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16-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000006250U1

Стабилизатор расхода воды, содержащий установленный на входе в водовыпуск короб, передняя стенка которого выполнена ступенчатой по вертикали, соединена с задней стенкой при помощи вертикальных перегородок, разделяющих короб на проточные каналы, при этом внизу на каждой стенке установлены козырьки, отличающийся тем, что передняя и задняя стенки выполнены с вертикальным изломом, а прикрепленный к задней стенке козырек расположен под углом к горизонту. (19) RU (11) (13) 6 250 U1 (51) МПК G05D 9/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 97102752/20, 25.02.1997 (46) Опубликовано: 16.03.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Рязанская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им.проф.П.А.Костычева 6 2 5 0 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Стабилизатор расхода воды, содержащий установленный на входе в водовыпуск короб, передняя стенка которого выполнена ступенчатой по вертикали, соединена с задней стенкой при помощи вертикальных перегородок, разделяющих короб на проточные каналы, при этом внизу на каждой стенке установлены козырьки, отличающийся тем, что передняя и задняя стенки выполнены с вертикальным изломом, а прикрепленный к задней стенке козырек расположен под углом к горизонту. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СТАБИЛИЗАТОР РАСХОДА ВОДЫ 6 2 5 0 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рязанская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия им.проф.П.А.Костычева R U (72) Автор(ы): Бочкарев Я.В., Шанина Е.С. RU 6 250 U1 RU 6 250 U1 RU 6 250 U1 RU 6 250 U1 RU 6 250 U1 RU 6 250 U1

27-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000017374U1

1. Система контроля и управления насосной станцией, содержащая датчик уровня жидкости, блок задания уставок, таймер, блок управления исполнительными органами, датчик нагрузки цепи электропитания, логический блок и контур управления по нагрузке, отличающаяся тем, что логический блок выполнен в виде микропроцессорного контроллера с буферами дискретных входов, силовых выходов, последовательного канала и аналогового коммутатора, датчик уровня жидкости подключен к первому порту контроллера через аналоговый коммутатор и выполнен с возможностью непрерывного действия, датчик нагрузки цепи электропитания установлен на фидере питания электродвигателя насоса и подключен через аналоговый коммутатор к первому порту контроллера. 2. Система контроля и управления насосной станцией по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена реле контроля фаз, датчиком затопления насосной станции и датчиком вскрытия помещений, подключенными через буфер дискретных входов к второму порту контроллера. 3. Система контроля и управления насосной станцией по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена блоком индикации, подключенным вместе с блоком задания установок к третьему порту контроллера. 4. Система контроля и управления насосной станцией по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена диспетчерским пультом и каналом связи по телефонной линии, выполненным в виде установленного на насосной станции основного модема, подключенного через буфер последовательного канала к четвертому порту контроллера, и двух дополнительных модемов - модема приема аварийных сообщений и модема оперативной связи, подключенных соответственно к первому и второму входам диспетчерского пульта. 5. Система контроля и управления насосной станцией по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена датчиком включения электропривода, подключенным через буфер дискретных входов к четвертому порту контроллера. (19) RU (11) 17 374 (13) U1 (51) МПК G05D 9/12 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ...

27-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000044792U1

Устройство подачи топлива в паровой котел, содержащее расходный напорный бак, снабженный электродатчиком-сигнализатором нижнего Ун и верхнего Ув уровней топлива, задействованный управляющими выходами на светосигнальное табло, насоса с электроприводом для закачки топлива, оснащенный кнопкой “пуск-стоп” пульт управления электроприводом насоса, соединенный с управляющими выходами электродатчика-сигнализатора уровня, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено двумя дистанционно разнесенными контактными гнездами с нормально разомкнутыми контактами и индивидуальными ключами для замыкания контактов этих гнезд, причем оба контактных гнезда размещены и последовательно задействованы на общей линии электроснабжения пульта управления электроприводом насоса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 44 792 (13) U1 (51) МПК F22D 5/02 (2000.01) G05D 9/12 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004131261/22 , 25.10.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 25.10.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.03.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Бенат" (RU) U 1 4 4 7 9 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство подачи топлива в паровой котел, содержащее расходный напорный бак, снабженный электродатчиком-сигнализатором нижнего Ун и верхнего Ув уровней топлива, задействованный управляющими выходами на светосигнальное табло, насоса с электроприводом для закачки топлива, оснащенный кнопкой “пуск-стоп” пульт управления электроприводом насоса, соединенный с управляющими выходами электродатчика-сигнализатора уровня, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено двумя дистанционно разнесенными контактными гнездами с нормально разомкнутыми контактами и индивидуальными ключами для замыкания контактов этих гнезд, причем оба контактных гнезда размещены и последовательно задействованы на общей линии электроснабжения пульта управления электроприводом насоса. 4 4 7 9 2 (54) ...

10-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000062915U1

1. Система регистрации параметров работы грузоподъемной машины, содержащая регистратор параметров работы грузоподъемной машины, выполненный автономным или входящим в состав прибора или системы безопасности грузоподъемной машины, ЭВМ и средства для передачи данных о параметрах работы грузоподъемной машины из регистратора параметров в ЭВМ, которая выполнена в возможностью обработки этих данных, причем регистратор параметров содержит датчики параметров работы грузоподъемной машины, вычислитель, реализованный на основе микроконтроллера с возможностью обработки выходных сигналов датчиков параметров работы грузоподъемной машины, и запоминающее устройство, подключенное к микроконтроллеру, а датчики параметров работы грузоподъемной машины подключены к вычислителю, содержащему, при необходимости, согласующее устройство микроконтроллера с этими датчиками, выполненное в виде аналого-цифрового преобразователя, интерфейса мультиплексного канала обмена данными или другого интерфейсного устройства, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно содержит датчик уровня или количества топлива в топливном баке грузоподъемной машины или датчик расхода топлива двигателем грузоподъемной машины, выход которого подключен к вычислителю, содержащему, при необходимости, дополнительное согласующее устройство этого датчика с микроконтроллером, причем вычислитель выполнен с возможностью записи данных о значении выходных сигналов этого датчика в запоминающее устройство и/или их передачи в ЭВМ посредством указанных средств для передачи данных. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что средства для передачи данных о параметрах работы грузоподъемной машины из регистратора параметров в ЭВМ выполнены в виде устройства считывания, снабженного энергонезависимым запоминающим устройством, и устройств его согласования с вычислителем и с ЭВМ, или радиоканала, или оптического канала связи, или проводного кабеля. 3. Система по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что средства для передачи данных о параметрах работы грузоподъемной ...

27-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000065259U1

Гидростатический регулятор уровня концевой ступени сепарации, содержащий вертикальный цилиндрический патрубок с боковыми отверстиями, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен трапецеидальными окнами, выполненными в верхней его части, и прямоугольным окном, выполненным в нижней части на уровне нижней образующей аппарата. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 65 259 (13) U1 (51) МПК G05D 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007106212/22 , 19.02.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.02.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.07.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ГУП "Институт проблем транспорта энергоресурсов" (RU) U 1 6 5 2 5 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Гидростатический регулятор уровня концевой ступени сепарации, содержащий вертикальный цилиндрический патрубок с боковыми отверстиями, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен трапецеидальными окнами, выполненными в верхней его части, и прямоугольным окном, выполненным в нижней части на уровне нижней образующей аппарата. 6 5 2 5 9 (54) ГИДРОСТАТИЧЕСКИЙ РЕГУЛЯТОР УРОВНЯ КОНЦЕВОЙ СТУПЕНИ СЕПАРАЦИИ R U Адрес для переписки: 450055, г.Уфа, пр-т Октября, 144/3, ГУП "Институт проблем транспорта энергоресурсов", патентный отдел (72) Автор(ы): Гумеров Асгат Галимьянович (RU), Карамышев Виктор Григорьевич (RU), Тогашева Алия Ризабековна (RU), Бекбаулиева Алия Аскаровна (RU), Болотов Владимир Владимирович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 259 U1 Полезная модель относится к регуляторам межфазного уровня «жидкость-газ» или «жидкость-жидкость» прямого действия и может быть использовано в нефтяной и других отраслях промышленности для оснащения технологических аппаратов различного функционального назначения, например, в процессах подготовки продукции нефтяных скважин. В настоящее время концевая сепарация осуществляется в аппаратах, оборудованных автоматическими регуляторами уровня с датчиком УБН. От работы ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000090866U1

1. Регулятор уровня жидкости в емкости с газожидкостной смесью, содержащий поплавок, связанный с клапаном слива жидкости из емкости с возможностью перекрытия проходного сечения клапана при понижении уровня жидкости и с клапаном сброса газа с возможностью перекрытия его проходного сечения при повышении уровня жидкости, отличающийся тем, что поплавок снабжен по меньшей мере одной вентиляционной трубкой, выступающей над поплавком и сообщающей внутреннюю полость поплавка и полость емкости. 2. Регулятор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая вентиляционная трубка имеет зазор с днищем поплавка, обеспечивающий площадь проходного сечения в трубку не меньше площади внутреннего поперечного сечения трубки. 3. Регулятор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен гибким шлангом, соединенным с полостью поплавка и предназначенным для наддува поплавка газом от внешнего источника. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 90 866 (13) U1 (51) МПК F16K 33/00 (2006.01) G05D 9/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009139026/22, 22.10.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.10.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.01.2010 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Аккорд Эстейт" (RU) U 1 9 0 8 6 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Регулятор уровня жидкости в емкости с газожидкостной смесью, содержащий поплавок, связанный с клапаном слива жидкости из емкости с возможностью перекрытия проходного сечения клапана при понижении уровня жидкости и с клапаном сброса газа с возможностью перекрытия его проходного сечения при повышении уровня жидкости, отличающийся тем, что поплавок снабжен по меньшей мере одной вентиляционной трубкой, выступающей над поплавком и сообщающей внутреннюю полость поплавка и полость емкости. 2. Регулятор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждая вентиляционная трубка имеет зазор с днищем поплавка, обеспечивающий площадь ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000158231U1

1. Устройство для контроля и регулирования уровня в паровом теплообменнике, включающее узлы сбора конденсата, соединенные посредством парового и водяного трубопроводов с паровым и водяным пространствами парового теплообменника и посредством патрубков, с датчиками замера уровня воды, отличающееся тем, что узлы сбора конденсата выполнены в виде трубопроводов, закрытых с одной стороны, причем паровые трубопроводы выполнены из двух частей - паровой горизонтальной и расположенной под углом к ней, угол наклона которой не менее величины, при которой линия, соединяющая нижнюю образующую трубопровода и верхнюю образующую, расположенную под углом части трубопровода с закрытой стороны, является горизонтальной, при этом водяной и нижний паровой трубопроводы соединены трубой, состоящей из верхней и нижней части, соединенной через патрубки с датчиком регулирования уровня, причем верхняя часть трубы присоединена к паровому трубопроводу в паровой его части с площадью проходного сечения меньше площади проходного сечения нижней части. 2. Устройство для контроля и регулирования уровня по п. 2, отличающееся тем, что к трубе прикреплен визуальный указатель уровня. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 158 231 U1 (51) МПК G01F 23/02 (2006.01) G05D 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015127541/28, 08.07.2015 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.04.2015 24.04.2015 (45) Опубликовано: 27.12.2015 Бюл. № 36 1 5 8 2 3 1 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для контроля и регулирования уровня в паровом теплообменнике, включающее узлы сбора конденсата, соединенные посредством парового и водяного трубопроводов с паровым и водяным пространствами парового теплообменника и посредством патрубков, с датчиками замера уровня воды, отличающееся тем, что узлы сбора конденсата выполнены в виде трубопроводов, закрытых с одной стороны, причем паровые трубопроводы выполнены из двух частей - паровой ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000164203U1

Устройство для настройки уровня раздела сред в сепараторе, содержащее неподвижный корпус, подвижный стакан, соосно установленный в неподвижном корпусе, и регулировочный винт, установленный с возможностью вращения вокруг своей оси, причем в неподвижном корпусе на внутренней поверхности вдоль оси симметрично расположены направляющие, а в верхней части внутренней поверхности выполнены канавки, в которые установлены уплотнительные кольца, в подвижном стакане в верхней части закреплена гайка, в которой по окружности выполнены сквозные отверстия для перелива жидкости, а по центру выполнено резьбовое отверстие, в которое ввернут регулировочный винт, в нижней части подвижного стакана установлена перемычка, на которой закреплена планка, при этом подвижный стакан выполнен с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения посредством вращения регулировочного винта, кроме того, устройство для настройки уровня раздела сред в сепараторе выполнено с возможностью герметизации и фиксации в корпусе сепаратора при помощи средства для прохода регулировочного винта через корпус сепаратора, при этом в верхней части регулировочного винта навинчены гайка и контргайка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 164 203 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация перехода исключительного права без договора Лицо(а), исключительное право которого(ых) переходит без заключения договора: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Газпром проектирование" (RU) Адрес для переписки: 142717, Московская обл., г.о. Ленинский, п. Развилка, Проектируемый проезд № 5537, зд. 15, стр. 1, ООО "Газпром ВНИИГАЗ" Дата и номер государственной регистрации перехода исключительного права: 30.05.2022 РП0011645 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 30.05.2022 1 6 4 2 0 3 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-исследовательский институт природных газов и газовых технологий - Газпром ...

17-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000169438U1

Полезная модель относится к технике регулирования уровня жидкости в сепараторах газожидкостных смесей. Технический результат состоит в повышении эффективности работы сосудов под давлением, путем поддержания оптимального уровня раздела сред. Устройство для настройки уровня раздела сред в сепараторе содержит неподвижный корпус, подвижный стакан, соосно установленный в неподвижном корпусе, и регулировочный винт. На внутренней поверхности неподвижного корпуса расположены направляющие, а в верхней части внутренней поверхности выполнены канавки, в которые установлены уплотнительные кольца. В верхней части подвижного стакана закреплена гайка, в которой выполнены сквозные отверстия для перелива жидкости, а по центру выполнено резьбовое отверстие, в которое ввернут регулировочный винт. Устройство выполнено с возможностью герметизации и фиксации в корпусе сепаратора при помощи средства для прохода регулировочного винта через корпус сепаратора. В нижней части подвижного стакана установлен фиксатор через отверстия, выполненные на боковых стенках подвижного стакана, причем фиксатор размещен в направляющих неподвижного корпуса для предотвращения поворота подвижного стакана относительно своей оси при возвратно-поступательном перемещении посредством вращения регулировочного винта. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 438 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация перехода исключительного права без договора Лицо(а), исключительное право которого(ых) переходит без заключения договора: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Газпром проектирование" (RU) Адрес для переписки: 142717, Московская обл., г.о. Ленинский, п. Развилка, Проектируемый проезд № 5537, зд. 15, стр. 1, ООО "Газпром ВНИИГАЗ" Дата и номер государственной регистрации перехода исключительного права: 30.05.2022 РП0011645 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 30.05.2022 1 6 9 4 3 8 (73) ...

03-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000170698U1

Полезная модель относится к области учета сжиженных углеводородных газов (далее СУГ) и, в частности, к измерениям массы СУГ при хранении на автомобильных газозаправочных станциях и многотопливных автозаправочных станциях. Технический результат заключается в повышении точности учета СУГ при хранении в резервуарах и обеспечивается благодаря учету отличия температур жидкой и паровой фаз СУГ в резервуаре и их влияния на температурное расширение резервуара. Устройство учета СУГ содержит резервуар для хранения СУГ, средство определения уровня, выполненное с возможностью определять уровень H раздела жидкой и паровой фаз СУГ, по меньшей мере, три датчика температуры, закрепленных в нижней, средней и верхней частях резервуара, и прикрепленный к резервуару блок обработки. Причем блок обработки выполнен с возможностью определения температуры t жидкой и температуры t паровой фаз на основании данных, полученных от датчиков температуры, и с возможностью определения объема, занимаемого жидкой V и паровой V фазами, на основании известных объема V и формы резервуара и определенного уровня H. Также блок обработки выполнен с возможностью корректировать объем, занимаемый жидкой и паровой фазами с учетом температурного расширения резервуара. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл. И 1 170698 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ"” 4170 698 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 07.06.2022 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 07.06.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 07.06.2022 Бюл. №16 Стр.: 1 па 869011 ЕП

03-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000170699U1

Полезная модель относится к области учета сжиженных углеводородных газов (далее - СУГ) и, в частности, к измерениям массы СУГ при приеме и отпуске на автомобильных газозаправочных станциях (далее - АГЗС) и многотопливных автозаправочных станциях (далее - МАЗС). Технический результат заключается в повышении точности учета СУГ при приеме в резервуар или отпуске из резервуара и обеспечивается благодаря ожиданию предварительно заданного времени после приема или отпуска СУГ перед измерением массы СУГ в резервуаре. Устройство учета сжиженных углеводородных газов (СУГ) содержит резервуар для хранения СУГ, конструктивно встроенное в резервуар средство для приема и отпуска СУГ, средство определения уровня, выполненное с возможностью определять уровень Н раздела жидкой и паровой фаз СУГ в резервуаре, два датчика температуры и блок обработки. Причем блок обработки выполнен с возможностью определения массы СУГ на основании уровня раздела жидкой и паровой фаз СУГ в резервуаре, заранее известной формы резервуара, температуры жидкой и паровой фаз СУГ в резервуаре, плотности жидкой и паровой фаз СУГ. А также блок обработки выполнен с возможностью корректировать объем, занимаемый жидкой и паровой фазами, с учетом температурного расширения резервуара. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 7 табл. И 1 170699 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 7 ВУ’’ 4170 699” 91 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ МЕЭК Восстановление действия патента Дата, с которой действие патента восстановлено: 07.06.2022 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 07.06.2022 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 07.06.2022 Бюл. №16 Стр.: 1 па 66901 1 ЕП

05-05-2017 дата публикации

Ультразвуковой датчик уровня раздела сред

Номер: RU0000170767U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам контроля уровня раздела сред в технологических емкостях, а также к области автоматизации производственных процессов в различных отраслях, в том числе в радиохимических производствах. Ультразвуковой датчик уровня раздела сред содержит чувствительный элемент, размещенный в корпусе и электрически соединенный с преобразователем в узле крепления, причем чувствительный элемент содержит пьезоэлемент для горизонтального излучения и приема ультразвукового сигнала, отраженного от стенки контролируемой емкости с измеряемой средой, а корпус датчика выполнен в виде длинномерной трубки малого диаметра с заглушкой снизу, в стенке которой на заданной высоте выполнено глухое отверстие для размещения пьезоэлемента, изолированного от корпуса с помощью демпфера ультразвуковых помех, выполненного из композитного изолирующего материала, заполняющего отверстие, при этом пьезоэлемент снаружи покрыт защитным слоем. Техническим результатом является расширение функциональных возможностей заявляемого ультразвукового датчика с малогабаритными размерами. 7 ил., 2 пр. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 170 767 U1 (51) МПК G01F 23/296 (2006.01) G05D 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016133661, 16.08.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 16.08.2016 Адрес для переписки: 123060, Москва, а/я 369, АО "ВНИИНМ", ОКИС (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 613213 A1 30.06.1978. US Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.08.2016 4740726 A1 26.04.1988. RU 2121664 C1 10.11.1998. RU 2387955 C1 27.04.2010. RU 2193164 C1 20.11.2002. 1 7 0 7 6 7 (45) Опубликовано: 05.05.2017 Бюл. № 13 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Акционерное общество "Высокотехнологический научно-исследовательский институт неорганических материалов имени академика А.А. Бочвара" (RU) 05.05.2017 R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Калинин Олег Вадимович (RU ...

31-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000182021U1

Полезная модель относится к химической и лакокрасочной промышленности и предназначена для автоматического безопасного ввода возвратного ксилола в реактор в процессе поликонденсации полиэфиров растительных масел в производстве алкидных смол - основы алкидных лаков и может быть использована в химической и лакокрасочной промышленности при проведении различных технологических процессов. Задачей предполагаемой полезной модели является создание устройства, исключающее человеческий фактор, обеспечивающее автоматический равномерный ввод возвратного ксилола в реактор, регулируемый по скорости ввода, что повышает стабильность и безопасность проведения синтеза алкидных лаков. Задача решается за счет установки в схеме следующих компонентов: блока управления, накопительной емкости возвратного ксилола с двумя датчиками уровня жидкости, настроенных на верхний и нижний уровни, двух регуляторов, переключателя, частотно-регулируемого привода и насоса. Устройство работает следующим образом: ксилол из разделительной емкости поступает в накопительную емкость возвратного ксилола, оборудованную двумя датчиками уровня жидкости - верхним и нижним. При заполнении ксилолом емкости до верхнего уровня датчик верхнего уровня подает сигнал на первый вход блока управления, блок управления вырабатывает сигнал и с первого выхода подает команду на вход первого регулятора, который преобразует сигнал и подает команду на первый вход переключателя, переключатель вырабатывает сигнал и с первого выхода подает команду на первый вход частотно-регулируемого привода, с выхода которого поступает сигнал на включение насоса. Насос подает ксилол из накопительной емкости возвратного ксилола в скоростной смеситель, установленный на магистрали циркуляции реакционной массы. Устройство обеспечивает автоматический равномерный ввод возвратного ксилола в реактор, регулируемый по скорости ввода, исключает человеческий фактор, позволяет поддерживать необходимое стехиометрическое соотношение реагентов в технологическом ...

30-04-2019 дата публикации

Устройство для управления работой дренажных коллекторов

Номер: RU0000188952U1

Устройство для управления работой дренажных коллекторов относится к области гидромелиорации и может быть использовано на осушительных системах для управления работой закрытых коллекторов. Техническим результатом полезной модели является обеспечение оптимального водно-температурного режима почв при выращивании сельскохозяйственных культур. Для достижения технического результата устройство для управления работой дренажных коллекторов, характеризующееся наличием регулятора уровня, установленным на устьевом сооружении закрытого коллектора, дополнительно снабжено приемником радиосигналов одинаковой частоты с узкой приемной щелью, ориентированной на сигнал с беспилотного летательного аппарата, и электрозадвижкой, подключенной к источнику питания. 3 ил. И 1 18895 2 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВО” 188 952°° Ц4 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 26.02.2021 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 22.10.2021 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 22.10.2021 Бюл. №30 Стр.: 1 па С968 3 | ЕП

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Сигнализатор уровня жидкости

Номер: RU0000202150U1

Полезная модель относится к контрольно-измерительной технике, а именно к устройствам для контроля уровня жидкостей, и может быть использована для фиксирования уровня воды, нефти, нефтепродуктов и других типов жидкостей в емкостях, открытых или закрытых резервуарах, колодцах, приямках и т.п. Сигнализатор уровня жидкости содержит корпус, немагнитную направляющую трубку, внутри которой расположены герконовые реле, поплавок с кольцевым магнитом со сквозным отверстием, выполненный с возможностью перемещения вдоль направляющей трубки, а также ограничитель хода поплавка. В целях повышения удобства эксплуатации за счет упрощения процесса регулировки уровня срабатывания магниточувствительных элементов, сигнализатор включает диэлектрическую монтажную пластину со сквозным отверстием, расположенную в корпусе, две токопроводящие шины, стопор со сквозным отверстием и резьбовую шпильку, расположенные в направляющей трубке. При этом верхний конец резьбовой шпильки расположен выше корпуса сигнализатора и оснащен шестигранной гайкой, выполненной с возможностью передачи вращения резьбовой шпильке. Герконовые реле в направляющей трубке закреплены внутри отверстий подвижной каретки, имеющей также сквозные отверстия с установленными в них ламельными пружинными контактами, соединенными с выводами герконовых реле перемычками, и сквозное резьбовое отверстие для зацепления подвижной каретки с резьбовой шпилькой для преобразования вращательного движения резьбовой шпильки в линейное движение подвижной каретки при вращении шестигранной гайки. Полезная модель обеспечивает повышение удобства эксплуатации устройства за счет упрощения процесса регулировки высоты срабатывания герконовых реле, который может быть осуществлен без разбора и демонтажа сигнализатора уровня жидкости, а также без снятия питающего напряжения. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 150 U1 (51) МПК G01F 23/62 (2006.01) G05D 9/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ...

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Centrifugal Pump with Coaxial Inlet and Outlet and Liquid Level Detector

Номер: US20120118412A1
Автор: Charles Ward Barry
Принадлежит: Individual

A liquid handling system having a tank with a centrifugal pump for pumping the liquid out of the tank is disclosed. The centrifugal pump is located beneath tank and has a coaxial inlet-outlet. Capacitive sensors are used to detect the level of liquid in the tank, and control circuits are connected to the capacitive sensors and control the operation of the pump.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

System and Method of Automatic Tank Refill

Номер: US20130105182A1
Принадлежит: JNT LINK LLC

A fire truck operable to automatically refill a water tank comprises a first pressure transducer coupled to an intake inlet of the pump and operable to measure an intake pressure, a second pressure transducer coupled to a discharge outlet of the pump and operable to measure a discharge pressure, a first pump discharge pipe coupled between the discharge outlet of the pump and a fire hose, a second pump discharge pipe coupled between the discharge outlet of the pump and the water tank, a control valve disposed in the second pump discharge pipe, and a controller operable to automatically sense a low water level condition of the tank, and automatically control the engine speed, the pump speed, and the control valve so that adequate water supply to the fire hose via the first pump discharge pipe is automatically maintained while automatically refilling the water tank via the second pump discharge pipe.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for setting the fill level when filling a cavity system and a vehicle seat system

Номер: US20130166078A1
Принадлежит: Faurecia Automotive GmbH

A method for setting the fill level when filling a cavity system, in particular a cavity system in vehicle seat that exhibits one or more pressure chambers or bubbles for lumbar adjustments. With the method, a fill level set by the user is measured and a value representative thereof is stored. The value representative for the fill level is determined from a curve line that is characteristic for the respective cavity system.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174916A1
Автор: Hampton Steven W.
Принадлежит: Little Giant Pump Company

A method and apparatus for sensing the top level of a material in a vessel is disclosed. A method and apparatus for sensing changes in the top level of a material in a vessel is disclosed. 1. A method of controlling a level of a material in a vessel , the method comprising the steps of:placing at least two capacitive sensors proximate to the material in the vessel, a first capacitive sensor arranged to monitor a first range of levels in the vessel and a second capacitive sensor arranged to monitor at least a first level in the vessel, the first level being a part of the first range of levels;monitoring an output of the first capacitive sensor;monitoring an output of the second capacitive sensor; anddetermining a current level of the material in the vessel based on the output of the first capacitive sensor and the output of the second capacitive sensor, the output of the second capacitive sensor being used to improve an accuracy of the determined current level.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first level is at an endpoint of the first range of levels.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first level is between a first endpoint and a second endpoint of the first range of levels.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step automatically adjusting an amount of material in the vessel based on the current level when the current level corresponds to a control event.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the amount of material in the vessel is reduced when the current level corresponds to the control event.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein a controller determines if the current level corresponds to the control event and in response thereto activates a material control device to reduce the amount of material in the vessel.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the amount of material in the vessel is increased when the current level corresponds to the control event.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein a controller determines if the current level corresponds to the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192680A1

A measurement device for regulating the filling level of a liquid-gas mixture via a inlet valve in a container, having at least one vertical liquid standpipe fixed to a outer wall of the container and fluidically connected to the interior of the container via horizontal tube-shaped hydraulic devices. A first lower hydraulic device is disposed near the container base so the standpipe level changes with the container. A second hydraulic device is provided above the desired filling level so that the standpipe level changes when a selectable desired filling level value is exceeded. The device has a display and regulator that is in controlled connection to the liquid inlet valve. The liquid standpipe has a third tube-shaped hydraulic device that protrudes horizontally into the container and is arranged in the container at or below the desired filling level. The first lower hydraulic device is configured as a return. 1. A measuring device for controlling the fill level of a liquid-gas mixture using a liquid feed valve in a vessel , comprising at least one vertical fluid standpipe which is installed on the side external wall of the vessel and which is connected in a fluid-bearing manner with the internal chamber of the vessel via horizontal , tube-like , hydraulic devices , whereina first lower level hydraulic device is installed close to the bottom of the vessel so that the fill level in the fluid standpipe changes with that in the vessel, anda second hydraulic device is provided above the set point of the fill level in the vessel so that the fill level in the fluid standpipe changes when the set point for the fill level in the vessel, which can be freely selected, is exceeded, and 'wherein', 'the measuring device is equipped with a display and control unit which has a controlling connection with the liquid feed valve of the vessel, and the vessel includes inlet and outlet lines for liquids and gases'}the fluid standpipe is equipped with at least a further third tube-like ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333760A1

The present disclosure is directed generally to waste water vessels with multiple valved chambers, and associated systems and methods. A method in accordance with a particular embodiment includes drawing waste water into a first chamber under vacuum while the first chamber and a second chamber have at least approximately the same internal pressure. The method further includes allowing the waste water to pass from the first chamber to the second chamber while the first chamber and a second chamber have at least approximately the same internal pressure, releasably sealing the first chamber from fluid communication with the second chamber, and simultaneously adding waste water to the first chamber and removing wastewater from the second chamber while the first chamber is sealed from fluid communication with the second chamber. 1. A waste water handling system , comprising:a vessel having a first chamber and a second chamber below the first chamber, the first chamber having a waste intake port coupleable to a source of waste fluid, and a vacuum outlet port coupleable to a vacuum source, the second chamber having a pressure port coupleable to at least one of ambient pressure or a pressure source;a chamber divider sealably positioned between the first and second chambers;a chamber connecting passage connected in fluid communication with the first and second chambers;a connecting passage valve positioned in the chamber connecting passage, the connecting passage valve having an open state and a closed state;a first chamber valve coupled between the first and second chambers, the first chamber valve being changeable between an open state when a pressure in the first second chamber meets or exceeds a pressure in the second chamber, and a closed state when a pressure in the second chamber exceeds a pressure in the first chamber; anda second chamber valve coupled to the second chamber, the second chamber valve having an entrance in fluid communication with the second chamber, ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018963A1

A system for controllably adjusting spent water levels in the tailrace pool area of a hydroelectric power-generating dam installed into a waterway. The system comprises: (a) a controllably adjustable weir device installed into a downstream portion of the waterway adjacent a distal end of the tailrace pool area. The controllably adjustable weir device is configured for controllably impeding the egress of spent water from the tailrace pool area, (b) an apparatus provided with operative components configured for manipulating the controllably adjustable weir device to controllably increase and decrease the impediment therewith of spent water egress from the tailrace pool area. The operative components are serviceable from above the spent water, and (c) a control device configured for communicating and cooperating with the apparatus for manipulating the controllably adjustable weir therewith. The controllably adjustable weir device may be optionally installed into an excavation provided downstream adjacent to the tailrace pool area. 1. A system for maximizing and/or maintaining an effective net head in a hydroelectric power-generating dam installed into a waterway having a natural riverbed and opposing riverbanks , by controllably adjusting spent water levels in a tailrace pool area of the natural river bed adjacent the hydroelectric power-generating dam , the system comprising:an adjustable weir device for controllably impeding egress of spent water from the tailrace pool area, said weir device installable into a downstream portion of the natural riverbed adjacent a distal end of the tailrace pool area;(ii) an apparatus for manipulating the adjustable weir device, said apparatus having operative components for manipulating said weir device to increase or decrease the egress of spent water from the tailrace pool area; and(iii) a device for controllably manipulating the operative components of the apparatus.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the adjustable weir ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069525A1

A device for the reliable measurement and control of the filling level in the quencher sump of a quenching chamber arranged downstream of the gasifying chamber is provided. The device has a differential-pressure transmitter. The measuring location recording the pressure of the gas chamber is flushed with inert gas. The device unproblematically senses the pressures in the quenching chamber and at the bottom of the quencher sump. The difference between which is used as a controlled variable for the filling level. 1. A device for reliable filling level control in a quenching chamber , wherein the quenching chamber receives a hot raw gas and liquid slag from an entrained-flow gasifying reactor and cools the hot raw gas and liquid slag by injecting an excess of quenching water forming a water bath in a lower part of the quenching chamber , wherein a water level of the water bath can be controlled between a minimum level and a maximum level , wherein a raw-gas outlet is located above the water level of the water bath , the device comprising:a differential-pressure transmitter comprising a first pressure-recording location for exposure to a pressure in a gas chamber of the quenching chamber and a second pressure-recording location for exposure to a pressure at a bottom of the water bath, wherein the differential-pressure transmitter provides an information signal as a measure of a geodetic height of the water bath; anda line connecting the first pressure-recording location to the gas chamber that can be flushed with an inert gas.2. The device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the quenching chamber comprises an inner shell as a skirt and a skirt flushing between an outer pressure-bearing shell and the inner shell claim 1 , and wherein the line connecting the first pressure-recording location to the gas chamber is connected to a feed of the inert gas into the skirt flushing.3. The device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a first skirt flushing is arranged at a lower level and a ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076421A1

An overfill valve associated with a drop tube segment fluidly connected to a fluid reservoir is described. The overfill valve includes a valve body positioned within the drop tube segment and a non-contact valve actuator positioned exterior to the drop tube segment and operable to actuate the valve body from an open position to a closed position without requiring any physical penetration through the wall of the drop tube segment. The non-contact valve actuator has a first position in which the non-contact valve actuator does not actuate the valve body from the open position to the closed position in a second position, achieved when the liquid reservoir reaches a predetermined level approaching the capacity of the liquid reservoir, the non-contact valve actuator actuating the valve body from the open position to the closed position when the non-contact valve actuator obtains the second position. 1. A overfill prevention valve , comprising:a conduit having a first end and a second end, a conduit wall spanning said first end of said conduit and said second end of said conduit, said conduit wall defining a conduit wall interior surface and a conduit wall exterior surface, said conduit wall interior surface defining a fluid path through said conduit from said first end of said conduit to said second end of said conduit;a valve body moveably positioned in said fluid path of said conduit, said valve body moveable from an open position to a closed position; anda non-contact valve actuator moveable relative to said valve body and positioned outside of said conduit, said conduit wall interposed between said non-contact valve actuator and said fluid path, said non-contact valve actuator operable to actuate said valve body from said open position toward said closed position without physically penetrating said conduit wall, said non-contact valve actuator having a first position in which said non-contact valve actuator does not actuate said valve body from said open position ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096327A1

Disclosed are a laundry treatment machine and a method of operating the same. The method of operating the laundry treatment machine includes performing a primary sensing of an amount of laundry within the tub, supplying water to a first water level within the tub, sensing the level of water within the tub, performing a secondary sensing of the amount of laundry within the tub, and judging whether the laundry includes dry laundry or wet laundry using the primarily sensed amount of laundry, the secondarily sensed amount of laundry, and the sensed water level value. This method ensures efficient implementation of sensing of amount of laundry. 1. A method of operating a laundry treatment machine that processes laundry via rotation of a tub , the method comprising:performing a primary sensing of an amount of laundry within the tub;supplying water to a first water level within the tub;sensing the level of water within the tub;performing a secondary sensing of the amount of laundry within the tub; andjudging whether the laundry includes dry laundry or wet laundry using the primarily sensed amount of laundry, the secondarily sensed amount of laundry, and the sensed water level value.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:when the laundry is judged to include wet laundry, calculating the amount of laundry based on the primarily sensed amount of laundry, the secondarily sensed amount of laundry, and the sensed water level value; andwhen the laundry is judged to include dry laundry, calculating the amount of laundry based on the primarily sensed amount of laundry.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingrotating, in an alternating forward/reverse direction, a motor that is used to rotate the tub,wherein said rotating occurs between the supply of water to the first water level and the sensing of the water level.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingresupplying water to the first water level within the tub if the first water level is higher than the sensed ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001703A1

A float valve () is provided for use with a liquid medium, the float valve having an upright configuration and an inverted configuration. The float valve includes: a housing (), defining at least one inlet port () and at least one outlet port (); a float assembly () movable within the housing; and an auxiliary float member () movable within said housing. The float assembly () comprises a primary float member (′), different from the auxiliary float member, and a spring element (). The primary in float member is configured for closing the at least one outlet port when in abutment therewith, the spring element being configured for providing a biasing spring force to the primary float member in a direction towards said at least one outlet port. The auxiliary float member is configured for providing a net upthrust force with respect to the liquid medium under submerged conditions irrespective of whether the float valve is in said upright configuration or in said inverted configuration. 130-. (canceled)31. A float valve for use with a liquid medium , the float valve having an upright configuration and an inverted configuration , the float valve comprising:a housing defining at least one inlet port and at least one outlet port;a float assembly movable within said housing; andan auxiliary float member movable within said housing;wherein the float assembly comprises a primary float member, different from said auxiliary float member, and a spring element; the primary float member configured for closing said at least one outlet port when in abutment therewith, the spring element being configured for providing a biasing spring force to the primary floating member in a direction towards said at least one outlet port;wherein said auxiliary float member is configured for providing a net upthrust force with respect to the liquid medium under submerged conditions irrespective of whether the float valve is in said upright configuration or in said inverted configuration.3230. The ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002842A1

A system for preventing and/or controlling flooding caused by blockages in the drain line and/or caused by damage to a water supply line or a water drain line of an appliance such as a washing machine, dishwasher and the like, including (i) a motorized cold water supply line valve, (ii) a motorized hot water supply line valve; (iii) a sealed connection adapted for connection to the appliance discharge line, connection to an atmospheric vent, connection to a float switch and connection to a sewer line; (iv) a including a liquid sensor adapted to generate a fault signal upon detecting liquid on a surface near the washing machine and to transmit the leakage signal to a control processor; and (v) the control processor operable to shut off power to the washing machine upon receipt of the fault signal, and to close the water supply line valves upon loss of power to the washing machine. 1a washing machine having a cold water supply line, a hot water supply line, a vent line to atmosphere, waste water discharge line and access to a sewer line;an injection-molded plastic housing having a top hole on its top side, a first bottom hole on its bottom side, a second bottom hole on its bottom side, the centerline of the first bottom hole and the centerline of the second bottom hole offset from each other;a pipe manifold positioned in said housing;said manifold including a vertically oriented central pipe section, a first outlet pipe section extending horizontally outward in a first direction from said central pipe section and a second outlet pipe section extending horizontally outward in a second direction from said central pipe section, said second direction different from aid first direction;said central pipe section extending vertically, connected at its top end to a vent pipe extending to said top hole and connected at its bottom end to a drain pipe extending to said first bottom hole;said drain pipe operatively connected to said sewer line;said central pipe section first ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007599A1
Автор: Jung Yongki, Lim Kiyoung

An apparatus for cultivating plants includes a cabinet having a cultivation space, a temperature control device provided in the cabinet to adjust a temperature of the cultivation space, a door configured to open and close the cultivation space, a cultivation shelf provided in the cabinet and configured to seat a seed package, a lighting device provided in the cabinet to radiate light onto the cultivation shelf, and a water supply pipe provided in the cabinet to supply water to the cultivation shelf. The cultivation shelf includes a shelf tray that supports the seed package, a shelf base provided under the shelf tray to accommodate the water supplied from the water supply pipe, and a shutter provided to be openable on the seat. The water accommodated into the shelf base is introduced to the inside of the seat by passing through the shutter when the shutter is opened. 1. An apparatus for cultivating plants , the apparatus comprising:a cabinet that defines a cultivation space;a temperature control device disposed in the cabinet and configured to adjust a temperature of the cultivation space;a door configured to open and close at least a portion of the cultivation space;a shelf disposed in the cabinet and configured to support a seed package of the plants;a lighting device disposed in the cabinet and configured to radiate light to the shelf; anda water supply pipe disposed in the cabinet and configured to supply water to the shelf, a tray comprising a seat configured to support the seed package,', 'a shelf base disposed vertically below the tray and configured to accommodate the water supplied from the water supply pipe, and', 'a shutter disposed at the seat and configured to open at least a portion of the seat to thereby supply the water in the shelf base to an inside of the seat., 'wherein the shelf comprises2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the shutter comprises:a pressing member configured to protrude to the inside of the seat, the pressing member ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210003439A1
Автор: BARKOW Axel, WIND Stefan

An operating fluid tank includes a capacitor. The capacitor includes a first electrode and a second electrode. Between the first electrode and the second electrode, a clearance is formed which is fluid-connected to an operating fluid tank interior. The fluid tank also includes an evaluator electrically connected to the capacitor for determining a capacity of the capacitor by means of measurement signals determined by the capacitor. The first electrode and the second electrode include an electrically conductive plastic material. 1. An operating fluid tank , with a capacitive determination of a fill level of the operating fluid tank , the operating fluid tank comprising:a capacitor comprising a first electrode and a second electrode, wherein between the first electrode and the second electrode a clearance is formed which is fluid-connected to an operating fluid tank interior; and{'b': '9', 'an evaluator electrically connected to the capacitor for determining a capacity of the capacitor by means of measurement signals determined by the capacitor, wherein the capacity of the capacitor () indicates a measurement of the fill level,'}wherein the first electrode and the second electrode comprise an electrically conductive plastic material.2. The operating fluid tank according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrode and/or the second electrode comprise a plastic material in which electrically conductive particles are dispersed.3. The operating fluid tank according to claim 2 , wherein the electrically conductive particles comprise conductive soot particles.4. The operating fluid tank according to claim 2 , wherein the first electrode and/or the second electrode comprise a high-density polyethylene plastic material in which the electrically conductive particles are dispersed.5. The operating fluid tank according to claim 1 , wherein:the first electrode is multi-layered; andan electrode layer of the first electrode, which adjoins a clearance of the capacitor, is formed from ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method, apparatus and storage medium for controlling drainage of equipment

Номер: US20200004273A1
Автор: Hualin YE, jin han
Принадлежит: Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co Ltd

Disclosed is a method, apparatus and storage medium for controlling drainage of equipment. The method includes: determining that the equipment is in a drain state; detecting whether a floor drain connected to a drain pipe of the equipment is at risk of drainage overflow or a drainage overflow occurs; and when it is detected that the floor drain is at risk of drainage overflow or the drainage overflow occurs, reducing an amount of water discharging from the drain pipe per unit time.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Ebb and flow watering system

Номер: US20160007548A1
Принадлежит: IP Holdings LLC

A method is provided for controlling the fluid level in an ebb and flow watering system control bucket that is in fluid communication with at least one fluid holding apparatus such as a plant container with connecting water lines, causing hydraulic delays in changes in the fluid level in the control bucket when fluid is pumped to or from the control bucket, typically from a fluid reservoir. The method involves pumping fluid to or from the control bucket to achieve a target fluid level in the control bucket; upon the fluid reaching the target fluid level, starting a timer for a short period of time to allow for the hydraulic delays, and continuing to pump fluid while the timer runs; restarting the timer and continuing to pump fluid if the fluid level in the control bucket recedes from the target fluid level; and discontinuing pumping if the timer runs for the full period of time.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008742A1

Systems and methods are provided for accurately measuring and allocating treated oil. Separators can be modified to include automatic control systems utilizing active flow controls and level sensors. The automatic control systems can be configured to cause oil to flow at a rate and with a duration sufficient to accurately measure the amount of oil transferred from the separator. The systems and methods also provide for a method of correcting for oil density variations. The systems and methods also allow for fail-safe operations by having the active flow controls fail in an open position allowing pre-existing passive flow control valves to operate normally. 1. A two-phase separator retrofit to include automatic control systems , the two-phase separator comprising:a tank configured to store gas and a mixture of oil and water;an inlet pipe configured to receive a mixture of gas, oil and water and deposit the mixture into the tank;a gas outlet pipe configured to carry separated gas from the tank;a liquid outlet pipe configured to carry separated liquid from the tank, the separated liquid comprising a mixture of oil and water;a liquid level sensor configured to acquire measurements corresponding to a level of the separated liquid in the tank;a mechanical valve configured to open when the separated liquid is above a first liquid level and to close when the separated liquid is below a second liquid level, the second liquid level lower than the first liquid level;a separator control system; anda liquid flow control comprising an actuatable valve coupled to the separator control system,wherein the separator control system is configured to receive data from the liquid level sensor to control the liquid flow control,wherein the separator control system is configured to maintain the liquid level above the first liquid level during operation.2. The two-phase separator of claim 1 , wherein the liquid level sensor comprises a differential pressure transmitter.3. The two-phase ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026934A1
Автор: Sitz Justin C.

Apparatuses, systems, and methods are disclosed for fluid flow control. A container is shaped to receive a liquid, and includes an outlet configured to allow the liquid to exit the container. The outlet may be user-adjustable to adjust a rate at which the liquid exits the container. A valve is configured to control a fluid flow based on a liquid level in the container. An output line coupled to the valve is configured to convey the fluid flow from the valve to a location outside the container. The location outside the container does not receive the liquid directly from the outlet. 1. An apparatus comprising:a container shaped to receive a liquid, the container comprising an outlet configured to allow the liquid to exit the container, wherein the outlet is user-adjustable to adjust a rate at which the liquid exits the container;a valve configured to control a fluid flow based on a liquid level in the container; andan output line coupled to the valve, the output line configured to convey the fluid flow from the valve to a location outside the container, wherein the location outside the container does not receive the liquid directly from the outlet.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a return line coupled to the output line claim 1 , the return line configured to divert a portion of the fluid flow from the output line into the container.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a branch connector that couples the return line to the output line between the valve and the location outside the container.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the return line is coupled to the output line after the location outside the container claim 2 , such that fluid not used at the location is returned to the container.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising one or more of:a return flow control device disposed in fluid communication with the return line to control a fill rate for the container; andan output flow control device disposed in fluid communication ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180010762A1
Принадлежит: Liberty Pumps, Inc.

A visually observable display comprising a circuit board including at least one illuminator emitting light outwardly from a surface of the board, a light transmissive display window pane operable to receive light at an inner surface and transmit the light through an outer surface, and an insert disposed between the illuminator and the display window pane. The insert comprises an elongated light distributing conduit receiving light from the at least one illuminator at a first location in a direction substantially perpendicular to the display window pane, distributing the light transversely through the light conduit along the inner surface of the display window pane, and redirecting the distributed light outwardly along an outer wall of the conduit and outwardly through the window pane. The display may include multiple light illuminators emitting light outwardly from the board surface and into the light distributing conduit at discrete locations along the conduit. 1. A display comprising:a) a support member including at least one illuminator emitting light outwardly;b) a light transmissive display window pane operable to receive light at an inner surface thereof and transmit the light through an outer surface thereof; andc) an elongated light distributing conduit disposed between the at least one illuminator and the display window, the elongated light distributing conduit receiving light from the at least one illuminator at a first location in a direction substantially perpendicular to the display window pane, distributing the light transversely through the elongated light distributing conduit along the inner surface of the display window pane, and redirecting the distributed light outwardly along an outer wall of the conduit and outwardly through the window pane.2. The display of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of light illuminators emitting light outwardly and into the elongated light distributing conduit at discrete locations along the light distributing ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180011498A1
Принадлежит: Liberty Pumps, Inc.

A liquid level control module comprising an elongated tubular housing immersible through a surface of a liquid and into a bulk volume of the liquid, and first, second, and third electrical switches, and first and second floats movable along the tubular housing. The first electrical switch is disposed within a lower portion of the tubular housing, the second electrical switch is disposed within an intermediate portion of the tubular housing, and the third electrical switch is disposed within an upper portion of the tubular housing. Each of the switches has an open state and a closed state. Motion of the first float relative to the first switch changes its state. Motion of the second float relative to the second switch changes its state, and motion of the second float relative to the third switch changes its state. Thus a two-float module may provide three level control signals. 1. A liquid level control module comprising:a) an elongated tubular housing immersible through a surface of a liquid and into a bulk volume of the liquid;b) a first electrical switch disposed within a lower portion of the tubular housing, a second electrical switch disposed within an intermediate portion of the tubular housing, and a third electrical switch disposed within an upper portion of the tubular housing, each of the switches having an open state and a closed state;c) a first float movable along the tubular housing, wherein variation of the level of the surface of the liquid past the first electrical switch causes motion of the first float past the first electrical switch and causes a change in state between the open state and the closed state of the first electrical switch;d) a second float movable along the tubular housing, wherein variation of the level of the surface of the liquid past the second electrical switch causes motion of the second float past the second electrical switch and causes a change in state between the open state and the closed state of the second electrical ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011725A1

A sensor includes a planar T-resonator and an oscillator. The planar T-resonator can be a branched T-resonator with at least two symmetrical branches coupled to a stub. The oscillator has an input coupled to the planar T-resonator and an output. The oscillator has a negative resistance within a predetermined frequency range. The oscillator can be configured so that it has an input phase approximately equal to a phase of the planar T-resonator over a majority of the predetermined frequency range. 1. A sensor system , comprising:a planar T-resonator, which includes a conductor having a feedline coupled to a stub and a ground plane; andan oscillator having an input coupled to the planar T-resonator and an output, wherein the oscillator has a negative resistance within a predetermined frequency range and an input phase of the oscillator is approximately equal to a phase of the planar T-resonator over a majority of the predetermined frequency range.2. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the feedline of the planar T-resonator includes at least a first pair of symmetrical branches and a second pair of symmetrical branches coupled to the stub.3. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the output of the oscillator is coupled to a wireless communication interface and provides a signal corresponding to a resonant frequency of the planar T-resonator.4. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the planar T-resonator is printed on a flexible substrate and the oscillator is on a non-flexible substrate.5. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the planar T-resonator is printed on a surface of a container.6. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the container is a flexible container.7. The sensor system of claim 1 , wherein the oscillator includes a transistor claim 1 , a first capacitor coupled to a gate of the transistor claim 1 , and a second capacitor coupled to a drain of the transistor claim 1 , wherein parameters of the first and second capacitors are selected so that the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Transmission fluid nozzle

Номер: US20190016586A1

An apparatus is provided. The apparatus may include an elongated shaft including a passage terminating at a nozzle including a dispersion plate and tapered sidewalls between the dispersion plate and the elongated shaft. The tapered side walls may define a single opening, an outer surface of the sidewalls may define a tapered exit for the opening, an inner surface of the sidewalls may define a non-tapered entrance into the opening, the nozzle is sized to be received by a transmission case inlet, and an internal diameter of the passage is less than the tapered exit.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140101866A1

The present invention relates to a method for controlling a washing apparatus, and more particularly, to method for controlling a washing apparatus provided with an independently rotatable drum and a pulsator, comprising a step of draining further comprising a plurality of steps of draining a predetermined amount of rinsing water at a time; a middle step of dehydrating; and a step of supplying water, further comprising a plurality of steps of providing a predetermined amount of rinsing water at a time. 1. A method for controlling a washing apparatus comprising a drum and a pulsator which are rotatable independently , the method comprising:a water drainage step comprising a plurality of steps configured to drain rinsing water by a predetermined amount, respectively;an intermediate spinning step; anda water supply step comprising a plurality of steps configured to supply rinsing water by a predetermined amount, respectively.2. The method for controlling the washing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein in at least one of the steps provided in the water drainage step claim 1 , at least one of the drum and pulsator is driven to separate foreign substances from clothes and the foreign substances are exhausted from the drum simultaneously to be drained together with the rinsing water.3. The method for controlling the washing apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the steps provided in the water drainage step claim 2 , the pulsator is driven.4. The method for controlling the washing apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein in the steps provided in the water drainage step claim 3 , at least one of the rotation number (RPM) and the driving time net acting ratio of the pulsator is set different.5. The method for controlling the washing apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein in an initial step of the steps provided in the water drainage step claim 4 , the driving time net acting ratio of the pulsator is the highest.6. The method for controlling the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210017753A1
Автор: Sylvia Jacqueline

A toilet seat assembly is provided including a seat base with a housing and a seat lid, and further including a washing apparatus, a drying apparatus, and a spray canister device positioned in the housing. A controller having a user interface is configured to communicate with a control unit of the toilet seat assembly to control operation of the components of the toilet seat assembly. So configured, a user may operate the toilet seat assembly to clean the user's perineal region via the washing apparatus, dry the user's perineal region via the drying apparatus, and spray the user's perineal region with one or more liquid products via the spray canister device. 1. An apparatus comprising: a housing configured to contain a liquid therein;', 'an inlet;', 'an outlet; and', 'a heating member configured to adjust a temperature of the liquid;, 'a reservoir includinga pump;a sensor configured to detect a presence of a user; anda control unit including a processor and communication circuitry, the communication circuitry communicatively coupled to the sensor and the pump;wherein the processor is configured to adjust operation of the heating member to adjust the temperature of the liquid in the housing upon the sensor detecting the presence of the user; andwherein the processor is further configured to cause the pump to recirculate the liquid within the housing upon the sensor detecting the presence of the user.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a spray wand having a nozzle claim 1 , the spray wand fluidically coupled to the outlet of the reservoir and configured to deliver the liquid through the nozzle thereof.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensor is an infrared sensor.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the heating member is an immersion heater.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the reservoir further includes a temperature sensor configured to detect a temperature of the liquid contained in the housing.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018433A1

The water conservation system for limiting water consumption during showering, the consumption levels being determined based on accepted international consumption standards. The system features a layered/hollow bathtub designed to include: a floatable, manual indicator; a sensor positioned in the bathtub's vertical wall; a reservoir for collecting water; and a waste water drainage outlet. Three different colors (red, yellow, and green) are associated with the floatable indicator to indicate the amount of water consumed during showering. An optional controlling valve automatically shuts off water flow, if the consumption rate is too high. 1. A water conservation system for limiting water consumption during showering , wherein said system comprising:a layered/hollow bathtub having a reservoir for collecting water, a consumed water drainage attached to the upper surface of the water collecting reservoir directing consumed water inside the water collecting reservoir, a floatable, manual indicator housed in the water collecting reservoir for indicating the amount of consumed water for the user and a waste water drainage outlet attached to the lower base of the collecting reservoir;a water valve attached to the wall for directing showering water to the shower head; anda control unit connected to the water valve for controlling shutoff the water valve automatically upon receiving control signal from a transmitter housed in the manual indicator when the water consumption reach the highest level.2. The water conservation system for limiting water consumption during showering according to claim 1 , wherein the floatable manual indicator having a floatable base attached to a vertical indicator bar having three different colors indicator: red claim 1 , yellow claim 1 , and green indicating the amount of water consumed during.3. The water conservation system for limiting water consumption during showering according to claim 2 , wherein the green indicator referring to the lowest ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040611A1
Автор: Abdalla Wassem

Various example embodiments relate to an automatic drain system for use with a fluid water separator. The automatic drain system includes a liquid-in-fuel sensor configured to detect a liquid level in a water sump. A pump includes an inlet in fluid communication with the water sump and an outlet in fluid communication with the inlet. The pump has an active state and an inactive state. The active state causes the pump to draw liquid in from the inlet and direct liquid toward the outlet. A battery is configured to power the pump. A circuit board is operably connected to the pump and battery. The circuit board includes at least one circuit having a first state and a second state. The first state prevents power flow from the battery to the pump. The second state facilitates power flow from the battery to the pump, transitioning the pump from inactive to active. 1. An automatic drain system for use with a fluid water separator , comprising:a liquid-in-fuel sensor, the liquid in-fuel sensor configured to detect a liquid level in a water sump;a pump comprising an inlet in fluid communication with the water sump and an outlet in fluid communication with the inlet, the pump having an active state and an inactive state, the active state causing the pump to draw liquid in from the inlet and direct liquid toward the outlet;a battery configured to power the pump; anda circuit board operably connected to the pump and operably connected to the battery, the circuit board comprising at least one circuit having a first state and a second state, the first state preventing power flow from the battery to the pump and the second state facilitating power flow from the battery to the pump,wherein detection of the liquid level by the liquid-in-fuel sensor causes the circuit board to transition from the first state to the second state, thereby causing the pump to transition from the inactive state to the active state.2. The automatic drain system of claim 1 , wherein the liquid-in-fuel ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Buoyant Mechanical Liquid Level Control

Номер: US20220042277A1

A liquid level control system, which may be used with a clarifier in a sewage treatment plant, manages liquid level of an upstream basin by controlling liquid flow in or out of a system that may use a midstream device to equally distribute flow in or out of the basin. This headloss inducing device creates a non-linear relationship between upstream liquid level to be controlled and the lesser downstream liquid level behind the gate or valve. Without the use of electrical controls, the systems of the invention include a gate or valve with counterforces that manage the outflow stream of liquid while accounting for the non-linear head loss created by the midstream device, thus reaching a desired liquid level range for all system flowrates. 1. A liquid level control system to control liquid level in a basin without electrical components , wherein a midstream headloss inducing device creates a non-linear relationship between the upstream basin liquid level to be controlled and a lesser downstream liquid level , comprising:a gate at an exit of the headloss device, with closure means urging the gate toward closure,an actuator device responsive to an increase in liquid level in the basin above a design level, connected to the gate to urge the gate open, overcoming the closure means, when the liquid level in the basin is above design level, andmeans associated with the actuator device for controlling timing and speed of opening and closing movements of the gate and for reaching a point of equilibrium of gate opening and closing forces while liquid flows out of the basin through the headloss device and through the gate, for smooth transitions of flow out of the gate,whereby liquid level changes in the basin are minimized, without sudden surges out the gate and without sudden closures of the gate.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the closure means includes a counterforce connected to the gate and urging the gate toward closure in at least a portion of travel of the gate.3. The ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042839A1

A subsidence sensing device with a liquid replenishing mechanism has multiple liquid storage tanks connected with each other via communicating tubes, multiple level sensors, a liquid feeding tank disposed higher than liquid surfaces of liquids in the liquid storage tanks, and an air inlet tube and a liquid feeding tube communicate the liquid in the liquid storage tanks and feeding liquid in the liquid feeding tank. When the liquids in the liquid storage tanks evaporate gradually due to surrounding temperature or humidity, the feeding liquid in the liquid feeding tank flows into the liquid storage tank and replenish all of the liquid storage tanks via the communicating tubes. Thus, the liquid surfaces of the liquids in the liquid storage tanks can be kept at a predetermined proper liquid level, so as to allow the level sensor to provide accurate signals to monitoring staffs. 1. A subsidence sensing device comprising:multiple liquid storage tanks, each of the liquid storage tanks containing liquid, and the liquid storage tanks connected with each other via communicating tubes;multiple level sensors mounted on the liquid storage tanks respectively;a liquid feeding tank disposed higher than liquid surfaces of the liquids in the liquid storage tanks and containing feeding liquid; an upper open end protruding into the feeding liquid in the liquid feeding tank; and', 'a lower open end protruding into the liquid in a corresponding one of the liquid storage tanks; and, 'an air inlet tube having'} an upper open end protruding into the feeding liquid in the liquid feeding tank; and', {'b': '101', 'a lower open end protrudes into the liquid in a corresponding one of the liquid storage tanks;'}], 'a liquid feeding tube having'}wherein the feeding liquid in the liquid feeding tank flows into and fills the air inlet tube and the liquid feeding tube and a length that the liquid feeding tube protrudes in the liquid of the corresponding one of the liquid storage tanks is longer than ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Autonomous Fueling of Multiple Fuel Tanks

Номер: US20200024121A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention affords a method and apparatus for autonomous fueling/refueling of numerous machinery operating at work sites such as an active fracking site. The system of the present invention includes a main fuel tank mounted on a frame and a plurality of fuel intake lines individually coupled to the main fuel tank. Pumps are connected to at least some, but not necessarily all, of the fuel intake lines. The pumps are coupled to hoses extending from the main fuel tank to the saddle tanks requiring fueling/refueling. The present invention further includes a refueling cap that is detachably connected to the hoses and configured to mate with the saddle tanks. This cap includes a pressure valve configured to open only in the presence of sufficient pressure input pressure from the hose, which prevents siphoning of fuel out of the saddle tank, for example if a hose becomes ruptured somewhere along its length. The refueling cap further includes a vent coupled to a fluid flow sensing valve and an electrical pass-through for a pressure sensor. The pressure sensor is coupled to the refueling cap and intended to be disposed within a saddle tank to provide a signal indicative of the fuel level within the saddle tank. The pressure sensor is further electrically connected to a wireless transmitter. The wireless transmitter provides signals to a controller for the pumps. In one methodology of the present invention fueling/refueling of individual saddle tanks is initiated when a first signal is received from the wireless transmitter indicative of the saddle tank having been depleted to a first predetermined level and fueling/refueling is terminated when a another signal is received from the wireless transmitter indicative of the saddle tank having been filled to a second predetermined level or if a signal is received from the wireless transmitter indicative of the fluid flow sensor detecting fluid flow through the vent. In further accordance with the methodology of the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180027777A1

Water consumption monitors adapted for use in equine applications are provided. In some embodiments, an outer casing is provided that is separably coupled to a wall mount. A bucket retention arm is coupled to the wall mount and extends distally from the wall mount through the outer casing. A cantilever sensor is disposed within the outer casing and is operably coupled to the bucket retention arm. The cantilever sensor is adapted to detect a force on the bucket retention arm. A transmitter is operably coupled to the cantilever sensor and is adapted to transmit data regarding the force on the bucket retention arm. 1. A device comprising:an outer casing separably coupled to a wall mount;a bucket retention arm coupled to the wall mount and extending from the wall mount through the outer casing;a cantilever sensor disposed within the outer casing and operably coupled to the bucket retention arm, the cantilever sensor being adapted to detect a force on the bucket retention arm;a transmitter operably coupled to the cantilever sensor and adapted to transmit data regarding the force on the bucket retention arm.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bucket retention arm extends substantially perpendicular to the wall mount when unloaded.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bucket retention arm extends substantially parallel to the wall mount when unloaded.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is substantially rounded.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is substantially dome shaped.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is water resistant.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing is watertight.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cantilever sensor and the transmitter are waterproof.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bucket retention arm comprises a closed loop or a hook.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the outer casing comprises plastic claim 1 , metal claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , wood claim 1 , or fiberglass.11. ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Pressure sensor with incorporated air trap

Номер: US20170030005A1
Автор: Igor KRANJC

Pressure sensor for measuring the level of a liquid in an appliance such as a washing machine, a dishwasher or the like, including a casing having a cavity, a deformable membrane having an outer edge fixed to the casing so as to divide the cavity of the casing in a first chamber and in a second chamber, and in wherein the membrane is susceptible to deformation as a function of the pressure difference in said chambers, and a detector device located in the first chamber and adapted to provide an electrical signal indicative of the deformation of the membrane, wherein the housing incorporates an air trap including a cup surrounding said second chamber, a tubular portion intended to be connected directly to a tank adapted to contain a liquid, and a barrier forming a siphon between said tubular portion and said second chamber.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033085A1

Embodiments are directed to compressed gas storage units exhibiting one or more safety features. Particular embodiments employ a pressure relief mechanism to rapidly yet safely vent the contents of the tank in the event of a fire. The mechanism may comprise an internally piloted relief valve in communication with temperature-sensitive element(s) present along the tank dimensions. Under high temperature conditions indicative of a fire, the element communicates a signal to open the internally piloted relief valve. In some embodiments the element is configured to communicate a heat signal (e.g., by thermal conduction). In certain embodiments the element is configured to communicate a pressure change signal (e.g., pneumatic, hydraulic). In other embodiments the element may communicate different signal types, such as electric (e.g., thermoelectric) or mechanical (e.g., shear or tension forces). Also disclosed is a module incorporating a plurality of tanks to offer enhanced storage capacity. 1. An apparatus comprising:a tank configured to contain a compressed gas and having a boss;a temperature-sensing element proximate to the tank and configured to communicate a signal in response to a temperature change; anda pressure relief device positioned at the boss and configured to be actuated in response to receipt of the signal.2. An apparatus as in further comprising a release device configured to receive the signal and actuate the pressure relief device.3. An apparatus as in wherein the pressure relief device comprises a pilot valve.4. An apparatus as in wherein the pilot valve is piloted by an internal pressure.5. An apparatus as in wherein the internal pressure comprises a tank pressure.6. An apparatus as in wherein the signal comprises a thermal signal.7. An apparatus as in wherein a material of the release device is configured to undergo a phase change in response to the signal.8. An apparatus as in wherein the material comprises a eutectic metal.9. An apparatus as in ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116524A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A fluid supply system includes a tank, a shutoff valve, a fluid fill channel, a fluid supply channel, a fill detector, a pressure detector, and a controller. The shutoff valve includes a shared channel to enable fluid to flow from a fill hole to the tank and to flow from the tank to a fluid usage device. The pressure detector is provided in the fluid supply channel. The controller is configured to output a close instruction to the shutoff valve and configured to execute a processing to determine open valve malfunctions in the shutoff valve based on changes in pressure values which are input from the pressure detector. The controller stops the processing to determine open valve malfunctions when the fill detector detects that the fluid supply system is in the supplying state. 1. A fluid supply system comprising:a tank to store fluid that is changable in volume in accordance with change in pressure;a shutoff valve provided in a port of the tank, the shutoff valve including a shared channel to enable fluid to flow from a fill hole to the tank and to flow from the tank to a fluid usage device;a fluid fill channel including one end connected to the shared channel and another end connected to the fill hole;a fluid supply channel including one end connected to the shared channel and another end connected to the fluid usage device;a fill detector configured to detect that the fluid supply system is in a supplying state in which fluid is to be supplied to the tank via the fluid fill channel;a pressure detector provided in the fluid supply channel; anda controller configured to output a close instruction to the shutoff valve and configured to execute a processing to determine open valve malfunctions in the shutoff valve based on changes in pressure values which are input from the pressure detector, the controller stopping the processing to determine open valve malfunctions when the fill detector detects that the fluid supply system is in the supplying state.2. The fluid ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Plasma processing devices having multi-port valve assemblies

Номер: US20160033977A1
Принадлежит: Lam Research Corp

A plasma processing device may include a plasma processing chamber, a plasma electrode assembly, a wafer stage, a plasma producing gas inlet, a plurality of vacuum ports, at least one vacuum pump, and a multi-port valve assembly. The multi-port valve assembly may comprise a movable seal plate positioned in the plasma processing chamber. The movable seal plate may comprise a transverse port sealing surface that is shaped and sized to completely overlap the plurality of vacuum ports in a closed state, to partially overlap the plurality of vacuum ports in a partially open state, and to avoid substantial overlap of the plurality of vacuum ports in an open state. The multi-port valve assembly may comprise a transverse actuator coupled to the movable seal plate and a sealing actuator coupled to the movable seal plate.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034176A1
Принадлежит: EULEN S. A.

Piece of continuous operating cycle sludge transfer equipment, which consists of two deposits (D-D), each one of which has a filling or suction circuit and another emptying or discharge circuit. A vacuum pump (Depr.) creates a depression in the first of the deposits, which causes the product to be sucked up from the outside, until said tank reaches a certain set level. Meanwhile, the other deposit is pressurized by means of a compressor (Compr.) coupled to a driving circuit, independent from the vacuum, in order for said deposit to be emptied and the sludge discharged towards an output channel at the adequate distance and height. When the first device is filled, the valves in the suction circuit of said deposit close automatically and those in the emptying circuit open, whilst the filling circuit in the other device opens and the emptying circuit closes. 1. Piece of continuous operating cycle sludge transfer equipment , comprising:{'b': 1', '2, 'two sealed deposits (D-D), with a conical base, which are suitable for enduring pressure or for a vacuum being created therein, which are filled and emptied alternately, via both sludge input and output channels;'}{'b': 1', '1', '2', '11', '12', '1', '11', '12, 'a sludge input channel (), which comes from the respective deposits (D-D) in both branches (-), which are controlled by at least one electro-pneumatic valve (V), which closes and opens said inputs (-) in opposite directions, by means of the electronic level signal, whether indicating fill level or vacuum level, in the corresponding deposit;'}{'b': 2', '21', '22', '1', '2', '2', '21', '22, 'a sludge output channel (), connected to both offshoots (-) coming from the respective deposits (D-D), which are controlled by at least one valve (V), which closes and opens the outputs (-) in opposite directions, depending on the deposit being filled or emptied;'}{'b': 3', '31', '32', '1', '2', '3', '31', '32, 'an air absorption channel (), with a built in depressor (Depr.), which ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050481A1

A level gauge includes a housing, a vertical member, and a perpendicular member. The housing includes a bottom wall and a side wall. A surface of the side wall includes a first scale. The bottom wall and the side wall enclose a receiving cavity. The vertical member is arranged in the receiving cavity and includes an axis maintained in a vertical orientation in a natural state. A center of gravity of the perpendicular member is arranged on top of the vertical member. A plane of the perpendicular member is maintained perpendicular to the axis of the vertical member. When the bottom wall is placed on a gauging surface, an inclination angle and inclination direction of the gauging surface are obtained simultaneously. 1. A level gauge comprising:a housing comprising a bottom wall and a side wall, a surface of the side wall comprising a first scale, and the bottom wall and the side wall enclosing a receiving cavity;a vertical member in the receiving cavity and comprising an axis maintained in a vertical orientation in a natural state; anda perpendicular member, a center of gravity of the perpendicular member being arranged on top of the vertical member, and a plane of the perpendicular member being maintained perpendicular to the axis of the vertical member; wherein:when the bottom wall is placed on a gauging surface, the axis of the vertical member is maintained in the vertical orientation to drive the plane of the perpendicular member to be in a horizontal orientation, a corresponding maximum value of the perpendicular member on the first scale is an inclination angle of the gauging surface, and a straight line between the center of gravity of the perpendicular member and the maximum value is an inclination direction of the gauging surface.2. The level gauge of claim 1 , further comprising:a rolling member rotationally arranged on a top surface of the perpendicular member;an attracting device configured for attracting the rolling member to the center of gravity of the ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Cruise Control On A Work Machine

Номер: US20200032480A1

A cruise control system for work machines. The system comprises one or more levers for controlling the velocity of the work machine and one or more magnet assemblies. The magnet assemblies comprise means of overcoming the neutral bias of a control lever so that the velocity of the work machine may be maintained without manual input from the operator. The magnets may act directly upon a control lever or a surface adjacent a control lever. Additional controls may be employed to set a maximum cruising speed for the work machine when cruise control is engaged. 1. A system , comprising: [ a lever configured to control an operating parameter of the work machine and having a range of motion around a neutral position and a bias toward that neutral position;', 'a rotating component carried by or included within the lever; and', "a non-rotating component that maintains a face-to-face relationship with at least a portion of the rotating component throughout the lever's range of motion;"], 'a control assembly, comprising, 'in which a selected one of the rotating and non-rotating components is an electromagnet having a field strength sufficient, when actuated, to engage the unselected one of the components and overcome the bias of the lever; and', 'in which the unselected one of the rotating and non-rotating components is a body of ferromagnetic material., 'a work machine, comprising2. The system of further comprising a switch for activating the magnetic field of the magnet.3. The system of further comprising a control panel supported on the work machine claim 2 , wherein the switch for activating the magnetic field of the magnet is disposed at the control panel.4. The system of wherein a body of ferromagnetic material is affixed to the lever.5. The system of wherein the body of ferromagnetic material is affixed to the lever by a cruise block claim 4 , the cruise block comprising a body and an internally disposed hole through which the lever passes.6. The system of further ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Fast fill and shut off system

Номер: US20200032537A1
Автор: Thomson Solomon

A portable apparatus for filling a pool or vessel in rapid form as well as sensing water level and terminating fill source. An apparatus including of a base element placed beside pool edge on which will seat one or more high flow electric liquid shut off valves connected to fill fluid source. Also extending from base is a horizontal adjustable supporting member to which attaches a vertical supporting member onto which liquid sensing device would be attached. High flow electric liquid shut off valves respond to and are a slave to liquid level sensing device by electric connection allowing fluid level sensor to determine when full flow electric liquid shut of valve opens or closes. 1. An apparatus comprisinga horizontal member movably secured to a base, a vertical member movably secured to an end of the horizontal member, a fluid level sensor secured to the vertical member, a plurality of fill valves secured to the base, and a plug electrically connected to the fluid level sensor, where the plurality of fill valves are electrically connected to the plug.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluid level sensor is a reverse tethered float.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of fill valves are electrically connected to the plug via a multi-port connector.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a low power transformer electrically connected between the plug and the multi-port connector.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of fill valves is a high-pressure electric water valve.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein each high-pressure electric water valve is open when power is supplied to the respective high-pressure electric water valve.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluid level sensor upon triggering terminates power supplied to the plurality of fill valves via the plug.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plug is a piggyback plug.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a fastener claim 1 , where ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033898A1

A water level detection system includes a water containing vessel, an airtight tube fluidly coupled to the water containing vessel, a pressure sensor fluidly coupled to the airtight tube, and a water level control unit communicably coupled to the pressure sensor. The water level control unit is configured to control at least one of a height of water within the water containing vessel or a temperature of the water based on pressure data from the pressure sensor. 1. A water level detection system , comprising:a water containing vessel configured to receive a volume of water, the water containing vessel comprising a drain;an airtight tube fluidly coupled to the water containing vessel;a pressure sensor fluidly coupled to the airtight tube; anda water level control unit communicably coupled to the pressure sensor, the water level control unit configured to control at least one of a height of the water within the water containing vessel or a temperature of the water based on pressure data from the pressure sensor.2. The water level detection system of claim 1 , wherein the water level control unit is configured to determine the height of the water based on predetermined values of at least one of a volume of an interior of the water containing vessel claim 1 , dimensions of the water containing vessel claim 1 , or a weight of water corresponding to different water levels within the water containing vessel.3. The water level detection system of claim 1 , further comprising a drain valve operably coupled to the water level control unit and configured to drain the water from the water containing vessel claim 1 , wherein the water level control unit is configured to control the drain valve to maintain the height of the water within the water containing vessel to be approximately equal to a predetermined water level threshold.4. The water level detection system of claim 1 , further comprising a faucet operably coupled to the water level control unit and configured to provide ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034081A1

A capacitive sensor and control system is configured to detect the presence (or absence) of fluid within a container. Configured in a vat of a deep fryer, the sensor determines when a level of liquid within the vat is at or above the level of the sensor. The sensor is in communication with the control system and the sensor sends a signal to the control system representative of the presence or absence of liquid within the vat and at the level of the sensor. The controller receives the signal from the sensor, and allows operation of a fluid management system and its associated plumbing to maintain an appropriate level of liquid in the vat. 1. A fryer system , comprising:a vat for receipt of a volume of fluid;a capacitive sensor disposed within the vat such that the sensor is disposed to communicate with the volume of fluid within the vat;a tank for holding a reserve of fluid;a plumbing system establishing fluid communication between the tank of the vat and the tank holding the reserve fluid, the plumbing system comprising one or more valves and a pump;a controller receiving a signal representing a capacitive value from the capacitive sensor and controlling operation of the plumbing system based on the capacitive value, wherein the controller operates of the one or more valves and the pump of the plumbing system to maintain a fluid level in the vat.2. The fryer of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive sensor comprises a radiator structure at a first end and a jack at an end distal from the radiator structure claim 1 , and a coaxial cable with an inner conductor electrically connected to the radiator structure and to a portion of the jack.3. The fryer of claim 1 , wherein the capacitive sensor is positioned proximate to an inner structure of the vat.4. The fryer of wherein the capacitive sensor is calibrated to detect a fluid in the vat.5. The fryer of claim 2 , wherein the radiator of the capacitive sensor comprises a geometric metallic shell claim 2 , with a receptacle ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041122A1

An insulation detecting circuit includes a first switching unit, a second switching unit, a detecting resistor, a processing unit, and a voltage detecting unit. The second switching unit is electrically coupled to the first switching unit. The processing unit is configured to control the first and the second switching units. The voltage detecting unit obtains a first voltage value across the detecting resistor when the processing unit controls the first switching unit to be on and the second switching unit to be off. The voltage detecting unit obtains a second voltage value across the detecting resistor when the processing unit controls the first switching unit to be off and the second switching unit to be on. The processing unit operates in a first mode and configured to calculate an insulation impedance value of a power converting device according to the first and the second voltage values. 1. An insulation detecting circuit , comprising:a first switching unit;a second switching unit electrically coupled to the first switching unit;a detecting resistor;a processing unit configured to control the first switching unit and the second switching unit; anda voltage detecting unit configured to obtain a first voltage value across the detecting resistor when the processing unit controls the first switching unit to be on and the second switching unit to be off, whereinthe voltage detecting unit is further configured to obtain a second voltage value across the detecting resistor when the processing unit controls the first switching unit to be off and the second switching unit to be on, and whereinthe processing unit is further configured to operate in a first mode and calculate an insulation impedance value of a power converting device according to the first voltage value and the second voltage value.2. The insulation detecting circuit of claim 1 , further comprising:a first resistor electrically coupled in parallel to the second switching unit.3. The insulation detecting ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040564A1

A method for monitoring water consumption of a washing machine, comprising: the washing machine executing a clothes washing procedure and receiving a water level setting instruction; the washing machine executing the clothes washing procedure and acquiring opening time t of a water intake valve from start to end; the washing machine calculating the water intake flow of the water intake valve Q=Q+ΔQ, and calculating the water consumption W=Qt; wherein with a normal water pressure and no load, when the water intake of the washing machine reaches the level, the theoretical flow value is Q, the theoretical water intake time is t, ΔQ is a flow correction value, ΔQ is calculated from a time difference (t−t) and a correction coefficient k, and the correction coefficient k is a preset fixed value. 1. A method for monitoring water consumption of a washing machine , comprising:the washing machine executing a clothes washing procedure and receiving a setting instruction of a water level;the washing machine executing the clothes washing procedure and acquiring an opening time t of a water intake valve from start to end;{'b': '0', 'the washing machine calculating a water intake flow of the water intake valve Q=Q+ΔQ, and calculating a water consumption W=Qt;'}{'b': 0', '0', '0, 'wherein with a normal water pressure and no load, when a water intake of the washing machine reaches the water level, a theoretical flow value is Q, a theoretical water intake time is t, ΔQ is a flow correction value, ΔQ is calculated from a time difference (t−t) and a correction coefficient k, and the correction coefficient k is a preset fixed value.'}4. The method for monitoring water consumption of the washing machine according to claim 1 , wherein the water intake of the washing machine involves multiple set water levels x claim 1 , each set water level corresponds to multiple water intake stages y claim 1 , and the water consumption after turning off of the washing machine or after an end of washing ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Automatic fill control technique

Номер: US20160048137A1

A pump includes a signal processor that receives signaling containing information about a low level of a liquid sensed in an appliance reservoir to be supplied to an appliance that uses the liquid to dispense a flavored beverage, and also about when the appliance reservoir is refilled based upon an indication that forms part of an appliance reservoir refill level calibration procedure programmed by an appliance user; and determines corresponding signaling containing information about automatically refilling the liquid in the appliance reservoir, based upon the signaling received.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for Controlling the Intake of Washing Liquid in a Laundry Washing Machine, and Laundry Washing Machine Actuating that Method

Номер: US20140123400A1

A method for managing the load of washing liquid in a laundry washing machine () is provided. The laundry washing machine has a washing tub (), in which washing liquid may be loaded, and a rotatable drum (), rotatably accommodated in the washing tub (), for containing the laundry to be washed. The method includes performing a sequence of partial loads of washing liquid into the washing tub (). Each partial load provides for loading a corresponding liquid amount in the washing tub (). For at least one of the partial loads in the sequence, the method provides for loading into the washing tub () a predetermined amount of washing liquid which depends on at least one indicative parameter related to one or more of the previous partial loads in the sequence. 1. A method for managing the load of washing liquid in a laundry washing machine comprising a washing tub , in which washing liquid may be loaded , and a rotatable drum , rotatably accommodated in the washing tub , for containing the laundry to be washed , the method including performing a sequence of partial loads of washing liquid into said washing tub , each partial load providing for loading a corresponding liquid amount in the washing tub , wherein the method comprises for at least one of said partial loads in the sequence , loading into the washing tub a predetermined amount of washing liquid which depends on at least one indicative parameter related to one or more of the previous partial loads in the sequence.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said loading into the washing tub a predetermined amount of washing liquid claim 1 , for at least one of said partial loads in the sequence claim 1 , is conditioned on a predetermined level of free washing liquid in the laundry washing machine not being attained yet.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said at least one indicative parameter related to one or more of the previous partial loads in the sequence comprises at least one among:the level of free washing liquid and/ ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140124068A1
Автор: Johnson Dennis W.

Overflow systems are described for non-atmospheric pressure, slurry tank, which can reduce stagnation of excess flurry in an overflow pipe. In such systems, stagnation of the excess slurry in the overflow pipe is reduced via a recirculation conduit that allows for recirculation of at least a portion of the slurry from the tank. Moreover, an air capture unit collects a portion of an oxidation air from the tank. As a result, the fluid in the overflow system is representative of the aerated slurry within the tank. 1. An overflow system for use with a tank having a slurry , comprising:an overflow pipe fluidly coupled to the tank, wherein the overflow pipe is configured to allow for removal of excess slurry from the tank; anda recirculation conduit fluidly coupled to the overflow pipe, wherein the recirculation conduit is configured to allow for recirculation of at least a portion of the slurry from the tank to reduce stagnation of the excess slurry in the overflow pipe.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an air capture unit fluidly coupled to an end portion of the overflow pipe disposed within the tank claim 1 , and configured to allow collection of some of an oxidation air within the tank.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the tank is fluidly coupled to a flue gas desulfurization absorber operating at a pressure between −2 psi and +2 psi.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an air inlet configured to aerate the tank to allow oxidization of a reaction product comprising SOand CaCOinto gypsum.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the overflow pipe is fluidly coupled to the tank at a height that is below a normal liquid level of the tank.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the overflow pipe further comprises a siphon break that is configured to prevent the overflow pipe from siphoning the slurry.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein a bulk content of the excess slurry is equivalent to a bulk content of the slurry.8. The system of claim 1 , herein the tank has ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045999A1

An assembly includes a transducer and anti-flood device. The transducer receives, as an input, a pressure signal taken by a liquid held in a main container and includes a circuit, for providing, as an output, an electric control signal having a variable parameter representing the pressure signal. The anti-flood device includes a receptacle, a float and a sensor. The receptacle is arranged to receive and hold a part of liquid coming from the secondary container. The float is movably mounted in the receptacle and moves up to a height representing the level reached by the part of liquid. The sensor is configured to detect the height reached by the float and to transmit an electric level-indicating signal representing the height to the circuit. The circuit is designed to apply, to the variable parameter, a correction that is determined as a function of the level-indicating signal according to predetermined criteria. 1. A pressure transducer and anti-flood device assembly for an apparatus; said apparatus comprising a main container , for containing a quantity of liquid during use , and a secondary container in fluid communication with said main container; said assembly comprising a transducer and an anti-flood device;said transducer being configured for receiving, as an input, a pressure signal (Sp) taken by a liquid held in said main container and comprising a circuit for providing, as an output, an electric control signal having a variable parameter representing said pressure signal;said anti-flood device comprising:a receptacle arranged for receiving and holding a part of liquid coming from said secondary container,a float movably mounted in said receptacle and arranged for moving up to a height representing a level reached by said part of liquid held in said receptacle, anda sensor configured for detecting the height reached by said float in said receptacle and for transmitting an electric level-indicating signal representing said height to said circuit;said circuit ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052719A1

A fill system retains and transfers adhesive solids of different types and compositions to adhesive melter(s). The fill system includes a storage container for holding a bulk supply of adhesive solids and an agitator plate adjacent to the bottom end of the storage container. A vibration generating mechanism vibrates the agitator plate against the bottom surface of the bulk supply to separate a flow of fluidized adhesive solids from the bulk supply and then controllably deliver this flow to one or more pumps feeding the melter(s). When the agitator plate stops vibrating, the flow of fluidized adhesive solids stops moving out of the storage container. Thus, the fill system provides adhesive solids on demand to pumps and reduces clogging caused by coalesced masses of adhesive. 1. A fill system configured to retain and transfer adhesive solids to an adhesive melter , the fill system comprising:a storage container for containing a bulk supply of adhesive solids, said storage container including at least one sidewall and a bottom end;an agitator plate positioned proximate said bottom end of said storage container; anda vibration generating mechanism operatively coupled to said agitator plate and configured to selectively vibrate said agitator plate to produce a relative motion between said agitator plate and a bottom surface of the bulk supply of adhesive solids, the relative motion agitating the bulk supply to separate adhesive solids from the bulk supply and generate a flow of fluidized adhesive solids, at least a portion of which moves out of said storage container for transfer to the adhesive melter, and wherein the flow of fluidized adhesive solids out of said storage container is stopped when said vibration generating mechanism stops vibrating said agitator plate.2. The fill system of claim 1 , wherein said agitator plate is a circular agitator disc that further comprises:an outer circumferential edge;a top surface facing towards said storage container; andan array ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048508A1

A laundry washing machine having an outer casing, a washing tub, a rotatable drum, a detergent dispenser, a fresh-water supply circuit, an internal water softening device filled with a water softening agent capable of reducing the hardness degree of the fresh water directed towards the detergent dispenser or the washing tub, a regeneration-agent reservoir located/recessed inside the outer casing and structured for being manually fillable with consumable salt or other regeneration agent, a first water-supply line for channeling fresh water into said regeneration-agent reservoir so as to form brine, a brine reservoir fluidically connected to said regeneration-agent reservoir for receiving and accumulating the brine arriving from said regeneration-agent reservoir, and a detector assembly for detecting when the salinity degree of the brine stored into brine reservoir exceeds a predetermined minimum salinity value. 1. A laundry washing machine comprising:an outer casing;a washing tub inside the outer casing;a rotatable drum housed in axially rotatable manner inside the washing tub and structured for housing laundry to be washed;a detergent dispenser structured for supplying detergent into the washing tub;a fresh-water supply circuit structured for selectively channelling a flow of fresh water from a water supply towards the detergent dispenser and/or the washing tub;an internal water softening device filled with a water softening agent capable of reducing the hardness degree of the fresh water directed towards the detergent dispenser or the washing tub;a regeneration-agent reservoir located/recessed inside the outer casing and structured for being manually fillable with a given amount of consumable salt or other regeneration agent;a first water-supply line structured for selectively channelling a flow of fresh water into the regeneration-agent reservoir so as to form a brine;a brine reservoir fluidically connected to the regeneration-agent reservoir for receiving and ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Hand-adjustable float valve anh methods

Номер: US20170052547A1

A hand-adjustable float valve for easily adjusting the water level of a body of water, such as a pool, without the use of tools is disclosed. Namely, the hand-adjustable float valve includes a valve assembly, a float assembly, and a hand-adjusting assembly. A method is provided of using the hand-adjustable float valve to adjust the water level of a pool without the use of tools may include, but is not limited to, the steps of loosening by hand the locking nut of the hand-adjustable float valve, setting by hand the water level of the pool using the hand-adjusting assembly to adjust the float assembly, and tightening by hand locking nut of the hand-adjustable float valve. 1. A hand-adjustable float valve comprising:a. a valve assembly;b. a float assembly; andc. a hand-adjusting assembly.21. The hand-adjustable float valve of “claim” wherein the valve assembly comprises a valve housing that has an inlet and an outlet , an arm for controlling the state of the valve assembly , and a fastener for securing the arm to the valve housing.31. The hand-adjustable float valve of “claim” wherein the float assembly comprises a float tank coupled to an arm.41. The hand-adjustable float valve of “claim” wherein the hand-adjusting assembly comprises an adjustment bolt , a locking nut , and an adjustment arm , wherein the adjustment bolt is threaded through the locking nut and through a threaded hole in the adjustment arm.54. The adjustment bolt of “claim” comprising an adjustment knob affixed to the head thereof wherein the adjustment knob further comprises a grip portion whereby the locking nut can be rotated by hand without the use of tools.64. The locking nut of “claim” comprising a locking nut holder wherein the locking nut holder further comprises a grip portion whereby the adjustment bolt can be rotated by hand without the use of tools.71. A method of adjusting by hand (without tools) the water level of a body of water using the hand-adjustable float valve of “claim” wherein ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Condensate discharge device for compressed gas systems

Номер: US20140130898A1

The invention relates to a condensate discharge device for compressed gas systems, comprising a housing ( 21 ), which has a condensate collecting chamber ( 22 ) that can be connected to the compressed gas system by means of a condensate feed ( 23 ) and which has a condensate drain ( 24 ) that can be closed by means of valve assembly ( 25 ), and comprising a tubular body ( 32 ) protruding into the condensate collecting chamber ( 22 ) for accommodating at least one electronic filling level measuring device ( 31 ), by means of which the condensate filling level in the condensate collecting chamber ( 22 ) can be detected, wherein the housing ( 21 ) can be mounted in a first, vertical mounting position and a second, horizontal mounting position and the longitudinal axis of the tubular body ( 32 ) extends at an angle to the condensate feed direction ( 34 ).

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Local and integrated remote control system and method for retrofitting existing electric center irrigation pivots

Номер: US20170055467A1
Принадлежит: Lindsay Corp

A system and method for retrofitting an electric center irrigation pivot to have a standardized user interface and remote control functionality. A local control element having a standardized local user interface is installed at a pivoting point of the pivot by bypassing an existing control logic of an original control system while using an existing transformer of the original control system. A remote control element having a standardized remote user interface is also installed at the pivoting point of the pivot, and is functionally integrated with the local control element. A position-determining element is mounted on a movable portion of the electric pivot. Retrofitting multiple pivots provides each with the same standardized user interfaces. Because existing elements of the original control system are either bypassed or used, uninstalling the system and reverting to the original control system can be quickly and easily accomplished.

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Level Control System for a Liquid Filled Basin

Номер: US20220075397A1

A liquid level control system employs a flap gate for discharging liquid, but with a midstream headloss inducing device between the basin or tank and the flap gate. The flap gate opens when liquid level in the basin rises, and the opening of the gate is controlled by a counterweight positioned so as to decrease closing force as the gate opens farther, thus managing the outflow of liquid to efficiently return the basin to a design level. If flow from the basin is generally constant, the system will reach a point of equilibrium of gate opening and closing forces while liquid flows out from the basin. 1. A liquid level control system to control liquid level in a basin without electrical components , wherein a midstream headloss inducing device creates a non-linear relationship between the upstream basin liquid level to be controlled and a lesser downstream liquid level , comprising:a gate at an exit of the headloss device, with closure means urging the gate toward closure,the gate being a flap gate, with a flap movable on a horizontal hinge axis,the closure means including a counterforce connected to the gate and urging the gate toward closure in a portion of flap travel of the gate, with a decreasing closure force as the gate opens,means associated with the counterforce for controlling timing and speed of opening and closing movements of the gate and for reaching a point of equilibrium of gate opening and closing forces while liquid flows out of the basin through the headloss device and then through the gate, for smooth transitions of flow out of the gate,whereby liquid level changes in the basin are minimized, without sudden surges out the gate and without sudden closures of the gate.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the counterforce comprises a counterweight that changes position with varying horizontal distance from the hinge of the flap as the gate opens claim 1 , so that closing moment imposed by the counterweight is greatest near flap closure and becomes less ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055690A1

A machine and method for washing fabric articles adaptively fills a wash basin with water based on a time period between rotation reversal of the wash basin and a load present in the wash basin. 1. A machine for washing fabric articles , the machine comprising:a chassis;a wash basin rotatably mounted in the chassis, the wash basin being adapted to accommodate therein a load, the load comprising one or more fabric items suspended in water;a water inlet valve adapted to allow water from a supply to be added to the load;a motor associated with the chassis and operably connected with the wash basin, the motor drawing a current during operation to generate a torque tending to rotate the wash basin in a first or a second direction at a predefined speed; and command the motor to rotate in the second direction when the wash basin and the load are rotating in the first direction;', 'monitor the current drawn by the motor to determine presence of a first peak in the current drawn by the motor after commanding the motor to rotate in the second direction;', 'initiate a timer when the first peak is determined to be present;', 'monitor the current drawn by the motor to determine presence of a second peak in the current drawn by the motor after determining presence of the first peak;', 'terminate the timer when the second peak is determined to be present, the timer having a time period elapsed;', 'correlate the time period to a wash-fill level;', 'compare the wash-fill level to a desired wash-fill level; and', 'operate the water inlet valve to add water to the wash basin when the wash-fill level is below the desired wash-fill level., 'an electronic controller associated with the motor, the electronic controller being programmed and operating to2. The machine of claim 1 , further comprising a transmission disposed between the motor and the wash basin claim 1 , wherein commanding the motor to rotate in the second direction includes commanding a shift in the transmission.3. The ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058408A1

The present disclosure relates to controlling engine of a vehicle. According to an aspect of the present disclosure, when it is determined that the vehicle has entered a deep water area, an engine start-stop function of the vehicle is disabled. The deep water area has a water depth which allows water to enter the engine of the vehicle or causes the engine of the vehicle to be susceptible to water inflow. 1. A method of controlling engine , comprising:determining, by a processor, whether a vehicle has entered a deep water area, wherein a deep water area has a water depth which allows water to enter an engine of the vehicle or causes the engine of the vehicle to be susceptible to water inflow; anddisabling, by the processor, an engine start-stop function of the vehicle when determining that the vehicle has entered the deep water area.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein determining whether the vehicle has entered the deep water area comprises:determining, by the processor, whether the vehicle has entered the deep water area according to a detection result of a water detection sensor,wherein the water detection sensor is arranged at a preset position of the vehicle from which water is capable of entering the engine when the engine is running.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein determining whether the vehicle has entered the deep water area according to the detection result of the water detection sensor comprises:receiving, by the processor, an alarm signal generated by the water detection sensor when the water detection sensor detects water;recording, by the processor, duration of the alarm signal; anddetermining, by the processor, that the vehicle has entered the deep water area when the duration of the alarm signal is greater than or equal to a preset duration threshold.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein determining whether the vehicle has entered the deep water area according to the detection result of the water detection sensor comprises: ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160062372A1

A liquid feeding device that feeds a treatment liquid to a treating device and also recovers the treatment liquid for re-feeding, include feeding tanks having an exhaust passage and an overflow line, and can be switched to one of a feeding mode in which the treatment liquid is fed and a standby mode in which the feeding tank is on standby while accommodating the treatment liquid; a feeding mechanism that feeds the treatment liquid to the treating device from the feeding tank in the feeding mode among the plurality of feeding tanks; a recovery mechanism that recovers and returns the treatment liquid excessive in the treatment device to the feeding tank in the feeding mode; and an on-off mechanism provided in each of the plurality of feeding tanks to block the exhaust passage and the overflow line is provided. 1. A liquid feeding device that feeds a treatment liquid to a treating device and also recovers the treatment liquid for re-feeding , the device comprising:a plurality of feeding tanks that accommodate the treatment liquid, include an exhaust passage and an overflow line, and can be switched to one of a feeding mode in which the treatment liquid is fed and a standby mode in which the feeding tank is on standby while accommodating the treatment liquid;a feeding mechanism that feeds the treatment liquid to the treating device from the feeding tank in the feeding mode among the plurality of feeding tanks;a recovery mechanism that recovers and returns the treatment liquid excessive in the treatment device to the feeding tank in the feeding mode; andan on-off mechanism provided in each of the plurality of feeding tanks to block the exhaust passage and the overflow line.2. The liquid feeding device according to claim 1 , wherein the on-off mechanism airtightly blocks the exhaust passage in the standby mode and opens the exhaust passage in the feeding mode.3. The liquid feeding device according to claim 1 , wherein the on-off mechanism comprises a liquid sealing vessel ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060779A1

Reclaimer systems and methods of their use are provided. Reclaimer systems use one or more fluid input streams and a variable steam input to control temperature of a fluid in a reclaimer vessel. In certain embodiments, a temperature controller and level controller are both connected to at least one fluid input stream subsystem and a steam input subsystem. Output from the level controller and the temperature controller is used to control flow through both a fluid input stream subsystem and a steam input subsystem. In certain embodiments, selectors are used to determine which controller output to obey when controlling the steam input subsystem and the fluid input stream subsystem. In certain embodiments, lean amine agent and an inert fluid are input in a ratio controlled by a ratio controller in order to maintain the fluid level in a vessel. 1. A method for reclaiming one or more amine agents , the method comprising:controlling temperature of a fluid in a vessel, at least in part, by providing one or more fluid input streams and providing a variable steam input to the vessel,wherein the fluid comprises one or more degradation products that have been formed from reaction of the one or more amine agents with one or more gases.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising:decreasing, increasing, or both decreasing and increasing the temperature of the fluid, during a period of time, in order to maintain the temperature at a desired temperature or within a desired temperature range, thereby inhibiting thermal degradation of the one or more amine agents during the period of time.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the temperature is maintained within 5% of the desired temperature or bounds of the desired temperature range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the temperature of the fluid is either increased or decreased based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on an output of a temperature controller and an output of a level controller.5. The method of claim 4 , comprising:receiving ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160069470A1
Автор: Brandelli Anthony R.

In one aspect, the device includes a control apparatus including a pilot valve projecting through a passage in a control diaphragm to be formed with an enlarged poppet to seat the underside of the diaphragm and formed with a poppet head shaped to direct incoming flow away from the pilot passage to minimize entry of residue. 1. A refill valve apparatus comprising:an upright fluid supply pipe device;a valve housing mounted on the pipe device, formed with a valve chamber configured with a central inlet port and outlet port and a control valve seat interposed between the inlet and outlet ports;a flexible diaphragm in the chamber and formed with a valve seal to engage the control valve seat, the diaphragm being shiftable to shift the seal into and out of engagement with the seat and formed centrally with a pilot passage of a predetermined diameter aligned over the inlet port, the diaphragm being further configured with an underside formed with a downwardly facing planer pilot seat surrounding the pilot passage;a pilot valve stem received in the pilot passage and configured with a diameter sufficiently smaller than the predetermined diameter to form an annulus for flow of the fluid, formed with upper and lower extremities, and shiftable from a lower bleed position to an upper pilot valve sealing position;a poppet on the lower extremity, formed with an upwardly facing poppet sealing surface to abut the pilot valve seat when the valve stem is in the pilot valve sealing position; anda float lever assembly coupled with the pilot stem and operable to advance and retract the stem between the bleed position and the sealing position to draw the poppet sealing surface into positive sealing contact with the pilot seat.2. The refill valve apparatus of wherein:the poppet is configured on its bottom side with a conical shape to deflect water flowing upwardly there-against.3. The refill valve apparatus of wherein:the poppet is formed with the upwardly facing planar poppet sealing ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Washing Machine Overflow Prevention Device

Номер: US20200063325A1
Автор: Billa Matthew

A washing machine overflow prevention device for preventing flooding includes a plug-port assembly that comprises a plug, a port, and a breaker. The plug is configured to insert into an outlet that is coupled to an electrical circuit of a building. The port is configured to insert a power cord plug of a washing machine to power the washing machine, and the breaker is positioned to operationally couple the plug to the port. A switching sensor is coupled to and positioned in a standpipe. The switching sensor is operationally coupled to the plug and the breaker. The switching sensor is configured to detect a water level in the standpipe and to selectively actuate the breaker to decouple the port from the plug in event of a high-water level in the standpipe to prevent flooding of an area proximate to the washing machine. 1. A washing machine overflow prevention device comprising:a plug-port assembly comprising a plug, a port, and a breaker wherein the plug is configured for inserting into an outlet coupled to an electrical circuit of a building, the port is configured for inserting a power cord plug of a washing machine for powering the washing machine, and the breaker is positioned for operationally coupling the plug to the port; anda switching sensor coupled to and positioned in a standpipe, the switching sensor being operationally coupled to the plug such that the switching sensor receives power from the electrical circuit, the switching sensor being operationally coupled to the breaker wherein the switching sensor is configured for detecting a water level in the standpipe and for selectively actuating the breaker for decoupling the port from the plug in event of a high-water level in the standpipe for preventing flooding of an area proximate to the washing machine.2. The device of claim 1 , further including the switching sensor comprising:a housing defining an interior space;a microprocessor coupled to the housing and positioned in the interior space;a trip switch ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066639A1
Автор: MAGUIRE Stephen B.

Method and apparatus for furnishing process machines with liquid color from a supply thereof provides a loop conduit having respective ends receiving liquid color from the supply and discharging liquid color back into the supply, pumping liquid color through the loop conduit and discharging liquid color from the loop conduit at an intermediate position into a reservoir associated with a process machine upon liquid color level in the reservoir being at a low level limit. 1. A method for furnishing a plurality of process machines with liquid color from a supply thereof , comprising:a. providing a loop conduit having outbound and inbound segments with respective ends receiving liquid color from the supply and discharging liquid color back into the supply;b. continuously pumping liquid color through the loop conduit;c. providing a plurality of liquid color discharge positions in the outbound segment;d. discharging liquid color from the loop conduit at one of the liquid color discharge positions on the outboard segment into a respective reservoir connected by a supply conduit to a respective process machine upon liquid color level in the respective reservoir being at a gravimetrically determined low level limit or upon a detector connected to the respective process machine signaling the need for liquid color by the machine.2. The method of further comprising intermittently mixing liquid color in the supply.3. The method of further comprising continuously mixing liquid color in the supply.4. The method of further comprising increasing pumping speed whenever liquid color is being discharged from the loop conduit into the reservoir.5. The method of further comprising discharging liquid color from the loop conduit by actuating a valve.6. The method of further comprising sensing weight of the reservoir and upon sensed weight falling below a preselected value claim 5 , actuating the valve to discharge liquid color from the conduit to replenish the reservoir.7. The method of ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170068259A1

Described herein is an exemplary feed mixer apparatus that includes a mixing chamber for receiving feed material, and having a mixing element situated therein for mixing the feed material; a transmission having a plurality of gears and connected with a mixing element; a plurality of mixing chamber sensors positioned to sense at least one of the volume and the level of feed material in the mixing chamber; a control unit having a display and a plurality of user inputs, wherein the control unit is in at least indirect communication with the transmission and the sensors, and wherein the control unit receives a plurality of outputs from one or more of the transmission and sensors, and based at least in part on the plurality of outputs, provides an output command to effectuate a gear change in the transmission. 1. A feed mixer apparatus comprising:a mixing chamber for receiving feed material, and having a mixing element situated therein for mixing the feed material;a transmission having a plurality of gears and connected with a mixing element;a plurality of mixing chamber sensors positioned to sense at least one of a volume and a level of feed material in the mixing chamber; anda control unit having a display and a plurality of user inputs, wherein the control unit is in at least indirect communication with the transmission and the sensors, and wherein the control unit receives a plurality of outputs from one or more of the transmission and sensors, and based at least in part on the plurality of outputs, provides an output command to effectuate a gear change in the transmission.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control unit includes a processor claim 1 , a memory claim 1 , and a control program.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the transmission receives rotational power from a power-take-off shaft of a prime mover and outputs power to the transmission and at least one angular gearbox claim 2 , via a driveline claim 2 , and wherein the angular gearbox is ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140150900A1
Принадлежит: FRYMASTER L.L.C.

A system for automatically filling a fryer pot that includes a first temperature sensor and a second temperature sensor in the fryer pot; and a pump and a valve being actuated by said second temperature sensor. The pump and said valve are actuated when said first temperature sensor senses a first predetermined temperature and said second temperature sensor senses a second predetermined temperature. 1. A system for automatically filling a fryer pot comprising:a first temperature sensor and a second temperature sensor in the fryer pot; anda pump and a valve being actuated by said second temperature sensor,wherein said pump and said valve are actuated when said first temperature sensor senses a first predetermined temperature and said second temperature sensor senses a second predetermined temperature.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said pump and said valve are deactivated when said second temperature sensor senses a third predetermined temperature that is greater in value than said second predetermined temperature.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said second temperature sensor is not enabled to commence a filling cycle of a fryer pot when said first temperature sensor does not sense a first predetermined temperature.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said first temperature sensor is located proximate a heating element at a bottom surface of said fryer pot.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein said second temperature sensor is located in said fryer pot at a location further from the bottom surface of said fryer pot than said first temperature sensor.6. The system according to claim 2 , further comprising a third temperature sensor in said fryer pot operatively associated with said second sensor claim 2 , wherein said third temperature sensor disables said second temperature sensor when said second temperature does not detect said third predetermined temperature.7. The system according to claim 1 , wherein said first ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076666A1

A fuel tank has a valve assembly that reduces noise emanating therefrom. The fuel tank comprises a first fuel reservoir, a second fuel reservoir, a fuel pick-up assembly disposed within the first fuel reservoir, a fuel inlet in the fuel pick-up assembly, a fuel pump assembly disposed in the second fuel reservoir and fluidly connected to the fuel pick-up assembly and a low shut-off valve associated with the fuel inlet of the fuel pick-up assembly and configured to close when fuel in the first reservoir drops below the level of the low shut-off valve, eliminating noise generated by a lack of fuel entering the fuel pick-up assembly. 1. A fuel tank system having a valve assembly that reduces noise emanating therefrom , comprising:a first fuel reservoir;a second fuel reservoir;a fuel pick-up assembly disposed within the first fuel reservoir;a fuel inlet in the fuel pick-up assembly;a fuel pump assembly disposed in the second fuel reservoir and fluidly connected to the fuel pick-up assembly;a low fuel shut-off valve associated with the fuel inlet of the fuel pick-up assembly and configured to close when fuel in the first fuel reservoir drops below the level of the low fuel shut-off valve, eliminating noise generated by a lack of fuel entering the fuel pick-up assembly.2. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , wherein the fuel tank system comprises a single tank connected by a continuous bridge portion.3. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , wherein the fuel pick-up assembly fuel inlet is configured to receive the low fuel shut-off valve therein.4. The fuel tank system of claim 1 , the low fuel shut-off valve further comprising:a valve housing having an inlet opening and an outlet, the outlet fluidly connected with the fuel inlet of the fuel pick-up assembly;a valve chamber defined within the valve housing, between the inlet opening and the outlet;a moveable valve assembly disposed in the valve chamber, configured to seat against a valve seat that is defined inside of, and about, ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074526A1
Принадлежит: Clay and Bailey Manufacturing Company

An overfill prevention system for use with a liquid storage tank includes a valve assembly defining a downwardly open liquid discharge opening. A pilot tube is fixed relative to and projects downwardly relative to the valve assembly. The pilot tube defines an internal channel in fluid communication with the valve assembly and a discharge hole spaced downwardly from the valve assembly and in fluid communication with the internal channel and the tank. A float is buoyantly shiftable along the pilot tube between an open position in which the float exposes the discharge hole when liquid within the tank is below a predetermined level, and a closed position in which the float covers the discharge hole when liquid within the tank reaches or exceeds the predetermined level. A flow diverter is disposed between the discharge opening and the float to deflect liquid from the discharge opening away from the float. 1. An overfill prevention system for use with a liquid storage tank , said system comprising:a valve assembly defining a downwardly open discharge opening configured to discharge liquid at least principally in a downward direction;a pilot tube fixed relative to and projecting downwardly relative to the valve assembly,said pilot tube defining an internal channel in fluid communication with the valve assembly,said pilot tube further defining a discharge hole spaced downwardly from the valve assembly and in fluid communication with the internal channel and the tank;a float buoyantly shiftable along the pilot tube between an open position in which the float exposes the discharge hole when liquid within the tank is below a predetermined level and a closed position in which the float covers the discharge hole when liquid within the tank reaches or exceeds the predetermined level, anda flow diverter disposed between the discharge opening and the float,said flow diverter configured to deflect liquid from the discharge opening away from the float.2. The system of claim 1 ,said ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170075363A1
Автор: Steinke Corey Lee
Принадлежит: S.J. Electro Systems, Inc.

A liquid level sensing system is disclosed. The liquid level sensing system includes a float system and an accelerometer. The accelerometer is configured to provide an output signal representative of a position of the float system. 1. A liquid level sensing system comprising:a float system; andan accelerometer configured to provide an output signal representative of a position of the float system.2. The system of claim 1 , where the accelerometer is a three axis accelerometer.3. The system of claim 1 , where the accelerometer provides an output signal representative of an angle of the float system relative to the direction of gravity.4. The system of claim 3 , the float system comprising a float member claim 3 , where the accelerometer is attached to the float member.5. The system of claim 3 , the float system comprising:a float member; anda tether coupled to the float member.6. The system of claim 5 , where the accelerometer is attached to the float member.7. The system of claim 5 , where the tether includes a first end and a second end claim 5 , where the accelerometer is positioned along the tether proximate the second end.8. The system of claim 5 , where the tether includes a first end and a second end claim 5 , and the accelerometer is positioned along the tether proximate the first end.9. A float system used in sensing a liquid level comprising:a float member; andan accelerometer attached to the float member.10. The system of claim 9 , where the accelerometer is attached inside the float member.11. The system of claim 9 , the float member comprising a float housing having a first end and a second end.12. The system of claim 9 , where the first end is configured to attach to a tether claim 9 , and the accelerometer is attached to the first end.13. The system of claim 9 , the accelerometer comprising:a float control system including a controller and the accelerometer, that provides an output signal representative of a position of the float member using an output ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200073416A1
Автор: DEVAUX Fabien

A mechanical activation system including a first mechanical device mechanically connectable to and controllable by an external device, with a rotational orientation of the first mechanical device controllable by the external device, the rotational orientation representative of a parameter of the external device. The first mechanical device and second mechanical device having interacting surfaces for controlling a valve for preventing the parameter of the external device from reaching a critical value. An operator actuation device interacts with a surface of the first mechanical device, permitting a single operator input that is automatically resettable by the system. 1. A mechanical activation system comprising:a rotatable first mechanical device mechanically connectable to an external device, a rotational orientation of the first mechanical device controllable by the external device, the rotational orientation representative of a parameter of the external device;a pivotable second mechanical device slidably supported in a disengaged position by a first cam surface of the first mechanical device;wherein in response to the parameter reaching a predetermined threshold critical value, at least a portion of the first mechanical device being urged into rotational movement to a predetermined rotational orientation, and the second mechanical device being urged from the disengaged position to an engaged position for opening a valve for preventing the parameter from reaching a critical value; andan operator actuation device in an engaged position in contact with a second cam surface of the first mechanical device;wherein in response to the operator actuation device being manually actuated from the engaged position to a disengaged position, the second cam surface being urged into rotational movement to urge the second mechanical device from the engaged position toward the disengaged position;wherein the operator actuation device being automatically returnable to the engaged ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Condensate Liquid Level Control System

Номер: US20140158225A1
Автор: McBride Ross

A condensate pump system for collecting condensate liquid within a reservoir and pumping out the liquid to predetermined levels comprising a reservoir a, a pump a transistor a relay and a low voltage direct current power source wherein a sensing voltage is introduced (a power probe or reservoir ) into the condensate liquid such that the liquid level is detected via the two sensing probe conductors (hold probe and on probe ) within the reservoir transferring the sensing voltage to the base leg B of the transistor which in turn powers a relay that powers the pump when the energized liquid is contacting the upper conductor at the desired maximum level and disconnects the pump from power when the energized liquid no longer contacts the lower conductor at the desired minimal level 150. A condensate pump system for collecting condensate liquid within a reservoir and pumping out the liquid to predetermined levels comprising:{'b': '50', 'a non-conductive reservoir for collecting the condensate liquid;'}{'b': 20', '20', '20', '20', '20, 'a bipolar transistor having a transistor base leg B, transistor emitter leg E, and a transistor collector leg C, said collector leg C connected to a low voltage power source;'}{'b': 10', '32, 'a pump connected to said low voltage power source through a normally open pump-switch ;'}{'b': 3', '20', '3', '50', '4, 'an on-probe connected to said transistor base leg B, said on-probe having a conductor located within the non-conductive reservoir at the desired maximum level ;'}{'b': 2', '20', '31', '2', '50', '5, 'a hold-probe connected to said transistor base leg B through a normally open hold-switch , said hold-probe having a conductor located within the non-conductive reservoir at the desired minimum level ;'}{'b': 1', '1', '50, 'a power-probe connected to said low voltage direct current power source, said power-probe having a conductor located within the non-conductive reservoir below the desired minimal fluid level thereby energizing the ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Liquid Level Control Loop Optimizer

Номер: US20150090342A1

A liquid level control loop optimizer receives a selection of a vessel configuration and a variety of parameters specifying the vessel dimensions, the fluid type(s), and the flow parameters of the liquid level control loop. The optimizer also receives a selection of various valve and actuator options and determines a variety of available configurations based on the selected options. The optimizer simulates each of the available configurations under the conditions specified by the parameters, and determines control loop characteristics and/or properties based on the simulations. The optimizer may display and/or rank the various configurations to assist a user in selecting a configuration that best meets the requirements of the control loop. 1. A method of optimizing a liquid level control loop , the method comprising:receiving a selection of a vessel type;receiving one or more vessel parameters corresponding to the selected vessel type;receiving one or more flow parameters;receiving a target differential gap parameter;receiving an indication of one or more potential valve and actuator configurations;simulating each of the possible valve and actuator configurations using the received vessel type selection, vessel parameters, and flow parameters; anddisplaying the results of the simulations.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising eliminating from the possible valve and actuator configurations any ones of the configurations that are determined by the simulation to be unusable given the received vessel type selection claim 1 , vessel parameters claim 1 , and flow parameters.3. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising ranking each of the configurations according to the results of the respective simulations.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein simulating each of the possible valve and actuator configurations comprises determining a simulation time increment for each simulation.5. A method according to claim 4 , wherein determining the ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090350A1
Автор: CHIU Ming-Tsung

A water tank has a container, a micro switch, a limiting assembly and a float. The float is mounted slidably in the container. The limiting assembly has an actuating rod that slides in a direction perpendicular to the sliding path of the float. An inclined guiding track is mounted between the float and the actuating rod to convert the moving direction. Since the actuating rod utilizes the movement to switch the micro switch on and off, the actuating rod and the micro switch need no abutting structures. Therefore, when the actuating rod is moved by an accidental force, the actuating rod self-moves back to its original position once the accidental force is removed. Then the micro switch is switched on again so that the household appliance is restarted without any extra acts by a user. 1. A water tank comprising:a hollow shell;a hollow container mounted slidably in the shell;a micro switch mounted on an outside wall of the shell and having a lever mounted pivotally on the outside wall of the shell; [ an outer end selectively abutting a side of the lever of the micro switch; and', 'an inner end; and, 'an actuating rod mounted slidably in the container, selectively sliding along a first axis and having'}, 'a guiding track attached securely to the actuating rod and aligning with a second axis; and, 'a limiting assembly mounted in the container and having'}a float mounted slidably in the container, limited to selectively slide along a third axis and having a protrusion formed on a top end of the float and mounted slidably in the guiding track of the limiting assembly,wherein the second axis and the first axis intersect to form an angle less than 180 degrees, and the third axis is perpendicular to the first axis.2. The water tank as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the guiding track has a first end and a second end claim 1 , the first end of the guiding track is formed on the actuating rod claim 1 , and the guiding track is inclined such that the second end of the guiding track ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170084937A1

An apparatus for discharging a condensate of a fuel cell stack, the apparatus includes a condensate storage container for storing the condensate from the fuel cell stack, a condensate level detector for detecting a condensate level in the condensate storage container, a discharge valve configured to be opened and closed to discharge the condensate from the condensate storage container, and a control unit for setting a condensate discharge level differently according to currents of the fuel cell stack, and for controlling the discharge valve to be opened when a condensate level measured by the condensate level detector reaches the condensate discharge level. 1. An apparatus for discharging a condensate of a fuel cell stack , the apparatus comprising:a condensate storage container for storing the condensate from the fuel cell stack;a condensate level detector for detecting a condensate level in the condensate storage container;a discharge valve configured to be opened and closed to discharge the condensate from the condensate storage container; anda control unit for setting a condensate discharge level differently according to currents of the fuel cell stack, and for controlling the discharge valve to be opened when a condensate level measured by the condensate level detector reaches the condensate discharge level.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the condensate level detector is configured as a condensate level sensor extending in a gravitation direction.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein when a current from the fuel cell stack is greater than a reference current claim 1 , the control unit sets a point in time at which the discharge valve is to be opened to a first condensate discharge level.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein when the current from the fuel cell stack is lower than the reference current claim 3 , the control unit sets a point in time at which the discharge valve is to be opened to a second condensate discharge ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190083924A1
Принадлежит: FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.

A method for controlling an amount of seawater supplied to a scrubber that purifies sulfur oxide contained in exhaust gas by bringing the sulfur oxide into contact with seawater, includes calculating a minimum amount of seawater necessary for an absorption reaction of the sulfur oxide by the seawater, from an engine output, a sulfur content of fuel oil, and a predetermined alkalinity of the seawater, calculating a corrected amount of seawater as an amount of seawater at which the sulfur oxide in the exhaust gas discharged into atmosphere from the scrubber is equal to or less than a set variable based on a measured value of the sulfur oxide in the exhaust gas, calculating a set amount of seawater by summing the minimum amount of seawater and the corrected amount of seawater and implementing control such that seawater corresponding to the set amount is supplied to the scrubber. 1. An amount of seawater control method for a scrubber , which controls an amount of seawater supplied to a scrubber that purifies sulfur oxide contained in exhaust gas by bringing the sulfur oxide into contact with seawater , comprising the steps of:calculating a minimum amount of seawater which is a minimum amount of seawater necessary for an absorption reaction of the sulfur oxide by the seawater, from an engine output, a sulfur content of fuel oil and a predetermined alkalinity of the seawater;calculating a corrected amount of seawater which is an amount of seawater at which the sulfur oxide contained in the exhaust gas discharged into atmosphere from the scrubber is equal to or less than a set variable based on a measured value of the sulfur oxide contained in the exhaust gas;calculating a set amount of seawater by summing the minimum amount of seawater and the corrected amount of seawater; andimplementing control such that seawater corresponding to the set amount of seawater is supplied to the scrubber.2. The amount of seawater control method for a scrubber according to claim 1 , further ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089510A1

A device for maintaining a water level in a respiratory humidification system, said device comprising: at least one sensor positioned external to a humidification component, the at least one sensor configured for sensing water related information in the humidification component and providing the water related information to a water control module, the water related information comprising data configured for being used to control an operation of the water control module. 122-. (canceled)23. A device for maintaining a water level in a respiratory humidification system comprising:a humidification component for holding water with an unobstructed water surface;a base unit configured to support the humidification component;a control module;a water level control element coupled to the control module; andat least one sensor coupled to the control module and positioned external to the humidification component, the at least one sensor configured to sense water related information within the humidification component,wherein the control module is configured to control the water level control element based at least on the water related information from the at least one sensor, andwherein the humidification component is independent from the base unit such that the humidification component is placeable onto and removable from the base unit without attachments.24. The device of claim 23 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a plurality of sensors arranged to follow a curvature of the humidification component.25. The device of claim 23 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a plurality of sensors arranged in a vertically stacked manner on the base unit.26. The device of claim 23 , wherein the at least one sensor comprises a plurality of sensors arranged in arrays such that a slant of the humidification component is determined when determining the water related information within the slanted humidification component.27. The device of claim 23 , wherein the at least one ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180087259A1

A combined sewer/enclosure overflow (CSO) sensor system is described for accurate detection and measurement of overflow events. From the combined data, trending information can determine if there is debris accumulation. Rain masks can be used in the trending data to measure overall health. External sensors in combination with the CSO sensors provide predictive information and additional levels of information/data accuracy. The sensor system automatically and remotely monitors CSO locations and provides real-time data regarding start times, stop times, duration, and flow volumes of overflows that occur in these structures and provide regulatory and public notification of these events. 1. A combined overflow structure (COS) detection system , comprising:an overflow structure containing a non-overflow side, a weir, and an overflow side;a first sensor positioned over the overflow structure to determine a fluid level of the non-overflow side;a second sensor positioned over the overflow structure to determine a fluid level over a top of a weir;sensor supporting electronics above the overflow structure coupled to the first and second sensors;a wireless transmitter coupled to the sensor supporting electronics; andan antenna coupled to the wireless transmitter,wherein data from these sensors is wirelessly transmitted to a central data processing system, and the sensor data is used to establish a start and end time of an overflow event and to determine a volume of fluid discharged over the weir.2. The detection system of claim 1 , further comprising a third sensor over the overflow structure positioned to determine a fluid level of the overflow side and coupled to the sensor supporting electronics.3. The detection system of claim 1 , wherein the overflow structure is in a sewer system.4. The detection system of claim 3 , wherein the overflow structure is in a manhole.5. The detection system of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the sensors are either ultrasonic claim 1 , radar ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190085840A1
Автор: Leonard Jeremy

A system for pumping fluid is provided, having two or more submersible pumps, each submersible pump having an inlet, an outlet, a pumping mechanism that pumps fluid from the inlet to the outlet, a fluid level sensor for measuring a fluid level above the inlet, and a controller. The controller is programmed to activate the pumping mechanism when the fluid level sensor senses a minimum fluid level above the inlet and control the speed of the pumping mechanism based on the fluid level sensed by the fluid level sensor above the minimum fluid level between a minimum operating pump speed and a maximum operating pump speed. The submersible pumps are arranged in a vertical stack with the inlets of the submersible pumps spaced vertically. Each controller of each submersible pump operates autonomously relative to controllers of other submersible pumps in the vertical stack. 1. A system for pumping fluid , comprising: an inlet;', 'an outlet;', 'a pumping mechanism that pumps fluid from the inlet to the outlet;', 'a fluid level sensor for measuring a fluid level above the inlet;', activate the pumping mechanism when the fluid level sensor senses a minimum fluid level above the inlet; and', 'control the speed of the pumping mechanism based on the fluid level sensed by the fluid level sensor above the minimum fluid level between a minimum operating pump speed and a maximum operating pump speed;, 'a controller programmed to], 'two or more submersible pumps, each submersible pump comprisingwherein the submersible pumps are arranged in a vertical stack such that the inlets of the submersible pumps are spaced vertically and wherein each controller of each submersible pump operates autonomously relative to controllers of other submersible pumps in the vertical stack.2. The system for pumping fluid of claim 1 , wherein the outlet is positioned vertically above the inlet.3. The system for pumping fluid of claim 1 , wherein the outlet comprises a fluid line that extends vertically above ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170089001A1
Автор: Obregon Roberto

The present subject matter provides a method for detecting underfilling of a washing machine appliance. The method includes rotating an impeller of the washing machine appliance with a motor operating at a reduced power relative to a full power of the motor. The method also includes determining a maximum angular velocity of the impeller when the impeller is rotated at the reduced power and adding liquid to a tub of the washing machine appliance if the maximum angular velocity of the impeller when the impeller is rotated at the reduced power is less than a threshold angular velocity. 1. A method for detecting underfilling of a washing machine appliance , comprising:adding a predetermined volume of liquid to a tub of the washing machine appliance;performing a series of agitations with an impeller of the washing machine appliance, each agitation of the series of agitations comprising rotating the impeller of the washing machine appliance in a first direction with a motor of the washing machine appliance and then rotating the impeller of the washing machine appliance in a second direction with the motor of the washing machine appliance, a power of the motor when the motor rotates the impeller in the second direction being less than the power of the motor when the motor rotates the impeller in the first direction during the series of agitations;determining a maximum angular velocity of the impeller when the impeller is rotating in the second direction during each agitation of the series of agitations; andadding liquid to the tub of the washing machine appliance if the maximum angular velocity of the impeller when the impeller is rotating in the second direction during the series of agitations is less than a threshold angular velocity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each agitation of the series of agitations comprises rotating the impeller of the washing machine appliance in a first direction with a motor of the washing machine appliance then deactivating the motor of ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086940A1
Автор: WEN Ken, ZHANG Zhongwei

The present disclosure discloses a smart water dispenser and a control method thereof. The smart water dispenser includes: an electronically controlled switch for starting adding water to a cup when it is turned on and stopping adding water when it is turned off; a cup detection module for detecting a cup placed under an outlet of the smart water dispenser; and a water level detection module for detecting a water level of water in the cup when the water is being added to the cup under the outlet. 1. A smart water dispenser , comprising:an electronically controlled switch, for starting adding water to a cup when it is turned on, and stopping adding water when it is turned off;a cup detection module, for detecting a cup placed under an outlet of the smart water dispenser; anda water level detection module, for detecting a water level of water in the cup when the electronically controlled switch is turned on to add water to the cup in response that the cup detection module detects the cup.2. The smart water dispenser according to claim 1 , whereinthe water level detection module comprises a laser range finder arranged at the outlet.3. The smart water dispenser according to claim 1 , whereinthe water level detection module comprises a water level monitoring sensor and a wireless communication device arranged on the cup, and wherein the water level monitoring sensor is electrically connected to a master control system through the wireless communication device, and configured to transmit information on the water level of water in the cup detected by the water level monitoring sensor to the master control system through the wireless communication device.4. The smart water dispenser according to claim 1 , further comprising:a command receiver, for receiving and storing user commands and determining priorities of the user commands to be executed;a moving module, for moving the smart water dispenser;a positioning and navigation module, for determining a target location and a ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091396A1

A fuel cell system includes a fuel cell stack, a gas liquid separator, a water level sensor, a drain valve, and a control unit. When a failure detection processing method is performed, a control unit makes a determination of main conditions where the water level sensor determines that water is present, a power generation current value of the fuel cell stack is not more than a predetermined current threshold value, a drain valve for discharging water in the gas liquid separator is open. Then, the control unit counts elapsed time when the main conditions are satisfied, and in the case where the main conditions are kept satisfied for the elapsed time which is larger than a time threshold value, the control unit determines that the water level sensor has a failure. 1. A failure detection processing method of detecting a failure of a detection sensor capable of detecting presence and absence of water accumulated in a gas liquid separator connected to a fuel cell stack ,the method comprising:a condition determination step of determining by a control unit that a main condition has been satisfied, when the detection sensor detects the presence of water, a power generation current value of the fuel cell stack is not more a predetermined current threshold value, and a drain valve configured to discharge the water in the gas liquid separator is open; anda failure determination step of determining by the control unit that the detection sensor has a failure, in a case where the main condition is kept satisfied for a time period which is larger than a time threshold value.2. The failure detection processing method according to claim 1 , wherein the gas liquid separator is configured to supply an anode gas to the fuel cell stack claim 1 , and provided in a circulation circuit of an anode system apparatus which is configured to discharge an anode off gas from the fuel cell stack.3. The failure detection processing method according to claim 1 , comprising a valve opening step of ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Automated Tank Systems and Methods for use in Oil and Gas Extraction Operation

Номер: US20220137650A1

A method of storing fluid from an oil well includes the steps: providing storage tanks; providing a diversion tank; coupling a fill manifold to the storage tanks and to the diversion tank, the fill manifold having a first control valve controlling flow of the fluid to the storage tanks, the fill manifold having a second control valve controlling flow of the fluid to the diversion tank; associating a sensor with at least one of the storage tanks without accessing a top of any of the storage tanks, the sensor being configured to determine a volume of the fluid within at least one of the storage tanks; associating a control system with the fill manifold and the sensor; and actuating the first and second control valves using the control system in response to at least one detection by the sensor to ensure that the storage tanks are not overfilled.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200088561A1

The liquid level meter according to the present invention includes a resistive temperature detector, a temperature measuring body located above it, a temperature detecting unit detecting temperatures of the resistive temperature detector and the temperature measuring body, a current controlling unit determining a current value to be flowed through the resistive temperature detector so that the resistive temperature detector and the temperature measuring body become a predetermined temperature difference, a power supply unit supplying the current of the determined current value to the resistive temperature detector, and a liquid level detecting unit detecting a position of a liquid level. The liquid level detecting unit detects the change in the relative position of the liquid level relative to the resistive temperature detector by determining whether a change width of the current value flowing through the resistive temperature detector during a predetermined period of time is positive or negative, and whether the change width is not less than a predetermined value. As a result, the position of the liquid level can be accurately detected without being affected by the variation in the characteristics of the resistive temperature detector. 1. A liquid level meter comprising:a first resistive temperature detector;a temperature measuring body disposed at a position higher than a position of the first resistive temperature detector disposed; anda control unit detecting a position of a liquid level using the temperature measuring body and the first resistive temperature detector; whereinwhen a current value flowing through the first resistive temperature detector has changed by a predetermined constant value or more within a predetermined period of time, the control unit detects that the position of the liquid level has changed from a position higher than the position of the first resistive temperature detector disposed to a position lower than the position of the first ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174547A1
Автор: JOO Sung Su

An apparatus for detecting an error in the measurement of a water level in a washing machine includes a water level sensor measuring a water level in a washing tub; a water supply and drain device supplying water to the washing tub or discharging water from in the washing tub; and a control unit controlling the water supply and drain device to adjust the water level in the washing tub, and detecting a measurement error of the water level sensor based on a water level change measured by the water level sensor while the water level is adjusted. 1. An apparatus for detecting an error in a measurement of a water level in a washing machine , comprising:a water level sensor measuring a water level in a washing tub;a water supply and drain device supplying water into the washing tub or discharging water from the washing tub; anda control unit controlling the water supply and drain device to adjust the water level in the washing tub, and detecting a measurement error of the water level sensor based on a water level change measured by the water level sensor while the water level is adjusted.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls the water supply and drain device for a preset time claim 1 , and detects a measurement error of the water level sensor when a water level difference before and after the preset time is less than a reference value.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control unit controls the water supply and drain device claim 1 , and detects a measurement error of the water level sensor when a water level measured by the water level sensor in real time has not changed.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the control unit compares a first water level measured by the water level sensor to a preset water level claim 1 , and controls the water supply and drain device to discharge the water in the washing tub when the first water level is higher than the preset water level claim 1 , or controls the water supply and drain device to supply ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Irrigation System

Номер: US20190091100A1
Автор: Heaton Kenneth Guy

An irrigation system for use with a spa includes a water heating circuit, an automatic water fill valve connected to a water source, and an irrigation pump in fluid communication with the spa through a first irrigation line and electrically connected to a power source through a switch arrangement. The irrigation pump is adapted to pump water to at least one irrigation head. The automatic water fill valve then refills the spa from the water source. The system may include a fertilizer injector, a skin-product injector, a water softener, and various sensors running through an irrigation application on a smart phone to control the irrigation system and operation of the spa. The system may be installed 1. An irrigation system for use with a spa having a water heating circuit and an automatic water fill valve connected to a water source through a source line , comprising:an irrigation pump in fluid communication with the spa through a first irrigation line and electrically connected to a power source through a switch arrangement, the irrigation pump adapted to pump water out of the spa and into a second irrigation line that has at least one irrigation head;whereby when the switch arrangement connects the irrigation pump to the power source, water is pumped from the spa to the second irrigation line and out of the at least one irrigation head, the automatic water fill valve refilling the spa from the water source when a water level in the spa is below a predetermined threshold.2. The irrigation system of wherein the second irrigation line further includes a pressure sensor adapted for sensing a pressure drop in the second irrigation line when the irrigation pump is activated and for activating a low-pressure/irrigation-leak alarm.3. The irrigation system of wherein the switch arrangement includes a controller circuit connected with the power source and having at least a timer arrangement and a manual switch claim 1 , the timer arrangement adapted for receiving an ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210096584A1
Автор: Shah Nirav

An auto drain valve comprises a valve body wherein a piston having a piston rod with sealing disk and sealing member which is movable within said valve body wherein air vent and liquid outlet and closes simultaneously. Further the valve body is connected to the bowl ; valve body consisting of air vent , liquid inlet ′ and liquid outlet ; moveable piston , solenoid coil surrounding the piston rod ; spring and spring resiliently biasing on the Piston seal air vent and liquid outlet in its de-energized condition; when the solenoid coil is energized and Piston moves away from air vent and liquid outlet simultaneously, liquid is drained form bowl through liquid inlet ′ into valve body and drained out form liquid outlet 1100. An auto drain valve comprises ,{'b': 222', '10, 'a. valve body is connected to the bowl ;'}{'b': 222', '30', '40', '40, 'b. valve body consisting of air vent , liquid inlet ′ and liquid outlet ;'}{'b': 111', '08', '07', '03', '222, 'c. piston having a piston rod with sealing disk and sealing member arranged within the valve body ;'}{'b': 06', '05', '222', '08', '05', '06, 'd. Anker and fixed guide is mounted into cavity of valve body and piston rod is supported by means of fixed guide and Anker ;'}{'b': 9', '08, 'e. solenoid coil surrounds the piston rod ;'}{'b': 01', '02', '111', '30', '03', '40', '07', '09, 'f. spring and spring resiliently biasing on the Piston to seal air vent into sealing engagement with the sealing member and liquid outlet with the sealing disk by means of compression force when the solenoid coil is in its de-energized condition;'}{'b': 09', '111', '30', '40', '10', '222', '200', '10', '40', '222', '40, 'g. when the solenoid coil is energized and Piston moves away from air vent and liquid outlet simultaneously, so that the valve is open, and air will enter into the bowl through valve body through air path and liquid is drained form bowl through liquid inlet ′ into valve body and drained out form liquid outlet .'} ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146050A1

Tank for storing liquefied gas comprising a sealed housing defining a storage space for the liquefied gas, the housing comprising a lower end and an upper end, the tank comprising a device for measuring the level of liquid in the housing, the device for measuring the level of liquid comprising, arranged in the housing, a float and a guide for moving the float, characterized in that the guide comprises an end connected to an upper portion of the housing and a lower end connected to a lower portion of the housing, the float being mounted moveably in translation on the guide such that the float is free to slide along the guide, the device for measuring the level of liquid further comprising at least one float position sensor. 16-. (canceled)7. A liquefied gas storage tank comprising an sealed housing , a device for measuring a level of liquid in the housing , and an outer wall disposed around the housing , wherein:the housing delimits a storage volume for the liquefied gas and has a lower end and an upper end;the device for measuring the level of liquid is disposed in the housing and comprises a float, a guide for the displacement of the float, and at least one sensor sensing the position of the float;the guide comprises an end which is connected to an upper part of the housing and a lower end which is connected to a lower part of the housing;the float is fitted such as to be translationally movable on the guide such that the float is free to slide along the guide;the outer wall has an intermediate space containing thermal insulation;the at least one position sensor is secured on an exterior of a volume delimited by the outer wall and the housing,and in that the at least one position sensor is an optical or laser detection sensor which is configured to detect the position or the distance of the float relative to a reference point, and in that the housing comprises at least one window which is situated between the sensor and the float, the window being configured to ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Automatically Actuating A Valve

Номер: US20150107676A1

A system and methods for automatically actuating a valve are provided herein. The method includes energizing sensors, a controller and an actuator with power that is generated locally at the site of the valve. 1. A system for automatically actuating a valve , comprising:a local power generation system; wherein the sensor, controller and actuator are powered by the local power generation system, wherein:', 'the sensor is configured to detect an interface level within a vessel and communicate the interface level to the controller;, 'a controller connected to a sensor, an actuator and the local power generation systemthe controller is configured to send a signal to the actuator based on the interface level; andthe actuator is configured to completely open a valve when the signal is received.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the local power generation system comprises a SC of photovoltaic solar modules.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the local power generation system comprises a wind turbine claim 1 , a fuel cell claim 1 , or a thermionic generator.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the interface level that is being detected within the vessel comprises an oil/water interface.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the local power generation system is connected to a voltage regulator and charges a battery.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller runs a control sequence claim 1 , and the control sequence incorporates a timed delay latching block that is activated after the actuator receives a command to open the valve claim 1 , wherein the timed delay latching block is activated for a set amount of time before the controller is configured to automatically send a command for the actuator to close the valve.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the valve is an existing valve.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the valve is actuated completely open by the actuator when the interface level is detected at a high level set point claim 1 , and the valve is actuated closed by ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180101183A1
Автор: Shock Ricky Dean

A distribution station includes a mobile trailer, a pump on the mobile trailer, a manifold on the mobile trailer and connected with the pump, a plurality of hoses connected with the manifold, a plurality of valves on the mobile trailer, each of the valves situated between the manifold and a respective different one of the hoses, a plurality of guided wave radar level sensors, each of the guided wave radar level sensors being associated with a respective different one of the hoses, and a controller configured to communicate with the guided wave radar level sensors and operate the valves responsive to signals from the guided wave radar level sensors. 1. A distribution station comprising:a mobile trailer;a pump on the mobile trailer;a manifold on the mobile trailer and connected with the pump;a plurality of hoses connected with the manifold;a plurality of valves on the mobile trailer, each of the valves situated between the manifold and a respective different one of the hoses;a plurality of guided wave radar level sensors, each of the guided wave radar level sensors being associated with a respective different one of the hoses; anda controller configured to communicate with the guided wave radar level sensors and operate the valves responsive to signals from the guided wave radar level sensors.2. The distribution station as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the guided wave radar level sensors includes an elongated sensor probe and a sheath circumscribing the elongated sensor probe.3. The distribution station as recited in claim 2 , wherein the sheath is spaced apart from the elongated sensor probe.4. The distribution station as recited in claim 2 , wherein there is an annular gap between the sheath and the elongated sensor probe.5. The distribution station as recited in claim 2 , wherein the sheath has a sheath length as the elongated sensor probe has a probe length claim 2 , and the sheath length is equal to or greater than the probe length.6. The distribution ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180101184A1
Автор: Shock Ricky Dean

A distribution station includes a mobile trailer, a pump on the mobile trailer, a manifold on the mobile trailer and connected with the pump, a plurality of hoses connected with the manifold, a plurality of valves on the mobile trailer, each of the valves situated between the manifold and a respective different one of the hoses, a plurality of guided wave radar level sensors, each of the guided wave radar level sensors being associated with a respective different one of the hoses, and a controller configured to communicate with the guided wave radar level sensors and operate the valves responsive to signals from the guided wave radar level sensors. 1. A distribution station comprising:a mobile trailer;a pump on the mobile trailer;a manifold on the mobile trailer and connected with the pump;a plurality of hoses connected with the manifold;a plurality of valves on the mobile trailer, each of the valves situated between the manifold and a respective different one of the hoses;a plurality of guided wave radar level sensors, each of the guided wave radar level sensors being associated with a respective different one of the hoses; anda controller configured to communicate with the guided wave radar level sensors and operate the valves responsive to signals from the guided wave radar level sensors.2. The distribution station as recited in claim 1 , wherein each of the guided wave radar level sensors includes an elongated sensor probe and a sheath circumscribing the elongated sensor probe.3. The distribution station as recited in claim 2 , wherein the sheath is spaced apart from the elongated sensor probe.4. The distribution station as recited in claim 2 , wherein there is an annular gap between the sheath and the elongated sensor probe.5. The distribution station as recited in claim 2 , wherein the sheath has a sheath length as the elongated sensor probe has a probe length claim 2 , and the sheath length is equal to or greater than the probe length.6. The distribution ...
