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Применить Всего найдено 23936. Отображено 200.
20-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2418992C2

Изобретение относится к области вентиляторо-, насосо- и компрессоростроения. Радиальное колесо содержит передний диск 2, имеющий входное отверстие 4, и задний диск 5, соединенные друг с другом через лопаточный венец, который имеет ориентированные в осевом направлении лопатки 6. Лопатки 6 лопаточного венца и по меньшей мере часть по меньшей мере одного диска 2 или 5 выполнены из гибкого материала, деформирующегося при вращении радиального колеса. Радиальное колесо имеет меньшую шумность и пониженную вибрацию при высоких окружных скоростях и сохраняет требуемый уровень напора. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2548214C2

Предложены способ и покрывающий элемент (50) для защиты рабочего колеса (14) от повреждений. Покрывающий элемент (50) содержит съемную основную часть (50), имеющую первую поверхность (52), вторую поверхность (54), противоположную первой поверхности (52) и выполненную так, что она соответствует передней поверхности (14а) рабочего колеса (14) компрессора (10), и переднюю часть (56), покрывающую всю переднюю часть рабочего колеса (14) компрессора (10), и крепежное приспособление (58, 80, 82, 84, 86), присоединенное к съемной основной части (50) и выполненное с возможностью крепления покрывающего элемента (50) к рабочему колесу (14) компрессора (10). Покрывающий элемент (50) является сменным. Изобретение направлено на увеличение срока службы компрессора. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2390658C2

Изобретение относится к области вентиляторостроения, в частности к центробежным вентиляторам с профильными загнутыми назад лопатками рабочего колеса, и обеспечивает повышение аэродинамической нагруженности центробежного вентилятора с помощью устранения отрывного вихреобразования на тыльной стороне лопатки его рабочего колеса. Указанный технический результат достигается в рабочем колесе центробежного вентилятора, содержащем несущий и покрывной диски, установленные между ними загнутые назад профильные лопатки, каждая из которых имеет со стороны рабочей поверхности в области выходной части накрылок, установленный с конфузорным зазором по отношению к рабочей поверхности лопатки и имеющий вогнутую рабочую и выпуклую торцевую поверхности, причем внутри накрылка выполнена вихревая камера, сообщающаяся тангенциально с конфузорным зазором, а на его выпуклой торцевой поверхности из цилиндрической полости выполнены конфузорные каналы. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

14-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2761979C2
Принадлежит: МА.ТИ.КА. С.Р.Л. (IT)

Группа изобретений относится к печам и вентиляторам для печей. Вентилятор (1) для печей содержит: опорную пластину (5), перпендикулярную оси (X) вращения и снабженную первой поверхностью (6), ограничивающей заднюю сторону (3) вентилятора (1), и второй поверхностью (7), направленной к передней стороне (2). Несколько лопастей (8) прикреплены с выступанием ко второй поверхности (7) опорной пластины (5) и расположены вокруг оси (X). Каждая лопасть (8) снабжена задней кромкой (15), прикрепленной ко второй поверхности (7) опорной пластины (5), внешней кромкой (17), расположенной на периферийной стороне (4) вентилятора (1); внутренней кромкой (16), размещенной для соединения между задней кромкой (15) и внешней кромкой (17) и обращенной к передней стороне (2) вентилятора (1). Кольцо (9) прикреплено к лопастям (8), проходит вокруг оси (X) и снабжено третьей поверхностью (11), направленной к задней стороне (3), и четвертой поверхностью (12), направленной к передней стороне (2), и установленное в ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2519009C2
Принадлежит: ТУРБОМЕКА (FR)

Изобретение относится к вспомогательной воздушной системе компрессора центробежного или осецентробежного типа, включающего в себя ротор, имеющий ось вращения, при этом компрессор выполнен с возможностью сжатия газа-окислителя. Вспомогательная воздушная система включает в себя систему стравливания газа-окислителя, расположенную в роторе. Изобретение направлено на создание вспомогательной воздушной системы, ротора компрессора и компрессора, устойчивых к загрязнению газом-окислителем. 4 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU57847U1

Полезная модель относится к области энергетического машиностроения, в частности, к конструкции центробежных вентиляторов и компрессоров. Техническая задача, решаемая полезной моделью, - удаление ШОС с лопаток рабочего колеса, что ведет к безаварийной работе вентилятора, безотказной работе электрооборудования и систем КИП и А МНЛЗ, к сокращению аварийных простоев МНЛЗ и увеличению производства слябов. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что центробежный вентилятор, состоящий из рабочего колеса с лопатками, которое размещено в корпусе, отличается тем, что в верхней части корпуса выполнено рабочее окно с люком.

10-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2124652C1
Автор: Швецов С.Е.

Изобретение может быть использовано при проектировании радиальных вентиляторов общехозяйственного назначения. Вентилятор барабанного типа обеспечивает оптимальные конструктивные параметры, рассчитанные по методикам фирмы и уточненные в результате экспериментальной доработки опытных образцов. Выбранная форма межлопаточных каналов позволяет снизить гидравлические потери в процессе массообмена между потоком воздуха и лопатками, которые выполнены по эффективной технологии. 3 ил.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2495254C2
Принадлежит: ТУРБОМЕКА (FR)

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора турбомашины имеет по меньшей мере одну лопатку (24), присоединенную к ступице (26) рабочего колеса посредством галтели (27). Лопатка продолжается вдоль хорды, образованной между передней кромкой (28) и задней кромкой лопатки. Галтель (27) имеет форму, которая изменяется непрерывно вдоль хорды. Галтель (27) представляет собой участок (Р) эллипса (Е1). Галтель (27) подвергается изменению посредством непрерывного изменения длин осей эллипса. Достигается оптимальное распределение механической прочности лопатки вдоль хорды. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

30-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015419C1

Использование: в качестве рабочих колес центробежных вентиляторов, работающих в запыленных средах. Сущность изобретения: между несущим и покрывным дисками размещены лопатки, каждая из которых снабжена защитной накладкой, расположенной на рабочей поверхности, отогнутой по меньшей мере одним концом на нерабочую поверхность, выполненной из износостойкого материала и имеющей выступы. Участок накладки со стороны несущего диска отогнут на поверхность диска в зоне его контакта с рабочей поверхностью лопатки. Между накладкой и расположенными под ней поверхностями рабочего колеса нанесен по меньшей мере один слой износостойкого адгезионного материала. Выступы расположены поперек накладки, а последняя дополнительно снабжена рядами отверстий, равномерно расположенных между выступами. 3 з.п.ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2029138C1
Автор: Макаров В.Н.

Использование: область вентиляторостроения, а именно, шахтные, центробежные вентиляторы на скиповых подъемах, работающие в условиях повышенной запыленности. Сущность изобретения: рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора содержит несущий и покрывной диски и лопатки, расположенные между дисками наклонно к ним, причем лопатки изогнуты в поперечном сечении по средней линии, наклонены в сторону, противоположную направлению вращения рабочего колеса, и имеют скошенные входные кромки. 3 ил.

20-10-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2120568C1

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора содержит основной и покровной диски и установленные между ними лопатки. Поверхность каждой лопатки выполнена в виде поверхности вращения, имеющей плавно изменяющийся угол наклона к собственной оси вращения. Ось вращения параллельная оси колеса. Для обеспечения безударного натекания потока на лопатки рабочего колеса геометрические параметры рабочего колеса выбраны с учетом обеспечения соотношений, связывающих радиусы входа и выхода колеса, радиус кривизны лопатки, углы входа и выхода, угол наклона поверхности вращения, образующей лопатку, к ее оси и другие параметры. Использование изобретения позволит повысить КПД компрессора за счет обеспечения безударного натекания потока на лопатки рабочего колеса. 3 ил.

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2445516C1

Группа изобретений относится к компрессоростроению, а именно к рабочим колесам центробежных компрессоров. Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора содержит основной и покрывной диски и расположенные между ними лопатки, образующие межлопаточные каналы, при этом входная кромка каждой лопатки имеет контур в виде ломаной линии, образующей трапециевидный выступ, краевые участки ломаной линии лежат на одной прямой, а средние участки образуют боковые стороны и меньшее основание трапеции, причем боковые стороны трапеции составляют с осевой линией меридионального сечения межлопаточного канала угол 12°…18°. Согласно второму варианту входная кромка каждой лопатки имеет контур в виде ломаной линии, образующей трапециевидный выступ, краевые участки ломаной линии лежат на одной прямой, смежные с ними участки образуют боковые стороны трапеции, а участки ломаной линии, расположенные на малом основании трапеции, сопряжены с боковыми сторонами двух щелевидных углублений, образованных в трапециевидном выступе ...

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2503854C1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению и может быть использовано в центробежных компрессорах. Технический результат достигается тем, что рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора, содержащее основной диск, лопатки, выполненные загнутыми назад относительно направления движения, согласно изменению, на периферийном участке лопатки выполнены с постоянным углом наклона, причем участок с постоянным углом наклона начинается на расстоянии, равном 0,7-0,95 Dот наружного диаметра колеса. Изобретение направлено на снижение шаговой неравномерности скоростей и давлений на выходе, повышение КПД. 1 ил.

27-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2296245C1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению, в частности к рабочим колесам (РК) центробежных машин. РК центробежной машины содержит диск с расположенными на нем лопатками. На поверхности диска, противоположной лопаткам, закреплен слой материала, у которого отношение модуля упругости к его плотности меньше, чем у материала диска, например слой стеклопластика. Слой аналогичного материала размещен вблизи наружного диаметра полотна покрывного и основного дисков в зоне межлопаточных каналов. При упругих колебаниях дисков РК в местах контакта материалов возникает внутреннее трение, рассеивание энергии колебаний и снижение их амплитуды, что благоприятно сказывается на стойкости РК к циклическим нагрузкам и позволяет обеспечивать необходимые динамические прочностные характеристики РК при относительно высоких окружных скоростях вращения. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2330189C1

Группа изобретений относится к рабочим колесам радиальных вентиляторов и компрессоров, а также к канальным вентиляторам с этим колесом, и позволяет получить технический результат, заключающийся в снижении уровня шума колеса и вентилятора при сохранении их аэродинамических характеристик. Колесо содержит передний 1 и основной 2 диски, загнутые назад лопатки 3, ось 9. Лопатка 3 имеет основной участок 7, примыкающий кромкой 8 к диску 1, предкрылок 10 с передней кромкой 11, лежащей в плоскости, перпендикулярной оси 9, и боковой кромкой 12, расположенной под острым углом к кромке 11. На проекции на плоскость, перпендикулярную оси 9, прямая, соединяющая ось 9 и носок 13 предкрылка 10, располагается в диапазоне ±0,05 углового шага лопаток 3 относительно прямой, соединяющей ось 9 и точку 14 пересечения с диском 1 кромки 8 следующей лопатки ЗА. Вентилятор содержит корпус 17 с воздушным каналом 21 с цилиндрической поверхностью между стенками 22, заявленное рабочее колесо 19, входной коллектор 20, ...

10-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96107505A

... 1. Ротор центробежного нагнетателя двустороннего всасывания, работающего на запыленной среде, содержащий вал, рабочее колесо с основным и покрывными дисками с расположенными между ними рабочими лопатками, упорные конусные диски, фиксирующие колесо на валу, и рассеиватели пыли, установленные с двух сторон на основном диске перед рабочими лопатками и выполненные в виде усеченных конусов, меньшие основания которых направлены в сторону покрывных дисков, и кольцевые канавки с конической и цилиндрической боковыми стенками, выполненные на поверхности конусов, отличающиеся тем, что, с целью увеличения срока службы, усеченные конусы большими основаниями скреплены между собой, меньшими основаниями установлены на больших основаниях упорных конусных дисков, при этом углы наклона образующих упорных конусных дисков относительно продольной оси вала меньше угла наклона поверхностей усеченных конусов относительно этой же оси, кольцевые канавки на конусах выполнены с переменной шириной, увеличивающейся по ...

10-03-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU94035216A1

Изобретение относится к вентиляторостроению, а именно - к радиальным вентиляторам большой быстроходности и может быть использовано в качестве вентиляторов низкого и среднего давления большой производительности. Цель: увеличение полного давления, полезной мощности и КПД вентилятора. При работе двигателя вращения передается рабочему колесу. За счет возникающего перед колесом разрежения происходит поступление воздуха через входное сечение О-О патрубка на входные кромки лопаток в сечении 1-1, далее воздух движется в межлопаточных каналах к выходному сечению П-П колеса, затем поступает в спиральный корпус.

27-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU98102706A
Автор: Швецов С.Е.

Радиальный вентилятор, содержащий корпус со спиральной обечайкой, переходящей в зоне выходного патрубка в язык, и установленное в корпусе с возможностью вращения рабочее колесо барабанного типа с листовыми лопатками, углы выхода которых лежат в диапазоне 160 - 180o, относительный диаметр входа - в диапазоне 0,8 - 0,9, относительная ширина колеса на входе - в диапазоне 0,4 - 0,5, число лопаток - в диапазоне 20 - 60; величина относительной хорды лопаток - в диапазоне 0,072 - 0,136, межлопаточные каналы имеют изменяющиеся от входа к выходу площади поперечных сечений, отличающийся тем, что углы входа лопаток лежат в диапазоне 62 - 75o, длина относительной хорды - в диапазоне 0,06 - 0, 18, а межлопаточный канал до величины относительного диаметра 0,92 - 0,97 выполнен конфузорным с переходом в диффузор на концевом выходном участке, причем сечение перехода от конфузора к диффузору имеет относительную площадь 0,3 - 0,6.

20-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2553596C1

Изобретение относится к вентиляторостроению. Сущность изобретения заключается в следующем. На задней поверхности лопастей жестко установлены направляющие потока воздуха, которые размещены последовательно от начала каждой лопасти к концу и под углом 45 град. к ее осевой линии. Осевой вентилятор с центробежными лопатками предназначен для подачи воздуха в котельные и печные агрегаты и удаления из них дымовых газов, сушки материалов, охлаждения деталей машин и механизмов, вентилятор может использоваться в воздушных сепараторах для очистки зерна от примесей, для активного вентилирования зерна в складах, в зерносушилках, в автомобилях, тракторах для охлаждения двигателя, в кабинетах. Это позволяет повысить производительность в 1,5…2,0 раза, напор воздуха - в 1,2…1,5 и коэффициент полезного действия - до 0,5…0,7. За счет направляющих лопаток, которые выполняют роль центробежного колеса, повышается пропускная способность вентилятора. 3 ил.

27-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97109026A

... 1. Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора, содержащее основной и покрывной диски, образующие канал для прохождения рабочего газа, в котором установлены лопатки с переменными по ширине канала углами входа β1 и углами выхода β2, причем поверхность каждой лопатки выполнена в виде поверхности вращения, имеющей угол наклона δ к собственной оси, при этом ось поверхности вращения расположена параллельно оси колеса, отличающееся тем, что угол δ выполнен плавно изменяющимся от основного диска к покрывному диску, а геометрические параметры рабочего колеса выбраны с учетом обеспечения соотношений: ΔRл(Z) = Rл(Z)-Rл2ср; tgδ = d[ΔRл(Z)]/dZ; β1z(Z) = β′+Δβ; β′= arctg[tgβ1(Z)•sinα1(Z)]; Δ β = arcsin[[tgδ1(Z)/tgα1(Z)]•sinβ′], где Z - осевая координата рабочего колеса, начало которой берется от точки сопряжения выходной кромки лопатки с основным диском; R2 - радиус колеса, соответствующий выходной кромке; R1(Z) - радиус колеса, соответствующий входной кромке при текущей осевой координате Z; Rл(Z) - радиус ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2563044C1

Изобретение относится к области вентиляторостроения, в частности к рабочим колесам центробежных вентиляторов с загнутыми вперед лопатками. Рабочее колесо содержит несущий и покрывной диски и установленные между ними загнутые вперед основные и дополнительные укороченные лопатки. Со стороны рабочей поверхности каждой из дополнительных укороченных лопаток с конфузорным зазором по отношению к ним установлены укороченные назад загнутые лопатки в форме цилиндрической перфорированной поверхности с радиусом кривизны меньшим радиуса кривизны дополнительных укороченных вперед загнутых лопаток и центрами кривизны, расположенными на окружности большего радиуса, чем радиус окружности расположения центров кривизны вперед загнутых основных и дополнительных укороченных лопаток. Изобретение направлено на повышение давления, развиваемого рабочим колесом центробежного вентилятора и его КПД за счет формирования на рабочей поверхности дополнительных укороченных вперед загнутых лопаток устойчивого вихреисточника ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557818C1

Изобретение относится к турбомашиностроению, в частности к радиальным вентиляторам, насосам, компрессорам с загнутыми назад лопатками рабочего колеса. Турбомашина содержит спиральный корпус, установленное в нем рабочее колесо, несущий и покрывной диски, расположенные между ними загнутые назад профильные лопатки (5). Каждая лопатка (5) снабжена установленным с конфузорным зазором (6) по отношению к ее рабочей поверхности (7) накрылком (8) с вогнутой рабочей и выпуклой торцевой поверхностями (9, 10) и имеющим вихревую камеру (11), сообщающуюся тангенциально с зазором (6), выпускные конфузорные каналы (12) на его поверхность (10) из камеры (11) и впускные конфузорные каналы (13) с тангенциальным входом в нее с поверхности (9) накрылка (8). В спиральном корпусе на несущем диске в вихревую камеру (11) каждого накрылка (8) выполнен тангенциальный входной конфузорный канал (14), а на покрывном диске из вихревой камеры (11) - тангенциальный выходной конфузорный канал (15). Изобретение направлено ...

20-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010138257A

Компрессорная установка, содержащая компрессор, установленные на линии нагнетания, теплообменник-утилизатор, концевой холодильник, воздухосборник, соединенные между собой основными и дополнительными трубопроводами, которые снабжены клапанами, электрически связанными с блоком управления, и пневмосеть, компрессор посредством всасывающего трубопровода соединен с воздушным фильтром, представляющим собой корпус с крышкой и коническое днище, в нижней части которого установлен поплавок-конденсатор, в верхней части корпуса расположено устройство в виде суживающегося сопла, к входному отверстию которого прикреплена сетка, а после его выходного отверстия установлена отражательная перегородка, при этом всасывающий трубопровод соединен с крышкой корпуса фильтра, причем корпус фильтра дополнительно снабжен рубашкой, образующей полость для наполнения горячим сжатым воздухом, при этом в нижней части конического днища полость соединена посредством клапана и дополнительного трубопровода с линией нагнетания ...

10-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95114678A

Радиальный вентилятор, содержащий корпус со спиральной обечайкой, переходящей в зоне выходного патрубка в язык, и установленное в корпусе с возможностью вращения рабочее колесо барабанного типа с листовыми лопатками, углы выхода которых лежат в диапазоне 160 - 180o; относительный диаметр входа - в диапазоне 0,8 - 0,9; относительная ширина колеса на входе - в диапазоне 0,4 - 0,5; число лопаток - в диапазоне 20-60; величина относительной хорды лопаток - в диапазоне 0,072 - 0,136; межлопаточные каналы выполнены конфузорными и изменение площади поперечных сечений этих каналов от входа к выходу, а также углы входа лопаток и произведение относительной хорды на число лопаток регламентированы отдельными зависимостями, отличающийся тем, что угол охвата рабочего колеса спиральной обечайкой корпуса составляет 305 - 315o; относительная глубина языка 0,18 - 0, 22; угол входа лопаток и произведение относительной хорды на число лопаток равны соответственно 78o и 3,61, а изменение относительной площади ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013156810A

... 1. Крыльчатка (201) центробежного компрессора (3), причем крыльчатка содержит диск (202) и лопатки (205), которые прикреплены к диску (202) на передней поверхности (203) диска (202) и каждая из которых имеет хвост (215) лопатки, кромку (216) лопатки, передний край (206) и задний край (207), отличающаяся тем, что точка пересечения между задним краем (207) и хвостом (215) лопатки дополнительно смещена вперед на по меньшей мере половину толщины диска (202), по сравнению с хвостом (215) лопатки на промежуточном диаметре (D) крыльчатки (201), а точка пересечения между задним краем (207) и кромкой (216) лопатки также дополнительно смещена вперед, по сравнению с кромкой (216) лопатки на промежуточном диаметре крыльчатки (201).2. Крыльчатка (201) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что хвост (215) лопатки на периферии (209) крыльчатки (201) ориентирован в направлении, которое является по существу радиальным.3. Крыльчатка (201) по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что дополнительно содержит венец (211), соединенный ...

20-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000111664A

Ротор компрессора газотурбинного двигателя, включающий рабочие колеса и лабиринтный диск, установленные на валу с помощью прямоугольных шлиц и зафиксированные в осевом направлении гайкой и кольцевым замком, отличающийся тем, что кольцевой замок выполнен с осевыми выступами, ограниченными в окружном направлении выступами прямоугольных шлиц, а в радиальном направлении - ступицей лабиринтного диска.

15-08-1991 дата публикации

Ротор турбокомпрессора

Номер: SU1670186A1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению и может быть использовано в турбокомпрессорах. Целью изобретения является повышение надежности и ремонтопригодности. Ротор турбокомпрессора содержит размещенные в корпусе вал 2, опорный и опорно-упорный подшипниковые узлы. Между корпусом опорно-упорного подшипникового узла и корпусом ротора установлена пластина. Внутренние втулки подшипниковых узлов снабжены буртами с отверстиями, расположенными со стороны, противоположной торцу вала. В валу выполнены отверстия, соосные отверстиям в буртах. Фиксирующий элемент выполнен в виде штифтов, установленных в отверстиях вала и буртов внутренних втулок. 1 ил.

29-06-1929 дата публикации


Номер: SU10006A1
Автор: Сорокин С.П.

28-02-1988 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1377462A1

Изобретение относится к вентиля- торостроению и позволяет повысить КПД вентилятора. На лопатках 1 со стороны рабочих поверхностей 3 расположены пластины 2, длина которых определяется по уравнению и зависит от углов входа и выхода лопаток, числа лопаток и диаметра В„ окружности расположения пластин. В„ составляет 1,05-1,25 входного диаметра лопаток. Это позволяет отодвинуть точку отрыва потока к периферии лопатки, уменьшая область отрыва. 2 ил. с S (Л с: 2 1 DO -vl 1 ...

15-04-1992 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо радиального вентилятора

Номер: SU1726852A1

Изобретение относится к вентиляторо- строению, преимущественно к радиальным вентиляторам с загнутыми вперед лопатками . Рабочее колесо радиального вентилятора состоит из лопаток 3, закрепленных между несущим 1 и покровным 2 дисками. Входные участки лопаток 4 образованы отгибкой входной кромки лопатки в сторону по направлению вращения на угол а, не превышающий 90°. Такая конструкция рабочего колеса позволяет повысить КПД вентилятора . 4 ил.

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Центробежная турбомашина

Номер: SU1366715A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить надежность путем снижения осевых усилий и расширения диапазона рабочих режимов. Диск 10 жестко закреплен на валу 4 и снабжен на периферии цилиндрической обоймой 12 с образованием кольцевой камеры (КК) 13 между ним и ведущим диском 6. При таком выполнении в КК, сообщенной с полостями 3 и 2 нагнетания и всасывания, создается пониженное давление, способствующее снижению осевых усилий. Равенство наружных диаметров КК и ведомого диска 7 на входном участке позволяет уравнивать осевые усилия. 1 ил.

10-08-1972 дата публикации

Сварное рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU347459A1
Автор: Попов И.К.

23-10-1985 дата публикации

Шайба для соединения резьбовых деталей

Номер: SU1186847A1

ШАЙБА ДЛЯ СОЕДИНЕНИЯ РЕЗЬ . НОВЫХ ДЕТАЛЕЙ, содержащая цилиндрическую оболочку с торцовыми поверхност5гми , отличающаяся тем, что, с целью упрощения демонтажа резьбовых деталей, шайба выполнена с внутренней полостью и имеет на торцовых поверхностях конические участки, а на цилиндрической оболочке - коническую проточку . W С ...

30-07-1985 дата публикации

Закрытое рабочее колесо осерадиальной турбомашины

Номер: SU1170176A1

ЗАКРЫТОЕ РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО OCEPAД iAЛЫ10Й ТУРБОМАШИНЫ, содержащее выполненные, заодно ступицу, по крайней мере один покрывной диск и осерадиальные лопатки , образующие межлопаточные каналы, и основной диск, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрощения технологии изготовления, основной диск снабжен центральной цилиндрической проточкой и пазами, сообщающимися с последней и межлопаточными каналами, лопатки - ответными пазам выступами, а ступица размещена в проточке.

28-12-1972 дата публикации

Вентиляторное колесо барабанного типа

Номер: SU364762A1

15-11-1988 дата публикации

Способ изготовления рабочего колеса центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1437586A1

Изобретение относится к.вентиля- торостроению и позволяет упростить технологию изготовления рабочего колеса . На протршоположных сторонах лопаток 5 выполнены выступы 6, а в покрывном и несущ1гх дисках 1 и 2 - прорези 3. В каждом диске выполнены углубления , образу:)щие с его внешней стороны козырьки 4, открытые со стороны прорезей. Размещение выступов производят путем введения их в прорези со стороны углублений, а фиксацию выступов осуществляют обжатием козырьков . Выступы перед введением их в прорези развальцовывают. Предлагаемый способ позволяет автоматизировать процесс сборки рабочего колеса. 1 3.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1366712A1

Изобретение .позволяет повысить КПД компрессора. Образующая 6 периферийного участка 3 покрывного диска 2 расположена к радиальной плоскости под углом 7-21. При таком выполнении за рабочим колесом по ходу потока м.б. установлен безлопаточный диф- фузор 4. Его использование позволяет снизить гидравлические потери на перестройку потока при выходе его из колеса. 1 ил.

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Ротор центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1366717A1

Изобретение позволяет упростить монтажно-демонтажные работы и повысить надежность, компрессора. Втулки /4 7, имеющие конические участки 8 и .дистанционные кольца 9, контактируют со ступицами 6 соседних рабочих колес (РК) 4. Втулки 2 и 7 бвязаны с валом 1 и ступицами при помощи цанговых соединений, а с кольцами - при помощи резьбовых соединений 11. Ступица каждого РК расположена за пределами основного диска 5, а торец 13 конического участка 3 и 8 втулок 2 и 7 размещен от внутренней поверхности диска на определенном расстоянии, что позволяет сохранить натяг между посадочными поверхностями РК, втулок 2 и 7 и вала. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. сл ...

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1795151C

07-07-1987 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежной турбомашины

Номер: SU1321933A1

Изобретение относится к области турбомашиностроения и позволяет повысить КПД турбомашины. Каждая средняя лопатка (Л) 4 смещена от оси межлопаточного канала 2 к рабочей поверхности (П) 8 длинной Л 3 на расстояние , составляющее 1/6 от шага ЛЗ. Укороченные Л 5 размещены от тыльных 9 и рабочих 8 П лопаток 3 на расстояниях , составляющих 3/8 и 3/4 соответственно от угловых расстояний между П 9 лопаток 3 и рабочей П 10 лопаток 4 и от углового расстояния между тыльной П 11 лопаток 4 и рабочей П 8 лопаток 3. В результате обеспечивается более равномерное распределение параметров рабочего тела по шагу длинных лопаток. 1 ил. (Л со со со со ...

30-09-1983 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1044835A1

... 1. РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО ВЕНТИЛЯТОРА, . содержащее несущий и покрывной диски, располо - женные между ними лопатки с изменяемой длиной и полый обтекатель, отличающееся тем что, с целью расширения диапазона и экономичности регулирования, оно дополнительно содержит установленный в полости обтекателя поворотный барабан, обтекатель снабжен щелевидными пазами, а лопатки выполнены из эластичного материала , их корневые части закреплены на барабане .и пропущены через пазы. 2.Колесо по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено направляющими элементами , расположенными в зоне входных участков лопаток и закрепленными на обтекателе , несущим и покрывном дисках 3.Колесо по пп. 1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что направляющие элементы выполнены составными из отдельных полос. 4.Колесо по пп. I и 2, отличающееся тем, что лопатки и направляющие элементы выполнены со скосом от покрывного диска к обтекателю. 4 4 00 САЭ СЛ ...

23-05-1989 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1481483A1

Изобретение относится к вентиляторостроению. Цель изобретения - расширение диапазона регулирования производительности вентилятора. На дисках колеса установлена вращающаяся ось 5, на которой намотан и одним своим концом закреплен эластичный закрылок (ЭЗ) 4. ДРУГОЙ КОНЕЦ ЭЗ 4 закреплен на тыльной стороне предкрылка 3. Под действием центробежной силы ЭЗ 4 разматывается с оси 5 на величину, зависящую от частоты вращения. Пружина, установленная на оси 5 с наружной стороны несущего диска, препятствует полному разматыванию ЭЗ 4. 3 ил.

28-02-1989 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1462026A1

Изобретение относится к вентиля- торостроению и позволяет повысить КПД вентилятора. Лопатки установлены между несущим и покрывным дисками. Каж,- дая лопатка имеет на выходной части со стороны спинки 4 криволинейный выступ 5 с кривизной, обратной кривизне спинки. Пластина 6 расположена по всей торцовой поверхности 7 выступа и имеет выступающий над вершиной выступа участок, длина 1 которого составляет 0,001...0,0075 от наружного радиуса колеса. Такое выполнение обеспечивает безотрывное обтекание потоком профиля лопатки. Пластины увеличивают диаметр колеса и угол выхода потока. 4 ил. о. & (Л ...

30-08-1983 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1038612A1

РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО КОМПРЕССОРА, содержащее диск и расположенные на нем §-образные лопатки, средние линии входного и выходного участков которых образова ны сопряженными дугами окружностей, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения экономичности компрессора ,дуги окружностей в плоскости развертки имеют переменные по лопаток радиусы,причем радиус дуги окружности средней линии входного участка определяется из соотнсяаения . 2.D-G-5int|b -e) где Vj - радиус дуги выходного участка , определяемый из соотношения где - радиус дуги входного участка лопатки в корневом сечении, равный (О , 3-30)R, ( RI - наружный радиус колеса) J - текущее расстояние, отсчи- тываемое от диска на наружном радиусе; Ри I - коэффициенты, равные0-1,О; (Гг где Е - осевая длина лопатки; ( - выходной угол лопатки; ё - угол между вектором окружной скорости и прямой, соединяющей входную кромку лопатки с центром дуги выходного 3 участка, определяемый по Фор-д муле58 , e-rucosf a СП Ъ.гав1«р а где Ь - окружная длина лопатки ...

30-10-1992 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1772428A1

Целью изобретения является повышение КПД. Указанная цель достигается тем, что под влиянием вдува газа при помощи отверстий 4 в покрывном диске 2 и лопатках 5 поток, обтекающий заднюю поверхностью лопаток 5, приобретает дополнительную закрутку в направлении от покрывного диска 2 к несущему диску 1 вдоль задней поверхности лопаток 5 и от задней поверхности лопаток 5 к передней поверхности лопаток вдоль поверхности несущего диска 1. Благодаря этому частицы низкоэнергетического следа удаляются с задней поверхности лопаток 5 в область основного потока на поверхности несущего диска и заменяются частицами основного потока с поверхности покрывного диска. В результате обеспечивается уменьшение гидравлических потерь, связанных с влиянием низ коэнергетическо- го следа и неравномерностью распределения параметров потока по ширине межлопаточных каналов на выходе из рабочего колеса, и достигается повышение КПД. 4 ил. (Л С ...

30-04-1990 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1560821A2

Изобретение позволяет повысить производительность и КПД вентилятора. Поворотный закрылок 2 выполнен с высотой гофр, уменьшающейся к выходной кромке 3, направленной от центра колеса. Высота H последнего гофра составляет 0,8...1,2, а радиус R 1,5...2,5 высоты первого гофра. Это расширяет зону экономичного использования вентилятора, повышает параметры его номинального режима. 1 ил.

15-06-1983 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1023144A1

РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО ВЕНТИЛЯТОРА, содержащее основной .. :f ««йлюми I и покрывной диски, соединенные между собой шпильками, и расположенные между дисками лопатки, от л ичающееся тем, что, с целью повынения надежности, в дисках выполнены сквозные пазы для размещеция концов лопаток, а на одной из поверхностей последних - выступы, расположенные с наружной стороны дисков, причем пазы имеют форму, повторяющую профиль, концов лопаток -С выступами, и в пазах со стороны лопаток , ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНОЙ выступам, установлены упругие элементы .. to оо 4 4ia ...

15-07-1983 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного насоса

Номер: SU1028899A1

РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО НАСОСА, содержащее вецуошй и вецомый оиски, жестко связанные между собой рабочие попатки, закреппенные на ведущем ° циске, и ао потштепьные попатки, о т л и ч а rout е е с я тем, что, с целью упрошония технологии изготовления, цопопнитепьные попатки жестко закреплены на вецомом оиске, их свобооные кошхы снабжены канавками и размешены в прорезях цополните пьно выполненных на периферийной части вецущего диска, а жесткая связь дисков выполнена в вице стопорного кольца, размещенного на наружной торцовой поверхности ведущего диска и установленного в канавках дополнительных лопаток. § О) to 00 СХ) со со ...

23-01-1990 дата публикации

Закрытое рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1537898A1

Изобретение относится к компрессоростоению и может быть использовано в рабочих колесах центробежных компрессоров. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности. Покрывной диск 2 выполнен из материала с меньшим коэффициентом линейного температурного расширения, и с большей удельной прочностью по сравнению с материалами основного диска 1 с лопастями 3, что приводит к перераспределению нагрузки от наиболее опасного периферийного сечения лопаток 3 на покрывной диск 2, вследствие чего повышается надежность рабочего колеса. 1 ил.

23-02-1990 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1545009A1

Изобретение позволяет повысить КПД центробежного вентилятора. Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора содержит несущий диск 1 с установленными на нем внутренним и наружным венцами 2, 3 лопаток 4, 5, разделенных радиальным зазором 6. Каждый лопаточный венец 2, 3 снабжен своим покрывным диском 7, 8. Покрывные диски 7, 8 расположены относительно друг друга с радиальным зазором 9, величина A которого составляет A=(0,06-0,2)H, где H - высота лопаток 4 внутреннего венца 2. Через зазор 9 осуществляется подсос воздуха повышенного давления из корпуса вентилятора производящего к увеличению энергии пограничного слоя на покрывном диске 8, и, следовательно, к снижению потерь и повышению КПД вентилятора. 1 ил.

05-02-1974 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежкой турбомашины

Номер: SU414426A1
Автор: Попов И.К.

30-09-1974 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо вентилятора

Номер: SU444899A2

30-09-1984 дата публикации

Способ изготовления сварного рабочего колеса центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1116223A1

СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ СВАРНОГО РАБОЧЕГО КОЛЕСА ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО КОМПРЕССОРА, включающий выполнение заготовок несущего и покрывного дисков с частями лопаток,фрезерование этих частей лопаток и последующую сварку, отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения трудо- емкости, улучшения технологичности и снижения металлоемкости, дополни-, тельно выполняют штамповкой из листового материала среднюю часть каждой лопатки. 1Л t i-jr г. fat f ...

23-09-1984 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1114819A1

РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО КОМПРЕССОРА, содержащее ступицу, основной и покрывной диски и лопатки, . закрепленные между ними, отличающееся тем, чтЬ, с целью упрощения технологии изготовления рабочего колеса, покрывной диск выполнен в виде кольца с окнами входа потока, разделенными перемычками, вдоль которых имеются прорези для крепления лопаток, а диск закреплен на ступице с помощью прижимной гайки. 90 ...

15-03-1984 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного вентилятора

Номер: SU1079903A1

РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО ВЕНТИЛЯТОРА, содержащее несущий диск, состоящий из двух усеченных конусов, соединенных между собой по периферии и установленных на втулке, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрощения балансировки, конусы в привтулочной зоне снабжены расположенными по окружности регулируемыми стяжными элементами.

07-04-1984 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо радиального нагнетателя

Номер: SU1084493A1

РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО РАДИАЛЬНОГО НАГНЕТАТЕЛЯ преимущественно для транспортирования запыленного газа, содержащее несущий и покрывной диски и расположенные между ними лопатки, причем на рабочих поверхностях дисков и лопаток выполнены- чередующиеся выступы и канавки, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повыщения долговечности, выступы и канавки расположены перпендикулярно потоку газа и имеют пилообразную форму, а стенки канавок расположены одна к другой под углом, равным 30-50°, а задняя по потоку стенка каждой канавки наклонена к радиусу колеса под углом, равным 80-85°.

15-07-1984 дата публикации

Двухпоточное рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1103019A1

ДВУХПОТОЧНОЕ РАБОЧЕЕ КОЛЕСО ЦЕНТРОБЕЖНОГО КОМПРЕССОРА, содержащее несущий диск и расположенные по обе его стороны лопатки, о т л ичающееся тем, что, с целыо снижения уровня шума, лопатки, расположенные с одной стороны диска, смещены относительно лопаток, расположенных с другой его стороны, на расстояние, составляющее 0,45-0,55 от шага лопаток..

23-02-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для очистки газов от пыли

Номер: SU1141222A2

... 1.УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОЧИСТКИ ГАЗОВ ОТ ПЫПИ по авт.св.№ 321269, отличающее ся тем, что, с целью уменьшения пьтевых отложений на диске pa6o4t:ro колеса, диск снабжен выступами,расположенными у выходной части тыльных сторон лопаток и имеющими переменную высоту , уменьшающуюся к оси колеса. 2. Устройство по п.1, о т л и чающееся тем, что выступы выполнены за одно целое с диском. Фиг. 1 ...

30-04-1990 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежного компрессора

Номер: SU1560820A2

Изобретение относится к компрессоростроению и позволяет повысить надежность. Покрывной диск 3 выполнен в виде кольца с окнами входа потока, разделенными перемычками 5, вдоль которых имеются прорези для крепления лопаток 4, и закреплен на ступице с помощью прижимной гайки. Лопатки 4 выполнены в виде плоских упругих пластин и имеют расположенные с внешних сторон дисков 2, 3 выступы 7, 8, снабженные пазами с частично размещенными в них дисками 2, 3, а под прижимной гайкой размещена шайба со штырьками 12, каждый из которых расположен в окне покрывного диска 3 со стороны выступа 8 с возможностью поджатия последнего к перемычке 5. Снабжение лопаток 4 выступами 7, 8 с частично размещенными в них дисками 2, 3 позволяет закрепить лопатки в дисках, а размещение под прижимной гайкой шайбы со штырьками 12 позволяет надежно фиксировать лопатки на покрывном диске 3. 2 ил.

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1815429C

30-09-1979 дата публикации

Рабочее колесо центробежной турбомашины

Номер: SU688653A1

10-11-2011 дата публикации

Ventilator mit einem verbesserten Schaufelrad

Номер: DE202011102587U1

Ventilator mit einem verbesserten Schaufelrad, umfassend einen Rahmen (2), der einen Aufnahmeraum (20) aufweist, einen Deckel (2), der eine Lufteintrittsöffnung (31) aufweist, die mit dem Aufnahmeraum (20) verbunden ist, und eine Radnabe (4), die im Aufnahmeraum (20) gelagert und mit einer Vielzahl von Schaufeln (41) versehen ist, die ringförmig an der Umfangsseite der Radnabe (4) verteilt sind und jeweils eine Oberseite (411) und eine Unterseite (412) besitzen, wobei die Oberseite (411) entsprechend dem Deckel (3) einen Vorsprung (42) bildet, wobei zwischen den Schaufeln (41) und der Radnabe (4) ein axialer Raum (5) gebildet ist.

02-12-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002617029A1

12-10-1978 дата публикации

High temp. fan for self cleaning oven - has indentations on circumference of disc to prevent temp. stresses

Номер: DE0002715011A1

The self cleaning oven for a domestic cooker has a centrifugal fan for circulating air which has to operate at very high temperatures. The fan has a circular disc (1) with a strengthened or reinforced central hub (2). Sections of angle (3, 4) are attached to the disc running radially along it to form projecting radial blades (4). The circumference (5) of the disc is stamped out to form a series of indentations (6) having a smooth rounded contour. These can expand at the very high temperatures to which the disc is subjected to prevent temperature sresses in the disc which would distort it and cause permanent damage.

30-04-2014 дата публикации

Lüfterrad für Radiallüfter und Radiallüfter

Номер: DE102013111889A1

Ein Lüfterrad für einen Radiallüfter umfasst eine scheibenförmige Hauptplatte, eine Vielzahl von Schaufelblättern, die entlang eines Umfangs um einen Mittelteil der Hauptplatte angeordnet sind, und einen ringförmigen Außenring, der die einzelnen Schaufelblätter miteinander verbindet. Der Außenring ist mit Spitzen-Endbereichen der einzelnen Schaufelblätter auf einer Seite einer Strömungsmittel-Austrittsöffnung verbunden, und jedes einzelne Schaufelblatt weist eine Form auf, die in der Nähe des Spitzen-Endbereichs in Rotationsrichtung des Lüfterrads umgebogen ist.

29-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002602933A1

04-12-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002522027A1

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Radialgebläse für einen Dunstabzug

Номер: DE202019104368U1

Radialgebläse (1) für einen Dunstabzug mit einem spiralförmigen Gebläsegehäuse (2) mit einer axialen Ansaugöffnung (3) und einer Ausblasöffnung (4), einem in dem Gebläsegehäuse (2) angeordneten Radiallaufrad (5) mit in einem Schaufelkranz angeordneten Laufradschaufeln (6), wobei das Radiallaufrad (5) einen der axialen Ansaugöffnung (3) zugeordneten axialen Ansaug (7) und einen radialen Ausblas (8) am radialen Ende der Laufradschaufeln (6) aufweist, wobei der Ansaug (7) in seiner Axialebene eine Ansaugquerschnittsfläche A und der Ausblas (8) eine umfängliche Mantelfläche M bestimmen und ein Verhältnis der Ansaugquerschnittsfläche A zur Mantelfläche M festgelegt ist, dass gilt: 0,75≤A/M≤1,0.

10-11-2015 дата публикации

Ventilatorrad und Ventilator

Номер: DE202015105729U1

Ventilatorrad ausgeführt als Radialventilatorrad oder Diagonalventilatorrad, mit einer Vielzahl von um eine axiale Rotationsachse verteilten Ventilatorschaufeln (2), einer im Radialschnitt zumindest teilweise bogenförmigen Deckscheibe (3), die mit ihrer Unterseite zumindest abschnittsweise auf axialen Stirnseiten der Ventilatorschaufeln (2) aufliegt und um die Rotationsachse eine Einlassöffnung (4) aufweist, wobei die im Radialschnitt zumindest teilweise bogenförmige Deckscheibe (3) einen radialen Innenabschnitt (5), in dem ein Tangentenwinkel gegenüber einer Radialebene des Ventilatorrades (1) größer ist als 45°, und einen sich in radialer Richtung an den Innenabschnitt (5) anschließenden Außenabschnitt (6) aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass im Innenabschnitt (5) auf der der Unterseite gegenüberliegenden Oberseite der Deckscheibe (3) mindestens ein von der Oberseite der Deckscheibe (3) radial und axial vorstehendes Luftleitelement (7) mit einer in Umfangsrichtung weisenden Leitfläche ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE202018101941U1

Lüfter, umfassend- ein Gehäuse (10, 10A);- einen Statorsatz (20), der im Gehäuse (10; 10A) angeordnet ist; und- ein Laufrad (30, 30A, 30B), das drehbar im Gehäuse (10, 10A) angebracht ist, wobei das Laufrad (30, 30A, 30B) einen Laufrad-Hauptkörper (31, 31A, 31B), eine Radachse (32) und einen Magnetring (33) umfasst, wobei der Laufrad-Hauptkörper (31) eine Nabe (311, 311A, 311B) und eine Vielzahl von an der äußeren Umfangsfläche der Nabe (311, 311A, 311B) ringförmig angeordneten Schaufeln (312) umfasst, wobei die Radachse (32) in der Mitte der Nabe (311, 311A, 311B) angeordnet und im Gehäuse (10, 10A) drehbar gelagert ist, wobei der Magnetring (33) in der Nabe (311, 311A, 311B) ringförmig angebracht und gegenüber dem Statorsatz (20) so angeordnet ist, dass Luftspalte zwischen dem Magnetring (33) und dem Statorsatz (20) vorhanden sind, wobei das Verhältnis des Durchmessers der Nabe (311, 311A, 311B) zum Durchmesser des Außenrandes eines Schaufelaufbaus (A) aus einer Vielzahl von an der äußeren ...

21-10-2014 дата публикации

Lüfter mit flachem Aufbau

Номер: DE202014104528U1

Lüfter mit flachem Aufbau, umfassend: einen Stator (1) mit einer Leiterplatine (11) und einer Mehrzahl von Layout-Schaltungen (12), welche angeordnet sind, um die Leiterplatine (11) zu umschreiben, wobei der Stator (1) eine axiale Mitte (10) an einem mittigen Abschnitt davon aufweist; ein Lüfterrad (2) mit einem Laufrad (20), einer axialen Hülse (21), die in der Mitte des Lüfterrads (20) angeordnet ist und sich ausgehend davon axial erstreckt, wobei eine Mehrzahl von Flügeln (22) ausgebildet sind, um einen Außenrand des Lüfterrads (20) zu umschreiben, wobei eine Magneteinheit (23) auf dem Lüfterrad (20) vorgesehen ist, und wobei die axiale Hülse (21) drehbeweglich auf der axialen Mitte (10) gelagert ist; und eine Lüfterabdeckung (3), die das Lüfterrad (2) abdeckt, wobei die Lüfterabdeckung (3) einen Befestigungsabschnitt (300) aufweist, der vorgesehen ist, um die axiale Mitte (10) zu sichern; wobei die Magneteinheit (23) von einer Mehrzahl von N-Pol-Bereichen (230) und einer Mehrzahl von ...

17-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000953114T1

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Verbessertes Einlasssystem für einen Radialverdichter

Номер: DE112017003133T5
Принадлежит: ARNOLD STEVEN DON, Arnold, Steven Don

Ein Radialverdichter nutzt ein Verdichterrad (102) mit einem Inducer (103). Ein Lufteinlasskanal (108) weist einen ersten Bereich (109) und einen durch eine Abteilwand (111) vom ersten Bereich getrennten zweiten Bereich (110) auf. Die Abteilwand erstreckt sich ausgehend von einer Einlass-Ebene (112) des Inducers und verbindet den ersten Bereich mit einem ersten Luftfilter (115) und den zweiten Bereich mit einem zweiten Luftfilter (118).

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Diagonal fan

Номер: US20120020778A1
Автор: Gerhard Ruck
Принадлежит: ruck Ventilatoren GmbH

A diagonal fan for gaseous media has a diagonal impeller with a plurality of vanes, which are fastened on a carrier plate, and a guide device, adjoining the diagonal impeller in the axial direction on the outflow side, for increasing the pressure of the medium, with a plurality of guide vanes. The vanes of the diagonal impeller and/or the guide vanes of the guide device are three-dimensionally twisted. By means of an intake unit, the gaseous medium can be directed into the diagonal impeller. The intake unit and/or an exhaust unit, by means of which the gaseous medium can be directed out of the guide device, is, or are, provided as an exchangeable module and can be fastened on the diagonal fan by means of a fastening element.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Impeller and rotary machine

Номер: US20120027599A1
Автор: Jo Masutani
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An impeller of a rotary machine, in which the direction of flow changes from an axial direction to a radial direction as it goes from the inside in the radial direction of a fluid flow passage to the outside in the radial direction thereof, includes: a hub surface constituting at least a portion of the fluid flow passage; a blade surface constituting at least a portion of the fluid flow passage; and a bulge that bulges toward the inside of the fluid flow passage at a corner where a pressure surface, which configures the blade surface, comes in contact with the hub surface in the vicinity of an inlet of the fluid flow passage.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Axial gas thrust bearing for rotors in rotating machinery

Номер: US20120163742A1
Принадлежит: STATOIL ASA

An axial gas thrust bearing for rotors in rotating machinery includes at least one radial disk, integral with or fastened to the rotor and one fixed seal facing each disk or two fixed seals positioned to surround each disk, lower portions of the seals being situated at a distance from the rotor to allow the inflow of compressed fluid passing in the gap between the respective disk and seals, thereby combining the properties of a balance piston and thrust bearing disk.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Impeller and turbomachinery including the impeller

Номер: US20120263599A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Plant Technologies Ltd

An impeller includes a hub plate and a plurality of blades circumferentially disposed at intervals on one surface side of the hub plate. Each blade has a shape formed by piling up a plurality of blade sections in a blade height-wise direction of each blade in a reference impeller in which the hub plate intersects with the blades and which includes a linear element blade in the blade height-wise direction so as to form a curvilinear element blade. In piling up the blade sections, amounts of tangential lean and sweep to be applied to the blade sections are increased as it goes from an end face of at least one of a hub plate side end and a counter hub plate side end toward a span intermediate part of the blade.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Rotor with asymmetric blade spacing

Номер: US20120288373A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A turbine apparatus comprises a rotor with a hub section defined about a rotational axis and a plurality of blades attached to the hub section. The plurality of blades comprises a first group having a first angular spacing in a first circumferential sector of the rotor, and a second group having a second angular spacing in a second circumferential sector of the rotor. The first angular spacing is different from the second angular spacing, and the rotor blades are asymmetric about the rotational axis.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Impeller of centrifugal compressor

Номер: US20120328444A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

Interference of a leakage vortex flow generated at the tip end side of the full blade with the leading edge of the splitter blade is avoided and high pressure ratio and enhanced efficiency can be achieved. A throat of am impeller is formed so that a distance from a leading edge of a rear side full blade on the rear side of the rotation direction of the compressor to a front side full blade adjacent to the rear side full blade is minimized, and the leading edge of the splitter blade is placed in a fluid flow streaming along the flow passage between the mutually adjacent full blades, on the downstream side of a leakage vortex line formed to connect the middle location of the throat to the leading edge of the front side full blade.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130078102A1
Автор: Dikmenli Erdogan

The invention relates to an electrical machine having a fan wheel which comprises an injection-moulded blade carrier ring with fan blades as well as an annular insertion part which is integrated into the blade carrier ring and which comprises passage openings via which the blade carrier ring is connected to the fan blades. 14528524. An electrical machine having a fan impeller , having at least one injection-molded blade support ring having fan blades () and an annular insert part () which is integrated in the blade support ring () , characterized in that passage openings () are made in the insert part () , the blade support ring () being connected to the fan blades () via said passage openings.252. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that a smallest inside radius (r) of the insert part () is smaller than a smallest inside radius (r) of the blade support ring ().345. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the fan blades () each have a radial extent and rest on an end face of the insert part () over the entire radial extent.4542. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that a surface of an end face of the insert part () which is situated opposite the fan blades () is covered by material of the blade support ring ().525. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the blade support ring () surrounds a radially outer circumferential face of the insert part ().6592. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that a radially outer circumferential face of the insert part () is provided with an interlocking geometry in the form of radial indentations () or projections claim 1 , and the interlocking geometry is covered by the blade support ring ().79. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 6 , characterized in that the indentations () are in the form of triangular notches.848. The electrical machine as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Blade structure for centrifugal fan

Номер: US20130089425A1
Автор: Chun-Ming Wu
Принадлежит: Individual

A blade structure for centrifugal fan includes a hub, a first blade unit, and a second blade unit. The hub includes at least one connection section, to a radially outer end of which an annular body is connected. The annular body has a first side and an opposite second side; and the first and the second blade unit are arranged on and spaced along the first and the second side of the annular body, respectively. By providing the first and the second blade unit around the hub of a centrifugal fan, the air flows and pressure produced by the centrifugal fan can be largely increased at effectively reduced noise.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Centrifugal fan

Номер: US20130236303A1
Принадлежит: Nidec Corp

A centrifugal fan may include an impeller arranged to rotate about a rotation axis, an impeller case arranged to accommodate the impeller, a motor arranged to rotate the impeller, and a motor case arranged to accommodate the motor. The impeller may include a boss portion joined to a shaft arranged to rotate about the rotation axis, a hub arranged to extend radially outward from the boss portion, and a plurality of blades. Each blade may be arranged to extend radially outward. An inner wall of the impeller case may include an inside surface extending radially outward along an upper end portion of each blade. A side end portion of an air inlet defined in a central portion of the impeller case may include a curved surface projecting radially inward.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251531A1

Provided is a rotary machine including: a shaft that rotates; a disc that has a substantially cylindrical hub fitted into the shaft and is provided so as to widen outward in a radial direction from a front end to a rear end of the hub; and an impeller having a plurality of blades provided on a surface of the disc. The hub has a tight fit section having an internal radius that is smaller than a radius of the shaft, and a loose fit section having an internal radius that is greater than the internal radius of the tight fit section. The loose fit section is provided on the front end side of the hub with respect to the tight fit section. 1. A rotary machine comprising:a shaft that rotates;a disc that has a substantially cylindrical hub fitted into the shaft and is provided so as to widen outward in a radial direction from a front end to a rear end of the hub; andan impeller having a plurality of blades provided on a surface of the disc, a tight fit section having an internal radius that is smaller than a radius of the shaft, and', 'a loose fit section having an internal radius that is greater than the internal radius of the tight fit section, and, 'wherein the hub comprisesthe loose fit section is provided on the front end side of the hub with respect to the tight fit section.2. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein a groove portion dented so as to surround the hub is provided on a rear surface of the surface of the disc.3. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , wherein a first tapered portion having an external radius gradually increasing toward the front end of the hub is provided in the rear end of the hub.4. The rotary machine according to claim 3 , further comprising:a sleeve that is fitted into the shaft so as to come into contact with the front end of the hub, and guides the air flow to the disc.5. The rotary machine according to claim 4 , wherein the plurality of impellers are provided in series in the shaft claim 4 ,a sleeve that guides the air ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130266450A1
Автор: Hoshi Toru, Tomita Isao

Provided is a centrifugal compressor including a first splitter blade arranged nearer to a suction side Sb of a full blade F located upstream in a rotating direction of the compressor, and a second splitter blade provided farther from the suction side Sb of the full blade F and being shorter than the first splitter blade . Leading edges and on the shroud side of the first splitter blade and the second splitter blade are offset from positions dividing the space between the full blades at equal intervals by the number of splitter blades therebetween toward the suction side Sb of the full blade. 16-. (canceled)7. A centrifugal compressor impeller , comprising:a plurality of full blades that stand equally spaced in a circumferential direction and extend from a fluid inlet part to a fluid outlet part on a surface of a hub; andtwo or more splitter blades each provided to extend from a point in a flow passage formed between the full blades arranged adjacent to each other, to the outlet part,the compressor further comprising:a first splitter blade provided on a side nearer to a suction side of a full blade located upstream in a rotating direction of the compressor and having a length in a flow passage direction shorter than that of the upstream side full blade; anda second splitter blade provided on a suction side of the first splitter blade and having a length in the flow passage direction shorter than that of the first splitter blade, whereinleading edge portions on a shroud side of the first splitter blade and the second splitter blade are offset from positions dividing a space between the full blades at equal intervals by the number of splitter blades therebetween toward the suction side of the full blade.8. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 7 , wherein an offset amount of the second splitter blade toward the suction side of the full blade is larger than an offset amount of the first splitter blade toward the suction side of the full blade.9. The centrifugal ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272883A1
Автор: Kim Jin-Hyoung, PAENG Ki

Provided is a method of manufacturing an impeller, the method including: providing a disc comprising a plurality of blades; casting a shroud to a first state in a mold; providing a mounting space in the mold; mounting the disc in the mounting space and casting the shroud to a second state with the mounted disc. 1. A method of manufacturing an impeller , the method comprising:providing a disc comprising a plurality of blades;casting a shroud to a first state in a mold;providing a mounting space in the mold;mounting the disc in the mounting space; andcasting the shroud to a second state with the mounted disc.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first state is a semi-solid state and the second state is a completely solidified state.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of blades and the shroud are coupled to each other after casting of the shroud to the second state.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the casting of the shroud to the second state comprises cooling the shroud to the completely solidified state.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mold comprises an outer cast and a center cast that form a space corresponding to a shape of the shroud claim 1 ,wherein the casting of the shroud to the first state comprises:injecting a melted metal into the space; andcooling the melted metal to a semi-solid state.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the providing of the mounting space comprises preparing the mounting space of the disc by removing the center cast.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising removing the outer cast.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising polishing a surface of the shroud.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the providing of the disc comprises filling a filling material between the plurality of blades.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the filling material comprises molding sand.11. The method of claim 10 , further comprising removing the molding sand by beating and breaking the molding sand.12. The method of claim 9 , wherein ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130272895A1

An impeller is formed of two parts, i.e., an inner peripheral side part and an outer peripheral side part. The inner peripheral side part is molded in a cylindrical shape. The outer peripheral side part is formed by integrally molding an annular disc externally fitted to an outer peripheral surface of the inner peripheral side part, a plurality of blades provided at an interval in a circumferential direction on a surface that faces the other side in the axis line direction of the annular disc and forming al flow path extending in a radial direction, and a cover covering the plurality of blades from the other side in the axis line direction and having an insertion hole to which the inner peripheral side part is inserted in the axis line direction at an interval in a radial direction. 1. An impeller comprisingan inner peripheral side part, andan outer peripheral side part, whereinthe inner peripheral side part is in a cylindrical shape around an axis line, and an annular disc externally fitted to a portion at one side in the axis line direction in an outer peripheral surface of the inner peripheral side part;', 'a plurality of blades that are provided at intervals in a circumferential direction on a surface that faces the other side in the axis line direction of the annular disc and form a flow path extending in a radial direction; and', 'a cover that covers the plurality of blades from the other side in the axis line direction and has an insertion hole into which the inner peripheral side part is inserted in the axis line direction at an interval in a radial direction, and, 'the outer peripheral side part includesthe outer peripheral side part is configured by which the annular disc, the blades and the cover are integrally molded.2. The impeller according to claim 1 , whereinthe annular disc is externally fitted to the inner peripheral side part through shrink fitting.3. The impeller according to claim 2 , wherein:an edge portion rising in a cylindrical shape from an ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315743A1
Автор: CHO Yong Wan

Disclosed herein is an impeller for an electric blower including: an upper plate; a lower plate; and a blade positioned between the upper plate and the lower plate, wherein the lower plate includes a burring part formed at an inner diameter portion thereof to which a shaft is insertedly coupled. In addition, disclosed herein is an impeller for an electric blower including: an upper plate; a lower plate; and a blade positioned between the upper plate and the lower plate, wherein the lower plate includes a burring part formed at an inner diameter portion thereof to which a shaft is insertedly coupled and a washer part extended in a direction perpendicular to the burring part. 1. An impeller for an electric blower comprising:an upper plate;a lower plate; anda blade positioned between the upper plate and the lower plate,wherein the lower plate includes a burring part formed at an inner diameter portion thereof to which a shaft is insertedly coupled.2. The impeller as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the burring part is protruded so that the inner diameter portion of the lower plate into which the shaft is inserted stands up vertically toward the upper plate.3. The impeller as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the shaft is insertedly coupled to the burring part of the lower plate claim 1 , and the nut is screw-coupled to an upper end portion of the shaft so as to be positioned at an upper end portion of the burring part.4. The impeller as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising auxiliary members positioned at an inner diameter portion of the impeller to which the shaft is coupled.5. The impeller as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the auxiliary members are coupled to both surfaces of the lower plate claim 4 , having the lower plate therebetween claim 4 , and an upper surface of the auxiliary member positioned on an upper surface of the lower plate is fixed by the nut.6. An impeller for an electric blower comprising:an upper plate;a lower plate; anda blade positioned between ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319642A1
Автор: Higashiyama Naohisa

A centrifugal blower with a cooling function includes an impeller, a scroll casing, and an evaporator. The impeller includes a plurality of blades provided around a rotary shaft and blows out in a radially outward direction air taken in along the axial direction of the rotary shaft. The scroll casing accommodates the impeller, and has an intake port, a spiral air passage, and a discharge port. The evaporator is disposed in the air passage of the scroll casing. The evaporator includes a plurality of refrigerant passage members which are stacked in the longitudinal direction of the rotary shaft of the impeller and each of which has a refrigerant flow channel. An air-passing clearance is provided between adjacent refrigerant passage members. The centrifugal blower with a cooling function is used for a vehicle air conditioner. 1. A centrifugal blower with a cooling function comprising:an impeller which includes a plurality of blades provided around a rotary shaft and which blows out in a radially outward direction air taken in along an axial direction of the rotary shaft;a scroll casing which accommodates the impeller and which has an intake port for taking in air along the axial direction of the rotary shaft of the impeller, a spiral air passage through which the air blown out from the impeller flows, and a discharge port for blowing out the air having flowed through the air passage; andan evaporator which is disposed in the air passage of the scroll casing and which has a refrigerant flow channel and an air-passing clearance through which the air flowing through the air passage passes.2. A centrifugal blower with a cooling function according to claim 1 , wherein the evaporator includes a plurality of refrigerant passage members stacked in the longitudinal direction of the rotary shaft of the impeller claim 1 , the refrigerant flow channel is provided in each of the refrigerant passage members claim 1 , and the air-passing clearance is provided between adjacent ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Propeller For Ventilator, With A Variable Blade Angle

Номер: US20130323062A1

A blower wheel comprises a hub, a guide and blades extending radially between the hub and the guide, each blade comprising a root at its junction with the hub and a head at the junction with the guide, each blade having a leading edge and a trailing edge between which, at each flattened cross section, a chord is defined. For each blade, in the radial direction from the root to the head, the pitch angle between the chord and the rotation axis of the wheel varies and the variation in the pitch angle between the root and the head has a point of inflexion between a first level and a second level. 1. A blower wheel for cooling an engine for driving a motor vehicle , said blower wheel comprising a hub , a guide and blades extending radially between the hub and the guide , each blade comprising a root at its junction with the hub and a head at the junction with the guide , each blade having a leading edge and a trailing edge between which , at each flattened cross section , a chord is defined , wherein for each blade , in the radial direction from the root to the head , a pitch angle between the chord and the rotation axis of the wheel varies and wherein the variation in the pitch angle between the root and the head has a point of inflexion between a first level and a second level.2. The wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in the radial direction claim 1 , the pitch angle increases sharply with the radius up to the first level and the pitch angle increases again with the radius between the first level and the second level.3. The wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at the head claim 1 , the pitch angle reduces sharply between the second level and the head.4. The wheel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein in the radial direction claim 3 , the pitch angle reduces sharply with the radius up to the first level and the pitch angle reduces again with the radius between the first level and the second level.5. The wheel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pitch angle increases ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Blower wheel with improved wheel hub to blade interface

Номер: US20140010657A1
Автор: Jayanthi Iyer
Принадлежит: Visteon Global Technologies Inc

A blower wheel for use in a blower assembly includes a hub, a concentrically arranged outer ring, an array of spaced apart blades extending between the hub and the outer ring. The hub includes an outer first surface and an inner second surface. An interface between an outer edge of a first end of each of the blades and an outer peripheral edge of the outer first surface of the hub is minimized, increasing an effective blade exit height of the blower wheel. As such, an effective open area for airflow between the blades of the blower wheel is increased over that of the prior art blower wheels. Further, a substantially planar lower face of the hub provides additional structural integrity to the hub, and thereby the blades.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Impeller, rotary machine including the same, and method for manufacturing impeller

Номер: US20140050585A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

An impeller including: blades disposed in a circumferential direction of the impeller; a disk located close to a second end side of an axis of the impeller with respect to the blades, to which the blades are attached, and configured to be attached to a rotating shaft; and a shroud located close to a first end side of an axis of the impeller with respect to the blades, and to which the blades are attached. Flow passages are formed by the blades, the disk and the shroud. The blades, the shroud and a first portion of the disk close to the second end side of the axis of the impeller are integrated so as to form a first member. A second portion of the disk close to the first end side of the axis of the impeller forms a second member.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Impeller and rotary machine provided with the same

Номер: US20140064975A1

The present invention is related to an impeller and a rotary machine including an inner diameter portion, a disk portion, a blade portion, and a cover portion. The disk portion includes a main body portion provided the blade portion, and a fixing portion disposed at an inner side in a radial direction of the rotor than the main body portion and fitted at the outside of an outer peripheral surface of the inner diameter portion. The fixing portion is formed so as to protrude toward the other side in the axial direction from the main body portion.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Fan blade system with multiple spaced layers of blades and centrifugal fan using same

Номер: US20140099207A1
Автор: Meihua Yuan
Принадлежит: Asia Vital Components Shenzhen Co Ltd

A fan blade system with multiple spaced layers of blades and a centrifugal fan using same are disclosed. The centrifugal fan includes a housing, in which the fan blade system is mounted. The fan blade system includes a hub, and a first and a second blade group outward extended from a circumferential wall of the hub to axially space from each other. The housing includes a main housing portion and a secondary housing portion integrally formed on one side of the main housing portion. When the fan blade system is mounted in the housing, the two blade groups are separately located in the main housing portion and the secondary housing portion to produce higher airflow pressure and more air volume. With these arrangements, the centrifugal fan can have upgraded performance and be manufactured with reduced labor, time and material costs.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001406A1
Автор: AHN Jongkee

There is provided a rotation part of a rotary machine, the rotation part including: a base unit including a surface constituting fluid channels; a plurality of blade units protruding from the base unit; a plurality of shroud segment support units connected to the plurality of blade units and extending in a parallel direction to the surface of the base unit; a shroud segment disposed between and bonded to adjacent shroud segment support units of the plurality of shroud segment support units; and a first reinforcing unit provided on an intersection portion between a blade unit of the plurality of blade units and a shroud segment support unit of the plurality of shroud segment support units, wherein a distance from a protruding direction center line of the blade unit to an end portion of the shroud segment support unit is greater than a maximum distance from the protruding direction center line of the blade unit to an end portion of the first reinforcing unit. 1. A rotation part of a rotary machine , the rotation part comprising:a base unit comprising a surface constituting fluid channels;a plurality of blade units protruding from the base unit;a plurality of shroud segment support units connected to the plurality of blade units and extending in a parallel direction to the surface of the base unit;a shroud segment disposed between and bonded to adjacent shroud segment support units of the plurality of shroud segment support units; anda first reinforcing unit provided on an intersection portion between a blade unit of the plurality of blade units and a shroud segment support unit of the plurality of shroud segment support units,wherein a distance from a protruding direction center line of the blade unit to an end portion of the shroud segment support unit is greater than a maximum distance from the protruding direction center line of the blade unit to an end portion of the first reinforcing unit.2. The rotation part of a rotary machine of claim 1 , wherein a first step ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001524A1
Автор: MATSUDA Masao

A resin fan includes a semi-molded article in which a first circular plate and blades are integrated. While the semi-molded article is retained, a composite mold is moved to a secondary molding side, a second mold is put in a first position and a third mold is moved to the first position and inserted into the first mold. An intermediate part extends over the inner surface-side of a large-bend part, and causes the end of the third mold to engage with the first mold. Next, resin is poured into a secondary forming mold, and a second circular plate is integrally molded continuous with the blades of the semi-molded article, and a fan is molded. Together with the opening of the second mold and the composite mold, the third mold and the composite mold are opened, each of the molds is moved to a second position. 16-. (canceled)7. A method of manufacturing a resin fan that includes a multitude of blades arranged radially from the center and held securely between a first circular plate and a second circular plate aligned at the center with each other , said resin fan being molded with resin by using a two-stage molding process , the method comprising forming a resin fan on a primary forming mold and a secondary forming mold , both of which will be described below , wherein (a) said blades are so formed as to be bent and that the bend so formed has a convex surface in the direction of one complete revolution;', {'sub': 01', '0 2', '01, '(b) said blade is molded such that it has a height of Hon the side of the outer peripheral edge thereof, said height increasing gradually toward the inner peripheral side, and that it has a height of H(>H) on the side of the inner peripheral edge thereof; and'}, '(c) said first circular plate includes a first central opening portion;, '(1) said resin fan is molded into a particular shape in the following way in which'} (a) a first circular plate forming mold for molding the outer side and the outer peripheral edge on said first circular plate ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003007A1

Embodiments of an apparatus, system, method and techniques are described for an improved volumetric resistance blower and rotor. An apparatus may comprise, for example a motor, a casing having one or more inlets and one or more outlets, and a cylindrical rotor to create a volumetric resistance inside the casing, at least a portion of the rotor comprising a porous material. Other embodiments are described. 1. A blower , comprising:a motor;a casing having one or more inlets and one or more outlets; anda cylindrical rotor to create a volumetric resistance inside the casing, at least a portion of the rotor comprising a porous material.2. The blower of claim 1 , the porous material comprising one or more of foam claim 1 , fabric claim 1 , stamped or cut metal claim 1 , porous paper claim 1 , woven materials claim 1 , screens claim 1 , or porous plastics.3. The blower of claim 1 , the porous material comprising a plurality of bristles arranged in a random or pseudo-random pattern and coupled to a hub arranged to support the rotor and to couple the rotor to the motor.4. The blower of claim 3 , the bristles comprising a plastic or metal material having rigidity selected such that the bristles are self-supporting.5. The blower of claim 1 , the rotor comprising a plurality of blades and the porous material arranged around at least a portion of one or more of the plurality of blades.6. The blower of claim 5 , the plurality of blades coupled on a first end to a hub arranged to support the rotor and to couple the rotor to the motor and on a second end to an outer ring of the rotor claim 5 , the porous material arranged in one or more of a space between one or more of the plurality of blades claim 5 , a space between the hub and the outer ring and a space between a top side and a bottom side of the outer ring.7. The blower of claim 1 , the rotor comprising a porous material arranged between a top plate and a bottom plate claim 1 , the porous material arranged to continuously ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Blower for breathing apparatus

Номер: US20170002830A1
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

A blower for a breathing apparatus has a diffuser for increasing static pressure and/or reducing noise and/or mitigating pressure instabilities and/or managing reverse flow.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002833A1

A modular fan blade includes a first fan blade and a second fan blade. The first fan blade includes a hub and plural first vanes, and the hub has an external periphery, and the first vane is combined with the external periphery, and a flange is formed at the external periphery and a retaining space is formed on a surface of the flange; and the second fan blade includes a fan frame and plural second vanes, and the fan frame is installed at the flange of the hub, sheathed on the hub, and installed in the retaining space, so as to achieve the effects of increasing the wind output of the fan effectively and replacing the blades conveniently. 1. A modular fan blade , comprising:a first fan blade, including a hub and a plurality of first vanes, and the hub having an external periphery, and the first vanes being combined to the external periphery, and the external periphery having a flange formed thereon, and a retaining space formed on a surface of the flange; anda second fan blade, including a fan frame, and a plurality of second vanes connected to the external periphery of the fan frame, and the fan frame being disposed at the flange of the hub, engaged with the hub, and installed in the retaining space.2. The modular fan blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hub has a plurality of latch slots formed on the flange claim 1 , and the fan frame having a plurality of hooks corresponsive to the plurality of latch slots respectively claim 1 , and the second fan blade is latched to the latch slots through the hooks and combined with the hub.3. The modular fan blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second vanes are partially disposed on the first vanes.4. The modular fan blade as claimed in claim 3 , wherein each of the first vanes has a groove formed on a side proximate to the hub claim 3 , and an end of some of the second vanes is disposed in the groove of the first vanes.5. The modular fan blade as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fan frame has an inner peripheral ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170002836A1

A fan includes an impeller having blades of varying chord lengths. The fan includes a fan housing surrounding the impeller. The fan housing includes a protruding region, or throat, separated from each passing blade by a clearance, or throat gap, that varies according to the chord length. During rotation of the impeller, the impeller blades rotate about a rotational axis, passing the protruding region defining a minimum radial gap to the protruding region. Due to their different chord lengths, the impeller blades pass the throat region at different throat gaps. Shorter blades are likely to have lower amplitude static pressures and lower air velocities resulting at the blade tip, and are hence likely to generate a lower amplitude acoustic pulse at the protruding region. The variety of chord lengths modulate the amplitude of the pressure to spread acoustic sound across multiple frequencies thereby reducing peak amplitude of the acoustic sound. 1. A fan assembly suitable for use in a consumer electronic device , the fan assembly comprising:an impeller; anda plurality of impeller blades secured with the impeller, the plurality of impeller blades configured to rotate with the impeller in response to a rotational force applied to the impeller, wherein the plurality of impeller blades include blades of different chord lengths that follow a pattern that spreads an acoustic tonal output generated while the impeller is rotating to reduce a perception of the acoustic tonal output.2. The fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein the pattern comprises a periodic pattern.3. The fan assembly of claim 2 , wherein the periodic pattern is a sinusoidal pattern.4. The fan assembly of claim 3 , wherein adjacent impeller blades of the plurality of impeller blades comprise an equal angular spacing.5. The fan assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of impeller blades comprises a first impeller blade having a longest blade length of the plurality of impeller blades and a second impeller blade ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003966A1
Автор: Duquette Steven

A low-noise blower has an impeller with an impeller plate and a plurality of blades each attached to the impeller plate. Each blade has a tip and a leading surface with a first portion that is proximate to the tip and has a first radius that is within a range of 0.03-0.20 inch. 1. A blower comprising: an impeller plate; and', 'a plurality of blades each attached to the impeller plate and comprising, 'an impeller comprisinga tip and a leading surface that comprises a first portion proximate to the tip,the first portion having a first radius that is within a range of 0.03-0.20 inch.2. The blower of claim 1 , wherein the first radius is within a range of 0.14-0.16 inch.3. The blower of claim 1 , wherein:the impeller plate comprises an outside edge with a second radius;the tip is coincident with the outside edge of the impeller plate;the leading surface comprises a second portion disposed between the tip and the first portion; andthe second portion of the leading surface comprises the second radius.4. The blower of claim 3 , further comprising a housing comprising:an impeller cavity, wherein the impeller plate is disposed within the impeller cavity;a collector; anda slot between the impeller cavity and the collector, the slot having an upper edge and a lower edge each comprising a third radius that is within a range of 0.01-0.30 inch.5. The blower of claim 4 , wherein:the impeller cavity further comprises an upper inner surface;each blade comprises a top surface; anda gap between the top surface at the tip of the respective blade and the upper inside surface of the impeller cavity is within a range of 0.005-0.050 inch.6. The blower of claim 3 , wherein:the housing comprises an inside wall that is proximate to the outside edge; anda gap between the inside wall and the outside edge is in a range of 0.035-0.110 inch when the impeller is stationary.7. The blower of claim 1 , wherein:the housing comprises a shelf;the impeller plate further comprises a bottom surface ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003257A1
Принадлежит: Nuovo Pignone Srl

A manufacturing technique for impellers for a centrifugal rotating machine is provided. The impeller is made by composition of single vanes pieces that fit to the hub or directly to the rotor shaft by welding, friction welding or a mechanical locking system. The manufacturability of the segments is easy fast and cheap and make it possible to use advanced manufacturing technologies like additive manufacturing of the type of Direct Metal Laser Melting. 1. A method for manufacturing an impeller for a centrifugal rotating machine comprising a substantially disk shaped main body comprising a front surface and a rear surfaces , a shroud comprising a front surface and a rear surfaces arranged spaced from the front surface of the main body , a plurality of blades , attached to the front surface of the main body joining the main body with the shroud wherein side surfaces of the blades , the front surface of the body , and the rear surface of the shroud form flow passages for compressing air , the method comprisingmaking a single segments of the impeller comprising a single blade, a section of the main body and the corresponding section of the shroud; andsuccessively joining together the plurality of segments to form the impeller.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the segments are joined together by welding claim 1 , or friction welding.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the impeller is attached to a hub that is attached to a rotor shaft of the machine claim 1 , or is attached directly to the rotor shaft.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the impeller is attached to the hub or directly to the rotor shaft by Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) deposition.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the single segments are attached to the hub or directly to the rotor shaft of the machine.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the segments are attached to the hub or to the rotor shaft by welding claim 3 , friction welding claim 3 , or by a mechanical ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Centrifugal Fan

Номер: US20180003188A1

There is provided a centrifugal fan that effectively cools an electronic component with a simple structure. The centrifugal fan comprises an impeller having a plurality of pins extending in an axial direction, a rotor yoke formed with a plurality of through-holes through which the pins penetrate, the rotor yoke being joined to the impeller as the pins penetrate through the through-holes, and a circuit board arranged in a state having a gap with respect to the rotor yoke , wherein an end ′ of the pin protrudes from the rotor yoke to a side of the circuit board, and the plurality of pins are arranged with uneven pitch in a circumferential direction of the impeller. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising:an impeller having a plurality of pins extending in an axial direction;a rotor yoke formed with a plurality of through-holes through which the pins penetrate, the rotor yoke being joined to the impeller as the pins penetrate through the through-holes; anda circuit board arranged in a state having a gap with respect to the rotor yoke,whereinan end of the pin protrudes from the rotor yoke to a side of the circuit board, andthe plurality of pins are arranged with uneven pitch in a circumferential direction of the impeller.2. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 , wherein an electronic component on the circuit board and a part of the pin protruding to the side of the circuit board are positioned to overlap with each other when viewed from a direction perpendicular to a rotation axis. This application claims the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2016-130804, filed Jun. 30, 2016, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates to a centrifugal fan characterized by a function of cooling a built-in electronic component.Centrifugal fans have been widely used for purposes including cooling, ventilation, air conditioning of various equipment including home electrical equipment, OA equipment, and industrial equipment, or for air ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003062A1
Автор: ISHII Fumiya, ODA Shuzo

A method for manufacturing a turbo fan unit includes a step for preparing multiple fan blades and an other-side side plate, and a step for connecting each of the multiple fan blades to the other-side side plate by a welding process. In the preparing step, one of the fan blade and the side plate is prepared, in which a connecting-surface forming portion having a connecting surface and a welding projection protruded from the connecting surface is formed. The connecting surface connects one of the fan blade and the side plate to the other one of the fan blade and the side plate. In the connecting step, the welding projection is melted down and the connecting surface is connected to an opposing surface, which is the surface of one of the fan blade and the side plate and which is opposing to the connecting surface. 1. A method for manufacturing a turbo fan unit to be used in a blower device , wherein the turbo fan unit comprises:multiple fan blades arranged around a fan center line;a shroud ring connected to one side of each fan blade in an axial direction of the fan center line and forming an air suction port through which air is sucked;an other-side side plate connected to the other side of each fan blade in the axial direction of the fan center line; andan air-flow guide portion located at a position inside of the other-side side plate in a fan radial direction for guiding an air flow sucked from the air suction port in a direction from an inside to an outside of the fan radial direction,wherein the air-flow guide portion has an air guide surface, which is formed in the air-flow guide portion on the one side of the axial direction and which guides the air flow sucked from the air suction port,wherein the other-side side plate has a plate-side guide surface, which faces blade passages respectively formed between neighboring fan blades of the multiple fan blades, and which guides an air flow passing through the blade passages,wherein the method for manufacturing the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003382A1

A furnace blower assembly includes a blower housing a blower and a motor. The blower is positioned within the housing and is adapted to rotate relative to the housing. The motor is coupled to the blower. The housing defines an outlet having an external periphery and an internal periphery. The external periphery or the internal periphery of the outlet is adapted to be fitted to a portion of the external periphery or the internal periphery of the duct. The outlet defines a longitudinal axis. The outlet has a peripheral edge and a protrusion extending outwardly from the external periphery or the internal periphery of the outlet. The protrusion is spaced from the peripheral edge of the outlet and is adapted to abut the peripheral edge of the duct. 1. A furnace blower assembly for cooperation with a duct having an interior periphery and an exterior periphery thereof and defining a peripheral edge thereof , said furnace blower assembly comprising:a blower housing;a blower positioned at least partially within said housing, said blower being adapted to rotate relative to said housing about a blower axis; anda motor operatively coupled to said blower, said housing defining an outlet thereof, the outlet having an external periphery thereof and an internal periphery thereof, a portion of one of the external periphery and the internal periphery of the outlet adapted to be at least fitted to a portion of one of the external periphery and the internal periphery of the duct, the outlet defining a longitudinal axis thereof, the outlet defining a peripheral edge thereof, the outlet defining a protrusion extending outwardly from one of the external periphery and the internal periphery of the outlet, said protrusion spaced from the peripheral edge of the outlet, said protrusion adapted to abut the peripheral edge of the duct.2. The furnace blower assembly as set forth in :wherein a portion of the internal periphery of the outlet is adapted to be fitted to a portion of the external ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003219A1

A wheel blade for a turbomachine compressor. The blade comprises a body extending between the root of the blade in the direction of the height of the blade. The body extends from a leading-edge to a trailing edge in a direction of the camber line of the blade. The blade comprises a winglet located in the extension of the body in the direction of the height. The winglet is located at the tip of the blade and at the leading edge of the blade. The body has a curvature oriented in a first direction of rotation with respect to the direction of the camber line, the winglet having a curvature in a second direction of rotation counter to the first direction of rotation. 112-. (canceled)13. A wheel blade for a compressor of a turbomachine , comprising:a root and a tip that are spaced apart from each other in the height direction of the blade,a body running from the root to the tip in the height direction and running from a leading edge to a trailing edge in a direction of the skeleton of the blade,wherein the blade comprises a winglet located along the extension of the body in the height direction, at the tip of the blade and on the leading edge of the blade,wherein the body has a curvature oriented in a first direction of rotation about a direction parallel to the direction of the skeleton of the blade, and wherein the winglet has a curvature solely in a second direction of rotation that is opposite the first direction of rotation.14. A blade according to claim 13 , wherein the winglet starts at the leading edge and extends in the direction of the trailing edge.15. A blade according to claim 13 , wherein the length of the winglet in the direction of the skeleton of the blade is between 0% and 100% of the length of the blade in the direction of the skeleton of the blade.16. A blade according to claim 13 , wherein the width of the winglet in the transverse direction of the blade gradually decreases from the leading edge to the trailing edge.17. A blade according to claim 13 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003222A1

Volumetric resistance blowers are disclosed herein. An example volumetric resistance blower includes a housing, a motor, and a rotor disposed within the housing and rotated by the motor. The rotor is constructed of metal foam. 1. A volumetric resistance blower comprising:a housing;a motor; anda rotor disposed within the housing and rotated by the motor, the rotor constructed of metal foam.2. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 1 , wherein the rotor is constructed of nickel foam.3. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 1 , wherein the rotor is cylindrical or disc-shaped.4. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 1 , further including a hub claim 1 , the hub coupled to and driven by the motor claim 1 , the rotor coupled to the hub.5. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 4 , wherein the rotor is coupled to the hub via press fit.6. A volumetric resistance blower comprising:a motor;a carrier plate driven by the motor, the carrier plate including a plurality of posts; anda rotor coupled to the carrier plate via the posts, the rotor constructed of foam material.7. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 6 , wherein the rotor includes a plurality of openings claim 6 , and the posts extend into corresponding ones of the openings to couple the rotor to the carrier plate.8. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 7 , wherein the openings are smaller than the respective posts claim 7 , such that the foam material expands onto the posts.9. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 6 , further including a hub claim 6 , the hub coupled to and driven by the motor claim 6 , the carrier plate coupled to the hub.10. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 9 , wherein the carrier plate includes an opening claim 9 , the hub and the motor disposed in the opening.11. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 10 , wherein the carrier plate is co-molded with the hub.12. The volumetric resistance blower of claim 9 , wherein the rotor is not coupled to the carrier plate ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003223A1
Автор: Iwakiri Kenichiro

A compressor comprises: a rotor including a hub and a blade provided on an outer peripheral surface of the hub; and a casing surrounding the rotor so as to face a tip of the blade across a gap. Provided that the gap between the tip of the blade and the casing has a size t0 at a leading edge of the blade, the gap between the tip of the blade and the casing has a size larger than t0 in at least a partial range downstream of the leading edge in an axial direction of the rotor. 18-. (canceled)9. A compressor , comprising:a rotor including a hub and a blade provided on an outer peripheral surface of the hub; anda casing surrounding the rotor so as to face a tip of the blade across a gap,whereinprovided that the gap between the tip of the blade and the casing has a size t0 at a leading edge of the blade, the gap between the tip of the blade and the casing has a size larger than t0 in at least a partial range downstream of the leading edge in an axial direction of the rotor andwherein{'sub': MAX', 'MAX, 'in a size distribution of the gap between the tip of the blade and the casing from the leading edge to a trailing edge of the blade, a maximum value tof the gap satisfies 1.1t0≤t≤1.5t0.'}10. The compressor according to claim 9 ,whereinprovided that a meridional length from the leading edge along the tip of the blade is L and that a meridional length from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the blade along the tip of the blade is L1, the gap between the tip of the blade and the casing has a size larger than t0 in at least a part of a range 0 Подробнее

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Centrifugal impeller and centrifugal fan comprising the same

Номер: US20210003143A1
Автор: Haiming XU
Принадлежит: Zhongshan Ebs Technology Co Ltd

A centrifugal impeller including a wheel cover, a wheel disc, and a plurality of blades disposed between the wheel cover and the wheel disc. The wheel cover and the wheel disc each includes a sheet metal, and the plurality of blades includes a composite material. The wheel cover includes an air inlet. The wheel disc includes a central part and a motor mounting base disposed on the central part. Every two adjacent blades form an air channel including an air outlet. The plurality of blades each includes a metal frame, and a plastic shell disposed on the metal frame. Two ends of the metal frame are connected to the wheel cover and the wheel disc, respectively. The metal frame is integrated with the plastic shell through injection molding. The plastic shell is wrapped around at least a part of the metal frame.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Multi-Piece Compressor Wheel

Номер: US20190003482A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

A compressor wheel assembly for a forced induction device includes an impeller member and a plate member. The impeller member is formed of a polymer material, and includes a hub portion and a plurality of blades extending from an outer surface of the hub portion. The hub portion includes an outer peripheral portion formed therewith. The plate member is connected to the outer peripheral portion of the impeller member to be rotationally fixed thereto. The plate member being formed of a metal material. 1. A compressor wheel assembly for a forced induction device , the compressor wheel assembly comprising:an impeller member formed of a polymer material and having a hub portion and a plurality of blades extending from an outer surface of the hub portion, the hub portion having an outer peripheral portion formed therewith; anda plate member connected to the outer peripheral portion of the impeller member to be rotationally fixed thereto, the plate member being formed of a metal material.2. The compressor wheel assembly according to claim 1 , wherein a first axial surface of the plate member is mated against a first axial surface of the impeller member.3. The compressor wheel assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the impeller member includes a flange portion that forms the outer peripheral portion claim 2 , and the plate member extends radially around the flange portion to connect the plate member to the impeller member.4. The compressor wheel assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the plate member extends circumferentially entirely around the flange portion.5. The compressor wheel assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the flange portion extends axially away from the hub portion.6. The compressor wheel assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the flange portion extends radially outward beyond the blades where coupled to the hub portion.7. The compressor wheel assembly according to claim 6 , wherein the first axial surface of the plate member is bonded to the first ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010801A1
Автор: KIM Minsoo
Принадлежит: TURBOWIN CO., LTD.

The present disclosure relates to a turbo blower capable of operating in a surge area and, more particularly, to a turbo blower capable of operating in a surge area, the turbo blower increasing consistency of performance thereof and efficiency by preventing suspension thereof due to a temporarily generated surge by operating even in a surge area for a predetermined time in addition to a normal area in which the turbo blower normally operates. 1{'b': 100', '200', '100', '100, 'a turbo blower machine unit () increasing pressure of external air flowing inside and then discharging the external air; and a turbo blower control unit () driving the turbo blower machine unit () such that the turbo blower machine unit () is stably operated for a predetermined time even in a surge area (SR),'}{'b': '100', 'wherein the turbo blower machine unit () that suctions air, increases the pressure of the air, and then discharges the air includes{'b': '110', 'a body housing () having a predetermined size in which a predetermined space is formed;'}{'b': 120', '110, 'an air inlet () formed on a side of the body housing ();'}{'b': 130', '110', '120, 'a turbo blower () disposed in the body housing () and suctioning and discharging air flowing into the air inlet ();'}{'b': 140', '130', '130', '110, 'an air discharge cone pipe () coupled to the turbo blower () and sending the air discharged through the turbo blower () to the body housing ();'}{'b': 150', '110, 'a turbo blower silencer () suppressing and decreasing noise generated from the inside of the body housing ();'}{'b': '160', 'the electric valve () of which the degree of opening/closing is automatically controlled due to a surge; and'}{'b': 170', '130', '130', '140', '140', '130', '132', '130', '130, 'a blow-off valve () being automatically opened/closed in accordance with the status of the turbo blower (), discharging air temporarily increased in pressure to the outside in order to prevent backflow of air increased in pressure and ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220018356A1

A centrifugal compressor comprises an impeller including a hub and a plurality of blades. The hub is provided with a through hole. The hub has an external radial surface having an inner external radial surface and an outer external radial surface. The outer external radial surface is formed closer to a back surface than an imaginary curved surface having as a radius a radius of curvature of the inner external radial surface at a radially outer edge thereof. 1. A centrifugal compressor comprising a rotation shaft and an impeller fixed to the rotation shaft and rotating together with the rotation shaft , a hub having an external radial surface having a shape gradually increasing in diameter from one side of the rotation shaft toward the other side of the rotation shaft, and a back surface formed on the other side of the rotation shaft, and', 'a plurality of blades provided on the external radial surface of the hub,, 'the impeller including'}the hub being provided with a through hole formed therethrough between the external radial surface and the back surface, an inner external radial surface located inwardly of the through hole in a radial direction of the hub and', 'an outer external radial surface located outwardly of the through hole in the radial direction of the hub,, 'the external radial surface having'}the outer external radial surface being formed closer to the back surface than an imaginary curved surface having as a radius a radius of curvature of the inner external radial surface at an edge thereof outer in the radial direction.2. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a distance in a direction parallel to the rotation shaft between the imaginary curved surface and an edge of the outer external radial surface inner in the radial direction to a distance in the direction parallel to the rotation shaft between the outer edge and the inner edge is larger than 0 and smaller than 1.3. The centrifugal compressor according to claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009585A1

An imbalance correction position of a turbine wheel head is irradiated with a laser beam so that an outer peripheral portion of the turbine wheel head is left, and a groove provided by the laser irradiation is provided so that a depth of the groove is shallower toward a side closer to an outer periphery of the turbine wheel head. This makes it possible to secure a strength of a base part of an outer peripheral portion (an outer wall) of the groove, thereby making it possible to restrain deformation of the outer peripheral portion of the groove due to a centrifugal force acting by rotation of the turbine wheel head. 1. A balance correction device for a rotor , the balance correction device correcting balance of the rotor , the balance correction device comprising:a rotary drive device configured to rotate the rotor around a rotation axis of the rotor;a laser irradiation device configured to remove a part of the rotor by irradiating the rotor with a laser beam from a rotation-axis direction of the rotor;a rotation angle sensor configured to detect a rotation angle of the rotor;an irradiation position setting device configured to set a laser irradiation position in a radial direction of the rotor; anda controller configured to:(i) control the rotary drive device, the laser irradiation device, and the irradiation position setting device;(ii) irradiate an imbalance correction position of the rotor with the laser beam based on an output of the rotation angle sensor so as to leave an outer peripheral portion of the rotor; and(iii) control a radial position of the laser irradiation position, a rotation speed of the rotor, and a laser output of the laser irradiation device so as to make a groove depth, in the rotation-axis direction, of a groove provided by the laser irradiation shallower toward a side closer to an outer periphery of the rotor.2. The balance correction device for the rotor claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein (i) control the rotation speed of the rotor ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010653A1

A shaftless fan includes a fan stator, a vane rotor and a rolling bearing. The rolling bearing is installed between the fan stator and the vane rotor and includes an inner ring, an outer ring, and a plurality of rolling elements rollably installed between the inner and outer rings, and the inner and outer rings of the rolling bearing are rotated in opposite direction with respect to each other, so that the vane rotor can be rotated on the fan stator to connect the fan stator with the vane rotor through the rolling bearing, so as to achieve the shaftless effect. 1. A shaftless fan structure , comprising:a fan stator;a vane rotor; anda rolling bearing, installed between the fan stator and the vane rotor, and including an inner ring, an outer ring, and a plurality of rolling elements rollably installed between the inner and outer rings; wherein the inner and outer rings are rotated in opposite directions with respect to each other, so that the vane rotor can be rotated on the fan stator.2. The shaftless fan structure of claim 1 , wherein the vane rotor includes an impeller claim 1 , a plurality of blades disposed outside the impeller claim 1 , and a magnetic element installed in the impeller claim 1 , and the impeller has a circular wall claim 1 , and each blade is arranged around the periphery of the impeller and mounted onto the circular wall.3. The shaftless fan structure of claim 2 , further comprising a hood for mounting the fan stator thereon claim 2 , and a bearing collar mounted onto the hood and fixed onto the inner ring of the rolling bearing claim 2 , and the outer ring of the rolling bearing being fixed into the circular wall of the vane rotor.4. The shaftless fan structure of claim 3 , wherein the impeller is covered onto the exterior of the fan stator and provided for the fan stator to be accommodated in a space enclosed by the impeller and the circular wall of the impeller.5. The shaftless fan structure of claim 3 , wherein the rolling bearing is a ball ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010655A1
Автор: Wu Chun-Ming

A fan impeller structure and a cooling fan thereof. The fan impeller structure includes a hub and a flow guide body. The hub has an extension section extending from outer circumference of the hub. The extension section has a first face and a second face. An axial center of the flow guide body is defined with an axial line. A fitting section outward extends from the axial line. A spoiler section is connected to the fitting section in a direction away from the axial line. The spoiler section is formed with multiple axial perforations and multiple radial perforations. The flow guide body is disposed on the first face or the second face of the extension section of the hub. The flow guide body is employed to replace the blades of conventional cooling fan. The perforations of the flow guide body can forcedly guide air in a narrow space. 1. A fan impeller structure comprising:a hub; anda flow guide body, an axial center of the flow guide body being defined with an axial line, a fitting section outward extending from the axial line, a spoiler section being connected to the fitting section in a direction away from the axial line, the spoiler section being formed with multiple axial perforations and multiple radial perforations, the flow guide body being fitted around the hub via the fitting section.2. The fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow guide body is selected from a group consisting of foamed porous structure body claim 1 , sponge claim 1 , porous wooden material and foamed metal.3. The fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a shaft is inserted in the hub.4. The fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the axial perforations and radial perforations of the spoiler section communicate with each other.5. The fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the flow guide body has the form of a circular disc body or an elliptic disc body or a geometric plate body.6. A fan impeller structure comprising:a hub, the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010656A1

A fan includes a plurality of blade portions arranged spaced apart from each other in a circumferential direction, each blade portion having a blade surface including a pressure surface disposed on a rotational direction side of the fan and a suction surface disposed on a back side of said pressure surface. The plurality of the blade portions include a first blade portion and a second blade portion in which when they are rotated around the rotation axis of the fan and overlapped on one blade portion, one of an inner edge portion and an outer edge portion is disposed to be coincident with each other, and the other of the inner edge portion and the outer edge portion is disposed to be displaced from each other. 1. A fan comprising a plurality of blade portions arranged spaced apart from each other in a circumferential direction , each blade portion having a blade surface including a pressure surface disposed on a rotational direction side of the fan and a suction surface disposed on a back side of said pressure surface , whereinwhen cut along a plane orthogonal to a rotation axis of the fan, said blade portion has an inner edge portion at which a center line between said pressure surface and said suction surface intersects an inner peripheral-side blade tip, and an outer edge portion at which the center line intersects an outer peripheral-side blade tip,as the fan is rotated, a fluid flow is produced on said blade surface to flow between said inner edge portion and said outer edge portion,when an angle between a straight line passing through a rotational center of the fan and said outer edge portion and a tangent of said center line at said outer edge portion is defined as an outer peripheral blade tip angle, and an angle between a straight line passing through the rotational center of the fan and said inner edge portion and a tangent of said center line at said inner edge portion is defined as an inner peripheral blade tip angle,a plurality of said blade portions are ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Fan Impeller and Fan Using Fan Impeller

Номер: US20190010955A1
Принадлежит: Ningbo Fotile Kitchen Ware Co Ltd

The present invention discloses an impeller for a fan, which comprises a plurality of blades (2) and a rear wheel disc (1); the plurality of blades (2) are arranged one by one successively along a circumferential direction of the rear wheel disc (1); an angle α is defined between the first projection line (21a) of each outer edge (21) and a radial line of the rear wheel disc (1) and satisfies the following condition: −60°≤α≤60°; an angle β is defined between the second projection line (22a) of each inner edge (22) and the radial line of the rear wheel disc (1) and satisfies the following condition: 20°≤β≤70°; an angle θ is defined between a first connecting line (L1) and a second connecting line (L2) and satisfies the following condition: 10°≤Θ≤65°. The impeller for a fan is good in aerodynamic performance, high in both fan efficiency and air pressure, and large in gradient of the generated negative pressure.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Blower Noise Suppressor

Номер: US20190010959A1

A blower assembly including a housing, a blower within the housing, and a cut-off that is within the housing downstream of the blower with respect to direction of airflow generated by the blower. Openings are defined by the cut-off. The openings are configured to permit airflow generated by the blower to pass through the openings and to a discharge outlet of the blower assembly. The openings are further configured to reduce blower frequency tone generated as airflow passes across the cut-off. 1. A blower assembly comprising:a housing;a blower within the housing;a cut-off within the housing downstream of the blower with respect to direction of airflow generated by the blower; andopenings defined by the cut-off, the openings configured to permit airflow generated by the blower to pass through the openings and to a discharge outlet of the blower assembly, the openings further configured to reduce blower frequency tone generated as airflow passes across the cut-off.2. The blower assembly of claim 1 , wherein the openings include a plurality of perforations defined by an upstream surface and a downstream surface of the cut-off.3. The blower assembly of claim 1 , wherein the openings include a first slot defined by an upstream surface of the cut-off claim 1 , and a second slot defined by a downstream surface of the cut-off.4. The blower assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the cut-off includes a first chamber having a first upper edge and a second chamber having a second upper edge, the second chamber is smaller than the first chamber and the second upper edge is lower than the first upper edge; andthe openings include a first upstream slot defined by a first upstream surface of the first chamber, a first downstream slot defined by a first downstream surface of the first chamber, a second upstream slot defined by a second upstream surface of the second chamber, and a second downstream slot defined by a second downstream surface of the second chamber.5. The blower assembly of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010961A1
Автор: KUMAOU Shigeo

An impeller of a centrifugal fan includes multiple blades arranged annularly around a rotational axis, a main plate, a shroud, main plate-side welded portions between main plate-side blade axial ends of the blades and the main plate, and shroud-side welded portions between shroud-side blade axial ends of the blades and the shroud. The main plate is arranged opposite to main plate-side blade axial ends. The shroud is arranged opposite to shroud-side blade axial ends. The main plate-side welded portions have main plate-side welding holes that are recesses extending through the main plate to portions of the main plate-side blade axial ends. The shroud-side welded portions have shroud-side welding holes that are recesses extending through the shroud to portions of the shroud-side blade axial ends. 1. An impeller of a centrifugal fan , the impeller comprising:multiple blades arranged annularly around a rotational axis, each blade having two blade axial ends that are both ends along a direction of the rotational axis;a main plate arranged opposite to a main plate-side blade axial end that is one of the two blade axial ends of each of the blades;a shroud arranged opposite to a shroud-side blade axial end that is an other of the two blade axial ends of each of the blades;main plate-side welded portions between the main plate-side blade axial ends and the main plate, the main plate-side welded portions having main plate-side welding holes that are recesses extending through the main plate to portions of the main plate-side blade axial ends; andshroud-side welded portions between the shroud-side blade axial ends and the shroud, the shroud-side welded portions having shroud-side welding holes that are recesses extending through the shroud to portions of the shroud-side blade axial ends.2. The impeller of the centrifugal fan according to claim 1 , whereinthe main plate has a blade-side main plate surface arranged opposite to the main plate-side blade axial ends and an opposite- ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011337A1

An impeller of a centrifugal compressor comprising an impeller body () rotatable about an impeller axis Wand a motor operable to drive said impeller about said impeller axis. The motor includes a stator assembly () and a rotor assembly (). The rotor assembly is associated with said impeller body. 1. An impeller of a centrifugal compressor comprising:an impeller body rotatable about an impeller axis; anda motor operable to drive said impeller about said impeller axis, said motor including a stator assembly and a rotor assembly, said rotor assembly being associated with said impeller body.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein said rotor assembly further comprises at least one interactive component configured to interact with a magnetic field generated by said stator assembly to drive said impeller about said impeller axis.3. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein said at least one interactive component is not coupled to an electrical source separate from said stator assembly.4. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein said at least one interactive component is integrally formed with said impeller body.5. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein said at least one interactive component is removably coupled to said impeller body.6. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein said at least one interactive component is coupled to an exterior surface of said impeller body.7. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein said at least one interactive component is at least partially embedded within said impeller body.8. The compressor of wherein said at least one interactive component comprises a plurality of interactive components positioned about a periphery of said impeller body.9. The compressor of claim 2 , wherein said stator assembly includes at least one electrical component operable to generate a magnetic field when power is applied thereto.10. The compressor of claim 9 , further comprising a shroud arranged adjacent said impeller body claim 9 , said stator assembly being associated with said ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011343A1

A wind wheel including a first air plate, a second air plate, and a plurality of blades disposed between the first air plate and the second air plate. The first air plate includes a central part and an air inlet disposed in the central part; each two adjacent blades form an air duct. The plurality of blades each includes an inlet section next to the air inlet, an intermediate section, and an outlet section. The thickness of the intermediate section is greater than the thickness of the inlet section and the thickness of the outlet section. 1. A wind wheel , comprising: a first air plate , a second air plate , and a plurality of blades disposed between the first air plate and the second air plate; the first air plate comprises a central part and an air inlet disposed in the central part;', 'each two adjacent blades form an air duct;', 'the plurality of blades each comprises an inlet section next to the air inlet, an intermediate section, and an outlet section; and', 'a thickness of the intermediate section is greater than a thickness of the inlet section and a thickness of the outlet section., 'wherein2. The wind wheel of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate section comprises a middle part and two ends; and the thickness of the intermediate section decreases from the middle part to the two ends.3. The wind wheel of claim 2 , wherein the inlet section comprises a first connecting end connected to the intermediate section and an innermost end next to the air inlet; and the thickness of the inlet section decreases from the first connecting end to the innermost end.4. The wind wheel of claim 3 , wherein the outlet section comprises a second connecting end connected to the intermediate section and an outermost end connected to the second connecting end; and the thickness of the outlet section decreases from the second connecting end to the outermost end.512. The wind wheel of claim 4 , wherein a profile of each of the plurality of blades is an arc; randomly select a point on ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150016999A1

An impeller includes a shell having a plurality of blades. The shell may also define a cavity. The impeller may further include a backplate that engages at least a portion of the shell. The backplate can include a post which can be coupled to the impeller through a fastener such as a threaded nut. The backplate can be thereafter clamped to the impeller shell. Seals can be provided in the impeller, such as in the backplate. The backplate and impeller shell can be piloted onto each other. In some forms splines can be used to secure the backplate to the impeller shell. 1. An apparatus comprising:a gas turbine engine turbomachinery impeller useful for changing a pressure of a working fluid that flows through the impeller during operation of a gas turbine engine, the impeller having:a bladed shell from which extends a plurality of centrifugal blades, the bladed shell having a first end and a second end, the first end having a smaller radius than the second end, the bladed shell having a shoulder that includes a load bearing surface;a backside plate located with the second end and having a protrusion extending toward the first end of the bladed shell and past the load bearing surface such that the load bearing surface is interposed between an end of the protrusion and the backside plate; anda fastener used to secure the protrusion of the backside plate to the bladed shell in which the fastener engages the protrusion and bears against the load bearing surface.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shoulder is formed about an aperture and the protrusion is a threaded center member that extends through the aperture.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , which further includes a pilot feature formed in the bladed shell and a complementary pilot feature formed in the backside plate.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , which further includes a splined interface between the protrusion of the backside plate and the bladed shell.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the backside plate is a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034330A1

An impeller for a centrifugal blower includes at least one blade oriented in a radial direction of the impeller. The blade has an airfoil section with a radially inward end and a radially outward end that are thinner than at least one point between the radially inward end and the radially outward end. 1. An impeller for a centrifugal blower , the impeller comprising:at least one blade oriented in a radial direction of the impeller, the blade including an airfoil section with a radially inward end and a radially outward end that are thinner than at least one point between the radially inward end and the radially outward end.2. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil is raked in backward direction relative to a rotational direction of the impeller.3. The impeller of claim 2 , wherein the rake of at least a portion of the airfoil section is between −15° and −30°.4. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil section has National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 4405 geometry.5. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the blade is continuous between a hub and a support ring radially outward from the hub.6. The impeller of claim 5 , wherein the support ring is connected to and supports the radially outward end of the airfoil section.7. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the impeller comprises a plurality of blades with a varying pitch between blades of the plurality of blades.8. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein the airfoil section is curved in backward direction relative to a rotational direction of the impeller.9. The impeller of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the airfoil section has a tilt in the direction of rotation.10. An impeller for a centrifugal blower claim 1 , the impeller comprising:a hub configured to connect to an axle at a rotational axis; and an airfoil section with a radially inward end and a radially outward end that are thinner than at least one point between the radially inward end and the radially outward end, the airfoil section ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170016452A1

A turbo machine according to the present disclosure includes a rotating shaft, an impeller, a first bearing, and a first supply passage. The rotating shaft includes a first taper portion and a first cylindrical portion. The first bearing includes a first taper support surface and a first cylindrical portion support surface, the first taper support surface including a first taper hole forming surface and rotatably supporting the first taper portion, the first cylindrical portion support surface rotatably supporting the first cylindrical portion. The first supply passage is open to a space formed between the first cylindrical portion and first cylindrical portion support surface. An inclination angle of the first taper hole forming surface with respect to the axial direction of the first bearing is greater than an inclination angle of an outer surface of the first taper portion with respect to the axial direction of the rotating shaft. 1. A turbo machine comprising:a rotating shaft;an impeller;a first bearing that supports the rotating shaft; anda first supply passage for supplying a lubricating liquid between the rotating shaft and the first bearing, whereinthe impeller is fixed to the rotating shaft, a working fluid intake side of the impeller facing the first bearing,the rotating shaft includes a first taper portion and a first cylindrical portion, the first taper portion increasing in diameter toward the impeller in an axial direction of the rotating shaft, the first cylindrical portion being located adjacent to a large diameter end of the first taper portion,the first bearing includes a first taper support surface and a first cylindrical portion support surface, the first taper support surface including a first taper hole forming surface that forms a taper hole that extends toward a small diameter end of the first taper portion from a particular point on the first bearing in an axial direction of the first bearing, the first taper support surface rotatably ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Centrifugal Fan Assembly For Road Sweeping Machines

Номер: US20170016453A1

The present invention is directed to a centrifugal fan assembly () for the debris collection arrangement () of a road cleaning machine (). The assembly () comprises a casing (), a rotatable impeller () and a wall (). The casing () comprises a volute potion () connected to an outlet passageway (), a corner () being formed therebetween. The impeller () comprises a plurality of blades () and is located in the volute portion () proximate the corner (). The wall () separates the outlet passageway () into a first and second passageway () and extends to an inner end () proximate the impeller (). The inner end () is positioned, and the impeller () is arranged, such that when a blade () passes the inner end () a second pressure wave is formed that destructively interferes with a first pressure wave formed by a blade () passing the corner (). The distance W between the inner end () and impeller () is greater than the distance Z between the corner () and impeller (). 2. A centrifugal fan assembly as claimed in wherein W is in the range of from 1.1Z to and including 1.5Z.3. A centrifugal fan assembly as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein the angle about the centre of rotation of the impeller between the inner end and corner is the sum of:the angle between at least two of the plurality of blades; andan angle, which is less than the angle between two adjacent blades, resulting in the second pressure wave being out of phase by approximately 180° to the first pressure wave.4. A centrifugal fan assembly as claimed in wherein the angle about the centre of rotation of the impeller between the inner end and corner is the sum of:the angle between three of the plurality of blades; andan angle, which is less than the angle between two adjacent blades, resulting in the second pressure wave being out of phase by approximately 180° to the first pressure wave.5. A centrifugal fan assembly as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein the number of blades is a multiple ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Flow Control Structures For Turbomachines and Methods of Designing The Same

Номер: US20170016457A1
Автор: Japikse David

Flow control devices and structures designed and configured to improve the performance of a turbomachine. Exemplary flow control devices may include various flow guiding channels, ribs, diffuser passage-width reductions, and other treatments and may be located on one or both of a shroud and hub side of a machine to redirect, guide, or otherwise influence portions of a turbomachine flow field to thereby improve the performance of the machine. 1. A radial turbomachine , comprising:an impeller including a hub and a plurality of blades and having an exit, each of the plurality of blades having a trailing edge proximate the exit and extending in a spanwise direction between the hub and a shroud side of the blade; anda diffuser having an inlet, a shroud side aligned with the shroud side of the blades, and a hub side aligned with the hub, the shroud side and the hub side of the diffuser defining a diffuser passageway having a width;wherein the impeller is designed and configured to generate a flow field at the diffuser inlet having a greater meridional velocity along one of the hub side and the shroud side of the diffuser than along the other one of the hub and shroud sides, the one of the hub and shroud sides of the diffuser having the greater meridional velocity being the strong side and the other one being the weak side;wherein the diffuser includes at least one strong-side pinch region providing a decrease in the diffuser passageway width that includes a convex surface on the strong side of the diffuser passageway, the convex surface providing a passage width reduction that is greater than any passage width reduction on the weak side of the diffuser.2. A radial turbomachine according to claim 1 , wherein the hub includes a hub surface and an exit portion claim 1 , the hub surface including an inward curvature in the spanwise direction in the exit portion.3. A radial turbomachine according to claim 1 , wherein the convex surface begins adjacent the impeller exit.4. A ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017068A1

A method of loading a rotating assembly of a turbocharger includes positioning a lock collar on an end portion of a turbocharger shaft that extends through a through bore of a compressor wheel; applying a pulling force to the end portion of the turbocharger shaft to achieve a desired amount of loading; welding the lock collar to form a welded lock collar fixed to the end portion of the turbocharger shaft; and releasing the pulling force where the welded lock collar maintains the desired amount of loading. 1. A method of loading a rotating assembly of a turbocharger , the method comprising:positioning a lock collar on an end portion of a turbocharger shaft that extends through a through bore of a compressor wheel;applying a pulling force to the end portion of the turbocharger shaft to achieve a desired amount of loading;welding the lock collar to form a welded lock collar fixed to the end portion of the turbocharger shaft; andreleasing the pulling force wherein the welded lock collar maintains the desired amount of loading.2. The method of wherein the desired amount of loading exceeds a force of approximately 1000 N.3. The method of wherein the lock collar comprises a cylindrical bore surface and wherein the end portion of the turbocharger shaft comprises a cylindrical outer surface.4. The method of wherein the lock collar comprises a thread-less bore that extends an axial length of the lock collar and wherein the end portion of the turbocharger shaft comprises a thread-less surface that is at least the axial length of the lock collar.5. The method of wherein applying a pulling force to the end portion of the turbocharger shaft comprises applying a pulling force via a threaded coupling of a tool to the end portion of the turbocharger shaft.6. The method of wherein the welding comprises directing an energy beam at the lock collar to form a weld pool that upon solidification thereof fixes the lock collar as a welded lock collar to the end portion of the turbocharger ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017514A1

An impeller includes a main plate spreading radially with respect to the center axis, a plurality of blades provided on an upper surface of the main plate and arranged side by side in a circumferential direction, a shroud connected to tops of the plurality of blades and having an intake port that is an opening extending upward, and a mount portion provided on the upper surface of the main plate and positioned on an inner side with respect to a radially outer end of the main plate. The mount portion has a plurality of recesses each being depressed downward from an upper surface of the mount portion and extending in a direction away from the center axis. 1. An impeller that rotates on a center axis extending in a vertical direction , the impeller comprising:a main plate spreading radially with respect to the center axis;a plurality of blades provided on an upper surface of the main plate and arranged side by side in a circumferential direction;a shroud connected to tops of the plurality of blades and having an intake port that is an opening extending upward; anda mount portion provided on the upper surface of the main plate and positioned on an inner side with respect to a radially outer end of the main plate,wherein the mount portion has a plurality of recesses each being depressed downward from an upper surface of the mount portion and extending in a direction away from the center axis.2. The impeller according to claim 1 ,wherein a radially inner end of each of the recesses is positioned on a forward side in a direction of rotation of the impeller with respect to a radially outer end of the recess.3. The impeller according to claim 1 ,wherein a side surface of each of the recesses that is on the forward side in the direction of rotation includes a recess-widening part extending upward while inclining toward the forward side in the direction of rotation such that the recess is widened.4. The impeller according to claim 1 ,wherein a side surface of each of the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017515A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A blower configured to suction and discharge first fluid and second fluid includes a fan and a division wall. The fan is configured to rotate relative to the division wall. The division wall is spaced from the fan and positioned in a suction space, the division wall partitioning the suction space into a space through which the first fluid passes and a space through which the second fluid passes. The division wall includes a base and a widened portion. The base guides flows of the first fluid and the second fluid toward the fan. In the suction space, the widened portion is closer to a rotation area of the fan than the base is. A width of the widened portion in a direction along a thickness of an end of the base connected to the widened portion is larger than the thickness of the end of the base.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017517A1
Автор: TERAMOTO Takuya

A centrifugal blower includes a stator housing. The stator housing includes a radial contact surface which makes contact with a casing in a radial direction, a circumferential contact surface which makes contact with the casing in a circumferential direction, and an axial contact surface which makes contact with the casing in an axial direction. With such configuration, it is possible to reduce the vibration of the blower by increasing a contact area between the casing and the stator housing. Further, the stator housing includes a heat dissipating surface. As a result, it is possible to efficiently dissipate the heat, which is generated from the stator, from the heat dissipating surface of the stator housing to the gas existing within the wind tunnel. 1. A centrifugal blower , comprising:a casing;an impeller disposed within the casing; anda motor arranged to rotate the impeller about a center axis,wherein the casing includes an intake port opened toward a center of the impeller, an exhaust port positioned radially outward of the impeller and the motor, and a wind tunnel arranged to bring the intake port and the exhaust port into communication with each other and arranged to extend in a ring shape around the motor,the motor includes a shaft disposed along the center axis, a rotor fixed to the impeller through the shaft, a stator disposed radially outward of the rotor and arranged to generate rotating magnetic fields between the stator and the rotor, and a stator housing arranged to hold the stator,the stator housing includes a heat dissipating surface exposed to the wind tunnel, and at least one of a through-holes axially penetrated in a tubular portion of the stator housing, and,the heat dissipating surface includes a cylindrical surface exposed to the wind tunnel over an entire circumference, anda surfaces which define each of the through-holes of the stator housing includes a circumferential contact surfaces and a radial contact surfaces, whereinat least one of ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017875A1

A turbomachinery according to an embodiment includes an impeller including at least one blade, and a casing for housing the impeller rotatably. A size of a gap between a tip of the blade and an inner surface of the casing during a stop of the impeller is formed non-uniformly over a circumferential direction of the impeller. 1. A turbomachinery comprising:an impeller including at least one blade; anda casing for housing the impeller rotatably,wherein a size of a gap between a tip of the blade and an inner surface of the casing during a stop of the impeller is formed non-uniformly over a circumferential direction of the impeller.2. The turbomachinery according to claim 1 ,wherein a difference between a maximum value and a minimum value of the gap during the stop of the impeller is not less than 10% of an average value of the gap in the circumferential direction.3. The turbomachinery according to claim 1 ,wherein the casing has an inner circumferential edge formed into an elliptical shape.4. The turbomachinery according to claim 1 ,wherein, during the stop of the impeller, a center axis of the casing is parallel to a rotational axis of the impeller and is displaced from the rotational axis of the impeller to a radial direction.5. The turbomachinery according to claim 1 ,wherein, during the stop of the impeller, a center axis of the casing is not parallel to a rotational axis of the impeller.6. The turbomachinery according to claim 1 ,wherein the impeller is a radial flow impeller, andwherein the casing is rotationally asymmetric about a center axis of the casing.7. The turbomachinery according to claim 6 , a scroll part internally including a scroll flow passage where a fluid flows in the circumferential direction on a radially outer side of the impeller; and', 'a tongue part for separating the scroll flow passage from a flow passage on a radially outer side of the scroll flow passage, and, 'wherein the casing includeswherein, regarding the gap during the stop of the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018014A1

A rotor includes: a hub; and a plurality of blades disposed on the hub. Each of the plurality of blades has a suction surface, a pressure surface, a leading edge, a trailing edge, a tip-side edge, and a hub-side edge. The suction surface has a first curved surface portion curved convexly toward the trailing edge such that the trailing edge is inclined to a pressure surface side in a first region which is a partial region, in a blade height direction of the blade, of a region connected to the trailing edge. 1. A rotor , comprising:a hub; anda plurality of blades disposed on the hub,wherein each of the plurality of blades has a suction surface, a pressure surface, a leading edge, a trailing edge, a tip-side edge, and a hub-side edge,wherein the suction surface has a first curved surface portion curved convexly toward the trailing edge such that the trailing edge is inclined to a pressure surface side in a first region which is a partial region, in a blade height direction of the blade, of a region connected to the trailing edge, andwherein the first curved surface portion is connected to the hub-side edge.2. (canceled)3. The rotor according to claim 1 ,wherein the first curved surface portion is formed in a region 80% or less of a blade height from the hub-side edge in a direction from the hub-side edge to the tip-side edge.4. The rotor according to claim 1 ,wherein the first curved surface portion is configured such that, in a cross-section perpendicular to a meridian plane of the blade, an angle of a tangent line of the first curved surface portion with respect to a chord line which is a straight line connecting the leading edge and the trailing edge increases toward the trailing edge.5. The rotor according to claim 1 ,wherein the pressure surface has a second curved surface portion curved convexly toward the trailing edge such that the trailing edge is inclined to a suction surface side in a second region which is a partial region, in the blade height direction of ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021561A1

A blowing device includes a mixed flow impeller that rotates about a central axis extending vertically, a motor that drives the mixed flow impeller to rotate, and an impeller cover surrounding an outside of the mixed flow impeller in a radial direction. The mixed flow impeller includes a hub portion extending outwardly in the radial direction toward a lower side in an axial direction, and moving blades juxtaposed on an outer surface of the hub portion in a circumferential direction. A minimum dimension of a first gap between the moving blade and the impeller cover at a lower end portion of the moving blade is larger than a minimum dimension of a second gap between the moving blade and the impeller cover at an upper end portion of the moving blade. 1. A blowing device comprising:a mixed flow impeller that rotates about a central axis extending vertically;a motor that drives the mixed flow impeller to rotate; andan impeller cover surrounding an outside of the mixed flow impeller in a radial direction; wherein a hub portion that expands outwardly in the radial direction toward a lower side in an axial direction; and', 'a plurality of moving blades which are juxtaposed on an outer surface of the hub portion in a circumferential direction; and, 'the mixed flow impeller includesa minimum dimension of a first gap between the moving blade and the impeller cover at a lower end portion of the moving blade is larger than a minimum dimension of a second gap between the moving blade and the impeller cover at an upper end portion of the moving blade.2. The blowing device according to claim 1 , wherein the hub portion includes a lower surface recess portion that is recessed in the axial direction on a lower surface.3. The blowing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe motor is disposed below the mixed flow impeller;a motor housing which surrounds an outside of the motor in the radial direction is provided; anda minimum dimension of a third gap between the motor housing and the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021562A1

A blowing device includes an impeller that rotates about a central axis, a motor disposed below the impeller in a central axis direction that drives the impeller to rotate, and a motor housing surrounding the motor. The motor housing includes a motor housing top plate extending in a direction orthogonal to the central axis and facing a lower surface of the impeller, and a motor housing cylindrical portion extending downwardly in the axial direction from an outer edge of the motor housing top plate in a radial direction. A top plate recess portion extending from the outer edge of the motor housing top plate in the radial direction to an inside in the radial direction and recessed downwardly is defined on an upper surface of the motor housing top plate. 1. A blowing device comprising:an impeller that rotates about a central axis extending vertically;a motor that is disposed below the impeller in a direction of the central axis that drives the impeller to rotate; and a motor housing top plate that extends in a direction orthogonal to the central axis and faces a lower surface of the impeller in an axial direction; and', 'a motor housing cylindrical portion that extends downwardly in the axial direction from an outer edge of the motor housing top plate in a radial direction; and, 'a motor housing surrounding the motor; wherein the motor housing includesa top plate recess portion, which extends from the outer edge of the motor housing top plate in the radial direction to an inside in the radial direction and is recessed downwardly, is defined on an upper surface of the motor housing top plate.2. The blowing device according to claim 1 , wherein a notch portion claim 1 , which is recessed from other portions in a circumferential direction claim 1 , is defined on an outer edge portion or a lower surface of the impeller.3. The blowing device according to claim 2 , wherein the notch portion is provided in a portion of the outer edge of the impeller.4. The blowing device ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025101A1

A propeller fan, including: a boss; and a plurality of blades, each of the plurality of blades including a pressure surface and a suction surface, in which: when a connecting portion between the pressure surface and a side surface of the boss is defined as a pressure surface-side boundary portion, and a connecting portion between the suction surface and the side surface of the boss is defined as a suction surface-side boundary portion, a curvature of the suction surface-side boundary portion is smaller than a curvature of the pressure surface-side boundary portion; and as a blade area projected on a plane orthogonal to the rotation axis, a blade area of the suction surface is larger than a blade area of the pressure surface. 1. A propeller fan , comprising:a boss provided so as to be rotatable about a rotation axis; anda plurality of blades formed along a side surface of the boss,each of the plurality of blades comprising a pressure surface and a suction surface, wherein:when a connecting portion between the pressure surface of the each of the blades and the side surface of the boss is defined as a pressure surface-side boundary portion, and a connecting portion between the suction surface of the each of the blades and the side surface of the boss is defined as a suction surface-side boundary portion, a curvature of the suction surface-side boundary portion is smaller than a curvature of the pressure surface-side boundary portion; andas a blade area projected on a plane orthogonal to the rotation axis, a blade area of the suction surface is larger than a blade area of the pressure surface.2. The propeller fan according to claim 1 , wherein a radius of a leading end portion of the suction surface-side boundary portion is smaller than a radius of a leading end portion of the pressure surface-side boundary portion.3. The propeller fan according to claim 1 , wherein a radius of a trailing end portion of the suction surface-side boundary portion is larger than the radius ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025103A1

A centrifugal fan includes: an impeller; an upper casing that is disposed above the impeller; a lower casing that is disposed below the impeller; an outlet port that is provided between the upper casing and the lower casing and from which an air suctioned by rotation of the impeller is discharged, wherein the upper casing is provided with a flange that protrudes in an outer radial direction of the impeller from an outer circumferential edge of the upper casing, and wherein the flange partially covers the outlet port when viewed from a direction perpendicular to a rotation axis of the impeller. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising:an impeller;an upper casing that is disposed above the impeller;a lower casing, that is disposed below the impeller;an outlet port that is provided between the upper casing and the lower casing and from which an air suctioned by rotation of the impeller is discharged,wherein the upper casing is provided with a flange that protrudes in an outer radial direction of the impeller from an outer circumferential edge of the upper casing, andwherein the flange partially covers the outlet port when viewed from a direction perpendicular to a rotation axis of the impeller.2. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 ,wherein the flange is formed by integral molding with the upper casing.3. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 ,wherein the flange is provided with a plurality of protruding streaks that protrude in a direction along the rotation axis of the impeller from a surface of the flange facing the lower casing.4. The centrifugal fan according to claim 3 ,wherein lengths of the protruding streaks in the radial direction of the impeller are set in accordance with a length of the flange protruding from the outer circumferential edge of the lower casing at positions at which the protruding streaks are provided.5. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 ,wherein the impeller is provided with a hub, a plurality of blades, and an annular shroud,wherein ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025109A1

A blower includes: centrifugal impeller () disposed in inside of casing (); and motor () which is configured to drive centrifugal impeller (). Annular projecting portion () which projects in a direction toward the outside of the casing and is concentric with centrifugal impeller () is provided around inflow port () of casing () which faces a fixing-member () of centrifugal impeller (). Projecting portion () includes: raised wall () which is raised so as to be away from centrifugal impeller () parallel to a direction of the rotary shaft (); and flat portion () formed in an extending manner in a direction toward inflow port () from raised wall (). Projecting portion () further includes inflow wall () which falls toward the centrifugal impeller () from an end surface of flat portion () toward an inflow port (). Flat portion () is parallel to an upper end surface of centrifugal impeller (). 1. A blower comprising:a casing having an inflow port and an outflow port;a centrifugal impeller disposed in inside of the casing; anda motor which is configured to drive the centrifugal impeller, whereinthe centrifugal impeller comprises:a main plate fixed to a rotary shaft of the motor;a plurality of blades annularly disposed on an outer periphery of the main plate; anda ring-shaped fixing member which fixes the blades together on outer peripheries of the blades on a place opposite to the main plate,an annular projecting portion which projects in a direction toward the outside of the casing and is concentric with the centrifugal impeller is provided around the inflow port of the casing which faces a fixing-member of the centrifugal impeller,the projecting portion includes a raised wall which is raised so as to be away from the centrifugal impeller parallel to a direction of the rotary shaft, a flat portion formed in an extending manner in a direction toward the inflow port from the raised wall, and an inflow wall which falls toward the centrifugal impeller from an end surface of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Rotor Structure for Rotating Machinery and Method of Assembly Thereof

Номер: US20170022998A1

According to one aspect, a rotor structure and method of assembling a rotor structure for rotating machinery include a first rotor portion assembled on a tie bolt in abutment with a stop surface and a fastener assembled on the tie bolt at a second axial location spaced from the first axial location to capture the first rotor portion on the tie bolt between the first and second axial locations. A second rotor portion is secured on the tie bolt in abutment with a second stop surface spaced from the first stop surface. 1. A rotor structure for rotating machinery , comprising:first and second rotor portions;a tie bolt having a first stop surface at a first axial location wherein the first rotor portion is disposed on the tie bolt in abutment with the stop surface; anda fastener disposed on the tie bolt at a second axial location spaced from the first axial location to capture the first rotor portion on the tie bolt between the first and second axial locations;wherein the second rotor portion is disposed on the tie bolt in abutment with a second stop surface spaced from the first stop surface.2. The rotor structure of claim 1 , wherein the fastener exerts a first force magnitude on the first rotor portion and further including a further fastener disposed on the tie bolt in abutment with the second rotor portion and exerting a second force magnitude on the second rotor portion different than the first force magnitude.3. The rotor structure of claim 1 , wherein the tie bolt and the fastener include interengaging threads and wherein the fastener is threaded onto the tie bolt until the fastener engages the first rotor portion and is tightened to a first torque magnitude and further including a further fastener threaded onto the tie bolt until the further fastener engages the second rotor portion and is tightened to a second torque magnitude different than the first torque magnitude.4. The rotor structure of claim 1 , wherein the second stop surface is disposed on the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023001A1

Disclosed herein is a centrifugal fan. The centrifugal fan includes a back plate having a central portion for coupling with a rotation center shaft, a plurality of blades extending from the back plate, and a shroud which is connected to end portions of the blades and has an introduction end portion and a discharge end portion through which fluid passes, and the discharge end portion is rounded with a predetermined curvature in a direction away from the back plate. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising:a back plate having a central portion for coupling with a rotation center shaft;a plurality of blades extending from the back plate; anda shroud having a circular ring shape and connected to end portions of the blades, wherein the shroud comprises:an introduction end portion through which fluid is introduced;a connection portion curved to have a diameter that gradually increases from the introduction end portion; anda discharge end portion through which the fluid is discharged via the connection portion, andwherein the discharge end portion is rounded in a direction away from the back plate.2. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 , wherein the discharge end portion has a larger curvature than the connection portion.3. The centrifugal fan according to claim 2 , wherein the curvature of the discharge end portion is equal to or more than a single arc (1arc).4. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 , wherein the back plate comprises a connection portion which extends in a radial direction of the back plate from the central portion and connects the central portion to a circumferential portion claim 1 , and the circumferential portion is rounded in a direction away from the discharge end portion of the shroud.5. The centrifugal fan according to claim 4 , wherein a distance between the discharge end portion of the shroud and the circumferential portion of the back plate is gradually increased in a discharge direction of the fluid.6. The centrifugal fan according to claim 4 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023019A1

A blower fan includes a lower plate portion made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more, and a side wall portion made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more. An upper plate portion arranged to cover an upper side of the impeller includes an air inlet. The upper plate portion, the side wall portion, and the lower plate portion are arranged to together define an air outlet on the lateral side of the impeller. The blower fan further includes a heat source contact portion with which a heat source is to be in contact, the heat source contact portion being arranged in a surface of the blower fan which faces away from the impeller. The heat source contact portion and the tongue portion are arranged to at least partially overlap with each other in the plan view. 1. A blower fan comprising:an impeller including a plurality of blades arranged to rotate about a central axis extending in a vertical direction and arranged in a circumferential direction, and a blade support portion arranged to support the blades;a motor portion arranged to rotate the impeller; anda housing arranged to contain the impeller; wherein a lower plate portion arranged to cover a lower side of the impeller, arranged to support the motor portion, and made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more; and', 'a side wall portion arranged to cover a lateral side of the impeller, connected with the lower plate portion, and made of a material having a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/(m·K) or more;, 'the housing includesa channel joining a space above the impeller and a space between the impeller and the lower plate portion to each other in an axial direction is defined between adjacent ones of the blades of the impeller;an upper plate portion arranged to cover an upper side of the impeller includes an air inlet;the upper plate portion, the side wall portion, and the lower plate portion are arranged to together define an air outlet on ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023024A1

A cooling fan includes a frame base including a frame wall, a bottom plate and a cover plate for enclosing and defining a containing space. The vane wheel is installed in the containing space and provided for producing a cooling forced airflow when the vane wheel is in a forward rotation status and forming a strong wind area, and producing a dust discharging forced airflow when the vane wheel is in a reverse rotation status. The moving baffle module is rotably installed in the strong wind area, and the frame base includes a dust discharging opening configured to be corresponsive to the periphery of the strong wind area, and the dust discharging forced airflow is affected by the moving baffle module to discharge dust from the dust discharging opening to the outside. 1. A cooling fan with a moving baffle , provided for discharging dust in the cooling fan , comprising:a frame base, including a frame wall, combined to a bottom plate and a cover plate which are disposed on upper and lower sides of the frame wall respectively, and a containing space enclosed and defined by the frame wall, the bottom plate and the cover plate;a vane wheel, installed in the containing space, and provided for producing a cooling forced airflow when the vane wheel is in a forward rotation status and forming a strong wind area, and producing a dust discharging forced airflow when the vane wheel is in a reverse rotation status; anda moving baffle module, rotably installed in the strong wind area; and the frame base having at least one dust discharging opening configured to be corresponsive to the periphery of the strong wind area, and the dust discharging forced airflow being affected by the moving baffle module to discharge the dust from the dust discharging opening to the outside.2. The cooling fan with a moving baffle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the moving baffle module comprises a shaft claim 1 , and a baffle axially installed to the shaft and driven by the dust discharging forced ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023586A1
Принадлежит: Nuovo Pignone Technologie Srl

A device for controlling the flow in a turbomachine, in an embodiment, a centrifugal compressor; the device includes a plurality of fixed blades and a plurality of adjustable blades adjacent to the plurality of fixed blades so that each of the adjustable blades has an aerodynamic interaction with one of the fixed blades; each of the adjustable blades is pivoted to rotate about a fixed axis substantially located at the center of pressure of the adjustable blade; the center of pressure is evaluated when the blade is at a reference orientation. 1. A device for controlling the flow in a turbomachine , the device comprising:a plurality of fixed blades; anda plurality of adjustable blades, the plurality of adjustable blades being arranged adjacent to the plurality of fixed blades so that each of the adjustable blades has an aerodynamic interaction with one of the fixed blades;wherein:each of the adjustable blades is pivoted about a fixed axis to rotate, with respect to a reference orientation, between a minimum angle and a maximum angle;each of the adjustable blades delivers a substantially deswirled flow when the blade is at the reference orientation;for each of the adjustable blades, the fixed axis is substantially located at a center of pressure of the blade: andfor each of the adjustable blades, the center of pressure is evaluated when the blade is at the reference orientation.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein:each of the fixed blades comprises a trailing edge, the trailing edge comprising a pressure side;each of the adjustable blades comprises a leading edge, the leading edge comprising a suction side;and wherein, for each of the adjustable blades, the distance between the suction side of the leading edge and the pressure side of the trailing edge is the minimum when the blade reaches the minimum angle so that the flow in the passage between the suction side of the leading edge and the pressure side of the trailing edge is substantially accelerated.3. The device of ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025205A1
Автор: Petry Nico

A backfeed stage of a radial turbo fluid energy machine having a backfeed channel extending annularly about an axis and four sections adjacent in the flow direction through which process fluid flows. A first section conducts the process fluid radially outward; a second section deflects the process fluid from radially outward to radially inward; a third section conducts the process fluid radially inward; a fourth section redirects the process fluid in the axial direction; the third section has first guide vanes defining flow channels of the backfeed channel in relation to each other in the circumferential direction; the backfeed stage has second guide vanes downstream of the first guide vanes defining the flow channels of the backfeed channel in relation to each other in the circumferential direction. The first guide vanes are arranged only in the third section, the second guide vanes are arranged only in the fourth section. 112.-. (canceled)13. A backfeed stage of a radial turbo fluid energy machine or a radial turbo compressor , for deflecting a flow direction of a process fluid flowing out of an impeller rotating about an axis from radially outward to radially inward , comprising:a backfeed channel which extends annularly about the axis and which has four portions adjacent in the flow direction, through which the process fluid can flow,wherein a first portion is designed to conduct the process fluid radially outward,wherein a second portion is designed to deflect the process fluid from radially outward to radially inward,wherein a third portion is designed to conduct the process fluid radially inward,wherein a fourth portion is designed to divert the process fluid in an axial direction,wherein the third portion has first guide vanes which define flow channels of the backfeed channel relative to each other in a circumferential direction,wherein the backfeed stage has second guide vanes which are arranged downstream of the first guide vanes and define the flow ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Centrifugal Fan

Номер: US20200025209A1

A centrifugal fan is formed from an impeller installed within a casing. The impeller is formed from two plates that are interconnected by a plurality of blades. A duct extends through each blade. At each of its ends, the duct opens at one of the plates. Air enters the fan from through a central opening formed in one of the plates, moves to a medial zone between the plates, and exits the fan at the medial zone's unwalled periphery. Air also crosses the fan by way of the ducts formed within each blade. 1. An impeller having a rotational axis , comprising:a first plate having a central opening and a plurality of duct openings;a second plate having a central hub and a plurality of duct openings; and 'an open-ended duct formed within the blade and interconnecting one and only one duct opening in the first plate with one and only one duct opening in the second plate.', 'a plurality of blades interconnecting the first and second plates and circumferentially spaced around the rotational axis, each blade comprising2. The impeller of in which the central opening communicates with a medial zone between the plates having no peripheral wall; and in which the impeller defines mutually exclusive fluid path segments claim 1 , comprising:a first fluid path segment that includes the central opening and the medial zone; andone or more second fluid path segments, each of which includes at least one of the ducts.3. The impeller of in which the first and one or more second path segments are arranged in a heat-transferring relationship.4. The impeller of in which the first plate and the plurality of blades are formed as a single piece.5. The impeller of in which the first plate comprises a funnel-shaped structure that tapers toward the second plate.6. The impeller of in which each of the plurality of blades have a concave first external surface and an opposed convex second external surface.7. The impeller of in which the concave first external surface leads as the impeller rotates.8. The ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030441A1

A fan blade structure applied to a centrifugal fan is provided. The fan blade structure includes a wheel hub and an annular vane. The wheel hub includes a plurality of connecting brackets, and the annular vane includes multiple crests and troughs which interlace to form a continuous curved surface. The continuous curved surface has an outer ring surface and an inner ring surface. The connecting brackets are connected to the inner ring surface and drive the annular vane to rotate. 1. A fan blade structure applied to a centrifugal fan , the fan blade structure comprising:a wheel hub including a plurality of connecting brackets; andan annular vane including multiple crests and troughs, wherein the crests and the troughs interlace to form a continuous curved surface, the continuous curved surface includes an outer ring surface and an inner ring surface, and the connecting brackets are connected to the inner ring surface and drive the annular vane to rotate.2. The fan blade structure according to claim 1 , wherein the continuous curved surface of the annular vane is a wave curved surface.3. The fan blade structure according to claim 1 , wherein the continuous curved surface of the annular vane presents a periodical or non-periodical change.4. The fan blade structure according to claim 1 , wherein the wheel hub claim 1 , the annular vane and the connecting brackets are integrated to form a single component.5. A centrifugal fan claim 1 , comprising:a fan blade structure including a wheel hub and an annular vane, wherein the wheel hub includes a plurality of connecting brackets, the annular vane includes multiple crests and troughs, the crests and the troughs interlace to form a continuous curved surface, the continuous curved surface includes an outer ring surface and an inner ring surface, and the connecting brackets are connected to the inner ring surface;a motor disposed in the wheel hub of the fan blade structure and driving the wheel hub of the fan blade structure to ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150030454A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A turbo fan blade front edge has, between a main-plate-side blade front edge and a shroud-side blade front edge, a projecting blade front edge that distances from a blade rear edge (located in a rotation direction A) as it becomes further away from a main plate, which curves to a position away from a rotation center. In a range close to the main plate, a main-plate-side front-edge skirt portion distances from the blade rear edge and inclines away from the rotation center as it becomes closer to the main plate. A main-plate-side blade rear edge, close to the main plate of the blade rear edge, is substantially perpendicular to the main plate and a shroud-side blade rear edge, close to a shroud, is inclined so as to gradually distance away from the blade front edge (behind in the rotation direction A) as it becomes further away from the main plate. 1. (canceled)2. A turbo fan comprising:a disk-shaped main plate provided with a rotation center at a center thereof and a projecting boss formed in a vicinity of the rotation center;a cylindrical shroud arranged opposite to the main plate and provided with a diameter expanded portion configured to have an inner diameter increasing with decrease in distance to the main plate; anda plurality of blades, with one end and the other end being joined to the main plate and the shroud, respectively, whereineach blade includes a blade front edge and a blade rear edge, andthe blade front edge of each blade is located closer to the rotation center than the blade rear edge of the blade, and farther in a direction of rotation of the turbo fan than the blade rear edge, whereina blade outer face, which is a face away from the rotation center of the blade, is formed on a projecting face projecting in a direction away from the rotation center, wherein a main-plate-side blade front edge close to the main plate,', 'a shroud-side blade front edge close to the shroud, and', 'a projecting blade front edge formed between the main-plate-side blade ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030362A1
Автор: Zhu Shou Qiang

A vertical tower fan may include a control unit, a fan unit having a shaft, a shell assembly and a main body. A securing unit supporting by a number of resilient units is disposed underneath the control unit. When the user wants to remove the fan unit from the fan, he/she can simply lift the securing unit, and the top portion of the shaft can be separated from the securing unit. Meanwhile, the bottom portion of the shaft can be removed from a protrusion, so the entire fan unit can be separated from the fan for cleaning or repairing without using any tools, 1. A vertical tower fan comprising:a fan unit having a shaft extending from a top portion thereof;a main body having a receiving space to receive the fan unit; anda shell assembly that includes a front cover and rear cover,wherein a securing unit is disposed at a top portion of the receiving space to secure a top portion of the fan unit, and a fan receiving hole is formed at a bottom portion of the fan unit to receive a protrusion at a bottom portion of the receiving space, so the fan unit is secured on both the top and bottom portions in the receiving space.2. The vertical tower fan of claim 1 , wherein the front cover and rear cover are disposed on a front surface and rear surface of the fan in a “snap-in” manner claim 1 , so they are easily to be put on the fan and removed therefrom.3. The vertical tower fan of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit having a control panel located on an upper portion of the vertical tower fan in order to control the speed or rotation of the fan unit.4. The vertical tower fan of claim 1 , wherein the securing unit is supported by one or more resilient units claim 1 , so the securing unit is configured to move vertically from one position to another position within a predetermined distance underneath the control unit claim 1 , and the top portion of the shaft is secured in the receiving space by inserting the shaft into a receiving hole of the securing unit when the securing ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Automatic Fan Inlet Closure Apparatus and Methods

Номер: US20170030363A1
Принадлежит: Acoustiflo, Ltd.

Embodiments of the inventive technology may include an automatically reconfigurable flow blocking damper to prevent back flow; applications include, e.g., centrifugal fans that may at times be susceptible to such back flow, such as centrifugal fans established in an array and discharging to a common space. A clutch may effect damper engagement with rotatable componentry such that the damper is engaged with rotatable componentry when the damper is in open configuration, and effect damper disengagement from rotatable componentry such that the damper is disengaged from rotatable componentry when the damper is in closed configuration. The clutch may, in particular embodiments, act to prevent rotational imbalance problems otherwise observed when the damper is engaged to and rotates with rotatable componentry. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising:stationary fan inlet componentry that defines an opening through which fluid enters said centrifugal fan;rotatable componentry established downstream of said stationary fan inlet componentry, wherein said rotatable componentry rotates about a fan axis in response to an applied torque, said rotatable componentry comprising blades that impel said fluid;an axially translatable flowpath closure damper that axially translates along said fan axis and that is reconfigurable from a closed configuration to an open configuration;a damper support that supports said axially translatable flowpath closure damper so that it can axially translate along said fan axis; anda clutch that engages said axially translatable flowpath closure damper to said rotatable componentry so that, when said axially translatable flowpath closure damper is in said open configuration, said axially translatable flowpath closure damper is engaged to and co-rotates with said rotatable componentry.2. A centrifugal fan as described in wherein at least part of said clutch is housed within said damper support.3. A centrifugal fan as described in further comprising a fan housing. ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030373A1

A scroll for use in conjunction with a fluid compressor is described. The scroll comprises a fluid inlet adapted to receive a fluid flow and a fluid outlet adapted to discharge the fluid flow. The scroll further comprises a scroll-shaped wall defining an inner flow volume. At least one blade is provided in the inner flow volume of the scroll. The blade is configured and arranged for correcting a direction of the flow of fluid in the flow volume when the scroll is operating in off-design conditions. 1. A scroll for use in conjunction with a fluid compressor , the scroll comprising:a fluid inlet adapted to receive a flow of fluid;a fluid outlet adapted to discharge the flow of fluid;a scroll-shaped wall defining an inner flow volume; andat least one blade in the inner flow volume protruding from the scroll-shaped wall for correcting a direction of the flow of fluid in the inner flow volume, when the scroll is operating in off-design conditions.2. The scroll of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of blades are arranged in the inner flow volume of the scroll claim 1 , along at least a portion of a circular development thereof.3. The scroll of claim 2 , wherein the blades are arranged according to a constant pitch around the scroll.4. The scroll of claim 1 , wherein each blade is oriented and configured so as to at least reduce a variation of a ratio between axial component and tangential component of a fluid velocity at variable operating conditions.5. The scroll of claim 1 , wherein each blade extends along the wall from a leading edge claim 1 , located proximate the fluid inlet claim 1 , to a trailing edge.6. The scroll of claim 1 , wherein each blade has an inclination with respect to an axial direction.7. The scroll of claim 1 , wherein each blade forms an angle with respect to an axial direction claim 1 , the angle being variable from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the blade.8. The scroll of claim 7 , wherein the angle between the blade and the axial direction ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030378A1

A centrifugal fan includes: a casing including an upper casing, a lower casing, and struts disposed between the upper casing and the lower casing; and an impeller that is provided in the casing, the impeller having an annular shroud, a plurality of blades, and a main plate, wherein the main plate of the impeller has an inclined surface between an inner circumference side and an outer circumference side of the impeller, and wherein the inner circumference side of the impeller is located at an upward position in an axial direction of the impeller, and the outer circumference side of the impeller is located at an downward position in the axial direction of the impeller. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising:a casing including an upper casing, a lower casing, and struts disposed between the upper casing and the lower casing; andan impeller that is provided in the casing, the impeller having an annular shroud, a plurality of blades, and a main plate,wherein the main plate of the impeller has an inclined surface between an inner circumference side and an outer circumference side of the impeller, andwherein the inner circumference side of the impeller is located at an upward position in an axial direction of the impeller, and the outer circumference side of the impeller is located at an downward position in the axial direction of the impeller.2. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 ,wherein the lower casing comprises a motor base and a base plate, andwherein the upper casing and the base plate have a larger outer diameter than the impeller.3. The centrifugal fan according to claim 2 ,wherein a lower surface of an outer circumferential end of the upper casing has a cross section having a curved surface protruding toward an upper surface side of the upper casing, andwherein an upper surface of an outer circumferential end of the base plate of the lower casing has a cross section having a curved surface protruding toward the upper surface side of the upper casing. 1. Field of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032937A1

A gas turbine engine includes an axial compressor which includes a rotor assembly including a first rotor segment with a first inner rim, a first sealing surface, and a first aft engagement feature, and a second rotor segment positioned aft of the first rotor segment and having a second inner rim, a second sealing surface, and a second inner rim with a second fore engagement feature that is complementary to the first aft engagement feature. The first and second sealing surfaces are complementary to each other, and are bonded together via a transient liquid phase diffusion process. The first and second sealing surfaces are disposed on the outer rim. The first aft engagement member may be a notch that is complementary to the second fore engagement feature, which may be a shelf. 1. A gas turbine engine compressor comprising:a first rotor segment comprising a first inner rim and a first aft sealing surface, wherein the first inner rim comprises a first aft engagement feature; and wherein the second inner rim comprises a second fore engagement feature,', 'wherein the first aft sealing surface and the second fore sealing surface are complementary to each other and are configured to be bonded together via a transient liquid phase diffusion process., 'a second rotor segment positioned aft of the first rotor segment and comprising a second inner rim and a second fore sealing surface,'}2. The gas turbine engine compressor of claim 1 , wherein the first aft sealing surface is disposed in a first outer rim and the second fore sealing surface is disposed in a second outer rim.3. The gas turbine engine compressor of claim 1 , wherein the second fore engagement feature comprises a shelf.4. The gas turbine engine compressor of claim 3 , wherein the first aft engagement feature comprises a notch.5. The gas turbine engine compressor of claim 1 , further comprising a rear hub which includes a hub engagement feature disposed on a fore end of the rear hub claim 1 , the hub engagement ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032938A1
Автор: HAYAMITSU Ryosuke

An electric blower includes a centrifugal impeller, a diffuser including stationary vanes on a discharge side of the centrifugal impeller, a motor configured to drive the centrifugal impeller, a fan case configured to cover the centrifugal impeller and the diffuser, a housing case joined to the fan case, and return guide vanes that guide air which has been guided by the stationary vanes to an inner surface of the fan case radially inward through a space under the diffuser. The housing case includes an annular lower plate portion located axially below the diffuser. Each return guide vane is continuous with an upper surface of the annular lower plate portion. An upper end of each return guide vane is located axially opposite to the diffuser. 1. An electric blower comprising:a centrifugal impeller configured to rotate about a central axis extending in a vertical direction;a diffuser including a plurality of stationary vanes located on a discharge side of the centrifugal impeller;a motor configured to drive the centrifugal impeller;a fan case configured to cover the centrifugal impeller and the diffuser, and including an inlet port located axially opposite to a central portion of an upper surface of the centrifugal impeller;a housing case located radially outside of the motor, and joined to the fan case; anda plurality of return guide vanes each of which is configured to guide air which has been guided by each of the plurality of stationary vanes of the diffuser to an inner surface of the fan case radially inward through a space under the diffuser; whereinthe housing case includes an annular lower plate portion located axially below the diffuser;each of the plurality of return guide vanes is continuous with an upper surface of the annular lower plate portion; andan upper end of each of the plurality of return guide vanes is located axially opposite to the diffuser.2. The electric blower according to claim 1 , wherein an inner circumferential portion of each of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030991A1

A method of repairing or restoring an impeller seal tooth is provided. The method includes the step of inspecting each tooth of the impeller seal to determine what portions of the tooth requires repair. To repair the tooth, the worn portions may be removed via a pre-machining process to a base of the tooth, or other weldable surface of the tooth. The method further includes applying a weld to the weldable surface, via a pulsed laser beam welding process, to build up the weld into a substantially tapered shape corresponding to a shape of a restored seal tooth. After building the weld into the tapered shape, the method includes machining the tapered shaped into the restored seal tooth, and testing the restored seal tooth via a balance and speed testing. 1. A method comprising:removing worn portions of an impeller seal tooth to achieve a weldable surface of the seal tooth;forming a weld, via a pulsed laser beam welding process, into a shape corresponding with a shape of a restored seal tooth onto the weldable surface; andsmoothing the weld into the restored seal tooth.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the smoothing step comprises:heat treating portions of the weld shape corresponding with the shape of the restored seal tooth; andmachining said heat treated portions until the seal tooth is restored.3. The method of further comprising:inspecting the weld shape prior to heat treating the portions and after heat treating the portions of the weld shape.4. The method of further comprising:inspecting the weld shape after machining said heat treated portions; andbalance and speed testing the restored seal tooth.5. The method of wherein the removing step comprises:inspecting the seal tooth to determine the worn portions; andmachining the worn portions to the weldable surface.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the weldable surface is at a base of the seal tooth.7. The method of further comprising:balance and speed testing the impeller after smoothing the weld into the restored ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180030994A1

The invention relates to a ventilator wheel which is produced in the form of a radial or a diagonal ventilator wheel, and comprises a bottom disc and a plurality of ventilator blades arranged, on said bottom disc, so as to be distributed about an axial rotational axis, said bottom disc comprising a circumferential radial outer edge section that, when viewed in cross-section, extends in a curved shape in at least some sections and thus forms an elliptical transition of said bottom disc from a radial extension into an axial extension. 1. A ventilator wheel designed as a radial ventilator wheel or diagonal ventilator wheel , with a bottom disk and a plurality of ventilator blades arranged and distributed about an axial axis of rotation on the bottom disk , whose axial height dimension runs between an intake side and the bottom disk , wherein the bottom disk has a circumferential radial outer rim section which runs at least for a portion as a curved shape , looking in the cross section , and thereby forms an elliptical transition of the bottom disk from a radial extension to an axial extension , the ventilator blades having a radial outer edge , each forming a transition point on a side with the bottom disk , and an imaginary ring joining the transition points in the circumferential direction forms a boundary line to which the elliptical transition of the bottom disk is adjacent immediately or with a spacing in the radial direction.2. The ventilator wheel according to claim 1 , wherein the elliptical transition in the circumferential radial outer rim section of the bottom disk has a half-axis length ratio (a)/(b) in a range of 1 to 10 claim 1 , especially 2 to 5 claim 1 , where (a) corresponds to a half-axis length in the radial direction and (b) to a half-axis length in the axial direction of the ventilator wheel.3. The ventilator wheel according to claim 1 , wherein an axial prolongation is formed in the axial direction on the elliptical transition as a single piece.4 ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049717A1

A compressor includes a housing. An impeller is located within the housing and rotatable about an impeller axis in a first rotational direction. A rotor section is rotatable about the impeller axis in a second rotational direction opposite the first rotational direction. 1. A compressor comprising:a housing;an impeller located within the housing and rotatable about an impeller axis in a first rotational direction; anda rotor section rotatable about the impeller axis in a second rotational direction opposite the first rotational direction.2. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the rotor section includes a rotor having at least one row of rotor blades.3. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the impeller includes a hub and a plurality of impeller blades extending outward from the hub toward a portion of the housing.4. The compressor of claim 3 , wherein the rotor section includes a cylindrical rotor with a plurality of rotor blades extending from a surface of the cylindrical rotor.5. The compressor of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of impeller blades each include an upstream end and downstream end with the upstream end being circumferentially spaced in the first rotational direction from the downstream end and the plurality of rotor blades each include an upstream end and a downstream end with the upstream end being circumferentially spaced in the second rotational direction from the downstream end.6. The compressor of claim 5 , wherein each of the plurality of rotor blades and each of the plurality of impeller blades include a curvature in the first circumferential direction.7. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the impeller is driven by an impeller motor and the rotor is driven by a separate rotor motor.8. The compressor of claim 1 , wherein the impeller is driven by an impeller motor and the rotor section is driven by the impeller motor through a transmission to reverse a rotational output of the impeller motor.9. The compressor of claim 8 , wherein the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032671A1
Автор: WOICZINSKI Christian

An impeller wheel of a turbocompressor, for rotation about an axis, has an inflow cross-section for inflow of a process fluid into the impeller wheel, an outflow cross-section for outflow of the process fluid from the impeller wheel, a wheel disk that defines a hub-side deflection contour from the axial flow direction into the radial flow direction. Blades are applied to the wheel disk, which define flow channels through the impeller wheel, each blade defining a linear inner track and a linear outer track. A meridional angle is defined for each position of a track as the upstream included angle between a meridional plane through the position and a tangent on the track. So that the flow passes through the impeller wheel with improved efficiency, as far as possible without separation, a local extremum of the meridional angle of the inner track is defined. 1. An impeller wheel of a turbocompressor , for rotation around an axis , comprising:an inlet cross section for the basically axial inflow of a process fluid into the impeller wheel,an exit cross section for the basically radial exit of the process fluid from the impeller wheel,a wheel disk which defines a hub-side deflection contour from the axial flow direction to the radial flow direction,blades, attached on the wheel disk, which define flow passages from a leading edge to a trailing edge in the circumferential direction, at least over a part of the flow path of the process fluid through the impeller wheel,wherein each blade, on an extent end edge which is proximal to the wheel disk, defines a linear inner track extending in the flow direction in such a way that orthogonally equal distances to a blade surface on a pressure side and a suction side of the blade exist on both sides of the inner track,wherein the blade, on an extent end edge which is distal to the wheel disk, defines a linear outer track extending in the flow direction in such a way that orthogonally equal distances to a blade surface on the pressure ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033102A1
Автор: Sung Yeol Gyu

A high-airflow blower fan including an impeller having a mounting hole in which a driving motor is mounted, and a pair of blades repeatedly disposed on an upper surface and a lower surface of the impeller at a first interval along a radial direction, wherein the pair of blades includes a first blade configured to extend with a curvature in an inner direction from an outer circumference of the impeller, and a second blade disposed to be spaced apart from the first blade at a second interval in a clockwise direction or in a counterclockwise direction and configured to extend relatively smaller than a radial length of the first blade in an inner radial direction from the outer surface of the impeller. 1. A high-airflow blower fan including non-equidistant blades , which is rotated by an impeller and a driving motor for driving the impeller to form an airflow , the high-airflow blower fan comprising:an impeller having a mounting hole in which a driving motor is mounted; and a first blade configured to extend with a curvature in an inner direction from an outer circumference of the impeller; and', 'a second blade disposed to be spaced apart from the first blade at a second interval in a clockwise direction or in a counterclockwise direction and configured to extend relatively smaller than a radial length of the first blade in an inner radial direction from the outer surface of the impeller,, 'a pair of blades repeatedly disposed on an upper surface and a lower surface of the impeller at a first interval along a radial direction, the pair of blades comprisingwherein when the pair of blades is arranged in plural at the impeller along the radial direction, the first interval is formed greater than the second interval.2. The high-airflow blower fan including non-equidistant blades of claim 1 , wherein when the second blade extends from the outer circumference of the impeller to an inner circumference thereof claim 1 , the second blade extends in the inner direction within ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033106A1
Автор: Baur Dominik, Meinig Uwe

A delivery device for a medium to be delivered, for example for purging a filter for volatile fuel components, including a blower, which is embodied as a side channel blower or peripheral blower, and optionally an electric drive motor for the blower. The blower including: a housing, including: an inlet and an outlet for the medium to be delivered, for example purge air; a delivery channel which extends in the circumferential direction and has a side channel; and an interrupter channel which extends in the circumferential direction for separating the inlet and the outlet; and an impeller which can rotate in the housing about a rotational axis and includes paddles which, when the impeller is rotated, pass through the delivery channel and the interrupter channel. The delivery device is configured such that the delivery-pressure-over-delivery-flow characteristic curve of the delivery device or the blower flattens or drops towards minimum delivery flow. 1. A delivery device for a medium to be delivered , for purging a filter for volatile fuel components , comprising a blower , which is embodied as a side channel blower or peripheral blower , and optionally an electric drive motor for the blower , the blower comprising:1.1 a housing, comprising: an inlet and an outlet for the medium to be delivered; a delivery channel which extends in the circumferential direction and comprises a side channel; and an interrupter channel which extends in the circumferential direction for separating the inlet and the outlet; and1.2 an impeller adapted to rotate in the housing about a rotational axis and comprises paddles which, when the impeller is rotated, pass through the delivery channel and the interrupter channel,1.3 wherein the delivery device is configured such that the delivery-pressure-over-delivery-flow characteristic curve of the delivery device or the blower flattens or drops towards minimum delivery flow.2. The delivery device according to claim 1 , wherein the paddles and the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037865A1
Принадлежит: UACJ Foundry & Forging Corporation

Provided is a forged material for a rotor for obtaining, by machining, a rotor including a hub portion and a plurality of blade portions. The forged material for a rotor comprises a hub forming section and a plurality of blade forming sections that one-to-one correspond to the plurality of blade portions. The plurality of blade portions each comprise a first end face that faces an outer peripheral surface of the hub portion and a second end face opposite from the first end face. The plurality of blade forming sections each comprise a blade-shaped surface having a shape that follows at least part of a contour of the second end face of the one-to-one corresponding blade portion. 1. A forged material for a rotor of aluminum alloy for obtaining , by machining , a rotor including a hub portion and a plurality of blade portions provided so as to stand on an outer peripheral surface of the hub portion , the forged material comprising:a hub forming section, which is a preform of the hub portion; anda plurality of blade forming sections, which are preforms of the plurality of blade portions and which one-to-one correspond to the plurality of blade portions,wherein the plurality of blade portions each comprise a first end face that face's the outer peripheral surface of the hub portion and a second end face opposite from the first end face, andwherein the plurality of blade forming sections each comprise a blade-shaped surface having a shape that follows at least part of a contour of the second end face of the one-to-one corresponding blade portion.2. The forged material for a rotor according to claim 1 ,wherein the blade-shaped surface is provided at least in a radially outer end portion of each of the plurality of blade forming sections.3. The forged material for a rotor according to claim 1 ,wherein the plurality of blade portions each comprise one or more blades,wherein the plurality of blade forming sections each comprise a first part, which is a preform of a first blade ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Fan for ovens for cooking foods

Номер: US20170038080A1
Принадлежит: MATIKA Srl, MaTlKa Srl

Fan for ovens for cooking foods, which comprises: a support plate arranged substantially orthogonal to the rotation axis of the fan; and multiple blades projectingly fixed on the support plate and radially arranged around the rotation axis. Each blade of the fan is provided with an internal edge, which is shaped with a convex portion that is projectingly extended between a first and a second concavity of the internal edge itself.

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Turbofan and air-conditioning apparatus

Номер: US20180038379A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Provided is a turbofan producing reduced noise and easily manufactured. A coupling portion between a blade main portion and a blade cover is formed in a surface region (pressure surface) parallel to a direction of air flowing over the pressure surface of each blade. With this configuration, the air sucked from a direction of a rotation axis of a turbofan is less liable to enter a gap of the coupling portion of the blade, thereby being capable of reducing noise. Further, noise is reduced so that high-precision dimensional control of the gap of the coupling portion of the blade is not required. Consequently, dimensional control at the time of manufacture is facilitated to thereby facilitate manufacture.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037777A1
Автор: Kotelmach Christopher

An apparatus has a bed with bedding; an air mover; and an air outlet defined by the air mover to direct air into a sleep zone of the bed. A method includes operating an air mover to direct air into a sleep zone defined between a bed and bedding. 1. An apparatus comprising:a bed with bedding;an air mover; andan air outlet defined by the air mover to direct air into a sleep zone of the bed.2. The apparatus of in which the air outlet is oriented to direct air into contact with bedding above the air mover to form a bedding air conduit into the sleep zone of the bed.3. The apparatus of in which:the bedding air conduit extends up along a side of the bed;the air mover is mounted to a side of the bed above a floor surface; adjacent stacked mattresses; or', 'between a mattress and a bed frame; and, 'the air mover is mounted to the side of the bed via a bed mount that extends laterally between a horizontal cantilever plate or horizontal cantilever bar; or', 'a part that hooks onto an upstanding wall of the bed frame., 'the bed mount comprises49-. (canceled)10. The apparatus of in which the air mover further comprises a bedding support that props up bedding above the air mover.1117-. (canceled)18. The apparatus of :further comprising a controller connected to send control signals to the air mover; andfurther comprising one or more of a motion sensor and a temperature sensor, in which the controller is connected to send control signals to the air mover based on signals from the one or more of a motion sensor and a temperature sensor.1920-. (canceled)21. The apparatus of :further comprising a motion sensor; detect a sleeping mode where a user is within the sleep zone between the bedding and the bed; and', 'detect a non-sleeping mode where a user is on the bedding and outside the sleep zone; and, 'in which the controller is programmed to use signals from the motion sensor to when the sleeping mode is detected, maintain the air mover in, or initiate the air mover to enter, an ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Polymeric Compressor Wheel with Metal Sleeve

Номер: US20190040870A1
Принадлежит: BORGWARNER INC.

A compressor wheel that can be employed in devices such as turbochargers. The compressor wheel includes an axially extending hub having an inlet end, a shaft bore extending from the inlet end and an arcuate outer surface opposed to the shaft bore. The axially extending hub is composed of a metal and has a porous region located proximate to the arcuate outer surface of the axially extending hub. The compressor wheel also includes a blade array disposed on the arcuate outer surface of the axially extending hub. The blade array has an outer surface and an inner region. The blade array comprises a plurality of circumferentially-spaced, radially and axially extending blades disposed thereon and is composed, at least in part of a polymeric material. Polymeric material located in the inner region of the blade array extends into the porous region defined in the axially extending hub. 110. A compressor wheel () comprising:{'b': 12', '18', '22', '18', '20', '34, 'an axially extending hub () having an inlet end (), a shaft bore () extending from the inlet end () and an arcuate outer surface () opposed to the shaft bore, the axially extending hub comprising a metal, the axially extending hub having at least one porous region, the porous region () located proximate to the arcuate outer surface of the axially extending hub;'}{'b': 24', '27', '29', '26, 'a blade array () disposed on the outer arcuate outer surface of the axially extending hub, the blade array having an outer surface () and an inner region (), the blade array comprising a plurality of circumferentially-spaced, radially and axially extending blades () disposed thereon, the blade array comprising at least in part, a polymeric material;'}wherein polymeric material that comprises the blade array extends into the porous region defined in the axially extending hub.2. The compressor wheel of wherein the polymeric material of the blade array comprises at least one of epoxy compounds claim 1 , phenolic polymers claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Centrifugal Impeller and Centrifugal Blower

Номер: US20190040874A1

A centrifugal blower includes an electric motor, a centrifugal impeller driven by the motor, a diffuser mounted to the motor and disposed between the motor and the centrifugal impeller, and a casing mounted to the diffuser. The centrifugal impeller is received in a chamber defined by the diffuser and the casing. the casing defines an opening facing the inlet of the centrifugal impeller. The diffuser has a plurality of passage walls, and a plurality of diffusing passages, each bounded by neighboring passage walls. The diffuser further has at least one mounting portion connected to one of the passage walls. A cross section of each of the diffusing passages is increased form an outer end to an inner end thereof and no throat is formed in each of the diffusing passages. 1. A centrifugal blower comprising:an electric motor;a centrifugal impeller driven by the motor;a diffuser mounted to the motor and disposed between the motor and the centrifugal impeller; anda casing mounted to the diffuser, the centrifugal impeller being received in a chamber defined by the diffuser and the casing, the casing having an opening facing the inlet of the centrifugal impeller;wherein the diffuser has a plurality of passage walls, and a plurality of diffusing passages, each bounded by neighboring passage walls, the diffuser further has at least one mounting portion connected to one of the passage walls, a cross section of each of the diffusing passages is increased form an outer end to an inner end thereof and no throat is formed in each of the diffusing passages.2. The centrifugal blower of claim 1 , wherein said at least one mounting portion is connected to an inner ends of the corresponding one of the passage walls claim 1 , each of said at least one mounting portion comprises a cylindrical surface protrudes towards the center of the diffuser.3. The centrifugal blower of claim 2 , wherein the cylindrical surface is connected to the corresponding one of the passage walls with a smooth ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040875A1

An inlet guide vane assembly having a plurality of pivoting vanes interconnected with a mechanism useful to move the vanes between positions. The vanes can be connected via a series of links and reciprocating hinges which together transmit motion from a drive vane to a number of driven vanes without the need for a sync ring. Motion received by a drive vane is transmitted via a first link to a reciprocating hinge, where the reciprocating hinge is capable of both pivoting and moving in a reciprocating manner along a path. The reciprocating hinge can also be coupled with a second link which transmits motion imparted from the drive vane via the first link to a driven vane. The driven vane is connected via another second link to another reciprocating hinge, which in turns transmits further motion via another first link to another driven vane. 1. An apparatus comprising:an inlet guide vane device having a plurality of vanes, one the plurality of vanes being a drive vane and the other of the plurality of vanes being driven vanes, each of the drive vane and a driven vanes project radially into a flow stream, the drive vane and the driven vanes structured as variable vanes that pivot about their respective rotational axes to change a cross sectional area of the inlet guide vane through which the flow stream traverses, the drive vane coupled to at least one of the driven vanes through a reciprocating hinge, the reciprocating hinge connected to the drive vane through a first link and connected to the at least one of the driven vanes through a second link such that rotation of the drive vane about its axis causes motion of the reciprocating hinge through action of the first link, and the motion of the reciprocating hinge causes actuation of the at least one of the driven vanes through action of the second link, wherein the drive vane is capable of causing sympathetic motion of the driven vane without a circumferentially extending synchronization ring.2. The apparatus of claim 1 ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Blower wheel

Номер: US20200040904A1
Принадлежит: Ebm Papst Mulfingen GmbH and Co KG

A blower wheel having a plurality of blower wheel blades arranged in a blade ring, which are connected to a disc covering the blower wheel blades, at least in sections, on at least one axial side, wherein a connection between the blower wheel blades and the disc determines a transition geometry, which has a rounded curve of a quadratic function when viewed in the cross-section, at least on one side of the blower wheel blades, particularly a side facing radially inward with respect to an axis of rotation of the blower wheel.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048037A1
Автор: Siefring Chris N.

A method of manufacturing an impeller includes attaching blades to a hub. The impeller includes the blades, the hub, and a shroud. The blades each include a tip, and the shroud includes an inner surface and at least one ring extending from the inner surface. The method also includes applying a brazing compound to the tips of the blades and to the inner surface of the shroud. The method includes inserting the blades and the hub into the shroud such that the tips of the blades press against the rings. The rings and the tips of the blades form an interference fit between the rings and the tips of the blades that maintains a consistent gap between the shroud and the blades during manufacture of the impeller. A compressor including the impeller is also disclosed. 1. A method of manufacturing an impeller including a plurality of blades , a hub , and a shroud , the blades each include a tip , the shroud includes an inner surface and a ring extending from the inner surface , the method comprising:attaching the blades to the hub;applying a brazing compound to the tips of the blades and to the inner surface of the shroud;inserting the blades and the hub into the shroud such that the tips of the blades press against the ring, wherein the ring and the tips of the blades form an interference fit between the ring and the tips of the blades that maintains a consistent gap between the shroud and the blades during manufacture of the impeller; andattaching the blades to the shroud using a brazing process.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a position of the shroud relative to the blades is fixed by the ring during the brazing process.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein inserting the blades and the hub into the shroud such that the tips of the blades press against the ring comprises inserting the blades and the hub into an inlet of the shroud such that the tips of the blades press against the ring.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one ring includes a first ring positioned ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Volute assembly and induced draft fan comprising the same

Номер: US20220065261A1
Принадлежит: Zhongshan Broad Ocean Motor Co Ltd

A volute assembly includes a volute body, a cover plate, and a seal. The volute body includes a top plate, a side plate protruding axially from an edge of the top plate, a cavity formed by the top plate and the side plate, and an exhaust duct disposed on the side plate and communicating with the cavity. The side plate includes a first bottom edge and a plurality of clamping blocks disposed at intervals on the first bottom edge. The cover plate includes a bottom plate and an annular sleeve surrounding the bottom plate. The annular sleeve includes a second bottom edge and a flange protruding from the second bottom edge. The flange includes a plurality of buckles disposed at intervals. The seal is disposed around the annular sleeve and is supported by the flange. The side plate is matched with the annular sleeve in shape.

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127023A1
Принадлежит: TURBOMECA

An impeller of a centrifugal compressor, the impeller including a web and blades secured to the web on a front face of the web. A point of intersection between a trailing edge and a blade root is at least one half-thickness of the web further forward than the blade root at an intermediate diameter of the impeller, and a point of intersection between the trailing edge and the blade tip is also further forward than the blade tip at an intermediate diameter of the impeller. 19-. (canceled)10. An impeller for a centrifugal compressor , the impeller comprising:a web and blades secured to the web on a front face of the web,each blade including a blade root, a blade tip, a leading edge, and a trailing edge,wherein a point of intersection between the trailing edge and the blade root is further forward by at least one half-thickness of the web than is the blade root at an intermediate diameter of the impeller, anda point of intersection between the trailing edge and the blade tip is also further forward than the blade tip at an intermediate diameter of the impeller.11. An impeller for a centrifugal compressor according to claim 10 , wherein the blade root at a periphery of the impeller is oriented in a direction that is substantially radial.12. An impeller for a centrifugal compressor according to claim 10 , further comprising a rim connected to a rear face of the web and configured to be fastened to a rotary shaft.13. An impeller for a centrifugal compressor according to claim 12 , wherein the rim includes a radial fastener disk.14. A centrifugal compressor comprising:an impeller including:a web and blades secured to the web on a front face of the web, each blade including a blade root, a blade tip, a leading edge, and a trailing edge,wherein a point of intersection between the trailing edge and the blade root is further forward by at least one half-thickness of the web than is the blade root at an intermediate diameter of the impeller, anda point of intersection between ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127024A1

A centrifugal fan impeller structure includes a hub and a blade body set. The hub has an extension section. The blade body set has multiple blade bodies. The blade bodies outward extend from the extension section of the hub. Each two adjacent blade bodies define therebetween a flow way, an air outlet and an air inlet. The air outlet and the air inlet are respectively positioned at two ends of the flow way in communication with the flow way. The air outlets are arranged at unequal intervals so as to greatly reduce noise in operation. 1. A centrifugal fan impeller structure comprising:a hub having an extension section; anda blade body set having multiple blade bodies, the blade bodies outward extending from the extension section of the hub, each two adjacent blade bodies defining therebetween a flow way, an air outlet and an air inlet, the air outlet and the air inlet being respectively positioned at two ends of the flow way in communication with the flow way, the air outlets being arranged at unequal intervals.2. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each blade body has a first end and a second end claim 1 , the air inlet being defined between the first ends of each two adjacent blade bodies claim 1 , the air outlet being defined between the second ends of each two adjacent blade bodies.3. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the second ends have unequal widths.4. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first ends together define a first pitch circle claim 2 , a tangent of the first pitch circle at the first end being defined as a first tangent claim 2 , the blade body having a blade central line claim 2 , a tangent of the blade body central line at the first end being defined as a second tangent claim 2 , the second tangent intersecting the first tangent to contain an air incoming angle.5. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127029A1

A centrifugal fan impeller structure includes a hub having multiple blades. The blades extend from a circumference of the hub in a direction away from the hub. Each two adjacent blades define therebetween a flow way, an air outlet and an air inlet. The air outlet and the air inlet are respectively positioned at two ends of the flow way in communication with the flow way. The air outlets are arranged at unequal intervals so as to greatly reduce noise in operation. 1. A centrifugal fan impeller structure comprising:a hub having multiple blades, the blades extending from a circumference of the hub in a direction away from the hub, each two adjacent blades defining therebetween a flow way, an air outlet and an air inlet, the air outlet and the air inlet being respectively positioned at two ends of the flow way in communication with the flow way, the air outlets being arranged at unequal intervals.2. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each blade has a first end and a second end claim 1 , the air inlet being defined between the first ends of each two adjacent blades claim 1 , the air outlet being defined between the second ends of each two adjacent blades.3. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the second ends have unequal widths.4. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the first ends together define a first pitch circle claim 2 , a tangent of the first pitch circle at the first end being defined as a first tangent claim 2 , the blade having a blade central line claim 2 , a tangent of the blade central line at the first end being defined as a second tangent claim 2 , the second tangent intersecting the first tangent to contain an air incoming angle.5. The centrifugal fan impeller structure as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the second ends together define a second pitch circle claim 2 , a tangent of the second pitch circle at the second end being defined as a third tangent ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053773A1

A centrifugal fan includes: a casing having an upper casing with an air suction opening, a lower casing, and a plurality of support members disposed between the lower casing and the upper casing with air discharge openings provided between the support members; an impeller disposed between the upper and lower casings, and including an annular upper shroud provided on an upper casing side, a base plate integrally formed with the annular upper shroud, and a plurality of blades arranged along a circumferential direction between the annular upper shroud and the base plate; and a fan motor which rotates the impeller. A plurality of recesses are provided on the upper surface of the upper casing, and formed to surround the air suction opening, and a plurality of ribs are radially provided around the air suction opening and between the adjacent recesses. 1. A centrifugal fan comprising: an upper casing which has an air suction opening;', 'a lower casing; and', 'a plurality of support members disposed between the lower casing and the upper casing, wherein air discharge openings are provided between the support members;, 'a casing comprising an annular upper shroud which is provided on an upper casing side;', 'a base plate that is integrally formed with the annular upper shroud; and', 'a plurality of blades which are arranged along a circumferential direction between the annular upper shroud and the base plate; and, 'an impeller which is disposed in the casing between the upper casing and the lower casing, wherein the impeller comprisesa fan motor configured to rotate the impeller,wherein a plurality of recesses are provided on the upper surface of the upper casing, the recesses being formed to surround the air suction opening, andwherein a plurality of ribs are radially provided around the air suction opening and between the adjacent recesses.2. The centrifugal fan according to claim 1 ,wherein an outside diameter of the base plate is substantially equal to an outside ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Gearbox with a Shaft

Номер: US20160053775A1

A gear unit having a shaft, in particular an input shaft, a fan impeller being connected to the shaft in a torsionally fixed manner, a fan hood being connected to the gear unit housing, which at least partially encloses the fan impeller, a separation plate for separating the pressure chamber of the fan from the suction chamber of the fan being connected to the fan hood, where the separation plate has an air intake opening for the fan impeller and is situated on the side of the fan impeller facing axially away from the gear unit, the fan impeller has an upper and a lower cover disk, which are axially set apart from each other, and fan blades are disposed between the cover disks, so that channels are formed, the radial clearance of the air intake opening being disposed within, especially centrally within, the radial clearance region covered by the upper cover disk, and the air intake opening is disposed axially within, especially centrally within, the axial region covered by the upper cover disk. 115-. (canceled)16. A gear unit , comprising:a housing;a shaft;a fan including a fan impeller connected to the shaft in a torsionally fixed manner;a fan hood connected to the housing, the housing at least partially enclosing the fan impeller; and the separation plate includes an air intake opening for the fan impeller and is situated on a side of the fan impeller facing axially away from the gear unit,', 'the fan impeller has an upper cover disk and a lower cover disk that are axially set apart from each other,', 'fan blades of the impeller are disposed between the cover disks, so that channels are formed,', 'a radial clearance of the air intake opening is disposed within a radial clearance region covered by the upper cover disk, and', 'the air intake opening is disposed axially within an axial region covered by the upper cover disk., 'a separation plate for separating a pressure chamber of the fan from a suction chamber of the fan, the separation plate being connected to the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054849A1
Автор: NICHOLS Jason

An impeller for a centrifugal compressor, the impeller comprising: a hub defining a rotation axis about which the impeller is rotatable; and a vane extending from the hub, the vane having a leading edge, a trailing edge, and a chord defined therebetween, a pressure side of the vane and a suction side of the vane opposite the pressure side, a vane thickness defined transversely between the pressure side and the suction side, the vane thickness reducing over at least a downstream 40% of the chord, the vane thickness having a trailing edge thickness value at the trailing edge of between 40% and 80% of a maximum thickness value of the vane thickness. 1. An impeller for a centrifugal compressor , the impeller comprising:a hub defining a rotation axis about which the impeller is rotatable; anda vane extending from the hub, the vane having a leading edge, a trailing edge, and a chord defined therebetween, a pressure side of the vane and a suction side of the vane opposite the pressure side, a vane thickness defined transversely between the pressure side and the suction side, the vane thickness reducing over at least a downstream 40% of the chord, the vane thickness having a trailing edge thickness value at the trailing edge of between 40% and 80% of a maximum thickness value of the vane thickness.2. The impeller as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a 0% chord position is defined at the leading edge and a 100% chord position is defined at the trailing edge claim 1 , the trailing edge thickness value being a thickness value at the 100% chord position claim 1 , the thickness value at the 100% chord position is between 45% and 75% of the maximum thickness value.3. The impeller as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the thickness value at the 100% chord position is of between 50% and 75% of the maximum thickness value.4. The impeller as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the thickness value at the 100% chord position is of between 45% and 55% of the maximum thickness value.5. The impeller as ...
