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27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2226071C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно, эндоскопической диагностике. Способ заключается в том, что обработку изображения проводят компьютером с видеозахватывающей платой и программой цветоопределения. При этом измеряют пространственные координаты цвета по векторам R, G, В и показатель “количество цвета” (Ц). При значениях Ц менее 50 цвет слизистой оболочки определяют как яркую гиперемию, от 51 до 55 - как умеренную гиперемию, от 56 до 60 - как слабую гиперемию, при значениях Ц от 61 до 65 - цвет слизистой определяют как розовый, от 66-69 - как бледно-розовый, от 70 до 75 - как сероватый, а при значениях более 75 - как серый. Обработку изображения проводят в реальном режиме времени эндоскопического исследования или ретроспективно по видеозаписи. Способ повышает точность определения цвета слизистой и дает возможность сравнения количества цвета слизистой оболочки при контрольно-динамических исследованиях. 2 з.п.ф-лы, 11 ил., 4 табл.

27-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2288453C2

Изобретение относится к технической физике. Сущность изобретения состоит в том, что измеряют компоненты вектора цвета и интенсивность излучения, отраженного от измеряемой поверхности и эталона. Затем компоненты вектора цвета измеряемой поверхности для устранения индивидуальных особенностей спектрального состава излучения источника освещения и его интенсивности корректируют с учетом значений измеренных компонент цвета эталона и значений измеренных значений интенсивности излучения света и формируют композитный вектор цвета измеряемой поверхности, который является идентификатором свойств цвета поверхности - цветового тона и яркости измеряемой поверхности. Измеритель цвета поверхности содержит сканирующий узел, узел измерения вектора цвета с четырьмя рядами фотоприемников (ПЗС), причем три ряда ПЗС предназначены для измерения компонента цвета и имеют светофильтры 3-х основных цветов, а четвертый ряд фотоприемников не имеет светофильтров и предназначен для измерения интенсивности света, отраженного ...

10-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2267750C2

Изобретение относится к системам изготовления печатной краски. Техническим результатом является обеспечение наиболее близкого согласования цветов и качества независимого от географического места печатания материалов, достигаемое тем, что система содержит первый компьютер, который может обеспечиваться информацией со вторым компьютером, второй компьютер передает в первый компьютер информацию, которая включает в себя требуемый цвет краски и необязательно включает в себя информацию относительно других требуемых свойствах краски, причем первый компьютер содержит базу данных для предсказания цветовых данных рецептур красок при использовании выбранного набора основных цветов красок, программу для выбора рецептуры краски, основанной на данных для требуемой краски, и программу для передачи информации во второй компьютер для отображения цвета, относящегося к выбранной рецептуре краски, на цветном мониторе, подключенном ко второму компьютеру, а набор основных цветов краски можно выбрать, исходя из ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2276337C2
Принадлежит: АКЦО НОБЕЛЬ Н.В. (NL)

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике. Предложенный способ включает в себя формирование одной или более баз данных, содержащих колориметрические данные, относящиеся к набору составов и/или относящиеся к составляющим грунтовки и слоев основного или верхнего покрытия для многослойного покрытия; введение колориметрических данных ремонтируемого объекта в компьютер, имеющий доступ в упомянутую базу данных; определение составов грунтовки и, по выбору, одного или более слоев основного или верхнего покрытия с помощью этой базы данных так, чтобы получаемый цвет наносимого многослойного покрытия соответствовал цвету ремонтируемого объекта при использовании наименьшего возможного количества материала покрытия. Технический результат - уменьшение количества материала покрытия, необходимого для обеспечения полной укрывистости. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил, 3 табл.

10-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441749C2

Способ производства внешнего покрытия для бумажной подложки, в котором внешнее покрытие придает бумажной подложке цвет, который соответствует цвету целевого объекта. В соответствии со способом производят расчеты для определения количеств по меньшей мере одной группы окрашивающих веществ, требуемых для производства прозрачной или полупрозрачной протравы для древесины из связующего, причем когда полупрозрачная протрава для древесины наносится на бумажную подложку, бумажная подложка будет иметь цвет, который соответствует целевому объекту. Расчеты проводят с использованием значений измерений отражательной способности целевого объекта, полученных с использованием спектрофотометра, и предварительно полученных спектральных данных окрашивающих веществ при их нанесении на бумажную подложку. Окрашивающие вещества, используемые для образования прозрачной или полупрозрачной протравы для древесины, не включают в себя белого окрашивающего вещества или черно-белой тоновой смеси. Данный способ позволяет ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2313071C2

Изобретение относится к способам определения цветовой рецептуры для получения предварительно заданных оптических свойств в отверждаемом составе, который получают путем смешения одного или более базовых составов, например, базовых красок или тонеров. Цветовую рецептуру определяют с использованием параметров, определенных для каждой партии базового состава, характеризующих глянец, текстуру, металлический блеск и т.д. Базовые составы упакованы в контейнеры, содержащие носитель информации, такой как штриховой код, предоставляющий определенные для каждой партии параметры. Изобретение позволяет исключить необходимость в корректировке цвета или отбраковке партий базовых составов и устранить влияние вариаций между партиями базовых составов на качество получаемой краски. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

19-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2037790C1
Автор: Хотеев А.С.

Изобретение относится к спектральной колориметрии и может быть использовано для измерения цветовых параметров светосигнальных приборов со светофильтрами сложной геометрической формы. Сущность изобретения: излучение от источника 1 света светосигнального прибора 2, закрепленного на держателе 3 (поворотном устройстве с угломерным лимбом), воспринимается телескопической системой 4, выходной зрачок которой совмещен с входным отверстием интегрирующей сферы 5. Приемный зонд спектроколориметра 7 установлен вплотную к входному отверстию сферы. Спектроколориметр посредством блока 8 автоматики связан с поворотным устройством. Рассчитанные цветовые параметры выводятся на печатающее устройство 9. До измерений проводится калибровка спектроколориметра и источника света, а затем измеряются эффективные координаты цветности светосигнального прибора при последовательных автоматических поворотах его на заданные углы в пределах полезного угла излучения в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях. 1 ил.

10-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2123177C1
Принадлежит: Нюкомед Фарма АС (NO)

Изобретение предназначено для измерения силы света. Задачей изобретения является создание малогабаритного устройства, в котором излучатель и приемник имеют определенные положения относительно измеряемой поверхности и в котором обеспечен механизм экранирования света. Устройство состоит из удлиненной детали (1), которая имеет на одном конце светоизлучающие средства (6) и светопринимающие средства (7). Этот конец окружен упругосмещаемой оболочкой (8), которая, когда упомянутая удлиненная деталь (1) приложена к поверхности для снятия показаний прибора, определяет светонепроницаемую полость. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014129599A

... 1. Способ измерения цвета посредством регистрации изображения двухслойным многоэлементным матричным фотоприемным устройством (ММФПУ) с системой цветоделения RGB на ПЗС элементах, отличающийся тем, что учитывают разницу в глубине проникновения для коротковолнового и длинноволнового светового излучения в полупроводниках, за счет разной глубины проникновения светового излучения различных длин волн для разделения составляющих цветовой системы RGB подбирают толщину и материал слоев таким образом, чтобы разделение проникающих фотонов происходило по диапазонам спектра, содержащим основные цвета системы RGB, селективные светочувствительные слои полупроводника разносят в пространстве с изменением их площадей в зависимости от того, в какой области спектра улучшают цветопередачу, а для снижения уровня шумов используют как вертикальный, так и горизонтальный дренаж избыточных носителей.2. Устройство для измерения цвета, содержащее многоэлементное матричное фотоприемное устройство ММФПУ, регистрирующее ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150762A

... 1. Портативное устройство для измерения хромофоров в коже, содержащее:источник света для излучения широкополосного света в кожу;детектор изображения для захвата колориметрического изображения кожи, полученного с помощью отраженного от кожи широкополосного света;непрозрачный блок защиты детектирования для окружения источника света и детектора изображения, причем этот непрозрачный блок защиты детектирования выполнен съемным и имеет соединительную часть, предназначенную для присоединения непрозрачного блока защиты детектирования к портативному устройству для измерения хромофоров в коже и отсоединения непрозрачного блока защиты детектирования от портативного устройства для измерения хромофоров в коже; иблок обработки, выполненный с возможностью обработки характеристик захваченного колориметрического изображения кожи для определения содержания хромофоров.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором блок защиты детектирования имеет внутреннее покрытие, которое имеет поглощающие свойства.3. Устройство по ...

30-03-1929 дата публикации


Номер: SU8636A1

30-07-1986 дата публикации

Полевой калориметр

Номер: SU1247673A1

Изобретение относится к оптико- механическим устройствам, в частности колориметрическим компарационным средствам, и предназначено для дистанционного визуального определения цвета природных объектов. Устройство содержит цилиндрический держатель 7, внутри которого с возможностью продольного перемещения и вращения размещен барабан 8 цветовых эталонов. Цветовые эталоны различного тона размещены по окружности, а различ- насьщенности - вдоль образующих барабана. Внутри корпуса 2 на кронштейне 10 закреплена система наблюдения цветовых эталонов, содержащая поворотные призмы 13, жестко закрепленные на противоположных сторонах рамы 14 кронштейна, а система 3 регулировки освещения цветовых эталонов выполнена с возможностью регулировки светлоты. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 2 ил. i (О .3 та /; ...

31-05-1935 дата публикации

Прибор для подбора цветных тонов

Номер: SU43215A1

07-05-1985 дата публикации

Способ измерения цветовых характеристик образцов

Номер: SU1154550A1

СПОСОБ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ ЦВЕТОВЫХ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК ОБРАЗЦОВ, включающий формирование двух прилегающих полей сравнения - измеряемого, образуемого световым потоком от образца, и эталонного, образуемого ахроматическим и монохроматическим световыми потоками, уравнивание цветов полей сравнения путем изменения длины волны монохроматического светового потока и соотношения ахроматического и монохроматического потоков и измерение цветовых характеристик образцов , исходя из длины волны монохроматического светового потока и соотношения потоков после достижения цветового равенства полей сравнения, о тличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения точности и производительности измерений, при уравнивании цветов полей сравнения дополнительно изменяют световой поток от образца, а длину волны монохроматического светового потока и соотношение ахроматического и монохроматического световых потоков измесл няют при постоянном суммарном световом потоке, формирующем эталонное поле сравнения. ел 42 СЛ сл ...

01-01-1943 дата публикации

Кювета для фотоэлектрических и т.п. колориметров

Номер: SU62368A1

30-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1784844C

23-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1770777C

23-05-1987 дата публикации

Абсолютный колориметр

Номер: SU1312403A1

Изобретение относится к колориметрии и может использоваться во всех областях науки и техники, где требуется информация о распределении цвета по поверхности неоднородно Окрашенного объекта. Целью изобретения является получение информации о пространственном распределении цвета по исследуемому объекту. Абсолютный колориметр , содержащий блоки спектрального сканирования, фотоприемный блок и вычислительное устройство, сделан координатночувствительным путем выполнения блока спектрального, сканирования в виде двухлучевого интерферометра , а фотоприемного блока - в виде фотоприемной матрицы. 1 ил. (Л ...

23-10-1985 дата публикации

Устройство для определения цвета

Номер: SU1186964A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЦВЕТА, содержащее три фотопреобразующих устройства и три масштабных преобразователя, выходы которых подключены к входам сумматоров, выходы которых соединены с регистратором, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения разрешающей способности к цвету, в него введены три дополнительных сумматора, выходы которых подключены к входам соответствующих масштабных преобразователей, а их три входа - к входам каждого фотопреобразующего устройства.

23-08-1981 дата публикации


Номер: SU857732A1

28-02-1941 дата публикации


Номер: SU59046A1
Автор: Гуревич М.М.

06-08-1965 дата публикации

Проточная фотометрическая кювета типа "УПК-УНИИЗ"

Номер: SU173981A1
Автор: Цап М.Л.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Farbenraumes mit Farben auf einem Informationsträger, ein Farbtarget zum Abgleich von Ein- und Ausgabegeräten und Verwendung eines solchen Farbtargets

Номер: DE102012011873A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Erzeugung eines Farbenraumes, ein Farbtarget (1) und die Verwendung eines solchen Farbtargets (1). Die auf dem erfindungsgemäßen Farbenraum basierenden Farbenkreise (2) können als Referenzfarbenkreise dienen, mit denen sich die unterschiedlichen bekannten Farbensysteme nach einem einheitlichen Maßstab beurteilen lassen. Das erfindungsgemäße Farbtarget (1) lässt sich zum Farbabgleich von Ein- und Ausgabegeräten verwenden. Die entscheidende Verbesserung gegenüber allen bisherigen Methoden der Farbenorganisation liegt in der widerspruchsfreien Systematik, mit der die Farben gleichabständig angeordnet sind. Dabei handelt es sich bei den herstellbaren Farbenkreisen (2) um solche, bei denen die gegenüberliegenden Farben immer Komplementärfarben sind.

14-08-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Berechnung von Farbtonbereichen

Номер: DE0069527356D1

25-07-1985 дата публикации

Device for measuring the colour of objects

Номер: DE0003401475A1

The subject matter of the invention is a colour meter. The light emanating from an object (1) whose colour is to be established is fed to a photodetector arrangement. Arranged in the beam path of the photodetector arrangement are at least two dichroic mirrors (18, 21), of which each reflects or transmits a colour component with respect to a photoelectric receiver (20, 22). The aim of this is to make it possible for the colours to be measured without moving filters. ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Sensormodul, Verfahren zum Ermitteln einer Helligkeit und/oder einer Farbe einer elektromagnetischen Strahlung und Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Sensormoduls

Номер: DE102016208409A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Sensormodul (100) mit zumindest einem Helligkeitssensorelement (102) zum Erfassen einer Helligkeit einer breitbandigen elektromagnetischen Strahlung und zumindest einem Farbsensorfeld (104), das zumindest ein Farbsensorelement (106) zum Erfassen einer Farbe der elektromagnetischen Strahlung aufweist. Das Helligkeitssensorelement (102) weist eine größere Sensorfläche als das Farbsensorfeld (104) auf.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Erkennung einer Verunreinigung und/oder einer Eigenschaft zumindest eines Teils einer Textilie

Номер: DE102017209857A1

Es wird insbesondere ein Verfahren durchgeführt von einer oder mehreren Vorrichtungen offenbart, das Verfahren umfassend: Erhalten einer Intensitätsinformation repräsentativ für ein von einer Verunreinigung einer Textilie und/oder für ein von zumindest einem Teil einer Textilie resultierendes Spektralbild; Ermitteln von mindestens einer von der Verunreinigung der Textilie und/oder von zumindest einer Eigenschaft der Textilie abhängigen Ausgangsgröße aus der Intensitätsinformation, wobei die Ausgangsgröße mittels eines adaptiven Auswertealgorithmus, insbesondere ein künstliches neuronales Netz, bestimmt wird, wobei Parameter des adaptiven Auswertealgorithmus anhand einer Vielzahl von Trainingsfällen kalibriert werden; Ausgeben oder Auslösen eines Ausgebens der mindestens einen Ausgangsgröße. Ferner wird eine Vorrichtung und ein System zum Durchführen des gegenständlichen Verfahrens offenbart.

26-05-1988 дата публикации

Automatic inspection of textile webs

Номер: DE0003639636A1

The invention relates to a method and a circuit arrangement for automatic inspection of plane fabric webs by means of a parallel arrangement of colour-area cameras. The inspection is based on colour-defect recognition carried out in real time, at the same time as local structural-defect recognition carried out in real time, and on 2-dimensional image evaluation initiated in the event of unreliable recognition results and no longer carried out in real time. Colour-defect recognition is based on a classification carried out by means of a colour-feature memory, and structural-defect recognition makes use of a cyclically written transient-image memory for the more accurate 2-dimensional grey-value evaluation in the event of defects recognised unreliably in the local region.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE202012008448U1

Handfarbmessgerät mit einem eine Messanordnung (MA) und eine elektronische Steuerung (ST) aufnehmenden Gehäuse (G) mit einem Gehäuseboden (5) und einer Messöffnung (6), durch welche hindurch die Beleuchtung eines Messflecks (MF) auf einer Oberfläche (O) eines Messobjekts (MO) und das Aufpicken des vom Messfleck (MF) zurückgestrahlten Messlichts erfolgt, wobei die Messanordnung (MA) eine Beleuchtungsanordnung (11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23) zur Beaufschlagung des Messflecks (MF) mit Beleuchtungslicht in mindestens einer Beleuchtungsrichtung (41, 42, 43) und eine Aufpickanordnung (14, 24) zur Erfassung des Messlichts in mindestens einer Beobachtungsrichtung (44) umfasst, wobei die mindestens eine Beleuchtungsrichtung (41, 42, 43) und die mindestens eine Beobachtungsrichtung (44) in einer gemeinsamen Beleuchtungs-Beobachtungs-Ebene (40) liegen, und wobei das Gehäuse (G) an seinem Gehäuseboden (5) eine Auflagevorrichtung (7, 51, 52, 53) zum Positionieren des Geräts auf der auszumessenden Oberfläche ...

14-01-1971 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002029884A1

12-10-2000 дата публикации

Regulating ink output in printer involves deriving persistence value for deriving new control parameter by additively superimposing variations in preceding control parameter changes

Номер: DE0010013876A1

The method involves determining an actual colour value with a colour measurement device, feeding this to a colour controller, comparing it with a demand value and using a mathematical model to form a control parameter for a control element that corrects the ink output. A persistence value is computed using additive superimposition of variations with time of preceding control parameter changes and used to derive a new control parameter.

28-10-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002158758B2

28-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069804795T2

13-06-2001 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Kantenposition in Farbbildern, insbesondere für Farb- und Intensitätsübergänge

Номер: DE0010020067A1

Der Erfindung liegt die Aufgabe zugrunde, ein Verfahren der eingangs genannten Art anzugeben, bei dem die im Gesamtbild oder in einzelnen Farbauszügen gefundenen Kantenorte möglichst gut übereinstimmen. DOLLAR A Erfindungsgemäß gelingt die Lösung der Aufgabe dadurch, dass zur Bestimmung des Kantenortes K jeder Farbwert F in eine Vektordarstellung DOLLAR I1 ausgehend von einem ausgezeichneten Punkt O des Farbraumes F überführt wird, dass zur Bestimmung der Kantenposition entlang einer vorgegebenen Antastrichtung mittels eines auf der Vektordarstellung DOLLAR I2 basierenden Verfahrens der Übergang von einer Farbe F¶L¶ links der Kante K auf eine Farbe F¶R¶ rechts der Kante K bestimmt wird. In der zugehörigen Zeichnung verdeutlicht Fig. 5 das Wesen der Erfindung. DOLLAR A Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Kantenposition in Farbbildern, insbesondere bei der Erkennung von Farb- und Intensitätsübergängen im Farbraum F.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Hintergrund zum Erstellen von Fotos von Teststreifen

Номер: DE202021002401U1
Принадлежит: Turimbi UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Ein Hintergrund für die Aufnahme von mindestens einem Foto von mindestens einem Teststreifen (3) wobei das Foto danach mit einem Programm ausgewertet wird, bestehend aus mindestens einer weißen Fläche (1) und mindestens einer nichtweißen Fläche (2).

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Sensoranordnung mit einem siliziumbasierten optischen Sensor und einem Substrat für funktionelle Schichtsysteme

Номер: DE102013104968A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Sensoranordnung mit einem siliziumbasierten optischen Sensor, insbesondere Farbsensoren für kolorimetrische Anwendungen. Die Aufgabe, eine neue Möglichkeit zur Unterdrückung der Interferenzrippel von optischen Sensoren, die bei der Hinzufügung von Substraten mit optisch funktionellen Beschichtungen entstehen, zu finden, die eine einfache Herstellung ohne komplizierte Anpassungsschichten gestattet, wird erfindungsgemäß gelöst, indem die Sensorpassivierung aus einer Kombination von einer dünnen SiO2-Schicht (12) im Bereich von 5 bis 10 nm und einer entspiegelungsangepassten Si3N4-Schicht (13) zusammengesetzt ist, über der Sensorpassivierung ein mindestens ein optisches Filter (21) tragendes Substrat (2) angeordnet ist, das mit dem Sensor (1) mittels eines Klebstoffs (31) verbunden ist und zwischen Sensorfläche (11) und zugeordnetem optischem Filter einen Zwischenraum (3) für eine optische Schicht (32; 33) mit niedrigem Brechungsindex (n2) ausbildet, die eine Höhenvariation ...

22-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002404201A1

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Langzeitdokumentation der Farbigkeit von Kunstwerken II

Номер: DE102015013393A1

Ein Verfahren zur Dokumentation der Farbigkeit von Kunstwerken wird vorgestellt, indem die UV/Vis-Absorptionsspektren farbiger Bestandteile Gaußanalysen unterworfen werden. Mit stark reduzierten Datensätzen lässt sich damit die Farbigkeit ohne Beeinflussung durch eine äußere Beleuchtung auch langfristig charakterisieren und dokumentieren. Das erfindungsgemäße Verfahren kann auch dazu verwendet werden, die Echtheit von Kunstwerken zu authentifizieren.

18-07-1985 дата публикации

Built-in device for testing colour-measuring heads

Номер: DE0003347326A1

The invention relates to a colorimeter, in particular a three-colour colorimeter, in which radiation impinging on a measuring head provided with photoelements and measurement channels constructed independently of one another and filtered is evaluated in terms of spectral functions and the measurement results are displayed. In order to enable the user of this colorimeter himself to test the spectral characteristics of the color-measuring head, it is proposed to provide for the display of the measurement results a monochrome video monitor (4), and to provide on the monitor (4) an adaptor (6), which accommodates the measuring head (1), is aligned towards the screen, and prevents the impingement of lateral light on the measuring head, as well as a test circuit with a display which is connected to a device which, on the one hand, generates a defined screen pattern on the monitor and, on the other hand, compares the radiation received by the measuring head connected to the adaptor with prescribed ...

16-11-2000 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Erkennung von Farbmustern auf Oberflächen

Номер: DE0019920364A1

Ein Verfahren zur Erkennung von Farbmustern auf Oberflächen mit mindestens einem auf die Oberfläche gerichteten Farbsensor weist die Schritte auf von: DOLLAR A a) Bewegen der Oberfläche relativ zu dem Farbsensor; DOLLAR A b) kontinuierliches Messen und Aufzeichnen der Sensorsignale; DOLLAR A c) Ermitteln von Kenngrößen aus Zeitintervallen der Sensorsignale; DOLLAR A d) Vergleichen der Kenngrößen mit gespeicherten Größen für definierte Farbmuster und DOLLAR A e) Erkennen eines definierten Farbmusters, wenn die Kenngrößen ähnlich zu den gespeicherten Größen sind.

02-06-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Kalibrierung eines Spektralradiometers

Номер: DE102014117595A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Kalibrierung eines Spektralradiometers (1), mit den folgenden Verfahrensschritten: Aufnahme von Lichtmessdaten durch Vermessung der Strahlung wenigstens einer Normallichtquelle (4) mittels des zu kalibrierenden Spektralradiometers (1), Ableitung von Kalibrierdaten aus den Lichtmessdaten durch Vergleich der aufgenommenen Lichtmessdaten mit bekannten Daten der Normallichtquelle (4), und Kalibrierung des Spektralradiometers (1) gemäß den Kalibrierdaten. Aufgabe der Erfindung ist, ein zuverlässiges und praktikables Verfahren zur Kalibrierung des Spektralradiometers (1) bereitzustellen. Insbesondere soll auf einfache und zuverlässige Weise ein Gleichlauf von an verschiedenen Standorten (9, 10, 11) befindlichen Spektralradiometern (1) hergestellt werden. Hierzu schlägt die Erfindung vor, dass die Gültigkeit, d.h. die Verwendbarkeit der Normallichtquelle für die Kalibrierung überprüft wird, indem die Lichtmessdaten der Normallichtquelle (4) mit Lichtmessdaten ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE202018006072U1
Принадлежит: Winkler

Mischtonfarbraum umfassend einen Grundfarbton (G), die Unbuntfarbe Weiß (W), die Unbuntfarbe Schwarz (S) und Mischtonfarben aus dem Grundfarbton (G) des Mischtonfarbraums mit der Unbuntfarbe Weiß (W) und/oder der Unbuntfarbe Schwarz (S), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Mischtonfarbraum durch ein zweidimensionales kartesisches Koordinatensystem mit den Achsen X und Y dargestellt ist, wobei die Achse X Werte im Bereich von 0 bis 100 und die Achse Y Werte im Bereich von 0 bis 100 aufweist, die Koordinate (0|0) den Grundfarbton (G) des Mischtonfarbraums, die Koordinate (100|0) die Unbuntfarbe Weiß (W), die Koordinate (0| 100) die Unbuntfarbe Schwarz (S) und die Koordinaten (100-u | 100-v) die Mischtonfarben aus dem Grundfarbton (G) des Mischtonfarbraums mit der Unbuntfarbe Weiß (W) und/oder der Unbuntfarbe Schwarz (S) darstellen, wobei u Werte im Bereich von größer 0 bis 100 und v Werte im Bereich von größer 0 bis 100 aufweist, wobei gilt, wenn u = 100, dann v ≠ 0 und 100 und wenn v = 100, ...

24-12-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und System zur Farbauswahl mittels semantische Farbnamen

Номер: DE602005010977D1

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Ermittlung eines drucktechnischen Messwertes

Номер: DE102005060893B4

Verfahren zur Ermittlung eines drucktechnischen Messwerts aus einem Tonwert- und/oder Farbverlauf eines Kontrollfelds, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sowohl der drucktechnische Messwert als auch eine Position eines zugehörigen Messpunktes während eines Druckbetriebs einer Druckmaschine ermittelt wird.

12-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE602005004693T2

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Optischer Sensor und Verfahren zur optischen Abstands- und/oder Farbmessung

Номер: DE102005043627B4

Optischer Sensor zur Abstandsmessung mit einer Beleuchtungseinheit (12), mit der Licht emittierbar ist, das unterschiedliche Wellenlängen enthält, mit einer ersten Optik (17), mit der das Licht wellenlängenabhängig in Brennpunkte in unterschiedlichem Abstand von der Optik fokussierbar und von einem Messobjekt remittiertes Licht erfassbar ist, mit Mitteln, um von der ersten Optik (17) erfasstes Licht aufzuteilen in zumindest einen ersten optischen Messstrahlengang, der das Licht so über eine Detektionsblende (28) auf einen ersten Empfänger (31) lenkt, dass mit diesem ein objektabstandsabhängiges Wellenlängenspektrum erfassbar wird, und in zumindest einen zweiten optischen Messstrahlengang, der das Licht auf einen zweiten Empfänger (35) zur Erfassung einer spektralen Reflexion lenkt, mit einer Berechnungseinheit, um Messwerte des objektabstandsabhängigen Wellenlängenspektrums mit korrespondierenden Messwerten der spektralen Reflexion zu korrigieren und aus den korrigierten Werten einen Abstandswert ...

07-08-2008 дата публикации

Visual color correlation improving method for e.g. luggage space cover, involves providing non-symmetrical tolerance area with permissible color variation which is direction-controlled

Номер: DE102007004706A1

The method involves providing a non-symmetrical tolerance area with permissible color variation, which is direction-controlled. Three axes of different length are assigned to the tolerance area. A center of gravity of the tolerance area is displaced against the origin of a coordinate system. The process of coating is changed depending on the estimated color deviation. The color for the coating of a construction unit is changed through tones. A set of coating parameters for the coating of the construction unit is changed. The construction unit is made of polymer material. An independent claim is also included for a construction unit coated with lacquer.

01-08-2002 дата публикации

Objective assessment of a color or paint layer, applicable to quality control of paint applied to vehicle bodywork, based on pixel- wise evaluation of a reflected light image of an inspected surface to provide a 2D evaluation

Номер: DE0010103555A1

Method for accessing a color layer in which a color layer is illuminated with a light source (6) with reflected light captured by a receiver (12). Each pixel image has five dimensions, two geometrical and three color. From the 5-D information 2-D information is extracted that is a measure for the color and brightness distribution of light reflected from a given geometrical area of the color layer.

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Umrechnung von Farbmesswerten in polarisierter oder unpolarisierter Form

Номер: DE102008022770B4

Verfahren zur Umrechnung von polarisierten Farbmesswerten (FP(s2)) in unpolarisierte (FZ u(s2)) Farbmesswerte oder umgekehrt mit einem Rechner (160), wobei die Umrechnung anhand eines polarisiert und unpolarisiert ermittelten Referenzmesswertpaares (FP(s1), Fu(s1)) vom Rechner (160) vorgenommen wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass in dem mit einer Farbmesseinrichtung (6, 21) verbundenen Rechner (160) wenigstens das zu einer Farbmessung bei einer ersten Schichtdicke (s1) gehörende Referenzmesswertpaar (FP(s1), Fu(s1)) aus einem polarisierten und einem unpolarisierten Messwert abgespeichert ist, dass mit der Farbmesseinrichtung (6, 21) eine unpolarisierte oder polarisierte Farbmessung (FP(s2), Fu(s2)) auf einem Bedruckstoff (20) bei einer zweiten Farbschichtdicke (s2) vorgenommen wird, dass zu dem dabei erfassten Farbmesswert (FP(s2)) mittels eines Farbmodells ein Farbwert der gleichen Art (FZ P(s1)) berechnet wird, welcher auf einer gemeinsamen Färbungslinie der gleichen Art liegt und zur ...

09-09-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to the control of illuminants

Номер: GB0000969003A

... 969,003. Colour photography; filters. KODAK Ltd. Nov. 16, 1960 [Sept. 23, 1960], No. 39437/60. Headings G2C and G2J. A method of controlling illuminants for use in colour measurements or reproduction comprises introducing to a varying extent into a light beam containing colours in at least three regions of the spectrum, a colour control filter having greater transmissions in one or more of said regions and lesser transmissions in the other regions, and keeping constant the ratio of the transmitted light intensities in the lesser regions by maintaining in part of the light beam not intercepted by the colour control filter, a connecting light filter having transmissions in the region of lesser transmission of the control filter which are greater than those of the control filter but which have intensities in the same ratio. As shown, light from a source 3 is passed through one, or part of both filters 1, 2 into a mirror box 4 having diffusing sheets 5, 6, on the ends. The primary colour control ...

08-03-1934 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to apparatus for measuring colours

Номер: GB0000406890A

... 406,890. Colorimeters; colour screens. NAAMLOOZE VENNOOTSCHAP PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN, Emmasingel, Eindhoven, Holland. May 17, 1933, No. 14293. Convention date, May 26, 1932. [Class 97 (i).] In colorimeters of the type in which a colour equal to that to be measured is obtained by mingling three primary colours, monochromatic prime colours are obtained by filtration of light emitted by spectrum lamps and the intensity of each is regulated in two independent ways, first to produce white light, and secondly, to modify such white light to the colour under test. Filtration is effected by semi - transparent mirrors formed by applying a thin coating of a dye such as indigo carmine, methyl violet or toluidine blue, to plate glass. Two mercury lamps A, C, and a neon lamp B, each disposed in front of an opal glass screen S, lens l and diaphragm d are arranged as shown with semitransparent mirrors 1, 2 coated respectively with indigo carmine and methyl violet. A filter f of didymglass (glass ...

26-03-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002164792A

An amorphous semiconductor device comprising a layered structure having a p-amorphous silicon layer, an i-amorphous silicon layer, an n-amorphous silicon layer, an i-amorphous silicon layer and a p-amorphous silicon layer, or an n-amorphous silicon layer, an i-amorphous silicon layer, a p-amorphous silicon layer, an i-amorphous silicon layer and an n-amorphous silicon layer, in sequence, on a substrate, electrodes being disposed on the top layer, the central layer and the bottom layer, respectively.

13-01-1988 дата публикации

Computerized colour matching

Номер: GB0002192455A

Method and apparatus for matching a selected color with predetermined available paint colors wherein a portable color meter is used to analyze a selected color and store chromaticity data representing the hue, chroma and brightness of the selected color. That stored chromaticity data is coupled to a computer which compares it with stored chromaticity data in the computer representing available color formulas and then selects one of the stored paint formulas most closely matching the chromaticity data representing the selected color.

01-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008416654D0

04-03-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002151353B

16-09-1964 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a tristimulus difference computer

Номер: GB0000970129A

... 970,129. Analogue computers. H. R. DAVIDSON. Oct. 19,1961 [June 1,1961], No. 37565/61. Heading G4G. A computer for determining the amounts of colourants in a mixture required to match a colour standard where there is a difference (#K/S i ) (where K is coefficient of absorption and S i the coefficient of scatter) between the spectrophometric curves of the colour standard and the mixture, includes means for producing colourant voltages corresponding to values of #K/S i for different wavelengths i which are then converted into voltages representing the difference in tristimulus values #X, #Y, #Z between the tristimulus values X, Y, Z of the colour standard and those of the mixture, manual settings in the computer being adjusted until #X, #Y, #Z are zero which corresponds to the condition of best match, when the amounts of colourants for the mixture can be determined from the settings of the computer. The following equations are given in the Specification for X, Y, Z, where E c is the spectral ...

30-12-2015 дата публикации

Ink set optimisation

Номер: GB0002527495A

A method of selecting optimal inks from a plurality of ink candidates for a given colour is disclosed. The method comprises a) obtaining a measure of spectral reflectance of a print substrate; b) obtaining a measure of the spectral reflectance of a first candidate ink of a first colour; c) predicting a colour gamut for the first candidate ink based on the spectral reflectance of the ink and the spectral reflectance of the substrate; d) repeating steps b) and c) for a second ink candidate of the first colour: e) selecting the ink candidate for which the predicted colour gamut includes the most target spot colours as the optimal ink for the first colour. The method may be employed to select optimal ink sets for an Expanded Colour Gamut (ECG) printing process. The substrate may be paper, a textile, a synthetic foil or a metal plate.

31-10-2018 дата публикации

Methods for colorimetric analysis

Номер: GB0002561863A

An image of a sample (3, Fig. 1) is obtained (S1) from an image sensor (2, Fig. 1), perhaps of a smartphone, having two or more colour channels. Mono-colour arrays corresponding to difference colour channels are extracted (S2), with aggregation of pixels, from the image. In an aspect, a filtered array is determined (S3) as a ratio or difference of two mono-colour images, and the presence or concentration of an analyte in the sample is determined. In another aspect, a mono-colour absorbance array is determined for each colour channel; concentration vectors are determined by multiplying absorbance vectors by a deconvolution matrix, each concentration vector including concentration values corresponding to individual analytes. The deconvolution matrix is determined from calibration samples containing known analyte concentrations, by multiplying a matrix generated from concentration vectors of the calibration samples by the inverse of a matrix generated from absorbance vectors based on measured ...

01-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002064113B

06-02-1985 дата публикации

Colour formulation

Номер: GB2143146A

In a method of producing a composition of specified colour at least one composition containing a specified colouring agent is admixed with at least one other composition. The composition containing the colouring agent is dispensed from a container 209 having associated with it an active memory device 214, such as a micro-chip, carrying information concerning the colorant characteristics of that composition, and dispensing means attached to the container is responsive to that information so that the correct quantity of the coloured composition is dispensed relative to the quantity of the other composition with which it is mixed. The container 209 has a resilient cap 229 by which it is mounted to dispensing means by way of a connector 230 which simultaneously engages the memory device and the supply outlet 234 of the container. ...

21-02-1968 дата публикации

Improved method for determining recipes of mixtures of pigments for colouring paints, plastics and like materials

Номер: GB0001103950A

... 1,103, 950. Matching colours. COMMUNICATIONS PATENTS Ltd. July 30, 1965, No. 32771/65. Heading G2J. A method for determining the recipes of mixtures of pigments for colouring paints, plastics and other bound media, in which the addition of pigments at stages in a blending process is determined from reflectances, measured at different wavelengths, of test pieces made up using individual pigments, of a sample of the material the colour of which is required to be adjusted and of a colour sample to be matched is used in combination with an intrinsic function of reflectance defined by the expression: Constant times (1-R)2/2R times F(R) where R is the reflectance at a given wavelength and where F(R) lies between the following limits:- ...

24-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008817482D0

30-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001493307A

... 1493307 Colour image formation OPTISCHE INDUSTRIE DE OUDE DELFT NV 23 May 1975 [30 May 1974] 22715/75 Heading H4F [Also in Division G2] Colour image formation which enables clear distinction between similar colours is effected by splitting the radiation spectrum from the scene according to two wavelength regions 20, 21, Fig. 2, the two resulting spatially separated images being intensified by one or more image intensifier tubes 19, and the intensified separate images thus produced on the last anode being superimposed with each image in a different colour. This arrangement can be used to distinguish between colours, including infra-red, which normally cannot be distinguished by the human eye. In Fig. 2 the image is split by prisms 8 and 9 with a wavelength separating dielectric layer or metallic mirror 10 therebetween. The wavelength division between the two images may be 750 nm. or one image may include wavelengths in the range 500-650 nm. The combining of the two images is effected by ...

27-06-1979 дата публикации

Gem colour meter

Номер: GB0002010474A

An apparatus for determining or classifying the "colour" of a gem stone 13 comprises a source 14, a filter wheel 19 and a photomultiplier 22 for analysing the light passing through the stone in at least two different colour bands (typically red and blue). In another constructional arrangement, Fig. 7 (not shown) the stone is mounted in a hemispherical reflector having input and output of light by light guides. The detector circuit has channels for each colour and means for obtaining difference values therebetween and means for utilising the sum of all channel signals to adjust the gain of the detector. ...

31-08-2014 дата публикации

Calibration of measuring instruments

Номер: AP2014007858A0

31-03-1985 дата публикации

Process and measuring device of the brightness of a color.

Номер: OA0000007565A

31-08-2014 дата публикации

Calibration of measuring instruments

Номер: AP0201407858A0

31-08-2014 дата публикации

Calibration of measuring instruments

Номер: AP0201407858D0

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386313T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000426150T

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA483673A

15-06-1995 дата публикации


Номер: ATA107891A

15-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000528626T

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000408822T

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000505556A4

15-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000007822T

15-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010810T

25-06-1910 дата публикации

Device for analyzing Farbenmischungen.

Номер: AT0000042708B

04-06-2018 дата публикации

Портативное многофункциональное устройство для установления групповой принадлежности лакокрасочных покрытий по цветовому тону, насыщенности и яркости цвета в цифровом эквиваленте

Номер: RU0000180103U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерения цвета и касается портативного многофункционального устройства для установления групповой принадлежности лакокрасочных материалов и покрытий по цветовому тону, насыщенности и яркости цвета в цифровом эквиваленте. Устройство содержит цилиндрический корпус, кнопки управления, аккумулятор, разъем зарядного устройства, ЭВМ, микроконтроллер, светодиоды инфракрасного, ультрафиолетового и видимого излучения, сенсорный дисплей, microUSB порт, приемопередающее устройство Bluetooth, регулятор интенсивности излучения источников света, приемопередающее устройство GSM. Кроме того, устройство содержит видеокамеру, автофокус, инфракрасный светодиод автофокуса, наноприсоски и магнитную вставку. ЭВМ обеспечивает получение изображения с видеокамеры, обработку полученного изображения и получение численного значения длины волны отраженного излучения в виде цветового тона, насыщенности и яркости цвета в цифровом эквиваленте, формирование полученных результатов и выведение их на сенсорный дисплей и/или передачу. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности и стабильности результатов измерений. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 180 103 U1 (51) МПК G01J 3/46 (2006.01) G01N 21/25 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01J 3/463 (2006.01); G01N 21/251 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017137662, 27.10.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 04.06.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 04.06.2018 Бюл. № 16 1 8 0 1 0 3 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 171154 U1, 23.05.2017. US 7711252 B2, 04.05.2010. US 2015308896 A1, 29.10.2015. US 2016069743 A1, 10.03.2016. (54) ПОРТАТИВНОЕ МНОГОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УСТАНОВЛЕНИЯ ГРУППОВОЙ ПРИНАДЛЕЖНОСТИ ЛАКОКРАСОЧНЫХ ПОКРЫТИЙ ПО ЦВЕТОВОМУ ТОНУ, НАСЫЩЕННОСТИ И ЯРКОСТИ ЦВЕТА В ЦИФРОВОМ ЭКВИВАЛЕНТЕ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области света, приемопередающее ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Color management and calibration using a scanner or camera

Номер: US20120044540A1
Автор: Edul N. Dalal, Wencheng Wu
Принадлежит: Xerox Corp

A computer-implemented method for color calibration and profiling of an output device includes measuring a color patch in a test pattern, which comprises a plurality of color patches, to obtain first image data; measuring the color patch in the test pattern to obtain second image data; transforming the first image data to a first estimated image data; determining a difference between the second image data and the first estimated image data to obtain a correction factor; and calculating, for each patch in the test pattern, a corrected image data by applying the correction factor to a subsequent estimated image data from the first sensor. The correction factor is used for correcting inaccuracies introduced when the first image data is transformed into the first estimated image data. The first image data and the second image data provide a measured color representation of the color patch in a device dependent color space and a device independent color space, respectively.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, and article to facilitate evaluation of objects using electromagnetic energy

Номер: US20120072154A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Spectral information may be employed in process control and/or quality control of goods and articles. Spectral information may be employed in process control and/or quality control of media, for example financial instruments, identity documents, legal documents, medical documents, financial transaction cards, and/or other media, fluids for example lubricants, fuels, coolants, or other materials that flow, and in machinery, for example vehicles, motors, generators, compressors, presses, drills and/or supply systems. Spectral information may be employed in identifying biological tissue and/or facilitating diagnosis based on biological tissue.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for determining a curing level of printing inks and print process control strip

Номер: US20120180561A1

A method, apparatus and print process control strip determine a curing level of printing inks on printing material. Conventional measuring areas of a print process control strip are always formed by tonal value combinations of individual, reliably thoroughly dried, printing inks, in particular when using intermediate dryers. Measuring the measuring areas furnishes no more accurate information with regard to the curing level of ink combinations in the actual printed image which differ from the combinations of the measuring areas of the print process control strip. A level-of-curing control area is provided, which is formed by overprinting preferably at least four printing inks, in each case in full tone, to obtain statements relating to the curing level of the printing inks with the print process control strip. Measuring the level-of-curing control area provides information about the curing level of all printing ink combinations in the printed image.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Dental shade mapping

Номер: US20120231420A1
Принадлежит: Carestream Health Inc

A method and apparatus for obtaining a color mapping of a dental object. Illumination is directed toward the object over at least a first and second wavelength band, one band at a time. An image of the dental object is captured at each wavelength band to form a set of images of the dental object. For pixels in the captured set of images, an image data value for the pixel corresponds to each of the wavelength bands and calculates interpolated image data values proportional to the spectral reflectance of the dental object, according to the obtained image data values and according to image data values obtained from a reference object at the wavelength bands. Spectral distribution data for a viewing illuminant is obtained and the visual color of the dental object reconstructed according to the calculated interpolated image data values and the obtained spectral distribution of the viewing illuminant.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and Methods for Selecting Light Emitters

Номер: US20120275147A1
Автор: Chenhua You, John Roberts
Принадлежит: Cree Inc

Provided are devices and methods for grouping light emitters and devices including the same. Embodiments of such methods may include selecting a portion of the light emitters using a region of a multiple axis color space that is configured to represent each of a plurality of colors as at least two chromaticity coordinates. The region may be proximate a predefined point on the multiple axis color space and includes a major axis having a first length and a minor axis having a second length that is less than the first length.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for determining colour from an image

Номер: US20120294517A1

Embodiments of the invention relate to the determination of the colour of a colour sample from an image of the colour sample. In one embodiment a colour sample capture card is provided having printed thereon colour samples of known colour (for example, XYZ tri-stimulus values). An image of the test colour sample is then captured using domestically available equipment, such as a consumer digital camera or camera-equipped mobile telephone, the image also containing the colour sample capture card. Regression analysis is then performed using the RGB colour samples in the image and known XYZ colours thereof to characterise the colour capture response of the image capture device. In one embodiment the colour calibration characteristics are determined using N known calibration colour samples, wherein N is less than the total number of known calibration colour samples across the whole colour space. Having characterised the image capture device the XYZ colour of the unknown colour sample can be determined from the RGB colour thereof in the image.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for the classification of observers according to their visual characteristics

Номер: US20130027567A1

Preferably, seven classes of observers are defined, according to different sets of Colour Matching Functions. By displaying specific colour patches of a classification chart using colour display devices having different sets of primaries, and by asking an actual observer to compare his perception of the same colour as displayed on each colour display device, the method allows assigning said observer his specific class. It is proposed a specific apparatus to implement this method.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for controlling an image display device to allow the same perception of colours over a large variety of observers

Номер: US20130033528A1
Принадлежит: Thomson Licensing SAS

For each colour, the method comprises the following steps: —converting the first set of colour coordinates (R 0 , G 0 , B 0 ) R representing this colour into a first set of visual tristimulus values (X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ) representing said colour as perceived by a first observer when displayed using a first set of primaries, —converting said first set of visual tristimulus values (X 0 , Y 0 , Z 0 ) into a second set of visual tristimulus values (X i , Y i , Z i ) representing the same colour as perceived by a second observer, —converting said second set of visual tristimulus values (X i , Y i , Z i ) into a second set of colour coordinates (R i , G i , B i ) C representing said colour as perceived by said second observer when displayed using a second set of primaries.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Die inspection method

Номер: US20130063725A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A method is disclosed for inspecting a mold which has a porous alumina layer over its surface. The method includes providing, based on a relationship between a first parameter indicative of a thickness of the porous alumina layer and a color parameter indicative of a color of reflected light from the porous alumina layer, first color information which represents a tolerance of the first parameter of a porous alumina layer which has an uneven structure that is within a tolerance; providing a mold which is an inspection subject, the mold having a porous alumina layer over its surface; obtaining a color parameter which is indicative of a color of reflected light from the porous alumina layer of the inspection subject mold; and determining a suitability of the first parameter of the inspection subject mold based on the obtained color parameter and the first color information.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083315A1

Devices, systems and methods facilitate analyzing, identifying and sorting particles in fluids, including cytometry devices and techniques. The described techniques can be used in a variety of applications such as in chemical or biological testing and diagnostic measurements. One exemplary flow cytometry device includes a channel that is capable of conducting a fluid containing at least one particle and also capable of allowing light be transmitted to and from the channel. The flow cytometry device also includes a lens that is positioned between the channel and a color filter. The lens directs at least a portion of light transmitted from the channel to the color filter. The color filter includes a plurality of zones, where each zone is adapted to allow transmission of only a particular spectral range of light. The flow cytometry device further includes a detector configured to receive the light that is transmitted through the color filter. 1. A flow cytometry device , comprising:a channel capable of conducting a fluid containing at least one particle, the channel further capable of allowing light be transmitted to and from the channel;a lens positioned between the channel and a color filter and adapted to direct at least a portion of light transmitted from the channel to the color filter, the color filter comprising a plurality of zones, each zone adapted to allow transmission of only a particular spectral range of light; anda detector configured to receive the light that is transmitted through the color filter.2. The flow cytometry device of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one light source positioned to direct light to the mirror;one or more mirrors positioned to reflect the light from the light source(s) into the channel, wherein the one or more mirrors are substantially transparent to the light transmitted by the channel; andan optical filter positioned between the lens and the detector and adapted to substantially block the light from the light source and ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Process for producing and delivering matching color coating and use thereof

Номер: US20130083991A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to a process for repairing one or more defects of a target coating of a vehicle. The process can repair target coatings at a repair facility using matching coating compositions provided from a supply center, where the matching coating compositions can be produced according to target repair data transmitted from one or more repair facilities to the supply center. The present invention is also directed to a system for repairing one or more defects of a target coating of a vehicle. The system can comprise one or more supply centers and one or more repair facilities.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Integrating sphere photometer and measuring method of the same

Номер: US20130099102A1

Provided are an integrating sphere photometer and a measuring method of the same. The integrating sphere photometer includes a plurality of photodetectors, an integrating sphere having through-holes formed to correspond to the photodetectors, baffles disposed inside the integrating sphere in front of the photodetectors to be spaced apart from the photodetectors, a photometer disposed at a through-hole, and an adjustment unit adjusting output signals of the photodetectors to have the same output signal with respect to light illuminated from a point-like standard light source disposed at a center region in the integrating sphere.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141725A1
Автор: YUN Sang Bok

A method of light source classification includes determining a plurality of color regions in the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram according to desired classification criteria. The plurality of color regions of the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram are converted into a plurality of color classification regions defined by color coordinates of the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram. The light source is classified into one of the plurality of color classification regions. This classification method may allow for precise classification based on actual color differences, while providing light sources having color uniformity in the same classification region. 1. A method of light source classification comprising:determining a plurality of color regions in a CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram according to desired classification criteria;determining a plurality of color classification regions corresponding to the plurality of color regions through coordinate conversion, thereby allowing the plurality of color regions of the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram to be converted into the plurality of color classification regions defined by color coordinates of a CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram;measuring CIE 1931 color coordinates of light emitted from a light source to be classified; andclassifying the light source according to one of the plurality of color classification regions, in which the measured CIE 1931 color coordinates are located.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining of the plurality of color regions in the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram comprises setting variations (Δu′ claim 1 , Δv′) in coordinates to range from 0.001 to 0.05 in the same color region.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of color regions in the CIE 1976 chromaticity diagram has a boundary coinciding with or being parallel to a color temperature line or a black body locus claim 1 , andeach of the plurality of color classification regions in the CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram is deviated from or ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Color sensing device

Номер: US20130148124A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A color sensing apparatus ( 10 ) includes au optical system ( 16 ) that produces a spatially uniform light beam ( 18 ).

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162998A1
Автор: Furuta Yasutomo

An image forming apparatus includes an image forming unit configured to form a measurement image on a sheet, a measurement unit configured to measure the measurement image formed on the sheet to output a measurement value, a white reference plate provided at a position facing to the measurement unit, and a correction unit configured to correct the measurement value output from the measurement unit according to a distance from the measurement unit to the white reference plate in a case where the measurement image formed on the sheet is measured. 1. An image forming apparatus comprising:an image forming unit configured to form a measurement image on a sheet;a measurement unit configured to measure the measurement image formed on the sheet to output a measurement value;a white reference plate provided at a position facing to the measurement unit; anda correction unit configured to correct the measurement value output from the measurement unit according to a distance from the measurement unit to the white reference plate in a case where the measurement image formed on the sheet is measured.2. The image forming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the measurement unit is configured to irradiate the measurement image with light and receive reflected light from the measurement image to output a spectral reflectance as the measurement value.3. The image forming apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the measurement unit is configured to measure light reflected from the white reference plate to output a first spectral reflectance, andwherein the correction unit is configured to correct the first spectral reflectance according to the distance from the measurement unit to the white reference plate to calculate a second spectral reflectance.4. The image forming apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the correction unit is configured to correct the spectral reflectance output from the measurement unit based on the second spectral reflectance in a case where the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176553A1
Автор: Cope Jason, Kurth David

The present invention provides a method and apparatus for non-destructive testing of a seed. In various embodiments, the method may comprise vibrating the seed to orient the seed on an axis, identifying a location of a known feature of the seed, determining a sample location on the seed based on the location of the known feature, and performing a non-destructive testing procedure on the seed proximate the sample location. In one embodiment, the method may comprise removing a sample portion of the seed from the sample location without damaging the embryo of the seed. Accordingly, the viability of the seed may be maintained while allowing for subsequent testing on the sample portion of the seed. 1. A method of non-destructive sampling of a seed , comprising:vibrating the seed to orient the seed on an axis;identifying a location of a known feature of the seed;determining a sample location on the seed based on the location of the known feature; andperforming a non-destructive testing procedure on the seed proximate the sample location.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the known feature comprises an embryo.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining the sample location comprises causing the sample location to be substantially opposite the location of the embryo on the seed.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the known feature comprises a hilum.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the location of the known feature comprises rotating the seed about the axis.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the location of the known feature on the seed comprises illuminating the seed to improve contrast.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the location of the known feature comprises identifying a known shape.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein identifying a known shape comprises identifying a perimeter of the seed.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the location of the known feature comprises identifying a known color.10. The method of claim 1 ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188186A1
Автор: OKUMURA Yoshio

A color measurement apparatus that performs color measurement on a printout includes a measurement unit that can perform color measurement on a target by changing a light-receiving angle, and a controller that causes the measurement unit to perform color measurement at the light-receiving angle corresponding to an index value representing unique luster of the printout. 1. A color measurement apparatus that performs color measurement on a printout , the apparatus comprising:a color measurement unit that is capable of performing color measurement on a target by changing a light-receiving angle; anda controller that causes the color measuring unit to perform color measurement at the light-receiving angle corresponding to an index value representing unique luster of the printout.2. The color measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein as the index value increases the light-receiving angle approaches the light-receiving angle at which specular reflection occurs.3. The color measurement apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the index value is glossiness of a metallic ink.4. A printing apparatus claim 1 , comprising the color measurement apparatus according to .5. A color measurement method performed on a printout using a color measurement apparatus claim 1 , the method comprising:setting a light-receiving angle in accordance with an index value representing unique luster of the printout; andcausing the color measurement apparatus to perform color measurement at the set light-receiving angle. The entire disclosure of Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-10232, filed Jan. 20, 2012 is expressly incorporated by reference herein.1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to ink that creates unique luster.2. Related ArtIn the related art, printing apparatuses produce printouts by recording inks on media such as sheets. Color values of the printouts produced using inks of related art containing pigments and the like do not greatly change in accordance with ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208289A1

A color measuring device includes a unit configured to calculate a reference-value matrix for converting imaged reference RGB value of a reference color patch a reference colorimetric value of the reference color patch; a unit configured to convert a color-measurement RGB value of a color measurement object into an imaged colorimetric value of the color measurement object by using the corresponding reference-value matrix; a unit configured to select reference color patches of which the reference colorimetric values each have a close distance from the imaged colorimetric value in the predetermined color space; a unit configured to select, as selection RGB values, the imaged reference RGB values of the selected patches; a unit configured to calculate a selection-RGB-value matrix for converting the selection RGB values into the reference colorimetric values; and a unit configured to convert the color-measurement RGB value into a colorimetric value by using the selection-RGB-value matrix. 1. A color measuring device comprising:an obtaining unit configured to obtain RGB values of an object whose color is to be measured;a reference value storage unit configured to store reference colorimetric values and imaged reference RGB values in association with each other, the reference colorimetric values being device-independent colorimetric values of respective colors of reference color patches in a predetermined color space, the imaged reference RGB values being RGB values of the respective colors of the reference color patches that are obtained as the object by the obtaining unit;a reference-value linear transformation matrix calculating unit configured to calculate a reference-value linear transformation matrix for converting the imaged reference RGB value into the reference colorimetric value for each of the reference color patches;an imaged colorimetric value calculating unit configured to convert a color-measurement RGB value of a predetermined color measurement object ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

System for distributing and controlling color reproduction at multiple sites

Номер: US20130235397A1
Автор: Richard A. Holub

The system provides for controlling color reproduction of input color image data in a network having nodes (or sites). The system distributes the input color image data from one of the nodes to other nodes, and provides data structures in the network. The system has means for providing color calibration data at each node characterizing output colors (colorants) of the rendering device of the node, and means for producing at each node, responsive to the color calibration data of the rendering device of the node, information for transforming the input color image data into output color image data at the rendering device of the node. The rendering device of each node renders a color reproduction responsive to the output color image data, wherein colors displayed in the reproduction at the rendering device of each node appear substantially the same within the output colors attainable by the rendering devices.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Image capturing device, color measuring device, color measuring system, image forming apparatus, and color measuring method

Номер: US20130242361A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image capturing device includes a sensor unit that captures a predetermined range including a subject; a reference chart that is captured by the sensor unit together with the subject; an illumination light source that illuminates the subject and the reference chart; a lens member including one or more lenses arranged in an optical path of reflected light extending from the subject and the reference chart to the sensor unit; and a lens moving unit that moves at least one lens of the lens member so as to change a position thereof in a direction along the optical path.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130258366A1
Автор: Miyazaki Toshiki

In an apparatus including an irradiation unit capable of irradiating a sheet selectively with visible light and ultraviolet light, and a measurement unit which measures a spectral reflectance based on light reflected by the sheet, whether to cause the irradiation unit to emit the ultraviolet light when measuring the spectral reflectance of a patch image printed on the sheet is determined based on the spectral reflectance of a reference image of the color of the sheet that has been measured by the measurement unit which measures a spectral reflectance while the ultraviolet light is emitted. 1. A colorimetric apparatus comprising:an irradiation unit configured to irradiate a sheet selectively with visible light and ultraviolet light;a measurement unit configured to measure a spectral reflectance based on light reflected by the sheet; anda determination unit configured to determine, based on a spectral reflectance of a reference image of a color of the sheet that is measured by said measurement unit while the ultraviolet light is emitted, whether to cause said irradiation unit to emit the ultraviolet light when measuring a spectral reflectance of a patch image printed on the sheet.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said irradiation unit emits the visible light when measuring a spectral reflectance of a patch image printed on the sheet.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said determination unit determines whether the spectral reflectance of the reference image of the color of the sheet contains a spectral reflectance of a wavelength region of the visible light.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein in a case where said determination unit determines that the spectral reflectance of the reference image of the color of the sheet contains the spectral reflectance of the wavelength region of the visible light claim 3 , said irradiation unit emits the ultraviolet light.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , further comprising a chromaticity ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for color matching and color recommendation

Номер: US20130300761A1
Автор: Asmau Ahmed
Принадлежит: Colormodules Inc

A color matching and color recommendation system. In one embodiment, the system may (i) receive a color input indicative of one or more colors, (ii) select at least one reference color from the one or more colors, (iii) associate the at least one reference color with at least one of a plurality of predefined color categories, and (iv) identify at least one related color based on the at least one of the plurality of predefined color categories. In another embodiment, the system may (i) receive a color input indicative of one or more colors, (ii) select at least one reference color from the one or more colors, and (iii) compare the at least one reference color to a plurality of predetermined colors to identify one or more related colors having color data closest to the at least one reference color.

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130301923A1

An accessory for use with a microscope arranged to carry out ATR measurements has a support () which can be mounted on the moveable stage () of the microscope. A mounting () for an ATR crystal is carried on the support. The mounting () is preferably pivotally mounted on the support () so that it can be pivoted from a position in which the crystal lines on the axis of the microscope to a position in which a sample carried on the support can be observed visually. The mounting is arranged such that it can be returned reliably and reproducibly to its original position with the crystal on the axis. 111-. (canceled)12. A method of carrying out automated attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectral measurement , comprising:differentiating an acquired image in a spectral domain;restricting a spectral range of the acquired image;subtracting an average absorbance from the restricted image data; andapplying a principal component analysis to extract significant spectral features from the restricted image data.13. The method of claim 12 , further comprising color compositing the extracted features for display to a user.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the differentiating step comprises smoothing the acquired image to reduce noise.15. A method of carrying out automated ATR spectral analysis claim 12 , comprising:acquiring a spatial image of a sample;differentiating the acquired image in the spectral domain;restricting the spectral range of the image;subtracting an average absorbance from the restricted image data;applying a principal components analysis to extract the most significant spectral features; anddisplaying a spatial image showing the most significant spectral features of the sample to a user.16. The method of claim 15 , further comprising color compositing the extracted components for display to the user.17. The method of claim 15 , wherein the differentiation step includes smoothing the acquired image to reduce noise.18. An imaging ATR system claim 15 , comprising: ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

System and method for robust estimation of color dependent measurements

Номер: US20130308852A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods, devices, and computer program products for robust estimation of color-dependent measurements are described herein. In one aspect, a method for generating a reference color grid that may be placed beside a color-dependent measuring device is disclosed. The reference color grid may contain a number of colors which enable a mapping from the color space of a testing device to a reference color space. This mapping may allow a function that is able to determine an estimate of a color-dependent measurement based on a color in the reference color space to be used. In another aspect, a method for robust estimation of color-dependent measurement using a reference color guide is disclosed.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327129A1
Автор: Jung Moon Chul

A method and a system for generating an extraction sample from a dried sample spot. The method includes acquiring a spectroscopic image of an analyte in the spot. The spectroscopic image includes information on a spatial distribution of the analyte. A region of the spot to be extracted is determined from the spectroscopic image and an extraction sample is generated from the determined region. In other embodiments, the method and system are based on acquiring a spectroscopic measurement of an analyte in the dried sample spot, determining a quantity of the analyte in the spot based on the spectroscopic measurement and determining a volume of an extraction solvent for creating an extraction sample from the spot. The determined volume is based on the determined quantity of the analyte and a detection characteristic of an analytical measurement system. In other embodiments, the method is applied to solid samples. 1. A method of generating an extraction sample from a dried sample spot , the method comprising:acquiring a spectroscopic image of an analyte in a dried sample spot, the spectroscopic image comprising information on a spatial distribution of the analyte in the dried sample spot;determining a region of the dried sample spot for extraction based upon the spectroscopic image; andgenerating an extraction sample from the determined region of the dried sample spot.2. The method of wherein the spectroscopic image is a Raman spectroscopy image.3. The method of wherein the dried sample spot is disposed on a sample carrier4. The method of wherein the sample carrier is a dried blood spot collection card.5. The method of wherein the determination of a region of the dried sample spot for extraction is based on a predetermined aperture.6. The method of wherein the predetermined aperture is based on a diameter of at least one of an outlet port of a supply conduit and an inlet port of an extraction conduit used to supply an extraction solvent to the dried sample spot and to ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Identification of Material Composition

Номер: US20130341253A1

Identification of a material composition. The material composition is configured with a sequential pattern applied to one or more surfaces of the body. The sequential pattern identifies the specific material composition. A discrete section or sub-section of the material is analyzed, after which the discrete section or sub-section may be sorted for recycling. 1. A method comprising:for a body having a material composition with a layer and a pattern sequence repetitively applied across substantially the entire layer of the material, selecting a fragment of the body containing the layer, wherein the fragment is a subset of the body;analyzing the pattern sequence of the selected fragment; anda composition of the material identified responsive to the analysis of the pattern sequence.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sorting the material responsive to the identified composition.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein analyzing the pattern sequence of the selected fragment includes utilizing an optical wavelength in a visible range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analysis of the pattern sequence involves combining at least one additional fragment with the selected fragment to create a recognizable pattern for analysis.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the pattern sequence having a color identifier to aid in the detection of the material composition of the body.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the composition is detected through a tactile application to the pattern sequence wherein the tactile application is applied to a pattern position selected from the group consisting of: raised and embedded.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein a fragment of the body is randomly selected. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION(S)This application is a continuation patent application claiming the benefit of the filing date of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/532,387 filed on Jun. 25, 2012, and titled “Identification of Material Composition” now pending, which ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Light emitting diode

Номер: US20140001494A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Inc

A light emitting diode includes a first illumination region, a second illumination region, and the third illumination, wherein a first fluorescent conversion layer and a second fluorescent conversion layer cover the first illumination region and the second illumination region, respectively. The fluorescent conversion layers can convert lights from the illumination regions to other lights with different wavelengths whereby the light emitting diode generates light with multiple wavelengths.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Profile generating method, color conversion method, profile generating apparatus, color conversion apparatus, and non-transitory computer-readable recording medium with profile generating program recorded therein

Номер: US20140022550A1
Автор: Shuhei Horita
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

First spectral data (spectral transmittance) of a printed object, and second spectral data (spectral reflectance) of the printed object are obtained. Further, third spectral data (spectral radiance distribution) of a transmissive light source, and fourth spectral data (spectral radiance distribution) of a reflective light source are obtained. Then, using the first, second, third and fourth spectral data, colorimetric value data of the printed object in a given observational environment is calculated.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025340A1

A method for sorting a light source is to be implemented by a computer and includes configuring the computer to determine whether or not a to-be-sorted light source is different from a reference light source by comparing features of a curve associated with measured spectral data of the to-be-sorted light source, with features of a reference curve associated with reference spectral data of a reference light source. 1. A method for sorting a light source , the method to be implemented by a computer and comprising:A) configuring the computer to determine whether or not a to-be-sorted light source is different from a reference light source based on whether CIE coordinate data associated with measured spectral data are inside or outside a CIE coordinate region associated with the reference light source; andB) configuring the computer to determine whether or not the to-be-sorted light source is different from the reference light source by comparing features of a curve associated with the measured spectral data of the to-be-sorted light source, with features of a reference curve associated with reference spectral data of the reference light source.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in step A) claim 1 , the measured spectral data includes a plurality of measured data entries claim 1 , each indicating a measured intensity of the to-be sorted light source at a corresponding wavelength.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein step A) includes converting the measured data entries into the CIE coordinate data according to CIE15-2004 colorimetry.4. The method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the CIE coordinate data is CIE1931 coordinate data.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:configuring the computer to proceed to step B) only when the CIE coordinate data associated with the measured spectral data are inside the CIE coordinate region associated with the reference light source.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step A) ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for ordering paint using a portable self-contained tool

Номер: US20140025534A1
Автор: John Pesicek
Принадлежит: Color Commerce LLC

A nonvolatile machine-readable memory medium in a mobile computing device includes instructions stored thereon as an application. The application is executed by a processor on the mobile computing device to order paint to cover a surface. The mobile computing device is communicatively coupled with a paint purchasing tool. The method includes retrieving a color value from a machine-readable memory residing within the paint purchasing tool. The processor retrieves a paint quantity from a machine-readable memory. The processor compiles an order for paint including the paint quantity and color value and transmits the order from the processor to a vendor for formulating the paint quantity having the color value when painted upon the surface and allowed to dry.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, image processing method, and program

Номер: US20140036284A1
Автор: Masanori Matsuzaki
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An apparatus includes an image-forming unit configured to form an image, a measuring unit configured to measure the image, a control unit configured to control execution of single-color calibration to correct reproduction characteristics of a single-color formed by the image-forming unit based on a measuring result of a single-color image formed with a single-color recording agent, and execution of multi-color calibration to correct reproduction characteristics of a multi-color formed by the image-forming unit based on a measuring result of a multi-color image formed with a plurality of color recording agents, and an evaluation unit configured to evaluate single-color reproduction characteristics with reference to a target value usable to evaluate the single-color reproduction characteristics by measuring the single-color image after execution of the single-color calibration. The control unit is configured to correct reproduction characteristics of a multi-color by performing the multi-color calibration after the evaluation unit has completed the evaluation.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Selecting color spaces for cinema or video data

Номер: US20140040743A1
Принадлежит: Adobe Systems Inc

A computer-implemented method includes presenting one or more user interface controls configured to receive selection of a first color space, from a plurality of first color spaces corresponding to media encodings for recording cinema or video data, and a second color space, from a plurality of second color spaces corresponding to output devices, receiving the selection, combining a first transform corresponding to the first color space and a second transform corresponding to the second color space, in accordance with the selection, to form a combined transform, and providing the combined transform for use in previewing the cinema or video data in accordance with the output devices corresponding to the selection.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050496A1
Автор: Furuta Yasutomo

An image forming apparatus includes an image forming unit configured to form a measurement image on a sheet, a measurement unit configured to radiate light on the measurement image via a transparent window, and measure the light reflected from the measurement image, a white reference plate of which a white level is measured by the measurement unit, a black member of which a black level is measured by the measurement unit, and a determination unit configured to determine, based on a change in a measurement result of the white reference plate and a change in a measurement result of the black member measured by the measurement unit, whether the white reference plate, the black member, or the window is soiled. 1. An image forming apparatus comprising:an image forming unit configured to form a measurement image on a sheet;a measurement unit configured to radiate light on the measurement image via a transparent window, and measure the light reflected from the measurement image;a white reference plate of which a white level is measured by the measurement unit;a black member of which a black level is measured by the measurement unit; anda determination unit configured to determine, based on a change in a measurement result of the white reference plate and a change in a measurement result of the black member measured by the measurement unit, whether the white reference plate, the black member, or the window is soiled.2. The image forming apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the determination unit determines that the black member is soiled claim 1 , in a case where a measurement result of the white reference plate measured by the measurement unit has not changed from a prescribed value by at least a predetermined value claim 1 , and a measurement result of the black member has changed from a prescribed value by at least a predetermined value.3. The image forming apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the measurement unit is not configured to measure the black member in ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Distillation preform slurry non ionic and electrolyte liquid and gaseous mechanically refined and nanoparticle dispersion under vacuum processing for Building Materials fine concrete and High Wear-Heat Resistant Parts Brushes; Windings; Coils; Battery Cells; Brake Pads; Washers; Spacers; Bushings; 1.0 to 2.5 Phase Extrusions Die Cast Molding; Refrigeration; Polarized Glass; Spectrometric Processor; Central Processing Unit Processors; Electronic Storage Media; and Precision Silica Alumina Glass Beads for Commercial Aircraft Position Lights

Номер: US20140070444A1

The variable hydraulic press and distillation reservoir manufacture process scientific formula non ionic or electrolyte mechanically refined and nanoparticle, carbon nanofoam CNFs dispersion preform slurry extrusion, with or without ionic suspension element for manufactured 1. preform slurry high wear-heat resistant parts electronic component composite coils, composite windings, annealing, drawn, spun, coils, windings, wire, woven textile mesh, shielding, brushes, inductors, antinode couplers, electric rheostats, starters, motors, alternators, generators, ionic suspension element enhanced composite coils, composite windings, annealing, drawn, spun, coils, windings, wire, woven textile mesh, shielding, brushes, capacitors, battery cells, rheostats, electronic resistors, transformers, transducers, rectifiers, power supplies, or heat sinks 2. preform slurry high wear-heat resistant parts aerospace, automotive, and transportation brake calipers, rotors, pads, and bushings 3. preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte mechanically refined and nanoparticle high wear-heat resistant parts precision casting molds 2.5 phase die cast molding and 4. Building Materials fine concrete, mortar, brick, and tiles. 1. Preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte mechanically refined and nanoparticle dispersion carbon nanofoam CNFs made by variable hydraulic preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte mechanically refined and nanoparticle dispersion high wear-heat resistant parts press The variable hydraulic press and distillation reservoir manufacture process scientific formula non ionic or electrolyte mechanically refined and nanoparticle , carbon nanofoam CNFs dispersion preform slurry extrusion , with or without ionic suspension element for manufactured 1. preform slurry high wear-heat resistant parts electronic component composite coils , composite windings , annealing , drawn , spun , coils , windings , wire , woven textile mesh , shielding , brushes , inductors , antinode couplers , ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Residue Detection with Spectrographic Sensor

Номер: US20140093987A1

Detecting residue of a filler material over a patterned underlying layer includes causing relative motion between a probe of an optical metrology system and a substrate, obtaining a plurality of measured spectra with the optical metrology system through the probe from a plurality of different measurement spots within an area on the substrate, comparing each of the plurality of measured spectra to a reference spectrum to generate a plurality of similarity values, the reference spectrum being a spectrum reflected from the filler material, combining the similarity values to generate a scalar value, and determining the presence of residue based on the scalar value. 1. A method of detecting residue of a filler material over a patterned underlying layer , comprising:causing relative motion between a probe of an optical metrology system and a substrate;obtaining a plurality of measured spectra with the optical metrology system through the probe from a plurality of different measurement spots within an area on the substrate;comparing each of the plurality of measured spectra to a reference spectrum to generate a plurality of similarity values, the reference spectrum being a spectrum reflected from the filler material;combining the similarity values to generate a scalar value; anddetermining the presence of residue based on the scalar value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a plurality of dies claim 1 , and the area is substantially equal to an area of one of the dies.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of different measurement spots comprises at least 100 measurement spots.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of different measurement are distributed with substantially uniform density across the area.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein causing relative motion comprises holding the substrate in a fixed position in a carrier head and moving the probe.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein moving the probe comprises moving the probe ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001582A1

A measured distance is received from a distance sensor, where the measured distance is indicative of a distance between a color sensor and a substrate. Using the measured distance, a location of a given projection of projections of a substrate support is determined. A color of a color patch on the substrate at the determined location of the given projection is determined. 1. A system comprising:a color sensor to determine color of color patches printed on a substrate; projections extending from a base of the substrate support and arranged to support the substrate, and', 'openings to allow deformation of the substrate towards the base;, 'a substrate support for supporting the substrate during operation of the color sensor, the substrate support includinga distance sensor to measure a distance indicative of a distance between the color sensor and the substrate; and determine, using the distance measured by the distance sensor, a location of a given projection of the projections, and', 'determine a color of a color patch on the substrate at the determined location of the given projection., 'a controller to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the distance measured by the distance sensor is one of an absolute value of the distance between the color sensor and the substrate or a value from which the distance between the color sensor and the substrate is inferred.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is to cause printing of color patches on the substrate at selected locations based on measurements of distances by the distance sensor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is to adjust a color measurement of the color of the color patch at the determined location claim 1 , the adjusting based on the distance measured by the distance measure.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the projections are part of ribs extending from the base claim 1 , and the openings correspond to spacings provided between adjacent ribs.6. The system of claim 1 , further ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003621A1

A method for matching color of a part to be printed in an additive manufacturing process, includes: (a) blending a color formulation, the color formulation including a thermoplastic polymer and at least one colorant; (b) printing a color chip from the color formulation in an additive manufacturing process; (c) at least one of measuring or observing a color of the color chip; (d) comparing the color of the color chip to a color of a reference, wherein the reference represents a color of the part to be printed in an additive manufacturing process; and (e) repeating steps (a) through (d) by blending a new color formulation that more closely matches the color of the reference until the color of the color chip matches the color of the reference within an acceptable variance. A color chip formed in the color matching process is also described. 1. A method for matching color of a part to be printed in an additive manufacturing process , the method comprising the steps of:(a) blending a color formulation, the color formulation comprising a thermoplastic polymer and at least one colorant;(b) printing a color chip from the color formulation in an additive manufacturing process;(c) at least one of measuring or observing a color of the color chip;(d) comparing the color of the color chip to a color of a reference, wherein the reference represents a color of the part to be printed in an additive manufacturing process; and(e) repeating steps (a) through (d) by blending a new color formulation that more closely matches the color of the reference until the color of the color chip matches the color of the reference within an acceptable variance.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additive manufacturing process is a fused filament fabrication (FFF) claim 1 , powder fusion or large format additive manufacturing process.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:(a1) optionally extruding pellets from the color formulation; and(a2) extruding filament from the color formulation or ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Emulating a spectral measurement device

Номер: US20210003451A1
Автор: Jan Morovic, Peter Morovic
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

Certain examples relate to emulating a spectral measurement device in a color measurement apparatus. In these examples, a primary spectral measurement device measures a first spectral characteristic of a rendered color output. A predictive model, parametrized by parameter values, is applied to the measurement from the primary spectral measurement device to determine a predicted measurement of a second spectral characteristic of the rendered color output which would be measured by an ancillary spectral measurement device. Parameter values are generated by training the predictive model with data from the primary spectral measurement device and the ancillary spectral measurement device.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005187A1
Автор: PRAKASH Arun

A process for producing a total match metric for matching color and appearance of a target coating and at least a specimen coating is provided. The total match metric (TMM) are produced based on color difference values (ΔE) at three or more color viewing angles, sparkle difference values (ΔS) at one or more sparkle viewing angles and flop difference value (Δf) between the target coating and the specimen coating using one or more linear functions, one or more non-linear functions, or a combination thereof. The total match metric can be used in producing matching coatings that match color and appearance of the target coating. The total match metric can be particularly useful for repair coating damages to vehicles. 1. A process for producing a total match metric for matching color and appearance of a target coating and at least a specimen coating , the process comprising the steps of:A1) obtaining target color data of the target coating and specimen color data of the specimen coating produced from a specimen coating composition, wherein the target color data comprise target color values measured at three or more color viewing angles and the specimen color data comprise specimen color data values measured at the three or more color viewing angles;A2) producing color difference values (ΔE) at each of the color viewing angles based on the target color data and the specimen color data values at each of the color viewing angles;A3) obtaining target sparkle data of the target coating and specimen sparkle data of the specimen coating, wherein the target sparkle data comprise target sparkle values measured at one or more sparkle viewing angles and the specimen sparkle data comprise specimen sparkle values measured at the one or more sparkle viewing angles;A4) producing sparkle difference values (ΔS) at each of the sparkle viewing angles based on the target sparkle data and the specimen sparkle data at each of the sparkle viewing angles;{'sup': t', 's, 'A5) generating target ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210004995A1

In one embodiment, a method is disclosed that includes selecting a first color sample within a target area in a first image of a first object displayed by a display device; selecting a second color sample within a target area in a second image of a second object displayed in the display device; comparing the first color sample against the second color sample to determine a measure of color difference or a measure of color equivalence between the first color sample of the first object and the second color sample of the second object; and displaying the results of the comparison to a user in the display device. One or more of these functions may be performed with a processor. 128-. (canceled)29. A method comprising:receiving a plurality of digital color images of a reagent dipstick during a time period, the reagent dipstick including a color calibration bar and a plurality of reagent test pads exposed to a biological sample, wherein a color of a first reagent test pad of the plurality of reagent test pads changes over the time period in response to a concentration of a first analyte in the biological sample;receiving a digital color image of a color chart, the color chart including a plurality of colors associated with concentration levels of analytes in the biological sample;determining a gradient of color change of the first reagent test pad from the received plurality of color images of the reagent dipstick;computing an expected gradient of color change for at least one test pad of the plurality of test pads from the received digital image of the color chart; anddetermining the concentration of the first analyte in the biological sample by comparing the determined gradient of color change of the first reagent test pad with the computed expected gradient of color change for the at least one test pad.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein receiving the plurality of digital color images of the reagent dipstick includes capturing the plurality of digital color images of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010151A1

In accordance with a broad aspect of the present invention, a system and method are provided for monitoring and compensating thermal drift of the electronic elements in the sensor of a color measurement device, such as a spectrophotometer. Such a system and method involves, obtaining with a color sensor a plurality of measurements of a black trap with and without illumination across a range of temperatures and using those values to generate a correlation function that allows for the compensation of thermal drift in sample measurements. 1. A method for compensating the thermal drift in a spectrophotometer configured to output a signal in response to light incident upon an integrated sensor , and configured with a selectable light source , the method comprising;obtaining, for a range of temperatures, a plurality of non-illuminated measurement values by measuring a black trap with the light source deactivated and a plurality of illuminated measurement values by measuring the black trap illuminated by the light source and recording the plurality of non-illuminated and illuminated measurements,{'sub': '0', 'selecting an initial non-illuminated measurement value Dfrom the plurality of non-illuminated measurement values;'}generating from the measured range of values a data model f configured to correlate the output signal of the sensor with a non-illuminated measurement value when measuring a black trap;obtaining a sample measurement value D with the light source deactivated and a sample measurement value I with the light source activated;{'sub': '0', 'generating a corrected sample measurement according to a compensation algorithm that incorporates D, D, I and f; and'}displaying a corrected sample value based on the corrected sample measurement signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the generating step includes performing regression analysis on the illuminated measurement values and the non-illuminated measurement values and obtaining a best-fitting function.4. The ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011051A1

A system and method for improving the outcome and consistency of hair coloring is provided. In an example method, an image of hair having a sample color may be received. A color space characteristic associated with the hair sample may be determined. An indication of a target color may be received. A colorant formulation may be identified for changing the hair from the sample color to the target color. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving, on a computing device, an image of hair having a sample color;determining, on the computing device, a color space characteristic associated with the hair sample;receiving, on the computing device, an indication of a target color; andidentifying, on the computing device, a colorant formulation for changing the hair from the sample color to the target color.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the image includes one or more calibration features.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the one or more calibration features include control color patches.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the color space is a CIELAB color space claim 1 , and the characteristic includes at least a lightness characteristic.5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein receiving the indication of the target color includes receiving a selection from a library of colors associated with a colorant line.6. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein receiving the indication of the target color includes receiving an image including the target color.7. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising calculating a color space characteristic difference between the sample color and the target color; andwherein identifying the colorant formulation is based on, at least in part, the color space characteristic difference between the sample color and the target color.8. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving hair health data ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015240A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

In some embodiments of the present disclosure, one or more machine learning models are trained to accurately estimate skin color in one or more images regardless of the lighting conditions. In some embodiments, the models can then be used to estimate a skin color in a new image, and that estimated skin color can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, the skin color may be used to generate a recommendation for a foundation shade that accurately matches the skin color, or a recommendation for another cosmetic product that is complimentary with the estimated skin color. Thus, the need for an in-person test of the product is eliminated. 1. A method of training a machine learning model to estimate a skin color of a face in an image , the method comprising:receiving, by a computing device, at least one training image that includes a face of a training subject;receiving, by the computing device, tagging information for the at least one training image;adding, by the computing device, the at least one training image and the tagging information to a training data store; andtraining, by the computing device, the machine learning model to determine skin colors of faces using information stored in the training data store.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising normalizing claim 1 , by the computing device claim 1 , the at least one training image to create at least one normalized training image.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein normalizing the at least one training image to create at least one normalized training image includes:detecting, by the computing device, a face in the at least one training image;centering, by the computing device, the face in the at least one training image; andzooming, by the computing device, the at least one training image such that the face is a predetermined size.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein receiving at least one training image includes:receiving, by the computing device, a video; andextracting, by the computing device, at ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Reflective tag and polarized light sensor for transmitting information

Номер: US20160018318A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Polarized light characteristics are detected and mapped to an application, such as product identification. A process of reflecting a directed light emission through a polarizing filter, and sensing the processed light emission having particular characteristics is provided. The characteristics of the sensed light emission is associated with a “color code” that is cross-referenced within a database of color codes.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Unevenness inspection apparatus and unevenness inspection method

Номер: US20150022672A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An unevenness inspection apparatus including: an image pickup section obtaining a pickup image of a test object; an image generating section generating each of a color unevenness inspection image and a luminance unevenness inspection image based on the pickup image; a calculating section calculating an evaluation parameter using both of the color unevenness inspection image and the luminance unevenness inspection image; and an inspecting section performing unevenness inspection using the calculated evaluation parameter. The calculating section calculates the evaluation parameter in consideration of unevenness visibility for both color and luminance.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

System for distributing and controlling color reproduction at multiple sites

Номер: US20150022808A1
Автор: Richard A. Holub

In the color imaging system, multiple rendering devices are provided at different nodes along a network. Each rendering device has a color measurement instrument for calibrating the color presented by the rendering device. A rendering device may represent a color display in which a member surrounds the outer periphery of the screen of the display and a color measuring instrument is coupled to the first member. The color measuring instrument includes a sensor spaced from the screen at an angle with respect to the screen for receiving light from an area of the screen. A rendering device may be a printer in which the measuring of color samples on a sheet rendered by the printer is provided by a sensor coupled to a transport mechanism which moves the sensor and sheet relative to each other, where the sensor provides light from the sample to a spectrograph. The color measuring instruments provide for non-contact measurements of color samples either displayed on a color display, or printed on a sheet, and are self-calibrating by the use of calibration references in the instrument.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020788A1

A method of balancing responses of a plurality of sensor chips arranged generally in a linear array comprising: exposing the plurality of sensor chips to an absence of illumination; measuring a dark response of each photosensor of a plurality of photosensors; positioning a calibration piece within a field of view of the plurality of sensor chips other than a calibration sensor chip; illuminating a calibration standard and the calibration piece with a light source; measuring a light response of each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors; applying an offset to the light response of each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors by subtracting the dark response of each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors to obtain an offset light response for each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors; calculating a mean offset light response for each sensor chip of the plurality of sensor chips by averaging the offset light response for each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors in each sensor chip of the plurality of sensor chips; calculating a modified light response for each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors by modifying the offset light response for each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors based on the mean offset light response of the sensor chip comprising the respective photosensor, the mean offset light response of the calibration sensor chip, an initial mean offset light response of the sensor chip comprising the respective photosensor, and an initial mean offset light response of the calibration sensor chip; and, applying a first gain to the offset light response of each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors based on the modified light response of each respective photosensor to obtain a corrected light response of each photosensor of the plurality of photosensors. 1. A method of balancing responses of a plurality of sensor chips arranged generally in a linear array , wherein each sensor chip of the plurality of ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023677A1

Optical ground tracking apparatus for use with buried object locators or other instruments or devices are disclosed. In one embodiment, a buried object locator includes a locator module disposed in our coupled to the housing to sense a buried object based on emitted magnetic fields, and a surface tracking module for determining motion information of the buried object locator based on light reflected from a tracking surface. 1. A buried object locator , comprising:a housing;a buried object locator module disposed in our coupled to the housing, the buried object locator module including magnetic field antennas and electronic circuitry to sense a buried object and generate buried object information corresponding with the position and orientation of the buried object based on sensed magnetic fields emitted from the buried object;a surface tracking module for:detecting light reflected from a tracking surface;determining a motion of the buried object locator relative to the tracking surface, based at least in part on analysis of light patterns associated with the surface; andgenerating motion information corresponding with the sensed motion; andan integration module configured to associate the buried object information with corresponding motion information and store the associated information in a non-transitory memory.2. The buried object locator of claim 1 , further including:an electronic circuit for generating a tracking light pulse or beam; andoptics for sending the tracking light pulse or beam to the tracking surface so as to reflect a portion therefrom for use in the determining a motion of the buried object locator.3. The buried object locator of claim 2 , wherein the optics include a light emitting diode (LED) for sending the tracking light pulse or beam.4. The buried object locator of claim 1 , light reflected from the tracking surface is detected using a color sensor.5. The buried object locator of claim 1 , further comprising a distance measurement module for ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Colour variant selection method using a mobile device

Номер: US20150026298A1

The invention relates to a method of selecting the most probable variant of a matching paint candidate colour standard for vehicle repair using a mobile device having a colour display and an input unit and which is capable of data exchange with a central computer via an at least partly wireless communication line, wherein verbal or symbolic characterizations describing visual differences between a selected candidate colour standard and identified variants are displayed on the display of the mobile device.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025123A1
Автор: SAKUTA Masahiro

A spectral data processing apparatus where a particular spectrum is displayed on a display based on 3D spectral data having time, signal intensities, and a prescribed parameter, comprising: a 2D spectrum calculating unit compiling the signal intensities for each point in time and calculating 2D spectrum of the signal intensities and the prescribed parameter, based on the spectral data; a signal-intensity-time change calculating unit calculating change in signal intensity over time for each value of the prescribed parameter, based on the spectral data; and a display controlling unit displaying, on the display, the 2D spectrum and the change in the signal intensity over time in superimposed manner using multicolor, light and shading, or change in brightness, so that the change in signal intensity over time is displayed to match the prescribed parameter of the 2D spectrum and the time changes along the axis of signal intensities of the 2D spectrum. 1. A spectral data processing apparatus in which a particular spectrum is displayed on a display on a basis of three dimensional spectral data having time , signal intensities , and a prescribed parameter , the apparatus comprising:a two dimensional spectrum calculating unit compiling the signal intensities for each point of the time and calculating a two dimensional spectrum of the signal intensities and the prescribed parameter, on a basis of the spectral data;a signal intensity-time change calculating unit calculating a change in the signal intensity over time for each value of the prescribed parameter, on a basis of the spectral data; anda display controlling unit displaying the two dimensional spectrum on the display, and displaying the change in the signal intensity over time in a superimposed manner on the display using multicolor, light and shading, or a change in brightness, in such a way that the change in the signal intensity over time is displayed to match the prescribed parameter of the two dimensional spectrum ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Colour Strength Measurement and its Use in Production Processes

Номер: US20150029813A1
Принадлежит: COLVISTEC AG

A method is provided for testing a diffusely reflective liquid for colour strength, said liquid comprising particles in a carrier medium, e.g. white emulsion paint based on titanium dioxide. The method comprises measuring in situ a lightness parameter of the liquid, of the carrier medium and of the liquid diluted with amounts of carrier medium; and determining from said measurements a dilution parameter indicating the amount of carrier medium needed to produce a predetermined reduction in the lightness parameter of the liquid, said dilution parameter providing an indication of colour strength. The lightness parameter may be L* in the CIE L*, a*, b* colour space, and the test may be carried out using a diffuse reflection probe () configured to direct light from said probe () into the liquid and configured to collect a portion of the light from the probe () diffusely reflected by the paint for determining the lightness parameter. The results may be used for process control e.g. in emulsion paint manufacture.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

System for matching coarseness appearance of coatings

Номер: US20190032888A1

Systems and method for matching appearance of a target coating on a substrate is provided herein. The system includes a coating chip including a chip coating layer. The chip coating layer has a chip coarseness. The system further includes an illumination component configured to illuminate the chip coating layer with a light having an illumination color. The chip coating layer exhibits the chip coarseness and the illumination color in the presence of the light having the illumination color. The chip coating layer exhibiting the chip coarseness and the illumination color is utilized for matching the appearance of the target coating.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033463A1
Автор: Ichioka Yoshikazu

There is provided an inspection device, an inkjet printing apparatus, and an inspection method capable of accurately inspecting a printed image printed on a surface of a transparent base material. A first light-emitting unit () emits light from one side of a transparent base material () toward the transparent base material (). An imaging unit () images the transparent base material () from the other side of the transparent base material (). As described, the first light-emitting unit () and the imaging unit () are disposed on the opposite sides of the transparent base material (). As a result, it is possible to suppress generation of the shadow of a printed image itself in a captured image (D). Therefore, the printed image can be accurately inspected based on the captured image (D) obtained. 1. An inspection device that inspects a printed image printed on a surface of a transparent base material , the device comprising:a first light-emitting unit configured to emit light from one side of the transparent base material toward the transparent base material;an imaging unit configured to image the transparent base material from another side of the transparent base material; andan inspection processing unit configured to inspect quality of the printed image based on a captured image obtained by the imaging unit.2. The inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein a process-color image that is formed by inks of a plurality of process colors, and', 'a non process-color image that is formed by an ink of a non-process color different from the plurality of process colors and that covers the one side of the process-color image,, 'the printed image includes'}the inspection device further comprising a second light-emitting unit configured to emit light from the other side of the transparent base material toward the transparent base material.3. The inspection device according to claim 2 , wherein a light amount of at least one of the first light-emitting unit and the second ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041034A1

A color measurement device includes a light source for illuminating an object with light; a dispersing portion for spectrally dispersing light emitted and reflected by the object; a light receptor for receiving the light dispersed by the dispersing portion; and a controller for effecting color measurement based on a result of light reception of the light receptor from the object which is an image formed on a recording material; wherein the emitted light has a first intensity of light in a first wavelength range and a second intensity lower than the first intensity in a second wavelength range, and wherein the controller deduces a value relating to color measurement for the second wavelength range on the basis of a result of light reception of the light receptor for the first wavelength range. 1. A color measurement device comprising:a light emitting portion configured to illuminate an object with light;a dispersing portion configured to spectrally disperse light emitted and reflected by the object;a light receiving portion including a plurality of elements configured to receive the light spectrally dispersed by said dispersing portion; anda controller configured to effect color measurement on the basis of a result of light reception of said light receiving portion from the object which is an image formed on a recording material;wherein the light emitted by said light emitting portion has a first intensity of light in a first wavelength range and a second intensity lower than the first intensity in a second wavelength range, andwherein said controller deduces a value relating to color measurement for the second wavelength range on the basis of a result of light reception of said light receiving portion for the first wavelength range.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the second light quantity is zero.3. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the image is monochromatic or multicolored by mixture of multi-colors.4. A device according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041035A1

The present disclosure describes systems, methods, and devices for estimating spectral contributions in ambient light. The present disclosure also describes systems, methods, and devices for compensating for field of view errors resulting from the user, contextual structures (e.g., buildings, trees, fixtures, or geological formations), atmospheric effects (e.g., ozone coverage, smog, fog, haze, or clouds), device structures, and/or device orientation/tilt relative to a light source being measured (e.g., sun, indoor/outdoor light emitter, or an at least partially reflective surface). The present disclosure also describes systems, methods, and devices for estimating spectral contributions in light or color measurements and accounting for field of view errors to obtain a refined estimate. 1. A method of estimating spectral contributions in ambient light , comprising:receiving a light measurement of a mobile device, the light measurement having a spectral response;receiving a location and a time associated with the light measurement of the mobile device;providing a spectral correction factor appropriate to the location and the time associated with the light measurement of the mobile device;scaling the light measurement of the mobile device by the spectral correction factor to obtain a target measure;detecting light within two or more differing fields of view; andscaling the light measurement of the mobile device with a correction factor based upon the detected light within the two or more differing fields of view.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the spectral correction factor is based upon a target spectrum relative to the spectral response of the light measurement of the mobile device according to a light model appropriate to the location and the time associated with the light measurement of the mobile device.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the target spectrum comprises at least one of: an UV index claim 2 , a visible color spectrum claim 2 , human erythema action ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042995A1
Автор: Vets Carita

Assembly for selecting matching colours to base colours of user articles. The assembly comprises a substrate provided with a plurality of selection areas that have mutually differing selection colours. The assembly further comprises a cover having a first main surface provided with a first base colour and having a second main surface. The cover is provided with a window. The assembly is provided with holding means for holding the cover to the substrate in a first cover position wherein, by means of the window, at least one selection area is exposed. The second main surface is provided with a second base colour. The window and the holding means are arranged for holding the cover to the substrate in a second cover position wherein, by means of the window, at least one selection area is exposed. 1. An Assembly for selecting matching colours to base colours of user articles , the assembly comprising:a substrate comprising a plurality of selection areas that have mutually differing selection colours among which are the matching colours;a cover having a first main surface provided with a first base colour, and having, opposite to the first main surface, a second main surface;the cover further comprising a window; andholding means for holding the cover to the substrate;wherein the window and the holding means are arranged for holding the cover to the substrate in a first cover position wherein, by means of the window, at least one selection area is exposed having a matching colour that matches, based on a predetermined matching method, the first base colour, wherein the second main surface is provided with a second base colour that is different from the first base colour, and the window and the holding means are arranged for holding the cover to the substrate in a second cover position wherein, by means of the window, at least one selection area is exposed having a matching colour that matches, based on a predetermined matching method, the second base colour, wherein, when ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220057258A1

A technique of determining the presence of a species in a sample may include passing light through an optical filter. In an example, the optical filter may include a spatially variant microreplicated layer optically coupled to a wavelength selective filter. The wavelength selective filter may have a light incidence angle-dependent optical band. The spatially variant microreplicated layer may be configured to transmit light to a first optical region of the wavelength selective filter at a first predetermined incidence angle and to a second optical region of the wavelength selective filter at a second predetermined incidence angle. 1. A technique comprising:illuminating a sample with a light source to obtain a characteristic light;passing the characteristic light through a spatially variant microreplicated layer optically coupled to a wavelength selective filter to transmit filtered characteristic light to each region of a plurality of regions of the wavelength selective filter at a respective incidence angle of a plurality of incidence angles, each respective incidence angle associated with a known narrow band of a plurality of narrow bands;sensing a respective intensity of the filtered characteristic light transmitted by each respective region of the wavelength selective filter at a respective sensor element of a plurality of sensor elements;comparing a filtered characteristic spectrum sensed by the plurality of sensor elements with a known reference spectrum associated with a species by curve fitting each sensed respective intensity against the known reference spectrum, wherein the curve fitting comprises matching each sensed respective intensity with a respective expected intensity associated with the respective narrow band associated with the respective region that transmitted the respective intensity of the filtered characteristic light; anddetermining the presence of the species in the sample based on the comparison.2. The technique of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220059044A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.

An information processing device includes a processor configured to acquire image data including color information, acquire color information of a formed image, the formed image being an image formed on a recording medium on a basis of the image data, acquire light transmittance information expressing a degree of light transmittance of an image-carrying medium, the image-carrying medium being the recording medium on which the formed image is formed, and associate first color information, second color information, and the light transmittance information with each other, the first color information being the color information included in the image data and the second color information being the color information of the formed image. 1. An information processing device comprising:a processor configured toacquire image data including color information,acquire color information of a formed image, the formed image being an image formed on a recording medium on a basis of the image data,acquire light transmittance information expressing a degree of light transmittance of an image-carrying medium, the image-carrying medium being the recording medium on which the formed image is formed, andassociate first color information, second color information, and the light transmittance information with each other, the first color information being the color information included in the image data and the second color information being the color information of the formed image.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe processor is configured toacquire color information of pixels forming the image data as the first color information,acquire color information of formed pixels as the second color information, the formed pixels being pixels formed on the image-carrying medium on a basis of the first color information,acquire information about a degree of light transmittance at locations where the formed pixels are formed on the image-carrying medium as the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for constructing meshed model and discrete chromatography of eight-element primary color HSB full color gamut color space

Номер: US20210048343A1

A method for constructing a meshed model and a discrete chromatography of eight primary color HSB color space is provided. By a meshed digital model and a discrete algorithm of color space, the color value and the color distribution in any point, line, surface and space area in the HSB color space can be quickly obtained based on color values of eight primary colors and coordinate values of mesh points in the HSB color space, thereby (i) realizing the full color gamut discrete chromatography of the HSB color space, (ii) realizing the visualization of the full color gamut of the color space, and (iii) improving the work efficiency of color matching. 2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the tristimulus values of the eight primary colors respectively corresponding to each vertex on the 12-surface cone are as follows:{'sup': rd', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'th', 'st', 'nd, 'the 3vertex (255, 0, 0), the 4vertex (255, 255, 0), the 5vertex (0, 255, 0), the 6vertex (0, 255, 255), the 7vertex (0, 0, 255), the 8vertex (255, 0, 255), the 1vertex (255, 255, 255), the 2vertex (0, 0, 0);'}based on n=10, acquisition of discrete colors of eight primary color HSB color space is realized. This application is the continuation application of International Application No. PCT/CN2019/115237, filed on Nov. 4, 2019, which is based upon and claims priority to Chinese Patent Application No. 201910747480.0, filed on Aug. 14, 2019, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates to a method for constructing a meshed model and a discrete chromatography of eight primary color HSB color space, and belongs to the technical field of color control for dyeing materials, coatings and inks in the textile and printing industries.The HSB (Hue, Saturation and Brightness) color space is a color scheme developed according to human vision, and is a three-dimensional space composition formed by ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150049139A1

Techniques related to printing are described herein. According to an example, color patches are to be printed on a substrate. The substrate can be positioned on a substrate support for operation of a color sensor in a color measurement zone. Dimension and location in the substrate of the color patches are selected such that, for each color patch, at least a portion of the color patch can be positioned on a support projection in the color measurement zone. In some examples, color analysis techniques are described. 1. A printing system for printing a substrate , the printing system comprising:a color measurement zone into which a color sensor is to determine color of color patches printed on the substrate; i) projections extending from a base of the support and arranged to support the substrate, and', 'ii) openings to allow deformation of the substrate towards the support base; and, 'a substrate support for supporting the substrate at least in the color measurement zone during operation of the color sensor, the substrate support including'}a test print engine to cause printing of the color patches on the substrate, the test print engine selecting dimension and location in the substrate of the color patches such that, for each color patch, at least a portion of the color patch can be positioned on a support projection in the color measurement zone when the substrate is positioned on the substrate support for operation of the color sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , whereinthe projections form part of ribs extending on the support base, andthe openings correspond to spacings provided between adjacent ribs.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the test print engine is to select color patch location such that a distance between central patch portions of adjacent color patches positioned in the color measurement zone for operation of the color sensor corresponds to a distance between central rib portions of adjacent ribs over which central patch portions are positioned for ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Optical Frequency-Selective Absorber-based Infrared Detector, Methods, and Applications

Номер: US20180045560A1

A subwavelength gold hole/disk array that when coupled with a ground plane induces extraordinary transmission through the hole/disk array and zero back reflection. The hole/disk array functions as a “light funnel” in couling incident radiation into the cavity with about 100% efficiency over a narrow resonant bandwidth, which results in frequency-selective perfect (˜100%) absorption of the incident radiation. Such an optical frequency-selective absorber enables flexible scaling of detector response to any wavelength range by pattern dimensional changes, enabling uncooled frequency selective detection and “color” imaging in the infrared domain. Methods and applications are disclosed. 1. An infrared (IR) detector , comprising:a two-element optical frequency-selective surface composed of a perforated metallic, sub-wavelength-sized hole array element optically coupled with an underneath-disposed sub-wavelength-sized disk array element; and a ground plane coupled to the surface.2. The IR detector of claim 1 , wherein the hole/disk array is made of a gold film having a thickness between 25 -100 nm.3. The IR detector of claim 1 , wherein the detector is uncooled in an operational state.4. The IR detector of claim 1 , characterized by a response that is tunable as a function of the coupling between hole/disk and disk/disk by changing at least one of a hole/disk dimensions claim 1 , relief depth claim 1 , and an array spacing.5. The IR detector of claim 1 , further comprising a metallic surface disposed underneath the disk array element so as to form an optical cavity comprising the hole/disk surface and the reflective metallic surface.6. The IR detector of claim 5 , characterized by a localized surface plasmon resonance that is tunable as a function of a change in at least one of a hole/disk diameter and a hole/disk period.7. The IR detector of claim 5 , characterized by a ˜100% extraordinary absorption over a full operational detectable bandwidth of the detector.8. A method ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200045270A1
Автор: MUI Peter H

Embodiments described herein disclose a color measurement device and method for use with cameras or other imaging devices. The color measurement device may be configured to determine many different colors via a commonly owned device. Embodiments utilize sinusoidal grayscale rings to determine an exact color match of an unknown color, even if there is perspective distortion of an obtained image. 1. A system for determining a true color of an unknown color sample , the system comprising:a template including a cut-out and a plurality of concentric rings around the cut-out, each of the concentric rings having offset gray scales modulated as a function of an angle of a polar coordinate, wherein there is a trigonometric relationship between the gray scales of the plurality of concentric rings;a RGB color module configured to determine, in an image of the template over the unknown color sample, a first radial cross-section of one of the concentric rings having an intensity that matches a determined average red color value of the image of the unknown color sample and to determine a true average red color value of the unknown color sample based on an intensity profile of the one of the concentric rings and a polar angle of the first radial cross-section; andan angular module configured to determine the polar angle of the first radial cross-section.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the angular module is configured to determine the polar angle of the first radial cross-section by comparing the intensity in the image of the first radial cross-section with an intensity in the image of a radial cross-section of another of the concentric rings along the same radial segment and utilizing the trigonometric relationship between the gray scales of the concentric rings.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the RGB color module is further configured to determine claim 1 , in the image of the template over the unknown color sample claim 1 , a second radial cross-section of a second one of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Image forming apparatus

Номер: US20140125982A1
Автор: Taichi Takemura
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image forming apparatus includes an image forming unit configured to form a measurement image on a sheet, a measurement unit configured to emit light to the measurement image, and measure light reflected from the measurement image, a selection unit configured to select one of a first mode for feeding a sheet, forming a measurement image on the sheet with the image forming unit, and measuring the measurement image on the sheet with the measurement unit, and a second mode for feeding a chart on which a measurement image has already been formed, and measuring the measurement image on the chart with the measurement unit without performing image formation with the image forming unit, and a control unit configured to control the measurement unit to perform measurement of the measurement image according to the mode selected by the selection unit.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180048887A1
Автор: FUJIO Makoto, SAKAI Noriko
Принадлежит: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.

An image processing device includes 1. An image processing device comprising: a color reproduction characteristic acquiring unit that acquires a color reproduction characteristic of a display device;', 'a color reproduction characteristic correction unit that corrects the color reproduction characteristic;', 'a feature amount extraction unit that extracts a feature amount which is an object of the correction of the color reproduction characteristic acquired by the color reproduction characteristic acquiring unit; and', 'an evaluation image selecting unit that selects, based on the feature amount, an evaluation image which is a source for generating a confirmation image including (i) an image when the color reproduction characteristic acquired by the color reproduction characteristic acquiring unit and before the correction is used and (ii) an image when the color reproduction characteristic after the correction by the color reproduction characteristic correction unit is used., 'a processor configured to execute2. The image processing device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a confirmation image generating unit that changes, according to the feature amount, (i) the image when the color reproduction characteristic before the correction is used and (ii) the image when the color reproduction characteristic after the correction is used, to generate the confirmation image.3. The image processing device according to claim 2 , wherein the confirmation image generating unit generates an image representing tone characteristics claim 2 , as the confirmation image.4. The image processing device according to claim 2 , wherein the confirmation image generating unit makes (i) a background of the image when the color reproduction characteristic before the correction is used and (ii) a background of the image when the color reproduction characteristic after the correction is used claim 2 , in black.5. The image processing device according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

System and Method For Color Matching

Номер: US20190049303A1
Принадлежит: My Nudest Inc

A system for analyzing and processing user input and providing a result based on a predetermined set of color identifiers, the system comprising a first user input, wherein the first user input comprises of one or more digital images, a second user input, wherein the second user input comprises of responses to queries, a white balancing method for removing color casts from the first user input to create a final corrected image of the first user input, a first database for storing a predetermined set of color identifiers, a second database for storing product profiles, and a processor for analyzing the final corrected image of the first user input and the second user input collectively, comparing the final corrected image of the first user input and the second user input collectively to the predetermined set of color identifiers, and providing a color output.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049305A1

Examples herein provide a method. The method includes printing first color patches at a first location on a first side of a print medium. The method includes generating an international color consortium (“ICC”) profile of the first side by characterizing the first color patches using a spectrophotometer. The method includes printing, using the ICC profile of the first side, second color patches at a second location on the first side of the print medium. The method includes printing third color patches on a second side of the print medium, the third patches being a registered mirrored copy of the second patches. The method includes generating an ICC profile of the second side by characterizing the registered second and third patches using the spectrophotometer. 1. A method , comprising:printing first color patches at a first location on a first side of a print medium;generating an international color consortium (“ICC”) profile of the first side by characterizing the first color patches using a spectrophotometer;printing, using the ICC profile of the first side, second color patches at a second location on the first side of the print medium;printing third color patches on a second side of the print medium, the third patches being a registered mirrored copy of the second patches; andgenerating an ICC profile of the second side by characterizing the registered second and third patches using the spectrophotometer.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:printing an image on a third location on the first side of print medium using the ICC profile of the first side; andprinting a registered mirrored copy of the image on the second side of the print medium using the ICC profile of the second side.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising printing at least one fiducial mark on the first side of the print medium so that the third color patches are registered with the first color patches using respective relative positions of the third and first patches to a location ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190049306A1

The calibration of an instrument, such as a spectrophotometer, for measuring baking contrast units (BCUs) is described. In one example, a spectrophotometer includes a filter wheel including, among other filters, a bandpass filter to transmit a range of broadband light through the spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer also includes a detector to detect a reference sample value based on a reflection of the range of light off a BCU reference standard. Processing circuitry in the spectrophotometer is configured to calculate a reflectance ratio value based on a ratio of the reference sample value and a reference reflectance value, and calibrate the spectrophotometer for measuring BCUs based on the reflectance ratio value and a known BCU value for the BCU reference standard. The reference sample value and the reference reflectance value can also be corrected for measurement drift attributed to a source of the broadband light and/or the detector over time. 1. A spectrophotometer for measuring baking contrast units (BCUs) , comprising:a filter wheel comprising a bandpass filter constructed to transmit a range of broadband light in the spectrophotometer, the filter wheel being configured to pass the range of the broadband light through a sample reflection pathway in the spectrophotometer;a detector configured to detect a reference sample value based on a reflection through the sample reflection pathway of the range of the broadband light off a BCU reference standard; and calculate a reflectance ratio value based on a ratio of the reference sample value and a reference reflectance value; and', 'calibrate the spectrophotometer for measuring BCUs based on the reflectance ratio value and a known BCU value for the BCU reference standard., 'processing circuitry configured to2. The spectrophotometer of claim 1 , wherein the detector is further configured to detect the reference reflectance value based on a reflection through the sample reflection pathway of the range of the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150055134A1

Described herein is a method, system and computer program for analyzing a colorimetric assay that includes obtaining an image of the assay, optionally correcting for ambient lighting conditions in the image, converting the intensity data for at least one of the red channel, the green channel, or the blue channel to a first data point, recalling a predetermined standardized curve, comparing the first data point with the standardized curve, and identifying the value for the assay parameter from the standardized curve. 1. A method of analyzing a colorimetric assay to identify a value for an assay parameter , the method comprising:obtaining an image of a first colorimetric assay;converting intensity data from at least one of the red channel, the green channel, or the blue channels from at least a portion of the image of the first colorimetric assay to a first data point having a first value and a second value wherein the first value and the second value indicate the chromaticity of the test colorimetric assay;recalling a predetermined standardized curve from a storage medium, the standardized curve including a plurality of data points, each of the plurality of data points having a third value, a fourth value, and a fifth value, the third value and fourth values indicating the chromaticity of the data point along the standardized curve and the fifth value indicating the value of an assay parameter associated with the third value and the fourth value; andcomparing the first data point with the standardized curve to identify the value of the assay parameter for the first colorimetric assay.2. The method of wherein the assay parameter value is identified as the fifth value of the data point along the standardized curve that has a third value and a fourth value that most closely matches the first value and second value of the first data point.3. The method of wherein the most closely matched data point along the standardized curve is identified as the data point having a ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Colorimetry Device And Colorimetry Method

Номер: US20180052052A1

In a colorimetry device and a colorimetry method of the present invention, reference chart definition information including at least reference chart identification information about a reference color chart and patch position definition information indicating a position of each of plurality of patches in the reference color chart is stored, and whether the obtained color chart is matched with the reference color chart is determined based on the reference chart identification information. When the obtained color chart is determined to be matched with the reference color chart, a position of a colorimetry unit with respect to the color chart is relatively moved to the position of each of the plurality of patches in the color chart based on the reference chart definition information, and the colorimetry unit measures the color of each of the plurality of patches. 1. A colorimetry device comprising:a colorimetry unit that measures color;an imaging unit that obtains an image;a movement unit that relatively moves a position of the colorimetry unit with respect to the sheet of the measurement object;a reference chart information storage unit in which reference chart definition information is stored, the reference chart definition information including at least reference chart identification information and patch position definition information, the reference chart identification information identifying and specifying a reference color chart including a plurality of patches each of which is a region of a predetermined color, the patch position definition information indicating a position of each of the plurality of patches in the reference color chart;an image obtainment processor that obtains an image of a color chart including a plurality of patches each of which is a region of a predetermined color using the imaging unit;a determination processor that determines whether the color chart obtained by the image obtainment processor is matched with the reference color chart ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210056367A1

Certain examples described herein relate to mapping between an input color space and an output color space. In some cases, data representing a set of candidate output color values in the output color space is obtained for a transition region between two input color values in the input color space. A sub-region of the transition region is defined, the sub-region being associated with a target colorimetry and a target value of a metric. An output color value is selected from the set of candidate output color values. The output value has an associated value of the metric and an associated colorimetry. The selecting is based on the associated colorimetry and the target colorimetry, and the value of the metric and the target value of the metric. In some cases, mapping data is generated by assigning the selected output color value to the sub-region. 1. A method comprising:obtaining, for a transition region between two input color values in an input color space, data representing a set of candidate output color values in an output color space;defining a sub-region of the transition region, the sub-region being associated with a target colorimetry and a target value of a metric; the associated colorimetry and the target colorimetry; and', 'the value of the metric and the target value of the metric; and, 'selecting, from the set of candidate output color values, a given output color value having an associated value of the metric and an associated colorimetry, the selecting being based ongenerating mapping data by assigning the selected given output color value to the sub-region, the mapping data being arranged to map the input color space to the output color space.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selected output color value comprises a Neugebauer Primary Area Coverage (NPac) vector defining a statistical distribution of Neugebauer Primaries (NPs) over an area of a halftone.3. The method of claim 1 , the method comprising storing the mapping data in a color lookup table ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Object detecting device and information acquiring device

Номер: US20140132956A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An information acquiring device includes a projecting portion which projects a laser light emitted from a laser light source onto a target area, and a light receiving portion which receives the laser light reflected on the target area. The light receiving portion includes a color image sensor. The color image sensor has characteristics such that a detection sensitivity of a pixel that detects light of a predetermined color gradually decreases, and detection sensitivities of pixels that detect light of colors other than the predetermined color respectively have local maximum values on a long wavelength side than a visible light region, the detection sensitivities of the respective pixels substantially coinciding with each other in a wavelength band near a wavelength at which the local maximum values are given. An emission wavelength of the laser light source is set to a wavelength in the wavelength band.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056271A1
Принадлежит: IMAGICA Corp.

A luminance evaluation image has a determination portion configured such that luminance changes progressively between low and high luminance regions and defined to have luminance levels lower and higher than an upper limit of luminance displayable on the image display device , respectively. A chromaticity evaluation image has a determination portion configured such that chroma changes progressively between low and high chroma regions defined to have chroma levels lower and higher than an upper limit of chroma displayable on the image display device , respectively. At least either the luminance evaluation image or chromaticity evaluation image is displayed on the image display device to evaluate characteristics of the image display device from a position of a boundary B in the determination portion 1. A method for evaluating performance of an image display device , which comprises:displaying at least either a luminance evaluation image or a chromaticity evaluation image on said image display device, said luminance evaluation image having a determination portion configured such that luminance changes progressively between a low luminance region defined to have luminance levels lower than an upper limit of luminance displayable on said image display device and a high luminance region defined to have luminance levels higher than the upper limit of luminance displayable on said image display device, said chromaticity evaluation image having a determination portion configured such that chroma changes progressively between a low chroma region defined to have chroma levels lower than an upper limit of chroma displayable on said image display device and a high chroma region defined to have chroma levels higher than the upper limit of chroma displayable on said image display device; andevaluating characteristics of the image display device from a position of a boundary of the luminance or chroma saturation region in the determination portion of said luminance or chroma ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170059127A1

In some embodiments, a method of manufacturing a lighting system comprises: coupling a light source to a reflector, the reflector including a substrate having a first side configured to face toward the light source; and disposing an organic phosphor layer on the first side of the substrate. In some embodiments, a method comprises: determining target color characteristics for light produced by a lighting system of a first type; for each one of a plurality of lighting systems of the first type: (a) measuring color characteristics of light produced by the one of the plurality of lighting systems; (b) determining characteristics of a phosphor layer to be disposed on a reflector of the one of the plurality of lighting systems; and (c) disposing a phosphor layer having the determined characteristics on the reflector of the one of the plurality of lighting systems. 1. A lighting system comprising:a light source; and a substrate having a first side configured to face toward the light source; and', 'an organic phosphor layer disposed on the first side., 'a reflector, the reflector including2. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the organic phosphor layer comprises organic red phosphor.3. The lighting system of claim 2 , wherein the light source comprises at least one of a blue LED or a blue shifted yellow LED.4. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the organic phosphor layer comprises:organic phosphor; andreflective material.5. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the organic phosphor layer comprises:organic phosphor; andpaint or matte finish material.6. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the organic phosphor layer is visible from an area illuminated by the lighting system.7. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the reflector has a radial axis and the organic phosphor layer is located away from the radial axis.8. A method of manufacturing a lighting system comprising:coupling a light source to a reflector, the reflector including a substrate having a ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for matching skin tone accessories

Номер: US20200056943A1
Принадлежит: Shades Of Shades LLC

Disclosed herein are systems and methods related to a line of fashion accessories available in various colors, spanning across the full gamut of human skin tone shades. Having a fashion accessory available in a range of skin tone shades may allow the fashion accessory to match and/or blend in with the wearer's skin complexion. Further disclosed are systems and methods of collecting data related to the particular makeup foundation a person wears and using the makeup foundation data to determine which skin tone shade the person should select for the fashion accessory.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180060660A1
Автор: SUN Mengmeng

The present disclosure relates to navigation field and discloses a blindman navigation method and a blindman navigation apparatus. The blindman navigation method includes: obtaining image information of surroundings where a user is located; determining a distance between the user and a traffic signal light according to the image information; judging a distance between the user and a crossing according to the distance between the user and the traffic signal light, and determining the user is in a state where he/she has arrived at the crossing when the distance between the user and the crossing is less than a distance threshold that is preset. 1. A blindman navigation method , comprising:obtaining image information of surroundings where a user is located;determining a distance between the user and a traffic signal light according to the image information; andjudging a distance between the user and a crossing according to the distance between the user and the traffic signal light, and determining the user is in a state where he/she has arrived at the crossing when the distance between the user and the crossing is less than or equal to a first distance threshold that is preset; generating traffic signal light shape information according to the image information; and', 'determining the distance between the user and the traffic signal light according to a corresponding variation relationship between a size of the traffic signal light in the generated traffic signal light shape information and a distance between the user and the traffic signal light; and, 'wherein determining the distance between the user and the traffic signal light according to the image information comprises performing an enhancement treatment on the image information obtained;', 'converting the image information after the enhancement treatment from a RGB color space to an HSV color space; and', 'extracting an edge feature of a region with a specific brightness according to a brightness component in the ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200058229A1

A system and method for automatically producing product mix and application information include a display for depicting a plurality of indicators arranged on a chart. A sensor is used for sensing one of the indicators positioned within the chart. A processor-based system retrieves from a database the mix and application information based upon the sensed indicator. The retrieved mix and application information is provided for mixing paint components. 1. A system for automatically producing product mix and application information , said system comprising:a display for depicting a plurality of indicators arranged on a chart; wherein each indicator is positioned within the chart based upon a unique combination of filler colors and one or more of the following factors: product mix information; coating compositions, surface types, volatile organic compound clear type, mix types, and preparation factors;a sensor for sensing one of the indicators positioned within the chart; anda processor-based system for retrieving from a database the mix and application information based upon the sensed indicator;wherein the retrieved mix and application information is displayed upon a computer-human interface for mixing paint components.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sensed indicator and retrieved mix and application information provide sufficient information for an inexperienced bodyshop painter claim 1 , who is unfamiliar with the paint components claim 1 , to correctly mix the paint components within at least five minutes from said sensing of the indicator; wherein the bodyshop painter is inexperienced because the bodyshop painter has less than 8 hours of training with respect to the paint components.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the sufficient information includes mixing ratios claim 2 , activator selection claim 2 , respective component weights depending on size of the job claim 2 , and suggested volume of ready for use material to mix.4. The system of claim 1 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079325A1

In some embodiments of the present disclosure, one or more machine learning models are trained to accurately estimate skin color in one or more images regardless of the lighting conditions. In some embodiments, the models can then be used to estimate a skin color in a new image, and that estimated skin color can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, the skin color may be used to generate a recommendation for a foundation shade that accurately matches the skin color, or a recommendation for another cosmetic product that is complimentary with the estimated skin color. Thus, the need for an in-person test of the product is eliminated. 1. A method of training machine learning models to determine skin colors of faces under different illuminants , the method comprising:receiving at least one training image that includes a face of a training subject;receiving tagging information for the at least one training image;adding the at least one training image and the tagging information to a training data store; andtraining at least one machine learning model to determine skin colors of faces using the training data set; training a first machine learning model that processes a training image as input to produce an indication of an illuminant color as an output; and', 'training a second machine learning model that processes the training image and the indication of the illuminant color as input to produce an indication of skin color as an output., 'wherein training the at least one machine learning model to determine skin colors of faces using the training data set includes2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising normalizing the at least one training image to create at least one normalized training image.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein normalizing the at least one training image to create at least one normalized training image includes:detecting a face in the at least one training image;centering the face in the at least one training image; andzooming the at least ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Color conversion processing apparatus, color conversion processing method and storage medium

Номер: US20180063381A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A color conversion processing apparatus that converts a signal value of an input image into an output value of an actual color material used in an image forming apparatus, and includes: an acquisition unit configured to acquire a printing setting for the input image; and a conversion unit configured to convert the signal value of the input image into the output value of the actual color material in accordance with the acquired printing setting, and the conversion unit performs the conversion while maintaining a relationship between the signal value of the input image and output values of a virtual color material, the number of virtual color materials is smaller than the number of actual color materials and the respective virtual color materials have respective densities corresponding to respective wavelength bands obtained by dividing a wavelength range reproduced by the actual color materials being output into a plurality of wavelength bands, the output values of the plurality of virtual color materials are determined based on the respective densities corresponding to the respective wavelength bands, and the relationship is a relationship that increases monotonically and whose secondary differential does not become negative.

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Color measurement and calibration

Номер: US20150070510A1
Автор: Peter H. Mui
Принадлежит: Color Match LLC

Embodiments described herein disclose a color measurement device and method for use with cameras or other imaging devices. The color measurement device may be configured to determine many different colors via a commonly owned device. Embodiments utilize sinusoidal grayscale rings to determine an exact color match of an unknown color, even if there is perspective distortion of an obtained image.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069746A1

A method of forming a mandrel assembly for use in fabricating a large scale component includes boring a plurality of cavities into an outer surface of the mandrel assembly and filling the plurality of cavities with a contrast color substrate to form a contrast target on the mandrel assembly. The method also includes curing the contrast color substrate such that an outer surface of the contrast color substrate is substantially flush with the outer surface of the mandrel assembly when the substrate is fully cured. 1. A method of forming a mandrel assembly for use in fabricating a large scale component , said method comprising:boring a plurality of cavities into an outer surface of the mandrel assembly;filling the plurality of cavities with a contrast color substrate to form a contrast target on the mandrel assembly; andcuring the contrast color substrate such that an outer surface of the contrast color substrate is substantially flush with the outer surface of the mandrel assembly when the substrate is fully cured.2. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein boring a plurality of cavities comprises boring a plurality of ring-shaped cavities into the outer surface of the mandrel assembly.3. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein boring a plurality of cavities comprises boring a plurality of cavities to a predetermined depth in the mandrel assembly based on the contrast color substrate material.4. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein boring a plurality of cavities comprises boring a plurality of ring-shaped cavities into the outer surface of the mandrel assembly claim 1 , wherein each ring-shaped cavity includes a predetermined thickness based on at least one of the contrast color substrate material claim 1 , the mandrel assembly material claim 1 , and the locating system.5. The method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the locating system includes a plurality of laser projectors each having a respective field of view that at least partially ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Measurement System and Communication Processing Method in Measurement System

Номер: US20200064193A1

Measurement system includes a first device communicably connected to a second device. The first device includes an acquisition unit, a storage unit, and a first calculation unit. The acquisition unit acquires measurement data relating to a physical quantity of a characteristic of an object. The storage unit stores the measurement data. The first calculation unit calculates, from the measurement data, a first value relating to a specific index for the characteristic of the object. The first device transmits the measurement data and data indicating the first value to the second device. The second device includes a second calculation unit, and a comparison unit. The second device receives the measurement data and the first value transmitted from the first device, and calculates a second value relating to the specific index from the measurement data. The comparison unit compares the first value with the second value. 1. A measurement system comprising:a first device; anda second device communicably connected to the first device, whereinthe first device comprises:an acquisitor that acquires measurement data relating to a physical quantity of a characteristic of an object;a storage that stores the measurement data acquired by the acquisitor;a first calculator that calculates, from the measurement data, a first value relating to a preset specific index for the characteristic of the object; anda first communicator that transmits the measurement data and data indicating the first value to the second device, andthe second device comprises:a second communicator that receives the measurement data and the first value transmitted from the first device;a second calculator that calculates, from the measurement data received by the second communicator, a second value relating to the specific index; anda comparer that compares the first value received by the second communicator with the second value calculated by the second calculator.2. The measurement system according to claim 1 , ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200065326A1
Принадлежит: EBA JAPAN CO., LTD.

An information search system for searching detection algorithm information of spectral data necessary for determining a target event from a photographed subject includes a first relational database that stores a first relevance index having at least three levels between each target event of the subject and the detection algorithm information in advance, a target event input unit that receives information regarding a target event of the subject to be newly determined, a search unit that searches at least one piece of detection algorithm information on the basis of information regarding the target event received by the target event input unit by referencing the first relevance index, and a receive unit that receives information regarding the target event of the photographed subject from a photographing terminal that photographs the subject. The first relational database updates the first relevance index on the basis of the information received by the receive unit. 1. An information search system for searching detection algorithm information of spectral data necessary for determining a target event from a photographed subject , the information search system comprising:a first relational database configured to store a first relevance index having at least three levels between each target event of the subject and the detection algorithm information in advance;a target event input unit configured to receive information regarding a target event of the subject to be newly determined;a search unit configured to search at least one piece of detection algorithm information on the basis of information regarding the target event received by the target event input unit by referencing the first relevance index stored in the first relational database; anda receive unit configured to receive information regarding the target event of the photographed subject from a photographing terminal that photographs the subject,wherein the first relational database updates the first relevance ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190068840A1

A profile adjustment system adjusts a profile to be used for converting a coordinate value in a color space, based on an adjustment target at an adjustment point indicating a color to be adjusted. The profile adjustment system includes a coordinate receiving unit configured to display on a display unit an input field for coordinates of the adjustment point, and to receive an input of the coordinates of the adjustment point, and a color display processing unit configured to display on the display unit a color corresponding to the coordinates, the input of which has been received, in association with displaying of the coordinates. 1. A profile adjustment system adjusting a profile used to convert a coordinate value in a color space , based on an adjustment target at an adjustment point indicating a color to be adjusted , comprising:a coordinate receiving unit configured to display on a display unit an input field for coordinates of the adjustment point, and to receive an input of the coordinates of the adjustment point; anda color display processing unit configured to display on the display unit a color corresponding to the received coordinates, in association with displaying of the coordinates.2. The profile adjustment system according to claim 1 , whereinthe coordinate receiving unit is configured to display on the display unit adjustment point information about the adjustment point in a list including at least the coordinates of the adjustment point.3. The profile adjustment system according to claim 2 , whereinthe color display processing unit is configured to display the color corresponding to the coordinates on at least a part of a background of the list.4. The profile adjustment system according to claim 2 , whereinthe color display processing unit is configured to display on the display unit, separately from the list, the color corresponding to the coordinates of the adjustment point in association with identification information for identifying the adjustment ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Management Method of Color Data of Chromatic Image

Номер: US20150078660A1
Автор: Wei Jia
Принадлежит: TYPONTEQ CO Ltd

The invention discloses a method of managing color data based on color data in an HSaIn format in an HSaIn color space, comprising: acquiring color data in an XYZ format at an input device side; converting the acquired color data in the XYZ format at the input device side into color data in an HSaIn format. The method can further comprise mapping the color data in the HSaIn format at the input device side to obtain color data in an HSaIn format at an output device side; converting the color data in the HSaIn format at the output device side into color data in an XYZ format; converting the color data in the XYZ format at the output device side into one in a format of the color data of the output device. Since a conversion of chromatic color data independent of the device into chromatic color data dependent on the output device is achieved in this method, the output chromatic image is not influenced by color characteristics of the output device; and the analytical matrix operation adopted in the managing process is easily achieved, so the calculating process for the conversion is simple, the conversion accuracy and efficiency are improved, and the conversion speed is accelerated

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090967A1

An inspecting apparatus for inspecting print images printed on a transparent printing medium. The apparatus includes a first transport roller for transporting the transparent printing medium; a second transport roller spaced from the first transport roller, and disposed downstream in a transport direction, for transporting the transparent printing medium; a photographing device for photographing the print images located in an inspection area; and a light emitting device for emitting light for photographing the print images located in the inspection area. The first transport roller and second transport roller have outer circumferential surfaces thereof each with a light absorbing member for absorbing the light from the light emitting device. 1. An inspecting apparatus for reading print images printed on a transparent printing medium and inspecting printing states , the apparatus comprising:a first transport roller for transporting the transparent printing medium;a second transport roller spaced from the first transport roller, and disposed downstream in a transport direction, for transporting the transparent printing medium;a photographing device disposed between the first transport roller and the second transport roller, and opposed to one surface of the transparent printing medium, for photographing the print images located in an inspection area set between the first transport roller and the second transport roller; anda light emitting device for emitting light for the photographing device to photograph the print images located in the inspection area;wherein the first transport roller and the second transport roller have outer circumferential surfaces thereof each with a light absorbing member for absorbing the light from the light emitting device.2. The inspecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light absorbing member is a black tape provided with antireflection treatment.3. The inspecting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light absorbing ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210081663A1

Embodiments are disclosed for generating tables from charts. The techniques include determining a chart type of a selected chart. The techniques include determining a plurality of chart elements of the selected chart. Further, the techniques include determining a plurality of measurements of a plurality of data representations of the selected chart. Additionally, the techniques include determining a plurality of corresponding numeric values for the measurements based on the chart elements. Also, the techniques include generating a data table comprising the chart elements and the corresponding numeric values. 1. A computer-implemented method for copying and pasting charts , comprising:determining a chart type of a selected chart in response to a copy chart request;determining a plurality of chart elements of the selected chart;determining a plurality of measurements of a plurality of data representations of the selected chart;determining a plurality of corresponding numeric values for the measurements based on the chart elements; andgenerating a classified and digitized chart data store based on the chart elements and the corresponding numeric values.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating a conversion of the selected chart in response to a paste chart request claim 1 , wherein the conversion represents a subset of the classified and digitized chart data store claim 1 , and wherein the conversion is of a different form than the selected chart.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a software application as a service generates the classified and digitized chart data store in response to the copy chart request.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chart type is selected from a group consisting of:a bar chart;a pie chart; anda 2-dimensional line chart.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chart elements comprise:a legend;a title;a first data element name; anda second data element name.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising selecting a measurement ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078936A1

Described herein is a method for predicting visual texture parameters of a paint having a known paint formulation. The visual texture parameters of the paint are determined using an artificial neural network on the basis of a number of color components used in the known paint formulation. The method includes determining a value of at least one characteristic variable describing at least one optical property using a physical model for the known paint formulation. The method also includes assigning the value to the known paint formulation, and transmitting the value to the artificial neural network as an input signal for determining the visual texture parameters. The value describes the at least one optical property for at least some of the number of color components of the known paint formulation. The method further includes training the neural network using a plurality of color originals each having a respective known paint formulation. 1. A method for predicting visual texture parameters of a paint having a known paint formulation , wherein the visual texture parameters of the paint are determined using an artificial neural network on the basis of a number of color components used in the known paint formulation , the method comprising:determining a value of at least one characteristic variable describing at least one optical property using a physical model for the known paint formulation;assigning the value to the known paint formulationtransmitting the value to the artificial neural network as an input signal for determining the visual texture parameters, wherein the value determined and assigned to the known paint formulation describes the at least one optical property for at least some of the number of color components of the known paint formulation; andtraining the neural network using a plurality of color originals each having a respective known paint formulation, wherein for each of the plurality of color originals, a respective visual texture parameter is ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190079438A1

A detecting apparatus includes: a light emitting element which emits light toward a detection material; a light receiving element which receives reflected light from the detection material; and an apparatus main body having an opening/closing member which opens and closes an opening through which light emitted from the light emitting element and reflected light from the detection material pass through, the apparatus main body being capable of moving between a first position where the apparatus main body comes into contact with the detection material and a second position where the apparatus main body separates from the detection material, and the opening/closing member being configured to open when the apparatus main body moves to the first position and to close when the apparatus main body moves to the second position. 1. A detecting apparatus , comprising:a light emitting element which emits light toward a detection material;a light receiving element which receives reflected light from the detection material; andan apparatus main body having an opening/closing member which opens and closes an opening through which light emitted from the light emitting element and reflected light from the detection material pass through, whereinthe apparatus main body is capable of moving between a first position where the apparatus main body comes into contact with the detection material and a second position where the apparatus main body separates from the detection material, andthe opening/closing member opens in accordance with a movement of the apparatus main body to the first position and closes in accordance with a movement of the apparatus main body to the second position.2. The detecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe movement of the apparatus main body and an opening/closing operation of the opening/closing member are interlocked.3. The detecting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:an opening/closing member drive member which opens and closes ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080212A1
Автор: YAMAGUCHI Takeshi

An image processing apparatus includes: a reader that reads a paper sheet with a background plate serving as a background; and a hardware processor, wherein the hardware processor: obtains, from the reader, a first color value in which an image on one side of the paper sheet is read, a second color value in which a ground color of the other side of the paper sheet is read, and a third color value in which a portion corresponding to the image on the other side of the paper sheet is read; and estimates a thickness of the paper sheet on the basis of the first to third color values while referring to a predetermined table. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising: a reader that reads a paper sheet with a background plate serving as a background; and a hardware processor , whereinthe hardware processor:obtains, from the reader, a first color value in which an image on one side of the paper sheet is read, a second color value in which a ground color of the other side of the paper sheet is read, and a third color value in which a portion corresponding to the image on the other side of the paper sheet is read; andestimates a thickness of the paper sheet on the basis of the first to third color values while referring to a predetermined table.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe hardware processorobtains, from each of a plurality of paper sheets having a different thickness in which images having a different density are formed on a front surface thereof, a color value in which a ground color of a back surface of the paper sheet is read and an offset color value in which a portion corresponding to the image on the back surface of the paper sheet is read, and the hardware processor further includes a table generator that generates a table in which a thickness of the paper sheet is associated with a ratio between the color value of the ground color and the offset color value for each density of the image.3. The image processing apparatus ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Base colorant fluids and auxiliary colorant fluids

Номер: US20200079103A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

In one implementation, an example print apparatus includes a fluid ejection system operated by control instructions generated from a print engine and a compensation engine. The compensation engine determines an amount of the auxiliary colorant fluid to produce a combination of the base colorant fluid and the auxiliary colorant fluid based on input color image data, a reflective quality of a substrate to be printed on, and an opacity grade of the base colorant fluid. The print engine generates control instructions to instruct the fluid ejection system to print the combination of the base colorant fluid and the auxiliary colorant fluid on the substrate.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170084502A1

A method and apparatus for measuring color coordinates of a light emitting device. The color coordinate measuring apparatus includes a rail on which a substrate is mounted, the substrate having a plurality of light emitting devices (LEDs) formed thereon, a transfer device disposed under the rail and configured to move toward or away from a target region of the substrate, a plurality of electrode pins disposed on the transfer device and configured to respectively contact electrodes of the plurality of light emitting devices in the target region at the same time when the transfer device approaches the target region, a controller configured to sequentially supply electric power to the plurality of electrode pins, and a measurement unit disposed above the rail and configured to be placed above the target region in which the plurality of electrode pins is brought into contact with the electrodes of the plurality of light emitting devices. 1. A color coordinate measuring apparatus comprising:a rail on which a substrate is mounted, the substrate having a plurality of light emitting devices (LEDs) formed thereon;a transfer device disposed under the rail and configured to move toward or away from a target region of the substrate;a plurality of electrode pins disposed on the transfer device and configured to respectively contact electrodes of the plurality of LEDs in the target region at the same time when the transfer device approaches the target region;a controller configured to sequentially supply electric power to the plurality of electrode pins; anda measurement unit disposed above the rail and configured to be placed above the target region in which the plurality of electrode pins is brought into contact with the electrodes of the light emitting devices.2. The color coordinate measuring apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electrodes of the LEDs are downward exposure type electrodes claim 1 , and are configured such that claim 1 , as the transfer device ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Re-calibrating color measurement instruments based on user-made color selections

Номер: US20200080893A1
Автор: Taeyoung Park, Zhiling Xu
Принадлежит: Datacolor Inc

In one example, an initial transform is stored for converting wavelength channel responses of a color measurement instrument to color readings. The initial transform is set in-factory by a manufacturer of the color measurement device. A color selection of a sample is subsequently retrieved from a database, where the color selection was made by an end user in response to a color reading by the color measurement instrument using the initial transform. An adjustment to the initial transform is calculated using the color selection. The adjustment is then sent to the color measurement instrument for use in making future color measurements.

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Lighting device comprising measuring device and method for operating the lighting device

Номер: US20150092192A1

Various embodiments may relate to a lighting device including at least two light sources, the light from which has different spectra and is combined to form useful light. For measuring the portions of the light from the individual light sources, part of the useful light, the measurement light, is branched off with the aid of a coupling-out element at the output of the lighting device and is fed to a measuring device. 1. A lighting device , comprising:at least one first light source and one second light source, wherein the first light source is designed to emit light having a first spectrum, and wherein the second light source is designed to emit light having a second spectrum, an optical device for combining the light having the first spectrum with the light having the second spectrum onto a common useful light path to form useful light,an optical coupling-out element, which is arranged in the common useful light path and is designed for coupling out part of the useful light from the common useful light path onto a measurement light path for use as measurement light, anda measuring device, which is arranged in the measurement light path and is designed for measuring the measurement light.2. The lighting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the measuring device is designed for measuring light having the first spectrum and light having the second spectrum and comprises at least one measuring element.3. The lighting device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the measuring device comprises an optical mixing chamber for the measurement light claim 2 , the at least one measuring element being arranged in said chamber.4. The lighting device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the inner surface of the optical mixing chamber is configured in a diffusely reflective fashion in the manner of an Ulbricht sphere.5. The lighting device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the coupling-out element comprises a glass plate or a mirror and reflects the measurement light portion from the useful ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Inspection device with colour lighting

Номер: US20210088454A1
Принадлежит: Heuft Systemtechnik GMBH

A device and a method for inspecting containers for impurities and three-dimensional container structures comprising a radiation source. The radiation source is designed to emit radiation that radiates through a container to be examined. The device also comprises a detection element designed to detect the radiation that has been emitted by the radiation source and has radiated through the container. The device further comprises an evaluation element designed to evaluate the radiation detected by the detection element in terms of dirt and damage to the container. The radiation source has a plurality of spatially separated radiation zones. The radiation zones of the radiation source are designed to emit radiation of different wavelength ranges or of a different intensity.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190084294A1

The present invention discloses an accurate digital ink supply method for a printing press. The present invention adopts metering-type ink delivery units to replace the ink keys of the traditional printing press, and the metering-type ink delivery units directly deliver the ink to the corresponding ink zones on the metering basis of either volume or mass, realizing the quantitative supply of ink to each one of the ink zones. The present invention can perform accurate adjustment in real time, is high in automation and digitalization degree and large in adjustable range, realizes one-way ink delivery and avoids ink return. 118-. (canceled)19. A digital ink supply method for a printing press , comprising the steps of:calculating an ink demand according to a color plate, anda metering-type ink delivery device outputting ink demanded for printing to a corresponding ink zone to realize quantitative supply of the ink to each one of ink zones; wherein the calculation of the ink demand is based on either volume or mass;wherein in the working state, the ink supply flow rate of each one of the metering-type ink delivery devices is independently set and regulated, wherein the ink supply flow rate of each one of the metering-type ink delivery devices is obtained by calculating the ink demand of a corresponding color plate and ink zone in a single printed sheet and the running speed of the printing press, and the ink supply flow rate of each one of the metering-type ink delivery devices is calculated and regulated in real time as the running speed of the printing press changes.20. The digital ink supply method for a printing press according to claim 19 , wherein the ink demand of each one of the ink zones of each one of the color plates in a single printed sheet is obtained by a calculation method where a dot area of each one of the ink zones of each one of the color plates is multiplied with a required ink layer thickness; wherein the required ink layer thickness is determined ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087966A1
Автор: GOMI Tsugio

A measuring device is a measuring device that performs colorimetry of an evaluation patch formed on a medium and a paper white patch that is a portion exposed by the medium. The measuring device has a light source portion that irradiates the medium with an illumination light, a measurement portion that acquires an amount of light from the medium as a measurement value, a memory that holds a paper white standard value that is a reference measurement value of the paper white patch, and a colorimetry unit that corrects a measurement value of the evaluation patch based on the measurement value of the paper white patch and the paper white standard value. Even in a case where a measurement position is changed, a reflectance of the evaluation patch is accurately calculated and a chromaticity of the evaluation patch can be accurately acquired. 1. A measuring device that measures colors of an evaluation patch formed in a measuring object and a paper white patch which is a portion that the measuring object is exposed , the device comprising:a light source that irradiates the measuring object with an illumination light;a measurement portion that acquires an amount of light from the measuring object as a measurement value;a storage portion that holds a paper white standard value that is a reference measurement value of the paper white patch; anda correction portion that corrects the measurement value of the evaluation patch based on the measurement value of the paper white patch and the paper white standard value.2. The measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a standard white plate,wherein the storage portion further holds a standard white value that is the reference measurement value of the standard white plate, andwherein the correction portion corrects the measurement value of the evaluation patch based on the measurement value of the standard white plate and the standard white value.3. The measuring device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085171A1
Принадлежит: Henkel AG & Co. KGaa

Calibration devices for calibrating a camera, systems for computer-aided determination of hair colour information, and methods for calibrating a camera are provided herein. In an embodiment, a method for calibrating a camera includes recording a digital image of a piece of calibration information on a fibre from a plurality of fibres from natural hair or fibres that resemble natural hair by employing a camera. The fibre is identified in the digital image by employing a marker. A plurality of colour values are determined for a plurality of reference colours as the calibration information on the fibre in the digital image, wherein a reference colour value is assigned to each reference colour. The respective determined colour value for the plurality of the determined colour values is assigned to the respectively assigned reference colour value for the plurality of reference colour values. 1. A method for calibrating a camera , comprising:recording a digital image of at least one piece of calibration information on at least one fibre from a plurality of fibres from natural hair or fibres that resemble natural hair by employing a camera;identifying the at least one fibre in the digital image by employing at least one marker;determining a plurality of colour values for a plurality of reference colours as the calibration information on the at least one fibre in the digital image, wherein a reference colour value is assigned to each reference colour; andassigning the respective determined colour value for the plurality of the determined colour values to the respectively assigned reference colour value for the plurality of reference colour values.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 ,wherein identifying the at least one fibre in the digital image by employing at least one marker comprises identifying an unnatural colour profile within the at least one fibre and/or a characteristic shade on the at least one fibre in the digital image.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Method and device for providing ingredient data for a prosthesis

Номер: US20220133448A1
Принадлежит: Gratitude Holding BV

A method is provided for providing a set of ingredients for manufacturing of a dental prosthesis covering. The method comprises receiving a background colour value providing information on a colour of a background substrate on which the prosthesis is to be provided, receiving an appearance colour value providing information on an appearance colour of the prosthesis and receiving a thickness value providing information on a thickness of the dental prosthesis covering. In an electronic memory, a first ingredient record is looked up comprising first ingredient value, based on the measured background value and the measured appearance colour value. The first ingredient values are adjusted in an electronic processor adjusted based on the thickness value and through electronic output means, the adjusted ingredient data is provided. By adjusting ingredients for thickness, a more natural appearance may be achieved.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150098099A1
Автор: MATSUMOTO Hiroshi
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A color conversion processing apparatus acquires spot color information, which is capable of defining a spot color with device-dependent color values. The color conversion processing apparatus further acquires a reference profile and an updated profile, and using the spot color information, converts an image signal of a spot color plate into a first image signal of a process color plate. Then, by having the reference profile and the updated profile act successively thereon, the color conversion processing apparatus converts the first image signal into a second image signal of a process color plate. 1. A color conversion processing apparatus for converting input image signals , which include image signals of process color plates and an image signal of a spot color plate , into output image signals of process color plates , comprising:a spot color information acquirer configured to acquire spot color information, which is capable of defining a spot color with device-dependent color values;a profile acquirer configured to acquire a reference profile representing a device link profile at a reference time at which the spot color is defined, and an updated profile, which is defined by the reference profile updated after the reference time;a first color converter configured to convert the image signal of the spot color plate into a first image signal of a process color plate, using the spot color information acquired by the spot color information acquirer; anda second color converter configured to convert the first image signal, which has been converted by the first color converter, into a second image signal of a process color plate, by having the reference profile and the updated profile, which are acquired by the profile acquirer, act successively thereon.2. The color conversion processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a process color converter configured to convert the image signals of the process color plates into third image signals of process ...


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