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27-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2180097C2

Изобретение относится к области оптического приборостроения. Измеритель видимости содержит апертурную диафрагму (АД), ахроматический и фотометрический клинья, первый отрицательный компонент, объектив и окуляр зрительной трубы, между которыми размещены электронно-оптический преобразователь (ЭОП) и второй отрицательный компонент. Работа прибора заключается в следующем: в исходном положении клинья перекрывают АД, и на экране ЭОПа создается видимое изображение объекта и фона, смещенное относительно оптической оси прибора на величину, пропорциональную преломляющему углу ахроматического клина и увеличению оптической системы. В процессе измерений клинья перемещают относительно АД, при этом энергетические потоки от объекта и фона разделяются на два потока и на экране ЭОПа образуют два изображения, основное и дополнительное, одной и той же картины. Клинья перемещают до тех пор, пока видимый контраст основного изображения объекта не достигнет порогового значения. Этот момент и является отсчетным ...

20-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU96120387A

Измеритель видимости, состоящий из последовательно расположенных апертурной диафрагмы, ахроматического и фотометрического клиньев и зрительной трубы, отличающийся тем, что в него введены электронно-оптический преобразователь, размещенный между объективом и окуляром зрительной трубы, с двумя отрицательными оптическими компонентами, один из которых размещен за последним клином перед объективом зрительной трубы, а второй - между электронно-оптическим преобразователем и ее окуляром.

27-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008145365A

Устройство для поверки и калибровки пульсметров, содержащее источник излучения, диафрагму, модулятор светового потока, эталонную и поверяемую фотометрические головки, отличающееся тем, что после диафрагмы установлен матовый рассеиватель, модулятор светового потока, выполненный в виде диска с двумя секторными вырезами и расположенный между диафрагмой и матовым рассеивателем, имеет возможность возвратно-поступательного перемещения перпендикулярно оптической оси, а эталонная и поверяемая фотометрические головки имеют возможность поочередной установки их на оптическую ось с помощью расположенного после матового рассеивателя диска, имеющего возможность вращения.

07-05-1990 дата публикации

Фотометрическая установка для регистрации быстропротекающих процессов

Номер: SU1562713A1

Изобретение относится к контрольно-измерительной технике. Цель изобретения - увеличение скорости измерений. Оптический клин выполняется в виде неподвижной кассеты из N светофильтров-ослабителей, коммутатор световых потоков - в виде двух включенных в противофазе электрооптических модуляторов. Изменение оптической плотности регистрируется смонтированными в линейную матрицу фотоприемниками, обработка информации и управление устройством осуществляются микропроцессором, соединенным с таймерами и двумя идентичными блоками, каждый из которых содержит N-канальный переключатель для подключения элементов матрицы фотоприемников к микропроцессору. 1 ил.

23-06-1984 дата публикации

Дифференциальный двухлучевой фотометр для хроматографии

Номер: SU1099110A1

ДИФФЕРЕНЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ДВУХЛУЧЕВОЙ ФОТОМЕТР ДЛЯ ХРОМАТОГРАФИИ, содержащий лампу тлеющего разряда, измерительную и сравнительную проточные кюветы, фотоприемник, устройство сравнения интенсивности световых потоков и блок управления тлеющим разрядом, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения чувствительности , в него дополнительно введен синхронизатор, в блок управления тлеющим разрядом введено электронное устройство управления положением столба тлеющего разряда, синхронизирующий выход которого соединен через синхронизатор с синхронизирующим входом устройства сравнения интенсивности световых потоков, при этом измерительная и сравнительная кюветы расположены так, что их оптичесI кие оси пересекают линию, соединяющую электроды лампы тлеющего разря (Л да в точках, расположенных между электродами на равных расстояниях от концов электродов.

30-04-1936 дата публикации


Номер: SU46718A1
Автор: Воропанов

10-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000133587A1

26-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000090331U

Способ колориметрического определения концентрации веществ включает изготовление серии стандартных разведений аналита; отбор опытных образцов раствора анализируемого вещества; добавление к образцу и серии стандартных разведений аналита хромогенного аналитического реагента, внесение окрашенного соединения с помощью автоматического дозатора в лунки иммунологического планшета; получение цифрового изображения иммунологического планшета с помощью сканера; определение цветного канала цифровых изображений образцов, значение интенсивности которого меняется более всего; определение абсорбции света каждого образца в этом канале; построение калибровочного графика зависимости абсорбции света образцом в выбранном цветном канале от концентрации аналита в серии стандартных разведений; определение концентрации аналита в образце по этому графику. Получение цифрового изображения иммунологического планшета осуществляют в режиме абсолютной колориметрии, с отключенной автоматической коррекцией цвета, с компенсацией ...

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Physical quantity sensing element having improved structure suitable for electrical connection and method of fabricating same

Номер: US2005140493A1

A physical quantity sensing element according to the invention includes an insulating layer and a sensing layer. The sensing layer is configured to generate an electrical signal as a function of a physical quantity applied thereto and has a surface that includes a first and a second area. The first area is completely covered with the insulating layer so that the physical quantity is to be applied to both the insulating layer and the sensing layer through the first area; the second area is exposed to an application direction of the physical quantity without being covered with the insulating layer and being subject to application of the physical quantity. With such a structure, easy and reliable electrical connection of the physical quantity sensing element with external devices and circuits is ensured. In addition, several practical methods of fabricating the physical quantity sensing element according to the invention are also provided.

23-01-1992 дата публикации

Способ радиозондовых измерения потоков солнечной радиации и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: SU1707482A1

Изобретение отьс ;-;гся к измерительной техники в метесгюпогии, а именно к радиОЈОмловь м измзрйпипм потоков радиации в йтнссфере. Цель изобретения -упрощение и удешевление радиоэондовых измерений . Измерение солнечной радиации осуществляют путем измерения суммарной прямой и рассеянной радиации, а затем рассеянной радиации. Новым в способе являет-4 ся то, что дополнительно при измерении суммарной рздкзции измеряют прямую и определенную часть рассеянной радиации. а вычисления измеренных радиации проводят по указанным в формуле уравнением Устройство для осуществлен; способа содержит полусферический рэссеиватель, фо- трприемник, затеняющий узел с поворотным механизмом и заслонкой. Новым в устройстве является то, что на вершине рассеивателй перпендикулярно .основанию установлен тубус с ззслонкоГ: внутри или в его верхней части. Размеры убуса определяются из указанного в формуле соотношения. 2 ил. ; г r,ai ...

30-04-1980 дата публикации

Двухволновой фотометр

Номер: SU731308A1

16-09-1998 дата публикации

Flicker photometer

Номер: GB0002323162A

In a flicker photometer to measure the level of macular pigment in the eye of a subject, a light source 1 produces two beams of light of different wavelengths that are alternately directed to the eyepiece 2 via a rotating chopper 18. The intensity of one of the beams is adjusted by the subject until no or minimal flicker is observed by the subject. The intensity adjustment means comprises a wedge-shaped attenuation filter 20 that is positioned in the path of one of the beams by an electric motor 22. In a further embodiment the light source, filter and chopper are located on a table 60 so that is moveable by means of motor 80 or handle 68 so that the photometer can be used with both short and long sighted subjects. The chopper 18 alternately allows transmission 2 of attenuated light via window 6 to the eyepiece or reflects light via its bevelled edge (186,188,figure 18) to the eyepiece. Use of the bevelled edge of the chopper leads to a compact layout.

11-12-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000121541U

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008042412A3

An opto-mechanical anemometer (10) is particularly adapted to measure fluctuations in the flow (20) of a turbulent fluid such as can be applied in the measurement of wind turbulence for meteorological purposes, the turbulent flow of fluid through a pipe or conduit, or the flow of air through a tube from the breath of a patient for medical diagnostics. An optical fiber (40) is positioned in the flow path of the fluid and fixed motionless at one end (46). The free end (44) is caused to bend in response to fluctuations in the flow. A beam of light is projected out the free end of the optical fiber toward a stationary optical detector (70) placed in the path of the beam, which is sensitive to the point of maximum intensity of the beam of light. Deflection of the optical fiber translates into movement of the light beam over the detector, allowing measurement of the speed and direction of the fluid flow in two orthogonal planes.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Sensing System

Номер: US20120019814A1

Described herein is an improved sensing system (30) and its method of operation. The system (30) includes a camera (16) for viewing an external scene, the camera comprising one or more detector(s) and has a field of view (40) which overlaps with the path (32) of a pulsed laser (12). The laser path (32) and radiation from the scene viewed (40) share a beamsplitter (36) and a window (38). In order to substantially reduce back-scattered radiation from the laser path (32) affecting operation of the detector(s) of the camera (16), the detector(s) is (are) switched in accordance with the operation of the laser (12) to be off or non-receiving when the laser (12) is on or firing.

20-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU94335U1

Погружной зонд для определения гидрофизических и гидрохимических параметров воды в водоемах, включающий излучатель и приемник излучения, отличающийся тем, что в качестве излучателя использован светодиод, а в качестве приемника излучения использован фотодиод, кроме этого в устройство дополнительно включены еще два светодиода, причем все три светодиода подключены через стабилизатор тока к источнику питания и установлены на той стороне диска Секки, которая при помещении диска Секки в водоем с помощью приспособления, которое может быть выполнено в виде штанги или веревки с нанесенной линейной шкалой с делениями, обращена ко дну водоема, кроме этого, на некотором расстоянии от каждого светодиода расположен соответствующий ему фотодиод соосно по оптическим осям этих светодиода и фотодиода, которые с подключенным к фотодиоду через соответствующий переменный резистор регистрирующим устройством образуют фотометрический канал, и соответствующие трем светодиодам фотометрические каналы предназначены ...

07-07-1988 дата публикации

Измеритель степени видимости

Номер: SU1408243A1

Изобретение относится к оптическим измерениям и касается определения видимости объектов и их контрастов. Целью изобретения является повышение точности и расширение диапазона измерений. Для этого измеритель, содержащий коллиматор и зрительную трубу, между которыми расположена квадратная апертурная диафрагма , снабжен объективом с переменным фокусным расстоянием и узлом оптических клиньев, выполненным из набора пар оптических компонент различных заданных сочетаний преломляюших углов и коэффициентов пропускания, установленных с возможностью выставки каждой пары параллельно и на одном уровне со стороной апертурной диафрагмы. 3 ил.

13-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101145289B1

PURPOSE: An ultraviolet light sensor based on an optical fiber lattice where an azobenzene polymer is coated and ultraviolet light detecting device using the same are provided to easily manufacture an ultraviolet detecting sensor by coating an azobenzene polymer on optical fiber where a fiber brag grating is formed and easily measure strength of ultraviolet lights. CONSTITUTION: An ultraviolet light sensor based on an optical fiber lattice where an azobenzene polymer is coated comprises optical fibers(10) and azobenzene polymer(20). The optical fibers comprise an optical fiber brag lattice. The azobenzene polymer is coated on the optical fibers. When the azobenzene polymer is exposed to the ultraviolet lights, the azobenzene polymer increases an optical fiber core lattice period by inducing a tension in the optical fibers, thereby moving center wavelength of the optical fiber brag lattice to a long wavelength. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012 ...

27-06-2002 дата публикации

Automatic optical level adjuster and optical signal receiving system having the adjuster

Номер: US20020079435A1
Автор: Jun Kuroshima

An automatic optical output level adjuster has a plurality of couplers for branching an optical signal, an optical switch for switching optical signal paths, a variable attenuator for attenuating the optical signal, a variable optical amplifier for amplifying the optical signal, photodetectors, and a CPU for control. The photodetectors detect the level of an optical input to the automatic optical output level adjuster and the level of an optical output from the adjuster. The CPU controls the optical switch on the basis of the detected optical input level and controls the amount of attenuation by the variable attenuator or the optical output from the variable amplifier on the basis of the detected optical output level. In a wavelength-multiplex optical transmission receiving system having the automatic optical output level adjuster inserted between a dispersion compensating fiber and an optical receiver, the level of an optical signal input to the optical receiver is automatically adjusted ...

11-01-2024 дата публикации


Номер: US20240011827A1

A display device includes a display panel which includes a display area including a plurality of pixels; a touch sensing unit disposed on a front surface of the display panel; a display driving circuit, configured to drive the pixels of the display area based on display control firmware; and a touch driving circuit configured to drive touch electrodes of the touch sensing unit based on touch driving firmware, and further configured to generate touch coordinate data, wherein the display control firmware and the touch driving firmware are initialized or changed according to a comparison result between a flicker noise detection value of the display area and a reference flicker noise detection value, wherein the flicker noise detection value is determined by measuring a change in luminance over time of a flicker detection pattern displayed in the display area.

10-09-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2399028C2

Изобретение относится к области метрологического обеспечения поверки и калибровки пульсметров. Устройство содержит последовательно расположенные источник излучения 1, объектив 16, диафрагму 3, шаговый двигатель 8 с возможностью перемещения гистерезисного двигателя 15 с вращающимся диском 13 перпендикулярно оптической оси и управляемый от ПК, матовый рассеиватель 14, зубчатое колесо 12 с расположенными на нем эталонной фотометрической головкой 4 и поверяемым пульсметром 10 и шаговый двигатель 9, приводящий во вращательное движение по команде от ПК зубчатое колесо. Изобретение позволяет уменьшить габариты и вес устройства, позволяет значительно сократить время поверки пульсметров, автоматизировать процесс поверки и расчета погрешности пульсметров. 2 ил.

27-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2069842C1
Принадлежит: МП НТК "Вулкан"

Использование: в метеорологии. Сущность изобретения: устройство содержит тубус, круглый и кольцевой фотоприемники, при этом диаметр кольцевого фотоприемника связан с длиной тубуса и угловой высотой Солнца соотношением: где D - внешний диаметр кольцевого фотоприемника, l - длина тубуса, Φ - угловая высота Солнца, d - диаметр круглого фотоприемника. 4 ил.

30-09-1986 дата публикации

Устройство для измерения индикатрисы расстояния света

Номер: SU1260693A1

Изобретение относится к области оптики , в частности к технике определения макроструктуры исследуемых образцов на основе измеряемых индикатрис рассеяния света. Целью изобретения является повышение точности измерения индикатрисы рассеяния света при увеличении углового диапазона измерения индикатрисы рассеяния света . Устройство для измерения индикатрисы рассеяния света содержит осветитель 1, отражатель 4, имеющий форму, образующая которой - эллипс, плоское зеркало 5, расположенное в первом фокусе отражателя, подставку 7, расположенную во втором фокусе отражателя, фотоприемник 2, расположенный по ходу отраженного от отражателя излучения соосно со световым потоком, отраженным от отражателя, регистрирующее устройство 3 и привод поворота 6. Новым в устройстве является то, что оно содержит звено кинематической связи привода поворота и подставки, углы поворотов которых определены следующим соотнои1ением: |3 2arctg(l-е)/ (-|-f--)tgal, где а - угол поворота привода поворота; (3 - уго,л поворота ...

20-10-1967 дата публикации

Фотоэлектрический озонозонд

Номер: SU204625A1

15-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000540388B2

14-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002284120C

A flicker photometer has beam generating means (1, 8 and 4) for generating two beams of light of different colours. Light from the beams is viewed at the viewing means, and the intensity of light of one beam relative to that of the other beam can be adjusted by adjustment means comprising an attenuating filter (20) which is movably mounted in the path of one beam. Movement of the filter relative to the beam alters the degree to which the beam is attenuated, and is achieved using an electric motor (22). The motor provides a relatively easy means of adjusting the filter position, and can be used to provide coarse and fine adjustments in response to suitable signals from an optical encoder. The motor also enables the filter, along with the beam generating means, to be mounted on a movable table for use in enabling the photometer to accommodate both short and long-sighted subjects.

11-07-1908 дата публикации


Номер: FR0000008873E

26-01-1943 дата публикации

Scintillating photometer

Номер: FR0000878647A

01-06-2003 дата публикации

Injection-seeding of a multi-tone photonic oscillator

Номер: TW0200300624A

A multi-tone photonic oscillator comprises a laser; an optical modulator coupled to the laser; and a delay line and a photodetector coupled to the optical modulator for generating a delayed electrical signal representation of the output of the optical modulator; wherein the optical modulator being responsible for the delayed electrical signal for generating multiple tones where the frequency intervals of the tones is a function of the amount of delay imposed by the delay line.

23-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: SU914942A1

01-01-1955 дата публикации

Фотоэлектрическое устройство

Номер: SU101656A1

27-02-1908 дата публикации


Номер: FR0000383228A

11-07-2002 дата публикации

Optically rebalanced accelerometer

Номер: US20020088932A1

An optical accelerometer for detecting an acceleration of a proof mass includes a source of optical radiation for generating a pair of beams of output radiation. The pair of beams of optical radiation exerts radiation pressure on the proof mass, so as to maintain the proof mass in an equilibrium position along a sensing axis. A position detecting system detects a displacement from the equilibrium position of the proof mass along the sensing axis in response to an inertial force acting on the proof mass. A modulator adjusts the intensity of each one of the pair of beams, so as to restore the proof mass to the equilibrium position along the sensing axis. The difference in the adjusted intensities of each one of the pair of beams is representative of the acceleration, resulting from the inertial force, of the proof mass along the sensing axis.

10-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000108607A

Измеритель видимости, состоящий из последовательно расположенных апертурной диафрагмы, ахроматического и фотометрического клиньев и зрительной трубы, отличающийся тем, что в него введены электронно-оптический преобразователь, размещенный между объективом и окуляром зрительной трубы, с двумя отрицательными оптическими компонентами, один из которых размещен за последним клином перед объективом зрительной трубы, а второй - между электронно-оптическим преобразователем и ее окуляром.

25-08-1974 дата публикации

Трехканальный цитофотометр

Номер: SU440568A1

16-11-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in photometers and the like

Номер: GB0000188421A

27-08-1935 дата публикации

Improvements in and connected with apparatus for measuring hiding power and/or opacity of light diffusing materials

Номер: GB0000434136A

... 434,136. Photometric apparatus. HANSTOCK, R. F., JORDAN, L. A., and RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH PAINT, COLOUR, & VARNISH MANUFACTURERS, Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London. March 12, 1934, No. 7729. [Class 97 (i)] Apparatus for measuring the hiding power of paints, opal glasses and photographic emulsions comprises two illuminated surfaces which may be seen through an eyepiece E, the illumination of one surface M2 being adjustable to a desired standard of hiding power, and a layer of the material under test being placed in a wedge-shaped container T which, together with a flicker photometer R, is situated in the path of light from the second illuminated surface M1 to the eyepiece, the container T being adjustable across the said path of light. Light passes from lamp L (1) through aperture I which is marked with a scale and may be varied, through diffusing screen G2 to mirror M2, aperture A, white diffusing surface of sector R (rotated by motor D) and to the eye-piece E ; (2) through ...

17-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002284120A1

A flicker photometer has beam generating means (1, 8 and 4) for generating two beams of light of different colours. Light from the beams is viewed at the viewing means, and the intensity of light of one beam relative to that of the other beam can be adjusted by adjustment means comprising an attenuating filter (20) which is movably mounted in the path of one beam. Movement of the filter relative to the beam alters the degree to which the beam is attenuated, and is achieved using an electric motor (22). The motor provides a relatively easy means of adjusting the filter position, and can be used to provide coarse and fine adjustments in response to suitable signals from an optical encoder. The motor also enables the filter, along with the beam generating means, to be mounted on a movable table for use in enabling the photometer to accommodate both short and long-sighted subjects.

14-06-1923 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for measurements of heterochromous photometry

Номер: FR0000554635A

22-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002865275A1

Un élément d'acquisition de grandeur physique conforme à l'invention comprend une couche isolante et une couche d'acquisition. La couche d'acquisition est configurée pour générer un signal électrique en fonction d'une grandeur physique appliquée à celle-ci, et présente une surface qui comprend une première et une seconde zones. La première zone est complètement recouverte de la couche isolante de sorte que la grandeur physique doit être appliquée à la fois à la couche isolante et à la couche d'acquisition au travers de la première zone, la seconde zone est exposée à un sens d'application de la grandeur physique sans être recouverte de la couche isolante et sans être soumise à l'application de la grandeur physique. Avec une telle structure, une connexion électrique aisée et fiable de l'élément d'acquisition de grandeur physique à des dispositifs et circuits externes est assurée. En outre, plusieurs procédés pratiques de fabrication de l'élément d'acquisition de grandeur physique conforme ...

04-08-2005 дата публикации

Meßvorrichtung für physikalische Größen mit verbessertem Aufbau, die für eine elektrische Verbindung geeignet ist, sowie Herstellungsverfahren dafür

Номер: DE102004061601A1

Ein Sensor für physikalische Größen umfaßt eine Isolierschicht und eine sensitive Schicht. Die sensitive Schicht ist geeignet zur Erzeugung eines elektrischen Signals als Funktion einer darauf einwirkenden physikalischen Größe und weist eine Oberfläche auf, die einen ersten und einen zweiten Bereich umfaßt. Der erste Bereich ist vollständig von der Isolierschicht derart bedeckt, daß die physikalische Größe auf die Isolierschicht und die sensitive Schicht durch den ersten Bereich übertragbar ist, während der zweite Bereich in einer Übertragungsrichtung der physikalischen Qualität offenliegt, ohne von der Isolierschicht bedeckt zu sein und zur Beaufschlagung durch die physikalische Größe ausgesetzt zu sein. Durch eine solche Konstruktion wird eine leichte und zuverlässige elektrische Verbindung der Meßvorrichtung für eine physikalische Größe mit externen Verbindungen und Schaltungen sichergestellt. Zusätzlich werden verschiedene praktische Verfahren zur Herstellung der erfindungsgemäßen Meßvorrichtung ...

29-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020090113216A

PURPOSE: A system and method for analyzing of light source is provided to minimize the structure which unit cells are arranged by mounting an optical signal monitoring device. CONSTITUTION: A light source monitoring device(720) monitors the light and includes a unit cell array lined up according to a pre-set arrangement standard by unit cells obtaining photo current by selecting only the light corresponding to different wavelength standard from the light selects. A light source characteristic analysis device(710) receives the wavelength and photo current of the light from the light source monitoring device. The light source characteristic analysis equipment produces an optical characteristic value of the light based on the wavelength and photo current of the received light. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2010 ...

04-03-2008 дата публикации

Delay circuit and test apparatus

Номер: US0007339152B2

A delay circuit for delaying an input signal with a desired delay and outputting the delayed signal. The delay circuit includes a light emitting element for emitting light according to an input signal and outputting a delay signal, a bias current source for supplying in advance a first light emitting element with a bias current smaller than a light emission threshold current of the first light emitting element, a bias current controller for controlling the bias current according to a desired delay time, a modulation current source for supplying the light emitting element with a modulation current for making the light emitting element emit light in accordance with the input signal, and a modulation current controller for controlling the modulation current in accordance with a delay resolution in the delay circuit. The modulation current controller controls the modulation current further according to a variable delay range in the delay circuit.

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Physical quantity sensing element having improved structure suitable for electrical connection and method of fabricating same

Номер: US20050140493A1
Автор: Kenji Morikawa

A physical quantity sensing element according to the invention includes an insulating layer and a sensing layer. The sensing layer is configured to generate an electrical signal as a function of a physical quantity applied thereto and has a surface that includes a first and a second area. The first area is completely covered with the insulating layer so that the physical quantity is to be applied to both the insulating layer and the sensing layer through the first area; the second area is exposed to an application direction of the physical quantity without being covered with the insulating layer and being subject to application of the physical quantity. With such a structure, easy and reliable electrical connection of the physical quantity sensing element with external devices and circuits is ensured. In addition, several practical methods of fabricating the physical quantity sensing element according to the invention are also provided.

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Optical transducer having optical modulator in the vicinity of rotational axis of moving object and musical instrument using the same

Номер: CN0001607574B

An optical transducer includes a photo-electric converter supported by a shank flange rail and optical modulators respectively attached to hammers of an automatic player piano; since a neck portion makes a photo-modulating pattern closer to the rotational axis of each hammer than a boss portion adhered to the side surface of the hammer shank, the photo-modulating pattern is rotated in a narrow space in the vicinity of the rotational axis so as to permit the photo-electric converter to monitor the hammer motion between the rest position and the end position without any interference with other component parts, and the boss portion is easily adhered to the side surface under the condition that a worker lifts the hammer over the adjacent hammers.

28-03-1904 дата публикации

Improvement with the photometric apparatuses

Номер: FR0000337085A

05-02-1946 дата публикации

Номер: US0002394508A1

14-11-2002 дата публикации

Optical converting type ultrasonic receiving apparatus

Номер: US20020166955A1
Автор: Eiji Ogawa
Принадлежит: FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD.

An ultrasonic receiving apparatus is equipped with such a condition capable of obtaining superior sensitivities. This ultrasonic receiving apparatus includes: an ultrasonic detecting element for modulating light on the basis of ultrasonic waves applied thereto, the ultrasonic detecting element including an ultrasonic sensible portion having a length not larger than ¾ of a wavelength of ultrasonic waves propagated therethrough; and a photodetector for detecting light output from the ultrasonic detecting element.

29-04-1998 дата публикации

Flicker photometer

Номер: GB0009804445D0
Принадлежит: Howard Foundation

20-10-1976 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000122720A1

30-04-1997 дата публикации

Flicker photometer

Номер: GB0009704972D0

04-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for examining a laser system

Номер: US0008665428B2

A method for analyzing a laser system, which has a focused laser beam and a controllable deflection assembly for controlling the transverse and/or longitudinal position of the beam focus, said method comprising the steps of directing the laser beam or a partial beam branched therefrom downstream of the deflection assembly toward an optically nonlinear medium for the purpose of generating frequency multiplied radiation, the wavelength of which corresponds to an uneven higher harmonic of the wavelength of the laser beam, activating the deflection assembly, and measuring a power of the frequency multiplied radiation while the deflection assembly is activated. The conversion efficiency of the nonlinear process by which the frequency multiplied radiation is produced is dependent upon the focusability of the laser beam. By evaluating the measured power of the frequency multiplied radiation, dynamic impairments of focusability can be detected, which can be caused by inertia-induced deformations ...

05-10-2006 дата публикации

Light switch and light switch array

Номер: US20060219879A1

An optical switch includes an input optical fiber, first and second output optical fibers, a movable mirror for switching over an optical path between the input optical fiber and an output optical fiber, and collimator lenses disposed on optical paths formed between the input optical fiber and the output optical fibers. When drive force is applied, the movable mirror assumes a first or second position to form an optical path between the input optical fiber and the first or second output optical fiber. When drive force is not applied to the movable mirror, an optical path is formed between the optical path in the first position and that in the second position. In the first position, a first part of the movable mirror comes in contact with a substrate. In the second position, a part of the movable mirror different from the first part comes in contact with the substrate.

22-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000130370A1

17-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: WO1998040707A1
Принадлежит: The Howard Foundation

A flicker photometer has beam generating means (1, 8 and 4) for generating two beams of light of different colours. Light from the beams is viewed at the viewing means, and the intensity of light of one beam relative to that of the other beam can be adjusted by adjustment means comprising an attenuating filter (20) which is movably mounted in the path of one beam. Movement of the filter relative to the beam alters the degree to which the beam is attenuated, and is achieved using an electric motor (22). The motor provides a relatively easy means of adjusting the filter position, and can be used to provide coarse and fine adjustments in response to suitable signals from an optical encoder. The motor also enables the filter, along with the beam generating means, to be mounted on a movable table for use in enabling the photometer to accommodate both short and long-sighted subjects.

04-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007098181A

14-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: US20110085154A1
Автор: Ulrich SCHWANKE

Fiber optic scanner and method for transmitting and receiving optical signals and range imaging camera including fiber optic scanner. The fiber optic scanner includes a light guide array including individual light guides arranged such that a first end has first ends of the individual light guides arranged in an image plane of collimating optics and a second end has second ends of the individual light guides arranged in a circular manner. A central light guide includes a first end arranged at a center of the circularly arranged second ends of the individual light guides and a motor driven reflector arranged to guide light emerging from the circularly arranged ends of the individual light guides into the central light guide. The central light guide further includes two coaxially arranged cross sectional areas that are structured and arranged to guide transmitted light through a central one of the two coaxially arranged cross sectional areas and to guide received light through an outer one ...

28-09-2011 дата публикации

System and method for analyzing of light source

Номер: KR0101068217B1

09-01-2007 дата публикации

Optical transducer system having light emitting elements and light detecting elements both regulable in output characteristics

Номер: US0007161137B2

Keys, which are incorporated in an automatic player piano, are monitored with an optical transducer system. The optical transducer system includes sensor heads provided on both sides of the key trajectories, LEDs connected to predetermined sensor heads through optical fibers, LDDs connected to the other sensor heads through optical fibers and a controlling unit. A luminescence controller is connected to the LEDs for optimizing the luminescence, and bias controllers are respectively connected to the LDDs. The luminescence controller and bias controllers optimize the luminescence of emitted light and the bias level of electric signals so that the optical transducer system is free from the individuality of component parts and the deterioration.

11-03-2004 дата публикации

Fiber optic micro accelerometer

Номер: US20040046111A1
Автор: Steve Swierkowski

An accelerometer includes a wafer, a proof mass integrated into the wafer, at least one spring member connected to the proof mass, and an optical fiber. A Fabry-Perot cavity is formed by a partially reflective surface on the proof mass and a partially reflective surface on the end of the optical fiber. The two partially reflective surfaces are used to detect movement of the proof mass through the optical fiber, using an optical detection system.

13-12-1983 дата публикации

Номер: JP0058054686Y2

11-01-1907 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000180151C

04-11-2004 дата публикации

Light sensor configuration

Номер: US20040217266A1

The inventive sensor device includes a support structure, a sensing element mounted on the support substrate for sensing optical radiation and generating an electrical output signal in response thereto, and an encapsulant encapsulating the sensing element on the support structure. The encapsulant being configured to define a lens portion for focusing incident optical radiation onto an active surface of the sensing element, and an optical radiation collector portion surrounding the lens portion for collecting and redirecting optical radiation that is not incident the lens portion onto the active surface of the sensing element. The collector portion may be a parabolic reflector that reflects incident light by total internal reflection. The sensor device may be incorporated into an assembly including a diffuser positioned across an aperture, and/or may be incorporated into a vehicle accessory such as a rearview mirror assembly.

15-09-2009 дата публикации

Hand-held multi-wavelength optical analysis system based on wireless for optical network.

Номер: KR0100917163B1

PURPOSE: A hand-held multi-wavelength optical analysis system is provided to immediately check a trouble by wirelessly analyzing a real-time signal. CONSTITUTION: A hand-held multi-wavelength optical analysis system comprises a multi-wavelength light lay path characteristic treatment member(100) and a hand-held characteristic analyze display member(200). A signal processing unit(140) of the multi-wavelength light lay path characteristic treatment member includes an electric current plate end part, an amplifier, a DB conversion part, an A/D converter, and a packetizer. The electric current plate end part determines the intensity of each for each wavelength current of the transformed signal. The amplifier amplifies the determined current to each for each wavelength. The A/D converter changes the signal which becomes with the DB conversion to the digital signal. The packetizer packetizes each for each wavelength digital signal. © KIPO 2009 ...

14-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: JP2005099441A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To detect operations over a wide turning range and to facilitate the fixing operation of a shutter body. SOLUTION: Having arranged all hammer bodies 50 in parallel, a shutter body 1 is moved in an approximately parallel manner in the arranged direction of the hammer bodies 50 while a shank section 57(A) is placed at a position where it is turned by the angle of θ2(38°) approximately with respect to a rest position, a recessed section 57a(A) of the shank section 57(A) is aligned to the position of a recessed shape notched part 1c and an adhesive surface 1b is adhered to a mounting corresponding section 57ba(A) of a left side surface 57b(A) of the shank section 57(A). At that time, the shutter body 1 is placed adjacent to the left side and does not interfere with a shank section 57(B) located at a rest position, viewed from the side surface. After the shutter 1 is mounted, a gray scale section 1a comes close to a turning shaft 53 and the mounting corresponding section ...

27-02-1924 дата публикации


Номер: DE0000391035C

15-07-2004 дата публикации

Fiber optic based method and system for determining and controlling position of a sliding sleeve valve

Номер: US20040135075A1
Принадлежит: Weatherford/Lamb, Inc.

An apparatus and method for determining the position of a hydraulically actuated sliding sleeve valve in real time is disclosed. The apparatus comprises, in a preferred embodiment, a reference sensor and a position sensor, both of which constitute fiber optic windings wound around the hydraulic fluid cavity used to activate the sleeve. The sensors measure the pressure exerted by the hydraulic fluid in the cavity, with the reference sensor circumferentially lengthening to create an optical time delay indicative of the base line pressure of the hydraulic fluid. As the sleeve moves, the position sensor becomes increasingly exposed to the hydraulic fluid pressure and also begins to experience a time delay, which can be compared to the reference sensor's time delay to determine sleeve position.

20-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: US20110013179A1

A controllable light angle selecting device (100) is provided. It comprises a fixed light selecting means (110) adapted to transmit light incident thereon within a limited acceptance angle, optically connected to at least one light redirecting means (120) capable of obtaining a variable angular difference between light entering said light redirecting means (120) and light exiting said light redirecting means. A photometer, comprising a controllable light angle selector arranged in the path of light between a light source and a light measuring sensor is also provided.

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Linear photonic processors and related methods

Номер: TW202134909A

Photonic processors are described. The photonic processors described herein are configured to perform matrix-matrix (e.g., matrix-vector) multiplication. Some embodiments relate to photonic processors arranged according to a dual-rail architecture, in which numeric values are encoded in the difference between a pair optical signals (e.g., in the difference between the powers of the optical signals). Relative to other architectures, these photonic processors exhibit increased immunity to noise. Some embodiments relate to photonic processors including modulatable detector-based multipliers. Modulatable detectors are detectors designed so that the photocurrent can be modulated according to an electrical control signal. Photonic processors designed using modulatable detector-based multipliers are significantly more compact than other types of photonic processors.

05-02-1946 дата публикации

Method of and apparatus for detecting camouflage

Номер: US2394508A

19-09-2002 дата публикации

Spectrum, time and protocol domain optical performance monitor

Номер: US20020130256A1

A spectrum, time and protocol optical power monitor is disclosed. This device utilizes a same photodetector to perform spectral optical monitoring of an incoming optical signal, as well as performing timing and protocol monitoring for preselected wavelength channels. Advantageously the device uses a same passband tunable optical filter for both the spectrum and timing/protocol measurements. The spectral response of the filter passband is deconvolved from the spectral scan in order to achieve improved spectral scan resolution, and the timing and protocol measurements are not degraded by the passband of the filter.

26-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009290148A1

It is an object of the present invention to provide a method and a device for automatically calibrating a light intensity measurement device. The device (1) includes an optical switch (3) for switching a route of output from an optical intensity modulator (2), an optical attenuator (5) arranged on a first waveguide (4), a second waveguide (6), a light intensity measurement device (7), a control device (8) for receiving light intensity information measured by the light intensity measurement device (7) and controlling the signal to be applied to the optical intensity modulator (2), and a signal source (9) for receiving a control signal of the control device (8) and adjusting the signal to be applied to the optical intensity modulator (2).

11-12-2003 дата публикации

Optical non-contact measuring probe

Номер: US20030226956A1
Автор: Christopher Rush

An optical non-contact measuring probe for measuring small changes in distance to a target comprises a laser diode (12) coupled to a projecting fiber (14), a receiving fiber (32) spaced a fixed distance from the projecting fiber, and a linear array (36) spaced a fixed distance from the emitting face (34) of the receiving fiber. Light is projected from the projecting fiber to a small area on the target. Light rays reflected from the target are collected by the receiving fiber at an angle and are carried by the receiving fiber by total internal reflection through the emitting face to the linear array where it is detected as a circle having a diameter φD. The distance from the probe to the target can be measured as inversely function of the diameter φD.

30-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: JP0010177046A

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To make the stable and accurate response time realizable by finding the reverse number of the effective value of an input voltage, processing it for smoothing, and finding the product of the output and the input voltage. SOLUTION: With an effective value operation circuit 11, the effective value Virms(Z) of an input signal Vi is obtained and then, reverse number of the effective value, 1/Virms(Z) is found by a reverse operation circuit 12. Then, this is given to a smoothing circuit 13 and a processing equivalent to the primary low-pass filter is given and the output G(Z)/Virms(Z) is obtained, which is multiplied with an input signal Vi at a multiplying circuit 14 to obtain an output. In this processing method, the response time for step input to reach 10% to 90% of the last value can be easily and accurately attained. COPYRIGHT: (C)1998,JPO ...

01-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: US20040061043A1
Автор: Bruce Kline

An optically coupled circuit is electrically coupleable to a capacitive probe transducer disposed in a liquid in a tank for sensing the capacitance of the probe transducer which is a measure of a parameter of the liquid. A first converter circuit receives optical energy over a non-conductive path and converts it into electrical energy at a predetermined voltage potential from which first and second reference voltage potentials are developed. A dual slope integrator circuit is coupleable to the probe capacitor for charging it during a first integration period and discharging it during a second integration period utilizing the first and second reference voltage potentials. The integrator circuit includes a circuit for comparing capacitive voltage generated during the first and second integration periods with the first and second reference voltage potentials to generate timing signals for each integration period. The timing signals from two successive integration periods are used for determining ...

21-10-2003 дата публикации

Injection-seeding of a multi-tone photonic oscillator

Номер: TW0000558860B

A multi-tone photonic oscillator comprises a laser; an optical modulator coupled to the laser; and a delay line and a photodetector coupled to the optical modulator for generating a delayed electrical signal representation of the output of the optical modulator; wherein the optical modulator being responsible for the delayed electrical signal for generating multiple tones where the frequency intervals of the tones is a function of the amount of delay imposed by the delay line.

05-05-2009 дата публикации

Pulse modulating photodetector and electronic device

Номер: US0007528362B2

The invention provides a pulse modulation photodetector, which detects, by projecting pulsed light, presence or absence of a physical object based on whether the pulsed light is received or not according to passage of the physical object. The pulsed light has a pulse width modulated according to a light emission pulse, which is generated based on a clock pulse signal and has a modulation cycle. The modulation cycle includes a light emission period during which the light emission pulse is present, and a non light emission period other than the light emission period. Further, the clock pulse signal has a pulse width being shorter in the light emission period than in the non light emission period.

12-08-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000107778A1

10-08-1999 дата публикации

Flicker photometer

Номер: US0005936724A1
Принадлежит: The Howard Foundation

A flicker photometer has beam generating means (1, 8 and 4) for generating two beams of light of different colors. Light from the beams is viewed at the viewing means, and the intensity of light of one beam relative to that of the other beam can be adjusted by adjustment means comprising an attenuating filter (20) which is movably mounted in the path of one beam. Movement of the filter relative to the beam alters the degree to which the beam is attenuated, and is achieved using an electric motor (22). The motor provides a relatively easy means of adjusting the filter position, and can be used to provide coarse and fine adjustments in response to suitable signals from an optical encoder. The motor also enables the filter, along with the beam generating means, to be mounted on a movable table for use in enabling the photometer to accommodate both short and long-sighted subjects.

04-07-2014 дата публикации

UV Sensor based on etched-FBG and Azobenzene Polymer

Номер: KR0101415376B1

12-04-1979 дата публикации

Номер: BG0000026411A1

27-03-2007 дата публикации

Fiber optic encoder for position sensing

Номер: US0007196320B1

A passive all fiber optic encoder that will be able to determine speed, position, and direction of movement of a movable object. The all passive encoder utilizes no electronics within the sensing part and therefore is deployable in harsh environments, electrical, electromagnetic and radiation fields, otherwise not possible with conventional electronic encoders. The system utilizes a multiwavelength light source and one optical fiber leading to the encoder sensor housing which has a shutter, a light filter assembly and reflective mirror. The movement of the shutter produces a sequential series of light impulses sequenced proportional to the movement of the shutter. The light filter assembly utilizes a minimum of two different filters each of which passes or rejects light within a certain space and wavelength range.

26-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US20090290148A1

It is an object of the present invention to provide a method and a device for automatically calibrating a light intensity measurement device. The device (1) includes an optical switch (3) for switching a route of output from an optical intensity modulator (2), an optical attenuator (5) arranged on a first waveguide (4), a second waveguide (6), a light intensity measurement device (7), a control device (8) for receiving light intensity information measured by the light intensity measurement device (7) and controlling the signal to be applied to the optical intensity modulator (2), and a signal source (9) for receiving a control signal of the control device (8) and adjusting the signal to be applied to the optical intensity modulator (2).

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130286352A1
Автор: Carden David, Murray Ian

According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of measuring a property of an eye of a subject using an apparatus which is: arranged to provide a bleaching light, a background light ostensibly invisible to rods (e.g. substantially red, and/or having or being a wavelength greater than 580 nm) and a target light ostensibly visible to rods (e.g. substantially green, and/or having or being a wavelength less than 580 nm and greater than 400 nm, e.g. around 514 nm+/−50 nm), the background light and/or target light (together) being suitable for rod-dominated stimulation, the background light and target light being superimposable upon one another, and the target light being presentable to the subject such that the target light is incident on a parafoveal region of the subject's retina; the method comprising: a) stimulating the subject's retina with a low level bleach using the bleaching light; b) after the bleach has been undertaken, modulating a target light at an initial luminance at which modulation of the target light is not perceivable by the subject, whilst a background light remains substantially constant; c) increasing the luminance of the modulated target light; d) receiving an input from the subject when modulation of the target light is perceivable by the subject, thus indicating a rod-related threshold; e) after said input, decreasing the luminance of the modulated target light; and f) repeating parts c) to e) of the method to determine a series of rod-related thresholds over a period of time. 1. A method of measuring a property of an eye of a subject using an apparatus which is:arranged to provide a bleaching light, a background light ostensibly invisible to rods and a target light ostensibly visible to rods, the background light and target light together being suitable for rod-dominated stimulation, the background light and target light being superimposable upon one another, and the target light being presentable to the subject ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029510A1
Автор: Temple Shelby

Embodiments test a subject's vision. A polarization arrangement polarizes incident light and rotates an angle of polarization applied to the incident light about an axis substantially collinear with a path of the light. An optical component directs light onto the polarization arrangement and produces light having a selected degree of polarization and having a rotating angle of polarization for observation by the subject The subject may be able to observe the visual phenomenon known as Haidinger's brushes and due to the rotation of the angle of polarization the eye's tendency to adapt away the phenomenon is counteracted, so that the effect persists and a more reliable testing of the subject can be carried out. Testing the subject's ability to perceive the phenomenon at multiple selectable degrees of polarization enables an assessment of the subject's eyes, and an estimate of macular pigment optical density and susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration. 1. Apparatus for testing a subject's vision comprising:a polarization arrangement configured to polarize incident light and rotate an angle of polarization applied to the incident light about an axis substantially collinear with a path of the incident light; andan optical component configured to direct light onto the polarization arrangement,wherein the polarization arrangement is configured to produce light having a selected degree of polarization from multiple selectable degrees of polarization and having a rotating angle of polarization while under observation by the subject.2. The apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polarization arrangement comprises a rotation direction selection mechanism to select a direction of rotation of the angle of polarization.3. The apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the rotation direction selection mechanism comprises a user input to select the direction of rotation.4. The apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the rotation direction selection mechanism is ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061657A1

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photobleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150116667A1

A test of visual function and/or functional vision may be performed at varying luminance levels. A first course may be selected for a subject. A given course may comprise a layout having a beginning point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle, and an ending point. The first course may be illuminated with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff. The subject may be prompted to perform a first run of the test. The test may comprise, from the beginning point to the ending point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around the at least one turn and avoiding the at least one obstacle. A determination may be made as to whether the subject successfully completed the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy. 1. A method for performing a test of visual function and/or functional vision at varying luminance levels , the method comprising:selecting a first course of a plurality of courses for a subject, a given one of the plurality of courses comprising a layout having a beginning point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle, and an ending point;illuminating the first course with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff, the estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff being the lowest light sensitivity at which the subject can successfully navigate a preliminary course of the plurality of courses when the estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff is measured;indicating to a subject to perform a first run of the test, the test comprising, from the beginning point to the ending point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around the at least one turn and avoiding the at least one obstacle; anddetermining whether the subject successfully completed the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy, speed describing the time to complete the first course, accuracy describing avoidance of obstacles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is required ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137377A1

The present invention relates to indirect diagnosis of deficiency of Vitamin A, without taking blood sample. The instrument combines two simple principles for full functionality, An individual having Vitamin A deficiency can be differentiated from a healthy person on 2 basis: (1) The ability to clearly identify pictorial representation of an object in the environment having low amount of light intensity; and (2) The time being taken for eyes to adapt to a significantly different lighting situation. The standardization of the instrument has to be done in nearby area in relatively healthy population having rich diet in vitamin A or it is to be adopted based on findings of other area, The diagnosis can be confirmed after repeating the same set of tests, after giving vitamin A in appropriate dosages, and allowing enough time to pass for that dosage to take an effect (generally, 1 to 2 weeks). 1. In-Direct method and system for Vitamin A deficiency detection consists with electronic paper module , LCD to display test object , MicroSD card , key pad , LEDWherein electronic paper is provided to view the letters and pictures in a natural manner, as it does not have any light source and rather, work on the principle of light reflection;Wherein a LCD is provided to display test data, recorded values, and useful information and it also serves the purpose of user interfacing by giving proper output;Wherein MicroSD card used in the system to provide storage memory for completed tests, and to store configuration file which can be easily updated;Wherein Keypad is provided to take inputs from user.Wherein White Light Emitting Diode is used to produce controlled amount of illumination in the device—on the Electronic Paper, and another similar component used to provide flash light, as a first stage of dark adaption test;Wherein PIN Photodiode is used to measure the light intensity.2. In-Direct method and system for Vitamin A deficiency detection as claimed in wherein multiple number ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200113431A1
Принадлежит: Medmont International Pty Ltd

A dark adapted perimetry method includes the steps of at least partially photobleaching an eye, selectively illuminating a plurality of stimulus target light sources at a predetermined luminance, and recording a response data including triggering an input device in response to the selective illumination. The plurality of stimulus target light sources define a stimulus target array positioned within a concave array guide. Each stimulus target light source is illuminated by a respective LED complex light source. 1. A dark adapted perimetry method comprising the steps of:(a) at least partially photobleaching an eye;(b) selectively illuminating a plurality of stimulus target light sources at a predetermined luminance, wherein the plurality of stimulus target light sources define a stimulus target array positioned within a concave array guide, each stimulus target light source illuminated by a respective LED complex light source; and(c) recording an response data comprising a triggering of an input device in response to the selective illumination.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying a normative data set that has been statistically derived though clinical trials to establish normal response characteristics of3. The method of claim 1 , wherein only one stimulus target light source is illuminated at a time claim 1 , and each time a stimulus target light source is illuminated claim 1 , it is illuminated with known exposure parameters for one or more of intensity claim 1 , spectrum claim 1 , and location relative'to a fixation axis.4. The method of claim wherein each stimulus target light source comprises an optically transmissive element with diffusing light propagation properties claim 1 , and a circular exit diaphragm which forms a stimulus surface.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each stimulus target light source is connected to a respective optical fiber.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein each respective optical fiber is illuminated by a respective ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160157712A1

Illumination can be evaluated for patient using a system including a housing, an adjustable light source mechanically coupled to the housing and configured to illuminate an object for viewing by the patient on an axis substantially perpendicular to a surface of the object. A user-adjustable input coupled to the adjustable light source is to obtain information from a user indicative of a calibrated illuminance and a color property to be provided by the adjustable light source including providing a range of adjustable illuminance and color properties selectable by the user. The adjustable light source can be configured to provide light having an illuminance in excess of 300 lux, and the housing can be configured to provide a first specified distance between the adjustable light source and the object for viewing and to obstruct viewing of the light source directly by the patient. 1. A system to evaluate illumination for a patient , comprising:a housing;an adjustable light source mechanically coupled to the housing and configured to illuminate an object for viewing by the patient on an axis substantially perpendicular to a surface of the object;a user-adjustable input coupled to the adjustable light source, the user-adjustable input configured to obtain information from a user indicative of a calibrated illuminance and a color property to be provided by the adjustable light source including providing a range of adjustable illuminance and color properties selectable by the user; andan indicator configured to provide indicia of a selected illuminance and a selected color property to the user;wherein the adjustable light source is configured to provide light having an illuminance in excess of 300 lux; andwherein the housing is configured to provide a first specified distance between the adjustable light source and the object for viewing, and to obstruct viewing of the light source directly by the patient; andwherein the calibrated illuminance is established at least in ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200154994A1

A method identifies at least one malfunctioning nozzle in a digital printing press, the digital printing press including a plurality of nozzles. The method includes printing a design on a substrate, acquiring at least one image of the printed design and identifying at least one artifact in the acquired image. The method further includes identifying the malfunctioning nozzle and classifying the at least one malfunctioning nozzle according to the at least one of the acquired image of the printed design, at least a portion of a nozzle pattern and at least a portion of a uniformity pattern. 1. A system for identifying at least one malfunctioning nozzle in a digital printing press having a plurality of nozzles , the printing press configured to print a predetermined number of colors , each printed color corresponding to a subset of the plurality of nozzles , said system comprising:an imager, including an imaging sensor, configured to acquire a digital image of at least one printed image printed on a substrate by said digital printing press; a nozzle pattern including a nozzle color pattern, each nozzle color pattern including one or more nozzle pattern rows, each nozzle pattern row including one or more nozzle marks and at least one nozzle locator; and', a color uniformity pattern; and', 'a product design other than the nozzle pattern or the color uniformity pattern;, 'at least one of], 'computer memory, comprising, information stored therein corresponding to cause the imager to acquire a first digital image of a first printed image corresponding to the design or to a portion of the color uniformity pattern;', 'identify at least one artifact in the acquired first digital image and determine from the identified artifact a group of nozzles suspected of including the at least one malfunctioning nozzle, the group of nozzles comprising fewer than all of the plurality of nozzles,', 'send instructions to the printing press to print only a portion of said nozzle pattern on the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200205655A1

A perimeter capable of acquiring, as a threshold SV, a value corresponding to a response result of a subject to an optotype presented with various brightness, for measurement points set across an entire measurement field of view of the ocular fundus, displaying the threshold SV as a threshold inspection result SHR and storing the same in a memory , comprises: a portion for obtaining a pattern deviation PDV of the threshold SV relating to each measurement point RG, from the threshold inspection result SHR; a portion for for obtaining a P value representing the obtained pattern deviation PDV for each measurement point RG as a probability variable, and generating a probability map image MAP indicating the measurement points RG separately for each P value; a portion for selecting, from an abnormal measurement point group RG of points in the probability map image MAP in which at least a prescribed number of measurement points having a P value at most equal to 5% are continuous, and, of those, for which at least a prescribed number of points have a P value at most equal to 1%, measurement points to be used as subsequent measurement points, until ten points have been reached; and a memory for storing the selected subsequent measurement points, wherein the selection of the subsequent measurement points is controlled in such a way that the measurement points RG are selected from the abnormal measurement point group in order of those having a good pattern deviation PDV. 1. A perimeter capable of acquiring , as a threshold , a value corresponding to a response result of an examinee to an stimulus presented with various brightness , for a first number of measurement points set across an entire measurement visual field of the ocular fundus of a subject eye , displaying the threshold as a map image of a threshold testing result and storing the same in a memory; comprising:a pattern deviation calculator that obtains a pattern deviation of the threshold relating to each measurement ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Method for Determining a Filter for an Ophthalmic Lens as a Function of a Quantity Representing a Dynamic Sensitivity of the Eye of a Wearer to a Variation in a Luminous Flux

Номер: US20190212581A1

The invention relates to a method for determining a filter for an ophthalmic lens intended for being placed in front of the eye wearer, said filter being capable of improving or maintaining the visual comfort and/or the visual performance of said wearer. According to the invention, this method includes: 1. A method for determining a filter for an ophthalmic lens intended to be placed in front of an eye of a wearer , said filter being able to improve or to maintain visual comfort and/or visual performance of said wearer , characterized in that it includes:a) a step of determining a quantity representative of a dynamic sensitivity of the eye or of both eyes of the wearer to a variation in a light flux, andb) a step of determining at least one optical characteristic of said filter depending on the determined representative quantity.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said quantity representative of the dynamic sensitivity of the eye of the wearer to the variation in light flux is representative of the evolution of the visual comfort and/or of the visual performance of the wearer as a function of the variation in the light flux.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step b) claim 1 , an optical transmission of the filter at at least one wavelength claim 1 , in at least one spatial zone of this filter claim 1 , is determined to be all the lower as the quantity representative of the dynamic sensitivity of the eye of the wearer claim 1 , i.e. the quantity determined in step a) claim 1 , indicates a low adaptation capacity with respect to a positive variation in the intensity of the light flux.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step b) claim 1 , an optical transmission of the filter at at least one wavelength claim 1 , in at least one spatial zone of this filter claim 1 , is determined to be all the higher as the quantity representative of the dynamic sensitivity of the eye of the wearer claim 1 , i.e. the quantity ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Photobleaching Method

Номер: US20140340641A1

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photobleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A method for photobleaching a subject's eye , the method comprising the steps of:a. spatially tailoring a region of a retina of the subject's eye that is subject to photobleaching by exposing only a selected region of the retina to a photobleaching light to photobleach at least a portion of at least one visual pigment in the selected region; andb. using a psychophysical test to monitor a response to the photobleaching light.4. The method of where the psychophysical test measures dark adaptation claim 3 , photopic sensitivity claim 3 , scotopic sensitivity claim 3 , visual acuity claim 3 , contrast sensitivity claim 3 , color sensitivity claim 3 , color discrimination claim 3 , visual field or a combination of the foregoing.5. The method of where the psychophysical test is colorimetry claim 3 , dark adaptometry claim 3 , a visual sensitivity test claim 3 , a contrast sensitivity test claim 3 , a spatial resolution acuity test claim 3 , a photostress test claim 3 , a flicker photometry test claim 3 , a Vernier acuity test claim 3 , a motion detection test claim 3 , an object recognition test or a ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170319058A1

A test of visual function and/or functional vision may be performed at varying luminance levels. A first course may be selected for a subject. A given course may comprise a layout having a beginning point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle, and an ending point. The first course may be illuminated with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff. The subject may be prompted to perform a first run of the test. The test may comprise, from the beginning point to the ending point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around the at least one turn and avoiding the at least one obstacle. A determination may be made as to whether the subject successfully completed the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy. 1. A method for performing a test of visual function and/or functional vision at varying luminance levels , the method comprising:selecting a first course of a plurality of courses for a subject, a given one of the plurality of courses comprising a layout having a beginning point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle, and an ending point;illuminating the first course with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff, the estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff being the lowest light sensitivity at which the subject can successfully navigate a preliminary course of the plurality of courses when the estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff is measured;indicating to a subject to perform a first run of the test, the test comprising, from the beginning point to the ending point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around the at least one turn and avoiding the at least one obstacle; anddetermining whether the subject successfully completed the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy, speed describing the time to complete the first course, accuracy describing avoidance of obstacles.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the subject is required ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200352434A1

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photobleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods. 1. A method for photobleaching a subject's eye , said method comprising the steps of:a. exposing at least a portion of a retina of the subject's eye to a photobleaching light having at least one of an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight and a tailored wavelength spectra within the visible spectrum to photobleach at least a portion of at least one visual pigment in the retina;b. using a psychophysical test to monitor a response, wherein the exposure to the photobleaching light alters the response.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the photobleaching light accentuates or minimizes the response of a subset of photoreceptors to the photobleaching light.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the psychophysical test measures dark adaptation claim 1 , photopic sensitivity claim 1 , scotopic sensitivity claim 1 , visual acuity claim 1 , contrast sensitivity claim 1 , color sensitivity claim 1 , color discrimination claim 1 , visual field or a combination of the foregoing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the psychophysical test is colorimetry claim 1 , dark adaptometry claim 1 , a visual sensitivity test claim 1 , ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200397280A1

Disclosed is a binocular optoelectronic device wearable by a user for measuring a light sensitivity threshold of the user, including: a diffuser configured to face eyes of the user; at least one light source for emitting light toward the diffuser. The diffuser includes predetermined parameters allowing to provide a quasi-homogeneous light diffusion to at least one eye of the user from light emitted by the at least one light source. 2. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , wherein said predetermined parameters comprise at least one among: shape claim 1 , geometry and material of the diffuser.3. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , wherein said predetermined parameters allow to provide a light diffusion with a homogeneity of at least 55%.4. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , the homogeneity being determined based on the luminance distribution diffused by the diffuser and projected on a planar measuring surface claim 1 , wherein the homogeneity is determined with regard to at least one predetermined area of said planar measuring surface.5. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 4 , wherein said at least predetermined area is circular.6. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 5 , wherein said predetermined parameters allows to provide a light diffusion with a homogeneity of:{'sup': '2', 'at least 55% with a predetermined area equal or lower than 4245 mm, and/or'}{'sup': '2', 'at least 74% with a predetermined area equal or lower than 1060 mm, and/or'}{'sup': '2', 'at least 76% with a predetermined area equal or lower than 470 mm, and/or'}{'sup': '2', 'at least 84% with a predetermined area equal or lower than 115 mm, and/or'}{'sup': '2', 'at least 85% with a predetermined area equal or lower than 29 mm.'}7. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 1 , wherein said diffuser is concave.8. The binocular optoelectronic device according to claim 7 , wherein said ...

03-11-2022 дата публикации

Method for Determining a Filter for a Transparent Support Based on a Determined Individual Light Sensitivity

Номер: US20220350171A1

The invention provides a method for determining at least one filter for a transparent support, the method comprising the following steps: —determining a quantity representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user; —determining, for each light environment among a group of light environments, an index representative of the level of protection required by the user; —determining a score for each light environment among the group of light environments () and for each filter among a group of filters, said score being representative of the capacity of the filter to reach the level of protection required by the user, determining at least one filter among the group of filters based on the scores of said at least one filter in a plurality of light environments () among the group of light environments. 1. A method for determining at least one filter for a transparent support able to improve or to maintain the visual comfort and/or visual performance of a user , the method comprising:determining a quantity representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user;determining, for each light environment among a group of light environments, an index representative of the level of protection required by the user;determining a score for each light environment among the group of light environments and for each filter among a group of filters, said score being representative of the capacity of the filter to reach the level of protection required by the user;determining at least one filter among the group of filters based on the scores of said at least one filter in a plurality of light environments among the group of light environments.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the group of light environments is selected among a set of environments; each environment of the set of environments being associated with a given light level.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the environments of the set of environments are associated with light levels different from ...

05-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE60336482D1
Принадлежит: Konan Medical USA Inc

06-11-1953 дата публикации

Eye test device

Номер: FR1043216A
Автор: Giuseppe Guasco

24-07-2019 дата публикации

Devices and methods for testing visual function and functional vision with varying brightness levels

Номер: RU2695565C2

FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medicine, specifically to devices and methods for testing visual function and functional vision with varying brightness levels. Disclosed is a device for realizing a method for performing a functional vision test based on the visual functions of the subject with varying brightness levels, wherein the device comprises a plurality of routes configured to facilitate test execution, wherein said one of the plurality of routes comprises marking having a start point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle and an end point, wherein the marking includes a tile grid, wherein at least one of the tiles is empty, at least one of the tiles includes a directed arrow, and at least one of the tiles includes at least one obstacle. At that, test execution comprises selection of the first route; establishing cut off of initial estimated lower light sensitivity; illumination of the first route with a first level of brightness based on the cutoff of the estimated lower light sensitivity, wherein the cutoff of the estimated lower light sensitivity is the lowest light sensitivity, at which the person being tested can successfully travel along a predetermined route from a plurality of routes, when a cut of the estimated lower light sensitivity is measured; instructing the researcher to perform a first pass of the test, wherein the test comprises, from an initial point to an end point, movement along the marking of the first route by passing at least one turn and avoiding at least one obstacle; and determining whether the analyzed successful first route, based on one or more of speed and accuracy, wherein rate describes time of first route passage, accuracy describes avoidance of obstacles. EFFECT: group of inventions provides higher efficiency of visual function test and functional vision at varying brightness levels. 61 cl, 33 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 695 565 C2 (51) МПК A61B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ...

25-07-1939 дата публикации

Sector disk operating mechanism

Номер: US2166947A
Автор: Neuman H Fayerweather
Принадлежит: FROBER FAYBOR Co

26-10-2006 дата публикации

Integral apparatus for testing twilight vision and glare sensitivity and a method for operating the apparatus

Номер: US20060238704A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An integral apparatus for testing twilight vision and glare sensitivity and a method for operating the apparatus. The abstract of the disclosure is submitted herewith as required by 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b). As stated in 37 C.F.R. §1.72(b): A brief abstract of the technical disclosure in the specification must commence on a separate sheet, preferably following the claims, under the heading “Abstract of the Disclosure.” The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent and Trademark Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The abstract shall not be used for interpreting the scope of the claims. Therefore, any statements made relating to the abstract are not intended to limit the claims in any manner and should not be interpreted as limiting the claims in any manner.

14-06-1974 дата публикации

Patent FR2206926A1

Номер: FR2206926A1
Автор: [UNK]

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Improved Photobleaching Method

Номер: US20100168606A1

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photo-bleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods.

20-03-2001 дата публикации

Method for testing visual function capable of guaranteeing validity thereof

Номер: US6203157B1
Автор: Keung Hae Lee
Принадлежит: Damool Systec Co Ltd

Disclosed is a method for testing a visual function (visual acuity and color function) using a display device; and, more particularly, a method for improving accuracy of the visual function testing and reducing human resources in testing the visual function of an examinee. The present invention improves subjective errors caused by the subjective visual function testing and may be easily used in a visual function testing requiring an objective and exact testing results in such as military affairs, vocational aptitude test, driving license, insurance against loss, observation of an ophthalmic ailment. Further, automatic testing method of the present invention is widely used in hospitals, opticians, schools, companies, public health centers, other organization and households where it is difficult to take professional advice with a low cost.

29-09-2010 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for measuring a property of an eye of a subject

Номер: GB201013796D0
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: University of Manchester

According to a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of measuring a property of an eye of a subject using an apparatus which is: arranged to provide a bleaching light, a background light ostensibly invisible to rods (e.g. substantially red, and/or having or being a wavelength greater than 580 nm) and a target light ostensibly visible to rods (e.g. substantially green, and/or having or being a wavelength less than 580 nm and greater than 400 nm, e.g. around 514 nm+/-50 nm), the background light and/or target light (together) being suitable for rod-dominated stimulation, the background light and target light being superimposable upon one another, and the target light being presentable to the subject such that the target light is incident on a parafoveal region of the subject's retina; the method comprising: a) stimulating the subject's retina with a low level bleach using the bleaching light; b) after the bleach has been undertaken, modulating a target light at an initial luminance at which modulation of the target light is not perceivable by the subject, whilst a background light remains substantially constant; c) increasing the luminance of the modulated target light; d) receiving an input from the subject when modulation of the target light is perceivable by the subject, thus indicating a rod-related threshold; e) after said input, decreasing the luminance of the modulated target light; and f) repeating parts c) to e) of the method to determine a series of rod-related thresholds over a period of time.

21-08-2008 дата публикации

Improved photobleaching method

Номер: AU2008216683A1

20-07-1995 дата публикации

Device for checking the dark adaptation.

Номер: DE68919623T2
Принадлежит: Optometrics Ltd

An apparatus (1) for testing dark adaptation comprises four test fields (11), formed by arrays of light emitting diodes (14), which are arranged on a test panel (9) around a fixation light emitting diode (12). Translucent covers (17) are mounted over the arrays of light emitting diodes (14). Four switches (18) to enable a subject to acknowledge a visible test stimulus are provided, each switch (18) is operated by a button formed by a respective cover (17) of the test fields (11). A test fields (11) is randomly selected and switched on at a predetermined level of luminance. On a correct identification, another test field (11) is selected and switched on at a reduced level of luminance. The times from the commencement of the test until the various correct identifications are recorded, as are the corresponding levels of luminance of the test fields (11).

18-02-2022 дата публикации

Visual sensitivity determination method, device, system, equipment and readable storage medium

Номер: CN113143196B
Автор: 樊舒非, 沈克强


17-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR3051262A1

L'invention concerne un procédé de détermination d'un filtre pour une lentille ophtalmique destinée à être placée devant l'œil d'un porteur, ledit filtre étant apte à améliorer ou à maintenir le confort visuel et/ou les performances visuelles dudit porteur, Selon l'invention, ce procédé comporte : a) une étape de détermination d'une grandeur représentative d'une sensibilité dynamique de l'œil ou des deux yeux du porteur à une variation d'un flux lumineux, et b) une étape de détermination d'au moins une caractéristique optique dudit filtre en fonction de la grandeur représentative déterminée. The invention relates to a method for determining a filter for an ophthalmic lens intended to be placed in front of the eye of a wearer, said filter being able to improve or maintain the visual comfort and / or the visual performance of said wearer, According to the invention, this method comprises: a) a step of determining a magnitude representative of a dynamic sensitivity of the eye or both eyes of the wearer to a variation of a luminous flux, and b) a step of determining at least one optical characteristic of said filter as a function of the determined representative magnitude.

11-01-1930 дата публикации

Photographic light meter

Номер: FR673176A

13-09-1983 дата публикации

Apparatus for testing twilight vision and blinding sensitivity

Номер: US4403842A

An apparatus for testing twilight vision and blinding sensitivity includes a housing having openings in opposite sides thereof, a person to be tested being able to look through the housing along a line of sight extending through both openings. A filter is provided for one of the openings to limit external light entering such opening. A concave mirror is arranged in the housing with its optical axis normal to the line of sight, and a semi-transparent mirror is arranged at the intersection of and at 45° angles with respect to the line of sight and the mirror optical axis. A screen arranged at the focal point of the mirror is simultaneously illuminated by two projectors, a test figure being arranged in the beam of one projector and the light intensities of the two projectors being inversely proportionally controlled. Two filters are provided which can each be inserted in the beam of a respective one of the projectors to further reduce the light intensity. A headlight simulating source is arranged adjacent the field of vision on the screen and a third projector projects at least one fixation point onto the screen.

07-09-1922 дата публикации


Номер: DE358256C
Принадлежит: Optische Anstalt CP Goerz AG

20-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for testing visual function and functional vision at varying luminance levels.

Номер: MX2016005307A

Una prueba de función visual y/o visión funcional puede realizarse a diferentes niveles de luminancia. Un primer curso puede seleccionarse para un sujeto. Un curso dado puede comprender una disposición que tiene un punto de inicio, por lo menos una vuelta, por lo menos un obstáculo y un punto de término. El primer curso puede iluminarse con un primer nivel de luminancia con base en un corte estimado de menor sensibilidad a la luz. Se puede indicar al sujeto que realice un primer recorrido de la prueba. La prueba puede comprender, del punto de inicio al punto de término, desplazarse por la disposición del primer curso al caminar alrededor de la o las vueltas y evitar el o los obstáculos. Se puede hacer una determinación respecto a si el sujeto completó con éxito el primer curso con base en una o ambas de velocidad o precisión.

14-08-2019 дата публикации

Wearable binocular optoelectronic device for measuring light sensitivity threshold of a user

Номер: EP3524135A1

The invention provides a binocular optoelectronic device (10) wearable by a user for measuring a light sensitivity threshold of the user, comprising: - a diffuser (12) configured to face eyes of the user, - at least one light source (14) for emitting light toward said diffuser (12), wherein the diffuser (12) comprises predetermined parameters allowing to provide a quasi-homogeneous light diffusion to at least one eye of the user from light emitted by said at least one light source (14).

25-08-2003 дата публикации

Visual inspection method using screen

Номер: KR100387356B1
Автор: 이긍해

1. 청구범위에 기재된 발명이 속한 기술분야 1. TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION 본 발명은 화면을 이용한 시각 검사 방법에 관한 것임 The present invention relates to a visual inspection method using a screen 2. 발명이 해결하려고 하는 기술적 과제 2. The technical problem to be solved by the invention 본 발명은, 식별목표물을 화면에 표시하고, 피검사자가 식별한 응답을 입력받아 정확성 여부를 검사한 후에 시각능력을 판정함으로써 검사의 정확성을 높이고, 손쉽게 검사를 수행하기 위한 시각 검사 방법을 제공하고자 함. An object of the present invention is to provide a visual inspection method for displaying an identification target on a screen, increasing the accuracy of the inspection by easily determining the visual ability after receiving the response identified by the examinee, and checking the accuracy. . 3. 발명의 해결방법의 요지 3. Summary of Solution to Invention 본 발명은, 컴퓨팅 시스템을 이용한 시각 검사 방법에 있어서, 적어도 하나의 식별목표물을 선택하는 제 1 단계; 선택된 식별목표물을 상기 컴퓨팅 시스템의 화면에 생성하는 제 2 단계; 상기 화면에 표시된 식별목표물에 대한 피검사자의 응답(식별 응답)을 입력받는 제 3 단계; 식별 응답의 정확성 여부를 검사하는 제 4 단계; 다수의 등급에 대해, 상기 제 1 단계 내지 제 4 단계를 반복 수행하여 식별목표물에 대한 식별 응답에 대해 유효성을 검사하는 제 5 단계; 및 상기 식별응답에 대한 유효성에 기초하여, 상기 피검사자의 시각 능력을 판정하는 제 6 단계를 포함함. The present invention provides a visual inspection method using a computing system, comprising: a first step of selecting at least one identification target; Generating a selected identification target on a screen of the computing system; A third step of receiving a response (identification response) of the examinee to the identification target displayed on the screen; A fourth step of checking whether the identification response is correct; A fifth step of validating the identification response to the identification target by repeatedly performing the first to fourth steps for a plurality of grades; And a sixth step of determining the visual ability of the examinee based on the validity of the identification response. 4. 발명의 중요한 용도 4. Important uses of the invention 본 발명은 시각 검사 등에 이용됨. The present invention is used for visual inspection and the like.

08-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: BR112020015422A2
Принадлежит: Essilor International

a presente invenção refere-se a um dispositivo optoeletrônico binocular (10) usável por um usuário para medição de um limiar de sensibilidade à luz do usuário, compreendendo: - um difusor (12) configurado para se voltar para os olhos do usuário, - pelo menos uma fonte de luz (14) para emissão de luz em direção ao referido difusor (12), em que o difusor (12) compreende parâmetros predeterminados permitindo fornecer uma difusão de luz quase homogênea a pelo menos um olho do usuário de luz emitida pela referida pelo menos uma fonte de luz (14). the present invention relates to a binocular optoelectronic device (10) usable by a user for measuring a threshold of sensitivity to the light of the user, comprising: - a diffuser (12) configured to face the eyes of the user, - at at least one light source (14) for emitting light towards said diffuser (12), in which the diffuser (12) comprises predetermined parameters allowing to provide an almost homogeneous light diffusion to at least one eye of the light user emitted by at least one light source (14) is mentioned.

20-06-2018 дата публикации

Patent RU2016120013A3

Номер: RU2016120013A3
Автор: [UNK]
Принадлежит: [UNK]

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Wearable binocular optoelectronic device for measuring light sensitivity threshold of a user

Номер: CA3088060A1

The invention provides a binocular optoelectronic device (10) wearable by a user for measuring a light sensitivity threshold of the user, comprising: - a diffuser (12) configured to face eyes of the user, - at least one light source (14) for emitting light toward said diffuser (12), wherein the diffuser (12) comprises predetermined parameters allowing to provide a quasi-homogeneous light diffusion to at least one eye of the user from light emitted by said at least one light source (14).

26-09-2017 дата публикации

apparatus and methods for testing visual function and functional vision at varying luminance levels

Номер: BR112016009030A2

trata-se de um teste de função visual e/ou visão funcional que pode ser realizado em níveis de luminância variáveis. um primeiro curso pode ser selecionado para um indivíduo. um dado curso pode compreender um leiaute que tem um ponto de início, pelo menos uma curva, pelo menos um obstáculo e um ponto de término. o primeiro curso pode ser iluminado com um primeiro nível de luminância com base em um limite de sensibilidade à luz inferior estimado. pode-se requerer que o indivíduo realize uma primeira passagem do teste. o teste pode compreender, a partir do ponto de início até o ponto de término, navegar o leiaute do primeiro curso caminhando-se ao redor da pelo menos uma curva e evitando-se o pelo menos um obstáculo. uma determinação pode ser feita da possibilidade de o indivíduo completar de modo bem-sucedido o primeiro curso com base em uma ou ambas dentre velocidade ou precisão. It is a test of visual function and / or functional vision that can be performed at varying luminance levels. A first course can be selected for an individual. A given course may comprise a layout that has a starting point, at least one curve, at least one obstacle, and an ending point. The first stroke can be illuminated with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity limit. the individual may be required to perform a first pass of the test. The test may comprise, from the start point to the end point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around at least one turn and avoiding at least one obstacle. A determination can be made of whether the individual can successfully complete the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy.

10-11-2009 дата публикации

Macular function tester

Номер: US7614746B2
Автор: Matthew L. Severns
Принадлежит: LKC Technologies Inc

A device to carry out tests of the macula of a subject's eye to identify disease such as age related macular degeneration. The device includes a stimulus light source comprising a stimulus spheroidal chamber with a stimulus light located therein to emit light through an aperture in the stimulus spheroidal chamber into the eye of a subject. The stimulus light source may include a plurality of light emitting diodes of differing colors. A controller controls the intensity and the color of the light emitted through the aperture of the stimulus spheroidal chamber to the subject. There is also an adapting light source comprising a light contained within an adapting spheroidal chamber. The adapting light source provides a bright light that can be used to remove the subject's dark adaption. There is also an alignment detection system that verifies that the gaze of the subject is toward the stimulus light source.

03-05-2018 дата публикации

Enhanced photo whitening method

Номер: ES2666300T3

Un método para fotoblanquear el ojo de un sujeto para el uso con una prueba psicofísica para determinar un estado de adaptación a la oscuridad, comprendiendo dicho métodos las etapas de: a. exponer al menos una porción de la retina del ojo del sujeto a una luz fotoblanqueadora que emite un espectro que tiene una longitud de onda de luz o un intervalo de longitudes de onda de luz entre 485 nm y 510 nm; y b. usar la prueba psicofísica para comprobar una respuesta a la luz fotoblanqueadora, donde la prueba psicofísica es adaptometría de oscuridad. A method for photoblanking the eye of a subject for use with a psychophysical test to determine a state of adaptation to darkness, said methods comprising the steps of: a. exposing at least a portion of the retina of the subject's eye to a photo whitener light emitting a spectrum having a light wavelength or a range of light wavelengths between 485 nm and 510 nm; and b. use the psychophysical test to check a response to the photobleaching light, where the psychophysical test is dark adaptometry.

28-09-2010 дата публикации

Light reflex testing device

Номер: US7802900B2
Автор: Sebastian S. Suba

A calorimetric pupil light reflex testing device for diagnostic assessment of the ocular and central nervous system diseases based on melanopsin and non-melanopsin spectral light properties. The device employs blue and red light emitting diodes emitting light at wavelengths of approximately 472 nanometers and 630 respectively to elicit pupillary constriction. The light emitting diodes are each provided within a handheld light wand, allowing the light emitting diodes to be hand held. The light emitting diodes provide intense light and the predetermined wavelengths, thereby eliminating the necessity of a light meter or colored filter.

01-04-1926 дата публикации

Exposure meter

Номер: GB247898A
Принадлежит: Individual

247,898. Aho, H. Feb. 18, 1925, [Convention date]. Photometric apparatus.-Comprises an apparatus of the comparison photometer type for measuring the intensity of light for making photographic exposures. The light from the object to be photographed is compared with a constant light source of known intensity, and for this purpose the light from either source may be dimmed by grey screens or filters and grey reflecting surfaces. The light V to be measured passes by way of one of the reflecting surfaces K1- - K5 on a drum R1 to one part of a mirror S and is viewed through the tube N at the same time as light from the source L, which passes to the tube N in a similar manner. Rotatable screens F1, F2 may be inserted in the path of the rays and reduce the intensity to 10 per cent or 1 per cent of its initial value, the grey surfaces K1 - - K5 are also graduated so that the position of indicators on the shafts of the drums R1, R2 in conjunction with the indicators of the position of the filters F1, F2 give an indication of the time of exposure required. Colour filters F3, F4 may also be used to modify the colour of the lights compared, and a further filter F5 may 00 used in accordance with the range of colour-sensitiveness of the photographic plate.

23-01-2001 дата публикации

Flash recovery timer and warning device

Номер: US6176581B1
Автор: David A. Newsome
Принадлежит: David A. Newsome

A flash recovery timer and warning device is a hand-held electronic device using a bright flash to create a temporary glare-type vision blur to the eye to be tested and a target and timer to determine the amount of time required for the eye to recover after the flash. The device has a voice chip that, in addition to the timer display, warns that the vision recovery time is unusually prolonged and professional help should be sought. Other clinical applications may be useful.

08-05-2013 дата публикации

Eye examination appliance and method for characterising the visual function

Номер: EP1641381B1

28-10-2003 дата публикации

Method for self-detection of pupillary response

Номер: US6637885B2
Автор: John P. Petrali
Принадлежит: US Department of Army

A method for self-detection of exposure to organophosphates includes (a) providing a device for monitoring pupillary response; (b) switching the device on and placing the eyeglass cup over the eye to be tested; (c) blocking light from entering the other eye; and (d) observing whether or not the pupil in the eye to be tested dilates. The device for monitoring pupillary response includes a housing; an eyeglass cup attached to the housing, the eyeglass cup including an insert tower and a glass aperture disposed on an end of the insert tower; a power supply disposed in the housing; a light source connected to the power supply; and a switch for controlling power to the light source.

18-10-1940 дата публикации

Light weakening body

Номер: DE697604C
Автор: Dr Max Auwaerter
Принадлежит: WC Heraus GmbH and Co KG

07-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE2321570A1
Принадлежит: Optische Werke G Rodenstock

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for testing visual function and functional vision at varying luminance levels

Номер: CA2928617A1

A test of visual function and/or functional vision may be performed at varying luminance levels. A first course may be selected for a subject. A given course may comprise a layout having a beginning point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle, and an ending point. The first course may be illuminated with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff. The subject may be prompted to perform a first run of the test. The test may comprise, from the beginning point to the ending point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around the at least one turn and avoiding the at least one obstacle. A determination may be made as to whether the subject successfully completed the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy.

16-09-2004 дата публикации

Method, system and device for detecting ocular dysfunctions

Номер: WO2004016153A9

A method, system and device for detecting an ocular dysfunction with optic neuropathy, such as the glaucoma group of diseases. More particularly, one eye is exposed to a series of flashes, and the resulting pupillary reflexes of both eyes are measured. The pupillary reflexes can then be evaluated to determine if the ocular dysfunction is present. A device that includes at least one light source can be incorporated into a system for recording and evaluating the pupillary reflexes.

23-10-2003 дата публикации

System and method for calibrating low vision devices

Номер: US20030197693A1
Автор: Christopher Karstens
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A system and method for calibrating low vision devices is presented. Image processing presents views that include information based upon a user's vision impairment. The user provides feedback corresponding to the views and image processing generates calibration settings based upon the user's feedback. The user selects which calibration setting to load into a vision enhancement device and also whether to load the calibration settings onto a removable storage device for use in other vision enhancement devices. The user is able to reconfigure the vision enhancement device using previously generated calibration settings or the user may generate new calibration settings based upon the condition of his vision impairment.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Photobleaching method

Номер: US20210307601A1

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photobleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: JPWO2019021986A1
Принадлежит: Kowa Co Ltd, Tohoku University NUC

眼底の測定視野全体について設定された測定点について、様々な輝度で提示される視標への被検者22の応答結果に対応した値を閾値SVとして取得し、閾値検査結果SHRとして表示すると共にメモリ13に格納することの出来る視野計2において、閾値検査結果SHRから、各測定点RGに関する閾値SVのパターン偏差PDVを求める手段15、求められた各測定点RGについてのパターン偏差PDVを確率変数で表したP値を求めて、P値別の測定点RGを示す確率マップ画像MAP4を生成する手段15、確率マップ画像MAP4において、P値が5%以下の測定点が所定数以上連続している点で、かつそのうちの所定数以上の点が1%以下の異常測定点群RGから測定点を、次回以降検査測定点として10点に達するまで選択する手段16、次回以降検査測定点の選択は、異常測定点群のうち、パターン偏差PDVが良い測定点RGから順に選択するように制御され、選択された次回以降検査測定点を格納するメモリ手段13を有する。【選択図】 図8 With respect to the measurement points set for the entire measurement visual field of the fundus, a value corresponding to the response result of the subject 22 to the visual target presented with various luminances is acquired as the threshold value SV and displayed as the threshold value inspection result SHR. In the perimeter 2 that can be stored in the memory 13, means 15 for obtaining the pattern deviation PDV of the threshold SV for each measurement point RG from the threshold inspection result SHR, and the pattern deviation PDV for each obtained measurement point RG are random variables. In the probability map image MAP4, a means 15 for obtaining the P value represented by the above and generating the probability map image MAP4 showing the measurement points RG for each P value. Means 16 for selecting the measurement points from the abnormal measurement point group RG in which a predetermined number or more of them are 1% or less as the inspection measurement points from the next time onward until reaching 10 points, and the selection of the inspection measurement points from the next time onward. Of the abnormal measurement point group is controlled so as to select in order from the measurement point RG having the better pattern deviation PDV, and has a memory means 13 for storing the inspection measurement point from the selected next time onward. [Selection diagram]

05-03-2024 дата публикации

Method for determining a filter for a transparent support based on a determined individual light sensitivity

Номер: US11921362B2

The invention provides a method for determining at least one filter for a transparent support, the method comprising the following steps: —determining a quantity representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user; —determining, for each light environment among a group of light environments, an index representative of the level of protection required by the user; —determining a score for each light environment among the group of light environments (40) and for each filter among a group of filters, said score being representative of the capacity of the filter to reach the level of protection required by the user, determining at least one filter among the group of filters based on the scores of said at least one filter in a plurality of light environments (40) among the group of light environments.

19-12-1917 дата публикации


Номер: FR485168A
Автор: Clayton Laing
Принадлежит: Individual

03-01-2024 дата публикации

Method for determining at least one optical product intended to face an eye of a user using an eye resistance level and a light protection level

Номер: EP4297629A1

The invention provides method for determining a visual discomfort and/or a visual performance of a user, the method comprising the following steps: - providing at least two quantities representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user; - determining a resistance level based on said at least two quantities representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user using a percentile scale based on a population baseline.

14-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CN113812919B
Автор: 付世阳, 刘智颖, 王祺


17-10-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CN111712180B


23-09-1996 дата публикации

Ophthalmological method and instrument for producing dichoptic stimuli

Номер: AU2095195A
Принадлежит: Amit Ron

28-11-2023 дата публикации

Wearable binocular optoelectronic device for measuring light sensitivity threshold of a user

Номер: US11826100B2

Disclosed is a binocular optoelectronic device wearable by a user for measuring a light sensitivity threshold of the user, including: a diffuser configured to face eyes of the user; at least one light source for emitting light toward the diffuser. The diffuser includes predetermined parameters allowing to provide a quasi-homogeneous light diffusion to at least one eye of the user from light emitted by the at least one light source.

01-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: CN114008517A


19-12-2023 дата публикации

Photobleaching method

Номер: US11844572B2

The present disclosure provides an improved method for photobleaching an eye of a subject. The disclosed method may be used in a number of psychophysical test methods, including, but not limited to, measurement of dark adaptation. The improved method for photobleaching involves at least one of the following improvements: (i) the use of a bleaching light emitting a particular wavelength of light or a tailored spectrum of wavelengths; (ii) restricting or otherwise spatially tailoring the region of the retina that is subject to photobleaching; and (iii) utilizing a bleaching light having an intensity that is at or below the intensity of ambient daylight. The present disclosure additionally provides a combination of a photobleaching light and an apparatus to administer a psychophysical test suitable for use in practicing the disclosed methods.

14-11-2023 дата публикации

Método e aparelho para realizar teste de função visual e/ou visão funcional em níveis de luminância variáveis

Номер: BR112016009030B1

APARELHO E MÉTODOS PARA TESTAR FUNÇÃO VISUAL E VISÃO FUNCIONAL EM NÍVEIS DE LUMINÂNCIA VARIÁVEIS. Trata-se de um teste de função visual e/ou visão funcional que pode ser realizado em níveis de luminância variáveis. Um primeiro curso pode ser selecionado para um indivíduo. Um dado curso pode compreender um leiaute que tem um ponto de início, pelo menos uma curva, pelo menos um obstáculo e um ponto de término. O primeiro curso pode ser iluminado com um primeiro nível de luminância com base em um limite de sensibilidade à luz inferior estimado. Pode-se requerer que o indivíduo realize uma primeira passagem do teste. O teste pode compreender, a partir do ponto de início até o ponto de término, navegar o leiaute do primeiro curso caminhando-se ao redor da pelo menos uma curva e evitando-se o pelo menos um obstáculo. Uma determinação pode ser feita da possibilidade de o indivíduo completar de modo bem-sucedido o primeiro curso com base em uma ou ambas dentre velocidade ou precisão.

30-08-2023 дата публикации

Computerimplementiertes verfahren zur optometrischen farbaustestung

Номер: EP4231894A1
Автор: Roland BISCHEL
Принадлежит: Individual

Computerimplementiertes Verfahren, Vorrichtung (1) zur Datenverarbeitung, Computerprogrammprodukt und Computerlesbares Speichermedium zur optometrischen Farbaustestung mit folgenden Schritten: Messen einer Abweichung (19) einer zeitverzögerten Positionsschätzung eines Nutzers für jede von mindestens zwei verschiedenen Farbkonfigurationen (17), Ermitteln einer für den Nutzer empfohlenen Farbkonfiguration (22) aus den gemessenen Abweichungen.

20-09-2023 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for measuring macular pigment

Номер: GB2616611A
Принадлежит: Aston University

An apparatus 1 and method for measuring macular pigment, comprising a light source 2 for illuminating an observer’s macula 7 having a test optical output comprising a first component of a relatively shorter wavelength of <550nm and a second wavelength component having a relatively longer wavelength. The relative intensities of the first and second components are variable in intensity from 0% to 100% of the test optical output. A controller is configured to adjust the relative intensities of the components until the observer notices that Maxwell’s spot appears or disappears and the relative intensities at which this occurs is recorded. A method of measuring macular pigment by measuring the relative intensities of the components at which Haidinger’s brush appears or disappears in polarised light. A method of measuring macular pigment by measuring the relative intensities of the components at which Maxwell’s spot becomes visible or invisible in variably polarised light.

15-04-1949 дата публикации

Optischer Lichtmesser.

Номер: CH260876A
Автор: Gerhard Dr Schmidt
Принадлежит: Gerhard Dr Schmidt

25-08-2021 дата публикации

Measuring sensitivity to polarized light

Номер: EP3410922B1
Автор: Shelby TEMPLE
Принадлежит: University of Bristol

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN108542345B
Автор: 于志颖, 王建勤, 王玲


27-04-2022 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for measuring macular pigment

Номер: GB202203499D0
Принадлежит: Aston University

24-10-1939 дата публикации

Verfahren zur photographischen Herstellung von verlaufenden Graukeilen

Номер: DE682998C

08-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: JPS6129642B2
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

06-06-2024 дата публикации

Method for determining at least one optical product intended to face an eye of a user using an eye resistance level and a light protection level

Номер: US20240180419A1

The invention provides method for determining a visual discomfort and/or a visual performance of a user, the method comprising the following steps: providing at least two quantities representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user; determining a resistance level based on said at least two quantities representative of a light sensitivity threshold of the user using a percentile scale based on a population baseline.

22-05-2024 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for testing visual function and functional vision at varying luminance levels

Номер: EP4373080A1

A test of visual function and/or functional vision may be performed at varying luminance levels. A first course may be selected for a subject. A given course may comprise a layout having a beginning point, at least one turn, at least one obstacle, and an ending point. The first course may be illuminated with a first luminance level based on an estimated lower light sensitivity cutoff. The subject may be prompted to perform a first run of the test. The test may comprise, from the beginning point to the ending point, navigating the layout of the first course by walking around the at least one turn and avoiding the at least one obstacle. A determination may be made as to whether the subject successfully completed the first course based on one or both of speed or accuracy.

24-06-1941 дата публикации

Photographischer Belichtungsmesser mit Vergleichslicht

Номер: DE707498C
Автор: Willy Schaefer
Принадлежит: Ernst Leitz Wetzlar GmbH

21-09-2023 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for measuring macular pigment

Номер: WO2023174759A1
Принадлежит: Aston University

An apparatus and method for measuring macular pigment, the apparatus comprising: a light source for illuminating the macula of an observer, the light source having a test optical output comprising: a first wavelength component having a first relatively shorter wavelength of <550nm; and a second wavelength component having a relatively longer wavelength; wherein the relative intensities of the first and second components are each variable from an amount corresponding to 0% of the test optical output to an amount corresponding to 100% of the test optical output; a controller configured to adjust the relative intensities of the first wavelength component and second wavelength component until the observer notices that either Maxwell's spot appears or disappears; and a mechanism for recording the relative intensities of the first and second wavelength components at which Maxwell's spot either appears or disappears. In some embodiments, the relative intensities of the first and second wavelength components at which Hadinger's brush either appears or disappears are recorded.

12-12-2018 дата публикации

Measuring sensitivity to polarized light

Номер: EP3410922A1
Автор: Shelby TEMPLE
Принадлежит: University of Bristol

An apparatus and corresponding method for testing a subject's vision are provided. The apparatus comprises a polarization arrangement configured to polarize incident light and rotate an angle of polarization applied to the incident light about an axis substantially collinear with a path of the incident light. The apparatus further comprises an optical component configured to direct light onto the polarization arrangement, wherein the polarization arrangement is configured to produce light having a selected degree of polarization from multiple selectable degrees of polarization and having a rotating angle of polarization for observation by the subject. Due to the polarization of the light the subject may be able to observe the visual phenomenon known as Haidinger's brushes and moreover due to the rotation of the angle of polarization the eye's tendency to adapt away the phenomenon is counteracted, so that the effect persists and a more reliable testing of the subject can be carried out. Testing the subject's ability to perceive the phenomenon at multiple selectable degrees of polarization enables an assessment of the health of the subject's eyes to be made, and in particular may be used estimate the subject's macular pigment optical density and the subject's susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration.

10-05-2021 дата публикации

발광체의 플리커 탐지 장치 및 그에 의한 탐지 방법

Номер: KR20210050615A
Автор: 김진성
Принадлежит: ㈜킴스옵텍

본 발명은 발광체의 플리커 탐지 장치 및 그에 의한 탐지 방법에 관한 것이다. 발광체의 플리커 탐지 장치는 발광체(LE)의 특성을 탐지하는 특성 탐지 유닛(111); 특성 탐지 모듈(111)의 둘레 면에 배치된 적어도 하나의 플리커 프로브(112);특성 탐지 모듈(11)과 플리커 프로브(112)의 두 개의 신호를 디지털 신호로 변환하는 디지털 컨버터(12); 및 변환된 두 개의 디지털 신호를 동기화 시키는 동기화 유닛(13)을 포함한다.

26-08-2015 дата публикации

렌즈를 결합한 광섬유 브래그 격자 기반 자외선 광센서

Номер: KR20150097166A

본 발명은 아조벤젠 폴리머가 코팅된 광섬유 브래그 격자(FBG:Fiber Bragg Grating) 기반의 광 반응부, 및 상기 광 반응부의 상부에 구비되어 자외선 광에 노출시 상기 광 반응부에 자외선을 집광시키는 렌즈를 포함하는 렌즈를 결합한 광섬유 브래그 격자 기반 자외선 광센서를 제공한다. 본 발명의 렌즈를 결합한 광섬유 브래그 격자 기반 자외선 광센서에 따르면, 아조벤젠 폴리머가 코팅된 광섬유 브래그 격자(FBG:Fiber Bragg Grating) 기반의 광 반응부에 자외선 광을 집광시키는 렌즈가 구비되어 자외선 광을 광 반응부에 고르게 집속시킴으로써 아조벤젠 폴리머의 부피 변화가 빠르게 발생되고 이로 인하여 광섬유 브래그 격자의 간격변형이 빠르게 발생되며 아울러 광섬유의 중심파장에 변화가 민감하게 발생하여 자외선 광에 대한 반응도(민감도)를 크게 높일 수 있게 되는 효과가 있다.

28-07-1925 дата публикации

Device for comparing the luminosities presented to both eyes of an observer

Номер: US1547182A
Автор: Pulfrich Carl

13-06-1957 дата публикации

Geraet zum Pruefen des Lichtsinns

Номер: DE1000167C2
Автор: Dr Hans Hartinger
Принадлежит: Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH

30-10-1933 дата публикации


Номер: DE587078C

10-09-1999 дата публикации

Flicker photometer.

Номер: ZA982014B
Принадлежит: Howard Foundation

28-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: JPS5940246B2
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: JP2018108534A
Принадлежит: Topcon Corp


17-09-1912 дата публикации


Номер: DE250782C
