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27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2345356C2
Принадлежит: ПИ АЙ АЙ Лимитед (GB)

Изобретение относится к преобразователям для контроля целостности металлических изделий с помощью ультразвука, например для контроля трубопроводов. Электромагнитный акустический преобразователь имеет один или множество магнитов для приложения DC магнитного поля к контролируемому материалу и электрическую обмотку, питаемую источником переменного тока, для обеспечения АС магнитного потока в контролируемом материале. Преобразователь содержит износостойкую пластину, предназначенную для скольжения вдоль поверхности контролируемого материала. Износостойкая пластина изготовлена из электропроводящего ферромагнитного материала и имеет вырезы. Таким образом, и DC поле, и АС поток могут проникать в контролируемый материал и возбуждать ультразвуковые колебания этого материала. 3 н. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

20-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2140074C1

Изобретение относится к литейному производству. Согласно предложенному способу, часть свойств формовочного материала определяют в испытательной гильзе с уплотненным образцом. Проводят измерение ультразвука и его поглощение. Независимо от этого одновременно измеряют и определяют дополнительные свойства образца формовочного материала. Упругие и неупругие или поглощающие свойства образца определяют по скорости ультразвука и измеренным амплитудам ультразвука. Ультразвуковой преобразователь устанавливают по меньшей мере на одной ограничивающей образец поверхности. Данное техническое решение позволяет быстро и просто определять свойства формовочного материала, важные для его запланированного применения. 12 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

20-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2786346C1

Использование: для неразрушающего ультразвукового контроля. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что контактный гель для ультразвукового контроля включает, мас.%: до 20,0 глицерина и пропиленгликоля; до 1,0 триэтаноламина; до 1,0 карбомера, представляющего собой редкосшитый полимер акриловой кислоты; до 10 фосфатов и силикатов натрия, представляющих собой Na5Р3О10, Na2SiO3, Na3PO4; до 0,1 фуллеренолов на основе смеси фуллеренолов С60 и С70; вода – остальное до 100. Технический результат: обеспечение возможности создания универсального контактного геля для неразрушающего контроля, обладающего высокой и стабильной скоростью распространения ультразвука, высокой акустической проницаемостью и одновременно высокой вязкостью, который может быть использован в широком температурном диапазоне, обладает бактерицидными, противогрибковыми и антикоррозийными свойствами и высокой адгезией к различным материалам, безопасен для человека и окружающей среды и удобен в использовании. 1 табл., 3 пр.

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010147319A

... 1. Способ контроля компонента, снабженного отверстием с входом, включающий следующие этапы: ! - направляют ультразвук в компонент через жидкую связующую среду, ! - принимают ультразвук от компонента через жидкую связующую среду, ! - обрабатывают принятый ультразвук для определения характеристик компонента, и ! - закрывают вход отверстия лентой для предотвращения протекания жидкой связующей среды во вход отверстия, при этом указанная лента имеет акустический импеданс в пределах 40% от акустического импеданса жидкой связующей среды. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что лента имеет акустический импеданс в пределах 30% от акустического импеданса жидкой связующей среды. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что лента имеет акустический импеданс в пределах 20% от акустического импеданса жидкой связующей среды. ! 4. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что скорость распространения продольных волн в ленте находится в пределах 40% от скорости распространения продольных волн в жидкой связующей среде ...

07-06-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для ультразвукового контроля свариваемых соединений

Номер: SU1315895A2

Изобретение относится к неразрушающему контролю качества свариваемых соединений технологических трубопроводов и является усовершенствованием основного изобретения по авт.св. № 1161869. Цель дополнительного изобретения состоит в расширении технологических , возможностей за счет заполнения иммерсионной ванны 10 эластичным пористьгм материалом 16, в который помещают пластинчатый элемент 22, воздействующий на эластичный материал 16, выдавливая из него контактную жидкость 15 под преобразователь 8 и на контролируемую поверхность через сетчатый фильтр 18„ 5 ил с (Л 10 / 3 iS 20 .3 f3 СО СП сх со ел м ...

07-11-1991 дата публикации

Ультразвуковой искатель

Номер: SU1689839A1

Изобретение относится к неразрушающему контролю и может быть использовано для ультразвукового контроля сварных соединений . Целью изобретения является повышение надежности контроля и уменьшение расхода контактной жидкости. Цель достигается тем, что искатель снабжен узлом принудительной подачи контактной жидкости, выполненным в виде державки 10, направляющих 11, пружины 12 и привода перемещения державки, и узлом контроля давления контактной жидкости в зоне контроля, выполненным в виде дополнительного канала 7 в призме, один выход которого сообщается с локальной иммерсионной ванной, а в другом установлены поршень-клапан 6 и укрепленный на нем контакт 8, электрически соединенный с узлом принудительной подачи контактной жидкости. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

26-08-1970 дата публикации

Способ контроля качества акустического контакта

Номер: SU280032A1

05-02-1975 дата публикации

Искатель к ультразвуковому дефектоскопу

Номер: SU459723A1

23-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1789917C

30-10-1992 дата публикации


Номер: RU1772736C

30-11-1989 дата публикации

Контактная жидкость для ультразвукового контроля

Номер: SU1525566A1

Изобретение относится к области неразрушающего контроля. Целью изобретения является расширение области применения. Контактная жидкость для ультразвукового контроля содержит метиловый спирт, керосин или бензин, хлористый кальций, хлористый натрий, синтетическую моющую пасту, уротропин, депрессор, антистатик и воду. Состав контактной жидкости и ее отношение ингредиентов обеспечивает достаточную текучесть жидкости для проведения иммерсионного контроля при температурах от -60 до +60°С оборудования, загрязненного отложениями, содержащими парафин и церезин, растворяющиеся в контактной жидкости за счет предотвращения роста их кристаллов в жидкости и образования геля.

30-08-1993 дата публикации

Демпфер ультразвукового преобразователя

Номер: SU1837223A1

Изобретение относится к неразрушающим методам испытаний и может быть использовано в ультразвуковой эхо-импульсной дефектоскопии и толщинометрии. Цель изобретения - повышение качества преобразователя за счет сочетания низкого уровня отражения от границы пьезоэлемент - демпфер и высокого затухания ультразвука в материале. Это достигается при использовании демпфера из спеченного свинцового порошка с переменной плотностью по высоте от 10400 у границы до 8860 кгм у противоположной поверхности. 1 табл.

15-02-1993 дата публикации

Способ ввода поперечных ультразвуковых колебаний при контроле изделий

Номер: SU1795369A1

Изобретение относится к акустическим методам неразрушающего контроля. Целью изобретения является расширение области применения за счет обеспечения возможности использования любой жидкости для обеспечения акустического контакта. Между преобразователем с двумя пьезолласти- нами 3 и 4 и изделием 1 располагают слой 5 жидкости. Льезопластиной 4 излучают импульсы продольных колебаний так, что вектор направления их распространения перпендикулярен контактному слою 5 жидкости . Пьезопластиной 3 излучают и принимают импульсы поперечных колебаний. Излучение осуществляют таким образом. что передний фронт первой положительной полуволны импульса продольных колебаний проходит через слой 5 жидкости не позднее переднего фронта импульса поперечных колебаний , а задний фронт первой положительной полуволны импульса продольных колебаний проходит через слой 5 жидкости не ранее заднего фронта импульса поперечных колебаний. Продольные колебания воздействуют на слой 5 жидкости и улучшают проводящие свойства этого ...

30-03-1988 дата публикации

Контактная жидкость для ультразвукового контроля

Номер: SU1384545A1

Изобретение относится к неразрушающему контролю. Целью изобретения является повьшение надежности контроля нефтепромыслового оборудования при низких температурах. Для обеспечения смачиваемости загрязнений самого различного происхождения при температурах до контактная жидкость содержит следующие компоненты , мас.%: хлористый натрий или хлористый калий 10-24; соли жирных кислот щелочных металлов 5-15; керосин или бензин 10-17; глицерин 3-5; загуститель 3-15; вода - остальное.

30-06-1992 дата публикации

Контактная жидкость для ультразвукового контроля

Номер: SU1744644A1

Изобретение относится к средствам неразрушающего контроля качества изделий, в частности к составам для создания акустического контакта между поверхностями ультразвукового преобразователя и контролируемого изделия. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности контроля при использовании сдвиговых волн, повышение производительности контроля. Контактная жидкость представляет собой насыщенный при температуре контроля водный раствор сахарозы.

28-08-1973 дата публикации

Датчик ультразвуковых колебаний

Номер: SU395764A1

23-10-1990 дата публикации

Контактный состав для ультразвукового контроля

Номер: SU1455870A1

Изобретение относится к,неразрушающему контролю качества материалов и изделий и может быть использо вано для ультразвукового контроля различных металлических и неметаллических деталей. Состав служит для создания акустического контакта между преобразователем дефектоскопа и издел 1еи перед ультразвуковой дефектоскопией . Применение контактного состава позволяет повысить производительность контроля за счет сокращения времени иа вспомогательные опера- Щ1И, так как он содержит, мас,% пропиленгликоль 85-99,5 и этиловый. (или бутиловый) спирт 0,5-15, не ая масливакжще поверхности детали. До- банка к пропипенгликолю спирта позволяет установить оптимальную вязкость состава и его смачивающую спо собность.

25-05-1974 дата публикации

Способ контроля сплошности металла

Номер: SU429333A1

30-11-1985 дата публикации

Зонд для ультразвукового контроля стенок трубопровода

Номер: SU1195925A3

... 1. ЗОНД ДЛЯ УЛЬТРАЗВУКОВОГО КОНТРОЛЯ СТЕНОК ТРУБОПРОВОДА, состоящий из проницаемого для ультразвука полого колеса с заключенной .внутри него звукопередающей средой и датчиками для передачи и приема ультразвукового излучения, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повьшения точности измерения путем поддержания адекватного акустического соединения зонда с трубой, по-; лое колесо состоит из снабженного эластичной звукопроводящей шиной жест1 ого обода с торцовыми элементами и смонтировано на каретке, выполненной с возможностью линейного и углового перемещений в вертикальной плоскости, при этом с торцовых сторон полого колеса соосно с ним и с зазором относительно ступиц его оси размещены направляющие колеса, подвижно установленные на общем валу , закрепленном на каретке, параллельно оси полого колеса. 2.Зонд по п. 1, о т л и ч -а ющ ии с я тем, что, с целью предотвращения разрушения звукопроводящей шины, полое колесо заключено в заш 1тный экран, выполненный с углублениями по периферии, а на каретке ...

05-06-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU740163A3

11-09-2003 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Auswertung von Gewebe-Eigenschaften

Номер: DE0069528848T2

13-12-1984 дата публикации

Device for testing and monitoring components using ultrasound

Номер: DE0003316478A1

A device is provided for testing and monitoring components using ultrasound in which the ultrasonic vibrator (1) is mounted in a container (6) at a distance from its base. A coolant is caused to flow in the gap (3) between ultrasonic vibrator (1) and container base. ...

30-07-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003685779D1

The converter (1) is positioned opposite to the cylindrical surface (7) subjected to acoustic irradiation from the sonic wave field (8). The longitudinal axis (6) of the cylindrical surface is inclined compared to the normal direction on the sonic wave field (8). In a place of the longitudinal axis (6) normal to the surface (5) of the object range, occurring sonic beams builds with the normals on theobject surface, a critical angle THETAR.

26-02-2009 дата публикации

Ultraschall-Prüfvorrichtung mit verbesserter Ausrichtung

Номер: DE102007039326A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Ultraschall-Prüfvorrichtung (20) für die Prüfung von rohrförmigen Werkstücken (24). Ultraschall-Prüfvorrichtung (20) für die Prüfung von rohrförmigen Werkstücken (24), wobei - die Ultraschall-Prüfvorrichtung (20) mittels eines Fluidmediums an das Werkstück (24) ankoppelbar ist, so dass von einer Schwingereinheit (30) ausgesendeter Schall auf einen Einschallpunkt (32) auf der Mantelfläche (25) des Werkstücks (24) auftrifft, - das Werkstück (24) und die Ultraschall-Prüfvorrichtung (20) relativ zueinander bewegbar sind. Die Schwingereinheit (30) ist auf einer Schwenklinie S-S, die einem Kreisbogen entspricht, dessen Mittelpunkt durch den Einschallpunkt (32) gebildet ist, schwenkbar (Fig. 1).

17-10-2002 дата публикации

Test apparatus for ultrasonic testing of rod-shaped material has cross-section of chamber matched to profile of rod under test

Номер: DE0010118124A1

The apparatus includes a container (20) in which a chamber is provided in which the ultrasonic test takes place. A coupling fluid (52), especially water, flows around the rod-shaped material (30), normal to its longitudinal axis. The chamber has a non-circular cross-section, at right angles to the longitudinal direction of the rod material. The cross-section is matched to the profile of the rod material so that the width of a gap (42) is constant between the rod material and wall (40) of the container.

05-05-2011 дата публикации

Verbesserte Koppelmediumversorgung einer Ultraschallprüfvorrichtung

Номер: DE102009051097A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Ultraschallprüfverfahren mit einem Ultraschallprüfschritt bei dem ein Prüfling mittels durch einen Ultraschallprüfkopf erzeugten Ultraschalls zerstörungsfrei untersucht wird, wobei vor und/oder während des Ultraschallprüfschritts ein flüssiges Koppelmedium in eine kontinuierliche Zirkulation gebracht wird. Die Erfindung zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass der Zirkulation ein Teil des Koppelmediums abgezweigt wird und einem Koppelraum zwischen Ultraschallprüfkopf und Prüfling zugeführt wird.

18-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002401937A1

08-10-1970 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001473474B2

28-04-2011 дата публикации

Kopplungselement zur akustischen Ankopplung eines Schallwandlers an einen Körper sowie Schallwandler

Номер: DE202009014771U1
Принадлежит: Seuthe, Ulrich, 58300 Wetter, DE

Kopplungselement zur akustischen Ankopplung eines Schallwandlers (2) an einen Körper (4) zum Übertragen von Schall vom Schallwandler (2) auf den Körper (4) und/oder vom Körper (4) auf den Schallwandler (2), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Kopplungselement (1) einen verformbaren Kontaktbereich zum formschlüssigen Kontaktieren des Körpers (4) aufweist.

19-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001648504B2

11-09-2003 дата публикации

Ultrasonic instrument for condition monitoring of very small diameter tubes, e.g. for biotechnology, medicine, comprises a micro-chamber with an ultrasonic sensor arranged in direct contact with the medium in the tube

Номер: DE0010209255A1

Ultrasonic instrument for condition monitoring in small diameter tubes comprises an ultrasonic sensor system connected to a control and evaluation circuit. The sensor system comprises a micro-volume chamber (2) housing incorporating an ultrasonic sensor (1) that is arranged within a small volume tube. The sensor system is inert with respect to the medium in the tube and is at least partially in contact with it. The excitation period of the ultrasonic sensor is between 0.1 and 0.3 times the time of travel of the ultrasonic echo within the micro-chamber.

02-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001262380A

... 1,262,380. Acoustic inspection of laminated structures; ultrasonic probes. BOEING CO. 20 May, 1969 [20 May, 1968], No. 25742/69. Headings H4D and H4J. Apparatus for detecting flaws in a laminated panel comprises a first transducer capable of inducing physical vibrations at a frequency f in a localized area of the panel when energized with an electrical signal of frequency f/n (n being an integer), a second transducer disposed close to the first for sensing panel vibrations, and a frequency selector which passes frequency f signal components from the second transducer to an indicator but rejects signal components of frequency f/n. In the Fig. 1 embodiment panel P comprises a honeycomb core 10 bonded to aluminium skin layers 12, 14. A probe electromagnet 16 on ferromagnetic core 18 in dielectric housing 22 is energized with an oscillatory signal of selectable frequency f 1 by source 24 which may be pulsed by interrupter 25. Eddy currents in skin 12 set up panel vibrations of frequency 2f ...

24-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008619912D0

14-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001432097A

... 1432097 Ultrasonic testing B V TOMILOV 3 April 1974 14707/74 Heading H4D A method of making ultrasonic measurements for the purpose of non-destructive testing of materials and articles includes provision for optimum acoustic coupling through a lubricating layer between a probe clamped under pressure against a test piece, by separately mechanically vibrating the assembly until a maximum reflected ultiasonic signal is detected. The sur face of an article which is to be tested is coated with a thin film of lubricant. A transducer is applied to this surface so that it is affixed under constant pressure An ultrasonic signal is passed into the article from the transducer, and the amplitude of the reflected signal is detected and displayed on an oscilloscope or a voltmeter. Mechanical vibratory motion is then applied to the transducer, and the rate of growth of reflected signal is observed, which rate of growth decreases steadily, until a point when it decreases abruptly. This indicates the formation ...

19-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001435972A

... 1435972 Acoustic detection of particles in a fluid MOBIL OIL CORP 16 July 1973 [12 Oct 1972] 20118/75 Divided out of 1435971 Heading H4D The description is substantially the same as that of the parent invention, but the claims relate to a system and method for monitoring a flow stream to detect the presence of particulate material, by positioning in the flow stream a transducer probe tuned to respond to vibratory energy of frequency >100 kHz, and measuring this frequency component of the probe output signal.

11-05-1988 дата публикации

Pivotably mounted ultrasonic testing apparatus

Номер: GB0002197070A

An ultrasonic testing apparatus comprises a shoe 3 rotatable about a tube 8 to be tested and includes at least one pivotally mounted arm 2 having at one end the shoe 3 housing an ultrasonic transducer probe and at the other end a counter-weight in the form of a chamber 1. Control means are provided to introduce liquid into, and exhaust liquid from, the chamber 1 whereby the centrifugal force generated during rotation urges the probe into or out of engagement with the tube in dependence on the mass weight of the chamber. To raise the shoe 3 from the tube 8 a control signal passes through closed contacts 10 of a microswitch 9 and a valve 5 opens an outlet port 13 to exhaust the chamber 1 and the arm 1 then pivots away from the tube 8. At the limit of travel, the arm actuates the microswitch 9 to open contacts 10 and change the state of the valve 5 so as to close the outlet 13 and open an inlet to fill the chamber again. Contacts 17 then close to open an inlet to a valve 6 which actuates a ...

01-10-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002172994A

A system for the examination of a test object for internal flaws (or acoustic discontinuities such as solid-to-gas or solid-to-liquid interfaces) by means of ultrasonic waves. The ultrasonic waves 18 are induced in the object 16 by projecting at least one intense, pulsed laser beam 13 on the object 16 and scanning the beam 18 along the object 16. Another laser beam 23 is projected on the object 16, either opposite the first beam 14 or on the same side adjacent to the first beam 14, so that is reacts with and is frequency-modulated by the ultrasonic wave. The reflected, frequency-modulated beam 24 is fed to an optical heterodyning means 26 which passes through only an optical beam 28 modulated with the ultrasonic frequency to a photodetector 30. A flaw 36 (or acoustic discontinuities such as solid-to-gas or solid-to-liquid interfaces) in the test object 16 results either in a decrease or an increase in the output of the photodetector 30, depending on whether the detection laser beam 23 is ...

29-10-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Fluid Coupled Ultrasonic Transducer Units

Номер: GB0001168881A

... 1,168,881. Ultrasonic wave couplings. MAGNAFLUX CORP. 17 Jan., 1967 [27 May, 1966], No. 2533/67. Heading H4J. An ultrasonic transducer unit for testing a part 12 having a surface 20 of predetermined configuration comprises a hollow, preferably cylindrical, casing 16 having an inlet 15 for connection to a pressurized liquid source and having an end wall 18 with a single opening 26 therein. An ultrasonic transducer 28 (preferably piezoelectric) transmits and receives ultrasonic waves through the opening 26. The end wall 18 has a surface 19 placeable in generally parallel uniformly spaced relation to the part 12. The opening 26 is central of the wall 18 to provide a liquid flow path from within the casing 16 through the opening 26 to the periphery of the wall 18. A stable dynamic pressure effect and a stable static pressure effect are distributed over the flow path to maintain the surfaces 19 and 20 spaced. Rapid relative movement between the unit and the part 12 is possible and hot product ...

02-12-2015 дата публикации

Couplant and arrangement of couplant, transducer, and construction component

Номер: GB0002526566A

A couplant 10 is used in an arrangement between a transducer 14 and a construction component 16, such as a roller bearing casing. The couplant comprises 36% to 40% mass portion of hard metal, such as tungsten, titanium carbide, tantalum carbide, cobalt or molybdenum, to reduce impedance of signals between the component and the transducer. The couplant further comprises a curing material such as a resin or glue, and a grease or gel. The transducer may be an acoustic emission sensor.

25-06-1980 дата публикации

Ultrasonic flaw detection

Номер: GB0002036321A

In ultrasonic flaw detection the production of an effective coupling of the transducer and the component has hitherto involved the application by brushing, spraying, drip feeding and the like of a couplant fluid to the surface of the component which has the disadvantage that excessive quantities of couplant fluid are spilled and wasted. Couplant fluid is saved by continuously supplying it to the operative surface of the ultrasonic transducer 5 by way of bores (not shown) and an annular opening 12, the ultrasonic transducer being surrounded by an extraction chamber having an annular opening 16, there being vacuum applied to the extraction chamber by way of bore 19 to remove continuously couplant fluid from the vicinity of the operative surface. ...

18-08-1982 дата публикации

Device for the calibration of an ultrasonic transducer

Номер: GB0002092747A
Автор: Auphan, Michel Joseph

A device for the calibration of an ultrasonic transducer includes a container (4) which are immersed a calibration transducer (1), a rigid flat body (2) which contacts the front of the transducer (1) by way of a bevelled edge so that the distribution of the ultrasonic velocities is not disturbed in any way, a rigid hemisphere (3) which projects from a first principal surface (8) of the body, and the transducer (5) to be calibrated. The transducer (5) is displaceable so that a beam of ultrasonic energy to be emitted or received by this transducer can pass through any point situated within or near the hemisphere (3).

09-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002107884B

02-09-1982 дата публикации

Ultrasonic probe for nondestructive inspection

Номер: GB0002093663A
Автор: Sherman, Ira Norman

A probe is disclosed for the nondestructive inspection of the interior walls of cylindrical recesses, comprising an elongated shaft having an ultrasonic transducer mounted thereon a predetermined distance from the longitudinal axis of the shaft and oriented for directing the axis of radiation of ultrasonic energy emanating from the transducer outwardly in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the shaft. In another embodiment, the probe comprises a shaft having a lateral extension whereon a first ultrasonic transducer is mounted at a predetermined distance from the longitudinal axis of the shaft and is oriented for directing the axis of radiation of ultrasonic energy emanating therefrom parallel to a line formed by the intersection of planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axes of the shaft and lateral extension. A second ultrasonic transducer is mounted on the longitudinal axis of the shaft and is oriented for radially outward direction of the axis of radiation of ultrasonic ...

04-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001322380A

... 1322380 Spray producers SUMITOMO METAL INDUSTRIES Ltd 7 Aug 1970 [9 Aug 1969] 38170/70 Heading B2F [Also in Division H4] Spray nozzles are provided for cooling a hot object moving through an ultrasonic flowdetection station, the spray being directed against the direction of movement of the object so that cooling water from these and other cooling nozzles is prevented from mixing with a main laminar-flow water jet used as a couplant for the ultrasonic energy, thereby avoiding the generation of noise signals by the mixing action and enabling the inspection of initially-hotter objects than would be possible if the other cooling nozzles were used alone. In the Fig. 3A system, spray nozzles 6 above and below hot object 7 are directed at an angle to the object path 10. Other water spray nozzles 6-1, .... 6-n provide the main cooling effect and laminar flow jets 5 provide the acoustic coupling for inspection by reflection or through-transmission of ultrasonic pulses or continuous waves. Laminar ...

05-03-1969 дата публикации

Material tester

Номер: GB0001144541A

... 1,144,541. Electro-physical measurementflaws. AUTOMATION INDUSTRIES Inc. Sept.19, 1966 [Oct.11, 1965], No.41780/66. Heading G1N. [Also in Division H4] For inspecting railroad track, ultrasonic (see Division H4) and magnetic induction testing equipment is mounted on two carriages 28 supported from the underside of a self-propelled vehicle in a retractable manner. In the test position of the carriages springs or air cylinders apply part of the vehicle weight to the carriages. Induction testing for flaws in railway tracks equipment comprises sets of brushes 38, 40, mounted on spring-biased arms, for circulating several thousand amps through each rail. Pickup coils 44 mounted between the two sets of brushes cut the resulting flux as the carrier vehicle moves along the rail to provide an output signal from flux changes to flaws in the rail. To assist in stabilizing the rail current, preliminary brushes (not shown) on the forward end of carriage 28 may be energized by a "preconditioning" generator ...

27-12-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001378290A

... 1378290 Ultrasonic cleaning apparatus DAWE INSTRUMENTS Ltd 3 May 1972 [6 May 1971] 13504/71 Heading A4F [Also in Divisions B 1 and H4] A transducer assembly includes at least one ultrasonic transducer element A bonded to a radiating surface B, and a peripheral skirt E bounding the radiating surface B. In use the assembly is mounted on a load wall D of an ultrasonic cleaning tank. Liquid C introduced into the space between the load wall D and the radiating surface B is retained by the skirt E to couple energy from the radiating surface B into the load. Preferably the liquid is introduced through an inlet F in the skirt E. The liquid C may be of the same type as that filling the ultrasonic cleaning tank. The load wall D has protruding studs G by which the assembly is mounted, and a watertight gasket J is interposed. A protective cover H is fitted over the two transducer elements A.

09-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008508355D0

11-11-1998 дата публикации

Ultrasound couplant

Номер: GB0009820119D0

16-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001317162A

... 1317162 Ultrasonic inspection devices; ultrasonic probes AUTOMATION INDUSTRIES Inc 1 July 1970 [30 July 1969] 49447/72 Divided out of 1317161 Addition to 1295527 Headings H4D and H4J A search unit comprises a first transducer operable to induce eddy current fields in a workpiece, and a second transducer operable to detect acoustical vibrations of the workpiece caused by said fields, the second transducer including a member with a diaphragm adapted to be acoustically coupled to the workpiece, a radial-mode transducer element, and a housing in which the member is inserted, the member being arranged to transmit vibrations between the diaphragm and the transducer element. The two transducers may be arranged in a common housing. The first transducer includes a coil of wire: the second transducer is as in the parent Specification 1,295,527 (Division H4). Flaws in, or thickness variations of, the workpiece (e.g. honeycomb material, particle board or a plywood structure) are detected by observing ...

28-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001487105A

... 1487105 Ultrasonic inspection devices STEEL CO OF CANADA Ltd 29 May 1975 [10 June 1974] 23503/75 Heading G1G [Also in Divisions H3-H5] A shoe for ultrasonically testing hot, moving metal plate for flaws comprises an ultrasonic probe with its active face recessed slightly below a surface intended to be urged towards the plate, the shoe having passages which allow cooling liquid to pass around the probe, to pass across the active face to act as a couplant, and to exit from the shoe via a channel in said surface for precooling the metal plate. In the Fig. 1 system the shoe 30 contacts the lower surface of a hot metal plate 14 transported by rollers 12. The shoe forms the top part of a parallelogram linkage vertically slidable in channels 24 and urged upwards by spring 54 when brought into a test position by piston-and-cylinder unit 64, 66. As detailed in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3 the shoe has a flat surface 70 recessed at 94 to form an outlet channel for cooling liquid which tangentially enters an ...

24-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002010484B

15-07-1967 дата публикации

Mooring buoy.

Номер: OA0000000721A

10-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000351283B

15-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000545018T

15-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553373T

15-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000323576A

15-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000955976A

15-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000512476A

25-06-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000378114B

15-11-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000047913T

15-02-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000100587T

15-04-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000002863T

15-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000024967T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000214830T

27-12-1966 дата публикации

Device for the examination of workpieces by means of an ultrasonic probe

Номер: AT0000251313B

27-10-1970 дата публикации

Ultrasonic probe

Номер: AT0000285211B

02-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000609686B2

29-11-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005561190A

25-06-2015 дата публикации

Ultrasonic wheel scanner

Номер: AU2012235924B2

A scanner (100) comprises a scanning array (206) mounted within a rotatable assembly (104) having a first wheel (182) on a first side, a second wheel (194) on a second side and a membrane (204) forming a drum around the array (206) wherein a load path (142) is provided between the wheels to divert load from the membrane (204) such that it can be made thinner.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Low profile encircling ultrasonic probe for the inspection of in-situ piping in immersion mode

Номер: US20120053856A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An ultrasonic probe encircles the perimeter of a target component to be ultrasonically tested and has a base and a pair of jaws pivotally mounted to the base at opposite ends of an arcuate inner surface of the base to encircle a target component with arcuate inner surfaces of the jaws as well. The inner surfaces form a coupling fluid chamber with an outer surface of the target component. Front and rear sets of seals connected to and extending along front and rear portions of the arcuate inner surfaces seal the chamber so that it can retain a coupling fluid such as water. An arcuate set of ultrasonic transducers is connected along at least one but preferably all of the arcuate inner surfaces for transmitting ultrasonic signals to the coupling fluid chamber and into the target component.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing

Номер: US20130098158A1

An apparatus and method for ultrasonic non-destructive testing provides an elongate strip of ultrasound transmissive material coupled at a proximal end to an object under test. The elongate strip has a transverse cross-section with a width and thickness giving an aspect ratio greater than unity and matched to the ultrasonic transducer such that excitation induces a substantially non-dispersive ultrasonic signal to propagate along the elongate strip to the proximal end and to enter the object under test. These non-dispersive pulses are particularly suited for time-of-flight measurements, thickness measurements, crack measurements and the like. The elongate strip helps to separate the transducer from a potentially hostile environment associated with the object under test. The elongate strip also has a large area of contact with the object under test allowing efficient transmission of energy into the object under test. 1. Apparatus for ultrasonic non-destructive testing of a solid object , the apparatus comprising:an elongate strip of ultrasound transmissive material, said elongate strip having a transverse cross-section with a width and a thickness giving an aspect ratio greater than unity, a proximal end and a distal end;{'sub': short', 'long, 'an ultrasonic transducer coupled to said elongate strip and matched thereto such that excitation of said ultrasonic transducer induces non-dispersive ultrasonic shear wave signals to propagate in a propagation direction along said elongate strip to said proximal end, said signals being formed of components of different frequencies having wavelengths extending from λto λand being polarized in a direction perpendicular to said propagation direction;'}coupling means for coupling said proximal end to a surface of a solid object, wherein said non-dispersive signals are coupled into the solid object; and{'sub': short', 'long, 'wherein said thickness is less than 2.5 λand said width is greater than 5 λ.'}2. Apparatus as claimed in ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing

Номер: US20130118260A1

An apparatus and method for ultrasonic non-destructive testing provides an elongate strip of ultrasound transmissive material coupled at a proximal end to an object under test. The elongate strip has a transverse cross-section with a width and thickness giving an aspect ratio greater than unity and matched to the ultrasonic transducer such that excitation induces a substantially non-dispersive ultrasonic signal to propagate along the elongate strip to the proximal end and to enter the object under test. These non-dispersive pulses are particularly suited for time-of-flight measurements, thickness measurements, crack measurements and the like. The elongate strip helps to separate the transducer from a potentially hostile environment associated with the object under test. The elongate strip also has a large area of contact with the object under test allowing efficient transmission of energy into the object under test.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160555A1

A transducer device includes first and second resonant elements and a common coupling cavity. The first resonant element includes a first membrane arranged over a first cavity in a substrate and a first transducer structure stacked on the first membrane. The second resonant element includes a second membrane arranged over a second cavity in the substrate. The common coupling cavity is configured to couple acoustic signals from the first and second resonant elements. 1. A transducer device , comprising:a first resonant element comprising a first membrane arranged over a first cavity in a substrate and a first transducer structure stacked on the first membrane;a second resonant element comprising a second membrane arranged over a second cavity in the substrate; anda common coupling cavity configured to couple acoustic signals from the first and second resonant elements.2. The transducer device of claim 1 , wherein the second resonant element further comprises a second transducer structure stacked on the second membrane.3. The transducer device of claim 1 , wherein the first transducer structure comprises a first piezoelectric layer positioned between first and second electrodes.4. The transducer device of claim 3 , wherein the first transducer structure has annular shape.5. The transducer device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second membranes are formed from the same layer of membrane material.6. An acoustic transducer device claim 1 , comprising:a first resonant element positioned on a substrate over a first cavity and having a first frequency response;a second resonant element positioned on the substrate over a second cavity adjacent to the first resonant element and having a second frequency response; anda mechanical coupler in contact with the first and second resonant elements, the mechanical coupler causing each of the first and second resonant elements to oscillate at frequencies other than the first and second frequency responses, respectively.7. The ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Concurrent Multiple Characteristic Ultrasonic Inspection

Номер: US20130167647A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for acoustically measuring an external surface of a component and a wall thickness or component thickness at that location is provided. The method also provides for measuring the external surface by physical contact while concurrently acoustically measuring a wall thickness at that location.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Sensing device and method of attaching the same

Номер: US20130269437A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A sensing device and a method of attaching the sensing device to a target object is disclosed. The substrate of the sensing device has one or more bonding material vias that allows the bonding material used to attach the substrate to the target object to flow from one side of the substrate to the other side of the substrate. The bonding material forms rivets to secure the substrate to the target object and to secure the layers of the substrate to each other.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Angle Beam Ultrasonic Probe for Internal Hex Socket Bolts

Номер: US20130305826A1

A tool for inspecting the integrity of fasteners in their environment of use and methods of performing such inspections are disclosed and claimed. The tool includes a probe that matches the internal socket by which the fastener is coupled to the workpiece. The probe contains ultrasonic transducers on flat portions corresponding to flat portions of the socket. The transducers induce angled ultrasonic beams into the fastener to detect flaws therein. The beams are angled so they can be directed to the areas of interest at the head to shank region of the fastener. The presence of a defect such as a crack is determined based on the reply/echoes of the imparted ultrasonic beams. 1. An inspection tool , comprising:a head configured for placement within a socket of a fastener to be inspected, the fastener having a longitudinal axis; andat least one transducer coupled to said head, said transducer oriented such that when said head is positioned within the socket, said transducer is positioned to impart energy at an angle relative to the longitudinal axis.2. The inspection tool of claim 1 , wherein:the fastener socket has a first number of fastener flat surfaces;said head has a second number of head flat surfaces, said second number equal to the first number; andsaid at least one transducer includes a plurality of transducers in an amount equal to the first number.3. The inspection tool of claim 2 , wherein said plurality of transducers are arranged such that each of said head flat surfaces has one of said plurality of transducers positioned thereon such that when said head is inserted into the fastener socket one of said plurality of transducers is positioned adjacent each of said fastener flat surfaces.4. The inspection tool of claim 1 , wherein:the fastener socket has a number of fastener walls that are substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis;said head is configured to substantially fill an elevation of the socket with a number of head walls equal to the number of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Non-destructive inspection systems and methods that incorporate interchangeable probes

Номер: US20130305849A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A non-destructive inspection (NDI) device is described that includes a robotic arm, a storage device proximate the robotic arm, and a plurality of NDI probe assemblies disposed within the storage device. Each NDI probe assembly includes at least one transducer operable for NDI of a part and a tool operable as a mechanical interface between the robotic arm and the corresponding NDI probe assembly. Each NDI probe assembly is configured for a specific NDI task, for NDI of a part, and the robotic arm is operable for selectively engaging the tools and movement of the probe assemblies for the NDI of at least a portion of a part.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Test head for testing a workpiece having an ultrasonic transducer configuration containing a plurality of ultrasonic transducers and process for producing such a test head

Номер: US20140000371A1

A test head for testing a workpiece has an ultrasonic transducer configuration with a plurality of ultrasonic transducers. The test head further contains a carrier matched to a surface contour of the workpiece, a damping layer arranged on the carrier, and a flexible conductor foil configuration, which is arranged on the damping layer and has a number of electrically separated conductor tracks which corresponds to the number of transducer elements. The transducer elements are arranged on the conductor tracks alongside one another in at least one row, and in each case are electrically contact-connected to one of the conductor tracks.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Installation for non-destructive testing, by immersion ultrasounds, of workpieces

Номер: US20140000372A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

To test transverse flanges terminating at a cylindrical wall of a workpiece, an installation includes a structure in a form of a U-shaped or C-shaped stirrup whose opposite branches carry respectively an ultrasound emitter transducer and receiver transducer, aligned with respect to one another, while leaving between them an internal space for relative passage of the flange to be tested, and whose base is mounted articulated at an extremity of a mobile control arm. The installation also includes an immersion canister including two parts assembled together by a closure mechanism, one of the parts exhibiting cutouts for engaging the transverse flange and for overlapping, with the other part, the flange up to the cylindrical wall of the workpiece.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069194A1
Автор: KIM Dong-kyun

An ultrasonic transducer includes a plurality of transducer modules, a substrate on which each of the plurality of transducer modules is arranged, and a buffer member which buffers the movements of the upper portions of the transducer modules, wherein the buffer member is disposed on the substrate between the plurality of transducer modules and on the substrate outside of the plurality of transducer modules. 1. An ultrasonic transducer comprising:a plurality of transducers;a substrate on which the plurality of transducers is arranged; anda buffer member which buffers movements of upper portions of the transducers,wherein the buffer member is disposed on the substrate between the plurality of transducers and on the substrate outside of the plurality of transducers.2. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of transducers comprises an ultrasonic transducer chip and a driver chip which is arranged underneath the ultrasonic transducer chip.3. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 2 , wherein the ultrasonic transducer chip comprises a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer chip claim 2 , and the driver chip comprises an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chip.4. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 2 , wherein the substrate comprises a plurality of loaders in which the plurality of transducers are loaded claim 2 , a plurality of adhesive parts which are arranged underneath the plurality of loaders such that top surfaces of the plurality of adhesive parts are adhered to undersurfaces of the plurality of transducers claim 2 , and a support part which protrudes between the plurality of loaders and outside of the plurality of loaders.5. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 4 , wherein the support part supports the driver chips.6. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 5 , wherein the buffer member buffers movements of the ultrasonic transducer chips on a top surface of the support part.7. The ultrasonic transducer of claim 6 , wherein ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000322A1
Автор: Abe Naoto

A photoacoustic probe includes a light output portion that outputs light, an acoustic wave reception unit that receives a photoacoustic wave generated by irradiation of the light and outputs a reception signal, a transmission unit that transmits signal data based on the reception signal, a signal acquisition unit that converts the reception signal into a digital signal, and a memory unit that stores signal data based on the converted digital signal. 1. A photoacoustic probe comprising:a light output portion that outputs light;an acoustic wave reception unit that receives a photoacoustic wave generated by irradiation of the light and outputs a reception signal;a signal processor that converts the reception signal into a digital signal;a memory unit that stores signal data based on the digital signal; anda transmission unit that transmits the stored signal data.2. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission unit is a wireless communication unit configured to wirelessly transmit the stored signal data.3. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the transmission unit uses an interface conforming to a serial bus standard.4. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 1 , wherein the memory unit is a memory that is attachable to or detachable from the photoacoustic probe.5. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 5 , wherein the memory is a non-volatile memory.6. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 1 , further comprising a power source unit.7. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 6 , wherein power source capacity of the power source unit or available capacity of the memory unit is wirelessly transmitted to the photoacoustic apparatus main body via the transmission unit.8. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 1 , further comprising a probe controller that controls storing the signal data in the memory unit.9. The photoacoustic probe according to claim 8 , wherein the probe controller controls storing the signal ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003731A1
Автор: OGAWA Takahisa

An ultrasonic flaw detector for performing flaw detection of a circumferential defect on a surface of a steel pipe is configured such that only a surface wave probe configured to transmit a surface wave to the surface of the steel pipe is provided as a probe for transmitting an ultrasonic wave to the steel pipe and a position of the surface wave probe is fixed in a state where a surface wave transmission direction of the surface wave probe is in parallel with a pipe axis direction of the steel pipe. 1. An ultrasonic flaw detector for performing flaw detection of a circumferential defect on a surface of a steel pipe ,wherein only a surface wave probe configured to transmit a surface wave to the surface of the steel pipe is provided as a probe for transmitting an ultrasonic wave to the steel pipe, andwherein a position of the surface wave probe is fixed in a state where a surface wave transmission direction of the surface wave probe is in parallel with a pipe axis direction of the steel pipe.2. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein a probe moving mechanism configured to move the surface wave probe along the pipe axis direction of the steel pipe is provided.3. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein a wedge having a shape in close contact with the surface of the steel pipe is attached to the surface wave probe.4. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein the surface wave probe is a transmission and reception integral type surface wave probe.5. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein a dry coupling mode flaw detection is performed.6. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein a defect depth of the circumferential defect is 0.05 mm or more.7. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein a defect length of the circumferential defect is 0.1 mm or more.8. The ultrasonic flaw detector according to claim 1 ,wherein an outside diameter of the steel pipe is 2000 mm or less. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003532A1

The invention relates to a system and a corresponding method for the inline inspection of pipelines. A pipeline inspection system according to the present invention comprises an inline inspection tool carrying an ultrasonic transducer system configured to emit ultrasonic energy pulses in response to electrical pulses and convert received ultrasonic energy into electrical signals; control circuitry coupled to the ultrasonic transducer system wherein the control circuitry is configured to control the ultrasonic transducer system and process signals received from the ultrasonic transducer system; and a gelled mass configured to form an elongated body surrounding the inline inspection tool during pipeline inspection. 1. A pipeline inspection system comprising:an inline inspection tool carrying an ultrasonic transducer system configured to emit ultrasonic energy pulses in response to electrical pulses and convert received ultrasonic energy into electrical signals;control circuitry coupled to the ultrasonic transducer system wherein the control circuitry is configured to control the ultrasonic transducer system and process signals received from the ultrasonic transducer system; anda gelled mass configured to form an elongated body surrounding the inline inspection tool during pipeline inspection.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the gelled mass is further configured to constitute a self-sustaining body during pipeline inspection having its peripheral surfaces contiguous with the inner surfaces of the inspected pipeline.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the gelled mass is configured to conform to a varying inner diameter of the inspected pipeline.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the gelled mass comprises a leading portion claim 1 , a middle portion in which the inline inspection tool is located during pipeline inspection claim 1 , and a trailing portion claim 1 , wherein at least one of the leading portion and the trailing portion comprises at least one sealing tool ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Inspecting Method Employing Ultrasound Waves

Номер: US20210003538A1

The present invention provides a method for inspecting a material to be inspected using ultrasound waves, the method including the following step to step , in which step is performed in a condition where: the surface temperature of a material under inspection—atmospheric temperature >2° C., and inspection using ultrasound waves in step satisfies: a refractive attenuation rate ≤1.5%. Step : blowing a fluid from a blowing port onto the material to be inspected. Step : inspecting the material to be inspected using the ultrasound waves after step or at the same time as the step 1201301. An inspection method for a material to be inspected using ultrasound waves , comprising following processes and :{'b': '201', 'process : blowing a fluid through a blowing port onto the material to be inspected; and'}{'b': 301', '201', '201, 'process : inspecting the material to be inspected using the ultrasound waves after the process or at a same time as the process ,'}wherein{'b': '201', 'the process is performed in a condition wherea surface temperature of a material to be inspected—an ambient temperature >2° C., and{'b': '301', 'inspection using ultrasound waves in the process satisfiesa refractive attenuation rate in echo intensity measurement ≤1.5%,2. The inspection method according to claim 1 ,{'b': 301', '201, 'wherein the inspection using ultrasound waves in the process comprises propagating the ultrasound waves on a surface of the material to be inspected where the fluid flows in the process .'}3. The inspection method according to claim 1 ,{'b': '301', 'wherein the inspection using ultrasound waves in the process includesarranging at least one pair of ultrasonic probes facing each other with the material to be inspected in between without contacting the material to be inspected;transmitting the ultrasound waves from one of the ultrasonic probes; andreceiving the transmitted ultrasound waves with the other ultrasonic probe.4. The inspection method according to claim 1 ,{'b': ' ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004013A1

According to an exemplary embodiment in the present disclosure, a crack measurement device and a crack measurement method are provided. The crack measurement device according to an exemplary embodiment in the present disclosure includes: an ultrasonic sensor irradiating a first ultrasonic wave in a direction perpendicular to a bottom surface of an object to be inspected, so as to be focused on the bottom surface of the object to be inspected and receiving a reflected wave, reflected from the bottom surface of the object to be inspected; and a monitoring unit providing information on a crack on the basis of intensity of the reflected wave. 1. A crack measurement device comprising:an ultrasonic sensor irradiating a first ultrasonic wave in a direction perpendicular to a bottom surface of an object to be inspected, so as to be focused on the bottom surface of the object to be inspected, receiving a reflected wave of the first ultrasonic wave reflected from the bottom surface of the object to be inspected, transmitting a second ultrasonic wave in a direction forming an acute angle with respect to the bottom surface of the object to be inspected, so as to be diffused toward the bottom surface of the object to be inspected, and receiving a diffracted wave of the second ultrasonic wave diffracted by a crack; anda monitoring unit extracting and providing information on whether or not the crack exists and a position of the crack on the basis of intensity of the reflected wave and extracting and providing information on a height of the crack using a time at which the diffracted wave is received.2. The crack measurement device of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic sensor includes:a transmitter including a plurality of piezoelectric elements disposed in a concave structure and irradiating the first ultrasonic wave;a receiver receiving the reflected wave; anda partition wall disposed between the transmitter and the receiver and having sound absorption properties.3. The crack ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Transducer and Method of Fabricating an Ultrasonic Transducer

Номер: US20220013103A1

An ultrasonic transducer that includes a delay line, an active piezoelectric element, and interposing metal conductive layer between the delay line and active piezoelectric element. The delay line and active piezoelectric element are joined so that ultrasonic waves may be coupled from the active piezoelectric element into the delay line or from the delay line into the active piezoelectric element. A via is formed, using a milling operation, in the active piezoelectric element to expose the edge of the interposing metal conductive layer between the delay line and active piezoelectric element. A conductive layer makes electrical contact between the interposing metal conductive layer and the surface of the active piezoelectric element to allow an electrical connection to be made from the surface of the active piezoelectric element to the interposing metal conductive layer. 17-. (canceled)8. A method of producing an ultrasonic transducer , the method comprising the steps of:providing a delay line substrate;providing a piezoelectric substrate as an active transducer element;depositing a first metal layer on the delay line substrate;depositing a second metal layer and the piezoelectric substrate;bonding the delay line substrate to the piezoelectric substrate to form a stack and to facilitate coupling ultrasonic waves from the piezoelectric element into the delay line or from the delay line into the piezoelectric element;milling the piezoelectric substrate to expose a portion of at least one of the first metal layer and the second metal layer to allow electrical contact;depositing a first patterned electrode on the exposed portion to allow external electrical connection to the at least one of the first metal layer and the second metal layer; anddepositing a second patterned electrode on the piezoelectric element, the second patterned electrode defining an active area of the ultrasonic transducer and configured to electrically connect externally.9. The method of claim 8 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170010241A1
Автор: Huang Zheng, YU Xun

A lifting device, which is configured to lift or drop at least one load bearing mechanism. The lifting device includes a power driving mechanism and multiple lifting mechanisms connecting to the power driving mechanism. The multiple lifting mechanisms march the load bearing mechanism at least from a first height location to a second height location in a rolling manner under a function of a driving force provided by the power driving mechanism. An embodiment of the present invention further discloses an ultrasonic inspection system using the lifting device. 1. A lifting device , comprising:a plurality of lifting mechanisms; anda power driving mechanism coupled with the plurality of lifting mechanisms for providing a driving force to the plurality of lifting mechanisms, wherein the plurality of lifting mechanisms is operated in a rolling manner for moving a load bearing mechanism at least from a location of first height to a location of second height based on the driving force.2. The lifting device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of lifting mechanisms comprises a guide pillar and a loading carriage vehicle rolled along the guide pillar up and down claim 1 , the loading carriage vehicle comprises at least a first roller and a second roller claim 1 , the guide pillar comprises a first plane and a second plane set opposite with each other claim 1 , the first roller is in contact with the first plane and the second roller is in contact with the second plane.3. The lifting device of claim 2 , wherein a first distance is set between the first roller and the second plane claim 2 , and a second distance is set between the second roller and the first plane.4. The lifting device of wherein at least one of the plurality of lifting mechanisms comprises an adjustable bearing mechanism claim 1 , the adjustable load bearing mechanism is coupled with the load bearing mechanism and is for supporting the load bearing mechanism claim 1 , the adjustable load bearing ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Device for ultrasonic testing of fasteners and associated method

Номер: US20180017530A1
Автор: Bleuze Alexandre

The device for the ultrasonic inspection of fasteners, such as screws, bolts or studs, the fastener comprising a head, the device comprising a probe, the probe comprising at least one piezoelectric multi-element matrix sensor, is characterized in that the piezoelectric multi-element matrix sensor has an active part having a surface area substantially equal to that of the head of the fastener and divided into one or more zones arranged in the form of a matrix, each zone comprising one or more elements, the device comprising a controller programmed to implement one or more successive control configurations, in the course of each configuration the controller activating one or more areas as transmitters and activating one or more areas as receivers. 1. A device for the ultrasonic inspection of fasteners , such as screws , bolts or studs , the fastener comprising a head , the device comprising a probe , the probe comprising at least one piezoelectric multi-element matrix sensor ,wherein the piezoelectric multi-element matrix sensor has an active part having a surface area substantially equal to that of the head of the fastener and divided into one or more zones arranged in the form of a matrix, each zone comprising one or more elements, the device comprising a controller programmed to implement one or more successive control configurations, in the course of each configuration the controller activating one or more zones as transmitters and activating one or more zones as receivers.2. The inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a spacer provided to be mounted on the head of the fastener claim 1 , the piezoelectric sensor being mounted on the spacer claim 1 , the spacer being arranged so that a layer of water separates the piezoelectric sensor from the head of the fastener.3. The inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein the device comprises a spacer provided to be mounted on the head of the fastener claim 1 , the piezoelectric sensor ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017531A1

The present invention relates to a method of testing the mechanical integrity of a cartridge () containing a medicament and being arranged inside a drug delivery device (). The invention also relates to a testing arrangement and to a respective drug delivery device, wherein the method comprises the steps of: acoustically stimulating the cartridge (), measuring of the cartridge's () acoustic response () to the acoustic stimulation (), comparing the acoustic response () with a standard response () of an intact cartridge (), and determining the mechanical integrity of the cartridge () on the basis of the comparison. 1. A method of testing mechanical integrity of a cartridge containing a medicament and being arranged inside a drug delivery device , the method comprising:acoustically stimulating the cartridge,measuring an acoustic response of the cartridge to the acoustic stimulation,comparing the acoustic response with a standard response of an intact cartridge, anddetermining the mechanical integrity of the cartridge on the basis of the comparison.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein acoustically stimulating the cartridge includes bringing a probe configured to emit acoustic signals in direct contact with the cartridge for directly acoustically stimulating the cartridge.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein acoustically stimulating the cartridge comprises indirectly acoustically stimulating the cartridge by coupling a probe configured to emit acoustic signals to a device component of the drug delivery device claim 1 , wherein the device component is in direct mechanical contact with the cartridge.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein acoustically stimulating the cartridge comprises indirectly acoustically stimulating the cartridge by coupling a probe configured to emit acoustic signals to a drug delivery device's housing claim 1 , which is acoustically coupled to a device component of the drug delivery device which is in direct mechanical contact ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190017970A1
Принадлежит: ASTEC, INC.

An inspection device for inspecting storage silos having mobile body with a tray portion for holding internal components for powering and controlling the inspection device, such as a control circuit and power source. Pairs of spaced apart in-line drive wheels are mounted to the tray portion. An external equipment mounting location (space) is provided between the pairs of drive wheels. A universal wiring harness is located within the tray portion and extends to the external mounting location such that at least two non-identical items of inspection equipment can be interchangeably mounted to the mobile body and connected to the wiring harness. A top portion may be secured over the tray portion to enclose the internal components. Optional fenders may be secured over the wheels and external equipment. Preferably, the external equipment can be swapped without having to remove the top portion from the tray portion. 1. An inspection device for inspecting storage silos comprising:a mobile body having a tray portion;an equipment mounting location disposed on an exterior surface of the mobile body and sized and configured to enable at item of inspection equipment to be removably mounted to the mobile body and accessed and exchanged with another item of inspection equipment from outside the mobile body;a power source located within the mobile body for supplying power to the mobile body and to the item of inspection equipment mounted to the equipment mounting location;a control circuit located within the mobile body for at least partially controlling movement of the mobile body and operating the item of inspection equipment; anda wiring harness located within the tray portion configured to connect with the item of inspection equipment and operable to form an electrical circuit comprising the inspection equipment mounted to the mobile body at the equipment mounting location, the control circuit, and the power source.2. The inspection device of wherein the mobile body may be ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200018728A1

An adhesive bond test resonance array provides inspection of adhesively bonded composite laminate structures with improved productivity and higher reliability. A holder has multiple slots arranged in a two-dimensional array for holding transducers in respective slots. The holder is adapted to position a probe end of each of the transducers adjacent a component for scanning and has a material hardness adapted for enabling flexing while scanning curved composite parts. A fluid channel is adapted for delivering a couplant to the probe end of the transducers such that the couplant is automatically delivered during scanning of the component to inspect bond integrity. 1. An adhesive bond test resonance array , comprising:a holder having a plurality of slots arranged in a two-dimensional array;a plurality of transducers each disposed in the plurality of slots, respectively, the holder being adapted to position a probe end of each of the plurality of transducers adjacent a component for scanning; anda fluid channel adapted for delivering a couplant to the probe end of the plurality of transducers such that the couplant is automatically delivered during scanning of the component.2. The adhesive bond test resonance array of claim 1 , wherein the two-dimensional array comprises an irregular pattern to reduce an overall footprint of the array claim 1 , the irregular pattern being compact for scanning close to component edges and irregular geometrical features.3. The adhesive bond test resonance array of claim 1 , wherein the holder is adapted to provide enough rigidity for supporting closely spaced transducers claim 1 , while also being adapted to provide enough flexibility for flexing with contours of curved components.4. The adhesive bond test resonance array of claim 1 , the holder comprising:a receiving side adapted for receiving the plurality of transducers into the respective plurality of slots;an interface side, opposite the receiving side, adapted for interfacing with a ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018470A1
Автор: Kemp Travis, Na Jeong-Kwan
Принадлежит: Kellogg Brown & Root LLC

A method for testing a body having a feature and an outer surface includes configuring a probe to emit a focused ultrasonic beam; configuring a control unit to control the probe, adjusting a focal distance of a focal point of the beam with reference to a test location; adjusting a position of the focal point along at least one axis with reference to the feature; emitting the beam into the outer surface; and determining a presence of a crack at the test location by evaluating % a signal response from the probe. A related apparatus includes the control unit, the transducer, and a shoe assembly having a shoe member and a shoe adapter. A coupling fluid in a variable volume chamber in the shoe adapter separates the transducer from the shoe member and allows changes in a focal distance of the focal point. The apparatus also includes one or more positioners for adjusting a position of the focal point. 1. A method for testing a body having a feature and an outer surface , the method comprising:determining a test location for the feature;configuring a probe to emit a focused ultrasonic beam formed of longitudinal waves, the focused ultrasonic beam having a focal point and a focal distance;configuring a control unit to control the probe, wherein the probe emits the focused ultrasonic beam in response to an electrical signal applied by the control unit, and wherein the control unit is further configured to detect a signal response from the probe;adjusting the focal distance of the focal point with reference to the test location;adjusting a position of the focal point along at least one axis with reference to the feature, wherein the at least one axis is perpendicular to an axis normal to the outer surface of the body;emitting the focused ultrasonic beam into the outer surface, wherein the ultrasonic beam enters the outer surface at an angle that converts the longitudinal waves into shear waves; anddetermining a presence of a crack at the test location by evaluating the signal ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210018472A1

The present invention aims at providing a small-diameter wire/rod/tube ultrasonic detector with an end blind area and an automatic ultrasonic nondestructive detecting system, wherein a sealing cover of the ultrasonic detector is located on a water storage device; an annular array unit mounting rack and a water pump are fixed in the water storage device, and an annular array detecting unit is connected to the annular array unit mounting rack; the water pump is connected to an input end of water circulation input and output; a sensor is mounted in one side of the sealing cover in which a detected material is allowed to enter; the annular array detecting unit comprises an outer ring part and an inner ring part, and the outer ring part and the inner ring part are connected into a whole by means of a wire inlet side end cover and a wire outlet side end cover; the outer ring part consists of an outer ring substrate and an outer ring arraying probe, and the inner ring part consists of an inner ring inner core and an inner ring inner core locking ring. The ultrasonic detector in the present invention has unique “acoustic eye” structure characteristics, changes the mode of ultrasonic waves entering the detected material, and can effectively eliminate the end detection blind area of the wire/rod/tube. 110-. (canceled)11. An ultrasonic detector , comprising:a water storage device;a sealing cover provided on the water storage device for sealing the water storage device;an annular array unit mounting rack;an annular array detecting unit; anda sensor mounted at an outside of the sealing cover for determining the positions of the head portion and the tail portion of the material to be detected, wherein the annular array unit mounting rack are fixed inside the water storage device and the annular array detecting unit is connected to the annular array unit mounting rack, wherein the annular array detecting unit comprises an outer ring and an inner ring, wherein the outer ring and ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Rotary ultrasonic testing apparatus with hydraulic lifting units

Номер: US20140109676A1
Автор: Hua Zhou, Kai Fan, Xun YU
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The present application provides a rotary testing apparatus for use with a work piece. The rotary testing apparatus may include a rotor, a probe, and a lifting unit for maneuvering the probe about the work piece. The lifting unit may include a hydraulic lifting mechanism and a counterweight mechanism.

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Tank for a Turbomachine

Номер: US20200025649A1

A system for performing ultrasonic procedures within a turbomachine. The system includes a bladder and a probe assembly. The bladder includes a bladder body for positioning within the turbomachine. Further, the bladder is inflatable to at least partially define an ultrasonic tank within the turbomachine for containing a fluid medium. The probe assembly includes an extension member and ultrasonic transmitter coupled to or positioned within the extension member. The extension member is insertable into the ultrasonic tank for positioning the ultrasonic transmitter within the ultrasonic tank. 1. A system for performing ultrasonic procedures within a turbomachine , the system comprising:a bladder including a bladder body for positioning within the turbomachine, wherein the bladder is inflatable to at least partially define an ultrasonic tank within the turbomachine for containing a fluid medium; anda probe assembly including an extension member and ultrasonic transmitter, the ultrasonic transmitter coupled to or positioned within the extension member, the extension member insertable into the ultrasonic tank for positioning the ultrasonic transmitter within the ultrasonic tank.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bladder is a first bladder and the bladder body is a first bladder body claim 1 , and wherein the system further comprises:a second bladder including a second bladder body for positioning within the turbomachine, wherein the second bladder body is inflatable to at least partially define the ultrasonic tank.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first bladder is configured to be positioned at an upstream location within the turbomachine and the second bladder is configured to be positioned at a downstream location within the turbomachine to define the ultrasonic tank therebetween.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the turbomachine comprises a component claim 3 , and wherein the first bladder is configured to be positioned upstream of the component and the second ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Mobile Automated Non-Destructive Inspection System

Номер: US20210025852A1
Автор: Howland Glenn Earle

A mobile automated pipe or shaft non-destructive inspection system with rotational inspection sensor assembly for 360 degree imaging or sensing and generation of three dimensional models or sensing imaging or depictions of the pipe or shaft, preservative removal/application system, mobile platform mounting, and control system as well as related methods. 1. A mobile automated pipe or shaft non-destructive inspection system comprising:an operation and control station including a power system;a nitrogen source;an umbilical cable comprising a plurality of control, data, nitrogen conduit, and power lines coupled with the operation and control station and nitrogen source;a remotely controlled mobile non-destructive inspection platform connected to the umbilical cablecomprising a control system that communicates with systems on the platform and the operation and control station through the umbilical cable, a drive system, a position determination system, a navigation system, a plurality of sensors, a rotational sensor arm mounting at least some of the plurality of sensors, and a coating removal or application system that removes or applies at least one coating to a surface;wherein the drive system comprises a plurality of adjustable drive components and suspension systems that adjustably and laterally positions the platform within an enclosing structure;wherein the plurality of sensors comprises a rotational inspection sensor assembly for 360 degree imaging or sensing and generation of three dimensional models or sensing imaging or depictions of enclosing structure walls.2. An inspection system comprising:a remotely controlled mobile non-destructive inspection platform comprising a control system, a drive system, a position determination system, a navigation system, a plurality of sensors, a rotational sensor arm mounting at least some of the plurality of sensors, and a coating removal or application system that removes or applies at least one coating to a surface;wherein ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030869A1

The invention relates to a method for testing a workpiece using ultrasound, wherein an ultrasonic probe generates an ultrasound signal which has a central beam and which is coupled into the workpiece under test, and the central beam is guided along a predefined path on the surface of the workpiece, the central beam and the workpiece being moved in opposite directions at least along a portion of the path. 1. A method for testing a workpiece using ultrasound , in which an ultrasound signal which has a central beam is generated by an ultrasonic test head , which ultrasound signal is coupled into the workpiece under test by means of at least one liquid jet , and the central beam is guided along a prespecified path on the surface of the workpiece together with the liquid jet , characterized in that the central beam together with the liquid jet and the workpiece are moved in opposing directions at least on a portion of the path , such that a multi-dimensional opposing movement of the central beam and the workpiece takes place , wherein the opposing movement occurs simultaneously and in the opposite direction.2. (canceled)3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the workpiece is tested by means of a pulse-echo technique.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which ultrasound is passed through the workpiece at least once.5. (canceled)6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which a movement of the central beam takes place owing to a translatory movement of the ultrasonic test head.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which a movement of the central beam takes place owing to a pivoting movement of the ultrasonic test head.8. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the opposing movement takes place on a portion of the path in an end region of the workpiece.9. The method as claimed in claim 1 , in which the opposing movement extends over the entire workpiece under test. This application is a national phase entry under 35 U.S.C. §371 of International Application ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170030870A1
Принадлежит: ETH Zurich

A method to measure the vibrational characteristics of an oscillating system () uses a control system (). The oscillating system comprises a resonator, at least one vibration exciter and at least one sensor. The resonator is excited by the vibration exciter, and the motion of the resonator is measured by the sensor. The control system uses the sensor to control the motion of the resonator by the vibration exciter. The motion of the resonator is a superposition of at least two harmonic motions, and the control system comprises at least two subcontrollers (). Each harmonic motion is controlled independently by one of the subcontrollers. The harmonic motions are controlled by the subcontrollers simultaneously. A corresponding device is also disclosed. 1. A method to measure the vibrational characteristics of an oscillating system using a control system , said oscillating system comprising a resonator , at least one vibration exciter and at least one sensor ,said resonator being excited by said vibration exciter,a motion of said resonator being measured by said sensor,said control system using said sensor to control said motion of said resonator by said vibration exciter,said motion of said resonator being a superposition of at least two harmonic motions,said control system comprising at least two subcontrollers,said at least two harmonic motions being controlled independently by said at least two subcontrollers, respectively,said harmonic motions being controlled by said subcontrollers simultaneously.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said subcontrollers are phase-locked loops.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each of said harmonic motions has a frequency close to a resonance frequency of said resonator.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein resonance frequencies of said resonator are sensitive to properties of a fluid claim 1 , being in contact with said resonator.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein said fluid properties are the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Thin-film ultrasonic probe having a flexible membrane

Номер: US20140116144A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method comprises positioning an ultrasonic probe against a surface of an item. The probe includes a chamber formed in part by a flexible membrane, which is opposite the surface. The method further comprises moving the probe along the surface while varying chamber pressure to flex the membrane to accommodate the surface.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210033566A1

An ultrasonic testing device that can make a robotic testing system reach the surface of a complex curved composite workpiece that is not easy to reach and perform a quality testing. By pumping a coupling liquid into the device so that the coupling liquid enters a waveguide and jets onto the surface of the workpiece, an ultrasonic wave can be transmitted in the waveguide and reach the surface of the workpiece and penetrate the workpiece, thereby achieving the purpose of quality testing of the workpiece. By providing two ultrasonic testing devices without a waveguide on both sides of a tested workpiece, respectively, and by mounting the waveguide on one side or both sides of the ultrasonic testing devices, it is possible to transmit the ultrasonic waves to the surface of the workpiece or to receive the ultrasonic waves from the surface of the workpiece. 1. An ultrasonic testing device including an ultrasonic transducer provided with a step , comprising:a liquid storage chamber provided with a liquid inlet on a side thereof, the liquid inlet being communicated with a hollow body of the liquid storage chamber, wherein a head portion of the ultrasonic transducer passes through an end of the liquid storage chamber and the step is pressed against the end of the liquid storage chamber;an ultrasonic transducer gland provided with a gland circular groove on an end thereof, wherein a tail portion of the ultrasonic transducer passes through the ultrasonic transducer gland and the step is arranged in the gland circular groove;an ultrasonic transducer holder disposed at a tail portion of the ultrasonic transducer, wherein the ultrasonic transducer holder is fixedly connected with the ultrasonic transducer gland and the liquid storage chamber;a jet head provided with a jet nozzle on an end thereof, wherein the other end of the jet head is fixedly connected to and communicated with the other end of the liquid storage chamber;a liquid spoiler arranged in the liquid storage chamber ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043285A1

An apparatus for removing a gas in an immersion ultrasonic process is provided. The apparatus, in the form of an immersion ultrasonic transducer holder apparatus, has a body with a first end, a second end, a plurality of sides, and a hollow interior cavity portion. A holder portion with an exterior end and an interior end is formed through the first end, and holds one or more immersion ultrasonic transducers. A sloped inner face having a base end with a knife-edged perimeter is adjacent the interior end of the holder portion. The sloped inner face has an upward sloped surface extending from the base end to an evacuation end. One or more evacuation ports are formed through the first end, and adjacent the evacuation end. When the apparatus is used in the immersion ultrasonic process, the knife-edged perimeter, sloped inner face, and evacuation ports facilitate removal of the gas. 1. An apparatus for removing a gas in an immersion ultrasonic process , the apparatus comprising: a body with a first end, a second end, a plurality of sides, and a hollow interior cavity portion;', 'a holder portion formed through the first end, and configured to hold one or more immersion ultrasonic transducers in the immersion ultrasonic transducer holder apparatus, the holder portion having an exterior end and an interior end;', 'a sloped inner face having a base end with a knife-edged perimeter adjacent the interior end of the holder portion, the sloped inner face further having an upward sloped surface extending from the base end to an evacuation end; and', 'one or more evacuation ports formed through the first end and located adjacent the evacuation end of the sloped inner face,, 'an immersion ultrasonic transducer holder apparatus comprisingwherein when the apparatus is used in the immersion ultrasonic process, the knife-edged perimeter, the sloped inner face, and the one or more evacuation ports provide one or more flow paths configured to flow the gas away from the one or more ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190043920A1
Принадлежит: InvenSense, Inc.

An electronic device comprises a CMOS substrate having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface. A plurality of ultrasonic transducers is provided having a transmit/receive surface. A contact surface is piezoelectrically associated with the plurality of ultrasonic transducers and is formed on the first surface of the CMOS substrate. The plurality of ultrasonic transducers is disposed on the second surface of the CMOS substrate, with the transmit/receive side attached to the second surface thereof such that the CMOS substrate is between the plurality of ultrasonic transducers and the platen. An image sensing system is also provided, together with a method for ultrasonic sensing in the electronic device. 1. An electronic device comprising:a CMOS substrate having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface;a plurality of ultrasonic transducers having a transmit/receive surface, wherein the transmit/receive surface is disposed on the second surface of the CMOS substrate; anda contact surface piezoelectrically associated with the plurality of ultrasonic transducers and disposed on the first surface;wherein the CMOS substrate is between the plurality of ultrasonic transducers and the contact surface.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic transducers are Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (PMUT) devices or bulk piezoelectric elements.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein at least one PMUT device comprises:an edge support structure connected to the CMOS substrate; and a piezoelectric layer;', 'first and second electrodes coupled to opposing sides of the piezoelectric layer; and', 'a mechanical support layer., 'a membrane connected to the edge support structure such that a cavity is defined between the membrane and the CMOS substrate, the membrane configured to allow movement at ultrasonic frequencies, the membrane comprising4. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein the at least one ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180045685A1

An inspection system for ultrasonic inspection of a part, such as an aircraft component. The inspection system may include one or more transducers, an acoustic coupler made of an acoustic coupling compliant solid, a low friction contact film, a location sensor, and a processor. The contact film may substantially surround the acoustic coupler or portions thereof. The transducers may transmit ultrasonic or sound waves through the acoustic coupler, the contact film, and at least partially through the part being inspected thereby. The location sensor may sense and output information regarding how far the ultrasonic inspection system has traveled along the part. The processor may associate signals from the transducers with signals from the location sensor to determine precise locations on the part at which particular signals are received by the transducers. 1. An ultrasonic inspection system for ultrasonic inspection of a part , the system comprising:at least one transducer, wherein the at least one transducer is configured to transmit ultrasonic or sound waves through the part;an acoustic coupler made of an acoustic coupling compliant solid and fixed to a transmitting or receiving portion of the transducer; anda low friction contact film substantially surrounding the acoustic coupler or portions of the acoustic coupler.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a modular housing attachable to the transducer and a contact film retainer attached to the modular housing.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the contact film retainer forms a boundary around the at least one transducer and a portion of the acoustic coupler claim 2 , thereby aiding in stabilizing the acoustic coupler.4. The system of claim 2 , further comprising at least one independently removable outrigger independently attachable to the modular housing claim 2 , wherein the outrigger maintains normality of the at least one transducer to a surface of the part.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the outrigger ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055265A1

An optical device includes a first axicon lens to which collimated light is incident and which is configured to form diverging ring-shaped light; a lens to which the ring-shaped light formed by the first axicon lens is incident and which is configured to form ring-shaped collimated light; and a condensing mirror that is configured to condense the ring-shaped collimated light formed by the lens. A photoacoustic microscope includes the optical device described above and a detector that is configured to detect an acoustic wave caused by light condensed by the condensing mirror. 1. An optical device comprising:a first axicon lens to which collimated light is incident and which is configured to form diverging ring-shaped light;a lens to which the ring-shaped light formed by the first axicon lens is incident and which is configured to form ring-shaped collimated light; anda ring-shaped condensing mirror that is configured to condense the ring-shaped collimated light formed by the lens.2. The optical device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a reflective collimator that collimates divergent light incident thereto, by reflecting the divergent light, whereinthe light collimated by the reflective collimator becomes incident to the first axicon lens.3. The optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe first axicon lens and the lens are optically symmetric.4. The optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe lens is a second axicon lens with an apex angle that is substantially the same as an apex angle of the first axicon lens.5. The optical device according to claim 4 , whereinthe lens is provided such that a conical surface of the lens faces a conical surface of the first axicon lens.6. The optical device according to claim 1 , whereinthe lens is a convex lens in which a surface to which at least the ring-shaped light is incident has a convex curved surface approximating a conical surface of the first axicon lens.7. The optical device according to claim 6 , ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049664A1
Автор: NARA Akihiro

An ultrasonic wave inspection device includes: a transmitter that outputs ultrasonic waves toward an inspection object; a receiver that receives at least first ultrasonic waves passed through the inspection object, among the ultrasonic waves output from the transmitter; a member that regulates a second propagation path, the second propagation path being a portion of propagation paths through which the output ultrasonic waves reach the receiver, and the second propagation path being different from a first propagation path through which the first ultrasonic waves reach the receiver; and a signal controller that extracts ultrasonic waves of a predetermined time segment from at least the first ultrasonic waves, the predetermined time segment starting from a time when the first ultrasonic waves is received. 1. An ultrasonic wave inspection device comprising:a transmitter that outputs ultrasonic waves toward an inspection object;a receiver that receives at least first ultrasonic waves passed through the inspection object, among the ultrasonic waves output from the transmitter;a member that regulates a second propagation path, the second propagation path being a portion of propagation paths through which the output ultrasonic waves reach the receiver, and the second propagation path being different from a first propagation path through which the first ultrasonic waves reach the receiver; anda signal controller that extracts ultrasonic waves of a predetermined time segment from at least the first ultrasonic waves, the predetermined time segment starting from a time when the first ultrasonic waves is received.2. The ultrasonic wave inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein the signal controller determines presence or absence of a defect in a peripheral portion of the inspection object using the extracted ultrasonic waves.3. The ultrasonic wave inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein the member is overlapped with at least an end portion of a peripheral portion ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Non-Destructive Parts Testing

Номер: US20170052151A1

There is disclosed herein systems and methods for non-destructive testing of test bodies. The method includes positioning the test body in a test position, transmitting ultrasonic waves, by a transmission device, into the test body at one or more locations on the surface of one end of the test body; receiving portions of the ultrasonic waves, by a receiving device, that are reflected from or through the test body at each of the locations on the surface of one end of the test body; generating, by a wave generating device, at least one test wave form based on the portions corresponding to each of the locations on the surface of one end of the test body; comparing, by a wave processing device, the test wave form for the body at each of the locations to a respective one of a set of calibration wave forms for a reference body. 1. A method for non-destructive testing of at least one test body , the method comprising steps of:positioning the test body in a test position;wherein the test body has at least one surface located at a first end thereof;transmitting ultrasonic waves, by a transmission device, into the test body at one or more locations on the surface;receiving portions of the ultrasonic waves, by a receiving device, that are reflected from or through the test body at the first end;generating, by a wave generating device, at least one test wave form based on the portions corresponding to each of the locations; 'wherein the calibration wave form is indicative of performance characteristics of the reference body;', 'comparing, by a wave processing device, the test wave form for the body at each of the locations to a respective one of a set of calibration wave forms for a reference body;'}recording, on a storage device, a result from the comparing, wherein the result is positive if the test body is eligible for use in the industrial application and wherein the result is otherwise negative; andoutputting the result by an output device.2. A method according to claim 1 ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Transducer with dry adhesive couplant

Номер: US20150059479A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A transducer for stimulating an article under test with ultrasonic vibration may include a transducer body having a transmitting face and configured to generate ultrasonic vibration through the transmitting face, and an couplant mounted on the transmitting face, the couplant having a multiplicity of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes extending therefrom in a direction substantially normal to the transmitting face.

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150061696A1

The invention relates to a DC electrical power supply source including 1. A DC electrical power supply source , comprising:a protective housing;electrical energy storage devices disposed in the protective housing, said storage devices being connected electrically in series by way of interconnection elements;{'b': '4', 'an acoustic sensor () configured to measure ultrasounds; and'}{'b': '7', 'a filling medium () disposed in the housing;'}wherein the filling medium exhibits a homogeneous acoustic impedance and forms a continuous acoustic link between said interconnection elements and the acoustic sensor.2. The DC electrical power supply source as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising an electronic circuit configured to detect the occurrence of an electric arc as a function of the ultrasounds measured by the acoustic sensor.3. The DC electrical power supply source claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , comprising a plurality of acoustic sensors distributed within the protective housing and configured to measure ultrasounds claim 2 , the filling medium forming a continuous acoustic link between the interconnection elements and the plurality of acoustic sensors claim 2 , and the electronic circuit being configured to determine the position of the electric arc as a function of the respective measurements of an ultrasound spike by each of said plurality of acoustic sensors.4. The DC electrical power supply source as claimed in claim 2 , further comprising an electromagnetic sensor disposed in the protective housing claim 2 , the electronic circuit being configured to confirm a detection of occurrence of an electric arc as a function of the electromagnetic signal measured by the electromagnetic sensor.5. The DC electrical power supply source as claimed in claim 4 , in which the electronic circuit is configured to determine the position of the electric arc as a function of a duration between an ultrasound spike measured by the ultrasound sensor and an electromagnetic spike ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180059061A1

Methods, systems, and devices for solid axle testing are provided. 1. An inspection system , comprising:a probe configured to be inserted into a blind hole formed in a solid axle, the probe including an ultrasonic transducer at an end face thereof that is configured to generate ultrasonic waves in the solid axle covering substantially an entire portion of the solid axle to be inspected when the probe is within the blind hole.2. The inspection system of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic transducer includes an angle beam ultrasonic transducer configured to propagate a shear wave and a longitudinal beam ultrasonic transducer configured to propagate a compression wave claim 1 , and the ultrasonic waves include the shear wave propagated by the angle beam ultrasonic transducer and the compression wave propagated by the longitudinal beam ultrasonic transducer.3. The inspection system of claim 1 , wherein the probe is configured to be inserted into the blind hole until the end face of the probe abuts a bottom surface of the blind hole.4. The inspection system of claim 1 , wherein the probe includes a controller configured to analyze the echo to determine whether a flaw is present in the solid axle.5. The inspection system of claim 4 , wherein the flaw includes at least one of a crack claim 4 , a notch claim 4 , an inclusion claim 4 , a void claim 4 , and a fracture.6. The inspection system of claim 1 , wherein the substantially entire portion of the solid axle to be inspected is at least one of substantially an entire skin surface of the solid axle and substantially an entire volume of the solid axle.7. The inspection system of claim 1 , further comprising a liquid couplant on the end face of the probe.8. The inspection system of claim 7 , wherein the liquid couplant includes one of water claim 7 , grease claim 7 , oil claim 7 , and a gel.9. The inspection system of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic transducer includes a plurality of phased array transducers configured to ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Automated Ultrasonic Inspection of Elongated Composite Members Using Single-Pass Robotic System

Номер: US20170059531A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Apparatus and methods for ultrasonic inspection of elongated composite members in a single scan pass using pulse echo phased arrays operating in a bubbler method. The system concept is fully automated by integrating an inspection probe assembly to a robot and using the robot to move the inspection probe assembly along the part (i.e., outside of an inspection tank); and by integrating tooling fixtures that move out of the way as the inspection probe assembly travels along the length of the part during the inspection. In addition, the system allows for generally elongated composite members having lengthwise variation in shape, curvature and dimensions.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200057032A1

This ultrasonic inspection device, for inspecting a packaged semiconductor device, is provided with: an ultrasonic transducer which outputs ultrasonic waves to a semiconductor device; a receiver (a reflection detection unit) which detects reflected waves of the ultrasonic waves reflected on the semiconductor device; a stage which moves the positions of the semiconductor device relative to the ultrasonic transducer; a stage control unit which controls driving of the stage; and an analysis unit which analyzes the reaction of the semiconductor device to the input of the ultrasonic waves from the ultrasonic transducer. The stage control unit controls the distance between the semiconductor device and the ultrasonic transducer on the basis of a peak occurring in time waveform of the reflected wave detected by the receiver. 1. An ultrasonic inspection device for inspection of a packaged semiconductor device , comprising:an ultrasonic transducer configured to output ultrasonic waves to the semiconductor device;a reflection detector configured to detect reflected waves of the ultrasonic waves reflected by the semiconductor device;a stage configured to move a position of the semiconductor device relative to the ultrasonic transducer;a stage controller configured to control driving of the stage; andan analyzer configured to analyze a reaction of the semiconductor device in accordance with an input of the ultrasonic waves by the ultrasonic transducer,wherein the stage controller controls a distance between the semiconductor device and the ultrasonic transducer on the basis of a peak appearing in a time waveform of the reflected waves detected by the reflection detector.2. The ultrasonic inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein the stage controller controls the distance between the semiconductor device and the ultrasonic transducer so that the peak of the time waveform is maximized.3. The ultrasonic inspection device according to claim 1 , wherein the stage controller ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Ultrasonic inspection probe, system, and method

Номер: US20210063355A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Disclosed herein is an ultrasonic inspection probe for inspecting parts. The ultrasonic inspection probe comprises a probe body that comprises an ultrasonic array and a plate attachment surface. The ultrasonic array comprises a plurality of ultrasound elements, each selectively operable to generate an ultrasonic beam and each fixed relative to the plate attachment surface. The ultrasonic inspection probe also comprises an interface plate, comprising a body attachment surface, removably attachable to the plate attachment surface of the probe body, and a part inspection surface, shaped to complement a shape of one of the parts.

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Transducer, Ultrasonic Flowmeter and Method

Номер: US20220082420A1

An ultrasonic transducer for an ultrasonic flowmeter includes: a transducer housing with an ultrasound window; a transducer element in the transducer housing that transmits ultrasonic signals onto a signal path and receives ultrasonic signals from the signal path; a control and evaluation unit that controls the transducer element and evaluates the ultrasonic signals; and a buffer element that forms at least one at least partially reflective boundary layer in the signal path. In an operating state, the transducer element transmits an ultrasonic signal that is at least partially reflected at the boundary layer of the buffer element, and the reflected signal component is received by the transducer element. The control and evaluation unit monitors the reception of the reflected signal component and, in the absence of reception of a reflected signal component, detects an error state of the ultrasonic transducer. 1. An ultrasonic transducer for an ultrasonic flowmeter , comprising:a transducer housing and having a transducer element, wherein the transducer housing has an ultrasound window and wherein the transducer element is arranged in the transducer housing and is designed for transmitting ultrasonic signals onto a signal path and for receiving ultrasonic signals from the signal path;a control and evaluation unit for controlling the transducer element and evaluating the ultrasonic signals; anda buffer element arranged in or on the transducer housing in the signal path, wherein the buffer element forms at least one at least partially reflective boundary layer in the signal path;wherein, in the operating state of the ultrasonic transducer, the transducer element transmits an ultrasonic signal, wherein the ultrasonic signal is at least partially reflected at the boundary layer of the buffer element, wherein the reflected signal component is received by the transducer element; andwherein the control and evaluation unit is configured such that, in the operating state of the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220082509A1

An integral system for automated and non-intrusive of cleaning and non-destructive inspection (ultrasonic volumetric testing and visual testing) to detect, characterize and monitor with precision the level of internal and external damage (Cracks, deformations, corrosion, erosion, etc.) that may be present in coke drums throughout their life cycle is disclosed. Embodiments are disclosed that enable a condition of a coke drum to be estimated in a reliable manner for their fitness for service from the results obtained from the automated inspection with the non-destructive methods of ultrasound and visual testing. 1. A coke drum inspection system comprising: a horizontal section having a horizontal length comprising a drive gear rotatbly positioned on a first end, a first guided gear in meshing arrangement with the drive gear coupled to a first worm screw rotatbly mounted to the horizontal section, a second guided gear in meshing arrangement with the drive gear coupled to a second worm screw rotatbly mounted to the horizontal section;', 'a vertical section having an adjustable vertical length, a first vertical drive shaft threadably engaged within a portion of the horizontal section and in meshing arrangement with the first worm screw, a second vertical drive shaft threadably engaged within a portion of the horizontal section and in meshing arrangement with the second worm screw;', 'an angular displacement device positioned on a bottom end of the vertical section configured to be angularly adjustable relative to the vertical section;', 'and a front section having an adjustable front section length coupled to the angular displacement device; and', 'a ramp surface having an adjustable ramp length positioned on a portion of the horizontal section, the vertical section and the front section configured to provide a contiguous surface., 'an adjustable ramp system configured to transfer an inspection crawler into and out of an interior space of the coke drum, the adjustable ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144238A1
Автор: Luo Wei

An ultrasonic sensor assembly for a test pipe includes a sensor array. The sensor array includes a plurality of sensor elements for detecting a characteristic of the test pipe and included a flexible backing material on which the plurality of sensor elements are supported. The sensor array is adjustable in length to form an adjusted length. An excess portion is removed from the sensor array to form the adjusted length. This adjusted length of the sensor array substantially matches a perimeter distance around an outer surface of the test pipe. An associated method of positioning the ultrasonic sensor assembly on the test pipe is also provided. 1. An ultrasonic sensor assembly for a test pipe , the ultrasonic sensor assembly including:a sensor array including a plurality of sensor elements for detecting a characteristic of the test pipe and including a flexible backing material on which the plurality of sensor elements are supported, the sensor array being adjustable in length to substantially match a perimeter distance around an outer surface of the test pipe.2. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensor elements are linearly arranged along the length of the sensor array.3. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 2 , wherein the sensor elements are spaced equidistant from each other along the length of the sensor array.4. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the sensor elements includes at least one wire in operative attachment with the sensor elements.5. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 4 , wherein the at least one wire is in further operative attachment with a test apparatus claim 4 , the at least one wire exchanging information between the test apparatus and the sensor elements.6. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the sensor array is adjustable in length by removing an excess portion of the sensor array claim 1 , wherein the excess portion of the sensor array includes an excess portion of the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190064121A1
Автор: Nakabayashi Takaaki

An acoustic wave receiving apparatus includes a liquid vessel for storing an acoustic matching liquid and a receiving unit for receiving an acoustic wave from a subject via the acoustic matching liquid, wherein the liquid vessel includes a drainage port for discharging the acoustic matching liquid, an annular portion surrounding the drainage port, a peripheral portion located outside the annular portion, and a drainage acceleration unit for accelerating drainage of the acoustic matching liquid from the peripheral portion toward the annular portion. 1. An acoustic wave receiving apparatus comprising:a liquid vessel configured to store an acoustic matching liquid; anda receiving unit configured to receive an acoustic wave from a subject via the acoustic matching liquid,wherein the liquid vessel includes a drainage port configured to drain the acoustic matching liquid, an annular portion surrounding the drainage port, and a peripheral portion located outside the annular portion, andwherein the liquid vessel is configured to accelerate drainage of the acoustic matching liquid from the peripheral portion toward the annular portion.2. The acoustic wave receiving apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein an affinity for the acoustic matching liquid of the annular portion is higher than that of the peripheral portion.3. The acoustic wave receiving apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic matching liquid includes water claim 1 , and the annular portion has a higher hydrophilic property than that of the peripheral portion.4. The acoustic wave receiving apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a contact angle with respect to the acoustic matching liquid of the annular portion is smaller than that of the peripheral portion.5. The acoustic wave receiving apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the peripheral portion includes an inclined area which becomes lower in a vertical direction toward the annular portion.6. The acoustic wave receiving apparatus according to ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170067857A1

To minimize contact between water and a work piece that should avoid water and obtain good images in ultrasonic inspection, an ultrasonic probe that irradiates a work piece with an ultrasonic wave and receives reflected wave thereof, an X and Y-axis driving devices that allow the ultrasonic probe to scan the work piece in a horizontal direction, a Z-axis driving device that moves up and down the ultrasonic probe with respect to the work piece, a water supply part provided in the ultrasonic probe and supplying water in a predetermined amount between the probe tip end portion and the work piece, and a water suction part provided in the ultrasonic probe and suctioning the water after water supply by the water is supplied are provided. 1. An ultrasonic inspection apparatus comprising:an ultrasonic probe that irradiates a work piece with ultrasonic wave and receives reflected wave thereof;a scanning device that allows the ultrasonic probe to scan the work piece in a horizontal direction;a first elevating device that moves up and down the ultrasonic probe with respect to the work piece;a water supply part provided in a side part of the ultrasonic probe and, after a probe tip end portion having a concave lens shape of the ultrasonic probe is moved to directly above a predetermined position of the work piece, supplying water in a minimum limited predetermined amount that can be held in close contact with the probe tip end portion and the work piece by surface tension to fill between the probe and the work piece; anda water suction part provided in a side part of the ultrasonic probe and suctioning water after water supply by the water supply part.2. The ultrasonic inspection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the work piece includes a plurality of chips claim 1 , andafter the probe tip end portion of the ultrasonic probe is moved to directly above the chip to be inspected, the water supply part supplies water limited to a range of the chip to be inspected.3. The ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210072195A1

A large-panel ultrasonic on-machine scanning thickness measurement equipment and method is disclosed. A GNCMT is adopted as the measuring machine main body on which a measured large panel is clamped and conducts scanning measurement motion; a non-contact ultrasonic measurement device is installed on the spindle of the machine tool for realizing transmission and acquisition of ultrasonic signals; a coupling liquid circulation system with the functions of multi-layer filtering, flow monitoring and regulation is set up; a jet flow immersion coupling mode is adopted on the surface of the measured large panel, and micro-emulsion cutting fluid is used as compatible coupling liquid of ultrasonic on-machine thickness measurement; and the coupling liquid is recycled, purified and stably supplied circularly. The thickness measurement equipment has high multi-function integration and reliable performance. It is easy to operate and highly automated, which effectively realizes nondestructive, accurate, efficient on-machine wall thickness measurement of the large panel. 1123. Large-panel ultrasonic on-machine non-contact scanning thickness measurement equipment , which is composed of a GNCMT () , a non-contact ultrasonic thickness measurement device () and a coupling liquid circulation system () , wherein{'b': 1', '4', '2', '1', '8', '1', '4, 'the large-stroke, high-accuracy and light-duty GNCMT () is adopted as a main body of the measuring machine on which a measured large panel () is clamped and scanning measurement motion is conducted on it; the non-contact ultrasonic thickness measurement device () is installed on a spindle (.) of the GNCMT () for realizing transmission and acquisition of ultrasonic signals; a coupling liquid circulation system with the functions of multi-layer filtering, flow monitoring and regulation is set up; a jet flow immersion coupling mode is adopted on the surface of the measured large panel (), and micro-emulsion cutting fluid is used as compatible ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180073867A1

This application discloses magnetically coupled integrated probes and probe systems, attachable to the robotic arms of a remotely operated vehicle to perform both cathodic protection (CP) voltage measurements and ultrasonic testing (UT) thickness measurements at an underwater surface. The integrated probe system can include a spring for coupling to an ROV end effector. An ultrasonic probe is disposed within and extends from the sleeve housing. A magnetic carrier, flux concentrator, and gimbal surround a portion of the ultrasonic probe, and one or more electrically conductive legs extend from the front surface of the gimbal to function as a CP probe. The legs are arranged about the ultrasonic probe, which has a flexible membrane exposed at the front surface of the gimbal, such that during inspection, at least one leg contacts the surface and the ultrasonic probe is sufficiently proximate to provide substantially simultaneous CP and UT measurements. 1. An integrated probe suitable for performing cathodic protection voltage readings and ultrasonic testing thickness measurements at an underwater surface substantially simultaneously , comprising:a probe carrier having an electrically conductive portion disposed at a front surface of the probe carrier, the front surface defining a cavity centrally therein;one or more magnets embedded within the probe carrier;a flux concentrator embedded within the probe carrier, supported by the one or more magnets, and adjacent to the electrically conductive portion;a flexible membrane seated in the cavity of the probe carrier;two or more electrically conductive tips extending longitudinally away from the front surface of the probe carrier and arranged equidistant from one another about the flexible membrane;a sleeve housing;an ultrasonic probe having a transducer crystal, the ultrasonic probe being partially disposed within the sleeve housing and extending through the probe carrier to be adjacent to the flexible membrane, the flexible ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078041A1
Автор: Buckland Justin Rorke

Ultrasonic devices include a transducer having a piezoelectric element therein that may operate as an acoustic signal receiving surface and/or an acoustic signal generating surface. At least one acoustic matching layer is provided on the piezoelectric element. This at least one acoustic matching layer may be configured as a composite of N acoustic matching layers, with a first of the N acoustic matching layers contacting the primary surface of the piezoelectric element. This first acoustic matching layer may have an acoustic impedance equivalent to Z, where N is a positive integer greater than zero. In some embodiments of the invention, the magnitude of Zmay be defined as: 0.75 ((Z)(Z))≤Z≤1.25 ((Z)(Z)), where Zis the acoustic impedance of the piezoelectric element (e.g., lead zirconate titanate (PZT)) and Zis the acoustic impedance of a compatible gas. 1. An ultrasonic device , comprising:a transducer having a piezoelectric element therein;a first acoustic matching layer comprising polyethersulfone (PES), on the piezoelectric element; anda polymer protective layer on said first acoustic matching layer.2. The ultrasonic device of claim 1 , wherein said polymer protective layer is a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) layer having a thickness of less than about 20 microns.3. The ultrasonic device of claim 2 , further comprising a second acoustic matching layer comprising PET extending between said first acoustic matching layer and the piezoelectric element.4. The ultrasonic device of claim 3 , wherein said second acoustic matching layer is bonded to the piezoelectric element and said polymer protective layer is bonded to said first acoustic matching layer.5. The ultrasonic device of claim 4 , wherein said polymer protective layer is metalized with aluminum.6. The ultrasonic device of claim 1 , wherein said first acoustic matching layer is bonded to the piezoelectric element and the polymer protective layer is bonded to said first acoustic matching layer.7. A device claim ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072796A1

A method for forming a wear sole includes forming a plurality of layers from a frame material, adjacent layers bonded to one another to define a frame. The frame can include a proximal surface configured to secure the frame to a probe holder, a distal surface configured to contact a portion of a target, a body extending between proximal and distal surfaces, an aperture extending through proximal and distal surfaces and the body, and a channel extending from the proximal surface to a chamber in fluid communication with the distal surface. The method can optionally include placing a membrane within the aperture. The membrane can be coupled to the body by a seal, inhibiting passage of a fluid through the proximal surface via the aperture. The chamber can extend within the body between a distal surface of the membrane and the distal surface of the frame. 1. A method , comprising: a proximal surface configured to secure the frame to a distal end of a probe holder,', 'a distal surface configured to contact a portion of a target surface;', 'a frame body extending between the proximal and distal surfaces;', 'an aperture extending through the proximal surface, the body, and the distal surface; and', 'a channel extending from the proximal surface to a chamber in fluid communication with the distal surface., 'forming a plurality of layers from at least one frame material, wherein adjacent ones of the plurality of layers are bonded to one another to define a frame of a wear sole including2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising placing a membrane within the aperture claim 1 , adjacent to the proximal surface claim 1 , wherein the membrane is coupled to the frame body by a substantially fluid-tight seal so as to inhibit passage of a fluid through the proximal surface via the aperture.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the chamber extends within the frame body between a distal surface of the membrane and the distal surface of the frame.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150082888A1

According to one embodiment, an acoustic sensor includes a base and a first strain sensing element. The base includes a support and a first film unit supported by the support. The first film unit is flexible. The first strain sensing element is provided on a first surface of the first film unit. The first strain sensing element includes a first magnetic layer, a second magnetic layer, and a first intermediate layer provided between the first magnetic layer and the second magnetic layer. An angle between a magnetization of the first magnetic layer and a magnetization of the second magnetic layer is variable by an acoustic wave. The acoustic wave is transmitted to a first film unit by a first transmitting material in contact with the first film unit. 1. An acoustic sensor comprising:a base including a support and a first film unit supported by the support, the first film unit being flexible; anda first strain sensing element provided on a first surface of the first film unit, the first strain sensing element including a first magnetic layer, a second magnetic layer, and a first intermediate layer provided between the first magnetic layer and the second magnetic layer,an acoustic wave being transmitted to the first film unit via a first transmitting material provided in contact with the first film unit,an angle between a magnetization of the first magnetic layer and a magnetization of the second magnetic layer being variable in accordance with the acoustic wave.2. The acoustic sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the first transmitting material is disposed in a space partitioned by the support and the first film unit.3. The acoustic sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising a fixing unit to fix the base to a measuring object claim 1 , the measuring object emitting an acoustic wave claim 1 ,an acoustic impedance of the first transmitting material being lower than an acoustic impedance of the measuring object.4. The acoustic sensor according to claim 1 , further ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097739A1

An ultrasonic probe for non-destructive testing of a rail, said probe comprising a housing; an insert comprising an ultrasonic transducer and a polycarbonate shoe having a face for contacting a rail; and a compressed spring for exerting a downward force on said insert; the system further comprising a plate with a restraining flange around an aperture to prevent the polycarbonate shoe from extending more than a preset fixed amount through the aperture. 1. An ultrasonic probe for non-destructive testing of a rail , said probe comprisinga housing;an insert comprising an ultrasonic transducer and a polycarbonate shoe having a face for contacting a rail;and a compressed spring for exerting a downward force on said insert;the insert being configured such that an upward force on the face of the polycarbonate shoe greater than the downward force exerted by the compressed spring forces the insert up intothe housing,the system further comprising{'b': 30', '30', '10', '20', '20', '1, 'a modified plate ′ with flanges of the modified plate ′ restraining the probe and preventing the shoe from being forced further out of the housing such that an equilibrium is reached wherein the face of the shoe is worn away to conform to the profile of the track around an aperture for preventing the polycarbonate shoe from extending more than a preset fixed amount through the aperture thereby reducing the number of shoe replacements and increasing the distance traveled between shoe replacements than was previously possible, thereby reducing number of shoes required, downtime and maintenance costs.'}2. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , wherein the polycarbonate shoe is several millimeters thick and the preset amount is less than 1 mm.3. A system for ultrasonic inspection of a railway track comprising the ultrasonic probe of and further comprising a water reservoir for providing a film of water between said face of the shoe and a surface of the rail being inspected.4. The system of further ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085289A1
Принадлежит: TRIPLE W JAPAN INC.

An ultrasonic measurement device includes: a probe configured to be attached to a body surface of a subject while being in contact with the body surface, transmit ultrasonic waves into a body of the subject, and receive reflected waves of ultrasonic waves; and a controller configured to determine a contact state of the probe with the body surface. The controller determines the contact state of the probe with the body surface by comparing at least two received signals acquired through transmission and reception of ultrasonic waves by probe at different times. 1. An ultrasonic measurement device comprising:a probe configured to be attached to a body surface of a subject while being in contact with the body surface, transmit ultrasonic waves into a body of the subject, and receive reflected waves of ultrasonic waves; anda controller configured to determine a contact state of the probe with the body surface, whereinthe controller determines the contact state of the probe with the body surface by comparing at least two received waves acquired through transmission and reception of ultrasonic waves by the probe at different times.2. The ultrasonic measurement device according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller determines the contact state of the probe with the body surface based on a degree of similarity between the at least two received waves.3. A contact determination server device communicable claim 1 , through a network claim 1 , with a terminal device including a probe claim 1 , the probe being configured to be attached to a body surface of a subject while being in contact with the body surface claim 1 , transmit ultrasonic waves into a body of the subject claim 1 , and receive reflected waves of ultrasonic waves claim 1 , the contact determination server device being configured to receive reflected waves transmitted from the terminal device claim 1 , the contact determination server device comprisinga controller configured to determine a contact state of the probe ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Ultrasonic probe having flexible stabilizing element for probe alignment

Номер: US20220099631A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations LLC

A stabilized ultrasonic probe includes a housing, at least one ultrasonic transducer, a flexible delay line, and a stabilizing element. The housing can be tubular and extend from a proximal to a distal end and define a cavity therein. The transducer can be positioned within the housing. The delay line can include recessed and tip portions. The recessed portion can be within the cavity and extend from the transducer(s) to the housing distal end. The tip portion can extend from the housing distal end to a distal terminal end of the delay line. The stabilizing element can be coupled to the housing distal end and extend distally from the housing distal end to a target facing surface. The stabilizing element can circumferentially surround at least part of the delay line tip portion. A stabilizing element modulus can be greater than or equal to a delay line modulus.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Method for Tracking Location of Two-Dimensional Non-Destructive Inspection Scanner on Target Object Using Scanned Structural Features

Номер: US20210089817A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Systems and methods for tracking the location of a non-destructive inspection (NDI) scanner using images of a target object acquired by the NDI scanner. The system includes a frame, an NDI scanner supported by the frame, a system configured to enable motorized movement of the frame, and a computer system communicatively coupled to receive sensor data from the NDI scanner and track the location of the NDI scanner. The NDI scanner includes a two-dimensional (2-D) array of sensors. Subsurface depth sensor data is repeatedly (recurrently, continually) acquired by and output from the 2-D sensor array while at different locations on a surface of the target object. The resulting 2-D scan image sequence is fed into an image processing and feature point comparison module that is configured to track the location of the scanner relative to the target object using virtual features visible in the acquired scan images.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180088085A1

An inspection tool for inspection of a hole of a metallic lug, including, a first arm, a second arm, a third arm, and a housing element, wherein the first arm, the third arm and the housing element may vary their position independently of each other in relation to the second arm. Also, the present invention discloses an inspection device for inspection of a metallic lug that comprises an inspection tool and a probe housed in the housing element, and a method for detecting cracks around metallic lug. 2. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding projections of the second arm are linked to the first arm and third arm through the guiding cavities of each first and third arms respectively claim 1 , such guiding projections being configured to slide along said guiding cavities.3. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein the guiding projection of the housing element is linked to the second arm through the guiding cavity of the second arm claim 1 , such guiding projection being configured to slide along said guiding cavity.4. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein the housing element is an interchangeable element.5. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein the first housing part and the second housing part of the housing element are configured to house a probe.6. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein a position the first arm varies in relation to the seconds arm with a constant angle (C) formed between the central part of the first arm and the second arm.7. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein the third arm may vary its position in relation to the seconds arm with a constant angle (D) formed between the second and third arm.8. The inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein the angle (A) is in a range of 100° to 115°.9. An inspection tool according to claim 1 , wherein each guiding projection comprises a fixing element claim 1 , wherein the fixing elements are configured to fix the guiding ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180088087A1

A photoacoustic flow cell, the components of which may be made well in advance of conducting photoacoustic analysis, comprising (a) a chamber structure that defines a chamber, a chamber inlet, and a chamber outlet, and (b) a glass test structure, at least a portion of which is supported by the chamber structure and at least a portion of which is located in the chamber, wherein the test structure comprises an interior surface that defines a test passageway through which samples will be flowed when conducting the photoacoustic analysis. 1. A photoacoustic flow cell kit for use in conducting a photoacoustic analysis of one or more samples , which comprises irradiating the sample(s) with a laser light and detecting an acoustic wave generated by a thermoelastic expansion of one or more analytes present in the sample(s) resulting from the laser light being absorbed by the analyte(s) , the kit comprising:(a) a test structure, which comprises an interior surface that defines a test passageway through which the sample(s) will be flowed when conducting the photoacoustic analysis, wherein the test structure (i) comprises a test structure material that transmits the laser light and has an acoustic impedance that is substantially different from the acoustic impedance of the sample(s) and (ii) is configured so that the acoustic wave passes through the test structure without being substantially reflected due to the difference between the acoustic impedances; and(b) a chamber structure configured to (i) define a chamber, a chamber inlet, and a chamber outlet and (ii) to locate at least a portion of the test structure in the chamber when conducting the photoacoustic analysis.2. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the test structure material has an acoustic impedance (Z) in a range of about 2 Mrayls to about 15 Mrayls at a frequency of about 10 MHz.3. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the test structure material is selected from the group consisting of fused quartz claim 1 , borosilicate glass ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220137005A1
Принадлежит: RENISHAW PLC

A method of calibrating an ultrasound probe having a coupling element for engaging the surface of an object to be inspected, in which the ultrasound probe and a calibration artefact are provided on a positioning apparatus having at least one axis about which the relative orientation of the ultrasound probe and calibration artefact can be changed, the method including, in any suitable order: i) for a plurality of different relative orientations between the ultrasound probe and the calibration artefact about the at least one axis, measuring the signal received by the ultrasound probe; and ii) from the measurements, determining at least one calibration parameter which is indicative of at least one axis of optimum signal of the ultrasound probe, and recording the at least one calibration parameter for subsequent use.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088687A1
Принадлежит: Riverside Research Institute

A method to create a parameter map depicting acoustical and mechanical properties of biological tissue at microscopic resolutions to identify potential health related issues. The method including mounting the biological tissue on a substrate, raster scanning the biological tissue with an RF frequency, recovering RF echo signals from said substrate and from a plurality of locations on said biological tissue, wherein each of the plurality of locations corresponds to a specific pixel comprising the parameter map, the recovered RF echo signals including a reference signal recovered from the substrate at a point devoid of tissue, a first sample signal recovered from an interface between the biological tissue and water, and a second sample signal recovered from an interface between said biological tissue and said substrate, repeatedly applying a plurality of computer-generated calculation steps based on the reference signal, the first sample signal and the second sample signal to generate estimated values for a plurality of parameters associated with each of the specific pixels in the parameter map. The plurality of computer-generated calculation steps includes a denoising step, and using the generated estimated values to create said parameter map depicting parameters including, but not limited, to acoustic impedance, speed of sound, ultrasound attenuation, mass density, bulk modulus and nonlinear attenuation. 1. A method to create a parameter map depicting acoustical and mechanical properties of biological tissue at microscopic resolutions to identify potential health related issues , comprising ,mounting said biological tissue on a substrate,raster scanning the biological tissue with an RF frequency,recovering RF echo signals from said substrate and from a plurality of locations on said biological tissue, wherein each of the plurality of locations corresponds to a specific pixel comprising the parameter map, the recovered RF echo signals including:a reference signal ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090734A1

An ultrasonic transducer includes a piezoelectric element in round shape, an acoustic lens, and an acoustic matching layer. The piezoelectric element generates an ultrasonic sound wave. The acoustic matching layer decreases a reflection of the ultrasonic sound wave from a subject. The piezoelectric element has a center having a hole through which an optical fiber that guides a light of a light source passes. The ultrasonic transducer transmits and receives the ultrasonic sound wave while emitting the light. The acoustic lens has a material using a resin with a withstand voltage, mainly polymethylpentene. The acoustic matching layer has a thickness set to λ/4 by not applying a polyparaxylylene coating for ensuring the withstand voltage on the acoustic matching layer. The optical fiber has a distal end configured not to pass through the acoustic lens. The piezoelectric element and the acoustic matching layer have shapes in a planar surface. 1. An ultrasonic transducer , comprising:a piezoelectric element in a round shape that generates an ultrasonic sound wave having a wavelength λ;an acoustic lens that converges the ultrasonic sound wave; andan acoustic matching layer that decreases a reflection of the ultrasonic sound wave from a subject,wherein the piezoelectric element has a center having a hole through which an optical fiber that guides a light of a light source passes,the ultrasonic transducer transmits and receives the ultrasonic sound wave while emitting the light,the acoustic lens has a material using a resin with a withstand voltage, mainly polymethylpentene,the acoustic matching layer has a thickness set to λ/4 by not applying a polyparaxylylene coating for ensuring the withstand voltage on the acoustic matching layer,the optical fiber has a distal end configured not to pass through the acoustic lens, andthe piezoelectric element and the acoustic matching layer have shapes in a planar surface.2. An ultrasonic transducer , comprising:a piezoelectric element ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Immersible ultrasonic probe for nondestructive examination and imaging in harsh and high temperature media and method of making

Номер: US20190094186A1
Принадлежит: Battelle Memorial Institute Inc

Immersible ultrasonic probes and methods of making are disclosed that provide nondestructive examination, imaging, and assessment of submerged targets in various liquid media including corrosive and optically opaque media at harsh conditions. In one embodiment the probe is a phased-array ultrasonic testing probe that includes an array of piezoelectric elements configured to transmit ultrasonic signals at selected frequencies through an opaque medium that enables nondestructive examination, characterization, and imaging of targets in the opaque medium.

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190094187A1

A supersonic inspection jig has an insertion section inserted into a hole of an inspection target and a flange section connected with the insertion section and contacting the inspection target The flange section has a flange section first surface which is a surface on the side contacting the inspection target and a flange section second surface which is a surface on the side contacting the probe A position limiting section is provided on the flange section second surface to limit the position of the probe so that the probe is maintained in a position separate from a central axis C of the hole Thus, the inspection around the hole becomes easily executable. 1. A supersonic inspection jig comprising:an insertion section that is inserted into a hole of an inspection target; anda flange section connected with the insertion section and contacting the inspection target,wherein the flange section comprises:a flange section first surface that is a surface on a side contacting the inspection target; anda flange section second surface that is a surface on a side contacting a probe,wherein a position limiting section is provided on the flange section second surface to limit a position of the probe such that the probe is maintained in a position separate from a central axis of the hole.2. The supersonic inspection jig according to claim 1 , wherein the position limiting section has a first annular wall surface to guide a movement of the probe.3. The supersonic inspection jig according to claim 2 , wherein the first annular wall surface is configured to prevent the probe from moving to a direction separate from the center axis claim 2 , or prevent the probe from moving to a direction approaching the center axis.4. The supersonic inspection jig according to claim 2 , wherein a distance between the center axis and the first annular wall surface is smaller than a distance between the center axis and an outer circumference surface of the insertion section.5. The supersonic inspection ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100387A1

Systems, devices, and methods for estimating a value of a downhole parameter of interest. Aspects include an apparatus for evaluating a tubular. The apparatus may include a sensor including an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) device configured to be conveyed into the tubular. The EMAT device may include measurement circuitry comprising at least one conductive coil; and a magnet array comprising magnets arranged with a corresponding direction of magnetization of each magnet oriented according to a configuration producing a greater magnetic flux on a first side of the array than on a second side opposing the first side. The magnetic flux produced from the second side may be substantially zero. In embodiments, the configuration of magnets comprises at least a first set of permanent magnets in a linear Halbach configuration. 1. An apparatus for evaluating a tubular , the apparatus comprising:a sensor including an electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) device configured to be conveyed into the tubular, the EMAT device comprising:measurement circuitry comprising at least one conductive coil; anda magnet array comprising magnets arranged with a corresponding direction of magnetization of each magnet oriented according to a configuration producing a greater magnetic flux on a first side of the array than on a second side opposing the first side.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic flux produced from the second side is substantially zero.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the configuration of magnets comprises at least a first set of permanent magnets in a linear Halbach configuration.4. The apparatus of wherein the at least one coil comprises:at least one transmitter coil; andat least one receiver coil electrically non-identical to the at least one transmitter coil.5. The apparatus of wherein an inductance of the at least one transmitter coil is lower than an inductance of the at least one receiver coil.6. The apparatus of wherein the at least ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096484A1

A measurement system and a method for determining steam quality (i.e. vapor mass fraction) measurements of multi-phase fluid flowing through pipes are described. An acoustic sensor device consists of an acoustic transmitter and an acoustic receiver that are designed to be attached to a pipe. The acoustic transmitter and the acoustic receiver are exposed to an interior space of the pipe through openings in a wall of the pipe. Acoustic waves generated by the transmitter and captured by the receiver traverse the multi-phase fluid flowing into the pipe. Swept-frequency acoustic interferometry (SFAI) technique is used to measure ultrasonic acoustic properties of a fluid. Machine-learning techniques based on principal component analysis, support vector machine regression and support vector machine classification are used for determining steam quality. 130-. (canceled)31. An acoustic sensor device , comprising:an acoustic transmitter comprising a transmitter piezoelectric transducer (PZT), a transmitter plate, and a transmitter standoff positioned between the transmitter PZT and the transmitter plate; andan acoustic receiver comprising a receiver PZT, a receiver plate, and a receiver standoff positioned between the receiver PZT and the receiver plate, wherein the acoustic transmitter and the acoustic receiver are each designed to be attached to a pipe such that the transmitter plate and the receiver plate are exposed to an interior space of the pipe through openings in a wall of the pipe.32. The device of claim 31 , wherein:the transmitter PZT and the transmitter standoff are positioned inside a transmitter tube of the acoustic transmitter,the transmitter plate is attached to the transmitter tube enclosing an opening of the transmitter tube,the receiver PZT and the receiver standoff are positioned inside a receiver tube of the acoustic receiver, andthe receiver plate is attached to the receiver tube enclosing an opening of the receiver tube.33. The device of claim 32 , ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190101511A1

The invention is an apparatus and method for making a highly conductive transducer/rod-end interface structure to improve the accuracy of acoustic testing of the rod. In various embodiments, the invention includes creating an object from a metal cast affixed the rod end surface to compensate for planar variations and surface irregularities in the surface of the rod. It has been shown that the presence of planar deviation and surface irregularities materially interferes with acoustic testing. 1. A method for making a highly conductive transducer/rod-end interface structure comprised of the steps of:selecting a metal with a melting point that can be achieved in situ;creating a metal cast of a non-uniform rod end surface; 'wherein said contoured inner surface corresponds to surface irregularities of said non-uniform rod end surface.', 'casting a metal conductive cap wherein said metal conductive cap includes a contoured inner surface and a substantially smooth outer surface; and'}2. The method of claim 1 , which further includes the step of cutting a rod end to create a rod-end surface oriented approximately 90 degrees relative to said rod.3. The method of claim 1 , which further includes the step of reducing surface roughness of said non-uniform rod end surface.4. The method of claim 4 , wherein surface roughness is reduced until each instance of surface variation on said non-uniform rod end surface has a maximum height of 0.01 inches.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of selecting said metal further includes selecting a metal that has a melting point temperature from approximately 32° C. to 38° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of selecting said metal further includes selecting said metal from a group consisting of gallium claim 1 , Field's metal claim 1 , Rose's metal claim 1 , and Wood's metal.7. A rod-end interface apparatus comprised of: wherein said conductive cap includes a contoured inner surface and a substantially smooth outer surface; ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Assessment Of Blood Coagulation Using An Acoustic Radiation Force Based Optical Coherence Elastography (ARF-OCE)

Номер: US20170107558A1

An apparatus and method of using an optical coherence elastography (OCE) under acoustic radiation force (ARF) excitation includes the steps of inducing an excitation wave in a blood sample by use of an ultrasound beam from an ultrasonic transducer; measuring an elastic property of the blood sample by use of an optical coherence tomography (OCT) beam transverse to the ultrasound beam to dynamically measure the elastic property of the blood sample during coagulation and assessing the clot formation/dissolution kinetics and strength.

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170108472A1
Автор: Fischer Balthasar

The Invention refers to an airborne ultrasound testing system for a test object () containing an ultrasound generator () and an ultrasound receiver () and a control to control both and a computer assisted test result interface to display an image of the tested test object (). The ultrasound generator () is a resonance-free thermo-acoustic ultrasound generator which does not rely on mechanically deformable or oscillating parts and the ultrasound receiver () is a membrane-free and resonance-free optical microphone in an air or gas coupled pulse echo arrangement or in an air or gas coupled transmission mode arrangement. With this testing system, it is possible to test objects with high precision and without liquids and disturbing ringing effects. 1. Airborne ultrasound testing system for a test object , comprising:a. a sound generator;b. a sound receiver;c. a control arrangement to control both the generator and the receiver; andd. a computer assisted test result interface connected to the receiver to display an image of a tested test object derived from the signals of the sound receiver;e. wherein the sound generator is a resonance-free thermo-acoustic ultrasound generator which does not rely on mechanically deformable or oscillating parts and that the sound receiver is a membrane-free and resonance-free optical microphone free from mechanically deformable parts, detecting the sound-pressure induced alteration of the refractive index of a gaseous or fluid medium, in an air or gas coupled pulse echo arrangement or in an air or gas coupled transmission mode arrangement.2. The testing system of claim 1 , further comprising a sound-shielding wall provided to isolate unwanted direct sound waves of the generator from the reflected sound waves of the test object.3. The testing system of claim 1 , wherein the generator and/or the receiver are claim 1 , when in use claim 1 , spatially positioned relative to a vertical plane on the surface of the test object in an angle to face ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации

Mobile Ultrasonic Rail Inspection System and Method

Номер: US20170108473A1
Автор: Bestebreurtje Pieter

An ultrasonic rail inspection system includes an ultrasonic transducer mounted on a yoke for attachment to a frame of a rail inspection vehicle. The ultrasonic transducer transmits ultrasonic pulses and receives reflected ultrasonic pulses. A control device controls the ultrasonic transducer. A clock device provides clock signals to the control device. The control device controls the ultrasonic transducer to transmit the ultrasonic pulses at a fixed pulse repetition period. 1. An ultrasonic rail inspection system comprising:an ultrasonic transducer designed to transmit ultrasonic pulses and to receive reflected ultrasonic pulses;a control device for controlling the ultrasonic transducer;a clock device for providing clock signals to the control device; [{'br': None, 'i': 'P≦Δi', '(1)'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'P≧Δi+Δe', 'sub': 'MAX', '2\u2003\u2003(2)'}], 'wherein the control device is adapted to control the ultrasonic transducer to transmit ultrasonic pulses at a fixed pulse repetition period (P) that obeys the following formulasin which Δi indicates the travel time of the ultrasonic pulses from the ultrasonic transducer to a rail under inspection and back; and{'sub': 'MAX', 'in which Δeindicates the maximum expected travel time of the ultrasonic pulses within such rail.'}2. The ultrasonic rail inspection system according to claim 1 , wherein the pulse repetition period (P) obeys the formula P=(3Δi+Δe)/4.3. An ultrasonic rail inspection system including at least one ultrasonic 0° transducer mounted on a yoke for attachment to a frame of a rail inspection vehicle claim 1 , wherein the rail inspection system is a wheel-type system claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic 0° transducer is arranged in a wheel-like container filled with coupling liquid and riding on a rail under inspection;wherein the ultrasonic 0° transducer is designed to transmit ultrasonic pulses under an angle of 0° with respect to the normal of a contact surface of the rail under inspection, and to receive ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210123890A1

An acoustic inspection device according to an embodiment has: an acoustic transducer including a piezoelectric element having at least one of functions of transmitting and receiving acoustic waves, and having an acoustic function surface functioning as at least one of a transmitting surface and a receiving surface of acoustic waves; a couplant, which is provided directly or with an intermediate member therebetween on the acoustic function surface of the acoustic transducer and contains at least an elastomer, having a contact surface to be in contact with an inspection target and an uneven structure provided on the contact surface; and a loading mechanism which applies and removes a load to/from the couplant 1. An acoustic inspection method , comprising:a step of bringing a contact surface with an uneven structure of a couplant, which is provided directly or with an intermediate member therebetween on an acoustic function surface functioning as at least one of a transmitting surface and a receiving surface of acoustic waves of an acoustic transducer, which includes a piezoelectric element having at least one of functions of transmitting and receiving acoustic waves, into contact with an inspection target, the couplant containing at least an elastomer;a step of applying a load to the couplant and pressing the uneven structure against the inspection target; anda step of performing a nondestructive inspection of the inspection target by means of acoustic waves under a state of pressing the uneven structure of the couplant against the inspection target.2. The acoustic inspection method according to claim 1 , further comprising:a step of removing the load; anda step of moving the couplant provided at the acoustic transducer, from which the load is removed, along the inspection target under a state where the uneven structure of the contact surface is brought into contact with the inspection target.3. The acoustic inspection method according to claim 1 , whereinthe ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Corrosion and Crack Detection for Fastener Nuts

Номер: US20180113097A1

Methods and devices are provided for detecting, corrosion and cracks in fastener nuts. In an exemplary embodiment, an apparatus can be configured to couple to a fastener nut to facilitate inspection of the fastener nut for detection of flaws in the fastener nut, such as corrosion and cracks. The apparatus can be configured to couple to the fastener nut when the fastener nut is mounted on a fastener and in use in a larger system such as a subsea drilling apparatus or other system in which fasteners with fastener nuts attached thereto are used. The apparatus can include an ultrasonic probe configured to facilitate inspection of the fastener nut using ultrasonic waves. 1. An apparatus for detecting a defect in a fastener nut , comprising:a housing configured to be disposed around a fastener nut on a fastener, and an ultrasonic probe rotatably coupled to the housing and configured to interface with the fastener nut, and the housing including a flexible skirt configured to form a circumferential seal around an outer perimeter of the fastener nut to allow a couplant fluid to be injected into a fluid cavity formed between the flexible skirt and the housing for facilitating ultrasonic scanning of the fastener nut disposed therein by the ultrasonic probe.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing is configured to be releasably engaged around the fastener nut.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic probe is configured to propagate ultrasonic waves through the fastener nut when the housing is disposed around the fastener nut.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the ultrasonic waves propagated by the ultrasonic probe are configured to cover substantially an entire volume of a fastener nut seated in the housing.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasonic probe is configured to rotate 360° about the housing when the housing is disposed around the fastener nut.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising one or more securing elements configured to ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180113098A1

Example acoustic emission sensors with integral acoustic generators are disclosed. Example apparatus disclosed herein include an acoustic receiver, an acoustic generator, and a wear plate. The acoustic generator is disposed adjacent to the acoustic receiver. The wear plate is acoustically coupled to the acoustic receiver and to the acoustic generator. The wear plate is to convey acoustic energy from the acoustic generator to the acoustic receiver through a structure under test to which the apparatus is coupled. The wear plate includes first acoustic isolation to impede transmission of acoustic energy from the acoustic generator to the acoustic receiver through the wear plate. 1. An apparatus comprising:an acoustic receiver disposed in a housing;an acoustic generator disposed in the housing adjacent to the acoustic receiver, the acoustic generator including an isolator;a fixative disposed in the housing to at least partially encapsulate the acoustic receiver and the acoustic generator, the isolator to impede transmission of acoustic energy from the acoustic generator into the fixative within the housing; anda wear plate acoustically coupled to the acoustic receiver and to the acoustic generator, wherein the wear plate is to convey acoustic energy from the acoustic generator to the acoustic receiver through a structure under test to which the wear plate is coupled, and wherein the wear plate includes an adhesive polymer to impede transmission of acoustic energy from the acoustic generator to the acoustic receiver through the wear plate.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the isolator includes high and low acoustic impedance layers.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the high and low acoustic impedance layers alternate.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the isolator is hemispherically shaped.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic generator includes a waveguide rod and wherein the isolator is cylindrically shaped claim 1 , ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178882A1

An ultrasonic inspection system includes an ultrasonic probe and an analyzer. The probe includes a flexible delay line and an ultrasonic transducer array at a first delay line end. A second delay line end can contact a target. The analyzer can receive ultrasonic echoes from the ultrasonic transducers representing amplitude of ultrasonic signals reflected from the target as a function of time from transmission. The analyzer determines a maximum amplitude of the echoes received by each transducer, scale the maximum amplitudes based upon a greatest maximum amplitude, and bin the scaled maximum amplitudes. The analyzer assigns each bin a color and generate a C-scan based upon the scaled amplitudes. Each C-scan pixel can correspond to at least one transducer, and the relative position of each C-scan pixel can correspond to the relative position of the ultrasonic transducer represented by the pixel. Each pixel can be displayed with its assigned color. 1. A method of aligning an ultrasonic probe , comprising:positioning an ultrasonic probe in contact with a target, the ultrasonic probe including a flexible delay line extending from a first end to a second end and an array of ultrasonic transducers positioned at the first end of the flexible delay line, wherein the second end of the flexible delay line contacts the target;transmitting, by the array of ultrasonic transducers, respective ultrasonic signals;receiving, by the array of ultrasonic transducers, ultrasonic echoes representing amplitude of the ultrasonic signals reflected from the target as a function of time from transmission;determining, by a processor, a maximum amplitude of the ultrasonic echoes received by each ultrasonic transducer;scaling, by the processor, the determined maximum amplitude received by each ultrasonic transducer based upon a greatest determined maximum ultrasonic echo amplitude;binning, by the processor, each of the scaled maximum ultrasonic echo amplitudes;assigning, by the processor, a color ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220178885A1
Автор: HALL Liam
Принадлежит: RENISHAW PLC

An ultrasound probe is described that comprises a transducer for transmitting and receiving ultrasound. The probe also includes a coupling element, such as a spherical ball of self-lubricating or hydrogel material, for contacting and acoustically coupling to an object to be inspected. The ultrasound probe also includes an analyser that is arranged to analyse the ultrasound signal received by the transducer and thereby determine if there is contact between the coupling element, and the surface of an object. The probe can thus be used for internal (ultrasound) inspection of objects as well as measuring the position of points on the surface of the object. The probe may be mountable to a coordinate measuring machine or other moveable platforms. 1. A method for inspecting an object using an ultrasound inspection device carried by a coordinate positioning apparatus , the ultrasound inspection device comprising an ultrasound transducer and a coupling element for contacting and acoustically coupling to the object to be inspected , the coupling element comprising a self-lubricating material , the method comprising:a scanning step in which the coupling element of the ultrasound inspection device is scanned along a path on a surface of the object by the coordinate positioning apparatus while ultrasound measurements are acquired.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein deformation of the coupling element is determined during the scanning step to provide a measure of a height of the ultrasound inspection device above the surface of the object.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the coordinate positioning apparatus is configured to move the ultrasound inspection device towards or away from the surface of the object during the scanning step in response to any change in the measured height.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the measured height is used in a control loop of the coordinate positioning apparatus to provide a real-time adjustment of the height of the ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122031A1

The present disclosure relates generally to a transducer position guide. The transducer position guide may be attached to a component to be measured, such as an airfoil, and controls a path traversed by the transducer during a measurement process. 1. A transducer position guide configured for application to an airfoil including an airfoil root , an airfoil body , an airfoil leading edge and an airfoil trailing edge , the transducer position guide comprising:a transducer head guide rail;at least one arm extending from the transducer head guide rail; anda transducer head adaptor configured to receive a transducer head, the transducer head adaptor disposed in sliding contact with the transducer head guide rail.2. The transducer position guide of claim 1 , wherein each of said at least one arm is curved to substantially match a contour of the airfoil body.3. The transducer position guide of claim 1 , wherein the at least one arm comprises a first arm and a second arm.4. The transducer position guide of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one standoff coupled to at least one of the transducer head guide rail and the at least one arm, the at least one standoff configured to contact the airfoil root when the transducer position guide is applied to the airfoil body.5. The transducer position guide of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least one arm includes a hooked distal portion configured to extend around the airfoil trailing edge when the transducer position guide is applied to the airfoil body.6. The transducer position guide of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least one arm includes a hooked proximal portion configured to extend around the airfoil leading edge when the transducer position guide is applied to the airfoil body.7. The transducer position guide of claim 1 , wherein the transducer guide rail is positioned parallel to a stacking axis of the airfoil when the transducer position guide is applied to the airfoil body.8. The transducer position ...

17-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140199757A1
Принадлежит: University of Maryland

A surface acoustic wave (SAW) biofilm sensor includes a transmitting electric to acoustic wave transducer defining an upper surface and a lower surface, a receiving acoustic wave to electric transducer defining an upper surface and a lower surface, a piezoelectric film layer defining an upper surface and a lower surface, and a passivation film layer defining an upper surface and a lower surface. Portions of the lower surface of the piezoelectric film layer are disposed on the upper surface of the transmitting electric to acoustic wave transducer and on the upper surface of the receiving acoustic wave to electric transducer, and the lower surface of the passivation film layer is disposed on the upper surface of the piezoelectric film layer such that the upper surface of the passivation film layer is configured to enable contact with a biofilm. 1. A surface acoustic wave (SAW) biofilm sensor comprising:a SAW transducer;a piezoelectric film layer; anda passivation film layer,the piezoelectric film layer mounted over the SAW transducer and the passivation film layer mounted over the piezoelectric film layer.2. The SAW biofilm sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the passivation layer includes aluminum oxide claim 1 , AlO.3. The SAW biofilm sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the passivation layer defines a thickness of at least 45 nanometers (nm).4. The SAW biofilm sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric layer includes zinc oxide claim 1 , ZnO.5. The SAW biofilm sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the piezoelectric layer defines a thickness of at least 40 nanometers (nm).6. A surface acoustic wave (SAW) biofilm sensor comprising:a transmitting electric to acoustic wave transducer defining an upper surface and a lower surface;a receiving acoustic wave to electric transducer defining an upper surface and a lower surface;a piezoelectric film layer defining an upper surface and a lower surface; andpassivation film layer defining an upper surface and a ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210140923A1

A signal processing unit configured to: cause a first ultrasound emitter, when attached to a wall of a vessel, to emit a first ultrasound test signal; receive, from at least one ultrasound receiver, when attached to the wall of the vessel, the first ultrasound test signal; detect a time of flight of the received first ultrasound test signal; and determine that an acoustic coupling of the first ultrasound emitter and a first ultrasound receiver of the at least one ultrasound receiver to the wall of the vessel is intact if the detected time of flight corresponds to a length of a path in the wall of the vessel from the first ultrasound emitter to the at least one ultrasound receiver. 1. A signal processing unit configured to:cause a first ultrasound emitter, when attached to a wall of a vessel, to emit a first ultrasound test signal;receive, from at least one ultrasound receiver, when attached to the wall of the vessel, the first ultrasound test signal;detect a time of flight of the received first ultrasound test signal; anddetermine that an acoustic coupling of the first ultrasound emitter and a first ultrasound receiver of the at least one ultrasound receiver to the wall of the vessel is intact if the detected time of flight corresponds to a length of a path in the wall of the vessel from the first ultrasound emitter to the at least one ultrasound receiver.2. An integrity detection system for detecting an integrity status of an acoustic coupling between an ultrasound transducer and a wall of a vessel , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the signal processing unit according to ;'}a first ultrasound transducer configured to be attached to the wall of the vessel, the first ultrasound transducer comprising the first ultrasound emitter and the first ultrasound receiver; andthe at least one ultrasound receiver configured to be attached to the wall of the vessel.3. The integrity detection system claim 2 , according to claim 2 , wherein one ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160123933A1

As described herein, a system for inspecting a component includes an ultrasonic inspection probe with a component surface interface, and a robotic device with an end effector coupled to the ultrasonic inspection probe. The robotic device is automatably controllable to move the ultrasonic inspection probe across a surface of the component. Additionally, the system includes an angle sensor subsystem coupled between the ultrasonic inspection probe and the end effector. The angle sensor subsystem is configured to operably detect an actual orientation of the end effector relative to a presently inspected portion of the surface of the component. The system includes a controller configured to receive orientation data from the angle sensor subsystem, the orientation data comprising the actual orientation of the end effector, compare the actual orientation to a desired orientation, and control the robotic device to adjust an orientation of the end effector to be in the desired orientation. 1. A system for inspecting a component , comprising:an ultrasonic inspection probe comprising a component surface interface;a robotic device comprising an end effector coupled to the ultrasonic inspection probe, wherein the robotic device is automatably controllable to move the ultrasonic inspection probe across a surface of the component;an angle sensor subsystem coupled between the ultrasonic inspection probe and the end effector, wherein the angle sensor subsystem is configured to operably detect an actual orientation of the end effector relative to a presently inspected portion of the surface of the component; anda controller configured to receive orientation data from the angle sensor subsystem based on the actual orientation of the end effector, compare the actual orientation to a desired orientation, and control the robotic device to adjust the actual orientation of the end effector to be in the desired orientation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the desired orientation comprises ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202249A1

An ultrasonic sensor assembly for testing a pipe includes a first and second transducer rings attached to the pipe and spaced apart along a length of the pipe. The first transducer ring includes a plurality of transmitters for transmitting a wave, such as a non-dispersive guided wave. The first transducer ring transmits the wave along the pipe. The second transducer ring includes a plurality of receivers for receiving the wave. A relative position of the first transducer ring with respect to a circumferential position of the second transducer ring is determined based on characteristics of the wave received by the second transducer ring. A method of positioning the ultrasonic sensor assembly on the pipe is also provided. 1. An ultrasonic sensor assembly for testing a pipe , the ultrasonic sensor assembly including:a first transducer ring attached to the pipe; andsecond transducer ring attached to the pipe and spaced from the first transducer ring along a length of the pipe;wherein the first transducer ring is configured to transmit a wave along the pipe that is received by the second transducer ring, and a relative position of the first transducer ring with respect to a circumferential position of the second transducer ring is configured to be determined based on characteristics of the wave received by the second transducer ring.2. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the characteristics of the wave include a time of flight.3. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the wave includes one or more non-dispersive guided waves.4. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first transducer ring includes a plurality of transmitters claim 3 , each of the transmitters being configured to transmit the non-dispersive guided waves.5. The ultrasonic sensor assembly of claim 4 , wherein the second transducer ring includes a plurality of receivers claim 4 , each of the receivers being configured to receive the non-dispersive guided waves.6. ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации

Methods And Devices For Long Term Structural Health Monitoring Of Pipelines And Vessels

Номер: US20150128710A1

A system and method for non-destructive monitoring a component including a guided wave sensor positioned around a surface of the component, wherein the component has a perimeter. A first spring mounting clamp positioned around the component perimeter and a second spring mounting clamp positioned around the component perimeter, wherein the first and second mounting clamps are positioned a distance of 0.1 inches to 5.0 inches on either side of the guided wave sensor. A plurality of elongated springs is attached at a first end to the first spring mounting clamp and attached at a second end to the second spring mounting clamp. The central portion applying a pressure of at least 10 psi to the guided wave sensor. 1. A system for non-destructive monitoring of a component , comprising:a guided wave sensor positioned around a surface of said component, wherein said component has a perimeter;a first spring mounting clamp positioned around said component perimeter and a second spring mounting clamp positioned around said component perimeter, wherein said first and second mounting clamps are positioned a distance of 0.1 inches to 5.0 inches on either side of said guided wave sensor;a plurality of elongated springs, each elongated spring including a first end, a second end opposing said first end, and a central portion between said first end and said second end, wherein each of said elongated springs is attached at said first end to said first spring mounting clamp and attached at said second end to said second spring mounting clamp and said central portion applies a first pressure of at least 10 psi to said guided wave sensor.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said spring mounting clamps are raised from said surface of said component by said elongated springs and do not contact said component.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said first and second spring mounting clamps each include a mounting body; and a plurality of posts extending from said mounting body on which one of ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Non-destructive Inspection Of Test Objects On A Workpiece

Номер: US20220268740A1

A method for non-destructive inspection of at least one test object on a workpiece includes the steps of: obtaining a theoretical position of each test object in relation to a testing robot; capturing an image of each test object to obtain image data; determining a real position of each test object in relation to the testing robot on the basis of the image data; and bringing a sensor carried by the testing robot in contact with each test object to obtain a respective test measurement. For the certain type of inspection where the test instrument needs to be brought in physical contact with the test object to be inspected, it is crucial to know the exact position of the test object. As soon as the approximate position of the test object is known an image of the test object can be captured, and the exact position of the test object can be extracted from the respective image data. 1. A method for non-destructive inspection of at least one test object on a workpiece , the method comprising the steps of:obtaining a theoretical position of each test object in relation to a testing robot;capturing an image of each test object to obtain image data;determining a real position of each test object in relation to the testing robot on the basis of the image data; andbringing a sensor carried by the testing robot in contact with each test object to obtain a respective test measurement.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of determining a position of the testing robot in relation to the workpiece.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of bringing the active direction of the sensor parallel to a symmetry axis of the respective test object before obtaining the test measurement.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of bringing the active direction of the sensor perpendicular to the theoretical surface of the workpiece at the respective test object before obtaining the test measurement.5. The method ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Probe Arrangement for a Testing System, and Testing System

Номер: US20220268741A1

A probe arrangement for a testing system includes a base carrier that defines a longitudinal direction, which can be oriented parallel to a testing direction, and a transverse direction, which can be oriented perpendicularly to the testing direction. The base carrier carries a plurality of probe holders which are arranged next to one another in a row in the transverse direction. Each probe holder has a first probe region, which is equipped with at least one first probe, and a second probe region, which is equipped with at least one second probe. Each probe region defines an effective testing width such that, during relative movement of the test subject with respect to the probe arrangement along the testing direction through the probe region, a testing track having the effective testing width can be tested in a gap-free manner. The first probe region and the second probe region are arranged so as to be offset in relation to one another parallel to the longitudinal direction and parallel to the transverse direction such that a first testing track covered by the first probe region transitions on one side in a gap-free manner into a second testing track covered by the second probe region of the same probe holder, and transitions on the opposite side in a gap-free manner into a second testing track covered by a second probe region of a directly adjacent probe holder. 110.-. (canceled)11. A probe arrangement for a testing system for non-destructive material testing involving relative movement of a test specimen with respect to the probe arrangement along a testing direction , comprising:a base carrier, which base carrier defines a longitudinal direction, which can be oriented parallel to the testing direction, and a transverse direction, which can be oriented perpendicularly to the testing direction; anda plurality of probe holders carried by the base holder, which probe holders are arranged next to one another in a row in the transverse direction, whereineach probe ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268742A1

A cover unit includes: a body to which an ultrasound generator adapted to generate ultrasound is coupled; first slits disposed at a lower portion of the body in the form of multiple rings having different radii and spaced apart from each other, the first slits having a first width; second slits depressed from an upper surface of the body to communicate with the first slits and having a second width smaller than the first width; third slits depressed from the upper surface of the body and each disposed between adjacent second slits, the third slits having a third width smaller than the first width; a bottom formed under the first slits; a first sidewall formed between adjacent first slits; and a second sidewall formed between the second slit and the third slit. 1. A cover unit for ultrasonic transducers adapted to radiate high power ultrasound signals through amplification of ultrasound upon reception of the ultrasound , the cover unit comprising:a body to which an ultrasound generator adapted to generate ultrasound is coupled;first slits disposed at a lower portion of the body in the form of multiple rings having different radii and spaced apart from each other, the first slits having a first width;second slits depressed from an upper surface of the body to communicate with the first slits and having a second width smaller than the first width;third slits depressed from the upper surface of the body and each disposed between adjacent second slits, the third slits having a third width smaller than the first width;a bottom formed under the first slits;a first sidewall formed between adjacent first slits; anda second sidewall formed between the second slit and the third slit.2. The cover unit for ultrasonic transducers according to claim 1 , wherein:the second width is the same as the third width; andthe second slits and the third slits formed parallel to a traveling direction of sound waves have the same depth.3. The cover unit for ultrasonic transducers according to ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268743A1

An ultrasonic testing apparatus structured to perform an ultrasonic inspection on a workpiece. The ultrasonic testing apparatus comprises an ultrasonic testing probe structured to generate an ultrasonic output directed toward the workpiece and to receive an ultrasonic input from the workpiece that is responsive to the output; a couplant delivery system comprising a couplant supply, the couplant delivery system further comprising an actuator which, when operated, is structured to apply from the couplant supply an amount of a couplant to at least one of the workpiece and the ultrasonic testing probe; and a control apparatus electrically connected with the ultrasonic testing probe and with the couplant delivery system, the control apparatus being structured to receive the ultrasonic input and being further structured to operate the actuator. A couplant delivery system that is operable with an ultrasonic testing apparatus that is structured to perform an ultrasonic inspection on a workpiece. 1. An ultrasonic testing apparatus structured to perform an ultrasonic inspection on a workpiece , the ultrasonic testing apparatus comprising:an ultrasonic testing probe structured to generate an ultrasonic output that is directed toward the workpiece and to receive an ultrasonic input from the workpiece that is responsive to the ultrasonic output;a couplant delivery system comprising a couplant supply, the couplant delivery system further comprising an actuator which, when operated, is structured to apply from the couplant supply an amount of a couplant to at least one of the workpiece and the ultrasonic testing probe; anda control apparatus electrically connected with the ultrasonic testing probe and with the couplant delivery system, the control apparatus being structured to receive the ultrasonic input and being further structured to operate the actuator.2. The ultrasonic testing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the couplant delivery system further comprises a couplant flow ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120798A1
Автор: Fan Kai

A clamping apparatus for coupling an ultrasonic transducer to a conduit is disclosed. The clamping apparatus comprises a base portion fastened to the conduit and including a bracket for receiving an adapter. The adapter is attached to a housing and allows the housing to be rotated when the adapter is positioned in an upper portion of the bracket, and prevents the housing from being rotated when the adapter is positioned in a lower portion of the bracket. The housing is configured to enclose the ultrasonic transducer except for a housing opening along the bottom of the housing. The ultrasonic transducer extends through the housing opening and is spring biased against the conduit. 1. An apparatus for coupling an ultrasonic transducer to a conduit , the apparatus comprising:an elongated housing configured to secure the ultrasonic transducer, the housing having a housing opening on the bottom thereof along a length of the housing, the housing opening configured to allow the ultrasonic transducer to transmit and receiving ultrasonic signals through the housing opening;a base portion configured to be fastened to the conduit, the base portion comprising a bracket extending perpendicularly therefrom, the bracket comprising a bracket opening having an upper portion and a lower portion; andan adapter attached to the housing and configured to be placed into the bracket opening,wherein the adapter and the housing are not rotatable when the adapter is moved into the lower portion of the bracket opening, andwherein the adapter and the housing are rotatable when the adapter is moved into the upper portion of the bracket opening.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one latch attached to the housing claim 1 , the latch movable into an open position and a closed position claim 1 , the closed position for securing the ultrasonic transducer against the conduit and the open position for rotating the housing and accessing the ultrasonic transducer.3. The apparatus of ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200116671A1

An acoustic sensor, comprising: a side wall, closed by first and second end walls to form a substantially cylindrical cavity for containing a fluid, wherein a radius, a, of the cavity and an axial height, h, of the cavity satisfies the inequality a/h is greater than 1.2; a transmitter, operatively associated with one of the first and second end walls; a receiver, operatively associated with the other of the first and second end walls; and a first stiffener plate, comprising an outer peripheral edge and an aperture which defines an inner peripheral edge, and located on an outer face of the first end wall such that the aperture overlies the axis of the cavity; wherein: the first end wall comprises at least one through-hole, located radially of the axis of the cavity between the inner and outer peripheral edges of the first stiffener plate; the first stiffener plate comprises at least one duct, which connects the at least one through-hole, of the first end wall, to at least one of the inner and outer peripheral edges of the first stiffener plate, thereby to provide at least one fluid passageway between the cavity and the external surroundings of the acoustic sensor via the first end wall; and in use: the transmitter causes oscillatory motion, of the one of the first and second end walls with which the transmitter is associated, in a direction substantially perpendicular to the plane of that end wall, such that axial oscillations of that end wall drive substantially radial oscillations of a fluid pressure in the cavity; and the substantially radial oscillations in the pressure of the fluid drive oscillatory motion of the other of the first and second end walls, with which the receiver is associated, generating an electrical signal. 1. An acoustic sensor , comprising:a side wall, closed by first and second end walls to form a substantially cylindrical cavity for containing a fluid, wherein a radius, a, of the cavity and an axial height, h, of the cavity satisfies the ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150135840A1

Methods and systems for coupling ultrasound to the body, including to the head, are disclosed. The system is optionally configured to transmit ultrasound energy for transcranial ultrasound neuromodulation. Couplant assemblies are described that incorporate a semi-solid component that interfaces directly to the user's body and face of the ultrasound transducer. These couplant assemblies can be shaped, molded, or otherwise machined and, in some embodiments, contain one or more liquid, gel, or other non-solid component in an enclosed reservoir of the couplant assembly. Beneficial embodiments of ultrasound coupling assemblies described herein include those that conform to the contour of the user's body (e.g. the user's head for transcranial applications) and can easily be removed without leaving a messy residue. By having solid materials physically contacting the body, no residue is left that requires cleanup. 1. A system for coupling ultrasound energy to a subject comprising:a couplant assembly to couple ultrasound energy from at least one ultrasound transducer to the subject.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the couplant assembly comprises at least one conformable solid material in physical contact with the at least one transducer and wherein the couplant assembly comprises a conformable couplant material having a Shore D durometer hardness value of less than 60 D claim 1 , such that an outer surface of the couplant material deflects at least partially in response to a skin or hair of the user when placed in order to couple the at least one ultrasound transducer to the user.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the couplant assembly comprises at least one liquid or gel material contained within the conformable solid material.4. The system of wherein the couplant assembly comprises a couplant structure claim 3 , the couplant structure comprising a plurality of components at least one of which comprises a conformable solid material to interface directly with the at least ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128782A1
Принадлежит: SONIX, INC.

An adjustable fixture for holding a sample for inspection with a scanning acoustic microscope includes a first horizontal bar disposed on a first end of a frame, and a second horizontal bar disposed on a second end of the frame. The second horizontal bar may be engaged with the frame to be movable between the first end and the second end of the frame. The adjustable fixture may further include a side bar disposed on one or more of the first side and the second side of the frame, with an end of the second horizontal bar slidable and lockable along the side bar, and an engagement mechanism releasably coupling the end of the second horizontal bar to the side bar. 1. An adjustable fixture for holding a sample for inspection with a scanning acoustic microscope , comprising:a frame comprising a first end, a second end, a first side, and a second side;a first horizontal bar disposed on the first end of the frame, the first horizontal bar comprising a first face structurally configured for engagement with a first end of a sample;a second horizontal bar disposed on the second end of the frame, the second horizontal bar comprising a second face opposing the first face, the second face structurally configured for engagement with a second end of the sample, the second horizontal bar engaged with the frame to be movable between the first end and the second end of the frame;a side bar disposed on one or more of the first side and the second side of the frame, with an end of the second horizontal bar slidable and lockable along the side bar; andan engagement mechanism releasably coupling the end of the second horizontal bar to the side bar.2. The adjustable fixture of claim 1 , where the first horizontal bar is spring loaded via one or more spring elements.3. The adjustable fixture of claim 2 , where the first face is movable toward the first end of the frame when a force greater than a spring force of the one or more spring elements is applied thereto.4. The adjustable fixture of ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128785A1
Автор: Vierkötter Axel

The present disclosure relates to an interface for a measuring transducer for receiving and processing measured data, comprising an input, an output, and an acoustic coupler having an acoustic transmitter and an acoustic receiver, wherein the acoustic transmitter and the acoustic receiver are acoustically coupled to each other, wherein the acoustic transmitter is connected to the input, and the acoustic receiver is connected to the output, such that the input is galvanically isolated from the output. 1. An interface for a measuring transducer for receiving and processing measured data , comprising:an input;an output; andan acoustic coupler having an acoustic transmitter and an acoustic receiver, wherein the acoustic transmitter and the acoustic receiver are acoustically coupled to each other, andwherein the acoustic transmitter is connected to the input, and the acoustic receiver is connected to the output such that the input is galvanically isolated from the output.2. The interface according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic transmitter is a piezoelectric element and the acoustic receiver is a piezoelectric element.3. The interface according to claim 2 , wherein a distance between the acoustic transmitter and the acoustic receiver is from 1 mm to 10 mm.4. The interface according to claim 1 , wherein the acoustic transmitter and the acoustic receiver are acoustically coupled to each other by air.5. The interface according to claim 1 , further comprising a transducer housing claim 1 , wherein the acoustic coupler is disposed in the transducer housing.6. A measuring transducer for receiving and processing measured data claim 1 , comprising:a transducer housing having at least one circuit chamber in the interior of the transducer housing; andan electronic circuit disposed in the circuit chamber and having at least one interface for supplying a sensor and for receiving and processing measured data from the sensor, the interface havingan input,an output,an acoustic ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128850A1

An apparatus for performing ultrasonic evaluation of a portion of a pipe includes a frame assembly and a plurality of ultrasonic sensors disposed in the frame assembly. The frame assembly includes a frame which is structured to cooperatively engage an outer surface of the pipe. The frame has a curved surface which is curved about an axis which, when the frame is engaged with the pipe, generally coincides with the central longitudinal axis of the pipe. The curved surface is generally defined by a radius which is generally equal to an outer radius of the pipe. The plurality of ultrasonic sensors are disposed in the frame assembly a fixed distance from the curved surface. 1. A frame assembly for use in an apparatus for performing ultrasonic evaluation of a portion of a pipe , the frame assembly comprising:a frame which is structured to cooperatively engage an outer surface of the pipe, the frame having a curved surface which is curved about an axis which, when the frame is engaged with the pipe generally coincides with the central longitudinal axis of the pipe, the curved surface is generally defined by a radius which is generally equal to an outer radius of the pipe, wherein the frame is structured to house a plurality of ultrasonic sensors therein a fixed distance from the curved surface.2. The frame assembly of claim 1 , wherein the frame includes a main passage defined therein such that when the plurality of sensors is housed in the frame the main passage is disposed between the plurality of ultrasonic sensors and the curved surface.3. The frame assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a skirt formed from a flexible material extending outward from the curved surface which is disposed around and encircles an opening of the main passage defined in the curved surface claim 2 ,wherein, the main passage and the skirt are positioned such that when the frame assembly is disposed on an outer surface of the pipe a reservoir is formed which is generally defined on a first ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Ultrasonic scanner with interchangeable wedge and flexible probe

Номер: US20190128856A1

An ultrasound probe assembly comprises a housing and a wedge, wherein wedges configured for pipes of different diameter may be easily interchanged in the assembly. Four wheels are attached to the housing, there being a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pair. Wheels of each pair are positioned on either side of a linear probe array, wherein the distance between wheels in each pair in a direction perpendicular to the array length is as small as possible. A position encoder monitors the position of the assembly during scanning, and a push lock switch is used to disable the encoder and the data acquisition while indexing to a new scan position on the pipe.

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160139086A1

A couplant and an arrangement of a couplant include a transducer and a construction component. The couplant is adapted to couple the transducer to a surface of the construction component. The couplant comprises basically 15% to 75% mass portion of hard metal. 1. A couplant for coupling a transducer to a surface of a construction component , the couplant comprising 15% to 75% mass portion of hard metal.2. The couplant of claim 1 , wherein the mass portion is 30%-35% mass portion of hard metal.3. The couplant of claim 1 , the hard metal portion comprises at least one of or a combination of the group of tungsten (W) claim 1 , tungsten carbide (W2C claim 1 , WC) claim 1 , titanium nitride (TiN) claim 1 , titanium carbide (TiC) claim 1 , titanium carbide-nitride (Ti(C)N) claim 1 , titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) claim 1 , tantalum carbide (TaC) claim 1 , cobalt (Co) claim 1 , and molybdenum (Mo).4. The couplant of claim 1 , further comprising one of grease or a water-based gel.5. The couplant of claim 1 , further comprising a curing material.6. The couplant of claim 5 , wherein the curing material comprises at least one of or a combination of resin claim 5 , epoxy claim 5 , glue claim 5 , polyurethane (PUR) claim 5 , silicone claim 5 , adhesive claim 5 , and sealing compound.7. The couplant of claim 5 , wherein the curing material when cured has a hardness between 75 to 95 Shore D.8. An arrangement of a transducer claim 5 , a construction component and a couplant comprising 15% to 75% mass portion of hard metal claim 5 , the transducer being mounted to the construction component with the couplant between a surface of the construction component and the transducer.9. The arrangement of claim 8 , wherein the transducer corresponds to an acoustic emission sensor.10. The arrangement of claim 8 , wherein the transducer is glued to the construction component with the couplant.11. The arrangement of claim 8 , wherein the transducer has one of a flat transducer face or a ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации

Ultrasonic Testing Device and Ultrasonic Testing Method

Номер: US20220283124A1

Provided is an ultrasonic testing device with which it is possible to suitably detect internal defects in an article to be tested. For this purpose, the ultrasonic testing device comprises: an ultrasonic probe that generates ultrasonic waves and transmits the same to the article to be tested, and that receives reflected waves reflected from the article to be tested; and a computation processing unit. The computation processing unit: (A) sets a gate indicating a start time and a time duration for a subject of analysis of the reflected waves; (B) as pertains to each of a plurality of measurement points, (B1) acquires a reflection signal indicating the intensity of the reflected waves at each time, (B2) calculates a difference signal that is the difference between the reflection signal and a reference signal, and (B3) calculates a feature amount with respect to the difference signal within the gate; (C) detects defects on the basis of the feature amounts for the plurality of measurement points; and (D) outputs information indicating the depth of the defects along the transmission direction of the ultrasonic waves. 1. An ultrasonic testing device comprising:an ultrasonic probe that generates ultrasonic waves and transmits the same to an article to be tested, and that receives reflected waves reflected from the article to be tested; anda computation processing unit, whereinthe computation processing unit:(A) sets a gate indicating a start time and a time duration for a subject of analysis of the reflected waves; (B1) acquires a reflection signal indicating the intensity of the reflected waves at each time,', '(B2) calculates a difference signal that is the difference between the reflection signal and a reference signal, and', '(B3) calculates a feature amount with respect to the difference signal within the gate;, '(B) as pertains to each of a plurality of measurement points,'}(C) detects defects on the basis of the feature amounts for the plurality of measurement points ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Ultrasonic testing method of wheel

Номер: US20140224024A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp

An ultrasonic testing apparatus includes an array probe 3 disposed to face a flange-side rim face 16 of a wheel 1 . The ultrasonic testing apparatus also includes an array flaw detector having a function of transmitting transmission-reception control signals to the array probe, and a personal computer having a function of setting various parameters for the array flaw detector, and receiving signals from the array flaw detector so as to generate images such as an A-scope image and a B-scope image. When detecting a flaw, the array probe is disposed in such a manner that a transducer face thereof faces the flange-side rim face. At this time, an angle between the transducer alignment direction of the array probe and the radial direction of the wheel 1 is set to be 20 to 60° when viewed in the axial direction, and the flaw detection is carried out at this angle.

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200132636A1

The present disclosure discloses a detecting device and method for acoustic emission on high-frequency motion rubbing pair surface. A linear reciprocating slide system with high efficiency and high conductivity is designed based on the method. Reciprocating linear slide system is the main structure of the detection device which is is composed of probe plate, tight clips, vacuum cover, slip wire and insulation box. The reciprocating slide solves the problem of data distortion caused by high frequency jitter when connecting ordinary data lines, and can realize stable and reliable connection between high frequency reciprocating rubbing experiment and acoustic emission detection equipment. The acoustic emission probe on the surface of rubbing pair connects with the preamplifier by linear reciprocating slide. Real-time monitoring of acoustic emission equipment is realized to obtain the state change of rubbing pair surface during high-frequency reciprocating rubbing, and further analyze the wear mechanism of different rubbing pair. 1. A detecting device for acoustic emission on high-frequency motion rubbing pair surface , comprising:{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '3', '1', '4', '1', '5, 'a reciprocating linear slide system () which comprises a probe plate (.), tight clips (.), a vacuum cover (.), a slip wire (.) and an insulation box (.); wherein{'b': 1', '1', '7', '1', '2', '5', '1', '3', '7', '1', '4', '1', '3', '5', '1', '5', '1', '4', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '3', '1', '2, 'the probe plate (.) is fixed at a bottom of a liquid pool (); the tight clips (.) which is used to fix a sensor () is fixed at an edge of the liquid pool and connected to a substrate by coupling grease; the vacuum cover (.) is fixed on a side wall of the liquid pool (); one end of the slip wire (.) passes through the vacuum cover (.) and is connected to the sensor (); the insulation box (.) is set on a mercury box of the slip wire (.); the reciprocating linear slide system () is ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172912A1
Автор: Maggio Sam

A device including a reservoir filled with fluid, a frame, and a resilient rolling seal to prevent the fluid from reservoir from escaping, even while the device is moved along a surface. The purpose of this device is to deploy a sensor which is housed within the reservoir. The device is thus capable of maintaining a reservoir of fluid around a sensor or probe and allow the sensor or probe to remain immersed in the fluid, while also remaining in contact with the surface in which the device is moved along. The sensor preferably resides in a fluid couplant of the device. Because the fluid and the sensor reside in the reservoir and because that reservoir is effectively sealed, there is very little loss of fluid, and the amount of fluid needed to conduct testing is dramatically decreased. 1. A device for non-destructive testing on a surface comprising:a frame having a first side plate, a front side plate, a back side plate, a second side plate, a top side plate, and a bottom side plate, the top side plate and the bottom side plate each connected to the first side plate, the front side plate, the back side plate and the second side plate; a first axle;', 'a second axle, the first axle and the second axle connected together through at least one rod mounted to the first side plate and the second side plate of the frame;', 'a first roller shaft mounted to the first axle;', 'a second roller shaft mounted to the second axle;', 'at least one first rotatable roller mounted to the first roller shaft and adjacent the bottom side plate and the front side plate;', 'at least one second rotatable roller mounted to the second roller shaft and adjacent the bottom side plate and the back side plate;', 'a first roller track rotatable about the first roller shaft and the second roller shaft, flanking the at least one first rotatable roller and the at least one second rotatable roller on a first side and the first side plate of the frame;', 'a second roller track rotatable about the first ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Turbine blade testing device and testing method thereof

Номер: US20150153310A1

According to one embodiment, a testing device of a turbine blade includes: a non-compressive elastic medium brought into close contact with a platform of the turbine blade in a state fastened to a turbine rotor; a probe which has piezoelectric elements arranged in an array and transmits ultrasound waves toward a fastening portion of the turbine blade through the elastic medium and receives echo waves; and a display portion for imaging an internal region of the fastening portion on the basis of the echo waves and displaying the same.

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Modular Mobile Inspection Vehicle

Номер: US20150153312A1

A modular inspection vehicle having at least first and second motion modules is provided. The first and second motion modules are connected to a chassis. The first motion module includes a first wheel mounted to the chassis. The second motion module includes second wheel mounted to the chassis, the second wheel being at an angle to the first wheel. The vehicle further includes a navigation module configured to collect position data related to the position of the vehicle, an inspection module configured to collect inspection data related to the vehicle's environment, and a communication module configured to transmit and receive data. The vehicle can also include a control module configured to receive the inspection data and associate the inspection data with received position data that corresponds to the inspection data collect at a corresponding position for transmission via the communication module. 1. A modular inspection vehicle , comprising:a chassis; a first wheel mounted to the chassis for rotation about a first axis;', 'a second motion module, the second motion module including:, 'a first motion module, the first motion module includinga second wheel mounted to the chassis, the second wheel being arranged to rotate about a second axis that is at an angle to the first wheel for orthogonal rotation with respect to the rotation direction of the first wheel;an inspection module connected to the chassis configured to collect inspection data related to the vehicle's environment;a communication module connected to the chassis configured to transmit and receive data;at least one power module connected to the chassis configured to provide power to the vehicle and its modules; anda control module connected to the chassis configured to receive the inspection data and wherein the control module is configured to prepare the inspection data for transmission via the communication module.2. The modular inspection vehicle of claim 1 , further comprising a navigation module ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146494A1
Автор: JEKETO Alejandro
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

An apparatus for use in Ultrasonic testing, and a method of inspection or testing using the apparatus. The ultrasonic testing tool includes an elongate connector arranged between a transducer and a tip or contact head for contact with the component to be tested. The elongate connector carries soundwaves produced by the transducer between the transducer and the contact head. 1. A method of inspecting a component , the method comprising the steps of:spacing an ultrasonic transducer from a contact head, using an elongate connector arranged between the transducer and the contact head, wherein the elongate connector carries soundwaves produced by the transducer between the transducer and the contact head;placing the contact head into contact with a surface of the component to be tested;transmitting a wavepacket signal from the transducer along the elongate connector and into the component to be tested; andmonitoring for reflection of the signal from within the component using the detector.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the component is a sharp edged component.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the contact head is placed into contact with the component adjacent a sharp edge.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the soundwaves produced by the transducer excite a flexural wave in a sharp edge of the component.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the detector monitors the deflection of an edge of the sharp edged component.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the detector is spaced from the contact head.7. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the detector comprises a laser vibrometer.8. A method according to claim 6 , wherein a defect is detected when the detector first detects an incident wave directly generated in the component by the signal from the transducer and subsequently detects a reflected wave of similar magnitude to the incident wave.9. A method according to claim 4 , wherein the detector monitors an area that is no more ...
