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10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2232321C2

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано в схемах гидравлического привода управления для бесступенчатых передач. Схема гидравлического привода управления для бесступенчатой коробки передач включает первый клапан управления V1для регулирования давления рабочей жидкости, нагнетаемой под поршни привода управления роликами бесступенчатой коробки передач, и второй клапан управления V2 для регулирования гидравлического давления рабочей жидкости, нагнетаемой в переключающее устройство для муфт коробки передач. Клапаны V1 и V2 подсоединены по потоку последовательно друг за другом и посредством первого распределительного клапанного механизма V3 (S1, S2) обеспечивают направление потока рабочей жидкости от каждого из насосов Pl и Pr в первую точку Р1, расположенную по направлению потока выше клапана V1, либо во вторую точку P2, расположенную по направлению потока ниже клапана V1, но выше клапана V2. Технический результат заключается в создании схемы гидравлического привода ...

10-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2176755C2
Принадлежит: ЭЙМБРИДЖ ПТИ ЛТД. (AU)

Изобретение относится к машиностроению и может быть использовано для регулирования фазы. Первые шестерни присоединены к выходным валам, фаза которых подлежит регулированию. Имеется раздаточный механизм для вращения или работы независимо от входа. Он подсоединен к первым шестерням для обеспечения возможности передачи вращательного перемещения между первыми зубчатыми колесами и устройством регулирования фазы, заставляя первые шестерни совершать движение вперед или назад относительно друг друга для изменения фазового соотношения между выходами. Обеспечивается надежная регулировка фаз во время вращения валов и нахождения их под нагрузкой. 4 с. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2481513C2
Принадлежит: ВРТ Инновэйшнс ЛТД (AU)

Изобретение относится к регулируемым трансмиссионным системам. Трансмиссионная система имеет входной вал, выходной вал, маховик, который имеет кольцевое зубчатое колесо и планетарное зубчатое колесо, вращение которого обусловлено вращением входного вала, первый трансмиссионный вал, второй трансмиссионный вал, систему зубчатых колес, соединяющих входной вал с выходным, и регулировочные валы, связанные с трансмиссионными валами. Достигается повышение производительности и уменьшение расхода топлива. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 1 табл.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU165556U1

... 1. Редуктор коммунальной машины, содержащий корпус и цилиндрическую зубчатую передачу, включающую ведущую и ведомую части, при этом валы передачи установлены параллельно друг другу в подшипниковых опорах корпуса, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит грузоподъемный болт, определитель уровня масла, сливную магистральную пробку, сапун, а ведомая часть состоит из трех валов-шестерен, каждая из которых находится в зацеплении с ведущей шестерней и имеет сквозное отверстие со шлицевой частью, а стыковка между корпусом редуктора и фланцем двигателя осуществляется за счет переходника.2. Редуктор коммунальной машины по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество зубьев ведущего вала-шестерни равно 32, количество зубьев первого ведущего вала-шестерни - 32, второго вала-шестерни - 24, а третьего вала-шестерни - 30.

20-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2039903C1

Использование: машиностроение. Сущность изобретения: редуктор соосный с многопоточной передачей содержит приводной вал с ведущей шестерней, выходные валы с разнонаправленным вращением, паразитные и промежуточные шестерни. Последние установлены чередующимися в окружном направлении двумя группами. Промежуточные шестерни одной группы двухвенцовые, другой группы - одновенцовые. Последние установлены в промежутке между венцами двухвенцовых промежуточных шестерен с перекрытием. Промежуточные шестерни в группах связаны между собой торсионами. Паразитные шестерни установлены в окружном направлении сбоку промежуточных шестерен и связаны с ними. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

29-08-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2825764C1

Группа изобретений относится к сельскому хозяйству. Двухскоростной редуктор с двумя выходными валами, предназначенный для комбайна с двухроторным аксиальным молотильно-сепарирующим устройством, содержит входной вал, ведущую шестерню первой передачи, ведущую шестерню второй передачи, вторую выходную ведомую шестерню, ведущую шестерню постоянного зацепления, промежуточную шестерню, вал промежуточной шестерни, первую выходную ведомую шестерню, пару выходных валов, вилку переключения передач, ось вилки переключения передач, ведомую шестерню первой передачи, зубчатую муфту, ведомую шестерню второй передачи, второй вал, узел входного корпуса двухскоростного редуктора и узел выходного корпуса. Входной вал установлен с возможностью вращения в узле входного корпуса двухскоростного редуктора. Ведущая шестерня первой передачи и ведущая шестерня второй передачи установлены на входном валу. Ось вилки переключения передач установлена с возможностью скольжения в узле входного корпуса двухскоростного редуктора ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565799C1

Изобретение относится к транспортному машиностроению, в частности к автоматизированным трансмиссиям. В коробке передач на первом ведомом валу располагаются шестерни и муфта переключения второй-шестой и первой-седьмой передач. На втором ведомом валу располагаются шестерни и муфты переключения задней-четвертой и пятой-третьей передач. Ступица муфты переключения первой-седьмой передач через трубчатый вал связана жесткой связью с ведомой шестерней шестой передачи. Достигается повышение эксплуатационных возможностей и характеристик автомобиля 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

27-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2566585C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения вариантов конструкции соосной коробки передач с двумя сцеплениями. Коробка передач содержит узел двойного сцепления, корпус с параллельно размещенными в нем входными валами, выходным, промежуточным и дополнительным валами. Два входных вала расположены один внутри другого, с установленными на одном из них шестернями четных передач, а на другом шестернями нечетных передач. Указанные шестерни входят в зацепление с шестернями постоянного зацепления соответствующих передач, имеющих возможность жесткого соединения с помощью муфт переключения с валами. Выходной вал является соосным входному валу и соединяется с ним муфтой переключения. Шестерни выходного и промежуточного валов жестко закреплены на них и составляют зубчатую пару. На дополнительном валу расположены муфта переключения, шестерня передачи заднего хода и/или шестерня, находящаяся в постоянном зацеплении с шестерней входного вала, или шестерни, находящиеся в постоянном зацеплении с шестернями ...

30-07-1982 дата публикации

Планетарная передача

Номер: SU947534A1

15-10-1984 дата публикации

Планетарный распределитель момента

Номер: SU1118820A2

ПЛАНЕТАРНЫЙ РАСПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛЬ МОМЕНТА по авт. св. № 861800. отличающийся те.м, что, с целью расширения кинематически.х возможностей, оп снабжен управляемым тормозо.м, связанным с одной из солнечных шестерен, и управляе.мон муфтой, посредством которой эта солнечная шестерня связана с ведомым колесом.

30-01-1980 дата публикации

Зубчатый автолог

Номер: SU712578A1

23-01-1993 дата публикации

Многоступенчатый многопоточный редуктор Ивачева Л.М.

Номер: SU1790709A3
Принадлежит: Л. М. Ивачев

Использование: машиностроение. Сущность изобретения: многопоточный многоступенчатый планетарный редуктор содержит корпус, быстроходный и тихоходный валы, центральные колеса, водило с двух- венцовыми сателлитами. Между венцами одного из последних размещено распределительно-компенсирующее устройство. 16 ил.

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Motorisch und mit Muskelkraft betreibbares Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102013206713A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein mit Motorkraft und/oder Pedalkraft betreibbares Fahrzeug, insbesondere Elektrofahrrad, umfassend einen Kurbeltrieb (2) mit einer Tretlagerwelle (20), ein Kettenblatt (4), welches ein Antriebsmoment für das Fahrzeug an eine Kette (5) abgibt, einen elektrischen Antrieb (3) und ein Reibgetriebe (10) zur stufenlosen Änderung eines Übersetzungsverhältnisses, wobei das Reibgetriebe (10) und der elektrische Antrieb (3) am Kurbeltrieb (2) angeordnet sind und wobei das Reibgetriebe (10) mit dem Kurbeltrieb (2) verbunden ist und eingerichtet ist, ein durch einen Fahrer erzeugtes Drehmoment auf das Kettenblatt (4) zu übertragen.

17-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE202010007180U1

Verteilergetriebe mit wenigstens einer Antriebswelle (1) und wenigstens einer ersten und einer zweiten Abtriebswelle (4, 5), wobei zwischen den Abtriebswellen (4, 5) und der Antriebswelle (1) wenigstens eine erste und eine zweite Zwischenwelle (2, 3) vorgesehen ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass Kupplungen (16, 16a, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22) zum Verbinden von Antriebswelle (1) und Abtriebswellen (4, 5) über die Zwischenwellen (2, 3) vorgesehen sind, wobei durch wahlweises Verbinden von Antriebswelle (1) und Zwischenwellen (2, 3) eine Drehmomentübertragung auf die Abtriebswellen (4, 5) und/oder die Drehrichtung der Abtriebswellen (4, 5) einstellbar ist.

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Kraftübertragungsbauteil mit einer Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung konfiguriert mit einem Widerstandsreduktionssystem

Номер: DE112014003872T5

Die vorliegende Lehre stellt ein Kraftübertragungsbauteil bereit, das ein Gehäuse, eine Kupplung, eine Ausgleichsöffnung und eine Sperre aufweist. Die Ausgleichsöffnung kann einen ersten und zweiten Hohlraum fluidmäßig koppeln. Die Sperre kann ein Türelement aufweisen. Eine Drehung des Außenträgers durch ein Fluid in dem zweiten Hohlraum kann einen Teil des Fluids in Richtung der Ausgleichsöffnung schleudern, um den Teil des Fluids zu veranlassen, von dem zweiten Hohlraum durch die Ausgleichsöffnung und zu dem ersten Hohlraum übertragen zu werden. Wenn der Kolben in einer ersten Stellung ist, kann das Türelement in einer geschlossenen Stellung sein, um einen Fluidstrom von dem ersten Hohlraum zu dem zweiten Hohlraum zu begrenzen. Wenn der Kolben in einer zweiten Stellung ist, kann das Türelement in einer geöffneten Stellung sein, um Fluid zu erlauben, von dem ersten Hohlraum zu dem zweiten Hohlraum zu strömen.

07-10-1993 дата публикации

Drive with inching facility for plant equipment - has two reduction gear boxes with inching drive coupled to gear trains via one way clutch

Номер: DE0004308067A1

The drive has a main motor (32) and a reduction gearing (31) to drive the equipment with normal speed. The reduction gearing has two input shafts and one output shaft. The second input shaft is linked by a second reduction gearing (33) to a slow speed motor (76) for the inching drive. The inching drive is coupled to the gearing by a one way clutch which prevents torque driving the inching motor when the main motor is operating. The two drives are combined inside a compact housing (34) from which the main drive shaft leads. USE/ADVANTAGE - Plant equipment eg. bucket chain. Compact drive with inching control for maintenance.

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013009310A1

Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (1) zwischen einer An- (2) und einer Abtriebswelle (3) in einem Gehäuse (0), wobei die Antriebswelle (2) mittels einer Doppelkupplung (4), bestehend aus einer ersten und einer zweiten reibschlüssigen Kupplung (5a und 5b), mit einer ersten und einer zweiten Eingangswelle (6a und 6b) in ein Schaltgetriebesystem (10) verbindbar ist und wobei in dem Schaltgetriebesystem (10) mehrere Zahnradstufen (11 bis 18) zwischen der ersten Eingangswelle (6a) und einer ersten Zwischenwelle (7a) und/oder der Abtriebswelle (2) sowie zwischen der zweiten Eingangswelle (6b) und einer zweite Zwischenwelle (7b) und/oder der Abtriebswelle (3) angeordnet sind und wobei im Schaltgetriebesystem (10) mehrere Schaltelemente (21 bis 28) einzelne Räder der Zahnradstufen untereinander oder mit einer der Zwischenwellen (7a, 7b) oder der Abtriebswelle (3) verbinden, so dass mehrere Gänge schaltbar sind, und wobei das Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (1) einen Elektromotor (40) aufweist, dessen Rotorwelle ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Antriebsvorrichtung, umfassend Getriebeanordnung mit Minusgetriebe und reduziertem Koppelsatz

Номер: DE102014209946A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Antriebsvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug mit einer Getriebeanordnung (1), wobei die Einleitung eines Antriebsdrehmoments und einer Antriebsleistung von einem Antriebsmotor (2) in die Getriebeanordnung (1) über eine Antriebswelle (3) mit einer ersten Sonne (4) erfolgt, wobei die Getriebeanordnung (1) ein Überlagerungsgetriebe (5) zur hälftigen Verteilung der Antriebsleistung auf einen mit einer ersten Abtriebswelle (6a) verbundenem Planetenträger (7), und einem mittelbar mit einer zweiten Abtriebswelle (6b) verbundenem ersten Hohlrad (8), sowie ein über dem ersten Hohlrad (8) mit dem Überlagerungsgetriebe (5) getrieblich verbundenem Wendegetriebe (9) zur hälftigen Verteilung des Antriebsdrehmoments auf die erste und die zweite Abtriebswelle (6a, 6b) umfasst, wobei ferner ein Planetensatz (10) auf dem Planetenträger (7) gelagert ist und zwischen der ersten Sonne (4) und dem ersten Hohlrad (8) kämmt. Erfindungsgemäß weist das Wendegetriebe (9) einen ersten und einen ...

04-10-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003023629C2

02-09-1982 дата публикации

Transmission, in particular for multi-shaft compressors

Номер: DE0003146160A1

The invention relates to a transmission for multi-shaft compressors, in which preferably four pinion shafts are driven directly, preferably at different speeds, by one gearwheel, the pinion shafts being arranged in distributed fashion at the periphery of the gearwheel and all the pinion shafts being passed out of the transmission casing at one side. The object of the invention consists in guiding the pinion shafts, particularly in the axial direction, in achieving better sealing, in enabling installation and removal of the shaft seals without removing the pinion shafts and the wheel shaft and in accomplishing the installation and removal of the wheel shaft together with the gearwheel in the vertical direction. The transmission shafts are supported in horizontally split radial sliding-contact bearings, the pinion shafts being provided with pressure chambers and two pinion shafts being arranged in distributed fashion at the periphery of the gearwheel, outside the horizontal joint of the transmission ...

15-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003466043D1

05-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019208838A1

Es wird ein Getriebe (oder Getriebegehäuse) mit einer doppelten bidirektionalen Eingabe an eine einzige bidirektionale Ausgabe offenbart, das eindeutige Übersetzungsverhältnisse zwischen jedem der bidirektionalen Eingaben und der einzelnen oder gemeinsamen bidirektionalen Ausgabe umfasst. Das Getriebegehäuse hat eine Getriebezuggestaltung mit zwei bidirektionalen Eingaben und einer (oder einer gemeinsamen) bidirektionalen Ausgabe. Die Vorrichtung ist so konfiguriert, dass das Drehmoment entweder über eine oder beide bidirektionalen Eingaben auf die bidirektionale Ausgabe übertragen werden kann. Der Getriebezug kann ein System mit konstantem Eingriff sein, das Gleitverzahnungen, Klauenkupplungen oder Synchronisierungen eliminiert, um zwischen Betriebsarten umzuschalten. Eine Sperrfunktion/-Komponente/-Element ermöglicht die Übertragung der Leistung oder des Drehmoments von einer ersten bidirektionalen Eingabe auf die gemeinsame bidirektionale Ausgabe unter Verwendung einer zweiten bidirektionalen ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012219947B4
Автор: Tamai, Corsetti, Holmes, Conlon

Elektromechanische Antriebseinheit (18; 118), die mit mehreren Leistungsquellen (14, 16) zum Anfahren und Antreiben eines Fahrzeugs verbindbar ist, umfassend: ein Ausgangselement (52); ein feststehendes Element (28); eine Drehmomentübertragungseinrichtung (56); und eine zusammengesetzte Planetenradanordnung (20; 120), die eine erste Verknüpfungsstelle (130-1), eine zweite Verknüpfungsstelle (130-2), eine dritte Verknüpfungsstelle (130-3) und eine vierte Verknüpfungsstelle (130-4) aufweist; wobei die Leistungsquellenumfassen (14, 16) umfassen: einen ersten Motor/Generator (14); und einen zweiten Motor/Generator (16); wobei: der zweite Motor/Generator (16) funktional mit der zusammengesetzten Planetenradanordnung (20; 120) an der ersten Verknüpfungsstelle (30-1; 130-1) verbunden ist; das Ausgangselement (52) funktional mit der zusammengesetzten Planetenradanordnung (20; 120) an der zweiten Verknüpfungsstelle (30-2; 130-2) verbunden ist; der erste Motor/Generator (14) funktional mit der zusammengesetzten ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации

Rollendes mehrachsiges Spielzeug

Номер: DE602004005548D1
Принадлежит: TOMY CO LTD, TOMY CO. LTD.

30-09-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001206932A

... 1,206,932. Valves. ENGLISH ELECTRIC CO. Ltd. 24 Oct., 1967 [26 Oct., 1966], No. 47962/66. Heading F2V. [Also in Division H1] An actuator is powered by a motor 2, 4 mounted on the actuator input shaft 6 which drives a double gear 14 mounted eccentrically on shaft 6 through ball-bearings 16. Gear 14 rolls around a normally stationary annular gear 18 and imparts a stepped-down drive to an output gear 20 since gears 18 and 20 have nearly the same number of teeth 22, 24. Gear 20 drives an output shaft 26, e.g. for driving a butterfly valve, secured thereto, through 90 degrees. Two position switches 50 are controlled by a follower rod 52 bearing in an eccentric groove 54 in gear 20 (Fig. 4). Rod 52 bears on a finger 62 of a plate 64 pivoted on a pin 66, and plate 64 carries adjustable set-screws 70 for operating switches 50 through arms 71. As rod 52 moves outwardly, plate 64 pivots anticlockwise and at one extreme position of gear 20 (i.e. after 90 degrees rotation) a first switch 50 is opened ...

03-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001389077A

... 1389077 Operating clutches ROTORK Ltd 14 March 1973 [23 March 1972] 13630/72 Heading F2L An actuator for selectively connecting to an output shaft 14 (e.g. for operating a valve) either a manual drive (e.g. from a hand wheel 28) or a power drive (e.g. a reversible electric motor connected to a shaft 33 with a worm 34 in mesh with a wheel 35) comprises a clutch member 49 rotationally fast with the shaft 14 along which it is axially slidable (e.g. by virtue of keys 50 with radial end parts 52, 56) between a first position engaging the power drive (e.g. by the key parts 56 engaging short segmental axial projections 55 on the wheel 35) to which it is resiliently biased (e.g. by a spring 54) and a second position engaging the manual drive to which it is movable by rotation manually (e.g. by a lever) of part having an arm 92 engaging the clutch member 49 via a cam surface (e.g. the conical face of 49 in Fig. 1 or the face 94 on the arm 92) so that the line of action of the force thereby transmitted ...

06-03-1996 дата публикации

Transfer case having parallel clutches and lockup feature

Номер: GB0009600097D0

29-04-1935 дата публикации

Improvements relating to fixed or variable-speed epicyclic gearing

Номер: GB0000427955A

... 427,955. Fixed- and variableratio epicyclic gearing. BIRD MACHINE CO., South Walpole, Massachusetts, U.S.A.- (Assignees of Weston, M. T.; 58, Beacon Boulevard, Keansburg, New Jersey, U.S.A.) July 28, 1933, No. 21318. Convention date, July 28, 1932. [Classes 80 (i) and 80 (ii)] A fixed- or variableratio driving arrangement for a machine comprising two cooperating driven elements, such as a drum 51, rotating, say, at 900 r.p.m., and a set of scrapers 53, rotating at a slightly different speed, say 890 r.p.m., comprises epicyclic gearing arranged in a revoluble housing H, which constitutes the driving member and is secured to the drum 51, the scrapers 63 being secured to the driven shaft 15 of the gearing. The epicyclic gear includes a reaction-member 18, which, in the fixed-ratio construction, is stationary, or in the variable-ratio form shown, is driven by a small variable-speed motor V, which is secured to, and rotates with the housing H. In Fig. 4, not shown, there are two rotating motors ...

24-11-2004 дата публикации

Two-speed windup drive unit

Номер: GB0000423649D0

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008313121D0

17-11-1965 дата публикации

Controllable multi-stage gear train systems

Номер: GB0001010000A

... 1,010,000. Change-speed gear. K. ZUSE, [trading as ZUSE K.G.]. March 5, 1963 [March 13, 1962], No. 8700/63. Headings F2D, F2L and F2Q. A change-speed gear consists of a series of interconnected inputs S 1 , S 2 . . . with a common output shaft 54 (Figs. 8, 9), the engagement of each stage being controlled by a coupling unit K (Fig. 1) including a pair of dog clutches 30, 31 which are operated automatically when a pair of intermittently rotated pinions 22, 23 of a drive unit A are stationary, for shock-free operation. The units S 1 , S 2 . . . are arranged circumferentially around the drive unit A, the inputs having summing differential units 38, 45, 50, 53 interengaged by idler pinions 42, 43, 47, the units S 4 , S 5 (reverse drive) being directly coupled by pinions 51, 52. The input shaft 1 of drive unit A drives a control disc 9 at a slow uniform speed through gears 2, 3, 4, 8 and drives a crank 11 at a higher speed through gears 2, 6. The crank 11 is connected by linkages 12, 15, 17 ...

21-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001515271A

... 1515271 Change-speed gear NEWAGE ENGINEERS Ltd 8 Aug 1975 [9 Aug 1974] 35204/74 Heading F2D In a two-speed transmission suitable for a four-wheel-drive vehicle an internally splined selector sleeve 22 is movable to couple an input 15 to two coaxial outputs 12, 13 at either of two ratios or to one only of the outputs at one of the two ratios. When the sleeve is positioned as shown to couple splines 12A, 13A on the output shafts to teeth 19A of a gear-wheel 19 low ratio is established through the train 16, 17, 18, 19, and when the sleeve is displaced leftwardly to bridge teeth 20A and the splines 12A, 13A high-ratio is established through the train 16, 17, 20. Further leftward movement of the sleeve releases the splines 12A so that the shaft 13 only is driven at high ratio. The sleeve may also be set at a neutral position in which it engages only the splines 12A, 13A. To provide alternative ratios a second input shaft may be provided with a pinion in permanent mesh with either the wheel 17 ...

02-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001490411A

... 1490411 Variable-speed gear CLARK EQUIPMENT CO 21 Jan 1975 [21 Jan 1974] 2665/75 Heading F2D Epicyclic gearing in a split-torque, hydromechanical, dual-range transmission has a planet carrier 50 which drives an output shaft 64, internal ring gears 52, 60 either of which may be driven by the input shaft 12 through gears 14, 18, an intermediate shaft 20, gears 22, 24 and friction or toothed clutches 26, 28, and a sun wheel 44 with a driving connection 40 with a hydraulic pump/motor unit 38, preferably of fixed displacement, having connections 35, 37 with a pump/motor unit 34, preferably of variable displacement, driven through gearing 30, 18 from the intermediate shaft. The carrier 50 has a plurality of planetary pinions 46 meshing with the sun wheel and with the ring gear 52, and a plurality of further pinions 56 meshing with the pinions 46 and with the ring gear 60. Low range is established when the clutch 28 is engaged to drive the ring gear 52, the output shaft being accelerated from ...

30-10-1979 дата публикации

Differential gear transmission.

Номер: OA0000004096A

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000357951T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000427438T

15-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA764773A

15-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000479501T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553314T

15-05-2018 дата публикации

Torque transmission device for hybrid drives

Номер: AT0000519295A2

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung, insbesondere für ein Kraftfahrzeug, wobei die Drehmomentübertragungsvorrichtung eine Antriebswelle, eine Abtriebswelle und eine Zwischenwelle aufweist, wobei Getriebeelemente der drei Wellen in der Weise angeordnet und drehverbunden sind, dass Windungsgänge realisiert werden können.

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000419445T

15-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511720B1

Eine Energiegewinnungsanlage, insbesondere Windkraftanlage, weist eine Antriebswelle, einen Generator (8) und ein Differentialgetriebe (4; 11 bis 13) mit drei An- bzw. Abtrieben auf, wobei ein erster Antrieb mit der Antriebswelle, ein Abtrieb mit einem Generator (8) und ein zweiter Antrieb mit einem Differential-Antrieb (6) verbunden ist und wobei das Differentialgetriebe (4; 11 bis 13) ein Planetengetriebe ist. Es sind zwei Differential-Antriebe (6) und ggf. auch zwei Frequenzumrichter (7) vorgesehen, die mit dem zweiten Antrieb verbunden sind. Die Differential-Antriebe (6) sind mit einem Sonnenrad (11) des Differentialgetriebes (4; 11 bis 13) verbunden und auf der vom Differentialgetriebe (4; 11 bis 13) abgewandten Seite des Generators (8) angeordnet.

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000119113T

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000303903T

25-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000330310B

15-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000096890T

10-11-1966 дата публикации

Gear wheel change speed gear

Номер: AT0000250428B

18-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037593926T

19-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037354962T

03-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00035589719T

13-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036261046T

07-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036210041T

21-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002338308A1

02-04-2009 дата публикации

A variable transmission

Номер: AU2008303081A1

20-10-2011 дата публикации

Drive system for a mobile sprayer and/or for a mobile blower

Номер: AU2010228116A1

The present invention provides a drive system for a mobile blower or a mobile sprayer. The drive system includes at least one flexible cable drive which connects a fan unit of the mobile blower or the mobile sprayer to a rotary power source to drive the fan. The present invention also provides mobile blowers and mobile sprayers including the drive system.

16-12-1999 дата публикации

System for preventing gear hopout in a compound transmission

Номер: AU0000713960B2

23-10-1996 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for transmitting rotation utilizing an oscillating input

Номер: AU0005301596A

29-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001157686A1

14-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001147982A1

22-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000907894A

25-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1074156A

POWER TRANSMISSION A drive transfer assembly for a low profile vehicle. The assembly is mounted to a differential housing and includes an input and axially aligned output shafts. One of the output shafts is preferably a pinion shaft for the primary axle differential. A clutch is operative under certain conditions to drive the other output shaft. A spring biased disc clutch is disclosed. The transfer assembly will provide a full four-wheel drive in the clutch engaged mode of operation and in the other mode of operation, depending upon the size of biasing force of the spings employed, may either deliver some proportion of the available torque to the auxiliary axle or allow the auxiliary axle to run free as in a conventional vehicle.

20-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1178091A

A power input and output system for continuously variable transmission units of the type in which a nutatable traction body is supported both for rotation on the body axis and for nutational movement in which the body axis travels in a biconical path about a primary transmission axis. Power input and output members of the transmission unit are each linked to the nutatable body by gearing to be in direct torque transmitting relationship only with the nutatable body and so that the nutational component of movement is the result solely of traction surfaces on the body being in rolling frictional engagement against complementing and fixed traction surfaces.

29-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1157686A

... 170-80-0020 : MECHANICAL QUILL HAVING SELECTIVE BRAKING CAPABILITY A mechanical quill having selective braking capability, achieved by a pneumatic cylinder (110) mounted to one motor (80) for selectively driving a braking member (120) into a braking material (104) coupled to a motor armature (84). This braking member (120) interrupts a clutch-type drive path through the motor as desired, to prevent advance of a quill.

22-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA991444A

25-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA989644A

16-04-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001185460A1

15-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001054397A1

30-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002583675A1

A split shaft transfer case includes a first housing portion and a second housing portion that are secured together along a plane of engagement to form an enclosure. An input shaft and an output shaft that are each supported for rotation about an axis of rotation that is generally parallel to the plane of engagement defined by the first and second housing portions. A first operating shaft is supported for rotation about an axis of rotation, and a first operating clutch selectively connects the first operating shaft to the input shaft for rotation therewith. A second operating shaft supported for rotation about an axis of rotation, and a second operating clutch selectively connects the second operating shaft to the input shaft for rotation therewith. The axis of rotation of at least one of the first and second operating shafts is movable relative to the axis of rotation of the input and output shafts.

19-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001071894A1

07-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001147578A1

29-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002673685A1

A power transmission assembly includes an input member adapted to receive drive torque from a source of torque, an output member adapted to provide drive torque to an output device and a bi-directional roller clutch including a first ring fixed for rotation with one of the input and output members. A second ring is spaced apart from the other of the input and output members. Rollers are positioned in aligned cam tracks formed in facing surfaces of the first and second rings. Neither the first ring nor the second ring support the input member or the output member on the other. The second ring may circumferentially index relative to the first ring for causing the rollers to ride up the cam tracks and force the second ring to frictionally engage the other of the input and output members, thereby establishing a drive connection between the input and output members.

29-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002673685C

A power transmission assembly includes an input member adapted to receive drive torque from a source of torque, an output member adapted to provide drive torque to an output device and a bi-directional roller clutch including a first ring fixed for rotation with one of the input and output members. A second ring is spaced apart from the other of the input and output members. Rollers are positioned in aligned cam tracks formed in facing surfaces of the first and second rings. Neither the first ring nor the second ring support the input member or the output member on the other. The second ring may circumferentially index relative to the first ring for causing the rollers to ride up the cam tracks and force the second ring to frictionally engage the other of the input and output members, thereby establishing a drive connection between the input and output members.

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002979952A1

L'invention concerne une boîte à engrenages pour une turbomachine d'aéronef qui comporte un arbre d'entrainement (12), un arbre d'entrainement secondaire (24) qui est accouplé à l'arbre d'entrainement (12) par l'intermédiaire d'un mécanisme de réduction (26) et des arbres de sortie dont chacun est accouplé avec l'arbre d'entrainement (12) ou avec l'arbre d'entrainement secondaire (24) par un ensemble à engrenages à couple conique, caractérisée en ce que le mécanisme de réduction (26) comporte un arbre intermédiaire (28) dont une première extrémité (28a) est accouplée avec l'arbre d'entrainement (12) par un premier étage d'engrenages (30) et dont la deuxième extrémité (28b) est accouplée avec l'arbre d'entrainement secondaire (24) par un deuxième étage d'engrenages (32), et en ce que l'arbre intermédiaire (28) est monté en rotation dans la boîte à engrenages autour de son axe principal (B) orienté sensiblement perpendiculairement à l'axe principal (A) de l'arbre d'entrainement (12).

06-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002825438A1

The inventive technology described herein generally relates to the field of wind power generation. More specifically, methods and apparatus for an RPM controlled power generation system utilizing perhaps multiple generators coupled through a radius adjustable coupler to at least one rotational movement element. This coupled connection may be static or dynamically adjustable across the surface of the rotational movement element so as to maintain an electrical output at a constant generator rotation(s) per minute (RPM) according to the varying rotational velocity along the radius of the rotational movement element. In some embodiments such coupled generators may be controlled through the implementation of a variety of novel RPM adjusting applications directed to system elements so as to increase electrical output yield while maintaining a constant or near constant generator rotation(s) per minute.

19-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001323260C2

28-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002038808A1

03-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002038808C

Device for the motorised control of a set of elements such as the adjustable parts of a vehicle seat. This device comprises a motor (1), the output shaft (2) of which carries two coaxial worms (5, 6), offset axially and with opposite pitches, two pairs of wheels (7, 9, 8, 11) meshing with the worms, mutually in pairs, at the rate of two wheels (7, 8; 9, 11) per worm, which wheels are arranged on either side of the worms, an output shaft (12, 13, 14, 15) traversing each wheel (7, 8; 9, 11) freely and intended to control an associated element at one or other of its opposite ends, and on each shaft (12...15) and facing each wheel (7...11), a clutch (E1, E2, E3, E4) independent of the other clutches and adapted in order to be able to link the selected shaft in rotation to the corresponding wheel. This arrangement makes it possible to produce a compact control assembly distributing, from a single location, multiple functions from a lightweight divider box ensuring the switching of the functions ...

20-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002174230A1

A method and apparatus are described for the feeding and/or mixing and/or blending of materials, more especially particulate materials in the form of dry powders. The apparatus includes a speed reduction drive unit or gearbox including a single input shaft (2) which is in drive connection with at least two output shafts (5 and 6), preferably mounted concentrically or coaxially. The input shaft (2) is driven by an electric motor. The apparatus also includes an epicyclic speed reduction unit including a sun gear (7) and a plurality of planet gear (9), which is in turn in drive connection with the outer (6) of the two concentrically mounted output shafts. Auger means can be associated with the output shaft (5) to assist in conditioning of the material being treated ...

31-08-1943 дата публикации

Stufenloses Wechselgetriebe.

Номер: CH0000228498A

30-07-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000577910A5

15-05-1975 дата публикации

Toothed wheel gearing with power branching - has helical gear wheel and two drive rims, one comprising gear rim the other a helical rim

Номер: CH0000561870A5

The drive gear rim (92) of the planetary wheel (9) meshes with the driving wheel (4). The planetary wheel is radially mounted on the axle (101) by means of needle bearings (13). Elastic axial support is provided by an axial bearing (14) whose inner ring (141) slides on the axle (101) using a cup spring (15) resting on the web (10) of the axle. The inner sun wheel (4) of the planetary wheel transmission is driven in the required direction (arrowed) by a shaft (1) supported on needle bearings (2). If the internally geared sun wheel (8) is held by the band brake (5) then power take-off is accomplished via the web (10) whose planetary wheel (9) is supported on the outer sun wheel (8).

15-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000618647A5

31-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000654083A5

30-09-1993 дата публикации

Bypass transmission, in particular for roller mills.

Номер: CH0000682464A5
Принадлежит: RENK TACKE GMBH

27-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200870207A1

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130091984A1

A transmission includes a first primary shaft carrying driving gearwheels for odd gears and reverse, a coaxial second primary shaft carrying driving gearwheels for the even gears, and a secondary shaft carrying idle driven gearwheels meshing with the driving gearwheels. The gearbox has a gear shift device having sliding engagement sleeves each arranged to connect a driven gearwheel corresponding to a given gear for rotation with a secondary shaft. Corresponding sliding shift forks cause an engagement sleeve to slide between a neutral and shift positions. A rotary drum has grooves on its cylindrical surface in which a stud slides, and is connected for translation with a respective shift fork in its sliding direction. An actuation unit rotates the drum stepwise among angular positions corresponding to engagement sleeves' predetermined positions. In a first angular position the engagement sleeves simultaneously engage gear reverse. 1. Motor-vehicle hybrid propulsion system , comprising an internal combustion engine , an electric machine and a double-clutch transmission ,wherein the double-clutch transmission comprises a mechanical gearbox with at least five forward gears and one reverse gear,wherein the gearbox comprises a first primary shaft carrying driving gearwheels associated to the odd gears and to the reverse gear, a second primary shaft coaxial with the first primary shaft and carrying driving gearwheels associated at least to the second gear and to the fourth gear, and at least one secondary shaft carrying a plurality of idle driven gearwheels directly or indirectly meshing with the driving gearwheels carried by the two primary shafts,wherein the electric machine is permanently cinematically connected to either of said first and second primary shafts,wherein the gearbox is also provided with a gear shift device comprising a plurality of sliding engagement sleeves, each arranged to connect each time a driven gearwheel corresponding to a given gear for rotation ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098180A1
Автор: ERHARD Hans

A transmission includes a main gearbox and a power take off unit, wherein the power take off unit can be engaged with and disengaged from the main gearbox through an engagement mechanism having at least a first position engaging the main gearbox and the power take off unit and a second position disengaging the power take off unit from the main gearbox, wherein the power take off unit is provided with at least one lubricant inlet. The engagement mechanism includes a valve member and when the engagement mechanism is positioned in its second position, the valve member blocks the lubricant inlet, thereby preventing lubricant from flowing through the lubricant inlet into the power take off unit. When the engagement mechanism is positioned in its first position, the lubricant inlet is open and lubricant can flow through the lubricant inlet into the power take off unit. 1. Transmission comprising a maw gearbox and a power take off unit wherein the power take of unit can be engaged with , respectively disengaged from , the main gearbox through an engagement mechanism having at least a first position engaging the main gearbox and the power take off unit and a second position disengaging the power take off unit from the main gearbox , wherein the power take off unit provided with at least one lubricant inlet , wherein the engagement mechanism comprises a valve member , whereby the engagement mechanism is positioned in its second position , the valve member is blocking blocks he lubricant inlet , and prevents lubricant from flowing through the lubricant inlet into the power take off unit , and , when the engagement mechanism is positioned in its first position , the lubricant inlet is open and lubricant can flow through the lubricant inlet into the power take off unit.2. Transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the engagement mechanism at least comprises;an engaging sleeve, which when the engagement mechanism is positioned in its first position, engaging a drive shaft of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109523A1

A hybrid vehicle drive device includes a planetary gear mechanism, a one way clutch, and a torque limiter, wherein a sun gear of the planetary gear mechanism is connected to a first electric rotating machine, a carrier thereof is connected to an engine, and a ring gear thereof is connected to a second electric rotating machine and drive wheels, respectively, the ring gear is disposed on an inner peripheral side of a hollow rotary member as well as connected to drive wheels via counter drive gear disposed on an outer peripheral side of the rotary member, the one way clutch regulates a rotation of the carrier in a negative direction when it is assumed that a rotation direction of the ring gear at the time a hybrid vehicle travels forward is a positive direction, the torque limiter operates in response to transmission torque of the one way clutch and restricts the transmission torque of the one way clutch, and the one way clutch and the torque limiter are disposed inside of the rotary member. 1. A hybrid vehicle drive device comprising:a planetary gear mechanism;a one way clutch; anda torque limiter, whereina sun gear of the planetary gear mechanism is connected to a first electric rotating machine, a carrier thereof is connected to an engine, and a ring gear thereof is connected to a second electric rotating machine and drive wheels, respectively,the ring gear is disposed on an inner peripheral side of a hollow rotary member as well as connected to the drive wheels via a counter drive gear disposed on an outer peripheral side of the rotary member,the one way clutch regulates a rotation of the carrier in a negative direction when it is assumed that a rotation direction of the ring gear at the time a hybrid vehicle travels forward is a positive direction,the torque limiter operates in response to transmission torque of the one way clutch and restricts the transmission torque of the one way clutch, andthe one way clutch and the torque limiter are disposed inside of the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130109525A1
Принадлежит: DTI GROUP B.V.

A drive mechanism comprises a transmission as well as an electromotor/generator. The transmission is connected via an input to the electromotor/generator and via an output to the wheels. The transmission has two planetary gear sets having three rotational members each, of which first rotational members are connected to the input, second rotational members are connected to the output and third rotational members are connected to a first and second brake respectively. By actuating either of the brakes a speed transforming gear is created between the input and the output. By actuating one brake during the releasing of the other brake, it is possible to switch between the two speed transforming gears without an interruption of the torque transfer from the electromotor/generator to the load or vice versa. 1. A transmission for an electric or hybrid drive mechanism , having an input which can be connected to an electromotor/generator , and an output which can be connected to a load , which transmission comprises a first planetary gear set consisting of at least three rotational members formed by a sun gear , a carrier on which planet gears are present and an annulus gear , of which gear set a first rotational member is connected to the input , a second rotational member is connected to the output and the third rotational member is connected to a first brake , characterized in that the transmission further comprises a second planetary gear set consisting of at least three rotational members of which gear set a first rotational member is connected to the input , a second rotational member is connected to the output and the third rotational member is connected to a second brake.2. A transmission as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first and second rotational members of the two planetary gear sets are directly connected to each other.3. A transmission as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the planet gears of the two planetary gear sets are freely journaled relative to the carriers ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Transmission for operating an auxiliary assembly

Номер: US20130116079A1

A transmission for operating an auxiliary assembly in a drivetrain of a hybrid vehicle, includes a first sun gear rotatable about a main axis on a drive input side of the transmission, a first planet gear in engagement with the first sun gear on the drive input side of the transmission, a second planet gear on a drive output side of the transmission and mounted with the first planet gear on a common shaft, and a second sun gear in engagement with the second planet gear on the drive output side of the transmission, for coupling to the auxiliary assembly. The first planet gear is connected to the shaft by a first freewheel, which generates a rotationally conjoint connection when the first planet gear overruns in a first direction of rotation, and generates a freewheeling connection when the first planet gear overruns in a second, opposite direction of rotation. The shaft is mounted in a second freewheel in a planet carrier, which second freewheel permits a rotation of the shaft when the shaft rotates about its axis in the first direction of rotation and blocks a rotation of the shaft in the second, opposite direction of rotation. 1. A transmission for operating an auxiliary assembly in a drivetrain of a vehicle , comprising:a first sun gear or internal gear rotatable about a main axis on a drive input side of the transmission,a first planet gear in engagement with the first sun gear or internal gear on the drive input side of the transmission,a second planet gear or internal gear on a drive output side of the transmission and mounted with the first planet gear or internal gear on a common shaft, anda second sun gear or internal gear in engagement with the second planet gear on the drive output side of the transmission, for coupling to the auxiliary assembly,a first freewheel connecting the first planet gear to the common shaft, the first freewheel generating a rotationally conjoint connection between the first planet gear and the common shaft when the first planet ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139644A1

A backhoe loader includes a multi-axis transmission that includes: an input shaft to which power is inputted; a front output shaft coupled to a front wheel; a rear output shaft disposed in a position higher than that of the front output shaft and coupled to a rear wheel; an intermediate shaft disposed between the input shaft and the front output shaft; a first power transmission mechanism configured to transmit power from the input shaft to the intermediate shaft; and a second power transmission mechanism configured to transmit power from the intermediate shaft to the front output shaft and to transmit power from the front output shaft to the rear output shaft. 1. A backhoe loader comprising:a front wheel;a rear wheel having a diameter greater than a diameter of the front wheel; and an input shaft to which power is inputted,', 'a front output shaft coupled to the front wheel,', 'a rear output shaft coupled to the rear wheel, the rear output shaft being disposed in a position higher than a position of the front output shaft,', 'an intermediate shaft disposed between the input shaft and the front output shaft,', 'a first power transmission mechanism configured to transmit power from the input shaft to the intermediate shaft, and', 'a second power transmission mechanism configured to transmit power from the intermediate shaft to the front output shaft and to transmit power from the front output shaft to the rear output shaft., 'a multi-axis transmission configured to transmit power to the front wheel and the rear wheel, the multi-axis transmission including2. The backhoe loader recited in claim 1 , wherein the second power transmission mechanism includesa first gear set configured to reduce a speed of rotation of the intermediate shaft and to transmit the speed-reduced rotation of the intermediate shaft towards the front output shaft, anda second gear set configured to reduce a speed of rotation of the front output shaft and to transmit the speed-reduced rotation of ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150198A1

An electrically variable drive unit having two electric motors is provided. The first electric motor is mounted along the same axis as an engine. The second electric motor is mounted along the same axis as a transmission output. 1. A drive unit comprising:a transmission input shaft;an output shaft;a first electric motor coaxial with said transmission input shaft; anda second electric motor coaxial with said output shaft,wherein said first electric motor and said input shaft are coupled to said second electric motor and said output shaft.2. The drive unit of claim 1 , further comprising:an input planetary gear set coupled to said first electric motor; andas electric motor planetary gear set coupled to said second electric motor.3. The drive unit of claim 2 , wherein: an input carrier coupled to said transmission input shaft,', 'a plurality of input pinion gears rotatably mounted on said input carrier,', 'an input sun gear meshed with said plurality of input pinion gears and coupled to said first electric motor, and', 'an input ring gear meshed with said plurality of input pinion gears and coupled to an output chain driver gear; and', an electric motor carrier coupled to an output chain driven gear,', 'a plurality of electric motor pinion gears rotatably mounted on said electric motor carrier,', 'an electric motor sun gear meshed with said plurality of electric motor pinion gears and coupled to said second electric motor, and', 'an electric motor ring gear meshed with said plurality of electric motor pinion gears and coupled to a drive unit housing;, 'said electric motor planetary gear set further comprises], 'said input planetary gear set further compriseswherein said output chain driver gear and said output chain driven gear are coupled.4. The drive unit of claim 3 , wherein said output chain driver gear and said output chain driven gear are coupled by a chain or belt.5. The drive unit of claim 3 , wherein said output chain driver gear and said output chain driven ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150199A1

The pump unit has a pump and a hybrid drive. The pump comprises a pump housing and a pump shaft. The hybrid drive comprises an electric motor and a driveshaft connection to a driveshaft. The electric motor and the driveshaft connection are each in driving mechanical functional connection with the pump shaft by way of a planetary gearset for driving the pump shaft. A stator of the electric motor is at least partially integrated in the pump housing. A rotor of the electric motor is mechanically connected fixed to a sun gear of the planetary gearset. The driveshaft connection is mechanically connected fixed to a ring gear of the planetary gearset. The pump shaft is mechanically connected fixed to a planetary carrier of the planetary gearset. 111-. (canceled)1223. A pump unit with a pump () and with a hybrid drive ();{'b': 4', '5', '3', '10', '11', '12, 'the pump comprising a pump housing () and a pump shaft (), and the hybrid drive () comprising an electric motor () and a driveshaft connection () to a driveshaft ();'}{'b': 10', '11', '5', '13', '5, 'the electric motor () and the driveshaft connection () are each in driving mechanical functional connection with the pump shaft (), by way of a planetary gearset (), for driving the pump shaft ();'}{'b': 15', '10', '4', '14', '10', '23', '13, 'a stator () of the electric motor () being at least partially integrated in the pump housing () and a rotor () of the electric motor () being mechanically fixedly connected to a sun gear () of the planetary gearset ();'}{'b': 11', '24', '13, 'the driveshaft connection () being mechanically fixedly connected to a ring gear () of the planetary gearset (); and'}{'b': 5', '25', '13, 'the pump shaft () being mechanically fixedly connected to a planetary carrier () of the planetary gearset ().'}13201410184. The pump unit according to claim 12 , wherein magnetic components () of the rotor () of the electric motor () are arranged on an inner circumferential surface () of a hollow cylindrical ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152732A1

A system and a method for modifying a transmission in a gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle to couple the transmission to an off-axis electric motor. The transmission includes a motor-driven gear that replaces an engine-driven reverse gear. The motor-driven gear is hard-splined to an output shaft of the transmission. An electric motor is coupled to the output shaft of the transmission via the motor-driven gear. The electric motor may thus be oriented along an axis that differs from the axis of the transmission's output shaft. 1. A transmission coupled to an off-axis electric motor in a gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle , comprising:a motor-driven gear that replaces an engine-driven reverse gear, the motor-driven gear being hard-splined to an output shaft of a transmission; andan electric motor coupled to the output shaft of the transmission via the motor-driven gear.2. The transmission of claim 1 , further comprising an idler gear that couples the electric motor to the motor-driven gear.3. The transmission of claim 1 , further comprising chain sprockets that couple the electric motor to the motor-driven gear.4. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein the motor-driven gear is configured to rotate the output shaft in both forward and backward directions.5. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is coupled to the output shaft along an axis that differs from an axis defined by the output shaft.6. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein the electric motor is configured to both provide and generate electric power.7. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein only one electric motor is coupled to the transmission.8. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein the transmission is a dry dual-clutch transmission.9. The transmission of claim 1 , wherein the motor-driven gear is sized to provide a torque ratio from the electric motor of between 5:1 and 8:1.10. The transmission of claim 9 , wherein the motor-driven gear is sized to provide a torque ratio from the electric motor ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157807A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A vehicle driving system control apparatus includes a power transmission device and a power transmission control section. The power transmission device includes an engine input shaft, a motor input shaft, an output shaft, an engine-side gear mechanism transmitting a power of the engine input shaft to the output shaft, a motor-side gear mechanism transmitting a power of the motor input shaft to the output shaft, a first clutch enables and disables a power transmission between the engine input shaft and the motor input shaft, a second clutch enables and disables a power transmission between the motor-side gear mechanism and the output shaft, and a third clutch enables and disables a power transmission between the engine-side gear mechanism and the output shaft. The power transmission control section determines statuses of the clutches and required torques of motor generators in correspondence with a rotation speed of an axle. 1. A vehicle driving system control apparatus comprisinga power transmission device capable of transmitting a power of an engine, a power of a first motor generator, and a power of a second motor generator to an axle of a vehicle, anda power transmission control section, an engine input shaft transmitting the power of the engine;', 'a motor input shaft transmitting the power of the first motor generator;', 'an output shaft receiving the power of the second motor generator and outputting the power to be transmitted to the axle;', 'an engine-side gear mechanism transmitting the power of the engine input shaft to the output shaft without the motor input shaft;', 'a motor-side gear mechanism transmitting the power of the motor input shaft to the output shaft without the engine input shaft;', 'a first clutch being engaged and disengaged so as to enable and disable a power transmission between the engine input shaft and the motor input shaft;', 'a second clutch being engaged and disengaged so as to enable and disable a power transmission between the ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165286A1
Автор: SCHOLZ Norbert

A hybrid drive configuration is provided wherein the carrier of a first planetary gear set is coupled with the ring gear of a second planetary gear set, which is embodied as a Ravigneaux gear set. The ring gear of the second planetary gear set is fixedly connected to a driven shaft. The carrier of the second planetary gear set is connectable to the ring gear of the first planetary gear set by a clutch. The ring gear of the first planetary gear set is fixedly connected to a drive shaft. The rotor of a first electric machine is fixedly connected to the sun gear of the first planetary gear set. The rotor of a second electric machine is fixedly connected to the first sun gear of the second planetary gear set. The second sun gear of the second planetary gear set is connectable to a housing by a brake. 1. A hybrid drive configuration for a motor vehicle , comprising:a housing;an input-side drive shaft;an output-side driven shaft;a first electric machine with an outer stator fixed relative to said housing and an inner rotor;a second electric machine with an outer stator fixed relative to said housing and an inner rotor, said second electric machine being disposed axially adjacent to said first electric machine;a first planetary gear set including a ring gear, a sun gear, a carrier and a set of planet gears rotatably mounted on said carrier of said first planetary gear set, said set of planet gears meshing with said ring gear and said sun gear, said first planetary gear set coupling said first electric machine with said input-side drive shaft and said output-side driven shaft;a second planetary gear set embodied as a Ravigneaux gear set, said second planetary gear set including a ring gear, a first sun gear, a carrier, a set of long planet gears rotatably mounted on said carrier of said second planetary gear set and meshing with said ring gear and said first sun gear and including a second sun gear and a set of short planet gears rotatably mounted on said carrier of said ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174693A1

The invention relates to an electromagnetic clutch () which is used to connect a steam engine () to a combustion engine () and which comprises a first shaft () that can be driven by the steam engine (), and a second shaft () that can be driven by the combustion engine (), an idler gear () being connected to the first shaft () and a clutch bell () being connected to the second shaft (). A freewheel () is provided between the idler gear () and the clutch bell () and is used to transmit a rotational movement from the idler gear (), which is connected to the first shaft (), onto the clutch bell () and allows the clutch bell () to freewheel in relation to the idler gear (). An electromagnetic actuation force can furthermore generate a frictional force between the idler gear () and the clutch bell () to carry along the steam engine (). 142382932382692723262382626232326. An electromagnetic clutch () which serves for connecting a steam engine () to a combustion engine () , wherein a first shaft () which can be driven by the steam engine () and a second shaft () which can be driven by the internal combustion engine () are provided , wherein an intermediate gear () which is connected to the first shaft () and a clutch bell () which is at least indirectly connected to the second shaft () are provided , wherein a freewheel () is provided between the intermediate gear () and the clutch bell () , which freewheel serves to transmit a rotational movement from the intermediate gear () , which is connected to the first shaft () , to the clutch bell () and permits freewheeling of the clutch bell () relative to the intermediate gear () , and wherein at least one of a friction force and a positive locking can be generated between the intermediate gear () and the clutch bell () by an electromagnetic actuation force.2233326343323342633233426. The electromagnetic clutch as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the intermediate gear () has a conical friction surface () claim 1 , in ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178320A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Two motor and planetary gear type speed reducers are disposed sequentially from an outer side in a width direction of a vehicle, whereby the speed reducers are disposed between the motors. A radially outer edge of a ring gear of one of the speed reducers is formed smaller than the smaller one of the two radially outermost edge portions of the motors. An offset space that is recessed further radially than an imaginary line that connects the radially outermost edge portion of one motor with the that of the other motor is provided radially outwards of the ring gear of one of the speed reducers, and at least part of a breather chamber of a breather unit and at least part of a strainer accommodation compartment are disposed within the offset space. It is thus possible to expand a volumetric capacity room that communicates with an interior of a case. 1. A vehicle drive system including:a motor that drives a wheel;a speed changer that is provided on a power transmission line between the motor and the wheel; anda case that accommodates the motor and the speed changer,wherein the motor includes a first and second motors that are disposed left and right in a width direction of a vehicle,wherein the speed changer includes a first and second speed changers that are disposed left and right in the width direction of the vehicle,wherein the first motor and the first speed changer are disposed sequentially in this order from an outer side in the width direction of the vehicle, and the second motor and the second speed changer are disposed sequentially in this order from an outer side in the width direction of the vehicle, whereby the first and second speed changers are disposed between the first and second motors,wherein at least part of a radially outer edge of a rotational element of the first speed changer or a radially outer edge of a rotational element of the second speed changer is formed smaller than a smaller one of a radially outermost edge portion of the first motor and a ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186233A1
Автор: KALTENBACH Johannes

A hybrid drive for a motor vehicle comprises an automated conventional gearbox, an internal combustion engine having a drive connection a first transmission input shaft, an electric drive having a drive connection to a second transmission input shaft, a layshaft, freely moving wheels and fixed wheels being arranged in a plurality of wheel set planes, a plurality of gear shift devices, and a transmission output shaft. The two transmission input shafts are arranged coaxially with respect to one another. In one of its shifted positions a gear shift device connects the two transmission input shafts to one another effectively in terms of drive, and in another shifted position shifts a gearspeed. 1. A hybrid drive for a motor vehicle , comprising:a first transmission input shaft for connecting to a first internal combustion engine;a second transmission input shaft, being coaxial to the first transmission input shaft, connected to an electric motor;a layshaft;a first gear shifting device, connecting the first transmission input shaft and the second transmission input shaft in a first shifting setting and engaging a gear in a second shifting setting; and{'b': '2', 'a transmission output shaft (W).'}2. The hybrid drive according to claim 1 , wherein the first transmission input shaft is axially adjacent to the second transmission input shaft and the transmission output shaft is axially parallel to the first transmission input shaft.34-. (canceled)54. The hybrid drive according to claim claim 1 , further comprising a second electric motor being on the first transmission input shaft between the internal combustion engine and the first gear shifting device.6. The hybrid drive according to claim 1 , further comprising an output gearwheel claim 1 , being on the transmission output shaft claim 1 , in a non-rotational manner with respect to the transmission output shaft claim 1 , between a gear set plane for a second gear and a gear set plane for a third gear claim 1 , which ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192417A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is a drive apparatus of a hybrid vehicle, configured in such a manner that the occurrence of a resonance phenomenon is minimized and that the efficiency of utilization of the space occupied by a torque limiter mechanism is improved. A drive apparatus A for a hybrid vehicle is configured in such a manner that a torque limiter TL is provided in the path of power transmission between an inner shaft and a generator at a position between the generator and a motor . The torque limiter TL axially overlaps with at least a part of the stator of the generator and/or at least a part of the stator of the motor 1. A drive apparatus of a hybrid vehicle comprising:an engine;a first shaft disposed coaxially with an output shaft of the engine and configured to transmit a power of the engine,a second shaft disposed parallel to the first shaft and including an inner shaft which is connected to rotate interlockingly with the first shaft and an outer shaft which is disposed around the inner shaft so as to be rotatable with respect to the inner shaft;a first electromotor connected to the inner shaft such that a power can be transmitted; anda second electromotor disposed coaxially with the first electromotor and connected to the outer shaft such that a power can be transmitted,wherein a torque limiter mechanism is provided in a power transmission path between the inner shaft and the first electromotor at a position between the first electromotor and the second electromotor, andwherein the torque limiter mechanism is overlapped in an axial direction with at least a portion of a stator of the first electromotor and/or a stator of the second electromotor.2. The drive apparatus of the hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the first shaft is connected to the inner shaft via a transmission mechanism claim 1 ,wherein the transmission mechanism includes an output part provided on the first shaft and an input part provided on the inner shaft and connected to the output part, ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192418A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD.

Force of used spring can be weak, wear amount of power transmission member (gear or the like) can be reduced, and generation of strange noises can inhibited. When the dial cam is rotated and the recess of the outer peripheral surface faces the front end portion of the pin of the connection shaft, the connection shaft, which is biased by the force of the coil spring, is connected to the bevel gear, which engages with the bevel gear and is rotated, via the clutch teeth. Thus, the connection shaft is rotated, and the output shaft is rotated together with the connection shaft. That is, the power of the motor is transmitted to the output shaft. Since the coil spring is used for connecting the connection shaft to the bevel gear, the force of the coil spring can be reduced. 1. A power transmission mechanism comprising:an output side transmission member;an output side transmission member support portion which supports the output side transmission member in a condition in which the output side transmission member is rotatable and is restricted in axial direction movement;an input side transmission member which is disposed so as to be apart from the output side transmission member in axial direction of the output side transmission member;an input side transmission member support portion which supports the input side transmission member in a condition in which the input side transmission member is rotatable and is restricted in axial direction movement, and which holds a condition in which the input side transmission member is constantly connected to an input member;a connection member which is provided between the output side transmission member and the input side transmission member so as to be movable between two positions, which are a clutch connection position and a clutch disconnection position, in the axial direction;a biasing member which biases the connection member; anda transmission means which transmits rotation of the input side transmission member to the output ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196806A1

A vehicle drive includes a first gear set and a second gear set both having a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears which couple the sun gear to the ring gear. The planetary gears of both sets are rotatably supported by respective planetary gear carriers which are coupled to each other. The vehicle drive also includes an engine, a first clutch which selectively engages the engine to the ring gear of the first gear set, a first motor/generator coupled to the sun gear of the first gear set and a second motor/generator coupled to the sun gear of the second gear set and electrically coupled to the first motor/generator, a second clutch which selectively engages the engine to the second motor/generator, and a third clutch and a third gear set which operate to selectively engage the ring gear of the second gear set to the planetary gear carriers. 1. A drive train for a vehicle , comprising:a first gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear;a second gear set comprising a sun gear, a ring gear and planetary gears coupling the sun gear to the ring gear, wherein the planetary gears of both sets are rotatably supported by respective planetary gear carriers which are coupled to each other;an engine having an output shaft;a first clutch which selectively engages the output shaft of the engine with the first gear set;a first motor/generator coupled to the first gear set;a second motor/generator coupled to the second gear set and electrically coupled to the first motor/generator;a second clutch which selectively engages the output shaft of the engine with the second motor/generator; anda third clutch and a third gear set which operate to selectively engage at least one of the sun gear and the ring gear of the second gear set with the planetary gear carriers of the first and second gear sets.2. The drive train of claim 1 , further comprising a fourth gear set including at least two gears which couple the first clutch ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196807A1
Автор: ZIEMER Peter

A hybrid drive train for a motor vehicle, comprising at least one internal combustion engine and at least one electric motor, which is functionally connected to the internal combustion engine, or can be functionally connected to said internal combustion engine, wherein a multi-speed transmission having two planetary gear sets, with at least one transmission input shaft and at least one transmission output shaft is provided, wherein the multi-speed transmission exhibits at least four shift elements, the selective actuation of which results in different transmission ratios between the at least one transmission input shaft and the transmission output shaft, such that at least three forward gears are realized. 1. A transmission comprising:an input shaft;an output shaft;a first planetary gear set;a second planetary gear set;a first power path between an input drive and the second planetary gear set, comprising a first fixed transmission ratio;a second power path between the input drive and the second planetary gear set, comprising a second fixed transmission ratio lower than the first fixed transmission ratio;wherein either the first power path or the second power path comprises the first planetary gear set,wherein the second planetary gear set comprises a fourth shaft, a fifth shaft, and a sixth shaft,wherein the first power path comprises an electric motor connectable to the input shaft via a first shift element,wherein either the fourth shaft or the sixth shaft is connectable to the first power path via a second shift element and to the second power path via a third shift element,wherein the fifth shaft is connectable to the first power path via a fourth shift element and is permanently connected to the output shaft.2. The transmission according to claim 1 , wherein the output shaft is connectable to the second power path via a fifth shift element.3. The transmission according to claim 1 , whereina first forward gear is obtained through engaging the first shift ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196808A1
Автор: ZIEMER Peter

A transmission comprises an input shaft and an output shaft and two power paths between the input shaft and a main gear set. The transmission also comprises a first, second, third and fourth shafts, wherein at least one electric machine can be connected to one of the shafts of the main gear set, the first shaft can be connected via a first shifting element to a first power path and via a second shifting element to a second power path, the second shaft can be connected via a third shifting element to the first power path and via a fourth shifting element to the second power path, the third shaft is continuously connected to the output shaft, the fourth shaft can be fixed via a sixth shifting element and can be connected via a fifth shifting element to the first power path. 1. A transmission , comprising:a transmission input shaft;a transmission output shaft;a main gear set;a main gear set comprising a first planetary gear set an a second planetary gear set and, in order of speed, a first shaft, a second shaft, a third shaft, and a fourth shaft;a first power transmission path between the transmission input shaft and the main gear set, comprising a first fixed transmission ratio; anda second power transmission path between the transmission input shaft and the main gear set, comprising a second fixed transmission ratio lower than the first fixed transmission ratio;wherein at least one of the first shaft, the second shaft, the third shaft and the fourth shaft is capable of being connected to an electric machine,wherein the first shaft is capable of being connected via a first shifting element to the first power transmission path and via a second shifting element to the second power transmission path,wherein the second shaft is capable of being connected via a third shifting element to the first power transmission path and via a fourth shifting element to the second power transmission path,wherein the third shaft is continuously connected to the transmission output shaft, ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196809A1
Автор: ZIEMER Peter

A transmission comprises an input shaft, an output shaft and at least two power paths between the input shaft and a driving gear set with a first, second, third and fourth shafts, wherein a first power paths has a first fixed gear ratio and a second of the power paths has a second fixed gear ratio smaller than the first fixed gear ratio. The first shaft can be fixed by a first gear-shifting element, and can be connected by a second-gear shifting element to the first power path. The second shaft can be connected by a third gear-shifting element to the first power path and by a fourth gear-shifting element to the second power path. The third shaft is permanently connected to the output shaft. The fourth shaft can be connected by a fifth gear-shifting element to the second power path and can be fixed by a sixth gear-shifting element. 1. A transmission comprising:an input shaft;an output shaft;a first power path between the input shaft and a driving gear set, having a first gear ratio;a second power path between the input shaft and the driving gear set, having a second gear ratio smaller than the first gear ratio; a first planetary gear set;', 'a second planetary gear set;', 'a first shaft, capable of being fixed by a first gear-shifting element and being connected by a gear-shifting element to the first power path;', 'a second shaft, capable of being connected to the first power path by a third gear-shifting element and to the second power path by a fourth gear-shifting element;', 'a third shaft, being connected to the output shaft; and', 'a fourth shaft, capable to being connected to the second power path by a fifth gear-shifting element and fixed by a sixth gear-shifting element., 'the driving gear set comprising2. The transmission according to claim 1 , further comprising an eighth shifting element to activate and deactivate an electric motor;wherein at least one of the first shaft, the second shaft, the third shaft, and the fourth shaft is capable of connecting to ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130196810A1
Автор: ZIEMER Peter

A transmission comprises a transmission input shaft, a transmission output shaft, and three power paths situated between the transmission input shaft and a main gear set. The main gear set comprises two single planetary gear sets a first, a second, a third and a fourth shafts. An electric motor is connected with at least one of the four shafts. The first shaft can be connected with the first power path via a first switching element and with the third power path via a second switching element. The second shaft can be connected with the first power path via a third switching element and with the third power path via a fourth switching element. The third shaft is constantly connected with the transmission output shaft. The fourth shaft can be connected with the second power path via a fifth switching element and can be fixed by a sixth switching element. 1. A transmission , comprisingan input shaft;an output shaft;a main gear set comprising a first single planetary gear set, a second single planetary gear set, and a first shaft, a second shaft, a third shaft, and a fourth shaft;a first power path between the input shaft and the main gear set, comprising a first transmission ratio;a second power path between the input shaft and the main gear set, comprising a second transmission ratio smaller than the first transmission ratio; anda third power path between the input shaft and the main gear set, comprising a third transmission ratio smaller than the second transmission ratio,wherein at least one of the first shaft, second shaft, third shaft, and fourth shaft is connected with an electric motor,wherein the first shaft is capable of being connected with the first power path via a first switching element and with the third power path via a second switching element,wherein the second shaft is capable of being connected with the first power path via a third switching element and with the third power path via a fourth switching element,wherein the third shaft is constantly ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Twin Electronic Torque Management Device

Номер: US20130199334A1

An axle module may comprise an outer housing and a ring gear assembly rotatably supported within the outer housing on a hub. The axle module may further include first and second shafts arranged within the ring gear assembly, and first and second inner hubs rotatably fixed to the first and second shafts, respectively. Additionally, the axle module may include first and second clutch packs, each having a first plurality of friction plates fixed for rotation to the first and second inner hubs, and a second plurality of friction plates fixed for rotation to the hub. Exemplary axle modules may have a reduced packaging width. 1. A ring gear assembly , comprising:a hub having a central wall, the central wall defining a first cavity and second cavity on opposing sides of the central wall;first and second inner hubs configured to be fixed to first and second shafts arranged within the ring gear assembly for rotation therewith; andfirst and second clutch packs received within the first and second cavities, respectively, the first and second clutch packs each having a first plurality of friction plates fixed for rotation to the first and second inner hubs, the first and second clutch packs each having a second plurality of friction plates fixed for rotation to the hub.2. The ring gear assembly of claim 1 , further comprising first and second end caps secured to the hub claim 1 , thereby enclosing the first and second cavities.3. The ring gear assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a first expansion assembly and a second expansion assembly claim 1 , wherein the first and second expansion assemblies are configured to transfer an axial load to the first and second clutch packs to selectively engage the first and second friction plates together.4. The ring gear assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a first drive motor and a second drive motor configured to selectively actuate the first and second expansion assembly claim 3 , respectively.5. The ring gear assembly of claim 3 , ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Power Transmission Device of Tractor

Номер: US20130213158A1
Автор: Tsuji Kenichiro

The arrangement of driven gears on a countershaft in a main speed change mechanism is shortened in an axial direction, whereby the main speed change mechanism can be made compact in the axial direction. Driven gears on a countershaft of a main speed change mechanism are successively arranged from front to rear in descending order of speed. A sub-low-speed drive gear for a sub-speed change mechanism is provided in front of the highest-speed driven gear on the countershaft, and the next-highest-speed driven gear serves as a sub-high-speed drive gear for the sub-speed change mechanism. A sub-low-speed driven gear and a sub-high-speed driven gear for the sub-speed change mechanism are provided on an output shaft to be engaged with the sub-low-speed drive gear and the next-highest-speed driven gear, respectively, and the highest-speed driven gear, the sub-low-speed drive gear, and the next-highest-speed driven gear are caused to overlap in a fore-and-aft direction. 1. A power transmission device for a tractor in whicha forward/reverse drive switch mechanism is provided that converts power of a propeller shaft into forward or reverse drive power and transmits the forward or reverse drive power from the propeller shaft to an input shaft or from the propeller shaft through a reverse-drive power transmission shaft to the input shaft, a main speed change mechanism that switches between multiple speeds is provided between the input shaft to which the forward or reverse drive power is transmitted from the forward/reverse drive switch mechanism and a countershaft, and a sub-speed change mechanism that switches between a high and a low speed is provided between the countershaft and an output shaft that transmits rear-wheel drive power,whereindriven gears on the countershaft of the main speed change mechanism are successively arranged from front to rear in descending order of speed, a sub-low-speed drive gear for the sub-speed change mechanism is provided in front of the highest- ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225349A1

Multi-mode operation is provided for an electrically variable transmission for a motor vehicle. The multi-mode electrically variable transmission provides for multiple gear ratios and power flow configurations including fixed gear operation. An improved input-split planetary gear set configuration is provided for the multi-mode electrically variable transmission. The multi-mode electrically variable transmission may be operated in its desired efficiency and/or performance range more frequently. Further, the transmission reduces clutch torques and provides improved functionality in range-extended electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles. The multi-mode electrically variable transmission is provided with a fixed gear operating capability for improved highway cruising and incorporates a reverse gear for reverse operation. 1. A transmission comprising:a transmission input shaft; a first sun gear,', 'at least two first pinion gears meshed with the first sun gear,', 'a first carrier coupled to the at least two first pinion gears and the transmission input shaft, and', 'a first ring gear meshed with the at least two first pinion gears;, 'a first planetary gear set comprisinga first electric motor coupled to the first sun gear;a second electric motor coupled to the first ring gear; andan output gear,wherein the output gear is selectively coupled to the first electric motor to provide a first transmission gear ratio and selectively coupled to the second electric motor to provide a second transmission gear ratio.2. The transmission of claim 1 , further comprising:a first driver gear selectively coupled to the first electric motor and meshed with a first driven gear, the first driven gear being coupled to the output gear; anda second driver gear selectively coupled to the second electric motor and meshed with a second driven gear, the second driven gear being coupled to the output gear.3. The transmission of claim 2 , further comprising:a reverse driver gear selectively ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237359A1
Автор: Sarashina Shumpei

To provide a driving apparatus for hybrid vehicle for driving an oil pump by a motor generator, which has a configuration such that the revolution of the oil pump can be changed regardless of the running speed of the vehicle, and whereby the drive loss of the oil pump is reduced. 1. A driving apparatus for hybrid vehicle connected to an engine as a driving source , comprising:two motor generators, a power transmission mechanism, an output member for transmitting power to driving wheels, and an oil pump, the power transmission mechanism including a first planetary gear mechanism and a second planetary gear mechanism each provided with a sun gear, a pinion gear, a ring gear, and a carrier for supporting the pinion gear,wherein any two of the sun gear, ring gear, and carrier of the first planetary gear mechanism and any two of the sun gear, ring gear, and carrier of the second planetary gear mechanism are connected individually to each other, so as to form four rotating elements rotating differentially from each other and being arranged along a straight line on a collinear diagram; the output shaft of the engine is connected, via a one-way clutch, to one of the two rotating elements arranged in the middle of the collinear diagram; the output member is connected to the other of the two rotating elements; and the motor generators are connected to the two rotating elements arranged at both ends of the collinear diagram, the oil pump is connected to either one of the two motor generators.2. The driving apparatus for hybrid vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein during the running of the hybrid vehicle claim 1 , the revolutions of the engine and the motor generator are controlled so that the oil pump and the motor generator to which the oil pump is connected are stopped without changing the revolution of the output member. The present application claims priority to Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-048913 filed Mar. 6, 2012, the content of which is incorporated by ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247717A1
Принадлежит: CNH AMERICA LLC

A gear box assembly for a twin rotor combine is provided. The gear box assembly includes a two speed gear box having a casing, an input shaft, an output shaft, and a two speed gear assembly housed within the casing and operatively connected between the input shaft and the output shaft. The gear box assembly also includes a splitter gear box operatively connected to the output shaft. The splitter gear box includes a housing, and a splitter gear assembly housed within the housing and configured to split a torque provided by the output shaft between a first output shaft and a second output shaft extending from the housing in a direction opposite a direction the output shaft extends from the two speed gear box. The two speed gear box is pivotable relative to the splitter gear box housing. 1. A gear box assembly for a twin rotor combine comprising: a casing,', 'an input shaft,', 'an output shaft, and', 'a two speed gear assembly housed within the casing and operatively connected between the input shaft and the output shaft; and, 'a two speed gear box having a housing, and', 'a splitter gear assembly housed within the housing and configured to split a torque provided by the output shaft between a first output shaft and a second output shaft extending from the housing in a direction substantially opposite a direction the output shaft extends from the two speed gear box,', 'wherein the two speed gear box is pivotable about an axis extending coaxial with a longitudinal axis of the output shaft of the two speed gear box relative to the splitter gear box housing., 'a splitter gear box operatively connected to the output shaft, the splitter gear box having2. The gear box assembly of claim 1 , wherein the two speed gear box includes a pair of arcuate slots for receiving a fastener for securing the two speed gear box to the splitter gear box.3. The gear box assembly of claim 1 , wherein both the input shaft and the output shaft of the two speed gear box extend from a same side of ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Arrangement of an add-on module and of a basic transmission and assembly method

Номер: US20130255439A1
Автор: Giuseppe Muro

A coaxial arrangement of an add-on module having a main axis and a basic transmission having a main axis. The add-on module comprises a drive element that is arranged coaxially with the main axis. The basic transmission has an oil pump is driven by the drive element of the add-on module, via a spur gear stage, and the spur gear stage comprises a first spur gear arranged coaxially with the main axis and a second spur gear arranged offset relative to the main axis. A method for assembling the add-on module with the basic transmission, in which the drive element and the first spur gear can be coupled with one another by a plug-in connection, is also disclosed. During the assembly process, the first spur gear is first coupled, in advance, to the basic transmission and then brought into meshing engagement with the second spur gear.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255440A1
Принадлежит: Renault Trucks

A drive arrangement for a least one auxiliary equipment of a hybrid vehicle includes a gearbox having at least one input shaft connected to a drive internal combustion engine and one output shaft connected to driven wheels of the vehicle. The drive arrangement includes a power split device having no more than three separate input/output couplings, with a first coupling connected to the input shaft, a second coupling connected to the output shaft, and a third coupling connected to the at least one auxiliary equipment. The drive arrangement includes an auxiliary electric machine connected to one of the couplings of the power split device, and adapted to deliver torque to the at least one auxiliary equipment. The drive arrangement further includes an arrangement to disconnect the first coupling from the input shaft of the gearbox. 1. Drive arrangement for a least one auxiliary equipment of a vehicle , comprising a gearbox having at least one input shaft connected to a drive internal combustion engine and one output shaft connected to driven wheels of the vehicle , the drive arrangement comprising a first coupling connected to the input shaft,', 'a second coupling connected to the output shaft,', 'a third coupling connected to the at least one auxiliary equipment, wherein the drive arrangement comprises an auxiliary electric machine, connected to one of the couplings of the power split device, adapted to deliver torque to the at least one auxiliary equipment, and wherein it comprises means to disconnect the first coupling from the input shaft of the gearbox., 'a power split device having no more than three separate input/output couplings, the power split device including'}2. Drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the first coupling is connected to the gearbox input shaft through an intermediate shaft of the gearbox which is permanently connected to the gearbox input shaft.3. Drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary electric machine is ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255441A1

To provide a multi-shaft driving device that aims for a lightening of weight and lowering of cost as compared with conventional structures. In a structure in which, when a movable shaft () is slidably installed at an output shaft () and advances toward an input-side bevel gear (), an output-side bevel gear () of a distal end side of the movable shaft () meshes-together with the input-side bevel gear (), and the movable shaft () rotates and rotation of this movable shaft () is transmitted to the output shaft (), the movable shaft () and the output-side bevel gear () are molded integrally of resin, and the output shaft () also is formed of resin, and the movable shaft () is slidably exteriorly placed on an outer peripheral side of the output shaft (). 1. An output member comprising:an output shaft that is made of resin and that is applied to a mechanical device for a vehicle;a movable shaft that is made of resin and is installed at the output shaft;an output-side clutch member that is made of resin and is provided integrally with the movable shaft;a guide member that is structured by a shape of an outer peripheral surface of one of the output shaft and the movable shaft and a shape of an inner peripheral surface of another of the output shaft and the movable shaft, and that makes the movable shaft able to slide in an axial direction and unable to rotate relatively, with respect to the output shaft, wherein the inner peripheral surface of the other engages with the outer peripheral surface of the one of the output shaft and the movable shaft; andan urging member that urges the movable shaft in one direction or another direction opposite to the one direction in the axial direction.2. The output member of claim 1 , wherein the guide portion is structured from an outer-side engaging portion claim 1 , that is convex and concave in cross-section and is formed along the axial direction at the outer peripheral surface of the one of the output shaft and the movable shaft claim ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130260935A1

A transmission with an integrated electric motor includes an input member, an output member, at least four planetary gear sets, a plurality of coupling members and a plurality of torque transmitting devices. Each of the planetary gear sets includes first, second and third members. The torque transmitting devices include clutches and brakes actuatable in combinations of three to establish a plurality of forward gear ratios and at least one reverse gear ratio. 1. A powertrain in a motor vehicle comprising:an engine;an electric machine;a disconnect clutch connected between the engine and the electric machine; and an input member connected to the disconnect clutch and the electric machine;', 'an output member;', 'a plurality of planetary gear sets connected between the input member and the output member; and', 'a plurality of torque transmitting mechanisms connected between the input member, the output member, and the plurality of planetary gear sets, wherein one of the plurality of torque transmitting mechanisms is a launch clutch connected to one of the plurality of planetary gear sets, wherein the launch clutch is engaged during a first gear and a reverse gear and is slipped during launch of the motor vehicle from a stop., 'a transmission including2. The powertrain of wherein the plurality of planetary gear sets includes four planetary gear sets and the plurality of torque transmitting mechanisms include seven torque transmitting mechanisms.3. The powertrain of wherein engagement of the launch clutch claim 2 , the disconnect clutch claim 2 , a second of the seven torque transmitting devices claim 2 , and a fifth of the seven torque transmitting devices provides the first gear.4. The powertrain of wherein engagement of the launch clutch claim 3 , the disconnect clutch claim 3 , a fifth of the seven torque transmitting devices claim 3 , and a sixth of the seven torque transmitting devices provides the reverse gear.5. The powertrain of wherein the input member of the ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274047A1
Автор: GÖTZ Andreas

A drive train for a motor vehicle, in particular a hybrid vehicle, having a drive shaft that can be connected to an internal combustion engine, and a transmission oil pump that can be coupled to the drive shaft by means of a switchable freewheel. An electrical machine for driving the transmission oil pump is also provided and is arranged in the power flow direction between the drive shaft and the transmission oil pump, and is in parallel to the freewheel in the power flow direction. A second freewheel is unnecessary and thereby reduces the construction space needed for the power train. 124. A drive train for a hybrid motor vehicle , said drive train comprising: a drive shaft connected to an internal combustion engine , a pump coupled with the drive shaft by a switchable freewheel , a transmission oil pump , and an electrical machine for driving the pump , wherein the electrical machine () is arranged in a power flow direction between the drive shaft and the pump , and is in parallel to the freewheel in the power flow direction.2. The drive train according to claim 1 , including a switching element situated in series with the freewheel in the power flow direction and situated in parallel to the electrical machine in the power flow direction.3. The drive train according to claim 2 , wherein the switching element is closed below a predetermined speed nof the drive shaft to provide a flow of power between the drive shaft and the freewheel claim 2 , and is opened above the predetermined speed nof the drive shaft to interrupt a flow of power between the drive shaft and the freewheel.4. The drive train according to claim 3 , wherein the predetermined speed nof the drive shaft is chosen so that a predefined maximum necessary pump power of the pump is reached at the predetermined speed nof the drive shaft.5. The drive train according to claim 1 , wherein a rotational speed ratio of drive shaft rotational speed is increased or is reduced ahead of the pump in the power flow ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276576A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A first tubular shaft is placed on a radially outer side of a countershaft. A second tubular shaft is placed on a radially outer side of the first tubular shaft. A first driven gear is provided at one end portion of the first tubular shaft and is meshed with a first drive gear. A second driven gear is provided at one end portion of the second tubular shaft and is meshed with a second drive gear. A second secondary coupling portion is provided at the countershaft. A second primary coupling portion is provided at the other end portion of the first tubular shaft. The second primary coupling portion is engageable with the second secondary coupling portion. A third primary coupling portion is provided at the other end portion of the second tubular shaft. The third primary coupling portion is engageable with the second secondary coupling portion. 1. A drive force transmission apparatus that is configured to transmit a drive force from first and second drive sources to a drive device of a vehicle , which drives the vehicle , the drive force transmission apparatus comprising:a first main shaft that has one end portion, which is connected to the first drive source;a second main shaft that has one end portion, which is connected to the second drive source, wherein the second main shaft is generally coaxial with the first main shaft, and the other end portion of the second main shaft, which is opposite from the one end portion of the second main shaft, is opposed to the other end portion of the first main shaft, which is opposite from the one end portion of the first main shaft;a countershaft that has one end portion, which is connected to the drive device, wherein the countershaft is generally parallel to the first main shaft and the second main shaft;a first drive gear that is provided at one of the first main shaft and the second main shaft;a second drive gear that is connected to the other one of the first main shaft and the second main shaft;a first secondary coupling ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283972A1

A vehicle drive device configured with reduced axial dimensions, while still having appropriate lubrication. The vehicle drive device is configured with an input shaft coupled to an engine, a rotary electric machine, and an output shaft coupled to wheels. A power transfer mechanism couples input shaft, the rotary electric machine, and the output shaft. A case houses at least the rotary electric machine and the power transfer mechanism. An oil reserving portion capable of reserving oil supplied by rotation of the power transfer mechanism is provided above the rotor shaft inside the case. A communication oil passage is oriented between the oil reserving portion and an inner circumferential space formed inside the rotor shaft. The rotor shaft is disposed to be inserted into the inside housing space, and has a supply communication hole that communicates between the inner circumferential space and the inside housing space. 19-. (canceled)10. A vehicle drive device , comprisingan input shaft drivably coupled to an internal combustion engine,a rotary electric machine,an output shaft drivably coupled to wheels,a power transfer mechanism that drivably couples the input shaft, the rotary electric machine, and the output shaft, anda case that houses at least the rotary electric machine and the power transfer mechanism, wherein:the rotary electric machine includes a rotor and a cylindrical rotor shaft disposed coaxially with the input shaft to support the rotor;the power transfer mechanism includes a cylindrical member and an inside gear mechanism provided on a side in a first axial direction, which corresponds to one side in an axial direction, with respect to the rotor;the inside gear mechanism meshes with internal teeth provided on an inner peripheral face of the cylindrical member, and is housed in an inside housing space formed on a radially inner side of the cylindrical member;the cylindrical member is rotatably supported from a radially inner side by two support bearings ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296088A1
Автор: Savage Peter
Принадлежит: AVL List GmbH

A drive train for a hybrid vehicle, and which includes an internal combustion engine, at least one electric machine, a first planetary gear and a second planetary gear between a transmission input shaft, which is in drive connection to the output shaft of the internal combustion engine, and a transmission output shaft. 115-. (canceled)16. A drive train for a hybrid vehicle , comprising:an internal combustion engine having an output shaft;at least one electric machine;a transmission input shaft in drive connection to the output shaft;a transmission output shaft;first and second planetary gears arranged in series between the transmission input shaft and the transmission output shaft, each planetary gear including a sun gear, a planet carrier and a ring gear; anda braking device, the transmission input shaft is in drive connection to a first component of the first planetary gear,', 'the first planetary gear and the second planetary gear are in drive connection to each other via a common second component,', 'a third component of the first planetary gear is operatively connected to the braking device such that the braking device acts on the third component,', 'a first component of the second planetary gear which is common to the first component of the first planetary gear is in drive connection to the transmission output shaft, and', 'a third component of the second planetary gear which is common to the third component of the first planetary gear is configured to be fixed to a housing of the second planetary gear., 'wherein17. The drive train of claim 16 , wherein the torque of the internal combustion engine is configured for connection in a continuously variable manner by actuating the braking device.18. The drive train of claim 16 , wherein the electric machine is in drive connection to the first component or the second component of the second planetary gear.19. The drive train of claim 16 , wherein the second component of the first planetary gear and the second ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305878A1

A vehicle drive device configured with an input member coupled to an internal combustion engine, a rotary electric machine, an output member coupled to wheels, and a power transfer mechanism that drivably couples the input member, the rotary electric machine, and the output member. An oil collecting portion is configured to collect oil supplied by rotation of the power transfer mechanism, The collected oil falling passage is configured to cause the oil collected by the oil collecting portion to flow downward to be supplied to a portion of a facing wall surface located above a cylindrical member. A communication oil passage communicates between the gap and the inside housing space is formed at a portion of abutment between the subject support bearing and the support projecting portion. 15-. (canceled)6. A vehicle drive device comprising:an input member drivably coupled to an internal combustion engine;a rotary electric machine,an output member drivably coupled to wheels;a power transfer mechanism that drivably couples the input member, the rotary electric machine, and the output member; anda case that houses at least the power transfer mechanism, whereinthe power transfer mechanism includes a cylindrical member and an inside gear mechanism,the inside gear mechanism meshes with internal teeth provided on an inner circumferential surface of the cylindrical member, and is housed in an inside housing space formed on a radially inner side of the cylindrical member,the cylindrical member is rotatably supported from the radially inner side by two support bearings disposed on both sides in an axial direction across the inside gear mechanism,the case includes a support wall portion, and an oil collecting portion and a collected oil falling passage are provided inside the case,the support wall portion includes a facing wall surface that faces an axial end surface of the cylindrical member via a gap and that extends to a radially outer side of the cylindrical member, and a ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327180A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD

A multi-shaft drive device is provided that is capable of obtaining an appropriate backlash in an enmeshed state of an output side bevel gear and an input side bevel gear. An output side bevel gear () that is biased in the direction of an input side bevel gear by a coil spring contacts a shaft support bush attached to a wall portion () in an enmeshed state with the input side bevel gear. A bias direction stroke end of the output side bevel gear () is accordingly restricted. Moreover, the wall portion () is provided to a gear holder () fixed to a device case () that supports the input side bevel gear, thereby enabling the axial direction position of the output side bevel gear () to always be positioned at a uniform position to enmesh appropriately with the input side bevel gear. 1. A multi-shaft drive device comprising:a plurality of input side bevel gears that are supported so as to be rotatable with respect to a case and that rotate in response to transmission of power of a motor;a plurality of output side bevel gears that are provided corresponding to each individual of the plurality of input side bevel gears, that are supported so as to be rotatable with respect to the case and to be capable of projecting forwards or retreating with respect to the input side bevel gears, that are biased in a direction to enmesh with the input side bevel gears, and that are respectively coupled to a plurality of movable mechanisms provided to a vehicle such that rotation force can be individually transmitted to the respective movable mechanisms;a selector that is provided so as to be movable with respect to the case and capable of making sliding contact with the plurality of output side bevel gears, that enmeshes a selected output side bevel gear out of the plurality of output side bevel gears with the corresponding input side bevel gear, and that separates the other output side bevel gears from the corresponding input side bevel gears; anda stopper that is provided at the case or ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327181A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD

The present invention obtains a multi-shaft drive device that can protect a rack and pinion from operative load input to a selector. The multi-shaft drive device is provided with: an input-side bevel gear () to which motor power is transmitted; and an output-side bevel gear () that transmits the power transmitted from the input-side bevel gear () to a movable mechanism. The multi-shaft drive device is further provided with: a selector () that connects/disconnects the meshing of the output-side bevel gear () and the input-side bevel gear (); and a rotating shaft () that causes the selector () to slide via a rack () and pinion (). Furthermore, the angle of rotation of the rotating shaft () is regulated by the end of the pinion () contacting a vertical wall (A) of a case (). 1. A multi-shaft drive device comprising:a single motor that is fixed to a case and that drives a plurality of movable mechanisms mounted to a vehicle;an input side gear that is provided inside the case and that transmits power of the motor;an output side gear that is provided so as to be capable of projecting forwards and retreating with respect to the input side gear, thereby selectively enmeshing with the input side gear, and transmitting power transmitted from the input side bevel gear to the movable mechanism;a selector that is provided with a rack to allow the selector to slide in one direction and an opposite direction to the one direction, that presses a portion of the output side gear to move the output side gear back, and that disconnects enmeshing between the output side gear and the input side gear;a rotation shaft that is provided with a pinion that enmeshes with the rack provided to the selector, the rotation shaft rotating about its axis due to operation force input to an operation means so as to slide the selector; anda restriction portion that is provided to a side of the operation means including the rotation shaft, and that restricts the rotation angle of the rotation shaft.2. ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340567A1

A first input shaft and a second input shaft; a first friction clutch and a second friction clutch that can transmit motive power from a motive-power source to the first input shaft and the second input shaft; a speed-changing gear mechanism provided with a shared gear that can connect the first input shaft and the second input shaft, the speed-changing gear mechanism that can connect/disconnect the motive power from the first input shaft and the second input shaft and select a plurality of speed changing levels; and an output shaft that outputs the motive power from the speed-changing gear mechanism are provided. Upon start, a first speed level is selected, both of the first friction clutch and the second friction clutch are coupled, and the motive power from the motive-power source is transmitted to the output shaft via the first friction clutch and the second friction clutch. 1. A dual-clutch-type vehicle transmission comprising:a first input shaft and a second input shaft;a first friction clutch that can transmit motive power from a motive-power source to the first input shaft;a second friction clutch that can transmit the motive power from the motive-power source to the second input shaft;a speed-changing gear mechanism that can select any of a plurality of speed changing levels to carry out speed change by connecting/disconnecting the motive power from the first input shaft and the second input shaft; andan output shaft that outputs the motive power from the speed-changing gear mechanism; whereinthe speed-changing gear mechanism is provided with a shared gear that can connect the first input shaft and the second input shaft at the same time.2. The dual-clutch-type vehicle transmission according to claim 1 , whereinthe shared gear is disposed to be coaxial with the first input shaft and the second input shaft.3. The dual-clutch-type vehicle transmission according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,upon start of moving of a vehicle, in a state that a first speed ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345010A1

A hybrid drive of a motor vehicle comprising a combustion engine having a drive shaft, at least one electric machine, a manual transmission having input shafts (GE GE) and an output shaft. Shaft (GE) couples the combustion engine drive shaft and the electric machine can drive shaft (GE). For efficient driving with the combustion engine and/or electric machine optionally decoupled or coupled, and for a reduction of size, shafts (GE GE) are coaxially located one after the other, the output shaft coaxially surrounds one of the shafts (GE GE) and planetary gearsets are disposed coaxially behind one another, each having an input and output element. The combustion engine can be coupled alternately to shaft (GE), via a first shift element or to the input element of the first planetary gearset, via a second shift element. The output elements of the planetary gearsets are connected to the output shaft. 110-. (canceled)11. A hybrid drive of a motor vehicle comprising:{'b': '2', 'an internal combustion engine (VM) having a drive shaft (),'}{'b': '3', 'i': 'a', 'at least one electric machine (EM) having a rotor (),'}{'b': 4', '1', '2, 'a manual transmission () having first and second input shafts (GE, GE) and a common output shaft (GA),'}{'b': 1', '2', '2', '3, 'i': 'a', 'the first input shaft (GE) being connectable to the drive shaft () of the internal combustion engine (VM) and the second input shaft (GE) being drivingly connected to the rotor () of the electric machine (EM),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'the first and the second input shafts (GE, GE) being disposed coaxially one behind the other,'}{'b': 1', '2, 'the output shaft (GA) being disposed coaxially surrounding one of the first and the second input shafts (GE, GE),'}{'b': 1', '2, 'at least first and second planetary gear sets (PG, PG) being disposed coaxially behind one another,'}{'b': 8', '9', '8', '9, 'i': b,', 'a', 'c,', 'c, 'each of the first and the second planetary gear sets having at least one input element () and one ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345018A1

A hybrid drive of a motor vehicle having an automated manual transmission with two coaxial input shafts and a common output shaft. The input shafts are respectively driven by an engine and an electric machine and can couple the output shaft via respective groups of gearwheel sets. Each gearwheel set comprises a gear fixed to the associated input shaft and an idler gear supported by respective countershafts. At least two idler gears disposed on one of the two countershafts of two gearwheel sets, within the transmission, assigned to two different input shafts, can be coupled via a winding-path shift element, and the two output constants are disposed in a common radial plane by using a common output gear disposed on the output shaft. 114-. (canceled)1521220201212321251212121212121212. A hybrid drive of a motor vehicle , which has an automated manual transmission (.-.) derived from a double clutch transmission (.) having two coaxially disposed input shafts (GE , GE) and a common output shaft (GA) , in which one of the two input shafts (GE; GE) of the hybrid drive is connectable to a drive shaft () of an internal combustion engine (VM) and is drivingly connectable with the output shaft (GA) via an associated first group of selectively shiftable gear wheel sets (5 , 7 , 9 , 10; 6 , 8) , and the other input shaft (GE; GE) of the hybrid drive is in drive connection with a rotor () of an electric machine (EM) that is operable as a motor and as a generator , and is drivingly connectable with the output shaft (GA) via an assigned second group of selectively shiftable gear wheel sets (6 , 8; 5 , 7 , 9 , 10) , the gear wheel sets (5-10) are disposed , in each case , between one of the two input shafts (GE , GE) and one of two countershafts (VG , VG) that are each in drive connection with the output shaft (GA) via an output constant (KA1 , KA2) , each gear wheel set (5-10) comprises a fixed gear (11-13) that is disposed on the associated input shaft (GE , GE) in a rotationally ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007739A1
Автор: Schnabel Bernhard

The invention relates to a drive device () for an automotive work machine, wherein the drive device () includes a first hydraulic motor () coupled to a driven shaft (), a second hydraulic motor () and a coupling device (), by means of which the second hydraulic motor () can be coupled to the driven shaft () for torque addition in a first shift state, and can be decoupled from the driven shaft () in a second shift state. The coupling device () in turn includes at least one synchronizing body () with a conical friction surface () coupled to the second hydraulic motor () and a gear wheel () with a corresponding friction surface () movable relatively to the synchronizing body () and coupled to the driven shaft (). 115-. (canceled)1610. A drive device () for an automotive work machine , comprising:{'b': 12', '16, 'i': 'a', 'a first hydraulic motor () coupled to a driven shaft ();'}{'b': '12', 'i': 'b', 'a second hydraulic motor (); and'}{'b': 18', '12', '16', '16', '18, 'i': 'b', 'claim-text': [{'b': 20', '22', '12, 'i': 'b', 'at least one synchronizing body () with a conical friction surface () coupled to the second hydraulic motor (); and'}, {'b': 24', '26', '20', '16, 'a gear wheel () with a corresponding friction surface () movable relatively to the synchronizing body () and coupled to the driven shaft (), and wherein'}, {'b': 12', '16', '20', '24', '22', '20', '26', '24', '20', '24, 'i': 'b', 'upon coupling the second hydraulic motor () to the driven shaft (), a possible rotation speed difference between the synchronizing body () and the gear wheel () can be at least reduced and a frictional fit between the friction surface () of the synchronizing body () and the friction surface () of the gear wheel () can be established by relatively moving the synchronizing body () and the gear wheel () to each other; and'}, {'b': 12', '16', '22', '20', '26', '24', '20', '24, 'i': 'b', 'upon decoupling the second hydraulic motor () from the driven shaft (), the frictional fit ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033864A1
Принадлежит: Fenwal, Inc.

A drive assembly for a centrifugal processing system is provided for rotating the yoke assembly () about a first axis at a first angular velocity and rotating the chamber assembly () coaxially with the yoke assembly at a second angular velocity A drive motor () is provided for rotating the yoke assembly at the first angular velocity A stationary gear ( is mounted coaxially with the yoke assembly, with a drive linkage () comprising a shaft () secured to the yoke assembly so as to be rotatable therewith. The shaft is operatively connected on its first end to the stationary gear (), so that the shaft rotates about its axis as the yoke assembly () rotates relative to the stationary gear. The shaft () is rotatably connected on its second end to the chamber assembly (), so that when the shaft is rotated, the shaft rotates the chamber assembly. Preferably, the yoke assembly () comprises a first arm () and a second arm (), with the chamber assembly () being rotatably secured to the first arm and the first arm being pivotably connected to the second arm, and the shaft () being flexible. 1. A drive assembly for rotating a first structure about a first axis at a first angular velocity and rotating a second structure coaxially with the first structure at a second angular velocity comprising:a drive motor for rotating the first structure at the first angular velocity;a stationary gear mounted coaxially with the first structure;and a drive linkage comprising a shaft secured to the first structure so as to be rotatable therewith, the shaft being operatively connected on a first end to the stationary gear so that the shaft is rotated about its axis as the first structure is rotated relative to the stationary gear by the drive motor, the shaft being operatively connected on a second end to the second structure so that when the shaft is rotated, the shaft rotates the second structure, wherein the first structure comprises a first arm and a second arm, the second structure being ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053683A1
Автор: Cherney Mark, WEST SEAN

A hybrid power system for a vehicle which may include an internal combustion engine and a supplemental energy system for converting the mechanical energy generated by the engine to electrical energy and storing it as opportunity provides; and using the stored electrical energy to augment engine output as necessary. The supplemental energy system may include a motor-generator engaged with a flywheel. 1. A hybrid power system for a work vehicle having a power train and wheels for propelling the vehicle along the earth , the hybrid power system comprising:an enginea flywheel with flywheel teeth;a flywheel housing having a mounting flange;a rechargeable electrical energy storage system;a bidirectional machine engaging the wheel via the mounting flange such that a movement of the flywheel may result in a movement of a portion of the bidirectional machine and a movement of the portion of the bidirectional machine results in the movement of the flywheel, the bidirectional machine including a motor-generator and an AC-DC converter, the bidirectional machine converting motion to electrical energy and supplying the electrical energy to the rechargeable electrical energy storage system for storage in a first mode and receiving electrical energy from the rechargeable electrical energy storage system and converting it to mechanical energy to supplement engine output in a second mode.2. The hybrid power system of claim 1 , wherein the motor-generator supplies alternating current to the AC-DC converter and the AC-DC converter supplies direct current to the rechargeable electrical energy storage system for storage.3. The hybrid power system of claim 1 , wherein the rechargeable electrical energy storage system supplies direct current to the AC-DC converter and the AC-DC converter converts the direct current to alternating current and supplies it to the motor-generator for conversion to mechanical power for application to the flywheel.4. The hybrid power system of claim 1 , wherein ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069231A1
Автор: WATARAI Etsuyoshi
Принадлежит: SHIMANO INC.

A bicycle drive unit is provided that includes a motor, a crank axle, a power transmission axle and an output part. The motor includes a crank axle receiving hole. The crank axle is rotatably disposed in the crank axle receiving hole of the motor. The power transmission axle is separate from the crank axle and arranged to transmit rotation of the crank axle. The output part is operatively coupled to the motor and the power transmission axle to combine a rotational output of the motor and a rotational output of the transmission mechanism together. 1. A bicycle drive unit comprising:a motor including a crank axle receiving hole;a crank axle rotatably disposed in the crank axle receiving hole of the motor;a power transmission axle separate from the crank axle and arranged to transmit rotation of the crank axle; andan output part operatively coupled to the motor and the power transmission axle to combine a rotational output of the motor and a rotational output of the power transmission axle together,the power transmission axle being coupled to the crank axle at a first end side of the motor in an axial direction of the crank axle, and being coupled to the output part at a second end of the motor.2. (canceled)3. The bicycle drive unit according to claim 1 , further comprisinga first coupling mechanism coupling the crank axle and the power transmission axle; anda second coupling mechanism coupling the power transmission axle and the output part.4. The bicycle drive unit according to claim 1 , whereinthe motor has a rotational axis that is coaxially aligned with the rotational axis of the crank axle.5. The bicycle drive unit according to claim 1 , further comprisinga sprocket is connected to the output part.6. The bicycle drive unit according to claim 1 , further comprisinga one-way clutch transmitting the output of the motor to the output part,7. The bicycle drive unit according to claim 1 , further comprisinga reduction gear mechanism transmitting the output of the motor ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094334A1

A gear-train for transferring torque from multiple power sources includes first, second, and third input members, and an output member. The first and second input members rotate about a first axis, the third input member rotates about a second axis, and the output member rotates about a third axis. The gear-train additionally includes a first gear-set connected to the first input member. The gear-train also includes a second gear-set connected to the second input member. The gear-train additionally includes an intermediate shaft that rotates about a fourth axis. Furthermore, the gear-train includes a third gear-set connected to the intermediate shaft. In the third gear-set, first member is connected to the intermediate shaft and to the third input member, second and third members are set coaxially relative to the intermediate shaft and configured for asynchronous rotation with each other, and the third member is also connected to the output member. 1. A gear-train for transferring torque from multiple power sources , the gear system comprising:a first input member, a second input member, and a third input member, wherein the first and second input members are configured to rotate about a first axis and the third input member is configured to rotate about a second axis;an output member configured to rotate about a third axis;a first gear-set operatively connected to the first input member, the first gear-set including first, second, and third members;a second gear-set operatively connected to the second input member, the second gear-set including first, second, and third members;an intermediate shaft configured to rotate about a fourth axis; anda third gear-set operatively connected to the intermediate shaft, the third gear-set including first, second, and third members; the first member of the third gear-set is continuously connected to the intermediate shaft, the second and third members of the third gear-set are set coaxially with respect to the intermediate shaft ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Infinitely variable transmission for differentially steered vehicles

Номер: US20170001664A1
Автор: Inal Mehmet Koray

An infinitely variable transmission system for differentially steered vehicles comprises two planetary gearboxes, each coupled to drive, as output, a driving component, such as track or wheel, on either side of a vehicle. The planetary gearboxes are drivingly coupled to a power source, such as an engine or motor, via fixed gear ratio driver and via belt drive system of two or more variable ratio belt drive pulleys. Each of the two outputs of the transmission can independently and simultaneously be controlled to revolve in forward, neutral (stop), and reverse directions in a manner of continuously and infinitesimally variable speed and torque. 1. An infinitely variable transmission system for differentially steered vehicles comprising;a driver pulley, which is drivingly connected to a power source;two variable ratio driven pulleys, each of which is controllably varied to control the speed and direction of rotation of each transmission output and hence each driving component;a single belt extending around the two driven pulleys and the driver pulley, forming a variable ratio belt drive system; andtwo planetary gearboxes, where gear sets of each are drivingly connected to the power source, a respective variable ratio driven pulley, and a respective driving component as output.2. An infinitely variable transmission system for differentially steered vehicles as in claim 1 , in which;ring gears of both planetary gearboxes are drivingly connected to the power source;planet gear carrier element of each planetary gearbox is drivingly connected to a respective driving component as a transmission output; andsun gear of each planetary gearbox is drivingly connected to a respective variable ratio driven pulley, to be driven in the opposite direction of rotation of the respective ring gear.3. An infinitely variable transmission system for differentially steered vehicles as in claim 1 , in which the driver pulley comprises a variable ratio pulley claim 1 , comprising a means for ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009863A1
Автор: Holmes Alan G.

A dual clutch continuously variable transmission (“CVT”) includes an input member connected to an engine of the motor vehicle, an output member connected to a final drive unit, a first member, a second member, a third member, and a dual input assembly having a first element and a second element. The dual input member may be a dual clutch or a torque converter and clutch assembly. The dual clutch CVT also includes a fixed gear assembly having a first co-planar gear set selectively connectable to the first member and fixedly connected to the third member and a second co-planar gear set fixedly connected to the third member and fixedly connected to the output member. A continuously variable unit is connected directly to the second member and the third member. The output from the fixed gear unit may be connected to drive wheels separate from the continuously variable unit. 1. A transmission driven by an engine in a motor vehicle , the transmission comprising:an input member connected to the engine;an output member;a first member;a second member;a third member;a dual input assembly having a first element and a second element, wherein the first element selectively connects the first member to the input member and the second element selectively connects the second member to the input member;a fixed gear assembly having a first co-planar gear set selectively connectable to the first member and fixedly connected to the third member and a second co-planar gear set fixedly connected to the third member and fixedly connected to the output member; anda continuously variable unit connected directly to the second member and the third member.2. The transmission of wherein the first co-planar gear set includes a drive gear in mesh with a driven gear and the drive gear of the first co-planar gear set is selectively rotationally connectable to the first member and the driven gear of the first co-planar gear set is fixedly rotationally connected to the third member.3. The transmission ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102250A1
Автор: Huang Yung-Sung

A dual electric driving device, comprising: a main driving motor including a driving rotary shaft, with a shifting transmission gear being mounted on the front end of the driving rotary shaft; an outputting module being correspondingly mounted on the shifting transmission gear, the outputting module including a shifting driving shaft being rotatable by a driving force of the shifting transmission gear; a clutching and speed reducing driving device being correspondingly sleeved onto the back end of the driving rotary shaft of the main driving motor and coaxially rotatable by being engaged with the driving rotary shaft in one single direction; and an accessory driving motor including a driving shaft, the driving shaft being correspondingly mounted through the clutching and speed reducing driving device, and further being able to push the driving rotary shaft in one single direction to rotate by driving the clutching and speed reducing driving device. 1. A dual electric driving device , comprising:a main driving motor including a driving rotary shaft, a front end of the driving rotary shaft extending downward and a back end of the driving rotary shaft extending upward, with a shifting transmission gear being mounted on the front end of the driving rotary shaft;an outputting module being correspondingly mounted on the shifting transmission gear, the outputting module including a shifting driving shaft being rotatable by a driving force of the shifting transmission gear;a clutching and speed reducing driving device being correspondingly sleeved onto the back end of the driving rotary shaft of the main driving motor and coaxially rotatable by being engaged with the driving rotary shaft in one single direction; andan accessory driving motor including a driving shaft, the driving shaft being correspondingly mounted through the clutching and speed reducing driving device, and further being able to push the driving rotary shaft in one single direction to rotate by driving the ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Cooling System For Concrete Saw

Номер: US20140102432A1
Автор: Edwards Brian S.

A concrete saw includes a generally rectangular frame having a front end, a rear end and a longitudinal length. An engine is supported by the frame. The engine includes a rotational output shaft aligned generally transverse to the longitudinal length of the frame. A saw blade is rotatably connected to the frame and driven by the output shaft of the engine. A cooling system is mounted to a front part of the engine. The cooling system includes a radiator and a cooling fan. The cooling fan is driven by a fan drive assembly having a drive shaft configured as a power take-off to be continuously driven by the engine. 1. A concrete saw comprising:a frame having a front end, a rear end and a longitudinal length;an engine supported by the frame and including a drive shaft aligned transverse to the longitudinal length of the frame;a saw blade rotatably connected to the frame and driven by the drive shaft;a cooling system including a radiator and a cooling fan mounted to and facing a front part of the engine; anda fan drive assembly for driving the cooling fan, the fan drive assembly mounted to the front part of the engine and having an input shaft configured as a power take-off to be continuously driven by the engine.2. The concrete saw of claim 1 , wherein the fan drive assembly includes a drive housing including a first part and a second part extending substantially perpendicularly from the first part.3. The concrete saw of claim 2 , wherein the input shaft has a proximal end portion extending outwardly from the first part to be driven by operation of the engine and a distal end portion housed in the first part of the drive housing.4. The concrete saw of claim 3 , wherein the fan drive assembly includes a separate output shaft operably connected to the input shaft claim 3 , the output shaft driving the cooling fan.5. The concrete saw of claim 4 , wherein the output shaft of the fan drive assembly has a proximal end portion housed in the second part of the drive housing and ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033175A1

A mechanical converter for converting rotary motion to reciprocating motion, and vice versa, featuring a gear rack, one or more half-gears alternately engaged with the gear rack, the gear rack configured to produce reciprocating motion in response to the alternate engagement with the one or more half-gears. 1. A mechanical converter comprising a gear rack , a first and second half-gear , a first and second shaft , and a first and second corresponding gear ,the first shaft fixed to the first half-gear and the first corresponding gear, the second shaft fixed to the second half-gear and the second corresponding gear;the first and second half-gear having a toothed section for half a circumference each;the first and second half-gears being configured to rotate synchronously and in alternately toothed engaged with the gear rack so that only one half-gear is engaged with the gear rack at a time;the gear rack configured to produce reciprocating motion in response to the alternate engagement with the first and second half-gears.2. The mechanical converter of claim 1 , the gear rack being a gear wheel.3. The mechanical converter of claim 1 , the first and second corresponding gears being toothedly engaged with each other in opposing rotation claim 1 , the first and second half-gears being in opposing rotation.4. The mechanical converter of claim 3 , the mechanical converter comprising an additional gear rack and a third and fourth half-gear claim 3 , the third half-gear being fixed to the first shaft and the fourth half-gear being fixed to the second shaft claim 3 , the third and fourth half-gear being in opposing rotation and alternately engaged with the additional gear rack so that only either the third or fourth half-gear is engaged with the additional gear rack at a time; with the additional gear rack configured to produce reciprocating motion in response to the alternate engagement with the third and fourth half-gears.5. The mechanical converter of claim 4 , the first ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170037947A1
Автор: LEE Ho Yul, PARK Dong Hyun

An input synthesis apparatus according to the present invention includes: a first input unit which provides first rotational force; a second input unit which provides second rotational force equal to or different from the first rotational force; a gear unit which is engaged with the first input unit and the second input unit and synthesizes the first rotational force and the second rotational force; and an output unit which outputs resultant force of the first rotational force and the second rotational force, in which the gear unit sums up speeds or torque of the first rotational force and the second rotational force based on whether a rotation direction of the first input unit and a rotation direction of the second input unit are identical to each other. 1. An input synthesis apparatus comprising:a first input unit which provides first rotational force;a second input unit which provides second rotational force equal to or different from the first rotational force;a gear unit which is engaged with the first input unit and the second input unit and synthesizes the first rotational force and the second rotational force; andan output unit which outputs resultant force of the first rotational force and the second rotational force,wherein the gear unit sums up speeds or torque of the first rotational force and the second rotational force based on whether a rotation direction of the first input unit and a rotation direction of the second input unit are identical to each other.2. The input synthesis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein gears claim 1 , which are engaged with the gear unit claim 1 , are formed on the first input unit and the second input unit claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , and the number of gears formed on the first input unit and the number of gears formed on the second input unit are different from each other.3. The input synthesis apparatus of claim 1 , wherein two gears claim 1 , which are engaged with the gear unit claim 1 , are formed on one of the first ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123800A1

Provided herein is a robot using a multi-output differential gear, the robot comprising a driver; a differential gear configured to receive a driving power from the driver, and to drive in an interlocked manner with the driving power to generate at least three outputs differentiated from the driving power; and a motion section configured to drive in an interlocked manner with an output generated from the differential gear, and to apply an external resistance to the differential gear. 1. A robot using a multi-output differential gear , the robot comprising:a driver;a differential gear configured to receive a driving power from the driver, and to drive in an interlocked manner with the driving power to generate at least three outputs differentiated from the driving power; anda motion section configured to drive in an interlocked manner with an output generated from the differential gear, and to apply an external resistance to the differential gear.2. The robot according to claim 1 ,wherein the differential gear comprises:a first output gear configured to receive a driving power from the driver and to generate a first output having a different rotary speed from the driver when receiving an external resistance, and a middle gear configured to drive in an interlocked manner with the first output gear to generate a middle output; anda second differential gear configured to receive the middle output from the first differential gear and to generate a second output having a different rotary speed from the middle output when receiving an external resistance, and a third output gear configured to drive in an interlocked manner with the second output gear to generate a third output having a different rotary speed from the second output.3. The robot according to claim 2 ,wherein the first output gear is provided with sawteeth in its inner circumference,the middle gear is provided inside of and distanced from the first output gear, andthe first differential gear further comprises ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210051844A1

The seeding positioner device applied to agricultural planters comprising a structure consisted of a rotating seed pusher that directs the seeds to a labyrinth () moving in a opposite direction, allowing to control the seed release as the speed the assembly rotates, so that the discharge spacing will be commanded by a gears-driven compartment () which directs the seeds to a discharge tube (), wherein the pneumatic system generates positive air pressure. Thus, the compressed air will push the seed against the soil in order to maintain the perfect line positioning and increasing the planting speed. The seeding positioner device can be driven by an electric motor, a pneumatic motor, a hydraulic motor, a cardan shaft, a pitch chain, or a twisting cable, according to the planter type. In addition, the device constructional shape prevents the seeds from being damaged and loses germination capacity when passing through the mechanism, allowing the equipment to be applied and adapted to work with any seed type. 110010110210310010203040101112121122123124121251313131132133134131135125121414114214315101017501213113141214114316202021222310210022221232222222212232222421242232223123231222222322223123102707160728081826061626217164626323631404160304042103. A seeding positioner device applied to agricultural planters comprising a structure () provided with a escutcheon () for attaching the seed tube , a discharge nozzle () next to the soil and an equipment traction coupling system () , the structure () being consisted of an assembly of structures () , () , () and () allowing the positioning of its components; the structure () having a circular bass-relief () receives the arrangement of a geared plate () having a bass-relief () in its front portion provided with a through hole () and it has in its back portion a bass-relief () provided with teeth () , said geared plate () having protrusions () arranged at the front face which allow fitting and attachment with the seed cone (); the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150057122A1
Автор: Smetana Tomas

A drive device for a vehicle is provided having an electric motor for generating a drive torque for the vehicle having a reduction gear section; the reduction gear section being operatively connected to the electric motor and reducing the drive torque; having a power divider section operatively connected to the reduction gear section; the power divider section distributing the reduced drive torque to the two output shafts; the power divider section and the reduction gear section being configured coaxially to a main transmission axis; and the power divider section being configured as a planetary gear set, a planetary drive being associated with each of the output shafts; the planetary gears of the two planetary drives being configured on a common planetary-gear carrier in a common pitch-circle diameter. 110-. (canceled)11. A drive device for a vehicle comprising:an electric motor for generating a drive torque for the vehicle;a reduction gear section operatively connected to the electric motor and reducing the drive torque;a power divider section operatively connected to the reduction gear section, the power divider section distributing the reduced drive torque to the two output shafts, the power divider section and the reduction gear section being configured coaxially to a main transmission axis, the power divider section being configured as a planetary gear set, a planetary drive being associated with each of the output shafts, the planetary gears of the two planetary drives being configured on a common planetary-gear carrier in a common pitch-circle diameter.1221a, b. The drive device as recited in wherein the power divider section has a plurality of pins claim 11 , a planetary gear of the two planetary drives () being mounted on the respective pins.13. The drive device as recited in wherein the power divider section has two ring gears configured independently of one another and/or are rotatable relative to one another claim 11 , the ring gears each meshing with ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140135162A1

An automated electric manual transmission (EMT) has an input member, an output member, and at least one shaft. The input member and the at least one shaft are rotatable about a first axis of rotation. A countershaft is substantially parallel with the at least one shaft and is rotatable about a second axis of rotation. The output member is operatively connected to rotate with the countershaft. A transmission controller controls engagement of a plurality of torque-transmitting mechanisms to selectively establish different gear ratios from the at least one shaft to the transfer shaft through pairs of intermeshing gears. An electric motor and a planetary gear set are concentric with the first axis of rotation. The electric motor can provide torque to a member of the planetary gear set. 1. A transmission comprising:an input member;an output member;at least one shaft; wherein the input member and said at least one shaft are rotatable about a first axis of rotation;a countershaft arranged substantially parallel with said at least one shaft and rotatable about a second axis of rotation; wherein the output member is operatively connected to rotate with the countershaft;multiple pairs of intermeshing gears; wherein each of the pairs of intermeshing gears is operable to provide a different gear ratio between said at least one shaft and the countershaft;a plurality of selectively engageable torque-transmitting mechanisms; wherein at least some of the pairs of intermeshing gears require engagement of a respective one of the torque-transmitting mechanisms with a respective one of the pairs of intermeshing gears to transfer torque to the countershaft;a transmission controller operable to control engagement of the torque-transmitting mechanisms to selectively establish at least some of the gear ratios;an electric motor concentric with the first axis of rotation;a planetary gear set concentric with the first axis of rotation; wherein the planetary gear set has a first member, a ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141915A1

A powertrain system includes an internal combustion engine, a first electric machine and an electro-mechanical transmission operative to transmit torque to a driveline. A method for controlling the powertrain system in the presence of a controlled neutral operation of the electro-mechanical transmission being selected includes monitoring vehicle speed, and only when the monitored vehicle speed is indicative of a low-speed zone restricting a transition from a current engine operating state. 1. A method for controlling a powertrain system comprising an internal combustion engine , a first electric machine and an electro-mechanical transmission operative to transmit torque to a driveline , the method comprising: monitoring vehicle speed; and', 'only when the monitored vehicle speed is indicative of a low-speed zone, restricting a transition from a current engine operating state., 'in the presence of a controlled neutral operation of the electro-mechanical transmission being selected2. The method of claim 1 , wherein restricting the transition from the current engine operating state comprises:limiting motor torque output from the first electric machine to zero only when the current engine operating state comprises an engine ON state.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein restricting the transition from the current engine operating state comprises:utilizing motor torque output from the first electric machine to maintain engine speed at zero when the current engine operating state comprises an engine OFF state.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle speed becomes indicative of the low speed zone when the monitored vehicle speed comprises a magnitude that is less than a first speed threshold.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the vehicle speed is no longer indicative of the low-speed zone when the monitored vehicle speed comprises a magnitude that is greater than a second speed threshold.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the engine is operated at a desired engine idle ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141933A1

A drive system and method includes a gearbox system, a first hydraulic motor driving a first input shaft, a second hydraulic motor driving a second input shaft, a drive pump driving the first and second hydraulic motors, and a system control for controlling the drive pump, the clutch assembly, and the first and second hydraulic motors. The gearbox system includes the first input shaft having a first input gear driving a first output gear on an output shaft, the second input shaft having a second input gear driving a second output gear disengageable from the output shaft, and a clutch assembly for engaging the second output gear with the output shaft. The clutch assembly includes a clutch to engage the second output gear with the output shaft, and a fluid access channel through a rotary manifold to provide pressurized fluid to activate the clutch. 1. A clutch assembly for a drive system , the clutch assembly comprising:a clutch to engage an output gear with an output shaft; anda fluid access channel through a rotary manifold to provide pressurized fluid to activate the clutch.2. The clutch assembly of wherein the clutch comprises:at least one friction plate; anda clutch piston;wherein the pressurized fluid causes the clutch piston to contact the at least one friction plate to activate the clutch.3. The clutch assembly of wherein the clutch is at least in part stacked with the output gear.4. The clutch assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a lubrication access channel through the rotary manifold and to the output gear.5. A gearbox system claim 1 , the system comprising:a first input shaft comprising a first input gear driving a first output gear on an output shaft;a second input shaft comprising a second input gear driving a second output gear disengageable from the output shaft; anda clutch assembly for engaging the second output gear with the output shaft.6. The gearbox system of claim 5 , wherein the first input gear directly drives the first output gear;wherein ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065439A1
Автор: Fliearman Steven R.

A vehicle walking beam assembly includes a support beam and a mount member configured to rotatably mount the support beam on the chassis. A gear assembly with a gear train and a gear housing is supported by the support beam. The gear train includes a gear with a first journal surface, and the housing includes a second journal surface. The walking beam assembly additionally includes an input drive assembly that delivers input torque from the engine to the gear train. Moreover, the walking beam assembly includes a reaction member connected to one of the gear housing and the gear of the gear train. The reaction member is configured to transfer a reaction force between the chassis and the one of the gear housing and the gear of the gear train as the first journal surface journals on the second journal surface. 1. A torque compensating walking beam assembly for a vehicle that includes an engine , a chassis , and a wheel , the walking beam assembly comprising:a support beam that includes an end;a mount member that is configured to mount the support beam on the chassis such that the support beam is able to rotate relative to the chassis;a gear assembly that is supported by the support beam, the gear assembly including a gear train and a gear housing, the gear train operably coupled to a wheel hub, the wheel hub configured to support a wheel of the vehicle, the gear housing substantially enclosing the gear train, the gear train including a gear with a first journal surface, the gear housing including a second journal surface;an input drive assembly configured to deliver an input torque from the engine to the gear train; anda reaction member configured to connect to the chassis, the reaction member connected to one of the gear housing and the gear of the gear train, the reaction member configured to transfer a reaction force between the chassis and the one of the gear housing and the gear of the gear train as the first journal surface journals on the second journal surface.2 ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220089022A1

An auxiliary gearbox comprising a VF series transfer case input shaft, a VF series transfer case epicyclic gear set and a range collar. The epicyclic gear set comprises a sun gear connected to the input shaft, a plurality of planetary gears engaged with the sun gear, a planetary gear carrier connected to each of the planetary gears and a ring gear engaged with each of the planetary gears. An output shaft is selectively engageable to the input shaft via the range collar when the range collar is in a first position and the planetary gear carrier via the range collar when the range collar is in a second position. A first housing portion is attachable to a transmission. A second housing portion is attachable to a transfer case. The first housing portion and the second housing portion together house the epicyclic gear set. 1. An auxiliary gearbox comprising:a VF series transfer case input shaft; a sun gear connected to the input shaft;', 'a plurality of planetary gears engaged with the sun gear;', 'a planetary gear carrier connected to each of the plurality of planetary gears; and', 'a ring gear engaged with each of the planetary gears;, 'a VF series transfer case epicyclic gear set, the epicyclic gear set comprisinga range collar;an output shaft selectively engageable to the input shaft via the range collar when the range collar is in a first position and selectively engageable to the planetary gear carrier via the range collar when the range collar is in a second position;a first housing portion, directly attachable to a transmission; anda second housing portion, attached to the first housing portion and directly attachable to a transfer case;wherein the first housing portion and the second housing portion together house the epicyclic gear set and the range collar.2. The auxiliary gearbox according to comprising a shift fork connected to the range collar to selectively move the range collar between the first position and the second position.3. The auxiliary gearbox ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140155211A1

A vehicle powertrain including a planetary transmission including an output, a first member connected an a first power source and a second member connected to a second power source, a brake for alternately releasing the output and holding the output against rotation, a motor including a second output driveably connected to vehicle wheels, and a clutch for opening and closing a drive connection between the output and the vehicle wheels. 1. A vehicle powertrain , comprising:a planetary transmission including an output, a first member connected an a first power source and a second member connected to a second power source;a brake for alternately releasing the output and holding the output against rotation;a motor including a second output driveably connected to vehicle wheels;a clutch for opening and closing a drive connection between the output and the vehicle wheels.2. The vehicle powertrain of claim 1 , further comprising:a countershaft;a pinion connected to the output;a transfer gear supported on the countershaft and meshing with the pinion;a differential producing a drive connection between the countershaft and the vehicle wheels;wherein the clutch opens and closes a drive connection between the transfer gear and the differential.3. The vehicle powertrain of claim 1 , further comprising:a countershaft;a second pinion connected to the second output;a gear secured to the countershaft and meshing with the second pinion;a differential producing a drive connection between the countershaft and the vehicle wheels;wherein the clutch opens and closes a drive connection between a transfer gear and the differential.4. The vehicle powertrain of claim 1 , further comprising:a countershaft;a pinion connected to the output;a transfer gear supported on the countershaft and meshing with the pinion;a second pinion connected to the second output;a gear secured to the countershaft and meshing with the second pinion;a differential producing a drive connection between the countershaft ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Bi-rotating directional input and constant rotating directional output wheel system capable of preventing reverse rotation wheel system from generating following damp

Номер: US20140162829A1
Автор: YANG Tai-Her

The present invention relates to an improved bi-rotating directional input and constant rotating directional output wheel system, which is characterized in that: a unidirectional transmission device is respectively installed between a first driving rotating directional input wheel set and a bi-rotating directional joint input shaft, between a first driving rotating directional output wheel set and a constant rotating directional output rotation part and between the constant rotating directional output rotation part and the joint input shaft, thereby preventing the transmission set in the first driving rotating direction from being linked and generating the following damp while being driven in a second driving rotating direction. 1. A bi-rotating directional input and constant rotating directional output wheel system capable of preventing reverse rotation wheel system from generation following damp , which relates to an improved bi-rotating directional input and constant rotating directional output wheel system , applied in a power system driven by a manual force or engine or electric motor or fluid motor; through controlling the changing of the rotating direction of an input shaft , the bi-rotating directional input and constant rotating directional output wheel system capable of preventing reverse rotation wheel system from generating following damp is enabled to generate output with the same or different speed ratio while being in different input rotating direction , and characterized in that: a unidirectional transmission device is respectively installed between a first driving rotating directional input wheel set and a bi-rotating directional joint input shaft , between a first driving rotating directional output wheel set and a constant rotating directional output rotation part and between the constant rotating directional output rotation part and the joint input shaft , thereby preventing the transmission set in the first driving rotating direction from being ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140171247A1

A hybrid transmission providing multiple modes of operation in a compact package. The hybrid transmission utilizes compact electric motors and features simple construction in comparison to conventional hybrid transmissions. 1. A hybrid drive unit , comprising:a first planetary gear set coupled to a hybrid input shaft;a second planetary gear set coupled to said first planetary gear set;a first electric machine coupled to said first planetary gear set;a second electric machine coupled to said first planetary gear set;a first clutch mechanism configured to selectively lock said second planetary gear set; anda second clutch mechanism configured to selectively couple a ring gear of said second planetary gear set to a hybrid drive unit housing.2. The hybrid drive unit of claim 1 , wherein said first electric machine is coupled to a sun gear of said first planetary gear set and said second electric machine is coupled to a ring gear of said first planetary gear set.3. The hybrid drive unit of claim 1 , wherein: a sun gear coupled to said first electric machine,', 'a carrier coupled to said hybrid input shaft, and', 'a ring gear coupled to said second electric machine;, 'said first planetary gear set further compriseswherein said second planetary gear set further comprises a sun gear coupled to said ring gear of said first planetary gear set.4. The hybrid drive unit of claim 3 , further comprising:a third clutch mechanism; andan output shaft, wherein:said second planetary gear set further comprises a carrier selectively coupled to said sun gear of said first planetary gear set by said first clutch mechanism;said carrier of said second planetary gear set is coupled to said output shaft; andsaid ring gear of said first planetary gear set, said sun gear of said second planetary gear set, and said second electric machine are all selectively coupled to said output shaft by said third clutch mechanism.5. The hybrid drive unit of claim 4 , further comprising a plurality of gears ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170097074A1

A corn head row unit gearbox includes an input shaft, that rotates about a first axis of rotation and that drives a set of bevel gears. The bevel gears transfer rotation of the input shaft into rotation of a set of gathering chain output shafts about a second axis of rotation, generally transverse to the first axis of rotation. The gathering chain drive shafts each rotate within a bushing mounted within a frame structure of the gearbox. The frame structure defines a bore that communicates with a bevel gear cavity, in which at least one of the sets of bevel gears rotates, and an interior of the bushings mounted on the gathering chain drive shafts. Rotation of the bevel gears carries lubricant to an inlet aperture on the bore and drives the lubricant through the bore into the bushings. 1. A harvester row unit gear box , comprising:a structural housing;an input shaft, rotatably mounted to the structural housing, and rotatable about a first axis of rotation;a first bushing mounted to the structural housing and having an inner surface with a first bushing aperture between a first axial end of the first bushing and a second axial end of the first bushing;a first gathering chain drive shaft rotatably mounted within the first bushing and rotatable about a second axis of rotation generally transverse to the first axis of rotation, to drive a first gathering chain; anda gear train, mounted within a gear train containment area defined by the structural housing, that links the input shaft to the first gathering chain drive shaft to transfer rotation of the input shaft about the first axis of rotation into rotation of the first gathering chain drive shaft about the second axis of rotation, the structural housing defining a first bore, generally aligned with the first bushing aperture in the first bushing to provide fluid communication between the gear train containment area and the inner surface of the first bushing.2. The harvester row unit gear box of wherein the gear train ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160101688A1

A transfer case () for translating torque from an engine () to first and second differentials (), including: a housing (), a primary shaft () supported in the housing () with an input end () in communication with the engine () and an output end () in communication with the first differential (), a secondary shaft () spaced from the primary shaft () and in communication with the second differential (), a clutch assembly () in communication with the shafts () for selectively translating torque therebetween, and a sleeve () operatively attached to the primary shaft () between ends (). The sleeve () has an outer surface () with a plurality of radially spaced flutes () defined therein for directing lubricant from a predetermined location () of the housing () toward the clutch assembly () during rotation of the primary shaft (). 1. A transfer case for translating rotational torque from an engine to first and second differentials of an automotive powertrain system , said transfer case comprising:a housing;a primary shaft rotatably supported in said housing and having an input end in rotational communication with the engine and an output end in rotational communication with the first differential;a secondary shaft spaced from said primary shaft and in rotational communication with the second differential;a clutch assembly in communication with said primary shaft and said secondary shaft for selectively translating rotational torque therebetween; anda sleeve operatively attached to said primary shaft between said input end and said output end, said sleeve having an outer surface with a plurality of radially spaced flutes defined therein for directing lubricant from a predetermined location of said housing toward said clutch assembly during rotation of said primary shaft.2. The transfer case as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said sleeve has an output side and an opposing inlet side claim 1 , said inlet side being disposed adjacent to said predetermined location of said ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128763A1
Автор: Yi Byung-Ju, YOON Hyun-Soo

A bendable fine grinding device that is possible to bend in response to various angles inside of sinuses such that a tissue lesion is easily removed a tissue lesion located in various angles, and is capable of transferring stably rotatory power to a shaver in bend state. The bendable fine grinding device includes a fixing part disposed in an operating part, a bending part coupled at the end of the fixing part to bend to a desired direction, a shaver disposed at the end of the bending part, and a power transfer member that is bendable to a bending direction and an angle of the bending part and is coupled to the operating part and the shaver to transfer rotatory power of the operating part. 1. A driving force transfer device for end-effector comprising:at least one double shaft member,wherein the double shaft member separately receives driving forces generated from first and second driving means through first and second power transfer means, and transfers the driving forces to an end-effector such that the end-effector has two rotational degrees of freedom.2. (canceled)3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the double shaft member comprising:a first rotation shaft formed in a hollow shape and coupled to the end-effector, the first rotation shaft receiving the driving force generated from the first driving means through the first power transfer means; anda second rotation shaft rotatably inserted and coupled to the inside of the first rotation shaft such that an end portion of the second rotation shaft is protruded to an outside of the first rotation shaft and coupled to the end-effector, the second rotation shaft receiving the driving force generated from the second driving means through the second power transfer mean.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first rotation shaft comprising:a first end-effector connecting part coupled to the end-effector, the second rotation shaft being rotatably inserted and coupled to the inside of the first end-effector connecting part; ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216206A1
Автор: Krajewski Christian

In a motor vehicle drive arrangement having a main drive train for driving a main axle and an auxiliary drive train for driving an auxiliary drive axle, with a power shift clutch for connecting the auxiliary drive train to the main drive train, the auxiliary drive train comprises at least one switching unit for engaging the power shift clutch which is arranged in the power flow in series with the switching unit without a differential speed. 1101010101111111112121212131414141413131313101010101212121215151515141414151515151514141415a;b;c;da;b;c;da;b;c;daa;b;c;da;b;c;da;b;c;da;b;c;da;b;c;da;b;c;da,b,c,da;b;c;d. A drive arrangement for a motor vehicle having a main drive axle and an auxiliary drive axle , comprising a main drive train () for driving the main drive axle () and an auxiliary drive train () for driving the auxiliary drive axle () , and a power-shift clutch device () for connecting the auxiliary drive axle () to the main drive train () , the auxiliary drive train () including at least one switching unit () which for engaging the clutch device () without a differential speed , the switching unit () and the clutch device () being connected in series.2151515151414141410101212a;b;c;da;b;c;da;bc;d. The motor vehicle drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the switching unit () is provided to decouple the clutch device () from at least one of the main drive train () and a part of the auxiliary drive train () in at least one operating state.315151515a;b;c;d. The motor vehicle drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the switching unit () is in the form of a positive-locking clutch.4121212161616141414171717151515171717a;b;ca;b;ca;b;ca;b;ca;b;ca;b;c. The motor vehicle drive arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the auxiliary drive train () comprises at least one spur gear stage () arranged in the force flow before the clutch device () with an idler () claim 1 , and the switching unit () is provided to connect the idler () in a rotationally ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167807A1

A transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle may include an input shaft connected to an engine, a planetary gear set including a first rotation element operated as an output element, a second rotation element connected to the input shaft and operated as an input element, and a third rotation element operated as another output element, a first motor shaft disposed in parallel to and apart from the input shaft, operably connected to the first rotation element, and selectively connected to a transmission housing, a first motor/generator disposed on the first motor shaft and configured to generate electric energy by receiving torque through the first motor shaft, a second motor shaft disposed without rotational interference with the first motor shaft and operably connected to the third rotation element to receive torque of the engine, and a second motor/generator disposed on the second motor shaft and outputting torque through the second motor shaft. 1. A transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle comprising:an input shaft connected to an engine;a planetary gear set including a first rotation element operated as an output element, a second rotation element connected to the input shaft and operated as an input element, and a third rotation element operated as another output element;a first motor shaft disposed in parallel to and apart from the input shaft, operably connected to the first rotation element, and selectively connected to a transmission housing;a first motor/generator disposed on the first motor shaft and configured to generate electric energy by receiving torque through the first motor shaft;a second motor shaft disposed without rotational interference with the first motor shaft and operably connected to the third rotation element to receive torque of the engine; anda second motor/generator disposed on the second motor shaft and outputting torque through the second motor shaft.2. The transmission system of claim 1 , further comprising a rotation ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167808A1

A transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle may include an input shaft connected to an engine, a planetary gear set including a first rotation element operated as an output element, a second rotation element connected to the input shaft and operated as an input element, and a third rotation element operated as another output element, a first motor operably connected to the first rotation element, and selectively connected to a transmission housing, a first motor/generator configured to generate electric energy by receiving torque through the first motor shaft, a second motor shaft being a hollow shaft, disposed at a radial exterior of the first motor shaft without rotational interference with the first motor shaft, and operably connected to the third rotation element so as to receive torque of the engine, and a second motor/generator disposed on the second motor shaft and outputting torque through the second motor shaft. 1. A transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle comprising:an input shaft connected to an engine;a planetary gear set including a first rotation element operated as an output element, a second rotation element connected to the input shaft and operated as an input element, and a third rotation element operated as another output element;a first motor shaft disposed in parallel with and apart from the input shaft, operably connected to the first rotation element, and selectively connected to a transmission housing;a first motor/generator disposed on the first motor shaft and configured to generate electric energy by receiving torque through the first motor shaft;a second motor shaft being a hollow shaft, disposed at a radial exterior of the first motor shaft without rotational interference with the first motor shaft, and operably connected to the third rotation element so as to receive torque of the engine; anda second motor/generator disposed on the second motor shaft and outputting torque through the second motor shaft.2. The ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206261A1
Автор: Renault Loic

Disclosed is a transportation unit comprising: a plurality of roadway wheels including wheel, a plurality of continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) including a first CVT and a second CVT, the plurality of CVTs receiving rotational input from the wheel, and a generator that is rotationally driven by rotational output from the plurality of CVTs, and wherein each of the plurality of CVTs is engaged over one of a corresponding plurality of discrete wheel rotational speeds. 1. A transportation unit , comprising:a plurality of roadway wheels including wheel,a plurality of continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) including a first CVT and a second CVT, the plurality of CVTs receiving rotational input from the wheel, anda generator that is rotationally driven by rotational output from the plurality of CVTs, andwherein each of the plurality of CVTs is engaged over one of a corresponding plurality of discrete wheel rotational speeds.2. The transportation unit of claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of axles including a first axle and a second axle,the first axle being a trailer axle and being driven by rotation of the wheel, wherein the trailer axle rotationally drives the plurality of CVTs, andthe second axle being a generator axle and being driven by the plurality of CVTs, wherein the generator axle rotationally drives the generator.3. The transportation unit of claim 2 , comprisinga plurality of clutches including a first clutch and a second clutch,wherein the first clutch connects the trailer axle to the plurality of CVTs and the second clutch connects the plurality of CVTs to the generator axle.4. The transportation unit of claim 3 , comprising:a plurality of speed sensors including a first speed sensor and a second speed sensor,wherein the first speed sensor is operationally connected to the trailer axle and the second speed sensor is operationally connected to the generator axle, anda controller that is an electric controller that electrically communicates with the ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации

Drive Apparatus With Superposition Gearbox

Номер: US20190178351A1

A drive apparatus includes a superposition gear with a planetary gear train. A main drive machine is connected to an input shaft of the superposition gear. Two auxiliary drives are each connected with the planetary gear train via a drive connection. An output shaft of the superposition gear may be connected to a work machine. The planetary gear train has a ring gear, a sun gear, a planet carrier and a plurality of planetary gears. These drive connections of the auxiliary drives are respectively established via a sprocket chain, each of which has a stepped idler gear. 111-. (canceled)12. A drive apparatus , comprising:a superposition gear having a planetary gear train, an input shaft and an output shaft;said output shaft configured to be connected to a work machine;said planetary gear train having a ring gear, a sun gear, a planet carrier and a plurality of planetary gears;a main drive machine connected to said input shaft of said superposition gear;two auxiliary drives; anddrive connections each connecting a respective one of said auxiliary drives to said planetary gear train, said drive connections of said auxiliary drives each being established through a respective sprocket chain each having a stepped idler gear.13. The apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein said main drive machine is operable only at a constant speed and said auxiliary drives are operable at a controlled speed.14. The apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein:said input shaft is connected with said ring gear;said output shaft is connected with said sun gear; andsaid auxiliary drives are connected with said planet carrier by said respective drive connections having a constant gear ratio.15. The apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein said two auxiliary drives are disposed on a side of said main drive machine.16. The apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein said two auxiliary drives are disposed on a side of said output shaft of said superposition gear.17. The apparatus according to claim 12 ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190191233A1
Автор: Fujita Shinichi

An operating device includes: an operating member operable by a user; a rotation shaft having an end portion provided with the operating member; a first bearing supporting a first portion of the rotation shaft; and a second bearing supporting a second portion of the rotation shaft. The second portion is located nearer to the operating member than the first portion in an axial direction of the rotation shaft. 1. An operating device , comprising:an operating member;a rotation shaft, the operating member being provided at an end portion of the rotation shaft;a first bearing supporting a first portion of the rotation shaft; anda second bearing supporting a second portion of the rotation shaft, the second portion being located nearer to the operating member than the first portion in an axial direction of the rotation shaft.2. The operating device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first supporter to which the first bearing is secured; anda second supporter opposed to the first supporter with a space therebetween,wherein the second bearing is secured to the second supporter.3. The operating device according to claim 2 , wherein the first supporter is less in stiffness than the second supporter.4. The operating device according to claim 2 , wherein the first supporter is secured to the second supporter via a side wall.5. The operating device according to claim 4 , wherein the side wall extends along the axial direction.6. The operating device according to claim 4 ,wherein the second supporter has a flat-plate shape and comprises a first surface and a second surface,wherein the operating member is disposed nearer to the first surface than to the second surface of the second supporter,wherein the first supporter is disposed nearer to the second surface than to the first surface of the second supporter and extends in a direction substantially parallel with the second supporter, andwherein the side wall is disposed nearer to the second surface than to the first ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239199A1

A speed reducing mechanism according to the present invention includes: a speed reducing unit for decelerating input rotation; an accelerating unit for accelerating rotation output from the speed reducing unit; and a brake unit for applying a braking force for braking the accelerating unit. 1. A speed reducing mechanism , comprising:a speed reducing unit for decelerating input rotation;an accelerating unit for accelerating rotation output from the speed reducing unit; anda brake unit for applying a braking force for braking the accelerating unit.2. The speed reducing mechanism of claim 1 ,wherein the speed reducing unit has a speed reducing central axis that constitutes a rotation center,wherein the accelerating unit and the brake unit are connected to each other via gears having rotation axes parallel to each other, andwherein the accelerating unit and the brake unit are positioned to overlap each other in an axial direction along the speed reducing central axis.3. The speed reducing mechanism of claim 1 ,wherein the speed reducing unit has a speed reducing central axis that constitutes a rotation center, andwherein the speed reducing unit and the brake unit are positioned to overlap each other in a circumferential direction around the speed reducing central axis.4. The speed reducing mechanism of claim 2 ,wherein the speed reducing unit includes a center gear configured to rotate about the speed reducing central axis,wherein the brake unit includes a brake idler gear having a rotation axis parallel to the center gear and rotated by the center gear, andwherein the brake unit brakes the brake idler gear.5. The speed reducing mechanism of claim 2 ,wherein the speed reducing unit includes a center gear and a spur gear, the center gear rotating about the speed reducing central axis, the spur gear having a rotation axis parallel to the center gear and rotated by the center gear, andwherein the brake unit brakes the spur gear.6. The speed reducing mechanism of claim 2 , ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150246611A1

A transfer case includes an input shaft, first and second output shafts and a planetary gearset having a sun gear, a ring gear and a pinion gear meshingly engaged with the sun and ring gears. A range actuator includes first, second and third range sleeves abutted in series being axially translatable between a first position to provide a drive connection between the input shaft and the first output shaft, a second position providing a direct drive ratio connection between the input shaft and the first output shaft as well as the input shaft and a second output shaft, and a third position to provide a reduced speed drive ratio connection between the input shaft and the first output shaft as well as the input shaft and the second output shaft. The gears of the planetary gearset are not driven when the range sleeves are at the first and second positions. 1. A transfer case comprising:an input shaft;a first output shaft;a second output shaft;a transfer mechanism drivingly connected to said second output shaft; 'a range actuator moveable between three distinct positions to establish three distinct drive connections between said input shaft and said first and second output shafts, said range actuator being operable in a first position to drivingly interconnect said first output shaft to said input shaft for establishing a two-wheel high-range drive connection, said range actuator being operable in a second position to drivingly interconnect said first output shaft and said transfer mechanism to said input shaft for establishing a four-wheel high-range drive connection, and said range actuator being operable in a third position to drivingly interconnect said sun gear to said input shaft and to drivingly interconnect said first output shaft and said transfer mechanism to said carrier for establishing a four-wheel low-range drive connection, wherein said planetary gearset is not driven when said range actuator is located in its first and second positions.', 'a planetary ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160280321A1
Автор: Yamamoto Takashi

A bicycle transmission device basically includes an input rotational shaft, an output part, a transmission mechanism that accelerates a rotational input that is input from the input rotational shaft and outputted to the output part, and a switching mechanism that selectively engages and disengages the transmission mechanism between the input rotational shaft and the output part. The transmission mechanism has first, second, third and fourth rotating bodies. The first rotating body is rotatable with the input rotational shaft. The second rotating body rotates around a stationary center axis with respect to the input rotational shaft and to which the torque of the first rotating body is transmitted. The third rotating body rotates with the second rotating body. The fourth rotating body receives torque from the third rotating body and rotates with the output part. 1. A bicycle transmission device comprising:an input rotational shaft;an output part;a transmission mechanism configured to accelerate a rotational input from the input rotational shaft and output the rotation input to the output part; anda switching mechanism configured to selectively switch between a first state, in which the output part and the input rotational shaft are operatively coupled together to transmit the rotational input via the transmission mechanism, and a second state, in which the output part and the input rotational shaft are operatively coupled together without accelerating the rotational input from the input rotational shaft to the output part via the transmission mechanism, a first rotating body integrally rotatable with the input rotational shaft;', 'a second rotating body rotatable around a center axis whose position does not change with respect to the input rotational shaft, and to which the torque of the first rotating body is transmitted;', 'a third rotating body that is integrally rotatable with the second rotating body; and', 'a fourth rotating body to which the torque of the ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160325622A1
Автор: McNally Joseph

A two-speed transfer case configured for use in heavy-duty four-wheel drive vehicles and which is equipped with a low-torque power transfer arrangement and a high-torque power transfer arrangement. 1. A transfer case for use in a four-wheel drive vehicle having a powertrain and front and rear drivelines , the transfer case comprising:a mainshaft adapted to receive drive torque from the powertrain;a rear output shaft adapted to be connected to the rear driveline;a front output shaft adapted to be connected to the front driveline;a transfer mechanism;a mode mechanism operable for selectively transmitting drive torque from said mainshaft to said transfer mechanism;a rear range mechanism operable for selectively establishing first and second speed ratio drive connections between said mainshaft and said rear output shaft;a front range mechanism operable for selectively establishing first and second speed ratio drive connections between said transfer mechanism and said front output shaft; anda shift mechanism for actuating said mode mechanism and said front and rear range mechanisms to establish a two-wheel high-range drive mode, a four-wheel high-range drive mode, and a four-wheel low-range drive mode.2. The transfer case of wherein said shift mechanism includes a mode actuator for controlling operation of said mode mechanism and a range actuator for controlling coordinated operation of said front and rear range mechanisms.3. The transfer case of wherein said transfer mechanism includes a first transfer component rotatably supported on said mainshaft and which drives a second transfer component rotatably supported on said front output shaft.4. The transfer case of wherein said front range mechanism includes a front planetary gearset driven by said second transfer component and a front range collar driven by said front output shaft claim 3 , wherein said front range collar is moveable between first and second range positions to establish first and second drive connections ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160348777A1

A dual clutch transmission includes a pair of concentric clutches which selectively drive a pair of concentric drive shafts, pairs of gears in constant mesh, a first portion of which are associated with the first drive shaft and a first, parallel countershaft and a second portion of which are associated with the second drive shaft and a second, parallel countershaft. Synchronizer clutches disposed adjacent the gears on the countershafts selectively connect the gears to the countershafts. Both countershafts drive a single output shaft through transfer gears. The output shaft is coupled to a drive (input) pulley of a continuously variable final drive assembly which receives a chain which drives a driven (output) pulley which is coupled to and drives the cage of a differential assembly. A pair of axles are driven by the side gears of the differential and, in turn, drive the vehicle wheel 1. A motor vehicle transmission comprising , in combination ,a first clutch for selectively driving a first transmission drive shaft,a second clutch for selectively driving a second transmission drive shaft,a least a first gear secured to said first transmission drive shaft and at least a second gear secured to said second transmission drive shaft,a first countershaft adjacent said first transmission drive shaft and a freely rotatable third gear on said first countershaft in mesh with said first gear,a first synchronizer clutch operably disposed between said third gear and said first countershaft,a second countershaft adjacent said second transmission drive shaft and a freely rotatable fourth gear on said second countershaft in mesh with said second gear,a second synchronizer clutch operably disposed between said fourth gear and said second countershaft,a first output gear on said first countershaft and a second output gear on said second countershaft, said first and said second output gears meshing with a transmission output gear,a continuously variable drive assembly having an input ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160348778A1

A gearbox includes a planetary gearset and a first input shaft coupled to a sun gear of the planetary gearset. A second input shaft is coupled to a ring gear of the planetary gearset, and an output shaft is coupled to planet gears of the planetary gearset via a carrier. The gearbox further includes a second coupling path between the first input shaft and the second input shaft that is separate from the planetary gearset. The second coupling path includes a clutch that engages and disengages in response to a speed differential between the first input shaft and the second input shaft 1. A gearbox comprising:a planetary gearset;a first input shaft coupled to a sun gear of the planetary gearset;a second input shaft coupled to a ring gear of the planetary gearset;an output shaft coupled to planet gears of the planetary gearset via a carrier; anda second coupling path between the first input shaft and the second input shaft that is separate from the planetary gearset, the second coupling path comprising a clutch that engages and disengages in response to a speed differential between the first input shaft and the second input shaft.2. The gearbox of claim 1 , wherein the clutch comprises an override clutch.3. The gearbox of claim 1 , wherein engagement of the clutch prevents back driving between the first and second input shafts.4. The gearbox of claim 3 , wherein the engagement of the clutch prevents a second driving element coupled to the second input shaft from back driving a first driving element coupled to the first input shaft.5. The gearbox of claim 3 , wherein the engagement of the clutch prevents a first driving element coupled to the first input shaft from back driving a second driving element coupled to the second input shaft.6. The gearbox of claim 1 , wherein the planetary gearset provides a first reduction ratio of N:1 between the first input shaft and the output shaft and a second reduction ratio of M:1 between the second input shaft and the output shaft ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180335116A1
Автор: Isono Hiroshi

A geared transmission unit in which a range of a speed ratio is widened without increasing a size of the transmission unit. The geared transmission unit comprises: a first sun gear fixed to a stationary member; a second sun gear arranged coaxially with the first sun gear while being connected to the second shaft; a first pinion gear meshing with the first sun gear; a second pinion gear meshing with the first pinion gear; a third pinion gear rotated integrally with the second pinion gear; a fourth pinion gear meshing with the third pinion gear; a fifth pinion gear rotated integrally with the fourth pinion gear; and a carrier coupled to the first shaft while rotatably supporting the pinion gears. 1. A geared transmission unit that transmits torque between a first shaft and a second shaft while amplifying or reducing the torque , comprising:a first sun gear that is fixed to a predetermined stationary member;a second sun gear that is arranged coaxially with the first sun gear while being connected to the second shaft in a torque transmittable manner;a first pinion gear that meshes with the first sun gear;a second pinion gear that meshes with the first pinion gear;a third pinion gear that is arranged coaxially with the second pinion gear to be rotated integrally with the second pinion gear;a fourth pinion gear that meshes with the third pinion gear;a fifth pinion gear that is arranged coaxially with the fourth pinion gear to be rotated integrally with the fourth pinion gear while meshing with the second sun gear; anda carrier that supports the first pinion gear, the second pinion gear, the third pinion gear, the fourth pinion gear, and the fifth pinion gear in a rotatable manner, and that is coupled to the first shaft in a torque transmittable manner.2. The geared transmission unit as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an external gear that is formed on the carrier; anda drive gear that meshes with the external gear,wherein the drive gear is coupled to the first ...

22-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180335117A1
Автор: Isono Hiroshi

A geared transmission unit in which flexibility in arrangements of shafts and members coupled to the shafts is enhanced. The geared transmission unit comprises: a pair of pinion gears having different teeth numbers that rotate integrally; a carrier that rotates while supporting the pinion gears in a rotatable manner; a fixed gear meshed with a first pinion gear; a first transmission gear arranged on an inner circumferential side of the carrier while being meshed with a second pinion gear; an external gear formed on an outer circumferential face of the carrier; and second transmission gears respectively meshing with the external gear. 1. A geared transmission unit that transmits torque through a plurality of gears , comprising:at least one pair of pinion gears having different teeth numbers that are disposed coaxially to rotate integrally;a carrier that rotates while supporting the pair of pinion gears in such a manner that the pinion gears are rotated and revolved;a fixed gear that is fixed to a predetermined stationary member while being meshed with a first pinion gear of the pair of pinion gears;a first transmission gear that is arranged on an inner circumferential side of the carrier and coaxially with the carrier while being meshed with a second pinion gear of the pair of pinion gears;an external gear that is formed on an outer circumferential face of the carrier; anda plurality of second transmission gears respectively meshing with the external gear.2. The geared transmission unit as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein the first transmission gear and the second transmission gear are arranged in such a manner that rotational center axes of the first transmission gear and the second transmission gear extend parallel to a rotational center axis of the carrier,the geared transmission unit further comprises a driven member coupled to the first transmission gear, and a plurality of actuators individually coupled to the second transmission gears, andthe driven member and the ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170343090A1
Автор: Uchino Satoshi
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

Provided is a continuously variable transmission that uses friction clutches as power transmission switching mechanisms but without increasing the number of shafts and the overall length. The power transmission switching mechanisms are configured to switch between establishing and interrupting power transmission in the power transmission paths within the continuously variable transmission. A continuously variable transmission includes an input shaft, a first output shaft, a second output shaft, a continuously variable transmission device, and four friction clutches. The continuously variable transmission device includes, a first pulley, mounted to the first output shaft, a second pulley, mounted to the second output shaft, and an endless belt, looped around the first pulley and the second pulley. A first friction clutch and a second friction clutch are coaxial with the input shaft. A third friction clutch is coaxial with the second output shaft. A fourth friction clutch is coaxial with the first output shaft. 1. A continuously variable transmission comprising:an input shaft configured to receive a driving force input from a drive source;first and second output shafts parallel to the input shaft; a first pulley mounted to the first output shaft;', 'a second pulley mounted to the second output shaft; and', 'an endless belt looped around the first pulley and the second pulley;, 'a continuously variable transmission device comprisinga first transmission path configured to reduce an input from the input shaft and transmit the driving force to the continuously variable transmission device;a second transmission path configured to increase an input from the input shaft and transmit the driving force to the continuously variable transmission device;a final output mechanism configured to output the driving force from the first output shaft or the second output shaft;a first friction clutch coaxial with the input shaft and configured to switch between establishing and ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Transmission for a Motor Vehicle, Motor Vehicle Powertrain Comprising Said Transmission, and Method for Operating the Transmission

Номер: US20200331336A1

A transmission (G) for a motor vehicle includes an electric machine (EM), a first input shaft (GW), a second input shaft (GW), an output shaft (GWA), at least two planetary gear sets (P P), and at least four shift elements (A, B, C, D). Different gears are selectable by selectively actuating the at least four shift elements (A, B, C, D). In interaction with the electric machine (EM), different operating modes are implementable. A drive train for a motor vehicle that includes such a transmission (G) and to a method for operating same are also provided. 117-. (canceled)18. A transmission (G) for a motor vehicle , comprising:{'b': '1', 'an electric machine (EM);'}{'b': '1', 'a first input shaft (GW);'}{'b': '2', 'a second input shaft (GW);'}an output shaft (GWA);{'b': 1', '2', '1', '2', '11', '21', '31', '12', '22', '32, 'a first planetary gear set (P) and a second planetary gear set (P), the first and second planetary gear sets (P, P) each including a respective plurality of elements (E, E, E, E, E, E); and'}a first shift element (A), a second shift element (B), a third shift element (C), and a fourth shift element (D),{'b': 1', '1', '2, 'wherein a rotor (R) of the electric machine (EM) is connected to the second input shaft (GW),'}{'b': '1', 'wherein the first input shaft (GW) is connectable to the output shaft (GWA) in a rotationally fixed manner with the first shift element (A),'}{'b': 2', '1, 'wherein the second input shaft (GW) is connectable to the first input shaft (GW) in a rotationally fixed manner with the second shift element (B),'}{'b': 11', '1', '1', '21', '1', '1', '31', '1', '2', '1', '1', '1, 'wherein a first element (E) of the first planetary gear set (P) is coupled to a rotationally fixed component (GG) in a first coupling of the first planetary gear set (P), a second element (E) of the first planetary gear set (P) is coupled to the output shaft (GWA) in a second coupling of the first planetary gear set (P), a third element (E) of the first planetary ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150369350A1

A power transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle may include an input shaft to which power from an engine is input, an output shaft, a planetary gear set including a first rotation element being driven by electrical driving force, a second rotation element being externally engaged with the output shaft as an output element, and a third rotation element being driven by rotational power of an engine, a first motor/generator directly connected to the first rotation element of the planetary gear set, a second motor/generator selectively externally engaged with the output shaft, a first transfer gear, a second transfer gear, a variable connecting unit selectively connecting the first transfer gear to the input shaft or the output shaft, and a variable direct coupling unit selectively connecting two rotation elements among the three rotation elements, of the planetary gear set. 1. A power transmission system of a hybrid electric vehicle , the power transmission system comprising:an input shaft to which power from an engine is input;an output shaft spaced apart from the input shaft by a predetermined distance and disposed to be parallel with the input shaft;a planetary gear set including three rotation elements disposed on the input shaft, a first rotation element being driven by electrical driving force, a second rotation element being externally engaged with the output shaft as an output element, and a third rotation element being driven by rotational power of an engine;a first motor/generator disposed on the input shaft and directly connected to the first rotation element of the planetary gear set;a second motor/generator disposed on the input shaft and selectively externally engaged with the output shaft;a first transfer gear selectively connected to the input shaft and directly connected to the second motor/generator;a second transfer gear selectively connected to the input shaft and directly connected to the second rotation element;a variable connecting unit ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190389447A1

A road vehicle with hybrid drive having: at least one pair of drive wheels; an internal combustion engine; a reversible electric machine; and a dual-clutch transmission. The dual- clutch transmission has: a first primary shaft and a second primary shaft; a first clutch interposed between the internal combustion engine and the first primary shaft; and a second clutch interposed between the internal combustion engine and the second primary shaft; a third clutch, which is interposed between a shaft of the electric machine and the first primary shaft so as to connect/disconnect the shaft of the electric machine to/from the first primary shaft; and a fourth clutch, which is interposed between the shaft of the electric machine and the second primary shaft so as to connect/disconnect the shaft of the electric machine to/from the second primary shaft. 11) A road vehicle () with hybrid drive comprising:{'b': '3', 'at least one pair of drive wheels ();'}{'b': '5', 'an internal combustion heat engine ();'}{'b': 10', '16', '17', '18', '5', '16', '18', '5', '16', '20', '3', '24', '25', '16', '17', '26', '20', '25', '27', '28', '29', '16', '17', '25', '16', '17', '20', '26', '20, 'a dual-clutch transmission () comprising: a first primary shaft () and a second primary shaft (); a first clutch () interposed between the internal combustion heat engine () and the first primary shaft (); a second clutch () interposed between the internal combustion heat engine () and the second primary shaft (); at least one secondary shaft () permanently driving the drive wheels (); a plurality of first gearings (), each defining a respective gear and comprising a primary gear wheel (), which is mounted on a primary shaft (, ), and a secondary gear wheel (), which is mounted on the secondary shaft () and permanently meshes with the primary gear wheel (); and a plurality of synchronizers (, , ), each mounted on a primary shaft (, ) and designed to fit at least one corresponding primary gear wheel () ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации

Drive for wheeled working machine

Номер: RU2556775C2

FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to device that drives transport facility. drive (10) comprises first hydraulic motor (12a) engaged with driven shaft (16), second hydraulic motor (12b) and connector (18). The latter comprises synchronizing body (20) with conical friction surface (22) engaged with second hydraulic motor (12b) and gear (24) with appropriate friction surface (26) displacing relative to said body (20) and engaged with driven shaft (16). Second hydraulic motor (12b) engaged with driven shaft (16) allows the possible difference in rpm between body (20) and gear (24) to be decreased. Friction fit between friction surface (22) of body (20) and friction surface (26) of gear (24) can be set by displacement of body (20) and gear (24) towards each other. After disengagement of second hydraulic motor (12b) from driven shaft (16), friction fit between friction surface (22) of body (20) and friction surface (26) of gear (24) can be terminated by displacement of body (20) and gear (24) towards each other. EFFECT: compact design. 30 cl, 3 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 556 775 C2 (51) МПК F16H 47/02 (2006.01) F16H 61/444 (2010.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013141418/11, 16.03.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.03.2012 (72) Автор(ы): ШНАБЕЛЬ Бернхард (DE) (73) Патентообладатель(и): НАФ НОЙНКИРХЕНЕР АХЗЕНФАБРИК АГ (DE) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.04.2015 Бюл. № 12 R U 25.03.2011 EP 11159860.3 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2015 Бюл. № 20 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 25.10.2013 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 5 5 6 7 7 5 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: EP 1600666 A1, 30.11.2005. DE 202004009821 U1, 23.09.2004. RU 2052362 C1, 20.01.1996. RU 2096672 C1, 20.11.1997 2 5 5 6 7 7 5 R U (87) Публикация заявки PCT: WO 2012/130639 (04.10.2012) Адрес для переписки: ...

27-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013141418A

1. Приводное устройство (10) для автомобильной рабочей машины, которое включает в себя:первый гидромотор (12а), соединенный с ведомым валом (16);- второй гидромотор (12b); и- соединительное устройство (18), с помощью которого второй гидромотор (12b) может быть соединен с ведомым валом (16) для добавления крутящего момента в первом состоянии переключения и может быть отделен от ведомого вала (16) во втором состоянии переключения,отличающееся тем, чтосоединительное устройство (18) включает в себя:- по меньшей мере одно синхронизирующее тело (20) с конической фрикционной поверхностью (22), соединенное со вторым гидромотором (12b); и- зубчатое колесо (24) с соответствующей фрикционной поверхностью (26), подвижное относительно синхронизирующего тела (20) и соединенное с ведомым валом (16),причем- при соединении второго гидромотора (12b) с ведомым валом (16) возможная разница в частоте вращения между синхронизирующим телом (20) и зубчатым колесом (24) может быть по меньшей мере уменьшена, а фрикционная посадка между фрикционной поверхностью (22) синхронизирующего тела (20) и фрикционной поверхностью (26) зубчатого колеса (24) может быть установлена путемотносительного перемещения синхронизирующего тела (20) и зубчатого колеса (24) друг к другу; и- при отсоединении второго гидромотора (12b) от ведомого вала (16) фрикционная посадка между фрикционной поверхностью (22) синхронизирующего тела (20) и фрикционной поверхностью (26) зубчатого колеса (24) может быть прекращена путем относительного перемещения синхронизирующего тела (20) и зубчатого колеса (24) друг от друга.2. Приводное устройство (10) по п. 1,отличающееся тем, чтосинхронизирующее тело (20) и зубчатое колесо (24) включаю РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2013 141 418 A (51) МПК F16H 47/02 (2006.01) F16H 61/444 (2010.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2013141418/11, 16.03.2012 (71) Заявитель(и): НАФ НОЙНКИРХЕНЕР АХЗЕНФАБРИК АГ (DE) Приоритет(ы): ...

11-05-2016 дата публикации

Electric driving device based on double-planet-row two-gear transmission

Номер: CN105570419A
Принадлежит: Jilin University


13-06-2013 дата публикации

Pump unit with a pump and a hybrid drive

Номер: DE102011088060A1

Die Pumpeinheit (1) hat eine Pumpe (2) und einen Hybridantrieb (3). Die Pumpe (2) weist ein Pumpengehäuse (4) sowie eine Pumpenwelle (5) auf. Der Hybridantrieb (3) weist einen Elektromotor (10) sowie einen Antriebswellenanschluss (11) an eine Antriebswelle (12) auf. Der Elektromotor (10) und der Antriebswellenanschluss (11) stehen mittels eines Planetenradsatzes (13) mit der Pumpenwelle (5) in einer die Pumpenwelle (5) jeweils antreibenden mechanischen Wirkverbindung. Ein Stator (15) des Elektromotors (10) ist zumindest teilweise in das Pumpengehäuse (4) integriert. Ein Rotor (14) des Elektromotors (10) ist mechanisch fest mit einem Sonnenrad (23) des Planetenradsatzes (13) verbunden. Der Antriebswellenanschluss (11) ist mechanisch fest mit einem Hohlrad (24) des Planetenradsatzes (13) verbunden. Die Pumpenwelle (5) ist mechanisch fest mit einem Planetenträger (25) des Planetenradsatzes (13) verbunden. The pump unit (1) has a pump (2) and a hybrid drive (3). The pump (2) has a pump housing (4) and a pump shaft (5). The hybrid drive (3) has an electric motor (10) and a drive shaft connection (11) to a drive shaft (12). The electric motor (10) and the drive shaft connection (11) by means of a planetary gear set (13) with the pump shaft (5) in a pump shaft (5) each driving mechanical operative connection. A stator (15) of the electric motor (10) is at least partially integrated into the pump housing (4). A rotor (14) of the electric motor (10) is mechanically fixed to a sun gear (23) of the planetary gear set (13). The drive shaft connection (11) is mechanically fixedly connected to a ring gear (24) of the planetary gear set (13). The pump shaft (5) is mechanically fixed to a planet carrier (25) of the planetary gear set (13).

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Pump unit with a pump and a hybrid drive

Номер: DE102011088060B4

Pumpeinheit eines Fahrzeuggetriebes, mit einer Pumpe (2) und mit einem Hybridantrieb (3), wobei• die Pumpe (2) ein Pumpengehäuse (4) sowie eine Pumpenwelle (5) aufweist,• der Hybridantrieb (3) einen Elektromotor (10) sowie einen Antriebswellenanschluss (11) an eine Antriebswelle (12) aufweist,• der Elektromotor (10) und der Antriebswellenanschluss (11) mittels eines Planetenradsatzes (13) mit der Pumpenwelle (5) in einer die Pumpenwelle (5) jeweils antreibenden mechanischen Wirkverbindung stehen,• ein Stator (15) des Elektromotors (10) zumindest teilweise in das Pumpengehäuse (4) integriert ist und ein Rotor (14) des Elektromotors (10) mechanisch fest mit einem Sonnenrad (23) des Planetenradsatzes (13) verbunden ist,• der Antriebswellenanschluss (11) mechanisch fest mit einem Hohlrad (24) des Planetenradsatzes (13) verbunden ist, und• die Pumpenwelle (5) mechanisch fest mit einem Planetenträger (26) des Planetenradsatzes (13) verbunden ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass Magnetkomponenten (20) des Rotors (14) des Elektromotors (10) an einer Innenumfangsfläche (18) eines das Pumpengehäuse (4) umgebenden hohlzylindrischen Rotor-Bauteils angeordnet sind. Pump unit of a vehicle transmission, with a pump (2) and with a hybrid drive (3), where • the pump (2) has a pump housing (4) and a pump shaft (5), • the hybrid drive (3) has an electric motor (10) and has a drive shaft connection (11) on a drive shaft (12), • the electric motor (10) and the drive shaft connection (11) are in a mechanical operative connection with the pump shaft (5) in each case driving the pump shaft (5) by means of a planetary gear set (13), • a stator (15) of the electric motor (10) is at least partially integrated into the pump housing (4) and a rotor (14) of the electric motor (10) is mechanically fixed to a sun gear (23) of the planetary gear set (13), Drive shaft connection (11) is mechanically firmly connected to a ring gear (24) of the planetary gear set (13), and • the pump shaft (5) is ...

04-11-2014 дата публикации

Pump unit with a pump and a hybrid drive

Номер: US8876644B2

The pump unit has a pump and a hybrid drive. The pump comprises a pump housing and a pump shaft. The hybrid drive comprises an electric motor and a driveshaft connection to a driveshaft. The electric motor and the driveshaft connection are each in driving mechanical functional connection with the pump shaft by way of a planetary gearset for driving the pump shaft. A stator of the electric motor is at least partially integrated in the pump housing. A rotor of the electric motor is mechanically connected fixed to a sun gear of the planetary gearset. The driveshaft connection is mechanically connected fixed to a ring gear of the planetary gearset. The pump shaft is mechanically connected fixed to a planetary carrier of the planetary gearset.

25-01-2012 дата публикации

Hydraulic multi-head output gear case

Номер: CN101737459B
Автор: 陈王龙


01-06-2018 дата публикации

A kind of piston reciprocating cylinder deactivation of engine system

Номер: CN108105356A
Автор: 肖光宇
Принадлежит: Individual


18-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2349072A1
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: Individual

27-07-2007 дата публикации

Traction reducer system for e.g. parking brake device, has gear pairs located inside crown wheels and comprising coaxial gears, where gears of each gear pair are engaged in teeth of wheels, respectively

Номер: FR2896557A1

The system has two coaxial crown wheels (5, 6) centered on an axle (4) and comprising internal toothed surfaces parallel to the axle and external surfaces with hooking systems located close to the axle. Gear pairs (11A, 11B) are located inside the wheels and comprise respective coaxial gears (11a1, 11a2, 11b1, 11b2) integrated between them by rotation. The gears of each gear pair are engaged in teeth of the wheels respectively. The gear pairs are jointly displaced along the toothed surfaces.

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR2896557B1

24-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: FR2660259B1
Принадлежит: Rockwell-CIM

Ce dispositif comprend un moteur (1) dont l'arbre de sortie (2) porte deux vis coaxiales (5, 6), décalées axialement et à pas de vis opposés, deux paires de roues (7, 9, 8, 11) engrenant avec les vis et deux à deux entre elles, à raison de deux roues (7, 8; 9, 11) par vis, disposées de part et d'autre de celles-ci, un arbre de sortie (12, 13, 14, 15) traversant librement chaque roue (7, 8; 9, 11), et destiné à commander un élément associé, par l'une ou l'autre de ses extrémités opposées, sur chaque arbre (12...15) et en regard de chaque roue (7...11), un embrayage (E1, E2, E3, E4) indépendant des autres embrayages et adapté pour pouvoir lier en rotation l'arbre choisi à la roue correspondante. Cet agencement permet la réalisation d'un ensemble de commande compact distribuant depuis un lieu unique des fonctions multiples à partir d'un boîtier répartiteur léger assurant la commutation des fonctions, avec un encombrement réduit et une connexion unique simplifiée. This device comprises a motor (1) whose output shaft (2) carries two coaxial screws (5, 6), offset axially and with opposite threads, two pairs of wheels (7, 9, 8, 11) meshing with the screws and two by two between them, at the rate of two wheels (7, 8; 9, 11) per screw, arranged on either side of them, an output shaft (12, 13, 14, 15) freely passing through each wheel (7, 8; 9, 11), and intended to control an associated element, by one or the other of its opposite ends, on each shaft (12 ... 15) and opposite of each wheel (7 ... 11), a clutch (E1, E2, E3, E4) independent of the other clutches and adapted to be able to link the selected shaft in rotation to the corresponding wheel. This arrangement allows the realization of a compact control assembly distributing multiple functions from a single location from a light distribution box ensuring the switching of functions, with a small footprint and a simplified single connection.

17-09-1982 дата публикации


Номер: FR2501620A1
Принадлежит: Renk GmbH, Zahnraederfabrik Renk AG


01-12-2004 дата публикации

Transmission unit for hose reel sprinklers

Номер: EP1482207A2
Автор: Fausto Mora, Matteo Garuti
Принадлежит: Comer Industries SpA

A transmission unit (1) for hose reel sprinklers comprises a box-like structure (2) for supporting and containing an ordinary gear train, which comprises a driving shaft (3) that is associable with a hydraulic drive of a hose reel sprinkler and a driven shaft (4) that is associable with the reel of the sprinkler and is adapted to turn it about its longitudinal axis, the axes of the driving shaft (3) and of the driven shaft (4) being mutually oblique or convergent.

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Transmission and laundry treating machine with such

Номер: DE102014201868B4

Getriebe für eine Wäschebehandlungsmaschine mit einem Antrieb (AN) und einem ersten Abtrieb (AB1), wobei der erste Abtrieb (AB1) seine Drehrichtung unabhängig von der Drehrichtung (DR, DL) des Antriebs (AN) beibehält, aufweisend - eine erste Welle (W1), welche vom Antrieb (AN) zum ersten Abtrieb (AB1) führt und einen in einer ersten Drehrichtung des Antriebs (AN) sperrenden ersten Freilauf (F1) aufweist, - ein erstes auf der ersten Welle (W1) aufgebrachtes Zahnrad (Z3), - ein zweites achsparallel zur ersten Welle (W1) vorgesehenes Zahnrad (Z5), welches mit dem ersten Zahnrad (Z3) in Eingriff steht, - eine zweite Welle (W2), welche parallel zur ersten Welle (W1) angeordnet ist, - ein drittes auf der zweiten Welle (W2) aufgebrachtes Zahnrad (Z4), welches mit dem zweiten Zahnrad (Z5) in Eingriff steht, wobei das Getriebe einen zweiten Abtrieb (AB2) aufweist, welcher seine Drehrichtung abhängig von der Drehrichtung des Antriebs (AN) ändert, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass auf der zweiten Welle (W2) ein viertes Zahnrad (Z2) aufgebracht ist und auf der ersten Welle (W1) ein fünftes Zahnrad (Z1) aufgebracht ist, wobei das vierte Zahnrad (Z2) mit dem fünften Zahnrad (Z1) in Eingriff steht und die zweite Welle (W2) einen zweiten Freilauf (F2) aufweist.. Transmission for a laundry treating machine having a drive (AN) and a first output (AB1), wherein the first output (AB1) maintains its direction of rotation regardless of the direction of rotation (DR, DL) of the drive (AN), comprising a first shaft (W1) which leads from the drive (AN) to the first output (AB1) and has a first freewheel (F1) blocking in a first direction of rotation of the drive (AN), a first gear (Z3) applied to the first shaft (W1), a second gear (Z5) provided axially parallel to the first shaft (W1) and engaging the first gear (Z3), a second shaft (W2), which is arranged parallel to the first shaft (W1), a third gear (Z4) mounted on the second shaft (W2) and engaged with the second gear (Z5), wherein the ...

19-07-2000 дата публикации

Power transmission switching device

Номер: EP1020296A2
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A mechanism for selectively switching two drive transmission systems by one driving source is provided and a rocking lever which can be rocked between a first drive transmission gear of a first drive transmission system and a first drive transmission gear of a second drive transmission system respectively located on both sides of a drive shaft is provided. A rocking gear located between both drive transmission gears and selectively engaged with both drive transmission gears by the rock for transmitting driving force from the driving source is attached to the rocking lever and a locking means locks the rocking lever in a state that the locking means is engaged with either of the both drive transmission gears. The first drive transmission system and the second drive transmission system are connected to a drive unit normally and reversely rotated. At least one flat side is formed in the above locking means and a flat side which can come in contact with the flat side of the locking means is formed in a fitted part. A secure lock can be realized by touching these both sides in locking.
