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10-03-2004 дата публикации

Поршневая машина

Номер: RU0000036447U1

Поршневая машина, содержащая рабочий цилиндр с поршнем, снабженный системами зажигания, топливоподачи и выпуска отработавших газов, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введены второй рабочий цилиндр с поршнем, установленный оппозитно первому и имеющий общие с ним системы зажигания, топливоподачи и выпуска отработавших газов, и исполнительный гидроцилиндр с поршнем, расположенный между рабочими цилиндрами на одной оси с последними, при этом торцы поршня гидроцилиндра посредством штоков связаны с поршнями рабочих цилиндров, а каждая из оппозитных полостей гидроцилиндра через посредство впускного/выпускного клапанов соединена с общим гидравлическим контуром. (19) RU (11) 36 447 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003134459/20 , 31.10.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 31.10.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2004 3 6 4 4 7 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Поршневая машина, содержащая рабочий цилиндр с поршнем, снабженный системами зажигания, топливоподачи и выпуска отработавших газов, отличающаяся тем, что в нее введены второй рабочий цилиндр с поршнем, установленный оппозитно первому и имеющий общие с ним системы зажигания, топливоподачи и выпуска отработавших газов, и исполнительный гидроцилиндр с поршнем, расположенный между рабочими цилиндрами на одной оси с последними, при этом торцы поршня гидроцилиндра посредством штоков связаны с поршнями рабочих цилиндров, а каждая из оппозитных полостей гидроцилиндра через посредство впускного/выпускного клапанов соединена с общим гидравлическим контуром. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) Поршневая машина 3 6 4 4 7 Адрес для переписки: 632334, Новосибирская обл., г. Барабинск, ул. Луговая, 17, В.Ф. Корнеевичу (73) Патентообладатель(и): Корнеевич Владимир Фёдорович, Корнеевич Фёдор Владимирович, Корнеевич Владимир Владимирович, Прокопенко Юлия Владимировна R U (62) Номер и дата подачи первоначальной заявки, из которой ...

10-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000045460U1

1. Двигатель, содержащий вал, установленный в подшипниках, рабочее колесо, установленное на валу в поперечной к валу плоскости, снабженное направляющими, а также корпус с впускным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что рабочее колесо выполнено в виде полого диска с направляющими, с отверстиями по периферии, расположенными по касательной к диску, вал снабжен радиальными и осевыми отверстиями, сообщающимися между собой и с полостью диска, а корпус в зоне радиального сверления верхней части вала имеет полость с уплотнениями, которая отделена от подшипников и рабочего колеса перегородками и соединена с напорным трубопроводом, а также снабжен дренажным отверстием, расположенным в зоне установки подшипников. 2. Двигатель по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что полый диск рабочего колеса снабжен Г-образными трубками с направляющими. 3. Двигатель по п. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что корпус и рабочее колесо установлены в резервуаре с впускным и выпускным отверстиями с патрубками. 4. Двигатель по п. 1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что направляющие рабочего колеса снабжены насадками. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 45 460 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004134126/22 , 23.11.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.11.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2005 (72) Автор(ы): Горбачев Н.Н. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Горбачев Николай Николаевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 141400, Московская обл., г. Химки, ул. Бабакина, 4, кв.130, Н.Н. Горбачеву U 1 4 5 4 6 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Двигатель, содержащий вал, установленный в подшипниках, рабочее колесо, установленное на валу в поперечной к валу плоскости, снабженное направляющими, а также корпус с впускным отверстием, отличающийся тем, что рабочее колесо выполнено в виде полого диска с направляющими, с отверстиями по периферии, расположенными по касательной к диску ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000051681U1

Водяной двигатель, содержащий питательную емкость, преобразователь возвратно-поступательного движения поршня во вращательное движение выходного вала с установленным на нем маховиком, первую рабочую группу, включающую полый поршень с выпускным клапаном, срабатывающим в его нижнем положении, рабочую камеру-гильзу цилиндра, расположенную ниже преобразователя движения поршня во вращательное движение выходного вала, при этом между поршнем и гильзой цилиндра имеется зазор без уплотнения, а также клапан с управляющим им устройством, например, кулачком, установленным на поршне, подводящий и отводящий каналы, причем детали, расположенные ниже преобразователя возвратно-поступательного движения поршня во вращательное движение выходного вала, установлены в горной выработке, например, буровой скважине, пересекающей проницаемый поглощающий интервал с установленными в ней двумя соосными колоннами обсадных труб большего и меньшего диаметра, при этом питательная емкость образована кольцевым объемом между обсадными колоннами и имеющим сообщение с источником воды, например, с подземным водоносным горизонтом, а рабочая камера образована объемом обсадной колонны меньшего диаметра, причем пересекаемый скважиной проницаемый поглощающий интервал расположен ниже обсадных колонн, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен второй рабочей группой аналогичной первой, подводящие каналы выполнены с обеспечением условия сообщения питательной емкости с полостью поршней и их заполнения водой самотеком в верхнем положении поршней, а поршни между собой соединены канатом, охватывающим два блока, установленные посредством муфт одностороннего действия, например, обгонных на входных валах преобразователя возвратно-поступательного перемещения поршней во вращательное движение выходного вала, представляющего собой двухвходовый реверсивный редуктор, либо мультипликатор. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 51 681 (13) U1 (51) МПК F03G 1/02 (2006.01) F01B 29/08 (2006.01) F03B 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ...

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000052928U1

Устройство для передачи вращательного движения, характеризующееся тем, что оно содержит вал с установленными на нем N рычагами, каждый из которых содержит основание, связанное с двух сторон с пластинами, установленными с возможностью вращения на основании и связанными с последним посредством тяги, концы которой шарнирно соединены с соответствующими пластинами, упор, установленный на расстоянии от оси не менее длины половины основания, маховик, установленный на валу и ограничители, установленные на основании, при этом пластины, выполненные равновеликими, установлены на основании с образованием двух частей, одна из которых меньшая составляет 1/3 пластины и ее оконечность связана с тягой, при этом на концах основания, жестко закрепленного на валу в средней точке, на расстоянии от его конца меньшем, чем 1/3 пластины, установлены ограничители со стороны, противоположной вращению основания, причем рычаги установлены со смещением по углу один относительно другого. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 52 928 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005135576/22 , 16.11.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.11.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2006 (72) Автор(ы): Нургалеев Рустам Геннадьевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Нургалеев Рустам Геннадьевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 119034, Москва, Кропоткинский пер., 6, ГОИН, ООО "С-Т Лаборатория" U 1 5 2 9 2 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для передачи вращательного движения, характеризующееся тем, что оно содержит вал с установленными на нем N рычагами, каждый из которых содержит основание, связанное с двух сторон с пластинами, установленными с возможностью вращения на основании и связанными с последним посредством тяги, концы которой шарнирно соединены с соответствующими пластинами, упор, установленный на расстоянии от оси не менее длины половины ...

27-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000065971U1

1. Установка для преобразования энергии электрогидравлического удара в возвратно-поступательное движение, содержащая корпус, вставленный в корпус поршень с толкателем, ввинченный в корпус электроизолятор с внутренним электродом, второй электрод, заключенную в полость, образованную внутренней поверхностью корпуса и поршнем, жидкость, отличающаяся тем, что корпус имеет съемную крышку с отверстием для толкателя, содержит пружину, расположенную соосно с толкателем и заключенную между наружной стенкой поршня и внутренней стенкой съемной крышки, второй электрод расположен в том же электроизоляторе, а торцевая поверхность поршня, обращенная к электроду, выполнена в виде вогнутой полусферы. 2. Установка для преобразования энергии электрогидравлического удара в возвратно-поступательное движение по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что верхняя внутренняя поверхность корпуса выполнена в виде выпуклой полусферы. 3. Установка для преобразования энергии электрогидравлического удара в возвратно-поступательное движение по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что корпус снабжен предохранительным газовым клапаном, жестко закрепленным в верхней части корпуса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 65 971 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007112647/22 , 04.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.04.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Петербургский государственный университет путей" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 6 5 9 7 1 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Установка для преобразования энергии электрогидравлического удара в возвратно-поступательное движение, содержащая корпус, вставленный в корпус поршень с толкателем, ввинченный в корпус электроизолятор с внутренним электродом, второй электрод, заключенную в полость, образованную внутренней поверхностью ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000086663U1

Пневмодвигатель, содержащий камеру, разделенную поршнем на две рабочие полости, поршень с кривошипно-шатунным механизмом, отличающийся тем, что он содержит пневматическое распределительное устройство, соединенное через воздушно-управляемый блок с линией высокого давления, каждая полость камеры соединена отдельной линией для нагнетания и сброса рабочего тела с пневматическим распределительным устройством, подключенным к электромеханическому преобразователю, соединенному с задающим генератором. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 86 663 U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007130424/22, 08.08.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.08.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.09.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Омский государственный технический университет" (RU) U 1 8 6 6 6 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Пневмодвигатель, содержащий камеру, разделенную поршнем на две рабочие полости, поршень с кривошипно-шатунным механизмом, отличающийся тем, что он содержит пневматическое распределительное устройство, соединенное через воздушноуправляемый блок с линией высокого давления, каждая полость камеры соединена отдельной линией для нагнетания и сброса рабочего тела с пневматическим распределительным устройством, подключенным к электромеханическому преобразователю, соединенному с задающим генератором. 8 6 6 6 3 (54) ПНЕВМОДВИГАТЕЛЬ R U Адрес для переписки: 644050, г.Омск, пр. Мира, 11, ГОУ ВПО ОмГТУ, информационно-патентный отдел, О.И. Бабенко (72) Автор(ы): Аверьянов Геннадий Сергеевич (RU), Хамитов Рустам Нуриманович (RU), Зелов Дмитрий Федорович (RU), Филиппов Владислав Николаевич (RU) U 1 U 1 8 6 6 6 3 8 6 6 6 3 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 86 663 U1 К заявке №2007130424/06(033143) Пневмодвигатель Полезная ...

10-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000092093U1

1. Криогенная аккумулирующая система, состоящая из последовательно соединенных источника энергии, криогенной холодильной машины с устройствами очистки и обезвоживания воздуха, разделителем газов и теплообменником системы охлаждения холодильной машины, теплоизолированного резервуара для хранения криогенной жидкости, отличающаяся тем, что резервуар для хранения криогенной жидкости соединен с криогенным двигателем, подключенным к автономному генератору энергии, причем магистраль выхлопа криогенного двигателя подключена к переключателю, соединенному с входом в холодильную машину либо с атмосферой. 2. Криогенная аккумулирующая система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что выход теплообменника холодильной машины связан с утилизатором тепла для системы горячего водоснабжения потребителей энергии, а магистраль выхлопа криогенного двигателя до входа в переключатель соединена с утилизатором холода холодильной системы потребителей. 3. Криогенная аккумулирующая система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве накапливаемой криогенной жидкости используют сжиженный атмосферный азот. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 92 093 (13) U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009131880/22, 25.08.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.08.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Буриков Владислав Сергеевич (RU), Буриков Игорь Вячеславович (RU), Буриков Юрий Вячеславович (RU) U 1 9 2 0 9 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Криогенная аккумулирующая система, состоящая из последовательно соединенных источника энергии, криогенной холодильной машины с устройствами очистки и обезвоживания воздуха, разделителем газов и теплообменником системы охлаждения холодильной машины, теплоизолированного резервуара для хранения криогенной жидкости, отличающаяся тем, что резервуар для хранения криогенной жидкости соединен с ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000113895U1

1. Пьезоэлектрический двигатель, содержащий корпус и пьезоэлемент, отличающийся тем, что в корпусе расположена емкость с рабочей средой, двигатель снабжен поршнем и реостатом для подачи через него тока и изменения таким образом объема пьезоэлемента и перемещения поршня, перемещение поршня осуществляется посредством повышения давления. 2. Пьезоэлектрический двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен аккумуляторной батареей. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 113 895 U1 (51) МПК H02N 2/02 (2006.01) F01B 29/08 (2006.01) F15B 15/19 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011129026/06, 14.07.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.07.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество Корпорация "Университетские сети знаний" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.02.2012 Бюл. № 6 R U 1 1 3 8 9 5 Формула полезной модели 1. Пьезоэлектрический двигатель, содержащий корпус и пьезоэлемент, отличающийся тем, что в корпусе расположена емкость с рабочей средой, двигатель снабжен поршнем и реостатом для подачи через него тока и изменения таким образом объема пьезоэлемента и перемещения поршня, перемещение поршня осуществляется посредством повышения давления. 2. Пьезоэлектрический двигатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен аккумуляторной батареей. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ПЬЕЗОЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ ДВИГАТЕЛЬ 1 1 3 8 9 5 Адрес для переписки: 119991, Москва, Ленинский пр-кт, 65, В.В. Попову R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.07.2011 (72) Автор(ы): Попов Валерий Васильевич (RU), Жедяевский Дмитрий Николаевич (RU), Демиденко Анатолий Владимирович (RU), Лапыгин Антон Валерьевич (RU), Загорулько Юрий Владимирович (RU) U 1 U 1 1 1 3 8 9 5 1 1 3 8 9 5 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 113 895 U1 Полезная модель относится к энергетике. Из существующего уровня техники известен пьезоэлектрический шаговый двигатель, содержащий корпус, статор в виде цилиндрического ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140416U1

1. Воздуховод охладителя наддувочного воздуха, содержащий: стенку, образующую канал, выполненный с возможностью пропускания воздуха из турбонагнетателя в двигатель, и имеющую один или более проемов и отделитель, сформированный, чтобы быть, по существу, заподлицо с внутренней поверхностью стенки. 2. Воздуховод по п.1, в котором один или более проемов образованы вырезом в стенке, при этом отделитель включает в себя первую изогнутую кромку, пересекающую внешнюю поверхность стенки, и вторую изогнутую кромку, пересекающую внутреннюю поверхность. 3. Воздуховод по п.2, в котором вторая изогнутая кромка является расположенной ниже по потоку кромкой проема, и дополнительно содержащий третью изогнутую кромку, образующую расположенную выше по потоку кромку проема. 4. Воздуховод по п.3, в котором расположенная ниже по потоку кромка и расположенная выше по потоку кромка являются параболическими, при этом расположенная выше по потоку кромка образует более глубокую параболу, чем расположенная ниже по потоку кромка. 5. Воздуховод по п.1, в котором один или более проемов расположены в нижней части воздуховода, и дополнительно содержащий один или более конденсационных уловителей, заделанных в воздуховод под каждым из соответствующих одного или более проемов. 6. Воздуховод по п.2, в котором один или более проемов имеет расположенную ниже по потоку кромку, выполненную обращенной к потоку, проходящему через воздуховод. 7. Воздуховод охладителя наддувочного воздуха, содержащий: стенку воздуховода, имеющую внутреннюю поверхность воздуховода и внешнюю поверхность воздуховода; проем в стенке воздуховода; полый охватывающий элемент, прикрепленный к внешней поверхности воздуховода, образующий герметичную полость за проемом; и отделитель, присоединенный к проему. 8. Воздуховод по п.7, дополнительно содержащий устройство контролирования расхода, выполненное с возможностью обеспечения легкого прохождения жидкого конденсата в полость и выполненное с возможностью регулирования расхода жидкого ...

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000140790U1

1. Охладитель наддувочного воздуха, содержащий впускное отверстие для впуска воздуха наддува, теплообменник для отвода тепла наддувочного воздуха, выпускное отверстие, выполненное с возможностью выпуска наддувочного воздуха из каналов теплообменника во впускной канал выше по потоку от впускного коллектора двигателя, а также распылительное устройство, по меньшей мере частично перекрывающее выпускное отверстие. 2. Охладитель наддувочного воздуха по п.1, в котором распылительное устройство представляет собой сетчатый экран. 3. Охладитель наддувочного воздуха по п.2, в котором экран выполнен таким образом, чтобы полностью перекрывать выпускное отверстие. 4. Охладитель наддувочного воздуха по п.1, в котором распылительное устройство представляет собой совокупность параллельных планок. 5. Охладитель наддувочного воздуха по п.1, в котором в дополнение к первому распылительному устройству ниже по потоку от него установлено второе распылительное устройство, по крайней мере частично перекрывающее выпускное отверстие в направлении ниже по потоку от первого распылительного устройства. 6. Система двигателя, содержащая впускной канал, соединенный с впускным коллектором двигателя, а также охладитель наддувочного воздуха, установленный во впускном канале между компрессором и впускным коллектором, причем охладитель наддувочного воздуха имеет впускное отверстие, теплообменник, выпускное отверстие и распылительное устройство, по меньшей мере частично перекрывающее выпускное отверстие. 7. Система двигателя по п.6, которая дополнительно содержит датчик влажности, расположенный во впускном канале. 8. Система двигателя по п.6, которая дополнительно содержит датчик содержания жидкости, расположенный в охладителе наддувочного воздуха. 9. Система двигателя по п.6, которая дополнительно содержит датчик газа, расположенный во впускном канале. 10. Система двигателя по п.6, в которой распылительное устройство полностью перекрывает выпускное отверстие. 11. Система двигателя по п.6, в которой ...

21-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000168804U1

Полезная модель относится к двигателестроению и преобразованию энергии сжатого воздуха в полостях пневмодвигателя в механическую энергию без вредных последствий для окружающей среды. Пневмодвигатель содержит камеру (1), разделенную поршнем на две рабочие полости (2, 3), поршень (4), его шток (5) соединен с шатуном (6), который через кривошип (7) приводит в действие кривошипно-шатунный механизм (8). Каждая полость камеры (1) соединена отдельной линией для нагнетания и сброса рабочего тела с пневматическим распределительным устройством (11). Пневматическое распределительное устройство (11) соединено через воздушно-управляемый блок (12) с линией высокого давления (13) и управляется электромеханическим преобразователем (14), соединенным с блоком управления (15). Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение эффективности работы пневмодвигателя за счет введения активного управления фазами газораспределения при переменной нагрузке. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 804 U1 (51) МПК F01B 29/00 (2006.01) F01B 25/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016127381, 06.07.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.07.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Тюфтий Алексей Флоревич (RU), Хамитов Рустам Нуриманович (RU) 21.02.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 06.07.2016 Адрес для переписки: 644050, г. Омск, пр-кт Мира, 11, ОмГТУ, Информационно-патентный отдел, Бабенко И.О. (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 86663 U1, 10.09.2009. RU 2206791 C2, 20.06.2003. SU 753210 A1, 20.09.1995. 1 6 8 8 0 4 (45) Опубликовано: 21.02.2017 Бюл. № 6 R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ "ОМСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ" (RU) Дата регистрации: 1 6 8 8 0 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Пневмодвигатель, содержащий камеру, ...

07-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000199020U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения и может быть использована, преимущественно, в качестве поршневого двигателя транспортного средства и детандера в холодильной технике. Сущность полезной модели. Предложенное техническое решение позволяет получить более высокие значения индикаторной работы в поршневом двигателе и холодопроизводительности в детандере. Решение поставленной задачи достигается тем, что трубопроводы высокого и низкого давления соединены с устройством наддува газа, содержащим на одном валу компрессорное и расширительное лопаточные колеса, причем трубопровод высокого давления подведен ко входу в компрессорное лопаточное колесо, а на выходе из колеса к крышке цилиндра трубопровод низкого давления соединен с выхлопным коллектором и входом в расширительное лопаточное колесо. И 1 199020 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 199 020” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 12.08.2020 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 18.10.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 18.10.2021 Бюл. №29 Стр.: 1 па 060661 ЕП

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130061745A1

A pump assembly comprises a base, a cam, a cylinder, a piston, and a shim clip. The cam rotates about a rotational axis with respect to the base. The cylinder attaches to the base, and has an inlet port and an outlet for fluid. The piston is reciprocally driven by rotation of the cam to draw fluid into the cylinder through the inlet port during a fill stroke, and to close the inlet port and pump fluid in the cylinder toward the offset during a pump stroke. The shim clip is removably insertable between the cylinder and the base to increase the distance between the inlet port and the rotational axis. 1. A pump assembly comprising:a base;a cam which rotates about a rotational axis with respect to the base; an inlet port where fluid enters the cylinder; and', 'an outlet where fluid leaves the cylinder;, 'a cylinder which attaches to the base, the cylinder comprisinga piston reciprocally driven by rotation of the cam to draw fluid into the cylinder through the inlet port during a fill stroke and to close the inlet port and pump the fluid in the cylinder toward the outlet during a pump stroke; anda shim clip removably insertable between the cylinder and the base to increase a distance between the inlet port and the rotational axis.2. The pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein inserting the shim clip between the cylinder and the base decreases fluid volume pumped by the pump assembly with each rotation of the cam.3. The pump assembly of claim 2 , wherein inserting the shim clip between the cylinder and the base does not alter a travel distance of the piston.4. The pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fluid is grease or oil.5. The pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cam is circular and has a geometric center that is displaced from the rotational axis of the cam.6. The pump assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cylinder screws into the base.7. The pump assembly of claim 6 , wherein the cylinder is threaded into the base to anchor the shim clip.8. The pump assembly of claim 1 , ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067908A1

A perfected rotational actuator, comprising, in two box-shaped shells (), a pair of plates () connected to each other by a central pin () and containing, between the same, a plurality of pulleys (), with two superimposed perimetric slots (), in which a shape memory alloy wire () circulates, wherein two segments of said wire () are arranged in aligned slots () of the pulleys () and are constrained at opposite ends to non-conductive elements () integral with a tooth () protruding radially from a plate () and in a position shifted by a certain angle (θ) with respect to each other, the two segments of wire being defined by passage through a further non-conductive element () integral with a tooth () radially protruding from the second plate (), a torque spring () situated on the central pin () being interposed between the plates (), the opposite ends of the wire () being connected to an electric wire (), radial arms () of each of the shells () being connected to elements to which the rotation movement is to be transmitted. 1313212131425292121292519161220171323141213212234353132. A perfected rotational actuator , comprising , in two box-shaped shells ( , ) , a pair of plates ( , ) connected to each other by a central pin () and containing a plurality of pulleys () , with two superimposed perimetric slots () , in which a shape-memory wire () circulates , wherein two segments of said wire () are arranged in aligned slots () of the pulleys () and are constrained at opposite ends to non-conductive elements () integral with a tooth () protruding radially from a plate () and in a position shifted by a certain angle (Θ) with respect to each other , said two segments of wire being defined by passage through a further non-conductive element () integral with a tooth () radially protruding from the second plate () , a torque spring () situated on said central pin () being interposed between said plates ( , ) , said opposite ends of said wire () being connected to an electric wire () ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130067909A1

A curved multimorph actuator is provided composed of a plurality of materials, each material exhibiting different deformations in response to a stimulus, such as heat. Application of different stimuli causes the actuator to bend and/or twist. In an embodiment, the actuator is capable of rotating an object about its center without significantly shifting the center in one or more dimensions. In a further embodiment, the actuator can be used to rotate an object about a first axis and a second axis, wherein the first axis and the second axis are mutually perpendicular. In an embodiment, rotation about the first axis and the second axis are achieved in combination. In another embodiment, rotation about the first axis is produced in response to a first stimulus and rotation about the second axis is produced in response to a second stimulus. 1. A microactuator assembly , comprising: a first layer comprising a first material; and', 'a second layer comprising a second material,, 'a beam, wherein the beam is curved along a length of the beam in a plane, wherein each beam compriseswherein the beam bends out of the plane and twists along at least a portion of the length of the beam when the beam is exposed to a stimulus.2. The microactuator assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the beam further comprises a plurality of additional layers comprising a corresponding plurality of additional materials.3. The microactuator assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising an object to be moved claim 1 , wherein the object is attached to the beam claim 1 , wherein as the beam bends and twists the object moves.4. The microactuator assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the object is rotated about a first axis in response to a first stimulus.5. The microactuator assembly according to claim 4 , wherein a center of the object is not significantly shifted when the object is rotated about the first axis.6. The microactuator assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the object is rotated ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081390A1

A vaporization method includes a preparing step of preparing a vaporizing tube that covers at least a part of a heat exchange unit for cold energy of a Stirling engine and is capable of forming an ascending flow of the liquid flowing from a bottom to a top of the heat exchange unit for cold energy, and a vaporizing step of feeding the liquid in the vaporizing tube to thereby form the ascending flow and bringing the liquid into contact with the Stirling engine to vaporize the liquid. In the preparing step, a flowing direction of the ascending flow is adjusted to suppress occurrence of separated flows of the liquid and gas in the vaporizing tube. In the vaporizing step, the liquid is fed at a flow velocity at which a gas-liquid two-phase flow in which the liquid and the gas are mixed is formed in the vaporizing tube. 1. A method of vaporizing liquid using a Stirling engine including a heat exchange unit for cold energy , the method comprising:a preparing step of preparing a conduit that covers at least a part of the heat exchange unit for cold energy of the Stirling engine and is capable of forming an ascending flow of the liquid flowing from a bottom to a top of the heat exchange unit for cold energy; anda vaporizing step of feeding the liquid in the conduit to thereby form the ascending flow and bringing the liquid into contact with the Stirling engine to vaporize the liquid, whereinin the preparing step, a flowing direction of the ascending flow is adjusted to be an angle set in advance for suppressing occurrence of separated flows of the liquid and gas in the conduit, andin the vaporizing step, the liquid is fed at a flow velocity at which a gas-liquid two-phase flow in which the liquid and the gas are mixed is formed in the conduit.2. The vaporization method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the vaporizing step claim 1 , the liquid is fed at a flow velocity at which an intermittent flow or an air bubble flow is formed in a heat exchange section of the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130111896A1
Принадлежит: Autosplice, Inc.

Improved actuator apparatus and methodologies for manufacturing and using the same. In one exemplary embodiment, the actuator apparatus includes an SMA filament that: (1) minimizes size and increases stroke length via a serpentine-like routing of the SMA filament within the device itself; (2) reduces power consumption as a result of a relatively flat stroke force as a function of stroke displacement operating profile; (3) enables the actuator assembly to remain in a fully actuated state, at a consistent stroke force, for longer periods of time; and (4) is also fully reversible so as to be capable of use in both push-based and pull-based actuator applications. Methods of operation and manufacturing associated with the aforementioned actuator apparatus are also disclosed. 1. A shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator apparatus , comprising:an actuator housing having a plurality of terminals coupled to the actuator housing;an SMA filament coupled to respective ones of the terminals; anda driver element configured to move when power is applied to the SMA filament, the driver element comprising an SMA protection apparatus2. The SMA actuator apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the SMA filament comprises a serpentine routing.3. The SMA actuator apparatus of wherein the driver element comprises a plurality of routing channels claim 2 , the SMA filament being disposed within the routing channels.4. The SMA actuator apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the driver element further comprises a primary shaft and a secondary shaft.5. The SMA actuator apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the primary shaft has a primary spring disposed thereon and the secondary shaft has a secondary spring disposed thereon.6. The SMA actuator apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the secondary shaft and the secondary spring are configured to prevent the SMA filament from breaking when the driver element becomes stuck.7. The SMA actuator apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the driver element further comprises an actuator element ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130118165A1

Methods and systems are provided for improving fuel usage while addressing knock by adjusting the use of spark retard and direct injection of a fluid based on engine operating conditions and the composition of the injected fluid. One or more engine parameters, such as EGR, VCT, boost, throttle position, are coordinated with the direct injection to reduce torque and EGR transients. 1. A method of operating an engine including an EGR passage coupled between an engine intake and an engine exhaust , comprising:adjusting an engine load at which water is direct injected into an engine cylinder based on EGR flow.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjustment includes claim 1 , injecting water at lower engine loads when the EGR flow is below a threshold.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the water direct injection includes an amount of water injected claim 2 , and a rate of direct injection.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the amount of direct injection is based on the amount of EGR in the EGR flow.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the adjustment further includes claim 4 , decreasing the water direct injection as the EGR flow exceeds the threshold.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein a rate of decreasing water injection is lower than the rate of direct injection.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the EGR flow is a low pressure (LP) EGR flow claim 1 , and the EGR passage is an LP-EGR passage coupled between the engine intake upstream of a turbocharger compressor and the engine exhaust downstream of a turbocharger turbine.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the engine further includes a high pressure (HP) EGR passage coupled between the engine intake downstream of the turbocharger compressor and the engine exhaust upstream of a turbocharger turbine claim 7 , and wherein adjustment is further based on the presence of an HP-EGR flow.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the adjustment includes claim 8 , increasing an engine load at which the water is injected in the presence of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Mackay Tri-expansion cycle engine utilizing an eight-stroke master cylinder and an eight-stroke slave cylinder

Номер: US20130139769A1
Автор: Lung Tan Hu
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a Mackay tri-expansion cycle engine which operates with an eight-stroke master cylinder and an eight-stroke slave cylinder; the Mackay tri-expansion cycle engine intakes air and fuel into the eight-stroke master cylinder, and the air-fuel-mixture combusts in three expansion processes; the first expansion process generates power at high temperature with a hot-combustion-medium of high CO concentration; the second expansion process generates power with a cold-expansion-medium mixing from said hot-combustion-medium and a compressed air, spontaneously converting all CO content into CO 2 at a controlled expansion temperature; the third expansion process generates power with a steam-rich expansion-medium at a controlled expansion temperature, in which a calculated amount of water-mixture is injected to absorb heat energy and produce steam, at same time reacting with any remained NO X , HC, and PM to reduce air-pollution from combustion process.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145760A1
Автор: Gondo Masahiko

An impact drive type actuator () is comprised of a wire-shaped shape memory alloy () which contracts upon being electrified and heated, a disk-shaped insulating heat conductor () which contacts this wire-shaped shape memory alloy () and releases the heat which is generated at the wire-shaped shape memory alloy, and a drive circuit () which instantaneously electrifies the wire-shaped shape memory alloy and instantaneously makes the wire-shaped shape memory alloy contract. According to this impact drive type actuator, it realizes a heat conduction structure which gives rise to a high heat dispersion action by the heat characteristics of the shape memory alloy, so it becomes possible to utilize the deformation by extension and contraction of a shape memory alloy which has a wire-shaped form, improve the speed and response of the deformation operation characteristics, and improve practicality. 1. An impact drive type actuator comprising:{'b': 11', '21', '31, 'a wire-shaped shape memory alloy (, , ) which contracts upon being electrified and heated,'}{'b': 12', '22', '22', '32', '32, 'an insulating heat conductor (, , A, A, B) which contacts said wire-shaped shape memory alloy, is pushed in one direction by said contracted wire-shaped shape memory alloy and releases the heat which is generated at said wire-shaped shape memory alloy,'}{'b': 16', '17', '41', '66, 'a drive circuit (, , , ) which instantaneously electrifies said wire-shaped shape memory alloy to make said wire-shaped shape memory alloy contract, and'}{'b': '18', 'wherein said wire-shaped shape memory alloy makes said insulating heat conductor displace translationally by a predetermined distance from a first position when said wire-shaped shape memory alloy is electrified and contracts, and a pushing operation between said wire-shaped shape memory alloy and said insulating heat conductor makes said wire-shaped shape memory alloy extend by instantaneous dispersion () of heat which is stored by being ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146020A1
Автор: Choi Myungsik

A composite power cycle engine may include a fuel injector that injects fuel into air that is or is to be supplied into a combustion chamber, a high temperature medium injector that injects a high temperature medium into the combustion chamber to increase pressure of the combustion chamber, a low temperature medium injector that injects a low temperature medium into the combustion chamber to reduce pressure of the combustion chamber, and a piston that may be disposed in the combustion chamber to slidably move therein and that transforms gas expansion or contraction energy into kinetic energy, wherein the high temperature medium injector or the low temperature medium injector increases or reduces the pressure of the combustion chamber so as to generate power. 1. A composite power cycle engine , comprising:a fuel injector that injects fuel into air that is or is to be supplied into a combustion chamber;a high temperature medium injector that injects a high temperature medium into the combustion chamber to increase pressure of the combustion chamber;a low temperature medium injector that injects a low temperature medium into the combustion chamber to reduce pressure of the combustion chamber; anda piston that is disposed in the combustion chamber to slidably move therein and that transforms gas expansion or contraction energy into kinetic energy,wherein the high temperature medium injector or the low temperature medium injector increases or reduces the pressure of the combustion chamber so as to generate power.2. The composite power cycle engine of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of cylinders includes:an activated cylinder of which the fuel injector is operated; anda deactivated cylinder of which the fuel injector is not operated, wherein the high temperature medium injector or the low temperature medium injector is disposed in the deactivated cylinder to be operated.3. The composite power cycle engine of claim 1 , wherein the high temperature medium of the high ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152568A1

In various embodiments, valve efficiency and reliability are enhanced via use of hydraulic or magnetic valve actuation, valves configured for increased actuation speed, and/or valves controlled to reduce collision forces during actuation. 1. A method for at least one of storing energy in or recovering energy with an energy-storage system comprising (i) a cylinder assembly having a valve for controlling fluid flow into and out of the cylinder assembly through a gated port , the valve comprising a valve member for occluding the gated port , and (ii) an actuation system for actuating the valve , the actuation system comprising (a) an actuation cylinder and (b) a piston disposed within and dividing the actuation cylinder into first and second chambers , the method comprising:within the cylinder assembly, at least one of (i) compressing gas to store energy or (ii) expanding gas to recover energy; andat least one of prior to, during, or after the at least one of compression or expansion, at least one of admitting fluid into or exhausting fluid from the cylinder assembly at least in part by actuating the valve from a closed state to an open state by admitting fluid into the first chamber of the actuation cylinder to increase fluid pressure therein, thereby moving the piston toward the second chamber,wherein, during the actuation, (i) fluid exits the second chamber of the actuation cylinder at a first rate to maximize speed of the piston motion, and (ii) thereafter, fluid exits the second chamber at a second rate slower than the first rate to decelerate the piston before the piston reaches an end surface of the actuation cylinder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second rate of fluid flow decreases as the piston moves toward the end surface of the actuation cylinder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during the actuation claim 1 , the piston occludes at least a portion of an orifice in the second chamber as the piston moves toward an end surface of the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167520A1
Автор: Negre Cyril, Negre Guy

An engine with an active chamber, having at least one piston () mounted in a cylinder () in a sliding manner and driving a crankshaft () via a slider-crank device () and operating according to a four-phase thermodynamic cycle includes: an isothermal expansion without work; a transfer—slight so-called quasi-isothermal expansion with work; a polytropic expansion with work; and an exhaust at ambient pressure, preferentially supplied by compressed air contained in a high-pressure storage tank (), through a buffer capacity, called a working capacity (), which is expanded at an average pressure, called a working pressure, in a working capacity, preferentially through a dynamic pressure-reducing device (), wherein the active chamber is included in the engine cylinder, the cylinder volume being swept by the piston and divided into two separate parts, a first part forming the active chamber (CA) and a second part forming the expansion chamber (CD). 11215341216782261. An engine with active chamber , comprising at least one cylinder () and one piston () which is mounted to slide in the cylinder () and which drives a crankshaft () by means of a conventional connecting rod-crank device ( , ) , in which the volume of the cylinder () swept by the piston () is divided into two distinct parts , a first part constituting the active chamber (CA) which is included in the cylinder and a second part constituting the expansion chamber (CD) , the cylinder () being closed in its top part by a cylinder head () including at least one duct and one intake orifice () and at least one duct and one exhaust orifice () , and which is arranged in such a way that , when the piston () is at its top dead center point , the residual volume contained between the piston () and the cylinder head () is , by construction , reduced to the very minimum gaps enabling the contactless operation between the piston and the cylinder head , and in which compressed air , or any other gas under pressure , supplied from ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Compressed air energy storage system utilizing two-phase flow to facilitate heat exchange

Номер: US20130168961A1
Принадлежит: LighSail Energy Inc

A compressed-air energy storage system according to embodiments of the present invention comprises a reversible mechanism to compress and expand air, one or more compressed air storage tanks, a control system, one or more heat exchangers, and, in certain embodiments of the invention, a motor-generator. The reversible air compressor-expander uses mechanical power to compress air (when it is acting as a compressor) and converts the energy stored in compressed air to mechanical power (when it is acting as an expander). In certain embodiments, the compressor-expander comprises one or more stages, each stage consisting of pressure vessel (the “pressure cell”) partially filled with water or other liquid. In some embodiments, the pressure vessel communicates with one or more cylinder devices to exchange air and liquid with the cylinder chamber(s) thereof. Suitable valving allows air to enter and leave the pressure cell and cylinder device, if present, under electronic control.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174542A1
Автор: Takahashi Masaya

A shape memory alloy actuator includes a wire portion which is inserted through a first tube member, a shape memory alloy wire portion which is inserted through a second tube member, a movable body which is movable in a direction in which, a length of the shape memory alloy wire portion changes, an elastic member which exerts an external force in a direction in which, the shape memory alloy wire portion elongates, and a fixing member to which, one end of the second tube member and one end of the shape memory alloy wire portion are fixed, and one end of the wire portion is connected to the movable body, and one end of the shape memory alloy wire portion and one end of the wire portion are joined to a joining portion, and the joining portion includes a plurality of crimp terminals. 1. A shape memory alloy actuator comprising:a wire portion which is inserted through a first tube member, and of which, a deformation in a longitudinal direction is less;a shape memory alloy wire portion which is inserted through a second tube member, and which contracts due to heating by passing an electric current, and of which, a length changes by being elongated due to cooling;a movable body which is movable in a direction in which, the length of the shape memory alloy wire portion changes;an elastic member which exerts an external force in a direction in which, the shape memory alloy wire portion elongates; anda fixing member to which, one end of the second tube member and one end of the shape memory alloy wire portion are fixed, whereinone end of the wire portion is connected to the movable body, andone end of the shape memory alloy wire portion and one end of the wire portion are joined by a joining portion, andthe joining portion includes a plurality of crimp terminals.2. The shape memory alloy actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the joining portion is inserted through a pipe member having an inner diameter larger than an outer diameter of the first tube member and an outer ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Heating device for valve to prevent internal accumulation of condensate

Номер: US20130192677A1
Принадлежит: Control Components Inc

In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a valve assembly wherein a heating modality such as an induction heater is cooperatively engaged to a prescribed location on a valve housing or body of a valve to effectively maintain the temperature of the valve above the saturation temperature of the related system pressure. Maintaining this temperature differential effectively avoids the accumulation of condensate within the interior of the valve body and/or on other internal structural features thereof.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199172A1

A load-carrying active material assembly and a method of preparing such an active material assembly suitable for attachment to a movable component of a mechanism is described. The assembly includes a shape memory alloy (SMA) element, a connector adapted to engage the moveable component mechanically crimped to the SMA element, and a filler material disposed intermediate the connector and SMA element. The filler may be a solder or a polymer. Methods for appropriately distributing the filler material and for promoting good adhesion of the filler to the SMA element and the connector are described. 1. A mechanism having a movable component , operable by an attached , elongated , linear shape memory alloy element with an end and secured to the mechanism through an electrically-conductive unitary , load-transmitting connector , the shape memory alloy element being adapted and arranged to repeatedly cycle the mechanism between a first configuration and a second configuration while under tensile load , the mechanism comprising:the moveable component connected, through the electrically-conductive unitary load-transmitting connector, to the end of the elongated linear SMA element, the SMA element having a surface, the connector having a first portion with a feature adapted to engage a complementary feature on the component and a second, element-retaining portion;the element-retaining portion initially comprising an elongated, deformable casing with opposing openings sized to receive the end of the SMA element, the end of the SMA element extending from end to end of the element-retaining portion, the casing then being compacted to contact and compressively engage a portion of the surface of the SMA element, the compacted casing further comprising a space-filling filler material engaging the compressed casing and the SMA element surface, the filler and the casing-engaged SMA element surface cooperating to restrain relative motion between the connector and the SMA element during ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130205770A1

A method of achieving a target activation parameter, such as a predetermined response time and/or consistency when thermally activating at least one active material element, such as a shape memory alloy actuator or shape memory polymer hinge, includes deciding whether to prime the element based on energy efficiency and/or overall system costs/performance. 1. A method of activating at least one thermally activated active material element based on energy efficiency and/or overall system costs/performance , wherein the at least one element is communicatively coupled to an activation source and the element and source compose a system , the method comprising the steps of:a) determining a target activation parameter for thermally activating the at least one element;b) determining a first value of at least one system characteristic when not initially priming the at least one element;c) determining a second value of the at least one system characteristic when initially priming the at least one element;d) comparing the first and second values, so as to determine a preferred value based on energy efficiency and/or overall system costs/performance;e) deciding whether to prime the at least one element based on the preferred value; andf) activating the at least one element after deciding whether to prime.2. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the at least one active material element includes a shape memory alloy actuator.3. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the at least one active material element is formed of a shape memory polymer.4. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the parameter is a predetermined maximum response time.5. The method as defined in claim 4 , wherein step a) further includes the steps of initially determining an error margin claim 4 , so as to maintain control robustness.6. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the parameter is a response time consistency.7. The method as defined in claim 1 , wherein the system characteristic is ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206100A1

Systems and methods for reducing NOemissions are provided, comprising: adjusting an amount of water injected into an intake manifold responsive to an oxygen concentration, temperature and pressure in the intake manifold; and heating the injected water if humidity is higher than a threshold. Water injected into the intake manifold decreases the temperature of, and dilutes the oxygen content of intake gases thereby decreasing NOemissions. 1. A method for reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions of an internal combustion engine , comprising:measuring an oxygen concentration in an intake manifold of the internal combustion engine;determining a starting dilution factor based on the measured oxygen concentration;determining a target dilution factor based on a user preset with regard to an operating mode of the internal combustion engine;determining a relative air humidity setpoint in the intake manifold at which the target dilution factor is attained;determining an amount of water to be injected into the intake manifold based on the relative air humidity setpoint; andinjecting the determined amount of water into the intake manifold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the amount of water is a function of a pressure prevailing in the intake manifold.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the determined amount of water increases with the pressure prevailing in the intake manifold.4. The method of one claim 1 , further comprising measuring a temperature in the intake manifold of the internal combustion engine claim 1 , wherein the amount of water is determined as a function of the measured temperature.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the determined amount of water decreases with the measured temperature.6. The method of one claim 1 , further comprising heating a gas to be supplied to the intake manifold when the relative air humidity setpoint is greater than a threshold humidity.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising compressing combustion air claim 6 , wherein ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Compressed air energy storage system utilizing two-phase flow to facilitate heat exchange

Номер: US20130291529A1
Принадлежит: LightSail Energy Inc

A compressed-air energy storage system according to embodiments of the present invention comprises a reversible mechanism to compress and expand air, one or more compressed air storage tanks, a control system, one or more heat exchangers, and, in certain embodiments of the invention, a motor-generator. The reversible air compressor-expander uses mechanical power to compress air (when it is acting as a compressor) and converts the energy stored in compressed air to mechanical power (when it is acting as an expander). In certain embodiments, the compressor-expander comprises one or more stages, each stage consisting of pressure vessel (the “pressure cell”) partially filled with water or other liquid. In some embodiments, the pressure vessel communicates with one or more cylinder devices to exchange air and liquid with the cylinder chamber(s) thereof. Suitable valving allows air to enter and leave the pressure cell and cylinder device, if present, under electronic control.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Process for Powering a Compression Ignition Engine and Fuel Therefor

Номер: US20130318946A1
Принадлежит: Gane Energy & Resources Pty Ltd

A diesel engine fuel composition comprising methanol at a level of at least 20% by weight of the fuel; water at a level at least 20% by weight of the fuel; a ratio of water to methanol of between 20:80 to 80:20; a total amount of water and methanol of at least 60% by weight of the fuel composition, and one or more additives, in a total amount of at least 0.1% by weight of the fuel, wherein the level of sodium chloride, if present as an additive, is between 0 to 0.5% by weight of the fuel, and the level of flavourant, if present as an additive, is between 0 to 1.5% of the composition is provided. Also provided is a process for powering a compression ignition engine using a fuel comprising methanol and water, including inlet air pre-heating, and associated systems and uses of the fuel composition. 1. A diesel engine fuel composition comprising:methanol at a level of at least 20% by weight of the fuel;water at a level at least 20% by weight of the fuel;a ratio of water to methanol of between 20:80 to 80:20;a total amount of water and methanol of at least 60% by weight of the fuel composition, andone or more additives, in a total amount of at least 0.1% by weight of the fuel, wherein the level of sodium chloride, if present as an additive, is between 0 to 0.5% by weight of the fuel, and the level of flavourant, if present as an additive, is between 0 to 1.5% of the composition.2. The diesel engine fuel composition of claim 1 , wherein the additives are selected from the group consisting of: ignition improvers claim 1 , fuel extenders claim 1 , combustion enhancers claim 1 , oxygen absorbing oil claim 1 , lubricity additives claim 1 , product colouration additives claim 1 , flame colour additives claim 1 , anti corrosion additives claim 1 , biocides claim 1 , freeze point depressants claim 1 , deposit reductants claim 1 , denaturants claim 1 , pH controlling agents claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. A diesel engine fuel composition comprising methanol and water claim 1 , ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318961A1

There is provided a polymeric actuator including: a pair of facing portions located so as to face each other; and a folded portion through which one end portions of the pair of facing portions are coupled to each other, wherein the pair of facing portions and the folded portion are composed of an inner electrode layer, an electrolyte layer, and an outer electrode layer which are laminated in order from an inside. Therefore, the displacements are generated in the pair of facing portions, respectively, to be added to each other, and the displacement is generated in the folded portion as well due to the bending. As a result, the large displacement is generated as a whole. Thus, it is possible to increase the displacement amount after the simplification of the structure is realized. 1. A polymeric actuator , comprising:a pair of facing portions located so as to face each other; anda folded portion through which one end portions of said pair of facing portions are coupled to each other,wherein said pair of facing portions and said folded portion are composed of an inner electrode layer, an electrolyte layer, and an outer electrode layer which are laminated in order from an inside.2. The polymeric actuator according to claim 1 , wherein at least a part of said polymeric actuator is bent within a surface perpendicular to a facing direction of said pair of facing portions.3. The polymeric actuator according to claim 2 , wherein said polymeric actuator is formed in an annular or ring-like regular polygon-shape with a virtual axis extending in the facing direction as a center.4. The polymeric actuator according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first lamination body composed of one of said pair of facing portions, and one half portion of said folded portion; anda second lamination body composed of the other of said pair of facing portions, and the other half of the folded portion,wherein the one half of said folded portion of said first lamination body, and the other half of ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323017A1
Автор: Mano Yasunori

A hydraulic circuit includes a first control valve that controls a hydraulic pressure of a first oil chamber of a CVT; a lubrication circuit whose hydraulic pressure changes in accordance with an engine rotational speed so that the higher the engine rotational speed, the higher the hydraulic pressure; and a fail-safe valve including an electromagnetic four-way valve. During normal operation, the fail-safe valve is set to a first state in which the first control valve and the first oil chamber communicate with each other. At a time of failure, the fail-safe valve is switched to a second state in which at least the first oil chamber and the lubrication circuit communicate with each other. 110-. (canceled)11. A belt type continuously variable transmission to be installed on a vehicle including an engine , the belt type continuously variable transmission comprising:a first pulley which includes a pair of first sheaves facing each other and a first oil chamber that contains oil and in which a distance between the pair of first sheaves is adjusted by a hydraulic pressure of the first oil chamber so that the distance between the pair of first sheaves decreases as the hydraulic pressure of the first oil chamber increases;a second pulley including a pair of second sheaves facing each other;a belt wound around the first pulley and the second pulley; anda hydraulic circuit connected to the first oil chamber; wherein a control valve that controls the hydraulic pressure of the first oil chamber;', 'a pressure change circuit having a hydraulic pressure that changes in accordance with a rotational speed of the engine so that a higher rotational speed of the engine results in a higher hydraulic pressure in the pressure change circuit; and', 'a switching valve that is switched between a first state in which the control valve and the first oil chamber communicate with each other and a second state in which at least the first oil chamber and the pressure change circuit communicate ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333374A1

An electrostrictive composite includes a flexible polymer matrix and a carbon nanotube film structure. The carbon nanotube film structure is at least partially embedded into the flexible polymer matrix through a first surface. The carbon nanotube film structure includes a plurality of carbon nanotubes combined by van der Waals attractive force therebetween. 1. An electrostrictive composite comprising:a flexible polymer matrix having a first surface; anda carbon nanotube film structure comprising a plurality of carbon nanotubes combined by van der Waals attractive force therebetween;wherein the carbon nanotube film structure is at least partially embedded in the flexible polymer matrix through the first surface.2. The electrostrictive composite as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the carbon nanotube film structure comprises at least one carbon nanotube film.3. The electrostrictive composite as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one carbon nanotube film is a drawn carbon nanotube film comprising a plurality of carbon nanotubes substantially parallel to each other and combined by van der Waals attractive force therebetween.4. The electrostrictive composite as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the at least one carbon nanotube film comprises a plurality of carbon nanotube films stacked together claim 3 , the plurality of carbon nanotubes of each of the plurality of carbon nanotube films being substantially aligned along a preferred orientation.5. The electrostrictive composite as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one carbon nanotube film is a flocculated carbon nanotube film comprising a plurality of long claim 2 , curved claim 2 , disordered carbon nanotubes entangled with each other.6. The electrostrictive composite as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least one carbon nanotube film is a pressed carbon nanotube film comprising a plurality of carbon nanotubes substantially arranged along a same direction or along different directions entangled with each other.7. ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007571A1
Автор: JEE Kwang Koo

A shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator. The SMA actuator, which generates an operating force by using SMA elements, includes fixed member, movable member mounted on fixed member to move between first position and second position, first SMA element mounted to positionally move the movable member to the first position, a second SMA element mounted to positionally move the movable member to second position, a first position fixing means for positionally fixing the movable member at the first position by a magnetic force in such a way that the movable member is separable from first position fixing means, and second position fixing means for positionally fixing the movable member at the second position by a magnetic force in such a way that the movable member is separable from the second position fixing means. According to the present invention, a high reaction speed and remarkably reduced power consumption can be provided. 1. An actuator which generates an operating force by using shape memory alloy (SMA) elements , the actuator comprising:a fixed member;a movable member mounted on the fixed member to move between a first position and a second position;a first SMA element mounted to positionally move the movable member to the first position;a second SMA element mounted to positionally move the movable member to the second position;a first position fixing means for positionally fixing the movable member at the first position by a magnetic force in such a way that the movable member is separable from the first position fixing means; anda second position fixing means for positionally fixing the movable member at the second position by a magnetic force in such a way that the movable member is separable from the second position fixing means.2. The actuator of claim 2 , wherein after the movable member positionally moves to and is positionally fixed at one of the first position and the second position claim 2 , the movable member is positionally fixed at one of the first ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Methodology and Mechanisms for Enhancing High Ambient Temperature Performance in Shape Memory Alloy Applications

Номер: US20140007572A1

An actuator comprising an SMA element and a thermally responsive element that adjusts bias stress improves high ambient temperature operation. 1. An actuator comprising an SMA element and a thermally responsive element that adjusts bias stress.2. An actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the thermally responsive element comprises a member selected from the group consisting of active materials having a high coefficient of thermal expansion claim 1 , shape-memory alloys claim 1 , and bimetallic elements. The present disclosure relates to control of actuators operating with shape-memory alloys.This section provides background information related to the present disclosure that is not necessarily prior art.Shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators are used for a wide range of applications. One typically application for SMA actuators is to perform limited displacements which generate work. In such displacement applications, the SMA actuator is typically in the form of a wire that transforms linear motion into incremental relative motion. When applying a current to the cold (low temperature or martensitic state) shape memory alloy (SMA) wire the temperature rises until the transformation temperature is reached (high temperature or austenite state) and due to a crystalline restructuring of the material, a contraction occurs. With such a contraction, force or torque is thus generated. However, it is to be appreciated that after the contraction, the SMA wire does not reset itself and therefore a counterforce has to bring the SMA wire into its original position. As the SMA wire cools it returns to its low temperature or martensitic state. The temperature at which the shape memory alloy remembers its high temperature form, referred to as the phase transformation temperature, can be adjusted by applying stress and other methods. In nickel-titanium shape memory alloys, for example, it can be changed from above about 100° C. to below about −100° C.SMA actuators can be slow to reset or ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069369A1
Автор: Pendray John R.
Принадлежит: Cummins Power Generation IP, Inc.

An apparatus including a reciprocating internal combustion engine with at least one piston and cylinder set and an intake stream; at least one liquid atomizer in fluid communication with the intake stream operable to provide a plurality of liquid droplets with a diameter less than 5 μm to the intake stream; and a controller where the controller is able to adjust an index of compression for the engine by: calculating a wet compression level in response to an engine operating limit and adjusting the at least one liquid atomizer in response to the wet compression level. 125-. (canceled)26. An apparatus comprising:an internal combustion engine with at least one piston and at least one cylinder and an intake stream;one or more liquid atomizers in fluid communication with the intake stream structured to provide a plurality of liquid droplets with a mean diameter less than 30 μm to the intake stream, wherein the liquid droplets comprise a solution that includes water and a surface tension reducing fluid to reduce a surface tension of the water;a controller structured to calculate a wet compression level in response to an engine operating limit, wherein the liquid droplets undergo a phase change from a liquid to a vapor during a compression stroke; andwherein the one or more liquid atomizers are responsive to the controller to adjust the wet compression level.27. The apparatus of claim 26 , further including at least one liquid droplet separator in fluid communication with the intake stream positioned downstream from the at least one of the liquid atomizers and upstream from the engine.28. The apparatus of claim 26 , wherein the surface tension reducing fluid comprises ethanol.29. The apparatus of claim 26 , wherein the one or more liquid atomizers include means for providing the majority with the maximum diameter of less than 5 μm.30. The apparatus of claim 26 , further comprising:means for selecting a liquid injection location;means for selecting a liquid injection amount ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076272A1
Автор: Pendray John R.
Принадлежит: Cummins Power Generation IP, Inc.

An apparatus including a reciprocating internal combustion engine with at least one piston and cylinder set and an intake stream; at least one liquid atomizer in fluid communication with the intake stream operable to provide a plurality of liquid droplets with a diameter less than 5 μm to the intake stream; and a controller where the controller is able to adjust an index of compression for the engine by: calculating a wet compression level in response to an engine operating limit and adjusting the at least one liquid atomizer in response to the wet compression level. 125-. (canceled)26. An apparatus comprising:an internal combustion engine with at least one piston and at least one cylinder and an intake stream;one or more liquid atomizers in fluid communication with the intake stream structured to provide a plurality of liquid droplets with a mean diameter less than 30 μm to the intake stream;a controller structured to calculate a wet compression level based on a reading from a NOx sensor and an engine operating limit, wherein the wet compression level is effective to reduce NOx in an exhaust stream from the at least one cylinder; andwherein the one or more liquid atomizers are responsive to the controller to adjust the wet compression level to reduce NOx in the exhaust stream.27. The apparatus of claim 26 , further including at least one liquid droplet separator in fluid communication with the intake stream positioned downstream from the at least one of the liquid atomizers and upstream from the engine.28. The apparatus of claim 26 , wherein the one or more liquid atomizers include means for providing a majority of the liquid droplets have a maximum diameter of less than 5 μm.29. The apparatus of claim 26 , wherein the one or more liquid atomizers include means for providing a majority of the liquid droplets have a maximum diameter of less than 2.7 μm.30. The apparatus of claim 26 , further comprising:means for selecting a liquid injection location;means for ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083095A1

A thermal energy harvesting device includes a rotatable shaft and a shape memory alloy element secured to rotatable shaft. The shape memory alloy element is adapted to undergo a shape memory effect upon reaching a transition temperature, which causes rotation of the rotatable shaft. The rotatable shaft may be operatively connected to a generator or tachometer to convert the rotation of the shaft into electrical energy, which may then be stored in a rechargeable battery. In certain embodiments a gear box may be provided to increase the speed of rotation, and thereby increase the amount of electrical energy created. 1. A thermal energy harvesting device comprising:a. a rotatable shaft; andb. a shape memory alloy element secured to said rotatable shaft, the shape memory alloy element adapted to cause rotation of the shaft upon transition from a martensite phase to an austenite phase.2. The thermal energy harvesting device of claim 1 , where said rotatable shaft is operatively coupled to a generator for creating electric energy.3. The thermal energy harvesting device of any one of or claim 1 , where said rotatable shaft is operatively coupled to a gear box having an output shaft claim 1 , the gear box adapted to increase the speed of rotation so that the speed of rotation of said output shaft is greater than the speed of rotation of said rotatable shaft.43. The thermal energy harvesting device of any one of - claims 1 , where said shape memory alloy element is wrapped around a portion of said rotatable shaft.54. The thermal energy harvesting device of any one of - claims 1 , where the shape memory alloy element has a longitudinal length claims 1 , and where the shape memory alloy element is adapted to contract along the longitudinal length when transitioning from the martensite phase to the austenite phase.6. The thermal energy harvesting device of claim 5 , further comprising a biasing member connected to said rotatable shaft for returning said rotatable shaft to its ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090370A1

An actuator having a housing, a connecting element, a shape memory element which changes shape when heated, a heating element and a heat conducting element. The shape memory element is configured in substantially elongate form and is arranged in the housing such that it displaces the connecting element when it changes shape. The heating element, when activated, heats the shape memory element. The heat conducting element is in contact with the shape memory element at least some of the time, at a contact surface which is larger than 0.1 times the total surface of the shape memory element. While in contact with the shape memory element, the heat conducting element bears at least partially displaceably against the latter and has a free surface which is not in contact with either the shape memory element or the heating element that is at least 1.6 times larger than its contact surface. 1. An actuator , comprising:a housing;a connecting element;a shape memory element, configured in substantially elongate form and arranged in the housing, changing shape when heated to displace the connecting element;a heating element, arranged in the housing, configured to heat the shape memory element when activated; anda heat conducting element configured and arranged in the housing in contact with the shape memory element at least some of the time at a contact surface of the heat conducting element that is larger than 0.1 times a total surface of the shape memory element and, while in contact with the shape memory element, the heat conducting element bearing at least partially displaceably against the shape memory element, the heat conducting element having a free surface not in contact with either the shape memory element or the heating element that is at least 1.6 times larger than the contact surface at which the heat conducting element is in contact with the shape memory element.2. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the shape memory element bears against surfaces of the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000264A1

An energy harvesting system includes a first heat engine, a second heat engine, and an nth heat engine. The heat engines each include at least two rotatable pulleys and a first shape memory alloy (SMA) member. The SMA member is disposed about the at least two rotatable pulleys and defines an SMA pulley ratio. The second heat engine is disposed adjacent the first heat engine. The nth heat engine is disposed such that the second heat engine is disposed between the first heat engine and the nth heat engine. The first SMA member, the second SMA member, and the nth SMA member are configured such that a thermal energy conversion efficiency between the hot temperature region and the cold temperature region is nearly 100%. 1. An energy harvesting system comprising: at least two first rotatable pulleys;', 'a first shape memory alloy (SMA) member disposed about the at least two first rotatable pulleys and defining an SMA pulley ratio; and', 'wherein one side of the first SMA member is configured to be in thermal communication with the hot temperature region and another side of the first SMA member is configured to be in thermal communication with the first intermediate temperature region;, 'a first heat engine configured to be in thermal communication with a hot temperature region and a first intermediate temperature region, wherein the first heat engine includes at least two second rotatable pulleys;', 'a second SMA member disposed about the at least two second rotatable pulleys and defining an SMA pulley ratio; and', 'wherein one side of the second SMA member is configured to be in thermal communication with the first intermediate temperature region and another side of the second SMA member is configured to be in thermal communication with the second intermediate temperature region; and, 'a second heat engine disposed adjacent the first heat engine and configured to be in thermal communication with the first intermediate temperature region and a second intermediate ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003178A1

An engine system includes an engine, a water injection device that injects heated water into a combustion chamber, an accelerator position sensor that detects the accelerator position, and a controller that controls the water injection device so as to inject water into the combustion chamber during a compression stroke. The controller obtains a requested torque to be applied to the vehicle based on the accelerator position, obtains the requested engine load that is the load of the engine corresponding to the requested torque, and controls the water injection device so as to make the water injection amount when the requested engine load is in a first load region smaller than the water injection amount when the requested engine load is in a second load region in which the requested engine load is smaller than in the first load region. 1. An engine system comprising:an engine that generates power for a vehicle by burning an air-fuel mixture including air and fuel;a water injection device that injects heated water into a combustion chamber of the engine;an accelerator position sensor that detects an accelerator position corresponding to an operation amount of an accelerator pedal of the vehicle; anda controller configured to control the water injection device so as to inject water into the combustion chamber during a compression stroke of the engine, obtains a requested torque to be applied to the vehicle based on the accelerator position detected by the accelerator position sensor,', 'obtains a requested engine load that is a load of the engine corresponding to the requested torque, and', 'controls the water injection device so as to make a water injection amount when the requested engine load is in a first load region smaller than the water injection amount when the requested engine load is in a second load region in which the requested engine load is smaller than in the first load region., 'wherein the controller2. The engine system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003239A1

A valve unit for regulating the flow of working fluid between a working chamber of a fluid working machine and both a first working fluid line and second working fluid line, the valve unit comprising: a first valve comprising a first valve member and one or more cooperating first valve seats, a second valve comprising a second valve member and one or more cooperating second valve seats, an actuator coupled to both the first and second valve members through which a force may be applied to urge the first valve member open or closed and to urge the second valve member open or closed, a coupling between the actuator and the first valve member, wherein the coupling between the actuator and the first valve member comprises a connector which extends at least partially through the second valve member. 1. A valve unit for regulating the flow of working fluid between a working chamber of a fluid working machine and both a first working fluid line and a second working fluid line , the valve unit comprising:a first valve comprising a first valve member and one or more cooperating first valve seats,a second valve comprising a second valve member and one or more cooperating second valve seats,an actuator, which is actuatable to apply a force to urge the first valve member away from or towards the one or more first valve seats and a force to urge the second valve member away from or towards the one or more second valve seats,a coupling between the actuator and the first valve member,wherein the coupling comprises a connector which extends at least partially through the second valve member.2. A valve unit according to claim 1 , further comprising an opening in the valve unit through which the first valve and the second valve can communicate with a working chamber claim 1 , and wherein the first valve member comprises an aperture through which the second valve can communicate with the opening when the first valve member is in sealing contact with the one or more first valve seats.3. ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003024A1
Автор: Elliot Gibson

A shape memory actuator system and control methods thereof are provided that include a shape memory actuator having a body made of shape memory material, with individual power conductors interfaced with a first portion of the body, and one or more individual ground conductors interfaced with a second portion of the body. A power source provides power to the individual power conductors. One or more controllers are provided for pulse controlling or regionally controlling a resistive heating current connection sufficient to impart shape memory to the body or regions of the body between the individual power conductors and the one or more individual ground conductors with the provision that the ground conductors are physically separated from the individual power conductors. Structures of shape memory actuators and methods of control are also provided. 1. A shape memory actuator system , comprising:a shape memory actuator having a body made of a shape memory material (SMM), with a plurality of individual power conductors interfaced with a first portion of the body, and one or more individual ground conductors interfaced with a second portion of the body;a power source for providing power to the plurality of individual power conductors; anda pulse controller for controlling a frequency of current pulses sufficient to impart a step-wise shape memory effect to the body between the one or more of the plurality of individual power conductors and the one or more individual ground conductors with the proviso that the one or more individual ground conductors are physically separated from the plurality of individual power conductors.2. The shape memory actuator system of wherein the step-wise shape memory effect results from partial or incremental actuation of a specific section of the body made of SMM body through partial incremental ohmic heating.3. The shape memory actuator system of wherein the plurality of individual power conductors are interfaced on one end of a section of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004395A1

Systems and methods for shifting a position of one or more optical elements are disclosed. In embodiment, a system may include a housing having a chamber formed therein, at least one non-linear crystal disposed in the chamber, the non-linear crystal configured to receive at least one incident signal and to convert a wavelength of at least a portion of the incident signal, and at least one shape memory alloy element disposed such that thermal or electrical energy applied to the shape memory alloy causes movement of the non-linear crystal. 1. A system comprising:a housing having a chamber formed therein;at least one optical element disposed in the chamber, the optical element configured to receive at least one incident signal and to convert a wavelength of at least a portion of the incident signal; andat least one shape memory alloy element disposed such that thermal or electrical energy applied to the shape memory alloy causes movement of the optical element.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the housing is a crystal oven configured to control a thermal environment of the optical element.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory alloy element has a cuboid or coil shape.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one biasing element disposed between the optical element and a wall defining at least a portion of the chamber.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sensor configured to measure a temperature in in or adjacent the chamber.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one biasing device disposed between the optical element and a portion of the housing claim 1 , wherein the biasing device is coupled to the shape memory alloy element to effect mechanical communication between the shape memory alloy element and the optical element.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a positioning body disposed adjacent the chamber claim 1 , wherein the shape memory alloy element abuts a portion of the positioning body.8 ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Direction-Controlled Service Apparatus

Номер: US20170009751A1

A direction controlled service apparatus may include a mounting assembly, a housing assembly configured to operably connect to the mounting assembly, the housing assembly being movable with respect to the mounting assembly, and a plurality of actuators connected between the mounting assembly and the housing assembly, each actuator of the plurality of actuators being configured to contract upon a current being applied to the actuator to rotate the housing assembly with respect to the mounting assembly. 1. A shutter assembly for controlling an air flow of a direction controlled service apparatus , said shutter assembly comprising;a collar configured to connect to an opening in a housing assembly of said direction controlled service apparatus;a plurality of blades disposed within said collar, said plurality of blades being positioned adjacent to said opening, each blade of said plurality of blades being configured to overlap an adjacent blade;a blade actuator operably connected to each blade of said plurality of blades, said blade actuator comprising a fixed first end and a second end, said blade actuator being configured to contract upon a current being applied to said blade actuator;a toothed rack connected to said second end of said blade actuator, said rack being movable upon contraction of said blade actuator;a locking mechanism movable between an engaged configuration and a disengaged configuration, said locking mechanism being configured to operably engage said rack upon being set in said engaged configuration; anda locking mechanism actuator operably connected to said locking mechanism, said blade actuator being configured to contract upon a current being applied to said blade actuator to move said locking mechanism to said disengaged configuration;wherein said plurality of blades at least partially overlap in succession upon contraction of said blade actuator to at least partially expose said opening; andwherein each blade of said plurality of blades is fixed ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016057A1

A foot cushion mechanism with lifting function is disclosed. The foot cushion mechanism includes a foot cushion member, a holding base and at least one shape memory material member. The foot cushion member is installed on a housing and abuts against a supporting surface. The holding base and the foot cushion member are respectively installed on opposite sides of the housing. The at least one shape memory material member selectively connects the housing and the holding base or connects the holding base and the foot cushion member. The at least one shape memory material member deforms when being heated due to a shape memory effect, and the housing is driven by the shape memory effect to move away from the foot cushion member such that a distance between the housing and the supporting surface is increased. 1. A foot cushion mechanism , comprising:a foot cushion member installed on a housing and abutting against a supporting surface;a holding base, the holding base and the foot cushion member being respectively installed on opposite sides of the housing; andat least one shape memory material member selectively connecting the housing and the holding base or connecting the holding base and the foot cushion member, the at least one shape memory material member deforming when being heated due to a shape memory effect, the housing is driven by the shape memory effect to move away from the foot cushion member such that a distance between the housing and the supporting surface is increased.2. The foot cushion mechanism of claim 1 , wherein the at least one shape memory material member connects the housing and the holding base claim 1 , and the foot cushion mechanism further comprises:at least one connecting member passing through the housing and slidable relative to the housing, a first end of the at least one connecting member connecting the foot cushion member, a second end of the at least one connecting member connecting the holding base.3. The foot cushion mechanism of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022892A1

A control apparatus of an engine including a cylinder into which a piston is reciprocatably fitted is provided. The apparatus includes a fuel injector for injecting fuel into the cylinder, a water injector for injecting supercritical or subcritical water into the cylinder, and a controller. The controller includes an operating range determining module for receiving a parameter and determining whether an engine operating range is within a water injection range. Within the water injection range, the controller controls the fuel injector to inject a portion of the fuel on an intake stroke or in an early half of compression stroke, and the water injector to inject the water toward a piston crown surface in a period that is between a latter half of the compression stroke and an early half of expansion stroke, after the fuel injection, and before a mixture gas is ignited inside the cylinder. 1. A control apparatus of an engine including an engine body and a cylinder into which a piston is reciprocatably fitted , comprising:a fuel injector for injecting fuel into the cylinder;a water injector for injecting one of supercritical water and subcritical water into the cylinder; anda controller for controlling various parts of the engine, the various parts including the fuel injector and the water injector,wherein the water injector is attached to a predetermined position of the engine body to be capable of injecting the one of the supercritical water and the subcritical water toward a crown surface of the piston,wherein the controller includes an operating range determining module for receiving at least a parameter that varies based on an accelerator opening, and determining whether a current operating range of the engine body is within a water injection range set as at least one of operating ranges of the engine body, andwherein when the current operating range of the engine body is determined to be within the water injection range by the operating range determining module, ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140109550A1
Автор: Barry Leonard D.

This invention is a piston in cylinder engine using water injection into a relative vacuum heated to steam by expanding in the cylinder and by an electric arc or other heat source. The resulting steam explosion applies a work force on the piston. The piston has jet nozzles uncovered at the end of its work stroke to jet the piston to help propel it during the return stroke and to form a vacuum in place of the usual compression stroke. The piston has a cover plate with tapered pins depending into jet nozzles through the piston to block the jet nozzles during the main work stroke. 1. A reciprocating piston engine having a power and an exhaust stroke , a least one cylinder and a piston therein having at least one opening through it head end to back end to exhaust the fluid in the head end during the exhaust stroke , and a lid for sealing said opening closed during the power stroke , and means for opening said lid during the exhaust stroke and for closing the lid during the power stroke;a water supply and metering means connected to said water supply and said engine to mete out a charge of water for each power stroke of said engine, said metering means including an injector set to be controlled by a vacuum in the head end of said cylinder to suck in said charge of water to explode the water into steam, and means for supplying heat to said cylinder to maintain said steam long enough to run the power stroke of said engine.2. An engine as in claim 1 , said opening being a jet propulsion shaped nozzle hole to help propel the piston on the exhaust stroke.3. An engine as in claim 1 , said lid having a depending stopper for entering each said opening to seal for the power stroke whereby pressure on the lid presses in said stopper.4. An engine as in said lid being open with arms each supporting a said stopper.5. An engine as in claim 1 , having a crankshaft claim 1 , a lid rod secured to said lid claim 1 , at least one connecting rod connecting said crank shaft to said lid rod ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Device for Opening or Closing a Seal Set of a Valve

Номер: US20150028234A1

A device for opening or closing a seal seat of a valve arranged in a pipe for liquid or gaseous media includes a one-time only activation of the valve using a shape memory actuator. The shape memory actuator changes its external shape abruptly when a transformation temperature is reached that is dependent upon its alloy composition. The transformation temperature can be generated by a controllable electrical heating device of the device. 1A device , comprising:a valve, which includes a seal seat and which is coupled to a pipe carrying liquid or gaseous media;a shape memory actuator, which is configured for one-time only activation of the valve, wherein the shape memory actuator is configured to abruptly change its external shape when a transformation temperature is reached, wherein the transformation temperature is dependent upon an alloy composition of the shape memory actuator; anda controllable electrical heating device, which is configured to generate the transformation temperature.2. The device of claim 1 , whereinthe valve comprises a piston disposed in a distribution compartment,the piston, depending upon whether the valve is opened or closed without activation of the shape memory actuator, is or is not pressed by a spring against the seal seat, andthe shape memory actuator is configured to generate a force directed counter to the spring on the piston.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the piston is released from the seal seat or is pressed onto the seal seat by the activation of the shape memory actuator depending upon whether the valve is opened or closed without activation of the shape memory actuator.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the force of the shape memory actuator corresponds in a non-activated state to the force generated by the spring.5. The device of claim 2 , wherein movement of the piston is only dependent upon a balance of forces of the spring and the shape memory actuator.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory actuator has a ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030965A1

A shape memory article comprises a shape memory material that transitions to a first shape from a second shape when a temperature of the shape memory material exceeds a threshold temperature. A plurality of microcapsules is in thermal contact with the shape memory material. Each microcapsule in the plurality of microcapsules has a first compartment, a second compartment, and an isolating structure separating the first and second compartments. The isolating structure is rupturable in response to a stimulus. The first compartments each contain a first component, and the second compartments each contain a second component that reacts with the first component to produce heat. 1. A shape memory article , comprising:a shape memory material that transitions to a first shape from a second shape when a temperature of the shape memory material exceeds a threshold temperature; anda plurality of microcapsules in thermal contact with the shape memory material, whereineach microcapsule in the plurality of microcapsules has a first compartment, a second compartment, and an isolating structure separating the first and second compartments, wherein the isolating structure is rupturable in response to a stimulus, the first compartments each contain a first component, and the second compartments each contain a second component that reacts with the first component to produce heat.2. The shape memory article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of microcapsules is in the shape memory material.3. The shape memory article of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory material is polymeric.4. The shape memory article of claim 1 , further comprising:a coating on the shape memory material, wherein the plurality of microcapsules is in the coating formed on the shape memory material.5. The shape memory article of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory material is a metal alloy.6. The shape memory article of claim 1 , wherein the first component is a metal and the second component is an oxidizer.7. The shape ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200035390A1

The present invention relates to a method of actuating a shape changeable member of actuatable material. The invention further relates to a shape changeable member and to a system comprising such a shape changeable member and a magnetic field apparatus. 139.-. (canceled)40. A method of actuating a shape changeable member the shape changeable member having a height , a width as well as a length , the shape changeable member further being untethered; the method comprising the steps of:actuating the shape changeable member by means of at least one stimulus to bring about a change of shape of the member at least over the length of the shape changeable member in at least one spatial direction and thereby inducing a torque into the shape changeable member;effecting a locomotion of the member by means of the induced change of shape of the member in the at least one spatial direction; andmoving the shape changeable member in the at least one spatial direction.41. The method in accordance with claim 40 , wherein the induced torque is used to steer the shape changeable member in the at least one spatial direction.42. The method in accordance with claim 40 , wherein a type of locomotion of the shape changeable member is selected from the group of members consisting of swimming claim 40 , walking claim 40 , flipping claim 40 , crawling claim 40 , rolling claim 40 , diving claim 40 , immersion claim 40 , emersion claim 40 , jumping claim 40 , landing and climbing.43. The method in accordance with claim 40 , wherein the change of shape comprises at least one of a deformation claim 40 , a con-traction claim 40 , a flexing claim 40 , an undulation and a stretching of the actuatable material of the shape changeable member.44. The method in accordance with claim 40 , wherein the stimulus is an external stimulus.45. The method in accordance with claim 44 , wherein the external stimulus is present in the form of a time varying magnetic field applied in at least one dimension.46. The ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220055722A1

An inflation device is provided including a shell, a pin, a restraining element, and a moveable element. The shell is adapted to be coupled to an inflation canister. The pin is positioned within the shell. The pin is adapted to open a seal of the inflation canister. The restraining element is positioned within the shell. The moveable element includes a shape memory alloy. The moveable element is moveable from a first position to a second position responsive to electrical energy sent to the moveable element. While the moveable element is in the first position, the restraining element is secured within the shell to restrain the pin from opening the seal of the inflation canister. While the moveable element is in the second position, the pin is releasable to open the seal of the inflation canister. 1. An inflation device comprising:a shell adapted to be coupled to an inflation canister;a pin positioned within the shell, wherein the pin is adapted to open a seal of the inflation canister;a restraining element positioned within the shell;a moveable element comprising a shape memory alloy, wherein the moveable element is moveable from a first position to a second position responsive to electrical energy sent to the moveable element, wherein while the moveable element is in the first position, the restraining element is secured within the shell to restrain the pin from opening the seal of the inflation canister, and wherein while the moveable element is in the second position, the pin is releasable to open the seal of the inflation canister.2. The inflation device of claim 1 , wherein the restraining element comprises a dissolvable bobbin arranged to prevent the pin from opening the seal of the inflation canister.3. The inflation device of claim 2 , wherein:the shell comprises a port in a wall of the shell;while the moveable element is in the first position the port is sealed to prevent fluid from entering the shell; andwhile the moveable element is in the second position ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200040730A1
Автор: Rogers, SR. Leroy K.

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for operating an engine having a cylinder and a piston reciprocable therein on compressed gas. The apparatus comprises a source of compressed gas connected to a distributor which distributes the compressed gas to the cylinder. A valve is provided to selectively admit compressed gas to the cylinder when the piston is in an approximately top dead center position. Compressed gas is provided by a compressor comprising a axial compressor, a deflector blade which is located downstream of the axial compressor, a radial compressor which is located downstream of the deflector blade and a housing with a which encloses the axial compressor, deflector blade, and radial compressor. 1. An apparatus for operating an engine having at least one cylinder and a reciprocating piston therein comprising:a compressor that supplies compressed gas to the engine said compressor comprising an axial compressor comprising angled axial compressor blades upstream of a radial compressor, a compressor pulley, a shaft connecting the axial compressor, the radial compressor and the pulley, a housing enclosing the axial compressor, the radial compressor, the pulley, and the shaft, said housing having an inlet section, and pulley opening, and a hollow, cone shaped exhaust section with an insert inside the exhaust cone creating a passageway between the insert and the exhaust cone preventing compressed gas exiting the radial compressor from expanding before the compressed gas exits the compressor;distributor means connected with the compressor for distributing the compressed gas to the at least one cylinder;valve means for admitting the compressed gas to the at least one cylinder when the piston is in approximately a top dead center position within the cylinder;altering means for increasing the duration of each engine cycle over which the valve means admits compressed gas to the at least one cylinder as the speed of the engine increases;exhaust means ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047363A1
Принадлежит: SAES GETTERS S.P.A.

A shape memory actuator is described. The shape memory actuator has a supporting body, a driven element slidably mounted on the supporting body for movement between a stable rest position and a stable operative position, a driving element that drives the driven element, the movement of the driving element being determined by a SMA wire and by first resilient return means acting to return the driving element to the rest position upon deactivation of the SMA wire, second resilient return means acting on the driven element in opposition to the SMA wire, engaging means suitable to achieve at the operative position a reversible engagement between the driven element and the supporting body, either directly or indirectly, said engagement being able to resist the action of second resilient return means, and a control system for the engagement and disengagement of the engaging means. 11315331159115117331131921213171315173192121d,a,bd,a,b. Shape memory actuator comprising a supporting body () , a driven element () slidably mounted on said supporting body () for movement between a stable rest position and at least one stable operative position , a driving element () suitable to drive said driven element () moving between a stable rest position and at least one operative position corresponding respectively to said stable rest position and said at least one stable operative position of the driven element () , at least one SMA actuating member () suitable to determine the movement of said driving element () between its rest position and its operative position(s) , and first resilient return means () acting in opposition to said SMA actuating member () so as to return the driving element () to its rest position upon deactivation of the SMA actuating member () , characterized in that it further comprises second resilient return means () acting on the driven element () and suitable to return the driven element () to its rest position upon deactivation of the SMA actuating member () ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046204A1
Автор: MORISHIMA Tetsuya

A variable stiffness actuator includes a shape-memory member, and a heater configured to receive power to heat the shape-memory member so as to cause the shape-memory member to change from a first phase as a low stiffness state to a second phase as a high stiffness state showing a higher stiffness than the low stiffness state. The actuator also includes a first conductive wire having one end connected to the heater and constituting a part of a power supply line for the heater, and a second conductive wire having one end connected to the other end of the first conductive wire, thicker than the first conductive wire, and having an electrical resistance per unit length lower than that of the first conductive wire. 1. A variable stiffness actuator comprising:a shape-memory member;a heater configured to receive power to heat the shape-memory member so as to cause the shape-memory member to change from a first phase as a low stiffness state to a second phase as a high stiffness state showing a higher stiffness than the low stiffness state;a first conductive wire having one end connected to the heater and constituting a part of a power supply line for the heater; anda second conductive wire having one end connected to the other end of the first conductive wire, thicker than the first conductive wire, and having an electrical resistance per unit length lower than that of the first conductive wire.2. The variable stiffness actuator according to claim 1 , wherein the other end of the second conductive wire is connected to a power supply section configured to supply the power to the heater to cause the change of phase.3. The variable stiffness actuator according to claim 2 , wherein a connection between the other end of the first conductive wire and the one end of the second conductive wire is arranged at a position closer to the power supply section than a terminal end of the shape-memory member in a longitudinal direction.4. The variable stiffness actuator according to claim ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048793A1

The invention relates to a system and to a method for operating a system for storing and supplying an auxiliary liquid to an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle or to parts of the internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle, in particular a water-injection system for the internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle, comprising a reservoir for the fluid, comprising at least one conveying pump for the fluid, and comprising at least one line system, which has a feed flow to a consumer and a return flow into the reservoir, and comprising means for heating the fluid. 113-. (canceled)17. A system to store an auxiliary liquid and supply the auxiliary liquid to an internal combustion engine of a motor vehicle or to parts of the internal combustion engine of the motor vehicle , comprising:a reservoir for the auxiliary liquid,at least one feed pump for the auxiliary liquid, andat least one line system, which has a feed flow to a load and a return flow from the load into the reservoir, anda heating device to heat the auxiliary liquid,wherein the return flow is connected to at least one distribution nozzle inside the reservoir, by which distribution nozzle the auxiliary liquid from the return flow is distributed in the reservoir.18. The system as claimed in claim 17 , wherein the heating device to heat the auxiliary liquid is arranged to heat the return flow.19. The system as claimed in claim 17 , wherein claim 17 , the heating device to heat the auxiliary liquid comprises an electrical heating device and/or a heat exchanger.20. The system as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the electrical heating device and/or the heat exchanger are arranged in the return flow.21. The system as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the heat exchanger is thermally coupled to a primary cooling circuit of the internal combustion engine.22. The system as claimed in claim 17 , further comprising a connection module which is inserted in an opening of the reservoir claim 17 , the connection ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130485A1
Автор: Huff Christopher M.
Принадлежит: HB Spider LLC

An air engine system includes an electric motor coupled to the drive shaft of an air engine to control the speed of the air engine. An accelerator controls the speed of the electric motor, which in turn controls the speed of the air engine. The air engine uses compressed air from a compressed air source provided by an air compressor. The air engine may be used on a vehicle, providing a clean environmentally-friendly means of locomotion. 1. An apparatus comprising:a power source;an air compressor that provides a compressed air output; an engine block that includes a plurality of pistons in a plurality of cylinders that provide power to a drive shaft;', 'a timing mechanism that controls the injection of air from the compressed air output into the cylinders in the engine block and controls exhaust of air out of the cylinders in the engine block, thereby producing power to the drive shaft;, 'an air engine comprisinga motor mechanically coupled to the drive shaft and electrically coupled to the power source, wherein speed of the motor determines speed of the drive shaft; andan accelerator electrically coupled to the motor that controls speed of the motor.2. The apparatus of wherein the power source comprises a plurality of direct current (DC) batteries.3. The apparatus of wherein the timing mechanism comprises at least one head comprising:a plurality of intake valves that each injects the compressed air output from the air compressor into one of the plurality of cylinders in the engine block;a plurality of exhaust valves that each exhausts air from one of the plurality of cylinders in the engine block, anda cam shaft that controls opening and closing of the plurality of intake valves and the plurality of exhaust valves.4. The apparatus of wherein the cam shaft comprises a dual-lobe cam shaft that includes a first plurality of lobes directly opposite a second plurality of lobes.5. The apparatus of wherein the air compressor includes an electrical air compression mechanism ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130491A1

A shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator includes a SMA element connected to a first crown to move the first crown with respect to a second crown along an axis to toggle the actuator rod between a first position and a second position, the first position and the second position maintained when the SMA element is deenergized. 1. A shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator comprising:an actuator rod along an axis;a first crown engageable with said actuator rod;a second crown engageable with said actuator rod, said first crown axially movable with respect to said second crown along said axis; anda SMA element connected to said first crown to move said first crown with respect to said second crown along said axis to toggle said actuator rod between a first position and a second position, said first position and said second position maintained when said SMA element is deenergized.2. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first crown defines a first set of teeth engageable with said actuator rod.3. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 2 , wherein said second crown defines a second set of teeth engageable with said actuator rod claim 2 , said second set of teeth different than said first set of teeth.4. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 3 , wherein said second set of teeth define a first height and a second height claim 3 , an axial difference between said first height and said second height defines a stroke of said actuator rod along said axis.5. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein said actuator rod is spring biased along said axis.6. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein said first crown is spring biased along said axis.7. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein said second crown is rotatable about said axis.8. The shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator as recited in claim 1 , wherein said second crown is rotatable ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200051769A1
Принадлежит: Lintec Of America, Inc.

An actuator device that includes a conducting material and at least one fuse incorporated into the conducting material is disclosed. The at least one fuse may stop current flow for temperatures above a specific temperature. The actuator device may also include a series of electronics that determine whether the actuating device has blown the at least one fuse. 1. An actuator device , comprising:a conducting material; andat least one fuse incorporated into the conducting material.2. The actuator device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fuse stops current flow for temperatures above a specific temperature.3. The actuator device of claim 1 , wherein the specific temperature is less than a glass transition temperature of a fiber of the actuating device.4. The actuator device of claim 1 , further comprising a series of electronics which determine whether the actuating device has blown the at least one fuse.5. The actuator device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , after the temperature has exceeded the specific temperature claim 1 , the fuse resumes current flow when the temperature drops below the specific temperature.6. The actuator device of claim 1 , wherein the fuse comprises a material that melts at the specific temperature.7. The actuator device of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 , after the temperature has exceeded the specific temperature claim 5 , the fuse re-hardens when the temperature drops below the specific temperature.836.-. (canceled) This application claims priority, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application 62/431,717 filed on Dec. 8, 2016, and U.S. Provisional Application 62/462,544 filed on Feb. 23, 2017, and which are incorporated by reference in their entireties.Thermally driven torsional actuators based on twisted polymeric and carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers and yarns have a wide range of applications. Artificial muscle actuators comprising twisted and/or coiled polymers have the advantage of low cost, high production volume, and design ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Temperature activated unfolding structure for drinking straws and other enclosed containers

Номер: US20220073234A1

A machine for opening drinking straws and/or other enclosed containers using temperature changes. In the drinking straw variety, the straw is made in part or in full by Nitinol (also known as nickel titanium), Shape Memory Material, or similar such material that allows for the change in the straw's shape (known as the parent phase) in the elevated temperature of a dishwashing machine or similar machine using the Nitinol's or Shape Memory Material's reversible solid-state phase change (known as a martensitic transformation). When the straw is returned to room temperature, the straw closes to its original shape (known as its daughter phase) allowing it to be used as a standard straw. The container variety uses the same method but adapts it for container shapes. This phase change allows for lodged materials in the straw and/or container to be easily dislodged by the object opening in the dishwasher. 1. Temperature activated unfolding structure for drinking straws and other enclosed containers , the drinking straw comprising:A Straw Base running down the length of the straw longitudinally, a Straw Seam running down the opposite side of the Straw Base allowing for opening and closing of the straw, Two Straw Wings making up the sides of the straw comprised of Nitinol, Shape Memory Material or other type of material to allow for the straw to automatically open in the elevated temperature of the dishwasher or other type machine and close again when returned to room temperature. The Straw Seal allows for better contact with the Straw Seam to allow for a better contact and to make it leak proof. The Straw Seal may not proof necessary in case the straw seals naturally.2. Temperature activated unfolding structure for drinking straws and other enclosed containers , the enclosed container comprising:The Container Side forms the side of the container. The Container Top forms the top of the container. The Container Bottom forms the bottom of the container. The Container Hinge ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170058875A1

A resistively heated shape memory polymer device is made by providing a rod, sheet or substrate that includes a resistive medium. The rod, sheet or substrate is coated with a first shape memory polymer providing a coated intermediate unit. The coated intermediate unit is in turn coated with a conductive material providing a second intermediate unit. The second coated intermediate unit is in turn coated with an outer shape memory polymer. The rod, sheet or substrate is exposed and an electrical lead is attached to the rod, sheet or substrate. The conductive material is exposed and an electrical lead is attached to the conductive material. 1. An apparatus comprising:a conductive substrate including a resistive medium;a first shape memory polymer (SMP) coating the conductive substrate;a first conductive material member coating the first SMP coated conductive substrate;a second SMP coating the first conductive material member coated first SMP coated conductive substrate; andfirst and second electrical leads;wherein a portion of the conductive substrate is exposed and a portion of the first conductive material member is exposed;wherein the first electrical lead is coupled to the exposed portion of the conductive substrate and the second electrical lead is coupled to the exposed portion of the first conductive material member;wherein (a) the first SMP directly contacts the first conductive material member; (b) the conductive substrate directly contacts the first SMP, and (c) the first conductive material member directly contacts the second SMP.2. The apparatus of wherein the resistive medium includes a solid conductive material.3. The apparatus of wherein the resistive medium includes a composite that contains conductive particles.4. The apparatus of wherein the conductive particles include carbon black.5. The apparatus of wherein the conductive particles include carbon nanotubes.6. The apparatus of wherein the conductive particles include metallic fillers.7. The ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056535A1
Автор: BOUVY Jacques
Принадлежит: DMA Tech S.à r.l.

A sparked reciprocating internal combustion two-stroke steam engine including an engine casing, a crankshaft rotatable about a crankshaft axis, a cylinder arranged inside the engine casing, a piston arranged inside the cylinder to movably reciprocate along a reciprocating axis between a top dead center position distal from the crankshaft and a bottom dead center position proximal to the crankshaft and operatively connected to the crankshaft such that the reciprocating piston imparts a rotational movement to the crankshaft, a combustion chamber defined within the cylinder between the engine casing and a head of the piston opposite the crankshaft, an intake valve, an exhaust valve, a fuel injector to directly inject fuel into the combustion chamber, a water injector to directly inject water into the combustion chamber at a location below the top dead center position of the piston, and a spark plug, where the intake valve is in fluid connection with a compressed gaseous oxidizer supply configured to feed compressed gaseous oxidizer through the intake valve to the combustion chamber. 127.-. (canceled)28. A sparked reciprocating internal combustion two-stroke steam engine comprisingan engine casing,a crankshaft rotatable about a crankshaft axis,a cylinder arranged inside said engine casing,a piston arranged inside said cylinder to movably reciprocate along a reciprocating axis between a top dead center position distal from said crankshaft and a bottom dead center position proximal to said crankshaft and operatively connected to the crankshaft such that the reciprocating piston imparts a rotational movement to the crankshaft,a combustion chamber defined within said cylinder between the engine casing and a head of the piston opposite said crankshaft,an intake valve,an exhaust valve,a fuel injector to directly inject fuel into said combustion chamber,a water injector to directly inject water into said combustion chamber at a location below said top dead center position of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062795A1
Автор: Tanabe Yoshio

The object is to provide an actuator that moves in a shearing direction. 1. An actuator , comprising:an internal actuator comprising a first stator and a first mover opposed to the first stator, the first mover moving in a direction away from the first stator;a second stator having a fixation wall that is disposed in a direction in which the first stator and the first mover are opposed to each other and that is disposed along a first mover side and away from the first mover, the second stator being fixed with the first stator; anda second mover having a pressing wall to be inserted between the first mover and the fixation wall.2. The actuator according to claim 1 , further comprising a biasing unit that biases the pressing wall toward a first mover side.3. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereinthe second stator has a box shape for accommodating the internal actuator,the fixation wall is a side wall of the second stator, andthe second mover has a lid portion covering an opening of the second stator.4. The actuator according to claim 3 , whereinthe second stator has a ridge-like raised portion on an edge surface of a side wall adjacent to the fixation wall along a long side of the edge surface, andthe lid portion abuts against the ridge-like raised portion.5. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereinthe internal actuator includes a wire made of a shape memory alloy,the first stator includes a plurality of stator convex portions,the first mover includes a mover convex portion arranged between the stator convex portions, andthe wire is located between the first stator and the first mover along a direction in which the stator convex portions are aligned.6. The actuator according to claim 2 , whereinthe internal actuator includes a wire made of a shape memory alloy,the first stator includes a plurality of stator convex portions,the first mover includes a mover convex portion arranged between the stator convex portions, andthe wire is located between the first ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137991A1

The present invention provides a high-temperature shape memory alloy, in which Hf, Zr, Ta, Nb, V, Mo, and W as a third element except Ni are added to TiPd to thereby improve high-temperature strength and exhibit large shape recovery in a high-temperature range of 200° C. to 500° C., and a method for producing the high-temperature shape memory alloy. 1. A TiPd-based high-temperature shape memory alloy comprising 45 to 55 atom % of Pd , and Ti and unavoidable impurities as a residue , wherein part of the Ti is substituted with one kind or more of Hf , Zr , Nb , and Mo in a range of 0.1 to 15 atom % with respect to the whole composition , and shape recovery is exhibited in a temperature range of 200° C. to 550° C.2. A TiPd-based high-temperature shape memory alloy comprising 45 to 55 atom % of Pd , and Ti and unavoidable impurities as a residue , wherein part of the Ti is substituted with one kind or more of Ta , W , and V in a range of 0.1 to 15 atom % with respect to the whole composition , Ti is 45 atom % or less with respect to the whole composition in the case of being substituted with Ta or W , and shape recovery is exhibited in a temperature range of 200° C. to 550° C.3. A TiPd-based high-temperature shape memory alloy comprising 45 to 55 atom % of Pd , and Ti and unavoidable impurities as a residue , wherein part of the Pd is substituted with one kind or more of Ir , Ru , and Co in a range of 0.1 to 10 atom % with respect to the whole composition , and shape recovery is exhibited in a temperature range of 200° C. to 550° C.4. The high-temperature shape memory alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a recovery factor of 10% or more is exhibited by heating to martensitic transformation temperature or more after deformation at 200° C. or more.5. The shape memory alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a crystal structure of the high-temperature shape memory alloy is a B19 type rhombic crystal at martensitic transformation temperature or less.6. The shape memory alloy ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Local Haptic Actuation System

Номер: US20180066636A1

A haptic actuator device includes a surface with a mechanical property responsive to localized temperature changes. The surface can include a layer or sheet comprising a shape-memory material. The haptic actuator device can further include an actuator configured to selectively deform a plurality of regions in the sheet; and a temperature controller adapted to control the temperatures of the plurality of regions. A method of localized actuation includes selectively controlling the temperatures of the plurality of regions to be above a shape-memory transition temperature of the shape-memory material; selectively deforming at least one of the regions; while maintaining the deformation of the at least one region, lowering the temperature of the at least one region to below the shape-memory transition temperature; subsequently withdrawing the applied stress; and thereafter heating the at least one region to above the shape-memory transition temperature, causing the region to return to its pre-deformation shape. 1. A haptic actuator device comprising:a surface having a mechanical property responsive to localized temperature changes;at least one actuator configured to selectively deform at least one of a plurality of regions in the surface; andat least one temperature controller adapted to control a temperature of the at least one of the plurality of regions of the surface.2. The haptic actuator device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one actuator comprises a plurality of actuator elements claim 1 , each corresponding to a respective one of the plurality of regions.3. The haptic actuator device of claim 1 , wherein the surface comprises a sheet of shape-memory material.4. The haptic actuator device of claim 3 , wherein the shape-memory material comprises a shape-memory polymer (SMP).5. The haptic actuator device of claim 4 , wherein the actuator comprises an electroactive polymer (EAP) mixed with the shape-memory polymer claim 4 , or forming a layered structure with the ( ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for Passive Fluid Flow Control

Номер: US20180066745A1

An apparatus for passive control of fluid flow between at least two volumes includes a first volume containing a fluid agitator and a second volume containing a fluid. A baffle disposed between the first and second volumes includes at least one opening that allows fluid flow to occur between the first and second volumes. A flow control device is passively manipulated in response to a condition change of either the first or second volumes to effect flow through the at least one opening in the baffle. 1. An apparatus for passive control of fluid flow between at least two volumes comprising:a first volume containing a fluid agitator and a second volume containing a fluid;a baffle having at least one opening disposed between the first and second volumes operative to allow fluid flow between the first and second volumes; anda flow control device operative to be passively manipulated in response to a condition change of either the first or second volumes to effect flow through the at least one opening.2. The apparatus of wherein the fluid agitator is a gear set.3. The apparatus of wherein the fluid is a lubricant.4. The apparatus of wherein the flow control device includes a passive actuator.5. The apparatus of wherein the passive actuator is a thermal expansion material.6. The apparatus of wherein the passive actuator is a memory alloy.7. The apparatus of wherein the passive actuator is attached between an abutment at a first end and a lever arm at a second end.8. The apparatus of wherein the passive actuator is in the form of a spring device.9. The apparatus of wherein the condition change is a temperature increase.10. The apparatus of wherein the condition change is a temperature decrease.11. The apparatus of wherein the lever arm is attached to the passive actuator at one end and attached to a fluid stop at an opposite end.12. The apparatus of wherein the passive actuator is operative to close the fluid stop when expanded.13. The apparatus of wherein the passive ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090716A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Standard Automotive

This disclosure relates to hose connector arranged for joining flexible hoses comprised of a tubular pipe body with at least one insertion portions made of an SMA or other shape memory material that has a memorized shape. The insertion portion is located on at least on one end of the tubular pipe body and has an outer diameter smaller than an interior diameter of the flexible hose in a martensite state. The insertion portion is inserted into the interior diameter of the flexible hose and the memorized shape is recovered with the application of heat, wherein the outer diameter of the insertion portion becomes larger than the outer diameter of the flexible hose sealing the outer diameter of the insertion portion against the interior diameter of the flexible hose. 1. A hose connector structure comprising:a tubular pipe arranged for joining flexible hoses and having an insertion portion made of an SMA or other shape memory material that has a memorized shape;the insertion portion located on one end of the tubular pipe has an outer diameter smaller than an interior diameter of the flexible hose in a martensite state that allows the insertion portion to be inserted into the interior diameter of the flexible hose; andrecovering the memorized shape with the application of heat, wherein the outer diameter of the insertion portion becomes larger than the outer diameter of the flexible hose sealing the outer diameter of the insertion portion against the interior diameter of the flexible hose.2. The hose connector structure according to claim 1 , wherein in its memorized shape the insertion portion has an outer diameter greater than the outer diameter of the flexible hose.3. The hose connector structure according to claim 2 , wherein the insertion portion in the martensite state is mechanically deformed to reduce the outer diameter of the insertion portion to a diameter smaller than the inner diameter of the flexible hose.4. The hose connector structure according to claim 3 , ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070703A1

A side member () for a vehicle seat (), in particular motor vehicle seat, includes a metallic frame section (). The frame section () has an exposed supporting section () for supporting a padding of the side member (), wherein the supporting section () is flexurally elastic and, in a normal position, protrudes from the frame section () in order to support the padding, wherein at least one electrically controllable actuator () is provided, which, by generating a force, transfers the supporting section () from the normal position into a retracted position. The invention furthermore relates to a vehicle seat () having at least one side member (). 1. A vehicle seat side member comprising:a metallic frame section;an exposed supporting section for supporting a padding of the side member, wherein the supporting section is flexurally elastic and, in a normal position, protrudes from the frame section to support the padding; andan electrically controllable actuator configured to generate a force to transfer the supporting section from the normal position into a retracted position, which is retracted relative to the normal position.2. A vehicle seat side member according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator comprises a shape memory actuator.3. A vehicle seat side member according to claim 2 , wherein the actuator comprises a wire made from a shape memory alloy.4. A vehicle seat side member according to claim 3 , wherein the wire comprises a meandering extent between first deflection points and second deflection points.5. A vehicle seat side member according to claim 3 , wherein the actuator further comprises a protective sheath and the wire is thermally insulated by means of the protective sheath.6. A vehicle seat side member according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , for connection to an earth conductor claim 3 , the wire is electrically conductively connected at one end to the supporting section and at the other end to an electrical energy source.7. A vehicle seat side member ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140157768A1
Автор: Jardine Andrew Peter

This invention relates to the exploitation of porous foam articles exhibiting the Shape Memory Effect as actuators. Each foam article is composed of a plurality of geometric shapes, such that some geometric shapes can fit snugly into or around rigid mating connectors that attach the Shape Memory foam article intimately into the load path between a static structure and a moveable structure. 2. The article in wherein said porous actuator provides a rotary torsional urging.3. The article in wherein said porous actuator provides a urging by deflection one of its ends out of its unloaded shape.4. A system for attaching porous Shape Memory Alloys to external structures claim 1 , comprising:an external structure, where one structural element is static and one element of the external structure is to be moved;a porous foam article composed of a material exhibiting the shape memory effect or the superelastic effect whose shape is composed of a plurality of connected geometric shapes, and it placed in the load path between the deployable structural element and the static; andmating connectors between the external structure and the porous foam article, said connectors fit approximately onto at least one of the plurality of forms of said porous foam article, and communicate the loads between the movable structure and the static structure.5. The system in wherein the mating connector fits approximately over said porous foam articles external shapes.6. The system in wherein the mating connector fits approximately over said porous foam articles internal shapes.7. The system in claim 4 , wherein the shape consists of a cylindrical tube with two connected end shapes that fit substantially into mating connectors claim 4 , and where said porous foam article has a continuous inner diameter throughout its volume.8. The system in claim 4 , wherein the shape consists of a cylindrical tube with two connected square end shapes that fit approximately by sliding into said square cross- ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080437A1
Автор: MORISHIMA Tetsuya

A variable-stiffness actuator, installed in a flexible member and capable of providing different stiffnesses for the flexible member, includes a shape-memory member that can transit in phase between first and second phases and an inducing member that causes phase transition between the first and second phases into the shape-memory member. The shape-memory member takes, in the first stare, a flexible state in which it is easily deformable by an external force, so as to provide lower stiffness for the flexible member, and, in the second stare, a rigid state in which it tends to take a memorized shape against an external force, so as to provide higher stiffness for the flexible member. The actuator further includes a stiffness calculator that calculates the stiffness of the actuator. 1. A variable-stiffness actuator , installed in a flexible member and capable of providing different stiffnesses for the flexible member , comprising:a shape-memory member that can transit in phase between a first phase and a second phase, the shape-memory member taking a flexible state in which the shape-memory member is easily deformable by an external force when the shape-memory member is in the first phase, so as to provide lower stiffness for the flexible member, the shape-memory member taking a rigid state in which the shape-memory member tends to take a memorized shape memorized beforehand against an external force when the shape-memory member is in the second phase, so as to provide higher stiffness for the flexible member;an inducing member that causes phase transition between the first phase and the second phase into the shape-memory member; anda stiffness calculator that calculates the stiffness of the variable-stiffness actuator,the stiffness calculator calculating the stiffness of the variable-stiffness actuator, based on the temperature of the inducing member,the stiffness calculator including a storage that stores a temperature history of the inducing member, calculating the ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089201A1
Автор: Farazifard Rasoul

A hybrid engine comprises a housing and at least one rotor. The engine employs tongue and groove system to generate rotational movement. As the rotor pivots, reciprocating tongues slide into and out of the grooves. In pneumatic mode, introduction of compressed air forwardly into the grooves drives the rotor. Meanwhile, the air exhaust is cleared from the grooves rearwardly. In internal combustion mode, compression and air intake strokes start and end at the same time in a groove. Combustion and exhaust strokes occur simultaneously in the next groove arriving at the combustion chamber. 1. A rotary engine able to produce mechanical energy from internal combustion and from pneumatic , steam and pressurized fluid flow , comprising:a housing having an internal cylindrical contour wall, including at least one side plate connected to the housing;at least one rotor positioned in and movable in the housing, having an axis of rotation, and having at least one pressure groove cut in said rotor;at least one central shaft coaxial with the housing axis, connecting to the rotor and extending out of the housing, supported by at least one bearing in at least one of the side plates, and rotating with the rotor;at least one slot cut through the housing contour wall, accepting a tongue reciprocating in sealing relationship to and within said slot;at least one intake passage in the housing; andat least one exhaust passage in the housing.2. A rotary engine as defined in claim 1 , wherein when used as pneumatic claim 1 , steam and pressurized fluid engine claim 1 , wherein the intake passages are located in the front of the slots and the exhaust passages are located at the rear of the slots.3. A rotary engine as described in claim 1 , wherein when used as internal combustion engine claim 1 , further comprising:at least one combustion chamber cut into the internal housing contour wall;at least one compression slot located at the front of each of the combustion chamber, accepting a ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096293A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A system for heating a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator may include an SMA actuator, a smart susceptor, a plurality of induction coils, and a control module. The SMA actuator may have at least one layup. The SMA actuator may be selectively heated to a transition temperature. The smart susceptor may be in thermal contact with the at least one layup of the SMA actuator. The induction heating coils may be configured to receive an alternating current and generate a magnetic field based on the alternating current. The magnetic field may create an eddy current in at least one of the SMA actuator and the smart susceptor to heat the SMA actuator to the transition temperature. The control module may be configured to drive the alternating current supplied to the induction heating coils. 1. A system for heating a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator , the system comprising:an SMA actuator having at least one layup, the SMA actuator selectively heated to a transition temperature;a smart susceptor in thermal contact with the at least one layup of the SMA actuator;a plurality of induction heating coils configured to receive an alternating current and generate a magnetic field based on the alternating current, the magnetic field creating an eddy current in at least one of the SMA actuator and the smart susceptor to heat the SMA actuator to the transition temperature; anda control module configured to drive the alternating current supplied to the induction heating coils.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the smart susceptor is selectively heated to a Curie temperature claim 1 , and wherein the Curie temperature is about equal to the transition temperature.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the SMA actuator includes a generally tubular body having an inner layup and an outer layup.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the smart susceptor is in thermal contact with the inner layup of the SMA actuator.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field induces a secondary magnetic field ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210095646A1

An actuator includes a strand of shape memory material having a length that is variable between a first length corresponding to an undeformed state and a second length corresponding to a state of lengthwise deformation. The strand is arranged to return to the undeformed state when it is heated to a predetermined temperature. The strand includes a fixed end and a mobile end arranged to move between a first and a second position when the variable length of the SMM strand changes. The actuator further includes a heating wire coiled around the strand for heating the strand, the coiled heating wire forming a circular helix, the uniform slope of which is selected so as to avoid any substantial change of the arc length of the circular helix caused by the strand changing its length. 1100. An actuator () comprising:{'b': 10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '10', '12', '14, 'i': a,', 'b,', 'c,', 'd,', 'e,', 'f, 'at least one strand () made of shape memory material (SMM) and having a length that is variable between a first length corresponding to a contracted state of the SMM strand and a second length corresponding to an extended state of the SMM strand, one of the contracted and extended states being an undeformed state and the other one thereof involving a predetermined lengthwise deformation of the SMM strand from the undeformed state, wherein the SMM strand is arranged to return to the undeformed state from the state involving a predetermined lengthwise deformation when it is heated to a predetermined temperature, the SMM strand comprising a fixed end attached to a fixed mechanical interface () of a support structure, and a moving end attached to a mobile mechanical interface () movable between first and second positions in such a way that the mobile interface may move from one of the first and second positions to the other thereof when the variable length of the SMM strand changes from one of the first and second lengths to the other thereof,'}{'b': 16', '16', '16', '16', '24', ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

High Stiffness Shape Memory Alloy Actuated Aerostructure

Номер: US20180094622A1

A shape memory alloy (SMA) actuated aerostructure operable to dynamically change shape according to flight conditions is disclosed. Deformable structures are actuated by SMA actuators that are coupled to face sheets of the deformable structures. Actuating the SMA actuators produces complex shape changes of the deformable structures by activating shape changes of the SMA actuators. The SMA actuators are actuated via an active or passive temperature change based on operating conditions. The SMA actuated aerostructure can be used for morphable nozzles such as a variable area fan nozzle and/or a variable geometry chevron of a jet engine to reduce engine noise during takeoff without degrading fuel burn during cruise. 1. A method for operating a shape memory alloy actuated aerostructure comprising a first face sheet and a second face sheet , the method comprising:determining at least one characteristic of a shape memory alloy actuated aerostructure to be optimized;determining a flight condition temperature based on current flight conditions;controlling a shape memory alloy temperature of at least one portion of at least one shape memory alloy actuator to optimize the at least one characteristic, comprising controlling the shape memory alloy temperature of the least one portion to select and maintain a shape of the at least one shape memory alloy according to the determined flight condition temperature,the at least one shape memory alloy actuator comprising a lattice of shape memory alloy metal located between the first face sheet and the second face sheet, and coupled at substantially maxima of the at least one shape memory alloy actuator to the first face sheet at two or more locations on the first face sheet, and coupled at substantially minima of the at least one shape memory alloy actuator to the second face sheet at two or more locations on the second face sheet, wherein the first face sheet and the second face sheet are each made of materials that differ from the ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101325A1

Reconfigurable skin systems may include a multi-cellular structure, in which individual cells are filled with a shape memory polymer having conductive chains of conductive particles embedded or dispersed therein. The systems are configured such that application of a stimulus to selected cells causes the shape memory polymer to undergo a phase change in the selected cells and impart a textured surface to one side of the multi-cellular structure. 1. A reconfigurable skin system comprising: a composite infill at least partially filling the individual cell, the composite infill comprising a shape memory polymer and a plurality of conductive particles dispersed through the shape memory polymer and configured as conductive chains from a first end of the individual cell nearest the first side of the support structure to a second end of the individual nearest the second side of the support structure;', 'a first conductive layer at the first end of the individual cell and in electrical communication with the conductive chains;', 'a second conductive layer at the second end and in electrical communication with the conductive chains;', 'a third conductive layer at the second end and in electrical communication with the first conductive and the second conductive layer through only the conductive chains;', 'a first electrode connected to the second conductive layer; and', 'a second electrode connected to the third conductive layer, wherein when electricity flows from the first electrode to the second electrode through each individual cell, the conductive chains resistively heat the shape memory polymer to induce a shape change in the shape memory polymer., 'a support structure of deflectable supports defining a plurality of cells through the support structure from a first side of the support structure to a second side of the support structure opposite the first side, each individual cell of the plurality of cells comprising2. The reconfigurable skin system of claim 1 , wherein ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150113974A1
Автор: Howarth James

An SMA actuation apparatus moves a movable element, such as a camera lens element, relative to a support structure in any direction perpendicular to a notional primary axis using N pairs of SMA actuator wires extending perpendicular to said primary axis, where N is three or more. The SMA actuator wires of each pair extend parallel to each other and being connected at their ends in tension to the movable element and the support structure in opposition to apply a force to the movable element in opposite directions. The SMA actuator wires are arranged around the movable element such that they are capable of being selectively driven to move the movable element in any direction perpendicular to said primary axis. Accordingly, it is possible to drive movement with an apparatus that is compact along the primary axis. 1. An SMA actuation apparatus for moving a movable element relative to a support structure in any direction perpendicular to a notional primary axis , the SMA actuation apparatus comprising:a support structure;a movable element supported on the support structure in a manner allowing movement of the movable element relative to the support structure in any direction perpendicular to said primary axis; andN pairs of SMA actuator wires extending perpendicular to said primary axis, and extending transverse to respective notional radii extending from the primary axis, as viewed along the primary axis where N is three or more, the SMA actuator wires of each pair extending parallel to each other and being connected at their ends in tension to the movable element and the support structure in opposition so that they apply a force to the movable element in opposite directions, the pairs of SMA actuator wires being arranged around the movable element such that they are capable of being selectively driven to move the movable element in any direction perpendicular to said primary axis.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the SMA actuation apparatus is a camera ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140196452A1

The present invention provides a multi-stage double-acting traveling-wave thermoacoustic system, comprising three elementary units, each elementary unit comprises a linear motor and a thermoacoustic conversion device; the linear motor comprises a piston and a cylinder, the piston can perform a straight reciprocating motion in the cylinder; each thermoacoustic conversion device comprises a main heat exchanger and a heat regenerator connected in sequence, and the heat regenerator is of a ladder structure; a set of a non-normal-temperature heat exchanger, a thermal buffer tube and an auxiliary heat exchanger is connected at each ladder of the heat regenerator; and the main heat exchanger and the auxiliary heat exchanger of each thermoacoustic conversion device are connected to cylinder cavities of different linear motors respectively forming a loop structure for flow of a gas medium. The multi-stage double-acting traveling-wave thermoacoustic system can improve the working performance of the multi-stage double-acting traveling-wave thermoacoustic system. 1. A multi-stage double-acting traveling-wave thermoacoustic system , comprising at least three elementary units , each elementary unit comprising a linear motor and a thermoacoustic conversion device , wherein the linear motor comprises a piston and a cylinder , the cylinder has a cylinder cavity , the piston can perform a straight reciprocating motion in the cylinder , wherein the thermoacoustic conversion device comprises a main heat exchanger and a heat regenerator connected in sequence , and the heat regenerator is of a ladder structure , and a set of a non-normal-temperature heat exchanger , a thermal buffer tube and an auxiliary heat exchanger is connected at each ladder of the heat regenerator; andthe main heat exchanger and the auxiliary heat exchanger of each thermoacoustic conversion device are connected to cylinder cavities of different linear motors respectively, forming a loop structure for flow of a gas ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119681A1
Автор: Elliot Gibson

A shape memory actuator system is provided that includes a shape memory actuator having a body made of a shape memory material, with individual power conductors interfaced with a first portion of the body, and one or more individual ground conductors interfaced with a second portion of the body in physical contact with the first portion of the body. A power source provides power to the individual power conductors. A controller is provided for controlling a resistive heating current connection sufficient to impart shape memory to the body between the individual power conductors and the one or more individual ground conductors with the proviso that the ground conductors are physically separated from the individual power conductors. A novel shape memory article results. A method for controlling a shape memory actuator and forming a shape memory article are also provided. 1. A method for fabricating a controllable shape memory actuator , comprising:providing a shape memory material (SMM) with a first surface and second surface;coating the first surface and the second surface with a conductive substance; andremoving a portion of the conductive substance to create a set of individual conductors on the first surface or the second surface.2. The method of wherein the coating comprises at least one of dipping claim 1 , spraying claim 1 , painting claim 1 , or vapor depositing the first surface and the second surface with a conductive substance.3. The method of wherein the removing comprises at least one of chemically treating claim 2 , laser removing claim 2 , or mechanically removing a portion of the conductive substance.4. The method of wherein the conductive substance is graphene.5. The method of further comprising insulating regions between two or more of the individual conductors on the first surface or the second surface to reduce cross-talk between two or more of the individual conductors.6. The method of wherein the insulating comprises removing regions of the SMM ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Over-Actuated Hysteretic Systems and Methods for Control of Same

Номер: US20210154434A1

An over-actuated system [], such as a catheter, having shape memory alloy (SMA) hysteretic wire actuators is controlled using a controller [] that generates a control signal [] based on a temperature model that takes into account physical limitations of the SMA hysteretic wire actuators, and based on a hysteresis model (e.g., the Duhem model) that describes hysteresis behavior of the SMA hysteretic wire actuators. The controller preferably includes a feedback controller [] and a reference governor that generates a smart reference signal [] from a reference signal [] representing a desired value of an output of the system. The smart reference signal preferably minimizes an error between the reference signal and an achievable output, and the control signal preferably is generated based on the smart reference signal. 1. A method for controlling an over-actuated system having shape memory alloy (SMA) hysteretic wire actuators , the method comprising:(a) generating by a controller a control signal, wherein the control signal is generated based on a temperature model that takes into account physical limitations of the SMA hysteretic wire actuators, and a hysteresis model that describes hysteresis behavior of the SMA hysteretic wire actuators;(b) inputting to the SMA hysteretic wire actuators the control signal, wherein the SMA hysteretic wire actuators comprise at least three SMA wire actuators;(c) changing displacement states of the SMA hysteretic wire actuators based on the control signal, such that a tip of the over-actuated system moves with a number of degrees of freedom less than the number of SMA wire actuators.2. The method of wherein the over-actuated system is a catheter.3. The method of wherein the tip of the over-actuated system moves with two degrees of freedom claim 1 , and wherein the number of SMA wire actuators is at least three.4. The method of wherein the hysteresis model is the Duhem model.5. The method of wherein the controller comprises a feedback ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210156367A1

Broadly speaking, embodiments of the present techniques provide mechanisms for electrically connecting shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator wires of an actuation device to a power or current source via at least one connection element. 1. An actuation apparatus comprising:a static component;a moveable component that is moveable relative to the static component;a plurality of shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator wires, each SMA actuator wire comprising a first portion coupled to the static component and a second portion coupled to the moveable component;a plurality of wire connectors, each wire connector for connecting the first portion of one of the plurality of SMA actuator wires to the static component; andat least one connection element arranged to individually connect the plurality of wire connectors to corresponding electrical terminals, wherein the electrical terminals are coupleable to a control circuit that enables selective driving of the SMA actuator wires.25-. (canceled)6. The actuation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , comprises eight SMA actuator wires claim 1 , and at least eight electrical terminals are provided on one side of the static component.7. The actuation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electrical terminals are grouped into a first group and a second group claim 1 , where the first group is provided on a first side of the static component claim 1 , and the second group is provided on a second side of the static component.811-. (canceled)12. The actuation apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , comprises eight SMA actuator wires claim 1 , wherein the electrical terminals are grouped into a first group claim 1 , a second group claim 1 , a third group claim 1 , and a fourth group claim 1 , provided on a first side claim 1 , a second side claim 1 , a third side and a fourth side of the static component respectively claim 1 , and wherein each of the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third and fourth group comprises at least two electrical ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140210219A1
Автор: PIPP Walter B.
Принадлежит: A. Raymond & Cie

A rotary actuator includes a plurality of plate members stacked and coupled together for rotation relative to each other. A biasing member provides a biasing force tending to cause a rotatable end plate member to rotate in a biasing direction relative to a non-rotatable end plate member. Each plate member has a plurality of notches at its periphery. A SMA wire extends through the plurality of notches so that as the SMA wire is heated, the SMA wire rotates each rotatable plate member from a cold position in a direction opposite the biasing direction to a hot position. As the SMA wire cools, the biasing member rotates each rotatable plate member in the biasing direction from the hot position and returns each rotatable plate member to the cold position. 1. A rotary actuator comprising: a non-rotatable end plate member having a plurality of notches at its periphery;', 'a rotatable end plate member comprising a plurality of notches at its periphery;', 'at least one intermediate rotatable plate member having a plurality of notches at its periphery;', 'wherein the at least one intermediate rotatable plate member is sandwiched in a stack between the non-rotatable end plate member and the rotatable end plate member;, 'a plurality of plate members comprisinga biasing member providing a biasing force tending to cause the rotatable end plate member to rotate in a biasing direction relative to the non-rotatable end plate member; anda SMA wire extending through the plurality of notches so that generally helical wire paths all extend in one of the clockwise or counterclockwise direction from the non-rotatable end plate member to the rotatable end plate member;wherein as the SMA wire is heated, the SMA wire rotates each rotatable plate member from a cold position in a direction opposite the biasing direction to a hot position; and as the SMA wire cools, the biasing member rotates each rotatable plate member in the biasing direction from the hot position and returns each rotatable ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138574A1

The invention provides an energy recovery device comprising a first SMA core housed in a first immersion chamber and adapted to be sequentially filled with fluid to allow heating and/or cooling of the first SMA core wherein a first shaft is adapted to be turned by the SMA core mounted concentrically around said first shaft. The SMA core comprises a plurality of SMA elements to define a module, wherein a plurality of modules are mounted in series and whereby movement of a first module is configured to be input to a second module enabling cumulative rotation of the shaft. 1. A modular energy device comprising a first SMA core housed in an immersion chamber and adapted to be sequentially filled with fluid to allow heating and/or cooling of the first SMA core wherein a shaft is adapted to be rotated by the first SMA core mounted concentrically around first shaft; and the first SMA core comprises a plurality of SMA elements to define a module , wherein a plurality of modules are mounted in series and whereby movement of a first module is configured to be input to a second module enabling cumulative rotation of the shaft.2. The energy device of wherein at least one lever mechanism is adapted to extend the stroke of said SMA wires during heating of the core.3. The energy device of wherein the SMA elements are selected from different lengths of SMA material.4. The energy device of wherein the SMA core is divided into a plurality of shorter elements claim 1 , mounted radially around the circumference of shaft.5. The energy device of wherein the deflection of each of the elements are a function of the length of the element.6. The energy device of wherein the first core is mounted on the shaft in a spoked wheel arrangement.7. The energy device of comprising a modular valve adapted to increase the overall efficiency of the heat engine optimised on a predefined profile based on the SMA core.8. The energy device of wherein the predefined profile can be controlled by varying the ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134184A1

An occupant support adapted for use in a vehicle includes a seat bottom coupled to a floor of the vehicle and a seat back configured to pivot about a seat-back pivot axis relative to the seat bottom. The occupant support further includes a recliner configured to control movement of the seat back relative to the seat bottom and a recliner actuator configured to lock and unlock the recliner. 1. An occupant support comprisinga seat including a seat bottom and a seat back coupled to the seat bottom for movement about a seat-back pivot axis relative to the seat bottom between an upright position and a folded-forward position,a recliner coupled to at least one of the seat bottom and the seat back, the recliner configured to move between a locked arrangement in which the recliner blocks the seat back from pivoting about the seat-back pivot axis relative to the seat bottom and an unlocked arrangement in which the recliner allows the seat back to pivot about the seat-back pivot axis relative to the seat bottom, and the recliner biased toward the locked arrangement, anda recliner actuator configured to move selectively the recliner between the locked arrangement and the unlocked arrangement in response to receiving an input, the recliner actuator including a lock unit coupled to the recliner and configured to move the recliner between the locked arrangement and the unlocked arrangement, a shape-memory alloy wire coupled to the lock unit and to the seat bottom, and a thermal controller configured to heat the shape-memory alloy wire to vary a length of the shape-memory alloy wire in response to receiving the input to cause the shape-memory alloy wire to actuate the lock unit and cause the lock unit to move the recliner from the locked arrangement to the unlocked arrangement.2. The occupant support of claim 1 , wherein the lock unit includes a release lever and a control lever claim 1 , the release lever is coupled to the recliner and is movable between a default position in ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138354A1
Автор: Buttolph Martin E.

An actuator includes a drum defining a longitudinal axis and having axially opposed first and second end portions that are rotatable relative to one another about the longitudinal axis. A shape memory element is wrapped around the drum and extends from the first end portion of the drum to the second end portion of the drum to actuate relative rotation of the first and second end portions of the drum about the longitudinal axis by activation of the shape memory element. 15-. (canceled)6. An actuator comprising:a drum defining a longitudinal axis and having axially opposed first and second end portions that are rotatable relative to one another about the longitudinal axis; anda shape memory element wrapped around the drum and extending from the first end portion of the drum to the second end portion of the drum to actuate relative rotation of the first and second end portions of the drum about the longitudinal axis by activation of the shape memory element;wherein the drum includes a plurality of discs axially stacked, each disc being free to rotate independently around the longitudinal axis.710-. (canceled)11. An actuator as recited in claim 6 , wherein further comprising a torsion spring operatively connecting the first and second end portions of the drum to bias against the shape memory element to return the drum to an original condition upon deactivation of the shape memory element.12. An actuator as recited in claim 6 , wherein the drum is configured and adapted to provide proportionally greater travel in a direction along the longitudinal axis for the shape memory element as the shape memory element is actuated around the drum.13. (canceled)14. An actuator as recited in claim 6 , wherein the drum includes at least one stop to provide bias torque in the drum for reverse actuation of the drum with the shape memory element deactivated.15. The actuator of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of discs and the shape memory element are coaxial about the longitudinal axis.16 ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140223900A1

The present invention discloses a device capable of converting thermal energy into kinetic energy, in particular a thermal-powered device, including a housing () and a transmission device () disposed in the housing (). Alloy sheets () are disposed at the transmission device (). The housing () is formed with a heat source interface (). In the present invention, thermal energy or other energy in the automobile exhaust gas is converted into kinetic energy output by virtue of the memory function of memory alloys, thus reducing emission of greenhouse gas, protecting the atmosphere environment, and conforming to the strategies and policies of economy of energy, environmental protection, and harmonious development between man and nature. 112132165. A thermal-powered device , comprising a housing () and a transmission device () disposed in the housing () , wherein eight or more alloy sheets () are disposed at the transmission device () , and the housing () is formed with a heat source interface () and a vent ().233132323331333. The thermal-powered device according to claim 1 , wherein each of the alloy sheets () is a panel forming a first bent panel () and a second bent panel () through anticlockwise rotating an angle greater than or equal to 90° claim 1 , the second bent panel () forms a third bent panel () through clockwise rotating an angle greater than or equal to 90° claim 1 , and the first bent panel () of each bent alloy sheet () being parallel to a plane where the third bent panel () is located.3323132. The thermal-powered device according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy sheets () are fixedly connected to the transmission device () claim 1 , and the first bent panel () of each alloy sheet () is tangent to the circle formed by the axial projection of the transmission device ().411131124. The thermal-powered device according to claim 1 , wherein the upper part of the housing () is a baffle shell () contacting with the thermally expanded alloy sheets () claim 1 , and ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140223905A1

The invention relates to a solar-powered apparatus, comprising a housing (), a shield panel () disposed on the housing (), and a transmission apparatus () disposed inside the housing (). The transmission apparatus () is provided with eight or more memory alloy sheets (). The housing () is also provided with a ratchet pawl (). The shield panel () is provided with a light-focusing apparatus () used for focusing light. The apparatus is capable of converting solar energy into mechanical energy. 11512123113551. A solar-powered apparatus , comprising a housing () , a shield panel () disposed on the housing () , and a transmission apparatus () disposed inside the housing () , wherein the transmission apparatus () is provided with eight or more alloy sheets () , and the housing () is further provided with a ratchet pawl (); and the shield panel () is provided with a light-focusing apparatus () for focusing light.2334. The solar-powered apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy sheets () are coated with a light absorbing film ().33313232903331333. The solar-powered apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein each of the alloy sheets () is a panel bent by rotating anticlockwise by 90° or more to form a first bent panel () and a second bent panel () claim 1 , the second bent panel () is further bent by rotating clockwise by ° or more to form a third bent panel () claim 1 , and planes where the first bent panel () and the third bent panel () obtained by bending the alloy sheet () are located are parallel to each other.4323132. The solar-powered apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein each of the alloy sheets () is in fixed connection with the transmission apparatus () claim 3 , and the first bent panel () of the alloy sheet () is tangent to a circle of the transmission apparatus () formed by axial projection.5531121. The solar-powered apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the shield panel () contacting the alloy sheets () which expand after heated is at the upper part ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132057A1

A thermal actuator unit of the present invention includes a first member, a second member, an elastic part which is disposed between the first member and the second member, and a thermal deformation part which is disposed on a side of the first member opposite to a side with the second member and has a shape-memory alloy to be deformed to the side with the second member due to heat. 1. A thermal actuator unit comprising:a first member;a second member;an elastic part which is disposed between the first member and the second member; anda thermal deformation part which is disposed on a side of the first member opposite to a side with second member and has a shape-memory alloy to be deformed to the side with the second member due to heat.2. The thermal actuator unit according to claim 1 ,wherein the shape-memory alloy is extensionally defoiinable in a direction along a direction perpendicular to a surface of the second member due to heat,the thermal actuator unit further comprises a strut which extends in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the second member and in which one end portion is fixed to the surface of the second member and a flange portion is provided in the other end portion, andthe first member has a penetration hole through which the strut passes and is slidable along the strut.3. The thermal actuator unit according to claim 2 ,wherein the thermal deformation part includes a plurality of columnar shape-memory alloy bodies, and the plurality of columnar bodies are individually disposed in a circumferential direction of the strut.4. The thermal actuator unit according to claim 3 ,wherein the plurality of columnar bodies are covered with a thermally conductive part.5. The thermal actuator unit according to claim 2 ,wherein the strut is a bolt having a male screw, and the second member has a female screw on the surface and has a tightening torque adjusting part used when the male screw of the bolt and the female screw of the second member are ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Two-stroke air-powered engine assembly

Номер: US20140224234A1
Автор: Dengrong Zhou, Jian Zhou

A two-stroke air-powered engine assembly uses compressed air as a power source. The two-stroke air-powered engine includes an engine body ( 1 ), a multiple-column power distributor ( 2 ), a power equipment ( 4 ), a controller system ( 6 ), an intake speed control valve ( 23 ), a high pressure gas tank set ( 13 ), a constant pressure tank ( 16 ), and an electronic control unit ECO ( 29 ).

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146196A1

The invention provides an energy recovery device comprising a first SMA core housed in a first immersion chamber and adapted to be sequentially filled with fluid to allow heating and/or cooling of the first SMA core wherein a first shaft is adapted to be turned by the SMA core mounted concentrically around said first shaft; a second SMA core housed in a second immersion chamber and adapted to be sequentially filled with fluid to allow heating and/or cooling of the second SMA core wherein a second shaft is adapted to be turned by the second SMA core mounted concentrically around said second shaft; wherein the first and second core are in fluid communication with each other. 1. An energy recovery device comprising:a first SMA core housed in a first immersion chamber and adapted to be sequentially filled with fluid to allow heating and/or cooling of the first SMA core wherein a first shaft is adapted to be turned by the SMA core mounted concentrically around said first shaft;a second SMA core housed in a second immersion chamber and adapted to be sequentially filled with fluid to allow heating and/or cooling of the second SMA core wherein a second shaft is adapted to be turned by the second SMA core mounted concentrically around said second shaft;wherein the first and second core are in fluid communication with each other such that a substantially constant pressure is maintained in the energy recovery device.2. The energy device of wherein the two cores are volumetrically linked and adapted to operate in opposing heating/cooling cycles adapted to allow for volumetric fluctuations to cancel each other out.3. The energy recovery device of wherein the first and second cores are in fluid communication via an adjoining piston or hydraulic line.4. The energy recovery device of wherein a constant volume in each core is maintained through a piston connection between the first and second cores.5. The energy recovery device of wherein the first or second SMA core is linked with ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172394A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

The present invention provides a method for avoiding knocking in an internal combustions engine, preferably in a gasoline engine with a high compression ratio and a variable valve train which is able to perform EIVC, by injecting a non-combustible fluid into the intake port and/or in the cylinder during a transient operating mode. 1. Method for controlling an internal combustion engine with at least one cylinder at least one non-combustible fluid injector configured to inject a non-combustible fluid into the internal combustion engine and at least one controller ,comprising controlling the injection device to inject the non-combustible fluid into the internal combustion engine when the internal combustion engine operates in a transient operating mode.2. Method according to claim 1 , further comprising detecting and/or predicting the start and the duration of the transient operating mode claim 1 , and activating the injector to inject non-combustible fluid when the start of the transient operating mode is determined and/or at the predicted start of the transient operating mode.3. Method according to claim 1 , further comprising controlling a variable valve train of the internal combustion engine configured to vary a valve opening/closing timing claim 1 , whereinthe variable valve train is configured to switch the intake valve closing timing from a first crank angle to a second crank angle, with the second crank angle being larger than the first crank angle; orwherein the variable valve train is configured to switch the intake valve closing timing from a third crank angle to a fourth crank angle, with the fourth crank angle being smaller than the third crank angle.4. Method according to claim 1 , further comprising controlling a variable valve train configured to vary an amount of internal residual gas from a first residual gas value to a second residual gas value claim 1 , wherein the second residual gas value is larger than the first residual gas value.5. Method ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152853A1
Автор: Sicre Jacques

An actuator includes a body (), a unit () that is able to move with respect to the body, two end stops, at least one of which is able to move with respect to the body and carries along the mobile unit under the effect of its own movement, a motor winding () made of shape memory material and having at least one stable form, known as the memorized shape, being interposed between the two end stops which are spaced apart from one another at a different spacing depending on the shape of the motor winding, the mobile unit being moved under the effect of a variation in this spacing, characterized in that the motor winding is a winding having contiguous turns that are deformed from a first shape different from a memorized shape to a memorized shape by flexural deformation common to all the turns. 2441427. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , whereby said motor winding ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) with contiguous turns deforms by flexion relative to a plane orthogonal to said translation direction ().344142. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , whereby it comprises a heating device adapted to be able to heat said motor winding ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) at least up to a temperature claim 1 , called transformation temperature claim 1 , above which said motor winding tends to deform to a memorised shape.444142. The actuator as claimed in claim 3 , whereby said heating device is a device for supplying electricity to a wire claim 3 , made of conducting shape memory material claim 3 , of said motor winding ( claim 3 , claim 3 , ) claim 3 , said heating device being capable of heating said conducting wire of said motor winding by Joule effect.55. The actuator as claimed in claim 1 , whereby it comprises at least one resetting member () mounted in said body and arranged to be able to exert a force claim 1 , called resetting force claim 1 , that is:{'b': 4', '41', '42, 'capable of deforming said motor winding (, , ) from a memorised shape to another shape, said motor winding being below a ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153340A1
Автор: Lee Woo Jin

An apparatus for compensating for thermal expansion occurring from an exhaust manifold in an engine may include an anti-thermal deformation member provided between the exhaust manifold and a turbo charger and connecting the exhaust manifold and the turbo charger together and configured to be deformed when the exhaust manifold thermally expands due to hot exhaust gas, compensating for thermal deformation caused by the thermal expansion. 1. An apparatus for compensating for thermal expansion occurring from an exhaust manifold in an engine , the apparatus comprising:an anti-thermal deformation member provided between the exhaust manifold and a turbo charger and connecting the exhaust manifold and the turbo charger together, wherein the anti-thermal deformation member is configured to be deformed when the exhaust manifold thermally expands due to hot exhaust gas and compensates for thermal deformation caused by the thermal expansion.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-thermal deformation member is contracted at an opposite end of the anti-thermal deformation member to an end of the anti-thermal deformation member compressed claim 1 , due to the thermal expansion of the exhaust manifold when the anti-thermal deformation member is fed with a heat source from the exhaust manifold.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the anti-thermal deformation member is formed of a shape-memory alloy and a shape of the shape-memory alloy is memorized within a predetermined temperature range.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the exhaust manifold includes:a plurality of runners into which the exhaust gas is introduced from a combustion chamber of the engine; andan outlet through which introduced exhaust gas is discharged towards the turbo charger,wherein the outlet extends downwards from a longitudinal end of the exhaust manifold and is connected to the turbo charger via the anti-thermal deformation member.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160153575A1
Автор: Sohn Juergen

The invention relates to a drive device and a method for controlling said drive device so as to produce an actuation movement, comprising at least one actuation element () consisting of a shape memory alloy, and at least one return actuation element () which. counteracts the actuation movement of the at least one actuation element (), said at least one actuation element () being received between two connection elements () that are separated. from, and associated with, one another, and engaging with or being secured to each connection. element (), said connection elements () being kept at a distance from one another by the at least one actuation element () and the at least one return actuation element () positioned between them () and, as a result of the opposing directions of action thereof, the connection elements () being positioned in a defined. initial length for controlling an actuation movement. 1. Drive device for the generation of an actuation movement , having at least one actuation element made from a memory shape alloy , having at least one resetting element which counteracts the actuation movement of the at least one actuation element , wherein the at least one actuation element is received between two connection elements that are arranged separately from each other and with spacing apart from each other and engages with or is fastened to each connection element , the connection elements are held at a distance by the at least one actuation element and the at least one resetting element , which are positioned between the connection elements , and , as a result of the opposing directions of action thereof , the connection elements are positioned in a defined starting position for controlling an actuation movement.2. Drive device according to claim 1 , wherein the connection elements claim 1 , the at least one actuation element and the at least one resetting element are formed as a manageable module.3. Drive device according to claim 1 , wherein an ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149141A1

An energy recovery device comprising a drive mechanism; an engine comprising a plurality of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Negative Thermal Expansion (NTE) elements fixed at a first end by a holder element and connected at a second end to a drive mechanism wherein a compensation mechanism is positioned and adapted to combat the shrinkage of the SMA or NTE elements encountered in heating cycles. 1. An energy recovery device comprising:an engine comprising a plurality of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Negative Thermal Expansion (NTE) elements fixed at a first end by a holder element and connected at a second end to a drive mechanism wherein a compensation mechanism is positioned and adapted to combat the shrinkage of the SMA or NTE elements encountered in heating cycles.2. The energy recovery device of wherein the compensation mechanism comprises a spring loaded clamping element adapted to ensure a constant pressure fit is maintained during thermal cycling.3. The energy recovery device of wherein the spring loaded clamping element comprises a free floating cantilever arm configured to act as a shock absorber during compression and expansion of the SMA or NTE elements.4. The energy recovery device of wherein said compensation mechanism comprises a telescopic element secured to a threaded fastener via at least one slider element.5. The energy recovery device of wherein the threaded fastener comprises a biasing spring.6. The energy recovery device of comprising a stablising SMA or NTE element adapted to provide a constant pressure fit on the at least one NTE or SMA element during thermal cycling.7. The energy recovery device of comprising an active bar element adapted to engage the compensation mechanism and the at least one NTE or SMA element.8. The energy recovery device of comprising a plate configured with an opening to secure the at least one NTE or SMA elements in place.9. The energy recovery device of wherein the SMA or NTE elements are arranged in parallel with a stem ball ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180149142A1

An SMA actuator arrangement is assembled using a strut element shaped to comprise a sacrificial strut body and crimp tabs held apart by the sacrificial strut body. A SMA wire is laid across the crimp tabs which are folded and pressed to form crimps holding the SMA wire. The crimps are then attached to static and moving parts, after which the sacrificial strut body is removed. The method allows the crimping to be performed without hindrance from the static and moving parts, the sacrificial strut body holding the relative locations of the crimps prior to attachment. 1. A method of assembling a shape memory alloy actuator arrangement comprising a static part and a moving part , and at least one shape memory alloy wire extending therebetween , the method comprising:providing a strut element shaped to comprise a sacrificial strut body and crimp tabs held apart by the sacrificial strut body;laying at least one shape memory alloy wire across the crimp tabs of the strut element;folding and pressing the crimp tabs over the shape memory alloy wire to form crimps holding the shape memory alloy wire therebetween;attaching the crimps to the static part and the moving part, respectively; andremoving the sacrificial strut body, leaving the crimps attached to the static part and the moving part, respectively.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the strut element is a shaped fret and the crimp tabs are at the ends of the sacrificial strut body.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the crimps are attached to the static part and the moving part claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , by adhesive.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the crimps are attached to the static part and the moving part claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , by a mechanical locating feature.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the shape memory alloy actuator arrangement is a shape memory alloy actuator arrangement for a camera wherein the moving part comprises a camera lens assembly.6. The ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156204A1
Автор: Lipton Jeffrey

With applications such as soft robotics being severely hindered by the lack of strong soft actuators, the invention provides a new soft-actuator material—Electrically Actuated Hydraulic Solid (EAHS) material—with a stress-density that outperforms any known electrically-actuatable material. One type of actuator is fabricated by making a closed cell that acts as highly paralyzed version of a standard paraffin actuator. Each cell exhibits microscopic expansion, which is summed to produce macroscopic motion. The closed cellular nature of the material allows the system to be cut and punctured and still operate. It can be produced in a lab or industrial scale, and can be formed using molding, 3D printing or cutting. 1. An Electrically Actuated Hydraulic Solid (EAHS) material comprising:a phase change material (PCM);an elastomeric polymer material;a conductive material, the phase change material and the conductive material embedded within the elastomeric polymer material forming a conductive elastomeric structure, wherein the PCM undergoes a phase change as controlled by the conductive material to vary an internal pressure and actuate the structure.2. The EAHS material of claim 1 , wherein the phase change material forms a plurality of closed cells encapsulated by the elastomeric polymer material.3. The EAHS material of claim 1 , wherein the conductive material is randomly distributed through the elastomeric polymer material.4. The EAHS material of claim 1 , wherein the phase change material is paraffin wax.5. The EAHS material of claim 1 , wherein the elastomeric polymer material is Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).6. The EAHS material of claim 1 , wherein the elastomeric polymer material is a two part elastomer.7. The EAHS material of claim 6 , wherein the phase change material is added to one precursor of the two part elastomer and the conductive material is added to the other precursor of the two part elastomer.8. The EAHS material of claim 1 , wherein the elastomeric ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299016A1

Systems and methods relate to a manner of improving an actuator used to hold an object. In one embodiment, an actuator includes a body that is bi-stable with a coiled state and an uncoiled state. The actuator also includes a strip, coupled to the body, that coils the body according to a power source that activates in response to a detected proximity of an object. The actuator also includes a wire coupled to a side of the body opposite from the strip and the wire uncoils the body in response to heat caused by the power source. 1. An actuator comprising:a body that is bi-stable with a coiled state and an uncoiled state;a strip, coupled to the body, that coils the body according to a power source that activates according to a detected proximity of an object using a sensor signal; anda wire coupled to a back of the body opposite from the strip and the wire uncoils the body according to heat caused by the power source.2. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the wire contracts from the heat to uncoil the body and the body is stable in the uncoiled state without the heat to the wire.3. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the body applies a force when the strip coils according to a size or weight of the object detected by a sensor.4. The actuator of claim 3 , wherein the actuator uncoils the body to release the object from a detected pull on the object.5. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the body applies a force when the strip coils the body according to a shape of a cup or a mobile device.6. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the body is a bi-stable strip and the wire extends from ends of the bi-stable strip.7. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein a proximity sensor detects the proximity and a touch sensor detects a touch on the body.8. The actuator of claim 7 , wherein a controller activates the power source to control the strip according to the proximity and the touch.9. The actuator of claim 1 , wherein the strip is positioned at an end of the body.10. An actuator comprising:a ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154012A1
Автор: OToole Kevin

The invention provides an energy recovery system comprising a first Shape-Memory Alloy (SMA) or Negative Thermal Expansion (NTE) core and a first hydraulic chamber in communication with one end of the first core and adapted to convert movement of the core into energy; and a second Shape-Memory Alloy (SMA) or Negative Thermal Expansion (NTE) core and a second hydraulic chamber in communication with one end of the second core and adapted to convert movement of the core into energy. A storage energy device is configured and adapted to absorb the difference in the energy output from the first and second hydraulic chambers during operation. 1. An energy recovery system comprising:a first Shape-Memory Alloy (SMAs) or Negative Thermal Expansion (NTE) core and a first hydraulic chamber in communication with one end of the first core and adapted to convert movement of the core into energy; anda second Shape-Memory Alloy (SMA) or Negative Thermal Expansion (NTE) core and a second hydraulic chamber in communication with one end of the second core and adapted to convert movement of the second core into energy; andwherein a storage energy device is configured and adapted to absorb the difference in the energy output from the first and second hydraulic chambers during operation.2. The energy recovery system as claimed in wherein the storage energy device comprises an accumulator.3. The energy recovery system as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the storage energy device comprises a mechanical device.4. The energy recovery system as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the storage energy device comprises a biasing device.5. The energy recovery system as claimed in any preceding claim comprising a transmission line configured to connect the first and second hydraulic chambers.6. The energy recovery system as claimed in any preceding claim wherein the first core and second core are in fluid communication with each other housed in an immersive chamber and comprising a single ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180159191A1

A flexible electronic circuit includes a shape memory material disposed within a flexible dielectric material. 1. A flexible electronic circuit comprising:a power plane structure comprising a first power plane layer and a second power plane layer; anda shape memory material disposed between the first power plane layer and the second power plane layer,wherein a plane capacitance between the first power plane layer and the second power plane layer corresponds to a first plane capacitance value when the shape memory material is in a deformed state, and wherein the plane capacitance corresponds to a second plane capacitance value when the shape memory material is in a non-deformed state.2. The flexible electronic circuit of claim 1 , wherein the shape memory material includes a shape memory alloy (SMA) material disposed within a flexible dielectric material.3. The flexible electronic circuit of claim 2 , wherein the SMA material is a diaphragm-shaped material.4. The flexible electronic circuit of claim 2 , wherein the SMA material includes a cylindrically-shaped material.5. The flexible electronic circuit of claim 2 , wherein the flexible dielectric material is formed from a flexible adhesive bonding material.6. The flexible electronic circuit of claim 2 , wherein the flexible dielectric material is formed from an ion gel.710.-. (canceled)11. The flexible electronic circuit of claim 1 , wherein a change from the first plane capacitance value to the second plane capacitance value is determined based on movement of a voltage plane that results from the shape memory material transitioning from the deformed state to the non-deformed state.12. A process of utilizing a shape memory material to vary an impedance value of an embedded signal trace of a flexible electronic circuit claim 1 , the process comprising:disposing a shape memory material in a deformed state within a flexible dielectric material of a flexible electronic circuit that includes an embedded signal trace; ...
