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16-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004321U1

Устройство для закрывания двери, содержащее корпус с размещенным в нем штоком, на котором расположен поршень, две крышки, в одной из которых имеется отверстие для выхода рабочей среды, отличающееся тем, что отверстия в поршне при рабочем ходе перекрываются плавающим уплотнительным кольцом, а крышка корпуса содержит винт для регулировки скорости истечения рабочей среды. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 321 U1 (51) МПК E05F 3/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96102690/20, 07.02.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "Ижевский радиозавод" (46) Опубликовано: 16.06.1997 (72) Автор(ы): Берестов Г.А. U 1 4 3 2 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для закрывания двери, содержащее корпус с размещенным в нем штоком, на котором расположен поршень, две крышки, в одной из которых имеется отверстие для выхода рабочей среды, отличающееся тем, что отверстия в поршне при рабочем ходе перекрываются плавающим уплотнительным кольцом, а крышка корпуса содержит винт для регулировки скорости истечения рабочей среды. 4 3 2 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАКРЫВАНИЯ ДВЕРИ R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество открытого типа "Ижевский радиозавод" U 1 U 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 4 321 U1 RU 4 321 U1 RU 4 321 U1

16-10-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000005203U1
Автор: Цимринг Н.И.

Демпфер, содержащий пружину, отличающийся тем, что в цилиндрическом с дном и крышкой с отверстием в центре корпуса, содержащем поршень со штоком, проходящим сквозь отверстие в крышке, пружина размещена на штоке между поршнем и крышкой корпуса, при этом поршень с противоположной стороны от штока по диаметру снабжен манжетой, внешний диаметр которой не меньше внутреннего диаметра корпуса, а в поршне выполнен регулируемый жиклер. (19) RU (11) (13) 5 203 U1 (51) МПК E05F 3/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 93031229/12, 01.06.1993 (46) Опубликовано: 16.10.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью "Выход-2" (72) Автор(ы): Цимринг Н.И. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Цимринг Николай Исаакович (54) ДЕМПФЕР U 1 5 2 0 3 R U U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 5 2 0 3 (57) Формула полезной модели Демпфер, содержащий пружину, отличающийся тем, что в цилиндрическом с дном и крышкой с отверстием в центре корпуса, содержащем поршень со штоком, проходящим сквозь отверстие в крышке, пружина размещена на штоке между поршнем и крышкой корпуса, при этом поршень с противоположной стороны от штока по диаметру снабжен манжетой, внешний диаметр которой не меньше внутреннего диаметра корпуса, а в поршне выполнен регулируемый жиклер. RU 5 203 U1 RU 5 203 U1 RU 5 203 U1 RU 5 203 U1 RU 5 203 U1

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000039632U1

1. Демпфирующее устройство двусторонне открываемой двери, содержащее герметичный, заполненный маслом цилиндрический корпус и размещенные в нем, полностью погруженные в масло приводной вал с рычагом, шарнирно соединенным с подпружиненным штоком силового гидроцилиндра, закрепленного в корпусе, дроссели и обратный клапан, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено копирами, закрепленными в цилиндрическом корпусе, в проушине рычага приводного вала выполнен продольный паз, взаимодействующий своими боковыми поверхностями с осью, размещенной в проушине штока силового гидроцилиндра, а на оси установлены ролики, взаимодействующие с копирами, при этом поршень и крышка штоковой полости силового гидроцилиндра снабжены дросселями, а крышка поршневой полости силового гидроцилиндра - обратным клапаном. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в нем копир выполнен, например, в виде двух зеркальных наклонных плоскостей с круглым пазом, выполненным по линии их пересечения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 39 632 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05F 3/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004110123/22 , 30.03.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.03.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 10.08.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Гордиенко Константин Владимирович (RU), Колубалин Альберт Кондратьевич (RU) U 1 3 9 6 3 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Демпфирующее устройство двусторонне открываемой двери, содержащее герметичный, заполненный маслом цилиндрический корпус и размещенные в нем, полностью погруженные в масло приводной вал с рычагом, шарнирно соединенным с подпружиненным штоком силового гидроцилиндра, закрепленного в корпусе, дроссели и обратный клапан, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено копирами, закрепленными в цилиндрическом корпусе, в проушине рычага приводного вала выполнен продольный паз, взаимодействующий своими боковыми поверхностями с осью, размещенной в ...

27-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000096393U1

1. Дверной доводчик, включающий корпус, внутри которого с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения установлены подпружиненный шток и поршень, при этом в корпусе выполнено отверстие для сообщения внутреннего объема корпуса с окружающей средой, кроме того, корпус и шток снабжены средствами крепления к конструктивным элементам двери, отличающийся тем, что отверстие для сообщения внутреннего объема корпуса с окружающей средой выполнено в стенке корпуса на расстоянии от конца корпуса, равном 0,4-0,6 его длины; кроме того, доводчик дополнительно снабжен шайбой, установленной жестко на штоке, при этом шайба выполнена с возможностью образования кольцевого зазора между ней и корпусом доводчика, кроме того, в шайбе выполнен канал для пропускания воздуха с площадью поперечного сечения как минимум в три раза меньшей площади поперечного сечения отверстия в корпусе; шток выполнен с упором для захвата и передвижения поршня, при этом упор выполнен с возможностью пропускания воздуха, а поршень выполнен в виде манжеты из упругого материала, установленной концентрично штоку с образованием зазора между ней и штоком, при этом манжета установлена между дополнительной шайбой и упором для захвата поршня с возможностью свободного хода между этими элементами. 2. Дверной доводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отверстие в корпусе выполнено диаметром не менее 1 мм. 3. Дверной доводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что манжета из упругого материала выполнена в форме стакана, стенки которого обращены в сторону свободного конца штока и образуют герметичное сопряжение с корпусом, а дно установлено с образованием зазора между ним и штоком, а также с возможностью зацепления с упором для захвата, выполненным на штоке. 4. Дверной доводчик по п.1, отличающийся тем, что канал в дополнительной шайбе для пропускания воздуха выполнен радиальным на поверхности шайбы, обращенной к манжете. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 96 393 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000106646U1

1. Пневматический демпфер для механического демпфирования закрывания дверей, включающий цилиндрический корпус с торцевыми стенками, внутри которого с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения установлен поршень, выполненный с поршневым клапаном одностороннего действия закрытым при закрывании двери, соединенный со штоком и образующий в совокупности с корпусом и герметично установленной на нем торцевой стенкой в бесштоковой области объема пневматическую камеру, оснащенную расположенным на торцевой стенке выпускным дроссельным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что на герметично установленной на корпусе торцевой стенке штоковой области, образующей в совокупности с корпусом и поршнем пневматическую камеру штоковой области, размещены впускное дроссельное отверстие и штоковый клапан одностороннего действия, закрытый при закрывании двери. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выпускное дроссельное отверстие бесштоковой области объема демпфера и впускное дроссельное отверстие штоковой области выполнены регулируемыми. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что элементы выпускного дроссельного отверстия бесштоковой области объема демпфера и дроссельного отверстия штоковой области выполнены из материала с низким коэффициентом теплопроводности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 106 646 (13) U1 (51) МПК E05F 3/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2011113318/12, 06.04.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.04.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Курепов Михаил Валентинович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.04.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Курепов Михаил Валентинович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2011 1 0 6 6 4 6 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Пневматический демпфер для механического демпфирования закрывания дверей, включающий цилиндрический корпус с торцевыми стенками, внутри которого с возможностью возвратно-поступательного движения ...

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000114706U1
Автор: БАЙ Боакин

1. Напольная пружина, содержащая: корпус; узел амортизатора открывания, входящий в корпус и содержащий шпиндель, выступающий наружу из корпуса, и порошкообразную смесь, заполняющую пространство в корпусе и покрывающую узел амортизатора открывания. 2. Напольная пружина по п.1, в которой порошкообразная смесь представляет собой нерастворимый и невоспламеняющийся порошок. 3. Напольная пружина по п.2, в которой порошкообразная смесь состоит примерно из 90% по объему легкого карбоната кальция, примерно 4% по объему талька, примерно 2% по объему твердого карбоната кальция, 1% по объему стеароила кальция, 1% по объему антисептика и примерно 1% по объему антиоксиданта. 4. Напольная пружина по п.1, в которой корпус содержит коробку, имеющую отверстие, крышку, закрывающую отверстие, узел амортизатора открывания и порошкообразную смесь, размещенную в коробке. 5. Напольная пружина по п.4, в которой крышка содержит первую крышку и вторую крышку, при этом первая крышка определяет первое отверстие, в которое входит шпиндель, и паз, отходящий от отверстия в сторону первой крышки, при этом вторая крышка имеет форму, соответствующую первому отверстию и пазу, и определяет второе отверстие, выровненное с первым отверстием, в которое входит шпиндель. 6. Напольная пружина по п.5, в которой вторая крышка установлена на узле амортизатора открывания, первая крышка установлена на второй крышке и на узле амортизатора открывания, причем шпиндель проходит через второе отверстие и первое отверстие. 7. Напольная пружина по п.6, дополнительно содержащая уплотнительный элемент, помещенный между первой крышкой и коробкой. 8. Напольная пружина по п.7, в которой уплотнительный элемент имеет, в основном, U-образное поперечное сечение. 9. Напольная пружина по п.8, в которой уплотнительный элемент является пустотелым. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 114 706 U1 (51) МПК E05F 5/06 (2006.01) E05F 3/00 (2006.01) F16F 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21 ...

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151065U1

1. Дверной доводчик, включающий в себя корпус, выполненный монолитным для размещения механического и гидравлического функциональных узлов, при этом механический узел соединен валом с рычажным механизмом, находящимся снаружи корпуса, через зафиксированную втулку и уплотнительные элементы, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно включает встроенный в корпус низковольтный электроподогреватель, состоящий из резисторного обогревателя, блока управления внутренней температурой масляной жидкости доводчика, встроенного термостата, программируемого термодатчика, которые монтируют в нижней полости корпуса доводчика и заливают термостойкой, пожаробезопасной пастой, а на торцевой поверхности корпуса доводчика выполнены штекерное гнездо и два светодиодных указателя работоспособности. 2. Дверной доводчик по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что низковольтный электроподогреватель подключен к сети через понижающий адаптер посредством низковольтного провода. 3. Дверной доводчик по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на корпус доводчика установлен термоутеплитель. И 1 151065 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 1541 065? 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 18.01.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 18.01.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 18.01.2021 Бюл. №2 Стр.: 1 па <90г< ЕП

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000157124U1

1. Устройство для закрывания двери, содержащее возвратную пружину, гильзу, выполненную с хвостовиком на первом (глухом) торце и снабженную демпфером, включающим первую герметичную камеру, расположенную в полости гильзы, ограниченную с одной стороны ее первым (глухим) торцом, а с другой - поршнем, выполненным с уплотняющим элементом, в полости гильзы размещен с возможностью осевого перемещения шток, один конец которого соединен с упомянутым поршнем, а другой конец штока выведен за пределы гильзы, вторую камеру демпфера, которая с одной стороны ограничена штоковой стороной поршня, опору, размещенную неподвижно на дверной раме, коромысло, один конец которого шарнирно связан с вышеупомянутой опорой, отличающееся тем, что демпфер в гильзе выполнен пневматическим, второй конец коромысла связан шарнирно непосредственно с выступающим за пределы гильзы концом штока поршня, первый (глухой) торец гильзы выполнен с дроссельным отверстием, а расположенный на нем хвостовик закреплен непосредственно на двери, вторая камера пневматического демпфера ограничена с другой стороны непосредственно вторым торцом гильзы, который также снабжен хвостовиком, закрепленным на двери, возвратная пружина выполнена в виде пружины сжатия и размещена внутри второй камеры пневматического демпфера между штоковой стороной поршня и вторым торцом гильзы, отверстие для прохода, выступающего за пределы гильзы конца штока, выполнено непосредственно во втором торце гильзы, 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что шток поршня снабжен уплотняющим элементом, обеспечивающим герметичность второй камеры демпфера, а второй торец гильзы выполнен с дроссельным отверстием. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК E05F 3/00 (11) (13) 157 124 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015123239/12, 16.06.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.06.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Курепов Михаил Валентинович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и ...

12-04-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для автоматической фиксации двери в открытом положении

Номер: RU0000170065U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для фиксации открытых дверей щитового электрооборудования, в том числе дверей электрораспределительных устройств, низковольтных комплектных устройств, щитов управления. Устройство для автоматической фиксации двери в открытом положении состоит из направляющей с продольным пазом, закрепленной на корпусе устройства, ползуна, смонтированного одним концом на двери с возможностью поворота, другим концом на направляющей с возможностью скольжения в пазе, и плоской пружины, примыкающей к направляющей, фиксирующей ползун при открытом положении двери. Технический результат использования предлагаемой полезной модели - повышение надежности, улучшение удобства обслуживания и техники безопасности при эксплуатации щитового электрооборудования. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 065 U1 (51) МПК E05C 17/24 (2006.01) E05F 3/22 (2006.01) E05F 5/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016146022, 24.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.11.2016 Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.11.2016 2222678 C2, 27.01.2004. JP 2000291310 A, 17.10.2000. US 3964125 A1, 22.06.1976. R U (54) Устройство для автоматической фиксации двери в открытом положении (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для возможностью поворота, другим концом на фиксации открытых дверей щитового направляющей с возможностью скольжения в электрооборудования, в том числе дверей пазе, и плоской пружины, примыкающей к электрораспределительных устройств, направляющей, фиксирующей ползун при низковольтных комплектных устройств, щитов открытом положении двери. Технический управления. Устройство для автоматической результат использования предлагаемой полезной фиксации двери в открытом положении состоит модели - повышение надежности, улучшение из направляющей с продольным пазом, удобства обслуживания и техники безопасности закрепленной на корпусе ...

17-05-2017 дата публикации

Устройство для управления положением дверного полотна

Номер: RU0000171034U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для управления положением дверного полотна при открывании и закрывании в зданиях различного функционального назначения для обеспечения условий пожарной безопасности. Устройство для управления положением дверного полотна содержит актуатор со штоком, корпус, реечный механизм, содержащий находящуюся в зацеплении с зубчатой рейкой шестерню, согласно полезной модели в корпусе установлена подвижная рама, содержащая рабочие пружины по обеим сторонам от реечной системы, при этом подвижная рама соединена с актуатором через его шток, а реечный механизм установлен внутри подвижной рамы. Использование предлагаемого устройства позволяет удерживать дверное полотно в открытом положении (в режиме обычной эксплуатации) для обеспечения условий пожарной безопасности, выполнять автоматическое закрывание дверей при пожаре с возможностью их открывания вручную. Устройство просто в изготовлении, легко устанавливается на дверь, просто в эксплуатации и ремонте. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 034 U1 (51) МПК E05F 3/10 (2006.01) E05F 5/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017100509, 09.01.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.01.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Опацкий Владислав Владимирович (RU), Дмитриев Сергей Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Опацкий Владислав Владимирович (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2288334 C2, 27.11.2006. US Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.01.2017 8938912 B2, 27.01.2015. US 20080244862 A1, 09.10.2008. US 4653229 A1, 31.03.1987. (45) Опубликовано: 17.05.2017 Бюл. № 14 U 1 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) Устройство для управления положением дверного полотна (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для подвижная рама соединена с актуатором через управления положением дверного полотна при его шток, а реечный механизм установлен внутри ...

07-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000179299U1

Полезная модель относится к механизму для самозакрывания дверного полотна. Технической задачей полезной модели является создание простого по конструкции и в эксплуатации возвратного механизма, создание скрытого в дверной коробке возвратного механизма. Техническая задача выполняется за счет того, что возвратный механизм беспетельного дверного полотна, содержащий корпус, отличающийся тем, что содержит полую дверную коробку 1, с которой соединяется дверное полотно 2 посредством осевого стержня 3, который вращает дверное полотно на нижнем и верхнем дверных подшипниках 4 и ведущую шестерню 5, которая, в свою очередь, приводит в движение ведомую шестерню 6, в которую жестко защемлен резьбовой цилиндр 7, который вращается посредством верхнего подшипника цилиндра 8 и нижнего подшипника цилиндра 9, в резьбовом цилиндре содержится резьбовой поршень 10, который сжимает пружину 11, находящуюся в корпусе 12, который содержит резиновую прокладку 13. И 1 179299 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 179 299°° 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 19.10.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 10.07.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 10.07.2019 Бюл. №19 Стр.: 1 па 66сбд у ЕП

19-06-2018 дата публикации

Дверной доводчик

Номер: RU0000180585U1

Заявляемая полезная модель предназначена для механизации закрывания дверей и может быть использована в жилых, производственных и общественных зданиях на наружных и внутренних дверях для их плавного закрывания. Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к устройствам для открывания-закрывания дверей с применением гидравлических демпферов. Техническим результатом предлагаемого устройства является повышение ремонтопригодности устройства вследствие возможности сборки и разборки механического и гидравлического функциональных узлов устройства, а также их отдельных элементов независимо друг от друга. Технический результат достигается признаками, характеризующими дверной доводчик, содержащий корпус, в котором размещены механический и гидравлический функциональные узлы, отличающийся тем, что корпус представляет собой два отдельных блока, соединенных между собой, в одном из которых установлен гидравлический, а в другом механический узлы, при этом узлы размещены в блоках с возможностью регулирования работы узлов независимо друг от друга, при этом гидравлический блок представляет собой цилиндр с прикрепленным к нему фланцем, а механический блок представляет собой металлический короб, механический и гидравлический блоки соединены между собой посредством болтов и соединительной оси, в каждом из узлов элементы соединены друг с другом с возможностью отсоединения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 585 U1 (51) МПК E05F 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E05F 3/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017129753, 22.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.08.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 19.06.2018 Бюл. № 17 1 8 0 5 8 5 R U (54) Дверной доводчик (57) Реферат: Заявляемая полезная модель предназначена для механизации закрывания дверей и может быть использована в жилых, производственных и общественных зданиях на наружных и внутренних дверях ...

03-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000183811U1

Полезная модель относиться к устройствам, которыми снабжаются двери производственных и бытовых помещений, к т.н. дверным доводчикам. Предложено устройство для закрывания двери, включающее пневмоцилиндр 1, внутри которого расположен шток 2 с жестко закрепленным на нем поршнем 3, подпружиненным относительно его корпуса. Средства соединения пневмоцилиндра с дверной коробкой 10 и дверным полотном выполнены в виде двух шарнирно соединенных рычагов 7, 8. Рычаг 7 присоединен с возможностью вращения в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях к дверной коробке 10 и соединен со штоком 2 пневмоцилиндра 1. Поршень 3 пневмоцилиндра 1 имеет конусное посадочное место для манжеты 4. Торец пневмоцилиндра 1, в котором имеется регулировочный винт 5 для стравливания воздуха, шарнирно соединен со вторым рычагом 8, присоединенным к полотну двери. Рычаг 8 снабжен несколькими отверстиями для крепления к торцу пневмоцилиндра 1. Полезная модель обеспечивает создание простой и в то же время универсальной конструкции доводчика. 183811 И 1 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 183 8417 94 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 19.12.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 06.10.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 06.10.2021 Бюл. №28 Стр.: 1 ЗСЗ па ЕП

28-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000196446U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для закрывания и открывания с тормозными приспособлениями, а именно - к устройствам для закрывания и открывания с гидравлическими поршневыми тормозами, гидравлические тормозные устройства с пружинами, оси которых совпадают с осью поршня, и клапанными устройствами. Полезная модель может быть использована для дверей одностороннего и маятникового типа открывания в жилых, производственных и общественных зданиях на наружных и внутренних дверях для их плавного закрывания. Техническим результатом является повышение срока службы доводчика двери. Технический результат достигается тем, что гидравлический доводчик двери содержит: корпус с заполненным рабочей жидкостью внутренним пространством, выполняющим функцию гидроцилиндра; два установленных в гидроцилиндре поршня: возвратный и демпферный с установленными в них роликами; расположенный между роликами приводной вал с кулачком; возвратную пружину; переднюю крышку корпуса с механизмом регулирования усилия возвратной пружины; заднюю крышку корпуса и демпферную пружину, установленную между задней крышкой и демпферным поршнем; установленные в демпферном поршне обратный клапан и предохранительный клапан; гидравлические каналы с регулирующими вентилями, связывающие разделенные демпферным поршнем камеры внутреннего пространства гидроцилиндра; при этом демпферный поршень выполняет функцию золотника, перекрывающего и открывающего по ходу своего движения в гидроцилиндре гидравлические каналы, изменяя, тем самым, скорость закрывания двери. Полезная модель отличается наличием поршневого компенсатора ударного давления, состоящего из работающей на сжатие компенсаторной пружины и поршня компенсатора, которые в указанном порядке установлены в глухое отверстие, выполненное в демпферном поршне со стороны задней крышки корпуса доводчика. 7 ил. И 1 196446 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 196 446” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное ...

20-01-2021 дата публикации

Устройство контроля температурного режима в помещении

Номер: RU0000201884U1

Полезная модель относится к области устройств, предназначенных для контроля температурного интервала в помещениях путем автоматического изменения положения створки проветривающей форточки. Сущность: устройство контроля температурного режима в помещении состоит из форточки 1, шарнирно установленной на каркасе помещения, рычага 2, прикрепленного к форточке 1, термочувствительного силового привода 3, состоящего из двух и более жгутов, не соприкасающихся друг с другом и выполненных из нейлонового волокна, каждый из которых одним концом прикреплен к свободному концу рычага 2, а другим - к каркасу помещения. Снабжено инерционной катушкой 4 с фиксатором, закрепленной на каркасе помещения, вытяжной трос 5 которой с одной стороны закреплен к форточке 1, а с другой - к фиксатору катушки 4. Технический результат - устранение воздействия ветровой нагрузки на работоспособность устройства, позволяющее повысить его надежность при работе в условиях сильного ветра. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 884 U1 (51) МПК E05C 17/00 (2006.01) E05F 15/71 (2015.01) E05F 3/22 (2006.01) A01G 9/24 (2006.01) F24F 7/00 (2006.01) G05D 23/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A01G 9/241 (2020.08); E05F 3/224 (2020.08); G05D 23/021 (2020.08); E05C 17/00 (2020.08); E05F 15/71 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020134837, 22.10.2020 22.10.2020 Дата регистрации: 20.01.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 2 0 1 8 8 4 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 188781 U1, 23.04.2019. RU 184506 U1, 29.10.2018. RU 98775 U1, 27.10.2010. FR 2395684 A7, 19.01.1979. CN 111101792 A, 05.05.2020. (54) Устройство контроля температурного режима в помещении (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области из нейлонового волокна, каждый из которых устройств, предназначенных для контроля одним концом прикреплен к свободному концу температурного интервала в помещениях путем рычага 2, а другим - к каркасу ...

23-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000205616U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам, которыми снабжаются двери производственных и бытовых помещений, обеспечивающим плотное закрытие дверей, к т.н. дверным доводчикам. Предложен механический дверной доводчик, включающий связанную с полотном двери тягу 6, сообщенную с пружинным узлом 1, установленным на дверной коробке 16. Доводчик содержит многоступенчатый зубчатый редуктор 2, связанный с одной стороны с пружинным узлом 1, а с другой через обгонную муфту 9 с тягой 6. Редуктор 2 на выходном валу 10 имеет тормозной барабан 5 с прижимными секторами 12 с закрепленными на них фрикционными элементами 13. Применение предлагаемого устройства позволяет достичь стабильной и надежной работы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 616 U1 (51) МПК E05F 11/42 (2006.01) E05F 5/04 (2006.01) E05F 5/08 (2006.01) E05F 3/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E05F 11/42 (2021.02); E05F 5/04 (2021.02); E05F 5/08 (2021.02); E05F 3/16 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021105132, 25.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Низаметдинов Рафик Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 23.07.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 25.02.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 23.07.2021 Бюл. № 21 2 0 5 6 1 6 R U (54) ДВЕРНОЙ ДОВОДЧИК (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам, которыми снабжаются двери производственных и бытовых помещений, обеспечивающим плотное закрытие дверей, к т.н. дверным доводчикам. Предложен механический дверной доводчик, включающий связанную с полотном двери тягу 6, сообщенную с пружинным узлом 1, установленным на дверной коробке 16. Доводчик содержит многоступенчатый зубчатый редуктор Стр.: 1 2, связанный с одной стороны с пружинным узлом 1, а с другой через обгонную муфту 9 с тягой 6. Редуктор 2 на выходном валу 10 имеет тормозной барабан 5 с прижимными секторами 12 с закрепленными на них фрикционными элементами 13. Применение предлагаемого устройства ...

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable spindle arrangement for door operating apparatus retrofit kit

Номер: US20120085035A1
Автор: Angelo Nixon
Принадлежит: Opcon International Holdings LP

A retrofit conversion kit for facilitating the conversion of a door operating apparatus conventionally mounted above the door, to a position mounted and anchored underground for operating a swinging door therefrom. The conversion to an anchored underground position is facilitated by incorporating positional adjustment mechanisms covering any or all possible adjustment dimensions.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Door Closer

Номер: US20120117755A1
Автор: Oliver Walhorn
Принадлежит: Dorma Deutschland GmbH

A door closer including a rotating shaft coupled to a door leaf, including a cam disposed on the rotating shaft in a torque-proof manner and cooperates with a spring-loaded roller, such that, when opening or closing the door leaf, the roller rolls on a first running surface of the cam, and in that a second running surface of the cam cooperates with a damping device. The damping device consists of at least one pre-mounted damper which is self-contained and is insertable into the door closer.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Pedestrian Gate Closer

Номер: US20120117885A1
Автор: Danny DeGott
Принадлежит: Individual

A pedestrian gate closer for a pedestrian gate is provided. The pedestrian gate closer includes a housing mounted to the gate or hinge support structure depending on mounting conditions. A pedestrian gate closer is mounted into the housing. An adjustable arm is fastened to the support post or the gate depending on mounting conditions. The arm is fitted with an adjustable collar which slips over the rotatable output shaft of the pedestrian gate closer so that when the gate is opened the closer rotates adding pressure to the closing spring. When the force is removed from the gate the closer closes the gate safely and securely.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Door Closer Having a Magnetic Distribution Valve

Номер: US20120233810A1
Принадлежит: Domma GmbH and Co KG

A door closer, in particular a hinge door closer, including a locking function or free-swing function, having a door closer housing, an output shaft to be connected to a door, a piston assembly connected to the output shaft and guided in the door closer housing, a closer spring, a piston rod adapted to connect the piston assembly to the closer spring, a hydraulic lock compartment adapted to lock the closer spring, and solenoid control valve, in particular a 3/2-solenoid control valve. A closure damping compartment is formed between the door closer housing and the piston assembly on a side of the piston assembly facing away from the piston rod, and wherein the solenoid control valve controls at least the pressures in the closure damping compartment and in the lock compartment.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Door closer

Номер: US20120233811A1
Принадлежит: Dorma Deutschland GmbH

A door closer, in particular a hinge door closer, including a locking function or free-swing function, having a door closer housing, an output shaft to be connected to a door, a piston assembly connected to the output shaft and guided in the door closer housing, a closer spring, a piston rod adapted to connect the piston assembly to the closer spring, a hydraulic lock compartment adapted to lock the closer spring, and in particular a free-swing assembly which is adapted to enable a translational motion of the piston assembly decoupled from the closer spring when the closer spring is locked.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Door Closer With Free-Swing Function

Номер: US20120233812A1
Автор: Volker Bienek
Принадлежит: Dorma Deutschland GmbH

A door closer, in particular a hinge door closer, having a free-swing function, including a door closer housing, an output shaft to be connected to a door, a piston assembly connected to the output shaft and guided in the door closer housing, a closer spring, a piston rod adapted to connect the piston assembly to the closer spring, a free-swing assembly which is adapted to enable a translational motion of the piston assembly decoupled from the closer spring when the closer spring is locked, and which is embodied as a sliding-coupling which exclusively transmits compressive forces between the closer spring and the piston assembly, and a hydraulic lock compartment adapted to lock the closer spring.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Valve for controlling a flow channel

Номер: US20120318384A1
Автор: Jürgen SOHN
Принадлежит: Otto Egelhof GmbH and Co KG

The invention relates to a valve for actuating a flow channel ( 12 ), having a valve housing ( 16 ) disposed in the flow channel ( 12 ) with a throttle body ( 28 ) for forming a throttle point ( 14 ), and having a bypass valve ( 11 ) disposed in the flow channel ( 12 ) that can be actuated dependent on the temperature of the fluid, forming a bypass passage ( 30 ) together with at least one bypass opening ( 32 ), wherein a continuous change in the cross section of the bypass passage ( 30 ) of the bypass valve ( 31 ) can be actuated dependent on the temperature-based changes in viscosity of the fluid.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Door hold open arm assembly

Номер: US20130000208A1
Автор: Edgar E. Roberts
Принадлежит: Yale Security Inc

A hold open arm assembly for a door closer to facilitate access to the holding feature by a resiliently biased plunger on a closer arm that is mounted to a soffit plate. A soffit ramp may extend from the soffit plate to provide a sloped surface for engagement by the plunger, leading to the plunger being gradually depressed as the door continues to open and receiving in a recessed area of its free end a rivet head at the soffit plate to hold the door open. When the first arm member pivots relative to the soffit plate and the plunger approaches the head, the plunger engages the sloped surface of the soffit ramp, slides along the sloped surface toward the head, and receives at least a portion of the head in the opening in the free end.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Slide assist device

Номер: US20130014343A1
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC

A slide assist device includes a draw-in unit including a case attached to one of a main body or a mobile body, a slider slideably placed on the case, a latch supported in the slider and switchable between a standby position locked in a corresponding portion of the case and a draw-in position releasing the locking, and an urging device; and an actuating member attached to the other of the main body or the mobile body, switching the latch from the standby position to the draw-in position, or from the draw-in position to the standby position. By switching the latch from the standby position to the draw-in position, an urging force moves the mobile body from a first position to a second position through the actuating member. At least one of either the slider or the case is disposed in a mutually opposed portion, and protrudes toward a mating side.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081227A1

A door closer comprising a drive spindle which is operably connected to a first spring configured to apply a first closing torque to the drive spindle, wherein the drive spindle is also operably connected to a second spring configured to apply a second closing torque to the drive spindle, wherein the connection between the first spring and the drive spindle is independent from the connection between the second spring and the drive spindle, and wherein variation of the first closing torque as a function of drive spindle orientation is different from variation of the second closing torque as a function of drive spindle orientation. 1. A door closer comprising a drive spindle which is operably connected to a first spring configured to apply a first closing torque to the drive spindle , wherein the drive spindle is also operably connected to a second spring configured to apply a second closing torque to the drive spindle , wherein the connection between the first spring and the drive spindle is independent from the connection between the second spring and the drive spindle , and wherein variation of the first closing torque as a function of drive spindle orientation is different from variation of the second closing torque as a function of drive spindle orientation.2. The door closer of claim 1 , wherein the connection between the first spring and the drive spindle comprises a first cam claim 1 , the first cam being actuated by a first cam follower which is connected to the first spring claim 1 , and the connection between the second spring and the drive spindle comprises a second cam claim 1 , the second cam being actuated by a second cam follower which is connected to the second spring.3. The door closer of claim 2 , wherein the first cam has a profile which is different from a profile of the second cam.4. The door closer of claim 2 , wherein the first cam follower is at least partially located within the second cam follower.5. The door closer of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Rotary hinge with adjustable damping assembly

Номер: US20130081228A1
Автор: John M. Janak
Принадлежит: ITT Manufacturing Enterprises LLC

A rotary hinge assembly includes a hinge housing including at least one interior chamber. A spring disposed within the hinge housing provides a torque on an attached door while in an opened and closed position. A rotor rotatably disposed within the at least one interior chamber includes at least one rotor vane that moves in relation to a stationarily mounted stator having at least one stator vane. A fill plug includes a plurality of entrance and exit holes disposed in relation to the stator and rotor vanes to define a fluidic damper assembly. A valve disposed within the fill plug permits selective adjustment of the fluidic damper by restricting or opening the entrance and exit holes of the fill plug.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Decklid Hinge Spring Installation Mechanism

Номер: US20130086792A1

A mechanism for installing a spring in a vehicle decklid includes a bracket supported on the decklid to rotate about an axis, including a leg extending radially from the axis, a spring secured to the bracket, a stop, and an attachment engaged with the bracket for rotating the bracket about the axis and extending the spring to an installed position where a force applied by the spring to the leg forces the bracket into contact with the stop, said contact preventing rotation of the bracket in a direction that extends the spring.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091768A1

A door control apparatus and methods for controlling a door motion device for a hinged door and, optionally, illuminating a designated area on the floor. During the time the designated area is illuminated, a person can expect that the door will not close. The door control apparatus may include control circuitry, and a sensor, and optionally a light emitter and/or a sound emitter. The sensor detects a person proximate to the door and signals the control circuitry upon a detection event. The light emitter is also connected to the control circuitry. Upon a detection event, the control circuitry signals the light emitter to produce light and signals the door motion device to hold the door open. The light emitter directs light to form an image on the floor in the designated area. The light emitter may be, for example, a laser generator or a light emitting diode lamp. 2. The door control apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a light emitter connected to the control circuitry claim 1 , wherein upon a detection event the control circuitry is operable to signal the light emitter to produce light.3. The door control apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the light emitter is adapted to direct light to form an image on the floor in a second designated area claim 2 , wherein when the second designated area is illuminated claim 2 , the door is not in the process of closing.4. The door control apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the control circuitry is operable to signal the light emitter to change the light status a first predetermined time after the sensor detects nothing in the first designated area and is adapted to signal the electromechanical door holder to initiate door closing after a second predetermined time claim 3 , with the first and second predetermined times being measured by a timer in the control circuitry.5. The door control apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the light status includes on claim 4 , off claim 4 , or flashing.6. The door control apparatus of claim 2 , wherein ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Hinge With Deceleration Device For Furniture

Номер: US20130111701A1
Автор: Salice Luciano
Принадлежит: ARTURO SALICE S.p.A.

A hinge for furniture has an arm fixable to a fixed part of a piece of furniture and a box fixable to a door of the piece of furniture, the box connected in swinging fashion to the fixing arm. The hinge includes at least one rotation-type deceleration device located on an outer side of a respective side wall of the box, the device having an actuating member located on an inner side of the side wall and a drive element on the fixing arm, the drive element being engageable with the actuating member. The actuating member has a contact cam for contacting the drive element, the contact cam having a profile conformed for causing a rotation of the actuating member of the decelerating device at least in the final part of the closing movement of the door. 1. Hinge for furniture comprising:a fixing arm configured for attachment to a fixed part of the furniture;a fixing box configured for attachment to a door of the furniture, the fixing box being swingably connected to the fixing arm;at least one rotational-type deceleration device arranged on an outer side of a respective side wall of the fixing box, each deceleration device having an actuating member arranged on an inner side of the side wall of the fixing box; andat least one drive element on the fixing arm, or on an element connected to the fixing arm, each drive element being engagable with a respective actuating member of the at least one deceleration device during at least a final part of a closing movement of the door, wherein each actuating member has a contact cam that contacts a drive element during the closing movement of the door, each contact cam having a contour conformed to cause a rotation of the actuating member of the deceleration device at least in correspondence with the final part of the closing movement of the door.2. The hinge of claim 1 , wherein the fixing arm is configured for fixable attachment to a front frame of the furniture claim 1 , and wherein the fixing arm is swingably connected to the ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118846A1

In a pneumatic deceleration device comprising a cylinder with a piston movably guided therein by a piston rod and having at least one sealing element, with a displacement space and a compensation chamber disposed at opposite sides of the sealed piston, where a piston movement opposing force is generated by a pressure in the displacement space and a vacuum generated in the compensation chamber, a pneumatic connection is formed from the displacement space and the compensation chamber to the ambient when the piston is in its end position where the displacement space is at its maximum value. 110. A pneumatic deceleration device () comprising{'b': '21', 'a cylinder (),'}{'b': 51', '21', '42, 'a piston movably disposed in the cylinder () and having a piston rod () for guiding the piston,'}{'b': 71', '72, 'a piston sealing element (, ) disposed on the piston and defining in the cylinder'}{'b': 15', '51', '16', '15', '16', '51', '15', '16, 'a displacement space () at one side of the piston () and a compensation chamber () at the opposite side of the piston, wherein, by a pressure in the displacement space () and a vacuum in the compensation chamber (), a force acting on the piston is established in opposition to a stroke movement of the piston (), with a leakage flow between the displacement space () and the compensation chamber () being permitted depending on the stroke direction of the piston,'}{'b': 10', '18', '15', '15', '16, 'said deceleration device () including a pneumatic connection () providing in an end position of the piston in which the displacement space () is largest for communication of the displacement space () and the compensation chamber () with the ambient.'}21018624242. The pneumatic deceleration device () according to claim 1 , wherein the pneumatic connection () is arranged in one of a piston rod seal () which extends around the piston rod () and the piston rod ().310626443. The pneumatic deceleration device () according to claim 2 , wherein the piston ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133157A1
Автор: Kimura Motohiko
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A retracting device has a retracting main body including a case, a hook disposed in the case, an urging member, and a braking device including a cylinder and a piston rod; and a protruding portion engaging with and disengaging from the hook in a middle of a movement of a moving body relative to an enclosure. The hook is switched between a retracting position allowing the moving body to move in an engaged state with the protruding portion, and a standby position disallowing the moving body to move in a disengaged state. The hook is in the standby position when disengaged from the protruding portion in a state wherein the piston rod is entered with respect to the cylinder, and has reduced a protruding dimension, and is switchable to the retracting position from the standby position when the piston rod increases the protruding dimension relative to the cylinder. 1. A retracting device , comprising:a retracting main body including a case placed on an enclosure side, a hook disposed in the case, an urging member, and a braking device; anda protruding portion placed on a moving body side, and engaging with and disengaging from the hook in a middle of a movement of a moving body relative to an enclosure, wherein the hook is switched between a retracting position allowing the moving body to move in an engaged state with the protruding portion, and a standby position prohibiting the moving body to move in a disengaged state,wherein the braking device includes a piston damper having a cylinder and a piston rod, and either one of the cylinder or the piston rod is fixed in the case side, and the other is slidably disposed and the hook is pivotally supported on an end side thereof, andthe hook is in the standby position in which the hook is disengaged from the protruding portion in a state wherein the piston rod is entered with respect to the cylinder to reduce a protruding dimension, and is switchable to the retracting position from the standby position when the piston rod ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153347A1
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A silicone oil () is filled inside a housing () of rotation damper (), and a rotor brake plate () provided to be connected to a lower end portion of a rotating shaft () of a rotor () is rotatably housed inside the housing (). Also, an O-ring () is disposed between the housing () and the rotating shaft () to prevent the silicone oil () from leaking outside of the housing (). The O-ring () is formed by a silicone rubber having a hardness of 25 degrees or above and 45 degrees or less according to the Durometer Hardness Testing (type A) of JIS K 6253. 1. A damper , comprising:a housing;a damper oil filled inside the housing;a rotor including a rotating shaft with one portion protruding from the housing, and a rotor brake plate connected to a lower end portion of the rotating shaft and rotatably housed inside the housing; andan annular seal material disposed between the housing and the rotating shaft to prevent the damper oil from leaking outside of the housing,wherein the annular seal material is formed by a silicone rubber having a hardness of 25 degrees or above and 45 degrees or less according to Durometer Hardness Testing (type A) of JIS K 6253.2. A damper according to claim 1 , wherein the silicone rubber has a loss tangent of 0.12 or above and 0.25 or less at a temperature of 23° C.±2° C. obtained from a dynamic viscoelastic measurement in a frequency of 1 Hz. The present invention relates to a damper applying a brake on a rotation of a driven gear which engages with, for example, a gear or a rack.In Patent Document 1, there is described a damper wherein one portion of a rotating shaft protrudes from a housing in which a damper oil is filled, and wherein a rotor brake plate rotatably housed inside the housing is provided to be connected to a lower end portion of the rotating shaft. Then, between the housing and the rotating shaft, there is provided an annular seal material preventing the damper oil from leaking to an outside of the housing. Also, in the damper, as ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160238A1
Автор: CHENG Ko-Ming

A hydraulic hinge for a glass door has a fixing plate, a base, a pivot, a buffer module, and a clamping module. The base is combined with the fixing plate and has an oil passage. The oil passage is formed in the base. The pivot is rotatably mounted in the base and has an adjusting space communicating with the oil passage. The oil passage and the adjusting space are filled with oil. The buffer module is mounted in the base and has a sliding tube abutting the pivot. The clamping module is pivotally mounted on the pivot and can clamp a glass door. The glass door can be pivoted relative to the base. With the buffer module and the oil in the oil passage, the glass door can be closed in a smooth movement.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167323A1
Автор: BRUNNMAYR Harald

The invention relates to a furniture hinge (), comprising at least one control cam () and at least one spring (), wherein the control cam () moves along on the spring () in order to produce a closing force and/or opening force, wherein a sliding element () is attached to the spring () and/or to the control cam (). The control cam () or the spring () moves along on the sliding element. 1. A device comprising a furniture hinge with at least one control cam and at least one spring , wherein the control cam moves along on the spring in order to produce a closing force and/or opening force , wherein a sliding element , on which the control cam or the spring moves along , is attached to the spring and/or to the control cam.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the furniture hinge has a fitting for attachment to a first furniture part and a hinge cup for attachment to a second furniture part claim 1 , wherein the hinge cup is swivellably connected to the fitting via at least one articulated lever claim 1 , wherein the control cam is formed on the articulated lever.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding element is pushed onto the spring and/or attached to the control cam.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding element is at least partially formed from plastic and/or in that the spring is formed from metal.5. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the plastic of the sliding element is formed as a thermoplastic.6. The device according to claim 5 , wherein the thermoplastic is polyoxymethylene (POM).7. The device according to claim 4 , wherein the metal of the spring is steel.8. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding element is attached to one end of the spring.9. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding element has at least one reservoir for a lubricant.10. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding element has an outer contour differing from the cylinder shape.11. The device according to ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180081A1
Автор: Salice Luciano

An opening device for a door () of an article of furniture supported oscillatingly with respect to a body of the article of furniture by means of at least a hinge having elastic automatic closing means () comprises an expulsion organ () for the door () and a reloading mechanism of the expulsion organ (), and is conformed such as to be applicable to a part from between the fixed part or the mobile part of the hinge, the reloading mechanism being operatively connected to one from between the expulsion organ and an element of the hinge which is mobile with respect to the reloading mechanism and being operatively and selectively connectable to another between the expulsion organ and the element of the hinge which is mobile with respect to the reloading mechanism during at least a part of the opening movement of the door () such as to cause a reloading movement of the expulsion organ (). 1. An opening device for a door of an article of furniture supported oscillatingly with respect to the body of the article of furniture by means of at least a hinge having a fixed part , a mobile part and elastic automatic closing means , the device comprising an expulsion organ for the door and a reloading mechanism of the expulsion organ configured to be applicable to or integratable in one of either the fixed part or the mobile part of the hinge , and the reloading mechanism is operatively connected to one of either the expulsion organ and an element of the hinge which is mobile with respect to the reloading mechanism and is operatively connectable selectively to the other of the expulsion organ and the element of the hinge which is mobile with respect to the reloading mechanism during at least a part of the opening movement of the door such as to cause a reloading movement of the expulsion organ.2. The opening device for a door of an article of furniture according to claim 1 , wherein said expulsion organ is a part of an expulsion device of a ratchet type.32. An assembly comprising a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Patch fitting with closing function

Номер: US20130185896A1
Автор: King-Sung Yu
Принадлежит: Leado Door Controls Ltd

A patch fitting for a glass door includes a mount for being mounted on a floor, a shaft connected with the mount, a clamping seat pivotally connected with the shaft, and a piston unit installed inside the clamping seat. When the glass door is sweeping to open or close, the clamping seat will turn along with the sweeping movement of the glass door about the shaft and the piston unit will be pushed by an eccentric cam of the shaft to press the hydraulic oil contained in the clamping seat so as to provide a damping resistance in response to the sweeping movement of the glass door. The patch fitting can be easily installed on the floor by a simple work.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Tailgate Damping Systems

Номер: US20130193709A1

A tailgate damping system for controlling movement of a tailgate assembly of a vehicle includes a speed sensor that provides rotational speed information of the tailgate assembly. A controller receives the rotational speed information from the speed sensor. A damping control assembly receives a tailgate shaft of the tailgate assembly. The damping control assembly includes a housing comprising a rotor chamber including a rotor member located therein. The rotor member is connected to a rotor shaft that is coupled to the tailgate shaft. A valve chamber includes a control valve located therein. The controller closes the control valve to inhibit exit of a damping fluid from the rotor chamber based on the speed information received from the speed sensor.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205540A1
Автор: KIM Joon Seob
Принадлежит: NIFCO KOREA INC.

A hinge device in which a slider elastically supported by a compressive coil spring is put into contact with a pivotal lever installed on a cover of a product which swings open or closed. The hinge device can increase a free stop section and simultaneously prevent the cover from being incidentally open. 1. (canceled)2. A hinge device comprising:a housing adapted to be fixed to a main body of a product;a pivotal lever adapted to be fixed to a cover of the product and having a hinge connector attached to a rear lower portion thereof, the hinge connector being rotationally coupled to an upper end of the housing;a compressive coil spring installed in the housing; anda slider installed in an upper portion of the housing and elastically supported by the compressive coil spring to contact with a lower end face of the hinge connector of the pivotal lever at an upper end thereof,wherein the pivotal lever includes a cam at a lower portion thereof having a cam center, an outer cam surface and a nose in which a distance from the center to the outer cam surface is gradually increased to the nose and then reduced again, andthe slider includes a bearing surface having front and rear portions and a peak between the front and rear portions to gradually increase a height to the peak at the front portion and reduce the height from the peak so that when the nose of the cam passes through the peak of the bearing surface, a direction to which an elastic force of the compressive coil spring is applied is changed.3. A hinge device according to claim 2 , wherein the cam is formed around the hinge connector and is integrally formed together.4. A hinge device according to claim 3 , wherein the housing has a pair of hinge holes formed at an upper portion thereof claim 3 , and the hinge connector has a hinge hole rotationally coupled to an upper portion of the housing claim 3 ,the hinge device further comprising a hinge shaft inserted into and coupled to the hinge hole of the housing and the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219657A1
Автор: Iwaki Junpei

Provided is a retracting device in which dampers have improved durability and strokes of operation of the dampers are not reduced. A first slider - for assisting closing, a second slider - for assisting opening, and a damper base are provided in an elongating base to be slidable in a longitudinal direction of the base . The damper base is disposed between the first slider - and the second slider -. A first damper is provided over between the first slider - and the damper base and a second damper is provided over between the second slider - and the damper base 1. A retracting device comprising:a base extending in a longitudinal direction;a first slider for assisting closing and provided in the base to be slidable in a longitudinal direction;a second slider for assisting opening and provided in the base to be slidable in the longitudinal direction;a damper base disposed between the first slider and the second slider to be slidable in the longitudinal direction relative to the base;a first damper provided over between the first slider and the damper base to cause a damping force as a distance between the first slider and the damper base reduces; anda second damper provided over between the second slider and the damper base to cause a damping force as a distance between the second slider and the damper base reduces,wherein the distance between the first slider and the damper base and the distance between the damper base and the second slider reduce as the base moves in a closing direction relative to the first slider due to a biasing force of a biasing member andthe distance between the second slider and the damper base and the distance between the damper base and the first slider reduce as the base moves in an opening direction relative to the second slider due to a biasing force of a biasing member.2. A retracting device according to claim 1 ,wherein the damper base is provided with a damper lock for the first slider and for engaging with the base so as to prevent the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Door closer, particularly for glass doors

Номер: US20130227814A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano
Принадлежит: IN&TEC S.r.l.

A door closer for doors, particularly glass doors, which are supported by a stationary support structure and are movable between an open door position and a closed door position. The door closer comprises a box-shaped body and a pin reciprocally coupled to rotate around a first axis between the open door position and the closed door position. A closing mechanism causes the door to return automatically and a braking mechanism counteracts the action of the closing mechanism. First and second cam elements are unitary with the pin and interposed between a first and second plunger elements acting thereon. 1. A door closer for a door which is supportable by a stationary support structure , the door being movable between an open door position and a closed door position , the door closer comprising:a box-shaped body anchorable to one of the stationary support structure or the door;a pin defining a first longitudinal axis, the pin being anchorable to the other one of the stationary support structure or the door, said pin and said box-shaped body being reciprocally and rotatably coupled to rotate around said first longitudinal axis between the open door position and the closed door position;a closing mechanism for automatic return of the door from the open to the closed position;a braking mechanism acting on said closing mechanism configured to counteract an action thereof;said closing mechanism comprising a first cam element interacting with a first plunger element movable within said box-shaped body between a first compressed end position corresponding to the open door position and a first extended end position corresponding to the closed door position; andsaid braking mechanism comprising a second cam element interacting with a second plunger element movable within said box-shaped body between a second compressed end position, corresponding to the closed door position and a second extended end position, corresponding to the open door position;wherein both said first and ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Slow-Down Mechanism Placed in Furniture Hinge

Номер: US20130239363A1
Автор: Ertaç ÇAPUR
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention refers to a slow-down mechanism that prevents moving furniture units like covers, doors, etc. hitting the other side and making noise in cases of fast opening and closing actions towards fixed furniture units and thus enabling soft opening and closing actions for such moving furniture units, comprised of at least an arm ( 2 ), a bowl ( 3 ) and a internal and external knuckle element ( 6, 5 ) connecting the arm and bowl, and located inside the hinge. The invention refers especially to the capability to canceling the damper ( 18 ) belonging to the above-mentioned slow-down mechanism inside the hinge ( 1 ) and adjusting the damper's stroke depending on the weight of the moving furniture.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239364A1
Автор: SirLouis Nicholas R.

A counterbalance assembly for an appliance hinge includes a base including first and second spaced-apart side walls and a transverse face wall. The base includes: (i) a channel located between the first and second side walls; and, (ii) a notch comprising first and second notch portions respectively located in said first and second side walls. A rotating cam is supported on the base. The cam includes: (i) a camshaft that extends between the side walls and that is adapted for rotation about an axis of rotation, with a first end of the camshaft located in the first notch portion and a second end of the camshaft located in the second notch portion; and, (ii) a lobe that projects from the camshaft. The hinge assembly includes a biasing spring that comprising an inner end engaged with the base and an outer end spaced from the base. The outer end of said spring is located outside the channel. A spring rod includes an outer end operatively coupled to the spring and an inner end operatively coupled to the lobe of the cam such that the spring biases the spring rod to an extended position. 1. A counterbalance assembly for an appliance hinge , said counterbalance assembly comprising:a base including first and second spaced-apart side walls and a transverse face wall, said base including: (i) a channel located between the first and second side walls; and, (ii) a notch comprising first and second notch portions respectively located in said first and second side walls;a rotating cam supported on the base, said cam including: (i) a camshaft that extends between the side walls and that is adapted for rotation about an axis of rotation, said camshaft comprising a first end located in said first notch portion and a second end located in said second notch portion; and (ii) a lobe that projects from the camshaft;a biasing spring comprising an inner end engaged with the base and an outer end spaced from the base, said outer end of said spring located outside said channel;a spring rod ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306417A1
Автор: Ono Takashi
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A damper device includes an inner part having a cylindrical shape; an outer part including an annular space with a bottom to rotatably or relatively rotatably house the inner part from one cylinder end side; and a viscous fluid filled in the annular space. An outer side of the inner part is formed with a circular groove to fit an outside seal ring. Also, an inner side of the inner part is formed with a circular step surface positioned closer to the one cylinder end side than the circular groove, and positioning an inside seal ring. A depth of the circular groove has a dimension approximately half a thickness of the inner part at a portion forming the circular groove. 1. A damper device , comprising:an inner part having a cylindrical shape and including a first attachment portion relative to one object;an outer part having an outside circular wall, an inside circular wall, and a bottom wall, and including an annular space with a bottom defined by the walls, to rotatably or relatively rotatably house the inner part from one cylinder end side thereof through an introduction opening opposite to a bottom wall side, and a second attachment portion relative to the other object; anda viscous fluid filled in the annular space, and providing a resistance to a rotation or a relative rotation of the inner part associated with a movement or a relative movement of the one object,wherein an outer side of the inner part is formed with a circular groove to fit an outside seal ring,an inner side of the inner part is formed with a circular step surface positioned closer to the one cylinder end side than the circular groove, and positioning an inside seal ring, anda depth of the circular groove has a dimension approximately half of a thickness of the inner part at a portion forming the circular groove.2. A damper device according to claim 1 , wherein in a direction along a center axis of the rotation or the relative rotation of the inner part claim 1 , a distance between the circular ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Fluidic Dampening Device

Номер: US20130306418A1

A fluidic dampening device having a housing containing a rotatably mounted wiper that sealingly moves within the housing. The housing contains a bypass channel. In a first embodiment, a control shaft is rotatably mounted within the housing. The control shaft has discrete indentations of varying sizes and is so located in the housing that either no indentation or only one indentation lies within the bypass channel at a given time. A second embodiment differs from the first in that a continuous indentation is cut around the shaft in such a manner that for a first area there is no cut in the shaft and then the indentation commences and becomes increasingly deeper as it progress around the shaft until the continuous indentation stops upon reaching the first area. The bypass channel is completely open when the deepest point of the indentation has been rotated into the bypass channel. 1a housing having a generally sector-shaped chamber with a first side wall, a second side wall, a peripheral wall, and a bottom, said housing also containing a bypass channel having a first port in the first side wall and a second port in the second side wall;a control shaft, said control shaft having a continuous indentation cut around said shaft in such a manner that for a first area there is no cut in said shaft and then the indentation cut commences and becomes increasingly deeper as it progresses around said shaft until the continuous indentation stops upon reaching the first area, said control shaft being rotatably mounted in said housing so that said control shaft blocks the bypass channel until the continuous indentation is rotated into the bypass channel to open the bypass channel, with the bypass channel being completely open when the deepest point of the indentation has been rotated into the bypass channel;a faceplate sealingly mounted to the top of said housing; anda wiper rotatably mounted within said housing and having dimensions such that said wiper sealingly moves past said ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312217A1
Принадлежит: HETTICH-ONI GMBH & CO. KG

A door hinge for a household appliance, the household appliance including a body and a door, the door being movable about a horizontal axis between a substantially vertical closed position and a substantially horizontal opened position. The door hinge includes a housing couplable to the body, a door lever pivotably mountable on the door for movement about a main shaft, a weight compensating spring and a closing spring. The weight compensating spring holds the door substantially in a position of equilibrium when the door is opened and the closing spring applies a self-closing force shortly before the door reaches the closed position and applies a closure maintaining force when the door reaches the closed position. Further included is a dampening device that counteracts one or both of a closing force and an opening force. 112-. (canceled)13. A door hinge for a household appliance , the door hinge comprising:a door lever configured to be fastened on a door of the household appliance, which door is configured to be movable about a main shaft with respect to a body of the household appliance between a substantially vertical closed position and a substantially horizontal opened position;a housing mountable on the body of the household appliance and connected to the door lever, and the door lever is pivotable about the main shaft;a weight compensating spring configured to maintain the door substantially in a position of equilibrium during an opening of the door;a closing spring configured to provide a self-closing action to close the door without the effect of external forces and to provide a holding-closed force to the door against the body of the household appliance; anda dampening device including at least one damping cylinder retained within the housing by contour lugs that are bent over inwards on the housing, the dampening device configured to counteract a closing force at a time immediately prior to the door reaching the closed position and to counteract an opening ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Domestic appliance hinge assembly with universal hinge body design

Номер: US20130312222A1
Автор: George May, Suad Elkasevic
Принадлежит: BSH Home Appliances Corp

A hinge assembly is provided for pivotably attaching a door to a domestic appliance. The hinge assembly includes a hinge body having two mounting areas; a damper; a foot pivotably attached to the damper, the foot being configured to engage a foot receiving portion of the appliance body such that the hinge body and the door pivot relative to the appliance body; and a first mounting spacer attached to the hinge body at a first one of the mounting areas, the first mounting spacer being configured to attach to the door such that the hinge body is fixed relative to the door. Each of the two mounting areas is configured to receive a first fastener to attach the first mounting spacer to the hinge body, and each of the two mounting areas is configured to receive a second fastener to attach the door to the hinge body.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Blocking Closure of a Passageway

Номер: US20130326961A1
Принадлежит: ADCO Industries - Technologies, L.P.

A device includes a base attachable to a first side of a door; a swing arm coupled to the base, the swing arm including a bracket flange configured to extend across an edge of the door between the first side of the door and a second side of the door opposite the first side of the door; and a biasing member coupled between the swing arm and the base and configured to urge the swing arm from a retracted position in which the bracket flange is adjacent the edge to an extended position in which the bracket flange is apart from the edge. 1. A method comprising:attaching a base of a blocking device to a first side of a door;urging a swing arm, that comprises a bracket flange and is coupled to the base, towards an edge of the door extending between the first side of the door and a second side of the door opposite the first side of the door;closing the door substantially flush against a doorframe such that the bracket flange is positioned between the edge of the door and the doorframe; andopening the door such that the swing arm is urged away from the edge of the door by a biasing member coupled between the swing arm and the base.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to urging the swing arm towards the edge of the door claim 1 , urging the door towards the doorframe until the swing arm contacts the doorframe to form a gap between the door and the doorframe.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , subsequent to the swing arm contacting the door frame claim 2 , urging the swing arm towards the edge of the door until the swing arm is adjacent the edge.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein urging a swing arm claim 1 , that comprises a bracket flange and coupled to the base claim 1 , towards an edge of the door extending between the first side of the door and a second side of the door opposite the first side of the door comprises pivotally urging the swing arm towards the edge of the door that extends between the first side of the door and the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333292A1
Автор: Beyerle Andreas
Принадлежит: ABP Beyerle GmbH

In a sliding door with a door panel supported by a carriage disposed on a guide rail so as to foe movable between spaced door stops, the door stops include shock absorbers and the carriage has contact elements for contact with the shock absorbers. The shock absorbers further include return springs which are compressed by the engagement of the sliding door panel, the sliding door panel being lockable in its end positions by a locking arrangement for retaining it in an end position. 1123441417218172. In a sliding door () with a door panel () supported by at least one carriage () disposed on , and guided by , a guide rail () so as to be movably between two end positions , the guide rail () being mountable to a wall or ceiling and including at least one door stop () including a stop area () and the door panel () being provided with an engagement element () for abutting the stop area () in an end position of the door panel () ,{'b': 14', '20', '17', '4', '20', '2', '20, 'the improvement, wherein the doorstop () is provided with a hydraulic or pneumatic shock absorber () via which the stop area () is propped against the guide rail (), wherein the shock absorber () includes a return spring by the return force of which it is movable out of an end position into an operating position wherein the door panel () is lockable by means of a locking arrangement relative to the guide rail and the shock absorber () is in an operating position.'}2141544201517. The sliding door according to claim 1 , wherein the door stop () includes a base part () which is slidably supported by the guide rail () and which is provided with a looking arrangement for locking the base part to the guide rail () at different locations claim 1 , the shock absorber () being arranged between the base part () and the stop area ().321222252022424. The sliding door according to claim 2 , wherein the locking arrangement includes on the base part a locking pin () with at least one side recess () and the door panel ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Door hold open mechanism for a merchandiser

Номер: US20130334938A1
Принадлежит: Hussmann Corp

A merchandiser including a case defining a product display area for supporting and displaying food product. The case includes a case frame having at least one mullion that defines an opening into the product display area. A door is positioned over the opening and is pivotably coupled to the case frame for movement between a closed position and an open position. A door hold open mechanism includes a housing attached to one of the mullion and the door, while the other of the mullion and the door defines a channel. The door hold open mechanism further includes an engagement member outwardly biased from the housing and is engageable with the other of the mullion and the door within the channel to hold the door in the open position to provide access to the product display area.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001007A1
Автор: Shimozaki Kei
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A rotary damper device includes a damper housing enclosing a viscous fluid; a rotor having a rotor vane rotatably received inside the damper housing, and a rotor axis protruding to an outside of the damper housing; and a rotary member combined with a protruding end of the rotor axis. The rotary member includes an insertion hole through which the protruding end of the rotor axis passes, and a pair of control walls at a hole edge with the insertion hole interposed therebetween. A protruding end of the rotor axis protrudes in a radial direction of the rotor axis along a gap between the pair of control walls so as to be engaged with the hole edge of the insertion hole by being heated and deformed in a state wherein the protruding end of the rotor axis has passed through the insertion hole. 1. A rotary damper device , comprising:a damper housing internally enclosing a viscous fluid;a rotor including a rotor vane rotatably received inside the damper housing, and a rotor axis provided to project along a rotary axis of the rotor vane, and protruding to an outside of the damper housing; anda rotary member combined with a protruding end of the rotor axis,wherein the rotary member includes an insertion hole through which the protruding end of the rotor axis passes; and a pair of control walls provided to stand in a hole edge on a side opposing to a damper housing side of the insertion hole in such a way as to mutually face with the insertion hole interposed therebetween, anda protruding end of the rotor axis protrudes in a radial direction of the rotor axis along a gap between the pair of control walls so as to be engaged with the hole edge of the insertion hole by being heated and deformed in a state wherein the protruding end of the rotor axis has passed through the insertion hole.2. A rotary damper device according to claim 1 , wherein the rotary member includes a cylindrical outer member including an internal gear; an inner member received in the outer member ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026358A1
Автор: Saito Norio
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A housing of an assisting apparatus according an embodiment is a housing of an assisting apparatus provided on a receiving part formed on either one of a support body and a movable body that moves sliding in a first direction relative to the support body. The housing of an assisting apparatus has a support part that projects in a second direction intersecting with the first direction and is supported on a support surface of the receiving part; and a separated part that stands at a distance from the support surface. 1. A housing of an assisting apparatus provided on a receiving part formed on either one of a support body and a movable body that moves sliding in a first direction relative to said support body , comprising:a support part that projects in a second direction intersecting with said first direction and is supported on a support surface of said receiving part; anda separated part that stands at a distance from the support surface.2. The housing of an assisting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said support part is provided on both end parts in said first direction claim 1 , and said separated part is formed to recede so as to stand at a distance from said support surface at the center part in said first direction; andsaid support part forms an enlarged part that is formed to project in a third direction intersecting with said first direction and said second direction.3. The housing of a movable body assisting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said support part has higher rigidity than said separated part.4. The housing of an assisting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a projection that projects outward in the first direction is formed on the outer surface of said support part.5. The housing of an assisting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said projection has a top part that projects toward a direction away from the support surface in said second direction claim 1 , and has a turned-back shape.6. A movable body assisting ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033475A1
Автор: Saito Norio
Принадлежит: NIFCO INC.

A movable body assisting apparatus according to an embodiment includes a received body provided on either one of a support body and a movable body that moves relatively against the support body; and a base body. A contact body is provided to be capable of coupling and uncoupling with the received body, to be capable of moving along a course of movement from a first position to a second position on the base body, and to be capable of rocking while moving in a direction retreating from the course of movement. An urging mechanism for urging the contact body is provided on the other of the support body and the movable body. 1. A movable body assisting apparatus , comprising:a received body provided on either one of a support body and a movable body that moves relatively against said support body; anda base body provided on the other of the support body and the movable body, a contact body provided to be capable of coupling and uncoupling with said received body, to be capable of moving along a course of movement from a first position to a second position on said base body, and to be capable of rocking while moving in a direction retreating from said course of movement, and an urging mechanism for urging said contact body.2. The movable body assisting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe base body includes a slit having continuously a main guide path formed along said course of movement from said first position to said second position and a retreat path bending from said second position on said main guide path; andsaid contact body has a first shaft part and a second shaft part for coupling to said slit, is made capable of coupling with said received body by rotating in a first rotational direction around said first shaft part in said first position, is made capable of releasing said coupling by rotating in a second rotational direction opposite the first rotational direction around said first shaft part, and rocks while rotating around said second shaft part on ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Hinge device for doors, shutters or the like

Номер: US20140033476A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano
Принадлежит: IN & TEC S.R.L.

A hinge device for rotatably moving a closing element includes a fixed element anchorable to a stationary support structure coupled to a movable element anchorable to the closing element for rotating around a first longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position. The device further includes at least one slider movable along a second axis between a compressed and an extended position. One between the movable element and the fixed element includes at least one operating chamber defining the second axis so as to slidably house the slider, the other element including a pivot defining the first axis. The pivot and the slider are reciprocally coupled so that to the rotation of the movable element around the first axis corresponds the sliding of the slider along the second axis and vice versa. 199.-. (canceled)100. A hinge device for a closing element which is anchored to a stationary support structure , comprising:a fixed element fixable to the stationary support structure;a movable element fixable to the closing element, said movable element and said fixed element being mutually coupled to rotate around a first longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position;at least one slider slidably movable along said first axis between a compressed end position, corresponding to one of the closed or the open position of the movable element, and an extended end position, corresponding to the other of the closed or the open position of the movable element; anda counteracting elastic member acting on said at least one slider for an automatic returning thereof from one of said compressed and extended end positions toward the other one of said compressed and extended end positions, said counteracting elastic member being configured to slidably move along said first axis between maximum and minimum elongation positions,wherein one of said movable element or said fixed element comprises a generally box-shaped hinge body including at least one working ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Rotary Damper

Номер: US20140048363A1

The present invention provides a rotary damper comprising a hollow housing () which is opened at its one end and completely closed at the other end by an end wall (), a bearing () formed at the end wall (), a shaft () fitted to the bearing (), a plug () made of metal, having an aperture () supporting the shaft () and closing an opening in the housing (), partitions () arranged inside the housing () for rotation in accordance with rotation of the housing (), a viscous liquid filling chambers ( and ) defined by the partitions (), and metal vanes ( and ) arranged in the chambers ( and ) for rotation in accordance with the rotation of the shaft (), wherein the vane ( and ) includes a check valve, the check valve includes a valve body (), and the valve body () includes a stop made of resin and arranged between the plug () and the vanes ( and ). 1. A rotary damper comprising:a hollow housing which is opened at its one end and completely closed by an end wall at the other end;a bearing formed in the end wall;a shaft fitted to the bearing;a plug made of metal, having an aperture supporting the shaft, and closing the opening of the housing;a partition arranged inside the housing for rotation in accordance with rotation of the housing;a viscous liquid filling a chamber defined by the partition; anda vane made of metal and arranged in the chamber for rotation in accordance with the rotation of the shaft,wherein the vane includes a check valve, the check valve includes a valve body, and the valve body includes a stop made of resin and arranged between the plug and the vane.2. The rotary damper according to claim 1 , wherein the vane includes a first pressurizing portion pressurizing the viscous liquid when the check valve is opened claim 1 , and a second pressurizing portion pressurizing the viscous liquid when the check valve is closed claim 1 , andwhen the check valve is closed, the stop is located between the plug and the second pressurizing portion, comes into contact with ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Soft opening for a hinge

Номер: US20140049150A1
Принадлежит: Sub Zero Inc

A hinge including a device bracket, a door bracket, a first arm, a second arm, and a door stop is provided. The device bracket mounts to a device surface. The door bracket mounts to a door surface of a door. The first arm is mounted for rotation about a first pin and a second pin. The second arm is mounted for rotation about a third pin and a fourth pin. The first pin and third pin are mounted to the device bracket, and the second pin and fourth pin are mounted to the door bracket. The first pin is closer to an axis of rotation of the door than the third pin when the door is in a closed position. The door stop is mounted to the second arm and positioned to contact the first arm when the door is opened to a selected angle.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053369A1
Принадлежит: OLMI S.R.L.

A hinge includes a hinge body having an operating chamber defining a first longitudinal axis; a pivot rotatably coupled to the hinge body to rotate a closing element around a second longitudinal axis between an open and a closed position; a plunger member having a substantially cylindrical body housed in the operating chamber for the separation thereof into a first and a second variable volume receptacles fluidically connected each other; a working fluid within the operating chamber o hydraulically damp the action of the plunger member; valve means to selectively control the flow of the working fluid between the first and the second receptacle; a shaft for operatively coupling the plunger member and the pivot. The cylindrical body and the shaft are mutually fastened by a fastening element. The shaft includes a first enlarged portion. The cylindrical body is put into fluidic communication the first and second receptacles. 1. A hinge for mutually rotatably coupling a closing element and a stationary support structure , the hinge comprising:{'b': 10', '10', '11, 'a hinge body () anchorable to one between the stationary support structure and the closing element, said hinge body () comprising an operating chamber () defining a first longitudinal axis (X);'}{'b': 20', '20', '10, 'a pivot () anchorable to the other between the stationary support structure and the closing element, said pivot () and said hinge body () being rotatably coupled to each other in such a manner to rotate the closing element around a second longitudinal axis (Y) between an open position and a closed position;'}{'b': 30', '11', '30', '31', '11', '16', '17, 'a plunger member () slidably movable in said operating chamber () along said first axis (X) between a compressed end position and an extended end position, said plunger member () comprising a substantially cylindrical body () housed in said operating chamber () for the separation thereof into at least one first and a second variable volume ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Piston device for the controlled rotatable movement of doors, shutters or like members

Номер: US20140075718A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano
Принадлежит: IN & TEC S.R.L.

A piston device for the controlled rotatable movement of a closing element anchored to a stationary support structure includes a tubular body removably insertable into at least one seat of a hinge device, an actuating head external to the tubular body, a plunger member slidably movable unitarily with the actuating head between a retracted end position and an extended end position, an elastic contrast member acting on the plunger member for the returning thereof from the retracted end position to the extended end position, and a working fluid acting on the plunger member to hydraulically counteract the action thereof. A hinge device, in which a piston device according to the invention is removably insertable. 1. An assembly for controlled rotatable movement of a closing element (D) anchored to a stationary support structure comprising:a piston device; anda hinge device;wherein the hinge device includes:a fixed element anchorable to the stationary support structure; anda movable element anchorable to the closing element;wherein said movable element and said fixed element are reciprocally coupled to allow the rotation of the movable element between an open position and a closed position, one of said movable element or said fixed element including a hinge body having at least one seat for removably inserting the piston device, the other one of said movable element or said fixed element including a pivot member having a cam element with at least one substantially flat operative surface faced to said at least one seat to interact with the piston device; andwherein the piston device includes:a tubular body removably insertable into the at least one seat of the hinge device having a front portion configured to be faced towards the at least one substantially flat operative surface of the hinge device and a rear portion including a bottom wall, said tubular body including an operating chamber defining a first longitudinal axis;an actuating head external to said tubular body ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083226A1
Автор: Sakai Toshiyuki

A switching mechanism includes a main body, a rotational body, a swinging member, and a biasing member. The swinging member detaches from the shaft portion against a biasing force of the biasing member by a centrifugal force generated at the swinging member in response to rotation of the rotational body rotating in conjunction with movement of the rotational member, for example, a vehicle door, to switch the state of the switching mechanism to an operation allowed state in a state where the rotational member is operated to rotationally move. The biasing force of the biasing member pushes the swinging member to make contact with the shaft portion and engages with the shaft portion by friction to retain the rotational body in a stopped state to switch the state of the switching mechanism to a movement restrained state in a state where the rotational member is stopped from making rotational movement. 1. A switching mechanism to be arranged between a retaining member and a rotational member configured to make rotational movement relative to the retaining member , the switching mechanism switching a state between an operation allowed state where movement of the rotational member is allowed and a movement restrained state where the rotational member is retained at a selected stopped position , comprising:a main body including a shaft portion and attaching to the retaining member;a rotational body in a rotatably supported state and connecting to the rotational member, the rotational body rotating independently from the main body with the shaft portion as center of rotation;a swinging member swingably supported on the rotational body, the swinging member making contact with and detaching from the shaft portion in response to swinging movement of the swinging member; anda biasing member retained on the rotational body, the biasing member biasing the swinging member toward central axis of the shaft portion, whereinthe swinging member detaches from the shaft portion against a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002966A1
Автор: ZHONG Yubo

The present invention provides a horizontal door closer structure, comprising an outer sleeve pipe and an inner pipe which can slide relatively, wherein an end of the outer sleeve pipe is provided with a buffer device, an adjustment component for adjusting total inlet and outlet air, and a buffer assembly are arranged on the buffer device; a spring is arranged in the inner pipe, one end of the spring is connected to the inner pipe, and the other end thereof is connected to the buffer device; and the front end of the outer sleeve pipe and an end of the inner pipe are provided with locating components which are mutually matched. In the door closer structure, the compression spring is arranged in the inner pipe, thereby saving the space of a door closer, and the adopted buffer device plays a buffering role by adjusting the total inlet and outlet air, and can control the speed of opening a door. 112211. A horizontal door closer structure comprising a relatively horizontal outer sleeve pipe () and an inner pipe () , wherein the inner pipe () is arranged inside the outer sleeve pipe () , and a front end thereof is extended outside the outer sleeve pipe () , which is characterized in that{'b': 1', '3', '3', '33, 'the outer sleeve pipe () is provided with a buffer device () arranged in an rear end thereof, said buffer device () having an adjustment component () configured to adjust inlet and outlet air, and a buffer assembly;'}{'b': 2', '21', '21', '2', '3', '2', '1', '1', '2', '41', '42, 'the inner pipe () is provided with a spring () therein, one end of the spring () connected to the inner pipe (), and the other end thereof connected to the buffer device (), thereby limited the inner pipe () in the outer sleeve pipe () by spring tension; a front end of the outer sleeve pipe () and a rear end of the inner pipe () respectively provided with locating components (, ) which are mutually matched.'}233132313331343531323435333234333135323336. The horizontal door closer structure ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002964A1
Автор: Wang Fan Shui

A pneumatic door closer includes a rotary energy-storing mechanism including a housing and a driving mechanism. The driving mechanism includes a cylinder, a second piston assembly and a sealing element, the sealing element is in an air tight connection with the cylinder and the second piston assembly, to form a closed space filled with high pressure gas in the cylinder. The second piston assembly drives the closed space into a first air chamber and a second air chamber in communication with each other. The driving mechanism also includes a first piston assembly connected to the second piston assembly. The pneumatic door closer also includes a transmission mechanism having one end received in the housing and another end connected to the door frame. 1. A pneumatic door closer for a door pivotally mounted in a door frame , comprising:a guide track on the door frame;first and second piston assemblies on the door;a rod having a first end slidably mounted in the guide track and a second end attached to the first piston assembly;the first piston assembly having a first piston;the second piston assembly having a second piston with first and second gas chambers on opposite sides of the second piston;the first and second pistons moving in unison when the door opens and closes;a first passage between the first and second gas chambers to allow gas flow from the second chamber to the first chamber when the door is opening; anda second passage between the first and second gas chambers to allow gas flow from the first chamber to the second chamber when the door is closing so as to dampen door closing.2. The pneumatic door closer of wherein the first piston assembly includes a first housing in which the first piston is slidably mounted claim 1 , and the second piston assembly includes a second housing in which the second piston is slidably mounted and in which the first and second chambers are formed.3. The pneumatic door closer of wherein the first passage resides between the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Door Drive Device Comprising Main Drive and Auxiliary Drive

Номер: US20180002965A1

A door drive mechanism includes a main drive and an auxiliary drive. 3. The door drive mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein the slide arm is formed as an angular arm claim 1 ,wherein the angular arm has a first segment and a second segment, which are arranged angled relative to each other, forming an angular corner,wherein the end of the first segment of the angular arm is supported in the pivot bearing, which is formed stationary with the pivot bearing in which the drive assembly of the auxiliary drive is borne, andwherein the free end of the second segment of the angular arm is formed as the end guided in the slide rail formed as a rod system bearing.4. The door drive mechanism according to claim 3 , wherein characterized in that the pivot bearing of the first segment of the angular arm supported in the pivot bearing are offset relative to each other in terms of height relative to the end of the second segment of the angular arm guided in the slide rail claim 3 , wherein the height offset is or can be formed by a vertical segment of the first segment and/or a vertical segment of the second segment.5. The door drive mechanism according to claim wherein the first segment and the second segment of the angular arm are formed as separate components claim 3 , the position of which relative to each other is variably adjustable by means of an adjusting mechanism.6. The door drive mechanism according to claim 5 , wherein the adjusting mechanism is formed such that a height offset of the two segments is adjustable claim 5 , and/or the adjusting mechanism is formed such that the angular position of the two segments relative to each other is adjustable.7. The door drive mechanism according to claim 3 , wherein the first connecting end claim 3 , for connection to the output of the drive assembly of the auxiliary drive claim 3 , is formed in the vertex area of the angular corner of the angular arm or on the first segment or second segment or an extension thereof.8. The door ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002939A1

A reel damper includes a base, a cap, a ring gear, a torsion spring, and a sun gear. The cap is secured to the base, and the ring gear is rotatably engaged with the base. The torsion spring is engaged with the base and the ring gear. The sun gear is disposed in and meshed with the ring gear. 1. A reel damper , comprising:a base;a cap secured to the base;a ring gear rotatably engaged with the base;a torsion spring engaged with the base and the ring gear; anda sun gear disposed in and meshed with the ring gear.2. The reel damper of claim 1 , wherein the reel damper comprises a spool gear attached to the sun gear and rotatably engaged with the cap.3. The reel damper of claim 2 , wherein the spool gear is configured to retain a string around the spool gear.4. The reel damper of claim 1 , wherein the reel damper includes at least one damper assembly.5. The reel damper of claim 1 , wherein the torsion spring comprises a coil portion that is disposed in the base.6. The reel damper of claim 5 , wherein the torsion spring further comprises a first leg and a second leg extending from the coil portion.7. The reel damper of claim 6 , wherein the first leg is substantially straight claim 6 , and wherein the second leg comprises an angled portion.8. The reel damper of claim 1 , wherein the torsion spring is pre-loaded during assembly.9. The reel damper of claim 1 , wherein the ring gear is eccentrically attached to the base of the reel damper.10. A reel damper claim 1 , comprising:a base;a cap attached to the base;a ring gear rotatably engaged with the base;a torsion spring engaged with the base and the ring gear;a sun gear disposed in and meshed with the ring gear; anda spool gear attached to the sun gear and rotatably engaged with the cap, wherein the spool gear comprises a reel track that extends circumferentially around the spool gear.11. The reel damper of claim 10 , wherein the spool gear is meshed with at least one damper assembly.12. The reel damper of claim 11 , wherein ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003239A1
Автор: NIE Fei, Zhu Like

An automatic fire door closing device includes a hydraulic main engine, an arm rod, a rotating shaft, a connecting plate and a clamping device, and further comprises a fire monitoring and response device and a driving device. The driving device includes a linkage rod rotatably connected to the connecting plate, a transmission column rotatably connected to the connecting plate, and a transmission rod fixedly connected to the transmission column, one end of the linkage rod has a hook part for hooking the transmission rod, and the transmission column cooperates with the clamping device, when smoke or open fire is monitored, the hook part of the linkage rod is disengaged from the transmission rod, and the rotation of the transmission column makes the clamping device to release the rotating shaft. The device reduces cost with simple structure, high integration and low installation difficulty. 1. An automatic fire door closing device , comprising a door closer body for fixing on the door to close the door , an arm rod rotatably driven by the door closer body , a connecting plate for connecting with a door frame , and a clamping device capable of keeping the door open after being opened , the arm rod and the connecting plate being rotatably connected via a rotating shaft , one of the arm rod and the connecting plate being provided with the clamping device and the other one being fixedly connected with the rotating shaft , wherein , the automatic fire door closing device further comprises a fire monitoring and response device , and a driving device cooperating with the fire monitoring and response device and the clamping device;the driving device comprises a transmission column rotatably connected to the arm rod or the connecting plate, a transmission rod connected to the transmission column, and a linkage rod rotatably connected to the arm rod or the connecting plate and rotating in response to the fire monitoring and response device; the transmission column and the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Hydraulic hinge, in particular concealed hinge for doors

Номер: US20170009506A1
Принадлежит: OLMI SRL

A hydraulic hinge comprising a fixed element anchorable to a stationary support structure and a movable element anchorable to a dosing element. The fixed and movable elements are mutually coupled in such a way that the latter rotates with respect to the former about a first longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position. One of the fixed element and the movable elements includes at least one working chamber defining a second longitudinal axis, which comprises at least one portion which includes: a plunger member sliding along the second axis and a working fluid to hydraulically dampen the movement of the movable element. The plunger member is mutually connected with one of the fixed element and the movable element so that the rotation of the latter corresponds to the sliding of the former and vice-versa.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009837A1
Автор: Saito Jun

A damper device is configured so that a piston moves in a cylinder. A seal ring member is provided to the outer periphery of the piston to device the inside of the cylinder into a first chamber and a second chamber. A transmission member is connected to the piston and can transmit external force to the piston. A cutout section is formed with a predetermined circumferential width in a first stopper surface. A communication section has an opening in an annular outer peripheral section located closer to the second chamber than the cutout section. When the seal ring member is pressed toward the first stopper surface, the seal ring member is deformed so as to partially enter the cutout section. 1. A damper device including:a cylinder including a bottom portion and an opening portion;a piston that is movable forward and backward in the cylinder;a seal ring member that is disposed on an outer circumference of the piston to abut on an inner circumference of the cylinder to thereby divide an inside of the cylinder into a first chamber and a second chamber; anda transmission member that is connected to the piston, and capable of transmitting an external force to the piston, an annular outer circumferential portion that abuts on an inner circumference of the seal ring member,', 'a first stopper surface that protrudes in a radial direction from a side of the annular outer circumferential portion closer to the first chamber to thereby restrict movement of the seal ring member in an axial direction,', 'a second stopper surface that protrudes in the radial direction from another side of the annular outer circumferential portion closer to the second chamber to thereby restrict movement of the seal ring member in the axial direction,', 'a cutout portion that is formed on the first stopper surface and has a predetermined width in a circumferential direction, and', 'a communicating portion that is formed on the piston, and formed to communicate between the first chamber and the second ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009838A1
Автор: Muranaka Makoto

A damper device includes a stator, a rotor, and a viscous fluid imparting a resistance to a rotation or a relative rotation of the rotor, and forms a braking force by the resistance. In the rotor, an annular seal portion made of soft synthetic resin is provided by integral molding. The stator includes an annular space in which the viscous fluid is filled, and a main member portion of the rotor is housed in the annular space. The annular seal portion comprises an outside annular portion provided in an outer circumferential portion of the rotor; an inside annular portion provided in an inner circumferential portion of the rotor; and a connection portion therebetween. 1. A damper device , comprising a stator , a rotor , and a viscous fluid filled therebetween to impart a resistance to a rotation or a relative rotation of the rotor , and forming a braking force by the resistance ,wherein the rotor includes an annular seal portion made of soft synthetic resin by integral molding,the stator includes an annular space filled with the viscous fluid, and a main member of the rotor is housed in the annular space, andthe annular seal portion includes an outside annular portion provided at an outer circumferential portion of the rotor, an inside annular portion provided at an inner circumferential portion of the rotor, and a connection portion therebetween.2. A damper device according to claim 1 , wherein the connection portion is formed in a through hole passing through an inside and outside of the rotor.3. A damper device according to claim 1 , wherein an inside circumferential wall portion facing the inner circumferential portion of the rotor forming the annular space of the stator is formed with an annular projecting portion abutting against the inside annular portion of the annular seal portion at a position forming the connection portion. The present invention relates to an improvement of a damper device.There is a damper device called, i.e. a rotary damper and the like, ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Door Drive Device Having a Main Drive and Auxiliary Drive

Номер: US20180010375A1

A door drive mechanism includes a main drive and an auxiliary drive. 1. A door drive mechanism for a door of a building with a door leaf borne pivotably about a vertical door axis in a stationary frame , the door drive mechanism comprising: a1) a drive assembly of the main drive; and', 'a2) a force-transmitting mechanism of the main drive;, 'a) a main drive for acting on the door leaf in the direction of the closing movement and/or opening movement and/or closing damping and/or opening damping, the main drive including b1) a drive assembly of the auxiliary drive; and', 'b2) a force-transmitting mechanism of the auxiliary drive,, 'b) an auxiliary drive for acting on the door leaf in the direction of the closing movement and/or opening movement and/or closing damping and/or opening damping, the auxiliary drive includingwherein the main drive has one or more components to be mounted on the door leaf side and one or more components to be mounted on the frame side, which can be and/or are connected via a force-transmitting connecting mechanism of the force-transmitting mechanism of the main drive, andwherein the auxiliary drive has one or more components to be mounted on the door leaf side and one or more components to be mounted on the frame side, which can be or are connected via a force-transmitting connecting mechanism of the force-transmitting mechanism of the auxiliary drive, and '(i) the components of the main drive and of the auxiliary drive to be mounted on the door leaf side are borne in or on a common and/or continuous housing mechanism and/or bearing framework mechanism and/or mounting plate mechanism to be mounted on the door leaf side and/or are covered by a common and/or continuous cover to be mounted on the door leaf side;', 'wherein '(ii) the components of the main drive and of the auxiliary drive to be mounted on the frame side are borne in or on a common and/or continuous housing mechanism and/or bearing framework mechanism and/or mounting plate ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010376A1
Автор: BEATTIE Colin

A hinge having a first hinge part and a second hinge part. The second hinge part has a hinge pin to which the first hinge part is connected for movement relative to the second hinge part about a hinge axis between a closed position. An over-close mechanism is provided comprising a catch member on the second hinge part arranged to co-operate with the first hinge part to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement of the first hinge part and to retain the first hinge part arrange to co-operate with the hinge pin to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement. A soft-close mechanism is provided comprising a damper member on the first hinge part arranged to co-operate with the hinge pin to provide a braking force in the direction of closing. 1. A hinge comprising:a first hinge part for securing to a movable panel of a shower door; anda second hinge part for securing to a fixed structure, the second hinge part having a hinge pin to which the first hinge part is connected for movement relative to the second hinge part about a hinge axis between a closed position and an open position, an over-close mechanism comprising a catch member on the second hinge part arranged to co-operate with the first hinge part to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement of the first hinge part and to retain the first hinge part in the closed position, a self-close mechanism comprising a pressure member on the first hinge part arranged to co-operate with the hinge pin to urge the first hinge part towards the closed position during closing movement, and a soft-close mechanism comprising a damper member on the first hinge part arranged to co-operate with the hinge pin to provide a braking force in a direction of closing.2. The hinge according to wherein the over-close mechanism is configured to be activated as the first hinge part approaches the closed position.3. The hinge according to ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Low-bulkiness hydraulic hinge

Номер: US20180010377A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano

A hinge for cold rooms or glass shutters includes a stationary support structure and a shutter movable between an open position and a closed position. The hinge includes a hinge body with a working chamber; a pivot coupled with the hinge body; a cam element unitary with the pivot; a plunger element sliding in the working chamber, the plunger element having a slider with an operative face interacting with the cam element; a counteracting elastic member acting on the plunger element to move it between a position proximal to the bottom wall of the working chamber and a position distal therefrom. The hinge body has a substantially plate-like shape. The cam element includes an elongated appendix extending from the pivot to come in contact engagement with the operative face of the slider. The pivot is placed at one of the side walls of the working chamber. 1. A hydraulic hinge for rotatably moving and controlling a closing element anchored to a stationary support structure between an open position and a closed position , the hydraulic hinge comprising:a hinge body anchorable to one of the stationary support structure or the closing element, the hinge body internally comprising a working chamber with a front wall and a bottom wall faced thereto;a pivot defining a first longitudinal axis anchorable to the other one of the stationary support structure or the closing element, the pivot and the hinge body being reciprocally coupled to each other to rotate about a first axis between the open position and the closed position of the closing element;a slider slidably movable within the working chamber along a second axis between a position distal from the bottom wall and a position proximal thereto, the pivot and the slider being reciprocally coupled so that a rotation of the closing element about the first axis corresponds to the at least partial sliding of the slider along the second axis;a hydraulic damping system acting on the slider to hydraulically damp a movement of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010190A1

A laundry treating appliance for treating laundry items according to an automatic cycle of operation can include a cabinet defining an interior and having a top panel that at least partially defines an access opening to the interior. A lid is rotatable between a closed position and an opened position to selectively open or close the access opening. At least one hinge assembly couples the top panel with the lid. The at least one hinge assembly can include a hinge housing coupled to the top panel. A cam is received within the hinge housing and coupled to the lid. A snubber housing is coupled to the hinge housing and has a damper receiving portion. A damper is at least partially received within the damper receiving portion. 1. A laundry treating appliance for treating laundry items according to an automatic cycle of operation , the laundry treating appliance comprising:a cabinet defining an interior and having a top panel that at least partially defines an access opening to the interior;a lid rotatable between a closed position and an opened position to selectively open or close the access opening; and a hinge housing coupled to the top panel;', 'a cam received within the hinge housing and coupled to the lid;', 'a snubber housing coupled to the hinge housing and having a damper receiving portion provided at a non-zero angle relative to the top panel in the closed position; and', 'a damper at least partially received within the damper receiving portion and biased against the cam such that movement of the cam selectively depresses the damper when the lid moves from the opened position to the closed position., 'at least one hinge assembly coupling the top panel with the lid, the at least one hinge assembly comprising2. The laundry treating appliance of wherein the cam is rotatably coupled to the hinge housing between an upwardly rotated position and a downwardly rotated position.3. The laundry treating appliance of wherein the cam bears against an upper surface of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010191A1

A laundry treating appliance for treating laundry items according to an automatic cycle of operation can include a cabinet defining an interior and having a top panel that at least partially defines an access opening to the interior. A lid is rotatable between a closed position and an opened position to selectively open or close the access opening. At least one hinge assembly couples the top panel with the lid. The at least one hinge assembly can include a lid hinge coupled to the lid and defining an axis of rotation of the lid. A hinge housing is coupled to the top panel and to the lid and configured to receive the lid hinge. A damper housing has a damper receiving portion, with a damper at least partially received within the damper receiving portion. 1. A laundry treating appliance for treating laundry items according to an automatic cycle of operation , the laundry treating appliance comprising:a cabinet defining an interior and having a top panel that at least partially defines an access opening to the interior;a lid rotatable between a closed position and an opened position to selectively open or close the access opening; and a lid hinge coupled to the lid and defining an axis of rotation of the lid;', 'a hinge housing coupled to the top panel and to the lid and configured to receive the lid hinge;', 'a hinge cam at least partially received in the hinge housing, the hinge cam having a body with a first surface comprising two outwardly curved surfaces and an inwardly curved surface between the outwardly curved surfaces and defining a C-shape;', 'a damper housing undermounted to and at least partially underlying the hinge housing and having a damper receiving portion at least partially positioned below the top panel;', 'a piston having an outer surface and at least partially received within the damper receiving portion and configured to protrude from the damper receiving portion and contact the hinge cam; and', 'a damper at least partially received within the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010311A1

A furniture board with an integrated or inserted flap fitting includes a lever mechanism having a plurality of levers guiding a flap of a furniture item. The flap fitting has a spring unit acting on at least one lever of the lever mechanism via an adjustable preload. The lever mechanism, in a closed position of the guided flap, moves into a front-side opening of the flap fitting and a front-side opening of the furniture board. The preload of the spring unit and/or the transmission ratio between the spring unit and the lever mechanism is adjustable via an adjusting element having a tool receptacle. The tool receptacle is accessible through a front-side opening in the furniture board and/or the flap fitting. 120-. (canceled)21. A furniture panel , comprising: a lever mechanism having multiple levers configured to guide a flap of an item of furniture; and', 'a spring unit acting on at least one lever of the lever mechanism using settable pre-tension, wherein the lever mechanism retracts into an end-face opening of the flap fitting and in an end-face opening of the furniture panel in a closed position of the guided flap, wherein the settable pre-tension of the spring unit and/or the transmission ratio between the spring unit and the lever mechanism is settable via an adjustment element having a tool receptacle, and wherein the tool receptacle is accessible through an end-face opening of the furniture panel and/or the flap fitting., 'an integrated or inserted flap fitting, the integrated or inserted flap fitting comprises'}22. The furniture panel of claim 21 , wherein the flap fitting comprises a spindle unit having a spindle claim 21 , using which a spring bearing is movable claim 21 , wherein the spindle is coupled to the adjustment element.23. The furniture panel of claim 22 , wherein the spindle is coupled via an angular gear to the adjustment element.24. The furniture panel of claim 22 , wherein the spring bearing is configured to be guided so it is linearly ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and Devices for Adjustable Door Closure Control

Номер: US20200011110A1
Автор: Boundy Tim J.

Disclosed are systems and devices for controlling the closing of a door. A head unit is to be installed in a doorjamb, comprising a chamber filled at least in part with a shear thickening fluid. A piston is connected to a cap and configured to exert pressure against the shear thickening fluid in response to a force applied to the cap. The systems and devices provide an adjustable design that resists door slamming and aggressive closure, serving as a safety device as well as noise, damage and pet control around doors (preventing closure if desired). An install kit provides exact location, depth control and guide to place over the head unit to tap it into place with a hammer. 1. A device for controlling the closing of a door , comprising: a chamber filled at least in part with a shear thickening fluid; and', 'a piston connected to a cap, the piston configured to exert pressure against the shear thickening fluid in response to a force applied to the cap., 'a head unit that is configured to be installed in a doorjamb or door edge, the head unit comprising2. The device of claim 1 , wherein force applied to the cap is in response to a door being closed coming into contact with the cap claim 1 , which causes the piston to move with respect to the shear thickening fluid claim 1 , the shear thickening fluid resisting the movement of the piston depending on the force and speed with which the door engages the cap.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the head unit further comprising a plunger between the cap and the piston claim 2 , the plunger configured to move the piston into the chamber in response to the door striking the cap.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the head unit further comprises a bushing to guide the cap and plunger into the chamber in response to the force applied to the cap.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the head unit further comprises a spring within a channel of the bushing configured to provide mechanical resistance between the cap and the bushing in ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034139A1

The present disclosure relates to a motor vehicle, comprising a leaf element, which is movably held at a bearing point of the motor vehicle, and an adjusting device by means of which the leaf element can be moved between a closed position, in which the leaf element closes an opening of the motor vehicle, and an open position, wherein the adjusting device comprises a spring component which, on the one hand, is coupled at least indirectly to the leaf element and, on the other hand, at least indirectly to a holding region of the motor vehicle, and which comprises a sleeve element and a piston element which is inserted into a sleeve interior of the sleeve element in certain regions and is displaceable relative to the sleeve element during the movement of the leaf element between the closed position and the open position. The spring component is designed as a spring strut and comprises a damping device for damping during the displacement of the piston element relative to the sleeve element during the movement of the leaf element between the open position and the closed position. A further aspect of the present disclosure relates to an adjusting device. 110.-. (canceled)11. A motor vehicle comprising:at least one leaf element, which is movably held at at least one bearing point of the motor vehicle; and wherein the at least one adjusting device comprises at least one spring component, the at least one spring component being coupled at least indirectly to the at least one leaf element and indirectly to a holding region of the motor vehicle,', 'wherein the at least one spring component comprises at least one sleeve element, and at least one piston element, the at least one piston element being inserted into a sleeve interior of the sleeve element at least in certain regions and being displaceable relative to the at least one sleeve element during the movement of the at least one leaf element between the closed position and the at least one open position, and', 'wherein the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034140A1
Автор: Terenzi Emanuele

The damped and compact hinge device includes a spring () fixed to a first member () and a second end coupled to interconnection means () having a first mobile pin () of a lever () sliding along a first slot () of the first member (). The interconnection means () further includes a rod () connecting the lever () to a first end of a rocker arm (), the rocker arm () having a first end linked via the rod () to the first mobile pin () and having an opposite end rotatably connected to a second member () by a fixing pin () spaced from a pivot pin (). A median portion of the rocker arm () has a second mobile pin () for sliding in a second slot () of the first member (), the second slot () being rectilinear, curved, or S or C shaped. 1. Damped and compact hinge device for doors , shutters and hatches of an apparatus or furnishing for closing and opening a respective door and comprising , in an operating condition of assembly to the apparatus ,{'b': 3', '5', '3', '5', '7', '7', '1, 'a first member () fixed to a body of the apparatus and a second member () fixed to the door of the apparatus or made in the door, wherein the first member () and the second () member are mutually connected by a pivot pin () for the rotation of the door around a rotation geometric axis of said pivot pin () between extreme opening (A) and closing (C) conditions of the door; the device () further comprising'}{'b': 9', '11', '3', '5', '13', '9', '11', '5, 'a friction shoe () sliding on a respective friction wall means () of the first member () and connected to the second member () by means of interconnection means () causing the sliding of the friction shoe () along the friction wall means () following the rotation of the second member () for opening and closing the door; the device further comprising'}{'b': 17', '19', '3', '21', '23', '23', '5', '23', '9', '25', '19', '3', '17', '11', '9', '11', '21', '9', '19', '21', '17', '23', '9', '11, 'a linear resilient means () having a first end fixed to a ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016260A1
Автор: PYO Chul Soo

A shock-absorbing damper for absorbing the impact force generated during the opening/closing of a furniture door, the damper including: a load pin in a housing to move back and forth during the opening/closing of the furniture door; a main valve coupled to the load pin to form a first flow path; a check valve coupled to a guide bar of the main valve in a manner to form a second flow path; a guider coupled to the main valve to guide the fluid flow; and a pressure adjuster interposed between the main valve and the check valve to vary the first flow path. The pressure adjuster and the guider are provided in the shock-absorbing damper to vary a flow path corresponding to an opening/closing load of the furniture door, thereby opening/closing the furniture door at a set speed regardless of the size or weight. 14-. (canceled)5. A variable shock-absorbing damper for a furniture hinge , which includes a pressure adjustment means built in the furniture hinge to buffer and absorb an external load occurring in the process of opening and closing a furniture door , the damper comprising:a housing configured to have accommodated therein a working fluid of the shock-absorbing damper;a load pin fittingly coupled to the housing and configured to reciprocate in the process of opening and closing the furniture door;a main valve coupled to the load pin and including a first flow path defined therein;a check valve slidably coupled to a guide bar of the main valve so as to allow a second flow path to be defined between the guide bar and the check valve;a guider configured to be expanded or returned to its original position by a pressure of the working fluid while being coupled to the main valve to guide a fluid flow; anda pressure adjuster interposed between the main valve and the check valve and configured to be deformed according to the pressure of the fluid to vary the first flow path.6. The variable shock-absorbing damper according to claim 5 , wherein the main valve comprises a semi- ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016261A1
Принадлежит: OL.MI S.R.L.

A hinge for the controlled rotatable movement of a closing element, such as a door, a door leaf or the like, anchored to a stationary support structure, such as a wall, a floor, a frame or the like. The hinge comprises a hinge body and a pivot defining a first axis reciprocally coupled to allow the closing element to rotate between an open position and a closed position. The hinge further comprises a working chamber defining a second axis substantially perpendicular to said first axis and a plunger element sliding within the working chamber along the second axis between a position proximal to the bottom wall of the working chamber and a position distal therefrom. The pivot includes a pinion member, whereas the plunger element includes a rack member engaged with the pinion member. 1. A hinge comprising:a hinge body adapted to be anchored to one of a stationary support structure or a closing element and a pivot defining a first axis adapted to be anchored to the other one of the stationary support structure or the closing element, the pivot and the hinge body being reciprocally coupled to allow the closing element to rotate between an open position and a closed position;a working chamber within the hinge body defining a second axis perpendicular to the first axis, the working chamber including a bottom wall;a plunger element sliding within the working chamber along the second axis between a position proximal to the bottom wall of the working chamber and a position distal from the bottom wall, the plunger element comprising a cylindrical body;wherein the working chamber further includes a working fluid acting on the plunger element for hydraulically damping the action thereof, the cylindrical body being inserted into the working chamber for dividing thereof in a first variable volume compartment and a second variable volume compartment in fluidic communication to each other;wherein the pivot includes a pinion member including a plurality of first shaped teeth, the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016829A1

A pivoting fitting for pivoting a flap hinged on a furniture body, comprising an energy accumulator fastened to a connecting part which can be connected to a body wall, and a lever arrangement which is operatively connected to the energy accumulator and has at least one articulated lever, is configured such that the energy accumulator is connected to a control element comprising a cam disc which is fixed but rotatable with respect to the connecting part, which control element is connected in a movement-dependent manner to the articulated lever which is held on the one side on the connecting part and can be held on the other side on the flap, and is rotated when the articulated lever is pivoted, wherein in one pivoted end position, the energy accumulator is clamped, and in the other end position is unclamped relative thereto, and wherein the cam disc has a control contour with varying radius of curvature, on which cam disc the energy accumulator is held. 1. A pivoting fitting for pivoting a flap hinged on a furniture body , the pivoting fitting comprising:a connecting part configured for connection to a body wall;a control element rotatably fixed to the connecting part, the control element comprising a cam disk;an energy accumulator fastened to the connecting part and connected to the control element;a lever arrangement comprising at least one articulated lever, the lever arrangement operatively connected to the energy accumulator and the at least one articulated lever configured for connection to the flap, the at least one articulated lever pivotable between a first end position and a second end position;wherein the control element rotated when the at least one articulated lever is pivoted,wherein the energy accumulator is tensioned when the at least one articulated lever is in the first end position;wherein the energy accumulator is relaxed when the at least one articulated lever is in the second position; and wherein the cam disk has a control contour with a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016830A1
Автор: Macernis Audrius

A hydraulic hinge disclosed here is attached to a gate to prevent an impact due to a quick opening and quick closing of the gate. The hydraulic hinge comprises a first hinge member and second hinge member, and a hydraulic damper. The first hinge member is defined by a cylindrical body comprising a longitudinal axis about which the second hinge member is rotatable to rotate the hydraulic hinge between an open position and a closed position. The hydraulic damper is positioned within a cavity of the cylindrical body, and comprises a shaft positioned within a housing, and a hydraulic fluid filled in a space defined between the shaft and the housing. The hydraulic damper is in communication with the second hinge member, to provide resistance against slamming of the gate when the shaft is internally rotated through the hydraulic fluid during a quick opening and quick closing of the gate. 1. A hydraulic hinge attached between a gate and a gate post , the hydraulic hinge configured to prevent an impact on the gate due to a quick opening and quick closing of the gate , the hydraulic hinge comprising;a first hinge member and second hinge member movable between an open position and a closed position, the first hinge member defined by a substantially cylindrical body comprising a longitudinal axis about which the second hinge member is rotatable to rotate the hydraulic hinge between an open position and a closed position, wherein the cylindrical body defines a cavity;a hydraulic damper positioned within cavity of the cylindrical body, wherein the hydraulic damper comprises a shaft positioned within a housing, and a hydraulic fluid filled in a space defined between the shaft and the housing, wherein the hydraulic damper is in contact communication with the second hinge member, wherein the hydraulic damper is configured to provide resistance against slamming of the gate when the shaft is internally rotated in presence of the hydraulic fluid during the quick opening and quick ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016831A1
Принадлежит: OL.MI S.R.L.

A hydraulic hinge comprising a fixed element anchorable to a stationary support structure and a movable element anchorable to a closing element. The fixed and movable elements are mutually coupled in such a way that the latter rotates with respect to the former about a first longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position. One of the fixed element and the movable elements includes at least one working chamber defining a second longitudinal axis, which comprises at least one portion which includes: a plunger member sliding along the second axis and a working fluid to hydraulically dampen the movement of the movable element. The plunger member is mutually connected with one of the fixed element and the movable element so that the rotation of the latter corresponds to the sliding of the former. 1. A hydraulic hinge comprising:a fixed element adapted to be anchored to a stationary support structure; anda movable element adapted to be anchored to a closing element,wherein the fixed element and the movable element are mutually coupled to reciprocally rotate about a first longitudinal axis between an open position and a closed position,wherein one of the fixed element and the movable element includes a hinge body and a working chamber which defines a second longitudinal axis, the working chamber including a wall, a plunger member adapted to slide along the second axis and a working fluid for hydraulically damping the movement of the movable element, the plunger member being mutually connected with the other of the fixed element and the movable element so that the rotation of the movable element corresponds to the sliding of the plunger member,wherein the plunger member is adapted to divide the working chamber into a first variable volume compartment and a second variable volume compartment fluidically communicating with each other through a channel passing through the wall of the working chamber so that during the opening of the closing element the working ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102840A1
Автор: CHO Yongjun
Принадлежит: EVERSYS CO., LTD.

A rotary-type damper includes a housing filled with a working fluid, a shaft penetrating inside the housing and placed in a rotatable manner, a housing pin provided on the inner circumference of the housing to reach the side of the shaft used for limiting the movement of the working fluid, and an axis pin for coupling with the shaft to rotate with the shaft, and closely contacting the side of the shaft and the inner circumference of the housing as the position thereof varies according to the rotating direction of the shaft. The present invention increases the durability and the period of use, easily enables an accurate control of the working fluid, thereby eliminating the requirement for high precision in processing the component members, and enables the control of a unidirectional damping and the rotational speed of a rotary body which is the target of damping. 1. A rotary type damper comprising:a housing filled with a working fluid;a shaft installed to be rotatable while passing the inside of the housing;a housing pin placed on an inner circumference of the housing to reach a side of the shaft, and configured to limit movement of the working fluid; andan axis pin coupled to the shaft to rotate together with the shaft, and closely contacting the side of the shaft and the inner circumference of the housing as the position of the axis pin varies according to a rotation direction of the shaft.2. The rotary type damper of claim 1 , wherein the axis pin is coupled to the side of the shaft such that the axis pin rotates in opposite directions according to the rotation direction of the shaft and a resistance between the axis pin and the working fluid thereby.3. The rotary type damper of claim 2 , wherein both sides of the axis pin closely contact the side of the shaft and the inner circumference of the housing claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , according to the resistance of the working fluid with respect to the center of the axis pin.4. The rotary type damper of claim 1 , ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020349A1
Автор: LEE Jong Hae

A door hinge of a vehicle can reduce a closing speed by generating rotational resistance only when strongly closing a door or a trunk at a predetermined speed or more. The door hinge of a vehicle may include: a door bracket coupled to a door and rotatably coupled to one side of a vehicle body bracket coupled to a vehicle body; a pawl lever pivotably assembled to the door bracket and rotating when a door closes over a predetermined speed; an anti-rotation ring pivotably assembled to the vehicle body bracket and combined with the pawl lever to operate together when the door closes over a predetermined speed; and a friction member disposed inside the anti-rotation ring and generating rotational resistance when the anti-rotation ring pivots. 1. A door hinge of a vehicle , comprising:a door bracket coupled to a door and rotatably coupled to one side of a vehicle body bracket coupled to a vehicle body;a pawl lever pivotably mounted to the door bracket and rotating over a predetermined speed when a door closes;an anti-rotation ring pivotably mounted to the vehicle body bracket and combined with the pawl lever to operate together when the door closes over a predetermined speed; anda friction member disposed inside the anti-rotation ring and generating rotational resistance when the anti-rotation ring pivots.2. The door hinge of claim 1 , wherein a lever-fixing spring that is compressible in the rotational direction of the pawl lever is disposed between one of the upper and lower ends of the pawl lever and the door bracket.3. The door hinge of claim 2 , wherein the lever-fixing spring restricts rotation of the pawl lever claim 2 , with one end coupled to one end of the pawl lever.4. The door hinge of claim 1 , wherein the pawl lever has an asymmetric structure that is rotatable by a centrifugal force claim 1 , when a door closes over a predetermined speed.5. The door hinge of claim 1 , wherein the pawl lever has an engaging protrusion at one side which engages with teeth on ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020350A1

A power boost assembly is disclosed that can be used with a door actuator, such as a door closer. The power boost assembly is structured to store an energy during a first movement of a door and release the stored energy during a second movement of the door. In one form the power boost assembly can be structured as a module that can be added to an existing door and door closer installation. In one form the power boost assembly is used to increase a closing force imparted to a door to ensure a latching event. 1. An apparatus comprising: an actuation member structured to contribute a power in the movement of the door; and', 'an energy storage device capable of being energized by movement of the actuation member, the energy storage device operable to store a boost energy as a result of a first movement of the actuation member, and configured to release the boost energy at a release position of the actuation member, the boost energy released through the actuation member as a result of a second movement of the actuation member., 'a power boost package configured as an attachable module for use with a spring-damper door actuator to move a door including a chassis and having a portion configured to be in power communication with the door actuator for movement of the door, the chassis of the package forming a structure to retain2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the attachable module is releasably attachable to the spring-damper door actuator.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the attachable module can be affixed to the spring-damper door actuator using an elongate threaded shaft claim 2 , and wherein the attachable module includes an opening to receive a pinion of the spring-damper door actuator.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the attachable module is configured for attachment to the spring-damper door actuator on a free end of a pinion of a non-handed door actuator.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first movement of the actuation member to store the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

A dampened hinge assembly

Номер: US20210017798A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dampened hinge assembly has a male leaf and a female leaf. The female leaf has spaced apart first and second end barrels coaxially rotating with respect to a central barrel of the male leaf therebetween. An axial shaft is fixed to the second end barrel of the female leaf at a proximal end of the axial shaft. The axial shaft has a distal helicoidally threaded spindle. A compression gear having a helicoidally threaded bore matching the helicoidal thread of the spindle displaces towards the first end barrel when the leaves move into alignment and towards the second end barrel when the leaves move out of alignment. The dampened hinge assembly may be reconfigured to provide soft closure, end-of-range soft closure and/or backcheck damping.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Door Mechanism that Permits Easy Opening and Holds Door Open

Номер: US20210017799A1
Автор: Johns Agile, Milnes Iain

A door support includes a first shaft coupled to a door for rotating the door; a first armature on the first shaft; a second shaft with at least one module that resists motion; a second armature on the second shaft; a linkage that connects the armature on the first shaft with the armature on the second shaft; a freewheel on the second armature or on the second shaft that does not engage the module that resists motion thereby allowing the door to open without resistance, the freewheel engaging as the door is closed to provide a resistance as the door is closed, and the linkage positioned such that as the door is nearly closed that the resistance becomes negligible allowing the door to fully close. 1. A system , comprising:a first shaft coupled to a door for rotating a door;a first armature on the first shaft;a second shaft with at least one module that resists motion;a second armature on the second shaft;a linkage that connects the first armature with the second armature;a freewheel on the second armature or on the second shaft that does not engage the module that resists motion thereby allowing the opening of the door without resistance;the freewheel engaging as the door is closed to provide resistance as the door is closed; andthe linkage positioned such that as the door is nearly closed that the resistance becomes negligible allowing the door to close fully.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second armatures rotate in opposite directions.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second armatures rotate in a same direction.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second shaft is not moved to minimize the resistance of opening the door.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the armature on the second shaft ca-Fi moves with minimum resistance as the door is opened.6. The system of wherein the armature on the second shaft moves with resistance as the door is closed.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second shaft is moved to minimize the resistance ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Direction Switchable Ratchet Device for Door Operator

Номер: US20160024835A1
Автор: HSIEH Chung-Hsien

A direction switchable ratchet device for a door operator is provided. The door operator includes an electric motor, an electromagnetic brake and the direction switchable ratchet device. The direction switchable ratchet device comprises a first and second direction restricting devices and a manually operable mechanism. A drive shaft of the electric motor is braked by a brake baffle disk when the electric motor is electrically de-energized and is released when the electric motor is electrically energized. The first and second direction restricting devices are provided to prevent the drive shaft from being rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise respectively by holding the brake baffle disk. In the event of power failure, the manually operable mechanism is effective to open the door once a pawl of the direction restricting device at the free side is retracted. The manually operable mechanism of the door operator is prevented from being incorrectly mounted in a cost-effective manner. 1. A direction switchable ratchet device for a door operator , said door operator comprising:a speed reduction mechanism having an output shaft;an electric motor having a drive shaft of which one end is coupled to said output shaft, and the other end is provided with a brake disk;an electromagnetic brake comprising a rotary shaft, a brake baffle disk, an elastic member, an electromagnet and a seat, said, wherein said brake baffle disk is attached on one end of said rotary shaft in such a manner that said brake baffle disk is axially movable with respect to said rotary shaft, said elastic member is disposed on said rotary shaft to bias said brake baffle disk and abut said brake baffle disk against said brake disk of said drive shaft, said electromagnet is mounted within said seat for retracting said brake baffle disk, and said seat is secured to a housing and provided with a central bore through which the other end of said rotary shaft passes; anda control circuit electrically connected to ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150026923A1
Автор: NAKASONE Hisashi
Принадлежит: Piolax, Inc.

A pressing device is provided with a pin member, a coil-like spring member, and a spring receiving member which has a through-hole for allowing the pin member to be inserted therein and which supports one end of the spring member. The pin member has: a shaft section which has the spring member disposed on the outer peripheral side thereof; a head section which is interconnected with one end of the shaft section and which can come into contact with the contact surface of the opening/closing body; a spring support section which supports the other end of the spring member; and an engagement claw which engages with the outer surface of the mounting portion and which prevents the pressing device from being dislocated from the mounting portion. 1. A biasing device to be mounted to a mounting portion provided to one of an opening/closing body capable of opening and closing an opening of a stationary body and the stationary body to thereby bias the opening/closing body in a direction to open the opening/closing body when the opening/closing body closes the opening of the stationary body , the biasing device including:a pin member;a coil-shaped spring member in coil; anda spring receiving member that includes a through hole into which the pin member is inserted, and is arranged to support one end of the spring member,wherein the pin member includesa shaft portion, around an outer periphery of which the spring member is disposed,a head portion that is provided adjacent to one end of the shaft portion so as to be brought into contact with a contact surface of the one of the stationary body and the opening/closing body,a spring supporting portion arranged to support the other end of the spring member, andan engaging portion arranged to engage the mounting portion to prevent the biasing device from being demounted from the mounting portion, andwherein the mounting portion has a concave shape, and includes an engaging hole provided to a bottom portion of the mounting portion, ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024428A1
Автор: Su Wen-Yuan

A door closer pivoted on a door at least includes a case and a piston. When the door is open, the door closer blocks a communicating hole of the case by an oil sealing ring of the piston to allow an oil filled in the door closer cannot flow through the communicating hole. As a result, the open door can be held in a predetermined position. 1. A door closer pivoted on a door , comprising:a case including a piston accommodating chamber and a channel connecting module, wherein the channel connecting module includes a first communicating hole and a second communicating hole; anda piston installed in the piston accommodating chamber and dividing the piston accommodating chamber into a first oil storage space and a first opening space, wherein the channel connecting module communicates with the first opening space by the first communicating hole and communicates with the first oil storage space by the second communicating hole, and wherein the piston includes a main body and an oil sealing ring which is coupled to and moved together with the main body in the piston accommodating chamber, and the oil sealing ring is adapted to block the first communicating hole for holding the door in a predetermined position when the door is open.2. The door closer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the main body includes a groove claim 1 , and the oil sealing ring is placed in the groove and protrudes from the main body.3. The door closer in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the piston further includes an O-ring which is placed in the groove claim 2 , and the O-ring is located between the main body and the oil sealing ring for supporting the oil sealing ring.4. The door closer in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the case further includes a driving module accommodating chamber claim 1 , a spacer accommodating chamber and a partition wall claim 1 , the partition wall is located between the piston accommodating chamber and the spacer accommodating chamber for separating the piston ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024905A1
Принадлежит: Mansfield Engineered Components, Inc.

An appliance hinge assembly includes an arm to mate with a receiver. A door mounting lever is adapted to be connected to an appliance door, and the lever includes an inner end pivotally connected to the arm. The lever pivots relative to the arm between a first position and a second position, through an intermediate position. A slide link is located adjacent the lever. The slide link inner end is pivotally connected to the arm at a location that is offset from the main pivot axis such that pivoting movement of the lever results in movement of the slide link relative to the lever. A biasing system includes a spring that urges the lever toward the first position. A damper system includes a damper that damps movement of the lever. Alternatively, the arm connects to the appliance door and the lever connects to the appliance body. 1. A hinge assembly for an associated appliance door , said hinge assembly comprising:an arm;a lever comprising an inner end pivotally connected to the arm and an outer end spaced from said inner end, said lever and arm adapted to pivot relative to each other about a main pivot axis between a first position that corresponds to a closed position of the associated appliance door and a second position that corresponds to an opened position of the associated appliance door, wherein said lever and arm pivot relative to each other through in intermediate position located between the first and second positions when the lever and arm pivot between the first and second positions;a slide link located adjacent the lever and comprising a slide link inner end and a slide link outer end spaced from said slide link inner end, said slide link inner end pivotally connected to the arm at a location that is offset from said main pivot axis such that relative pivoting movement between said lever and said arm about said main pivot axis results in movement of the slide link relative to the lever;a biasing system for urging the arm and lever toward said first position ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Low-bulkiness hinge

Номер: US20170030124A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano
Принадлежит: IN & TEC S.R.L.

A hinge for cold rooms or glass shutters includes a stationary support structure and a shutter movable between an open position and a closed position. The hinge includes a hinge body with a working chamber; a pivot coupled with the hinge body to rotate between the open and the closed positions of the shutter; a cam element unitary with the pivot; a plunger element sliding in the working chamber and having a slider with an operative face interacting with the cam element; a counteracting elastic member acting on the plunger element to move it between a position proximal to the bottom wall of the working chamber and a position distal therefrom. The cam element includes an elongated appendix extending from the pivot to come in contact engagement with the operative face of the slider. The pivot is placed at one of the side walls of the working chamber. 177.-. (canceled)78. A low-bulkiness hinge for rotatably moving and/or controlling a closing element (A) , anchored to a stationary support structure (S) , between an open position and a closed position , the hinge comprising:{'b': 10', '5', '10', '10', '11', '13', '12, 'a hinge body () anchorable to one of the stationary support structure () or the closing element (A), said hinge body () having a substantially planar shape to define a first plane (π′), said hinge body () internally comprising a working chamber () with a front wall () and a bottom wall () faced thereto;'}{'b': 20', '20', '10, 'a pivot () defining a first longitudinal axis (X) anchorable to the other one of the stationary support structure (S) or the closing element (A), said pivot () and said hinge body () being reciprocally coupled to each other to rotate around said first axis (X) between the open position and the closed position of the closing element (A); and'}{'b': 31', '11', '12, 'a slider () slidably movable within said working chamber () along a second axis (Y) between a position distal from said bottom wall () and a position proximal thereto,'}{'b ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Low-bulkiness hydraulic hinge

Номер: US20170030125A1
Автор: Bacchetti Luciano
Принадлежит: IN & TEC S.R.L.

A hinge for cold rooms or glass shutters includes a stationary support structure and a shutter movable between an open position and a closed position. The hinge includes a hinge body with a working chamber; a pivot coupled with the hinge body; a cam element unitary with the pivot; a plunger element sliding in the working chamber, the plunger element having a slider with an operative face interacting with the cam element; a counteracting elastic member acting on the plunger element to move it between a position proximal to the bottom wall of the working chamber and a position distal therefrom. The hinge body has a substantially plate-like shape. The cam element includes an elongated appendix extending from the pivot to come in contact engagement with the operative face of the slider. The pivot is placed at one of the side walls of the working chamber. 182.-. (canceled)83. A low-bulkiness hydraulic hinge for rotatably moving and controlling a closing element (A) anchored to a stationary support structure (S) between an open position and a closed position , the hinge comprising:{'b': 10', '5', '10', '11', '13', '12', '10, 'a hinge body () anchorable to one of the stationary support structure () or the closing element (A), said hinge body () internally comprising a working chamber () with a front wall () and a bottom wall () faced thereto, said hinge body () having a substantially planar shape to define a first plane (π′);'}{'b': 20', '20', '10, 'a pivot () defining a first longitudinal axis (X) anchorable to the other one of the stationary support structure (S) and the closing element (A), said pivot () and said hinge body () being coupled to each other to rotate around said first axis (X) between the open position and the closed position of the closing element (A);'}{'b': 31', '11', '12', '20', '31', '31', '31', '35, 'a slider () slidably movable within said working chamber () along a second axis (Y) between a position distal from said bottom wall () and a position ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029664A1
Автор: Tonelli Massimo

A portable container, of the type of a suitcase, a trunk, a crate, a trolley, and the like, comprising a first shell portion and a second shell portion which are mutually articulated and can move between a configuration for closing an internal compartment and at least one open configuration for free access to the compartment; a safety device is coupled to the shell portions; the container also comprises an assembly for coupling the device to at least the first shell portion; the assembly is provided with: at least two inserts which are stably inserted in respective seats a slider, coupled to the device, a profiled element which is rigidly supported by the inserts and forms a guiding track for the slider, means for the rigid anchoring of the slider to the profiled element. 1. A portable container comprising: a first shell portion and a second shell portion which are mutually articulated and are configured to move between a configuration for closing an internal compartment and at least one open configuration for free access to the compartment , a safety device being coupled to said shell portions and contrasting accidental movement toward said closed configuration in order to maintain said open configuration , wherein the container further comprises an assembly for coupling said device to at least said first shell portion , said assembly including:at least two inserts which are stably inserted in respective seats having a corresponding shape which are provided along a wall of said first shell portion,a slider coupled to said device,a profiled element which is rigidly supported by said inserts and forms a guiding track for said slider, which is movable along said track, andmeans for the rigid anchoring of said slider to said profiled element configured to can be activated at any position of said slider along said track.2. The container according to claim 1 , further comprising two of said assemblies claim 1 , for the coupling of said device respectively to said first ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Door hinge assembly

Номер: US20180030766A1

A door hinge assembly is provided which can prevent the phenomenon of closure of an open door by performing a self-stay function, and can improve a worker's or user's convenience and implement a cost saving effect by simplifying the configuration compared to the prior art in which a hinge and a stay are separately provided. To this end, the door hinge assembly includes a hinge shaft, a rotary plate which has one side rotatably connected to the hinge shaft and has the other side connected to a door, and a fixing plate which has one side connected to the hinge shaft and has the other side fixed to a door frame which is formed on the wall surface of an inner space that is opened and closed by the door, wherein the upper end surface of the rotary plate is divided into a reference surface and a stepped surface which has a relatively lower height than the reference surface, and a protrusion part which can be mounted on the reference surface is formed on the outer circumferential surface of the hinge shaft which faces the upper end surface of the rotary plate.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030770A1

A hydraulic door closer is disclosed. The hydraulic door closer may include a top cap surrounded by an O-ring that is located at the top of the hydraulic door closer housing opposite a spindle to seal the hydraulic fluid within the housing. In addition to or in lieu of the top cap design, the door closer may include a locking washer to secure the valves to the housing; epoxy and an O-ring at the interface between the top cap and the housing of the door closer; use of a dual-walled rubber seal around the spindle; use of dual O-rings on each valve stems; use of caps that are made of the same material as the housing instead of aluminum and use of epoxy on the end caps; and/or use of backcheck with an adjustable spring. 1. A hydraulic overhead concealed door closer system comprising:a) a door frame defining a door opening, the door frame comprising a door frame width and a door frame top located above the door opening;b) a door comprising a door top and a door width, the door configured to pivot from a closed position in which the door covers the door opening, the door width is substantially parallel to the door frame width and the door top faces the door frame top, to an open position in which the door does not cover the door opening and in which the door width is not substantially parallel to the door frame width; and i) a housing comprising an interior, a top side, a bottom side opposite the top side and facing the door top when the door is in the closed position, a housing height extending from the housing top side to the housing bottom side and generally perpendicular to the door frame width and the door width, a front side, a rear side, a housing thickness extending from the housing front side to the housing rear side and generally perpendicular to the housing height and generally perpendicular to the door width when the door is in the closed position, a proximal end, a distal end, a housing width extending from the housing proximal end to the housing distal end ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034435A1

A rotary damper includes a housing having an outer cylinder, an inner cylinder coaxially disposed inside the outer cylinder, and a bottom plate closing one end side of the outer cylinder and the inner cylinder, to form an annular liquid chamber with a viscous fluid therein, and a rotor including a cylindrical blade portion rotatably received in the liquid chamber. An annular locking groove extends circumferentially in a first portion at an outer peripheral surface of the inner cylinder, or a second portion facing the first portion on an inner peripheral surface of the blade portion. A locking convex portion projects from the other of the first portion or the second portion, and locked in the locking groove. An annular inside seal member is interposed between the inner cylinder and the blade portion, and an annular outside seal member is interposed between the outer cylinder and the blade portion. 1. A rotary damper , comprising:a housing including an outer cylinder having a predetermined axis line, an inner cylinder coaxially disposed inside the outer cylinder, and a bottom plate closing one end side in an axis line direction of the outer cylinder and the inner cylinder, wherein an annular liquid chamber is defined by the outer cylinder, the inner cylinder, and the bottom plate, and a viscous fluid is filled in the liquid chamber;a rotor including a cylindrical blade portion rotatably received in the liquid chamber coaxially with the outer cylinder;an annular locking groove extending in a circumferential direction in one of either a first portion which is an outer peripheral surface of the inner cylinder and is located at an end edge portion on a side opposed to a bottom plate side, or a second portion facing the first portion on an inner peripheral surface of the blade portion;a locking convex portion projecting from the other of either the first portion or the second portion, and locked in the locking groove so as to control a relative movement in the axis line ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049535A1

Provided is a damper device capable of increasing torque of a coil spring without increasing an outer diameter of a case. The damper device includes the case (), a shaft () that is relatively rotatable with respect to the case (), fluid filled in a damper chamber () formed between the case () and the shaft (), a bearing member () that forms a partition wall () that closes one end of the damper chamber () in an axial direction and is separate from the shaft (), and a coil spring () having one end connected to a side of the case () and the other end connected to the shaft () or the bearing member () to apply torque to the shaft () with respect to the case (). The bearing member () is arranged between a winding portion () of the coil spring () and the damper chamber. 1. A damper device comprising:a case,a shaft that is relatively rotatable with respect to the case,fluid filled in a damper chamber formed between the case and the shaft,a bearing member that forms a partition wall that closes one end of the damper chamber in an axial direction and is separate from the shaft, anda coil spring having one end connected to a side of the case and the other end connected to the shaft or the bearing member to apply torque to the shaft with respect to the case,wherein the bearing member is arranged between a winding portion of the coil spring and the damper chamber, and the winding portion of the coil spring and the damper chamber are separated from each other in the axial direction.2. The damper device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a sliding sealing member is arranged between the bearing member and the shaft that is rotatable with respect to the bearing member claim 1 , and a fixed sealing member is arranged between the case and the bearing member that is non-rotatable with respect to the case.3. The damper device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a sliding sealing member is arranged between the case and the bearing member that is rotatable with respect to the case claim 1 , and ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032387A1
Автор: WÖLKER Florian

It is provided a driving device for adjusting a vehicle part, in particular a tailgate, comprises an electric drive for driving the vehicle part, with an output shaft for transmitting an adjusting force to the vehicle part, and a first braking device operatively connected to the output shaft, which includes at least one permanent magnet element and is configured to provide a braking force for arresting the vehicle part in a currently adopted position. There is also provided a second braking device that is configured to switch the electric drive into a generator braking mode in order to at least partly feed a power generatorically produced by the drive back into the drive and thereby provide a braking force for braking a movement of the vehicle part. 2. The driving device according to claim 1 , wherein the first braking device includes a stationary portion and a first permanent magnet element non-rotatable relative to the stationary portion.3. The driving device according to claim 2 , wherein the first braking device includes a second permanent magnet element rotatable about a longitudinal axis relative to the stationary portion claim 2 , which is operatively connected to the output shaft such that the second permanent magnet element is rotated relative to the stationary portion during a rotary movement of the output shaft.4. The driving device according to claim 3 , wherein the first permanent magnet element and the second permanent magnet element each include at least one magnetic pole pair with two unlike magnetic poles offset with respect to each other along a circumferential direction about the longitudinal axis claim 3 , wherein in a braking condition the magnetic poles of the first permanent magnet element face the magnetic poles of the second permanent magnet element in a magnetically attracting manner in order to provide the braking force.5. The driving device according to claim 3 , wherein the first permanent magnet element and the second permanent magnet ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032918A1

The invention relates to a holding and opening mechanism for a pivoting element, such as a lid, a cover, a door or the like, which is mounted to be pivotable relative to a supporting element such as a housing, a frame or the like about a first axle via a joint, with a pivoting arm acting between the pivoting element and the supporting element, which arm is pivotally mounted about a second axle that is not the same as the first axle, wherein the free end of the pivoting arm acts, preferably via a roller, on a control surface of a guide element, wherein a torsion spring is provided which acts on the pivoting arm in the direction around the second axle, in order to generate a holding and opening force on the pivoting arm and the control surface, comprising a fixed part and a part pivotable relative thereto, with the one part including the guide element and the other part including the pivoting arm, wherein the pivotable part is adapted to be pivotable relative to the fixed part about the joint and the first axle, the pivotable part is connected to the pivoting arm and the pivoting element and the fixed part is connected to the supporting element, wherein the control surface in cooperation with the torsion spring and the pivoting arm determines the holding and opening force via the pivot angle of the pivoting element. The invention is characterized in that a plurality of pivoting arms, guide elements, joints and fixed and pivotable parts are provided, with the pivoting arms being coupled together by a common torsion spring Spin the second axle. 1. Holding and opening mechanism for a pivoting element such as a lid , a cover , a door or the like , which is mounted so as to be pivotable relative to a supporting element such as a housing , a frame or the like about a first axle via a joint , comprising:a. a pivoting arm which is effective between the pivoting element and the supporting element and which is mounted so as to be pivotable about a second axle, wherein a free ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Pull-down cabinet with a piston resistance mechanism and a method for its use

Номер: US20160037912A1
Автор: Jose Boban

A pull-down cabinet includes a first element fixed to an elevated structure, a second element having at least one storage surface, and at least one resistance mechanism comprising a tube having a substantially closed end, a piston within the tube creating a chamber between the piston and the substantially closed end, and a one-way valve communicating with the chamber such that the one-way valve opens, allowing fluid to pass through the one-way valve rapidly, when the piston is moved in a first direction within the tube, and closes, allowing substantially less fluid to pass through the one-way valve, when the piston is moved in a second direction within the tube, the resistance mechanism joining the first element to the second element so that when the second element slides away from the first element, the one-way valve closes, and when the second element slides toward the first element, the valve opens. 1. A pull-down cabinet with a piston resistance mechanism , the cabinet comprising:a first element fixed to an elevated structure;a second element having at least one storage surface; andat least one resistance mechanism comprising a tube comprising a substantially closed end, a piston within the tube creating a chamber between the piston and the substantially closed end, and a one-way valve communicating with the chamber such that the one-way valve opens, allowing fluid to pass through the one-way valve rapidly, when the piston is moved in a first direction within the tube, and closes, allowing substantially less fluid to pass through the one-way valve, when the piston is moved in a second direction within the tube, the resistance mechanism joining the first element to the second element so that when the second element slides away from the first element, the one-way valve closes, and when the second element slides toward the first element, the one-way valve opens.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the first element further comprises a housing into which the ...
