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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Ведите корректный номера.
Ведите корректный номера.
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Применить Всего найдено 6511. Отображено 197.
10-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2184993C2

Изобретение относится к вспомогательному оборудованию летательных аппаратов (ЛА) и может быть использовано при посадке самолета, например, в условиях плохой погоды. Предлагаемое устройство содержит базу данных об объектах, расположенных вблизи аэродрома, средства определения точного положения ЛА и корреляции. Эти средства связаны с датчиком (радаром), средствами навигации и базой данных. Названия объектов в базе данных отвечают их характеристикам в одной или более спектральных полосах датчика. При этом средства точного определения положения ЛА производят расчет положения ЛА методом триангуляции, используя три названия вышеуказанных наземных объектов. Точное местоположение последних введено в базу данных. Изобретение направлено на обеспечение посадки самолетов в любую погоду на любых аэродромах мира с помощью средств, требующих незначительных капиталовложений. 7 з.п.ф-лы., 3 ил.

10-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2369907C2
Принадлежит: ЭРБЮС ФРАНС (FR)

Группа изобретений относится к авиации. Система предотвращения столкновений с наземными препятствиями содержит сигнализатор угрозы столкновения и устройство автоматического пилотирования. Последнее включает в себя средство для определения команды оптимального угла наклона при подъеме для летательного аппарата, средство для проверки достаточности для ухода от рельефа первого набора высоты при применении команды оптимального угла наклона, средство для определения существования, по меньшей мере, одного значения изменения курса, для которого соответствующий набор высоты достаточен, чтобы уйти от рельефа местности. В состав устройства автоматического пилотирования входит также средство для применения к летательному аппарату команды оптимального угла наклона при подъеме вместе с командой сохранения текущего курса, если первый набор высоты достаточен, и конкретной команды подъема, достаточной для ухода от рельефа вместе с командой изменения курса, соответствующей выбранному значению изменения ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2523183C2
Принадлежит: ТАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение относится к области авиации, в частности к области способов помощи в навигации для определения траектории летательного аппарата. Технический результат - ограничение использования процедур увода при потере спутниковой навигационной информации, что позволяет уменьшить насыщенность воздушного пространства и ограничить затраты и продолжительность полетов. Способ помощи в навигации заключается в определении будущей траектории захода на посадку, с помощью произведения оценки прогнозируемых безопасных радиусов на будущей траектории, основанной на вычислении предельного момента, начиная с которого прогнозируемый безопасный радиус превышает или равен пределу выдачи тревожного сигнала и вычисления предельного момента ухода, который соответствует максимальному моменту, в который летательный аппарат должен покинуть заранее определенную траекторию, по которой он двигался, чтобы иметь возможность выйти на безопасную высоту. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2388058C2
Принадлежит: ЭРБЮС ФРАНС (FR)

Изобретение относится к системам управления самолетом. Способ заключается в том, что автоматически и повторяющимся образом выполняются операции определения траектории уклонения, определения профиля местности, определения предельного угла, представления пилоту на просмотровом экране характерного знака, который отображает предельный угол и который связан с угловой шкалой. Система содержит первое средство для определения траектории уклонения, второе средство для определения профиля местности, третье средство для определения предельного угла, средство отображения для представления на просмотровом экране характерного знака. Воздушное судно по первому варианту содержит вышеуказанную систему. Воздушное судно по второму варианту содержит вышеуказанную систему, которая осуществляет способ, заключающийся в том, что автоматически и повторяющимся образом выполняются операции определения траектории уклонения, определения профиля местности, определения предельного угла, представления пилоту на просмотровом ...

23-11-2022 дата публикации

Информационно-измерительная и управляющая система посадки группы беспилотных летательных аппаратов на посадочную платформу

Номер: RU2784221C1

Информационно-измерительная и управляющая система посадки группы беспилотных летательных аппаратов (БЛА) на посадочную платформу содержит видео-, радио- и ИК средства связи, средства лазерного УФ-излучения, метеостанцию, роботизированные средства захвата и удержания одиночного БЛА, подсистему контроля воздушного движения в пространственно-временной зоне с сетевой системой информационно-измерительных маяков, контроллер сети подсистемы, контроллер управления доступом к системе посадки и маяков аварийной посадки, подсистему обнаружения, измерения координат и коррекции траектории БЛА, подсистему свето- и радиотехнического обеспечения, центральный контроллер системы посадки, модем и интерфейсы связи, блок записи и хранения данных системы посадки, блок анализа загрузки и выбора структуры пространственно-временной зоны ожидания. Обеспечивается повышение безопасности посадки БЛА из группы БЛА, повышение безопасности движения БЛА в зоне ожидания. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2397549C1

Изобретение относится к бортовым системам предотвращения столкновения с землей, сигнализирующим пилоту об угрозе такого столкновения. Способ заключается в том, что во время выполнения полета рассчитывают параметры защитных зон. По вычисленным параметрам зон и полученным данным о высотах и координатах препятствий выделяет те препятствия, которые попадают в пределы указанных зон. Среди них выделяют экстремальное препятствие, рассчитывают для него параметры уклонения по высоте, вертикальной скорости или путевой скорости, которые индицируют на соответствующих шкалах на экране дисплея. На экране внутрикабинного дисплея формируют изображение, позволяющее пилоту быстро ориентироваться и адекватно оценивать сложившуюся ситуацию. Достигается эффективность полета с любой земной скоростью на всех режимах полета, включая висение, с учетом динамических характеристик и особенностей винтокрылых машин. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

25-11-2022 дата публикации

Малогабаритный бортовой радиовысотомер

Номер: RU215030U1

Полезная модель относится к области радиолокаторов и может быть использована в качестве радиовысотомера для летательных объектов. Техническим результатом полезной модели является снижение массогабаритных характеристик при сохранении высокой эффективности измерений. Малогабаритный бортовой радиовысотомер содержит корпус, внутри которого расположены компоненты для определения высоты летательного аппарата. Корпус состоит из основания и крышки, по периметру которых выполнена канавка. В канавке установлен уплотнитель. Компоненты для определения высоты представляют собой плату приемопередатчика и антенн, а также плату низкочастотной части. Обе платы соединены проволочными перемычками через металлизированные отверстия вплотную друг к другу, а зазор между платами залит клеем на цианоакрилатной основе. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU42909U1

Устройство для формирования сигнала оповещения пилота воздушного судна о проверке барометрического высотомера, содержащее датчик барометрической высоты, переключатель QFE/QNH, радиовысотомер, блок коммутации, блок формирования сигнала оповещения, причем выход датчика барометрической высоты соединен с первым сигнальным входом блока коммутации, к управляющему входу которого подключен выход переключателя QFE/QNH, к первому и второму входу блока формирования сигнала оповещения подключен выход блока коммутации и выход радиовысотомера соответственно, а выход является выходом устройства, отличающееся тем, что в него введены последовательно соединенные датчик навигационных координат воздушного судна (ВС), блок памяти превышений порогов взлетно-посадочной полосы (ВПП) и блок коррекции барометрической высоты, к второму входу которого подключен датчик барометрической высоты, а выход соединен с вторым дополнительным сигнальным входом блока коммутации.

26-09-2024 дата публикации

Устройство лазерного позиционирования для автоматической посадки беспилотных летательных аппаратов

Номер: RU229212U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам позиционирования беспилотных летательных аппаратов (БПЛА) и предназначена для обеспечения их локальными координатами при взлете, посадке и маневрировании на малых высотах в условиях отсутствия GNSS сигналов и связи с БПЛА. Устройство включает несущий каркас, снабженный опорами, на котором установлены три сканирующих маяка, один в центральной части, а два других на равном расстоянии от центрального, а также всенаправленный оптический маяк, расположенный между сканирующими маяками. Каждый сканирующий маяк выполнен с возможностью генерирования разнонаправленной циклически сканирующей лазерной плоскости, имеющей индивидуальную ось вращения и входящей в рабочую область поочередно с плоскостями от двух других сканирующих маяков. Всенаправленный оптический маяк выполнен с возможностью генерирования синхроимпульсов, идентифицирующих рабочую фазу каждого сканирующего маяка, и передачи сопровождающей информации. Техническим результатом является повышение помехозащищенности ...

19-12-2022 дата публикации

Способ и устройство управления полетом группы летательных аппаратов

Номер: RU2786276C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству управления полетом группы летательных аппаратов. Для управления полетом задают истинную геометрическую высоту, желаемое значение путевого угла и максимально допустимое отклонение от него, задают минимально допустимое расстояние между летательными аппаратами и минимально допустимое расстояние до рельефа местности, задают идентификаторы летательных аппаратов и расстояние, определяющее радиус области с центром в точке нахождения летательного аппарата, измеряют текущее значение путевого угла и скорость его изменения, определяют координаты летательного аппарата и передают их на другие летательные аппараты, принимают координаты от других летательных аппаратов, совместно с их идентификаторами, определяют разность наклонных дальностей от левой и правой сторон крыла и скорость ее изменения, формируют и передают управляющий сигнал на руль направления с учетом траекторий и параметров движения других летательных аппаратов. Устройство содержит три ...

13-12-2022 дата публикации

Способ и устройство предотвращения опасного сближения воздушных судов с использованием параллельного смещения

Номер: RU2785811C1

Группа изобретений относится к способу и устройству для предотвращения опасного сближения воздушных судов (ВС) с использованием параллельного смещения. Для предотвращения опасного сближения ВС задают пороги минимально допустимых расстояний сближения в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях, определяют координаты, путевые углы и скорости движения ВС, вычисляют линейные зависимости трехмерных координат ВС от времени, определяют границы области опасного сближения траекторий на величины меньше заданных порогов в горизонтальной и вертикальной плоскостях, вычисляют бесконфликтные траектории определенным образом, формируют сигналы, несущие информацию о командах управления движением ВС по вычисленным бесконфликтным траекториям. Устройство содержит источник информации наблюдения, комплекс отображения информации и оперативного управления, вычислительный комплекс с ЭВМ, комплекс связи и передачи данных, средства передачи плановой информации и средства связи с ЭВМ, систему поддержки принятия решений ...

23-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2778697C1

Изобретение относится к комплексу для постановки воздушного судна на место стоянки в аэропорту и соответствующему способу. Комплекс содержит телеметрическую систему, выполненную с возможностью обнаружения воздушного судна в пределах зоны измерения, причем указанная зона измерения включает в себя участок стоянки и контроллер, выполненный с возможностью определения на основе данных измерения, полученных от телеметрической системы, оценочных положений наружной поверхности на воздушном судне. Оценочное положение наружной поверхности представляет собой оценочное положение фактического положения наружной поверхности на воздушном судне. Фактическое положение наружной поверхности образует границу протяженности воздушного судна в зоне измерения. Контроллер выполнен с возможностью сопоставления оценочных положений наружной поверхности с координатами участка стоянки для определения того, находится ли оценочное положение наружной поверхности за пределами участка стоянки, выдачи сигнала опасной парковки ...

10-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2328764C1
Принадлежит: ЭРБЮС ФРАНС (FR)

Изобретение относится к области приборостроения и может быть использовано в бортовых интегрированных системах визуализации состояния летательных аппаратов. Технический результат - расширение функциональных возможностей. Для достижения данной цели система состоит из устройства (2) дисплея, содержащего источники (3) информации, которые обеспечивают визуализацию состояния летательного аппарата и окружающей его обстановки, средства (4) обработки информации. При этом (4) обеспечивает отображение окружающей обстановки летательного аппарата и построение трехмерного синтетического изображения положения летательного аппарата и окружающей его обстановки. Причем синтетическое изображение соответствует, по меньшей мере, информации, относящейся к другому дисплею, например двумерному дисплею. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

16-10-2023 дата публикации

Комплексированное приемопередающее устройство информационного обмена с летательными аппаратами

Номер: RU2805378C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам обмена данными и может применяться для реализации информационного обмена между источниками (получателями) информации, расположенными на летательных аппаратах (ЛА). Сущность предлагаемого решения заключается в том, что в устройство связи ЛА, включающее блок 8 интерфейса спутниковой навигационной системы (СНС), на вход которой подается сигнал со спутниковой навигационной системы 1, связанные с ним формирователь 7 сообщений АЗН-В, блок 6 памяти, таймер 12 со случайной задержкой и передатчик 14 АЗН-В, включающий фазово-импульсный (ФИ) модулятор 9, схему 10 с фазовой автоподстройкой частоты (ФАПЧ), гетеродин 13 и усилитель 11, выход которого соединен с антенной 2 АЗН-В, введены программируемая интегральная схема 5 (ПЛИС) с блоком 3 памяти ПЛИС и программным обеспечением 4 ПЛИС, приемник 18 АЗН-В, включающий аналого-цифровой преобразователь 15 (АЦП), ФАПЧ 16 и аттенюатор 17, вход которого связан с антенной 2 АЗН-В, приемопередатчик 28 VDL-4, включающий цифро-аналоговый ...

10-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2256195C1

Устройство для определения расстояния между воздушными судами относится к области авиационной техники и предназначено для определения расстояния между воздушными судами. Целью изобретения является предотвращение столкновения воздушных судов и повышение безопасности полетов за счет определения истинного расстояния между воздушными судами с учетом высот их полета. Указанное расстояние определяется по формуле - , где положение первого воздушного судна определяется азимутом α1,наклонной дальностью d1, высотой h1, а положение второго воздушного судна определяется азимутом α2,наклонной дальностью d2, высотой h2. Устройство содержит в своем составе измерители азимутов воздушных судов (1, 4), измерители высот полета воздушных судов (2, 5), измерители наклонных дальностей до воздушных судов (3, 6), сумматоры (7, 14, 15, 19), блоки умножения (8-12, 16, 18), блок вычисления косинуса (13), блоки вычисления корня квадратного (17, 20), индикатор (21). 2 ил.

23-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2760293C1

Изобретение относится к системам управления движением. Способ предотвращения опасного сближения транспортного средства (ТС) с объектами, в котором определяют координаты, скорость и угловое положение ТС, сканируют пространство в направлении движения ТС и определяют дальности и радиальные скорости объектов, обнаруживают подвижные объекты и определяют их координаты, сопровождают подвижные объекты и определяют их скорости, рассчитывают координаты объектов относительно ТС, принимают внешние сигналы управления ТС. При этом прогнозируют координаты, скорость и угловое положение ТС, а также координаты объектов при передаче внешних сигналов управления ТС в его систему управления, прогнозируют траектории подвижных объектов и рассчитывают траектории ТС для предотвращения его опасного сближения с объектами, передают внешние сигналы управления ТС в его систему управления при наличии указанных траекторий ТС, рассчитывают коррекцию внешних сигналов управления ТС при отсутствии указанных траекторий ТС, ...

27-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2325705C1

Изобретение относится к прогнозированию возможности столкновения (облета) летательного аппарата (ЛА) с препятствием. Достигаемый технический результат изобретения - повышение достоверности и оперативности прогнозирования столкновения ЛА с препятствием. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что по координатам препятствия определяют вид траектории движения препятствия (прямая, либо окружность), вычисляют кратчайшее расстояние от ЛА до аппроксимирующей траектории препятствия, что позволяет прогнозировать возможность облета или столкновения с препятствием. Устройство для осуществления способа содержит блок приемников изображений, содержащий два разнесенных идентичных объектива с приемниками изображений, вычислитель, включающий модуль анализа изображений препятствия и модуль определения вида траектории и контроля сближения, модули анализа условия столкновения в случаях движения препятствия по прямой и окружности соответственно, схему ИЛИ, которая формирует сигнал о столкновении, коммутатор ...

10-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008152517A

Способ предотвращения столкновений вертолета с высоковольтными линиями электропередач, заключающийся в том, что принимают электромагнитные колебания с помощью приемного устройства, размещаемого на вертолете, прием электромагнитных колебаний осуществляют в диапазоне радиоволн, отличающийся тем, что осуществляют излучение и прием сигналов пеленгатором, установленным на вертолете, причем центр зоны сканирования совпадает с строительной осью вертолета, пеленгатор сканирует пространство по направлению полета вертолета, определяют углы пеленга α11, α21 каждой из двух опор линии электропередач пеленгатором относительно строительной оси вертолета, причем α11 - угол пеленга первой опоры линии электропередач, α21 - угол пеленга второй опоры линии электропередач, пролетают заданное расстояние без изменения курса, вновь определяют углы пеленга α12, α22 каждой из двух опор линии электропередач пеленгатором относительно строительной оси вертолета, причем α12 - угол пеленга первой опоры линии электропередач ...

20-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2260198C9

Изобретение относится к локационной технике и касается способа определения кратчайшего расстояния до высоковольтной линии электропередач (ЛЭП) с борта летательного аппарата (ЛА). Достигаемым техническим результатом является обеспечение безопасности полетов ЛА в местах расположения ЛЭП при любых погодных условиях. Результат достигается за счет того, что принимаются электромагнитные колебания, излучаемые проводами ЛЭП измерителем вектора напряженности (ИВН), снабженного избирательным полосовым фильтром (ИПФ), отфильтровывающим все частоты, кроме промышленной частоты, ИВН преобразует принятый вектор напряженности электрического поля в три взаимно ортогональные составляющие, по ним вычисляются: величина вертикальной составляющей вектора напряженности электрического поля и угол, определяющий направление горизонтальной составляющей вектора напряженности электрического поля относительно оси Х земной системы координат, причем по направлению горизонтальной составляющей вектора напряженности электрического ...

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006118622A

Способ определения кратчайшего расстояния и направления на линию электропередачи (ЛЭП) с борта летательного аппарата, заключающийся в том, что на борту летательного аппарата (ЛА) измеряют в связанной системе координат взаимно ортогональные компоненты E1, Е2, Е3 вектора напряженности электрического поля промышленной частоты, пересчитывают их в компоненты Ex, Ey, Ez вектора напряженности электрического поля в земной математической декартовой системе координат, совмещенной с направлением горизонтального движения ЛА, и по ним определяют азимут ZЛЭП, угол места ЕЛЭП и кратчайшее расстояние DЛЭП до ЛЭП по формулам где n=(Em2-Em1)/abs(Em2-Еm1) - множитель для устранения неоднозначности отсчета направления на ЛЭП; h=sqrt(R12-(х0-xc1)2) - эффективная высота подвески проводов ЛЭП над поверхностью земли; dX=vh×Δt× cos(ZЛЭП); х0=(R12-R22-xc12+(xc22))/(2×(xc2-xc1)); R1=H1×Em1/Ev1; R2=H2×Em2/Ev2; xc1=H1×Eh1/Ev1; xc2=H2×Eh2/Ev2+vh×Δt×cos(ZЛЭП) - вспомогательные геометрические параметры; Eh=sqrt(Ex2+Ey2 ...

27-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99120694A

... 1. Устройство содействия выполнению посадки летательного аппарата, содержащее средства обработки информации (102), которые принимают, с одной стороны, информацию о траектории полета летательного аппарата (2), а с другой стороны, информацию относительно положения, по меньшей мере, одной взлетно-посадочной полосы (100), отличающееся тем, что упомянутые средства обработки информации содержат вычислительные средства (102), выполненные с возможностью выдавать сигнал состояния (СnА), содержащий, по меньшей мере, одно условие, которое представляет собой функцию информации о траектории полета летательного аппарат и информации о взлетно-посадочной полосе, причем эта функция выбирается таким образом, чтобы отражать то обстоятельство, что траектория движения летательного аппарата сходится в направлении данной взлетно-посадочной полосы. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что упомянутые вычислительные средства (102) выполнены с возможностью определять некоторый объем (SНA, VSG), которым обладает ...

27-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99122809A

... 1. Радиолокационное устройство предупреждения столкновений вертолета с препятствиями, содержащее размещенный на борту вертолета первый канал, состоящий из приемной и передающей антенн, соединенных с приемопередающим блоком, и блока индикации, включенного на выходе приемопередающего блока, отличающийся тем, что в него введены дополнительные каналы, идентичные первому каналу, расположенные на борту вертолета, при этом приемная и передающая антенны, каждого канала выполнены в виде планарных микроэлектронных фазированных антенных решеток (ПМФАР), размещенных на соответствующих участках поверхности вертолета заподлицо с его обшивкой. 2. Радиолокационное устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что ПМФАР размещены соответственно на боковых частях корпуса, на хвостовой балке и сзади хвостовой балки вертолета. 3. Радиолокационное устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что приемопередающий блок каждого канала состоит из последовательно соединенных частотно-модулированного генератора, к модулирующему входу ...

27-01-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99101095A

... 1. Устройство обеспечения воздушной навигации, содержащее вход для приема величины пространственного положения и вектора скорости летательного аппарата, рабочее запоминающее устройство для хранения пространственного трехмерного представления рельефа земной поверхности в области, пролетаемой данным летательным аппаратом, средство обработки информации, способное определить сектор обзора для летательного аппарата и рассчитать в этом секторе обзора контур в функции пересечения этого сектора с рельефом земной поверхности, средство визуализации упомянутого контура, отличающееся тем, что средство обработки информации предназначено также для расчета вспомогательных векторов скорости путем смещения вектора скорости летательного аппарата в соответствии с выбранным законом углового сканирования и определения сектора обзора при помощи слоя линий траектории, исходящих из вектора скорости и вспомогательных векторов скорости. 2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что все линии траектории имеют одну ...

10-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006117479A

... 1. Индикатор для автономных оптических и радиолокационных систем предупреждения столкновений (СПС) летательного аппарата с препятствиями, состоящий из системы управления индикаторами, светоизлучающих модулей, излучающих в различных участках видимого спектра, отличающийся тем, что светоизлучающие модули со своими блоками управления объединены в n секторов по числу каналов наблюдения СПС, каждый из которых разбит на m светящихся зон вдоль образующих сектора, имеющих свою цветовую окраску, соответствующую определенному диапазону дальности до препятствия, вход системы управления подключен к выходу блока обработки информации СПС, каждый из секторов имеет угол раскрыва равный углу предупреждения соответствующего канала СПС и их совместное размещение соответствует всей области предупреждения в плоскости полета летательного аппарата. 2. Индикатор по п.1, отличающееся тем, что длина образующих каждого из n секторов пропорциональна дальности действия соответствующего канала СПС.

13-10-2016 дата публикации

System zur Verhinderung von terroristischen Anschlägen im Flugverkehr

Номер: DE102015004621A1

Unterbindung von terroristischen Anschlägen einschließlich Selbstmordattentaten bei Verkehrsflugzeugen als ergänzende Einrichtung in Autopiloten zur Verhinderung einer unzulässigen Flughöhe.

06-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069829843T2

27-05-2010 дата публикации

Stereocamera device for use in monitoring device for e.g. wind-power plant, has radiation beam divided into partial radiation beams deflected on cameras over optical deflection element attached to cameras

Номер: DE102008058798A1

The device (1) has infrared cameras (3a, 3b) arranged at a defined distance to each other and provided with a calibration device (19) for sequential automatic calibration of the cameras, where the calibration device exhibits a radiation source (21) and a reference beam input (20). A collimated radiation beam (22) output from the radiation source is divided into two partial radiation beams (22a, 22b). The partial beams are deflected on the cameras over an optical deflection element e.g. penta-prism (23a), attached to the cameras. An optical separating element is designed as a 90-degree-prism. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a monitoring device comprising a stereocamera device (2) a method for sequential automatic calibration of a stereocamera device (3) a computer program comprising a set of instructions to perform a method for the sequential automatic calibration of the stereocamera device (4) a computer program product comprising the set of instructions to perform ...

10-05-2000 дата публикации

Anti-collision system

Номер: GB0000006647D0

27-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008428727D0

16-04-1997 дата публикации

Apparatus for indicating air traffic and terrain collision threat to an aircraft

Номер: GB0009703954D0

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385336T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000486266T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460723T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000534016T

15-05-2018 дата публикации

Warning ball

Номер: AT0000519274A1

Warnkugel (1) aus einem im wesentlichen kugelförmigen Hohlkörper, welcher eine Warnfarbe trägt und an einem Hochspannungsseil (2) befestigbar ist, wobei ein Teil der Oberfläche des Hohlkörpers für sichtbares Licht transparent ausgeführt ist, um ein Sichtfenster (4) auf dem innerhalb der Warnkugel liegenden Teil (3) des Hochspannungsseils zu bilden.

15-07-2018 дата публикации

Warning ball

Номер: AT0000519274B1

Warnkugel (1) aus einem im wesentlichen kugelförmigen Hohlkörper, welcher eine Warnfarbe trägt und an einem Hochspannungsseil (2) befestigbar ist, wobei ein Teil der Oberfläche des Hohlkörpers für sichtbares Licht transparent ausgeführt ist, um ein Sichtfenster (4) auf dem innerhalb der Warnkugel liegenden Teil (3) des Hochspannungsseils zu bilden.

15-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000412164T

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157474T

15-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000341782T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293822T

15-11-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000254325T

15-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000295985T

15-11-2001 дата публикации

A collision warning system and method

Номер: AU00PR848601D0

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Collision avoidance system and method for unmanned aircraft

Номер: AU2019200044A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An obstacle-avoidance system for a vehicle, the obstacle-avoidance system may comprise: a communication device (338); a plurality of sensors (210, 332), the plurality of sensors (210) configured to detect collision threats within a predetermined distance of the vehicle; and a processor (314, 340). The processor (314, 340) may communicatively couple to the communication device (338) and the plurality of sensors (210, 332) and configured to receive navigation commands being communicated to a control system (306) via said communication device (338). The processor (314, 340) may also receive, from at least one of said plurality of sensors (210, 332), obstruction data reflecting the position of an obstruction. Using the obstruction data, the processor (314, 340) identifies a direction for avoiding said obstruction. In response, the processor (314, 340) may output, via said communication device (338), a command to said control system (306) causing the vehicle to travel in said flight direction ...

12-09-2002 дата публикации

Closure indicator for cockpit traffic display

Номер: AU2002258373A8

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Automated separation manager

Номер: AU2008348157B2

Providing separation management of vehicles is disclosed. In an embodiment, a separation management system includes a data input module for receiving and filtering aircraft information and airspace information related to a control aircraft and a relevant aircraft, the aircraft information enabling the calculation of a trajectory window for each aircraft. A conflict monitoring module may be included in the system for monitoring the trajectory window for each aircraft with respect to time and probabilistic location, the conflict monitoring module determining when a trajectory overlap occurs resulting from the intersection of the trajectory window for the control aircraft and the relevant aircraft. In addition, the system may include a separation routing module for rerouting the control aircraft when a trajectory overlap for the control aircraft is detected by the conflict monitoring module.

15-11-2001 дата публикации

A collision warning system and method

Номер: AUPR848601A0

30-07-2002 дата публикации

Altitude range filter for cockpit traffic display

Номер: AU2002251706A1

23-12-2002 дата публикации

System for aircraft in flight refueling

Номер: AU2002315070A1

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for collision avoidance in unmanned aerial vehicles

Номер: AU2011221348A1

SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR COLLISION AVOIDANCE IN UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES 5 Systems and methods for collision avoidance in unmanned aerial vehicles are provided. In one embodiment, the invention relates to a method for collision avoidance system for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (100), the method including scanning for objects within a preselected range of the UAV (100) using a plurality of phased array radar sensors (106, 108, 110, 112), receiving scan information from each of the plurality of phased array radar sensors 10 (106, 108, 110, 112), wherein the scan information includes information indicative of objects detected within the preselected range of the UAV (100), determining maneuver information including whether to change a flight path of the UAV (100) based on the scan information, and sending the maneuver information to a flight control circuitry of the UAV (100). 15 Fig. 1 5554644-1 - 19 - ...

27-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003939685A

14-04-1998 дата публикации

A device for real time stimulation

Номер: AU0004406997A

01-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002462402A1

This invention relates to a device onboard an aircraft providing pilot assistance in the lack of air control, within the context of IFBP and TIBA procedures, comprising: - ~means of receiving blind broadcast messages on a dedicated frequency, - ~means (16) of inputting relevant data for the blind broadcast message, transmitted by at least one aircraft in the neighborhood (10), using a keyboard, - means of calculating the estimated current position, of the path being followed, and the direction of flight of the aircraft in the neighborhood along this path, extrapolated from data within the blind broadcast message, - ~means for concomitant display (20) of the extrapolated position and path of the aircraft in the neighborhood, and the current position of the aircraft on which the said device is installed.

17-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001206235A

An optical radar operating in the infrared region of the spectrum and adapted to efficiently detect elongated targets such as wires. The pulsed transmitter is preferably passively Q-switched and produces optical pulses polarized in one direction. A CW local oscillator laser is locked to frequency slightly offset from the transmitter frequency. A Brewster angle duplexer and a quarter wave plate in the transmit/receive path of the radar permit the transmitter flux to pass to a scanner and direct the orthogonally polarized echo signals to the heterodyne receiver which includes a display or alarm circuit. The transmitter and local oscillator lasers include frequency control circuits. Either wedge or ball joint type scanners may be used to scan the radar beam over a target area of interest.

10-07-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1058305A

NEGATIVE CLIMB RATE AFTER TAKE-OFF WARNING SYSTEM WITH PREDETERMINED LOSS OF ALTITUDE INHIBIT In a warning system for aircraft that generates a warning signal when the aircraft is descending during a take-off or missed approach phase of operation, the warning is inhibited for a predetermined loss of altitude in order to allow the aircraft to descend a short distance without triggering a nuisance warning Specifically, a circuit is provided to integrate a signal representing the aircraft's rate of descent until the integrated signal is equal to a predetermined drop in altitude whereupon the warning signal is triggered.

24-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002472306A1

An aircraft system (10) and method (400, 500) for determining when to attempt acquisition of an intruder (210, 220, 226) for active tracking. A link reliability score (356) associated with the intruder (210, 220, 226) is adjusted based upon the signal strength of transmissions, the frequency of the transmissions, and the number of previous attempts to acquire the intruder (210, 220, 260) for active tracking. Once a given threshold link validity value (324) is reached by the link reliability score (356), an RF link is predicted to be reliable and the aircraft system (100) attempts to acquire the range of the intruder aircraft (210, 220, 260) for active tracking. A traffic adivsory (14), in accordance with the track, alerts a pilot (230) to avoid collision with the intruder aircraft (210, 220, 260).

23-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002482521A1

The invention relates to a safety system for aircraft. Banned airspaces into which aircraft are not allowed to enter are marked in a digitally stored representation of the airspace. The aircraft is provided with an automatic control device which automatically guides the aircraft to an alternative route which is located outside the banned airspace when the aircraft approaches a banned airspace.

29-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008998A1

Methods for flying at least two aircraft in a predetermined formation include emitting from one of the aircraft a relative navigation grid, calculating a spatial relationship, by a controller module, between the at least two aircraft, determining, by the controller module if the spatial relationship conforms with the predetermined formation, and altering a relative position of at least one aircraft when the spatial relationship does not conform with the predetermined formation.

16-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3115159A1

The radar comprises an antenna having a radiation pattern forming a sum channel, SUM, a radiation pattern forming a difference channel, DIFF, and a pattern forming a control channel, CONT, a first transmission and reception chain (4) being associated with the SUM channel and a second transmission and reception chain (4') being associated with the CONT channel, a reception channel (4") being associated with the DIFF channel. Each of said transmission and reception chains (4, 4') is able to transmit and to receive simultaneously, the transmission chain (401) comprising a filtering operation (4A, 4B) that filters signals transmitted at 1090 MHz and the reception chain (402) comprising a filtering operation (4C, 4D) that filter signals transmitted at 1030 MHz, in such a way that said chains operate independently of one another; ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107106A1

The present disclosure includes devices, systems, and methods for autonomously landing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with collaborative information sharing and without a central coordinating entity. In one embodiment, the present disclosure includes an unmanned aerial vehicle including a communication interface, a memory; and an electronic processor. The communication interface is configured to establish a wireless communication link with one or more unmanned aerial vehicles. The electronic processor configured to autonomously coordinate landings at a landing strip with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent collisions exchanging messages with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles via the wireless communication link according to a collision avoidance protocol, and wherein the autonomous coordination occurs without a central coordination entity.

21-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003065811A1

The invention relates to a method for planning flight trajectories for at least two aircraft aiming to subsequently approach a predefined reference point, in particular a predefined destination, wherein each aircraft travels along a flight route according to an individual flight trajectory, such that a first aircraft travels along a first flight route according to a first flight trajectory and a second aircraft travels along a second flight route according to a second flight trajectory, wherein at least the second flight trajectory is set or adjusted such that at least one predetermined minimum separation between the two aircraft approaching the predefined destination according to their respective flight trajectories is ensured and the predetermined minimum separation is ensured throughout the whole flight trajectories by setting or adjusting an adjustable trajectory parameter (.theta.) of the first or second flight trajectory.

29-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002634947A1

A portable autonomous terminal guidance system can be located in an aircraft landing zone. The terminal guidance system generates a signal indicative of the position, the terrain, and the meteorological conditions where the guidance system is located. A receiving aircraft may process the signal produced by the terminal guidance system to generate a se lf- contained GPS obstacle-avoidance approach path for the aircraft to the landing zone. ...

12-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002910642A1

A method and apparatus of turning an aircraft for interval management. Interval management information identifying a desired spacing between the aircraft and a target aircraft is received. Turn information is determined using a performance gain factor. The turn information identifies a turn point for the aircraft. The performance gain factor identifies a desired portion of achieving the desired spacing due to turning the aircraft at the turn point and a desired portion of achieving the desired spacing due to changing speed of the aircraft. The turn information is used to turn the aircraft at the turn point.

29-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888849C

A high intensity light for warning aircraft of obstructions, comprising: a first high intensity light module comprising a first plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs); and a second high intensity light module comprising a second plurality of LEDs, wherein the second high intensity light module is stacked on top of the first high intensity light module, wherein a first optical axis of the first high intensity light module and a second optical axis of the second high intensity light module are angled to provide light emission at angles greater -90 degrees to +90 degrees in a horizontal axis, wherein the first high intensity light module and the second high intensity light module are parallel.

05-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002915988C

Methods and systems for communicating information are disclosed. An example method can comprise receiving information at a first device based on a first protocol. The information can be translated, at the first device, for communication to a second device based on a second protocol. A determination can be made as to whether the information matches a criterion associated with a transportation device. The information can be provided to the second device based on the second protocol and a determination that the information matches the criterion.

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002806850A1

Methods for flying multiple aircraft in a predetermined formation in which a relative navigation grid is emitted from at least one of the aircraft, a spatial relationship is calculated based on the emitted relative navigation grid, and a relative position of at least one aircraft is altered to position the aircraft in the predetermined formation when the spatial relationship does not conform with the predetermined formation.

20-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002829817A1

The invention relates to a monitoring system for the air-traffic control of flight objects (5, 6), which have transmitting units for emitting air-traffic control radio signals (ADS-B), wherein the air-traffic control radio signals (ADS-B) containing flight data concerning the respective aircraft (5, 6), the monitoring system comprising a plurality of receiving units (4a to 4c), which are designed to receive the emitted air-traffic control radio signals, wherein a plurality of satellites (1a to 1c) are provided, which each have communication means for forming a common satellite communication network and on each of which at least one of the receiving units (4a to 4c) is arranged, wherein the receiving units (4a to 4c) are connected to the communication means of the respective satellite (1a to 1c) and are designed to transmit the flight data contained in the air-traffic control radio signals to at least one ground station (3, 7) having a communication connection to the satellite communication ...

30-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002829817C

The invention relates to a monitoring system for the air-traffic control of flight objects (5, 6), which have transmitting units for emitting air-traffic control radio signals (ADS-B), wherein the air-traffic control radio signals (ADS-B) containing flight data concerning the respective aircraft (5, 6), the monitoring system comprising a plurality of receiving units (4a to 4c), which are designed to receive the emitted air-traffic control radio signals, wherein a plurality of satellites (1a to 1c) are provided, which each have communication means for forming a common satellite communication network and on each of which at least one of the receiving units (4a to 4c) is arranged, wherein the receiving units (4a to 4c) are connected to the communication means of the respective satellite (1a to 1c) and are designed to transmit the flight data contained in the air-traffic control radio signals to at least one ground station (3, 7) having a communication connection to the satellite communication ...

29-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002283032C

A landing aid device comprises processing means, which receive aircraft path data, and data regarding the position of at least one runway towards which the aircraft is steering. These processing means comprise calculation means which supply a state signal, comprising at least one condition which is dependent on the path data and on the runway data, this function being chosen so as to express the fact that the path of the aircraft converges towards the runway.

15-10-1959 дата публикации

Phare d'avion

Номер: CH0000341461A

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Portable flight tracker for use in airplane mode

Номер: US20120009951A1
Автор: Terrell Alan Poland
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable electronic device containing an embedded application provides real-time flight status information to users traveling on an airplane while the device is operating in airplane mode with no wireless connectivity. Before departure, the application downloads flight plan route information, digital map data, and other information of interest to the user. The airplane's in-flight entertainment system repeatedly announces the airplane's latest position on an audio channel. Users can enter position coordinates into the application manually or plug an audio cable into both the armrest of his chair and the application's smart-phone, tablet, net-book or laptop computer. The application recognizes position information from the user or the announcements and then correlates the airplane's in-flight position to saved map coordinates and displays a moving map image based on the flight's progress. The image includes flight status and links to saved information such as images of points of interest.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Centralized navigation information management method and system

Номер: US20120029737A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

In a centralized navigation information management system installed on board an aircraft which is in a current position at a current time, the aircraft having a warning management system and a route management system with means for creating a route plan, the route plan having a future route plan corresponding with the part of the route plan beginning at the current position and at the current time, the system includes: means for creating a task comprising at least one task parameter relating to an item of navigation information, including a task variable corresponding to a condition of execution of the said task, the means for creating a task having means for determining a predicted time meeting the execution condition; and means for detecting a possible inconsistency between the created task and the route plan or the future route plan and for transmitting, when an inconsistency is detected, a message relating to the inconsistency to a first display means of a centralized warning management system to display the inconsistency message on a first man-machine interface.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Pilotless Aircraft for Commercial and Military Use

Номер: US20120072058A1
Автор: Ruchit Kumar Regmi
Принадлежит: Individual

An aircraft control system is described having an Automatic Monitoring System (“AMS”), an Aircraft Parameter Management Computer (“APC”), and a Flight Management Computer (“FMC”) to monitor the parameters of the aircraft automatically and to fly the aircraft without requiring a pilot to fly. The system respond to data within the systems and with data provided by a communication/navigation aid of the airport. The built-in systems of the aircraft process the data to allow pilotless operation of the aircraft along a predetermined route while maintaining proper spacing from prior art and other automated aircraft. An aircraft in accordance with the invention utilizes programmed software, electronics circuit and feedback system to fly the aircraft within the designated/destined routes and airports automatically while providing increased security by preventing accidents caused by incorrect or unauthorized human influence.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Onboard computer with mode s transmission

Номер: US20120151195A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

An onboard computer for an airplane, including: a processor able to carry out operational functions according to a configuration of the onboard computer; a means for storing the configuration of the onboard computer; a means for parameterizing the onboard computer from parameterization information; a mode S transmission chain as defined by the ICAO for transmitting operational data from the onboard computer to or from a ground station or another airplane, the operational data being processed by the operational functions carried out by the computer. The transmission chain is able to carry out, in mode S, the transmission of parameterization information, to or from the parameterization means.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Airport taxiway collision alerting system

Номер: US20120200433A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for alerting a flight crew if a taxiing collision condition exists. An exemplary system on a host vehicle determines one or more first protection zones around other vehicles on the ground based on the received information about the other vehicles, determines a second protection zone around the host vehicle based on the stored information about the host vehicle and the sensor information and generates an alert, if any of the first protection zones occupies at least a portion of the same geographic area as the second protection zone. The received information includes position, ground speed, vehicle type information and heading or track information. The protection zones include a width dimension that is based on vehicle size information, a base length dimension that is based on the size information, and a variable component of the length dimension that is based on the ground speed.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods and systems for displaying procedure information on an aircraft display

Номер: US20120310524A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Methods and systems are provided for presenting information on a display device associated with an aircraft. An exemplary method involves displaying a navigational map on the display device, obtaining status information for the aircraft, determining an amount of procedure information to be displayed based at least in part on the status information, and displaying the determined amount of aircraft procedure information on the display device overlying the navigational map. The procedure information prescribes operation of the aircraft during execution of an aircraft procedure.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for integrating runway status and layout

Номер: US20130090841A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method for combining static runway information with runway status information for a selected runway is described. The method includes retrieving, with a processing device, static runway information for the selected runway from at least one database, retrieving, with the processing device, runway status information for the selected runway from at least one source of dynamic runway status information, generating, through a program executing on the processing device, a depiction of the selected runway on at least one display device, and generating for display proximate the runway depiction, through the execution of the program, a plurality of contextual symbology associated with the runway, the symbology based on the retrieved static runway information and the retrieved dynamic runway status information.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for displaying a taxi clearance

Номер: US20130103297A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Methods and systems are provided for completing and displaying a taxi clearance for an aircraft at an airport. One exemplary method involves receiving an input taxi clearance including a first taxi path of a plurality of taxi paths at the airport and a second taxi path of the plurality of taxi paths that succeeds the first taxi path in the input taxi clearance, and determining a plurality of possible taxi routes between the first taxi path and the second taxi path. The method continues by identifying an optimal taxi route from among the plurality of possible taxi routes, and graphically indicating that the taxi clearance for the aircraft includes the optimal taxi route between the first taxi path and the second taxi path.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130124020A1
Принадлежит: L-3 Unmanned Systems, Inc.

Autonomous collision avoidance systems for unmanned aerial vehicles are disclosed. Systems illustratively include a detect and track module, an inertial navigation system, and an auto avoidance module. The detect and track module senses a potential object of collision and generates a moving object track for the potential object of collision. The inertial navigation system provides information indicative of a position and a velocity of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The auto avoidance module receives the moving object track for the potential object of collision and the information indicative of the position and the velocity of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The auto avoidance module utilizes the information to generate a guidance maneuver that facilitates the unmanned aerial vehicle avoiding the potential object of collision. 1. A method for autonomously controlling a vehicle so as to avoid potential collisions , the method comprising:detecting and tracking potential objects of collision by identifying directional finding angle information;determining that at least one of the potential objects of collision will enter a path of the vehicle;guiding the vehicle out of the path; andwherein said determining and guiding are based on the directional finding angle information and a navigational state of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein guiding the vehicle out of the path comprises putting the vehicle on a different path that allows the vehicle to miss the object of collision by at least a predetermined miss distance.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining comprises calculating a relative range claim 1 , a relative range rate claim 1 , a line of sight angle and a line of sight rate between the potential objects of collision and the vehicle based on the directional finding angle information and navigational states of the vehicle.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the line of sight angle is based on a trigonometric function of the relative range.5. The method ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

System and method for displaying degraded traffic data on an in-trail procedure (itp) display

Номер: US20130191015A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system and method for displaying degraded traffic data from an intruder aircraft on an ITP display is provided. The method includes determining if the degraded traffic data exhibits navigational accuracy sufficient for display on the ITP display, and analyzing the degraded traffic data to determine the ITP parameters for similar track traffic and to determine if the navigational accuracy of the degraded traffic data is within predefined bounds if the navigational accuracy of the degraded traffic is not sufficient for display on the ITP display.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for displaying performance based range and time scales on a navigation display

Номер: US20130204523A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A display system and method is provided for deployment on board a vehicle and includes a data source that provides the display system with data indicative of at least time, position, and velocity of the vehicle. The system comprises a monitor, a display included within the monitor for displaying range data indicative of a specific distance and time data indicative of time it takes to travel the specific distance, an input device, and a processor coupled to the monitor and to the input device and configured to (1) render symbology on the display visually representative of the time data and the range data, and (2) update the range data, and correspondingly change the time data in response to the change in range data made via the input device.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Aircraft navigation system

Номер: US20130270394A1
Автор: Joshua Lee Downs
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for assisting in management of unmanned aerial vehicles. Planned routes are identified for the unmanned aerial vehicles. The planned routes are displayed on a map. A set of planned routes is identified that is within a predefined distance of a selected planned route during substantially a same point in time within a viewing area on the map.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Conflict Detection and Resolution Using Predicted Aircraft Trajectories

Номер: US20130317733A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A method of detecting conflicts between aircraft passing through managed airspace, and to resolving the detected conflicts strategically. The method may include obtaining intended trajectories of aircraft through the airspace and time constraints corresponding to time of arrival at specified locations, detecting conflicts in the intended trajectories, forming a set of the conflicted aircraft, calculating one or more revised trajectories for the conflicted aircraft such that the conflicts are resolved and the time constraints met, and advising the conflicted aircraft subject to revised trajectories of the revised trajectories. 1. A computer implemented method of managing airspace through which a plurality of aircraft are flying , comprising:obtaining user-preferred aircraft intent data of the aircraft that describe unambiguously the user-preferred trajectories of the aircraft through the airspace;obtaining time constraints for at least some of the aircraft, each time constraint comprising a user-preferred time of arrival at a common location;calculating the corresponding user-preferred trajectories from the user-preferred aircraft intent data;calling an initial conflict detection procedure comprising comparing the calculated user-preferred trajectories to identify one or more conflicts between user-preferred trajectories, and identifying the conflicted aircraft predicted to fly the conflicting trajectories;calling an initial conflict resolution procedure comprising revising the user-preferred aircraft intent data of one or more conflicted aircraft to produce revised trajectories in a way that is configured to achieve a primary objective of resolving conflicts and in a way that is configured to achieve a secondary objective of meeting the time constraints; andtransmitting to the conflicted aircraft subject to revised trajectories the one or more revised aircraft intents.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the initial conflict resolution procedure comprises:calling an ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for displaying obstacle-avoidance information during surface operations

Номер: US20130321176A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Systems and methods for aiding in pilot awareness of obstacles relative to aircraft features. An exemplary processor receives sensor information from one or more sensors mounted in an aircraft feature (e.g. light modules), determines if at least one obstacle is located within a predefined field of view based on the received sensor or database information and generates an image. The image includes an ownship icon having at least one feature representing wingtips of the aircraft and at least one indicator associated with the determined at least one obstacle. A display device presents the generated image. The display device presents a tip of a first sense coverage area adjacent to one wingtip feature associated with the port wing and a tip of the second sense coverage area adjacent to one wingtip feature associated with the starboard wing. The indicator is presented within at least one of the coverage areas.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Conflict detection and resolution using predicted aircraft trajectories

Номер: US20130338910A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method of detecting conflicts between aircraft passing through managed airspace, and resolving the detected conflicts strategically. The method may include obtaining intended trajectories of aircraft through the airspace, detecting conflicts in the intended trajectories, forming a set of the conflicted aircraft, calculating one or more revised trajectories for the conflicted aircraft such that the conflicts are resolved, and advising the conflicted aircraft subject to revised trajectories of the revised trajectories.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009313A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

An approach detector () detects the range in which a conflict will occur between an aircraft whose route is being searched and all other aircrafts on the basis of flight information acquired by a flight information acquirer (). A first position detector () detects the position furthest from a position of entry in controlled airspace that the aircraft whose route is being searched can navigate to until the occurrence of the conflict. A second position detector (), if the aircraft whose route is being searched maintains an altitude other than a set altitude, detects a position closest to a position of entry into controlled airspace that is beyond the position to which the altitude was changed from the set altitude, and that allows withdrawal from controlled airspace without the occurrence of the conflict. An altitude change detector () on the basis of the above described detection results detects an altitude change range that is a range in which the aircraft whose route is being searched can change altitude to avoid conflict. 1. A control assistance device comprising:a flight information acquirer for acquiring flight information containing information indicating flight plans and positions of flight routes of each craft that is a target of control, in a controlled airspace;a conflict detector for detecting, for a set altitude that is an altitude set in the flight information of a flight search target craft that is a one of the craft that is the target of control and is a target of route searching and at least one navigable altitude within the controlled airspace other than the set altitude, ranges in which a conflict occurs between the route search target craft and each of the other control-target craft and generating conflict range information indicating the ranges in which the conflicts occur at each altitude, when the route search target craft has flown on the flight path set in the flight plan maintaining the respective altitudes, based on the flight information;a ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for aiding navigation making it possible to manage a vertical constraint in an anticipated manner

Номер: US20140012436A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

A method for aiding navigation is provided, implemented in a flight management system, for the construction of a vertical trajectory of an aircraft following a predetermined lateral trajectory between a departure point and an arrival point; the departure point and arrival point furthermore being characterized by predefined altitudes, respectively H d and H a , and predefined speeds, respectively V d and V a . The method comprises the steps of: selection of a transition manoeuvre in terms of altitude and speed from a predetermined list of manoeuvres; determination of a manoeuvre point P M on the lateral trajectory, of altitude H d and of speed V d , from which the transition manoeuvre must be initiated so as to allow the aircraft to reach at the arrival point the predefined speed V a and the predefined altitude H a .

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140019034A1
Автор: Bushnell Glenn S.
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

Systems and methods for providing vehicle-centric collision avoidance are disclosed. An example method includes determining a first flight trajectory for a first aircraft, determining a second flight trajectory for a second aircraft, determining a predicted first distance between the first aircraft and the second aircraft at a first closest point of approach based on the first and second flight trajectories, comparing the predicted first distance to a first separation perimeter layer, the first separation perimeter layer defining a first three-dimensional perimeter based on the first aircraft, determining a first adjustment having a first magnitude from the first flight trajectory when the predicted first distance is within a first perimeter, determining a second adjustment having a second magnitude from the first flight trajectory when the predicted first distance is within a second perimeter different from the first perimeter, and altering the first flight trajectory based on the first or second adjustment. 1. A method to provide aircraft guidance , comprising:determining a first flight trajectory for a first aircraft;determining a second flight trajectory for a second aircraft;determining a predicted first distance between the first aircraft and the second aircraft at a first closest point of approach based on the first and second flight trajectories;comparing the predicted first distance to a first separation perimeter, the first separation perimeter to define a first three-dimensional perimeter based on the first aircraft;determining a first flight trajectory adjustment having a first magnitude from the first flight trajectory when the predicted first distance is within the first separation perimeter;determining a second flight trajectory adjustment having a second magnitude from the first flight trajectory when the predicted first distance is within a second separation perimeter different from the first separation perimeter; andaltering the first flight ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Flight data display

Номер: US20140063037A1
Принадлежит: SAAB AB

The invention pertains to a display method, a computer program for performing steps of the display method and a display system. The display system ( 1 ) comprising: display means ( 2 ) comprising: a physical display unit ( 13 )operable to display flight data, a display processing device ( 11 ), a graphics driver and a graphics processing device, fault detection means arranged to detect at least one fault condition associated to the display means ( 2 ). The display processing device is arranged to process a first task set associated to a normal operation mode and in parallel process a second task set associated to an emergency operation mode, wherein said display processing device is arranged to transmit information provided from the second task set to the graphics processing device in response to the detected at least one fault condition.

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for modifying an aircraft flight plan on a touch-sensitive screen

Номер: US20140074323A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

The general area of the invention is that of methods for managing flight plans by an avionic system comprising a visualization device and a touch-sensitive interface. The visualization device displays a cartographic representation of the terrain flown over, aeronautical data and a flight plan composed of a set of segments connecting together certain aeronautical waypoints. The management method contains several steps, a first editing step activated by touch-sensitive designating of any point of the flight plan, a second modification of the flight plan step activated by a touch-sensitive movement, the end of the touch-sensitive movement triggering a movement or an addition or the removal of a waypoint. The method also makes it possible to easily manage the airways in order to incorporate them into a flight plan during modification.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and device for automatically managing the spacing of at least one following aircraft behind at least one target aircraft

Номер: US20140081482A1

The system ( 1 ) comprises means for determining the distance at the current time of the target aircraft (B) with respect to the merge waypoint (P0) along its path (TB), this distance being transmitted to calculation means in order to determine the speed control commands which are subsequently applied to the reference aircraft (A) in order for it to carry out the acquisition of the spacing at said merge waypoint (P0).

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081485A1

Methods are provided for presenting procedure information for an airport on a display device onboard an aircraft. A method comprises displaying a map on a display device and displaying a briefing panel overlying a portion the map. The briefing panel includes a plurality of segments, wherein each segment is associated with a type of procedure information for the airport. 1. A display system onboard an aircraft comprising a display device having rendered thereon a navigational map comprising:a graphical representation of terrain corresponding to a location of the aircraft; anda briefing panel overlying the graphical representation of the terrain, wherein the briefing panel includes a plurality of segments associated with procedure information for an aircraft action, wherein each segment of the plurality of segments is associated with a category of the procedure information and includes a value or criterion for that respective category of the procedure information for the aircraft action.2. The display system of claim 1 , wherein the briefing panel overlies a portion of the navigational map and includes a selectable segment associated with a first type of instrument approach procedure information claim 1 , wherein the navigational map further comprises a menu overlying the graphical representation of the terrain claim 1 , the menu being associated with the selectable segment.3. The display system of claim 2 , wherein the menu includes a plurality of possible approaches.4. The display system of claim 2 , wherein the menu includes plurality of possible radio frequencies for the aircraft action.5. The display system of claim 2 , wherein the menu includes a minima table for the aircraft action.6. The display system of claim 1 , wherein the aircraft action comprises a first approach for an airport claim 1 , wherein each segment of the plurality of segments is associated with a category of instrument approach procedure information for the first approach and includes a value ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001998A1
Принадлежит: ForeFlight LLC

A combined automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) and carbon monoxide (CO) detecting device includes an ADS-B circuitry configured to receive an ADS-B transmission, a CO sensor configured to obtain a CO reading for ambient air in an aircraft cabin, a processor configured to generate a data stream combining the ADS-B transmission and the CO reading, and a wireless communication circuitry configured to provide the data stream to at least one aircraft crew computing device. 1. A combined automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) and carbon monoxide (CO) detecting device comprising:an ADS-B circuitry configured to receive an ADS-B transmission;a CO sensor configured to obtain a CO reading for ambient air in an aircraft cabin;a processor configured to generate a data stream combining the ADS-B transmission and the CO reading; anda wireless communication circuitry configured to provide the data stream to at least one aircraft crew computing device.2. The combined ADS-B and CO detecting device of claim 1 , further comprising a suction cup mount for removable installation of the combined ADS-B and CO detecting device on a surface in the aircraft cabin.3. The combined ADS-B and CO detecting device of claim 1 , wherein the received ADS-B transmission comprises at least one selected from an inflight weather information claim 1 , a traffic information claim 1 , and notices to airmen (NOTAMs).4. The combined ADS-B and CO detecting device of claim 1 , wherein the CO sensor performs a periodic self-test.5. The combined ADS-B and CO detecting device of claim 1 , further comprising a status indicator configured to provide an alert when the obtained CO reading exceeds a CO threshold value.6. The combined ADS-B and CO detecting device of claim 5 , wherein the CO threshold value establishes a caution threshold for a CO concentration in the ambient air.7. The combined ADS-B and CO detecting device of claim 5 , wherein the CO threshold value establishes a danger ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005362A1

A system and apparatus for assisting in determining the best course of action at any point inflight for an emergency. The system may monitor a plurality of parameters including atmospheric conditions along the flight path, ground conditions and terrain, conditions aboard the aircraft, and pilot/crew data. Based on these parameters, the system may provide continually updated information about the best available landing sites or recommend solutions to aircraft configuration errors. In case of emergency, the system may provide a procedure associated with a hierarchy of available emergency landing sites for execution via the autopilot system for landing the aircraft. 1. An aircraft comprising:(a) an aircraft flight control;(b) an autopilot operatively connected to said aircraft flight control;(c) a position sensor for reporting the aircraft's position;(d) a display; (1) memory storing data related to aircraft position, airport landing procedures, and weather information;', '(2) a processor coupled with said memory and said autopilot, the processor configured to:', "identify within range of the aircraft's current position potential alternate landing sites;", "determine the suitability of the sites based on the site's distance from the aircraft's current position and an airport landing procedure, and at least one additional selection criteria selected from the group including weather conditions, wind conditions, or runway length;", 'select an alternate landing site based on the determined suitability;', 'create a flight path from a current position of the aircraft to a landing associated with the selected alternate landing site via at least one of a waypoint or an initial approach;', 'contact air traffic control regarding the aircraft being diverted to the selected alternate landing site;', 'determine the estimated time of arrival at the selected alternate landing site;', 'display the selected alternate landing site and a route to the selected alternate landing site on ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Flight assistant

Номер: US20220005363A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and apparatus for assisting in determining the best course of action at any point inflight for an emergency. The system may monitor a plurality of parameters including atmospheric conditions along the flight path, ground conditions and terrain, conditions aboard the aircraft, and pilot/crew data. Based on these parameters, the system may provide continually updated information about the best available landing sites or recommend solutions to aircraft configuration errors. In case of emergency, the system may provide a pilot with a procedure for execution for landing the aircraft.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005319A1

A method for assisting the piloting of an aircraft on the ground comprises the steps of obtaining a panoramic view of at least one area adjacent to the aircraft, isolating an image corresponding to a part of the panoramic view and which is selected according to an orientation desired by the pilot, and displaying the image on a display device visible by the pilot. A system for the implementation of the method is also provided. 2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of detecting an obstacle from the panoramic view and of emitting a signal if a distance separating the aircraft and the detected obstacle is less than a given value.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of reconstituting the panoramic view from several views captured by several cameras.4. A system for assisting the piloting of an aircraft on the ground claim 1 , thje aircraft comprising a fuselage claim 1 , wings and landing gear claim 1 , the system comprising:at least one image acquisition device, integral with the aircraft, configured to capture one of a panoramic view, and views making it possible to reconstitute a panoramic view, of at least one area adjacent to the aircraft,a mobile display device,a pointer making it possible to indicate an orientation and comprising an orientation sensor connected to the display device and configured to indicate the orientation of the display device to an image processing device, andthe least one image processing device, from the panoramic view or reconsititued panoramic view, being configured to isolate an image as a function of the orientation indicated by the orientation sensor, the image being displayed on the display device.5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the display device is one of an immersive helmet and immersive glasses.6. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the display device is a tablet.7. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the image acquisition device is positioned under the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005092A1
Автор: CHEN Hanping, YANG Yong

A control method includes obtaining lock information including a flight platform identification and sending a lock message to a control device according to the lock information. The control device includes a flight platform corresponding to the flight platform identification or an adapter ring carried by the flight platform. The lock message indicates to lock a load carried by and communicatively connected to the flight platform. 1. A control method comprising:obtaining lock information including a flight platform identification; andsending a lock message to a control device according to the lock information, the control device including a flight platform corresponding to the flight platform identification or an adapter ring carried by the flight platform, and the lock message indicating to lock a load carried by and communicatively connected to the flight platform.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein obtaining the lock information includes at least one of:obtaining the lock information entered by a user;obtaining a coordinate of the flight platform entered by the user and determining the lock information according to the coordinate of the flight platform; orreceiving the lock information sent by another device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the lock information further includes a target load identification; andthe lock message indicates to lock a target load corresponding to the target load identification.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the lock information further includes a danger level; andthe lock message indicates to lock the load according to the danger level.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein sending the lock information to the control device includes:sending the lock message to a user device, such that the user device forwards the lock message to the control device, an application (App) of the user device being configured to control the flight platform.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising claim 5 , before sending the lock message to the user ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005095A1

In some examples, a collision awareness system includes a receiver configured to receive a first clearance for a first vehicle, receive a first image of the first vehicle, and receive a second clearance for a second vehicle. The collision awareness system also includes processing circuitry configured to determine that the first vehicle is positioned incorrectly based on the first clearance and the first image. The processing circuitry is also configured to generate an alert based on the second clearance and in response to determining that the first vehicle is positioned incorrectly. 1. A collision awareness system comprising: receive a first clearance for a first vehicle;', 'receive a first image of the first vehicle; and', 'receive a second clearance for a second vehicle; and, 'a receiver configured to determine a position of the first vehicle based on the first image;', 'determine that the first vehicle is positioned incorrectly based on the first clearance and the first image;', 'construct a safety envelope for the first vehicle based on the position of the first vehicle determined from the first image;', 'determine that the second clearance instructs the second vehicle to enter the safety envelope for the first vehicle; and', 'generate an alert based on the second clearance, in response to determining that the second clearance instructs the second vehicle to enter the safety envelope for the first vehicle, and in response to determining that the first vehicle is positioned incorrectly., 'processing circuitry configured to2. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the receiver is configured to receive a second image of first vehicle after receiving the first image, and determine that the first vehicle is positioned correctly based on the first clearance and the second image; and', 'generate a caution based on the second clearance and in response to determining that the first vehicle is positioned correctly., 'wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to34-. ( ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005096A1
Автор: Casek Petr, Gelnarova Eva

In some examples, a system that mounts on a vehicle includes a transceiver configured to transmit a first surveillance message including a first value for a quality parameter, wherein the first value indicates a first level of integrity or accuracy for the first surveillance message. The transceiver is also configured to receive a reply message to the first surveillance message. The system also includes processing circuitry configured to determine a second value for the quality parameter in response to the transceiver receiving the reply message, wherein the second quality parameter indicates a second level of integrity or accuracy for surveillance messages transmitted by the transceiver, and wherein the second level of integrity or accuracy is higher than the first level. The transceiver is configured to transmit a second surveillance message including the second value for the quality parameter in response to the processing circuitry determining the second quality parameter. 1. A system configured to mount on a vehicle , the system comprising: transmit a first surveillance message including a first field with a first value for a quality parameter and a second field with vehicle data, wherein the first value indicates a first level of integrity or accuracy for the first surveillance message; and', 'receive a reply message to the first surveillance message; and, 'a transceiver configured toprocessing circuitry configured to determine a second value for the quality parameter in response to the transceiver receiving the reply message, wherein the second value for the quality parameter indicates a second level of integrity or accuracy for surveillance messages transmitted by the transceiver, and wherein the second level of integrity or accuracy is higher than the first level of integrity or accuracy,wherein the transceiver is configured to transmit a second surveillance message including the first field with the second value for the quality parameter in response to the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005536A1
Принадлежит: THALES

This method for displaying information relative to an aircraft is carried out by computer and includes the acquisition of a message from among a meteorological message and an aeronautical information message, each message including at least one mission object identifier; searching, among the mission object identifier(s) contained in each acquired message, for at least one mission object identifier verifying at least one criterion from among first, second and third predefined criteria, the first criterion depending on a received mission plan, the second criterion depending on the current position of the aircraft, and the third criterion depending on both the current position of the aircraft and the received mission plan; and if at least one mission object identifier is detected verifying at least one of the first, second and third predefined criteria, displaying each detected identifier. 1. A method for displaying information relative to an aircraft , the method being implemented by a computer and including the following steps:acquiring at least one message from among a meteorological message and an aeronautical information message, each message including at least one mission object identifier;searching, among the mission object identifier(s) contained in each acquired message, for at least one mission object identifier verifying at least one criterion from among first, second and third predefined criteria, the first criterion depending on a received mission plan, the second criterion depending on the current position of the aircraft, and the third criterion depending on both the current position of the aircraft and the received mission plan; andif at least one mission object identifier is detected verifying at least one of the first, second and third predefined criteria, displaying each detected mission object identifier.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each meteorological message is chosen from among the group consisting of: a METAR message claim 1 , a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

System and method for producing and submitting a pirep

Номер: US20150007080A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system and method for textually displaying weather data on an onboard aircraft display comprises receiving weather data from onboard weather radar. A data collector is coupled to the weather radar and collects relevant data, which is then manipulated to place it in a PIREP (pilot report) format. The formatted data is then rendered on the aircraft display and subsequently transmitted to a ground station.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005828A1
Автор: Costas Pablo

A method and system for autonomously operating an aircraft. The method comprises a pre-flight training step comprising: retrieving recorded surveillance data of a plurality of flights corresponding to at least one aircraft type and at least one route; inferring aircraft intent from the recorded surveillance data; computing reconstructed trajectories using the inferred aircraft intent; selecting a training dataset comprising aircraft intent and reconstructed trajectories of flights corresponding to a particular aircraft type and route; and applying a machine learning algorithm on the training dataset to obtain a mapping function between aircraft states and actions. The method further comprises a real-time control step executed during a flight of an aircraft, the real-time control step comprising: repeatedly retrieving onboard sensor data; obtaining real-time aircraft states from the onboard sensor data; determining actions associated to the real-time aircraft states using the mapping function; and executing the selected actions on the aircraft. 1. A method of autonomously operating an aircraft , comprising: retrieving recorded surveillance data of a plurality of flights corresponding to at least one aircraft type and at least one route,', 'inferring aircraft intent from the recorded surveillance data,', 'computing reconstructed trajectories by using the aircraft intent,', 'selecting a training dataset comprising the aircraft intent and the reconstructed trajectories of flights corresponding to a particular aircraft type and route, and', 'applying a machine learning algorithm on the training dataset to obtain a mapping function between aircraft states and actions; and, 'prior to flight of the aircraft repeatedly retrieving onboard sensor data,', 'obtaining real-time aircraft states from the onboard sensor data,', 'determining the actions associated to the real-time aircraft states by using the mapping function, and', 'executing the actions on the aircraft., 'during ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220024580A1

A drone system that includes a drone and a movable body which is movable with loading the drone and where the drone can take off and land, cooperate to operate and that is able to maintain a high level of safety even during autonomous flight, is provided. The drone has a flight controller controlling a flight of the drone, and a drone transmitter transmitting an information possible to distinguish whether the drone is in flight. The movable body has a take-off and landing area where the drone is loaded, takes off and lands, a movement controller loading the drone on the take-off and landing area and moving the movable body with the drone, a movable body receiver receiving an information from the drone, and a display unit. 1. A drone system comprising:a drone; anda movable body, which is movable with loading the drone, and where the drone can take off and land;wherein the drone and the movable body cooperate to operate,wherein the drone comprising:a flight controller controlling a flight of the drone; anda drone transmitter transmitting an information possible to distinguish whether the drone is in flight;wherein the movable body comprising:a take-off and landing area which becomes a take-off and landing point where the drone is loaded and where the drone takes off and lands;a movement controller loading the drone on the take-off and landing area and moving the movable body with the drone;a movable body receiver receiving an information from the drone; anda display unit indicating an information based on the information received from the drone;wherein when the information indicating that the drone is in flight is received by the movable body receiver, at least one of a restriction of an operation of the movable body or an indication of the display unit is made different from a case when the drone is not in flight.2. The drone system according to claim 1 , wherein when the information indicating that the drone is in flight is received by the movable body receiver and ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220027772A1
Автор: Gohl Pascal, Omari Sammy

This disclosure relates to systems and methods for determining predicted risk for a flight path of an unmanned aerial vehicle. A previously stored three-dimensional representation of a user-selected location may be obtained. The three-dimensional representation may be derived from depth maps of the user-selected location generated during previous unmanned aerial vehicle flights. The three-dimensional representation may reflect a presence of objects and object existence accuracies for the individual objects. The object existence accuracies for the individual objects may provide information about accuracy of existence of the individual objects within the user-selected location. A user-created flight path may be obtained for a future unmanned aerial flight within the three-dimensional representation of the user-selected location. Predicted risk may be determined for individual portions of the user-created flight path based upon the three-dimensional representation of the user-selected location. 120-. (canceled)21. A system comprising: obtain a three-dimensional representation of a location, the three-dimensional representation reflecting a presence of objects and object existence accuracies for each individual object;', 'obtain a flight path for an unmanned aerial flight within the three-dimensional representation of the location; and', 'determine predicted risk for individual portions of the flight path based upon risk parameters by determining a risk confidence score for each individual object, the risk parameters including the object existence accuracies., 'one or more physical processors configured by machine readable instructions to22. The system of claim 21 , wherein the three-dimensional representation is derived from depth maps of the location generated during previous unmanned aerial flights.23. The system of claim 21 , wherein the object existence accuracies provide information about accuracy of existence of each individual object within the location.24. The ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System and method for intelligently mining information and briefing an aircrew on conditions outside the aircraft

Номер: US20170011635A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A system and method intelligently mines information and briefs an aircrew on conditions outside the aircraft. A mission information manager proactively mines incoming data sources, filters for relevance to current flight, retrieves the most up-to-date information, dynamically selects an appropriate format based on perceptual/cognitive affordances of content, and presents integrated, intuitive data that allows the flight crew to rapidly acquire relevant awareness of conditions outside the aircraft. An expert mission model system reviews incoming information for any situations that are of immediate mission concern. The system presents this information to the flight crew's attention while they have the greatest operational flexibility. Additionally, a human factors module provides decision aiding for select critical phases while taking into account information both outside and inside the aircraft.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and methods for displaying degraded intruder traffic data on an aircraft display

Номер: US20160012732A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

A method for providing an aircraft display includes the steps of receiving an indication of a current position and altitude of the aircraft, receiving air traffic information for another aircraft within a predetermined range of the current position of the aircraft, and determining whether an element of the traffic information for the another aircraft is missing from the received air traffic information. If an element is missing, the method further includes beginning a timer to determine a length of time that the element is missing. Still further, the method includes the step of, after a predetermined time has elapsed that the element is missing according to the timer, displaying an indication of the another aircraft along with the length of time that the element is missing.

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and method of controlling airport traffic

Номер: US20160012734A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method of controlling airport traffic is provided. The method includes routing a plurality of aircraft towards a runway and selecting a runway approach vector for each of the plurality of aircraft. First approach legs of each runway approach vector are separated from each other by a distance.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012737A1

A particular method includes sending a taxiing routing message from a device to a vehicle. The taxiing routing message indicates a route assignment associated with an airport. The method also includes in response to receiving an acknowledgment of the taxiing routing message from the vehicle, indicating a status at a graphical user interface. The status is associated with the taxiing routing message. 1. A method comprising:sending a taxiing routing message from a device to a vehicle, wherein the taxiing routing message indicates a route assignment associated with an airport; andin response to receiving an acknowledgment of the taxiing routing message from thevehicle, indicating a status at a graphical user interface, the status associated with the taxiing routing message.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in response to sending the taxiing routing message claim 1 , indicating a second status at the graphical user interface claim 1 , wherein the second status indicates that the route assignment has been sent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle includes a ground vehicle.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , in response to detecting that the vehicle has entered an area associated with a second device:sending a signal to the second device from the device, wherein the signal indicates that the second device is to route the vehicle; andupdating the graphical user interface to indicate that the vehicle is routed by the second device.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , prior to sending the taxiing routing message claim 1 , automatically generating the route assignment based on routing rules.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising claim 5 , prior to sending the taxiing routing message:indicating the route assignment at the graphical user interface after the route assignment has been automatically generated;receiving user data indicating that the route assignment is to be modified; andmodifying the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180012503A1

A method is provided for calculating the prediction of required navigation performance for a trajectory associated with a list of segments of a flight plan. A method is also provided for displaying the navigation performance as a corridor trajectory and adapted to guarantee compliance with the navigation performance requirements while offering immediate viewing of the navigation latitude in a corridor. 1. A method of calculating required navigation performance prediction for a trajectory of an aircraft , the method being operated by an aircraft computing platform and comprising the steps of:receiving a list of segments of a flight plan; identifying all the contingencies constituting navigation performance constraints;', 'determining and selecting the most constraining contingency for said segment;', 'calculating a prediction of required navigation performance, as a function of data arising from the selected contingency; and, 'for each segment of the listupdating the list of segments with the prediction of required navigation performance associated with each segment.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the identification step consists in identifying the contingencies existing in the navigation database and the contingencies defined by an operator.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the determination step consists in determining whether a performance contingency given by a regulation is the most constraining claim 1 , and selecting it.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the calculation of the prediction of required navigation performance is done as a function of default values when no navigation performance constraint is identified.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the steps are executed for a calculation of required horizontal navigation performance prediction and/or for a calculation of required vertical navigation performance prediction.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the steps are re-executed automatically if the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012925A1

A method for detecting conflicts between aircraft flying in controlled airspace. The method determines whether pairs of aircraft flight routes violate a predetermined proximity test. The separation of pairs of aircraft whose flight routes do not violate the proximity test is assured. For pairs of aircraft whose flight routes violate the proximity test, the method calculates the parts of their flight routes that breach the separation threshold, the conflict paths (). The conflict paths are stored. The method determines the portions of aircraft trajectories corresponding to the conflict paths. The separation of aircraft that have flown past their conflict paths is assured. The separation time and separation altitude of pairs of aircraft that have not flown past their conflict paths are calculated. The separation time and separation altitude are used to determine future circumstances whereby the pairs of aircraft may lose separation. 1. A computer implemented method for detecting conflicts between a plurality of aircraft , the method comprising:identifying flight routes for the plurality of aircraft;based on the identified flight routes, identifying one or more conflict paths, wherein a conflict path comprises a portion of a flight route which has a horizontal separation from another flight route less than a predetermined horizontal distance; andperforming conflict detection using portions of predicted trajectories of the plurality of aircraft corresponding to positions within the one or more conflict paths, each predicted trajectory comprising predicted timings at which an aircraft is predicted to be situated at respective positions;wherein the conflict paths are identified independent of the predicted trajectories of the aircraft.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising wherein at least a portion of the predicted trajectories corresponding to positions outside the one or more conflict paths is eliminated from the conflict detection.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012674A1
Принадлежит: Kaunas University of Technology

The summary of the present invention is a portable autonomous device and method operating independently of the aircraft flight control equipment. The device can be easily moved from one aircraft to another. The device measures the acceleration of the aircraft from the instantaneous speed and the runway distance covered from the start of the acceleration. Once the runway length and take-off speed is input, the device calculates the remaining distance to safely reach the take-off speed. If the remaining runway distance is not enough for the safe take-off, the device provides visual or audible information about the situation and signals to the pilot. In other embodiments, the determination and presentation of the remaining runway length may be implemented in the aircraft flight control equipment. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. A method for determining a safe aircraft runway distance based on input of runway length , take-off direction with respect to the World Countries (or other coordinate system) , wind direction with respect to the World Countries (or other coordinate system) , wind speed , and take-off speed , V1 , of an aircraft , comprising the following steps:measuring acceleration of an aircraft at continuous intervals using an accelerometer;determining an instantaneous speed of an aircraft using the first acceleration integral with respect to time using a computer processor;determining a position of the aircraft on a runway using the second acceleration integral with respect to time using a computer processor;determining the remaining runway distance for reaching the take-off speed, V1, of an aircraft by comparing the instantaneous speed of the aircraft with respect to air with the take-off speed, V1;providing output to a pilot if the remaining runway is no longer enough to reach the take-off speed, V1.9. A method for determining a safe aircraft runway distance according to claim 8 , further ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013293A1

Systems and methods of displaying hazard reports to a pilot of a first aircraft by receiving position and trajectory data from a neighbouring aircraft and identifying, using at least one criterion, whether a potential hazard report received from the neighbouring aircraft would indicate a potential hazard for the first aircraft on the basis of the received aircraft positional data and aircraft trajectory data. On the basis of this identification, displaying a representation of a neighbouring aircraft when it is identified that a potential hazard report received from the neighbouring aircraft would indicate a potential hazard for the first aircraft, and causing a receiving module of the first aircraft to begin selectively receiving hazard reports from the neighbouring aircraft. 1. An avionic information system for use in a first aircraft , the avionic information system comprising:a display module;a receiver module for receiving aircraft positional data and aircraft trajectory data from other aircraft, and for selectively receiving weather hazard reports from neighbouring aircraft;a memory module configured to store at least one criterion for identifying, on the basis of the received aircraft positional data and aircraft trajectory data, whether a potential weather hazard report received from a neighbouring aircraft would indicate a potential weather hazard for the first aircraft; anda processing module operably connected to the display module, to the receiver module and to the memory module, wherein the processing module is configured to determine, using the stored at least one criterion, whether a potential weather hazard report received from a neighbouring aircraft would indicate a potential weather hazard for the first aircraft and, when the processing module determines that a potential weather hazard report received from the neighbouring aircraft would indicate a potential weather hazard for the first aircraft, the processing module is further configured to cause ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013301A1

A monitoring system and method are provided to monitor ground movement of aircraft driven with electric taxi drive systems and movement of ground service vehicles and equipment and personnel within airport ramp areas. Monitor and sensor devices, including those that are intelligent and employ scanning technology to generate image, positional, and other data may be mounted in locations on aircraft, ground service vehicles and equipment, passenger loading bridges, an airport terminal, and other ramp locations to generate a constant stream of data as the aircraft moves into, within, and out of an airport ramp area. The data stream is transmitted to an artificial intelligence-based processing system to identify and communicate possible safety hazards to multiple locations so that the aircraft's ground travel or a ground vehicle's travel may be altered to avoid identified safety hazards and to avoid collisions. 1. A monitoring system that provides a maximal amount of information about an airport ramp area environment from a constant stream of data generated during the ground movement of electric taxi system-driven aircraft within the airport ramp area to improve safety of ramp operations , comprising:a. an airport ramp area at an airport terminal with a plurality of gates, passenger loading bridges attached to said terminal at said gates, moving ground service vehicles and equipment, and nonmoving structures within said ramp area;b. aircraft equipped with landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems to drive said aircraft within said airport ramp area and a display screen in a cockpit of said aircraft visible to a pilot and crew of said aircraft;c. a plurality of monitoring devices mounted in exterior locations on said electric taxi system-driven aircraft and at least on said ground service vehicles and equipment and on said nonmoving structures within said ramp area operative to provide fields of view of said aircraft exterior and said ramp area from said ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015698A1
Автор: Knight Michael

The disclosed embodiments relate to methods and systems for identifying air traffic. A method is provided in which images from a camera positioned on the aircraft are processed via a processor. The processor uses data from the images to identify air traffic within a field of view of the camera and displays an indication of the position of the air traffic relative to the aircraft on a display to provide air traffic information. A system is also provided that includes an aircraft that includes a camera configured to provide image data within a field of view of the camera to a processor for processing the image data to identify air traffic within the field of view of the camera. The processor displays an icon representing the position of the air traffic within the field of view of the camera on a display to provide air traffic information. 1. An air traffic detection method for an aircraft , comprising:processing images from a camera positioned on the aircraft via a processor, the processor using data from the images to identify air traffic within a field of view of the camera; anddisplaying an indication of the position of the air traffic relative to the aircraft on a display to provide air traffic information.2. The air traffic detection method for an aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the indication on a synthetic vision display.3. The air traffic detection method for an aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the indication on a heads-up display.4. The air traffic detection method for an aircraft according to claim 1 , wherein displaying comprises displaying the indication on a traffic collision avoidance system display.5. The air traffic detection method for an aircraft according to claim 1 , further comprising:determining whether the air traffic is headed generally toward or away from the aircraft; anddisplaying information of whether the air traffic is headed generally toward or away from the ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Aircraft operational state monitoring system and related method

Номер: US20200017233A1

An aircraft operational state monitoring system is provided that includes a module for acquiring a logic state of a plurality of components of the aircraft, the components belonging to airplane systems. The aircraft operational state monitoring system includes a module for determining the operability status of a plurality of macroscopic functions of the aircraft, each macroscopic function being defined independently of the components and airplane systems necessary for the performance of the macroscopic function, the operability status being determined based on logic states of the plurality of components between an operational status and at least one nonoperational status. The aircraft operational state monitoring system includes a display and at least one graphic display management assembly on the display, configured for displaying, on the display, summary indicators of the operability status of the macroscopic functions of the aircraft. 1. An aircraft operational state monitoring system comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire a logic state of a plurality of components of the aircraft, the components belonging to aircraft systems;an operability status determining unit configured to determine an operability status of a plurality of macroscopic functions of the aircraft, each macroscopic function being defined independently of the components and of airplane systems necessary for the performance of the macroscopic function, the operability status being determined based on the logic states of the plurality of components between an operational status and at least one nonoperational status; anda display and at least one graphic display manager configured to display, on the display, summary indicators of the operability status of the macroscopic functions of the aircraft.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein each summary indicator of the operability status of one or several macroscopic functions of the aircraft summarizes the operability status of a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017662A1

An airborne shootings detection and piloting aid equipment is disclosed for an aircraft including a multi-sensor system supplying signals representing an environment of the aircraft including at least one system supplying a signal, referred to as an LWIR/MWIR signal, representing infrared radiation lying the far infrared or mid-infrared range; piloting aid means for obtaining first piloting information including information representing obstacles present in the environment of the aircraft; and shootings detection means for obtaining second piloting information including information representing shootings in the vicinity of the aircraft, the piloting aid means and the shootings detection means using signals representing an environment of the aircraft including at least the LWIR/MWIR signal; and obtaining means for obtaining piloting aid parameters from first and second piloting information. 2. The airborne equipment according to claim 1 , wherein each LWIR/MWIR system comprises an optical device claim 1 , referred to as a LWIR/MWIR obstacle device claim 1 , and an acquisition device claim 1 , referred to as a LWIR/MWIR acquisition device claim 1 , supplying a LWIR/MWIR signal in the form of images claim 1 , referred to as LWIR/MWIR images claim 1 , and each NIR system comprises an optical device claim 1 , referred to as a NIR optical device and an acquisition device claim 1 , referred to as a NIR acquisition device claim 1 , supplying a NIR signal in the form of images claim 1 , referred to as NIR images claim 1 , the multi-sensor system comprising a number of LWIR/MWIR systems and NIR systems dependent on a respective resolution of the LWIR/MWIR and NIR images to be obtained.3. The airborne equipment according to claim 2 , wherein each LWIR/MWIR acquisition device comprises a bolometric sensor able to capture the LWIR/MWIR signal.4. An aircraft comprising a plurality of items of airborne equipment according to claim 2 , allowing claim 2 , by combining the LWIR/MWIR ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

High Performance System with Explicit Incorporation of ATC Regulations to Generate Contingency Plans for UAVs with Lost Communication

Номер: US20180017967A1

The present invention is to provide a method and system for generating contingency flight plans for normal landing and flight termination (crash) of UAVs (drones) in the event of lost communications with ground control stations. The system is fast, automatic, comprehensive, and systematic. The contingency plan can be generated using laptops or PCs. The execution of contingency plans will involve the coordination of flight computer in drones, ground control station, air traffic controllers (ATC), and pilot in command (PIC). External devices such as satellites and RF towers are also involved in the process such as reestablishment of communications. 1. A lost link contingency flight plan generating system , comprising:a database generating module;a Pilot-In-Control (PIC) for flying an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV);an UAV flight computer in communication with an Air Traffic Controller;a primary flight plan for the UAV; anda lost link contingency flight plan generator.2. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 1 , wherein:the database generating module includes information of FAA regulations, UAV performance models, airspace structure, ground radio towers, airport locations, flight termination points, rally/reconnection waypoints, and hovering waypoints near airports.3. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a Risk Management Plan module;a Preparedness and Prevention Plan module;an Incident Response Plan module; anda Rescue and Recovery Plan module.4. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 3 , wherein:the Risk Management Plan module analyzes the risk against the causes of lost link throughout the primary flight plan with the help of a Situation Analysis module.5. A lost link contingency plan generating system according to claim 4 , wherein:the Situation Analysis module assess the risk of the lost link plan generated against multiple UAVs in the same area, and adjust the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017975A1

A flight path setting apparatus includes a display unit, a selector, a range calculator, and a display controller. The display unit displays a flight path of an aircraft. The flight path includes a plurality of points. The selector selects a first point on the basis of an operation performed by a user. The first point is any one of the points displayed by the display unit. The range calculator calculates a non-settable range on the basis of a flight performance and a surrounding environment of the aircraft. The non-settable range is a region that is around the first point and in which a second point is not settable. The second point is subsequent to the first point on the flight path. The display controller causes the display unit to display the non-settable range that relates to the first point and is calculated by the range calculator. 1. A flight path setting apparatus comprising:a display unit that displays a flight path of an aircraft, the flight path including a plurality of points;a selector that selects a first point on a basis of an operation performed by a user, the first point being any one of the points displayed by the display unit;a range calculator that calculates a non-settable range on a basis of a flight performance of the aircraft and a surrounding environment of the aircraft, the non-settable range being a region that is around the first point and in which a second point is not settable, the second point being subsequent to the first point on the flight path; anda display controller that causes the display unit to display the non-settable range that relates to the first point and is calculated by the range calculator.2. The flight path setting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a mover that moves the first point on a basis of an operation performed by the user; anda location adjuster that moves the second point to a location when the first point is moved by the mover and when the second point is disposed inside the non-settable ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180018139A1

A server is a projection image control device that can be connected to one or more projectors installed in an aircraft, and comprises a memory and a processor. The memory at least temporarily stores operation information about the aircraft. The projection image control processor determines the display direction of a projection image on the basis of operation information, produces a command to cause the one or more projectors to display a projection image in the determined display direction, and outputs this command. 1. A projection image control device that can be connected to one or more projectors installed in an interior of a means of transportation , said device comprising:a memory that at least temporarily stores operation information for the means of transportation; anda processor that determines a display direction of a projection image on the basis of the operation information, produces a command to cause the one or more projectors to display the projection image in the determined display direction, and outputs the command.2. The projection image control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the processor produces and outputs a command to cause the one or more projectors to change the display direction of the projection image on the basis of the operation information.3. The projection image control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the projection image control device can be connected to a plurality of the one or more projectors that project a single projection image, andthe command includes information specifying an image portion to be projected by each of the plurality of the one or more projectors for the single projection image.4. The projection image control device according to claim 1 ,wherein the operation information includes at least one of the following: time information, information about the position of the means of transportation, and information indicating an operation schedule and operation status for the means of transportation.5. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170018196A1
Автор: Shay Richard

Systems and methods of the present invention are provided to generate a plurality of flight trajectories that do not conflict with other aircraft in a local area. Interventions by an air traffic control system help prevent collisions between aircraft, but these interventions can also cause an aircraft to substantially deviate from the pilot's intended flight trajectory, which burns fuels, wastes time, etc. Systems and methods of the present invention can assign a standard avoidance interval to other aircraft in the area such that a pilot's aircraft does not receive an intervention by an air traffic control system. Systems and methods of the present invention also generate a plurality of conflict-free flight trajectories such that a pilot or an automated system may select the most desirable flight trajectory for fuel efficiency, speed, and other operational considerations, etc. 1. A method for automatically determining a plurality of conflict-free flight trajectories for a first aircraft , comprising:providing a traffic avoidance spacing system having at least one electronic device to process instructions for determining a plurality of flight trajectories and providing a flight management system;providing information regarding a first aircraft moving in space according to a first state vector;providing information regarding a second aircraft moving in space according to a second state vector, said second aircraft having a standard avoidance interval extending in at least one direction from said second aircraft;determining, by said at least one electronic device, a first flight trajectory for said first aircraft based on said first state vector of said first aircraft, said first flight trajectory including a descent phase for said first aircraft, said first flight trajectory being optimized for a first parameter;comparing, by said at least one electronic device, said first flight trajectory to said second state vector of said second aircraft to determine a miss ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036669A1

A system and a method for identifying errors within a modular framework of a system comprising of a flight management system and an error reporting system. The modular components and correlating code modulars of the modular framework can be executed collectively or independently. Each modular component can be designed to incorporate independent modular updates or modifications. 1. An error reporting system , comprising:a system having memory defining a set of data elements storing a respective set of data element values, and a set of functional elements;an access log defining a list of functional elements that access at least a subset of the set of data elements;an error reporter having view access to the set of data elements of the system, and in response to receiving a trigger event that one of the set of functional elements access at least the subset of the data elements, logging an access entry in the access log, including at least the one of the set of functional elements access at least the subset of the data elements and the subset of the data elements accessed by the one of the set of functional elements; anda fault handler configured to identify an error of the system, including identifying at least one of the set of functional elements causing the identified error, defining an error functional element, the fault handler in communication with the error reporter;wherein, in response to identifying the error of the system, the fault handler is further configured to provide the error functional element to the error reporter, and wherein the error reporter is configured to identify a plurality of access entries in the access log based on the error functional element, retrieve a present subset of the set of data element values of the subset of data elements accessed by the error functional element, and to export an error report defining at least the error functional element, the identified access entries, and the present subset of data element values.2. The ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Processing of the data of a flight plan

Номер: US20160019793A1
Принадлежит: Thales SA

A computer-implemented method for managing the data of an aircraft flight plan comprises collecting initial data of an operational flight plan from a flight planning system FPS by an electronic device of electronic flight bag EFB type; converting the initial data and communicating the converted data to the avionics system of the flight management system FMS, the FMS being able to compute an avionic flight plan on the basis of the converted data; and retrieving the avionic flight plan data such as processed by the flight management system FMS. Developments describe notably the verification of the security and/or of the integrity of the converted initial data by means of predefined compliance rules; the emulation of avionics protocols and the use of the encipherment of the data. System aspects and software aspects are described.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160019794A1

In one embodiment, an aerospace system is provided. The aerospace system comprises at least one display unit configured to display flight data and a memory configured to store one or more flight plan associations. Each flight plan association is an association between a data link message and a respective waypoint in a flight plan. The aerospace system also comprises a processing unit configured to determine when each respective waypoint in the flight plan is reached based on a comparison of current location data to the flight plan. When each respective waypoint is reached, the processing unit is configured to identify any data link messages associated with the respective waypoint based on the flight plan associations and to direct the at least one display unit to display a respective notification for each identified data link message associated with the respective waypoint.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160019795A1
Принадлежит: QUAERO LTD.

A method and system and tools for optimizing an aircraft flight trajectory that determine an advantageous flight profile that takes into account developing operational conditions, air traffic constraints and aircraft performance in a timely manner that can allow tactical flight plan changes to be incorporated without unduly introducing operational or financial penalties to the operator.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160019796A1

A system and method for providing in-flight weather information to compute an optimized vertical flight profile are disclosed. In one embodiment, on-board weather information is obtained from one or more aircraft at regular intervals during flight. Further, weather information is identified for a predicted flight trajectory of an aircraft from the obtained on-board weather information. For example, the aircraft is preceding the at least one aircraft. Furthermore, a subset of the identified weather information is dynamically provided to a flight management system (FMS) in the aircraft, during flight, to compute the optimized vertical flight profile. 1. A method for providing in-flight weather information to compute an optimized vertical flight profile , comprising:obtaining on-board weather information from at least one aircraft at regular intervals during flight;identifying weather information for a predicted flight trajectory of an aircraft from the obtained on-board weather information, wherein the aircraft is preceding the at least one aircraft; anddynamically providing a subset of the identified weather information to a flight management system (FMS) in the aircraft, during flight, to compute the optimized vertical flight profile.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein identifying the weather information for the predicted flight trajectory of the aircraft from the obtained on-board weather information comprises:identifying weather information for a first plurality of altitudes for a cruise phase of the predicted flight trajectory from the obtained on-board weather information; andidentifying weather information for a second plurality of altitudes for a climb phase and a descent phase along the predicted flight trajectory from the obtained on-board weather information.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of altitudes includes an altitude of the predicted flight trajectory and a plurality of altitudes above and below the altitude of the predicted ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036748A1

The invention concerns a suborbital space traffic control system that comprises: a radar system configured to monitor a predetermined suborbital region and detect and track objects in the predetermined suborbital region. The objects include vehicles and space debris; and a suborbital space traffic monitoring system configured to: receive, from the radar system, tracking data related to the objects detected and tracked by the radar system; monitor, on the basis of the tracking data, trajectories of the objects in the predetermined suborbital region using one or more predetermined machine-learning techniques to detect potentially hazardous situations for the vehicles in the predetermined suborbital region; and, if it detects a potentially hazardous situation for one or more given vehicles, transmit corresponding alarm messages to the given vehicle(s). 1. A suborbital space traffic control system , comprising: ["monitor a predetermined suborbital region comprised between a first predetermined altitude of 20/22 km and a second predetermined altitude of 120/150 km from earth's surface, and", 'detect and track vehicles and space debris in said predetermined suborbital region;, 'a radar system configured to'}a suborbital space traffic monitoring system; and 'ground-air and air-ground communications with the vehicles in the predetermined suborbital region, and', 'a communications infrastructure configured to allow the suborbital space traffic monitoring system to carry out'}ground-ground communications with other ground systems; wherein the radar system includes:a primary radar sensor equipped with an electronically scanned array antenna;an ADS-B receiver based on Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast technology; and detect and track the vehicles and the space debris in the predetermined suborbital region on the basis of the data received from said primary radar sensor and from said ADS-B receiver,', 'generate tracking data related to said detected and tracked vehicles ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036749A1
Автор: KUBE Alexander J.

A collision avoidance system includes an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a UAV controller, and a safety data aggregator. The UAV includes a positional sensor, and is coupled to communicate positional data to the UAV controller, and receive commands from the UAV controller. The safety data aggregator is coupled to communicate with the UAV controller, wherein the safety data aggregator collects positional data from one or more UAV controllers, stores collected positional data in a safety data buffer, and extracts spatially relevant positional data in response to a request from the UAV controller. 1. A collision avoidance system comprising:an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) having a positional sensor and a communication system configured for bi-directional communication; anda safety data aggregator coupled to receive positional data associated with UAVs detected by one or more remote sensor networks, wherein the safety data aggregator collects positional data, stores collected positional data in a geo-spatial database, receives a request for spatially relevant positional data from the UAV, wherein the request includes a position of the UAV, extracts spatially relevant positional data from the geo-spatial database within a radius or distance of the position provided by the UAV, and provides the extracted spatially relevant positional data to the UAV, wherein the UAV utilizes the spatially relevant positional data to automatically avoid collisions between the UAV and other UAVs.2. The collision avoidance system of claim 1 , wherein the safety data aggregator receives periodic updates from the one or more remote sensor networks.3. The collision avoidance system of claim 1 , wherein the safety data aggregator receives positional data directly from one or more other UAVs claim 1 , wherein the safety data aggregator stores positional info from the one or more remote sensor networks and the one or more UAVs in the geo-spatial database.4. The collision avoidance system of claim 1 ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Guidance system of a drone

Номер: US20180018884A1
Принадлежит: Paradox Engineering SA

A guidance system for a drone is described, said system comprising: a plurality of poles fixed to the ground and associated with a private or public electric power grid; a plurality of devices fixed to the poles and powered by the electric power grid, said devices being interconnected in a wireless network and comprising a radio communication module for communicating with the drone; a controller connected to the wireless network and intended to program a flight path of the drone between two or more poles by transmitting configuration commands to the respective devices of the wireless network, for configuring the radio communication modules, wherein the radio communication module of one pole in the flight path is configured to guide the drone towards the radio communication module of a following pole in the flight path.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019354A1
Принадлежит: APUTRAC

An on-aircraft recording device includes an interface that receives APU usage data from an aircraft auxiliary power unit (APU) independently of a flight data recorder and data acquisition unit. The on-aircraft recording device can be communicatively coupled (e.g., wirelessly) to a data acquisition service (DAS) system that communicates APU ground-run usage data received from a plurality of on-ground aircraft to a data management center (DMC) utilizing a plurality of unique callback identifiers. The DMC can include a DMC APU ground-run data structure for storing APU ground-run usage data and a processor configured to receive APU ground-run usage data for a plurality of on-ground aircraft, record, in the DMC APU ground-run data structure, the APU ground-run usage data for the plurality of on-ground aircraft, detect if the APU ground-run usage data satisfies an APU usage threshold, and electronically communicate, via a communication network, an alert indicating potentially excessive APU use. 1. A system for an aircraft including a data acquisition unit , a flight data recorder , one or more propulsion engines , and an auxiliary power unit (APU) , the system comprising: a first interface that receives a flight dataset including APU usage data from at least one of the flight data recorder and the data acquisition unit;', 'a second interface that receives a ground dataset including APU usage data from the APU independently of the flight data recorder and data acquisition unit;', 'a storage device; and', 'a processor coupled to the data storage and configured to record the APU usage data received from the APU via the second interface on the storage device., 'an on-aircraft recording device, including2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to record both the flight dataset and the ground dataset on the storage device.3. The system of claim 1 , and further comprising at least one of the flight data recorder and the data acquisition unit.4. The ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019419A1

A practice airspace management system includes a control unit configured to receive user inputs from a first user and to generate a first training plan based on the user inputs. The control unit is further configured to generate display commands representing the first training plan on a navigation map. The practice airspace management system further includes a display device coupled to receive the display commands from the control unit and configured to display a navigation map view that includes the navigation map and a first training plan symbol representing the first training plan on the navigation map. 1. A practice airspace management system , comprising:a control unit configured to receive user inputs from a first user and to generate a first training plan based on the user inputs, the control unit further configured to generate display commands representing the first training plan on a navigation map; anda display device coupled to receive the display commands from the control unit and configured to display a navigation map view that includes the navigation map and a first training plan symbol representing the first training plan on the navigation map.2. The practice airspace management system of claim 1 , further comprising a communications unit coupled to the control unit and configured to receive at least one second training plan from a second user and to provide the second training plan to the control unit claim 1 , and wherein the control unit is configured to generate the display commands with the second training plan such that the display device is configured to display the navigation map view with a second training plan symbol representing the second training plan on the navigation map.3. The practice airspace management system of claim 2 , wherein the display device is configured to display the first training plan symbol at a geographic location on the navigation map representing a practice zone associated with the first training plan.4. The practice ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Providing automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast data for unmanned aerial vehicles

Номер: US20190019420A1
Автор: Jonathan Evans, Matt FANELLI, X

A device can be configured to receive flight data from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), where the flight data indicates at least one of an identifier that identifies the UAV, a location of the UAV, an altitude of the UAV, a bearing of the UAV, or a speed of the UAV. The device can be further configured to convert at least a portion of the flight data from a first format to a second format; generate automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) data based on the converted flight data; and perform an action associated with the ADS-B data.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for Detecting Obstacles in Aerial Systems

Номер: US20190019423A1

An automated detection and avoidance system that provides a pilot with high-fidelity knowledge of the aircraft's physical state, and notifies the pilot of any deviations in expected state based on predictive models. The automated detection and avoidance system may include a processor and a sensor payload operatively coupled to the processor to detect a non-cooperative obstacle within a first airspace adjacent the aircraft. The sensor payload may comprise a radar to radially scan the first airspace, and a camera to scan a second airspace within said first airspace. 1. An obstacle detection system for use in an aircraft , the obstacle detection system comprising:a sensor payload to detect a non-cooperative obstacle within a first airspace that is adjacent the aircraft, the sensor payload comprising a radar to radially scan the first airspace to generate radar information having a first resolution, and a camera to image a second airspace within said first airspace to generate optical information at a second resolution that is higher than the first resolution; anda processor operatively coupled with the sensor payload, wherein the processor is configured to determine a location of the non-cooperative obstacle and to identify the non-cooperative obstacle as a function of the radar information and the optical information.2. The obstacle detection system of claim 1 , wherein the camera is configured to pan and tilt.3. The obstacle detection system of claim 2 , wherein the camera includes a long wave infrared sensor.4. The obstacle detection system of claim 2 , wherein the camera includes a visible-near infrared electro-optic (EO) sensor.5. The obstacle detection system of claim 2 , wherein the optical information includes at least one of a thermal cross section and an optical cross section.6. The obstacle detection system of claim 2 , wherein the radar information comprises a radar cross section.7. The obstacle detection system of claim 1 , wherein the radar information ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190019424A1
Автор: Griffith Gregory M.

An aircraft collision avoidance system including (a) at least one separation monitoring device connectable to at least a portion of an aircraft and/or vehicle, the separation monitoring device comprising (1) at least one transmitter, (2) at least one receiver, and (3) an image sensor, and (b) a master unit. 1. An aircraft collision avoidance system , comprising: at least one transmitter capable of selectively transmitting signals which are reflected off of an object and received by at least one receiver, the reflected signals defining a separation distance between the at least one receiver and the object and wherein the at least one transmitter outputs a separation distance signal representative of the separation distance; and', 'an image sensor; and, 'at least one separation monitoring device connectable to at least a portion of an aircraft, the separation monitoring device comprisinga master unit for receiving and analyzing the separation distance signals output by the at least one transmitter and outputting a warning signal to a warning device when the at least one separation monitoring device is within a predetermined distance from the object, and wherein the master unit is in communication with the image sensor.2. An aircraft collision avoidance system , comprising:at least one wireless transceiver capable of selectively transmitting signals and receiving signals which are reflected back to the wireless transceiver off of an object in order to define a separation distance between the wireless transceiver and the object and wherein the wireless transceiver outputs a separation distance signal representative of the separation distance; andan image sensor; anda master unit for receiving and analyzing the separation distance signals output by the wireless transceiver, the master unit outputting a warning signal to a warning device when the wireless transceiver is within a predetermined distance from an object, and wherein the master unit is in communication with ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019545A1

Methods and systems are provided for identifying objects of interest during an air search and rescue (SAR) operation. The method comprises detecting an object of interest near a SAR pattern with a sensor onboard an aircraft. The location of the object of interest is input into a visual display system that is shown to an aircrew member. Distinct symbols are automatically added to categorize the object of interest on the visual display system. The distinct symbols are confirmed by the aircrew member accurately categorize the object of interest. 1. A method for identifying objects of interest during an air search and rescue (SAR) operation , comprising:detecting an object of interest with a sensor onboard an aircraft, where the object of interest is located near a SAR pattern of an aircraft;displaying a sensor image of the object of interest on a visual display system;selecting the object of interest on the visual display system based on the sensor image, where the object of interest is selected by an aircrew member;inputting the location of the object of interest into the visual display system located onboard the aircraft, where the location of the object is translated as latitude, longitude and altitude from data from the sensor and the sensor image;automatically adding distinct symbols that categorize the object of interest on the visual display system; andconfirming the distinct symbols accurately categorize the object of interest, where the distinct symbols are confirmed to be accurate by the aircrew member.2. The method of claim 1 , where the sensor is an infrared (IR) camera.3. The method of claim 1 , where the sensor is a radar sensor.4. The method of claim 1 , where the radar sensor operates in a millimeter (mm) wavelength range.5. The method of claim 1 , where the sensor is light imaging detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor.6. The method of claim 1 , where the object of interest is categorized by type.7. The method of claim 1 , where the object of interest is ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200020239A1

In some examples, a system includes a receiver configured to receive a signal and processing circuitry configured to determine a velocity vector of the ownship vehicle and determine a position of a target vehicle relative to the ownship vehicle based on the signal, determine a velocity vector of the target vehicle relative to the ownship vehicle based on the signal and the velocity vector of the ownship vehicle, and determine a characteristic of a graphical vector icon of the velocity vector of the target vehicle based on a display range of a graphical user interface. The processing circuitry is also configured to present, via a display, the graphical user interface including a first graphical icon corresponding to the ownship vehicle, a second graphical icon corresponding to the target vehicle based on the position of the target vehicle relative to the ownship vehicle, and the graphical vector icon with the characteristic. 1. A system configured to mount on an ownship vehicle , the system comprising:a receiver configured to receive a signal; and determine a velocity vector of the ownship vehicle;', 'determine a position of a target vehicle relative to the ownship vehicle based on the signal;', 'determine a velocity vector of the target vehicle relative to the ownship vehicle based on the signal and the velocity vector of the ownship vehicle;', 'determine a characteristic of a graphical vector icon of the velocity vector of the target vehicle based on a display range of a graphical user interface; and', a first graphical icon corresponding to the ownship vehicle,', 'a second graphical icon corresponding to the target vehicle based on the position of the target vehicle relative to the ownship vehicle, and', 'the graphical vector icon with the characteristic., 'present, via a display, the graphical user interface including], 'processing circuitry configured to2. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the signal is one of an automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Methods and systems for modifying flight path around zone of avoidance

Номер: US20210020049A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc

Disclosed are methods, systems and non-transitory computer-readable medium for providing a flight path around a zone of avoidance located on a currently planned flight path of an aircraft. For instance, the method may include obtaining data of the zone of avoidance located on the currently planned flight path; determining a safe distance from the zone of avoidance based on a characteristic of the aircraft or a characteristic of the zone of avoidance; constructing a safety envelope outside of the zone of avoidance by defining the safety envelope based on the safe distance; constructing a plurality of alternate flight paths around the zone of avoidance such that each of the plurality of alternate flight paths avoids crossing into the zone of avoidance and avoids crossing in between the safety envelope and the zone of avoidance; and selecting an optimal flight path from among the plurality of alternate flight paths.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020051A1

A computer-based airplane flight path planning method based on the pigeon-inspired optimization (PIO) algorithm includes steps of establishing an uncertainty prediction model, determining the path to be optimized, and obtaining an optimal path using the PIO algorithm for a flight controller onboard to execute. The PIO algorithm treats a pigeon flock as a scale-free network, applies map and compass operators to the scale-free network, and performs landmark operations to obtain the optimal path. The device that performs the path planning includes an access module for obtaining the regional environment information and a flight controller onboard the airplane. The flight controller includes a building module for setting up the trajectory prediction model including uncertainties; a determining module to determine the trajectories which need optimization; an optimization module, which uses the PIO algorithm to optimize the flight path; and a computer memory module. 2. The flight path planning method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 1', '2', 'K, 'each of the course angle changes θ, θ, . . . , θis constrained between −π/6 and π/6; and'}{'sub': 0', '1', 'K−1, 'each of d, d, . . . , dhas a same minimum step size L.'}3. The flight path planning method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the trajectory prediction model utilizes Rapidly-exploring Random Trees algorithm (RRT) to generate the initial flight path in step (d).4. The flight path planning method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein for the pigeon-inspired optimization algorithm in step (e) claim 1 , a virtual pigeon flock of a pigeon population is treated as a scale-free network with each virtual pigeon representing a flight path solution claim 1 , the initial flight path obtained from step (d) is used to initialize the scale-free network claim 1 , and the size of the scale-free network is grown from 1 to the pigeon population as the algorithm converges to the optimal flight path.5. The flight path planning method as ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020054A1
Автор: TACHIIWA Masayuki

A storage facilities management device includes a reception control part configured to receive instruction information including a takeoff/landing time of a flight device from a flight management device, an information acquisition part configured to acquire circumferential information representing circumstances of a storage shed configured to keep the flight device before the takeoff/landing time, a determination part configured to determine whether or not the flight device is able to take off at the takeoff time of the instruction information or to determine whether or not the flight device is able to land at the landing time of the instruction information according to the circumstances indicated by the circumferential information, and a transmission control part configured to transmit the determination result to the flight management device. 1. A storage facilities management device comprising:a reception control part configured to receive instruction information including a time to take off or land a flight device from a flight management device configured to fly the flight device;an information acquisition part configured to acquire circumferential information representing circumstances of a storage shed configured to keep the flight device before the time included in the instruction information;a determination part configured to determine whether or not the flight device is able to take off when the reception control part receives the instruction information including the time to take off the flight device or to determine whether or not the flight device is able to land when the reception control part receives the instruction information including the time to land the flight device according to the circumstances indicated by the circumferential information; anda transmission control part configured to transmit a determination result of the determination part to the flight management device.2. The storage facilities management device according to claim 1 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Route planning to reduce exposure to radiation

Номер: US20170023378A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Embodiments include method, systems and computer program products for route planning to reduce exposure to radiation. Aspects include receiving an origin and a destination for a vehicle and determining a plurality of available routes between the origin and the destination. Aspects also include calculating, by a processor, a radiation score for each of the plurality of available routes and presenting one or more of the plurality of available routes with an expected travel time and the radiation score for each of the plurality of available routes.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025021A1
Принадлежит: SAMSUNG SDS CO., LTD.

A drone control apparatus and method are disclosed. The drone control apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure includes a communication unit that communicates with a drone operation system and a drone over a wireless communication network, a storage unit that stores radio wave environment information of the wireless communication network according to a spatial position, and flight restriction information, and a determination unit that determines a flight path and a flight altitude of the drone based on a radio map, the flight restriction information, and a departure and a destination of the drone received from the drone operation system, and transmits the flight path and the flight altitude to at least one of the drone and the drone operation system via the communication unit. 1. A drone control apparatus , comprising:a communicator configured to communicate with a drone operation system and a drone, over a wireless communication network;a memory configured to store radio wave environment information of the wireless communication network and flight restriction information, the radio wave environment information indicating a quality of wireless signals of the wireless communication network at spatial locations corresponding to an altitude at a geographic location; and receive a departure location and a destination location of the drone from the drone operating system; and', 'determine a flight path between the departure location and the destination location and flight altitude information for the drone along the flight path based on the radio wave environment information, the flight restriction information, the departure location, and the destination location, and', 'transmit the flight path and the flight altitude information to at least one of the drone and the drone operation system via the communicator., 'a processor configured to2. The drone control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the flight restriction information ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160027310A1

A display system and method are provided for displaying a plurality of vehicles, including receiving information via a data link unit from a controlling agency, the information including a vehicle manufacturer, a vehicle model, a vehicle owner, a vehicle position, and a vehicle category. The plurality of vehicles is displayed and one of the vehicles associated with the information is emphasized on the display. Furthermore, one or more of the images resembling the vehicle and resembling the airline logo may be displayed. 1. A method for displaying a plurality of vehicles by a display system associated with a first vehicle of the plurality of vehicles , the display system including a data link unit , a processor , and a display , comprising:receiving information via the data link unit, the information including a vehicle manufacturer, a vehicle model, a vehicle owner, a vehicle position, and a vehicle category;determining by the processor if a second vehicle of the plurality of vehicles is associated with the information;displaying on the display the plurality of vehicles; andemphasizing on the display the second vehicle if associated with the information.2. The method of further comprising displaying at least one image resembling the model or category of the second vehicle.3. The method of further comprising displaying an image resembling the size of the second vehicle.4. The method of further comprising displaying an image resembling a logo of the vehicle's service provider.5. The method of further comprising displaying an image resembling a logo of the vehicle's manufacturer.6. The method of further comprising displaying at least one image selected from the group consisting of an image resembling the model of the second vehicle claim 1 , the category of the second vehicle claim 1 , an image resembling the size of the second vehicle claim 1 , an image resembling a logo of the vehicle's service provider claim 1 , and an image resembling a logo of the vehicle's ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Navigational Aids

Номер: US20160027312A1

Systems, methods and computer-storage media are provided for use of navigational aids. Three-dimensional graphical representations of flight plans, flight paths, waypoints, etc., may be displayed to improve situational awareness. Additionally, dynamic monitoring of airports, waypoints, traffic, etc., may be performed so that real-time updates are available to users. The real-time updates will not only include updated location information and any relevant navigational markers (e.g., updated waypoints, new traffic, etc.) but will also include detailed information related to the navigational markers such as a distance from the marker, an airspeed of the marker (if applicable), and the like. 1. A navigational method , the method comprising:receiving an indication of a flight path that includes one or more waypoints, wherein a waypoint is a coordinate in physical space;generating a graphical representation of the flight path, wherein the graphical representation includes a plurality of planes along the flight path, wherein each plane is associated with a slope and an angle for an orientation of a vehicle navigating the flight path; anddynamically updating the graphical representation relative to an updated location and orientation of the vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising receiving an indication to initiate a navigational application that provides the graphical representation of the flight path.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of planes is associated with a waypoint.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of planes associated with a first waypoint is different from each of the plurality of planes associated with a second waypoint.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein differences between planes is indicated by different colors such that the plurality of planes associated with the first waypoint is a first color and the plurality of planes associated with the second waypoint is a second color claim 4 , different from ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025822A1

A security drone includes a drone housing defining a cavity and an actuator coupled to the drone housing and designed to move the drone housing through the predetermined area. The security drone further includes a camera designed to detect image data corresponding to the predetermined area and a network access device designed to transmit and receive data via a network. The security drone further includes a drone processor positioned within the cavity and coupled to the actuator, the camera, and the network access device. The drone processor is designed to control the actuator to move the drone housing through the predetermined area, identify a potential threat in the predetermined area based on the image data as the drone housing is moved through the predetermined area, and transmit potential threat data corresponding to the potential threat to a remote device when the potential threat is identified. 1. A security drone for monitoring a predetermined area comprising:a drone housing defining a cavity;an actuator coupled to the drone housing and configured to move the drone housing through the predetermined area;a camera coupled to the drone housing and configured to detect image data corresponding to the predetermined area as the drone housing moves through the predetermined area;a network access device positioned within the cavity and configured to transmit and receive data via a network; and control the actuator to move the drone housing through the predetermined area,', 'identify a potential threat in the predetermined area based on the image data as the drone housing is moved through the predetermined area,', 'transmit potential threat data corresponding to the potential threat to a remote device when the potential threat is identified,', 'determine that a portion of the predetermined area is inaccessible to the security drone, and', 'at least one of avoid the inaccessible portion of the predetermined route, transmit additional potential threat data to the remote ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for determining a climb profile

Номер: US20200026307A1

A method and system of determining or predicting a climb profile for an aircraft, includes receiving, by a controller module, an initial climb profile defining a portion of a flight plan for the aircraft between takeoff and a cruise profile, and an altitude climb constraint defining at least one altitude limitation of the aircraft, determining, by the controller module, that the initial climb profile does not satisfy the altitude constraint, and determining an updated climb profile based on a set of subsequent climb models.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027049A1
Автор: SINKIEWICZ Daniel
Принадлежит: The Mitre Corporation

The present disclosure is directed to systems and methods to add information to an existing waveform. Specifically, the systems and methods described herein can add watermark information using transmitted-reference to a legacy waveform without actually controlling the legacy waveform itself. 1. A system , comprising:a radio transmitter that transmits a radio signal;a watermark transmitter that adds watermark information to the radio signal;a watermark receiver that receives the radio signal comprising the watermark information, wherein the watermark receiver can decode the watermark information; anda radio receiver that receives the decoded radio signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein adding the watermark information to the radio signal comprises:copying the radio signal to form a second radio signal;delaying the second radio signal;scaling the second radio signal; andcombining the delayed and scaled second radio signal with the first radio signal to form a combined radio signal.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the watermark information comprises authentication information.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the authentication information is generated using Timed Efficient Stream Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA).5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the radio signal is a legacy waveform.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the legacy waveform comprises Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).7. The system of any of claim 2 , wherein decoding the watermark information comprises:delaying the combined radio signal;multiplying the combined radio signal with the delayed combined radio signal to form a product radio signal; andintegrating the product radio signal over a chip time.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the watermark transmitter is attached to an output port of the radio transmitter.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the watermark receiver is attached to an input port of the radio receiver.10. A method claim 1 , comprising:transmitting a radio ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027050A1

A flying vehicle navigation system includes a flying vehicle () and a control system () that controls the flight of the flying vehicle. The flying vehicle is configured to be switchable to autonomous driving when the flying vehicle is located in a first takeoff and landing section () set on the ground. After the flying vehicle is switched to autonomous driving, the control system guides the flying vehicle such that the flying vehicle takes off from a first takeoff and landing section, flies in a three-dimensional road as an exclusive track set in the specific region of the air, and lands on a second takeoff and landing section set on the ground. After the flying vehicle is switched to autonomous driving, operations from takeoff from the first takeoff and landing section to landing on the second takeoff and landing section are automatically carried out under control by the control system. 1. A flying vehicle navigation system comprising:a flying vehicle; anda control system configured to control a flight of the flying vehicle,wherein the flying vehicle is configured to be possible to begin the flight by autonomous driving when the flying vehicle is positioned in a first takeoff and landing section,wherein in the flight of the flying vehicle by the autonomous driving, the control system guides the flying vehicle such that the flying vehicle takes off from the first takeoff and landing section, flies in a three-dimensional road that is an exclusive track set in a specific region of the air, and lands on a second takeoff and landing section, andwherein operations of the flying vehicle from the takeoff from the first takeoff and landing section to the landing on the second takeoff and landing section are automatically carried out under a control by the control system.2. The flying vehicle navigation system according to claim 1 , wherein the flying vehicle is configured to specify a three-dimensional position of the flying vehicle claim 1 , and transmit position data ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027356A1
Автор: He Gang, Wang Rui

Improved flight display systems and methods that selectively deemphasize terrain are provided. The method includes receiving and processing navigation reference point data, terrain data, and aircraft status data. Next, the method (a) renders on a display system, in real-time, a viewing segment defined as at least a navigation reference point for the aircraft, the viewing segment having terrain rendered in a first level of terrain contrast; and (b) determines that the aircraft is in a terrain deemphasis scenario when an altitude is certain low altitude operations. When the aircraft is in the terrain deemphasis scenario, the method deemphasizes terrain within a determined boundary in the viewing segment. Deemphasizing includes decreasing terrain contrast to a second level of terrain contrast within the boundary. Terrain contrast within the boundary is restored to the first level responsive to receiving a restore trigger. 1. A flight display system for an aircraft , comprising:a source of navigation reference point data;a source of terrain data;a source of aircraft status data;a display system operationally coupled to the source of navigation reference point data, the source of terrain data, and the source of aircraft status data, the display system rendering thereon, in real-time, a viewing segment including a navigation reference point and terrain data, the viewing segment comprising terrain rendered in a first level of terrain contrast; and determine that the aircraft is in a terrain deemphasis scenario; and', (a) determine a boundary having an area less than an area of the viewing segment; and', '(b) deemphasize terrain within the boundary by (i) decreasing terrain contrast to a second level of terrain contrast within the boundary and (ii) keeping the first level of terrain contrast external to the boundary; and, 'when the aircraft is in the terrain deemphasis scenario,'}, 'when terrain is deemphasized, return terrain contrast within the boundary to the first level ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027358A1
Автор: Fine Jason Solomon

Methods and systems may allow for automatic initiation of a contingency maneuver, to prevent mid-air collisions between an aerial vehicle and another aircraft or other obstacle, without requiring input from an operator. Generally, a processing unit on board the aerial vehicle detects potential conflicts via a navigation system on board the aerial vehicle. Said navigation system may receive, for example, automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) signals and global positioning system (GPS) data. Disclosed systems automatically initiate one or more contingency maneuvers to change the flight (e.g., speed, position, direction, and/or altitude) of the aerial vehicle to avoid close calls or colliding with a potential conflict in the surrounding airspace. Such contingency maneuvers provide an automatic flight modification that may occur independently from any operator input. Such systems may also be implemented to prevent an aerial vehicle from entering a restricted airspace and/or from operating too close to another aircraft. 1. A method of causing an aerial vehicle to perform a contingency maneuver , wherein the aerial vehicle comprises a navigation system configured to receive air traffic signals , the method comprising:identifying a first situational data set of the aerial vehicle by receiving sensor data via a sensor on board the aerial vehicle while the aerial vehicle is in-flight, wherein the identifying the first situational data set is performed by at least one processing unit on board the aerial vehicle, and wherein the sensor is configured to communicate the sensor data to the at least one processing unit;comparing the first situational data set to a second situational data set via the at least one processing unit;detecting a deviating condition as a result of the comparing the first situational data set to the second situational data set, wherein the detecting the deviating condition is performed by the at least one processing unit, and wherein criteria ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027360A1

The present disclosure includes devices, systems, and methods for autonomously landing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with collaborative information sharing and without a central coordinating entity. In one embodiment, the present disclosure includes an unmanned aerial vehicle including a communication interface, a memory; and an electronic processor. The communication interface is configured to establish a wireless communication link with one or more unmanned aerial vehicles. The electronic processor configured to autonomously coordinate landings at a landing strip with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent collisions exchanging messages with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles via the wireless communication link according to a collision avoidance protocol, and wherein the autonomous coordination occurs without a central coordination entity. 1. An unmanned aerial vehicle comprising:a communication interface;a memory; and control the communication interface to establish a wireless communication link with one or more unmanned aerial vehicles, and', 'autonomously coordinate landings at a landing strip with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent collisions,, 'an electronic processor communicatively connected to the communication interface and the memory, the electronic processor is configured to'}wherein, to autonomously coordinate the landings at the landing strip with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent collisions, the electronic processor is configured to exchange messages with the one or more unmanned aerial vehicles according to a collision avoidance protocol and via the wireless communication link, andwherein the autonomous coordination occurs without a central coordination entity.2. The unmanned aerial vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the collision avoidance protocol prioritizes at least one selected from a group consisting of:first to request permission to land,low fuel,emergency/mechanical issue.3. The unmanned ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200027363A1

An improved ground collision avoidance system and method is provided for aircraft driven during ground operations by electric taxi drive systems. One or more monitoring devices employing scanning LiDAR technology may be mounted in exterior locations on or near aircraft landing gears or aerodynamically in locations on the aircraft fuselage selected to generate panoramic three-dimensional images from any point of view within or without the aircraft as the aircraft is driven independently within an airport ramp area. The point of view images are transmitted in real time to displays in the aircraft cockpit and may be transmitted to displays outside and remote from the aircraft, allowing the pilot and airport personnel to monitor the aircraft moving within the ramp environment and to respond quickly to control the aircraft's electric taxi drive system-powered ground travel to avoid and prevent a potential collision. 1. An improved system for avoiding collisions during ground travel of aircraft powered for independent ground movement within an airport ramp area by electric taxi drive systems , comprising:a. an aircraft powered for independent ground movement by nose landing gear wheel or main landing gear wheel-mounted electric taxi drive systems controllable by a pilot in a cockpit of the aircraft to drive the aircraft during ground travel;b. one or more monitoring devices comprising scanning LiDAR devices sized to add a minimal amount of weight to said aircraft mounted in one or more aircraft exterior locations directly on or near a nose landing gear, on or near main landing gears, or on a surface of a fuselage of said aircraft not visible to said pilot from said cockpit, said scanning LiDAR devices being mounted in said one or more aircraft exterior locations out of a slipstream of said aircraft to provide a panoramic field of view of a space exterior to said aircraft;c. a processor and software located onboard the aircraft to receive information relating to said ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210027637A1

This method for managing the display of a field map for an aircraft is implemented by an electronic device and comprising the following steps: 1. A method for managing the display of a field map for an aircraft , the method being implemented by an electronic management device and comprising:acquiring a reference altitude of the aircraft, using a mode chosen from an automatic mode in which the reference altitude depends on a current altitude of the aircraft and a manual mode in which the reference altitude depends on an altitude value entered by a user via a reference altitude entry interface;determining cartographical element(s) based on the reference altitude;generating the field map, said map including a representation for each cartographical element,wherein, during the acquisition, the manual mode is activated if an interaction by the user with the reference altitude entry interface is detected, and the automatic mode is activated if no interaction with said entry interface is detected,the acquisition further includes switching from the manual mode to the automatic mode if a switching condition is met, andwhen the aircraft is in flight, the switching condition is the end of the interaction by the user with the reference altitude entry interface.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein when the aircraft is on the ground claim 1 , the switching condition is chosen from the group consisting of: the expiration of a time delay triggered at the end of the interaction by the user with the reference altitude entry interface; and an interaction by the user with a switching interface in automatic mode.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the reference altitude entry interface is associated with an altitude scale representing a range of reference altitude values claim 1 , with an aircraft symbol indicating a current value of the reference altitude claim 1 , the aircraft symbol being movable along the altitude scale claim 1 , the altitude scale and the aircraft ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Guidance Display for Controlling Aircraft Turns for Aircraft Spacing

Номер: US20170030734A1

A method and apparatus of controlling movement of an aircraft. A turn path off of a planned route for an aircraft comprising a turn to direct the aircraft to an intercept point on the planned route is determined. A planned route indicator depicting the planned route, a turn path indicator depicting the turn path, and an aircraft position indicator indicating a position of the aircraft are displayed to an operator of the aircraft at the same time on a turn guidance display. Deviation limit indicators for the planned route, the turn path, or both, may be displayed on the turn guidance display. Indicator characteristics of the deviation limit indicators may be changed in response to aircraft deviations from the planned route or the turn path by more than the deviation limits. The turn guidance display is used to control the movement of the aircraft to follow the turn path. 1. A method of controlling movement of an aircraft , comprising:determining a turn path off of a planned route for the aircraft comprising a turn to direct the aircraft to an intercept point on the planned route for the aircraft where the aircraft rejoins the planned route for the aircraft;displaying to an operator of the aircraft at the same time on a turn guidance display a planned route indicator depicting the planned route for the aircraft, a turn path indicator depicting the turn path relative to the planned route for the aircraft, wherein the planned route indicator and the turn path indicator have different indicator characteristics, and an aircraft position indicator indicating a position of the aircraft relative to the planned route for the aircraft and the turn path; andusing the turn guidance display to control the movement of the aircraft to follow the turn path.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:determining the turn path comprises determining a start turn point on the turn path where the turn begins; andchanging a number of the indicator characteristics of the turn path indicator when ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Navigating an unmanned aerial vehicle

Номер: US20180032074A1
Автор: Thomas CLYNNE

Systems and methods for navigating an unmanned aerial vehicle are provided. One example aspect of the present disclosure is directed to a method for navigating an unmanned aerial vehicle. The method includes capturing, by one or more processors associated with a flight management system of an unmanned aerial vehicle, one or more images. The method includes assessing, by the one or more processors, signals from an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The method includes processing, by the one or more processors, the one or more captured images based on the assessed signals to generate one or more corrected images. The method includes processing, by the one or more processors, the one or more generated corrected images to approximate position data. The method includes causing, by the one or more processors, the unmanned aerial vehicle to be controlled based on the position data.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Drone with an obstacle avoiding system

Номер: US20180032087A1
Автор: Martin Line
Принадлежит: Parrot Drones SAS

A rotary-wing drone includes a drone body including an electronic card controlling the piloting of the drone and one or more linking arms, one or more propulsion units mounted on respective ones of the linking arms, and at least one obstacle sensor integral with the drone body, whose main direction of detection is located in a substantially horizontal plane. The drone additionally includes logic executing by a processor in the electronic card and adapted to perform the controlling by correcting the drone orientation—specifically the yaw orientation—of the drone in flight so as to maintain one of the at least one obstacle sensor in the direction of displacement of the drone.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032683A1

A system and method for safe and effective implementation of approach procedures for guiding multiple aircraft of different weights approaching a single runway for landing, whereby lighter incoming aircraft will fly higher than heavier aircraft to avoid the wakes from the heavier aircraft, for the purpose of increasing the landing rate and, in turn, the number of aircraft that can land. 1. A Multiple Landing Threshold Aircraft Arrival system for landing aircraft of different weight categories on a single runway during initial , intermediate and final approach comprising:an Approach and Landing Conformance Monitoring System component configured to determine conformance or deviance of aircraft from flight paths assigned to them and to alert operators of deviance of aircraft from an assigned flight path;an Approach Guidance System component configured during initial approach to the airport to fly a leading heavier aircraft on a lower flight path such that the actual path flown by the aircraft is vertically separated from the path flown by another following lighter aircraft flying on the upper path of the pair of lower and upper paths; andsaid Approach Guidance System component configured during final approach and landing to direct a leading heavier aircraft to fly a lower final approach flight path to a landing threshold for that aircraft or a following lighter aircraft to an upper final approach flight path with a glide slope the same as or steeper than that of the lower flight path to a displaced landing threshold, such that the actual flight path of each aircraft is vertically separated from the path flown by another aircraft having the same components that is directed to fly the other path of the pair of lower and upper final approach flight paths.2. The Multiple Landing Threshold Aircraft Arrival system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the Approach and Landing Conformance Monitoring System component comprises:a Path Modeler component configured to receive runway ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032687A1

The systems and methods of the present disclosure generally provide a plurality of onboard and off board positioning, anti-collision, and path following systems that may provide an accurate picture of where each aircraft, proximate a given airport, is located at any given moment in time. The systems and methods may also include determining what obstacles are around each aircraft, and what path the aircraft should follow while taxiing around the airport. Any given aircraft may be automatically navigated along a determined route using at least one engines-off taxiing system. 1. A system for dynamically determining an aircraft route at an airport , the system comprising:an aircraft location data receiving module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, causes the processor to receive aircraft location data, wherein the aircraft location data is representative of respective real-time locations of a plurality of aircraft;an airport geographic map data receiving module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, causes the processor to receive airport geographic map data, wherein the airport geographic map data is representative of real-time available aircraft taxiing routes; andan aircraft route data determination module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, cause the processor to dynamically determine the aircraft route based, at least in part, on the aircraft location data and the airport geographic map data, during a time period that the plurality of aircraft are taxiing around the airport.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:an aircraft anti-collision data receiving module stored on a memory that, when executed by a processor, causes the processor to receive aircraft anti-collision data, wherein the aircraft anti-collision data is representative of obstacles proximate the plurality of aircraft, and wherein the aircraft route data is further based on the aircraft anti-collision data.3. The system of claim 1 , further ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035225A1
Автор: Berckefeldt Richard

In one example, a method for combining radio surveillance data includes receiving air traffic surveillance data from one or more aircraft via one or more remotely operable data link systems. The method further includes combining the air traffic surveillance data from the one or more aircraft into a composite air traffic surveillance data set. The air traffic surveillance data is based at least in part on radio surveillance messages received by the one or more aircraft from additional aircraft. 1. A method for combining radio surveillance data , the method comprising:receiving air traffic surveillance data from one or more aircraft via one or more remotely operable data link systems; andcombining the air traffic surveillance data from the one or more aircraft into a composite air traffic surveillance data set,wherein the air traffic surveillance data is based at least in part on radio surveillance messages received by the one or more aircraft from additional aircraft.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the radio surveillance messages comprise automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) messages received by the one or more aircraft from the additional aircraft.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising communicating the composite air traffic surveillance data set to one or more recipients.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the one or more recipients comprise one or more recipient aircraft.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising combining the air traffic surveillance data from the one or more aircraft into the composite air traffic surveillance data set and communicating the composite air traffic surveillance data set to the one or more recipients within a nominal latency of receiving the air traffic surveillance data from the one or more aircraft.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the one or more aircraft are reporting aircraft claim 4 , wherein the one or more recipient aircraft comprise at least one of the reporting aircraft.7. The method of claim 4 , ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035227A1

Systems and methods for context based controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) are provided. In certain implementations, a method for CPDLC includes receiving data through the selection of a selectable item on a pilot interface, wherein the pilot interface is a non-CPDLC interface and communicating the data to a CPDLC application. Further, the method also includes constructing a CPDLC message based on the data; and transmitting the CPDLC message to an air traffic controller. 1. A method for controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) , the method comprising:receiving data through the selection of a selectable item on a pilot interface, wherein the pilot interface is a non-CPDLC interface;communicating the data to a CPDLC application;constructing a CPDLC message based on the data;transmitting the CPDLC message to an air traffic controller.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising displaying a screen on a CPDLC human machine interface (HMI) based on the data.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the CPDLC HMI receives the data from the non-CPDLC interface.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the screen is displayed on the CPDLC HMI as directed by the CPDLC application claim 2 , wherein the screen is related to the data received through the pilot interface.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CPDLC message is selected through the non-CPDLC interface and the CPDLC application constructs the CPDLC message by transmitting the CPDLC message to the air traffic controller.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-CPDLC interface displays at least one menu showing different CPDLC messages that can be formed from information displayed on the non-CPDLC interface.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-CPDLC interface is at least one of:a multifunction display;a primary flight display;an electronic flight bag; anda navigational display.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving an uplink message from the air traffic controller;displaying received ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033318A1
Автор: Yeh Kevin

Systems and methods for navigating an unmanned aerial vehicle are provided. The method includes detecting a possible obstacle. The method includes determining a predicted path for the possible obstacle. The method includes determining that the possible obstacle will cause a collision with the unmanned aerial vehicle based on the predicted path. The method includes determining when the possible obstacle is cooperative. The method includes controlling the unmanned aerial vehicle to perform an avoidance maneuver when the possible obstacle is not cooperative. The method includes determining whether to initiate communications with the possible obstacle when the possible obstacle is cooperative. 1. A method for navigating an unmanned aerial vehicle comprising:detecting, by one or more processors associated with a flight management system of an unmanned aerial vehicle, a possible obstacle;determining, by the one or more processors, a predicted path for the possible obstacle;determining, by the one or more processors, that the possible obstacle will cause a collision with the unmanned aerial vehicle based on the predicted path;determining, by the one or more processors, when the possible obstacle is cooperative;when the possible obstacle is not cooperative, controlling the unmanned aerial vehicle to perform an avoidance maneuver; andwhen the possible obstacle is cooperative, determining whether to initiate communications with the possible obstacle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:when a determination to initiate communications with the possible obstacle is made, negotiating with the possible obstacle.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein negotiating with the possible obstacle comprises:determining that the unmanned aerial vehicle has a right of way; andcontrolling the unmanned aerial vehicle to maintain a current course.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein negotiating with the possible obstacle comprises:determining that the possible obstacle will yield to the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180033319A1
Автор: TROXEL James R.

Various avionics systems may benefit from appropriate integration of distance measurement equipment and traffic collision avoidance systems, or the like, using an omnidirectional antenna. A system can include an avionics processor. The system can also include a top antenna receiver configured to connect to a top antenna. The avionics processor can be configured to communicate using the top antenna. The system can further include a bottom antenna receiver configured to connect to a bottom antenna. The avionics processor can be configured to communicate using the bottom antenna. The bottom antenna can be an omnidirectional antenna. The system can additionally include a distance measure equipment receiver configured to be connected to the bottom antenna. The system can also include a distance measure equipment processor configured to measure distance using the bottom antenna. 1. A system , comprising:an avionics processor;a top antenna receiver configured to connect to a top antenna, wherein the avionics processor is configured to communicate using the top antenna;a bottom antenna receiver configured to connect to a bottom antenna, wherein the avionics processor is configured to communicate using the bottom antenna, wherein the bottom antenna comprises an omnidirectional antenna;a distance measure equipment receiver configured to be connected to the bottom antenna; anda distance measure equipment processor configured to measure distance using the bottom antenna.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the avionics processor comprises a processor of a traffic collision avoidance system or a traffic alert and collision avoidance system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the avionics processor comprises a processor of a traffic awareness system or ADS-B IN system.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the avionics processor claim 1 , top antenna receiver claim 1 , bottom antenna receiver claim 1 , distance measure equipment receiver claim 1 , and distance measure equipment ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Guide drones for airplanes on the ground

Номер: US20180033320A1
Принадлежит: International Business Machines Corp

Techniques for drone device control are provided. In one example, a computer-implemented method comprises: meeting, by a drone device operatively coupled to a processor, an aircraft at a first location; and guiding, by the drone device, the aircraft to a second location along a ground movement path selected from a plurality of ground movement paths associated with an airport. The guiding can comprise providing a direction indication to the aircraft; and monitoring a defined region around the aircraft for one or more hazards. The guiding can also comprise, in response to identifying a hazard from the one or more hazards related to the defined region around the aircraft, providing a hazard indication to the aircraft.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051571A1

Methods and systems for authenticating operations of an aircraft are disclosed. In at least one embodiment, the method may include: receiving, by an aircraft data gateway, a request for an operation of an aircraft from an operations portal; performing a first digital authentication of the request using first digital authentication information; performing a second digital authentication of the request using second digital authentication information, the second digital authentication information being distinct from the first digital authentication information; and executing the operation of the aircraft upon validating the first digital authentication and the second digital authentication. 1. A computer-implemented method for authenticating operations of an aircraft , the method comprising:receiving, by an aircraft data gateway, a request for an operation of an aircraft from an operations portal;performing, by the aircraft data gateway, a first digital authentication of the request using first digital authentication information;performing, by the aircraft data gateway, a second digital authentication of the request using second digital authentication information, the second digital authentication information being distinct from the first digital authentication information; andexecuting, by the aircraft data gateway, the operation of the aircraft upon validating the first digital authentication and the second digital authentication.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:sending, by the aircraft data gateway, data to the operations portal as a result of the executed operation, the data comprising data stored on one or more databases located on the aircraft.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the data comprises maintenance records data.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , further comprising:identifying, by the aircraft data gateway, a predetermined condition specified in the request; anddetermining, by the ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220051573A1

Methods and apparatus are provided for performing determinations and actions as to a required time of arrival (RTA) for an aircraft during flight. In exemplary embodiments, data is received as to the RTA for the aircraft during flight. Also in exemplary embodiments, determinations are made, via a processor, as to one or more RTA limits for the aircraft based on the RTA. Also in exemplary embodiments, the RTA limits comprise one or both of the following: one or more limits for aircraft speed based on the RTA; and one or more limits for aircraft arrival time based on the RTA. 1. A method comprising:receiving data as to a required time of arrival (RTA) for an aircraft during flight; and one or more limits for aircraft speed based on the RTA; and', 'one or more limits for aircraft arrival time based on the RTA., 'determining, via a processor, one or more RTA limits for the aircraft based on the RTA, wherein the one or more RTA limits comprise one or both of the following2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the one or more RTA limits comprises:determining, via the processor, the one or more limits for aircraft speed based on the RTA3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the one or more RTA limits comprises:determining, via the processor, the one or more limits for aircraft arrival time based on the RTA.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the one or more RTA limits comprises:determining, via the processor, both the one or more limits for aircraft speed and the one or more limits for aircraft arrival time based on the RTA.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: the RTA; and', 'the one or more RTA limits for the aircraft based on the RTA., 'displaying, via a display device in accordance with instructions provided by the processor6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:displaying, via the display device in accordance with instructions provided by the processor, a request for an RTA constraint for ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

System and Method to Change SVS Mode

Номер: US20220051578A1

A system may include a display and a processor communicatively coupled to the display. The processor may be configured to: output, to the display, a synthetic vision system (SVS) taxi mode exocentric view of an aircraft while the aircraft is performing taxi operations, while the aircraft is on ground, and when the aircraft is not in a predetermined exclusion zone, the predetermined exclusion zone including portions of a runway where the aircraft is able to begin taking off; and output, to the at least one display, an SVS flight mode egocentric view from the aircraft when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone. The display may be configured to display the SVS taxi mode exocentric view until the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone and display the SVS flight mode egocentric view when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone. 1. A system , comprising:at least one display; andat least one processor communicatively coupled to the display, the at least one processor configured to:output, to the at least one display, a synthetic vision system (SVS) taxi mode exocentric view of an aircraft while the aircraft is performing taxi operations, while the aircraft is on ground, and when the aircraft is not in a predetermined exclusion zone, the predetermined exclusion zone including portions of a runway where the aircraft is able to begin taking off; andoutput, to the at least one display, an SVS flight mode egocentric view from the aircraft when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone,wherein the at least one display is configured to display the SVS taxi mode exocentric view until the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone and to display the SVS flight mode egocentric view when the aircraft is in the predetermined exclusion zone,wherein the predetermine exclusion zone is based at least on a minimum required take-off distance, wherein the minimum required take-off distance is defined as a fraction of a length of the runway, ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033848A1
Автор: ZACH Moshe

A flight management system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in which the UAV is equipped for cellular fourth generation (4G) flight control. The UAV carries on-board a 4G modem, an antenna connected to the modem for providing for downlink wireless RF. A computer is connected to the modem. A 4G infrastructure to support sending via uplink and receiving via downlink from and to the UAV. The infrastructure further includes 4G base stations capable of communicating with the UAV along its flight path. An antenna in the base station is capable of supporting a downlink to the UAV. A control centre accepts navigation related data from the uplink. In addition, the control centre further includes a connection to the 4G infrastructure for obtaining downlinked data. A computer for calculating location of the UAV using navigation data as from the downlink. 2. The flight management and communication system as in claim 1 , comprising:at least one or a plurality of simultaneously flying UAVs equipped for flight control based on said protocol, said UAVs each carrying on board:at least one modem of said protocol;at least one on-board antenna connected to said at least one modem for providing uplink, downlink, or both uplink and downlink wireless RF to a network of said protocol;a computer connected to said modem and to flight controls or an autopilot of said UAV.3. The flight management and communication system as in claim 2 , wherein said FDCDS assumes control over flight of said plurality of UAVs.4. The flight management and communication system as in claim 2 , wherein said UAV further comprises at least one sensor and wherein output data of said sensor is transmitted via said downlink and said infrastructure to said control center or said FDCDS claim 2 , and wherein said output data of said sensor is not associated with said flight management.5. The flight management and communication system as in claim 2 , wherein said base station dynamically allocates bandwidth for transfer ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for drone air traffic control utilizing geographic boundaries for management

Номер: US20190035285A1
Автор: PRIEST Lee

Systems and methods for drone air traffic control include, in an air traffic control system configured to manage Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flight in a plurality of geographic regions, wherein the air traffic control system has one or more servers configured to manage each geographic region predetermined based on a geographic boundary, communicating to one or more UAVs via one or more wireless networks, wherein the one or more UAVs are configured to maintain their flight in the plurality of geographic regions based on coverage of or connectivity to the one or more wireless networks; obtaining data related to the one or more UAVs, wherein the data includes flight operational data, flight plan data, and sensor data related to obstructions and other UAVs; analyzing and storing the data for each geographic region; and managing flight of the one or more UAVs in corresponding geographic regions based on the data.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Drone collision avoidance via Air Traffic Control over wireless networks

Номер: US20190035287A1
Автор: PRIEST Lee

An air traffic control system includes one or more servers each including a network interface, a processor, and memory; and a database communicatively coupled to the one or more servers, wherein the network interface in each of the one or more servers is communicatively coupled to one or more Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) via a plurality of wireless networks at least one of which includes a cellular network; wherein the one or more servers are configured to obtain operational data from a UAV, obtain conditions from one or more of the operational data and the database, determine a future flight plan based on the operational data and flying lane assignments for the UAV, determine potential collisions based on static obstructions and dynamic obstructions, obtained from the database based on the future flight plan, and provide evasive maneuver instructions to the UAV based on the determined potential collisions. 1. An air traffic control system comprising:one or more servers each comprising a network interface, a processor, and memory; anda database communicatively coupled to the one or more servers,wherein the network interface in each of the one or more servers is communicatively coupled to one or more Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) via a plurality of wireless networks at least one of which comprises a cellular network; obtain operational data from a UAV,', 'obtain conditions from one or more of the operational data and the database,', 'determine a future flight plan based on the operational data and a flying lane assignment for the UAV,', 'determine potential collisions in the future flight plan based on static obstructions and dynamic obstructions, obtained from the database based on the future flight plan, and', 'provide evasive maneuver instructions to the UAV based on the determined potential collisions., 'wherein the one or more servers are configured to'}2. The air traffic control system of claim 1 , wherein the operational data comprises speed claim 1 , ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Acoustic probe array for aircraft

Номер: US20220053254A1
Принадлежит: Zipline International Inc

Described herein is a sensor probe for association with a portion of an aircraft. The sensor probe includes a microphone assembly having a portion configured to receive audio signals. The sensor probe further includes a nosecone associated with the microphone assembly. The nosecone assembly is configured to shield the portion of the microphone assembly from noise generated by direct impact of an airflow for a plurality of local flow angles.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210035457A1
Автор: Pennapareddy Swathi

A method of verifying aircraft position information based on ADS-B messages includes receiving an ADS-B message indicating an identifier of an aircraft and indicating a position of the aircraft. The method includes accessing a tamper-resistant distributed public ledger of authenticated flight plan data to determine whether flight plan data associated with the identifier is stored in the tamper-resistant distributed public ledger. The method includes, conditioned upon a determination that the flight plan data is stored in the tamper-resistant distributed public ledger, comparing the position to a flight path indicated by the flight plan data. The method includes selecting a characteristic of an icon corresponding to the aircraft based on a determination whether the position corresponds to the flight path. The method further includes displaying, on a display device and based on the characteristic, the icon at a location corresponding to the position. 1. A method of verifying aircraft position information based on automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) messages , the method comprising:receiving an ADS-B message indicating an identifier of an aircraft and indicating a position of the aircraft;accessing a tamper-resistant distributed public ledger of authenticated flight plan data to determine whether flight plan data associated with the identifier is stored in the tamper-resistant distributed public ledger;conditioned upon a determination that the flight plan data is stored in the tamper-resistant distributed public ledger, comparing the position to a flight path indicated by the flight plan data;selecting a characteristic of an icon corresponding to the aircraft based on a determination whether the position corresponds to the flight path; anddisplaying, on a display device and based on the characteristic, the icon at a location corresponding to the position.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , conditioned upon a determination that the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160042647A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

Provided is an air traffic control assistance system whereby it is possible to display the reliability of an avoidance recommendation over time in a manner which is easily understood by an air traffic controller. For each combination of link information of an aircraft of interest and link information of an aircraft in the vicinity thereof, a graphic identification unit identifies a graphic which represents a prescribed range which is defined by the aircraft in the vicinity thereof, in a plane which includes a three-dimensional vector which is represented by the link information of the aircraft of interest and which is perpendicular to the x-y plane. When transforming a two-dimensional vector in an x-y plane from one fix of the aircraft of interest to the next fix to align in order along the x-axis, a transform matrix computation unit computes, for each two-dimensional vector, a transform matrix which represents a transform from a plane which contains the two-dimensional vector and is perpendicular to the x-y plane to a plane which is defined by the x-axis and a time axis. A display processing unit transforms the graphic, and displays a line which joins the fix and a point which is determined by the time whereat the aircraft of interest transects the fix, and the transformed graphic. 1. An air traffic control assistance system comprising:a figure specifying unit which determines, as a set of interval information between passing points of a moving object expressed by a set of three-dimensional coordinates using, as coordinate values, an x coordinate and a y coordinate of a passing point determined as a position where the moving object passes and passing time of the moving object, a set of interval information of an aircraft of interest as one of moving objects in the case where the state of the aircraft of interest as a moving object as a target of a state change by an avoidance proposal for a near miss between the moving objects is changed on the basis of the ...
