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02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2612186C1

Группа изобретений относится к устройствам отклоняющего клина и способам адресации стыковочного ниппеля в многоствольную скважину. Технический результат заключается в точной адресации стыковочного ниппеля в один из стволов многоствольной скважины. Устройство отклоняющего клина содержит верхний отклоняющий клин, расположенный внутри основного ствола скважины и имеющий направляющую пружину с наклонной поверхностью, нижний отклоняющий клин, расположенный внутри основного ствола скважины и определяющий первый канал и второй канал, один из первого и второго каналов находится в коммуникации с нижней частью основного ствола скважины и другой из первого и второго каналов находится в коммуникации с боковым стволом скважины. Верхний и нижний отклоняющие клинья сконфигурированы для адресации стыковочного ниппеля либо в боковой ствол скважины, либо в нижнюю часть основного ствола скважины в зависимости от размера наконечника стыковочного ниппеля. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 24 ил.

19-07-2022 дата публикации

Центратор пружинный

Номер: RU212375U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к нефтедобывающей промышленности, а более конкретно, к оборудованию, предназначенному для концентричного размещения обсадных колонн в нефтяных и газовых скважинах. Технический результат заключается в снижении усилия проталкивания центратора при сохранении достаточного усилия центрирования. Центратор пружинный содержит верхнее и нижнее цилиндрические кольца, соединенные между собой выступающими наружу стальными пружинными ребрами, размещенными равномерно по окружности. Выступающие вершины соседних пружинных ребер смещены относительно друг друга. Длина прямого участка каждого пружинного ребра составляет 0,3-0,5 от длины его выступающего участка. Каждое пружинное ребро в поперечном сечении имеет радиус, равный его ширине. На внешних торцевых поверхностях цилиндрических колец выполнены заходные фаски под углом 30-45°относительно продольной оси.

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2247220C1

Изобретение относится к горному делу, а именно к буровым станкам со шнековым рабочим органом. Устройство включает зажимные колодки седловидной формы, каждая из которых подпружинена относительно рычагов поворота с осями посредством рессорных пружин и свободно установлена на рычагах поворота с возможностью их поворота при износе спирали шнекового рабочего органа по диаметру, без смещения последнего с оси бурения, на некоторый угол вокруг осей крепления зажимных колодок, расположенных параллельно продольной оси забурного устройства, привод поворота рычагов, центрирующие ролики, закрепленные на концах зажимных колодок посредством осей параллельно продольной оси забурного устройства. На концах зажимных колодок выполнены пазы, радиально ориентированные к продольной оси забурного устройства, в которых размещены упругие вставки, прижимающие оси центрирующих роликов в направлении продольной оси забурного устройства. Оси центрирующих роликов выполнены с возможностью перемещения по пазам. Жесткость ...

20-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2285779C1

Изобретение относится к горной промышленности, в частности к способам сооружения горизонтальных или наклонных скважин с помощью вращательного бурения в трещиноватых породах, и установке вращательного бурения, и может быть использовано при проведении разведочного бурения в карьерах и шахтах, например, железорудных месторождений. Целью изобретения является разработка безопасного и высокопроизводительного способа сооружения горизонтальной или наклонной скважины, включая разведочную скважину, в трещиноватых породах скальных уступов карьера и шахтах, разрабатываемых с помощью буровзрывных работ, отвечающего требованиям правил техники безопасности и обеспечивающего снижение трудозатрат при перемещениях оборудования, и создание буровой установки для реализации этого способа. Достижение таких результатов, как повышение технологичности буровых работ, обеспечение контроля направления бурения при размещении буровой установки на безопасном расстоянии от откоса, повышение производительности при сооружении ...

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2662833C1

Изобретение относится к области буровой техники и предназначено для извлечения прихваченной бурильной колонны и бурового инструмента в наклонно направленных и горизонтальных скважинах. Подвесной аварийный буровой агрегат для извлечения прихваченной бурильной колонны либо бурового инструмента в наклонно направленных и горизонтальных скважинах путем бурения параллельно сопряженной скважины включает параллельно сопряженную бурильную колонну с буром и гидромониторной головкой. При этом параллельно сопряженная бурильная колонна соединена жестко и соосно с подвесной направляющей втулкой, оснащенной зубцами, скользящей по прихваченной бурильной колонне. Технический результат заключается в повышении надежности высвобождения прихваченной колонны либо бурового инструмента. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: SU1515880A1
Автор: Тюпин В.Н.

Способ образования врубовой полости, включающий бурение центральной опережающей скважины и периферийных шпуров вокруг нее, заряжание периферийных шпуров зарядами дробления, а в центральной скважине в ее перебуре размещение заряда выброса и взрывание сначала зарядов дробления, затем заряда выброса, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения качества образования врубовой полости и снижения степени удароопасности массива за счет использования гидродинамического эффекта взрыва, центральную скважину бурят с наклоном вниз под углом α к горизонту, определяемым из выражения где dс - диаметр центральной скважины, м; lш - длина периферийных шпуров, м, а между забоем центральной скважины и внутренним торцом заряда выброса формируют промежуток, причем центральную скважину перед зарядом выброса и за ним заливают водой.

30-09-1929 дата публикации

Направляющее приспособление для буровых штанг

Номер: SU11486A1
Автор: Климов П.А.

30-04-1991 дата публикации

Устройство для центрирования талевого блока и бурильных труб

Номер: SU1645440A1

Изобретение относится к технике бурения скважин и м.б. использовано при выполнении спуско-подъемных операций с бурильным инструментом. Цель изобретения - расширение технологических возможностей путем обеспечения центрирования бурильных труб разной длины. Для этого на боковых поверхностях талевого блока 10 шарнирно закреплены с возможностью поворота в горизонтальной плоскости профильные направ ...

21-07-1966 дата публикации

Гидравлическое сверло для бурения шпуров

Номер: SU184209A1

01-01-1961 дата публикации


Номер: SU137853A1
Автор: Беляев С.Г.

10-08-1973 дата публикации

Люнет для бурового става

Номер: SU393446A1
Автор: Остахов В.А.

07-12-1983 дата публикации

Бурошнековая машина

Номер: SU1059164A1

БУРОШНЕКОВАЯ МАШИНА, включающая вращатель, буровой став со . шнековьми секциями направляющую раму с установленные на ней устройством для удержания ишековы секций на период отсоединения их от вращателя , отличающаяся тем, что, с гелью расширения области ее применения за счет использования мнекрвых секций различной конструкции ,- устройство для удержания шнековых секций выполнено в виде корытообразной опоры, в боковых стенках которой закреплены с возможностью поворота два кривЬиипа, связанные между собой поперечной тягой, при этом один из кривошипов снабжен рукояткой и фиксатором. (Л с :д X) 05 4 ...

30-03-1990 дата публикации

Станок для наклонного бурения

Номер: SU1553664A1

Изобретение относится к горным работам, а именно к буровым станкам, оснащенным люнетами для штанг. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности работы станка за счет исключения воздействия изгибающего момента на штангу. Станок содержит шарнирно закрепленную на раме 1 мачту (М) 2 с штангой 3, гидроцилиндр 4 наклона М 2, раскос 5 и установленный в нижней части М 2 люнет (Л) 6 для штанги 3. Станок имеет размещенные под М 2 и жестко закрепленные на раме 1 и ориентированные в плоскости наклона М 2 направляющие (Н) 7. С возможностью установочного перемещения и фиксации в Н 7 установлен дополнительный Л, выполненный из кронштейна 8 и шарнирно закрепленного на нем направляющего элемента 9 для штанги 3. Работа станка начинается с установки в Н 7 дополнительного Л и фиксации его в положении, соответствующем выбранному углу бурения. При помощи гидроцилиндра 4 устанавливается М 2 и крепится раскосом 5. Штанга 3 выдвигается Л 6 и оказывается прижатой к элементу 9. Затем осуществляется вращение и подача штанги ...

23-12-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для хранения и подачи буровых штанг

Номер: SU1447294A3

Изобретение относится к горному делу и может быть использовано, в частности, при бурении глубоких скважин . Цель изобретения - повьппение безопасности работы в любом наклонном положении. Устройство для хранения и подачи буровых штанг содержит магазин , включающий раму 1 и направляю- щие 2, образующие желоб 3, перекрытый в верхней части фиксирующим механизмом с гидроцилиндром 26, механизм подачи труб представляет собой два параллельных коленчатых вала, соединенных с питающими гребенчатыми пластинами 7. При работе устройства питающие пластины 7 последоватапгьно и поочередно входят в зацепление с буровыми гатангами 4, подавая их к входу в желоб 3. Транспортные рычаги 18 подводятся к входу желоба 3, захватывают зажимами 20 буровую штангу вход в желоб 3 открывается, и буровай штанга 4 подается на ось скважины. При демонтаже бурового става последовательность операций обратная. 14 ил. g ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Kreuzgelenk zum Einsatz in einer Bohreinrichtung sowie Bohreinrichtung

Номер: DE102017115848A1

Kreuzgelenk, mit einem Kreuzstück (12), mit einem ersten Flanschstück (13), das um eine erste Achse (A1) verschwenkbar mit dem Kreuzstück (12) verbunden ist, und mit einem zweiten Flanschstück (14), das um eine zweite, die erste Achse (A1) rechtwinklig kreuzenden Achse (A2) mit dem Kreuzstück (12) verbunden ist, wobei erste und zweite Kolben/Zylindereinheiten vorgesehen sind, mit welchen das Kreuzgelenk zum Verschwenken um die ersten und zweiten Achsen wahlweise arretierbar ist, sowie Bohreinrichtung mit einem derartigen Kreuzgelenk.

11-12-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002214323B2

27-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002703085A1

02-07-1941 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to portable drilling machines for use in coal mines, quarries, and the like

Номер: GB0000537692A

... 537,692. Drilling-machines. LAMB, H. T. Jan. 1, 1940, No. 43. [Class 83 (iii)] Portable drilling-machines for use in coal mines, quarries &c. for example of the type described in Specification 533,294 have a drill guide mounted on the base of the machine. The machine has a channel girder 1 for a base and slides on side flanges 1a thereof. A bracket 3 receives slip bushes 6 and is clamped at 5 against a locating stop 4. A stop 8 limits the feed of the drill to prevent the machine from fouling the slip bush. The machine is held between the face to be drilled and a back support by an extensible member 7.

08-12-1971 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001256134A

... 1,256,134. Drilling rigs. BYRON JACKSON Inc. 30 June, 1969 [3 July, 1968], No. 33023/69. Heading E1F. A floating drilling rig has the pipe string 26 held in a master gimbal bushing G in a central opening in the platform or ship, so that the pipe string is relieved of rolling and pitching stresses. Further stands of drill pipe are carried in a derrick (Fig. 2b, not shown) which has fixed rackers through which a drill pipe stand 49 can be lowered down the axis of the derrick. To allow the stand 49 to be connected to the string 26, the upper end of the string 26 is centralised, i.e. aligned with the derrick axis, by means of bars 107-110 which form a square around it, and close in under the action of hydraulic rams such as 136 and 128. Preferably each bar is moved by two rams, one pivoted to each end of the bar, and the rams are operated in two sets (e.g. the rams for the bars 107, 108 form one set and those for the other two bars form the other set). Each set is supplied from one pump under ...

14-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002429994A

An apparatus 100 for supporting a tubular in a wellbore comprises a housing 10, 15 having a bore extending therethrough, the bore being adapted to receive the tubular, and one or more guide members 80 attached to the housing to facilitate movement of the tubular within the wellbore. The guide members 80 are radially movable into engagement with the tubular, which may include casing, during a tubular handling operation, drilling operation, and/or drilling with casing operation. One or more gripping members 20 may extend radially within the bore to grippingly engage the tubular or casing when activated. The guide members 80 may facilitate rotational movement of the casing during the drilling with casing operation when the gripping members 20 are deactivated.

27-07-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002071736B

16-10-2019 дата публикации

System and method for supporting a riser

Номер: GB0002572897A

A support system (12; 12') for providing horizontal support to a riser (32) extending downward from a cantilever (18) along a well centre and into a body of water comprising a riser interface (48; 48') and a tether arrangement (50; 50'). The support system (12; 12') is configured to permit asymmetric placement of the riser interface (48; 48') relative to the cantilever (18).

18-02-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to coal and like drilling machines

Номер: GB0000618292A

... 618,292. Sockets. CONSOLIDATED PNEUMATIC TOOL CO., Ltd., DIXON, N. H., and MACDONALD, N. Oct. 14, 1946, No. 30536. [Class 83 (iii)] A socket for a drilling-machine is provided with a hollow extension spindle 1 which is threaded at 12 for connection to the drive spindle of the machine and at 13 to receive the chuck which is formed with dogs 3 to engage the flutes on the drill rod, bearing collars 6 being formed integrally with the spindle 1 for supporting a sleeve 5 which is formed as a hand grip and has a check shoulder 7. The space between the bearing collars acts as a grease reservoir for lubricating the sleeve 5. In a modification, the sleeve has rubber or like material bonded to the outside thereof.

28-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009002266D0

07-06-2000 дата публикации

Seabed analysis

Номер: GB0000009947D0

18-05-2005 дата публикации

Keel guide system

Номер: GB0000507530D0

01-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AP0008400001D0

28-02-1986 дата публикации

Borehole drilling rig and method for producing water.

Номер: AP0000000002A

A hand operated borehole drilling rig and method for producing water more particulary adapted for use in rural areas to supply safe drinking water. The rig in its basic form as illustrated in the attached drawing, comprises a sheer legs structure, a novel drilling guide platform and ancilliary equipment in the form of drill bits and shanks to enable a three man crew to operate the rig successfully.

01-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AP0008400001A0

30-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0000003428A

31-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AP2013006761A0

24-12-1971 дата публикации

Translator unit for floating derrick.

Номер: OA0000003850A

31-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201306761D0

31-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201306761A0

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA14502000A

11-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390646B

25-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000396079B

15-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA752278A

15-11-1982 дата публикации


Номер: ATA415581A

15-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: ATA131189A

15-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000100487A

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0014502000A

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000026326T

15-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000216497T

29-10-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000518950B2

18-12-2008 дата публикации

Automated pipe joining system

Номер: AU2003267157B2

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AU2011291436B2

A centraliser for use in a rock drill rig is disclosed. The centraliser includes a clamping member which moves generally tangentially to a bush, in order to clamp the bush in place within the centraliser.

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Frangible slip for downhole tools

Номер: AU2012284448B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Slip members for use with downhole tools comprise a body formed of a first or body material and one or more hard material elements formed of a second or element material. The element material is harder than the body material. The hard material element is disposed through the body and in communication with a first surface and a second surface of the body, the second surface being disposed opposing the first surface. During manufacturing of the slip members, the hard material element may extend outwardly from one or both of the first and second surfaces. After manufacturing, the hard material element can be shaped to provide a gripping member.

19-11-2015 дата публикации

Method of disconnecting a drill string at a drill rig

Номер: AU2014267634A1

Method and apparatus for disconnecting an end rod from a drill string coupled together by a threaded connection. Rod handling apparatus comprises a gripper unit having a 'floating' sled with a sensor unit configured to monitor relative axial position of the sled relative to a frame of the gripper unit to determine a decoupling of the threaded connection and a separation of an end rod from the drill string.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Positioning arrangement, rod handling device, drill rig and method for positioning of a drill rod

Номер: AU2016209711B2

A positioning arrangement (5), a rod handling device (3), a drill rig (1) and a method (100)for positioning a drill rod (33) are provided. The positioning arrangement (5) comprises a positioning organ (15), arranged to position a drill rod (33) with a length axis (B), and a displacement arrangement (35) with a first portion (35a) and a second portion (35b), the first portion (35a) being connected to the positioning organ (15) and the second portion (35b) being connectable to a base part (11). The displacement arrangement (35) is arranged to displace the positioning organ (15) from a first position to a second position via a translational displacement, such that a length axis (B) of a drill rod (33) positioned by the positioning organ (15) will be substantially aligned with the drill hole axis (A) in the second position.

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Deflector assembly for a lateral wellbore

Номер: AU2013399088B2
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A deflector assembly includes an upper deflector arranged within a main bore of a wellbore, the upper deflector having a guide spring. The guide spring includes a ramped surface. A lower deflector is arranged within the main bore, the lower deflector defining a first conduit and a second conduit. One of the first and second conduits is in communication with a lower portion of the main bore and another of the first and second conduits is in communication with a lateral bore. The upper and lower deflectors are configured to direct a bullnose assembly into either the lateral bore or the lower portion of the main bore based on a size of a bullnose tip of the bullnose assembly.

09-06-2011 дата публикации

Clamping and breaking device

Номер: AU2008296490B2

14-01-2016 дата публикации

System and method for circumferentially aligning a downhole latch subsystem

Номер: AU2012392158B2

A system for circumferentially aligning a downhole latch subsystem in a wellbore. The system includes an outer tool assembly including a latch coupling having a latch profile and a slot subassembly having an axially extending slot profile. An inner tool assembly is positionable within the outer tool assembly. The inner tool assembly includes a latch assembly having a plurality of latch keys and an orienting subassembly having a plurality orienting keys. In operation, after axial alignment of the orienting subassembly with the slot subassembly, rotation of the orienting subassembly causes operable engagement of at least one orienting key with the slot profile and, thereafter, axial alignment of the latch assembly with the latch coupling causes operable engagement of the latch keys with the latch profile.

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019283955A1
Принадлежит: Baxter Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

AN IMPROVED DECK BUSH FOR USE WITH A DRILL ROD The invention relates to a deck bush 1000 in a drilling rig, suitable for use with an earth drill rod 2000. The deck bush 1000 comprises of a guide member 1002 adapted to guide a position of the drill rod 2000 and a bracket 1004 which is attached to the guide member 1002 and adapted to be mounted to a platform for the deck bush 1000 wherein the bracket 1004 is adapted to attach the guide member 1002 to the platform. The guide member 1002 is fixed to the bracket 1004 to prevent rotation of the guide member 1002 with the drill rod 2000 in use. Figure 3 ...

25-10-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003530378A

07-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003251484A

25-07-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001035347A1

16-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002486896A1

A snubbing assembly (or push/pull assembly) is disclosed which attaches to a rotating control device during underbalanced drilling operations and fits below and/or through the rig floor/rotary table of the drilling rig, allowing normal above floor operation to continue undisturbed. The assembly consists of a stationary base which is attached to or integral to the rotating control device. At least one stationary pipe-gripping device is attached to or integral to this base and is axially aligned with the rotating control device. The apparatus also consists of a traveling assembly described by a traveling plate and at least one pipe- gripping device, axially aligned with the stationary pipe-gripping device, which may or may not be integral to the traveling plate. The traveling plate is moved toward and away from the base assembly by power cylinders, screw jacks or other linear motion devices, attached to or integral to the base assembly and the lower pipe-gripping device, allowing pipe and ...

12-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002699175A1

One embodiment provides an adjustable guide (10a) to steer the end (90) of a pipe string (88) into position to be engaged and supported by a pipe gripping apparatus such as, for example, an externally gripping elevator assembly (10). The adjustable guide (10a) may comprise a plurality of distributed guide inserts (30), each having a sloped surface (30A) to engage a pipe end (90). Another embodiment provides an adjustable guide (60a) to steer a pipe connection into position to pass through a spider (60). The guide inserts (30, 80) of an adjustable guide may be controllably positionable to together form a guide that is concentric with the bore of the tapered bowl of an elevator assembly or a spider. One embodiment comprises a guide insert retainer (11) having a plurality of channels (28), each slidably receiving a guide insert (30) and positionable by rotation of a threaded shaft (40).

18-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1073896A

A feed beam for a rock drill has a drill steel centralizer at its front end. The centralizer comprises a thick, cylindrical rubber sleeve which has a clearance to the drill steel. An annular piston is arranged to axially compress the rubber sleeve axially so that it is radially deformed into contact with the drill steel to centralize the drill steel. The centralizer is built together with a dust collecting hood.

24-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001310629C

An arrangement for guiding drill rods in an extension rod drilling equipment, comprising an intermediate centralizer (4) mounted on a feeding beam (1) and having a drilling centre opening (8) and a rod exchanger (5) mounted at the side of the feeding beam and comprising a displacing means (19) provided with a retaining opening (24). The displacing means is displaceable from the side of the centralizer to a displacement position in which the retaining opening (24) is positioned concentrically with the centre opening (8). The centralizer is provided with a closing means (18) closing the periphery of the centre opening and with a guiding means (17) for displacing said closing means. The guiding means is positioned on the path of movement (B) of the displacing means so that the movement of the displacing means to the displacement position pushes the closing means away from the retaining position. (Figure 4) ...

26-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002508502A1

A tensioning tool for connection with a tubing hanger and tubing string suspended from the tubing hanger retained in a dognut by a hanger retainer. Preferably the hanger retainer is temporarily engaged to the top of the tensioning pup for release therefrom once a lower end of the tubing has been fixed by a tubing anchor and the tubing has been lifted a tensioning distance. The hanger retainer is then engaged with the tubing hanger for suspending the tensioned tubing from the dognut locked in the wellhead. The dognut and the hanger retainer have co-operating locking faces which prevent rotation of the hanger retainer in the dognut once the locking faces are mated which assists in maintaining torque applied to the tubing string which may have been applied to rotationally set the tubing anchor. More preferably, the tensioning pup has a series of gradations marked on the pup for measuring the amount of tension applied to the tubing string.

08-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002588728A1

18-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000949553A1

02-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003089343A1

Tubing string rotators, safety rod clamps, combination tubing string rotators and safety rod claims, and rotating split tubing hangers are provided. The tubing string rotator can rotate a tubing string suspended in a hydrocarbon well from a rotatable support mandrel. The support mandrel can be positioned at the well head and can be supported against downward axial movement. The tubing string rotator can comprise a motor for producing a rotational force, a drive assembly for applying the rotational force to drive the rotation of the support mandrel, and a controller operatively connected to the motor for intermittently activating the motor, causing rotation of the support mandrel, for selected intervals of time, followed by selected intervals of time of motor inactivation, in which no rotation of the support mandrel occurs. Intermittently or non- continuously rotation of the tubing string can result in more even wear and/or erosion of the tubing string.

24-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002501399A1

A pipe alignment apparatus includes a first plate adapted to slide along a first track and a second plate adapted to slide along a second track, which is positioned immediately adjacent to and in parallel spaced relation to the first track.. The first plate has a first pipe engaging channel oriented in a first direction with converging sidewalls that commence at a peripheral edge of the first plate and converge inwardly. The second plate has a second pipe engaging channel oriented in a second direction that also has converging sidewalls. As the first plate and the second plate slide past each other, the converging sidewalls of the first pipe engaging channel and the converging sidewalls of the second pipe engaging channel guide a pipe extending between the first plate and the second plate into a central position.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002992413A1

A device (1) and a method for slanting a conductor casing (30) when establishing a petroleum well where a supporting pipe (6) has been inserted into the seabed (18), the supporting pipe (6) being arranged to receive the conductor casing (30), and the supporting pipe (6) being provided with a casing shoe (20) at a vertical distance (22) below it upper end portion (8), the casing shoe (20) forming a through casing-shoe opening (24) eccentric relative to the supporting pipe (6).

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002932443A1

In at least some embodiments, a downhole tool includes a tool body defining a tool centerline, and a recessed ring guide intermediate to ends of the tool body. The downhole tool also includes an expander ring having an asymmetric wall thickness and rotatable around the recessed ring guide between a reduced tool profile orientation and an expanded tool profile orientation. The downhole tool also includes an actuator configured to rotate the expander ring between the reduced profile orientation and the expanded profile orientation.

05-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2911674C

Drill rod handling apparatus configured to feed rods to and from a drill string created by a drill rig. The apparatus comprises a gripper unit configured to contact and hold a rod to be transported to the drill rig and an alignment tool mounted at the gripper unit to provide correct mating of the rod ends during coupling.

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002911674A1

Drill rod handling apparatus configured to feed rods to and from a drill string created by a drill rig. The apparatus comprises a gripper unit configured to contact and hold a rod to be transported to the drill rig and an alignment tool mounted at the gripper unit to provide correct mating of the rod ends during coupling.

12-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912784C

A deflector assembly includes an upper deflector arranged within a main bore of a wellbore, the upper deflector having first and second plates spaced apart by a distance. At least one of the first and second plates includes a ramped surface. A lower deflector is arranged within the main bore, the lower deflector defining a first conduit and a second conduit. One of the first and second conduits is in communication with a lower portion of the main bore and another of the first and second conduits is in communication with a lateral bore. The upper and lower deflectors are configured to direct a bullnose assembly into either the lateral bore or the lower portion of the main bore based on a size of a bullnose tip of the bullnose assembly.

24-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002913253C

Disclosed is a multi-deflector assembly for guiding a bullnose assembly into a selected borehole within a wellbore. One deflector assembly includes an upper deflector arranged within a main bore of a wellbore and defining first and second channels that extend longitudinally through the upper deflector, wherein the second channel exhibits a width greater than that of the first channel, and a lower deflector arranged within the main bore and spaced from the upper deflector by a predetermined distance, the lower deflector defining a first conduit that communicates with a lower portion of the main bore and a second conduit that communicates with a lateral bore, wherein the upper and lower deflectors are configured to direct a bullnose assembly into one of the lateral bore and the lower portion of the main bore based on a length of a bullnose tip of the bullnose assembly as compared to the predetermined distance.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002981506A1

The present disclosure relates to a system and a method to grip a tubular member and sense wear for a pipe handling apparatus. The system includes a pipe handling apparatus having a bore formed therein with an axis defined therethrough, a pipe guide disposed adjacent to an opening of the bore of the pipe handling apparatus, and a wear sensor coupled to the pipe guide.

28-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002714983C

A slotting device (100) to be used with a rock drilling apparatus (1) to drill closely together a plurality of parallel intersecting holes so as to form a slot in a brittle material, such as rock, masonry or concrete. The slotting device (100) includes a guide portion (110) connected to a body portion (120) with at least one strut (130). The guide portion (110) is disposed in a previously drilled hole, and the body portion (120) and a rotary percussion tool (7) mutually define a variable volume chamber (140) that contains flushing fluid that damps transmission of impact stress waves from a percussion device (4) of the drilling apparatus (1) to the slotting device (100).

08-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002808255C

A centraliser for use in a rock drill rig is disclosed. The centraliser includes a clamping member which moves generally tangentially to a bush, in order to clamp the bush in place within the centraliser.

03-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002837951C

A high pressure multibore junction assembly and methods for completion of a wellbore using the high pressure multibore junction assembly.

18-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834863C

Apparatus and methods for engaging and gripping a tubular, with the apparatus including a sleeve having a body defining an internal chamber therein, with the sleeve configured to receive the tubular through the internal chamber. The apparatus may also include a laterally translatable spider disposed at least partially in the sleeve and including a bore to receive the tubular.

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002854486A1

Disclosed are systems and methods for controlling lateral deformation and reducing axial displacement, also referred to as walking, of a subsea conduit such as a pipeline for conveying produced hydrocarbon fluids. The systems and methods include the installation of rolling assemblies on the conduit at predetermined locations. The rolling assemblies include elements for forming rolling modules rotatable with respect to the conduit. Also disclosed is a system for monitoring displacement of the conduit over time.

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002893467A1

A method for using a downhole probe. The method comprises providing a probe, at least one vertical cross section of the probe having an area of at least pi inches squared. The method further comprises inserting the probe into a bore of a drill collar and passing a drilling fluid through the bore of drill collar at a flow velocity of less than 41 feet per second.

28-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002889565A1

A rock drilling system comprising a rock drill adapted to hold a drill steel to which a drill bit is connected, a drill feed rail for slidably supporting a drill feed that displaces the rock drill along the drill feed rail, a stinger-supported centralizer assembly for centralizing the drill steel, wherein the stinger-supported centralizer assembly has a centralizer base made of an elastomeric material, and a travelling cradle centralizer assembly slidable over the drill feed rail for centralizing the drill steel, wherein the travelling cradle centralizer assembly has a cradle made of an elastomeric material.

14-07-1996 дата публикации

Pipe Alignment Apparatus for Use on Wellhead Derrick

Номер: CA0002140203A1

11-11-2019 дата публикации

Устьевая скважинная направляющая для спускоподъемных операций

Номер: RU0000193662U1

Предложение относится нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, в частности к устройствам для предохранения резьбы устьевой планшайбы, а также к направляющим устройствам для труб или буровых штанг. Устьевая скважинная направляющая для спускоподъемных операций включает полый корпус, зафиксированный в резьбе проходного отверстия устьевой планшайбы. Корпус сверху снабжен направляющим раструбом, расширяющимся снизу-вверх, ниже которого расположены снаружи равномерно по периметру выступы. Предлагаемая устьевая скважинная направляющая для спускоподъемных операций проста и надежна благодаря малому количеству деталей, которые между собой жестко соединены, при этом позволяет устанавливать ее на планшайбу без специального механизированного инструмента. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 662 U1 (51) МПК E21B 19/24 (2006.01) E21B 33/03 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 19/24 (2019.08); E21B 33/03 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019127258, 29.08.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество "Татнефть" имени В.Д. Шашина (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 11.11.2019 Бюл. № 32 1 9 3 6 6 2 R U (54) Устьевая скважинная направляющая для спускоподъемных операций (57) Реферат: Предложение относится направляющим раструбом, расширяющимся нефтегазодобывающей промышленности, в снизу-вверх, ниже которого расположены частности к устройствам для предохранения снаружи равномерно по периметру выступы. резьбы устьевой планшайбы, а также к Предлагаемая устьевая скважинная направляющим устройствам для труб или направляющая для спускоподъемных операций буровых штанг. Устьевая скважинная проста и надежна благодаря малому количеству направляющая для спускоподъемных операций деталей, которые между собой жестко соединены, включает полый корпус, зафиксированный в при этом позволяет устанавливать ее на резьбе проходного отверстия ...

23-03-2022 дата публикации

Люнет для самоходной буровой установки

Номер: RU0000209835U1

Полезная модель относится к горной промышленности, в частности к оснастке самоходных буровых установок, и может применяться для центрирования буровой штанги при бурении шпуров в горном массиве и при установке трубчатых анкеров в горных выработках рудников и шахт. Техническим результатом является снижение трудоемкости при работе с люнетом самоходной буровой установки при замене буровой штанги на трубчатый анкер и обратно. Люнет самоходной буровой установки состоит из металлического корпуса с центральным отверстием под центрирующую втулку, центрирующей втулки с продольным центральным отверстием. Корпус выполнен цельным. Фиксация центрирующей втулки внутри корпуса осуществляется при помощи скобы. Скоба посредством пружины имеет возможность перемещения в поперечной плоскости относительно центрального отверстия корпуса и взаимодействует с внешней поверхностью втулки с возможностью фиксации центрирующей втулки в корпусе. 7 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 835 U1 (51) МПК E21B 17/10 (2006.01) E21B 19/24 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E21B 17/10 (2022.01); E21B 19/24 (2022.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021125893, 01.09.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сойкин Александр Сергеевич (RU) 23.03.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 23.03.2022 Бюл. № 9 2 0 9 8 3 5 R U (54) ЛЮНЕТ ДЛЯ САМОХОДНОЙ БУРОВОЙ УСТАНОВКИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к горной корпуса с центральным отверстием под промышленности, в частности к оснастке центрирующую втулку, центрирующей втулки с самоходных буровых установок, и может продольным центральным отверстием. Корпус применяться для центрирования буровой штанги выполнен цельным. Фиксация центрирующей при бурении шпуров в горном массиве и при втулки внутри корпуса осуществляется при установке трубчатых анкеров в горных помощи скобы. Скоба посредством пружины выработках рудников и шахт. Техническим имеет ...

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method of running a pipe string having an outer diameter transition

Номер: US20120061101A1

One embodiment provides an adjustable guide 10 a to steer the end 90 of a pipe string 88 into position to be engaged and supported by a pipe gripping apparatus such as, for example, an externally gripping elevator assembly 10 . The adjustable guide 10 a may comprise a plurality of angularly distributed guide inserts 30 , each having a sloped surface 30 A to engage a pipe end 90 . Another embodiment provides an adjustable guide 60 a to steer a pipe connection into position to pass through a spider 60 . The guide inserts 30, 80 of an adjustable guide may be controllably positionable to together form a guide that is concentric with the bore of the tapered bowl of an elevator assembly or a spider. One embodiment comprises a guide insert retainer 11 having a plurality of channels 28 , each slidably receiving a guide insert 30 and positionable by rotation of a threaded shaft 40.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Selective sleeve system and method of moving a sleeve

Номер: US20120186824A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A selective sleeve system includes, a tubular, a sleeve movably disposed at the tubular, and a movable member having at least one dog radially biased and configured to be radially displaceable into a recess. The at least one dog is positionable perimetrically adjacent to at least one tab, subsequent displacement into the recess to radially overlap with the sleeve sufficiently to move the sleeve relative to the tubular upon movement of the movable member relative to the tubular.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

External grip tubular running tool

Номер: US20130062074A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for running a tubular string in wellbore operations according to one or more aspects of the present disclosure includes providing a tubular running tool comprising gripping assembly rotationally connected to a carrier, the gripping assembly comprising a body and slips; connecting the carrier to a quill of a top drive of a drilling rig; positioning an end of a tubular for gripping with the slips; actuating the slips into gripping engagement with the tubular; and rotating the tubular with the slips in gripping engagement therewith.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Rotary Drilling Rig Split Bushing

Номер: US20130105226A1
Принадлежит: ELASTECH Tech LLC

A bushing of the type used to limit wobble in drill pipe, the improvement comprising a bushing defined by two halves, each half having two ends adapted to buttingly engage corresponding ends of the other, and each further defining a receiver section along one of its ends; a flexible hinge piece matingly joined to the receiver sections with the opposite ends of the halves remaining free to move relative to one another, whereby the halves are rotatably affixed together at one end, but the opposite ends remain free to open. The bushing may be comprised of a first polymeric material, and the hinge piece comprised of a second, more flexible, polymeric material. Each half of the bushing may have mounted thereto a handle projecting upwardly.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126189A1

A method and an apparatus to guide a tubular member are described herein. The apparatus includes a bore with a longitudinal axis extending therethrough and configured to support a tubular member, the apparatus having a first opening formed at a first side thereof, a second opening formed at a second side thereof, and an inner wall extending from the first opening to the second opening. The apparatus further includes a first guiding member disposed adjacent to the first opening of the bowl and a second guiding member disposed adjacent to the second opening of the bowl. 1. An apparatus to guide a tubular member having a floatation module attached thereto , the apparatus comprising:a bowl forming a bore having a first opening formed at a first side of the bowl, a second opening formed at a second side of the bowl, and a tapered inner wall extending from the first opening to the second opening about a longitudinal axis;a slip assembly movably disposed within the bowl; anda first guiding member disposed adjacent to the first opening of the bowl; anda second guiding member disposed adjacent to the second opening of the bowl.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a support ring disposed adjacent to the first side of the bowl claim 1 , wherein the first guiding member is connected to the support ring.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the support ring is a timing ring and is movable along the longitudinal axis of the bowl with respect to the bowl to move the slip assembly.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a first plurality of guiding members claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of guiding members includes the first guiding member claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of guiding members are substantially equally spaced from one another about the longitudinal axis.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein one of the first guiding member and the second guiding member comprises a plate assembly.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the plate assembly is ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146364A1
Автор: Peter Sidney Rowling
Принадлежит: Teek Mining Solutions Pty Ltd

A centraliser for use in a rock drill rig is disclosed. The centraliser includes a clamping member which moves generally tangentially to a bush, in order to clamp the bush in place within the centraliser.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for Aligning Tubulars During Placement in a Well

Номер: US20130192817A1

Apparatus is provided for aligning tubulars when a drilling rig is used to lower a string of tubulars into a well. A joint of tubular can be moved to a vertical position above a connector to which it is to be joined and placed at the angle where threads on the joint and connector can be joined at low torque without damage to the threads. The apparatus can be used on a variety of drilling rigs and provides a safer environment for workers on the rig. 1. A tubular alignment apparatus for placing tubulars in a well using a rig , comprising:a rigid base;a post attached to the base, the post being rotatable;a horizontal support attached to the post, the horizontal support being linearly extendable;a source of force attached to the horizontal support to drive a linear extension;a finger assembly attached to the horizontal support, the finger assembly being rotatable and tiltable with respect to the horizontal support and comprising a first pair of fingers;a pair of sources of force to drive the rotation and the tilt of the finger assembly; anda source of force to drive a first pair of fingers, each finger of the first pair of fingers being connected to a fixed horizontal member and a link, the link being pivotally and moveably attached at a first end to the finger and at a second end pivotally and moveably attached to the source of force, such that the pair of fingers are driven toward open and closed positions in response to movement by the source of force.2. The tubular alignment apparatus of wherein each finger further comprises a distal part claim 1 , the distal parts of the pair of fingers being in spaced apart horizontal planes such that the end members overlap when the fingers are closed.3. The tubular alignment apparatus of wherein the fingers include a contour adapted for a selected size tubular.4. The tubular alignment apparatus of wherein the post is extendable.5. The tubular alignment apparatus of wherein the post is extended by a source of force.6. The tubular ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for stabilizing a conductor in a submerged conductor guide

Номер: US20130195558A1
Принадлежит: Oceaneering Asset Integrity As

A method and device for stabilizing a conductor ( 4 ) in a submerged conductor guide ( 6 ) on an offshore installation ( 8 ) where an annulus ( 2 ) is present between the conductor ( 4 ) and the conductor guide ( 6 ), wherein the method includes:—establishing any misalignment between the conductor ( 4 ) and the conductor guide ( 6 );—producing a support body ( 1 ) that is adapted to said misalignment and where the support body ( 1 ) is designed to fill a sector of the annulus ( 2 ); and—moving the support body ( 1 ) axially into the annulus ( 2 ) between the conductor ( 4 ) and the conductor guide ( 6 ).

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220703A1

A track guiding system includes a first track segment having a first end and a second end, the first track segment including a first linear beam segment operatively coupled to a first linear plate segment. The track guiding system further includes and a second track segment having a first end and a second end, the second track segment including a second linear beam segment operatively coupled to a second linear plate segment, wherein the first end of the first track segment is adapted to be operatively coupled to the second end of the second track segment, a first end of the first linear beam segment proximate the first end of the first track segment being adapted to overlap a second end of the second linear plate segment proximate the second end of said second track segment when the second track segment is operatively coupled to the first track segment. 126.-. (canceled)27. A track guiding system , comprising:a first track segment having a first end and a second end, said first track segment comprising a first linear beam segment operatively coupled to a first linear plate segment; anda second track segment having a first end and a second end, said second track segment comprising a second linear beam segment operatively coupled to a second linear plate segment, wherein said first end of said first track segment is adapted to be operatively coupled to said second end of said second track segment, a first end of said first linear beam segment proximate said first end of said first track segment being adapted to overlap a second end of said second linear plate segment proximate said second end of said second track segment when said second end of said second track segment is operatively coupled to said first end of said first track segment.28. The track guiding system of claim 27 , wherein said first linear plate segment has a first end proximate said first end of first track segment and said second linear beam segment has a second end proximate said second end of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248206A1

A centralizer assembly having a tubular body member with upper and lower channels extending around the external surface of said central tubular body member. A bow spring assembly having bow spring members is installed around the outer surface of the tubular body member and can rotate about the outer surface of the central tubular body member. Bow spring heel supports prevent the bow spring members from contacting the outer surface of the central tubular member when compressed. Non-abrasive materials prevent damage to wellhead or other polished bore receptacles. A robust bolster frame protects the centralizer assembly during shipping, storage or other periods of non-use. 1. A well centralizer comprising:a) a tubular member having a central through bore, an outer surface, and first and second circumferential channels disposed in said outer surface;b) a first band member rotatably disposed in said first circumferential channel;c) a second band member rotatably disposed in said second circumferential channel; andd) a plurality of bow spring members, each having a first end and a second end, wherein said first end is connected to said first band member and said second end is connected to said second band member.2. The well centralizer of claim 1 , wherein said first and second band members are manufactured using a machining process.3. The well centralizer of claim 1 , wherein said bow spring members do not contact said outer surface of said tubular member when said bow spring members are fully elongated.4. The well centralizer of claim 1 , further comprising at least one lubrication port extending through said first band member or said second band member.5. The well centralizer of claim 1 , further comprising means for reducing friction between said tubular member claim 1 , and said first and second band members.6. The well centralizer of claim 5 , wherein said means for reducing friction between said tubular member claim 5 , and said first and second band members claim ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Control equipment for controlling drill rod

Номер: US20130319771A1
Автор: Ossi Tienari

Control equipment for guiding a drill rod. The control equipment including a frame and two guide jaws provided with guide surfaces and mounted movably in relation to the frame. The drill rod is set between the guide jaws during drilling. Actuators move the guide jaws in relation to the drill rod. Synchronization means are coupled between the guide jaws, such that the guide jaws always move in opposite directions to one another and at the same speed. A detector detects that the guide surfaces of the guide jaws are in contact with the drill rod.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Skid mounted pipe arm with walkway and method

Номер: US20130343834A1
Автор: Mark J. Flusche
Принадлежит: Complete Production Services Inc

A pipe arm with walkway skid assembly having a pipe arm mounted to a skid frame. In one embodiment, a first walkway and a second walkway are mounted to the skid frame on opposite elongated sides of the pipe arm and the pipe arm is utilized to convey pipe to a mast. In another embodiment, the first walkway and second walkway utilize moveable members for urging pipe to and from the pipe arm as well as providing walkways for workers use.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Long lateral completion system and method for pipe handling

Номер: US20130343836A1
Автор: Mark J. Flusche
Принадлежит: Complete Production Services Inc

The present disclosure relates to a completion system and method adapted for use in wells having long lateral boreholes. Particularly, the present disclosure relates to a pipe handling system which includes a pipe handling skid with a pipe arm being able to raise along a vertical plane to pass off a joint of pipe to a mast and top drive. Further, the present disclosure includes a pipe handling system having pipe tubs for transporting and delivering joint of pipe to the pipe arm for insertion into a well. Further, the present disclosure includes a pipe handling system having pipe tubs for transporting and delivering joints of pipe to the pipe arm for insertion into a well. Further, the present pipe handling system and method of use contemplates the use in conjunction with a portable rig carrier for completing hydrocarbon producing wells.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048249A1

A coiled tubing guide-in device is applied to oil field coiled tubing operation and used for guiding a coiled tubing into injector head gripper blocks. The coiled tubing guide-in device mainly consists of a slip connecting head, a locking sleeve, a floating sleeve, a guide head, and a traction steel rope. In the structure of the slip connecting head, a cone of an expansion plug is arranged in a slip sleeve. A lower end of a tightening nut is a convex spherical body. At a lower end of the tightening nut, an end of a traction steel rope is fixed in a rectangular groove at the lower end of the tightening nut through a threaded pin. In the structure of the locking sleeve, an upper end surface of a spherical support body is a concave spherical surface. An inner conical sleeve and an outer conical clamping sleeve are arranged in a cylindrical space. A spherical head is fixed on inner screw threads of the spherical support body. The number of combined locking bodies ranges from 4 to 15. A lower end of the floating sleeve at the lowest end is connected with a conical guide body through the traction steel rope. The effect is that the coiled tubing is fast and safely pulled out of a tubing reel and guided into the injector head gripper blocks through a guider. 1. A coiled tubing guide-in device , mainly comprising a slip connecting head , a locking sleeve , a floating sleeve , a guide head , and a traction steel rope , whereinthe slip connecting head mainly consists of an expansion plug, a slip sleeve, and a tightening nut; the expansion plug consists of a cone and a screw thread body, the cone is connected with the screw thread body, center lines of the cone and the screw thread body are on the same straight line, a major diameter end of the cone at an end of the expansion plug is at an external end, that is, a minor diameter end of the cone is connected to an end of the screw thread body of the expansion plug, and the screw thread body is cylindrical and is provided with ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069720A1
Автор: Gray Kevin L.

A rotating control device (RCD) includes: a tubular housing having a flange formed at each end thereof; a stripper seal for receiving and sealing against a tubular; a bearing for supporting rotation of the stripper seal relative to the housing; a retainer for connecting the stripper seal to the bearing; and a tachometer. The tachometer includes a probe connected to the retainer and including: a tilt sensor; an angular speed sensor; an angular acceleration sensor; a first wireless data coupling; and a microcontroller operable to receive measurements from the sensors and to transmit the measurements to a base using the first wireless data coupling. The tachometer further includes the base connected to the housing and including: a second wireless data coupling operable to receive the measurements; and an electronics package in communication with the second wireless data coupling and operable to relay the measurements to an offshore drilling unit. 1. A rotating control device (RCD) for use with an offshore drilling unit , comprising:a tubular housing having a flange formed at each end thereof;a stripper seal for receiving and sealing against a tubular;a bearing for supporting rotation of the stripper seal relative to the housing;a retainer for connecting the stripper seal to the bearing; and [ a tilt sensor;', 'an angular speed sensor;', 'an angular acceleration sensor;', 'a first wireless data coupling; and', 'a microcontroller operable to receive measurements from the sensors and to transmit the measurements to a base using the first wireless data coupling;, 'a probe connected to the retainer and comprising, a second wireless data coupling operable to receive the measurements; and', 'an electronics package in communication with the second wireless data coupling and operable to relay the measurements to the offshore drilling unit., 'the base connected to the housing and comprising], 'a tachometer, comprising2. The RCD of claim 1 , wherein:the stripper seal is an upper ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Magnetic-Latch Stabbing Guide

Номер: US20140083676A1
Автор: Daniel Pete Miner
Принадлежит: Individual

A magnetic-latch stabbing guide apparatus is presented enabling a first drill pipe to connect with a second drill pipe. The magnetic-latch stabbing guide easily attached to the first drill pipe and facilitates connection between the first drill pipe and the second drill pipe. During the connection process, the magnetic-latch stabbing guide easily detaches from the two drill pipes without physical manipulation of the magnetic-latch stabbing guide.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Alarm systems and methods for preventing improper lifting of tubular members

Номер: US20140099175A1
Автор: Mark Guidry
Принадлежит: Mark Guidry

Systems and methods for preventing improper lifting of tubular members are described, in which sensing devices are used to detect when a tubular reaches a selected position within a lifting device suitable for engagement, and/or to detect when a lifting operation is initiated that would exceed the capacity of a lifting device. Operators are engaged with the tubular member and provided with a preselected force corresponding to the weight of one or more tubular members, such that when the weight of a lifting operation exceeds the preselected force, an audible device may be actuated responsive to sensor output, to immediately alert individuals, such that the improper lifting operation may be halted. Similarly, an audible device may be actuated responsive to sensor output when a tubular member reaches a selected position within the lifting device, such that additional movement may be ceased.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000931A1

A method for running a tubular string in wellbore operations according to one or more aspects of the present disclosure includes providing a tubular running tool comprising gripping assembly rotationally connected to a carrier, the gripping assembly comprising a body and slips; connecting the carrier to a quill of a top drive of a drilling rig; positioning an end of a tubular for gripping with the slips; actuating the slips into gripping engagement with the tubular; and rotating the tubular with the slips in gripping engagement therewith. 131.-. (canceled)32. A tubular running tool , the tubular running tool comprising:a carrier connected to traveling block of a drilling rig;a body having a tapered surface, the body rotationally connected to the carrier;slips moveably disposed along the tapered surface for selectively gripping a tubular;the slips moveable to a first engaged position with respect to the tapered surface of the body such that the slips grip the tubular at a first outer diameter thereof; andthe slips moveable to a second engaged position with respect to the tapered surface of the body such that the slips grip a second tubular at a second outer diameter thereof substantially different from the first outer diameter.33. The tubular running tool of claim 32 , further comprising:a rotational device connected to the slips, the rotational device selectively rotating the slips and gripped tubular relative to the carrier.34. The tubular running tool of claim 33 , wherein:the carrier comprises a plurality of arms,the rotational device comprises a rotational driver housing and a reaction member,wherein the reaction member is attached to an outer surface of the rotational driver housing, andcontact between the plurality of arms and the reaction member prevent rotation of the rotational device relative to the carrier.35. The tubular running tool of claim 32 , wherein the carrier comprises:a top member coupled to a top drive.36. The tubular running tool of claim 35 , ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007979A1
Автор: BOYD Michael

The present invention provides an apparatus for retaining rig slips gripping a drill pipe through a bore of a flow control device. The apparatus includes a plate and a support means. The plate has an aperture that constricts the rig slips against passing trough the aperture. The support means attaches the plate to the flow control device, such that the axis of the drill pipe and the bore are substantially parallel with each other. 2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wall of the aperture is tapered to match the size and taper of the rig slips.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support means is releasably attachable to the plate.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support means is integrally formed with the plate.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support means is releasably attachable to the flow control device.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support means is integrally formed with the flow control device.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support means comprises at least one support rod extending from the plate to the flow control device.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the support means comprises a plurality of support rods extending from the plate to the flow control device.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the at least one support rod has a tapered end claim 7 , and the plate has a corresponding opening for retaining the tapered end therein.10. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the plate is swivellably secured to the at least one support rod for claim 7 , when the support means is attached to the plate and the flow control device claim 7 , rotating the aperture of the plate away from the bore of the flow control device.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support means comprises a wall-like support extending between the plate and the flow control device.12. The apparatus of wherein the wall-like support is tubular.13. An apparatus for securing rig slips that are gripping a tubular claim 11 , the apparatus ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009539A1

Systems and methods for positioning tubular members within a subterranean well include inner and outer tubular members extending into the well. An adjustment ring assembly is located between the inner tubular member and the outer tubular member and has an outer ring and an inner ring. The outer ring circumscribes, and is rotatable relative to, the inner ring to adjust the radial offset between a central axis of the wellhead assembly and a central axis of the inner tubular member. 1. A system for positioning tubular members within a subterranean well , the system comprising:a wellhead assembly located over a well;an outer tubular member extending into the well;an inner tubular member extending within the outer tubular member; an outer ring with an outer ring exterior circumference in cross section that is bisected by an outer ring exterior circumference bisecting line, and an outer ring interior circumference in cross section that is bisected by an outer ring interior circumference bisecting line that is parallel to, and offset from, the outer ring exterior circumference bisecting line; and', 'an inner ring with an inner ring exterior circumference in cross section that is bisected by an inner ring exterior circumference bisecting line, and an inner ring interior circumference in cross section that is bisected by an inner ring interior circumference bisecting line that is parallel to, and offset from, the outer ring exterior circumference bisecting line; wherein', 'the outer ring circumscribes, and is rotatable relative to, the inner ring., 'an adjustment ring assembly circumscribing the inner tubular member and located between the inner tubular member and the outer tubular member, wherein the adjustment ring assembly has2. The system of claim 1 , wherein a central axis of the wellhead assembly is coaxial with a central axis of the inner tubular member.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein a central axis of the wellhead assembly is radially offset from a central axis of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010328A1

A guide for a top drive unit includes a lower track member connected to a lower mast section and an upper track member connected to an upper mast section and telescoped with the lower track section. A slider is slidably positioned about the upper track member so the slider is movable along the upper track member. The slider has a lateral cross-sectional profile substantially the same size and shape as a lateral cross-sectional profile of the lower track member. The skate is slidably positioned about the lower track member to be movable along the lower track member and onto the slider. The skate travels along the upper track member via the slider. The skate is connectable to a top drive unit so the top drive unit is movable along the lower track member and the upper track member. 1. A guide for a top drive unit , comprising:a lower track member having a first end, a second end, and a lateral cross-sectional profile, the first end pivotally connectable to a lower mast section of a rig assembly;an upper track member having a first end, a second end, and a lateral cross-sectional profile, the second end of the upper track member pivotally connectable to an upper mast section of the rig assembly, the first end of the upper track member received in the lower track member so the upper track member telescopes relative to the lower track member between a retracted position and an extended position;a slider having a first end, a second end, a lateral transverse profile extending from the first end toward the second end, and a laterally extending stop member spaced from the first end of the slider, the lateral cross-sectional profile of the slider being substantially the same shape and size as the lateral cross-sectional profile of the lower track member, the slider slidably positioned about the upper track member so the slider is movable along the upper track member, the first end of the slider being mateable with the second end of the lower track member; anda skate slidably ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034176A1

A guide arm with dual guiding functionality is disclosed. The guide arm comprises two parallelogram mechanisms with a slew drive in between. The first parallelogram mechanism may move the guide arm between different travel positions. The slew drive may rotate the second parallelogram mechanism between different clock positions. The second parallelogram mechanism may extend and retract the guide arm. The guide arm may be mounted to a belly board or to a derrick wall rather than on a drill floor. A first guiding functionality may include guiding the lower end of a pipe stand in transfer between a drilling rig well center and a storage position. A second guiding functionality may include guiding the pin end of a single tubular between a drilling operation and a catwalk. 1. A guide arm for handling tubulars , the guide arm comprising:an upper link configured to move between a first travel position and a second different travel position;a lower link including a lower guide head end and configured to move between a retracted position and an extended position;a slew drive located between the upper and lower links and connected to an upper and a lower slew drive ends of said respective upper and lower links, the slew drive configured to rotate the lower link between different clock positions; anda guide head connected to the lower guide head end and moveable between an open position to accept a tubular and a closed position about the tubular.2. The guide arm of claim 1 , whereinthe upper and lower links are parallelogram-shaped links.3. The guide arm of claim 1 , the guide arm having a parked position in which the upper and lower links are each in a substantially vertical orientation.4. The guide arm of claim 1 , wherein the guide arm has a folded position in which the guide head end of the lower link is located rearward of the upper and lower slew drive ends and toward the base end of the upper link claim 1 , the upper link overlapping the lower link.5. The guide arm of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016899A1

A manipulator for providing drilling expendables to a drill head of an underground drill rig includes a gripper that is arranged to selectively grip and release the drilling expendables and to move the gripper between a first position facing a supply magazine and a second position facing the drill head. The manipulator is also arranged to automatically take and return expendables to and from the magazine and drill head. A supply device provides the expendables to a drill head of an underground drill rig having the supply magazine, and to an underground drill rig, as well as an underground mining vehicle. 1. A manipulator for providing drilling expendables to a drill head of an underground drill rig , said manipulator having comprising:{'b': '301', 'a gripper, said gripper () being arranged to selectively grip and release the drilling expendables, and to move between a first position facing a supply magazine holding the expendables, and a second position facing the drill head, wherein the manipulator arranged to automatically take an expendable from the supply magazine, and to return the expendable thereto, and insert the expendable into the drill head, and to remove the expendable therefrom.'}2. The manipulator of claim 1 , wherein the gripper is arranged to move in a transverse direction between a retracted state and an extended state claim 1 , wherein in the extended state claim 1 , the gripper is positioned closer to the supply magazine than in the retracted state when in the first position claim 1 , and positioned closer to the drill head than in the retracted state when in the second position.3. The manipulator of claim 2 , further comprising an extension mechanism claim 2 , such as a scissor-type claim 2 , arranged to move the gripper between the extended state and the retracted state.4. The manipulator of claim 1 , further comprising a translation mechanism for moving the gripper in a longitudinal direction.5. The manipulator of claim 4 , wherein said ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017326A1

A drill rig system for drilling a wellbore in the earth, the drill rig system comprising: a drill rig comprising: a substructure supporting a rig floor and a mast extending vertically above the rig floor; a top drive supported by a line spooled between a crown block and a travelling block, a carriage that is guided by the guide rails on the mast, wherein the carriage at least one arm that extends/retracts to position the top drive farther/closer to the mast; a theodolite and/or laser ranging systems positioned to reflect a laser beam off a reflector associated with the top drive to determine the top drive's position relative to a well axis; and a controller of the at least one arm based on the top drive position determined by the theodolite and/or laser ranging systems. 1. A drill rig system for drilling a wellbore in the earth , the drill rig system comprising:a drill string turning device;a sensor of the position of the turning device relative to a well axis; anda mover of the turning device to a position on the well axis.2. A drill rig system for drilling a wellbore claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turning device comprises a top drive.3. A drill rig system for drilling a wellbore claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the turning device comprises a turn table and kelly.4. A drill rig system for drilling a wellbore claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensor of the position of the turning device comprises a theodolite and a laser ranging system positioned a distance away from the turning device.5. A drill rig system for drilling a wellbore claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sensor of the position of the turning device comprises a first sensor positioned a distance away from the turning device and a second sensor positioned another distance away from the turning device claim 1 , wherein the first sensor claim 1 , the well axis claim 1 , and the second sensor form an angle of approximately 90 degrees at the well axis in a plane ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042382A1
Принадлежит: Soilmec S.p.A.

A method of mounting a kelly bar on a drilling machine includes a step of installing a mounting tool between the rod of a pull-down cylinder and a rotary carriage of the drilling machine. Once the mounting tool has been installed, the drilling machine can be set up with a kelly bar that is longer than the usual kelly bars. 1. A method of mounting a kelly bar on a drilling machine , the method comprising:setting a pull-down cylinder containing a rod in an extended condition to bring a rotary carriage and a drilling rotary to a distance H or to a position close to the distance on a guide tower;locking the rotary carriage on the guide tower;disengaging the rotary carriage from the pull-down cylinder;switching the pull-down cylinder from the extended condition to a retracted condition by an extent at least equal to a length of a mounting tool provided with at least one traction element;installing the mounting tool between the rod of the pull-down cylinder and the rotary carriage;unlocking the rotary carriage on the guide tower;{'b': '1', 'switching the pull-down cylinder to the extended condition to bring the drilling rotary to a distance H greater than the distance H;'}connecting a rope to the kelly bar;lifting the kelly bar by operating a main winch of the drilling machine, up to bring a lower end of the kelly bar above the drilling rotary;aligning the kelly bar with an annular passage of a drive sleeve of the drilling rotary;retracting the rod of the pull-down cylinder to obtain a rise of the rotary carriage and the drilling rotary up to a point, which has a distance from a head of the guide tower that is equal to or less than the distance H, the retraction of the rod of the pull-down cylinder determining a sliding engagement of the annular passage of the drive sleeve of the drilling rotary to the kelly bar;locking the rotary carriage on the guide tower;disassembling the mounting tool by disengaging the at least one traction element between the rod of the pull-down ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Flexible casing guide running tool

Номер: US20140110098A1
Принадлежит: WWT International Inc

A flexible wellbore casing guide having a tubular body positioned at an end of a wellbore casing having a lower stiffness than the wellbore casing whereby the casing guide more easily deflects as the wellbore casing is inserted into the wellbore without causing undue stress on a wellbore formation.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030790A1

The snubbing unit inserts a tubular member into a well without a riser. The snubbing unit includes a set of stationary slips in a first base plate, a first set of traveling slips in a second base plate, a second set of traveling slips in a third base plate, and a plurality of hydraulic cylinders connecting the base plates. Each set of slips has an engaged position and a released position relative to the hydraulic cylinders. The base plates are cooperative with a pipe guide so that movement of the tubular member between the base plates corresponds to consistent support of the tubular member to preventing buckling. The snubbing unit increases safety and support for inserting into the well without a riser. 1. A snubbing unit , comprising:a. a set of stationary slips disposed into a first base plate;b. a first set of traveling slips disposed into a second base plate, the second base plate movable relative to the first base plate;c. a second set of traveling slips disposed into a third base plate, the second base plate movable relative to the third base plate such that movement of the second base plate relative to the first base plate determines movement of the third base plate relative to the second base plate; andd. a plurality of hydraulic cylinders connecting said first base plate to said second base plate and said second base plate to said third base plate, each set of slips comprising an engaged position and a released position relative to the hydraulic cylinders, the hydraulic cylinders operable when actuated to move the second base plate relative to the first base plate and move the third base plate relative to the second base plate.2. The snubbing unit claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein each hydraulic cylinder comprises an inner guide tube claim 1 , a piston rod claim 1 , and a piston cylinder claim 1 , each inner guide tube being slidable into a respective piston cylinder according to position of said piston rod claim 1 , each piston rod being attached to ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for providing a plug with a deformable expandable continuous ring creating a fluid barrier

Номер: US20220049573A1
Автор: Jacob Gregoire Max

A plug assembly includes an expandable assembly and a locking ring. The expandable assembly is adapted to be deformed radially over the locking ring. The plug assembly is used with an untethered object, which is adapted to contact an inside surface of the plug assembly and, using well fluid pressure, to apply forces to the plug assembly. The forces cause further radial deformation of the expandable assembly, and penetration of an internal surface of the tubing string at least at one point with a gripping portion of the expandable assembly. 1. A method comprising:{'claim-text': ['an expandable assembly, comprising a continuous sealing portion and a gripping portion,', 'a locking ring, including a flared outer surface,', 'wherein the expandable assembly includes at least a first flared inner surface, and wherein the flared outer surface of the locking ring is contacting the first flared inner surface of the expandable assembly;'], '#text': 'deploying a plug assembly into a tubing string containing well fluid, the plug assembly including:'}expanding the expandable assembly over the flared outer surface of the locking ring, whereby the expandable assembly deforms radially until the gripping portion of the expandable assembly contacts at least one point of an internal surface of the tubing string;launching an untethered object inside the well fluid of the tubing string;contacting the untethered object with the plug assembly after the expandable assembly is deformed radially;applying pressure on the untethered object using the well fluid whereby forces are applied to the expandable assembly so that the continuous sealing portion of the expandable ring deforms radially;contacting an inside surface of the tubing string with the continuous sealing portion of the expandable assembly; andpenetrating the internal surface of the tubing string at the at least one point with the gripping portion of the expandable assembly.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising diverting a ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032427A1
Автор: Mathis Wolfgang

A well support structure includes a well support base for urging below a bottom of a body of water. A first support is coupled to the well support base at a first longitudinal support level. A first load transfer device is operatively coupled between the first support and a wellbore tubular component. At least a second support is coupled to the well support base at a second longitudinal level below the first longitudinal support level. The wellbore tubular component extends between a longitudinal position above the first support to at least the longitudinal position of the at least a second support. Means for transferring load is provided between the wellbore tubular component and the at least a second support. 1. A well support structure , comprising:a well support base for urging below a bottom of a body of water;a first support coupled to the well support base at a first longitudinal support level;a first load transfer device operatively coupled between the first support and a wellbore tubular component;at least a second support coupled to the well support base at a second longitudinal support level below the first longitudinal support level, wherein the wellbore tubular component extends between a longitudinal position above the first support to at least the longitudinal position of the at least a second support; andmeans for transferring load from the wellbore tubular component to the at least a second support.2. The structure of wherein the means for transferring load comprises a second load transfer device.3. The structure of wherein the first load transfer device comprises a centralizer and the second load transfer device comprises an anchor.4. The structure of wherein the first load transfer device comprises a support sleeve coupled to the first support and a support ring coupled to the wellbore tubular component.5. The structure of further comprising a guide tube extending between the first support and the at least a second support.6. The structure of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040696A1

An aligning apparatus may include a housing configured for arrangement about a reciprocating rod, a bore extending through the housing and having a size configured to allow the reciprocating rod to pass through the bore in a reciprocating and longitudinal motion, and a plurality of rolling elements arranged along the bore and configured to guide the rod through the bore during reciprocation operations, wherein the housing includes a plurality of portions and is configured for lateral removal from the reciprocating rod. A wellhead assembly having an aligning apparatus and/or a pump jack with an aligning apparatus may also be provided. 1. An aligning apparatus , comprising:a housing configured for arrangement about a reciprocating rod;a bore extending through the housing and having a size configured to allow the reciprocating rod to pass through the bore in a reciprocating and longitudinal motion; anda plurality of guide assemblies arranged along the bore and configured to guide the rod through the bore during reciprocation operations.2. The aligning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a plurality of portions and is configured for lateral removal from the reciprocating rod.3. The aligning apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the guide assemblies include one of rolling elements and low friction bumpers and4. The aligning apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the rolling elements include a plurality of wheels with a surface contour adapted to engage an outer circumference of the reciprocating rod.5. The aligning apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the wheels are arranged in a radial pattern about the bore.6. The aligning apparatus of claim 5 , wherein an axle of each of the plurality of wheels is arranged generally tangentially and spaced apart from the surface of the reciprocating rod.7. The aligning apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the axle is spaced apart by a distance substantially equal to a radius of the wheel.8. The aligning apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047180A1
Автор: Belik Jaroslav

A wellsite system includes a drilling rig, an elevator, and a support system that includes a housing coupled to the drilling rig, a bracket member pivotably coupled to the housing, an actuatable arm coupled to the bracket member and configured to be moveable along an axis of the bracket member, and a servicing system coupled to the actuatable arm, wherein the servicing system is configured to threadlessly engage a tubular. A wellsite servicing system includes a first flange, a second flange configured to engage a flange of a tubular, and a spindle that is pivotable between the first and second flanges such that a central axis of the second flange remains in axial alignment with a central axis of the tubular when the central axis of the tubular is axially misaligned with a central axis of the first flange. 1. A wellsite system comprising:a drilling rig;an elevator coupled to the drilling rig, the elevator configured to support a tubular; and a housing coupled to the drilling rig;', 'a bracket member pivotably coupled to the housing;', 'an actuatable arm coupled to the bracket member and configured to be moveable along an axis of the bracket member;', 'a servicing system coupled to the actuatable arm, wherein the servicing system is configured to threadlessly engage a tubular., 'a support system disposed on the drilling rig comprising2. The wellsite system of claim 1 , wherein the housing is coupled to the elevator.3. The wellsite system of claim 2 , wherein the servicing system comprises at least one of a conductivity tester claim 2 , a lubricator claim 2 , and a thread cleaner.4. The wellsite system of claim 2 , wherein the servicing system comprises a combination tool configured to test the conductivity of a communicative coupler of a tubular claim 2 , and lubricate the threads of the tubular.5. The wellsite system of claim 2 , wherein the servicing system comprises a combination tool configured to test the conductivity of a communicative coupler of a tubular claim ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047183A1

A guide and protection bushing assembly is mountable in a well production system (e.g., a subsea tree) having an intervention member (e.g., a blowout preventer). The assembly guides a string of components to a cable hanger sealing surface disposed in the production system without damaging the sealing surface. The assembly includes a body having a first end engaging an intervention member, a second end engaging the production system, an outer surface, and an inner through passage that expands radially at the first end to form a funnel shape. In some embodiments, the assembly may further include rollers, leaf springs, or a protective sleeve coupled to biasing members, a plurality of centering disks having a plurality of flexible flaps separated by spacers, and/or centering devices with fins separated by spacers. In some embodiments, the assembly may further include a hydraulically actuated plurality of rams, a piston with a plurality of protective elements, a plurality of nozzle jets, and/or a plurality of bladders. 1. A guide and protection bushing assembly mountable in a well production system having an intervention member installed thereon for guiding a string of components to a cable hanger sealing surface disposed in the production system , the assembly comprising:a body having a central axis, a first end, a second end, an outer surface, and an inner through passage;wherein the outer surface at the first end is configured to engage the intervention member, the outer surface at the second end is configured to engage the production system, and the inner through passage expands radially at the first end to form a funnel shape.2. The guide and protection bushing assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a cylindrical cutout disposed in and coaxial with the inner through passage, the cutout forming cylindrical surface having a larger diameter than a diameter of the inner through passage; anda plurality of rollers disposed circumferentially about the central axis, each ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable Top Guide

Номер: US20170044855A1
Автор: Sipos David L.

A top guide having an extendable and retractable guide plate for engaging and aligning lengths of pipe over a pipe gripping device is described. The top guide employs a linear actuator such as a hydraulic cylinder to extend and retract the guide plate into and out of a protective housing. The guide plate has a bumper with a V-shaped Stu face for engaging and aligning a pipe segment upon extension of the guide plate. The guide plate has an adjustment mechanism to allow the position of the guide plate to be changed to accommodate pipe of varying diameters. 1. A top guide for a rotary spider comprised of:(a) a protective housing;(b) an elongated guide plate slidably positioned below said protective housing; anda linear actuator having an extendable and retractable actuator rod, said linear actuator connected to said protective housing and to said guide plate, whereby extension and retraction of said actuator rod will extend and retract said guide plate with respect to said protective housing.2. The top guide as recited in claim 1 , wherein one end of said guide plate is a bumper having a pipe contact surface.3. The top guide as recited in claim 2 , wherein said linear actuator is adjustably mounted to said guide plate.4. The top guide as recited in claim 3 , wherein said guide plate slidably engages with a shoulder on said protective housing.5. The top guide as a recited in claim 3 , wherein said guide plate is coupled with a machine slide.6. The top guide as a recited in claim 5 , wherein said machine slide includes a rail and a groove.7. The top guide as a recited in claim 4 , wherein said protective housing is mounted on a rotary spider.8. The top guide as recited in claim 4 , wherein said protective housing is mounted on a baseplate.9. The top guide as a recited in claim 4 , wherein said pipe contact surface of said bumper is V-shaped.10. The top guide as a recited in claim 5 , said pipe contact surface claim 5 , of said bumper creates a recess wherein a pipe ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045001A1

A bell nipple for use in an offshore wellbore operation comprising an upper tubular member and a lower tubular member connected telescopically via a slip joint, one or more pistons at the level of the radial plane which is defined by the lowest point of the side outlet and each substantially not axially movable relative to the lower tubular member, wherein the total cross sectional area of the one or more pistons is substantially the same as the cross sectional area of the slip joint less the cross sectional area of the drillpipe. The one or more pistons in the bell nipple provides passive heave compensation in the system, so that the flow rate of drilling fluid measured along the flowline is free from perturbation due to heave during offshore operations. 1. A bell nipple for use with a drillpipe in an offshore wellbore operation , the bell nipple comprising:an upper tubular member and a lower tubular member, wherein the upper tubular member and the lower tubular member are connected telescopically via a slip joint and are axially movable relative to each other between a contracted position and an expanded position;a side outlet in the upper tubular member for connection with a side pipe, wherein the lowest point of the side outlet defines a radial plane of the upper tubular member; andone or more pistons configured in use to remain in a fixed axial position relative to the lower tubular member, wherein each piston has a bottom surface and a top surface, and wherein the bottom surface of each piston is not above the radial plane at the contracted position, and the top surface of each piston is not below the radial plane at the expanded position,wherein the total cross sectional area of the one or more pistons at any radial plane in between the radial plane at the contracted position and the radial plane at the expanded position, is substantially the same as the cross sectional area of the slip joint less the cross sectional area of the drillpipe at the same radial ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065054A1

A system including a stabbing guide with a plurality of guide elements, an engaging element, and a linkage assembly that couples the plurality of guide elements to the engaging element, where rotation of the engaging element relative to the plurality of guide elements drives the linkage assembly and, via the linkage assembly, moves the guide elements radially relative to a center axis of the stabbing guide.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150060048A1
Автор: Henning Jack

A wireline guide tool having a top section with an inner concave portion and a bottom section designed to attach to a stinger or on/off tool provides advantages for passing a wireline into the stinger. The stinger is attached to a packer within a casing of a well bore, without any tubing present. The inner concave portion of the top section of the wireline guide tool captures the wireline and funnels it into the stinger, effectively eliminating problems with achieving a proper alignment of the wireline for entry into the stinger. 1a top section having an inner concave portion with an inner diameter at an outer end of the wireline guide tool that is greater than an inner diameter at a center of the wireline guide tool;a bottom section having an open inner portion designed to attach to a stinger in a bottom hole assembly of a well bore, wherein the wireline guide tool is designed so that a wireline received in the inner concave portion of the top section passes into the bottom section and directly into an attached stinger, wherein the attached stinger is attached to a packer, wherein the stinger and packer are located within a casing in the well bore, and wherein the casing contains no tubing.. A wireline guide tool comprising: This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/870,824, filed Aug. 28, 2013, entitled “Wireline Guide Tool,” the entire content of which is hereby incorporated by reference.The present disclosure pertains to a guide tool for properly aligning the passage of a wireline and its associated equipment or devices through a well bore that is fitted with a packer and an on/off tool in its bottom hole assembly.Well bores of oil and gas wells are typically fitted with a variety of equipment and structures to stabilize the well and facilitate drilling and the removal of oil or gas. Once all of the equipment and structures are in place, it may be difficult to pass additional devices, such as wirelines, through the bore. ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Retractable Collet Assembly for Liner String Installation in a Wellbore

Номер: US20150060049A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

A collet assembly for installing a liner string having a profile in a wellbore. The collet assembly has a generally cylindrical collet collar with a plurality of collet fingers extending therefrom each having a collet head on a distal end thereof. In a first position, the collet fingers are in a radially outwardly flexed state such that the collet finger extend substantially parallel with the central axis of the collet collar. In a second position, the collet fingers are in a radially relaxed state such that the collet fingers extend from the collet collar to the collet heads at an angle toward the central axis of the collet collar. 1. A collet assembly for releasably engaging a profile of a downhole tubular , the collet assembly comprising:a generally cylindrical collet collar having a central axis; anda plurality of collet fingers extending from the collet collar each having a collet head on a distal end thereof; andwherein, in a first configuration, the collet fingers are in a radially outwardly flexed state such that the collet finger extend substantially parallel with the central axis of the collet collar; andwherein, in a second configuration, the collet fingers are in a radially relaxed state such that the collet fingers extend from the collet collar to the collet heads at an angle toward the central axis of the collet collar.2. The collet assembly as recited in wherein the collet fingers are angled between about 2 degrees and about 6 degrees toward the central axis of the collet collar when the collet fingers are in the radially relaxed state.3. The collet assembly as recited in wherein the collet fingers are angled at least 3 degrees toward the central axis of the collet collar when the collet fingers are in the radially relaxed state.4. The collet assembly as recited in wherein the collet fingers are operable to be radially inwardly This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119 of the filing date of International Application No. PCT/US2013/ ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082015A1
Принадлежит: Patriot Research Center, LLC

A wellhead is provided having a port or ports about the external periphery of the wellhead. The center bore of each port is generally directed at a point within the wellhead having a location where a portion of a tool or an object is expected. Each port does not provide fluid access from the exterior to the interior of the wellhead and preferably has a flat bottom. Each port is fitted with a sensor and preferably the sensor contacts the bottom of the port. And ultrasonic a sensor emits an ultrasonic waveform which proceeds through the bottom of the port and a portion of the ultrasonic waveform is reflected back to the ultrasonic receiver. A comparison is then performed to compare the predicted value versus the received value to determine whether or not the expected tool or object is in place or partially in place within the wellhead. 1. A well sensor system comprising:a first tubular having a throughbore,wherein the throughbore has a first landing shoulder,a second tubular having a second landing shoulder,wherein the first landing shoulder and the second landing shoulder cooperate to support the second tubular within the throughbore,a bore within the first tubular and adjacent to the first landing shoulder,wherein the bore does not penetrate to the throughbore, anda sensor within the bore capable of detecting the second landing shoulder.2. The well sensor system of wherein claim 1 , the sensor transmits and receives an ultrasonic pulse.3. The well sensor system of wherein claim 1 , the sensor is magnetic.4. The well sensor system of wherein claim 1 , the sensor is a strain gage.5. A well sensor system comprising:a first tubular having a throughbore,wherein the throughbore has a first landing shoulder,a second tubular having a second landing shoulder,wherein the first landing shoulder and the second landing shoulder cooperate to support the second tubular within the throughbore,at least two bores within the first tubular and adjacent to the first landing shoulder, ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Slip apparatus and methods of using same

Номер: US20220090454A1
Принадлежит: Drillform Technical Services Ltd

Embodiments of the present disclosure relate to a slip apparatus and methods of using same. The slips apparatus is configured to grip and hold a portion of a tubular, or a string of tubulars, within a central bore of the slips apparatus so that a tubular can be added or removed from the string of tubulars during drilling or other operations at a well.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074060A1
Автор: Evans James A.

A pipe centering and washing apparatus comprises a body having an axial bore sized to accommodate a drill string, and pipe moving means. The pipe moving means comprises a ram housing having a radial bore, a pipe ram movable along the radial bore, and a ram actuator to move the pipe ram along the radial bore. When the pipe centering and washing apparatus is mounted on the wellhead, the axial bore is in fluid communication and substantially aligned with the wellhead's internal bore. The pipe centering and washing apparatus is operable between a retracted position and a centering position. When a drill string is present in the axial bore, the pipe moving means is operable to position the drill string in the axial bore between an off-centered position and a substantially centered position. 1. A pipe centering and washing apparatus for use with a wellhead having an internal bore , the pipe centering and washing apparatus comprising:a body having an axial bore being sized to accommodate a drill string; at least one ram housing having a radial bore;', 'at least one pipe ram movable along the radial bore; and', 'at least one ram actuator to move the pipe ram along the radial bore;, 'a pipe moving means, comprisingwherein, when the pipe centering and washing apparatus is mounted on the wellhead, the axial bore is in fluid communication and substantially aligned with the wellhead's internal bore;wherein the pipe centering and washing apparatus is operable between a retracted position and a centering position; andwherein, when a drill string is present in the axial bore, the pipe moving means is operable to position the drill string in the axial bore between an off-centered position and a substantially centered position.2. The pipe centering and washing apparatus of wherein the body is a rotating flange.3. The pipe centering and washing apparatus of wherein the pipe ram further comprises a pipe engaging end having a width that measures between 25% to 65% of the diameter of the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Fatigue Monitoring Of Coiled Tubing In Downline Deployments

Номер: US20200080416A1

Methods for real-time coiled tubing fatigue monitoring can establish a remaining operational life of a coiled tubing strand. Standard or low-cycle plastic fatigue in bending is measured each time the coiled tubing strand is deployed through a guide arch. Also, smaller, but higher frequency loads, e.g., high cycle loads imparted to the coiled tubing strand due to interaction with an oceanic environment, are also measured. A plurality of weight detectors may be coupled to a support frame below the guide for monitoring the high-cycle loads. The remaining operational life of the coiled tubing strand may be calculated based on both the plastic strains using a low-cycle fatigue analysis and the elastic strains using a high-cycle fatigue analysis. An operator may retire a coiled tubing strand prior to failure based on the calculated remaining operational life. 1. A method of evaluating a coiled tubing strand , the method comprising:deploying the coiled tubing strand from a reel positioned on a surface reference location;receiving the coiled tubing strand with a guide arch positioned on the surface reference location and conveying the coiled tubing strand below the surface reference location;measuring one or more characteristic values indicative of a weight of the coiled tubing strand carried by the guide arch with at least one weight detector disposed between the guide arch and the surface reference location, thereby generating one or more weight measurement signals;receiving the one or more weight measurement signals with a data acquisition system communicably coupled to the at least one weight detector;processing the one or more weight measurement signals with the data acquisition system to estimate an elastic strain imparted to the coiled tubing strand; andgenerating an output signal with the data acquisition system indicative of real-time bending fatigue of the coiled tubing strand based on the elastic strain estimated from the one or more weight measurement signals.2. ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090796A1
Принадлежит: ITREC B.V.

An aspect of the present invention relates to a wellbore drilling system comprising a drilling tower and a tubular racking device having at least a lower first tubular racker assembly and at least a second tubular racker assembly operable at a greater height than the first tubular racker assembly. The system further comprises one or more well center tools, each adapted for operation above the well center of the drill floor, e.g. an iron roughneck tool for making up and breaking out of threaded tubular joints. According to the present invention, the tubular racking device comprises a third tubular racker assembly which is vertically mobile and which is operable for tubular transfer between the firing line and the drilling tubulars storage rack in combination with the second tubular racker assembly, e.g. in case of failure of the first tubular racker assembly, and wherein at least one well center tool is adapted to be connected to the motion arm of the third tubular racker assembly, which well center tool is operable above the drill floor, whilst the first and second tubular racker assemblies are operable in combination for tubular transfer between the firing line and the drilling tubulars storage rack. 121.-. (canceled)22. A wellbore drilling system comprising:a drilling tower;a drill floor having a well center through which a drill string passes along a firing line;a drilling tubulars storage rack adapted to store multiple drilling tubulars in vertical orientation; anda tubular racking device having at least a lower first tubular racker assembly and at least a second tubular racker assembly operable at a greater height than the first tubular racker assembly, each tubular racker assembly comprises a base, a motion arm connected to said base, and a tubular gripper member connected or connectable to the motion arm and adapted to grip a tubular,wherein the tubular racking device is adapted to grip and retain a drilling tubular by the tubular racker assemblies, and ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095532A1
Автор: PETTIBONE Nathaniel

An apparatus for deploying lubricator pipes includes a rack configured to hold a plurality of lubricator pipes in a generally parallel orientation. The rack is pivotable between a stowed configuration and a deployed configuration, and the plurality of lubricator pipes pivot as the rack pivots and remain generally parallel to one another in the rack. The apparatus also includes an actuator coupled to the rack and configured to pivot the rack from the stowed configuration to the deployed configuration. 1. An apparatus for deploying lubricator pipes , comprising:a rack configured to hold a plurality of lubricator pipes in a generally parallel orientation, wherein the rack is pivotable between a stowed configuration and a deployed configuration, and wherein the plurality of lubricator pipes pivot as the rack pivots and remain generally parallel to one another in the rack; andan actuator coupled to the rack and configured to pivot the rack from the stowed configuration to the deployed configuration.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a frame claim 1 , the actuator being coupled to the frame and extensible therefrom claim 1 , and the rack being pivotally coupled to the frame so as to pivot with respect thereto by extending or retracting the actuator.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the frame comprises connection members that are configured to couple to a crane claim 2 , such that the frame claim 2 , the actuator claim 2 , and the rack are liftable together by operation of the crane.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rack holds the plurality of lubricator pipes in a generally horizontal orientation in the stowed configuration claim 1 , and wherein the rack holds the plurality of lubricator pipes in a generally vertical orientation in the deployed configuration.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rack comprises an access platform that is at a top of the rack in the deployed configuration and is at a side of the rack in the stowed configuration ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101798A1

Apparatus, methods, and systems for preconditioning and/or testing a centralizer, and a preconditioned centralizer, are provided. The apparatus includes a restrictor positionable around a tubular and having an inner diameter that is greater than an outer diameter of the tubular. The apparatus also includes a driver configured to translate the restrictor relative to the tubular in at least a first axial direction. The restrictor is configured to engage a centralizer attached to the tubular, and the restrictor is configured to at least partially collapse flexible ribs of the centralizer when the driver axially translates the restrictor across at least a portion of the flexible ribs. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a restrictor positionable around a tubular and having an inner diameter that is greater than an outer diameter of the tubular; anda driver configured to translate the restrictor relative to the tubular in at least a first axial direction, wherein the restrictor is configured to engage a centralizer attached to the tubular, and wherein the restrictor is configured to at least partially collapse flexible ribs of the centralizer when the driver axially translates the restrictor across at least a portion of the flexible ribs.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising one or more restrictor supports connected to the restrictor and configured to restrain the restrictor from movement in at least the first axial direction claim 1 , wherein the driver is coupled with the tubular and configured to move the tubular with respect to the restrictor.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a support fixture configured to be attached to the tubular claim 1 , such that the support fixture resists movement of the tubular in at least one axial direction with respect thereto claim 1 , wherein the driver is attached to the restrictor to axially translate the restrictor.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the support fixture comprises:a base abutting an axial end of ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107849A1
Принадлежит: GE Oil & Gas Pressure Control LP

A method tor completing a well includes drilling a well through a wellhead having an annular bowl protector inserted therein. The bowl protector lias an internal recess. A lower end of a casing string is lowered through the bowl protector. A centrahzer having a plurality of lugs on an outer surface is installed on a retrieval joint of casing of the casing string. The retrieval joint of casing and the eentralizer is lowered so the logs engage the internal recess of the bowl protector. The retrieval joint of casing is raised to lift the centralker and bowl protector out of the wellhead. 1. A method for completing a well , comprising:(a) drilling the well through a wellhead having an annular bowl protector inserted therein, the bowl protector having an internal recess;(b) lowering a lower end of a casing string through the bowl protector;(c) installing a centralmer on a retrieval joint of casing of the casing string, the centralizer having a plurality of logs on an outer surface;(d) lowering the retrieval joint of casing and the centralizer so the lugs engage the internal recess of the bowl protector; and(e) raising the retrieval joint of casing to lift the centralizer and bowl protector out of the wellhead.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bowl protector has a plurality of slots extending from the internal recess to a top end of the bowl protector claim 1 , the method further comprising removing the bowl protector from the centralizer by rotating the bowl protector relative to the centralizer to align the lugs with the slots and sliding the lugs axially through the slots.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bowl protector has a plurality of slots extending from the internal recess to a top end of the bowl protector claim 1 , the method further comprising removing the bowl protector from the centralizer by rotating the bowl protector clockwise relative to the centralizer to align the lugs with the slots and sliding the lugs axially through the slots.4. The ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Stabilizer For Pipe Handling Equipment

Номер: US20150107853A1

A stabilizer to suppress unwanted pivotal movement in pipe handling equipment suspended from bails. The stabilizer can contain either or both adjustable contacting members and non-adjustable contacting members which are rigidly connected to a portion of the pipe handling equipment. The adjustable contacting members contact the bails on one or both sides of the bail(s) to suppress motion of the elevator relative to the bail. 1. A system for stabilizing a pipe handling apparatus suspended from a bail , the system comprising:a first rod extending generally perpendicularly with respect to the bail;a second rod extending generally perpendicularly with respect to the bail, wherein the first rod and the second rod are fixably positioned with respect to each other, and wherein the first rod and the second rod are fixably positioned with respect to the pipe handling apparatus;a first contacting member positioned about the first rod, wherein the first contacting member is movable along the length of the first rod; anda second contacting member positioned about the second rod, wherein the second contacting member is movable along the length of the second rod, wherein the first contacting member and the second contacting member are adapted to receive the bail therebetween and to contact the bail.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an elongated support member connecting the first rod and the second rod with the pipe handling apparatus claim 1 , wherein the first rod and the second rod are fixably connected with the elongated support member.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the elongated support member connects generally perpendicularly to an upright member of the pipe handling apparatus for connecting the first rod and the second rod with the pipe handling apparatus.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first rod and the second rod extend generally perpendicularly with respect to the bail on opposite sides of the bail.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first rod ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210102644A1
Автор: Guerra Pablo Esteban

The disclosure relates to an apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or pipe string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle, having a platform on the ground; a pivot member connected to the platform; wherein the pivot member defines a pivot axis substantially perpendicular to the ground; and at least one rotator connected to the pivot member; wherein the at least one rotator pivots about the pivot axis in relation to the platform. The disclosure also relates to an omnidirectional roller apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or pipe string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle, having a stand mounted on the ground, wherein the stand has a frame; a bearing mounted on the frame; a rotational shaft mounted to the bearing, and a Mecanum wheel mounted on the rotational shaft. 1. An apparatus for supporting and moving a product line or drill pipe tail string in connection with an underground arcuate path in a ground beneath an obstacle , comprising:a platform on the ground;a pivot member connected to the platform, wherein the pivot member defines a pivot axis substantially perpendicular to the ground; andat least one rotator connected to the pivot member, wherein the at least one rotator pivots about the pivot axis in relation to the platform and rotates about a rotator axis.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pivot member is located at a geometrical center of the at least one rotator.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pivot member is located at a non-central area of the at least one rotator.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a secondary platform connected and fixed in relation to the at least one rotator claim 1 , wherein the secondary platform is above the platform; and further wherein the pivot member is connected to the at least one rotator via mounting the pivot member to the secondary platform.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102795A1

Pipes, drill strings including pipes, and methods for use on a drilling rig. The method includes obtaining pipe data for individual drill pipes of a drill string, obtaining a well trajectory for a well, obtaining one or more drilling measurements to be used when drilling the well, planning a first drill string based on the pipe data, the well trajectory, and the one or more drilling measurements, predicting an aging of the individual drill pipes in the first drill string while drilling the well using the first drill string, determining that a risk of failure of one or more individual pipes in the first drill string is unacceptable based on the aging of the individual pipes; and planning a second drill string in response to determining that the risk of failure is unacceptable in the first drill string. 1. A pipe for a drill string , comprising:a recess;a memory chip disposed in the recess, the memory chip storing an identification number associated with the pipe; andan electrode coupled to the memory chip and positioned at a radial outside of the recess, wherein the electrode is configured to receive a signal representing the identification number and to convey the signal to a sensor.2. The pipe of claim 1 , further comprising an insulating material surrounding the memory chip claim 1 , and a wire connecting the electrode to the memory chip.3. The pipe of claim 2 , further comprising a second electrode wired to the memory chip and positioned at the radial inside of the recess claim 2 , so as to be in electrical contact with the pipe.4. A method claim 2 , comprising:obtaining pipe data for individual drill pipes of a drill string;obtaining a well trajectory for a well;obtaining one or more drilling measurements to be used when drilling the well;planning a first drill string based on the pipe data, the well trajectory, and the one or more drilling measurements;predicting an aging of the individual drill pipes in the first drill string while drilling the well using the ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160115751A1

A drill rod handling apparatus is configured to feed rods to and from a drill string created by a drill rig. The apparatus includes a gripper unit configured to contact and hold a rod to be transported to the drill rig and an alignment tool mounted at the gripper unit to provide correct mating of the rod ends during coupling. 1. A drill rod handling apparatus arranged to feed rods to and from a drill string created by a drill rig , the apparatus comprising:a gripper unit including rod engagers for contacting and holding a first rod to be transported to the drill rig, and a transporter to transport the gripper unit from a rod collection position to a rod coupling position at the drill rig such that the first rod is aligned axially with the drill string at the rod coupling position; andan alignment tool mounted at the gripper unit via an elongate connector, the alignment tool having a pair of alignment jaws, at least one of the jaws being moveable to allow the jaws to open and close around the first rod, wherein a part of the jaws in a closed state define a coupling region and a guide mouth projecting radially outward from one end of a part of the coupling region to guide axial alignment of the coupling region over a second rod forming an end of the drill string to provide aligned coupling of the first and second rods within the coupling region.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each jaw is pivotally mounted at a support frame and capable of pivoting to move radially to and from a longitudinal axis extending through the coupling region.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coupling region includes a sleeve having a radially inward facing surface with a substantially cylindrical shaped profile.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the guide mouth includes a radially inward facing surface having a substantially conical shaped profile.5. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a drive actuator mounted at the ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122508A1
Автор: BODDEDA Nanda

A centralizer comprises a plurality of bow springs, wherein each bow spring has a first and second end. A first collar is coupled to the first end of each of the plurality of bow springs and includes a longitudinal frangible region. A second collar is coupled to the second end of each of the plurality of bow springs and also includes a longitudinal frangible region. 1. A centralizer comprising:a plurality of bow springs, wherein each bow spring has a first and second end;a first collar coupled to the first end of each of the plurality of bow springs, wherein the first collar includes a longitudinal frangible region;a second collar coupled to the second end of each of the plurality of bow springs, wherein the second collar includes a longitudinal frangible region.2. The centralizer of claim 1 , wherein at least one longitudinal frangible region comprises a slot.3. The centralizer of claim 1 , wherein at least one longitudinal frangible region comprises a groove.4. The centralizer of claim 1 , wherein at least one longitudinal frangible region comprises perforations.5. The centralizer of claim 1 , wherein at least one longitudinal frangible region comprises a tack weld.6. The centralizer of claim 1 , wherein at least one longitudinal frangible region comprises a longitudinal notch.7. An expandable assembly comprising:an expandable tubular member;an expansion mandrel disposed at least partially within and longitudinally translatable through the expandable tubular member; anda centralizer coupled to an outer surface of the expandable tubular member, wherein the centralizer includes a plurality of bow springs, wherein each bow spring has a first end coupled to a first collar disposed around the expandable tubular member and a second end coupled to a second collar disposed around the expandable tubular member, and wherein each of the first and second collars includes a longitudinal frangible region.8. The expandable assembly of claim 7 , wherein at least one longitudinal ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Centralising device and method therefor

Номер: US20160123095A1
Автор: Paul RIORDAN
Принадлежит: Matrix Composites and Engineering Ltd

The invention discloses present disclosure provides a centralising device and a method for using the centralising device to immovably centralise a conductor casing within an aperture of a supporting framework. The centralising device has one or more body portions, each having an inner surface and an outer surface, wherein the inner surface(s) are arranged for abutting the conductor casing and the outer surface(s) are arranged for abutting the framework. The body portion(s) are located within the aperture between the conductor casing and the framework for limiting movement of the conductor casing relative to the framework. Each body portion includes a first member providing the outer surface and a second member providing the inner surface. The first member and second member are movable relative to each other, to thereby permit adjusting the position of the inner surface relative to the position of the outer surface, so as to centralise the conductor casing within the aperture.

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190119997A1

Methods and systems for connecting threaded tubulars are presented. One example method generally includes monitoring relative rotation between a backup tong and a tubular clamped in the backup tong to determine slippage of the backup tong. 1. A tong assembly , comprising:a power tong;a backup tong;a rotation detection assembly attached to the backup tong, wherein the rotation detection assembly comprises:a guide movably attached to the backup tong; anda turns sensor disposed on the guide, wherein the guide is movable relative to the backup tong to move the turns sensor between an operating position and a non-operating position.2. The tong assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotation detection assembly further comprises:a bias element positioned between the turns sensor and the guide.3. The tong assembly of claim 2 , wherein the bias element is a spring.4. The tong assembly of claim 1 , wherein the rotation detection assembly further comprises:a first actuator disposed between the guide and the backup tong to move the guide along a horizontal direction relative to the backup tong.5. The tong assembly of claim 4 , wherein the rotation detection assembly further comprises:a second actuator disposed between the turns sensor and the guide to move the turns sensor along a vertical direction relative to the guide.6. The tong assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a controller claim 1 , wherein the controller is connected to the turns sensor and the power tong.7. A method for operating a tong assembly claim 1 , comprising:clamping a first tubular using a backup tong in the tong assembly, wherein a coupling is pre-made on the first tubular;clamping a second tubular using a power tong in the tong assembly; androtating the power tong to makeup or break out a connection between the coupling and the second tubular while monitoring a relative rotation between the coupling and the backup tong.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising:stopping the power tong upon detection of a ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Rotary head guide system for drilling machine

Номер: US20200115974A1
Автор: Charles Taylor Hudson
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Global Mining Equipment LLC

A rotary head guide system for a mobile drilling machine is disclosed. The rotary head guide system may include a drilling mast including a mast frame having an opening along substantially an entire length of the mast frame. The mast frame may include edges forming flanges on each side of the opening. The flanges may extend along the length of the mast frame. Additionally, the rotary head guide system may include a rotary head movably coupled to the drilling mast by a support structure including at least two guide assemblies engaging the flanges.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Drill Rod Handling System For Moving Drill Rods To And from An Operative Position

Номер: US20170130539A1

A drill head assembly for receiving a drill rod in an operative position. The drill head assembly has a chuck and cradle configured for movement between a first position and a second position. In the first position, the longitudinal axis of the chuck is substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of a drill mast. In the second position, the longitudinal axis of the chuck is substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the drill mast. From the first position, the cradle is configured for sequential axial and then pivotal movement relative to the transverse axis to reach the second position, with pivotal movement being restricted until axial movement is completed. Drill rod handling systems having such drill head assemblies, and methods of using such drill head assemblies, are also disclosed. 1. A drill head assembly for securing a drill rod in an operative position , the drill rod having a longitudinal axis , the drill head assembly operatively coupled to a drill mast , the drill mast having a longitudinal axis , the drill head assembly comprising:a cradle configured for movement relative to both the longitudinal axis of the drill mast and a transverse axis substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the drill mast; anda chuck operatively supported by the cradle, the chuck having a longitudinal axis and defining an opening, the opening being configured to securely receive a portion of the drill string such that the longitudinal axis of the drill rod is substantially axially aligned with the longitudinal axis of the chuck,wherein the cradle is configured for movement between a first position and a second position,wherein, in the first position, the longitudinal axis of the chuck is substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the drill mast,wherein, from the first position, the cradle is configured for sequential axial and then pivotal movement relative to the transverse axis to reach the second position,wherein, in the second position ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135364A1

A bow-spring centralizer () includes bow springs (), moving collars () secured to each end of each bow spring, and interlocked stop collars (). Extendable collars () may each be formed of a moving collar () movably interlocked with a stop collar (). The centralizer () may optionally be formed from a tube cut using a laser to create two extendable collars coupled by bow springs. Each extendable collar may include heads integrally formed on extensions protruding from a collar (stop collar or moving collar). The heads may be generally rectangular, arrow, or teardrop-shaped head or some other shape. Each head may be slidably captured within a chamber on the interlocked collar (moving collar or stop collar). The extensions of each interlocked tubular member define the outer walls of the chamber in which a head of the interlocked tubular member is slidably captured. The stop collars may include or cooperate with one or more fingers extending along a casing to be secured by a sleeve that forms an interference fit about the casing. 1. A method of securing a bow spring centralizer to a casing , comprising:forming a first extendable collar from a tube by laser cutting the tube into a first interlocking tubular member and a second interlocking tubular member and by removing portions of the tube wall along the interlocking interface to form a first stop collar that is rotatably locked to, but slidably interlocked with, a first moving collar;securing a first end of a plurality of bow springs to the moving collar and a second end of the plurality of bow springs to an end collar, wherein a bore of the first extendable collar and a bore of the end collar are generally aligned for receiving a casing; andreceiving a bore of the stop collar on the casing, wherein the stop collar has a set of one or more fingers extending in a first direction along the surface of the casing;receiving a bore of a sleeve on the casing adjacent the set of fingers;receiving the bore of the sleeve onto the ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282584A1

A leveling assembly that is capable of lubrication without separating the individual leveling plates. The leveling assembly comprising: a first plate having a convex curved surface having a curvature, the first plate defining a central bore therethrough; a second plate having a concave curved surface shaped to mate with the convex curved surface; the second plate defining a central bore therethrough. One of the first or second plates defines a lubrication passageway extending from a first opening on an exterior surface thereof to a second opening on the curved surface, and a lubrication groove extending from the second opening to the central bore of the plate with the lubrication passageway. 1. A leveling assembly comprising:a first plate having a convex curved surface, the first plate defining a central bore therethrough with a first diameter;a second plate having a concave curved surface engaged with the convex curved surface, the second plate defining a central bore therethrough with a second diameter;one of the first or second plates defining a lubrication passageway extending from a first opening on an outer peripheral surface thereof to a second opening on the curved surface of the plate with the lubrication passageway, the curved surface of the plate with the lubrication passageway having a lubrication groove defined thereon connected to and extending from the second opening.2. The leveling assembly of claim 1 , the lubrication groove having a lubrication exit groove extending therefrom claim 1 , the lubrication exit grove communicating the lubrication groove with the central bore of the plate in which the lubrication passageway is defined.3. The leveling assembly of claim 1 , the lubrication groove having a lubrication exit groove extending therefrom claim 1 , the lubrication exit groove communicating the lubrication groove with the outer peripheral surface of the plate in which the lubrication passageway is defined.4. The leveling assembly of claim 1 , ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Multi-piece rod guide for wells

Номер: US20200131869A1
Автор: Russell P. Rutledge
Принадлежит: FinalRod IP LLC

A guide for sucker rods comprises a cylindrical shape including an orifice for the sucker rod and four protrusions extending outwardly therefrom. The guide utilizes a symmetrical two-piece design wherein each piece comprises a semi-cylindrical shape, with one full protrusion extending the length of the guide and two half protrusions extending half the length of the guide and also beyond the semi-cylindrical profile. These two pieces are attached to each other by means of an interference fit between two pairs of interlock surfaces, one pair of which is located on the inner surface of the portion of the half-protrusions extending beyond the semi-cylindrical profile, and the other pair of which is located on the outer surface of the guide on the opposite side from the two half protrusions. Epoxy is injected into grooves along the internal surface of the cylindrical shape by means of ports extending through the rod guide.

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140224508A1
Принадлежит: ENI S.P.A.

A method of providing at least one projection () on a tubular body () of the type required by the oil and gas industry for use in recovery of and transporting of crude oil or gas, namely oil-country-tubular goods (OCTG), said projection () having a predetermined form such as a blade, ribbing, or the like stand-off projection, by providing materials capable of being moulded, applying a mould to a tubular (OCTG) body, and moulding said materials using said mould onto said tubular body (). 1. A prefabricated tubular body for use downhole , comprising:integral centralizer formations, said formations being formed as projections molded directly onto the tubular body from moldable materials comprising a curable resin, ceramic particulate filler materials, and chopped carbon fiber.2. A prefabricated tubular body according to claim 1 , wherein the tubular body is formed by providing a resin-ceramic composite material of one of powders claim 1 , particles claim 1 , fibrils claim 1 , chopped fibers claim 1 , or beads claim 1 , including fillers or other molding auxiliaries claim 1 , and means for curing or setting the resin into a molded form on the tubular body.3. A prefabricated tubular body according to claim 2 , wherein said means for curing or setting the resin comprises a mold claim 2 , and the mold is utilized in a molded operation that comprises applying at least one appropriately contoured molding part of the mold to a tubular body claim 2 , loading the mold with resin-ceramic materials in predetermined amounts to form a desired composite claim 2 , by injecting the materials into the mold claim 2 , curing the materials in the mold claim 2 , and removing any mold part to leave a desired molded part formed on the tubular body.4. A prefabricated tubular body according to claim 1 , wherein after removal of the any mold part claim 1 , the tubular body is coated with resins claim 1 , paints claim 1 , or land surface finishing agents.5. A prefabricated tubular body according ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Ground-down tubular for centralizer assembly and method

Номер: US20210172263A1
Автор: Iain LEVIE
Принадлежит: Innovex Downhole Solutions Inc

A centralizer assembly includes a tubular comprising a ground-down region and a raised region. A wall thickness of the tubular in the ground-down region is less than a wall thickness of the tubular in the raised region, and the wall thickness of the tubular in the ground-down region is substantially constant as proceeding around the tubular in the ground-down region. The centralizer assembly also includes a centralizer disposed at least partially in the ground-down region.

24-05-2018 дата публикации

Directional Drilling Steering Actuators

Номер: US20180142520A1

A rotary steerable drilling system having a series of actuators disposed with a drilling tool, the series of actuators arranged in close proximity and independently operable to distribute a total steering force applied to a wellbore wall across the series of actuators. The series of actuators are extendable to different distances, such that the radial extension length of the actuators increases between actuators. 1. An actuator assembly comprising:a body having a distal end and a proximal end with a longitudinal axis extending therebetween, the body including a wall with an outer surface at least partially oriented in a radial direction transverse to the longitudinal axis;a first chamber formed in the wall and having an opening in the outer surface;a first actuator positioned at least partially within the first chamber, the first actuator having a first working surface, the first actuator movable between an extended position and a retracted position, where the first working surface is radially further from the longitudinal axis in the extended position than in the retracted position, the first actuator having a first extension length, wherein the first extension length is a distance from a radially outermost point of the first working surface in the extended position to the outer surface of the wall;a second chamber formed in the wall and having an opening in the outer surface; anda second actuator positioned at least partially within the second chamber, the second actuator being longitudinally displaced in a proximal direction from the first actuator, the second actuator having a second working surface, the second actuator movable between an extended position and a retracted position, where the second working surface is radially further from the longitudinal axis in the extended position than in the retracted position, the second actuator having a second extension length, wherein the second extension length is a distance from a radially outermost point of the ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152698A1

Systems and methods for riser coupling are disclosed. A riser coupling system comprises a riser joint connector comprising a first tubular assembly coupled to a second tubular assembly. The riser coupling system further comprises a spider assembly which receives the riser joint connector and has a connector actuation tool. The connector actuation tool comprises a dog assembly, a clamping tool and a splined member. The dog assembly selectively extends a dog to engage the riser joint connector. The clamping tool couples the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly. Finally, the splined member actuates a locking member of the riser joint connector. 1. A riser coupling system , comprising: a first tubular assembly;', 'a second tubular assembly;', 'a cam ring having an upper member and a lower member, wherein the upper member and the lower member are adjustable to retain the first tubular assembly and the second tubular assembly together;', 'a lock ring, wherein movement of the upper member of the cam ring and the lower member of the cam ring toward each other engages the lock ring to secure the first tubular assembly to the second tubular assembly;', 'a locking member adjustable to retain the cam ring in a locked position; and', 'a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag disposed on the first tubular assembly;, 'a riser joint connector comprising a dog assembly configured to selectively extend a dog to engage the riser joint connector;', 'a clamping tool to actuate the upper cam ring member and the lower cam ring member of the riser joint connector;', 'a splined member to actuate the locking member; and', 'a RFID reader for detecting a signal from the RFID tag on the first tubular assembly; and, 'a spider assembly to receive the riser joint connector, the spider assembly comprising a connector actuation tool, wherein the connector actuation tool comprisesa running tool configured to move the first tubular assembly into orientation with the second tubular ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152699A1
Принадлежит: Frank's International, LLC

A method and an apparatus to guide a tubular member are described herein. The apparatus includes a bore with a longitudinal axis extending therethrough and configured to support a tubular member, the apparatus having a first opening formed at a first side thereof, a second opening formed at a second side thereof, and an inner wall extending from the first opening to the second opening. The apparatus further includes a first guiding member disposed adjacent to the first opening of the bowl and a second guiding member disposed adjacent to the second opening of the bowl. 145-. (canceled)46. A system comprising:an apparatus having a bore with a longitudinal axis extending therethrough, the apparatus having a first opening formed at a first side thereof, a second opening formed at a second side thereof, and an inner wall extending from the first opening to the second opening, defining a bore;a first guiding member disposed adjacent to the first opening of the bowl;a second guiding member disposed adjacent to the second opening of the bowl;a tubular member disposed through the bore of the apparatus; anda floatation module formed of a buoyant, high density foam, the floatation module attached to an outer diameter of the tubular member,wherein the tubular member is supported by the apparatus, andwherein the first guiding member and the second guiding member are configured to contact the floatation module.47. The system of claim 46 , wherein:the first guiding member includes a first plurality of rollers; andthe second guiding member includes a second plurality of rollers.48. The system of claim 46 , wherein the apparatus further comprises a slip assembly disposed therein and movable with respect to a longitudinal axis of the apparatus.49. The system of claim 48 , wherein the slip assembly is movable between an engaged position to contact an outer surface of the tubular member and at least one disengaged position to disengage from the outer surface of the tubular member.50. ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170145754A1
Автор: Johnson Troy Dean

A walled work platform or man basket configured for positioning near a surface to be drilled, the platform comprising at least one drill assembly mounting point on a leading edge of the platform wall and a tension member connected to the platform wall adjacent the drill assembly mounting point and extending rearwardly for connection at a rear portion of the platform wall. 1. A work platform comprising:a base;a peripheral wall connected to the base;at least one drill assembly mounting member on a leading edge of the peripheral wall, the drill assembly mounting member configured to receive a drill assembly; anda tension member connected to the peripheral wall adjacent the drill assembly mounting member and extending rearwardly to connect to a rear portion of the peripheral wall.2. The work platform of wherein the base is configured to support at least one person.3. The work platform of wherein the base and the peripheral wall are composed at least partly of high tensile steel.4. The work platform of wherein the high tensile steel is Hardox™ 700.5. The work platform of wherein the peripheral wall comprises a forward wall claim 1 , a rearward wall claim 1 , and two side walls.6. The work platform of wherein the at least one drill assembly mounting member is located adjacent at least one end of the forward wall.7. The work platform of wherein the tension member comprises a tension rod and turnbuckle.8. The work platform of wherein the tension member is connected at a forward end to an upper front corner of the peripheral wall claim 1 , and at a rearward end to a lower middle portion of the rear portion of the peripheral wall.9. The work platform of wherein the at least one drill assembly mounting member comprises two drill assembly mounting members claim 6 , one at each end of the forward wall claim 6 , a forward end of the tension member selectively connectable to the peripheral wall adjacent either of the drill assembly mounting members.10. A drill basket for use with ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140231137A1
Принадлежит: J.H. FLETCHER & CO

An apparatus for use in connection using a drill having a drilling element for forming a borehole in a face of a mine passage includes a drill guide for engaging the drilling element while permitting the drilling element to move toward the face for forming the borehole. The drill guide includes a keeper for keeping the drilling element in a desired position, which keeper is biased for pivoting movement upon the application of a manual force between an active position for capturing the drilling element and a retracted position for releasing the drilling element. A low profile drill guide is also disclosed, as is a guard for a drill guide, and also related methods. 1. An apparatus for use in connection using a drill having a drilling element for forming a borehole in a face of a mine passage , comprising:a drill guide for engaging the drilling element while permitting the drilling element to move toward the face for forming the borehole, the drill guide including a keeper for holding the drilling element, the keeper being biased for pivoting movement upon the application of a manual force between an active position for capturing the drilling element and a retracted position for releasing the drilling element.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the keeper includes a first notch aligning with a second notch of an associated support in the active position of the drill guide claim 1 , the first and second notches together forming a passage in the drill guide for receiving the drilling element.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , further including a retainer for retaining the keeper in the active position.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the retainer comprises a hydraulic cylinder having a rod pivotally connected to the keeper.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the retainer comprises a biasing element for urging the keeper toward either the retracted position or active position.6. The apparatus of any of claim 3 , further including a controller for actuating the ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Earth drilling device

Номер: US20160160583A1
Автор: Christian LÖHER

An earth drilling device with a slide to move a drill string along a feed axis and a frame, wherein the slide is movable backwards and forwards within the frame, and a tilting device exists in the frame which causes the slide to incline relative to the feed axis when moving backwards. 110-. (canceled)11. An earth drilling device comprising a slide to move a drill string along a feed axis and a frame , wherein the slide is movable backwards and forwards within the frame and wherein a tilting device in the frame causes the slide to incline relative to the feed axis when moving backwards.12. The earth drilling device according to claim 11 , wherein the tilting device comprises a guide for the slide which is inclined in an end-side area of the frame relative to the feed axis.13. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein the guide includes two sections that enclose an angle between each other.14. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein the guide includes a support having an inclination in the end-side area.15. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein the guide runs in a plane.16. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein the guide has two guide elements at a distance from each other which are aligned parallel to the feed axis.17. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein the guidance of the slide is such that the slide is pivoted in the end-side area within a plane which intersects the feed axis.18. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein the guide is profiled.19. The earth drilling device according to claim 12 , wherein a distance of resting elements of the slide supported by the guide in the direction of the feed axis is greater than the length of the inclined guide in the end-side area.20. A method for moving a drill string section claim 12 , comprising:moving a slide to move a drill string section in a frame, wherein the direction is opposite the feed direction; ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160586A1

A racking arm assembly is adapted to be mounted on a drill floor of a drilling rig and includes a lift arm assembly having a first arm that is movably coupled to a vertical support column, wherein the lift arm assembly is adapted to be raised and lowered along a vertical length of the vertical support column during a pipe handling operation. A lift jaw assembly is pivotably coupled to a second arm of the lift arm assembly and includes a lift jaw assembly having a lift jaw gripping apparatus that is adapted to grip and fixedly hold a drill pipe stand proximate a pin end of the drill pipe stand during the pipe handling operation. The lift jaw gripping apparatus is further adapted to be rotated relative to the lift arm assembly about a substantially horizontal axis while the lift jaw gripping apparatus is fixedly holding the drill pipe stand. 1. A racking arm assembly that is adapted to be mounted on a drill floor of a drilling rig , the racking arm assembly , comprising:a lift arm assembly having a first arm that is movably coupled to a vertical support column, wherein said lift arm assembly is adapted to be raised and lowered along a vertical length of said vertical support column during a pipe handling operation; anda lift jaw assembly pivotably coupled to a second arm of said lift arm assembly, said lift jaw assembly comprising a lift jaw gripping apparatus that is adapted to grip and fixedly hold a drill pipe stand proximate a pin end of said drill pipe stand during said pipe handling operation, wherein said lift jaw gripping apparatus is further adapted to be rotated relative to said lift arm assembly about a substantially horizontal axis while said lift jaw gripping apparatus is fixedly holding said drill pipe stand.2. The racking arm assembly of claim 1 , wherein said lift jaw gripping apparatus is adapted to be rotated relative to said lift arm assembly about said substantially horizontal axis when a box end of said drill pipe stand is vertically misaligned at ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149360A1
Автор: Traaserud Asbjørn
Принадлежит: Pipe Pilot AS

A method, an apparatus and a system are for aligning a movable first pipe coaxially with a substantially stationary second pipe to prepare a threaded end portion of the first pipe for engagement with a threaded end portion of the second pipe. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method for aligning a movable first pipe coaxially with a substantially stationary second pipe to prepare a threaded end portion of the first pipe for engagement with a threaded end portion of the second pipe , the method comprises the steps of:a) determining, via triangulation, a position of a center line of the second pipe;b) prior to bringing the threaded end portion of the first pipe in contact with the threaded end portion of the second pipe, determining, via triangulation, a position of a central end portion of the first pipe being closest to the second pipe;c) calculating direction and amount of any horizontal deviation between the center line of the second pipe and the central end portion of the first pipe facing the second pipe;d) outputting a first guiding signal indicative of direction and amount of the horizontal deviation calculated in step c),e) moving the first pipe according to the first guiding signal; and thenf) moving the threaded end portion of the first pipe to abut against the threaded end portion of the second pipe;wherein the method further comprises:g) determining a first pipe direction vector and a second pipe direction vector;h) calculating direction and amount of any inclination of the first pipe direction vector with respect to the second pipe direction vector;i) outputting a second guiding signal indicative of direction and amount of inclination calculated in step h);j) adjusting the inclination of the first pipe according to the second guiding signal; andk) rotating the first pipe so that the threads of the first pipe engage with the threads of the second pipe.15. The method according to claim 14 , further comprising repeating steps g) to k) at least until a portion of the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210189809A1
Автор: Ditillo Alessandro
Принадлежит: Soilmec S.p.A.

A single-pass type drilling machine includes a guide tower, a string of drilling rods, an extension element having an upper end and a lower end with the lower end being coupled with an upper end of the string of drilling rods, a rotary head slidably coupled with the guide tower, and a detection system. The rotary head and the extension element are mutually slidable and arranged to couple with each other in an upper end stop position, where the rotary head is coupled with the extension element substantially at the upper end of the extension element. The rotary head is coupled with the extension element at a lower position with respect to the upper end stop position in at least one locking position. The detection system detects the reaching of the at least one locking position by detecting at least the mutual axial position of the extension element and the rotary head. 1. A single-pass type drilling machine , comprising:a guide tower;a string of drilling rods;an extension element having an upper end and a lower end, said lower end being coupled with an upper end of said string of drilling rods;a rotary head slidably coupled with said guide tower, said rotary head and said extension element being mutually slidable and arranged to couple with each other in an upper end stop position in which said rotary head is coupled with said extension element substantially at said upper end of said extension element, and in at least one locking position in which said rotary head is coupled with said extension element at a lower position with respect to said upper end stop position; anda detection system configured to detect reaching of said at least one locking position by detecting at least a mutual axial position of said extension element and said rotary head.21. The drilling machine according to claim 1 , wherein said detection system is configured to detect a lower locking position that is a locking position closest to the lower end of said extension element ().3. The drilling ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167208A1
Автор: CRAIG WALL Ryan

A semi-automated drill rod handling apparatus and method is provided for a drilling rig of the type having a main winch and haul plug with adapter for assembling and disassembling the drill string and carrying drill rods between a drill rod stowage platform and the drilling rig. The apparatus comprises: an elongated boom mounted substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the platform mounted on a transverse elevated horizontal beam situated above the proximal end of the platform relative to the drilling rig and to one side of the longitudinal axis thereof, wherein the boom is position adjustable both axially and transversely on the elevated beam as well as angularly within a vertical plane perpendicular to the elevated horizontal beam; and a drill rod and winch cable guiding means longitudinally movable along said boom. 121835689211331112131432111311. A semi-automated drill rod () handling apparatus () for a drilling rig () of the type having a mast () defining a drill string centerline and a main winch () and haul plug () with adapter () for assembling and disassembling the drill string and carrying drill rods () which have a threaded pin end and an opposite threaded box end between a drill rod stowage platform () positioned next to the drilling rig () and the drilling rig () , the platform () having a longitudinal axis () , a proximal end () relative to the drilling rig , a distal end () relative to the drilling rig () , two sides and four corners , wherein the drill rods () are stowed in the platform () in a longitudinal multi-layered arrangement with their threaded box ends at the proximal end () of the platform () ,{'b': '18', 'wherein the apparatus () comprises{'b': 19', '12', '11', '20', '13', '11', '12', '19', '20', '20, 'an elongated boom () mounted parallel to the longitudinal axis () of the platform () on a transverse elevated horizontal beam () situated above the proximal end () of the platform () and to one side of the longitudinal axis () ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251595A1

A method of forming a centralizer where a flat plate is created into a tubular where the flat plate is typically rolled so that two sides of the plate contact one another and are then linked, typically by welding. Openings are then created in the tubular such that there are no corners or other points that stress cracks may originate. Once the openings are created the remaining material between adjacent openings forms ribs. The openings created in the tubular are generally aligned with the long axis of the tubular. The material at the upper and lower end of the flat plate where openings were not created serve as circumferential collars. The ribs may be radially outwardly expanded in order to provide adequate stand-off. In many instances the ribs will also be hardened by heat treating or other hardening processes.

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251639A1

New apparatus and methods are provided for positioning and attaching centralizers to the inside sidewalls of a wellbore. One or more centralizers are maintained in the interior of a pipe that is transported downhole into a well for deployment. Preferrably, the pipe is also the wellbore's casing and the centralizers are deposited in a top-down manner as the casing travels downhole. The centralizers of the present invention are constructed to have an at least partially circular structure with a central hole. The preferred centralizer has an expanding circular structure wherein the diameter of the centralizer is substantially uniform so as to form an annular construction. Once deployed, the annular centralizer expands to engage the wellbore sidewall with the central hole expanded for passage of the well casing.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Stowing support equipment for a catwalk

Номер: US20210198959A1
Принадлежит: Nabors Drilling Technologies USA Inc

A pipe handling system that can include a base skid, a ramp rotationally attached to the base skid, and support equipment (e.g., a drag chain pan, or equipment skid) coupled to the ramp, wherein rotation of the ramp from a first deployed position to a first stowed position lifts the support equipment from a second deployed position to a second stowed position. A method can include rotating the ramp relative to the base skid from a first deployed position to a first stowed position, and simultaneously lifting support equipment relative to the base skid from a second deployed position to a second stowed position in response to rotating the ramp.

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140262215A1
Принадлежит: Summit Energy Services, Inc.

A casing centralizer comprising a cylindrical base and a plurality of blades extending from the cylindrical base, wherein the plurality of blades and the cylindrical base are compression molded as a single piece from a mineral filled, glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound. 1. A casing centralizer comprising:a cylindrical base; anda plurality of blades extending from the cylindrical base, wherein the plurality of blades and the cylindrical base are compression molded as a single piece from a mineral filled, glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound.2. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound has a flexural strength of 18 claim 1 ,000 to 28 claim 1 ,000 psi.3. (canceled)4. The casing centralizer of wherein the plurality of blades and the cylindrical base are compression molded at a temperature of 270 to 370° F.5. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound has a mold shrinkage of 0.001 to 0.004 mil/in.6. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound has a molded specific gravity of 1.65 to 1.95.7. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound has a flexural modulus of 1.4 to 2.2*10psi.8. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound has a tensile strength of 5 claim 1 ,000 to 12 claim 1 ,000 psi.9. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound has compressive strength of 18 claim 1 ,000 to 28 claim 1 ,000 psi.10. The casing centralizer of wherein the mineral filled claim 1 , glass and specialty fiber reinforced polyester molding compound ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170175463A1

A drill rod clamping system for securing a drill rod in a selected position. The drill rod clamping system has a hollow spindle with an upper portion that defines axial slots and a base portion that defines at least one radial opening. A plurality of jaws are moveable radially inwardly to a drill rod gripping position and radially outwardly to a drill rod releasing position. Each jaw is received within a respective axial slot of the hollow spindle. An actuator moves the plurality of jaws between the drill rod gripping position and the drill rod releasing position. A compressed gas spring assembly exerts force on the actuator to close the jaws. A hydraulic operator exerts force on the actuator to overcome the force of the compressed gas spring assembly to open the jaws. The radial openings of the base portion of the spindle permit flushing of material flowing within the spindle. 1. A drill rod clamping system for securing a drill rod in a selected position , the drill rod clamping system having a longitudinal axis and comprising:a hollow spindle having a central bore, an inner surface, an outer surface, a base portion and an upper portion extending upwardly from the base portion relative to the longitudinal axis, wherein the upper portion defines a plurality of axial slots that extend between the inner and outer surfaces of the hollow spindle, and wherein the base portion defines at least one opening that extends between the inner and outer surfaces of the hollow spindle;a plurality of jaws coupled to the spindle and being moveable radially inwardly to a closed drill rod gripping position and radially outwardly to an open drill rod releasing position, wherein each jaw is at least partially received within a respective axial slot of the upper portion of the hollow spindle;an actuator configured to move the plurality of jaws between the closed drill rod gripping position and the open drill rod releasing position;a compressed gas spring assembly configured to exert ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200165879A1
Принадлежит: ITREC B.V.

A combination of a drilling installation for drilling a well and a control and signal lines deployment module is disclosed. The drilling installation includes a rig floor slip device adapted to be cleared from a well centre opening to create a clear space around the well centre opening. The combination includes a temporary workspace floor, adapted to be mounted in the clear space at a level below a rig floor surface and to provide a workspace floor for an operator standing in said clear space on the work space floor, allowing the operator to secure at a securing level said one or more control/and or signal lines externally to a second tubulars string suspended from a module slip device. 1. A combination of a drilling installation for drilling a well and a control and signal lines deployment module , wherein the drilling installation comprises:a drilling tower; anda rig floor having a well centre opening and a rig floor surface, wherein the control and signal lines deployment module is adapted to deploy a tubulars string to which one or more control and/or signals lines are externally secured through said well centre opening into the well,wherein the control and signal lines deployment module comprises:a support structure adapted to be positioned over the well centre opening in an operative position;a work platform supported by the support structure, the work platform being at a height above the rig floor surface in the operative position of the control and signal lines deployment module;a module slip device supported by the support structure, the module slip device being at a height above the rig floor surface in the operative position of the control and signal lines deployment module and being adapted to suspend the tubulars string through the well centre opening; andone or more line guides below said work platform and adapted to guide one or more control and/or signal lines from one or more supply spools along a path to a securing level below said module slip ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207444A1
Автор: Olander John A.

A directional drill vice and associated methods are shown. A directional drill and associated methods are also shown. Examples of directional drill stem configurations include gripping jaws configured with a common jaw pivot. Examples of directional drill stem configurations also include a slot in a vice frame to allow lateral insertion of a drill stem segment. 1. A directional drill , comprising:a drill head movably mounted to a carriage frame;a directional drill vise mounted to the carriage frame, the directional drill vise, including: a first pair of gripping jaws located in a vise frame;', 'at least one actuating device coupled to the first pair of gripping jaws;', 'a first common jaw pivot coupled to both jaws in the first pair of gripping jaws;, 'a first gripper, including a second pair of gripping jaws located in a vise frame;', 'at least one actuating device coupled to the second pair of gripping jaws;', 'a second common jaw pivot coupled to both jaws in the second pair of gripping jaws;, 'a second gripper, includinga slot to permit sideways loading and unloading of drill rods into the first pair of gripping jaws;a rotation joint between the first gripper and the second gripper to provide rotation about a drill stem axis; anda rotation actuator to drive relative rotation between the first gripper and the second gripper.2. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the first common pivot is directly coupled in fixed relation to a structure of the directional drill vise different from the first pair of gripping jaws claim 1 , wherein both jaws in the first pair of gripping jaws are constrained to only rotational motion relative to each other about the common jaw pivot.3. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the second pair of gripping jaws is laterally enclosed without a slot for sideways loading.4. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the first pair of gripping jaws includes replaceable jaws held in jaw carriers.5. The directional drill of claim 1 ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Tubular Stabbing Guide

Номер: US20160186510A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford Norge AS, Weatherford UK Ltd

A tubular stabbing guide ( 10 ) used to assist in the location of a pin end connection of a tubular in a box end connection ( 14 ) of another tubular forming the upper end of a drill string held and supported from the drill floor ( 16 ) of a rig. The stabbing guide ( 10 ) has a mounting frame ( 22 ) for location on the drill floor ( 16 ) and funnel-forming members ( 32 ) mounted on the frame ( 22 ). In use, the funnel-forming members ( 32 ) are moved from a retracted location spaced from the box end connection ( 14 ) to an active location surrounding the box end connection ( 14 ), such that the funnel-forming members ( 32 ) form a funnel for guiding the pin end connection into the box end connection ( 14 ).

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183925A9

A bow-spring centralizer () includes bow springs (), moving collars () secured to each end of each bow spring, and interlocked stop collars (). Extendable collars () may each be formed of a moving collar () movably interlocked with a stop collar (). The centralizer () may optionally be formed from a tube cut using a laser to create two extendable collars coupled by bow springs. Each extendable collar may include heads integrally formed on extensions protruding from a collar (stop collar or moving collar). The heads may be generally rectangular, arrow, or teardrop-shaped head or some other shape. Each head may be slidably captured within a chamber on the interlocked collar (moving collar or stop collar). The extensions of each interlocked tubular member define the outer walls of the chamber in which a head of the interlocked tubular member is slidably captured. The stop collars may include or cooperate with one or more fingers extending along a casing to be secured by a sleeve that forms an interference fit about the casing. 158-. (canceled)59. An apparatus for securing to a tubular , comprising:a tubular base configured to be disposed around the tubular, the tubular base defining a central axis therethrough;a plurality of fingers extending from the tubular base and substantially parallel to the central axis, wherein the plurality of fingers are separated circumferentially apart by a plurality of slots, wherein at least one of the plurality of slots does not extend across the tubular base; anda sleeve configured to be disposed around the tubular and slid over the plurality of fingers, such that the sleeve expands when the sleeve is slid over the plurality of fingers and an elasticity of the sleeve provides a radially inward gripping force on the plurality of fingers.60. The apparatus of claim 59 , wherein none of the plurality of slots extend across the tubular base.61. The apparatus of claim 59 , wherein the tubular base comprises a stop wall claim 59 , and wherein ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215008A1

Apparatus, system and method for guiding a gripping tool into a structure to be gripped. In one aspect, the apparatus comprises a nubbin and a guide structure fixed to the nubbin. In a second aspect, the system comprises the apparatus and a target structure to be gripped by the gripping tool. In a third aspect, the method comprises coupling the nubbin to a target structure to be gripped by a gripping tool and moving a leading portion of the gripping tool through the apparatus and into the target structure. 1. An apparatus for guiding a gripping tool into a target structure to be gripped , the apparatus comprising:a nubbin; anda guide structure fixed to the nubbin and configured to guide the gripping tool into the target structure;the nubbin comprising a proximal nubbin end configured to be adjacent to the target structure, a proximal nubbin portion adjacent to the proximal nubbin end, a distal nubbin end opposite the proximal nubbin end, and a distal nubbin portion adjacent to the distal nubbin end;the distal nubbin end and at least a part of the distal nubbin portion forming a nubbin collar, the nubbin collar protruding outwardly from an adjacent surface of the nubbin, the adjacent surface of the nubbin being located between the nubbin collar and the proximal nubbin end;the proximal nubbin portion comprising a nubbin coupling and a non-threaded outer surface, the nubbin coupling configured to be coupled to the target structure, the nubbin coupling positioned between the nubbin collar and the proximal nubbin end, the nubbin coupling comprising an external screw thread, and the non-threaded outer surface being located between the external screw thread of the nubbin coupling and the proximal nubbin end, the non-threaded outer surface having an outer diameter that is smaller than the outer diameter of the external screw thread;the guide structure comprising a proximal guide end adjacent to the nubbin, a proximal guide portion adjacent to the proximal guide end, a ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации

Pipe tracking system for drilling rigs

Номер: US20160194950A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

Pipes, drill strings including pipes, and methods for use on a drilling rig. The method includes obtaining pipe data for individual drill pipes of a drill string, obtaining a well trajectory for a well, obtaining one or more drilling measurements to be used when drilling the well, planning a first drill string based on the pipe data, the well trajectory, and the one or more drilling measurements, predicting an aging of the individual drill pipes in the first drill string while drilling the well using the first drill string, determining that a risk of failure of one or more individual pipes in the first drill string is unacceptable based on the aging of the individual pipes; and planning a second drill string in response to determining that the risk of failure is unacceptable in the first drill string.

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus for Tripping Oil Pipe and System for Automatic Well Workover

Номер: US20150197997A1

An apparatus for tripping oil pipe and a system for automatic well workover comprises an elevator transfer device for transferring an elevator connected with an oil pipe, the elevator transfer device being structured for enabling continuous, automatic tripping operations of the oil pipe. The elevator transfer device comprises a lifting assembly used for lifting and releasing an oil pipe engaged with the elevator, and an elevator transport assembly used for transferring an elevator at a wellhead and/or an elevator on the lifting assembly. The apparatus for tripping oil pipe can lower the labour intensity and improve operation safety. 1. An apparatus for tripping oil pipe , comprising an elevator transfer device for transferring an elevator connected with an oil pipe , the elevator transfer device being configured for enabling continuous , automatic tripping operations of the oil pipe.2. The apparatus for tripping oil pipe according to claim 1 , wherein the elevator transfer device comprises a lifting assembly used for lifting and releasing an oil pipe engaged with the elevator claim 1 , and an elevator transport assembly used for transferring an elevator at a wellhead and/or an elevator on the lifting assembly.3. The apparatus for tripping oil pipe according to claim 2 , wherein two connection points are formed by the trajectory of the elevator transport assembly and that of the lifting assembly claim 2 , andthe elevator transport assembly and the lifting assembly can operate simultaneously.4. The apparatus for tripping oil pipe according to claim 3 , wherein the lifting assembly and the elevator transport assembly can perform a direct handover of an empty elevator at an upper connection point of the two connection points therebetween claim 3 ,at a preset location below a lower connection point of the two connection points, one of the lifting assembly and the elevator transport assembly is used for picking up the elevator while the other is used for releasing the ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150204149A1
Автор: Oreilly Jordan

A laser alignment device for use with a drill rig having an elongate drill rod, the laser alignment device including a head unit having at least one laser emitting device to indicate the drill rod orientation and an inertial measurement device to indicate at least the azimuth of the at least one laser emitting device, and an attachment arrangement to attach the head unit to a drill rig wherein the alignment device is used to align at least the azimuth of the drill rod relative to one or more survey points. The attachment arrangement includes a head chuck, tail chuck and connecting rod which allows the laser emitting device to be located and orientated in a direction which simulates the drill rod. 1. A laser alignment device for use with drill rig having an elongate drill rod , the laser alignment device including a head unit having at least one laser emitting device fixed in orientation to indicate the drill rod orientation , and a gyrocompass to indicate at least the azimuth of the at least one laser emitting device , and an attachment arrangement to attach the head unit to a drill rig wherein the alignment device is used to align at least the azimuth of the drill rod relative to one or more survey points by adjusting the position of the drill rig using the at least one laser emitting device to point to a desired drilling location.2. A laser alignment device as claimed in wherein the device is also used to align the drill rod to a required drill rod dip angle.3. A laser alignment device as claimed in wherein the laser alignment device is provided with a mechanism to locate the drill rig.4. A laser alignment device as claimed in wherein the least one laser emitting device points forwardly claim 1 , that is in the direction of the drilling.5. A laser alignment device as claimed in wherein an inclinometer is provided to align the drill rod to a required drill rod dip angle.6. A laser alignment device as claimed in further including a display device to display any ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Replaceably Lined Cable Guides and Tensioning Roller for Drill Line Slip and Cut Operations on a Drilling Rig

Номер: US20140291030A1
Автор: Urquhart Jesse

Cable guides for overhead support of drill line on a drilling rig during a slip and cut operation feature replaceable liners of wear material supported by a re-usable base. A tensioning roller added to the draw-works resides outward from the periphery of the draw-works drum and is spring-biased toward same into order to force the incoming drill line against the periphery of the drum. 1. A cable guide for supporting a slack portion of a drill line of an drilling rig at an overhead position elevated above a draw-works of the drilling rig during a feeding of a new section of the drill line from a supply reel during a slip and cut operation in which a used section of the drill line is removed from the draw works , the cable guide comprising a base member defining a pathway along which the slack portion of the drill line is to be routed , and at least one replaceable wear member configured for removable engagement to the base member in a position lining the pathway defined by the base member such that the drill line moves over a wear surface of the wear member in movement along the pathway.2. The cable guide of wherein the wear surface of the replaceable wear body has a greater frictional coefficient greater than a surface of the base member that underlies the wear surface of the wear member.3. The cable guide of wherein the base member comprises a body of harder material than the replaceable wear body.4. The cable guide of wherein the wear member comprises a body of polymeric material.5. The cable guide of wherein the wear member comprises nylon.6. The cable guide of wherein the base member comprises a body of metallic material.7. The cable guide of wherein the base member comprises a sheave claim 1 , a peripheral groove of which defines the pathway.8. The cable guide of wherein the sheave is fixed against rotation about a central axis thereof around which the peripheral groove extends.9. The cable guide of wherein the sheave is rotatable about a central axis thereof ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200190918A1

A system, includes a movable platform slidingly coupled to one or more supports and configured to be selectively moved towards a drill floor and away from the drill floor. The system also includes a roughneck disposed on the movable platform and configured to make up or break out a threaded joint between a first tubular segment and a second tubular segment. The system additionally includes a support member disposed on the movable platform and configured to support one of the first tubular segment or the second tubular segment as the movable platform is selectively moved towards a drill floor or away from the drill floor. 1. A system , comprising:a movable platform slidingly coupled to one or more supports and configured to be selectively moved towards a drill floor and away from the drill floor;a roughneck disposed on the movable platform and configured to make up or break out a threaded joint between a first tubular segment and a second tubular segment; anda support member disposed on the movable platform and configured to support one of the first tubular segment or the second tubular segment as the movable platform is selectively moved towards the drill floor or away from the drill floor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support member is configured to move the first tubular segment or the second tubular segment across the movable platform as the movable platform is selectively moved towards the drill floor or away from the drill floor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support member is configured to move the second tubular segment from a storage position at an edge of an upper face of the movable platform to a deployment position at a central region of the upper face of the movable platform as the movable platform moves towards the drill floor to provide the second tubular segment for the make up of the threaded joint between the first tubular segment and the second tubular segment.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support member is configured to ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200190919A1
Принадлежит: Wallis Engineers Pty. Ltd.

A drill rod handler () for use on a drilling rig (). In at least one embodiment, the drill rod handler () comprises a boom () having jaws () for releasably grasping a drill rod () in at least two spaced apart positions along the length of the drill rod, and a boom positioning means for positioning the boom so that the jaws may grasp a drill rod () from a rod storage () on the drilling rig or from another rod storage at a different location (). In another embodiment, a drill rod handler comprising a boom having jaws for releasably grasping a drill rod in at least two spaced apart positions along the length of the drill rod, a boom tilt mechanism for raising or lowering an end of the boom and a drill rod when the drill rod is grasped by the jaws; and an interconnect for connection to the end of the boom for stabilising the end of the boom with respect to the a mast () of the drilling rig () when the boom () is in a rod presentation position. 1. A drill rod handler for use on a drilling rig comprising:a boom having jaws for releasably grasping a drill rod in at least two spaced apart positions along the length of the drill rod;a boom positioning means for positioning the boom so that the jaws may grasp a drill rod from either of a rod storage on the drilling rig or from another rod storage at a different location.2. A drill rod handler for use on a drilling rig comprising:a boom having jaws for releasably grasping a drill rod in at least two spaced apart positions along the length of the drill rod;a boom tilt mechanism for raising or lowering an end of the boom and a drill rod when the drill rod is grasped by the jaws; andan interconnect for connection to the end of the boom for stabilising the end of the boom with respect to a mast of the drilling rig when the boom is in a rod presentation position, the connection of the interconnect to the end of the boom configured such that the interconnect is movable with respect to the mast.3. A drill rod handler according to ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200190921A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes, a GE company, LLC

A guiding sleeve for aligning downhole tubulars includes a body having a first end portion, a second end portion and an intermediate portion extending therebetween. The first end portion is receptive of a terminal end of a first tubular and the second end portion includes a guiding feature that promotes axial alignment of the first tubular with a second tubular. 1. A guiding sleeve for aligning downhole tubulars comprising:a body having a first end portion, a second end portion and an intermediate portion extending there between, the first end portion being receptive of a terminal end of a first tubular and the second end portion including a guiding feature that promotes alignment of the first tubular with a second tubular.2. The guiding sleeve according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding feature comprises a projection that extends radially outwardly of the second end portion.3. The guiding sleeve according to claim 2 , wherein the projection extends annularly about the second end portion.4. The guiding sleeve according to claim 2 , wherein the projection includes a generally rounded cross-section.5. A system of tubulars comprising:a first tubular;a second tubular; anda guiding sleeve connected to the first tubular, the guiding sleeve including a body having a first end portion, a second end portion and an intermediate portion extending there between, the first end portion being connected to the first tubular, the second end portion including a guiding feature that promotes alignment of the first tubular with the second tubular.6. The system of tubulars according to claim 5 , wherein the second tubular comprises a box end having an angled back bore and an inner surface extending from the angled back bore axially inwards along the second tubular claim 5 , the box end being receptive of the second end portion of the guiding sleeve.7. The system of tubulars according to claim 6 , wherein the second tubular includes a chamfer region on the inner surface claim 6 , that ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210230952A1
Автор: Natarajan Yagneshwar
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Global Mining Equipment LLC

A pipe loading system for a drilling machine includes a stem and a first receptacle adapted to removably receive a first end of a first pipe. The pipe loading system includes a guide ring removably disposed on the first receptacle and adapted to removably receive a first end of a second pipe. The pipe loading system also includes a second receptacle defining a first receiving portion and adapted to removably receive a second end of the first pipe. The pipe loading system further includes a liner assembly removably disposed on the second receptacle and defining a second receiving portion. The second receiving portion is adapted to removably receive a second end of the second pipe. A diameter of the second pipe is smaller than a diameter of the first pipe. 1. A pipe loading system for a drilling machine , the pipe loading system comprising:a stem defining a longitudinal axis, the stem having a first end and a second end disposed opposite to the first end along the longitudinal axis;a first receptacle disposed on the first end of the stem, the first receptacle having a substantially cylindrical configuration defining an opening, the first receptacle adapted to removably receive a first end of a first pipe through the opening; a guide ring removably disposed on the first receptacle and in association with the opening, the guide ring adapted to removably receive the first end of the second pipe, an inner diameter of the guide ring being smaller than an inner diameter of the opening,', 'a plurality of guide strips removably disposed on an inner surface of the first receptacle, a thickness of each guide strip being approximately half of a difference between the inner diameter of the guide ring and the inner diameter of the opening, the plurality of guide strips being configured to contact the first end of the second pipe received in the first receptacle, and', 'a pawl disposed on an outer surface of the first receptacle and extending into the opening of the first ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180209227A1
Автор: Olander John A.

A directional drill stem loader and associated methods are shown. In one example, the drill stem loader operates in a linear motion. In one example, a drill stem gripper is configured to move the completely to one side of a drill stem during a retraction operation. 1. A directional drill stem loader , comprising:a drill stem magazine;a linear actuator;a drill stem vice; anda drill stem gripper coupled to the linear actuator, wherein the drill stem gripper is adapted to hold a drill stem within a linear range of motion;wherein a first end of the linear range of motion is directly beneath a dispensing port of the drill stem magazine, and a second end of the linear range of motion is within gripping jaws of the drill stem vice.2. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the linear actuator includes a hydraulic cylinder.3. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the linear range of motion is substantially vertical.4. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the drill stem gripper is adapted to support a drill stem from underneath the drill stem.5. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the drill stem gripper is coupled to the linear actuator by a linkage that is configured to move the drill stem gripper completely to one side of a drill stem during a retraction operation.6. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the drill stem gripper includes a single gripping actuator and wherein the linkage is configured to actuate opposable drill stem gripper jaw motion.7. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the loader includes a pair of linear actuators and drill stem grippers.8. The directional drill stem loader of claim 1 , wherein the linear actuator includes two hydraulic cylinders on either end of a common rod.9. The directional drill stem loader of claim 8 , wherein a first cylinder of the two hydraulic cylinders on either end of the common rod is configured to drop a drill stem ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Guiding system on a hybrid lifting tower, and hybrid lifting tower

Номер: US20200199953A1
Принадлежит: Odebrecht Oleo E Gas SA

This invention relates to a guiding system in a hybrid lifting tower, comprising: one or more guiding structures ( 2 ) positioned along a lifting tower ( 1 ), wherein the guiding structures ( 2 ) comprise main parts adapted to be attachable to the lifting tower structure ( 1 ), wherein the main parts are adapted for the passage of pipes ( 3, 5 ), wherein a guiding structure ( 2 ) is connected to at least one other adjacent guiding structure ( 2 ) and/or to a tower ending structure ( 7 ) by at least one structural connecting member ( 6 ). The invention also provides a hybrid lifting tower ( 1 ) comprising the above described system.

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Elevator roller insert system

Номер: US20210238934A1

A device, system, and/or method for reducing friction required to rotate a tubular within an elevator during the process of running tubulars in an oil and gas well are provided. An elevator roller insert may be used in conjunction with an elevator, such as a single joint elevator. Such an insert may comprise upper and lower rollers which are positioned on upper and lower roller sets or a combination roller set containing multiple upper and/or lower rollers. The result is the provision of a plurality of rollers which bear the weight of a tubular yet still allow the tubular to rotate rather freely, facilitating the maintenance of proper thread integrity of the connections while making up a stand to a string of tubulars as well as preventing the loss of resources due to galled or crushed threads or a tubing segment or stand falling to the rig floor.

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210238937A1

Systems and methods for proper orientation of the connections of a tubing hanger and a subsea assembly in a wellhead or tree are provided. The alignment is accomplished with the use of an orientation spool adaptor equipped with positional sensors and an orientation helix. Calibration of the positional sensors at the surface allows for orientation with simple vertical deployment. Positional sensors may provide real time data such as location, speed of installation and orientation back to the surface. 1. A system for aligning one or more connections between a tubing hanger and a subsea assembly , comprising:(a) an orientation spool adaptor having one or more position sensors, which generate at least one signal;(b) an orientation helix disposed inside an inner circumferential surface of the orientation spool adapter;(c) an orientation key adapted to couple the orientation helix and the tubing hanger; and(d) a controller in communication with the one or more position sensors.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more position sensors detect information about the installation of the tubing hanger by generating the at least one signal.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the one or more position sensors detect an orientation of the tubing hanger as the orientation key and the orientation helix engage to rotate the tubing hanger to a position defined by the one or more position sensors.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller comprises a user interface for conveying real-time feedback of the at least one signal.5. The system according to claim 1 , the at least one signal comprises information about at least one of orientation claim 1 , location claim 1 , and speed of the tubing hanger.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller operates the one or more position sensors to detect the orientation of the tubing hanger.7. The system according to wherein the orientation spool adaptor is connected to a wellhead via a ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150226022A1
Принадлежит: Frank's International, LLC

The present disclosure relates to a system and a method to grip a tubular member and sense wear for a pipe handling apparatus. The system includes a pipe handling apparatus having a bore formed therein with an axis defined therethrough, a pipe guide disposed adjacent to an opening of the bore of the pipe handling apparatus, and a wear sensor coupled to the pipe guide. 1. A system to grip a tubular member , the system comprising: a first pipe handling section;', 'a second pipe handling section;', 'a first hinge; and', 'a second hinge,', 'wherein the first pipe handling section is coupled to the second pipe handling section by the first hinge and the second hinge;, 'a pipe handling apparatus having a bore formed therein with an axis defined therethrough, the pipe handling apparatus comprisinga base disposed adjacent to a second opening of the bore of the pipe handling apparatus, the base comprising a first base section and a second base section and having a bore formed therein with an axis defined therethrough, wherein the first base section is connected to the first pipe handling section and the second base section is connected to the second pipe handling section;a first pipe guide disposed within the bore of the base, the first pipe guide comprising a first section and a second section, wherein the first section of the first pipe guide is connected to the first base section and the second section of the first pipe guide is connected to the second base section;a first wear sensor coupled to the first section of the first pipe guide; anda second wear sensor coupled to the second section of the first pipe guide.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each of the first pipe guide section and the second pipe guide section is continuous through a swept angle of about 180° when the sections are separated.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein:The first pipe guide has a bore formed therein and an axis defined therethrough; andthe axis of the pipe handling apparatus aligns with the ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140310935A1

A bow-spring centralizer () includes bow springs (), moving collars () secured to each end of each bow spring, and interlocked stop collars (). Extendable collars () may each be formed of a moving collar () movably interlocked with a stop collar (). The centralizer () may optionally be formed from a tube cut using a laser to create two extendable collars coupled by bow springs. Each extendable collar may include heads integrally formed on extensions protruding from a collar (stop collar or moving collar). The heads may be generally rectangular, arrow, or teardrop-shaped head or some other shape. Each head may be slidably captured within a chamber on the interlocked collar (moving collar or stop collar). The extensions of each interlocked tubular member define the outer walls of the chamber in which a head of the interlocked tubular member is slidably captured. The stop collars may include or cooperate with one or more fingers extending along a casing to be secured by a sleeve that forms an interference fit about the casing. 158-. (canceled)59. An apparatus for securing to a tubular , comprising:a tubular base configured to be disposed around the tubular, the tubular base defining a central axis therethrough;a plurality of fingers extending from the tubular base and substantially parallel to the central axis, wherein the plurality of fingers are separated circumferentially apart by a plurality of slots, wherein at least one of the plurality of slots does not extend across the tubular base; anda sleeve configured to be disposed around the tubular and slid over the plurality of fingers, such that the sleeve expands when the sleeve is slid over the plurality of fingers and an elasticity of the sleeve provides a radially inward gripping force on the plurality of fingers.60. The apparatus of claim 59 , wherein none of the plurality of slots extend across the tubular base.61. The apparatus of claim 59 , wherein the tubular base comprises a stop wall claim 59 , and wherein ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210246740A1

A connector system and method, of which the connector system includes a first conduit having a lower coupling and a first alignment feature, and a frame configured to be coupled to an oilfield tubular, and configured to receive the first conduit and a second conduit. The frame includes a second alignment feature configured to mate with the first alignment feature such that the lower coupling is aligned with the second conduit, and the first alignment feature is configured to slide vertically with respect to the second alignment feature such that the lower coupling is brought into engagement with the second conduit while the first and second alignment features are mated together. 1. A connector system comprising:a first conduit having a lower coupling and a first alignment feature; anda frame configured to be coupled to an oilfield tubular, and configured to receive the first conduit and a second conduit, wherein the frame comprises a second alignment feature configured to mate with the first alignment feature such that the lower coupling is aligned with the second conduit, and wherein the first alignment feature is configured to slide vertically with respect to the second alignment feature such that the lower coupling is brought into engagement with the second conduit while the first and second alignment features are mated together.2. The connector system of claim 1 , wherein the first conduit comprises a gooseneck conduit and the second conduit comprises an auxiliary line coupled to a riser string that extends from a drilling rig to a subsea wellhead.3. The connector system of claim 1 , wherein the first conduit and the second conduit are held together in a vertical direction only by the frame claim 1 , such that the first conduit is slid vertically into a sealed connection with the second conduit without forming a threaded connection therebetween.4. The connector system of claim 3 , wherein the frame comprises a locking member configured to engage the first ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Adjustable Straight Blade Stabilizer

Номер: US20160237762A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

A drill string stabilizer has an elongated cavity formed in an exterior surface of the body. An elongated blade is generally disposed to extend from the cavity. The blade is extended or retracted by rotating a stud threaded on opposite ends with left and right handed threads. Rotation of the stud causes axial movement of slide blocks threadingly engaged to the stud. A follower and track between the body and the slide blocks causes the slide blocks to slidingly engage the body. The blade track is inclined relative to the body track so that the blade radially retracts or extends relative to the body as blocks are moved along their respective tracks by rotation of the stud. The position of each stabilizer blade is independent of the other blades.

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226286A1
Автор: Olander John A.

A directional drill securing device and associated methods are shown. Securing devices and methods shown include a plurality of staking devices on a single lateral side of a directional drill. Using examples shown, a lower force is required to drive multiple staking devices than would be needed for a larger staking device of equivalent area. 1. A directional drill , comprising:a drill carriage;a rotating spindle coupled to the drill carriage, wherein the rotating spindle is adapted to translate along a surface of the drill carriage; a first stake implement located on a first lateral side of the drill carriage, and', 'a plurality of second stake implements located on a second lateral side of the drill carriage, opposite the first lateral side., 'a stakedown system coupled to an end of the drill carriage, including2. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the first stake implement includes a plurality of first stake implements located on the first lateral side.3. The directional drill of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of first stake implements includes two first stake implements.4. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of second stake implements includes two second stake implements.5. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the first stake implement includes an auger.6. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of second stake implements includes at least one auger.7. The directional drill of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of second stake implements each include an auger.8. A directional drill claim 1 , comprising:a drill carriage;a rotating spindle coupled to the drill carriage, wherein the rotating spindle is adapted to translate along a surface of the drill carriage;a stakedown system coupled to an end of the drill carriage, including a plurality of stake implements located on both a first lateral side of the drill carriage and a second lateral side of the drill carriage;wherein the first lateral side of the drill carriage ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160245026A1

The guide apparatus for tubular members prevents buckling, when a snubbing unit inserts the tubular member into a well. The guide apparatus includes a lower slotted cylinder having a plurality of rib extensions projecting upward so as to form lower slots, and an upper slotted cylinder a plurality of complementary rib extensions projecting downward so as to form upper slots. The lower slotted cylinder engages the upper slotted cylinder by sliding the rib extensions into the upper slots and the complementary rib extensions into the lower slots. The guide apparatus coordinates the slotted cylinders with traveling slip bowls and stationary slip bowls of a snubbing unit so that relative movement of the slotted cylinders corresponds to movement of the slip bowls. The rib extensions, the complementary rib extensions, or both support the entire length of tubular member between the slip bowls, when being snubbed. 1. A guide apparatus , comprising:a lower slotted cylinder being comprised of a bottom base ring on a bottom base end and a plurality of rib extensions projecting upward from said bottom base ring to an extension tip end so as to form lower slots between adjacent rib extensions; andan upper slotted cylinder being comprised of an upper base ring on a top base end and a plurality of complementary rib extensions projecting downward from said upper base ring to a complementary extension tip end so as to form upper slots between adjacent complementary rib extensions,wherein said lower slotted cylinder engages said upper slotted cylinder, said rib extensions sliding between said complementary rib extensions when said top base end moves toward said bottom base end, said extension tip end being slideable past said complementary extension tip end,wherein said lower slotted cylinder and said upper slotted cylinder have an expanded configuration with said extension tip end facing said complementary extension tip end, said bottom base end being furthest from said top base end, ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Submarine drilling support system

Номер: US20180238122A1

The submarine drilling support system includes a first guide support part that has a ring shape, has a plurality of rollers of which roller axes are directed to a horizontal direction and is arranged along a circumferential direction going around a rotation support axis parallel to a vertical direction, and is provided to allow the drill pipe to be inserted through in the vertical direction; and a first rotation holding part that is configured to support the first guide support part so as to be rotatable in the circumferential direction. The pluralities of rollers are adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction and are arranged in a state where the drill pipe is able to insert through a space surrounded by the plurality of rollers. 1. A submarine drilling support system that is equipped on a ship and is used when a drill pipe is made to reach the seabed and the drill pipe is rotated to drill the seabed by riserless drilling , the system comprising:a guide support part that has a ring shape, has a plurality of rollers of which roller axes are directed to a horizontal direction, and is arranged along a circumferential direction going around a rotation support axis parallel to a vertical direction, and is provided such that the drill pipe is capable of being inserted through the guide support part along the vertical direction; anda rotation holding part that is configured to support the guide support part so as to be rotatable in the circumferential direction,wherein the plurality of rollers are adjacent to each other in the circumferential direction and are arranged in a state where the drill pipe is able to insert through a space surrounded by the plurality of rollers.2. The submarine drilling support system according to claim 1 ,wherein a plurality of support devices including the guide support part and the rotation holding part are arranged at a distance from each other in the vertical direction.3. The submarine drilling support system according to ...
