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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 37472. Отображено 200.
27-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2328016C2

Изобретение относится к области связи. Заявленные способ и устройство предназначены для проверки устройств, позволяющих определять местоположение с использованием вспомогательных данных, которые включают использование имитатора объекта определения местоположения, связанного с имитатором базовой станции, и подключение проверяемого устройства, позволяющего определять местоположение с использованием вспомогательных данных, к имитатору базовой станции и к имитатору глобальной системы позиционирования. Технический результат заключается в упрощении проверки рабочих характеристик мобильного модуля при захвате данных GPS для оценки местоположения мобильного модуля. 5 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

20-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2191363C2

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике, а именно к испытаниям подкрановых балок на выносливость в условиях эксплуатации. Стенд для испытания подкрановых балок на выносливость содержит фундамент, жестко закрепленную на нем раму, шарнирно закрепленные на раме балансирные тележки, установленные колесами вверх и ориентированные по двум параллельным осям, модель мостового крана с балансирными колесами, соединенную с ней горизонтальную связь для фиксации модели мостового крана в продольном направлении, присоединенную к раме механизма продольного возвратно-поступательного перемещения с заданной амплитудой, один или два силовых гидродомкрата для нагружения испытываемых балок, размещенные между рамой модели мостового крана и рамой стенда, шатун и соединенный с ним механизм продольного возвратно-поступательного перемещения с заданной амплитудой. На нижних и верхних поясах нижнего и верхнего блоков испытываемых балок соответственно закреплены направляющие рельсы, посредством которых нижний ...

10-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2340479C2

Изобретение относится к системам управления транспортными средствами, в которых множество компьютеров управления соединены через сеть. Блок управления генерирует сигнал управления на основе рабочего запроса для управления движением транспортного средства путем управления соответствующим приводом посредством сформированного сигнала управления. Процессор соединен с блоком управления посредством сети и формирует и обеспечивает блоку управления дополнительную информацию, используемую для модификации рабочего запроса или сформированного сигнала управления в блоке управления. Посредством этого обеспечивается управление передвижением транспортного средства или динамическим состоянием транспортного средства. Процессор выполняет заданные вычисления на основании вводимой информации мониторинга и передачи результата заданного вычисления. Устройство обнаружения отказа обеспечено в блоке управления и содержит узел вывода, предназначенный для вывода информации мониторинга на процессор, узел приема, предназначенный ...

20-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2578076C2

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике, в частности к устройствам для испытаний сепарационного оборудования, используемого для процессов добычи и подготовки газа в нефтегазовой отрасли. Технический результат заключается в снижении энергозатрат поддержания рабочих режимов испытаний. В предлагаемом изобретении осуществляют подачу полученной двухфазной или трехфазной смеси по линии всасывания в нагнетательный блок, сепарацию двухфазной или трехфазной смеси испытуемым сепарационным блоком, поступление отсепарированной жидкости или смеси в накопительную емкость, а очищенного газа в атмосферу или на вход сепаратора. Сепарацию двухфазной или трехфазной смеси осуществляют при постоянном контроле давления на входе и на выходе газа сепаратора, контролируя расходомером расход газа, поступающего в сепаратор по трубопроводу для ввода газа из атмосферы. Степень сепарации определяют как отношение отсепарированной двухфазной или трехфазной смеси к введенному количеству. 1 ил.

20-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2416787C2
Принадлежит: ЭРБЮС ФРАНС (FR)

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике и может быть использовано для тестирования конструкций, в частности венца фюзеляжа с продольной и окружной кривизной. Устройство содержит средства (30, 40) приложения сил к венцу (10) фюзеляжа с продольной и окружной кривизной. Оно содержит опорные средства (50), выполненные с возможностью установки на них венца (10) фюзеляжа и средств (30, 40) приложения сил. Средства (30, 40) приложения сил установлены между упомянутыми опорными средствами (50) и средствами (70) передачи сил, неподвижно соединенными с упомянутым венцом (10) фюзеляжа, и выполнены с возможностью приложения сил кручения и растяжения/сжатия, тангенциальных в точке их приложения к венцу (10) фюзеляжа. Технический результат заключается в проведении тестирования конструкции фюзеляжа с двойной кривизной с воспроизводством реальных усилий, действующих на конструкцию фюзеляжа самолета. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил., 1 табл.

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571435C2

Изобретение относится к области горного дела и может быть использовано для исследования сыпучих свойств геоматериалов. Устройство представляет собой сварную конструкцию башенного типа, устанавливаемую на верхней предварительно спланированной площадке отработанного карьера с обеспечением вертикальной устойчивости. В ее верхней части размещены приемный бункер, затем колосниковый виброгрохот, секторный затвор, перфорированная качающаяся дека, воздухораспределительный контур и два приемных бункера. Технический результат - повышение достоверности определения фракционного и вещественного состава защитной подушки. 1 ил.

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565807C2

Изобретение относится к испытательной технике, в частности к наземным испытаниям механизмов, предназначенных для работы в невесомости, и может быть использовано для обезвешивания крупногабаритных трансформируемых конструкций. Устройство состоит из блока управления на основе компьютера и микроконтроллера и необходимого количества модулей, установленных один над другим. Каждый модуль включает в себя два сервопривода, расположенных с его торцевой части, шкивы которых работают на общий зубчатый ремень, и на нем через пассивные шкивы крепится каретка, перемещающаяся по направляющим, и тележка, закрепленная на общем зубчатом ремне и перемещающаяся по собственной направляющей. При этом на тележке имеется шкив, через который проходит гибкая связь, соединяющая подвешенный через блоки компенсирующий груз с обезвешиваемым элементом. Также на тележке имеется датчик-инклинометр, определяющий вертикальное положение гибкой связи, по сигналам с которого блок управления включает сервопривода устройства ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2469234C2

Группа изобретений относится к сетевой системе и предназначена для контроля шаровой вентильной арматуры на производстве. Сетевая система содержит: множество дополнительных устройств (11) контроля вентилей (УКВ). Каждое устройство (11) контроля прикреплено к шаровому вентилю (1) и содержит: датчик для восприятия состояния шарового вентиля; блок беспроводной связи малого радиуса действия для передачи состояния, как воспринято упомянутым датчиком, и для передачи состояния, как воспринято, вместе с идентификацией упомянутого устройства одному или более считывателям (18) вентильных устройств (СВУ), расположенных в пределах упомянутого малого радиуса действия; механизм для прикрепления дополнительного УКВ к контролируемому шаровому вентилю способом, не нарушающим нормальное функционирование вентиля; один или более считывателей вентильных устройств (СВУ) для приема передачи состояния вентиля и идентификации УКВ из упомянутых устройств контроля вентилей (УКВ) и для пересылки передачи состояния ...

27-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2171462C2

Способ может применяться для контроля неисправности трубопроводной арматуры. Определяют по меньшей мере одно измеренное значение для специфичной для арматуры величины и сравнивают с ранее установленным значением. Предусмотрено, что измеренное значение определяют в холодном и без давления состоянии арматуры и сравнивают с определенным аналитически из функциональной модели арматуры значением для специфичной для арматуры величины. Для этого аналитически определенного значения устанавливают верхнее и нижнее граничное значения, которым поставлены в соответствие еще допустимые состояния арматуры (расчетные резервы). Производят индикацию эксплуатационной готовности арматуры, если измеренное значение лежит между верхним и нижним граничным значением. Это позволяет предсказать поведение арматуры при ее использовании. 5 з.п. ф-лы.

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2226270C2

Изобретение относится к измерительной технике, включает световод и источник света для введения света в оба торца световода так, чтобы в световоде производились световые сигналы, распространяющиеся во взаимно противоположных направлениях. Световод применяется в виде оптического волокна или волоконного пучка, изготовленного из двуокиси кремния, в котором характеристика света изменяется или испытывает влияние некого внешнего параметра, вызванного возмущением. Обеспечивается детектор для детектирования света из обоих торцов световода и для определения временной задержки или разности между измененными сигналами, на которые повлиял параметр, с целью определения локализации возмущения вдоль длины световода. 5 с. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

10-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2239689C2

Изобретение относится к оборудованию для испытания землеройных машин. Стенд для исследования рабочих органов землеройных машин включает рамную конструкцию с направляющими, насос, электродвигатель, нагрузочное устройство, выполненное в виде гидроцилиндра, распределителя для управления его работой и тележки с рабочим органом, трубопроводную магистраль, емкость для слива и забора жидкости. Он снабжен отключающим устройством, счетчиком электрических импульсов, выключателем счетчика электрических импульсов и установленным на роторе электродвигателя коллекторным датчиком с контакторами, связанным через электрическую цепь со счетчиком электрических импульсов, который электрически связан с датчиками начала и окончания отсчета электрических импульсов, установленных на направляющих по границам мерного участка хода тележки нагрузочного устройства. Для определения энергетических параметров стенд снабжен регулируемым дросселем с лимбом установки площади проходного сечения, который связывает нагнетательную ...

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2348915C2

Изобретение относится к области механизации животноводства, в частности к устройствам для испытания молочных насосов. Устройство содержит лопатки, установленные между ведущим и ведомым дисками. Ведущий диск имеет внутреннее отверстие, равное 0,1 наружного радиуса диска. Устройство снабжено тремя стойками, одними торцами, прикрепленными перпендикулярно к ведущему диску через каждые 120° на дуге окружности, радиусом 0,3 от того же радиуса диска, с центром в точке пересечения оси устройства с плоскостью ведущего диска. Другие торцы стоек прикреплены к торцу втулки, на которую навинчивают ведомый диск со стопорной гайкой. На поверхности дисков, между которыми фиксируют лопасти, нанесены засечки под углом 90° друг к другу. Изобретение направлено на определение оптимальных конструктивных параметров лопастей рабочего колеса центробежного молочного насоса методом практических испытаний. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

08-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2777618C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к способу проверки автомата для отбраковки емкостей, а также к испытательной емкости, которая используется в этом способе. В способе проверки автомата для отбраковки емкостей, содержащего по меньшей мере два устройства распознавания, указанные по меньшей мере два устройства распознавания предназначены для проверки первой и второй области проверяемой емкости. Испытательная емкость подается на автомат для отбраковки емкостей. Испытательная емкость имеет в первой подлежащей проверке области проверочный элемент, а во второй подлежащей проверке области маркировку, которая считывается одним из устройств распознавания и по которой испытательная емкость может быть идентифицирована как испытательная емкость. Кроме того, изобретение относится к испытательной емкости для использования в способе по изобретению. Технический результат – повышение надежности распознавания испытательной емкости автоматом отбраковки емкостей. 2 н и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2349891C2

Стенд включает канал с возведенным дорожным полотном, станину с направляющими, грузовую тележку для установки и нагружения автомобильного колеса и привод колеса. Стенд также содержит теплоизолированный контейнер, нагревательное устройство и холодильник, вентилятор для циркуляции воздуха из внутриконтейнерного пространства через нагревательно-охлаждающие устройства и расположенный в контейнере щелевой короб с перфорированными трубами для имитации дождя. Грузовая тележка содержит рычажно-грузовой механизм и вертикальные направляющие, в которых размещена вилка с осью автомобильного колеса, на которой установлен червячно-планетарный редуктор и электродвигатель. На вилке расположен датчик давления на полотно дороги, на который опирается призма рычажно-грузового устройства. Для измерения усилий сдвига колеса о поверхность дороги на концах вертикальных направляющих грузовой тележки с обеих сторон вилки установлены датчики давления. В результате испытание дорожных одежд приближено к реальным условиям ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2465470C2

Изобретение может быть использовано при диагностировании сепараторов, предназначенных для отделения масла, присутствующего в газах, прорывающихся в картер двигателя внутреннего сгорания. Картер содержит датчик давления и сообщается с сепаратором с возможностью передачи текучей среды. Способ функционального диагностирования сепаратора для отделения масла от газов, прорывающихся в картер двигателя внутреннего сгорания, включает следующие шаги. Получают первый выходной сигнал датчика давления в картере в первой временной рабочей точке или интервале. Сравнивают первый выходной сигнал датчика давления в картере с по меньшей мере одной опорной величиной или сигналом, на основе результатов которого обеспечивается функциональное диагностирование сепаратора. Раскрыт вариант способа функционального диагностирования сепаратора. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении функционального диагностирования сепаратора без использования дополнительных датчиков или сложных алгоритмов. 2 н. и 21 з.п.

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2459229C2

Изобретение относится к способам и системам разработки технологии вероятностной оценки срока службы вращающего оборудования на основании стратегий эксплуатации. Техническим результатом является увеличение расчетного срока службы газотурбинного двигателя за счет использования анализа эксплуатационных данных при решении конкретной задачи его эксплуатации. Система включает сервер, содержащий базу данных и обеспечивающий сохранение в ней кривых охлаждения для газотурбинного двигателя, типов запуска, стратегии эксплуатации и расчетного срока службы двигателя, при этом сервер выполняет анализ эксплуатационных данных, выводит и сохраняет гистограмму и вероятностную модель, определяет номенклатуру задач для стратегии эксплуатации, выполняет имитационное моделирование вероятностной модели по циклам и получает распределение вероятности для общего израсходованного срока службы по циклам. 2 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2138033C1

Изобретение относится к грузоподъемным устройствам, а именно к наборным грузам для проведения статических и динамических испытаний. Наборный груз имеет набор маркированных плит, узлы соединении грузов имеют центрирующие втулки, а болтовые соединения предохранены от выпадания и выполнены неразъемными, причем верхний груз выполнен в виде поддона для установки дополнительных корректирующих грузов. При проведении испытаний грузоподъемных механизмов из грузов и поддона формируют подвеску, наиболее близкую к расчетной массе, а в поддон устанавливаются корректировочные грузы, позволяющие производить испытания с малым шагом массы испытательного груза. Изобретение обеспечивает испытания грузоподъемных механизмов различной грузоподъемности во всем диапазоне грузовых характеристик. 5 ил.

10-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2394219C1

Изобретение относится к технике проведения климатических испытаний различных, в частности радиотехнических, изделий. Испытательная камера содержит корпус, в котором расположены датчики параметров испытуемого объекта, система охлаждения, система нагревания, вентилятор и дверь для загрузки испытуемого объекта. При этом выходы датчиков параметров испытуемого объекта соединены с входами блока управления, выходы которого соединены с управляющими входами системы охлаждения, системы нагревания, вентилятора. Кроме того, в свободном пространстве испытательной камеры устанавливаются с зазором по отношению к испытуемому объекту, стенам камеры и между собой одна или более термоотражающие подушки, наполненные теплоизолирующим материалом. ! Техническим результатом изобретения является уменьшение объема теплоносителя в испытательной камере, сокращение времени испытаний при испытании крупногабаритных изделий. 1 ил.

20-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2143081C1

Изобретение относится к области двигателестроения и может быть использовано при испытаниях клапанных пружин как элементов двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Способ испытания пружин сжатия заключается в том, что испытываемую пружину предварительно контролируют на правильность геометрии, прилагают силу для осевого перемещения, определяют напряжение в витках при осевом перемещении. На подвижном торце возбуждают колебания с заданной амплитудой и частотой. При этом перед возбуждением колебаний пружину сжатия растягивают на величину осевого перемещения, большую максимально допускаемой величины осевого перемещения сжатия, определяемой смыканием витков. Технический результат - сокращение длительности испытаний пружин сжатия. 1 ил.

30-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU1374663C

Изобретение относится к средствам испытания авиационной техники, а именно к стендам для испытаний редукторов летательных аппаратов. Цель изобретения - приближение условий нагружения к натурным. Стенд для испытаний механической трансмиссии летательного аппарата снабжен установленными соосно с выходными валами 12 и 27 испытываемого редуктора 2 поворотными платформами 32 и 33, которые с помощью подшипников 34 и 35 закреплены на опорной раме 1 стенда, при этом каждая поворотная платформа кинематически связана с электродвигателем соответственно 53 и 54, корпусы гидроцилиндров нагружения силами тяги и изгибающих моментов 38 и 39, 40 и 41, а также корпусы гидроцилиндров 42 и 43 нагружения суммарными поперечными силами, шарнирно закреплены на поворотных платформах 32 и 33, причем электрический контур устройства нагружения крутящим моментом выходного вала 12 испытываемого редуктора 2, электрически не связан с электрическим контуром устройства нагружения крутящим моментом выходного вала 27. Под действием ...

10-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU82852U1

... 1. Стенд для проверки генераторов автомобилей, содержащий основание с закрепленным на нем устройстве для ориентации испытуемого генератора, привод с ременной передачей, и механизм натяжения ремня, блок нагрузочных резисторов с электронным управлением, блок управления на основе программируемого контроллера, монитор, принтер, отличающийся тем, что двигатель привода расположен под испытуемым генератором и установлен с возможностью перемещения поворотом его, вокруг оси параллельной оси вала двигателя и через тягу соединен с механизмом натяжения ремня, при этом устройство ориентации испытуемого генератора состоит из кронштейна, через отверстие в котором пропущена ось для связи с проушинами испытуемого генератора и подпружиненной защелки, закрепленной на кронштейне, с возможностью поворота вокруг оси, параллельной оси для связи с проушинами испытуемого генератора, снабженной угловым вырезом, выполненным с возможностью взаимодействия с канавкой, выполненной на оси для связи с проушинами испытуемого ...

10-08-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU55473U1

Полезная модель «Стенд для испытаний средств аварийного покидания экипажем летательного аппарата» относится к испытательному оборудованию различных конструкций или устройств и предназначено для наземных динамических испытаний катапультных систем аварийного покидания маневрирующего самолета. Цель полезной модели наиболее полное моделирование условий катапультирования из маневрирующего самолета. Поставленная задача решается следующим образом: оборудованная системой катапультирования кабина самолета устанавливается в подшипниках опор ракетной каретки, дающими возможность вращения кабины вокруг ее продольной оси в процессе катапультирования, при этом вращение кабины осуществляется ракетными двигателями, а стабильность параметров вращения обеспечивается подбором массово-инерционных параметров кабины и тяги ракетных двигателей.

10-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU152149U1

Стенд имитации невесомости космонавта, включающий блок управления, электропривод вертикального перемещения, электропривод горизонтального перемещения, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит станцию подачи дыхательной смеси, скафандр, блок энергоснабжения стенда, металлическую конструкцию, имеющую тележку с механизмом горизонтального перемещения по эстакаде, и тележку, имеющую электропривод горизонтального перемещения по металлической конструкции, при этом к тележке через датчик вертикальной нагрузки подвешен скафандр, на центральной опоре размещен электропривод вертикального перемещения, который перемещает скафандр в вертикальной плоскости, а датчики горизонтальных нагрузок установлены на тележке, перемещающейся по металлической конструкции, металлическая конструкция с одного конца опирается на центральную опору, относительно которой вращается в радиальной плоскости, а другой конец металлической конструкции при помощи тележки с механизмом горизонтального перемещения движется по эстакаде ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU44822U1

Полезная модель относится к стендовым измерениям, а более конкретно, к устройствам контроля подключения трехфазных счетчиков электрической энергии к трансформаторам тока, и предназначено для подготовки обслуживающего персонала распределительных подстанций и работников Энергонадзора. Стенд содержит трехфазную сеть 1, нагрузку 2, первый 3, второй 4 и третий 5 трансформаторы тока, коммутатор 6, счетчик электрической энергии 7, первый 8, второй 9 и третий 10 изолирующие трансформаторы, первый 11, второй 12 и третий 13 усилители-ограничители, первый 14, второй 15 и третий 16 элементы «ИСКЛЮЧАЮЩЕЕ ИЛИ», первый 17, второй 18 и третий 19 отсчетные блоки фазы. Стенд работает следующим образом. Трехфазная сеть 1 и нагрузка 2 создают в первичных обмотках трансформаторов тока 3, 4 и 5 необходимый для измерения ток. В коммутатор 6 устанавливаются замыкающие перемычки, при помощи которых производится соединение вторичных обмоток трансформаторов тока и токовых измерительных зажимов счетчика электрической ...

27-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2488735C2

Группа изобретений относится к трубопроводному транспорту и может быть использована при восстановлении внутренней поверхности трубопровода. Для реализации способа используется одна из предложенных систем. Способ включает в себя развертывание трубчатого вкладыша вдоль внутренней поверхности трубопровода. В передний конец трубопровода вводят первый проходной поршень со сквозным отверстием, через которое пропускают трубчатый вкладыш. Затем закачивают цементный раствор между трубчатым вкладышем и внутренней поверхностью трубопровода. Второй проходной поршень продвигают по трубчатому вкладышу для распределения раствора между трубчатым вкладышем и трубопроводом и для продвижения первого поршня перед вторым поршнем от переднего конца к заднему концу трубопровода. Технический результат: повышение качества покрытия за счет более равномерного распределения цементного раствора между внутренней поверхностью трубопровода и трубчатым вкладышем, а также за счет предотвращения скручивания вкладыша в трубопроводе ...

02-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2785064C1

Изобретение относится к области теплофизических измерений, в частности, для определения рабочих характеристик климатических приборов, служащих для поддержания теплового микроклимата в помещениях, и может быть использовано при проведении испытаний приборов, приближенных к реальным эксплуатационным условиям, включая научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы при их разработке и испытания при постановке на производство и серийном выпуске. Испытания приборов проводят в теплоизолированной герметичной камере, разделенной ограждающей конструкцией на две секции. В секции, не содержащей прибор, с помощью климатического оборудования на длительное время создают температурные условия, соответствующие различным климатическим температурным условиям. В секцию, содержащую прибор, дополнительно подают переменную во времени тепловую мощность, соответствующую различным тепловым поступлениям в помещения зданий, включая теплопоступления от воздействия солнечного излучения через светопрозрачные ...

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2353860C1

Стенд предназначен для испытания защитного устройства системы вентиляции. Стенд включает раму с закрепленным на ней испытуемым защитным устройством системы вентиляции, установленную на устройстве плиту, на стойке которой шарнирно закреплен конец рычага, опирающийся своей средней частью на поворотный опорный элемент, который установлен на другой стойке плиты. На свободном конце рычага подвешен груз, над плитой, между ее стойками расположен подвижный в вертикальном направлении шток испытуемого устройства, конец которого расположен с возможностью взаимодействия с рычагом стенда, а опорный элемент выполнен ассиметричным. Технический результат - повышение надежности испытания защитного устройства. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

27-04-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2078325C1

Использование: сельскохозяйственное машиностроение, в частности стендовое оборудование для ускоренных испытаний почвообрабатывающих рабочих органов сельскохозяйственных и мелиоративных машин. Сущность изобретения: стенд содержит раму, кинематически связанный с приводом почвенный желоб, кронштейн для крепления испытуемых рабочих органов, устройство для выравнивания и уплотнения почвы. Почвенный желоб выполнен в виде гофрированного цилиндра с широким основанием и вертикальной стенкой. Желоб снабжен приводом в виде цевочной передачи. Кольцевые шины с роликами между ними размещены на внешней вертикальной стенке гофрированного цилиндра. Пара приводных звездочек цевочной передачи установлены на вертикальных валах в диаметральной плоскости почвенного желоба. Почвенный желоб снабжен каркасом и смонтирован между парами диаметрально разнесенных радиальных опор и равномерно удаленных друг от друга горизонтальных опор, размещенных под основанием почвенного желоба. Установленный по диаметру опорного ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2410299C1

Изобретение относится к имитации космических условий работы объектов, в частности, в невесомости. Способ включает приложение к объекту (манипулятору) вертикальной разгружающей силы. Для этого под данным объектом располагают кинематически подобное ему и развязанное с ним устройство (в виде площадок) со следящей приводной системой. Вертикальную разгружающую силу создают посредством воздушной подушки или путем взаимодействия одноименных полюсов магнитов, расположенных на объекте (звеньях манипулятора) и площадках. Технический результат изобретения направлен на упрощение технических средств реализации способа. 1 ил.

10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2426089C1

Изобретение относится к области строительства атомных электрических станций, в частности к испытанию герметичных защитных оболочек реакторных отделений на прочность и герметичность. Способ заключается в маркировании по заданным сечениям сооружения контролируемых точек и выполнение поцикловых определений их положения. При этом контролируемые точки привязывают к геодезическим планово-высотным пунктам, затем выполняют анализ измерительной информации. При этом предварительно формируют многоярусное планово-высотное геодезическое обоснование как вне сооружения, так и внутри его в единой системе координат, причем данная система координат совмещается с системой координат сооружения, затем маркируют исследуемые точки. Контроль внешних геометрических параметров сооружения выполняют поэтапно, при этом контроль положения точек, расположенных на вертикальных строительных конструкциях, определяют методом пространственной полярной засечки, положение контролируемых точек, расположенных на горизонтальных ...

05-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2808942C1

Изобретение относится к способам криогенно-прочностных испытаний и может быть использовано для испытания водородных баков в криостате. Сущность: выполняют захолаживание бака и внутреннего объема криостата криогенной жидкостью, температура которой на 1-2 градуса выше температуры тройной точки. При этом контролируют полное заполнение объема бака по уровню криогенной жидкости, образующейся в криостате. Герметизируют криогенную жидкость в баке. Осуществляют изохорный процесс повышения давления криогенной жидкости в баке за счет обдува поверхности бака газом, получаемым при прохождении криогенной жидкости через испаритель. При этом градиент нарастания давления в баке регулируют за счет расхода и температуры обдуваемого газа. При достижении заданной величины давления криогенной жидкости температуру обдуваемого газа стабилизируют на уровне температуры, равной температуре криогенной жидкости при заданном давлении. Выдерживают давление заданноевремя, а затем давление в баке понижают до исходного ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580265C1

Изобретение относится к испытанию керамических обтекателей летательных аппаратов на разрушение. Способ включает создание избыточного давления во внутренней полости обтекателя. Предварительно на наружной поверхности обтекателя монтируют упругий перфорированный прозрачный чехол, на внутреннюю поверхность которого нанесен липкий слой, обеспечивающий возможность фиксации осколков обтекателя при его разрушении, и перфорированный защитный кожух, при этом пространство между наружной поверхностью упомянутого чехла и внутренней поверхностью кожуха заполняют резиновым материалом. Липкий слой на внутреннюю поверхность упругого чехла может быть нанесен двусторонним скотчем. Может быть использован резиновый материал в виде шариков. Обеспечивается возможность восстановления картины разрушения обтекателя при проведении опрессовки. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

10-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2055786C1

Использование: в авиационной технике, космической технике и космической медицине, в лечебно-профилактической медицине и т.п. в качестве способа коррекции силового поля по его активным точкам в плоскости реального и зеркального отражения с использованием контурной и меридианной сетки активных точек объекта для улучшения летно-технических характеристик летательного аппарата, повышения надежности и ресурса отдельных узлов и деталей, выявления скрытых дефектов, предотвращения самопроизвольного разрушения конструкций, сооружений, повышения чувствительности и точности аппаратуры, улучшения самочувствия пилотов и т.п. Способ коррекции силового поля заключается в том, что определяют активные точки силового поля, воздействие на которые приводит к изменению корректируемых параметров силового поля, определяют цветовой спектр силового поля в активных точках и воздействуют на активные точки силового поля идентичным силовым полем с силой воздействия, обратно пропорциональной площади воздействия, переменной ...

01-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2808679C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам для моделирования процессов эрозионного воздействия атмосферных осадков на почву. Сущность: стенд включает станину (1) с шарнирно закрепленной на ней рамой (4) и устройство изменения угла наклона рамы (4). Рама (4) предназначена для размещения кюветы (5) с исследуемой почвой. Устройство изменения угла наклона рамы (4) включает подъемник (7), рамку-толкатель (8) подъемника и соединенный с ней вал (10) управления. При вращении вала (10) управления рамка-толкатель (8) обеспечивает поворот подъемника (7), воздействующего на раму (4), устанавливая заданный угол наклона. При этом ось шарнира рамы (4) смещена относительно ее центра тяжести. Технический результат: расширение эксплуатационных возможностей. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2158908C1

Изобретение относится к авиации. Стенд содержит основание и устройство для вывешивания испытуемого летательного аппарата (ЛА) над основанием. Последнее выполнено в виде опоры, одним концом прикрепленной к основанию, а другим концом с помощью двухстепенного шарнира соединенной со средней частью рычага. ЛА установлен в раме, охватывающей его по периметру в горизонтальной плоскости с возможностью качания в вертикальной плоскости вокруг горизонтальной оси, перпендикулярной плоскости симметрии ЛА. Рама закреплена с помощью второй пары цапф на концах скобы с возможностью качания вокруг продольной оси ЛА. Скоба закреплена на одном конце упомянутого рычага при помощи гибкой связи, расположенной на вертикальной оси ЛА, проходящей через центр его тяжести. На другом конце этого рычага закреплен груз, выполненный уравновешивающим рычаг с закрепленными на нем вышеупомянутыми скобой и рамой. На опоре шарнирно закреплен предохранительный упор, кинематически или электромеханически связанный с рамой, скобой ...

28-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692946C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству для определения неисправности и способу определения неисправности. Устройство для определения неисправности согласно одному аспекту настоящего изобретения представляет собой устройство для определения неисправности, которое выполнено с возможностью определения неисправности устройства подачи текучей среды под давлением, используемого в насосе, причем устройство для определения неисправности содержит блок считывания реакции на механическое напряжение, выполненный с возможностью считывания реакции на механическое напряжение, указывающей на временное изменение механического напряжения, приложенного к устройству подачи текучей среды под давлением, блок вычисления степени накопленных усталостных повреждений, выполненный с возможностью вычисления степени накопленных усталостных повреждений устройства подачи текучей среды под давлением на основании реакции на механическое напряжение, блок вычисления скорости уменьшения срока службы, выполненный с возможностью ...

10-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316747C1

Изобретение относится к области технического обслуживания и эксплуатации сложных дорогостоящих объектов. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей системы по анализу текущего технического состояния средства подвески авиационного оборудования, увеличению точности и оперативности диагностирования его предотказного технического уровня. Система диагностирования технического состояния средства подвески авиационного оборудования содержит соединенные последовательно блок обработки и анализа данных и устройство отображения результатов диагностирования, а также элемент измерения откликов на тестовое воздействие, установленный на средстве подвески, она имеет устройство задания экспертных данных, содержащее параллельно включенные в него модули ввода параметров об уровнях допустимых разности амплитуд откликов и интервалов времени их достижения соответственно, и блок ввода исходных характеристик средства подвески оборудования, содержащий задатчики исходных амплитуды и времени ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580546C1

Изобретение относится к технике для изучения процессов добычи и подготовки газа в нефтегазовой отрасли. Технический результат изобретения заключается в повышении точности результатов проводимых газогидродинамических экспериментов и уменьшении времени их анализа, повышении наглядности проведения экспериментальных исследований. Устройство содержит сепарационный блок (1) со сливным патрубком (2), подводящий (3) и отводящий патрубки (4) соответственно, разъемное соединение (5), сосуд (6) сферической формы, отвод, включающий изогнутый (7) и вертикальный участки (8), экран (9) с эталонными отверстиями (10), емкость (11) для всасывания жидкости и/или механических примесей, узел подачи и регулирования жидкости и/или механических примесей (12), емкость для хранения жидкости и/или механических примесей (13), блок всасывания/нагнетания (14), энергоблок (15), выкидной трубопровод (16), узел замера (расходомера) газового потока (17), импульсный источник излучения (18), фотовидеорегистрирующую аппаратуру ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004134031A

Способ оценки травмобезопасности рабочих мест, заключающийся в оценке безопасности оборудования, инструмента и приспособлений, средств инструктажа и обучения по охране труда, отличающийся тем, что для полной, детальной и объективной оценки травмоопасности рабочих мест, оценивается методами экспертных оценок безопасность зданий, сооружений, помещений, погрузочно-разгрузочных площадок, территории, транспортных и других коммуникаций предприятий и организаций и проводят инструментальные исследования опасных производственных факторов.

20-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2316949C1

Изобретение относится к стендовому оборудованию для проведения исследований работы капельниц различных конструкций, как встроенных в полости гибкого, поливного трубопровода, так и фиксируемых на его поверхности. Установка включает раму с закрепленными на ней резервуаром и баком. Бак гидравлически соединен с резервуаром двухпозиционным краном и формирователем капель. Формирователь капель образован установленными в резервуаре двумя параллельными штангами. На штангах оппозитно и попарно размещены ниппели. На ниппелях посредством заходных поверхностей смонтированы концы гибких поливных трубопроводов. Каждый фрагмент гибкого поливного трубопровода имеет, по крайней мере, одну капельницу. Водовыпускное отверстие гибкого поливного трубопровода обращено вниз, в сторону донной части резервуара. Концы каждого гибкого поливного трубопровода зафиксированы на резьбовых участках ниппелей. Установка снабжена фиксатором отпечатков формы и размера капель. Фиксатор размеров и формы капель выполнен в виде ...

14-03-2018 дата публикации

Способ испытания газосепараторов на газожидкостных смесях и стенд для его осуществления

Номер: RU2647175C1

Группа изобретений относится к испытаниям гидравлических машин и предназначена для измерения рабочих характеристик погружных газосепараторов, используемых при добыче нефти. Способ испытания газосепараторов на газожидкостных смесях включает измерение расходов в линиях подвода жидкости и газа на входе в газосепаратор (1), формирование газожидкостной смеси, сепарацию в газосепараторе (1). Подачу потока газожидкостной смеси осуществляют непосредственно в основание газосепаратора (1). Поток из выкидных отверстий (3) газосепаратора (1) направляют в дополнительное устройство (10) для сепарации жидкости и газа. Отсепарированную в дополнительном устройстве (10) жидкость подают в испытуемый газосепаратор (1), а отсепарированный газ - в атмосферу, при этом обеспечивается примерное равенство давлений на входе и выходе газосепаратора (1). Затем измеряют расход потоков жидкости и газа, отсепарированных в дополнительном устройстве (10). По данным измерений расходов вычисляют коэффициент сепарации испытуемого ...

27-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94024663A

Изобретение относится к функциональным системам и может быть использовано в авиационной технике, космической технике и космической медицине, в строительстве и архитектуре, в приборостроении, в лечебно-профилактической медицине и т.д. в качестве способа коррекции силового поля по его активным точкам в плоскости реального и зеркального отражения с использованием контурной и меридианной сетки активных точек объекта. К техническим результатам, получаемым от использования данного изобретения, можно отнести, например, улучшение летно-технических характеристик летательного аппарата, повышение надежности и ресурса отдельных узлов и деталей, выявление скрытых дефектов, предотвращение самопроизвольного разрушения конструкций, сооружений, повышение чувствительности и точности аппаратуры, улучшение самочувствия пилотов и т.п. Способ коррекции силового поля заключается в том, что определяют активные точки силового поля, воздействие на которые приводит к изменению корректируемых параметров силового поля ...

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009103769A

... 1. Способ анализа соединения деталей по отношению, по меньшей мере, к одному заданному проектировочному критерию, отличающийся тем, что содержит следующие этапы, осуществляемые на основании проектировочных данных, представленных цифровыми макетами, каждый из которых точно отображает деталь в трех измерениях, при этом соединение макетов между собой определяет соединение деталей в трех измерениях: ! идентификация деталей соединения, ! определение среди идентифицированных таким образом деталей нескольких первых пар деталей, каждая из которых образует две детали, находящиеся в механическом контакте друг с другом, ! определение среди первых пар деталей нескольких вторых пар деталей, каждая из которых образует две детали, соответствующие упомянутому, по меньшей мере, одному заданному критерию, ! идентификация набора вторых пар деталей, ! в зависимости от идентифицированного таким образом набора определение результата анализа соединения деталей по отношению к упомянутому, по меньшей мере, одному ...

27-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008150108A

... 1. Устройство для испытания аттракционов, содержащее манекен, выполненный без имитации рук и ног из шарнирно соединенных между собой жестких секций и размещенный в двухслойном ложементе, внутренняя часть которого, прилегающая к спине манекена, выполнена из жесткой оболочки, а наружная часть ложемента - из мягкого пластика. !2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что наружная часть ложемента выполнена из поролона. ! 3. Устройство по п.1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что манекен вместе с ложементом размещен внутри мягкой герметичной капсулы, защищающей измерительную аппаратуру, расположенную внутри манекена, от контакта с водной средой при испытаниях водных горок.

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007129207A

... 1. Приспособление для крепления объекта испытаний к платформе стенда, содержащее основание, закрепленное на платформе стенда посредством прижимных планок и болтов с возможностью перемещения относительно платформы, отличающееся тем, что между основанием и платформой стенда, перпендикулярно основанию установлена плоская промежуточная рама, закрепленная на платформе стенда, а между промежуточной рамой и основанием установлены стыковочные накладки с выполненными на них с обеих сторон перекрещивающимися пазами, при этом каждая стыковочная накладка контактирует соответственно верхним пазом с основанием, а нижним пазом - с промежуточной рамой и снабжена двумя парами закрепленных на ней болтами прижимных планок, установленных параллельно пазам стыковочной накладки, причем одна пара прижимных планок закреплена сверху на стыковочной накладке и взаимодействует с основанием, а другая пара прижимных планок закреплена снизу на стыковочной накладке и взаимодействует с промежуточной рамой. 2. Приспособление ...

20-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004131459A

... 1. Способ приведения изделия к заданному уровню качества, надежности и безопасности, заключающийся в том, что определяют изделие, надлежащее качество, надежность и безопасность которого нужно обеспечить, проводят контроль изделия любым выбранным методом неразрушающего контроля (НК), ремонтируют изделие по результатам контроля, отличающийся тем, что задают требования к качеству, надежности и безопасности изделия, определяют соответствие изделия заданным требованиям к его качеству, надежности, безопасности после проведенного ремонта, для этого с учетом реальных эксплуатационных нагрузок и условий определяют для изделия размеры критических и допустимых в эксплуатации несплошностей, а также нормы дефектов изделия при изготовлении, в координатах lgP-χ, где Р - заданная вероятность существования дефекта данного характеристического размера, χ - характеристический размер дефекта, строят нормативную кривую состояния изделия, кривую строят как минимум по двум точкам, задаваемым для вероятности существования ...

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95110848A

Стенд для проведения ускоренных испытаний почвообрабатывающих рабочих органов. Использование: сельскохозяйственное машиностроение, в частности, стендовое оборудование для ускоренных испытаний почвообрабатывающих рабочих органов сельскохозяйственных и мелиоративных машин. Сущность изобретения: стенд содержит раму, кинематически связанный с приводом почвенный желоб, кронштейн для крепления испытуемых рабочи органов, устройство для выравнивания и уплотнения почвы. Почвенный желоб выполнен в виде гофрированного цилиндра с широким основанием и вертикальной стенкой. Желоб снабжен приводом в виде цевочной передачи. Кольцевые шины с роликами между ними размещены на внешней вертикальной стенке гофрированного цилиндра. Пара приводных звездочек цевочной передачи усановлена на вертикальных валах в диаметральной плоскости почвенного желоба. Почвенный желоб снабжен каркасом и смонтирован между парами диаметрально разнесенных радиальных опор и равномерно удаленных друг от друга горизонтальных опор, размещенных ...

27-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010115338A

... 1. Индикатор нагрузки, содержащий несущее устройство в составе первого и второго несущих элементов (23, 22), соединенных вместе для приема боковой нагрузки, приложенной к первому элементу, отличающийся тем, что первый несущий элемент (23) образует полость (25) со вторым несущим элементом (22) таким образом, что он является легколомаемым при нагрузке выше индикаторной, а полость (25) содержит индикаторную жидкость, которая вытекает из полости, как только первый несущий элемент разрушен упомянутой нагрузкой. ! 2. Индикатор нагрузки по п.1, в котором первый несущий элемент (23) является трубчатым и вмещает внутри второй несущий элемент (22), так что эти два элемента взаимодействуют с помощью участков (31) на противоположных концах и при этом расположены на расстоянии друг от друга в центральной части (24) для образования полости (25). ! 3. Индикатор нагрузки по п.2, в котором часть первого несущего элемента (23) выполнена с уменьшенной толщиной, чтобы сделать ее легколомаемой, и при этом образует ...

15-02-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1795337C

23-08-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1836627C

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1809351C

24-06-1993 дата публикации

Cold test assembly for automotive electronic components - has wind tunnel connected to both ends of cold tunnel, with cooling agent injected into cold tunnel

Номер: DE0004141798A1

Air moves through a cold tunnel in the opposite direction to that taken by electronic components under cold test. The low temperature is generated in the air flow by a liquid agent which is injected into and evaporated in the air. A wind tunnel is connected to both ends of the cold tunnel, with the cooling agent injected by a jet into the cold tunnel. Pref. and electronic controller regulates the flow of gas from a liquid nitrogen cylinder (25) USE/ADVANTAGE - E.g. for testing antilock braking systems or gearbox controllers. Reduced testing time in cooling tunnel. No environmentally dangerous coolants.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Rückhaltevermögens von Kraftstoffdampffiltern

Номер: DE102012010241A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Rückhaltevermögens von Kraftstoffdampffiltern für Kraftfahrzeuge, wobei an einem Kraftfahrzeug in einer SHED-Kammer während eines Temperaturzyklus ein Temperaturprofil des Kraftstoffs aufgezeichnet wird. Aus dem Temperaturprofil wird ein Kraftstoffdampfvolumenstrom für eine Temperaturänderung berechnet. In einer Messanordnung (1) wird mittels eines Verdampfers (2) Kraftstoff verdampft und über eine Beladepumpe (9) einem in einem Wärmeschrank (5) angeordneten Kraftstoffdampffilter (4) aufgegeben. Wenigstens während der Beladung werden die Bleed-Emissionen des Kraftstoffdampffilters (4) gemessen.

14-02-1991 дата публикации

Free flying measurement system for aerodynamic investigations - has separate carrier module coupled to measurement body

Номер: DE0003915763A1

A free-flying measurment system for conducting aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic investigations during reentry into the Earth's atmos. has a coupling to the measurement body (3) under investigation and an independent carrier module (1) which holds all the subsystems required to conduct the experiments. The sensors are mounted in the measurement body and the components for supply, control, data recording and data communications are mounted in the carrier module. USE/ADVANTAGE - Carrier module is practically independent of measurement body which can be replaced without problems. High flight stability is achieved and extreme flight attitudes can be sustained.

05-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002842580A1

30-03-1978 дата публикации

Magnetic flaw detector for conducting materials - uses phase comparison between exciter and detector coils to locate discontinuities

Номер: DE0002641798A1

The magnetic flaw detector for determining discontinuities in materials, esp. electrically conducting materials, is suitable for continuous measurements on pipelines for example. The detector comprises a frequency generator (53) which feeds an induction coil (57) placed on the upper surface of the material (1). Two identical pick-up coils connected in opposition (73) are connected to an analyser (77) and to a pre-amplifier (61) in a differential mode. The output of the pre-amplifier feeds a phase-sensitive rectifier (63) whose amplified output is fed back to the generator to control its frequency. A phase-shift network (67) is connected between the rectifier and the exciter coil. The phase difference between the excitation and detected fields is maintained constant irrespective of the thickness and electrical conductivity of the material under test.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012219895B4

Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung, die mit elektrischer Energie betreibbar ist, die separat von einem Ein/Aus-Betrieb eines Zündungsschalters (20) bereitgestellt wird, der in einer Zündungsleitung vorgesehen ist, die eine Hauptleitung (10), die dadurch mit einer Batterie (60) verbindbar ist, und eine Zweigleitung (11–14) beinhaltet, die mit der Hauptleitung verbunden ist, wobei die Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung mit einer Kommunikationsleitung (40) zusammen mit einer anderen Steuervorrichtung (51–54) verbunden ist, die konfiguriert ist, Kommunikationsrahmen zu übertragen, die sich zwischen einem Ein-Zustand und einem Aus-Zustand des Zündungsschalters unterscheiden, und die Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung mit der Zweigleitung der Zündungsleitung verbunden ist, und die Fahrzeugsteuervorrichtung aufweist: ein Eingabemittel (500) zum Eingeben eines Zündungssignals durch die Zündungsleitung, das den Ein-Zustand oder den Aus-Zustand des Zündungsschalters angibt; ein Überprüfungsmittel (50) zum Überprüfen basierend ...

06-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001226404T1

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Oszillationssägeblatt und Oszillationssäge

Номер: DE102009041114B4

Oszillationssägeblatt mit einer Zähne umfassenden Schneide, welches an der Antriebswelle eines Oszillationssägewerkzeugs befestigbar ist und über die Antriebswelle in eine oszillierende Schwingung mit geringem Hub versetzbar ist, wobei das Oszillationssägeblatt an der der Schneide gegenüberliegenden Seite Mittel zur Befestigung an einem Oszillationssägewerk aufweist und wobei die Schnittrichtung im Wesentlichen senkrecht zur Schneide verläuft, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Oszillationssägeblatt an seinen quer zur Schnittrichtung verlaufenden Seiten Zähne umfassende Nebenschneiden aufweist.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Testvorrichtung zur Simulierung von Fahrsituationen zwischen einem Fahrzeug und zumindest einem relativ zum Fahrweg des Fahrzeugs bewegbaren Testobjekt

Номер: DE102016218502A1

Es wird eine Testvorrichtung zur Simulierung von Fahrsituationen zwischen einem Fahrzeug (3) beschrieben, wobei zumindest eine erste Gruppe (1) und eine zweite Gruppe (2) von jeweils zumindest einem Testobjekt vorgesehen sind, welche unabhängig voneinander bewegbar sind. Die erste Gruppe (1) von Testobjekten an ersten Führungsmitteln (1.1) führbar ist, welche bodennah angeordnet sind. Die zweite Gruppe (2) von Testobjekten ist an zweiten Führungsmitteln (2.1) angeordnet, welche in einer Ebene mit einem Abstand zur Fahrbahnebene größer als die Höhe (3.1) des Fahrzeugs angeordnet sind. Die Bewegungstrajektorien (1.3, 2.3) von zumindest einem Testobjekt der ersten Gruppe und einem Testobjekt der zweiten Gruppe kreuzen sich dabei vorzugsweise.

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Überwachen eines Zustands einer Kolbendichtung

Номер: DE102016218780A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zum Überwachen eines Zustands einer Kolbendichtung (104) eines Zylinders (100), wobei in einem Schritt des Durchführens ein Vergleich zwischen einem in den Zylinder (100) eingekoppelten Schwingungssignal (120) und einem aus dem Zylinder (100) ausgekoppelten, an der Kolbendichtung (104) reflektierten Reflexionssignal (124) des Schwingungssignals (120) und/oder einem aus dem Zylinder (100) ausgekoppelten, an der Kolbendichtung (104) vorbei transmittierten Transmissionssignal (126) des Schwingungssignals (120) durchgeführt wird, und in einem Schritt des Ermittelns ein den Zustand repräsentierender Zustandswert (136) unter Verwendung eines Ergebnisses (138) des Vergleichs ermittelt wird.

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016108138A1

Eine Kollisionszielattrappe, insbesondere zur Verwendung im Rahmen nichtdestruktiver Kollisionsversuche, weist eine Leuchteinrichtung auf, die zumindest ein Leuchtmittel und eine Hüllstruktur umfasst, wobei die Hüllstruktur das Leuchtmittel umschließt und dazu ausgebildet ist, bei einer Kollision auf die Leuchteinrichtung einwirkende Kräfte aufzunehmen und/oder zumindest teilweise an dem Leuchtmittel vorbei zu leiten.

07-10-2021 дата публикации

Online-Selbstdiagnosesystem für einen Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzer und Steuerverfahren und -gerät dafür

Номер: DE112014000324B4

Online-Selbstdiagnosesystem für einen Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzer, das für eine Online-Produktqualitätsprüfung auf einer Produktionsstraße für Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzer und für eine Fehlererfassung und zum Bewerten eines Produkts im Kundendienst verwendet wird, wobei der Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzer (100) einen Kompressor (110), einen Kaltwasserkondensator (120), einen Verdampfer (140) und einen mit dem Kaltwasserkondensator (120) verbundenen Wasserbehälter (160), und einen Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzer-Controller (190) aufweist, der zum Steuern des Betriebs des Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzers (100) verwendet wird, wobei das Online-Selbstdiagnosesystem für den Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzer (100) dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, dass:das Online-Selbstdiagnosesystem des Wärmepumpen-Wassererhitzers (100) ein Selbstdiagnosesteuergerät, ein hochdruckseitiges Druckerfassungsmodul (222), ein niederdruckseitiges Druckerfassungsmodul (223), ein Versorgungsenergieerfassungsmodul (224), ein Wassermengenerfassungs- ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Optimierung eines Kraftfahrzeug-Kühlsystems

Номер: DE102020104509B3

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Optimierung eines Kraftfahrzeug-Kühlsystems (1), welches einen Radiator (40) sowie wenigstens einen dahinter an einer Lüfterzarge (10) montierten Kühlerlüfter (30, 31) aufweist. Um den Entwicklungsprozess einer an ein bestimmtes Kraftfahrzeugmodell angepassten Lüfterzarge zu optimieren, ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass für eine Mehrzahl von Zargenkonfigurationen jeweils ein Testdurchlauf mit folgende Schritten durchgeführt wird:- Montage der Lüfterzarge (10) durch lösbares Befestigen einer Mehrzahl von Modulen (11 - 23) aneinander entsprechend der gewählten Zargenkonfiguration; sowie- Durchführen eines Testbetriebs zur Effektivitätsbestimmung der Kühlung bei eingebauter Lüfterzarge (10), und nach den Testdurchläufen eine optimale Zargenkonfiguration ausgewählt wird.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018001755T5

Eine Schaufelanomalie-Erfassungsvorrichtung weist eine Vibrationserlangungseinheit (52), die eine Vibration einer Dampfturbine erlangt, wenn sich eine Drehzahl eines Rotors zusammen mit der Drehzahl ändert, eine Frequenzanalyseeinheit, die eine Frequenzanalyse gemäß einem Erlangungsergebnis der Vibrationserlangungseinheit (52) durchführt und bei jeder Drehzahl einer Rotorschaufelreihe eine Eigenfrequenz erlangt, eine Kontaktdrehzahlerlangungseinheit (54), die eine Kontaktdrehzahl erlangt, die als eine Grenze zwischen einem Zustand, bei dem Abdeckungen benachbarter Rotorschaufeln miteinander in Kontakt stehen, und einem Zustand, bei dem die Abdeckungen gemäß einem Analyseergebnis der Frequenzanalyseeinheit voneinander beabstandet sind, dient, und eine Bestimmungseinheit (55), die bestimmt, ob die Rotorschaufelreihen gemäß der von der Kontaktdrehzahlerlangungseinheit (54) erlangten Kontaktdrehzahl abnormal ist oder nicht, auf.

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018005613T5
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD, Hitachi, Ltd.

Diese Diagnosevorrichtung zum Diagnostizieren des Zustands einer Drehmaschine, die unter Verwendung einer Dreiphasenwechselstromleistungsversorgung arbeitet, enthält Folgendes: eine Strommesseinheit zum Erfassen gleichzeitiger Momentanwerte physikalischer Daten für mehrere Phasen des Dreiphasenwechselstroms; eine Umsetzeinheit zum Diskretisieren der Momentanwerte, die durch die Strommesseinheit erfasst wurden; eine Integrationseinheit zum Bestimmen aus den diskretisierten Werten, die durch die Umsetzeinheit diskretisiert wurden, der Auftrittsdichte jeder Kombination der diskretisierten Werte für die Momentanwerte der physikalischen Daten für jede Phase, eine Akkumulationseinheit zum Ansammeln von Auftrittsdichtedaten, die die Auftrittsdichten jeder Kombination, die durch die Integrationseinheit bestimmt wurde, angeben; und eine Diagnoseeinheit zum Diagnostizieren des Zustands der Drehmaschine auf der Grundlage der Auftrittsdichtedaten, die durch die Akkumulationseinheit angesammelt wurden ...

30-07-2012 дата публикации

Diagnosevorrichtung für ein elektrisches System eines Fahrrads

Номер: DE202012102433U1

Diagnosevorrichtung für ein elektrisches System eines Fahrrads, bei dem eine Mehrzahl von elektrischen Einrichtungen verbunden sind, wobei die Diagnosevorrichtung einen Verbindungsabschnitt, der mit dem elektrischen System verbunden und von diesem getrennt werden kann, und einen Erkennungsabschnitt zum Erkennen einer elektrischen Einrichtung umfasst, der ausgebildet ist, mit dem elektrischen System zu kommunizieren, während der Verbindungsabschnitt mit einer der elektrischen Einrichtungen verbunden ist, und die elektrischen Einrichtungen des elektrischen Systems erkennen kann.

17-04-2008 дата публикации

Verfahren und Systeme zur Analyse von Verbrennungsdynamiken in der Zeitdomäne

Номер: DE102007049299A1

Es wird ein System (410) zur Analyse von Verbrennungsdynamiken zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Verbrennungsdynamik-Analysesystem (410) umfasst eine Datenbank (420) mit Informationen über ein Brennkammersystem in einem Gasturbinentriebwerk (100), wobei das Brennkammersystem umfasst: ein strömungstechnisch mit einer Brennkammer (106) verbundenes Einlassrohr, einen kommunikativ mit der Datenbank verbundenen Prozessor, wobei der Prozessor so konfiguriert ist, dass er zumindest einen Teil der in der Datenbank enthaltenen Information liest, und wobei das Analysesystem weiter umfasst: die Ermittlung einer charakteristischen Gleichung einer sich in dem Einlassrohr fortbewegenden Welle, die Ermittlung einer akustischen Druckschwingung in der Brennkammer, die Ermittlung einer Druckfluktuation im Einlassrohr unter Anwendung der charakteristischen Gleichung und der ermittelten akustischen Druckschwingung und das Ausgeben einer Anzeige der ermittelten Druckfluktuationen.

13-08-2009 дата публикации

Wear and overload monitoring system for elastic component, has two elements mobile against each other, where elements are supported to each other or coupled with each other by medium for spring or absorption coupling

Номер: DE102007063519A1

The wear and overload monitoring system (1) has two elements mobile against each other, where elements are supported to each other or coupled with each other by a medium for a spring or absorption coupling (3). The medium comprises an elastomer component. A unit is integrated or attached at the elastic component for an electrical wear monitoring or absorption measuring and an overload indication.

19-02-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren und Systeme für die Entwicklung eines erfahrungsbasierten Lebensdauerschätzverfahrens

Номер: DE102008044417A1

Es wird ein System (10) zur Ermöglichung eines probabilistischen einsatzmixbasierten Gasturbinen-Lebensdauerschätzverfahrens zur Verfügung gestellt. Das System (10) umfasst zumindest einen als Server (18) konfigurierten Computer (20), wobei der Server eine Datenbank (34) enthält. Der Server (18) ist dafür konfiguriert, in der Datenbank Betriebsdaten der zumindest einen Gasturbine, eine Vielzahl von Abkühlkurven (60, 62) der zumindest einen Gasturbine, eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Startarten (72, 78, 80) der zumindest einen Gasturbine, zumindest eine Betriebstrategie und eine Auslegungsnutzungsdauer der zumindest einen Gasturbine zu speichern, die in der Datenbank gespeicherten Betriebsdaten zu analysieren, zumindest ein Histogramm und zumindest ein probabilistisches Modell unter Verwendung der Betriebsdaten zu entwickeln und das zumindest eine Histogramm und das zumindest eine probabilistische Modell in der Datenbank zu speichern, einen Einsatzmix für die zumindest eine Betriebstrategie ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации

Test specimen e.g. receiving device, characteristics and quality state verification device, has transponder and reading device, which are arranged between switch and evaluation unit and communicated based on switching condition

Номер: DE102005052900A1

The device has a display and/or evaluation unit (40) for displaying and/or evaluating characteristics and/or condition of a test specimen corresponding to a switching condition. A transponder (20) and a reading device (30) reading the transponder are arranged between a switch (10) and the display and/or evaluation unit, where a communication between the transponder and the reading device is enabled or interrupted based on a switching condition of a switch. An independent claim is also included for a method for verification of the characteristics or a quality state of a test specimen.

02-07-2020 дата публикации

Auswerteeinrichtung, System und Verfahren zum Überprüfen einer Einrichtung eines Kraftfahrzeugs

Номер: DE102009054400B4

Auswerteeinrichtung zum Überprüfen eines Thermostats (130) in einem Kühlkreislauf eines Motors (110) eines Kraftfahrzeugs anhand einer Temperatur eines Kühlmittels, wobei die Auswerteeinrichtung ausgebildet ist,- einen Verlauf (180, 190) der Temperatur des aus dem Motor (110) austretenden Kühlmittels in Abhängigkeit der Zeit zu ermitteln, wobei die Temperatur mittels eines Temperatursensors (120), der im Bereich eines Kühlmittelauslasses (112) des Motors (110) angeordnet ist, ermittelt wird,- mit Hilfe eines Modells einen Verlauf (181, 191) einer Modelltemperatur in Abhängigkeit der Zeit zu ermitteln, wobei die Modelltemperatur die Temperatur des Kühlmittels nachbildet,- zwischen einem ersten Zeitpunkt und einem zweiten Zeitpunkt eine Flächenbilanz (185, 195) zwischen den Verläufen (180, 181, 190, 191) der Temperatur des Kühlmittels und der Modelltemperatur zu ermitteln, und- auf Grundlage eines Vergleichs der für die Zeitpunkte ermittelten Flächenbilanz (185, 186) und eines dem zweiten ...

25-04-2002 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Problembehandlung bei einem medizinischen Gerät und zur Durchführung eines solchen Verfahrens geeignetes medizinisches Gerät

Номер: DE0010047547A1

Die Erfindung betrifft die Problembehandlung bei einem medizinischen Gerät. Dabei wird bei Auftreten eines Problems einer Service-Zentrale durch Telekommunikation das Problem mitgeteilt, worauf die Service-Zentrale problemspezifische Anweisungen zur Ermittlung von Daten bezüglich des mitgeteilten Problems durch Telekommunikation erteilt. Von der Service-Zentrale wird nun auf Basis der ihr durch Telekommunikation mitgeteilten ermittelten Daten eine Maßnahme zur Problembehandlung ermittelt, und durch Telekommunikation mitgeteilt, worauf die Maßnahme zur Problembehandlung und ein Test des medizinischen Geräts ausgeführt wird.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Blechprüfvorrichtung und Blechprüfverfahren

Номер: DE102008054158B4

Blechprüfvorrichtung, die ermittelt, ob eine Qualität eines zu prüfenden Blechs gut ist, basierend auf Resonanzfrequenzen, die durch Schwingungsanregung von Blechen erhalten werden, die im Voraus als fehlerfrei ermittelt sind, wobei die Blechprüfvorrichtung umfasst: einen Schwingungserzeuger, der das Blech in Schwingung versetzt; einen Schwingungsdetektor, der die Schwingungen des Blechs detektiert; eine Resonanzfrequenzextraktionseinheit zum Extrahieren mehrerer Resonanzfrequenzen des zu prüfenden Blechs unter Verwendung des Schwingungserzeugers und des Schwingungsdetektors; eine Resonanzfrequenzauswahleinheit, die eine oder mehrere Resonanzfrequenzkombinationen, die zwei oder mehr Resonanzfrequenzen mit unterschiedlichen Schwingungsausbreitungswegen umfassen, aus den mehreren Resonanzfrequenzen auswählt, die durch die Resonanzfrequenzextraktionseinheit extrahiert sind; eine Fehlerfreibereichserzeugungseinheit zum Erzeugen von Fehlerfreibereichen bezüglich mehrerer fehlerfreier Bleche, ...

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Lebensdauerüberwachung

Номер: DE102008049170C5
Принадлежит: MTU AERO ENGINES AG, MTU Aero Engines AG

Vorrichtung zur Überwachung der Lebensdauer eines Triebwerks oder einer Turbine mit Blisk, wobei die Blisk eine Verdichter-Blisk oder eine Turbinen-Blisk ist, und wobei die Blisk mindestens eine Schaufel (1) und eine Scheibe (2) umfasst, mit:- einer Einleseeinrichtung zum Einlesen von Betriebsparametern, die bei laufendem Betrieb des Triebwerks oder der Turbine gemessen werden;- einer Beanspruchungsberechnungseinrichtung zum Berechnen von momentanen Beanspruchungen von Unterstrukturen der Blisk auf Grundlage der gemessenen Betriebsparameter, wobei von mindestens einer Schaufel (1) und von einer Scheibe (2) der Blisk die momentanen Beanspruchungen berechnet werden, wobei zu den Unterstrukturen der Blisk, für die die Beanspruchungsberechnungseinrichtung die momentanen Beanspruchungen berechnet, der Verbindungsbereich (3) zwischen Schaufel (1) und Scheibe (2) und/oder Shroud gehört; und- einer Schadensabschätzeinrichtung zum Abschätzen der durch die momentanen Beanspruchungen hervorgerufenen ...

05-08-2004 дата публикации

Prüfgerät für ein Atemschutzprodukt

Номер: DE0010301518A1

Ein Prüfgerät für Atemschutzprodukte soll derart verbessert werden, dass Atemzyklen mit veränderbarem Druckanstieg simuliert werden können. Die erfindungsgemäß angegebene Vorrichtung enthält: DOLLAR A ein Gebläse (5) mit einem Saugstutzen (6) und einem Druckstutzen (7), DOLLAR A ein mit einem Gebläse (5) verbundenes Umschaltventil (10), welches dazu ausgebildet ist, in vorbestimmter Zeitabfolge den Druckstutzen (7) oder den Saugstutzen (6) strömungsmäßig mit dem Atemschutzprodukt (2) in der Weise zu verbinden, dass der jeweils freie Stutzen in Öffnungsstellung zur Umgebung geschaltet ist und DOLLAR A ein im Leitungszug zwischen dem Gebläse (5) und dem Atemschutzprodukt (2) befindliches Drosselelement (11, 13), welches eine nach einer Stellgrößenvorgabe veränderbare Querschnittsfläche aufweist.

17-11-2005 дата публикации

Kugelgelenk für ein Kraftfahrzeug

Номер: DE0010350640B4

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Prüfung eines gasisolierten elektrischen Hochspannungsbetriebsmittels, insbesondere zur Prüfung eines SF6- gefüllten Hochspannungs-Leistungsschalters sowie Schaltungsanordnung umfassend wenigstens ein elektrisches Hochspannungsbetriebmittel mit einer Isoliergasfüllung

Номер: DE102012005463A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Prüfung eines gasisolierten elektrischen Hochspannungsbetriebsmittels, insbesondere eines Leistungsschalters, umfassend wenigstens eine Gasbefüllung oder eine Gasentnahme mittels einer Befüll- oder Entnahmeeinrichtung, die Überwachung des Befüll- oder Entnahmevorgangs durch Überwachung einer oder mehrerer Messgrößen von Zuständen oder Zustandsänderungen der Befülleinrichtung, der Entnahmeeinrichtung und/oder des Betriebsmittels und/oder einer Gasbevorratungseinrichtung, ausgewählt aus den Messgrößen Masse, Temperatur, Druck und Volumenstrom sowie die Außerbetriebnahme oder Inbetriebnahme des Betriebsmittels zwecks dessen Überprüfung mittels wenigstens einer Steuereinrichtung und wenigstens einer galvanisch von der Steuereinrichtung getrennten Bedieneinrichtung, wobei das Verfahren eine Überwachung und Visualisierung des Betriebszustandes oder Schaltzustandes des Betriebsmittels an der Bedieneinrichtung umfasst.

27-10-2005 дата публикации

Load analysis method for use in electromechanical system of e.g. motor vehicle, involves determining characteristic value using system specific load parameters and loading time for detecting loading grade of system component

Номер: DE102004017660A1

The method involves acquiring system specific load parameters (x1-x4) of a component in an electrical and/or electromechanical system, and determining a characteristic value (K) by using the load parameters. The value is found by taking into consideration a loading time (T). A loading grade (B) of one component of the system is determined using the value by a control device, where the device includes a computing unit. The load parameters include system force, temperature, current, voltage and/or speed of the component. An independent claim is also included for an apparatus for load analysis in electrical and/or an electromechanical system.

20-04-2006 дата публикации

Manufacturing plant`s datastream`s reliability evaluating method, involves determining characteristic number based on associated reliability values of plant to evaluate reliability of entire measured or condition values of plant

Номер: DE102004049916A1

The method involves receiving measured or condition values and associated reliability values of a manufacturing plant. A characteristic number (ZG) is determined for evaluating the reliability of the entire measured or condition values based on the associated reliability values. The characteristic number is represented by base values in the form of a triplet value, which serves for determination of new characteristic number.

24-02-2000 дата публикации

Method to determine efficacy of floor cleaning; involves using test body with test strips placed on floor and loaded with selected weight, where degree of contamination is compared with reference

Номер: DE0019827655C1

The method involves placing a test body with test strips on the floor and loading it with a selected weight. The test strip is scanned before and after the test, under the same conditions. Alternatively, a reference strip may be scanned before the test. Analytical characteristics are determined from these images. The characteristics before and after the test are compared to evaluate the dirtiness of the test strip. The method involves placing a test body with test strips on the floor and loading it with a selected weight. The dirtiness of the strips is measured, to determine the cleaning efficacy. The test strip is scanned before and after the test, under the same conditions. Alternatively, a reference strip may be scanned before the test. Analytical characteristics are determined from these images. The characteristics before and after the test are compared to evaluate the dirtiness of the test strip.

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Systeme und Verfahren zur Messung eines Strömungsprofils im Strömungsweg einer Turbine

Номер: DE102014100481A1

Es sind ein Verfahren und System zur Messung eines Strömungsprofils in einem Abschnitt eines Strömungswegs in einer Turbine geschaffen. Das System enthält eine Massenstromsensoranordnung, die mehrere Hitzdraht-Massenstromsensoren aufweist, wobei die Massenstromsensoranordnung in dem Abschnitt des Strömungswegs an einer Stelle angeordnet ist, an der das Strömungsprofil gemessen werden soll. Das System enthält ferner eine Steuereinrichtung, die Signale von dem Temperatursensor, dem Drucksensor und den mehreren Hitzdraht-Massenstromsensoren in Strömungsprofilmesswerte umwandelt.

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Testvorrichtung zur Simulierung von Fahrsituationen

Номер: DE102014205247A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Testvorrichtung zur Simulierung von Fahrsituationen zwischen einem Fahrzeug (1) und einem Testobjekt (2), insbesondere von kollisionsnahen und kollisionsbehafteten Fahrsituationen, wobei das Testobjekt (2) mittels einer Aufhängung (3) mit einem Laufschlitten (4) verbunden ist, der entlang von Führungsschienen (5) eines von einer Stützkonstruktion (13) getragenen Schienensystems relativ zum Fahrweg (7) des Fahrzeugs (1) bewegbar ist. Die Führungsschienen (5) in einer solchen Höhe (8) positioniert sind, so dass die Führungsschienen (8) vom Fahrzeug (1) unterfahrbar sind, wobei das Testobjekt (2) derart mittels der Aufhängung (3) mit dem Laufschlitten (4) verbunden ist, so dass das Testobjekt (2) vom Fahrzeug (1) anfahrbar ist. Die Stützkonstruktion (13) und/oder Führungsschienen (5) der Testvorrichtung umfasst Strahlableitbleche (18) zur Reduzierung des Rückstrahlquerschnitts der Testvorrichtung für Radarstrahlung. Diese sind vorzugsweise so geneigt, dass die Strahlung ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

System zur Fernüberwachung und Vorwarnung von Defekten von Ölpumpen für Traktionstransformatoren in Triebzügen und deren Verfahren

Номер: DE102016123540A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung stellt ein System zur Fernüberwachung und Vorwarnung von Defekten von Ölpumpen für Traktionstransformatoren in Triebzügen und deren Verfahren breit und betrifft das technische Gebiet des Transformators. Damit wird das Problem, dass im Stand der Technik die Fernüberwachung der Lagerverlagerung der Ölpumpen für den Traktionstransformatoren fehlt. Dieses System zur Überwachung und Vorwarnung von Fehlern umfasst ein Cloud-Computing Zentrum, eine Anzahl von Geräten für Feldüberwachung, die jeweils mit dem Cloud-Computing Zentrum verbunden sind, und eine Anzahl von Klienten, wobei die Geräte für Feldüberwachung zur Detektierung der Lagerverlagerung eines Rotorlagers für den Transformator in einer X-Richtung, einer Y-Richtung and einer Z-Richtung verwendet sind, wobei das Cloud-Computing Zentrum zur Analysierung von Daten verwendet ist, um das Betriebszustand der Pumpen zu beurteilen, und somit das Ergebnis an die Klienten übermittelt wird und dann angezeigt wird. Das ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Testen von Hochvolt-Energiespeichern

Номер: DE102017009234A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung (10) zum Testen von Hochvolt-Energiespeichern (12), mit einem entlang einer Führung (16) translatorisch bewegbaren Trägerschlitten (14), mit einem an dem Trägerschlitten (14) gehaltenen, mit dem Trägerschlitten (14) mitbewegbaren sowie entlang einer Testrichtung (20) relativ zu dem Trägerschlitten (14) zumindest translatorisch bewegbaren Testschlitten (22), an welchem der jeweilige zu testende Hochvolt-Energiespeicher (12) befestigbar ist, und mit wenigstens einem an dem Trägerschlitten (14) befestigten Impaktor (28), gegen welchen der jeweilige zu testende Hochvolt-Energiespeicher (12) mittels des Testschlitten (22) entlang der Testrichtung (20) bewegbar ist, um dadurch einen entlang der Testrichtung (20) verlaufenden Anprall des jeweiligen zu testenden Hochvolt-Energiespeichers (12) gegen den Impaktor (28) zu bewirken, wobei eine an dem Trägerschlitten (22) befestigte und einen Aufnahmeraum (30) begrenzende Wanne (32) vorgesehen ist, in deren Aufnahmeraum ...

19-07-2007 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bewertung der Betriebsbedingungen einer Maschine oder einer Anlage

Номер: DE0050210278D1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Prüfeinrichtung sowie Messverfahren

Номер: DE102017203110A1

Prüfeinrichtung, umfassend ein erstes Messsystem, welches zu einer Dichtheitsprüfung eines Prüflings ausgelegt ist, sowie umfassend ein zweites Messsystem, welches zu einer Maßüberprüfung des Prüflings ausgelegt ist, wobei das erste Messsystem zumindest einen Anschlussbereich aufweist, über welchen ein Prüfmedium in den Prüfling eingebracht werden kann, und wobei der Prüfling über den zumindest einen Anschlussbereich in eine Rotation versetzbar ist, auf welcher die Maßüberprüfung basiert.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Charakterisierung eines Kontinuumgelenks

Номер: DE102017215432A1

Verfahren zur Charakterisierung eines Kontinuumgelenks, bei welchem zunächst eine definierte Kraft auf das Kontinuumgelenk aufgebracht wird und sodann die Auslenkung des Kontinuumgelenks ermittelt wird. Diese Schritte werden wiederholt und anschließend eine analytische Näherung des Zusammenhangs zwischen aufgebrachter Kraft und Auslenkung ermittelt.

24-04-1975 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002418956B1

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for calibrating a force constant of a motorized stage used for supporting and moving a workpiece

Номер: US20120060582A1
Автор: Pai-Hsueh Yang
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

Methods are disclosed for calibrating a force constant of a movable stage. In an exemplary method, in first and second preliminary pre-stepping motions of the stage, a baseline force and a calibration force, respectively, as exerted by the stage are measured. From a force-variation ratio of the baseline force and calibration force an inverse closed loop factor is estimated. In at least one subsequent pre-stepping motion of the stage before a respective use of the stage for holding an object, a residual force-variation ratio is estimated, a force-compensation factor is updated from the residual force-variation ratio, and a respective force-variation coefficient is determined from the force-compensation factor.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Hinge durability testing device

Номер: US20120186359A1

A hinge durability testing device for testing the durability of a hinge hinging a cover with a main body, includes a main body holder holding the main body, a cover holder holding the cover, the cover holder hinged to the main body holder, the cover holder comprising two support rods and a connecting rod; each support rod comprising a first surface facing the other support rod, and a second surface adjacent to the first surface; each first surface defining a first sliding groove, and each second surface defining a second sliding groove comminuting with corresponding first sliding groove; two connecting elements, each connecting element located on one end of the connecting rod and slidably mounted in one of the first sliding grooves; a plurality of locking elements, each locking element retained on one of the connecting elements and slidably mounted in one of the second sliding grooves.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Testing device for testing rivets

Номер: US20120272754A1
Автор: Bing-Jun Zhang

A testing device for testing of rivets is provided. The testing device includes a first holding element and a second holding element that can be driven toward the first holding element to cooperatively define at least one hole on which at least one type of rivet can be installed. The second holding element also can be driven to separate from the first holding element to release the installed rivets for analyses.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Evaluating Sprinkler Head Performance within a Turf Irrigation System

Номер: US20130191073A1

Systems and methods for evaluating individual sprinkler head performance within a turf irrigation system are disclosed. 1. A method of evaluating irrigation system performance , the irrigation system including sprinkler heads , the method comprising:collecting data about a turf site, the data including soil moisture data, turf quality data, soil compaction data, and sprinkler head location data;generating a performance score for the individual sprinkler heads using a computing device, the performance score being based at least in part on the soil moisture data, turf quality data, and soil compaction data for a region of the turf site surrounding the respective sprinkler head; andidentifying one or more of the sprinkler heads as potentially underperforming using the performance scores for the sprinkler heads.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein collecting data comprises measuring the data at the turf site using a mobile data collection vehicle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the region of the turf site is a portion of the turf site that is within a predetermined distance from the respective sprinkler head.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating a performance score comprises evaluating a soil moisture uniformity for the region claim 1 , evaluating a soil moisture distribution pattern and magnitude for the region claim 1 , and evaluating a directional variation for the region.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein generating a performance score further comprises evaluating turf quality within the region claim 4 , and evaluating soil compaction within the region.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating a performance score further comprises performing a directional variation analysis by dividing the region into a plurality of concentric circles surrounding the respective sprinkler head claim 1 , further dividing the region into quadrants having boundaries in the compass directions of North claim 1 , South claim 1 , West claim 1 , and East claim 1 , and evaluating ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192385A1

A technology to measure the mass flux distribution of liquid spray to evaluate droplet dispersion of a spray device for liquids such as fuel, paints, or coating agents, is disclosed. The apparatus for measuring spray mass flux to evaluate the droplet dispersion of the spray device includes a liquid spraying part including a spray nozzle to spray liquid, a spray collecting part to collect the liquid sprayed from the liquid spraying part, a transfer tube to transfer the liquid collected in the spray collecting part, a multi-cylinder part including a plurality of cylinders to receive the liquid collected in the spray collecting part, a movable mass measurement part to measure amass of each cylinder of the multi-cylinder part, and a mass flux calculating part to calculate a distribution graph of mass flux of the sprayed liquid. 1. An apparatus for measuring spray mass flux to evaluate droplet dispersion of a spray device , the apparatus comprising:a liquid spraying part including a spray nozzle to spray liquid;a spray collecting part collecting the liquid sprayed from the liquid spraying part;a transfer tube transferring the liquid collected in the spray collecting part;a multi-cylinder part including a plurality of cylinders accommodating one end of the transfer tube therein to receive the liquid collected in the spray collecting part;a movable mass measurement part measuring a mass of each cylinder of the multi-cylinder part; anda mass flux calculating part linked with the spray collecting part and the movable mass measurement part to calculate a distribution graph of mass flux of the sprayed liquid.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the spray collecting part includes a plurality of lattice cells or a plurality of tubes claim 1 , and is provided at a lower portion thereof with a flux loss preventing plate to prevent liquid claim 1 , which is not introduced into the lattice cells or the tubes claim 1 , from flowing out.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Paint Tester Station

Номер: US20130205924A1
Автор: Holt G. Gary

A paint tester station for testing a paint applicator is disclosed. The paint tester station comprises a testing material defining a testing surface suitable for testing a paint applicator thereon, and a housing defining a plurality of walls surrounding a periphery of the testing surface. The housing defines a window providing access to the testing surface. Thus, as paint is applied to the testing surface through the window, the walls cooperate to assist in limiting application of paint to within the periphery of the testing surface. 1. A paint tester station for testing a paint applicator , the paint tester station comprising:a testing material defining a testing surface suitable for testing a paint applicator thereon; anda housing defining a plurality of walls surrounding a periphery of the testing surface and a window providing access to the testing surface;whereby as paint is applied to the testing surface through the window, the walls cooperate to assist in limiting application of paint to within the periphery of the testing surface.2. The paint tester station of claim 1 , the testing material being defined by a sheet of flexible material.3. The paint tester station of claim 2 , the testing material being fabricated from a material selected from the group consisting of paper claim 2 , fabric claim 2 , and polymer.4. The paint tester station of claim 3 , the testing material being fabricated from paper.5. The paint tester station of claim 1 , the housing having a central portion defining the window claim 1 , an upper portion adapted to house and dispense the testing material to the central portion claim 1 , and a lower housing portion adapted to contain used testing material therein.6. The paint tester station of claim 5 , wherein the upper housing portion has oppositely disposed first and second side walls and a spindle extending therebetween claim 5 , the spindle being configured to carry a roll of testing material coiled about an axial dimension of the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276516A1
Автор: Tabor Kent

An actuator system includes a piston-cylinder arrangement including a piston that is movable with respect to a cylinder. A first flow path is in fluid communication with the piston-cylinder arrangement and a second flow path is in fluid communication with the piston-cylinder arrangement. A control system is operable to fluidly connect the first flow path to a source of high-pressure fluid and to connect the second flow path to a drain to move the piston in a first direction. A pressure sensor is fluidly connected to the first flow path and is operable to measure sufficient pressure data during the movement of the piston to generate a pressure versus time curve. The control system is operable to compare the generated pressure versus time curve to a known standard pressure versus time curve stored in the control system to determine the condition of the piston-cylinder arrangement. 1. An actuator system comprising:a piston-cylinder arrangement including a piston that is movable with respect to a cylinder;a first flow path in fluid communication with the piston-cylinder arrangement;a second flow path in fluid communication with the piston-cylinder arrangement;a control system operable to fluidly connect the first flow path to a source of high-pressure fluid and to connect the second flow path to a drain to move the piston in a first direction;a pressure sensor fluidly connected to the first flow path and operable to measure sufficient pressure data during the movement of the piston to generate a pressure versus time curve, the control system operable to compare the generated pressure versus time curve to a known standard pressure versus time curve stored in the control system to determine the condition of the piston-cylinder arrangement.2. The actuator system of claim 1 , wherein the cylinder defines an internal space and wherein the piston divides the internal space into a first side in fluid communication with the first flow path and a second side in fluid ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317750A1
Автор: Hunter Scott
Принадлежит: S.P.M. FLOW CONTROL, INC.

According to one aspect, data identifying a component is received, wherein the component is part of a system associated with a wellhead. A location at which the component is positioned relative to one or more other components is identified. The useful remaining operational life of the component is predicted based on at least an operational parameter specific to the location, and the operational history of the component or one or more components equivalent thereto. According to another aspect, a model representing at least a portion of a proposed system associated with a wellhead is generated, the model comprising a plurality of objects, each of which has a proposed location and represents an existing component. The useful remaining operational life for each object is predicted based on an operational parameter at the corresponding proposed location, and data associated with the respective operational history of the existing component. 1. A method , comprising: wherein the first plurality of components is part of a system associated with a wellhead, and', 'wherein the first component has a useful remaining operational life;, 'receiving, using a computer, data identifying a first component in a first plurality of components,'}identifying, using the computer, a first location at which the first component is positioned relative to one or more other components in the first plurality of components;receiving, using the computer, data associated with a first operational parameter specific to the first location;receiving, using the computer, data associated with an operational history of the first component or one or more components equivalent thereto; and the first operational parameter, and', 'the operational history of the first component or one or more components equivalent thereto., 'predicting, using the computer, the useful remaining operational life of the first component based on at least2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the system associated with the wellhead is a ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130332088A1
Принадлежит: RedZone Robotics, Inc.

A device is described that includes a sensor portion and a chassis portion. The sensor portion includes a plurality of sensing devices. The chassis portion is connected to the sensor portion and includes a first track and a second track. The second track is positioned adjacent the first track. The first and second tracks cooperate to substantially cover an entire width of the chassis portion. 1. A method , implemented by a device , for inspecting an interior of a pipe , the method comprising:a) traversing the pipe; andb) capturing data associated with an interior of the pipe while the pipe is being traversed, wherein steps (a)-(b) are performed by the device while a manhole through which the device gained access to the pipe is closed.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the traversing is performed automatically by the device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the capturing is performed automatically by the device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the traversing and capturing are performed by an autonomous mobile robot.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the traversing starts a period of time after the device gained access to the pipe. This application is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/611,641, filed on Nov. 3, 2009, which claims the benefit of the earlier filing date of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/110,870 filed on Nov. 3, 2008, the contents of each earlier application are incorporated by reference herein.This application discloses an invention which is related, generally and in various embodiments, to devices utilized for pipe inspection and a method of using the same.Information from water and sewage pipes has immense environmental, civil, and commercial value. Often, such environments are space constrained and generally ill-suited for people to access and labor. In some instances, compact, sensory-tailored robotic systems are utilized to gather information associated with the pipe environment.A variety of circumstances can ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Method and Assembly for Determining and/or Producing a Drive or Parts for a Drive and Interface and Method for Determining an Operational Reliability Factor SB

Номер: US20140032134A1

An interface and method for determining an operational reliability factor Sfor a drive, including gear unit and motor, provided for a load, an operational reliability factor Sis determined for the drive or its gear unit from a load collective that is at least three-dimensional. 1. A device for determining an operational reliability factor for a drive provided for a load , the drive including a gear unit and a motor , comprising:an arrangement configured to determine an operational reliability factor for one of the drive and the gear unit from a load collective that is at least three-dimensional;wherein an individual operational reliability factor for each component of at least the gear unit is determined, and a minimum of all individual operational reliability factors is at least one of used, determined, outputted and displayed as the operational reliability factor.2. A device for input and output of data for at least one of (a) a method for at least one of determining and producing one of a drive and drive parts for a drive from a production series of drives , the production series including at least one size , each size including at least one variant of drives , including determining a value of a variable for quantitatively measuring an overload capability for each variant of the production series from at least one of input application data , transmitted application data and data of a load collective , and at least one of determining and producing only variants having a value of the quantitative variable that fulfills one condition , and (b) a method for determining an operational reliability factor for a drive provided for a load , the drive including a gear unit and a motor , including determining an operational reliability factor for one of the drive and the gear unit from a load collective that is at least three-dimensional , comprising:at least one of a graphic user interface and a data interface configured to input data, output data, input application data ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039806A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Corporation

A method for estimating a remaining useful life of a system includes monitoring sensor data from sensors deployed within a system. A plurality of features are extracted from the sensor data. Tree graphs are generated including mathematical operators and features as nodes and a advanced feature is produced from each of the tree graphs by transforming the tree graphs into equations. A recursive operation including analyzing a fitness of each of the advanced features, performing crossover/mutation on the tree graphs, producing advanced features from the altered tree graphs, and analyzing the fitness of the altered tree graphs to produce at least one final advanced feature is performed. A remaining useful life of the system is calculated based on the final advanced feature. 1. A method for estimating a remaining useful life of a system , comprising:monitoring sensor data from a plurality of sensors deployed within a system;extracting a plurality of simple features from the monitored sensor data, each simple feature representing a function calculated from the sensor data;generating a population including a plurality of individual tree graphs, each tree graph including mathematical operators as non-terminal nodes and at least two of the plurality of simple features as terminal nodes;producing a advanced feature from each of the individual tree graphs of the population by transforming the tree graphs into equations in which the mathematical operators are operators in the equation and the at least two simple features are operands;recursively analyzing a fitness of each of the advanced features to act as a prognostic feature for assessing the system, altering the tree graphs by performing crossover or mutation, producing advanced features from the altered tree graphs, and analyzing the fitness of the altered tree graphs to produce at least one final advanced feature; andcalculating a remaining useful life of the system based on the at least one final advanced feature.2. The ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Equipment test method and associated test tool and test system

Номер: US20140041465A1

A method for testing electronic equipment, comprising at least a first board and a second board connected to each other, the method being controlled by means of a test tool external to the equipment. The method includes the steps of transmitting an acquisition command from the test tool to the first board, the first board comprising at least one input, on receipt of the acquisition command by the first board, triggering the acquisition of the signals present on the input, transmitting a generation command from the test tool to the second board, the second board comprising at least one output connected to the input, on receipt of the generation command by the second board, triggering of the generation on the output of signals to the input, receiving the signals by the first board; and transmitting from the first board to the test tool data about the signals received. 1. A method for testing an electronic equipment comprising at least a first board and a second board connected to each other , the method being controlled by means of a test tool external to the equipment , comprising the following steps:transmitting an acquisition command from the test tool to the first board, said first board comprising at least one input;on receipt of the acquisition command by the first board, triggering an acquisition of the signals present on said input;transmitting a generation command from the test tool to the second board, said second board comprising at least one output connected to said input;on receipt of the generation command by the second board, triggering a generation on said output of signals to said input;receiving the signals by the first board;transmitting data about the signals received from the first board to the test tool.2. The testing method according to claim 1 , wherein an acquisition module processes said received signals and stores the data produced by said processing.3. The testing method according to claim 1 , wherein the data about the signal received are ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047934A1

A method of simulating non-destructive testing with the aid of at least one probe. The method comprises the steps of measuring inspection parameters, in particular related to the position of the probe in space and generating synthetic signals corresponding to a non-destructive testing operation. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of stimulating non-destructive testing using at least one probe , comprising the steps of:measuring inspection parameters linked to a position of said probe in the space by a measurement device comprising gyroscopes; andgenerating synthetic signals corresponding to an operation of a non-destructive testing of a structure.14. The method of claim 13 , further comprising the step of partially conditioning the synthetic signals by a configuration generated by a configuration generator comprising a virtual model of the structure.15. The method of claim 14 , further comprising the step of introducing defects or modifying properties of structure elements to complete said virtual model of the structure.16. The method of claim 13 , wherein said synthetic signals are measured signals.17. The method of claim 13 , wherein said synthetic signals are measured and modified signals.18. The method of claim 17 , further comprising the step of modifying said signals according to at least one of the following: a weighting claim 17 , a time-based amplification claim 17 , or a transfer function.19. The method of claim 13 , further comprising the step of simulating or modeling said synthetic signals.20. The method of claim 13 , further comprising the step of combining measured signals and simulated/modeled signals to provide said synthetic signals.21. The method of claim 16 , further comprising the step of measuring said synthetic signals on concerned areas of the structure considering real positioning information of said probe in the space.22. The method of claim 16 , further comprising the step of measuring said synthetic signals on concerned areas of the structure ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088918A1
Принадлежит: Rosemount Inc.

A furnace is monitored by monitoring a statistical variable calculated from a draft measurement and monitoring a process variable related to the operation of the furnace. An abnormal operation of the furnace is determined based upon the statistical variable and the process variable. 1. A method of monitoring a burner comprising:monitoring a statistical variable calculated from a draft measurement;monitoring at least one process variable related to the operation of the burner; anddetermining an abnormal operation of the burner based upon the statistical variable and the process variable.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the statistical variable comprises a standard deviation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the statistical variable is calculated within the draft measurement device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the additional process variable comprises a firing rate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the abnormal operation comprises one or more of the following: unstable burner flames claim 1 , low excess oxygen claim 1 , sub-stoichiometric combustion claim 1 , or flame-out.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining an observed relationship between the statistical variable and the additional process variable.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the relationship is linear.8. The method of claim 7 , further comprising determining a stability value.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the stability value is based upon a ratio of the statistical variable and the additional process variable.10. The method of claim 6 , wherein the statistical variable is a standard deviation and the additional process variable is the firing rate.11. The method of claim 6 , wherein a curve is fit to the observed relationship between the statistical variable and the additional process variable.12. The method of claim 6 , further comprising detecting an abnormal situation when the current value of the statistical variable differs significantly from the observed relationship ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140095113A1

A method of determining maintenance sections of a rail includes partitioning the rail into a plurality of sections based on railway topographical information and track defect information; identifying, from the plurality of sections, sections whose sectional speed limits are lower than a recommended running speed; and determining, from the identified sections, sections which need maintenance. 1. A method of determining maintenance sections of a rail , the method comprising:partitioning, with a processing device, the rail into a plurality of sections based on railway topographical information and track defect information;identifying, from the plurality of sections, sections whose sectional speed limits are lower than a recommended running speed; anddetermining, from the identified sections, sections which need maintenance.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the partitioning the rail into a plurality of sections based on railway topographical information and track defect information comprises:determining a density curve of a speed-affecting points of the rail, the speed-affecting points being determined based on the railway topographical information and the track defect information; andpartitioning the sections based on a slope change of the density curve being greater than a predetermined numerical value.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein determining a density curve of speed-affecting points of the rail comprises:determining a location of each track defect and a speed-affecting weight of the track defect based on the track defect information, wherein the speed-affecting weight of the track defect is determined based on the type and the speed-affecting degree of the track defect;determining a location of each topography and a speed-affecting weight of the topography based on the topological information, wherein the speed-affecting weight of the topography is determined based on the type and the speed-affecting degree of the topography;determining a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003200A1

A real time method and dynamic logic-based system for enhancing the operation of a pipeline network is disclosed. The system and method perform monitoring of the operation of a pipeline network, generate alarms in response to differing levels of destabilized pipeline operations, manage the generation of alarms based upon known operating events and operating conditions, diagnose potential source of the detected destabilized events and manage the operation of the pipeline. 1. A method of real time monitoring a pipeline network to identify possible destabilizing events in the pipeline network , comprising:establishing a pressure loss profile for a normal fluid driver shutdown in the pipeline network;deenergizing a fluid driver within the pipeline network;sensing one or more pressure waves within the pipeline network at predetermined locations within the pipeline network;using high speed chronological monitoring, determining that the deenergizing occurred after the one or more pressure waves was sensed;establishing a pressure loss profile for the sensed one or more pressure waves and subsequent deenergizing;integrating the area under the pressure loss profile for the sensed one or more pressure waves and subsequent deenergizing;comparing the area under the pressure loss profile for the sensed one or more pressure waves and subsequent deenergizing to the area under the established pressure loss profile for a normal fluid driver shutdown;generating an alarm when the area under the pressure loss profile for the sensed one or more pressure waves and subsequent deenergizing is less than an acceptable area.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure loss profile is an empirically determined pressure loss profile.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the pressure loss profile for a normal fluid driver shutdown is automatically adjusted based upon at least one of the current operating mode claim 1 , current operating conditions and current operating events. ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150006101A1

A test method includes the following. Set a plurality of test schedules in response to an input operation of a user, and store the set test schedules in a storage unit in sequence. Obtain a test schedule from the storage unit in sequence, and control the execution of a test process according to the test scheduling. In additional, output a test result after the test process is executed completely. 1. A server comprising:an input unit configured to produce corresponding input signals in response to corresponding input operations of a user;a storage unit;a processing unit; anda plurality of modules which are collections of instructions executed by the processing unit, the modules comprising:a scheduling set module configured to set a plurality of test scheduling in response to the input operation of the user, and to store the set test scheduling in the storage unit in sequence;a test module;a scheduling control module configured to startup a test in response to an startup operation of the user input via the input unit, to obtain a test scheduling from the storage unit in sequence, and control the test module to execute a test process according to the test scheduling; anda result output module configured to output a test result after the test process is executed completely.2. The server according to claim 1 , wherein the scheduling control module is further configured to determine whether there is at least one test scheduling stored in the storage unit has not been tested claim 1 , and to obtain the next one test scheduling has not been tested claim 1 , and control the test module to execute the test process according to the current obtained test scheduling if there is the at least one test scheduling has not been tested3. The server according to claim 1 , further comprising a display unit claim 1 , wherein the modules further comprise a display control module configured to display the test result on the display unit.4. The server according to claim 3 , wherein the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010187A1
Автор: MORITA Yukitoshi
Принадлежит: FUJI MACHINE MFC. CO., LTD.

A board production monitoring device for monitoring a production state of a board production device, including: a database section which consecutively obtains and stores production state data from the board production device; a transition graph display section which displays a transition graph showing a time-series change at least at a part of the production state data; a condition change input section which inputs condition change data which shows a change point of a production condition of the board production device and includes generation time information of the change point; and a condition change display section which displays at least the generation time information of the change point of the condition change data, at a time-series corresponding position in the transition graph, is provided. 1. A board production monitoring device for monitoring a production state of a board production device which produces a board on which multiple electronic components are mounted , the device comprising:a database section which consecutively obtains and stores production state data related to the production state from the board production device;a transition graph display section which displays a transition graph showing a time-series change at least at a part of the production state data stored in the database section;a condition change input section which inputs condition change data which is condition change data showing a change point of a production condition of the board production device and includes generation time information of the change point; anda condition change display section which displays at least the generation time information of the change point of the condition change data, at a time-series corresponding position in the transition graph.2. The board production monitoring device according to claim 1 ,wherein an operation of an operator is included in the change point of the production condition of the board production device, and information of finish ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019166A1

A water damage mitigation management server includes a transceiver, an electronic data storage, and a processor. The transceiver is operable to transmit and receive communications over at least a portion of a network. The processor is configured to receive and cause to be displayed chamber dimension data, water damage data, and dehumidifier data. The processor is further configured to, using at least the chamber dimension data and the water damage data, calculate and caused to be displayed a required quantity of water to be removed from the chamber over a given period of time. The processor is further configured to determine and cause to be displayed whether the required quantity of water to be removed is greater than, less than, or approximately equal to an expected quantity of water to be removed by the chosen dehumidifier over the given period of time. 1. A water damage mitigation management server comprising:a transceiver operable to transmit and receive communications over at least a portion of a network;an electronic data storage; anda processor cooperatively operable with the transceiver and the electronic data storage, the processor being configured to chamber dimension data, including dimensions of one or more rooms in a chamber in which water damage has occurred,', 'water damage data, including a category of water and a class of the water, which defines a type of damage that has occurred in the chamber, and', 'dehumidifier data, including a model type and a rating of a chosen dehumidifier to be used in removing water from the chamber;, 'receive and cause to be displayed'}using at least the chamber dimension data and the water damage data, calculate and caused to be displayed a required quantity of water to be removed from the chamber over a given period of time; anddetermine and cause to be displayed whether the required quantity of water to be removed is greater than, less than, or approximately equal to an expected quantity of water to be removed by the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150019167A1
Автор: Cho Yongseok, Song Yongbok

The present invention relates to an apparatus for automatically examining a milking machine, which can check an abnormality or damage to the milking machine in real time during a milking operation. The apparatus for automatically examining the milking machine (), according to the present invention, comprises: a first vacuum sensor () for measuring a vacuum pressure which is transferred through a first vacuum hose (); a second vacuum sensor () for measuring a vacuum pressure which is transferred through a second vacuum hose (); a memory portion () to which a milking machine status analysis program () for determining an abnormality in a pulsator () or in a milk unit () by analyzing data with respect to a waveform of the vacuum pressure that is measured through the first vacuum sensor () and the second vacuum sensor (); a display portion () for displaying analysis result data which is analyzed by the milking machine status analysis program (); and a control portion () for controlling interaction and the flow of signals between the first vacuum sensor (), the second vacuum sensor (), the memory portion (), and the display portion. 132-. (canceled)33. An apparatus for automatically examining a milking machine , the apparatus comprising:a first vacuum sensor configured to measure a vacuum pressure transferred through a first vacuum hose;a second vacuum sensor configured to measure a vacuum pressure transferred through a second vacuum hose;a memory part in which a milking machine state analysis program configured to analyze data of a waveform of the vacuum pressure measured by each of the first and second vacuum sensors and determine an abnormality of a pulsator or an abnormality of a milk unit is stored;a display part configured to display result data analyzed by the milking machine state analysis program; and (a) measuring a current air pressure;', '(b) performing a zero pressure calibration of the first vacuum sensor and the second vacuum sensor according to a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

E-cigarette actuator

Номер: US20170020198A1

A device having a cavity configured to receive or to hold an e-cigarette, which includes a push-hold button to actuate vapor generation and/or formation. The device further comprises an automatic plunger capable of pressing the push-hold button based upon a command. The plunger may receive the command from a controller or alternatively from the airflow caused by the puff. A mechanism configured for positioning the automatic plunger proximate to the push-hold button is also incorporated into the device. 1. An actuator system comprising:a housing;a cavity configured to hold an e-cigarette comprises a push-hold button, the push button being configured to actuate a heating element of the e-cigarette for initiating vapor formation;an automatic plunger configured for pressing the push-hold button upon receiving a command from a controller; anda mechanism configured for positioning the automatic plunger proximate to the said push-hold button.2. The actuator system of claim 1 , and further comprising:a sensor configured to sense the movement of air within the housing and to generate a signal indicative of air movement; andwherein the controller is configured to actuate the automatic plunger to press the push-hold button upon receiving the signal indicative of air movement.3. The actuator system of claim 1 , wherein the plunger is configured for movement and wherein said movement is in the range of approximately 0.2 mm to 10 mm.4. The actuator system of claim 1 , and further comprising a mechanism configured to utilize a signal external to the device to actuate the plunger.5. A method of actuating a device for vapor formation comprising:providing a housing having a cavity configured to hold an e-cigarette comprising a push-hold button configured to actuate a heating element for vapor formation;positioning the e-cigarette in the cavity;providing an automatic plunger configured for pressing the push-hold button upon receiving a command from a controller; andwherein the device ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024029A1
Автор: Masuda Hideki, OTA Satoshi

Provided is a plant instrument status collection system making it possible to more accurately manage operation information for plant instruments. A plant equipment status collection system according to the present invention comprises detection apparatuses, a portable terminal, a network construction apparatus, and a data storage apparatus. The portable terminal comprises a tag control unit that is capable of automatically and contactlessly acquiring specific information and date/time information stored in a tag unit of the detection apparatuses and is configured to be in communication with the data storage apparatus, wherein the portable terminal selects the specific information of any of the detection apparatuses in advance, determines whether or not the specific information acquired from the tag unit and the selected specific information are consistent, times this synchronously with the date/time information acquired from the tag unit in cases where these are consistent, and makes it possible to transmit operation content information representing predetermined operation content for the plant instruments, the selected specific information, and synchronized operation completion date/time information to the data storage apparatus. 1. A plant instrument status collection system , comprising:a detection apparatus, a portable terminal, a network construction apparatus, and a data storage apparatus,wherein the detection apparatus includes a detection unit detecting a state of plant equipment disposed in a plant, a network connection unit connectable to a network constructed by the network construction apparatus, and a clocking unit clocking date, and a tag unit storing specifying information for specifying the detection apparatus and date information, and capable of contactlessly transmitting the specifying information and the date information to the portable terminal, at least transmits the state of the plant instrument detected by the detection unit and specifying ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200025652A1
Автор: YOSHIDA Etsushi
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

In order to reduce the cost of pinging, this information processing device is characterized by being equipped with: a data reception unit that receives data from a device being monitored; an abnormality inference unit that, on the basis of a data reception status indicating that the data reception unit has received the data, infers an abnormality of the device being monitored; and a diagnosis instruction unit that issues an instruction for starting a device diagnosis when the abnormality inference unit infers that there is an abnormality in the device being monitored. 1. An information processing device , comprising:data reception unit receiving data from a monitoring target device;abnormality estimation unit estimating an abnormality of the monitoring target device, based on a data reception situation in which the data reception unit has received the data; anddiagnosis instruction unit providing an instruction for starting a device diagnosis when the abnormality estimation unit estimates that there is an abnormality in the monitoring target device.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , further comprisingexpected value generation unit generating information indicating an expected value of a reception frequency of the data from the monitoring target device, whereinthe abnormality estimation unit estimates an abnormality of the monitoring target device, based on the data reception situation and information indicating the expected value.3. The information processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe abnormality estimation unit estimates that an abnormality has occurred in the monitoring target device when a difference between an actual value of a number of reception times of the data and an expected value in a certain period exceeds a predetermined threshold value for the monitoring target device.4. The information processing device according to claim 1 , whereinthe abnormality estimation unit estimates an abnormality of the monitoring ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025786A1
Автор: KIM Tae Joo

The present invention provides blade structure testing equipment comprising: a mounting jig to which one end of a blade specimen is mounted; a grip member to which the other end of the blade specimen is coupled; and a wire (W) having one end attached to the grip member to apply a tensile force to the blade specimen in a direction at a certain angle with respect to the ground. Also, the present invention provides a method for testing a blade specimen, the method comprising: a first step of coupling one end of the blade specimen to a mounting jig and the other end of the blade specimen to a grip member; a second step of determining the values of a centrifugal force, a flap moment, and a lag moment that are to be applied to the blade specimen; a third step of determining the magnitude and direction of a tensile force to be applied to the blade specimen, on the basis of the values determined in the second step; and a fourth step of attaching one end of a wire to the grip member and applying a tensile force to the blade specimen by means of the wire at the magnitude and in the direction of the tensile force determined in the third step. 1. Blade structure testing equipment comprising:a mounting jig to which one end of a blade specimen is mounted;a grip member to which the other end of the blade specimen is coupled; anda wire having one end attached to the grip member to apply a tensile force to the blade specimen in a direction at a certain angle with respect to the ground.2. The blade structure testing equipment according to claim 1 , wherein a mass is connected to the other end of the wire so that the tensile force is applied to the blade specimen under the load of the mass.3. The blade structure testing equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting jig includes:a support; and{'b': '125', 'an adapter () which is coupled to an upper end of the support and to which the one end of the blade specimen is mounted.'}4120. The blade structure testing equipment ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114611A1
Принадлежит: Applied Materials, Inc.

Described herein are methods and systems for providing a user interface to indicate health of a tool in a manufacturing facility. A method may include receiving, via a user interface, user selection of fault detection data pertaining to a tool in a manufacturing facility, obtaining health abnormality indicators of the tool using the fault detection data, and presenting the health abnormality indicators of the tool in the user interface. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:receiving, via a user interface, user selection of fault detection data pertaining to a tool in a manufacturing facility;obtaining health abnormality indicators of the tool using the fault detection data; andpresenting the health abnormality indicators of the tool in the user interface.2. The method of wherein:the fault detection data is created using a first fault detection method; andthe health abnormality indicators are automatically updated when the first fault detection method is replaced with a second first detection method for the tool.3. The method of wherein obtaining health abnormality indicators of the tool using the fault detection data comprises:performing principal component analysis of the fault detection data to produce signal statistics and residual statistics that define the health abnormality indicators for the tool, wherein the signal statistics represents a departure of current tool parameters from a normal state of the tool according to a statistical health model of the tool, and wherein the residual statistics represents a level of agreement with the statistical health model of the tool.4. The method of further comprising:updating the statistical health model of the tool in response to at least one of a context event, an expiration of a predefined time interval or a user request.5. The method of further comprising:presenting an indication of the context event with the health abnormality indicators in the user interface.6. The method of wherein presenting the health ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140114614A1
Автор: ITO Toshio, Kaneko Yu

According to some embodiments, there is provided a remote monitoring system including a plurality of communication apparatuses and a remote monitoring apparatus communicating with the communication apparatuses via a network, the communication apparatuses each managing at least one facility device. The remote monitoring apparatus includes a schedule creator, a transmitter and a receiver. The schedule creator creates event data transmitting schedules for the communication apparatuses based on a total bandwidth usable for communication with the communication apparatuses, each event data transmitting schedule indicating a time at which event data occurring in the facility device corresponding to the communication apparatus is allowed to be transmitted. The transmitter transmits the event data transmitting schedules to the communication apparatuses. The receiver receives event data messages each including the event data from the communication apparatuses. 1. A remote monitoring system comprising a plurality of communication apparatuses and a remote monitoring apparatus communicating with the communication apparatuses via a network , the communication apparatuses each managing at least one facility device , whereinthe remote monitoring apparatus comprises:a schedule creator configured to create event data transmitting schedules for the communication apparatuses based on a total bandwidth usable for communication with the communication apparatuses, each event data transmitting schedule indicating a time at which event data occurring in the facility device corresponding to the communication apparatus is allowed to be transmitted;a transmitter configured to transmit the event data transmitting schedules to the communication apparatuses; anda receiver configured to receive event data messages each including the event data from the communication apparatuses, andthe communication apparatuses each comprise:a receiver configured to receive the event data transmitting schedule ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030807A1

Raw data from chambers is received. Based on received raw data, if a fault exists in operations of the chambers is detected. The detecting includes at least one of operations outlined below. Sigma values respectively corresponding to the chambers are generated based on the raw data of the chambers. A determination is made to determine whether a sigma ratio corresponding to the sigma values is smaller than a threshold value. Mean outlier indexes respectively corresponding to the chambers is generated by executing a mean matching process for the chambers in a condition that the sigma ratio is smaller than the threshold value. One of the chambers, which has a worst first mean outlier index of the first mean outlier indexes, is identified as a target chamber having fault operation. 1. A method comprising:receiving raw data from a plurality of chambers; based on the received raw data of the chambers, generating a plurality of first sigma values corresponding to the chambers;', 'in a condition that a sigma ratio corresponding to the first sigma values is smaller than a threshold value, generating a plurality of first mean outlier indexes corresponding to the chambers by executing a mean matching process for the chambers; and', 'identifying that one of the chambers, which has a worst first mean outlier index of the first mean outlier indexes, is a target chamber having fault operation., 'based on received raw data of the chambers, detecting if a fault exists in operations of the chambers, wherein the detecting comprises at least one of2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the first sigma values comprises:calculating a standard deviation for the raw data of the chambers.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sigma ratio is a ratio of a square of a largest sigma value to a square of a smallest sigma value among the sigma values.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mean matching process comprises:calculating a mean value for the raw data of each one of the chambers; ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180031396A1

Disclosed is an inspection system for a cable, pipe or wire transit having a plurality of transit elements in a sealed installation of cables, pipes or wires at a site. A portable inspection device has a controller and an RFID interface. The transit has an RFID chip with a first memory area which stores an identity of the transit, and a second memory area. The controller reads the identity of the transit via the RFID interface, records detailed operational integrity status data of the transit elements, obtains a status indication representing an assessed overall operational integrity status of the transit based on the recorded detailed operational integrity status data, transmits the obtained status indication via the RFID interface to the transit for storage in the second memory area of the RFID chip, and makes the recorded detailed operational integrity status data or the obtained status indication available to a maintenance server together with the read transit identity. 1. An inspection system for cable , pipe or wire transits , each transit comprising a plurality of transit elements having been assembled into a sealed installation of one or more cables , pipes or wires at a site , the inspection system comprising:a portable inspection device having a controller and an RFID interface; anda maintenance server,wherein each transit further comprises an RFID chip having a memory, the memory comprising at least a first memory area and a second memory area, the first memory area for storing an identity of the transit, and read the identity of one of the transits via the RFID interface;', 'record detailed operational integrity status data of the transit elements of the transit;', 'obtain a status indication representing an assessed overall operational integrity status of the transit based on the recorded detailed operational integrity status data of the transit elements of the transit;', 'transmit the obtained status indication via the RFID interface to the transit, ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033498A1

A measurement puck traverses a treatment path of a container-treatment device that includes plural treatment modules. As it does so, a sensor system within the puck makes contact-free measurements during transfer of the measurement puck between two treatment modules of a container-treatment device. These measurements provide a basis for calibrating the container-treatment device. 127-. (canceled)28. An apparatus comprising a measurement puck for calibrating a container-treatment device that comprises treatment modules that are along a treatment path that is traversed by a container that is treated at said treatment modules , wherein said measurement puck comprises a main body , a sensor system , a controller , and a power supply , wherein said controller is in communication with said sensor system , wherein said main body is configured for being fixed to a treatment module as said measurement puck as said puck traverses said treatment modules along said treatment path , wherein , said sensor system is configured to make a contact-free measurement of data during transfer of said measurement puck between two treatment modules , said data including a characteristic value or parameter , and wherein said controller receives said measurement and executes a measurement routine to process said measurement.29. The apparatus of claim 28 , wherein said main body comprises a fixing-and-measurement section that enables said measurement puck to be fixed to said container-treatment device and wherein said sensor system comprises a first sensor that is mounted in said fixing-and-measurement section claim 28 , whereby said first sensor measures said data at said main body.30. The apparatus of claim 28 , wherein claim 28 , at a fixing-and-measurement section thereof claim 28 , said main body has a circular cross-section and extends along a longitudinal axis of said measurement puck.31. The apparatus of claim 28 , wherein said sensor system comprises a sensor that measures at least ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150039268A1
Автор: Soyama Hitoshi

Equation (1) for calculating estimated cavitating jet performance E is set, a power index n(σ) of a term xrelating to a power law of an injection pressure pof a cavitating jet and a power index m(σ) of a term yrelating to a power law of a nozzle diameter d for producing the cavitating jet in Equation (1) are specified from data on the injection pressure p, the nozzle diameter d and a cavitation number σ and data on cavitating jet performance Ecorresponding to these pieces of data, and the estimated cavitating jet performance E is obtained using the data on the injection pressure p, the nozzle diameter d and the cavitation number σ, the Equation (1) and the functions n(σ), m(σ) for the specified power indices. 1. A cavitating jet performance estimation method , comprising:in obtaining estimated cavitating jet performance E of a cavitating jet, [{'br': None, '[Equation 1]'}, {'br': None, 'i': E=FX', 'Y, 'sup': n(σ)', 'm(σ), '(1)'}, '(In Equation (1),, 'setting the following Equation (1) for calculating the estimated cavitating jet performance E,'}F denotes a term relating to the effect of a cavitation number σ of the cavitating jet,{'sup': 'n(σ)', 'sub': '1', 'Xdenotes a term relating to a power law of an injection pressure pof the cavitating jet and a power index n(σ) thereof denotes a function of the cavitation number σ, and'}{'sup': 'm(σ)', 'Ydenotes a term relating to a power law of a nozzle diameter d for producing the cavitating jet and a power index m(σ) thereof denotes a function of the cavitation number σ);'}{'sub': 1', 'Rmax, 'specifying the functions n(σ), m(σ) for the power indices in the Equation (1) from data on the injection pressure p, the nozzle diameter d and the cavitation number σ and data on cavitating jet performance Ecorresponding to these pieces of data; and'}{'sub': '1', 'obtaining the estimated cavitating jet performance E using the data on the injection pressure p, the nozzle diameter d and the cavitation number σ, the Equation (1) and the ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150039269A1

A fleet management system is provided for outdoor power equipment and is, in some embodiments, configured to estimate operator performance and/or skill for a particular operator based at least partially on engine speed data sensed during the particular operator's use of one or more pieces of equipment. Embodiments of the invention also provide an apparatus configured to receive data comprising RPM values of a rotating component of a piece of outdoor power equipment sampled throughout a period of operation of the piece of outdoor power equipment, and further configured to generate a RPM histogram for a particular operator and/or for a particular piece of outdoor power equipment in order to use the RPM histogram to determine additional information about the particular operator, the particular piece of equipment, and/or the particular period of operation. 1. (canceled)2. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the apparatus is part of fleet management system and is configured to receive the RPM data automatically from a RPM sensor located on the piece of outdoor power equipment.3. An apparatus comprising:an input device configured to receive RPM data comprising RPM values of a rotating component of a piece of outdoor power equipment sampled throughout a period of operation of the piece of outdoor power equipment;an output device;a processing device communicably coupled to the input device and the output device; anda memory communicably coupled to the processing device and having one or more parameters stored therein as a function of RPM determined through testing of a particular model equipment or type of equipment,wherein the processing device is configured to generate a RPM histogram for a particular operator and/or for a particular piece of outdoor power equipment,wherein the processing device is configured to use the RPM histogram to determine additional information about the particular operator, the particular piece of equipment, and/or the particular period of ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038279A1

Aspects of the subject technology relate to an energy audit device configured for identifying one or more sources of thermal energy loss. In some implementation, the audit device includes one or more processors, a memory coupled to the processors, a location module coupled to the processors, and one or more environmental sensors. In practice, the processors can be configured to perform various operations including: receiving a first set of environmental measurements, receiving a second set of environmental measurements, and identifying one or more thermal energy leaks at a building location based on the first and second sets of environmental measurements. 1. An energy audit device configured for identifying one or more sources of thermal energy loss , the energy audit device comprising:one or more processors;a memory coupled to the processors;a location module coupled to the processors; andone or more environmental sensors coupled to the processors, and receiving, via the one or more environmental sensors, a first set of environmental measurements;', 'receiving, via the one or more environmental sensors, a second set of environmental measurements; and', 'identifying one or more thermal energy leaks at a building location based on the first set of environmental measurements and the second set of environmental measurements., 'wherein the processors are configured to execute operations comprising2. The energy audit device of claim 1 , wherein identifying one or more thermal energy leaks further comprises:comparing the first set of environmental measurements with the second set of environmental measurements; andidentifying the one or more thermal energy leaks based at least in part on differences between the first set of environmental measurements and the second set of environmental measurements.3. The energy audit device of claim 1 , further comprising:a notification module coupled the processors, and 'providing, via the notification module, a message to a user of the ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170038280A1

A method and system for analyzing equipment degradation for maintaining the equipment are provided. The method and system receive and store equipment and sensor data associated with operational equipment, generate a display signal to display a relationship analysis window, a residual error window, a performance condition window, and a maintenance trigger window, and evaluate a coordinated relationship between the equipment sensor data and the environmental data, determine residual errors and determine a Historical Health Condition Index (HHCI) for the operational equipment and generate a Future Health Condition Index (FHCI) from the HHCI, and generate an equipment maintenance trigger for the operational equipment by establishing a trigger threshold for maintenance. 1. A system comprising: equipment sensor data representing an equipment performance parameter from among multiple different performance parameters associated with operational equipment; and', 'environmental data representing an environmental characteristic of a location where the operational equipment is located;, 'a communication interface configured to receivea measurement database configured to store the sensor data and the environmental data received from the communication interface; a relationship analysis window;', 'a residual error window;', 'a performance condition window; and', 'a maintenance trigger window; and, 'display generation circuitry configured to generate a display signal comprising evaluate a coordinated relationship between the equipment sensor data and the environmental data to obtain a relationship output, and provide the relationship output for display in the relationship analysis window;', 'determine residual errors showing differences between the relationship output and the equipment sensor data stored in the measurement database, and provide the residual errors for display in the residual error window;', 'determine a Historical Health Condition Index (HHCI) for the operational ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Method of predicting life of component of machine

Номер: US20170038281A1
Принадлежит: Caterpillar Inc

A method of predicting life of a component of a machine is provided. The method includes receiving input data associated with the machine from a data repository. The input data include data associated with machine events and repairs. The method further includes analyzing the input data. Analyzing the input data includes determining a time difference between the machine event and the repair associated with the machine event, a repair reoccurrence, and the repair and a repair of an associated component. Analyzing the input data includes mapping the data associated with the machine event and repair based on the time difference, determining a weightage of a parameter for the machine events and the repairs based on the mapping, and computing a confidence rate of the machine event and the repair based on the weightage. The method further includes generating maintenance data of the component based on the confidence rate.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180038772A1
Принадлежит: NSK LTD.

An abnormality diagnosis system includes a bearing having a plurality of components, a plurality of sensors disposed at different positions of the component and configured to detect surrounding signals, and an abnormality diagnosis device configured to diagnose abnormalities of the rolling bearing and a device disposed around the rolling bearing, based on signals output from the plurality of sensors. 1. An abnormality diagnosis system comprising:a bearing that has a plurality of components;a plurality of sensors that are disposed at different positions of the component and that are configured to detect surrounding signals; andan abnormality diagnosis device that is configured to diagnose abnormality of the bearing and abnormality of a device disposed around the bearing, based on signals output from the plurality of sensors.2. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the components include an inner ring or an outer ring claim 1 , and a first sensor which is disposed in the vicinity of one axial end portion of the inner ring or outer ring of the bearing;', 'a second sensor which is disposed in the vicinity of a raceway surface of the inner ring or outer ring of the bearing; and', 'a third sensor which is disposed in the vicinity of the other axial end portion of the inner ring or outer ring of the bearing., 'wherein the plurality of sensors comprises3. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 2 , wherein the outer ring is a fixed ring.4. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 2 , wherein the inner ring is a rotary ring.5. The abnormality diagnosis system according to claim 1 , wherein the abnormality diagnosis device is configured to specify a sensor which output value firstly increases or which output value firstly exceeds a predetermined threshold value claim 1 , from the plurality of sensors and to determine which of the bearing and the devices is abnormal claim 1 , based on a position at which the specified sensor is ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190041297A1

The invention discloses an automatic assembly equipment of door check comprising an L-shaped component semi-finished product assembly device and a finished product assembly device; the L-shaped component semi-finished product assembly device comprises a first material feeding device, a first riveting device, a first flipping device and a first large turntable, wherein the first material feeding device, the first pressing riveting device and the first flipping device are connected by the first large turntable; the finished product assembly device comprises a second material feeding device, a second riveting device, two turning devices, a material exporting device and a second turntable, wherein the second material feeding device, the second riveting device, the second flipping device and the material exporting device are arranged in turn around the second large turntable. The automatic assembly equipment for door check of this present invention is used for automatically assembling the door check. 112123112131515225241241. An automatic assembly equipment for door check , characterized in that: it comprises an L-shaped component semi-finished product assembly device () and a finished product assembly device () , wherein the L-shaped component semi-finished product assembly device () and the finished product assembly device () are connected through a straight track (); the L-shaped component semi-finished product assembly device () comprises a first material feeding device , a first riveting device () , a first flipping device () and a first large turntable () , wherein the first material feeding device , the first pressure riveting device and the first flipping device are arranged in turn around the first large turntable (); the finished product assembly device () comprises a second material feeding device , a second riveting device , a second flipping devices () , a material exporting device and a second turntable () , wherein the second material feeding device , the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150046123A1
Автор: Kato Kiyoshi

In the invariant relational analysis, it is possible to carry out a fault analysis using an appropriate correlation model even if a system configuration has been changed. An operation management apparatus includes a correlation model generation unit, a configuration change detection unit and a fault analysis unit. The correlation model generation unit generates a correlation model including one or more correlation functions each indicating a correlation between two different metrics among a plurality of metrics of a system. The configuration change detection unit detects whether a configuration change of the system has occurred or not. The fault analysis unit identifies a fault cause of the system using the correlation model which is generated based on measured values of the plurality of metrics after the configuration change of the system when the configuration change of the system is detected by the configuration change detection unit. 1. An operation management apparatus comprising:a correlation model generation unit which generates a correlation model including one or more correlation functions each indicating a correlation between two different metrics among a plurality of metrics of a system;a configuration change detection unit which detects whether a configuration change of the system has occurred or not; anda fault analysis unit which identifies a fault cause of the system using the correlation model which is generated based on measured values of the plurality of metrics after the configuration change of the system when the configuration change of the system is detected by the configuration change detection unit.2. The operation management apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein destruction of a correlation included in the correlation model is defined as correlation destruction claim 1 ,the fault analysis unit identifies the fault cause of the system by comparing status of correlation destruction detected for newly measured values of the plurality of ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Industrial Cooperative and Compressive Sensing System

Номер: US20150046127A1

A system for sensing in an industrial environment includes a processing node configured to receive a first sensor data from a first sensor and a second sensor data from a second sensor, both of which are disposed in the industrial environment. The processing node is further configured to process randomly sampled data from at least one of the first sensor data and the second sensor data to generate processed sensor data that includes the randomly sampled data. The processing node further configured to identify data of interest from the processed sensor data based on comparison of the processed sensor data with a sampling dictionary of predetermined information. The processing node further configured to filter and assemble the identified data of interest to create a set of compressed data, and transmit the set of compressed data to a predetermined destination. 1. A system for sensing in an industrial environment comprising:a processing node configured to receive a first sensor data from a first sensor and a second sensor data from a second sensor, the first and second sensors disposed in the industrial environment;the processing node further configured to process randomly sampled data from at least one of the first sensor data or the second sensor data to generate processed sensor data that includes the randomly sampled data;the processing node further configured to identify data of interest from the processed sensor data based on comparison of the processed sensor data with a sample dictionary of predetermined information; andthe processing node further configured to filter and assemble the identified data of interest to create a set of compressed data, and transmit the set of compressed data to a predetermined destination.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processing node is configured to include a plurality of different recognition modules each configured to identify different data of interest claim 1 , and the first sensor data and the second sensor data are ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160047719A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Systems and methods for ignition source testing with a flammable foam are disclosed. Flammable foam systems and methods for testing use a flammable foam that includes fuel and oxidant. Flammable foam is applied to a test article and an energy discharge is applied to the test article. Methods include determining whether the flammable foam ignited in response to the energy discharge. 1. A testing method comprising:applying a flammable foam to at least a portion of a surface of a test article, wherein the flammable foam includes a fuel and an oxidant;applying an energy discharge to the test article with the flammable foam; anddetermining whether the flammable foam ignited in response to the energy discharge.2. The testing method of claim 1 , further comprising forming the flammable foam.3. The testing method of claim 2 , wherein the forming includes bubbling a gaseous mixture of the fuel and the oxidant through a liquid solution to form the flammable foam claim 2 , wherein the liquid solution includes at least one of soap claim 2 , detergent claim 2 , surfactant claim 2 , oil claim 2 , and water.4. The testing method of claim 1 , wherein the test article has an interior and an exterior claim 1 , and wherein the applying the flammable foam includes applying the flammable foam to the exterior of the test article.5. The testing method of claim 4 , wherein the applying the energy discharge includes applying the energy discharge to the interior of the test article.6. The testing method of claim 1 , wherein the applying the energy discharge includes applying at least one of a simulated lightning strike claim 1 , an electrical discharge claim 1 , an electrical arc claim 1 , and heat to the test article.7. The testing method of claim 1 , wherein the applying the energy discharge includes applying the energy discharge to the test article at an application site spaced apart from the flammable foam.8. The testing method of claim 1 , wherein the applying the energy discharge ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045613A1

An analysis system includes detectors provided in an apparatus, first analysis devices each configured to generate processed data by performing predetermined processing on detection information from each of the detectors, and to evaluate an object to be evaluated based on the detection information from each of the detectors and on an evaluation pattern, and a second analysis device configured to update the evaluation pattern based on the processed data generated by each of the first analysis devices. 1. An analysis system , comprising:a detector provided in an apparatus;a first analysis device configured to generate processed data by performing predetermined processing on detection information from the detector, and to evaluate an object to be evaluated based on the detection information from the detector and on an evaluation pattern; anda second analysis device configured to update the evaluation pattern based on the processed data generated by the first analysis device.2. The analysis system according to claim 1 , whereinthe first analysis device is configured to evaluate the object to be evaluated based on the generated processed data and the evaluation pattern,the second analysis device is configured to update the evaluation pattern based on the processed data used in the evaluation performed by the first analysis device, andthe processed data is shared between the first analysis device and the second analysis device.3. The analysis system according to claim 1 , whereinthe detector is configured to detect vibration of the apparatus, andthe predetermined processing is frequency analysis for the detection information from the detector.4. The analysis system according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined processing is processing of extracting specific information from the detection information from the detector.5. The analysis system according to claim 1 , wherein analyze a normal tendency pattern on an evaluation parameter relative to a reference parameter based ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045614A1

Event inputs, each belonging to one of predefined event categories, are received from event status reporting units. A time period, a time duration within which the event inputs were received, is segregated into an ordered sequence of time slots. Inputs are categorized according to the time slots and the event categories. Ranks, based on weights of unique event inputs, are assigned to each of the predefined event categories within each of the time slots. A count of symbols for each time slot is defined. Each symbol represents a unique predefined event category. The time slots and the defined count of symbols ordered according to the ranks of the respective predefined event categories represented by the symbols for each of the time slots are displayed. Each symbol includes an indication of the weight of unique event inputs categorized for the selected predefined event category and for the selected time slot. 1. A method for monitoring technical equipment , the method comprising:receiving, by a processor, a plurality of event inputs from one or more event status reporting units, wherein each event input of the plurality of event inputs belongs to one of a plurality of predefined event categories;segregating, by the processor, a time period into an ordered sequence of time slots, wherein the time period represents a time duration within which the plurality of event inputs were received;categorizing, by the processor, each event input of the plurality of event inputs according to a time slot within which the event input was received and according to a predefined event category of the plurality of predefined event categories to which the event input belongs;assigning, by the processor, a rank to each predefined event category of the plurality of predefined event categories within each of the ordered sequence of time slots, wherein the rank of a selected predefined event category within a selected time slot is based on a weight of unique event inputs categorized for the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045881A1
Автор: OGINO Hideo
Принадлежит: FANUC Corporation

A numerical controller has a test mode of a machining program, sets, for each axis, a neighboring distance from a movement prohibition boundary of a tool or a workpiece, and temporarily stops an axis movement at a boundary of a near region thereof. A movable distance in a direction approaching the movement prohibition boundary is obtained for each axis such that the movable distance is less than a distance to the movement prohibition boundary. Further, if an axis exceeding the movable distance is present, an axis movement is stopped by restricting a movement distance within a range not exceeding the movable distance. 1. A numerical controller for controlling a machine tool by relatively moving a tool and a workpiece based on an instruction of a machining program , the numerical controller having a test mode of the machining program , the numerical controller comprising:a neighboring distance setting section that sets, for each axis, a neighboring distance from a movement prohibition boundary of the tool or the workpiece;a neighboring boundary axis-stop section that temporarily stops, in the course of the test mode, an axis movement at a boundary of a near region determined based on the neighboring distance set by the neighboring distance setting section and the movement prohibition boundary;a movable distance calculation section that obtains, for each axis, a movable distance in a direction approaching the movement prohibition boundary such that the movable distance is less than a distance to the movement prohibition boundary, in the course of test mode and in an axis movement within the near region;a movement distance determination section that determines whether a movement distance of each axis moving in the course of the test mode exceeds the movable distance obtained by the movable distance calculation section; andan axis movement restriction section that stops an axis movement by restricting a movement distance within a range not exceeding the movable distance ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140123779A1
Автор: Tunget Bruce

System and method of well space provision for forming a geologic testing space for proving an operation of an unproven downhole apparatus (), generally referred to as new technology, within an aged geology, during the rig-less abandonment of an aging well to in use, reallocate operation of said unproven downhole apparatus from unproven to proven operation within a proximally similarly aged geology of said aging well, another aging well (), a new well (), or a field of said wells () generally referred to as Brownfields and Greenfields, wherein said unproven downhole apparatus comprises a hydrodynamic bearing boring apparatus (A, E, BM, AA, D) or a bore hole piston apparatus (A, AF, A-C, E-G). 1101010789279807980. A space provision system ( , A-H) for forming a geologic testing space for proving an operation of at least one unproven downhole apparatus ( , ) within an aged geology , during the rig-less abandonment of an aging well to , in use , reallocate operation of said at least one unproven downhole apparatus from unproven to proven operation within a proximally similarly aged geology of said aging well , another aging well () , a new well () , or a field of said wells ( , ) , said space provision system comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '9', '92', '1', '1', '92', '92', '92', '92', '92, 'said at least one unproven downhole apparatus comprising at least one hydrodynamic bearing boring apparatus (A, F, BM, AA, D) or a bore hole piston apparatus (A, AF, A-C, E-G), wherein said at least one unproven downhole apparatus comprises a rig-less bore hole opening member () that is driven in part by hydraulics,'}{'b': '91', 'wherein said rig-less bore hole opening member is further drivable by an explosion, a cable, or combinations thereof, and is deployable through an upper end of said aging well, within one or more conduits having at least an inner bore hole within a wall of at least one concentric surrounding bore that is engagable by said rig-less bore hole opening member ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150055124A1
Принадлежит: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

A system for examining intrusions of a physical environment into a reach envelope of a vehicle traveling along a length of track. The system includes a test skid including a chassis with front and rear wheel assemblies each adapted for rollably engaging the track. The test skid may further include a laser measuring scanner supported on an upper surface of the chassis and adapted for scanning a vertical plane orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of the chassis to measure a plurality of distances between the laser measuring scanner and surfaces of the physical environment when the test skid moved along the track. The system also includes a test controller executing an examination program to determine a real world envelope based on the measured distances from the laser measuring scanner and to determine intrusions by comparing a reach envelope for the vehicle with the determined real world envelope. 1. A system for examining intrusions of a physical environment into a reach envelope of a vehicle traveling along a length of track , comprising:a test skid comprising a chassis with front and rear wheel assemblies each adapted for rollably engaging the track, wherein the test skid further includes a laser measuring scanner supported on a surface of the chassis and adapted for scanning a plane orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of the chassis to measure a plurality of distances between the laser measuring scanner and surfaces of the physical environment when the test skid moved along the track; anda test controller executing an examination program to determine a real world environment based on the measured distances from the laser measuring scanner and to determine intrusions by comparing a reach envelope for the vehicle with the determined real world environment.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the examination program generates a location and size of the reach envelope based on a reach envelope definition and on data defining geometry of the vehicle including locations of ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140129180A1
Автор: Mackay Douglas P.
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

Systems and methods for evaluating and reporting events in a building management system are provided. An event indication for building equipment of the building management system is received at a processing circuit. The event indication is associated with an event. The processing circuit classifies the event as at least one of a cause event and a symptom event. The processing circuit suppresses the event indication in response to classifying the event as a symptom event and displays the event indication in response to classifying the event as a cause event. 1. A computerized method for evaluating and reporting events in a building management system , the method comprising:receiving, at a processing circuit, an event indication for building equipment of the building management system, wherein the event indication is associated with an event;classifying the event as at least one of a cause event and a symptom event;suppressing the event indication in response to classifying the event as a symptom event; anddisplaying the event indication in response to classifying the event as a cause event.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein classifying the event as a symptom event comprises:retrieving, from the building management system, event information associated with the event; andusing the event information to determine whether the event is an abnormal event; andclassifying the event as a symptom event in response to a determination that the event is an abnormal event.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:in response to classifying the event as a symptom event, using an ontological model of the building equipment to identify a prior event which could have caused the symptom event; anddisplaying an event indication associated with the prior event.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the prior event is a first prior event representing a most direct cause of the symptom event claim 3 , the method further comprising:using the ontological model to determine whether the first ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049595A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

A pipe diagnosis apparatus includes a time-series data acquisition unit that acquires time-series data on pressure of a fluid in piping equipment to be diagnosed, a pressure change measurement unit that measures the number of pressure changes in the fluid from the time-series data on the pressure of the fluid, and a failure risk estimation unit that estimates a failure risk of the piping equipment based on the measured number of pressure changes and a strength of a pipe included in the piping equipment. 1. A pipe diagnosis apparatus comprising:a time-series data acquisition unit configured to acquire time-series data on pressure of a fluid in piping equipment to be diagnosed;a pressure change measurement unit configured to measure the number of pressure changes in the fluid from the time-series data on the pressure of the fluid; anda failure risk estimation unit configured to estimate a failure risk of the piping equipment based on the measured number of pressure changes and a strength of a pipe included in the piping equipment.2. The pipe diagnosis apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the time-series data acquisition unit acquires the time-series data using data that is output by a pressure sensor installed in a pipe included in the piping equipment.3. The pipe diagnosis apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the time-series data acquisition unit acquires, as the time-series data, pressure estimated using a hydraulic simulator, regarding all or some pipes included in the piping equipment.4. The pipe diagnosis apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the failure risk estimation unit calculates, as the failure risk, an index whose value increases as the number of pressure changes increases.5. The pipe diagnosis apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the failure risk estimation unit calculates, as the failure risk, an index whose value increases as an amplitude of the pressure change increases.6. The pipe diagnosis apparatus according to claim 1 , further ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150059459A1
Автор: Girardeau, JR. James Ward

This invention provides a method and an apparatus for recreating data collected from a machine for distribution to one or more remote terminals for monitoring and evaluating machine operations. Machine operation parameters are sensed by at least one sensor, and the data collected regarding measured values of machine operations are transmitted to a conditioning device. The conditioning device validates the data by comparing and correlating the measured values to predetermined values of acceptable data set and converts output data from analog to digital data. The digitized analog data according to the measured parameters associated with machine operations are then transmitted to a data storage unit, where it is stored and subsequently retrieved for recreating the machine operation parameters to become accessible by one or more remote terminals. 1. A method for recreating machine operation parameters for distribution to one or more remote terminals comprising the following steps of:(a) collecting a first output analog data of machine operation parameters from a machine operation using a sensor positioned with respect to said machine interfaces;(b) validating said first output analog data to determine if it fits within predetermined values of acceptable data.(c) converting said first output analog data to a first digital data;(d) storing said first digital signal to a data storage unit;(e) converting said first digital signal to a second output analog data indicative of said machine operation parameters; and(f) adjusting said second output analog data to compare and correlate it with said first validated output analog signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the collecting step of the machine operation parameters comprising the following steps of:(a) sensing said machine operation parameters while said machine operation is being performed;(b) capturing sensory data related to said machine operation parameters;(c) producing a first output analog data indicative of said ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140136146A1
Автор: McCready Chris Peter
Принадлежит: MKS Instruments, Inc.

A method and system for predicting prospective behavior of a manufacturing process are described. Measured values of multiple variables, including at least one dependent variable, are received. A partial least squares (PLS) regression approach is used to estimate an unknown future value of the at least one dependent variable at a future point in time in a current batch run. 1. A computer-implemented method for predicting prospective behavior of a manufacturing process , the method comprising:receiving, by a computing device, measured values of a plurality of variables of the manufacturing process, including measured values of the plurality of variables associated with at least one historical batch run and measured values of the plurality of variables associated with at least one current batch run, wherein the plurality of variables comprise at least one dependent variable that represents a process parameter whose value is dependent on one more process conditions; and creating, by the computing device, a X matrix including the measured values of the plurality of variables associated with the at least one historical batch run;', 'creating, by the computing device, a Y matrix including the measured values of the at least one dependent variable associated with the at least one historical batch run;', 'applying, by the computing device, the PLS regression approach to determine a relationship between the X matrix and the Y matrix; and', 'using, by the computing device, the relationship and the measured values of the plurality of variables for the at least one current batch run to estimate the unknown future value of the at least one dependent variable for the at least one current batch run., 'using, by the computing device, a partial least squares (PLS) regression approach to estimate an unknown future value of the at least one dependent variable at a future point in time in the at least one current batch run, wherein using the PLS regression approach comprises2. The ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Event-/Condition-Based Machine Monitoring for Quality Inspections

Номер: US20170059453A1
Автор: Schelhaas Christian

Embodiments implement event- and/or condition-based machine monitoring for quality inspection in a manufacturing process. An application receives from a machine, an input comprising event(s) and/or condition(s) potentially affecting product quality. Such an event could be scheduled/unscheduled maintenance of the machine. An exemplary condition could be deviation an operating parameter of the machine that is being monitored. Based upon this input, the engine references a ruleset to output a level of Quality Assurance (QA) product inspection with a changed component (for example, including a more stringent tolerance requirement, an additional inspection step, and/or inspection of larger/additional product lots). Embodiments thus automatically link a rigor of product inspection with changes in machine state having the potential to degrade product quality. The ruleset may be configured to automatically relax the changed quality level where follow-up data indicates that the event(s) and/or condition(s) not to have adversely affected product quality. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising: the machine produces products evaluated by a first inspection quality level including a criterion, and', 'the data comprises a condition or an event;, 'an engine receiving data detected from a machine, wherein,'}the engine referencing a ruleset to assess the data and output a second inspection quality level including an updated criterion; andthe engine storing the second inspection quality level in a database.2. A method as in wherein the event comprises downtime of the machine.3. A method as in wherein the condition comprises an operational parameter.4. A method as in wherein the condition comprises a detected characteristic.5. A method as in wherein:the criterion comprises a first tolerance; andthe updated criterion comprises a second tolerance more stringent than the first tolerance.6. A method as in wherein:the criterion comprises a first inspection lot size; andthe updated ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Risk Assessment Device, Risk Assessment Method, and Risk Assessment Program

Номер: US20200056964A1
Автор: Hou Guoxian, Mita Tetsuya

A risk assessment device includes a parameter storage unit that calculates, based on data for calculation, one or more parameters for calculating a target malfunction curve and stores the calculated parameters, the parameters relating to piping system-related items, the data for calculation being stored in a storage unit in which the piping system-related items and a number of years passed before malfunction are stored as the data for calculation with respect to each of a plurality of process devices; a calculation condition acquisition unit that acquires the piping system-related items with respect to a target process device; a parameter acquisition unit that acquires a calculation parameter for obtaining the target malfunction curve based on the piping system-related items acquired with respect to the target process device and the stored parameters; and a malfunction curve calculation unit that calculates the target malfunction curve based on the calculation parameter. 1. A risk assessment device for calculating a probability of malfunction of a process device that is provided in a piping system of a steam plant , the risk assessment device comprising:a target malfunction curve calculation unit configured to calculate a target malfunction curve that shows a change of the probability of malfunction over time with respect to a target process device; anda malfunction probability calculation unit configured to calculate the probability of malfunction of the target process device based on the calculated target malfunction curve,wherein the target malfunction curve calculation unit includes:a parameter storage unit that calculates, based on data for calculation, one or more parameters for calculating the target malfunction curve and stores the calculated parameters, the parameters relating to piping system-related items, the data for calculation being stored in a storage unit in which the piping system-related items and a number of years passed before malfunction are ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200057827A1
Принадлежит: Energy Assurance Solutions, LLC

A virtual data acquisition component generates a building performance model having a plurality of predicted building performance metrics. A physical data acquisition component obtains a plurality of trended building performance metrics. An integrated interface receives the building performance model from the virtual data acquisition component having the plurality of predicted building performance metrics and the plurality of physical building performance metrics from the physical data acquisition component. The integrated interface enables the comparison of the predicted building performance consumption metrics with the trended building performance metrics to identify performance gaps. 1. A computing system for assessing building performance , the system comprising:a processor configured to execute computer-executable instructions; andmemory storing computer-executable instructions configured to:receive, at an integrated interface, a building performance model having a plurality of predicted building performance metrics,receive, at an integrated interface, a plurality of trended building performance metrics, andgenerate a platform to facilitate the comparison of the predicted building performance metrics with the trended building performance metrics to identify performance gaps.2. The computing system of claim 1 , wherein the integrated interface modifies the building performance model to produce an enhanced building performance model.3. The computing system of claim 2 , wherein the integrated interface receives the predicted building performance metrics and the trended building performance metrics in essentially the same format to form an integrated data stream.4. The computing system of claim 3 , wherein the integrated interface enables an interrogation based commissioning assistance module to utilize the integrated data stream and to modify the enhanced building performance model.5. The computing system of claim 3 , wherein the integrated interface utilizes the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150073728A1

A method of improving a prediction of the remaining service life of a managed asset or a component of said asset by providing an adjusted Condition Index Curve using inspector applied expert knowledge. 1(i) defining an adjusted curve based on a value for expert RSL (eRSL), the remaining service life of said component or asset obtained by using inspector expertise,(ii) determining a value for by using Equation 2,. A method of improving a prediction of the remaining service life of a managed asset or a component of said asset by providing an adjusted Condition Index Curve using inspector applied expert knowledge, said method comprising the steps of:(iii) determining a value for α by using Equation 3, and(iv) generating said adjusted Condition Index Curve by using a Weibull cumulative probability distribution function employing said A, eRSL, β′ and α values.A is an initial condition parameter, assumed to be 100 unless a post-install inspection identifies construction defects which indicates the initial condition is something less than 100. Under paragraph 1(a) of Executive Order 10096, the conditions under which this invention was made entitle the Government of the United States, as represented by the Secretary of the Army, to an undivided interest therein on any patent granted thereon by the United States. This and related patents are available for licensing to qualified licensees. Please contact Bea Shahin at 217 373-7234.The proposed invention is an application of expert inspector knowledge incorporated into condition assessment processes and condition prediction methods for use with an engineered management system. The approach described herein was specifically developed for use with the ROOFER sustainment management system, but can be generally applied to any life cycle asset management system. To provide context to the invention's use, novelty, and application, a background on the ROOFER system is described below, along with a discussion of the invention's ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076975A1
Автор: HONG Chia-Chun

A method for the detection and diagnosis of an object status and apparatus using the method is disclosed. The method includes the step of using a sensor to capture a physical condition, such as temperature, pressure, frequency, wavelength, electrical message or magnetic field of an object, the step of converting the physical condition into a transmittable and computable target information, the step of transmitting the target information to a controller that is capable of obtaining a basic information, and the step of matching the target information with the basic information to obtain a deviation therebetween. Based on the aforesaid technical features, the invention enables the user to directly match, diagnose and analyze the detected data without memorizing or obtaining the standard physical condition of different objects. 1. An object status detection and diagnosis method , comprising the steps of:a) using a sensor to capture a physical condition of an object to be detected, said physical condition being selected from the group of temperature, pressure, frequency, wavelength, electrical message and magnetic field;b) converting said physical condition into a transmittable and computable target information;c) transmitting said target information to a controller, said controller being capable of obtaining a basic information; andd) matching said target information with said basic information to obtain a deviation between said target information and said basic information and to further provide relevant measures.2. The object status detection and diagnosis method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said target information is stored by said controller in a memory unit.3. The object status detection and diagnosis method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said basic information is built in a database.4. The object status detection and diagnosis method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said database is a cloud database linkable through the internet or internet of things.5. The ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Automated Prognostics Systems and Methods

Номер: US20160076976A1

An automated prognostics system includes a sensor system configured to obtain measurement data by monitoring one or more parameters at one or more locations on each of one or more movable components of an object when the object is subjected to a first mode of operation. The system also includes a computing device having an input interface and a processor. The input interface receives input information such as spatial coordinates information associated with the one or more locations, the measurement data obtained by the sensor system, operational data associated with the first mode of operation, and structural data associated with the object. The processor processes the input information and generates a prognostics report on at least a first component of the one or more movable components, the prognostics report including at least one of a failure prognostic or a likelihood-of-failure prognostic of the first component. 1. A prognostics method comprising:subjecting an object comprising one or more movable components, to a first mode of operation;using a sensor system to obtain measurement data by monitoring one or more parameters at a plurality of locations on each of the one or more movable components when the object is subjected to the first mode of operation;providing to a computing device, input information comprising spatial coordinates information associated with the plurality of locations, the measurement data obtained by the sensor system, operational data associated with the first mode of operation, and structural data associated with the object; andprocessing the input information in the computing device to generate a first prognostics report on at least a first component of the one or more movable components, the first prognostics report comprising at least one of a failure prognostic or a likelihood-of-failure prognostic, of the first component.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:automatically generate in the computing device, a computerized ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Crack detection device for cylindrical parts

Номер: US20200071089A1
Автор: Zhu Xiaofeng

A crack detection device for cylindrical parts includes centrifugal mechanism, which includes two stand columns (), and a cross beam () is fixedly connected to the upper ends of the two stand column stand columns (), two through holes () are formed in the cross beam (), and a detection cavity () is formed between the cross beam () and the stand column (). The traditional hand-held scanning equipment is not accurate in scanning range and has scanning holes. At the same time, it can only scan one side of the part, but still needs to turn the part manually. The lifting type automatic clamping device is adopted in the invention, which can scan the parts directly after fixing the parts. 1. A crack detection device for cylindrical parts , comprises:two stand columns,and a cross beam is fixedly connected to the upper ends of the two stand columns,wherein two through holes are formed in the cross beam,and a detection cavity is formed between the cross beam and the stand column,and the front end and the rear end of the detection cavity are communicated to the outer boundary,and a lifting block is arranged in the detection cavity in a sliding mode,and an automatic fastening device is arranged on the lower end surface of the cross beam and the upper end surface of the lifting block, the two automatic fastening devices are used for clamping parts,and a power device is arranged in the upper end surface of the lifting block,wherein the power device comprises two screw rods which are symmetric left and right,wherein the screw rod is rotationally connected to the lifting block, the upper end of the lead screw penetrates through the detection cavity and extends into the through hole, when the lifting block rises, the upper end of the lead screw can extend into the outer boundary,a detection device is arranged in the detection cavity and is matched with the lead screw through threads; the detection device can move in the detection cavity along with the rotation of the lead screw to ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Management monitoring system

Номер: US20200072707A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A management monitoring system includes a real-time detection device configured to detect a state of target equipment and an instruction output from a central control device configured to input a control instruction to the target equipment; and a management monitoring device configured to acquire information from the real-time detection device. The management monitoring device includes an analysis unit configured to simulate the state of the target equipment, with models of the target equipment and the central control device, and a determination unit configured to determine whether an abnormality has occurred in the target equipment. The analysis unit simulates the state of the target equipment, using the latest information detected by the real-time detection device. The determination unit compares a result calculated by the analysis unit using the latest information with the latest information detected by the real-time detection device for the determination.

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072708A1

A system for testing substrates includes a first elongated member including an outer end, an inner end, an outer surface that extends between the outer and inner ends, and a concave surface at the inner end, and a second elongated member including an outer end, an inner end, an outer surface that extends between the outer and inner ends of the second elongated member, and a convex surface at the inner end of the second elongated member that opposes the concave surface at the inner end of the first elongated member. A joint interconnects the first and second elongated members for guiding sliding movement of the concave surface of the first elongated member over the convex surface of the second elongated member between extended and flexed positions. A first clamping assembly is coupled with the first elongated member and at least one first clamping assembly spring normally urges the first clamping assembly away from the inner end of the first elongated member. A second clamping assembly is coupled with the second elongated member and at least one second clamping assembly spring normally urges the second clamping assembly away from the inner end of the second elongated member. A substrate overlying the outer surfaces of the first and second elongated members has a first end secured to the first clamping assembly and a second end secured to the second clamping assembly. 1. A system for testing substrates comprising:a first elongated member having an outer end and an inner end;a second elongated member having an outer end and an inner end that opposes the inner end of said first elongated member;a joint interconnecting said first elongated member and said second elongated member for enabling said first and second elongated members to move relative to one another;a first clamping assembly coupled with said first elongated member, said first clamping assembly including at least one first clamping assembly spring that normally urges said first clamping assembly away from ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140156225A1

Among other things, one or more techniques and/or systems are provided for assessing power system equipment of a power system. Historical sensor data and/or historical field test data collected from the power system equipment may be utilized to develop a health profile of the power system equipment. The health profile is indicative of a predicted health (e.g., or probability of failure) of the power system equipment. In one embodiment, the health profile further comprises a health index score which evaluates that health of the power system equipment in terms of the importance of the power system equipment to the power system. Using the health profiles developed for a plurality of power system equipment, a maintenance strategy for at least a portion of the power system may be developed. 1. A method for assessing power system equipment to predict a health of the power system equipment , comprising:acquiring historical sensor data yielded from one or more sensors operably coupled to the power system equipment, the historical sensor data indicative of one or more sensor measurements taken over a first time interval;acquiring historical field test data yielded from one or more field tests performed on the power system equipment, the historical field test data indicative of one or more field test measurements taken over a second time interval;using the historical sensor data and the historical field test data to generate a health profile of the power system equipment, the health profile indicative of a predicted health of the power system equipment.2. The method of claim 1 , the power system equipment comprising a power transformer.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising:merging the historical sensor data and the historical field test data to form a merged data set, andthe using comprising using the merged data set to generate the health profile.4. The method of claim 3 , the merging comprising:resolving a conflict between the historical sensor data and the historical field ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150088434A1

The claimed method and system develops accelerated aging test protocols for a component of a process control device, such as a polymeric component of a valve assembly, where the accelerated aging test protocol is specifically developed in response to expected operating conditions to be used during operation of the process control device in a process plant installation. Test data from the developed accelerated aging tests is analyzed to determine a projected lifetime profile of the component that profiles the component through failure under those expected operating conditions. Particular profiling for polymeric features includes oxidation failure profiling and other fatigue conditions. 1. A method for developing a projected lifetime profile for a component of a process control device , the method comprising:receiving, at a profiler, an indication of at least one operating parameter of the component that effects aging of the component, over time, during operation of the process control device in a process installation;receiving, at the profiler, in-service operating conditions the component is expected to experience during operation of the process control device in the process installation;developing, in the profiler, at least one accelerated aging test protocol, based on the in-service operating conditions the component is expected to experience, where the at least one accelerated aging test protocol is designed to simulate operation of the component to failure under the in-service operating conditions;receiving, from an accelerated test system, accelerated age testing data developed by performing the at least one accelerated aging test protocol on a rendition of the component; anddeveloping, in the profiler, a projected lifetime profile for the component based on the accelerated age testing data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the process control device is a valve assembly and wherein the component is formed of a polymeric component.3. The method of claim 2 , ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091370A1

An industrial process monitor for monitoring an industrial process includes a controller configured to control operation of the industrial process monitor. An ambient environment sensor is configured to sense an ambient environment of the industrial process proximate the device and responsively provide a sensor output signal. Output circuitry is configured to provide an output based upon the sensor output signal. The controller causes the ambient environment sensor to enter a high power mode upon detection of an anomaly and/or probable anomaly in the sensor output signal. 1. A wireless industrial process monitor for monitoring an industrial process , comprising:a controller configured to control operation of the industrial process monitor;an ambient environment sensor configured to sense an ambient environment of the industrial process proximate the process monitor and responsively provide a sensor output signal, wherein the ambient environment sensor is configured to operate in a low power pilot mode and in a high power mode;wireless output circuitry configured to provide an output based upon the sensor output signal; andwherein the controller causes the ambient environment sensor to enter a high power mode upon detection of an anomaly in the sensor output signal.2. The wireless industrial process monitor of including a clock and wherein the clock is configured to provide a higher clock rate during the high power mode.3. The wireless industrial process monitor of including an internal power source configured to power the wireless industrial process monitor.4. The wireless industrial process monitor of wherein the ambient environment sensor comprises an image capture device configured to capture an image from the ambient environment.5. The wireless industrial process monitor of wherein the image capture device is configured to capture a thermal image.6. The wireless industrial process monitor of wherein the controller is configured to detect the anomaly based upon a ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160091398A1
Автор: Pluemer Blake
Принадлежит: Marquip, LLC

In an operating machine, one example of a method for monitoring operation of operating machinery includes converting an actual sound pattern generated by the machine into an audio signal and digitizing the audio signal to create a real-time acoustic fingerprint unique to the actual sound pattern. A reference database contains a plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints, each stored acoustic fingerprint in the plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints representing a unique sound pattern associated with a particular operating condition. A controller compares the real-time acoustic fingerprint to the stored acoustic fingerprints in the reference database and generates an output in response to detection of a match between the real-time acoustic fingerprint and one of the plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints. One example of the machine is a corruptor machine that converts paper webs into corrugated paperboard sheets. 1. In a corrugator that converts paper webs into corrugated paperboard sheets , a method for monitoring operation of corrugator machinery , the method comprising:converting an actual sound pattern generated by an operating corrugator machine into an audio signal;digitizing the audio signal to create a real-time acoustic fingerprint unique to the actual sound pattern;accessing a reference database containing a plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints, each stored acoustic fingerprint in the plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints representing a unique sound pattern associated with a particular operating condition of the corrugator machine;comparing the real-time acoustic fingerprint to the plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints in the reference database with a controller; andgenerating an output with the controller in response to detection of a match between the real-time acoustic fingerprint and one of the plurality of stored acoustic fingerprints.2. The method of further comprising populating the reference database with the plurality of stored ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086294A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

A device abnormality diagnosis method for a device to be diagnosed constituting a plant includes: obtaining time-series data of a plurality of state amounts of the plant which are correlated to an abnormality of the device to be diagnosed; a step of obtaining abnormality diagnosis data on the plurality of state amounts by performing pre-processing on at least one state amount of the plurality of state amounts to exclude, from the time-series data on the state amounts, data of the at least one state amount obtained in an exclusion period which is at least a part of a transient state period during which the device to be diagnosed is affected by a state change of another constituent device of the plant; and a step of performing abnormality diagnosis on the device to be diagnosed on the basis of the abnormality diagnosis data of the plurality of state amounts. 1. A device abnormality diagnosis method for a device to be diagnosed constituting a plant , the abnormality diagnosis method comprising:a step of obtaining time-series data of a plurality of state amounts of the plant which are correlated to an abnormality of the device to be diagnosed;a step of obtaining abnormality diagnosis data on the plurality of state amounts by performing pre-processing on at least one state amount of the plurality of state amounts to exclude, from the time-series data on the state amounts, data of the at least one state amount obtained in an exclusion period which is at least a part of a transient state period during which the device to be diagnosed is affected by a state change of another constituent device of the plant; anda step of performing abnormality diagnosis on the device to be diagnosed on the basis of the abnormality diagnosis data of the plurality of state amounts.2. The device abnormality diagnosis method according to claim 1 ,wherein the other constituent device is an abnormality prevention device disposed on the device to be diagnosed or a device positioned in a preceding ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150094986A1

An air conditioning unit test system includes an a multi-sub-system air conditioning assembly including a plurality of sub-systems for conditioning an indoor environment. The a multi-sub-system air conditioning assembly includes a control board having control circuitry for controlling the plurality of sub-systems. The air conditioning unit test system includes a remote test communications device connected to the control board via a data communications link. The control board is configured to perform a configuration of tests for testing sub-systems of the multi-sub-system air conditioning assembly based on receiving a test request from the remote test communications device, to test the sub-systems based on the configuration of the tests, and to transmit results of the tests to the remote test communications device. 1. An environmental conditioning unit test system , comprising:a multi-sub-system air-conditioning assembly including a plurality of sub-systems for conditioning an indoor environment, the multi-sub-system air-conditioning assembly including a control board having control circuitry for controlling the plurality of sub-systems; anda remote test communications device connected to the control board via a data communications link,wherein the control board is configured to perform a configuration of tests for testing sub-systems of the multi-sub-system air-conditioning assembly based on receiving a test request from the remote test communications device, to test the sub-systems based on the configuration of the tests, and to transmit results of the tests to the remote test communications device.2. The environmental conditioning unit test system of claim 1 , wherein the remote test communication device is a hand-held device connected to the multi-sub-system air-conditioning assembly.3. The environmental conditioning unit test system of claim 1 , wherein the remote test communications device is a personal computer connected to the multi-sub-system air- ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150094988A1
Принадлежит: ROSEMOUNT, INC.

A non-intrusive sensor system includes an array of sensors disposed in a process to measure various input process phenomena and a logic unit that analyses the sensor measurements using an empirical model to produce an estimate of a further process phenomenon not measured directly by any of the array of sensors. The sensors within the array of sensors may be non-intrusive sensors that measure input process phenomena in an intrusive or non-intrusive manner but are non-intrusive with respect to the output process phenomenon as none of these sensors comes into direct contact with the process fluid or process element exhibiting the output process phenomenon. The sensors within the array of sensors can be any type of sensors that produce a measurement of a particular process phenomenon at the same or at different locations within a process. 1. A measurement system for use in analyzing an operation of process equipment within a process , comprising:a plurality of sensors including at least one non-intrusive sensor disposed within the process, wherein each of the plurality of sensors measures a different physical process phenomenon within the process to produce a sensor measurement indicative a physical process phenomenon; anda logic module communicatively coupled to each of the plurality of sensors to receive the sensor measurements, the logic module including a logic engine and a model that relates measurements of the values of each of the different physical process phenomenon to a further physical process phenomenon, wherein the logic module operates on a computer processor device to determine a value of the further physical process phenomenon using the model and the sensor measurements.2. The measurement system of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of sensors is disposed in a different one of a set of process devices and wherein the logic module is disposed in a further process device separate from each of the set of process devices.3. The measurement system of ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Thermal test determining system and method for server

Номер: US20140172348A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A thermal test determining method is executed by a computing device to set a preset test time of each thermal test of a server. To-be-monitored channels of the server are selected. A fan rotation speed for each thermal test is set. In each thermal test, a control command is transmitted to the server to control fans to work according to the fan rotation speed. The temperature of each to-be-monitored channel is obtained from the temperature recorder. A reference temperature is selected from N obtained temperatures of each to-be-monitored channel. The reference temperature is compared with each temperature obtained after the reference temperature. The server is determined to has reached temperature equalization if each comparison result is not greater than a preset value, and the actual test time of each thermal test is not greater than the preset test time. A related computing device and storage medium is also provided.

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140172368A1

Systems and methods for multi-channel detection of an instability in a furnace comprising a plurality of detectors are disclosed. Each of a plurality of detectors provides a first measurement related to the plurality of burners when the furnace is operating in a stable condition. A stable signal component representation is determined based on the first measurement from each of the plurality of detectors. Each of a plurality of detectors provides a second measurement related to the plurality of burners when the furnace is operating in an unknown state. An unstable signal component representation is determined based on the stable signal component representation and a second measurement from each of the plurality of detectors. An instability is detected based on the unstable signal component representation and an instability threshold. 1. A method for detecting an instability in a furnace having a plurality of burners , the method comprising:obtaining from each of a plurality of detectors a first measurement related to the plurality of burners when the furnace is operating in a stable condition;determining, based at least in part on the first measurement from each of the plurality of detectors, a stable signal component representation for the furnace;obtaining from each of the plurality of detectors a second measurement related to the plurality of burners when the furnace is operating in an unknown state;determining, based at least in part on the second measurement from each of the plurality of detectors and the stable signal component representation, an unstable signal component representation for the furnace; anddetecting, using at least one processor, an instability in the furnace based at least in part on the unstable signal component representation and an instability threshold.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of detectors comprises a plurality of pressure sensors.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of detectors comprises a plurality of ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus of Electronic Device for Abuse Detection and Notification

Номер: US20150097690A1

A method of an electronic device for abuse detection and notification is disclosed herewith. The method includes monitoring one or more parameters at the electronic device for one or more physical events, the parameter(s) being associated with one or more imagers. The method further includes identifying the physical event(s) at the electronic device by determining that each parameter exceeds a corresponding threshold value. Next, the method provides storing event data corresponding to the physical event(s), in which at least a portion of the event data is associated with the parameter(s). The method further includes generating a notification associated with the physical event(s).

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160097698A1
Автор: Leao Bruno Paes

Disclosed are a system, a computer-readable storage medium storing at least one program, and a computer-implemented method of remaining life estimation. An interface module receives measurement data indicative of a level of usage of an apparatus. A data access module accesses first and second model data of the apparatus. The first model data includes discrete probabilities of a first set of respective remaining usage (RU) values. The second model data includes usage levels matched to a second set of respective RU values. A filter engine updates the first model data by neglecting a selected portion of the discrete probabilities of the first set of RU values. The selected portion corresponds to negative RU values. The filter engine generates an RU estimate of the apparatus based at least on the updated first model data and the second model data. 1. A system comprising:an interface module configured to receive measurement data of an apparatus, at least a portion of the measurement data being indicative of a level of usage of the apparatus;a data access module configured to access first and second model data of the apparatus, the first model data including discrete probabilities of a first set of respective remaining usage (RU) values, the second model data including measurement levels matched to a second set of respective RU values; and update the first model data by neglecting a selected portion of the discrete probabilities of the first set of RU values, the selected portion corresponding to negative RU values; and', 'generate an RU estimate of the apparatus based at least on the updated first model data and the second model data., 'a filter engine, including one or more processors, configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein:the first and second model data model a failure state of the apparatus;the first and second sets of RU values correspond to amounts of usage before failure occurs;the RU estimate corresponds to probabilities of amounts of further usage ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150100013A1

A fluid infusing apparatus includes: a flow channel member configured to transport a fluid; a cylindrical portion provided in the flow channel member and having a film-shaped member; a measuring unit configured to measure a displacement of the film-shaped member; a determining unit configured to determine a condition of transport of the fluid on the basis of the displacement of the film-shaped member. 1. A fluid infusing apparatus comprising:a flow channel member configured to transport a fluid;a cylindrical portion provided in the flow channel member and having a film-shaped member;a measuring unit configured to measure a displacement of the film-shaped member;a determining unit configured to determine a condition of transport of the fluid on the basis of the displacement of the film-shaped member.2. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe measuring unit includes at least one of an ultrasonic sensor and a strain gauge.3. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinan air layer is provided between the film-shaped member and the fluid.4. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinrigidity of the flow channel member is higher than at least rigidity of the film-shaped member.5. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinrigidity of the tube to be connected to the flow channel member is higher than at least the rigidity of the film-shaped member.6. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe ultrasonic sensor irradiates the film-shaped member with an ultrasonic wave.7. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe strain gauge is provided on the film-shaped member.8. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pump for causing the fluid to flow, whereinthe determining unit controls an operation of the pump on the basis of the determined condition of transport of the fluid.9. A fluid infusing apparatus comprising:a flow channel member ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150100014A1

A fluid infusing apparatus includes: a flow channel member configured to transport a fluid; a cylindrical portion provided on the flow channel member, a measuring unit configured to measure a displacement of the cylindrical portion; a determining unit configured to determine a condition of transport of the fluid on the basis of the displacement of the cylindrical portion. 1. A fluid infusing apparatus comprising:a flow channel member configured to transport a fluid;a cylindrical portion provided on the flow channel member,a measuring unit configured to measure a displacement of the cylindrical portion;a determining unit configured to determine a change of a condition of transport of the fluid on the basis of the displacement of the cylindrical portion.2. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe measuring unit includes at least one of an ultrasonic sensor and a strain gauge.3. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe cylindrical portion includes a lid portion, andan air layer is provided between the lid portion and the fluid.4. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinrigidity of the cylindrical portion is lower than rigidity of the flow channel member.5. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereina thickness of the cylindrical portion is lower than a thickness of the flow channel member.6. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinrigidity of a tube to be connected to the flow channel member is higher than at least the rigidity of the cylindrical portion.7. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:the cylindrical portion extends from the flow channel member in a direction orthogonal to a flow channel of the flow channel member.8. The fluid infusing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a pump for causing the fluid to flow, whereinthe determining unit controls an operation of the pump on the basis of the determined condition of ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170095839A1

A sorting facility for items to be sorted, such as postal items, parcels, packages, baggage, suitcases, etc., includes carrying elements, conveyor paths at which the carrying elements are transported to target positions, to empty the items from a carrying element into a target position, a facility controller controlling movement of the carrying elements along the conveyor paths and emptying at the target positions, and a decentralized functional unit receiving process information regarding the conveyor paths and/or the carrying elements and, by comparison with nominal process information, detecting deviation from the nominal process information and reporting it to the controller. The functional units, which monitor the facility or surroundings, have computer-aided intelligence detecting and reporting deviations to the controller. Faults and/or impending faults, which can only be detected with difficulty or not at all, even in sorting facilities, are detected reliably and be reported timely to the controller. 1. A sorting facility for postal items , parcels , packages , baggage items , suitcases and other items to be sorted , the sorting facility comprising:a) a plurality of carrying elements for the items to be sorted;b) a plurality of conveyor paths at least one of on which or along which said carrying elements can be transported to target positions in order to empty the items to be sorted from a respective carrying element into a target position;c) a facility controller controlling movement of said carrying elements along said conveyor paths and controlling emptying at the target positions; andd) at least one decentralized functional unit receiving process information regarding at least one of said conveyor paths or said carrying elements, detecting a deviation from nominal process information by comparison with the nominal process information and reporting the deviation to said facility controller.2. The sorting facility according to claim 1 , wherein the process ...

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170098363A1
Принадлежит: SKF Canada Limited

Aspects include performing online condition monitoring. Online condition monitoring includes compiling the digital sensor data to produce compiled data and processing the compiled data via a signal analysis operation to produce digitally analyzed data. Further, online condition monitoring includes comparing the digitally analyzed data to at least one threshold to output corresponding values and utilizing the corresponding value to determine whether to issue an event notification. 1. A method comprising:compiling, by a processor coupled to a memory, digital data to produce compiled data;processing, by the processor, the compiled data to produce digitally analyzed data;comparing, by the processor, the digitally analyzed data to at least one threshold to output corresponding values; andutilizing, by the processor, the corresponding value to determine whether to issue an event notification.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the digital data is high data rate digital data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the digital data is derived from sensor data of at least one sensor coupled to a mechanical system.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:buffering the digital data prior to the compiling of the digital data.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:utilizing the corresponding value to determine whether to store the digitally analyzed data.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a signal analysis operation is utilized to process the compiled data claim 1 , the signal analysis operation includes real-time signal processing on the compiled data to captured event signatures in the digitally analyzed data.7. A system comprising a processor and a memory storing program instructions thereon claim 1 , the program instructions executable by a processor to cause the system to perform:compiling digital data to produce compiled data;processing the compiled data via a signal analysis operation to produce digitally analyzed data;comparing the digitally analyzed data to at ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182350A1
Принадлежит: DexCom, Inc.

Systems and methods for processing sensor data and end of life detection are provided. In some embodiments, a method for determining the end of life of a continuous analyte sensor includes evaluating a plurality of risk factors using an end of life function to determine an end of life status of the sensor and providing an output related to the end of life status of the sensor. The plurality of risk factors may be selected from the list including the number of days the sensor has been in use, whether there has been a decrease in signal sensitivity, whether there is a predetermined noise pattern, whether there is a predetermined oxygen concentration pattern, and error between reference BG values and EGV sensor values. 1. A method for determining an end of life of a continuous analyte sensor , comprising:evaluating a plurality of risk factors associated with end of life symptoms of a sensor;determining an end of life status of the sensor based on the evaluation of the plurality of risk factors; andproviding an output related to the end of life status of the sensor,wherein the plurality of risk factors comprise at least two risk factors selected from the group consisting of a number of days the sensor has been in use, a rate of change of sensor sensitivity, end of life noise, oxygen concentration, glucose patterns, error between reference values, and sensor values in clinical units.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least two risk factors comprises a number of days the sensor has been in use claim 1 , and wherein evaluating a number of days the sensor has been in use comprises at least one of evaluating an amount of time since the sensor has been initialized claim 1 , evaluating an amount of time since the sensor has been implanted claim 1 , or evaluating an amount of time since the sensor has been initially calibrated.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein one of the at least two risk factors comprises a rate of change of sensor sensitivity claim 1 , and ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100784A1

According to some embodiments, a system and method are provided to receive a first plurality of data from a machine associated with a first time period. A normal operation of the machine is automatically determined based on the first plurality of data. A second plurality of data may be received from the machine associated with a second time period. An anomaly in the second plurality of data is determined. 1. A method of determining an anomaly associated with a machine , the method comprising:receiving, from a machine, a first plurality of time-series data associated with a first time period;automatically determining, via a processor, a normal operation of the machine based on the first plurality of time-series data;receiving a second plurality of time-series data from the machine associated with a second time period; andautomatically determining an anomaly in the second plurality of time-series data based on comparing the second plurality of time-series data with the normal operation of the machine.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving, a plurality of data associated with the anomaly;determining if the anomaly is a known anomaly;in a case that the anomaly is a known anomaly, transmitting a notification of the known anomaly; andin a case that the anomaly is an unknown anomaly, transmitting a request for feedback to an end user.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:determining a cause of the anomaly by applying a nonlinear shapelet transform to the plurality of data associated with the anomaly;receiving feature vectors based on an output of the shapelet transform; andfeeding the feature vectors into a classifier where the classifier returns an anomaly class.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein automatically determining a normal operation of the machine based on the first plurality of data comprises an unsupervised creation of one or more models based on receiving the first plurality of time-series data from the machine.5. The method of where ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096421A1

Traditionally, benchmarking of asset performance involves comparing actual performance with ideal values that correspond to test conditions which may not be realized in practice leading to inappropriate ranking of the assets. Systems and methods of the present disclosure use condition-aware reference curves for estimating the maximum possible operating efficiencies (under specific operating conditions) instead of the theoretical maximum efficiencies. The reference curves are received from the manufacturer or obtained from on-site test results. Benchmarking is then performed based on two dimensions, viz., an inter-asset metric and an intra-asset metric that are analogous to the first law and second law of thermodynamics respectively. The two-dimensional benchmarking then helps in identifying inefficient assets that may be analyzed further for finding the root cause. Tracking the performance of assets over time greatly helps in operations and maintenance, and thus reducing downtime of systems and accordingly the operating costs. 1200. A processor implemented method for benchmarking asset performance () , the method comprising the steps of:{'b': '202', 'obtaining, by one or more hardware processors, a plurality of condition-aware reference curves pertaining to a plurality of assets ();'}{'b': '204', 'estimating, by the one or more hardware processors, a maximum operating efficiency associated with each of the plurality of assets from the obtained plurality of condition-aware reference curves ();'}{'b': '206', 'monitoring in real time, by the one or more hardware processor, one or more parameters pertaining to each of the plurality of assets ();'}{'b': '208', 'computing, by the one or more hardware processors, an inter-asset metric for each of the plurality of assets using the monitored one or more parameters at each instance of time and a corresponding condition-aware reference curve, wherein the inter-asset metric is an efficiency metric based on the first law of ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Stand-Off Inspection of Aircraft Structures

Номер: US20140184786A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A system for stand-off inspection comprising local positioning system hardware and a nondestructive evaluation instrument supported by a pan-tilt mechanism. The system further comprises a computer system that is programmed to perform the following operations: (a) directing the local positioning system hardware toward an area of a surface on a target object by control of the pan-tilt mechanism; (b) activating the local positioning system hardware to acquire an image; (c) processing the image to determine whether an anomaly is present in the area; (d) if an anomaly is present, determining coordinates of a position of the anomaly in a coordinate system of the target object; and (e) directing the nondestructive evaluation instrument toward a position corresponding to the coordinates. Optionally, the computer system is further programmed to measure one or more characteristics of the anomaly. 1. A system comprising local positioning system hardware , a nondestructive evaluation instrument , and a computer system programmed to execute the following operations:(a) controlling said local positioning system hardware to determine a direction vector to a target object and acquire image data representing an image of an area on a surface of the target object which is intersected by the direction vector;(b) processing the image data to determine whether the image of the area includes information indicating presence of an anomaly in the area;(c) if it is determined in operation (b) that the image data includes information indicating the presence of an anomaly in the area, determining coordinates of a position of the anomaly relative to a coordinate system of the target object;(d) directing a nondestructive evaluation instrument toward an area on the target object having said coordinates; and(e) controlling said nondestructive evaluation instrument to acquire nondestructive evaluation measurement data representing a first characteristic of the anomaly using a stand-off ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150112639A1

The method comprises obtaining data samples, each data sample comprising a process variable and a controller output for adjusting the process variable to reach a set-point variable; and determining if there is valve jump or stiction by calculating a jump index or a static band index; wherein calculating the jump index comprises calculating a mean of a first set of angles, each angle from the first set of angles being computed from a ratio of: a difference between a peak process variable and its preceding process variable, and, a difference between a controller output corresponding to the peak process variable and its preceding controller output; and wherein calculating the static band index comprises calculating a mean of a second set of angles, each angle of the second set of angles being computed from a difference between a controller output corresponding to a flat process variable and its preceding controller output. 1. A method of performing diagnostics on a conventional control valve in a process plant , the valve being associated with a process in the process plant and the valve being controlled by a controller , the method comprising:a processor obtaining data samples from a database stored on a server of the process plant, each data sample comprising a process variable value and a controller output value, the process variable value being a detected value of a process variable obtained from the process, and the controller output value being a value sent from the controller to the valve for adjusting the process variable to reach a set-point variable, the set-point variable being a desired value for the process variable; andthe processor determining if there is at least one of: valve jump and valve stiction by calculating at least one of a jump index and a static band index from the data samples respectively;wherein calculating the jump index comprises calculating a mean of a first set of angles, each angle from the first set of angles being computed from a ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140188433A1

A diagnostic system and a diagnostic method for a technical system are described with which, on the basis of the expert knowledge already necessary for the manual establishment of troubleshooting trees, the establishment of troubleshooting trees can be automated and the performance of guided troubleshooting can be assisted. Provided for this purpose are an acquisition module for systematic acquisition of all relevant status, observation, and/or measured data of the technical system, and a prioritization module for prioritizing all relevant tests, checks, or measurements, in order, in accordance with the weightings of the tests, checks, or measurements as a function of the status, observation, and/or measured data, to establish automatically a troubleshooting tree that can serve as a basis for guided troubleshooting. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for assisting guided troubleshooting in a technical system , comprising:acquiring a set of observations of the technical system;identifying on the basis of the set of observations a set (MDK) of possible defective components of the technical system and a set (NT) of possible tests of the technical system that are to be carried out;identifying a set (KKF) of possible component faults that is consistent with the set of observations;identifying a respective first absolute reduction (r) in a number of elements of the set (MDK) of possible defective components of the technical system which results from taking into consideration each of possible feature manifestation combinations (KMK) of each of the set (NT) of possible tests of the technical system that are to be carried out in the context of determination of the set (KKF) of possible component faults;calculating on the basis of the identified first absolute reductions (r) of each test a first prioritization (rank) of the set (NT) of possible tests to be carried out, by determining an average expected absolute reduction (rg) in the number of elements of the set (MDK) of possible ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180106702A1

Embodiments herein describe a universal test platform that includes a universal test station (UTS) coupled to a system under test (SUT) using respective adapters. The adapters include an interface subdivided into portions that are assigned to different data and power standards. In one embodiment, the UTS is coupled to a UTS adapter using a plurality of cables that transmits the different data and power signals between the UTS and the adapter. For example, the interface in the UTS adapter may include a plurality of pins or optical channels that are each coupled to one of the plurality of cables. The SUT is coupled to a SUT adapter which may have the same interface as the UTS adapter. However, the SUT may be coupled to only a sub-portion of the I/O elements in the SUT adapter, and thus, only some of the I/O elements are used when testing the SUT. 1. A test platform , comprising:a universal test station (UTS) comprising a test controller configured to select one of a plurality of test profiles to use when testing a system under test (SUT);a UTS adapter coupled to the UTS, wherein the UTS adapter comprises a first interface defining an arrangement of first I/O elements, wherein each of the first I/O elements is assigned to a respective one of a plurality of different I/O data communication techniques; anda SUT adapter coupled to the SUT and to the UTS adapter, wherein the SUT adapter comprises a second interface defining an arrangement of second I/O elements, wherein each of the first I/O elements contacts a respective one of the second I/O elements when the UTS adapter and SUT adapter are coupled together,wherein the SUT adapter is coupled to the SUT via a first plurality of cables, wherein only a sub-portion of the second I/O elements are coupled to the SUT via the first plurality of cables and only the sub-portion of the second I/O elements are used when testing the SUT using the selected test profile.2. The test platform of claim 1 , further comprising:a second ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Quick-change system for wheels of an inspection crawler

Номер: US20150114145A1
Автор: POMP Dominik

Quick-change system for wheels of an inspection crawler, in particular, of a pipe inspection and/or a sewage cleaning system comprising an adapter support and a wheel support (), wherein the adapter support essentially is formed cylindrically, the wheel support has an essentially cylindrical and axial recess wherein the adapter support is arranged rotatably around a longitudinal axis of the quick-change system relative to the wheel support within the recess of the wheel support, and a locking means is arranged in the recess of the wheel support which cooperates with the wheel support and with the adapter support, and which locks the adapter support in a locked state against rotation around the longitudinal axis of the quick-change system relative to the wheel support. 130103132. A quick-change system () for wheels of an inspection crawler () , in particular , of a pipe inspection or a sewage cleaning system comprising an adapter support () and a wheel support () , whereinthe adapter support essentially is formed cylindrically,{'b': 32', '32, 'i': a', 'a, 'the wheel support has an essentially cylindrical and axial recess () wherein the adapter support is arranged rotatably around a longitudinal axis (LA) of the quick-change system relative to the wheel support within the recess () of the wheel support, and'}{'b': '32', 'i': 'a', 'a locking means is arranged in the recess () of the wheel support which cooperates with the wheel support and with the adapter support, and which locks the adapter support in a locked state against rotation around the longitudinal axis (LA) of the quick-change system relative to the wheel support.'}238. The quick-change system of claim 1 , wherein the locking means comprises a locking cross () and at least one spring member claim 1 , wherein{'b': 38', '32', '32, 'i': a', 'a, 'a recess () is provided in the bottom face of the recess () of the wheel support () corresponding to the locking cross into which the locking cross in a locked state of ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160116378A1

A plant asset failure prediction system and associated method. The method includes receiving user input identifying a first target set of equipment including a first plurality of units of equipment. A set of time series waveforms from sensors associated with the first plurality of units of equipment are received, the time series waveforms including sensor data values. A processor is configured to process the time series waveforms to generate a plurality of derived inputs wherein the derived inputs and the sensor data values collectively comprise sensor data. The method further includes determining whether a first machine learning agent may be configured to discriminate between first normal baseline data for the first target set of equipment and first failure signature information for the first target set of equipment. The first normal baseline data of the first target set of equipment may be derived from a first portion of the sensor data associated with operation of the first plurality of units of equipment in a first normal mode and the first failure signature information may be derived from a second portion of the sensor data associated with operation of the first plurality of units of equipment in a first failure mode. Monitored sensor signals produced by the one or more monitoring sensors are received. The first machine learning agent is then and activated, based upon the determining, to monitor data included within the monitored sensor signals. 1. A method for using failure signature information to monitor operation of one or more monitored units of equipment configured with one or more monitoring sensors , the method comprising:receiving, through a user interface, user input identifying a first target set of equipment including a first plurality of units of equipment, wherein each equipment unit of the first plurality of units of equipment is characterized by a first plurality of matching target parameters;receiving a set of time series waveforms from sensors ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160116892A1

A method and a system of cause analysis and correction for manufacturing data comprises: based on an plurality of historic manufacturing data, establishing abnormal classification rules and normal classification rules; comparing a current manufacturing data to the abnormal classification rules to identify a matching abnormal rule with the manufacturing data and an abnormal class thereof; comparing the current manufacturing data to the normal classification rules to determine a correcting rule and determine one or more correcting values of at least one of a plurality of manufacturing parameters; extracting abnormal features from the historic manufacturing data having the same condition as that of the manufacturing data, and extracting normal features from the historic manufacturing data matching the correcting rule; and based on the abnormal and the normal features, evaluating the cause contribution of the plurality of manufacturing parameters corresponding to the manufacturing data. 1. A method of cause analysis and correction for manufacturing data , adapted to a manufacturing process in a manufacturing system , comprising:based on a plurality of historic manufacturing data, establishing at least one abnormal classification rule and at least one normal classification rule, and storing the at least one abnormal classification rule and the at least one normal classification rule in a database storage device;comparing a current single manufacturing data with the at least one abnormal classification rule to identify at least one abnormal rule matching the current single manufacturing data and an abnormal class thereof, wherein the current single manufacturing data comprises a plurality of manufacturing parameters;comparing the current single manufacturing data with the at least one normal classification rule to determine a correcting rule, and determine one or more correcting values of at least one manufacturing parameter of the plurality of manufacturing parameters; ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Determining Flushing Frequency for Dead End Mains

Номер: US20140195171A1
Автор: Luna Ivan

A system for determining a flushing frequency of a dead end main includes a user terminal in communication with a server. The server further includes memory and a processor in communication with the memory. A dead end main id, at least one disinfectant reading and at least one disinfectant reading of the dead end main are received from the user at the user terminal. The processor determines at least one flushing score of the dead end main based on the at least one disinfectant reading and a predetermined flushing score condition. The processor determines the flushing frequency of the dead end main based on the at least one flushing score and a predetermined flushing frequency condition. 1. A computer implemented method for determining a flushing frequency of a dead end main in a water distribution system , wherein the method is executed by a processor in communication with a memory , the method comprising:receiving a dead end main identification (id), at least one disinfectant reading and at least one disinfectant level corresponding to the dead end main at the processor;determining at least one flushing score of the dead end main based on the at least one disinfectant reading and a predetermined flushing score condition; anddetermining the flushing frequency of the dead end main based on a sum of the at least one flushing score and a predetermined flushing frequency condition.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising storing the dead end main id claim 1 , the at least one disinfectant reading claim 1 , the at least one disinfectant level claim 1 , the at least one flushing score claim 1 , the predetermined flushing score condition claim 1 , the predetermined flushing frequency condition and the flushing frequency of the dead end main.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising altering the flushing frequency of the dead end main based on the at least one flushing score and the predetermined flushing frequency condition.4. The method of wherein the ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации

Anomaly Detection/Diagnostic Method and Anomaly Detection/Diagnostic System

Номер: US20140195184A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd

Provided are an anomaly detection/diagnostic method and an anomaly detection/diagnostic system whereby it is possible, in equipment such as a plant, to detect anomalies promptly and with high sensitivity, wherein anomaly detection is carried out using operating information such as the operating time of the equipment and output signals from a plurality of sensors appended to the equipment, and wherein maintenance logs such as written procedure reports comprising procedure logs and instances of past countermeasures such as replacement part information are targeted to make associations between detected anomalies and countermeasures, and create links between anomaly detection and past maintenance logs, making reference to equipment records as well, while classifying and presenting anomalies that require action, thereby improving diagnostic accuracy. 1. An anomaly detection/diagnostic method used for detecting an anomaly of a plant or equipment or detecting an anomaly sign of said plant or said equipment and used for diagnosing said plant or said equipment , said anomaly detection/diagnostic method comprising:detecting an anomaly of said plant or said equipment or detecting an anomaly sign of said plant or said equipment by taking sensor data acquired from a plurality of sensors installed in said plant or said equipment and/or operating data such as operation times and operating times as an object;associating said anomaly of said plant or said equipment or said anomaly sign of said plant or said equipment with past countermeasures by making use of maintenance-history information of said plant or said equipment; andclassifying and presenting said anomaly requiring a countermeasure or said anomaly sign requiring a countermeasure on the basis of results of said association.2. The anomaly detection/diagnostic method according to claim 1 , wherein:said maintenance-history information includes at least some of on-call data, work reports, adjustments/replacement part codes, ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации

Event List Management System

Номер: US20190114315A1

Methods and systems are provided for event list management. In one embodiment, the method can include accessing data characterizing an operation of a machine. The data can include time durations of a plurality of events associated with the operation of the machine. The plurality of events can share a property. The method can include displaying a first view of the accessed data in a graphical display. The method can also include receiving data characterizing a user input indicative of a view change request. The method can further include determining an aggregate operation time and a number of occurrences of the plurality of events. The method can also include replacing, in the graphical display, the first view with a second view. The second view can include a single visual representation for the plurality of events. The single visual representation can include the determined aggregate operation time and the number of occurrences. 1. A method comprising:accessing data characterizing an operation of a machine, the data including time durations of a plurality of events associated with the operation of the machine, the plurality of events sharing a property;displaying a first view of the accessed data in a graphical display, the first view including separate visual representations for each of the plurality of events;receiving data characterizing a user input indicative of a view change request;determining an aggregate operation time and a number of occurrences of the plurality of events; andreplacing, in the graphical display, the first view with a second view, the second view including a single visual representation for the plurality of events, the single visual representation including the determined aggregate operation time and the number of occurrences.2. The method in claim 1 , wherein the property is an operational state of the machine.3. The method in claim 1 , wherein the property is an anomalous behavior in the operation of the machine.4. The method in claim 1 , ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123846A1

Disclosed herein is a ventilator text fixture comprising a ventilator port that connects to a ventilator through a breathing circuit; where the ventilator delivers air through the ventilator port to a ventilator test fixture at a rate and pressure that can be controlled by a user to simulate inhalation; an input port; where the input port is in fluid communication with the ventilator port; where the input port permits additional simulated secretions or test liquids to be pumped into the ventilator text fixture; one or more bent supports; a liquid reservoir; where the liquid reservoir is operative to hold test fluids; and one or more tubes; where the one or more tubes are in fluid communication with the ventilator port and the input port via the liquid reservoir; and where the one or more bent supports are operative to mimic an anatomy of the trachea. 1. A ventilator text fixture comprising:a ventilator port that connects to a ventilator through a breathing circuit; where the ventilator delivers air through the ventilator port to a ventilator test fixture at a rate and pressure that can be controlled by a user to simulate inhalation;an input port; where the input port is in fluid communication with the ventilator port; where the input port permits additional simulated secretions or test liquids to be pumped into the ventilator text fixture;one or more bent supports;a liquid reservoir; where the liquid reservoir is operative to hold test fluids; andone or more tubes; where the one or more tubes are in fluid communication with the ventilator port and the input port via the liquid reservoir; and where the one or more bent supports are operative to mimic an anatomy of the trachea.2. The ventilator test fixture of claim 1 , further comprising a tube tip holder that is operative to position a tip of the one or more tubes in the test fixture; where tube tips are inserted into the tube tip holder and where the tube tip holder is adjusted by rotation to align the tube tips.3. ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220265167A1

A sports bra shock absorption effect evaluation method includes: allowing a subject to wear a sports bra for an experimental test, adhering a total of 43 infrared reflective mark points on the body, and completing preparation; allowing the subject naturally to stand on a treadmill, and acquiring static coordinate data; starting the treadmill, acquiring dynamic coordinate data for 5 minutes in sports when a speed in sports reaches 6-12 km/h, and immediately asking a subjective perception of the subject after doing sports; converting the dynamic coordinate data into coordinate data in which a thoracic vertebra point is defined as an origin, and calculating a square root index S of displacement amplitude data in the left-right direction and the up-down direction; and numerically sorting the displacement amplitudes according to the square root index S, and corresponding to subjective perceptions one by one to obtain hierarchical definitions for an existing bra. 1. A method for evaluating shock absorption effect of a sports bra , comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'sub': left-right', 'up-down, "acquiring static coordinate data from a plurality of data acquisition points of a subject naturally standing on a treadmill in a case of the treadmill is started, acquiring dynamic coordinate data from the plurality of data acquisition points of a subject within a preset period of time; converting the dynamic coordinate data into coordinate data in which a thoracic vertebra point is defined as an origin, and calculating displacement amplitudes of subject's breast and a square root index S=√{square root over (S+S)} of the displacement amplitudes in a left-right direction and an up-down direction; and"}numerically sorting the displacement amplitudes based on the square root index S, and obtaining a grading range value, that is a grading definition for the sports bra.2. A system for evaluating shock absorption effect of a sports bra used for the method for evaluating shock absorption effect ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119472A1
Автор: Hucker Matthias
Принадлежит: GEZE GmbH

A system for monitoring safety-relevant functions of a door closer for the leaf of a door being used in particular as a fire protection barrier, of a window, or the like comprises a sensor system associated with the door closer for detecting predefinable operating variables of the door closer and a control and/or evaluation device connected to the sensor system for monitoring compliance with predefinable safety functions of the door closer on the basis of the operating variables detected by the sensor system. 124101226101028261026. A system () for monitoring safety-relevant functions of a door closer () for the leaf () of a door being used in particular as a fire protection barrier , of a window , or the like , said system comprising a sensor system () associated with the door closer () for detecting predefinable operating variables of the door closer () , and comprising a control and/or evaluation device () connected to the sensor system () for monitoring compliance with predefinable safety functions of the door closer () on the basis of the operating variables detected by the sensor system ().22628. The system according to characterized in that the operating variables and/or the monitoring results detected by the sensor system () can be recorded claim 1 , signaled claim 1 , in particular displayed claim 1 , and/or provided for retrieval by the control and/or evaluation device ().328. The system according to characterized in that maintenance information can be provided and/or error notifications can be generated by the control and/or evaluation device () according to the monitoring results.430. The system according to characterized in that it comprises a communications interface () for remote diagnostics.510281210. The system according to characterized in that the safety functions of the door closer () to be monitored by the control and/or evaluation device () comprise a predefinable maximum closing time of the leaf () acted on by the door closer ().61028. The ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150128684A1
Принадлежит: VIVITRO LABS INC.

Methods and apparatus for accelerated wear testing of prosthetic heart valves apply non-sinusoidal pressure waveforms. The waveforms may maintain a threshold reverse pressure for a desired duration while limiting a peak reverse pressure. Apparatus may include a fluid impeller such as a bellows or a piston driven by an actuator having a position controlled by a motion control system. The apparatus may include a pressure control system comprising one or more bypass channels and bypass valves controlling a resistance of the bypass channels to fluid flow. The bypass valves may be controlled in real time. 1. Apparatus for testing replacement heart valves , the apparatus comprising:a mounting structure for supporting a heart valve in a passage extending between first and second chambers;a driving system for driving the flow of fluid through a heart valve supported on the mounting structure, the driving system comprising an actuator and a controller connected to control the actuator to provide a desired non-sinusoidal motion to a fluid impeller; anda pressure control system, the pressure control system comprising one or more compliance devices which can temporarily receive some fluid wherein one or more of the compliance devices is adjustable.2. Apparatus according to wherein the fluid impeller comprises a piston.3. Apparatus according to wherein the fluid impeller comprises a bellows.4. Apparatus according to wherein the bellows are made from inconel.5. Apparatus according to wherein the actuator comprises a servo motor.6. Apparatus according to wherein the actuator comprises a rotary motor.7. Apparatus according to wherein the actuator comprises a rotary-to-linear motion converter driven by the rotary motor and connected to drive the fluid impeller.8. Apparatus according to wherein the rotary-to-linear converter comprises a screw.9. Apparatus according to wherein the rotary to linear converter comprises a cam.10. Apparatus according to wherein the actuator comprises a ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170122843A1

A stable manufacturing efficiency generating method includes the steps: generating a real-time grouping parameter set according to a plurality of historical efficiency values; grouping a plurality of real-time efficiency values corresponding to a product to generate a plurality of real-time efficiency groups according to the real-time grouping parameter set; selecting one of the real-time efficiency groups having most real-time efficiency values as a stable efficiency group; and generating a stable manufacturing efficiency value according to an average value of the real-time efficiency values in the stable efficiency group. 1. A stable manufacturing efficiency generating method comprising:generating a real-time grouping parameter set according to a plurality of historical efficiency values;grouping a plurality of real-time efficiency values corresponding to a product to generate a plurality of real-time efficiency groups according to the real-time grouping parameter set;selecting one of the real-time efficiency groups having most real-time efficiency values as a stable efficiency group; andgenerating a stable manufacturing efficiency value according to an average value of the real-time efficiency values in the stable efficiency group.2. The stable manufacturing efficiency generating method of claim 1 , wherein the step of generating the real-time grouping parameter set comprises:grouping parts of the historical efficiency values according to one of historical grouping parameter sets to generate a plurality of historical efficiency groups,wherein one of the historical grouping parameter sets is a quasi real-time grouping parameter set in a state where an average value of one of the historical efficiency groups having most historical efficiency values is larger than an average value of another one of the historical efficiency groups having second most historical efficiency values,wherein the one of the historical grouping parameter sets is the real-time grouping ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140207415A1

An exemplary energy auditing system and a method for obtaining a validated performance solution for a plant are provided. An exemplary system and method includes at least one processor that obtains plant data for calculating one or more performance metrics. An initial benchmark is generated using performance metrics, a tunable process model and an optimizer. A rules engine is used for applying rules based on a dynamic input on the initial benchmark and current performance metrics, and for generating an output. A decision analysis module is used for validating if the output meets the specifications of the dynamic input using a what-if analysis. If the specifications are met, then the output is provided as a validated performance solution. If the specifications are not met, then the benchmark is evolved and the validating steps are repeated. 1. A method for obtaining a validated performance solution for a plant , wherein the plant includes a performance evaulation system having at least one processor and at least one memory module , the method comprising:obtaining, by the at least one processor, plant data for calculating one or more performance metrics;generating, by the at least one processor, an initial benchmark and current performance metrics for the plant using a tunable process model and an optimizer;applying, by the at least one processor, rules on the initial benchmark and the current performance metrics based on a dynamic input and generating a first output;validating, by the at least one processor, if the first output meets the dynamic input using a what-if analysis;generating, by the at least one processor, an evolved benchmark based on the dynamic input by re-tuning the tunable process model;applying, by the at least one processor, rules on the evolved benchmark and the current performance metrics and generating a second output; andproviding, by the at least one processor, a validated performance solution, wherein the validated performance solution is ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160131556A1
Автор: Davidson Phillip K.

An apparatus for testing a vehicle airbag ECU is provided. The apparatus includes a support plate having a first surface for mounting the airbag ECU and a wheel rotatable about a rotational axis. An input chute is positioned above the wheel and configured to direct an aggregate to the wheel. A motor is connected to a power supply and drivingly connected to the wheel. A controller is programmed to operate the motor and to selectively vary a rotational speed of the motor and the wheel. The wheel is configured to project the aggregate to impact a second surface of the support plate that is opposite the first surface. 1. An apparatus for testing a vehicle airbag ECU , the apparatus comprising:a support plate having a first surface for mounting the airbag ECU;a wheel rotatable about a rotational axis;an input chute positioned above the wheel and configured to direct an aggregate to the wheel;a motor connected to a power supply and drivingly connected to the wheel; anda controller programmed to operate the motor and to selectively vary a rotational speed of the wheel,wherein the wheel is configured to project the aggregate to impact a second surface of the support plate that is opposite the first surface.2. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wheel is a first wheel and the rotational axis is a first rotational axis claim 1 , and further comprising a second wheel rotatable about a second rotational axis parallel to the first rotational axis and positioned adjacent to the first wheel.3. The testing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the motor is a first motor claim 2 , and further comprising a second motor connected to the power supply and drivingly connected to the second wheel.4. The testing apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a second controller programmed to operate the second motor and selectively vary a rotational speed of the second motor and the second wheel to match the rotational speed of the first motor and the first wheel.5. The testing apparatus of ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180129649A1

Systems, methods, and tangible, non-transitory, computer readable media is described herein. For example, a system includes a portable non-destructive testing (NDT) device. The NDT device includes a display, a user interface, a memory storing an operations object having a first text in a first language, and a processor. The processor is configured to present the first text on the operations object via the display during an operation of the portable NDT device, and wherein the processor is configured to create a second text in a second language via the user interface of the NDT device, and to present the second text on the operations object as an alternative to the first text via the display during the operation of the NDT device. 1. A system comprising: a display;', 'a user interface;', 'a memory storing an operations object having a first text in a first language; and', 'a processor, wherein the processor is configured to present the first text on the operations object via the display during an operation of the portable NDT device, and wherein the processor is configured to create a second text in a second language via the user interface of the NDT device, and to present the second text on the operations object as an alternative to the first text via the display during the operation of the NDT device., 'a portable non-destructive testing (NDT) device comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the portable NDT device comprises a borescope claim 1 , a portable eddy current inspection device claim 1 , a transportable radiography device claim 1 , a portable ultrasonic flaw detector claim 1 , a transportable pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera claim 1 , an NDT tablet interface device claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the operations object comprises a menu claim 1 , a combobox claim 1 , a list box claim 1 , a radio button claim 1 , a screen portion claim 1 , a button control claim 1 , a textbox control claim 1 , a menu control claim 1 , a tip ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170131184A1

The embodiments herein relate to a method performed by an analyzing device for handling dynamic characteristics of a vibrating machine component. The analyzing device monitors vibration of the machine component in real-time. When the vibration of the machine component is below and close to a threshold, the analyzing device provides a real-time indication of that the vibration of the machine component is below and close to the threshold. The analyzing device obtains the dynamic characteristics of the machine component when the vibration is below and close to the threshold. A change of the dynamic characteristics influences how close the vibration is to the threshold. 1. A method performed by an analyzing device for handling dynamic characteristics of a vibrating machine component , the method comprising:monitoring vibration of the machine component in real-time;providing a real-time indication of the vibration of the machine component when the vibration of the machine component is below and close to a threshold, andobtaining the dynamic characteristics of the machine component based on the vibration that is below and close to the threshold, and whereina change of the dynamic characteristics influences how close the vibration is to the threshold.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:based on the indication, initiating real-time control of the machine component by changing the dynamic characteristics of the machine component.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of obtaining the dynamic characteristics of the machine component further comprises:performing a modal analysis of the machine component; andvalidating the modal analysis using a Finite Element Method, FEM.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining an amount of load which the machine component is exposed to based on the dynamic characteristics; anddetermining whether the machine component is overloaded based on the determined load.5. The method ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220276129A1

Systems and methods to dynamically allocate resources in product test automation. In a testing lab, multiple tests are run on multiple machines to test multiple products, where each product has an initial priority. A test distributor calculates, for each product, a specific number of machines on which that product is to be tested based on the initial priority of that product; determines a number of remaining machines not being used in testing; determines one or more products being tested that need one or more additional machines for testing; and determines, for each product identified as needing one or more additional machines for testing, a number of machines to be allocated to run the tests for that product. 1. A method of running multiple tests on multiple machines to test multiple products , each product having an initial priority , the method comprising:calculating, for each product, a specific number of the multiple machines based on the initial priority of that product;determining a number of remaining machines not being used in testing;determining one or more products being tested that need one or more additional machines for testing; anddetermining, for each product identified as needing one or more additional machines for testing, a number of machines to be allocated to run the tests for that product.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transmitting to a test distributor information on the number of machines to run tests for each product.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising: selecting claim 2 , by the test distributor claim 2 , a test among the multiple tests for further execution using the information received.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method is initiated each time a new set of tests for a particular product starts or the initial priority of any product changes.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the calculating is also based on the number of the multiple machines claim 1 , and the initial priority is used in a ratio with ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160139004A1
Автор: Witte Martin

Methods for conceptualization and search of block diagram based models. A method includes receiving a selected model from a model library comprised of a plurality of models, mapping physical quantities to each of the plurality of properties of the selected model, associating a semantic interpretation to each of the plurality of properties, defining a similarity determination comparing the semantic interpretation of a first property and the semantic interpretation of a second property, determining property similarities comparing the specific properties for each of the plurality of models to the specific properties of the selected model by applying the similarity determination, determining a model similarity based on a weighted summation of the property similarities, and creating a similarity list of similar models with sufficient model similarities. 1. A method for product data management , the method performed by a data processing system and comprising:receiving a selected model from a model library comprised of a plurality of models, wherein a model includes a plurality of properties;mapping physical quantities to each of the plurality of properties of the selected model based on matching a variable unit for each of the plurality of properties to standard units for the physical quantities;associating a semantic interpretation to each of the plurality of properties based on a semantic description of the physical quantity mapped to a specific property;defining a similarity determination comparing the semantic interpretation of a first property and the semantic interpretation of a second property;determining property similarities comparing the specific properties for each of the plurality of models to the specific properties of the selected model by applying the similarity determination;determining a model similarity based on a weighted summation of the property similarities; andcreating a similarity list of similar models with sufficient model similarities.2. The ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Vacuum Actuated Duct Test Plug with Pressure Test Tube

Номер: US20150143879A1
Автор: Johnson Kirk

A vacuum actuated duct test plug with pressure test tube comprising a compressible foam block mounted to an elongate hollow tube and plastic enclosure having an open end wherein a vacuum applied to the open end of the plastic enclosure evacuates air from the enclosure and compresses the block allowing it to be placed into a duct register boot, and expands to create an air tight seal when the vacuum is withdrawn from the enclosure. Pressure behind the plug can be tested at the end of the hollow tube. 1. A duct test plug device comprising: a hollow tube having a distal end and a proximal end; and a compressible foam block attached to the proximal end of the hollow tube and the block is surrounded by a plastic enclosure having an open end , wherein a vacuum applied to the open end of the plastic enclosure evacuates air from the enclosure and compresses the foam block , allowing the foam block to be inserted into a duct register boot , and wherein the block expands expands to create an airtight seal in the duct register boot when the vacuum is withdrawn from the enclosure.2. The duct test plug of further comprising a pressure tap at the distal end of the hollow tube allowing measurement of the pressure behind the duct test plug to be measured.3. The duct test plug of further comprising adhesive applied to the block to facilitate positioning of the block inside the enclosure.4. The duct test plug of further comprising adhesive applied to the block to facilitate positioning of the block inside the enclosure.5. The duct test plug of wherein the plastic enclosure is 3 mil thick plastic.6. The duct test plug of wherein the plastic enclosure is 3 mil thick plastic. This patent application claims priority under 35 USC 119 (e) (1) from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial Number 61/908,579 filed Nov. 25, 2013, of common inventorship herewith entitled, “Vacuum Actuated Duct Test Plug with Pressure Test Tube,” which is incorporated herein by reference as though the same ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180136086A1

The invention relates to a multifunctional comprehensive testing machine for a luggage lock. The multifunctional comprehensive testing machine includes a testing machine table and a control unit, wherein a luggage lock fixing clamp, a push button and zipper hook piece testing mechanism, an elastic zipper sheet testing mechanism and a number-changing key testing mechanism are installed on a working table top of the testing machine table; and the control unit includes a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) arranged in the testing machine table, a touch display screen and a start-stop switch, the touch display screen and the start-stop switch being installed on the side of the machine table, and an alarm lamp being arranged on the side of the machine table. 1. A multifunctional comprehensive testing machine for a luggage lock , comprising a testing machine table and a control unit , wherein a luggage lock fixing clamp , a push button and zipper hook piece testing mechanism , an elastic zipper sheet testing mechanism and a number-changing key testing mechanism are installed on a working table top of the testing machine table;the push button and zipper hook piece testing mechanism comprises an installation base plate, a motor, a cam driven by the motor, guide rods driven by a curved surface of the cam and a push button poking block installed at the tail ends of the guide rods, the motor, the cam, the guide rods and the push button poking block being installed on the installation base plate, the guide rods being installed on a guide rod seat, and a guide rod return spring being arranged at the periphery of each guide rod;the elastic zipper sheet testing mechanism comprises a first installation support, a first electric push rod and a vertical sliding rail being vertically installed on the first installation support, a sliding block being installed on the vertical sliding rail, an output end of the first electric push rod directly facing an upper end surface of the sliding ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Handheld data collector and analyzer system

Номер: US20150149122A1
Автор: Teno Cipri
Принадлежит: Individual

A handheld measurement device incorporating both a data collector and an analyzer is disclosed. The data collector of the device receives one or more external input signals and stores the data collected for later retrieval and analysis. In one embodiment these input signals are received from sensors used to collect measurements in machine systems for predictive maintenance purposes. The analyzer using software routines in accordance with a method of the present invention retrieves and processes the collected data using filtering techniques and performs calculations that determine the absence or presence of a machine system defect. Additionally, the handheld measurement device includes a display for providing a user with one or more different visual presentations of the calculated results with respect to the collected measured data or alternatively provides the user the option of transferring the calculated results either directly or wirelessly to the display used with any other computer system.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160146709A1

A method includes receiving, at computing system, sensor data from a machine, preparing the sensor data for use by data mining algorithms, generating an analysis table based on the prepared sensor data, the analysis table including information and data for a plurality of instances for the machine, and using the information and data included in the analysis table to predict a failure of the machine. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at computing system, sensor data from a machine;preparing the sensor data for use by data mining algorithms;generating an analysis table based on the prepared sensor data, the analysis table including information and data for a plurality of instances for the machine; andusing the information and data included in the analysis table to predict a failure of the machine.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the machine is included in a set of machines claim 1 , and wherein receiving sensor data from a machine includes receiving sensor data from each machine included in the set of machines.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the analysis table further includes information and data for a plurality of instances for each machine in the set of the machine.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each instance includes at least one input variable and at least one target variable.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the at least one target variable is indicative of a machine failure.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the at least one target variable is indicative of one of a failure occurrence in a history window claim 5 , a failure occurrence in a lead time window claim 5 , and a failure occurrence in a prediction window.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the at least one input variable is indicative of a state of the machine at a given point in time.8. The method of claim 4 , wherein the at least one input variable is indicative of an aggregate of the sensor data that was measured before a given point in time.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the ...
