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16-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000007513U1

Бесконтактный датчик для контроля скорости движения металлических элементов механизмов, содержащий последовательно соединенные чувствительный к перемещающимся металлическим массам элемент, приемник, измеритель частоты и пороговый блок, отличающийся тем, что в качестве чувствительного элемента используется высокодобротный резонансный контур, состоящий из плоской катушки, размещенной на неметаллической плате и являющейся антенной, и параллельно подключенного конденсатора, резонансный контур через балластный резистор подключен к выходу генератора стабильной частоты, близкой к резонансной частоте резонансного контура, общие выводы балластного резистора и резонансного контура соединены с информативным выходом чувствительного элемента, при этом антенна установлена на (или в) механизме вне зоны существенного влияния неконтролируемых металлических элементов так, что ось антенны размещена в плоскости, перпендикулярной траектории движения металлических элементов механизма. (19) RU (11) (13) 7 513 U1 (51) МПК G01S 11/12 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96101199/20, 24.01.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.08.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Акционерное общество закрытого типа "Ингравт" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество закрытого типа "Ингравт" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 5 1 3 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Бесконтактный датчик для контроля скорости движения металлических элементов механизмов, содержащий последовательно соединенные чувствительный к перемещающимся металлическим массам элемент, приемник, измеритель частоты и пороговый блок, отличающийся тем, что в качестве чувствительного элемента используется высокодобротный резонансный контур, состоящий из плоской катушки, размещенной на неметаллической плате и являющейся антенной, и параллельно подключенного конденсатора, резонансный контур через балластный резистор подключен к выходу генератора стабильной частоты, близкой к резонансной ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Long-Distance Target Detection Camera System

Номер: US20120002016A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Institute of Technology NUC

A long-distance target detection camera system for detecting a long-distance target includes a pair of convergence cameras capable of performing convergence movement. The system further includes a telephoto camera having a line of sight substantially equal to the trace line of the intersection between the lines of sight of the pair of convergence cameras and having a narrower visual field than that of each of the pair of convergence cameras. The system further includes a base on which the pair of convergence cameras and the telephoto camera are installed. The system further includes a motor for base movement that controls the movement of the base.

10-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000037837U1

Система обнаружения радиолокационных сигналов, содержащая последовательно соединенные приемную антенну, входное устройство, в котором производится разделение принятых сигналов на два частотных канала и усиление на сверхвысокой частоте, приемное устройство, включающее блок детекторов-усилителей импульсных и непрерывных сигналов, а также блок обработки сигналов, соединенный посредством интерфейсной магистрали последовательного канала с устройством вторичной обработки, управления и отображения, выполненном на основе электронно-вычислительной машины, отличающаяся тем, что входное устройство выполнено с дополнительной возможностью модуляции непрерывных сигналов и соединено с приемным устройством посредством протяженного кабельного тракта, приемное устройство дополнительно содержит последовательно соединенные по входам-выходам сигналов соответствующих частотных каналов двухканальный блок коррекции затухания, двухканальный блок усилителей и делителей мощности и блок полосовых фильтров, в котором производится дополнительное разделение сигналов каждого частотного канала на узкополосные частотные диапазоны, а также измерители мгновенной частоты одного и другого частотных каналов, входы которых подключены к соответствующим выходам двухканального блока усилителей и делителей мощности, блок регулировки напряжений компенсации паразитной амплитудной модуляции шумов, выходы которого соединены с соответствующими компенсационными входами блока детекторов-усилителей импульсных и непрерывных сигналов, и генератор опорных напряжений, к соответствующим выходам которого подключены вход модуляции входного устройства, опорные входы блока регулировки напряжений компенсации паразитной амплитудной модуляции шумов и опорные входы блока детекторов-усилителей импульсных и непрерывных сигналов, информационные входы которого соединены с соответствующими выходами блока полосовых фильтров, кроме вышеуказанного, в систему введен второй блок обработки сигналов, аналогичный первому блоку обработки ...

10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000038957U1

1. Устройство обнаружения и обработки радиолокационных сигналов содержит N компараторов, где N - число уровней квантования видеосигнала, N аналого-цифровых преобразователей, N измерителей параметров импульсов, N измерителей периода повторения импульсов, цифроаналоговый преобразователь, первое устройство сопряжения, цифровой сигнальный процессор, оперативное запоминающее устройство, постоянное запоминающее устройство, первый адаптер последовательного интерфейса, второй адаптер последовательного интерфейса, второе устройство сопряжения, электронно-вычислительную машину (ЭВМ), адаптер клавиатуры, клавиатуру, видеоадаптер, устройство отображения графической информации, первую системную интерфейсную магистраль, тактовый генератор, таймер, приемное устройство, измеритель мгновенной частоты, вторую системную интерфейсную магистраль, последовательный канал связи, при этом первый вход каждого компаратора с первого по N, соединенный с входом соответствующего аналого-цифрового преобразователя с первого по N, соединен с соответствующим выходом видеосигнала приемного устройства, выход высокочастотного сигнала приемного устройства соединен с сигнальным входом измерителя мгновенной частоты, выход цифроаналогового преобразователя соединен с вторыми входами компараторов с первого по N, выход каждого компаратора с первого по N соединен с первым входом соответствующего измерителя параметров импульсов с первого по N и входом измерителя периода повторения импульсов с первого по N, а также соединены с соответствующими входами измерителя мгновенной частоты, выход каждого аналого-цифрового преобразователя с первого по N соединен со вторым входом соответствующего измерителя параметров импульсов с первого по N, первый, второй, третий и четвертый выходы измерителей параметров импульсов с первого по N, выходы измерителей периода повторения импульсов с первого по N соединены с соответствующими входами первого устройства сопряжения, пятый выход каждого измерителя параметров импульсов с первого ...

10-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000056652U1

Система обнаружения радиолокационных сигналов, содержащая последовательно соединенные первое антенное устройство и частотно-разделительное и усилительное устройство, в котором производится разделение принятых сигналов на смежные частотные диапазоны, модуляция и регулируемое посредством аттенюаторов усиление на сверхвысокой частоте (СВЧ), а также первое двухканальное приемное устройство сигналов третьего и четвертого частотных диапазонов, в каждом канале которого последовательно соединены блок усилителей и делителей мощности и блок полосовой фильтрации и преобразования на видеочастоту, выходы которого соединены с входами соответствующих блоков видеоусилителей импульсных и непрерывных сигналов (ИНС), компенсационные входы которых подключены к выходам блока регулировки напряжений компенсации (РНК) паразитной амплитудной модуляции шумов (ПАМ), опорные входы которого и входы модуляции частотно-разделительного и усилительного устройства соединены с соответствующими выходами первого генератора опорных напряжений, при этом СВЧ сигналы третьего и четвертого частотных диапазонов, формируемые на вторых выходах блоков усилителей и делителей мощности, передаются в соответствующие измерители мгновенной частоты (ИМЧ), а на выходах соответствующих блоков видеоусилителей ИНС формируются импульсные и непрерывные видеосигналы верхней полосы частот, узкополосные импульсные и непрерывные видеосигналы и импульсные и непрерывные видеосигналы нижней полосы частот третьего и четвертого частотных диапазонов, кроме этого, содержащая устройство первичной обработки, соединенное с устройством вторичной обработки, управления и индикации посредством группы интерфейсных магистралей последовательных каналов, при этом устройство первичной обработки содержит, по меньшей мере, два блока обработки сигналов (БОС), каждый из которых содержит, по меньшей мере, один блок обнаружения и измерения параметров, информационный выход которого соединен с портом прямого доступа в память цифрового сигнального ...

20-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000072551U1

Корреляционный радиометр с использованием прямого преобразования частоты, содержащий имеющий два выхода и один вход разветвитель, при этом вход разветвителя является входом устройства, и два канала, каждый из которых содержит последовательно соединенные высокочастотный широкополосный полосовый фильтр, имеющий один вход, к которому подсоединен одним из двух выходов разветвитель, и один выход, смеситель, имеющий два входа и один выход, к первому входу смесителя подсоединен своим выходом высокочастотный широкополосный полосный фильтр, и усилитель частоты, имеющий один вход и один выход, причем к входу усилителя частоты подсоединен своим выходом смеситель, гетеродин, имеющий один выход, который подсоединен к каждому второму входу смесителя обоих каналов, умножитель, имеющий два входа и один выход, и фильтр нижних частот частот, имеющий один вход и один выход, выход фильтра нижних частот является выходом устройства, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно введены еще два аналогичных канала, фазовращатель, имеющий один вход и один выход, еще один умножитель, имеющий два входа и один выход, сумматор, имеющий два входа и один выход, кроме того, разветвитель имеет дополнительно еще два выхода, которые подсоединены к каждому входу высокочастотных широкополосных полосовых фильтров дополнительных каналов, гетеродин своим выходом дополнительно подсоединен к входу фазовращателя, последний своим выходом подсоединен к вторым входам смесителей дополнительных каналов, к каждому из двух входов первого умножителя порознь подсоединены своими выходами усилители частоты первых двух каналов, а к каждому из двух входов дополнительного умножителя порознь подсоединены своими выходами усилители частоты дополнительных каналов, оба умножителя своими выходами подсоединены порознь к двум входам сумматора, последний своим выходом подсоединен к фильтру нижних частот, причем в качестве смесителей использованы смесители с прямым преобразованием частоты, а в качестве усилителей частоты использованы ...

20-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000076463U1

Широкодиапазонное приемное устройство, содержащее предварительный усилитель высокой частоты (УВЧ), связанный посредством протяженного кабельного тракта с блоком преобразования и усиления на видеочастоте, отличающееся тем, что на входе блока преобразования и усиления на видеочастоте установлен блок коррекции затухания, содержащий последовательно соединенные малошумящий усилитель, регулируемый аттенюатор и корректирующий фильтр, выход которого через видеодетектор соединен с входом видеоусилителя, при этом корректирующий фильтр имеет амплитудно-частотную характеристику, обратную характеристике затухания протяженного кабельного тракта с ослаблением на нижней частоте диапазона, а с помощью регулируемого аттенюатора устанавливается оптимальный коэффициент передачи высокочастотного тракта, при котором чувствительность Р приемного устройства во всем диапазоне определяется из соотношения где , N - коэффициент шума предварительного УВЧ, ед., k - коэффициент Больцмана - 1,38 10 эрг/град, T - абсолютная температура - 293К, ΔF - полоса пропускания видеоусилителя, Гц, Δf - эквивалентная полоса шумов предварительного УВЧ, Гц. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 76 463 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01S 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007146699/22 , 19.12.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.12.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 20.09.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Калашников Вадим Моисеевич (RU) Адрес для переписки: 191014, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Госпитальная, 3, пат.пов. В.В. Туренко, рег. N82 U 1 7 6 4 6 3 R U где , N - коэффициент шума предварительного УВЧ, ед., k - коэффициент Больцмана - 1,38 10-23 эрг/град, T - абсолютная температура - 293К, ΔF - полоса пропускания видеоусилителя, Гц, Δf - эквивалентная полоса шумов предварительного УВЧ, Гц. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Широкодиапазонное приемное устройство, содержащее предварительный усилитель высокой частоты ...

27-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000078587U1

Модуляционный радиометр с использованием прямого преобразования частоты, содержащий последовательно соединенные генератор эталонного шума, модулятор, высокочастотный широкополосный полосовой фильтр, смеситель, усилитель частоты, узкополосный фильтр, синхронный амплитудный детектор и фильтр нижних частот, выход которого является выходом устройства, гетеродин, выход которого подключен ко второму входу смесителя, генератор модулирующего напряжения, оба выхода которого подключены соответственно к третьему входу модулятора и ко второму входу синхронного амплитудного детектора, входом устройства является первый вход модулятора, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно введены устройство вычисления модуля сигнала, к входу которого подключен высокочастотный широкополосный полосовой фильтр, а выход которого подключен к входу смесителя, при этом применен смеситель с прямым преобразованием частоты, и умножитель, к двум объединенным входам которого подключен своим выходом усилитель, а выход умножителя подключен к входу узкополосного фильтра, причем в качестве усилителя использован усилитель нижних частот. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 78 587 (13) U1 (51) МПК G01S 11/00 G01S 11/02 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008126303/22 , 27.06.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.06.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Мурманский государственный технический университет" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 8 5 8 7 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели Модуляционный радиометр с использованием прямого преобразования частоты, содержащий последовательно соединенные генератор эталонного шума, модулятор, высокочастотный широкополосный полосовой фильтр, смеситель, усилитель частоты, узкополосный фильтр, синхронный амплитудный детектор и фильтр нижних ...

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000079677U1

Устройство для обнаружения скрытых радиопередатчиков, содержащее последовательно соединенные антенну, широкополосный усилитель ВЧ, детектор, усилитель НЧ, подключенный к первому входу устройства анализа, нагруженного на устройство индикации, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит пассивную антенную систему, состоящую из единичных антенн, коммутируемых на массивное металлическое основание с помощью устройства коммутации, выход которого подсоединен ко второму входу устройства анализа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 79 677 U1 (51) МПК G01S 11/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008132300/22, 05.08.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.08.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.01.2009 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество Научнотехнический центр "РАСТР" (RU) U 1 7 9 6 7 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для обнаружения скрытых радиопередатчиков, содержащее последовательно соединенные антенну, широкополосный усилитель ВЧ, детектор, усилитель НЧ, подключенный к первому входу устройства анализа, нагруженного на устройство индикации, отличающееся тем, что устройство содержит пассивную антенную систему, состоящую из единичных антенн, коммутируемых на массивное металлическое основание с помощью устройства коммутации, выход которого подсоединен ко второму входу устройства анализа. 7 9 6 7 7 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБНАРУЖЕНИЯ СКРЫТЫХ РАДИОПЕРЕДАТЧИКОВ R U Адрес для переписки: 630132, г.Новосибирск, ул. 1905 года, 13, В.А. Трушину (72) Автор(ы): Куршин Михаил Львович (RU), Теличко Евгений Анатольевич (RU), Трушин Виктор Александрович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 79 677 U1 Полезная модель относится к радиотехнике, в частности к устройствам для обнаружения радиопередатчиков, несанкционированно установленных в помещении. Известно устройство для поиска скрыто установленных радиопередатчиков (см., ...

10-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000098295U1

Устройство для определения местоположения объекта в пространстве, содержащее трехосевой акселерометр, микроконтроллер и приемопередатчик, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено гироскопом и магнитным датчиком. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 98 295 (13) U1 (51) МПК G09G 5/00 (2006.01) G01S 11/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2010102500/08, 26.01.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 26.01.2010 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ИМАГО-ГИД" (RU) Формула полезной модели Устройство для определения местоположения объекта в пространстве, содержащее трехосевой акселерометр, микроконтроллер и приемопередатчик, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено гироскопом и магнитным датчиком. 9 8 2 9 5 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ МЕСТОПОЛОЖЕНИЯ ОБЪЕКТА В ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ R U 9 8 2 9 5 U 1 U 1 Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL R U Адрес для переписки: 197372, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Камышовая, 56, корп.1, кв.102, ООО "ИМАГО-ГИД", А.С. Поспелову (72) Автор(ы): Поспелов Алексей Сергеевич (RU), Федоров Алексей Александрович (RU), Завгородний Сергей Валентинович (RU), Игольников Андрей Ильич (RU), Ратников Евгений Валерьевич (RU), Нестеренок Федор Сергеевич (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 98 295 U1 Полезная модель относится к микроэлектронике, а именно к устройствам для определения угловых и линейных ускорений в пространстве и азимута, и может быть использована для определения местоположения объекта в пространстве. Цель полезной модели - повышение точности и увеличение функциональности. За прототип принята инерционная указка для электронных дисплеев содержащая акселерометр, первый интегратор, второй интегратор, аналогово-цифровой преобразователь (далее - АЦП), передатчик. Заявка США US 20040104891 A1 "Internal pointer for electronic displays", опубликована на сайте http: //www.patents.com/Intertial-pointer- ...

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000112446U1

Пассивный радиоэлектронный комплекс для однопозиционного определения горизонтальных координат и элементов движения объекта методом линейной фильтрации Калмана-Бьюси, содержащий антенну, блок обнаружения радиолокационного сигнала, блок измерения параметров сигнала и пеленгов, блок сопровождения сигнала по пеленгу, блок статистической оценки пеленга, временного изменения пеленга и временного изменения расстояния, блок оценки дистанции и элементов движения объекта, экран и блок освещения текущей обстановки, отличающийся тем, что комплекс снабжен блоком построения множества фильтров Калмана для их одновременного использования с целью расширения измеряемого информационного пространства и ускорения сходимости процесса вычисления, при этом сигналы, принятые антенной, обрабатываются блоком обнаружения радиолокационного сигнала и поступают в блок измерения параметров сигнала и пеленгов, полученные значения пеленгов поступают в блок сопровождения сигнала по пеленгу, в котором формируется последовательность пеленгов, необходимая для получения в блоке статистической оценки пеленга, временного изменения пеленга и временного изменения расстояния - статистических оценок начальных значений пеленга, начального значения временного изменения пеленга на объект и начального значения временного изменения расстояния, отнесенного к начальной дистанции, полученные оценки совместно с измеренными в блоке измерения параметров сигнала и пеленгов уровнями сигналов обеспечивают в блоке построения множества фильтров Калмана - построение множества фильтров Калмана для получения оценок координат и элементов движения объекта, причем на основании полученных координат, которые отображаются на экране, формируются данные в блоке освещения текущей обстановки для принятия оперативного решения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 112 446 U1 (51) МПК G01S 11/12 (2006.01) G01S 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125720U1

1. Береговая пространственно распределенная многопозиционная радиолокационная станция с автономными радиолокационными терминалами (APT) для мониторинга акваторий, содержащая источник электропитания (ИП) составных частей станции, базовый радиолокационный терминал (БРТ), состоящий из устройства связи (УСБРТ) и устройства совместной обработки информации (УСОИ), а также, по крайней мере, два упомянутых APT, каждый из которых состоит из радиолокационной антенны (РЛА) и приемопередающего устройства (ППУ), отличающаяся тем, что радиолокационные антенны APT выполнены пассивными, каждый APT снабжен устройством связи (УСАРТ) и приемопередающей аппаратурой автоматической идентификации судов (ППААИС), а БРТ - устройством освещения текущей обстановки (УОТО) с экраном и базой данных (БД), устройством автоматической идентификации судов (УАИС) и устройством управления и функционального контроля (УУФК) APT и УАИС, при этом УУФК через УСБРТ передает сигналы управления УСАРТ и ППУ и запускает работу пассивных РЛА и ППААИС одного, нескольких или всех APT, РЛА и ППААИС принимают сигналы от объектов, находящихся в зоне контроля, и через ППУ и УСАРТ каждого включенного APT и УСБРТ передают информацию УСОИ, которое производит ее совместную обработку и идентификацию, после чего полученная информация отображается на экране и архивируется в БД УОТО, кроме того, УУФК через УСБРТ и УСАРТ осуществляет постоянный контроль функционирования APT. 2. Станция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что APT выполнены антивандальными, установлены на мачтовых устройствах и снабжены автономными ИП, например ветряными генераторами или солнечными батареями, блоками бесперебойного электропитания (ББП) и резервными ИП, например дизельными генераторами, при этом упомянутые автономные ИП через ББП обеспечивают независимое от ИП станции функционирование составных частей APT, а резервные источники ИП - их питание в случае невозможности функционирования автономных ИП. 3. Станция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что ее составные части ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125721U1

1. Береговая пространственно распределенная многопозиционная радиолокационная станция с автономными радиолокационными терминалами (APT) для мониторинга акваторий, содержащая источник электропитания (ИП) составных частей станции, базовый радиолокационный терминал (БРТ), состоящий из устройства связи (УСБРТ) и устройства совместной обработки информации (УСОИ), а также, по крайней мере, два упомянутых APT, каждый из которых состоит из активной радиолокационной антенны (АРЛА) и приемопередающего устройства (ППУ), отличающаяся тем, что каждый APT снабжен дополнительной пассивной радиолокационной антенной (ПРЛА), устройством связи (УСАРТ), приемопередающей аппаратурой государственного опознавания и автоматической идентификации судов (ППАГО и АИС) и устройством оптикоэлектронного обнаружения (УОЭО), а БРТ - устройством освещения текущей обстановки (УОТО) с экраном и базой данных (БД), устройством государственного опознавания (УГО) с шифрующим дешифрующим блоком (ШДБ) и блоком оценки (БО), устройством автоматической идентификации судов (УАИС) и устройством управления и функционального контроля (УУФК) APT, УГО и УАИС, при этом УУФК через УСБРТ передает сигналы управления УСАРТ и ППУ и запускает работу АРЛА одного, нескольких или всех APT, АРЛА излучают и принимают отраженные сигналы от объектов, находящихся в зоне контроля, и через ППУ и УСАРТ каждого включенного APT и УСБРТ передают информацию УСОИ, которое производит ее совместную обработку, после чего полученная информация отображается на экране и архивируется в БД УОТО, затем УУФК через УСБРТ и УСАРТ передает кодированный сигнал ППАГО и АИС, которая формирует, излучает и принимает сигналы государственного опознавания и идентификации без дешифровки и оценки, далее эту информацию УСАРТ через УСБРТ передают в ШДБ и БО УГО и УАИС, которые производят дешифровку сигналов государственного опознавания и идентификации, на основании полученной информации, отображаемой на экране УОТО, формируются данные в БД УОТО для принятия ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125722U1

1. Береговая пространственно распределенная многопозиционная радиолокационная станция с автономными радиолокационными терминалами (APT) для мониторинга акваторий, содержащая источник электропитания (ИП) составных частей станции, базовый радиолокационный терминал (БРТ), состоящий из устройства связи (УСБРТ) и устройства совместной обработки информации (УСОИ), а также, по крайней мере, два упомянутых APT, каждый из которых состоит из активной радиолокационной антенны (АРЛА) и приемопередающего устройства (ППУ), отличающаяся тем, что каждый APT снабжен дополнительной пассивной радиолокационной антенной (ПРЛА), устройством связи (УСАРТ) и приемопередающей аппаратурой государственного опознавания и автоматической идентификации судов (ППАГО и АИС), а БРТ - устройством освещения текущей обстановки (УОТО) с экраном и базой данных (БД), устройством государственного опознавания (УГО) с шифрующим дешифрующим блоком (ШДБ) и блоком оценки (БО), устройством автоматической идентификации судов (УАИС) и устройством управления и функционального контроля (УУФК) APT, УГО и УАИС, при этом УУФК через УСБРТ передает сигналы управления УСАРТ и ППУ и запускает работу АРЛА одного, нескольких или всех APT, АРЛА излучают и принимают отраженные сигналы от объектов, находящихся в зоне контроля, и через ППУ и УСАРТ каждого включенного APT и УСБРТ передают информацию УСОИ, которое производит ее совместную обработку, после чего полученная информация отображается на экране и архивируется в БД УОТО, затем УУФК через УСБРТ и УСАРТ передает кодированный сигнал ППАГО и АИС, которая формирует, излучает и принимает сигналы государственного опознавания и идентификации без дешифровки и оценки, далее эту информацию УСАРТ через УСБРТ передают в ШДБ и БО УГО и УАИС, которые производят дешифровку сигналов государственного опознавания и идентификации, на основании полученной информации, отображаемой на экране УОТО, формируются данные в БД УОТО для принятия оперативного решения. 2. Станция по п.1, отличающаяся ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125723U1

1. Береговая пространственно распределенная многопозиционная радиолокационная станция с автономными радиолокационными терминалами (APT) для мониторинга акваторий, содержащая источник электропитания (ИП) составных частей станции, базовый радиолокационный терминал (БРТ), состоящий из устройства связи (УСБРТ) и устройства совместной обработки информации (УСОИ), а также, по крайней мере, два упомянутых APT, каждый из которых состоит из радиолокационной антенны (РЛА) и приемопередающего устройства (ППУ), отличающаяся тем, что каждый APT снабжен устройством связи (УСАРТ) и приемопередающей аппаратурой государственного опознавания и автоматической идентификации судов (ППАГО и АИС), а БРТ - устройством освещения текущей обстановки (УОТО) с экраном и базой данных (БД), устройством государственного опознавания (УГО) с шифрующим дешифрующим блоком (ШДБ) и блоком оценки (БО), устройством автоматической идентификации судов (У АИС) и устройством управления и функционального контроля (УУФК) APT, УГО и УАИС, при этом УУФК через УСБРТ передает сигналы управления УСАРТ и ППУ и запускает работу РЛА одного, нескольких или всех APT, РЛА излучают и принимают отраженные сигналы от объектов, находящихся в зоне контроля, и через ППУ и УСАРТ каждого включенного APT и УСБРТ передают информацию УСОИ, которое производит ее совместную обработку, после чего полученная информация отображается на экране и архивируется в БД УОТО, затем УУФК через УСБРТ и УСАРТ передает кодированный сигнал ППАГО и ЛИС, которая формирует, излучает и принимает сигналы государственного опознавания и идентификации без дешифровки и оценки, далее эту информацию УСАРТ через УСБРТ передают в ШДБ и БО УГО и УАИС, которые производят дешифровку сигналов государственного опознавания и идентификации, на основании полученной информации, отображаемой на экране УОТО, формируются данные в БД УОТО для принятия оперативного решения, кроме того, УУФК через УСБРТ и УСАРТ осуществляет постоянный контроль функционирования УГО, УАИС и APT. ...

27-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000126474U1

Пассивный радиоэлектронный комплекс для определения пространственных координат и элементов движения объекта по угломерным и энергетическим данным радиолокации, содержащий антенну, блок обнаружения сигналов по пеленговому каналу, блок сопровождения объекта в пеленговом канале, блок статистических оценок начального пеленга, начального уровня сигнала, начальной величины изменения пеленга и начальной величины изменения расстояния, блок программной реализации фильтров Калмана, блок оценки координат и элементов движения объекта, блок выдачи информации на экран и блок выдачи информации в банки пользователей, отличающийся тем, что в состав комплекса введены блок обнаружения сигналов по угломестному каналу, блок сопровождения объекта в угломестном канале, блок измерения угла места на объект и уровней сигнала от объекта, блок вычисления оценок угла места и уровней сигнала в угломестном канале и блок вычисления величины изменения угла места, при этом сигналы от объекта, принятые антенной, обрабатываются в блоке обнаружения сигналов по пеленговому каналу и в блоке обнаружения сигналов по угломестному каналу для последующего сопровождения объекта соответственно в блоке сопровождения объекта в пеленговом канале и в блоке сопровождения объекта в угломестном канале, далее сигналы от блока сопровождения объекта в пеленговом канале поступают в блок статистических оценок начального пеленга, начального уровня сигнала, начальной величины изменения пеленга и начальной величины изменения расстояния, а сигналы от блока сопровождения объекта в угломерном канале - в блок измерения угла места на объект и уровней сигнала от объекта, в блок вычисления оценок угла места и уровней сигнала в угломестном канале и в блок вычисления оценок величины изменения угла места, вычисленные оценки обеспечивают построение множества фильтров Калмана в блоке программной реализации фильтров Калмана для последующего получения в блоке оценки координат и элементов движения объекта текущих оценок координат - ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000133326U1

Пассивное радиолокационное устройство пеленгации воздушных объектов, включающее последовательно соединенные первый смеситель, первый оптимальный фильтр, первый усилитель промежуточной частоты, амплитудный детектор и делитель, последовательно соединенные второй смеситель, второй оптимальный фильтр, второй усилитель промежуточной частоты и фазовый детектор, а также включающее гетеродин, антенну и кольцевой волноводный мост, причем выход первого усилителя промежуточной частоты соединен со вторым входом фазового детектора, первый и второй выходы антенны подключены к соответствующим первому и второму входу кольцевого волноводного моста, первый и второй выходы которого связаны с первым входом соответствующего первого и второго смесителей, выход гетеродина соединен с вторым входом первого смесителя и вторым входом второго смесителя, отличающееся тем, что в состав устройства дополнительно включают блок фильтров и индикатор, причем вход блока фильтров соединяют с выходом первого усилителя промежуточной частоты, а каждый s-й выход блока фильтров из S выходов, где S - число узкополосных фильтров, определяемое как отношение анализируемого диапазона частот ΔF к ширине полосы пропускания одиночного узкополосного фильтра Δf, связывают с соответствующим s-м вторым входом индикатора, первый вход которого подключают к выходу делителя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (51) МПК G01S 11/04 (11) (13) 133 326 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013106893/07, 15.02.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.02.2013 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2013 Бюл. № 28 1 3 3 3 2 6 R U Формула полезной модели Пассивное радиолокационное устройство пеленгации воздушных объектов, включающее последовательно соединенные первый смеситель, первый оптимальный фильтр, первый усилитель промежуточной частоты, амплитудный детектор и делитель, последовательно соединенные второй смеситель, второй оптимальный фильтр, второй ...

10-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000136587U1

Пассивный радиоэлектронный комплекс для определения пространственных координат и элементов движения объекта по угломерным и энергетическим данным радиолокации, содержащий антенну, блок обнаружения сигнала от объекта, блок сопровождения объекта, блок измерения мощности сигнала от объекта, блок измерения пеленга на объект (П), блок вычисления статистических оценок начального пеленга (П), начального временного изменения пеленга (ВИП) и начального относительного временного изменения расстояния (ВИР), блок вычисления оценок текущих координат и элементов движения объекта (ЭДО), блок выдачи информации на экран и блок выдачи информации в банки пользователей, отличающийся тем, что в состав введены блок измерения угла места объекта (ν), блок вычисления статистических оценок начального угла места объекта (ν) и начального временного изменения угла места объекта (ВИУМ), блок вычисления оценок начальной дистанции (D), блок формирования шестимерного вектора начального состояния и блок программной реализации фильтра Калмана, при этом сигналы от объекта, принятые антенной, обрабатываются в блоке обнаружения сигнала от объекта для последующего сопровождения объекта в блоке сопровождения объекта и измерения мощности сигнала от объекта в блоке измерения мощности сигнала от объекта, измерения П в блоке измерения П и измерения ν в блоке измерения ν, далее сигналы от блока измерения мощности сигнала от объекта и блока измерения П поступают в блок вычисления статистических оценок П, ВИП и относительного ВИР для вычисления статистических оценок П, ВИП и относительного ВИР, а сигналы от блока измерения V поступают в блок вычисления статистических оценок ν и ВИУМ для вычисления статистических ν и ВИУМ и последующего вычисления оценок D в блоке вычисления оценок D, формирования шестимерного вектора начального состояния D, П, ν, ВИП, относительного ВИР и ВИУМ, в блоке формирования шестимерного вектора начального состояния, программной реализации фильтра Калмана в блоке программной реализации ...

27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000161582U1

Вычислитель скорости подвижного объекта, содержащий блок задержки, блок комплексного сопряжения, блок комплексного умножения, блок усреднения, блок вычисления фазы, блок коррекции пределов измерения, умножитель, ключ, первый блок памяти, блок управления, блок вычисления модуля, пороговый блок, второй блок памяти и синхрогенератор, при этом выходы блока задержки соединены с входами блока комплексного сопряжения, выходы которого соединены с первыми входами блока комплексного умножения, вторые входы которого объединены с входами блока задержки, выход первого блока памяти соединен с первым входом умножителя, выход которого соединен с входом ключа, выход порогового блока соединен с управляющим входом ключа, первый вход порогового блока соединен с выходом второго блока памяти, выход синхрогенератора соединен с синхровходами блока задержки, блока комплексного сопряжения, блока комплексного умножения, блока усреднения, блока вычисления фазы, умножителя, ключа, блока вычисления модуля, первого и второго блоков памяти, блока коррекции пределов измерения и порогового блока, отличающийся тем, что введены первый и второй двухканальные ключи, дополнительный блок усреднения, дополнительный блок задержки, дополнительный блок комплексного сопряжения и дополнительный блок комплексного умножения, при этом выходы блока комплексного умножения соединены с объединенными входами первого и второго двухканальных ключей, управляющие входы которых соединены соответственно с первым и вторым выходами блока управления, выходы первого двухканального ключа соединены с входами блока усреднения, выходы которого соединены с входами дополнительного блока задержки, выходы второго двухканального ключа соединены с входами дополнительного блока усреднения, выходы которого соединены с входами дополнительного блока комплексного сопряжения, выходы дополнительного блока задержки соединены с первыми входами дополнительного блока комплексного умножения, вторые входы которого соединены с выходами дополнительного ...

09-01-2018 дата публикации

Система определения местонахождения объектов для мобильных устройств

Номер: RU0000176108U1

Полезная модель относится к области радиотехники и может быть использована для поиска и обнаружения местоположения людей (объектов) на средних и малых дистанциях, например, затерявшихся в горах или лесу, попавших под снежную лавину, находящихся под развалинами зданий. Достигаемый технический результат - повышение точности и скорости определения местоположения, снижение массогабаритных параметров, обеспечение автономности и независимости от внешних систем. Система определения местонахождения объектов включает антенну, соединенную с выходом блока генерации сигнала и входом блока обработки сигнала, выход которого соединен со входом блока управления, другой вход которого соединен с выходом блока генерации сигнала, выход блока управления соединен со входом блока генерации сигнала, и элемент питания, обеспечивающий функционирование системы, при этом система встроена в мобильное устройство, выполнена с возможностью работы в активном режиме запросчика и пассивном – ответчика, все блоки представляют собой микроэлектронные устройства. 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 108 U1 (51) МПК G01S 13/75 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01S 13/75 (2006.01); G01S 13/758 (2006.01); G01S 11/02 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017108268, 13.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2371734 C2, 27.10.2009. RU Адрес для переписки: 183038, г. Мурманск, ул. Папанина, 4, Мурманский ЦНТИ, ОСИ 91522 U1, 20.02.2010. RU 87541 U1, 10.10.2009. WO 1984000869 A, 01.03.1984. US 6933879 B2, 23.08.2005. (54) Система определения местонахождения объектов для мобильных устройств (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области выходом блока генерации сигнала и входом блока радиотехники и может быть использована для обработки сигнала, выход которого соединен со поиска и обнаружения местоположения людей входом блока управления, ...

16-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000202944U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к средствам определения местоположения источников сейсмических и акустических колебаний выстреливших артиллерийских орудий и иных объектов с возможностью определения дальности, азимута и прямоугольных координат объектов интереса. Для определения прямоугольных координат сейсмоакустических объектов без априорного знания скорости распространения сейсмических волн и без ориентации датчика относительно дорожного полотна в устройство, содержащее три приемника колебаний, первый из которых представляет собой приемник акустических колебаний, а второй и третий - приемники сейсмических колебаний, выход первого и второго приемников соединены соответственно со входом первого и второго процессоров быстрого преобразования Фурье (БПФ), выходы которых подключены ко входам соответственно первого и второго пороговых детекторов, выходами подключенных ко входам соответственно первой и второй схем выбора максимума, выходы которых подключены соответственно к первому и второму входам схемы выбора спектральных составляющих, выходы первого и второго приемников соединены также с соответствующими входами коррелятора, связанного выходом с первым входом вычислительного устройства, соединенным одним из выходов со входом радиопередатчика, согласно полезной модели введены, по меньшей мере, третий приемник сейсмических колебаний, первый и второй вычислители разности времени прихода сигналов, измеритель температуры воздуха, измеритель температуры воды, измеритель солености воды, приемник спутниковых навигационных сигналов (СНС), при этом первый приемник акустических сигналов выполнен в виде акустического векторного приемника, и его выход подключен к четвертому входу вычислительного устройства, выход первого приемника сейсмических колебаний подключен к первым входам первого и второго вычислителя разности времени прихода сигналов, выход второго и третьего приемников сейсмических колебаний соответственно подключены ко второму входу первого и второго вычислителя ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for measuring vehicle speed based on movement of video camera

Номер: US20120026329A1
Автор: Michael Y. Vorobiev
Принадлежит: Topcon Positioning Systems Inc

A digital video camera is placed on a vehicle. The video camera is attached to the vehicle and is directed to a surface at a certain angle to the surface. The camera angle can change while vehicle is in motion. The camera angle is constantly measured by angular sensor (i.e., inclinometer). Images of the surface are projected onto a video matrix and transformed into a sequence of digital frames that are formed at a pre-set time interval. A speed of the video camera relative to the surface is calculated as a ratio of an off-set between the adjacent frames and the time interval between the frames. Then a known relative speed of the vehicle can be corrected by multiplication of the height of the camera (above the surface) by a coefficient that equals a ratio of the known vehicle speed and the measured camera speed.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Graphical user interface for emergency apparatus and method for operating same

Номер: US20120036461A1
Принадлежит: Scott Technologies Inc

A communications system for emergency services personnel can include portable devices to be carried by emergency services personnel while at an emergency site. The portable devices each may have at least a first transceiver configured to communicate over a first network and the portable devices are configured to communicate with one another. The system may also include a portable gateway apparatus. The portable gateway apparatus may have a portable computer having a graphical user interface (GUI) and a PCMCIA or smaller card that itself includes at least a first radio. The first radio is configured to communicate over the first network to obtain status information from the portable devices carried by the emergency services personnel. The GUI is configured to communicate with the PCMCIA card to display a node map indicating communication links between the portable devices carried by the emergency services personnel.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Doppler aided inertial navigation

Номер: US20120086606A1
Принадлежит: Loctronix Corp

Doppler Aided Inertial Navigation (DAIN) facilitates the determination of position, velocity and direction of mobile devices operating in highly obstructed GPS/GNSS environments. Delivering high precision, high resolution positioning information using signals of opportunity, the present invention measures the Doppler shift of a moving device using a variety of signals combined with inertial accelerometers and environmental sensors to deliver an autonomous positioning and navigation capability that does not require external infrastructure or a priori knowledge of signal sources.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Method for calibrating a propagation-time-based localization system

Номер: US20120122484A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

In a method for calibrating a propagation-time-based localization system in a computer-assisted manner, the position of a mobile object in a predetermined environment can be determined by detecting propagation-time-based variables of multiple base stations, wherein the propagation-time-based variable of a base station represents the propagation time of a signal between an object radio unit and the base station. The object is moved and the variables of the base stations are detected in the process at multiple measuring times. The minimum value of the variables of a base station is associated with a predefined minimum distance between the object and base station and the maximum value with a predefined maximum distance. A predefined dependence of the distances between the object and base station is scaled to the association of the minimum and maximum value. The scaled dependence is then used when determining the position of the mobile object.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and radio device for detecting a movement

Номер: US20120184296A1

The invention relates to a method and a radio device for detecting a movement of at least one receiver, wherein the radio signals are sent from at least one stationary transmitter to the at least one receiver and the received signals are evaluated for determining a movement. The radio signals are designed as a specified bit sequence modulated onto a high-frequency carrier and are demodulated by the receiver to form a receiving sequence that is correlated to determine correspondence with the specified bit sequences stored as a reference sequence. Dependent on the correspondence or errors that can be determined by the correlation, quality indicators for the receiving field strength of the received radio signals are determined, wherein the radio signals having the specified bit sequence are sent from the transmitter having at least two different transmission powers in a series. The series is repeated at temporal intervals and the quality indicators of the received sequences of the series are evaluated to determine a movement of the receiver in relation to the transmitter.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Microphone proximity detection

Номер: US20120231778A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A mobile communications device contains at least two microphones. One microphone is located away from the handset receiver and serves to pick up voice of a near end user of the device for transmission to the other party during a call. Another microphone is located near the handset receiver and serves to pick up acoustic output of the handset receiver (a far end signal). A signal processor measures the frequency response of the receiver. The signal processor performs spectral analysis of the receiver frequency response to determine whether or not the device is being held at the ear of the user. On that basis, the device automatically changes its operating mode, e.g., turns on or off a touch sensitive display screen during the call. Other embodiments are also described.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for identifying terminal located in space including small base station

Номер: US20120244878A1

The present invention provides a method including two operations of a first operation and a second operation. The first operation may determine between a terminal located in a space including the small base station and a terminal located in a space excluding the small base station based on a value reported by a terminal. The second operation may be performed using information received from a neighboring macro base station in response to the determination failing to be performed in the first operation, thereby ultimately discriminating between an area including the small base station and an area excluding the small base station corresponding to a location of a terminal.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Wireless network access device with positioning function and method thereof

Номер: US20120263050A1
Автор: Chun-Liang Ko
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A wireless network access device for positioning a mobile device includes a distance acquiring module, an information receiving module and a position determining module. The distance acquiring module acquires an initial distance between the wireless network access device and the mobile device in an initial position and an intermediate distance between the wireless network access device and the mobile device in an intermediate position. The information receiving module receives a distance, angle and orientation of movement of the mobile device from the initial position to the intermediate position. The position determining module determines a current position of the mobile device according to the received distance, angle and orientation of the mobile device, the initial distance and the intermediate distance.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Image sensing device

Номер: US20120300115A1
Автор: Seiji Okada
Принадлежит: Sanyo Electric Co Ltd

An image sensing device includes: a first image sensing portion that shoots a first image; a second image sensing portion that successively shoots a plurality of second images with focus positions different from each other; a distance information generation portion that generates, based on the second images, distance information on subjects on the first image; and an image processing portion that performs image processing using the distance information on the first image.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Positioning device and positioning method

Номер: US20130012229A1
Принадлежит: NTT DOCOMO INC

A positioning apparatus for performing a positioning operation based on distance to an access point includes an access point detection unit configured to detect an access point, a memory unit configured to store the access point detected by the access point detection unit for each of channels, a channel setup unit configured to set a channel to be scanned based on the access points in the memory unit, and a positioning operation unit configured to perform positioning based on the distance to the access point detected by the access point detection unit. The access point detection unit detects the access point based on the channel set by the channel setup unit.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Locating sensors of a network of wireless sensors

Номер: US20130021939A1
Принадлежит: France Telecom SA

A method and apparatus are provided for locating the positions of sensors of a network of sensors suitable for communicating with one another by radio connection. The method is suitable for receiving, from sensors of the network of sensors, measurements of relative distances between sensors of the network; for calculating a topology for the network of sensors from the received distance measurements, the topology comprising nodes representative of sensors of the network of sensors; and for determining absolute positions for the sensors by anchoring the calculated topology in an absolute frame of reference on the basis of constraints associated with an environment plan of the network of sensors. The invention also provides a locating device implementing the management method.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069829A1

The invention relates to a method for determining the distance between a radio beacon and a vehicle device passing in front of said radio beacon, in a road toll system. A signal of a frequency having a known temporal profile is emitted. Said method consists of the following steps: the signal is captured in the other component when passing and the temporal profile of the frequency is recorded in relation to the known temporal profile; a modification in the recorded frequency profile exceeding a first threshold value is detected; two distant wave zones in the frequency profile, lying temporally in front of and behind the detected modification, which displays a frequency modification below a second threshold value, are searched for; the recorded frequency profile is scaled in such a manner that the distance wave zones take the predetermined values; and said distance “a” from the scaled frequency path is determined. The invention also relates to radio beacons, installations and vehicle devices for implementing the method. 1. A method for determining a distance between a radio beacon and an onboard unit passing the radio beacon in a road toll system , wherein at least one of the radio beacon and the onboard unit emits a signal with a known curve of its frequency over time , the method comprising:receiving the signal by in the other of the radio beacon and the onboard unit during the passing and recording the curve of its frequency over time in relation to the known curve over time;detecting a change in the recorded frequency curve exceeding a first threshold value;determining two far regions in the frequency curve lying before and after the detected change in time that show a frequency change below a second threshold value;scaling the recorded frequency curve in such a manner that the far regions assume predetermined values; anddetermining said distance from the scaled frequency curve.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said distance is determined from a ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus of gnss receiver heading determination

Номер: US20130076564A1
Принадлежит: Topcon Positioning Systems Inc

The present invention relates to processing information generated by GNSS receivers received signals such as GPS, GLONASS, etc. GNSS receivers can determine their position in space. The receivers are capable of determining both coordinates and velocity of their spatial movement. When a receiver is used in any machine control systems, velocity vector heading (in other words, velocity vector orientation) should be determined along with velocity vector's absolute value. Angle, determining velocity vector orientation, is calculated based on velocity vector projections which are computed in navigation receivers. The accuracy of velocity vector orientation calculated based on velocity vector projections strongly enough depends on velocity vector's absolute value. To enhance the accuracy, a method of smoothing primary estimates of velocity vector orientation angles using a modified Kalman filter has been proposed. The bandwidth of this filter is varied depending on current estimates of velocity vector's absolute value which were calculated based on the same velocity vector projections.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for suppression of low-frequency noise and drift in wireless sensors or receivers

Номер: US20130113650A1
Принадлежит: Sabertek Inc

An imaging receiver includes a low noise amplifier (LNA) module to receive and amplify the radio-frequency (RF) input signal; one or more switches configured to selectively pass RF input to one or more of the power detector circuits; one or more power detector circuits coupled to the switches to generate output voltages proportional to associated powers at their input ports; one or more reference circuits to provide reference signals to the switches; and one or more integrator circuits to integrate the output voltages of the power detector circuits.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130113660A1

A self-positioning portable electronic device comprises a signal receiving unit for receiving a signal from one or more remote transmitters, and a local positioning unit for determining a local position of the device. The device operates to obtain a plurality of data samples from the signal at different time points during a measurement period with movement of the portable electronic device along an arbitrary trajectory, associate each data sample with a local position obtained from the local positioning unit so as to form a synthetic antenna array, obtain an array response of the synthetic antenna array, and identify the geographic location of the portable electronic device, by processing the synthetic antenna array as a function of the array response and using knowledge about the geographic location of the transmitter(s). 1100100106108200300400110100. A method of determining the geographic location of a portable electronic device () , said portable electronic device () comprising a signal receiving unit ( , ) configured to receive a signal from at least one remote transmitter ( , , ) , and a local positioning unit () for determining a local position of the portable electronic device () , said method comprising:{'b': '100', 'obtaining a plurality of data samples from the signal at different time points during a measurement period with arbitrary movement of the portable electronic device ();'}{'b': '100', 'associating each data sample with a local position obtained from the local positioning unit () so as to form a synthetic antenna array;'}obtaining an array response of the synthetic antenna array; and{'b': 100', '200', '300', '400, 'identifying the geographic location of the portable electronic device (), by processing the synthetic antenna array as a function of the array response and by using knowledge about the geographic location of the or each transmitter (, , ).'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the array response is a model of at least the phase of the ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Image processing device and method, image processing system, and image processing program

Номер: US20130114857A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image processing device includes: an entire image display control portion that performs control to display an entire image of a predetermined region in an entire image display window; and a cutout image display control portion that performs control to enlarge a plurality of tracking subjects included in the entire image and display the tracking subjects in a cutout image display window. The cutout image display control portion performs the control in such a manner that one cutout image including the tracking subjects is displayed in the cutout image display window in a case where relative distances among the tracking subjects are equal to or smaller than a predetermined value, and that two cutout images including the respective tracking subjects are displayed in the cutout image display window in a case where the relative distances among the tracking subjects are larger than the predetermined value.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141282A1
Принадлежит: THALES

A system of geographical location of at least one radio signal transmitter located on the Earth's surface including: a set of satellites equipped with receiving antennas adapted for receiving said signals, forming a main extended interferometry device; an intersatellite relative metrology device for determining the relative positions of said satellites to one another, including at least one dedicated sensor for each satellite, and intersatellite communication means; a device for dating said received signals from said determining of the relative positions of said satellites to one another, issued by said intersatellite relative metrology device; a secondary interferometry device including at least one set of at least three antennas of a satellite; a ground base station; a device for transmitting measurements acquired on the satellites to the ground base station; and means of determining an absolute position of at least one of the satellites. 1. A system of geographical location of at least one radio signal transmitter located on the Earth's surface , the system comprising:a set of satellites equipped with receiving antennas adapted for receiving said signals, forming a main extended interferometry device;an intersatellite relative metrology device for determining the relative positions of said satellites to one another, including at least one dedicated sensor for each satellite, and intersatellite communication means;a device for dating said received signals from said determining of the relative positions of said satellites to one another, issued by said intersatellite relative metrology device;a secondary interferometry device including at least one set of at least three antennas of a satellite;a ground base station;a device for transmitting measurements acquired on the satellites to the ground base station; andmeans of determining an absolute position of at least one of the satellites.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said means of determining the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for determining a change in a communication signal and using this information to improve sps signal reception and processing

Номер: US20130150079A1
Автор: Norman F. Krasner
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods and apparatuses for determining a position of a mobile satellite positioning system (SPS) receiver which is coupled to a communication receiver or transceiver. In one exemplary method, a change in a communication signal received by the communication receiver is determined. A parameter, based on the change, is determined, and SPS signals from SPS satellites are processed according to the parameter. According to further details of this method, the change involves the fluctuation of the level of the communication signal and the parameter is a motion information which specifies a frequency range for searching for SPS signals in the process of acquiring the SPS signals from SPS satellites. In an alternative embodiment the change in the communication signal is a change in the transmitted signal in response to power control commands. Apparatuses, such as a mobile communication system which includes an SPS receiver and a communication receiver, are also described.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154883A1
Автор: Ogura Shoji
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

Provided is a positioning error calculation device which enables provision of an appropriate positioning error value regarding position data obtained by base-station positioning regardless of the position where a positioning target exists. The positioning error calculation device includes: an element which stores therein positioning record information including first positioning result information corresponding to a position of a terminal device; an element which selects and acquires the positioning record information; an element which calculates a density of positioning records at each of predetermined places on the basis of the positioning record information; an element which calculates an estimated positioning error value by using a relational expression, on the basis of the density; and an element which acquires the estimated positioning error value at each of the places by acquiring the estimated positioning error value corresponding to the density at the each of the places. 1. A positioning error calculation device comprising:first positioning record storage unit which stores therein first positioning record information including first positioning result information corresponding to a position of a terminal device, having been estimated by first positioning unit;record selection unit which selects and acquires said first positioning record information from said first positioning record storage unit;positioning record density calculation unit which calculates a density of positioning records at each of predetermined places on the basis of said first positioning record information having been acquired by said record selection unit;density and positioning error calculation unit which calculates an estimated positioning error value on the basis of said density having been calculated by said positioning record density calculation unit; andposition and positioning error calculation unit which acquires said estimated positioning error value at each of said places by ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Sensing Organic Tissue

Номер: US20130162459A1
Принадлежит: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In exemplary implementations of this invention, a radio signal is transmitted between a transmitter and a receiver. Either the transmitter, or receiver, or both, have a directional antenna. When organic tissue passes between (or is stationary between) the transmitter and receiver, the tissue causes a reduction of the received signal strength (RSS) of the signal, as compared to a baseline RSS. The larger the amount of tissue, the greater is the reduction of the RSS. By analyzing the degradation of the signal, information about organic tissue between the transmitter and receiver may be determined. For example, the number of persons passing through a physical threshold may be determined. Or the fact that one person is walking faster than, and catching up with, a second person as they pass between the transmitter and receiver may be determined.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169484A1
Принадлежит: NextNav, LLC

Devices, systems, and methods for sending positional information from transmitters/beacons are disclosed. In one implementation a transmitter generates a range block including a ranging signal and a hybrid block including positioning data, and sends the range block and hybrid block in predefined slots in a transmit frame. A receiver in a user device receives signals from a plurality of transmitters and generates position/location information using trilateration and measured altitude information in comparison with transmitter altitude information. 1. A method of providing positioning system information , comprising:generating, at a transmitter, a range block including a ranging signal;sending, from the transmitter, the range block, wherein the range block is sent in a predefined slot of a plurality of predefined slots comprising a first transmit frame;generating, at the transmitter, a hybrid block including a positioning signal including positioning data; andsending, from the transmitter, the hybrid block, wherein the hybrid block is sent in the predefined slot in a second transmit frame disjoint from the first transmit frame.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hybrid block further includes a ranging signal.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:generating, at the transmitter, a second hybrid block; andsending, from the transmitter, the second hybrid block, wherein the second hybrid block is sent in the predefined slot in a third transmit frame disjoint from the first and/or second transmit frames.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:generating, at a second transmitter, a range block including a ranging signal; andsending, from the second transmitter, the range block, wherein the range block is sent from the second transmitter in a second predefined slot of the plurality of predefined slots.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:generating, at the second transmitter, a hybrid block including a positioning signal including positioning data; ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181861A1
Автор: ZOHAR Avi, Zohar Sharon

A system, device and method that enables units to communicate with each other and point to each other's location without requiring line-of-sight to satellites or any other infrastructure. Further, the system, device and method are able to operate outdoors as well as indoors and overcome multipath interference in a deterministic algorithm, while providing bearings at three dimensions, not only location but actual direction. 1. A system for determining a range between two or more units , the system comprising:a. a first unit including a first transmitter, a first receiver and a first processor, wherein the first unit is configured to transmit a first signal to the second unit with the first transmitter; and i. receive and convert the first signal to a second signal with the second receiver; and', 'ii. determine the distance between the first unit and the second unit with the second processor based on the frequency of the second signal., 'b. a second unit including a second transmitter, a second receiver and a second processor, wherein the second unit is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first signal is a chirp signal comprising two or more chirps.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the converting comprises convoluting the first signal such that the first signal becomes a single-sideband signal.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the second receiver comprises one or more mixers and the converting comprises down converting the first signal with the mixers.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the down converting comprises performing a discrete Fourier transform on the first signal.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein determining of the distance between the first unit and the second unit is further based on the propagation speed and frequency ramp of the first signal.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein determining of the distance between the first unit and the second unit comprises multiplying the frequency of the second signal by the propagation speed of the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181869A1

Object localization with an radio-frequency identification (RFID) infrastructure is described. A plurality of transmission power levels established by an RFID reader can be searched to determine a measurement power level corresponding to a target. A region that includes the target can then be determined using information about a physical relationship between the RFID reader and a reference location via correlating the measurement power level to a reference power level corresponding to the reference location. 1. A system comprising:a search circuit configured to search a plurality of transmission power levels established by a radio-frequency identification (RFID) reader, the search circuit configured to determine a measurement power level corresponding to a target; anda target localization circuit configured to determine a region that includes the target using information about a physical relationship between the RFID reader and a reference location via correlating the measurement power level to a reference power level corresponding to the reference location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the measurement power level is a transmission power level established by the RFID reader to interrogate the target at or near a limit of the target's sensitivity.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the localization circuit is configured to select the reference location from a plurality of reference locations via determining a greater affinity between the measurement power level and the reference power level than between the measurement power level and other reference power levels corresponding to other respective reference locations.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the search circuit is configured to use a linear search to search the plurality of transmission power levels to determine the measurement power level.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the search circuit is configured to use a binary search to search the plurality of transmission power levels to determine the ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130182102A1
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An imaging apparatus includes: an imaging optical system that obtains an optical image of a photographic subject; a plurality of image sensor elements that output image data based on the optical image of the photographic subject obtained by the imaging optical system; an electric power supply controller that controls electric power supply to the plurality of image sensor elements; and a distance metering device that includes the plurality of image sensor elements and the electric power supply controller, and measures a distance to the photographic subject based on an output of the image sensor elements, wherein the plurality of image sensor elements are aligned in line and formed on one semiconductor wafer, and the electric power supply controller performs electric power supply to the plurality of image sensor elements in accordance with operating conditions set to the imaging apparatus.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for Indoor/Outdoor Call Judgment

Номер: US20130190010A1

The indoor/outdoor call judgment method comprises the following steps. Firstly, to build an algorithm and indicator function for determining indoor/outdoor call by analyzing drive test data. Secondly, to retrieve the event log data to be judged by the method, and find the position of the retrieved event log data by means of geo-location tools. Thirdly, to determine whether the retrieved event log data are referring to a moving call, if “YES”, then the event log is determined to be referring to an outdoor call. Fourthly, to determine whether or not the event log data are referring to an Indoor call by using the pre-built algorithm and the indicator function. Users' behavior, Cell antenna module and signal strength difference are considered when building the algorithm and indicator function so as to increase the accuracy of the indoor/outdoor call judgment method. 1. An indoor/outdoor call judgment method , comprising the following steps:Step (A): building at least one algorithm and indicator function for determining indoor/outdoor call, the algorithm and the indicator function are stored in a first database controlled by a server;Step (B): using the server to retrieve data of at least one event log from a second database, wherein said data of said event log are generated by call activities of at least one mobile device when said mobile device is telecommunicating with a base station; and then associating the retrieved event log data with a geographical position by means of a geo-location tool;Step (C): determining whether or not the event log is referring to a moving call; if the determining result is “YES”, then the event log is determined to be referring to an outdoor call and proceed with Step (E); if the determining result is “NO”, then proceed with Step (D);Step (D): determining whether or not the event log is referring to an indoor call by using the algorithm and indicator function stored in the first database; if the determining result is “YES”, then the event ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208569A1

A weld travel speed sensing system includes at least one sound sensor configured to sense a sound generated to allow determination of a position of a welding torch. The weld travel speed sensing system is configured to determine a position of a point on the welding torch based on the sensed sound. 1. A weld travel speed sensing system , comprising:at least one sound sensor configured to sense a sound generated to allow determination of a position of a welding torch;wherein the weld travel speed sensing system is configured to determine a position of a point on the welding torch based on the sensed sound.2. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , comprising an array of sound sensors disposed about a weld area.3. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sound sensor is disposed on the welding torch.4. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , wherein the sound generated to allow determination of the position of the welding torch is emitted from one or more emitters disposed on the welding torch.5. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , wherein the sound generated to allow determination of the position of the welding torch is emitted from one or more emitters in an array of emitters disposed about a weld area.6. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , comprising a sensor disposed on the welding torch claim 1 , wherein the sensor is configured to sense a parameter indicative of a torch angle of the welding torch claim 1 , and wherein the travel speed sensing system is configured to determine the position of the point on the welding torch based on the sensed parameter.7. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , wherein the weld travel speed sensing system is configured to detect the position of the point on the welding torch based on a time of flight of one or more sounds associated with the welding system to the at least one sound sensor.8. The weld travel speed sensing system of claim 1 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for broadband near-field communication utilizing full spectrum capture (fsc) supporting pairing, content sharing and security

Номер: US20130210351A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A wireless communication device detects presence of a peer wireless communication device within operating range and pairs with the detected peer wireless communication device. The wireless communication device and the peer wireless communication device are operable to communicate wireless broadband signals at a power level that is below a spurious emissions mask using broadband near field communication with full spectrum capture. The pairing may be controlled based on the determined distance between the wireless communication device and the peer wireless communication device. A determination is made whether to utilize security to enable the pairing based on the determined distance. A range of the communicated wireless broadband signals may be limited to provide secure communication between a plurality of wireless communication devices that communicate utilizing the wireless broadband signals. Content is shared among the plurality of wireless communication devices based on the limiting.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214975A1
Принадлежит: iTRACK, LLC

An inventive precision pinpoint tracking method and system is provided for devices that provide spot location measurements of objects. Embodiments of the location measuring device have a RF antenna, a tracking module in electrical communication with the RF antenna, and a tilt-compensated (TC) compass. In embodiments of the location measuring device, a measuring tip is offset at a distal end from the tracking module and the RF antenna is located at the proximal end of the tracking module. In embodiments, the TC compass provides data to calculate a translation of the position of the measuring tip with respect to the RF antenna to enable spot measurements of locations of a target object. 1. A location measuring device to enable spot measurements of a location of a target , said device comprising:a RF antenna having an antenna position;a tracking module in electrical communication with said RF antenna and a tilt-compensated (TC) compass;a measuring tip having a tip position extending from said tracking module and said RF antenna located at the proximal end of said tracking module, said TC compass provides data to calculate a translation of the tip position with respect to the antenna position to enable the spot measurements of the locations of the target.2. The device of wherein said measuring tip is offset at a distal end from said tracking module and said RF antenna with an extending wand or telescopic extension.3. The device of wherein said tracking module and said tilt-compensated (TC) compass is located on or within said extending wand or telescopic extension.4. The device of wherein said measuring tip corresponds to the crosshair intersection of two laser beams emanating from said tracking module.5. The device of wherein the offset of said measuring tip is dynamically adjusted by altering the angles of said laser beams.6. The device of wherein said tracking module further comprises at least one of a 3D accelerometer claim 1 , a 3D compass claim 1 , a 3D Gyroscopic ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130214976A1

A method for localizing an object, including the acts of: transmission of a first signal by a first transmitter assigned to the object and of a second signal by at least one second transmitter; reception of the first and of the second signal by at least three receivers; in each receiver and for the first and the second signal: a) generation of a first and of a second reference signal; b) correlation between the first signal and the first reference signal and between the second signal and the second reference signal; c) interpolation of samples resulting from the correlation; d) deduction of the propagation time of the first and of the second signal; e) calculation of the difference between the propagation times of the first and of the second signal; and, by triangulation, deduction of the position of the object. 1. A method to localize an object , comprising:transmitting by a first transmitter assigned to the object a first signal from a first frame;transmitting by at least one second transmitter a second signal from a second frame, wherein said first and second frames include a common portion; generating a first reference signal from a third frame and a second reference signal from a fourth frame, the third and fourth frames including said common portion;', 'performing a first correlation between the first signal and the first reference signal;', 'performing a second correlation between the second signal and the second reference signal;', 'interpolating samples resulting from the first and second correlations;', 'deducing propagation time of the first signal and propagation time of the second signal; and', 'calculating a difference between the propagation times of the first signal and of the second signal; and, 'receiving the first signal and the second signal by at least three receivers, each receiver performing, for the first signal and the second signal, acts ofdeducing a position of the object by triangulation based on the differences between the propagation ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Hybrid method for high accuracy and cost-effective prediction of mobile device positions through mobile networks

Номер: US20130217418A1

A method for determining the geographical location of a network-connected mobile device comprising a hybrid approach that further comprises both the utilization of strength or time delay signals and a database of fingerprints taken throughout the network area.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249736A1

A system for determining a bearing or location of a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag using a handheld RFID reader is described. In one embodiment, the reader is equipped with an accelerometer. A user moves the reader while the reader receives the tag's signal and determines the tag signal's phase at multiple locations. The locations of the reader antenna can be reconstructed using the accelerometer data. By using the phase determined at multiple locations in conjunction with the location of the reader antenna, the reader can determine the bearing of the tag. For an RFID reader not equipped with an accelerometer, the sign and ratio of the rate of change in the phase of a tag's signal to the distance traveled by the reader antenna can be used to determine the location of the tag relative to the reader. 1. An RFID (radio frequency identification) reader comprising:a location or movement determination component configured to measure location or acceleration of the reader in three dimensions;at least one RFID radio having a first antenna;at least one data memory component;at least one input/output component configured to prompt a user to move the reader; and transmit a first RF (radio frequency) query using the RFID radio;', wherein a first phase corresponds to the tag signal received at a first position of the first antenna, and', 'wherein the second phase corresponds to the tag signal received at a second position of the first antenna;, 'calculate a first phase and a second phase for a tag signal sent by a tag in response to the first RF query,'}, 'calculate a trajectory or positions of the moving reader using data from the location or movement determination component; and', 'determine a bearing for the tag using the calculated trajectory or positions and the calculated first phase and second phase for the tag., 'at least one processor coupled among the location or movement determination component, the RFID radio, the data memory component, and the input/ ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, and computer-readable medium for detecting user presence

Номер: US20130257658A1
Автор: HALL Bernard
Принадлежит: GuardTrax, LLC

An apparatus, computer-readable medium, and computer-implemented method for detecting user presence includes receiving an identifier code from a user device, the identifier code being associated with a transmitter, determining a location of the transmitter based at least in part on the identifier code, and determining that a user associated with the user device is near the location of the transmitter. 1. A method of detecting user presence by one or more computing devices , the method comprising:receiving, by at least one of the one or more computing devices, an identifier code from a user device, wherein the identifier code is associated with a transmitter;receiving, by at least one of the one or more computing devices, a signal strength value from the user device, wherein the signal strength value indicates the strength of the signal from the transmitter at the user device;calculating, by at least one of the one or more computing devices, a position of the user device with respect to the transmitter based at least in part on the signal strength value.;determining, by at least one of the one or more computing devices, a location of the transmitter based at least in part on the identifier code; anddetermining, by at least one of the one or more computing devices, that a user associated with the user device is near the location of the transmitter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifier code is received by the user device from the transmitter based upon a request initiated by the user device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the identifier code is a first identifier code claim 1 , the transmitter is a first transmitter claim 1 , the location is a first location claim 1 , the signal strength value is a first signal strength value claim 1 , and further comprising:receiving, by at least one of the one or more computing devices, a second identifier code from the user device, wherein the second identifier code is associated with a second transmitter;determining, ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for finding the direction of signal source

Номер: US20130271323A1

The direction finding apparatus includes: a first and second antennas configured to receive radio signals respectively; a travel guide unit mechanically coupled with the first and second antennas and configured to provide a travel path along which the first and second antennas are linearly movable; a driver configured to provide a driving force for linearly moving at least one antenna of the first and second antennas in response to a driving control signal; a driving controller configured to provide the driving control signal, wherein the driving control signal is used to separate the first and second antennas from each other by a predetermined distance; and a direction finding unit configured to calculate an angle of arrival (AOA) of radio signals respectively received through the first and second antennas, based on the phase difference between the radio signals, and the predetermined distance.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271324A1

Systems, methods and computer program products for determining a position location estimate for a remote receiver based on one or more time-of-arrival measurements transmitted from one or more transmitters and first timing data associated with the one or more transmitters and further associated with one or more reference locations within a reference area of the remote receiver are described. 1. A system configured to determine a position location estimate for a remote receiver based on one or more time-of-arrival measurements transmitted from one or more transmitters and first timing data associated with the one or more transmitters and further associated with one or more reference locations within a reference area of the remote receiver , the system comprising: determine an initial position estimate for a remote receiver based on one or more time-of-arrival measurements transmitted from one or more transmitters to the remote receiver;', 'identify first timing data associated with the one or more transmitters and further associated with a first reference location within a predefined distance of the initial position estimate; and', 'determine a first position estimate for the remote receiver based on the one or more time-of-arrival measurements and the first timing data associated with the first reference location., 'one or more processing components operable to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first timing data includes one or more time corrections associated with the one or more transmitters and further associated with the first reference location.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first position estimate is determined by adjusting the one or more one or more time-of-arrival measurements using the one or more time corrections.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein the one or more processing components are further operable to:determine a first distance between the first position estimate and the location of the first reference location; anduse the first ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Nucleic acid sample preparation

Номер: US20130273640A1
Принадлежит: Biological Dynamics Inc

The present invention includes methods, devices and systems for isolating a nucleic acid from a fluid comprising cells. In various aspects, the methods, devices and systems may allow for a rapid procedure that requires a minimal amount of material and/or results in high purity nucleic acid isolated from complex fluids such as blood or environmental samples.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods For Indicating The Presence Of A Mobile Device Within A Passenger Cabin

Номер: US20130278415A1

Systems and methods for indicating the presence of a mobile device within a passenger cabin are provided. A method for indicating the presence of a mobile device within a passenger cabin of a vehicle includes linking a vehicle computing device with the mobile device, determining whether a vehicle ignition is off and whether a vehicle lock has been actuated. The method further includes generating an audible mobile device search signal that is played through a cabin and waiting to receive a response from the mobile device as to whether the mobile device detected the audible mobile device search signal. The method further includes determining whether the mobile device is within the passenger cabin based on whether a response was received from the mobile device and generating a first audible indication when the mobile device is within the passenger cabin.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for position monitoring using ultrasonic sensor

Номер: US20130283917A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corp

An ultrasonic position sensing system is disclosed. In one embodiment, the system includes an ultrasonic sensor configured to monitor the position of a device. The system also includes ranging logic. The sensor is controlled by the logic to direct an ultrasonic pulse toward the device. The logic is configured to compute the transit time and the velocity of the ultrasonic pulse. Based on these parameters, the logic computes the path length between the sensor and the device, which corresponds to the location of the device relative to the location of the sensor. In further embodiments, the ultrasonic positioning system may include multiple sensors in communication with the ranging logic for monitoring multiple devices.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Position and Uncertainty Determination Using Staggered Reception of Position Reference Signals

Номер: US20130285856A1
Автор: OPSHAUG Guttorm R., Wu Jie

Arrangements are detailed herein for determining a position and/or uncertainty of position of a mobile device. A plurality of positioning reference signals (PRSs) may be received by a mobile device. The plurality of PRSs may be transmitted at different times, separated by a predefined time interval, by multiple eNBs of a mobile network. Time of arrival values in relation to a received PRS that is used as a reference PRS may be determined. The time of arrival values for at least the subset of the received plurality of PRSs may be projected to the occasion of the reference PRS using the predefined time interval to create a set of projected time of arrival values. 1. A method , comprising: the plurality of PRSs are transmitted at a plurality of PRS occasions by a plurality of eNBs of a mobile network,', 'a predefined time interval separates consecutive PRS occasions; and', 'a received PRS of the plurality of PRSs is used as a reference PRS occasion;, 'receiving, by a mobile device, a plurality of positioning reference signals (PRSs), whereindetermining, by the mobile device, time of arrival values in relation to the reference PRS occasion for at least a subset of the received plurality of PRSs; andprojecting, by the mobile device, the time of arrival values for at least the subset of the received plurality of PRSs to the reference PRS occasion using the predefined time interval to create a set of projected time of arrival values.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:calculating, by the mobile device, a set of time difference of arrival values using the reference PRS occasion and the projected times of arrival values.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:transmitting, by the mobile device, the set of time difference of arrival values to the mobile network.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:calculating, by the mobile device, a position of the mobile device using the set of time difference of arrival values.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130288708A1

The disclosed subject matter relates to a method and system for increasing the accuracy of a WLAN based position estimate using cellular positioning information. In some embodiments, the method can include determining a set of possible WLAN location solutions for a WLAN and cellular enabled device based on one or more WLAN access points, obtaining cellular measurements from at least one cell tower, and determining the best WLAN location solution from the set of possible WLAN location solutions using the cellular measurements. In one embodiment, the method can include using the cellular measurements from the at least one cell tower to provide a cellular based location estimate for the WLAN and cellular enabled device. 1. A method of increasing the accuracy of a resulting location estimate for a WLAN and cellular enabled device using cellular positioning information , the method comprising:identifying at least one wireless local area network (WLAN) access point (WLAN AP) in signal range of a WLAN and cellular enabled device based on wireless signals received by the WLAN and cellular enabled device transmitted by the at least one WLAN AP;retrieving an estimated location of the at least one WLAN AP stored in a reference database;determining a cellular-based location estimate for the WLAN and cellular enabled device based at least in part on cellular measurements received from at least one cell tower by the WLAN and cellular enabled device;comparing the cellular-based location estimate to the estimated location of the at least one WLAN AP retrieved from the reference database to determine whether a distance between the estimated location of the at least one WLAN AP and an estimated location of the at least one cell tower exceeds a pre-determined threshold;upon the condition that the distance between the estimated location of the at least one WLAN AP retrieved from the reference database and the estimated location of the at least one cell tower exceeds the pre-determined ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

System for determining and/or controlling the location of objects

Номер: US20130293410A1
Автор: Christian Hieronimi
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for determining and/or controlling the location of objects includes a transceiver fixedly arranged on or in the object, and a receiving antenna for receiving signals transmitted by the transceiver. A transmitting antenna transmits signals to the transceiver causing the transceiver to transmit signals. An antenna signal processing device evaluates signals received from the receiving antenna to determine a spatial position and/or location and a predefined identification of the transceiver relative to the receiving antenna, the object and a predefined reference point. A data processing device receives information from the antenna signal processing device about the position, location, and identification of the transceiver. In one aspect, the system is for determining the position and/or location of at least one transceiver relative to an object. In another aspect, the system is for determining and controlling the position and/or location of the object.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130293423A1
Автор: Moshfeghi Mehran

Embodiments of the present invention include a method of determining a location of a mobile device. The method comprises transmitting a signal between a plurality of known locations and receiving signal at device of unknown location such as a mobile device. The signal may include multiple tones having different frequencies and resulting in sets of residual phase differences. The location of the mobile device may be determined using the known locations and the frequency and phase differences between the transmitted tones. In one embodiment, OFDM signals may be used between an access point and mobile device, for example, to determine the location of the mobile device. 1. A method of determining a location of an electronic device , the method comprising:transmitting one or more signals between a first electronic device at an unknown location and three or more electronic devices at three or more corresponding known locations, wherein the one or more signals each include a plurality of tones having different frequencies;determining at least one first phase difference between at least two tones having a first frequency difference in the one or more signals accumulated during transmission between the first electronic device and a first electronic device of said three or more electronic devices;determining at least one second phase difference between at least two tones having a second frequency difference in the one or more signals accumulated during transmission between the first electronic device and a second electronic device of said three or more electronic devices;determining at least one third phase difference between at least two tones having a third frequency difference in the one or more signals accumulated during transmission between the first electronic device and a third electronic device of said three or more electronic devices; anddetermining the location of said first electronic device using said first, second, and third phase differences and said first, ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System, Method and Product for Locating Vehicle Key Using Neural Networks

Номер: US20130300608A1

A system, method and product for determining a vehicle key fob location. The system may include a control unit for mounting in a vehicle and configured to receive multiple signals, each representing a strength of a wireless signal transmitted between the fob and one of multiple antennas located on a vehicle, and multiple neural networks having a cascade topology. The neural networks may include a first neural network for determining one of a vehicle internal position and a vehicle external position of the fob based on the wireless signal strengths, a second neural network in communication with the first neural network for determining one of multiple vehicle interior positions of the fob based on the wireless signal strengths, and a third neural network in communication with the first neural network for determining one of multiple vehicle exterior positions of the fob based on the wireless signal strengths. 1. A system for determining a location of a key fob for use in a vehicle access system , the location system comprising:a control unit for mounting in a vehicle, the control unit configured to receive a plurality of signals, each signal representing a strength of a wireless signal transmitted between the key fob and one of a plurality of antennas located on a vehicle; and a first neural network for determining one of a vehicle internal position and a vehicle external position of the key fob based on the wireless signal strengths, wherein determining one of a vehicle internal position and a vehicle external position comprises calculating a plurality of intermediate internal/external position neurons having learned weights and activation functions associated therewith, and calculating an internal/external output neuron for use in indicating one of the vehicle internal position and the vehicle external position of the key fob,', 'a second neural network in communication with the first neural network, the second neural network for determining one of a plurality of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306800A1

The invention relates to a flight guidance system for the flight support of a aircraft (), said system comprising a plurality of fixed ground stations (to ) respectively comprising a transmitting and/or receiving unit (to ), and at least one transmitting and/or receiving unit () that is arranged on the aircraft (), the transmitting units being act up to send position signals () and the receiving units being set up to receive said position signals (). The flight guidance system comprises at least one position determination unit () that is connected to at least some of the transmitting and/or receiving units (to to ) and set up to determine locations of the transmitting and/or receiving unit () arranged on the aircraft, according to the position signals () that are sent by the fixed transmitting units and received by the at least one receiving unit arranged on the aircraft and/or sent by the at least one transmitting nail arranged on the aircraft and received by the fixed receiving units. The flight guidance system is designed for flight support of the aircraft according to the determined locations. 1. A flight control system for flight assistance of a flying object having a plurality of stationary ground stations , which each have a transmitting and/or receiving unit , and having at least one transmitting and/or receiving unit which is arranged on the flying object and is fixed to the object , with the transmitting units being designed to transmit position signals , and with the receiving units being designed to receive these position signals , and with the flight control system having at least one position determination unit which is connected to at least some of the transmitting and/or receiving units and is designed to determine location positions of the transmitting and/or receiving unit which is fixed to the object , as a function of the position signals which were transmitted by the stationary transmitting units and were received by the at least one receiving ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307730A1

A wireless device performs a transmission on a primary and auxiliary access channels to enable reception by at least three base stations. The base stations perform a measurement on the received transmission, e.g., a time of arrival of the transmission. The base stations report their measurements to a position determination entity. The position determination entity estimates geographic position of the wireless device. One method used by the position determination entity includes tri-lateralization based on the received measurement reports. 1. A method for wireless communications implemented by a wireless device , comprising:receiving, at the wireless device, a position request message from a requester base station;measuring, in response to the received position request message, characteristics of signals received from multiple base stations, including the requester base station;preparing a position report using the signal characteristics, wherein the position report provides information enabling determination of geographic location of the wireless device; andtransmitting the position report.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the transmitting the position report comprises transmitting the position report over an access channel or an enhanced access channel.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the position report is transmitted at 1.2 kbps claim 1 , 2.4 kbps or 4.8 kbps.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the position report includes a time of arrival information.5. A wireless communications apparatus claim 1 , comprising:a receiver that receives a position request message from a base station;a signal measurer that measures characteristics of signals received from multiple base stations;a report preparer that prepares, in response to the received position request message, a position report using the signal characteristics; anda transmitter that transmits the position report on an access channel.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the transmitting the position report ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

System for determining the presence of an identifier inside a passenger compartment

Номер: US20130314269A1
Автор: Luc Jansseune
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive France SAS

A system for determining the presence of an identifier ( 7, 7 ′) inside a passenger compartment ( 2 ), such as a passenger compartment ( 2 ) of a motor vehicle ( 1 ), includes: a fixed transmitter ( 3 ), associated with the passenger compartment ( 2 ), including at least one transceiver ( 4 ) and at least one processing unit ( 5 ); at least one mobile identifier ( 7, 7 ′) including a transceiver ( 8, 8 ′) and a processing unit ( 9, 9 ′), the respective transceivers ( 4, 8, 8 ′) of the transmitter ( 3 ) and of the identifier ( 7, 7 ′) being capable of exchanging wireless signals; and a comparison unit capable of comparing a signal, originating from the identifier ( 7, 7 ′), received by the transmitter ( 3 ), with at least one characteristic signature of the inside of the passenger compartment ( 2 ), the identifier ( 7, 7 ′) being assumed to be located inside the passenger compartment ( 2 ) when the comparison unit returns a positive comparison result.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Receive Only Mode for Clock Drift Correction

Номер: US20130328724A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

In some implementations, radio access technology (RAT) signals can be monitored and used to synchronize an internal clock of a mobile device to a network system clock without registering the mobile device to the network. In some implementations, a RAT processor can be configured to receive RAT signals and to prevent transmission of RAT signals. In some implementations, the internal clock can be associated with a GNSS processor and can be used to calculate a location of the mobile device. In some implementations, a RAT processor that is configured for a particular radio access technology can be configured to monitor signals associated with another radio access technology when synchronizing the internal clock. In some implementations, the RAT processor can monitor signals in response to a power event. The power event can be associated with powering a display of the mobile device. 1. A method comprising:obtaining a radio access technology setting of the mobile device;based on the setting, configuring a radio access technology processor of the mobile device to receive radio signals and disabling transmission of radio signals from the radio access technology processor;detecting a power event on a mobile device;responsive to the power event, receiving radio access technology signals that include network frequency, time or location information;determining a location of the mobile device based on the network frequency, time or location information.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio access technology processor is configured to processes CDMA signals.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio access technology processor is configured to processes GSM signals.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio access technology processor is configured to processes UMTS signals.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio access technology processor is configured to processes LTE signals.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio access technology processor is configured ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328726A1

A method in a mobile device includes: receiving location signals at the mobile device; measuring sensor data at the mobile device; determining an oscillation rate of the mobile device from the sensor data; in response to the oscillation rate of the mobile device being undesirable, at least one of: (1) determining a desired sampling rate based on the oscillation rate, the desired sampling rate being different from the oscillation rate; and sampling the location signals at the mobile device at the desired sampling rate; (2) sampling the location signals at the mobile device at a randomized sampling rate; (3) disabling a power improvement technique; (4) increasing filtering of determined course information; (5) reducing a nominal filter bandwidth; or (6) increasing a present sampling rate of the location signals to satisfy Nyquist criteria for the oscillation rate; and determining the position associated with the mobile device using the location signals. 1. A method in a mobile device for determining a position associated with the mobile device , the method comprising:receiving location signals at the mobile device;measuring sensor data at the mobile device;determining an oscillation rate of the mobile device from the sensor data; (1) determining a desired sampling rate based on the oscillation rate, the desired sampling rate being different from the oscillation rate; and', 'sampling the location signals at the mobile device at the desired sampling rate;', '(2) sampling the location signals at the mobile device at a randomized sampling rate;', '(3) disabling a power improvement technique;', '(4) increasing filtering of determined course information;', '(5) reducing a nominal filter bandwidth; or', '(6) increasing a present sampling rate of the location signals to satisfy Nyquist criteria for the oscillation rate; and, 'in response to the oscillation rate of the mobile device being undesirable, at least one ofdetermining the position associated with the mobile device ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335272A1

Apparatus comprises one or more processors in communication with one or more memories. The one or memories have stored therein one or more computer programs that include computer code configured such as when executed to cause the processor to: receive data derived from a multi-element antenna direction finding arrangement; process the received data to provide elevation and azimuth vector data; determining whether the elevation data meets a reliability criterion. On a positive determination the elevation and azimuth data is used to calculate a location. On a negative determination, the data is processed to provide one-dimensional azimuth vector data; and the one-dimensional azimuth vector data is used in conjunction with other vector data to calculate a location. 126-. (canceled)27. A method comprising:receiving data derived from a multi-element antenna direction finding arrangement;processing the received data to provide elevation and azimuth vector data;determining whether the elevation data meets a reliability criterion; 'using the elevation and azimuth data to calculate a location; and', 'on a positive determination processing the data to provide one-dimensional azimuth vector data; and', 'using the one-dimensional azimuth vector data in conjunction with other vector data to calculate a location., 'on a negative determination28. A method as claimed in claim 27 , wherein the other vector data is derived from a second multi-element antenna direction finding arrangement.29. A method as claimed in claim 27 , wherein the other vector data is data previously derived from the first multi-element antenna direction finding arrangement.30. A method as claimed in claim 27 , wherein processing the data to provide one-dimensional azimuth vector data comprises mapping a two-dimensional estimate to a one-dimensional estimate.31. A method as claimed in claim 27 , wherein processing the data to provide one-dimensional azimuth vector data comprises summing data in each row of a ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130336094A1

Systems and methods for determining a location of a device in a space in which speakers are disposed. The methods involve receiving a Combined Audio Signal (“CAS”) by an MCD microphone. The CAS is defined by a Discrete Audio Signal (“DAS”) output from the speakers. DAS may comprise at least one Sound Component (“SC”) having a frequency greater than frequencies within an audible frequency range for humans. The MCD analyzes CAS to detect an Arriving Time (“AT”) of SC of DAS output from a first speaker and an AT of SC of DAS output from a second speaker. The MCD then determines a first Relative Time Difference (“RTD”) between the DASs arriving from the first and second speakers based on the ATs which were previously detected. The first RTD is used to determine the location of the MCD within the space. 1. A method for determining a location of a device in a space in which a plurality of external speakers are disposed , comprising:receiving, by a single microphone of the device, a combined audio signal defined by a discrete audio signal output from a plurality of external speakers;analyzing, by the device, the combined audio signal to determine the location of the device within the space.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the analyzing step comprises:detecting an arriving time of a sound component of the discrete audio signal output from a first speaker of the plurality of external speakers and an arriving time of a sound component of the discrete audio signal output from a second speaker of the plurality of external speakers;determining, by the device, a first relative time difference between the discrete audio signals arriving from the first and second speakers based on the arriving times which were previously detected; andusing this information to determine the location of the device within the space.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the audio signal is sequentially output from a plurality of external speakers in a pre-assigned order.4. The method ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130342389A1

A photovoltaic (PV) panel is described that can be used in a PV installation, in cooperation with a central control unit to provide a map of locations of individual PV panels. The map can be determined by the central control unit based on measurements of a characteristic made at the plurality of PV panels. The characteristic provides an indication of adjacent PV panels, allowing the map of locations of individual PV panels to be constructed. 1. A photovoltaic (PV) panel comprising:an antenna for transmitting and receiving radio frequency (RF) signals; anda panel controller for generating locating signals for transmission under control of a remote controller, receiving locating signals transmitted by other PV panels, determining received signal strength indicator (RSSI) values of received locating signals from other PV panels and communicating the RSSI values of the received locating signals using the antenna to the remote controller.2. The PV panel of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of directional antennas claim 1 , each having a main lobe in a respective transmission direction claim 1 , the directional antennas for transmitting the locating signals substantially in the transmission directions.3. The PV panel of claim 2 , wherein the locating signals from other PV panels are received using the directional antennas.4. (canceled)5. The PV panel of claim 3 , wherein the locating signals are received by each of the directional antennas.6. The PV panel of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is an omni-directional antenna and receives locating signals from other PV panels.7. The PV-panel of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of directional antennas comprise two directional antennas arranged with the respective transmission directions arranged orthogonally to each other.8. The PV panel of claim 1 , wherein the antenna is an omni-directional antenna and transmits and receives locating signals.9. The PV panel of claim 8 , wherein the transmitted locating signals are ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Temporal based motion sensor reporting

Номер: US20140002270A1
Принадлежит: Intel GE Care Innovations LLC

Methods and systems may include a motion sensor and logic to sample an output signal of the motion sensor. The logic can also be configured to track an amount of time the motion sensor is triggered based on the output signal, and transmit the amount of time over a wireless link on a periodic basis.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140003194A1

A locating device for locating at least one apparatus which is arrangeable on board a transport unit, for example an aircraft, a locating system having such a locating device and at least one apparatus to be located, an aircraft having a locating system of this type, an associated method for locating at least one apparatus which is to be located and is arrangeable on board a transport unit, for example on board an aircraft, and a computer program for carrying out the method. The locating device includes a detecting unit for detecting a wireless audio signal transmitted by the apparatus to be located; and a computing unit for determining the distance of the apparatus to be located from the detecting unit based on the wireless audio signal and on a first information signal assigned to the audio signal and transmitted via a first deterministic data connection. 1. Locating device for locating at least one apparatus which is to be located and is arrangeable on board a means of transport , for example on board an aircraft , the locating device comprising:a detecting unit for detecting an audio signal wirelessly transmitted by the at least one apparatus to be located; anda computing unit for determining the distance of the at least one apparatus to be located from the detecting unit based on the audio signal transmitted by the at least one apparatus to be located and on a first information signal assigned to the audio signal and transmitted via a first deterministic data connection.2. Locating device according to claim 1 , the computing unit being configured to determine claim 1 , based on the first information signal claim 1 , the time of transmission of the audio signal from the at least one apparatus to be located and to take account of the determined time of transmission of the audio signal on the determination of the distance of the at least one apparatus to be located from the detecting unit claim 1 , the first information signal claim 1 , for example claim 1 , ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011517A1

Managing use of a location sensor on a computing device for energy efficiency. The location sensor is briefly initialized to measure the signal quality. The measured signal quality is compared to pre-defined signal criteria values. The signal criteria values correspond to acceptable energy consumption, for example. If the signal criteria values are satisfied, location information for the computing device is obtained. Otherwise, the location sensor is disabled without obtaining the location information. In some embodiments, a lower-energy location sensor is used to obtain location information to determine whether to enable a higher-energy location sensor based on expected energy consumption. 1. A system for energy-efficient location determination on a mobile computing device , said system comprising:a memory area associated with the mobile computing device for storing a plurality of signal criteria values; and enable a location sensor associated with the mobile computing device;', 'measure one or more signal quality values of the enabled location sensor;', 'compare the measured signal quality values with one or more of the plurality of signal criteria values stored in the memory area;', 'obtain location information via the enabled location sensor if the measured signal quality values satisfy the plurality of signal criteria values; and', 'otherwise disable the location sensor without obtaining the location information., 'a processor programmed to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further programmed to:define a mobility pattern of the mobile computing device;obtain location information cost values based on the defined mobility pattern from a community-based cloud service; andstore the obtained location information cost values in the memory area.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein if the obtained location information cost values satisfy a predefined cost criteria value claim 2 , the processor is programmed to obtain additional location information by: ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Mobile communication system with device handover and method of operation thereof

Номер: US20140024381A1

A method of operation of a mobile communication system includes: receiving a base carrier frequency signal from a cell tower location; generating a power spectral density from the base carrier frequency signal; measuring a Rician K factor from the power spectral density; estimating a line-of-sight Doppler frequency based on the base carrier frequency signal; determining the cell tower location based on the Rician K factor; and activating a handover decision handler based on the cell tower location.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025284A1
Автор: Roberts Richard D.

Systems, methods, apparatuses, and computer-readable media for determining relative positioning information are disclosed. A signal detecting unit configured to be associated with a first vehicle includes one or more signal sensors and one or more processors and is configured to receive one or more signals from one or more signal sources that may be associated with a second vehicle. A set of time values may be determined based on arrival times of the signal(s), and a set of distance expressions may be generated. A set of distance equations may be generated based on the set of time values and the set of distance expressions, and the set of distance equations may be solved to determine one or more positions associated with the first vehicle or the one or more signal sources within a defined coordinate system. 127-. (canceled)28. A method , comprising:detecting, at a signal detecting unit associated with a first vehicle, one or more signals received from one or more signal sources, the signal detecting unit comprising one or more signal sensors and one or more computer processors;determining, by the one or more computer processors, a set of time values based on arrival times of the one or more signals;generating, by the one or more computer processors, a set of distance expressions, wherein each distance expression corresponds to a distance between one of the one or more signal sensors and one of the one or more signal sources;generating, by the one or more computer processors, a set of distance equations based at least in part on the set of time values and the set of distance expressions; andsolving, by the one or more computer processors, the set of distance equations to determine a first position or a second position, wherein the first position represents a position associated with the first vehicle within a coordinate system defined in relation to the one or more signal sources, and the second position represents a position associated with the one or more signal ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030982A1
Автор: Cardona Javier

A method and apparatus are disclosed herein for distance estimation using signal strength information. In one embodiment, the method comprises receiving a broadcast communication from one of a plurality of devices in a wireless mesh network in which devices communicate via peer-to-peer communication, measuring signal strength information corresponding to the received broadcast communication, and using the signal strength information to determine an estimate of distance between a first device and the one device. 1. A method for use by a first device of a plurality of devices in a wireless mesh network in which the plurality of devices communicate via peer-to-peer communication , the method comprising:receiving a broadcast communication from a second device of the plurality of devices;measuring signal strength information corresponding to received broadcast communication; andusing the signal strength information to determine an estimate of distance between the first device and the second device.2. The method defined in wherein using the signal strength information further comprises determining relative locations and other devices of the plurality of devices including the second device with respect to the first device based on the signal strength information.3. The method defined in further comprising generating claim 1 , based on the signal strength information claim 1 , a distance value representing a distance between the first and second devices.4. The method defined in wherein the received traffic comprises a 802.11s beacon.5. The method defined in further comprising generating claim 1 , based on the signal strength information claim 1 , a notification on the first device to notify a user of the first device regarding a distance between the first and second devices.6. The method defined in wherein the notification indicates that the second device is at a distance from the first device that has exceeded a distance threshold.7. The method defined in wherein the ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Multi-Polarization Antenna Array For Signal Detection and AOA

Номер: US20140035781A1
Автор: Holzheimer Timothy R.
Принадлежит: Raytheon Company

A multi-polarization radio frequency (RF) antenna includes an array of impulse sensors that are capable of detecting RF signals within a surrounding environment. In some embodiments, antennas are provided for use within the high frequency (HF) band. The array of impulse sensors may include, for example, one or more B-dot sensors and/or one or more D-dot sensors. Various different antenna configurations are provided that are capable of operation with multiple different polarizations. 1. A radio frequency (RF) antenna comprising:an array of impulse sensors to detect RF signals within a predetermined frequency range propagating in a surrounding environment, the array of impulse sensors arranged in a fixed configuration to provide multiple different polarizations and having at least one B-dot sensor or at least one D-dot sensor.2. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein:the array of impulse sensors are mounted on a common support structure.3. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein:the array of impulse sensors are conformal or quasi-conformal to the side of one of: a building, a tower, a vehicle, or an airborne platform.4. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein:the array of impulse sensors includes a plurality of B-dot sensors or a plurality of D-dot sensors arranged in a common orientation, each of the B-dot sensors or D-dot sensors having a first output for an axial field component and a second output for a radial field component.5. The antenna of claim 1 , wherein:the array of impulse sensors includes a plurality of B-dot sensors or D-dot sensors arranged in at least two different orientations.6. The antenna of claim 5 , wherein:the B-dot sensors or D-dot sensors each include a first output for an axial field component and a second output for a radial field component.7. The antenna of claim 5 , wherein:the array of impulse sensors includes some impulse sensors arranged in a first orientation and some impulse sensors arranged in a second orientation, the second orientation being ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057655A1
Автор: Lee Kyungkuk
Принадлежит: ORTHOTRON CO., LTD.

The present disclosure provides a ranging method by using a first signal transmitted by a first device, and a second signal generated and transmitted by a target device in response to the first signal. The ranging method calculates the distance between the target device and a second device being in communication with the first and target devices, by using: a first time interval from a point in time of first device's transmitting the first signal to a point of receiving first part of the second signal; a second time interval from a point of the second device's receiving the first signal to a point receiving the first part of the second signal; and a delay time interval from a point of the target device's receiving the first signal to a start time of the second signal and a duration of the first part of the second signal. 1. A ranging method by using a first signal transmitted by a first device and a second signal generated and transmitted by a target device in response to the first signal , the method calculating a distance between the target device and a second device being in communication with the first device and the target device , by using:a first time interval from a time point of the first device's transmitting the first signal to a time point of the first device's receiving a first part of the second signal;a second time interval from a time point of the second device's receiving the first signal to a time point of the second device's receiving the first part of the second signal; anda delay time interval from a time point of the target device's receiving the first signal to a start time of the second signal and a duration of the first part of the second signal.2. The ranging method of claim 1 , wherein a distance d0 from the first device to the target device is calculated using the first time interval claim 1 , the delay time interval claim 1 , and the duration of the first part of the second signal.4. The ranging method of claim 3 , wherein a distance d1 ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140057656A1
Автор: Hasegawa Eiji

A method of positioning a mobile terminal includes obtaining first accuracy information on acquisition of position information using a first method, obtaining second accuracy information on acquisition of position information using a second method when a displacement of the mobile terminal exceeds a predetermined distance, and selecting the first method or the second method to obtain position information after movement of the predetermined distance based on the first accuracy information and the second accuracy information. 1. A method of positioning a mobile terminal , the method comprising:obtaining first accuracy information on acquisition of position information using a first method;obtaining second accuracy information on acquisition of position information using a second method when a displacement of the mobile terminal exceeds a predetermined distance; andselecting the first method or the second method to obtain position information after movement of the predetermined distance based on the first accuracy information and the second accuracy information.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the displacement is measured from a position when obtained previous position information using the second method.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:calculating the displacement based on the position information obtained using the first method.4. The method according to claim 3 ,wherein the calculating includes calculating the displacement based on the position information obtained using the first method and position information obtained when the positioning information has been obtained using the second method before the movement of the predetermined distance.5. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the predetermined distance is determined for each type of the second method.6. The method according to claim 1 , the method further comprising:specifying an operation state of an application program that issues a first positioning request; ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Method of near-field electromagnetic ranging and location

Номер: US20140062792A1
Принадлежит: Q-Track Corporation

A method of near-field electromagnetic ranging and location exploits the long-wavelength, near-field characteristics of low-frequency RF signals like those in the vicinity of the AM broadcast band. These signals are robust against scattering from small objects and only mildly perturbed by the urban landscape including building structures. They are thus amenable to an RF fingerprinting approach exploiting a coarse calibration to capture the behavior of the gradually varying signal characteristics. In embodiments, a method of near-field electromagnetic ranging and location may exploit transmit tags transmitting to an infrastructure of locator-receivers, or locator-receiver tags detecting signals from an infrastructure of fixed transmitter beacons. In still further embodiments, fixed transmitter beacons may be supplemented by uncooperative signals sources including signals-of-opportunity like AM broadcast band signals. 1. A method for determining an unknown position comprising: a) transmitting, by a beacon transmitter, a calibration transmission,', 'b) receiving, by a locator-receiver, the calibration transmission,', 'c) measuring, by the locator-receiver, a plurality of received signal characteristics of the calibration transmission to generate said calibration data set,', 'd) associating, by an associator, said calibration data set with a known position,, '1) generating a plurality of calibration data sets, each calibration data set of said plurality of calibration data sets generated by a) transmitting, by the beacon transmitter, a location transmission,', 'b) receiving, by the locator-receiver, the location transmission,', 'c) measuring, by the locator-receiver, a plurality of received signal characteristics of the location transmission to generate said positioning data set associated with the unknown position,, '2) generating a positioning data set, said positioning data set generated byand3) determining, by an information handling system, said unknown position ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140097988A1

Systems and methods for two-dimensional (2D) velocity estimation of an object in an area of interest are disclosed. The area of interest can correspond to an indoor or an outdoor environment. Round trip times (RTTs) of signals from two or more signal sources to the object are determined. The object is relocated and delta RTT values of the signals subsequent to relocation of the object within the area of interest are determined. Angles of arrival (AOAs) of the signals at the object also determined. The 2D velocity of the object is estimated by on solving a system of non-linear equations based on the delta RTT values and the AOAs. 1. A method of two-dimensional (2D) velocity estimation of an object located in a first area , the method comprising:determining round trip times (RTTs) of signals from two or more signal sources to the object;determining delta RTT values of the signals subsequent to relocation of the object within the first area, based at least in part on the determined RTTs;determining angles of arrival (AOAs) of the signals at the object; andcalculating a 2D velocity estimate based on the delta RTT values and the AOAs.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the RTTs and the AOAs for the object comprises:determining in advance, the RTTs and AOAs for a plurality of locations in the first area;storing the determined RTTs and AOAs in a database; andlooking up the RTTs and the AOAs for the object from the database based on a location of the object in the first area.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object is a device comprising a particle filter.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object is a mobile device claim 1 , and determining the RTTs and AOAs are performed in real time in the mobile device based on a floor plan of the first area.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object is located at a first height in the first area claim 1 , and wherein determining the RTTs and AOAs are based on projections of the first height on a two dimensional ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150003208A1

The method for instrumenting a container, especially intended to receive an assortment of materials, capable of being set moving in a preset coordinate system, said method comprises the following steps: placing at least one communicating element in the container on an internal surface of the container; and tracking the location of each communicating element over time in the preset coordinate system. 1. A method for instrumenting a container , forming a recipient for an assortment of materials configured to mix the assortment of materials , capable of being set moving in a preset coordinate system , wherein it comprises the following steps:placing at least one communicating element in the container on an internal surface of the container; andtracking the location of each communicating element over time in the preset coordinate system.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the placing step comprises placing a plurality of communicating elements on the internal surface of the container and determining the positions of the various communicating elements relative to the internal surface of the container.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the internal surface of the container bounds an internal volume of known geometry claim 2 , and in that the step of placing the communicating elements comprises the following steps:randomly introducing the communicating elements into the container, preferably while it is moving;fastening the communicating elements to the internal surface of the container, preferably via magnetic attraction between each communicating element and the internal surface of the container; anddetermining, by way of data delivered by the communicating elements and of the known geometry, the position of the various communicating elements relative to the internal surface of the container.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the data delivered by the communicating elements correspond to behaviour data determined for the communicating ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003373A1
Принадлежит: lntel IP Corporation

The disclosure generally relates to a method, system and apparatus for calibrating a wireless device for accurate Time-of-Flight (ToF) range determination. In one embodiment, the disclosure provides a method for calibrating a device by identifying a plurality of access points (APs) at the device; identifying a first AP of the plurality of APs, the first AP positioned immediately above the device; determining a real-time ToF value for the first AP; determining a device calibration coefficient from the real-time ToF value for first AP. The disclosed method has many advantages, including simplicity and scalability. Further, the device need not know its location, its distance between from the AP or the AP's identity. 1. A method for calibrating a device , comprising:identifying a plurality of access points (APs) at a device;selecting a first AP of the plurality of APs, the first AP positioned immediately above the device;determining a real-time Time-of-Flight (ToF) value for the first AP; anddetermining a device calibration coefficient from the real-time ToF value for the first AP.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving a plurality of signals at the deice claim 1 , each of the plurality of received signals corresponding to one of a plurality of APs communicating with the device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the real-time ToF value is determined as a function of a signal received from the first AP.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the real-time ToF value is determined as an average value for a plurality of signals received from the first AP.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the device calibration coefficient by calculating the difference between an expected ToF value and the real-time ToF value.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining a real-time ToF value for a second of the plurality of APs.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising determining a device location as a function of the device calibration ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003386A1

Audio signals may be used for distance measurement with good autocorrelation properties which provides for the possibility of sub-sample delay measurement. Continuous playback and recording by all devices during the distance measurement process (including recording of the own playback) allows exclusion of random start/stop delays and subsequent large random errors. 1. A method comprising:causing two devices to play a pilot signal in synchronism with one another;causing each device to record pilot signals being played;measuring the delays between the recorded pilot signals; andusing the measured delays to calculate a distance between the two devices.2. The method of including choosing a master among a plurality of devices.3. The method of including causing the master to send a signal to the other devices to play a pilot signal.4. The method of including causing each of a plurality of devices to measure the delay between pilot signal playback and send the delay measurement to the master.5. The method of including causing the master to calculate the distances between devices.6. The method of including sending the distances to each of said devices.7. The method of including using an adaptive matched filter algorithm to calculate a correlation of a recorded pilot signal and a pseudorandom sequence defined by Shapiro polynomials.8. The method of including calculating the correlation using a matched filter and average signal power in a sliding window.9. The method of including detecting a pilot signal if the correlation is larger than an adaptive threshold.10. The method of including calculating said adaptive threshold as the square root of the average signal power times a scaling factor representing the probability of a false alarm.11. One or more non-transitory computer readable media storing instructions for execution by a processor to perform a sequence comprising:causing two devices to play a pilot signal in synchronism with one another;causing each device to record ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003488A1

An optical microscope and method for detecting lens immersion in optical microscopy includes an ultrasound circuit acoustically coupled to both an objective lens and a sample slide of an optical microscope, the ultrasound circuit comprising an ultrasound transmitter and an ultrasound receiver. The optical microscope and method includes transmitting an ultrasound pulse from the ultrasound transmitter to the ultrasound receiver, determining that a transit time of the ultrasound pulse is less than a threshold time, and providing an output signal from the pulse discriminator indicating that the ultrasound pulse is less than the threshold time. 1. A method for detecting lens immersion in optical microscopy , the method comprising:providing an ultrasound circuit acoustically coupled to both an objective lens and a sample slide of an optical microscope, the ultrasound circuit comprising an ultrasound transmitter and an ultrasound receiver, where the ultrasound circuit is configured to provide a first acoustic path, through a body of the optical microscope, when the objective lens and the sample slide are not both in direct contact with an immersion fluid, and a second, shorter, acoustic path through the immersion fluid, when the objective lens and the sample slide are both in direct contact with the immersion fluid;transmitting an ultrasound pulse from the ultrasound transmitter to the ultrasound receiver;determining with a pulse discriminator that a transit time of the ultrasound pulse is less than a threshold time, where the threshold time is selected to determine whether the pulse was transmitted along the first acoustic path or the second acoustic path; andproviding an output signal from the pulse discriminator indicating that the transit time of the ultrasound pulse is less than the threshold time in order to indicate that the objective lens and the sample slide are both in direct contact with the immersion fluid.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising using the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Method, apparatus, electronic device, computer program and computer readable recording medium for measuring inter-vehicle distance using driving image

Номер: US20220009515A1
Автор: Shin Hyoung Kim
Принадлежит: Thinkware Corp

A method for measuring an inter-vehicle distance using a processor is provided. The method includes acquiring a driving image photographed by a photographing device of a first vehicle; detecting a second vehicle from the driving image and calculating a ratio between an image width of the detected second vehicle and an image width of a lane in which the second vehicle is located; determining a size class of the second vehicle among a plurality of size classes based on the calculated ratio; determining a width of the second vehicle based on the determined size class of the second vehicle; and calculating a distance from the photographing device to the second vehicle based on the determined width of the second vehicle, a focal length of the photographing device, and the image width of the second vehicle.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003795A1
Автор: SUZUKI Koichi

A position estimation system includes a mobile terminal; and a center communicating with the mobile terminal. The mobile terminal includes units to execute GPS positioning and base station positioning, respectively, and transmitters to transmit first and second positional information obtained by the GPS positioning and the base station positioning, respectively, to the center. The center includes a receiver to receive the first and second positional information, a position estimator to determine whether a user of the mobile terminal has boarded a train at a station, based on the second positional information if the mobile terminal has become incapable of executing the GPS positioning around the station, and if having determined that the user has boarded a train, to estimate which train was boarded by the user, based on a moving direction of the mobile terminal calculated from the second positional information. 1. A position estimation system , comprising:a mobile terminal; anda center configured to communicate with the mobile terminal through a predetermined communication network,wherein the mobile terminal includesa GPS positioning unit configured to execute GPS positioning,a base station positioning unit configured to execute base station positioning,a first transmitter configured to transmit first positional information obtained by the GPS positioning to the center, anda second transmitter configured to transmit second positional information obtained by the base station positioning to the center,wherein the center includesa receiver configured to receive the first positional information and the second positional information transmitted from the mobile terminal,a position estimator configured to determine whether a user of the mobile terminal has boarded a train at a station, based on the second positional information in a case where the mobile terminal has become incapable of executing the GPS positioning in a vicinity of the station, and if having determined ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003796A1

A method and a system for generating a plurality of ranging sound signals for positioning a mobile device are provided. The method includes: each of a plurality of ranging signal generating devices, which are connected to an audio signal cable and are located at different positions in an area, generating a ranging sound signal based on a synchronization signal transmitted on the audio signal cable, whereby location of the mobile device within the area can be obtained based on records of the ranging sound signals made by the mobile device. Accordingly, a plurality of speakers connected in series are able to be controlled to reproduce ranging sound signals for positioning a mobile device. 1. A method for generating a plurality of ranging audio signals for positioning a mobile device , comprising:for each of a plurality of ranging signal generating devices that are connected to an audio signal cable and are located at different positions in an area, generating a ranging sound signal based on a synchronization signal transmitted on the audio signal cable, wherein a location of the mobile device within the area is obtained based on records of the ranging sound signals made by the mobile device.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ranging sound signal is generated after a preset time period from when of the synchronization signal has been detected by a detecting unit claim 1 , wherein the detecting unit is adapted to obtain a receipt time point of when the synchronization signal is received by the plurality of ranging signal generating devices.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the preset time period for each of the plurality of ranging signal generating devices is configured to be different claim 2 , such that the ranging sound signals are generated at different time points.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the preset time period for each of the plurality of ranging signal generating devices is configured to be the same claim 2 , wherein ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003836A1
Принадлежит: Fairfield Industries, Inc.

Systems and methods of optical link communication with seismic data acquisition units are provided. The systems and methods can perform at least portions of seismic data acquisition survey. A plurality of seismic data acquisition units can be deployed on a seabed. An optical communications link can be established between an extraction vehicle and at least one of the seismic data acquisition units. A frequency of the at least one seismic data acquisition unit can be syntonized or synchronized via the optical communications link. The at least one seismic data acquisition unit can be instructed to enter a low power state subsequent to syntonizing the frequency of the at least one seismic data acquisition unit. The seismic data acquisition unit can exit the low power state and acquire seismic data in an operational state. 1. A system to perform a seismic survey in a marine environment , comprising:a seismic data acquisition unit placed on a seabed in the marine environment, the seismic data acquisition unit including a first clock; syntonize or synchronize, via the optical communications link, the first clock of the seismic data acquisition unit to the second clock; and', 'instruct the seismic data acquisition unit to enter a low power state subsequent to syntonization or synchronization of the first clock to the second clock, the seismic data acquisition unit configured to exit the low power state and acquire seismic data in an operational state., 'an extraction vehicle to establish an optical communications link with the seismic data acquisition unit, the extraction vehicle including a second clock and a data processing system to2. The system of claim 1 , comprising:the data processing system to transmit, to the seismic data acquisition unit, a reference pulse per second based on the second clock; andthe seismic data acquisition unit to use the reference pulse per second received from the data processing system to syntonize a frequency of the first clock to a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Seismic surveys with optical communication links

Номер: US20180003838A1
Принадлежит: Fairfield Industries Inc

Systems and methods of performing a seismic survey in a marine environment are provided. The system includes a seismic data acquisition unit disposed on a seabed in the marine environment. The seismic data acquisition unit includes a local pressure sensor, an optical transmitter and an optical receiver to determine one or more pressure values. The system includes an extraction vehicle including a reference pressure sensor, an optical transmitter, and an optical receiver to establish an optical communications link with the seismic data acquisition unit, and generate reference pressure data. The system includes at least one of the local pressure sensor and the one or more pressure values calibrated based on the reference pressure data generated by the extraction vehicle.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200003880A1

A system to determine a location of a signal emitting device is provided. First, second, and third data is received from at least one movable communication device. Each of the first, second, and third data include a unique identifier of the signal emitting device, a signal strength of a signal received by the at least one movable communication device from the signal emitting device, and a location of the at least one movable communication device when it received the signal. Each of the first, second, and third data include different locations of the at least one movable communication device. A location of the signal emitting device is computed based at least in part on the received first, second, and third data. 1. A system configured to determine a location of a signal emitting device , the system comprising:a processor; and receiving first, second, and third data from at least one movable communication device, each of the first, second, and third data comprising a unique identifier of the signal emitting device, a signal strength of a signal received by the at least one movable communication device from the signal emitting device, and a location of the at least one movable communication device when it received the signal, each of the first, second, and third data comprising different locations of the at least one movable communication device; and', 'computing a location of the signal emitting device based at least in part on the received first, second, and third data., 'a memory comprising computer-executable instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to perform operations, the operations comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one movable communication device is attached to at least one elevator car.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first data is received from a first movable communication device and the second data is received from a second movable communication device that is different than the first movable ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003656A1
Автор: Kumar Amit, McNames James

A system includes at least one processor and at least one memory storing program instructions that, when executed by the at least one processor, cause the system to send an acoustic ranging transmitter signal between a plurality of calibration reference positions and at least one anchor point, receive an acoustic ranging receiver signal associated with the acoustic ranging transmitter signal and with distances between the plurality of calibration reference positions and the at least one anchor point, and estimate a speed of sound based on the acoustic ranging receiver signal. 1. A system , comprising:at least one processor; and send an acoustic ranging transmitter signal between a plurality of calibration reference positions and at least one anchor point,', 'receive an acoustic ranging receiver signal associated with the acoustic ranging transmitter signal and with distances between the plurality of calibration reference positions and the at least one anchor point, and', 'estimate a speed of sound based on the acoustic ranging receiver signal., 'at least one memory storing program instructions that, when executed by the at least one processor, cause the system to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the estimating includes jointly estimating the positions of the at least one anchor point with the speed of sound and a signal acquisition delay associated with a time difference between the sending of the acoustic ranging transmitter signal and the receiving of the acoustic ranging receiver signal.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sending the acoustic ranging transmitter between the plurality of calibration reference positions and the at least one anchor point is from the plurality of calibration reference positions to the at least one anchor point.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sending the acoustic ranging transmitter between the plurality of calibration reference positions and the at least one anchor point is from the at least one anchor point to the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Proximity Determination Using Radio Devices

Номер: US20210003660A1
Автор: BREDE Steinar

A radio system is provided which comprises a radio receiver and a processing system, wherein the radio receiver is configured to detect radio signals transmitted from a radio transmitter on a plurality of frequency channels, and to measure respective signal strengths of the radio signals for each of the plurality of frequency channels. The processing system is configured to evaluate a measure of statistical dispersion of the respective signal strengths over the plurality of frequency channels, and to use the measure of statistical dispersion to determine information relating to a proximity of the radio transmitter to the radio receiver. 1. A radio system comprising a radio receiver and a processing system , wherein:the radio receiver is configured to detect radio signals transmitted from a radio transmitter on a plurality of frequency channels, and to measure respective signal strengths of the radio signals for each of the plurality of frequency channels; andthe processing system is configured to evaluate a measure of statistical dispersion of the respective signal strengths over the plurality of frequency channels, and to use the measure of statistical dispersion to determine information relating to a proximity of the radio transmitter to the radio receiver.236-. (canceled)37. The radio system of claim 1 , wherein the processing system is configured to calculate a separation metric that increases with increasing geometrical distance between the radio transmitter and the radio receiver claim 1 , and wherein the information relating to the proximity of the radio transmitter to the radio receiver comprises said separation metric.38. The radio system of claim 37 , wherein the processing system is configured to calculate the separation metric such that the separation metric decreases monotonically with decreasing statistical dispersion for at least some average signal strengths.39. The radio system of claim 1 , wherein the processing system is configured to use an ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003686A1

Provided is a distance measuring apparatus, including an information acquisition unit that acquires information output from a second device that is attached to a target site for which a distance between a reference site and the target site is to be measured and acquires sound wave or radio wave output from a first device that is attached to the reference site and outputs sound wave or radio wave and information relating to an output of a first device; and a distance acquisition unit that acquires a distance between the first device and the second device on the basis of the acquired information.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Positioning transmitter, receiver, and system, and method therefor

Номер: US20190004165A1
Автор: Baek du JO, Sung Oh Kwon

A positioning system according to an embodiment of the above description includes a transmitter including a first transmitting unit and a second transmitting unit for transmitting a first signal and a second signal having different velocities, respectively; and a receiver including: a first receiving unit and a second receiving unit for measuring each time of reception of the first signal and the second signal; and a position determining unit for measuring a location of the transmitter using a difference in reception time of the first signal and the second signal.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190004168A1

The invention relates to a method for evaluating the distance (d) between an identifier () fitted with a first wireless communication module () and a vehicle () fitted with a second wireless communication module (), including the following steps: establishing a wireless connection (L) between the first wireless communication module () and the second wireless communication module (); estimating said distance (d) on the basis of a propagation time of the electromagnetic signals involved in the N wireless connection established (L); when the identifier () comes within the range of a signal (S) transmitted by the vehicle (), evaluating said distance (d) by means of a measurement, by the identifier (), of the strength of said transmitted signal (S). An associated electronic unit and identifier are also described. 1. A method for evaluating the distance separating an identifier equipped with a first wireless communication module and a vehicle equipped with a second wireless communication module , comprisingestablishing a wireless link between the first wireless communication module and the second wireless communication module;estimating said distance on the basis of a propagation time of electromagnetic signals involved in the wireless link that is established; andwhen the identifier enters into the range of a signal emitted at the vehicle, evaluating said distance by way of a measurement, by the identifier, of the strength of said emitted signal.2. The evaluation method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising of transmitting the evaluated distance claim 1 , from the identifier to the vehicle claim 1 , via the wireless link that is established.3. The evaluation method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising activating the emission of said emitted signal when said estimated distance is less than a predetermined value.4. The evaluation method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to establishing the wireless link claim 1 , emitting at least one ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220011447A1

A mobile device in a moving vehicle initializes a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Inertial Navigation System (INS) system while the vehicle is in-motion with the orientation of the mobile device with respect to a global reference frame. The mobile device uses gyroscope measurements made while the vehicle is turning to determine a gravity vector. The gravity vector and accelerometer measurements may be used to determine a forward vector for the mobile device. A north vector is determined using the GNSS measurements. After the GNSS-INS system is calibrated, the mobile device may be positioned with respect to the vehicle. The orientation of the mobile device, prior to repositioning, may be compared to a current orientation, determined while the vehicle is in motion, in order to determine whether the GNSS-INS system should be re-initialized. 1. A method of in-motion calibration of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Inertial Navigation System (INS) system in a mobile device in a vehicle , the method comprising:determining a gravity vector based on gyroscope measurements while the vehicle is turning;determining a forward vector based on the gravity vector and accelerometer measurements while the vehicle is traveling straight;determining a north vector based on GNSS measurements of a heading angle; andinitializing a GNSS-INS filter using the gravity vector, the forward vector and the north vector.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the vehicle is turning using the gyroscope measurements before determining the gravity vector;3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gravity vector is determined based on gyroscope measurements values and a normalized gyroscope value.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining the vehicle is traveling straight using the gyroscope measurements before estimating the forward vector.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forward vector is determined based on a difference between accelerometer ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220014285A1

The following are executed: received power acquisition processing; propagation loss calculation processing of calculating propagation losses between the transmitter and the receiver, based on received power; median processing of calculating a median of a plurality of the propagation losses calculated in the propagation loss calculation processing in a predetermined time period, and outputting the median as propagation losses to be used for subsequent processing; loss peak acquisition processing of acquiring a maximum value of the propagation losses output in the median processing; distance calculation processing of calculating a distance between the transmitter or the receiver and blocking entities, at least based on the maximum value, heights of antennas, and a wavelength of the radio communication; and congestion degree calculation processing of estimating a congestion degree by calculating the number of the blocking entities in chronological order, based on the distance, integrating the number for a predetermined time period, and thereby calculating the number of the blocking entities per unit area. 1. An estimation method of estimating a congestion degree of blocking entities in a communication region between a transmitter and a receiver performing radio communication , the estimation method comprising:acquiring received power;calculating propagation losses between the transmitter and the receiver, based on the received power acquired in the acquiring of the received power;calculating a median of a plurality of the propagation losses calculated in the calculating of the propagation losses in a predetermined time period determined in advance, and outputting the median as propagation losses to be used for subsequent processing;acquiring a loss peak by acquiring a maximum value of the propagation losses output in the calculating of the median;calculating a distance between the transmitter or the receiver and the blocking entities, at least based on the maximum ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005568A1

A system for indoor location identification of electronic devices includes a retail store having a ceiling and a plurality of networked geo-context panels mounted on the ceiling. Each geo-context panel having a network communication device and an ultrasound transmitter capable of broadcasting ultrasonic pulses having a duration of less than 100 ms. At least one portable electronic device in the retail store receives and records the ultrasonic pulses to make a recording. The portable electronic device communicates the recording to at least one of the plurality of geo-context panels to enable the at least one of the geo-context panels to determine a precise location of the electronic device. 1. A system for indoor location identification , comprising:a retail store having a ceiling;a plurality of networked geo-context panels mounted on the ceiling;each geo-context panel having a network communication device and an ultrasound transmitter capable of broadcasting ultrasonic pulses having a duration of less than 100 ins,a portable electronic device in the retail store for receiving and recording ultrasonic pulses to make a recording, and for communicating the recording to at least one of said plurality of geo-context panels to enable the at least one said geo-context panel to determine a precise location of the electronic device.2. The system as set forth in further comprising:a means for coarse localization in communication with at least one of said geo context panels to determine a general location of the portable electronic device, the geo-context panels utilize the general location to enable rapid determination of the precise location.3. The system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein at least some of the geo-context panels form a constellation claim 1 , and each of the geo-context panels in the constellation transmit ultrasonic pulses of a different frequency.4. The system as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the geo-context panels transmit ultrasonic pulses of a different ...
