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01-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2754378C2

Группа изобретений относится к системе обратимого преобразования возвратно-поступательного движения во вращательное движение. Система содержит одно или более приводных устройств, выполненных с возможностью взаимодействия по меньшей мере с одной поверхностью взаимодействия ротора (3) со спиральным профилем. Каждое приводное устройство из указанного множества приводных устройств содержит гидроцилиндры или цилиндры внутреннего сгорания. Каждое приводное устройство выполнено с возможностью приведения в движение трубчатого штока (6), соединенного с соответствующим цилиндром. Шток (6) связан с ползуном (5). Ползун (5) выполнен с возможностью передачи толкающего усилия штока (6) на указанную по меньшей мере одну поверхность взаимодействия ротора (3) со спиральным профилем с созданием на роторе (3) крутящего момента. Группа изобретений направлена на уменьшение загрязнения окружающей среды и повышения эффективности и, соответственно, снижение потребления топлива. 3 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

27-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2140551C1

Двигатель предназначен для использования в качестве поршневого двигателя или компрессора с механизмом преобразования возвратно-поступательного перемещения поршня во вращательное движение вала или наоборот. Двигатель (10) содержит свободно плавающие поршни (40), установленные с возможностью возвратно-поступательного пepeмeщeния и содержащие каждый толкатель (46), опирающийся на кулачок (20) с тремя рабочими выступами, при этом каждый толкатель кулачка поддерживается направляющим подшипником (50), передвигающимся в направляющей (54) и служащим для передачи направляющей поперечных составляющих реактивной силы, создаваемой между кулачком и толкателем кулачка. Изобретение позволяет усовершенствовать двигатель, обеспечить при работе его в качестве ДВС самозапускаемость, упрощение конструкции. 15 з.п.ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU52927U1

Полезная модель относится к машиностроению, в частности к двигателестроению и может быть предназначена для привода транспортных средств, генераторов, машин и механизмов, и других нужд хозяйственной и научной деятельности человека. Заявленная полезная модель позволяет упростить конструкцию за счет исключения детандера и повысить надежность и ресурс работы пневмодвигателя за счет использования нескольких ступеней в редукторе. Пневмодвигатель содержит многоступенчатый редуктор, установленный на каждой из ступеней редуктора, по меньшей мере, один рычаг, выполненные по числу рычагов пневмоцилиндры с толкателями, клапанами подачи сжатого газа и выхода отработанного газа, вал отбора мощности, муфту сцепления каждого из рычагов с валом, источник сжатого газа, регулятор распределения давления по ступеням. Толкатель каждого из пневмоцилиндров кинематиески связан с соответствующим рычагом, а источник сжатого газа сообщен со ступенями редуктора через регулятор распределения давления.

27-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2069794C1

FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: hydraulic motor comprises housing and/or cylinder with a cover and at least one piston mounted for permitting a contact with the eccentric of the output shaft, rocking motion and interaction with the guide body arranged radially and having a ring portion of the outer convex spherical bearing surface that abuts against the answered ring portion of the concave spherical bearing surface made on the housing or the cylinder cover. The guide body has the end face surface that is perpendicular to its longitudinal axis and faces the ring portion of the bearing surface of the housing or cylinder cover loaded with the pressure of fluid and used as a relief space. In addition the ring portion of the bearing surface of guide body is narrower than the ring portion of the bearing surface of the housing or cylinder cover and it is provided with a ring groove at the end face surface. The ring groove is in communication with the space for draining fluid through an opening. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency. 3 cl, 2 dwg у61690с ПЧ ГЭ РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (19) ВИ” 2 069 794 ' 13) СЛ (51) МПКЕ Е 03 С 1/04, Е Ол В 1/06 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 5010566/06, 18.12.1991 (30) Приоритет: 19.12.1990 ОЕ Р 4040738.1 (46) Дата публикации: 27.11.1996 (56) Ссылки: Патент Франции М 229718, кл. Е 04 В 1/04, 1977. (71) Заявитель: Пауль Пляйгер Машиненфабрик ГмбХ унд Ко., КГ (ОЕ) (72) Изобретатель: Маттиас ШЕВЧИКГОЕ] (73) Патентообладатель: Пауль Пляйгер Машиненфабрик ГмбХ унд Ко., КГ (ОЕ) (54) РАДИАЛЬНО-ПОРШНЕВОЙ ГИДРОДВИГАТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Использование: в машиностроении при проектировании роторно-поршневых гидродвигателей. Сущность изобретения: гидродвигатель содержит корпус и/или цилиндр с крышкой, по меньшей мере, один поршень, установленный с возможностью контакта с эксцентриком выходного вала и с возможностью колебательного движения и взаимодействия с направляющим телом, ...

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2063513C1

Использование: в гидромашиностроении при проектировании радиально-поршневых гидромашин с золотниковым распределением. Сущность изобретения: гидромашина состоит из корпуса с радиально расположенными цилиндро-поршневыми группами, установленными с возможностью взаимодействия с эксцентриком выходного вала распределительного устройства, включающего аксиально-расположенные золотники, кинематически связанные с установленным на выходном валу кулачком, имеющим профилированное управляющее звено для обеспечения заданного закон перемещения золотника. Кулачок соединяется с эксцентриковым валом гидромашины с помощью цангового механизма, который позволяет устанавливать фазы распределения так, чтобы компенсировать технологические погрешности изготовления деталей, влияющих на фазы распределения, или компенсировать износ этих деталей в процессе эксплуатации. Цанговый механизм позволяет устанавливать кулачок с учетом оптимизации рабочего процесса в заданному режиму эксплуатации гидромашины. Это устройство ...

20-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2120563C1
Принадлежит: Ульф Хенриксон (SE)

Система гидравлического привода предназначена главным образом для привода тяжелого промышленного оборудования. Система привода включает в себя множество приводимых гидравлически поршневых устройств (14) с кулачковыми роликами (30), которые расположены так, чтобы действовать против волнообразного профиля (38) кулачка криволинейного элемента (40) кулачка, таким образом линейное движение кулачковых роликов (30) по профилю (38) кулачка создает относительное приводное движение между криволинейным элементом (40) кулачка и поршневыми устройствами (14). Отличительным признаком изобретения является то, что система привода состоит из отдельных собранных модулей (41) криволинейных элементов кулачка и отдельных собранных поршневых устройств (14), причем модули (41) криволинейных элементов кулачка установлены на приводимом рабочем устройстве, а поршневые устройства (14) установлены на неподвижной раме (12) или наоборот. Система повышает надежность привода оборудования. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2044129C1
Автор: Чубуков А.А.

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к поршневым машинам с преобразованием возвратно-поступательного перемещения во вращательное и наоборот. Сущность изобретения: машина снабжена кривошипными валами, одни шипы которых закреплены в корпусе, другие в колесах внутреннего зацепления, установленных с возможностью поступательного движения по окружности и с возможностью взаимодействия с шестерней передаточного механизма и штоками поршней. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2044126C1

Использование: в машиностроении при проектировании поршневых двигателей. Сущность изобретения: двигатель содержит корпус 1 с выполненными в нем цилиндрами 2, в которых установлены поршни 3 с шатунами 4, взаимодействующими через промежуточную шестерню 5 с шестерней 6 рабочего вала. Каждый поршень выполнен в виде тора из эластичного материала. При перемещении поршней 3 шатуны 4 смещаются и проворачивают шестерню 5, вращающую шестерню 6. 1 ил.

10-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96106557A

Применение роторного радиально-поршневого двигателя, состоящего из статора и установленного с возможностью свободного вращения ротора с цилиндрами, поршнями и штоками, входящими в скользящий контакт с внутренней поверхностью статора, в качестве центробежного движителя с уменьшением работы на преодоление сил трения достигается тем, что поршни парами соединены с возможностью взаимного передвижения пластинчатым штоком и установлены в цилиндре с одной торцевой стенкой таким образом, что имеют массу дебаланса, либо это условие выполнено за счет хода пластинчатых штоков, а внутренняя поверхность статора выполнена участками, соответствующими траекториям движения поршней с ускорением и замедлением в радиальных направлениях, либо вместо цилиндров установлены направляющие, на которых установлены с возможностью свободного передвижения тела.

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003134335A

Поршневая машина, содержащая размещенную в корпусе обойму, свободно установленную на эксцентрике, жестко закрепленном на валу, и несущую зубчатый венец, взаимодействующий с центральным колесом, выполненные в корпусе каналы с впускными и выпускными клапанами и свечи зажигания, отличающаяся тем, что обойма связана шатунами с поршнями, установленными в радиально расположенных цилиндрах корпуса, а центральное колесо дополнительно связано зубчатой передачей с шестерней, закрепленной на валу.

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003134235A

... 1. Поршневая машина, которая содержит корпус, шарнирно закрепленный в корпусе цилиндрический ротор с радиально расположенными цилиндрами и расположенными в них поршнями, которые связаны между собою при помощи пальцев и шарнирных тяг, которые образовывают четырехугольник, соосно ротору расположен кулачок с двумя диаметрально противоположными вершинами, кулачок установлен с возможностью контакта с шарнирными тягами, с возможностью фиксированного поворота относительно своей оси и выполнен в виде стержня с поперечным сечением в форме криволинейного ромба с закругленными вершинами, в каждой из шарнирных тяг в средней части выполнены пазы, которые ограничены дугой окружности с радиусом, который равняется радиусу вершин кулачка, отличающаяся тем, что радиально расположенные цилиндры расположены под прямым углом относительно соседних в плоскости, перпендикулярной оси ротора и образуют в роторе крестообразную расточку, которых по длине ротора расположено не менее двух, причем, крестообразные расточки ...

15-05-1981 дата публикации

Двухтактный двигатель внутреннегоСгОРАНия

Номер: SU831085A3

15-10-1977 дата публикации

Двухтактный двигатель внутреннего сгорания

Номер: SU576973A3

07-06-1990 дата публикации

Поршневая машина (ее варианты)

Номер: SU1570657A3

Изобретение относится к гидромашиностроению, в частности к поршневым эксцентриковым машинам. Целью изобретения является упрощение сборки и разборки машины. Поршневая машина имеет цилиндры 5, поршни (П) 6 с опорными башмаками, опорный элемент 9, размещенный на эксцентрике 10 выходного вала 11, возвратное устройство для принудительного ведения П в виде захвата 12 с выступами 13, установленного на эксцентрике 10 с возможностью взаимодействия каждого выступа 13 с поверхностью опорного башмака. Изобретение предусматривает вариант исполнения поршневой машины с двумя оппозитно расположенными поршнями, соединенными между собой при помощи скобы, охватывающей эксцентрик и промежуточную деталь. Каждый поршень имеет опорный башмак в виде пластины с хвостовиком и закрепляется в скобе при помощи клеммового зажима с винтом. Изобретение предусматривает несколько вариантов исполнения крепления поршня в скобе. Изобретение предусматривает также, что поршень может быть выполнен из керамического материала, ...

01-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0004110042A1

A piston engine designed as a motor with a star configuration has a rotary shaft arranged in the motor housing, upon which pistons linked to a piston rod are radially movable. An expanding gaseous fluid exerts a pressure on the pistons that are arranged each in a working chamber located in the motor housing. The successive working chambers and pistons generally have a wedge-shaped cross-section, and the number of working chambers and pistons is variable. The pistons are radially movable in the rotor, in the direction of rotation, and operationally coupled to a forced control. The object of this invention is to obtain a specific power as high as possible with a compact design and a reduced engine weight. Among many others, its most remarkable characteristic is the extremely high motor torque that results from this motor system. With this engine an engine torque that is 48 times higher than that of comparable 4-stroke internal combustion engines is obtained, thanks to the 24-fold reduction ...

06-02-1932 дата публикации

Fluessigkeitswechselgetriebe mit exzentrisch einstellbaren Fluegelkolben

Номер: DE0000543535C

22-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003740891A1

12-09-1957 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001015689B

15-10-1953 дата публикации

Als Pumpe oder Motor verwendbare Sternzylinder-Kolbenmaschine

Номер: DE0000893293C
Принадлежит: SOPHIE MEYER

10-11-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069104495D1
Принадлежит: HTC AS, H T C A/S, GLOSTRUP, DK

23-12-1964 дата публикации

Hydraulisches Getriebe

Номер: DE0001184168B

11-01-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002308127B2
Принадлежит: FRANKE, WALTER, 2105 SEEVETAL

12-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002413955B2

10-07-1969 дата публикации

Verstelleinrichtung fuer doppelsternige Radialkolbenmaschinen

Номер: DE0001453674A1

10-09-1925 дата публикации

Stern-Pumpe bzw. -Motor

Номер: DE0000418566C

21-01-1928 дата публикации

Fluessigkeitswechselgetriebe mit umlaufenden Arbeitszylindern

Номер: DE0000452462C

14-08-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002463390C2
Принадлежит: LINDE AG, 6200 WIESBADEN, DE

14-07-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002719443C2
Принадлежит: EHLERT, HANS L., 6000 FRANKFURT, DE

10-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002951704A1

26-06-1969 дата публикации

Hydrostatische Maschine

Номер: DE0001528365A1

20-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002453736A1

29-08-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001403748C3

08-11-1921 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to fluid machines applicable for use as motors, pumps, compressors, meters and the like

Номер: GB0000147471A

... 147,471. Parrouffe (known as Parouf), A. July 8, 1919, [Convention date]. Gas, air, and steam meters.-In fluid-operated machines applicable for use as meters rotors with centres at S, S<1> are provided with cylinders C, C<1>, the pistons being rigidly connected by a pin G, and the outer casing being formed with distribution chambers. The Specification as open to inspection under Sect. 91 (3) (a) comprises also modifications which include forms with more than two cylinders, special means for rigidly connecting the pistons and special distribution and control arrangements. This subject-matter does not appear in the Specification as accepted.

16-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001439352A

... 1439352 Reciprocating pumps and motors K EICKMANN 9 June 1973 22159/73 Heading F1A A radial piston pump or motor has a rotary cylinder block 8 with pistons 4 engaging an eccentric track 11 via slippers 1 which enter recesses 13 in block 8 during part of the piston stroke. Each slipper has forward and rearward extensions 3, 2 and a balancing recess 21 communicating with its associated working cylinder via passages 20, the piston also having a balancing recess 40 in its rear wall. Movement of the slippers axially of the cylinder block is limited by radially projecting flanges (34), (35) secured to or integral with the cylinder block, a recess (33) in the track receiving one of the flanges, Fig. 7 (not shown). The slippers have projections (36) extending axially of the block when a plurality of axiallyspaced banks of pistons are provided in the block, (Fig. 7).

24-02-1948 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to pumps, compressors and motors

Номер: GB0000598666A

... 598,666. Radial cylinder pumps. JONES, G. F. Jan. 3, 1945, No. 252. [Classes 8 (i) and 102 (i)] [Also in Groups XXVI and XXIX] The machine casing 1 of a pump or compressor of the radial cylinder type is mounted by bosses 3, 3 in bodily rotatable manner in cradles 5, 8, each having a clamping yoke 12, the axis of rotation being coincident with the driving shaft of the machine. Rotation of the machine when it is desired to make adjustment to a normally inaccessible part is effected by a geared pinion 15 and geared flange 9 that forms part of the collar 7 surrounding the left-hand boss 3 and secured to it by means of shear bolts 10. During driving periods, the bolts 10 lock the casing against rotation.

28-11-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydraulic pumps or motors

Номер: GB0000661652A

... 661,652. Hydraulic motors; fluid pressure servomotor control systems. OILGEAR CO. July 16, 1947 [Jan. 14, 1942] No. 18957/47. Classes 69 (ii) and 135. Also in Group XXVIII. In a revolving cylinder hydraulic motor having a valve seat arranged upon the cylinder barrel and provided with a number of cylinder parts which communicate with the cylinders, a valve engaging the seat being provided with high and low pressure valve ports with which each cylinder port communicates alternately as the barrel rotates, a number of hold-up motors are arranged behind the valve to urge it against the seat, at least one balancing motor being provided for assisting the hold-up motors in urging the valve against the seat and the balancing motor being intermittently energized and de-energized in accordance with the number and angular positions of cylinder ports communicating with the high pressure port. Figs. 1 and 2 show a revolving cylinder type hydraulic pump. Fig. 2 being a section on the line 2-2 of Fig.

22-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001450294A

... 1450294 Reciprocating piston engines; reciprocating motors and pumps RUAPEHU PTY Ltd 14 May 1974 21353/74 Headings F1A F1B and F1M An I.C. engine comprises a cylindrical housing 11 in which are disposed a number of radial cylinders 12 in each of which is mounted a reciprocating piston 19, a fuel/air mixture inlet 33 and an exhaust gas outlet 34 being provided for each cylinder. The reciprocating motion of the pistons is transmitted to the drive-shaft 13 by means of a triangular-shaped member 14 secured to the driveshaft, each apex of the member 14 having rotatably mounted thereon a three-lobed or clover-shaped member 15. The lower side of each piston is formed with a concave recess 29 which engages a lobe of the member 15 whereby the member 15 and so the member 14 is driven. The lower side of each piston is also formed with a convex surface 30 which engages the surface 40 of the member 14 as the latter rotates. The member 14 is formed in two parts, the members 15 being rotatably mounted ...

09-09-1936 дата публикации

Improvements in reciprocating engines or compressors

Номер: GB0000453288A

... 453,288. Driving-gear. LEE, G. H., Causeway House, Sawley, near Clitheroe, Lancashire, and WOROBJEFF, N., 198, Goldhurst Terrace, Kilburn, London. April 13, 1935, Nos. 11467 and 17263. [Class 7 (ii)] Movement betweer the piston and crank. shaft is transmitted through a sleeve ( mounted rotatably on the crank-pin 5 spur or bevel gearing being interposed between the sleeve crank - casing and crank-shaft. Alignec pistons are connected by ties or a web en circling an eccentric 9 integral with or fixed to the sleeve 6 A toothed rim 13 or the sleeve engages ar internally toothed ring 14 mounted on ball bearings in the casing, and the ring 14 is in gear with the crank-shaft through pinions 16 turning on spindles 28 mounted in the casing- wall. Bevel gearing may be employed according to the second Provisional Specification.

17-04-1947 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to radial hydraulic pumps or motors

Номер: GB0000587228A

... 587,228. Reciprocating pumps. VICKERSARMSTRONGS, Ltd., and NAYLOR, J. C. Oct. 27, 1943, No. 741/46. Divided out of 577,423. [Class 102 (i)] [Also in Group XXIX] In an hydraulic pump in which pistons 1, Fig. 1, reciprocate in radial cylinders and carry rollers 3 engaging the periphery 4 of an eccentric 5 mounted on the pump shaft 6, the pistons are prevented from rotating about their axes by the interengagement of the eccentric and the rollers. The rollers may be engaged between the annular side walls of one or more endless channels 16, Fig. 3, in the periphery eccentric. Specifications 503,148, 565,334 and 565,805 are referred to.

07-08-1913 дата публикации

Improvements in or connected with Hydraulic Pumps, Motors and like Apparatus.

Номер: GB0191309374A

... 9374. Carey, R. F. April 21. [Addition to 19,519/11.] Revolving-cylinder pumps.-The hydraulic pump or motor described in the parent Specification is provided with improved means for relieving pressure in the cylinders. The dividing-rib 17 of the central valve 16, Fig. 3, is provided with a diametral passage i, the dividing-rib being preferably tapered as at j, and provided with wings k. When the cylinder of the incoming piston is closed by the valve, communication is established with the opposite outgoing cylinder and thus prevents undue rise of pressure. In order to admit liquid gradually, the edges of the side wings of the dividing-rib may be notched.

28-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001422513A

... 1422513 Reciprocating pumps and motors SULZER BROS Ltd 15 Oct 1974 [15 Oct 1973] 44693/74 Heading F1A A hydraulic machine comprises a rotary cylinder block supported by an eccentric portion 5 of a pin 2 and having radial pistons 8 with shoes 9 with plane bearing faces 10 slidably bearing on tangentical, plane guide surfaces 11 on a guide ring 22 mounted between disc members 23 rotatably supported by hydrostatic bearing surfaces 21 on pin 2, the planes of symmetry S of load transmitting surfaces 24, 25 on the guide ring 22 and disc members 23 coinciding with the planes of symmetry of bearing surfaces 21. Bolts 27 securing disc members 23 together pass through bores 28 in guide ring 22 with clearance to allow for deformation of the guide ring by the piston forces, Fig. 4 (not shown). Eccentric portion 5 is formed with inlet and outlet ports for sequential communication with cylinders 7. A drive-shaft 30 may be connected to the guide ring and disc assembly.

21-05-1997 дата публикации

Hydraulic piston machines

Номер: GB0002286018B
Принадлежит: UNIPAT AG, * UNIPAT AG

07-02-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to hydraulic reciprocating pumps and motors

Номер: GB0000649856A

... 649,856. Radial cylinder pumps. BOULTON PAUL AIRCRAFT, Ltd., NORTH, J. D., and DOE, A. Aug. 13, 1948, No. 21345. [Class 102(i)] [Also in Group XXIX] An hydraulic reciprocating pump or motor of the rotating radial piston type in which each piston 4 has a crosshead in the form of a spindle 10 carrying rollers 6, shoes or the like engaging with reaction members 5, has the spindle carried on a pin 11 having a ball end 14 engaging in a socket 15 in the piston, means being provided to prevent rotation of the spindle about the pin axis. Slides 16 on the spindle move in radial slots 17 in discs 18 secured to the cylinder block 2. The latter revolves on a fixed distributer 1.

10-09-1952 дата публикации

Improved piston for liquid-operated piston engines

Номер: GB0000678917A

... 678,917. Pistons. SCHWEIZERISCHE LOKOMOTIVE UND MASCHINENFABRIK. Sept. 18, 1948 [Sept. 18, 1947], No. 24505/48. Class 122(i) [Also in Groups XXVIII and XXIX] In a piston 12 for a piston engine delivering pressure-liquid or operated thereby, in which the piston is supported at its end or head, remote from the cylinder space, against a face 11 which takes up the piston forces, the piston being adapted to slide transversely of its axis on the said face 11, a pressure chamber 16 is provided in the head and supplied with pressure liquid, through a bore 20 from the working space 19, and additional piston head supporting faces 24 are provided inside the confines of the chamber 16. An annular supporting face 23 is provided around the chamber 16 and a further face 14 separated from the face 23 by a groove 17 having a free drain to the outside. The Specification sets out the relation between the area of chamber 16, the area of the face 24, the area of the piston, centrifugal force on the piston and ...

04-02-1932 дата публикации

Improvements in two-stroke cycle internal combustion engines having radial cylinders

Номер: GB0000366265A

... 366,265. Two-stroke engines. DAINTON, F. M., 161, Belden Street, City Island, New York, U.S.A. Jan. 20, 1931, No. 1934. [Class 7 (ii).] In a radial, stationary-cylinder Diesel engine all the cylinders have a common combustion chamber 33, and the pistons drive through toothed wheels 24 and circular racks an airtight casing 10. Air is admitted to this casing by valves 61, the pressure within the casing being limited by relief valves 62. The pistons compress the air in the casing on their outstrokes, the air entering the combustion chambers through two paths. The channel 13 in the casing 10 forms a reservoir for lubricant which is picked up by the ends of the connecting- rods and distributed by channels to the bearings. A thrust bearing 40 is cooled by air circulated by a fan 43. Cylinders.-In the cylinder block are formed passages 38 leading to an inlet valve 37 to allow a first flow of air into the combustion space after the pressure has fallen during the exhaust period. The second air supply ...

19-12-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in fluid pressure pumps or motors

Номер: GB0000913362A

... 913,362. Reciprocating pumps. COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. April 27, 1960 [May 1, 1959], No. 14889/59. Class 102(1). [Also in Group XXIX] In a positive displacement pump or motor comprising a main eccentric 1 on whose periphery bear slippers 2 of piston rods 3 having part spherical ends 4 connected to pump pistons 6 reciprocable in cylinders 7, inlet and discharge cylinder ports 11, 12 are controlled by piston valves 13 actuated through push-rods 15 and tappets 18 by a cam 16 (or 17) bolted to the eccentric. Each valve comprises a tubular double-landed piston through which the rod 15 passes with clearance and a screw-threaded thimble 30 closing its upper end formed with a conical bore 32 terminating in a part-spherical seat 31 against which the hemi-spherical end 33 of the push-rod bears. The seat 31 and valve control edge 23 are as near as possible at the same level and the radius of the end 33 preferably less than that of the seat 31 so that heat generated in pumping ...

18-12-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydraulic transmission pumps and motors

Номер: GB0000225990A

... 225,990. Cramp, R. Oct. 30, 1923. No Patent granted (Sealing fee not pald). Eccentric - actuated pumps; revolving cylinder pumps.-In apparatus for the hydraulic transmission of power, the pump comprises a number of sets of radial cylinders 3 - - 3e held together by bolts 2 and revolving on a. central stationary valve. Adjacent pairs of pistons 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 are actuated by gudgeon pins 5, 5, 5 running in ball bearings 8, 8, 8 which are held against eccentric tracks 9, 9, 9 by floating eccentric rings 11, 11, 11.

28-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002085118B

18-12-1918 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Hydraulic Power-transmission Apparatus.

Номер: GB0000121515A

... 121,515. Lamplough, F., and Hydro- Dynamics, Ltd. Dec. 18, 1917. Movable-abutment type; regulating pumps.-In an hydraulic transmission gear employing a pump and motor each of which comprises pistons travelling around an eccentric annular chamber, the chambers E, K, Fig. 1, are placed side-by-side in a casing A being separated by a ported partition B and a ported plate N carried bv the driving shaft C. The eccentricity of the chamber E is varied by moving it in guides F<1>, Fig. 2, by means of a spindle F<2>, and an adjustable thrust bearing 0 is provided. A spider G keyed to the shaft C of the pump has radial studs G<1> engaging rocking blocks G<2> in the pistons H, each of which has a segmental plate H<1> projecting under an adjacent piston and the motor is similarly constructed. In a modification, the partition B is hollow, and contains clutch members by means of which the spider of the motor can be clutched to its shaft. the shafts C, D can be coupled, or the shaft D may bo entirely ...

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Ring Cam working surface compression.

Номер: GB0002484889A

A fluid-working machine ring cam comprises plural segments having piston facing surfaces defining a working surface. The segments comprise leading and trailing end cooperating formations each having a working surface potion, which each interlock and rollers are thereby handed over smoothly from one segment to the next irrespective of alignment tolerance or wear variations. The segment piston facing surfaces are placed in compressive stress 112 by providing an unmounted segment 100 with greater curvature 102 than its support 104 and bolting down to remove a formed gap 106 and thus partially or fully compensate for tensile stress arising from the action of rollers. The segments form a wavelike cam surface describing a portion, x, of the wave. The underlying segment has a curvature, y, as a fraction of 360 degrees and x is not an integral multiple of y. Cross apertures 114 provide greater compressibility, assisting in providing compression. Segment attachment is provided through the working ...

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Wave ring cam with discontinuities on least loaded face

Номер: GB0002484888A

A ring cam for a fluid-working machine comprises segments 5, 7 having piston facing working surfaces 15, 16. The segments comprise leading and trailing end cooperating formations which each inter-engage with respective adjacent formations and which are recessed from the working surface towards their respective ends or cross at less than 180 degrees. The cooperating formations interlock and rollers are handed over smoothly from one segment to the next irrespective of alignment variations due to manufacturing tolerance or wear. The segment piston facing surfaces are placed in compressive stress to partially or fully compensate for tensile stress arising from roller action in use. The segments form a wavelike cam surface and attachment means 3 or the formations 72 are provided on whichever of the leading 70, e.g. when motoring, or trailing 72, e.g. when pumping, surfaces thereof is subject to lowest forces from pistons in use. Electronic valves may limit piston forces when passing over working ...

12-05-1927 дата публикации

Improvements in hydraulic pumps and motors

Номер: GB0000270483A

... 270,483. Shaw, H. S. Hele-, and Beacham, T. E. April 26, 1926. Crank - actuated pumps; stroke, varying; revolving-cylinder pumps. In a pump or motor comprising radial cylinders 5a rotating on a stationary crank 2, the crank is supported at one end by a transverselyadjustable block 10 provided with laterally-extending portions sliding between parallel bearing faces 12a, 12 arranged transversely to the axis of the pump &c. Plugged holes 5g are arranged in the cylinder carrier 5 to facilitate boring of the cylinders. Liquid enters and leaves the cylinders by'passages 7 in an extension of the carrier.

16-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001467394A

... 1467394 Charging IC engines W FRANKE 18 Feb 1974 [19 Feb 1973] 7291/74 Heading F1B [Also in Division F2] A two-stroke I.C. engine comprises a cylinder 1 divided by a partition 13 into a power chamber 10, 30 and a compression chamber 33, 36, which are respectively divided into working chamber 10 and auxiliary chamber 30 and into a first subsidiary compression chamber 33 and a second subsidiary compression chamber 36. A power piston 12 and compression piston 24 are movable in unison and connected to a crank-shaft 2 and input and exhaust ports 32, 16 communicate with the working chamber 10 when the pistons are at BDC and with the auxiliary chamber when the pistons are at TDC. A valve controlled air intake 19 communicates with the first subsidiary compression chamber 33 and a transfer duct 31, 37 connects via a valve 48 the chamber 33 to the input port 32 and to the chamber 36. A second intake 25 is connected to the chamber 36 via a second valve 27. Mixture drawn in through the second intake ...

07-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001555032A

21-12-1960 дата публикации

Hydraulic device

Номер: GB0000856693A

... 856,693. Pistons. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION Inc. Aug. 11, 1958, No. 25717/58. Class 122 (1). [Also in Groups XXVIII and XXIX] In a radial cylinder pump or motor the pistons each comprise a piston and slipper assembly 10. The piston portion is thinwalled and of steel and has a spherical portion 40 engaging the cylinder bore; secured within the piston is an aluminium plug 44 which forms with the piston a passage 46 so that liquid from the cylinder may flow through a non-return valve 49 to a lubrication basin 47 within the slipper portion 12 which has a spherical portion 13 engageable with the track ring 5. Differential expansion between the plug 44 and the piston reduces the passage 46 when the temperature of the pump and liquid increases. A groove 52 is also formed between the piston and plug 44 so that liquid pressure expands the piston into contact with the cylinder. The piston surface may also flatten under load to increase the area of contact with the cylinder bore.

29-06-1960 дата публикации

Positive displacement pump

Номер: GB0000839512A

... 839,512. Cylinders. BENDIX AVIATION CORPORATION. Feb. 17, 1958 [April 12, 1957], No. 5124/58. Class 122 (1). [Also in Group XXVIII] In a ball piston pump each cylinder bore 24 is surrounded by a recess 144 which extends substantially coextensively with the length of the cylinder bore swept by the piston whereby the piston and cylinder expand and contract at the same rate.

11-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001543858A

06-04-1961 дата публикации

Improvements in rotary engines

Номер: GB0000864767A

... 864,767. Liquid-pressure engines. WADEFELT, C. I. April 21, 1959, No. 13522/59. Class 69 (2). [Also in Group XXVII] A liquid-pressure engine comprises a housing 2 having a number of radial cylinders 3 provided with pistons 4 carrying rollers 10a, 10b engaging cam rings 6a, 6b, rotatable relative to the housing, and guide rollers 11a, 11b which are mounted on axle pins 9a, 9b at the tops of the piston and co-operate with guide planes 151a, 151b parallel to the axes of the pistons and the motor axis. The cylinders 3 are supplied with fluid pressure from a rotary valve 16 driven by gearing 17 from the cam rings 6a, 6b, which may be secured to a pulley 7 and have a different number of lobes 61, 611 than the number of cylinders, to urge the pistons 4 radially outwards so that the rollers 10a, 10b carried by crossheads 9 resiliently secured to the pistons by bolts 13 and springs 14 bear against the cam rings which are thus rotated relative to the housing fixed ...

11-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001528298A

... 1528298 Liquid pressure engines CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO 9 May 1977 [7 Oct 1976] 19298/77 Heading F1A In a fluid motor comprising a fixed body 22 with a central bore and radial piston and cylinder means 60, a rotary valve 100 directs fluid to and allows flow of fluid from each piston and cylinder means in turn and the piston and cylinder means co-operate with an orbiting ring 52 with teeth 78 which intermittently engage teeth 80 on a rotary casing 24. In the embodiment two such motors are inter-connected. A crank-shaft 64 with offset cylinders 73, 74 maintain one orbiting member 180 degrees behind the other. The valve is connected by a gear train to the crank-shaft. By rotating casing 24 the apparatus may be used as a pump.

21-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001495727A

... 1495727 Reciprocating pumps K EICKMANN 28 Nov 1974 51658/74 Heading F1A In a radial-piston pump a rotor 9 has pistons 2 with pivoted shoes 12 that engage with a cam, or "guide", ring 33 and lie between annular plates 14 secured to either the rotor or the guide ring, the radial dimensions of the shoes being less than those of fins 23 extending circumferentially of the rotor between the cylinders 10 for the pistons. The shoes when the respective pistons are in the fully retracted position thus lie radially below the outer surfaces of the adjacent fins (as shown on the left-hand sides of Figs. 1 and 2). An annular slot 24 saves the ring 33 from being fouled by the fins. Lubricating and pressure-balancing recesses 16 and passages 21 may be formed in the shoes. Substantially hemi-spherical portions of the shoes are retained in the pistons by virtue of the matching shapes of the seats for these portions. A second embodiment, Figs. 5 and 6 (not shown), differs in that the shoes are free to move ...

25-07-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in fluid pressure pumps or motors

Номер: GB0000902012A

... 902,012. Reciprocating pumps. COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH. May 4, 1960 [May 4, 1959; Nov. 25, 1959], Nos. 15117/59 and 39968/59. Class 102(1). [Also in Group XXIX] A fluid pressure pump or motor includes piston type inlet and outlet valves in which one or both valves includes a sleeve in which the valve piston slides and which has a port in its wall controlled by the valve piston and registering with a cylinder port and means for adjusting the position of the sleeve relative to the bore in which the sleeve is fitted to vary the timing for opening and closing the valve. As shown in Fig. 1, a hydraulic motor having a plurality of radial cylinders 7 reciprocably mounting pistons 5 whose rods 3 formed with slippers 2 engage an eccentric 1 is fitted with piston type inlet and outlet valves 13, 14 respectively. Each valve comprises a twolanded valve piston 25 and a loosely fitting push-rod 15 urged by a spring against a tappet 18 which engages a cam 16 secured to the eccentric ...

25-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001499161A

... 1499161 Reciprocating pumps and motors K EICKMANN 7 Jan 1975 631/75 Heading F1A [Also in Division F2] In a radial piston pump or motor comprising a cylinder block 9 with pistons 8 engaging a track ring 12 located outwardly or inwardly of the cylinder block, the track ring being stationary and the cylinder block rotatable, or vice versa, the pistons 8 each have a pivoted slipper 7 formed with hydrostatic bearing recesses 2 supplied with working liquid via piston passage 86 and a hydrostatic bearing recess 23 between the slipper pivot and the piston. The slipper has cutaways 63 permitting entry of the slipper within cylinder block transverse slots 91. Guide ribs (13), Fig. 1 (not shown), on the clyinder block are located on either side of slots 91. Hydrodynamic bearings 65 are also provided on the slipper face and fed with liquid by notches 66, the bearing surfaces being separated by grooves 1. In other embodiments, the bearing surfaces are separated by transverse grooves, Fig. 6 (not shown ...

15-11-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA733874A

15-10-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399074A

15-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013772A

15-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511974B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen W6-Motor mit zwei auf einer gemeinsamen Kurbelwelle (1) nebeneinander angeordneten W3-Motoreinheiten (30, 40). Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, dass die Einlassventile (4) in in dieselbe Umfangsrichtung um die Kurbelwelle (1) orientierten Wandbereichen (31) der jeweiligen Zylinder (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) gelegen sind, dass die Auslassventile (5) in in dieselbe, aber zu der Umfangsrichtung der Wandelemente (31), in denen sich die Einlassventile (4) befinden, entgegengesetzte Umfangsrichtung um die Kurbelwelle (1) orientierten Wandbereichen (21) gelegen sind, dass die von einander gegenüberliegenden seitengesteuerten Auslassventile (5) und seitengesteuerten Einlassventile (4) in einander gegenüberliegenden Wandbereichen (21, 31) des von in der jeweiligen W3-Motoreinheit (30, 40) benachbart liegenden Zylindern (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) begrenzten V-förmigen Raumes (15) gelegen sind, dass jedes Auslassventil (5) eine Auslassleitung (20) verschließt, die vom Ventilsitz ...

15-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511974A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen W6-Motor mit zwei auf einer gemeinsamen Kurbelwelle (1) nebeneinander angeordneten W3-Motoreinheiten (30, 40), wobei in beiden W3-Motoreinheiten(30, 40) die Achsen von benachbart liegenden Zylindern (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) denselben Bankwinkel von 30 bis 70°, einschließen und die Auslassleitungen (20) der die gemeinsame Kurbelwelle (1) antreibenden Kolben (24) aufweisenden Zylinder (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) zu einem Auspuff (18) geführt sind, wobei jeder Zylinder (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) zumindest zwei Einlassventile (4) und zumindest ein Auslassventil (5) aufweist. Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen,- dass die Einlassventile (4) für die einzelnen Zylinder (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) der beiden W3-Motoreinheiten (30, 40) in dieselbe Umfangsrichtung um die Kurbelwelle (1) orientierten Wandbereichen (31) der jeweiligen Zylinder (R1, R2, R3; L1, L2, L3) oder Seitenbereichen (51) ihres Zylinderkopfes (Z) gelegen sind,- dass die Auslassventile (5) für die einzelnen Zylinder ...

15-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398974A

15-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000030063T

15-10-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000112613T

15-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000164424T

15-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000012971T

25-03-1974 дата публикации

Piston engine

Номер: AT0000314280B

25-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331639B

26-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000344010B

10-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337004B

25-07-1963 дата публикации

Hydraulic radial piston engine

Номер: AT0000228645B

18-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005727790A

28-03-1996 дата публикации

Fluid machines

Номер: AUPN840796A0

05-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007187191A

10-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000481067B2
Автор: Name not given

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Design method for swinging arm for fluid transfer device

Номер: AU2015100446A4

Design method for swinging arm for fluid transfer device Abstract The invention relates to a design method for a swinging arm for the fluid transer device. The method comprises providing a fixed end for mounting, the method further comprises providing a triggering end parallel to the fixed end, connecting the triggering end with the fixed 5 end through a vertical arm vertical to the fixed end; arranging a through hole for matting with the extension spring to the triggering end at the middle portion thereof has; arranging a beak-like rod to the triggering end away from the vertical arm; arranging for the angle made with the beak and the rod of the beak-like rod to be an obtuse 10 angle, arranging for the end of the beak to be round, arranging for the connection bewteen the rod and the beak to be round; respectively arranging a first plane and a second plane to the rod and beak each facing the side of triggering block, they tangentially connect with each other through a first arcuate surface ...

09-08-2001 дата публикации

A rotary and reciprocating internal combustion engine and compressor

Номер: AU0000737161B2

27-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000903558A

29-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1082603A

RECIPROCATING ROTARY ENGINE Rotary engine having a hollow, stationary block with manifolds for air inlet and exhaust valving and means for supplying fuel. The block supports one or more inline cylinders which are provided with opposed pistons equipped with rigid and constrained piston rods. The rods carry bearings that run along a cam track surface interior . to a disc, the outer surface of which is a right circular cylinder. The surrounding right circular cylinder rotates as a result of the linear movement of the opposed pistons thereby providing mechanical power. The cam surface is a continuous track which determines the out put motion of the piston movement between top and bottom dead center. Arcuate areas at top and/or bottom dead center permit constant volume combustion and/or exhaust as desired during a particular cycle, whether that cycle be Otto or Diesel and whether it be two or four stroke.

11-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1242975A

Oscillatory motion apparatus has a first reciprocating rod oriented generally perpendicularly with respect to a second reciprocating rod. A first trammel gear is pivotally secured to the first and second rods. Reciprocation of the rods produces responsive rotation of the trammel gear. An output gear may be rotated responsive to rotation of the trammel gear. The invention may be embodied in an engine block and two or more pairs of opposed cylinders each containing pistons adapted for reciprocation therein is provided. The rods, which may be connecting rods, connect pairs of opposed pistons. The connecting rods are preferably oriented generally perpendicularly with respect to each other. The connecting rods are rotatably connected to the trammel gear. Reciprocation of the pistons results in rotation of the trammel gear which is operatively associated with an output gear to produce rotary output. In one embodiment a bifurcated connecting rod permits two trammel gears to be employed with corresponding ...

05-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001312221C
Принадлежит: CASE CO J I, CASE (J.I.) COMPANY

OF THE DISCLOUSRE: An indexing mechanism comprising a member adapted to be advanced a predetermined amount and along a predetermined path, a pair of spaced drivers, and a control valve for operating the drivers in an alternative manner. The member adapted to be advanced defines a profile surface including a plurality of spaced radial segments. Each radial segment includes a crown section which is joined to an adjacent crown section by two oppositely directed ramps defining a fillet radius therebetween. The spacing between the drivers being such that when one driver is urged against a crown section the other driver acts against a fillet radius. The drivers are operated by the control valve 180.degree. out of phase relative to each other. A driver, after moving off a crown section, coacts with a ramp to impart a driving force to the member. The driving force being sufficient to move the member in an indexed fashion the predetermined amount of its movement.

19-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002401678A1

La présente invention a pour but de proposer un nouveau type engrenage permettant d'une part , lorsque les pièces leurs sont rattachées directement, de permettre à celles-ci de réaliser des mouvements spécifiques, et d'autre part, lorsque les pièces sont plutôt rattachées aux manetons des vilebrequins qui les supportent, de produire des accélérations et décélérations circulaires, ou rectilignes ces deux actions pouvant être produites simultanément.

19-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000928572A1

17-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002385608A1

La présente invention a pour but de compléter notre invention titrée Polyturbines énergétiques et antirefoulement, et ce premièrement en proposant des méthodes supplémentaires de soutient des structures paliques, deuxièmement en proposant des manières d'améliorer la forme des cylindres de ces machines, et finalement en proposant une synthèse générale de ces types de machines et des machines poly inductives à pale simple en général.

26-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002410787A1

La présente invention a pour objet de produire quelques nouvelles unités de machines poly inductives dont la principale particularité sera de réaliser une course centrale de pale non circulaire. De plus l'on montrera qu'avec l'utilisation de certains engrenages, que l'on nommera polycamé hybrides, l'on montrera comment l'on peut s'approcher des nouvelles formes de cylindres tout en conservant un centre circulaire. Ces nouvelles machines pourront produire non seulement de nouvelles figures de cylindre mais de plus de plus, de fort taux de compression permettant de les produire de façon diesel. De plus l'on appliquera ces connaissances dans le champ des machines de type semi turbine différentielle. Comme nous avons, préalablement aux présentes, présenté maintes machines rétrorotatives, et de même post rotatives à connotation rétrorotative, nous synthétiseront notre travail et donneront les dernière règles générales permettant de circonscrire la portée de nos brevets ...

11-10-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001242975A1

20-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2995335C

This invention relates to improvements in internal combustion engines. More particularly it relates to increased levels of usable electrical energy production and fuel efficiency within a relatively fixed speed, cam-track style Engine/Generator when combined with the secondary injection or injections of a rapidly expanding medium (usually water) into the engines combustion chambers during and after the combustion process has been initiated. The injection of said medium causing reduced fuel consumption, increased cylinder pressure, an extended usable piston stroke length, and increased usable energy production, while reducing the temperature of the combustion gases in order to control or eliminate the production of the pollutant, NOx and to further reduce thermal pollution exhausted into the atmosphere.

25-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002818047A1

According to one embodiment, a radial fluid device comprises a cylinder block, a first plurality of pistons including a first piston, and a second plurality of pistons including a second piston. Each of the first plurality of pistons are slidably received within a different one of a first plurality of radially extending cylinders. Each of the second plurality of pistons are slidably received within a different one of a second plurality of radially extending cylinders. The second piston is configurable to begin its stroke at a different time relative to the first piston within the first cylinder pair.

25-10-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002060502A1

... 2060502 9116547 PCTABS00106 Pompe ou moteur à piston radiaux dans lequel la poussée exercée par les pistons est transmise sur la came (1) par l'intermédiaire d'un roulement à aiguilles (2) qui ne comporte pas de bagues de roulement externe, le roulement des aiguilles (2) s'effectuant sur la came directement (1). Pour diminuer le frottement, les aiguilles sont séparées entre elles par des aiguilles ou des sphères de plus petit diamètre (3).

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130133511A1

A fluid rotary machine with a decreased footprint and a reduction in the number of parts. The fluid rotary machine has four heads wherein double-headed pistons are disposed inside cylinders in a crisscross arrangement. The rotational balance between rotational parts including the double-headed pistons is achieved only by first and second balance weights which are inserted and incorporated into both ends of a crank shaft coupled eccentrically to a shaft. The shaft is rotated for the double-headed pistons to linearly reciprocate in the cylinders. The fluid rotary machine has rotary valves for switching between the suction and discharge operations of the fluid for each cylinder chamber. The rotary valves are incorporated into a case to be coaxial and integrally rotatable with the shaft. 15.-. (canceled)6. A four-head fluid rotary machine comprising: a first crank shaft being eccentrically connected to a shaft , the first crank shaft being rotated about the shaft by a first imaginary crank arm which has a radius r; a piston composite body having an eccentric tube body constituted by a first tube body , which is concentrically fitted to the first crank shaft , and second tube bodies , which are extended from the both axial ends of the first tube body and whose axes are second imaginary crank shafts eccentrically disposed with respect to the axis of the first tube body , a first double-headed piston , which is fitted in one of the second tube bodies , and a second double-headed piston , which is fitted in the other second tube body , being disposed inside cylinders in a crisscross arrangement , the piston composite body being rotated about the first crank shaft , by a second imaginary crank arm which has a radius r; and a first balance weight and a second balance weight being respectively inserted and incorporated into both ends of the first crank shaft , wherein the double-headed pistons linearly reciprocate in the cylinders in a state where a first rotational balance ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022811A1
Принадлежит: AIR SURF INC.

The object of the present invention is to provide a fluid rotary machine in which dead spaces can be reduced as much as possible even if the machine is enlarged by arranging rotary valves directly behind cylinder chambers. The fluid rotary machine in which first and second double-headed pistons () intersecting within a case body () move linearly back and forth within cylinders () due to the hypocycloid principle along with rotation of shafts () and in which intake and exhaust cycles are repeated in chambers (), wherein cylinder heads () for closing the cylinder chambers () are each provided with rotary valves () which are rotated by drive transmission from the shafts () and which are provided with intake holes and discharge holes () alternately communicated with the cylinder chambers () via communication channels (), and the rotary valves () intersect longitudinal axis of the opposing pistons () and are capable of rotating parallel with output axil lines. 1. A fluid rotary machine in which first and second double-headed pistons intersecting within a case body move linearly back and forth within cylinders due to the hypocycloid principle along with rotation of shafts , and in which intake and exhaust cycles are repeated in chambers ,wherein cylinder heads for closing the cylinder chambers are each provided with rotary valves which are rotated by drive transmission from the shafts and which are provided with intake holes and discharge holes alternately communicated with the cylinder chambers via communication channels, and the rotary valves intersect longitudinal axis of the opposing pistons and are capable of rotating parallel with output axil lines.2. The fluid rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein the communication channels claim 1 , which are formed in the cylinder heads so as to communicate each of the cylinder chambers with the intake holes and the discharge holes of the rotary valves claim 1 , are symmetrically formed with respect to a surface including ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098981A1

A bearing device includes a piston arranged in a cylinder of a rotor, and a half bearing mounted on the piston to support a roller. The piston includes a recessed holding surface, and holding side surfaces on both axial sides thereof. Each holding side surface includes a ridge portion having an arc-shaped or elliptic-arc-shaped profile protruding toward a radially inner side of the piston. The half bearing includes a partially cylindrical portion, and protruding portions at a circumferential center thereof. Each protruding portion has a protruding portion end face which includes a central recessed surface, and two support recessed surfaces located on both circumferential sides thereof, that have an arc shape or an elliptic arc shape to correspond to the profile of the ridge portion, so that only the two support recessed surfaces are in contact with the ridge portion. 1. A bearing device for a radial piston machine , comprising:a cam ring having a cam face on a radially inner side thereof;a rotor rotatably supported in the cam ring and having a plurality of cylinders formed radially with respect to a rotational axis of the rotor;a cylindrical piston arranged slidably in the cylinder;a cylindrical roller arranged at an axial end of the piston on a cam ring side, a rotational axis of the roller being arranged parallel to the rotational axis of the rotor so that the roller rolls on the cam face; anda half bearing arranged between the piston and the roller, the half bearing being composed of a slide layer forming an inner circumferential surface for supporting the roller and a steel back metal layer forming an outer circumferential surface held by the piston, wherein:the piston comprises, at the axial end on the cam ring side, a recessed holding surface of partial cylindrical shape for holding the half bearing, and holding side surfaces formed on both axial sides of the recessed holding surface;{'claim-text': ['a ridge portion extending in a radial direction of the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098982A1

A bearing device includes a piston arranged in a cylinder of a rotor, and a half bearing mounted on the piston to support a roller. The piston includes a recessed holding surface, and holding side surfaces on both axial sides thereof. Each holding side surface includes a ridge portion having an arc-shaped or elliptic-arc-shaped profile protruding toward a radially inner side of the piston. The half bearing includes a partially cylindrical portion, and protruding portions protruding from axial end faces thereof. Each protruding portion has a protruding portion end face which includes a central recessed surface, and two support recessed surfaces located on both circumferential sides thereof, that have an arc shape or an elliptic arc shape to correspond to the profile of the ridge portion, so that only the two support recessed surfaces are in contact with the ridge portion. 1. A bearing device for a radial piston machine , comprising:a cam ring having a cam face on a radially inner side thereof;a rotor rotatably supported in the cam ring and having a plurality of cylinders formed radially with respect to a rotational axis of the rotor;a cylindrical piston arranged slidably in the cylinder;a cylindrical roller arranged at an axial end of the piston on a cam ring side, a rotational axis of the roller being arranged parallel to the rotational axis of the rotor so that the roller rolls on the cam face; anda half bearing arranged between the piston and the roller, the half bearing being composed of a slide layer forming an inner circumferential surface for supporting the roller and a steel back metal layer forming an outer circumferential surface held by the piston, wherein:the piston comprises, at the axial end on the cam ring side, a recessed holding surface of partial cylindrical shape for holding the half bearing, and holding side surfaces formed on both axial sides of the recessed holding surface; a ridge portion extending in a radial direction of the recessed holding ...

14-07-2016 дата публикации

Piston Unit and Hydrostatic Radial-Piston Machine

Номер: US20160201461A1

A piston unit includes a piston which has a rolling element seat configured to rotatably support a rolling element. The rolling element seat has a bearing surface with a surface coating composed of a polymer compound or with a ceramic surface coating. 1. A piston unit of a hydrostatic machine , comprising:a piston including a rolling element seat configured to rotatably support a rolling element, the rolling element seat including a bearing surface,wherein the bearing surface has one of a surface coating composed of a polymer compound and a ceramic surface coating.2. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer compound has a layer thickness of approximately 40 to 80 μm.3. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer compound is a dispersion before it is applied.4. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polymer compound is applied in at least two layers.5. The piston unit as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the polymer compound in a first layer differs from the polymer compound in a second layer.6. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the ceramic surface coating has a layer thickness of approximately 25 to 35 μm.7. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface coating is applied to the bearing surface in the form of an aerosol.8. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the bearing surface is integrally formed with the piston.9. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rolling element is supported directly on the bearing surface.10. The piston unit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface coating of the bearing surface extends so far in a longitudinal direction of the piston that the rolling element is at least partially supported in a radial direction of the piston.11. A hydrostatic radial-piston machine claim 1 , comprising:at least one piston unit including a piston, the piston having a rolling element seat configured to rotatably support a rolling element,wherein the rolling ...

11-09-1972 дата публикации

Patent AU428074B2

Номер: AU428074B2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

27-08-1970 дата публикации


Номер: AU5077469A

22-09-2001 дата публикации

2 Cycle Rotary Engine

Номер: KR100297422B1
Автор: 박기영
Принадлежит: 박기영

본 발명은 2행정 로우터리 엔진에 관한 것으로, 출력축 주변에 서로 대칭된 다수 개의 실린더와 크랭크케이스를 설치하되, 각각의 크랭크축에서 발생되는 고속 회전력은 크랭크축과 일체된 소기어가 엔진 외부 케이스와 연결 고정된 하나의 대기어 주위에 맞물려 돌아, 감속된 회전력으로 출력축에 전달하는 방식으로 엔진 본체 즉, 실린더와 크랭크케이스가 회전하는 2행정 로우터리 엔진에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a two-stroke rotary engine, wherein a plurality of cylinders and crankcases symmetrical to each other are installed around the output shaft, and the high speed torque generated in each crankshaft is a small gear integrated with the crankshaft and the engine outer case. It relates to a two-stroke rotary engine in which the engine body, that is, the cylinder and the crankcase, rotate in such a manner as to engage around a fixed fixed gear and transmit it to the output shaft with reduced rotational force. 본 발명은 출력축을 중심으로 모든 부분이 대칭 운동을 함으로서 회전 무게 중심이 항상 일정하여 진동이 적고, 종래의 왕복엔진에서 회전을 안정되게 하기 위해 부착하던 벨런싱 웨이트나 플라이휠과 같은 중량체가 없더라도 안정된 회전력을 얻을 수 있으며, 고속으로 분출되는 베기 가스의 힘을 회전력으로 첨가할 수 있고, 크랭크축에서 발생된 고속 회전력이 감속되어 출력 축에 전달됨으로 실용 회전수에 가까운 출력이 발생된다. 따라서, 경량이면서 고출력, 고효율, 저 진동의 엔진을 얻을 수 있게 된다. 본 발명은 자동차, 발전기, 선박 또는 기타 원동기용 엔진으로 사용될 수 있지만 출력축과 일체로 된 엔진 본체 즉, 중량체인 실린더와 크랭크케이스 및 크랭크축, 커넥팅로드, 피스톤이 회전됨으로서 원심력이 증가하는 자이로 효과로 헬리콥터의 엔진에 보다 효과적으로 적용될 수 있는 2행정 로우터리 엔진에 관한 것이다. According to the present invention, all parts are symmetrically moved around the output shaft, so that the rotational center of gravity is always constant so that the vibration is low, and even in the conventional reciprocating engine, even if there is no weight body such as a balancing weight or a flywheel, the stable rotational force is achieved. It is possible to obtain, and the force of the cutting gas ejected at high speed can be added as the rotational force, and the high-speed rotational force generated in the crankshaft is decelerated and transmitted to the output shaft, thereby generating an output close to the practical rotational speed. Therefore, a lightweight, high output, high efficiency, low vibration engine can be obtained. The present invention can be used as an ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации

Кривошипно-кулисная поршневая машина

Номер: RU2387843C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а именно, к поршневым машинам и механизмам преобразования движения их поршней во вращение вала. Техническим результатом заявленного изобретения являются повышение надежности работы машины, ее ресурса, удельных массогабаритных показателей и улучшение экономичности. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что поршень и кулиса в поршневой машине соединены между собой при помощи шарнирного узла, по меньшей мере, с плоским шарниром, позволяющим поршню самоустанавливаться по поверхности цилиндра за счет перемещения относительно кулисы в любом направлении в плоскости, пересекающей продольную ось цилиндра. На взаимодействующих поверхностях кулисы и корпуса, воспринимающих реактивный крутящий момент, установлены боковые опорные элементы с контактными поверхностями и с зубчатыми рейками. Между контактными поверхностями боковых опорных элементов размещены катки, причем катки снабжены синхронизирующими зубчатыми колесами, зацепленными с зубчатыми рейками боковых опорных элементов, и с каждой стороны кулисы установлены, по меньшей мере, два катка. При этом опорные элементы и катки установлены с предварительным поджатием взаимодействующих контактных поверхностей опорных элементов и катков. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 387 843 (13) C1 (51) МПК F01B 9/02 (2006.01) F02B 75/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008140447/06, 14.10.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.10.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2010 Бюл. № 12 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Захаров Евгений Николаевич (RU) 2 3 8 7 8 4 3 R U пересекающей продольную ось цилиндра. На взаимодействующих поверхностях кулисы и корпуса, воспринимающих реактивный крутящий момент, установлены боковые опорные элементы с контактными поверхностями и с зубчатыми рейками. Между контактными поверхностями боковых опорных элементов размещены катки, ...

13-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR2355158A1
Автор: James M Eastman
Принадлежит: Bendix Corp

a. Moteur rotatif pas à pas comprenant plusieurs paires de cylindres alignés dont les pistons coopèrent avec une came solidaire de l'arbre du moteur de manière à imprimer à celui-ci des déplacements angulaires limités en fonction des pressions auxquelles ils sont soumis. b. Selon l'invention, le HP est toujours appliquée aux deux pistons d'une même paire tandis que tous les autres pistons sont exposés à la BP, et la came 54 est de forme généralement elliptique avec des portions latérales concaves 59, 60. c. Application aux commandes hydrauliques ou pneumatiques. at. Rotary stepper motor comprising several pairs of aligned cylinders, the pistons of which cooperate with a cam integral with the motor shaft so as to impart to the latter limited angular displacements as a function of the pressures to which they are subjected. b. According to the invention, the HP is always applied to the two pistons of the same pair while all the other pistons are exposed to the LP, and the cam 54 is generally elliptical in shape with concave side portions 59, 60. c. Application to hydraulic or pneumatic controls.

25-08-1967 дата публикации

Radial piston machine

Номер: FR1493228A

26-01-1973 дата публикации

Patent FR2142294A5

Номер: FR2142294A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Nicollet Joseph

17-04-1981 дата публикации

Patent FR2275640B1

Номер: FR2275640B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Voith Getriebe KG

14-05-1965 дата публикации

Fluid-pumped or actuated pumps and motors

Номер: FR1398996A
Принадлежит: Vickers Ltd

17-01-1924 дата публикации

Improvements to motor or receptor mechanisms

Номер: FR565036A

21-06-1968 дата публикации

Hydraulic motor

Номер: FR91460E
Автор: C Gunsett, F Bastard

10-05-1954 дата публикации

Balanced radial piston hydraulic pump or motor

Номер: FR1064007A
Автор: Julius Yarmak

18-11-1977 дата публикации

Slipper piston ball joint - has ball with shouldered base retained in piston socket by spring clip

Номер: FR2349058A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Danfoss AS

Ball joint connection between slipper piston and shoe as used on radial piston compressors. The piston operates in the cylinder and the shoe slides on an eccentrically arranged circular surface. Hardened steel ball (3) is fitted in socket (4) of the piston (1). The shoe (2) has base (5) with cylindrical external surface and with O.

10-06-1914 дата публикации

Starter device for internal combustion engines

Номер: FR467372A

04-04-1975 дата публикации

Rotary hydraulic pump or motor - has pressurised oil and sealing ring grooves to effect sealing

Номер: FR2243610A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Societe Francaise du Ferodo SA

The pistons (14, 27) slide in cylinders (13) and are driven by pressurized oil supplied via passageways (18, 17, 16). In order to prevent breakdown of the lubrication film because of the pressure drop accompanying normal leakage flow from the high pressure end of the cylinder, an annulus (23) cut in the wall of the cylinder is supplied with high pressure oil. The leakage flow is reduced by providing a seal (21) mounted in a second, lower annulus (22). On the low pressure side of the seal there is the danger of oil film breakdown, so to avoid metal to metal contact, the lower end of the cylinder (30) is of greater diameter than the main cylinder.

08-11-1963 дата публикации

Hydraulic device functioning as a pump or motor

Номер: FR1342702A
Принадлежит: Stewart Warner Corp

10-09-1953 дата публикации

Improvements to rotary pumps

Номер: FR1036745A
Принадлежит: United Aircraft Corp

09-05-1975 дата публикации

Patent FR2247629A2

Номер: FR2247629A2
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: National Research Development Corp UK

03-06-1975 дата публикации

Patent JPS5065901A

Номер: JPS5065901A

16-03-1976 дата публикации

Hydraulic motors and pumps

Номер: US3943826A
Автор: Yasuo Kita
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Seisakusho Ltd

In a hydraulic motor or pump comprising a casing, a shaft, means journalling said shaft in said casing, an eccentric on said shaft, a bearing block within said casing and about said eccentric and having a bore permitting relative rotation between said bearing block and said eccentric, a plurality of hydraulic cylinders formed and grouped in said bearing block radially about said eccentric in a common plane normal to the axis of said shaft, a plunger slidable in each of said cylinders, said plunger having an outer end face, flat faces of abutments formed in said casing at its internal surface for engagement with said outer end faces of said plungers, respectively, means urging said plunger in the direction of said face abutment of said casing during the operation of said motor or pump, and said bearing block having a port communicating between its bore and the interior of each of said cylinder interior, whereby pressure liquid is admitted to the cylinders in turn one after another during the operation of said motor or pump, an improvement in hydrostatic pressure supporting means for keeping said plunger in balance comprises a centrally disposed recess formed in said outer end surface of said plunger in alignment with the axis of said plunger and a port formed in said plunger communicating said recess with said cylinder interior.

14-08-1991 дата публикации

Radial-piston engine

Номер: CN1013507B


27-10-1982 дата публикации

Reciprocatingpiston radial engine

Номер: GB2024938B
Принадлежит: DAMJI N N

07-04-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in fluid actuated motors

Номер: GB178050A

178,050. White, A. E., (Independent Pneumatic Tool Co.). Oct. 7, 1920. Linkage gears.-An engine for driving hoists, &c. is provided with inclined cylinders containing pistons connected to a common crank 48, and with piston distributing-valves operated from a common adjustable eccentric 67 which is controlled by hand-gearing operating a starting-valve. A tubular extension 59 on the crank-casing cover 46 has mounted thereon a hollow shaft 60 provided with a disc 61 engaging the end 63 of the crankpin 48. The eccentric 67 is arranged around the inner end of the shaft 60 and carries two valveoperating straps 68. The outer periphery of the eccentric is eccentric to the inner periphery which is of greater diameter than the shaft 60. The eccentric carries a rack 76 which engages a transverse pinion 74 rotated by rack teeth 73 upon a shaft 71 longitudinally adjusted for reversal and which carries collars 97, 98 engaging a collar 95 carried by a bushing 89 secured to a surrounding hub 82 the rotary movement of which effects the longitudinal movement of the shaft 71 through a pin-and-slot connection between the bushing 89 and the extension 59. The hub 82 is provided with arms 83, 84 carrying depending reversing- chains and handles and has a lug 135 carrying a ball-headed bolt 133 engaging a rod 132 connected to a spring trigger controlling a starting- valve 119. The ends of the slot in the extension 59 are made straight to ensure complete adjustment of the eccentric before the operation of the starting-valve. The connecting-rods 54, 55 engage a sleeve on the crank-pin, and the forked end of the rod 55 encloses the end of the rod 54. The crank-casing contains a drain 170, and a sight opening to determine the quantity of oil therein

20-05-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2329156A5
Автор: [UNK]

28-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR2289722A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Clark Equipment Co

24-08-1906 дата публикации

Fluid progressive clutch and gear change

Номер: FR364549A
Автор: Louis Renault
Принадлежит: Individual

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Bearing device for radial piston machines

Номер: DE102021124659A1
Принадлежит: Daido Metal Co Ltd

Eine Lagervorrichtung (1) umfasst einen Kolben (5), der in einem Zylinder (21) eines Rotors (2) angeordnet ist, und ein Halblager (6), das auf dem Kolben montiert ist, um eine Rolle (4) zu tragen. Der Kolben weist eine vertiefte Haltefläche (54) und seitliche Halteflächen (55) an beiden axialen Seiten auf. Jede seitliche Haltefläche umfasst einen Stegabschnitt (550) mit einem bogenförmigen oder elliptisch-bogenförmigen Profil, der in Richtung einer radial inneren Seite des Kolbens vorsteht. Das Halblager umfasst einen teilzylindrischen Abschnitt (60) und vorstehende Abschnitte (64) in seiner Umfangsmitte. Jeder vorstehende Abschnitt hat eine Endfläche (642) des vorstehenden Abschnitts, die eine zentrale vertiefte Fläche (642a) und zwei vertiefte Stützabschnitte (642b, 642b) aufweist, die sich an beiden Umfangsseiten befinden und eine Bogenform oder eine elliptische Bogenform haben, die dem Profil des Stegabschnitts entspricht, so dass nur die beiden vertieften Stützflächen in Kontakt mit dem Stegabschnitt sind. A bearing device (1) comprises a piston (5) housed in a cylinder (21) of a rotor (2) and a half-bearing (6) mounted on the piston to support a roller (4). The piston has a recessed retaining surface (54) and lateral retaining surfaces (55) on both axial sides. Each lateral retaining surface includes a land portion (550) with an arcuate or elliptical-arcuate profile projecting toward a radially inner side of the piston. The half bearing comprises a part-cylindrical portion (60) and protruding portions (64) at its circumferential center. Each protruding portion has a protruding portion end surface (642) having a central depressed surface (642a) and two supporting depressed portions (642b, 642b) located on both peripheral sides and having an arc shape or an elliptical arc shape conforming to the profile of the web portion so that only the two recessed support surfaces are in contact with the web portion.

27-05-1969 дата публикации

Radial piston machine

Номер: AT271206B
Принадлежит: Richard Dr Breinlich

02-07-1976 дата публикации

High pressure radial piston engine - has floating piston shoes and increased piston bearing area

Номер: FR2293576A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Breinlich Richard

The radial piston engine has working chambers with fluid actuated pistons. The piston shoes have central support. The piston shoes enter at least partly into the rotor. The pressures in the radial piston engine are increased by increasing the bearing surface area between the piston and piston shoe and the bearing surface area extends over the whole piston cross section, and the machine has a high volumetric capacity. The piston shoe (1) is arranged between the piston guide (33), rotor (9) and end faces (14) and it has a central radial support (8) between radial steps (23) of the rotor (9). The piston shoe has two dimensional play relative to its adjacent components and this freedom of movement is provided by clearances. The piston shoe is able to float between the rotor and piston.

30-06-1921 дата публикации

Automotive Torpedo Engine Improvements

Номер: FR22306E

12-11-1903 дата публикации

Double expansion polycylindrical steam engine

Номер: FR332975A

24-01-1979 дата публикации

Hypo cycloid motion transmitting device

Номер: JPS549363A
Принадлежит: Individual

14-06-1966 дата публикации

Hydraulic pumps and motors of the displacement type

Номер: US3255707A
Автор: Haviland H Platt
Принадлежит: Individual

20-04-1976 дата публикации

Radial piston machine with piston shoes

Номер: US3951047A
Автор: Karl Eickmann
Принадлежит: Individual

A radial piston machine has a rotor which turns within the confines of a surrounding annular control face and is provided with substantially radial cylinder bores each accommodating a radially slidable piston having an outer end provided with a piston shoe formed with guide portions projecting circumferentially of the rotor beyond the associated piston and having contact faces which are in sliding engagement with the control face. Each of the contact faces has a hydrostatic bearing constituted by a depression surrounded by a sealing land, and recesses are formed in the respective contact faces outwardly spaced from the sealing lands, so as to separate the latter from outwardly adjacent portions of the contact faces.

15-01-1946 дата публикации

Hydraulic transmission

Номер: US2393128A
Автор: Paul C Temple
Принадлежит: AW Cash Co

02-01-1979 дата публикации

Piston power generating and working machine

Номер: US4132118A
Автор: Ewald Harr
Принадлежит: Individual

A piston machine useful as a power generating machine or a working or pumping machine is disclosed. One or a plurality of double-acting pistons having eccentric piston shafts are guided in cylindrical combustion or working chambers of a machine housing. By means of a driving joint mechanism, the pistons translate along and pivot about their longitudinal axes in oscillatory movements to either drive or be driven by an output shaft.

19-01-1977 дата публикации

Sliding shoe mechanism

Номер: JPS527003A
Принадлежит: Danfoss AS

20-04-1984 дата публикации

Patent FR2349058B1

Номер: FR2349058B1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Danfoss AS

09-05-1908 дата публикации

Rotary steam engine

Номер: FR385399A
Принадлежит: Individual

23-11-1991 дата публикации

Rotary machine

Номер: CA2083517A1
Автор: Alfred Rickard Mayne

A machine that converts between reciprocating motion of a piston (21) and rotary motion of a shaft (26). The shaft (26) rotates an integral web (25) that carries a number of lobe wheels (23) spaced evenly about a pitch circle centered on the shaft (26). The lobe wheels (23) are planetary driven by pinions (27) and a fixed ring gear (34). The lobe wheels (23) are somewhat star shaped with radially extending lobes which push followers (32) outwardly, then release them inwardly, as the lobe wheels (23) orbit past and below the follower (32). The follower (32) is connected by a lever (22) and a pair of connecting rods (36 and 37) to the piston (21).

30-11-1978 дата публикации

Radial piston machine

Номер: DE2617326C3
Принадлежит: Danfoss AS

15-06-1922 дата публикации

Compressed gas engine

Номер: FR538816A

07-11-1994 дата публикации

Radial piston engine

Номер: DK0491398T3
Принадлежит: Pleiger Maschf Paul

In the case of a radial piston engine with pistons bearing on the circumference of an eccentric, which pistons perform a swivel movement when the eccentric moves in rotation and engage with a guide element, which, on the radially outward side, bears swivellably, by means of a radially outwardly convex ball race-shaped bearing surface on a concave ball race-shaped bearing surface in the housing or cylinder cover, the bearing, in order to obtain complete piston relief, is designed in such a way that the guide element (2) is provided with an upper end face (8) acted upon by the pressure medium, the hydraulically active plane (de) end face (8) running perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the guide element (2) of which, lies in the area of the bearing surface (5) on the housing (6), or intersects this, in any swivel position of the piston (3). <IMAGE>

28-06-1945 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hydraulic pumps and motors

Номер: GB570252A
Принадлежит: Rudolph William Glasner

570,252. Hydraulic motors. GLASNER, R. W. July 21, 1943, No. 11854. [Class 69 (ii)] [Also in Group XXVIII] In a reversible hydraulic motor in which radial cylinders 43 rotate about a stationary valve 20, and in which the stroke of the pistons 59 is varied by means of a: ring 68 which is pivot-. ally mounted as at 70 so as to vary its eccentricity, the setting of the ring ,68 is indicated by visible indicating means 92 on the outside of the casing 15. In the form shown, surfaces 88 on opposite sides of the ring 68 engage spring-pressed plungers 86, 87 which operate a pair of pointers 92. The ring 68 may be moved about its pivot 70 by means of a projection 79 which engages a slide 74 reciprocable in a housing 75 either by a handle 77 or by fluid pressure applied selectively to the two ends of the housing. There may be a plurality of side-by-side series of pistons 59 through the heads 60 of which pass pins 62 which project into circular grooves 67 in end plates 65 which support a piston-actuating ring 64 rotatably mounted within the ring 68. By this means the pistons are positively actuated on their outward as well as their inward strokes.

13-09-1974 дата публикации

Patent FR2218779A5

Номер: FR2218779A5
Автор: [UNK]

09-02-1915 дата публикации

"Monobloc" fan, directly controlled by rotary motor

Номер: FR474146A
Автор: Victor Monnet
Принадлежит: Victor Monnet

17-04-1907 дата публикации

Auto-start device for automobiles

Номер: FR372703A
Принадлежит: Individual

20-09-1904 дата публикации

Valve for engines

Номер: US770671A

12-03-1994 дата публикации

Radial-piston engine

Номер: KR940001949B1

In the case of a radial piston engine having a cup-shaped piston, resting on the circumference of an eccentric shaft, in which piston there engages in each case a guide body which is supported in a pendular manner radially outwards on the housing, and with fluid channels in the cylinder cover for the inlet and outlet of the pressure fluid, in order to control the operating pistons automatically with a simple and space-saving construction, a control element (15), which is connected in a hinged manner to the guide body (5), for controlling the inlet and outlet channels (19, 20) is guided in an adjustable manner in the cylinder cover (9) or in a suitable component of the housing. <IMAGE>

29-01-1993 дата публикации

Combustion engine without connecting rods or crankshaft of the type having cylinders in star configuration

Номер: FR2679604A1
Автор: Chaneac Andre

Combustion engine without connecting rods or crankshaft, the cylinders of which are located in star configuration, and the axis of the cylinders being located in a plane perpendicular to the driveshaft including a central cam rotating in one direction, and two lateral cams rotating at the same speed but in the opposite direction. The profile of the central cam (10) is designed so as to allow a decrease in the combustion pressure to be obtained by comparison with that which exists in an engine with a crankshaft, said combustion pressure being kept thus reduced to a lower value for a duration extending from the zone (11) to the zone (14), lying between -10@ and +35@ angle about top dead centre (TDC) of rotation of the driveshaft (value chosen by the constructor of the engine), the piston being displaced as soon as the combustion pressure reaches this value and therefore allowing the volume of the combustion chamber to be increased by a size such that the combustion pressure is maintained at the predetermined level.

15-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CN104105841A
Принадлежит: Individual


05-05-1992 дата публикации

High torque low speed motor

Номер: US5109754A
Автор: Edwin L. Shaw
Принадлежит: Individual

A high torque low speed motor has a nutating assembly driven by a hydraulic or an electric actuator. The nutator assembly drivingly connects to an output shaft through a gear train. Because of a difference in the number of teeth between a gear on the output shaft and a gear on the nutating assembly, the output shaft is driven at a differential ratio as the nutator assembly is driven.

30-06-1944 дата публикации

Adjustment device on a liquid piston machine.

Номер: CH232982A
Автор: Schlatter Gustav
Принадлежит: Schlatter Gustav

28-04-1970 дата публикации

Hydraulic machine

Номер: US3508466A
Автор: Ransom Tyler
Принадлежит: Oilgear Co

28-07-1994 дата публикации

Radial piston engine.

Номер: DE59102013D1

In the case of a radial piston engine with pistons bearing on the circumference of an eccentric, which pistons perform a swivel movement when the eccentric moves in rotation and engage with a guide element, which, on the radially outward side, bears swivellably, by means of a radially outwardly convex ball race-shaped bearing surface on a concave ball race-shaped bearing surface in the housing or cylinder cover, the bearing, in order to obtain complete piston relief, is designed in such a way that the guide element (2) is provided with an upper end face (8) acted upon by the pressure medium, the hydraulically active plane (de) end face (8) running perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the guide element (2) of which, lies in the area of the bearing surface (5) on the housing (6), or intersects this, in any swivel position of the piston (3). <IMAGE>

13-02-1911 дата публикации

Mechanism for transforming a rectilinear movement into a rotary movement, and vice versa

Номер: FR421019A
Принадлежит: Individual

23-10-1980 дата публикации

Slider crank system series

Номер: DE2720284B2
Принадлежит: Individual

10-09-1912 дата публикации

Steam-engine or the like.

Номер: US1038261A
Автор: James B Allfree
Принадлежит: HOBART ALLFREE Co

13-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: IT1072846B
Принадлежит: Danfoss AS

07-01-1975 дата публикации

Radial piston type hydraulic pump or motor

Номер: US3858487A
Автор: Katsuro Abe, Kozo Ono
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

A radial piston type hydraulic pump or motor comprising one or a plurality of piston cylinder mechanisms arranged radially of a rotatable shaft thereof, and a casing surrounding said pistoncylinder mechanisms and having a waved inner cam surface for cooperation with the outer end of each piston, means being provided to direct a pressurized hydraulic oil between the cylinder wall and the piston at the portion where the piston and the cylinder wall is brought into contact due to the side thrust reaction force acting on the piston so as to counteract said reaction force.

12-07-1977 дата публикации

Fluid-operated radial piston devices

Номер: US4034651A
Автор: Karl Eickmann
Принадлежит: Individual

A fluid-operated radial piston machine has two rotors rotating at the same angular velocity, with a working rotor being formed with substantially radial working chambers having working fluid flowing therethrough and having pistons reciprocable in the working chambers. The other rotor is a bearing rotor. Connections members are interposed between the pistons and the bearings rotor and are pivotally seated in the bearing rotor as well as in the respective pistons. The bearing rotor has axially extending incompletely circular grooves receiving cylindrical heads on the connection members, and the inner ends of the connection members are formed with cylindrical or spherical bearing surfaces seating in the pistons. Fluid pressure chambers are formed on the various bearing surfaces to receive fluid under pressure to reduce friction.

30-04-1964 дата публикации

Eccentric machine

Номер: CH377035A
Принадлежит: Dentatus Ab

04-12-1970 дата публикации

Patent FR2033554A5

Номер: FR2033554A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: PR MOTORS Ltd

12-01-1965 дата публикации

Fluid power apparatus

Номер: US3165068A
Принадлежит: American Brake Shoe Co

28-12-1976 дата публикации

Magnet piston retention for free wheeling

Номер: US3999465A
Автор: Thomas R. Burnight
Принадлежит: Clark Equipment Co

A fixed displacement fluid motor or pump of the ball or roller piston type in which a plurality of axially or radially extending reciprocating pistons co-act with a cam track to produce output motion or to generate pressure fluid output, respectively. Permanent magnets are secured either to the pistons or in or adjacent the cylinders for holding the pistons in fixed retracted positions beyond one end of the normal stroke of the pistons under certain conditions of relatively low fluid operating pressure in the cylinders which occur in modes of operation during which no motor or pump output is desired.

14-02-1978 дата публикации

Valve control apparatus for rotary engines

Номер: US4073216A
Автор: Gilbert E. Davis
Принадлежит: Energy Research

Valve control apparatus adapted for use in a rotary engine or pump having a cylinder block rotatable about an axis and including a plurality of cylinders and corresponding pistons radially arranged about the axis, a plurality of valves each disposed in a different one of the cylinders, and a plurality of tappet mechanisms each of which when actuated operates to alternately open and close a different one of the valves. The valve control apparatus includes a cam ring having first and second generally circular cam tracks defined therein for contacting and actuating certain ones of the tappet mechanisms. The cam tracks are disposed in substantially parallel planes and each includes a pair of lobes positioned diametrically opposite in the cam ring. The cam ring is adapted to rotate about the axis in the same direction as the cylinder block but at a speed different therefrom to provide for coaction between the cam tracks and the various tappet mechanisms. With this configuration, the valves for six radially arranged cylinders can be controlled to alternately open and close with each rotation of the cylinder block.

06-09-1966 дата публикации

Rotary radial piston machine

Номер: US3270685A
Автор: Eickmann Karl
Принадлежит: Individual

03-06-1989 дата публикации


Номер: DK673388A
Принадлежит: Pleiger Maschf Paul

18-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FI925242A0
Автор: Alfred Rickard Mayne
Принадлежит: Split Cycle Tech

16-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE2206000A1

26-12-1911 дата публикации

Improvements to motors and pressurized fluid pumps

Номер: FR433107A
Принадлежит: Individual

25-08-1936 дата публикации

Fluid engine

Номер: US2052472A
Автор: Bert L Hyman
Принадлежит: JACK MOODY

25-07-1974 дата публикации

Hydraulic radial piston machine

Номер: DE1453435B2

27-09-1904 дата публикации

Mechanical system constituting a meter, pump or motor

Номер: FR343154A
Принадлежит: Individual

22-11-1956 дата публикации

Pump or motor with four cylinders arranged in one plane

Номер: DE953041C
Автор: Dr-Ing Eduard Woydt

30-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE2300569A1
Автор: Karl Eickmann
Принадлежит: Individual

20-11-1951 дата публикации

Hydraulic fluid mechanism

Номер: US2575528A
Автор: John W Overbeke
Принадлежит: Individual

17-12-1914 дата публикации

An Improved Method of Converting a Single Stage Compressor, into a Fluid Pressure Engine, and vice versa.

Номер: GB191326116A
Автор: Harry Gibbs
Принадлежит: Individual

26,116. Gibbs, H. Nov. 14. Beat valves; cam gears. - In an intereonvertible multi-cylinder air-compressor and compressed air motor, each cylinder is connected to a reservoir through a passage controlled by a spring-pressed ball valve 15 and communicates with the atmosphere by terminal ports 28 and by a passage controlled by two poppet-valves 19, 22. The latter is in the form of a tube surrounding the valve stem and normally held against a squared shoulder by an adjustable spring 25. The valve 19 is held on its seat by a spring 21 and carries projections 26 on its upper surface, which coact with the ball valve. and the valve stem under the valve 19 is fluted. The poppet valves are worked from a cam 7 on the crank-shaft 6 through tappet levers 8 pivoted on a plate adjustable angularly on the crank-shaft. In one position of the plate, the machine acts as a compressor. For the machine to act as a motor to start the main engine of a vehicle, the plate is moved to another position so that the poppet valves are moved sufficiently to unseat the ball valve and admit compressed air in succession to the cylinders. During this admission, the valves 22 close the passages to atmosphere and on the exhaust strokes both poppet valves may be held in such a position as to allow exhaust to pass by the fluted parts of the stem. The ports 28 act as terminal exhaust ports. Intermediate positions of the plate enable variations in the working to be effected. The valve 22 has adjustable packing 23.

15-11-1944 дата публикации

Liquid piston machine.

Номер: CH235098A
Автор: Schlatter Gustav
Принадлежит: Schlatter Gustav

09-01-1973 дата публикации

Radial piston hydraulic pump or motor with low loss reaction linkage

Номер: US3709104A
Автор: D Culberson
Принадлежит: Individual

A radial piston hydraulic pump or motor characterized by a new linkage assembly interposed between the pistons and the reaction assembly. The linkage assembly, in addition to transmitting forces between the pistons and the reaction assembly, also stabilizes the pistons relative to the cylinders. The linkage assembly is characterized particularly by the incorporation of a parallel pair of Scott-Russell linkages, some portion of the parallel pair being guided for linear reciprocal movement by reason of the parallel nature of the links.

12-01-1968 дата публикации

Improvements to pressure intensifiers

Номер: FR1509797A
Принадлежит: Molins Machine Co Ltd

03-06-1971 дата публикации

Patent GB1234215A

Номер: GB1234215A

1,234,215. Cams. SIMMS GROUP RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Ltd. 14 Nov., 1968 [15 Nov., 1967], No. 51990/67. Heading F2K. A cam roller for a fuel injection pump comprises a fixed pin 17 and bush 12 carrying the rotatable tappet roller 11, radial bores 13, 14 in the outer member 11 communicating with hemispherical depressions 15, 16 in the inner member 12 for the passage of lubricating oil to the interface between the members 11, 12. In a modification, Fig. 2 (not shown), the pin 17 is provided with an axial passage and radial passages connected to similar radial passages in the inner cylindrical member.

01-12-1978 дата публикации

Patent FR2389806A1

Номер: FR2389806A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Huf Franz Joseph

Dispositif de transformation de mouvements. Ce dispositif comporte un arbre principal auquel sont reliés dynamiquement un ou plusieurs excentriques primaires dont les axes de rotation ou de symétrie s'étendent parallèlement et à une certaine distance par rapport à l'axe de l'arbre principal, le ou les excentriques primaires portant par l'intermédiaire d'un coussinet un tube qui supporte dynamiquement un ou plusieurs excentriques secondaires dont le ou les axes de rotation s'étendent parallèlement à l'axe de l'arbre principal. Moteurs à combustion interne, machines à gaz comprimé ou à vapeur et pompes. Device for transforming movements. This device comprises a main shaft to which are dynamically connected one or more primary eccentrics whose axes of rotation or symmetry extend parallel and at a certain distance from the axis of the main shaft, the primary eccentric (s) bearing by means of a bearing, a tube which dynamically supports one or more secondary eccentrics whose axis or axes of rotation extend parallel to the axis of the main shaft. Internal combustion engines, compressed gas or steam machines and pumps.

25-05-1966 дата публикации

Hydraulic pump or motor

Номер: GB1030991A
Принадлежит: Stewart Warner Corp

1,030,991. Reciprocating pumps and motors. STEWART-WARNER CORPORATION. Jan. 11, 1963 [Jan. 11, 1962], No. 1468/63. Heading F1A. In an hydraulic pump or motor unit the drive shaft of the hydraulic unit has a cage 24 secured thereto and shoe surfaces 29 on the cage cooperate with the pistons 54 which are spring loaded. The cylinder member 46 rotates about a crank 42 on a pintle element 36 which is mounted eccentrically of the shaft 18 in the pump housing. The pintle contains axial bores 64, 66 (Fig. 2, not shown) respectively terminating in ports which communicate with openings 51 in the cylinder member. Axially spaced from the ports are part circumferential grooves which communicate with one of the opposite axial bores (Fig. 5, not shown). A restriction is provided in each communicating passage and the pressure distribution in the clearance between the eccentric 42 and member 46 substantially counteracts the radial thrust due to the pressure in the cylinders 50. The piston stroke is varied by rotating the pintle 36 and this rotation also varies the timing of the admission and exhaust. The drive shaft 18 is journalled in bearings 19, 20, the latter bearing being supported in a rim 82 joined to a hub 80 by flexible spokes 81 (Fig. 7, not shown). Lubricant is supplied under pressure through a flexible pipe 95 into two manifolds which communicate with radial bores in the hub, each having a restrictor. This bearing compensates for both axial and radial misalignment caused through the unit operating pressures.

25-05-1954 дата публикации

Expansible chamber type radial piston engine

Номер: US2679210A
Автор: Muller Theodor

22-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE2725802A1
Принадлежит: Bendix Corp

09-10-1906 дата публикации

Rotary engine.

Номер: US832830A
Автор: Horace L Witham
Принадлежит: Individual

07-08-1993 дата публикации

Radial-piston hydraulic motor

Номер: RU1833479C
Принадлежит: Pleiger Maschf Paul

24-11-1925 дата публикации

Hydraulic motor, pump, and the like

Номер: US1563282A
Автор: Jessup George Carr
Принадлежит: Individual

05-03-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR2281509A1
Принадлежит: Francaise du Ferodo SA

30-04-1981 дата публикации

Radial piston machine

Номер: DE1936431B2

18-08-1972 дата публикации

Patent FR2121116A5

Номер: FR2121116A5
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp, Shimadzu Seisakusho Ltd

27-04-1966 дата публикации

Control means for double-bank radial piston hydraulic pumps and motors

Номер: GB1027500A
Автор: Siegfried Bruckner
Принадлежит: Industriewerke Karl Marx Stadt VEB

1,027,500. Reciprocating pumps and motors. INDUSTRIEWERKE KARL-MARXSTADT. VEB. Dec. 27, 1963, No. 51075/63. Heading F1A. In a double bank radial cylinder pump or motor, the piston stroke is varied by pivoting rings 5, 6, in opposite directions (Fig. 1, not shown). Hydraulic fluid acts on a plunger 2, the movement of which is opposed by a spring loaded plunger 3 via push rods 9, 10 and a rocker 11. Movement is transmitted to the rings 5, 6 via extensions 7, 8, thereon.

09-11-1972 дата публикации

Radial piston machine

Номер: DE2120101A1
Принадлежит: Langen & Co, 4000 Dusseldorf


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