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Применить Всего найдено 22317. Отображено 200.
10-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2326297C2

Изобретение относится к холодильной промышленности. Конденсатор бытового холодильника содержит змеевик для хладагента холодильника и емкость вокруг змеевика для испаряющегося охладителя. Змеевик вместе с емкостью представляет единую конструкцию типа "труба в трубе" с внутренней трубой для хладагента и внешней для охладителя, которым является легкокипящая жидкость. При этом внешняя труба является испарителем системы естественного охлаждения, конденсатор которой расположен на открытом воздухе и соединен с испарителем паро- и конденсатопроводом. Использование изобретения позволит повысить интенсивность охлаждения хладагента, снизить энергозатраты, уменьшить габариты и уровень шума конденсатора. 1 ил.

10-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2458291C2

Изобретение относится к холодильной технике. Способ охлаждения конденсатора компрессионного холодильника включает обдув поверхности конденсатора вентилятором, увлажнение поверхности конденсатора, накопление воды в поддоне под поверхностью конденсатора. Поверхность конденсатора орошается воздушно-водяной смесью от вентилятора, снабженного эжектором и патрубком, обеспечивающим всасывание воды из поддона. Управление включением-отключением вентилятора осуществляется по сигналу с датчика влажности, установленного на поверхности конденсатора. Использование данного способа обеспечит увеличение надежности, увеличение интенсивности охлаждения конденсатора, обеспечение возможности выполнения конденсатора компактным, снижение удельной энергии энергопотребления. 2 ил.

27-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU80929U1

Полезная модель относится к области бытовой техники и может быть использована в холодильниках и морозильниках бытового назначения. Заявляемое техническое решение содержит трубчатый змеевик с горизонтально расположенными каналами и оребрением. Каналы выполнены синусоидальной конфигурации и каждый из них закреплен на листовом оребрении с помощью металлических скоб. Использование полезной модели обеспечивает интенсивное перемешивание двух фаз: жидкой и парообразной, повышая эффективность теплоотдачи от всей площади конденсатора в окружающую среду. При этом снижается температура конденсации, повышается степень переохлаждения хладагента, что повышает холодопроизводительность холодильного агрегата в целом. 1 ил; 1 п. ф-лы ...

27-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2114359C1

В вертикальном корпусе кожухотрубного конденсатора в межтрубном пространстве горизонтально с зазором относительно корпуса и плотно на пучке труб установлено по меньшей мере два сепарирующих поддона с отбортовкой и лотками. В отбортовке выполнены прорези, совмещенные с лотками. Лотки отогнуты вниз под углом к днищу поддона и смещены относительно друг друга в вертикальной плоскости. Сепарирующие поддоны размещены по высоте трубного пучка с шагом не более 500 мм, отсчитываемым от верхней трубной решетки. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2087811C1

Использование: при производстве жидкого криогенного топлива. Сущность изобретения: сжижаемый газ в трубное пространство теплообменника подают под одинаковым давлением одновременно сверху и снизу. Сжиженный газ отводят из средней части теплообменника. Хладагент испаряют в нижней части межтрубного пространства теплообменника. Сжиженный газ из трубного пространства отводят через патрубок, расположенный выше зоны кипения хладагента в межтрубном пространстве теплообменника. Уровень жидкого хладагента в межтрубном пространстве теплообменника измеряют и сравнивают с контрольным значением и по полученному сигналу управляют подачей жидкого хладагента. Температуру паров хладагента в межтрубном пространстве теплообменника измеряют и преобразуют в управляющий сигнал регулятора расхода сброса паров хладагента. Пары хладагента подают в систему утилизации. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

27-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2151974C1

Корпус вертикального кожухотрубного конденсатора снабжен полым цилиндрическим днищем с прямоугольными отверстиями на боковой поверхности. Днище установлено на корпусе конденсатора с нижнего торца с возможностью вертикального перемещения по корпусу с изменением площади проходного сечения отверстий от 0,8 до 1,2 суммарной площади проходного сечения труб конденсатора. Использование изобретения позволит интенсифицировать процесс конденсации паров хладагента и уменьшить энергозатраты при производстве единицы холода и на очистку внутренней поверхности труб от водяного камня. 2 ил.

27-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU93019848A

Конденсатор относится к холодильной технике и может быть использован в тепловых насосах для получения в конденсаторе теплоносителя двух температурных уровней с возможностью его аккумулирования непосредственно в конденсаторе. Изобретение обеспечивает эксергетический КПД конденсатора теплового насоса. Конденсатор содержит корпус, размещенные в нем пакет теплообменных труб, переохладитель конденсата хладагента, патрубки для ввода и вывода хладагента и теплоносителя. Дополнительно он снабжен теплообменником, расположенным над пакетом теплообменных труб и состоящим из цилиндрического корпуса, внутри которого соосно с ним размещен цилиндр с навитым на него змеевиком. Патрубок ввода хладагента расположен в верхней части теплообменника. Аккумулирующая емкость расположена над пакетом теплообменных труб. Корпус снабжен перегородкой с отверстием, размещенной между пакетом теплообменных труб и переохладителем конденсата хладагента, причем отверстие в перегородке расположено у одного из концов переохладителя ...

27-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006126760A

... 1. Трубчато-пластинчатый конденсатор для охлаждающего контура холодильника и/или морозильника, содержащий изогнутую трубу (3), в которой может конденсироваться среда охлаждающего контура, а также несущую панель (2) из листового металла, к которой прикреплена труба (3), отличающийся тем, что несущая панель (2) состоит из алюминиевого листа, а труба (3) является стальной трубой. 2. Трубчато-пластинчатый конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что труба (3) соединена с несущей панелью (2) с геометрическим замыканием или силовым замыканием и, в частности, удерживается ее листовым металлом. 3. Трубчато-пластинчатый конденсатор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что несущая панель (2) содержит проходы (6) для размещения изогнутой трубы, в которые введена труба (3) и в которых труба (3) уже плотно окружена листовым металлом. 4. Трубчато-пластинчатый конденсатор по п.3, отличающийся тем, что проходы (6) для размещения трубы плотно окружают трубу (3) более чем на 180° поперечного сечения. 5. Трубчато-пластинчатый ...

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010115344A

... 1. Конденсатор (1) с блоком переохлаждения содержит ! впускной коллектор (2) газа; ! коллектор (4) переохлаждения, соединенный с впускным коллектором (2) газа с помощью, по меньшей мере, одного конденсирующего трубопровода (12), имеющего конденсирующую поверхность, причем упомянутая конденсирующая поверхность конденсирует газообразный хладагент (10а) до жидкого хладагента (10b), упомянутый коллектор (4) переохлаждения собирает жидкий хладагент (10b), и ! коллектор (6) жидкого хладагента, соединенный с коллектором (4) переохлаждения, по меньшей мере, одним охлаждающим трубопроводом (14), имеющим охлаждающую поверхность, причем упомянутая охлаждающая поверхность дополнительно охлаждает жидкий хладагент (10b), ! по меньшей мере, один конденсирующий трубопровод (12), выводящий в верхнюю часть коллектора (4) переохлаждения, и, по меньшей мере, один охлаждающий трубопровод (14), присоединенный к нижней части коллектора (4) переохлаждения таким образом, что коллектор (4) переохлаждения позволяет ...

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004118504A

... 1. Конденсатор для холодильных систем, содержащий газообразный хладагент и применяемый в холодильных приборах типа, который содержит охлаждаемый изнутри шкаф (G) с наружными стенками (20), которые по меньшей мере частично выполнены из металлического листа, отличающийся тем, что содержит по меньшей мере один конденсаторный змеевик (S), образованный посредством множества трубных удлинений (10), предназначенных для пропуска газообразного хладагента, размещенных и закрепленных в соответствующих пазах (21), образованных путем гибки металлического листа соответствующей наружной стенки (20) шкафа (G). 2. Конденсатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый паз (21) имеет поперечное сечение, форма и размеры которого обеспечивают контакт с более чем половиной наружного периметра трубного удлинения (10), размещенного и закрепленного внутри указанного паза (21). 3. Конденсатор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что каждый паз (21) имеет проем (21а), ширина которого меньше наибольшего поперечного размера трубного ...

10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002135547A

Стенд для испытания испарительного конденсатора бытового компрессионного холодильного агрегата, содержащий циркуляционный контур, в котором установлен компрессор, ресивер, фильтр-осушитель с измерителем концентрации масла, испарительный конденсатор, дроссельный вентиль и испаритель калориметр, отличающийся тем, что на конденсатор испарительного типа нанесен теплопроводный адсорбент с цинком, причем конденсатор охлаждается водой.

10-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99113255A

... 1. Способ сжижения газа, включающий охлаждение его жидким криогенным хладагентом в теплообменнике, имеющем сообщенные между собой верхнее и нижнее трубные и сообщенные между собой верхнее и нижнее межтрубные пространства, при этом сжижаемый газ подают в верхнее и нижнее трубные пространства, а хладагент в нижнее межтрубное пространство, смесь сжиженного газа с сжижаемым газом из верхнего и нижнего трубных пространств направляют в сепаратор, имеющий газовую и жидкостную полости, а сжиженный газ из жидкостной полости сепаратора отводят через ее нижнюю часть, отличающийся тем, что сжижаемый газ из газовой полости сепаратора подают в верхнее трубное пространство теплообменника. 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что сжижаемый газ из газовой полости сепаратора в верхнее трубное пространство теплообменника подают струйным насосом. 3. Способ по п. 2, отличающийся тем, что в качестве активной среды для насоса используют сжижаемый газ, идущий к верхнему трубному пространству теплообменника.

10-01-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002117063A

... 1. Вертикальный кожухотрубный конденсатор, в котором в качестве холодных стенок применяются трубы с конденсатоотводящими колпаками, отличающийся тем, что колпаки выполнены с оптимально подобранным углом наклона юбки относительно плоскости трубы 100÷105o, при этом в верхней части колпака имеются отверстия. 2. Конденсатор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что отверстия выполнены в виде воронки перевернутой вверх для прохода воздуха в верхнюю часть конденсатора.

20-05-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99115870A

... 1. Компрессионный холодильный агрегат, содержащий последовательно соединенные в замкнутый циркуляционный контур хладоагента компрессор с нагнетательным и всасывающим патрубками, испаритель с капиллярной трубкой и фильтром-осушителем, теплообменный конденсатор свободного воздушного охлаждения, отличающийся тем, что конденсатор выполнен в виде полого, открытого, прямоточного воздуховода круглого или иного поперечного сечения с перфорированной и оребренной боковой поверхностью с каналами для хладоагента, размещенного над компрессором соосно его вертикальной осевой линии, при этом размеры воздуховода и высоту установки его над компрессором определяют соответственно по формулам: А = (1,2 ... 1,4) а, Н = (0,3 ... 1) h, где А - минимальный поперечный размер воздуховода в плане; S - площадь поперечного сечения воздуховода в плане; L - длина воздуховода; Н - высота установки воздуховода над компрессором; Q - количество теплоты, излучаемое нагретой частью компрессора; а - максимальный размер нагретой ...

10-09-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000110106A

... 1. Вертикально-трубный конденсатор с пленочной конденсацией пара внутри труб, содержащий корпус с крышками, верхнюю и нижнюю трубные решетки, закрепленные в них вертикальные трубы с установленными внутри каждой вертикальной теплообменной трубы конденсатоотводящими элементами, патрубки подвода охлаждающей среды и пара рабочего тела и патрубки отвода охлаждающей среды и жидкого рабочего тела (конденсата), отличающийся тем, что конденсатоотводящий элемент выполнен в виде центрального стержня, на котором закреплено не менее семи втулок, причем не менее чем к четырем втулкам под углом β жестко закреплены не менее трех U-образных желобов для отвода конденсата с отверстиями у поверхности втулок, а к внешнему краю этих желобов прикреплены V-образные желоба для сбора конденсата, которые выполнены с углом наклона сторон α по дую окружности ϕ не более 90o, с радиусом внешней стороны V-образной кромки, равным внутреннему радиусу Rвн трубы, при этом не менее чем к трем оставшимся втулкам закреплены ...

07-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU761794A1

23-08-1985 дата публикации

Сублимационный конденсатор

Номер: SU1174690A1

СУБЛИМАЦИОННЫЙ КОНДЕН САТОР, содержаший корпус с крышкой и патрубками ввода и вывода откачиваемой среды и хладагента. размеш,енные в корпусе охлаждаемые трубные батареи и отбойник , отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения производительности, трубные батареи выполнены в виде концентричных спиральных змеевиков, образующих между собой кольцевые конические каналы и ступенчато смеш,енных навстречу входу откачиваемой среды с образованием центрального конуса, патрубки ввода и вывода хладагента выполнены в виде коаксиального коллекторного ввода, укрепленного по центру крышки конденсатора, а отбойник выполнен плоскоконическим и закреплен на коллекторном вводе.

04-07-1969 дата публикации

Испарительный конденсатор

Номер: SU247330A1

19-10-1971 дата публикации

Холодильный агрегат

Номер: SU317871A1

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1795241C

23-08-1989 дата публикации

Конденсатор с воздушным охлаждением

Номер: SU1502922A1

Изобретение позволяет интенсифицировать теплообмен путем удаления пленки конденсата с внутренней поверхности теплообменных труб. В панелях жестко укреплены секции, каждая из которых состоит из прямых горизонтальных труб 1, соединенных в змеевик с помощью калачей 2. Каждая панель выполнена в виде короба 3 с конденсатоотводящим стояком, расположенным на внешней передней стенке короба. Трубы 1 и калачи 2 укреплены в противоположных торцовых стенках короба 3 с разрывом с образованием полости для слива конденсата. Каждый выход трубы и калача выполнен со скосом отверстием вверх. Расстояние между осями входа и выхода калача меньше, чем расстояние между осями труб, соединяющих этот калач. На задней стенке короба укреплены с наклоном в сторону стояка направляющие пластины 6, размещенные между входом и выходом каждого калача. В передней стенке короба выполнены прорези для размещения пластин 6. 4 ил.

07-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: SU1021909A1

... 1. КОНДЕНСАТОР холодильной машины, содержащий горизонтальный цилиндрический корпус с трубным пучком и сепарирующими перегородками в межтрубном пространстве, отличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения металлоемкости и интенсификации теплообмена, сепарирующие перегородки выполнены в виде гофрированных перфорированных полос, установленных с зазором одна относительно другой вдоль трубного пучка. 2. Конденсатор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что полосы выполнены с шагом гофр, равным шагу труб, а перфорация имеет отбортовки, направленные к вышерасположенному ряду труб. Ю ;о о со ...

30-01-1989 дата публикации


Номер: SU1455207A1

Изобретение м.б. использовано в автомобильных кондиционерах. Цель изобретения - интенсификация теплообмена при подаче хладагента в трубное пространство. Корпус 2 разделен горизонтальными перегородками 3 на сообщающиеся секции 4, В секциях 4 размещены теплообменные трубы, выполненные в виде плоских змеевиков 6 с уменьшающимся живым сечением в направлении оси трубы от входа хладагента к выходу, при соотношении входного и выходного сечений трубы в диапазоне 1,6-1,15, Сечение трубы вьтолнено в виде овала, большая ось которого размещена в вертикальной плоскости. Для облегчения механической очистки наружной поверхности труб конденсатора корпус 2 выполнен разьемным. Для уменьшения габаритов смежные трубы плоских змеевиков 6 расположены под углом одна к другой. Конструкция конденсатора позволяет уменьшить поверхность, занимаемую жидкой фазой, и поддержать оптимальную скорость движения конденсируемой и охлаждающей сред. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. (Л ...

07-11-1984 дата публикации

Конденсатор для фреоновых холодильных машин,работающих на смесях рабочих веществ

Номер: SU1122868A1

КОНДЕНСАТОР ДЛЯ ФРЕОНОВЫХ ХОЛОДИЛЬНЫХ МАШИН, РАБОТАЮЩИХ НА СМЕСЯХ РАБОЧИХ ВЕЩЕСТВ, содержащий теплообменную поверхность с системои параллельных каналов, соединенных с распределителем, выполненным в виде параллельных каналов в той же теплообменной поверхности, сообщенных между собой на входе и выходе из распределителя, отличающ и и с я тем, что, с целью повышения надежности в работе и повышения холодопроизводительности машины , каналы распределителя сообщены между собой также при помощи дополнительных поперечных каналов, при этом место соединения снабжено отводом для удаления избыточного высо .котемпературного компонента смеси Q € и масла. сл ...

08-09-1967 дата публикации

Теплообменная поверхность

Номер: SU201436A1
Автор: Цырлин Б.Л.

07-12-1990 дата публикации

Испаритель мгновенного вскипания

Номер: SU1612987A3

Изобретение относится к теплообменным устройствам, а именно к испарителям пластинчатого типа, и может быть использовано в различных отраслях промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности работы испарителя при мгновенном вскипании раствора. Испаритель состоит из пакетов, которые содержат горизонтальную разделительную перегородку, отделяющую нижний отсек испарения от верхнего отсека конденсации, соединяющиеся друг с другом при помощи переточного отверстия в этой перегородке. При этом отсек испарения соединен при помощи дроссельного отверстия с нижним каналом рабочей среды (раствора), а верхний отсек - с коллектором для отвода дистиллята. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

23-05-1927 дата публикации

Regelventil fuer Kompressionskaeltemaschinen

Номер: DE0000444381C
Принадлежит: ARTHUR GREEN

29-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003752324T2

02-11-2006 дата публикации

The condenser collector tube for a motor vehicle heat air conditioning system is formed as a split tubular structure from a flat sheet of aluminium

Номер: DE202006013389U1

The split tube is formed from aluminium coil whose width is the same as the tube length and the cut ends are made as a series of incomplete holes into which the opposite end tongues are pressed after rolling.

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016005956A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kältemodul, umfassend zwei Kühlkreisläufe, deren jeweiliger Kühlmittelkreislauf voneinander getrennt ist, wobei die Kühlmittelkreisläufe der zwei Kühlkreisläufe getrennt voneinander durch einen gemeinsamen Wärmeübertrager verlaufen.

16-04-2009 дата публикации

Verflüssiger mit einer mäanderförmig geführten Verflüssigerleitung

Номер: DE112007001666A5

13-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE112015000465T5
Принадлежит: HANON SYSTEMS

Bereitgestellt ist ein Klimaanlagensystem für ein Fahrzeug. Das Klimaanlagensystem für ein Fahrzeug weist einen Kompressor, einen Integralkondensator, in dem ein Wasserkühlbereich und ein Luftkühlbereich miteinander integral ausgebildet sind, ein Expansionsventil, und einen Verdampfer auf, wobei der Wasserkühlbereich und der Luftkühlbereich des Integralkondensators auf einer Platte gebildet sind, sodass bestehende Luftkühl- und Wasserkühlkondensatoren durch einmaliges Lötverbinden integral miteinander ausgebildet werden können, wodurch eine Baugruppengröße reduziert werden kann und Montage- und Fertigungsprozesse vereinfacht werden können.

24-10-2002 дата публикации

Condenser for motor vehicle air conditioning system, with compressed gaseous coolant entering condenser inlet and passing through air-cooled heat exchanger tubes and then passing through two further cooling stages

Номер: DE0010119743A1

Compressed gaseous coolant enters the condenser inlet (10) and passes, at a first flow speed, to air-cooled heat exchanger tubes (14) to achieve condensation of the coolant. Then, at a second flow speed, partly condensed coolant flows through a second set of tubes (13) to sub-cool the coolant. Finally, at a higher flow speed than in the last tubes,coolant flows through a third set of tubes (15).

05-08-2010 дата публикации

Condenser device for crew compartment cooling system of armored military vehicle, has housing comprising air inlet opening and air outlet opening, and condenser cell arranged in housing, where condenser cell is in drum shape

Номер: DE102009006674A1

The device (1) has a condenser cell (4) arranged in a housing (2) and cooled by air, and an exhaust unit (7) arranged in the housing, where the cell is in drum-shape. The exhaust unit comprises a fan (5) and an air circulation housing (6), and the housing comprises an air inlet opening (13) for supplying cooling air (100) and an air outlet opening (16) for exhausting heated cooling air. Elements to be cooled are arranged within a wall region (11) of the drum-shaped condenser cell, and walls (3) of the housing are made of armored steel.

19-02-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003503962C2

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060126237T2

29-11-1984 дата публикации

Method and heat exchanger for heat recovery in a cooling installation

Номер: DE0003418803A1

Method and heat exchanger for heat recovery in a cooling installation which consists of a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, an evaporator in the cooling space, and, connected between the compressor and the condenser, a heat exchanger, in which a cooling medium circulates in the circuit, a partial condensation of the cooling medium by turbulence effect taking place in the heat exchanger, and the partial condensation of the cooling medium taking place by a turbulence and/or braking effect on the cooling medium which takes place a number of times. To this end, the heat exchanger consists of an inner tube (26) and an outer tube (27), indentations (28) being provided at spacings in the outer tube (27). The water to be heated flows in the inner tube (26) while the cooling medium flows in the outer tube (27) and can condense at the shell-shaped bulges caused by the indentations (28). ...

29-05-2008 дата публикации

Cold circuit storage unit including unit housing surrounding storage space useful in vehicle air conditioning units has improved arrangement of coolant connections

Номер: DE102006056469A1

Cold circuit storage unit including a unit housing (3) surrounding the storage space, where the elevation height setting (Hohenrichtung, sic) of the unit is directed in the gravity direction (sic), a first connection (20) for feeding in a coolant, especially from a condenser (1) and a second connection (18) for coolant drainage, especially to an expansion unit. The first connection is located, below the storage space and the second connection above this region. An INDEPENDENT CLAM is included for a vehicle with an air conditioning unit having a cold circuit including a storage unit (claimed).

11-09-2008 дата публикации

Kältegerät mit zweistufigem Wärmetauscher

Номер: DE102007011115A1

Bei einem Kältegerät mit einem Lagerraum (3) und einem Kältemittelkreis (4, 6, 11), in dem ein Kältemittel zwischen einem den Lagerraum kühlenden Verdampfer (4) und einem Verflüssiger (11) umgewälzt wird, ist der gesamte Verflüssiger (11) in Flüssigkeit eingetaucht.

29-01-2009 дата публикации

Refrigerator, has inner chamber cooled by refrigeration circuit and condenser provided between inlet and outlet in flow direction of refrigerant, where condenser includes device for separation of liquid and gaseous phase of refrigerant

Номер: DE102007034522A1

The refrigerator has an inner chamber cooled by a refrigeration circuit and a condenser (1) coupled in the refrigeration circuit at an outer side of the refrigerator. The condenser is provided between an inlet (3) and outlet (11) in a flow direction of the refrigerant, where the condenser is driven by a compressor from tubular loops (5). The condenser includes a device (6) for separation of liquid and gaseous phase of refrigerant. The separated liquid phase of the refrigerant is guided over a bypass (10) and is merged with the refrigerant at the outlet.

18-03-2010 дата публикации

Kühl- und/oder Gefriergerät

Номер: DE102008046717A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Kühl- und/oder Gefriergerät mit einem Innenbehälter zur Aufnahme von Kühl- und/oder Gefriergut, mit wenigstens einem thermoakustischen Kühler sowie mit wenigstens einem Wärmetauscher mit einem darin befindlichen Wärmeträgermedium zur Kühlung des Innenraums des Innenbehälters, wobei der wenigstens eine Wärmetauscher derart angeordnet ist, dass der Wärmetransport aus dem Innenraum des Innenbehälters zum Wärmeträgermedium nur über die Wandung des Innenbehälters oder nur über die Wandung des Wärmetauschers erfolgt.

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Einsatz für einen Sammler eines Kondensators

Номер: DE102008056590A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Einsatz (100) für einen Sammler (102) eines Kondensators, wobei der Einsatz ein erstes und ein zweites Ende aufweist und mit dem zweiten Ende voran in den Sammler (102) eingeführt werden kann. Der Einsatz (100) weist ein Rohrsystem zum Leiten eines Kältemittels auf, wobei das Rohrsystem zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Ende des Einsatzes angeordnet ist. Der Einsatz (100) weist ferner einen Aufnahmeraum zum Aufnehmen eines Trocknersäckchens (104) auf, wobei der Aufnahmeraum, neben dem Rohrsystem, zwischen dem ersten und dem zweiten Ende des Einsatzes (100) angeordnet ist und weist mindestens einen Anschlag (105, 106) auf, der ausgebildet ist, um beim Einführen des Einsatzes (100) in den Sammler (102) einen Anschlag für das Trocknersäckchen (104) zu bilden, wenn das Trocknersäckchen (104) in dem Aufnahmeraum angeordnet ist.

08-01-2004 дата публикации

Room cooling unit has additional condenser installed outside and in parallel with main unit condenser through valve system

Номер: DE0010225833A1

The compressor (6), condenser (3) and evaporator (5) form an integrated room cooling unit. Outside the room a condenser (4) is in parallel with the main condenser through three way valves (7,11) controlled by a thermostat (8) to switch the additional condenser in circuit if the room temperature rises.

13-06-2001 дата публикации

Coolant liquefier has coolant passage with tube inner passage height selected in range from 0.5 to 0.7 millimeters

Номер: DE0010060104A1

A coolant liquefier (10) has: - several tubes (14) containing coolant passages, the tubes being arranged in layers; - a cooling fin (15) that is located between each of the neighbouring tubes; and - collector boxes (11,12) which are located at both longitudinal ends of the tubes and communicate with the coolant passage. The coolant passage has a height in the tube coating direction as a tube inner passage height and the tube inner passage height is selected in a range from 0.35 to 0.8 millimeters. Actually it is selected in a range from 0.5 to 0.7 millimeters.

08-08-1956 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to absorption refrigeration systems

Номер: GB0000754394A

... 754,394. Refrigerating. CARRIER ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. July 29, 1954 [Sept. 1, 1953], No. 22232/54. Class 29. In a continuous cycle absorption system utilizing water as the refrigerant and a solution as the absorbent; the refrigerant is generated in an inner shell 23, Fig. 2, by a heating coil 30, 31, the vapour passes out of the inner shell through slots 35 and condensation is effected by a cooling coil 25 disposed in the space between the inner shell and an outer shell 22. The cooling coil comprises several parts connected in parallel between inlet and outlet cooling water headers 26, 27. In a modified form, Fig. 4, the condenser 42 is located in the inner shell 41, which is open at its top and the heating coil 43 is located between the inner and outer shells 41, 40. Condensate is collected by a member 47 and is withdrawn by a tube 48 protected from the heat of the generator by a tubular member 49.

21-06-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in gas liquefiers for refrigerating plants

Номер: GB0000292402A

... 292,402. Siller & Rodenkirchen Ges., and Siller, W. Cct. 15, 1927. Refrigerating, condensers for. - The gas such as ammonia is initially chilled and liquefied by heat interchanging surfaces over which flows rapidly a thin steam of cooling liquid, and the aftercooling of the liquefied fluid is effected by surfaces immersed in slowly moving cooling liquid. The condenser comprises an annular receptacle A mounted on a drum q traversed by longitudinal pipes a, b, c secured to end walls d. A pipe h feeds cooling liquid to the bottom of the receptacle A the inner walk e of which is lower than the outer wall o so that the liquid overflows into a space B whence it flows rapidly in thin steams down the inner surfaces of the pipes a, b, c. The gas entering the drum q at p is condensed and collects at the bottom of the drum, serving as a chilling medium through which the entering gas has to bubble. The condensate is forced up a pipe f to a coil s immersed in the cooling liquid flowing slowly through ...

12-02-1913 дата публикации

A New and Improved Method of Condensing Ammonia.

Номер: GB0191203512A

... 3512. Block, L. Feb. 12. Refrigerating, compression machines and processes for; condensers.-In an ammonia condenser for refrigerating - apparatus, the gaseous ammonia enters a trombone coil at the lower end and is condensed at a higher level, the liquefied ammonia being carried upwards by its own momentum. Fig. 1 shows one form of apparatus in which the gas from an horizontal pipe B passes downwards by pipes B<1> to the lower end of each coil. The gas is liquefied before it reaches the outlet pipes D<1>, by which the liquid flows to a header D, so that the liquid serves as a heat-transferring agent between the gas and the cooling- water which descends over the exterior of the coils. A trap for the liquid to be discharged is formed by pipes E*, D' constituting with the header a liquid seal against passage of ammonia gas, and provided wtih a drainage valve D<5>. The coils are connected to a header D<8> by which they may be drained, and to another header E by which the pressure in the coils ...

15-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001326992A

... 1326992 Tubular heat exchangers; refrigerators BENTELER-WERKE AG 26 May 1971 [4 June 1970] 17327/71 Headings F4H and F4S A heat exchanger such as a condenser for a refrigerator comprises a serpentine pipe 2 having its parallel pipe lengths 12 located in grooves or corrugations 10 formed in a sheet metal plate 1. Tabs 5 punched out of the plate adjacent the grooves 10 are bent over the pipe lengths 12 in clip-like manner to firmly secure the pipe 2 to the plate 1. These tabs 5 may be arranged opposite each other, as shown, or in a staggered array (see Fig. 5). Rows of slots 3 and gills 4 are formed in the plate between adjacent pipe lengths.

04-09-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in heat exchanging devices, particularly for condensers of refrigerating apparatus

Номер: GB0000334333A

... 334,333. Electrolux, Ltd. July 19, 1929. Coil-tube apparatus comprises helically colled tubes 2, 1, engaged by screwing one helix into the other. The inner helix may be made on a former so as to have an external diameter larger than the diameter of the grooves of the outer helix. to secure metallic contact by pressure between the turns. The contact may be increased by tinning, or by spray casting or otherwise depositing metal arcund the surfaces. Where a copper tube for cooling-water and an iron tube for ammonia are used, the copper tube is preferably arranged within the iron tube. Specifications 275,188; and 292,480, [Class 29, Cooling &c.], are referred to.

24-03-1982 дата публикации

Heat exchanger.

Номер: GB0002083604A
Автор: Urch, John Francis

A heat exchanger comprises three coaxial pipes, that is an inner pipe 2, intermediate pipe 6 and outer pipe 4 defining three passages being an inner passage 18, intermediate passage 16 and outer passage 20. A first fluid passes through the passages 18 and 20 and a second fluid passes through passage 16. ...

20-03-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002091867B
Принадлежит: BION ROBERT & CO LTD

05-07-2000 дата публикации

Compressor/condenser unit

Номер: GB0000012034D0

12-08-1926 дата публикации

Refrigerating machine

Номер: GB0000244768A

... 244,768. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., (Assignees of Orr, C.). Dec. 16, 1924, [Convention date]. Refrigerating, compression machines for.-A machine employing sulphur dioxide or like refrigerant and adapted to be mounted on the top cover 4, Fig. 1, of a cooling-chamber, with the evaporator 41 depending into the chamber, comprises oscillating-cylinder compressors 14 driven by an eccentric 27 from the vertical shaft 28 of an electric motor 31, an air-cooled condenser consisting of a gilled copper coil 10, a reservoir 7 for condensed refrigerant, a delivery chamber 8 containing lubricant, and automatic valve devices for controlling the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator and for equalizing the pressures throughout the upper part of the machine when the compressor is stopped. The reservoir 7 is mounted on a base 5 and supports the compressor chamber, which in turn supports the motor. The compressor cylinders have trunnions 15, 16, are flattened where they engage the top 17 of the chamber ...

28-07-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009312336D0

29-10-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to refrigerator condensers

Номер: GB0000803759A

... 803,759. Making refrigerator condensers. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Ltd. Nov. 20, 1956 [Nov. 24, 1955], No. 33730/55. Class 83 (2). [Also in Group XIII] A method of making a refrigerator condenser comprises the steps of deforming a metal strip or at least one of a plurality of strips to provide a tubular portion 1 and at least one cooling fin portion 2 extending as a flange outwardly from and longitudinally of the tubular portion, rendering the tubular portion fluid-tight by a seaming operation, e.g. by cold welding, hot or cold rolling, resistance welding or shielded arc welding at the part 3 (Fig. 1), and then bending the tubular portion and the one or more cooling fin portions into a convolute (e.g. sinuous or spiral) shape to form the condenser. Fig. 2 shows successive stages in rolling the condenser tube section shown in Fig. 1. Figs. 3 to 8 and 11 show alternative cross-sectional shapes for tubes formed from a single metal strip. Figs. 9 and 10 show alternative forms of condenser tube ...

30-04-2001 дата публикации

Serpentine heat exchanger

Номер: AP0000000961A

A method for building a serpentine heat exchanger, particularly a condenser for refrigerating circuits being profiled in such a way to present from a lateral side view and relative to at least one part of its length an inclination the direction of which is suddenly or progressively inverted at least once relative to a plane which is substantially parallel to one of the directions defined by the extension of the exchanger (3), in particular relative to a plane substantially parallel to the principal direction of a flow of air in which the exchanger (3) is located, and in special manner relative to a substantially vertical or substantially horizontal plane. According to the invention, the method comprises the following steps: a) the construction at least of the serpentine or of the complete exchanger in a flat configuration; b) the bending and/or moulding, or deforming of the flat serpentine or of the flat complete exchanger in a way to assume the desired inclinations.

30-06-1998 дата публикации

Serpentine heat exchanger

Номер: AP0009801231A0

30-06-1998 дата публикации

Serpentine heat exchanger

Номер: AP0009801231D0

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: ATA5362001A

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349661T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000370374T

27-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000325643B

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA843373A

15-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000477465T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426791T

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA428480A

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546700T

15-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0009232003A

10-03-1986 дата публикации

Номер: AT0000379888A

15-01-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391981A

15-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0005362001A

15-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187783A

10-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000375769B

29-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000411395B

15-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000507443T

15-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512522B1

Es wird ein Luftbefeuchter mit einem Wasservorratsbehälter (4) und einem im Was­servorratsbehälter (4) angeordneten Wärmetauscher (3) beschrieben, der sekundärseitig an den Wasservorratsbehälter (4) angeschlossen ist. Um einen wirtschaftlich günstigen Betrieb des Luftbefeuchters sicherzustellen, wird vorgeschlagen, dass der Wärmetauscher (3) primärseitig als Kondensator in den Kältemittelkreis einer Wärmepumpe eingebunden und sekundärseitig an eine Dampfverteilerleitung (6) angeschlossen ist.

10-08-1932 дата публикации

Household refrigerator.

Номер: AT0000129428B

15-04-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000136639T

15-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000122449T

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000176199A

15-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000179509T

15-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160441T

15-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000058009T

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000227413T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000327484T

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337531T

25-02-1975 дата публикации

Compressor cooling unit, in particular for air-conditioning the interior of motor vehicles

Номер: AT0000320694B

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000232957T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000248334T

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Refrigeration system with a distributor having a flow control mechanism and a method for controlling such a system

Номер: US20120174604A1
Принадлежит: Thermo King Corp

A method of controlling a refrigeration system with a closed circuit for circulating a refrigerant wherein the closed circuit has a compressor for compressing the refrigerant, a condenser for receiving and condensing at least part of the compressed refrigerant, an evaporator for receiving and evaporating the condensed refrigerant, and a return conduit for returning the refrigerant from the evaporator to the compressor. The evaporator has several evaporator sections with corresponding conduits that may be individually controlled so as to obtain individual refrigeration effects of corresponding individual evaporator sections.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Refrigerant distributor

Номер: US20120210744A1
Автор: Bruce I. Nelson
Принадлежит: Colmac Coil Manufacturing Inc

A refrigerant distributor is described and which includes a tank defining an internal cavity for receiving a source of refrigerant; an inlet conduit for delivering the source of the refrigerant to the internal cavity of the tank; a contaminant collection container coupled in fluid receiving relation relative to the internal cavity of the tank and in disposal fluid receiving relation relative to the inlet conduit; and a plurality of refrigerant distributor conduits coupled in fluid flowing relation relative to the internal cavity of the tank and which have a multiplicity of apertures having variable diametral dimensions and which facilitate a variable flow of the source of refrigerant out through the refrigerant distributor conduits as the volume of the refrigerant in the tank increases.

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120305228A1
Принадлежит: Keihin Thermal Technology Corp

A condenser includes first and second header tanks provided at one end thereof such that the latter is located on the outer side of the former. First heat exchange tubes forming a first heat exchange path provided in a condensation part are connected to the first header tank. Second heat exchange tubes forming a second heat exchange path provided in a super-cooling part are connected to the second header tank. The first header tank has one communication section which communicates with the second header tank through a communication part and to which all the heat exchange tubes forming the first heat exchange path are connected. The communication part is provided at a height below the uppermost heat exchange tube among all the heat exchange tubes connected to the communication section. The upper end of the first header tank is located above the lower end of the second header tank.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Condenser with capillary cooling device

Номер: US20130043007A1
Автор: Joung-Wen HONG
Принадлежит: Individual

A condenser with capillarity cooling devices provides a condenser that has a plurality of cooling fins with a wick structure and a plurality of capillary water absorption layers of which the lower section is submerged in the water of a water reservoir provided underneath. Through capillarity and the characteristic of the capillary water absorption layers, water will be brought upward to moisturize the fins. When the water evaporates, a great amount of heat will be extracted from the fins, so as to increase the thermal efficiency of the condenser. Further, a pre-wetting water pipe is included, so that when an air conditioner is switched on and the condenser is started, the pre-wetting water pipe moisturizes the capillary water absorption layers immediately, and such moisture extends to the overall wick structures of fins. This will make evaporation take place instantly and thermal efficiency of condenser is increased.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074532A1
Автор: Piesker Markus

In a method for operating a cooling system for cooling food on board an aircraft, a partial amount of refrigerant, which, in the rest state, is stored in a receiving space of a refrigerant container in the gaseous state of aggregation, is discharged from the receiving space of the refrigerant container into a cooling circuit of the cooling system. The partial amount of the refrigerant is directed into a liquefier arranged in the cooling circuit and converted to the liquid state of aggregation. The partial amount of the refrigerant liquefied by the liquefier is directed through a heat exchanger arranged in the receiving space of the refrigerant container. The remaining refrigerant, stored in the receiving space of the refrigerant container in the gaseous state of aggregation, is converted to the liquid state of aggregation by heat energy transfer to the partial amount of the refrigerant flowing through the heat exchanger. 1. Method for operating a cooling system suitable for cooling food on board an aircraft , comprising:discharging a partial amount of a refrigerant, which, in the rest state of the cooling system, is stored in a receiving space of a refrigerant container in a gaseous state of aggregation, from the receiving space of the refrigerant container into a cooling circuit of the cooling system;directing the partial amount of the refrigerant into a liquefier arranged in the cooling to circuit and converting the partial amount of the refrigerant to a liquid state of aggregation;directing the partial amount of the refrigerant liquefied by the liquefier through a heat exchanger arranged in the receiving space of the refrigerant container;converting remaining refrigerant, stored in the receiving space of the refrigerant container in the gaseous state of aggregation, to the liquid state of aggregation by heat energy is transfer to the partial amount of the refrigerant flowing through the heat exchanger.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the partial amount of ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145782A1
Автор: Ritchey Jonathan G.

A water condenser includes a fan which draws a primary airflow through an upstream refrigerant evaporator, through an air-to-air heat exchanger and in one embodiment also an air-to-water heat exchanger uses cold water collected as condensate from the evaporator, the airflow to the evaporator being pre-cooled by passing through the air-to-air heat exchanger and the air-to-water heat exchanger prior to entry into the evaporator wherein the airflow is further cooled to below its dew point so as to condense moisture onto the evaporator far gravity collection. The evaporator is cooled by a closed refrigerant circuit. The refrigerant condenser for the closed refrigerant circuit may employ the fan drawing the airflow through the evaporator or a separate fan, both of which drawing an auxiliary airflow separate from the airflow through the evaporator through a manifold whereby bath the auxiliary airflow and the airflow through the evaporator, or just the auxiliary airflow are guided through the condenser and corresponding fan. 1. A water condenser comprising:a housing having a first air intake for entry of a first air flow, said first air intake mounted to an air-to-air heat exchanger having a pre-refrigeration set of air conduits cooperating in fluid communication with said first air intake; for intake of said first air flow into said pre-refrigeration set of air conduits, said heat exchanger having a post-refrigeration set of air conduits arranged relative to the pre-refrigeration set of air conduits for heat transfer between said pre-refrigeration set of air conduits and said post-refrigeration set of air conduits,a refrigeration unit cooperating with said pre-refrigeration set of air conduits for passage of said first air flow from a downstream end of the pre-refrigeration set of air conduits into an upstream end of said refrigeration unit, wherein said refrigeration unit includes refrigerated surfaces over which said first air flow passes as it flows from said upstream ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145790A1

A heating/cooling device () is proposed for vehicles, in particular motor vehicles, with a compressor (), a refrigerant circuit (), a gas cooler (), an evaporator (), and with an expansion valve () arranged between the gas cooler () and evaporator () in the refrigerant circuit (). The heating/cooling device () is distinguished in that the gas cooler () or the evaporator () is coupled with a liquid coolant circuit () which cooperates with an interior heat exchanger () or an external air heat exchanger (), or that the gas cooler () and the evaporator () are each coupled with an its own liquid coolant circuit (), wherein one of the liquid coolant circuits () cooperates with the interior heat exchanger () and the other liquid coolant circuit () cooperates with the external air heat exchanger (). 1. A heating/cooling device for a vehicle , in particular a motor vehicle , that includes a compressor , a refrigerant circuit , a gas cooler , an evaporator , and with an expansion valve arranged between the gas cooler and the evaporator in the refrigerant circuit , whereinthe gas cooler or the evaporator is coupled with a liquid coolant circuit which cooperates with an interior heat exchanger or an external air heat exchanger, or thatthe gas cooler and the evaporator are each coupled with its own liquid coolant circuit, whereinone of the liquid coolant circuits cooperates with the interior heat exchanger and the other liquid coolant circuit cooperates with the external air heat exchanger.2. A heating/cooling device according to claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant circuit comprises an internal heat exchanger which transmits heat from the refrigerant flowing from the gas cooler to the expansion valve claim 1 , to the refrigerant flowing from the evaporator to the compressor.3. A heating/cooling device according to claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant circuit has an accumulator integrated therein.4. A heating/cooling device according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the gas cooler and the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Direct Expansion Evaporator

Номер: US20130145793A1
Автор: Dong Chundong, Dong Lingyu

A direct expansion evaporator includes an inner guiding duct defining a feeding channel for guiding raw material, and an outer guiding duct enclosing the inner guiding duct therewithin to form a heat exchange channel between the outer and inner guiding ducts for guiding refrigerant flowing along the heat exchange channel to heat-exchange with the raw material along the feeding channel, wherein a helix indention is formed at the outer guiding duct to form the heat exchange channel partitioned by a helix partition, wherein a peak of the helix partition is biased against an outer surrounding wall of the inner guiding duct to conceal the heat exchange channel along the inner guiding duct in a weld-less manner. 1. A direct expansion evaporator for making frozen product from raw material , comprising:a feeding channel having a feeding end and a dispensing end for said raw material feeding through said feeding channel; anda heat exchange channel thermally communicating with said feeding channel for guiding refrigerant passing through said heat exchange channel to heat-exchange with said raw material within said feeding channel, wherein said heat exchange channel has a pre-cooling portion formed toward said feeding end of said feeding channel and a freezing portion formed toward said dispensing end to thermally communicate with said feeding channel, wherein said feeding channel is arranged for guiding said raw material to flow from said pre-cooling portion of said heat exchange channel to said freezing portion so as to initially pre-cool said raw material when entering into said feeding end of said feeding channel and to substantially freeze said raw material to form said frozen product before said frozen product is dispensed at said dispensing end of said feeding channel.2. The direct expansion evaporator claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , further comprising an outer guiding duct and an inner guiding duct coaxially enclosed within said outer guiding duct to define said ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Condenser for vehicle

Номер: US20130146265A1
Автор: Jae Yeon Kim
Принадлежит: Hyundai Motor Co

A condenser for a vehicle is used in an air conditioning having an expansion valve, an evaporator, and a compressor, is provided between the compressor and the expansion valve, and circulates coolant supplied from a radiator to condense refrigerant supplied from the compressor through heat-exchange with the coolant and the refrigerant. The condenser may include a first heat-radiating portion connected to the radiator to circulate coolant and adapted to circulate refrigerant to condense the refrigerant through heat-exchange, a second heat-radiating portion formed at a lower portion of the first heat-radiating portion, a receiver-drier portion disposed apart from the first and second heat-radiating portions to perform gas-liquid separation and moisture removal of the condensed refrigerant, and a lower cover to connect the second heat-radiating portion with the receiver-drier portion, wherein the connecting passage is adapted to flow the refrigerant from the receiver-drier portion into the second heat-radiating portion.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167582A1
Автор: Jones Ronald Wayne
Принадлежит: Standex International Corporation

An ultra low temperature freezer evaporator (ULT) apparatus that has a triple feed capillary tube system. The ULT apparatus prevents the low stage compressor from running in a vacuum. The invention significantly reduces the “pull down” time. Further, the ULT freezer evaporator apparatus significantly increases the transfer area between the evaporator tubing and the contact surface on the unit to assist the transfer of heat from the refrigerated unit through the condenser to the surrounding room. 1. An ultra low temperature freezer evaporator apparatus having a low stage compressor , said apparatus comprising;a triple feed evaporator system having three predetermined equal lengths of capillary tubing within three predetermined equal lengths of evaporator tubing thus providing three evaporator sections, each evaporator section having a compressor end and a raceway end;a freezer cabinet with five freezer liner walls having a top wall, left side wall, right side wall, back side wall, and bottom wall wherein said triple feed evaporator system is attached thereto with one evaporator section attached to the back freezer liner wall, another evaporator section attached to top and left side freezer liner walls, and the third evaporator section attached to the right and bottom side freezer liner walls, wherein said triple feed capillary system prevents the low stage compressor from running in a substantial vacuum and said apparatus having a significantly reduced “pull down” time.2. The ultra low temperature freezer evaporator apparatus of wherein said evaporator tubing is approximately ⅜ inch copper tubing and the capillary tubing has a diameter of approximately 0.036 inches.3. The ultra low temperature freezer evaporator apparatus of wherein said triple feed evaporator system is attached to said freezer liner walls using aluminum tape.4. The ultra low temperature freezer evaporator apparatus of wherein said triple feed evaporator system is attached to said freezer liner walls ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167659A1
Автор: Tsuji Teruaki
Принадлежит: VALEO JAPAN CO., LTD.

A drive torque estimation device secures accuracy of a drive torque of a compressor by accurately grasping a flow rate of refrigerant in a cycle. The pressure difference is detected by a condenser as a resistor for calculating the flow rate. The pressure difference between two portions based on physical quantities relating to refrigerant pressures is detected using first and second sensors arranged at two portions in the cycle. A flow rate is calculated based on the detected pressure difference. The first sensor may be an upstream-side pressure sensor arranged at an inlet of the condenser or at a high-pressure side pipe upstream of the inlet and detects a pressure of the refrigerant flowing therethrough, and the second sensor may be a downstream-side pressure sensor arranged at a gas/liquid mixed phase region of the condenser and detects a pressure of the refrigerant flowing therethrough or may be a temperature sensor. 1. A drive torque estimation device which calculates an estimated value of a drive torque of a compressor using a flow rate of a refrigerant which flows in a refrigerating cycle including the compressor , a condenser , an expansion device and an evaporator as one of variable parameters comprising: a first sensor which detects a physical quantity relating to a pressure of the refrigerant which flows through a predetermined portion of the refrigerating cycle; and a second sensor which detects a physical quantity relating to a pressure of the refrigerant which flows through a predetermined portion downstream of the first sensor in the refrigerating cycle , the flow rate of the refrigerant being calculated based on the difference between refrigerant pressures obtained based on the respective physical quantities detected by the first and second sensors , whereinthe first sensor is arranged at a refrigerant inlet of the condenser or at a high-pressure side pipe upstream of the refrigerant inlet, andthe second sensor is arranged at a predetermined portion of ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180268A1
Автор: Schlosser Charles E.

An ice making machine using hydrocarbon (HC), and particularly propane, as the refrigerant is disclosed. The ice making machine has components which have been modified in size, type and operation to accommodate the use of HCs, and particularly propane, in the ice making machine refrigerant system. Also disclosed is a low volume condenser especially designed for HCs, and in particular propane, to minimize the volume of flammable/explosive HC in the ice making machine refrigerant system. 1. An ice making machine comprising:a coolant/refrigerant system comprising a coolant/refrigerant, a compressor, a condenser, an evaporator, an expansion device, a hot gas valve for directing hot gases from the compressor to the evaporator, and interconnecting lines therefore, wherein the coolant/refrigerant comprises a hydrocarbon and the condenser having a total internal volume of between about 100 ml to about 250 ml, based upon the volume of first and second header and micro channels disposed therebetween.2. An ice making machine according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrocarbon coolant/refrigerant comprises propane.3. An ice making machine according to claim 1 , wherein a refrigerant leak in the system would release an amount of the hydrocarbon coolant/refrigerant not greater than the amount allowed under standards set for the hydrocarbon coolant/refrigerant.4. An ice making machine according to claim 2 , wherein a refrigerant leak in the system would release an amount of propane not greater than an amount for the concentration of the propane to instantaneously reach 75% of the LFL.5. An ice making machine according to claim 2 , wherein a refrigerant leak in the system would release an amount of propane not greater than an amount for the concentration of the propane to reach 50% of the LFL over a five minute time period.6. An ice making machine comprising:a compressor for compressing a gas coolant/refrigerant comprised of hydrocarbon and a condenser for condensing the compressed ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192291A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A plate heat exchanger includes a plurality of rectangular plates each having, at four corners thereof, inlets and outlets and others for a first fluid and a second fluid. The plates are stacked such that first passages each defined by adjacent two of the plates and through which the first fluid flows and second passages each defined by adjacent two of the plates and through which the second fluid flows are provided alternately. The first passage includes a bypass passage extending from an inlet peripheral portion, which is an area around the inlet, along the outlet for the second fluid up to a long-side-peripheral portion of the plate that is nearer to the second outlet. The bypass passage allows some of the first fluid having flowed therein from the inlet to flow from the long-side-peripheral portion into a heat-exchanging passage. 1. A plate heat exchanger comprising a plurality of plates each having , at four corners thereof , respective passage holes each serving as an inlet or an outlet for a first fluid or a second fluid , the plates being stacked such that first passages each defined by adjacent two of the plates and through which the first fluid flows and second passages each defined by adjacent two of the plates and through which the second fluid flows are provided alternately in a stacking direction ,wherein the first passage allows the first fluid having flowed therein from an inlet as one of the passage holes that is provided on one side of each of the plates in a long-side direction to be discharged from an outlet as one of the passage holes that is provided on the other side of the plate in the long-side direction,wherein the first passage includes a heat-exchanging passage provided between the inlet and the outlet and in which the second fluid that flows through the second passage adjacent to the first passage and the first fluid exchange heat therebetween,wherein the first passage includes an upstream-side bypass passage extending along an upstream- ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Condenser having a receiver/dehydrator top entrance with communication capable of stabilized charge plateau

Номер: US20130206378A1
Автор: Scott E. Kent
Принадлежит: Delphi Technologies Inc

A sub-cooled condenser for an air conditioning system includes a condenser portion, a sub-cooler portion located below that of the condenser portion, an integral receiver tank having an upper receiver first chamber with a first fluid port in hydraulic connection with the condenser portion and a lower receiver second chamber having a second fluid port in hydraulic connection with the sub-cooler portion, and a refrigerant conduit disposed in the receiver tank. The refrigerant conduit may include a top entry end extending into the upper receiver first chamber and a bottom discharge end extending in the lower receiver second chamber, wherein the bottom discharge end may extend below the second fluid port. The condenser portion may include multiple passes in which the refrigerant flows in an upward direction from the inlet of the condenser portion to the first fluid port that is in hydraulic connection to the upper receiver first chamber.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219932A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

This application relates to a coolant condenser assembly for an air conditioning system for a motor vehicle. In a supercooling region, at least two cooling pipes, as the first supercooling parallel section, are acted upon in parallel by the coolant in a fluid-conducting manner, the coolant which flows out of the first supercooling parallel section flows into a first supercooling intermediate flow duct, and the first supercooling intermediate flow duct opens into at least two cooling pipes as the second supercooling parallel section, and the second supercooling parallel section opens into a second supercooling intermediate flow duct and the second supercooling intermediate flow duct opens into at least two cooling pipes as the third supercooling parallel section, such that the outlet opening is disposed on a second longitudinal side of the coolant condenser assembly. 2. The refrigerant condenser assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in each case one supercooling parallel portion has two claim 1 , three or four cooling tubes which are charged in parallel claim 1 , and/or the surface area of the cooling tubes and preferably of the collecting tubes of the supercooling region amounts to less than 50% claim 1 , 40% claim 1 , 35% claim 1 , 30% claim 1 , 25% or 15% of the surface area of the heat exchanger of the refrigerant condenser assembly claim 1 , and in particular claim 1 , the heat exchanger is composed of the cooling tubes and preferably the collecting tubes.3. The refrigerant condenser assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , upstream of the first supercooling parallel portion as viewed in the flow direction of the refrigerant claim 1 , at least two cooling tubes as a first parallel portion are charged in parallel in terms of fluid conduction.4. The refrigerant condenser assembly as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , upstream of the first supercooling parallel portion as viewed in the flow direction of the refrigerant claim 1 , at least two ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Condensing Unit Chassis with Enhanced Serviceability Access

Номер: US20130219942A1
Принадлежит: Rheem Manufacturing Company

An air conditioning system condensing unit has a specially designed chassis providing enhanced serviceability access to various air conditioning components operatively disposed therein. A removable vertical peripheral outer side wall section of the chassis underlies a removable peripheral top side wall section thereof. Removal of these two side wall sections creates in the chassis an opening conveniently providing both horizontal and vertical service access to the air conditioning components within the interior of the chassis. 1. An air conditioning system condensing unit comprising:a plurality of air conditioning components; and 'said outer side wall structure having a removable peripheral section that is in underlying alignment with said removable peripheral section of said top side wall and extends therefrom to adjacent said bottom side portion, removal of said peripheral top side wall and outer side wall structure sections creating in said chassis an opening providing both horizontal and vertical service access to said plurality of air conditioning components.', 'a chassis having a top side wall with a removable peripheral section, a bottom side portion, and a vertical outer side wall structure extending between said top side wall and said bottom side portion and defining with said top side wall an interior chamber within which said plurality of air conditioning components are operatively disposed,'}2. The condensing unit of wherein:said condensing unit is a heat pump condensing unit.3. The condensing unit of wherein:said condensing unit is a dedicated air conditioning-only condensing unit.4. The condensing unit of wherein:said condensing unit further comprises at least one air conditioning component carried by said removable peripheral section of said outer side wall structure for removal therewith from said condensing unit.5. The condensing unit of wherein:said at least one air conditioning carried by said removable peripheral section of said outer side wall ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130219953A1
Принадлежит: BEHR GMBH & CO. KG

In a coolant condenser assembly for a motor vehicle air conditioning system, comprising cooling pipes for conducting a coolant through, two collecting pipes for fluidically connecting the cooling pipes, a collecting container with an upper cover wall and a lower bottom wall and a side wall as well as with an inlet opening for conducting the coolant into the collecting container and an outlet opening for conducting the coolant out of the collecting container, with the result that through the inlet and outlet openings the collecting container is fluidically connected to the collecting pipe and/or the cooling pipes, the collecting container comprises an outlet chamber and a riser pipe, and the outlet opening opens into the outlet chamber, and the outlet chamber is connected to the riser pipe and a storage chamber for the coolant is formed within the collecting container and outside the outlet chamber and outside the riser pipe, the collecting container preferably has an inlet chamber and a downpipe, and the inlet opening opens into the inlet chamber and the inlet chamber is connected to the downpipe and the storage chamber is formed outside the inlet chamber and outside the downpipe, the cooling pipes have a superheating region for cooling the vaporous coolant, a condensation region for condensing the coolant and a supercooling region for cooling the liquid coolant, wherein the supercooling region is formed above the superheating region and above the condensation region, the intention is that little coolant will be present in flow spaces in the collecting container. This object is achieved in that the height of the storage chamber is greater than the distance between the lower floor wall and the inlet and/or outlet openings. 1. A refrigerant condenser assembly for a motor vehicle air-conditioning system , comprisingcooling tubes for conducting a refrigerant,two collecting tubes for fluidically connecting the cooling tubes,a collecting tank having an upper top wall and ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Heat transfer apparatus and method

Номер: US20130269909A1
Автор: David Zietlow, John Seeli

A heat transfer apparatus and related methods are provided. The heat transfer apparatus and related methods more evenly distribute fluid flow in two-phase heat exchange systems by restricting fluid flow to one or more tube.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and air conditioner

Номер: US20130292098A1
Принадлежит: Daikin Industries Ltd

A plurality of flat tubes is, at one end thereof, connected to a first header collecting pipe, and is, at the other end thereof, connected to a second header collecting pipe. Some of the flat tubes forms a main heat exchange part, and the other flat tubes forms an auxiliary heat exchange part. The number of flat tubes of the auxiliary heat exchange part is less than the number of flat tubes of the main heat exchange part. The total cross-sectional area of flow paths per flat tube provided in the auxiliary heat exchange part is greater than the total cross-sectional area of flow paths per flat tube provided in the main heat exchange part.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method for vapor condensation and recovery

Номер: US20130295776A1
Принадлежит: MSP Corporation

Methods for recovery of precursor vapor from a gas and precursor vapor mixture used in a deposition process. The gas and precursor vapor mixture is passed through a multitude of heat transfer surfaces in a heat conducting housing causing the precursor vapor to condense. The precursor vapor in liquid form is then collected after condensation.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Refrigeration Cycle And Condenser With Supercooling Unit

Номер: US20130298596A1
Автор: IIJIMA Kenji
Принадлежит: VALEO JAPAN CO., LTD.

A refrigeration cycle is constituted by joining at least a compressor , a condenser , a decompression and expansion device , and an evaporator to each other by a pipe . The condenser is formed of a condenser with a supercooling part including a condensing part and a supercooling part . The refrigeration cycle further includes an internal heat exchanger . A rate at which the supercooling part occupies with respect to the whole condenser is set to a value which falls within a range of 3% to 9% when the heat exchange efficiency of the internal heat exchanger falls within a range of 25% to 75%. 1123452345. A refrigeration cycle () comprises a compressor () which compresses a refrigerant , a condenser () which condenses the compressed refrigerant , a decompression and expansion device () which decompresses and expands the condensed refrigerant , and an evaporator () which evaporates the decompressed and expanded refrigerant , wherein the compressor () , the condenser () , the device () , and the evaporator () are each joined to each other by piping , and wherein{'b': 3', '3', '7', '8, 'the condenser () is formed of a condenser with a supercooling part, the condenser () including a condensing part () which is arranged on an upstream side in the flow of the refrigerant and condenses the refrigerant by cooling, and a supercooling part () which is arranged downstream of the condensing part in the flow of the refrigerant and further cools the refrigerant,'}{'b': 1', '25', '26', '4', '3', '27', '2', '5', '26', '27, 'the refrigeration cycle () further comprises an internal heat exchanger () which includes a first heat exchanging part () through which the refrigerant introduced into the decompression and expansion device () from the condenser () flows, and a second heat exchanging part () through which the refrigerant introduced into a suction side of the compressor () from the evaporator () passes, and performs a heat exchange between a relatively high-temperature refrigerant ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312444A1
Автор: Platt Mark

A dedicated heat recovery chiller/heater having a two step heat transfer arrangement is set out. A refrigerant to refrigerant heat transfer steep allows for higher temperature lift as compared to prior dedicated heat recovery systems. 1. A dedicated heat recovery chiller heater system, comprising: a building conditioning fluid dedicated heat recovery cooling loop, a building conditioning fluid dedicated heat recovery heating loop, a two-stage dedicated heat recovery chiller in fluid connection with said dedicated heat recovery cooling loop on one side and said dedicated heat recovery heating loop on another side, said two stage dedicated heat recovery chiller having a low temperature side, a high temperature side, and a refrigerant to refrigerant heat exchanger between said low-temperature side and said high-temperature side, a low temperature evaporator, a high temperature condenser, a low temperature working fluid loop having a low temperature working fluid, a high temperature working fluid loop having a high temperature working fluid, said low temperature evaporator in thermal connection with said low temperature working fluid loop, said low-temperature working fluid loop being in thermal connection with a low temperature side of said working fluid heat exchanger, said working fluid heat exchanger being in thermal contact with said high-temperature condenser, wherein heat is transferred from said building conditioning fluid dedicated heat recovery cooling loop into said working fluid heat exchanger, heat is transferred out of said working fluid heater exchanger into said high-temperature condenser, and heat is transferred from said high temperature condenser into said building conditioning fluid dedicated heat recovery heating loop. 1. Field of the InventionThis invention relates to improvements in heating and cooling systems and relates particularly to improvements in air conditioning and chilling systems. Particularly, the invention relates to a dedicated heat ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312453A1

Provided is an evaporator including a flow part having a refrigerant flow therein, separately from a first compartment and a second compartment to improve a refrigerant channel structure, in a double evaporator in which a refrigerant flows in a first column and a second column, respectively, thereby reducing the number of four inlets and outlets that is disposed in the first column and the second column, respectively. 1. An evaporator , comprising:a first header tank and a second header tank formed in parallel with each other, being spaced apart from each other by a predetermined distance and including at least one baffle that is partitioned by a barrier rib to form a first column and a second column to partition each of a first compartment and a second compartment in a width direction and partition a space in a length direction;a plurality of tubes of which both ends are fixed to the first header tank and the second header tank; anda pin interposed between the plurality of tubes,wherein the first header tank is lengthily formed with a flow part in a length direction, separately from the first compartment and the second compartment.2. The evaporator of claim 1 , wherein the first header tank includes:a first inlet connected with one portion of the first compartment to be introduced with a refrigerant;an outlet connected with another portion of the first compartment to discharge the refrigerant; anda second inlet connected with one portion of the second compartment to be introduced with the refrigerant,wherein the flow part comprises a first communication hole that is adjacent to a formation region of the first inlet in a length direction to communicate with the second compartment and a second communication hole that is adjacent to a formation region of the outlet and the second inlet in a length direction to communicate with the first compartment.3. The evaporator of claim 2 , further comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2, 'in the first column, a 1-1-th region A- that ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312454A1

Provided is an evaporator including a flow part having a refrigerant flow therein, separately from a first compartment and a second compartment to improve a refrigerant channel structure, in a double evaporator in which a refrigerant flows in a first column and a second column, respectively, thereby reducing the number of four inlets and outlets that is disposed in the first column and the second column, respectively. 1. An evaporator , comprising:a first header tank and a second header tank formed in parallel with each other, being spaced apart from each other by a predetermined distance and including at least one baffle that is partitioned by a barrier rib to form a first column and a second column to partition each of the first compartments and the second compartments in a width direction and partition a space in a length direction; anda plurality of tubes of which both ends are fixed to the first header tank and the second header tank; and a pin interposed between the tubes,wherein the first header tank includes:a flow part having a first communication hole communicating with the second compartment disposed at one portion thereof in a length direction and a second communication hole communicating with the first compartment disposed at the other portion thereof in a length direction to form a space in which a refrigerant flows, separately from the first compartment and the second compartment;a manifold communicating with the first compartment to form the first inlet into which a refrigerant is introduced;an outlet communicating with the first compartment to discharge the refrigerant; anda second inlet communicating with the second compartment to introduce the refrigerant thereinto.2. The evaporator of claim 1 , wherein both ends of the first header tank are closed by an end cap that includes a plate part disposed at one end thereof claim 1 , a first hollow hole of which the predetermined region corresponding to the first compartment in a predetermined region of ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312455A1

Provided is an evaporator including a tank formed with a depressed part and a flow part having a refrigerant flow therein using a flow part forming member, separately from a first compartment and a second compartment to improve a refrigerant channel structure, in a double evaporator in which a refrigerant flows in a first column and a second column, respectively, thereby reducing the number of four inlets and outlets that is disposed in the first column and the second column, respectively, fixing a baffle at an accurate position, and reducing a defective rate to more improve productivity. 1. An evaporator , comprising:a first header tank and a second header tank formed in parallel with each other, being spaced apart from each other by a predetermined distance and including at least one baffle that is partitioned by a barrier rib to form a first column and a second column to partition each of the first compartments and the second compartments in a width direction and partition a space in a length direction; anda plurality of tubes of which both ends are fixed to the first header tank and the second header tank; and a pin interposed between the tubes,wherein the first header tank is formed by a coupling of a header and a tank in which the depressed part of which the central region formed with the barrier rib in a width direction is depressed is lengthily formed in a length direction and includes a flow part forming member that is provided to cover the depressed part of the tank and has the flow part disposed therein to have a refrigerant flow therein, separately from the first compartment and the second compartment.2. The evaporator of claim 1 , wherein in the first header tank claim 1 , the central region of the depressed part at which the barrier rib is disposed is provided with a first fixed groove of which the predetermined region is hollowed in a width direction claim 1 , andthe baffle is integrally formed in a width direction to partition the first compartment ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Cooling Device for Vehicles and Method for Controlling and/or Regulating a Cooling Device

Номер: US20130333398A1

A cooling device and to a method for controlling a cooling device for vehicles is provided, the cooling device including a refrigerant compressor, a condenser downstream of the refrigerant compressor in the flow direction of the refrigerant, a first evaporator downstream of the condenser for cooling air to be supplied to the passenger compartment, a second evaporator arranged parallel to the first evaporator for cooling an electric accumulator, and a control unit which is configured to control the refrigerant compressor as a function of the cooling demands for the passenger compartment and/or the electric accumulator on the basis of the higher cooling demand requirement. The cooling device may further include electric valves between the condenser and the first and second evaporators to control a cooling capacity of the first and/or second evaporator to meet the cooling demands of the passenger compartment and/or the electric accumulator. 1. A method for controlling and/or regulating a cooling device for vehicles , wherein said cooling device includes a refrigerant compressor , a condenser arranged downstream of the refrigerant compressor in a flow direction of the refrigerant , a first evaporator arranged downstream of the condenser for cooling the air to be supplied to a passenger compartment , a second evaporator arranged parallel to the first evaporator for cooling an electric accumulator , and a control unit configured to control the refrigerant compressor as a function of at least one of a cooling demand for the passenger compartment and a cooling demand for the electric accumulator on the basis of the higher cooling demand , comprising the acts of:determining which of a cooling demand of the electric accumulator and a cooling demand of the passenger compartment is greater;if the cooling demand of the electric accumulator is not greater than the cooling demand of the passenger compartment, controlling a closed loop control of the refrigerant compressor with the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000857A1
Автор: King William P.

Methods and devices for dropwise condensation of a refrigerant vapor on a surface are provided. The surface and various aspects of the system are configured to ensure the surface is refrigerant repelling, enhances droplet mobility, increases condensation rate and/or increases heat transfer rate. The refrigerant repelling surface may be configured so that a refrigerant that may normally wet a flat non-textured surface is instead repelled 1. A method for condensation heat transfer comprising condensing a refrigerant vapor on a textured portion of an interior surface of a chamber to form a plurality of refrigerant droplets at a user selected pressure , thereby transferring heat from the refrigerant vapor to the interior surface wherein the user selected pressure is not atmospheric pressure , the textured portion of the interior surface comprises surface features , the surface features comprising a surface material and the apparent contact angle of the refrigerant droplets on the surface features is non-zero and greater than the characteristic contact angle of the refrigerant droplets on the surface material of the surface features.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the characteristic contact angle for the refrigerant droplets on the surface material is less than 50°.3. The method of wherein the characteristic contact angle is less than or equal to 20°.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the apparent contact angle of the refrigerant droplets on the surface features is greater than 90°.5. The method of wherein the difference between the apparent contact angle and the characteristic contact angle is greater than 45°.6. The method of wherein the atmosphere in the chamber substantially comprises refrigerant vapor.7. The method of wherein the refrigerant comprises a component selected from the group consisting of halocarbon claim 1 , hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) claim 1 , hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) and a hydrocarbon (HC).8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the refrigerant further ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Condenser/Accumulator and Systems and Operation Methods

Номер: US20140034275A1

A condenser/accumulator () has a shell (). A coolant flowpath extends from a coolant () inlet to a coolant outlet (). An upper tube bundle () is within the shell, a first branch of the coolant flowpath passing through tubes of the upper tube bundle. A lower tube bundle () is within the shell, a second branch of the coolant flowpath passing through tubes of the lower tube bundle. A refrigerant flowpath extends from a refrigerant inlet () to a refrigerant outlet () and is in heat transfer relation with the coolant flowpath. There is a vertical gap () between the upper tube bundle and the lower tube bundle and comprising at least 50% of a free volume of a refrigerant space within the shell. 160. A condenser/accumulator () comprising:{'b': '62', 'a shell ();'}{'b': 144', '146, 'a coolant flowpath extending from a coolant () inlet to a coolant outlet ();'}{'b': 68', '200', '1, 'an upper tube bundle () within the shell, a first branch (-) of the coolant flowpath passing through tubes of the upper tube bundle;'}{'b': 70', '200', '2, 'a lower tube bundle () within the shell, a second branch (-) of the coolant flowpath passing through tubes of the lower tube bundle;'}{'b': 64', '66, 'a refrigerant flowpath extending from a refrigerant inlet () to a refrigerant outlet () and in heat transfer relation with the coolant flowpath; and'}{'b': '76', 'a vertical gap () between the upper tube bundle and the lower tube bundle and comprising at least 50% of a free volume of a refrigerant space within the shell'}2. The condenser/accumulator of wherein:the first branch is in parallel to the second branch, re-joining to pass through remaining tubes of the upper tube bundle.3. The condenser/accumulator of wherein:the vertical gap comprises 60-80% of the free volume.4. The condenser/accumulator of wherein:{'sub': 1', '1, 'a vertical height (H) of the gap is at least 50% of a characteristic internal radius (R) of the shell.'}5. The condenser/accumulator of wherein:{'sub': '1', 'a vertical ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlling relative humidity in a container

Номер: US20140041402A1
Принадлежит: Thermo King Corp

In one embodiment, a method of operating a refrigeration system includes measuring a relative humidity of a container and comparing the measured relative humidity to a humidity set point. The method also includes operating evaporator fans of a refrigeration system when the measured relative humidity is above the humidity set point.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041410A1

The condensing apparatus includes: a compressor which has a compression part compressing a working fluid; a condenser which condenses the working fluid compressed by the compression part ; and a spray mechanism including a nozzle which sprays a cooling fluid into a fluid passage to cool the working fluid flowing through the fluid passage between a discharge opening CS of the compression part and an inlet of the condenser 1. A condensing apparatus , comprising:a compressor which includes a compression part compressing a working fluid;a condenser which condenses the working fluid compressed by the compression part; anda spray mechanism including a nozzle which sprays a cooling fluid into a fluid passage to cool the working fluid flowing through the fluid passage between a discharge opening of the compression part and an inlet of the condenser.2. The condensing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the nozzle is arranged so as to spray the cooling fluid toward an upstream side of the fluid passage.3. The condensing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the fluid passage has a bent part adapted to bend a flow direction of the working fluid; andthe nozzle is arranged in the bent part.4. The condensing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the condenser is an indirect heat exchanger which makes a heat exchange between the working fluid and a fluid for condensing the working fluid with both fluids being out of direct contact with each other.5. The condensing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the compressor further includes a velocity reducing part having a space for reducing a flow velocity of the working fluid discharged from the discharge opening of the compression part;the space of the velocity reducing part forms a part of the fluid passage; andthe nozzle sprays the cooling fluid on the working fluid flowing through the velocity reducing part.6. The condensing apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein:the compressor further includes an electric motor ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053584A1
Автор: Tschismar Oliver

A climate control device for conditioning the climate of a plurality of components and an interior of an electric vehicle, the climate control device having a plurality of fluid circuit units, which are configured to heat and/or cool the electric vehicle, a first fluid circuit unit being configured to control the climate of a first component of the electric vehicle, a second fluid circuit unit being configured to control the climate of the interior of the electric vehicle, a coolant circuit being configured to control the climate and dehumidify the interior of the electric vehicle, and a third fluid circuit unit being configured to utilize the waste heat of the second heat source. 115-. (canceled)16. A climate control device for controlling at least one of a climate of a plurality of components and an interior of an electric vehicle , comprising: a first fluid circuit unit, from a first pump, via a first heat source, further via a first three-way valve and via a first heat conductor, back again to the first pump, being activatable and configured to control the climate of a first component of the electric vehicle;', 'a second fluid circuit unit, from the first pump, via the first heat source, further via the first three-way valve, further via a second heat conductor and via a third heat conductor, back again to the first pump, being activatable and configured to control the climate of the interior of the electric vehicle;', 'a third fluid circuit unit, from a second three-way valve, further via an internal heat conductor, further via a third three-way valve, for one, further via a first expansion organ and a fourth heat conductor, to a storage reservoir and, for another, further via a second expansion organ and a fifth heat conductor to the storage reservoir, from storage reservoir via a compressor having a second pump, further via the second heat conductor, further via a fourth three-way valve, further via a sixth heat conductor, back again to the second three-way ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075981A1

A cooling apparatus that cools an HV device includes: a compressor that circulates a refrigerant; a heat exchanger that performs heat exchange between the refrigerant and outside air; an expansion valve that reduces a pressure of the refrigerant; a heat exchanger that performs heat exchange between the refrigerant and air-conditioning air; a cooling unit provided on a path of the refrigerant flowing between the heat exchanger and the heat exchanger via the expansion valve in order to cool the HV device by using the refrigerant; and a four-way valve that switches between a refrigerant flow from the compressor to the heat exchanger and a refrigerant flow from the compressor to the heat exchanger. 1. A cooling apparatus that cools a heat generation source , comprising:a compressor that compresses a refrigerant in order to circulate the refrigerant;a first heat exchanger that performs heat exchange between the refrigerant and outside air;a pressure reducer that reduces a pressure of the refrigerant;a second heat exchanger that performs heat exchange between the refrigerant and air-conditioning air;a cooling unit that is provided on a path of the refrigerant extending between the first heat exchanger and the second heat exchanger via the pressure reducer, in order to cool the heat generation source by using the refrigerant; anda four-way valve that switches between a refrigerant flow from the compressor to the first heat exchanger and a refrigerant flow from the compressor to the second heat exchanger.2. The cooling apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling unit is provided between the first heat exchanger and the pressure reducer.3. The cooling apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising:a third heat exchanger that is provided between the cooling unit and the pressure reducer in order to perform heat exchange between the refrigerant and the outside air.4. The cooling apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the first heat exchanger has a greater ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076522A1
Принадлежит: Danfoss A/S

A cooling system for a power module (or some other power electronics device) is described, the cooling system having a closed flow path for circulating a cooling fluid, the flow path having a pressure that is reduced to below atmospheric pressure. The cooling fluid is circulated along the flow path to provide cooling of the power module. The flow path is delimited from the exterior environment by a space provided between the flow path and the exterior environment, said space being sealed off from the cooling flow path, and said space being sealed off towards the exterior environment. The flow path has a pressure below atmospheric pressure and the space between the flow path and the exterior environment is evacuated and typically has a pressure lower than the pressure in the flow path. 1. A cooling system for a power electronics device , the cooling system comprising: a closed flow path for circulating a cooling fluid; means for circulating the fluid along the flow path to provide cooling of the power electronics device; and a condenser , wherein:said cooling fluid is passed to the condenser after having passed the power electronics device and the cooling fluid is passed to the power electronics device after having passed the condenser;the flow path has a pressure that is reduced to below a pressure prevailing in an exterior environment; andthe flow path is delimited from the exterior environment by a space provided between the flow path and the exterior environment, said space being sealed off from the flow path, said space being sealed off from the exterior environment, and said space being at least partially evacuated.2. The cooling system according to claim 1 , wherein said cooling fluid is based on water.3. The cooling system according to claim 1 , wherein the space is sealed off from the exterior environment and is sealed off from the flow path by gaskets.4. The cooling system according to claim 1 , wherein the space has a pressure below the pressure of both ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096562A1

The present disclosure relates to a cooling system including a controlled atmospheric heat rejection cycle with water re-capture. The cooling system for cooling a heat load includes a first evaporative section configured to circulate a first fluid to enable heat transfer from the heat load to the first fluid, a second evaporative section in fluid communication with the first evaporative section and configured to circulate the first fluid, and a liquid refrigerant distribution unit in thermal communication with the second evaporative section. The liquid refrigerant distribution unit is configured to circulate a second fluid to enable heat transfer from the first fluid to the second fluid. 1. An evaporative cooling system for cooling a heat load , comprising:a first evaporative section configured to circulate a first fluid to enable heat transfer from the heat load to the first fluid;a second evaporative section in fluid communication with the first evaporative section, the second evaporative section configured to circulate the first fluid; anda liquid refrigerant distribution unit in thermal communication with the second evaporative section, the liquid refrigerant distribution unit configured to circulate a second fluid to enable heat transfer from the first fluid to the second fluid.2. The evaporative cooling system of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid is a mixture of air and water claim 1 , and the second fluid is refrigerant.3. The evaporative cooling system of claim 2 , wherein the first evaporative section comprises a heat exchange member claim 2 , wherein the heat of the heat load is transferred to the first fluid as an air and water mixture flowing across the heat exchange member.4. The evaporative cooling system of claim 3 , wherein the first evaporative section further comprises a water spray system configured to spray water into to the recirculating flow of the air and water mixture flowing across the heat exchange member.5. The evaporative cooling system ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000332A1

The present invention is characterized in that: a flow diverter provided in an air conditioner has a flow diverter main body having an internal space, and a first connection portion to which a pipe is connected; the first connection portion has an inner peripheral surface that defines a hole through which the pipe is inserted; the inner peripheral surface has, in the direction of a central axis, a brazing portion which is provided at a location containing an end on the side where the pipe is inserted, and forms a gap filled with solder for brazing between the inner peripheral surface and an outer peripheral surface of the pipe, and a restricting portion located closer to the flow diverter main body than to the brazing portion; and the inner diameter of the restricting portion is smaller than the inner diameter of the brazing portion. 15-. (canceled)6. An air conditioner , comprising:a plurality of branched pipes that are connected to a heat exchanger;an expansion valve-side pipe that leads to an expansion valve; anda flow diverter that is capable of dividing a refrigerant flowing from the expansion valve-side pipe and sending the refrigerant to each of the branched pipes, whereinthe flow diverter has a first connection portion that is connected to the expansion valve-side pipe and thereby communicates the inside of the expansion valve-side pipe with an internal space of the flow diverter, and a second connection portion to which each of the plurality of branched pipes is connected and which communicates the inside of each branched pipe with the internal space,the first connection portion has an inner peripheral surface that defines a pipe connection hole to which the expansion valve-side pipe is fixed, with the expansion valve-side pipe being inserted thereto, while the second connection portion is provided with the branched pipes disposed side-by-side at intervals on a circumference of a circle around a central axis of the pipe connection hole,the inner peripheral ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001690A1

The invention relates to an evaporator (), notably for a motor vehicle air conditioning circuit (), comprising a stack of plates forming tubes () for the circulation of a refrigerant fluid together delimiting air passages to cool an air flow () flowing through said passages through the evaporator (). 1. An evaporator for a motor vehicle air conditioning circuit , comprising:a stack of plates forming tubes for the circulation of a refrigerant fluid together delimiting air passages to cool an air flow flowing through said passages through the evaporator,wherein at least one of said tubes forms a single flow path for said refrigerant fluid between an inlet orifice and an outlet orifice,said flow path comprising a plurality of successive passes,said inlet orifice of said at least one tube being in fluid communication with a refrigerant fluid inlet port of said evaporator, andsaid outlet orifice of said at least one tube being in fluid communication with a refrigerant fluid outlet port of said evaporator.2. The evaporator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said flow path of at least one of said tubes has four flow passes for said refrigerant fluid.3. The evaporator as claimed in claim 2 , wherein said at least one tube has three plates that together delimit said flow path of said refrigerant fluid claim 2 , said flow path including a first U-shaped flow in a direction orthogonal to said air flow to be cooled claim 2 , said first flow being followed by a second U-shaped flow in a direction parallel to said air flow to be cooled claim 2 , the second flow being itself followed by a third U-shaped flow in a direction orthogonal to said air flow to be cooled and opposite the direction of said first flow.4. The evaporator as claimed in claim 3 , wherein at least one of said three plates is a stamped plate that has at least one duct and that is configured to cooperate with at least one face of another of said three plates to form at least one portion of said flow path of said ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001789A1

A centralized energy (CE) module for a vehicle may include a base plate; a compressor mounted on the base plate and compressing a refrigerant; a condenser mounted on the base plate at a location distanced from the compressor and exchanges heat between the compressed refrigerant supplied from the compressor with cooling water which flows into the condenser to condense the refrigerant; and an evaporator mounted on the base plate at a location distanced from the condenser and evaporating the refrigerant supplied from an expansion valve, integrally mounted, through heat transfer with the cooling water which flows into the evaporator and supplies the evaporated refrigerant to the compressor. 1. A centralized energy (CE) module for a vehicle , comprising:a base plate;a compressor mounted on the base plate and compressing refrigerant;a condenser mounted on the base plate at a location distanced from the compressor configured to exchange heat between the compressed refrigerant supplied from the compressor with cooling water which flows into the condenser to condense the refrigerant; andan evaporator mounted on the base plate at a location distanced from the condenser and evaporating the refrigerant supplied from an expansion valve, which is integrally mounted, through heat transfer with the cooling water which flows into the evaporator, and supplying the evaporated refrigerant to the compressor.2. The CE module of claim 1 , whereinin the evaporator, an overcooling heat exchange device is integrally provided, configured to overcool the refrigerant supplied from the condenser through mutual heat transfer with low-temperature low-pressure gaseous refrigerant passing through the evaporator, and supplies the overcooled refrigerant to the expansion valve.3. The CE module of claim 2 , whereinthe condenser includes a condensing device having a plurality of first and second paths disposed alternatively to each other, respectively therein, by stacking a plurality of plates and ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001999A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A rail car air-conditioning device is equipped with: a refrigerant circuit that has a compressor and an outdoor heat exchanger; an outdoor blower; a compressor operation frequency deriver that derives a compressor operation frequency of the compressor on the basis of a rail car interior setting temperature and a rail car interior temperature; an inverter for compressor use that drives the compressor at the compressor operation frequency; an outdoor blower operation frequency deriver that, in accordance with a predetermined correspondence relationship, derives a blower operation frequency of the outdoor blower corresponding to the compressor operation frequency; and an inverter for outdoor blower use that drives the outdoor blower at the blower operation frequency. The outdoor blower operation frequency deriver has a highly energy efficient energy-saving mode and a low-energy efficiency low-noise mode, and can switch between the energy-saving mode and the low-noise mode. 1. A rail car air-conditioning device , comprising:a refrigerant circuit comprising (i) a compressor to compress a refrigerant and (ii) an outside air heat exchanger to perform heat exchange between the refrigerant and outside air;a blower to blow the outside air into the outside air heat exchanger;a compressor operation frequency deriver to, based on a setting temperature and a rail car interior temperature, derive a compressor operation frequency of the compressor;a compressor driver to drive the compressor at the compressor operation frequency derived by the compressor operation frequency deriver;a blower operation frequency deriver to derive, in accordance with a predetermined correspondence relationship, a blower operation frequency of the blower corresponding to the compressor operation frequency derived by the compressor operation frequency deriver; anda blower driver to drive the blower at the blower operation frequency derived by the blower operation frequency deriver,wherein the blower ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003508A1

A falling film evaporator () for a heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system includes a housing () and a plurality of evaporator tubes () positioned at least partially in the housing () through which a volume of thermal energy transfer medium is flowed. A distribution system () is located in the housing to distribute a flow of liquid refrigerant () over the plurality of evaporator tubes (). The distribution system () includes a distribution vessel having a plurality of drip openings () to flow the liquid refrigerant onto the plurality of evaporator tubes (), a feed pipe () to flow refrigerant into the distribution box (), and one or more pressure regulators () in the distribution system, thereby regulating the flow of liquid refrigerant. 1. A falling film evaporator for a heating ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system comprising:a housing: 'a distribution system disposed in the housing to distribute a flow of liquid refrigerant over the plurality of evaporator tubes, the distribution system including:', 'a plurality of evaporator tubes disposed at least partially in the housing through which a volume of thermal energy transfer medium is flowed; and'}a distribution vessel having a plurality of drip openings to flow the liquid refrigerant onto the plurality of evaporator tubes;a feed pipe to flow refrigerant into the distribution vessel; andone or more pressure regulators in the distribution system, thereby regulating the flow of refrigerant.2. The falling film evaporator of claim 1 , wherein a flow of refrigerant into the distribution vessel comprises a mixture of a vapor and liquid refrigerant.3. The falling film evaporator of claim 2 , further comprising a vent pipe to vent vapor refrigerant from the distribution system.4. The falling film evaporator of claim 3 , wherein the vent pipe includes a metered vent orifice to regulate the flow of vapor refrigerant from the distribution system and thereby regulate the pressure in the distribution system.5. The falling ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007604A1

A condenser includes a shell having a vapor refrigerant inlet, a first tube bundle and a liquid refrigerant outlet. A second tube bundle is positioned in a subcooler component. The subcooler component has a center channel and at least two outer channels and conforms to the shell. 2. The condenser of wherein the at least one plate grid comprises a plurality of axial members interconnected with a plurality of horizontal members to form a plurality of channels.3. The condenser of wherein the plurality of horizontal members are connected to the top surface of the housing.4. The condenser of wherein the plurality of axial members are perpendicular to the plurality of horizontal members.5. The condenser of wherein the plurality of axial members have unequal heights.6. The condenser of wherein axial members of the plurality of axial members positioned next to the housing have a height greater than axial members of the plurality of axial members positioned next to the shell.7. The condenser of wherein the housing includes opposed side surfaces and a bottom surface opposite the top surface claim 1 , the at least one inlet being positioned in at least one of the side surfaces or the bottom surface.8. The condenser of wherein the housing comprises a center channel and at least two outer channels positioned on opposing sides of the center channel.9. The condenser of wherein the at least one inlet comprises at least two inlets claim 8 , each inlet of the at least two inlets is in fluid communication with a corresponding outer channel of the at least two outer channels to permit liquid refrigerant to enter a corresponding outer channel.10. The condenser of wherein the at least one plate grid comprises at least two plate grids claim 9 , each plate grid of the at least two plate grids is positioned above a corresponding inlets of the at least two inlets to direct liquid refrigerant to the corresponding inlet.12. The condenser of wherein the cap comprises an upper surface ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Refrigeration System with Separate Feedstreams to Multiple Evaporator Zones

Номер: US20180010830A1
Автор: Scherer John

A refrigeration system has: (a) a fluid tight circulation loop including a compressor, a condenser and an evaporator, the evaporator having at least three evaporator zones, each evaporator zone having an inlet port, the circulation loop being further configured to measure the condition of the refrigerant with a refrigerant condition sensor disposed within the evaporator upstream of the evaporator outlet port; and control the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator based upon the measured condition of the refrigerant within the evaporator, and (b) a controller for controlling the flow rate of refrigerant to the evaporator based upon the measured condition of the refrigerant within the evaporator upstream of the evaporator outlet port. 1. A method of controlling a refrigeration system , wherein the refrigeration system comprises a refrigerant disposed within a fluid-tight circulation loop including a compressor , a condenser and an evaporator , the refrigerant being capable of existing in a liquefied state , a gaseous state and a two-phase state comprising both refrigerant in the liquefied state and refrigerant in the gaseous state , the evaporator having an outlet port and multiple evaporator zones in series , each evaporator zone having an evaporator zone inlet port , the method comprising the steps of:(a) compressing refrigerant in a gaseous state within the compressor and cooling the refrigerant within the condenser to yield refrigerant in the liquefied state;(b) flowing refrigerant from the condenser into the evaporator via the inlet ports of each evaporator zone, wherein the refrigerant partially exists in a two-phase state; and(c) flowing refrigerant from the evaporator to the compressor.2. The method of wherein the multiple zones in the evaporator are provided by a continuous length of tubing.3. The method of wherein the continuous length of tubing continually and smoothly expands from the inlet port of the most upstream evaporator zone to the outlet port of the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and multi-split system having same

Номер: US20180010857A1

A heat exchanger ( 100 ) and a multi-split system having the same are provided. The heat exchanger ( 100 ) includes: a manifold ( 1 ) including a main body ( 11 ), an inlet ( 12 ) disposed in a bottom portion of the main body ( 11 ) and a plurality of split-flow ports distributed in a side wall of the main body ( 11 ) along a length direction thereof, in which the main body ( 11 ) includes a plurality of pipes from bottom to top, the pipe located downstream has a smaller flow area than the pipe located upstream in each two adjacent pipes, each pipe has a height no greater than 0.5 m, and a number of the pipes is 2≦N≦3; a header ( 2 ) communicated with the manifold ( 1 ) via a plurality of heat exchange tubes spaced apart from one another along an up and down direction, the header ( 2 ) having an outlet ( 21 ) for discharging a refrigerant.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Heat pump system comprising two stages, method of operating a heat pump system and method of producing a heat pump system

Номер: US20190011152A1
Принадлежит: Efficient Energy GmbH

A heat pump system includes a heat pump stage having a first evaporator, a first liquefier, and a first compressor; and a further heat pump stage having a second evaporator, a second liquefier, and a second compressor, wherein a first liquefier exit of the first liquefier is connected to a second evaporator entrance of the second evaporator via a connecting lead.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

HVAC Systems and Methods with Multiple-Path Expansion Device Subsystems

Номер: US20190011153A1
Автор: Liu Wenqian

A heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) system includes a multi-path expansion device subsystem positioned between a condenser and an evaporator. The multi-path expansion device subsystem includes a flow selector operative to receive a refrigerant from the condenser and selectively deliver the same to a full-load pathway or to a partial-load pathway. The full-load pathway has a modulating valve and a fixed orifice sized for a full-load situation, and the partial-load pathway has a thermal expansion valve (TXV) sized for partial load operation. A controller uses an actuator of the flow selector to choose which pathway is authorized according to certain process logic. Other methods and systems are presented. 1. A heating , ventilating , and air conditioning (HVAC) system comprising:a closed refrigeration circuit;a compressor fluidly coupled to the closed refrigeration circuit;a condenser fluidly coupled to the closed refrigeration circuit downstream of the compressor;an evaporator fluidly coupled to the closed refrigeration circuit;an expansion device subsystem fluidly coupled to the closed refrigeration circuit and positioned between the condenser and the evaporator;wherein a portion of the closed refrigeration circuit between the compressor and expansion device subsystem comprises a high-pressure side conduit;at least one pressure transducer coupled to the high-pressure side conduit for measuring a pressure therein;a controller communicatively coupled to the at least one pressure transducer;wherein the expansion device subsystem comprises:a flow selector operative to receive a refrigerant from the high-pressure side conduit and selectively deliver the same to a full-load pathway or to a partial-load pathway,an actuator coupled to the flow selector for selectively moving the flow selector between the full-load pathway and the partial-load pathway, wherein the actuator is communicatively coupled to the controller for receiving a control signal therefrom, ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011172A1

A refrigerator is provided herein that includes a cabinet defining a refrigerated compartment and a machine compartment. A compressor is disposed within the machine compartment and adapted to compress a refrigerant within a refrigerant line. A heat exchanger is positioned in communication with the compressor and is adapted to reject heat from a refrigerant into the machine compartment. A fan is disposed between the heat exchanger and compressor. The fan is adapted to draw air from an area adjacent the machine compartment and through the heat exchanger. A funnel is disposed between the heat exchanger and the fan and directs air toward the fan. A tunnel is disposed between the fan and the compressor and directs forced air from the fan toward the compressor. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet defining a refrigerated compartment and a machine compartment;a compressor disposed within the machine compartment and adapted to compress a refrigerant within a refrigerant line;a heat exchanger positioned in communication with the compressor and adapted to reject heat from a refrigerant into the machine compartment;a fan disposed between the heat exchanger and compressor, the fan adapted to draw air from an area adjacent the machine compartment and through the heat exchanger;a funnel disposed between the heat exchanger and the fan and directs air toward the fan; anda tunnel disposed between the fan and the compressor and directs forced air from the fan toward the compressor.2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is positioned at an angle with respect to a front wall of the machine compartment.3. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger is configured as a micro-channel condenser.4. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the fan is disposed within a portion of the funnel.5. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the tunnel is removably attached to an exterior surface of the funnel through an attachment feature.6. The refrigerator of claim 1 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011618A1

Provided is an outdoor unit providing: a housing; multiple heat transfer pipes; multiple fins arranged in a heat transfer pipe direction and provided at the multiple heat transfer pipes; header pipe assemblies each connected to both ends of each heat transfer pipe; a support bracket provided between an outermost one of the fins in the heat transfer pipe direction and each header pipe assembly to block air passage in a space provided with no fins and fixed to the housing to support the heat transfer pipes and the fins; and a fixing member attached to the support bracket and serving as a fixing position for fixing the support bracket to the housing, wherein the fixing member has an insulating portion for insulating the support bracket and the housing from each other. 1. An outdoor unit comprising:a housing;multiple heat transfer pipes;multiple fins arranged in a heat transfer pipe direction and provided at the multiple heat transfer pipes;header pipe assemblies each connected to both ends of each heat transfer pipe;a support bracket provided between an outermost one of the fins in the heat transfer pipe direction and each header pipe assembly to block air passage in a space provided with no fins and fixed to the housing to support the heat transfer pipes and the fins; anda fixing member attached to the support bracket and serving as a fixing position for fixing the support bracket to the housing,wherein the fixing member has an insulating portion for insulating the support bracket and the housing from each other.2. The outdoor unit according to claim 1 , wherein a first fixing portion functioning as the insulating portion made of a material for insulating the support bracket and the housing from each other, and', 'a second fixing portion provided as a metal member provided at the first fixing portion and provided with a screw hole corresponding to the first fixing portion, and, 'the fixing member includes'}a screw is inserted into the screw hole to screw the fixing ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034558A1
Автор: PARK Sanggoo

A refrigerator may include a cabinet defining a low-temperature storage space and a machine chamber in which a compressor and a condenser are disposed; and an evaporator disposed in rear of the storage space, wherein air flows upwards along the evaporator and thus cools down to lower a temperature of the storage space. The evaporator may include a cooling pipe in and along which refrigerant flows; and a plurality of cooling fins surrounding an outer face of the cooling pipe. The cooling pipe may be constructed so that the refrigerant flows downward along and in the cooling pipe. 1. A refrigerator comprising:a cabinet configured to define a storage space and a machine chamber; andan evaporator disposed at the storage space, wherein the evaporator is configured such that air is to flow upwards through the evaporator and thus to lower a temperature of the storage space, a cooling pipe configured to allow refrigerant to flow from an inlet to an outlet; and', 'a plurality of cooling fins surrounding an outer face of the cooling pipe,', 'wherein the cooling pipe is configured such that the refrigerant is to flow downward in the cooling pipe from the inlet to the outlet., 'wherein the evaporator includes2. The refrigerator of claim 1 , wherein the cooling pipe includes:a plurality of horizontal extending portions configured such that the horizontal extending portions are arranged and spaced apart from each other in a vertical direction; anda plurality of bent portions configured such that each of the bent portions is separately connecting adjacent horizontal extending portions to each other, a plurality of first horizontal extending portions configured such that the first horizontal extending portions are arranged in a first column; and', 'a plurality of second horizontal extending portions configured such that the second horizontal extending portions are arranged in a second column and are spaced from the first horizontal extending portions, wherein the first column is ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034559A1
Автор: Wu Min

A cooling pipe system, including an evaporation pipe slantly arranged, a water inlet pipe, and a water removal assembly. An output end of the water inlet pipe is connected to an input end of the evaporation pipe, the water inlet pipe is connected to a three-way valve for introducing low molecular weight gas into the evaporation pipe. The water removal assembly is located below the evaporation pipe and includes a water sealing cavity, the output end of the evaporation pipe is connected to the water sealing cavity by means of a recovery pipe, the water sealing cavity is connected to a first pipeline extending upwards and communicated with the input end of the evaporation pipe, a lower end of the first pipeline is connected to a molecular sieve for preventing water vapor from passing through, and the water removal assembly is configured for absorbing the water vapor. 1. A cooling pipe system , comprising:an evaporation pipe slantly arranged, an input end of the evaporation pipe being higher than an output end of the evaporation pipe;a water inlet pipe, an output end of the water inlet pipe being connected to the input end of the evaporation pipe, the water inlet pipe being connected to a three-way valve for introducing low molecular weight gas into the evaporation pipe; anda water removal assembly located below the evaporation pipe and having a water sealing cavity, the output end of the evaporation pipe being connected to the water sealing cavity by means of a recovery pipe, the water sealing cavity being connected to a first pipeline extending upwards and communicated with the input end of the evaporation pipe, a lower end of the first pipeline being connected to a molecular sieve for preventing water vapor from passing through, and the water removal assembly being configured for absorbing the water vapor.2. The cooling pipe system of claim 1 , wherein an inclined angle of the input end of the evaporation pipe towards the output end of the evaporation pipe is 2° to ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034592A1

A heat exchanger includes a header and an annular core fluidly connected to the header. The annular core includes an inner diameter, an outer diameter, first flow channels arranged in a first set of layers, and second flow channels arranged in a second set of layers and interleaved with the first flow channels. Each of the first flow channels includes a first inlet, a first outlet, and a first axial region extending between the first inlet and the first outlet. Each of the second flow channels includes a second inlet, a second outlet, and a second axial region extending between the second inlet and the second outlet. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a header; and an inner diameter defining an inner face;', 'an outer diameter defining an outer face;', a first inlet;', 'a first outlet; and', 'a first axial region extending between the first inlet and the first outlet; and, 'first flow channels arranged in a first set of layers between the inner diameter and the outer diameter, each of the first flow channels comprising, a second inlet;', 'a second outlet; and', 'a second axial region extending between the second inlet and the second outlet., 'second flow channels arranged in a second set of layers between the inner diameter and the outer diameter and interleaved with the first flow channels, each of the second flow channels comprising], 'an annular core fluidly connected to the header, the annular core comprising2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 ,wherein each of the second flow channels is defined by a tangential width at the second axial region, and the tangential widths increase from an innermost one of the second set of layers to an outermost one of the second set of layers with respect to the inner diameter of the annular core.3. The heat exchanger of claim 2 ,wherein the tangential widths increase monotonically.4. The heat exchanger of claim 1 ,wherein the first and second flow channels form a lattice at the first and second axial regions such that, at the first ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Transcritical air conditioning circuit with integrated expansion vessel

Номер: US20180017295A1
Принадлежит: Valeo Systemes Thermiques SAS

Air conditioning device ( 1 ) with transcritical operating cycle, the device comprising a circuit ( 4 ) conveying a refrigerant ( 5 ) and successively connecting: the outlet ( 6 ) of a compressor ( 7 ); a gas cooler ( 8 ); the cold circuit ( 9 ) of an intermediate cooler ( 10 ); an expansion valve ( 11 ); a second exchanger ( 12 ) having a volume ( 31, 71 ) for the circulation of a coolant ( 21 ) in a heat-exchange relationship with the refrigerant ( 5 ); the inlet ( 13 ) of the hot circuit ( 14 ) of the intermediate cooler ( 10 ); the air conditioning device ( 1 ) being characterized in that the second exchanger of type ( 12 ) comprises an expansion volume for the coolant ( 21 ).

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017297A1
Автор: Kota ARINO
Принадлежит: Keihin Thermal Technology Corp

An inlet member having a refrigerant inflow passage which is open at opposite ends is joined to a condensation section inlet header of a condenser. An opening at one end of the refrigerant inflow passage serves as an inflow opening into which externally supplied refrigerant flows, and an opening at the other end serves as an outflow opening from which refrigerant flows out to the condensation section inlet header. The condensation section inlet header has an opening at a position offset from the longitudinal center toward the one end thereof. The inlet member has an insert portion which is inserted into the condensation section inlet header through the opening. The outflow opening of the refrigerant inflow passage is open to a single upward facing flat surface of the insert portion, and is oriented such that the refrigerant flows toward the longitudinal center of the condensation section inlet header.

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Condenser receiver drier refrigerant filter

Номер: US20180017298A1
Принадлежит: Hanon Systems Corp

A receiver drier comprises a housing and a filter unit. The housing includes a moisture absorbing chamber and a longitudinally spaced filter chamber. The filter chamber includes an inlet formed adjacent a first portion of an inner circumferential surface thereof and an outlet formed adjacent a second portion of the inner circumferential surface. The filter unit is received within the filter chamber and includes a main body defining a first filter compartment therein. A first surface of the first filter compartment is defined by a first screen element fluidly coupling an interior of the first filter compartment to an exterior thereof. The flow of the refrigerant enters and exits the first filter compartment while flowing in a direction substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the receiver drier.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Spiral finned condenser

Номер: US20190017746A1
Автор: Jianyuan CHEN, Lei Zheng

A spiral finned condenser is provided, which comprises: a condensing pipe and a fin; the fin is spirally wound on a surface of the condensing pipe; the condensing pipe forms a cubic structure by means of a plurality of turns and bends. The condenser further comprises a fixing bracket which is clamped and fixed on the condensing pipe. The condenser has the advantages of having a small size, a compact structure and good cooling effects.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018537A1
Автор: Miwa Kazuo

A digital smart real showcase warning system () comprises a showcase (), a freezing machine (), a showcase control unit (), and a portable device (), wherein a control unit () of the showcase control unit () inputs a temperature of the showcase () over time, and determines that a freezing function for the showcase () is failing based on the inputted temperature, the control unit () calculates an expected date and time of an increase to a warning temperature (an increase in temperature of a product in the showcase () to a predetermined temperature so high as to be unsuitable for refrigerating and freezing), and the control unit () causes a notifying means () to warning-display the expected date and time and to transmit warning information to the portable device (), whereby the occurrence of a product loss can be prevented. 1. A digital smart real showcase warning system comprising:a temperature inputting means configured to input a temperature inside the chamber of a showcase, a refrigerator, or a freezer (hereinafter, referred to as a “showcase or the like”) over time;a storing means configure to store calendar information n which changes in the temperature are accumulated;a failure determining means configured to determine the showcase or the like to be failing when a difference between the calendar information read out from the storing means and the temperature is greater than a predetermined value;a calculating means that calculates an expected date and time of an increase in temperature of a product in chamber of the showcase or the like to a warning temperature being a predetermined temperature so high as to be unsuitable for refrigerating or freezing when the failure determining means determines a failure; anda notifying means that notifies warning information including the expected date and time calculated by the calculating means.2. The digital smart real showcase warning system according to claim 1 , further comprising:an outdoor air temperature inputting ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023539A1
Автор: Johnson, SR. Tommy A.

An energy recovery system in a principal cooling system, which includes a canister mountable on a refrigerant line, the refrigerant line producing cold to an exterior of the refrigerant line, the canister comprising a body portion for encasing at least a portion of the refrigerant line with a fluid flow channel through the body of the canister for flowing a refrigerant mixture therethrough, the refrigerant mixture being cooled by the cold produced by refrigerant line, so that when the refrigerant mixture exits the canister, the refrigerant mixture is colder than when it entered the canister and can be circulated to another system that can utilize the cooled refrigerant mixture. In a second embodiment of the system, an enlarged canister encases a portion of a compressor, and a refrigerant mixture flows through the canister to receive heat from the compressor to cool down the compressor. In a third embodiment, an enlarged canister encases the outer wall of a tank, such as a transformer, and a refrigerant mixture flows through the canister to receive heat from the transformer in order to increase the longevity of the transformer. In both the second and third embodiments, the heated fluid would then flow through a heat exchanger, such as a radiator, to cool the fluid before it is returned to the enlarged canister. In additional embodiments, multiple canister devices are utilized to cool water in a water fountain line, and on the high side and low side lines in an air conditioning system. 1. An energy recovery system comprising a canister mountable on a device or fluid line , the device or fluid line producing cold to an exterior of the device or fluid line , the canister comprising a body portion for encasing at least a portion of the device or fluid line in a mounted position , a fluid flow channel through the body of the canister for flowing fluid therethrough , the fluid being cooled by the cold produced by the device or fluid line , so that when the fluid exits the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180022192A1
Автор: MAEDA Kenichiro

An air-conditioning unit for a vehicle includes an air-conditioning case; a cooler disposed in the air-conditioning case and adapted to cool air flowing through the air-conditioning case; and a blower disposed on an air-flow downstream side of the cooler and adapted to blow the air into a vehicle interior. The air-conditioning case includes a drain-hole formation portion that forms a drain hole to discharge condensed water generated in the cooler toward an outside of the air-conditioning case. The air-conditioning case is provided with a cooling structure that cools suction air drawn from the drain hole into the air-conditioning case. 1. An air-conditioning unit for a vehicle , comprising:an air-conditioning case;a cooler disposed in the air-conditioning case and adapted to cool air flowing through the air-conditioning case; anda blower disposed on an air-flow downstream side of the cooler and adapted to blow the air into a vehicle interior, whereinthe air-conditioning case includes a drain-hole formation portion that forms a drain hole to discharge condensed water generated in the cooler toward an outside of the air-conditioning case, andthe air-conditioning case is provided with a cooling structure that cools suction air drawn from the drain hole into the air-conditioning case.2. The air-conditioning unit for a vehicle according to claim 1 , whereinthe cooler includes a core portion that exchanges heat with air flowing through the air-conditioning case to cool the air, and a bottom portion that forms a bottom surface part of the cooler, andthe cooling structure includes a structure in which the suction air is cooled by exchanging heat with at least one of the core portion, the bottom portion, and the condensed water.3. The air-conditioning unit for a vehicle according to claim 2 , whereinthe drain hole is disposed on an air-flow upstream side with respect to the cooler, andthe cooling structure includes a structure in which at least part of the suction air is ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Hermetically sealed cap for heat exchanger modulator

Номер: US20220041033A1
Автор: Luis David Gutierrez
Принадлежит: Denso International America Inc

A receiver drier assembly for an automotive heat exchanger is provided with a single-piece cap. In embodiments described herein, a modulator has a tubular wall and one or more openings are formed therein. The cap is a single-piece cap and is configured to attach directly to the tubular wall via a snap fit. The cap may have a protrusion that is configured to snap into engagement with the opening in the modulator when properly assembled. The protrusion may be tapered such that as the cap is assembled to the modulator, the protrusion is forced radially inwardly via the tapered surface sliding along the tubular wall. Once the protrusion meets the opening, the protrusion is allowed to flex radially outward toward its natural unbiased position, snap fitting with the opening of the tubular wall.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220041038A1
Автор: KYUTO Tatsurou

An outdoor heat exchanger is installed in a refrigerant circuit and has a heat exchange core portion providing refrigerant flow paths different in a cooling operation and a heating operation. A flow path switching device switches the flow path of the refrigerant in the heat exchange core portion of the outdoor heat exchanger between a cooling mode flow path during the cooling operation and a heating mode flow path during the heating operation. The refrigerant flows down in one direction in the heating mode flow path. The refrigerant flows in one direction and then flows down in an opposite direction in the cooling mode flow path. 1. A refrigeration cycle device , comprising:a refrigerant circuit through which a refrigerant circulates;a cooling heat exchanger which is installed in the refrigerant circuit, and performs a heat exchange between the refrigerant flowing inside and an object to be cooled during a cooling operation for cooling the object to be cooled;a heating heat exchanger which is installed in the refrigerant circuit and performs a heat exchange between the refrigerant flowing inside and an object to be heated during a heating operation for heating the object to be heated;a variable flow path heat exchanger which is installed in the refrigerant circuit, and has a heat exchange core portion providing refrigerant flow paths different in the cooling operation and the heating operation; anda flow path switching device which switches the flow paths of the refrigerant in the heat exchange core portion of the variable flow path heat exchanger between a cooling mode flow path during the cooling operation and a heating mode flow path during the heating operation, whereinthe heating mode flow path is a flow path through which the refrigerant flows down in one direction in the heat exchange core portion, and whereinthe cooling mode flow path is a flow path through which the refrigerant flows in one direction and then flows down in an opposite direction in the heat ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023902A1

To provide a condenser including a housing formed in a hollow shape and provided with a steam inlet and a condensate outlet, inlet water chambers and outlet water chambers provided at respective ends of the housing, a large number of heat-transfer tubes that connect the inlet water chambers and the outlet water chambers to each other inside the housing, in which cooling water flows, and intake pipes and drainpipes respectively coupled to the inlet water chambers and outlet water chambers via expansion joints. 1. A condenser comprising:a housing formed in a hollow shape and provided with an inlet of steam and an outlet of condensate;an inlet water chamber and an outlet water chamber provided at respective ends of the housing;a large number of heat-transfer tubes that connect the inlet water chamber and the outlet water chamber to each other inside the housing, in which a cooling medium flows;intake pipes and drainpipes respectively coupled to the inlet water chamber and the outlet water chamber via an expansion joint;a damping member that damps displacement of the inlet water chamber and the outlet water chamber; anda restoration member that restores positions of the inlet water chamber and the outlet water chamber,wherein the housing, the intake pipes, and the drainpipes are supported on an installation surface, a support structure having predetermined stiffness set in advance is placed on the installation surface, and the damping member and the restoration member are interposed respectively between the inlet water chamber and the support structure, and between the outlet water chamber and the support structure.2. (canceled)3. The condenser according to claim 2 , wherein a concrete structure is installed on the installation surface claim 2 , and the housing and the support structure are supported by the concrete structure.4. The condenser according to claim 2 , wherein the support structure is placed so as to surround the inlet water chamber and the outlet water ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Refrigeration cycle apparatus

Номер: US20190024951A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A refrigeration cycle apparatus includes a heat exchanger, and a flow switching circuit configured to switch the heat exchanger to act as any one of an evaporator and a condenser, the flow switching circuit is configured to allow refrigerant to flow into the heat exchanger in the same direction both in a case where the heat exchanger acts as an evaporator and in a case where the heat exchanger acts as a condenser, the heat exchanger includes a path switching circuit including a plurality of paths, and the path switching circuit is configured to switch an order of the plurality of paths through which refrigerant flows between an order of the plurality of paths in the case where the heat exchanger acts as an evaporator and another order of the plurality of paths in the case where the heat exchanger acts as a condenser.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027672A1

In a heat exchanger, each of flat tubes () has an end portion inserted in a header-collecting pipe (). When the heat exchanger functions as an evaporator, a refrigerant in a gas-liquid two-phase state upwardly flows in a subspace () located in the header-collecting pipe (). An effective cross-sectional area A of the subspace () in the header-collecting pipe () is set based on a mass flow rate of the refrigerant flowing into the subspace () in the header-collecting pipe (). The effective cross-sectional area A is obtained by subtracting a projected area Awhich corresponds to a portion of each flat tube () located in the subspace () and is projected onto a plane perpendicular to an axial direction of the header-collecting pipe () from an area Aof a cross section of the subspace () which is perpendicular to the axial direction of the header-collecting pipe (). 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of flat tubes; a first header-collecting pipe having inserted therein an end portion of each of the flat tubes; a second header-collecting pipe having inserted therein the other end portion of each of the flat tubes; and a plurality of fins joined to the flat tubes, the heat exchanger provided in a refrigerant circuit configured to perform a refrigerating cycle, whereinthe second header-collecting pipe forms flow spaces which communicate with the plurality of flat tubes and in which a refrigerant being in a gas-liquid two-phase state flows upwardly when the heat exchanger functions as an evaporator,an effective cross-sectional area of the flow spaces is an area obtained by subtracting a projected area which corresponds to a portion of each flat tube located in a corresponding one of the flow spaces and which is projected onto a plane perpendicular to an axial direction of the second header-collecting pipe, from an area of a cross section of the corresponding one of the flow spaces which is perpendicular to the axial direction of the second header-collecting pipe, andthe ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025427A1

A distributor for distributing fluid to a plurality of fluid outlets, the fluid flowing from a fluid inlet, the distributor including a plurality of branching flow paths having an upstream branching flow path, and downstream branching flow paths located closer to the plurality of fluid outlets than is the upstream branching flow path, and an intermediate flow path provided between the upstream branching flow path and at least one of the downstream branching flow paths, the intermediate flow path connecting the upstream branching flow path and the at least one of the downstream branching flow paths. The intermediate flow path has one end connected to the upstream branching flow path and the other end connected to the at least one of the downstream branching flow paths, and causes the fluid flowing from the one end to change a flow direction of the fluid and then flow out of the other end. 1. A distributor for distributing fluid to a plurality of fluid outlets , the fluid flowing from a fluid inlet , the distributor comprising:a plurality of branching flow paths having an upstream branching flow path, and downstream branching flow paths located closer to the plurality of fluid outlets than is the upstream branching flow path; andan intermediate flow path provided between the upstream branching flow path and at least one of the downstream branching flow paths, the intermediate flow path connecting the upstream branching flow path and the at least one of the downstream branching flow paths,the distributor being formed in such a manner that the fluid flows in a direction from the fluid inlet to the plurality of branching flow paths,the intermediate flow path having one end connected to the upstream branching flow path and an other end connected to the at least one of the downstream branching flow paths,the intermediate flow path causing the fluid flowing from the one end to change a flow direction of the fluid without the fluid branched and then flow out of the other end ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025428A1

A heat exchanger includes: heat transfer tubes aligned with one another; a header connected to end portions of the heat transfer tubes; and fins joined to the heat transfer tubes. When viewed in a longitudinal direction of the header and when the heat exchanger is used as an evaporator, the header is divided into: a circulation space including a first space in which refrigerant flows in a first direction along the longitudinal direction of the header and a second space in which the refrigerant flows in a second direction opposite to the first direction along the longitudinal direction; and an insertion space into which the heat transfer tubes are inserted. The header includes: a circulation division plate that divides the first space from the second space; and an insertion space forming plate that divides the circulation space from the insertion space. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:heat transfer tubes aligned with one another;a header connected to end portions of the heat transfer tubes; andfins joined to the heat transfer tubes, wherein a circulation space comprising a first space in which refrigerant flows in a first direction along the longitudinal direction of the header and a second space in which the refrigerant flows in a second direction opposite to the first direction along the longitudinal direction, and', 'an insertion space into which the heat transfer tubes are inserted, and, 'when viewed in a longitudinal direction of the header and when the heat exchanger is used as an evaporator, the header is divided into a circulation division plate that divides the first space from the second space; and', 'an insertion space forming plate that divides the circulation space from the insertion space., 'the header comprises2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein when viewed in the longitudinal direction of the header claim 1 , the first space is between the circulation division plate and the insertion space forming plate.3. The heat exchanger according ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025630A1
Автор: GOEL Rakesh
Принадлежит: Lennox Industries Inc.

Provided are a method and apparatus for controlling the operation of a compressor of an HVAC system in response to the refrigerant super heat value for refrigerant within the compressor. First and second signals are received for indicating one or more temperature values of refrigerant substantially at the first compressor sump and within the first distributor tube, respectively. A saturated suction temperature is estimated using at least the second signal. A first super heat value is calculated for refrigerant substantially at the first compressor sump using at least the saturated suction temperature and the one or more temperature values indicated by the first signal. A first control signal is generated for at least de-energizing the first compressor if the calculated first super heat value is below a tolerance value defining the minimum super heat value at which the first compressor may be operated. 1. A heating , ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system , comprising:a first compressor comprising a first sump, the first compressor configured to be in fluid communication with a common suction pipe;a first sensor coupled to an outer surface of the first compressor, the first sensor configured to wirelessly transmit a first signal to a controller, the first signal indicating at least one temperature value of refrigerant at the first sump;an evaporator coupled to a first distributor tube at an inlet of the evaporator and in fluid communication with the common suction pipe at an outlet of the evaporator;a second sensor coupled to the first distributor tube and positioned at a point near an end of the first distributor tube proximate to the inlet of the evaporator, the second sensor configured to wirelessly transmit a second signal to the controller, the second signal indicating at least one temperature value of refrigerant within the first distributor tube; determine, after expiration of a period of time, an estimated saturated suction temperature based at least ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027404A1

A warewash machine includes a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone. A refrigerant medium circuit includes a first heat exchanger arranged to deliver refrigerant medium heat to a first fluid and a second heat exchanger arranged to provide a heat exchange relationship between the refrigerant medium and a second fluid, the first heat exchanger located upstream of the second heat exchanger in the refrigerant medium circuit. A bypass arrangement for causing at least some refrigerant medium to selectively bypass at least one of the first condenser or the second condenser based upon subcooled refrigerant medium condition. 1. A warewash machine for washing wares , comprising:a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone;a refrigerant medium circuit including a first heat exchanger arranged to provide a heat exchange relationship between the refrigerant medium and a first fluid and a second heat exchanger arranged to provide a heat exchange relationship between the refrigerant medium and a second fluid, the first heat exchanger located upstream of the second heat exchanger in the refrigerant medium circuit;a bypass arrangement for causing at least some refrigerant medium to selectively bypass at least one of the first heat exchanger or the second heat exchanger based upon sub cooled refrigerant medium condition.2. The machine of wherein the bypass arrangement includes a valve upstream of the first heat exchanger claim 1 , and a bypass path from the valve around the first heat exchanger to a downstream side of the first heat exchanger.3. The machine of wherein the first heat exchanger is a condenser in the refrigerant medium circuit claim 2 , the second heat exchanger is a condenser in the refrigerant medium circuit and the bypass arrangement further includes a refrigerant medium temperature sensor and a refrigerant medium pressure sensor downstream of all condensers in the refrigerant medium circuit and upstream of ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027407A1

A warewash machine includes a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone. A refrigerant medium circuit includes a first condenser and a second condenser, the first condenser located upstream of the second condenser in the refrigerant circuit. The refrigerant medium circuit includes a first flow path through the first condenser and a second flow path in bypass of the first condenser, and a valve for selectively controlling whether at least some refrigerant medium flows along the first flow path or the second flow path. 1. A warewash machine for washing wares , comprising:a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone;a refrigerant medium circuit including a first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger, the first heat exchanger located upstream of the second heat exchanger in the refrigerant medium circuit, the refrigerant medium circuit including a first flow path through the first heat exchanger and a second flow path in bypass of the first heat exchanger, and a valve for selectively controlling whether at least some refrigerant medium flows along the first flow path or the second flow path.2. The machine of wherein the valve is selectively controlled based upon monitored heat demand on the second heat exchanger.3. The machine of wherein the first heat exchanger is a first condenser claim 2 , the second heat exchanger is a second condenser claim 2 , and the first condenser is arranged to deliver refrigerant medium heat to water being delivered to a booster heater of the machine claim 2 , and the second condenser is arranged to deliver refrigerant medium heat to wash liquid in a wash tank of the machine.4. The machine of wherein a temperature sensor detects a temperature of a wash liquid within the wash tank in order to monitor heat demand on the second condenser.5. The machine of wherein a controller is connected with the temperature sensor and responsively controls the valve to flow at least some refrigerant ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027408A1

A warewash machine includes a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone. A refrigerant circuit includes multiple condensers including a condenser to deliver refrigerant heat to incoming water that is being delivered into the machine. A primary flow path for incoming water passes through a waste heat recovery unit and a secondary flow path for incoming water bypasses the waste heat recovery unit. A valve is provided for selectively controlling whether refrigerant flows along the primary flow path or the secondary flow path based upon a subcooled condition of refrigerant in the refrigerant circuit. 1. A warewash machine for washing wares , comprising:a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone;a waste heat recovery unit arranged to transfer heat from exhaust air of the machine to incoming water traveling along a water flow path through the waste heat recovery unit to a booster heater of the machine;a refrigerant medium circuit including at least a first condenser arranged to deliver refrigerant medium heat to the incoming water; anda bypass arrangement for causing at least some incoming water to selectively bypass the waste heat recovery unit based upon subcooled refrigerant medium condition.2. The machine of wherein the bypass arrangement includes a valve upstream of the waste heat recovery unit claim 1 , and a bypass path from the valve to a downstream side of the waste heat recovery unit.3. The machine of wherein the bypass arrangement further includes a refrigerant medium temperature sensor and a refrigerant medium pressure sensor downstream of all condensers in the refrigerant medium circuit and upstream of a thermal expansion valve in the refrigerant medium circuit.4. The machine of wherein a controller is connected with the refrigerant medium temperature sensor and the refrigerant medium pressure sensor claim 3 , the controller configured to determine a subcooled condition of the refrigerant medium and ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027409A1

A warewash machine for washing wares includes a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone. A waste heat recovery unit is arranged to transfer heat from exhaust air of the machine to incoming water traveling along a water flow path through the waste heat recovery unit to a booster heater of the machine. A refrigerant medium circuit includes at least a first condenser arranged to deliver refrigerant medium heat to the incoming water. A control arrangement monitors subcooled refrigerant medium condition and responsively modifies operation of one or more of: (i) speed of a compressor of the refrigerant medium circuit, (ii) speed of an exhaust fan that causes air flow across the waste heat recovery unit or (iii) speed of a pump that controls incoming water flow along the water flow path. 1. A warewash machine for washing wares , comprising:a chamber for receiving wares, the chamber having at least one wash zone;a waste heat recovery unit arranged to transfer heat from exhaust air of the machine to incoming water traveling along a water flow path through the waste heat recovery unit to a booster heater of the machine;a refrigerant medium circuit including at least a first condenser arranged to deliver refrigerant medium heat to the incoming water; anda control arrangement for monitoring subcooled refrigerant medium condition and for responsively modifying operation of one or more of: (i) speed of a compressor of the refrigerant medium circuit, (ii) speed of an exhaust fan the causes air flow across the waste heat recovery unit or (iii) speed of a pump that controls incoming water flow along the water flow path.2. The machine of wherein the control arrangement includes a refrigerant medium temperature sensor and a refrigerant medium pressure sensor downstream of all condensers in the refrigerant medium circuit.3. The machine of wherein the control arrangement includes a controller connected with the refrigerant medium temperature sensor and the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180029446A1

The present invention relates to a heat exchanger for a vehicle, in which a refrigerant is introduced into a first row heat exchanger and a second row heat exchanger and flows in opposite directions, thereby improving uniformity of temperature distribution. 1. A heat exchanger for a vehicle , comprising:an upper header tank comprising a first row upper space, a second row upper space, and an upper intermediate space having first and second communication holes formed therebetween;a lower header tank comprising a first row lower space, a second row lower space, and a lower intermediate space having first and second communication holes formed therebetween;a first row heat exchanger formed by connecting the first row upper space to the first row lower space using a plurality of tubes;a second row heat exchanger formed by connecting the second row upper space to the second row lower space using a plurality of tubes; anda plurality of baffles installed in the first row upper space, the second row upper space, the first row lower space, and the second row lower space to form refrigerant passes, wherein:a parallel flow is formed in which a refrigerant is distributed to the first row heat exchanger and the second row heat exchanger; anda counter flow is formed in which the refrigerant flowing from an introduction port to a discharge port flows in opposite directions in each of the first row heat exchanger and the second row heat exchanger.2. The heat exchanger according to claim 1 , wherein the introduction port is a refrigerant inlet formed in the upper intermediate space claim 1 , the discharge port is a refrigerant outlet formed in the lower intermediate space claim 1 , the refrigerant is introduced into the refrigerant inlet and is then distributed to and introduced into the first row upper space and the second row upper space through the first and second communication holes formed at opposite sides in the upper intermediate space claim 1 , and the distributed ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033180A1

A condenser module configured for use in a condenser is provided including a housing having a first longitudinal side that defines a first air inlet and an opposing second longitudinal side that defines a second air inlet. A heat exchanger assembly is positioned within the housing. The heat exchanger assembly includes at least one heat exchanger coil. A cross-section of the heat exchanger assembly is generally constant between a front side of the housing and an opposite back side of the housing. At least one of the front surface and the back surface is configured to abut an adjacent contact module. A fan assembly includes at least one fan generally aligned with a single heat exchanger coil in the heat exchanger assembly. 1. A condenser module configured for use in a condenser comprising:a housing having a first longitudinal side and a second, opposite longitudinal side configured to define at least a first air inlet;a heat exchanger assembly located within the housing, including at least one heat exchanger coil, wherein a cross-section of the heat exchanger assembly is generally constant between a front side of the housing and an opposite, back side of the housing, and at least one of the front surface and the back surface is configured to abut an adjacent condenser module; anda fan assembly including at least one fan generally aligned with a single heat exchanger coil in the heat exchanger assembly.2. The condenser module according to claim 1 , wherein the heat exchanger assembly includes a first heat exchanger coil and a second heat exchanger coil.3. The condenser module according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the first heat exchanger coil and the second heat exchanger coil is a micro-channel heat exchanger coil.4. The condenser module according to claim 2 , wherein the first heat exchanger coil is mounted to the first longitudinal sidewall and the second heat exchanger coil is mounted to the second longitudinal sidewall.5. The condenser module according to ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033182A1

An air-cooled chiller system includes a heat exchanger including a first tube bank including at least a first and a second flattened tube segments extending longitudinally in spaced parallel relationship; a second tube bank including at least a first and a second flattened tube segments extending longitudinally in spaced parallel relationship, the second tube bank disposed behind the first tube bank with a leading edge of the second tube bank spaced from a trailing edge of the first tube bank; a fan creating an airflow across the first heat exchanger, the airflow flowing over the first tube bank prior to flowing over the second tube bank, wherein refrigerant flows in the heat exchanger in a cross-counterflow direction opposite that of the airflow direction. 1. An air-cooled chiller system comprising: a first tube bank including at least a first and a second flattened tube segments extending longitudinally in spaced parallel relationship;', 'a second tube bank including at least a first and a second flattened tube segments extending longitudinally in spaced parallel relationship, the second tube bank disposed behind the first tube bank with a leading edge of the second tube bank spaced from a trailing edge of the first tube bank;, 'a heat exchanger includinga fan creating an airflow across the heat exchanger, the airflow flowing over the first tube bank prior to flowing over the second tube bank, wherein refrigerant flows in the heat exchanger in a cross-counterflow direction opposite that of the airflow direction.2. The air-cooled chiller system of wherein:the heat exchanger has at least three refrigerant passes, wherein at least one refrigerant pass is provided in the second tube bank and at least one refrigerant pass is provided in the first tube bank.3. The air-cooled chiller system of wherein:a first refrigerant pass is provided in the second tube bank, a second refrigerant pass is provided in the first tube bank and a third refrigerant pass is provided in the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031301A1

A refrigerator is disclosed. The refrigerator includes a first compressor () for compressing refrigerant, a first condenser for condensing refrigerant compressed by the first compressor, a first expansion valve for lowering temperature and pressure of refrigerant condensed by the first condenser, a first evaporator for evaporating refrigerant passed through the first expansion valve, a second compressor () for compressing refrigerant, a second condenser for condensing refrigerant compressed by the second compressor, a second expansion valve for lowering temperature and pressure of refrigerant condensed by the second condenser, and a second evaporator for evaporating refrigerant passed through the second expansion valve. The first condenser and second condenser include refrigerant tubes arranged to hold cooling fins in common, thereby forming a common-fin-held condenser (). 1. A refrigerator comprising:a first compressor for compressing refrigerant;a first condenser for condensing refrigerant compressed by the first compressor;a first expansion valve for lowering temperature and pressure of refrigerant condensed by the first condenser;a first evaporator for evaporating refrigerant passed through the first expansion valve;a second compressor for compressing refrigerant;a second condenser for condensing refrigerant compressed by the second compressor;a second expansion valve for lowering temperature and pressure of refrigerant condensed by the second condenser; anda second evaporator for evaporating refrigerant passed through the second expansion valve,wherein the first condenser and the second condenser comprise refrigerant tubes arranged to hold cooling fins in common, respectively.2. The refrigerator according to claim 1 , wherein the cooling fins comprise a plurality of thin metal plates each having a plurality of through holes claim 1 , through which corresponding portions of the refrigerant tubes extend claim 1 , respectively.3. The refrigerator according to ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033790A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An ejector includes a body member having a depressurizing space that depressurizes a refrigerant which flows out of a swirling space that swirls the refrigerant, a suction passage that draws the refrigerant from an external, and a pressurizing space that mixes a refrigerant jetted from the depressurizing space with a refrigerant drawn from the suction passage and pressurizes the mixed refrigerant, and a conical passage formation member arranged in the depressurizing space and in the pressurizing space. A nozzle passage is formed of a refrigerant passage between an inner peripheral surface of the depressurizing space and an outer peripheral surface of the passage formation member, and a diffuser passage is formed of a refrigerant passage between an inner peripheral surface of a portion that defines the pressurizing space and an outer peripheral surface of the passage formation member. 1. An ejector used for a vapor compression refrigeration cycle , comprising:a body member including a refrigerant inflow port through which a refrigerant is introduced, a swirling space in which the refrigerant introduced from the refrigerant inflow port swirls, a depressurizing space in which the refrigerant flowing out of the swirling space is depressurized, a suction passage communicating with a downstream side of the depressurizing space in a refrigerant flow and being a passage through which a refrigerant is drawn from an external, and a pressurizing space in which the refrigerant jetted from the depressurizing space and the refrigerant drawn through the suction passage are mixed and pressurized;a passage formation member having at least a portion arranged in the depressurizing space and a portion arranged in the pressurizing space;a nozzle passage provided in a space between an inner peripheral surface of a portion of the body member which defines the depressurizing space and an outer peripheral surface of the passage formation member, the nozzle passage functioning as a nozzle ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Split Heat Exchanger Frame For Integrated HVAC Unit

Номер: US20200031203A1

A heat exchanger for an integrated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit includes a core and a frame. The frame supports the core and includes a partition which defines a first compartment and a second compartment in the frame and seals a first portion of the core from a second portion of the core. 1. A heat exchanger for an integrated heating , ventilation , and air conditioning unit comprising:a core; anda frame supporting said core,wherein said frame includes a partition defining a first compartment and a second compartment in said frame and sealing a first portion of said core from a second portion of said core.2. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said first portion of said core is configured to heat or cool a first compartment in a vehicle and said second portion of said core is configured to heat or cool a second compartment in said vehicle.3. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said frame is integrally formed.4. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said frame further includes a drain rib configured to provide water drainage off of said core.5. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said frame is injection molded.6. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said frame further includes a plurality of fasteners and tabs claim 1 , said tabs acting as stops to align said core within said frame.7. The heat exchanger of claim 6 , wherein said plurality of fasteners snap fit to said core to retain said core in said frame.8. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said frame further includes protrusions on each corner that are configured to mate with channels in said integrated heating claim 1 , ventilation claim 1 , and air conditioning unit to align said heat exchanger in said integrated heating claim 1 , ventilation claim 1 , and air conditioning unit.9. The heat exchanger of claim 1 , wherein said partition sealing said first portion of said core from said second portion of said core is only applied to a front face of said core and a back ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Heat exchange apparatus

Номер: US20220049859A1
Принадлежит: Carrier Corp

The present application provides a heat exchange device, which includes: a fluid passage; and two or more heat exchangers, each heat exchanger having a thermal connection with the fluid passage and having an input pipeline and an output pipeline respectively, wherein each input pipeline and each output pipeline are configured to be selectively communicated and closed, and wherein each input pipeline is connected to all other input pipelines through input branch pipe(s), and each output pipeline is connected to all other output pipelines through output branch pipe(s); each input branch pipe and each output branch pipe are configured to be selectively communicated and closed. The heat exchange device of the present application has the advantages such as simple in structure, easy for manufacturing, and convenience in use. The efficiency of heat exchange can be effectively improved, and additional operating modes are provided, thereby improving the user experience.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032973A1

A refrigeration apparatus pertaining to the invention can suppress clogging due to polymers formed by the polymerization of refrigerant and improve safety. The refrigeration apparatus is equipped with a refrigeration cycle in which a compressor, a condenser, an expansion mechanism, and an evaporator are connected in a loop. The refrigeration apparatus is equipped with a polymer catcher. The polymer catcher is attached to piping interconnecting an outlet side of the compressor and an inlet side of the condenser and catches polymers of refrigerant circulating in the refrigeration cycle. The refrigerant includes a compound represented by a molecular formula having one or more carbon-carbon unsaturated bonds. 1. A refrigeration apparatus equipped with a refrigeration cycle in which a compressor , a condenser , an expansion mechanism , and an evaporator are connected in a loop , the refrigeration apparatus comprising:a polymer catcher that is attached to piping interconnecting an outlet side of the compressor and an inlet side of the condenser and catches polymers of refrigerant circulating in the refrigeration cycle,wherein the refrigerant includes a compound represented by a molecular formula having one or more carbon-carbon unsaturated bonds.2. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a four-way switching valve that is attached to the piping claim 1 , wherein the polymer catcher is attached between the outlet side of the compressor and an inlet side of the four-way switching valve.3. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer catcher is a filter that suppresses passage of the polymers.4. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the polymer catcher is a dryer that has an adsorbent that adsorbs the polymers.5. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the dryer further has a stabilizer and an antioxidant.6. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the condenser ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033018A1

A distributer includes a housing having a surface portion and through holes extending through the surface portion, a plurality of plates stacked with each other in the housing, the plurality of plates including a first plate that is an outermost one of the plurality of plates and has a first opening extending through the first plate, and a second plate that is the other outermost one of the plurality of plates and has a plurality of second openings extending through the second plate, a branching flow path connecting the first opening and the plurality of second openings, a plurality of connection pipes each extending through a corresponding one of the through holes in the surface portion of the housing, and a partition plate disposed between the surface portion and the second plate, and abutting on both the surface portion and the second plate. 1. A distributer , comprising:a housing having a surface portion and through holes extending through the surface portion;a plurality of plates stacked with each other in the housing, the plurality of plates includinga first plate that is an outermost one of the plurality of plates and has a first opening extending through the first plate, anda second plate that is an other outermost one of the plurality of plates and has a plurality of second openings extending through the second plate;a branching flow path connecting the first opening and the plurality of second openings;a plurality of connection pipes each extending through a corresponding one of the through holes in the surface portion of the housing; anda partition plate disposed between the surface portion and the second plate, and abutting on both the surface portion and the second plate.2. The distributer of claim 1 , wherein the partition plate is formed on the surface portion.3. The distributer of claim 1 , wherein the partition plate is formed on the second plate.4. The distributer of claim 1 , whereingap spaces separated by the partition plate are defined between ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

HVAC Systems and Methods with Multiple-Path Expansion Device Subsystems

Номер: US20200033030A1
Автор: Liu Wenqian

A heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) system includes a multi-path expansion device subsystem positioned between a condenser and an evaporator. The multi-path expansion device subsystem includes a flow selector operative to receive a refrigerant from the condenser and selectively deliver the same to a full-load pathway or to a partial-load pathway. The full-load pathway has a modulating valve and a fixed orifice sized for a full-load situation, and the partial-load pathway has a thermal expansion valve (TXV) sized for partial load operation. A controller uses an actuator of the flow selector to choose which pathway is authorized according to certain process logic. Other methods and systems are presented. 1. A method for cooling air in a heating , ventilating , and air conditioning (HVAC) system comprising: moving refrigerant through a closed refrigeration circuit having a compressor , a condenser , an expansion device subsystem , and an evaporator; wherein the expansion device subsystem comprises a full-load pathway and at least one partial-load pathway and a flow selector for directing refrigerant flow from the condenser to either the partial-load pathway or the full-load pathway; measuring a refrigerant pressure on a high-pressure side of the closed refrigeration circuit; directing refrigerant flow from the condenser to the full-load pathway when the refrigerant pressure is greater than or equal to a first preselected activation pressure and stepping down a refrigerant pressure with a set orifice; directing refrigerant flow from the condenser to the partial-load pathway when the refrigerant pressure is less than a second preselected activation pressure and stepping down a refrigerant pressure with a variable expansion device configured for partial loads; and delivering refrigerant from the full-load pathway or partial-load pathway to the evaporator.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the condenser comprises a micro-channel condenser.3. The method of claim ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033317A1
Автор: Lefor Randy, Roller Jeff

An evaporator for use in a refrigeration system includes one or more Coanda evaporation chambers having an integrated, internal expansion device. The internal expansion device is a linear atomization tube having a plurality of ejection holes arranged in a series of spiral rows. Liquid refrigerant introduced into the linear atomization to is ejected onto the inner wall of the Coanda evaporation chamber, covering it completely with a thin layer of liquid refrigerant. Liquid refrigerant is fed to the linear atomization device in a series of rapid pulses. 1. An evaporator for a refrigeration system having an integrated expansion device comprising:at least one elongate evaporator chamber having a convex cross section and extending between an inlet manifold at a proximal end and an outlet manifold at a distal end;a linear atomizer comprising a tube having a plurality of substantially evenly spaced holes extending through the a center of the at least one elongate evaporator chamber;a pulse injector feeding liquid refrigerant to the evaporator chamber in a series of rapid pulses;wherein the convex cross section of the elongate evaporator chamber induces a Coanda effect on air blown across the elongate evaporation chamber by a fan.2. The evaporator for a refrigeration system having an integrated expansion device of wherein the linear atomizer has a progressively smaller diameter as it travels from the proximal end to the distal end of the at least one elongate evaporator chamber.3. The evaporator for a refrigeration system having an integrated expansion device of further comprising a plurality of fins on the exterior of the at least one elongate evaporator chamber perpendicular to a length of the at least one elongate evaporator chamber defined by the proximal end and the distal end of the elongate evaporator chamber.4. The evaporator for a refrigeration system having an integrated expansion device of wherein the distal end of the elongate evaporator chamber includes a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033318A1

Improved heat exchangers according to several embodiments are provided. The heat exchangers provide improved heat transfer for air flow in wet and dry operating conditions, while minimizing pressure drop across the heat exchanger in some applications. According to one embodiment, an improved heat exchanger includes a plurality of metal foam fins between adjacent heat exchange conduits, the heat exchange conduits being arranged parallel to each other to define parallel flow paths between an inlet header and an outlet header. The metal foam fins occupy a cross-flow region between adjacent conduits, the fins having a fixed angular orientation or being rotatable in unison to vary the thermal capacitance of the heat exchanger. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of flow conduits in fluid communication with an inlet header and an outlet header, the plurality of flow conduits including first and second flow conduits extending parallel to each other and defining a first cross-flow region therebetween; anda first plurality of fins disposed in the first cross-flow region between the first flow conduit and the second flow conduit, the first plurality of fins being formed from metal foam and being spaced apart from each other and having a common angular orientation.2. The heat exchanger of wherein the common angular orientation of the first plurality of fins is a non-zero angle defined between a flow direction of an incoming fluid flow and an axis connecting a proximal edge and a distal edge of each of the plurality of fins.3. The heat exchanger of wherein the angular orientation of each of the first plurality of fins is adjustable between 0 degrees and 90 degrees.4. The heat exchanger of wherein the plurality of flow conduits includes a third conduit extending parallel to the second conduit to define a second cross-flow region therebetween claim 1 , the heat exchanger further including a second plurality of fins disposed in the second cross-flow region claim 1 , wherein ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040916A1

A condenser includes a condensation section, a super-cooling section, and a liquid receiving section. Refrigerant from heat exchange tubes of a first heat exchange path of the condensation section flows into those of a second heat exchange path through the liquid receiving section. The liquid receiving section includes a first space for receiving refrigerant from the heat exchange tubes of the first heat exchange path, a second space which is located above the first space and in which refrigerant from the first space is separated into gaseous and liquid phases, and a third space which is located below the first space, which receives refrigerant from the second space, and from which refrigerant flows to the heat exchange tubes of the second heat exchange path. A first partition member between the first space and the second space has a throttle for refrigerant flowing from the first space into the second space. 1. A condenser which has a condensation section , a super-cooling section provided below the condensation section , and a liquid receiving section provided between the condensation section and the super-cooling section and formed of a tubular member whose longitudinal direction coincides with a vertical direction and which is closed at upper end lower ends thereof , the condensation section including at least one refrigerant condensation path composed of a plurality of heat exchange tubes disposed in parallel such that their longitudinal direction coincides with a left-right direction and they are spaced apart from one another in the vertical direction , the super-cooling section including at least one refrigerant super-cooling path composed of a plurality of heat exchange tubes disposed in parallel such that their longitudinal direction coincides with the left-right direction and they are spaced apart from one another in the vertical direction , and refrigerant flowing out of the heat exchange tubes of the refrigerant condensation path at a lower end flowing ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040917A1
Автор: LIU Bin Wade, LV Hai Zhen

Methods and systems to manage refrigerant flow inside a shell and tube heat exchanger, such as a condenser, to reduce inundation effect are provided. A method of managing refrigerant flow may include collecting at least a portion the refrigerant in the liquid state and directing the collected refrigerant in the liquid state toward an end of an internal space of the condenser. The method may further include directing the refrigerant in the liquid form toward a subcooling section. The method may also include directing the collected in the liquid state toward a refrigerant outlet located at proximately a middle section of a length of the condenser through the subcooling section. The condenser may have one or more separation/collection pans positioned within heat transfer tubes to collect and direct the refrigerant in the liquid form. A two-stage refrigerant distributor is also disclosed. 1. A heat exchanger comprising:a shell having an internal space, the internal space having a length and a height;a refrigerant inlet;a first-stage distributor positioned next to the refrigerant inlet in the internal space of the heat exchanger, the first-stage distributor extending in a longitudinal direction of the length of the heat exchanger; anda second-stage distributor positioned next to the first-stage distributor in the internal space of the heat exchanger, the second-stage distributor extending in the longitudinal direction of the length of the heat exchanger.2. The heat exchanger of further comprising:a plurality of heat transfer tubes running in a longitudinal direction of the length of the shell in the internal space; anda first separation/collection pan running in a direction of the length of the internal space of the shell positioned within the plurality of heat transfer tubes, where the plurality of heat transfer tubes configured to cool a refrigerant in a vapor state so that at least a portion of the refrigerant in the vapor state transits to a liquid state.3. The heat ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039438A1

A vehicular air-conditioning device includes a blowing port mode door as an air volume regulator that regulates volumes of air-conditioning air blown to a driver seat area, a front passenger seat area, and a rear seat area inside a vehicle compartment, and an air-conditioning controller activated by an activation signal outputted from a body controller in response to opening and closing of a rear seat door during a stoppage of a vehicle system. The air-conditioning controller is capable of operating an actuator for driving the blowing port mode door to blow the air-conditioning air to the rear seat area when an activation switch of the vehicle system is turned on in a state where the air-conditioning control unit has been activated by the activation signal. 1. A vehicular air-conditioning device capable of realizing air conditioning of a part of an area inside a vehicle compartment , the area including multiple areas including at least a rear seat area , the vehicular air-conditioning device comprising:an air volume regulator configured to regulate a volume of air-conditioning air blown to each of the areas; andan air-conditioning control unit configured to control an operation of the air volume regulator, whereinthe air-conditioning control unit is activated at least when opening and closing of a rear seat door used for getting in or out of the rear seat area are performed during a stoppage of a vehicle system, andthe air-conditioning control unit controls the operation of the air volume regulator to blow the air-conditioning air to the rear seat area when an activation switch of the vehicle system is turned on in a state where the air-conditioning control unit has been activated by the opening and closing of the rear seat door.2. The vehicular air-conditioning device according to claim 1 , whereinthe air-conditioning control unit is stopped when a standby time elapsed since the opening of the rear seat door becomes equal to or longer than a predetermined reference ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041100A1

The present invention makes it possible in a centrifugal chiller utilizing a low pressure refrigerant used at a maximum pressure of less than 0.2 MPaG to effectively extract, in high concentration, non-condensible gas that has mixed into the low pressure refrigerant, and thus suppresses reductions in condensing efficiency. This condenser () is equipped with: a shell vessel () into which a low pressure refrigerant used at a maximum pressure of less than 0.2 MPaG is introduced; a refrigerant inlet () which is provided to the top portion of the shell vessel (); a refrigerant outlet () which is provided to the bottom portion of the shell vessel (); a heat transfer tube bundle () in which a plurality of heat transfer tubes () circulating a chilled liquid in the interior thereof are bundled, and which extends along the interior of the shell vessel (); a gas extraction tube () in the heat transfer tube bundle interior, the gas extraction tube being disposed in the center region in the radial direction of the heat transfer tube bundle (), forming a tubular shape arranged parallel to the axial direction of the heat transfer tube bundle (), and having formed in the bottom surface thereof non-condensible gas extraction holes () for extracting non-condensible gas that has mixed into the low pressure refrigerant; and a gas extraction device () which is connected to the gas extraction tube () in the heat transfer tube bundle interior and extracts the non-condensible gas. 1. A condenser comprising:a shell container into which a low pressure refrigerant used at a maximum pressure of less than 0.2 MPaG is introduced;a refrigerant inlet which is provided in an upper portion of the shell container;a refrigerant outlet which is provided in a lower portion of the shell container;a heat transfer pipe bundle in which a number of heat transfer pipes causing a cooling liquid to circulate therein are bundled and which extends inside the shell container;an intra-heat transfer pipe bundle air ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041135A1
Автор: Thipchuwong Nopparat

A heat exchanger comprises double-plated material with good heat conductivity and endurance in the shape of drum with convex wall or cylinder or rectangular shape having inlet(s) for first fluid to be cooled to flow into space between the double layer and out through outlet(s). A plurality of heat exchangers are connected through an inlet tubing where first fluid flows into each heat exchanger and flows out through a connecting outlet tubing. Heat exchange is made between the first fluid and large volume of second fluid the heat exchanger immersed in, where the term fluid covering all types of liquids and gases. The present design efficiently allows heat exchange while clogging is avoided. Installation of elements within heat exchanger to cause change in direction of flow of first fluid increases rate of heat transfer. The disclosed heat exchanger is used as condenser in air-conditioner either in building or in vehicle. 1. A heat exchanger comprising double-plated material with good heat conductivity and endurance , having one or more inlet for first fluid to be cooled to flow into space between the double layer and out through one or more outlet.2. The heat exchanger of having a shape of a drum with a convex wall.3. The A heat exchanger of having a shape of a cylinder.4. The heat exchanger of having a shape of a rectangle.5. The heat exchanger of where heat exchange is made between said first fluid and a large volume of a second fluid said heat exchanger is immersed in claim 1 , where the fluid comprises any type of liquids and gases.6. The heat exchanger of installed as a condenser in an air-conditioning system.7. A plurality of the heat exchanger of which are connected through tubing and used as condenser in air-conditioning system.8. The heat exchanger of further comprising one or more element within to change direction of flow of fluid configured to increase rate of heat transfer. The present invention relates to a double plated heat exchanger.Efficient heat ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for cooling a containerized fluid

Номер: US20150047387A1
Автор: Ronald J. Monroe, SR.
Принадлежит: Rroro&#39;s Innovations LLC

An apparatus for cooling a containerized fluid apparatus has a refrigerant-delivery assembly axially depending from a handle assembly. The handle assembly forms a receptacle for receiving a canister of refrigerant such as pressurized liquid carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). The refrigerant-delivery assembly comprises a supply tube through which refrigerant is fed from the canister in the handle assembly to a refrigerant-containment compartment enclosing an exit port of the supply tube and entry ports of one or more expansion tubes. The refrigerant-containment compartment places the supply tube in fluid-flow communication with the expansion tubes. The expansion tubes are rotatable about the axis of the supply tube. The expansion tubes are made to rotate by either a nozzle-turbine feature or a motor-and-gear subassembly. As refrigerant expands in the expansion tubes it takes on heat in accordance with thermodynamic properties thereby cooling the containerized fluid.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045470A1

A condenser equipped with a refrigerant outlet configured to receive and store liquid refrigerant during an off-cycle is described. The refrigerant outlet may include an outflow pipe surrounded by a weir. The weir may include a port, through which liquid refrigerant in the weir can be directed to, for example, moving parts of the chiller for lubrication. The outflow pipe may extend vertically relative to the bottom of the condenser. In some embodiments, a first opening of the outflow pipe may be positioned higher than the bottom of the condenser in the vertical direction, while the weir may be positioned lower than the bottom of the condenser. Liquid refrigerant in the condenser can flow to and stay in the weir in an off-cycle. During a subsequent start-up, the liquid refrigerant in the weir can be directly quickly to moving parts of the chiller. 1. A refrigerant outlet of a heat exchanger , comprising:an outflow pipe;an outer wall surrounding the outflow pipe, an outside surface of the outflow pipe and the outer wall define an annular weir surrounding the outflow pipe; anda port on the outer wall in fluid communication with the weir;wherein the outflow pipe has a first end and a second end, the weir has an opening,and the first end is configured to be positioned higher than the opening of the weir when the refrigerant outlet is installed on the heat exchanger.2. The refrigerant outlet of claim 1 , wherein the port of the outer wall has a diameter claim 1 , the outer wall and the outside surface of the outflow pipe has a distance therebetween claim 1 , and the distance is about the same as the diameter.3. The refrigerant outlet of claim 1 , wherein the weir has a bottom claim 1 , the port has a lowest point claim 1 , and the lowest point is positioned higher than the bottom of the weir when the refrigerant outlet is installed to the condenser.4. The refrigerant outlet of claim 1 , wherein the refrigerant outflow pipe has a first section with a first diameter and a ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065503A1
Автор: Nist Lance

An A/C system for a building used in conjunction with a pool comprises a pool pump used to filter and circulate the pool water that is coupled to an A/C refrigerant compressor unit. The A/C compressor supplies refrigerant to an evaporator coil inside of a building that is used in in conjunction with other standard A/C components located inside the building to cool the building. The pool pump is mechanically coupled to the compressor so that the pool pump motor drives both the pool pump and the compressor when the compressor is being used to move refrigerant. The compressor is connected to a water-cooled condenser coil inside of a water tank that receives water circulated from the pool pump to cool gaseous refrigerant returned from the building. 1. A system , comprising:a. a pool pump configured to circulate water in a pool;b. a compressor configured to circulate a refrigerant to an air conditioner; andc. a mechanical coupling between the pool pump and the compressor that enables a motor of the pool pump to drive the compressor.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an electromagnetic clutch configured to engage when the compressor turns on and disengage when the compressor turns off claim 1 , wherein the motor of the pool pump is configured to drive the compressor when the electromagnetic clutch is engaged.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the compressor is directly coupled to the motor of the pool pump and includes a displacement valve that is configured to cause the compressor to circulate the refrigerant when the displacement valve is powered.4. The system of further comprising a gas condenser coil containing the refrigerant claim 1 , the gas condenser coil coupled to the compressor and configured to cool the refrigerant circulated by the compressor claim 1 , wherein the condenser coil is configured to be cooled with water ejected from the pool pump.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the gas condenser coil is located within a water tank.6. The system of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047370A1

A heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) unit includes an evaporator circulating a flow of refrigerant therethrough to cool a flow of compartment air flowing over the evaporator, and a condenser operably connected to the evaporator to condense the flow of refrigerant therethrough. The evaporator and the condenser are relatively positioned such that a liquid condensate at an exterior of the evaporator is directed by gravity onto an exterior of the condenser to increase an operating capacity of the condenser. 1. A heating , ventilation , air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) unit , comprising:an evaporator circulating a flow of refrigerant therethrough to cool a flow of compartment air flowing over the evaporator; anda condenser operably connected to the evaporator to condense the flow of refrigerant therethrough;wherein the evaporator and the condenser are relatively positioned such that a liquid condensate at an exterior of the evaporator is directed by gravity onto an exterior of the condenser to increase an operating capacity of the condenser.2. The HVAC&R unit of claim 1 , further comprising:an evaporator fan to direct a first airflow across the evaporator; anda condenser fan to direct a second airflow across the condenser;wherein one or more of the evaporator fan and the condenser fan are disposed between the evaporator and the condenser in a path of the liquid condensate to distribute the liquid condensate over a condenser surface.3. The HVAC&R unit of claim 1 , further comprising a first distribution plate disposed between the evaporator and the condenser in a path of the liquid condensate claim 1 , the first distribution plate including a plurality of first distribution plate openings claim 1 , the plurality of first distribution openings configured and arranged to evenly distribute the liquid condensate over a condenser surface.4. The HVAC&R unit of claim 3 , wherein the first distribution plate is positioned non-parallel to ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053378A1
Принадлежит: AAF-McQuay Inc.

A heat exchanger for a vapor compression system includes a shell, a distributing part disposed inside of the shell to distribute a refrigerant, a tube bundle and a trough part. The tube bundle includes a plurality of heat transfer tubes disposed inside of the shell below the distributing part. The tube bundle includes a falling film region disposed below the distributing part, an accumulating region disposed below the falling film region, and a flooded region disposed below the accumulating region at a bottom portion of the shell. The trough part extends under at least one of the heat transfer tubes in the accumulating region to accumulate the refrigerant therein. The trough part at least partially overlaps with the at least one of the heat transfer tubes in the accumulating region when viewed along a horizontal direction perpendicular to the longitudinal center axis of the shell. 1. A heat exchanger adapted to be used in a vapor compression system , comprising:a shell with a longitudinal center axis extending generally parallel to a horizontal plane;a distributing part disposed inside of the shell, and configured and arranged to distribute a refrigerant; a falling film region disposed below the distributing part,', 'an accumulating region disposed below the falling film region, and', 'a flooded region disposed below the accumulating region at a bottom portion of the shell; and, 'a tube bundle including a plurality of heat transfer tubes disposed inside of the shell below the distributing part so that the refrigerant discharged from the distributor is supplied onto the tube bundle, the heat transfer tubes extending generally parallel to the longitudinal center axis of the shell, the tube bundle including'}a trough part extending generally parallel to the longitudinal center axis of the shell under at least one of the heat transfer tubes in the accumulating region to accumulate the refrigerant therein, the trough part at least partially overlapping with the at least ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049163A1
Автор: Hesser Nicholas

A coil assembly for an evaporative refrigerant condenser having a plurality of nested pairs of serpentine heat exchange tubes tightly packed adjacent to one-another; each nested pair of serpentine heat exchange tubes having an outer serpentine tube and an inner serpentine tube having an identical number of straight lengths and having parallel vertical and horizontal axes. 1. An evaporative refrigerant condenser comprising:a housing defining a coil section situated above a plenum section;a fan situated on top of said housing and configured to draw ambient air said plenum section through openings at a bottom of said housing, through said coil section and out through a top of said housing through said fan;a water distribution assembly located in said housing and above said coil section for selectively distributing water over said coil section;a water collection section located at a bottom of said housing for collecting water distributed by said water distribution assembly;a water pump for pumping water from said water collection section to said water distribution assembly;a coil assembly located in said coil section, said coil assembly comprising a plurality of nested pairs of serpentine heat exchange tubes tightly packed adjacent to one-another; each nested pair of serpentine heat exchange tubes comprising an outer serpentine tube and an inner serpentine tube having an identical number of straight lengths and having parallel vertical and horizontal axes;each of said nested pairs of serpentine heat exchange tubes connected at a first end to at least one inlet header and connected at a second end to at least one outlet header.2. An evaporative refrigerant condenser according to claim 1 , wherein said serpentine heat exchange tubes are finned.3. An evaporative refrigerant condenser according to claim 1 , wherein a first end of said outer serpentine tubes are connected to a first inlet header and a first end of said inner serpentine tubes are connected to a second inlet ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050489A1

A condenser has a core part having tubes, a first modulator tank and a second modulator tank. The first modulator tank is provided along a side portion of a header tank. The second modulator tank communicates with an interior of the first modulator tank and is provided along a lower edge of the core part in a gravity direction. An interior of the header tank is provided with a communicating space that communicates with the interior of the first modulator tank and an interior of the second modulator tank. The header tank has an introduction passage that guides liquid-phase refrigerant in the communicating space to a supercooling portion of the core part. A first connection part between the communicating space and the introduction passage is disposed on a lower side, in the gravity direction, of a second connection part between the communicating space and the second modulator tank. 1. A condenser comprising:a core part that is formed by stacking a plurality of tubes in which a refrigerant in a refrigeration cycle flows, and that exchanges heat between the refrigerant and an external fluid flowing outside the plurality of tubes;a header tank that is disposed at an end of the plurality of tubes in a longitudinal direction of the plurality of tubes, and that extends in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the plurality of tubes to communicate with the plurality of tubes;a first modulator tank that communicates with an interior of the header tank to allow the refrigerant from the header tank to flow into the first modulator tank, and that is provided along a side portion of the header tank extending in the longitudinal direction of the plurality of tubes; anda second modulator tank that communicates with an interior of the first modulator tank and is provided along a lower edge of the core part in a gravity direction, whereinthe first modulator tank and the second modulator tank separate the refrigerant flowing into the modulator tanks into gas and ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Heat exchanger and refrigeration cycle apparatus

Номер: US20160054038A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A heat exchanger is configured such that flat tubes in at least two levels bent or connected to each other at one end in an axial direction of the flat tubes and the flat tubes in at least two columns connected to each other are included in refrigerant passages through which refrigerant flows, and a flow direction of gas is counter to flow of refrigerant through the refrigerant passages in a column direction while the heat exchanger serves as a condenser.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Air Conditioning System with Evaporative Cooling System

Номер: US20160054039A1
Автор: Wong Lee Wa

An air conditioning system using a predetermined amount of refrigerant includes an evaporator unit, a compressor unit, an evaporative cooling system including at least one multiple-effect evaporative condenser connected to the compressor for effectively cooling the refrigerant. Each of the multiple-effect evaporative condensers includes an air inlet side and an air outlet side which is opposite to the air inlet side, a pumping device adapted for pumping a predetermined amount of cooling water at a predetermined flow rate, a first cooling unit and a second cooling unit. The refrigerant flows through heat exchanging pipes in the first cooling unit and the second cooling unit. The cooling water is arranged to pass through the first cooling unit and the second cooling unit in a sequential order and perform heat exchange with the refrigerant. 1. An air conditioning system using a predetermined amount of working fluid , comprising:an evaporator unit;a compressor unit connected to said evaporator;an evaporative cooling system which comprises at least one multiple-effect evaporative condenser connected to said compressor unit for effectively cooling said working fluid, said multiple-effect evaporative condenser comprising:an air inlet side and an air outlet side which is opposite to said air inlet side;a pumping device adapted for pumping a predetermined amount of cooling water at a predetermined flow rate;a first cooling unit, comprising:a first water collection basin for collecting said cooling water from said pumping device;a plurality of first heat exchanging pipes connected to said condenser and immersed in said first water collection basin; anda first fill material unit provided underneath said first heat exchanging pipes, wherein said cooling water collected in said first water collection basin is arranged to sequentially flow through exterior surfaces of said first heat exchanging pipes and said first fill material unit;a second cooling unit, comprising:a second ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055022A1

A refrigeration apparatus pertaining to the invention can suppress clogging due to polymers formed by the polymerization of refrigerant and improve safety. The refrigeration apparatus is equipped with a refrigeration cycle in which a compressor, a condenser, an expansion mechanism, and an evaporator are connected in a loop. The refrigeration apparatus is equipped with a polymer catcher. The polymer catcher is attached to piping interconnecting an outlet side of the compressor and an inlet side of the condenser and catches polymers of refrigerant circulating in the refrigeration cycle. The refrigerant includes a compound represented by a molecular formula having one or more carbon-carbon unsaturated bonds. 1. A refrigeration apparatus equipped with a refrigeration cycle in which a compressor , a condenser , an expansion mechanism , and an evaporator are connected in a loop , the refrigeration apparatus comprising:a polymer catcher that is attached to piping interconnecting an outlet side of the compressor and an inlet side of the condenser and chemically catches polymers of refrigerant circulating in the refrigeration cycle,wherein the refrigerant includes a compound represented by a molecular formula having one or more carbon-carbon unsaturated bonds, andthe polymer catcher is a dryer that has an adsorbent that adsorbs the polymers.2. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a four-way switching valve that is attached to the piping claim 1 , wherein the polymer catcher is attached between the outlet side of the compressor and an inlet side of the four-way switching valve.3. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the dryer further has a stabilizer and an antioxidant.4. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the dryer further has a stabilizer and an antioxidant.5. The refrigeration apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the condenser has multi-hole flat tubes through which the refrigerant flows.6. ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055057A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A plate heat exchanger includes a plurality of heat transfer plates stacked together and each having openings at four corners thereof. The heat transfer plates are partially brazed together such that a first flow passage through which first fluid flows and a second flow passage through which second fluid flows are alternately arranged with one of the heat transfer plates disposed therebetween, openings at the four corners being connected forming first headers through which the first fluid enters and is discharged and second headers through which the second fluid enters and is discharged. At least one of two heat transfer plates between which the first flow passage or the second flow passage is disposed is formed by a pair of metal plates stacked together. The metal plate adjacent to the second flow passage is thinner than the metal plate adjacent to the first flow passage. 1: A plate heat exchanger comprising:a plurality of heat transfer plates which each have openings at four corners thereof, the plurality of heat transfer plates being stacked together,wherein the plurality of heat transfer plates are partially brazed together such that a first flow passage through which first fluid flows and a second flow passage through which second fluid flows are alternately arranged with one of the plurality of heat transfer plates disposed therebetween, the openings at the four corners being connected to each other to form first headers through which the first fluid enters and is discharged and second headers through which the second fluid enters and is discharged,wherein at least one of two of the plurality of heat transfer plates between which the first flow passage or the second flow passage is disposed is formed by a pair of metal plates that are stacked together, andwherein, of the pair of metal plates, one of the pair of metal plates that is adjacent to the second flow passage is thinner than an other of the pair of metal plates that is adjacent to the first flow ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055066A1

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for passively cooling water vapor to enable efficient condensation, and methods of making such systems. A passive cooler can include a thermally conductive substrate having a first side and a second side opposite the first side, a coating disposed on at least a portion of the first side of the substrate, and a housing having one or more insulative walls. The insulative walls may define a vapor flow channel from an inlet to an outlet of the housing such that the second side of the substrate is exposed to water vapor flowing through the vapor flow channel. 1. A passive cooler , comprising:a thermally conductive substrate having a first side and a second side opposite the first side, wherein the first side has a solar reflectance of at least 95%;a coating disposed on at least a portion of the first side of the substrate, the coating being transparent or substantially transparent to solar radiation and having emissivity of greater than 0.95 over a majority of the spectral band between 4 and 25 μm; anda housing having one or more insulative walls, wherein the insulative walls together with the substrate define a vapor flow channel from an inlet of the housing to an outlet of the housing such that the second side of the substrate is exposed to vapor flowing through the channel.2. The passive cooler of claim 1 , wherein the thermally conductive substrate has a conductive heat transfer coefficient of at least 3 WmK.3. The passive cooler of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a reflective layer on the first side claim 1 , wherein the reflective layer imparts solar reflectivity.4. The passive cooler of claim 3 , wherein the reflective layer is silver.5. The passive cooler of claim 1 , further comprising a fan configured to move vapor through the vapor flow channel of the housing.6. The passive cooler of claim 1 , further comprising a transparent cover spaced apart from the first side of the substrate.7. The passive cooler of ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049382A1
Автор: KOZASA Tetsuo

A refrigerant evaporator includes a first core, a second core, a first plate, and a second plate. The first core and the second core respectively include a plurality of first tubes and a plurality of second tubes extending along a tube longitudinal direction and stacked along a tube stacking direction. The first plate houses one end portions of the first tubes and the second tubes. The second plate faces the first core and the second core across the first plate and is joined to the first plate in the tube longitudinal direction. The second plate includes a plurality of ribs. The ribs and the first plate define a plurality of intermediate passageways therein. Each of the intermediate passageways allows communication between a corresponding one of the first tubes and a corresponding one of the second tubes. 3. The refrigerant evaporator according to any one of claim 1 , whereinthe first evaporation unit is disposed downstream of the second evaporation unit in the flow direction,each of the plurality of intermediate passageways is configured to allow the refrigerant having flowed out of a corresponding one of the plurality of first tubes to flow into a corresponding one of the plurality of second tubes,each of the plurality of first tubes defines a first refrigerant passageway therein,each of the plurality of second tubes defines a second refrigerant passageway therein,the first refrigerant passageway is divided into a plurality of narrowed passageways arranged in the flow direction,the second refrigerant passageway is divided into a plurality of narrowed passageways arranged in the flow direction, anda most downstream portion of each of the plurality of intermediate passageways in the flow direction has a cross-sectional area that is set to 0.3 times to 3.0 times a sum of cross-sectional areas of the plurality of narrowed passageways in a corresponding one of the plurality of first tubes or a sum of cross-sectional areas of the plurality of narrowed passageways in a ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200050092A1

A cooling device includes an evaporator for changing working fluid to a vapor phase, a condenser for changing the working fluid to a liquid phase, a vapor pipe, and a liquid pipe. The evaporator includes a housing having a reservoir configured to store the working fluid in the liquid phase, a first wick soaked with the working fluid in the liquid phase, a groove member disposed having a plurality of flow channels and connected to the first wick, and a second wick for transporting the working fluid in the liquid phase to the first wick. The second wick is an elastic body for pressing the first wick against the groove member. The second wick is located between the first wick and a first inner wall opposed to the first wick in an opposite direction to a direction in which the groove member is located with respect to the first wick. 1. A cooling device comprising:an evaporator configured to evaporate working fluid in a liquid phase due to a heat transferred from a cooling target to change to the working fluid in a vapor phase;a condenser configured to condense the working fluid in the vapor phase to change to the working fluid in the liquid phase;a vapor pipe through which the working fluid changed to the vapor phase in the evaporator flow into the condenser; anda liquid pipe through which the working fluid changed to the liquid phase in the condenser flow into the evaporator, wherein: a housing to which the liquid pipe is connected, the housing into which the working fluid in the liquid phase inflows from the liquid pipe, the housing having a reservoir configured to store the working fluid in the liquid phase flowed into the reservoir,', 'a first wick disposed in the housing, the first wick soaked with the working fluid in the liquid phase,', 'a groove member disposed in the housing, the groove member having a plurality of flow channels through which the working fluid changed from the liquid phase to the vapor phase flows, the groove member connected to the first wick, ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072929A1
Автор: Gordon Robby

An apparatus and methods are provided for an air conditioning system for an off-road vehicle that includes an enclosed cabin. The air conditioning system includes a compressor that may be driven by an engine of the vehicle or a dedicated motor. A condenser comprising the air conditioning system may be positioned behind a grill at a front of the off-road vehicle or at a location where outside air enters an engine compartment of the off-road vehicle. An evaporator and a blower direct a cooled airstream into the enclosed cabin. One or more adjustable vents are disposed within the enclosed cabin and positioned to advantageously direct the cooled airstream to occupants within the enclosed cabin. Climate control switches are disposed in a dashboard of the off-road vehicle and configured to enable the occupants to operate the air conditioning system. 1. A climate control system for an off-road vehicle , comprising:an enclosed cabin comprising the off-road vehicle;an air conditioning system for cooling an airstream; andone or more ducted vents for directing the airstream into the enclosed cabin.2. The climate control system of claim 1 , wherein the air conditioning system includes a compressor that may be disposed in any advantageous location of the off-road vehicle.3. The climate control system of claim 2 , wherein the compressor is located in an engine compartment within a rear portion of the off-road vehicle.4. The climate control system of claim 2 , wherein the compressor is driven by way of a separate or dedicated motor.5. The climate control system of claim 1 , wherein a condenser comprising the air conditioning system may be disposed in any location of the off-road vehicle that receives a steady supply of outside air.6. The climate control system of claim 5 , wherein the outside air is moved through the condenser by way of a dedicated fan.7. The climate control system of claim 1 , wherein the air conditioning system includes an evaporator configured for cooling the ...
