The system of claim ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Lock with Improved Locking System

Номер: US20170275923A1
Принадлежит: OJMAR, S.A.

The invention relates to a lock with an improved locking system, including a lock block attached to a support by means of at least two fastening screws, with a door arranged between the lock block and the support, the lock including grub screws screwed into the support, which project from the support by a length according to the portion of grub screw screwed into the support, such that the length matches a clearance between the door and the support. 1. A lock with an improved locking system comprising a lock block , a support , at least two fastening screws that fasten the lock block to the support with a door located between the lock block and the support , and a plurality of grub screws screwed into the support that project a length from of the support , the length depending on a portion of the grub screw screwed into the support , wherein the length matches a clearance existing between the door and the support.2. The lock with an improved locking system according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one chock of a thickness located between the lock block and the support claim 1 , such that the thickness of at least one chock together with the length of the grub screws match the clearance existing between the door and the support.3. The lock with an improved locking system according to claim 1 , wherein the support comprises:a rectangular body,an interior rectangular structure configured by four perimeter walls that project out of the rectangular body,a series of perimeter holes in the rectangular body, andat least two holes in at least two corners of the interior rectangular structure,wherein the grub screws are located in the perimeter holes of the rectangular body.4. The lock with an improved locking system according to claim 2 , wherein the chock comprises a hollow rectangular structure.5. The lock with an improved locking system according to claim 4 , wherein the hollow rectangular structure of the chock comprises internal tabs.6. The lock with an ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Handle assembly with lock, particularly for a glass leaf

Номер: US20190264467A1
Автор: MASIERO Francesca
Принадлежит: Pba SpA

Described is a handle assembly ( 10 ) with lock ( 100 ), particularly for a glass leaf ( 200 ), which comprises a first fastening member ( 11 ), having a first abutment face ( 12 ) designed to make contact with a first face ( 201 ) of a leaf ( 200 ), a second fastening member ( 13 ) and connecting means ( 15 ) for mutually connecting the fastening means ( 11, 13 ). The first fastening member ( 11 ) comprises: a casing ( 17 ) equipped with an operating opening ( 18 ); a housing ( 19 ) for a cylinder ( 101 ) of the lock ( 100 ) and equipped with locking means ( 21 ) for blocking the cylinder ( 101 ) and facing the operating opening ( 18 ) for being actuated through the latter; a closing element ( 22 ) movable with respect to the housing ( 19 ) between an open position and a closed position in contrast with elastic means ( 23 ). In the closed position of the closing element ( 22 ) it is interposed between the operating position ( 18 ) and the locking means ( 21 ) and in the open position the closing element ( 22 ) protrudes from the first abutment face ( 12 ) and it is not interposed between the operating opening ( 18 ) and the locking means ( 21 ) for allowing the actuation of the latter from the outside of the casing ( 17 ).

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264925A1
Автор: LIN Sien

A locking mechanism and a cooking machine are provided for home appliances. The locking mechanism is provided on a control panel of the cooking machine and used to control the door-opening button of the cooking machine. The door-opening button is provided with a door-opening member for opening the door of the cooking machine. The locking mechanism switches the door-opening button selectively in a locked state or an unlocked state; the door cannot be opened even if the door-opening button is pressed in the locked state, and the door can be opened if the door-opening button is pressed in the unlocked state. The locking mechanism provided by the present invention is small in size and good in versatility, and can lock the door fundamentally in the door-opening operation, thus realizing simpler and more effective protection and hence ensuring use safety of users especially the children. 1. A locking mechanism for a control panel of a cooking machine to control a door-opening button of the cooking machine , the door-opening button being provided with a door-opening member for opening a door of the cooking machine , wherein the locking mechanism comprises:a locked state and an unlocked state, wherein the locking mechanism is selectively switchable between the locked state, in which the door cannot be opened even if the door-opening button is pressed in the locked state, and the unlocked state, in which the door can be opened if the door-opening button is pressed in the unlocked state.2. The locking mechanism according to comprising:a position-limiting member; andan eject pin,wherein the position-limiting member is movable in a direction orthogonal to a movement direction of the door-opening member by movement of the eject pin.3. The locking mechanism according to claim 2 ,wherein the door-opening member comprises a central guide post provided on the door-opening button, and the position-limiting member is provided with a through hole for allowing the central guide post to ...

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210363783A1
Автор: Chen Jeff

A lock, adapted for being assembled on a door panel, is provided. The door sheet has an assembling hole and a latch slot connected and communicated with the assembling hole. The lock includes a latch assembly, a first locking mechanism, and a second locking mechanism. The latch assembly is assembled in the latch slot and extended into the assembling hole. The first locking mechanism and the second locking mechanism are assembled in the assembling hole from the two sides thereof respectively to automatically position and affix the latch assembly. Because the latch assembly can be to led to move and positioned in the latch slot and the assembling hole by the first locking mechanism and no screw or other tool are required for fastening in the entire process of the assembling, the present invention is therefore easy and convenient to assemble. 1. A lock , adapted for being assembled on a door panel having a first surface , a second surface , a lateral side , an assembling hole passing through the first surface and the second surface , and a latch slot which is concavely arranged on the lateral side and communicated with the assembling hole , wherein said lock comprises:a latch assembly, adapted for being assembled in the latch slot and extended into the assembling hole, comprising a face member, an assembly base connected with said face member, an assembly body extended from said assembly base, and a latch drivenably linked with said assembly body, wherein said assembly body has a core lock hole at a center thereof and an engaging hole, whereby when said latch assembly is assembled on the door panel, said face plate is configured to be attached on the lateral side of the door panel, said assembly base is arranged in the latch slot, and said assembly body is correspondingly arranged in the assembling hole;a first locking mechanism, adapted for being assembled in the assembling hole from the first surface of the door panel, comprising a first locating barrel configured ...

11-10-2018 дата публикации

Door with Door Fitting

Номер: US20180291647A1
Принадлежит: KARCHER GmbH

Provided is a door fitting, with an outer doorplate and with an inner doorplate, wherein the outer doorplate has a first opening on an inner side facing the inner doorplate, into which a shaft of a first screw can be screwed to fasten the outer doorplate to the door, and a second opening at a distance from the first end section in the lengthwise direction of the door fitting, into which a shaft of a second screw can be screwed to fasten the outer doorplate to the door. The door fitting can be adapted to various fitting situations if the first opening and/or the second opening is/are arranged on the outer doorplate so as to be displaceable in the lengthwise direction of the door fitting to allow different relative positions to be set between the outer doorplate and the first opening and/or the second opening.

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170298650A1

A low profile actuating window lock for casement windows having a longitudinal slot in a sidewall of the casing for the lock, wherein a fork component translates within the slot in a direction perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the handle and the handle rotates along a plane perpendicular to the fork component, the handle pivotable about a restrictor arm that pivots relative to the casing, allowing the handle to rotate fully from the locked position to the unlocked position with low clearance from the window frame. The pivot points of the handle and restrictor arm configuration allow for an over center linkage that prevents back driving the casement window lock. 1. A method of unlocking a casement window having:an elongated casing with a substantially horizontal sidewall section, the sidewall section including a longitudinal slot for receiving a fork component;a restrictor arm pivotally attached at one end to said casing, and pivotally attached at the other end to a handle at a first pivot point;a fork component adapted to engage a lock bar external to said lock, said fork component in slidable communication with said casing within said longitudinal slot;a handle pivotally attached at one end to said fork component at a second pivot point and pivotally attached at an intermediate point on said handle to said restrictor arm, said handle rotatable along a plane perpendicular to said fork component; andsaid method comprising:rotating said handle about said first pivot point to move said fork component and said second pivot point horizontally along said casing horizontal sidewall section within said longitudinal slot in a direction perpendicular to an axis of rotation of the handle, while simultaneously shifting said first pivot point relative to said second pivot point to allow said handle to rotate from an initial position.2. The method of wherein said elongated casing comprises a spring action push mechanism including a permanent magnet embedded at an end ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Locking device

Номер: US20160312496A1
Принадлежит: Lowe and Fletcher Ltd

A locking device ( 40 ) including a first module ( 42 ) and a second module ( 44 ), one of the first module ( 42 ) and the second module ( 44 ) being attachable to one of a body ( 12 ) of an enclosure ( 10 ) to be locked and the other of the first module ( 42 ) and the second module ( 44 ) being attachable to a door panel ( 22 ) of an enclosure ( 10 ) to be locked, wherein the locking device ( 40 ) includes a mechanical locking mechanism ( 60 ) and an electronic locking mechanism ( 46 ).

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160319567A1

A door marker jig for marking a door having a substantially planar surface for mounting an exit device. The jig includes a first alignment opening for marking a location on the door for a mount having a cantilevered portion extending therefrom, wherein the mount may be extended through a first opening in the exit device rail to engage the rail rear portion adjacent the rail first opening between the mount cantilevered portion and the door, and a second alignment opening for marking a location on the door for a fastener, wherein the fastener may be inserted through a second opening in the exit device rail to secure the second rail end to the door surface. The jig may be placed against the door at a desired location and temporarily secured to the door surface so that the first alignment opening is adjacent the door surface first end and the second alignment opening is adjacent the door surface second end, and the door surface may be marked through the first and second alignment openings prior to removing the jig and mounting the exit device. 1. A door marker jig for marking a door having a substantially planar steel surface for mounting an exit device , the surface having a first end near a hinge and a second end opposite the hinge , the exit device including an elongated rail having opposite first and second ends and a rear portion with a first opening adjacent the first rail end and a second opening adjacent the second rail end for attachment to the door surface , the first rail end further having a front portion that inhibits access to the first rail opening in a direction normal to the rail rear portion , the jig including:a first alignment opening for marking a location on the door for a mount having a cantilevered portion extending therefrom, wherein the mount may be extended through the rail first opening to engage the rail rear portion adjacent the rail first opening between the mount cantilevered portion and the door;a second alignment opening for marking a ...

03-11-2016 дата публикации

Screwless Sash Lock for Metal and Plastic Window Sashes and the Like

Номер: US20160319575A1
Принадлежит: Vision Industries Group, Inc.

A lock adapted for attachment to a sash window/door without screws comprises: a shaft with a cam secured thereon is rotatably secured to a housing, with the cam disposed within a housing cavity and rotatable therefrom out of an opening, into an extended position. The housing may be a single integrally formed wall that preferably has a flat bottom surface. A first attachment leg protrudes out from the housing cavity to extend beyond the bottom surface, with a foot thereon extending beyond a first end of the housing. A second attachment leg protrudes out the housing cavity second end, with a foot thereon oriented toward the housing first end, and a locking tab extends from the housing bottom surface. Installation of the screwless sash lock is by receiving the first foot, second foot, and locking tab within correspondingly positioned openings in the window/door rail, through sequenced rotational and sliding motion. 121-. (canceled)22. A sash lock , said sash lock configured for screwless installation of a portion thereof into coordinated openings in a meeting rail of a sash window , with releasable securement using a recess in an underside of a top wall of the meeting rail , and with removal therefrom using an orifice in the meeting rail top wall positioned at the recess , said sash lock comprising: a housing wall having a first end and a second end, said housing wall configured to terminate on a generally flat bottom surface to form a cavity, said housing wall comprising: an orifice into said cavity, and an opening into said cavity;', 'a first leg configured to extend beyond said bottom surface of said housing wall;', 'a second leg configured to extend beyond said bottom surface of said housing wall, said first and second legs configured to sequentially enter the coordinated openings of the sash window meeting rail and to be engaged therein through sliding contact, by said second leg configured to be oriented substantially the same as said first leg, where a foot of ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Escutcheon mounting plate

Номер: US20160340930A1
Принадлежит: Yale Security Inc

A mount is provided for securing an escutcheon on a door. The mount comprises a plate member having a central aperture and an upper pair of elongated slots and a lower pair of elongated slots. Each of the elongated slots extends parallel to a central longitudinal axis of the plate member. A mounting stud is slidably received in at least one of the upper pair of elongated slots and the lower pair of elongated slots for positioning of the stud relative to the central aperture, wherein the studs can be located at selected distances from the central aperture for alignment with a hole through the door.

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Door handle adapter with hidden fastener

Номер: US20170335597A1
Автор: James Lin, Thomas P. Morse
Принадлежит: Spectrum Brands Inc

A door handle may be mounted to a door with concealed fasteners. The fasteners do not engage the door itself, but rather engage a top plate that is mounted to the door. The fasteners are inserted into a hidden portion of the door handle and generate an opposing force as they press against a bulging portion of the top plate to produce a force that retains the door handle in place. The force generated also urges the door handle into a bottom plate on an opposing side of the door handle. The bottom plate includes a first and second planar section. The second planar section of the bottom plate is received into a receiving slot of the door handle. As a result, the door handle is retained on the door without any visible fasteners.

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170337789A1
Автор: ROSENKVIST Alexander
Принадлежит: AXIS AB

A mounting assembly () for an electronic device () is disclosed. The mounting assembly () comprises an attachment part (), a base (), and an arm (). The attachment part () is coupled to the arm () and the arm () is coupled to the base () such that the arm () is lockingly rotatable relative the base () about a rotational axis (). The arm () comprises a housing and a locking member () being provided with a locking protrusion (). The locking member () is coupled to the housing such that the locking protrusion () is radially displaceable in relation to the rotational axis (). The base () is provided with a set of radially extending locking grooves (). The locking protrusion () is received by one locking groove () in response to a displacement of the locking member (), whereby the arm () is rotationally locked. 2. The mounting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the locking protrusion is provided on a surface of the locking member facing the base.3. The mounting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the set of locking grooves of the base is arranged as a circular array of radially extending grooves.4. The mounting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the set of locking grooves is connected by a guiding groove arranged to receive the locking protrusion.5. The mounting assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting assembly is arranged such that a joint member of the attachment part is positionally locked in relation to the arm in response to the displacement of the locking member relative the housing.6. The mounting assembly according to claim 5 ,wherein the mounting assembly is arranged such that the joint member is positionally locked relative the arm by clamping the joint member between a wedge member and the housing of the arm, the wedge member being arranged inside the housing; andwherein abutting surface portions of the locking member and of the wedge member are inclined such that the wedge member is forced towards the joint member in response to the ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180334831A1

An electric door lock includes a lock device and an electric control device. The lock device includes a latch bolt, an inner cover seat, and a handle mechanism driving movement of the latch bolt. The inner cover seat has an inner cover having an inner receiving room, and a window that is communicated with the inner receiving room. The electric control device electrically controls the lock device, and includes a middle circuit board fixedly received in the inner receiving room, and an inner circuit board removably received in the inner receiving room, removably connected to the middle circuit board, corresponding to the window in position, and removable from, the inner receiving room through the window. 1. An electric door lock is adapted to be mounted to a door , and is adapted to lock or unlock the door in an electric control manner , comprising:a lock device including a latch bolt, an inner cover seat that is adapted to be mounted to an inner side of the door, and a handle mechanism that is adapted to be mounted to the door, that drives movement of said latch bolt, and that includes an inner handle, said inner cover seat having an inner cover that is adapted to be mounted to the door, and that has an inner receiving room, and a window communicated with said inner receiving room, said inner handle of said handle mechanism extending through said inner cover of said inner cover seat; andan electric control device electrically controlling said lock device, and including a middle circuit board that is fixedly received in said inner receiving room, and an inner circuit board that is removably received in said inner receiving room, that is removably connected to said middle circuit, board, that corresponds to said window in position, and that is removable from said inner receiving room through said window.2. The electric door lock as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said inner cover seat further has a cover body claim 1 , and at least claim 1 , one snap fit mechanism ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190338559A1

A theft deterrent system for an electronics cabinet includes a handle cover having through-holes dimensioned to align with a through-hole in a handle of the electronics cabinet. The through-holes of the handle cover may be dimensioned to receive a shackle of a lock. The theft deterrent system further includes a shackle cover dimensioned to receive the shackle of the lock. The shackle cover may include an upper tab and a lower tab, each comprising a respective shackle slot therein dimensioned to receive the shackle of the lock. 1. A theft deterrent system , comprising:a handle cover comprising through-holes dimensioned to align with a through-hole in a handle of an electronics cabinet, wherein the handle cover is adapted to at least partially cover the handle, and wherein the through-holes of the handle cover are dimensioned to receive a shackle of a lock; anda shackle cover dimensioned to receive the shackle of the lock, wherein the shackle cover comprises an upper tab and a lower tab, each comprising a respective shackle slot therein dimensioned to receive the shackle of the lock.2. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein the handle cover comprises a channel dimensioned to receive the handle of the electronics cabinet.3. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein the handle cover and the shackle cover comprise galvanized steel.4. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein the shackle cover is a unitary body.5. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein the lower tab further comprises a through-hole dimensioned to receive the shackle of the lock.6. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein a height of the shackle cover at an outer wall is greater than a height of the shackle cover at the upper tab.7. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein the handle cover comprises an opening dimensioned to receive the upper tab when the shackle is installed on the electronics cabinet.8. The theft deterrent system of claim 1 , wherein an outer ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363329A1
Автор: Qiu Jia Sen

A push-pull passage lock mounting device is provided for use with doors of various thicknesses. The device, which comprises a first mounting plate, a second mounting plate, adjusting inserts, a central actuator block, a first threaded stud connected with the first mounting plate, a second threaded stud connected with the second mounting plate. The adjusting inserts are sleeved on the first threaded stud or the second threaded stud. The distance between the first mounting plate and the second mounting plate can be adjusted via the inserts so as to adapt to doors with various thicknesses. 1. A push-pull passage lock mounting device adapted to doors having various thickness , comprising:a first mounting plate;a second mounting plate;an adjusting ring;an actuator between the mounting plates;a pair of first studs threaded into the first mounting plate and extending along opposite side walls of the actuator;a pair of second stud extending through the second mounting plate and threaded into the first studs;a pair of adjusting inserts on the first studs or the second studs to adjust the spacing between the first and second mounting plates.2. The push-pull passage lock mounting device according to claim 1 , further comprising a first actuator housing claim 1 , a second actuator housing claim 1 , and a mounting column claim 1 , the first and a second actuator housings being sleeved on opposite sides of the actuator claim 1 , the mounting column comprising a body and a threaded end claim 1 , wherein the body resides between the first and second actuator housings and the threaded end protrudes from the first actuator housing to form the first threaded stud.3. The push-pull passage lock mounting device according to claim 2 , further comprising a mounting boss having one end connected to the first threaded stud claim 2 , and the other end fastened to the first mounting plate.4. The push-pull passage lock mounting device according to claim 2 , wherein the mounting column further ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200354992A1

In one aspect of the present disclosure, a locking device is provided including an interchangeable core (IC), a barrel, an anti-rotation plate, a prong driver, a bolt and a backplate. The barrel is coupled to the backplate and includes a hollow interior to receive the IC. The bolt is slidably disposed in a slot of the backplate. The IC includes a key hole. The prong driver is coupled to the IC and the bolt, such that, when a proper key is inserted into the key hole and rotated the bolt can be extended from the slot in a direction away from the locking device or retracted into the slot in a direction toward the interior of the locking device. The anti-rotation plate of the locking device is coupled to the barrel to prevent the locking device from being rotated relative to a structure the locking device is mounted to. 1. A locking device , comprising:a barrel disposed along a longitudinal axis and including a first end, a second end, and an outer wall defining a hollow interior, the first end of the barrel configured to receive an interchangeable core, such that, the interchangeable core is retained in the hollow interior of the barrel;an anti-rotation plate coupled to the barrel and configured to prevent the locking device from being rotated relative to a structure the locking device is mounted to;the interchangeable core including a first end and a second end, the first end including a key hole;a prong driver including an engaging element, the prong driver coupled to the second end of the interchangeable core, such that, when a proper key is inserted into the key hole of the interchangeable core and rotated in a first direction, the engaging element of the prong driver is rotated in the first direction, and when the proper key is rotated in a second direction opposite the first direction, the engaging element of the prong driver is rotated in the second direction;a backplate coupled to the second end of the barrel, the backplate including a first slot; anda bolt ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190360235A1
Автор: Quinn Jason L.

A push bar exit device for installation on a door, wherein the exit device includes a head segment including a latch mechanism having a retractable latch bolt, the head segment being configured for installation on the door; a push bar segment including push bar operatively installed in a housing, the push bar segment being configured to be installable on the door adjacent to and separately from the head segment; and a coupling mechanism operatively coupling the push bar to the latch mechanism, whereby the latch mechanism is operable to retract the latch bolt in response to a pushing force applied to the push bar. 1. A push bar exit device for installation on an exit door , the push bar exit device comprising:a head segment configured for installation on an exit door, the head segment including a latch mechanism having a retractable latch bolt;a push bar segment including a push bar operatively installed in a housing, the push bar segment being configured to be installable on the exit door adjacent to and separately from the head segment; anda coupling mechanism operatively coupling the push bar to the latch mechanism when the head segment and the push bar segment are installed on the exit door, whereby the latch mechanism is operated to retract the retractable latch bolt in response to a pushing force applied to the push bar.2. The push bar exit device of claim 1 , wherein the head segment includes a pair of slots claim 1 , and wherein the push bar housing has a coupling end with a pair of resilient tabs claim 1 , each of which is configured to be received in one of the slots to connect the head segment to the push bar segment.3. The push bar exit device of claim 1 , wherein the push bar is operatively coupled to the latch bolt by an actuator pin.4. The push bar exit device of claim 3 , wherein the actuator pin is coupled to a coupling arm disposed in the housing so as to be engageable by the push bar claim 3 , whereby a pushing force applied to the push bar is ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180371793A1
Автор: Goldstein Steven M.

Bridge adapters configured for insertion into a door stile cavity within a door stile are presented, the bridge adapter including: a planar body including, a first plate disposed along a proximal end of the planar body, where the first plate includes a first plate front edge disposed along the proximal end and a first plate back edge located along opposite ends of the first plate, where the first plate front edge includes a locking tab sized to couple with a locking indent, a second plate including a second plate front edge and a second plate back edge located along opposite ends of the second plate, where the second plate front edge is mechanically coupled along the first plate back edge by a leading hinge. 1. A bridge adapter configured for insertion into a door stile cavity within a door stile , the bridge adapter comprising: a first plate disposed along a proximal end of the planar body, wherein the first plate includes a first plate front edge disposed along the proximal end and a first plate back edge located along opposite ends of the first plate, wherein the first plate front edge includes a locking tab sized to couple with a locking indent,', 'a second plate including a second plate front edge and a second plate back edge located along opposite ends of the second plate, wherein the second plate front edge is mechanically coupled along the first plate back edge by a leading hinge, wherein the second plate includes at least one through hole sized to receive the at least one raised feature,', 'a third plate including a third plate front edge and a third plate back edge located along opposite ends of the third plate, wherein the third plate is mechanically coupled along the third plate front edge and the second plate back edge by a middle hinge, and', 'a fourth plate including a fourth plate front edge and a fourth plate back edge located along opposite ends of the fourth plate, wherein the fourth plate front edge is mechanically coupled along the third plate ...

03-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200378150A1
Автор: Cuddy Nathanial C.

A rigid member configured to maintain components in spaced relationship is disclosed. An outer wall portion of the rigid member is arranged substantially concentric about a central axis and a fastener-receiving portion is arranged within the outer wall portion. The fastener-receiving member defines a central bore extending therethrough and oriented substantially concentric about the central axis. A plurality of interconnecting portions extend between the outer wall portion and the fastener-receiving portion. 1. A rigid member configured to be cut to selected lengths to form spacers for assembly of a storage bin assembly , the rigid member comprising:an outer wall portion substantially concentric to a central axis;a first inner wall portion offset inward from the outer wall portion, wherein the first inner wall portion is concentric to the central axis;a plurality of interconnecting portions that couple the outer wall portion to the first inner wall portion;a first fastener-receiving portion offset inward from the first inner wall portion, wherein the first fastener-receiving portion defines a central bore, and wherein a location of the first fastener-receiving portion is configured to enable a fastener, with a portion of the fastener positioned in the central bore, to couple a first spacer cut from the rigid member to a support member of the storage bin assembly;second fastener-receiving portions coupled to the first inner wall portion and the first fastener-receiving portion, wherein each of the second fastener-receiving portions has a second bore, and wherein a second bore central axis of each second bore is located a first distance from the central axis; anda third fastener-receiving portion coupled to the first inner wall portion and the first fastener-receiving portion, the third fastener-receiving portion having a third bore with a third bore central axis located a second distance from the central axis different than the first distance, wherein locations of ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Double Bitted - Reversible Key Plug Lock

Номер: US20190383058A1
Автор: Michael O. Misner
Принадлежит: Eastern Co

A lock has a locked condition and an unlocked condition comprising a barrel with a circular bore having three splines. A cylindrical plug is adapted to reside in the bore. First, second and retaining tumblers are positioned in tumbler slots, with the first and retaining tumblers biased in one direction toward the first spline and the second tumbler biased in the opposite direction into the second spline. When a first key is inserted, the first and second tumblers are moved against the bias so they retract from the respective splines and the plug can be rotated from the locked and unlocked conditions. When a second key is inserted while in the unlocked condition, the first, second and retaining tumblers are moved so the respective tumblers are either positioned in the third longitudinal spline or fully retained in the plug and the plug can be retracted axially from the barrel.

28-09-2012 дата публикации

Universal lock cylinder

Номер: MY146834A
Автор: Eugenio Mannella
Принадлежит: NEWFREY LLC


24-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220372788A1

Various examples are directed to apparatus and methods for providing a door latch block assembly. An apparatus includes a first planar surface configured to mount parallel to and facing away from a first side of a door frame, and a second planar surface configured to mount flush with and facing toward the first side of the door frame. The apparatus further includes a rectangular protrusion extending from the second planar surface configured to extend through an aperture in the door frame and protrude from a second side of the door frame. The apparatus also includes cylindrical openings extending through the latch block apparatus configured to receive hardware for affixing a latching mechanism to a distal end of the protrusion. The apparatus is configured to provide precise alignment of the latching mechanism for securing the door frame to a door. 1. A latch block apparatus comprising:a first planar surface configured to mount parallel to and facing away from a first side of a door frame;a second planar surface configured to mount flush with and facing toward the first side of the door frame;a rectangular protrusion extending from the second planar surface, the rectangular protrusion configured to extend through an aperture in the door frame and protrude from a second side of the door frame when the latch block apparatus is mounted to the door frame; andtwo or more cylindrical openings extending through the latch block apparatus from the first planar surface through the second planar surface and the rectangular protrusion, the two or more cylindrical openings configured to receive hardware for affixing a latching mechanism to a distal end of the protrusion,wherein the latch block apparatus is configured to provide precise alignment of the latching mechanism for securing the door frame to a door in a closed position.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rectangular protrusion includes engagement teeth on opposite ends of the rectangular protrusion to engage the ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации

Keyless Insertion Locking System and Method

Номер: US20220403676A1
Принадлежит: DeWalch Technologies, Inc.

The present invention, in a non-limiting example embodiment provides a locking apparatus and method for securing locking hardware without the use of a key. In an example embodiment, the apparatus comprises at least a keyless insertion rotatable disk-style, barrel locking apparatus that, in a locked state can be inserted into a securing device without first unlocking, and then, thereafter, locking after insertion. In a nonlimiting example embodiment, unlocking and re-locking requires a key. The present invention, in an example embodiment, also provides features that allow the locking apparatus to enter and exit multiple apertures without requiring a key. 1inserting the barrel lock in hardware capable of receiving said barrel lock;exerting an external force on said locking member; andcausing said locking member to retract into said body so as to allow insertion of said barrel lock into said hardware.. A method for installing a barrel lock comprising a body and a retractable locking member, the method comprising: This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 16/919,045, filed on Jul. 1, 2020, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 13/070,456 filed on Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,851 filed on Mar. 24, 2010, and also which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010.This application is also a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/836,261, filed on Mar. 15, 2013, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 13/636,666 filed on Sep. 21, 2012, which is a national stage of International Application No. PCT/US2011/029688, filed Mar. 23, 2011.U.S. Nonprovisional application Ser. No. 13/636,666 filed on Sep. 21, 2012 is a national stage of International Application No. PCT/US2011/029688, filed Mar. 23, 2011, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316,826 filed on Mar. 23, 2010, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/316, ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2249087C2

FIELD: ironmongery, particularly locks. SUBSTANCE: lock comprises body for lock installation in door, locking bar and central lock assembly. Central lock assembly includes key-operated locking mechanism for locking bar movement operation. Central lock assembly may be detached from rigid body to replace key-operated central assembly and to use another key for central assembly operation. Locking mechanism is adapted to use key with double bit and has slides cooperating with above key or locking mechanism is made as cylindrical locking mechanism. Mounted on face surface of lock body located on outer door side is protection member, which protects key-insertion area. Protection member has body, hole and inner member detachably installed in protection member body hole. Inner member may be changed for inner member having another configuration corresponding to central assembly type. EFFECT: increased resistance to lock breaking and improved performance. 10 cl, 11 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (51) ÌÏÊ 7 (11) (13) 2 249 087 C2 E 05 B 9/00, 17/20 ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2000133224/12, 29.12.2000 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÌÎÒÒÓÐÀ Ñåðäæî (IT) (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 29.12.2000 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(ëè): ÌÎÒÒÓÐÀ ÑÅÐÐÀÒÓÐÅ ÄÈ ÑÈÊÓÐÅÄÇÀ Ñ Ï À (IT) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 12.05.2000 (ïï.1-10) IT TO2000A000442 R U (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 27.03.2005 Áþë. ¹ 9 2 2 4 9 0 8 7 ïðèñïîñîáëåííûå äë âçàèìîäåéñòâè ñ ýòèì êëþ÷îì, èëè öèëèíäðè÷åñêèì çàïèðàþùèì ìåõàíèçìîì, íà ëèöåâîé ïîâåðõíîñòè æåñòêîãî êîðïóñà çàìêà, ðàñïîëîæåííîé íà íàðóæíîé ñòîðîíå äâåðè, óñòàíîâëåí çàùèòíûé ýëåìåíò, ïðåäíàçíà÷åííûé äë çàùèòû ìåñòà, êóäà âñòàâë þò êëþ÷, ñîäåðæàùèé êîðïóñ è èìåþùèé ãíåçäî è âíóòðåííèé ýëåìåíò, óñòàíîâëåííûé ðàçúåìíûì ñïîñîáîì â ãíåçäå çàêðåïëåííîãî êîðïóñà çàùèòíîãî ýëåìåíòà ñ âîçìîæíîñòüþ çàìåíû âíóòðåííèì ýëåìåíòîì, èìåþùèì äðóãóþ êîíôèãóðàöèþ, ñîîòâåòñòâóþùóþ òèïó öåíòðàëüíîãî áëîêà, ...

08-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CN101547580B
Принадлежит: Hispano Mecano Electrica SA


01-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CN1243899C
Автор: S·莫图拉
Принадлежит: Mottura Serrature di Sicurezza SpA


03-07-2007 дата публикации

Locking device for electric type door-lock

Номер: KR100734030B1
Автор: 김종수
Принадлежит: 김종수, 엘에스전자 주식회사

본 발명은 실외케이스에 설치된 입력수단으로부터 입력된 신호에 따라 도어록의 잠금상태를 선택적으로 조작하게 하는 전자식 도어록의 잠금장치에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 도어록의 데드볼트를 출몰시키는 실내케이스의 레버축을 실외케이스의 레버축과 착탈 가능하게 연결시키기 위한 클러치레버가 소형모터에 의한 클러치캠의 회전으로 힌지식의 각운동을 하면서 작동되도록 하고, 상기 클러치캠과 함께 회전하는 센서캠에 의한 센서의 조작으로 소형모터의 작동을 제어토록 함으로서, 도어의 잠금상태나 개방상태를 별도의 전원공급이 없이 사용자가 요구하는 상태로 유지시킬 수 있도록 하고, 이로 인하여 전자식 도어록의 사용에 따른 편의성을 극대화시킴과 동시에 불필요한 배터리의 소모량은 최소화시킬 수 있도록 한 전자식 도어록의 잠금장치에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to an electronic door lock locking device for selectively operating a lock state of a door lock according to a signal input from an input means installed in an outdoor case, and more particularly, a lever shaft of an indoor case for releasing a dead bolt of the door lock. The clutch lever for detachably connecting to the lever shaft of the outdoor case is operated while the hinge-type angular movement by the rotation of the clutch cam by the small motor, by the operation of the sensor by the sensor cam that rotates together with the clutch cam By controlling the operation of the small motor, it is possible to maintain the locked state or the open state of the door to the state required by the user without a separate power supply, thereby maximizing the convenience of using the electronic door lock and at the same time unnecessary Electronic doors to minimize battery consumption The present invention relates to locks. 본 발명에 의한 전자식 도어록의 잠금장치는, 도어(1)의 실외측에 설치되어 버튼입력부 또는 지문인식부와 같은 입력수단을 구비하는 실외케이스(11)와, 도어(1)의 실내측에 설치되고 그 내부에 전원공급용 배터리가 삽입되는 실내케이스(12)와, 도어(1)의 내부로 삽입 설치되어 실내외케이스(11)(12)의 레버(16)와 연결되는 레버축(7)(17)의 회전에 따라 데드볼트(4)를 출몰시키기 위한 도어록(2)으로 이루어지며, 상기 실외케이스(11)의 내부에는 실내케이스(12)로부터 도어록(2)을 관통하여 연장되는 레버축(7)의 커넥터(6)를 클러치레버(30)의 힌지식 작동에 따라 실외케이스(11)의 레버축(17)과 선택적으로 연결시키기 위한 잠금장치(20)가 설치된 것에 있어서, 상기 잠금장치(20)는 그 몸체의 하단부에 클러치레버(30)가 힌지식으로 연결된 상태로 실외케이스(11)의 내측면에 고정 설치되는 모터브라켓(25)과, 상기 실외케이스(11)의 바닥부에 형성된 스프링홀더(26)의 내부로 삽입되어 클러치레버(30)의 하단부를 그 전방측으로 탄력 지지하는 코일스프링(27)과, 상기 클러치레버(30)의 후방측에서 모터브라켓(25)상에 고정 설치되고 실내케이스(12)의 배터리로부터 공급되는 전원으로 작동되는 소형모터( ...

24-12-2012 дата публикации

A one touch type door lock holder for easily attachable and detachable

Номер: KR101214966B1
Автор: 정태원
Принадлежит: 정태원

PURPOSE: A one-touch type door lock holder is provided to easily separate a hooking metal from a door lock by generating a constant gap between the door lock and a fixing device through a gap recess. CONSTITUTION: A door lock(10) is attached to a door and electronically or mechanically opens and closes the door. A fixing device(20) comprises a main body(21), a hooking device(22), a close contact part(23), and a connecting part(24). The main body forms a coupling recess(21a) and combines the door lock in the inner side. The hooking device is formed on the top front side of the main body and forms a hooking metal(22a) of wedge shape and a gap recess(22b). The close contact part is protruded to the rear side of the main body and is closely adhered to the side of the door lock. The connection part is integrally formed with the side of the close contact part.

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Thin-film transistor method of manufacturing the thin-film transistor and display device using the same

Номер: KR101544055B1

박막 트랜지스터, 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 액정표시장치에서, 박막 트랜지스터는 베이스 기판, 게이트 전극, 게이트 절연막, 다결정 실리콘층, 촉매층, 오믹 콘택층, 소오스 전극 및 드레인 전극을 포함한다. 다결정 실리콘층은 촉매층을 통과한 방사열에 의해서 촉매층의 하부영역이 결정화되고, 따라서 마스크를 사용하지 않고도 미세패턴의 결정화가 가능하여 비용을 절감할 수 있다. In a thin film transistor, a method of manufacturing the same, and a liquid crystal display using the same, the thin film transistor includes a base substrate, a gate electrode, a gate insulating film, a polycrystalline silicon layer, a catalyst layer, an ohmic contact layer, a source electrode and a drain electrode. In the polycrystalline silicon layer, the lower region of the catalyst layer is crystallized by the radiation heat that has passed through the catalyst layer, so that it is possible to crystallize the fine pattern without using a mask, thereby reducing the cost. 결정화, 실리콘 Crystallization, silicon

02-08-2007 дата публикации

A latch device for portable computer

Номер: KR100745801B1
Автор: 민혁기
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 휴대용 컴퓨터의 래치장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 본체부(120)에 대해 디스플레이부(130)가 힌지부(128)를 중심으로 겹쳐지고 펼쳐지게 동작되는 휴대용 컴퓨터에 있어서, 소정의 길이를 가지는 래치몸체(161)를 구비하고 상기 래치몸체(161)의 양단에 디스플레이부(130)의 선단으로 돌출되어 상기 본체부(120)의 일측에 선택적으로 걸어지는 걸고리(164)가 구비되며 내부에 안내슬롯(168)이 형성되는 이동안내부(166)가 구비되어 상기 디스플레이부(130)의 내부에 직선운동되게 설치되는 래치(160)와, 상기 래치몸체(161)에 일체로 구비되고 상기 디스플레이부(130)의 외부로 일측이 노출되어 사용자의 조작력을 전달받는 조작노브(190)와, 상기 래치몸체(161)를 상기 걸고리(164)가 상기 본체부(120)에 체결되는 방향으로 이동시키는 힘을 제공하는 복원부재(180)를 포함하여 구성된다. 이와 같은 본 발명에 의하면, 디스플레이부(130)와 본체부(120) 사이의 체결을 위한 래치장치의 구성이 상대적으로 간소화되고, 디스플레이부 내부에 래치의 설치를 위한 필요공간이 최소화되는 이점이 있다. The present invention relates to a latch device of a portable computer. The present invention relates to a portable computer in which the display unit 130 is overlapped and unfolded with respect to the hinge unit 128 with respect to the main body unit 120. Protruding to the front end of the display unit 130 at both ends of the 161 is provided with a hook 164 that is selectively walked on one side of the main body 120, the movement guide unit (168) is formed therein ( 166 is provided, the latch 160 is installed in a linear motion inside the display unit 130, and integrally provided in the latch body 161 and one side is exposed to the outside of the display 130, the user Including an operation knob 190 to receive the operating force of the, and the restoring member 180 for providing a force for moving the latch body 161 in the direction in which the hook 164 is fastened to the main body portion 120, It is composed. According to the present invention, the configuration of the latch device for fastening between the display unit 130 and the main body unit 120 is relatively simplified, there is an advantage that the required space for installing the latch inside the display unit is minimized. . 휴대용 컴퓨터, 래치, 조작노브, 일체 Portable Computer, Latch, Operation Knob, All

26-08-2010 дата публикации

Thin-film transistor, method of manufacturing the thin-film transistor, and display device using the same

Номер: KR20100093647A

박막 트랜지스터, 이의 제조방법 및 이를 이용한 액정표시장치에서, 박막 트랜지스터는 베이스 기판, 게이트 전극, 게이트 절연막, 다결정 실리콘층, 촉매층, 오믹 콘택층, 소오스 전극 및 드레인 전극을 포함한다. 다결정 실리콘층은 촉매층을 통과한 방사열에 의해서 촉매층의 하부영역이 결정화되고, 따라서 마스크를 사용하지 않고도 미세패턴의 결정화가 가능하여 비용을 절감할 수 있다. 결정화, 실리콘

03-11-2006 дата публикации

A latch device for portable computer

Номер: KR100642296B1
Автор: 권해옥
Принадлежит: 엘지전자 주식회사

본 발명은 휴대용 컴퓨터의 래치장치에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 본체부(20)에 대해 디스플레이부(30)가 힌지부(28)를 중심으로 겹쳐지고 펼쳐지게 동작되는 휴대용 컴퓨터에 있어서, 소정의 길이를 가지는 래치몸체(61)를 구비하고 상기 래치몸체(31)의 양단에 디스플레이부(30)의 선단으로 돌출되어 상기 본체부(20)의 일측에 선택적으로 걸어지는 걸고리(64)를 구비하며 내부에 안내슬롯(68)이 형성되는 이동안내부(66)가 구비되어 상기 디스플레이부(30)의 내부에서 직선운동되게 설치되는 래치(60)와, 일측이 상기 래치몸체(61)와 분리가능하게 결합되고 상기 디스플레이부(30)의 외부로 손잡이부(97)가 노출되게 설치되는 조작노브(90)와, 상기 래치몸체(61)를 상기 걸고리(64)가 상기 본체부(20)에 체결되는 방향으로 이동시키는 힘을 제공하는 복원부재(80)를 포함하여 구성된다. 이와 같은 본 발명에 의하면, 대형의 휴대용 컴퓨터에서 디스플레이부와 본체부사이의 체결을 위한 래치의 걸고리가 상대적으로 디스플레이부의 양단에 인접하게 설치될 수 있어 래치에 의한 디스플레이부와 본체부사이의 결합이 견고하게 되고, 디스플레이부 내부에 래치의 설치를 위한 필요한 공간이 최소화되는 이점이 있다. 휴대용 컴퓨터, 래치, 조작노브

11-08-2021 дата публикации

Door lock mortise

Номер: KR102289096B1
Автор: 유성원, 이상한
Принадлежит: 삼성에스디에스 주식회사

본 발명은, 데드볼트 및 상기 데드볼트를 작동하는 데드볼트 구동부를 포함하는 데드볼트부; 래치볼트를 포함하는 래치볼트부; 상기 래치볼트를 작동하는 래치볼트 구동부; 및 상기 래치볼트 구동부 및 상기 데드볼트 구동부 사이에 위치되고, 회전 가능하며 회전반경에 따라 상기 래치볼트 구동부 및 상기 데드볼트 구동부를 조작하는 연결부;를 포함하고, 상기 래치볼트 구동부는 상기 연결부에 의해 회전되는 제1 래치볼트 구동부재 및 상기 연결부의 회전방향에 따라 상기 연결부 및 상기 제1 래치볼트 구동부재 중 어느 하나에 의해 회전되는 제2 래치볼트 구동부재를 포함하는, 도어락 모티스에 관한 것이다. The present invention, a dead bolt and a dead bolt unit including a dead bolt driving unit for operating the dead bolt; a latch bolt unit including a latch bolt; a latch bolt driver operating the latch bolt; and a connection part positioned between the latch bolt driving part and the dead bolt driving part, being rotatable, and operating the latch bolt driving part and the dead bolt driving part according to a rotation radius, wherein the latch bolt driving part is rotated by the connection part It relates to a door lock mortis, comprising a first latch bolt driving member and a second latch bolt driving member rotated by any one of the connection part and the first latch bolt driving member according to the rotation direction of the connection part.

11-06-2004 дата публикации

Door lock apparatus with a magnetic body

Номер: KR100434726B1
Автор: 박래주
Принадлежит: 박래주

본 발명은 출입문을 개폐하는 도어록 장치에 관한 것으로서, 특히 도어록 장치에 자성체를 이용하여 출입문에 설치할 수 있도록 한 것이다. 유리문과 같이 도어록 장치를 설치하기 어려운 출입문의 경우에 간단하게 설치할 수 있도록 함으로서 외관 디자인의 단순화와 부품비 및 조립비용을 대폭 절감할 수 있도록 한 것이다. 그 주요 구성은 외측몸체에 설치되며 도어핸들의 축부에 설치되고 록크장치의 돌기결합홈에 결합되는 돌기를 갖는 이동구와, 상기 이동구와 결합되고 외측 잠금장치연동부의 자석회동편의 영구자석과 연결되어 연동되는 열림접촉판과, 출입문의 내외측을 결합하는 내외측연결판 및, 키 입력부를 갖는 회동편과 그리고 회동편에 기어로 연결되는 자석회동편으로 구성되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a door lock device for opening and closing the door, in particular to be installed on the door using a magnetic material in the door lock device. In the case of a door that is difficult to install a door lock device such as a glass door, it can be easily installed to simplify the exterior design, and greatly reduce the parts cost and assembly cost. Its main configuration is installed on the outer body and is installed on the shaft of the door handle and has a moving tool having a projection coupled to the projection engaging groove of the lock device, coupled with the moving hole and connected to the permanent magnet of the magnetic rotating piece of the outer lock interlocking device It is characterized in that it is composed of an opening contact plate, an inner and outer connecting plate for coupling the inner and outer sides of the door, a rotating piece having a key input portion and a magnetic rotating piece connected to the rotating piece by a gear.

04-08-2009 дата публикации

Locking Apparatus Having Strike for Door

Номер: KR20090007873U
Автор: 김용범
Принадлежит: 김용범

본 고안은 도어용 스트라이크를 구비한 잠금장치에 관한 것으로서, 본 고안에 따른 도어용 스트라이크를 구비한 잠금장치는 도어프레임에 설치되는 잠금수단과 도어가 슬라이딩되는 메인프레임에 설치되는 걸림수단의 결합을 통해 도어의 잠금 및 잠금해제할 수 있도록 마련된 잠금장치에 있어서, 메인프레임에 결합할 수 있도록 홀이 마련된 걸림수단, 상기 걸림수단의 배면의 좌우 양측단부로부터 후방으로 연장되며, 상기 메인프레임을 수용할 수 있도록 대향된 한 쌍의 연장부를 포함하는 스트라이크를 포함하며, 상기 연장부에는 메인프레임을 수용하여 맞닿는 면에 메인프레임에 내입걸림될 수 있도록 돌기가 형성된 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의하여, 정확한 위치에 잠금장치가 설치될 수 있고, 마킹을 위한 별도의 가이드를 구비하지 않아도 정확히 시공할 수 있는 도어용 스트라이크를 구비한 잠금장치가 제공된다. 잠금장치, 스트라이크, 도어, 창문, 걸림수단, 잠금수단
