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27-11-2016 дата публикации

Протектор крепления кабеля к насосно-компрессорным трубам

Номер: RU0000166515U1

1. Протектор крепления кабеля к насосно-компрессорным трубам, содержащий корпус, выполненный как одно целое с кабельным каналом, и фиксирующие элементы, расположенные сверху и снизу корпуса, закрепляющие устройство на муфтовом соединении трубы, корпус выполнен в виде П-образного профиля, вертикальные образующие которого разведены под углом в стороны и опираются на боковую поверхность трубы, на них выполнены вырезы под муфту, а высота кабельного канала по краям корпуса и напротив муфты равна размеру кабеля и увеличивается с двух сторон корпуса в сторону муфты, фиксирующие элементы выполнены в виде металлической ленты, проходящей через прямоугольные отверстия, выполненные в корпусе, отличающийся тем, что длина выреза под муфту на вертикальных образующих профиля больше длины муфты, вертикальные образующие П-образного профиля разведены в стороны под углом от 5° до 15°, а края прямоугольных отверстий, через которые проходит металлическая лента крепления протектора на трубе, скруглены.2. Протектор крепления кабеля к насосно-компрессорным трубам по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен из листового материала штамповкой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 515 U1 (51) МПК E21B 17/00 (2006.01) E21B 17/10 (2006.01) F16L 3/01 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016102759/03, 27.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.01.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Сафонов Дмитрий Игоревич (RU), Варламов Сергей Евгеньевич (RU), Атрощенко Николай Николаевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2016 Бюл. № 33 R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.01.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Сафонов Дмитрий Игоревич (RU), Варламов Сергей Евгеньевич (RU), Атрощенко Николай Николаевич (RU) Адрес для переписки: 443098, г. Самара, а/я 8508, Сафонову Д.И. U 1 1 6 6 5 1 5 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Протектор крепления кабеля к насосно-компрессорным трубам, содержащий ...

27-12-2016 дата публикации

Устройство для крепления трубы

Номер: RU0000167240U1

1. Устройство для крепления трубы, содержащее две горизонтально установленные на едином основании трубы-центратора, один конец каждой из которых укреплен на опоре, а другой выполнен консольным и коническим, при этом опора одной из труб-центраторов жестко укреплена на указанном основании, а опора другой трубы-центратора укреплена на платформе с возможностью перемещения по основанию, отличающееся тем, что основание выполнено с возможностью перемещения.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что указанное основание установлено на санях или тележке.3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что платформа выполнена в виде салазок или тележки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 167 240 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/00 (2006.01) B08B 9/023 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016100370/06, 11.01.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.01.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Бурнашев Рашид Ильмарович (RU), Мухаметшин Айрат Анварович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2016 Бюл. № 36 1 6 7 2 4 0 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для крепления трубы, содержащее две горизонтально установленные на едином основании трубы-центратора, один конец каждой из которых укреплен на опоре, а другой выполнен консольным и коническим, при этом опора одной из трубцентраторов жестко укреплена на указанном основании, а опора другой трубыцентратора укреплена на платформе с возможностью перемещения по основанию, отличающееся тем, что основание выполнено с возможностью перемещения. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что указанное основание установлено на санях или тележке. 3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что платформа выполнена в виде салазок или тележки. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КРЕПЛЕНИЯ ТРУБЫ 1 6 7 2 4 0 Адрес для переписки: 450049, Респ. Башкортостан, г. Уфа, ул. Самаркандская, 1/2, ООО НПП "Август", Бахтегарееву И.Х. R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ...

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Центрирующая опора

Номер: RU0000171404U1

Центрирующая опора предназначена для обеспечения требуемых геометрических параметров кольцевой полости межтрубного пространства при производстве предварительно изолированных труб и фасонных изделий с тепловой изоляцией из пенополиуретана (ППУ). Центрирующая опора 1 содержит хомут в виде жесткой пластины, имеющей форму незамкнутого кольца 2 и стяжной замок 3 Стяжной замок 3 состоит из двух частей, закрепленных соответственно на концах жесткой пластины, имеющей форму незамкнутого кольца 2. На одном конце незамкнутого кольца 2 закреплена первая часть стяжного замка, в которую входит направляющая, выполненная в виде прижимной пружины 9 и снабженная по бокам ограничителями 11, и первая зубчатая гребенка 10, расположенная под прижимной пружиной 9. Между направляющей - прижимной пружиной 9 и первой зубчатой гребенкой 10 присутствует щелевой зазор. На другом конце жесткой пластины, имеющей форму незамкнутого кольца 2, закреплена вторая часть стяжного замка, в которую входит пружинный элемент 6, работающий на стягивание, и упомянутая выше вторая зубчатая гребенка 7. Пружинный элемент 6, работающий на стягивание, закреплен на хомуте, при этом на свободном конце пружинного элемента 6 выполнена или закреплена вторая зубчатая гребенка 7. Технический результат от использования полезной модели заключается в повышении надежности фиксации центрирующей опоры на наружной поверхности рабочей трубы за счет создания усилия стягивания на элементах стяжного замка и исключения его самопроизвольного раскрытия. 5 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 404 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016138463, 28.09.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.09.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Павлюк Евгений Сергеевич (RU), Наркевич Сергей Леонидович (BY) 30.05.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.09.2016 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Усовершенствованная рычаг-подставка

Номер: RU0000176899U1

Полезная модель относится к монтажному инструменту полевого магистрального трубопровода и предназначена для подъема труб и приведения их в соосное положение при монтаже и демонтаже полевых магистральных сборно-разборных трубопроводов.Технической задачей полезной модели является улучшение эксплуатационных характеристик рычага-подставки расширения технологических возможностей инструмента и повышения его надежности при монтаже и демонтаже полевых магистральных сборно-разборных трубопроводов.Техническая задача выполняется за счет того, что усовершенствованная рычаг-подставка, состоящая из крючка, рычага, отличается тем, что рычаг-подставка имеет ребра жесткости в месте соединения крючка и рычага, а также упор рычага.Ребра жесткости усиливают конструкцию и повышают площадь соприкосновения рычага-подставки с грунтом, что в совокупности с подвижным упором рычага не дает усовершенствованному рычагу-подставке увязнуть в грунте, позволяя своевременной корректировкой положения труб для предотвращения перекоса при монтаже (демонтаже) трубопровода, обеспечивая снижение времени монтажа (демонтажа) соединения «Раструб» трубопровода.Таким образом, предложенный усовершенствованный рычаг-подставка для монтажа (демонтажа) полевых магистральных сборно-разборных трубопроводов обладает новизной, обеспечивающий новые полезные характеристики, удобство при эксплуатации рычага, снижает время монтажа (демонтажа) трубопровода.Эффективность использования усовершенствованного рычага-подставки для монтажа (демонтажа) полевого магистрального сборно-разборного трубопровода заключается в удобстве эксплуатации и сокращении времени монтажа (демонтажа) соединения «Раструб».Предлагаемая полезная модель решает задачу повышения эффективности использования трубопровода по подаче горючего войскам. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 899 U1 (51) МПК F16L 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F16L 3/00 (2017.08); F16L 3/003 ...

30-03-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для перемещения кабелей

Номер: RU0000203305U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехнике, в частности к устройствам для перемещения кабелей для обеспечения безразъемного соединения оборудования и контрольно-измерительных приборов с вторичной аппаратурой и источниками питания. Устройство для перемещения кабелей содержит цепь, установленную на направляющую из четырех дугообразных реек, которые попарно и параллельно соединены между собой стержневыми опорами и расположены соосно и параллельно в два ряда. Боковые внутренние и внешние поверхности реек, обращенные друг к другу, выполнены с зубчатыми венцами. Цепь установлена в пазах между зубчатыми венцами реек с возможностью фиксации от выхода из пазов и соединяет оба ряда реек друг с другом с возможностью перехода с реек одного ряда на соответствующие рейки другого ряда. Средства для крепления кабелей расположены на цепи и выполнены в виде металлической ленты и крепежных элементов. Техническим результатом настоящей полезной модели является реализация расширения арсенала технических средств определенного назначения путем создания устройства для перемещения кабелей, которое, как и известное устройство для перемещения кабелей, обеспечивает защиту кабельных трасс от механических повреждений, в том числе перегибов и скручиваний кабеля, которые могут привести к помехам, например на модулях обработки данных. 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 305 U1 (51) МПК H02G 11/00 (2006.01) F16G 13/16 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02G 11/00 (2021.02); F16G 13/16 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021100238, 11.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Российская Федерация, от имени которой выступает Государственная корпорация по атомной энергии "Росатом" (RU) Дата регистрации: 30.03.2021 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2160399 C2, 10.12.2000. SU 1494093 A1, 15.07.1989. EP 1381792 B1, 12.01.2005. US 3503578 A1, 31.03.1970. (45) ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Transverse web for an element of a line guiding device

Номер: US20120134739A1
Принадлежит: IGUS GMBH

The invention relates to a transverse web for connecting two side parts of an element of a line guiding device, comprising a toggle lever closure ( 2 ) having an actuating part ( 3 ) and a locking part ( 4 ), wherein the actuating part ( 3 ) can be swiveled from the locking position completely to the unlocking position in one step by means of a tool (B), and wherein in an engagement area ( 10 ) at a distance to the free end ( 8 ) of the actuating part ( 3 ) and to the swivel axis (axes), a lateral recess ( 11 ) for engaging the tool (W) in the transverse web ( 1 ) and for applying a force by means of the tool (W) with at least one force component in the direction of the swivel motion of the actuating part ( 3 ) to the unlocking position thereof is provided, wherein the recess ( 11 ) is laterally delimited by the opening edge ( 12 ) of the opening ( 9 ) and the actuating part ( 3 ).

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Element of a chain link of an energy guide chain, produced by means of a fluid internal pressure injection molding process

Номер: US20120167541A1

Component of a chain element of an energy-conducting chain, wherein the component has a cavity which is produced by means of a fluid internal pressure injection molding method, or is formed from a micro-cellular foam.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Articulated cable protection and guide apparatus

Номер: US20120228437A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Cable Ltd, Tsubakimoto Chain Co

There is provided an articulated cable protection and guide apparatus that can securely and stably guide a large number of cables, can assure durability of articulated supporting members that operate between straight and bending postures for a long period of time, and can be easily disassembled and assembled at a machine frame-side stationary end-side connector unit or at a moving end-side connector unit. The articulated cable protection and guide apparatus comprises: a stationary end-side connector unit for affixing each stationary end of articulated supporting members, cables and a flexible belt member integrally to a machine frame-side stationary end area; a moving end-side connector unit for affixing each moving end of the articulated supporting members, cables and a flexible belt member integrally to a movable-side moving end area.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Cable hanger

Номер: US20120298809A1
Автор: Adam William Preedy
Принадлежит: Individual

A cable hanger comprising a main body section having an attachment face and a front face, and an elongate tongue section, wherein the tongue section is attached at one end to the main body section by way of an attachment region and has a free end, the front face has raised edge portions and a central portion, the central portion being located generally opposite the tongue section, and the edge portions protruding outwardly by a greater amount than the central portions, and a retaining region is defined between the front face of the main body section and a rear face of the tongue section, the retaining region being capable of accommodating and retaining a cable.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Wiring tool and wiring harness

Номер: US20130008712A1

A wiring tool ( 10 ) includes a base ( 1 ) and a cover ( 2 ) each of which is a plate with projections and recesses. The base ( 1 ) has partition walls ( 12 A, 12 B) standing from a wiring portion ( 11 ) to surround protection spaces ( 90 A, 90 B) where protected portions ( 41, 42 ) are to be arranged. The cover ( 2 ) is assembled with the base ( 1 ) to cover an area of the base ( 1 ) including the wiring portion ( 11 ). The cover ( 2 ) includes lids ( 24 ) that project toward the base ( 1 ) and fit into the inner sides of the partition walls ( 12 A, 12 B) of the base ( 1 ) to close openings formed by the partition walls ( 12 A, 12 B). The base ( 1 ) and the cover ( 2 ) are obtained by vacuum forming a flat resin plate.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Supply Line Routing Device

Номер: US20130020290A1
Автор: Peter Epperlein
Принадлежит: Trumpf Werkzeugmaschinen SE and Co KG

A supply line routing device is described, for routing supply lines between connection points on components which are movable relative to each other, and having a sheathing with a changeable course. The supply line routing device comprises at least one guide channel for a supply line in the interior of the sheathing; and a plurality of retaining elements disposed in succession in the longitudinal direction of the sheathing on the outside thereof, which are configured to fasten at least one additional supply line to the outside of the sheathing.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for fixing a segment of tubing, for an arrangement for monitoring an access to a patient

Номер: US20130035627A1
Автор: Alexander Bongers

A device for fixing a segment of tubing in the form of a loop, for an apparatus by which a fluid is fed to or out from a patient via tubing, in particular for monitoring vascular access in extra-corporeal blood treatment, and a tubing and an arrangement for monitoring, each having the device for fixing the segment, are also described. The fixing of the segment includes a guiding piece and a securing piece. The guiding piece fixes intersecting portions of the segment which forms an eye, thereby forming a loop which contracts under a tractive stress. The securing piece fixes a portion of the segment forming the eye such that when the loop tightens, that portion of the segment does not slip through the guiding piece. Alternatively, intersecting portions of the segment are fixed in a loop only by a guiding piece formed as an annular body.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068898A1
Автор: Charon Pierre

A cable raceway support device for an aircraft, formed from an electrically conductive material, comprising a pedestal having a fastening plane for the fastening of the device onto a primary structure and also having, on a support face which is an opposite face to the fastening plane, at least one pair of jaws having at least one electrical contact enabling a sliding electrical contact to be formed and the support face has a contact that projects, and also has a jaw overhanging the support face, the jaw forming with part of the pedestal the pair of jaws forming a stirrup-shaped clamp comprising a base and two branches, one branch of the clamp merging with the pedestal, and the other branch of the clamp corresponding to the jaw and bearing a second contact facing the first contact. 1. A cable raceway support device for an aircraft , formed from an electrically conductive material , comprising a pedestal having:a fastening plane for the fastening of the device onto a primary structure,and also having, on a support face which is an opposite face to the fastening plane, at least one pair of jaws having at least one electrical contact enabling a sliding electrical contact to be formed,characterized in that the support face has a first contact that projects, and also has a jaw overhanging the support face, the jaw forming with part of the pedestal the pair of jaws forming a stirrup-shaped clamp comprising a base and two branches, one branch of the clamp merging with the pedestal, and the other branch of the clamp corresponding to the jaw and bearing a second contact facing the first contact.2. A cable raceway support device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the jaws of a pair of jaws are elastically linked together so as to form a clamp.3. A cable raceway support device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the contact zones are formed from a conductive material chosen from the group comprising nickel claim 1 , silver and the alloys comprising a high ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130068899A1
Автор: RICHTER Jörg

A cable fastener includes at least two support units, at least one traverse element, a bearing unit and a retaining unit. The retaining unit is interposed between the at least two support units. At least part of the bearing unit is formed by at least one part of a support unit. 1. A cable fastening device comprising at least two support units , at least one transverse element , a bearing unit and a retaining unit , wherein the retaining unit is arranged between the at least two support units , characterized in that at least one part of the bearing unit is formed by at least one part of a support unit.2. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two support units has a continuous bearing surface for a cable to be fastened.3. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a distance between the at least two support units corresponds substantially to a width of a support unit.4. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising two planes of symmetry claim 1 , arranged perpendicular to a fastening plane of the retaining unit and perpendicular to one another.5. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two support units are connected to the retaining unit and to the bearing unit.6. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least two support units are connected directly by the at least one transverse element.7. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retaining unit has at least one continuous recess claim 1 , which is provided to receive a connecting element.8. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the at least one transverse element has at least one fastening passage claim 1 , which is provided to receive a cable fastening unit.9. The cable fastening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two support units is formed continuously in at least one horizontal sectional ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074971A1

A fuel pipe which is inexpensive and is excellent in salt spray corrosion resistance, characterized by being comprised of a steel pipe member having as a material a ferritic stainless steel which contains, by mass %, C: 0.015% or less, Si: 0.01 to 0.50%, Mn: 0.01 to 0.50%, P: 0.050% or less, S: 0.010% or less, N: 0.015% or less, Al: 0.010 to 0.100%, and Cr: 13.0 to 18.0% and further, one or both of Ti: 0.03 to 0.30% and Nb: 0.03 to 0.30% and a metal fitting part, the metal fitting part and the steel pipe member having between them a crevice structure at the surface which the structure is exposed to a salt spray environment, an opening amount at a crevice part of the crevice structure being 0.2 mm or more, and an inside of the crevice part being coated by electrodeposition. 15-. (canceled)6. A fuel pipe comprised of a steel pipe member which is formed from , a steel pipe having as a material a ferritic stainless steel which contains , by mass % ,C: 0.015% or less,Si: 0.01 to 0.50%,Mn: 0.01 to 0.50%,P: 0.050% or less,S: 0.010% or less,N: 0.015% or less,Al: 0.010 to 0.100%, andCr: 13.0 to 18.0% andfurther, one or both ofTi: 0.03 to 0.30% andNb: 0.03 to 0.30%, andhaving a balance of Fe and unavoidable impurities, anda metal fitting part which is attached to said steel pipe member,said racial fitting part and said steel pipe member having between them a crevice structure at the surface which the structure is exposed to a salt spray environment,an opening amount at a crevice part of said crevice structure being 0.2 mm or more, andan inside of said crevice part being coated by electrodepositionhere, the “crevice opening amount” being the penetratable thickness of metal roll which was measured by the method of inserting metal foil of a minimum unit thickness of 10 μm and a width of 5 mm into a crevice by a 0.5 mm penetration depth.7. The fuel pipe as set forth in claim 6 , characterized by further containing claim 6 , by mass % claim 6 ,B: 0.0002 to 0.0050%.8. The fuel pipe ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Flexible protective guide internally holding long members

Номер: US20130075129A1
Принадлежит: Denso Wave Inc, Tsubakimoto Chain Co

A protective guide has a long shape and internally holds long members including at least one of flexible cables and ducts. The protective guide includes a flexible curved strip-shaped base and a plurality of flexible sectioning members. The base is made of a synthetic resin, formed into a long plate and has a longitudinal direction. The sectioning members are also made of a synthetic resin, permitted to uprise from both ends of the base and spaced apart from each other in the longitudinal direction, the both ends being opposed to each other in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction. The sectioning members cooperatively define a space for accommodating the long members along the base. The base has a cross section inwardly curved toward the space, as viewed in the longitudinal direction.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Docking Station

Номер: US20130082153A1
Принадлежит: AGCO Corp

A hydraulically-operated implement has a hydraulic system with a hose and a coupler connecting the hose to a mating port on a tractor. A docking station is mounted on the implement receives the coupler on the free end of the hose when disconnected from the tractor. The docking station includes a station body having a coupler receiving portion and a leakage collection portion. The coupler receiving portion has a primary side with at least one circular bore and the leakage collection portion contains a drain opening. A retention device positioned on the inner periphery of each of the circular bores receives the coupler. The drain opening is sealed with a drain plug and the docking station has an inside bulkhead parallel with the primary side of the station body. The bulkhead has a circular hole formed therein aligned with the at least one cylindrical bore in the primary side.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087237A1

The invention generally relates to ventilation systems and methods, and more particularly to selectively configurable climate control systems and methods for use in data centers and the like. A device includes a support element and a plurality of ducts connected to the support element. The device also includes a manifold in fluid communication with each one of the plurality of ducts and a plurality of valves. Each respective one of the plurality of valves is associated with a respective one of the plurality of ducts. Moreover, there is at least one actuator operatively connected to the plurality of valves, which is structured and arranged to individually actuate each one of the plurality of valves. 1. A device , comprising:a support element comprising a tile, wherein the tile comprises a ceiling tile, a floor tile, or a wall tile;a plurality of ducts connected to and on the tile;a manifold structure connected to and on the tile, wherein the manifold structure is connected to each one of the plurality of ducts and is in fluid communication with each one of the plurality of ducts;a plurality of valves, each respective one of the plurality of valves being associated with a respective one of the plurality of ducts; andat least one actuator operatively connected to the plurality of valves, structured and arranged to individually actuate each one of the plurality of valves,wherein the manifold structure comprises a plurality of holes,an end of each respective one of the plurality of ducts fits into or around one of the plurality of holes, andeach respective one of the plurality of ducts extends from the manifold to an edge of the tile.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the support element is substantially planar and rectangular.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one actuator comprises a plurality of actuators claim 1 , each respective one of the plurality of actuators being associated with a respective one of the plurality of valves.4. The device of claim 1 , ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Portable fastener driving device

Номер: US20130098963A1
Принадлежит: Halex Co

The present invention includes methods and apparatus for discharging a fastener. In particular embodiments, the invention comprises a fastener-dispensing device comprising a fastener striker in operational communication with a striker driving means. The fastener-dispending device also includes a device body comprising an upper portion and a lower portion, the upper portion containing the striker driving means and the lower portion containing the striker, wherein the upper portion is pivotable in a sideways direction relative to the lower portion. Further embodiments includes a method of discharging a fastener from a fastener-discharging device, the method comprising providing the fastener-discharging device of the prior embodiment, pivoting the upper portion of the device body relative the lower portion of the device body, and discharging a fastener from the fastener-discharging device while the upper portion of the device body is pivoted relative the lower portion of the device body in accordance with the prior step.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Pipe Stand

Номер: US20130115010A1

A pipe support has an outer tubular support wall, an inner tubular support wall, spaced inwardly from the outer tubular support wall, and a connecting portion for maintaining the outer tubular support wall and the inner tubular support wall in a fixed, spaced apart relationship. The pipe support is intended for use in-trench and out-of-trench for supporting a pipeline during assembly, installation, testing and operation. 125-. (canceled)26. A pipe support comprising:a. an outer support wall having a ground engaging bottom end and a pipe supporting top end;b. an inner support wall spaced inwardly from the outer support wall and having a generally frustoconical shape with a ground engaging bottom end, spaced apart from the bottom end of the outer wall, and a pipe supporting top end; andc. a connecting portion for maintaining the outer support wall and the inner support wall in a fixed, spaced apart relationship.27. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein the outer support wall has a generally frustoconical shape.28. The pipe support of claim 26 , wherein the inner support wall has a generally downwardly tapered frustoconical shape and the outer support wall has a generally upwardly tapered frustoconical shape.29. The pipe support of claim 28 , wherein the connecting portion extends between the top end of the inner supporting wall and the top end of the outer supporting wall for forming a pipe saddle.30. The pipe support of claim 29 , wherein the pipe saddle is interrupted by at least a pair of radially extending and intersecting grooves for stacking of three or more like pipe supports in an interlocking and stacked relationship.31. The pipe support of claim 30 , wherein the inner support wall comprises a plurality of spaced apart inner shaped wall sections extending between the grooves and interconnected by intermediate inner spacing webs located below the grooves and the outer support wall comprises a plurality of spaced apart outer shaped wall sections extending ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119209A1

A mounting device for mounting a cable or a line on a structural component of an aircraft or spacecraft. The mounting device comprises at least two parts, one of these parts being configured as an attachment part and being provided to be attached to the structural component. The other part is configured as a receiving part and is provided to receive a portion of the cable or of the line. Both parts can be coupled together by means of at least a first ball-and-socket joint. This coupling is configured such that the two parts can be brought into a plurality of spatial positions relative to one another. Also provided is an aircraft or spacecraft, in particular an aircraft, which has a structural component and a cable or a line which is mounted on the structural component by a mounting device of this type. 1. A mounting device for mounting a cable or a line on a structural component of an aircraft or spacecraft , comprising at least two parts , of whichone part is configured as an attachment part and is provided to be attached to the structural component, andthe other part is configured as a receiving part and is provided to receive a portion of the cable or of the line,wherein both parts can be coupled by means of at least a first ball-and-socket joint such that the two parts can be brought into a plurality of spatial positions relative to one another.2. The mounting device according to claim 1 , wherein the coupling of the two parts by means of the first ball-and-socket joint is configured to be releasable for a replacement of one of the two parts claim 1 , in particular for a replacement of the part configured as the receiving part.3. The mounting device according to claim 1 , wherein the two parts can be locked relative to one another in one or more of the plurality of spatial positions.4. The mounting device according to claim 1 , wherein a first part of the two parts is configured with an extension which has an end portion configured as a ball joint head claim 1 , ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130146721A1
Автор: White Gordon John

A cable manager includes a first portion and a second portion that cooperate to retain at least one cable. The first portion of certain types of cable managers is configured to be held in one or more rotationally fixed positions relative to the second portion. For example, the second portion may include at least one retaining arm that extends at least partially over a cable cradle of the first portion when the second portion is rotated to a closed position and that allows access to the cable cradle when rotated to an open position. The first portion of certain types of cable managers is configured to be held in one of a plurality of axially fixed positions relative to the second portion to accommodate cables of different diameters. 1. A cable manager comprising:a first portion defining at least a first support cradle that is configured to receive a first cable extending along a first axis; anda second portion that is rotatable relative to the first portion between open and closed positions, the second portion being configured to rotate about a rotation axis that is not parallel with the first axis, the second portion including a first retaining arm that extends at least partially over the first cable cradle when the second portion is in the closed position, wherein the first retaining arm moves to provide access to the first cable cradle when the second portion is in the open position.2. The cable manager of claim 1 , wherein the second portion is configured to move axially along the rotation axis relative to the first portion.3. The cable manager of claim 2 , further comprising a retention arrangement that holds the second portion in one of a plurality of fixed axial positions relative to the first portion.4. The cable manager of claim 3 , wherein the retention arrangement includes ratchet teeth.5. The cable manager of claim 1 , wherein the second portion includes a locking arrangement that rotationally fixes the second portion relative to the first portion.6. The ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Positioning device for a drain pipe in a drying cylinder

Номер: US20130153075A1
Автор: Johnny ÅNERUD

A device for positioning a drain pipe ( 6 ) of a draining system in a drying cylinder ( 1 ), the jacket ( 2 ) of which has inner circumferential grooves ( 3 ) for condensate which is formed as a result of heat transfer, said draining system comprising an outlet means and a plurality of drain pipes which are connected to the outlet means, wherein the draining system removes the condensate from the grooves via the drain pipes and the outlet means, wherein the device has a pipe positioner ( 14 ) which is disposed in an end portion ( 12 ) of the drain pipe located closest to the outlet means, said pipe positioner comprising a mounting device ( 15 ) for mounting the drain pipe onto the outlet means, and a lockable connection ( 16 ) that connects the drain pipe to the mounting device ( 15 ). According to the invention, the lockable connection is a joint connection, which defines a fulcrum for pivoting of the drainpipe in a plane to enable positioning of the drain pipe relative to the bottom surface of the groove.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157501A1

A support arm includes a bracket supported by a support, a bracket arranged away from the bracket, a parallel link arranged between the bracket and the bracket and coupled pivotally to the bracket and the bracket, and a self-weight compensation device producing a force that cancels a force of gravity acting on the parallel link. The parallel link has an upper shaft and a lower shaft arranged in parallel to each other with spacing, the spacing being changed with a pivoting movement of the parallel link. The upper shaft and the lower shaft are arranged offset with respect to each other in a direction of an axis on which the parallel link is pivoted. With such a structure, a support arm for which a large movable range is achieved is provided. 1. A support arm comprising:a first joint part supported by a base;a second joint part arranged away from said first joint part;a first parallel link arranged between said first joint part and said second joint part and coupled pivotally to said first joint part and said second joint part; anda self-weight compensation device producing a force that cancels a force of gravity acting on said first parallel link,said first parallel link having a first shaft and a second shaft arranged in parallel to each other with spacing, the spacing being changed with a pivoting movement of said first parallel link,said first shaft and said second shaft being arranged offset with respect to each other in a direction of an axis on which said first parallel link is pivoted,when said first parallel link is positioned to extend laterally from said first joint part, said first shaft being located above said second shaft,said second shaft having a thickness greater than the thickness of said first shaft, anda wiring line extending from said first joint part toward said second joint part being fixed to said second shaft.2. The support arm according to claim 1 , whereina stored state of the support arm is attained when said first parallel link is ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Process Turning Disc With A Cable Guide

Номер: US20130168505A1
Автор: Ljungkvist Joachim

A process turning disc includes a first flange configured to support a cable package in a first direction and a second flange configured to support a cable package in a second direction opposite to the first direction. A connecting member connected to the first and the second flanges is configured to support a cable package in a third direction perpendicular to the first direction. A cable guide is fastened to the process turning disc in a detachable manner and includes a cable clamp configured to support a cable package in a fourth direction opposite to the third direction. The cable guide further includes two sliding surfaces configured to support a cable package in the first and the second directions outside of the cable clamp. A bending movement of the cable package is thereby allowed in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the process turning disc. 1. A process turning disc comprising: a first flange configured to support a cable package in a first direction , a second flange configured to support a cable package in a second direction which is opposite to the first direction , a connecting member connected to the first and the second flanges and configured to support a cable package in a third direction which is perpendicular to the first direction , a cable guide fastened to the process turning disc in a detachable manner and comprising a cable clamp which is configured to support a cable package in a fourth direction which is opposite to the third direction ,characterized in that the cable guide further comprises two sliding surfaces configured to support a cable package in the first and the second directions outside of the cable clamp.2. The process turning disc according to claim 1 , wherein the first direction is parallel with an axis of rotation of the process turning disc.3. The process turning disc according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding surface extend over a sector at least 30 degrees about the axis of rotation of the process turning ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Clevis Hanger and Method of Installing the Clevis Hanger

Номер: US20130168506A1
Принадлежит: Cooper B Line Inc

A clevis hanger has an upper strap and a lower strap. The upper strap can be supported by a hang rod or the like. The lower strap and the upper strap can be snapped open and snapped closed such that the lower strap can be secured to the upper strap without additional hardware.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Support system for process piping and method of installation

Номер: US20130174931A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A support system for process piping and method of installation are presented. An adjustable hanger rod assembly includes a rod with oppositely oriented external threads at opposite ends thereof. These threads are adapted to mate with internal threads in respectively associated sleeves. One of the sleeves is fixed to a support system, while the other sleeve is fixedly secured to a pipe clamp. The oppositely oriented threading of the rod allows the rod to operate as a turnbuckle, such that rotation of the rod adjusts the elevation of the pipe clamp and an associated pipe retained thereby. Once a desired adjustment has been achieved, the rod and associated pipe clamp may be locked into position by tack or spot welding of the rod to the associated sleeves.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130187001A1

A supporting component is provided for reinforcing the skin of an aircraft or spacecraft, for example a stringer or former, this component being configured as a closed profile (hollow profile), such that a system medium (M) can be conducted through the structural component. In this respect, the hollow profile itself serves as a load-bearing component. 1101103. Structural component () which is configured as a load-receiving component for reinforcing a skin () of an aircraft or spacecraft , characterised in that the structural component () comprises a hollow profile () for receiving at least one system medium (M).21010. Structural component () according to claim 1 , characterised in that the structural component () is configured as a former claim 1 , in particular an annular former claim 1 , as a stringer claim 1 , a pressure bulkhead or the like.310101. Structural component () according to either or claim 1 , characterised in that the structural component () can be attached to an inner side of the skin () of the aircraft or spacecraft.410104101. Structural component () according to at least one of the preceding claims claim 1 , characterised in that the structural component () has a receiving stand () by which the structural component () can be attached to the skin ().51044143ad. Structural component () according to claim 4 , characterised in that the receiving stand () has a foot portion () which can be attached to the skin () claim 4 , and a receiving portion () which is configured for receiving the hollow profile ().61010534. Structural component () according to either or claim 4 , characterised in that the structural component () also has a clamp () by which the hollow profile () is attached to the receiving stand ().7104. Structural component () according to any one of to claim 4 , characterised in that the receiving stand () is produced from titanium.810383. Structural component () according to at least one of the preceding claims claim 4 , characterised in ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Fluid Delivery Assembly (1-In, Combined with Centering Stop)

Номер: US20130192686A1

The invention provides a fluid delivery assembly for use with a water discharge fixture, such as a faucet. The fluid delivery assembly includes a tube assembly, a housing and a retaining assembly. The fluid delivery assembly provides for water flow from hot and cold water inlets to the faucet. The fluid delivery assembly may be assembled by hand without the need for tools, allowing for easy replacement of the fluid delivery assembly without the need to disassemble the faucet assembly, or to replace the entire faucet assembly. 1300300. A fluid delivery assembly () for use with a fluid discharge fixture , the fluid delivery assembly () comprising:{'b': '320', 'a housing () comprising at least one fluid inlet and at least one fluid outlet;'}{'b': 310', '340', '310', '350', '310', '320, 'at least one tube assembly () defining at least one fluid flow path, wherein a first portion () of the tube assembly () is configured to connect to a fluid source line, and wherein a second portion () of the tube assembly () is configured to connect to the housing (); and'}{'b': 330', '310', '320', '375', '330', '320', '310', '375, 'a retaining assembly () to secure the tube assembly () and the housing (), wherein a securing member () of the retaining assembly () is configured to be engaged or disengaged by hand without the use of tools, and wherein the housing (), the tube assembly () and the securing member () are separate components that are not integrally formed together.'}2300325500. The fluid delivery assembly () of claim 1 , further comprising a cartridge housing () configured to receive a fluid flow cartridge ().3300310320. The fluid delivery assembly () of claim 1 , wherein the tube assembly () is comprised of PERT plastic tubing and the housing () is comprised of plastic.4300330. The fluid delivery assembly () of claim 3 , wherein the retaining assembly () comprises:{'b': 375', '310', '375', '370', '375', '315', '315, 'the securing member () that is a portion of the tube ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Fixture and Installation Method for a Pitched Pipe System

Номер: US20130192705A1
Принадлежит: The Midsun Group, Inc.

An apparatus, system and method of installation of a pipe in fixed association with at least one stanchion, said stanchion having a universal pipe mount for fixing the distance from a pipe inserted into the pipe holder to a mounting surface, and when two or more stanchions and associated pipe holders are used to insert a pipe, the distance between the pipe holders and the mounting surface create a pitch of the pipe in the direction of the sink and away from the source of a liquid insures the proper rate of gravitational flow of the liquid therein. 1. An apparatus for a piping system comprising: a first stanchion , having a dovetail at the head , and a second stanchion having an associated dovetail receiving slot at the foot , said dovetail and receiving slot cooperating for mating said first and second stanchions , and whereby at least one stanchion is fixed to a mounting surface and is fixed to a pipe mount for establishing a distance from the pipe holder to the mounting surface creating a pitch of the pipeline in the direction of the sink and away from the source of a liquid to insure the proper rate of gravitational flow.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second stanchion is mated to the first stanchion utilizing a bracket having a receiving slot to accept the first stanchion dovetail and having a dovetail to accept a receiving slot of the second stanchion.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the material of manufacture of the stanchion is one of: Polyoxymethylene claim 1 , polyvinyl chloride PVC claim 1 , chlorinated polyvinyl chloride CPVC claim 1 , cast iron claim 1 , or copper.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a pipe holder is secured to the one or more stanchions using an adapter secured by the stanchion claim 1 , said adapter having a dovetail slot to accept a pipe holder having a dovetail slot.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the pipe holder having a dovetail slot is shaped as a U-channel.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the pipe ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199640A1
Принадлежит: Dyson Technology Limited

A fixture for delivering a first fluid over the basin of a sink includes a supply inlet and a delivery outlet for the fluid, the inlet connected to the outlet through a hollow body of the fixture, the hollow body including two straight, hollow metal tubes: a first tube arranged to be mounted next to the basin of the sink in use, and a second tube joined to the wall of the first tube so as to project out over the basin of the sink in use. One or more inserts are provided inside the first metal tube and together define a curved elbow duct inside the first metal tube for guiding the fluid from the first metal tube into the second metal tube. The tubes can be cut at relatively low cost from conventional rolled steel tubing, and the curved elbow duct limits pressure losses inside the first tube. 1. A fixture for delivering a first fluid over the basin of a sink , the fixture comprising a supply inlet for the fluid and a delivery outlet for the fluid , the inlet being connected to the outlet through a hollow body of the fixture , the hollow body comprising two straight , hollow metal tubes: a first tube arranged to be mounted next to the basin of the sink in use , and a second tube joined to the wall of the first tube so as to project out over the basin of the sink in use , one or more inserts being provided inside the first metal tube , which inserts together define a curved elbow duct inside the first metal tube for guiding the fluid from the first metal tube into the second metal tube.2. The fixture of for additionally delivering a second fluid over the basin of the sink claim 1 , the fixture comprising a second delivery outlet for delivery of the second fluid claim 1 , the second delivery outlet arranged for connection to a supply of the second fluid.3. The fixture of claim 2 , wherein the second delivery outlet is connected to the supply of second fluid via a pipe which runs through the curved elbow duct.4. The fixture of claim 1 , wherein the inserts extend into the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199653A1

A line guide system guides supply lines between a first body and a second body that are rotatable with respect to each other from a first rotation condition into a second rotation condition. A plurality of guiding lines respectively receive the supply lines, wherein respective ends of the guiding lines are disposed in first and second fixation portions axially spaced from each other with respect to a common rotational axis. The guiding lines form first and second coil-like segments when the line guide system is moved into the first rotation condition, which segments each extend at least partially around the rotational axis and are connected to each other via an arc-shaped connecting segment. When the line guide system is moved into the second rotation condition, the respective arc-shaped connecting elements unravel such that the guiding lines each have a coil-like extension on the whole along the first coiling direction. 1. A line guide system for receiving and guiding supply lines between a first body and a second body , which can be rotated with respect to each other about a common rotational axis across a rotational angle area such that the line guide system can be moved from a first rotation condition into a second rotation condition , the line guide system having a guiding line guiding the supply lines , the first end of which being fixed to the first body in a first fixation portion and the second end of which being fixed to the second body in a second fixation portion , the first fixation portion and the second fixation portion being axially spaced apart from each other with respect to the common rotational axis ,wherein a plurality of elastic guiding lines is provided for respectively receiving supply lines, respective first ends of the guiding lines being disposed in the first fixation portion and respective second ends of the guiding lines being disposed in the second fixation portion,wherein the guiding lines are configured to respectively form a first ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206929A1

An electrical cable holder has a holder body having a fixing device (for example, anchor part) and a fastening part positioned beneath the fixing device (for example, anchor part) for provisionally placing an electrical cable (for example, power transmission cable); and a movable arm movably supported on the holder body for fastening the electrical cable (for example, power transmission cable) provisionally placed in the fastening part, between the movable arm and the fastening part. A lock device for locking the movable arm in a fastening state, in which the electrical cable (for example, power transmission cable) is fastened by the fastening part, is provided between the movable arm and the fastening part. A stationary device for maintaining a non-fastening state is provided between the holder body and the movable arm. 1. An electrical cable holder for fixing an electrical cable on an attachment-receiving object , comprising:a holder body having a fixing device for fixing to the attachment-receiving object, and a fastening part positioned below the fixing device for provisionally placing the electrical cable; anda movable arm movably supported on the holder body for fastening the electrical cable provisionally placed in the fastening part, between the movable arm and the fastening part,wherein a lock device for locking the movable arm in a fastening state, in which the electrical cable is fixed by the fastening part, is provided between the movable arm and the fastening part; anda stationary device for maintaining a non-fastening state is provided between the holder body and the movable arm.2. An electrical cable holder according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment-receiving object is provided with an attachment hole for fixing the fixing device; andthe fixing device is capable of attaching an attachment accommodating variation of a shape of the attachment hole.3. An electrical cable holder according to claim 1 , wherein either one of a shaft part or a shaft hole ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Cable protection and guide device

Номер: US20130212997A1
Автор: Shoichiro Komiya
Принадлежит: Tsubakimoto Chain Co

A cable protection and guide device capable of preventing abrasion powder that is otherwise generated when a link side plate slides on a support surface while switching between a linear position and a flexional position. The link side plate integrally includes: a front side plate portion connected to a longitudinally preceding link side plate to form a cable flexional inner circumferential side; a rear side plate portion connected to a longitudinally succeeding link side plate to form a cable flexional outer circumferential side; and, a flexible linkage portion interposed between the front and rear side plate portions. The rear side plate portion includes a first flexional outer circumferential end surface in an arc shape and provided on the cable flexional outer circumferential side, and, an arc center of the first flexional outer circumferential end surface longitudinally preceding a center of the linkage portion of the succeeding link side plate.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130212998A1
Автор: KOMIYA Shoichiro

A cable protection and guide device is capable of preventing noise and abrasion powder generated by a flexion outer circumferential connecting arm and avoiding disconnection of the arm. The device includes: a number of link frame bodies each having link side plates each having a front side plate portion connected longitudinally to a preceding link side plate to form a cable flexion inner circumferential side; a rear side plate portion connected longitudinally to a succeeding link side plate to form a cable flexion outer circumferential side; and, a flexible linkage portion interposed between the front and rear side plate portions. The link frame body also includes a flexion outer circumferential-side connecting arm whose flexion outer circumferential-side surface is provided so as to be closer to the cable flexion inner circumferential side than a flexion outer circumferential edge of the rear side plate portion. 1. A cable protection and guide device having a number of link frame bodies connected to each other in a cable longitudinal direction between a cable movable end and a cable fixed end , comprising:each of said link frame bodies includes an interior, said cable residing in said interior of said number of number of link frame bodies;each of said link frame bodies taking a linear position in which said device is in contact with a support surface of a support and a flexional position in which said device is spaced from the support surface;each of said link frame bodies includes: a pair of laterally spaced apart link side plates; said link side plates form a flexional circumferential bend having a flexional inner circumferential side and a flexional outer circumferential side; each of said pair of spaced apart link side plates integrally includes: a front side plate portion connected to a preceding link side plate in said cable longitudinal direction to form a flexional inner circumferential side, a rear side plate portion connected to a succeeding link side ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214099A1
Автор: Okumura Masahiro

A power supply apparatus () for sliding door includes a flat cable (), a vehicle body side attachment () that supports the flat cable () in the vehicle body () side, and a door side attachment () that supports the flat cable () in the sliding door () side. The vehicle body side attachment () supports the flat cable () such that a longitudinal direction of the flat cable () has a predetermined first inclination angle relative to a horizontal plane. The door side attachment () supports the flat cable () such that the longitudinal direction of the flat cable () has a predetermined second inclination angle relative to the horizontal plane. The vehicle body side attachment () and the door side attachment () support the flat cable () such that a thickness direction of the flat cable () is substantially in parallel with the horizontal plane. 1. A power supply apparatus for sliding door configured to electrically connect a vehicle body side to a sliding door side , the power supply apparatus for sliding door comprising:a flat cable;a vehicle body side attachment that supports the flat cable in the vehicle body side; anda door side attachment that supports the flat cable in the sliding door side,whereinthe vehicle body side attachment supports the flat cable such that a longitudinal direction of the flat cable has a predetermined first inclination angle relative to a horizontal plane,the door side attachment supports the flat cable such that the longitudinal direction of the flat cable has a predetermined second inclination angle relative to the horizontal plane,the vehicle body side attachment and the door side attachment support the flat cable such that a thickness direction of the flat cable is substantially in parallel with the horizontal plane.2. The power supply apparatus for sliding door according to claim 1 , whereinthe first inclination angle and the second inclination angle are determined such that at least a part of the flat cable is suspended vertically downward ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214101A1
Автор: Daniel Kevin M.

A bracket for gathering and retaining flexible conduits and including a superstructure having an upper frame and lower extending stem. A pedestal seating the stem so that the frame is supported thereupon, with an underside of the pedestal adhering to a location associated with an application to which the conduits are related and in order to prevent bending or kinking of the hoses. 1. A bracket for gathering and retaining any number of flexible conduits , comprising:a superstructure including an upper frame and lower extending stem;a pedestal seating said stem so that said frame is supported thereupon; andan underside of said pedestal adhering to a location associated with an application to which the conduits are related and in order to prevent bending or kinking thereof2. The bracket as described in claim 1 , said upper frame further comprising a multi-sided perimeter extending portion including at least a rectangular shape and so as to define an open interior through which any number of the flexible conduits are routed.3. The bracket as described in claim 1 , further comprising said superstructure having a specified shape and size and being constructed of any suitable material claim 1 , such as including a lightweight metal or a hard plastic.4. The bracket as described in claim 1 , said superstructure further comprising a vertically extending channel extending upwardly from an underside communicating location of said stem.5. The bracket as described in claim 4 , further comprising a receptacle defined in said superstructure in communication with said vertically extending channel claim 4 , a nut seating within said receptacle such that an interiorly threaded pattern associated with said nut is in alignment with said channel for receiving an exteriorly threaded shaft of an underside inserted fastener supported within said pedestal.6. The bracket as described in claim 5 , said superstructure further comprising rib supports surrounding said nut receiving and integrally ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Angle Block Apparatus and Methods of Using Thereof

Номер: US20130214221A1
Автор: Boisclair Brian

An angle block apparatus and method of stringing cable is provided. The apparatus includes an angle block frame having an enclosed frame perimeter structure. A rotatable roller wheel is connected to the angle block frame and positioned interior of the enclosed frame perimeter structure. A connector is affixed to the angle block frame and sized to retain the angle block frame in a substantially stationary position. The method of stringing cable includes, in part, disconnecting a sled carrying the cable from a messenger wire trolley. The sled and cable attached thereto is then moved through the angle block frame from a first side to a second side of the angle block frame. The trolley is moved from the first side to the second side of the angle block frame without going through the angle block frame. The sled is then reattached to the messenger wire trolley on the second side. 1. An angle block apparatus for overhead transmission and distribution systems , the angle block apparatus comprising:an angle block frame having an enclosed frame perimeter structure;at least one roller wheel connected to the angle block frame and positioned interior of the enclosed frame perimeter structure, wherein the at least one roller wheel is rotatable about an axis; anda connector affixed to the angle block frame and sized to retain the angle block frame in a substantially stationary position.2. The angle block apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of connectors claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of connectors is affixed to a distinct side of the enclosed frame perimeter structure.3. The angle block apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the connector connects the angle block frame in a substantially stationary position to a support bracket of a utility pole.4. The angle block apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the angle block frame is oriented in an angular position claim 3 , wherein in the angular position claim 3 , the axis of the at least one rotatable roller wheel is ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219852A1
Автор: KOMIYA Shoichiro

A device capable of correcting the relatively twisted positional relationship of mutually adjacent link frame bodies, and precisely place the link frame bodies at appropriate positions. A link side plate includes a rear side plate portion having first and second linear position holding surfaces respectively at rear and front sides thereof in a longitudinal direction. The first linear position holding surface has a convex shape formed with two faces whose attitudes are mutually different with respect to a lateral direction. The second linear position holding surface has a concave shape formed with two faces whose attitudes are mutually different with respect to the lateral direction. 1. A cable protection and guide device having a number of link frame bodies connected to each other in a cable longitudinal direction between a cable movable end and a cable fixed end , comprising:each of said link frame bodies includes an interior, said cable residing in said interior of said number of number of link frame bodies;each of said link frame bodies taking a linear position in which said device is in contact with a support surface of a support and a flexional position in which said device is spaced from the support surface;each of said link frame bodies includes: a pair of laterally spaced apart link side plates;said link side plates form a flexional circumferential bend having a flexional inner circumferential side and a flexional outer circumferential side; each of said spaced apart link side plates integrally includes: a front side plate portion connected to a preceding link side plate in said cable longitudinal direction to form a flexional inner circumferential side, a rear side plate portion connected to a succeeding link side plate in said cable longitudinal direction to form a flexional outer circumferential side, and, a flexible linkage portion interposed between said front side plate portion and said rear side plate portion;a flexional outer circumferential side ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220328A1

An apparatus () for managing a gas delivery conduit () of a respiratory therapy includes a socket member () having a main body portion () and a first coupling portion (). The main body portion is structured to receive and hold a portion of the gas delivery conduit in a manner such that the gas delivery conduit slides along the main body portion. Main body portion include an attachment member having clip member () and a second coupling portion (). The socket member and the attachment member attach to one another through coupling of the first coupling portion and the second coupling portion. The socket member and the attachment member rotate relative to one another when the socket member and the attachment member are attached. 1. An apparatus for managing a gas delivery conduit of a respiratory therapy system , comprising:a socket member having a main body portion and a first coupling portion, the main body portion being structured to receive and hold a portion of such a gas delivery conduit in a manner wherein the gas delivery conduit is able to slide along the main body portion; andan attachment member having a clip member and a second coupling portion, wherein the first coupling :portion comprises a first post member extending from the main body portion and having a first bore, wherein a first magnet is positioned within the first bore, wherein the second coupling portion comprises a second post member extending from the clip member and having a second bore, wherein a second magnet is positioned within the second bore, wherein the socket member and the attachment member are selectively attachable to one another through coupling of the first post member to the second post member and magnetic attraction between the first magnet and the second magnet resulting from coupling of the first post member to the second post member, and wherein the socket member and the attachment member are able to rotate relative to one another responsive to the socket member and the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Pipe Support System and Method for Use in Underground Pipe Ramming

Номер: US20130221188A1
Принадлежит: MPC Bedrock Montana, LLC

A method of driving a pipe into the ground includes steps of placing a pipe to be driven into the ground onto a series of at least two spaced skids each having an upwardly opening cradle thereon so that the pipe spans and is supported by the skid cradles, one skid proximate a front end of the pipe and the other skid proximate a rear end of the pipe, each skid including a vertical jack mechanism for raising and lowering the pipe supported by the skid, positioning the pipe in a position for ramming into the ground by operating the vertical jack mechanisms as needed to raise the pipe into the ramming position, and ramming the pipe using an impact ramming tool applied to push the pipe into the ground. 1. A skid for positioning a pipe or a piece of earth boring comprising:a first frame;a second frame slidably mounted on the first frame, the second frame forming a rectangular trough having an open upper end;an upwardly opening cradle resting in the open upper end of the rectangular tough of the second frame that supports the pipe or the piece of earth boring equipment;a first vertical jack mechanism attached to a first end of the first frame and a first end of the second frame;a second vertical jack mechanism attached to a second end of the first frame and a second end of the second frame; andthe first and second vertical jack mechanisms raise and lower the second frame and the upwardly opening cradle supporting the pipe or the earth boring equipment to a desired position.2. The skid of claim 1 , wherein the first and second jack vertical mechanisms each comprise a hydraulic cylinder.34-. (canceled)5. The skid of claim 1 , further comprising a horizontal jack mechanism attached to the second frame and the upwardly opening cradle claim 1 , wherein the horizontal jack mechanism moves the upwardly opening cradle in a horizontal direction.6. (canceled)7. The skid of claim 1 , wherein the desired position is a level position above a ground.810-. (canceled)11. The skid of claim ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228231A1

A mounting for an injector includes at least one main body and a cap jointly or commonly forming a receptacle for the injector. The main body is formed of metal sheets which are connected to each other and together form at least one annular chamber which extends around the receptacle. In particular, a mounting for an injector is provided, which has a simple technical construction and can be cooled (optionally in a controlled manner). Moreover, the mounting has a particularly lightweight construction and is adapted to operation with considerable temperature differences. An injection device integrated in a mounting is also provided. 1. A mounting for an injector , the mounting comprising:at least one main body and a cap jointly forming a receptacle for the injector;said at least one main body being formed by interconnected metal sheets together forming at least one annular chamber extending around said receptacle.2. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has a housing claim 1 , and said at least one annular chamber is at least partially formed by said housing.3. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said metal sheets of said at least one main body are deep-drawn components being brazed to one another.4. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has a housing claim 1 , and said at least one main body is adhesively bonded or crimped to said housing.5. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has an electric motor claim 1 , and said at least one annular chamber has a widening in which said electric motor is at least partially positioned.6. The mounting according to claim 1 , wherein said injector is integrated in the mounting and has an electrical terminal leading out of the mounting between said at least one main body and said cap.7. The mounting according to claim 1 , which further comprises a cooling medium ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130233981A1

The invention is directed to a combined protector and hose support device for a containment berm including an elongate bracket configured to be removably attached to the rim of the containment berm, and a saddle pivotally mounted to the bracket to engage the hose. 1. A device for mounting on a containment berm and supporting a hose , the device comprising:an elongate bracket configured to be attached to the rim of the containment berm, and a saddle pivotally mounted to the bracket to engage the hose.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bracket comprises an upper portion and parallel opposed side walls forming a channel on the underside of the bracket.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the upper portion defines a plurality of apertures to receive attachment means.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising an elongate plate having a length substantially similar to the length of the bracket and throughholes for alignment with the apertures of the upper portion.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the bracket includes a neck which extends upwardly from one end of the upper portion and supports a downwardly sloping support member.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the support member is oriented perpendicularly to the upper portion and side walls claim 5 , and has first and second arms which protrude past the edges of the side walls.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein the first and second arms are inclined downwardly at an angle less than 90 degrees relative to the neck.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the angle ranges from about 20 degrees to less than about 90 degrees.9. The device of claim 7 , wherein the second arm is inclined downwardly at an angle which is less than the angle at which the first arm is inclined relative to the neck.10. The device of claim 6 , wherein the support member comprises aligned bores for receiving attachment means.11. The device of claim 1 , wherein the saddle comprises a substantially semi-circular collar adapted to complementarily ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Pipe assembly for differential pressure sensor

Номер: US20130240075A1
Автор: Xu Yang

A pipe assembly includes an enclosure and two pipes. The enclosure includes a bottom panel and a first side panel. The first side panel includes a side panel body, a first securing tab, and a second securing tab extending from the side panel body. The first securing tab and the second securing tab are located on opposite sides of the side panel body. The first securing tab defines a first securing hole. The second securing tab defines a second securing hole. Two first elastic gaskets are mounted in the first and second securing holes. Each elastic gasket defines a first through opening. Each pipe includes a pipe body and an input portion. The pipe bodies extend through the first through opening of each elastic gasket, thereby being secured to the enclosure. The two input portions are substantially parallel to each other and substantially parallel to the side panel body.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130240263A1
Автор: Onodi Tamas
Принадлежит: Woertz AG

A cable tray preserving cable support functionality under fire impact, including a bed for laying and supporting at least one cable. The bed is made from fire resistant textile woven material which is embedded in resin. The textile woven material is provided on both sides with respect to the longitudinal direction of the cable tray with a fire resistant attachment device. The attachment devices are coupled to the textile woven material, wherein, with burned-off resin, the attachment devices remain coupled to the textile woven material to take up tension force from the textile woven material when the textile woven material extends like a hammock between the attachment devices to still support the at least one cable. An installation kit for an electrical installation, and an electrical installation with cable trays of this sort are also described. 1. A cable tray preserving cable support functionality under fire impact ,wherein the cable tray comprises a bed for laying and supporting at least one cable, which bed extends over a length of the cable tray,wherein the bed is made from fire resistant textile woven material which is embedded in resin and the textile woven material is provided on both sides with respect to the longitudinal direction of the cable tray with a fire resistant attachment device,wherein the attachment devices are coupled to the textile woven material, wherein, with burned-off resin, the attachment devices remain coupled to the textile woven material to take up tension force from the textile woven material when the textile woven material extends like a hammock between the attachment devices to still support the at least one cable.2. The cable tray according to claim 1 ,wherein the textile woven material is electrically non-conductive, andwherein the textile woven material is configured to form an electrically insulating support for the cable which support extends over the entire length of the cable tray when the resin and the cable insulation have ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130248661A1
Автор: Honeycutt Rob
Принадлежит: SNIK LLC

A headset cord holder comprises a body and a first groove built into the body configured to receive and releasably hold a headset cord. In some embodiments, the first groove has a diameter less than or equal to approximately 2 mm. In further embodiments, the body is integrally formed within the teeth of a zipper. In some embodiments the body comprises one or more of rubber, plastic and metal. In some embodiments, the body comprises one or more of stamped metal and molded metal. In further embodiments, the body comprises molded plastic. In some embodiments, the body comprises one or more additional grooves configured to receive and releasably secure the headset cord. 1. A headset cord holder comprising:a. a plurality of zipper teeth each having a body; andb. a first groove built into one or more of the bodies configured to receive and releasably hold a cord, wherein the groove is offset from a closest edge of a portion of zipper tape.2. The headset cord holder of claim 1 , wherein the first groove has a diameter less than or equal to approximately 2 mm.3. The headset cord holder of claim 1 , wherein each body comprises one or more of rubber claim 1 , plastic or metal.4. The headset cord holder of claim 1 , wherein each body comprises one or more of stamped metal or molded metal5. The headset cord holder of claim 1 , wherein each body comprises molded plastic.6. The headset cord holder of claim 1 , wherein each body comprises one or more additional grooves configured to receive and releasably secure the headset cord.7. The headset cord holder of claim 6 , wherein the one or more additional grooves each have a different diameter.8. The headset cord holder of claim 1 , wherein the teeth comprise a first portion and a second portion claim 1 , wherein each first body of the first portion has a first groove of a first diameter and each second body of the second portion has a second groove of a second diameter.10. The headset cord holder of claim 9 , wherein the first ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255817A1
Автор: KUME Hirokazu
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

An umbilical member treatment device () includes a pipe member () which is attached to a second engaging member () coaxially with the rotational axis and umbilical member fastening parts at both a first engaging member () and the second engaging member, the umbilical member fastening parts fastening the plurality of umbilical members so that at one end or both ends of the pipe member, the plurality of umbilical members form approximately U-shapes, at the umbilical member fastening parts, at least two umbilical members among the plurality of umbilical members being arranged adjoining each other in a ribbon shape, all of the at least two umbilical members being made to abut on an inner circumferential surface near one end or both ends of the pipe member within a range of relative rotational angle between the first engaging member and second engaging member. 1. An umbilical member treatment device which passes a plurality of umbilical members between a first engaging member and a second engaging member which are engaged with each other and which rotate relative to each other about a predetermined rotational axis of a robot , comprising:a pipe member which is attached to said second engaging member coaxially with said rotational axis and through the inside of which said plurality of umbilical members pass andumbilical member fastening parts at both said first engaging member and said second engaging member, said umbilical member fastening parts fastening said plurality of umbilical members so that at one end or both ends of said pipe member, said plurality of umbilical members form approximately U-shapes or approximately J-shapes,at said umbilical member fastening parts, at least two umbilical members among said plurality of umbilical members being arranged adjoining each other in a ribbon shape,all of said at least two umbilical members being made to abut on an inner circumferential surface near one end or both ends of said pipe member within a range of relative ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256212A1

A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line, at least one filtration flow path extending between the main raw fluid supply line and main filtered fluid collecting line, each at least one filtration flow path configured with a filtering assembly comprising a three or more filter units extending from a manifold configured on the filtration flow path and being in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line. 1. A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line , at least one filtration flow path extending between said main raw fluid supply line and main filtered fluid collecting line , each at least one filtration flow path configured with a filtering assembly comprising a three or more filter units extending from a manifold configured on said filtration flow path and being in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line.2. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the manifold extends coaxial with the filtration flow path.3. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein a longitudinal axis of the manifold extends in a plane defined by the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line and intersecting the longitudinal axis of the raw fluid supply line and of the main filtered fluid collecting line.4. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line extend parallel to one another.5. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line extend substantially horizontally.6. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal axis of the manifold extends substantially vertically.7. A filtration array according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256213A1

A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line, at least one filtration flow path extending between the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line; each of the at least one filtration flow path is configured with a filtering assembly comprising a pair of filter units coaxially extending from a common manifold configured on the filtration flow path and is in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line, each of the filter units comprising a plurality of parallely disposed filter members. 1. A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line , at least one filtration flow path extending between said main raw fluid supply line and main filtered fluid collecting line , each at least one filtration flow path configured with a filtering assembly comprising a pair of filter units coaxially extending from a common manifold configured on said filtration flow path and being in flow communication with the main raw fluid supply line and the main filtered fluid collecting line , each of the filter units comprising a plurality of parallely disposed filter members.2. A filtration array comprising a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line with at least one filtering assembly disposed therebetween; each of said at least one filtering assembly comprising two coaxially extending filter units radially extending from a common manifold and extending in flow communication with a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line , each of the filter units comprising a plurality of parallely disposed filter members.3. A filtering assembly for mounting between a main raw fluid supply line and a main filtered fluid collecting line; said filtering assembly comprising two filter units coaxially and radially extending from a common manifold configured for being in ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130256468A1
Автор: Han Young-Gon

A device for fixing a hydraulic pipe of a boom swing type excavator includes a swing support, which is connected to the front end of an upper swing body so as to swing, a working device, which is rotatably fixed to the swing support, a first hydraulic pipe supporting hole formed in a top plate of the upper swing member so that a hydraulic pipe passes therethrough from the control valve in the upper swing member, and a second hydraulic pipe supporting hole formed in a top plate of the swing support at a position corresponding to the first hydraulic pipe supporting hole, limiting the shaking of the hydraulic pipe in the right and left directions when the working device swings, and guiding displacement in the vertical direction. 1. A hydraulic pipe fixing device of a boom swing type excavator , which includes a swing support swingably connected to a front end portion of an upper swing structure , and a work apparatus rotatably fixed on the swing support , the hydraulic pipe fixing device comprising:a first hydraulic pipe support hole formed on an upper plate of the upper swing structure and configured to allow a hydraulic pipe to pass therethrough from a control valve inside the upper swing structure, anda second hydraulic pipe support hole formed on an upper plate of the swing support at a position corresponding to the first hydraulic pipe support hole and configured to limit a horizontal movement of the hydraulic pipe when the work apparatus is pivotally rotated in a horizontal direction or shaken (or jerked) in a vertical direction relative to the upper swing structure and to guide a vertical displacement of the hydraulic pipe.2. A hydraulic pipe fixing device of a boom swing type excavator , which includes a swing support swingably connected to a front end portion of an upper swing structure , and a work apparatus rotatably fixed on the swing support , the hydraulic pipe fixing device comprising:a first hydraulic pipe support hole formed on an upper plate of the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Expansion Splice Plate for a Cable Tray Run

Номер: US20130264433A1

A cable tray expansion splice plate for connecting first and second cable tray sections end-to-end is disclosed. The splice plate includes an elongate body having a central section, an upper flange section, and a lower flange section. In one embodiment, the lower flange section defines a channel for receiving components of the first and second cable tray sections such that the lower flange section underlies the components. Fastener openings in the central section receive fasteners to fasten the body to the cable tray sections. These openings include slots which permit the cable tray sections to move relative to one another in a longitudinal direction. 1. A cable tray assembly comprising:a first cable tray section including two parallel rails forming sides of the first cable tray section and a first longitudinal end;a second cable tray section including two parallel rails forming sides of the second cable tray section and a second longitudinal end; and an elongate body having a length extending between opposite ends, and a generally planar central section,', 'a first set of fastener openings in the central section of a first longitudinal portion of the body and a first set of fasteners received in the respective fastener openings of the first set of fastener openings fastening the central section of the first longitudinal portion of the body to the first cable tray section, each fastener opening of the first set of fastener openings comprising a slot having a major axis extending lengthwise of the body to permit movement of the cable tray sections relative to one another in a direction extending longitudinally of the cable tray sections,', 'a second set of fastener openings in the central section of the first longitudinal portion of the body spaced apart from the first set of fastener openings along the length of the body and a second set of fasteners received in the respective fastener openings of the second set of fastener openings fastening the central section of ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264436A1
Принадлежит: MAQUET SAS

An articulated arm comprises first and second coplanar members comprising first and second toothed portions meshed with one another and separated by an intermediate piece to which each member is connected by a first, second pivot connection from first, second axes, the intermediate piece being monobloc and having a central body integral with a first and a second shaft defining the first and second axes, the first and second shafts being separated by an opening through the central body and able to allow the passage of a cable kept away from the first and second toothed portions by the closed outline of the opening. 1. An articulated arm in particular for an electrical appliance , comprising at least first and second coplanar members separated by an intermediate piece to which each member is connected respectively by a first and a second pivot connection allowing their relative swiveling about first and second axes parallel to one another , said first and second members comprising respectively first and second circular toothed portions able to swivel about said first and second axes and arranged to mesh with one another , said articulated arm comprising a cable extending from said first member to said second member up to said electrical appliance , wherein said intermediate piece is monobloc and comprises a central body integral with a first and a second shaft defining said first and second axes , said first and second shafts being separated by a closed-outline opening through the central body , in that said cable extends through said opening in said monobloc intermediate piece so that said cable is kept away from said first and second toothed portions by the closed outline of said opening.2. The articulated arm according to claim 1 , wherein said opening has an oblong shape whose length is oriented from said first to said second axis claim 1 , perpendicularly to said first and second axes.3. The articulated arm according to claim 1 , wherein the center distance ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for uniform pumping within a substrate process chamber

Номер: US20130284287A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials Inc

Substrate supports for use in process chambers having limited physical space for configuring chamber components are disclosed. In some embodiments, a substrate support may include a body having a support surface; a utilities feed coupled to the body and comprising a second portion coupled to and extending laterally away from the body beyond a diameter of the body, and first portion coupled to the second portion and extending perpendicularly away from the body; and a cover plate movably disposable beneath and with respect to the body between a first position disposed completely beneath the body, and a second position wherein the cover plate is disposed over the first portion of the utilities feed and includes a first portion disposed beneath the body, and wherein the first portion has a curved edge having a radius equal to the distance from a central axis of the support surface to the curved edge.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284862A1
Автор: Lim Gyaun Bin

The present invention relates to a clamp for fastening a sprinkler to a support mounted on a ceiling. The clamp is formed by bending an iron piece into a square box shape, wherein the left and right sides of the square box are open such that the support is pushed and inserted into the space formed between the upper and lower surfaces of the square box. The clamp comprises: coupling openings formed through the upper and lower surfaces of the clamp such that the sprinkler is inserted into the coupling openings; an inlet/outlet opening formed by cutting out one of said left and right sides such that the sprinkler can be inserted into the coupling openings; reinforcement ribs formed around the coupling openings formed through the upper and lower surfaces of the clamp; a bolt hole formed through the front surface of the clamp, in front of the coupling openings, such that a bolt can be fastened into the bolt hole; said bolt which fastened into the bolt hole; and a tight contact piece interposed between the bolt and the sprinkler inserted into the coupling openings. 1. A sprinkler clamp formed in a square box shape , the side surfaces of which are opened , by bending an iron sheet so that a support may be pressed and inserted into a space formed between the upper and the lower surfaces of the sprinkler clamp , the sprinkler clamp comprising:coupling holes formed through the upper and lower surfaces of the sprinkler clamp so that a sprinkler is coupled with the coupling holes;an entrance formed by cutting one side surface of the sprinkler clamp so as to insert the sprinkler into the coupling holes;reinforcement ribs formed around the coupling holes of the upper and lower surfaces of the sprinkler clamp;a bolt hole formed through the front surface of the sprinkler clamp in front of the coupling holes;a bolt fastened to the bolt hole; anda tight contact piece located between the bolt and the sprinkler inserted into the coupling holes.2. The sprinkler clamp according to claim ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294018A1
Принадлежит: NEC Display Solutions Ltd

A cable holder includes a holder body, and first and second arm sections that extend from the holder body, and extend in mutually approaching, intersecting directions so as to enclose a housing space for housing a cable. The first arm section has a first oblique section at a tip part thereof, and the second arm section has a second oblique section at a tip part thereof. The first and second oblique sections are inclined in mutually reverse directions, face each other, and are arranged with a gap therebetween. 1. A cable holder comprising:a holder body; andfirst and second arm sections that extend from the holder body, and extend in mutually approaching, intersecting directions so as to enclose a housing space for housing a cable,the first arm section having a first oblique section at a tip part thereof, and the second arm section having a second oblique section at a tip part thereof,the first and second oblique sections inclined in mutually reverse directions, facing each other, and arranged with a gap therebetween.2. The cable holder according to claim 1 , wherein each of the first oblique section of the first arm section and the second oblique section of the second arm section is provided with a bump protruding into the gap claim 1 , and the bump of the first oblique section and the bump of the second oblique section are provided such that the bumps are dislocated with each other in a direction in which the gap extends.3. The cable holder according to claim 2 , wherein a distance between the bump of the first oblique section and the bump of the second oblique section is set to be smaller than an outer diameter of the cable.4. The cable holder according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the first oblique section provided at the tip part of the first arm section is gradually become smaller toward a tip of the first oblique section claim 1 , and a width of the second oblique section provided at the tip part of the second arm section is gradually become smaller toward a ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130305514A1

An air transport duct, and sections of such duct, capable of connection to a support by support members and attachment members formed from two mating members. Each section has two terminal open ends and a flange disposed around each open end for connection to a flange of an adjacent section. Each flange includes two relatively transverse receiving channels adjacent to a corner of the flange, and an insertable corner member positioned into the channels. The corner member is attached to the flange by a load-bearing connection, and can support a predetermined portion of a weight of the duct by connection of the corner member to a first mating member connectable to a second mating member secured to a corresponding support member. A method of connecting a duct to a support by forming a load-bearing connection between a corner member and a flange. 1. A method of connecting an air transport duct to a support by means of a plurality of support members located between said duct and said support , said duct comprising a plurality of interconnected duct sections , each of said duct sections comprising two terminal open ends and a flange disposed around each of said open ends for abutting connection to the flange of an adjacent duct section of said duct , each said flange comprising a first receiving channel adjacent to a first corner thereof , a second receiving channel that is generally transverse to said first receiving channel and adjacent said first corner , and a first insertable corner member positioned into said first receiving channel and into said second receiving channel , said method comprising the step of: forming a load-bearing connection between each said first insertable corner member and at least one of said first receiving channel and said second receiving channel into which each said first inserted corner member is positioned , such that each said first insertable corner member is thereafter capable of supporting a predetermined portion of a weight of said ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313374A1
Автор: JR. Joey D., Magno

A clamp comprises a fastener, a clamp body, and a clamp leg. The clamp body comprises a housing including a cavity and a housing cavity; and a curved arm extending from the housing. The clamp leg comprises a leg body including a leg cavity, and a foot member. The clamp body and the clamp leg are attachable to and detachable from each other, and a portion of the leg body can be inserted into or removed from the housing cavity, and when the portion of the leg body is inserted into the housing cavity, the cavity and the leg cavity form a passageway for the fastener so that threads of the fastener are not externally exposed. 1. A clamp comprising:a fastener; a housing including a cavity and a housing cavity; and', 'a curved arm extending from the housing; and, 'a clamp body comprising a leg body including a leg cavity; and', 'a foot member, wherein the clamp body and the clamp leg are attachable to and detachable from each other, and wherein a portion of the leg body can be inserted into or removed from the housing cavity, and wherein when the portion of the leg body is inserted into the housing cavity, the cavity and the leg cavity form a passageway for the fastener., 'a clamp leg comprising2. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the cavity and the housing cavity are annular claim 1 , and a diameter of the cavity is different from a diameter of the housing cavity.3. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the cavity and the leg cavity are annular claim 1 , and a diameter of the cavity is substantially the same as a diameter of the leg cavity.4. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the foot member extends substantially perpendicular relative to the leg body.5. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the foot member comprises:a first member; anda second member, wherein the first member stacks on the second member, and wherein the second member extends further outward relative to the first member to form a step.6. The clamp of claim 1 , wherein the clamp leg further comprises:a tapered portion between ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Service Line Transport and Deployment System

Номер: US20130315676A1
Принадлежит: T&T Engineering Services Inc

The present invention relates to a positioning system for service lines. Generally, the invention relates to a mechanism for the deployment, retraction, and transportation of fixed-length service lines such as electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and communication resources necessary to the operation of a drilling rig used for subterranean exploration. More particularly, the invention provides an extendable cable positioning system for use with drilling rigs where pad drilling will require relatively short distance movements of the drilling rig, and it is desirable to leave the energy resource systems stationary.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319565A1
Принадлежит: Slingmax, Inc.

A high strength, high temperature resistant roundsling for use as a restraint safety device. The roundsling uses a blend of fibers having characteristics of high strength, improved heat resistance, low weight, and improved handibility, as compared to roundslings assembled from non-blended fibers. Use of the roundslings of the present invention to secure sections of pipeline systems, will assist to maintain safety and reduce failure conditions in such pipeline systems that are subject to higher pressures and elevated temperatures. An exemplary and preferred range of the fiber blend for the inventive roundsling device are within a range of 30-70% Para-Aramid fibers and 70-30% LCP fibers, respectively. An exemplary embodiment of the present invention that has been tested is a roundsling manufactured to include a blend of fibers within the approximate range of 55-65% Para-Aramid and 45-35% LCP. 1. A high strength , heat resistant roundsling manufactured from a composite of disparate fibers , being a blend of Para-Aramid fibers and liquid crystal polymer fibers , comprising:a plurality of Para-Aramid fibers, anda plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers,wherein the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers and the plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers are commingled and intertwined such that the plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers are at least in part located in between the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers.2. The high strength claim 1 , heat resistant roundsling according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers is within the approximate range of 30-70% of the roundsling fibers claim 1 , and the plurality of liquid crystal polymer fibers is respectively within the approximate range of 70-30% of the roundsling fibers.3. The high strength claim 1 , heat resistant roundsling according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of Para-Aramid fibers is within the approximate range of 55-65% of the roundsling fibers claim 1 , and the plurality of liquid crystal ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327899A1
Автор: SMITH Roger A.

A support for electrical cables having a nonconductive telescoping pole. A frictional locking collar couples sections of the telescoping pole to one another. The bottom end of the pole fits into a round conical base formed of recycled tires. The top end of the pole is affixed to a nonconductive head that is shaped to cradle electrical cables. 1. A portable support tower for temporarily supporting one or more electrical cables above ground level at a construction site , the support tower comprising:an elongated lightweight member having a proximal end and a distal end, the elongated lightweight member being formed of a nonconductive, rigid first material;a base having a downwardly-extending cavity formed therein, the cavity being sized to accept the proximal end of the elongated lightweight member, the base being formed of a nonconductive second material that provides the base with substantially more mass than the first material provides the lightweight member; anda support head having two or more recesses formed therein, each recess shaped to cradle one or more cables, the support head being removably affixed to the distal end of the elongated lightweight member.2. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the first material is selected from the group consisting of: plastic claim 1 , fiberglass claim 1 , and carbon fiber composite.3. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the elongated lightweight member comprises:a hollow bottom portion; anda top portion sized to move freely inside the hollow bottom portion; andwherein the support tower further comprises a frictional locking collar disposed to encompass both the hollow bottom portion and the top portion and to selectably lock the hollow bottom portion and the top portion in fixed relation to one another.4. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the second material comprises shredded claim 1 , recycled tire rubber.5. The support tower of claim 1 , wherein the support head is affixed to the distal end of the elongated ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327900A1
Автор: BURGIN Clifford Mark

A cable catching and retaining device is described, having a catching and retaining region in the form of a spiral. With introduction of a cable or wire having a connection and/or plug into the spiral region via the entrance to the spiral the connectors or plugs on the cables passing through the region are caught. The spiral cable catching and retaining region is made of wire and is integral with a region of the device in the form of a wire tension spring for securing the device to the edge of a table or work surface. The device may be manufactured using spring forming machines. The spiral region retains catches and retains cables passing through the region by preventing the connectors or plugs on the cables passing through the region. 1. A cable catching and retaining device comprising a catching and retaining region in the form of a spiral having means to introduce a cable or wire comprising a connection and/or plug means , to the spiral catching and retaining region such that the body of the cable effectively passes through the spiral region whilst passage of the connection and/or plug means through the spiral catching and retaining region is prevented.2. The device as claimed in wherein the cable catching and retaining device is arranged so that it may be located within a conventional cable management conduit or grommet associated with a desking or workstation system or with computer or other networking systems.3. The device as claimed in wherein the cable catching and retaining device is integral with a work surface or entertainment surface so as to provide a desk or domestic furniture unit with integral cable catching and retaining function.4. The device as claimed in wherein the cable catching and retaining device is arranged so that it is located within the body of housing of an electronic device.5. The device as claimed in adapted to be incorporated within a wall or building product to provide integral cable catching and retaining device functionality ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Anchor System for Pre-Insulated Piping

Номер: US20140000746A1
Автор: Keyes Thomas Joseph
Принадлежит: Thermacor Process, LP

An anchor system is shown for use with a pre-insulated piping system having an inner steel carrier pipe surrounded by a layer of insulation and then by an outer protective jacket. The anchor system includes an inner carrier pipe for insertion within the length of the piping system at a selected point. A steel anchor sleeve surrounds a portion of the length of carrier pipe and insulation. It terminates at one end at an outwardly flaring anchor plate which is subsequently embedded within a concrete anchor block. A steel end cap is welded to a second, opposite end of the sleeve and to the inner carrier pipe at a point along the length of piping which is outside the concrete anchor block and which is spaced apart from the location of the anchor plate, whereby heat from the high temperature fluids in the piping is transferred to the end cap at a location along the length of piping which is distant from the location of the anchor plate. 1. A method of installing an anchor in a section of pre-insulated piping , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first and second length of insulated and jacketed pipe, each having a joining end to be joined to an end of the other length, each pipe length comprising an inner metal pipe having an interior surface and an exterior surface;applying an envelope of foamed insulation which surrounds the inner pipes exterior surface and envelopes the inner pipes;applying an outer protective jacket which surrounds the envelope of insulation, the joining ends of adjacent pipe lengths being welded together to form fixed joints, whereby the adjacent pipe lengths provide a continuous fluid conduit for conveying high temperature fluids;installing an anchor assembly at a selected location within the length of the piping system, the anchor assembly having an inner carrier pipe for joining with ends of adjacent pipe lengths in the length of piping, including an inner carrier pipe for joining to the joining end of an adjacent length of piping in ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140001315A1

A cable management system for a patch panel component having a connectivity interface configured to connect with cables includes a cable support plate and two cable support brackets. Each cable support bracket includes a support bar, a first bracket and a second bracket. A fastener hingedly attaches the first bracket to the second bracket and is positioned to slideably mount the first and second brackets to the support bar. The first and second brackets include mounting plates that move toward and away from one another when sliding the cable support brackets. The brackets mount to opposed projecting pins on a patch panel. The fastener holds each cable support bracket in the desired position. 1. A cable management system comprising:a cable support plate; a support bar defining an elongated slot;', 'a first bracket including a first mounting plate defining an opening;', 'a second bracket including a second mounting plate defining an opening;', 'a fastener which hingedly attaches the first bracket to the second bracket;', 'the fastener positioned in the elongated slot to slideably mount the first bracket and the second bracket to the support bar;, 'two cable support brackets, one cable support bracket on each end of the cable support plate, each cable support bracket includingwherein the support bar includes an upper rail and a lower rail;wherein the first bracket and the second bracket each include at least one rail to mate with at least one of the upper rail and the lower rail of the support bar;wherein sliding movement of the fastener in the elongated slot causes the first mounting plate and the second mounting plate to move toward and away from one another.2. The cable management system according to claim 1 , further comprising a patch panel with an upper mounting post and a lower mounting post on each end of the patch panel.3. The cable management system according to claim 2 , wherein the first mounting plate is positioned over the lower mounting post and the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Sprinkler Elevating Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20140001316A1
Автор: Shelton Dale

A sprinkler elevating apparatus is provided for use on an irrigation device. The sprinkler elevating apparatus includes a sprinkler support body and a midline hose coupling body. The sprinkler support body is configured to support the sprinkler at an elevated position relative to the irrigation device. The midline hose coupling body is carried by the sprinkler support body. The midline hose coupling body has a contact portion configured to affix to a midline section of a flexible hose drop of the irrigation device. A method is also provided. 1a hose drop body having an elongate contact portion and a central body extending from a medial portion of the elongate contact portion having a contact surface capable of removably supporting the hose drop body in an elevated position, the elongate contact portion configured to support a central portion of a flexible hose having a sprinkler for an irrigation device in an arcuate shape capable of inhibiting kinking of the hose when held in the elevated position.. A hose drop support apparatus for an irrigation sprinkler, comprising: This patent application is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/950,936 filed Nov. 19, 2010, entitled “Sprinkler Elevating Apparatus and Method”, which is a Continuation-In-Part Application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/814,317 filed Jun. 11, 2010, entitled “Apparatus and Method for Supporting a Flexible Hose Sprinkler Head on an Elevated Irrigation Supply Line”, the entirety of each of which is hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention pertains to moving irrigation systems. More particularly, the present invention relates to apparatus and methods for elevating sprinkler heads on a moving irrigation system to accommodate changes in crop height during a crop growing cycle.It is previously known to irrigate crops in large fields using either a center pivot or a linear move irrigation device. Originally, these devices had a spaced-apart array of individual ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014785A1
Автор: LEE Peter

An organiser for an electrical plug and cable extending away from the plug includes a body having a first surface and a three-dimensional second surface. The first surface includes a plurality of openings for receiving the pins of a plug, the openings arranged to permit the reception of the pins of more than one standard plug type. The second surface is configured to allow the cable to be wound therearound and retaining means is provided for holding the cable in its wound condition. 1. An organiser for an electrical plug and cable extending away from the plug , the organiser comprising a body providing a first surface having a plurality of openings for receiving the pins of a plug , the arrangement of the openings permitting the reception of the pins of more than one standard plug type , the body also providing a three-dimensional second surface configured to permit the winding of the cable therearound , there being retaining means for holding the cable in its wound condition around the second surface.2. An organiser as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retaining means comprises a member mounted in a carrier and configured for movement between a cable-retaining position and a non-retaining position.3. An organiser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the retaining means comprises a bar slidably mounted in the carrier for movement between the cable retaining and non-retaining positions.4. An organiser as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the retaining means further comprises a flange extending around the second surface claim 2 , at or adjacent one end thereof claim 2 , to assist retention on the second surface of a cable wound therearound claim 2 ,5. An organiser as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the carrier of the retaining means is provided on the flange claim 4 ,6. An organiser as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the body is of a substantially triangular prismatic form having two opposed substantially triangular end faces claim 1 , and wherein the first surface is defined by one ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Holding Device

Номер: US20140014786A1
Автор: FLUCKE Christian

The invention relates to a holding device () for holding an object () extending along an axis, in particular for holding the capillary holder () of a micromanipulator, with a main body () having a bearing element () which runs parallel to a bearing axis and on which the object () can be mounted in an axis-parallel position in which the axis of the object and the bearing axis (A) of the bearing element run parallel, a fastening mechanism () which is designed in such a way and can be optionally set by the user in at least a first or a second arrangement in such a way that, in the first arrangement of the fastening mechanism, the object () is secured with a force fit on the bearing element () in the axis-parallel position (A) by a first force, such that it is movable by a hand of a user in the axis-parallel position, and in such a way that, in the second arrangement of the fastening mechanism, the object () is fixed on the bearing element in the axis-parallel position (A), wherein the holding device () is designed such that the object (), at least in a third arrangement of the fastening mechanism, can be inserted into and removed from the holding device () by a movement directed perpendicularly with respect to the bearing axis (A). 1122. Holding device () for holding an object () extending along an axis , in particular for holding the capillary holder () of a micromanipulator ,{'b': 3', '4, 'with a main body (, ) having'}{'b': 4', '2, 'a bearing element () which runs parallel to a bearing axis and on which the object () can be mounted in an axis-parallel position in which the axis of the object and the bearing axis (A) of the bearing element run parallel,'}{'b': 4', '5', '6', '7', '8, 'claim-text': [{'b': 2', '4, 'in the first arrangement of the fastening mechanism, the object () can be secured with a force fit on the bearing element () in the axis-parallel position, such that it is held by a first force directed parallel to the axis and, when said first force is ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017098A1
Автор: Lewis Daniel Jay

A float device for use in a body of water includes a float configured to transform between a deflated state and an inflated state. The float includes at least one internal chamber. The float includes a manual inflation value configured to provide a passageway for adding gas to the at least one internal chamber and a deflation valve configured to provide a passageway for releasing gas from the at least one internal chamber. A float attachment member is attached to the float, such that when the float is placed in the body of water, the float attachment member is underwater. 1. A float assembly for supporting an inlet end of a hose in a body of water , comprising:a float configured to transform between a un-inflated configuration, wherein the float has a first dimension and an inflated configuration, wherein the float has a second dimension, the second dimension being greater than the first dimension;at least one internal inflatable chamber located within the float;a mechanism for quickly inflating the float into the inflated state, wherein the mechanism is configured to fluidly couple a source of compressed gas to the at least one internal chamber;a manual inflation valve accessible from an exterior of the float and being configured to provide a fluid passageway to the at least one internal chamber; andan attachment member secured to the float, wherein the inflated configuration is sized to prevent a vortex from drawing air into the inlet end of the hose when it is supported in the body of water by the float.2. The float device according to wherein the float is made of flexible claim 1 , lightweight claim 1 , buoyant material.3. The float device according to wherein the float is made from vinyl.4. The float device according to further comprising:a deflation valve configured to allow fluid to be released from the at least one internal chamber.5. The float assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the source of compressed gas is carbon dioxide.6. The float device ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020358A1
Принадлежит: IGUS GMBH

An energy guiding chain for guiding cables, flexible tubes or the like comprises a plurality of chain links () which are articulated to each other and which each include two lateral straps () and upper and lower cross-members () connecting said lateral straps. For arranging the cross-members for easy pivoting on both lateral straps, while designing the lateral straps as slim as possible, and for guaranteeing smooth and correct sliding of the upper strand on the lower strand, it is provided that both the upper and lower cross-members () include on both ends thereof two cylindrical bearing parts () that can be inserted in pocket-like bearing receivers () arranged on the lateral strap which points towards the respective end of the cross-member, wherein said bearing receivers project on the sides of the lateral straps which point towards the interior of the chain, wherein the lateral straps include snap-action means having a snap tab that cooperates with a locking bar arranged on the respective end of the cross-member (), and wherein the cross-members () on both ends thereof in the axial direction outside of the bearing parts () each include a projection extending in the longitudinal direction of the cross-member () and with a contact surface thereof resting against the side of a lateral strap pointing towards the interior of the chain, in the locking position of the cross-member. 1. Energy guiding chain for guiding cables , flexible tubes or the like from a first connection point to a second connection point , at least one of these two connection points being non-stationary , wherein said energy guiding chain comprises a plurality of synthetic chain links which are or can be articulated to each other and which each include two lateral straps , wherein the lateral straps form mutually opposing strap strands transversely to their longitudinal direction and at least some of said opposing lateral straps are connected to each other by upper and lower cross-members , at ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027583A1
Автор: Vogel Matthijs

An anchoring device for fastening guide wires on a roof has a base. The base has a mounting surface, a support, and carriers to which the wire guides are attached. The carriers are rotatably connected to the support and can be fixed in any desired relative position to the support, so that the anchoring device has many possibilities for holding the guide wires. The support has a number of parts which are present between the carriers, whereby between two adjacent parts of one or more carriers can be clamped. The wire guides are at different distances d and d from the central axis of the support and are at distances D D and D from each other. 1. Anchoring device for attaching at least two guide wires to a wall or ceiling or on a roof , on each of the guide wires a runner is movable with a fuse cable for a person attached to it , the anchoring device comprising:a base provided with a mounting surface, a support, and one or more carriers to which the wire guides are mounted, wherein the carrier or carriers are rotatably connected to the support and can be fixed to the support in any desired position.2. Anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein the support comprises at least two parts claim 1 , between which the carrier or carriers are present claim 1 , wherein between two adjacent parts one or more carriers can be clamped.3. Anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein the base and the support have a rotation-symmetrical shape.4. Anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two of the wire guides are at different distances from a center line of the support.5. Anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a direction parallel to the mounting surface claim 1 , the wire guides are spaced a distance from each other.6. Anchoring device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in a direction at right angles to the mounting surface claim 1 , the at least two of the guide wires are at a distance from each other. The invention relates to an ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034790A1
Автор: McCoy Donald P.

Conduit spacers useful in preparing duct banks with reduced electromagnetic fields (EMF) are disclosed. The conduit spacers are designed to maximize phase cancellation of EMF from a closely-spaced series of electric power cables placed in conduits supported underground by the conduit spacers. The spacers are also designed to minimize the EMF above ground by reducing the distance needed to bury the cables for a given EMF above ground. In one embodiment, the spacers place conduits adjacent one another for maximum cancellation of a single three-phase cable installation. In another embodiment, the spacers place conduits adjacent one another for maximum cancellation for a dual three-phase cable installation, including cross-phase cancellation, e.g., A-B-C and C-B-A. 1. A conduit spacer , comprising:a lower horizontal base and three bodies supported above the lower horizontal base, each body having an opening adapted to support a conduit or pipe,wherein centers of the three conduits or pipes approximate an equilateral triangle with a base in a nominally vertical direction.2. The conduit spacer of claim 1 , further comprising an additional body having an opening adapted to support a conduit or pipe claim 1 ,wherein the additional body is adapted for placement under the body opposite the base of the equilateral triangle and above the lower horizontal base.3. The conduit spacer of claim 1 , further comprising an additional body having an opening adapted to support a conduit or pipe claim 1 ,wherein the additional body is adapted for placement above the body opposite the base of the equilateral triangle4. The conduit spacer of claim 1 , further comprise three additional bodies supported above the three bodies of claim 1 , each body having an opening adapted to support a conduit or pipe claim 1 ,wherein centers of the three additional conduits or pipes approximate an equilateral triangle with a base in a nominally vertical direction.5. The conduit spacer of claim 4 , wherein ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039078A1
Принадлежит: Foam Supplies, Inc.

The invention is directed to polyurethane foams which are flotation resistant with sufficient strength and density to provide stability and inhibit erosion at pipeline trench sites, and other uses, wherein at least 50% of the foam is open cell and has a density of approximately 1.3 lbs/ftto 3.5 lbs/ft. The invention also provides methods for making compositions used to make polyurethane foams that exhibit such characteristics 1. A reaction mixture which is curable to form a polyurethane foam which is flotation resistant with sufficient strength and density to provide stability and inhibit erosion at pipeline trench sites comprising:(a) component A which comprises an isocyanate;(b) component B which comprisesat least one polyol selected from the group consisting of polyalkoxylated amines, polyalkoxylated ethers, and polyester polyols, wherein all of said at least one polyol make up from 50% by weight to 100% by weight of all polyols in the reaction mixture;a blowing agent; andoptionally, a cell opening surfactant.2. A reaction mixture which is curable to form a polyurethane foam for use in pipeline trench breakers , wherein at least 50% of the foam is open cell and has a density of approximately 1.3 lbs/ftto 3.5 lbs/ft , and has a minimum compressive strength of 17 psi parallel to the rise of the foam , and exhibits a buoyancy loss of at least 20% after 24 hours of testing under 10 feet of water , comprising:(a) component A which comprises an isocyanate;(b) component B which comprisesat least one polyol selected from the group consisting of polyalkoxylated amines, polyalkoxylated ethers, and polyester polyols, wherein all of said at least one polyol make up from 50% by weight to 100% by weight of all polyols in the reaction mixture;a blowing agent; andoptionally, a cell opening surfactant.3. A reaction mixture of claim 2 , wherein the blowing agent is selected from the group consisting of CFC's claim 2 , HFC's claim 2 , HCFC's claim 2 , HFE's claim 2 , HFO's claim 2 ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041933A1

A system for providing an electrical interface across a sealed boundary may include a frame in sealed engagement with at least a portion of a substrate. The substrate may be in communication with an electrochromic device. The system may further include first and second conduits. The first conduit may be on a first side of the substrate and a second conduit may be on a second side of the substrate. The second conduit may be in communication with the first conduit through at least one of the seal, a space between the seal and the frame, and a space between the seal and the substrate. 1. A system for providing an electrical interface across a sealed boundary comprising:a frame in sealed engagement with at least a portion of a substrate through first and second seals on both the first and second sides of the substrate, the substrate being attached to an electrochromic device; andfirst and second conduits, wherein the first conduit is on a first side of the substrate nearest to a first seal and a second conduit is on a second side of the substrate nearest to a second seal, wherein the second conduit is in communication with the first conduit through any of (i) the first and second seals, (ii) spaces between each of the first and second seals and the frame, and (iii) spaces between each of the first and second seals and the substrate.2. (canceled)3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second conduits are ends of a connecting harness.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one conduit cable claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second conduits form at least an end portion of the at least one conduit cable.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least one conduit cable is in sealed engagement with one of the first and second seals.6. The system of claim 5 , the substrate having a recess at a portion of the perimeter of the substrate adapted for engagement with the at least one conduit cable claim 5 , wherein the at least one conduit ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044489A1
Принадлежит: Chevron U.S.A. INC.

Disclosed are apparatus, systems and methods for reducing displacement of a subsea conduit such as offshore hydrocarbon production pipeline, also referred to as pipeline walking or buckling, thus reducing the need for expensive pipeline anchoring or other mitigation solutions. A movement resistor adapted to be installed on a subsea conduit is provided having an inner portion adapted to receive and securely attach to a subsea conduit and at least one resistor portion adapted to resist induced forces. At least one movement resistor can be installed along the length of a subsea conduit. 1. A system for conveying fluids on a seabed , the system comprising:a. a conduit located on a seabed; and i. an inner portion having an inner surface adapted to receive and securely attach to a subsea conduit; and', 'ii. at least one resistor portion extending outward from the inner portion having a cross-sectional shape and an outer diameter of a circumscribed circle intersecting the cross-sectional shape and adapted to resist a force applied to the resistor portion., 'b. at least one movement resistor installed on the conduit, the movement resistor comprising3. The system of claim 1 , wherein multiple movement resistors are installed on the conduit at locations determined by engineering analysis to resist movement.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one data handling device located in at least one of the at least one movement resistor for at least one of measuring data claim 1 , storing data and communicating data.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the data is selected from the group consisting of displacement data claim 4 , strain data claim 4 , temperature data claim 4 , compression data claim 4 , number of events data claim 4 , time data claim 4 , soil property data claim 4 , water current data claim 4 , date data and location data.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an axial element in contact with the conduit wherein the axial element is selected ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054425A1
Автор: Jang Gyu Cheol

The present invention relates to an assembling channel of a supporting tool, including: a steel plate which is bent in three layers to configure a central supporting plate, and a wide-width supporting plate and a small-width plate configured at both sides of the central supporting plate; coupling holes formed on each of the supporting plates; cutting portions configured at equal interval on a bent portion, wherein the cutting portions located at both ends are always located toward the central supporting plate in opened states thereof such that firm assembly by using only bolts and nuts after overlapping connective parts without additional connective brackets during assembling of the supporting tool using the channels as well as rapid assembly of the supporting tool can be performed thereby. 1. An assembling channel of a supporting tool in which a steel plate on which a plurality of coupling holes are punched is configured to be bent in three layers , the channel comprising:{'b': 30', '40', '20, 'a wide-width supporting plate () and a small-width supporting plate () bent on both sides of a central supporting plate ();'}{'b': 22', '12', '20, 'a pair of cutting portions () disposed at equal intervals on a bent portion () of the central supporting plate (), and'}{'b': 23', '22, 'a cutting indicating portion () disposed between the pair of the cutting portions (),'}wherein,{'b': 10', '23', '22, 'the channel () is cut on the basis of the cutting indicating portion () such that the cutting portions () located on a cut portion has one side opened;'}{'b': 1', '30', '20', '2', '40', '20, 'a width (L) of the wide-width supporting plate () configured to be bent at one side of the central supporting plate () is about two time wider than a width (L) of the small-width supporting plate () configured to be bent at the other side of the central supporting plate ();'}{'b': 30', '31', '31', '40', '41, 'the wide-width supporting plate () has wide-width surface coupling holes ( and ′) ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Sealed Gimbal for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Cold Water Pipe

Номер: US20140059825A1
Автор: Riggs David C.

A gimbal that provides for passive vertical latching and unlatching of a Cold Water Pipe (CWP) in a floating vessel such as an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) facility is sealingly connected to a cold water sump on the floating vessel. The CWP gimbal is capable of reacting all static and dynamic forces of the suspended CWP at angles on the order of +/−20 degrees while remaining sealed at high differential pressures. 1. A support for a suspended Cold Water Pipe on a floating vessel comprising:a gimbal connected to the floating vessel and having means for connecting to a Cold Water Pipe suspended below the vessel;a seal comprising overlapping frusto-spherical shells at least partially surrounding the gimbal; and, a rolling diaphragm seal between the overlapping frusto-spherical shells.2. A method for installing a Cold Water Pipe on a floating OTEC vessel comprising:suspending a Cold Water Pipe from a support vessel proximate the OTEC vessel;transferring the Cold Water Pipe from the support vessel to the OTEC vessel such that the Cold Water Pipe is suspended below a moon pool well on the OTEC vessel;raising a pull-in rod that passes through a mechanically-engaged, flexible connector and is attached to a structural support for the upper end of the suspended Cold Water Pipe;engaging the mechanically-engaged, flexible connector from which the Cold Water Pipe is suspended; and, inflating an inflatable packer seal between an upper frusto-spherical shell and the sides of the moon pool well on the OTEC vessel.3. The support for a suspended Cold Water Pipe on a floating vessel recited in further comprising:a web structure comprising a plurality of substantially vertical plates in a radial array each connected at a first end thereof to the gimbal and at an opposing second end thereof to the Cold Water Pipe.4. The support for a suspended Cold Water Pipe on a floating vessel recited in wherein the web structure is connected to the gimbal with a pull-in rod that passes ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060668A1

An aeration and drainage system includes an aeration & drain pipe which contains slots on its upper surface, a stand which holds said aeration & drain pipe above a bottom surface, an air and liquid transfer element attached to the aeration & drain pipe and positioned over said slots. Additionally the air and liquid transfer element extends upward from the slots, and the air and liquid transfer element contains openings on its top to allow fluids to flow into the air and liquid transfer element and through the slots in the aeration & drain pipe. 1. An aeration system , comprising:an air pipe having a plurality of holes formed therein;a plurality of stands which support said air pipe above a surface, said plurality of stands being spaced in the longitudinal direction of said air pipe;wherein each of said plurality of stands surrounds the circumferential outer surface of said air pipe,wherein each of said plurality of stands includes a projection which projects in upward, the projection including a hole formed therein, andwherein said hole in said projection of each of said plurality of stands is positioned such that said hole in said projection coincides with one of said plurality of holes formed in said air pipe, to thereby form an air passage.2. The aeration system of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one holder including a projection which projects in an upward direction opposite to the surface and which includes a hole formed therein,wherein said holder surrounds the circumferential outer surface of said air pipe without supporting said air pipe on the surface.3. The aeration system of claim 2 , wherein a screw can be removably inserted into said hole in each of said plurality of stands.4. The aeration system of claim 3 ,wherein a screw can be removably inserted into said hole in each of said plurality of stands, andwherein a screw can be removably inserted into said hole in each of said at least one holder.5. The aeration system of claim 1 , further ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068920A1
Автор: Williams Tiffany J.

A cable management attachment bracket is disclosed that includes a bracket body with a first attachment tab, a second attachment, and a cable management assembly (CMA) connection point for hingedly connecting with a CMA. The first attachment tab extends from a front edge of the bracket body and is formed to interface with a first receiving portion of a rack slide. The second attachment tab extends from a center portion of the bracket body and is formed to interface with a second receiving portion of a rack slide. Additionally, the CMA connection point is formed on the rear edge of the bracket body. 1. A method for attaching a cable management assembly to a rack comprising:attaching a rack slide assembly to a rack, the rack slide assembly having a stationary member and a slide member;providing a cable management attachment bracket having a front attachment tab and a second attachment tab;securing the cable management attachment bracket to the rack slide assembly by aligning the first attachment tab and the second attachment tab with a first receiving slot and a second receiving slot formed in the slide member; andsecuring the second end of the cable management assembly to a cable management assembly connection point of the cable management attachment bracket.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising securing a first end of a cable management assembly to the rack.3. The method of wherein attaching the rack slide assembly further comprises tool-lessly attaching the rack slide assembly to an interface portion of the rack.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing the cable management attachment bracket having a button receiving aperture;providing a locking button on the stationary member; andaligning the locking button with the locking button aperture.5. The method of wherein;the locking button of the stationary member is selectively movable between a recessed position and a locking position; andthe button receiving aperture of the cable management ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070070A1
Автор: SHINODA Yoshinori

An anti-vibration clamp for holding pipes includes a pipe holding component which further includes pipe holders for locking the pipes; a clamp body including a stud locking portion for locking to a stud, and a floating attachment portion for holding the pipe holding component; and an elastic connecting component made of soft resin placed between the pipe holding component and the clamp body so that the pipe holding component and the clamp body do not contact one another directly. The pipe holding component, the elastic connecting component and the clamp body are held so that it is difficult for them to each slip mutually. 1. An anti-vibration clamp for securing a pipe on a mounting stud , the anti-vibration clamp comprising:a pipe holding component made of hard resin, the pipe holding component including a pipe holder for holding the pipe;a stud locking portion attachable to the stud;a clamp body made of hard resin, the clamp body including a floating attachment portion for holding the pipe holding component; andan elastic connecting component made of soft resin and located between the pipe holding component and the clamp body.2. An anti-vibration clamp in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:the pipe holding component further includes a holding rib which projects at a first end of the pipe holding component;the elastic connecting component includes a holding rib containing portion located at a first end of the elastic connecting component and which contains the holding rib;the clamp body partially defines a holding rib insertion aperture at a first end of the floating attachment portion and the holding rib containing portion enters the holding rib insertion aperture; andthe holding rib is contained in the holding rib insertion aperture through the holding rib containing portion, and the holding rib of the pipe holding component is held so that it does not contact the clamp body.3. An anti-vibration clamp in accordance with claim 2 , wherein:the pipe holding component ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Interlocking Cable Track System

Номер: US20140083075A1
Автор: Ceiriog Hughes
Принадлежит: Individual

A convertible interlocking cable track system for receiving and handling a flexible member for use in a longwall mining operation. The cable track system includes a series of links adapted to retain the flexible member, each of the links including a single pull link adapted to interconnect with adjacent links, wherein the single pull link is configured to cooperate with a cable control member to form an opening for receiving and handling the flexible member. The cable control member comprises either a shaped rod to form a single pull cable track system, or an outer link to convert the single pull link to a twin pull link in order to satisfy certain loading requirements. The cable track system also includes a securing arrangement for securing the cable control member to the single pull link and an interlocking system for joining the series of links to one another.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090350A1
Автор: Spies Jonathan
Принадлежит: Tsubaki Kabelschlepp GmbH

A power conducting device guides lines, hoses or the like between a stationary connection point and a moving connection point. The power conducting device includes a first line guiding device having a first end link, a second end link, and a section that deflects between the links and is connected to the links. The line guiding device defines a channel for receiving lines, hoses or the like. The power conducting device further includes a first guiding channel, which defines a first inner ring and a first outer ring. The first line guiding device is arranged in the first guiding channel. The first end link connects to the first inner ring and the second end link connects to the first outer ring. At least one second guiding channel defines a second outer ring and a second inner ring. Certain channels can be rotated about a common axis. 1. A power conducting device , comprising:at least one first line guiding device for guiding lines, hoses or the like between a stationary connection point and a moving connection point, wherein the line guiding device, comprises a first end link and a second end link and a section that can be deflected between the end links and is connected thereto, which embody a channel for receiving lines, hoses or the like,a first guiding channel, which is embodied by way of a first inner ring and a first outer ring,wherein the first line guiding device is arranged in the first guiding channel and the first end link is connected to the first inner ring and the second end link is connected to the first outer ring,wherein at least one second guiding channel is provided, which is embodied by way of a second inner ring and a second outer ring,wherein the first and the at least one second guiding channel are arranged one on top of the other and can be rotated relative to one another about a common axis,wherein at least one second line guiding device is arranged in the at least one second guiding channel, wherein the second line guiding device comprises ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096856A1

The invention relates to an exhaust gas system component for an internal combustion engine, in particular for an automotive engine of a commercial vehicle, having a plurality of mutually connected exhaust gas system elements which can be flowed through by the exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine, characterized in that the exhaust gas system elements are supported in a first frame and in a second frame spaced apart therefrom and connection struts fixedly connect the frames to one another. 11. An exhaust gas system component for an internal combustion engine having a plurality of mutually connected exhaust gas system elements () which can be flowed through by the exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine ,{'b': 1', '2', '4', '5', '2', '4, 'wherein the exhaust gas system elements () are supported in a first frame () and in a second frame () spaced apart therefrom and connection struts () fixedly connect the frames (, ) to one another.'}2. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 1 ,{'b': 5', '17', '19, 'wherein the connection struts () each form a support surface onto which a jacket (, ) forming a peripheral wall is placed.'}31751917. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the jacket comprises an inner jacket () lying on the connection struts () and an outer jacket () surrounding the inner jacket ().41719. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 3 , further comprising an insulation space which is at least regionally filed with heat insulation material and which is arranged between the inner jacket () and the outer jacket ().5. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the insulation material comprises a needle mat.6. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim 4 , wherein a material is provided as the heat insulation material which is simultaneously suitable for acoustic absorption.7171817518. The exhaust gas system component in accordance with claim ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Sprinkler Transferring Apparatus

Номер: US20140097305A1
Автор: Shelton Dale

A sprinkler transferring apparatus is provided for a flexible sprinkler drop on an irrigation supply line. The sprinkler transferring apparatus includes a lifting tool and a sprinkler component support body. The lifting tool has an elongate body with a first contact portion and a handle spaced from the first contact portion. The sprinkler component support body has a second contact portion configured to mate with the first contact portion. 1. A sprinkler transferring apparatus for a flexible sprinkler drop on an irrigation supply line , comprising:a lifting tool having an elongate body with a first contact portion and a handle spaced from the first contact portion; anda sprinkler component support body having a second contact portion configured to mate with the first contact portion.2. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lifting tool comprises a forked pair of tines and the sprinkler component support body comprises a plurality of apertures each configured to receive one of the tines.3. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first contact portion of the lifting tool is provided by a cylindrical pin.4. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a pair of the cylindrical pins are provided by a wire-formed fork.5. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the wire-formed fork comprises a pair of serpentine-shaped fingers.6. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sprinkler component support body comprises an array of apertures extending about the body.7. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the apertures each comprise an L-shaped aperture having an axial portion and a radial portion.8. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 6 , wherein each of the apertures comprises a trapezoidal aperture.9. The sprinkler transferring apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second contact portion of the sprinkler component support body comprises a bore provided ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097314A1
Принадлежит: KLIPSTIK LLC

An apparatus for securing a component to a substrate. The apparatus includes a backing and a retainer interface. The backing includes a bonding element on a first surface and the retainer interface on an opposing second surface. The first surface of the backing is applied to a substrate to which a component is to be secured. The component is secured on the second surface of the backing so that the backing is positioned between the substrate and the component to be secured. The backing may be rigid or flexible. The first surface of the backing tape includes an adhesive as the bonding element. The backing tape may also include a removable paper interface to enable the installer to move the backing tape into a desired location before removing the paper to expose the adhesive for its attachment to the substrate. 1. An apparatus for securing a component to a substrate comprising:a. a backing having a first surface and an opposing second surface, wherein the first surface is arranged for attachment to the substrate;b. a retainer interface retained to the second surface and configured to establish a plurality of gaps between the retainer interface and the second surface of the backing; andc. one or more retainer devices configured for placement in one or more of the gaps established by the retainer interface, wherein the one or more retainer devices are configured to secure the component to the backing at one or more selectable intervals.2. The apparatus of wherein the one or more retainer devices are tie wraps.3. The apparatus of wherein the retainer interface is stitching stitched to the backing.4. The apparatus of wherein the backing is a flexible reinforced electrical tape.5. The apparatus of wherein the component is electrical wiring and the substrate is a stud.6. The apparatus of wherein the retainer interface is spot welded to the backing. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to devices for securing components to substrates. In particular, the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000243A1

The power conducting device includes at least one first and one second line guiding device. The power conducting device has a first guiding channel and a second guiding channel which can be twisted about a common axis. The first line guiding device is arranged in the first guiding channel and the second line guiding device is arranged in the second guiding channel. The line guiding devices in each case have an end member and a connecting member, the end member being connected either to a respective inner ring or outer ring, and the connecting member being connected to the respectively other outer ring or inner ring. 1. A power conducting device , comprising:at least one first line guiding device for guiding lines, hoses or the like between a stationary connecting point and a movable connecting point,the first line guiding device having a first end member, a first connecting member and a first section which is connected between the first end member and the first connecting member and is connected to them, which together form a channel for receiving lines, hoses or the like,a first guiding channel which is formed by a first inner ring and a first outer ring,the first line guiding device being arranged in the first guiding channel, and the first end member being connected to the first inner ring or the first outer ring and the first connecting member being connected to the respectively other first outer ring or first inner ring,at least one second guiding channel which is formed by a second inner ring and a second outer ring,it being possible for the first and the second guiding channels to be twisted relative to one another about a common axis, andat least one second line guiding device being arranged in the at least one second guiding channel,the second line guiding device having a second end member, a second connecting member and a second section which is connected between the second end member and the second connecting member and is connected to them, which ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000766A1

According to one aspect, a manifold assembly includes a skid, a low pressure manifold connected to the skid, and a high pressure manifold connected to the skid. In another aspect, the high pressure manifold has a modular configuration so that the high pressure manifold is disconnectable in whole or in part from the skid, and reconnectable in whole or in part to the skid. In yet another aspect, the high pressure manifold includes high pressure modules, all of which are in fluid communication with each other and each of which is adapted to be in fluid communication with at least one pump. In still yet another aspect, the low pressure manifold includes one or more flow lines, the high pressure manifold includes fittings, and the manifold assembly includes vibration isolators to dampen dynamic loading, the vibration isolators being disposed between the fittings and the one or more flow lines. 1. A manifold assembly , comprising:a skid; one or more flow lines through which fluid is adapted to flow, and', 'a plurality of ports connected to the one or more flow lines and via which respective portions of the fluid are adapted to flow to corresponding pumps in a plurality of pumps;, 'a low pressure manifold connected to the skid, the low pressure manifold comprisinga high pressure manifold connected to the skid, the high pressure manifold comprising a plurality of fittings, each of the respective portions of the fluid being adapted to flow through at least one of the fittings in the plurality of fittings after exiting the corresponding pump; anda plurality of vibration isolators to dampen dynamic loading, the plurality of vibration isolators being disposed between the fittings and the one or more flow lines.2. The manifold assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the vibration isolators comprises at least one of the following:a helical cable isolator; anda two-piece mount.3. The manifold assembly of claim 1 , further comprising another plurality of vibration isolators ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001352A1

A cable tray system including cable trays formed of a first side rail and a second side rail arranged substantially parallel to one another and transverse rungs extending between and connecting the first and second side rails. The first and second side rails each include a vertical web, a portion of which is inwardly protruding. The cable tray system further includes a splice plate for splicing or joining multiple cable trays. The splice plate includes a vertical web, a portion of which is inwardly protruding, wherein the inwardly protruding portion of the splice plate cooperates with the inwardly protruding portion of the first and second side rails. Holes in the first and second side rails can be aligned with holes in the splice plate through which fasteners may be inserted through to secure the splice plate to the side rails. 1. A splice plate for joining side rails of cable trays comprising:a vertical web extending a length, L, and having an upper edge and a lower edge, the vertical web comprising a protruded vertical web portion protruding from the vertical web in a first direction substantially perpendicular to the length of the vertical web;an upper flange extending from the upper edge of the vertical web and a lower flange extending from the lower edge of the vertical web, wherein the upper and lower flanges extend in a second direction substantially opposite from the first direction; anda population of holes extending through the vertical web through which a population of fasteners may be inserted to secure the splice plate to a side rail of a cable tray.2. The splice plate of wherein the upper and lower flanges flare upward and downward claim 1 , respectively claim 1 , at an angle θ.3. The splice plate of wherein the angle θ is from about 90 degrees to about 105 degrees.4. The splice plate of wherein the length claim 1 , L claim 1 , is about 6 inches.5. The splice plate of wherein the length claim 1 , L claim 1 , is about 12 inches.6. The splice plate of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001361A1

An assembly includes a bracket mountable directly to a wall. An inner periphery of the bracket defines an opening in the wall substrate. A resilient element, cantilevered from an outer side surface of the sleeve, is retained by a barbed element at the inner periphery of the bracket. 1. A bracket comprising:a body having a uniformly planar front surface configured to be flush with an internal surface of a wall substrate, the bracket mountable directly to the wall interior;an opening in the body forming an inner perimeter;a flange extending contiguously along the inner perimeter of the body in a direction opposite the front surface to a distal edge, the flange configured as a template guide for cutting an opening in the wall substrate, the wall substrate opening having a boundary that is coincident with the inner perimeter of the body.2. A bracket as recited in claim 1 , wherein the inner perimeter comprises indentations in the flange at opposite sides thereof.3. A bracket as recited in claim 2 , further comprising a recessed surface joined to the distal extent of the flange at each perimeter indentation.4. A bracket as recited in claim 3 , further comprising a boss extending from each recessed surface toward an end proximal the front surface of the bracket.5. A bracket as recited in claim 4 , wherein the proximal end of the boss is recessed from the front surface of the bracket.6. A bracket as recited in claim 5 , wherein each boss comprises a mounting hole for receiving a connector of an element to be mounted within the wall.7. A bracket as recited in claim 1 , wherein the body further comprises:through holes located at opposite sides of the inner perimeter; anda rib member proximate each through hole, the rib member projecting from a surface of the bracket opposite the front surface.8. A bracket as recited in claim 7 , further comprising a detachable conduit mount engageable with the through holes.9. A bracket as recited in claim 8 , wherein the conduit mount ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001717A1
Принадлежит: Fluid Routing Solutions, LLC

A fuel fill tube assembly for an associated vehicle comprises a tubular fill conduit, a receiver attached to the fill conduit, and a bracket mountable to a surface of the associated vehicle, the bracket is configured to be received by the receiver to thereby support the fill conduit relative to the associated vehicle. 1. A fuel fill tube assembly for an associated vehicle comprising:a tubular fill conduit;a receiver attached to the fill conduit;a bracket mountable to a surface of the associated vehicle, the bracket configured to be received by the receiver to thereby support the fill conduit relative to the associated vehicle.2. The fuel fill tube assembly of claim 1 , wherein the receiver includes first and second mounting flanges and a center portion extending between the first and second mounting flanges claim 1 , at least a portion of the center portion and the fill conduit defining a slot claim 1 , and wherein the bracket includes a coupling flange configured to be received in the slot.3. The fuel fill tube assembly of claim 2 , wherein the center portion includes at least one recess or protrusion and wherein the coupling flange includes at least one protrusion or recess adapted to cooperate with the at least one recess or protrusion of the center portion to restrict withdrawal of the coupling flange from the slot.4. The fuel fill tube assembly of claim 3 , wherein the bracket is brazed to the fill conduit along at least one of the mounting flanges.5. The fuel fill tube assembly of claim 2 , wherein the slot is arcuate claim 2 , and wherein the coupling flange has a profile corresponding to the slot.6. The fuel fill tube assembly of claim 2 , wherein the slot opens along a longitudinal direction of the fill conduit claim 2 , whereby the bracket can be translated relative to the receiver along the longitudinal direction of the conduit to insert the coupling flange into the slot.7. The fuel fill tube assembly of claim 2 , wherein the center portion includes at ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220006278A1
Автор: ZHANG Yanqun

Provided is a cable carrier apparatus with a power supply function. The apparatus includes a chain unit, where the chain unit includes a bottom plate, a side plate is provided on each of both sides of the bottom plate, a slot is provided on the side plate; a detachable plate is mounted in the slot, the chain unit is provided with a mounting hole and a mounting pillar, where a conductive layer is provided on each of both sides of the side plate of the chain unit, and an insulating layer is attached to an upper side of the conductive layer. In this way, the cable carrier can have a power supply function, and strong electricity and weak electricity are separated so as to reduce interferences. 1. A cable carrier apparatus with a power supply function , comprising a chain unit , wherein the chain unit comprises a bottom plate , a side plate is provided on each of both sides of the bottom plate , a slot is provided on the side plate; a detachable plate is mounted in the slot , the chain unit is provided with a mounting hole and a mounting pillar , wherein a conductive layer is provided on each of both sides of the side plate of the chain unit , and an insulating layer is attached to an upper side of the conductive layer.2. The cable carrier apparatus with a power supply function according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive layer comprises a straight conductive pillar claim 1 , an arc-shaped connecting pillar claim 1 , an intermediate conductive pillar and an arc-shaped conductive plate claim 1 ,wherein a mounting groove is provided in the insulating layer, the straight conductive pillar, the arc-shaped connecting pillar, the intermediate conductive pillar and the arc-shaped conductive plate are sequentially mounted in the mounting groove.3. The cable carrier apparatus with a power supply function according to claim 2 , wherein a shape of the arc-shaped conductive plate matches an edge of the side plate.4. The cable carrier apparatus with a power supply function according ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Mounting device for tubular elements

Номер: US20170002958A1
Автор: Travis L. Harnetiaux

A mounting device for tubular elements includes a base having a curved surface and a slot for connecting to and being mounted on an existing tubular structural element. The base has a plurality of radially extending fingers forming semi-circular recesses between them. Projections within the recesses having a width less than the width of the mounting device deform a multiplicity of tubular elements such as hydraulic air or water lines to be removably inserted and held within the semi-circular recesses.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003375A1
Автор: JR. Roy Lee, Robertson

A versatile hanging system for use with a roof support system, which includes an attachment mechanism configured to secure within the eye hole of a roof plate. The attachment mechanism has a horizontal support and a vertical support, with an engaging structure at a first end of the vertical support. In one embodiment the horizontal support includes a multi-curved, multi-segmented design to secure within the eye hole of a roof plate; in another embodiment the horizontal support has a tapered depth. The system of the present invention may further include a hanging mechanism having an upper elbow and a vertical bar, with an aperture along an upper portion of the upper elbow. The lower portion of this aperture is sized and shaped to receive the engaging structure of the attachment mechanism, and the upper portion of the aperture is sized and shaped to rotate about the vertical support of the attachment mechanism. In some embodiments the hanging mechanism is in the form of a j-hook, having a lower elbow. 1. A versatile hanging system for use with a roof support system , having a plurality of roof plates with eye holes , the system comprising an attachment mechanism configured to secure within the eye hole of the roof plate , wherein the mechanism comprises:a. a horizontal support and a vertical support;b. wherein the vertical support has an engaging structure at a first end thereof; andc. wherein the horizontal support comprises a curved portion extending from a second end of the vertical support, leading to a first segment extending above horizontal at an angle α, continuing into a second curve, extending into a second segment at an angle β of decline below horizontal, and ending in a third segment extending above horizontal at an angle γ.2. The versatile hanging system of claim 1 , wherein the angle α is between about 8°-16° claim 1 , the angle β is between about 2°-10° claim 1 , and the angle γ is between about 1°-9°.3. The versatile hanging system of claim 1 , ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Actuatable fingerboard latch assembly

Номер: US20180002994A1
Автор: Jesse Tyler ALBANESE

A fingerboard latch assembly includes a latch body, a finger member pivotably connected to the latch body at a first pin, and an actuator assembly coupled to the finger member, wherein the actuator assembly is configured to actuate the finger member from a closed position to an open position in response to the application of fluid pressure to the actuator assembly.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Cable Clip

Номер: US20180003320A1
Автор: Patterson Colin

A cable clip comprises a body providing a cable receiving portion at one end thereof and a pin extending away from a longitudinal axis of the body. The cable receiving portion is v-shaped in cross- 1. A cable clip comprising a body and a pin , the body having a longitudinal axis and providing a first cable receiving portion at one end thereof , and the pin extending in a direction away from the longitudinal axis of the body and at substantially 90 degrees therefrom , wherein the body includes a domed portion having a center , the pin extending from the center of the domed portion , wherein the pin is fixed to the domed portion , wherein the cable receiving portion presents an open side , and wherein the open side of the cable receiving portion faces in the same direction as the pin.2. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the cable receiving portion is v-shaped in cross-section.3. A cable clip according to claim 2 , wherein an included angle of the cable receiving portion is obtuse.4. A cable clip according to claim 2 , wherein a v-shape of the cable receiving portion is formed by a first side and a second side claim 2 , and wherein the first side distal from the pin is shorter than the second side proximate the pin.5. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the body is formed of a metallic material.6. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the body is pressed from a single piece of metal.7. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the body is formed from a resilient material.8. A cable clip according to claim 1 , further comprising a second cable receiving portions.9. A cable clip according to claim 8 , wherein the first and second cable receiving portions are situated on opposing sides of the pin.10. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the pin is welded to the body.11. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the body is formed of a plastic& material.12. A cable clip according to claim 1 , wherein the pin is formed of metal and is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003337A1

A cable routing system is disclosed including a routing fixture and an exit fitting. The routing fixture defines a channel for a cable. The channel is engaged by the exit fitting and a cable in the channels exits through an exit channel defined by the exit fitting. The exit channel is directed away from the channel in the routing fixture. The resulting assembly allows low profile cable runs that can conform to a structural surface and in which cables can be broken out easily, without a requirement to cut the cable. A clamp may be provided to further secure the exit fitting to the routing fixture. A method of installation involves installing a cable into a routing channel before installing the exit fitting. The cable routing system can be used in an aircraft, including space constrained areas such as within an aircraft wing. 1. An aircraft cable routing system comprising:a routing fixture comprising a routing channel for a cable, wherein the routing channel defines an opening along its length, and wherein a width dimension of the opening is smaller than an internal width dimension of the routing channel; andan exit fitting defining an exit channel, wherein the exit fitting is configured for engagement with the routing channel such that the exit channel is directed away from the routing channel.2. An aircraft cable routing system according to claim 1 , wherein the exit fitting comprises:a first engagement feature for resisting movement of the exit fitting relative to channel in a first direction; anda second engagement feature for resisting movement of the exit fitting relative to the channel in a second direction which is different to the first direction.3. An aircraft cable routing system according to claim 1 , wherein the routing fixture comprises a base for supporting the channel claim 1 , and the exit channel is directed away from the base in use.4. An aircraft cable routing system according to claim 1 , wherein the exit channel defines an opening along its ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210006057A1
Автор: SUGIYAMA Nobuhiro

A wiring member fixing body includes a first housing space portion that houses a part in a wiring direction of at least one flat wiring member, a second housing space portion that is formed adjacent to the first housing space portion and houses at least one or more round wiring members having a sectional shape different from a sectional shape of a cross section of the flat wiring member, and a first housing member and a second housing member that form, in a locked state in which the first housing member and the second housing member are disposed to be opposed in an opposing direction and are locked to each other, the first housing space portion and the second housing space portion along an orthogonal direction. Both the ends in the wiring direction of the first housing space portion and the second housing space portion communicate with the outside. 1. A wiring member fixing body comprising:a first housing space portion that houses a part in a wiring direction of at least one flat wiring member;a second housing space portion that is formed adjacent to the first housing space portion and houses at least one or more other wiring members having a sectional shape different from a sectional shape of a cross section orthogonal to an axial direction of the flat wiring member; anda first housing member and a second housing member that form, in a locked state in which the first housing member and the second housing member are disposed to be opposed in an opposing direction orthogonal to the wiring direction and are locked to each other, the first housing space portion and the second housing space portion along an orthogonal direction orthogonal to the wiring direction and the opposing direction, whereinboth ends in the wiring direction of the first housing space portion and the second housing space portion communicate with an outside.2. The wiring member fixing body according to claim 1 , whereinat least a pair of the second housing space portions is formed across the first ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007901A1

A pressure-releasing breather hose mounted on a urea water tank is dividably constituted by a flexible joint portion with an end capable of being fitted over a hose joint on the tank and a vertical portion connected to the other end of the joint portion and suspending downward along a side surface of the tank The joint and vertical portions and are constituted by a rubber hose made of ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) and a polyethylene pipe (resin pipe) made of high density polyethylene (HDPE), respectively. 1. A pressure-releasing breather hose for a urea water tank , dividably comprising a flexible joint portion with an end capable of being fitted over a hose joint on an upper portion of the urea water tank , and a vertical portion connected to the other end of said joint portion and suspending downward along a side surface of the urea water tank , the joint and vertical portions being constituted by a rubber hose and a resin pipe , respectively.2. The breather hose for an urea water tank as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the resin pipe is a polyethylene pipe.3. The breather hose for an urea water tank as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the joint portion is preformed such that the joint portion extends straight at its one end in a projecting direction of the hose joint and is bent downward at the other end thereof.4. The breather hose for an urea water tank as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the joint portion is preformed such that the joint portion extends straight at its one end in a projecting direction of the hose joint and is bent downward at the other end thereof. The present invention relates to a breather hose for a urea water tank.Conventionally, some diesel engines are provided with selective reduction catalyst incorporated in an exhaust pipe for exhaust gas flow and having a property of selectively reacting NOwith a reducing agent even in the presence of oxygen; a required amount of reducing agent is added upstream of the reduction catalyst and is ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Adjustable swinging bracket

Номер: US20170006722A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Technologies LLC

A universal cable bracket that enables one or more cables to be secured to a telecommunications chassis accommodates cables of various sizes and styles. The cable bracket is configured to be mounted in one of multiple orientations relative to the chassis. One or more fasteners can be inserted through apertures in the bracket and a chassis mounting surface to secure the bracket into the desired orientation. Cables or fanout arrangements can be secured to a platform of the bracket via cable ties or other windings.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006827A1
Автор: Gintz William Gary
Принадлежит: sticNstac LLC

A panel wire support bracket may provide for support of a plurality of insulated electrical wires adjacent a building stud. The bracket may include an end cap including a stud face for flush fastening to the building stud, and a support bar with a plurality of holes and guide walls that extend downward from the holes. The holes and guide walls may be configured for locating and slidably supporting the wires passing through the holes. The guide walls may include flexible support for the wire with a protrusion to contact the wire. The flexible support may also include a tab operable for moving the protrusion away from contact with the wire. The holes may define hexagonal shapes and the guide walls may taper inwardly from the hole. 1. A panel wire support bracket for supporting a plurality of insulated electrical wires adjacent a building stud , the panel wire support bracket comprising:a preformed end cap including a stud face wherein the end cap may be fastened to the building stud with the stud face flush against the building stud;a preformed support bar formed with a plurality of holes and a plurality of guide walls that extend downward from the plurality of holes, the holes and guide walls configured for locating and slidably supporting the plurality of insulated electrical wires each passing through one of the holes;wherein at least one of the guide walls includes a flexible support for the wire.2. The support bracket of claim 1 , wherein the at least one guide wall including the flexible support for the wire further comprises a protrusion on the flexible support claim 1 , the protrusion configured to contact the wire.3. The support bracket of claim 2 , further wherein the flexible support on the at least one guide wall further includes a tab operable for moving the protrusion away from contact with the wire.4. The support bracket of wherein at least one of the plurality of holes defines a hexagonal shape.5. The support bracket of wherein at least one of the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006828A1

A mounting system, which secures portions of a wiring system to an electrical box, includes a mounting rack having a frame to which a portion of the wiring system is supported and a clamping member that is movable relative to the frame and engageable with an electrical box such that the mounting rack is configured to be coupled to electrical boxes having varied sizes. The mounting system also includes a conduit connector that is configured to be coupled to a conduit of the electrical box for supporting thereon another portion of the wiring system. 1. A mounting system to secure portions of a wiring system to an electrical box , the mounting system comprising: a frame on which a portion of the wiring system is supported, and', 'a coupling member that is movable relative to the frame and engageable with the electrical box, permitting the mounting rack to be coupled to electrical boxes having varied sizes; and, 'a mounting rack including'}a conduit connector that is configured to be coupled to a conduit of the electrical box for supporting thereon another portion of the wiring system.2. The mounting system of claim 1 , wherein the coupling member is a first coupling member disposed proximate a first end of the frame claim 1 , wherein the mounting system further comprises a second coupling member disposed proximate a second end of the frame claim 1 , and wherein the first and second coupling members space the frame from the electrical box.3. The mounting system of claim 2 , wherein the second coupling member is one of fixed to the frame or movable relative to the frame.4. The mounting system of claim 3 , wherein the second coupling member is fixed to the frame and includes a spacer positioned between the electrical box and the frame.5. The mounting system of claim 3 , wherein the first coupling member includesa spacer positioned between the electrical box and the frame; anda pin extending through the frame to support the first coupling member on the frame.6. The ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Shelf Power Supply System

Номер: US20210007483A1

A shelf power supply system has a power supply track and a first power taking head and a retractable power supply track, the first power taking head has an external wiring. The retractable power supply track has a first moving part electrically connected to the external wiring and a second moving part being electrically connected with the first moving part and slideable thereon. The second moving part has a terminal. The invention can solve the problems that the wiring is complex and difficult to hide in the power supply system of the low-voltage lamps installed in the shelves and the laminates, suitable for the shelf support arms with different lengths, the size is small, the operation is very convenient, and one track can power multi-layer lamps, avoiding complex winding in the shelf, which is very simple operation and convenient for hidden installation in the shelf. 1100200100200201300300301201302301302304. A shelf power supply system , comprising a power supply track () and a first power taking head () arranged on the power supply track () , the first power taking head () has an external wiring () , characterized in that the shelf power supply system further comprises a retractable power supply track () , and the retractable power supply track () comprises a first moving part () electrically connected to the external wiring () and a second moving part () being electrically connected with the first moving part () and slideable thereon , and the second moving part () has a terminal ().21001001100030010021000. The shelf power supply system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the power supply track () is vertically arranged on or near the column () of the shelf () claim 1 , and the retractable power supply track () is set on the support arm () of the shelf ().3301. The shelf power supply system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first moving part () comprises:{'b': '3011', 'slide track ();'}{'b': 3012', '3011, 'two electrical contacts (), fixedly arranged on the slide ...
