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10-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016194U1
Автор: Головин А.В.

Устройство для дистанционного зажигания факела, содержащее запальник и механизм приведения его в рабочее положение, отличающееся тем, что запальник выполнен в виде жесткого стержня, на одном конце которого закреплен регулятор положения, а на другом - под α = 45 - 95 к оси стержня закреплен держатель воспламенителя факела, при этом стержень подвижно установлен на оси, связанной с несущей ветвью тросового конвейера, имеющего натяжное устройство и установленного с возможностью розжига воспламенителя в безопасной зоне. (19) RU (11) 16 194 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000101632/20 , 21.01.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.01.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.12.2000 (72) Автор(ы): Головин А.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОАО "Удмуртская нефтяная компания" U 1 1 6 1 9 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для дистанционного зажигания факела, содержащее запальник и механизм приведения его в рабочее положение, отличающееся тем, что запальник выполнен в виде жесткого стержня, на одном конце которого закреплен регулятор положения, а на другом - под α = 45 - 95 o к оси стержня закреплен держатель воспламенителя факела, при этом стержень подвижно установлен на оси, связанной с несущей ветвью тросового конвейера, имеющего натяжное устройство и установленного с возможностью розжига воспламенителя в безопасной зоне. 1 6 1 9 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО ЗАЖИГАНИЯ ФАКЕЛА R U Адрес для переписки: 426057, г.Ижевск, ул. Советская 15а, ОАО "Удмуртская нефтяная компания", Головину А.В. (71) Заявитель(и): ОАО "Удмуртская нефтяная компания" U 1 U 1 1 6 1 9 4 1 6 1 9 4 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 16 194 U1 RU 16 194 U1 RU 16 194 U1 RU 16 194 U1 RU 16 194 U1

10-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016784U1
Автор: Лысенко К.В.

1. Запальник, содержащий газовод, соединенный с камерой смешения, на боковой поверхности которой размещена форкамера с запальной свечой, полость которой соединена с входным и выходным участками камеры смешения, на входе которой размещены коллектор подвода газа и воздуха, при этом к коллектору подвода газа присоединен патрубок с соплом, размещенным во входном участке камеры смешения, отличающийся тем, что форкамера выполнена в виде кольцевого коллектора, охватывающего участок камеры смешения, в котором по окружности выполнены два ряда сквозных отверстий соответственно во входном и выходном участках камеры смещения, при этом первый ряд отверстий выполнен под острым углом к направлению движения газовой струи. 2. Запальник по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен трубкой, размещенной снаружи камеры смешения и газовода, один конец которой соединен с газовым коллектором, а второй - размещен внутри выхода газовода и заглублен относительно открытого его торца, причем в трубке установлена расходная шайба. 3. Запальник, содержащий газовод, соединенный с камерой смешения, на боковой поверхности которой размещена форкамера с запальной свечой, полость которой соединена с входным и выходным участками камеры смешения, на входе которой размещены коллектор подвода газа и воздуха, при этом к коллектору подвода газа присоединен патрубок с соплом, размещенным во входном участке камеры смешения, отличающийся тем, что форкамера выполнена в виде кольцевого коллектора, охватывающего выходной участок камеры смешения, в котором по окружности выполнен один ряд сквозных отверстий, и снабжена трубкой, один конец которой соединен с форкамерой, а другой - размещен на срезе выходного конца патрубка с соплом. 4. Запальник по п.3, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен трубкой, размещенной снаружи камеры смешения и газовода, один конец которой соединен с газовым коллектором, а второй - размещен внутри выхода газовода и заглублен относительно открытого его торца, причем в трубке установлена расходная шайба ...

20-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000019667U1

Система электророзжига газа, содержащая выпрямитель переменного тока, кнопку управления, имеющую пару постоянно замкнутых и пару постоянно разомкнутых контактов, к одному из которых подключен выход выпрямителя, зарядный накопительный конденсатор, который через постоянно замкнутые контакты кнопки управления параллельно подключен к первичной обмотке индукционной катушки, имеющей две вторичные, повышающие обмотки на незамкнутом ферритовом сердечнике, при этом каждый вывод вторичных обмоток соединен токоподводящим проводом с электродом одного из разрядников, выполненных в виде трубчатых фарфоровых изоляторов, на одном из торцов каждого из которых размещен грибовидный металлический электрод, состоящий из двух разновеликих частей, меньшая из которых цилиндрической формы расположена внутри трубчатого фарфорового изолятора с подсоединенным к ней токоподводящим проводом, отличающаяся тем, что вторичные обмотки индукционной катушки имеют число секций намотки 8-10, а количество витков по секциям распределено по закону убывания от краев к середине 3:2,5:2:1,5:1, грибовидный металлический электрод каждого разрядника установлен с возможностью свободного перемещения по оси разрядника, большая часть грибовидного металлического электрода имеет форму усеченного конуса с углом наклона образующей 30-45 и его большее основание расположено вне трубчатого фарфорового изолятора, а на свободном конце меньшей части грибовидного металлического электрода по его оси выполнена выборка, в которой закреплен конец токоподводящего провода, причем токоподводящий провод дополнительно закреплен в нижней части фарфорового изолятора крышкой-втулкой из высокотермостойкого электроизоляционного материала, имеющей сквозные отверстия. (19) RU (11) 19 667 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/04 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001104975/20 , 16.02.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.02.2001 (46) Опубликовано: ...

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027947U1

1. Устройство поджига газового резака, корпус которого расположен на газовом резаке, содержащее газораздаточный патрубок, смесительную камеру и запальную свечу, соединенную с блоком подачи напряжения, отличающееся тем, что в выходном отверстии газораздаточного патрубка установлено сопло, имеющее на внешней стенке продольную канавку для выхода дополнительной запальной струи газовой смеси, поперечное сечение которой составляет 0,8-1,2 мм, запальная свеча расположена вдоль корпуса устройства поджига, а в металлической юбке свечи выполнено боковое окно, обращенное к канавке сопла, образуя вместе смесительную камеру, через которую пропущен отогнутый конец высоковольтного электрода свечи, при этом между внешним краем канавки и отогнутым концом электрода имеется зазор величиной не более 3-4 мм. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что корпус устройства поджига и запальная свеча соединены обоймой. (19) RU (11) 27 947 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002118957/20 , 15.07.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.07.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 27.02.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Синицкий В.А., Сясько В.А., Гончаренко Г.А., Кириллов В.Ф. 2 7 9 4 7 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие центральный научно-исследовательский институт технологии судостроения R U Адрес для переписки: 198095, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Промышленная, 7, ФГУП ЦНИИТС (71) Заявитель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие центральный научно-исследовательский институт технологии судостроения 2 7 9 4 7 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство поджига газового резака, корпус которого расположен на газовом резаке, содержащее газораздаточный патрубок, смесительную камеру и запальную свечу, соединенную с блоком подачи напряжения, отличающееся тем, что в выходном отверстии газораздаточного патрубка установлено сопло, имеющее на внешней ...

20-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000080701U1

Устройство для дистанционного зажигания факела, содержащее снабженный запальником смеситель, подключенный огнепроводом к дежурной горелке, блок подготовки газа, блок управления, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения стабилизации пламени на дежурной горелке, упрощения конструкции устройства и снижения его металлоемкости, дежурная горелка снабжена последовательно расположенными завихрителем, например лопастным, и соплом. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 80 701 U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008137306/22, 17.09.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.09.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Макаров Николай Андреевич (RU), Панченко Владимир Иванович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 420043, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Вишневского, 59, кв.68, Н.А.Макарову U 1 8 0 7 0 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для дистанционного зажигания факела, содержащее снабженный запальником смеситель, подключенный огнепроводом к дежурной горелке, блок подготовки газа, блок управления, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения стабилизации пламени на дежурной горелке, упрощения конструкции устройства и снижения его металлоемкости, дежурная горелка снабжена последовательно расположенными завихрителем, например лопастным, и соплом. 8 0 7 0 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ДИСТАНЦИОННОГО ЗАЖИГАНИЯ ФАКЕЛА R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Макаров Николай Андреевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2009 U 1 U 1 8 0 7 0 1 8 0 7 0 1 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 80 701 U1 Полезная модель относится к устройствам для дистанционного зажигания факела горючих отходов производств, сбрасываемых по технологическим нуждам и подлежащих сжиганию в нефтехимической, газовой и нефтяной промышленностях. Известно устройство для зажигания факела, содержащее электрозапальник с огнепроводом в виде помещенной в кожухе, перфорированной ...

10-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000090532U1

1. Факельная установка, содержащая факельный ствол, факельный оголовок, дежурную горелку, форсунку дежурного газа, электрозапальник с закрепленным на корпусе электродом розжига и контроля пламени, в верхней части которого образован искровой разрядный промежуток, отличающаяся тем, что электрод розжига и контроля пламени размещен соосно в полости дежурной горелки, выполненной в виде соединенных между собой камеры смешения и диффузора, при этом электрод проходит через полость дежурной горелки до верхнего торца диффузора, причем верхний торец диффузора выполнен с косым срезом, направленным в сторону оси факельного оголовка, на нижнем уровне косого среза диффузора в плоскости, перпендикулярной оси диффузора, размещены не менее двух стабилизаторов пламени, выполненных в виде плохообтекаемых тел, по разные стороны от электрода розжига и контроля пламени и образующих с ним искровые разрядные промежутки, в стенке камеры смешения выполнено отверстие, в котором одним концом установлен патрубок подачи газа дежурной горелки, на другом конце которого установлен конфузор, на входе которого с зазором и соосно с патрубком подачи газа дежурной горелки установлена форсунка дежурного газа, причем ось патрубка подачи газа дежурной горелки и форсунки дежурного газа проходит через точку пересечения оси электрода розжига и контроля пламени с плоскостью, в которой размещены стабилизаторы пламени, и через плоскость косого среза верхнего торца диффузора без пересечения со стенками диффузора. 2. Факельная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что внутренний диаметр диффузора выполнен больше наружного диаметра камеры смешения и нижний срез диффузора расположен ниже верхнего среза камеры смешения с кольцевым зазором между ними. 3. Факельная установка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что внутренний диаметр нижнего среза камеры смешения выполнен большим наружного диаметра корпуса электрозапальника и нижний срез камеры смешения установлен с кольцевым зазором ниже места соединения электрода розжига и ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000099115U1

Запальник, содержащий газовод и форкамеру с запальной свечой, выполненную в виде кольцевого коллектора с входным и выходным торцами, отличающийся тем, что форкамера размещена на газоводе, выходной торец ее выполнен открытым, а на газоводе под свечой выполнена продольная прорезь до конца газовода, начало которой размещено между входным торцем форкамеры и свечой. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 99 115 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q F23Q 9/00 3/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010125655/06, 22.06.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.06.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Масленников Виктор Александрович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 426039, Удмуртская республика, г. Ижевск, ул. Дзержинского, 7 U 1 9 9 1 1 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Запальник, содержащий газовод и форкамеру с запальной свечой, выполненную в виде кольцевого коллектора с входным и выходным торцами, отличающийся тем, что форкамера размещена на газоводе, выходной торец ее выполнен открытым, а на газоводе под свечой выполнена продольная прорезь до конца газовода, начало которой размещено между входным торцем форкамеры и свечой. 9 9 1 1 5 (54) ЗАПАЛЬНИК R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Поликом" (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 99 115 U1 Полезная модель относится к теплоэнергетике, а именно, к устройствам для зажигания газа в промышленных печах и котлах. Известен запальник, содержащий газовод со смесительной камерой, на входе которой размещены коллекторы подвода газа и воздуха, а на боковой поверхности форкамера с запальной свечой. Форкамера взаимосвязана со смесительной камерой посредством дополнительной трубки, а к коллектру газа подсоединены трубки подачи газа в смесительную камеру и на выход из газовода (см. патент РФ №2107226, С1, МПК F23Q 9/00, публ. 20.03.98.). Недостатками известного устройства ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000103170U1

Запальное устройство, содержащее корпус с воздушным патрубком, газовод с эжектором, газоперепускную трубку и запальный элемент, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено оголовком и патрубком с отверстиями для подсоса воздуха, на одном конце которого установлен эжектор с газоводом, а другой конец патрубка размещен внутри оголовка, при этом корпус снабжен коллектором, соединенным с газоводом, детонационной трубой для смешения с воздухом, с одного конца которой в отверстие установлен дополнительный эжектор, соединенный с коллектором, ионизационным датчиком, один конец которого через отверстие в корпусе выведен наружу, отверстием для запального элемента, в качестве которого использована свеча зажигания, жестко установленная в детонационной трубе, корпус выполнен в виде стакана, дно которого имеет штуцер для подачи газа, а его открытая сторона - фланец для крепления с отверстиями, при этом конец газоперепускной трубки и концы ионизационного датчика и детонационной трубы через отверстия фланца размещены внутри оголовка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 103 170 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010144455/28, 28.10.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.10.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "НПП "Промышленная Автоматика" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2011 1 0 3 1 7 0 R U Формула полезной модели Запальное устройство, содержащее корпус с воздушным патрубком, газовод с эжектором, газоперепускную трубку и запальный элемент, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено оголовком и патрубком с отверстиями для подсоса воздуха, на одном конце которого установлен эжектор с газоводом, а другой конец патрубка размещен внутри оголовка, при этом корпус снабжен коллектором, соединенным с газоводом, детонационной трубой для смешения с воздухом, с одного конца которой в отверстие ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000103171U1

Запальное устройство, содержащее цилиндрический корпус с воздушным патрубком, газовод с эжектором, газопрепускную трубу и запальный элемент, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено коллектором, соединенным с газоводом, вторым эжектором, при этом первый и второй эжекторы расположены на расстоянии друг от друга и установлены на выходе из коллектора, причем диаметр сопла второго эжектора на 20-30% больше диаметра сопла первого эжектора, двумя эжекционными камерами, расположенными за эжекторами, при этом эжекционная камера, расположенная за вторым эжектором выполнена с большим диаметром, но меньшей длины, а эжекционная камера, расположенная за первым эжектором выполнена с меньшим диаметром, но большей длины, чем предыдущая, необтекаемым телом, выполненным из тонкой пластины сегментной формы, расположенным за эжекционными камерами, ионизационным датчиком контроля пламени, расположенным над газоперепускной трубой, а в корпусе перед коллектором выполнены по окружности сквозные отверстия для подсоса воздуха, при этом корпус имеет крышку с отверстиями для газовода, ионизационного датчика контроля пламени и запального элемента, в качестве которого использован высоковольтный токопровод с керамической изоляцией, а у газоперепускной трубы один конец ее соединен с коллектором, а второй - размещен внутри корпуса и заглублен относительно открытого его торца. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 103 171 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010144453/28, 28.10.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.10.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "НПП "Промышленная Автоматика" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2011 1 0 3 1 7 1 R U Формула полезной модели Запальное устройство, содержащее цилиндрический корпус с воздушным патрубком, газовод с эжектором, газопрепускную трубу и запальный элемент, отличающееся тем, что ...

20-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000105715U1

1. Устройство газогорелочное для периодического сжигания природного газа в бытовых отопительных печах, состоящее из щитка фронтального, изготовленного из листовой стали с тепловым отражателем, в нижней части щитка фронтального выполнен ряд отверстий, обеспечивающих дозированную подачу вторичного воздуха в зону сгорания газовоздушной смеси к инжекционным горелкам, каждая из которых включает горелочную головку и смесительное устройство, в торцевой части которых установлены сопла для подачи горючего газа, установленные в распределительном коллекторе, инжекционной запальной горелки, системы автоматической безопасности, отличающееся тем, что запальная инжекционная горелка состоит из запальника, термопары, искрового электрода, а термоэдс, вырабатываемая термопарой, является источником электрической энергии, необходимой для работы системы автоматической безопасности. 2. Устройство газогорелочное по п.1, отличающееся тем, что количество инжекционных горелок зависит от мощности устройства газогорелочного и может быть по меньшей мере одна, при этом запальная горелка поджигает газовоздушную смесь на одной или двух соседних инжекционных горелках, на остальных инжекционных горелках газовоздушная смесь воспламеняется от соседней инжекционной горелки. 3. Устройство газогорелочное по п.2, отличающееся тем, что система автоматической безопасности включает в себя датчик тяги, электромагнитный клапан, кран газовый, причем электромагнитный клапан и кран газовый могут быть объединены в одном корпусе. 4. Устройство газогорелочное по п.3, отличающееся тем, что на сопло для подачи горючего газа установлен кольцевой регулятор первичного воздуха. 5. Устройство газогорелочное по п.3, отличающееся тем, что на щиток фронтальный установлен регулятор подачи вторичного воздуха в топочное пространство печи. 6. Устройство газогорелочное по п.3, отличающееся тем, что щиток фронтальный не имеет отверстий для подачи вторичного воздуха, а подача вторичного воздуха обеспечивается конструкцией печи через ...

10-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000106340U1

Запально-защитное устройство, содержащее трубчатый корпус с прямоугольными окнами, внутри которого размещен проводящий электрод, соединенный с источником напряжения, и нагревательный элемент, отличающийся тем, что оно снабжено вторым проводящим электродом для приема сигнала о наличии факела, при этом первый и второй электроды каждый коаксиально размещен внутри металлической трубки с изоляторами и с одного конца установлен внутри трубчатого корпуса, а с другого конца торец каждой трубки заглушен изолятором, выполненным в виде втулки с прижимной гайкой, при этом часть каждого электрода выступает наружу из изолятора и закреплена гайками, причем трубка первого электрода имеет паз для нагревательного элемента, в качестве которого использована свеча накаливания, выполненная в виде пружины, один конец которой соединен с электродом с помощью гайки, а другой - закреплен на его трубке, а между прямоугольными окнами трубчатого корпуса и другим торцом первого электрода размещен газораспределитель, выполненный в виде трубчатого усеченного кольца с отверстиями и отводом, имеющим по центру отверстие для подачи газа в металлическую трубку первого электрода и два отверстия для подачи газа на свечу накаливания, а металлическая трубка второго электрода с одного конца имеет штуцер для подачи газа, который соединен с электромагнитным клапаном, а с другого - тангенциальные пазы, внутрь которых на часть изолированного электрода вставлены металлическая втулка, выполненная в виде усеченного конуса с цилиндрическим основанием и внутренней фаской, изолятор, выступающий из цилиндрического основания усеченного конуса, и металлический наконечник, установленный на электрод с помощью резьбы, причем металлические трубки с электродами размещены внутри втулки, закреплены на ней и на фланце для крепления. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 106 340 (13) U1 (51) МПК F23Q F23Q 7/00 9/00 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130673U1

1. Дежурная горелка с электрозапальником, соединенным с источником высокого напряжения через токопровод, выполненный из состыкованных трубчатых секций, содержащая патрубок подачи газа в камеру смешения, внутри которой расположена соосно камере смешения и диффузору наружная часть центрального составного электрода, закрепленного на корпусе электрозапальника, отличающаяся тем, что центральный составной электрод полностью выполнен в виде полой трубки с продувочными боковыми отверстиями на изолированной его части, расположенной внутри корпуса электрозапальника, через внутреннюю полость которого полость трубки составного центрального электрода сообщается через дренажные отверстия в торцевых соединениях корпуса электрозапальника и секций токопровода с выводящим наружным дренажным отверстием из полости токопровода, выполненным в последней секции токопровода до соединения с источником высокого напряжения. 2. Дежурная горелка с электрозапальником по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что наружное дренажное отверстие трубчатой секции токопровода выполнено c присоединительным патрубком к источнику принудительной подачи воздуха или горючего газа, а наружная часть трубки центрального составного электрода выполнена съемной. 3. Дежурная горелка с электрозапальником по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что сливные дренажные отверстия в торцевых соединениях корпуса электрозапальника и секций токопровода направлены к внутренней стенке трубчатых секций токопровода. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 130 673 U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/08 (2006.01) F23Q 21/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012136607/06, 27.08.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.08.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Нигматьянов Рустем Фаритович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Нигматьянов Рустем Фаритович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 27.08.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2013 Бюл. № 21 1 3 0 6 7 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Дежурная ...

10-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000134294U1

1. Пилотная горелка, содержащая гильзу, в части полости которой расположены, по меньшей мере, частично газовый ствол, соединенный с патрубком для подачи газа, а также средство для зажигания газа, а на внутренней поверхности гильзы между выходным отверстием газового ствола и свободной частью полости гильзы установлено, по меньшей мере, одно кольцо для стабилизации горения пламени. 2. Горелка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в гильзе установлены два кольца для стабилизации горения пламени. 3. Горелка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что гильза выполнена из карбида кремния. 4. Горелка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в стенке гильзы выполнено отверстие для контроля горения пламени. 5. Горелка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что средство для зажигания газа выполнено электрическим, например, в виде свечи зажигания. И 1 134294 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 134 294” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ РОЭК Изменение наименования, фамилии, имени, отчества патентообладателя (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество «Научно-производственный центр энергетического оборудования» (ВО) Адрес для переписки: 109382, Москва, ул. Люблинская, 141, офис 405, АО «НПЦЭО» Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 11.05.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 11.05.2022 Бюл. №14 Стр.: 1 па УбСУЗТ ЕП

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000135774U1

Запальное устройство, содержащее цилиндрический корпус с воздушным патрубком, газовод с эжектором, газоперепускную трубу и запальный элемент, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит коллектор, соединенный с газоводом, эжекционную камеру, расположенную за эжектором, ионизационный датчик контроля пламени, расположенный над газоперепускной трубой, один конец которой соединен с коллектором, а второй размещен внутри корпуса и заглублен относительно открытого его торца, в качестве запального элемента содержит высоковольтный токопровод с керамической изоляцией, при этом в корпусе перед коллектором выполнены по окружности сквозные отверстия для подсоса воздуха. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (13) 135 774 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013126032/06, 05.06.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.06.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Телешев Игорь Васильевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "НПП "Промышленная Автоматика" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 05.06.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2013 Бюл. № 35 Адрес для переписки: 420202, г. Казань, а/я 43, ЗАО Артпатент U 1 1 3 5 7 7 4 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Запальное устройство, содержащее цилиндрический корпус с воздушным патрубком, газовод с эжектором, газоперепускную трубу и запальный элемент, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит коллектор, соединенный с газоводом, эжекционную камеру, расположенную за эжектором, ионизационный датчик контроля пламени, расположенный над газоперепускной трубой, один конец которой соединен с коллектором, а второй размещен внутри корпуса и заглублен относительно открытого его торца, в качестве запального элемента содержит высоковольтный токопровод с керамической изоляцией, при этом в корпусе перед коллектором выполнены по окружности сквозные отверстия для подсоса воздуха. 1 3 5 7 7 4 (54) ЗАПАЛЬНОЕ ...

27-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000139837U1

Запальное устройство, содержащее корпус, внутри которого установлена трубка подачи газа, выходящая в камеру поджига, снабженную фланцем для подсоединения к запальной горелке и устройством воспламенения газовоздушной смеси, с отверстиями для подсоса воздуха, перед которыми с внутренней стороны подвижно размещен отражатель, с возможностью установления его на пружинах, отличающееся тем, что к корпусу для предотвращения обмерзания отверстий подсоса воздуха прикреплен съемный защитный кожух в виде цилиндра, а камера поджига выполнена в виде сопла, сначала сужающегося, а затем расширяющегося, входной угол которой составляет от 5° до 85°, выходной угол - от 5° до 45°, а выходное отверстие трубки подачи газа выполнено диаметром от 0,5 мм до 2 мм. И 1 139837 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО“ 139 837°° 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 17.11.2018 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 13.08.2019 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 13.08.2019 Бюл. №23 Стр.: 1 па $8651 ЕП

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000151077U1

1. Дежурная горелка, содержащая сопло, узел ввода газовоздушной смеси, узел ввода дополнительного воздушного потока, корпус камеры смешения с боковым отверстием, полость которого соединена с полостью корпуса форкамеры через проходное отверстие, в котором установлен электрод искрового запальника, отличающаяся тем, что форкамера размещена внутри камеры смешения, узел ввода газовоздушной смеси соединен с корпусом камеры смешения и с корпусом форкамеры через боковое отверстие в корпусе камеры смешения, которое разделено верхним краем кольцевого выступа проходного отверстия корпуса форкамеры, и который с наружной стенкой корпуса форкамеры, внутренней стенкой корпуса камеры смешения и с конусной поверхностью сопла для ввода дополнительного воздушного потока в полость корпуса форкамеры образует круговой канал для подачи в полость корпуса форкамеры газовоздушной смеси, а электрод искрового запальника выполнен в виде трубки, соединенной с узлом ввода дополнительного воздушного потока и проходящей соосно сквозь камеру смешения, форкамеру и сопло, образуя круговой искровой зазор между срезом сопла и трубкой. 2. Дежурная горелка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что в круговом канале в месте подачи газовоздушной смеси в полость корпуса форкамеры установлена кольцевая система сопел, которая с наружной стороны сопряжена с основанием корпуса форкамеры, а с внутренней стороны сопряжена со срезом сопла, причем оси огневых отверстий кольцевой системы сопел могут располагаться как угодно в полости форкамеры относительно ее оси. 3. Дежурная горелка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что размер искрового зазора от поверхности трубки электрода искрового запальника до внутренней кольцевой стенки отверстия сопла выполнен не больше размера зазора между трубкой и электродами, вмонтированными в кольцевой выступ корпуса форкамеры со стороны проходного отверстия между полостями корпуса камеры смешения и корпуса форкамеры. 4. Дежурная горелка по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что корпус форкамеры внутри корпуса ...

10-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000156673U1

Запальное устройство горелки, включающее цилиндрический корпус с боковым подводом газовой смеси, на одном торце которого жестко закреплен высоковольтный блок, а также содержащее ионизационный датчик пламени и свечу зажигания, отличающееся тем, что на другом торце корпуса установлен диск с соплами, расположенными вокруг размещенной эксцентрично свечи зажигания, соединенной электрически с высоковольтным блоком через полую трубку, установленную в полости цилиндрического корпуса, параллельно которой расположена трубка ионизационного датчика контроля пламени, один конец которой через изолятор размещен в высоковольтном блоке, а другой ее конец - ионизационный датчик контроля пламени размещен через изолятор в диске и выступает за поверхность диска, причем полость трубки ионизационного датчика контроля пламени через боковое отверстие, проходящее через изолятор в высоковольтном блоке и цилиндрический корпус, сообщается с окружающей воздушной средой. И 1 156673 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ‘’” 156 673? 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 19.03.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 12.02.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 12.02.2020 Бюл. №5 Стр.: 1 па 51999 | ЕП

10-04-2016 дата публикации

Предохранительный клапан для газосжигательного устройства

Номер: RU0000161119U1
Принадлежит: ОРКЛИ, С. КООП.

1. Предохранительный клапан для газосжигательного устройства, содержащий электромагнит (2), фазную клемму (8), электрически соединенную с электромагнитом (2) и подходящую для соединения с фазной клеммой (31) соединителя (30) термопары, клемму заземления, электрически соединенную с электромагнитом (2) и подходящую для соединения с клеммой (32) заземления соединителя (30), и втулку (10), электрически соединенную с клеммой заземления, отличающийся тем, что втулка (10) содержит множество выступающих частей (11), которые проходят радиально в направлении внутренней части втулки (10) и которые подходят для направления введения соединителя (30) термопары для соединения с магнитной группой (1), при этом втулка (10) подходит для электрического соединения с клеммой (32) заземления соединителя (30) через выступающие части (11) и через внешнюю поверхность (17) указанной втулки (10).2. Предохранительный клапан по предыдущему пункту, отличающийся тем, что каждая выступающая часть (11) на одном конце содержит, по существу, плоскую поверхность (12) упора, в которую после введения указанного соединителя (30) уперт соединитель (30) термопары.3. Предохранительный клапан по предыдущему пункту, отличающийся тем, что выступ (33b) непроводящего корпуса (33), расположенный между фазной клеммой (31) и клеммой (33) заземления соединителя (30), уперт в поверхность (12) упора выступающей части (11) втулки (10), предотвращая осевое смещение соединителя (30) относительно втулки (10).4. Предохранительный клапан по п. 2 или 3, отличающийся тем, что поверхность (12) упора проходит в направлении, по существу, поперек втулки (10).5. Предохранительный клапан по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что каждая выступающая часть (11) на одном конце содержит наклонную поверхность (13), упрощающую введение соедините РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК F16K 31/02 (13) 161 119 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ ...

17-03-2017 дата публикации

Дежурная горелка

Номер: RU0000169429U1

Полезная модель относится к дежурной (пилотной) горелке факельных установок и может быть использована в нефтегазовой, нефтехимической, химической, коксохимической и других отраслях промышленности. Дежурная горелка содержит газопровод с соплом, токопровод, на котором закреплен продолговатый электрод - датчик пламени, а также камеру смешения. Рядом с камерой смешения установлена камера сгорания «малого пламени», соединенная с ней трубкой, а над камерой сгорания, соосно с ней, установлена втулка, закрепленная в концевой части электрода - датчика пламени, образующая с камерой сгорания торцевой искровой зазор. Согласно полезной модели на сопле установлена воздушная заслонка; дежурная горелка содержит кожух, а все составные части горелки размещены внутри кожуха. Применение заявляемой полезной модели ведет к повышению надежности дежурной горелки, а также обеспечивает возможность ее работы на различных составах топливного газа, включая смеси газов с содержанием азота до 80%. 1 ил. И 1 169429 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 169 429” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 26.10.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 26.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 26.08.2020 Бюл. №24 Стр.: 1 па 6бсУб9 ЕП

08-05-2018 дата публикации

Светодиодная лампа

Номер: RU0000179224U1
Принадлежит: Жуэй-Син ЛИНЬ

Светодиодная лампа (LED-лампа) включает в себя алюминиевое основание, светодиодный модуль, теплоотводящий элемент, две изолирующие планки, два монтажных провода и два установочных элемента. Светодиодный модуль и теплоотводящий элемент монтируются на основании. Каждый монтажный провод встроен в изолирующую планку, и оба эти элемента сконфигурированы на основании так, что светодиодный модуль оказывается электрически связанным с монтажными проводами. Каждый установочный элемент содержит соединительную часть, предназначенную для вставки одного из концов светодиодного модуля и теплоотводящего элемента; две упругие лапки, отходящие вниз от двух концов установочного элемента; и изогнутую вверх ленту, два конца которой соединены с двумя концами соединительной части. В нижней части каждой упругой лапки предусмотрен клин для вставки в канавку основания. Таким способом обеспечивается быстрая и простая сборка и разборка светодиодной лампы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 179 224 U1 (51) МПК F21S 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F21S 13/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017139773, 15.11.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): ЛИНЬ Жуэй-Син (TW) Дата регистрации: 08.05.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2546469 C2, 10.04.2015. RU 133901 U1, 27.10.2013. WO 2011031266 A1, 17.03.2011. US 20130176736 A1, 11.07.2013. (45) Опубликовано: 08.05.2018 Бюл. № 13 R U (54) СВЕТОДИОДНАЯ ЛАМПА (57) Реферат: Светодиодная лампа (LED-лампа) включает в себя алюминиевое основание, светодиодный модуль, теплоотводящий элемент, две изолирующие планки, два монтажных провода и два установочных элемента. Светодиодный модуль и теплоотводящий элемент монтируются на основании. Каждый монтажный провод встроен в изолирующую планку, и оба эти элемента сконфигурированы на основании так, что светодиодный модуль оказывается электрически связанным с ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации

Осветительное устройство

Номер: RU0000193217U1

Предложено осветительное устройство. Осветительное устройство содержит монтажную часть, оптически прозрачный рассеиватель и осветительную панель. Монтажная часть представляет собой замкнутый каркас. Передняя и задняя части монтажной части соединены с образованием полого монтажного каркаса. Монтажная часть имеет монтажную поверхность с выступом, проходящим от монтажной поверхности. Выступ имеет монтажную выемку, выполненную на стороне выступа, обращенной от монтажной поверхности, при этом осветительная панель закреплена в донной части монтажной выемки. К осветительной панели прикреплен светоизлучающий элемент. Оптически прозрачный рассеиватель имеет отверстие, защелкиваемое в канавке монтажной выемки посредством крепежного узла с обеспечением заключения осветительной панели в монтажной выемке. В результате выполнения замкнутого монтажного каркаса может быть уменьшена площадь, покрываемая оптически прозрачным рассеивателем, со снижением, тем самым, стоимости производства. Кроме того, для удовлетворения различных потребностей рынка монтажный каркас может быть конструктивно решен различными способами. Отверстие оптически прозрачного рассеивателя защелкивается в канавке монтажной выемки выступа посредством крепежного узла, с обеспечением упрощения и облегчения прикрепления рассеивателя и снижением тем самым стоимости производства. 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 217 U1 (51) МПК F21S 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F21S 13/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018127326, 25.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 17.10.2019 06.06.2018 CN 201820872431.0 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Фошань НэйшнСтар Оптоэлектроникс Ко., Лтд. (CN) (45) Опубликовано: 17.10.2019 Бюл. № 29 1 9 3 2 1 7 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN2020454417 U, 23.11.2011. RU 2561712 C2, 10.09.2015. RU 132860 U1, 27.09.2013. RU 161017 U1, 10.04.2016. RU ...

19-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000193860U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплоэнергетики и может быть использована на тепловых электростанциях и промышленных котельных. Огнеупорный канал горелочного устройства для плазменного воспламенения топлива горелок теплового агрегата содержит: цилиндрический корпус из жаропрочной стали, футерованный с внутренней стороны двумя слоями керамических полуколец, ограничивающих внутренний канал; установленный на фланце вышеуказанного цилиндрического корпуса входной канал из жаропрочной стали, содержащий закрепленную на его стенке в месте расположения отверстия для установки воспламеняющего устройства водоохлаждаемую рубашку; и цилиндрический выходной канал, являющийся продолжением вышеуказанного корпуса из жаропрочной стали и футерованный с внутренней стороны одним слоем керамических полуколец, ограничивающих внутренний канал. Технический результат - повышение надежности и увеличение срока службы огнеупорного канала горелочного устройства. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. И 1 193860 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 193 860” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 15.12.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 01.03.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 01.03.2021 Бюл. №7 Стр.: 1 па 093$6 1 ЕП

19-11-2019 дата публикации

Огнеупорный канал горелочного устройства для плазменного воспламенения топлива горелок теплового агрегата

Номер: RU0000193861U1

Полезная модель относится к области теплоэнергетики и может быть использована на тепловых электростанциях и промышленных котельных, работающих на углях низкого качества. Огнеупорный канал горелочного устройства для плазменного воспламенения топлива горелок теплового агрегата содержит цилиндрический внутренний канал, состоящий из четырех объединенных посредством пазовых соединений секций из жаропрочной стали и облицованный с внешней стороны слоем шамотного кирпича, ограниченного цилиндрическим кожухом из стали с внешней стороны. При этом установленный на фланце вышеуказанного цилиндрического кожуха входной канал из жаропрочной стали присоединен к цилиндрическому внутреннему каналу и содержит закрепленную на его стенке в месте расположения двух отверстий для установки воспламеняющих устройств водоохлаждаемую рубашку. Огнеупорный канал также содержит цилиндрический выходной канал, являющийся продолжением вышеуказанного внутреннего канала. Технический результат - повышение надежности и увеличение срока службы огнеупорного канала горелочного устройства. 3 з.п. ф-лы; 4 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 861 U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (2006.01) F23M 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F23Q 9/00 (2019.08); F23M 5/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019118744, 17.06.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 19.11.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 19.11.2019 Бюл. № 32 U 1 1 9 3 8 6 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2300053 C1, 27.05.2007. RU 2230991 C2, 20.06.2004. RU 50280 U1, 27.12.2005. RU 2210032 C2, 10.08.2003. EA 29299 B1, 30.03.2018. RU 2076275 C1, 27.03.1997. RU 177934 U1, 16.03.2018. (54) ОГНЕУПОРНЫЙ КАНАЛ ГОРЕЛОЧНОГО УСТРОЙСТВА ДЛЯ ПЛАЗМЕННОГО ВОСПЛАМЕНЕНИЯ ТОПЛИВА ГОРЕЛОК ТЕПЛОВОГО АГРЕГАТА (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области вышеуказанного цилиндрического кожуха теплоэнергетики и может быть использована на входной ...

11-02-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для размещения факела розжига путевого подогревателя нефти

Номер: RU0000195964U1

Предложение относится нефтегазодобывающей промышлености, в частности к устройствам для розжига основного факела в путевых подогревателях нефти. Устройство для размещения факела розжига путевого подогревателя нефти, включающее механизм приведения в вертикальное положение факела розжига, выполненного в виде жесткого стержня, причем механизм соединен с несущей опорой с возможностью поворота. Несущая опора выполнена в виде Г-образной стойки, снизу закрепленной на основании. Механизм приведения в вертикальное положение факела розжига выполнен сборным в виде полого стакана и держателя, изготовленного в виде двойной вилки, при этом стакан снабжен верхним раструбом и наружными перпендикулярными осями, которые расположены выше центра тяжести стакана и стакана с факелом розжига и вставлены в верхние симметричные проточки концов вилки. Другой конец вилки держателя вставлен с возможностью вращения в верхний Г-образный конец стойки. Внутри стакана равномерно по периметру и высоте расположены гибкие реснички для центрирования и удержания факелом розжига, оснащенного сверху упором, выполненным с возможностью взаимодействия с верхним торцом стакана. Вилки сверху могут быть оснащены поворотными пластинами, перекрывающими соответствующие проточки вилок после установки в них осей стакана. Предлагаемое устройства для розжига факела путевого подогревателя нефти просто в изготовление и надежно в работе, при этом позволяет производить розжиг факела путевого подогревателя нефти в любых, в том числе и полевых, условиях. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 964 U1 (51) МПК F23Q 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F23Q 9/00 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019140267, 09.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Публичное акционерное общество «Татнефть» имени В.Д. Шашина (RU) Дата регистрации: 11.02.2020 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Факельная установка

Номер: RU0000198838U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для сжигания постоянных, периодических и аварийных выбросов газа и может быть использована в нефтегазовой, нефтехимической отраслях. Факельная установка содержит факельный ствол, факельный оголовок, газовый затвор, связанный с тягой и выполненный с возможностью продольного перемещения вдоль оси факельного оголовка. В верхней части факельного оголовка выполнен неподвижный центратор. Затвор газовый выполнен в виде чаши, обращенной выпуклой поверхностью вниз и образующей тело обтекания, реализующей эффект Коанда, а с наружной стороны, образующей контур, образованный верхним торцом газового затвора и коническим буртиком для стабилизации пламени. Тяга проходит через отверстие в диафрагме. При этом выше и ниже диафрагмы установлены пружины и для регулирования усилий открытия-закрытия газового затвора гайками. Также факельная установка содержит запально-защитное устройство, состоящее из горелки дежурной, электрода розжига, высокоэнергетической свечи поверхностного разряда, термоэлемента контроля пламени, трубки подачи газа на дежурную горелку и эжектора. В итоге эксплуатационная надёжность факельной установки в различных осложнённых атмосферно-климатических условиях заметно повышается за счёт конструктивных доработок и более надёжного электророзжига. Факельная установка изготовлена при помощи высокоточного токарного и фрезерного оборудования с ЧПУ и испытана в лаборатории. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 838 U1 (51) МПК F23D 14/20 (2006.01) F23Q 9/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F23D 14/20 (2020.02); F23Q 9/08 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020114317, 21.04.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 30.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 30.07.2020 Бюл. № 22 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 90532 U1, 10.01.2010. RU 188634 U1, 18.04.2019. US 6702572 B2, 09.03.2004. US 3247885 A1, 26.04.1966. ...

19-08-2020 дата публикации

Светодиодный светильник

Номер: RU0000199154U1

Полезная модель относится к области светотехники, а именно к осветительным устройствам, с использованием полупроводниковых устройств - светодиодов и может быть использована в качестве светодиодного источника света для промышленного и бытового освещения, в том числе для освещения туннелей метрополитена.Техническое решение направлено на решение задачи создания светодиодного светильника, характеризующегося улучшенными эксплуатационными характеристиками.Достигаемый технический результат заключается в упрощении эксплуатационного обслуживания и повышении ремонтопригодности светодиодного светильника за счет снижения времени на замену вышедшего из строя драйвера.Светодиодный светильник содержит: корпус-радиатор, печатную плату со светодиодами, рассеиватель и драйвер. Драйвер размещен в отдельном алюминиевом корпусе, установленном на корпусе-радиаторе. При этом корпус драйвера содержит пазы на нижней поверхности, а корпус-радиатор снабжен жестко закрепленными на его верхней поверхности направляющими полозьями, профиль которых выполнен ответным пазам на корпусе драйвера. В предпочтительном варианте корпус-радиатор выполнен из анодированного алюминия; рассеиватель имеет трапециевидную форму, с углом λ наклона сторон, составляющим диапазон 45-60 градусов и выполнен из негорючего материала; светильник содержит встроенное устройство регулирования электрической мощности светового потока ламп (диммер) и/или встроенные устройства дистанционного управления светильником. В некоторых случаях исполнения направляющие полозья могут быть закреплены на корпусе-радиаторе посредством разъемного соединения, в отдельных случаях выполнения направляющие полозья могут быть закреплены на корпусе-радиаторе посредством неразъемного соединения. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 6 фиг. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 199 154 U1 (51) МПК F21S 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F21S 13/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020117158, 25.05. ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Heating system

Номер: US20120012099A1
Автор: David Deng
Принадлежит: Individual

A heating system can include certain pressure sensitive features. These features can be configured to change from a first position to a second position based on a pressure of a fuel flowing into the feature. These features can include, fuel selector valves, pressure regulators, burner nozzles, and oxygen depletion sensor nozzles, among other features.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Ignitor spark status indicator

Номер: US20120028199A1
Принадлежит: Alstom Technology AG

An ignitor spark indicator 100 is described that monitors RF signals within a flame rod 25 located near a spark rod 23 . The signal from the flame rod 25 is processed to provide a waveform that indicates when electrical arcing is occurring. The indication when arcing is occurring is also provided to flame-detecting equipment. The flame-proving device 60 only operates when the arcing is not produced so that the flame-detecting device 60 does not confuse the arcing with a flame reducing the false positive determinations.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130149652A1
Автор: Deng David

In certain embodiments, an apparatus can comprise a dual fuel pilot assembly. The pilot assembly can comprise a first fuel dispenser, a second fuel dispenser, an igniter and at least one of a thermocouple, and a thermopile. The pilot assembly can be configured to direct heat from combustion of one of either a first fuel or a second fuel to the at least one of the thermocouple and the thermopile. 1 a first fuel dispenser configured to deliver a first fuel;', 'a second fuel dispenser configured to deliver a second fuel different from the first fuel; and', 'at least one of a thermocouple configured to couple with a feedback line and a thermopile configured to couple with a power line;', 'wherein heat from combustion of either the first fuel or the second fuel is directed toward the at least one of the thermocouple and the thermopile., 'a dual fuel pilot assembly, said pilot assembly comprising. An apparatus comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/581,758, filed Oct. 19, 2009, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,297,968, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/649,976, filed Jan. 5, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,011,920, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/871,761, filed Dec. 22, 2006; the entire contents of all of the above applications are hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of this specification.1. Field of the InventionsCertain embodiments disclosed herein relate generally to heating devices, and relate more specifically to fluid-fueled heating devices.2. Description of the Related ArtMany varieties of heaters, fireplaces, stoves, and other heating devices utilize pressurized, combustible fuels. Some such devices operate with liquid propane, while others operate with natural gas. However, such devices and certain components thereof have various limitations and disadvantages.In certain embodiments, an apparatus can comprise a dual fuel pilot assembly. The dual fuel pilot ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209944A1
Автор: Deng David

A dual fuel heating apparatus can include a safety control system having a shutoff valve, a thermocouple solenoid assembly, a first nozzle, and a second nozzle. The first nozzle can be positioned to direct heat from combustion of a first gas, liquid, or combination thereof towards the thermocouple solenoid assembly when the first gas, liquid, or combination thereof is being combusted. The second nozzle can be positioned to direct heat from combustion of a second gas, liquid, or combination thereof towards the thermocouple solenoid assembly when the second gas, liquid, or combination thereof is being combusted. The thermocouple solenoid assembly can be configured to maintain the shutoff valve in an open position based on heat from combustion directed to the thermocouple solenoid assembly or in a closed position based on an absence of heat from combustion directed to the thermocouple solenoid assembly. 1. (canceled)2. A control valve assembly for use in a heater comprising:a housing having an inlet, an oxygen depletion sensor (ODS) outlet, and a first burner outlet;a valve body positioned within the housing and configured to rotate relative to the housing so as to selectively permit fuel to flow from the inlet to one or more of the outlets;an igniter comprising a sensor, the igniter capable of repeatedly firing an electrode when the sensor is activated;a shaft coupled to the valve body;an extension coupled with the shaft and configured to activate the sensor and thereby to activate the igniter; anda solenoid valve configured to control fuel flow into the control valve assembly in response to an electrical input.3. The control valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the sensor comprises a button sensitive to pressure actuation configured such that contact of the extension with the sensor results in multiple firings of the electrode.4. The control valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the sensor comprises a magnetometer.5. The control valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217245A1
Автор: Bettinzoli Angelo
Принадлежит: SABAF S.P.A.

Electrical connection for connecting a phase conductor and ground cable of a thermocouple to the magnet assembly of a gas supply safety cock, including a thermocouple connection head that can be coupled to a complementary contact portion of the magnet assembly, in which the connection head of the thermocouple has a first terminal for the phase conductor, or for the ground cable, and a second terminal for the ground cable, or for the phase conductor, and in which the aforesaid contact portion of the magnet assembly has a complementary jack for the first terminal and a coupling collar for the second terminal. The second terminal advantageously has at least one thin elastic plate internally insertable in the collar, and the thermocouple's connection head and the contact portion of the magnet assembly are shaped to deform the thin elastic plate when inserted inside the same collar in contact with the latter. 1. Electrical connection for connecting the phase conductor and the ground cable of a thermocouple to the magnet assembly of a gas supply safety cock , of the type comprising a thermocouple connection head that can be coupled to a complementary contact portion of the magnet assembly , in which said connection thermocouple head comprises a first terminal for said phase conductor , or for said ground cable , and a second terminal for said ground cable , or for said phase conductor , and in which said contact portion of the magnet assembly comprises a complementary jack for said first terminal and a coupling collar for said second terminal , wherein said second terminal comprises at least one thin elastic plate insertable inside said collar , said thermocouple connection head and said contact portion of the magnet assembly being shaped to deform said at least one thin elastic plate , when inserted inside said collar , in contact with the latter.2. Electrical connection according to claim 1 , wherein said first terminal is a female terminal and that said complementary ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130252183A1
Автор: Mueller Matthias

A gas burner has a burner base formed with inner and outer upwardly open annular base chambers each connected to a respective gas supply. An inner burner on the burner base has gas outlet orifices that create an inner flame ring. An annular outer burner on the burner base has inner gas outlet orifices on its inner annular periphery creating an intermediate flame ring and outer gas outlet orifices on its outer annular periphery creating an outer flame ring. This outer burner also has two coaxial and separate inner and outer annular gas chambers that are downwardly open toward the burner base. The outlet orifices of the intermediate flame ring open into the inner annular gas chamber while the gas outlet orifices of the outer flame ring open into the outer annular gas chamber. 1. A gas burner having at least three flame rings , the burner comprising:a burner base formed with a inner and outer upwardly open annular base chambers and having a respective gas supply connected to each of the annular base chambers;an inner burner provided on the burner base, having its own gas supply, and having gas outlet orifices that create an inner flame ring, and{'b': '3', 'i': 'a', 'an annular outer burner provided on the burner base, surrounding the inner burner, having inner gas outlet orifices () on its inner annular periphery creating an intermediate flame ring, and having outer gas outlet orifices on its outer annular periphery creating an outer flame ring, the annular outer burner has having two coaxial and separate inner and outer annular gas chambers that are downwardly open toward the burner base, the gas outlet orifices of the intermediate flame ring opening into the inner annular gas chamber while the gas outlet orifices of the outer flame ring open into the outer annular gas chamber, each of the separate annular gas chambers of the outer burner being in fluid communication with a respective one of the annular upwardly open gas chambers formed in the burner base.'}2. The gas ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280664A1

A burner assembly for an oil or gas dehydration system is provided which allows for standard pilot access through the burner assembly. The burner assembly includes an airplate system having a crescent shaped shutter plate. 1. A burner assembly providing for adjustable airflow and pilot access comprising:an airplate assembly including a circular airplate having a plurality of openings for passage of air and a shutter plate having a plurality of openings for passage of air, wherein the shutter plate is adjustably positioned adjacent to the circular airplate so that a plurality of openings in the airplate assembly created by an overlap of the plurality of openings in the circular airplate and the plurality of openings in the shutter plate may be adjusted to increase or decrease a dimension of said plurality of openings in the airplate assembly by rotating the shutter plate with respect to the circulate airplate;a burner unit, including a main burner mixer, an inspirator tube, and a burner nozzle, wherein the burner unit is positioned substantially perpendicular to the airplate assembly and wherein the main burner mixer is disposed on a first side of the airplate assembly and the burner nozzle is disposed on a second side of the airplate assembly and wherein the burner unit extends through the airplate assembly; anda pilot assembly, including a pilot nozzle, wherein the pilot assembly is positioned substantially parallel to the burner unit and the pilot assembly extends through an opening in the airplate assembly so that the pilot nozzle is disposed adjacent to the burner nozzle;wherein the shutter plate is configured in a substantially crescent shape to permit the pilot assembly to be disposed through the airplate assembly at an angle substantially parallel to the burner unit.2. The burner assembly of claim 1 , wherein the shutter plate is comprised of a heat resistant material.3. The burner assembly of claim 2 , wherein the heat resistant material is selected from the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288187A1

A multiflame burner with burner nozzles which can be loaded with fuel gas, particularly for thermal material processing methods, in which at least one of the burner nozzles is provided with at least one auxiliary nozzle opening for generating an auxiliary flame arranged laterally to a main nozzle arrangement for generating a working flame and in the direction of at least one adjacent burner nozzle. 1. A multiflame burner comprising burner nozzles that can be supplied with combustible gas , wherein the multiflame burner is constituted as a manual burner or machine burner for operation with acetylene as a combustible gas , and wherein at least one of the burner nozzles is provided with at least one secondary nozzle opening for generating a secondary flame said secondary nozzle opening being disposed at the side of a main nozzle arrangement for generating a working flame , the orientation of said secondary flame having a directional component in the direction of an adjacent burner nozzle , characterised in that at least one of the burner nozzles is provided with two or more secondary nozzle openings on at least one side of the main nozzle arrangement.2. The multiflame burner according to claim 1 , characterised in that at least one secondary nozzle opening and/or at least one nozzle channel associated with the secondary nozzle opening is disposed at an angle to the main nozzle arrangement and/or a nozzle channel associated with the main nozzle arrangement.3. The multiflame burner according to claim 1 , characterised in that at least one of the burner nozzles is provided with secondary nozzle openings for generating secondary flames in the direction of at least two adjacent burner nozzles.4. (canceled)5. The multiflame burner according to claim 1 , characterised in that at least one of the burner nozzles is provided with a plurality of linearly disposed secondary nozzle openings.6. The multiflame burner according to claim 1 , characterised in that at least one of the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Gas ignition switch

Номер: US20140072918A1
Автор: Pao-Chi Chang, Shu-Mei Liu

The present invention provides an improved gas ignition switch, which comprises a gas switch main body, a closer assembly, a knob assembly, a pressing plate, a inching switch and an electronic ignition device, and the outside of the gas switch main body is further configured with an enclosure. The enclosure covers the inching switch and the corresponding pressing plate, so as to separate the corresponding positions of the inching switch and the pressing plate from the outside environment.

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Housing Assembly for a Flare Tip Apparatus for Use on a Waste Gas Flare Stack

Номер: US20170003021A1
Автор: Bacon David

A gas assist flare tip for enhancing smokeless combustion of a flare gas. The assist tip which has a shroud positioned on a flare stack, the shroud having an outer annular portion and an inner tubular portion which fits over the riser. There is an annular plenum which is partially formed by the tubular portion and the outer portion and has an annular vent proximate the open end of the riser. There is at least one air jet eductor having a discharge outlet opening into the plenum. 1. A housing assembly for a flare tip apparatus usable on a flare stack riser having a first diameter and an upper end , comprising:an inner tubular portion with an upper end and a second diameter sufficiently greater than said first diameter to allow said tubular portion to be slidably received over said upper end of said flare stack riser;an annular shroud in surrounding relationship and attached to said tubular portion, a first annulus being formed between said first shroud and said tubular portion, said annular shroud having an upper shroud end, a vent being formed between said upper shroud end and said upper end of said tubular portion; anda releasable retainer system holding said housing assembly on said flare stack riser.2. The housing assembly of claim 1 , wherein there is a laterally inwardly extending lip formed on the upper end of said inner tubular portion claim 1 , said lip overlying at least a portion of the upper end of said flare stack riser when said housing assembly is positioned on said flare stack riser.3. The housing assembly of claim 2 , wherein said lip is annular.4. The housing assembly of claim 1 , wherein there is a compression assembly connected to said inner tubular portion and operative to compressively urge said inner tubular portion into engagement with said flare stack riser when said housing assembly is positioned on said flare stack riser. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/296,883 filed on Jun. 5, 2014 the disclosure of which ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003023A1

A valve system having a dual trim valve assembly capable of using a single valve assembly to provide fuel in a plurality of modes for at least a main burner operation mode and a parallel pilot operation mode. 1. A dual trim valve apparatus , the apparatus comprising:a main body having an inlet and one or more outlets;a first main valve control seat located within the main body;a second bypass valve control seat also located within the main body;a main control plug positioned within the main body and configured to selectively seal against the first main valve control seat;a bypass control plug positioned within the main body and configured to seal against the first main valve control seat;a main fluidic channel connecting the inlet to at least one outlet, the main fluidic channel providing fluid communication between the inlet and the at least one outlet, the main fluidic channel being sealed when the main control plug is sealed against the first main valve control seat; anda bypass fluidic channel connecting the inlet to at least one outlet, the bypass fluidic channel providing fluid communication between the inlet and the at least one outlet, the bypass fluidic channel being configured to selectively seal when the bypass control plug is sealed against the second bypass valve control seat.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a seat cartridge containing the first main valve control seat disposed within a perimeter portion of the seat cartridge, the seat cartridge also containing the second bypass valve control seat about a central portion, the seat cartridge being engageable with an interior portion of the main body.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the seat cartridge further includes at least one fluidic channel configured to provide fluid communication from the bypass fluidic channel to an exterior portion of the seat cartridge.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a stem assembly claim 1 , the stem assembly further comprising;a stem ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003381A1
Автор: PIZARRO Oscar Carlos
Принадлежит: Alto Comahue S.R.L.

A burner for venting gas of a gas or oil well, the same comprises a venting gas tubing laid from the well up to a burning pit; a tubing for the supply of pilot gas laid parallel to the tubing of venting gas; a tubing of power lines from a control panel up to at least one electrode; a nozzle constituted by a tube that comprises a plurality of perforations that go through the wall of said tube, a plurality of air inlet tubes affixed to the wall of said tube; and a plurality of support spoilers affixed to the wall of said tube; where, the distal ends of the venting gas tubing, the tubing of supply of pilot gas and at the least one electrode, are located inside the nozzle; and where, the nozzle is installed inside the burning pit. 1. A burner for venting gas of a gas or oil well , characterized in that the same comprises:a venting gas tubing laid from the well up to a burning pit;a tubing for the supply of pilot gas laid parallel to the tubing of venting gas;a tubing of power lines from a control panel up to at least one electrode;a nozzle constituted by a tube that comprises: 'a plurality of support spoilers affixed to the wall of said tube;', 'a plurality of air inlet tubes affixed to the wall of said tube; and'}, 'a plurality of perforations that go through the wall of said tube,'}where, the distal ends of the venting gas tubing, the tubing of supply of pilot gas and at the least one electrode, are located inside the nozzle; andwhere, the nozzle is installed inside the burning pit.2. The burner in accordance to claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrode closes circuit with the venting gas tubing or the tubing that supplies pilot gas claim 1 , grounded.3. The burner in accordance to claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrode closes circuit with another grounded electrode.4. The burner in accordance to claim 1 , wherein the electrodes are isolated from the metallic parts of the burner with ceramic.5. The burner in accordance to claim 1 , wherein the lighting of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003424A1
Автор: Gutowski Jan

Apparatus for igniting a burner of a barbeque includes a housing, a mesh, an orifice, a pair of conductors and a generator. The housing defines a conduit having an inlet and an outlet spaced apart from the inlet. The mesh occludes the conduit and is positioned adjacent the outlet. The orifice is for receiving combustible gas and communicates with the inlet. The pair of conductors define a gap, the gap being positioned such that the gap is disposed in spaced relation to the mesh and the mesh is disposed intermediate the orifice and the gap. The generator is for producing a spark across the gap. 1. An improved igniter valve of the type for use with a supply of gas and with a gas burner having a plurality of ports , each of said plurality of ports having a stream of gas-air mixture issuing therethrough in use , the igniter valve having:an assembly including: [1] a stem: that can be turned between an off position and a low position; having a high position between the off and low positions; and that can be depressed; [2] a generator that produces a high intensity electric field; and [3] a mechanism: coupled to the generator and to the stem; coupled in use to the gas supply; having a primary gas port coupled in use to the gas burner; having a secondary gas port; and adapted to (i) activate the generator when the stem is turned from the off to the high position; (ii) produce a flow of gas to the secondary gas port when the stem is depressed; and (iii) deliver a stream of gas to the primary gas port when the stem is between the high and low positions,an orifice operatively coupled in use to the secondary gas port;a tube positioned in respect to the orifice such that gas flow issues through a terminus of the tube in use, the tube being positioned such that the terminus lies out of the burner streams while the gas flow intersects at least one of the burner streams; andan electrode coupled to the generator to produce a spark, the electrode being positioned such that, in use: ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011527A1

Burner (), in particular for a vehicle heater (), having an orifice plate () separating an inner combustion region () from an outer region (), wherein a photosensitive sensor () is arranged in the outer region (), wherein at least two separate air inlet openings () are being provided in the orifice plate (), wherein one of the at least two air inlet openings () is additionally formed as a light opening () which also allows light to pass from the inner combustion region () to the photosensitive sensor (20) that is arranged in the outer region (), wherein the at least two air inlet openings () are being shaped such that the same combustion air quantities flow into the internal combustion region () per unit time, respectively, and wherein the orifice plate () is transparent and/or the light opening () has a shape different from the air inlet openings () that are not formed as light opening such that an illumination area defined by the light opening () is larger than a reference illumination area defined by one of the at least two air inlet openings () that are not formed as light opening (). 1. Burner , in particular for a vehicle heater , havingan orifice plate separating an inner combustion region from an outer region,wherein a photosensitive sensor is arranged in the outer region,wherein at least two separate air inlet openings are being provided in the orifice plate,wherein one of the at least two air inlet openings is additionally formed as a light opening which also allows light to pass from the inner combustion region to the photosensitive sensor that is arranged in the outer region,wherein the at least two air inlet openings being shaped such that the same combustion air quantities flow into the internal combustion region per unit time, respectively, and{'b': '28', 'wherein the orifice plate is transparent and/or the light opening () has a shape different from the air inlet openings that are not formed as light opening such that an illumination area defined by ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Flare Stack Diffuser Tip

Номер: US20220034506A1
Автор: Rajewski Cal Robert

There is a flare stack diffuser tip for use with a flare stack having a waste gas conduit. The flare stack diffuser tip has one or more concentric diffuser rings. One or more radial transfer spokes connect to the waste gas conduit of the flare stack to receive waste gas. The one or more radial transfer spokes is in fluid connection with the one or more concentric diffuser rings. 1. A flare stack diffuser tip for use with a flare stack having a waste gas conduit , the flare stack diffuser tip comprising:one or more concentric diffuser rings; andone or more radial transfer spokes configured to connect to the waste gas conduit to receive waste gas and the one or more radial transfer spokes in fluid connection with the one or more diffuser rings.2. The flare stack diffuser tip of in which the radial transfer spokes define an open core permitting air flow through a central opening defined by the one or more diffuser rings.3. The flare stack diffuser tip of in which there is more than one concentric diffuser ring claim 2 , each of the one or more transfer spokes further comprising a flame bridge extending between plural concentric diffusing rings.4. The flare stack diffuser tip of in which one or more radial transfer spokes each extend upwardly and outwardly at an upper end of the flare stack diffuser tip to define the open core.5. The flare stack diffuser tip of in which the one or more concentric diffusing rings are at least two concentric diffuser rings defining air flow passageways between them.6. The flare stack diffuser tip of in which the air flow passageways connect to the open core.7. The flare stack diffuser tip of comprising at least two radial transfer spokes.8. The flare stack diffuser tip of comprising three concentric diffuser rings.9. The flare stack diffuser tip of comprising three radial transfer spokes each equally angularly-spaced from each other.10. The flare stack diffuser tip of further comprising claim 1 , in respect of at least one concentric ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034508A1
Принадлежит: SIT S.P.A.

An apparatus for heating water comprises a main burner, a pilot burner, a valve assembly with a main valve and a pilot valve having a shutter, a magnetic thermoelectric safety assembly with a thermocouple device holding the pilot valve open in the presence of a flame in the pilot burner, a button member mounted on a rod that is slidingly guided in the valve assembly and an electrical ignition member supplied via an electrical connection circuit, a switch device in the circuit being designed to be switched by means of the button member so as to close the electrical circuit when said button member is pressed in order to carry out actuation of the magnetic assembly so as to open the passage of gas through the pilot valve towards the pilot burner and to ignite the pilot flame by means of the sparks generated by the ignition member. 1. Water-heating apparatus , comprising a combustible gas burner and:{'b': '9', 'a main burner (), having a flame configured to heat water in a storage tank of the apparatus,'}{'b': 10', '9, 'a pilot burner (), which is configured to generate a pilot flame for igniting the main burner (),'}{'b': 11', '13', '14', '9', '15', '17', '14', '13', '10', '19', '14', '14', '10, 'i': 'a', 'a valve assembly (), which comprises a main valve (), arranged on a main pipe () which supplies combustible gas to the main burner (), and a pilot valve (), which has a shutter () and is arranged on said main pipe (), upstream of said main valve (), which supplies gas to the pilot burner (), a pilot pipe () branching off from a portion () of the main pipe () that is interposed between said pilot valve and said main valve in order to supply the gas to the pilot burner (),'}{'b': 20', '21', '15', '10', '22', '23', '11', '17', '15', '22', '23', '23', '17', '15, 'a magnetic thermoelectric safety assembly () with a manual actuating, comprising a thermocouple device () that holds the pilot valve () open in the presence of a flame in the pilot burner (), and a button member ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160025236A1

A control valve may include a fluid inlet, a plurality of fluid outlets, and a plurality of magnets. One of the plurality of magnets controls fluid flow for each of one of the plurality of fluid outlets. One of the plurality of magnets controls fluid flow for the remaining of the plurality of magnets. When the magnet controlling fluid flow for the remaining of the plurality of magnets is energized, fluid flow is permitted to the remaining of the plurality of magnets. When the remaining of the plurality of magnets are energized, fluid flow is permitted to the respective plurality of fluid outlets. 1. A control valve comprising:a fluid inlet;a plurality of fluid outlets; anda plurality of magnets, wherein one of the plurality of magnets controls fluid flow for each of one of the plurality of fluid outlets and another of the plurality of magnets controls fluid flow for the remaining of the plurality of magnets.2. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein when the magnet controlling fluid flow for the remaining of the plurality of magnets is energized claim 1 , fluid flow is permitted to the remaining of the plurality of magnets claim 1 , andwherein when one of the remaining of the plurality of magnets is energized, fluid flow is permitted to the respective one of the plurality of fluid outlets.3. The control valve of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of magnets further includes a head connected to a body with a rod that is slideably attached to the body such that the head and rod move along a longitudinal axis relative to the body.4. The control valve of claim 3 , further comprising a spring located between the head and the body along the rod claim 3 , wherein the spring biases the head in a first position.5. The control valve of claim 4 , wherein when the head is in the first position claim 4 , the head of the magnet prevents fluid flow from the fluid inlet to one of the plurality of outlets.6. The control valve of claim 4 , wherein when the magnet is energized ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Venturi Nozzle for a Gas Combustor

Номер: US20160025336A1
Принадлежит: JLCC Inc

A venturi nozzle for a gas combustor includes an orificed gas nozzle, a venturi tube and one or more support members. The orificed gas nozzle has a longitudinal axis, an inlet and an outlet. The venturi tube is aligned with the longitudinal axis and has an entrance proximate to the outlet of the orificed gas nozzle and an exit. The support member(s) are attached between the orificed gas nozzle and the venturi tube to create a gap between the venturi tube and the orificed gas nozzle. In some embodiments, two or more venturi nozzles can be combined together in various configurations into a nozzle assembly or multi-nozzle gas combustor and attached, mounted or disposed within a stack, chimney or vented enclosure. The wall(s) of the stack, chimney or vented enclosure may include one or more openings, cut outs or vents to provide primary and secondary air to the venturi nozzles.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042680A1

A system for use with a fired vessel of production/separators or dehydration equipment that includes a metal box, a main burner, a pilot burner, and a flame arrestor. The main burner and the pilot burner are within the metal box and the first flame arrestor is connected to the metal box. 1. A system for use with a fired vessel , the system comprising:a tank containing a volume of liquid;a tube submerged in the volume of liquid within the tank,a metal box defining an interior volume, wherein the metal box is within the tube;a main burner within the interior volume of the metal box and a first venturi tube within the main burner;a pilot burner within the interior volume of the metal box and adjacent the main burner, and a second venturi tube within the pilot burner;wherein the first venturi tube of the main burner is connected to a first fitting of the main burner and the second venturi tube of the pilot burner is connected to a second fitting of the pilot burner;a first flame arrestor connected to the tube, wherein the first flame arrestor defines an air-intake opening, and a moveable plate operatively connected the first flame arrestor at the air-intake opening, wherein the moveable plate moves between a closed first position and an open second position via a plunger, wherein the first flame arrestor provides ambient air to the main burner and the pilot burner when the moveable plate is in the open second position; anda second flame arrestor connected to the metal box, wherein the second flame arrestor is adapted to create an air-fuel mixture inside first and second venturi tubes;wherein system is adapted to be coupled to a fuel source to supply fuel to the main burner and the pilot burner.2. A system for use with a fired vessel , the system comprising:a box;a main burner within the box;a pilot burner within the box; anda first flame arrestor connected to the box.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first flame arrestor provides ambient air to the main burner and ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Universal housing for a hot surface igniter

Номер: US20190024893A1
Автор: Gorst Malcolm

Herein disclosed is universal housing for a hot surface igniter that can be removed and/or easily installed by the consumer without the need for numerous tools or assistance from experienced maintenance personnel. The igniter housing is universal and is functional for use with substantially any apparatus or device which requires a hot surface igniter. The universal housing is of simple construction formed from only two components. Various embodiments are disclosed for construction of the two components and also various attachment means are described. 1. A universal housing for a hot surface igniter used for installation within an apparatus in combination comprising: an igniter element; a holder; and a base; said igniter element being fixedly mounted within said holder , said holder having standard hot surface igniter components therein , said holder having a standard insulated positive terminal extending downwardly therefrom , said base having standard components therein , said base having standard electrical leads extending downwardly therefrom for electrical connection to said apparatus and said holder being interconnected to said base.2. The universal housing of wherein said holder and said base are remove ably interconnected together by detachment means.3. The universal housing of wherein said detachment means is a bayonet fitting comprising; said holder being cylindrical having at least one outwardly projecting radial pin claim 2 , said base being cylindrical having at least one L-shaped slot for slide ably receiving and retaining said outwardly projecting radial pin therein.4. The universal housing of wherein said bayonet fitting further includes a spring claim 3 , said L-shaped slot having a short upward segment at the end of the horizontal arm forming a serif claim 3 , whereby claim 3 , when said outwardly projecting radial pin is slide ably engaged downwardly into the vertical arm of said L-shaped slot then rotated horizontally said spring urges said ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Mobile Multiple Torch Apparatus

Номер: US20200025370A1
Автор: Romano Anthony

A mobile multiple torch assembly suitable for use in recreational applications such as patios, decks, or a variety of outdoor settings that allows greater control over the amount of light, heat and emissions and can more readily be moved to different locations, and that optionally and preferably includes safety features intended to shut-off the flow of flammable gas in the event a flame is not detected or the torch assembly tips over. 1. A torch assembly comprising: (i) a first pole;', '(ii) a first gas inlet connected to the first pole', '(iii) a first burner head assembly operatively coupled to the upper end of the first pole;, '(a) a first pole assembly extending upward, said first pole assembly comprising (i) a second pole;', '(ii) a second gas inlet connected to the second pole', '(iii) a second burner head assembly connected to the upper end of the second pole;, '(b) a second pole assembly extending upward in a different direction from the first pole assembly, said second pole assembly comprising (i) a third pole;', '(ii) a third gas inlet connected to the third pole', '(iii) a third burner head assembly connected to the upper end of the third pole;, '(c) a third pole assembly extending upward in a different direction from the first pole assembly and the second pole assembly, said third pole assembly comprising(d) a base assembly that connects to a lower portion of the first pole assembly, to a lower portion of the second pole assembly, and to a lower portion of the third pole assembly;(e) a connection assembly that is located above the base assembly, and that connects to the first pole assembly, to the second pole assembly, and to the third pole assembly;(f) a flammable gas supply connection operatively coupled to the first gas inlet, to the second gas inlet, and to the third gas inlet.2. The torch assembly of wherein: (i) a first no-flame shut-off valve operatively coupled to the first pole;', '(ii) a first burner tip operatively coupled to the first no- ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Flare Pilot and Flare Pilot with Ignitor Assembly

Номер: US20200025372A1
Автор: CASSIDY Bo-John

In one aspect a pilot assembly is disclosed for use with a flare having a first flare stack and a second flare stack, each having discharge ends. The pilot assembly comprises a pilot nozzle assembly, a pilot inlet pipe having a pilot fuel inlet, and a pilot ignition system. The pilot nozzle assembly comprises a connecting member, a pilot nozzle inlet, a first pilot nozzle and a second pilot nozzle. The pilot nozzle assembly can direct a quantity of pilot gas received via the pilot inlet pipe out through the first and second pilot nozzles. The first and second pilot nozzles may both be positioned adjacent the discharge end of either one of the first or second flare stacks. Alternatively, the first pilot nozzle may be positioned adjacent the first flare stack's discharge, and the second pilot nozzle may be positioned adjacent the second flare stack's discharge end. 1100. A pilot assembly () comprising:{'b': '102', 'a pilot nozzle assembly ();'}{'b': 110', '120, 'a pilot inlet pipe () having a pilot fuel inlet (); and'}{'b': '30', 'a pilot ignition system ();'}{'b': '102', 'claim-text': [{'b': '103', 'a connecting member ();'}, {'b': '104', 'a single pilot nozzle inlet (); and'}, {'b': 106', '106, 'i': a,', 'b, 'a plurality of nozzle outlets (); and'}], 'wherein the pilot nozzle assembly () comprises{'b': 102', '110, 'wherein the pilot nozzle assembly () is in fluid communication with said pilot inlet pipe ().'}2100102102102106106a,ba,b. The pilot assembly () of wherein the pilot nozzle assembly () further comprises at least two pilot nozzles () each terminating in one of said plurality of nozzle outlets (); and{'b': 103', '103', '103', '104', '102', '102, 'i': a,', 'b', 'a,', 'b, 'wherein the connecting member () comprises a plurality of conduits () fluidly connecting the pilot nozzle inlet () and the pilot nozzles ().'}3100102102108a,b. The pilot assembly () of wherein the at least two pilot nozzles () each further comprise at least one flame front opening ().410030. ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033002A1
Автор: KARAKI Tatsuya

A combustion apparatus includes a burner, a chamber, and a flame rod. The burner includes a burner port surface in which a plurality of burner ports are open. The chamber includes an attachment surface to which the burner is attached and supplies mixed gas to the plurality of burner ports. The flame rod is attached to a flange portion of a chamber located on an outer circumference side of the burner in plan view. The flame rod includes a core. The core extends diagonally to the attachment surface to pass through the chamber, and is bent toward the burner port surface. 1. A combustion apparatus comprising:a burner including a burner port surface in which a plurality of burner ports are open;a chamber including an attachment surface to which the burner is attached, the chamber supplying mixed gas to the plurality of burner ports; anda flame rod attached to an outer circumferential portion of the chamber which is located on an outer circumference side of the burner in plan view, the flame rod including a core,wherein the core extends diagonally to the attachment surface to pass through the chamber, and is bent toward the burner port surface.2. The combustion apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe core includes a first portion having a tip end and disposed to extend along the burner port surface, andthe tip end is disposed opposite to the chamber with respect to the burner port surface and is disposed to overlap the burner in plan view.3. The combustion apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the core includesa second portion inserted into the chamber,a third portion disposed between the first portion and the second portion,a first bent portion connecting the first portion and the third portion to each other, anda second bent portion connecting the second portion and the third portion to each other.4. The combustion apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a burner flange disposed between the burner and the core such that at least part of the burner ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150037739A1
Автор: Hall Peter

An apparatus, method and system is disclosed for a pilot light ignition system. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes: (1) a fluid powered linear actuator and (2) a trigger member, wherein the linear actuator is configured to move the trigger member to triggering a spark generating mechanism to generate a spark for igniting a pilot light. The pilot light ignition system may be for use with, for example, a crude oil burner or gas flare.

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Auxiliary Burner Assembly and Control System for Combusting Vent Gases in Petroleum Production and Processing

Номер: US20150037742A1

An auxiliary burner assembly is provided within the exhaust stack associated with a main burner assembly for combusting vent gases from a petroleum production and processing facility. The auxiliary burner unit is located within the exhaust stack associated with the main burner assembly. The auxiliary burner assembly enables the same exhaust stack as the main burner assembly while effective combusting exhaust gases and providing heating of a medium when required. The auxiliary burner is utilized when the main burner assembly is inactive and gas pressure stored in a vent gas tank exceeds an upper pressure set-point value. An auxiliary burner controller system is utilized to control operation of the auxiliary burners. 1. An auxiliary burner assembly for combusting excess combustible gases from a vent gas tank , the auxiliary burner assembly comprising:a first auxiliary burner unit housed within an exhaust stack of a main burner assembly, the first auxiliary burner unit for combusting vent gases received from a vent gas supply line from the vent gas tank; andan outer pipe for supporting the first auxiliary burner unit within a center of the outer pipe having a diameter equal to the exhaust gas stack of the main burner assembly; andwherein the first auxiliary burner unit is utilized to combust vent gases from the vent gas tank when the vent gases exceed a first pressure set-point and the main burner assembly is inactive,2. The auxiliary burner assembly of wherein the auxiliary burner assembly further comprises an auxiliary fire-tube within the exhaust stack of the main burner assembly claim 1 , the auxiliary fire-tube encircling the burner unit.3. The auxiliary burner assembly of wherein the burner unit further comprises:an air adjustment device; andan air-fuel ratio mixer between the elbow and the burner barrel.4. The auxiliary burner assembly of wherein the fire-tube extends beyond a top portion of the outer pipe claim 2 , the fire-tube supported within the outer pipe ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038071A1
Автор: Strong Andrew H.
Принадлежит: Chentronics, LLC

An apparatus and method are provided for improved gas pilot burners, which are capable of simultaneous flame ignition and flame detection. More particularly, the invention provides for an apparatus and method capable of simultaneous high-energy ignition and flame ionization detection in a high-energy igniter that utilizes a spark rod located in a fuel channel. 1. A pilot burner comprising:a source of electrical energy;a spark rod having a first end, a second end and a flame rod connected to said spark rod near said second end, wherein said spark rod is connected to said source of electrical energy at said first end such that said electrical energy causes a spark at said second end;a housing having a fuel flow passage which contains said second end of said spark rod, wherein the position of said flame rod in said housing and the connection of said spark rod to said source of electrical energy is such that when no flame exists adjacent to said second end of said spark rod, no current flows between said flame rod and said housing and when a flame exists adjacent to said second end of said spark rod, current flows between said flame rod and said housing and wherein said source of electrical energy and said pilot burner are capable of simultaneously generating said spark and providing said current.2. The pilot burner of claim 1 , wherein said spark rod further comprises:a center electrode extending between said first and second end;an electrode tube extending between said first and second end and surrounding said electrode; andan insulator between said center electrode and said electrode tube;wherein said spark occurs between said center electrode and said electrode tube and said flame rod is connected to said electrode tube.3. The pilot burner of further comprising a fuel source in fluid flow communication to said fuel flow passage such that when fuel is flowing said spark can cause ignition of said fuel.4. The pilot burner of further comprising a controller claim 3 , ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048195A1

A modular flare system skid having a base, a flare stack, and one or more removable modules. The flare can be of any size required and can come in sections if needed. The removable modules can have lift points for easy manipulation and transport, as well as housing ancillary equipment for use with the flare stack. 1. A modular flare system skid comprising:a. a base;b. a flare stack; andc. a removable module.2. The skid of claim 1 , wherein the base further comprises one or more outriggers.3. The skid of claim 1 , wherein the flare stack is in a plurality of sections.4. The skid of claim 1 , wherein the removable module comprises lift points.5. The skid of claim 1 , wherein ancillary equipment stored on the removable module comprises:a. a seal drum;b. a knockout drum;c. a gas recovery system;d. a steam injection system;e. a pilot flame;f. an ignition;g. a pipe;h. a pipe fitting;i. an instrument; orj. combinations thereof. The present disclosure generally relates to a modular flare system skid.Gas flaring is a common method of combusting unwanted or excess gases and/or liquids either as a means of disposal, or as a safety measure, such as to relieve pressure.Fluid products can be released during normal or unplanned operation in many industrial processes, such as oil-gas extraction, refineries, chemical plants, the coal industry, or landfills.Often in industry, flares will be temporarily placed at specific locations, or added to increase flaring capacity. One method of adding a flare may be to bring a flare in sections or in a folded manner and set up the flare at the desired location.Current mobile flare systems require heavy equipment, such as cranes, to unload and set up the flare stack. Further, ancillary equipment required for the flare to operate, as well as tie into an industrial system is often inconveniently located at the site of the flare stack.Present mobile flares are inefficiently unloaded and assembled, leading to wasted time for labor and additional ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Safety Valve

Номер: US20180045410A1

Gas safety valve that includes a body having an inlet conduit and an outlet conduit. The body includes a housing in which a magnetic group is at least partially disposed. The magnetic group configured to regulate the opening or closing of a gas passage between the inlet conduit to the outlet conduit. The magnetic group includes an electromagnet, a support of the electromagnet and a bushing coupled to the support. The safety valve includes fixing means for fixing the bushing and the magnetic group to the body. The fixing means includes a fixing element having a cylindrical central part the free end of which is adapted to the geometry of the body retaining the fixing element against the body, and a flange extending radially towards the inside and retaining the bushing against the support. 1. A safety valve configured for permitting or preventing a gas flow to a gas combustion appliance , the safety valve comprising:a valve body having a gas inlet conduit, a gas outlet conduit;a valve body housing formed by the valve body that communicates the inlet conduit with the outlet conduit; a shutter configured to control the flow of gas between the gas inlet conduit and the gas outlet conduit;', 'an electromagnet that includes a core and a winding wound about the core, the core having a first end and a second end;', 'a support in contact with the second end of the core', 'a moving frame coupled to the shutter, the moving frame configured to magnetically interact with the electromagnet to be moved from a first axial position to a second axial position, the first axial position corresponding to a closed position of the shutter to prevent gas flow between the gas inlet and outlet conduits, the second axial position corresponding to an open position of the shutter to permit gas flow between the gas inlet and outlet conduits;', 'a bushing in which the support is at least partially housed, the bushing having base;, 'a magnetic group at least partially housed in the valve body ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Dual-Pressure Flare System and Method of Use

Номер: US20150050603A1

A dual-pressure flare system and a method of its use. The dual-pressure flare system includes a dual-pressure flare stack having a central axis that is aligned with the center of a high-pressure outlet; a high-pressure flue having a central axis that is co-linear with the central axis of the dual-pressure flare stack; and a low-pressure flue connected to a low-pressure tip. Some exemplary embodiments of the system further include an air-assist assembly having an air-supply connection connected to an air blower and a mixing chamber, wherein the mixing chamber surrounds the low-pressure tip. In some exemplary embodiments, the air-supply connection is disposed outside the dual-pressure flare stack and the high-pressure flue. 1. A dual-pressure flare system comprising:(a) a dual-pressure flare stack comprising a central axis, a high-pressure chamber having a high-pressure gas inlet, a high-pressure gas outlet, and a center aligned with the central axis, and a low-pressure chamber having a low-pressure gas inlet and a low-pressure gas outlet, the low-pressure chamber in vertically stacked arrangement to the high-pressure chamber;(b) a high-pressure flue comprising a central axis that is co-linear with the central axis of the dual-pressure flare stack, a first end connected to the high-pressure gas outlet, a second end connected to a high-pressure tip; and(c) a low-pressure flue comprising a first end connected to the low-pressure gas outlet, a second end connected to a low-pressure tip.2. The system of wherein the high-pressure gas outlet inner diameter is smaller than the dual-pressure flare stack inner diameter by about 33% to about 66%.3. The system of wherein the high-pressure flue further comprises a transition narrowing its inner diameter by about 25% to about 50%.4. The system of wherein the high-pressure tip comprises at least one opening claim 1 , wherein the opening diameter is smaller than the high-pressure tip inner diameter by about 25% to about 50%.5. The ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065445A1
Автор: KAMEI Keisuke
Принадлежит: MIURA CO., LTD.

The combustion apparatus includes a burner configured to generate flame, an ignition section configured to generate spark for igniting the burner, a flame detection section configured to detect the presence or absence of the flame of the burner, and a flame determination section configured to determine, based on a detection result of the flame detection section in a preset determination period, whether or not the flame is generated at the burner. When a predetermined condition is satisfied based on the detection result of the flame detection section in the determination period, the flame determination section determines that the flame is generated. The ignition section generates the spark across a particular period, in which the predetermined condition is not satisfied, of the determination period, and does not generate the spark in the remaining period of the determination period. 1. A combustion apparatus comprising:a burner configured to generate flame;an ignition section configured to generate spark for igniting the burner;a flame detection section configured to detect a presence or absence of the flame of the burner; anda flame determination section configured to determine, based on a detection result of the flame detection section in a preset determination period, whether or not the flame is generated at the burner,wherein when a predetermined condition is satisfied based on the detection result of the flame detection section in the determination period, the flame determination section determines that the flame is generated, andthe ignition section generates the spark across a particular period, in which the predetermined condition is not satisfied, of the determination period, and does not generate the spark in a remaining period of the determination period.2. The combustion apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe flame detection section detects the presence or absence of the flame based on ultraviolet light.3. The combustion apparatus according to claim ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140134549A1
Принадлежит: GRAND MATE CO., LTD.

A gas appliance has a security device and a combustor. The security device has a gas valve, a thermocouple, and a controller. The thermocouple receives a heat of the combustor and generates thermoelectric potential accordingly. The controller controls the gas valve according to the thermoelectric potential. While the thermoelectric potential is lower than a high level, the controller controls the gas valve to reduce the gas supplied to the combustor, and while the thermoelectric potential is lower than a low level the controller controls the gas valve to stop the gas supplied to the combustor to avoid the incomplete burning because of insufficient oxygen. 1. A security device for a combustor , which burn gas , to determine an oxygen concentration around the combustor , comprising:a gas valve which is controlled by electrical signals to provide gas to the combustor;a thermocouple provided beside the combustor to generate a thermoelectric potential because of a heat of the combustor, wherein the thermoelectric potential is directly proportional to the heat of the combustor; anda controller electrically connected to the gas valve and the thermocouple, wherein the controller receives the thermoelectric potential from the thermocouple and controls the gas valve accordingly.2. The security device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the controller compares the thermoelectric potential with a low level claim 1 , and controls the gas valve to stop the gas supplied to the combustor while the thermoelectric potential is lower than the low level.3. The security device as defined in claim 1 , wherein the controller compares the thermoelectric potential with a high level claim 1 , and controls the gas valve to reduce the gas supplied to the combustor while the thermoelectric potential is lower than the high level.4. The security device as defined in claim 2 , wherein the controller compares the thermoelectric potential with a high level claim 2 , and partially closes the gas valve to ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160061454A1

A safety timing control device is provided for a gas appliance and includes an electromagnetic switch, a first timing controller, a second timing controller, a power converter, and an alarm unit. The electromagnetic switch includes an electromagnet, a return spring, a housing, a connection bar, and a plug. The first timing controller sets a predetermined period of operation of the gas appliance in order to control the supply of electrical power to the electromagnet, which in turn opens or closes a gas passage of the gas appliance to prevent a potential risk of explosion caused by undesired continuous supply of fuel to a flaming site of the gas passage or to prevent a potential risk of being poisoned by carbon monoxide generated by incomplete combustion of fuel gas in the gas appliance. 1. A safety timing control device of a gas appliance , comprising:an electromagnetic switch, which comprises an electromagnet, a connection bar, a return spring, a housing, and a plug, the housing being mounted to an opening of a gas passage, the plug being received in the gas passage, the connection bar having a first end extending through the housing and coupled to a plug, the return spring disposed around and encompassing the first end of the connection bar and received in the housing, the connection bar having a second end that is movable by a magnetic force generated by the electromagnet;a first timing controller, which is operable to count a predetermined time period of operation of the gas appliance and is electrically connected to an electrical power supply unit;a second timing controller, which is electrically connected to the electromagnetic switch to count a time period of conduction-on of the electromagnetic switch;a power converter, which is electrically connected to the first timing controller and the second timing controller to convert and transfer electrical power supplied from the electrical power supply unit from the first timing controller to the second timing ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059169A1
Автор: Liu Shu-Mei, WU SEN-YU

The present invention provides a gas safety ignition switch, comprising components of a gas switch body, a closer unit, a rotary knob unit, a presser, a micro switch and an electronic ignition device, characterized in that: one side of the gas switch body is configured with an opening, the opening being corresponding to an actuation point of the micro switch and the spindle, an actuator, configured inside the opening in a movable manner, including an contacting end and a pushing end, the pushing end being corresponding to the actuation point of the micro switch; the edge of the driving diaphragm is also configured with an indentation corresponding to one end of the actuator; thus, when pressing the spindle of the rotary knob unit, the driving diaphragm can move so that the contacting end of the actuator will be right inside the indentation, and when turning the spindle, the driving diaphragm will turn synchronously to tightly push against the contacting end, and will push the actuator to further drive the micro switch, so that the electronic ignition device can ignite the gas. 1. A gas safety ignition switch , comprising components of a gas switch body , a closer unit , provided inside the gas switch body , a rotary knob unit , provided on one end of the gas switch body and connected with the closer unit , including a spindle that can be turned to drive the closer unit , a driving diaphragm , provided on the spindle of the rotary knob unit , a micro switch , provided on one side of the gas switch body , and an electronic ignition device electrically connected with the micro switch; its characteristics lie in that:one side of the gas switch body is configured with an opening, the opening being corresponding to an actuation point of the micro switch and the spindle;an actuator, configured inside the opening in a movable manner, including an contacting end and a pushing end, the contacting end being corresponding to the spindle, and the pushing end being corresponding ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210063086A1

A combustion system includes a fuel and oxidant source, a first distal flame holder body, a second distal flame holder body, and a thermal load. The fuel and oxidant source outputs fuel and oxidant. The first and second distal flame holder bodies simultaneously or alternately hold combustion reaction portions of the fuel and oxidant and/or of combustion products. The thermal load receives thermal energy from the first and second combustion reaction portions. 1. A combustion system , comprising:a fuel and oxidant source configured to output a flow of fuel and oxidant along an axis;a first distal flame holder body aligned to receive at least a portion of the flow of fuel and oxidant from the fuel and oxidant source;a second distal flame holder body aligned to receive a fluid flow from the first distal flame holder body, the fluid flow including at least one of the flow of fuel and oxidant received by the first distal flame holder body, a flow of combustion products produced by combustion adjacent to the first distal flame holder body from the received flow of fuel and oxidant, and a flow including a mixture of fuel and oxidant and combustion products; anda thermal load disposed peripherally to the axis and the first and second distal flame holder bodies.2. The combustion system of claim 1 , further comprising:a distal pilot burner disposed near the first and second distal flame holder bodies.3. The combustion system of claim 1 , wherein the first distal flame holder body supports at least a portion of combustion of the flow of fuel and oxidant from the fuel and oxidant source.4. The combustion system of claim 1 , wherein the first distal flame holder body transfers heat to the received flow of fuel and oxidant from the fuel and oxidant source.5. The combustion system of claim 1 , wherein the first distal flame holder body includes a perforated flame holder tile.6. The combustion system of claim 1 , wherein the second distal flame holder body includes a perforated ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066845A1
Автор: Kim Sang Hyun

Provided is an ignition device of a burner which allows the burner to stably ignite even when a portion of the burner member is damaged, the ignition device including: a plate-shaped sparker disposed in an upper central region of a burner head so as to realize ignition to burn the gas ejected from the burner head and having a plurality of ignition portions formed therein; and a supporting member which has one end inserted in a center of the sparker and the other end inserted in a central region of the burner head such that the sparker is disposed in the upper central region of the burner head. 1300. An ignition device () of a burner comprising:{'b': 100', '110, 'a body part () having a fuel container coupled to one side thereof and a gas supply flow passage () which is formed therein and through which gas contained in the fuel container is supplied; and'}{'b': 200', '100, 'a burner head () which is disposed in an upper central portion of the body part () and provides heating power by ejecting a gas supplied thereto from the fuel container through the gas supply flow passage,'}{'b': '300', 'claim-text': [{'b': 310', '311, 'a plate-shaped sparker () disposed in an upper central region of the burner head so as to realize ignition to burn the gas ejected from the burner head and having a plurality of ignition portions () formed therein; and'}, {'b': 320', '310', '200', '310', '200, 'a supporting member () which has one end connected in a center of the sparker () and the other end connected in a central region of the burner head () such that the sparker () is disposed in the upper central region of the burner head ().'}], 'wherein the ignition device () is characterized to comprise2320321320320. The ignition device of claim 1 , wherein on the upper outer surface of the support member () claim 1 , a stopper () claim 1 , which allows the lower surface of the sparker inserted in the support member () to be stopped and supported claim 1 , is protruded in the radial direction ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147795A1

The gas flare system includes a vertical flare stack having an opened top end and a bottom floor wall. A weatherproof protective hood arrangement prevents rain and snow from entering through the opened top end. The gas flare system also includes a burner arrangement provided through the bottom floor wall. The burner arrangement receives a waste gas stream from a waste gas circuit and also primary air. Secondary air orifices around the burner supply secondary air coming from a plenum housing located directly underneath the bottom floor wall. The gas flare system can destroy the flammable gas in the waste gas stream with a combustion efficiency of more than 99% under almost any operating conditions. It can start automatically and operate efficiently without any supervision under any possible atmospheric conditions. A method of destroying a flammable gas in a waste gas stream is also disclosed. 1. A gas flare system for destroying a flammable gas contained in a waste gas stream , the gas flare system including:a flare stack defining a flare stack chamber extending vertically between a bottom floor wall and an opened top end of the flare stack;a weatherproof protective hood arrangement including an overhead cap located vertically above the opened top end and covering more than an entire area of the opened top end, and a lateral peripheral shroud surrounding the opened top end and the overhead cap;a plenum housing located directly underneath the bottom floor wall; a top-opened combustion chamber extending above the bottom floor wall;', 'a primary air housing extending under the bottom floor wall and into the plenum housing;', 'a waste gas outlet located at a bottom of the combustion chamber; and', 'a primary air outlet extending between the primary air housing and the bottom of the combustion chamber, the primary air outlet being adjacent to the waste gas outlet;, 'a burner arrangement provided through the bottom floor wall, the burner arrangement having at least one ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Heat treatment system

Номер: US20210071871A1
Автор: Ingo Stork-Wersborg
Принадлежит: Interproductec Consulting & Co KG GmbH

A monitoring system comprises an observation apparatus adapted to determine at least one characteristic of food to be heated by observing the food to be heated, and a mirror system to deflect the observation beam path of the observation apparatus between the observation apparatus and the food to be heated.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Domestic cooking appliance with adjustable gas switch mounting system

Номер: US20140150773A1
Принадлежит: BSH Home Appliances Corp

A domestic cooking appliance having a gas burner and a control panel assembly is provided. The assembly includes a control panel cover; a gas switch for regulating an amount of gas delivered to the gas burner; and a mounting bracket having a front section that contacts a back side of the control panel cover, a set back section that contacts the front side of the gas switch, a top section that contacts the top of the gas switch, a bottom section that contacts the bottom of the gas switch, and a tab that extends from the top section of the mounting bracket and is attached to the top section of the mounting bracket such that it is bendable from an installation position to a switch-retaining position. The tab presses against the back side of the gas switch when the tab is in the switch-retaining position.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Gas Tap for a Cooking Appliance

Номер: US20140151591A1
Принадлежит: COPRECITEC, S.L.

A gas tap for a cooking appliance that includes a tap body with an internal housing. A gas flow regulating member is located in the internal housing and coupled to a manually-operated rotary shaft. The rotary shaft is moveable between a first axial position where its rotation is prevented and a second axial position whereupon its rotation is permit for regulating the flow of gas through the gas tap through the gas flow regulating member. The gas tap includes a return spring that resists against a movement of the rotary shaft from the first axial position to the second axial position. The gas tap also includes a resistance element, other than the return spring, that also resists against a movement of the rotary shaft from the first axial position to the second axial position. 1. A gas tap for a cooking appliance comprising:a tap body with an internal housing,a rotational gas flow regulating member located in the internal housing for regulating the flow of a gas through the gas tap,a manually-operated rotary shaft having a first end and a second end opposite the first end, the rotary shaft coupled to the gas flow regulating member at or near its second end, the flow regulating member being rotatable with the rotary shaft, the rotary shaft being moveable between a first axial position where its rotation is prevented and a second axial position whereupon its rotation is permitted,a return spring located in the internal housing of the gas tap, the return spring arranged to directly or indirectly act upon the rotary shaft to resist against an axial movement of the rotary shaft from the first axial position to the second axial position; anda resistance element other than the return spring that is also arranged to directly or indirectly act upon the rotary shaft to resist against an axial movement of the rotary shaft from the first axial position to the second.2. A gas tap according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transverse member situated at or near the second end of ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150099231A1

According to one aspect, an apparatus includes a separator vessel adapted to separate solid and liquid materials from gas materials; a flame arrestor in fluid communication with the separator vessel and through which the gas materials are adapted to flow; and a flare stack adapted to burn off the gas materials. The flare stack includes a vent pipe and an igniter. In another aspect, a system at a wellsite includes one or more separators adapted to be in fluid communication with a wellbore; one or more vent gas lines in fluid communication with the one or more separators; and an integrated vent gas separator and flare stack. In an exemplary embodiment, the one or more separators comprise at least one of a mud-gas separator and a shale-gas separator. In yet another aspect, a kit has first and second configurations. In still yet another aspect, a method is provided. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a separator vessel adapted to separate solid and liquid materials from gas materials;a flame arrestor in fluid communication with the separator vessel and through which the gas materials are adapted to flow; and a vent pipe in fluid communication with the flame arrestor and positioned so that the flame arrestor is vertically positioned between the separator vessel and vent pipe; and', 'an igniter in fluid communication with the vent pipe, wherein the igniter is positioned so that the vent pipe is vertically positioned between the flame arrestor and the igniter., 'a flare stack adapted to burn off the gas materials, wherein the flare stack is positioned so that the flame arrestor is vertically positioned between the separator vessel and the flare stack, and wherein the flare stack comprises2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a skid on which the separator vessel claim 1 , the flame arrestor claim 1 , and the flare stack are mounted;wherein the flame arrestor is positioned so that the separator vessel is vertically positioned between the skid and the flame arrestor.3. ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101591A1
Автор: Gulkanat Bektas C.

A gas fired infrared burner includes a burner body with a primary inlet for gaseous fuel and air, the burner body defining a primary premixing chamber for receiving gaseous fuel and air from the primary inlet. An emitter arrangement is configured and positioned such that gaseous fuel and air flows through the emitter arrangement to be combusted at an external surface of the emitter arrangement. The burner body includes an auxiliary inlet for gaseous fuel and air, and the burner body defines an auxiliary premixing chamber for receiving gaseous fuel and air from the auxiliary inlet. The emitter arrangement includes an auxiliary emitter segment that receives gaseous fuel and air from the auxiliary premixing chamber such that combustible gases emitted from the auxiliary emitter segment can be ignited even when no combustible gases are being emitted from portions of the emitter arrangement that are fed from the primary premixing chamber. 1. A gas fired infrared burner , comprising:a burner body including a primary inlet for gaseous fuel and air, the burner body defining a primary premixing chamber for receiving gaseous fuel and air from the primary inlet;an emitter arrangement through which gaseous fuel and air flows in a manner to be combusted at an external surface of the emitter arrangement;wherein the burner body further includes an auxiliary inlet for gaseous fuel and air, the burner body further defines an auxiliary premixing chamber for receiving gaseous fuel and air from the auxiliary inlet, and the emitter arrangement includes an auxiliary emitter segment that receives gaseous fuel and air from the auxiliary premixing chamber such that combustible gases emitted from the auxiliary emitter segment can be ignited even when no combustible gases are being emitted from portions of the emitter arrangement that are fed from the primary premixing chamber.2. The infrared burner of wherein the primary premixing chamber and the auxiliary premixing chamber are sealed from ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150104752A1

A smokeless flare burner includes a housing, an orificed gas nozzle, a conical diffuser, two or more support members, and a retention cap. The housing has a longitudinal axis, a first cylindrical portion, a first tapered portion, a second cylindrical portion, a second tapered portion. The first tapered portion, the second cylindrical portion and the second tapered portion form a venturi. The orificed gas nozzle is aligned with the longitudinal axis and disposed within the housing. The conical diffuser is aligned with the longitudinal axis and has a vertex disposed within the second tapered portion and a base substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The two or more support members are attached to the second tapered portion and the conical diffuser to create a gap. The retention cap is attached to the base of the conical diffuser and extends beyond a perimeter of the base of the conical diffuser. 1. A burner comprising:a housing having a longitudinal axis, a first cylindrical portion, a first tapered portion connected to the first cylindrical portion, a second cylindrical portion connected to the first tapered portion, a second tapered portion connected to the second cylindrical portion, and the first tapered portion, the second cylindrical portion and the second tapered portion form a venturi;an orificed gas nozzle aligned with the longitudinal axis and disposed within the housing proximate to the first cylindrical portion and the first tapered portion of the housing;a conical diffuser aligned with the longitudinal axis and having a vertex disposed within the second tapered portion of the housing and a base substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis;two or more support members attached to the second tapered portion of the housing and the conical diffuser that create a gap between the second tapered portion of the housing and the conical diffuser; anda retention cap attached to the base of the conical diffuser and extending beyond a perimeter of ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109122A1

A system and method for vent gas combustion in storage tank for heavy oil production is provided. Auxiliary burners located are provided for combusting the well casing gas. A burner management system for controlling the auxiliary burners is provided which receives a gas pressure value and initiates the auxiliary burners based upon one or more threshold values when the gas pressure exceeds the one or more pressure values. An auxiliary exhaust stack may be collocated with a main exhaust stack of a tank heater for the storage tank. 1. A system for vent gas combustion in storage tank for heavy oil production , the system comprising:a pressure sensor for determining a gas pressure value of well casing gas;a first auxiliary burner located for combusting the well casing gas;a second auxiliary burner located with the first auxiliary burner for combusting the well casing gas; anda burner management system for controlling the first and second auxiliary burners, the burner management system receiving the gas pressure value and initiating the first auxiliary burner and second auxiliary burner based upon one or more threshold values when the gas pressure exceeds the one or more pressure values.2. The system of wherein the first and second auxiliary burners are collocated within an auxiliary exhaust stack.3. The system of wherein the first and second auxiliary burners are collocated within an auxiliary exhaust stack next to a tank heater exhaust stack from a tank heater in the storage tank for heating oil stored in the storage tank.4. The system of further comprising a blower to supply additional air to the first auxiliary burner and second auxiliary burner.5. The system of wherein the auxiliary exhaust stack is coupled to a tank heater exhaust stack from a tank heater in the storage tank for heating oil stored in the storage tank wherein the tank heater exhaust stack and auxiliary exhaust stack join a main exhaust stack having a larger diameter than the auxiliary exhaust or tank ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160109126A1

A gas control valve featuring magnetic control and a gas ignition system having the same are disclosed. The gas control valve includes a main body and a magnetic control assembly. The main body has a valve base and a control lever. The control lever is movably connected to the valve base. The magnetic control assembly has a magnetic member and a magnetic control switch. The magnetic member is installed in one of the valve base and the control lever, while the magnetic control switch is installed in the other of the valve base and the control lever. When the control lever moves to an ignition position, the magnetic control switch is affected by the magnetic member and forms a closed circuit. The magnetic control assembly is incorporated in the gas control valve in a modularized manner, and can be easily maintained and repaired. 1. A gas control valve featuring magnetic control , comprising:a main body, having a valve base and a control lever, wherein the control lever is movably connected to the valve base; anda magnetic control assembly, having a magnetic member and a magnetic control switch, wherein the magnetic member is installed on one of the valve base and the control lever, while the magnetic control switch is installed on the other of the valve base and the control lever, so that when the control lever moves to an ignition position, the magnetic control switch is affected by the magnetic member to form a closed circuit.2. The gas control valve of claim 1 , wherein the valve base has an axial hole extending in an axial direction and such receiving the control lever claim 1 , wherein an operating portion of the control lever is exposed outside the valve base claim 1 , and wherein the magnetic control switch is disposed adjacent to the axial hole claim 1 , while the magnetic member is disposed on the operating portion.3. The gas control valve of claim 2 , wherein the valve base has a first notch extending in a transverse direction that is perpendicular to the ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Automatic Pilot Lighting Systems

Номер: US20200103110A1

An automatic pilot lighting system for unattended automatic lighting of a standing pilot may include a powered (e.g., battery powered, etc.) circuit. The powered circuit may include an analog timer circuit including a timer switch. A spark ignitor may be coupled with the timer switch. A temperature knob pilot momentary switch may be coupled with the timer switch. An ON/OFF switch may be coupled with the temperature knob pilot momentary switch and the timer switch. The ON/OFF switch may be configured to be operable for selectively disabling and enabling a power source. The analog timer circuit may be configured to be selectively activatable for applying voltage from the power source via the ON/OFF switch for pilot hold voltage and spark ignition for an amount of time sufficient to allow for unattended automatic lighting of the standing pilot and sufficient voltage generation to support standalone operation.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200109855A1

An intermittent ignition device for use with a furnace includes a pilot assembly configured for installation in the furnace and a gas valve configured for installation in the furnace to selectively supply gas to the pilot assembly and a burner assembly of the furnace. The intermittent ignition device further includes an ignition control module that transmits signals to the pilot assembly and the gas valve. The intermittent ignition device further includes a power source positioned outside of the furnace that supplies power to the ignition control module and the gas valve. 1. An intermittent ignition device for use with a furnace , comprising:a pilot assembly configured for installation in the furnace;a gas valve configured for installation in the furnace to selectively supply gas to the pilot assembly and a burner assembly of the furnace;an ignition control module that transmits signals to the pilot assembly and the gas valve; anda power source configured for placement outside of the furnace that supplies power to the ignition control module and the gas valve.2. The intermittent ignition device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the power source is a battery pack.3. A furnace claim 1 , comprising:a primary housing defining a first interior cavity;a burner assembly housed and enclosed in the first interior cavity defined by the primary housing;a secondary housing defining a second interior cavity separate and apart from the first interior cavity defined by the primary housing; and a pilot assembly positioned in the first interior cavity,', 'a gas valve positioned in the first interior cavity and configured to selectively supply gas to the pilot assembly and the burner assembly,', 'an ignition control module that transmits control signals to the pilot assembly and the gas valve, and', 'a power source positioned in the second interior cavity that supplies power to the ignition control module and the gas valve., 'an intermittent ignition device, including'}4. The furnace ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140636A1
Автор: VIE David L.

A flame sensor assembly includes a flame sense rod and a flame sensor body. The flame sense rod includes a flame sensor end and a coupling end opposite the flame sensor. The flame sensor body defines a receptacle for receiving the coupling end of the flame sense rod, and includes an adjustable positioning bracket. The assembly also includes a wiring adapter for connecting the flame sensor body with a flame sense signal connector, and a mounting bracket adapted to mount the flame sensor body to a heating device with the flame sensor end of the flame sense rod positioned adjacent a flame of the heating device. Methods of replacing a flame sensor assembly for a heating device are also disclosed. 1. A flame sensor assembly comprising:a flame sense rod, the flame sense rod including a flame sensor end and at least one coupling end opposite the flame sensor end;a flame sensor body, the flame sensor body defining a receptacle for receiving the coupling end of the flame sense rod, the flame sensor body including an adjustable positioning bracket;a wiring adapter for connecting the flame sensor body with a flame sense signal connector; anda mounting bracket adapted to mount the flame sensor body to a heating device, with the flame sensor end of the flame sense rod positioned adjacent a flame of the heating device.2. The flame sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the flame sense rod is a first flame sense rod; andthe first flame sense rod is removable from the flame sensor body to insert a second flame sense rod, the second flame sense rod having a different shape than the first flame sense rod.3. The flame sensor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first flame sense rod and the second flame sense rod are removable from the flame sensor body to insert a third flame sense rod claim 2 , the third flame sense rod having a different shape than the first flame sense rod and the second flame sense rod.4. The flame sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the flame sense rod includes a ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199640A1

A locally powered intermittent pilot combustion controller may include an igniter, a thermal electric and/or photoelectric device that produces an electrical signal having power when exposed to a flame, and a local power source for providing power when the thermal electric and/or photoelectric device is not exposed to a flame. In some cases, the intermittent pilot combustion controller may include a memory for storing information about an ignition sequence for igniting a pilot flame, and a controller coupled to the memory. The controller may be configured to initiate the ignition sequence of the pilot flame using information stored in the memory, determine whether the ignition was successful by monitoring the electrical signal produced by the thermal electric and/or photoelectric device, and adjust the information stored in the memory based on whether the ignition sequence completed successfully. 1. A locally powered intermittent pilot combustion controller , comprisinga thermal electric device that produces an electrical signal having power when the thermal electric device is exposed to a flame;a local power source for providing a source of power when the thermal electric device is not exposed to a flame;an igniter;a memory for storing information about an ignition sequence for igniting a pilot flame; initiate the ignition sequence of the pilot flame using information stored in the memory;', 'determine whether the ignition was successful; and', 'adjust the information stored in the memory based on a result of the ignition sequence., 'a controller coupled to the memory, the controller configured to2. The locally powered intermittent pilot combustion controller of claim 1 , wherein the local power source includes a capacitor.3. The locally powered intermittent pilot combustion controller of claim 1 , wherein the local power source includes a battery.4. The locally powered intermittent pilot combustion controller of claim 1 , wherein the local power source includes a ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Control valves for heaters and fireplace devices

Номер: US20160123589A1
Автор: David Deng
Принадлежит: Procom Heating Inc

A heating apparatus may include a control valve assembly. A control valve assembly can have a housing and a valve body positioned within the housing. The housing can define an inlet and first and second outlets. The control valve assembly can also include an igniter having a sensor for firing an electrode. An extension can be used to activate the sensor and to thereby activate the igniter.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116358A1

An apparatus may comprise a first carrier tube having a first input end and a first output end and a second carrier tube disposed substantially parallel to the first carrier tube and having a second input end and a second output end. A cross tube may be coupled to the first carrier tube and the second carrier tube and may be disposed substantially perpendicularly between the carrier tubes. A plurality of burner holes may be disposed along the first carrier tube, the second carrier tube, and the cross tube. A plurality of flame sensors may be disposed at various locations of the first carrier tube and the second carrier tube. A first igniter assembly may further be coupled to the first carrier tube. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a first carrier tube having a first input end and a first output end;a second carrier tube having a second input end and a second output end and disposed substantially parallel to the first carrier tube;a cross tube coupled to the first carrier tube and the second carrier tube and disposed substantially perpendicularly between the first carrier tube and the second carrier tube;a plurality of burner holes disposed along the first carrier tube, the second carrier tube, and the cross tube;a first flame sensor disposed at the first input end of the first carrier tube;a second flame sensor disposed at the first output end of the first carrier tube;a third flame sensor disposed at the second output end of the second carrier tube;a fourth flame sensor disposed at the second input end of the second carrier tube; anda first igniter assembly coupled to the first carrier tube.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second igniter assembly coupled to the second carrier tube.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the first input end further comprises a first connector to couple the apparatus to a gas source; andthe second input end further comprises a second connector to couple the apparatus to the gas source.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140208958A1
Автор: Porraro Matthew L.

An indicator device for proving an announcement of the status of a burner control knob, A base plate attaches to and rotates with a burner control shaft on a stove. An attitude sensing switch mounted with the base plate changes its conductive state when a burner control shaft moves from an “off” position. An annunciator senses the change in conductive state to initiate an announcement of that event. 1. An indicating device that provides an annunciation of rotation of a burner control shaft in a stove from an off position to any of a range of angularly displaced positions , said indicating device comprising:A) reference means mounted on the stove for defining the off position; and i) a base attached to the control shaft for rotation therewith,', 'ii) electrically-operated annunciator means mounted on said base,', 'iii) a battery operated power supply mounted on said base, and', 'iv) switching means mounted on said base and connected between said power supply and said annunciator for establishing an open circuit when the control shaft is at the off position whereby said annunciator is inactive and for activating said annunciator means when the control shaft is displaced from the off position., 'B) a control system for indicating an angular displacement of the control shaft from the off position including2. The indicating device as recited in wherein said annunciator means includes means for producing a visual announcement.3. The indicating device as recited in wherein said annunciation means comprises a light emitting diode.4. The indicating device of wherein said annunciator means includes means for generating inaudible annunciation.5. The indicating device as recited in wherein said audible annunciating means includes means for broadcasting to remote locations.6. The indicator device as recited in wherein said audible annunciation means includes a speaker.7. The indicating device as recited in wherein said reference means includes a magnet means for generating a ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Flare Pilot with Water Accumulation Evacuation

Номер: US20170130959A1
Автор: Guerra Romeo E.

A flare pilot assembly has inner and outer tubes, defining inner and outer passages. A manifold delivers air and fuel to the outer passage. A bleed off passage directs a portion of the fuel and air entering the manifold to the exterior of the manifold. A diversion port in the inner tube diverts into the inner passage a portion of the air and fuel flowing through the outer passage. An electrical sparking device ignites air and fuel flowing through the inner passage. An evacuating tube extends from the manifold through the inner passage to the distal portion of the inner tube. The evacuating tube conveys moisture that may accumulate at the distal portion of the inner passage through the bleed off passage to the exterior. 1. A flare pilot assembly , comprising:a primary tube having a proximal end, a distal end, and an inner passage extending between the proximal and distal ends;a manifold on the proximal end of the primary tube, the manifold having an air passage and a gaseous fuel passage leading to a manifold chamber for supplying air and fuel to the manifold chamber, the primary tube having a fuel and air flow port for receiving in the inner passage air and fuel supplied from the manifold chamber;an electrical sparking device mounted in the primary tube adjacent the distal end for igniting air and fuel flowing through the inner passage;a bleed off passage m the manifold leading from the manifold chamber and having a bleed oft passage outlet on an exterior of the manifold for diverting a portion of the air and fuel entering the manifold chamber through the bleed off passage outset;an evacuating tube extending from the manifold through the inner passage, the evacuating tube having an open proximal end in fluid communication with the bleed off passage and an open distal end adjacent the sparking device; andwherein the air and fuel flowing out the bleed off passage outlet create a suction at the open distal end of the evacuating tube for conveying moisture that may ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275710A1
Принадлежит: Saudi Arabian Oil Company

A wastewater container, or fluid capture tank, for capturing fluid from a flare is provided, along with methods for making and using the fluid capture tank. The fluid capture tank includes an open top tank to hold fluid for disposal, and a flare chute mounted to one end of the open top tank. The flare chute includes three panels, including a bottom panel mounted to a left wall panel and a right wall panel, wherein the three panels direct fluid from a line into the open top tank. A refractory lining is disposed on an inner surface of at least one of the three panels facing the line, wherein the refractory lining protects the inner surface from heat as hydrocarbons in the fluid are burned. 1. A fluid capture tank , comprising:an open top tank to hold fluid for disposal; anda flare chute mounted to one end of the open top tank, wherein the flare chute comprises three panels, comprising:a bottom panel mounted to a left wall panel and a right wall panel wherein the three panels direct fluid from a line into the open top tank; anda refractory lining disposed on an inner surface of at least one of the three panels facing the line, wherein the refractory lining protects the inner surface from heat as hydrocarbons in the fluid are burned.2. The fluid capture tank of claim 1 , comprising a first marking along an interior surface of the open top tank to indicate a first fluid level.3. The fluid capture tank of claim 2 , wherein the first marking comprises a yellow line.4. The fluid capture tank of claim 1 , comprising a second marking along an interior surface of the open top tank to indicate a second fluid level.5. The fluid capture tank of claim 4 , where in the second marking comprises a red line.6. The fluid capture tank of claim 1 , comprising a flare ignition system mounted in the flare chute.7. The fluid capture tank of claim 6 , wherein the flare ignition system comprises a pilot flame.8. The fluid capture tank of claim 1 , wherein the end of the flare chute that is ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216439A1
Принадлежит: Town Food Service Equipment Co., Inc

The high-temperature food preparation device of the present invention is an air-cooled high-temperature food preparation device that may be used in a large number of cooking methods and styles. Specifically, the present invention consists of a chassis, a range top, a heat source, and a support structure positioned above the heat source. The support structure is comprised of a tubular chamber insulator, a support ring, and a suspension structure. The support structure may be removably mounted above the heat source. 1. A high-temperature food preparation device comprising:(a) a chassis;(b) a range top joined to said chassis, the range top having at least one opening;(c) a heat source joined to said chassis; and(d) a support structure removably positioned in the at least one opening of the range top wherein said support structure is in contact with the range top.2. The high-temperature food preparation device of wherein the suspension structure further comprises:(a) a tubular chamber insulator with a wall of a thickness of between about 0.03 and about 2 inches, the tubular chamber insulator having two ends with an outer perimeter that is less than that of the at least one opening in the range top;(b) a support ring received on the top end of the tubular chamber insulator that extends at least above the range top, the outer perimeter of the support ring is greater than that of the at least one circular opening in the range top;(c) a suspension structure having a series of clips that extend parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tubular chamber insulator, wherein the series of clips are in contact with the range top and at least the tubular chamber insulator or the support ring, and wherein the support ring is above said range top when said support structure is removably positioned within the opening of the range top.3. The high-temperature food preparation device of wherein the suspension structure further comprises a strap that laterally encircles the tubular chamber ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160138805A1

A flare burner for burning combustible waste gases with a manifold, a plurality of arms, and a plurality of outlets disposed on the plurality of arms. The arms may be perpendicular to the manifold. The arms may also extend outwardly from the manifold. The arms may extend into annuli, to produce oppositely flowing exit gas. A curved dispersing surface may be disposed above the manifold. The arms may comprise a curvilinear shape, or include both a linear and a curvilinear portion. The outlets are configured and spaced such that flame is short relative to size of the flare burner. 1. A flare burner for burning combustible waste gases , the burner comprising:a manifold comprising an inlet, a plurality of arms, and a plurality of outlets, the inlet configured to be secured to a conduit for combustible waste gases, and the plurality of outlets being disposed on a plurality of arms such that oxygen may mix with combustible waste gases exiting the outlets.2. The flare burner of further comprising:the manifold comprising a body extending in a first direction having a longitudinal axis parallel thereto, the arms from the plurality of arms each having a longitudinal axis extending along a length of a body, the longitudinal axes of the body being relatively perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the body of the manifold.3. The flare burner of further comprising:the manifold comprising a body and a curved dispersing surface disposed in a middle of the body of the manifold,wherein the arms from the plurality of arms extend radially outward from the body.4. The flare burner of further comprising:the manifold comprising a body, a first annulus surrounding the body and a second annulus surrounding the body, wherein the arms from the plurality of arms extend radially outward from the body into the first annulus and the second annulus.5. The flare burner of further comprising:at least one baffle in the first annulus configured to impart a direction of rotation to air within the ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135857A1

A power generation system for use with a gas fired appliance including a main burner and a gas supply line includes a pilot burner assembly for igniting gas supplied to the main burner and a controller. The pilot burner assembly includes a thermo-electric device configured to convert thermal energy into electrical energy, and a pilot guard. The pilot guard has a first end defining a gas inlet and a second end defining a gas outlet. The controller is configured to receive a signal from the thermo-electric device, and control the supply of gas to the main burner based on the signal. The controller is powered by electrical energy generated by the thermo-electric device. The thermo-electric device has an internal resistance matched to a load resistance of the controller to facilitate maximum power transfer between the thermo-electric device and the controller. 1. A power generation system for use with a gas fired appliance including a main burner and a gas supply line , the power generation system comprising: a thermo-electric device configured to convert thermal energy into electrical energy, the thermo-electric device having an internal resistance; and', 'a pilot guard having a first end defining a gas inlet and a second end defining a gas outlet, the pilot guard including an elongate body and a pilot hood disposed at the second end; and, 'a pilot burner assembly for igniting gas supplied to the main burner, the pilot burner assembly comprisinga controller configured to receive a signal from the thermo-electric device and control the supply of gas to the main burner based on the signal, the controller powered by electrical energy generated by the thermo-electric device, wherein the internal resistance of the thermo-electric device is matched to a load resistance of the controller to facilitate maximum power transfer between the thermo-electric device and the controller.2. The power generation system of claim 1 , wherein the controller has a first load resistance in a ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180135858A1

A method of assembling a pilot burner assembly for use with a gas fired appliance includes inserting a retention element of a gas supply line through a slot defined by a retaining ledge of a second bracket plate, rotating an outlet orifice of the gas supply line such that the second retention element engages the retaining ledge, and inserting a pilot guard through first and second pilot guard apertures defined by respective first and second bracket plates such that a retention element of the pilot guard cooperatively engages the retention element of the gas supply line to maintain a connection between the pilot guard and the gas supply line. 1. A method of assembling a pilot burner assembly for use with a gas fired appliance including a main burner and a gas supply line including an outlet orifice , the pilot burner assembly including a bracket and a pilot guard , the bracket including a first plate and a second plate , each of the first and second plates having a pilot guard aperture defined therein , the bracket second plate including a retaining ledge extending into the pilot guard aperture and defining a slot , the pilot guard having a first end defining a gas inlet and a second end defining a gas outlet , the pilot guard including an elongate body and a pilot hood disposed at the second end , the pilot guard further including a first retention element , and the gas supply line further including a second retention element , the method comprising:inserting the second retention element through the slot defined by the retaining ledge;rotating the outlet orifice such that the second retention element engages the retaining ledge; andinserting the pilot guard through each pilot guard aperture such that the first retention element cooperatively engages the second retention element to maintain a connection between the pilot guard and the gas supply line.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first retention element includes a plurality of locking fingers extending from ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138608A1

A grill stove contains a grilling body and plural heating devices. Each grilling device includes a first heat tube, a second heat tube, an accommodation seat, and a valve unit. The accommodation seat has a first conduit, a second conduit, a gas supply tube, and a dispersion tube. The valve unit has a driving shaft and a control valve, the driving shaft extends out of the accommodation seat and is in connection with a first end of the control valve, and a second end of the valve unit inserts into the first conduit. The control valve has a channel, a first through orifice, a second through orifice, and a third through orifice. The control valve is rotated to stop the gas supply tube, to communicate with the gas supply tube via the first through orifice or to communicate with the gas supply tube via the second through orifice. 1. A grill stove comprising a grilling body and a plurality of heating devices;the plurality of heating devices being arranged in the grilling body, each grilling device including a first heat tube and a second heat tube parallelly connected with the first heat tube, and said each grilling device also including an accommodation seat and a valve unit, whereinthe accommodation seat has a first conduit communicating with the first heat tube, a second conduit communicating with the second heat tube, a gas supply tube communicating with the first conduit, and a dispersion tube communicating with the first conduit and the second conduit;the valve unit has a driving shaft and a control valve which are housed in the accommodation seat, wherein a first end of the driving shaft extends out of the accommodation seat, a second end of the driving shaft is in connection with a first end of the control valve, and a second end of the valve unit inserts into the first conduit;the control valve has a channel communicating with the first conduit, the control valve also has a first through orifice, a second through orifice, and a third through orifice which are ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210180789A1
Автор: ALDRICH Chris

A combustor having an outer stack placed around a fire tube of the combustor to direct cooler air upwards to envelop an exhaust plume from the fire tube as an air shield or curtain barrier to prevent fugitive gases coming into contact with the exhaust plume and auto-igniting. 1. A method for shielding an exhaust plume exiting an outlet of a firetube of a combustor to prevent fugitive gases in the surrounding atmosphere from auto-igniting , the combustor comprising a base combustor box , the firetube comprising an inlet disposed on top of the combustor box wherein the inlet is in communication with an interior of the combustor box , a burner assembly disposed in the inlet , one or more flame arrestors disposed on the combustor box configured to allow atmospheric air to enter the combustor box for use as combustion air for the burner assembly , the method comprising:drawing in shielding air into the combustor box;conveying the shielding air from the combustor box along an exterior of the firetube up to the outlet of the firetube; andenveloping the exhaust plume with the shielding air to form an air shield therearound, whereby the air shield forms a barrier between the exhaust plume and the fugitive gases to prevent the fugitive gases from auto-igniting.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising drawing in a portion of the shielding air into the firetube at one or more locations disposed along the firetube.3. The method as set forth claim 1 , wherein the conveying of the shielding air comprises natural draft or convection.4. An apparatus for shielding an exhaust plume exiting an outlet of a firetube of a combustor to prevent fugitive gases in the surrounding atmosphere from auto-igniting claim 1 , the combustor comprising a base combustor box claim 1 , a burner assembly disposed in the combustor box claim 1 , one or more flame arrestors disposed on the combustor configured to allow atmospheric air to enter the combustor box for use as combustion air for ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210190316A1
Принадлежит: SIT S.P.A.

A control system of a water heater apparatus with a combustible gas burner is presented where the apparatus includes a pilot burner with an intermittent-type pilot flame, a main burner, a pilot valve and a main valve, a control unit, a flame detection electrode, introduced into the flame of the pilot burner, and which is configured to conduct an ionization current. The control unit is configured to measure/detect a variation involving increase/decrease of the intensity of ionization current detected, the variation in intensity of ionization current being generated during the change between a first condition, in which the ionization current identifies the ignition state of only the pilot burner, and a second condition, in which the ionization current identifies the simultaneous ignition state of the pilot burner and the main burner so that, by detection of the measurement/variation of ionization current, the effective ignition of the main burner is recognized. 210414321243. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit () is configured to detect the measurement of intensity of the ionization current in order to recognize the first ignition condition of only the pilot burner () identified by a first range (I) of values of intensity of ionization current and the second ignition condition of the pilot burner () and the main burner () identified by a second range (I) of values of intensity of ionization current claim 1 , the first and second ranges (I claim 1 , I) being mutually different so that the state of effective ignition of only the pilot burner () can be distinguished from the simultaneous ignition state of the main burner () and the pilot burner.310683. The control system according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit () is configured to introduce a delay time (t′) between the closure instruction sent to the main valve () and the closure instruction sent to the pilot valve () claim 1 , during the delay time (t′) the ionization current being ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190162410A1

A dual fuel burner system includes a fuel burner housing and a main fuel supply conduit within the fuel burner housing. A main fuel nozzle is positioned proximate to a downstream end of the fuel burner housing and is in fluid communication with the main fuel supply conduit. The main fuel supply conduit is configured to provide 100% of the heat input requirement of the dual fuel burner system. A secondary fuel supply conduit is within the fuel burner housing. The secondary fuel supply conduit is configured to provide 100% of the heat input requirement of the dual fuel burner system. An air circuit is in fluid communication with an outlet of the main fuel nozzle. A direct spark ignitor is positioned proximate to the outlet of the main fuel nozzle. 1. A dual fuel burner system comprising:a fuel burner housing;a main fuel supply conduit within the fuel burner housing;a fuel nozzle proximate to a downstream end of the fuel burner housing in fluid communication with the main fuel supply conduit;a secondary fuel supply conduit within the fuel burner housing;an air circuit in fluid communication with an outlet of the fuel nozzle; anda direct spark ignitor positioned proximate to the outlet of the fuel nozzle.2. The dual fuel burner system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the main fuel supply conduit is at least one of a gas fuel supply conduit or an oil fuel supply conduit.3. The dual fuel burner system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a secondary fuel nozzle proximate to the downstream end of the fuel burner housing in fluid communication with the secondary fuel supply conduit.4. The dual fuel burner system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the secondary fuel supply conduit is a coal fuel supply conduit.5. The dual fuel burner system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the secondary fuel supply conduit is in fluid communication with a secondary fuel supply different from a main fuel supply in fluid communication with the main fuel supply conduit.6. The dual fuel burner ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Portable Flare

Номер: US20150176839A1
Автор: Wilson Robert Leroy

This is a transportable forced air elevated flare with a better than 98% burn efficiency. This is all built on a trailer to be able to move quickly to different locations. The unit is self-contained and can be quickly setup and put in operation without the use of cranes or other heavy equipment. The unit is also able to carry steel pipe and different types of hoses to allow this unit to tie to tank batteries or well heads. 1a. a transport assembly,b. an air tube,c. a gas tube,d. a blower,e. an air flow control means,f. a spark assembly,g. a flame tube,h. a control unit, andi. a hydraulic lift.. A portable flare comprised of This application is a non-provisional patent application of pending U.S. provisional patent application with Ser. No. 61/900,997 titled “Portable Flare” filed on Nov. 6, 2013. This application claims priority of U.S. provisional patent application with Ser. No. 61/900,997. Further, the entire contents of U.S. provisional patent application with Ser. No. 61/900,997 are herein incorporated by reference.This application is a non-provisional patent application of pending U.S. provisional patent application with Ser. No. 61/982,835 titled “Portable Flare” filed on Apr. 22, 2014. This application claims priority of U.S. provisional patent application with Ser. No. 61/982,835. Further, the entire contents of U.S. provisional patent application with Ser. No. 61/982,835 are herein incorporated by reference.Not applicableThe field of the embodiments is oil field equipment, specifically oil field gas flares.The background of the embodiments involves the design of a portable flare.This is a transportable forced air elevated Flare with a better than 98% burn efficiency. This is all built on a trailer to be able to move quickly to different locations. The unit is self-contained and can be quickly setup and put in operation without the use of cranes or other heavy equipment. The unit is also able to carry steel pipe and different types of hoses to allow this ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Standing Pilot Igniter for Oilfield Separators

Номер: US20200158336A1
Принадлежит: Dragonfire Technologies Inc

An electronically controlled burner management system for oilfield separators. The system includes an autonomous standing pilot spark ignition that includes a self-aligning clamp that holds the igniter to the burner nozzle. The self-aligning clamp enables rapid installation and removal, lowering the total cost of ownership. The autonomous spark ignition system incorporates temperature sensors to determine when the standing pilot needs to be relit, and can shut off the gas or other fuel flow to the standing pilot and the main burner when the pilot is not lit. The system increases oil and gas production from the well, reduces fugitive emissions of unburned gas, and improves oilfield worker safety. When installed or retrofitted into an existing oilfield separator, the original burner control components are left in place, allowing the user to revert to traditional operation in case of failure of any electronic component of the present system.

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160178215A1
Автор: LEE Geonsik

A cooking appliance and a method for controlling a cooking appliance are provided. The cooking appliance may include at least one cooking device that cooks items to be cooked using a heat source, a touch panel type input that receives a command for controlling operation of the at least one cooking device, and a controller that receives a touch input signal from the input and controls the operation of the at least one cooking device. The input may include a first touch circuit board and a second touch circuit board, which may communicate with each other and may be electrically connected with the controller. If an abnormal signal is transmitted to the second touch circuit board from the first touch circuit board, the controller may stop the operation of the cooking device or operation of the cooking appliance. When the input is damaged or malfunctions, the operation of at least one cooking device or the operation of the cooking appliance may be stopped, thereby preventing secondary damage, such as fire. 1. A cooking appliance , comprising:a cabinet that defines an outer appearance of the cooking appliance;at least one cooking device provided in the cabinet to cook an item to be cooked using a heat source;an input provided in the cabinet, wherein the input includes a touch panel to receive a command for controlling operation of the at least one cooking device; anda controller to receive a touch input signal from the input and control the operation of the at least one cooking device, wherein the input includes a first touch circuit board and a second touch circuit board, wherein the first touch circuit board and the second touch circuit board communicate with each other and are electrically connected with the controller, and wherein if an abnormal signal is transmitted to the second touch circuit board from the first touch circuit board, the controller stops the operation of the at least one cooking device or operation of the cooking appliance.2. The cooking appliance ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180172281A1

A gas cut-off assembly for a gas heater includes a top part and a bottom part, and a middle part is connected between the top and bottom parts. The top part is connected with a valve connected to a burner. The bottom part is connected to the gas source. The middle part has a flange through which a central hole is defined. A ball is movably received between the top part and the middle part. A plunge movably extends through the central hole to push the ball which is pushed upward to open the central hole to allow gas to pass and flow to the burner. When the heater is titled, the ball rolls aside and the plunge is pushed by a resilient unit to seal the central hole to cut off the supply of the gas. 1. A gas cut-off assembly for a gas heater , comprising:a top part, a middle part and a bottom part, the top part having a first end adapted to be connected to an inlet of a valve, the middle part connected to between a second end of the top part and a first end of the bottom part, the top part having an outlet which is adapted to communicate with the inlet of the valve, the middle part having a central hole defined therein, the bottom part having an entrance which is adapted to communicate with a gas source, the outlet, the central hole and the entrance communicating with each other, a ball movably received between the top part and the middle part, a plunge movably extending through the central hole of the middle part so as to push the ball, the plunge having a board connected thereto which removably seals the central hole of the middle part, a resilient unit resiliently pushing the plunge to seal the central hole of the middle part by the board, when the heater is located upright, the ball pushes the plunge toward the bottom part and the board is removed from the central hole which is adapted to allow gas from the gas source to pass and flow to the inlet of the valve, when the heater is tilted, the ball moves aside and away from a movement path of the plunge, the plunge is ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150184866A1

The invention is directed to a method of operating a gas burner () of a gas cooking appliance (). The gas burner () comprises a safety valve () for closing and opening gas supply to the gas burner () and a step valve () for setting a gas flow rate to the gas burner (). Shut-off of the gas burner () comprises closing the safety valve () while leaving the step valve () open at least for a predetermined period of time from complete closure of the safety valve (). 123123723823141923787. Method of operating a gas burner ( , ) of a gas cooking appliance () wherein the gas burner ( , ) comprises a safety valve () for closing and opening gas supply to the gas burner ( , ) and a step valve () for setting a gas flow rate to the gas burner ( , ) , wherein a shut-off ( , ) of the gas burner ( , ) comprises closing the safety valve () while leaving the step valve () open at least for a predetermined period of time from complete closure of the safety valve ().214782087. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the shut-off () represents a final shut-off after an operational phase claim 1 , and wherein upon complete closure of the safety valve () claim 1 , the step valve () is gradually transferred to the closed state claim 1 , with an optional idle time () of the step valve () being provided between complete closure of the safety valve () and start of transfer to the closed state.32319. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the gas burner ( claim 1 , ) is operated in an intermittent mode and wherein the shut-off of the gas burner represents an intermittent shut-off ().481918. Method according to claim 3 , wherein an opening state of the step valve () is kept constant at least between the intermittent shut-off () and a subsequent intermittent start-up ().58. Method according to claim 3 , wherein during intermittent operation claim 3 , the opening state of the step valve () is varied.6131823816717. Method according to claim 1 , wherein start-up ( claim 1 , ) of the gas burner ( claim ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140268694A1

A plastic at least partially transparent container holds water with a luminary floating on the water. The water closes a circuit causing the luminary to light up. 1. The combination of an at least partially translucent or transparent container capable of holding water , and a luminary capable of floating in water within the container , wherein the water in the container closes a circuit in the luminary causing the luminary to light.2. The combination of wherein the circuit causes the luminary to flicker.3. The combination of wherein the container is expandable from a flat condition to an open condition for acceptance of water.4. The combination of wherein the container in open condition has an internally concave bottom wall.5. The combination of wherein the container is expandable from a flat condition to an open condition for acceptance of water.6. The combination of a wherein the container in open condition has an internally concave bottom wall. The present application claims benefit from provisional application 61/777,074 and incorporates same herein by reference.The present invention relates to a decorative product comprising a luminary and a decorative container adapted to hold water and the luminary which floats in the water within the container.Products for permitting lighted candles to float on water are known. Attention is invited to the following U.S. patents, the contents of which are incorporated herein: Kellmann 2008/0175006 (see also 2008/00175005); Reichlin, Jr. 2006/0227541; Boulachanis U.S. Pat. No. 7,214,054 (see also U.S. Pat. No. 7,090,369 for Jordan); Weiss U.S. Pat. No. 6,971,535; Cutts U.S. Pat. No. 5,980,061 (see also U.S. Pat. No. 5,697,694); Jurkofsky U.S. Pat. No. 5,434,393; Collaso U.S. Pat. No. 5,244,136; Cox U.S. Pat. No. 4,898,477 (see also U.S. Pat. No. 5,184,896 to Hammond); Burke II U.S. Pat. No. 4,875,508; and Eisenberger U.S. Pat. No. 2,618,409The present invention comprises two elements, namely a luminary and an expandable ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140272742A1

A pilot tube assembly for easy repair and/or replacement of a pilot hood is disclosed. In one example, a field configurable burner tube assembly may include a burner tube, a pilot hood, wherein the pilot hood engages the burner tube and can be secured to the burner tube in any of two or more different orientations in the field, a thermo-electric device, and a bracket for carrying the pilot hood and burner tube assembly adjacent to the thermoelectric device. 1. A field configurable burner tube assembly for a pilot burner , comprising:a burner tube;a pilot hood;wherein the pilot hood engages the burner tube and can be secured to the burner tube in any of two or more different orientations in the field;a thermo-electric device; anda bracket for carrying the pilot hood and burner tube adjacent to the thermoelectric device.2. The field configurable burner tube assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a collar secured to the burner tube claim 1 , wherein the pilot hood is securable relative to the collar in any of the two or more different orientations via a friction fit.3. The field configurable burner tube assembly of claim 2 , wherein:the bracket has a first side and a second side with an aperture extending between the first side and the second side;the burner tube is positioned on the first side of the bracket and has an end portion that extends through the aperture in the bracket and past the second side of the bracket; andthe collar is positioned on the second side of the bracket and engages at least part of the burner tube, the pilot hood is securable relative to the collar in the field in any of the two or more different orientations.4. The field configurable burner tube assembly of claim 3 , wherein the collar engages at least part of the end portion of the burner tube and secures the burner tube relative to the bracket.5. The field configurable burner tube assembly of claim 3 , further comprising a set screw to secure the collar to the burner tube.6. The field ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150192301A1
Автор: Kim Sang Hyun

A nozzle structure of a burner includes: a housing having an exhaust opening penetratingly-formed at an upper surface thereof, and having therein an accommodation space communicated with the exhaust opening; a fuel supply member connected to the housing such that one end thereof communicates with one side of the accommodation space, for supply of liquid fuel to inside of the accommodation space; a fuel supply controller accommodated in the accommodation space so as to be movable up and down, and having a fuel supply micro-control member at an end thereof, the fuel supply micro-control member configured to micro-control the amount of fuel to be supplied, by being selectively inserted into or separated from the exhaust opening as it moves up and down; and a heating pipe connected to two sides of an outer surface of the housing with different heights, so as to communicate with the accommodation space. 1. A nozzle structure of a burner , comprising:{'b': 100', '110', '120', '110, 'a housing () having an exhaust opening () penetratingly-formed at an upper surface thereof, and having therein an accommodation space () communicated with the exhaust opening ();'}{'b': 200', '100', '120', '120, 'a fuel supply member () connected to the housing () such that one end thereof communicates with one side of the accommodation space (), for supply of liquid fuel to inside of the accommodation space ();'}{'b': 300', '120', '321', '321', '110, 'a fuel supply controller () accommodated in the accommodation space () so as to be movable up and down, and having a fuel supply micro-control member () at an end thereof, the fuel supply micro-control member () configured to micro-control the amount of fuel to be supplied, by being selectively inserted into or separated from the exhaust opening () as it moves up and down; and'}{'b': 400', '100', '120', '120', '110, 'a heating pipe () connected to two sides of an outer surface of the housing () with different heights, so as to communicate with ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190178494A1

A novel inline pilot assembly and method of flame detection for use with combustion applications for oil or gas processing is provided wherein the pilot assembly includes a pilot novel assembly with a unique placement of fuel and induction holes to improve flame stability, promote flame anchoring near the diffuser, and discourage the pilot flame front from migrating forward away from the diffuser. 15.-. (canceled)6. A method of flame detection in an inline pilot system comprising:providing an inline pilot having a flame rod extending coaxially through a center of the inline pilot and extending coaxially through a diffuser and into a pilot nozzle, wherein the pilot nozzle is a ground;combusting a plurality of flames around a perimeter of the flame rod so that an outer ion rich shell of each of the plurality of flames may concurrently contact the flame rod and an inside surface of the pilot nozzle;running a current to the flame rod; andmonitoring the current between the flame rod and the pilot nozzle.7. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , further comprising:maximizing the contact between the flame rod and the ion rich shells of each of the plurality of flames.8. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein a flame is detected when a circuit closes between the flame rod and the pilot nozzle.9. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein monitoring further comprises measuring voltage shifts.10. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein a current flows from the flame rod through the ion rich shells and to the pilot nozzle.11. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein the ion rich shells of adjacent flames overlap.12. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein the inline pilot operates at a pressure below 0.5 psi.13. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein the inline pilot operates at a pressure about 30 psi.14. The method of flame detection of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of flames consists of six flames.15. The ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210215337A1
Автор: COSCIA Antonio

An elevated flare system in a synthesis gas production plant for thermal disposal of offgases having at least two different contents of carbon monoxide arising in synthesis gas production and/or synthesis gas treatment. 1. An elevated flare system in a synthesis gas production plant for thermal disposal of offgases comprising at least two different contents of carbon monoxide arising in synthesis gas production and/or synthesis gas treatment , comprising:(a) a first offgas pipe which is arranged perpendicularly to the horizontal and comprising a first material and a feed conduit for an offgas comprising a first CO content to the first offgas pipe,(b) a second offgas pipe which is arranged perpendicularly to the horizontal and comprising a second material and a feed conduit for an offgas comprising a second CO content to the second offgas pipe,(c) wherein the first offgas pipe and the second offgas pipe are arranged coaxially and at their upper end open into a common burner.2. The elevated flare system according to claim 1 , wherein the elevated flare system is constructed and erected in a free-standing manner.3. The elevated flare system according to claim 1 , wherein the first offgas pipe and the second offgas pipe have a circular cross section and the second offgas pipe runs coaxially as inner pipe in the interior of the first offgas pipe as outer pipe claim 1 , with a radially uniformly spaced annular space being formed between the outside of the inner pipe and the inside of the outer pipe.4. The elevated flare system according to claim 3 , wherein the arrangement of inner pipe and outer pipe comprises a plurality of spacers claim 3 , with in each case at least two spacers being arranged radially at a particular height of the elevated flare system and being fastened to the inside of the outer pipe or to the outside of the inner pipe.5. The elevated flare system according to claim 4 , wherein the spacers are configured as sliding bearings at the end opposite to ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200182460A1

A home cooking appliance includes a gas surface cooking unit and a gas cooktop fire prevention system. The gas surface cooking unit includes a gas burner, a support surface configured to support a cooking vessel above the gas burner, a cooktop floor below the gas burner, and a gas supply line supplying gas to the gas burner. The gas cooktop fire prevention system includes a solenoid valve on the gas supply line and a gas supply cutoff unit configured to detect a temperature of the cooktop floor and close the solenoid valve when the detected temperature of the cooktop floor is equal to or greater than a predetermined threshold temperature of the cooktop floor, thereby cutting off a supply of the gas through the gas supply line to the gas burner. 1. A home cooking appliance , comprising: a gas burner;', 'a support surface configured to support a cooking vessel above the gas burner;', 'a cooktop floor below the gas burner; and', 'a gas supply line supplying gas to the gas burner; and, 'a gas surface cooking unit including a solenoid valve on the gas supply line; and', 'a gas supply cutoff unit configured to detect a temperature of the cooktop floor and close the solenoid valve when the detected temperature of the cooktop floor is equal to or greater than a predetermined threshold temperature of the cooktop floor, thereby cutting off a supply of the gas through the gas supply line to the gas burner., 'a gas cooktop fire prevention system including2. The home cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the gas supply cutoff unit further comprises:an alarm unit configured to provide an alert to a user when the temperature of the cooktop floor is equal to or greater than the predetermined threshold temperature of the cooktop floor.3. The home cooking appliance of claim 1 , wherein the gas supply cutoff unit includes a high temperature cutout switch (HTC switch) underneath the cooktop floor claim 1 , the high temperature cutout switch (HTC switch) configured to interrupt a power ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Well Test Burner System and Method

Номер: US20150204542A1
Автор: Tolstoukhov Aleksey

Methods and systems of burning waste effluent include controlling flow of waste effluent to burner nozzles using flow control elements. The flow control elements are biased toward closed positions using biasing forces, wherein reduced biasing forces are applied to selected flow control elements so that waste effluent flow first reaches the burner nozzles associated with the flow control elements receiving reduced biasing forces. The selected burner nozzles may be located nearer a pilot to more reliably induce combustion and reduce fallout. 1. A method of controlling combustion of a waste effluent containing hydrocarbons , the method comprising:providing a pilot configured to generate a pilot flame;controlling waste effluent flow to a first burner nozzle through a first flow control element, the first flow control element configured to automatically move from a closed position to an open position at a first pressure threshold;controlling waste effluent flow to a second burner nozzle through a second flow control element, the second flow control element configured to automatically move from a closed position to an open position at a second pressure threshold greater than the first pressure threshold, wherein the first burner nozzle is positioned nearer the pilot than the second burner nozzle outlet; andopening the first flow control element and closing the second flow control element when the waste effluent flow has a waste effluent pressure above the first pressure threshold and below the second pressure threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:biasing the first flow control element with a first biasing force toward the closed position to block waste effluent flow to the first burner nozzle; andbiasing the second flow control element with a second biasing force toward the closed position to block waste effluent flow to the second burner nozzle, wherein the second biasing force is greater than the first biasing force.3. The method of claim 2 , further ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160209032A1

A novel inline pilot assembly and method of flame detection for use with combustion applications for oil or gas processing is provided wherein the pilot assembly includes a pilot novel assembly with a unique placement of fuel and induction holes to improve flame stability, promote flame anchoring near the diffuser, and discourage the pilot flame front from migrating forward away from the diffuser. 1. An inline pilot assembly comprising:a fuel orifice;a fuel mixer;a base hub;a spacer tube;a nozzle assembly having a diffuser and a burner nozzle for maintaining combustion, wherein the diffuser has a central opening and is configured for receiving a flame rod through the central opening in the diffuser; anda flame rod;wherein the fuel orifice is fluidly connected the fuel mixer at an upstream end of the fuel mixer, the fuel mixer is fluidly connected to the base hub at an upstream end of the base hub, the base hub is fluidly connected to the spacer tube at an upstream end of the spacer tube, and the spacer tube is fluidly connected to the upstream end of the nozzle assembly;wherein the flame rod is disposed internally within the spacer tube and extends coaxially within at least a portion of a length of the spacer tube and also extends coaxially through the central opening in the diffuser and into the nozzle assembly; andwherein the diffuser is configured for directing fuel into the burner nozzle adjacent to the flame rod.2. The inline pilot assembly of claim 1 , wherein the burner nozzle has a ground connection.3. The inline pilot assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a set screw connected to the diffuser and disposed on the diffuser internally to the burner nozzle.4. The inline pilot assembly of claim 3 , wherein the set screw is configured to permit formation of a spark between the set screw and a conductive region of the flame rod.5. The inline pilot assembly of claim 1 , wherein the diffuser has a plurality of radial holes disposed in a radial wall of the ...
