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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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10-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000022249U1

1. Устройство для печатания мультиформатных изображений на светочувствительной пленке, имеющее блок задания цифровых изображений, которые должны быть преобразованы в видимые изображения и напечатаны на указанной светочувствительной пленке, цветной проекционный видеомонитор, который подключен к указанному блоку и экран которого служит источником света для экспонирования пленки, и светонепроницаемую камеру, где по ходу светового потока закреплены по меньшей мере экран проекционного видеомонитора, объектив и сменная кассета с пленкой, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено просмотровым видеомонитором, который связан с блоком задания цифровых изображений, преобразователем цифровых изображений, который подключен на выход блока задания цифровых изображений и на вход проекционного видеомонитора, блоком управления, который имеет два информационных входа и по меньшей мере два управляющих выхода, одним из управляющих выходов подключен к блоку задания цифровых изображений, другим управляющим выходом подключен к указанному преобразователю цифровых изображений, а на одном из информационных входов оснащен подходящим средством ввода команд человеком-оператором, фотодатчиком оптических характеристик проекционного видеомонитора, который установлен в светонепроницаемой камере, и блоком определения оптических характеристик проекционного видеомонитора, который подключен на выход указанного фотодатчика и на второй информационный вход указанного блока управления. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок управления имеет третий управляющий выход, к которому подключен кинескоп проекционного видеомонитора. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок задания цифровых изображений выполнен в виде по меньшей мере одного средства подключения к цифровому выходу произвольного просвечивающего диагностического устройства. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что блок задания цифровых изображений выполнен в виде системного блока персонального компьютера со встроенными и/или ...

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Methods for providing diffuse light

Номер: US20120002957A1
Автор: Timothy M. Pastore
Принадлежит: Microscan Systems Inc

Certain exemplary embodiments can provide a method comprising: from an angled first end region of a substantially cylindrical beam splitter, reflecting incident light striking from any of a first set of predefined directions and to substantially transparently convey through said beam splitter and to a camera lens incident light traveling in any of a second set of predefined directions, the beam splitter defining a longitudinal central axis.

10-02-2004 дата публикации

Переносной осветитель

Номер: RU0000035866U1

1. Переносной осветитель, содержащий основание, стойку, корпус лампы, снабженный встроенными элементами электрической цепи, выполненными с возможностью сочленения, отличающийся тем, что корпус лампы через шарообразный фиксатор соединен с полым держателем, внутри которого проходит присоединительный электропровод, и укрепленного на стойке с помощью хомута с полым креплением, в которое вставлен держатель с возможностью перемещения взад и вперед и фиксацией под любым углом. 2. Осветитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что основание выполнено в виде крестовины на ввинчивающихся ножках. 3. Осветитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что основание выполнено в виде треножника на ввинчивающихся ножках. 4. Осветитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что хомут имеет внутри покрытие. 5. Осветитель по п.4, отличающийся тем, что хомут изнутри покрыт кожей. 6. Осветитель по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что корпус лампы с шарообразным фиксатором соединен с помощью двух пластин, стягиваемых винтом. 7. Осветитель по любому из пп.1-4, 6, отличающийся тем, что шарообразный фиксатор соединен с держателем через крепление. 8. Осветитель по любому из пп.1-4, 6, 7, отличающийся тем, что держатель в полом креплении на хомуте зафиксирован винтом. (19) RU (11) 35 866 (13) U1 (51) МПК F21L 14/00 (2000.01) G03B 15/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003125708/20 , 19.08.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.08.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.02.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Кубанский государственный университет Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 3 5 8 6 6 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Переносной осветитель, содержащий основание, стойку, корпус лампы, снабженный встроенными элементами электрической цепи, выполненными с возможностью сочленения, отличающийся тем, что корпус лампы через шарообразный фиксатор соединен с полым держателем, ...

20-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000091634U1

1. Бестеневой осветитель лица человека, содержащий корпус из светонепроницаемого материала с отверстием для объектива камеры регистрации изображения лица человека, светодиоды, установленные в корпусе концентрично отверстию для объектива, и источник электропитания, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленным в окне корпуса концентрично отверстию для объектива светопроницаемым рассеивателем в форме кольца, наружный диаметр которого составляет 1,1-2,0 от максимально возможного значения размера головы взрослого человека при виде спереди, а внутренний диаметр составляет 0,2-0,7 от наружного диаметра. 2. Осветитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что источник электропитания выполнен в виде вторичного источника электропитания. 3. Осветитель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что источник электропитания выполнен в виде аккумуляторной батареи. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 91 634 (13) U1 (51) МПК G03B 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009140217/22, 27.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.10.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.02.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Научнотехнический центр биоинформатики и телемедицины "Фрактал" (RU) U 1 9 1 6 3 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Бестеневой осветитель лица человека, содержащий корпус из светонепроницаемого материала с отверстием для объектива камеры регистрации изображения лица человека, светодиоды, установленные в корпусе концентрично отверстию для объектива, и источник электропитания, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен установленным в окне корпуса концентрично отверстию для объектива светопроницаемым рассеивателем в форме кольца, наружный диаметр которого составляет 1,1-2,0 от максимально возможного значения размера головы взрослого человека при виде спереди, а внутренний диаметр составляет 0,2-0,7 от наружного диаметра. 2. Осветитель по п.1, ...

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000139756U1

1. Купольная камера, содержащая: купольную крышку; объектив камеры, предусмотренный внутри купольной крышки; и затемняющий блок, расположенный между купольной крышкой и объективом камеры так, чтобы частично блокировать свет, входящий в объектив камеры, и подавлять ухудшение качества изображения. 2. Купольная камера по п.1, в которой затемняющий блок вращается так, чтобы количество света, входящего в объектив камеры, изменялось. 3. Купольная камера по п.1, дополнительно содержащая: приводной блок для перемещения затемняющего блока в положение для подавления ухудшения качества изображения; и блок управления для управления приводным блоком. 4. Купольная камера по п.1, в которой затемняющий блок выполнен с возможностью перемещения между вставленным положением, когда затемняющий блок установлен перед объективом камеры с частичным блокированием света, входящего в объектив камеры, и убранным положением, когда затемняющий блок убран от передней части объектива камеры. 5. Купольная камера по п.1, в которой объектив камеры выполнен с возможностью вращения в направлении наклона. 6. Купольная камера по п.5, в которой ось вращения наклона объектива камеры расположена больше в зенитном направлении, чем положение сферического центра купольной крышки. 7. Купольная камера по п. 5, в которой в случае, если угол наклона объектива камеры превышает заданный пороговый угол, затемняющий блок вставляется между купольной крышкой и объективом камеры. 8. Купольная камера по п.1, в которой объектив камеры включает в себя функцию изменения масштаба изображения, и в которой в случае, если коэффициент изменения масштаба изображения объектива камеры находится в диапазоне коэффициентов на стороне удаления (TELE-end) больших, чем заданный пороговый коэффициент, затемняющий блок вставляется между купольной крышкой и объективом камеры. 9. Купольная камера по п.8, в которой вставление затемняющего блока регулируется заданным диапазоном гистерезиса относительно коэффициента изменения масштаба ...

27-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000160679U1

Источник сбалансированного света, отличающийся тем, что содержит четыре независимо управляемых по мощности блока с лампами, расположенными с четырёх сторон относительно объектива камеры в форме прямоугольника в одном корпусе, в котором выборочная регулировка мощности позволяет с одной из сторон снимаемого объекта получить высветленные участки (увеличив мощность одного из блоков с лампами), с другой сформировать полутон любой плотности вплоть до тени (уменьшив мощность). РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК G03B 15/02 (13) 160 679 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015126279/28, 02.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.07.2015 (72) Автор(ы): Байч Владимир Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Байч Владимир Александрович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 02.07.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2016 Бюл. № 9 R U 1 6 0 6 7 9 Формула полезной модели Источник сбалансированного света, отличающийся тем, что содержит четыре независимо управляемых по мощности блока с лампами, расположенными с четырёх сторон относительно объектива камеры в форме прямоугольника в одном корпусе, в котором выборочная регулировка мощности позволяет с одной из сторон снимаемого объекта получить высветленные участки (увеличив мощность одного из блоков с лампами), с другой сформировать полутон любой плотности вплоть до тени (уменьшив мощность). Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ИСТОЧНИК СБАЛАНСИРОВАННОГО СВЕТА ДЛЯ ФОТО - И ВИДЕОСЪЁМКИ 1 6 0 6 7 9 Адрес для переписки: 127273, Москва, ул. Декабристов, 36, корп. 1, кв. 17, Байчу Владимиру Александровичу RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 160 679 U1 Заявляемое техническое решение относится к осветительным приборам и может быть использовано на фото - и видео съемках. Из существующего уровня техники известно множество осветительных приборов для фото - и видеосъемки. Они разделяются на: 1. Источники постоянного света (галогенные, светодиодные, ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000171260U1

Полезная модель относится к области съемочного оборудования, а именно к вспомогательному оборудованию салонов по продаже легковых автомобилей. Технический результат предлагаемого решения заключается в сокращении времени на съемку одного автомобиля за счет исключения ручной настройки ракурса съемки, обеспечиваемого неизменным взаимным расположением съемочного устройства, источников света и съемочного фона, обусловленным креплением перечисленных элементов к общему каркасу. Фотостенд для круговой съемки автомобиля включает неподвижное основание и поворотную ширму, основание содержит площадку с направляющим рельсом по периметру, а ширма представляет собой каркас, включающий опорные ролики в нижней части, внутреннюю обшивку со съемочным фоном, натяжной потолок, осветительные средства и кронштейн с камерой, закрепленные на каркасе с внутренней стороны ширмы, при этом опорные ролики выполнены с возможностью движения по направляющему рельсу основания. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 260 U1 (51) МПК A47F 5/16 (2006.01) G03B 15/00 (2006.01) G03B 17/56 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017101997, 23.01.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.01.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Усольцев Александр Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Усольцев Александр Александрович (RU) Дата регистрации: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 0006343184 B1, 29.01.2002. WO Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 23.01.2017 2011035164 A1, 24.03.2011. WO 2013130664 A1, 06.09.2013. US 0004609111 A1, 02.09.1986. R U 25.05.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 25.05.2017 Бюл. № 15 1 7 1 2 6 0 1 7 1 2 6 0 R U (54) ФОТОСТЕНД (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области съемочного оборудования, а именно к вспомогательному оборудованию салонов по продаже легковых автомобилей. Технический результат предлагаемого решения заключается в сокращении времени на съемку ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000172398U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для создания трехмерных моделей повреждений и следов для их последующего изучения, сохранения, проведения идентификации. Заявленное устройство для сканирования и создания трехмерных моделей повреждений и следов включает крестовину основания из прямоугольных алюминиевых трубок, скрепленных винтами с гайками, и соединенную с фотоштативом винтами с гайками, вертикальные стяжки с резьбой и гайками, накрытые пластиковым декоративным кожухом, прижимную планку, поперечную планку из прямоугольной алюминиевой трубки с отверстиями, скрепленную с крестовиной винтом с гайкой, и головку фотоштатива, скрепленную с поперечной планкой винтом. Причем устройство позволяет закреплять проектор и видеокамеру с возможностью передвижения и фиксирования видеокамеры в двух плоскостях относительно проектора по поперечной планке. Технический результат - возможность изменения расстояния до объекта камеры и проектора путем изменения расстояния камеры относительно проектора, значительно расширяя технические характеристики всего комплекса сканирования, так как они определяются не только оптическими свойствами проектора и камеры, а также еще их взаиморасположением и расстоянием до объекта. 3 ил. И 1 172398 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 172 398” 4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 10.11.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 10.11.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 10.11.2021 Бюл. №31 Стр.: 1 па 65 СД ЕП

26-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000204460U1

Полезная модель относится к области устройств подсветки при осуществлении фото- и видеосъемки. Техническим результатом является увеличение концентрации на объекте съемки света, излучаемого кольцевой лампой, без возникновения теней, в центре которой располагается устройство фото- или видеосъемки. Кольцевая лампа-подсветка для селфи содержит кольцевой источник света с внутренним и внешними периметрами. На внешнем периметре располагается кронштейн для крепления к штативу, а на внутреннем периметре располагается кронштейн для регулируемого крепления фото- или видеоаппаратуры. По внешнему периметру кольцевого источника света также располагаются отражатели при помощи регулируемых и съемных кронштейнов. Отражатели имеют форму сектора кольца. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 460 U1 (51) МПК G03B 15/03 (2006.01) G03B 15/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G03B 15/03 (2021.02); G03B 15/06 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021107776, 24.03.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Индивидуальный предприниматель Бенедовская Елена Викторовна (RU) Дата регистрации: 26.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 26.05.2021 Бюл. № 15 2 0 4 4 6 0 R U (54) КОЛЬЦЕВАЯ ЛАМПА-ПОДСВЕТКА ДЛЯ СЕЛФИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области располагается кронштейн для крепления к устройств подсветки при осуществлении фото- и штативу, а на внутреннем периметре видеосъемки. Техническим результатом является располагается кронштейн для регулируемого увеличение концентрации на объекте съемки крепления фото- или видеоаппаратуры. По света, излучаемого кольцевой лампой, без внешнему периметру кольцевого источника света возникновения теней, в центре которой также располагаются отражатели при помощи располагается устройство фото- или видеосъемки. регулируемых и съемных кронштейнов. Кольцевая лампа-подсветка для селфи содержит Отражатели имеют форму сектора кольца. 3 з.п. ...

23-07-2021 дата публикации

Установка для создания перекладной анимации

Номер: RU0000205626U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для съемки изображений, создания мультфильмов методом бумажной перекладки, пластилиновой перекладки и методом песочной анимации.Техническим результатом полезной модели является улучшение подсветки мультзаготовок, который достигается за счет того, что установка для создания перекладной анимации содержит корпус, внутри которого расположены прозрачные полки, между которыми по периметру расположены светодиодные ленты, отличающаяся тем, что с внутренней стороны корпуса установлены горизонтальные П-образные профили, основаниями к внутренней стенке корпуса, для установки прозрачных полок, при этом внутри вдоль профилей над посадочными местами для прозрачных полок расположены светодиодные ленты. 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 626 U1 (51) МПК G03B 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G03B 15/02 (2021.02); G03B 15/06 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020139911, 04.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Груздева Ольга Владиславовна (RU) Дата регистрации: 23.07.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 23.07.2021 Бюл. № 21 2 0 5 6 2 6 R U (54) УСТАНОВКА ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ ПЕРЕКЛАДНОЙ АНИМАЦИИ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам для периметру расположены светодиодные ленты, съемки изображений, создания мультфильмов отличающаяся тем, что с внутренней стороны методом бумажной перекладки, пластилиновой корпуса установлены горизонтальные Пперекладки и методом песочной анимации. образные профили, основаниями к внутренней Техническим результатом полезной модели стенке корпуса, для установки прозрачных полок, является улучшение подсветки мультзаготовок, при этом внутри вдоль профилей над который достигается за счет того, что установка посадочными местами для прозрачных полок для создания перекладной анимации содержит расположены светодиодные ленты. 5 з.п. ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Excitation light source assembly

Номер: US20120049089A1
Принадлежит: Spectral Instruments Imaging LLC

An excitation light source assembly includes a housing defining a central opening therein and a plurality of lamp receptacles surrounding the central opening. The housing is mountable to a support structure having a camera mounted thereto so that a field of view of the camera is substantially unobstructed by the housing. A light source is positioned within each of the plurality of lamp receptacles. A diffuser is positioned adjacent the light source in each of the plurality of lamp receptacles so that each of the diffusers diffuses light produced by each of the light sources. A control system operatively connected to each of the light sources operates selected ones of the light sources to provide a desired excitation illumination to an object within the field of view of the camera.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Image-acquisition apparatus and image-acquisition method

Номер: US20120092548A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd

A needless irradiation region in an image-acquisition apparatus is reduced. Provided is a light-transmitting portion that radiates light and a light-receiving portion that receives reflected light, which is the light emitted from the light-transmitting portion being reflected upon reaching a target, and that converts the obtained reflected light to an image signal and outputs the image signal. The light-transmitting portion includes an irradiation scanning section that makes an irradiation region for a field of view smaller than the size of the entire field of view and that irradiates the entire field of view with light by scanning the irradiation region for the field of view.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Early Photographic Synchronization System and Method

Номер: US20120127361A1
Автор: James E. Clark
Принадлежит: Lab Partners Associates Inc

A system and method for synchronizing a photographic lighting device to image acquisition by a camera such that initiation of light emission of the photographic lighting device occurs after the first shutter blade of the camera begins to expose an image acquisition sensor of the camera to light and before X-sync associated with the first shutter blade stopping movement.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for controlling color balance for a photographic illuminator

Номер: US20120154627A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for generating controlled illumination having a color balance that corresponds to prevailing ambient color balance. A multi-spectral light source having a given spectral characteristic is filtered through an active color filter to produce multi-spectral light conforming to the prevailing ambient color balance. Embodiments of the present invention advantageously enable photographic capture of images without introducing color balance inconsistencies seen in prior art illumination solutions.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Display Cabinet with Photographic and Video Camera-Disabling System

Номер: US20120162433A1
Принадлежит: Imaginacion Creativa SL

Display cabinet with photographic and video camera-disabling system of the type that comprise a cabinet ( 1 ) that comprises a compartment made from any material, and of any shape or size, with one or more access points ( 11 ), with or without an entry door, curtain or other type of closure where, within the actual cabinet ( 1 ) the invention comprises at least: first display means ( 12 ) that comprise, in turn, one or more concealment means activated by a central processing unit in the event of detection of an unauthorized camera; second, illumination means, formed from a plurality of illumination points ( 2 ) located in the ceiling and walls, and oriented in a variable manner, depending on the required application; a plurality of video cameras ( 3 ) located and oriented in accordance with the requirements of the specific application; and a central processing unit configured to detect unauthorized cameras.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Image Capturing Apparatus and Electronic Apparatus

Номер: US20120169915A1
Автор: Jui-Hsiung Kuo
Принадлежит: Altek Corp

An image capturing apparatus and an electronic apparatus are described. The image capturing apparatus comprises a body, a flash lamp, a lens and a fill lamp. The flash lamp is disposed on the body and emits a flash light, and the lens is also disposed on the body. The lens collects and provides lights to an image sensing unit disposed inside the body to generate images. The fill lamp is disposed on the lens and electronically connects to the body. The fill lamp further locates on the direction of the flash lamp facing the lens, and thus provides lights as a filled light when the lens shields the light emitted by the flash lamp.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Flash lens and flash module employing the same

Номер: US20120176801A1
Автор: Jae-Sung You

A flash lens and a flash module. The flash lens includes a circular first incidence surface on which light emitted from a light source in a center direction is incident; a second incidence surface arranged to be tilted with respect to an optical axis and on which light emitted from the light source in a lateral direction is incident; a reflective surface that reflects light incident from the second incidence surface; a bottom surface that connects the second incidence surface and the reflective surface; and a circular emission surface that emits light transmitted through the first incidence surface and light reflected by the reflective surface. The flash module includes an LED chip; and the flash lens of claim 1 that is arranged above the LED chip.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Autonomous decision system for selecting target in observation satellites

Номер: US20120188372A1
Принадлежит: Tarik Ozkul

The invention uses plurality of forward-looking preview cameras each looking at different nadir angle viewpoint to get cloud information from approaching target areas. The invention uses fuzzy logic system and other decision mechanisms to decide which target images should be acquired in which particular sequence and when the target image acquisition should start. The invention intends to give autonomous decision capability to agile earth observation satellites to make decision on their own to get the highest yield of quality images of target areas.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Early Photographic Predictor Signal Synchronization System and Method

Номер: US20120207460A1
Автор: James E. Clark
Принадлежит: Lab Partners Associates Inc

A system and method for synchronizing a photographic lighting device to image acquisition by a camera such that initiation of light emission of the photographic lighting device occurs after the first shutter blade of the camera begins to expose an image acquisition sensor of the camera to light and before X-sync associated with the first shutter blade stopping movement.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Illuminator with refractive optical element

Номер: US20120229611A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

An illumination system having a refractive optical element that compensates for dependence in irradiance of images of objects captured by a photosensor is provided. The refractive optical element may structure the light such that similar objects in the same spherical surface in the field of view of the camera have the same irradiance on the camera photosensor. The illumination system may have an image sensor, a light source, and a refractive optical element. The image sensor has a photosensor that captures images of objects in a field of view. The irradiance of images of objects having a given exitance that are captured by the photosensor may depend on angular displacement from an optical axis of the image sensor. The refractive optical structures light from the light source to illuminate the field of view to compensate for the dependence of irradiance on angular displacement from the optical axis.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Digital image photographing apparatus and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20120257091A1
Автор: Dong-Min Kim

A digital image photographing apparatus and a method of controlling the digital image photographing apparatus, the method involving dividing an imaging surface of an imaging device into a plurality of areas, and applying a first skip mode to an area that is expected to include a target object and applying a different second skip mode to an area that is not expected to include the target object, so that images having different resolutions may be obtained from the plurality of areas.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Electrically adjustable optical diffusion for luminaires

Номер: US20120262655A1
Принадлежит: Zylight LLC

An electrically adjustable optical diffusion panel for use in film or video production having a frame, diffusion material affixed to the frame, where the transparency of the material is continuously and variably changeable between a substantially transparent state and a substantially opaque state in response to an electric potential applied to electrodes of the material and a controller and battery. The electrically adjustable diffusion panel eliminates the need for manually changing diffusion papers or other filters and provides a continuous range of selectable levels of transparency/diffusion.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Image capturing apparatus and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20120274804A1
Автор: Akihiro Tanabe
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image capturing apparatus including an image capturing unit configured to obtain an image by image capturing includes a first storage unit configured to store face information of an owner of the image capturing apparatus, an estimation unit configured to estimate a photographer of the image capturing apparatus based on a relationship between an object included in the image obtained by the image capturing unit and the face information of the owner stored in the first storage unit, and a change unit configured to change a photographing mode to a simple photographing mode according to the estimated photographer.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Light emission control device and light emission control method

Номер: US20120288263A1
Автор: Daisuke Yoshida
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A control device is provided for controlling a light emission device. The control device includes a light metering unit configured to acquire respective light metering values from a plurality of light metering regions. The control device further includes a correction unit configured to correct information about a light metering value of a target region based on a result of comparison between the light metering value of the target region and the light metering value of the light metering region at the periphery of the target region among the plurality of light metering regions, the result being acquired by the light metering unit allowing the light emission device to perform pre-flashing. Also, a calculation unit is provided which is configured to calculate a main light emission amount of the light emission device based on the information about the light metering value corrected by the correction unit.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Capsule Camera with On-Board Storage

Номер: US20120301124A1
Принадлежит: Capso Vision Inc

A capsule camera with on-board storage to archive the captured images in on-board non-volatile memory is disclosed. The capsule camera with on-board storage comprises multiple chips including a system processing chip and one or more non-volatile memory chips, where the system processing chip includes a compression module to compress images captured. If the multiple chips use individual chip packages and are disposed on respective printed circuit boards according to a conventional approach, it would require too much space to fit the multiple chips into the capsule camera housing. Accordingly, a capsule camera embodying the present invention is disclosed where the capsule camera integrates an image sensor, a light source, at least one system processing chip comprising compression module, one or more non-volatile memory chips and a battery into a housing, wherein the at least one system processing chip and said one or more non-volatile memory chips are disposed vertically in a multiple chip assembly.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Camera including mount for flash

Номер: US20120315029A1
Автор: Hun-Young Ryu

A camera includes a circuit board that includes a plurality of terminals disposed on a top surface of the circuit board to correspond to connection terminals of an external flash, and a support unit that supports the circuit board.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Accessory, camera, accessory control program, and camera control program

Номер: US20130002897A1
Принадлежит: Nikon Corp

An accessory is supplied with power from a camera, and includes an accessory control section that controls a process executed in the accessory in accordance with an image capture mode of the camera.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Camera flash module

Номер: US20130003342A1
Автор: Jae Sung You

A camera flash module is provided. The camera flash module may include a lens having a single refractive surface and a reflector that adjusts a direction of a light emitted from the lens. Accordingly, maintaining of a distance between a light emitting device and the lens may not be needed and thus, the camera flash module may be readily manufactured and a productivity may be improved. An error rate caused by distortion in a tilt and an optical axis between the light emitting device and the lens may be reduced. The reflector may adjust a direction of a light emitted from the lens and thus, an emission pattern requested by a camera may be satisfied, and a velocity of light may be improved. The reflector may surround the lens and thus, may prevent the lens from being detached from a light emitting device package body when an external impact occurs.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Handheld electronic device and camera providing flash compensation of images, and associated method

Номер: US20130016269A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

An improved handheld electronic device and camera apparatus upon which can be executed an improved method enable a modular camera to be used in conjunction with a flash. In one implementation, compensation parameters that are intended for use in a non-flash situation are overwritten with compensation parameters that are configured to compensate for the combined effects of the camera and the flash and are used by an embedded compensation routine executed on the camera. In another implementation, an image signal is processed by the embedded compensation routine using the original compensation parameters, but if it is determined that the image signal is a flash image signal, the image signal is further processed by the embedded compensation routine employing an additional set of parameters which compensate the image signal for the effect of the flash.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Light transmittance adjusting device, image apparatus including the same, and method of fabricating the light transmittance adjusting device

Номер: US20130016271A1

A light transmittance adjusting device is provided, including a first electrode, a second electrode, and a first elastomer layer disposed between the first and second electrodes. A light transmittance of the first elastomer layer is variable depending on a voltage applied thereto.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Flash module and image capturing system

Номер: US20130028585A1
Автор: Hsien-Chang Lee
Принадлежит: Ability Enterprise Co Ltd

A flash module including a main body, a fixing base, a rotating structure, a switch and a linking structure is disclosed. The rotating structure is movably connected between the main body and the fixing base. The switch has a moving part. The linking structure is connected between the rotating structure and the moving part. The linking structure moves the moving part to an open position from a close position and rotates the rotating structure, so that the main body is moved relative to the fixing base.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Composite flash for an electronic device

Номер: US20130070119A1
Принадлежит: Research in Motion Ltd

An apparatus and method for capturing an image on an electronic device having a flash comprising a first light source and a second light source is presented herein. A detection of a color spectrum of ambient light is made using image data sensed by an image sensor of a camera module. Additionally, a determination of an intensity of a first light when combined with an associated intensity of a second light results in a color spectrum that substantially matches the color spectrum of the ambient light. The flash emits a first light from the first light source of the flash and second light from the second light source of the flash. An image from a camera module is recorded during the emission of the first and second light.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076884A1
Автор: Choukroun Ariel
Принадлежит: FITTINGBOX

A method for estimating a person's interpupillary distance (PD) includes: 1. Method for estimating the interpupillary distance (PD) of a person , characterized in that it comprises:{'b': 100', '100, "a data acquisition phase , which uses a predefined movement of the person in front of a camera; this data acquisition phase comprises the capture of a set of successive images, representative of the person's eyes, when this person's position changes from a first configuration of the face (position and/or orientation in regards to the camera) to a second configuration of the face."}{'b': '200', 'a morphological and dimensional parameter calculation phase based on the acquired data.'}2100. Method according to claim 1 , characterized in that step comprises the following steps:{'b': '101', 'step : place the person in front of the camera, at a previously chosen distance from the camera;'}{'b': '102', "step : move the person's face towards the camera while looking straight at it;"}{'b': '103', 'claim-text': 'the distance previously chosen is substantially the length of an arm.', 'step : stop when the person can no longer stare at the lens or receives a stop signal.'}3200. Method according to characterized in that phase comprises the following steps:{'b': '201', 'step : statistical measurements training;'}{'b': '202', 'step : characterize the image measurements;'}{'b': '203', 'step : determine statistically the 3D data and the parameters sought;'}{'b': '204', 'step : optimize the parameters non-linearly.'}4200. Method according to characterized in that phase comprises the following steps:{'b': '201', 'step : characterize the image measurements;'}{'b': '202', 'step : determine, by non-linear optimization, the rigid 3D movement of the points of interest on the face and the 3D movement of the points of interest of the ocular globes.'}{'b': '203', 'step : determine the positions of the centers of rotation of the ocular globes by non-linear optimization.'}{'b': '202', 'Step , ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083184A1

An imager () which may comprise a body () and an image sensor () housed within the body wherein the body may be releasably operably coupleable to a module (), the module having an optical aperture () extending therethrough that aligns with the image sensor when operably coupled to the body to form an imaging channel wherein the sensor is operable to image a subject within an optical axis X of the imaging channel. 1. An imager comprising:a body; andan image sensor supported by the bodywherein the body is releasably operably coupleable to a module, the module having an optical aperture extending therethrough that aligns with the image sensor when operably coupled to the body to form an imaging channel wherein the sensor is operable to image a subject within an optical axis of the imaging channel.2. The imager of claim 1 , further comprising a camera lens for focussing the subject image on the image sensor.3. The imager of claim 2 , wherein the camera lens is housed in the body of the imager or in the module.4. The imager of claim 2 , wherein the module comprises projection means for emitting radiation along the imaging channel for radiating the subject for a diagnostic purpose.5. The imager of claim 4 , wherein the projection means comprises optics.6. The imager of claim 4 , wherein when the subject is an eye claim 4 , the camera lens comprises an entrance pupil claim 4 , wherein the entrance pupil is such that there is substantially no overlap between a conjugate of the entrance pupil and a conjugate of an image of the projection means in a corneal plane.7. The imager of claim 4 , wherein the projection means comprises radiation emitting means.8. The imager of claim 7 , wherein the radiation emitting means comprises one or more light emitting diodes.9. The imager of claim 7 , comprising a selector operable to select a wavelength of the radiation emitted by the radiation emitting means according to the diagnostic purpose.10. The imager of claim 9 , wherein when the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Micro-Optical System and Method of Manufacture Thereof

Номер: US20130088845A1

The optical system comprises a base plate having a first plate side and a second plate side, a light guide element located substantially on said first plate side and a lens element located on said second plate side. The base plate and the light guide element are integrally formed or are distinct parts, and the base plate is at least partially transparent The optical system forms a light path for light passing through said lens element, across said base plate and through said light guide element, and wherein said base plate comprises at least one mechanical guiding element. The method for manufacturing such an optical system comprises providing a wafer comprising a multitude of said base plates. 1. An optical system comprising a base plate having a first plate side and a second plate side , a light guide element located substantially on said first plate side and a lens element located on said second plate side , wherein said base plate and said light guide element are integrally formed or are distinct parts , wherein said base plate is at least partially transparent , and wherein the optical system forms a light path for light passing through said lens element , across said base plate and through said light guide element , and wherein said base plate comprises at least one mechanical guiding element.2. The optical system according to claim 1 , wherein said light guide element has an axis described by its shape and said lens element has an axis described by its shape claim 1 , and wherein these axes are coinciding and are aligned perpendicular to said base plate.3. The optical system according to or claim 1 , wherein said base plate issubstantially made of a transparent material; orcomprises a first portion of a non-transparent material and a second portion of a transparent material, in particular wherein said second portion is encompassed by said first portion.5. The optical system according to one of the preceding claims claim 1 , said base plate comprising at least ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods For Changing Power States of A Remote Device Using One Or More Camera Body Controls and A Preset Delay

Номер: US20130089313A1
Автор: Clark James E.

A control system for controlling power states of a controlled device, such as a lighting device, a special effects device and an in-scene device, in a photographic image-acquisition setting. The control system is configured to detect one or more camera body signals generated as a function of actuation of one or more camera body controls by a user. The control system generates a first power state change signal in response to the detected camera body signal(s) and transmits the power state change signal to the remote device so as to cause the remote device to operate at a first power state. The control system also implements a preset delay and causes the remote device to change from the first power state to a second power state in response to expiration of the preset delay. 1. A method of changing power states of a remote lighting device using a camera body , comprising:detecting at least one first camera body signal that is generated as a function of a user actuation of at least one camera body control;generating a first power level signal in response to said detecting of the at least one first camera body signal, the first power level signal including data representing a first power output level for the remote lighting device;wirelessly transmitting the first power level signal so as to cause the remote lighting device to operate at the first power output level;implementing a preset delay; andcausing the remote lighting device to change from the first power output level to a second power output level different from the first power output level in response to expiration of the preset delay.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said detecting of the at least one first camera body signal includes detecting a camera body wake signal and said generating of the first power level signal includes generating the first power level signal in response to said detecting of the camera body wake signal.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the camera body has a hotshoe ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093918A1

A method and an apparatus enabling use of a light source emitting a light of changing intensity and changing spectrum as a flash with a camera module having a white-balance routine and an exposure routine, wherein an initial value representative of a color spectrum emitted by the light source is transmitted to the camera module, the light source is turned on, and the camera module is signaled to scan a plurality of images of the scene while the light source is turned on, allowing the white-balance and exposure algorithms to be employed with each image scanned to refine the first initial value to refine the degree of compensation employed in correcting a color and a light level in the last one of the images of the plurality of images scanned. 1. A method of taking a picture of a scene with an electronic device , the electronic device including a camera module having an image scanning element and a flash source , the camera module being operable in an ambient light mode in which the image scanning element is controlled to capture and white balance a succession of images , and in a flash illumination mode in which the image scanning element is controlled to capture and white balance a single image , the camera module having stored therein a pre-determined white-balance routine that includes an initial limit region of a chromaticity chart , the initial limit region of the chromaticity chart overlying a portion of a blackbody radiation curve , the flash source having an optical spectrum lying outside the initial limit region of the chromaticity chart , the method comprising:a) detecting that the flash source will illuminate the scene;b) modifying the initial limit region as a function of the optical spectrum of the flash source, to obtain a modified limit region;c) defining a reference white region within the modified limit region, the reference white region excluding any portion of the black body radiation curve; and i) energizing the flash source to illuminate the ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods For Communicating With A Device Using One Or More Camera Body Controls

Номер: US20130094845A1
Автор: Clark James E.

A control system for communicating with a controlled device, such as a lighting device, a special effects device and an in-scene device, in a photographic image-acquisition setting using a camera body. The control system is configured to detect a preset pattern of actuation of one or more camera body controls by a user. In response to detecting of the preset pattern, the control system either communicates a power state change signal to the controlled device or causes the camera body to enter into a controlled device control mode that changes the functionality of one or more camera body controls from a camera body functionality to a controlled device control functionality, or both. Such a system can allow a photographer to control a controlled device while remaining at the camera body. 1. A method of communicating with a remote lighting device using a camera body , comprising:detecting a first preset pattern of actuation by a user of at least one first camera body control on the camera body;generating a first power level signal in response to said detecting of the first preset pattern of actuation;wirelessly communicating the first power level signal to the remote lighting device so as to cause the remote lighting device to operate at a first power level;after communicating the first power level signal, detecting a second preset pattern of actuation by a user of at least one second camera body control on the camera body;generating a second power level signal in response to said detecting of the second preset pattern of actuation; andwirelessly communicating the second power level signal to the remote lighting device so as to cause the remote lighting device to operate at a second power level.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said detecting of the first preset pattern includes detecting a first sequential actuation of a particular camera body control on the camera body.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein said detecting of the first sequential actuation ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097058A1
Автор: BAKER Floyd

A backdrop system includes a backdrop, a frame and a backdrop clip for holding the backdrop. The backdrop system also includes a storage system and a system for fulfilling orders. 1. A backdrop system comprising:a frame;a pattern printed on a lightweight material;a main body attached to the frame;a clip attached to the lightweight material and to the main body; anda adjustable portion attached to the main body for determining the amount of tension to place on the main body and the clip.2. The backdrop system of wherein the lightweight material is a matte polypropylene material.3. The backdrop system of wherein the lightweight material is a vinyl banner material.4. The backdrop system of wherein the pattern printed on the lightweight material is a photo image.5. The backdrop system of wherein the pattern printed on the lightweight material is manipulated using a photo editing software.6. The backdrop system of wherein the lightweight material has a width in a range of 0.9 meters to 3 meters.7. The backdrop system of wherein the adjustable portion includes an elastomeric cord and a cord stop claim 1 , the cord stop used to vary the length of the elastomeric cord to adjust the amount of tension placed on the main body and the clip attached to the lightweight material.8. The backdrop system of wherein the lightweight material is rolled for storage.9. The backdrop system of further comprising:a plurality of lightweight materials having images for backdrops thereon, the lightweight materials rolled for storage; anda storage system for storing the plurality of rolled lightweight materials.10. The backdrop system of wherein the storage system includes arcuate cradles for storing the plurality of rolled lightweight materials.11. The backdrop system of wherein the storage system includes:a first modular portion; anda second modular portion.12. The backdrop system of wherein at least one of the first modular portion and the second modular portion is a cradle portion.13. A ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100270A1

A person is detected as a subject from an image obtained by image capture, and information, for example, the number of such subjects, is obtained as subject-related information. Then, the greater the number of subjects, the more a setting of a condition that the subjects should satisfy is relaxed. As a result, in an image processing apparatus having a function that identifies a subject state, the usability of that function that identifies the subjects can be improved even in a case in which multiple subjects are present. 1a detection unit that detects a face from an image;a determination unit that, based on information relating to a face detected by the detection unit, determines a condition that is to be satisfied with respect to the detected face; andan identification unit that identifies whether or not a face detected by the detection unit is in a state that satisfies the condition,wherein the information relating to the face comprises information relating to either a number of the detected faces or an orientation of the detected face.. An image processing apparatus comprising: The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/033,546, filed on Feb. 19, 2008, the content of which is expressly incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. This application also claims the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2007-039823 filed on Feb. 20, 2007, which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to an image processing apparatus, such as a digital camera, capable of detecting a face and/or a state of a facial feature/expression in an image and a control method for the same.2. Description of the Related ArtAn image capture system as an image processing apparatus is known that detects a state of a face of a person in a subject, such as smiling or his/her eyes being open, and enables an instant when the person is smiling or an instant when his/her eyes are open ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100333A1

A polarization imaging apparatus includes a laser light source and an image pickup element. Object light and reference light each include a first polarized-light component polarized in a first direction and a second polarized-light component polarized in a second direction that is different from the first direction. The image pickup element simultaneously captures an image of an interference pattern including (i) a first interference figure, (ii) a second interference figure, (iii) a third interference figure, and (iv) a fourth interference figure. The polarization imaging apparatus includes a reconstructing section generating respective reconstructed images of the object in regard to the first and second polarized-light components, from the first to fourth interference figures, and a polarized-light-image-calculating section obtaining polarized-light images from the reconstructed images. 1. An in-line type polarization imaging apparatus comprising:at least one light source for supplying light including reference light and object light;an image pickup section capturing images of interference figures each formed from the reference light and the object light that reaches the image pickup section through an object;a reconstructed-image-producing section producing reconstructed images;a polarized-light-image-calculating section obtaining polarized-light images;a beam splitter splitting the light supplied from the light source into the reference light and the object light;a phase-shift-array section including first phase-shift regions and second phase-shift regions, and making (a) a phase of the reference light having entered the first phase-shift regions different from (b) a phase of the reference light having entered the second phase-shift regions, the reference light being a divisional portion of the light split by the beam splitter; anda beam-combining element combining the object light with the reference light having passed through the phase-shift-array section, the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

TTL Photographic Wireless Communication System and Method

Номер: US20130100340A1
Автор: Clark James E.

A system and method for synchronizing a remote lighting device to a camera using a hot shoe connection and a wireless communication device connected via the hot shoe connector. The wireless communication device receives a request for flash data from the camera via the hot shoe connector. The wireless communication device responds to the request with response data that mocks information that a photographic lighting device would provide if the photographic lighting device were connected to the hot shoe connector, such that the camera continues to provide TTL data via the hot shoe connector to the wireless communication device. 1. A method of synchronizing a remote lighting device to image acquisition of a camera , the camera having a hot shoe connector with a wireless communication device connected thereto , wherein the wireless communication device is not a photographic lighting device and a photographic lighting device is not directly connected to the hot shoe connector of the camera , the method comprising:receiving a first request for flash data from the camera at the wireless communication device via the hot shoe connector of the camera;responding to the first request for flash data with response data that mocks information that a photographic lighting device would provide if the photographic lighting device were connected to the hot shoe connector, such that the camera continues to provide TTL data via the hot shoe connector to the wireless communication device;receiving a synchronization signal at the wireless communication device via the hot shoe connector of the camera;wirelessly communicating TTL information from the wireless communication device to a remote photographic lighting device, the remote photographic lighting device including an internal wireless communication functionality, the TTL information being based on the TTL data from the camera body;wirelessly communicating a remote synchronization signal from the wireless communication device to the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Camera stabilization mechanism

Номер: US20130105619A1
Принадлежит: Vanguard Defense International LLC

Camera mount systems are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, a camera mount system is provided, including a first and a second axial arm configured to mount a camera system. The camera mount system further includes a plurality of pistons configured to attach the first and the second axial arms to a vehicle frame. The camera mount system also includes a plurality of springs configured to attach the first and the second axial arms to the vehicle frame, wherein the first and the second axial arms are disposed underslung to the vehicle frame, and wherein the pistons enable a first movement of the first and the second axial arms about a geometric plane and the springs enable a second movement of the first and the second axial arms along an axis normal to the geometric plane.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120565A1

A time-of-flight camera system includes a photosensor having at least one receiving pixel and a source of illumination. A modulator is configured to provide a modulation signal to the photosensor and to the source of illumination. A control sensor is connected to at least one reference light source or an electric mixer. The control sensor is disposed in a vicinity of the source of illumination such that the control sensor receives at least a portion of the radiation emitted by the source of illumination. The control sensor is configured to provide an electric output signal that substantially matches an intensity-over-time curve of the received radiation. 111-. (canceled)12: A time-of-flight camera system comprising:a photosensor having at least one receiving pixel;a source of illumination;a modulator configured to provide a modulation signal to the photosensor and to the source of illumination; anda control sensor connected to at least one reference light source or an electric mixer, the control sensor being disposed in a vicinity of the source of illumination such that the control sensor receives at least a portion of the radiation emitted by the source of illumination, the control sensor being configured to provide an electric output signal that substantially matches an intensity-over-time curve of the received radiation.13: The time-of-flight camera system according to claim 12 , wherein the control sensor is connected to the at least one reference light source or to the electric mixer via an electric transmission channel.14: The time-of-flight camera system according to claim 13 , wherein the transmission channel is configured to provide a digital transmission of the output signal of the control sensor.15: The time-of-flight camera system according to claim 12 , wherein the control sensor is connected to the at least one reference light source such that the at least one reference light source is modulated as a function of the output signal of the control sensor ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126618A1
Автор: Gao WenLiang

Methods and systems are disclosed for producing color-image data representative of a color optical code or other color objects, particularly with a monochrome imager. Monochrome image-sensor data is produced by receiving a sequence of colored light emitted by an artificial light source and reflected from the color object. The sequence of colored light may be a red, green, and blue sequence of colored light emitting diode lights according to some embodiments. The monochrome imager produces the monochrome image-sensor data based at least in part on the portion of the reflected sequence of colored light. The monochrome image-sensor data is processed to produce color-image data representing the color optical code. 1. A method of producing color-image data representing a color object comprising the steps of:receiving at a monochrome imager, a sequence of colored light that is reflected from a surface of the color object;producing monochrome image-sensor data associated with different colors of light in the sequence of colored light that is reflected from the surface of the color object; andprocessing the monochrome image-sensor data to produce color-image data representing the color object.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sequence of colored light comprises:first light having a first wavelength range;second light having a second wavelength range; andthird light having a third wavelength range, the first, second, and third wavelength ranges being substantially non-overlapping wavelength ranges.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sequence of colored light comprises a sequence of three primary colors.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of:generating the sequence of colored light by individual emission of primary colored lights from an artificial light source to form an emitted sequence of colored light.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the emitted sequence of colored light cooperatively establishes an appearance of white or uniformly colored ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128101A1

A communication device capable of preventing a failure in light emission control caused due to communication with a lighting device such as the master and the slave. The communication device is capable of connecting to an image pickup device and transmits a lighting instruction from the image pickup device to a lighting device through a communication unit capable of performing bidirectional communication. It is determined whether or not the lighting device is ready for lighting. The lighting device is prevented from transmitting information to the communication unit when the lighting device is ready for lighting. 1. A communication device , capable of connecting to an image pickup device , that transmits a lighting instruction from the image pickup device to a lighting device through a communication unit capable of performing bidirectional communication , comprising:a determining unit configured to determine whether or not the lighting device is ready for lighting; anda control unit configured to control the lighting device and the connected image pickup device,wherein the control unit prevents the lighting device from transmitting information to the communication unit when the lighting device is ready for lighting.2. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control unit inhibits the connected image pickup device from shooting until the lighting device becomes ready for lighting claim 1 , when the lighting device is not ready for lighting.3. The communication device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the control unit inhibits the connected image pickup device from shooting until the lighting device becomes ready for lighting claim 1 , when the image pickup device is in a mode of performing the lighting instruction to the lighting device in connection to shooting.4. The communication device as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the control unit inhibits the connected image pickup device from shooting until the lighting device becomes ready for lighting ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Real-Time Adjustment Of Illumination Color Temperature For Digital Imaging Applications

Номер: US20130128103A1

An approach is provided to adjust illumination color temperature at a flash unit of a camera. Data that corresponds to the ambient light of a physical environment is collected, such as at a color temperature meter included in the camera. The ambient light has a distribution of color temperatures that cycle over a fixed time period. When a flash request is received, a time is calculated at which the flash unit will flash. One of the color temperatures is identified from the distribution of color temperatures with the identified color temperature being the predicted color of the ambient light that will be present in the physical environment when the flash unit flashes. The color temperature of the flash unit is set to the identified color temperature. 1. A method implemented by an information handling system to adjust illumination color temperature , the method comprising:collecting data corresponding to ambient light of a physical environment, wherein the ambient light has a distribution of color temperatures that cycle over a fixed time period, and wherein the collected data corresponds to the cycle of color temperatures;receiving a flash request;calculating a time at which a flash unit will flash in response to the received flash request;identifying one of the color temperatures from the distribution of color temperatures, wherein the identified color temperature is the color temperature in the cycle of color temperatures at the calculated time;setting a color temperature of the flash unit to the identified color temperature; andflashing the flash unit after setting the color temperature.2. The method of wherein the identifying further comprises:identifying a current position in the cycle of color temperatures corresponding to the ambient light; andadding a predetermined time delay to identify a future position in the cycle of color temperatures, wherein the predetermined time delay corresponds to an amount of time taken to flash the flash unit, and wherein the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Camera system with exchangeable illumination assembly

Номер: US20130128104A1
Принадлежит: Cognex Corp

This invention provides a vision system with an exchangeable illumination assembly that allows for increased versatility in the type and configuration of illumination supplied to the system without altering the underlying optics, sensor, vision processor, or the associated housing. The vision system housing includes a front plate that optionally includes a plurality of mounting bases for accepting different types of lenses, and a connector that allows removable interconnection with the illustrative illumination assembly. The illumination assembly includes a cover that is light transmissive. The cover encloses an illumination component that can include a plurality of lighting elements that surround an aperture through which received light rays from the imaged scene pass through to the lens. The arrangement of lighting elements is highly variable and the user can be supplied with an illumination assembly that best suits its needs without need to change the vision system processor, sensor or housing.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135498A1
Автор: Melzer Roy

A method of creating a video sequence. The method comprises setting at least one repetitive reminder in a schedule managed by a handheld device having an image sensor, alarming a user according to the at least one repetitive reminder, capturing a sequence of images using the image sensor, automatically identifying a facial image depicting a face in a preset area in the sequence of images, automatically selecting the facial image, in response to the identification, and adding the facial image to a facial video sequence. 1. A method of creating a video sequence , comprising:providing a handheld device having an image sensor; capturing a sequence of images using said image sensor;', 'automatically identifying a facial image depicting a face in a preset area in said sequence of images;', 'automatically selecting said facial image, in response to said identification; and', 'adding said facial image to a facial video sequence., 'in each of a plurality of iterations held in a plurality of separate events2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said automatically identifying is performed using a reference facial area.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising capturing an initial facial image and calibrating said reference facial area according to the location of an initial face depicted in said initial image.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said automatically identifying comprises automatically identifying a facial image depicting a face having a preset facial expression.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising capturing an initial facial image and calibrating said preset facial expression according to the facial expression of an initial face depicted in said initial image.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein said reference facial area is adjusted according to a location of said face in at least one previously captured facial image in said facial video sequence.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein said preset facial expression is adjusted according to a facial expression ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130135511A1

A mobile terminal device includes a display module which displays a screen; a photographing module which is configured to face substantially the same direction as the screen; a determining module which determines, based on an image photographed by the photographing module, whether a state of a user facing the screen coincides with a predetermined determination condition indicating that the user has difficulty in browsing the screen; and a display changing module which changes a current display manner of the screen to a display manner that enhances visibility of characters displayed on the screen, as compared with the current display manner, based on a determination result by the determining module that the state of the user coincides with the determination condition. 1. A mobile terminal device , comprising:a display module which displays a screen;a photographing module which is configured to face substantially the same direction as the screen;a determining module which determines, based on an image photographed by the photographing module, whether a state of a user facing the screen coincides with a predetermined determination condition indicating that the user has difficulty in browsing the screen; anda display changing module which changes a current display manner of the screen to a display manner that enhances visibility of characters displayed on the screen, as compared with the current display manner, based on a determination result by the determining module that the state of the user coincides with the determination condition.2. The mobile terminal device according to claim 1 , whereinthe display changing module performs at least one of changes comprised of enlarging the characters, emphasizing a color of the characters, emphasizing a font of the characters, emphasizing a contrast in color between the characters and a background of the characters, and increasing a luminance of the screen, with respect to the screen, based on the determination result by the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141538A1

An imaging system includes a positionable device configured to axially shift an image plane, wherein the image plane is generated from photons emanating from an object and passing through a lens, a detector plane positioned to receive the photons of the object that pass through the lens, and a computer programmed to characterize the lens as a mathematical function, acquire two or more elemental images of the object with the image plane of each elemental image at different axial positions with respect to the detector plane, determine a focused distance of the object from the lens, based on the characterization of the lens and based on the two or more elemental images acquired, and generate a depth map of the object based on the determined distance. 1. An imaging system comprising:a shiftable image plane generated from photons emanating from an object and passing through a lens;a detector plane positioned to receive the photons of the object that pass through the lens; and characterize the lens as a lens function;', 'acquire two or more elemental images of the object with the image plane at different axial positions with respect to the detector plane;', 'determine a focused distance of the object from the lens based on the lens function and the two or more elemental images acquired; and', 'generate a depth map of the object based on the determined focused distance., 'a computer programmed to2. The system of wherein the computer claim 1 , in being programmed to characterize the lens claim 1 , is further programmed to characterize the lens as a function of a lens aberration profile and a point spread function (PSF) that is a response to point sources that are positioned at different locations with respect to the lens.3. The system of wherein the computer is programmed to model the PSF as a Fourier transform of a pupil function of the imaging system that is represented in a form of multiple polynomials.4. The system of wherein the multiple polynomials are Zernike ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130141607A1
Автор: Anabuki Mahoro

A video generating apparatus comprises: an obtaining unit for obtaining an image in which a person has been taken; a human body recognizing unit recognizing a part of a human body of the person in the image; a holding unit for holding data concerning a basic video showing that the person exercises; a setting unit for setting a motion range of a specific part in the exercise of the person, on the basis of the recognized parts of the human body of the person; a video generating unit for generating, from the data concerning the basic video, a sample video for the person in the image on the basis of the motion range; and a display controlling unit for displaying the generated sample video on a displaying apparatus. Thus, it is possible to generate and show the sample video suitable for the person. 1. A video generating apparatus comprising:an obtaining unit configured to obtain an image in which a person has been taken;a human body recognizing unit configured to recognize a part of a human body of the person in the image;a holding unit configured to hold data concerning a basic video showing that the person exercises;a setting unit configured to set a motion range of a specific part in the exercise of the person, on the basis of the recognized parts of the human body of the person;a video generating unit configured to generate, from the data concerning the basic video, a sample video for the person in the image on the basis of the motion range; anda display controlling unit configured to display the generated sample video on a displaying apparatus.2. The video generating apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:an information inputting unit configured to input information concerning a condition of the person in the image; anda range adjusting unit configured to adjust the motion range on the basis of the input information concerning the condition of the person,wherein the video generating unit generates the sample video for the person from the data concerning ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142500A1
Автор: Yavin Zvi

The invention relates to an airborne reconnaissance system which comprises: (a) optical unit for acquiring light rays from a terrain portion, said optical unit comprises a plurality of optical components that are positioned along an optical path and designed to maneuver said light rays to produce at a focal plane an acquired image of a terrain portion, said acquired image having an area S which is several times larger than the area A of a focal plane array which is positioned at same focal plane; (b) gimbals unit for performing a continuous back and forth across-track scanning movement of a respective line of sight formed between said optical unit and the terrain below the aircraft; (c) a first back-scanning mirror along said optical path, for compensating for said continuous across track movement of the line of sight, said compensation is performed during a respective integration period for a section of said acquired image of area S which falls during said period on said focal plane array; and (d) a second, along-track mirror also positioned along said optical path, which alternates between plurality of along track states, each state causes a different diversion of the light rays within said optical path thereby to impinge on said focal plane array another along-track section of said acquired image of area S; and (e) capturing means for recording in each state of said along-track mirror the corresponding section of the terrain image which is impinged during said state on the focal plane array. 1. An airborne reconnaissance system which comprises:a. optical unit for acquiring light rays from a terrain portion, said optical unit comprises a plurality of optical components that are positioned along an optical path and designed to maneuver said light rays to produce at a focal plane an acquired image of a terrain portion, said acquired image having an area S which is several times larger than the area A of a focal plane array which is positioned at same focal plane;b. ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Generation of patterned radiation

Номер: US20130147921A1
Принадлежит: PRIMESENSE LTD.

Imaging apparatus includes an illumination assembly, including a plurality of radiation sources and projection optics, which are configured to project radiation from the radiation sources onto different, respective regions of a scene. An imaging assembly includes an image sensor and objective optics configured to form an optical image of the scene on the image sensor, which includes an array of sensor elements arranged in multiple groups, which are triggered by a rolling shutter to capture the radiation from the scene in successive, respective exposure periods from different, respective areas of the scene so as to form an electronic image of the scene. A controller is coupled to actuate the radiation sources sequentially in a pulsed mode so that the illumination assembly illuminates the different, respective areas of the scene in synchronization with the rolling shutter. 127-. (canceled)28. Optical apparatus , comprising:a plurality of radiation sources, mounted on a substrate and configured to emit optical radiation;a patterning element, comprising a transparency;collection optics, which are configured to direct the radiation emitted by the radiation sources toward the patterning element, while causing the optical radiation emitted by each of the radiation sources to pass through a different, respective region of the transparency so as to form different, respective patterns;projection optics, which are configured to project the patterns of the radiation from the patterning element onto a scene; anda controller, which is coupled to actuate the radiation sources sequentially in a pulsed mode, so as to form the different, respective patterns in succession.29. The apparatus according to claim 28 , wherein the transparency comprises a micro-lens array.30. The apparatus according to claim 28 , and comprising:an imaging assembly, comprising an image sensor and objective optics configured to form an optical image of the scene on the image sensor, so that the image sensor ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Communication apparatus that sends signal for instructing image pickup apparatus to execute shooting operation and communication control method therefor

Номер: US20130155267A1
Автор: Junji Takai, Takuro MORITA
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A communication apparatus which is capable of, when remotely instructing an image pickup apparatus to execute a shooting operation, instructing execution of a shooting operation using a suitable method. A first sending unit sends a first signal for instructing execution of a shooting operation to a mounted image pickup apparatus via a cable connected to the mounted image pickup apparatus. A second sending unit sends a second signal for instructing execution of the shooting operation to the mounted image pickup apparatus via a signal terminal that is electrically connected to a terminal provided in an accessory shoe of the mounted image pickup apparatus. A control unit controls the first and second sending units so that, when execution of the shooting operation is instructed, a signal to be sent to the mounted image pickup apparatus is switched between the first signal and the second signal.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155275A1

An image capturing apparatus includes: an image capturing device in which a plurality of pixels having sensitivity to visible light and illuminating light in a certain wavelength range are arranged and that captures a moving image having a plurality of frames; a radiation device that radiates the illuminating light onto an image capturing region of the image capturing device; and a processor that executes a procedure, the procedure comprising: selecting, from among a plurality of frames captured by the image capturing device, a frame captured during an OFF period of the radiation device, and outputting the selected frame as a frame representing a visible image of the image capturing region. 1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:an image capturing device in which a plurality of pixels having sensitivity to visible light and illuminating light in a certain wavelength range are arranged and that captures a moving image having a plurality of frames;a radiation device that radiates the illuminating light onto an image capturing region of the image capturing device; and selecting, from among a plurality of frames captured by the image capturing device, a frame captured during an OFF period of the radiation device, and', 'outputting the selected frame as a frame representing a visible image of the image capturing region., 'a processor that executes a procedure, the procedure comprising2. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 1 , the procedure further comprising:executing a measurement process using another frame captured during an ON period of the radiation device.3. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the radiation device radiates the illuminating light mainly composed of infrared light.4. The image capturing apparatus according to claim 3 , the procedure further comprising:correcting color deterioration of the selected frame due to an effect of infrared light radiated from a light source different from the radiation device, ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155316A1
Автор: Fukui Hajime

An imaging apparatus, which can communicate with a light emitting apparatus via a radio wave communication unit using radio waves, is configured to control timing at which the imaging apparatus starts an operation corresponding to a light emission performed according to a light emission start instruction based on a first light emission delay time that the light emitting apparatus requires for the processing from completion of reception of data indicating the light emission start instruction issued from the radio wave communication unit to a start of the light emission, and a second light emission delay time required for the processing from an output of the light emission start instruction issued from a light emission start instruction unit to completion of transmission of the data indicating the light emission start instruction issued from the radio wave communication unit. 1. An imaging apparatus capable of communicating with a light emitting apparatus via a radio wave communication unit using a radio wave , the imaging apparatus comprising:a light emission start instruction unit configured to output a light emission start instruction addressed to the light emitting apparatus, to the radio wave communication unit;an acquisition unit configured to acquire a first light emission delay time that the light emitting apparatus requires for the processing from completion of reception of data indicating the light emission start instruction issued from the radio wave communication unit to start of light emission; anda control unit configured to control timing at which the imaging apparatus starts an operation corresponding to the light emission performed according to the light emission start instruction based on the first light emission delay time acquired by the acquisition unit, and a second light emission delay time required for the processing from an output of the light emission start instruction issued from the light emission start instruction unit, to completion of ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130156413A1

A mobile device comprising a processor, a camera module, and a flash configured to generate at least one of a reduced pre-flash, a standard pre-flash and a flash. The processor, in response to receiving an image capture request, is configured to receive a brightness value and determine a flash status based on a flash setting with the flash status being one of an off mode, on mode, and auto mode. In the event the flash status is one of the on mode and auto mode, determine whether there is sufficient light to capture an image based at least in part on a comparison of the brightness value and a flash threshold. In the event the brightness value is greater than the flash threshold, cause the flash to generate a shortened pre-flash and obtain only a white balance measurement and an auto-exposure measurement during the shortened pre-flash. 121.-. (canceled)22. An electronic device comprising:a flash configured to generate a shortened pre-flash, a standard pre-flash and a flash; anda processor, communicatively coupled to the flash, in response to receiving a picture request, configured to:receive a brightness value;determine a flash status based on a flash setting with the flash status being one of an off mode, on mode, and auto mode;in the event the flash status is in the auto mode, determine whether there is sufficient light to capture an image based at least in part on a comparison of the brightness value and a flash threshold;in the event the brightness value is not greater than the flash threshold and the flash status is in the auto mode, determine whether there is sufficient light to perform an auto-focus based at least in part on a comparison of the brightness value and an auto-focus threshold, andin the event the brightness value is greater than the auto-focus threshold, the processor is further configured to cause the flash to generate a shortened pre-flash having a predetermined duration and obtain only a white balance measurement and an auto-exposure measurement ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162790A1

An electronic endoscope system includes a light source that emits light including at least a visible light band; an optical filter that has a transmittance peak at a particular wavelength within a continuous wavelength band including at least the visible light band and that has a transmittance distribution which is larger than zero and is smaller than a half of the transmittance peak within an entire of the continuous wavelength band excepting the transmittance peak; an optical filter switching means that inserts the optical filter into an illumination optical path of the light source or retracts the optical filter from the illumination optical path; a color solid state image pick-up device that receives reflected light from a subject illuminated with illumination light which has passed through the optical filter or has not passed through the optical filter; and an image generating means that generates a color image which can be displayed on a monitor by processing an imaging signal output by the solid state image pick-up device. 1. An electronic endoscope system , comprising:a light source that emits light including at least a visible light band;an optical filter that has a transmittance peak at least at a particular wavelength band within a continuous wavelength band including at least the visible light band and that has a transmittance distribution which is larger than zero and is smaller than a half of the transmittance peak within an almost entire region of the continuous wavelength band excepting the transmittance peak;a color solid state image pick-up device that receives reflected light from a subject illuminated with illumination light via the optical filter; andan image generating unit that generates a color image which can be displayed on a monitor by processing an imaging signal output by the solid state image pick-up device,wherein the optical filter has the transmittance distribution satisfying following (1) and (2):(1) having the transmittance peak at ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162895A1
Автор: Ito Masato

A lens barrier unit capable of improving the external force-resistance without increasing the size of the lens barrier unit itself. The lens barrier unit opens/closes an opening portion of a cover member. Each of a first panel member and a second panel member has an opening communicating with the opening portion and a plate-shaped portion for partially defining the opening. A lens barrier member moves between a lens protection position and a lens exposed position. A link member moves a lens barrier member to the lens protection position or the lens exposed position. The lens barrier member and the link member are arranged between the first panel member and the second panel member with the link member located on a side of the second panel member side, and the second panel member and the link member overlap with each other through a static pressure receiving structure. 1. A lens barrier unit adapted to open or close an opening portion of a cover member disposed in front of an image pickup lens in a direction of an optical axis of the image pickup lens , comprising:a first panel member and a second panel member, each of which having an opening communicating with said opening portion and a plate-shaped portion for partially defining the opening;a lens barrier member adapted to move between a lens protection position where said opening portion is closed and a lens exposed position where said opening position is opened; anda link member adapted to pivotally move around a rotating shaft with one end thereof as a center and to move said lens barrier member to said lens protection position or said lens exposed position, whereinsaid lens barrier member and said link member are arranged between said first panel member and said second panel member with said link member located on a side of said second panel member side, andsaid second panel member and said pivotally moving link member overlap with each other through a static pressure receiving structure portion.2. The lens ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163972A1
Автор: Miyazawa Hitoshi

An image stabilization apparatus, having a vibration correction unit that corrects image blur due to vibrations, detects an angular velocity of vibrations with a first vibration detection unit, calculates a rotational shake correction amount based on an output from the first vibration detection unit, detects vibrations with a second vibration detection unit, calculates a correction value from the outputs of the first and second vibration detection units, calculates a translational shake correction amount based on the correction value and the output of the first vibration detection unit, and drives the vibration correction unit based on at least one of the rotational or translational shake correction amounts. The image stabilization apparatus changes the translational shake correction amount to a smaller value when a main object accounts for a smaller proportion of an entire screen. 1. An image stabilization apparatus comprising:a vibration correction unit that corrects image blur due to vibrations;a first vibration detection unit that detects an angular velocity of vibrations;a first calculation unit that calculates a rotational shake correction amount based on an output from the first vibration detection unit;a second vibration detection unit that detects vibrations by using a method different from that of the first vibration detection unit;a second calculation unit that calculates a correction value from outputs from the first vibration detection unit and the second vibration detection unit and calculates a translational shake correction amount based on the correction value and the output of the first vibration detection unit;a driving unit that drives the vibration correction unit based on at least one of the rotational shake correction amount and the translational shake correction amount; anda changing unit that, when a main object accounts for a smaller proportion of an entire screen, changes the translational shake correction amount so as to be smaller than ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169777A1
Автор: ZEN Kenichi

An imaging mechanism and an endoscope apparatus include: an image sensor including a sensor face and a plurality of input/output leads, a holding member having a sensor contact face, a circuit board that is secured to an outer face of an opposite side of the holding member to the sensor contact face, and a contact-point part disposed on a side face of the circuit board intersecting with a mount face, and in a region where the outline of the circuit board is inside the outline of the holding member. At least one of the holding member and the circuit board includes a relay wiring part which the contact-point part and at least one of the input/output leads are electrically connected to. 1. An imaging mechanism comprising:an image sensor including a sensor face whereon a plurality of light-receiving elements are arranged, and a plurality of input/output leads;a holding member having a sensor contact face that contacts a face of the image sensor that is on an opposite side to the side where the sensor face is provided;a circuit board that is secured to an outer face of an opposite side of the holding member to the sensor contact face, and includes a mount face parallel with the sensor face, at least one part of the outline of the circuit board when seen from a direction perpendicular to the mount face being inside the outline of the holding member; anda contact-point part disposed on a side face of the circuit board intersecting with the mount face, and in a region where the outline of the circuit board is inside the outline of the holding member, whereinat least one of the holding member and the circuit board including a relay wiring part to which the contact-point part is electrically connected, and to which at least one of the input/output leads is electrically connected.2. The imaging mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein:a first wiring for transmitting an electrical power or an electrical signal to the image sensor is connected to the contact-point part;a second ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169843A1

An image pickup apparatus includes first and second irradiation units that emit first light and second light, respectively, an image pickup unit that outputs, as pixel information, an electrical signal after photoelectric conversion from a pixel arbitrarily designated as a read target among pixels, a setting unit that arbitrarily sets a pixel as the read target and a read order in the image pickup unit, a control unit that controls irradiation processes in the first and second irradiation units and changes the pixel as the read target and the read order according to a type of an irradiation unit that emits light, a reading unit that reads the pixel information by causing the pixel information to be output from the pixel set as the read target, in accordance with the read order, and an image processing unit that generates an image from the pixel information read by the reading unit. 1. An image pickup apparatus comprising:a first irradiation unit that emits first light to a subject;a second irradiation unit that emits second light that has a wavelength band different from that of the first light, to the subject;an image pickup unit that is capable of outputting, as pixel information, an electrical signal after photoelectric conversion from a pixel arbitrarily designated as a read target among a plurality of pixels for imaging;a setting unit that is capable of arbitrarily setting a pixel as the read target and a read order in the image pickup unit;a control unit that controls irradiation processes in the first irradiation unit and the second irradiation unit and changes the pixel as the read target and the read order set by the setting unit according to a type of an irradiation unit that emits light;a reading unit that reads the pixel information by causing the pixel information to be output from the pixel set as the read target by the setting unit among the plurality of pixels for imaging in the image pickup unit, in accordance with the read order according to ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus

Номер: US20130169859A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An imaging apparatus ( 1 ) includes an illumination optical system ( 100 ) that includes a light source ( 110 ) and is configured to guide light from the light source to a target (B), an imaging optical system configured to capture an image of the target, and a plurality of image sensors ( 430 ) arranged on an image plane of the imaging optical system. The illumination optical system includes a plurality of integrators ( 121,122 ). Light flux exits from one of the plurality of integrators illuminates at least one of the plurality of image sensors, and light exits from the other integrators illuminates at least one of the plurality of image sensors other than the image sensor illuminated by the light exits from the one of the plurality of integrators.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176415A1
Автор: KIM Jayoen, NA Daeyol

A display device including a display configured to display multimedia contents; a wireless communication unit configured to wirelessly communicate with at least one external mobile terminal; a camera unit configured to sense an eye movement of a user holding the mobile terminal; and a controller configured to receive indication signals from the mobile terminal indicating at least one of a grip pattern and eye movement of the user holding the mobile terminal, and to control a streaming operation of streaming the multimedia contents displayed on the display to the mobile terminal. 1. A display device , comprising:a display configured to display multimedia contents;a wireless communication unit configured to wirelessly communicate with at least one external mobile terminal;a camera unit configured to sense an eye movement of a user holding the mobile terminal; anda controller configured to receive indication signals from the mobile terminal indicating at least one of a grip pattern and eye movement of the user holding the mobile terminal, and to control a streaming operation of streaming the multimedia contents displayed on the display to the mobile terminal.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein when the indication signals received from the mobile terminal indicate the eye movement of the user is looking at the display and is not looking at the mobile terminal claim 1 , the controller is further configured to stop the streaming operation of streaming the multimedia contents to the mobile terminal.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein when the indication signals received from the mobile terminal indicate the eye movement of the user is looking at the mobile terminal and is not looking at the display claim 1 , the controller is further configured to start the streaming operation of streaming the multimedia contents to the mobile terminal or maintain the streaming operation.4. The display device of claim 1 , wherein when the indication signals received from the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176482A1

Light emission control makes it possible to determine an appropriate main light emission amount even when an optical accessory that changes color characteristics of transmitted light is attached forward of a light emission section of an illumination device. A strobe capable of having a color filter attached thereto, which changes color characteristics of transmitted light. The strobe includes a strobe microcomputer that acquires information on characteristics of the color filter attached forward of the light emission section, and transmits the acquired information on the characteristics to an image pickup apparatus on which the strobe is mounted. 1. An illumination device that is capable of having an optical accessory attached forward of a light emission section thereof , for changing color characteristics of light transmitted through the optical accessory , and is removably mounted on an image pickup apparatus , comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire information on characteristics of the optical accessory attached forward of the light emission section; anda transmission unit configured to transmit the information on characteristics acquired by said acquisition unit to the image pickup apparatus on which the illumination device is mounted.2. The illumination device according to claim 1 , wherein said acquisition unit acquires information on an amount of light reduced by the optical accessory when the light emission section is caused to emit light claim 1 , as the information on the characteristics.3. The illumination device according to claim 2 , wherein the image pickup apparatus is configured to calculate an amount of main light emission from the illumination device based on a photometric value acquired by causing the illumination device to perform preliminary light emission claim 2 , andwherein said acquisition unit acquires information indicative of a corrected preliminary light emission amount which is obtained by correcting a preliminary light ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182112A1
Принадлежит: Audi AG

A camera arrangement for a vehicle, with a camera unit constructed to be pivoted into an active position and into an inactive position, and a chamber accommodating the camera unit, wherein in the inactive position a sealing cover that seals the chamber is arranged on the camera unit, with the camera unit being inaccessible from outside, and wherein in the active position the camera unit is pivoted out of the chamber for optically capturing a surrounding area and the camera unit seals the chamber. A method for installing the camera arrangement in a vehicle is also disclosed. 111-. (canceled)12. A camera arrangement for a vehicle , comprising:a camera unit constructed to be pivoted between an active position and an inactive position,a chamber accommodating the camera unit, wherein in the inactive position a sealing cover which seals the chamber is disposed on the camera unit and wherein the camera unit is inaccessible from outside, and wherein in the active position the camera unit is pivoted out of the chamber for optically capturing a surrounding area and the camera unit seals the chamber.13. The camera arrangement of claim 12 , wherein the camera unit comprises a rim claim 12 , which seals the chamber in the active position of the camera unit.14. The camera arrangement of claim 13 , wherein the camera unit comprises an optical lens disposed between the rim and the sealing cover.15. The camera arrangement of claim 12 , further comprising a spindle drive for pivoting the camera unit between the active position and the inactive position.16. The camera arrangement of claim 15 , wherein the camera unit is pivoted about a pivot axis extending through the camera unit.17. The camera arrangement of claim 12 , further comprising a housing module in which the chamber is formed.18. The camera arrangement of claim 17 , wherein the housing module is attached on a lid or a door of the vehicle.19. The camera arrangement of claim 17 , wherein the housing module is constructed to ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182225A1
Автор: Stout Richard F.

In a computerized film (digital camera action) production system, a virtual director module takes responsibility for creating sets, and enabling cinematography by creating a synthetic parallax matching of a “set” image to what would have existed before a camera in real motion about the physical location represented. This overcomes failures typical of “green screen” technology in dealing with such conditions as shallow depth of field and low light. Computer generated, synthetic sets from a 3D animator may be projected behind real actors during or after filming. Sythetic sets are seen through a virtual camera as photo-realistic because they are skinned with textures, and structured geometrically, to match reality represented by actual still photography of a physical environment, such as buildings, walls, streets, landscapes, props, and the like. 1. A method for cinematography comprising:providing a synthetic set comprising set images stored in digital data representing a scene comprising images of physical objects;directing action before a camera, creating a moving picture comprising a sequence of photographs, while actors being photographed and a camera taking the photographs are both moving;recording, by the camera, from a viewing angle that changes with time, the action into a recording of the action; andcreating a movie scene having the recording and the synthetic set each integrated to display the synthetic set and the action continually from the same perspective, corresponding to the viewing angle of the camera.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the synthetic set has a physical geometry representing an actual physical location.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the synthetic set comprises images digitally constructed to represent the actual physical location.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising generating the synthetic set based on a still photograph of the physical location.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising calculating by a processor claim ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182404A1
Автор: MITANI Shohei
Принадлежит: Pentax Ricoh Imaging Company, Ltd.

A storage structure for a light-emitting device is included in a camera body, which also includes a lens mount formed on its front side for attaching a lens barrel and an imaging element arranged on its back side with a center thereof aligned with the center of the lens mount. The storage structure is a concave storage compartment arranged to correspond with an upper part of the lens mount. The light-emitting device is attached to the storage compartment and capable of popping up and down therefrom, the floor of the concave storage compartment is located between a lower edge of an engaging pawl, which is arranged at an upper edge portion of the lens mount, and the upper side of the imaging area of the imaging element. 1. A storage structure for a light-emitting device , comprising:a camera body which includes a lens mount formed at a front side for attaching a lens barrel and an imaging element arranged at a back side with a center thereof aligned with the center of the lens mount; anda concave storage compartment which is formed at a position corresponding to an upper part of the lens mount and to which the light-emitting device is attached and capable of popping up and down therefrom,the concave storage compartment having a floor located between a lower edge of an engaging pawl, which is arranged at an upper edge portion of the lens mount, and the upper side of the imaging area of the imaging element.2. The storage structure for a light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein the concave storage compartment and the entire light-emitting device claim 1 , while stored in the concave storage compartment claim 1 , are arranged at the back side of the camera body from the lens mount.3. The storage structure for a light-emitting device according to claim 1 , wherein an upper surface of the light-emitting device claim 1 , while stored in the concave storage compartment claim 1 , is approximately at the same height as any member arranged on the upper side of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194408A1

A method of biometric recognition is provided. Multiple images of the face or other non-iris image and iris of an individual are acquired. If the multiple images are determined to form an expected sequence of images, the face and iris images are associated together. A single camera preferably acquires both the iris and face images by changing at least one of the zoom, position, or dynamic range of the camera. The dynamic range can be adjusted by at least one of adjusting the gain settings of the camera, adjusting the exposure time, and/or adjusting the illuminator brightness. The expected sequence determination can be made by determining if the accumulated motion vectors of the multiple images is consistent with an expected set of motion vectors and/or ensuring that the iris remains in the field of view of all of the multiple images. 1. A method of biometric acquisition , comprising the steps of:(a) acquiring, by a sensor, at least one image of the iris comprising a reflection of a predefined geometrical shape;(b) determining a value of deformation or magnification of the geometrical shape in the reflection;(c) comparing the determined value to a value of deformation or magnification predetermined from a reflection occurring off a live eye; and(d) determining that the at least one image of the iris is acquired from a live eye if the determined value is consistent with the pre-determined value.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein (c) further comprises determining if the determined value is within a magnification range that is approximately 3 to 6 millimeters divided by a distance of the predefined geometrical shape from the iris.3. The method of claim 1 , comprising determining if a dimension of the reflection is at least ten times smaller than a corresponding dimension of the predefined geometrical shape claim 1 , if the iris is at least 100 millimeters from the predefined geometrical shape.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising determining if a dimension of the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194489A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An imaging device includes a flat printed substrate, a first lens barrel, a second lens barrel, a first rigid flexible substrate and a second rigid flexible substrate. The first rigid flexible substrate has a first flexible component, a first rigid component and a first electronic circuit component. The first flexible component is connected to the first imaging element and the first connector. The first rigid component is disposed in the rear of the first lens barrel. The first electronic circuit component is supported by the first rigid component. At least part of the first flexible component and/or the first electronic circuit component is disposed in front of the rear face of the flat printed substrate. At least part of the second flexible component and/or the second electronic circuit component is disposed in front of the rear face of the flat printed substrate. 1. An imaging device , comprising: a front face,', 'a rear face,', 'a first connector disposed on the rear face, and', 'a second connector disposed on the rear face;, 'a flat printed substrate includinga first lens barrel disposed on the front face side of the flat printed substrate, the first lens barrel including a first imaging element;a second lens barrel disposed on the front face side of the flat printed substrate, the second lens barrel including a second imaging element; a first flexible component connected to the first imaging element and the first connector,', 'a first rigid component disposed in the rear of the first lens barrel, and', 'a first electronic circuit component supported by the first rigid component;, 'a first rigid flexible substrate linked to the first imaging element and the first connector, the first rigid flexible substrate including a second flexible component connected to the second imaging element and the second connector,', 'a second rigid component disposed in the rear of the second lens barrel, and', 'a second electronic circuit component supported by the second rigid ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201315A1
Автор: ONO Wataru, TAKEI Shunji

A medical instrument is provided with: an image pickup section acquiring return light generated on the basis of light radiated to a subject; a frame rate setting section setting a frame rate of the image pickup section; a charge reading control section providing a blanking period between a period of reading pixels of the image pickup section and a next reading period, and controlling selection of pixels of the image pickup section to be read and a reading period on the basis of a value set by the frame rate setting section; and an illumination section providing the blanking period between the period of reading pixels of the image pickup section and the next reading period, and radiating special light to the subject during the blanking period provided by the charge reading control section. 1. A medical instrument comprising:an image pickup section acquiring return light generated on the basis of light radiated to a subject;a frame rate setting section setting a frame rate of the image pickup section;a charge reading control section providing a blanking period between a period of reading pixels of the image pickup section and a next reading period, and controlling selection of pixels of the image pickup section to be read and a reading period on the basis of a set value set by the frame rate setting section; andan illumination section radiating special light to the subject during the blanking period provided by the charge reading control section.2. The medical instrument according to claim 1 , whereinthe charge reading control section controls the reading period by a process of thinning out reading pixels according to the frame rate while setting a length of the blanking period to be constant irrespective of the frame rate.3. The medical instrument according to claim 1 , whereinthe charge reading control section reads information of multiple pixels by converting the information to information of one pixel on the basis of the set value of the frame rate while setting a ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201345A1
Автор: Ling Weijun
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention disclose a method and an apparatus for controlling a video device as well as a video system. The video device includes a monitor and a camera that are relatively fixed, face a same direction, and are connected to a moving mechanism. The method includes: obtaining a facial image of a participant that is identified from a conference site image, where the conference site image is shot and provided by the camera; analyzing the facial image, and, after determining, with reference to an analysis result, that a facial position of the participant has deviated from directions of facing the monitor and the camera, determining a deviation direction; and controlling the moving mechanism to drive the monitor and the camera to move to a position of facing the facial position of the participant according to the deviation direction. 1. A method for controlling a video device , wherein the video device comprises a monitor and a camera , the monitor and the camera are relatively fixed , face a same direction , and are connected to a moving mechanism , and the method comprises:obtaining a facial image of a participant that is identified from a conference site image, where the conference site image is shot and provided by the camera;analyzing the facial image, and determining a deviation direction, after judging, with reference to an analysis result, that a facial position of the participant has deviated from directions of facing the monitor and the camera; andcontrolling the moving mechanism to drive the monitor and the camera to move to a position of facing the facial position of the participant according to the deviation direction.2. The method for controlling a video device according to claim 1 , wherein the facial image is analyzed in following steps:invoke a pre-stored reference facial image, wherein the pre-stored reference facial image is a facial image that is shot in advance when the facial position of the participant faces the monitor and ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201653A1

The current invention discloses an illumination device that may be attached to a computing device and provide a light source for a video call, video conference, or a picture capturing process. The illumination device comprises a light source, a power connector, and an attachment assembly that connects that light source to the computing device. The light source maybe a plurality of LEDs or a light panel using electroluminescent lighting. The illumination device may further comprise an external power source and a switch. The illumination device may also be integrally connected to the computing device and uses the power source of the computing device and being controlled by buttons or switches of the computing device. The illumination device may also provide additional signals for incoming calls or ongoing calls by displaying different light intensity, pattern, or color. 1: an illumination device attached to a computing device , comprising:a light source;an attachment assembly affixing the light source to the computing device,a power connector, andan external power source, wherein the power connector connects the light source to the external power source.2: the illumination device as claim 1 , wherein the light source is a plurality of light-emitting diodes (LEDs).3: the illumination device as claim 1 , wherein the power connector connects the light to a power source integral to the computing device.4: the illumination device as claim 1 , wherein the external power source is a battery.5: the illumination device as claim 1 , further comprising a switch controlling the light source.6: the illumination device as claim 2 , wherein the LEDs emit lights having a luminous intensity and the luminous intensity is adjustable.7: the illumination device as claim 6 , further comprising a switch to adjust the luminous intensity claim 6 , viewing angle claim 6 , color claim 6 , and/or light pattern of the LEDs.8: the illumination device as claim 2 , wherein the LEDs emit light having ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208102A1

The embodiment of the invention relates to a skin photographing apparatus. A skin photographing apparatus includes a bottom surface horizontally positioned; a subject-mounted portion vertically positioned to be perpendicular to the bottom surface, wherein a face of a person to be photographed is mounted on the subject-mounted portion; and a supporting portion for supporting a lower side of a camera so that the camera is mounted on an upper side of the supporting portion. 1. A skin photographing apparatus , comprising:a bottom surface horizontally positioned;a subject-mounted portion vertically positioned to be perpendicular to the bottom surface, wherein a face of a person to be photographed is mounted on the subject-mounted portion; anda supporting portion for supporting a lower side of a camera so that the camera is mounted on an upper side of the supporting portion.2. The skin photographing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a rail portion extending from the subject-mounted portion to be parallel to the bottom surface,wherein the camera is mounted on the upper side of the supporting portion and moves along the rail portion so that the camera gets near to or grows apart from the subject-mounted portion.3. The skin photographing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the rail portion is pivotable around the subject-mounted portion.4. The skin photographing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a reflector having a conical shape,wherein the reflector is positioned at an edge of a lens of the camera and extends toward the subject-mounted portion.5. The skin photographing apparatus according to claim 4 , further comprising:a lighting portion positioned at an edge of the reflector.6. The skin photographing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a casing having an inner space;a lighting portion positioned at an edge of one side surface of the case, wherein the lighting portion for providing lighting for the camera; anda ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208136A1

A terminal apparatus including a display unit disposed on a case and is configured to display an image; a first camera disposed on a surface on which the display unit performs image display; a second camera disposed on a surface opposite the surface on which the first camera is disposed; a plurality of microphones disposed on the case; a sound processing unit that detects sound transmitted from a sound source on a side of the first camera with sound signals obtained by at least one of the plurality of microphones; and an image processing unit that combines a first image which is captured by the first camera or is stored in advance with a second image captured by the second camera on the basis of a result of the detection of sound transmitted from the sound source on the side of the first camera. 1. A terminal apparatus comprising:a display unit that is disposed on a case and is configured to display an image;a first camera disposed on a surface on which the display unit performs image display;a second camera disposed on a surface opposite the surface on which the first camera is disposed;a plurality of microphones disposed on the case;a sound processing unit that detects sound transmitted from a sound source on a side of the first camera with sound signals obtained by at least one of the plurality of microphones; andan image processing unit that combines a first image which is captured by the first camera or is stored in advance with a second image captured by the second camera on the basis of a result of the detection of sound transmitted from the sound source on the side of the first camera.2. The terminal apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a control unit claim 1 , wherein the image processing unit performs face recognition processing on the basis of a captured image of a face of a user facing a side of the first camera and the control unit determines whether a mouth of the user has moved claim 1 , andthe image processing unit automatically ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208142A1

A camera generates a light source control signal for controlling a light source to turn the light source on and off, acquires a plurality of items of first image data and a plurality of items of second image data obtained by picking up the measured wave, and transfers the plurality of items of acquired first image data and the plurality of items of acquired second image data to an external storage and processing device as digital data with an identifying number for identifying a frame in which the image data is acquired attached every frame. The external storage and processing device determines whether each frame of the digital data is an item of the first image data or an item of the second image data on the basis of the identifying number, and subtracts the plurality of items of determined second image data from the plurality of items of determined first image data to produce difference image data. 1. An image pickup system comprising:a light source radiating an electromagnetic wave;a camera picking up a measured wave into which the electromagnetic wave transmits a measured target or reflects from the measured target to obtain image data; andan external storage and processing device connected to said camera,wherein said camera comprises:a light source control unit generating a light source control signal for controlling said light source to turn said light source on and off;an image acquisition unit acquiring a plurality of items of first image data obtained by picking up the measured wave upon turning on said light source and a plurality of items of second image data obtained by picking up the measured wave upon turning off said light source to produce a plurality of items of acquired first image data and a plurality of items of acquired second image data; anda data transferring unit transferring the plurality of items of acquired first image data and the plurality of items of acquired second image data to said external storage and processing device as digital ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208144A1
Автор: Shirakawa Ryuji

A flash detection unit calculates a line average luminance of each line of the current screen of image data and a screen average luminance of a past screen at least one screen before the current screen and compares the calculated line average luminance with the calculated screen average luminance to detect whether the current screen includes a line of high luminance due to a flash. A holding unit holds the past screen of the image data. A flash correction unit, if it is detected that some lines of the current screen have high luminance, replaces the lines having high luminance in the current screen with corresponding lines of the past screen held in the holding unit to correct the image data. 1. An image processing device comprising:a flash detection unit configured to calculate a line average luminance of each line of the current screen of image data and a screen average luminance of a past screen at least one screen before the current screen and compares the calculated line average luminance of each line with the calculated screen average luminance to detect whether some lines of the current screen have high luminance due to a flash;a holding unit configured to hold the past screen of the image data; anda flash correction unit configured to, if it is detected by the flash detection unit that some lines of the current screen have high luminance, replace the lines having high luminance in the current screen with corresponding lines of the past screen which are held in the holding unit to correct the image data.2. The image processing device according to claim 1 , wherein a start line of a plurality of lines having high luminance due to a flash is decided based on a line in which the difference between the line average luminance and the screen average luminance is not less than a first threshold value claim 1 , and an end line of the plurality of lines having high luminance due to the flash is decided based on a line in which the difference between the line average ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Image Capture Method and Mobile Camera Device thereof

Номер: US20130208167A1

By grading preview images of original images for the purpose of filtering eye blink patterns off and/or introducing face smile patterns, a result image can be generated with least eye blink patterns and most face smile patterns for satisfying image quality. 1. An image capturing method , comprising:capturing a first original image;generating a first preview image corresponding to the first original image, wherein the first preview image is of smaller size and lower resolution than the first original image;detecting the first preview image for eye blink patterns;capturing a consecutive plurality of second original images in response to at least one eye blink pattern is detected in the first preview image;generating a plurality of second preview frames corresponding to the plurality of second original frames respectively, wherein the plurality of second preview images are of smaller size and lower resolution than the plurality of second original images;detecting the plurality of second preview images for eye blink patterns; andgenerating a result image based on least eye blink patterns detected on the first preview image and the plurality of second preview images;wherein the first original image, the first preview image, the plurality of second original images, the plurality of second preview images, and the result image are corresponding to at least partially the same scene.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein detecting of eye blink patterns comprises:grading each of the first preview image and the plurality of second preview images by a level of eye blink resemblance.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein grading each of the plurality of second preview images by the level of eye blink resemblance comprises:grading a first second preview image with a higher score than a second second preview image having a higher level of eye blink resemblance than the first second preview image.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein generating the result image based on least eye blink ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215323A1

A window of an electronic device includes a shooting region at a position corresponding to a camera lens assembly. The window includes a front surface, a rear surface, and an inclined surface. The front surface includes the shooting region and is formed in a curved shape. An inclined surface is disposed to have a slope corresponding to a curvature of the front surface in at least a portion of the rear surface corresponding to the shooting region. Therefore, deterioration of image capture quality such as distortion by the camera lens assembly and internal reflection is effectively prevented by the inclined surface. 1. A window of an electronic device comprising a shooting region in a position corresponding to a camera lens assembly , the window comprising:a front surface including at least a portion of the shooting region and having a curved shape; anda rear surface including:an inclined surface having a slope corresponding to a curvature of the front surface, and disposed in at least a portion of the rear surface corresponding to the shooting region,wherein deterioration of image capture quality by the camera lens assembly is prevented by the inclined surface.2. The window of claim 1 , wherein the curvature of the front surface is determined such that a vertical distance between two points where an extension line of an angle of view in the camera lens assembly and the front surface meet is in a range of about 0 mm. to about 0.05 mm.3. The window of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a first line segment connecting two points where an extension line of an angle of view of the camera lens assembly and the front surface meet claim 1 , and a second line segment extending from a lens center of the camera lens assembly meet at a right angle claim 1 , the inclined surface is formed to have the same slope as a slope of a tangential line that passes through a point of the front surface positioned on the second line segment.4. The window of claim 1 , wherein the shooting region ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Strobe device

Номер: US20130215592A1
Принадлежит: Stanley Electric Co Ltd

A strobe device 1 includes an electrically-conductive reflector 3 into which a xenon tube 2 having xenon gas enclosed therein and having a light-transmitting property is housed. The xenon tube 2 has an anode 21 and a cathode 22 at both ends, and a sintered body 23 electrically connected to the cathode 22 at the cathode- 22 side inside the xenon tube 2. A cathode- 22 -side end 34 a of a bottom surface 34 of the reflector 3 is positioned closer to the anode- 22 side than the sintered body 23. The bottom surface 34 is provided with an electrically-conductive projecting portion 35 projecting from the cathode- 22 -side end 34 a so as to be closer to the cathode- 22 side than the anode-side end 23 a of the sintered body 23.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222564A1
Принадлежит: SUPREMA INC.

An apparatus for recognizing a face of a person adaptively controls brightness of illumination around the person through image analysis. The apparatus obtains an optimal image through the adaptive brightness control of the illumination regardless of various environments for face recognition. 1. An apparatus for recognizing a face of a person , comprising:a visible light image acquisition unit configured to acquire a visible light image of the person;an infrared image acquisition unit configured to acquire an infrared image of the person;an image analysis module configured to detect respective face areas from the visible light image and the infrared image, estimate a face area of the visible light image by using the infrared image in the case of not detecting the face area of the visible light image, and analyze facial features in the detected or the estimated face area of the visible light image to determine suitability of face recognition; andan illumination control unit configured to control, when the image analysis module determines that the face area of the visible light image is not suitable for face recognition, brightness of illumination so that the visible light image acquisition unit re-acquires a visible light image from which a face is recognizable.2. The apparatus claim 1 , wherein the image analysis module includes:a face area detection unit configured to detect the respective face areas of the visible light image and the infrared image;a face feature extraction unit configured to remove, when the face area of the visible light image is properly detected, a background image from the visible light face area and extract the facial features in the face area of the visible light image; anda face feature verification unit configured to verify whether or not the facial features are exactly extracted.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the illumination control unit increases claim 2 , when the facial features are not exactly extracted claim 2 , brightness of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222569A1

An imaging apparatus includes: an illumination optical system including a light source and guiding the light from the light source to an illuminated surface B including an object; a plurality of image sensors for acquiring an image of the illuminated surface formed by an imaging optical system; a measurement unit for measuring a size of the object; and a control unit for determining an image sensor to be used when acquiring the image of the illuminated surface, among the plurality of image sensors, based on a measurement result of the measurement unit. 1. An imaging apparatus comprising:an illumination optical system comprising a light source and guiding the light from the light source to an illuminated surface including an object;a plurality of image sensors configured to acquire an image of the illuminated surface formed by an imaging optical system;a measurement unit configured to measure a size of the object; anda control unit configured to determine image sensors to be used when acquiring the image of the illuminated surface, among the plurality of image sensors, based on a measurement result of the measurement unit.2. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit determines not to use at least one of image sensors on which an image of the object is not formed claim 1 , among the plurality of image sensors claim 1 , based on the measurement result of the measurement unit.3. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit changes an image sensor to be used claim 1 , among the plurality of image sensors when capturing an image a plurality of times while changing a relative position between the object and the plurality of image sensors in a direction perpendicular to an optical axis of the imaging optical system.4. The imaging apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the illumination optical system comprises a plurality of light sources claim 1 , and discretely guides lights from the plurality of light sources to the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222632A1

An electronic camera includes an imager. An imager repeatedly outputs an image representing a scene. A first searcher searches for a specific object image from the image outputted from the imager, corresponding to a first mode. A first detector detects a size of the specific object image detected by the first searcher. A first adjuster adjusts an imaging condition by noticing the specific object image detected by the first searcher. A second searcher searches for a partial image equivalent to the specific object image detected by the first searcher from the image outputted from the imager, corresponding to a second mode which substitutes for the first mode. A second adjuster adjusts the imaging condition based on a difference between a size of the partial image detected by the second searcher and the size detected by the first detector and an adjustment result of the first adjuster. 1. An electronic camera , comprising:an imager which repeatedly outputs an image representing a scene;a first searcher which searches for a specific object image from the image outputted from said imager, corresponding to a first mode;a first detector which detects a size of the specific object image detected by said first searcher;a first adjuster which adjusts an imaging condition by noticing the specific object image detected by said first searcher;a second searcher which searches for a partial image equivalent to the specific object image detected by said first searcher from the image outputted from said imager, corresponding to a second mode which substitutes for the first mode; anda second adjuster which adjusts the imaging condition based on a difference between a size of the partial image detected by said second searcher and the size detected by said first detector and an adjustment result of said first adjuster.2. An electronic camera according to claim 1 , wherein said imager includes an imaging surface capturing the scene through a focus lens claim 1 , and the imaging ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222642A1
Автор: Watanabe Taito
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An imaging control device for controlling a facial image taking apparatus which radiates light from a light source to a face and takes an image of the face is disclosed. The imaging control device determines an intensity of environmental light and a degree of reflection by a pair of eyeglasses. When it is determined that the intensity of the environmental light is greater than or equal to a predetermined determination value and the degree of the reflection by the eyeglasses is greater than or equal to a predetermined determination value, the imaging control device sets an intensity of the light radiated from the light source to a predetermined intensity that makes states of eyes in the facial image recognizable. 1. An imaging control device for controlling a facial image taking apparatus which radiates light including infrared light from a light source to a face and takes an image of the face to obtain a facial image by using an imaging unit , the imaging control device comprising:an environmental light determining section that determines an intensity of environmental light based on information from an environmental light sensing unit sensing the intensity of the environmental light;an eyeglass reflection determining section that determines a degree of reflection by a pair of eyeglasses based on the facial image; and in cases where the environmental light determining section determines that the intensity of the environmental light is greater than or equal to a predetermined determination value and the eyeglass reflection determining section determines that the degree of the reflection by the eyeglasses is greater than or equal to a predetermined determination value,', 'sets an intensity of the light, which is radiated from the light source, to a predetermined intensity that makes states of eyes in the facial image recognizable., 'a light control section that,'}2. The imaging control device according to claim 1 , further comprising:an eyeglass determining section ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Image Capture Method and image Capture system thereof

Номер: US20130222643A1

By adjusting focal distance of a lens unit of an image capture system and/or adjusting a luminance of a flashlight generator of the image capture system according to the focal distance, better luminance performance is fulfilled on an image captured by the image capture system. 1. An image capture method for use in an image capture system , comprising:capturing a first image;analyzing the first image to determine a focal distance corresponding to the first image;determining a flashlight intensity according to the focal distance; andcapturing a second image according to the flashlight intensity.2. The image capture method of claim 1 , further comprising:analyzing the first image to obtain a luminance value corresponding to the first image;wherein the determining of the flashlight intensity further comprises determining the flashlight intensity according to the focal distance and the luminance value.3. The image capture method of claim 2 , wherein the flashlight intensity is increased reversely proportional to the luminance value with respect to the same focal distance.4. The image capture method of claim 1 , wherein the flashlight intensity is determined according to a lookup table comprising correspondence of a plurality of focal distances and a plurality of flashlight intensities respectively.5. The image capture method of claim 4 , wherein the flashlight intensity is increased proportional to the focal distance.6. The image capture method of claim 1 , wherein the first image is analyzed in RAW image domain by a dedicated processing unit to obtain the focal distance.7. The image capture method of claim 1 , further comprises. receiving an user input from a user input module of the image capture device; andstoring the second image in a memory unit of the image capture device.8. An image capture method for use in an image capture system comprising a lens module and a flashlight generator for capturing images claim 1 , comprising:receiving a plurality of preview images ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222644A1

A method and portable terminal are provided for correcting a gaze direction of a user in an image. A face of the user is detected in the image. Contour points of an eye area are detected in the detected face. The contour points of the detected eye area in the image are changed to contour points that correspond to a gaze direction toward a reference camera. The gaze direction of the user in the image is corrected by transforming the eye area according to the changed contour points. 1. A method for correcting a gaze direction of a user in an image , the method comprising the steps of:detecting a face of the user in the image;detecting contour points of an eye area in the detected face;changing the contour points of the detected eye area in the image to contour points that correspond to a gaze direction toward a reference camera; andcorrecting the gaze direction of the user in the image by transforming the eye area according to the changed contour points.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein detecting the face of the user in the image comprises:comparing a preset threshold with a difference between coordinates of each eye in a previous frame and coordinates of each eye in a current frame; andadjusting the coordinates of each eye in the current frame when the difference is less than the threshold.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein adjusting the coordinates of each eye comprises changing the coordinates of each eye in the current frame to coordinates located between the coordinates of each eye in the previous frame and the coordinates of each eye in the current frame.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein detecting the contour points of the eye area in the detected face comprises setting a point having a largest change in a brightness value of a pixel in a direction of a vector passing through each contour point of a previously-set eye model from center coordinates of the eye area claim 1 , as a contour point of the eye area.5. The method as ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222681A1
Автор: Wan Chung Chun

Electronic devices may be provided with image sensors and light sources. The image sensors may include image pixels each having a photosensitive element, first and second storage nodes, and first and second transfer transistors coupled between the photosensitive element and the first and second storage nodes. The first and second transfer transistors may be synchronized with the light source so that charges generated by the photosensitive element of each image pixel when the light source is on are transferred to the first storage node of that pixel and charges generated by the photosensitive element of each image pixel when the light source is off are transferred to the second storage node of that pixel. The light source may be an oscillating light source that is configured to turn on and off multiple times during an image exposure. The generated charges may be used in flash-matting operations. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a plurality image pixels, wherein each image pixel includes a photosensitive element, first and second storage nodes, and first and second transfer transistors, wherein the first transfer transistor is coupled between the photosensitive element and the first storage node and wherein the second transfer transistor is coupled between the photosensitive element and the second storage node; anda light source, wherein the first transfer transistor is configured to operate in phase with the light source and wherein the second transfer transistor is configured to operate out of phase with the light source.2. The electronic device defined in wherein the light source is an oscillating light source that is configured to turn on and off multiple times during an image exposure.3. The electronic device defined in wherein the first transfer transistor of each image pixel is configured to transfer charges generated by the photosensitive element of that image pixel when the light source is on to the first storage node of that image pixel.4. The electronic ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222685A1

In a camera apparatus, two SMA actuator subsystems each comprise two SMA wires connected between a camera unit and a support structure, hooked over a pivot element defining pivot axes that lie in a common plane along the optical axis. Differential contraction of the SMA wires drives rotation. The SMA actuator subsystems are opposed, but the SMA wires of each subsystem are fixed respectively to the camera unit and the support structure, reducing the height. A non-conductive substrate supporting conductive tracks electrically connected to the SMA actuator system is configured as a flexure arrangement between the camera unit and the support structure. The flexure arrangement is connected to the camera unit at a position in the common plane reducing lateral resistance to tilt. Use of an intermediate connector element allows the circuit board to be arranged in front of the intermediate connector inside the height of the lens system. 1. A camera apparatus comprising:a support structure;a camera unit comprising an image sensor and a lens system for focussing an image on the image sensor; andan SMA actuator system comprising two SMA actuator subsystems each comprising two pairs of lengths of SMA wire connected between the camera unit and the support structure, the lengths of SMA wire in each pair being connected at a common point to either the camera unit or the support structure, the pairs being disposed on opposite sides of the camera unit and the camera unit being arranged to pivot relative to the support structure about respective pivot axes extending through the common points in respect of the two pairs of lengths of SMA wire in each SMA actuator subsystem, the pivot axes of the two SMA actuator subsystems being perpendicular to the optical axis and to each other and lying in a common plane along the optical axis, each SMA actuator subsystem being arranged, on differential contraction of the SMA wires thereof, to drive rotation of the camera unit around the pivot axis ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222686A1
Автор: BAEK Sun Woo
Принадлежит: Pantech Co., Ltd.

A terminal includes a first board including an accommodation portion, the accommodation portion being disposed in a first groove of the first board, and a camera module mounted in the accommodation portion. A method for manufacturing a terminal includes obtaining a first board including an accommodation portion, the accommodation portion being disposed in a first groove of the first board, obtaining a camera module to be mounted in the accommodation portion, and mounting the camera module in the accommodation portion. 1. A terminal , comprising:a first board comprising an accommodation portion, the accommodation portion being disposed in a first groove of the first board; anda camera module mounted in the accommodation portion.2. The terminal of claim 1 , further comprising:a lead to connect the first board to the camera module,wherein the first board is connected to the lead with a first electrode and the camera module is connected to the lead with a second electrode.3. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the camera module comprises a housing to accommodate the second electrode.4. The terminal of claim 3 , wherein sides of the housing are formed at an angle to provide a narrower width at a bottom portion of the housing disposed within the accommodation portion.5. The terminal of claim 2 , wherein the lead comprises a first sub-lead claim 2 , a second sub-lead claim 2 , and a main lead.6. The terminal of claim 5 , wherein the first sub-lead extends further than the second sub-lead from the camera module.7. The terminal of claim 5 , wherein the first board extends towards a vertical edge of the second sub-lead to contact a surface of the first sub-lead through a first electrode.8. The terminal of claim 5 , wherein the first board connects to at least one of the sub-leads through the first electrode.9. The terminal of claim 5 , wherein if the first board connects to the first sub-lead claim 5 , a first insertion depth and a first mounting height are provided claim 5 , ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222986A1
Автор: Nakatsu Yasuhiro

In an electronic device of the invention, a holding member which holds one end of an open/close lid is disposed in a device body. The open/close lid includes a lid portion covering an opening of the body, an arm projecting from one end of the lid portion, and an enlarged portion projecting from a tip end of the arm. A notch opens at the holding member, and the arm of the open/close lid penetrates the notch. A projection is formed on the holding member. The enlarged portion of the open/close lid slides on the projection in a process in which the open/close lid is opened. A surface of the projection is formed into a curved surface in which a cross section thereof extending along a turning surface of the open/close lid swells outward to define a turning locus in the process in which the open/close lid is opened. 1. An electronic device including a lid-opening/closing mechanism , comprising:a body having an opening portion;an open/ close lid which opens and closes the opening portion of the body, which has one end connected to the body and the other end is a free end, and which opens and closes the opening of the body by turning of the other end; anda holding member, which is disposed in the body, which holds the one end of the open/close lid,wherein, the open/close lid comprising:a plate-shaped lid portion which covers the opening portion of the body;an arm portion which projects from one end of the lid portion into the body; andan enlarged portion which projects from a tip end of the arm portion and which is enlarged greater than the arm portion in its cross section extending along a turning surface of the open/close lid;wherein, the holding member comprising:a notch through which the arm portion of the open/close lid passes with play; anda projection on which the enlarged portion of the open/close lid slides in a process in which the open/close lid is opened,wherein, a surface of the projection is formed into a curved surface in which a cross section thereof ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223831A1

A camera accessory device which not only makes it possible to prevent a camera-side accessory shoe from being scratched thereby, but also encores positive electrical connection between the camera accessory device and a camera. The camera accessory device comprises a lock lever, a shoe bracket for engagement with the camera-side accessory shoe, contact pins for contact with respective electric contacts of the camera-side accessory shoe, a contact spring-holding member, and an accessory shoe-holding member which moves, in accordance with rotation of the lock lever, to a shoe member-locking position or to a shoe member-unlocking position. The contact pins are urged by the holding members such that urging forces applied to the electric contacts become larger when the accessory shoe-holding member has moved to the shoe member locking position than when the same has moved to the shoe member unlocking position. 1. A camera accessory device that is removably attached to a camera-side accessory shoe having an electric contact , comprising:an operation member;a shoe member configured to be engaged with the camera-side accessory shoe;a contact pin configured to be held in contact with the electric contact in a state where said shoe member is engaged with the camera-side accessory shoe; anda moving member configured to be movable, in accordance with operation of said operation member, to a shoe member-locking position for locking said shoe member to the camera-side accessory shoe and a shoe member-unlocking position for unlocking said shoe member from the camera-side accessory shoe,wherein said contact pin is urged by said moving member such that an urging force applied to the electric contact becomes larger when said moving member has moved to the shoe member-locking position than when said moving member has moved to the shoe member-unlocking position.2. The camera accessory device according to claim 1 , wherein said operation member has a cam portion and is configured to be ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223832A1
Автор: Miesak Edward Jozef

A system including a housing configured to receive a light emitted from an illumination source, a reflective filter system within the housing configured to direct a certain wavelength of the light emitted from the illumination source towards a target, and a baffle system configured to remove scattered light from the light emitted from the illumination source prior to the certain wavelength of light illuminating the target. A method and another system are also disclosed. 1. A system comprising:a housing configured to receive a light emitted from an illumination source;a reflective filter system within the housing configured to direct a certain wavelength of the light emitted from the illumination source towards a target; anda baffle system configured to remove scattered light from the light emitted from the illumination source prior to the certain wavelength of light illuminating the target.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising an aperture through which the light claim 1 , having passed through the filter system and baffle system claim 1 , leaves the housing to illuminate the target.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the reflective filter system is further configured to remove scattered light from the light emitted from the illumination source.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the reflective filter system comprises a plurality of reflective surfaces claim 1 , each reflective surface further comprising a coating configured to reflect the certain wavelength of the light emitted from the illumination source.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the plurality of reflective surfaces are configured within the housing to reflect the light emitted from the illumination source in a sequence from a first reflective surface of the plurality of reflective surfaces to a last reflective surface of the plurality of reflective surfaces prior to illuminating the target.6. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the baffle system ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229781A1
Автор: Langley Mark

A panel is disclosed that is both light transmissive and light reflective for use in photographic lighting apparatus. The panel comprises a light transmissive material and a light reflective material, which are arranged to provide a distribution of both light transmissive regions and light reflective regions across an operative surface of the panel. 1. A panel that is both light transmissive and light reflective for use in photographic lighting apparatus , the panel comprising a light transmissive material and a light reflective material , which are arranged to provide a distribution of both light transmissive regions and light reflective regions across an operative surface of the panel.2. A panel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light transmissive regions are translucent claim 1 , and adapted to diffuse light transmitted therethrough.3. A panel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the panel comprises a substrate of light transmissive material claim 1 , with a discontinuous coating of light reflective material applied to at least one side of the substrate.4. A panel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the discontinuous coating of light reflective material defines the light reflective regions claim 3 , and the regions of the substrate that are exposed between the light reflective regions define the light transmissive regions.5. A panel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light reflective and light transmissive panel comprises a sheet of flexible material.6. A panel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the panel has two principal surfaces claim 1 , at least one of which has a distribution of both light transmissive regions and light reflective regions.7. A panel as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the regions between adjacent light reflective regions are light transmissive regions claim 6 , which are adapted to transmit light through the panel in either direction.8. A panel as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light transmissive regions are distributed sufficiently uniformly across ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Imaging apparatus, flash device, and control method thereof

Номер: US20130230304A1
Автор: Yusuke Shirakawa
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An imaging apparatus for performing wireless communication with an external device. An instruction transmitting unit transmits an operation instruction to the external device. A response signal receiving unit receives a response signal from the external device. A first controlling unit starts a first operation relating to an imaging process in a case that a first time passes from a point of receiving the response signal by the response signal receiving unit. The external device executes a second operation relating to the imaging process in a case that a second time passes from a point of transmitting the response signal from the external device to the imaging apparatus.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Flash apparatus and method for controlling the colour temperature of light in a flash

Номер: US20130230305A1
Принадлежит: PROFOTO AB

A flash apparatus comprising at least two flash tubes and at least two energy storage units is presented, wherein each of said at least two energy storage units is being arranged to be configured to strictly correspond to one of the at least two flash tubes for a flash. The flash apparatus is configured to control the amount of energy provided by the at least two energy storage unit(s) to their corresponding flash tube and control the flash duration of the corresponding flash tube dependent of each other, respectively for each flash tube, so as to obtain substantially the same colour temperature from each flash tube for a flash. A method and a computer program product for use in the flash apparatus are also presented.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230306A1
Автор: Neta Uri

The invention is directed towards common focus energy emitters having a common focus energy source and including two or more energy source units each having a 3D concave primary reflector for reflecting energy into an energy beam focused at the common focus energy source, and a secondary optical element for shaping the energy beam into an exit beam component of the exit beam. The 3D concave primary reflectors bound a minor 3D concave section of an imaginary primary reflector ellipsoid of revolution having a primary reflector axis of revolution non-coaxial with the energy emitter axis. Each primary reflector axis of revolution includes a first focal point disposed at the common focus energy source and a second focal point where its associated energy source is disposed thereat. 1. A common focus energy emitter for emitting an exit beam , the emitter having an energy emitter axis and comprising:(a) a common focus energy source for emitting an exit beam through an exit beam aperture, said common focus energy source and said exit beam aperture defining the energy emitter axis; and(b) at least two spaced apart energy source units each having:i) an energy source for emitting energy, said primary reflector bounding a minor three dimensional concave section of an imaginary primary reflector ellipsoid of revolution having a primary reflector axis of revolution non-coaxial with the energy emitter axis,', 'said imaginary primary reflector ellipsoid of revolution having a semi-major axis and a semi-minor axis in an imaginary plane including the energy emitter axis,', 'said primary reflector axis of revolution including a pair of spaced apart focal points,', 'said pair of spaced apart focal points including a first focal point located at said common focus energy source and a second focal point at which its associated energy source is disposed thereat,', 'said primary reflector axis of revolution subtending a primary reflector tilt angle relative to said imaginary plane including ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235258A1
Автор: SHIDA Hiromi

Provided is a fluorescence observation device comprising an illuminating section that emits excitation light and illumination light onto a subject; a fluorescence-image capturing section that acquires a fluorescence image by image-capturing fluorescence generated in the subject by irradiation with the excitation light from the illuminating section; a return-light-image capturing section that acquires a return-light image by image-capturing return light that returns from the subject by irradiation with the illumination light from the illuminating section; a region extracting section that extracts a high-luminance region in which the fluorescence image acquired by the fluorescence-image capturing section has a gradation level higher than or equal to a set threshold value; and a threshold setting section that sets the threshold value higher as the gradation level of the return-light image acquired by the return-light-image capturing section increases. 1. A fluorescence observation device comprising:an illuminating section that emits excitation light and illumination light onto a subject;a fluorescence-image capturing section that acquires a fluorescence image by image-capturing fluorescence generated in the subject by irradiation with the excitation light from the illuminating section;a return-light-image capturing section that acquires a return-light image by image-capturing return light that returns from the subject by irradiation with the illumination light from the illuminating section;a region extracting section that extracts a high-luminance region in which the fluorescence image acquired by the fluorescence-image capturing section has a gradation level higher than or equal to a set threshold value; anda threshold setting section that sets the threshold value higher as the gradation level of the return-light image acquired by the return-light-image capturing section increases.2. The fluorescence observation device according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , between ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130235551A1
Автор: Hamada Masataka

A photographing system including a photographing device for capturing an image, and a lighting device that is capable of being mounted on the photographing device is provided. The lighting device includes a plurality of light sources configured as a solid state light-emitting device, and has a photographing auxiliary light function for allowing the solid state light-emitting device to be turned on to emit light during photographing and an autofocus (AF) auxiliary light function for allowing the solid state light-emitting device to be turned on to emit a predetermined amount of light when contrast AF is performed. And at least part of the light sources is shared when the photographing auxiliary light function and the AF auxiliary light function are performed. 1. A photographing system comprising:a photographing device that captures an image; anda lighting device that is capable of being mounted on the photographing device,wherein the lighting device comprises a plurality of light sources configured as a solid state light-emitting device, and has a photographing auxiliary light function for allowing the solid state light-emitting device to be turned on to emit light during photographing and an autofocus (AF) auxiliary light function for allowing the solid state light-emitting device to be turned on to emit a predetermined amount of light when contrast AF is performed, andwherein at least part of the light sources is shared when the photographing auxiliary light function and the AF auxiliary light function are performed.2. The photographing system of claim 1 , wherein the photographing device further comprises an auxiliary light device to be turned on to emit light when contrast AF is performed claim 1 , andwherein, when the lighting device is not mounted on the photographing device, the auxiliary light device is turned on to emit light, and when the lighting device is mounted on the photographing device, the lighting device is turned on to emit light using the AF ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242096A1
Принадлежит: Aquadownunder Pty Ltd.

An apparatus () for environmental monitoring, the apparatus () characterised in that it comprises at least one arm () mounted in both a rotatable and pivotal manner relative to a base (), the arm () being adjustable in length and having an image capturing device () mounted thereon, either directly or indirectly. A method for environmental monitoring is also disclosed. 1. An apparatus for environmental monitoring , the apparatus characterised in that it comprises a base , an intermediate member , and at least one arm , the intermediate member being mounted by a first end thereof to the base in a rotatable and pivotal manner , the arm being connected to the intermediate member in a pivotal manner at a point remote from the first end , and the arm further being adjustable in length and having an image capturing device mounted directly or indirectly thereon.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting of the arm to the base allows rotation of the arm through a full 360 degrees with respect thereto.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the image capturing device is mounted at or near a distal end of the arm relative to the base.4. An apparatus according to any one of claims 1 , wherein the image capturing device is provided in the form of a camera.5. An apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the camera is mounted to the arm in a fixed manner.6. An apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the camera is mounted on the arm by way of a mounting capable of rotation about two axes.7. An apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the camera is mounted on the arm by way of a gimbal mount.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the pivotal movement of the intermediate member relative to the base is driven by way of a first ram provided between the base and the intermediate member claim 1 , whereby actuation of the first ram controls the angle of the intermediate member relative to the base.12. An apparatus ...
