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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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10-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2559825C2

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники. Технический результат - повышение эффективности охлаждения нагревающихся электронных компонентов, увеличение плотности установки вычислительных узлов, обеспечение функционирования серверной фермы при отрицательных температурах окружающей среды, а также сохранение эффективности охлаждения и экономии электроэнергии при установке неполного количества вычислительных узлов. Серверная ферма с иммерсионной системой охлаждения состоит из герметичного резервуара, заполненного охлаждающей жидкостью, снабженного крышкой, впускным и выпускным патрубками, сообщающимися с циркуляционным насосом и теплообменником. Внутри резервуара параллельно его днищу установлена первая печатная плата, состыкованная со второй печатной платой, установленной параллельно одной из стенок резервуара. К месту состыковки первой и второй печатных плат прикреплена перегородка, продолжающаяся до стенки резервуара. Вычислительный узел состоит из двух параллельных друг другу ...

27-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2557782C2

Изобретения относятся к компьютерным системам, монтируемым в серверных стойках и залах, а также к их охлаждению. Технический результат - обеспечение компьютерной системы с эффективным охлаждением, в которой возможен беспрепятственный монтаж/демонтаж оборудования в процессе ее работы. Достигается тем, что компьютерная система, включающая: корпус, сконфигурированный для монтирования в стойке, причем корпус включает один или более воздухоприемников на передней части корпуса и один или более воздуховыпускных отверстий на задней части корпуса, один или несколько узлов печатной платы на корпусе, один или несколько жестких дисков, соединенных с корпусом, и один или несколько воздуховодов, по меньшей мере, под одним из жестких дисков, по меньшей мере, один из нескольких воздухоприемников одного из нескольких воздуховодов сообщается по текучей среде с одним или более воздухоприемником корпуса, и, по меньшей мере, одно из воздуховыпускных отверстий одного из более воздуховодов сообщается по текучей ...

10-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2574608C2
Принадлежит: КЕЛЛ СИСТЕМЗ ЛТД. (GB)

Изобретение относится к шумоподавляющему корпусу для электронного оборудования и способу его изготовления. Технический результат - снижение шума с одновременным улучшением теплообмена оборудования - достигается тем, что корпус для подавления шума, создаваемого внутри него, содержит конструкцию, задающую внутреннюю камеру, имеющую вентиляционные отверстия для входа и выхода охлаждающего воздуха. Конструкция взаимодействует с расположенным внутри оборудованием для задания впускного пленума и выпускного пленума. Наружный воздух проходит через входное отверстие корпуса в впускной пленум, через оборудование в выпускной пленум и выходит из конструкции через выходное отверстие корпуса. Входное и/или выходное отверстия содержат перегородки. Перегородки состоят из эластичного материала, образующего отверстия, связанные посредством текучей среды с внутренней камерой и пространством снаружи корпуса. Перегородки расположены так, что препятствуют прямой видимости изнутри конструкции наружу или уменьшают ...

10-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2176813C2

Изобретение относится к устройству и способу оптимизации скорости быстродействия микропроцессора. Технический результат заключается в повышении производительности процессора. Оптимальную рабочую частоту для процессоров устанавливают на основе индивидуальных рабочих характеристик каждого процессора. Напряжение источника питания, прикладываемое к процессору, увеличивают до максимальной величины, определенной для процессора, вручную или автоматически. Это дает процессору возможность работать при максимально возможной частоте. Тактовую частоту процессора изменяют относительно тактовой частоты объединительной платы так, чтобы его тактовая частота могла быть произвольно отрегулирована до максимальной рабочей частоты. Для определения максимальной тактовой частоты, при которой процессор будет работать должным образом, используют способ последовательного приближения. 2 c. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

11-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2666632C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительному устройству, которое имеет охлаждающий вентилятор и интегрированный блок теплообмена. Технический результат – улучшение эффективности охлаждения и сокращение потерь энергии при работе вентилятора. Для этого предложено вычислительное устройство, содержащее электронные компоненты, блок центробежного вентилятора, имеющий ступицу, множество лопастей, расположенных на ступице, и мотор, соединенный со ступицей, при этом мотор вынуждает ступицу вращаться вокруг оси, так что воздушный поток протекает наружу от блока центробежного вентилятора по траекториям, которые перпендикулярны оси, и один или более блоков теплообмена, имеющих, по меньшей мере, первые участки, которые соединяются с одним или более электронными компонентами, и вторые участки, которые совместно, по меньшей мере, частично окружают блок центробежного вентилятора, при этом вторые участки блоков теплообмена являются практически круглыми, совместно практически полностью окружают центробежный вентилятор ...

08-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610144C2

Изобретение относится к модульной вычислительной системе для центра обработки данных (ЦОД). Технический результат – обеспечение первоначального предоставления ЦОД вычислительной мощности или ее расширение, повышение эффективности отвода тепла, обеспечение защиты от пожара. Достигается тем, что модульная вычислительная система включает один или большее количество модулей ЦОД, содержащих компьютерные системы со стоечным монтажом. По меньшей мере, один электрический модуль соединяется с модулями ЦОД и обеспечивает электропитание компьютерных систем, располагающихся в модулях ЦОД. Один или большее количество модулей кондиционирования воздуха соединяются с модулями ЦОД. Модуль ЦОД может включать две предварительно изготовленные части, каждая из которых включает ряд стоек, включающий две или большее количество компьютерных систем со стоечным монтажом, общий проход на передней стороне ряда стоек, тыльный проход на тыльной стороне ряда стоек, впускное отверстие для воздуха в общем проходе и выпускное ...

20-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2297661C2

Изобретение относится к области электроники, в частности к охлаждению теплонапряженных компонентов электронных приборов, включая компьютеры, а также к области теплотехники, в частности к тепловым трубам. Технический результат - повышение эффективности системы охлаждения за счет снижения термического сопротивления ее элементов при уменьшении ее массогабаритных размеров и упрощение монтажа в блоке аппаратуры. Достигается тем, что в пассивной системе охлаждения настольного компьютера, включающей тепловые трубы с зонами испарения и конденсации с расположенной между ними транспортной зоной, тепловые интерфейсы, сопряженные с зонами испарения и конденсации, и радиатор с вертикальным оребрением, выполненный в виде стенки системного блока компьютера, к которому присоединены тепловые интерфейсы зон конденсации, каждая тепловая труба выполнена в виде контура, включающего испарительную камеру с зоной испарения и резервуаром для теплоносителя и конденсатор, включающий зону конденсации, а транспортная ...

10-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691056C2

Изобретение относится к вычислительному устройству, имеющему спектрально-селективное устройство эмиссии излучения. Технический результат - охлаждение вычислительного устройства без сокращения его функциональных возможностей при достижении компонентами компьютерного устройства рабочих температур с применением спектрально-селективного устройства эмиссии излучения, эмиссия и отражение которого выполняются для обращения солнечного света. Достигается тем, что устройство включает в себя корпус, один или более электрических компонентов, расположенных внутри корпуса, и спектрально-селективное устройство эмиссии излучения. Спектрально-селективное устройство эмиссии излучения располагается на корпусе и изготовляется с возможностью испускать излучение при его нагревании электрическими компонентами до температуры, приближенной к рабочей, на одной или более длинах волн электромагнитной энергии, каковые одна или более длины волн электромагнитной энергии соответствуют дальней инфракрасной области спектра ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507612C2

Изобретение относится к системе охлаждения для компьютерного оборудования и систем питания. Технический результат - предотвращение выхода из строя дорогостроящего оборудования путем поддержания оптимальной температуры. Достигается тем, что в устройстве, состоящем из плотно упакованного герметичного корпуса, двух и более форсунок, служащих для впрыскивания смеси во внутреннюю полость шкафа; высокотеплопроводящей пластины с установленной тепловыделяющей аппаратурой; ТЭБ; игольчатого радиатора; блока вентиляторов; блока управления (БУ); желоба для стекания конденсата; насоса, служащего для подачи конденсата в форсунки; датчика температуры; защитного кожуха, предлагается испарительно-конденсационный принцип охлаждения. Датчик температуры подает сигнал на БУ, который включает насос для подачи жидкости на форсунки, расположенные на потолке шкафа. Впрыскивается смесь во внутреннюю полость шкафа, и оседает на тепловыделяющие элементы, происходит процесс испарения ее, тем самым мы добиваемся охлаждения ...

10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2218591C2
Принадлежит: ДОНГ Гуангжи (CN)

Изобретение относится к системам теплоотвода компьютера. Техническим результатом является создание системы, позволяющей эффективно рассеивать тепло, выделяемое в процессе работы компьютера. Устройство содержит систему циркуляции жидкости, одним из звеньев которой является устройство поглощения тепла, устанавливаемое внутри корпуса компьютера методом наклеивания на теплообразующий элемент. Данная система имеет, как минимум, одну трубку радиатора, установленную методом наклеивания на панель радиатора, установленную на внешней стороне стенки корпуса компьютера. 2 с. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

04-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2632400C1

Изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники. Техническим результатом является повышение производительности вычислительного кластера на единицу площади, уменьшение занимаемой площади, повышение пропускной способности сети и обеспечение динамического управления вычислительными узлами и проведения поиска неисправностей в узлах. Для этого предложен вычислительный кластер с погружной системой охлаждения, состоящий из n герметичных резервуаров, заполненных охлаждающей жидкостью, каждый из которых сообщается с жидкостной системой отвода тепла и включает m вычислительных узлов, которые объединены в единую сеть коммутатором, к которому также подключена управляющая ЭВМ, при этом электронные компоненты подключены к внешнему источнику бесперебойного питания, причем n герметичных емкостей расположены над источниками бесперебойного питания и комплектом сетевых коммутаторов, при этом m вычислительных узлов каждой из n емкостей через герметичные сетевые переходники, расположенные на поверхности ...

27-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157202U1

Телекоммуникационный шкаф воздушного охлаждения секционированный, состоящий из дна, соединенного через вертикальные профили с крышей, выполненной с отверстиями для установки пылезащищенных кабельных вводов с кабельными органайзерами и вентиляторных модулей, в корпус каждого из которых встроены вентиляторы; снаружи к вертикальным профилям прикреплены съемные боковые панели с защелками и замками, а с передней и задней стороны шкафа установлены двери, оборудованные ригельными замками, отличающийся тем, что дно и крыша выполнены в виде основания со стенками по его периметру, кроме того, в стенках крыши и дна, а также в стенках вертикальных профилей, обращенных к передней и задней сторонам телекоммуникационного шкафа, выполнены монтажные отверстия, каждое из которых предназначено для установки съемных и взаимозаменяемых модуль-заглушки, или модуль-решетки, или вентиляторного модуля, при этом модуль-заглушка выполнена в виде пластины, а модуль-решетка выполнена в виде пластины с перфорацией, ...

27-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU37585U1

Термоэлектрический охладитель процессора компьютера, содержащий вентилятор и соединенный с ним радиатор, содержащий реберную часть, закрепленную на основании, на котором закреплены термомодули с холодопроводящей пластиной, отличающийся тем, что реберная часть радиатора выполнена с гнездообразным, например, квадратным вырезом, размещенным по центру основания, а два крайних ребра по одной стороне основания выполнены в виде П-образного держателя вентилятора, причем вентилятор установлен в упомянутом вырезе, утопленным вровень с ребрами радиатора, а дно этого выреза выполнено ребристым по всей поверхности.

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU42669U1
Автор: Воль О.М. (RU)
Принадлежит: Воль Олег Маркович (RU)

Полезная модель относится к области вычислительной техники, а именно к средствам охлаждения конструктивных элементов вычислительных машин и устройств для обработки данных, а именно персональных компьютеров, серверов и подобных устройств. Техническим результатом на достижение, которого направлена полезная модель, является снижение уровня шума, излучаемого вентилятором охлаждения процессора компьютера, обеспечение компактности и унификации используемого оборудования. Регулятор шумности вентилятора охлаждения процессора компьютера, содержит первый переключатель 1, первый, второй, третий и четвертый диоды 10, 11, 12, 13. Первый, второй третий и четвертый диоды 10, 11, 12, 13 соединены последовательно и образуют первую группу. Вход 2 первого переключателя 1 подключен через первый разъем 3 к плюсовому выходу 4 блока питания компьютера. К первому выходу 5 первого переключателя 1 подключена линия 6, непосредственно связывающая его через второй разъем 7 с плюсовой клеммой 8 электродвигателя вентилятора ...

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU109302U1

... 1. Устройство для охлаждения процессора, содержащее контейнер с плавящимся веществом, предназначенный для контакта с одной стороны с процессором, а с другой стороны имеющий радиатор, и средство для охлаждения, отличающееся тем, что в качестве плавящегося вещества использован теплоаккумулирующий материал (ТАМ) с теплотой плавления больше 200 Дж/г, а средство для охлаждения расположено со стороны радиатора. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что контейнер с ТАМ снабжен источником и приемником светового излучения, установленными с возможностью передачи оптического сигнала через ТАМ и передачи сигнала на включение или выключение средства для охлаждения при изменении интенсивности оптического сигнала при смене фазового состояния ТАМ. ! 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что теплоаккумулирующий материал представляет собой кристаллогидрат соли неорганической кислоты с температурой плавления от 32 до 42ºС. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что средство для охлаждения представляет ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2481755C2
Принадлежит: КНЮРР ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к способу и устройству для охлаждения электрических и электронных конструктивных элементов и модульных блоков (3), встроенных в приборных шкафах (2, 20), потерянное тепло которых охлаждается проводимой по циркуляционному контуру охлаждающей жидкостью. Технический результат - предотвращение утечки охлаждающей жидкости и исключение связанного с этим риска повреждения или выхода из строя электрических и электронных конструктивных элементов и модульных блоков, а также повышение эффективности и надежности охлаждения при относительно низких затратах. Достигается тем, что в системе трубопроводов и оборудования (3, 4, 5) для охлаждающей жидкости в определенной зоне пониженного давления создается рабочее давление, которое ниже давления атмосферного воздуха. Рабочее давление может, например, находиться в диапазоне от 20 до 900 мбар. Охлаждающее устройство имеет в системе охлаждающей жидкости устройство пониженного давления (10) с вакуумным насосом (14) и пневматическим выключателем ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU128938U1

... 1. Устройство охлаждения и отвода тепла от компонентов электронных систем, состоящее из основания, принимающего тепло от тепловыделяющего электронного компонента электронной системы, и укрепленного на нем теплорассеивателя, отличающееся тем, что теплорассеиватель выполнен в виде трехмерной проволочной структуры из проволоки субмиллиметрового или субмикронного диаметра, причем основание и проволока теплорассеивателя выполнены из высокотеплопроводных материалов, например меди, графита, графена.2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что основание имеет цилиндрическую форму или форму параллелепипеда.3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что трехмерная проволочная структура теплорассеивателя выполнена в виде объемной сетки, ячейки которой имеют форму параллелепипеда, при этом все соседние ячейки находятся в контакте друг с другом по всем пространственным направлениям, а объемная сетка установлена на основании и в плане образует прямоугольную решетку.4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, ...

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2348963C1
Принадлежит: ЗАЛМАН ТЕК КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Настоящее изобретение относится к устройству для охлаждения деталей компьютера. Технический результат - увеличение объема и максимальное увеличение площади теплорассеивающих элементов путем внедрения охлаждающих устройств с теплорассеивающими элементами различной формы, которые повышают количество рассеиваемого тепла для эффективной передачи тепла, выделяемого тепловыделяющими деталями, и быстрого рассеивания тепла наружу. Достигается тем, что устройство для охлаждения выделяющей тепло детали компьютера, установленной в компьютере, содержит теплопередающий блок, соединенный с возможностью передачи тепла с тепловыделяющими деталями для приема выделяемого тепла теплорассеивающими деталями; по меньшей мере, одну тепловую трубку, содержащую участок для соединения с теплопередающим блоком, соединенную с возможностью передачи тепла с теплопередающим блоком, и участок для соединения с теплорассеивающими ребрами, согнутый с получением изогнутой формы; и множество теплорассеивающих ребер, соединенных ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2514857C1

Изобретение относится к термоэлектрическим устройствам и может использоваться как стационарная внешняя воздушная система активного охлаждения ноутбуков. Технический результат - повышение функциональных возможностей подставки путем снижения температуры охлаждающего воздуха до 20-25°С. Достигается тем, что термоэлектрическое охлаждающее устройство состоит из термоэлектрического модуля 1, двух радиаторов (теплообменных пластин) для горячей 2 и холодной 3 стороны модуля, термостата температуры (не показан), воздуховодов: входного 4, для отвода горячего воздуха 5, для отвода охлажденного воздуха 6, рассекателя воздуха 7, вентилятора 8 и источника питания, а также из корпуса 9, где перечисленные компоненты монтируются. Воздушная система охлаждения является активной, она мало зависит от окружающей среды, например, внешняя среда имеет температуру 36°С, а холодный воздушный поток на выходе системы составляет 20°С. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU114183U1

... 1. Устройство тепловой защиты электронного модуля памяти, содержащее корпус с крышкой, выполненные из металла, при этом внутренние поверхности корпуса образуют полость для размещения в ее центре электронного модуля памяти с соединительным кабелем, пассивную теплоизоляционную прокладку, прилегающую к внутренней поверхности корпуса и выполненную в форме стакана с крышкой, активную теплозащитную оболочку, выполненную из композиционной смеси в виде разъемной детали, отличающееся тем, что активная теплозащитная оболочка состоит из корпуса с размещенным внутри электронным модулем памяти и крышки, при этом корпус и крышка активной теплозащитной оболочки заключены в герметичные упаковки, изготовленные из полиэтилена для защиты внутренней поверхности и из фольгированного алюминием полиэтилена для защиты наружной поверхности активной теплозащитной оболочки, причем соотношение толщин пассивной теплоизоляционной прокладки и активной теплозащитной оболочки находится в пределах 0,2-0,8. ! 2. Устройство ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Мобильный центр обработки данных

Номер: RU194952U1

Полезная модель относится к вычислительной технике, в частности к мобильным центрам обработки данных, выполненной в виде грузового контейнера с возможностью перевозки транспортным средством и предназначенной для оперативного применения там, где требуется временное или постоянное хранение и обработка больших объемов информации. Требуемый технический результат, заключающийся в повышении надежности размещения и сохранения в работоспособном состоянии аппаратуры вычислительной техники для хранения и обработки данных путем повышения эффективности удаления от нее избыточного тепла с одновременным повышением ремонтопригодности и оперативности замены холодильного оборудования в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах, обеспечивается в устройстве, выполненном в виде грузового контейнера, содержащего внутренний металлический каркас, выполненный с возможностью размещения на нем стоек для аппаратуры вычислительной техники, средств электроснабжения и освещения, а также средств охлаждения, средств пожаротушения ...

15-05-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2795946C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к области вычислительной техники. Технический результат заключается в сглаживании скачков температуры посредством обнаружения колебаний мощности нагревательного элемента до начала его нагревания, для увеличения скорости реакции на перегрев, а также в упрощении конструкции системы. Технический результат достигается за счёт того, что способ включает контроль температуры нагревательного элемента и задействование термоэлектрического элемента Пельтье вместе с пассивным средством теплоотвода, производимого нагревательным элементом, и содержит следующие этапы: определяют и контролируют температуру нагревательного элемента по его мощности, путем получения информации о значении ожидаемой мощности нагревательного элемента и о последующем ожидаемом увеличении его температуры выше критической; включают термоэлектрический элемент Пельтье и корректируют его хладопроизводительность; отводят суммарное тепло, производимое нагревательным элементом и термоэлектрическим элементом ...

16-01-2024 дата публикации

Мобильный центр обработки данных

Номер: RU2811720C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике, в частности к мобильным центрам обработки данных. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности размещения и сохранения в работоспособном состоянии аппаратуры вычислительной техники. Устройство выполнено с возможностью установки на мобильном средстве и представляет собой грузовой контейнер с внутренним усиленным каркасом, разделенным изнутри на последовательно размещенные тамбур и вычислительный отсек, который выполнен вдоль длинной стороны контейнера с возможностью размещения в нем стоек для аппаратуры вычислительной техники, средств электроснабжения, средств пожаротушения, средств оповещения и средств охлаждения, вычислительный отсек отделен от боковых стенок контейнера холодным коридором с одной стороны и горячим коридором с другой стороны, а тамбур выполнен обогреваемым и термоизолированным с размещенными в нем индивидуальными устройствами расширения температурного диапазона для каждого средства охлаждения, внешние блоки которых ...

27-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2473982C1

Изобретение относится к средствам защиты микроэлектронного оборудования от внешних разрушающих факторов, таких как высокотемпературные огневые воздействия, ударные перегрузки, статические давления, а также от длительного воздействия повышенной температуры, и может быть использовано при создании защищенных бортовых накопителей полетной информации для самолетов и вертолетов, а также защищенных накопителей информации для других транспортных средств. Технический результат - создание нового устройства тепловой защиты электронного модуля памяти, обеспечивающего повышение эксплуатационных характеристик в условиях аварийных ситуаций за счет возможности нахождения электронного модуля памяти в допустимом диапазоне температур в течение необходимого периода времени. Достигается тем, что устройство тепловой защиты электронного модуля памяти содержит корпус 1 с крышкой 2, выполненные из металла, при этом внутренние поверхности корпуса 1 образуют полость для размещения в ее центре электронного модуля ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2698777C1

Изобретение относится к кондиционеру текучей среды, предназначенному для использования в резервуаре, вмещающем в себя компьютеры или другие электронные устройства, погруженные в текучую среду в резервуаре. Технический результат заключается в расширении арсенала средств. Кондиционер (1) текучей среды содержит корпус (10), имеющий камеру (38), выходное отверстие (14), теплообменник (18), расположенный в камере (38) корпуса (10), и один или более насосов (16) для перекачивания текучей среды для обеспечения возможности вхождения текучей среды в контакт с теплообменником (18) в камере (38). Теплообменник (18) имеет входное отверстие (30) для введения охлаждающего агента в теплообменник (18) и выходное отверстие (32) для выпуска охлаждающего агента из теплообменника (18). При вертикальной, рабочей ориентации кондиционера (1) текучей среды, насос (16) и теплообменник (18) отстоят друг от друга по вертикали, при этом теплообменник (18) расположен выше выходного отверстия (14) кондиционера (1) текучей ...

20-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009133092A

... 1. Устройство охлаждения серверов, включающее: ! корпус, образующий внутреннее пространство и содержащий, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие серверной стойки, имеющее конструкцию для обеспечения контакта со стойкой таким образом, чтобы один или несколько смонтированных и установленных в стойке блоков сопрягались с внутренним пространством, и ! охлаждающий модуль, предназначенный для подачи охлаждающего воздуха во внутреннее пространство, образованное корпусом, с верхней поверхности корпуса. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, одному отверстию серверной стойки придана такая форма, чтобы в основном соответствовать внешней периферии серверной стойки. ! 3. Устройство по п.2, в котором, по меньшей мере, отверстие серверных стоек может быть в основном герметизировано при присоединении к серверным стойкам. ! 4. Устройство по п.3, в котором, по меньшей мере, одно отверстие серверной стойки включает прокладку, имеющую такую форму, чтобы в основном герметизировать серверную стойку внутри ...

31-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2643173C1

Изобретение относится к системам жидкостного охлаждения электронных устройств путем полного погружения нагревающихся электронных компонентов в диэлектрическую охлаждающую жидкость. Технический результат - повышение плотности компоновки электронных устройств, упрощение системы охлаждения электронных устройств в вычислительном блоке, повышение ремонтопригодности, улучшение условий технического обслуживания вычислительного блока. Достигается за счет того, что в иммерсионной системе охлаждения для электронных устройств герметичный контейнер с диэлектрической охлаждающей жидкостью, содержащей электронные устройства с компонентами, выделяющими тепло; модуль распределения - распределяющий диэлектрическую охлаждающую жидкость по контейнеру; модуль направления - для подвода и отвода диэлектрической охлаждающей жидкости из контейнера, содержащий насос с фильтром для фильтрации диэлектрической охлаждающей жидкости; модуль охлаждения - для охлаждения диэлектрической охлаждающей жидкости в контейнере ...

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Вычислительный блок электронного вычислительного устройства

Номер: RU2673279C1

Изобретение относится к области электронных вычислительных устройств, предназначенных для обработки данных. Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлено изобретение, является повышение эффективности охлаждения вычислительного блока электронного вычислительного устройства. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что вычислительный блок электронного вычислительного устройства содержит вычислительные платы, снабженные втягивающими вентиляторами и зонами отвода воздуха, при этом вычислительные платы установлены с образованием коридора и направлены втягивающими вентиляторами внутрь коридора, а коридор снабжен подводящим воздуховодом. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

17-01-2020 дата публикации

Способ охлаждения электронного оборудования

Номер: RU2711466C1

Изобретение относится к системам охлаждения электронных устройств. Технический результат заключается в расширении арсенала средств. В способе охлаждения электронное оборудование полностью или частично погружают в емкость, содержащую диэлектрическую теплоотводящую жидкость, причем циркуляцию обеспечивают насосом, а охлаждение обеспечивают внешним теплообменником, кроме этого, фильтрацию обеспечивают фильтром грубой очистки, причем поток охлаждающей жидкости по впускному патрубку или впускному отверстию, расположенному в днище емкости, направлен вверх в верхнюю стенку нагнетательной камеры. Поток через боковые перфорированные перегородки нагнетательной камеры распределяется на два потока, которые через боковые камеры охлаждают электронные устройства, установленные в боковых камерах, далее потоки попадают в центральную обратную камеру и через по крайней мере один выпускной патрубок или выпускное отверстие, фильтр грубой очистки и/или дополнительный фильтр, насос и теплообменник, соединенные ...

27-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011142244A

... 1. Устройство охлаждения серверов, включающее:корпус, образующий внутреннее пространство и содержащий отверстие стойки, предназначенное для сопряжения стойки, при этом корпус дополнительно включает верхнюю поперечную балку, расположенную горизонтально поперек и вблизи нижней кромки отверстия стойки;охлаждающий и перемешивающий модуль, предназначенный для подачи охлаждающего воздуха во внутреннее пространство, образованное корпусом;стойку, включающую поперечную балку и один или несколько блоков стоечного исполнения, установленных в стойке, в котором стойка сопрягается с отверстием стойки таким образом, чтобы обеспечивалось сопряжение соответствующих передних поверхностей одного или нескольких блоков стоечного исполнения с внутренним пространством, образуемым корпусом;один или несколько охлаждающих вентиляторов, предназначенных для отведения воздуха из внутреннего пространства через соответствующие передние поверхности одного или нескольких блоков стоечного исполнения и выброса нагретого ...

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012110138A

... 1. Система жидкостного охлаждения для охлаждения нескольких электронных устройств, включающая (характеризующаяся наличием следующих устройств):- один или более контейнеров, выполненных с возможностью удержания внутри охлаждающей жидкости;- несколько электронных устройств, каждое из которых состоит из электронных компонент, которые выделяют тепло в процессе работы;- каждое из указанных электронных устройств заключено в указанный контейнер и помещено параллельно друг другу в стойке;- указанные электронные устройства погружены в диэлектрическую охлаждающую жидкость, так что указанная диэлектрическая охлаждающая жидкость снимает тепло, производимое указанными электронными компонентами каждого из указанных электронных устройств;- каждое из указанных электронных устройств содержит собственную охлаждающую систему для направления потока жидкости, которая включает по крайней мере входную и выходную магистрали;- каждая из указанных охлаждающих систем выполнена с возможностью направления потока охлаждающей ...

27-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2275764C1

Изобретение относится к области теплотехники и может быть использовано для передачи значительных потоков теплоты от устройства к устройству, от окружающей среды к устройству или, наоборот, от устройства в окружающую среду, в частности может быть использовано для охлаждения тепловыделяющих элементов компьютера. Сущность изобретения: между теплоотдающей зоной и жидкостным трубопроводом расположена перегородка из мелкопористого материала или капиллярный участок трубопровода, нижний участок жидкостного трубопровода снабжен устройством периодического или импульсного нагрева поступающей через перегородку в трубопровод жидкости, а форма и размеры сечения жидкостного трубопровода обеспечивают возможность перемещения парожидкостной смеси в режиме «снарядного» кипения, при котором порции жидкости перемещаются по трубопроводу вместе с паровыми пробками без расслоения на отдельные паровые и жидкостные потоки. Устройство позволит обеспечить регулируемый возврат жидкости из зоны конденсации в одну или ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014101087A

Способ отвода тепла от тепловыделяющих электронных компонентов на основе применения полупроводниковых лазеров, заключающийся в применении для отвода тепла от электронного компонента термомодуля, примыкающего холодными спаями к электронному компоненту, отличающийся тем, что горячие спаи термомодуля представляют собой матрицу полупроводниковых лазеров, предназначенную для преобразования тепловой энергии, поступившей с холодных спаев в виде электрического тока в энергию электромагнитного излучения оптического диапазона, отводящую тепло от охлаждаемого электронного компонента в окружающую среду.

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012104532A

... 1. Система охлаждения сервера, содержащаявнутреннее пространство, заданное полом, одной или более боковыми стенками и крышей;одно или более отверстий, заданных в крыше или одной или более боковых стенках;камеру, установленную во внутреннем пространстве, причем камера задает внутреннее пространство, гидравлически соединенное с верхними областями внутреннего пространства;один или более блоков перемещения воздуха, функционирующих для предоставления внешнего воздуха во внутреннее пространство; истойку, установленную во внутреннем пространстве и соприкасающуюся с камерой по существу герметичным способом,один или более смонтированных в стойке блоков, установленных в стойке так, что соответствующие лицевые поверхности смонтированных в стойке блоков граничат с внутренним пространством, и что соответствующие задние поверхности смонтированных в стойке блоков граничат с внутренним пространством, заданным камерой, иодин или более охлаждающих вентиляторов, функционирующих для нагнетания воздуха из внутреннего ...

10-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004127135A

... 1. Устройство охлаждения микросхемы карты графического видеоадаптера, которое охлаждает микросхему, установленную на печатной плате карты графического видеоадаптера, содержащее: первый теплоотвод, установленный на той же стороне, что и микросхема, включающий первый теплопроводный участок, который установлен в контакте с поверхностью микросхемы так, что поглощает тепло генерируемое микросхемой, и участок, рассеивающий тепло, содержащий множество ребер, рассеивающих тепло, предназначенных для рассеивания в окружающую среду тепла, передаваемого от теплопроводного участка; второй теплоотвод, установленный на стороне, противоположной первому теплоотводу, так что печатная плата расположена между первым и вторым теплоотводами; и по меньшей мере, одну тепловую трубку, которая соединяет первый теплоотвод и второй теплоотвод, так что она отводит тепло от первого теплоотвода ко второму теплоотводу, и изогнута, по меньшей мере, один раз вокруг печатной платы так, что ее концевой участок соединен с ...

27-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE202011102888U1

Kühlmodul, umfassend eine Grundplatte (11), die eine erste Fläche (111) und eine zweite Fläche (112) aufweist, wobei die erste Fläche (111) mindestens eine Nut (113) und die zweite Fläche (112) eine Vertiefung (114) bildet, wobei die Nut (113) mit der Vertiefung (114) verbunden ist, und mindestens ein Wärmerohr (2), das in der Nut (13) aufgenommen ist.

02-09-2004 дата публикации

Anzeige zur Überwachung des Betriebszustands eines Computers und seiner Lüfter

Номер: DE202004010877U1

Anzeige zur Überwachung des Betriebszustands eines Computers und seiner Lüfter zum Einbau in zwei übereinanderliegende sogenannte 5 1/4 Zoll-Laufwerkseinschubplätze, bestehend aus einer Basis, die nach hinten zwei "Ohren" mit Löchern zur Befestigung im Computergehäuse hat; bei der die Längsseiten nach vorne gebogen sind, um den Gehäuseinnenraum zu erhalten; bei der an den umgebogenen Längsseiten seitlich um 90° abgebogene Befestigungslappen mit Schraubenlöchern sind; die in ihrer Grundplatte Löcher hat, durch die die vorgenannten Befestigungslappen mit Werkzeug erreicht werden können; einer Trägerplatte mit vier Löchern, die zu den Löchern in den vorgenannten Befestigungslappen passen, in deren Mitte eine Lüfteranzeige ist; die links und rechts von der Lüfteranzeige eine Drucktastergruppe hat; einer Gummitastatur, die in der Mitte eine Aussparung für die Lüfteranzeige und links und rechts Drucktasten für die Bedienung der jeweiligen Drucktastergruppe hat; einer Frontmaske, die in der Mitte ...

02-09-2004 дата публикации

Cooling fan module and mounting for computer has fan housing mounted in front of set of cooling fins and held in outer casing which is hinged to frame of computer housing

Номер: DE202004011006U1

A cooling fan (2) is mounted in a square module (20) in front of a set of cooling fins (6) in the side of the computer housing or chassis (5). The fan module is held in an outer casing (1) which is hinged (3) to the frame of the computer housing. The hinges have eyes (34) which fit on hinge pins (36) on horizontal supports (35) fastened to a vertical frame member. A vertical extension (4) on the fan casing holds a lug (41) with a hole (42) to accommodate a screw holding the fan and casing in the operative position.

09-12-2004 дата публикации

Notebook computer cooling and docking device has a main cooling board with fans and ventilation openings and an extension board that can be extended from the main board to support a computer or retracted back into it for storage

Номер: DE202004015631U1

A cooling and docking device for a notebook computer is placed under the base of the computer and comprises a cooling board (1) with a number of fans (10) and ventilation openings (11) that interact together to dissipate the heat from the computer. An extension board (2) on one side of the cooling board provides additional support for the notebook computer and has a guide mechanism with which it can be extended inwards or outwards from the board.

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE202007018195U1

Kühlrippe, die aus einer Platte (1) besteht, an der mindestens ein Vorsprung (12) vorgesehen ist, der mindestens eine seitliche Öffnung (121) für Belüftung aufweist.

31-05-2007 дата публикации

Heat dissipating device has heat sink having container which stays in contact with heat generating source and to receive coolant, radiator unit which is arranged over container and stays in fluidic connection with container

Номер: DE202006001000U1

Heat dissipating device (1), has a heat sink (3) having a container (33) which stays in contact with a heat generating source and to receive coolant. A radiator unit (4) is arranged over the container and stays in fluidic connection with container. A fan unit (5) is arranged over the container, facing the radiator unit. A drive unit is connected with the container, to circulate the coolant through radiator unit.

11-09-2014 дата публикации

Computersystem und Gehäuse für ein Computersystem

Номер: DE102012106192B4

Computersystem (50) aufweisend ein Gehäuse (10), wobei wenigstens eine erste Seite des Gehäuses (10) zumindest überwiegend aus einem Aluminiumwerkstoff besteht, ein an dem Gehäuse (10) angeordneter Bildschirm (40), eine in das Gehäuse (10) integrierte Wandlerschaltung (17) zum Umwandeln einer primären Versorgungsspannung in eine sekundäre Versorgungsspannung und wenigstens einen in das Gehäuse (10) integrierten Energieverbraucher (19). Weiter weist es wenigstens eine erste Kunststoffabdeckung (20), welche auf der ersten Seite des Gehäuses (10) angebracht ist, und wenigstens eine lüfterlose Kühlvorrichtung (18) auf, wobei die lüfterlose Kühlvorrichtung (18) durch zumindest die erste Kunststoffabdeckung (20) und die erste Seite des Gehäuses (10) gebildet wird. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin ein Gehäuse (10) für ein Computersystem (50).

07-11-2011 дата публикации

Kühleranordnung mit Stoßdämpfung

Номер: DE202011051155U1

Kühleranordnung mit Stoßdämpfung, die aus einem Kühler (10) und mindestens einer stoßdämpfenden Zapfenverbindung (20) besteht, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Kühler (10) einen Rahmen (11) zur Positionierung und Montierung eines Schaufelsatzes (101) aufweist, wobei der Kühler (10) einen Rahmen (11) aufweist, an dessen Umfang mindestens ein Befestigungslager (12) angeordnet ist; dass die stoßdämpfende Zapfenverbindung (20) mit dem Befestigungslager (12) verbunden ist, wobei sich von mindestens einer zur Axialrichtung senkrecht stehenden Stirnseite ein Befestigungsschaft (21) erstreckt, wobei an der Stelle, an der der Befestigungsschaft (21) an die Stirnseite der stoßdämpfenden Zapfenverbindung (20) angeschlossen ist, eine nach innen eingebuchtete Positioniernut (22) ausgebildet ist, mittels der der Kühler (10) an einem Gehäuse (90) fixiert ist; und dass, nachdem die stoßdämpfende Zapfenverbindung (20) am Befestigungslager (12) befestigt worden ist, die beiden senkrecht zur Axialrichtung ...

11-09-2008 дата публикации

Eine Wärmedissipationsvorrichtung

Номер: DE202008008759U1

30-10-2008 дата публикации

Wärmeübertragungsplatte in Art eines Kühlmoduls

Номер: DE202008009218U1

19-05-2005 дата публикации

Heat discharge device e.g. for computer hard disc drives, information technology etc, has heat from hard disc drive absorbed by heat base and high conductivity material

Номер: DE202005003432U1

A heat discharge device has a metallic housing (1) for a rigidly installed exchangeable hard disc drive (4), a heat base (2) for fixing the hard disc drive, a heat plate (3) for conducting heat in which a contact surface, which is contacted by the inner edge of the metal housing (1) is provided with a soft material of high thermal conductivity and which can absorb vibrations, and improves the mechanical fit and conducts heat, so that heat generated by the hard disc drive (4) is absorbed by the heat base (2) and the high conductivity soft material and conducts to the metal housing and heat plate (3) so as to remove heat.

02-09-2004 дата публикации

Internal cooling system for electronic equipment has top and bottom sets of cooling fins mounted on framework with deep cooling chip which has a temperature less than room temperature on one face

Номер: DE202004010340U1

The deep cooling chip (21) coupling device (1) has a flat top portion (11) with a square aperture (13) for the chip and flat sidewalls (12) forming an air channel. The deep cooling chip may be a Peltier element and becomes cold on its top face (22) and hot on its bottom face (23). The cooling system (2) has cooling fins (24) in thermal contact with the cold top face of the chip to remove heat from air blown into the computer housing by a first fan. A second fan blows air past cooling fins (25) in contact with the hot bottom face of the chip to remove heat from the system.

22-07-2004 дата публикации

Ribbed heat sink elements are clamped to an adapter at the end of a heat transfer tube for cooling of processor chips.

Номер: DE202004006687U1

The heat sink has a flat inner surface (2) and a ribbed outer surface (1) for dissipation of thermal energy. The heat sinks have a gap for insertion of an adapter (6) on the end of a heat conducting tube (8) that transfers heat energy from an electronic module. The heat sinks are fixed with clamping bolts (9).

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Cooling element fastening module in computer housing, e.g. for cooling microprocessor waste heat, consisting of two fastening frames, first for passive and second for active cooling element(s), both frames so integrated as single member

Номер: DE202004007075U1
Принадлежит: EKL AG

Fastening module (10) consists of at least one first fastening frame (12) for passive cooling element(s) and at least one second fastening frame (14) for active cooling element(s). Both frames form single, integrated component. Thus air stream, generated by active cooling element flows through and round passive cooling element. Preferably second fastening frame protrudes beyond first fastening frame, at least at one end (36). Typically passive cooling element is metal or alloy body with cooling ribs.

10-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE202004014777U1

Kühlkörper mit einer Mehrzahl von Kühlrippen (11), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass er aufweist: ein hohles Chassis (1) mit einer Kontaktfläche (13) im Unterteil zum Anbringen an einer elektronischen Komponente (4) und einer wärmeableitenden Fläche (14) an seiner Oberseite und mit einer Mehrzahl von kreisförmig angeordneten Kühlrippen (11), die sich von einer inneren Seitenwand (12) des hohlen Chassis (1) zur Mitte des hohlen Chassis (1) erstrecken, so dass die Zwischenräume zwischen den Kühlrippen (11) allmählich in ihrer Breite von der inneren Seitenwand (12) des hohlen Chassis (1) zur Mitte des hohlen Chassis (1) abnehmen; und wenigstens ein Wärmerohr (2), das zwischen der Kontaktfläche (13) und der wärmeabführenden Fläche (14) angeordnet ist, wobei wenigstens ein Gebläse (3) an einer Seite des hohlen Chassis (1) zum Bewegen von Luft angebracht ist, um die Luftmenge zu erhöhen, die durch die breiteren Zwischenräume zwischen den Kühlrippen (11) strömt, um die Geschwindigkeit der Wärmeabfuhr ...

07-11-2002 дата публикации

Notebookcomputer mit Temperaturregelfunktion

Номер: DE0020212071U1

20-03-2003 дата публикации

Power supply for computer has air cooling provided by primary and secondary fans

Номер: DE0020301195U1

The power supply module [1] fits into the main housing of the computer. Built into the module is a main cooling fan [3] with an exit directly in the wall of the housing. This draws air over the module electronics. A secondary fan [4] draws air from over the general circuitry of the computer. An air inlet is in the module lower panel [111].

04-01-1996 дата публикации

Wärmeableitungsvorrichtung für einen Computer

Номер: DE0029518201U1

04-12-1997 дата публикации

CPU- und Kühlkörper-Befestigungsanordnung

Номер: DE0029719231U1

03-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050105161D1

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Öl gekühltes Computersystem

Номер: DE202019002792U1

Schutzanspruch des Öl-gekühlten-Computersystem, Zunächst möchte ich, als Erfinder, das Öl-gekühlte-Computersystem, mit all seinen einzelnen Bauteilen Schützen lassen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Schutzanspruch konkret den Einzelteile Aufbau des Öl-gekühlten-Computersystems nach der vorgegebenen Beschreibung bezeichnet.

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Dynamische Wärmesensorabschaltung

Номер: DE112013001356T5

Speziell stellen hier beschriebene Ausführungsformen ein System wie ein Computersystem bereit, das einen Prozessor, der betriebsfähig ist, Befehle auszuführen, die mit dem elektronischen Code verbunden sind, einen Wärmesensor, der betriebsfähig ist, eine Temperatur zu messen, die mit einem Gerät verbunden ist, und einen Controller in Kommunikation mit dem Wärmesensor einschließt. Der Controller ist konfiguriert, einen Aktivitätsstatus zu empfangen, der mit dem Prozessor verbunden ist, und einen Temperaturausgabewert vom Wärmesensor zu empfangen, der eine gemessene Temperatur repräsentiert, die mit dem Gerät verbunden ist. Der Controller ist weiter konfiguriert, basierend auf dem Aktivitätsstatus ein Deaktivierungssignal an den Wärmesensor bereitzustellen, das anzeigt, dass sich der Prozessor in einem reduzierten Aktivitätszustand befindet, und dass der Temperaturausgabewert kleiner oder gleich einem vorbestimmten Temperaturschwellwert ist.

22-05-2018 дата публикации

Hochtemperatur-direktflüssigkeitsgekühltes Hochleistungsrechnersystem

Номер: DE202018102582U1

Hochtemperatur-direktflüssigkeitsgekühltes Hochleistungsrechnersystem mit einer Vielzahl von jeweils in einem Rack befindlichen Rechenknoten, welche in einem für die Direktkühlung modifizierten Serverschrank angeordnet sind sowie mit CPU-abhängiger Eingangs- oder Vorlauftemperatur des Kühlmittels von bis zu 60°C, wobei innerhalb des Serverschranks ein geschlossener Kühlmittelkreislauf mit Pumpe und Wärmetauscher ausgebildet ist, welcher mittels Steigleitungen, Abgängen und Unterverzweigungen eine homogene Verteilung der Kühlflüssigkeit an die Wärmequellen ermöglicht und über den Wärmetauscher die Wärmeleistung in freier Kühlung oder an einen Kühlkreislauf einer vorhandenen Gebäudetechnik abgebbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das im Serverschrank befindliche Rechnersystem mit Ausnahme von systemrelevanten hydraulischen und/oder elektrischen Anschlüssen thermisch isoliert, gekapselt und kühlluftzuführungsfrei sowie frei von Zwangsluftführungsmitteln ausgebildet ist.

23-09-2010 дата публикации

Luftdurchlässige hydrophobe Membran, die in einer Verarbeitungseinrichtung verwendet wird

Номер: DE112008001643T5

Verarbeitungseinrichtung, die aufweist: eine oder mehrere Komponenten, die von einem Gasstrom durch ein Innenvolumen der Verarbeitungseinrichtung gekühlt werden sollen; eine Öffnung, um den Gasstrom durch das Innenvolumen zuzulassen; und eine luftdurchlässige, hydrophobe Membran, durch die der Luftstrom geleitet werden soll.

17-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: DE202018100040U1

Ein Wasserkühleraufbau, umfassend: eine Wasserkühleinheit, die Folgendes umfasst: eine Flüssigkeitsaufnahmeplatte, die eine das Durchströmen der Arbeitsflüssigkeit gestattende Flüssigkeitskammer aufweist, wobei die Flüssigkeitsaufnahmeplatte eine obere Oberfläche und eine untere Oberfläche aufweist, wobei durch die in der Flüssigkeitskammer befindliche Arbeitsflüssigkeit über die obere Oberfläche und die untere Oberfläche Wärme abgeleitet wird.

03-11-1994 дата публикации

Portable electronic apparatus having a housing for accommodating circuit boards and functional components

Номер: DE0004410729A1

A portable electronic apparatus is described, comprising a housing (4) which is in the form of a box and is made of synthetic resin, and a circuit unit (80) which is accommodated in the housing (4). The circuit unit (8) comprises (at least) one circuit board (81a, 81b) having circuit parts (84) which produce interference signals in operation, a frame (rack) (82) which is fitted with the circuit board (81a, 81b), and a screen (83a, 83b) which is formed from sheet metal and encloses or surrounds the circuit board (81a, 81b) and the frame (82). The frame (82) is a moulding made of a synthetic resin or a casting made of a metal such as magnesium. ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE112010005583T5

Ein Datenzentrum umfasst ein Gebäude mit einem geneigten Dach. Das Gebäude umfasst einen Ventilationskorridor, der sich entlang einer Länge des Gebäudes erstreckt. Der Ventilationskorridor ist an einer Spitze des geneigten Daches gebildet und umfasst vertikale, geschlitzte Wände. Das Datenzentrum umfasst einen Ausrüstungskorridor, der den Ventilationskorridor strukturell stützt und vertikale Außenwände umfasst, die die Länge und eine Breite des Gebäudes bilden. Eine Reihe der elektrischen Ausrüstung ist in Ausrüstungsgestellen in dem Ausrüstungskorridor befestigt, angeordnet in zwei Reihen, die einen gemeinsamen Gang zwischen den zwei Reihen bilden. Die elektrische Ausrüstung umfasst Kühleinlässe, die hin zu den vertikalen Außenwänden ausgerichtet sind, und Ausstoßauslässe, die hin zu dem gemeinsamen Gang ausgerichtet sind. Gangseparatoren erstrecken sich vertikal von den Ausrüstungsgestellen zu dem Ventilationskorridor.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Ressourcenverwaltung für Datenzentren

Номер: DE112010005865T5

Es wird ein Ressourcenmanagementsystem für Datenzentren offenbart. In einem Ausführungsbeispiel umfasst ein Verfahren das Bestimmen des Stromverbrauchs für das Datenzentrum sowie das Bestimmen des Kühlflüssigkeitsverbrauchs für das Datenzentrum. Das Verfahren umfasst ferner die Verarbeitung einer Ressourcenverbrauchsbeschränkung (RVB) für da Datenzentrum und das Einstellen mindestens eines des Strom- oder Kühlflüssigkeitsverbrauchs des Datenzentrums aufgrund der RVB.

14-04-1994 дата публикации

Ventilation system for power electronic appts. housing - has 2 overlying ventilation units inserted between upper and lower halves of function module stack.

Номер: DE0004309308C1

The ventilation system uses 4 identical ventilation units (2) lying at the halfway height of the appts. housing containing 2 vertical stacks of function modules (8), with 2 overlying ventilation units in each stack. The ventilation units have suction openings facing the adjacent function module group. The extracted air is discharged via a horizontal ventilation channel (5) extending between the 2 overlying ventilation units. Pref. the front or rear wall of each ventilation unit is provided by the front door or rear wall of the appts. housing, each ventilation unit containing an axial/radial ventilation fan. USE/ADVANTAGE - For dissipating waste heat generated by data appts. in horizontal direction. Air passage ways easily defined.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Verwendung eines wärmetransportierenden Mediums

Номер: DE102006001335B4
Принадлежит: ROGERS GERMANY GMBH, Rogers Germany GmbH

Verwendung einer Zusammensetzung, bestehend aus einer zumindest teilweise von Wasser gebildeten flüssigen Basis-Komponente und aus wenigstens einem Zusatz, wobei der Zusatz wenigstens ein Polyvinylalkohol (PVA) ist, als wärmetransportierendes Medium in einem Kühler oder Wärmetauscher, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Zusammensetzung mit dem Polyvinylalkohol vorbehandeltes Nanofasermaterial enthält.

03-08-2006 дата публикации

Cooling system for multi-functional consoles has a closed casing for holding display screens/personal computer systems/viewing surfaces

Номер: DE102006003773A1

Connection pieces (4) for supplying cooling air and for taking away hot air each fit on a casing (3) for equipment that holds display screens/personal computer systems/viewing surfaces. The connection pieces maintain a link to a ventilation system separate from a room ventilation system. Air-control channels and a fan fit in the ventilation system.

07-11-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9107895U1

15-12-1994 дата публикации

Personal computer with dehumidification function

Номер: DE0004319069A1

In summary, it can be said that the personal computer with a dehumidification function has a diskette storage holder, which is used to store the floppy diskettes. The diskette storage holder can be arranged within the computer housing. The storage holder can be pulled out of the housing using a guiding slot. The diskette storage holder has a control circuit board, which has an automatic powerup circuit and the dehumidification control circuit. These circuits are used to protect the motherboard and the floppy diskettes from damage by humidity. Within the diskette storage holder there are several slots to keep the diskettes fixed in position. A microswitch is assigned to each slot, to capture the storage state of the floppy diskette.

13-02-2003 дата публикации

Internal ventilation construction for cooling of a computer housing uses ducting with directional air flow

Номер: DE0020217909U1

A computer system has a tower type housing [1] and in the back wall is mounted a ventilator fan [6]. A heat sink [31] is mounted on the main circuit board [3]. The fan is covered by a ducting unit [7] that has outlets [72] to direct cool air over the heat sink and also over the components mounted on the circuit board.

10-07-1997 дата публикации

Kühlvorrichtung zur Wärmeabfuhr in einem tragbaren Computer

Номер: DE0029704971U1

25-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060003020T2

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Anordnung zum Kühlen von elektronischen Komponenten

Номер: DE102011006779B4
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Anordnung zum Kühlen von elektronischen Komponenten, welche auf einem Substrat (LP) aufgebracht sind, wobei das Substrat (LP) eine mit einer Abdeckung (AB) versehene Bestückseite und eine der Bestückseite abgewandte Seite aufweist, wobei der abgewandten Seite beabstandet gegenüberliegend eine Platte angeordnet ist, zwischen der und der abgewandten Seite ein Führungskanal für ein Kühlmedium (KM) ausgebildet ist, wobei das Substrat (LP) zumindest eine Öffnung (OS) aufweist, und wobei über der zumindest einen Öffnung (OS) ein Ventilator (V) derart angebracht ist, dass ein durch den Ventilator (V) erzeugter Kühlungsstrom des Kühlmediums (KM) durch den Führungskanal unterhalb des Substrats (LP) und über die Bestückseite des Substrats (LP) geleitet wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Platte als ein Kühlkörper (KK) ausgebildet ist, dessen Wärme abgebende Seite mit die Oberfläche vergrößernden Strukturen versehen ist.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Anordnung zur Kühlung von Wärme erzeugenden Bauteilen auf einem Systemboard eines Coputersystems, derartiges Systemboard sowie derartiges Computersystem

Номер: DE102011011849B4

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anordnung (1) zur Kühlung von Wärme erzeugenden Bauteilen (8, 12) auf einem Systemboard (7) eines Computersystems (9). Die Anordnung (1) weist eine Wärmeleitplatte (6) zur flächigen Kontaktierung mit einem Wärme erzeugenden Bauteil (12) sowie eine Vielzahl von Kühlrippen (3) auf, welche mit der Wärmeleitplatte (6) verbunden sind. Ein Lüfter (2) ist derart an den Kühlrippen (3) angeordnet, dass er einen Kühlluftstrom erzeugt, welcher annähernd parallel zur Wärmeleitplatte (6) die Kühlrippen (3) zumindest teilweise durchströmt. Erfindungsgemäß weist die Anordnung (1) eine Luftführungsvorrichtung (4) auf, welche kanalartig von einem Teilbereich (2a) des Lüfterquerschnitts entspringt und derart geformt ist, dass der Kühlluftstrom des Lüfters (2) zumindest teilweise in die Luftführungsvorrichtung (4) eingeleitet wird. Ferner wird ein Systemboard (7) mit einer Anordnung (1) sowie ein Computersystem (9) mit einem derartigen Systemboard (7) beschrieben.

22-10-2020 дата публикации

Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer aus Edelstahlmaterial mit SiO2-Beschichtung

Номер: DE102019125441A1

Es wird eine Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer aus Edelstahlmaterial mit SiO2-Beschichtung offenbart. Die Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer ist so konfiguriert, dass eine Festigkeit der heute existierenden Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer, für die ein Kupfermaterial verwendet wird, durch die Verwendung eines Edelstahlmaterials erhöht wird, ein Transport eines Arbeitsfluids durch Ausbilden einer kapillarartigen Nut in der Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer erleichtert wird, alle Oberflächen oder irgendeine Oberfläche einer oberen und einer unteren Platte, welche die Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer bilden, mit SiO2beschichtet sind. Infolgedessen wird dank der SiO2-Beschichtung eine Umwälzung des Arbeitsfluids durch eine verbesserte Wärmeübertragung, Infiltrationsrate und Kapillarkraft beschleunigt, eine Wärmeübertragung wird maximiert, und die Smartphone-Verdunstungskammer hat Wirkungen dahingehend, dass sie einen Wärmewiderstand und eine Betriebsleistung aufweist, die denen einer Verdunstungskammer, für die ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Kühlkörper zur Kühlung einer wärmeerzeugenden Komponente eines Computersystems sowie Computersystem

Номер: DE102013112256B3

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Kühlkörper (KK) zur Kühlung einer wärmeerzeugenden Komponente (CPU) eines Computersystems (CS), welcher wenigstens einen mit Fluid durchströmbaren Kühlkanal (KUK) aufweist, welcher eine Fluideinlassseite (FES) und eine Fluidauslassseite (FAS) des Kühlkörpers (KK) verbindet und wenigstens eine Längsnut (LN) aufweist. Der Kühlkörper weist des Weiteren wenigstens ein in den wenigstens einen Kühlkanal eingeschobenes, stiftförmiges Element (SE) auf, welches sich an einem der Fluideinlassseite (FES) zugewandten ersten Abschnitt (AS1) verjüngt und in einem anschließenden zweiten Abschnitt (AS2) ausgebildet ist, mit der wenigstens einen Längsnut (LN) des wenigstens einen Kühlkanals (KUK) einen Strömungskanal (SK) zu begrenzen und das Fluid im Bereich der wenigstens einen Längsnut (LN) durch den Strömungskanal (SK) zu leiten. Die Erfindung betrifft des Weiteren ein Computersystem (CS).

10-11-2005 дата публикации

Cooling device for electronic microprocessors operates with a gravity cooling element with a flow of liquid expanding during heating and a radiator for contracting liquid

Номер: DE102004020642A1

A cooling device (CD) operates by means of a cooling element (1), in which flow required for operating the CD is generated by bubbling up liquids that expand during heating. The CD also operates by means of a radiator (2), in which the flow for operating the CD is also generated by falling off as contracting liquids cool down. An independent claim is also included for a cooling system for a computer with a main processor and a graphics card processor.

29-01-2009 дата публикации

Verstärktes Kühlmodul

Номер: DE202008011917U1

Verstärktes Kühlmodul, das aus einem Kühlrippensatz (20), mindestens einem Kühlrohr (30) und einer Grundplatte (40) besteht, wobei das Kühlrohr (30) einen Wärmeaufnahmeabschnitt (301) und einen Wärmeabgabeabschnitt (302) aufweist, wobei der Wärmeabgabeabschnitt (302) durch die Löcher der Kühlrippen (201) des Kühlrippensatzes (20) geführt ist und der Wärmeaufnahmeabschnitt (301) auf der Grundplatte (40) aufliegt, und wobei die Grundplatte (40) mindestens zwei Stützarme (410) aufweist, die jeweils ein Ende (411) besitzen, um den Kühlrippensatz (20) zu stützen.

22-10-2009 дата публикации

Positionierelement und Befestigungsgestell mit diesem Positionierelement

Номер: DE202009008918U1

Positionierelement, das einen Hauptkörper (4) umfaßt, der mindestens an einer Seite eine vertikale Wand (41), die an der Außenseite mindestens einen ersten Sperrvorsprung (411) bildet, und in der Mitte eine Zentralöffnung (42) und mindestens einen zweiten Sperrvorsprung (43) aufweist.

02-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008012628U1

Wärmeleitvorrichtung (1), die mit zwei Objekten (200, 21) in Kontakt zu bringen ist, um Wärme von einen zum anderen zu leiten: einer Basis (10) mit einem Aufnahmeraum mit einer offenen Oberseite und einer offenen Unterseite; einem ersten Wärmeleitblock (11), der im Aufnahmeraum angeordnet ist und eine erste schräge Ebene aufweist, die der Oberseite der Basis zugewandt ist; und einem zweiten Wärmeleitblock (12) mit einer zweiten schrägen Ebene, die mit der ersten schrägen Ebene in Kontakt steht, und der auf den ersten Wärmeleitblock aufgesetzt ist; wodurch dann, wenn der erste und der zweite Wärmeleitblock entlang den zwei schrägen Ebenen verschoben werden, um den Abstand zwischen den zwei genannten Objekten einzustellen, die Unterseite des ersten Wärmeleitblocks und die Oberseite des zweiten Wärmeleitblocks mit einem jeweiligen der zwei Objekte in Kontakt bringbar sind.

28-12-2017 дата публикации

Kühlstruktur eines Serverschranks

Номер: DE202017106246U1
Принадлежит: Asia Vital Components (China) Co., Ltd.

Kühlstruktur eines Serverschranks, der zum Tragen mindestens eines Servers (20) dient, wobei der Server (20) ein Wärmemodul (210) aufweist, umfassend einen Schrankkörper (110), der ein Gestell (111), ein Kühlmodul (112) und mindestens eine Wärmeleiteinheit (114a) aufweist, wobei das Gestell (111) zum Tragen mindestens eines Servers (20) dient, wobei das Kühlmodul (112) mindestens eine Kühleinheit (112a) und eine Vielzahl von Ventilatoren (112b) beinhaltet, wobei die Kühleinheit (112a) zwischen den Ventilatoren (112a) und dem Server (20) angeordnet ist, wobei die Wärmeleiteinheit (114a) mindestens ein erstes Ende (1141a) und ein zweites Ende (1142a) aufweist, wobei das erste Ende (1141a) mit dem Wärmemodul (210) des Servers (20) in Kontakt steht, wobei das zweite Ende (1142a) mit der Kühleinheit (112a) des Kühlmoduls (112) in Kontakt steht, wobei die Wärmeleiteinheit (114a) die Wärme des Wärmemoduls (210) auf die Kühleinheit (112a) des Kühlmoduls (112) leitet, wobei die Ventilatoren (112b ...

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202010005281U1

Wärmeableitvorrichtung, aufweisend: ein Gehäuse (11); eine erste Trennwand (12) zum internen Trennen des Gehäuses (11) in einen oberen Raum und einen unteren Raum derart, dass ein erster Lufteinlass (111, 115) und ein erster Luftauslass (112, 116, 117), die an dem Gehäuse (11) vorgesehen sind, über der ersten Trennwand (12) angeordnet sind; wenigstens eine Wärmerohrreihe (13, 23, 41) mit einem Kondensationsabschnitt (131, 231, 411) und einem Verdampfungsabschnitt (132, 232, 412), wobei der Kondensationsabschnitt (131, 231, 411) über der ersten Trennwand (12) angeordnet ist und der Verdampfungsabschnitt (132, 232, 412) unter der ersten Trennwand (12) angeordnet ist; und eine Gebläseanordnung (14, 27, 43), die in dem Gehäuse (11) korrespondierend mit dem Verdampfungsabschnitt (132, 232, 412) angeordnet ist, wobei der erste Lufteinlass (111, 115) und der erste Luftauslass (25, 112, 116, 117) korrespondierend mit dem Kondensationsabschnitt (131, 231, 411) angeordnet sind, und das Gehäuse (11 ...

18-01-2007 дата публикации

Radiator unit for electronic component, e.g. central processing unit of computer, comprises cooling fins each having different thickness from first end to second end

Номер: DE102005032668A1

A radiator unit comprises a main member (31); and cooling fins (32), each having a first end (321) connecting with the perimeter of the main member and a second end (322) extending outward in a radial direction with its thickness being different from the first end to the second end.

30-06-1994 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009401645U1

02-02-1995 дата публикации

Befestigungsstruktur für ein CPU-Kühlblech

Номер: DE0009417697U1

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Module e.g. molded electronic module, for control device in vehicle, has cooling body made of sapphire crystals, whose orientations correspond to heat dissipation direction and comprises outer surface exposed to outer side of module

Номер: DE102011076570A1

The module e.g. molded electronic module (1), has a cooling body (3) made of synthetic sapphire crystals, whose orientations correspond to a desired heat dissipation direction. The body is directly arranged on electrical or electronic components (2) and fixed by conductive adhesives on the components. The components and electrical conductor strips (5) are arranged directly on the body. The body is arranged directly at a circuitry carrier (4) i.e. circuit board, which is made of ceramic material. The body comprises an outer surface (3a) exposed to an outer side of the module. The synthetic sapphire crystals serve as an electrical insulator.

24-06-2010 дата публикации

Supporting device for use in cooling arrangement of computer system, has system circuit board whose deflection is terminated by supporting points such that device is adapted to processor socket and/or processor

Номер: DE102009023773B3

The device (14) has a plate-shaped base part (18) with two sides, where one of the sides turns away from the other side. The sides include a set of supporting points, where the device is made of non-conductive material i.e. plastic. Deflection of a system circuit board (22) is terminated by the supporting points such that the device is adapted to a processor socket and/or a processor (26) based on orientation and/or position of a base plate (4) with respect to limitation of the deflection of the system circuit board. An independent claim is also included for a cooling arrangement for a computer system, comprising an opening.

24-11-2010 дата публикации

Cooling information processing apparatus using a fan capable of reversibly switching airflow direction

Номер: GB0002470477A

An information processing apparatus 20 includes a chassis or housing including a plurality of electric parts 21, a pair of openings on opposite sides for allowing an incoming and outgoing air flow for cooling the inside of the apparatus, a pair of temperature detectors or sensors 24, 25 for detecting temperature at each of the openings, one or more fans 22 for generating airflow between the openings, the fan being capable of reversibly switching airflow direction, and a controller 27 for performing switching of the air flow direction by the fan so that the fan generates the airflow from the opening at which a lower temperature is detected as compared with the other opening. In addition, plural information processing apparatus (20A-20N, Fig.6) may be provided in a rack (3) having control portion (31) which acquires environmental information from temperature or humidity sensors (32) to control fans (33) to change air flow direction. One or more housings or racks may be in a machine room with ...

19-03-2014 дата публикации

Blade computer system

Номер: GB0002506017A

A blade computer system comprises side-by-side computer blades (44, 144), a connectivity module (50, 150, 350) extending across and connected to each of the plurality of side-by-side computer blades (44, 144) along the ends of the computer blades (44, 144) and at least one first power supply-fan unit (46, 146) extending perpendicular to the first axis and directly connected to each of the first plurality of side-by-side computer blades (44, 144) along ends of the plurality of side-by-side computer blades (44, 144) such that the at least one power supply-fan unit (46, 146) draws air across the first plurality of side-by-side computer blades (44, 144) and into the first connectivity module (50, 150, 350).

13-05-2015 дата публикации

Active cooling of medium voltage power umbilicals

Номер: GB0002519933A

An umbilical comprises an outer sheath defining an interior void; one or more power cores; and one or more forced convection cooling circuits disposed within the interior void proximate the power cores, typically at least one forced convection cooling circuit paired with each power core. The forced convection cooling circuit comprises a heat exchange delivery fluid conduit and a heat exchange return fluid conduit in fluid communication with the heat exchange delivery fluid conduit, where at least one of the fluid conduits is disposed either proximate to the other conduit or disposed within the other conduit. The forced convection cooling circuit has a length which has been determined to be sufficient to achieve a desired heat exchange that results in a desired efficient evacuation of heat energy from the power cores along a predetermined length of the umbilical.

26-02-1997 дата публикации

CPU heat sink mounting structure

Номер: GB0002294286B

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Laptop computer support

Номер: US20120000398A1
Принадлежит: Belkin International Inc

Articles for supporting computers on users' laps and for isolating the users from heat from the computers. Embodiments may include a body, a top surface for contacting the computer, a bottom surface for contacting the user's lap, and back and front walls or surfaces. In various embodiments, the body defines a hollow area and a side opening, the back is taller than the front, the top surface is at an acute angle to the bottom surface, the bottom surface has a greater horizontal dimension from front to back than the top surface, the bottom surface has a greater horizontal dimension from left to right than the top surface; the article has a cross section that is a trapezoid (e.g., isosceles), the article comprises a foam portion (e.g., tubular) and fabric covering the foam portion, or a combination thereof. In some embodiments, each surface comprises the foam covered with fabric.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Proportional Micro-Valve With Thermal Feedback

Номер: US20120012299A1
Автор: Randall N. Avery
Принадлежит: Industrial Idea Partners Inc

A proportional micro-valve for regulating the temperature of an electronic component comprising a cooling subsystem associated with each thermal zone of the electronic component, a cooling circuit carries cooling fluid to a heat exchanger associated with each thermal zone, the flow of which is controlled by a valve element, which is in turn controlled by a sensing circuit which reacts to the temperature of the underlying thermal zone to proportionally increase or decrease the rate of cooling fluid flowing through the heat exchanger based upon the temperature of the thermal zone. Cooling fluid substantially continuously flows through the sensing circuit, regardless of whether the valve element is open or closed. The sensing circuit provides feedback to a temperature-responsive mechanical amplifier for opening and closing the valve element.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Cooling memory modules using cold plate blades coupled to the memory modules via clips

Номер: US20120026670A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A cold plate has blades arranged to be interleaved with memory modules, with clips coupling blades to memory modules. A liquid cooling loop is thermally coupled to the blades of the cold plate.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Server system

Номер: US20120030492A1
Принадлежит: Inventec Corp

The present invention provides a server system comprising a first group of mainboard modules and a second group of mainboard modules, each of the first and second groups of mainboard modules including a plurality of mainboard modules. Each mainboard module includes a mainboard and a daughter board electrically connected to the mainboard; a first adaptor and a second adaptor; a hard disk array including a hard disk backplane and a plurality of hard disks, wherein the hard disk backplane is electrically connected to the first adaptor and the second adaptor; a first power control board and a second power control board respectively connected to at least one power supply, wherein the first power control board and the second power control board are electrically connected to the hard disk array; and a management board electrically connected to the first adaptor and the second adaptor.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Fan speed control system and method

Номер: US20120041597A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A fan speed control system includes a fan, a hardware device, and a basic input/output system (BIOS) module. The BIOS module includes a memory unit, an initial power detecting unit, a searching unit, and a control unit. The memory unit stores a matching table between of initial power ranges and corresponding fan speed control curves. The initial power detecting unit is operable to detect the initial power of the hardware device. The searching unit is operable to read the matching table and search which fan speed control curve matches with the initial power of the hardware device. The control unit is operable to select the matching fan speed control curve to control a speed of the fan.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Server system and heat dissipation device thereof

Номер: US20120044632A1
Автор: Chao-Ke Wei
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

An exemplary server system includes a server cabinet, multiple racks arranged in the server cabinet, multiple servers mounted on the racks, and a heat dissipation device for cooling the servers. The heat dissipation device includes a fan module and a dissipating module. The fan module is arranged over the racks for generating downwards airflow across the servers to exchange heat with the servers. The dissipating module is arranged over the racks to exchange heat with the airflow after the airflow passes the servers.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Extruded server case

Номер: US20120044633A1
Автор: Chad Daniel Attlesey

A liquid submersion cooled computer that includes a seamless, extruded main body used to form a liquid-tight case holding a cooling liquid that submerges components of the computer. By forming the main body as a seamless extrusion, the number of possible leakage paths from the resulting liquid-tight case is reduced. No seams are provided on the main body, and there are no openings through the walls of the main body, so liquid cannot leakage through the main body. Any leakage paths are limited to joints between the main body and end walls which are sealingly attached to the main body to form the liquid-tight case.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Electronic device

Номер: US20120044641A1
Автор: Xiao-Su Zhu, Yang Li

An electronic device includes an enclosure. The enclosure includes a main body and a cover attached to the main body. A first air intake and a second air outlet are defined in the cover. A first heat device and a circuit board are attached to the main body. The first heat device includes a plurality of first fins. A second heat device is located on the circuit board and configured to dissipate heat from a CPU located on the circuit board. A heat pipe is located between the first heat device and the second heat device. A distance between adjacent first fins is in a range of 5.3-5.7 mm, and the second heat device, the first heat device and the first air outlet cooperatively define an airflow passage configured for directing air to flow through to the electronic device.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Server architecture

Номер: US20120057317A1
Автор: Hong-Chou Lin
Принадлежит: Inventec Corp

The present invention provides a server architecture, which comprises a plurality of first middle planes disposed horizontally in the server chassis, and each of the first middle plane electrically coupled to a server board such that the server board is also horizontally disposed in the server chassis. By means of the server architecture in the present invention, in addition to providing a hot-swappable function to the server board, for the whole server system, horizontally arranged first middle plane and server board will not block the route for heat dissipating flow so that the heat dissipating efficiency with respect to the server will not be reduced.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

System with air flow under data storage devices

Номер: US20120069514A1
Автор: Peter G. Ross
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies Inc

A computer system includes a chassis, one or more hard disk drives coupled to the chassis, and one or more air passages under at least one of the hard disk drives. The air passages include one or more air inlets and one or more air outlets. The inlets direct at least a portion of the air downwardly into the passages. The passages allow air to move from the air inlets to the air outlets.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Temperature conditioning system for outdoor digital signage and method thereof

Номер: US20120080532A1
Принадлежит: Wincomm Corp

A temperature conditioning system for outdoor digital signage and method thereof comprises a central control module, a system temperature sensor, a fan temperature sensor, a digital signage control module, an internal power supply module, a display module, a heating module and an external fan, wherein the central control module is responsible for receiving temperature signals detected by the system temperature sensor and the fan temperature sensor; in case the detected temperature is lower than a certain range, the central control module activates the heating module, the external fan and the display module in order to start and display the warm-up process of the outdoor digital signage. Consequently, when the temperature elevates to a certain range, the digital signage control module activates the power source of the outdoor digital signage such that the outdoor digital signage operates within a normal temperature range thereby preventing the dew formed by excessively low outdoor temperature from causing malfunction problems in the outdoor digital signage.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Integrated electronics cooling device

Номер: US20120090817A1
Автор: Aarne H. Reid
Принадлежит: Reid Aarne H

An integrated electronics cooling device including a substrate having a first surface for mounting one or more electronic components and a second surface, a cooling assembly including a cooling chamber bounded on one side by the second surface of the substrate, and a vacuum insulated coolant conduit for providing a coolant to and removing the coolant from the cooling assembly.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Enclosure of electronic device

Номер: US20120090888A1
Автор: Zheng-Heng Sun
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

An enclosure includes a bracket with a bottom wall, a circuit board mounted to the bottom wall but spaced from the bottom wall, an electronic element mounted to the circuit board, a fan arranged on the bottom wall and facing the space between the circuit board and the bottom wall, and a guiding member attached to the circuit board to block the space between the circuit board and the bottom wall.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Fan system for electronic device

Номер: US20120097375A1
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A fan system for dissipating heat generated in an electronic device includes a processor unit, a speedometer unit connected to the processor unit, a governor unit connected to the processor unit, and a fan group including at least two fans. Each fan is connected to the speedometer unit and the governor unit and has at least two motors. The processor unit controls all the motors to rotate and thereby drives all the fans to rotate through the governor unit, and detects rotation speeds of all the motors through the speedometer unit. When a motor malfunctions, the processor unit adjusts the rotation speeds of all other motors to ensure that the fan having the malfunctioning motor and other fans are respectively provided with equal power and then rotate in equal speeds.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Mounting assembly for heat dissipating device

Номер: US20120106080A1

A mounting assembly includes a circuit board, a securing member and a heat dissipating device. A retainer is located on the circuit board. The securing member includes a positioning portion and a claw connected to the positioning portion. The heat dissipating device includes a base attached to the circuit board and a number of fins perpendicularly located on the base. The number of fins defines a number of first air paths and a number of second air paths substantially perpendicular to the number of first air paths. The positioning portion is received in at least one of the number of first air paths and at least one of the number of second air paths, and the claw is engaged with the retainer.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Heat dissipation system

Номер: US20120140399A1
Автор: Guo-He Huang

A heat dissipation system includes an enclosure, and a mainframe module enclosed in the enclosure. The mainframe module includes a baseboard with a motherboard and a mass storage device attached to the baseboard, a first cooling fan mounted on a top surface of the motherboard, and an air guiding panel attached on the baseboard surrounding the mass storage device. The air guiding panel guides cool air to the mass storage device along a first direction and out of the mainframe module by the first cooling fan in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Heat dissipation system

Номер: US20120140405A1

A heat dissipation system includes a computer case has a base plate and a back plate, a heat sink, a second heat source, and an air partition panel. The back plate defines a plurality of first air outlet holes aligned with the heat sink, and a plurality of second air outlet holes aligned with the second heat source. The heat sink is positioned on the base plate in contact with a first heat source. The second heat source is positioned on the base plate adjacent to the base plate. The air partition panel is positioned on the base plate between the motherboard and the second heat source. A first air path is defined between the air partition panel and the plurality of first air outlet holes. A second air path is defined between the air partition panel and the plurality of second air outlet holes.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Rack server

Номер: US20120147549A1
Автор: Hung-Yi Wu, Xiao-Zhu Chen

An exemplary rack server includes a chassis, a fan unit arranged at a central portion of the chassis, and two processing units respectively arranged at opposites sides of the fan unit. Each of the processing units includes a main board, a hard disk drive and a power source for supplying electric currents to the main board and the hard disk drive.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Cooling system for a server

Номер: US20120147553A1
Автор: André Sloth Eriksen
Принадлежит: Asetek AS

Embodiments of the disclosure may include a system for cooling a computer server including a plurality of server modules. The system may include a first cooling system configured to remove heat from the plurality of server modules, the first cooling system including a first plurality of conduits for circulating a first cooling medium through the first cooling system, a second cooling system configured to remove heat from the first cooling system, the second cooling system including a second plurality of conduits for circulating a second cooling medium through the second cooling system, and a manifold configured to couple the first cooling system and the second cooling system, wherein the first plurality of conduits is removably connected to the manifold.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus to configure thermal design power in a microprocessor

Номер: US20120159201A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

A technique to change a thermal design power (TDP) value. In one embodiment, one or more environmental or user-driven changes may cause a processor's TDP value to be changed. Furthermore, in some embodiments a change in TDP may alter a turbo mode target frequency.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Server rack and electronic system incorporating the same

Номер: US20120162904A1

An exemplary server rack includes a box adapted for receiving a plurality of servers therein, a plurality of pivoting members pivotally connected to the box; and a plurality of covers fixed to the pivoting members respectively. The box includes a front board and a back board opposite to the front board. The front board and the back board both define a plurality of though holes adapted for airflow to pass therethrough. Each cover is operable to pivot relative to the box via the corresponding pivoting member, and thereby cover some of the through holes of the front board of the box.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Rotatable Latch For Compressing Thermal Interface Material Between A Heat Generating Electrical Component And A Cooling Electrical Component

Номер: US20120162920A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Apparatuses are provided for compressing a thermal interface material between a heat generating electrical component and a cooling electrical component. Embodiments include a draw rod coupled at one end to the cooling electrical component, the draw rod passing through the heat generating electrical component; wherein the draw rod includes a pin on the end opposite the end coupled to the cooling electrical component; and a rotatable latch coupled to the heat generating electrical component, the rotatable latch including a hook at one end; wherein when the rotatable latch is in an engaged position, the hook of the rotatable latch engages the pin of the draw rod such that the thermal interface material adhered to the heat generating component is coupled to the cooling electrical component; wherein when the rotatable latch is in an unengaged position, the hook of the rotatable latch is not engaged with the pin of the draw rod.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Weather adaptive environmentally hardened appliances

Номер: US20120167093A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Embodiments of the present invention provide a method, system and computer program product for weather adaptive environmentally hardened appliances. In an embodiment of the invention, a method for weather adaptation of an environmentally hardened computing appliance includes determining a location of an environmentally hardened computing appliance. Thereafter, a weather forecast including a temperature forecast can be retrieved for a block of time at the location. As a result, a cache policy for a cache of the environmentally hardened computing appliance can be adjusted to account for the weather forecast.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Thermal Cycling and Gradient Management in Three-Dimensional Stacked Architectures

Номер: US20120173036A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A mechanism is provided for minimizing reliability problems in a three-dimensional (3D)) integrated circuit. A set of sensors are interrogated for current data. A direction of force and a magnitude of the force are determined based on the current data for each sensor in the set of sensors for each of one or more directions between the sensor and at least one neighboring sensor thereby forming a set of forces. Each of the set of forces is used to identify one or more points of stress that are at or above the predetermined force threshold. Responsive to identifying at least one point of stress that is at or above the predetermined force threshold, one or more temperature actuation actions are initiated in order to reduce at least one point of stress in the region where the at least one point of stress is identified.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Automation Device

Номер: US20120181866A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An automation device having a plurality of modules, where at least one first module is configured to supply the other modules electrical power and a second module is configured to determine the total power requirement of the automation device, wherein the second module determines the total power requirement from the information relating to the power requirement of the respective module, which information is stored in the other modules, and compares the total power requirement with a threshold value and initiates measures for reducing the power requirement of at least one of the other modules based on the comparison result to prevent an overload due to improper or inappropriate installation of the automation device in a switchgear cabinet and resultant reduced air convection.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus and operation input device

Номер: US20120186961A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An information processing apparatus includes a keyboard having a plurality of keys. The keyboard includes a sheet having a plurality of switch units for switching a non-conductive state and a conductive state according to operation with which the plurality of keys are respectively pressed down, the sheet having a first opening portion at a position corresponding to at least one of the keys, and a light emitting member provided below the sheet to emit light toward the key, the light emitting member having a second opening portion at a position corresponding to at least one of the keys.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Heat dissipation system

Номер: US20120188716A1

A heat dissipation system includes a base plate, a side plate perpendicularly to the base plate, a motherboard attached on the base plate, a first fan, and a second fan fixed on the side plate facing to the heat sink. The motherboard has a first heat source and a second heat source mounted thereon, a heat sink positioned on the first heat source, and a fan bracket mounted on the heat sink. The first fan is positioned on the fan bracket. A rotating axis of the first fan is perpendicular to that of the second fan.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Heat dissipation system

Номер: US20120222841A1

A heat dissipation system includes an enclosure, a first heat sink, a second heat sink, and a fan. The enclosure includes a bottom plate, a first side plate, and a second side plate. A first air vent area is located on the first side plate. A second air vent area is located on the second side plate. A first heat generation apparatus and a second heat generation apparatus is mounted on the bottom plate and located between the first air vent area and the second air vent area. A first heat sink is mounted on the bottom plate and contacts the first heat generation apparatus. A second heat sink is mounted on the bottom plate and contacts the second heat generation apparatus. A plurality of second fins is located on the second heat sink. Each second fin is wavy. A fan is located between the first air vent area and the second air vent area. The fan is adapted to drive air to flow through the first air vent area, the first heat sink, the plurality of second fins, and the second air vent area.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Power supply

Номер: US20120242297A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A power supply includes an integrated cable manager board. The integrated cable manager board is configured to integrate elements of the power supply on the integrated cable manager board. The integrated cable manager board includes a circuit monitoring device and a plurality of connectors. The circuit monitoring device is disposed on the integrated cable manager board and monitors the circuit status of the power supply. The connectors are disposed on the integrated cable manager board and each of the connectors is operable to provide power.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for cooling electrical components of a computer

Номер: US20120268890A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A plenum for guiding a flow of cooling air through the interior of a computer is designed to maximize the airflow over those electrical components within the computer which are most sensitive to temperature, and/or which require the greatest amount of cooling. The plenum is designed to be mounted over top of a computer motherboard which includes a plurality of electrical components mounted thereon. One or more apertures are formed in the lower wall of the plenum so that electrical components mounted on the computer motherboard can protrude through the apertures and into the interior of the plenum. The lower surface of the plenum is designed to prevent the flow of cooling air passing through the plenum from escaping through the apertures on the lower wall. Also, upper and lower protrusions on the plenum can extend into the interior of the plenum to concentrate the flow of cooling air onto the electrical components which are protruding through the apertures and into plenum.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Information Processing Apparatus and Semiconductor Storage Drive

Номер: US20120271482A1
Автор: Hisao Tsukazawa
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

An information processing apparatus includes a case having a side wall formed with an exhaust port; a cooling fan configured to suction air inside the case and discharge the air through the exhaust port; a first circuit board on which a main processor is mounted and disposed in the case; and a second circuit board disposed in the case to align with the first circuit board along the side wall. Mounted on the second circuit board is a memory device, a memory controller that controls the memory device, and a temperature sensor. The memory controller performs a process to lower a temperature of the memory device based on a temperature detected by the temperature sensor.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Server and motherboard

Номер: US20120297102A1
Автор: Bo Tian, Kang Wu

A server includes a motherboard and a fan system. The motherboard includes a circuit board, on which are mounted a first and a second groups of expansion slots, a central processing unit (CPU) and a group of memory slots. The fan system is arranged near a side of the circuit board, and the disposition of the fan system and the components on the circuit board is such that the airflow from the fan system does not blow pre-heated air from one component over a second component.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Heat-dissipation fan

Номер: US20120308417A1
Принадлежит: Adda Corp

A heat-dissipation fan comprises a hollow cylinder body, a fixing pillar, a stator, a fan wheel, a bearing and bearing plate. The fixing pillar comprises a free end and a fixing end fixed at the hollow cylinder body. The stator is installed at the hollow cylinder body being installed at the bearing plate. The fan wheel comprises a top plate, an outer ring wall, an inner ring wall and a penetration hole formed at the top plate. The inner ring wall surrounds the penetration hole, the hollow cylinder body and the stator are located between the outer ring wall and the inner ring wall, and the bearing is coupled to the inner ring wall. The free end of the fixing pillar is protruded to a top surface of the top plate, which results a supporting surface and the top surface being spaced apart by a first spacing.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Computer system with airflow guiding duct

Номер: US20120327589A1
Автор: Hong-Zhi Sun, Tian Wang

A computer includes a computer case and an airflow guiding duct. The computer case includes a rear plate with a number of air outlets. A bracket and a first fan are received in the case. The bracket receives a number of first heat generating components and includes a mounting plate with a number of through holes. A heat sink and a second fan are received in the case, and the second fan is attached to the heat sink for absorbing heat generated by a second heat generating component. The duct defines an hole and an opening. The through holes, the first fan, the hole, and the air outlets define a first airflow passage for cooling the first heat generating components, and the second fan, the opening, the hole, and the air outlets define a second airflow passage for cooling the second heat generating component.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Controller, Storage Device, and Method for Power Throttling Memory Operations

Номер: US20120331207A1
Принадлежит: SanDisk Technologies LLC

The embodiments described herein provide a controller, storage device, and method for power throttling memory operations. In one embodiment, a controller is provided in a storage device with a plurality of flash memory devices. The controller determines how much power will be consumed (or heat will be generated) by each of a plurality of commands and dynamically alters when each of the commands operating on one or more of the flash memory devices is performed based on the determination of how much power would be consumed (or heat will be generated), so that performance of the plurality of commands does not exceed a predetermined average power limit over a period of time (or a predetermined temperature). In some embodiments, the storage device also has a thermal sensor, and a reading from the thermal sensor can be used, instead of or in addition to the power or thermal costs of each command, to dynamically alter when the commands are performed.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device with heat dissipation unit

Номер: US20130010427A1

A heat dissipation unit for radiating heat produced by at least one heat source of an electronic device includes a fan, at least an electrical connector, and a latching member. The fan has at least one power cord. The at least one connector is connected to the at least one power cord and is engageable with a power connector of a power supply unit of the electronic device. The latching member corresponds to the power connector for clasping the electrical connector therein. The electrical connector is clasped in the latching member for being aligned with the power connector of the electronic device.

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130011255A1
Автор: Alex Horng, Ko-Chien Wang

A fan includes a housing and a motor. The housing has a compartment, at least one lateral air inlet and at least one lateral air outlet. The lateral air inlet and lateral air outlet communicate with the compartment. The motor has a stator and an impeller. The impeller is coupled with the stator and includes a hub and a plurality of blades coupled with a top face of the hub. Each blade has first and second ends. The first ends of the blades face outwards, and the second ends of the blades define an air-guiding room encompassed by a virtual geometric pattern formed by a virtual line linking the second ends of the blades. The virtual geometric pattern has a maximal diameter. A gap is formed between the second ends of two adjacent blades. The gap is smaller than the maximal diameter of the virtual geometric pattern.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Administering Thermal Distribution Among Memory Modules With Call Stack Frame Size Management

Номер: US20130046952A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Administering thermal distribution among memory modules in a computing system that includes temperature sensors, where each temperature sensor measures temperature of a memory module and thermal distribution is effected by: determining, in real-time by a user-level application in dependence upon the temperature measurements of the temperature sensors, whether a memory module is overheated; if a memory module is overheated and if a current call stack frame is stored on the overheated memory module, increasing, by the user-level application, a size of the current call stack frame to fill remaining available memory space on the overheated memory module, ensuring a subsequent call stack frame is stored on a different memory module.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Heat transferring module and start up method of electronic device

Номер: US20130050936A1
Автор: Chi-Jung Wu
Принадлежит: Getac Technology Corp

A heat transferring module adapted to an electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes at least one heat source and a plurality of ready-to-heat elements. The heat transferring module includes at least one water head, at least two loop heat pipes, at least two pumps, and a working fluid. The water head is thermally connected to the heat source. The loop heat pipes are connected to the water head respectively, and at least one of the loop heat pipes is thermally connected to the ready-to-heat elements. Each pump is connected to the corresponding loop heat pipe. The working fluid flows into the water head and at least one of the loop heat pipes by at least one of the pumps, so heat generated by the heat source is transferred to at least one of the ready-to-heat elements. A method of starting up an electronic device is also provided.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Presence Detectable Baffle For Electrical Components In A Computing System

Номер: US20130058037A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A presence detectable baffle for electrical components in a computing system, including: a passive chassis having a form factor is consistent with an electrical component of the computing system; and a presence detectable pin set connected to the passive chassis, the pin set consistent with the electrical component.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Touch-screen surface temperature control

Номер: US20130063368A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

In embodiments of touch-screen surface temperature control, a computing device includes a touch-screen display with a touch surface for user interaction. The computing device also includes a cooling system that cools a surface temperature on the touch surface of the touch-screen display. A temperature service is implemented to activate the cooling system to decrease the surface temperature on the touch surface of the display based on projected user interaction with the touch surface of the touch-screen display.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Valve controlled, node-level vapor condensation for two-phase heat sink(s)

Номер: US20130077247A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A cooling apparatus and method are provided for cooling one or more electronic components of an electronic subsystem of an electronics rack. The cooling apparatus includes a heat sink, which is configured to couple to an electronic component, and which includes a coolant-carrying channel for coolant to flow therethrough. The coolant provides two-phase cooling to the electronic component, and is discharged from the heat sink as coolant exhaust which comprises coolant vapor to be condensed. The cooling apparatus further includes a node-level condensation module, associated with the electronic subsystem, and coupled in fluid communication with the heat sink to receive the coolant exhaust from the heat sink. The condensation module is liquid-cooled, and facilitates condensing of the coolant vapor in the coolant exhaust. A controller automatically controls the liquid-cooling of the heat sink and/or the liquid-cooling of the node-level condensation module.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Server and heat dissipation method

Номер: US20130079947A1
Автор: Kang Wu

A server and a heat dissipation method adapted for the server are provided. The method includes: sensing temperatures of two temperature sensors. Recognizing the two temperature sensors, determining a temperature difference between the two temperature sensors and obtaining a comparison result. Selecting one stored table according to the comparison result and acquiring fan running data recorded in the table. In addition, controlling the at least one fan to rotate according to the acquired fan running data. When a motherboard of the server is in one installation direction, the server selects corresponding fan running data and controls the at least one fan to rotate according to the two temperatures of the two temperature sensors installed at the two opposite ends of the motherboard. Therefore, the server can get a good heat dissipation effect in two installation directions of the motherboard.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083479A1

A liquid submersion cooling system that is suitable for cooling a number of electronic devices in parallel using a plurality of cases connected to a rack system. The system cools heat-generating components in server computers and other devices that use electronic, heat-generating components and are connected in parallel systems. The system includes a housing having an interior space, a dielectric cooling liquid in the interior space, a heat-generating electronic component disposed within the space and submerged in the dielectric cooling liquid. The rack system contains a manifold system to engage and allow liquid transfer for multiple cases and IO connectors to engage electrically with multiple cases/electronic devices. The rack system can be connected to a pump system for pumping the liquid into and out of the rack, to and from external heat exchangers, heat pumps, or other thermal dissipation/recovery devices. 1. A system , comprising:a rack configured for receiving a plurality of electronic systems thereon, the rack having an inlet manifold and an outlet manifold;a plurality of electronic systems mounted on the rack in a horizontal array, each electronic system comprising:a sealed case defining a liquid tight interior space, a fluid inlet in fluid communication with the interior space and fluidly connected to the inlet manifold, a fluid outlet in fluid communication with the interior space and fluidly connected to the outlet manifold, and a plurality of heat generating electronic devices disposed within the interior space;a single-phase, dielectric cooling liquid disposed within the interior space and submerging the heat generating electronic devices;a heat exchanger mounted on the rack, the heat exchanger including an inlet in fluid communication with the outlet manifold and an outlet in fluid communication with the inlet manifold;a pump fluidly connected to the heat exchanger for pumping the single-phase, dielectric cooling liquid through the heat exchanger; ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094136A1

Flexible data center systems and methods of deployment are provided. A flexible data center () including T rows of server racks () can be deployed by constructing a number B of blocks (). Constructing each block () can include constructing from one to a number P of perimeter structures () each housing up to a number R of rows of server racks (). Constructing each block () can include constructing a connecting structure () connected to the perimeter structures (), the connecting structure () housing operations monitoring equipment () for the server racks (). A total integer number T/R of perimeter structures () can be constructed for the flexible data center (). At most one perimeter structure () houses less than R rows of server racks (). B is equal to an integer number (T/R)/P. At most one block () includes less than P perimeter structures (). 1440100200106206306. A method of deploying () a flexible data center ( , ) including T rows of server racks ( , , ) , comprising:{'b': 442', '101', '201', '101', '201, 'claim-text': [{'b': 104', '204', '304', '104', '204', '304', '106', '206', '306, 'constructing from one to a number P of perimeter structures (, , ), wherein each perimeter structure (, , ) houses up to a number R of rows of server racks (, , ); and'}, {'b': 102', '202', '104', '204', '304', '102', '202', '108', '208', '106', '206', '306, 'constructing a connecting structure (, ) connected to the number of perimeter structures (, , ), wherein the connecting structure (, ) houses operations monitoring equipment (, ) for the server racks (, , ); and'}], 'constructing () a number B of blocks (, ), wherein constructing each block (, ) includes{'b': 444', '104', '204', '304', '100', '200, 'claim-text': [{'b': 104', '204', '304', '106', '206', '306, 'at most one perimeter structure (, , ) houses less than R rows of server racks (, , );'}, 'B is equal to an integer number (T/R)/P; and', {'b': 101', '201', '104', '204', '304, 'at most one block (, ) includes less than ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094138A1

Example computer racks to improve environmental sustainability in data centers are disclosed. An example computer rack includes a spine (); a first set of support structures () and a second set of support structures () extending from the spine (). Each of the support structures () is positioned to receive a respective blade. A first communication port is carried by the spine () and associated with the first set of support structures (). A second communication port is carried by the spine () and associated with the second set of support structures (). 1. A computer rack comprising:{'b': '125', 'a spine ();'}{'b': 500', '500', '125', '500, 'a first set of support structures () and a second set of support structures () extending from the spine (), each of the support structures () being positioned to receive a respective blade;'}{'b': 125', '500, 'a first communication port carried by the spine () and associated with the first set of support structures (); and'}{'b': 125', '500, 'a second communication port carried by the spine () and associated with the second set of support structures ().'}2500500510. The computer rack as described in claim 1 , wherein a first of the first set of support structures () claim 1 , a first of the second set of support structures () claim 1 , and a first central member of the spine () form a first H-shaped profile.3500500510. The computer rack as described in claim 2 , further comprising a second of the first set of support structures () claim 2 , a second of the second set of support structures () claim 2 , and a second central member of the spine () farm a second H-shaped profile claim 2 , the first and second H-shaped cross sections being separated by a distance claim 2 , the distance selected to streamline an airflow.4125. The computer rack as described in claim 1 , wherein the spine () includes a first column and a second column claim 1 , the first and second columns being generally oriented parallel to each other.5125. The computer ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130094141A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A low profile heat removal system suitable for removing excess heat generated by a component operating in a compact computing environment is disclosed. 1. (canceled)2. A low profile heat removal assembly , comprising:a heat pipe configured to transfer heat from a heat source to an external heat sink;a slug having a bottom surface in direct thermal contact with the heat pipe; anda stage comprising a fastener opening configured to accept a fastener having a size and shape in accordance with the fastener opening, the fastener configured to mechanically couple the stage to a support structure,wherein the heat pipe is disposed laterally with respect to the heat source, thereby allowing efficient heat transfer between the heat source and the heat pipe.3. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the stage further comprises a plurality of openings claim 2 , each opening configured to accept a fastener that couples the stage to the support structure.4. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 3 , wherein the heat pipe is integrally formed with the slug.5. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 4 , wherein the heat pipe is homogenous with the slug.6. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 5 , wherein the heat pipe is homogenous with both the slug and the stage.7. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 6 , wherein each of the plurality of fasteners is mechanically coupled to the stage by a spring.8. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 6 , wherein each of the plurality of fasteners is a shoulder screw configured to interact with both a boss disposed on the support structure and the spring to exert a predefined amount of force on the stage.9. The low profile heat removal assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the heat pipe has a flattened rectangular cross section having a width dimension at least four times greater than a height dimension.10. A method ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Molded Power Supply System Having a Thermally Insulated Component

Номер: US20130094169A1
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

A molded system ( 100 ) has a plurality of components ( 110, 120, 130 ) attached to a carrier ( 101 ), one of the components being an object ( 110 ) of irregular thermal capacitance. For example, carrier ( 101 ) may be a QFN/SON-type leadframe and object ( 110 ) an inductor of high thermal capacitance. The surface of the object is sealed with a hardened polymeric layer ( 220 ) of high thermal resistance, whereby the layer ( 220 ) thermally insulates the object ( 110 ) and inhibits the transport of thermal energy between the object and the system. System ( 100 ) has molding compound ( 140 ) encapsulating the carrier and the attached components including the object ( 110 ) and the polymeric layer sealing the object's surface.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Computer system with airflow guiding duct

Номер: US20130100600A1
Автор: Xiu-Quan Hu, Xiu-Zhong Yin

A computer system includes an enclosure, a printed circuit board, and an airflow guiding duct. The enclosure includes a bottom plate. The printed circuit board is mounted on the bottom plate. The printed circuit board includes a first heat generating element and a second heat generating element. The airflow guiding duct includes a top wall, a first sidewall, a second sidewall, a first mounting wall, and a second mounting wall. An input opening is surrounded by the top wall and the first and second sidewalls. A first output opening corresponds to the first heat generating element, and is surrounded by the top wall and the first and second mounting walls. A second output opening is defined in the second sidewall corresponding to the second heat generating element. An obtuse angle is defined between the second sidewall and the second mounting wall.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102237A1
Автор: WU Zhan, XIAO LIN, Zhou Jianjun
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Embodiments of the present invention provide a server, including a transition board which is disposed with power interfaces and fan interfaces, and the power interfaces and the fan interfaces are connected to a standardized power interface and a standardized fan interface on a motherboard respectively; the number of the power interfaces and the number of the fan interfaces are not smaller than the maximum number of power interfaces and the maximum number of fan interfaces in the commonly-used server motherboard respectively; and the power interfaces and the fan interfaces are connected to the power supply and the fan through the backplane respectively, so that the power interfaces and the fan interfaces are connected to the power supply and the fan through the power interfaces and the fan interfaces on the transition board respectively. Through the embodiments of the present invention, flexibility of replacing a motherboard may be improved. 1. A server , comprising:a power supply, a fan, a backplane, a motherboard and a transition board; whereinthe transition board is disposed with power interfaces and fan interfaces, and the power interfaces and the fan interfaces on the transition board are connected to a standardized power interface and a standardized fan interface on the motherboard respectively; the number of the power interfaces on the transition board and the number of the fan interfaces on the transition board are not smaller than the maximum number of power interfaces in a commonly-used server motherboard and the maximum number of fan interfaces in the commonly-used server motherboard respectively;the power interfaces and the fan interfaces on the transition board are connected to the power supply and the fan through the backplane respectively, so that the power interfaces and the fan interfaces on the motherboard are connected to the power supply and the fan through the power interfaces and the fan interfaces on the transition board respectively.2. The ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Television receiver and electronic device

Номер: US20130107137A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an electronic device includes: a housing configured to house a display including a display screen, the housing including an opening; a movable part exposed through the opening and positioned lower than a part of a circumferential portion of the opening, the movable part configured to slide in the opening along an outer surface of the housing; and a stepped portion in a part of a circumferential area of the opening.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107439A1

An electronic apparatus includes a first unit having a first power switch for turning on/off a data processing part, a hard disk drive device, a power supply part and the electronic apparatus, a second unit that is separated from the first unit, is supplied with the power from the power supply part in the first unit, and has a drive device of a detachable recording media and a second power switch having the same function as that of the first power switch, and a cable for communicating data between the first unit and the second unit and supplying power from the power supply part of the first unit to the second unit. 1. An information processing apparatus , comprising:a first unit having a first plurality of components including at least a motherboard on which a central processing unit is mounted, a power supply part, a storage device, a first power switch configured to turn the information processing apparatus on or off, and a first cooling unit;a second unit, that is physically separated and distinct from the first unit, having a second plurality of components including at least a keyboard, a second power switch configured to turn the information processing apparatus on or off independently from the first power switch, and a second cooling unit; anda connecting unit configured to transfer data and power between the first unit and the second unit, whereinthe first plurality of components included in the first unit have a higher heating value than the second plurality of components included in the second unit,the first cooling unit included in the first unit has a higher cooling capacity than the second cooling unit included in the second unit.2. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the second unit comprises one or more Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports.3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the second unit comprises a card reader.4. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein:the ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Modular Data Center Cooling

Номер: US20130107448A1

A datacenter cooling apparatus includes a portable housing having lifting and transporting structures for moving the apparatus, opposed sides in the housing, at least one of the opposed sides defining one or more air passage openings arranged to capture warmed air from rack-mounted electronics, opposed ends in the housing, at least one of the opposed ends defining one or more air passage openings positioned to allow lateral passage of captured air into and out of the housing, and one or more cooling coils associated with the housing to receive and cool the captured warm air, and provide the cooled air for circulation into a datacenter workspace. 1. A datacenter cooling apparatus , comprising:a portable housing having lifting and transporting structures for moving the apparatus,opposed sides in the housing, at least one of the opposed sides defining one or more air passage openings arranged to capture warmed air from rack-mounted electronics;opposed ends in the housing, at least one of the opposed ends defining one or more air passage openings positioned to allow lateral passage of captured air into and out of the housing; andone or more cooling coils associated with the housing to receive and cool the captured warm air, and provide the cooled air for circulation into a datacenter workspace.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the opposed sides each define openings to engage with back-to-back computer racks.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising computer racks on opposed sides of the apparatus claim 2 , and positioned to provide warm air to the apparatus.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a space inside the housing between the opposed faces in the warm-air plenum whereby warm air may pass from one of the one computer rack to an opposed computer rack.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising skid mounts on the housing to permit movement of the apparatus using a mechanical lift.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing defines a ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Scalable up and down nesting integrated electronic enclosures with form factors including asteroids and/or dumbbells and/or approximated tessellation(s)/tiling(s) or combinations thereof with thermal management, wiring, sliding fit, manual and/or automated full range vertical to horizontal positioning, access and structural systems for individual modules and intra-and inter-planar stacks, columns, rows, arrays and associated infrastructures

Номер: US20130120920A1
Автор: Dunn, JR. Richard Anthony

Scalable up and down nesting integrated electronic enclosures with form factors including asteroids and/or dumbbells and/or approximated tessellation(s)/tiling(s) or combinations thereof with thermal management, wiring, sliding fit, manual and/or automated full range vertical to horizontal positioning, access and structural systems for individual modules and intra- and inter-planar stacks, columns, rows, arrays and associated infrastructures. 1. A modular enclosure system based on the approximated tessellation(s)/tiling(s) of standard shapes including the triangle , square , hexagon , octagon and dodecagon , for routing and re-routing of data , fail over , feedback , command and control of computers , bus based systems , networks , machinery and machine farms , process control with or without feedback and signaling/signal conditioning to include with appropriate hardware and software comprising:Nesting enclosure(s) with inter-module side wall bulkhead to sidewall bulkhead and end cap basket to end cap cover sliding fit,Optional integrated manual module positioning cable gripper actuator assembly,Master cooling/wiring plenum stack support system for deploying enclosures,Hot swap based wiring system,External inter-module signal/signal conditioning/interconnect systemCard cage,Integrated thermal management system,Structural integrity/assembly system,Explosion proofing system,Structural building system,Upholstery system,Automated/manual enclosure/module stack and array physical support, deployment, mobilization and work room generation system,Hydraulic positioning system.2. The enclosure system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the preferred embodiments of the enclosure enjoy mathematically provable optimization of planar space by empirical geometric construction and hence by extension and extrusion claim 1 , inter-planar Minkowski space [X claim 1 , Y claim 1 , Z claim 1 , t] claim 1 , less that allowance for inter-module heat transfer via channels/ducting/chimneys claim ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Enclosure and electronic device using same

Номер: US20130120921A1
Автор: Jui-Kun Hsieh
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

An enclosure of an electronic device includes a number of thin film solar cells formed on the exterior, and a power module connected to the thin film solar cells. The thin film solar cells convert light impinging on the enclosure into electrical energy. The power module stores and distributes the electrical energy converted by the thin film solar cells to the electronic device.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Flexible Tier Data Center

Номер: US20130120929A1
Принадлежит: Yahoo! Inc.

A server cooling system includes: a flex-switch with one or more flexible building bridges; one or more utility farms coupled with the flex-switch; a power distribution unit operably connected to the flex-switch; and a server POD including one or more racks operably connected to the power distribution unit. The flex-switch is configurable to include additional utility farms, one or more generator farms, and one or more UPS farms. 1. A server cooling system comprisingan inside space defined by a floor, one or more lateral walls, and a roof;a flex-switch comprising one or more flexible building bridges;one or more utility farms coupled with the flex-switch;a PDU (power distribution unit) operably connected to the flex-switch;a server POD, installed in the inside space, comprising one or more racks operably connected to the PDU; andwherein the flex-switch is configurable to include additional utility farms, one or more generator farms, and one or more UPS (uninterruptible power supply) farms after construction of the server cooling system is completed.2. The server cooling system of wherein the one or more flexible building bridges are operable to switch power in a fixed power increment.3. The server cooling system of wherein the one or more flexible building bridges are operable to switch power in a fixed power increment of 200 KW.4. The server cooling system of wherein the one or more flexible building bridges are operable to switch power in variable power increments.5. The server cooling system of claim 1 , wherein configurations of the flex-switch comprise the configuration of a Tier 1 data center.6. A server cooling system comprisingan inside space defined by a floor, one or more lateral walls, and a roof;a flex-switch comprising one or more flexible building bridges;one or more utility farms coupled with the flex-switch;one or more generator farms coupled with the flex-switch;a server POD, installed in the inside space and coupled with the flex-switch and a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device enclosure with bracket for fan module

Номер: US20130127311A1

An enclosure includes a chassis and a bracket. The chassis includes a bottom plate and a top plate for the bracket to receive therein. A limiting portion is protruded the bottom plate. The bracket includes a base, a latching member, and a stopping member. The latching member is secured to the base and includes a latching portion. The stopping member is secured to the base and includes a hook. The latching member is rotatable between a first position and a second position relative to the base; when the latching member is in the first position, the hook is engaged with the latching member, the latching portion is engaged with the limiting portion, for preventing the bracket from disengaging from the chassis; when the latching member is in the second position, the hook is elastically deformable to disengage from the latching member, the latching portion is disengaged from the limiting portion.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130128450A1
Принадлежит: 4Energy Limited

A removable vent () for an air ventilation system, the vent comprising: a frame () configured to allow the vent to be removably mounted within an opening; a grille () configured to allow the passage of air through the vent from a first face to a second opposing face; and a passive air flow diverter () extending beyond the first face () of the vent and configured to redirect air flowing laterally across the first face to flow through the vent. 1. A removable vent for an air ventilation system , the removable vent comprising:a frame configured to allow the vent to be removably mounted within an opening;a grille configured to allow the passage of air through the vent from a first face to an opposing second face; anda passive air flow diverter extending beyond the first face of the vent and configured to redirect air flowing laterally across the first face to flow through the vent.2. The vent of wherein the air flow diverter comprises a scoop extending laterally across a portion of the first face of the vent.3. The vent of wherein the scoop has a curved sectional shape.4. The vent of wherein the air flow diverter comprises a first diverter extending across an edge of the grille and a second diverter extending across a mid-portion of the vent.5. The vent of wherein the first diverter extends beyond the first face of the vent further than the second diverter.6. The vent of wherein the first diverter has a greater width than the second diverter.7. The vent of wherein the air flow diverter is rotatably mounted to the vent to allow the diverter to rotate to face a direction of air flow across the first face.8. The vent of wherein a rotational position of the diverter is selectable by means of an adjuster provided on an upper face of the vent.9. The vent according to comprising an adjustable louver assembly for controlling airflow through the vent.10. An underfloor ventilation system comprising the removable vent of claim 1 , wherein the vent is mounted within an opening in a ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Dynamically limiting energy consumed by cooling apparatus

Номер: US20130138252A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Cooling apparatuses and methods are provided which include one or more coolant-cooled structures associated with an electronics rack, a coolant loop coupled in fluid communication with one or more passages of the coolant-cooled structure(s), one or more heat exchange units coupled to facilitate heat transfer from coolant within the coolant loop, and N controllable components associated with the coolant loop or the heat exchange unit(s), wherein N≧1. The N controllable components facilitate circulation of coolant through the coolant loop or transfer of heat from the coolant via the heat exchange unit(s). A controller is coupled to the N controllable components, and dynamically adjusts operation of the N controllable components, based on Z input parameters and one or more specified constraints, to provide a specified cooling to the coolant-cooled structure(s), while limiting energy consumed by the N controllable components, wherein Z≧1.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Heat dissipation system

Номер: US20130141865A1
Автор: Bo Tian, Kang Wu

An exemplary heat dissipating system includes a case, a motherboard, an air conducting guide dividing the motherboard into a first area and a second area, a group of first fans, and a group of second fans. The group of first fans and the group of second fans draw cool air into the first area and the second area from different directions for dissipating heat generated by electronic components on the motherboard.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Cooled Planer

Номер: US20130147503A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A liquid cooled planer including: one or more computing components mounted on the planer, wherein at least one or more of the computing components is liquid cooled; one or more conductive cooling components mounted on the planer; and one or more convective cooling components mounted on the planer, wherein the convective cooling components are removable from the planer without removing the conductive cooling components from the planer.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148291A1
Автор: Slessman George

Described are methods, systems, and apparatus relating to a modular data center. In some embodiments, a modular data center includes one or more data modules. The modular data center includes a network module connected to the one or more data modules, the network module containing equipment for facilitating data communications by the one or more data modules. The modular data center includes a power module connected to the one or more data modules and the network module, the power module containing electronics equipment for conditioning and distributing power to the one or more data modules and the network module. In the modular data center, each module of the one or more data modules, the network module, and the power module comprises: an enclosure defining an internal space; a floor within the enclosure separating the internal space into an above-floor space and a sub-floor space; and a plurality of bays in the subfloor space, each bay of the plurality of bays configured to contain a field-replaceable environmental management component. 1. A data center comprising:one or more data modules;a network module connected to the one or more data modules, the network module comprising equipment for facilitating data communications by the one or more data modules;a power module connected to the one or more data modules and the network module, the power module comprising electronics equipment for conditioning and distributing power to at least one of the one or more data modules and the network module, an enclosure defining an internal space;', 'a floor within the enclosure separating the internal space into an above-floor space and a sub-floor space; and', 'a plurality of bays in the subfloor space, wherein at least a first bay of the plurality of bays is configured to contain a field-replaceable environmental management component., 'wherein each module of the one or more data modules, the network module, and the power module comprises2. The data center of claim 1 , ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Heat dissipation system with dimm baffle

Номер: US20130155625A1
Автор: Xiu-Quan Hu, Xiu-Zhong Yin

A baffle guides airflow into two heat areas in a heat dissipation system. Each of the two heat areas includes a plurality of slots. The baffle includes a main body, an interval portion, and a clasp. The interval portion is located on the main body. The clasp is located on the main body opposite to the interval portion. The clasp includes a resilient clip and a stand portion vertically located on the resilient clip. The stand portion is engaged with at least one of the slots. The interval portion extends between two of the plurality of slots.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Alarm system and method for fans

Номер: US20130162435A1
Автор: Lei Shi

An alarm system for a fan includes a first obtaining unit, a second obtaining unit, a storage unit, a control unit, and an alarm unit. The first obtaining unit is configured to obtain a temperature of a chip at a regular time interval. When the temperature of the chip is greater than a first predetermined value, the control unit obtains a standard speed of the fan corresponding to the temperature through the second obtaining unit, and obtains a standard speed of the fan corresponding to the temperature from the storage unit. When the number of times the speed of the fan is not in synchronization with the temperature of the CPU reaches a third predetermined value, the alarm unit sends alarm information.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163171A1
Автор: Fujiwara Nobuto

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes a housing, a cooling fan in the housing including an intake and a discharge hole, and a wind shielding portion between the intake of the cooling fan and the discharge hole of the cooling fan. The wind shielding portion partitions at least partially an inner space of the housing. 1. An electronic apparatus comprising:a housing comprising a first inlet and an outlet;a circuit board comprising a first heating element in the housing;a heat sink facing the outlet in the housing;a heat pipe thermally connecting the first heating element to the heat sink;a cooling fan comprising a first intake and a discharge hole, the discharge hole facing the first heating element, the first heating element located nearer to the heat sink than the cooling fan, wherein the discharge hole, the first heating element and the heat sink are located in this order in a flow direction of a wind from the discharge hole; anda wind shield at least partially extending along the discharge hole of the cooling fan and at least partially partitioning the housing into a first chamber and a second chamber,wherein the first chamber comprises the first inlet of the housing and the first intake of the cooling fan, andwherein the second chamber comprises the outlet of the housing, the first heating element, the heat sink, the heat pipe, and the discharge hole of the cooling fan.2. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the housing further comprises a palm rest and a keyboard mount recessed from the palm rest,the cooling fan is below the palm rest, andthe circuit board is below the keyboard mount.3. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the cooling fan further comprises a second intake opposite to the first intake and exposed to the first chamber.4. The electronic apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the second intake faces the palm rest.5. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the housing further comprises a second inlet exposed to ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Heat dissipation apparatus for memory cards

Номер: US20130163174A1
Автор: Jun-Hui Wang, Wei-Min He

A heat dissipation apparatus is used for accelerating heat dissipation of a memory card mounted to a circuit board. The heat dissipation apparatus includes a mounting bracket supported on the circuit board and a fan mounted to the mounting bracket. The mounting bracket includes to a mounting plate arranged over the memory card, and a plurality of legs extending down from the mounting plate to be fixed to the circuit board. The fan is attached to the mounting plate to align with the memory card.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Data center docking station and cartridge

Номер: US20130163185A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A data center may be built from docking stations, and from removable and replaceable IT cartridges. In one example, a docking station is built that provides cooling capability, and other support capability, for IT equipment. An IT cartridge is coupled to the docking station, thereby allowing the IT equipment in the cartridge to receive cooling and other support from the docking station, without the cartridge having any cooling infrastructure (or without having a substantial cooling infrastructure). Since IT equipment may have a shorter useful life than cooling equipment (or other non-IT equipment), when the IT equipment has reached the end of its useful life, the IT cartridge can be retired, and replaced with a new IT cartridge, thereby allowing the longer-lived equipment in the docking station to be easily reused with new IT equipment.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Hand-Held Electronic Devices and Related Methods for Improving Thermal Behavior of Such Devices

Номер: US20130163189A1
Автор: Bogdan Ionut Tudosoiu
Принадлежит: HTC Corp

Hand-held electronic devices and methods for improving thermal behavior of such devices are provided. In this regard, a representative hand-held electronic device includes: a processor operative to execute instructions; a kinetic energy harvester operative to generate electrical power responsive to movement of the hand-held electronic device; and a Peltier component in thermal communication with the processor, the Peltier component being operative to receive power from the kinetic energy harvester and to remove heat from the processor.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Cabinet with cooling system

Номер: US20130163194A1

A cabinet includes a chassis, a server module, a first cooling module, and a number of second cooling modules. The server module includes servers received in the chassis, and each server includes heat generating components. The first cooling module includes first fans. The second cooling modules are mounted in each server. Each second cooling module includes a second fan and a temperature sensor electrically connected to the second fan. When temperatures measured by the sensors are lower than a predetermined temperature, only the first fans are employed to dissipate heat of the servers; when any of the measured temperatures is higher than the predetermined temperature, the temperature sensor that detected the higher temperature transmits a signal to the corresponding second fan for starting the second fan.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Mounting apparatus for fan module

Номер: US20130168530A1

A mounting apparatus for a fan module includes a mounting assembly, a cover, and a control module. The mounting assembly includes a base for receiving the fan module and a mounting member. The base includes a bottom plate. The mounting member includes a body secured to the bottom plate, a latching end extending obliquely from the body, and a latching piece extending from the latching end. The cover is secured to the base. The control module includes a driving member slidably mounted to the base including a latching portion. The latching portion is located between the latching end and the bottom plate. The latching piece extends out of the bottom plate and is adapted to engage with an object. The driving member can slide, to elastically deform the latching end away from the bottom plate, to move the latching piece towards the bottom plate.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Computer Comprising an Air Channeling System for Cooling Electronic Boards

Номер: US20130170132A1
Принадлежит: THALES

The electronic computer according to the invention comprises: 1. An electronic computer comprising:a storage case comprising a housing including an air inlet and an air outlet for the circulation of a flow of cooling air through the housing,an electronic motherboard comprising a first surface and a second surface, the electronic motherboard being received in the housing such that the electronic motherboard defines a partition opposing the flow of air, the air entering the housing striking the first surface the second surface being provided with connectors for receiving electronic daughterboards, andan air channeling system configured so as to channel the air hitting the first surface of the electronic motherboard to bring it to the side of the second surface of the electronic motherboard,wherein the air channeling system is configured to spray the electronic daughterboards received on the electronic motherboard with channeled air, so as to cool said electronic daughterboards through convection of the air.2. The electronic computer according to claim 1 , wherein the air channeling system includes at least one air circulation duct comprising a plurality of calibrated openings claim 1 , each opening being provided to form an air jet flowing along an electronic daughterboard received on a connector claim 1 , the air jet flowing in a spraying direction that is inclined relative to the largest dimension of the electronic motherboard claim 1 , preferably parallel to the largest dimension of the electronic motherboard.3. The electronic computer according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic motherboard comprises at least one notch allowing the flow of air.4. The electronic computer according to claim 3 , wherein the air channeling system is supplied from a notch.5. The electronic computer according to claim 1 , wherein the air channeling system comprises a series of openings extending along a space for receiving an electronic daughterboard claim 1 , the openings being ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Rack level hot aisle containment system

Номер: US20130176678A1
Автор: Joseph Kyle Campbell

A method and system of cooling a server rack unit is described herein. A server rack for housing certain devices may be configured to receive a first air flow at a server rack front. Each device may form a wall at the back of the device creating a channel between the wall and the server rack back. The camber may collect warm air created by the first air flow as it extends over the at least one server. A first surface of the server may define at least one server rack opening allowing the warm air in the channel to exit the server rack.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Cooling System for Electronic Components

Номер: US20130176679A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide for non interruptive fluid cooling of an electronic enclosure. One or more electronic component packages may be removable from a circuit card having a fluid flow system. When installed, the electronic component packages are coincident to and in a thermal relationship with the fluid flow system. If a particular electronic component package becomes non-functional, it may be removed from the electronic enclosure without affecting either the fluid flow system or other neighboring electronic component packages. 1. An electronic apparatus , comprising , a motherboard ,a fluid cooled heat sink projecting above a first surface of said motherboard;a first and a second electronic component package removably mounted to said motherboard at opposite sides of said fluid cooled heat sink, each said first and second electronic component package having at least one respective heat generating electronic component, each said first and second electronic component package being thermally coupled to said fluid cooled heat sink when mounted to said motherboard to provide cooling of said first and second electronic component packages;wherein said first electronic component package is independently removable from said motherboard without thermally decoupling said second electronic component package from said fluid cooled heat sink, and said second electronic component package is independently removable from said motherboard without thermally decoupling said first electronic component package from said fluid cooled heat sink.2. The electronic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the fluid cooled heat sink comprises:a riser, the bottom of the riser fixedly and directly connected to the motherboard and the top of the riser thermally connected to a pipe for transmitting a cooling fluid.3. The electronic apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the riser comprises a respective recess on each side thereof facing a respective electronic component package claim 2 , and ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130179000A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Methods and apparatuses to automatically adjust a thermal requirement of a data processing system are described. One or more conditions associated with a data processing system are detected. A temperature requirement for the data processing system is determined based on the one or more conditions. The performance of the data processing system may be throttled to maintain a temperature of the data processing system below the temperature requirement. Detecting the one or more conditions associated with the data processing system may include determining a location of the data processing system based on a measured motion, a state of a peripheral device, a position of one portion of the data processing system (e.g., a lid) relative another portion of the data processing system (e.g., a bottom portion), a type of application operating on the data processing system, or any combination thereof. 1. A machine-implemented method , comprising:detecting a motion of a data processing system;determining a position of the data processing system based on the detecting; andadjusting a temperature set point for the data processing system based on the position.2. The machine-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprisingthrottling a performance of the data processing system to maintain a data processing system temperature below the temperature set point.3. The machine-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the detecting the motion includesmeasuring accelerations associated with the data processing system.4. The machine-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the position includesincreasing a confidence for a first location of the data processing system if the motion is not detected within a first time interval; andincreasing the confidence for a second location of the data processing system if the motion is detected within the first time interval.5. The machine-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the determining the position includesincreasing a confidence for ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130182389A1
Принадлежит: BULL SAS

The invention relates to a heat sink for an interchangeable expansion module that can be connected to a computer board, said heat sink having at least one cooling module in which a coolant flows, and at least one first electrical connector, wherein said expansion module () has at least one second electrical connector configured to be connected to said first electrical connector of said board, and has at least one heat-exchange surface (), said heat sink () comprising at least one heat-transfer device () configured to be removably placed against said exchange surface (), and said device () further being configured such that it is in thermal contact with said cooling module and is mechanically attached, in a removable manner, to said cooling module of said board when said extension module () is connected to said board. 11312410413121181911811920120211211819118119410421121313141041. A heat sink for an interchangeable expansion module able to be connected to a computer board , said board () having at least one cooling module () in which passes a cooling fluid and at least one first electrical connector () , said expansion module (; ) having at least one second electrical connector () configured to be connected to said at least one first electrical connector () of said board () and at least one heat exchange surface ( , ; , ) , characterized in that said heat sink (; ) comprises at least one heat-transfer device (; ) configured to be placed removably against said exchange surface ( , ; , ) of said expansion module (; ) , which at least one said device (; ) is furthermore configured such that it is in thermal contact with said cooling module () of said board () and is removably fastened mechanically to said cooling module () of said board () when said expansion module (; ) is connected to said board ().251521802112118191181194104. A heat sink according to claim 1 , further comprising a thermal interface ( claim 1 , ; ) sandwiched between said heat-transfer device (; ) and ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Synthetic Jet Ejector For The Thermal Management of PCI Cards

Номер: US20130188307A1
Принадлежит: NUVENTIX, INC.

A method for constructing a thermal management system is provided herein. In accordance with the method, a fan () is provided which is adapted to provide a global flow of fluid through the device. A synthetic jet ejector () is also provided which is adapted to augment the global flow of fluid over the surfaces of a heat sink (). The ratio of the flow per unit time of the synthetic jet ejector to the flow per unit time of the fan is selected so as to achieve a desired level of heat dissipation. 19-. (canceled)10. An add-on card , comprising:a card substrate;a heat sink mounted on a first surface of said card substrate; anda synthetic jet ejector disposed on said card substrate and being adapted to direct a plurality of synthetic jets toward said heat sink.11. The add-on card of claim 10 , wherein said synthetic jet ejector is disposed adjacent to said heat sink.12. The add-on card of claim 10 , wherein said heat sink comprises a plurality of fins claim 10 , wherein said synthetic jet ejector is equipped with a plurality of nozzles claim 10 , and wherein each of said plurality of nozzles is adapted to direct a synthetic jet between a pair of said plurality of fins.13. The add-on card of claim 10 , wherein most of the circuitry is disposed on a second surface of said card substrate.14. The add-on card of claim 10 , wherein said synthetic jet ejector is mounted on a substrate by way of at least one flange.15. The add-on card of claim 14 , wherein said at least one flange is secured to said substrate by way of a fastener which releasably engages a feature provided on said substrate claim 14 , and wherein said flange claim 14 , fastener and feature are adapted to orient the synthetic jet ejector on said substrate such that said actuator will direct a plurality of synthetic jets toward said heat sink.16. The add-on card of claim 10 , wherein said synthetic jet ejector is adapted to direct a plurality of synthetic jets in a plurality of directions.17. The add-on card of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188308A1

Efficient heat exhaust is performed in accordance with inclination of a housing of an information terminal apparatus which is caused depending on a way of installing the information terminal apparatus or of an operator's carrying the information terminal apparatus. 1. An information terminal apparatus comprising a heat exhaust system in a housing of the information apparatus , whereinthe heat exhaust system performs heat exhaust control by which heat is exhausted from a higher portion in height difference of the information terminal which is generated by inclination of the information terminal apparatus.2. The information terminal apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is an approximately rectangular parallelepiped in shape claim 1 , is provided with a display screen on an upper surface of the housing claim 1 , and includes an opening for exhausting heat on a side surface of the housing.3. The information terminal apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein: a section equipped with a rotary shaft and a rotating object with the rotary shaft as its center,', 'a rotating fin disposed in the vicinity of the rotating object, and', 'a driving source which drives the rotating fin,, 'a first heat exhaust system which carries out the heat exhaust control includes'}the rotating object is provided with a weight at a part of it, and includes an opening at a position which is approximately symmetrical to the weight about the rotary shaft, andcaused by inclination of the information terminal apparatus, a position of the opening is determined in response to rotation of the rotating object induced by the own weight of the weight and, in accordance with driving of the rotating fin by the driving source, heat is exhausted through the opening.4. The information terminal apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein:a second heat exhaust system which carries out the heat exhaust control includes,an exhaust guide, andan exhaust plate, andcaused by inclination of the information ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188309A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies, Inc.

A computer system includes a chassis, one or more hard disk drives coupled to the chassis, and one or more air passages under at least one of the hard disk drives. The air passages include one or more air inlets and one or more air outlets. The inlets direct at least a portion of the air downwardly into the passages. The passages allow air to move from the air inlets to the air outlets. 1. A system , comprising:a rack;one or more computer systems mounted in the rack;two or more alternating current (AC) fans coupled to the rack, wherein at least one of the AC fans is configured to move air through at least two of the computer systems mounted in the rack.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the AC fans is configured to pull air toward the rear of the rack.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the AC fans is mounted the rack at an angle.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the AC fans is mounted in a rear panel in the rack.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the AC fans comprise at least one row of two or more AC fans mounted at an angle relative to the rack.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a rack power distribution unit coupled to the rack claim 1 , wherein at least one of the AC fans is coupled to the rack power distribution unit.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the rack power distribution unit supplies primary power to the at least one AC fan claim 6 , the system further comprising a reserve rack power distribution unit coupled to the rack claim 6 , wherein the reserve rack power distribution unit is configured to supply power to the at least one AC fan in the event of a failure of primary power to the AC fan.8. The system of claim 6 , further comprising one or more automatic transfer switches coupled to the at least one AC fan claim 6 , wherein at least one of the automatic transfer switches is configured to switch power to the at least one AC fan from primary power to reserve power in the event of a failure in ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Cold Row Encapsulation for Server Farm Cooling System

Номер: US20130188310A1

A server cooling device is described that includes an enclosure defining an interior space and at least one server rack port configured to engage a rack such that one or more rack mounted units installed in the rack interface with the interior space. The server cooling device also includes a mixing chamber including one or more cooling coils that is connected to the interior space defined by the enclosure. 1. A server cooling device , comprising:an enclosure defining an interior space and comprising at least one server rack port configured to engage a rack such that one or more rack mounted units installed in the rack interface with the interior space; anda mixing chamber including one or more cooling coils that is connected to the interior space defined by the enclosure.2. The server cooling device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one server rack port is configured to conform to an outer periphery of a server rack.3. The server cooling device of claim 2 , wherein the at least one server rack port can be sealed when attached to the at least one server rack.4. The server cooling device of claim 3 , wherein the at least one server rack port includes a gasket configured to seal a server rack within a corresponding server rack port.5. The server cooling device of claim 1 , wherein the server rack port comprises one or more racks on which one or more servers is placed.6. The server cooling device of claim 1 , wherein the mixing chamber includes one or more humidifiers.7. The server cooling device of claim 6 , wherein the humidifiers are controlled by an electronic device that monitors humidity of air inside and outside of a room housing the server cooling device.8. A server cooling room claim 6 , comprising:one or more openings whereby air inside and outside the server cooling room is exchanged;one or more server racks on which one or more servers is placed; andone or more cooling devices attached to the one or more server racks and attached to the one or more air ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Cooling and noise-reduction apparatus

Номер: US20130188311A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

A cooling and noise-reduction apparatus for a computing device disposable within a structure having a central air conditioning system is provided. The computing device includes a heat generating component, an enclosure having first and second inlets, a fan configured to drive coolant from the first inlet to the heat generating component, a vent operably interposed between the second inlet and the heat generating component and a controller coupled to the fan and the vent to respectively control operations thereof. The cooling and noise-reduction apparatus includes a ducting element configured to flexibly and fluidly couple the second inlet with the central air conditioning system.

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190941A1

Resource management for data centers is disclosed. In an exemplary embodiment, a method includes determining electrical power usage for the data center, and determining cooling fluid usage for the data center. The method also includes processing a resource utilization cap for the data center, and adjust ng at least one of the electrical power and the cooling fluid for the data center based on the resource utilization cap. 1. A method of managing resources for a data center , comprising:determining electrical power usage for the data center;determining cooling fluid usage for the data center;processing a resource utilization cap for the data center; andadjusting at least one of the electrical power and the cooling fluid usage for the data center based on the resource utilization cap.2. The method of further comprising adjusting usage of electrical power by one or more heat-generating components in the data center to satisfy the resource utilization cap.3. The method of further comprising timing usage of one or more heat-generating components in the data center to satisfy the resource utilization cap.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising aggregating usage of one or more heat-generating components in the data center to satisfy the resource utilization cap.5. The method of wherein aggregating usage of one or more heat-generating components in the data center includes turning on the heat-generating components in a same rack and turning off the heat-generating components in other racks.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adjusting flow of a cooling fluid to satisfy the resource utilization cap.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising utilizing a secondary coolant to satisfy the resource utilization cap.8. A resource management system for a data center claim 1 , comprising:a controller operatively associated with electrical power and cooling fluid for the data center;a requirements manager configured to process a resource utilization cap for the data ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Operation management method of information processing system

Номер: US20130191676A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

Power saving of a data center is realized by learning a correlation between a state of cooling efficiency of the entire IT equipment units and a workload of each IT equipment unit from an operation history and placing a workload on an IT equipment unit by using the correlation. An IT workload placement optimization function samples data from an operation history of various IT equipment units in a server room by using three criteria of temperature, workload, and time, classifies the data into cooling efficiency conditions of the entire IT equipment units, and outputs a workload placement directive for determining placement of workload on each IT equipment unit from the correlation between the cooling efficiency condition and the workload to a workload management server, so that the workload management server can effectively extract influence on the cooling efficiency from the operation history and use the influence to place the workload.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Monitoring Operating Parameters In A Distributed Computing System With Active Messages

Номер: US20130191851A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

In a distributed computing system including a nodes organized for collective operations: initiating, by a root node through an active message to all other nodes, a collective operation, the active message including an instruction to each node to store operating parameter data in each node's send buffer; and, responsive to the active message: storing, by each node, the node's operating parameter data in the node's send buffer and returning, by the node, the operating parameter data as a result of the collective operation.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Liquid-cooled memory system having one cooling pipe per pair of dimms

Номер: US20130194745A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Each pair of memory modules in a memory system are cooled using a shared cooling pipe, such as a heat pipe or liquid flow pipe. An example embodiment includes one pair of memory module sockets on opposite sides of the respective cooling pipe. An inner heat spreader plate is thermally coupled to the cooling pipe and in thermal engagement with a first face of the memory module adjacent to the included cooling pipe. Heat is conducted from the second face of the memory module to the cooling pipe, such as from an outer plate in thermal engagement with an opposing second face of the memory modules and with the inner plate.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for managing output energy levels

Номер: US20130194746A1
Автор: Ian Lockerbie
Принадлежит: Novatel Wireless Inc

Systems and methods are provided for controlling output energy levels in wireless communications devices, such as wireless USB modems, while optimizing performance of the wireless communications devices. Controlling output energy levels includes controlling specific absorption rate (SAR) levels and heat levels generated by one or more radiating elements in a wireless communications device. Controlling output energy levels is achieved by integrating one or more radiating elements in a movable device, such a fan and/or by incorporating a moving reflector element, such as a fan, proximate to one or more radiating elements. Integrating the one or more radiating elements in, e.g., a fan, or by using a fan near the one or more radiating elements, the radiation pattern resulting from the output energy may be spatially averaged and/or dithered, reducing SAR levels and allowing for excessive output heat energy to be vented and/or one or more radiating elements to be cooled.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201618A1
Принадлежит: Amazon Technologies, Inc.

A modular computing system for a data center includes one or more data center modules including rack-mounted computer systems. An electrical module is coupled to the data center modules and provides electrical power to computer systems in the data center modules. One or more air handling modules are coupled to the data center modules. The data center module may include two pre-fabricated portions, each portion including a row of racks of computer systems. The two computing module portions of the data center module may combine to form a computing space when coupled to one another. 124.-. (canceled)25. A data center module , comprising:a first data center module portion comprising a first row of racks of computer systems;a second data center module portion comprising a second row of racks of computer systems;wherein the first data center module portion and the second data center module portion combine to form a computing space when coupled to one another.26. The data center module of claim 25 , wherein the first data center module portion and the second computing module portion are pre-fabricated.27. The data center module of claim 25 , wherein the first data center module portion and the second computing module portion are pre-fabricated and interchangeable with one another.28. The data center module of claim 25 , wherein the computing space comprises a joint aisle between the first row of the first data center module portion and the second row of the second data center module portion.29. The data center module of claim 25 , wherein at least one of the racks of the first row of racks is configured to receive air from the joint aisle and exhaust air from the rack claim 25 , and wherein at least one of the racks of the second row of racks is configured to receive air from the joint aisle and exhaust air from the rack.30. The data center module of claim 25 , further comprising one or more air handling modules configured to couple to at least one of the first data center ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201623A1

A computer or microchip comprising an outer chamber and at least one inner chamber inside the outer chamber. The outer chamber and the inner chamber being separated at least in part by an internal sipe, and at least a portion of a surface of the outer chamber forming at least a portion of a surface of the internal sipe. The internal sipe has opposing surfaces that are separate from each other and therefore can move relative to each other, and at least a portion of the opposing surfaces are in contact with each other in a unloaded condition. The outer chamber including a Faraday Cage. A computer, comprising an undiced semiconductor wafer having a multitude of microchips. The multitude of microchips on the wafer forming a plurality of independently functioning computers, each computer having independent communication capabilities. 1. A computer or microchip , comprising:an outer chamber;at least one inner chamber inside said outer chamber;said outer chamber and said inner chamber being separated at least in part by an internal sipe; andat least a portion of a surface of said outer chamber forming at least a portion of a surface of said internal sipe;said internal sipe has opposing surfaces that are separate from each other and therefore can move relative to each other;at least a portion of said opposing surfaces are in contact with each other in a unloaded condition; andthe outer chamber including a Faraday Cage.2. The computer or microchip according to claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of said surfaces of said sipe are separated by a cooling media when unloaded.3. The computer or microchip according to claim 1 , further including more than one chamber and internal sipe.4. The computer or microchip according to claim 1 , further including more than two chambers and internal sipes.5. The computer or microchip according to claim 1 , further including a photovoltaic cell or fuel cell or battery or a combination of two or all three.6. The computer or microchip ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208418A1
Автор: Lucido Michael Victor

Users of portable computers tend to carelessly place their usage of such where damage to their units become inevitable, unintentionally setting them in places which blocks air from circulating through such systems. 1. A platform made of a rigid substrate with smooth surfaces on two main flat sides and cut according to appropriate measurements of the utility it serves , and fastened to the object of its utility in a way not devised by any other , before this application , and has not been published in any form prior to the disclosure of Provisional Patent Application to USPTO , Feb. 18 , 2011. *2. The present invention has a unique approach in the way that it provides an attractive and ergonomic utility for protecting a laptop computer's airflow over which a platform fits so snugly that the user soon forgets it is part of the system , having no rubber footings , and no other objective apparatus to hinder any part of its appeal , is by and large and without question beneficially useful and unique within its application.3. Utilizing a modification of hook and loop tape fasteners , which is a unique product of this utility , the platform becomes affixable to the unit , as such does so in that it become part of the inheritable system , not to be removed for any reason other than repair or maintenance , the same as would be for the housing of the components which provide the operating system of the data processing appliance , itself.4. Such as the processing unit which the platform supports has default parameters , so does the utility of the affixable platform has default measurements and has a smooth bottom which provides within its default configuration , no rubber stationary supports. This default uniformity provides unique characteristics to the handling of the system , both for transport and usage , uniquely beneficial , and different than any other system devised.5. The fastening system this platform uses is another modification unique within this utility. The hook ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Temperature control system

Номер: US20130208419A1
Автор: Jie Li

A temperature control system includes a motherboard, a first fan to cool the motherboard, and a baseboard management controller (BMC) connected to the first fan. The motherboard includes a front end area including a first temperature sensor, and a rear end area including a second temperature sensor. The BMC is connected to the first temperature sensor to receive a first temperature sensed by the first temperature sensor, and connected to the second temperature sensor to receive a second temperature sensed by the second temperature sensor. When the first temperature is more than the second temperature, the BMC controls rotational speed of the first fan according to the first temperature. When the second temperature is more than the first temperature, the BMC controls rotational speed of the first fan according to the second temperature.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Heat dissipating mechanism adapted to an electronic device and electronic device therewith

Номер: US20130213617A1
Автор: Wei-Cheng Chou
Принадлежит: Wistron Corp

A heat dissipating mechanism includes a first housing, a second housing and a tributary hole structure. The first housing is installed on a host casing. At least one inlet and at least one outlet are formed on two sides of the first housing. The second housing combines with the first housing, and the second housing and the host casing form a flow channel for communicating with the at least one inlet and the at least one outlet, so as to guide liquid from the at least one inlet to the at least one outlet. The tributary hole structure is formed on the flow channel and located in a position between the at least one inlet and the at least one outlet. The tributary hole structure is higher than the at least one outlet for guiding air from the at least one inlet to a fan.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Fixing apparatus for fan

Номер: US20130216373A1
Автор: Zheng-Heng Sun
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A fixing apparatus for a fan includes a bottom wall, and a fixing member for fixing the fan. A first fixing portion and a second fixing portion are formed on the bottom wall. The fixing member includes a plate defining a through hole, and an extension piece extending from a side of the board. The through hole includes a first hole and a second hole communicating with the first hole. The second hole is less than the first hole in size. The extension piece defines a side cutout. The fixing member is slidably mounted to the bottom wall. The first fixing portion extends through the first hole and engages in the second hole, and the second fixing portion engages and is retained by the cutout.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220582A1
Автор: Eriksen André Sloth
Принадлежит: ASETEK A/S

The invention relates to a cooling system for a computer system, said computer system comprising at least one unit such as a central processing unit (CPU) generating thermal energy and said cooling system intended for cooling the at least one processing unit and comprising a reservoir having an amount of cooling liquid, said cooling liquid intended for accumulating and transferring of thermal energy dissipated from the processing unit to the cooling liquid. The cooling system has a heat exchanging interface for providing thermal contact between the processing unit and the cooling liquid for dissipating heat from the processing unit to the cooling liquid, Different embodiments of the heat exchanging system as well as means for establishing and controlling a flow of cooling liquid and a cooling strategy constitutes the invention of the cooling system. 1. A liquid cooling system for cooling a heat-generating component of a computer , comprising:a double-sided chassis adapted to mount a pump configured to circulate a cooling liquid, the pump comprising a motor with a stator and an impeller, the impeller being positioned on one side of the chassis and the stator being positioned on an opposite side of the chassis and isolated from the cooling liquid; a pump chamber including the impeller; and', 'a thermal exchange chamber formed below the pump chamber and vertically spaced apart from the pump chamber, the pump chamber and the thermal exchange chamber being separate enclosed chambers that are fluidly coupled together by one or more passages;, 'a reservoir adapted to pass the cooling liquid therethrough, the reservoir includinga heat-exchanging interface removably coupled to the reservoir, the heat-exchanging interface forming a boundary wall of the thermal exchange chamber and configured to be placed in thermal contact with a surface of the heat-generating component;a heat radiator adapted to pass the cooling liquid therethrough, the heat radiator being fluidly coupled to ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device and method for determining a temperature of an electronic device

Номер: US20130222306A1

An electronic comprises at least one strain gauge arranged at the electronic device such that a strain of the at least one strain gauge is influenced by a change of a temperature of the electronic device and a control assembly for evaluating an output signal of the at least one strain gauge to determine a temperature of the electronic device on the basis of the output signal and for controlling at least one function of the electronic device based on the determined temperature.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Securing device, and assembly including the securing device and a heat dissipating module

Номер: US20130223006A1
Автор: Shih-Chieh Lin
Принадлежит: AOPEN INC

A securing device is adapted to secure a central processing unit to a circuit board. The securing device includes first and second seats secured to the circuit board. The securing device further includes a press member stacked on and pressed against the central processing unit, and having a side edge portion that is connected pivotally to the first seat, and an opposite side edge portion that is adjacent to the second seat. The securing device further includes an engaging rod pressed against the press member, and having one end that is connected pivotally to the second seat and the other end removably engaged with the first seat for securing the central processing unit to the board body.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229140A1
Автор: Busch Peter

A regulating circuit that regulates rotary speed of a pulse-width modulated fan includes a measuring device that determines a period duration (T) of a tacho signal (TACH) of the fan, a digital regulating register that acquires a regulation value to drive the fan on the basis of a determined period duration (T) and a desired value (T), a digital control register that adjusts a duty ratio to drive the fan, the digital control register having a smaller register width than the digital regulating register, and a controller that updates the digital control register by evaluating a predetermined number of more significant bits of the digital regulating register. 1. A regulating circuit that regulates rotary speed of a pulse-width-modulated fan comprising:{'sub': 'Ist', 'a measuring device that determines a period duration (T) of a tacho signal (TACH) of the fan,'}{'sub': Ist', 'Soll, 'a digital regulating register that acquires a regulation value to drive the fan on the basis of a determined period duration (T) and a desired value (T),'}a digital control register that adjusts a duty ratio to drive the fan, the digital control register having a smaller register width than the digital regulating register, anda controller that updates the digital control register by evaluating a predetermined number of more significant bits of the digital regulating register.2. The regulating circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the digital control register has a register width of m bits and the digital regulating register has a register width of n bits claim 1 , the controller updating the digital control register by shifting content of the digital regulating register bit by bit by n-m bits.3. The regulating circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the measuring device comprises a digital counter claim 1 , the counter reading of which is changed by a predetermined value with each clock signal from an oscillator claim 1 , the period duration (T) of the tacho signal (TACH) being determined on ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229755A1
Автор: CHEN Ching-Hua

A computer host with a housing includes a movable portion, an actuator module, a detection module and a process module. The movable portion constitutes a first portion of the housing. The actuator module actuates the movable portion to execute an operation. The detection module detects an output value of the actuator module, and outputs a detection signal when the output value is varied. The processing module sends a reverse actuation signal to the actuator module according to the detection signal so that the actuator module reversely actuates the movable portion. 1. A computer host including a housing , comprising:a movable portion constituting a first portion of the housing;an actuator module actuating the movable portion to execute an operation to the movable portion;a detection module detecting an output value of the actuator module and outputting a detection signal when the output value is varied; anda processing module transmitting a reverse actuation signal to the actuator module to make the actuator module reversely actuate the movable portion according to the detection signal.2. The computer host according to claim 1 , wherein the operation is an open action or a close action of the movable portion.3. The computer host according to claim 1 , wherein the actuator module reversely actuates the movable portion making the movable portion execute a reverse operation or stop the operation.4. The computer host according to claim 1 , wherein the computer host further includes a fixing portion which constitutes a second portion of the housing claim 1 , and the movable portion and the fixing portion form an airflow channel status or a connection status.5. The computer host according to claim 1 , wherein the detection module is a current detection module claim 1 , and the output value of the actuator module is a current value.6. A method for controlling a housing of a computer host claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a movable portion claim 1 , the method ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229765A1

A temperature control device includes a temperature sensing group, a plurality of fans, and a controller. The temperature sensing group includes a plurality of sensing modules, each sensing module detects a temperature of a hard disk drive, numbers the hard disk drive, and outputs the temperature and a number signal corresponding to the hard disk drive. The plurality of fans each faces and corresponding to one or more hard disk drives. The controller is electronically connected to the plurality of sensing modules and the plurality of fans, the controller receives the temperature and number signal from each sensing module, finds a corresponding fan according each number signal, and regulates a rotational speed of the corresponding fan according to the temperature of the hard disk drive. 1. A temperature control device , comprising:a temperature sensing group comprising a plurality of sensing modules, each sensing module detecting a temperature of a hard disk drive, numbering the hard disk drive, and outputting the temperature and a number signal corresponding to the hard disk drive;a plurality of fans each facing and corresponding to one or more hard disk drives; anda controller electronically connected to the plurality of sensing modules and the plurality of fans, the controller receiving the temperature and number signal from each sensing module, finding a corresponding fan according each number signal, and regulating a rotational speed of the corresponding fan according to the temperature of the hard disk drive.2. The temperature control device of claim 1 , wherein the controller compares the temperature of each hard disk drive to a predetermined temperature claim 1 , the controller increases the rotational speed of the corresponding fan when the temperature of the hard disk drive is higher than the predetermined temperature claim 1 , and decreases the rotational speed of the corresponding fan after the temperature of the hard disk drive is lower than the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229768A1
Автор: Doll Wade J.
Принадлежит: Cray Inc.

Computer cabinets, such as supercomputer cabinets, having progressive air velocity cooling systems are described herein. In one embodiment, a computer cabinet includes an air mover positioned beneath a plurality of computer module compartments. The computer module compartments can be arranged in tiers with the computer modules in each successive tier being positioned closer together than the computer modules in the tier directly below. The computer cabinet can also include one or more shrouds, flow restrictors, and/or sidewalls that further control the direction and/or speed of the cooling air flow through the cabinet. 1. A computer system comprising:a computer cabinet;an air mover configured to move a flow of cooling air through the computer cabinet in a first direction;a first plurality of computer modules in edgewise orientation relative to the first direction;a second plurality of computer modules in edgewise orientation relative to the first direction and positioned downstream from the first plurality of computer modules; andmeans for increasing the velocity of the cooling air as it moves through the second plurality of computer modules.2. The computer system of claim 1 , further comprising:means for causing a first portion of the cooling air flowing from the air mover to bypass the first plurality of computer modules; andmeans for causing a second portion of the cooling air flowing from the air mover to bypass the second plurality of computer modules, wherein the second portion of cooling air is less than the first portion of cooling air.3. The computer system of wherein the means for increasing the velocity of the cooling air as it moves through the second plurality of computer modules includes means for positioning the second plurality of computer modules closer together than the first plurality of computer modules.4. The computer system of wherein the means for increasing the velocity of the cooling air as it moves through the second plurality of computer ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229769A1
Автор: Yang Xu

A data center container includes a chassis, a cooling system, a draining mechanism, and a latching member. The chassis includes a front plate with a securing hole. The cooling system includes a water tray and a drainer tray. The water tray communicates with the drainer tray. The draining mechanism communicates with the drainer tray and extends out of the chassis. The latching member is attached to the draining mechanism. The latching member includes an inserting post, and the inserting post being engaged in the securing hole, to position the draining mechanism to the front plate. 1. A data center container comprising:a chassis, the chassis comprises a front plate, the front plate defining a securing hole;a cooling system located in the chassis, the cooling system comprises a water tray and a drainer tray; the water tray communicating with the drainer tray;a draining mechanism, the draining mechanism communicates with the drainer tray and extends out of the chassis; anda latching member, the latching member is attached to the draining mechanism, the latching member comprises an inserting post; and the inserting post is engaged in the securing hole, to position the draining mechanism on the front plate.2. The data center container of claim 1 , wherein the latching member further comprises a first clipping portion and a second clipping portion claim 1 , the draining mechanism comprises a drainpipe claim 1 , and the first clipping portion and the second clipping portion clamp the drainpipe therebetween.3. The data center container of claim 2 , wherein the first clipping portion and the second clipping portion are substantially semicircular.4. The data center container of claim 1 , wherein the cooling system further comprises a connecting pipe secured to the water tray claim 1 , the water tray and the drainer tray are secured to the chassis claim 1 , and the connecting pipe connects the water tray with the drainer tray.5. The data center container of further comprising a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229770A1

Systems and methods for reducing problems and disadvantages associated with traditional approaches to cooling information handling resources are provided. A method for cooling information handling resources, may include conveying a flowing fluid proximate to one or more information handling resources such that the flowing fluid is thermally coupled to the one or more information handling resources and heat generated by the one or more information handling resources is transferred to the flowing fluid. The method may also include conveying the flowing fluid to a cooling unit such that heat is transferred from the flowing fluid. 1. A system for cooling information handling resources , comprising:an information handling resource; and an exterior surface for supporting the information handling resource;', 'a fluid channel embedded in an interior of the support member and fluidically coupled to a fluid fitting; and', 'a fluid microchannel embedded in the interior of the support member and fluidically coupled to the fluid channel, the fluid microchannel configured to convey a flowing fluid proximate to the information handling resource such that heat generated by the information handling resource is transferred to the flowing fluid., 'a support member including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel and the fluid microchannel are configured based on a fluid flow rate.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel and the fluid microchannel are configured based on a fluid type.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel and the fluid microchannel are configured based on the location of the information handling resource.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid fitting is a quick connect fluid fitting.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel is fluidically coupled to a second fluid channel.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid channel is fluidically coupled to a fluid conduit.8. An information handling system comprising:an ...
