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20-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2248480C2

Изобретение относится к области общего машиностроения, в частности к конструкции приводных ремней, предназначенных для передачи вращательного движения в приводах машин. Приводной ремень содержит несущий слой, слой растяжения и слой сжатия. Несущий слой ремня состоит из бесконечных кольцевых витых шнуров равной длины, расположенных параллельно друг другу с определенным шагом по ширине ремня. Слой растяжения и слой сжатия имеют поперечные разгрузочные пазы, расположенные в одной плоскости, перпендикулярной шнурам несущего слоя. Ширина разгрузочных пазов S в слое сжатия находится в зависимости от расстояния между ними t, толщины слоя сжатия h″ и минимального расчетного диаметра огибаемого шкива Dmin и определяется по формуле . Технический результат заключается в увеличении несущей способности, в повышении КПД, ресурса, надежности приводных ремней и расширении области их применения. 3 ил.

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2550098C2

Изобретение относится к зубчатому ремню и способу его изготовления. Зубчатый ремень (10) включает основу (13) ремня, включающую зубчатую резиновую часть (11) и оборотную резиновую часть (12). Поверхность зубчатой резиновой части (11) покрыта покровной тканью (20). Покровная ткань (20) подвергнута обработке RFL-составом и имеет наружную поверхность (21), покрытую отвержденным материалом из первой эпоксидной смолы. Температура размягчения отвержденного материала из первой эпоксидной смолы составляет, например, 110°С или выше. Эпоксидный эквивалент первой эпоксидной смолы составляет, например, от 100 до 1500 г/экв. В альтернативном варианте покровная ткань (20) подвергнута импрегнирующей обработке обрабатывающим средством, включающим вторую эпоксидную смолу, отвердитель для отверждения второй эпоксидной смолы и каучуковый компонент. Достигается повышение долговечности ремня. 4 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

10-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2265762C2

Изобретение относится к приводным ремням и способу их изготовления. Ремень содержит тело 10 из эластомерного материала, работающий на растяжение элемент 20, расположенный по длине указанного тела 10, множество зубцов 15, расположенных по указанному телу 10, имеющих первую поверхность для взаимодействия со звездочкой и выполненных поперек длины указанного тела 10 с заданным шагом, слой 30 из полиэтилена со сверхвысокой молекулярной массой, находящейся в диапазоне от 3000000 до 7000000 г/моль, который имеет заданную толщину и соединен с указанными зубцами 15, и слой эластомерного материала, введенный между указанным работающим на растяжение элементом 20 и указанным слоем 30 из полиэтилена со сверхвысокой молекулярной массой. Технический результат заключается в снижении образования пыли и отходов при эксплуатации ремня. 6 н. и 35 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2448032C2
Автор: АХ Эрнст (CH)
Принадлежит: ИНВЕНЦИО АГ (CH)

Ремень (12) для лифта содержит первую часть ремня (13) из первого материала, систему несущих прокладок (14), расположенную в первой части ремня, и вторую часть ремня (15) из второго материала. Первый материал содержит термопластичный синтетический материал или термопластичные синтетические материалы и при комнатной температуре имеет предельное удлинение при разрыве 45% по DIN 53455 или ISO 527. Несущая прокладка состоит из одинарной стальной проволоки или из троса из стальной проволоки соответственно каната из стальной проволоки. Второй материал при комнатной температуре имеет твердость менее чем 95 по Шору (А), предпочтительно менее чем 90 по Шору (А) и особенно предпочтительно менее чем 85 по Шору (А). Уменьшается опасность обрыва ремня, обеспечивается передача ремнем более высоких усилий. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2241159C2

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к приводным ремням, и может быть использовано для передачи вращательного движения. Приводной ремень состоит из эластомерной основы 12 и помещенного в нее несущего слоя 20, проходящего в продольном направлении ремня. В свою очередь несущий слой 20 состоит из эластомерной композиции 18 и контактирующего с ней растягиваемого элемента 22. Согласно изобретению эластомерная композиция 18 обладает, по меньшей мере, одним из комплексного модуля, измеренного при температуре 175°С, частоте 2000 цикл/мин и деформации 0,09 градусов, составляющего, по меньшей мере, 15000 кПа, и модуля растяжения, измеренного при температуре 125°С и 10% удлинении и составляющего, по меньшей мере, 250 фунт/дюйм2 (1,724 МПа). Технический результат заключается в увеличении срока службы и улучшении несущей способности. 2 с. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл., 5 ил.

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2515321C2

Изобретение относится к технологии производства приводных ремней с эластичным шнуром, внедренным в эластомерную основу, содержащую полимочевиноуретановую клеевую композицию, пропитывающую шнур и покрывающую волокна. Композиция представляет собой продукт реакции полиуретанового форполимера и диаминного отвердителя или воды. Форполимер представляет собой продукт реакции имеющего компактные симметричные молекулы диизоцианата и сложного полиэфирполиола, простого полиэфирполиола или поликарбонатного полиола. Основа ремня может быть изготовлена из литьевого полиуретана, резины или термопластического эластомера. Шнур может содержать клеевое покрытие.4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл., 4 ил., 20 пр.

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU110155U1

Зубчатый ремень, состоящий из плоской эластичной ленты, армированной внутри несущим нагрузку каркасом и имеющей на рабочей поверхности зубья, расположенные по дуге к оси ремня, отличающийся тем, что зубья на ремне имеют полукруговой профиль, выполненный в виде части сегмента тора с радиусом кривизны r, равным 1÷1,5 ширины b ремня, при этом отдельный зуб с полукруговым профилем выполнен по дугам окружностей, радиус выступа которого пропорционален радиусу впадин.

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU128908U1

Зубчатый приводной ремень, включающий в себя эластомерную основу, зубья, образованные основой ремня, слои корда, заключенные внутри основы, отличающийся тем, что слои корда расположены в зоне постоянного растяжения, поверхность ремня, противоположная зубьям, имеет пазы, причем профиль паза является соосным профилю зуба, а поверхность участков эластомера между пазами выполнена криволинейной.

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003132556A

... 1. Ремень, содержащий: тело, содержащее эластомерный материал и имеющее прочностный слой, проходящий в продольном направлении; причем тело имеет область сцепления со шкивом, имеющую профиль, область сцепления со шкивом содержит нетканый материал, взаимно смешанный с эластомерным материалом; и эластомерный материал дополнительно содержит наполнение волокном. 2. Ремень по п.1, в котором область сцепления со шкивом имеет толщину от 0,025 до 3,0 мм. 3. Ремень по п.2, в котором нетканый материал содержит комбинацию целлюлозы из хвойной древесины и целлюлозы из лиственной древесины. 4. Ремень по п.3, в котором целлюлоза из хвойной древесины составляет от 0 до 50% нетканого материала. 5. Ремень по п.4, в котором целлюлоза из хвойной древесины содержит хлопок. 6. Ремень по п.2, в котором нетканый материал содержит комбинацию целлюлозы из хвойной древесины и синтетического материала. 7. Ремень по п.6, в котором синтетический материал содержит найлон. 8. Ремень по п.7, в котором синтетический материал ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005122478A

... 1. Способ снижения угловой вибрации распределительного вала относительно коленчатого вала в двигателе внутреннего сгорания, в котором распределительный вал приводится в движение зубчатым ремнем, содержащим часть тела ремня из вулканизированного эластомера и заключенный в нее натяжной элемент, выполненный из встроенного корда в виде винтовой спирали, композицию кордной пропитки, содержащую эластомерный латекс, покрывающий, по меньшей мере, часть указанного корда, отличающийся тем, что согласно способу a. выбирают для указанного корда по меньшей мере одну нить, содержащую углеволокно; b. вводят в состав указанной композиции кордной пропитки продукт резорцинол-формальдегидной реакции; с. выбирают модуль упругости указанной композиции кордной пропитки так, чтобы при температуре 20°С он был в диапазоне приблизительно от 1, 0·107 до 5,0·108 дин/см2, а при температуре 100°С в диапазоне приблизительно от 5,0·106 до 4,0·108 дин/см2; d. наносят указанную композицию кордной пропитки на корд для образования ...

07-06-1993 дата публикации

Зубчатый ремень

Номер: SU1820089A1

Сущность изобретения: ремень содержит эластомерную основу с зубьями, несущий кордный слой в виде спирально навитого по периметру ремня троса и армирующие элементы. Армирующие элементы размещены вдоль зуба. Армирующие элементы выполнены в виде спирально навитой пружины и цилиндрического пальца. Цилиндрический палец размещен между витками троса и охватывающими его витками пружины . Рабочие поверхности зуба расположены по касательной к виткам спиральной пружины . 7 ил.

15-01-1988 дата публикации

Приводной ремень

Номер: SU1366744A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, в частности к области приводных ремней. Целью изобрете- ния является повышение нагрузочной способности. Ремень содержит армирующий элемент, образоваиньй пространственной спиралью с шагом, равным шагу зубьев ремня, и многорядно уложенный вдоль ремня таким образом,что витки соседних спиралей 5 параллельны друг другу, образуя зубчатую поверхность с выступами, входящими во- . внутрь зубьев ремня. Несущий корд 4 может быть расположен сверху или внутри витков спиралей, образующих армирующий.элемент. Сочетание элемента , армирующего зубья, и несущего корда составляет пространственный упругий каркас, повышающий поперечную и продольную жесткость ремня. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.... i (Л ...

26-01-1972 дата публикации

Приводной ремень

Номер: SU327349A2

15-02-1993 дата публикации

Приводной ремень

Номер: SU1795193A1

... ; Сущность изобретения: ремень содержи- эласто.мерную основу с поперечными армирующими элементами в виде втулок. Втулки расположены вдоль ремня. Несущий слой в ремне выполнен в виде витков спирально навитого троса с замкнутыми петлями , охватывающими каждую втулку. На торцах втулки закреплены башмаки. Каждый башмак выполнен в виде усеченного конуса с расположением одного из его оснований на боковой поверхности ремня. Торцы втулок выполнены со сферической поверхностью. Большее основание каждого конуса обращено внутрь ремня и выполнено со сферической поверхностью, ответной сферической поверхности торца втулки. На наружной поверхности каждого конуса выполнено рифление. 4 ил.

12-03-1973 дата публикации

Привод рапиры ткацкого станка

Номер: SU373958A3

27-04-2006 дата публикации

Multi-dual toothed belt for transmission of rotary motion of drive shaft has internal toothed belt with inwardly arranged teeth and external toothed belt with teeth arranged outwards and are displaceably arranged against each other

Номер: DE202006000927U1

The multi-dual toothed belt (1) has an internal toothed belt with inwardly arranged teeth and external toothed belt with teeth arranged outwards. The teeth of internal belt are displaceably arranged against the teeth of external belt in such a way that part of one or several teeth of the two toothed belts subtend into the tooth gap present in the toothed belts.

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102018202715A1

Mit der vorliegenden Erfindung wird eine Zahnriemen-Übertragungseinrichtung bereitgestellt, mit der Geräusch und Vibration aus dem Zusammengreifen zwischen einem Zahnriemen und einer Zahnriemenscheibe verringert werden und mit der die Strapazierfähigkeit des Zahnriemens verbessert wird. Die Zahnriemen-Übertragungseinrichtung, bei der eine Zahnhöhe eines Zahnriemens und eine Zahnhöhe einer Zahnriemenscheibe derart eingestellt sind, dass dann, wenn der Zahnriemen und die Zahnriemenscheibe anfangen, zusammenzugreifen, Zahnspitzenteile des Zahnriemens und Zahngrundteile der Zahnriemenscheibe miteinander in Kontakt kommen, bevor Zahngrundteile des Zahnriemens und Zahnspitzenteile der Zahnriemenscheibe miteinander in Kontakt kommen.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012109176A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Antriebsgurt (28) bestehend aus einem textilen Band (46) als Zugbelastung aufnehmenden Grundkörper (42) und Zahnausbildungen (44), die beabstandet zueinander an dem textilen Band (46) angebracht sind, wobei das textile Band (46) wenigstens einen sich in Längsrichtung des Bandes (46) erstreckenden Metalldraht (53) oder wenigstens eine sich in Längsrichtung des Bandes (46) erstreckende Metalllitze (54) zur Verstärkung aufweist.

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Modusübergangssteuerung in einem CVT mit Festradfunktionalität

Номер: DE112014007208T5

Ein Fahrzeug enthält ein Antriebsaggregat, ein stufenloses Getriebe (CVT), Antriebsräder, Sensoren und einen Controller. Das CVT verwirklicht einen Festrad/Kraftschluss- und Reibantriebsmodus und umfasst ein Eingangselement, das ein Eingangsmoment vom Antriebsaggregat empfängt, ein Ausgangselement und eine Variatorbaugruppe mit einer Antriebs- und angetriebenen Variatorriemenscheibe. Die Riemenscheiben sind über ein endloses drehbares Antriebselement miteinander und mit einem jeweiligen des Eingangs- und Ausgangselements verbunden. Riemenscheibenstellglieder ändern ein Übersetzungsverhältnis des CVT. Der Controller berechnet einen relativen Schlupf der Riemenscheiben unter Verwendung gemessener Drehzahlen und Verrückungen von den Sensoren, reduziert den relativen Schlupf, bis der relative Schlupf unter einer kalibrierten Drehzahlgrenze oder innerhalb eines kalibrierten Drehzahlbereichs liegt, über ein Stellglied-Steuersignal an die Riemenscheibenstellglieder und befiehlt über Kraftschluss-Steuersignale ...

22-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012102734U1

Zahnriemen (5), der in Reihenfolge von einer Außenseite (6) zu einer Innenseite (7) hin einen Riemenrücken (1), eine Zwischenschicht (2), einen Riemenkörper (8) mit Riemenzähnen (3) und eine Zahnabdeckungsschicht (4) umfasst, wobei die Zwischenschicht (2) aus parallel zueinander angeordneten Kernsträngen oder Kernbändern (2a, 2b) aufgebaut ist und der Riemenkörper (8) mit den Riemenzähnen (3) und der Riemenrücken (1) aus Gummi und/oder Kautschuk bestehen, welches/welcher/welche folgende Gewichtsanteile aufweist/aufweisen: Polychloropren (Neopren®) mit einem Anteil von 100, Ruß mit einem Anteil von 50, Stearinsäure mit einem Anteil von 1,5, Anti-Alterungsmittel mit einem Anteil von 2, Verarbeitungshilfsmittel mit einem Anteil von 2, Magnesiumoxid mit einem Anteil von 5, Wirkstoff (active agent) mit einem Anteil von 5,5, Dispergiermittel mit einem Anteil von 1,5, Zinkoxid mit einem Anteil von 4 und Beschleuniger mit einem Anteil von 1.

21-12-2000 дата публикации

Slicing toothed belts from shaped, reinforced elastomeric tube includes artificial aging of cut surface by local application of heat

Номер: DE0019927470A1

Toothed belts (1) of reinforced elastomeric material are made by cutting slices of the required width from a tube with the correct wall shape. The edges (7) of the cut surfaces (5) are artificially aged by local application of heat, e.g. by using heated cutters, using cutting disks without coolant or using contact or radiant heaters. Heating can be followed by cooling with air or water.

21-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002854052A1

18-09-2003 дата публикации

Verbindungsvorrichtung für die Kette einer Seilwinde

Номер: DE0060004413D1

24-06-2004 дата публикации

Verbindungsvorrichtung für die Kette einer Seilwinde

Номер: DE0060004413T2

29-11-1979 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002363685B2

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Zahnriemen mit auf einander gegenüberliegend angeordneten und mit Verzahnungen versehenen Laufflächen, wobei die Schrägungswinkel der Verzahnungen zueinander gegensinnig orientiert sind sowie zugehöriges Zahnriemengetriebe

Номер: DE102018116331A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Zahnriemen (10a, 10b) mit zwei, einander gegenüberliegend angeordneten Laufflächen (2, 4), wobei auf den Laufflächen (2, 4) schräg zur axialen Richtung (X) orientierte Verzahnungen (12, 14) angeordnet sind, wobei die Schrägung jeweils durch Schrägungswinkel (16, 18) zwischen der axialen Richtung (X) und der Richtung der Zahnflanken der jeweiligen Verzahnungen (12, 14) definiert ist.Es ist vorgesehen, dass der Schrägungswinkel (16) der ersten Verzahnung (12) gegensinnig zum Schrägungswinkel (18) der zweiten Verzahnung (14) orientiert ist.

08-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060112448D1

27-02-2003 дата публикации

Antriebsriemen für fest übersetztes Getriebe

Номер: DE0069810872D1

13-07-1967 дата публикации

Treibriemen bzw. Treibring

Номер: DE0001244495B

05-04-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0008325391U1

15-01-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8630962U1

28-05-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001957922C3

16-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002020765B2

03-09-1936 дата публикации

Improvements in driving belts

Номер: GB0000452982A

... 452,982. Driving-belts ; compound sheet materials. VEDY, C., 18, Rue du Rempart, Louviers, France, and LUCET, A. E., 1, Square Malherbe, and HERMET, G. E., 58, Rue de Londres, both in Paris. March 4, 1935, No. 6679. Drawings to Specification. [Class 80 (i)] [See also Group VIII] A driving-belt consists wholly or partly of plies of inextensible woven, knitted, or plaited material or webbing cemented together, the belt having no covering of indiarubber or indiarubber compound and having its faces formed with a large number of protuberances produced by embossing, moulding under pressure, stamping, calendering, &c. The bonding- material may be rubber, balata or chicle gum, vegetable or mineral glues, or resins. The protuberances may take the form of squares, lozenges, triangles, circles, chevrons, or single bands disposed longitudinally transversely or diagonally, or in crossed bands. The threads of the material may be impregnated with fireproofing-solution. The belt may be secured on its plain ...

14-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001394153A

... 1394153 Belt gearing INDUSTRIE PIRELLI SpA 30 Jan 1973 [1 Feb 1972] 4657/73 Heading F2Q In a toothed belt transmission a belt 3 passes around pulleys 1 and 2 and is acted against by a tensioning jockey pulley 4, there being a resilient layer 12 of material on the surface of the belt opposite to that having the teeth, or alternatively on the jockey pulley 4, between the pulley 4 and the reinforcing cords of the belt, to reduce the increase in belt tension due to movement apart of the pulleys 1 and 2. The layer 12 may have longitudinal grooves in it to increase the belt flexibility (Fig. 3, not shown). As shown in Fig. 1 the tensioning of the belt is through pivoting of a plate 5, carrying the jockey pulley 4, about a pivot 6, a bolt 7 holding the plate in position. There may be resilient layers provided both on the belt and on the pulley.

19-06-1985 дата публикации

Belt construction and method of making the same

Номер: GB0002149927A

A belt construction and method of making the same are provided. The belt construction (10) comprises: a tensile member (13) intermediate the opposed sides (11, 12) of the belt construction; a plurality of teeth (14) defining one (12) of the opposed sides of the belt construction and being mainly formed of a first polymeric material (16) that has reinforcing fibers (17) therein, each tooth (14) having opposed sides (18, 19) that are disposed in spaced relation to adjacent sides of adjacent teeth, the belt construction having a land area (20) between adjacent teeth; and a backing member (15) defining the other (11) of the opposed sides of the belt construction, the backing member being mainly formed from a second polymeric material (21) that is initially separate from the material (16) of the teeth and is substantially free of fibers therein, the material of the backing member (15) having a surface (22) that joins with a surface (23) of each tooth (14), whereby the joining surfaces define ...

19-12-2001 дата публикации

Electrically conductive timing belt

Номер: GB2363375A

An electrically conductive article (1) which maintains the conductive property over an extended use life is comprised of an electrically conductive thermoplastic layer (8) on the surface which is in contact with another article. When forming belts for synchronous drive systems, in addition to maintaining the electrical properties, the conductive layer exhibits high abrasion resistance and good tooth formation. A bonding layer (9) may be provided between the article body and the conductive layer (8).

03-01-1996 дата публикации

Cable chain

Номер: GB0002266353B

25-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002168776A

Endless power transmission belt constructions having power transmitting contact faces, and methods of making the same. The belt constructions (20, 120) comprise an axial tensioning unit (21, 121), a plurality of lateral stiffening units (22, 122) which are carried by the tensioning unit, and friction material (29, 129) carried by at least one of the tensioning unit and stiffening units. The tensioning unit (21, 121) and the stiffening units (22, 122) are formed of a polymeric material that provides an axial and lateral stiffness in excess of that normally provided by polymeric friction material. In one inventive proposal, the friction material (29) is located only at the contact faces of the belt construction, and thereby defines only the contact surfaces (23, 26, 33) of the belt construction, while the tensioning and stiffening units define all other exposed areas of the belt construction. in another embodiment, the friction material (129) has a first portion thereof disposed on the units ...

20-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002195604B

10-06-1981 дата публикации

Positive drive system

Номер: GB0002064061A
Автор: Conrad, Rene A

A positive drive system comprises a coined drive cable (26) having a plurality of regularly spaced nodules (29) rigidly attached along at least a portion of its length, and one or more positive drive sheaves (20, 22, 23, 24) configured to receive the cable and its nodules to provide a positive, nonslip drive engagement between the drive cable and the sheaves. ...

06-04-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to power transmission belts

Номер: GB0001024867A

... 1,024,867. Belt gearing. NORTH BRITISH RUBBER CO. Ltd. May 5, 1964 [July 4, 1963], No. 26587/63. Heading F2Q. A toothed driving belt 10 has a back surface comprising a layer 18 of low friction material adapted to co-operate with a tensioner. The backing layer 18 and teeth 14 may be formed of a compound including graphite. A strain-resisting member 16 of high tensile wire, nylon, rayon or cotton is helically wound around the belt in a single layer which lies adjacent the dedendum line of the teeth 14. The inner face of the belt is covered with a nylon fabric 19. The body of the teeth 14 may be formed from extruded rubber. Instead of including graphite in the backing, a coating of synthetic resinous material, such as polytetrafluoroethylene may be applied to the backing.

14-02-2001 дата публикации

Toothed Belt

Номер: GB0002351336B

21-10-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to endless belts

Номер: GB0000972856A

... 972,856. Driving belts. H. H. WIESE. March 30, 1961 [March 30, 1960], No. 11670/61. Heading F2Q. [Also in Division B8] A rubber conveyer or belt 11 has wire re inforcements 13 carr y ing steel balls 14 at intervals. At the termination of the wires 13, the balls of each wire 13 are retained in a split housing 15. The two halves of the housing 15 are held to gether by rings 18. There may be a respective socket mounting for each ball in the housing 15. The belt may be of toothed formation (Fig. 8) teeth portions 21, 211 being vulcanized to the housing 15.

14-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002140122B

16-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002084688B

21-09-1983 дата публикации

Toothed belt

Номер: GB0002116287A

A toothed belt constituted by an annular body of elastomeric material, having a structure that is resistant to tensile stress embedded therein and having a toothing on one of its faces. The teeth of said annular body have at least one slot corresponding to their own top.

21-11-1984 дата публикации

Driving-belt pulley

Номер: GB0002140122A

A driving belt pulley provided with dowels protruding in the radial direction with respect to its axis, and adapted for insertion into corresponding holes in the belt itself. The belt pulley comprises a supporting surface for the belt, the width of which-measured in the direction of said axis-is between two and four times the dimension of the root-section of one of said dowels measured in the direction of said axis, while the dimension of the root-section of each one of said dowels measured in the direction orthogonal to the previous one is between 3/10 and 8/10 of the distance between the axes of two of said contiguous dowels measured in respect of their root-section.

06-05-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to power transmission arrangements

Номер: GB0000957406A

... 957,406. Belt gearing. M. BAERMANN. April 19, 1963 [April 26, 1962], No. 15565/63. Heading F2Q. In a power transmission system, an endless belt 1 connecting two pulleys comprises a permanent magnetic material forming magnetic poles of alternating polarity along the belt, while at least one of the pulleys has poles at the same pitch round its periphery so that magnetic forces prevent slipping of the belt on the pulley. On the side of the belt facing the pulleys is a layer of rubber or plastic, such as p.v.c., incorporating a pulverent permanent magnetic material, e.g. barium, strontium, or lead ferrite; or bismuth-manganese. The pulley may be a cylinder of a soft magnetic material or of a permanent magnetic material, with slots round the periphery filled with non-magnetic material to separate poles of alternate polarity. Alternatively, a ferromagnetic cylinder sheathed in a layer of flexible material incorporating a pulverent permanent magnetic material (Fig. 3, not shown), or a drum 6 of ...

30-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002116289B

12-04-1967 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to driving belts

Номер: GB0001065362A

... 1,065,362. Printing apparatus. GESTETNER Ltd. March 16, 1966 [March 17, 1965], No. 11363/65. Heading B6C. [Also in Division F2] A positive driving belt 1 for drivingly connecting the cylinders of a twin-cylinder stencil duplicator comprises a strip of substantially inextensible synthetic resin, e.g. polypropylene or " Delrin " (Registered Trade Mark), formed with a series of longitudinally spaced domes 8 adapted to receive hemispherical bosses circumferentially arranged near the ends of the cylinders to be coupled, and with reinforcing beads 2 along the edges. The ends of the belt include interfitting connections (3, 5) which may be joined by a hinge pin passed therethrough. Studs (11) are formed on the belt to receive screen and stencil mounting bars.

01-09-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008320293D0

17-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009111338D0

07-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008516648D0

08-03-1949 дата публикации

Improvements relating to driving-belts

Номер: GB0000619335A

... 619,335. Driving belts. SCHAEFFER, A., and PATRIZI, E. Dec. 3, 1946, Nos. 35764 and 35765. Convention dates, Dec. 17, 1945, and July 4, 1946. [Class 80 (i)] A driving belt 1 is provided over its inner face with a plurality of evenly spaced friction tongues 4 of leather or the like, one end of each of which is riveted at 3 to the belt through a spacing washer 2 to form a suction pocket, the other end 5 being directly riveted to to the belt. The tongues may be extended, and riveted to the belt on both sides of each washer.

02-06-1938 дата публикации

Improvements relating to driving belts

Номер: GB0000486401A

... 486,401. Driving - belts. SIEGLING, E. Nov. 12, 1937, No. 31128. Convention date, April 30. [Class 80 (i)] A driving-belt comprises a number of strips of leather set on edge side by side and connected by pins or rivets, one or more of the strips being arranged to form ribs or projections on the running surface of the belt. As shown in Fig. 2, the ribs b are of V-form. In modified forms, (1) ribs of rounded form comprising several strips, (2) rectangular-section. ribs, or (3) V-ribs projecting on both faces of the belt may be employed. The rectangular ribs engage somewhat larger grooves in the pulleys and serve simply as guides. In a further form, the non-projecting strips may be square-woven ropes, or fabric bound by caoutchouc, guttapercha &c. In the form shown in Fig. 10, the two strips forming the rib b are secured together by adhesive k, or by rivets of metal or vulcan fibre, not shown. The ribs may also comprise (1) side strips with a filler of natural or artificial caoutchouc between ...

09-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001558766A

08-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002013303B

26-04-1961 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing a belt

Номер: GB0000866684A

... 866,684. Moulding rubber belts. GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Sept. 22, 1958 [March 24, 1958], No. 30165/58. Class 87(2). [Also in Group XXIV] In the manufacture of an endless toothed driving belt comprising tension cords 16, Fig. 14, of wire or fabric and a toothed section of rubber or like vulcanisable material 7 covered with fabric 6, a flat composite sheet of unvulcanised rubber or the like and impregnated stretchable fabric is placed over a flat or cylindrical toothed matrix 1, Fig. 5, and subjected to warmth and pressure which causes the rubber to flow, still vulcanised, into the grooves between the matrix teeth, thereby stretching the fabric to line the grooves. The rubber and fabric layers 7, 6 may or may not be bonded together before pressure is applied. Pressure is applied to a flat matrix through a press platen, with the interposition of a lubricant or a sheet of material, such as polymerised tetrafluoroethylene, to which the rubber will not adhere. The matrix is preferably sprayed ...

29-12-1960 дата публикации

Conveyor or driving belt

Номер: GB0000857013A

... 857,013. Endless belt conveyers. DEUSSEN SOHNE G.m.b.H., J. H. Aug. 26, 1958 [Aug. 27, 1957; Nov. 5, 1957; March 21, 1958], No. 27305/58. Class 78 (1). [Also in Group XXIV] A driving or conveyer belt 1 is provided on its inner face with one or more longitudinal series of hemi-spherical projections 2 which engage corresponding recesses 4 in a driving- drum 3. One or more further series of hemispherical projections may also be provided on the outer face so that the belt may be reversed when it has become worn. Alternatively, the projections on the outer face may act as stops to prevent articles being conveyed from sliding longitudinally on the belt. Where more than one row of projections 2 is provided the projections in adjacent rows may be staggered (as shown) or in register with one another.

27-07-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000403951B

25-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000384868B

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391864T

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA1011273A

15-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: ATA888878A

15-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: ATA908185A

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: ATA902578A

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000475817T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000455256T

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000527470T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000554309T

15-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000043294A

15-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0001068673A

15-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000142756T

15-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000146260T

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000119637T

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000094263T

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000169096T

15-10-2019 дата публикации

The block toothed belt for conveyor systems

Номер: AT0000016491U1

Bei einem Blockzahnriemen (1) für Förderanlagen umfassend eine Mehrzahl von aus einem rückstellfähigem Material ausgebildeten Zähnen (2, 4), welche Zähne (2, 4) auf einer ersten Seite einer ein Band ausbildenden Mittelebene (7) eine geringere Höhe als auf einer der ersten Seite gegenüberliegenden Seite aufweisen, wobei zumindest in einem Teil der eine größere Höhe aufweisenden Zähne (4) gegebenenfalls mit Hülsen verstärkte Durchtrittsöffnungen ausgebildet sind und beidseits der Mittelebene (7) zwischen jeweils zwei benachbarten Zähnen (2, 4) im Wesentlichen U-förmige Vertiefungen (3, 5) ausgebildet sind, wobei der Blockzahnriemen (1) im Bereich der Mittelebene (7) mit einer sich in Richtung der Längserstreckung des Blockzahnriemens (1) erstreckenden Armierung (8) versehen ist, ist die Armierung (8) aus wenigstens einer sich über im Wesentlichen die gesamte Breite des Blockzahnriemens ( 1) erstreckenden Lage (9, 10) und wenigstens einer sich über wenigstens 20 % der Breite des Blockzahnriemens ...

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000277306T

15-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000192768T

27-12-1966 дата публикации

Drive belt

Номер: AT0000251358B

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000260425T

09-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030036104B

05-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032297425B

25-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039144471B

23-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037368489B

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Tooth Designs for Block Transmission Belts

Номер: US20120071285A1
Автор: Armin Sebastian Tay
Принадлежит: Individual

An inclined partial cylinder tooth shape for a block transmission belt that can be used with single tooth cones, cones with two opposite teeth, and transmission pulleys. Said inclined partial cylinder tooth shape allows for full surface to surface contact engagement between the engaging surfaces used for torque transmission in transmissions using block transmission belts, which is not achievable with currently known tooth shapes for a block transmission belt.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Toothed belt

Номер: US20120252619A1
Принадлежит: Gates Unitta Asia Co, Honda Motor Co Ltd

Configuring the inside of a tooth portion 15 of a toothed belt 10 with a core rubber layer 14 and the outer periphery of the tooth portion 15 with a tooth rubber layer 12 . Also, including short fibers in the core rubber layer 14 . The tooth rubber layer 12 is formed by curing a rubber composition containing 10 parts by weight or less high-density polyethylene with 100 parts by weight of matrix rubber. The value of tan δ for the tooth rubber layer 12 at 100-120° C. is maintained at 0.100-0.120.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225346A1
Автор: GIBSON Daniel Pattie
Принадлежит: Arntz Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG

A drive belt having a belt body which is made of a flexible material and a tensile reinforcement that extends in belt axial direction and which is surrounded by said belt body in sections at least to improve the tensile strength of the body in belt longitudinal direction wherein the tensile reinforcement is a carbon cord made of a plurality of twisted carbon fibers with a plurality of cavities between the fibers which are charged with a filler material in part at least. A first portion of the carbon fiber cavities is charged with a rupture risk reducing filler of a type different from the belt body flexible material and a second portion of said cavities of the carbon fibers is filled with belt body flexible material. The carbon cord has less than 0.2 mg of belt body flexible material per one millimetercord volume. 1. A drive belt havinga body which is made of a flexible material anda tensile reinforcement which extends in a belt axial direction and is surrounded by said belt body in sections at least to improve the tensile strength of the body in belt longitudinal directionwherein the tensile reinforcement is a carbon cord consisting of a plurality of twisted carbon fibers with a plurality of cavities between said fibers which are filled with a filler material in part at least,{'b': 10', '2', '9', '9', '5', '2', '9', '9', '3', '2, 'sup': '3', 'wherein a rupture risk reducing filler () different from the flexible material for the belt body () is filled into a first portion (′) of the cavities () of said carbon fibers () and the flexible material for the belt body () is introduced into a second portion (″) of said cavities (), wherein a carbon cord () contains less than 0.2 mg flexible material for the belt body () per one millimetercord volume.'}21099. The drive belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rupture risk reducing filler () filling said first portion (′) of the cavities () comprises epoxy resin and/or isocyanate.33551095. The drive belt according to claim 1 ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237354A1
Автор: SHIRIIKE Hiroyuki

A friction drive belt has a pulley contact portion of a belt body, and at least the pulley contact portion is made of a rubber composition. Numerous pores are formed in a surface of the pulley contact portion of the belt body, and numerous small protrusions having an average height of 4-40 μm are formed to protrude from the surface. 1. A friction drive belt in which at least a pulley contact portion of a belt body is made of a rubber composition , whereinnumerous pores are formed in a surface of the pulley contact portion of the belt body, and numerous small protrusions having an average height of 4-40 μm are formed to protrude from the surface.2. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereinthe numerous pores are made of partially removed hollow particles blended into the rubber composition forming the pulley contact portion.3. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereinthe numerous pores are made of partially removed hollows foamed by a foaming agent blended into the rubber composition forming the pulley contact portion.4. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereinan average pore size of the numerous pores is 70-120 μm.5. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereinthe numerous small protrusions are formed by partially exposing solid particles blended into the rubber composition forming the pulley contact portion.6. The friction drive belt of claim 5 , whereinthe solid particles are made of resin particles.7. The friction drive belt of claim 6 , whereinthe solid particles are made of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene resin particles.8. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereina peak-to-valley distance between each of the numerous pores and each of the numerous small protrusions is 45 μm or more.9. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereina rubber component of the rubber composition forming the pulley contact portion is an ethylene-α-olefin elastomer.10. The friction drive belt of claim 1 , whereina short fiber is not blended into the rubber ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Low-noise belt drive

Номер: US20130237355A1
Автор: Thomas Lubojatzky
Принадлежит: ThyssenKrupp Presta AG

The invention relates to electromechanical power-assisted steering for motor vehicles, having a steering gear in which a belt drive is provided for power transmission between a servomotor and a gear transmission and which comprises a toothed belt and two belt pulleys coupled by means of the toothed belt, wherein the toothed belt, transversely to its running direction, has a concave internal contour, viewed from the belt pulley, and in that corresponding belt pulleys are provided transversely to the direction of rotation with a corresponding convex external contour.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Power Transmission Belt and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20130237356A1
Автор: Pasch Lambert

A method of making a belt including the steps of: (a) helically wrapping a fabric strip of predetermined width on a mandrel at a first helix angle; (b) helically winding a tensile cord onto the mandrel over the fabric at a second helix angle less than the first helix angle; (c) wrapping a sheet or a strip of elastomer material around the mandrel over the tensile cord; and (d) curing the elastomer material under pressure to form a belt sleeve. The mandrel may be grooved for making toothed belts. The fabric strip may be preformed. A resulting toothed belt has a fabric seam spanning several teeth and having a helix angle. The seam may be joined. 1. A toothed endless belt comprising:an elastomeric belt body with a plurality of teeth defining a toothed surface of said belt; anda helically wrapped fabric strip covering the toothed surface with adjacent edges of the fabric strip overlapping one another one-half the width of said fabric strip and describing a helical seam;with said seam extending over more than two teeth.2. The belt of wherein the fabric strip has a width equal to or greater than the width of the belt.3. The belt of wherein said seam extends over more than four teeth.4. The belt of wherein said seam extends at least one fourth of the circumference of the belt and no more than once around the circumference of the belt.5. The belt of wherein said seam defines a first helix angle relative to a side edge of the belt; and further comprising:a helically wrapped tensile cord embedded in the belt body with the tensile cord describing a second helix angle relative to the side edge of the belt;with the first helix angle greater than the second helix angle.6. The belt of wherein the cord centers are collinear when viewed in a belt section.7. The belt of wherein the first helix angle is greater than the second helix angle by a factor of more than two.8. The belt of wherein the first helix angle is in the range of about 1.5 degrees to about 20 degrees.9. The belt of ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080647A1

Provided is a toothed belt that has satisfactory durability even under high-temperature and high-load conditions or within an oil or water environment. The toothed belt comprises a belt body including a tooth rubber portion and a backing rubber portion . A surface of the tooth rubber portion is covered with a facing fabric . The facing fabric is subjected to RFL treatment, and has an outer surface covered with a hardened material of a first epoxy resin. The softening point of the hardened material of the first epoxy resin is, for example, 110° C. or higher. The epoxy equivalent of the first epoxy resin is, for example, 100 to 1500 g/eq. Alternatively, the facing fabric is subjected to impregnation treatment with a treatment agent including a second epoxy resin, a hardener for hardening the second epoxy resin, and a rubber component. 1. A toothed belt comprising a belt body that includes a tooth portion and a tooth bottom portion alternately provided on one surface side thereof along the longitudinal direction , and a facing fabric which is provided on the one surface of the belt body and has an outer surface covered with a hardened material of a first epoxy resin.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the softening point of the hardened material of the first epoxy resin is 110° C. or higher.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the epoxy equivalent of the first epoxy resin is 100 to 1 claim 1 ,500 g/eq.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the hardened material of the first epoxy resin is applied to the facing fabric that is subjected to RFL treatment.5. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the first epoxy resin is hardened by a first hardener.6. The toothed belt according to claim 5 , wherein the first hardener includes at least one hardener selected from the group consisting of amine-based hardener claim 5 , acid anhydride-based hardener claim 5 , phenol novolak-based hardener claim 5 , imidazole-based hardener ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

V-Ribbed Belt and Use Thereof

Номер: US20210003194A1

The present invention relates to a V-ribbed belt in which a friction transmission surface of a compression rubber layer is coated with a knit fabric. The compression rubber layer is formed of the cured product of a rubber composition containing an ethylene-α-olefin elastomer and carbon black wherein the carbon black contains a soft carbon having a primary particle diameter of at least 40 nm and a hard carbon having a primary particle diameter of less than 40 nm. The ratio between the number of particles of the soft carbon and hard carbon is former/latter=3/97 to 25/75. 1. A V-ribbed belt comprising a compression rubber layer having a frictional power-transmission surface covered with a knitted cloth ,whereinthe compression rubber layer comprises a cured material of a rubber composition comprising an ethylene-α-olefin elastomer and a carbon black,the carbon black comprises a soft carbon having a primary particle size of 40 nm or more and a hard carbon having a primary particle size of less than 40 nm, anda ratio of the number of particles between the soft carbon and the hard carbon satisfies a relation of former/latter=3/97 to 25/75.2. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the soft carbon has an average primary particle size of 45 to 100 nm claim 1 , and the hard carbon has an average primary particle size of 10 to 35 nm.3. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition further comprises a staple fiber having a proportion of 10 parts by mass or lower with respect to 100 parts by mass of the ethylene-α-olefin elastomer.4. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon black has a proportion of 30 parts by mass or higher with respect to 100 parts by mass of the ethylene-α-olefin elastomer.5. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition further comprises a vulcanizing agent and/or a crosslinking agent claim 1 , and a total proportion of the vulcanizing agent and the crosslinking agent is 1 to 5 ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005121A1
Автор: Sakanaka Hiroyuki

A V-belt for high load transmission includes numbers of blocks engaged with and fixed to tension bands. Power is transmitted by meshing teeth of the blocks with grooves of the tension bands. A belt pitch width a being a width of each block at a position of a cord of each tension band, and a meshing thickness b of the tension band between bottoms of upper recesses and bottoms of lower recesses of the tension band satisfy a relationship of b/a≦0.08. (That is, the meshing thickness b of each tension band is 8% or smaller of the belt pitch width a). The meshing thickness b of the tension band and a total thickness c of the tension band being a thickness of each of cogs, which are portions of the tension band other than the upper and lower recesses, satisfy a relationship of c/b≧2.0. 1. A V-belt for high load transmission comprising: a cord buried inside a shape-retaining rubber layer, and', 'numbers of upper and lower grooves arranged in a belt length direction to vertically correspond to each other, the upper grooves being formed in an upper surface facing a back of the belt, and the lower grooves being formed in a lower surface facing a bottom of the belt; and, 'tension bands, each including'} fit portions in which the tension bands are press-fitted,', 'an upper tooth formed in upper surfaces of the fit portions and meshing with the upper grooves of the tension bands, and', 'a lower tooth formed in lower surfaces of the fit portions and meshing with the lower grooves of the tension bands, wherein, 'numbers of blocks, each including'}the tension bands are fitted in the fit portions of the blocks, thereby engaging and fixing the blocks with and to the tension bands,meshing of the teeth of the blocks with the grooves of the tension bands transmits power,a belt pitch width a being a belt width at a position of the cord of each tension band, and a meshing thickness b of the tension band between lower ends of the upper grooves and upper ends of the lower grooves satisfy a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160010730A1
Автор: Ziliak Mark Alan

A synchronous belt sprocket includes a generally circular body including a circumferential belt engagement surface, a plurality of teeth extending radially outwardly from the circumferential belt engagement surface, and at least one flange coupled to the body. The at least one flange has a first end adjacent the body, a second end generally opposite the first end and radially outward from the first end, a surface extending between the first and second ends and facing the circumferential belt engagement surface, and a length defined between the first and second ends. At least half the length of the surface of at least one flange facing the circumferential belt engagement surface is obtusely angled relative to the circumferential belt engagement surface. 1. A synchronous belt sprocket , comprising:a generally circular body including a circumferential belt engagement surface;a plurality of teeth extending radially outwardly from the circumferential belt engagement surface; andat least one flange coupled to the body, the at least one flange having a first end adjacent the body, a second end generally opposite the first end and radially outward from the first end, a surface extending between the first and second ends and facing the circumferential belt engagement surface, and a length defined between the first and second ends, and at least half the length of the surface of at least one flange facing the circumferential belt engagement surface is obtusely angled relative to the circumferential belt engagement surface.2. The synchronous belt sprocket of claim 1 , wherein a first end portion and a second end portion of the surface at least one flange facing the circumferential belt engagement surface are obtusely angled relative to the circumferential belt engagement surface.3. The synchronous belt sprocket of claim 1 , wherein the surface of the at least one flange facing the circumferential belt engagement surface extends at a constant obtuse angle from the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011016A1

A toothed belt is provided with toothed portions arranged at a regular pitch in a belt length direction. A belt body is made of a rubber composition containing, as a main ingredient of a rubber component, ethylene-α-olefin elastomer having an ethylene content of 44% by mass to 66% by mass. A reinforcing fabric is adhered to a surface of the belt body on a toothed side, with a reinforcing fabric adhesion coat interposed between the reinforcing fabric and the belt body. The reinforcing fabric adhesion coat is made of a rubber composition containing hydrogenated nitrile-butadiene rubber as a main ingredient of a rubber component. 1. A toothed belt provided with toothed portions arranged at a regular pitch in a belt length direction , the toothed belt comprising:a belt body made of a rubber composition containing, as a main ingredient of a rubber component, ethylene-α-olefin elastomer having an ethylene content of 44% by mass to 66% by mass; anda reinforcing fabric adhered to a surface of the belt body on a toothed side, with a reinforcing fabric adhesion coat interposed between the belt body and the reinforcing fabric, the reinforcing fabric adhesion coat being made of a rubber composition containing hydrogenated nitrile-butadiene rubber as a main ingredient of a rubber component.2. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe ethylene-α-olefin elastomer contained in the rubber component of the rubber composition making the belt body has an ethylene content of 60% by mass or less.3. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe rubber composition making the belt body is crosslinked by using an organic peroxide.4. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe rubber composition making the belt body contains a co-crosslinking agent.5. The toothed belt of claim 4 , whereinthe co-crosslinking agent contains trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate.6. The toothed belt of claim 4 , whereinthe co-crosslinking agent contains zinc dimethacrylate.7. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe rubber ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Fluororubber composition

Номер: US20150017364A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

A fluororubber composition including a fluororubber having an iodine content of 10 to 90 mol % for the total mole of the polymer end groups and a carbon black (B), wherein a difference (δG′), represented by G′(1%)-G′(100%), is not lower than 120 kPa and not higher than 3,000 kPa, where G′(1%) denotes a shear modulus at a dynamic strain of 1% under an uncrosslinked state and G′(100%) denotes a shear modulus at a dynamic strain of 100% under an uncrosslinked state, and G′(1%) and G′(100%) are determined by a dynamic viscoelasticity test with a rubber process analyzer (RPA) in a condition that the measurement frequency is 1 Hz and the measurement temperature is 100° C.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Helical Tooth Belt and Belt Transmission

Номер: US20210018063A1

The present invention relates to a helical toothed belt including: a back portion; a tension member buried in the back portion; and a plurality of tooth portions arranged at a predetermined interval along a belt longitudinal direction on one surface of the back portion, in which the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 1.5 mm or more and less than 2.0 mm, the back portion has a thickness of 0.4 mm or more and 1.2 mm or less, the tension member is formed of a twisted cord containing a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber, and the ratio of the total value of an interval between the tension members adjacent to each other to the belt width is 20% or more and 60% or less. 1. A helical toothed belt , comprising:a back portion;a tension member buried in the back portion and arranged in a belt width direction; anda plurality of tooth portions that are arranged at a predetermined interval along a belt longitudinal direction on one surface of the back portion and each are inclined with respect to a belt width direction,wherein a surface of the tooth portion and a portion of the one surface of the back portion are formed of a tooth fabric,the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 1.5 mm or more and less than 2.0 mm,the back portion has a thickness of 0.4 mm or more and 1.2 mm or less,the tension member is formed of a twisted cord containing a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber, anda ratio of a total value of an interval between the tension members adjacent to each other in the belt width direction to the belt width is in a range of 20% or more and 60% or less.2. The helical toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tension member has a diameter in a range of 0.2 mm or more and 0.6 mm or less.3. The helical toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tension members are arranged such that each tension member pitch between the adjacent tension members is in a range of 0.45 mm or more and 1.0 mm or less.4. The helical toothed ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023098A1
Автор: Burlett Donald J.

This disclosure describes systems and methods which utilize organoclays compounded with zinc acrylates to improve the performance of drive belts. In performing research on organoclays, the inventors created formulations and methods of compatibilizing organoclays with metal salts of α-β-unsaturated organic acids and incorporating the compatibilized organoclays into the belt compound so that the planar organoclay particles are substantially aligned with the longitudinal plane of the belt. This is shown to provide a) lower Mooney viscosity (resulting in greater ease of processing), b) higher stiffness (both tensile and dynamic) c) improved tear resistance, d) lower crack growth rate and e) nearly equivalent fatigue resistance in spite of the increased stiffness. This combination of traits in the belts created utilizing the organoclay/zinc acrylate technology described herein results in an unexpectedly improved belt. 1. A power transmission belt having an elastomeric belt body , said elastomeric belt body comprising:an organoclay compatibilized using one or more maleated polymers, reactive silanes and metal salts of α-β-unsaturated organic acids.2. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , wherein the organoclay further comprises one or more of the following:a) one or more of a smectite group material, a vermiculite group material or a kaolin group material.b) wherein the organoclay is one or more of montmorillonite, aliettite, beidellite, ferrosaponite, hectorite, nontronite, pimelite, saliotite, saponite, sauconite, stevensite, swinefordite, volkonskoite, yakhontovite, and zincsilite.c) wherein the organoclay is primarily montmorillonite modified using an ammonium salt.d) wherein the organoclay is primarily montmorillonite modified using a dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium salt.e) wherein the organoclay includes montmorillonite modified using a dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium salt as a surface modifier and having a surface modifier concentration of about ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Transmission belt and associated transmission system

Номер: US20170023100A1
Принадлежит: Dayco Europe SRL

A transmission belt is described which comprises a body made of a first elastomeric material, a plurality of teeth and a plurality of longitudinal cords buried in the body of the belt and a back. The belt has a working surface on said teeth and the working surface is at least partially covered by a covering made of a plastic and/or metal material. Defining the area comprised between the plane defined by the neutral axis of the cords, the working surface and the median transverse planes of two adjacent teeth as the unitary longitudinal section, the covering preferably occupies at least 25% of the unitary longitudinal section.

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Low Modulus Belt Utilizing Tensile Member and Belt Carcass

Номер: US20180023663A1
Автор: Speer William
Принадлежит: ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH

An endless belt is provided includes a compression section, a tension section, and a cover layer, together defining a longitudinal direction of the endless belt. The tension section has a plurality of tensile members extending at an angle of 0° to 45° relative to the longitudinal direction of the endless belt, and the tensile members are orientated a zig-zag pattern. In some cases, the plurality of tensile members extend along the longitudinal direction of the belt at an angle of 0°. Each of the plurality of tensile members may be continuous or discontinuous. The tensile members may be laid in a plane substantially parallel with the longitudinal direction of the belt. The tension section may include two sets of a plurality of tensile members, where the first set tensile members are orientated in a first zig-zag pattern and the second set of tensile members are orientated in a second zig-zag pattern. 1. An endless belt comprising a compression section , a tension section , and a cover layer , which define a longitudinal direction , wherein the tension section comprises a plurality of tensile members extending at an angle of 0° to 45° relative to the longitudinal direction of the endless belt , and wherein the tensile members are orientated a zig-zag pattern.2. The endless belt of wherein the plurality of tensile members are extended along the longitudinal direction of the endless belt at an angle of 0°.3. The endless belt of wherein each of the plurality of tensile members is continuous.4. The endless belt of wherein the tensile members are laid in a plane parallel with the longitudinal direction of the belt.5. The endless belt of wherein the tension section comprises two sets of a plurality of tensile members claim 1 , and wherein a first set tensile members are orientated in a first zig-zag pattern and a second set of tensile members are orientated in a second zig-zag pattern.6. The endless belt of wherein the first zig-zag pattern and the second zig-zag pattern ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029578A1

A belt with a tensile cord embedded in an elastomeric body, having an adhesive composition impregnating the cord and coating the fibers. The adhesive composition is the reaction product of a polyisocyanate and a polyol, or a polyurethane prepolymer derived therefrom, and a polyamine curative and optionally additional polyol, and with optionally added plasticizer. At least one of the polyisocyanate, the prepolymer, and the polyamine are blocked with a blocking agent. The belt body may be of cast polyurethane, vulcanized rubber, or thermoplastic elastomer. The cord may have an adhesive overcoat. 2. The belt of wherein said adhesive composition is further a reaction product of a second polyol claim 1 , or an oligomeric polyamine.3. The belt of wherein said adhesive composition further comprises a plasticizer.4. The belt of wherein said plasticizer is at least one selected from the group consisting of phthalates claim 3 , organo-phosphates claim 3 , dialkyl-ether di-alkylesters and polyalkylene-ether di-alkylesters.5. The belt of wherein said at least one of said polyurethane prepolymer claim 1 , said polyisocyanate claim 1 , and said curative is blocked curative complex 4 claim 1 ,4′-methylenebisdianiline-NaCl.6. The belt of wherein said polyurethane prepolymer is blocked with at least one said blocking agent selected from the group consisting of 3 claim 1 ,5-dimethylpyrazole (“DMP”) claim 1 , diethylmalonate (“DEM”) claim 1 , ε-caprolactam (“CAP”) claim 1 , and methyl ethyl ketoxime (“MEKO”).7. The belt of wherein said blocking agent is DMP.8. The belt of wherein said blocking agent is MEKO.9. The belt of wherein said tensile cord comprises carbon fiber.10. A method of preparing a belt comprising a reinforced elastomeric body claim 1 , said method comprising:providing a tensile cord impregnated with an adhesive composition comprising the reaction product of;a polyisocyanate and a first polyol or a polyurethane prepolymer comprising said polyisocyanate and said first ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Synchronous Belt With Tough Fabric

Номер: US20170030431A1

A belt having an elastomeric body, a tensile cord embedded therein, and a tooth fabric having an increased value of Fabric Tensile Toughness as defined herein. The Fabric Tensile Toughness may be derived from properties of the yarns making up the fabric, such as yarn linear density, yarn ultimate elongation, yarn tensile strength, yarn packing density and weave ratio. The Fabric Tensile Toughness may be greater than 60 mJ/mm. The belt may be a toothed belt of cast polyurethane with carbon fiber tensile cord. Also disclosed is a method of improving a known tooth cover fabric for a toothed power transmission belt involving selecting a different fabric having a higher Fabric Tensile Toughness than the known fabric and orienting the different fabric so the direction of highest Fabric Tensile Toughness is oriented in the longitudinal direction of the belt. 1. A toothed power transmission belt comprising a tooth cover comprising a woven fabric having half the product of weft elongation and weft strength (i.e. the Fabric Tensile Toughness as defined herein) greater than 60 mJ/mm.2. The toothed power transmission belt according to wherein said Fabric Tensile Toughness in the weft direction is greater than or equal to 60 mJ/mmwhen the weft yarn has a breaking strength of 0.03 to 0.049 N/dtex or is medium-tenacity nylon 66; or is greater than about 80 mJ/mmwhen the weft yarn has a breaking strength of 0.05 N/dtex or greater or is high-tenacity nylon 66.3. The toothed power transmission belt of wherein the tooth pitch is nominally 14 mm.4. The toothed power transmission belt of further comprising a belt body comprising cast polyurethane.5. The toothed power transmission belt of further comprising a tensile cord of carbon fiber.6. The toothed power transmission belt of wherein the fabric has a zig-zag twill weave.7. The toothed power transmission belt of wherein the fabric has a 4×2 twill weave.8. The toothed power transmission belt of wherein the fabric has a two-layer weave ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033493A1
Автор: Akutsu Susumu
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co.,Ltd.

The disclosure provides a position changing device capable of reducing the size of the entire device in a plane. A position changing device () includes four pulley mechanisms (). In the pulley mechanism (), a toothed belt () is wound around a driving pulley () and a driven pulley (), and is held between the driving pulley () and an idler roller () by the idler roller () and held between the driven pulley () and an idler roller () by the idler roller (), and when the driving pulley () is driven by a driving mechanism (), the position of a movable base plate () is changed. 1. A position changing device changing a planar position of an operation machine , the position changing device comprising:a base having a planar upper surface;a moving member provided on the upper surface of the base to be movable within a predetermined range of the upper surface, and the operation machine being arranged at an upper portion of the moving member; andfour moving mechanisms arranged on the base in a positional relationship of a quadrangular shape in a plan view to surround the moving member, and moving the moving member within the predetermined range,wherein each of the four moving mechanisms comprises:an elongated member having flexibility, and two ends of the elongated member being connected to the moving member;a plurality of first rotating members arranged outside the predetermined range of the moving member on the base and wound with the elongated member, and the plurality of first rotating members being rotatable around an axis line extending in a vertical direction;a second rotating member provided to be rotatable around the axis line extending in the vertical direction, and holding the elongated member between the second rotating member and each of the plurality of first rotating members; anda driving mechanism moving the moving member within the predetermined range via the elongated member by rotationally driving at least one of the plurality of first rotating members around ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Transmission Belt, Method for Manufacturing Transmission Belt, Reinforcing Fabric, and Method for Manufacturing Reinforcing Fabric

Номер: US20180036975A1
Принадлежит: Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd

A power transmission belt includes a compression rubber layer that is provided on an inner circumferential side, a cog portion that is provided in at least the compression rubber layer and has cog ridges and cog valleys alternately arranged along a belt longitudinal direction, and a reinforcing fabric layer that covers a surface of the cog portion. The reinforcing fabric layer includes at least one reinforcing fabric that is bonded to surfaces of the cog ridges and the cog valleys along the belt longitudinal direction and that covers the surface of the cog portion. Both end portions of the reinforcing fabric are joined to each other at only at least one joint portion in the belt longitudinal direction. The joint portion is disposed at only a position corresponding to the cog ridge.

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Cross-linkable nitrile rubber composition and cross-linked rubber

Номер: US20170037224A1
Принадлежит: Zeon Corp

A cross-linkable nitrile rubber composition including a highly saturated nitrile rubber (a) containing α,β-ethylenically unsaturated nitrile monomer units and α,β-ethylenically unsaturated dicarboxylic acid monoester monomer units and having an iodine value of 120 or less, organic staple fiber (b) with an average fiber length of 0.1 to 12 mm, and a polyamine cross-linking agent (c) is provided. The cross-linkable nitrile rubber composition able to give cross-linked rubber excellent in tensile stress and low heat buildup can be provided.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039196A1

A polymeric product with at least one surface subject to wear or abrasion, at least a portion of which product includes microcapsules of an indicator substance which is released to indicate a state of wear has been reached. The microencapsulated indicator substance may be a fragrance or a colorant. The indicating portion or zone may be a layer or a thin sheet of microcapsules in rubber or in the polymeric material making up the body of the product. There may be more than one indicating layer or zone in the product. The various zones may contain different fragrances or colorants, which may provide progressive indication of the state of wear. 1. An article subject to wear or abrasion in use comprising a polymeric body; a surface subject to wear; one or more indicating layers at or near said surface; wherein each indicating layer comprises a polymeric matrix with microcapsules embedded therein , said microcapsules containing an indicating material comprising a fragrance or a colorant.2. The article of in the form of a drive belt or a transport belt.3. The article of in the form of a V-belt claim 2 , a multi-V-ribbed belt claim 2 , or a toothed belt.4. The article of in the form of a tire.5. The article of in the form of a hose.6. The article of in the form of a wheel.7. The article of wherein an indicating layer resides at the surface subject to wear.8. The article of comprising two or more said indicating layers.9. The article of wherein said indicating layers are contiguous.10. The article of wherein said indicating layers are separated by non-indicating layers.11. The article of wherein at least one said indicating layer is embedded at a predetermined depth below the wear surface at which the degree of wear would indicate the article should be inspected or replaced.12. An article subject to wear or abrasion in use comprising a polymeric body; a surface subject to wear comprising a covering jacket; wherein said jacket comprises a fabric and a treatment; wherein said ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045116A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Shogo

A power transmission belt has a cord embedded in a belt body made of rubber. The cord is configured as a plied yarn with a total fiber fineness of 4000 to 5000 dtex. The plied yarn consists of four primarily-twisted yarns, each being obtained by subjecting a bundle of para-aramid fibers with a fiber fineness of 1000 to 1250 dtex to a primary twist in one direction at a twist coefficient of 1200 to 1350, and these four primarily-twisted yarns are then secondarily twisted in the opposite direction to the primary twist at a twist coefficient of 900 to 1100, thereby obtaining the plied yarn. 1. A power transmission belt with a cord embedded in a belt body made of rubber , whereinthe cord is configured as a plied yarn with a total fiber fineness of 4000 to 5000 dtex, the plied yarn consisting of four primarily-twisted yarns, each being obtained by subjecting a bundle of para-aramid fibers with a fiber fineness of 1000 to 1250 dtex to a primary twist in one direction at a twist coefficient of 1200 to 1350, and the four primarily-twisted yarns are subjected to a secondary twist in an opposite direction to the primary twist at a twist coefficient of 900 to 1100 to make the plied yarn.2. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereina ratio of the twist coefficient of the secondary twist to that of the primary twist (twist coefficient of the secondary twist/the twist coefficient of the primary twist) of the plied yarn which constitutes the cord is 0.5 to 1.3. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereineach of the four primarily-twisted yarns of the plied yarn that constitutes the cord is primarily twisted 35 to 46 times/10 cm.4. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe plied yarn that constitutes the cord is secondarily twisted 13 to 19 times/10 cm.5. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe cord has an outside diameter of 0.73 to 0.83 mm.6. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe plied yarn that constitutes the cord has a strength of ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160053850A1

A method for fabricating a belt with upstream treatment of a tension member. The belt comprises a belt body made of a polymeric material having elastic properties, having a top ply as belt backing and a substructure having a force transmission zone, and a tension member embedded into the belt body. The tension member has been treated with crosslinked polymer; in an upstream stage of the belt fabrication method, voids in the tension member are filled at least partly with crosslinked polymer and the tension member is sealed with an envelope layer of crosslinked polymer, this being done, in a single treatment stage or in at least two treatment stages, by wetting of the tension member with an overall treatment mixture comprising at least one prepolymer, at least one crosslinker and at least one solvent or dispersion medium, and then drying of the treated tension member. 1. A process for the manufacture of a belt with upstream treatment of a tension-member system , the process comprising: wetting a tension-member system with a first complete treatment mixture including at least one prepolymer, at least one crosslinking agent, and at least one solvent or dispersion medium;', 'filling cavities in the tension-member system at least to some extent with the first complete treatment mixture;', 'sealing the tension-member system with an encapsulating layer to make an encapsulated tension-member system; and,', 'drying the encapsulated tension-member system to prepare an at least partially crosslinked polymer and to complete the upstream treatment;, 'performing an upstream treatment byforming a substructure of a belt having a force-transmission zone by embedding the encapsulated tension-member system in a polymeric material with elastic properties; and,forming a main belt structure by providing an outer layer as belt backing on the substructure having the force-transmission zone;wherein the wetting of the tension-member system is carried out in a single treatment stage or is ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Double-Sided Toothed Belt

Номер: US20210054904A1
Автор: Tamura Eiki

The present invention relates to a double-sided toothed belt having a plurality of inner teeth arranged on the inner circumferential side of the belt at a prescribed pitch along the lengthwise direction of the belt; and a plurality of outer teeth arranged on the outer circumferential side of the belt at a prescribed pitch along the lengthwise direction of the belt. The double-sided toothed belt is characterized in that: the pitch of the plurality of inner teeth and the pitch of the plurality of outer teeth are equal; the positions of the inner teeth and the outer teeth along the lengthwise direction of the belt match; and the tooth shapes of the inner teeth and the outer teeth are dissimilar. 1. A double-side-toothed belt comprising:a plurality of inner tooth portions arranged on an inner circumferential side of the belt at a predetermined pitch in a longitudinal direction of the belt; anda plurality of outer tooth portions arranged on an outer circumferential side of the belt at a predetermined pitch in the longitudinal direction of the belt, whereinthe pitch of the inner tooth portions and the pitch of the outer tooth portions are equal to each other, and positions of the inner tooth portions and positions of the outer tooth portions coincide in the longitudinal direction of the belt, andtooth shapes of the inner tooth portions and the outer tooth portions are not similar to each other.2. The double-side-toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the inner tooth portions and the outer tooth portions have side face shapes different from each other.3. The double-side-toothed belt according to claim 2 , wherein either the inner tooth portions or the outer tooth portions have side faces of flat faces and the other tooth portions have side faces of curved faces.4. The double-side-toothed belt according to claim 3 , wherein each of the side faces of the other tooth portions is a convex curved face bulging outward.5. The double-side-toothed belt according to claim 4 , ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Nubbed belt

Номер: US20210054905A1
Принадлежит: Megadyne SpA

A belt having a rear face and a front surface, which is opposite the rear face, is suitable to be coupled to at least one pulley and has a plurality of nubs, which project from a band portion, in which cords are embedded; the nubs have the same shape and sizes as one another, are arranged along a plurality of rows parallel to a longitudinal axis of the belt, and are longitudinally spaced apart from one another with a constant pitch; each nub ends, in a longitudinal direction, with two end portions opposite one another and is provided with an intermediate portion, which joins the end portions to one another and has two sides, which are parallel to the longitudinal axis.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Helically Toothed Belt Power Transmitting Device

Номер: US20200049230A1

This helically toothed belt power transmitting device () has: a toothed belt () having a plurality of teeth () tilted relative to the width direction of the belt; a drive pulley; and a driven pulley. The width of the helically toothed belt () is 1 mm to 20 mm, inclusive. The core () of the toothed belt () is a twisted cord containing high-strength glass fibers or carbon fibers and has a diameter of 0.2 mm to 0.9 mm, inclusive. The compressibility of the teeth () of the toothed belt () compressed by the grooves of the drive pulley and the driven pulley is 0% to 5%, inclusive. 1. A helical toothed belt power-transmission device comprising: a back portion in which a tension member is embedded, and', 'a plurality of tooth portions which are provided on one surface of the back portion at prescribed intervals along a belt longitudinal direction and each of which is inclined with respect to a belt width direction, surfaces of the tooth portions being formed of a tooth fabric;, 'a helical toothed belt comprisinga drive pulley comprising drive pulley grooves meshing with the tooth portions and being configured to be rotatably driven by a drive source; anda driven pulley comprising driven pulley grooves meshing with the tooth portions,wherein the helical toothed belt has a belt width of 1 mm or more and 20 mm or less,wherein the tension member is a twisted cord comprising a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber and having a diameter of 0.2 mm or more and 0.9 mm or less, and {'br': None, 'Compression ratio=(tooth height−pulley groove depth)/tooth height×100.'}, 'wherein a compression ratio of the tooth portions due to the drive pulley grooves and the driven pulley grooves, defined by the following formula, is 0% or more and 5% or less2. The helical toothed belt power-transmission device according to claim 1 , satisfying:{'br': None, 'i': W', 'Pt>, '1−·tan θ/0'}when a tooth pitch of the helical toothed belt is Pt, a belt width is W, and a tooth trace angle with respect to ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180051772A1

A synchronous drive belt includes an outer tension section and opposing continuous tooth section defining an outer surface. The synchronous drive belt further includes a cross-linked elastomeric body, and a tensile reinforcement section disposed between the outer tension section and the cross-linked elastomeric body. A fabric reinforcement is disposed inwardly adjacent the outer surface of the continuous tooth section, and the fabric reinforcement is enveloped by the cross-linked elastomeric body. Further, the cross-linked elastomeric body forms the outer surface of the continuous tooth section. In some aspects, the cross-linked elastomeric body contains a urethane material, which may be formed from the reaction product of a polyisocyanate and a hydroxyl functional polyol during a belt molding process. The polyisocyanate and the hydroxyl functional polyol may envelop the fabric reinforcement prior to reacting during the belt molding process, or even while reacting in the molding process. 2. The synchronous drive belt of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linked elastomeric body comprises a urethane material.3. The synchronous drive belt of claim 2 , wherein the urethane material is formed from the reaction product of a diisocyanate and a hydroxyl functional polyether.4. The synchronous drive belt of claim 3 , wherein the diisocyanate and the hydroxyl functional polyether are reacted during a belt molding process.5. The synchronous drive belt of claim 4 , wherein the diisocyanate and the hydroxyl functional polyether envelop the fabric reinforcement prior to reacting during the belt molding process.6. The synchronous drive belt of claim 3 , wherein the diisocyanate and the hydroxyl functional polyether are subject to a temperature of from about 80° C. to about 100° C. during a belt molding process.7. The synchronous drive belt of claim 3 , wherein the diisocyanate and the hydroxyl functional polyether are injected into a belt mold and reacted during a belt molding process ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Toothed Belt

Номер: US20170051810A1

The present invention relates to a toothed belt containing tooth parts that are disposed at predetermined intervals along a belt longitudinal direction, a cord, and a back side that has the cord embedded therein, in which the cord contains a Lang-twisted glass fiber, an adhesion treatment layer, and an overcoat treatment layer, the overcoat treatment layer is formed on a surface of the adhesion treatment layer, the back side is composed of a rubber composition, and the rubber composition contains from 5 parts by mass to 20 parts by mass of a plasticizer based on 100 parts by mass of a rubber component. 1. A toothed belt comprising tooth parts that are disposed at predetermined intervals along a belt longitudinal direction , a cord , and a back side that has the cord embedded therein ,wherein the cord comprises a Lang-twisted glass fiber, an adhesion treatment layer, and an overcoat treatment layer, and the overcoat treatment layer is formed on a surface of the adhesion treatment layer, andthe back side is composed of a rubber composition, and the rubber composition comprises from 5 parts by mass to 20 parts by mass of a plasticizer based on 100 parts by mass of a rubber component.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of ether-based claim 1 , ester-based claim 1 , ether ester-based claim 1 , phthalic acid-based claim 1 , and adipic acid-based ones.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition constituting the back side has a rubber hardness measured at 25° C. of from 70° to 85°.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition constituting the back side has a rubber hardness at −30° C. of from +0° to +4° as compared to the rubber hardness at 25° C.5. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein starting torque at −30° C. is less than 30 cN·m.6. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition constituting ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056010A1

A two-faced, modified interlock knit fabric for use in the manufacture of toothed belts, the fabric constructed by plating a partially oriented first yarn of polyester or nylon with a second yarn of polyester or spun cotton and knit in a blister stitch in the machine direction is provided. A method of forming toothed belts incorporating such a fabric is also provided. 1. A toothed belt comprising a rubber core material defining at least one exterior surface with a plurality of teeth , and a fabric knit with a modified interlock construction formed from a first yarn and a second yarn , whereby the first yarn is formed from a different material than the second yarn.2. The toothed belt of whereby the first yarn is a partially oriented yarn.3. The toothed belt of whereby the first yarn is formed from polyester.4. The toothed belt of whereby the second yarn is formed from cotton.5. The toothed belt of whereby the cotton yarn is defined as 100% spun cotton.6. The toothed belt of whereby the first yarn is formed from nylon.7. The toothed belt of whereby the second yarn is formed from polyester.8. The toothed belt of whereby the knit fabric defines two right faces.9. The toothed belt of whereby the knit fabric is defined by a blister stitch construction.10. The toothed belt of whereby one or more stretch characteristics of the knit fabric are determined by heating the first yarn claim 1 , and not predetermined at the time of fabric formation.11. A method of forming a toothed belt comprising the steps of:providing a first partially oriented yarn and a second yarn, the first partially oriented yarn defined by a material different than the second yarn;knitting the first partially oriented yarn with the second yarn to form a fabric defined as a modified interlock knit; andmolding the fabric to an exterior surface of a belt defining a plurality of teeth.12. The method of whereby the first partially oriented yarn is defined as polyester.13. The method of whereby the second yarn ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062892A1

A high efficiency belt having reduced bending stiffness while maintaining a high coefficient of friction. The belt includes a backing layer, a rib material layer, and cords embedded within, wherein the coefficient of friction of the high efficiency belt is greater than or equal to 0.03 mm/N times the bending stiffness for belts having a thickness in the range of from 2.6 mm to 4.2 mm. The belt can include a bending stiffness in the range of from about 30 N/mm to about 65 N/mm and an anisotropic modulus of elasticity ratio of between 1.1 and 5.0. Methods of manufacturing the high efficiency belt are also described and can include forming sheets of rib material with parallel aligned reinforcement fibers transverse to the direction of rotation of the high efficiency belt. 1. A ribbed high efficiency belt , comprising:a backing layer;a rib material layer disposed on the backing layer;a plurality of cords embedded within the rib material; anda plurality of ribs formed on a face of the belt opposite the backing layer;wherein the coefficient of friction of the high efficiency belt is greater than or equal to 0.03 mm/N times the bending stiffness of the high efficiency belt;wherein the thickness of the high efficiency belt is less than about 3.8 mm;wherein the material of the rib material layer comprises:about 30 wt. % to about 70 wt. % rubber stock,about 5 wt. % to about 30 wt. % reinforcement material, andabout 5 wt. % to about 45 wt. % filler;wherein the reinforcement material comprises elongated segments and the elongated segments are aligned in parallel with one another within the rib material;wherein the parallel aligned reinforcement material is aligned transverse to the direction of rotation of the high efficiency belt;wherein the high efficiency belt has an anisotropic modulus of elasticity; andwherein the ratio of the modulus of elasticity in the direction in which the reinforcement material is aligned to the modulus of elasticity in the direction transverse to ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190062118A1

The invention relates to a belt-shaped rope of an elevator having opposite lateral sides facing in thickness direction of the rope, at least one of the lateral sides being shaped to have elongated ribs that are disposed adjacent each other in width direction of the rope and extend parallel with the longitudinal direction of the rope. Each said rib has a first flank face for contacting a flank face of a rib of a rope wheel, and a second flank face for contacting a flank face of a rib of a rope wheel. Each said first and second flank face is shaped to have an arcuate cross-sectional profile, and said first and second flank face are shaped to arc to such steepness that the angle defined between their tangents is acute, and the surface material of said flank faces has shore A hardness more than 85 and less than 100. The invention also relates to an elevator arrangement as well as to an elevator, implementing the aforementioned belt-shaped rope. 185. A belt-shaped rope of an elevator having opposite lateral sides facing in thickness direction of the rope , at least one of the lateral sides being shaped to have elongated ribs that are disposed adjacent each other in width direction of the rope and extend parallel with the longitudinal direction of the rope , each said rib having a first flank face for contacting a flank face of a rib of a rope wheel , and a second flank face for contacting a flank face of a rib of a rope wheel , each said first and second flank face being shaped to have an arcuate cross-sectional profile , and said flank faces are shaped to arc to such steepness that the angle defined between their tangents is acute , and the surface material of said flank faces has shore A hardness more than and less than 100.2. A belt-shaped rope according to claim 1 , wherein the point of tangency of each said tangent is within the central third of the height of the rib as measured in thickness direction of the rope.3. A belt-shaped rope according to claim 1 , wherein ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Toothed belt, production method therefor, and belt transmission device

Номер: US20160069420A1
Принадлежит: Bando Chemical Industries Ltd

A toothed belt includes an endless back portion, a plurality of belt teeth arranged on a face of the back portion at predetermined intervals in a longitudinal direction of the back portion; and a core made of an elastic knitted or unwoven fabric and embedded in the back portion. Both of the belt teeth and the back portion are made of rubber. The core is not exposed from inter-tooth portions which are located between the belt teeth. In the core, a difference between the position of a point that is closest to the belt teeth in a belt thickness direction and the position of a point that is closest to a back face of the belt in the belt thickness direction is limited to 0.5 mm or less.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070615A1

A retort system includes a vessel having an access opening accessible via a movable door, a basket supporting assembly within the vessel and along which container baskets are movable for loading into the vessel and unloading from the vessel and a heating system for heating containers for treatment within the vessel. A container basket load/unload system moves container baskets into the vessel and for moving container baskets out of the vessel, and includes a rigid chain unit aligned or alignable with the access opening such that a rigid chain can be moved along a chain feed path into the vessel via the access opening. 1. A retort system , comprising:a vessel having an access opening accessible via a movable door;a basket supporting assembly within the vessel and along which container baskets are movable for loading into the vessel and unloading from the vessel;a heating system for heating containers for treatment within the vessel; 'a rigid chain unit aligned with the access opening such that a rigid chain can be moved along a chain feed path into the vessel via the access opening.', 'a container basket load/unload system for moving container baskets into the vessel and for moving container baskets out of the vessel, the system including2. The retort system of wherein: a chain feed mechanism;', 'a pusher block disposed proximate a push end of the rigid chain, wherein the pusher block is pivotably connected to the rigid chain for movement between a basket push position and a basket bypass position., 'the rigid chain unit includes3. The retort system of wherein the rigid chain remains linear when extended and bends as it is retracted into a housing of the rigid chain unit.4. The retort system of wherein the container basket load/unload system further includes a chain guide channel running along the chain feed path from a position exterior of the vessel and into the vessel.5. The retort system of wherein the chain guide channel interacts with the rigid chain to ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170082174A1

A transmission belt his provided which has a first elastomeric material, a plurality of longitudinal inserts comprising a first material, a working surface covered by a covering including a second material, and an opposite surface to said working surface. At least one of the first material and the second material is a fibrous metallic material. Advantageously, the transmission belt is a toothed belt. 1. A transmission belt comprising a body including a first elastomeric material , a plurality of longitudinal inserts comprising a first material , a working surface covered by a covering comprising a second material , and an opposite surface to said working surface , wherein at least one of said first material and said second material is a fibrous metallic material comprising fibres with a diameter of between 2 and 40 μm.2. A transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein said fibrous metallic material comprises fibres with a diameter of between 5 and 15 μm.3. A transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein said fibrous metallic material is steel.4. A transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein the second material is chosen from the group constituted by woven fabric claim 1 , knitted fabric and non-woven fabric.5. A transmission belt according to claim 4 , wherein said second material is a fabric.6. A transmission belt according to claim 4 , wherein said fibrous metallic material has a weight of between 500 and 1500 g/m.7. A transmission belt according to claim 4 , wherein said fabric comprises yarns that extend in the longitudinal direction and include said fibrous metallic material.8. A transmission belt according to claim 7 , wherein said yarns comprise at least one elastic yarn around which at least one yarn comprising said second material is wound.9. A transmission belt according to claim 7 , wherein said fabric comprises both longitudinal yarns and transverse yarns including said fibrous metallic material.10. A transmission belt according to claim 1 , ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080618A1

A resin belt includes: a plurality of teeth disposed at predetermined intervals along a longitudinal direction of the belt on a running surface of a belt body made of a thermoplastic resin; and a cloth covering the teeth, characterized in that: the cloth is a woven cloth obtained by weaving a thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber used as a warp yarn in the longitudinal direction of the belt and a fluorine resin fiber used as a weft yarn in a width direction of the belt; and a percentage of the fluorine resin fiber exposed on a side of a cloth surface of the teeth is 50% or more per unit area, and a percentage of the fluorine resin fiber exposed on a side of a bonded surface with the belt body is 50% or less per unit area. 1. A resin belt comprising:a plurality of teeth disposed at predetermined intervals along a longitudinal direction of the belt on a running surface of a belt body made of a thermoplastic resin; anda cloth covering the teeth,wherein the cloth is a woven cloth obtained by weaving a thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber used as a warp yarn in the longitudinal direction of the belt and a fluorine resin fiber used as a weft yarn in a width direction of the belt; anda percentage of the fluorine resin fiber exposed on a side of a cloth surface of the teeth is 50% or more per unit area, and a percentage of the fluorine resin fiber exposed on a side of a bonded surface with the belt body is 50% or less per unit area.2. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein the belt body is made of polyurethane.3. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber is made of nylon and the fluorine resin fiber is made of tetrafluoroethylene-based resin.4. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein a tensile elongation of the cloth in a warp direction is 20% or more and 60% or less.5. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein the belt body and the cloth are integrally formed with each other.6. The resin belt according to claim 1 , ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080619A1

A resin belt includes: a plurality of teeth disposed at predetermined intervals along a longitudinal direction of the belt on a running surface of a belt body made of a thermoplastic resin; and a cloth covering the teeth. The cloth is a woven cloth obtained by weaving a thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber used as a warp yarn in the longitudinal direction of the belt and a fluorine resin fiber used as a weft yarn in a width direction of the belt. Crimp of the thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber used in the longitudinal direction of the belt is greater than crimp of the fluorine resin fiber used in the width direction of the belt. 1. A resin belt comprising:a plurality of teeth disposed at predetermined intervals along a longitudinal direction of the belt on a running surface of a belt body made of a thermoplastic resin; anda cloth covering the teeth,wherein the cloth is a woven cloth obtained by weaving a thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber used as a warp yarn in the longitudinal direction of the belt and a fluorine resin fiber used as a weft yarn in a width direction of the belt; anda crimp of the thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber used in the longitudinal direction of the belt is greater than a crimp of the fluorine resin fiber used in the width direction of the belt.2. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein a percentage of the fluorine resin fiber exposed on a side of a cloth surface of the teeth is 50% or more per unit area claim 1 , and a percentage of the fluorine resin fiber exposed on a side of a bonded surface with the belt body is 50% or less per unit area.3. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein the belt body is made of polyurethane.4. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic synthetic resin fiber is made of a nylon fiber and the fluorine resin fiber is made of a tetrafluoroethylene-based resin fiber.5. The resin belt according to claim 1 , wherein a tensile elongation of the cloth in a warp direction is 20% or more ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210087389A1
Автор: KATAGIRI Shinya

A rubber-reinforcing cord () of the present invention includes at least one strand. The strand includes at least one filament bundle and a coating provided to cover at least a portion of the surface of the filament bundle. The coating contains a polymer and cellulose nanofibers, and does not contain a resorcinol-formaldehyde condensate. The polymer contains at least one selected from a polyurethane and a rubber component. In the coating, the content of the cellulose nanofibers is 0.1 to 10 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the polymer. The proportion of the coating in the rubber-reinforcing cord is 18 vol % or more. 2. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the coating claim 1 , the content of the cellulose nanofibers is 0.1 to 10 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the total content of all components except the cellulose nanofibers.3. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the cellulose nanofibers have an average fiber diameter of 100 nm or less.4. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein a filament included in the filament bundle is a carbon fiber filament or a glass fiber filament.5. A rubber product reinforced by the rubber-reinforcing cord according to .6. The rubber product according to claim 5 , being a rubber belt comprising matrix rubber and the rubber-reinforcing cord embedded in the matrix rubber.7. The rubber product according to claim 6 , wherein the matrix rubber comprises urethane rubber. The present invention relates to a rubber-reinforcing cord and a rubber product including the rubber-reinforcing cord.A rubber product such as a rubber belt commonly includes matrix rubber and a rubber-reinforcing cord embedded in the matrix rubber. The strength of the rubber belt depends on the strength of the rubber-reinforcing cord. The rubber-reinforcing cord is, therefore, an important member that determines the durable life of the rubber belt. The rubber- ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for Producing Drive Belts

Номер: US20190084191A1

The invention relates to a method for producing drive belts from different materials by means of casting processes. To this end, a mould core and an outer mould of a casting tool are provided. The circumferential surface of the mould core or the inner circumferential surface of the outer mould is provided with a geometry to be represented on the drive belt. A textile layer is laid on the geometry. The mould core is set into the outer mould so that the mould core and the outer mould define a cavity between them. Optionally, a tension member can be arranged in the cavity and the cavity can be sealed with respect to the environment at least in the region of the geometry to be represented on the drive belt. The textile layer is applied to the surfaces defining the geometry and an elastomer base material is introduced into the cavity. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method for producing a drive belt , comprising:a) providing a mould core and an outer mould of a casting tool, wherein the mould core is provided to be inserted into the outer mould such that a cavity representing a shape of the drive belt to be produced is formed between the outer mould and the mould core sitting therein, and wherein a circumferential surface of the mould core assigned to the cavity or the inner circumferential surface of the outer mould assigned to the cavity is provided with a geometry to be represented on the drive belt which is formed by recesses or protrusions which are delimited by surfaces abutting one another which are formed into the circumferential surface of the mould core or the inner circumferential surface of the outer mould or formed on the circumferential surface of the mould core or the inner circumferential surface of the outer mould;b) placing a textile layer on the geometry to be represented on the drive belt;c) inserting the mould core into the outer mould so that the mould core and the outer mould define the cavity between them;d) optionally arranging a tension member in the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Helical Belt and Belt Transmission Gear

Номер: US20190085938A1

A helical toothed belt includes: a back portion in which a tension member is buried and; a plurality of tooth portions arranged on one surface of the back portion with inclination to a belt width direction, in which a surface of the tooth portion and a portion of the one surface of the back portion are formed of a tooth fabric, the other surface of the back portion is formed of a back fabric, the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 2 mm or more and 5 mm or less, and the tension member is a twisted cord containing a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber and having a diameter of 0.2 mm or more and 0.6 mm or less. 1. A helical toothed belt comprising:a back portion in which a tension member is buried and;a plurality of tooth portions which are arranged at a predetermined interval along a belt longitudinal direction on one surface of the back portion and each have inclination with respect to a belt width direction,wherein a surface of the tooth portion and a portion of the one surface of the back portion are formed of a tooth fabric,wherein the other surface of the back portion is formed of a back fabric,wherein the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 2 mm or more and 5 mm or less,in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 2 mm or more and less than 3 mm, the back portion has a thickness of 0.6 mm or more and 1.3 mm or less,in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 3 mm or more and less than 4 mm, the thickness of the back portion is 0.6 mm or more and 1.5 mm or less,in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 4 mm or more and 5 mm or less, the thickness of the back portion is 1.2 mm or more and 2.0 mm or less, andwherein the tension member is a twisted cord comprising a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber and having a diameter of 0.2 mm or more and 0.6 mm or less.2. The helical toothed belt according to claim 1 ,wherein in the case where the tooth ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136253A1
Автор: Ma Zhun-An

A shade structure is provided that includes a frame assembly, a retractable shade assembly, and a drive system. The frame assembly includes a plurality of upright poles and a plurality of beams coupled therewith. The retractable shade assembly is coupled with the plurality of beams. The retractable shade assembly includes a shade section assembly that has a plurality of elongate bars and a shade section extending therebetween. The elongate bars are spread apart from each other to spread the shade section in an extended shade configuration. The elongate bars are moved toward each other in a retracted configuration wherein the shade section looped vertically between adjacent elongate bars.

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Toothed Belt

Номер: US20170108079A1

The present invention relates to a toothed belt containing a back side, tooth parts, and a tension member embedded in the back side, the back side and the tooth part contain a urethane resin composition, the tension member is a twisted cord constituted by glass fiber filaments or a twisted cord constituted by polyarylate fiber filaments, in the case where the tension member is the twisted cord constituted by glass fiber filaments, the tooth parts have a pitch of 0.45 to 0.60 mm, the glass fiber filament has a diameter of 6 to 9 micrometers, and the cord has a cord diameter of 0.14 to 0.20 mm, and in the case where the tension member is the twisted cord constituted by polyarylate fiber filaments, the tooth parts have a pitch of 0.45 to 0.71 mm, and the cord has a cord diameter of 0.14 to 0.28 mm. 1. A toothed belt comprising a back side , tooth parts , and a tension member embedded in the back side , whereinthe back side and the tooth part comprise a urethane resin composition,the tension member is a twisted cord constituted by glass fiber filaments or is a twisted cord constituted by polyarylate fiber filaments, and wherein the tooth parts have a pitch therebetween of from 0.45 to 0.60 mm,', 'the glass fiber filament has a diameter of from 6 to 9 micrometers, and', 'the cord has a cord diameter of from 0.14 to 0.20 mm, and, 'in the case where the tension member is the twisted cord constituted by glass fiber filaments,'} the tooth parts have a pitch therebetween of from 0.45 to 0.71 mm, and', 'the cord has a cord diameter of from 0.14 to 0.28 mm., 'in the case where the tension member is the twisted cord constituted by polyarylate fiber filaments,'}2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , which is used under a condition that an axial load claim 1 , which is a load exerted on a shaft of a pulley when the toothed belt is wound around the pulley with a belt tension claim 1 , becomes from 5 to 15 N. The present invention relates to a toothed belt which is used for OA ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210139280A1

An elevator system includes a hoistway, an elevator car movable along the hoistway, and one or more belts operably connected to the elevator car to propel the elevator car along the hoistway. A belt of the one or more belts includes one or more tension elements extending along a belt length, and a jacket at least partially encapsulating the one or more tension elements. The jacket includes a jacket base formed from a first material and one or more insert layers embedded in the jacket base material. The one or more insert layers have a corrugated shape along the belt length, and are formed from a second material different from the first material. 1. A belt for an elevator system , comprising:one or more tension elements extending along a belt length; and a jacket base; and', 'one or more insert layers embedded in the jacket base, the one or more insert layers having a corrugated shape along the belt length., 'a jacket at least partially encapsulating the one or more tension elements, the jacket including2. The belt of claim 1 , wherein the one or more insert layers at least partially define an outer surface of the belt.3. The belt of claim 1 , wherein a tension element of the one or more tension elements is formed from a plurality of fibers suspended in a matrix material.4. An elevator system claim 1 , comprising:a hoistway;an elevator car movable along the hoistway; one or more tension elements extending along a belt length; and', a jacket base formed from a first material; and', 'one or more insert layers embedded in the jacket base material, the one or more insert layers having a corrugated shape along the belt length, the one or more insert layers formed from a second material different from the first material., 'a jacket at least partially encapsulating the one or more tension elements, the jacket including], 'one or more belts operably connected to the elevator car to urge the elevator car along the hoistway, a belt of the one or more belts including5. The ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122404A1
Автор: GIBSON Daniel Pattie

Disclosed is a force transmission belt comprising a belt member that has a base portion () and a force transmission zone () thereon, and comprising a polyethelene coating () on at least one surface of the belt member; in order to increase the service life, the polyethylene coating () is subjected to radiation at a dose of 30 to 300 kGy to increase the wear resistance of the coating. 1. A force transmission belt with a belt structure comprising:a belt body,a force transmission zone, anda polyethylene coating on at least one surface of the belt structure,wherein the polyethylene coating is composed of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and has been subjected to irradiation with a dose of from 30 to 300 kGy in order to increase its wear resistance.2. The force transmission belt as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polyethylene coating is a layer in a multiple-ply coating structure claim 1 , and wherein the layer of the polyethylene coating is exterior in relation to the cause of wear.318. The force transmission belt as claimed in wherein the belt structure has a textile overlayer claim 1 , and the the polyethylene coating () is positioned on the textile overlayer.4. The force transmission belt as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the textile overlayer includes an impregnation layer made of a copolyamide.5. (canceled)6. The force transmission belt as claimed in wherein the polyethylene coating is modified with a friction-reducing additive.7. The force transmission belt as claimed in wherein the polyethylene coating is applied as a film.8. The force transmission belt as claimed in claim 7 , further comprising an adhesion-promoter layer arranged between the film that forms the polyethylene coating and a surface supporting the polyethylene coating.9. The force transmission belt as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the adhesion-promoter layer is a modified polyethylene (PE) layer.10. The force transmission belt as claimed in wherein the polyethylene coating has a thickness ranging from ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Toothed Belt

Номер: US20200116230A1
Автор: Tamura Eiki

Provided is a toothed belt comprising: a belt body that includes a plurality of core wires; a back surface part in which the plurality of core wires are embedded; and a plurality of teeth that oppose the back surface in a belt thickness direction. The back surface part and the plurality of teeth are integrally molded using a thermoplastic elastomer. The toothed belt is characterized in that: a belt strength per 1 mm of belt width is at least 1.85 kN; a pitch of the plurality of teeth is at least 20 mm; the height of each of the plurality of teeth is at least 5 mm; and the thickness of the back surface part is at least 4 mm. 1. A toothed belt comprising a belt body comprising plural core wires that extend in a belt longitudinal direction and are arranged in a belt width direction , a back portion in which the plural core wires are buried , and plural teeth that are opposite to the back portion in a belt thickness direction and arranged in the belt longitudinal direction so as to be spaced from each other , wherein the back portion and the plural teeth are molded integrally of a thermoplastic elastomer ,having:a belt strength per 1-mm belt width of higher than or equal to 1.85 kN;a pitch of the plural teeth of longer than or equal to 20 mm;a height of the each of the plural teeth of greater than or equal to 5 mm; anda thickness of the back portion of larger than or equal to 4 mm.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the each of the plural core wires is constituted of a steel cord or a cord produced by twisting at least any of aramid fibers and carbon fibers.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the each of the plural core wires:is constituted of a steel cord;has a strength of 7 to 8 kN; andhas a diameter of 2.3 to 2.6 mm.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the plural core wires:have a pitch of 3.0 to 3.7 mm; andhave an interval between the plural core wires of 0.4 to 1.4 mm.5. The belt according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Manufacturing Process Tool and Manufacturing Process Method for Lateral Positioning Strip Toothed Belt

Номер: US20220274360A1
Автор: LIU Suhua

Disclosed is a manufacturing process tool for a lateral positioning strip toothed belt, including a lateral positioning strip, a fixing molded plate, a lateral strip belt width positioner, a lateral strip belt length positioner and a rubber body. The fixing molded plate fixes the lateral strip belt width positioner and/or the lateral strip belt length positioner, the lateral strip belt length positioner is provided on one side or two sides of the fixing molded plate, the lateral strip belt length positioner faces an inner side of the fixing molded plate and forms a lateral positioning strip belt forming groove together with the lateral strip belt width positioner, an intra-belt lateral positioning strip is provided in the lateral positioning strip belt forming groove, the rubber body is provided in the lateral positioning strip belt forming groove. 1. A manufacturing process method for a lateral positioning strip toothed belt , comprising:(1) providing an upper fixed lateral positioning strip device and a lower fixed lateral positioning strip device to form a lateral strip belt length positioner, the upper fixed lateral positioning strip device and the lower fixed lateral positioning strip device being connected in a separated manner or integrated;(2) providing a front lateral strip belt width positioner and/or a rear lateral strip belt width positioner to form a lateral strip belt width positioner;(3) providing a lateral strip fixing hole or a lateral strip fixing groove in the lateral strip belt length positioner;(4) providing a fixing molded plate, the fixing molded plate being configured to fix the lateral strip belt width positioner and/or the lateral strip belt length positioner;(5) providing an extra-belt lateral positioning strip and an intra-belt lateral positioning strip to form a lateral positioning strip;(6) providing the lateral strip belt length positioner on one side or two sides of the fixing molded plate, the lateral strip belt length positioner ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123333A1
Автор: YAMAGUCHI Tatsuya

A rubber-reinforcing cord of the present invention is a rubber-reinforcing cord for reinforcing a rubber product. The rubber-reinforcing cord includes at least one strand. The strand includes at least one filament bundle and a coating provided to cover at least a portion of a surface of the filament bundle. The coating includes a rubber component and a crosslinking agent. The crosslinking agent includes two or more isocyanate compounds. 1. A rubber-reinforcing cord for reinforcing a rubber product , the rubber-reinforcing cord comprising: at least one strand , whereinthe strand comprises at least one filament bundle and a coating provided to cover at least a portion of a surface of the filament bundle,the coating comprises a rubber component and a crosslinking agent, andthe crosslinking agent comprises two or more isocyanate compounds.2. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the two or more isocyanate compounds comprise at least one selected from the group consisting of a blocked isocyanate and a diisocyanate.3. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the two or more isocyanate compounds comprise a first blocked isocyanate and a second blocked isocyanate having a different dissociation temperature from the first blocked isocyanate.4. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking agent further comprises a maleimide crosslinking agent.5. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber component comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of hydrogenated nitrile rubber and carboxyl-modified hydrogenated nitrile rubber.6. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the coating is free of a resorcinol-formaldehyde condensate.7. A rubber product reinforced by the rubber-reinforcing cord according to .8. The rubber product according to claim 7 , being a rubber belt comprising matrix rubber and the rubber-reinforcing cord embedded in the matrix rubber. ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Toothed Belt and Manufacturing Method Therefor

Номер: US20190128371A1
Автор: Osaki Susumu

A toothed belt includes: a belt main body having a tooth portion and a groove portion alternately disposed at a fixed pitch in a longitudinal direction, and an outer portion disposed on the outer surface thereof; and a cord buried on a predetermined pitch line on the outer portion, in which the belt main body includes: a support layer, disposed under the cord and containing a thermoplastic polyurethane material; and a cured polyurethane elastomer in addition to the support layer, and in which the support layer is formed of a mixture of the thermoplastic polyurethane material and the polyurethane elastomer, which are integrally cured. 1. A toothed belt comprising:a belt main body having a tooth portion and a groove portion alternately disposed at a fixed pitch in a longitudinal direction, and an outer portion disposed on an outer surface thereof; anda cord buried on a predetermined pitch line on the outer portion,wherein the belt main body comprises: a support layer, disposed under the cord and containing a thermoplastic polyurethane material; and a cured polyurethane elastomer in addition to the support layer, andwherein the support layer is formed of a mixture of the thermoplastic polyurethane material and the polyurethane elastomer, which are integrally cured.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the thermoplastic polyurethane material of the support layer melts at a temperature at which the polyurethane elastomer cures.3. A method for manufacturing a toothed belt comprising a cord and a belt main body in which the cord is buried claim 1 , the method comprising:a first step of disposing a thermoplastic polyurethane nonwoven fabric in a tubular shape on a cylindrical inner mold having a groove portion and winding the cord thereon;a second step of inserting the inner mold into a bottomed cylindrical outer mold and injecting a liquid raw material of a polyurethane into an inside of the mold;a third step of depressurizing the inside of the mold to permeate ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200124135A1

A power transmission belt at least includes a bottom rubber layer. A rubber composition for forming the bottom rubber layer contains a rubber component, cellulose fine fibers, and short fibers. The cellulose fine fibers have an average diameter from 1 nm to 200 nm, and the rubber composition contains 0.5 parts by mass or more of the cellulose fine fibers relative to 100 parts by mass of the rubber component. The short fibers have an average diameter from 5 μm to 30 μm, and the rubber composition contains 1 part by mass or more of the short fibers relative to 100 parts by mass the rubber component. 1. A power transmission belt at least comprising a bottom rubber layer , whereina rubber composition for forming the bottom rubber layer contains a rubber component, cellulose fine fibers, and short fibers,the cellulose fine fibers have an average diameter from 1 nm to 200 nm, and the rubber composition comprises from 1 part by to 20 parts by mass of the cellulose fine fibers relative to 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, andthe short fibers have fiber lengths from 0.5 mm to 5.0 mm and an average diameter from 8 μm to 25 μm, and the rubber composition comprises from 5 parts by mass to 30 parts by mass of the short fibers relative to 100 parts by mass the rubber component.2. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe cellulose fine fibers have an average diameter from 2 nm to 50 nm.3. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe cellulose fine fibers are produced by chemical defibration.4. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe rubber component is at least one of an ethylene propylene copolymer, an ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer, an ethylene-octene copolymer, and ethylene-butene copolymer, a chloroprene rubber, a chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber, or a hydrogenated acrylonitrile rubber. This application claims priority to International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2018/016199 filed on Apr. 19, 2018 and Japanese Patent Application ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Transmission belt and method for producing same

Номер: US20200124136A1
Автор: Takashi Kunisada
Принадлежит: Bando Chemical Industries Ltd

A power transmission belt (B) has a reinforcing fabric (13) covering a pulley contact surface thereof. A cover layer (15) adheres to the reinforcing fabric (13) to cover surfaces of fibers or yarns constituting the reinforcing fabric (13), and is exposed outside. The cover layer (15) contains crosslinked polyolefin particles (16) in which polyolefin molecules are crosslinked with each other.

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150148163A1
Автор: KUSANO Takayuki

A power transmission belt has an uneven surface of rubber which when the power transmission belt is wound around a flat pulley, comes in contact with the flat pulley. The uneven surface has projected parts each having a flat top surface. 1. A power transmission belt having an uneven surface of rubber which when the power transmission belt is wound around a flat pulley , comes in contact with the flat pulley , whereinthe uneven surface has a pattern same as a surface of a woven fabric or a knitted fabric,a projection and a recess of the uneven pattern are formed by a projection and a recess of the pattern same as the surface of the woven fabric or the knitted fabric, andthe uneven surface has projected parts each having a flat top surface.2. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereina total area of the flat top surfaces of the projected parts is 10 to 60% of an area of the uneven surface.3. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe uneven surface has a pattern same as a surface of a rep weave fabric.4. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinan outer diameter of each of the projected parts of the uneven surface in plan view is 0.3 to 1.4 mm.5. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereina surface roughness (Rz) of the uneven surface is 0.05 to 0.25 mm.6. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe power transmission belt is a V-ribbed belt or a flat belt.7. The power transmission belt of claim 1 , whereinthe uneven surface is a back surface of the power transmission belt.8. A belt transmission system in which the power transmission belt of is wound around a plurality of pulleys claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of pulleys include a flat pulley with which the uneven surface of the power transmission belt comes in contact.9. A method of manufacturing a power transmission belt having an uneven surface of rubber which when the power transmission belt is wound around a flat pulley claim 1 , comes in contact with the flat pulley claim 1 , ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Method for Producing a Belt- or Band-Shaped Component Having an Electronic Device

Номер: US20200132161A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH

The invention relates to a method for producing a belt- or band-shaped component made of elastomer material, which is driven to run around under tensile stress and which has an electronic circuit or electronic device installed in the component, the component having tension members or cords which are arranged in the longitudinal direction, wherein, during the fabrication and before the vulcanization of the component blank, planar intermediate plies or strips made of material which cannot be crosslinked by vulcanization are inserted into the blank structure in subregions of the blank, wherein, after the fabrication, the blank is completely vulcanized to form the component and, where appropriate, cut or trimmed, and wherein the intermediate plies or strips are then removed from the component through correspondingly incorporated or method-intrinsically formed openings, and an electronic circuit or electronic device is introduced into the thus resulting planar empty space or interspace in the component. 1. A method for producing a component made of an elastomer material , which is driven to run around under tensile stress and which has an electronic circuit or electronic device installed in the component , the component having tension members or cords which are arranged in the longitudinal direction and the component being a belt or band-shaped component , the method comprising:inserting planar intermediate plies which cannot be crosslinked by vulcanization into a blank structure in subregions of a blank component;completely vulcanizing the blank component to form a vulcanized component after inserting the planar intermediate plies;removing the intermediate plies from the vulcanized component generating interspace in the vulcanized component;introducing one or more electronic devices into the interspace of the vulcanized component.2. The method for producing a component as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:embedding at least one fabric ply in or close to an outer ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Toothed belt and belt reduction gear including the same

Номер: US20150152941A1
Принадлежит: Bando Chemical Industries Ltd

A toothed belt includes: a back portion; and a plurality of helical teeth provided on an inner periphery of the back portion and disposed at a fixed pitch in a belt longitudinal direction. An angle θ between a tooth trace direction of the helical teeth and a belt lateral direction is in a range of 7 degrees to 10 degrees, both inclusive. A ratio A of a thickness tb of the back portion to a tooth height hb of the helical teeth, which is given by A=100×tb/hb, is in a range of 120% to 240%, both inclusive.

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145494A1

A quick-linked belt, which is assembled with a belt sprocket of a belt-driven vehicle, includes a belt element, at least two reinforcing elements, at least two fixing elements and at least two connecting elements. The belt element includes a plurality of belt teeth and two binding portions. The binding portions are disposed on two ends of the belt element, respectively, and each of the binding portions includes at least one opening hole. Each of the at least two reinforcing elements is disposed in the at least one opening hole of each of the binding portions and includes a through hole. Each of the at least two fixing elements is disposed in the through hole of each of the at least two reinforcing elements. Each of the at least two connecting elements includes at least two passing holes for passing through the at least two fixing elements. 1. A quick-linked belt , which is assembled with a belt sprocket of a belt-driven vehicle , comprising:a belt element comprising a plurality of belt teeth and two binding portions, wherein the belt teeth are integrally disposed on one side of the belt element, the two binding portions are disposed on two ends of the belt element, respectively, and each of the two binding portions comprises at least one opening hole;at least two reinforcing elements, wherein each of the at least two reinforcing elements is disposed in the at least one opening hole of each of the two binding portions, and each of the at least two reinforcing elements comprises a through hole;at least two fixing elements, wherein each of the at least two fixing elements is disposed in the through hole of each of the at least two reinforcing elements; andat least two connecting elements, wherein each of the at least two connecting elements comprises at least two passing holes for passing through the at least two fixing elements, and the two binding portions are connected to each other by the at least two connecting elements so as to enclose the belt element into a ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Synchronous Belt Drive System

Номер: US20200141283A1

A synchronous belt drive system having: a synchronous belt with a tensile cord of high-modulus fiber such as glass, carbon, PBO, or aramid; a driver sprocket and at least one driven sprocket, at least one of which is an obround sprocket; and a tensioner having: a base having a cylindrical portion extending axially with a radially outer surface and a receiving portion, an eccentric arm pivotally engaged with the radially outer surface, a torsion spring disposed within the receiving portion, the torsion spring applying a biasing force to the eccentric arm, and a pulley journalled to the eccentric arm. Preferably, no one of the eccentric arm, pulley, or torsion spring is axially displaced along an axis A-A from the others. The obround sprocket has a toothed surface and at least one linear portion disposed between two arcuate portions having a constant radius, the linear portion having a predetermined length. 1. A synchronous belt drive system comprising:{'b': '200', 'a synchronous belt () having a tensile cord comprising a high-modulus fiber;'}{'b': '10', 'a driver sprocket and at least one driven sprocket, at least one of which is an obround sprocket (); and'}a tensioner comprising a base having a cylindrical portion extending axially, the cylindrical portion comprising a radially outer surface and a receiving portion that is radially inward of the radially outer surface; an eccentric arm pivotally engaged with the radially outer surface; a torsion spring disposed within the radially inward receiving portion, the torsion spring applying a biasing force to the eccentric arm; and a pulley journalled to the eccentric arm.2. The synchronous belt drive system of wherein the eccentric arm claim 1 , the pulley claim 1 , and the torsion spring are concentrically arranged such that no one of the eccentric arm claim 1 , pulley claim 1 , or torsion spring is axially displaced along an axis A-A from the others.31016141512. The synchronous belt drive system of wherein the obround ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170158224A1
Автор: Lee Jong Hoon, OH Jin Su

The present invention relates to an electric power steering apparatus including a power transmission belt. The power transmission belt includes: an engagement part provided inside the power transmission belt where the power transmission belt is engaged with a motor pulley and a nut pulley; and a vibration reduction part provided outside the power transmission belt opposite to the engagement part. The engagement part is made of an elastic material, and the vibration reduction part is made of an elastic material that is less rigid than the engagement part. With this configuration, even if vibration and noise are generated from a motor, between the motor and a pulley, and between a belt and the pulley in the process of transmitting a torque of the motor, the vibration and the noise are reduced and prevented from being transferred to a peripheral component. 1. An electric power steering apparatus including a power transmission belt , wherein the power transmission belt comprises:an engagement part that is provided inside the power transmission belt where the power transmission belt is engaged with a motor pulley and a nut pulley; anda vibration reduction part that is provided outside the power transmission belt opposite to the engagement part, andwherein the engagement part is made of an elastic material, and the vibration reduction part is made of an elastic material that is less rigid than the engagement part.2. The electric power steering apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of rigidity reinforcement members made of a glass fiber material are embedded inside the engagement part.3. The electric power steering apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the engagement part is coated with a tooth surface-protective material made of a fiber material on tooth surfaces of the motor pulley and the nut pulley.4. The electric power steering apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vibration reduction part has a natural frequency that is less than that of the power transmission belt so as ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156309A1

A drive belt having a main body formed of an elastomeric material, preferably a v-belt or v-ribbed belt, the drive belt including a top layer as belt backing, a power transmission zone having two or more tensile strands as strength members, and also a substructure optionally provided with some profiling preferably having a v-shape or a v-rib profile. The strength members are formed of cords made of mutually twisted plies (final twist), the plies being in turn twisted out of individual yarns (first twist). The cords consist essentially of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and of two plies, the number of turns introduced into the plies twisted into a cord (final twist) and the number of turns introduced into the yarns twisted into a ply (first twist) differing by not more than 10 turns per meter (t/m). 1. A drive belt comprising:a main body formed of an elastomeric material;a top layer configured as belt backing;the drive belt including a power transmission zone having two or more tensile strands as strength members;a substructure;said strength members being formed of cords having mutually twisted plies (final twist), said plies being in turn twisted out of individual yarns (first twist); and,said cords consisting essentially of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and of two plies, a number of turns introduced into the plies twisted into a cord (final twist) and the number of turns introduced into the yarns twisted into a ply (first twist) differing by not more than 10 turns per meter (t/m).2. The drive belt of claim 1 , wherein said number of turns is between 60 and 175 t/m.3. The drive belt of claim 1 , wherein said number of turns is between 90 and 140 t/m.4. The drive belt of claim 1 , wherein said cords have a linear density (total linear density) from 3650 to 9000 dtex.5. The drive belt of claim 1 , wherein said cords have a linear density (total linear density) from 6200 to 7000 dtex.6. The drive belt of claim 1 , wherein the cords have been drawn/preoriented such ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159749A1

A warp-directional stretch fabric that defines two right faces and is formed from warp yarns defined by a nylon and fill yarns defined by an aramid. The fabric can be incorporated into a toothed belt, for example a transmission belt, to produce a belt that has enhanced structural and resistance capabilities while capable of being produced at a lower cost than prior art belts. A method of producing an improved toothed belt including the fabric is also provided. 1. A toothed belt comprising a core material defining at least one exterior surface with a plurality of teeth , and a woven fabric formed from a plurality of warp yarns defined by a first material and a plurality of fill yarns defined by a second material and attached to the at least one exterior surface over the plurality of teeth , whereby the woven fabric exhibits more than forty-five percent (45%) elongation in the warp direction and less than twenty-five percent (25%) elongation in the fill direction , and whereby the fabric defines a four harness satin weave in a broken twill pattern.2. The toothed belt of whereby the core material is rubber.3. The toothed belt of whereby the first material is a nylon.4. The toothed belt of whereby the first material is nylon 6 claim 3 , 6.5. The toothed belt of whereby the second material is an aramid.6. The toothed belt of whereby the second material is meta-aramid.7. The toothed belt of whereby the second material is para-aramid.8. A method of producing the toothed belt of claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:providing a core material and a loom including warp yarns defined by a first material and fill yarns defined by a second material,molding the core material into a circular belt with at least one exterior surface,weaving the warp yarns and the fill yarns into a fabric, whereby the woven fabric exhibits more than forty-five percent (45%) elongation in the warp direction and less than twenty-five percent (25%) elongation in the fill directionattaching the ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159750A1

A warp-directional stretch fabric that defines two right faces and is formed from warp yarns defined by a nylon and fill yarns defined by an aramid. The fabric can be incorporated into a toothed belt, for example a transmission belt, to produce a belt that has enhanced structural and resistance capabilities while capable of being produced at a lower cost than prior art belts. A method of producing an improved toothed belt including the fabric is also provided. 1. A toothed belt comprising a core material defining at least one exterior surface with a plurality of teeth , and a double-faced woven fabric formed from a plurality of warp yarns defined by a nylon and a plurality of fill yarns defined by an aramid and attached to the at least one exterior surface over the plurality of teeth , whereby the woven fabric exhibits more than forty-five percent (45%) elongation in the warp direction and less than twenty-five percent (25%) elongation in the fill direction.2. The toothed belt of whereby the core material is rubber.3. The toothed belt of whereby the first material is nylon 6 claim 1 , 6.4. The toothed belt of whereby the second material is meta-aramid.5. The toothed belt of whereby the second material is para-aramid.6. The toothed belt of whereby the woven fabric is a twill construction.7. The toothed belt of whereby the woven fabric defines a broken twill pattern.8. The toothed belt of whereby the woven fabric defines a four harness satin weave.9. A method of producing the toothed belt of claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:providing a core material and a loom including warp yarns defined by a nylon material and fill yarns defined by an aramid material,molding the rubber core material into a circular belt with at least one exterior surface,weaving the warp yarns and the fill yarns into a fabric, whereby the fabric exhibits more than forty-five percent (45%) elongation in the warp direction and less than twenty-five percent (25%) elongation in the fill ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190175A1

A toothed belt includes at least one tension member and a plastics material matrix which at least partially encases the tension member. The at least one tension member extends in the plastics material matrix in a running direction and teeth of the toothed belt are formed transversely to the running direction in the plastics material matrix. The tension member is formed from an electrically conductive material and the plastics material matrix is formed from an electrically insulating material. The toothed belt has at least one electronic component which is embedded in the plastics material matrix and has at least one sensor which detects data on a condition parameter of the toothed belt. The at least one electronic component is coupled to the tension member via at least two voltage taps to tap a voltage induced in the tension member to supply the at least one electronic component with power. 1. A toothed belt having at least one tension member and a plastics material matrix which at least partially encases the tension member ,wherein the at least one tension member extends in the plastics material matrix in a running direction of the toothed belt and wherein teeth of the toothed belt are formed transversely to the running direction in the plastics material matrix,wherein the tension member is formed from an electrically conductive material and wherein the plastics material matrix is formed from an electrically insulating material,wherein the toothed belt has at least one electronic component which is embedded in the plastics material matrix and has at least one sensor which detects data on a condition parameter of the toothed belt,whereinthe at least one electronic component is coupled to the tension member via at least two voltage taps, in order to tap a voltage induced in the tension member to supply the at least one electronic component with power.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the toothed belt is designed as an endless toothed belt.3. The ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167570A1

A hybrid chain belt which includes a toothed rubber belt and a pair of chains comprising a plurality of interleaved or laced sets of inner chain links and a plurality of interleaved outer or external links immediately adjacent the inner links mounted to the sides of the toothed belt. Each of the inner links and outer links has a pair of spaced apertures for receiving at least one pin which passes through the apertures of the links. The pins extend through the teeth of the rubber belt. Alternatively, the pair of chains may be replaced with outer links with either two apertures or a single aperture. 1. A hybrid chain belt for engagement with teeth of a sprocket comprising:a toothed belt having a top surface, a first side surface, a second side surface, a bottom surface, and a plurality of teeth which extend from at least one of the top surface or the bottom surface;a plurality of pairs of plates, each pair of plates comprising a plate on the first side surface and a plate on the second side surface of the toothed belt, each plate having at least one aperture; anda plurality of pins, each pin extending through the aperture of a plate on the first side surface of the toothed belt, through the toothed belt, through the second side surface of the toothed belt, and through the aperture of a plate on the second side surface of the toothed belt;wherein the plurality of plates have a height which is greater than the [[a]] height of the teeth of the toothed belt such that the plurality of plates engage a sliding surface of a guide or tensioner arm.2. The hybrid chain belt of claim 1 , wherein each pin is fixedly attached to each of the pair of plates.3. The hybrid chain belt of claim 1 , further comprising a rivet attached to ends of each pin.4. The hybrid chain belt of claim 1 , wherein each of the pins is non-circular in shape.5. The hybrid chain belt of claim 1 , wherein the toothed belt has teeth on both the top surface and bottom surface.6. The hybrid chain belt of claim ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162269A1

A toothed belt includes a toothed profile made of a base material and defining a toothed profile drive side and a far side facing away from the drive side. A woven ply has a thickness and is applied to the far side of the toothed profile. The woven ply has a first side in contact with the far side causing the base material to penetrate the woven ply at least partly at the first side thereof. The woven ply has a second side facing away from the first side. A coating of plastic on the second side causes the plastic to penetrate the woven ply at least partly at the second side. The base material and the plastic each penetrate the woven ply to an extent to cause the woven ply to be free of the base material and the plastic in an inner lying thickness region thereof. 19-. (canceled)10. A toothed belt comprising:a toothed profile defining a toothed profile drive side and a far side facing away from said drive side;said toothed profile including a base material;a woven ply having a predetermined thickness and being applied to said far side of said toothed profile;said woven ply having a first side in contact with said far side causing said base material of said toothed profile to penetrate said woven ply at least partly at said first side thereof;said woven ply having a second side facing away from said first side;a coating of plastic on said second side of said woven ply causing said plastic to penetrate said woven ply at least partly at said second side; and,said base material and said plastic each penetrating said woven ply to an extent to cause said woven ply to be free of said base material and said plastic in an inner lying thickness region thereof with reference to said predetermined thickness.11. The toothed belt of claim 10 , wherein said woven ply is penetrated by said plastic of said coating at said second side up to a penetration depth of 5 to 50% of said predetermined thickness of said woven ply.12. The toothed belt of claim 11 , wherein said inner lying ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Fabric for Toothed Power Transmission Belt and Belt

Номер: US20210199176A9

A fabric for reinforcing a power transmission belt including fibers of polyarylene sulfide and a belt utilizing the fabric. The fabric may have textured or elastic core wrapped stretch yarns in the longitudinal direction. Longitudinal yarns may include PPS and textured transverse yarns include nylon. Yarns may include blends of high performance fibers and nylon or other fibers. 1. A woven stretch fabric for reinforcing a power transmission belt comprising textured staple fibers of polyarylene sulfide and optionally some textured fibers of polyamide.2. The fabric of comprising warp and weft threads claim 1 , wherein at least one of said warp and weft threads comprises said staple fibers of polyarylene sulfide in the form of a textured staple yarn of poly p-phenylene sulfide fibers.3. The fabric of wherein said poly p-phenylene sulfide fibers are present in the weft and textured to have at least 50% elongation at 2 kg tension claim 2 , and said warp comprises textured polyamide fiber.4. The fabric of wherein said fabric further comprises as said polyamide fiber nylon-66 fibers textured to have from 1 to 20% elongation at 2 kg tension claim 3 , and wherein said fabric has no elastic core thread.5. A power transmission belt having an elastomeric body claim 3 , a tensile member embedded within said body claim 3 , a pulley contact surface claim 3 , and a back surface; comprising on at least one of said surfaces a woven stretch fabric comprising textured staple fibers of polyarylene sulfide and optionally some textured fibers of nylon.6. The belt of in the form of a toothed belt having teeth on said pulley contact surface and with said fabric covering said teeth.7. The belt of wherein said fabric is woven with transverse and longitudinal threads with respect to their orientation in the belt claim 5 , and wherein said transverse threads comprise nylon-66 fibers claim 5 , and said longitudinal threads comprise both textured nylon-66 fibers and said polyarylene sulfide fibers ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Urethane Composition, Polyurethane Elastomer and Transmission Belt

Номер: US20180171139A1
Автор: Mitsuru Yamada
Принадлежит: Bando Chemical Industries Ltd

An object is to provide a polyurethane elastomer excellent in strength and surface smoothness. To attain the object, a urethane composition including a certain prepolymer, a plasticizer and a crosslinking agent is provided.

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178338A1

A cover fabric for a power transmission belt, the fabric woven from warp yarns and weft yarns; the warp yarns and weft yarns each plied from a first filament yarn and a second filament yarn; the first filament yarn comprising higher tensile strength fibers than the second filament yarn; and the fabric woven in a modified twill pattern. A toothed belt with the cover fabric on the teeth, oriented on a bias, with the fabric having a bias angle less than 90°. 1. A cover fabric for a power transmission belt , said fabric woven from warp yarns and weft yarns; said warp yarns and weft yarns each plied from a first filament yarn and a second filament yarn; said first filament yarn comprising higher tensile strength fibers than said second filament yarn; and said fabric woven in a modified twill pattern.2. The cover fabric of wherein the modified twill pattern comprises one or more rows of 1/1 or 2/1 plain weave alternating with one or more rows of a 1/3 or 1/4 or 2/4 satin weave.3. The cover fabric of wherein said warp yarns and weft yarns are each plied with a final twist in the range of 1.0 to 5.0 twists per cm.4. The cover fabric of wherein said warp yarns and said weft yarns have the same composition.5. The cover fabric of wherein said first filament yarn comprises aramid fibers and said second filament yarn comprises nylon fibers.6. The cover fabric of wherein said first filament yarn makes up more than half of the total denier of the warp and weft yarns.7. The cover fabric of oriented on a bias with bias angle less than 90 degrees.8. The cover fabric of comprising a relatively smooth side and a relatively rough side.9. The cover fabric of oriented on a bias with bias angle of about 80 degrees.10. A toothed power transmission belt comprising a bias fabric covering said teeth; wherein said bias fabric is woven from nonstretchable warp yarns and weft yarns oriented at a bias angle of less than 80°; said warp yarns and weft yarns each plied from a first filament yarn and ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178339A1

A toothed power transmission belt with a smooth back side surface has a back jacket on the back side surface; wherein the back jacket comprises a closed-mesh, knit fabric tube. The fabric tube may be knitted on a circular weft knitting machine and may be heat set after knitting. The fabric tube may be treated with an epoxy, RFL or other treatment to provide for oil resistance, adhesion, frictional properties, etc. 1. A toothed power transmission belt comprising: a rubber belt body with a toothed surface on one side thereof and a smooth back side surface opposite the one side; a tooth jacket covering the toothed surface; a tensile cord embedded in the belt body; and a back jacket on the back side surface; wherein the back jacket comprises a closed-mesh , knit fabric tube.2. The belt of wherein the fabric tube is knitted with an elastic yarn and an inelastic yarn.3. The belt of wherein the fabric tube is knitted with an elastic yarn and an inelastic yarn fed separately into a circular claim 1 , weft-knitting machine.4. The belt of wherein the elastic yarn comprises polyurethane and the inelastic yarn comprises nylon.5. The belt of wherein the back jacket further comprises a coating comprising an epoxy on the fabric tube.6. The belt of wherein the back jacket further comprises a coating comprising an epoxy and a latex rubber on the fabric tube.7. A method of making the toothed power transmission belt of comprising:providing the closed-mesh, knit fabric tube;treating the knit fabric tube with a coating to make the back jacket;applying the back jacket to a belt slab on a belt-building mandrel;curing the belt slab and cutting to a desired width, resulting in the toothed power transmission belt.8. The method of wherein the treating comprises drying the coated fabric tube in a stress-free process.9. The method of wherein the stress-free process comprises drying the coated fabric tube on a carrier fabric.10. The method of wherein the knit fabric tube comprises an elastic ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Helical belt assembly, method of use, and kit therefore

Номер: US20200173522A1
Автор: Gregory A. Godsey
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed herein is an assembly, method of assembling and kit for assembling an assembled helical belt that is mounted within a mounting space defined by a continuous mechanical constraint of a device wherein the assembled helical belt includes a flexible helical belt having two distinct ends that is further comprised of a plurality of belt teeth affixed on a first planar surface of the helical belt, where at least a subset of the plurality of belt teeth of the flexible helical belt are each pierced by a through hole which extends through the respective belt tooth and where the flexible helical belt is of sufficient length such that, when the flexible helical belt is mounted within the intended mounting space, the flexible helical belt overlaps itself by at least one rotation such that each of the plurality of through holes are transversely aligned with at least one other through hole, and a plurality of transverse compression devices, each of which is fitted through one of the plurality of through holes of the belt teeth, and further through the at least one transversely aligned through hole, wherein each respective transverse compression device creates a compressive force on the flexible helical belt in a direction that is generally transverse to the length of the flexible helical belt, such that the assembled, compressed, flexible helical belt forms a single, continuous, unending drive belt that passes through the mounting space.

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210214189A1

There is provided a support member () for a drive belt () of a passenger conveyor (), including at least one engagement portion () having a length (L) substantially equal to the width (w) of the drive belt (), and a coupling element () provided at each end of the at least one engagement portion (). Each coupling element () is configured to engage with a corresponding coupling element () of a conveyance element () of the passenger conveyor (). 16016026030130230101010ab. A support member ( , , ) for a drive belt ( , , ) of a passenger conveyor ( , , ) , comprising:{'b': 62', '162', '262', '30', '130', '230, 'at least one engagement portion (, , ) having a length (L) substantially equal to the width (w) of the drive belt (, , ), and'}{'b': 65', '165', '265', '62', '162', '262', '65', '165', '265', '56', '14', '14', '14', '10', '10', '10, 'i': a', 'b', 'a', 'b, 'a coupling element (, , ) provided at each end of the at least one engagement portion (, , ), each coupling element (, , ) configured to engage with a corresponding coupling element () of a conveyance element (, , ) of the passenger conveyor (, , ).'}260160260621622623830130230. The support member ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , wherein the or each engagement portion ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is configured to fit within a recess () of the drive belt ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ).3601602606216226238. The support member ( claim 2 , claim 2 , ) according to claim 2 , wherein the or each engagement portion ( claim 2 , claim 2 , ) has a profile configured for a form-fit engagement with the respective recess ().46016026065165265641641632642636416416326426313262162262. The support member ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) according to claim 1 , wherein each coupling element ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) is provided in a coupling portion ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) claim 1 , each coupling portion ( claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , claim 1 , ) having a cross-sectional area (A claim 1 , A) that is larger than a cross- ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Rotational speed reducer

Номер: US20180187754A1
Автор: Alberto BIBOLOTTI

The present invention relates to an epicyclic speed reducer ( 1 ), comprising a casing ( 4 ) comprising a first ( 2 a ) and a second opening ( 2 b ) arranged on opposite faces of said casing ( 4 ). The casing ( 4 ) houses inside it: a first sun gear ( 20 ) fastened inside the casing ( 4 ) at said first opening ( 2 a ); a second sun gear ( 30 ) coaxial with the first sun gear ( 20 ) with the axis passing from the first opening ( 2 a ) to the second opening ( 2 b ); a first planet gear ( 8 a, 8 b ) adapted to describe a circular orbit around the first sun gear ( 20 ); a second planet gear ( 9 a, 9 b ) adapted to describe a circular orbit around the second sun gear ( 30 ); a supporting element ( 5 ) interposed between the first ( 20 ) and second ( 30 ) sun gear and adapted to rotate around the axis, the supporting element ( 5 ) connected to the first ( 8 a, 8 b ) and second ( 9 a, 9 b ) planet gear in such a way as to allow a relative rotation of the supporting element ( 5 ) with respect to the first ( 8 a, 8 b ) and second ( 9 a, 9 b ) planet gear; a first belt ( 10 ) connected to the first planet gear ( 8 a, 8 b ) and to the first sun gear ( 20 ); a second belt ( 11 ) connected to the second planet gear ( 9 a, 9 b ) and to the second sun gear ( 30 ). Moreover the supporting element ( 5 ) is provided with a seat ( 21 ) coaxial with the axis and adapted to be fitted on one end ( 2 ) of a driving shaft such that when the seat is fitted on the driving shaft the supporting element ( 5 ) and the driving shaft are rigidly connected.

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170191545A1

A toothed belt includes an uneven surface formed due to a weave pattern of a woven fabric or a knit loop pattern of a knitted fabric at a tooth bottom portion between toothed portions. 1. A toothed belt comprising:an endless toothed belt body made of polyurethane resin and provided, on its inner circumference, with a plurality of toothed portions spaced apart from one another;a cord buried in the toothed belt body so as to lie along a belt length direction and form a helical pattern having a pitch in a belt width direction;a nonwoven fabric buried in the toothed belt body at a position that is closer to the inner circumference in a belt thickness direction than a position where the cord is buried, the nonwoven fabric filled with the polyurethane resin which forms the toothed belt body and lying along the belt length direction; anda woven fabric or a knitted fabric integrally disposed in the toothed belt body at a position that is closer to the inner circumference in the belt thickness direction than the position where the nonwoven fabric is buried, the woven fabric or the knitted fabric filled with the polyurethane resin which forms the toothed belt body and lying along the belt length direction, whereina tooth bottom portion between the toothed portions has an uneven surface formed due to a weave pattern of the woven fabric or a knit loop pattern of the knitted fabric.2. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe uneven surface of the tooth bottom portion has an arithmetic mean roughness of 5 μm to 25 μm which is measured based on JIS B0601.3. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereina fiber material which forms the nonwoven fabric is nylon fibers.4. The toothed belt of claim 1 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'the nonwoven fabric has a basis weight of 200 g/mto 600 g/m.'}5. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinportions of the nonwoven fabric corresponding to the toothed portions are protruded toward the toothed portions to have a thickness that is 50% or more on average of a ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Toothed Belt Transmission Device

Номер: US20200182329A1
Автор: Ikeda Makoto

This toothed belt transmission device () includes a toothed belt () in which belt teeth () and belt tooth bottom parts () are alternately formed, and a toothed pulley () in which pulley teeth () and pulley tooth bottom parts () are alternately formed so as to mesh with the toothed belt (). The tips of the belt teeth () come into contact with the pulley tooth bottom parts (), but the tips of the pulley teeth () do not come into contact with the belt tooth bottom parts (), and gaps (S) are provided between the tips of the pulley teeth () and the belt tooth bottom parts (). 1. A toothed belt power-transmission device comprising:a toothed belt having belt teeth and belt tooth bottom portions formed alternately; anda toothed pulley having pulley teeth and pulley tooth bottom portions formed alternately to be configured to mesh with the toothed belt,wherein tip ends of the belt teeth are in contact with the pulley tooth bottom portions, andwherein tip ends of the pulley teeth are not in contact with the belt tooth bottom portions to provide a gap between the tip ends of the pulley teeth and the belt tooth bottom portions.2. The toothed belt power-transmission device according to claim 1 ,wherein the gap is 5 to 11% of a height of the belt teeth.3. The toothed belt power-transmission device according to claim 1 ,wherein at a central position of the belt teeth in a height direction of the belt teeth, a backlash of 2.5 to 3.5% of a width of the belt teeth at the central position is provided between the belt teeth and the pulley teeth.4. The toothed belt power-transmission device according to claim 1 ,wherein the belt teeth has a pitch of 14 mm or more, andwherein the belt teeth has a height of 5 mm or more.5. The toothed belt power-transmission device according to claim 1 ,wherein the toothed belt comprises a back surface portion opposite to the belt teeth in a height direction of the belt teeth, and a plurality of tension members embedded in the back surface portion, ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Transmission Belt

Номер: US20140287862A1

The durability of a belt is enhanced by improving the strength of rubber itself while enhancing its peeling strength with respect to a cord, a fabric or a short fiber. A toothed belt () comprises a belt body () that is integrally formed by a tooth rubber () provided on one surface side thereof, a backing rubber () provided on the other surface side, and an embedded cord () spirally wound in a boundary portion between the tooth rubber () and the backing rubber () that extends in the longitudinal direction of the belt. A facing fabric () covering the tooth rubber () is adhered to a surface of the tooth rubber (), or one surface of the belt body (). The tooth rubber () is obtained by vulcanization-molding a rubber composition including rubber such as HNBR, resorcinol, a melamine compound, silica and the like. 1. A power transmission belt , comprising a rubber portion which is molded by vulcanizing a rubber composition including rubber , resorcinol and a melamine compound.2. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein the melamine compound is a hexamethoxy methylol melamine compound.3. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber portion is adhered to a cord or fabric claim 1 , or the rubber portion loads a short fiber embedded therein.4. The power transmission belt according to claim 3 , wherein at least one of the cord claim 3 , the fabric and the short fiber is subjected to RFL treatment.5. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein an aramid short fiber is embedded within the rubber portion.6. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber includes a hydrogenated nitrile rubber.7. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition further includes silica.8. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 , wherein the power transmission belt is a toothed belt with tooth rubber claim 1 , and the rubber portion constitutes at least a part of the tooth rubber. ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации

Toothed Belt

Номер: US20160208889A1

The present invention relates to a toothed belt containing a plurality of tooth parts that are disposed at predetermined intervals along the longitudinal direction and contain a rubber composition (A) as a base material and a back side that has a cord embedded therein and contains a rubber composition (B) as a base material, in which the cord contains a Lang-twisted carbon fiber and is formed in a diameter of 1.1 mm or more and 2.5 mm or less and the rubber composition (B) constituting the back side has a hardness of from 80 degrees to 89 degrees in JIS-A hardness. 1. A toothed belt comprising a plurality of tooth parts that are disposed at predetermined intervals along a longitudinal direction and comprise a rubber composition (A) as a base material , and a back side that has a cord embedded therein and comprises a rubber composition (B) as a base material ,wherein the cord comprises a Lang-twisted carbon fiber and is formed in a diameter of 1.1 mm or more and 2.5 mm or less andthe rubber composition (B) constituting the back side has a hardness of from 80 degrees to 89 degrees in JIS-A hardness.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition (A) constituting the tooth parts has a hardness of from 92 degrees to 96 degrees in JIS-A hardness.3. The toothed belt according to claim 2 , wherein a difference between the hardness of the rubber composition (A) constituting the tooth parts and the hardness of the rubber composition (B) constituting the back side is from 7 degrees to 16 degrees in JIS-A hardness.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein both of the rubber composition (A) constituting the tooth parts and the rubber composition (B) constituting the back side comprise a hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and an unsaturated carboxylic acid metal salt-containing hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber.5. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition (B) constituting the back side comprises a ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200191238A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH

The present invention concerns a belt (), with a belt body () which extends substantially in a longitudinal direction and substantially comprises a flexible material, wherein at least one tensioning member (), preferably a plurality of tensioning members (), is at least substantially embedded in the belt body () in the longitudinal direction and at least substantially surrounded by the flexible material of the belt body (), and with a coating () which is arranged directly on the belt body () from a drive side () of the belt (), wherein the coating () comprises a fabric layer (). The belt () is characterized in that facing the belt body (), the coating () has a first film () which is arranged between the belt body () and the fabric layer () and is designed to isolate the belt body from the fabric layer (). 110.-. (canceled)11. A belt comprising a belt body which extends substantially in a longitudinal direction and substantially comprises a flexible material;wherein at least one tensioning member is at least substantially embedded in the belt body in the longitudinal direction and the at least one tensioning member is at least substantially surrounded by the flexible material of the belt body;wherein a coating is arranged directly on the belt body from a drive side of the belt, and wherein the coating comprises a fabric layer; and,wherein facing the belt body, the coating has a first film which is arranged between the belt body and the fabric layer and is designed to isolate the belt body from the fabric layer.12. The belt as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the at least one tensioning member is a plurality of tensioning members.13. The belt as claimed in claim 11 , wherein the flexible material of the belt body comprises polyurethane claim 11 , and wherein the material of the first film comprises polyurethane.14. The belt as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the flexible material of the belt body and the material of the first film comprise the same polyurethane.15. The ...

18-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200191239A1

A toothed belt for a movable roof element of a vehicle which may have a toothed belt body made of plastic, a coupling element, and an interface of the toothed belt, which interface is formed by the coupling element, for coupling to the movable roof element, wherein—the coupling element and the toothed belt body are coupled to each other in a form fitting manner. 1. A toothed belt for a movable roof element of a vehicle , comprising:a toothed belt body made of plastic,a coupling element, andan interface of the toothed belt, which interface is formed by the coupling element, for coupling to the movable roof element, whereinthe coupling element and the toothed belt body are coupled to each other in a form fitting manner.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , comprising a fused connection which connects the coupling element and the toothed belt body to each other.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which a surface of the coupling element has a structured form claim 1 , and the plastic forms a form fit with the structured form.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element has a recess claim 1 , and the plastic reaches through the recess from one side of the coupling element to an opposite side of the coupling element.5. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the interface has a region set back transversely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the toothed belt.6. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element has a region projecting transversely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the toothed belt body.7. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element is completely covered by the plastic at least on two opposite sides.8. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the coupling element is metal.9. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , in which the interface is configured for coupling to a roller blind coupling of a roller blind.10. A system for a vehicle roof ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации

Timing Belt with a Belt Lock

Номер: US20160215852A1

The application describes and illustrates a timing belt, particularly a toothed belt, having a first end, a second end, a rear side, a front side, and having a plurality of teeth arranged on the rear side and/or the front side, wherein the first end has at least one cutaway, wherein the second end has at least one tine that is insertable into the cutaway, and wherein the first end and the second end are detachably connectable to each other and the teeth of the first end have an offset relative to the teeth of the second end in the connected condition under no tension. 1. A timing belt , particularly a toothed belt , having a first end , a second end , a rear side , a front side) , and having a plurality of teeth arranged on the rear side and/or the front side , wherein the first end has at least one cutaway , wherein the second end has at least one tine that is insertable into the cutaway , and wherein the first end and the second end are detachably connectable to each other by connecting means ,wherein,in a connected condition under no tension the teeth of the first end have an offset relative to the teeth of the second end.2. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the offset has a length between 0.1 mm and 1.5 mm.3. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the timing belt has back panels and/or inserts as connecting means.4. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tines have recesses on the rear side thereof for accommodating the back panels.5. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tines have grooves on the front side thereof for accommodating the inserts.6. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the grooves and/or recesses are arranged eccentrically relative to the teeth in a longitudinal direction of the belt.7. The timing belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tines of the first end and/or the second end have through holes which extend from the rear side to the front side of the belt.8. The timing belt according to ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Toothed Belt and Manufacturing Method Therefor

Номер: US20200198268A1
Автор: Ikeda Makoto

The present invention relates to a toothed belt () containing: a belt main body () containing an array of a cord, a tooth portion () formed on the lower side of the array of the cord and arranged at a predetermined interval along a longitudinal direction of the cord, and a back surface portion () formed on the upper side of the array of the cord and having the cord buried therein, which are integrally molded with a first thermoplastic elastomer composition; and a back sheet () adhered to the back surface portion side of the belt main body () and composed of a second thermoplastic elastomer composition, in which the back sheet () has an uneven shape () in a surface on the adhesion side. 1. A toothed belt comprising:a belt main body comprising an array of a cord, a tooth portion formed on the lower side of the array of the cord and arranged at a predetermined interval along a longitudinal direction of the cord, and a back surface portion formed on the upper side of the array of the cord and having the cord buried therein, which are integrally molded with a first thermoplastic elastomer composition; anda back sheet adhered to the back surface portion side of the belt main body and composed of a second thermoplastic elastomer composition,wherein the back sheet has an uneven shape in a surface on the adhesion side.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the uneven shape is formed by arranging convex and concave portions along the longitudinal direction of the cord at a predetermined interval, and the predetermined interval of the convex and concave portions is smaller than the predetermined interval of the tooth portion.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the second thermoplastic elastomer composition forming the back sheet has a different property from that of the first thermoplastic elastomer composition forming the belt main body.4. A method for manufacturing the toothed belt as described in claim 1 ,comprising:a first step of forming the back ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180208435A1

The object of the invention is a belt-type traction means, which comprises a herringbone toothed belt, which has at least a tooth part and a support structure supporting the tooth part, which support structure comprises a plurality of reinforcement means in the longitudinal direction of the toothed belt. In the transverse direction of the toothed belt the toothed belt comprises two edge parts side by side and a center part between the edge parts connecting the edge parts, the spring constant of which center part in the transverse direction of the toothed belt is smaller than the corresponding spring constant of the edge parts. In addition, the object of the invention is a method for fabricating the aforementioned traction means and the use of the traction means in an elevator as well as an elevator provided with the aforementioned traction means. 1. Belt-type traction means , which comprises a herringbone toothed belt , which has at least a tooth part and a support structure supporting the tooth part , which support structure comprises a plurality of reinforcement means in the longitudinal direction of the toothed belt , wherein in the transverse direction of the toothed belt the toothed belt comprises two edge parts side by side and a center part between the edge parts and connecting the edge parts , the spring constant of which center part in the transverse direction of the toothed belt is smaller than the corresponding spring constant of the edge parts.2. Traction means according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the center part is equal to claim 1 , or smaller than claim 1 , the thickness of the support structure of the edge parts.3. Traction means according to claim 1 , wherein the center part is of a different material than the edge parts and the material of the center part is both softer and more flexible than the material of the edge parts.4. Traction means according to claim 1 , wherein the center part is fastened at its sides to the side surface of the ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190202152A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH

A process for the production, in a plurality of substeps, of a traction or carrying means built up from a plurality of components or assemblies and consisting of preferably extruded elastomeric material, wherein, in a first substep, a first component, provided with reinforcing members or cables, of the traction or carrying means is produced and, in further substeps, a traction or carrying means, which is connected to further components or provided with further layers of elastomeric material, fabric layers or reinforcing-member layers, is successively completed, and optionally said traction or carrying means is shaped or profiled on one or more sides, wherein the individual substeps in the process follow one another such that a component processed or completed in the respectively preceding substep is fed at room temperature (Rt), after a maximum of 1 to 10 minutes, preferably 2 to 5 minutes, to the subsequent substep for further processing or completion, and such that the temperature of the component does not drop below 30° C., preferably 40° C., between a respectively preceding substep and the subsequent substep. 16.-. (canceled)8. The process for producing elastomeric belts according to claim 7 , wherein the individual substeps i) claim 7 , ii) and iii) in the process follow one another such that a component processed or completed in the respectively preceding substep is fed at room temperature (Rt) after a time period of 2 to 5 minutes.9. The process for producing elastomeric belts according to claim 7 , wherein individual substeps i) claim 7 , ii) and iii) in the process follow one another such that a component processed or completed in the respectively preceding substep is fed at room temperature (Rt) after a time period of 1 to 10 minutes claim 7 , to the subsequent substep for further processing or completion claim 7 , and such that the temperature of the component does not drop below 40° C. claim 7 , between a respectively preceding substep and the subsequent ...

25-06-2020 дата публикации

Transmission Belt

Номер: US20200200232A1

The present invention relates to a transmission belt which is provided with: a rubber layer that is formed from a vulcanized product of a rubber composition which contains a rubber component containing an ethylene-α-olefin elastomer, a filler containing silica, a vulcanizing agent containing a sulfur-based vulcanizing agent, and a curable resin containing an amino resin; and a fiber member that is in contact with the rubber layer. 1. A power transmission belt comprising a rubber layer and a fiber member being in contact with the rubber layer , a rubber component comprising an ethylene-α-olefin elastomer,', 'a filler comprising a silica,', 'a vulcanizing agent comprising a sulfur vulcanizing agent, and', 'a curable resin comprising an amino resin., 'wherein the rubber layer is formed of a vulcanizate of a rubber composition comprising2. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the amino resin comprises a melamine resin.3. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the filler further comprises a carbon black.4. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the ratio of the amino resin is from 10 to 50 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of silica.5. The power transmission belt according to claim 3 ,wherein the ratio of the silica is from 10 to 150 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of carbon black.6. The power transmission belt according to claim 3 , wherein the silica is contained in an amount of from 5 to 30 parts by mass and the carbon black is contained in an amount of from 10 to 100 parts by mass claim 3 , with respect to 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.7. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the sulfur vulcanizing agent is sulfur.8. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the curable resin comprises substantially no resorcinol resin.9. The power transmission belt according to claim 1 ,wherein the vulcanizing agent comprises substantially no ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Toothed Belt Driving Device for Bicycle

Номер: US20160221637A1

The present invention relates to a toothed belt driving device for bicycle, in which, in drive state, the pulley groove portion of a driven pulley is in surface contact with a portion of a surface of the belt tooth portion, this portion in surface contact is present in a range positioned closer to a tooth root portion than a reference circle, the maximum value of the shortest distance between the pulley groove portion of the driven pulley and the surface of the belt tooth portion opposite to the traveling direction of the belt is 10% or more and 18% or less of the tooth pitch, a groove depth of the driven pulley is greater than the tooth height of the belt tooth portion, and the difference therebetween is 5% or more of the tooth height. 1. A toothed belt driving device for bicycle comprising:a toothed belt that is formed of a rubbery elastic body into which a tension member is embedded along a belt longitudinal direction, and that has a plurality of convex-shaped belt tooth portions disposed with a predetermined tooth pitch along the belt longitudinal direction;a drive pulley having pulley groove portions that are formed on an outer circumferential surface thereof so as to mesh with the belt tooth portions; anda driven pulley having pulley groove portions that are formed on an outer circumferential surface thereof so as to mesh with the belt tooth portions;whereinin a cross-section perpendicular to a width direction of the belt, the belt tooth portion is formed to be substantially symmetrical to a straight line in a thickness direction of the belt,in a drive state, the pulley groove portion of the drive pulley is in surface contact with a portion of a surface of the belt tooth portion, which is positioned opposite to a traveling direction of the belt, and the pulley groove portion of the driven pulley is in surface contact with a portion of a surface of the belt tooth portion, which is positioned toward the traveling direction of the belt,the portion of the belt ...

13-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150225012A1
Автор: YAMAGUCHI Masashi

An electric power steering device includes a motor, a drive pulley that is connected to the output shaft of the motor and includes helical teeth, a driven pulley that is arranged coaxially with a rack shaft and includes helical teeth, and a belt that is wound around these pulleys and includes helical teeth meshing with the respective helical teeth of both pulleys. Internal teeth on a belt each are formed to have a tooth thickness that is reduced toward both ends thereof along the width direction of the belt. 1. An electric power steering device comprising:a steered shaft that changes a steering angle of steered wheels responding to steering operation;a motor that applies assist force to the steered shaft;a drive pulley that includes helical teeth and is connected to an output shaft of the motor;a driven pulley that includes helical teeth and is arranged coaxially with the steered shaft; anda belt that includes helical teeth meshing with the helical teeth of a set of the drive pulley and the driven pulley, and is wound around the set of the pulleys, whereinthe helical teeth of at least one of the pulleys and the belt each have a tooth thickness that is reduced from a center toward both ends of a helical tooth in the width direction of the pulleys or the belt.2. The electric power steering device according to claim 1 , whereinthe helical teeth of at least one of the pulleys and the belt each have a portion where the tooth thickness is kept constant between both ends of the helical tooth in the width direction.3. The electric power steering device according to claim 1 , whereinthe helical teeth of at least one of the pulleys and the belt are the helical teeth of the belt.4. The electric power steering device according to claim 1 , whereinthe helical teeth of at least one of the pulleys and the belt are the helical teeth of at least one of the pulleys.5. The electric power steering device according to claim 1 , whereinthe helical teeth of at least one of the pulleys and ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Drive Belts

Номер: US20210245461A1
Автор: SCHOLZEN Andreas

The invention is used to manufacture a drive belt. To this end, mould core () and outer mould () of a casting tool (G) are provided. In the case of mould core () inserted into the outer mould (), a cavity () is formed in the casting tool (G). The mould core () or the outer mould () are provided with a geometry () to be represented on the drive belt. Said geometry has projections () protruding from a base surface () and arranged spaced apart from one another, which have a head surface () and lateral surfaces () which each delimit a gap () of the geometry () with in each case a base surface () present between two adjacent projections (). A textile layer () is laid on the geometry (), which is supported on the head surfaces () and in each case extends with a section () over the gaps (). A tension member () is laid on the textile layer () such that the textile layer () is fixed between the tension member () and the respective head surface (). At the same time, an intermediate space () between the section () of the textile layer () extending over the gap () and the section () of the tension member () spanning the gap () is delimited in each gap (). The cavity () and the intermediate spaces () are filled with a castable elastomer base material (B) after inserting the thus provided mould core () into the outer mould (). As a result, the sections () of the textile layer () are pressed by the elastomer base material (B) against the lateral surfaces () of the projections () and the assigned base surface () of the respective gap (). The drive belt sleeve obtained can be demoulded after the base material has solidified. 1. A method for manufacturing a drive belt comprising the following work steps:a) Providing a mould core and an outer mould of a casting tool, wherein the mould core is provided to be inserted into the outer mould such that a cavity representing the mould of the drive belt to be manufactured is formed between the outer mould and the mould core sitting inside it ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208344A1
Автор: KATAGIRI Shinya

A rubber-reinforcing cord () of the present invention includes at least one strand. The strand includes at least one filament bundle and a coating provided to cover at least a portion of a surface of the filament bundle. The coating includes a rubber component including at least one selected from the group consisting of carboxyl-modified nitrile rubber and carboxyl-modified hydrogenated nitrile rubber, an isocyanate compound, a bismaleimide compound, carbon black, and a rubber-modified epoxy resin. In the coating, the content of the isocyanate compound is 10 to 50 parts by mass, the content of the bismaleimide compound is 5 to 25 parts by mass, the content of the carbon black is 2 to 18 parts by mass, and the content of the rubber-modified epoxy resin is 5 to 30 parts by mass, with respect to 100 parts by mass of the rubber component. 1. A rubber-reinforcing cord for reinforcing a rubber product , the rubber-reinforcing cord comprising: at least one strand , whereinthe strand comprises at least one filament bundle and a coating provided to cover at least a portion of a surface of the filament bundle,the coating comprises a rubber component comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of carboxyl-modified nitrile rubber and carboxyl-modified hydrogenated nitrile rubber, an isocyanate compound, a bismaleimide compound, carbon black, and a rubber-modified epoxy resin, andin the coating, the content of the isocyanate compound is 10 to 50 parts by mass, the content of the bismaleimide compound is 5 to 25 parts by mass, the content of the carbon black is 2 to 18 parts by mass, and the content of the rubber-modified epoxy resin is 5 to 30 parts by mass, with respect to 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.2. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber-modified epoxy resin is a nitrile rubber-modified epoxy resin.3. The rubber-reinforcing cord according to claim 1 , comprising no other coating than the coating.4. The rubber- ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Drive means for conveyor belts, in particular of agricultural machines, and method for the production thereof

Номер: US20210246966A1
Автор: Marcel Schaper
Принадлежит: Arntz Beteiligungs GmbH and Co KG

In a first aspect, the present invention relates to a flat belt as an endless traction means suitable for conveyor belts, wherein the flat belt has no fabric insert in the force transmission region and optionally no fabric insert in the back of the belt. In a further aspect, a method for producing a flat belt as an endless traction means is provided. This method is a multistage method involving the steps of forming a flat belt with a main body and endless tension member elements, present therein, by means of a rotary vulcanization process, and subsequently forming at least a part of the force transmission region on the flat belt obtained by the rotary vulcanization process. Furthermore, drive means for conveyor belts, comprising a flat belt according to the invention are provided, and agricultural machines having a conveying device, designed to convey agricultural harvested material, having a flat belt or conveyor belt according to the invention.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180229415A1
Автор: ADLANI Zouhir

A method for making a reinforced monolithic belt () comprises: —extruding belt material () onto a rotating molding wheel (); —passing the belt material () into a mold cavity () formed by an endless band () engaging on a peripheral portion of the molding wheel (); and —laying a coated reinforcing cord () onto the molding wheel () before the mold cavity (). This method allows producing a reinforced monolithic belt with no flights. 1. A method for making a reinforced monolithic belt , comprising:extruding belt material onto a rotating flightless molding wheel;passing the belt material into a mold cavity formed by an endless band engaging on a peripheral portion of the molding wheel; andlaying a reinforcing cord coated with TPE onto the molding wheel before the mold cavity.2. The method according to claim 1 , comprising:passing the belt material under a spreader, by rotating the molding wheel, to spread the belt material onto the molding wheel before passing the belt material into the mold cavity.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coated reinforcing cord has a coating compatible with the belt material such that the coating and the belt material form a bond.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coated reinforcing cord has a coating which is the same material as the belt material.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coated reinforcing cord is laid onto the molding wheel before the belt material is extruded onto the molding wheel.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the coated reinforcing cord is laid onto the molding wheel after the belt material is extruded onto the molding wheel.7. A system for making a reinforced monolithic belt claim 1 , comprising:a flightless molding wheel, configured to rotate;an endless band configured to cooperate with a peripheral portion of the molding wheel to form a mold cavity, wherein the mold cavity includes an entrance for introducing belt material into the mold cavity and an exit from which a ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210261867A1

An apparatus for raising and lowering a cutting tool within a decoking drum, a decoking system and a method of raising and lowering a decoking system cutting tool. Instead of using metallic ropes, chains, or a self-propelled gear-based approach, non-metallic belts are secured at respective ends to a crosshead and one or more counterweights to enable vertical movement of the crosshead that in turn permits vertical movement of the cutting tool throughout the height of the drum. A motorized pulley system controls the movement of the belt, and preferably avoids having the motor be carried by the crosshead. The belts on each pulley are preferably arranged as cooperative sets so that within each set, both primary load belts and secondary load belts are present. Enhanced engagement between at least the primary load belts and the pulleys promotes greater load-bearing capability, while the secondary load belts are sufficiently strong to ensure positional stability of the crosshead and decoking tool upon damage to or failure of one or more of the primary load belts. 1. A method of operating a decoking tool , the method comprising:receiving the decoking tool within a decoking assembly that comprises a vertically movable crosshead, a support structure with a rigid member mounted thereto and motorized system comprising a plurality of pulleys, a plurality of belts and a motor statically mounted to the rigid member and cooperative with the plurality of pulleys, vertically movable crosshead and plurality of belts; andupon receipt of input instructions from a user, having the vertically movable crosshead along with the decoking tool move either up or down relative to the rigid member through the use of the motorized system.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pulleys are mounted to the rigid member and each of the plurality of belts are secured at one end to the vertically movable crosshead and at another end to a counterweight.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein each ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Frictional Power Transmission Belt and Process for Producing Same

Номер: US20170241512A1

A production method for producing a frictional power transmission belt containing an extensible layer forming a belt back surface, a compressive rubber layer formed on one surface of the extensible layer and frictionally engaging at the lateral surface thereof with pulleys, and a tension member embedded between the extensible layer and the compressive rubber layer along the belt length direction. A surface of at least a part of the compressive rubber layer to be in contact with pulleys is coated with a fiber/resin mixture layer that contains a resin component and heat-resistant fibers having a softening point or a melting point higher than a vulcanization temperature in a mixed state, and the heat-resistant fibers contain a fiber embedded so as to extend from the fiber/resin mixture layer to the compressive rubber layer. 1. A production method for producing a frictional power transmission belt , the method comprising:a winding step of sequentially winding a sheet for forming an extensible layer that forms a belt back surface, a tension member, an unvulcanized rubber sheet for forming a compressive rubber layer on one surface of the extensible layer, and a sheet for forming a fiber/resin mixture layer that comprises a resin component and heat-resistant fibers, around a cylindrical drum, the heat-resistant fibers having a softening point or a melting point higher than a vulcanization temperature in a mixed state, and the heat-resistant fibers containing a fiber embedded so as to extend from the fiber/resin mixture layer to the compressive rubber layer; anda vulcanization molding step of pressing the wound laminate sheet against a mold to vulcanize and mold the unvulcanized rubber sheet,wherein in the vulcanization molding step, the unvulcanized rubber sheet is pre-heated at a temperature lower than the vulcanization temperature and then vulcanized.2. The production method according to claim 1 , wherein the sheet for forming the fiber/resin mixture layer contains a ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Helical Belt and Belt Transmission Gear

Номер: US20200232540A1

The present invention relates to a helical toothed belt including: a back portion in which a tension member is buried; and a plurality of tooth portions, in which: the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 2 mm or more and less than 4 mm, in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 2 mm or more and less than 3 mm, the back portion has a thickness of 0.4 mm or more and 1.2 mm or less, in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 3 mm or more and less than 4 mm, the thickness of the back portion is 0.6 mm or more and 1.8 mm or less; and the tension member is a twisted cord including a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber. 1. A helical toothed belt comprising:a back portion in which a tension member is buried; anda plurality of tooth portions which are arranged at a predetermined interval along a belt longitudinal direction on one surface of the back portion and each have inclination with respect to a belt width direction, wherein:a surface of the tooth portion and a portion of the one surface of the back portion are formed of a tooth fabric; in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 2 mm or more and less than 3 mm, the back portion has a thickness of 0.4 mm or more and 1.2 mm or less,', 'in a case where the tooth pitch of the plurality of tooth portions is 3 mm or more and less than 4 mm, the thickness of the back portion is 0.6 mm or more and 1.8 mm or less; and, 'the plurality of tooth portions have a tooth pitch of 2 mm or more and less than 4 mm,'}the tension member is a twisted cord comprising a high-strength glass fiber or a carbon fiber and having a diameter of 0.2 mm or more and 0.6 mm or less, and the tension member is arranged such that each tension member pitch between adjacent tension member is in a range of 0.45 mm or more and 0.6 mm or less.2. The helical toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tension member buried in the back portion is arranged ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245672A1

The present invention provides a toothed belt transmission that reduces noise and vibration resulting from the engagement between a toothed belt and a toothed pulley, and that improves the durability of the toothed belt. The toothed belt transmission in which a tooth height of a toothed belt and a tooth height of a toothed pulley are set so that when the toothed belt and the toothed pulley start engaging with each other, tooth tip parts of the toothed belt and tooth bottom parts of the toothed pulley contact each other before tooth bottom parts of the toothed belt and tooth tip parts of the toothed pulley contact each other. 1. A toothed belt transmission transmitting rotation , with a toothed belt having belt teeth and a toothed pulley having pulley teeth being engaged with each other ,a tooth height of the toothed belt and a tooth height of the toothed pulley being set so that when the toothed belt and the toothed pulley start engaging with each other, tooth tip parts of the toothed belt and tooth bottom parts of the toothed pulley contact each other before tooth bottom parts of the toothed belt and tooth tip parts of the toothed pulley contact each other.2. The toothed belt transmission according to claim 1 , whereinthe tooth height of the toothed belt is set to be greater than the tooth height of the toothed pulley.3. The toothed belt transmission according to claim 1 , whereintooth surfaces of the belt teeth have tooth root-side concave curved parts respectively,tooth surfaces of the pulley teeth have tooth tip-side convex curved parts respectively that face the tooth root-side concave curved parts when the toothed belt and the toothed pulley engage with each other, whereina curvature radius of the tooth root-side concave curved parts of the belt teeth is set to be greater than or equal to a curvature radius of the tooth tip-side convex curved parts of the pulley teeth.4. The toothed belt transmission according to claim 1 , whereina pressure angle of tooth ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170247616A1

An apparatus for raising and lowering a cutting tool within a decoking drum, a decoking system and a method of raising and lowering a decoking system cutting tool. Instead of using metallic ropes, chains, or a self-propelled gear-based approach, non-metallic belts are secured at respective ends to a crosshead and one or more counterweights to enable vertical movement of the crosshead that in turn permits vertical movement of the cutting tool throughout the height of the drum. A motorized pulley system controls the movement of the belt, and preferably avoids having the motor be carried by the crosshead. The belts on each pulley are preferably arranged as cooperative sets so that within each set, both primary load belts and secondary load belts are present. Enhanced engagement between at least the primary load belts and the pulleys promotes greater load-bearing capability, while the secondary load belts are sufficiently strong to ensure positional stability of the crosshead and decoking tool upon damage to or failure of one or more of the primary load belts. 1. An apparatus for moving a coke cutting tool within a decoking drum , said apparatus comprising:a rigid member configured to extend a sufficient height above said drum to permit a range of vertical movement of said cutting tool substantially therethrough; and a crosshead defining a connection to said cutting tool and movably cooperative with said rigid member;', 'a plurality of pulleys secured to said rigid member, each configured to rotate about an axis;', 'a plurality of non-metallic belts, each cooperative with rotational movement of a respective one of said pulleys and secured at one end to said crosshead;', 'at least one counterweight secured to an opposing end of a respective one of said belts; and', 'at least one motor secured to said rigid member, said at least one motor configured to impart rotational movement to said pulleys such that said belts selectively raise or lower said crosshead relative to ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150258823A1

A liquid ejecting apparatus includes a first pulley; a second pulley; a head unit ejecting a liquid; a carriage in which the head unit is provided; a motor that generates power for driving the carriage; a power supply that supplies the power for ejecting the liquid from the head unit; and a belt that is hung on the first pulley and the second pulley, drives the carriage by the power supplied from the motor, and transmits the power to the head unit, in which the belt includes a first member for electrically connecting the power supply and the head unit, and a second member having an electric resistivity higher than an electric resistivity of the first member. 1. A liquid ejecting apparatus comprising:a first pulley;a second pulley;a head unit ejecting a liquid;a carriage in which the head unit is provided;a motor that generates power for driving the carriage;a power supply that supplies the power for ejecting the liquid from the head unit; anda belt that is hung on the first pulley and the second pulley, drives the carriage by the power supplied from the motor, and transmits the power to the head unit,wherein the belt includesa first member for electrically connecting the power supply and the head unit, anda second member having an electric resistivity higher than an electric resistivity of the first member.2. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein an area occupied by the first member of a surface area of the belt is smaller than an area occupied by the second member.3. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the power is transmitted to the belt through the first pulley,wherein a power transmission groove section for transmitting the power from the first pulley is formed on the second member, andwherein a power transmission projection section for transmitting the power to the power transmission groove section is formed on the first pulley.4. The liquid ejecting apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the power is transmitted ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240488A1

In a toothed belt including a toothed belt body and a reinforcing cloth, the toothed belt body includes a rubber composition and has a base part formed into a flat band shape and a plurality of rubber tooth parts, which are arranged integrally with one face of the base part and spaced apart from each other in a belt lengthwise direction. The reinforcing cloth is attached to the toothed belt body to cover a face, of the toothed belt body, with the rubber tooth parts. Each of the rubber tooth parts is covered with the reinforcing cloth in a corresponding one of cloth-covered tooth parts where a rate of a volume of the reinforcing cloth with respect to a volume of the cloth-covered tooth part is 60% or more. 1. A toothed belt , comprising a toothed belt body and a reinforcing cloth ,the toothed belt body being including a rubber composition and having a base part formed into a flat band shape and a plurality of rubber tooth parts, the rubber tooth parts being arranged integrally with one face of the base part and spaced apart from each other in a belt lengthwise direction,the reinforcing cloth being attached to the toothed belt body to cover a face, of the toothed belt body, with the rubber tooth parts,each of the rubber tooth parts being covered with the reinforcing cloth in a corresponding one of cloth-covered tooth parts where a rate of a volume of the reinforcing cloth with respect to a volume of the cloth-covered tooth part is 60% or more.2. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe reinforcing cloth is attached to the toothed belt body via an adhesion layer, andthe adhesion layer comprises H-NBR rubber.3. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe toothed belt includes cords embedded to extend in a lengthwise direction of the toothed belt body and made of glass fiber,the rubber composition constituting the toothed belt body comprises H-NBR as a rubber component, andthe reinforcing cloth comprises nylon.4. The toothed belt of claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of cloth- ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254405A1
Автор: Ballhausen Ulrich

The invention relates to a belt for transmitting a drive motion, comprising a belt body consisting of an elastic material and a carcass that extends in the longitudinal direction of the belt and that is at least partially surrounded by the belt body for increasing the strength of said belt body in the longitudinal direction of the belt. A data memory for saving data is situated in the belt body and at least one piece of information that identifies the belt is stored in the data memory. The drive motion can be enabled and/or disabled in accordance with the information that identifies the belt. 1. A belt for transmitting a drive motion , comprisinga belt body of an elastic material including areas of local material accumulation vulcanized or injection molded to form a belt tooth or a belt rib, and{'b': '1', 'a carcass that extends in the longitudinal direction of the belt and that is at least partially surrounded by the belt body for increasing the strength of said belt body in the longitudinal direction of the belt, the carcass consisting of a plurality of individual cords or fibers (F), said cords or fibers not subjected to tension or pressure when the belt () is bent around a bending axis (B) extending cross to the belt longitudinal axis (R),'}{'b': '1', 'wherein the belt body is adapted for bending around a bending axis (B) extending cross to the belt longitudinal axis (R) and is subject to bending load in areas other than the carcass when the belt () is bent around a bending axis (B) extending cross to the belt longitudinal axis (R),'}{'b': '9', 'wherein a data memory () for saving data identifying the belt is situated in the belt body,'}{'b': '9', 'wherein the data stored in the data memory () are readable by electronic readout and comprise at least one piece of information that identifies the belt and wherein the drive motion can be disabled and/or enabled in accordance with the stored information that identifies the belt, and'}{'b': 9', '2', '2', '9', '2', '3 ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264756A1
Автор: FUJIOKA Shigeyuki

An object is to provide a polyurethane transmission belt offering excellent durability, as well as a belt-molding material for manufacturing such transmission belt. As a solution, a polyurethane transmission belt is provided that contains 1,2-cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester expressed by Chemical Formula (1) below. 2. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 1 , characterized by containing the 1 claim 1 ,2-cycloyexane dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester by 5 to 40 parts by weight relative to 100 parts by weight of a prepolymer synthesized from polyisocyanate and polyol.3. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 1 , characterized by having a Shore A hardness of 85 to 93.4. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 1 , characterized by not containing phthalate ester plasticizer.5. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 1 , characterized by being a V belt or toothed belt.6. A belt-molding material characterized by containing at least a prepolymer synthesized from polyisocyanate and polyol claim 1 , as well as 1 claim 1 ,2-cyclohexne dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester.7. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 2 , characterized by having a Shore A hardness of 85 to 93.8. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 2 , characterized by not containing phthalate ester plasticizer.9. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 2 , characterized by being a V belt or toothed belt.10. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 3 , characterized by not containing phthalate ester plasticizer.11. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 3 , characterized by being a V belt or toothed belt.12. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 4 , characterized by being a V belt or toothed belt.13. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 7 , characterized by not containing phthalate ester plasticizer.14. A polyurethane transmission belt according to claim 8 , ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Toothed belt and sprocket system

Номер: US20180259043A1
Принадлежит: Gates Corp

A belt and sprocket system comprising a tensile cord disposed within a belt body, at least two teeth projecting from the belt body, the belt comprising a pitch length measured between the at least two teeth on the belt, one of the at least two teeth having a tooth tip and a profile comprising a first radius and a second radius and a third radius disposed between a first linear segment and a second linear segment, the sprocket having a groove for receiving one of the at least two teeth, the groove profile comprising a first radius and a second radius and the third radius and a fourth radius, each of which is connected in series to the others and each of which is unequal in length to the other radii, the tooth having a width that is approximately 35% of a pitch length at 90% of a tooth height so as to result in an interference fit between the one of at least two teeth and groove at 90% of the tooth height; and a volume between the tooth tip and the groove.

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210332869A1

Toothed belt with an internal toothing and an external toothing and transmission with such a toothed belt. Tooth crests of the internal toothing comprise a rounded region with a cross section in the shape of a segment of a circle, and tooth crests of the external toothing comprise a rounded region with a cross section in the shape of a segment of a circle. A region between two adjacent tooth crests of the internal toothing is at least as wide as a tooth width of teeth of the internal toothing, and a region between two adjacent tooth crests of the external toothing is at least as wide as a tooth width of teeth of the external toothing. 1. A toothed belt comprising:an internal toothing; andan external toothing;wherein tooth crests of the internal toothing comprise a rounded region with a cross section in the shape of a segment of a circle; andwherein tooth crests of the external toothing comprise a rounded region with a cross section in the shape of a segment of a circle, andwherein a region between two adjacent tooth crests of the internal toothing is at least as wide as a tooth width of teeth of the internal toothing, andwherein a region between two adjacent tooth crests of the external toothing is at least as wide as a tooth width of teeth of the external toothing.2. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tooth crests of the internal toothing are arranged radially opposite the tooth crests of the external toothing.3. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tooth crests of the internal toothing are arranged radially opposite the tooth bases of the external toothing.4. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the tooth bases of the external toothing and the tooth bases of the internal toothing are shaped as flat tooth bases claim 1 , which correspond to a section of a vertical circular cylinder.5. The toothed belt according to claim 1 , wherein the toothed belt comprises a constant thickness claim 1 , and wherein the internal toothing ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации

Drive Belt and Method for the Production Thereof

Номер: US20200256423A1
Принадлежит: ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH

The invention relates to a drive belt for a traction mechanism drive, having a radially externally arranged top layer () composed of a fiber-containing elastomer or of an elastomer comprising a fiber mesh, having a radially centrally arranged tension member layer () composed of a wound tension strand or a plurality of circumferentially oriented tension strands, and a radially internally arranged substructure () composed of an elastomer, wherein at least one wedge-shaped rib is integrally formed in the substructure (), a coating layer () composed of a circumferentially open fiber mesh being applied to the outer surfaces of said wedge-shaped rib. In order to prevent an abrupt change in the friction coefficient at the force-transmitting flanks of the ribs, provision is made for the circumferential ends () of the coating layer () and a parting joint (), which is filled by the elastomer of the substructure (), between said circumferential ends () of the coating layer () to be covered with a transverse strip () composed of a vulcanizable material, wherein said vulcanizable material has a reduced friction coefficient in relation to the elastomer of the substructure (). 18.-. (canceled)9. A drive belt coil for a traction mechanism drive , the drive belt coil comprising:a radially externally arranged top layer comprising of a fiber-containing elastomer;a radially arranged substructure comprising an elastomer;a coating layer comprising a circumferentially open fiber mesh being applied to an outer surface of the radially arranged substructure, the coating layer having circumferential ends defining a parting joint; anda transverse strip comprising a vulcanizable material and having a reduced friction coefficient in relation to the radially arranged substructure.10. The drive belt coil as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the vulcanizable material of the transverse strip is a two-component nitrile foam (2K-NFT).11. The drive belt coil as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the vulcanizable ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации

V-Ribbed Belt And Method For Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20140364262A1

A V-ribbed belt that includes a ribbed surface covered with fabric is provided. The fabric is stretchable in two predetermined directions. A method for manufacturing the V-ribbed belt is also provided. The method includes placing a belt matrix about a mandrel, placing a fabric about the external circumference of the belt matrix which wraps around the mandrel, placing the mandrel inside a shell having a plurality of grooves on the internal circumference, expanding the belt matrix and the fabric toward the internal circumference of the shell and thus pressing the fabric onto the internal circumference having the multi-ribbed structure, and curing the belt matrix with the fabric. The fabric is stretchable to accommodate itself to the multi-ribbed structure. 1. A V-ribbed belt: , comprising a ribbed surface covered with fabric , said fabric being stretchable in two predetermined directions;wherein said fabric comprises elastic yarn and at least one type of non-elastic yarn, said non-elastic yarn comprises cellulose-based fiber or yarn.2. (canceled)3. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 1 , wherein said elastic yarn includes polyurethane.4. (canceled)5. The V-ribbed belt according to or claim 1 , wherein said non-elastic yarn comprises non-cellulose-based fiber or yarn.6. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 5 , wherein said non-elastic yarn comprises a blend of cellulose-based fiber or yarn and non-cellulose-based fiber or yarn.7. The V-ribbed belt according to claim 6 , wherein a blend of the cellulose-based fiber or yarn and the non-cellulose-based fiber or yarn is made either by blending two types of fibers in yarn spun or twist or by feeding different types of yarns during the fabric manufacturing process.8. The V-ribbed belt according to any one of or claim 6 , wherein said cellulose-based fiber or yarn includes:natural fiber including cotton, linen, jute, hemp, abaca, and bamboo;man-made fiber including rayon and acetate;and combinations thereof.9. The V-ribbed ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Warp stretch fabric and method

Номер: US20160281818A1
Принадлежит: Highland Industries Inc

A warp-directional stretch fabric that defines two right faces and is formed from warp yarns defined by a nylon and fill yarns defined by an aramid. The fabric can be incorporated into a toothed belt, for example a transmission belt, to produce a belt that has enhanced structural and resistance capabilities while capable of being produced at a lower cost than prior art belts. A method of producing an improved toothed belt including the fabric is also provided.
