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11-08-2021 дата публикации

Синтетический материал для обнаружения ультрафиолетового излучения и/или рентгеновского излучения

Номер: RU2753084C2

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности и может быть использовано при изготовлении устройств для систем безопасности или обнаружения ультрафиолетового и/или рентгеновского излучения, например датчиков, индикаторов или детекторов. Материал характеризуется следующей формулой (I):в которой М' - комбинация по меньшей мере двух моноатомных катионов разных щелочных металлов, выбранных из Li, Na, K и Rb, содержащая 0-98 мол. % катиона Na; M'' - трехвалентный моноатомный катион металла, выбранного из Al, Ga, В или сочетания любого из них с трехвалентным моноатомным катионом переходного элемента 3-10 групп Периодической системы химических элементов ИЮПАК; М''' - моноатомный катион элемента из 14 группы Периодической системы химических элементов ИЮПАК или любая их комбинация; X - анион элемента, выбранного из S, Se,Те, F, Cl, Br и I, или любая их комбинация; М'''' - допирующий катион элемента, выбранного из редкоземельных или переходных металлов Периодической системы химических элементов ...

20-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2200966C2

Использование: в полупроводниковых приборах, конкретно в приборах, преобразующих энергию излучения в электрическую энергию. Сущность изобретения: детектор γ-излучения содержит корпус, чувствительный элемент, выполненный в виде электрического конденсатора, при этом анод выполнен из тугоплавкого металла и покрыт слоем двуокиси этого металла, а катодом является корпус детектора. Технический результат - снижение чувствительности детектора γ-излучения к нейтронному излучению. 1 ил.

03-04-2017 дата публикации

Способ автоматического контроля снимаемой альфа-загрязненности твэлов и устройство для его осуществления

Номер: RU2615036C1

Изобретение относится к контролю снимаемой альфа-загрязненности твэлов и может быть применено на объектах использования атомной энергии. Способ автоматического контроля снимаемой альфа-загрязненности твэлов содержит этапы, на которых твэл подают пошагово на позицию контактирования его поверхности с материалом, выполненным в виде тканевой ленты, которую также пошагово поперечно направляют к твэлу, при этом поверхность последнего механически плотно обжимают лентой снизу с нормированным усилием, не превышающим предела прочности тканевой ленты и твэла, но достаточным для сорбции в нее альфа-частиц, затем твэл протягивают через ленту до получения сухого мазка (пятна), снимают поджимающее механическое усилие и перемещают ленту с полученным пятном на шаг под установленный над ней α-детектор, регистрирующий наличие загрязненности, причем обзорная возможность детектора должна превышать размер пятна контакта, после чего уровень загрязнения твэла определяют в установленном порядке с использованием ...

10-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU88456U1

... 1. Сцинтилляционный детектор альфа- или бета- излучения в жидких средах, содержащий сцинтиллятор, размещенный в кювете, отличающийся тем, что сцинтиллятор выполнен поликристаллическим и образован из кристаллов антрацена, соединенных между собой, при этом сцинтиллятор размещен в кювете без зазоров с дном и стенками кюветы. ! 2. Сцинтилляционный детектор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кювета выполнена из светоотражающего материала с высоким коэффициентом обратного отражения для электронов. ! 3. Сцинтилляционный детектор по п.2, отличающийся тем, что кристаллы антрацена соединены между собой с помощью прозрачного лака или клея, а боковая поверхность и одна торцевая поверхность сцинтиллятора с помощью прозрачного клея или лака соединены со стенками и дном кюветы. ! 4. Сцинтилляционный детектор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что кювета выполнена из оптически прозрачного материала. ! 5. Сцинтилляционный детектор по п.4, отличающийся тем, что внешняя боковая поверхность кюветы покрыта светоотражающим ...

27-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU119895U1

... 1. Устройство для регистрации нейтронного излучения, содержащее нейтронные детекторы, соединенные со входами электронного блока, выведенного за пределы зоны облучения и содержащего формирователь импульса запуска, линию задержки, счетчики электрических импульсов и узел индикации, отличающееся тем, что электронный блок выполнен трехканальным и содержит узел экспозиции, переключатель каналов и установленные на входе каждого канала элементы И, выходы которых подключены к счетным входам счетчиков электрических импульсов, информационные выходы которых соединены со входами переключателя каналов, выход которого подключен ко входу узла индикации, выход формирователя импульса запуска подключен ко входу линии задержки, выход которой соединен с установочными входами счетчиков импульсов и входом узла экспозиции, выход которого подключен к соответствующим входам элементов И. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что нейтронные детекторы расположены по трем координатным осям X, Y, Z.

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2384865C1

Изобретение относится к области радиационного контроля и преимущественно могут быть использованы для обнаружения радиоактивных материалов на основании регистрации испускаемого гамма-излучения при их несанкционированном перемещении через контрольно-пропускные пункты предприятий, организаций и служб. Способ включает регистрацию фоновых гамма-квантов, по меньшей мере, двумя детекторами гамма-излучения, подсчет фоновых гамма-квантов, зарегистрированных за заданный интервал времени, обнаружение контролируемого объекта в зоне контроля, определение момента времени приближения контролируемого объекта к детекторам гамма-излучения на заданное расстояние Rп, определение момента времени удаления контролируемого объекта от детекторов гамма-излучения на заданное расстояние Ry, регистрацию гамма-квантов, по меньшей мере, двумя детекторами гамма-излучения при нахождении контролируемого объекта в зоне контроля с момента времени приближения контролируемого объекта к детекторам гамма-излучения на заданное ...

10-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2366977C1

Изобретение относится к ядерной физике, дозиметрии, биофизике, радиационной медицине, химии, экологии и может быть использовано для детектирования газов в разных отраслях промышленности. Техническим результатом являются расширенные функциональные возможности устройства при сохранении полной автоматизации измерений. Сущность предлагаемого изобретения состоит в создании устройства для одновременного автоматического измерения и анализа потоков, спектров, доз альфа-, бета-, гамма-излучения веществ, а также типов и концентраций галоидсодержащих газов в атмосфере за счет организации параллельной работы двух блоков детекторов при совмещении процессов автоматизации измерений и анализа результатов с их оперативной передачей. 1 ил.

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009524C1

Использование: изобретение относится к определению радиоактивного загрязнения различных продуктов по испускаемому ионизирующему излучению. Сущность: с целью повышения точности контроля радиационной частоты исследуемых объектов блок детектирования устройства автоматического контроля радиационной чистоты продуктов содержит две ионизационные камеры и экранирующую пластину между ними. Одна камера измеряет фоновый уровень радиации, вторая - уровень радиации исследуемых продуктов. Объем камеры, измеряющей фоновый уровень радиации, превышает в заранее заданное число раз объем камеры, измеряющей уровень радиации исследуемых объектов, а площадь экранирующей пластины равна или больше площади максимального торцевого поперечного сечения большей камеры. 1 ил.

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2424535C1

Изобретение относится к области регистрации рентгеновского излучения и может быть использован как в медицинской рентгенографии, так и для досмотра людей в целях безопасности для обнаружения спрятанных на/в теле, в одежде опасных и скрываемых предметов и веществ. Технический результат - повышение эффективности обнаружения опасных предметов и веществ при сканировании тела человека малодозным рентгеновским излучением. Формируют плоский пучок рентгеновского излучения малой мощности с помощью коллиматора, сканируют этим излучением неподвижное тело, принимают излучение, проходящее через тело, детектором, преобразуют излучение в электронные сигналы, анализируют их и формируют изображение в электронном виде, причем сканирование тела осуществляют путем вертикального синхронного перемещения источника рентгеновского излучения, коллиматора и детектора, при этом источник излучения, коллиматор и детектор перемещают в вертикальном направлении с разными скоростями, сохраняя соосность оптической системы ...

10-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2426151C1

Изобретение относится к области ядерного приборостроения и может быть использовано при радиационном мониторинге в качестве средства визуализации источников гамма-излучения. Устройство содержит кодирующую маску, матрицу детекторов, видеокамеру и блок электроники, микроЭВМ, дисплей и пульт управления. Матрица детекторов выполнена в виде набора идентичных линеек, на которых в качестве чувствительных элементов установлены счетчики Гейгера-Мюллера СБМ21 по равному количеству счетчиков в каждой линейке. Блок электроники содержит блок контроллеров, преобразователь высоковольтный, блок аккумуляторов, модуль согласования, связанные общей информационной внутрисистемной CAN-магистралью. Матрица детекторов связана с блоком контроллеров, состоящим из набора идентичных контроллеров, каждый контроллер связан с соответствующей линейкой матрицы. Вход блока контроллера подключен к выходу преобразователя высоковольтного, а его выход - на CAN-магистраль, входы преобразователя высоковольтного связаны с выходом ...

20-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2165674C1

Изобретения относятся к ядерной физике, а именно к способу и устройствам для обработки спектрометрических импульсов с детекторов ионизирующих излучений при высокой нагрузке. Способ формирования импульсов включает определение момента превышения фронта уровней 0,5; 1,6; 1,62 номинального значения входного импульса. В момент превышения уровня 0,5 формируется один импульс, в момент превышения уровня 1,6 - два импульса, а в момент превышения уровня 1,62 - три импульса. Количество входных импульсов за период измерения определяется как сумма всех сформированных импульсов за тот же период. Устройство формирования спектрометрических импульсов содержит три дискриминатора, три формирователя короткого импульса, три линии задержки, три элемента ИЛИ. Выходы каждого дискриминатора соединены с входом своего формирователя. Второе устройство для формирования спектрометрических импульсов содержит три дискриминатора, три формирователя, три преобразователя счет-код и устройство обработки. Выход каждого формирователя ...

20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565350C1

Изобретение относится к области электрооптического (радиооптического) приборостроения и, в частности, к визуализации электромагнитного излучения. Устройство визуализации электромагнитных излучений содержит набор антенн, включающий в себя по меньшей мере одну антенну, выполненную с возможностью приема сигнала визуализируемого излучения, устройство опроса, выполненное с возможностью формирования и выдачи по меньшей мере одного опорного импульса заданной длительности, причем заданная длительность опорного импульса по меньшей мере в два раза больше одного периода принимаемого сигнала визуализируемого излучения, по меньшей мере одно устройство амплитудно-импульсной модуляции, выполненное с возможностью формирования промодулированного сигнала посредством модуляции принятого опорного импульса Uзаданной длительности сигналом визуализируемого излучения U, принятым по меньшей мере одной антенной набора, причем амплитуда Uбольше максимальной амплитуды U, фильтр низкой частоты, выполненный с возможностью ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2570107C1

Изобретение относится к способу измерения накопленных высоких и сверхвысоких доз и мощностей доз ионизирующих излучений термолюминесцентными (ТЛ) детекторами на основе оксида алюминия. Способ измерения высоких и сверхвысоких доз, накопленных в термолюминесцентных детекторах ионизирующих излучений на основе оксида алюминия, в том числе при облучении в условиях повышенных температур окружающей среды, включает нагрев облученного детектора и регистрацию интенсивности термостимулированной люминесценции, при этом интенсивность термостимулированной люминесценции измеряют в температурном интервале 430-630°C, а спектральную область регистрируемой интенсивности термолюминесценции ограничивают диапазоном 250-350 нм, при этом величину поглощенной дозы детектором, облученном при температуре окружающей среды до 430°C, рассчитывают интегральным методом, а при облучении детектора в температурном интервале 430-530°C - пиковым методом. Технический результат - повышение точности, надежности и достоверности ...

27-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94009488A

Изобретение относится к области авиационно-космической и ракетной технике и может быть использовано для замера поглощенной энергии излучения в отдельных точках поверхности летательного аппарата сложной формы. Это достигается тем, что в устройство, содержащее фотодиод 1 и индикатор 4, установлен световод 2, одним концом соединенный с фотодиодом, другой же конец его размещается в точке замера на поверхности летательного аппарата 3, при этом рабочая ось световода направлена по нормали П к поверхности летательного аппарата и является приемной частью устройства для определения величины энергии излучения поглощенной в точке поверхности летательного аппарата сложной формы.

10-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97107600A

... 1. Способ определения состава и структуры неоднородного объекта, заключающийся в облучении контролируемого объекта узким малорасходящимся пучком проникающего излучения, регистрации прошедшего через объект излучения с помощью двухкоординатного позиционно-чувствительного детектора высокого разрешения и идентификации входящих в контролируемый объект веществ по малоугловому когерентному рассеянию прошедшего через объект излучения и излучению, поглощенному в объекте, отличающийся тем, что регистрируют распределение интенсивности излучения по сечению пучка при отсутствии объекта и при его наличии, полученные распределения интенсивностей при наличии и отсутствии объекта нормируют на общую интенсивность падающего и прошедшего излучения, соответственно, и по изменению нормированного пространственного распределения интенсивностей, обусловленному рассеянием излучения на малые углы входящими в объект веществами, и сравнению его с предварительно полученными при этих же условиях эталонными значениями ...

10-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93039379A

Предполагаемое изобретение относится к области прикладной ядерной физики и может быть использовано для прецизионной регистрации смешанных гамма-нейтронных полей в импульсе высокой энергии и интенсивности в ждущих режимах. Технический результат изобретения заключается в создании регистратора радиационных полей одновременно как по гамма-компоненте, так и по нейтронной компоненте смешанного излучения высоких энергий и интенсивностей в импульсном режиме. В регистраторе радиационного поля, состоящем из чувствительного элемента и выходного устройства, чувствительный элемент выполнен из активированного сверхпроводника 2-ого рода и катушки индуктивности, соединенной с выходным устройством и охватывающей сверхпроводник.

27-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: SU1544030A1

Способ дозиметрии ионизирующего излучения, основанный на измерении изменения оптической плотности детектирующего материала при облучении, отличающийся тем, что, с целью обеспечения возможности определения параметров импульса электронного излучения, в качестве детектирующего материала используют поликристаллический нитрат калия (KNO3), предварительно измеряют величину оптической плотности облученного KNO3 в полосе поглощения иона пернитрита (ONO - 2 ) на стационарном участке его накопления (Aст) при различных режимах работы источника импульсного излучения, строят график зависимости логарифма мощности дозы (I) от величины оптической плотности (Aст) lnI = f(Aст) и, используя значение оптической плотности Aст и полученный график зависимости lnI = f(Aст), находят величину мощности дозы в исследуемом импульсе, а длительность импульса рассчитывают как отношение поглощенной поликристаллическим KNO3 дозы за импульс, определенной по концентрации образовавшегося при облучении иона нитрита (NO - 2 ...

30-03-1991 дата публикации

Способ регистрации функции изменения интенсивности нестационарных потоков сигналов

Номер: SU1638687A1

Изобретение относится к информационно-измерительной технике и предназначено для регистрации функций изменения во времени интенсивности различных физических процессов, вызываемых периодическими импульсами возбуждрния, например, в импульсной флуориметрии и ядерно-физических исследованиях, выполняемых по время- пролетной методике„ Целью изобретения является расширение рабочего диапазона изменения интенсивности регистрируемых потоков сигналов и повышение скорости набора экспериментальных данных при высокой интенсивности этих потоков. Способ основан на формировании заданного количества стартовых импульсов, синхронизированных с моментами возбуждения физического процесса, и регистрации стоповых импульсов, поступивших за заданный диапазон анализа после стартового импульса о При этом выбирают некоторое целое число К, а в каждой реализации процесса выделяют только один столовый импульс, порядковый номер которого для каждой последующей реализации циклически изменяют от 1 до К, Оцифровывают временной ...

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Разборный счетчик для измерения бета-активности

Номер: SU137593A1
Автор: Иванов А.И.

07-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000582C1

Область использования: ядерная физика и ядерная электроника, а именно спектрометрия и дозиметрия ядерных излучений, может быть использовано в спектрометрических и дозиметрических системах. Суть изобретения: для повышения информативности , увеличения динамического диапазона регистрируемых потоков и доз излучений и точности измерений производится одновременная регистрация всех видов радиоактивного излучения, а также введение в систему Д Е-Е на полупроводниковых детекторах экрана-заслонки, узла стробируе- мых буферных усилителей, выходы которых соединены с входами буферного регистра, выходы которого соединены с общей шиной центрального процессорного устройства, а выходы аналогово-цифровых преобразователей подсоединены к входам узла строби- руемых буферных усилителей. 2 ил.

27-07-1973 дата публикации

Измеритель средней скорости счета

Номер: SU392419A1

23-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: RU1804630C

07-08-1987 дата публикации

Способ регистрации резонансного гамма-излучения

Номер: SU1111588A1

... 1. СПОСОБ РЕГИСТРАЦИИ РЕЗОНАНСНОГО ГАММА-ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ, заключающийся в том, что поглотитель, содержащий изотопы, для которых регистрируемое излучение является фезонансным , помещают в поток гамма-квантов и регистрируют возникающие в поглотителе электроны внутренней конверсии , отличающийся тем, что, с целью увеличения эффективности регистрации гамма-излучения путем увеличения толщины поглотителя, в качестве поглотителя используют диэлектрик , который помещают в электрическое поле и регистрируют ионизацию, от электронов, остановивщихся в поглотителе . . 2. Способ по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что, с целью увеличения отношения сигнал/щум, поглотитель помещают в вакуум, газообразную или полупроводниковую среду, в которую с помощью электрического :поля .-. (Л вытягивают вторичные электроны иошгзации из поглотителя и усиливают ионизационный сигнал.

15-12-1993 дата публикации

Способ измерения потока фотонов низкоэнергетического рентгеновского излучения сцинтилляционным детектором

Номер: SU1604013A1

Изобретение относится к технической физике, в частности к технике измерений потоков низкоэнергетического рентгеновского излучения, и может быть использовано в системе метрологической службы для создания эталонных средств измерения потока фотонов в низкоэнергетическом рентгеновском диапазоне. Целью изобетения является повышение точности измерения и расширение диапазона измерений в область низких энергий. Сущность изобретения состоит в способе учета чиспа одноэлектронных сцинтилляционных импульсов, амплитуда которых лежит в области шумов фотоумножителя (ФЭУ). При подсчете импульсов детектора одноэлектронные сцинтилляционные и шумовые импульсы не регистрируются, а дискриминируются от остальных сцинтилляционных импульсов по форме импульса. Поправка на их число делается по распределению Пуассона после измерения среднего числа электронов в сцинтилляционном импульсе. Для этого сцинтилляционный кристалл отделяют от ФЭУ и устанавливают его на расстояние от фотокатода ФЭУ, обеспечивающее регистрацию ...

30-01-1990 дата публикации

Способ оценки качества ионизирующего излучения

Номер: SU1539619A1

Изобретение относится к радиобиологии и может быть использовано для оценки качества излучений. Цель изобретения - упрощение за счет исключения измерения мощности дозы. Способ включает в себя облучение подопытных животных, их умерщвление без стимуляции гепатоцитов к пролиферации и измерение изменений наследственных структур клеток, причем в качестве критерия используют распределение гепатоцитов по содержанию ДНК и по изменению плоидности судят о качестве излучения. 2 ил.

15-03-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для исследования параметров потоков частиц

Номер: SU1080096A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ПАРАМЕТРОВ ПОТОКОВ ЧАСТИЦ, содержащее сцинтиллятор, оптически соединенный с фотоэлектронны1у1 умножителем , выход которого подключен через и пyльcный усилитель к входам п-канального дифференциального анализатора амплитуд импульсов и интенсиметра , п каналов вьщеленияспектра, каждый из которых содержит (т+1)-разрядный пересчетный блок, т-входовый и (т+1 )-входовый элементы ИЛИ, причем каждый из п выходов дифференциального анализатора амплитуд импульсов соединен с входом пересчетного, блока соответствующего канала выделения спектра, а выходы (т+1)-входовых элементов ИЛИ являются выходами измерения спектра устройства в целом, узел распознавания микровсплесков, содержащий управляемый одновибратор, счетчик и выходную схему И, причем управляющий вход управляемого одно-, вибратора соединен с выходом интенсиметра , два входа выходной ..схемы И соединены с выходами управляемого одновибратора и счетчика, а ее выход является выходом узла распознавания микровсплесков ...

15-03-1986 дата публикации

Радиометр для измерения удельной активности растворов

Номер: SU766288A1

... 1. РАДИОМЕТР ДЛЯ ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ УДЕЛЬНОЙ АКТИВНОСТИ РАСТВОРОВ, содержащий измерительную кювету, два детектора ионизирукяцего излучения, размещенные в защитных экранах с коллиматорами, имеющими коллимационные каналы, выполненные так, что оеь коллимационного канала перед одним детектором направлена на ось кюветы, а оси коллимационных каналов перед другим детектором направлены по касательной к внутренней поверхности кюветы, устройство вычитания , входы которого соединены с выходами детекторов, отличающийся тем, что, с целью снижения погрешности измерения, коллиматоры с коллимационными каналами выполнены подвижными с возможностью их взаимной перестановки и в радиометр дополнительно введены коммутирукщее устройство,входы которого соединены с выходами детекторов, а выходы - с входами устройства вычитания , блок управления, соединенный скоммутирующим устройством,и блок смены коллиматоров,кинематически свяkfl занный с защитными экранами,вход которого соединен с блоком управления.

25-01-1980 дата публикации

Детектор тяжелых заряженных частиц

Номер: SU619020A1

26-10-1973 дата публикации

Детектор рентгеновского излучения

Номер: SU246697A1

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur computertomografischen Messung eines Werkstücks

Номер: DE102016101005A1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur computertomografischen Messung eines Werkstücks (109), zumindest umfassend eine Computertomografie-Sensorik und einen Drehtisch (103) mit einem um eine Drehachse (103b) drehbaren Drehteller (104). Der Drehteller (104) weist eine Wechselschnittstelle (110) auf, an der manuell oder automatisch auswechselbar wahlweise ein Werkstückhalter (111) oder ein Zwischenstück (106), das einen oder mehrere Kalibierkörper (108) und/oder einen oder mehrere Driftkörper (108) enthält, koppelbar ist.

23-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069007303T2

16-06-2016 дата публикации

Detektionsschicht umfassend beschichtete anorganische Nanopartikel

Номер: DE102014225542A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Detektionsschicht umfassend beschichtete anorganische Nanopartikel, wobei die anorganischen Nanopartikel Liganden und/oder Dispergatoren aufweisen und mit einem organischen Halbleitermaterial beschichtet sind, wobei ein Gewichtsverhältnis von Nanopartikel zu Ligand und/oder Dispergator in der Detektionsschicht größer oder gleich 80:20 ist ...

12-12-2016 дата публикации

Kompaktes Sensormodul

Номер: DE202016103918U1
Принадлежит: ANALOG DEVICES INC, Analog Devices, Inc.

Sensormodul für ein Bildgebungssystem, wobei das Sensormodul Folgendes umfasst: ein Sensorsubstrat; einen Bildgebungssensor-Die, der an dem Sensorsubstrat angebracht ist, wobei der Bildgebungssensor-Die mehrere Bildpunkte auf einer Vorderseite des Bildgebungssensor-Dies umfasst; eine Stützstruktur, die hinter dem Bildgebungssensor-Die angeordnet ist, wobei die Stützstruktur eine Rückseite umfasst, die von der Vorderseite des Bildgebungssensor-Dies abgewandt ist, wobei die Stützstruktur ein Ausrichtungsmerkmal auf der Rückseite der Stützstruktur umfasst, wobei das Ausrichtungsmerkmal mit einer bekannten Versetzung von einem Bezugsbildpunkt der mehreren Bildpunkte positioniert ist, wobei das Ausrichtungsmerkmal konfiguriert ist, mit einem entsprechenden Ausrichtungsmechanismus des Bildgebungssystems eine mechanische Verbindung herzustellen.

30-06-1999 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to signal handling and processing

Номер: GB0009910174D0

08-09-2021 дата публикации

Obtaining inelastic spectra free of detector born gamma rays induced by neutrons

Номер: GB0002592789A

In an embodiment, a method includes receiving a first measurement (610) of gamma rays via a detector (204) during a first period of time, receiving a second measurement (602) of gamma rays via the detector (204) during a second period of time, removing the second measurement (602) from the first measurement (610) to produce an inelastic spectrum, determining a spectral slope (1204) from the inelastic spectrum, determining a scaling factor (1202) based on the spectral slope (1204), determining a spectral shape associated with the detector (204), determining a detector-induced spectrum (606, 608) by applying the scaling factor (1202) to the spectral shape, and removing the detector-induced spectrum (606, 608) from the inelastic spectrum to produce a clean inelastic spectrum (604).

21-10-2020 дата публикации

Radiation sensor for determining the density of a material

Номер: GB0002582492A8

Technology for measuring the density of a material is disclosed. A device includes at least two radiation detectors, each having a signal with a characteristic time parameter, a pulse-shape discriminator to distinguish signals based on the time parameters, and a radiation shield that has different radiation paths to different detectors, wherein at least one of the radiation paths is configured to accept a material of unknown density. A method includes providing at least two detectors, each having a signal with a characteristic time parameter, providing a radiation shield that has different radiation paths to different detectors, measuring the intensity of radiation at each of the detectors using the characteristic time parameters to distinguish signals based on source detector, and combining the measures of intensity to estimate a density of a material found in greater amounts in one radiation path than in the other radiation path(s).

27-02-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008502190D0

03-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009018138D0

22-09-1999 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to verification and calculation

Номер: GB0009916928D0

15-02-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502195A4

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000481668T

15-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA229479A

15-06-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000229479A

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407350T

15-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000067318T

15-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000087336T

15-10-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000057024T

15-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000070369T

17-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002508169C

The invention concerns radiographic equipment. The equipment includes a source of substantially mono-energetic fast neutrons produced via the deuterium- tritium or deuterium-deuterium fusion reactions, comprising a sealed-tube or similar generator for producing the neutrons. The equipment further includes a source of X-rays or gamma-rays of sufficient energy to substantially penetrate an object to be imaged and a collimating block surrounding the neutron and gamma-ray sources, apart from the provision of one or more slots emitting substantially fan-shaped radiation beams. Further included is a detector array comprising a multiplicity of individual scintillator pixels to receive radiation energy from the sources and convert the received energy into light pulses, the detector array aligned with the fan-shaped beams emitted from the source collimator and collimated to substantially prevent radiation other than that directly transmitted from the sources reaching the array. Conversion means ...

05-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1083038A

A chelate of technetium-99m, cobalt-57, gallium-67, gallium-68, indium-111 or indium-113m and a substituted iminodiacetic acid or an 8-hydroxyquinoline useful as a radio-pharmaceutical external imaging agent. The invention also includes preparative methods therefor. This divisional application is particularly directed to a composition comprising a mixture of (1) the chelate of technetium-99m and an iminodiacetic acid chelating agent and (2) the stannous chelate of said chelating agent.

08-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA939486A

16-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001286425C

A cable insulation eccentricity and diameter monitor comprises a revolving structure mounted coaxially with the cable, a finely collimated source of gamma particles mounted on such revolving structure for generating a beam of gamma particles, a radiation detector fixed to the revolving structure for detecting the gamma particles scattered from such beam by the cable and for generating pulses the amplitude of which is dependent on the energy of the scattered gamma particles reaching the detector, first drive means for moving the source of gamma particles relative to the revolving structure so as to direct the beam at a first set of predetermined target positions corresponding to probable conductor and cable/atmosphere boundaries of the cable in a plane substantially normal to the axis of the cable, second drive means for repositioning the revolving structure to move the source of gamma particles and the radiation detector to a position around the cable which is at a predetermined angle with ...

01-02-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002436486A1

A radiation detection system has a linear array of radiation detectors, which are preferably ionization chambers. The detectors are connected, preferably permanently, to a multi-channel signal processor through a flexible multi- conductor shielded cable. The multi-channel signal processor is connected to a controller, such as a personal computer, through a multi-conductor cable and a communication interface device. Multiple detector arrays and multi-channel electrometers may be connected to a single personal computer and used simultaneously.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003097462A1

An X-ray fluorescence analyser comprises an X-ray tube (402) for emitting incident X-rays (206) in the direction of a first optical axis (204). A slurry handling unit (201) is configured to maintain a constant distance between a sample (202) of slurry and said X-ray tube. A first crystal diffractor (601) is located in a first direction from said slurry handling unit (201), and configured to separate a predefined first wavelength range from fluorescent X-rays (207) that propagate into said first direction. It is configured to direct the fluorescent X-rays in the separated predefined first wavelength range to a first radiation detector (602, 505). The input power rating of said X-ray tube (402) is at least 400 watts. The first crystal diffractor (601) comprises a pyrolytic graphite crystal (603). The optical path between said X-ray tube (402) and said slurry handling unit (201) is direct with no diffractor therebetween.

22-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3119854A1

A method is provided for measuring time varying particle fluxes with improved temporal resolution and signal to noise ratio. The particles can be photons, neutrons, electrons or electrically charged particles. The method includes a set of electronic and/or optical components and a set of algorithms that implement N-fold temporal multiplexing of the input flux. The system can be used to measure other types of flux by using a transducer to convert the flux into a compatible form. The system can include a transducer such as a scintillator that operates to convert particle flux incident into a photon flux proportional to the amplitude of particle flux. The invention can be used with multiplexing methods known to those skilled in the art, for example Hadamard and Fourier methods.

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003097473A1

X-ray fluorescence analyzer system comprises an X-ray tube (402),a slurry handling unit (201),and a crystal diffractor (601) located in a first direction from said slurry handling unit (201). The crystal diffractor (601) separates a predefined wavelength range from fluorescent X-rays (207) that propagate into said first direction, and directs the fluorescent X-rays in the separated predefined wavelength range to a radiation detector (602, 1605). The crystal diffractor (601) comprises a pyrolytic graphite crystal (603). Said predefined wavelength range comprises characteristic fluorescent radiation of a predefined element of interest with its atomic number Z between 41 and 60 the ends included. An energy resolution of said radiation detector (602, 1605) is better than 600 eV at the energy of said characteristic fluorescent radiation.

27-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001067213A2

12-04-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002027286A1

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000558090A

30-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000617512A5

25-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000095746C2

Изобретение относится к биологии-экологии, а именно к способам определения радионуклидного загрязнения пресноводной ихтиофауны. Способ предусматривает определение степени максимального радионуклидного загрязнения ихтиофауны пресноводных водоемов радиохимическим и/или гамма-спектрометрическим методами, причем как вид-индикатор для определения уровня загрязнения ихтиофауны водоемов90Sr по удельной активности данного радионуклида используют красноперку обычную Scardinius erythrophthalmus L., а как вид-индикатор для определения уровня загрязнения ихтиофауны137Cs - окуня обычного Perca fluviatilis. Для осуществления способа используют экземпляры рыбы-индикатора для красноперки - размером 19-22 см, возрастом 5-9 лет и весом 130-260 г, а для окуня - размером 23-30 см, возрастом 5-9 лет и весом 200-900 г.

25-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000104074C2

Изобретение относится к экспериментальным методам ядерной физики, в частности к измерению радиоактивности и выявлению аномальных гамма-зон. Способ выявления и идентификации радиоактивных аномалий в природной среде в потоке "in-situ" заключается в том, что используют один или несколько идентичных независимых спектрометрических каналов гамма-излучения, регистрируют временной ряд интенсивности спектрального состава гамма-излучения исследуемой среды за выбранный интервал времени и осуществляют градуировку гамма-спектрометрических каналов путем определения градуировочной кривой по положению центров пиков полного поглощения гамма-излучения. Согласно изобретению, в процессе градуировки гамма-спектрометрических каналов как излучатели используют заданные природные излучатели, которые содержатся в исследуемой среде, регистрируют за выбранный интервал времени энергетический спектр гамма-излучения этих излучателей и выделяют из полученного спектра пики полного поглощения гамма-излучения этих излучателей ...

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000085910U

Способ определения направления на постоянные точечные источники гамма-излучения в пространстве, в котором определение направления на гамма-источник проводят по измерению отношения плотностей потока фотонов, который регистрируют детекторами. Детекторы располагают внутри поглотителей заданной геометрической формы, которая определяет соответствующую плотность потока фотонов обратно пропорционально толщине поглотителя, через которую проходят фотоны, а отношение плотностей потока фотонов одна к другой дает возможность определить направление на постоянные источники гамма-излучения в плоскости или пространстве по коэффициентам пропорциональности или толщине поглотителя перед детекторами по направлению распространения гамма-излучения, которые определяются по формуле: де , .

15-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000058079 C2

Пристрій для вимірювання питомої (об'ємної) активності бета-радіонуклідів містить два фотоелектронних помножувачі, світлонепроникний корпус, циліндричний сцинтиляційний детектор у вигляді коаксіальних циліндрів із світлонепроникною перегородкою, спільною основою та кришкою, зовнішній захисний циліндр, внутрішній захисний циліндр, внутрішні коаксіальні циліндри. Новим у пристрої є те, що зовнішні циліндри кожної половини детектора є захисними і заходять один за одний без оптичного контакту між ними, зовнішній захисний циліндр перекриває усю бічну поверхню детектора і має таку товщину, щоб бета-випромінювання фону з енергією, що дорівнює нижній границі вибраного інтервалу енергій, було б ще зареєстроване у внутрішньому захисному циліндрі, який має висоту удвічі більшу, ніж внутрішні коаксіальні циліндри кожної половини детектора. Вирішується задача активного подавлення радіоактивного природного фону за рахунок усієї поверхні детектора.

17-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000015474U

Спосіб вимірювання гамма-випромінювання та потоків нейтронів, заснований на підрахунку доз гамма-випромінювання та потоків нейтронів, у якому використовується реакція високооберненої йод-йодидної системи з інертними електродами, а вимірювання гамма-випромінювання та потоків нейтронів проводять одночасно та дистанційно.

30-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000008566A1

Универсальный радиометр-дозиметр содержит высоковольтный источник питания, гасящий резистор, резистор нагрузки, общую шину, последовательно соединенные усилитель, амплитудный дискриминатор и первый измеритель частоты следования импульсов, а также второй измеритель частоты следования импульсов и детектор ионизирующих излучений с различными удельными ионизационными потерями.

16-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000029021A

Изобретение относится к медицине. Прогноз осуществляется путем исследования радиометрии цезия в плаценте. Дополнительно исследуются плацента, тимус, печень, селезенка, позвоночник, ребра с инкорпорированными -радионуклидами и их морфологические изменения, что дает возможность выделить таких детей в группу риска и проводить своевременную профилактику развития ранних патологических состояний у детей.

31-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000023951A

Изобретение относится к области ядерной физики. Устройство содержит блок детектирования, формирователь импульсов, схему измерения мощности дозы, источник питания, малошумящий усилитель импульсов. В качестве детекторов использован полупроводниковый полуизолирующий материал.

15-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000000943A1

Устройство содержит блок детекторов радиоактивного загрязнения, выходы которого подключены к входам блока формирователей импульсов и регистратор излучения. В него введены блок счетчиков импульсов и интерфейсный блок, а в качестве регистратора излучения использована микроЭВМ, первый-четвертый выходы которой подключены соответственно к дисплею, клавиатуре, печатающему устройству и накопителю на магнитных дискетах, при этом выходы блока формирователей импульсов через блок счетчиков подключены к входам интерфейсного блока, присоединенного выходами к входам микроЭВМ.

25-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000011880A1

Способ включает пропускание потока рентгеновского излучения через диэлектрическое вещество, измерение уровня возникающих при этом в данном веществе электромагнитных колебаний, по уровню которых судят об интенсивности рентгеновского излучения. С целью упрощения способа и повышения эффективности измерений интенсивности рентгеновского излучения от резонансного ускорителя заряженных частиц, диэлектрическое вещество выбирают твердым, измерение проводят на частоте, рапной или кратной рабочей частоте указанного ускорителя.

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid dual-modality image processing system and method

Номер: US20120002857A1

Hybrid dual-modality image processing systems and methods are disclosed. For example, an image processing system includes a computer for processing SPECT tomographic projection data and a CT volume image. The computer derives a SPECT transverse volume image from the projection data and registers the SPECT transverse volume image with the CT volume image to obtain an attenuation map and registration information. The computer uses the attenuation map and the registration information to derive a SPECT transverse volume image with attenuation correction. The computer uses the registration information to derive a SPECT transverse volume image without attenuation correction. The SPECT transverse volume images, with and without attenuation correction, are derived at or near the same time, using the same registration information. The registration information is stored in, carried by, or otherwise communicated through the attenuation map for subsequent processing of the SPECT transverse volume images.

10-04-2016 дата публикации

Держатель аналитических фильтров

Номер: RU0000161152U1

1. Держатель аналитических фильтров, содержащий корпус с герметичной крышкой, входным и выходным патрубками, размещенный в корпусе диффузор, связанный с входным патрубком, и упругий элемент для прижатия аналитического фильтра, отличающийся тем, что диффузор выполнен в виде тела вращения и включает коническую часть и стакан для размещения аналитического фильтра, при этом между конической частью диффузора и стаканом выполнена опорная кольцевая площадка для установки аналитического фильтра.2. Держатель аналитических фильтров по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что на кольцевой площадке размещена герметизирующая прокладка.3. Держатель аналитических фильтров по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упругий элемент для прижатия фильтра выполнен в виде пружины, закрепленной на внутренней стороне крышки с возможностью опирания на аналитический фильтр.4. Держатель аналитических фильтров по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что упругий элемент выполнен с возможностью опирания на край торцевой поверхности аналитического фильтра. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК G01T 7/00 (13) 161 152 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015155406/28, 24.12.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.12.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Ермаков Генрих Константинович (RU), Федотов Владимир Сергеевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2016 Бюл. № 10 1 6 1 1 5 2 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Держатель аналитических фильтров, содержащий корпус с герметичной крышкой, входным и выходным патрубками, размещенный в корпусе диффузор, связанный с входным патрубком, и упругий элемент для прижатия аналитического фильтра, отличающийся тем, что диффузор выполнен в виде тела вращения и включает коническую часть и стакан для размещения аналитического фильтра, при этом между конической частью диффузора и стаканом выполнена опорная кольцевая площадка для установки аналитического фильтра. 2. Держатель аналитических фильтров по п. 1, ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра

Номер: RU0000165606U1

1. Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра, в состав которого входят два детектора излучения, усилитель, согласующее устройство, интерфейсный модуль связи и блок питания, причём выход первого детектора излучения соединён с входом усилителя, выход согласующего устройства соединён с входом интерфейсного модуля связи, а блок питания, соединён с обоими детекторами излучения, отличающийся тем, что усилитель выполнен дифференциальным с двумя дифференциальными входами, второй вход из которых соединён с выходом второго детектора излучения, а также введен дифференцирующий блок, включенный между выходом усилителя и входом согласующего устройства, а блок питания соединён со всеми элементами измерительного модуля.2. Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что используется интерфейсный модуль проводной связи.3. Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что для подключения блока питания к источнику питания информационного устройства используется интерфейсный модуль проводной связи.4. Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что выход интерфейсного модуля связи подключается к информационному устройству через проводное разъёмное соединение типа «Jack Audio», или USB.5. Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что используется интерфейсный модуль беспроводной связи. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК G01T 7/00 (13) 165 606 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016107554/28, 02.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.03.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Косарев Сергей Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Косарев Сергей Александрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 02.03.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 27.10.2016 Бюл. № 30 1 6 5 6 0 6 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Измерительный модуль дозиметра-радиометра, в состав которого входят два ...

21-01-2019 дата публикации

Магнитный экран скважинных геофизических приборов

Номер: RU0000186408U1

Полезная модель относится к геофизическим исследованиям скважин, а конкретно к аппаратуре нейтронного каротажа. Магнитный экран содержит корпус блока детектора, в котором размещены сцинтилляционный кристалл и ФЭУ, выполнен в виде цилиндра из стали с высокой магнитной проницаемостью с толщиной стенки 2–10 мм, при этом на ФЭУ на всю длину в несколько слоёв намотана лента из магнитомягких сплавов общей толщиной 0,5–1,5 мм. Также роль магнитного экрана ФЭУ может выполнять прочный корпус геофизической аппаратуры, изготовленный из стали с высокой магнитной проницаемостью. Технический результат – повышение устойчивости аппаратуры к магнитным полям. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 186 408 U1 (51) МПК G01T 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01T 7/00 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018130742, 24.08.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 21.01.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 21.01.2019 Бюл. № 3 7247853 B2, 24.07.2007. RU 2474890 C1, 10.02.2013. SU 333517 A1, 25.11.1974. RU 2481598 C2, 10.05.2013. RU 20973 U1, 10.12.2001. (54) Магнитный экран скважинных геофизических приборов (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к геофизическим в несколько слоёв намотана лента из исследованиям скважин, а конкретно к магнитомягких сплавов общей толщиной 0,5–1,5 аппаратуре нейтронного каротажа. Магнитный мм. Также роль магнитного экрана ФЭУ может экран содержит корпус блока детектора, в выполнять прочный корпус геофизической котором размещены сцинтилляционный кристалл аппаратуры, изготовленный из стали с высокой и ФЭУ, выполнен в виде цилиндра из стали с магнитной проницаемостью. Технический высокой магнитной проницаемостью с толщиной результат – повышение устойчивости аппаратуры стенки 2–10 мм, при этом на ФЭУ на всю длину к магнитным полям. 1 ил. R U 1 8 6 4 0 8 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 6222192 B1, 24.04.2001. US Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для ...

24-01-2022 дата публикации

Детектор гамма-излучения и металлических объектов совмещенный

Номер: RU0000208951U1

Детектор гамма-излучения и металлических объектов совмещенный относится к устройствам поиска и обнаружения металлических предметов, совмещенный с радиационным контролем с использованием сцинтилляционных детекторов, и предназначен для поиска, обнаружения и локализации источников ионизирующих излучений (ИИ) - утерянных, преднамеренно спрятанных или несанкционированно перемещаемых, в том числе в экранированных контейнерах, изготовленных из специальных материалов (сталь, свинец, вольфрам и пр.), и может применяться в качестве носимого радиационного монитора.Детектор гамма-излучения и металлических объектов, совмещенный в едином корпусе, содержит металлодетектор и сцинтилляционный детектор гамма-излучения с предусилителем, блок питания, блок обработки гамма-детектора и блок обработки металлодетектора. Так же заявленное устройство содержит расположенные на корпусе блок светодиодов, тумблер включения, звуковой сигнализатор, микроконтроллер. Микроконтроллер осуществляет обработку импульсов детектора и управление сигнализацией. Заявляемый детектор дополнительно содержит кнопку регулировки чувствительности радиационного канала детектора гамма-излучения и индикаторы отображения скорости счета и мощности эквивалентной дозы. Тумблер включения и блок светодиодов расположены на торцевой части корпуса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 951 U1 (51) МПК G01T 1/167 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G01T 1/167 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019133134, 17.10.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Радатех" (BY) 24.01.2022 26.10.2018 BY U20180291 (45) Опубликовано: 24.01.2022 Бюл. № 3 2 0 8 9 5 1 R U (54) ДЕТЕКТОР ГАММА-ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ И МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИХ ОБЪЕКТОВ СОВМЕЩЕННЫЙ (57) Реферат: Детектор гамма-излучения и металлических содержит металлодетектор и сцинтилляционный объектов совмещенный относится к ...

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for detecting radiation exposure levels

Номер: US20120037807A1
Принадлежит: Dosimetry and Imaging Pty Ltd

Method and apparatus for detection and monitoring of radiation exposure are disclosed, utilising photoexcitable storage phosphors and reading apparatus in a number of configurations for use in homeland security, emergency response and medical fields. In one form, apparatus comprises a portable dosimeter device adapted to receive and multiple phosphor elements to allow population screening in event of mass exposure. Further forms for medical use include insertable probes and adhesive phosphor patches for use in detecting radiation exposure in medical therapy or imaging.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Image analyis method and system

Номер: US20120045106A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention relates to a system and method for enhancing image data obtained from a positron emission tomography (PET) scan. In various embodiments, the method comprises transforming an original image data set to provide a first modified image data set by performing a masked volume-wise principal component analysis (MVW-PCA) on the original image data set. The first modified image data set is then transformed to provide a second modified image data set by performing a masked volume-wise independent component analysis (MVW-ICA) on the first modified image data set, the second modified image data set thereby comprising enhanced image data.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Processing of radiological images to delete markers without image deterioration

Номер: US20120051497A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The disclosure generally relates to dual-energy imaging, and in particular, techniques to produce and process dual-energy images using a dual-energy imaging system. One embodiment provides a method for generating at least one image of a region of interest in a patient, the method comprising: obtaining at least two radiological images of the region of interest identified with at least one marker arranged on and/or around the patient, wherein a first image is acquired. with a first X-ray energy and a second image is acquired with a second X-ray energy; and determining a final radiological image of the region of interest by linearly combining the two radiological images to obtain an image without the markers.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for generating medical images

Номер: US20120078089A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for generating a hybrid imaging volume includes acquiring a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging dataset of an object using a PET imaging system, the PET imaging dataset including at least one motion affected portion and at least one non-motion affected portion, identifying a motion affected portion of the PET imaging dataset, motion correcting the identified portion of the PET imaging dataset to generate a hybrid portion, and constructing a hybrid PET image volume using the hybrid portion and the at least one non-motion affected portion. A system for implementing the method is also described herein.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Dual-source ct device and method for spiral scanning

Номер: US20120082289A1
Автор: Thomas Flohr
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

At least one embodiment of the invention relates to a dual-source CT device with two focus-detector systems arranged on a gantry offset at an angle n and at least one embodiment relates to a method for spiral scanning and for the reconstruction of tomographic image data of a patient. In at least one embodiment, the detectors have a different z-width in the system axis direction and a computer system with a program memory with at least one computer program, by which during operation the dual-source CT device controls a spiral scanning of a patient and CT-image data is reconstructed from absorption data obtained from both unequally wide detectors, wherein in particular a spiral is controlled with a couch feed rate per rotation, which is greater than the maximum couch feed rate possible with the narrower detector.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for assessing motion correction

Номер: US20120082350A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for evaluating the effectiveness of a motion correction procedure includes acquiring an imaging dataset of an object using an imaging system, identifying a motion affected portion of the imaging dataset, motion correcting the identified portion to generate a motion corrected imaging dataset, and displaying both the identified portion and the motion corrected imaging dataset on a display device in a comparable manner or format. A system and computer readable medium for implementing the method are also described herein.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Beta-Radiation Detector For Blood Flow and Chromatography

Номер: US20120085914A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A detection device for beta radiation includes first and second adjacent detectors and a coincidence counter unit. The same beta particle may be counted twice. Alternatively, one or more positrons may be detected along with one or more gamma photons.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

X-ray ct apparatus

Номер: US20120093280A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

In order to improve the tiling workability in manufacturing an X-ray detector and provide a technology for acquiring high-quality reconstruction images, when aligning a plurality of detector blocks (or detector modules) in a slice direction, a distance between adjacent X-ray detection elements between detector blocks (inter-block distance) is not matched with a distance between adjacent detector elements within a detector block (intra-block distance). Instead, between reference positions when manufacturing each detector block, output values at the positions, the number of which is the same as the number of X-ray detection elements between the reference positions and which are spaced at equal intervals, are estimated from the acquired raw data. Projection data is generated from the position and the raw data.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Method For Calibrating A CT System With At Least One Focus-Detector Combination With A Quanta-Counting Detector

Номер: US20120093282A1
Автор: Steffen Kappler
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method is disclosed for calibrating a CT system with at least one focus-detector combination with a quanta-counting detector including a plurality of detector elements, with the focus-detector combination being arranged to enable it to be rotated around a measurement region and a system axis arranged therein, and an X-ray bundle going out from the focus to the detector which possesses an X-ray energy spectrum over an energy range. In at least one embodiment of the method, actual attenuation values from CT scans obtained with an X-ray energy spectrum are compared with theoretical mono-energetic required attenuation values even in the paralysis range of the quanta-counting detector and a transfer function is determined between the required attenuation values and the actual attenuation values for each detector element and thereby a calibration of the measured attenuation values is carried out.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Strip device and method for determining the location and time of reaction of the gamma quanta and the use of the device to determine the location and time of reaction of the gamma quanta in positron emission tomography

Номер: US20120112079A1
Автор: Pawel Moskal

The subject of the invention is a strip device and method for determining the place and time of the gamma quanta interaction as well as the use of the device for determining the place and time of the gamma quanta interaction in positron emission tomography.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

High Density, Proportional-Mode, APD Arrays for Individual Scintillator Readout in PET Applications

Номер: US20120112083A1

The present invention is a photodetector including improved photosensors configured of an array of small (sub-millimeter) high-density avalanche photodiode cells utilized to readout a single scintillator. Each photosensor comprises a plurality of avalanche photodiodes cells arranged in an (n×n) array of avalanche photodiode cells (where, n>1) that are coupled to a single scintillation crystal. The overall (n×n) array area as the photosensor is the same as the area of a face of the scintillator and each avalanche photodiode cell has a surface area that is not greater than one square millimeter. The photosensor is also configured to facilitate reading the output of each avalanche photodiode cell in the array. By reading out each small avalanche photodiode cell independently, the noise and capacitance are minimized and thereby provide a more accurate determination of energy and timing.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

System and method for the identification of radiation in contaminated rooms

Номер: US20120112099A1

Devices and methods for the characterization of areas of radiation in contaminated rooms are provided. One such device is a collimator with a collimator shield for reducing noise when measuring radiation. The determination system uses a radiation detector comprising a plurality of overlapping layers of radiation sensitive film interspersed with adjacent layers of an attenuator material. The resulting sandwich of the stacked film layers and attenuator layers provides a useful detector. The detector can be used within a radiation detector apparatus having a collimator to enable a 360 degree field of view of radiation sources within a room or enclosed environment.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Using Image Cumulative Distribution Function for Tomographic Reconstruction Quality Control

Номер: US20120119096A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc

Methods and apparatuses for quality control in image space for processing with an input data set are disclosed. A method includes providing an image object, including multiple voxels, and an input data set. A data model is determined from the image object. A cumulative distribution function (CDF) for the input data set is determined from the data model and the input data set based on a plurality of projections. The CDF is transformed to an image cumulative distribution function (ICDF) in object space. The ICDF represents a number of standard deviations associated with each voxel of the image object. The output of the ICDF is displayed. A nuclear imaging system and a computer readable storage medium are also disclosed. Techniques disclosed herein facilitate efficient quality control for tomographic image reconstruction.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method

Номер: US20120134462A1
Автор: Ronald E. Massie
Принадлежит: Massie Ronald E

A dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system includes a controller with a microprocessor and a memory device connected to the microprocessor. An input device is also connected to the microprocessor for inputting diagnostic procedure parameters and patient information. X-ray equipment including an X-ray source and an X-ray detector array are connected to a positioning motor for movement relative to a patient's dental or orthopedic structure in response to signals from the microprocessor. The output consists of a tomographical densitometry model. A dental/orthopedic densitometry modeling method involves moving the X-ray equipment across a predetermined scan path, emitting dual-energy X-ray beams, and outputting an image color-coded to correspond to a patient's dental or orthopedic density.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Wireless radiation sensor

Номер: US20120145904A1
Принадлежит: National Yang Ming University NYMU

A wireless radiation sensor is disclosed. The wireless radiation sensor including a radiation sensing module capable of detecting radiation and generate pulsed signals; a wireless module (which can be a passive component/high-frequency antenna) that is connected to the radiation sensing module, which is capable of transmitting the pulsed signals without signal processing, which are received by a computer for data analysis, and a power supply module that is connected to the radiation sensing module and/or wireless module (if an active transmitting module is used) to supply required electricity.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Shield type radiation therapy and imaging hybrid device

Номер: US20120150018A1

A shielding structure against nuclear fragments (referred to as a shield) is operated according to ON and OFF of beam irradiation so as to reduce incidence of nuclear fragments on detectors during beam irradiation. This enables measurement of annihilation radiations and three-dimensional imaging of the irradiation field immediately after irradiation or even during irradiation.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

High performance straddle carrier cbrne radiation verification system

Номер: US20120153162A1
Автор: David L. Frank
Принадлежит: Innovative American Technology Inc

A hazardous materials detection and identification system includes a set of distributed sensors across one or more sides of a self propelled frame structure such as a straddle carrier or similar cargo equipment device. The system non-invasively analyzes vehicles, one or more containers in a stack, a container during lift and movement, a package, cargo, or other objects, that are located in an analysis position relative to the self propelled frame structure for detection and identification of hazardous materials such as chemicals, biological materials, radiological materials, fissile materials, and explosives (CBRNE). The system includes one or more detector arrays that can be configured for various applications such as: shipping container inspection, seaport security, cargo terminal security, airport vehicle inspection, airport cargo inspection, airport baggage inspection, vehicle inspection, truck stop cargo inspection, border protection inspecting vehicles, cargo, persons, railway inspections, railcar inspection, and subway security.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Anode target for an x-ray tube and method for controlling the x-ray tube

Номер: US20120163530A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Anode targets for an x-ray tube and methods for controlling x-ray tubes for x-ray systems are provided. One x-ray system includes a field-generator configured to generate a field, an electron beam generator configured to generate an electron beam directed towards a target and a voltage controller configured to control the electron beam generator to produce an electron beam at a first energy level and an electron beam at a second energy level. The x-ray system also includes a field-generator controller configured to control a field to deflect at least one of the electron beams, wherein the electron beam, at the first energy level, impinges on the target at a first contact position and the electron beam, at the second energy level, impinges on the target at a second contact position. The at the first contact position and at the second contact position is configured to filter x-rays.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Methods and phantoms for calibrating an imaging system

Номер: US20120163557A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A method for calibrating a medical imaging system includes performing an initial calibration of the imaging system, at a manufacturing site fabricating the imaging system, using a plurality of phantoms, shipping one of the phantoms to an installation site installing the imaging system, and performing a final calibration, at an installation site of the imaging system, using the shipped phantom. A set of calibration phantoms is also described herein.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

System and Method For Measuring and Analyzing Target Emissions

Номер: US20120168635A1

An interrogation component is controllable between three detection/timing modes: neutron generator OFF for predetermined amount of time (Mode 1), neutron generator pulsing at 5-10 kHz/2-10 microseconds (Mode 2), and neutron generator pulsing at 200-400 Hz/25-200 microseconds (Mode 3). Utilizing the interrogation component in the three detection/timing modes to inspect a target facilitates data collection in both passive and active modes for both passive and stimulated emissions of gamma and neutron radiation.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Radiation Detector

Номер: US20120187274A1
Автор: Masahiko Kurakado
Принадлежит: Individual

With radiation detectors in which the energy of radiation is absorbed in a semiconductor or insulator radiation absorber, where that energy is converted to phonons, and the radiation is measured by measuring those phonons with a phonon sensor provided on the surface of the radiation absorber, part of the energy of the radiation is expended in generating electron-hole pairs, and that portion of the energy does not contribute to the signal from the phonon sensor, resulting in low sensitivity and poor energy resolution. A radiation absorber, in which a high concentration of recombination centers is introduced so that electrons and holes excited by radiation recombine in a short time equal to or shorter than a signal extraction time, is used for the radiation detector. Therefore, the energy given to electron-hole pairs is also converted to phonons, thus improving the sensitivity and energy resolution of the radiation detector.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Cleaning apparatus and/or cleaning techniques for use with a radiographic examination device

Номер: US20120195410A1
Принадлежит: Analogic Corp

One or more techniques and/or systems are described herein for cleaning a portion of a radiographic examination apparatus whereon debris may accumulate. Typically, the portion being cleaned is within a scanning field of the radiographic examination device (e.g., within a portion of the radiographic examination device through which radiation traverses). Activation of a cleaning mechanism, or a portion thereof, may be timed to miss radiation emitted during a scan, and thus not interfere with a scan. Also, the cleaning mechanism, or a portion thereof, may be located so as to not attenuate radiation. If radiation is attenuated by the cleaning mechanism corrective techniques can be implemented to account for such attenuation.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Pet/mr scanners for simultaneous pet and mr imaging

Номер: US20120206139A1

In a combined system, a magnetic resonance (MR) scanner includes a magnet configured to generate a static magnetic field at least in a MR examination region from which MR data are acquired. Radiation detectors are configured to detect gamma rays generated by positron-electron annihilation events in a positron emission tomography (PET) examination region. The radiation detectors include electron multiplier elements having a direction of electron acceleration arranged substantially parallel or anti-parallel with the static magnetic field. In some embodiments, the magnet is an open magnet having first and second spaced apart magnet pole pieces disposed on opposite sides of a magnetic resonance examination region, and the radiation detectors include first and second arrays of radiation detectors disposed with the first and second spaced apart magnet pole pieces.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Motion index for medical imaging data based upon grangeat's formula

Номер: US20120213414A1
Автор: Ilmar Hein, Yu Zou
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

Embodiments and processes of computer tomography perform tasks associated with selecting a portion of projection or emission data that contain the least amount of motion based upon a predetermined motion index, a derivative of plane integral (DPI). Other embodiments and processes of computer tomography perform tasks associated with determining an amount of direction-dependent motion in an object based upon a comparison of the DPIs in predetermined directions.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

X-Ray Detector And Medical X-Ray Device

Номер: US20120223238A1
Автор: Michael Stark
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An X-ray detector having an active array comprising pixel elements for detecting X-ray radiation is provided to enable high-quality X-ray imaging, wherein each pixel element has a scintillator layer for converting X-ray radiation into light and a photodiode produced by means of CMOS technology for converting light into a measurable electrical signal, and wherein the pixel elements are arranged on a silicon substrate and a BOX (buried oxide) layer is sandwiched between the silicon substrate and the photodiode.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Multi-source radiation system and method for interwoven radiotherapy and imaging

Номер: US20120230464A1

An arc radiotherapy and imaging system is provided which includes a first radiation source and a second radiation source. The first radiation source is suitable for treating a region of a patient, and the second radiation source is suitable for imaging the region of the patient. A control is also provided for automatically adjusting system operation, according to a defined schedule, between treating the region of the patient using the first radiation source and imaging the region of the patient using the second radiation source, thereby facilitating both treating and imaging of the region of the patient.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, x-ray ct apparatus, and image processing method

Номер: US20120243759A1
Автор: Yasuko Fujisawa
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An image processing apparatus includes a contrast side obtaining unit, estimating unit, a simple side obtaining unit, a core area computing unit, a synthesizing unit and a display control unit. The contrast side obtaining unit obtains a contrast area and a high CT value area around the contrast area. The estimating unit estimates a contrast area in the non-contrast data and corresponding to the obtained contrast area. The simple side obtaining unit obtains a high CT value area around the estimated contrast area. The core area computing unit computes a core area included in the high CT value area of the contrast data and the non-contrast data. The synthesizing unit aligns the contrast data with the non-contrast data and generates superimposed data by superimposing the high CT value area of the contrast data on the non-contrast data. The display control unit displays the superimposed data on a display device.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Chamfered pallet for nuclear medicine

Номер: US20120267542A1

A pallet ( 10 ) for use with a gamma camera includes a rigid sheet ( 30 ) having a thickness (d) of less than six millimeters and a strength-enhancing curvature transverse to an axial direction (DA). At least a portion of an edge ( 32 ) of the rigid sheet has a bevel (B) with a length (x) along the sheet of at least about ten millimeters and a height (y) of at least about four-fifths of the sheet thickness. A protective covering ( 34 ) is disposed over the beveled edge. In a nuclear imaging method, a subject is disposed on the rigid sheet and a radiological image is acquired of at least a portion of the subject disposed on the sheet with at least one radiation detector head ( 8 ) positioned underneath or at an oblique angle below the subject. The bevel is effective to reduce or blur an edge artifact in the acquired image.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

System and method for specificity-based multimodality three- dimensional optical tomography imaging

Номер: US20120302880A1
Принадлежит: Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS

A system and method for specificity-based multimodality three-dimensional optical tomography imaging comprises steps of: optical imaging to obtain a light intensity of body surface optical signal of an imaging target; CT imaging to obtain structure volume data; establishing an equation representing a linear relationship between the distribution of the obtained light intensity of body surface optical signal of the imaging target, the obtained CT discrete mesh data and the distribution of unknown internal self-luminescence light sources; establishing a dynamic sparse regularization target function in every iteration for the equation; and reconstructing a tomography image. The present invention well considers the optical specificity of tissue, in which there is a non-uniform optical characteristic parameter distribution within the same tissue when finite element modeling is used, which is closer to the real situation, so that an accurate imaging effect is achieved.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Count rate adaptive filter for medical imaging systems

Номер: US20120305784A1
Автор: Gin-Chung Wang
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

Systems, devices, processes, and algorithms for adaptively filtering a signal output from a radiation detector and adaptively sampling the signal. A count rate of events detected by the radiation detector is estimated by a processing unit. An RC time constant of the filter and a sampling rate of an analog-to-digital converter are adjusted based on the estimated count rate. Events are continuously detected by the radiation detector and counted by the processing unit while the adjustable parameters (the RC time constant and the sampling rate) of the filter and the analog-to-digital converter are adjusted on the fly (in real time) to optimize an energy resolution of the detected events, while reducing degradation due to pile-up effects and improving efficiency of the analog-to-digital converter. The filter can be implemented through analog filters, digital filters, or a combination thereof.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Body section imaging apparatus

Номер: US20120324648A1
Автор: Masaharu Amano
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

There are provided a gantry with an opening having a central axis inclined so that the opening is directed obliquely downward, a chair disposed obliquely below the gantry, and having an inclined surface for supporting a patient M so that the central axis of the opening and a body axis A of the patient M become parallel, and a chair moving mechanism for driving at least one of the gantry and the chair to insert the patient M into the opening parallel to the central axis of the opening of the gantry. Thus, images can be picked up of the patient M in a comfortable position safely and efficiently.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Artifact removal in nuclear images

Номер: US20120328173A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The present disclosure relates various approaches for removing or reducing the effects of out-of-field sources of radiation if emission tomography applications. In certain embodiments, a plurality of measured views are acquired about an organ or region of interest. The measured views may be reconstructed to form an image and the image may be used in a cleaning or correction process that allows generation of a final image having reduced or eliminated artifacts attributable to out-of-field source effects.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Composite scintillator including a micro-electronics photo-resist

Номер: US20130005069A1

A radiation-sensitive detector includes a photosensor layer with one or more photosensor dixels and a composite scintillator layer with one or more scintillator dixels optically coupled to the photosensor layer. The composite scintillator layer is formed from a mixture including a scintillator material having a first refractive index corresponding to a first wavelength and a photo-resist used in micro-electromechanical systems production, having a second refractive index corresponding to the first wavelength. The first and second refractive indices are substantially matched, and the composite scintillator layer produces light having the first wavelength and that is indicative of x-radiation detected thereby.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

X-ray computed tomography apparatus and radiation detector

Номер: US20130010921A1
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, an X-ray computed tomography apparatus includes an X-ray tube, a detector, a first DAS, and a second DAS. The radiation detector includes a plurality of detection elements. Each detection element repeatedly detects X-rays generated by the X-ray tube and transmitted through a subject and repeatedly generates an electrical signal corresponding to the energy of the repeatedly detected X-rays. The first DAS acquires the electrical signal detected by part of the imaging region of each detection element in the integral mode. The second DAS acquires the electrical signal detected by the other part of the imaging region of each detection element in the photon count type mode.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

X-ray ct apparatus and image processing method

Номер: US20130010922A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp, Toshiba Medical Systems Corp

An X-ray CT apparatus has a scanner, a pre-scan control unit, an image generating unit, a region setting unit and a timing sensing unit. The pre-scan control unit controls an operation of the scanner to perform a pre-scan. The image generating unit generates image data of the object based upon the pre-scan. The region setting unit sets, on the basis of the image data, a region of interest, and a larger region encompassing the region of interest and a region around the region of interest and being used to determine whether or not a high pixel value region exists. The timing sensing unit senses, if the larger region does not include a pixel value higher than a first threshold, a timing to start a main scan, at which a pixel value of the region of interest exceeds a second threshold after injection of the contrast medium agent is started.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method

Номер: US20130022164A1
Автор: Ronald E. Massie
Принадлежит: Osseo Imaging LLC

A dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system includes a controller with a microprocessor and a memory device connected to the microprocessor. An input device is also connected to the microprocessor for inputting diagnostic procedure parameters and patient information. X-ray equipment including an X-ray source and an X-ray detector array are connected to a positioning motor for movement relative to a patient's dental or orthopedic structure in response to signals from the microprocessor. The output consists of a tomographical densitometry model. A dental/orthopedic densitometry modeling method involves moving the X-ray equipment across a predetermined scan path, emitting dual-energy X-ray beams, and outputting an image color-coded to correspond to a patient's dental or orthopedic density.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and ct system for recording and distributing whole-body ct data of a polytraumatized patient

Номер: US20130022256A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method and CT system are disclosed for recording and distributing whole-body CT data of a polytraumatized patient. In at least one embodiment the method includes producing a whole-body topogram including division and assignment of z- coordinate regions of the whole-body topogram to different body regions; performing a whole-body CT scan with the recording of CT raw data; assigning the CT raw data to the different body regions; reconstructing CT image datasets on a computer of the CT system; and sending only body region-specific CT image datasets to a number of remote workstations operated by technical specialists.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Anode-illuminated radiation detector

Номер: US20130049151A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Interconnect structures suitable for use in connecting anode-illuminated detector modules to downstream circuitry are disclosed. In certain embodiments, the interconnect structures are based on or include low atomic number or polymeric features and/or are formed at a density or thickness so as to minimize or reduce radiation attenuation by the interconnect structures.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for adaptive scatter correction

Номер: US20130058450A1
Автор: Jiang Hsieh, Xiaoye Wu, Xin Liu
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A CT system includes a rotatable gantry having an opening to receive an object to be scanned, an x-ray source configured to project an x-ray beam toward the object having a primary intensity, a detector configured to detect high frequency electromagnetic energy passing through the object and output imaging data, and a data acquisition system (DAS) connected to the detector and configured to receive the imaging data. The system also includes a computer programmed to obtain image projection data of the object from the DAS, correct the projection data using a scatter function that is based at least on a known characteristic of the x-ray beam, and generate images using the corrected projection data.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Arrangement and method for contactless signal transmission in computed tomography systems

Номер: US20130077740A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An arrangement for contactless transmission of electrical signals from at least two signal sources between a fixed gantry section and a gantry section rotatable about an axis of rotation of a computed tomography system is provided. The arrangement includes at least one annular electrical conductor arranged on the rotatable gantry section for emitting the electrical signals. The at least one annular electrical conductor is divided into n annular conductor segments that have no electrical connection to one another. The at least one annular electrical conductor also includes n transmission units. Each of the transmission units is electrically connected to a different annular conductor segment and feeds a different electrical signal into the annular conductor segments. At least two transmission units are electrically connected to different signal sources of the at least two signal sources.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Extremity imaging apparatus for cone beam computed tomography

Номер: US20130077741A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for cone beam computed tomography of an extremity has a digital radiation detector and a first device to move the detector along a circular detector path extending so that the detector moves both at least partially around a first extremity of the patient and between the first extremity and a second, adjacent extremity. The detector path has radius R 1 sufficient to position the extremity approximately centered in the detector path. There is a radiation source with a second device to move the source along a concentric circular source path having a radius R 2 greater than radius R 1 , radius R 2 sufficiently long to allow adequate radiation exposure of the first extremity for an image capture by the detector. A first circumferential gap in the source path allows the second extremity to be positioned in the first circumferential gap during image capture.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Method, computer system and ct system for determining a motion field and for motion-compensated reconstruction using said motion field

Номер: US20130077843A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method is disclosed for determining a motion field in an image space of a CT image data set for a partially and cyclically moving object, wherein a projection data set from a CT system covering a motion phase and a projection angle range is recorded, and an iterative determination of the motion field by minimizing a cost function from CT image data sets which are motion-compensated and reconstructed making use of motion fields and which have a first image resolution, with a first analytical reconstruction algorithm, the cost function being based on raw data or transformed into the image space. A method for generating a motion-compensated CT image data set for a partially and cyclically moving object is also disclosed, along with a computer system for image reconstruction and a CT system.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Detector modules and methods of manufacturing

Номер: US20130083887A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Detector modules and methods of manufacturing are provided. One detector module includes a detector having a silicon wafer structure formed from a first layer having a first resistivity and a second layer having a second resistivity, wherein the first resistivity is greater than the second resistivity. The detector further includes a photosensor device provided with the first layer on a first side of the silicon wafer and one or more readout electronics provided with the second layer on a second side of the silicon wafer, with the first side being a different side than the second side.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Centralized detection of radiation in multiple facilities

Номер: US20130085788A1
Автор: Steve Rowlan
Принадлежит: Nucor Corp

A central system of monitoring radiation levels in a plurality of facilities at the same time is disclosed. The system may include radiation detection systems, at least one processor to process monitoring data generated by the radiation detection systems to compensate for naturally occurring radiation, and a central monitoring station capable of generating an alarm at the central monitoring station and at a facility where an undesired radiation level has been detected. A method of monitoring radiation levels in production facilities is also disclosed. The method may include providing a plurality of radiation detection systems, providing a central monitor in communication with the radiation detection systems, communicating data from the radiation detection systems to the central monitor, and analyzing the data to detect potential radioactive materials.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Positron emission tomography method and device with application adaptability

Номер: US20130087697A1
Автор: Jingjing Liu, Qingguo Xie
Принадлежит: Raycan Technology Co Ltd

A positron emission tomography method and a device with application adaptability. The method includes: 1. scanning a tested object initially for obtaining initial activity information of the tested object; 2. programming and adjusting a detector module based on the result of the initial scan so as to obtain a new system structure, and rapidly calibrating the new system structure; 3. performing a scan with the new system structure for obtaining activity information of the tested object; 4. analyzing the activity information of the tested object obtained at step 3. If quality of the activity information can satisfy requirements of the application, the scan is finished; otherwise programming and adjusting the detector module is repeated, rapid calibration is performed, and the activity information of the tested object is obtained again with the new system structure until the activity information satisfies requirements of the application. The device includes a detector module ( 1 ), a detector control module ( 2 ), an image reconstruction module ( 3 ) and a detector programming module ( 4 ).

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087714A1

A mechanical device for supporting and attaching at least one ionizing radiation detection probe. For each detection probe it includes one probe-holder ending in a collimator-holder able to support a collimator intended to delimit a field of observation of the detection probe, and an attachment device intended to be attached to a glove port of a glove box, where the probe-holder, or each probe-holder, cooperates with the said attachment device. 1. A mechanical device for supporting and attaching at least one probe for detecting ionizing radiation characterized in that it includes , for each detection probe , a probe-holder ending in a collimator-holder able to support a collimator intended to delimit a field of observation of the detection probe , an attachment device intended to be attached to a glove port of a glove box , where the probe-holder , or each probe-holder , cooperates with the said attachment device and also a collimator and attachment means for attaching the collimator to the collimator-holder of the cylinder-cylinder fitting type , with at least one ball plunger intended to come to a stop against a notch held either by the collimator-holder , or by the collimator to prevent the collimator from rotating or sliding relative to the collimator-holder , where the collimator can be detached so as to be able to adjust a field of observation of the detection probe.2. A mechanical device according to claim 1 , in which the collimator-holder is provided with locking means for preventing the detection probe from sliding or rotating relative to the collimator-holder.3. A mechanical device according to claim 1 , in which the attachment device includes a central portion claim 1 , through which the probe-holder passes claim 1 , where this central portion is edged with a flange fitted with attachment means intended to cooperate with combined attachment means held by the glove port of the glove box claim 1 , where these attachment means are of the bayonet or claw ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Miniature Radiation Detector Module Configured as Smart Mobile Device/Phone Ad-On

Номер: US20130092843A1

A smart device “plug-in” radiation module(s) and/or methods are described wherein the bulk of non-sensor radiation circuitry is off-loaded to the smart device. By attaching the radiation module to the smart device via a power/communication port (for example, the smart device's headphone/microphone jack) robust attachment can be achieved as well as uniformity of attachment across different smart devices. A very small radiation module form factor is obtainable, not to mention a very significant cost reduction, allowing widespread adoption of radiation detectors as well as radiation geo-mapping. Power for the radiation module can be obtained from the smart device's headphone plug, utilizing the audio out (speaker) signal's power. Similarly, input to the smart device can be facilitated via the audio in (microphone) signal. Further, output of the radiation module can be visualized on the smart device, as well as control functions. 1. A radiation detector , capable of being plugged into a portable smart device's headphone/microphone jack , comprising:a housing;a headphone/microphone plug, extending from the housing, having at least sound-out, ground, and sound-in contacts;an audio signal conditioning/rectifying circuit coupled at least to the sound-out and ground contacts;a high voltage source coupled to an output of the audio signal conditioning/rectifying circuit;a radiation sensor coupled to an output of the high voltage source;a pre-amplifier coupled to an output of the radiation sensor;an energy detector coupled to an output of the pre-amplifier; andan impedance matcher coupled to an output of the energy detector, wherein an output of the impedance matcher is coupled to the sound-in contact of the headphone/microphone plug.2. The radiation detector of claim 1 , further comprising at an independent power source coupled to an input of at least one of the audio signal conditioning/rectifying circuit and the high voltage source.3. The radiation detector of claim 2 , ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094626A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Tadaharu

According to one embodiment, an X-ray diagnostic apparatus includes an X-ray source, an X-ray detector, a rotating mechanism, a control unit, and a reconstruction unit. The source irradiates an object with X-rays. The detector outputs projection data by detecting X-rays transmitted through the object. The rotating mechanism rotates the source and the detector around the object. The control unit acquires projection data, while making the rotating mechanism rotate the source and the detector, such that the number of views in a specific view angle range becomes larger than that in other view angle ranges. The reconstruction unit configured to reconstruct an image by using acquired projection data of each view. 1. An X-ray diagnostic apparatus comprising:an X-ray source configured to irradiate an object with X-rays;an X-ray detector configured to output projection data by detecting X-rays transmitted through the object;a rotating mechanism configured to rotate the X-ray source and the X-ray detector around the object while making the X-ray source and the X-ray detector face each other;a control unit configured to acquire projection data, while making the rotating mechanism rotate the X-ray source and the X-ray detector around the object, such that the number of views in a specific view angle range becomes larger than that in other view angle ranges; anda reconstruction unit configured to reconstruct an image by using acquired projection data of each view.2. The X-ray diagnostic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control unit increases the number of views in the specific view angle range as compared with the other view angle ranges by increasing a rate of acquisition of the projection data in the specific view angle range while keeping a rotational speed of the rotating mechanism constant.3. The X-ray diagnostic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control unit increases the number of views in the specific view angle range as compared with the other view angle ranges by ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Radiation Treatment Planning and Delivery for Moving Targets in the Heart

Номер: US20130102896A1
Принадлежит: CyberHeart, Inc.

Method and systems are disclosed for radiating a moving target inside a heart. The method includes acquiring sequential volumetric representations of an area of the heart and defining a target tissue region and/or a radiation sensitive structure region in 3D for a first of the representations. The target tissue region and/or radiation sensitive structure region are identified for another of the representations by an analysis of the area of the heart from the first representation and the other representation. Radiation beams to the target tissue region are fired in response to the identified target tissue region and/or radiation sensitive structure region from the other representation. 1. A method of radiating a moving target , the target comprising a target tissue having blood flowing therethrough , the target tissue having a tissue surface including an inner surface bordering the blood and an outer surface , the method comprising:acquiring a series of computed tomography (CT) volumes encompassing the target tissue;identifying the target in three dimensions in the acquired CT volume;computing a treatment plan according to the identified radiation target region;computing a dose distribution according to the computed treatment plan;displaying a visualization of the dose distribution using a surface rendering of the tissue surface of the target tissue in three dimensions (3D); anddelivering the dose distribution to the radiation target region to treat the target.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of displaying the visualization of the dose distribution comprises at least one of: 1) volume rendering claim 1 , 2) maximum intensity projection claim 1 , 3) minimum intensity projection claim 1 , 4) X-ray projection claim 1 , 5) haptic feedback claim 1 , 6) virtual fly-through claim 1 , 7) stereoscopic 3D rendering claim 1 , 8) virtual reality claim 1 , and 9) multi-planar claim 1 , oblique and curved reconstructions.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105698A1
Автор: FREIMANN Rolf

A method for locally resolved measurement of a radiation distribution () produced using a lithography mask () comprises providing a radiation converter () having an at least two-dimensional arrangement of converter elements () which can respectively be put in an active and a passive state, and are configured to convert incoming radiation in respect of its wavelength in the active state. The method further includes: manipulating the radiation converter () several times such that respectively only a fraction of the converter elements () adopts the active state, irradiating the radiation converter () with the radiation distribution () after every manipulation of the radiation converter () so that the active converter elements () emit wavelength-converted measuring radiation (), recording respective places of origin () of the measuring radiation at every irradiation with the radiation distribution (). 1. A method for the locally resolved measurement of a radiation distribution produced using a lithography mask comprising:providing a radiation converter having an at least two-dimensional arrangement of converter elements which have alternatively an active and a passive state, and are configured to convert incoming radiation with respect to its wavelength in the active state,manipulating the radiation converter plural times such that respectively only a fraction of the converter elements adopts the active state, irradiating the radiation converter with the radiation distribution after every said manipulation of the radiation converter thereby causing the active converter elements to emit wavelength-converted measuring radiation, and recording respective places of origin of the measuring radiation at every irradiation with the radiation distribution, anddetermining the radiation distribution produced by the lithography mask from the places of origin recorded with said respective irradiations.2. The method according to claim 1 ,wherein the radiation distribution is produced ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for improved energy series of images using multi-energy ct

Номер: US20130108013A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for creating an energy series of images acquired using a multi-energy computed tomography (CT) imaging system having a plurality of energy bins includes acquiring, with the multi-energy CT imaging system, a series of energy data sets, where each energy data set is associated with at least one of the energy bins. The method includes producing a conglomerate image using at least a plurality of the energy data sets and, using the conglomerate image, reconstructing an energy series of images, each image in the energy series of images corresponding to at least one of the energy data sets.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Unmanned underwater vehicle integrated radiation detection system

Номер: US20130110320A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

An unmanned underwater vehicle incorporates a structure having an integral scintillating material for a radiation detector and detection electronics connected to the radiation detector for measurement of the scintillation. A communication system is employed for transmission of scintillation measurement to a remote facility and a navigation control system provides for autonomous operation of the unmanned underwater vehicle or remote operation through the communications system

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130121555A1

A method and image reconstruction facility are disclosed for reconstructing an image dataset based on a projection dataset acquired with the aid of an x-ray computed tomography apparatus. With an embodiment of the method, a first image dataset is reconstructed based on the projection dataset and an edge image dataset is generated, which indicates a measure of an edge strength of edges occurring in at least one spatial/temporal direction in the first image dataset, as a function of location. An output image dataset is then generated based on the first image dataset, with the resolution in the first image dataset being increased as a function of location in at least one spatial/temporal direction taking into account the edge image dataset. 1. A method for reconstructing an image dataset based on a projection dataset acquired with the aid of an x-ray computed tomography apparatus , the method comprising:reconstructing a first image dataset based on the projection dataset;generating an edge image dataset, indicating a measure of an edge strength of edges occurring in at least one spatial/temporal direction in the first image dataset, as a function of location; andgenerating an output image dataset based on the first image dataset, with a resolution in the first image dataset being increased as a function of location in at least one spatial/temporal direction, taking into account the edge image dataset.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the edge image dataset indicates a measure of a relative edge strength relative to a local noise strength.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein to generate the edge image dataset claim 1 , the first image dataset is differentiated in at least one spatial/temporal direction.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the edge image dataset is used to generate an image sharpness correction dataset claim 1 , containing location-dependent image sharpness correction values as a function of the local edge strength claim 1 , and wherein the resolution in ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Radiopharmaceutical Concentration Measurement System and Method

Номер: US20130124103A1
Принадлежит: MEDRAD, INC.

The system for measuring the radioactive concentration of a radiopharmaceutical includes a container, an interrogation region, a radiation detector, a signal capture device and microprocessor system. The interrogation region associated with the container. The radiation detector to focus detecting radiation emitted from the interrogation region. The signal capture device capable of obtaining a radiation measurement of the interrogation region. The microprocessor system in data communication with the signal capture device. The microprocessor system is capable of calculating a radioactive concentration of a radiopharmaceutical emitting radiation contained in the interrogation region from the signal capture device. 1. A system for measuring the radioactive concentration of a radiopharmaceutical , comprising:a container;an interrogation region associated with the container;a radiation detector to focus radiation emitted from the interrogation region;a signal capture device capable of obtaining a radiation measurement of the interrogation region; anda microprocessor system in data communication with the signal capture device,wherein the microprocessor system is capable of calculating a radioactive concentration of a radiopharmaceutical emitting radiation contained in the interrogation region from the signal capture device.2. The system of wherein the microprocessor system is capable of calculating an identity of a radioactive nuclide associated with a radiopharmaceutical emitting radiation contained in the at least interrogation region from signal capture output.3. The system of further including an aperture system having at least one optical element disposed between the interrogation region and the radiation detector claim 1 ,wherein the radioactive concentration of a radioactive nuclide in the interrogation region is provided to the aperture system to control a selection of the at least one optical element.4. The system of further including a collimator disposed ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

System and method for acoustic noise mitigation in a computed tomography scanner

Номер: US20130129104A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A CT system is provided that includes an outer housing, a rotatable gantry positioned within the outer housing and having a gantry opening to receive an object to be scanned, an x-ray source mounted on the rotatable gantry and configured to project an x-ray beam toward the object, and a detector array mounted on the rotatable gantry and configured to detect x-ray energy passing through the object and generate a detector output responsive thereto that can be reconstructed into an image of the object. A hybrid noise mitigation system is included in the CT system that is configured to mitigate noise generated by the CT system during operation, the hybrid noise mitigation system comprising a passive noise mitigation device configured to control noise in a passive manner and an active noise mitigation device configured to control noise in an active manner.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Tumor Response Prediction to Therapy

Номер: US20130131491A1

Tumor responses to a therapy can be predicted in a more objective and quantitative fashion allowing doctors to make earlier determinations of how well a tumor is responding to therapy. If a patient were not responding well, valuable time could be saved and the patient could be switched to a more efficacious therapy. Tumor response predictions to therapy are determined from a combination of (i) the tumor volumes over time, (ii) the cellular proliferation over time and (iii) the cellular apoptosis over time. 1. A prediction method of a tumor's response to a therapy , comprising:(a) acquiring images of a tumor using an imaging device, wherein said acquisition of said images is performed over time;(b) determining tumor volumes using said acquired images, wherein said tumor volumes are determined over said time;(c) obtaining survival signals over said time by analyzing aspects of said tumor over said time;(d) obtaining death signals over said time by analyzing aspects of said tumor over said time;(e) determining cellular proliferation over said time, wherein said cellular proliferation is calculated by a balance over said time of said survival signals and said death signals;(f) determining cellular apoptosis over said time, wherein said cellular apoptosis is calculated by said balance over said time of said survival signals and said death signals; and(g) calculating a prediction of said tumor's response to said therapy from a combination of (i) said tumor volumes over said time, (ii) said cellular proliferation over said time and (iii) said cellular apoptosis over said time,wherein said determining and calculating are computer-implemented method steps performed by a computer.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said images are CT scans acquired by a CT imaging device claim 1 , X-rays acquired by an X-ray imaging device claim 1 , MR images acquired by an MR imaging device claim 1 , PET scans acquired by a PET imaging device claim 1 , or ultrasounds acquired by ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134313A1

A detector arrangement of an imaging system detector detecting ionizing radiation includes a detector carrier, a plurality of detector modules attached to the detector carrier, and a collimator disposed in the radiation direction in front of the detector modules which are disposed on the incident radiation measurement side. In at least one embodiment, at least one air gap is included for conveying cooling air is disposed between the collimator and the measurement sensors of the detector modules. A method is also disclosed for cooling a detector arrangement of a detector rotating around a system axis with a plurality of measurement sensors disposed next to one another and a collimator arranged in the radiation direction in front of the measurement sensors, wherein cooling air is conveyed in or against the system axis direction between the collimator and the measurement sensors which directly cools the surface of the measurement sensors. 1. A detector arrangement of an imaging system detector detecting ionizing radiation , comprising:a detector carrier;a plurality of detector modules attached to the detector carrier;a collimator, disposed in the radiation direction in front of the detector modules, the detector modules including measurement sensors disposed on an incident radiation measurement side, at least one air gap for conveying cooling air being disposed between the collimator and the measurement sensors of the detector modules.2. The detector arrangement of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of air channels are disposed on the detector carrier for transport of cooling air into and out of the at least one air gap.3. The detector arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the air channels are embodied at least partly as inlet air channels claim 2 , which effect an explicit supply of cooling air to the at least one air gap.4. The detector arrangement of claim 2 , wherein the air channels are embodied at least partly as outlet air channels which effect an explicit removal of ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134317A1
Принадлежит: Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

A detector and a method for the detection of ionising radiation are proposed. The detector () exhibits a detector body () made from a semiconductor material in which incident ionising radiation generates free electron-hole pairs, a cathode side () of the detector body () to which the free holes generated drift in an electric field, an anode side () of the detector body () to which the free electrons generated drift in an electric field, at least two electrodes () on the anode side () and at least two electrodes () on the cathode side (). There is a potential difference between the electrodes (). The potential difference between the individual electrodes () on the cathode side () is smaller than the potential difference between each of the electrodes () on the anode side () on the one hand and each of the electrodes () on the cathode side () on the other hand. As a result of irradiation of the detector body () with ionising radiation, electron-hole pairs are generated in the detector body (). Signals are detected at the electrodes () on the cathode side. The difference is calculated and evaluated from these signals. 1. Detector for the detection of ionizing radiation{'b': '2', 'with a detector body () made from a semiconductor material in which incident ionizing radiation generates free electron-hole pairs,'}{'b': 4', '2, 'with a cathode side () of the detector body () to which the free holes generated drift in an electric field,'}{'b': 3', '2, 'with an anode side () of the detector body () to which the free electrons generated drift in an electric field,'}{'b': 5', '6', '3, 'with at least two electrodes (, ) on the anode side (),'}{'b': 7', '8', '4, 'with at least two electrodes (, ) on the cathode side (),'}{'b': 7', '4', '8', '4', '7', '8', '4', '4, 'with several sections of a first electrode () on the cathode side () and several sections of a second electrode () on the cathode side (), where the sections of the first and the second electrode (, ) are arranged ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134320A1

A nuclear reactor fuel integrity monitor includes: a γ-ray detector which detects γ-ray of a specific radionuclide of a subject measurement medium of a nuclear reactor; a sample container which retains the subject measurement medium therein and surrounds the circumference of the γ-ray detector; and a measurement control device which performs a control so that a predetermined amount of the subject measurement medium is introduced into the sample container and calculates a concentration of the specific radionuclide from γ-ray data per each unit time detected by the γ-ray detector and a volume of the subject measurement medium introduced into the sample container. 1. A nuclear reactor fuel integrity monitor comprising:a γ-ray detector which detects γ-ray of a specific radionuclide of a subject measurement medium of a nuclear reactor;a sample container which retains the subject measurement medium therein and surrounds the circumference of the γ-ray detector; anda measurement control device which performs a control so that a predetermined amount of the subject measurement medium is introduced into the sample container, and calculates a concentration of the specific radionuclide from γ-ray data per each unit time detected by the γ-ray detector and a volume of the subject measurement medium introduced into the sample container.2. The nuclear reactor fuel integrity monitor according to claim 1 , whereinthe sample container is formed in a hollow shape and is wound on the γ-ray detector so as to surround the γ-ray detector in a spiral shape.3. The nuclear reactor fuel integrity monitor according to claim 2 , whereinthe subject measurement medium is a gas and the specific radionuclide is radioxenon.4. The nuclear reactor fuel integrity monitor according to claim 1 , whereinthe sample container includes a recess portion and the γ-ray detector is disposed in the recess portion.5. The nuclear reactor fuel integrity monitor according to claim 4 , whereinthe subject measurement ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136227A1
Автор: Ishihara Yotaro

A radiation tomography apparatus is provided. The radiation tomography apparatus is configured to display a dose near a surface of a subject. 1. A radiation tomography apparatus configured to display a dose near a surface of a subject.2. The radiation tomography apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising:a calculation means configured to calculate the dose based on a radiation dose measured only at a measurement position near a surface of an irradiated phantom.3. The radiation tomography apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said calculation means is configured to calculate the dose based on a radiation dose measured at a measurement position near a surface of the phantom where the radiation dose is substantially a maximum when the phantom is irradiated.4. The radiation tomography apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the phantom is placed on a scanning table plate claim 3 , and wherein the position where the radiation dose is substantially a maximum is a position most proximate to a radiation source.5. The radiation tomography apparatus according to any claim 2 , wherein said calculation means is configured to calculate the dose based on a first radiation dose measured at the measurement position when a scan of the phantom is performed.6. The radiation tomography apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein said calculation means is configured to calculate the dose based on a first radiation dose that results from dividing a radiation dose measured at the measurement position when a scan of the phantom is performed by a profile area resulting from normalizing a dose profile in a radiation beam width direction according to a peak dose value of the dose profile claim 2 , wherein the dose profile is measured at the measurement position when the phantom is irradiated with the same radiation beam width used for the scan.7. The radiation tomography apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the dose profile results from averaging a plurality of dose profiles measured by ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137975A1

A method for determining whether to administer a therapeutically effective amount of a receptor tyrosine kinase-inhibiting drug for tumor treatment, by determining a glucose uptake response in the tumor of a mammal. FDG-PET (2-deoxy-2-[F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography imaging) is used as a predictive, non-invasive, pharmacodynamic biomarker of response following administration of drug. 1. A method for determining whether to administer to a mammal a receptor tyrosine kinase-inhibiting drug for tumor treatment by determining a glucose uptake response in a tumor in the mammal , the method comprising:(i) administering to said mammal a first amount of a radionuclide-labeled glucose analogue that is taken up into said tumor and functions as a tracer in positron emission tomography and thereby determining a first glucose uptake response;(ii) administering to said mammal a test dosage of the drug;(iii) administering to said mammal a second amount of the radionuclide-labeled glucose analogue for determining a second glucose uptake response;(iv) determining the second glucose uptake response of said tumor by positron emission tomography imaging of said tumor at about 0.5-24 hours after completion of (ii); and(v) determining whether to administer the drug based on its pharmacodynamic effect as determined by a degree of inhibition of the glucose uptake response observed by positron emission tomography imaging by comparing said first glucose uptake response and said second glucose uptake response, wherein an inhibitory effect on the glucose uptake response after administration of the test dosage indicates that the mammal is likely to benefit from treatment with the drug.2. A method for treating a tumor of a mammal with a receptor tyrosine kinase-inhibiting drug comprising:(A) initially determining if said mammal is likely to respond to treatment by:(i) administering to said mammal a first amount of a radionuclide-labeled glucose analogue that is taken up into said ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Portable radiation detection unit

Номер: US20130140460A1
Автор: Masaaki Kobayashi
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A portable radiation detection unit comprises a radiation detection panel that detects radiation and a housing that contains the radiation detection panel, wherein the housing comprises a first housing portion, which includes at least one sidewall, and a second housing portion, which is independent from the first housing portion, and by using a configuration in which the first housing portion is movable with respect to the second housing portion, a distance between the sidewall of the first housing portion and an end portion of the radiation detection panel provided in the second housing portion is variable.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Sensing device having a thermal antenna and a method for sensing electromagnetic radiation

Номер: US20130142215A1

A method and a sensing device are provided. The sensing device may include: a thermal antenna that includes a resistive material and has a cross section that has dimensions that are of an order of a micron or of a sub-micron. The thermal antenna may receive electromagnetic radiation and directly convert it to heat. The sensing device may also include a supporting element, a thermal sensor arranged to generate detection signals responsive to a temperature of a sensed area of the thermal sensor, a holding element that may support and thermally isolate the thermal antenna and the thermal sensor and thermally isolate, and a readout circuit that may process the detection signals to provide information about the electromagnetic radiation that is directly converted to heat by the thermal antenna. The thermal antenna and the thermal sensor are spatially separated from the supporting element. 1. A sensing device , comprising: a thermal antenna that comprises a resistive material , wherein the thermal antenna that has at least one cross section that has dimensions that are of an order of a micron or of a sub-micron , and wherein the thermal antenna is arranged to receive electromagnetic radiation and to directly convert the electromagnetic radiation to heat.2. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal antenna is configured so that heat developed in the thermal antenna as a result of a direct conversion of the electromagnetic radiation to heat exceeds by magnitude a heat developed in the thermal antenna as a result of a flow of an electrical current developed in the thermal antenna as a result of the electromagnetic radiation.3. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal antenna is arranged to convert infrared radiation to heat.4. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal antenna is arranged to convert terahertz radiation to heat.5. The sensing device according to claim 1 , wherein the thermal antenna is arranged to ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142303A1
Автор: GOTO Takahiro

An X-ray image diagnosis apparatus according to embodiments includes: a table on which an examinee lies down; a table driving unit configured to move the table upward and downward; an imaging device configured to take a side image of the examinee by irradiating a side of the examinee on the table with X-rays and detecting X-rays transmitted through the examinee; and a controller configured to control the table driving unit so that the table driving unit moves the table upward or downward to make a center position of the examinee on the table in a thickness direction of the examinee coincide with a center position of the side image in an upward-downward moving direction of the table. 1. An X-ray image diagnosis apparatus comprising:a table on which an examinee lies down;a table driving unit configured to move the table upward and downward;an imaging device configured to take a side image of the examinee by irradiating a side of the examinee on the table with X-rays and detecting X-rays transmitted through the examinee; anda controller configured to control the table driving unit so that the table driving unit moves the table upward or downward to make a center position of the examinee on the table in a thickness direction of the examinee coincide with a center position of the side image in an upward-downward moving direction of the table.2. The X-ray image diagnosis apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe controller acquires a height position of the table, and controls the table driving unit by using this height position of the table so that the table driving unit moves the table upward or downward to make the center position of the examinee on the table in the thickness direction coincide with the center position of the side image in the upward-downward moving direction of the table.3. The X-ray image diagnosis apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein a correction-amount calculator configured to acquire the height position of the table, calculate a thickness of ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142410A1

An apparatus comprises: an imaging system () configured to acquire emission data from a cyclically varying element; a monitoring instrument () configured to measure the cyclical varying of the cyclically varying element; and an electronic device () configured to locate an image feature corresponding to the cyclically varying element in the acquired emission data based on correlation of time variation of the emission data with the cyclical varying of the cyclically varying element measured by the monitoring instrument. The located image feature may be verified by: thresholding a projection image generated from the emission data to generate a mask image; identifying in the mask image one of (i) a hollow circular feature, (ii) a hollow oval feature, (iii) a circular cavity feature, and (iv) an oval cavity feature; and verifying the located image feature based on whether the identifying operation is successful 1. A method comprising:binning emission data acquired from a cyclically varying element into a plurality of different phases of the cyclical varying;computing difference emission data comprising differences between emission data in the different phases of the cyclical varying; andlocating an image feature corresponding to the cyclically varying element in the emission data based on the difference emission data;wherein at least the computing and locating are performed by an electronic device.2. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the cyclically varying element is a beating heart claim 1 , the cyclical varying is the beating of the heart claim 1 , and the plurality of different phases are a plurality of different cardiac phases of the beating of the heart.3. The method as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the computing comprises:computing difference projection data in projection data space comprising differences between projection data in the different phases of the cyclical varying.4. The method as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the computing comprises: ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148778A1

A subject support () for an imaging system () includes a moveable portion () that includes a surface () on which the subject is loaded and that is configured to move into an examination region of the imaging system where the subject is to be scanned. The support further includes a scan position identifier () that generates a signal indicative of at least one of a start scan position or an end scan position for a predetermined region of interest of the subject based on a location of the region of interest on the moveable portion of the subject support for an arbitrary relative position of the moveable portion with respect to the examination region. 1. A subject support that supports a subject to be scanned by an imaging system , comprising:a moveable portion that includes a surface on which the subject is loaded and that is configured to move into an examination region of the imaging system where the subject is to be scanned; anda scan position identifier that generates a signal indicative of at least one of a start scan position or an end scan position for a predetermined region of interest of the subject based on a location of the region of interest on the moveable portion of the subject support for an arbitrary relative position of the moveable portion with respect to the examination region.2. The subject support of claim 1 , wherein the scan position identifier generates the signal independent of the position of the moveable portion with respect to the examination region.3. The subject support of claim 1 , wherein the scan position identifier provides a moveable position marker that is moved to the subject to identify the at least one of the start scan position or the end scan position.4. The subject support of claim 1 , wherein the signal sets at least one of an initial scan start position or an initial end scan position for at least one of a pre-scan or a diagnostic scans.5. The subject support of claim 1 , wherein scan position identifier is affixed to the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150645A1
Автор: Moyers Michael F.

Support devices and pods for the head and neck region of patients undergoing radiation therapy are provided herein. The pod generally includes a support shell shaped to generally conform to the shape of the head and neck region of the patient, a foam insert that conforms to the head and neck region of the patient, and an immobilization facemask attached directly to the shell, thereby facilitating close placement of the radiation beam delivery device to the patient and reducing any attenuation and perturbation of radiation doses directed at the patient. The components of the pod are made from materials having properties that reduce any attenuation and perturbation of prescribed radiation doses. 1. A pod for supporting a head and neck region of a patient during radiation treatment , the pod comprising:a shell generally conforming to the head and neck region of the patient, the shell comprising a shell caudal end, a cephalad end, and two lateral portions that are configured to extend generally upward and around the sides of a recumbent patient's head, the lateral portions having a relatively small thickness and tapering to a smaller thickness as the lateral portions extend upward;a facemask configured to attach to the two lateral portions of the support shell to immobilize the patient, the facemask having a first facemask lateral edge and a second facemask lateral edge and configured to extend laterally between the two lateral portions of the support shell; and a first locating pin on a first one of the two lateral portions,', "a second locating pin formed on a second one of the two lateral portions that is on the other side of the patient's head from the first one of the two lateral portions,", 'a first receiving slot near the first facemask lateral edge to receive the first locating pin, and', 'a second receiving slot near the second facemask lateral edge to receive the second locating pin., 'a facemask-to-shell attachment system comprising'}2. The pod of claim 1 , ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153778A1

The present invention provides a crystalline quality evaluation apparatus () and a crystalline quality evaluation method for thin-film semiconductors, which are designed to evaluate crystalline quality of a sample () of a thin-film semiconductor () by emitting excitation light and an electromagnetic wave to irradiate a measurement site of the sample (), and detecting an intensity of a reflected electromagnetic wave from the sample (). In the present invention, the thin-film semiconductor () of the sample () is formed on an electrically conductive film (b), and a dielectric () transparent to the excitation light is additionally disposed between the sample () and a waveguide () for emitting the electromagnetic wave therefrom. Thus, the thin-film semiconductor crystalline quality evaluation apparatus () and method configured in this manner make it possible to evaluate the crystalline quality even in the above situation where the electrically conductive film () is formed under the semiconductor thin-film (). 1. A crystalline quality evaluation apparatus for thin-film semiconductors , comprising:an excitation light emitting section for emitting excitation light having energy equal to or greater than a band gap of a thin-film semiconductor of a sample, to irradiate a measurement site of the sample;an electromagnetic wave emitting section for emitting an electromagnetic wave to irradiate an irradiation position of the excitation light;a detection section for detecting an intensity of a reflected electromagnetic wave from the sample, which changes in response to irradiation with the excitation light; andan evaluation section for, based on a result of the detection by the detection section, evaluating crystalline quality of the sample,wherein the thin-film semiconductor of the sample is formed on an electrically conductive film, and wherein the crystalline quality evaluation apparatus further comprises a dielectric which is disposed between the sample and the electromagnetic ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153780A1

A digital X-ray detector is provided, and the digital X-ray detector includes an X-ray detection array configured to detect an X-ray image when a subject is irradiated with X-ray; a support board configured to support a lower part of the X-ray detection array and have a bottom surface thereon a plurality of spaced-apart first joining portions are formed; an external case configured to accommodate the X-ray detection array and the support board and have an inner bottom surface thereon a plurality of second joining portions are formed to correspond to the plurality of first joining portions; and shock absorption members configured to be vertically arranged between the bottom surface of the support board and the inner bottom surface of the external case, each shock absorption member having an upper end to be coupled to the first joining portion and a lower end to be coupled to the second joining portion. 1. A digital X-ray detector comprising:an X-ray detection array configured to detect an X-ray image when a subject is irradiated with X-ray;a support board configured to support a lower part of the X-ray detection array and have a bottom surface thereon a plurality of spaced-apart first joining portions are formed;an external case configured to accommodate the X-ray detection array and the support board and have an inner bottom surface thereon a plurality of second joining portions are formed to correspond to the plurality of first joining portions; andshock absorption members configured to be vertically arranged between the bottom surface of the support board and the inner bottom surface of the external case, each shock absorption member having an upper end to be coupled to the first joining portion and a lower end to be coupled to the second joining portion.2. The digital X-ray detector of claim 1 , wherein each of the first joining portions comprises a first groove which the upper end of the shock absorption member is inserted into claim 1 , and each of the second ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

X-ray ct apparatus

Номер: US20130156149A1
Автор: Ryota Kohara
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

An X-ray CT apparatus of the present invention includes an image reconstruction uJnit that, according to scanning conditions, acquires an irradiated X-ray image which is the distribution of the irradiation intensity of X-rays irradiated to an object by an X-ray irradiation unit, performs projection conversion of the irradiated X-ray image and a reconstructed image, and generates an exposure dose image, which is an image showing the distribution of an exposure dose of the object, and also calculates the exposure dose using the projection-converted reconstructed image and an irradiated X-ray image corresponding to a generation region of the reconstructed image.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161525A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The present invention provides a radiographic image detector that may maintain even resolution in 6 directions before and after 3-pixel binning process. Namely, out of plural pixels with hexagonal shaped pixel regions in a radiation detector, for plural pixel groups respectively configured from 3 pixels, 3 pixels worth of charges in the radiation detector are read together, the charge signals of these 3 pixels combined, and integrated in sequence with a charge amplifier. For specific pixel groups, out of 3 pixels configuring the specific pixel groups, the charge signals of 2 pixels worth, and the charge signal of the remaining 1 pixel worth are summed with the same charge amplifier using shifted integration timings. 3-pixel binning is thereby performed. 1. A radiographic image detector comprising:a sensor portion including a plurality of pixels, arrayed in a honeycomb pattern, that each generates charges according to irradiated radiation and has a hexagonal shaped pixel region;a detection section, provided for each of the plurality of pixels, each including a pixel electrode that collects the charges, a storage capacitor that accumulates the charges collected by the pixel electrode, and a first switching element and a second switching element that read out the charges accumulated in the storage capacitor;a plurality of first scan lines that are disposed one for each of a plurality of pixel rows and that are each connected to control terminals of the first switching elements in the corresponding pixel row;a plurality of second scan lines that are disposed one for each of respective pairs of the plurality of pixel rows that are adjacent to each other in a column direction, and that are each connected to control terminals of the second switching elements in the corresponding column direction adjacent pair of pixel rows; a plurality of first data lines that transmit first charge signals corresponding to a combined charge amount of 3 pixels that are read out by the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130168563A1

A multi-energy radiation detector may include an array substrate including a plurality of unit circuits, and/or a photoelectric conversion layer on the array substrate. The photoelectric conversion layer may include a plurality of regions having thicknesses different from each other. A method of manufacturing a multi-energy radiation detector may include forming gate and first electrodes by forming and patterning a first metal layer on a substrate; forming an insulating layer on the gate and first electrodes; forming a channel layer by forming and patterning a semiconductor layer on the insulating layer; forming source, drain, and second electrodes by forming and patterning a second metal layer on the channel layer; forming a passivation layer to cover the source, drain, and second electrodes; forming a first photoelectric conversion layer on the passivation layer; and/or forming a second photoelectric conversion layer on part of the first photoelectric conversion layer. 1. A multi-energy radiation detector , comprising:an array substrate including a plurality of unit circuits; anda photoelectric conversion layer on the array substrate;wherein the photoelectric conversion layer includes a plurality of regions having thicknesses different from each other.2. The multi-energy radiation detector of claim 1 , wherein the photoelectric conversion layer further includes:a first region that is relatively thin; anda second region that is relatively thick.3. The multi-energy radiation detector of claim 2 , wherein the first region has a thickness greater than or equal to 30 μm and less than or equal to 200 μm claim 2 , andwherein the second region has a thickness greater than or equal to 300 μm and less than or equal to 1,000 μm.4. The multi-energy radiation detector of claim 2 , wherein a radiation of a first energy band is detected by the first region claim 2 ,wherein a radiation of a second energy band is detected by the second region, andwherein the first energy band is ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170612A1
Принадлежит: Cefla Societa Cooperativa

Apparatus and method for acquiring panoramic, teleradiographic and optionally CBCT volumetric dental radiographies, comprising a support holding a rotary arm which in its turn supports at one end a first X-ray source and at the other end an X-ray detector at a suitable distance for acquiring panoramic and optionally CBCT volumetric images. Apparatus comprises only one patient positioning system and a second X-ray source at a distance from detector suitable for acquiring cranial teleradiographies. 121262728. Apparatus () for acquiring panoramic , teleradiographic and optionally CBCT volumetric dental radiographies , comprising a support holding a rotary arm () which in its turn supports at one end a first X-ray source () and at the other end an X-ray detector () at a suitable distance for acquiring panoramic and optionally CBCT volumetric images ,characterized in that{'b': 25', '207', '28, 'there is only one patient positioning system (), and comprising a second X-ray source () at a distance from detector () suitable for acquiring cranial teleradiographies.'}228. Apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising only one X-ray detector ().3. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the X-ray detector is an area sensor.4. Apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the area sensor is used in PAN mode for panoramic acquisitions and in standard mode for teleradiographic and optionally CBCT volumetric acquisitions.5. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the X-ray detector is a linear sensor.6. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein two X-ray detectors are present: one sensor for acquiring panoramic and teleradiographic images and one sensor for acquiring CBCT volumetric images claim 1 , both sensors fixed on a mechanism allowing to alternate them.727. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first X-ray source () is a rotating anode X-ray tube.8. Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the second X-ray source is a fixed anode X-ray tube.920328204272052620520728. ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130171587A1
Автор: Akutsu Isao
Принадлежит: Implantdent Co., Ltd.

The present invention provides an inexpensive surgical guide preparation tool by which an insertion hole for implant can be correctly and easily formed at a predetermined position. 1. A surgical guide preparation tool comprising a gauge body having a pair of marker members , wherein each of the marker members are provided with plural marks which are recognizable by a CT scanned image and disposed longitudinally and laterally at substantially regular intervals , and the gauge body is installed at a position corresponding to a deficient tooth of a surgical guide body.2. The surgical guide preparation tool according to claim 1 , which further comprises a support member which connects the pair of marker members at a predetermined distance.37.-. (canceled)8. A method for preparing a surgical guide comprising: a step of preparing a gauge body having a pair of marker members claim 1 , wherein each of the marker members is provided with plural marks which are recognizable by a CT scanned image and disposed longitudinally and laterally at substantially regular intervals;a step of installing the gauge body at a position of the surgical guide body that corresponds to a deficient tooth, capturing a CT scanned image obtained in such a state that the surgical guide body is installed on the teeth into a computer, and reading the positions of marks of respective marker members corresponding to the insertion direction of the implant by analysis with computer operation;a step of inserting a positioner into the internal side of the guide ring, inserting the guide ring into the internal side of the gauge body, and inserting a pin in such a direction connecting the axis of the positioner and the positions of the marks of respective marker members from which the insertion direction of the implant has been read; anda step of fixing the guide ring to the surgical guide body at such a position where the pin is inserted, and then removing the pin, positioner and gauge body.9. The method for ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172739A1
Автор: Paladini Gianluca
Принадлежит: Siemens Corporation

A nuclear probe and ultrasound transducer are interconnected, such as being in a same hand-held housing. The interconnection aligns the coordinate systems in a known spatial relationship. The ultrasound data is used to detect transducer offset or change in position without a tracking sensor. The radiation detected by the nuclear probe may be reconstructed into an image based on the detected transducer position since the nuclear probe moves with the ultrasound transducer. Both anatomical and functional imaging may be provided together without the complications of calibration and tracking. Where a therapeutic transducer is included, therapy may also be provided. The anatomical and functional information identifies the regions for treatment. The same device, already positioned correctly based on the functional and anatomical imaging, is then used for treatment with high intensity focused ultrasound. 1. A probe for multi-modal medical imaging and therapy , the probe comprising:an ultrasound transducer comprising a plurality of elements in an array;a nuclear detector for detecting radiation;an interconnection between the ultrasound transducer and the nuclear detector;a handheld housing of the ultrasound transducer, the interconnection providing common movement of the handheld housing of the ultrasound transducer and the nuclear detector during scanning by the ultrasound transducer and detection by the nuclear detector, such that movement of the handheld housing moves the nuclear detector and interconnection;a processor configured to generate an image representing anatomy from the ultrasound transducer and representing functional information from the nuclear detector, the processor further configured for directing therapy based on a location represented by the functional information.2. The probe of wherein the ultrasound transducer and the nuclear detector being within the handheld housing claim 1 , the interconnection being fixed within the handheld housing.3. The probe ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Reinforced cover for image receptor assemblies

Номер: US20130175448A1

The present disclosure provides a bi-directional image receptor assembly capable of receiving an image receptor in either a lengthways (or longitudinal) or crossways (or transverse) orientation, while maintaining the axis of an anti-scatter grid in a fixed position. The axis of the anti-scatter grid can be placed in a fixed orientation (such as a parallel orientation) to a subject's craniocaudal axis regardless of whether the image receptor is inserted in the lengthways or crossways orientation. Methods of using the bi-directional image receptor assembly in mobile radiography are also disclosed. The present disclosure further provides for an X-ray image receptor comprising a portion of an automatic position measurement system. Still further, the present disclosure provides for a cover comprising a reinforcing geometry that maximizes the strength of the cover while minimizing the thickness of the cover. 125.-. (canceled)26. An image receptor assembly comprising a cover with a reinforcing geometry that is stiffer than a flat cover of the same thickness and material.27. The image receptor assembly of wherein the reinforcing geometry is one of the following group: ridged claim 26 , domed claim 26 , vaulted claim 26 , pyramidal claim 26 , truncated pyramidal.28. The image receptor assembly of wherein the reinforcing geometry is a combination of two or more shapes from the following group: ridged claim 26 , domed claim 26 , vaulted claim 26 , pyramidal claim 26 , truncated pyramidal. This is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/569,249, filed 2009 Sep. 29, now U.S. Pat. No. ______, issued ______, incorporated herein by reference.The present disclosure relates generally to X-ray imaging and more specifically to an image receptor assembly for accepting an image receptor in mobile radiography.Transmission X-ray imaging involves a point source (sometimes referred to as a focus or X-ray focus) of X-rays, a collimator to limit the X-rays to the region of interest ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Radiation detector

Номер: US20130175451A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

A radiation detector is provided that allows correction so as to identify incident gamma-ray positions accurately with no influence of afterglow of fluorescence. The radiation detector includes an intensity-data acquiring section for acquiring intensity data representing intensity of fluorescence outputted from a light detector for every temporally-constant sampling interval, and a correction-value acquiring section section for acquiring a correction value used for correction of variations in intensity data resulting from afterglow of the fluorescence. In addition, the radiation detector includes an integrating section for correcting the intensity data using the correction value. This allows correct calculation of the integrated value m with no influence of the afterglow of fluorescence.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177130A1

An X-ray imaging apparatus including: X-ray generation means that irradiates X-rays from the focus and that has a first portion changing so as to have a first change component and a second portion changing so as to have a second change component, which is different from the first change component; focus position detection means that detects a focus position when the X-rays are irradiated; focus position change amount estimation means that estimates the amount of change in the focus position at an arbitrary point of time with respect to the reference position of the focus using a first amount of change, which changes so as to have the first change component, and a second amount of change, which changes so as to have the second change component; and correction means that corrects the positions of the irradiation region of the X-rays so as to cancel the amount of change in the focus position estimated by the focus position change amount estimation means. 1. An X-ray imaging apparatus comprising:an X-ray generation unit that irradiates X-rays from a focus and that has a first portion changing so as to have a first change component and a second portion changing so as to have a second change component, which is different from the first change component, due to heat generated by the X-ray generation unit;an X-ray detection unit that detects the X-rays and converts the detected X-rays into electrical signals;a focus position detection unit that detects a focus position when the X-rays are irradiated;a focus position change amount estimation unit that estimates an amount of change in the focus position with respect to a reference position of the focus using a first amount of change, which changes so as to have the first change component, and a second amount of change, which changes so as to have the second change component; anda correction unit that corrects relative positions of an irradiation region of the X-rays and the X-ray detection unit so as to cancel the amount of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130186762A1

An in situ method for detecting alpha particles contained in a liquid medium, which uses a system which includes a counter-electrode and an alpha particle detector including a substrate made of an intrinsic semiconductor material sandwiched between two electrical contacts, wherein the contact intended to be in contact with the liquid medium is made of boron-doped diamond. By forming a particular electrolyte 8 and by causing a current to flow between counter-electrode and the boron-doped diamond contact in contact with the liquid medium, actinides or polonium present in the liquid medium may be concentrated on the boron-doped diamond contact, and by this means the detection limit of the alpha emitters may be lowered. 1. A method for detecting alpha activity of a liquid medium containing ions of at least one actinide and/or polonium ions , wherein said method includes the following successive steps: an alpha particle detector including an assembly formed of a substrate made of an intrinsic semiconductor material which is sandwiched between two layers made of electrically conductive materials, respectively forming a first and a second electrical contact, wherein the first contact is intended to be in contact with the liquid medium, and is made from boron-doped diamond;', 'a counter-electrode made of an electrically conductive material, intended to be brought into contact with the liquid medium; and', "means to connect said counter-electrode and the first electrical contact of the detection system's detector to an electrical current source in order to allow the ions present in the liquid medium to flow from the counter-electrode to the detector's first electrical contact, or vice versa;"], 'a) provision of an in situ system for detecting alpha particles in a liquid medium, wherein the in situ system includesb) bringing the first contact of the detection system's detector into contact with the liquid medium, and bringing the detection system's counter-electrode into ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188768A1
Автор: LEE Ja Woo

A vibration control apparatus may include a fluid bearing provided around a rotating body to form a fluid bearing gap between the fluid bearing and the rotating body; and/or a pressure regulator configured to variably control a pressure of the fluid bearing, based on imbalance information of the rotating body, to compensate for imbalance of the rotating body. A computed tomography scanner may include a gantry configured to generate a computed tomography image while rotating around a test subject; a fluid bearing provided around the gantry to form a fluid bearing gap between the fluid bearing and the gantry; and/or a pressure regulator configured to variably control a pressure of the fluid bearing, based on imbalance information of the gantry, to compensate for imbalance of the gantry. 1. A vibration control apparatus , comprising:a fluid bearing provided around a rotating body to form a fluid bearing gap between the fluid bearing and the rotating body; anda pressure regulator configured to variably control a pressure of the fluid bearing, based on imbalance information of the rotating body, to compensate for imbalance of the rotating body.2. The vibration control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluid bearing is an air bearing.3. The vibration control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the pressure regulator is an electro-pneumatic regulator.4. The vibration control apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the vibration control apparatus comprises a plurality of fluid bearings claim 1 , andwherein a pressure of each of the plurality of fluid bearings is variably controlled in an independent manner.5. A vibration control method claim 1 , comprising:rotating a rotating body of a rotating structure;forming a fluid bearing gap between the rotating body and a fluid bearing by providing a fluid bearing around the rotating body; andcontrolling a pressure of the fluid bearing in a variable manner, based on imbalance information of the rotating body, to compensate for imbalance of the ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188771A1
Автор: Kyriakou Yiannis

A method for recording at least two 3D subtraction image data records with a C-arm x-ray apparatus is provided. A mask run is implemented with a rotation angle of at least 180° plus fan angle plus an additional angle, while projection image data record of a native 3D image data record are recorded. A filler run is implemented after administration of a contrast agent with a rotation angle of at least 180° plus fan angle plus an additional angle. Partial 3D image data records are generated and formed into a set of projection image data records. Each set of projection image data records is reconstructed, wherein a 3D subtraction image data record is generated by subtracting data of a native 3D image data record from data of a 3D image data record after the administration of the contrast agent. 1. A method for recording and displaying at least two 3D subtraction image data records consisting of a native 3D image data record and a 3D image data record recorded following an administration of a contrast agent , wherein the at least two 3D subtraction image data records display at least a part of a vascular system of a patient , using a C-arm x-ray apparatus , wherein the 3D image data records are obtained from a predetermined number of two-dimensional projection image data records , comprising:implementing a mask run with a rotation angle of at least 180° plus fan angle plus an additional angle and recording projection image data records of a native 3D image data record,implementing a filler run following administration of a contrast agent with a rotation angle of at least 180° plus fan angle plus an additional angle, wherein a predetermined number of projection image data records is recorded with each filler run,generating at least two partial 3D image data records by combining at least two subsets of consecutive projection image data records of a rotation run in order to form a set of projection image data records, wherein a 3D subtraction image data record is generated ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Monochromatic x-ray methods and apparatus

Номер: US20130188773A1
Автор: Eric H. Silver
Принадлежит: Individual

According to some aspects, an x-ray apparatus for imaging and/or radiation therapy is provided, the x-ray apparatus comprises an electron source capable of generating electrons, at least one first target arranged to receive electrons from the electron source, the at least one first target comprising material that, in response to being irradiated by the electrons, emits broad spectrum x-ray radiation, at least one second target arranged to receive at least some of the broad spectrum x-ray radiation, the at least one second target comprising material that, in response to irradiation by broad spectrum x-ray radiation from the first target, emits monochromatic x-ray radiation, and at least one detector positioned to detect at least some of to the monochromatic x-ray radiation emitted from the at least one second target. According to some aspects, a relatively low cost, relatively small footprint x-ray apparatus for generating monochromatic x-ray radiation suitable for medical/clinical purposes and appropriate for use in existing medical facilities such as hospitals and/or small clinical settings is provided.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Optical adjustment device

Номер: US20130188782A1
Автор: Thilo Hannemann
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An optical adjustment device has a laser unit with at least one laser radiation source as well as an adjustment phantom which is arranged relative to the laser unit such that laser radiation emitted by the laser unit strikes the adjustment phantom. A fluorescent medium) is applied on the adjustment phantom, the fluorescent medium being designed to emit light of a different wavelength from the laser radiation upon being struck by laser radiation. This light is detected by a photodetector that is at a location spatially separated from the adjustment phantom, such as at the laser unit.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Calibration Phantom Device and Analysis Methods

Номер: US20130195255A1

This invention relates to a small pocket phantom designed to estimate the fundamental properties of imaging scanning acquisition including 3D resolution, noise, and scanner attenuation performance for different materials, together with an automated phantom analysis algorithm. 1. A device designed to obtain the fundamental performance characteristics of each subcomponent of an imaging system at a precise spatial location using a virtual acquisition pipeline model , further comprising wherein said devicea. is capable of measuring performance characteristics of PSF convolution, artifacts, noise and edge enhancement;b. may be used in a variety of optical image scanning devices, including but not limited to CT, PET/CT, PET, MR, US, XR and NM; andc. further comprises components for multi-energy x-ray performance analysis.2. The device of further comprising identifying numerical information within the phantom that is visible in the acquired image claim 1 , including but not limited to a model number and serial number.3. The device of further comprising numerical or other claim 1 , similar identifying character information within the phantom that is visible in the acquired image user settable settings claim 1 , including but not limited to rotary dials.4. The device of further comprising wherein one or more such devices embed in or rest on the table upon which the patient or subject or object rests during image scanning claim 1 , and provide a continuous set of virtual acquisition models along the length of said table.5. The device of further comprising wherein moving components are contained within the device to obtain 4D characteristics of an image acquisition claim 1 , including the 4D PSF.6. The device of further comprising wherein a dosimeter is contained within or attached to the device.7. The device of further comprising wherein components within the device are grooved claim 4 , ridged claim 4 , patterned or otherwise marked to provide the algorithm with more ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197349A1

A method is disclosed for calculating a spatially resolved value of an absorption parameter for a positron emission tomography (PET) scan of an examination object via magnetic resonance tomography (MRT). Magnetic resonance data is acquired within a first region lying within a field of view of a magnetic resonance system and within a second region bordering on the first and lying at the edge of the field of view. The method includes the spatially resolved calculation of a first value of the absorption parameter from the first MR data within the first region and of a second value from the second MR data within the second region. A three-dimensional parameter map is obtained from the first value. This parameter map is extended by the second value such that within the first region and the second region the parameter map has the value of the absorption parameter in spatially resolved form. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first MR data within the second region includes greater spatial distortions than the second MR data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second MR data is recorded by way of an MR recording sequence which comprises:generation of a gradient field including a nonlinearity of its spatial dependence such that, in the second region, the nonlinearity compensates for a spatial inhomogeneity of a basic magnetic field.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first MR data is acquired by way of a Dixon MR recording technique in which the phase angle of the magnetization in fat and water at an echo time instant is used in order to differentiate between fat and water fractions in the examination object.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first MR data includes a relatively higher spatial resolution than the second MR data.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:interpolating the second value of the absorption parameter, calculated from the second MR data, onto the spatial resolution of the first value of the absorption parameter.7. The method of ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Controlling Radiation Dose for Radiological Applications

Номер: US20130202079A1

A system and method for reconstructing an image acquired by delivering an irradiating dose of radiation to a subject includes acquiring imaging data using a dose of irradiating radiation and selecting at least one of a plurality of mechanisms for reducing the dose that could be delivered to the subject to acquire additional imaging data. Noise is inserted into the imaging data to simulate the at least one of the plurality of mechanisms for reducing the dose that could be applied to acquire the additional imaging data to thereby generate simulated imaging data at a reduced dose of irradiating radiation. A simulated reduced dose image is reconstructed from the simulated imaging data. A method is provided for utilizing a non-local means filter adapted using a map of local noise to produce denoised medical imaging data reflecting reduced local nose levels from those in originally-acquired medical imaging data. 1. A method for reconstructing an image acquired by delivering an irradiating dose of radiation to a subject , the method comprising:obtaining medical imaging data using the irradiating dose of radiation;obtaining a map of local noise level in the medical imaging data;utilizing a non-local means filter adapted using the map of local noise to produce denoised medical imaging data reflecting reduced local nose levels from those in the medical imaging data; andproviding a medical image of the subject from the denoised medical imaging data.2. The method of wherein the step of obtaining a map includes creating a simulated reduced dose image.3. The method of wherein the simulated reduced dose image is used as map of local noise level4. A method for reconstructing an image acquired by delivering an irradiating dose of radiation to a subject claim 2 , the method comprising:obtaining a set of medical imaging data acquired using a dose of irradiating radiation delivered to a subject;selecting at least one of a plurality of mechanisms for reducing the dose of irradiating ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Denoising Medical Images Adaptive to Local Noise

Номер: US20130202080A1

A system and method is provided for estimating the local noise of CT images and denoising the images using a modified non-local means (NLM) algorithm that is adaptive to local variations of noise levels. A strategy for efficiently estimating the local noise of CT images is also described. 1. A method for reconstructing an image acquired by delivering an irradiating dose of radiation to a subject , the method comprising:obtaining medical imaging data using the irradiating dose of radiation;obtaining a map of local noise in the medical imaging data;utilizing a denoising filter adapted to the map of local noise to produce denoised medical imaging data; andproviding a medical image of the subject from the denoised medical imaging data.2. The method of wherein the step of obtaining a map of local noise level includes using analytical methods derived from noise propagation in image reconstruction processes.3. The method of wherein the analytical methods are based on at least one of realistic cone-beam data-acquisition geometry and simple fan-beam geometry to facilitate fast calculation.4. The method of wherein the noise calculation includes incorporating effects from at least one of a bowtie filter mechanism and automatic tube current modulation mechanism.5. The method of wherein the filtering includes a non-local means filter claim 1 , a bilateral filter claim 1 , and an anisotropic diffusion filter.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the map of local noise includes at least one of a noise level and a spatial correlation.7. A computed tomography (CT) imaging system comprising:an x-ray source configured to emit x-rays toward an object to be imaged;a detector configured to receive x-rays that are attenuated by the object;a data acquisition system (DAS) connected to the detector to receive an indication of received x-rays; obtain a set of medical imaging data acquired using a dose of irradiating radiation delivered by the x-ray source to a subject positioned between the x- ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Directional Radiation Detection Apparatus and Method Using Inverse Collimation

Номер: US20130206995A1

The present invention provides a radiation detector for detecting both the intensity and direction of one or more sources of radiation comprising a radiation sensor, an inverse collimator that shields the sensor from at least a portion of the incident radiation originating from the direction in which the inverse collimator is pointed and a means for pointing the inverse collimator in different directions. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for detecting both the intensity and direction of one or more sources of radiation comprising the steps of providing a radiation sensor, providing an inverse collimator that shields the sensor from at least a portion of the incident radiation originating from the direction in which the inverse collimator is pointed, providing a means for pointing the inverse collimator in different directions, pointing the inverse collimator in a direction, recording the direction in which the inverse collimator is pointed and recording the signal from the sensor, repeating the preceding two steps one or more times for one or more different directions. 1. A radiation detector for detecting the intensity and the direction of one or more sources of radiation comprising:(a) at least one radiation sensor;(b) an inverse collimator that shields the sensor from at least a portion of the incident radiation originating from the direction in which the inverse collimator is pointed; and(c) a pan-tilt motor mechanism configured to point the inverse collimator in different directions.2. The radiation detector of wherein the inverse collimator is a rod.3. The radiation detector of wherein the rod has a circular cross-section.4. The radiation detector of wherein the rod comprises a metal or metal alloy.5. The radiation detector of wherein the metal or metal alloy is selected from the group consisting of tungsten claim 4 , lead claim 4 , and stainless steel.6. The radiation detector of wherein the pan-tilt motor ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206997A1
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A radiation monitor and a hand-foot-cloth monitor include a hand monitoring unit capable of accurately measuring surface contamination regardless of the size of the hand of the examinee. A hand monitoring unit (A) includes a fixed detecting unit () and a movable detecting unit () arranged to face the fixed detecting unit () and movable reciprocatingly in a direction facing the fixed detecting unit (), an urging unit () urging the movable detecting unit () in a direction separating from the fixed detecting unit (), a pressing member () arranged between the fixed detecting unit () and the movable detecting unit () and pressable by the hand of the examinee, and an interlock mechanism () moving the movable detecting unit () against the urging force of the urging unit () in a direction approaching the fixed detecting unit () according to the amount of pressing of the pressing member (). 1. A radiation monitor comprising:a pair of hand monitoring units, each having a fixed detecting unit and a movable detecting unit arranged to face against the fixed detecting unit and to be movable reciprocatingly in a direction facing the fixed detecting unit, the hand monitoring units being adapted to receive a hand of an examinee with one of a palm or back of the hand facing the fixed detecting unit and the other facing the movable detecting unit;an urging unit urging the movable detecting unit in a direction separating the movable detecting unit from the fixed detecting unit;a pressing member arranged between the fixed detecting unit and the movable detecting unit, the pressing member being pressable by the hand of the examinee; andan interlock mechanism moving the movable detecting unit against an urging force of the urging unit in a direction approaching the fixed detecting unit according to an amount of pressing of the pressing member.2. The radiation monitor according to claim 1 , wherein the interlock mechanism has an L-shaped link having one end supported rotatably by the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208851A1

Provided is a medical image diagnostic apparatus, including: a collection unit for collecting data by performing irradiation of X-rays to a body part of a subject who is moving a joint; a processing unit for processing the collected data to form a plurality of internal images indicating the body part of the subject; an input unit for inputting occurrence information indicating a biological reaction that accompanies movement of the joint; a display control unit for displaying information on a display unit; and a control unit for controlling at least one of the collection unit, the processing unit, and the display control unit based on the input occurrence information. 1. A medical image diagnostic apparatus , comprising:a collection unit configured to collect data by performing irradiation of X-rays to a body part of a subject with moving a joint of the body part;a processing unit configured to process the collected data to form a plurality of internal images indicating the body part;an input unit configured to input occurrence information indicating a biological reaction that accompanies movement of the joint;a display control unit configured to display information on a display unit; anda control unit configured to control at least one of the collection unit, the processing unit, and the display control unit based on the input occurrence information.2. A medical image diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls one of starting and stopping of the irradiation of the X-rays to be performed by the collection unit based on the input occurrence information.3. A medical image diagnostic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the control unit controls the one of starting and stopping of the irradiation of the X-rays in response to the input of the occurrence information.4. A medical image diagnostic apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein:the input unit is configured to input respiration state information indicating a respiration state ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208852A1
Автор: KOISHI Takeshi
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A detection field setting unit of a console sets a detection field of detection pixels of an electronic cassette which are used to detect the dose of X-rays passing through a subject so as to correspond to each irradiation position on the basis of irradiation positions of an X-ray source set by a driving condition setting unit and ROI information such as the position and the size of a region of interest (ROI) of the subject M input through an input device and the height thereof from a radiography platform. The electronic cassette performs an automatic exposure control of detecting the dose of X-rays by the use of the detection pixels in the detection field set by the detection field setting unit of the console and automatically controlling the irradiation dose of X-rays on the basis of the detected dose, when performing a radiographing operation at the irradiation positions. 1. A radiographic system comprising:a radiation source that irradiates a subject with radiation from different directions at a plurality of irradiation positions;a radiological image detector that includes a detection panel in which a plurality of pixels receiving radiation passing through the subject are arranged, and that receives the radiation radiated from a plurality of irradiation directions from the radiation source and detects a series of radiological images;a plurality of dose sensors that are arranged on an imaging plane on which the pixels of the detection panel are formed and that detect the dose of radiation passing through the subject;a detection field setting unit that sets a detection field of the dose sensors, which is used to detect the dose of radiation passing through the subject, depending on the irradiation positions of the radiation source;a density adjusting unit that adjusts the densities of the detection fields of the series of radiological images on the basis of the dose detected by the dose sensors in the detection field; anda tomographic image generating unit that ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208854A1

A method is disclosed for operating a computed tomography device including an x-ray source embodied to emit a fan-type beam bundle and a detector arrangement interacting therewith and including a plurality of detector elements. An embodiment of the method provides that an integration time provided to read out a detector element is dependent on the position of the detector element within the detector arrangement, wherein with a detector element which detects x-rays which penetrate the isocenter lying between the c-ray source and the detector arrangement, a longer integration time is provided, than with a detector element which detects x-rays which penetrate an examination volume which is further away from the isocenter. 1. A method for operating a computed tomography device including an x-ray source embodied to emit a fan-type beam bundle and a detector arrangement , embodied to interact with the x-ray source and including a plurality of detector elements , wherein an integration time provided to read out one of the detector elements is dependent on a position of the one of the detector elements within the detector arrangement , the method comprising:providing a relatively longer integration time for a detector element configured to detect x-rays which penetrate the isocenter, disposed between the x-ray source and the detector arrangement, than for a detector element configured detect x-rays which penetrate an examination volume relatively further away from the isocenter.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a maximum integration time claim 1 , provided in the case of at least one detector element in a center of the detector arrangement claim 1 , is twice the minimal integration time provided at the edges of the detector arrangement in the case of at least one detector element in each instance.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the integration time of each detector element with a non-minimal integration time is a whole number multiple of a relatively shortest ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208855A1

Provided is a medical image diagnostic apparatus, including: an internal image acquiring unit for acquiring a plurality of internal images different in time phase by irradiating a body part of a subject with X-rays; an outer appearance image acquiring unit for acquiring an outer appearance image by photographing the body part of the subject; an analysis unit for analyzing the outer appearance image to acquire first shape information indicating a shape of the body part of the subject and analyzing each of the plurality of internal images to acquire second shape information indicating a shape of the body part of the subject; and a display control unit for displaying the outer appearance image and the each of the plurality of internal images by superimposing one on another so that the body part of the subject included in the outer appearance image and the body part of the subject included in the each of the plurality of internal images are located in the same position based on the first shape information and the second shape information. 1. A medical image diagnostic apparatus , comprising:an internal image acquiring unit configured to irradiate a body part of a subject with X-rays to acquire a plurality of internal images different in time phase;an outer appearance image acquiring unit configured to acquire an outer appearance image by photographing the body part of the subject;an analysis unit configured to analyze the outer appearance image to acquire first shape information indicating a shape of the body part of the subject and to analyze each of the plurality of internal images to acquire second shape information indicating a shape of the body part of the subject; anda display control unit configured to display the outer appearance image and the internal image by superimposing one on another so that the body part of the subject included in the outer appearance image and the body part of the subject included in the internal image are located in the same position ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208864A1
Автор: Rossl Ewald

The present invention relates to differential phase-contrast imaging, in particular to a structure of a diffraction grating, e.g. an analyzer grating and a phase grating, for X-ray differential phase-contrast imaging. In order to make better use of the X-ray radiation passing the object, a diffraction grating () for X-ray differential phase-contrast imaging is provided with at least one portion () of a first sub-area () and at least one portion () of a second sub-area (). The first sub-area comprises a grating structure () with a plurality of bars () and gaps () being arranged periodically with a first grating pitch P G (), wherein the bars are arranged such that thy change the phase and/or amplitude of an X-ray radiation and wherein the gaps are X-ray transparent. The second sub-area is X-ray transparent and wherein the at least one portion of the second sub-area provides an X-ray transparent aperture () in the grating. Portions of the first and second sub-areas are arranged in an alternating manner in at least one direction (). 11415. A diffraction grating ( , ) for X-ray differential phase-contrast imaging , comprising{'b': 24', '26, 'at least one portion () of a first sub-area (); and'}{'b': 28', '30, 'at least one portion () of a second sub-area ();'}{'b': 54', '34', '36', '38, 'sub': 'G1', 'wherein the first sub-area comprises a grating structure () with a plurality of bars () and gaps () being arranged periodically with a first grating pitch P(); wherein the bars are arranged such that they change the phase and/or amplitude of an X-ray radiation and wherein the gaps are X-ray transparent;'}{'b': '40', 'wherein the second sub-area is X-ray transparent and wherein the at least one portion of the second sub-area provides an X-ray transparent aperture () in the grating;'}{'b': '42', 'wherein portions of the first and second sub-areas are arranged in an alternating manner in at least one direction (), such that during one image acquisition step, phase-contrast ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211233A1

In the integrated PET/MRI scanner provided with an RF coil for MRI and a plurality of PET detectors in the measuring port of the MRI scanner, the PET detectors are disposed with spaces therebetween and at least the transmitting coil elements of the RF coil for MRI are disposed between adjacent PET detectors. Here, the PET detectors are disposed in the circumferential direction of the measuring port with spaces therebetween and the transmitting coil elements are disposed in the axial direction of the measuring port. Alternatively, at least some of the PET detectors are disposed in the axial direction of the measuring port with spaces therebetween and the transmitting coil elements are disposed between adjacent PET detectors. The PET detectors can be DOI-type detectors capable of detecting position in the depth direction.
