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05-11-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для индивидуальной защиты от ударно-осколочного воздействия с возможностью видеофиксации

Номер: RU200682U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам индивидуальной бронезащиты с целью скрытого ношения в виде папок, дипломатов, кейсов и предназначена для обеспечения защиты сотрудников правоохранительных органов, уполномоченных на осуществление оперативно-розыскной деятельности Федеральным законом «Об оперативно-розыскной деятельности» от воздействия поражающих факторов огнестрельного оружия, боеприпасов и взрывчатых веществ.Технический результат - создание устройства для индивидуальной защиты, выполненного в виде папки для скрытого ношения и обладающего надежностью и удобством эксплуатации.Указанный технический результат достигается тем, что в устройстве для индивидуальной защиты от ударно-осколочного воздействия, выполненном в виде папки с ручками с размещенными внутри бронепластинами, папка состоит из четырех прямоугольных створок, выполненных из кожи, жестко скрепленных с установленными в них бронепластинами, выполненными из бронематериала «Кевлар 29» и соединенными между собой внахлест с возможностью ...

01-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU209099U1

Полезная модель относится к броневым щитам для защиты человека и может быть использована защиты верхней части туловища (торса) человека от воздействия огнестрельного и холодного оружия, осколков бомб, снарядов, мин и гранат. Согласно полезной модели на теле щита со стороны пользователя расположены две направляющие, а концы ручки для удержания щита имеют средства крепления к указанным направляющим, выполненные с возможностью крепления ручки на разных участках направляющих. Достигаемый технический результат: повышение удобства эксплуатации устройства за счет возможности регулировки расположения ручки.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Щит противоударный с электрошоковым воздействием

Номер: RU170787U1

Полезная модель относится к защитным устройствам для защиты правоохранителей от действий агрессивной толпы, а конкретно к противобаллистическим щитам с возможностью электрошокового воздействия на правонарушителей. Щит содержит защитную плоскость из электроизоляционного и ударопрочного материала с рукоятками на внутренней стороне, обращенной к пользователю, рабочие электроды, выполненные в виде металлизированных дорожек, с по меньшей мере одним местом демонстрации электроразряда, расположенном на наружной стороне щита, электрически соединенные с электрошоковым устройством, закрепленном на внутренней стороне щита и снабженном органом управления и источником электропитания. При этом рабочие электроды имеют множественно перфорированную защитную маску из электроизоляционного материала, расположенную поверх рабочих электродов на наружной стороне щита, выделенное место визуализации электроразряда, расположенное на наружной поверхности щита и также служащее местом расположения защитных электродов ...

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2346227C1

Группа изобретений относится к бронещитам для личного состава. Предложен способ изготовления бронещита и бронещит. Способ включает формирование пакета путем укладки на матрицу пропитанных синтетическим связующим облицовочных слоев, слоя керамических плиток и затем пропитанных синтетическим связующим баллистических слоев из арамидной ткани, пропитанных связующим с массовым содержанием 35...50%, отверждение полученного пакета под давлением. Керамические плитки в слое укладывают рядами со смещением рядов друг относительно друга на половину плитки и с образованием ступенек в рядах плиток по периферии и периферийной зоны без плиток. Плитки склеивают между собой. Ступеньки в рядах плиток по периферии заполняют посредством вклеивания треугольных керамических плиток. Периферийную зону без плиток заполняют посредством укладки пропитанных связующим баллистических слоев из арамидной ткани суммарной толщиной, превышающей толщину керамической плитки на 0,4...0,8 мм, и с массовым содержанием связующего ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618554C1

Изобретение относится к пусковым устройствам для бесствольной стрельбы пиротехническими патронами нелетального действия. Пусковое многопозиционное устройство смонтировано на подвижном носителе и содержит направляющие для размещения функциональных изделий для бесствольной стрельбы. Подвижный носитель представляет собой ручной щит противоударный. На рукоятке щита зафиксирован монтажный кронштейн пускового устройства. Средство наведения выполнено в виде генератора лазерного излучения для целеуказания и ослепляющего действия. Съемный магазин установлен в гнезде корпуса пускового устройства на подпружиненном выталкивателе. Кнопки и клавиши выбора типа патронов, управления стрельбой, включения лазерного генератора и экстракции патронного магазина смонтированы на корпусе в доступности пальцев руки, удерживающей щит. Техническим результатом изобретения является обеспечение защитной функции и мобильности при активном противодействии агрессии. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

27-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2195625C1

Саморазвертывающийся щит относится к средствам индивидуальной защиты личного состава милиции, внутренних войск, а также вооруженных сил и других лиц в случае необходимости. Конструкция щита, включающая плоские основной, верхний и нижний защитные сегменты, соединенные между собой через подпружиненные шарнирные соединения, снабжена защитными элементами с заданной стойкостью, один из которых выполнен в виде полого сферического сегмента и присоединен к основному защитному сегменту, а другой выполнен плоским и присоединен к верхней части нижнего защитного сегмента, при этом основной защитный сегмент выполнен с сообщенными между собой полостями, заполненными запасом сжатого газа, амортизирующий элемент щита, соединенный с основным защитным сегментом, выполнен в виде герметичной эластично-упругой полости, а щит снабжен обратным клапаном, управляемым клапаном и клапаном сброса давления, сообщенными с соответствующими полостями и атмосферой, а также ремнями для крепления и фиксаторами защитных сегментов ...

11-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2811185C1

Изобретение относится к противоосколочным козырькам, применяемым при инженерном оборудовании позиций и районов расположения войск. Противоосколочный козырек выполнен в виде единой конструкции из жесткого композитного арочного элемента с гибкими броневыми шторами входа и амбразуры. Арочный элемент состоит из по меньшей мере трех слоев. Верхний слой выполнен из ориентированного плоскостного скалываемого материала, средний - из многослойной арамидной ткани, нижний - из углепластика. Внутри арочного элемента устроены наплечные ремни, в торцах, по периметру арочного элемента закреплены гибкие броневые шторы входа и амбразуры с установленными элементами крепления штор. В нижней части штор устроены карманы. Штора амбразуры снабжена гибкой броневой заслонкой с ремнями крепления, закрепленной одной стороной над отверстием амбразуры. Достигается упрощение сборки и демонтажа противоосколочного козырька. 9 ил.

27-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: SU1098375A1

Полевое огневое закрытие, содержащее пуленепробиваемые листы, скрепленные между собой в виде пространственной конструкции, имеющей верхний лист, два боковых листа, козырек и амбразурный лист, отличающееся тем, что, с целью обеспечения возможности применения закрытия в различных видах боя и особых условиях местности, а также улучшения транспортабельности, оно снабжено нижним листом, выполненным П-образной формы и прикрепленным его торцовой поверхностью посредством разъемного шарнира к нижней части амбразурного листа, а также двумя открылками треугольной формы, основания которых соединены разъемными шарнирами с боковыми сторонами верхнего листа, а их боковыми сторонами разъемно соединены соответственно с козырьком и с боковыми листами, при этом верхний и боковые листы соединены разъемными шарнирами с амбразурным листом.

18-11-2011 дата публикации

stenfunktion zum Schutz von Personen

Номер: DE202011106388U1

System zum Tragen ballistischen Schutzmaterials an Personen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sowohl ein Tragen im Sinne eines Schildes in den Händen, wie eben auch eines Anlegens am Körper im Sinne einer Körperpanzerung möglich ist.

08-07-2010 дата публикации

Aufblasbare kugelsichere Wand

Номер: DE202010003478U1

17-11-1983 дата публикации

Police guard shield

Номер: DE0003217949A1

In a police guard shield which conceals most of the wearer's body and which is equipped with a window which is arranged in its upper region and has a transparent protective pane and which is held by the wearer at eye level during use, the intended protection is to be preserved even when assailants attempt to make the window of the guard shield opaque. For this, according to the invention, there is arranged on the outside of the window pane (3) of the guard shield (1) at least one additional covering pane (4, 5, 15, 16, 17, 18), covering sheet (20, 24) or the like which can be removed by the wearer if the window is made dirty or opaque. ...

19-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007815021U1

03-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002208535B

29-11-2000 дата публикации

Protective surface

Номер: GB0002314144B

15-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000319067T

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019204436A1
Автор: BECK JASON, Beck, Jason

Attorney Docket: 2200-01800 Abstract In various embodiments, a ballistic shield system may comprise a shield, a ballistic cover, and a fastening system. The shield may have a first curved profile and a first ballistic rating. The ballistic cover may have a second curved profile and a second ballistic rating. The fastening system may be configured to attach the ballistic cover to the shield. Moreover, the second curved profile may match the first curved profile. 120-2 120-3Fi 12 -- 112 120-1 120-4 Fig. 1 A ...

26-04-2007 дата публикации

Articulated body armor/duty gear support vest

Номер: AU2006225178A1

11-05-2006 дата публикации

Schrapnel and projectile containment systems and methods for procuding same

Номер: AU2005302160A1

13-05-2010 дата публикации

A shield for protecting a part of the human body

Номер: AU2005304265B2

23-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002762991A1

The combat personnel protection device-Mannuobot-having barrel-shaped configuration which including a base with wheels, sections of windows are open or close according to combat maneuvering or for ventilation purpose, included also a hook up sling which is for transportation to a designated station, there is a half-moon shaped dome which is for the placing of observation apparatus and the dome can be raised or flipped open, the Manuobot having a door which can be locked from the inside or outside, a combatant can stand, walk, sit or lying to push the Manuobot forward. The Manuobot is made of bullet proof and shrapnel proof combination of materials to protect the combatant inside.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003091398A1
Принадлежит: MCMILLAN LLP

The present invention relates to display systems that use materials made from various arrangements of lenses and other optical materials. Careful design and use of these materials can be used to achieve display systems with many desirable visual effects having applicability in image and video displays, virtual reality, immersive environments, as well as in architecture, art, entertainment, and interactive systems.

04-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002949404C

The nonviolent shield is used for restraining an agitated standing individual, while protecting that individual from a violent fall or similar jerking associated with a restraining intervention. The nonviolent shield comprises a rectangular flexible cargo net; an elongated body-height central cushion attached to the cargo net along a median of the cargo net, and two elongated body-height side cushions attached to the cargo net in a spaced-apart parallel relationship with the central cushion. The present nonviolent shield also has handhold areas of the cargo net bordering the central cushion. In another aspect, the central cushion has a movable portion on an upper segment thereof so that the central cushion is brought with firmness against the torso of the individual to be restrained, and with lightness against the face and head of that individual.

30-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002310196A1

A personal protective shield, which comprises a central panel; at least two lateral panels; and hinged connections between the central panel and the lateral panels. The protective shield has a folded configuration for carrying it and for attaching to it other equipment, in which the aforethe lateral panels are folded against the the central panel, and an expanded configuration for carrying out its protective function, in which the aforethe lateral panels are angularly set off from the central panel. The central panel and the lateral panels are made of bulletproof plate materials. The central panel may have a curved configuration adapted to fit the back of the user, and the lateral panels may have curved configurations matching that of the central panel.

31-12-1934 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000174120A

30-06-1971 дата публикации

Schutzschild aus faserverstärktem Kunststoff

Номер: CH0000509564A

15-06-2022 дата публикации

Procédé et dispositif de test pour équipements de protection.

Номер: CH0000718128A1

La présente invention concerne une procédé de test pour tester un équipement de protection (1) en matériau composite. Le procédé comprend une étape de percussion consistant à choquer l'équipement de protection (1) à l'aide d'un outil de percussion mécanique (3). Les vibrations naturelles sont collectées par un microphone (4) et le profil de réponse résultant est ensuite analysé pour déterminer si l'équipement de protection correspond ou non à des normes de performances prédéterminées. La présente invention couvre également une méthode de gestion de l'équipement de protection d'une unité et un dispositif de test portatif (11) permettant de mettre facilement en oeuvre la méthode sur ou à proximité du théâtre des opérations.

28-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA200700999A1

В соответствии с одним вариантом осуществления настоящего изобретения взрывостойкая панель (700) может включать в себя слой предварительно отвержденного эластомерного материала, имеющий заранее заданную толщину, корпусную часть (710) и множество бортов (713, 714, 715, 716), при этом каждый из множества бортов имеет, по существу, одинаковую ширину и свисает от одной и той же стороны и под приблизительно эквивалентными прямыми углами относительно корпусной части. Взрывостойкая панель (700) также может включать в себя множество крепежных элементов (920, 930), предназначенных для фиксации слоя предварительно отвержденного эластомерного материала относительно поверхности сооружения посредством множества бортов (713, 714, 715, 716) из слоя предварительно отвержденного эластомерного материала.

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000009272U

Щит протиударний містить корпус, демпфер, ручку і ремінь. Для можливості сприймати удари залізних заточених прутків великої енергії та підвищення довговічності щит містить другий демпфер. Обидва демпфери виготовлені з пінополіетилену з ізольованими порами, обтягнуті ззовні вологозахисною тканиною і приклеєні до корпусу, виготовленого з листа міцного алюмінієвого сплаву радіусної форми з відгинами по краях і з отворами для спостереження у його верхній і нижній частинах. Щит містить другу ручку, причому обидві ручки виготовлені з пінополіуретану, армованого алюмінієвою трубою, мають ергономічну форму і розміщуються разом з демпферами на корпусі під кутом до горизонту, гнучкий ремінь з капронового матеріалу уставлений між корпусом і алюмінієвою пластиною, які скріплені заклепками.

25-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: GE0000005716B

Способ предусматривает переработку имеющих разные свойства текстильных волокон - волокон капрона и вискозы при температуре 80-100°C, во время которой капроновое волокно плавится, а волокно вискозы обугливается, и дальнейший разлив в форму для придания формы. Пункты: 1 независ.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Distributed anti-riot shield

Номер: CN0108662950A
Автор: XU MENG

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Multifunctional folding shield

Номер: CN0210180284U

22-02-2017 дата публикации

A urge tear formula handle for riot shield

Номер: CN0205980949U

07-05-2014 дата публикации

Riot shield

Номер: CN0203586953U

27-09-2019 дата публикации

Sound wave expelling device and sound wave shield

Номер: CN0110285713A

10-08-2018 дата публикации

Portable automation arm shield that stretches out and draws back

Номер: CN0207716965U

31-01-2007 дата публикации

Multifunction antiriot shield for police

Номер: CN0001904543A

06-04-2018 дата публикации

Multi-functional monitoring police riot shield

Номер: CN0107883818A

26-04-2019 дата публикации

A W-shaped shield body of the shield against chops

Номер: CN0106895746B

04-11-2009 дата публикации

Shield guard nail

Номер: CN0201340232Y

13-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002852094B1

22-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002757936B1

11-07-1913 дата публикации


Номер: FR0000454748A

24-05-1974 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002205172A5

19-08-2014 дата публикации

Body Armor

Номер: KR0101430559B1

02-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: KR0200197223Y1

30-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RO0000125924A2

The invention relates to a device for climbing and displacing, used during some human activities which involve moving over natural and/or artificial obstacles concomitantly with ensuring protection against mechanical shocks or hits caused by solid bodies of relatively small dimensions and speeds of up to 600 m/s, generated by light firing munition or by improvised explosive devices, as well as for protecting a person and/or for saving a potential injured person. According to the invention, the device comprises a succession of horizontal rectangular bars (1) supported by two hexagonal vertical bars, by means of some hexagonal-shaped clamps (3) and which, starting with the first and second horizontal bar (1) from the bottom upwards, cover the other vertical hexagonal bars (2), which have some sides of decreasing dimensions ranging from 3/8 to 7/8 of a side of the first pair of vertical hexagonal bars (2), the succession of horizontal and vertical bars (1 and 2) allowing the extension, so ...

18-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006050554A1
Автор: SADLER, Trevor

A shield (10) for protecting a part of the human body is disclosed, the shield (10) including: a generally planar body formed substantially entirely from flexible silicone rubber: the body includes a number of projections (12) extending substantially perpendicularly to the plane of the body that operate to cushion the impact of a blow to the shield.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: WO2020064838A1
Автор: HOWELL, Andrew, Rhys

A field desk system (50), as shown in FIG. 4, includes a central cabinet (51) into whose top surface is formed a first part (88) of rotating coupling. In an underside of a central section (92) of a working surface 94 of the field desk system, a second co-operating part (98-100) of the rotating coupling is formed or secured. A leaf (110, 112) is hingedly coupled to either side of the central section (92). The rotating coupling allows the entirety of the working surface to be rotated relative to the central cabinet (51) such that the hinges are supported by the upper surface thereof. Alternatively, in a transport mode, each leaf (110, 112) is hinged downwards relative to the central section (92), and each leaf then attached to the front and rear faces of the central cabinet to produce a transport cube. The central cabinet (51), such as a drawer stack, further houses a plurality of removable closure boards (76). These closure boards, which can include soft armour and a privacy screen in the ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: WO2016062745A1
Автор: FRAILE NUEZ, Juan

Equipment (1) having a personal protection system. The equipment (1) is envisaged to be carried on a user's shoulders undercovered. To this end, the equipment has a backpack (2) containing a front ballistic package (10) mounted in a first compartment (6) of the backpack (2) with capability of being pulled out therefrom. The front ballistic package (10) comprises a pull-out grip (12) at a first end (14) and at a second end (16), two connecting members (18) connected to the backpack (2), and allowing the passage of the user's head during the extraction thereof. Furthermore, according to the invention there are provided compacting means (20) that cause that upon pulling out the front ballistic package (10) for protecting the user the first compartment (6) can modify the size thereof from an expanded to a compacted size notably reducing its size.

08-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004003461A3
Автор: VALLIER, Marc

The invention concerns an adapter device (10) for launching a projectile (12) such as a missile from a standard launching tube (14), without having to modify the latter. Said device comprises an adapter tube (24) wherein the projectile (12) is placed, a retaining ring (22) which is mounted on the end of the launching tube (14) and a fastening system (26) for securing the adapter tube (24) to the launching tube (14). The adapter tube (24) has a front part (38) provided with grooves for guiding folded fins of the projectile (12) and a rear part provided with a base whereon is fixed a pulley (36) for returning an optical fiber (20) guiding the projectile (12).

18-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004099702A2
Автор: MILLS, Craig A.

There is provided dual use body armor that can be alternately used either as a hand held shield which can be concealed in a standard bag (such as an attache case) or worn as an armor vest, and which can be quickly converted from one use to the other. For this reason the shield would normally be of an approximately rectangular shape. The exact shape may be varied in order to fit in different types of carry bag, or to better conform (for the purpose of comfort or protection) to the shape of the body when unstowed or deployed and worn as a vest. When used as a vest, the invention is preferably comprised of two or more armor panels that unfold or deploy to protect an area of the front and back, and preferably also the side and lower abdomen, of the torso. The front armor panel, back armor panel, side armor panels, and lower abdomen armor panel, are all located on the body by means of a support system. When stowed, the side and lower abdomen armor panels are shaped to fit closely together as ...

08-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: WO2007126395A1
Автор: JANC, Milan Emil

A protective shield for use by police forces or security forces in dispersing crowds and demonstrators with a tear gas or riot control agent. The shield includes a body portion having a front side and a backside, and a support member attached to the backside of the body portion. The support member includes an arm support dimensioned to receive an arm of a user, and a handle dimensioned to be grasped by the user. The arm support portion also includes a quick release portion, which includes a strap and an open ended hook on an opposite end of the handle portion. A canister of tear gas or other suitable gaseous or liquid material attached to the backside of the body portion, and wherein the front side of the shield has an opening or portal for discharging the tear gas.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013115880A3

A personal protection shield for use with a weapon, such as a firearm, may be used to protect the operator of the weapon. The shield may include one or more ballistic plates and one or more mounting assemblies to mount a ballistic plate to the weapon.

05-12-1922 дата публикации

Номер: US0001438109A1

01-12-2015 дата публикации

Hard soft ballistic armor

Номер: US0009200872B1

A hard soft ballistic armor has an armor panel with continuous and contiguous hard zones and soft zones providing seamless, gapless fragmentary and ballistic protection to a wearer. The panel comes from a process of pressing UHMWPE panels into hard armor with soft, flexible joints or panels of soft construction into hard panel with a defined shape. The present invention through its processes provides a single or plurality of heated, hard pressed areas and unheated, unpressed areas in the same piece of armor where the soft areas remain flexible. The processes of the present invention apply high and low pressure simultaneously to layers of material resulting in armor panel having a three dimensional shape that fits a portion of the body of a wearer.

28-12-1993 дата публикации

Process for manufacturing an heraldic escutcheon

Номер: US0005273607A1
Автор: O'Scanlon; John B.

A personalized heraldic shield is constructed by accessing a computer which stores and assembles heraldic emblems and figures into a coat-of-arms, inputting a selected family name, retrieving and transferring the coat-of-arms corresponding to the family name to a printer, printing the coat-of-arms onto an adhesive backed substrate, and adhering the substrate to a base. A cover is then adhered over the substrate-bearing coat-of-arms, and edging is applied around the perimeter of the shield. The base itself is of a laminate construction and includes a rigid, high strength forwardly facing wall and a layer of relatively soft foam adhered to the back surface of the wall. Handles are provided to enable the shield to be held on one arm across the front of one's torso.

15-10-1985 дата публикации

Protective shield attache case

Номер: US0004546863A1
Автор: Kaufman; Henry

An attache case constructed to serve as a protective shield against bullet fired from handguns, the case having separate and relatively movable top and bottom sections with the top section including a flexible sidewall with a pouch holding an armor plate releasably attached to the exterior side of the sidewall. A pair of hand straps are attached to the bottom section of the case.

15-03-2011 дата публикации

Portable convertible blast effects shield

Номер: US0007905168B2

A rapidly deployable portable convertible blast effects shield/ballistic shield includes a set two or more frusto-conically-tapered telescoping rings operably connected to each other to convert between a telescopically-collapsed configuration for storage and transport, and a telescopically-extended upright configuration forming an expanded inner volume. In a first embodiment, the upright configuration provides blast effects shielding, such as against blast pressures, shrapnel, and/or fire balls. And in a second embodiment, the upright configuration provides ballistic shielding, such as against incoming weapons fire, shrapnel, etc. Each ring has a high-strength material construction, such as a composite fiber and matrix material, capable of substantially inhibiting blast effects and impinging projectiles from passing through the shield. And the set of rings are releasably securable to each other in the telescopically-extended upright configuration by the friction fit of adjacent pairs of ...

19-07-1994 дата публикации

Safety containment shield

Номер: US0005329636A

A safety containment shield for use by the authorities to protect the officer during usage, and to minimize damage to the person confronted. The shield is a composite of laminar material, including a sheet of rigid polymer, having foam cushioning layers provided on both its front and back surfaces. An outer covering of canvas or vinyl is provided, and hand gripping means, in the form of arm straps, are furnished upon the backside, to facilitate the grasp by the user, particularly during participation in a conflict.

25-03-1919 дата публикации


Номер: US1298618A

20-08-2019 дата публикации

Barrier bench

Номер: US0010383449B2
Принадлежит: Defenshield, Inc., DEFENSHIELD INC

A bench that serves as a barrier from ballistics and explosions is disclosed. The bench serves the traditional role of providing a seating area while also providing protection from ballistics and explosions originating from an opposite side of the barrier bench. The bench may comprise one or more panels or plates and an upper wall that are adapted to repel ballistics and blasts. The barrier bench further comprises a series of interconnected members that together form a frame which serves to position the one or more panels and upper wall in a relatively upright position so as to form a barrier against ballistics and explosion blasts.

28-01-2004 дата публикации


Номер: EP0001265509B1
Автор: Norris, Gail
Принадлежит: Norris, Gail

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2065670A3
Автор: Bauer, Eran, Bauer, Gerard

A riot shield comprising a planar shield member (1), and at least one handle (3,4), secured to the back of the shield member (1) wherein the shield member is formed from a plastics material that is capable of deforming plastically upon impact. The shield member is preferably formed from Lexan® 9030 FA XR. Integral linking means (5,6) is provided on each of two opposing sides of the shield member (1) whereby the shield member (1) can be releasably interlinked with the integral linking means of a second riot shield.

23-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: JP2008256262A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a shield having functions suitable for use in a convenience store or a banking institution in view of the fact that it is impossible to protect from a thug when being assaulted in the convenience store or the banking institution, and use of a conventional shield is limited to such a use as suppression and protection in a demonstration by a police officer. SOLUTION: This table integral shield (detachable shield) protects himself/herself from the thug, and is provided with devices against the thug such as a tear spray, a photograph-taking or video-shooting device, a notification device, an alarm buzzer, and an injection device of paint used for a color ball, and has a traceability, a deterrent power, and a securing function of an evidence. COPYRIGHT: (C)2009,JPO&INPIT ...

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005329735B2

05-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: JP2006002971A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a transparent synthetic resin laminated body having high impact strength (bullet resistance) and transparency, and used as a protection shield for self-defense, security or the like. SOLUTION: This transparent synthetic resin laminated body for the protection shield is constituted by stacking a polyester resin film on at least one face of a polycarbonate resin plate, a thickness of the polycarbonate resin plate is 8mm or more, and that of the polyester resin film is 300μm or more. COPYRIGHT: (C)2006,JPO&NCIPI ...

30-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: JP2004267386A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a bag which can be used as a normal bag and also as a shield to protect the user from a thug with a weapon such as a knife. SOLUTION: The safety bag is a bag for normal use and at least its backside member 2 comprises an outer material 3 and an inner material 4. Between the outer material 3 and the inner material 4, the storing part 6 is formed by providing the opening 5 on part of the inner material 4 which can be opened and closed with a zipper and the like. The knife-proof body 7 which cannot be cut easily by knife is inserted detachably in the storing part 6. The reinforcing plate 8 to prevent the bag from losing shape vertically is fixed at approximately center of the outer material 3 of the backside member 2, on which a longitudinal handle 9 is fixed. By grabbing the handle 9, the bag can be used as a shield in the case of emergency. COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO&NCIPI ...

12-01-2011 дата публикации

Номер: JP0004609281B2

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2456533C2

Броневое изделие содержит основу и/или облицовку или может иметь промежуточный слой между основой и облицовкой в любой комбинации. Броню накладывают непосредственно на подлежащее бронированию изделие или прикрепляют к нему, так чтобы покрывать все изделие или любой участок изделия. Основа и облицовка могут содержать фрикционный материал или нефрикционный материал. Фрикционный материал представляет собой композит из полимерного связующего материала, волокнистой опорной структуры, системы модификации трения и системы повышения износостойкости. Достигается повышение баллистической стойкости брони и облегчение конструкции. 2 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил., 2 табл.

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Электрошоковый модуль и щит для подавления беспорядков, использующий данный модуль

Номер: RU2652496C1

Группа изобретений относится к области оружия нелетального действия, а именно к электрошоковым модулям и щитам для подавления беспорядков, использующим данный модуль. Электрошоковый модуль оснащен источником электрического питания, предохранителем и/или кнопкой включения и энергонезависимой памятью. В корпусе электрошокового модуля размещены блок управления и электрошоковый разрядник, содержащий преобразователь напряжения, электронный ключ и высоковольтный трансформатор. Щит для подавления массовых беспорядков содержит защитную панель, локтевое крепление, рукоятку, амортизационную подложку. Щит механически соединен с электрошоковым модулем. Боевые электроды электрошокового модуля установлены на защитную панель щита с внешней стороны и имеют коммутацию со средствами вооружения или инженерным средством охраны. Технический результат достигается в повышении надежности и безопасности в обращении устройств, оказывающих электрошоковое воздействие на живую цель, а также в расширении функциональных ...

10-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU88424U1

... 1. Устройство для защиты тела человека от ударно-осколочного воздействия, выполненное в виде корпуса портфеля с ручкой, с размещенными в нем подвижными и неподвижной пластинами, бронирующими корпус, отличающееся тем, что пулестойкий защитный материал установлен во все части корпуса портфеля, а раскрывающиеся бронепластины крепятся к низу задней стенки и зацепляются к ней на магнитные кнопки-застежки. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что снизу каждой из бронепластин закреплены металлические пластины из немагнитных сплавов для легкого утяжеления. ! 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что устройство выполнено в виде корпуса портфеля-дипломата. ! 4. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что устройство выполнено в виде корпуса портфеля-папки.

11-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU199058U1

Идея соединяющегося защитного щита направлена на усиление безопасности и повышение эффективности действий сотрудников силовых структур при массовых беспорядках. Цепь, состоящая из отдельных щитов, имеет существенную уязвимость и недостаток. Она может разрываться при давлении наступающей толпы людей. Кроме того, в щели между щитами могут попадать различные предметы, брошенные из толпы, могут проникать удары руками, ногами и другими предметами, наносимыми из толпы. Все это представляет угрозу безопасности и здоровью сотрудников силовых структур, наносит урон эффективности действий сотрудников силовых структур.Соединяющийся защитный щит устраняет все эти недостатки. Вставленные друг в друга щиты образуют единую защитную стену, которая более равномерно распределяет давление наступающей толпы и нагрузку на каждого отдельного сотрудника силовых структур. Единая система соединенных щитов устраняет опасность разрыва цепи щитов и сотрудников, исключает возможность попадания брошенных предметов или ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU154962U1

... 1. Защитное устройство, выполненное из отдельных плоских защитных сегментов, связанных между собой шарнирным соединением посредством оси, отличающееся тем, что соединительная ось расположена вертикально, защитные сегменты расположены под острым углом друг к другу и скреплены соединительным стержнем, концевые части которого выполнены с фиксаторами, один из которых выполнен съемным в виде гайки, установленной на резьбовом хвостовике стержня, концевые части стержня размещены в сквозных отверстиях защитных сегментов, при этом в одном защитном сегменте выполнено смотровое окно, перекрытое пулестойким броневым стеклом, а в другом - отверстие для размещения стрелкового оружия, в каждом сегменте выполнено отверстие с внутренней резьбой, в котором установлен Г-образный стопор, один конец которого выполнен с наружной резьбой, а другой - заостренным.2. Защитное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что торцевая часть защитного листа с отверстием для размещения стрелкового оружия установлена выступающей ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009116222A

... 1. Броневое изделие, которое содержит фрикционный материал, позволяющий предотвращать проникновение баллистического снаряда. ! 2. Броневое изделие по п.1, которое дополнительно содержит по меньшей мере основу и/или облицовку. ! 3. Броневое изделие по п.2, в котором основа и/или облицовка содержит фрикционный материал. ! 4. Броневое изделие по п.2, в котором основа и/или облицовка содержит не фрикционный материал. ! 5. Броневое изделие по п.4, в котором основа содержит металл. ! 6. Броневое изделие по п.4, в котором основа содержит не металл. ! 7. Броневое изделие по п.2, которое дополнительно содержит средство для крепления фрикционного материала и основы друг к другу. ! 8. Броневое изделие по п.7, в котором средство для крепления содержит по меньшей мере механизм соединения и/или материал соединения. ! 9. Броневое изделие по п.1, в котором фрикционный материал содержит композит из: ! полимерного связующего материала; ! волокнистой опорной структуры; ! системы модификации трения; и ! системы ...

27-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU94006850A1
Автор: Таланов Б.П.

Защитное индивидуальное средство отличается от известных своим универсальным применением: для защиты от огневого поражения, для защиты от осадков, для защиты от холода при необходимости находиться в положении лежа длительное время, для защиты в походном положении. Такие свойства устройство приобрело благодаря тому, что выполнено из двух разъемно-соединенных между собой пластин, которые могут располагаться различным образом в пространстве в зависимости от назначения.

04-08-1988 дата публикации

Номер: DE8708045U1

29-08-2002 дата публикации

Police crowd control shield has protective surface in form of elastic net fixed to frame

Номер: DE0010108441A1

The shield consists of a frame (1) with an elastic net (2) attached to it. It has arc handles (3, 4) and transparent strips (13). The holder (5) can be attached anywhere and at different angles. The shield can be attached to a standard transparent police shield, in which case the transparent strips are not necessary.

27-10-2005 дата публикации

Device for protection against explosive charges, bombs and the like takes the form of a foldable support frame and a blanket which forms a closed space when placed on a ground

Номер: DE202005013364U1

The device for protection against explosive charges, bombs and the like takes the form of a foldable support frame and a blanket (2) which forms a closed space when placed on a ground (4).

12-05-2021 дата публикации

Field desk

Номер: GB2577507B

28-09-2005 дата публикации

The halo defense insert shield

Номер: GB0000517010D0

01-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008818099D0

20-11-2019 дата публикации

Protective Shield And Shield Wall

Номер: GB0002573810A

A protective shield 100 comprises a body 105 for protecting a user from a projectile or impact, the body 105 comprising a front strike face 110 and an opposing rear face. A connector arrangement 125 is provided on the body 105 adapted so as to allow the shield 100 to connect to an adjacent protective shield. The strike face 110 has a perimeter defined by the edges of the strike face and the connector arrangement 125 is arranged so that an adjacent protective shield can be connected to the connector arrangement 125 with the body of the adjacent protective shield abutting and/or overlapping with the strike face 110 of the protective shield at any point about the perimeter of the strike face. The shield 100 may include a graphene layer between the strike face 110 and the rear face.

24-02-1982 дата публикации

Protective shields

Номер: GB0002081852A
Автор: Sacks, Michael

A missile-proof shield is formed from a rigid enclosure (5) of generally flat form containing one or more layers (9) of a penetration resisting fabric such as a closely woven aramid fabric. The enclosure has at least one outer wall in the form of a rigid board and handles may be provided for carrying purposes. A paper-retaining clip may be attached to the enclosure so that the shield can also be used as a clipboard, or the shield may be incorporated into a case. ...

15-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000169394T

15-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000258399T

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000399303T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442568T

15-11-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000081904T

25-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003276784A1

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Porous polymeric membrane toughened composites

Номер: AU2003284960B2

08-10-2001 дата публикации

High tenacity, high modulus filament

Номер: AU0005102001A

18-05-2006 дата публикации

A shield for protecting a part of the human body

Номер: AU2005304265A1

18-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002505602A1

There is provided dual use body armor that can be alternately used either as a hand held shield which can be concealed in a standard bag (such as an attache case) or worn as an armor vest, and which can be quickly converted from one use to the other. For this reason the shield would normally be of an approximately rectangular shape. The exact shape may be varied in order to fit in different types of carry bag, or to better conform (for the purpose of comfort or protection) to the shape of the body when unstowed or deployed and worn as a vest. When used as a vest, the invention is preferably comprised of two or more armor panels that unfold or deploy to protect an area of the front and back, and preferably also the side and lower abdomen, of the torso. The front armor panel, back armor panel, side armor panels, and lower abdomen armor panel, are all located on the body by means of a support system. When stowed, the side and lower abdomen armor panels are shaped to fit closely together as ...

04-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002505602C
Принадлежит: MILLS, CRAIG A.

There is provided dual use body armor that can be alternately used either as a hand held shield which can be concealed in a standard bag (such as an attache case) or worn as an armor vest, and which can be quickly converted from one use to the other. For this reason the shield would normally be of an approximately rectangular shape. The exact shape may be varied in order to fit in different types of carry bag, or to better conform (for the purpose of comfort or protection) to the shape of the body when unstowed or deployed and worn as a vest. When used as a vest, the invention is preferably comprised of two or more armor panels that unfold or deploy to protect an area of the front and back, and preferably also the side and lower abdomen, of the torso. The front armor panel, back armor panel, side armor panels, and lower abdomen armor panel, are all located on the body by means of a support system. When stowed, the side and lower abdomen armor panels are shaped to fit closely together as ...

08-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2908557C

Ballistic resistant composite articles that are resistant to both backface deformation and ballistic penetration. Multiple composites are attached to each other such that fibers in each adjacent composite are oriented at different angles. Each composite has an areal density of at least about 100 g/m2 wherein the areal density of the strike face composite is greater than half of the total areal density of overall multi-composite article.

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000009313U

Кулезахисний щит містить корпус з броньованої сталі, в верхній частині якого змонтоване оглядове броньоване скло з рамкою для цього скла, а на внутрішній поверхні корпусу змонтована верхня рукоятка і кронштейн. Для розширення маніпуляцій з щитом при екстремальних ситуаціях кронштейн виконаний у вигляді дуги з можливістю її одягання на ліву руку, при цьому корпус додатково містить проміжну і нижню рукоятки. Кронштейн і проміжна рукоятка розміщені на прямій, яка утворює кут α=30-60° по відношенню до верхньої рукоятки, а нижня рукоятка розміщена взаємноперпендикулярно до верхньої рукоятки.

28-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: EA0200701197A1

Взрывоустойчивая панель может содержать слой предварительно отвержденного эластомерного материала заданной толщины, участок тела и множество фланцев, при этом каждый из множества фланцев имеет, по существу, равную ширину и отходит от одной и той же стороны и приблизительно под прямым углом к участку тела. Взрывоустойчивая панель также может содержать множество крепежных элементов для крепления слоя отвержденного эластомерного материала к поверхности структуры через множество фланцев из отвержденного эластомерного материала.

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000094519U

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Lightweight armor and ballistic projectile defense apparatus

Номер: US20120174748A1
Автор: Curtis L. Landi
Принадлежит: Supracor Systems Inc

Ballistic resistant armor material and assembly including a thin, rigid armor component for stopping and capturing ballistic projectiles, backed by a resilient component formed of thermoplastic elastomeric honeycomb material for absorbing projectile strike energy and reducing impact noise and/or blunt trauma injury. The armor component includes multiple layers of high tensile strength aramid fabric or the like sandwiched between front and back plates made of multiple layers of woven carbon cloth impregnated with an epoxy resin or the like. The several layers of the armor component are formed and compressed to provide a rigid outer shell that can advantageously be configured as planar or shaped to suit particular applications. The resilient component is affixed to the inside surface of the armor component and may include one or more layers of flexible honeycomb material having cells that are open, hermetically sealed, or perforated to provide fluid circulation therethrough.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Handheld Protective Shield Entrapment Device

Номер: US20120186435A1
Автор: Teddy Garcia
Принадлежит: Individual

A protective shield entrapment device having a first shield member and a second shield member joined by a vertical hinge member, and further having one or more elastic closure members extending between the shield members, whereby the shield members can be closed about an individual to be subdued.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026743A1
Автор: Imblum Ray, Sodaro David

A bullet-resistant defensive device is disclosed made up of layers of bullet resistant material layered together and connected along their peripheral edge on a frame to form a planar shield. The shield so formed works such that a bullet striking the shield causes the layered bullet resistant material to flex thereby dissipating the force of the bullet, the material when it stretches transfers the force of the bullet from a shear mode to a tensile mode. One preferred embodiment incorporates the invention into a clipboard box for use by police officers for protecting against head, neck and hand wounds from handguns fired at close range from vehicles. The hand-held, bullet resistant clipboard box holds documents and writing implements, and the bullet-resistant material is located within the clipboard box interior cavity and configured for catching a fired bullet before it can pass through the entire clipboard. 1. A bullet-resistant protective device comprising:a. a substantially hollow box having an exterior surface and a hollow interior cavity the box and cavity being defined by front and back panels and side walls;b. a plurality of layers of a bullet resistant material being sized to fit closely in said interior cavity in a substantially planar configuration generally parallel to an inner surface of said back panel, said plurality of layers of bullet-resistant material being stitched together;c. said plurality of layers being secured to inner side surfaces of said cavity only along side edges of said layers;d. said box cavity having a depth to provide a sufficient distance between the uppermost layer of said plurality of layers and an interior surface of the front panel to allow said bullet resistant material of said layers to stretch from a shear mode to a tensile mode in response to the layers being impacted by a bullet to thereby dissipate kinetic energy of the bullet and prevent the bullet from penetrating through the device.2. A bullet proof shield comprising:a) ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Bullet Resistant Dry Erase Boards

Номер: US20140053717A1
Автор: Barton Richard Bowen
Принадлежит: Individual

The art for this invention is combining the previous arts of (1) dry erase boards and (2) bullet resistant materials into one art resulting in a bullet-resistant dry erase board that has a dual purpose of both academic learning and physical safety from a gunman's bullets.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069269A1
Автор: Penn Oded
Принадлежит: BULLET PLATE LTD.

Provided is an anti-ballistic protective assembly including a plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material including at least two types of anti-ballistic materials, and an enclosure which is at least partially injection molded over the plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material and retains the plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material in a mutually compressed operative orientation. 1. An anti-ballistic protective assembly , comprising:a plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material comprising at least two anti-ballistic materials; andan enclosure which is at least partially injection molded or vacuum formed over said plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material and retains said plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material in a mutually compressed operative orientation.2. The anti-ballistic protective assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said enclosure comprises a first enclosure element and a second enclosure element integrally molded with said first enclosure element or heat welded to said first enclosure element.34-. (canceled)5. The anti-ballistic protective assembly according to claim 2 , wherein said plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material is positioned within said first enclosure element.6. The anti-ballistic protective assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material further comprises layers of unidirectional polyethylene.7. The anti-ballistic protective assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said plurality of layers of anti-ballistic material further comprises at least one plate made of ceramic or steel.8. (canceled)9. The anti-ballistic protective assembly according to claim 7 , wherein at least one side of said at least one plate is coated with a layer of Kevlar® or fiberglass.10. (canceled)11. The anti-ballistic protective assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a protective vest having a pocket into which said enclosure is configured to be inserted.12. The anti-ballistic ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

MC2 Folding Rescue Stretcher

Номер: US20140082844A1

The present invention provides a foldable rescue stretcher having an open position for transporting a patient and a storing position for storing the foldable rescue stretcher. The foldable rescue stretcher includes a rigid supporting frame having a plurality of sections, a protective barrier, and an inflatable collar. Methods of using the foldable rescue stretcher are also provided. 1. A foldable rescue stretcher having an open position for transporting a patient and a storing position for storing the foldable rescue stretcher , the foldable rescue stretcher comprising: wherein the rigid supporting frame forms an internal cavity extending from the proximal end to the distal end, the rigid supporting frame comprising:', one or more first restraining belts each independently having a proximal end and a distal end coupled to the second surface of the first section;', 'one or more first handles each independently coupled to the proximal end of the first section;', 'a first protective barrier coupled to the first surface, the third surface, and the fourth surface of the first section;, 'a first section having a first surface, a second surface, a third surface, a fourth surface, a proximal end, and a distal end, the first section comprising, one or more second restraining belts each independently having a proximal end and a distal end coupled to the second surface of the second section;', 'wherein a second protective barrier covers the first surface, the third surface, and the fourth surface of the second section,', 'wherein the proximal end of the second section is coupled to the distal end of the first section with one or more first folding locking mechanical joints on the first surface of the first section and the first surface of the second section; and, 'a second section having a first surface, a second surface, a third surface, a fourth surface, a proximal end, and a distal end, the second section comprising, one or more third restraining belts each independently ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Protective seating assembly

Номер: US20140084646A1
Автор: Mark E. Benden
Принадлежит: Positivemotion LLC

The invention generally relates to a protective seating assembly which includes a protective garment, generally in the form of a vest, preferably in combination with an aesthetic covering of natural or man-made material or a combination of those materials typically associated with a seat covering and all the inclusive hardware associated with attaching the protective vest and aesthetic covering and securing them to a seating device until such time as they may need to be removed for use by a user for the purpose of self-protection.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160003583A1

An anti-ballistic barrier comprising at least one furniture unit including: a top; a base; an anti-ballistic arrangement including an anti-ballistic material, the anti-ballistic arrangement having at least a portion extending between the top, and the base; and a mobility arrangement which, in use, enables each furniture unit to be moved between at least two positions, comprising a utility position, in which each furniture unit can be used in its typical furniture usage, and a defence position, in which each furniture unit can be used as a barrier to obstruct an opening such as a doorway, a passageway, a window or a service opening. 131.-. (canceled)32. An anti-ballistic barrier comprising at least one furniture unit selected from at least one of a presentation board; or a storage unit including:a top;a base;an anti-ballistic arrangement including an antiballistic material, the anti-ballistic arrangement having at least a portion extending between the top and the base;a mobility arrangement which, in use, enables each furniture unit to be moved between at least two positions, comprising a utility position, in which each furniture unit can be used can be used in its typical furniture usage, and a defence position, in which each furniture unit can be used as a barrier; andat least one stabilisation component located near the base of the furniture unit which is movable between a furniture position in which the stabilisation component is substantially aligned with the base of the furniture unit and a stabilisation position, where the stabilisation component is in a ground engaging position extending outwardly from the base of the furniture unit.33. An anti-ballistic barrier according to claim 32 , wherein the stabilisation component can comprise a base panel or step element connected to claim 32 , and extendable from claim 32 , the base of the furniture unit.34. An anti-ballistic barrier according to claim 32 , wherein in the defence position claim 32 , each furniture ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Protective Garment Assembly

Номер: US20170006928A1
Автор: Leroy Willams
Принадлежит: Individual

A protective garment assembly for preventing a constricting snake from attacking a user includes a suit that may be worn by the user. A body portion of the suit may be worn on the user's torso. A pair of arm portions of the suit each may be positioned around an associated one of the user's arms. A plurality of leg portions of the suit each may be positioned around an associated one of the user's legs. A plurality of blades is coupled to each of the body, arm and leg portions of the suit. A constricting snake cannot constrict the user without being injured by the plurality of blades.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017360A1

A protective shield device with one or more holes including covers through which a user may use a weapon such as, but not limited to a pistol, rifle, stun gun, etc. The device may enable law enforcement or military personnel to discharge a weapon through a hole while remaining completely behind the protective shield. This may give the user total protection from enemy fire even while firing a weapon. 1. A device comprising:a shield implement, wherein said shield implement comprises a bulletproof shield configured to protect a user from enemy fire;a sight window section disposed on said shield implement;a porthole section, said porthole section is configured to accept a weapon, in which said porthole section comprising a nonabrasive inner edge configured to prevent scratching an outer finish of said weapon when said weapon is pushed through said porthole to engage in an offensive fire; anda cover component mounted to said shield implement, wherein said cover component is configured to cover said porthole section when said weapon is removed from said porthole section.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a handle portion claim 1 , wherein said handle portion is configured for carrying said shield implement.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a plate portion claim 2 , wherein said plate portion is configured to attach said handle portion to said shield implement.4. The device of claim 3 , further comprising an adjustable strap portion claim 3 , wherein said strap portion and said handle portion is configured for adjustably securing said shield implement to a user.5. The device of claim 4 , further comprising an insert tool claim 4 , wherein said insert tool is configured to fit in said porthole section claim 4 , and wherein said insert tool being configured to fit different weapons through said porthole section.6. The device of claim 1 , in which said shield implement further comprises at least a rectangular and concave shaped shield.7. The device of ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Bullet Resistant Abdominal Binder

Номер: US20150020296A1
Автор: Joel Oberle
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to abdominal binders and is particularly directed to the bullet resistant construction. Durable inner and outer semi elastic single panels will house the Spectra Shield or similar type soft armor fabric. A feature of this invention is to have the soft armour fabric run as almost as long and wide as the binder itself thus making the it bullet resistant to most handgun bullets because the Spectra Shield will be layered. An abdominal binder so formed works such that a bullet striking the binder causes the layered material to flex thereby dissipating the force of the bullet. Because Spectra Shield soft armor fabric is very lightweight and very thin, my invention will not sacrifice the desired comfort or the toning and support functions that are needed in an abdominal binder.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020679A1

A system of panels for use in assembling a radiation, microbial, acoustically, and ballistically shielded space within a building or other personal space. The panels are comprised of an ionizing radiation shielding material layer, a non-ionizing radiation shielding layer, an anti-microbial treated layer, a bulletproof layer, and an acoustical shielding layer. A method is provided for using said panels to create a radiation, microbial, acoustically, and ballistically shielded space. 1. A system for assembling a shielded space , comprising:a plurality of rigid multi-layered wall panels with a top edge, a bottom edge, a right edge and a left edge, each panel comprising a low frequency magnetic shielding layer, and an ionizing radiation shield layer;wherein the right edge and left edge of adjacent panels are adapted to connect to each other.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a non-ionizing radiation shielding layer comprised of non-woven metallized fibers; andan anti-microbial layer.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said ionizing radiation shielding layer is comprised of lead or lead amalgam.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said ionizing radiation shielding layer is comprised of polyethylene.5. The system of claim 1 , one or more of said panels further comprising an acoustical shielding layer.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the multi-layer panels are adapted to be attached to the wall of a room.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said panels is attached to the headboard of a bed.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of said panels is free-standing.98. The system of claim 1 , wherein said panels are feet in height.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the panel layers are bonded by an adhesive.11. The system of claim 5 , wherein said acoustical shielding layer is comprised of a layer of mass loaded dampening material and a layer of acoustic foam claim 5 , said acoustic foam layers being joined to said mass loaded dampening material ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method, device, and system for managing a formation of electronically-embedded intelligent shields

Номер: US20200021666A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Solutions Inc

A process for managing a formation of intelligent electronically-embedded intelligent shields includes first receiving, from a plurality of primary officer and intelligent shield pairs, first location information and pressure information measured at a pressure sensor coupled to the intelligent shield and indicative of a pressure being applied to a front and/or rear face of the intelligent shield. The received pressure information is then compared to a threshold pressure value to identify those shields exceeding the threshold. Then a particular secondary support officer is identified for aiding the particular primary officer, after which either a redeployment message is transmitted to the particular secondary support officer or an indication instruction is transmitted to the intelligent shield in the particular primary officer and intelligent shield pair.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023334A1

A full ballistic shield that can be carried by hand by an individual to protect that individual from bullets and the like in both the bottom portion of the body and the upper portion of the body, including the head and shoulders. The upper portion of the shield is a clear, unframed plastic plate that enhances the field of view of the user and provides extra protection. 1said back having fixedly attached thereto, a handle system, said handle system comprised of a singular mounting plate having mounted thereto, adjustable straps, and in addition, said mounting plate having at least one hand grip fixedly attached thereto; said outside edge being covered with a capping channel;an upper portion surmounted near said top, said upper portion being a clear ballistic window smaller than said lower portion but larger than a viewing window; said ballistic window having a ballistic protection at level NIJ IIIA.. A ballistic shield comprising an opaque lower portion having a predetermined size, said lower portion being comprised of high strength ballistic fibers having a ballistic protection of NIJ IIIA, said lower portion further comprising a back, a top, and an outside edge; This application is a U.S. utility application claiming priority from U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 62/196,632, filed Jul. 24, 2016.The present invention deals with a full ballistic shield that can be carried by hand by an individual to protect that individual from bullets and the like in both the bottom portion of the body and the upper portion of the body, including the head and shoulders. The upper portion of the shield is a clear, unframed plastic plate that enhances the field of view of the user and provides ballistic protection.Ballistic protection apparati, such as ballistic shields, are used for a variety of different applications such as, for example, military personnel can use the shield in close combat with an enemy; law enforcement personnel can also use the shields for projection ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023927A1

An Anti-Ballistic chair including a seat portion, and a first Anti-Ballistic panel removably inserted into a pocket having an opening formed within the seat portion, wherein the Anti-Ballistic panel comprises at least a first layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a first direction, and at least a second layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a second direction, different from the first direction. 1. An Anti-Ballistic chair comprising:a seat portion;a skirt portion hingedly connected to the seat portion and configured to be moved between an extended portion extending downward from the seat portion and a folded position substantially parallel to the seat portion; anda first Anti-Ballistic panel removably inserted into a pocket having an opening formed within at least one of the the seat portion, and the skirt portion,wherein the Anti-Ballistic panel comprises at least a first layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a first direction, and at least a second layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a second direction, different from the first direction.2. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 1 , wherein the seat portion comprises a frame claim 1 , wherein the first Anti-Ballistic panel comprises the frame of the seat portion claim 1 , at least the first layer of high-strength synthetic fibers wrapped around the frame in the first direction claim 1 , and at least the second layer of high-strength synthetic fibers wrapped around the frame in the second direction claim 1 , different from the first direction.3. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 2 , further comprising a second Anti-Ballistic panel disposed within the skirt portion.4. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 3 , wherein the skirt portion comprises a skirt frame claim 3 , wherein the second Anti- ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Collapsible Rolling Ballistic Bunker and Methods of Deployment and Use

Номер: US20200025525A1
Автор: Spransy Peter J.

A mobile ballistic bunker has a deployment mode and a storage mode. The ballistic bunker has a base frame for holding ballistic panels in an upright disposition for deployment and a horizontal disposition for storage. The ballistic bunker may have wing panels attached that move between a retracted position and an extended position. At least one of the ballistic panels may be a vision panel having a window made of a ballistic glass or other see-through ballistic material. The frame is supported by wheels that permit movement of the bunker over rough terrain. The wheels can be retractable to enhance the low-profile and/or small footprint of the bunker for storage. 1. A mobile ballistic bunker comprising:a base frame supported by a movement assembly;a plurality of ballistic panels connectable together to form a full-body shield, at least one of the ballistic panels being an uppermost panel that is detachable from the full-body shield, adjacent ballistic panels overlap to maintain ballistic integrity at a joint between adjacent ballistic panels; anda hinge disposed between and connects an adjacent pair of the ballistic panels, the hinge permits the adjacent pair of ballistic panels to rotate to fold flat against each other, the folded flat ballistic panels being rotatable between an upright disposition for deployment and a horizontal disposition for storage.2. The mobile ballistic bunker of wherein the movement assembly comprises wheels.3. The mobile ballistic bunker of wherein the base frame further comprises a connection latch and a wheel lock/release pin claim 2 , the wheel lock/release pin engages the connection latch facilitating the folding for storage and unfolding for deployment of the wheels.4. The mobile ballistic bunker of wherein the plurality of ballistic panels comprise the uppermost panel claim 1 , a middle panel claim 1 , and a lowermost panel.5. The mobile ballistic bunker of wherein the hinge is disposed between and connects the middle panel to the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150033990A1
Автор: YEAGER John Francis

A protective student desk may include a set of base elements, a set of legs attached to the set of base elements, a desktop pivotably attached to the set of legs, and a panel connected to the set of base elements and attached to the set of legs. The protective student desk may provide a full body protective shield and be bullet resistant. 1. A protective student desk comprising:a set of base elements having a bottom side and a top side;a set of legs having a front side, wherein the set of legs attach to the top side of the set of base elements;a desktop having a first end, pivotably attached to the set of legs; anda panel having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the panel connects to the set of base elements, wherein the panel attaches to the front side of the set of legs.2. The protective student desk of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of feet attached to the bottom side of the set of base elements.3. The protective student desk of claim 1 , wherein a notched section runs along the first end of the desktop.4. The protective student desk of claim 1 , further comprising a set of cutouts on the first end of the panel.5. The protective student desk of claim 1 , wherein a notched section runs along the second end of the panel.6. The protective student desk of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of wheels attached to the bottom side of the set of base elements.7. The protective student desk of claim 1 , wherein the material is bullet resistant.8. A protective student desk comprising:a set of base elements having a bottom side and a top side;a set of legs having a front side, wherein the set of legs attach to the top side of the set of base elements;a desktop having a first end, pivotably attached to the set of legs, wherein a notched section runs along the first end of the desktop; anda panel having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the panel connects to the set of base elements, wherein the panel attaches to the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033042A1
Автор: Trott Gary R.

Vehicle window security shield assemblies and related methods of use and/or installation. In some embodiments, an insert-shield assembly may comprise an insert-shield with or without a separate inner shield, one or both of which may comprise a ballistic-rated, transparent material. The assembly may be mounted in and/or to one or more existing windows or other openings of a vehicle. In some embodiments, an inner shield of the shield assembly may be removeable from the assembly. In some embodiments, the entire assembly or a portion thereof may be removed to allow an officer or other user to use the removed portion as a portable shield. The removed portion may be returned to the vehicle following use to enhance the protection of the vehicle. 2. The insert-shield assembly of wherein the insert-shield comprises ballistic-resistant material providing a level of ballistic protection of at least UL Level 1.3. The insert-shield assembly of wherein the main body may vary in thickness in pre-determined regions by use of one or more additional sheets of ballistic material coupled to the main body.4. The insert-shield assembly of wherein the insert-shield comprises ballistic-resistant material comprised of an acrylic claim 1 , glass claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , or polycarbonate material claim 1 , or combinations thereof.5. The insert-shield assembly of wherein the insert-shield comprises an opening that is covered by one or more pieces of ballistic-resistant material claim 1 , each of which may be immovably affixed to the insert-shield or slidable relative to the insert-shield.6. The insert-shield of wherein the slidable piece of ballistic-resistant material that covers the opening is coupled by one or more rails mechanically affixed to the insert-shield.7. The insert-shield assembly of wherein the fastener secures the upper flange to the upper portion of the door window frame in a manner that allows the insert-shield assembly to be quickly removed by the user or that permanently ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Composite fabric assembly

Номер: US20160040964A1
Автор: Lazarowich Linda

A composite fabric assemble having at least one layer of base fabric, to be worn adjacent to a user; is connected to a first layer of ballistic fabric which has portions thereof cut at least partially into strips of material. A second layer of ballistic fabric is connected to the first layer of ballistic fabric, and is punched at least partially therethrough to form at least one design or shape thereon, to improve the flexibility of the fabric assembly. Either the first layer of ballistic fabric or the second layer of ballistic fabric can be adjacently connected to and overlapping the base fabric, whereby the base fabric is covered. 1. A composite fabric assembly comprising:a) at least one layer of base fabric, the at least one layer of base fabric being constructed and arranged to be worn adjacent to a user;b) at least a first layer of ballistic fabric having portions thereof cut at least partially into strips of material;c) at least a second layer of ballistic fabric connected to the at least a first layer of ballistic fabric, and punched at least partially therethrough to form at least one design or shape thereon; andwherein either of the at least a first layer of ballistic fabric or the at least a second layer of ballistic fabric are adjacently connected to and overlapping the at least a first layer of base fabric, whereby the at least one layer of base fabric is covered.2. The composite fabric assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base fabric is selected from the group consisting of a ballistic grade fabric claim 1 , a fabric that is a woven fabric claim 1 , a non-woven fabric claim 1 , a dimensionally stable fabric claim 1 , a high density fabric and a high tensile strength fabric.3. The composite fabric assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least a first layer of ballistic fabric or the at least a second layer of ballistic fabric is connected to and overlaps the at least one layer of base fabric in an offset manner.4. The composite fabric assembly of claim 1 , ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038001A1

A support structure for a shield has a frame adapted for connection to a wearer, the frame having an elongated first portion defining a frame axis and adapted for positioning adjacent to the spine of the wearer, the frame having an upper end, a boom connected to the upper end of the frame and having a first boom portion extending away from the frame, and a second boom portion angled with respect to the first boom portion and extending away from the frame axis, the boom having a free end, a cable reel mechanism connected to the frame, a cable having a first end connected to the cable reel mechanism and a free end extending from the free end of the boom and adapted to connect to the shield, and the cable reel mechanism including a biasing facility to exert tension on the cable to provide support for the shield. 1. A support structure for a protective shield comprising:a frame adapted for connection to a wearer;the frame having an elongated first portion defining a frame axis and adapted for positioning adjacent to the spine of the wearer;the frame having an upper end;a boom connected to the upper end of the frame and having a first boom portion extending away from the frame, and a second boom portion angled with respect to the first boom portion and extending away from the frame axis;the boom having a free end;a cable reel mechanism connected to the frame;a cable having a first end connected to the cable reel mechanism and a free end extending from the free end of the boom and adapted to connect to the shield; andthe cable reel mechanism including a biasing facility to exert tension on the cable, such that tension on the cable provides support for the shield.2. The support structure of wherein the free end of the boom includes a cable support element claim 1 , and wherein the free end of the cable extends from the cable support element to the shield and remains spaced apart from the boom.3. The support structure of wherein the free end of the boom defines an exit ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038179A1
Автор: Martin Alejandro

The invention features a support system which can be attached to a ballistic shield. The system features at least one telescoping or retractable leg which is mounted to the shield to create a standalone shield. The shield is positioned between plates which receive pins that hold the shield in position in the system. The system features a resting platform which provides an area for resting a gun or rifle, for example. A bullet proof screen extends from the bottom area of the shield towards the base of the system and provides additional security to the user when the shield is in the system. 1. A ballistic shield support system , comprising:a ballistic shield comprising a first major surface, a second major surface disposed opposite from the first major surface, a top edge, a bottom edge, a left edge on the left side of the second major surface, and a right edge on the right side of the second major surface;a clamp rigidly coupled to a central portion of the bottom edge of the ballistic shield;a vertical sleeve rigidly coupled at a first position to the clamp, and rigidly coupled at a second position to the ballistic shield, the vertical sleeve having a vertical major axis when coupled to the ballistic shield;a support leg retractably coupled to the vertical sleeve, the support leg sliding between a retracted position and an extended position, along a direction parallel to the vertical major axis of the sleeve; anda base coupled to a lower end of the support leg.2. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , wherein the clamp comprises:an indentation to receive the bottom edge of the ballistic shield;a clamp surface along a vertical side of the indentation to receive a major surface of the ballistic shield; andan adjustment mechanism to press the ballistic shield against the clamp surface.3. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , wherein the support leg telescopically moves within the vertical sleeve.4. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

A Sensorially Attractive Puncture-Resistant Panel

Номер: US20190041169A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a first aspect, the invention provides a sensorially attractive puncture-resistant panel having a first surface and a second surface, wherein at least one of the first surface and the second surface is sensorially attractive. In some embodiments, the panel comprises, consists, or consists essentially of a first layer having a first surface and a second surface, wherein at least one of the first surface and the second surface is sensorially attractive, and a second layer that is puncture-resistant and comprises, consists, or consists essentially of a puncture-resistant material. In some embodiments, the panel is sensorially attractive to a child.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041231A1
Автор: LIU Tak Nam

The present application provides a full-coverage bulletproof backpack, which comprises: a backpack body, a double-shoulder strap, a first sandwich, and a second sandwich, wherein the double-shoulder strap is fixedly provided on the back side of the backpack body, and the first sandwich and the second sandwich are provided in the backpack body, wherein the first sandwich is fixedly provided with a first bulletproof part, and the second sandwich is provided with a second bulletproof part, the second sandwich is provided with a pulling structure, the upper side of the double-shoulder strap is provided with an upper fixing part, and the lower side thereof is provided with a lower fixing part. 1. A full-coverage bulletproof backpack comprising: a backpack body , a double-shoulder strap , a first sandwich , and a second sandwich ,wherein the double-shoulder strap is fixedly provided on the back side of the backpack body, and the first sandwich and the second sandwich are provided in the backpack body, wherein the first sandwich is fixedly provided with a first bulletproof part therein, and the second sandwich is provided with a second bulletproof part therein, the second sandwich is provided with a pulling structure, the upper side of the double-shoulder strap is provided with an upper fixing part, and the lower side thereof is provided with a lower fixing part, and the second bulletproof part comprises a bulletproof plate composed of a plurality of layers of bulletproof fiber cloths, a pull-up strap and a pull-down strap, wherein the pull-up strap is provided with an upper buckle that is clamped and fixed onto the upper fixing part, and the pull-down strap is provided with a lower buckle that is clamped and fixed to the lower fixing part.2. The bulletproof backpack of claim 1 , wherein each layer of the plurality of layers of bulletproof fiber cloths consists of a plurality of diamond-shaped reinforcing units claim 1 , and an included angle is formed between two ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Detachable Ballistic Shield

Номер: US20200041232A1
Автор: Feirrell Charles R.

A removable ballistic desk top is mated to a desk frame and can be removed in the event of an active shooter situation. The desk top has a top layer, a fabric layer, and a bottom layer. The fabric layer is a woven mesh and is bonded between the top and bottom layer. The desk top has a beveled edge that provides additional deflection of any projectiles when the beveled edge is placed near the floor. The desk top further includes handles and releasable latches for easy removal and installation to the desk frame. 1. A quick release ballistic shield for being removably attached to a desk , said desk having a frame , said shield comprising:a laminated ballistic structure having a top surface and an oppositely located bottom surface, said ballistic structure formed from a plurality of bonded layers located between said top and bottom surfaces, a first said bonded layer having a first thickness and formed from transparent ballistic polycarbonate, a second said bonded layer adhered to said first layer and having a second thickness and formed from woven aramid fibers, a third said bonded layer adhered to said second bonded layer and having a third thickness and formed from ballistic polycarbonate;said laminated ballistic structure having an angled leading edge for contacting a floor when said ballistic shield is removed from said desk;a one-sided hook affixed to said bottom surface adjacent said angled leading edge and having an open side facing said angled leading edge, said one-sided hook for engaging said frame; anda quick release affixed to said bottom surface, said quick release having curved portions to releasably affix said laminated ballistic structure to said frame, said curved portions partially surrounding said frame when said quick release is affixed to said frame.2. The removable ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising a flexible strap affixed to said bottom surface.3. The removable ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising handles affixed to ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150047940A1

A shielded briefcase for personal protection is presented. The shielded briefcase includes a folding panel with four folding sections that fold to form the briefcase, with each of the sections further including flexible shielded panels. The shielded briefcase may also include securing handles and an opening lock. In the event of an attack, the opening lock may be released and the flexible shielded panels may unfold to provide a user with protection. 12312456. Shielded briefcase for personal protection characterized in that it comprises a fording panel with four folding sections () so that they are folded with each other by folding Lines () to form a pouch which configures a briefcase (), each of the protection panels () comprises flexible shielded panels () forming a layer of protection against ballistic attacks, where the briefcase bag comprises securing handles () and in the middle there is provided a single opening lock (). This relates to a shielded briefcase for personal protection built in with a level of antiballistic protection. Particularly, it comprises a folding panel which contains four folding sections forming a bag which configures a briefcase. Each of the protection panels comprises in its turn flexible shielded panels that form a layer of protection against ballistic attacks. The body of the briefcase comprises securing handles and in the middle a simple opening lock, so that during the attack, said lock is released and protection panels are unfolded leaning on the body. The purpose of the invention is defined as a ballistic shield for the protection against weapon attacks.The field of the invention relates to a shielded briefcase for personal protection built in with a level of antiballistic protection. More particularly the field of the invention relates to a safety device usable as ballistic shield for the protection against weapon attacks.Specially, the present invention comprises a four-section folded panel so that they are folded together to ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Patrol Vehicle and Personal Protection System

Номер: US20180045490A1
Автор: Alder Sandra, Klingman Joe

A patrol vehicle protection system with a quick release bullet resistant transparent panel and door panel covering system that requires no permanent modifications to the patrol vehicle, offers head impact safety protection, and ventilation. The system includes a bullet resistant transparent panel that temporarily attaches to a door window opening mounting mechanism attached to the vehicle door. The mounting mechanism includes z-shaped upper and lower brackets designed to fit into the upper and lower slots formed around the window opening. An adjustment plate or brace holds the brackets in place in the slots. The transparent panel is securely held between the two brackets during normal use but automatically releases outward in a side impact collision. The system also includes a ballistic fabric panel that hangs from the lower bracket over the inside surface of the door panel to protect the driver's legs and lower torso of the driver sitting in the patrol vehicle. 1. A patrol vehicle protection system , comprising:a. a mounting mechanism that selectively holds a transparent panel to cover a door window opening on a patrol vehicle, said mounting mechanism includes an upper bracket, a lower bracket, and a brace extending between said upper bracket and said lower bracket, said upper bracket configured to be inserted into an upper window track formed around said door window opening, said lower bracket configured to be inserted into a lower window track around said door window opening;b. a transparent panel configured to fit inside said door window opening and supported by said upper bracket and said lower bracket when installed in said door window opening, said transparent panel made of ballistic-rated material and has a shape and thickness that prevent a ballistic object from penetrating said door window opening; and,c. connecting elements disposed between said upper bracket and said transparent panel and between said lower bracket and said transparent panel, said ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065589A1

Disclosed are a method and/or a system of forming a body shield for providing protection against a sharp object penetration and/or a physical attack. The body shield includes a cavity formed in an interior portion of the body shield in which items can be stored. In addition, the body shield includes a plurality of horizontal straps affixed on a back side of the body shield. The plurality of horizontal straps is configured to enable a user of the body shield, to maneuver the body shield on a human arm, to shield against the physical attack. 1. A body shield , comprising:a cavity formed in an interior portion of the body shield in which items can be stored; anda plurality of horizontal straps affixed on a back side of the body shield configured to enable a user of the body shield to maneuver the body shield on a human arm, to shield against a physical attack.2. The body shield of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of horizontal straps includes:an upper strap anchored at a top end of the back side, of the body shield that can optionally connect with a hand grip on an upper top of the body shield through a fastener,a middle strap to enable the user to securely hold the body shield in a middle of a forearm of the user, anda lower strap to comfortably affix near an elbow of the user to provide secure rotation of the body shield while minimizing the chance of the body shield falling off from the human arm of the user.3. The body shield of claim 1 , further comprising: 'wherein the pair of vertical straps is detachably affixed at the back side of the body shield using at least one of a hook and loop fastener, a button fastener, a buckle fastener, and an interlocking clasp fastener.', 'a pair of vertical straps affixed at the back side of the body shield to enable the user to carry the body shield and the items stored in the cavity on a human back,'}4. The body shield of claim 1 , further comprising: 'wherein the front side of the body shield is configured to enable the user to ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180049554A1
Автор: Igbinevbo Thomas

An armored chair for use in repelling projectiles and offering protection against physical attacks, comprising: a base member; a seat member; and a backrest member. The base member is adapted to be placed upon a supporting surface. The seat member is attached to the base portion and is adapted to support a person sitting thereon. The backrest member includes at least one panel and at least one strap member. The at least one panel is formed from a bullet-resistant material. The at least one strap member is attached to the at least one panel and adapted to be used to hold the at least one panel. The backrest member is releasably attached to the seat member and is adapted to be removed and used as a protective shield by a person upon any attack. 1. An armored chair for use in repelling projectiles and offering protection against physical attacks , comprising: 'wherein said base member is adapted to be placed upon a supporting surface;', 'a base member;'} 'wherein said seat member is attached to said base portion and is adapted to support a person sitting thereon; and', 'a seat member;'} [ 'wherein said at least one panel is formed from a bullet-resistant material;', 'at least one panel;'}, 'wherein said at least one strap member is attached to said at', 'at least one strap member;'}, 'wherein said backrest member is releasably attached to said seat member and is adapted to be removed and used as a protective shield by a person upon any attack.', 'least one panel and adapted to be used to hold said at least one panel;'}], 'a backrest member comprising2. The armored chair of claim 1 , wherein said backrest member comprises two panels slidably connected to one another and adapted to be extended with respect to one another to expand a protective surface area of said protective shield.3. The armored chair of claim 1 , wherein said backrest member comprises two strap members connected to opposite sides of said at least one panel and are adapted to be used to hold said at ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Protective Collapsible Shield

Номер: US20160054101A1
Автор: Rashad Michael Blake

A protective collapsible shield is provided. The protective collapsible shield may include a first panel, a second panel and a third panel. The first and second panels each have a rectangular protrusion or lip extending from a bottom edge. The third panel includes slots for housing the first panel and the second panel. The third panel further includes snapping straps for securing the first and second panels in the slots when the protective collapsible shield is in a retracted state. The third panel further includes multiple locking mechanisms. Each of the locking mechanisms includes a cylindrical rod, a handle fastened to the cylindrical rod and a housing for receiving the cylindrical rod. The locking mechanisms engage with the first and second rectangular protrusions to secure the first and second panels in the slots when the protective collapsible shield is in an extended state. 1. A protective collapsible shield , comprising:a first panel comprising a first rectangular protrusion extending from a bottom edge of the first panel;a second panel comprising a second rectangular protrusion extending from a bottom edge of the second panel; and a plurality of slots for housing the first panel and the second panel;', 'a plurality of snapping straps for securing the first panel and the second panel in the plurality of slots when the protective collapsible shield is in a retracted state; and', a cylindrical rod;', 'a handle fastened to the cylindrical rod; and', 'a housing for receiving the cylindrical rod;, 'a plurality of locking mechanisms, each of the plurality of locking mechanisms comprising], 'a third panel comprisingwherein the plurality of locking mechanisms engages with the first and second rectangular protrusions to secure the first and second panels in the plurality of slots when the protective collapsible shield is in an extended state.2. The protective collapsible shield of claim 1 , wherein a first one of the plurality of slots is positioned in front of a ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Shield and Method of Use Thereof

Номер: US20210054609A1
Автор: Dick Linda, Dick William
Принадлежит: L&B Splash Blocker, LLC

A shield apparatus for protecting a person from exposure to a waste material. The shield apparatus includes a body portion and a lip portion. The body portion has a front side and a back side, and is defined by a curved top edge opposite a straight bottom edge, and a straight left edge and a straight right edge joining the curved top edge and the straight bottom edge. The lip portion has a top side and a back side and is defined by a straight front edge opposite a straight back edge, and a straight left edge and a straight right edge joining the straight front edge and the straight back edge. The shield apparatus also includes a handle attached to the front side of the body portion. 1. An apparatus for protecting a health care professional from exposure to a waste material , the apparatus comprising:a body portion defined by a curved top edge opposite a straight bottom edge, and a straight left edge and a straight right edge joining the curved top edge and the straight bottom edge, the body portion having a front side and a back side;a lip portion defined by a straight front edge opposite a straight back edge, and a straight left edge and a straight right edge joining the straight front edge and the straight back edge, the lip portion having a top side and a bottom side, the front edge of the lip portion joined to the bottom edge of the body portion; anda handle attached to the front side of the body portion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lip portion is joined to the body portion at an angle of less than 90 degrees.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the right edge of the body portion is joined to the bottom edge of the body portion at a first angle of greater than 90 degrees and the left edge of the body portion is joined to the bottom edge of the body portion at a second angle of greater than 90 degrees.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first angle is equal to the second5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the right edge of the lip portion is ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170052001A1

A detachable shield for tactical equipment box has a rectangular form, an outer surface and an opposite inner surface, a long first edge and a second edge, at least two hinges upon the first edge that cooperate with second hinges mounted to a box, a second lock component that cooperates with a prime lock component mounted to a box opposite the second hinges, and a handle joined to the inner surface. The first hinges, handle, and second lock component join to the shield without fracturing it. The first hinges separate from the second hinges so that a law enforcement officer can take the shield from the box for use as protection from projectiles. In an alternate embodiment, the shield pivotally connects to a top plate upon the box with lips that overlap the front and sides in a return. 1. A container for weapons and police equipment comprising:a box having a front, a mutually parallel and spaced apart back, two sides mutually parallel and spaced apart sides, a bottom, a top plate opposite said bottom and proximate said back, said sides being perpendicular to said front;a lid of ballistic material pivoting upon said top plate, said lid having a closed position upon said front and said sides wherein said lid is coplanar with said top plate, an open position spaced above said front and said sides wherein said lid attains an angle to said bottom, and a detached position wherein said lid separates from said box for independent usage by a user;said lid having a perimeter and a lip hanging beneath said perimeter;wherein said lid cooperates with said box to present an ordinary appearance to avoid alerting another to its contents; and,wherein said lid serves as a bulletproof shield for a user.2. The container for weapons and police equipment of further comprising:said lip having a first lip, a spaced apart second lip, a third lip and a mutually parallel and spaced apart fourth lip, said third lip and said fourth lip being perpendicular to said first lip;said lip being in said ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Multiple Plate Ballistic Shield With Ballistic Layering

Номер: US20180058819A1

A ballistic shield may include multiple ballistic plates. The first plate may be smaller contain a handle and viewport and be able to connect to a second plate. The second plate shall be able to connect to the first plate and when combined, can create a larger shield using only the handle and viewport of the first plate. Other plates may be connected to the second plate to increase the ballistic coverage required. A rotating plate can be connected with a hinge and spacer. When dropped the rotating plate would enable extended coverage. When the rotating plate is rotated upward, an additional layer of ballistic coverage is provided. 1. A ballistic shield comprising of:a first ballistic plate incorporating ballistic material with a handlea means to connect the first ballistic plate to other ballistic platesa second ballistic plate incorporating ballistic material with a means to connect to the first ballistic platethe secondary ballistic plate having a symmetrical geometry and weight distribution such that the resultant of rotational forces exerted on the handle of the first ballistic by the second ballistic plate is zero.2. When the first ballistic plate of is connected to the second ballistic plate of , no gap exists between the plates for projectiles to pass through.3. A third ballistic plate incorporating ballistic material may be attached to the secondary ballistic plate of to expand ballistic coverage.4. A rotating ballistic plate incorporating ballistic material may be attached to any existing ballistic plate when offset by a spacer and a hingeone side of the spacer is connected to an existing ballistic plateone leaf of the hinge is connected to the side of the spacer which is not connected to an existing ballistic platethe spacer must be wide enough such that the rotating plate does not collide with the ballistic plate attached to the spacer during rotationthe other leaf of the hinge is connected to the rotating ballistic platewhen the leafs of the hinge are ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Weapon Reloading System

Номер: US20210063119A1
Автор: Spychalski Daniel

A magazine mount includes a mechanism to releasably hold a weapon magazine in a substantially upright orientation, wherein the mechanism to releasably hold the magazine includes a rectangular housing having an open top and sidewalls, and an axle pin that is fit through a spool, allowing the spool to freely rotate on the axle pin, the axle pin is fit at opposite ends into longitudinal slots through each respective sidewall of the housing. At least one spring backed up by a portion of the housing, exerts a resilient force on the axle pin, urging the axle pin and the spool forwardly in the housing to press on a back end of a weapon magazine held in the housing. The housing has a retainer at a forward end having an underlying clearance to receive a forward side lip of a weapon magazine. 1. A magazine mount , comprising:a mechanism to releasably hold a weapon magazine in a substantially upright orientation, wherein the mechanism to releasably hold the magazine comprises:a rectangular housing having an open top and sidewalls;an axle pin that is fit through a spool, allowing the spool to freely rotate on the axle pin, the axle pin is fit at opposite ends into longitudinal slots through each respective sidewall of the housing;at least one spring backed up by a portion of the housing, the spring exerting a resilient force on the axle pin, urging the axle pin and the spool forwardly in the housing to press on a back end of a weapon magazine held in the housing;the housing having a retainer at a forward end having an underlying clearance to receive a forward side lip of a weapon magazine.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one spring comprises two springs extending into the longitudinal slots respectively claim 1 , the springs backed up by wall portions of the sidewalls.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the retainer comprises blocks or pins at a forward end at the corners claim 2 , each having an underlying clearance to receive the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Modular, Collapsible, and Portable Ballistic Shield System

Номер: US20200064106A1

A collapsible ballistic shield which provides a degree of protection against ballistic threats. The shield includes a head plate, an upper torso plate, a lower torso plate, an upper lock-and-release hinge joint, a lower lock-and-release hinge joint, a primary handle, and a strap-mounting fastener. The head plate is positioned opposite to the lower torso plate, across the upper torso plate to outline a shape of a body. The head plate is pivotably attached to the upper torso plate by the upper lock-and-release hinge joint. The lower torso plate is pivotably attached to the upper torso plate by the lower lock-and-release hinge joint. Resultantly, the shield may be collapsed, expanded, and broken down. The primary handle provides a grasping point and is mounted to a rear surface of the upper torso plate. The strap-mounting fastener allows the user to attach the shield to external structures. 1. A modular , collapsible , and portable ballistic shield system comprises:a head plate;an upper torso plate;a lower torso plate;a primary handle;a strap-mounting fastener;the head plate being laterally mounted onto the upper torso plate;the lower torso plate being laterally mounted onto the upper torso plate;the head plate, the upper torso plate, and the lower torso plate being oriented parallel to each other;the head plate and the lower torso plate being positioned opposite to each other across the upper torso plate;the primary handle being mounted to a rear surface of the upper torso plate;the primary handle being positioned offset from the head plate;the strap-mounting fastener being centrally positioned to a top edge of the upper torso plate; andthe strap-mounting fastener being tethered to the rear surface of the upper torso plate, adjacent to the head plate.2. The modular claim 1 , collapsible claim 1 , and portable ballistic shield system as claimed in comprises:an upper joint plate;the upper joint plate being positioned parallel to the upper torso plate, adjacent to the ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073841A1

A ballistic barrier formed of adjoining panels. The panels are made of a bullet resistant material capable of absorbing an impact from a firearm. Each of the panels include a top edge, a bottom edge opposite the top edge, a first side edge, a second side edge opposite the first side edge, a front surface, and a rear surface opposite the front surface. The plurality of panels may include at least a first panel and a second panel. At least one male hinge portion is coupled to the first panel at the first side edge and at least one female hinge portion is coupled to the second panel at the second side edge. The male hinge portion is releasably secured to the female hinge portion pivotably connecting the first panel to the second panel and forming the ballistic barrier. 1. A ballistic barrier comprising: a top edge;', 'a bottom edge opposite the top edge;', 'a first side edge;', 'a second side edge opposite the first side edge;', 'a front surface; and', 'a rear surface opposite the front surface, wherein, 'a plurality of panels made of a bullet resistant material capable of absorbing an impact from a firearm, wherein each of the plurality of panels comprisesthe plurality of panels comprise at least a first panel and a second panel,at least one male hinge portion is coupled to the first panel at the first side edge and at least one female hinge portion is coupled to the second panel at the second side edge, andthe first male hinge portion is releasably secured to the first female hinge portion pivotably connecting the first panel to the second panel.2. The ballistic barrier of claim 1 , wherein the front surface and the rear surface are each substantially planar.3. The ballistic barrier of claim 1 , wherein the bullet resistant material is polyethylene claim 1 , aramid claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , metal claim 1 , ceramic or a combination thereof.4. The ballistic barrier of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of panels comprise at least one connector panel and a plurality of ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Human interface device for exoskeleton apparatus

Номер: US20210077336A1
Принадлежит: US BIONICS Inc

A human interface device is configured to be coupled to a trunk of a person and comprises a frame, a fabric coupled to said frame configurable to be under tensile forces, and a belt configured to be coupled to two side edges of said frame wherein when said belt is worn by said person, an area of said fabric will be pushed against the person's lower back conforming to the shape of the lower back of said person. In operation when said human interface device is worn by said person, the weight of any load coupled to or supported by said frame will be partially supported by the friction force between the area of said fabric which is pushed against the person's lower back, and the person's lower back allowing said person to carry said load.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220095771A1
Автор: LEE Hsing Hsun

An intelligent protective pack includes: a protective bag body having a front surface and a back surface, wherein the front surface is provided with a pressure signal impact region, and the back surface is provided with a first grip and a second grip; and a distress signal transmitting unit including a first pressure sensor, a second pressure sensor and a third pressure sensor, wherein the first pressure sensor and the second pressure sensor are respectively disposed in the first grip and the second grip, and the third pressure sensor is disposed in the pressure signal impact region. The intelligent protective pack has a backpack function, a body protection function, and a function of sending out an emergency call for help. 1. An intelligent protective pack , comprising:a protective bag body having a front surface and a back surface, wherein the front surface is provided with a pressure signal impact region, and the back surface is provided with a first grip and a second grip; anda distress signal transmitting unit, comprising a first pressure sensor, a second pressure sensor and a third pressure sensor, wherein the first pressure sensor and the second pressure sensor are respectively disposed in the first grip and the second grip, and the third pressure sensor is disposed in the pressure signal impact region.2. The intelligent protective pack according to claim 1 , wherein the distress signal transmitting unit further comprises: a receiver electrically connected to the first pressure sensor claim 1 , the second pressure sensor and the third pressure sensor and used for receiving pressure signals from the first pressure sensor claim 1 , the second pressure sensor and the third pressure sensor; a transmitter used for transmitting a distress signal; and a microprocessor electrically connected to the receiver and the transmitter claim 1 , and used for determining whether to transmit the distress signal according to the pressure signals from the first pressure sensor ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140165270A1

A system, method, and blocking pad for receiving strikes from a special individual. The blocking pad includes a pad configured to receive the blows from the special individual. The blocking pad further includes a number of handles connected to a back of the pad. The number of handles include at least two handles in a middle portion of the back of the pad and at least a handle at ends of the pad. 1. A blocking pad for receiving strikes from a special individual , comprising:a pad configured to receive the strikes from the special individual;a plurality of handles connected to a back of the pad, wherein the plurality of handles include at least two handles in a middle portion of the back of the pad and at least a handle at ends of the pad.2. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad is colored blue or green to help pacify the special individual.3. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad is octagonally shaped claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of handles are positioned at the ends and sides of the pad.4. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad is inwardly concave.5. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad includes a logo or markings for directing strikes from the special individual.6. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , further comprising:a support attached to the back of the pad, wherein the plurality of handles extend from the support.7. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of handles are embedded within the pad.8. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of handles are adjustable and extend from the back of the pad.9. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad includes a removable cover.10. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad includes a plurality of segments separated by hinges that allow the pad to be folded up.11. The blocking pad according to claim 1 , wherein the pad includes a removable cover.12. The blocking pad ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136805A1
Автор: McMurray William B.

A ballistic panel and a ballistic panel assembly that absorb and stops high velocity projectiles is provided. The ballistic panel includes a first layer assembly with a first plurality of weave mesh layers, a second layer assembly with a second plurality of weave mesh layers, and a third solid layer sandwiched between the first layer assembly and the second layer assembly. The ballistic panel assembly can include a releasably attachable GPS tracking chip, an alert signaling device, and/or an outer electromagnetic shield.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Display System

Номер: US20210092335A1
Автор: CRAMER Guy
Принадлежит: Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation

The present invention relates to display systems that use materials made from various arrangements of lenses and other optical materials. Careful design and use of these materials can be used to achieve display systems with many desirable visual effects having applicability in image and video displays, virtual reality, immersive environments, as well as in architecture, art, entertainment, and interactive systems. 1. A display system comprising:a first lens sheet having a first polarity for receiving an image from a first projector;a second lens sheet having a second polarity proximate the first lens sheet;wherein the first polarity is opposite the second polarity and, upon the first projector projecting a first image through the first lens sheet onto the second lens sheet, the first image is visible on the second lens sheet but not on the first lens sheet.2. The display system of claim 1 , wherein the first lens sheet is smaller than the second lens sheet.3. The display system of claim 2 , wherein the first lens sheet is closer to the first projector than to the second lens sheet.4. The display system of claim 3 , wherein the first projector comprises a projector lens and the first lens sheet is formed over the projector lens.5. The display system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second projector connected to a second image source, the second projector proximate the second lens sheet, wherein the second projector projects a second image in an opposite direction onto the first lens sheet through the second lens sheet,wherein the second image is visible on the first lens sheet but not on the second lens sheet.6. The display system of claim 1 , further comprising a mirror disposed proximate the first lens sheet and the second lens sheet claim 1 , wherein the first image projected by the first projector passes through the first sheet claim 1 , reflects off the mirror and is displayed on the second sheet.7. The display system of claim 5 , further comprising a mirror ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Weapon Reloading System

Номер: US20200088499A1
Автор: Spychalski Daniel

A combination ballistic shield and weapon is configured to carry a reload magazine in a fixed position to reload the weapon after the active magazine has been spent and ejected. The combination provides a weapon gun rest on the shield and a guide directing a controlled movement of the weapon from a deployed, shooting-ready, position to a reload position where the magazine can be engaged by the weapon to reload the weapon by engaging the magazine into a magazine well of the weapon. The shield holds the reload magazine in a mount, the magazine in a generally upright position, enabling the weapon user to perform a weapon reload in a manner without the need for the user to grasp onto the magazine to be loaded. After engagement of the reload magazine into the weapon, a specific motion, such as a pivot motion of the weapon, releases the magazine from the base mount and activates the bolt release of the weapon to load a round into the chamber. 1. An apparatus comprising:a ballistic shield;a gun rest on the ballistic shield;a magazine mount carried by the ballistic shield along an edge of the shield and at an elevation below the gun rest when the ballistic shield is held upright;the magazine mount having a mechanism to releasably hold the magazine in a substantially upright orientation;a guide located above the magazine mount and laterally adjacent the gun rest, the guide locating the magazine well in alignment with the magazine held in the mount to permit an empty weapon reload without holding or controlling said magazine or ammunition holder.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising an automatic mechanism for moving the weapon from a deployed position to a reload position wherein the magazine well engages the magazine held on the magazine mount.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the guide includes a sloping surface and a backstop guide surface claim 1 , both surfaces arranged to guide movement of the magazine well of a weapon from the ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093990A1

The existing personal bulletproof equipment has the disadvantages such as a simple structure, insufficient folding and lack of an automatic opening function, and is thus not suitable for one-handed operations in a narrow and small space inside a vehicle. A foldable bulletproof shield disclosed in the present invention comprises a shield plate, a handle, an unfolding power device and an unfolding control device. The folding of the shield plate is realized by means of its own deformation. The unfolding power device is an elastic force device or an elastic structure provided in the foldable shield plate. The unfolding control device is composed of a button, a buckle, a strap, etc. and is integrated with the handle, such that a user enables the bulletproof shield to rapidly switch from a folded state to an unfolded state with one-handed operations. 1. A bulletproof shield , comprising a foldable shield plate , a handle , an unfolding power device and an unfolding control device , wherein the shield plate is a plate-like body made of a continuous bulletproof material capable of preventing passage of a ballistic object , and is capable of switching between a folded state and an unfolded state by means of self-deformation; the unfolding power device stores the energy required to enable the shield plate to rapidly switch from the folded state to the unfolded state , and maintains the unfolded shield plate in a desired shape; the handle is connected to the shield plate at an appropriate position for easy grip; and the unfolding control device is capable of maintaining the shield in the folded state and enabling the bulletproof shield to rapidly switch from the folded state to the unfolded state under operation of a user.2. The bulletproof shield of claim 1 , characterized in that the folding of the shield plate is achieved by bending claim 1 , curling or a combination thereof claim 1 , wherein the bending means a plate-like structure being alternately folded into an ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Metallic Ballistic Shield

Номер: US20190093991A1
Автор: Cryer Brett

A hand-carried ballistic shield for use by civilians and law enforcement is disclosed, comprising a ballistic metal sheet, one or more handles or attached accessories, and a bolt buffer element between the ballistic sheet and the handles or accessories. The sheet may be further faced with ceramic or hardened steel in order to improve ballistic performance against hardened core or higher velocity bullets. As a preferred method of manufacture, any holes in the ballistic metal sheet are made solely through mechanical means such as drilling or punching. 14. A hand-carried ballistic shield wherein the ballistic resistance is provided by a sheet of metal capable of withstanding , without any penetration of bullet material , a strike from a metallic bullet with a mass of at least grams and an impact velocity of at least 330 meters per second.2. The shield according to in which the metal is MIL46100 steel claim 1 , AR500 steel claim 1 , Aluminum 5059 claim 1 , Aluminum 5053 claim 1 , Aluminum 5456 claim 1 , Aluminum 7039 claim 1 , or Titanium 6AI-4V (Grade 5).3. The shield according to in which the metal has an areal density of 11.5 pounds per square foot or less.4. The shield according to in which the metal has an areal density of 7.5 pounds per square foot or less.5. The shield according to in which the metal has an areal density of 5.5 pounds per square foot or less.6. The shield according to with a frontal surface area of 300 square inches or more.7. The shield according to wherein the sheet of metal provides a rearward layer of the shield and is augmented by a harder frontward layer consisting of a ceramic claim 1 , metal matrix carbide claim 1 , or steel with Rockwell C hardness of 58 or greater.8. The shield according to in which the facing layer is aluminum oxide claim 7 , alumina zirconia claim 7 , aluminum nitride claim 7 , silicon carbide claim 7 , silicon nitride claim 7 , titanium diboride claim 7 , boron carbide claim 7 , or tungsten carbide.9. A hand-carried ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096293A1
Автор: Trott Gary Robert

Removable vehicle window security shield assemblies and related methods of use and/or installation. In some embodiments, an insert-shield assembly may comprise an insert-shield with or without a separate inner shield, one or both of which may comprise a ballistic-rated, transparent material. The assembly may be mounted in and/or to one or more existing windows or other openings of a vehicle. In some embodiments, an inner shield of the shield assembly may be removeable from the assembly. In some embodiments, the entire assembly or a portion thereof may be removed to allow an officer or other user to use the removed portion as a portable shield. The removed portion may be returned to the vehicle following use to enhance the protection of the vehicle. In some embodiments, a personal shield may be inserted into and held by a holster that is positioned within the window frame of a vehicle. 1. A vehicle door window-opening protection system comprising:A removable insert-shield assembly and a retaining assembly; [{'b': '2', 'the main body is configured to be positioned below the retaining assembly and substantially within a vehicle window frame in at least dimensions at a thickness or thicknesses that protect the vehicle occupant against a specified level of ballistic threat,'}, 'the lower flange is comprised of one or more segments that are configured to be a thickness, length, and width and positioned such that the lower flange fits into a window retraction slot between the interior door panel and an existing window glass, and', 'the holding mechanism enables a user to quickly grasp, remove, and manipulate said removable insert-shield; and, 'Said insert-shield assembly comprising one or more sheets of an optically clear, ballistic-resistant material comprising a main body, a holding mechanism, and a lower flange wherein'} the transparent support member comprises an optically clear, ballistic-resistant material and is configured to be a length such that its ends terminate ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Ventilated body armor and load carrying apparatus

Номер: US20170102214A1

Various embodiments add a structure to a body armor unit that has a frame and a breathable (e.g. porous) material suspended between elements of the frame, that may allow the suspended breathable material to become the primary, or the sole material, in contact with the wearer's body. Various embodiment frame structures may allow the body armor plates to be effectively offset from the wearer's body. In this manner, the various embodiments may improve ventilation of the wearer's body, both in terms of moisture and heat transport, and/or may reduce the blunt force trauma caused by a projectile strike and potentially resultant back face deformation of the body armor.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180120063A1
Автор: Yakoub Raed Roro

A foldable shield transformable from an extended use position to a folded transport position and vice versa includes shield plates and spring loaded hinges connecting the shield plates. Restraint devices hold the shield to a user's forearm during use. A release device releases cooperating locks so that the hinge devices bring the shield plates from the transport position to the extended use position. The shield is brought to the transport position by folding of the first shield plate toward the second shield plate and folding of the third shield plate against the first shield plate. The first shield plate has a maximum width between the long sides that is less than corresponding widths of the other two shield plates for sufficient clearance for the folding of the third shield plate. When folded, the shield plates are located on top of each other in a substantially flat package. 1. A foldable shield , reconfigurable from an unfolded use position to a folded transport position and vice versa , comprising:a first, a second and a third shield plate, each of which has an elongated shape, an inside surface, an outside surface, a first long side, a second long side, a first short side and a second short side,a first spring-loaded hinge assembly connecting the second long side of the first shield plate to the first long side of the second shield plate,a second spring-loaded hinge assembly connecting the second long side of the second shield plate to the first long side of the third shield plate, wherein said first and second spring-loaded hinge assemblies are arranged so that the shield can be reconfigured from the unfolded use position to the folded transport position by folding the first shield plate with its outside surface against the outside surface of the second shield plate and by subsequently folding the third shield plate with its outside surface against the inside surface of the already folded first shield plate.handles disposed on the inside surface of the second ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Ballistic Shield with Boltless Viewport

Номер: US20180120064A1

A ballistic shield has a strike face and a body side and includes a ballistic panel and a viewport. Plies of ballistic material are formed together as the ballistic panel. A pocket in the ballistic panel is recessed into the strike face of the panel, and is at least partially defined by a pocket wall that is offset from a main body portion of the ballistic panel in a direction away from the strike face. The pocket wall has an opening forming a viewing area that is circumscribed by a frame section of the pocket wall. A viewport is secured in the pocket with a first section of the viewport overlying the frame section of the pocket wall and a second section of the viewport overlying the viewing area. 1. A method of manufacturing a ballistic shield that includes a ballistic panel and a viewport , comprising the steps of:assembling plies of ballistic material that are to be formed together as the ballistic panel into an assembly having first and second opposite major side surfaces;forming the ballistic panel with a strike face and a body side by bringing first and second mold parts together under heat and pressure on the assembled plies of ballistic material, the ballistic panel as formed having a main body portion;said step of forming the ballistic panel including the step of forming a pocket in the ballistic panel, the pocket being recessed into the strike face of the panel, the pocket being at least partially defined by a pocket wall that is offset from a main body portion of the ballistic panel;removing a section of the pocket wall to form a viewing area in the panel, while leaving an outer peripheral edge portion of the pocket wall in place with the main body portion of the ballistic panel to form a frame for the viewing area; andsecuring a viewport in the pocket with a first section of the viewport overlying the frame and a second section of the viewport overlying the viewing area.2. A method as set forth in wherein the step of securing a viewport consists of ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Riot Shield Handle

Номер: US20180128578A1

A riot shield includes: a shield including a first aperture formed through the shield, the shield having a first face and a second face opposite the first face; a first handle attached to the first face of the shield portion, the first handle including a handle body having a first cavity formed therein, the first cavity located adjacent to the first face of the shield portion and aligned with the first aperture; and a first deterrent module removably inserted into the first cavity of the first handle, the first deterrent module including a discharge end that is aligned with the first aperture of the shield such that a deterrent of the first deterrent module is discharged outwardly from the second face of the shield portion. 1. A riot shield comprising:a shield including a first aperture formed through the shield, the shield having a first face and a second face opposite the first face;a first handle attached to the first face of the shield portion, the first handle including a handle body having a first cavity formed therein, the first cavity located adjacent to the first face of the shield portion and aligned with the first aperture; anda first deterrent module removably inserted into the first cavity of the first handle, the first deterrent module including a discharge end that is aligned with the first aperture of the shield such that a deterrent of the first deterrent module is discharged outwardly from the second face of the shield portion.2. The riot shield of claim 1 , further comprising:a second aperture formed through the shield;a second handle attached to the first face of the shield portion, the second handle including a handle body having a first cavity formed therein, the first cavity located adjacent to the first face of the shield portion and aligned with the second aperture; anda second deterrent module removably inserted into the first cavity of the second handle, the second deterrent module including a discharge end that is aligned with the second ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации

Women's Bulletproof Ballistic Shield Handbag

Номер: US20210161264A1
Автор: Said M. Taha
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a handbag (e.g., purse) that easily converts from a handbag into a bulletproof vest for a user. While the handbag provides the aesthetic appearance of a typical bag which a lady may carry, the handbag is configured with features that enable a user to remove a bullet proof vest from within a specifically configured compartment within the handbag, and then wear the handbag around the user's abdomen so that the bulletproof vest can protect the user's chest. Furthermore, a bulletproof vest may be attached to the handbag, such that while the removed bullet proof vest can protect the user's chest, the remainder of the handbag can protect the user's back.

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Steady Shield

Номер: US20220276025A1
Автор: Jackson, SR. Marc

Improvements in a shield is disclosed. The steady shield integrates a vest with a shield that can be made from a protective ballistic material that protects the user from projectiles, bottles, heat or debris. An adjustable arm connects the vest to the shield and allows the shield to be moved at least one of towards, away and to the sides and higher and lower relative to the user. Once the shield is positioned the shield will remain in the set position to allow both arms and hands of the user free for other activities. The shield also provides a platform for the storage of tools or other features such as, but not limited to, ammunition, tear gas, water, first aid, lighting, radio, camera, GPS or other display. 1. A steady shield comprising:a vest that is configured to be worn on the torso of a user;an adjustable arm mounted to the vest;a shield mounted to said adjustable arm, andsaid adjustable arm having at least one frictional link that retains said shield in an adjustable fixed position relative to said vest.2. The steady shield according to claim 1 , wherein said shield is configured to be positioned from a group selected from towards claim 1 , away claim 1 , from a side claim 1 , higher and lower relative to said vest.3. The steady shield according to claim 1 , wherein said adjustable arm has at least two hinged links.4. The steady shield according to claim 3 , wherein said two hinged links are configured to move said shield left claim 3 , right claim 3 , towards and away from said vest.5. The steady shield according to further includes a third hinged link that is configured to allow for rotating said shield up and down relative to said vest.6. The steady shield according to claim 1 , wherein said vest has an exoskeleton that is configured to distribute loads on said adjustable arm to said vest.7. The steady shield according to claim 1 , wherein said shield has a window.8. The steady shield according to claim 1 , wherein shield has at least one light.9. The ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Bullet-resistive insert assembly for a backpack and the like

Номер: US20200124384A1
Автор: Kerry L. Landtiser
Принадлежит: Individual

A bullet-resistive or projectile-resistive insert assembly includes at least one anti-ballistic material sheet formed peripherally for receipt in a sheet-covering envelope. An exterior sheet-covering envelope assembly envelops or covers the anti-ballistic material sheet or sheets and includes anterior and posterior envelope material layers. The anterior and posterior envelope material layers are respectively received in anterior and posterior relation relative to the anti-ballistic material thereby sandwiching the same intermediate the enveloping material layers. The anti-ballistic material comprises an outer peripheral stack contour formed to match and mate with an inner peripheral envelope contour of the exterior sheet-covering envelope assembly. The anti-ballistic material includes an anterior stack section, a central stack section, and a posterior stack section. The central stack section has a central stack top-to-bottom length relatively greater in magnitude than an anterior stack top-to-bottom length and a posterior stack top-to-bottom length respectively associated with the anterior and posterior stack sections.

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Capture Shield for Disarming Gunman

Номер: US20140224109A1
Автор: Chandler Gregory A.

A method and apparatus for disarming an armed intruder by using a capture shield of a type comprising a bullet resistant shield having a top, a bottom, a left side, a right side, a front and a back and at least one hook operatively attached to the front of the shield for engaging and holding the shield to an armed intruder when the shield is pushed against such intruder. The method for using the capture shield comprises (a) grasping the capture shield, (b) positioning the capture shield between a user and an armed intruder with the front of the capture shield having the at least one hook thereon facing the armed intruder; (c) moving towards the armed intruder while holding the capture shield to minimize the possibility of being shot by the intruder; and (d) pushing the capture shield against the armed intruder to cause the at least one hook to engage the intruder and/or the intruder's clothing. 1. A capture shield comprising:(a) a bullet resistant shield having a top, a bottom, a left side, a right side, a front and a back; and(b) at least one hook operatively attached to the front of the shield for engaging and holding the shield to an armed intruder when the shield is pushed against such intruder.2. The capture shield of wherein the hook has at least one barb thereon for inhibiting removal of the hook from whatever it becomes attached to.3. The capture shield of wherein there are multiple hooks operatively attached to the front of the shield.4. The capture shield of wherein the hook is a treble hook of the type commonly used for fishing.5. The capture shield of wherein there are multiple hooks operatively attached to the front of the shield.6. The capture shield of wherein the shield is comprised of the material that is marketed under the trademark of KEVLAR®.7. The capture shield of wherein the shield has a first solid layer of the material that is marketed under the trademark of KEVLAR® covered in the front thereof by a layer of cloth material of the type that ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Flexible nonviolent intervention shield

Номер: US20180147082A1
Автор: Harold Maltais
Принадлежит: Individual

The nonviolent shield is used for restraining an agitated standing individual, while protecting that individual from a violent fall or similar jerking associated with a restraining intervention. The nonviolent shield comprises a rectangular flexible cargo net; an elongated body-height central cushion attached to the cargo net along a median of the cargo net, and two elongated body-height side cushions attached to the cargo net in a spaced-apart parallel relationship with the central cushion. The present nonviolent shield also has handhold areas of the cargo net bordering the central cushion. In another aspect, the central cushion has a movable portion on an upper segment thereof so that the central cushion is brought with firmness against the torso of the individual to be restrained, and with lightness against the face and head of that individual.

21-08-2014 дата публикации

Ballistic Shields

Номер: US20140233235A1
Автор: Micarelli Jamin

A novel hand carried ballistic shield is disclosed. Optimal shields have a shield plate, a forestock seat, and a forearm carrier generally provided as a plurality of adjustable straps. If fixed to the plate, the straps are aligned at an upward forearm angle; if the carrier is rotatably adjustable with straps mounted on the rotatable plate, the angle of the forearm relative to the horizontal lever of the shield plate can be individually adjusted to achieve an optimum upward angle of the forearm to avoid anatomical strain, and to place the forestock hand just below the forestock seat. The forestock seat is formed in the shield plate at an upper corner of the plate and inset in an upper corner cut-out in the plate. The bottom of the cut-out desirably has a rounded profile to optimally receive the forestock of the primary weapon. The seat is positioned in the shield plate to be just above where the forearm straps position the user's hand. 1. A ballistic shield comprising a shield plate , a forestock seat , and a plurality of forearm straps , the straps aligned at an upward forearm angle , the forestock seat formed in the shield plate at an upper corner of the plate and inset in an upper corner cut-out in the plate the cut-out having a rounded shape at its bottom , the forestock seat positioned to be just above where the forearm straps position a user's hand.2. The shield of further comprising on an outer side of the forestock seat cut-out a shield extension.3. The shield of having a height optimized to cover a kneeling user from the ground to above the top of the user's head.4. The shield of having a height of the bottom of the forestock seat optimized for optimum kneeling shooting platform.5. The shield of further comprising a rotatably adjustable forearm strap carrier.6. The shield of having a weight bearing center of the forearm carrier located at or near a center of mass of the shield.7. The shield of further comprising a viewing system.8. The shield of claim 7 , ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145741A1

A ballistic, tactical panel and tactical wall assembly of tactical panels is provided. A series of modular ballistic panels may be used singularly or as multiple panels connected to form a tactical wall assembly. Each tactical panel has a shield body with a threat side, a non-threat side, a peripheral edge, and a connecting edge. At least a portion of the shield body is made of a ballistic material. A lift off connection system facilitates the connection of one tactical panel to another tactical panel. A shield carry system connects to the shield body for facilitating the lifting and carrying of the tactical panel. 1. A ballistic tactical panel for providing shielding protection to an operator against projectiles , the tactical panel comprising:a shield body having a threat side, a non-threat side, a peripheral edge, and a connecting edge, at least a portion of the shield body being made of a ballistic material;a lift off connection system connected to the shield body for facilitating the connection of the tactical panel to another tactical panel, the lift off connection system comprising at least one male post and at least one female receiving block; anda shield carry system connected to the shield body for facilitating the lifting and carrying of the tactical panel.2. The ballistic tactical panel of wherein the shield carry system comprises at least one of a handle claim 1 , an adjustable arm strap claim 1 , and a forearm pad.3. The ballistic tactical panel of wherein the shield carry system further comprises at least one QD rail mounted on the non-threat side of the shield body and at least one QD sling swivel attached to the QD rail.4. The ballistic tactical panel of wherein the shield carry system further comprises at least one adjustable connecting strap claim 3 , the adjustment of the adjustable connecting strap facilitates the positioning of the shield carry system to the desired lifting height of the operator.5. The ballistic tactical panel of wherein the ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Convertible Ballistic Shield for Vehicular and Personal Use

Номер: US20180149450A1

A ballistic shield convertible between a folded configuration and an unfolded configuration is disclosed. The ballistic shield includes a first ballistic panel including a ballistic material, and a second ballistic panel including a ballistic material. A pivotable connection between the first ballistic panel and the second ballistic panel is disposed such that, when the ballistic shield is in the unfolded configuration, an overlapping area exists between a portion of the first ballistic panel and a portion of the second ballistic panel. 1. A ballistic shield convertible between a folded configuration and an unfolded configuration , comprising:a first ballistic panel having a first end, a second end, a first face, a second face, and including a ballistic material;a second ballistic panel having a first end, a second end, a first face, a second face, and including a ballistic material, the second ballistic panel being pivotably connected to the first ballistic panel; anda handle;wherein, when the ballistic shield is in the unfolded configuration, an overlapping area exists between a portion of the second end of the first ballistic panel and a portion of the first end of the second ballistic panel.2. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the second ballistic panel is pivotably connected to the first ballistic panel at or proximate the overlapping area.3. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the shield is in the unfolded configuration claim 1 , a portion of the first face of the first panel is in adjacent facing relation to a portion of the second face of the second panel claim 1 , at the overlapping area.4. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the shield is in the folded configuration claim 1 , a portion of the first face of the first panel is in adjacent facing relation to a portion of the first face of the second panel.5. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising lighting elements disposed on the first face of ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159979A1
Автор: Berringer Daren

A folder suitable for holding and organizing paper and school materials further comprising ballistic materials disposed of in a front cover and back cover of said folder. 1. A folder for carrying school materials comprising a spine , a front cover , a rear cover , and at least one internal panel; wherein said front cover , rear cover , and at least one internal panel are each attached to said spine and allowing each of the front cover , rear cover , and internal panel to be held about parallel to one another; and wherein each of said front cover , rear cover , and internal panel comprising at least one ballistic material.2. The folder of wherein said internal panel comprises at least one opening for storage and organization of chattels or other school materials.3. The folder of wherein said ballistic material meets the standards for a NIJ level II or IIA or higher rating.4. The folder of further comprising a first polycarbonate plate disposed of in the front cover and second polycarbonate plate disposed of in the rear cover.5. The folder of further comprising a foam sheet disposed of in said front cover and said rear cover.6. The folder of further comprising at least two wheels and a telescoping handle; wherein said wheels are secured to said spine claim 1 , and said telescoping handle is secured to said rear cover.7. The folder of further comprising a pair of handles claim 1 , one secured to each the front and rear cover.8. The folder of further comprising a shoulder strap.9. The folder of claim one wherein said internal panel comprises a ballistic material and a two sheets of a second material that sandwich the ballistic material claim 1 , wherein the ballistic material is secured between said two sheets by materials consisting of glue claim 1 , staples claim 1 , thread claim 1 , or combinations thereof.10. The folder of comprising at least three internal panels; wherein said front cover claim 1 , rear cover claim 1 , and at least three internal panels are ...

28-08-2014 дата публикации

Variable Ballistic Shield System

Номер: US20140238225A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A ballistic shield may include multiple ballistic plates. The first plate may be permanently connected to a second plate and drop vertically downward from the first plate. After dropping down, the second plate would overlap the first plate such that no gap exists between the two plates. A third plate may similarly drop with respect to the second plate. Side folding ballistic plates may be attached to the first and second plates to lock them in position and provide ballistic protection to the sides of the user. These side ballistic plates may overlap the first and second plates. The side plates can have another ballistic plate mounted on their unconnected ends such that another assembly of first, second and side ballistic plates identical as above may also be connected. After connecting this second assembly, the user(s) would have full 360 degree ballistic coverage.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190154405A1

A bullet proof accessory including a case. The case includes at least a first section and a second section. The first section has a first pouch and a first case connector. The second section is coupled to the first section by a fabric so that an inner surface of the first section folds along the fabric onto an inner surface of the second section in a folded configuration. The second section includes a second pouch and a second case connector. A first case panel made of a bullet resistant material is disposed within the first pouch. A second case panel made of the bullet resistant material is disposed within the second pouch. The first case connector releasably secures to the second case connector to retain the case in the folded configuration. 1. A bullet proof accessory comprising:a bag comprising an outer surface, an inner surface defining an internal cavity, a shoulder strap, a bag connector, and at least one pocket;a first bag panel made of a bullet resistant material disposed within the at least one pocket;a case comprising at least a first section, a first pouch defined on the first section, and a first case connector; anda first case panel made of the bullet resistant material and disposed within the first pouch, whereinthe case fits within the internal cavity of the bag in a stowed position, andthe first case connector releasably secures to the bag connector in a deployed position so that the case is attached to and hanging below the bag.2. The bullet proof accessory of claim 1 , wherein the case comprises the first section and a second section coupled together by a fabric so that an inner surface of the first section folds onto an inner surface of the second section in a folded configuration claim 1 , wherein the second section comprises a second pouch and a second case panel made of the bullet resistant material is disposed within the second pouch.3. The bullet proof accessory of claim 2 , wherein the first section comprises the first case connector and ...

11-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140251122A1
Принадлежит: Battleware Technologies, Inc.

A personal ballistic shield includes a flexible ballistic blanket and a pneumatic frame connected to and supporting the ballistic blanket. A handle assembly is attached to a back side of the ballistic blanket. A warning mechanism is incorporated in the shield and is adapted to detect a deployment of the pneumatic frame and transmit an alert signal reporting the deployment of the shield.

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170167829A1
Автор: Thomas Nathan Daniel

A violent intruder mitigation shield that provides a defender with ballistic protection along with options for communication, first aid, and counter-attack capability. The violent intruder mitigation shield may have a functional or decorative front layer that allows the shield to serve a secondary function in addition to functioning as a protective shield. 1. A violent intruder mitigation shield , comprising:(a) a frame defining a substantially planar interior space;(b) a front layer having a forward face and a rear face, the front layer being disposed within the substantially planar interior space and attached to the frame;(c) a bullet-resistant layer having a forward face and a rear face, the bullet-resistant layer being disposed within the substantially planar interior space and attached to the frame such that the forward face of the bullet-resistant layer faces the rear face of the front layer;(d) a back layer having a forward face and a rear face, the back layer being disposed within the substantially planar interior space and attached to the frame such that the forward face of the back layer faces the rear face of the bullet-resistant layer;wherein the bullet-resistant layer, the back layer, and the frame define a cavity.2. The violent intruder mitigation shield of claim 1 , wherein the back layer comprises two or more sections and wherein at least one back layer section is a door positionable in an open position or a closed position such that when the door is in the open position the cavity is accessible and when the door is in the closed position the cavity is inaccessible.3. The violent intruder mitigation shield of claim 2 , wherein the door is a hinged door or a sliding door.4. The violent intruder mitigation shield of claim 2 , wherein the door further comprises a lock that secures the door in the closed position when locked and allows the door to be moved to the open position when unlocked.5. The violent intruder mitigation shield of claim 4 , wherein ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160187106A1

A ballistic shield assembly comprises a framework of interconnected linking members, the framework including at least one handle member, graspable by a user wielding the ballistic shield. At least one wearable item of personal armor is arranged about the framework, the wearable item of personal armor being supported by the framework to thereby present a ballistic shield face capable of protecting the user wielding the ballistic shield from projectiles. 1. A ballistic shield assembly , comprising:a framework of interconnected linking members;the framework including at least one handle member, graspable by a user wielding the ballistic shield; andat least one wearable item of personal armor, removably arranged about the framework, the wearable item of personal armor being supported by the framework to thereby present a ballistic shield face capable of protecting the user wielding the ballistic shield from projectiles.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the interconnected linking members are adjustably connected one to another to allow the linking members to be reconfigured to adjust a size or a shape of the framework.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one buttress member coupled to the framework claim 1 , the buttress member capable of engaging a portion of the user's body to provide additional support to the ballistic shield.4. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least one tether coupled to the framework claim 1 , the tether operable to at least partially suspend the ballistic shield from the user's body.5. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of wearable items of personal armor claim 1 , arranged about the framework to collectively present the ballistic shield face.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the framework includes a notch formed therein claim 1 , the notch providing an opening in the framework within which a firearm can be positioned.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the framework ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180219A1
Автор: Feldman Paul

A harness for mounting a camera to a shield is provided. The harness includes two vertical brackets, a horizontal bracket and an adhesive. The two vertical brackets each define a proximal end facing the shield and define a bottom end opposite a top end. The horizontal bracket is positioned between the bottom ends and the shield for supporting the camera. The adhesive is applied to at least a portion of each of the proximal ends for securing the harness to the shield. At least one strap may be provided for further securing the camera within the vertical brackets of the harness 1. A harness for mounting a camera to a shield comprising:two vertical brackets each defining a proximal end facing the shield and defining a bottom end opposite a top end;a horizontal bracket positioned between the bottom ends and the shield for supporting the camera;an adhesive applied to at least a portion of each of the proximal ends for securing the harness to the shield.2. The harness of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive includes hooks for securing the harness to a loop layer claim 1 , wherein the loop layer includes a second adhesive for securing the loop layer to the shield.3. The harness of claim 1 , further including a backing extending between distal ends of each of the vertical brackets.4. The harness of claim 3 , wherein the backing defines a cutout for accessing and/or viewing a portion of the camera when the camera is mounted to the shield.5. The harness of claim 1 , further including at least one strap having a secured end secured to one vertical bracket and an unsecured end.6. The harness of claim 5 , wherein the unsecured end is configured for selective securement with a receptor secured to the other vertical bracket and/or the at least one strap.7. The harness of claim 6 , wherein the selective securement of the at least one strap permits variances in the tension of securement.8. The harness of claim 1 , further comprising inserts shaped for inserting between the vertical ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150192393A1
Автор: Yakoub Raed Roro

A deployable and foldable shield with improved stability, when it is to protect the carrier against weapons and thrown objects, comprising an elongated base plate having attachment means for attaching the base plate along the forearm of a person, and a plurality of substantially triangular and at least substantially equal-sided shield plates, supported by the base plate, which have a top angle (α) smaller than 40° and are pivotally mounted at a triangle corner enclosing the top angle (α) to a pivot projecting from the base plate, said shield plates forming a stack supported by the base plate when the shield is folded and forming a deployed shield surface supported by the base plate when pivoted away from the base plate. In order to improve the stability of the shield, when it is to protect the carrier against weapons and thrown objects, the shield plates are arranged in two stacks with a respective pivot for mounting and pivoting of the shield plates. The shield plates in one stack are deployed by pivoting in a first direction and those in the other stack by pivoting in the opposite direction, and connecting devices are provided for connecting these two shield plates. 1. A deployable and foldable shield , comprising an elongated base plate having attachment means for attaching the base plate along the forearm of a person , and a plurality of substantially triangular and at least substantially equal-sided shield plates , supported by the base plate , which have a top angle (α) smaller than 40° and are pivotally mounted at a triangle corner enclosing the top angle (α) to a pivot projecting from the base plate , said shield plates forming a stack supported by the base plate when the shield is folded and forming a deployed shield surface supported by the base plate when pivoted away from the base plate , wherein the shield plates are arranged in two stacks , disposed next to each other on the base plate , with a respective pivot for mounting and pivoting of the shield ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210212426A1
Автор: Huang Po-Shih

A bag with anti-cut and bullet-proof functions is mainly configured with a protection assembly on a bag body including a main body opened with an opening, a protection layer configured on the main body and an active layer accepted inside the main body, where the protection layer and active layer are made of reinforced fabric. Meanwhile, the bag body is configured with a sealing element adapted to control the opening and closing of the opening so that a user only needs to open the sealing element when encountering danger, allowing the active layer to slip out through the opening to cause the active layer and protection layer to form a large anti-cut and bullet-proof area so as to resist bullet impact and block the cutting of sharp weapons, and further substantially increase the overall protection area to achieve the effect of maintaining the personal safety of users. 1. A bag with anti-cut and bullet-proof functions , comprising a bag body and a protection assembly configured on one side of said bag body , wherein said protection assembly comprises a main body enclosing an accommodation space , a protection layer configured on one side of said main body opposite to said bag body and an active layer accepted inside said accommodation space , said protection layer and active layer are made of reinforced fabric , one end of said main body is formed with an opening , allowing said accommodation space to be in communication with the outside through said opening , said bag body further comprises a sealing element capable of closing said opening so as to control said active layer slipping out from said opening by opening or closing said sealing element , and said active layer and protection layer are partially overlapped after said active layer slips out , thereby allowing said active layer and protection layer to form a large anti-cut and bullet-proof area.2. The bag according to claim 1 , wherein said reinforced fabric comprises an inner lining cloth claim 1 , a ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Protective shield, shield wall and shield wall assembly

Номер: US20210215459A1
Автор: Sandy Winthrop CHEN
Принадлежит: Graphene Composites Ltd

A protective shield (100) comprises a body (105) for protecting a user from a projectile or impact, the body comprising a front strike face (110) and an opposing rear face (115); and a connector arrangement (125, 126) provided on the body adapted so as to allow the shield to connect to an adjacent protective shield, wherein the strike face has a perimeter defined by the edges of the strike face; and wherein the connector arrangement is arranged so that an adjacent protective shield can be connected to the connector arrangement with the body of the adjacent protective shield abutting and/or overlapping with the strike face of the protective shield at any point about the perimeter of the strike face.

15-07-2021 дата публикации

Ballistic Shield

Номер: US20210215460A1
Автор: FITZPATRICK Michael

A ballistic shied comprising opposing front and rear sides, the rear side having one or more hand and/or arm engagement means fixedly attachable thereon. Wherein at least one hand and/or arm engagement means is locatable on the rear side such that, in use, the ballistic shield may be retained using a first hand and/or arm of a user, the first hand of said first hand and/or arm being free or engagable with the handle means, such that said first hand retains functionality permitting use thereof for other tasks. 1. A ballistic shield comprising:opposing front and rear sides, the rear side having one or more hand and/or arm engagement means fixedly attachable thereon;wherein at least one hand and/or arm engagement means is locatable on the rear side such that, in use, the ballistic shield may be retained using a first hand and/or arm of a user, the first hand of said first hand and/or arm being engagable with the at least one hand and/or arm engagement means such that said first hand at least partially retains functionality permitting use thereof for other tasks.2. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the hand and/or arm engagement means is locatable proximal an edge of the rear side.3. The ballistic shield of claim 2 , wherein the hand and/or arm engagement means is locatable proximal the upper edge of the rear side.4. The ballistic shield of claim 3 , wherein the hand and/or arm engagement means is locatable less than 3 inches from the upper edge of the rear side claim 3 , and most preferably approximately 1.5 inches from the upper edge of the rear side.5. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the hand and/or arm engagement means comprises at least one handle or strap.6. The ballistic shield of claim 5 , wherein the at least one handle or strap is configured to extend generally parallel to the upper edge of the rear side of the ballistic shield.7. The ballistic shield of claim 6 , wherein the at least one handle or hand strap is configured to extend across ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180188008A1
Автор: Ludewig Wayne

A ballistic protective medical response bag is configured to provide a ballistic shield for the protection of an emergency medical responder. The bag has a layer of ballistic material forming the outer walls of a plurality of compartments in the bag. The compartments are operable between an open and a closed condition and are configured to carry a variety of medical supplies. 1. A ballistic medical response bag , comprising:a lower compartment having a bottom and at least one sidewall defining an interior cavity defined therein;an upper compartment having a top and at least one sidewall defining an upper compartment cavity having a plurality of bins defined in the upper compartment cavity, and attached to the lower compartment via a hinge;a ballistic layer carried in the top, the bottom, and the sidewalls; anda cooperating closure to close the upper compartment with the lower compartment.2. The ballistic medical response bag of claim 1 , further comprising:an outer covering layer covering an outer surface of the top, the bottom, and the sidewalls; andan interior covering layer covering in interior surface of the top, the bottom, and the sidewalls.3. The ballistic medical response bag of claim 2 , wherein the ballistic layer is a plate carried between the outer covering and the interior covering.4. The ballistic medical response bag of claim 2 , wherein the ballistic layer is formed from a plurality of layers of a ballistic material carried between the outer covering and the interior covering.5. The ballistic medical response bag of claim 1 , wherein the upper compartment comprises:a first upper compartment; anda second upper compartment, wherein the first and second upper compartments are movable opposite one another between a closed and an open condition.6. The ballistic medical response bag of claim 5 , further comprising:a plurality of bins defined within at least one of the first and second upper compartments.7. The ballistic medical response bag of claim 6 , ...

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170199012A1
Автор: Mulcahey Kevin

A ballistic shield apparatus for a weapon includes: a flexible ballistic shield made of penetration-resistant material, the ballistic shield having opposed front and rear faces, spaced-apart side edges connecting spaced-apart top and bottom edges, and a central area bounded by the side edges; one or more flexible securing members extending laterally outward from each of the side edges, each of the one or more flexible securing members including a releasable connector disposed on a distal portion thereof; and at least one releasable connector disposed on the ballistic shield, the releasable connectors collectively configured such that the distal portion of each of the one or more flexible securing members can be releasably secured to the central area of the ballistic shield, or to a distal portion of one of the one or more flexible securing members. 1. A ballistic shield apparatus for a weapon , comprising:a flexible ballistic shield made of penetration-resistant material, the ballistic shield having opposed front and rear faces, spaced-apart side edges connecting spaced-apart top and bottom edges, and a central area bounded by the side edges;one or more flexible securing members extending laterally outward from each of the side edges, each of the one or more flexible securing members including a releasable connector disposed on a distal portion thereof; andat least one releasable connector disposed on the ballistic shield, the releasable connectors collectively configured such that the distal portion of each of the one or more flexible securing members can be releasably secured to the central area of the ballistic shield, or to a distal portion of one of the one or more flexible securing members.2. The apparatus of wherein the ballistic shield includes:an upper portion which is trapezoidal in shape, the upper portion incorporating the top edge; anda lower portion which is rectangular in shape, the lower portion incorporating the bottom edge.3. The apparatus of ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202771A1
Автор: Armellino, JR. Richard A.

A system includes a ballistic shield having a strike face and an opposing safe face. A thickness of the ballistic shield extends from the strike face to the safe face. The system can further include a base plate having a shield side and an opposing body side. The base plate can be connected to the ballistic shield. The base plate is not directly connected to either the strike face or the safe face by a fastener that traverses the thickness of the ballistic shield. 1. A system comprising:a ballistic shield having a strike face and an opposing safe face, a thickness of the ballistic shield extending from the strike face to the safe face, anda base plate having a shield side and an opposing body side, the base plate being connected to the ballistic shield,wherein the base plate is not directly connected to either the strike face or the safe face by a fastener that traverses the thickness of the ballistic shield.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a spring tension device configured to attach the shield side of the base plate to at least a portion of the safe face of the ballistic shield using spring tension.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the spring tension device is selected from the group consisting of a spring clip claim 2 , a spring claim 2 , a strap claim 2 , and combinations of any thereof.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a tension device comprising:at least two clips mounted to the ballistic shield, anda strap extending between the at least two clips and applying a force acting on at least a portion of the base plate.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the at least two clips are mounted to the safe face and proximate an edge of the ballistic shield.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the at least two clips include a fastener that traverses the thickness of the ballistic shield.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the strap is moveably attached to the base plate.8. The system of claim 7 , further comprising:at least one base plate spring clip ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160216079A1

An Anti-Ballistic chair having a back portion, a seat portion, and an Anti-Ballistic panel within at least one of the back portion, and the seat portion, wherein the Anti-Ballistic portion comprises at least a first layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a first direction, and at least a second layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a second direction, different from the first direction. 1. An Anti-Ballistic chair comprising:a back portion;a seat portion;a skirt portion hingedly connected to the seat portion and configured to be moved between an extended portion extending downward from the seat portion and a folded position substantially parallel to the seat portion; anda first Anti-Ballistic panel removably inserted into a pocket having an opening formed within at least one of the back portion, the seat portion, and the skirt portion,wherein the Anti-Ballistic panel comprises at least a first layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a first direction, and at least a second layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a second direction, different from the first direction.2. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 1 , wherein the seat portion comprises a frame claim 1 , wherein the first Anti-Ballistic panel comprises the frame of the seat portion claim 1 , at least the first layer of high-strength synthetic fibers wrapped around the frame in the first direction claim 1 , and at least the second layer of high-strength synthetic fibers wrapped around the frame in the second direction claim 1 , different from the first direction.3. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 2 , further comprising a second Anti-Ballistic panel disposed within the back portion.4. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 3 , wherein the back portion comprises a back frame claim 3 , wherein ...

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150233679A1

A portable ballistic shield for law enforcement, military, and private security contractors operating in high threat cases. More specifically, a ballistic shield with a viewing window, a handle, a ball turret, an aiming laser, and at least one disruptor light used to disorient possible attackers. The shield provides protection to a user's entire upper body and enables a user to fire from a position in which the head of the user is better aligned with the weapon site. 1. A ballistic shield for use in high threat areas , the ballistic shield comprising:a front face;a reverse face;a left side;a right side;a ballistic viewing window;at least one handle on the reverse face of the ballistic shield;an internal ball turret;a rail system within the ball turret;at least one light on the front face of the ballistic shield;a power source for the at least one light; anda power switch for the at least one power source on the reverse face of the ballistic shield.2. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising an internal laser in the ball turret.3. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising a quick release sleeve system.4. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising a quick release harness strap on the reverse face of the ballistic shield.5. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the at least one light is a high-density LED light.6. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the at least one handle is a forearm cuff handle.7. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the at least one handle is an open-bottom handle.8. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the ball turret includes a ball mount claim 1 , a cover claim 1 , ball mount hardware claim 1 , a quick release pin claim 1 , and a ball mount washer.9. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the power source for the at least one light is located on the reverse face of the ballistic shield.10. The ballistic shield of claim 1 , wherein the ballistic viewing window is formed from bulletproof ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160231088A1

Apparatus for protecting an individual from oncoming projectiles comprises a hardened steel plate; a support member supporting the hardened steel plate against the body of the individual; a plastic member; and an armor fiber secured to the plastic member, the armor fiber and said plastic member forming an interface layer, the interface layer being secured to the hardened steel plate at a position where the hardened steel plate is positioned between the interface layer and the body of the individual to be protected. 1. A protective device for protecting an individual from oncoming projectiles , comprising:(a) a substantially rigid member having a length and a width sufficient to overlie a portion of the body of the individual to be protected, said substantially rigid member having a front side oriented toward an incoming projectile and a reverse side in facing relationship to said portion of the body of the individual to be protected, said substantially rigid member being configured to spread out energy from said incoming projectile to a plurality of points on said portion of the body of the individual to be protected;(b) an energy absorbing member; and(c) a support member for supporting said energy absorbing member on said substantially rigid member at a position where energy from an oncoming projectile is transferred to and absorbed by said energy absorbing member.2. Apparatus as in claim 1 , wherein the energy absorbing member comprises an energy absorbing material which deforms resiliently and/or non-resiliently in response to applied force.3. Apparatus as in claim 2 , wherein said substantially rigid member is elastic claim 2 , and the energy absorbing member is supported adjacent the reverse side of said substantially rigid member claim 2 , whereby an increase in dimension of said reverse side of said substantially rigid member in response to flexure of said substantially rigid member being hit by an incoming projectile hitting said front side of said ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170227334A1

An Anti-Ballistic Handling Case including a body having a plurality of body side walls forming a hollow interior region; a lid having a plurality of a lid side walls, wherein the lid is attached to the body and configured to cover the body portion to enclose the hollow interior region of the body; and an anti-ballistic portion disposed adjacent to at least one of the plurality of body side walls, and the plurality of lid side walls. 1. An Anti-Ballistic Handling Case comprisinga body having a plurality of rigid body side walls forming a hollow interior region;an anti-ballistic portion formed of an anti-ballistic material disposed adjacent to at least one of: the plurality of body side walls; andan inner liner configured for removable insertion within the anti-ballistic portion such that the antiballistic portion is disposed between the inner liner and at least one of the plurality of body side walls,wherein the anti-ballistic portion comprises an anti-ballistic body insert configured to be inserted into the hollow interior of the body and contact at least two of the plurality of body side walls,the anti-ballistic body insert comprising a plurality of anti-ballistic body side panels, wherein each of the plurality of anti-ballistic body side panels is formed from an anti-ballistic material and is attached to at least two other anti-ballistic body side panels to form at least a partial box structure defining a hollow anti-ballistic chamber within the anti-ballistic handling case.2. The Anti-Ballistic Handling case of claim 1 , wherein the anti-ballistic body insert further comprises an anti-ballistic bottom panel formed from an anti-ballistic material claim 1 , is attached to at least one of the plurality of anti-ballistic body side panels claim 1 , and contacts a bottom of the hollow interior of the body portion.3. The Anti-Ballistic Handling case of claim 1 , further comprising a lid having a plurality of a lid side walls claim 1 ,wherein the lid is attached to the ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210254934A1

A deployable ballistic shield is disclosed. The deployable ballistic shield includes a plurality of layers formed of a high impact anti-ballistic Aramid material. The shield is selectively configured between a stowed condition, in which the plurality of layers are in contact with an adjacent layer, and a deployed condition in which the plurality of layers are suspended in a spaced apart relation with a gap formed between the adjacent layer. A handhold is defined at a top end of the shield. Aa foothold may be defined at a bottom end of the shield. The deployable ballistic shield may be used by law enforcement, military, and other personnel as a protective ballistic barrier. Gaps between the plurality of layers serve to absorb the kinetic energy of a ballistic round. 1. A deployable ballistic shield , comprising:a shield having a plurality of layers formed of a high impact anti-ballistic Aramid material, that is selectively configured between a stowed condition, in which the plurality of layers are in contact with an adjacent layer, and a deployed condition in which the plurality of layers are suspended in a spaced apart relation with a gap formed between the adjacent layer;a handhold defined at a top end of the shield; anda foothold defined at a bottom end of the shield.2. The deployable ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising:a graphene coating on at least one of the plurality of layers.3. The deployable ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising:a graphite layer disposed between at least one of the adjacent layers.4. The deployable ballistic shield of claim 1 , further comprising;a sleeve disposed along at least one of a top edge and a bottom edge of the shield; andan elongate rod received within the sleeve, the elongate rod extending laterally across one of the handhold or the foothold.5. The deployable ballistic shield of claim 4 , further comprising:one or more pivotable, articulated hinge sections on the elongate rod enable the shield to be ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Civilian Bullet-Proof Shield

Номер: US20210254935A1
Автор: Trampenau Joseph B

A shield has a rectangular body, a first rollerball bearing assembly mounted in a first bracket joined to the body, such that the first bracket extends away from the left vertical edge of the body, a second rollerball bearing assembly mounted in a second bracket such that the second bracket extends away from the right vertical edge of the body, and the spacing between the first and the second rollerball bearing assemblies is greater than the width of the body. The body rests on the rollerball bearing assemblies when standing and a user, is enabled to hold the shield oriented vertically and to move the shield side-to-side, and the user is further enabled to tilt the shield back toward the user, transferring support to wheels rather than the rollerball bearing assemblies, and is then enabled to move the shield forward and backward on the wheels. 1. A shield , comprising:a rectangular body having a height of at least sixty inches, a width of at least twenty-four inches, a front side and a back side, left and right vertical edges, and a topmost edge and a lowermost edge, the body formed of a bullet-resistant material, with a thickness of at least one-eighth inch;one or more window openings centered on the width of the body and positioned in an upper half of the body;bullet-resistant glass panes in the one or more windows, enabling a user to see through the body;handles positioned along edges of the body on the backside;a first rollerball bearing assembly comprising an upper housing and a rollerball with a portion of the rollerball extending below the upper housing, mounted in a first bracket joined to the body proximate the lowermost edge and the left vertical edge, such that the first bracket extends away from the left vertical edge of the body;a second rollerball bearing assembly comprising an upper housing and a rollerball with a portion of the rollerball extending below the upper housing, mounted in a second bracket joined to the body proximate the lowermost edge ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации

Mine-Blast Impact Shield and Methods for Use Thereof

Номер: US20170234655A1
Автор: Mavencamp Larry A.

Apparatus and methods for reducing injury or damage from an explosive device are disclosed. An example apparatus includes a housing and at least one inflator coupled to the housing. The apparatus also includes a shield coupled to the housing. The shield has a plurality of channels coupled to the at least one inflator. The shield also has a compact position and an expanded position. The plurality of channels are configured to receive a fluid from the at least one inflator and thereby at least partially advance the shield from the compact position to the expanded position. 1. An apparatus comprising:a housing;at least one inflator coupled to the housing; anda shield coupled to the housing, the shield having a plurality of channels coupled to the at least one inflator, the shield having a compact position and an expanded position, the plurality of channels configured to receive a fluid from the at least one inflator and thereby at least partially advance the shield from the compact position to the expanded position.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the shield is rolled or folded within the housing in the compact position and the shield extends radially from the housing in the expanded position.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shield has a canopy defining a cavity in the expanded position claim 1 , the shield configured to at least partially advance from the compact position to the expanded position in response to an external force acting upon a portion of the shield defining the cavity.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the canopy of the shield has a dome-shape or a cone-shape.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing is arranged in a center of the shield and the plurality of channels extend radially from the housing toward a perimeter of the shield.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one sensor in mechanical, electrical, or electro-mechanical communication with the at least one inflator.7. The ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160242547A1
Автор: ISQUITH Jeffrey Alan

A ballistic barrier seating system. The ballistic barrier seating system includes a seat platform, back assembly and a plurality of legs. The seat platform includes at least two lateral supports in parallel spaced relation supporting a seat between them. The back assembly includes a ballistic barrier. The back assembly is connected to the seat platform. A plurality of legs is also connected to the seat platform. 1. A ballistic barrier seating system , comprising:a seat platform, the seat platform comprising at least two lateral supports in parallel spaced relation supporting a seat between them,a back assembly connected to the seat platform, the back assembly comprising a first ballistic barrier; anda plurality of legs connected to the seat platform.2. The ballistic barrier seating system of claim 1 , wherein the back assembly comprises an external layer and a structural frame at least a portion of which is secured to the first ballistic barrier.3. The ballistic barrier seating system of claim 2 , wherein the back assembly comprises a cushioning layer interposed between the ballistic barrier and the exterior layer.4. The ballistic barrier seating system of claim 3 , wherein the exterior layer comprises upholstery material and the cushioning layer comprises foam.5. The ballistic barrier seating system of claim 1 , further comprising sides claim 1 , the sides being connected to the back assembly and comprising a second ballistic barrier claim 1 , the sides being supported by the plurality of legs.6. The ballistic barrier seating system of claim 1 , wherein the two lateral supports comprise a front lateral support and a back lateral support claim 1 , and further comprising a counterweight system claim 1 , the counterweight system comprising at least one counterweight member secured to the front lateral support.7. The ballistic barrier seating system of claim 1 , wherein the legs comprise leg posts and a floor mounting plate connected to the leg posts for securing the ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150260485A1
Автор: Martin Alejandro

The invention features a support system which can be attached to a ballistic shield. The system features at least one telescoping or retractable leg which is mounted to the shield to create a standalone shield. The shield is positioned between plates which receive pins that hold the shield in position in the system. The system features a resting platform which provides an area for resting a gun or rifle, for example. A bullet proof screen extends from the bottom area of the shield towards the base of the system and provides additional security to the user when the shield is in the system. 1. A ballistic shield support system , comprising:at least one mounting plate for attaching to a ballistic shield, wherein the mounting plate includes a sleeve having an opening;at least one retractable and extendible support leg having a top portion and a bottom portion, wherein the top portion of the at least one retractable and extendible support leg is secured within the sleeve, and the bottom portion of the at least one retractable and extendible support leg is moveably secured within the top portion of the at least one retractable and extendible support leg.2. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one retractable and extendible support leg is adjustable to varying lengths.3. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one retractable and extendible support leg is telescopic.4. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one retractable and extendible support leg further comprises at least one spring loaded pin to secure the at least one retractable and extendible support leg in either an extended or retracted position.5. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , wherein the system is sized and arranged to support a ballistic shield and protect the upper torso of a user from rounds fired from weapons.6. The ballistic shield support system of claim 1 , further comprising a base attached ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210293514A1

A method of adding personal ballistic protection from bullets and projectiles to hand carried personal devices. Armored plates, contained in flexible, ballistic fabric are attached to personal items to provide protection without being bulky or heavy. Various embodiments are adjustable to allow fitment to several sizes and styles of binders, books and laptops. 1. A method of adding personal ballistic protection to frequently carried personal items , generally shaped like a book cover and attachable to personal school and business items comprising:a front panel with an inner side and an outer side;a back panel with an inner side and an outer side;additional material on the inside of the front and back covers forming pockets into which the front and back of the personal item can be inserted to secure the cover to the personal item or;straps oriented vertically on the inside cover of the front panel and back panel that can are adjustable and can be used to secure the cover to the personal item;an opening on the outside of the front panel and on the outside of the back panel oriented horizontally and located near the top of the cover, allowing insertion of a hard ballistic panel;hook-and-loop matrix, snaps, zippers or other closure method providing a closure method for each of the openings used for insertion of ballistic panels;hard ballistic protection panels, generally rectangular in shape inserted into the openings on the outside of the front and back panels, rated to meet National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standard 0108.01 and in the Type IIIA class;straps that are handles attached to the inside of the front panel and the back panel that are used to hold the device/cover in front of or behind the head and torso of the user;a strap attached to the outer vertical edge of the front panel, back panel or additional panels that is used to hang the cover/device from the forehead;2. The safety cover/device of wherein hook-and-loop matrix claim 1 , snaps claim 1 , zippers or ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации

Vehicular Armor System

Номер: US20150268009A1
Принадлежит: Hardwire, LLC

A vehicular armor system to prevent ballistic projectiles from penetrating a vehicle includes a panel having a perimeter defining an area sized to cover at least a portion of an exterior vehicular surface, generally a door, and having a contour within the perimeter configured to generally conform to the portion of the vehicular surface. The panel includes a layered arrangement including a protection layer comprised of a ballistic material and an outer cosmetic layer on which color and/or graphic matter can be applied. The panel is mounted to the vehicle, such as with a removable magnetic mounting system. The panel can also be configured for use as a personal shield when removed from the vehicle. A method of manufacturing the armor system is also provided. 1. A vehicular armor system to prevent ballistic projectiles from penetrating a vehicle , comprising: a protection layer comprised of a ballistic material, the protection layer including an inner side disposed to face the vehicular surface and an outer side disposed to face outwardly from the vehicular surface, and', 'a cosmetic layer arranged on the outer side of the protection layer, the cosmetic layer including color, graphic matter, or both color and graphic matter visible on the outer surface of the panel;, 'a panel comprising a layered arrangement of materials, the panel comprising an inner surface, an outer surface, and a perimeter defining an area, the area sized to cover at least a portion of an exterior vehicular surface, the panel further comprising a non-planar contour within the perimeter configured to generally conform to a non-planar contour of the portion of the vehicular surface, the layered arrangement of materials comprisinga removable mounting system disposed to affix the panel to the vehicular surface; anda dampening element comprising a compressible material disposed on the inner surface of the panel as an interface with the vehicle and to minimize transmission of vibrations from the vehicle ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации

Locking pocket carrying good and method of use

Номер: US20180255889A1
Автор: Trimble Marcy Anne

A multi use detachable locking carrying good that may be hidden for security. When assembled the sides of the carrying good are key locking, finger scanner locking and or combination locking pockets that will attach and detach to the bottom base layer, one or more strap will attach to one or more pockets to allow the carrying good to be carried. Further the bottom base layer attaches to any tangible item to allow the pockets to attach and be hidden. All pockets may be used together or separately by attaching accessories, carrying straps, key chain rings or may be carried by hand. 1. A detachable finger scanning locking pocket and method of use consisting essentially of:A. a layer of material having a front side and a back side is folded back and forth accordion style to create one or more panel(s), said panel(s) having a top edge a bottom edge a left edge a right edge, the panel(s) are each bonded with a eyelet fastener on said top edge said bottom edge said left edge said right edge, a hook fastener strip is attached to said front side of the first panel a loop fastener strip is attached to the front side of the last panel said fasteners allow the layer to open and close, said back side of the first panel and the back side of the last panel are bonded with a magnet fastener said fastener allow the layer of material to attach and detach to a corresponding tangible items, attaching the back side of the layer of material to a tangible item and;B. attaching one or more detachable pocket (s) to the front side of the layer of material, said detachable pocket consisting essentially of; a layer of material having a front side and a back side is bonded with a finger scanning lock said layer is bonded to form a pocket, said pocket is bonded with at a eyelet fastener on the left edge the right edge the bottom edge, said back side of the pocket is bonded with at least one fastener, said fastener will attach and detach hand strap(s), said bottom edge of the pocket will attach ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170268854A1

A ballistic breacher shield has a combined shield/battering ram functionality. The breacher shield's design permits an officer assigned to breach a barrier (such as a door) to have shield protection as he approaches the barrier, a battering ram to break open the barrier, and then the shield protection again once the barrier has been breached. The officer's follow-through for breaching a door positions the breacher shield to provide cover for the entire team lined up in a stack for entering the barricaded dwelling. The breacher shield has a flattened top to provide a greater area of impact for battering and a shape/size to act as a shield. The sizes of the shields may vary to accommodate individual preference and/or the size of operator. Shields are suitable for right-handed or left-handed operators, and may have an agency identifier and/or lights used for illumination or red and blue flashing lights for use as identifiers and attention attractors.

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200256647A1

An example barrier can be switchable between an at least partially collapsed state and at least partially expanded state (e.g., a deployed state). For example, the barrier can be formed from a sheet and a plurality of rigid sections (e.g., rigid panels) attached or incorporated into the sheet. The barrier can also include a plurality of hinges, such as hinge lines, between the panels that are formed from the sheet. The hinges enable the barrier to be rigid foldable (e.g., the hinges can fold and unfold while the rigid sections remain stiff and rigid) between the expanded and collapsed states. 1. A barrier , comprising:a sheet;a plurality of rigid sections attached to or incorporated into the sheet;a plurality of hinges between the plurality of rigid sections, the plurality of hinges formed from portions of the sheet, the plurality of hinges intersect with each other at at least one vertex, wherein at least some of the plurality of hinges that intersect at the at least one vertex are non-collinear; andwherein the barrier is configured to be switchable between an at least partially collapsed state and an at least partially expanded state.2. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the sheet includes a continuous sheet.3. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the sheet includes a discontinuous sheet.4. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the sheet includes a non-ballistic material.5. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the sheet includes a plurality of layers claim 1 , the plurality of layers includes at least one first layer and at least one second layer claim 1 , and wherein the at least one first layer and the at least one second layer form at least one pocket therebetween that is configured to receive a corresponding one of the plurality of rigid sections.6. The barrier of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of rigid sections includes a plurality of rigid panels that are distinct from the sheet.7. The barrier of claim 6 , wherein each of the plurality of rigid panels is coupled to an ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200263959A1

A backpack comprising a ballistic-resistant panel and related methods are provided. The backpack may be employed in two different states. In a collapsed or non-deployed state, the ballistic-resistant panel is stored. In an expanded or deployed state, the ballistic-resistant panel is deployed to protect the arm(s) and torso of the user. 1. A backpack comprising:a main body defining a storage compartment;two shoulder straps, each having an upper end connected to an upper end of the main body and a lower end connected to a lower end of the main body; andone or more ballistic-resistant panels connected to the main body and movable by a user from a collapsed state in which the one or more ballistic-resistant panels are retained in or against the main body to a deployed state in which the one or more ballistic-resistant panels are expanded to substantially cover the user's torso and one or both arms, wherein when expanded in the deployed state, at least a portion of each ballistic-resistant panel has a height in the direction between the upper and lower ends of the main body between 12 inches and 60 inches, and at least a portion of each ballistic-resistant panel has a width in a substantially perpendicular direction to the height between 12 inches and 60 inches.2. The backpack of claim 1 , wherein the height is between 12 inches and 24 inches and the width is between 12 inches and 24 inches.3. The backpack of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ballistic-resistant panels comprises a plurality of segments.4. The backpack of claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises a front claim 1 , a back claim 1 , a top claim 1 , a bottom claim 1 , a first side claim 1 , and a second side claim 1 , and wherein the one or more ballistic-resistant panels comprise a single ballistic-resistant panel coupled to the first side of the main body.5. The backpack of claim 1 , wherein the one or more ballistic-resistant panels comprise a first ballistic-resistant panel and a second ballistic- ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150292840A1

A detachable shield for tactical equipment box has a rectangular form, an outer surface and an opposite inner surface, a long first edge and a second edge, at least two hinges upon the first edge that cooperate with second hinges mounted to a box, a second lock component that cooperates with a prime lock component mounted to a box opposite the second hinges, and a handle joined to the inner surface. The first hinges, handle, and second lock component join to the shield without fracturing it. The first hinges separate from the second hinges so that a law enforcement officer can take the shield from the box for use as protection from projectiles. In an alternate embodiment, the second component joins to the inner surface along with a reinforcing strip along the second edge. 1. A device for securing a box and protecting a person during its later usage , the box having a front , a back , two sides , and a bottom , the front having a prime component of a lock upon it , the device comprising:a shield generally rectangular, having a first edge and an opposite second edge, an outer surface and an opposite inner surface;at least two first hinges connecting to said first edge of said shield;at least two second hinges adapted to connect to the front of the box;a second component of a lock connecting to said shield proximate said second edge;each of said first hinges cooperatively engaging each of said second hinges;wherein said shield is adapted to have a closed position upon the box enclosing it when said first hinges engage said second hinges; and,wherein said shield is adapted to separate from the box as said first hinges disengage from said second hinges.2. The box securing and person protecting shield of further comprising:a handle upon said inner surface.3. The box securing and person protecting shield of further comprising:reinforcement upon said inner surface proximate said second edge.4. The box securing and person protecting shield of further comprising:at least one ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Shield Cover and Shield Incorporating the Same

Номер: US20160290770A1

A shield cover and a shield retaining such a cover with an electrical discharge system with an activated condition wherein electrical power is applied to an electrically conductive pathway, which can be formed from positive and negative electrical pathways running generally parallel, on the shield cover. The shield cover has a shield cover body for being applied to, retained by, and removed from the shield body. An electrical discharge system is formed by a source of electrical power, the electrically conductive pathway, and a switch or other actuator for activating the electrical discharge system to the activated condition. The shield cover body could be formed from a stretch fabric, and the electrically conductive pathway could be formed by conductive thread. Electrical insulation material can prevent arcing between the shield cover and the shield body. An arcing structure can automatically or selectively produce visible or audible electrical arcing. 1. A shield cover for being removably retained relative to a shield with a shield body , the shield cover comprising:a shield cover body for being applied to, retained by, and removed from the shield body;an electrical discharge system wherein the electrical discharge system comprises a source of electrical power, at least one electrically conductive pathway retained by the shield cover body, and an actuator for activating the electrical discharge system to an activated condition wherein electrical power is applied to the electrically conductive pathway.2. The shield cover of wherein the shield cover body has at least a resilient portion.3. The shield cover of wherein the shield cover body is at least partially formed from a stretch fabric.4. The shield cover of wherein the at least one electrically conductive pathway is formed by conductive thread.5. The shield cover of wherein the at least one electrically conductive pathway has a positive conductive thread and a negative conductive thread.6. The shield cover of ...

23-12-2021 дата публикации

Human Interface Device for Exoskeleton Apparatus

Номер: US20210393466A1
Принадлежит: US BIONICS Inc

A human interface device is configured to be coupled to a trunk of a person and comprises a frame, a fabric coupled to said frame configurable to be under tensile forces, and a belt configured to be coupled to two side edges of said frame wherein when said belt is worn by said person, an area of said fabric will be pushed against the person's lower back conforming to the shape of the lower back of said person. In operation when said human interface device is worn by said person, the weight of any load coupled to or supported by said frame will be partially supported by the friction force between the area of said fabric which is pushed against the person's lower back, and the person's lower back allowing said person to carry said load.

18-10-2018 дата публикации

Convertible Bullet-proof Backpack

Номер: US20180295974A1
Автор: ZHANG Wei

A convertible bullet-proof backpack and vest includes a body section divided into a front portion, a middle portion, and back portion. The middle portion has a head slot opening, and the front and back portions have respective sections of bullet-proof fabric integrated therein. A zipper runs around an outer perimeter of the front and back portions. In a backpack configuration, the front portion and the back portion fold toward each other and the zipper secures the outer perimeters of the front portion and the back portion together thereby forming a hollow backpack interior between them. In a bullet-proof vest configuration, the zipper is unzipped thereby allowing a user to insert their head through the head slot opening such that the front portion hangs in front of a torso of the user and the back portion hangs behind the torso of the user. 1. A convertible bullet-proof backpack comprising:a body section;a middle portion of the body section, the middle portion having a head slot opening provided therein;a front portion of the body section on a first side of the middle portion, the front portion having a first section of bullet-proof fabric integrated therein;a back portion of the body section on a second side of the middle portion, the second side being on an opposite side of the middle portion than the first side, the back portion having a second section of bullet-proof fabric integrated therein;a first zipper chain provided in a first U-shape around an outer perimeter of the front portion, the first zipper chain not crossing over the body section where the front portion meets the middle portion;a second zipper chain provided in a second U-shape around an outer perimeter of the back portion, the second zipper chain not crossing over the body section where the back portion meets the middle portion; anda zipper slider on at least one of the first zipper chain and the second zipper chain;wherein, in a backpack configuration, the front portion and the back portion fold ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190293390A1
Автор: Ahrens Chad A.

Inconspicuous ballistic armor that may be incorporated into or disguised within everyday articles in the environment in which it is deployed. The ballistic armor includes a ballistic shield, an article attached to the front surface of the ballistic shield, and hand/arm straps attached to a rear surface of the ballistic shield. A thin sheet of hardened abrasion-resistant steel may alternatively be affixed to the ballistic shield core and may wrap around the core slightly to allow for attachment of arm straps and hand holds behind the shield. Examples of the article attached to the front surface include a desktop calendar, a whiteboard, corkboard and artwork. The ballistic shield is formed from high strength, lightweight synthetic fiber that can withstand gunfire. The hand/arm straps may be formed from a webbing strap material that is attached, such as by rivets or special fasteners, to the rear surface of the ballistic shield. An autonomous alert and movement tracking system connects the shields to the Internet to allow generation of a map showing locations and movements of shields, and predictive location and movement of the attacker, for use by both the users of the shields and first responders. The shields may also have audio and visual indicators to allow display of alerts. 1. Ballistic armor comprising a ballistic shield; an article attached to a front surface of the ballistic shield; and hand/arm straps attached to a rear surface of the ballistic shield.2. The ballistic armor of claim 1 , wherein the article attached to the front surface of the ballistic shield is a desktop calendar.3. The ballistic armor of claim 1 , wherein the ballistic shield is formed from any one or combination of Kevlar® brand para-aramid synthetic fiber claim 1 , Dyneema® brand fiber claim 1 , Spectra Shield® brand fiber claim 1 , steel claim 1 , aluminum and alumina ceramic.4. The ballistic armor of claim 1 , wherein two arm/hand straps are provided in a central portion of the rear ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Lightweight handheld armor shield

Номер: US20170307339A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An armor shield. The arm shield includes a ballistic material layer and a fabric layer. The fabric layer snuggly encases the ballistic material layer. The ballistic material layer and the fabric layer form a front side, a rear side, and an edge of the armor shield. A least one looped handle may be secured to the rear side.

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Protective Table/Desk

Номер: US20190301838A1
Автор: Birdsell John

Disclosed herein is a table for use by at least one person in protection from attackers/aggressors and more particularly protection from an active shooter's bullets or other lethal projectiles. 1. An apparatus for shielding persons from bullets and high-speed projectiles comprising: i. a table top comprising a top surface and a bottom surface;', 'ii. at least one handle coupled to the bottom surface;', 'iii. a plurality of legs coupled to, and extending perpendicularly downward from the bottom surface;', 'iv. the table top further comprising at least one layer of bullet-resistant material., 'A. a table comprising2. The apparatus of wherein the at least one layer of bullet resistant material is comprised of at least one of the following materials: fiberglass; steel; titanium; ceramic; shear-thickening fluid; or magnetorheological fluid.3. The apparatus of wherein the bullet-resistant material is comprised of Armorcore® material.4. The apparatus of wherein the bullet-resistant material is coated with at least one layer of durable material.5. The apparatus of wherein the durable material comprises at least one layer of Tuff Coat® material.6. The apparatus of wherein the at least one handle is configured for gripping by human hands.7. The apparatus of wherein the plurality of legs are comprised of steel. This invention relates to a table for use in protection from attackers/aggressors and more particularly protection from an active shooter's bullets.With attacks by terrorists and active shooters on the rise, it is highly desirable to have some convenient form of temporary ballistic protection behind which students, employees and others can safely shelter. One of the main threats today consists of one or more active shooters that enter schools, business areas, or other public areas and simply spray bullets indiscriminately with the intent to kill or seriously injure as many people as possible in a short time. At present, the standard operating procedure during an active ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации

Women's Bulletproof Ballistic Shield Handbag

Номер: US20200305566A1
Автор: Taha Said M.

A hand-carry purse converting into bullet proof vest 1{'figref': {'@idref': 'DRAWINGS', 'FIGS. 1A-1B, 2 & 4C'}, "The current invention provides the aforementioned unique features allowing to convert into a type of body armor, bullet proof vest that may save the wearers life. These prior devices shown in are comprised of ballistic Shields that can be deployed by an ordinary skilled individual to reconfigure into a wearable configuration that protects multiple parts of the wearer's body. The current invention can also be used as a shield in the vent as such time is a factor. These devices can provide a handbag with panels that can be easily removed from hidden compartment by ordinary skilled individuals at the early ages of 10, to as old as 80 years (or older baring restrictions with range of motion). We claim that the user of this handbag with safety vest accessory can be secure in all instances of high projectile attacks (for handgun attacks to AR-15 attacks) and will bring with it the certification certificate thereforth."}. The embodiment of common handbags worn over a shoulder via a strap and suspended there under or carried from straps for particle functionality as an actual handbag are coveted for their practicableness. While most users can operate the handbag in the above manners, such usages of the handbag do not provide user with safety or peace of mind from incumbent dangers in today's society. Heretofore, various types of bags, including handbags have been constructed with the exclusion of ballistic shields or accessories to provide the owners of such bags a wearable option of protection. With the increasing number of mass shootings no longer an aberration and projectiles moving at high velocity have become almost common place, safety and peace of mind are in jeopardy. Accordingly, some traditional handbags are liable to being penetrated by high velocity projectiles, such as bullets, wherein a user is vulnerable to serious or fatal injury. Not ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180313637A1

A system, method, and blocking pad for receiving strikes from a special individual. The blocking pad includes a pad configured to receive the blows from the special individual. The blocking pad further includes a number of handles connected to a back of the pad. The number of handles include at least two handles in a middle portion of the back of the pad and at least a handle at ends of the pad. 1. A blocking pad for preventing injury to a user resulting from strikes received from a special individual , comprising:a pad configured to receive an impact from a strike by the special individual, the pad having a plurality of opposing edges, a front surface and an opposing rear surface, wherein the front surface of the pad and the rear surface of the pad are parallel with each other and wherein the front surface and the rear surface of the pad are both a surface between the plurality of opposing edges and the flat front surface is configured to prevent harm to the special individual upon the special individual striking the front surface and the rear surface is configured to prevent harm to the user holding the pad as a result of blows from the special individual knocking the rear surface of the pad into the user holding the pad;a support member associated with the pad and contoured to the plurality of opposing edges of the pad, the front surface of the pad and the rear surface of the pad, wherein the support member, the front surface and the rear surface of the pad have the same area and shape;the rear surface of the pad consists of a plurality of exterior handles associated with the support member, wherein the plurality of exterior handles are positioned generally about a periphery of the support member and comprise a first pair of transverse handles oriented 90° relative to at least a second pair of transverse handles, wherein the first pair and the second pair of transverse handles comprise two connecting portions extending rearwardly from the support member, a ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Individual protective blanket for emergencies

Номер: US20150338193A1
Принадлежит: Protecht LLC

An individual protective body blanket for use during emergencies for protection against flying shrapnel, debris, and projectiles. The blanket may comprise an energy absorbing layer and a ballistic resistant layer sandwiched between inner and out layers of ripstock nylon. The blanket may comprise a generally rectangular or elongate panel with inner and outer surfaces. The inner surface is provided with shoulder straps and a belt for donning the blanket in a backpack-like fashion. The outer surface may be made of a visually conspicuous color, such as orange or yellow, to assist first responders in locating the individual.

08-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200318932A1
Принадлежит: CASPER COO LLC

Ballistic shields having a convex configuration including a middle section and forward angled left side and right side wings. The shields may also include at least three manual or electro-mechanical roller units, transparent windows or display devices with cameras or other motions sensors, and spikes, electro-shock devices, or non-lethal incapacitating devices. 1. A movable ballistic shield apparatus comprising: forward extending side sections; and', 'at least one window;, 'a body includingat least one handle disposed on a back surface of the body; and 'a plurality of omnidirectional locomotion assemblies disposed on a bottom of the body,', 'a locomotion system includingwherein the at least one window comprises a transparent ballistic material, andwherein the body comprises a ballistic material capable of slowing, trapping, stopping, and/or deflecting a bullet.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:each of the omnidirectional locomotion assemblies comprises a omnidirectional roller assembly, andthe plurality is at least three forming a three point configuration.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the side sections comprise straight forward facing wings making an angle with a straight middle section of the body; orthe side sections comprise curved forward facing wings making an angle with a straight middle section of the body; orthe side sections comprise curved forward facing wings and the body has a continuous curved configuration.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a manual spike deployment system disposed on the back surface of the body.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the manual spike deployment system comprises:a lever arm,a spike deployment arm including a plurality of spikes, andan equal plurality of apertures disposed in the body through which the spikes traverse, when the lever arm is moved to transition the spikes from a retracted state and a deployed state.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the manual spike deployment system ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Riot shields having ballistic properties

Номер: US20170336176A1
Автор: Alan Hudson, Terrance Hand
Принадлежит: Usi Holdings LLC

A shield that is a riot shield that has certain ballistic properties. The shield is configured to give an individual protection during riots, and the like, from thrown cans, bottles, and rocks, among other projectiles, but also will give the user ballistic protection in the event that it is needed at the time.

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200326158A1
Автор: Himmelmann Richard A.

An energy storage system for a wearable power module includes a harness with a torso segment and a limb segment, a turboalternator supported by the torso segment of the harness, and a chemical energy source. The chemical energy source in fluid communication with the turboalternator and is supported by the limb segment of the harness in a distributed arrangement to allow for support of a mechanical load by the torso segment of the harness. Wearable power modules and exoskeletons are also described. 1. An energy storage system for a wearable power module , comprising:a harness with a torso segment and a limb segment;a turboalternator supported by the torso segment of the harness; anda chemical energy source in fluid communication with the turboalternator and supported by the harness, wherein the chemical energy source is supported on the limb segment of the harness in a distributed arrangement to allow for support of a mechanical load by the torso segment of the harness.2. The energy storage system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the limb segment of the harness includes a left-leg portion and a right-leg portion claim 1 , wherein the chemical energy source is distributed between the left-leg portion and right-leg portion of the limb segment.3. The energy storage system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the chemical energy source comprises a first pressure vessel and one or more second pressure vessels claim 1 , the one or more second pressure vessels are in fluid communication with the turboalternator.4. The energy storage system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the first pressure vessel is fluidly connected to the turboalternator by the one or more second pressure vessels.5. The energy storage system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the first pressure vessel contains a compressed gas charge claim 3 , wherein the one or more second pressure vessels contains a fuel charge.6. The energy storage system as recited in claim 3 , wherein the one or more second pressure vessels ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Sensorially Attractive Puncture-Resistant Panel

Номер: US20200326161A1

In a first aspect, the invention provides a sensorially attractive puncture-resistant panel having a first surface and a second surface, wherein at least one of the first surface and the second surface is sensorially attractive. In some embodiments, the panel comprises, consists, or consists essentially of a first layer having a first surface and a second surface, wherein at least one of the first surface and the second surface is sensorially attractive, and a second layer that is puncture-resistant and comprises, consists, or consists essentially of a puncture-resistant material. In some embodiments, the panel is sensorially attractive to a child. 1. A sensorially attractive puncture-resistant panel comprising a puncture-resistant layer sandwiched between at least two sensorially attractive layers , said at least two sensorially layers forming a sleeve that resembles a cartoon character or an animal.2. The panel of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least two sensorially attractive layers is a layer of stuffing.3. The panel of claim 2 , wherein the panel can be folded to form a stuffed animal or can be unfolded to form a pillow.4. A method for making a sensorially attractive puncture-resistant panel comprising: (a) providing a layer comprising puncture-resistant material claim 2 , and (b) inserting the puncture-resistant layer into a padded or stuffed sleeve comprising an opening claim 2 , an internal edge claim 2 , two internal surfaces and two outside surfaces claim 2 , wherein at least one of the two outside surfaces is sensorially attractive and wherein the puncture-resistant layer is sandwiched between the two internal surfaces in the sleeve.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the opening of the sleeve is permanently or non-permanently closed after the insertion of the puncture-resistant material layer.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the puncture-resistant layer comprises a fastener that attaches to the internal edge or at least one of the two internal ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200326162A1
Автор: Beck Jason

Implementations described and claimed herein provide a ballistic dolly system. In one implementation, a frame assembly of a ballistic dolly has an elongated member. A seat assembly is mounted to the elongated member. The seat assembly has one or more surfaces adapted to engage an inner surface of a body of an overlap panel. One or more seat channels are formed in the seat assembly. Each of the one or more seat channels is adapted to releasably engage an edge of a body of an armor panel. Each of the one or more seat channels orients the edge of the body of the armor panel in an overlapping relationship with the body of the overlap panel such that a portion of the body of the armor panel overlaps with a portion of the body of the overlap panel. The overlapping relationship covers a ballistic void of the ballistic dolly. 1a frame assembly of a ballistic dolly having an elongated member;a seat assembly mounted to the elongated member, the seat assembly having one or more surfaces adapted to engage an inner surface of a body of an overlap panel; andone or more seat channels formed in the seat assembly, each of the one or more seat channels adapted to releasably engage an edge of a body of an armor panel, each of the one or more seat channels orienting the edge of the body of the armor panel in an overlapping relationship with the body of the overlap panel such that a portion of the body of the armor panel overlaps with a portion of the body of the overlap panel, the overlapping relationship covering a ballistic void of the ballistic dolly.. A ballistic dolly system comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 16/392,380, filed on Apr. 23, 2019, entitled BALLISTIC DOLLY SYSTEM and issued as U.S. Pat. No. ______, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 15/896,840, entitled BALLISTIC DOLLY SYSTEM and issued as U.S. Pat. No. 10,267,601, each of which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety for any purpose.Aspects of the present disclosure relate to ...
