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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

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27-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434925C2

Изобретение относится к материалам-преобразователям для флуоресцентных источников света. Предлагается люминесцентный материал для светоизлучающего прибора, включающий (Y,Gd)-содержащий материал наночастиц, связанный с по меньшей мере одной молекулой органического лиганда. Предлагается также светоизлучающий прибор, в частности светоизлучающий диод, включающий указанный люминесцентный материал, и система, включающая указанный люминесцентный материал и/или указанный светоизлучающий прибор. Предложенный люминесцентный материал обладает адаптацией к различным длинам волн испускания полупроводника и областям применения светоизлучающего диода. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2169413C2

Изобретение относится к оптическим полупроводниковым элементам, таким, как светоизлучающий элемент, лазерный элемент и элемент цветного дисплея, и к способу их изготовления. Техническим результатом изобретения является снижение порога лазерной генерации, уменьшение длины волны излучаемого света, снижение потерь. Сущность: тонкая пленка ZnO изготавливается на с-поверхности подложки сапфира за счет использования метода лазерной молекулярно-пучковой эпитаксии (МВЕ). В оптическом полупроводниковом элементе на основе оксида элемента II группы используют тонкую пленку оксида цинка, содержащую магний или кадмий в состоянии твердого раствора. За счет добавления магния или кадмия ширина запрещенной зоны оксида цинка может регулироваться внутри диапазона от 3 до 4 эВ. 4 с. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 32 ил.

10-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2343510C2
Принадлежит: МОТОРОЛА, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к области техники портативных дисплеев и направлено на повышение удобства при их использовании. Этот результат обеспечивается за счет того, что двухрежимный дисплей включает в себя монохроматический отражательный дисплей прямого видения и полноцветный виртуальный дисплей, расположенный позади монохроматического отражательного дисплея прямого видения. Монохроматический отражательный дисплей прямого видения включает в себя отображающую панель, имеющую первую схему расположения пикселей, и узкополосный отражатель, расположенный позади отображающей панели. Виртуальный дисплей имеет вторую схему расположения пикселей, причем каждый пиксель испускает свет в одной из трех основных цветовых полос через монохроматический отражательный дисплей прямого видения, и свет, испускаемый каждым пикселем, в комбинации со светом, испускаемым другими пикселями виртуального дисплея, формирует полноцветное виртуальное изображение от двухрежимного дисплея. 3 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2363991C2
Принадлежит: СВЕДИН Андерс (SE)

Описан тактильный датчик, содержащий дисплейное устройство с подложкой, причем на данной подложке расположен, по меньшей мере, один дисплейный электрод для отображения образа на дисплейном устройстве. Интерфейс соединен с, по меньшей мере, одним дисплейным электродом для приема отображаемых данных в дисплейном устройстве. Кроме того, наличествует измерительная схема, соединенная с, по меньшей мере, одним дисплейным электродом. Обеспечено коммутирующее средство для подключения интерфейса к, по меньшей мере, одному дисплейному электроду, когда коммутирующее средство находится в первом рабочем состоянии, и подключения измерительной схемы к, по меньшей мере, одному дисплейному электроду, когда коммутирующее средство находится во втором рабочем состоянии. Технический результат - надежность распознавания прикосновения к экрану и улучшенная совместимость с имеющимися схемами управления с дисплеями. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

10-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU83649U1
Принадлежит: ВОЛОХОВС Дмитрийс (LV)

... 1. Дисплейный модуль для прозрачного видеодисплея с большим экраном, содержащий элементарные панели со светоизлучающими элементами и сквозными окнами, схему распределения данных и входы для данных и питания, отличающийся тем, что он снабжен управляющим блоком, установленным на дисплейном модуле без ухудшения прозрачности последнего, а упомянутая схема распределения данных установлена внутри упомянутого управляющего блока. ! 2. Дисплейный модуль по п.1, снабженный приемными частями соединения для упомянутых входов для данных и питания, расположенными в центральной зоне упомянутых элементарных панелей. ! 3. Дисплейный модуль по п.2, в котором упомянутые входы для данных и питания снабжены многожильными кабелями, припаянными непосредственно к упомянутым приемным частям соединения на элементарных панелях. ! 4. Дисплейный модуль по п.2, в котором упомянутые входы для данных и питания снабжены многожильными кабелями, соединенными с упомянутыми приемными частями соединения посредством быстрорасчленяемых ...

17-07-2019 дата публикации

Устройство изменения конфигурации блока управления скроллерной системой

Номер: RU190962U1

Полезная модель относится к области представления меняющегося информационного материала и может быть применена в скроллерных системах, используемых в рекламных щитах, вывесках, стойках и других известных устройствах представления информации. Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлена полезная модель, является создание устройства, обеспечивающего возможность изменения конфигурации различных блоков управления скроллерной системой. Сущность полезной модели заключается в том, что устройство изменения конфигурации блока управления скроллерной системой содержит корпус, модуль беспроводной связи, контроллер, обеспечивающий возможность установления связи устройства с блоком управления скроллерной системой, и интерфейс для подключения к блоку управления скроллерной системой. 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 фиг.

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2491608C2

Изобретение относится к области машиночитаемых носителей, компьютеризованных способов и компьютерных систем вызова действия представления путем применения операции перетаскивания к кнопке управления верхнего уровня, визуализированной на дисплее с сенсорным экраном. Технический результат заключается в улучшении опыта пользователя в осуществлении доступа к меню с помощью кнопки управления верхнего уровня. Технический результат достигается за счет инициированного пользователем ввода, примененного к кнопке управления верхнего уровня, включающего в себя место активации и расстояние перемещения перетаскиванием от него; если расстояние перемещения перетаскиванием на дисплее с сенсорным экраном намного больше, чем пороговое расстояние в конкретном радиальном направлении от места активации, инициированный пользователем ввод рассматривается как операция перетаскивания, а набор триггерных границ создается на основании системных показателей, чтобы помочь отличить операцию перетаскивания от операции ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2515588C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам отображения, таким как жидкокристаллическое устройство отображения. Техническим результатом является уменьшение толщины рамки и увеличение срока службы панели отображения. В устройстве отображения обеспечены первая и вторая подложки, обращенные друг к другу. Первая подложка включает в себя тело подложки, первую группу межсоединений, обеспеченных на теле подложки, и вторую группу межсоединений с изолирующей пленкой, расположенной между группами межсоединений. Канавка (27) сформирована над первой группой межсоединений (21, 23а) первой подложки, непрерывно продолжаясь вдоль участка внешнего периметра подложки и поперек первой группы межсоединений (21, 23а). Нижележащий слой (27а) металла обеспечен в том же самом слое, в котором обеспечена вторая группа межсоединений (23), под канавкой (27), по меньшей мере, в областях, в которых канавка (27) перекрывает первую группу межсоединений (21, 23а), если смотреть сверху. 16 з.п. ф-лы, 33 ил.

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014127122A

... 1. Датчик изображения, содержащий:матрицу пикселей, в которой множество пикселей размещены так, чтобы формировать множество строк и множество столбцов;модуль считывания, выполненный с возможностью считывать сигнал из матрицы пикселей; имодуль управления, выполненный с возможностью управлять модулем считывания,причем модуль считывания включает в себямодуль выбора строки, выполненный с возможностью выбирать строку в матрице пикселей,модуль выбора столбца, выполненный с возможностью выбирать столбец в матрице пикселей, имодуль вывода, выполненный с возможностью выводить сигнал из пикселя, для пикселей в строке, выбранной модулем выбора строки, который соответствует столбцу, выбранному модулем выбора столбца,причем матрица пикселей включает в себя множество блоков, отличающихся по расстоянию от модуля вывода, ипри этом модуль управления управляет периодами считывания, требуемыми модулю считывания для считывания сигналов из множества блоков, чтобы считывать сигналы из блоков в более длительные ...

26-03-2018 дата публикации

Способ определения позиции видеомодулей внутри группы

Номер: RU2648563C1

Изобретение относится к технологиям сетевой связи. Технический результат заключается в повышении скорости обработки данных. Способ определения позиций видеомодулей внутри группы характеризуется тем, что для определения позиций видеомодулей внутри группы контроллер группы передает одному или более видеомодулям команду на активизацию одного или более излучателей сигнала, активированные излучатели сигнала транслируют сигнал, передающийся беспроводным способом, этот сигнал принимается одним или более приемниками сигнала одного или более видеомодулей, приемники сигнала которых расположены рядом с активированными излучателями сигнала, видеомодули, принявшие сигнал, передают информацию о приеме контроллеру группы, контроллер группы, на основе информации о расположении излучателей сигнала и приемников сигнала в видеомодулях, информации об активированных излучателях сигнала и информации о приемниках сигнала, принявших сигнал, определяет расположение этих модулей относительно друг друга и заносит ...

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008124893A

... 1. Декоративная система, содержащая: ! процессор; ! базу данных, связанную с процессором; ! декоративный элемент, имеющий конфигурацию, позволяющую получать и отображать переданные данные; и ! контроллер, имеющий интерфейс пользователя, причем интерфейс пользователя имеет доступ через процессор для приема маркеров данных от пользователя и для хранения маркеров данных в базе данных, при этом маркеры данных объединены с предопределенными данными, причем процессор, декоративный элемент и контроллер имеют электронную связь друг с другом, при этом контроллер выбирает маркеры данных из базы данных и передает данные, объединенные с маркером данных, на декоративный элемент. ! 2. Декоративная система по п.1, в которой декоративный элемент содержит корпус, дисплей и приемный элемент, причем дисплей и приемный элемент соединены с корпусом, при этом дисплей имеет электронную связь с приемным элементом. ! 3. Декоративная система по п.1, в которой данные, переданные контроллером, получают при помощи ...

20-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013116721A

... 1. Способ формирования и отображения растра, заключающийся в том, что формирование растра осуществляют с помощью матрицы механических индикаторных элементов, имеющих вращающуюся индикаторную поверхность с несколькими цветовыми участками, отображающими информацию о текущем состоянии пиксела, в совокупности передающих информацию о цветовом тоне, насыщенности и яркости растра путем смешивания отраженных световых потоков от цветовых участков, и матрицы светоизлучающих элементов, размещаемых за индикаторной поверхностью механических элементов и отображающих информацию о яркости путем модуляции яркости излучения, вместе подключенных к системе матричного управления, растр делят на множество пиксельных групп, каждая из которых составлена из множества пикселей, размещенных рядом друг с другом, отличающийся тем, чтоизменение полного информационного состояния цветового пиксела с заданной дискретностью уровней осуществляют с помощью одного элемента и одного канала управления путем обращения к стороне ...

27-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011135429A

... 1. Способ обновления по меньшей мере одного изображения, отображаемого на электронном дисплее, содержащем, по меньшей мере, первую область и вторую область, причем первая область имеет первое множество линий, а вторая область имеет второе множество линий, при этом упомянутое обновление содержит возбуждение пикселей первой и второй областей в соответствии с каждым из множества кадров, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых:возбуждают пиксели первой и второй областей в соответствии с первым таким кадром при сканировании упомянутых линий упомянутых областей от первого конца первой области до второго конца второй области, причем упомянутый второй конец расположен противоположно упомянутому первому концу вдоль направления упомянутого сканирования; ивозбуждают пиксели первой и второй областей в соответствии со вторым таким кадром при сканировании упомянутых линий упомянутых областей от упомянутого первого конца до упомянутого второго конца, при этомупомянутое сканирование в соответствии со ...

20-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012104629A

... 1. Возбуждаемое током устройство отображения, содержащее:множество пиксельных схем, упорядоченных двумерным образом, каждая из которых конфигурирована транзистором N-канального типа;множество первых линий развертки и множество вторых линий развертки, причем каждая из первых и вторых линий развертки обеспечена для строки пиксельных схем;множество линий данных, каждая из которых обеспечена для столбца пиксельных схем;схема возбуждения линий развертки, конфигурированная для выбора пиксельных схем по строке с использованием первой и второй линий развертки; исхема возбуждения линий данных, конфигурированная для подачи потенциала данных согласно данным отображения на линию данных,причем каждая из пиксельных схем содержитэлектрооптическое устройство, обеспеченное между первым проводящим элементом, к которому прикладывается первый потенциал источника питания, и вторым проводящий элементом, к которому прикладывается второй потенциал источника питания;управляющий транзистор, предусмотренный между ...

20-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95111379A

... 1. Дисплей, содержащий первую и вторую противолежащие подложки, из которых по меньшей мере первая выполнена из стекла, и разделенных электрооптическим материалом, отличающийся тем, что содержит: У линий ввода видеоданных, нанесенных на первую подложку, Х групп по У переключающих элементов в Z строках, нанесенных на первую подложку, общий электрод для всех переключающих элементов на второй подложке, линии драйвера строк, соединенных с Z строками переключающих элементов для активирования переключающих элементов в каждой строке, Х групп по У демультиплексирующих элементов, нанесенных на первую подложку и соединенных с Х группами по У переключающих элементов и У линиями ввода видеоданных для последовательной и поочередной подачи видеоданных на У линий ввода непосредственно в каждой из Х групп по У переключающих элементов для формирования изображения. 2. Дисплей по п.1, отличающийся тем, что содержит: переключающий транзистор и соответствующий емкостной элемент изображения, формирующий каждый ...

30-04-1986 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU1228140A1

Изобретение относится к автоматике и вычислительной технике и может быть использовано для ввода информации на сегментные индикаторы. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности . Поставленная цель достигается введением в устройство блока ограничительных элементов, преобразователя аналог-код, второго коммутатора, счетчика и последовательно соединенных элемента задержки, счетчика и сумматора по модулю два. Введение этих элементов приводит к тому, что при нарушении в цепи элемента индикации подключение или отключение этого элемента не вызывает изменения тока через резисторы блока ограничительных элементов , в результате чего дальнейшее изменение состояния счетчика прекращается и индикатор остается в состоянии, при котором обнаружена неисправность. 1 ил.

08-02-1968 дата публикации

Ячейка светового табло

Номер: SU211365A1

02-02-1972 дата публикации


Номер: SU328444A1
Автор: Куманин В.Д.

30-03-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU1300546A1

Изобретение относится к автоматике и вычислительной технике и может быть использовано в устройствах для визуального представления информации . Цель изобретения - упрощение устройства. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что устройство для индикации , содержащее генератор импульсов 1, первичный двоичный счетчик 2, двоично-десятичный счетчик 3, регистр 4, дешифратор 5, индикаторы 6, распределитель импульсов 7, введены второй двоичный счетчик 8, коммутатор 9, формирователь импульсов 10, элемент задержки 11 и I К-триггер (Л ...

23-12-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU1361617A1

Изобретение относится к области автоматики и может быть использовано для индикации информации в средствах диагностики и контроля. Цель изобретения - упрощение устройства. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в устройстве для индикации, содержащем индикаторный злемент 1, стабилитрон 2, первый и второй триоды 3 и 4, первьй - четвертуй резисторы 5-8, эмиттер первого триода соединен с базой второго триода, а анод стабилитрона соединен с вторым выводом третьего резистора. Это позволяет обеспечить контроль и индикацию напряжения . в устройстве. 1 ил. (Л со з: | ...

28-11-1972 дата публикации

Индикаторное устройство

Номер: SU360660A1

15-05-1982 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU928399A1

22-12-1970 дата публикации

Устройство для отображения информации

Номер: SU290277A1

28-08-1963 дата публикации

Семиэлементная ячейка светового табло

Номер: SU156874A1
Автор: Точилин Б.А.

15-05-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU1310886A1

Изобретение Относится к нриборострое- нию и может быть использовано для индикации и отсчета измеряемых параметров в цифровых измерительных прибора.х. Цель изобретения - новышение надежности устройства за счет исключения индикации незначащих нулей. Иоставленная цель достигается тем, что в устройство для индикации, содержащее генератор I импульсов, счетчик 2, мультиплексоры 3, первый дешифратор 4, усилители-формирователи 5, индикаторы 6, второй дешифратор 7, введены элемент ИЛИ 8, D-триггер 9, ключ И, шина анодного питания 12, причем выходы мультиплексоров соединены с входами элемента ИДИ, выход которого соединен с установочным входом D-триггера, одноименные управляющие входы всех индикаторов соединены между сооои и подключены к выхо- да.1 второго дешифратора, унравляю1цие входы индикаторов соединены с вы.ходами усилителей-формирователей , входы которых соединены с выходами iiepBoi o дешифратора , шины питания усилителей-формирователей соединены межд собой и через ключ соединены с шиной анодного ...

15-12-1988 дата публикации

Способ управления индикаторными элементами

Номер: SU1444880A1

Изобретение относится к области информационного обеспечения процесс сов управления сложными техническими системами и может быть использовано при создании и разработке прогрессивных систем отображения информации. Целью изобретения является повышение функциональной надежности способа. Цель достигается тем, что в способе, основанном на сравнении текущих значений контролируемых сигналов с их пороговыми значениями, формировании соответствующих сигналов постоянного уровня при превьшении контролируемыми сигналами их пороговых значений н подаче их на входы соответствующих индикаторных элементов, перед подачей на соответствующий индикаторный элемент постоянного уровня его задерживают на время, зависящее от количества сигналов по ;тоянного уровня . 1 ил. (Л с ...

23-09-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для иллюминации

Номер: SU1425771A1

15-07-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для управления газоразрядной индикаторной панелью

Номер: SU1029221A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ГАЗОРАЗРЯДНОЙ ИНДИКАТОРНОЙ ПАНЕЛЬЮ, содерхощее две группы разрядных транзисторов, базы которых подключены к шинам синхронизации, а эмиттеры « шине нулевого потенциала, а зарядный ключ, база которого соединена с одной из шин синхронизации, коллектор - с положительной шиной питания, а эмиттер - с катодами зарядных диодов , аноды которых подключены к соответствующим координатным шинам газоразрядной индикаторной панели, отличающееся тем, что, с целью упрсчцения устройства и снижения потребляемой мощности, оно содержит группу разрядных диодов, аноды которых подключены к соответствующим координатньм шинам газоразрядной индикаторной панели, а катодда к коллекторам соответствующих разрядных транзисторов первой и второй групп, $ (Л с ...

15-10-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для отображения информации на газоразрядной индикаторной панели

Номер: SU1119065A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОТОБРАЖЕНИЯ ИНФОРМАЦИИ НА ГАЗОРАЗРЯДНОЙ ИНДИКАТОРНОЙ ПАНЕЛИ, содержащее блок сопряжения, соединенный с синхронизатором, первый вход которого подключен к первому выходу первого дешифратора , а первый выход - к первому входу адресного блока, первый вход первого дешифратора соединен с первым выходом блока сопряжения, вход которого является входом устройства, а второй выход подключен к первому информационному входу блока памяти и вторым входам адресного блока и первого дешифратора, второй выход которого соединен с управляющими входами генератора поддерживающего напряжения и генератора импульсов, первый выход генератора импульсов подключен ко второму входу синхронизатора, соединенного с генератором символов и блоком памяти , адресный вход блока памяти подключен к выходу адресного блока, а выход ко входу генератора символов, соединенного с генератором импульсов, второй выход которого подключен к синхровходу генератора поддерживающего напряжения, третий и четвертый выходы генератора ...

15-02-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для управления индикатором

Номер: SU1290400A1

Изобретение относится к области цифровой техники и может быть использовано при построении устройств цифрового отсчета частоты настройки в радиоприемниках. Целью изобретения является упрощение устройства. Уст- ройство содержит счетчики отсчета измеряемой частоты и управления 1 и 2, дешифратор 3, регистр 4, мультиплексор 5, преобразователь 6 кодов, под позициями 7-13 обозначены соответствующие входы и выходы элементов функциональной схемы. Данное устройство позволяет часть кода измеряемой частоты считывать с помощью мультиплексора непосредственно с разрядов счетчика измеряемой частоты,- а другая часть кода считывается через регистр, что упрощает устройство . 2 ил. i (Л го со ...

23-04-1981 дата публикации

Устройство контроля индикаторных эле-MEHTOB

Номер: SU824211A1

25-01-1974 дата публикации

Локальный индикатор

Номер: SU412613A1
Автор: Наумчук А.П.

01-08-2002 дата публикации

Stereoskopische Bildanzeigevorrichtung und zugehöriges Speichergerät

Номер: DE0069525711T2

11-10-2001 дата публикации

Flache Anzeigevorrichtung und Verfahren zu ihrer Inspektion

Номер: DE0069428163D1

23-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002904914A1

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013114567A1

Ein Schieberegister weist eine Mehrzahl von Stufen auf, wobei jede der Stufen k zusammengesetzte Pulse ausgibt, wobei jeder einen A-Abtastpuls und einen B-Abtastpuls aufweist. Mindestens eine der Stufen weist k A-Unter-Stufen, wobei jede eine Spannung an einem A-Setz-Knoten und eine Spannung an mindestens einem A-Rücksetz-Knoten in Reaktion auf ein externes A-Steuersignal steuert und einen A-Übertrag-Puls basierend auf der Spannung an dem A-Setz-Knoten, der Spannung an dem mindestens einem A-Rücksetz-Knoten und irgendeinem A-Takt-Puls erzeugt, eine B-Unter-Stufe zum Steuern einer Spannung an einem B-Setz-Knoten und einer Spannung an mindestens einem B-Rücksetz-Knoten in Reaktion auf ein externes B-Steuersignal und Erzeugen eines B-Übertrag-Pulses und eine Abtastausgangssteuereinrichtung zum Erzeugen von k A-Abtastpulsen und k B-Abtastpulsen und Ausgeben eines der A-Abtast-Pulse und eines der B-Abtast-Pulse, die einander entsprechen, als einen zusammengesetzten Puls auf.

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Bildschirmanzeige

Номер: DE0019752056C5

Vorrichtung zur Steuerung einer Bildschirmanzeige mit einem Betätigungsglied, das um eine Längsachse drehbar und in Richtung der Längsachse bewegbar ist und wodurch ein Punkt einer aus Menü, Teilmenüs, Funktion und/oder Funktionswert bestehenden Menüstruktur auswählbar und als optisch hervorgehobenes Feld in der Bildschirmanzeige darstellbar ist, wobei die Felder eines Menüs am Rande der Bildschirmanzeige umlaufend dargestellt sind, bei der das Betätigungsglied eine Ausgangslage besitzt und demgegenüber gegen die Wirkung einer Rückstellfeder eine Zusatzbewegung mit zwei zusätzlichen Freiheitsgraden durchführen kann, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass – die am Rand umlaufend permanent dargestellten Felder einem übergeordneten Menü zugeordnet sind, von denen durch die Zusatzbewegung des Betätigungsglieds ein Feld auswählbar ist, – das Auswählen die Anzeige eines diesem Feld zugeordneten untergeordneten Menüs in dem vom Randbereich umfassten Mittelbereich der Bildschirmanzeige bewirkt, und – dass ...

16-05-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003720276C2

09-11-2021 дата публикации

Anzeigeeinrichtung und Beleuchtungseinrichtung davon

Номер: DE202021105374U1

Anzeigevorrichtung, die Folgendes umfasst:eine Flüssigkristalltafel;mehrere Lichtquellen, die konfiguriert sind, Licht zu emittieren;mehrere Ansteuerbereiche, wobei jeder Ansteuerbereich aus den mehreren Ansteuerbereichen mehrere Abdunkelungsblöcke umfasst und jeder Abdunkelungsblock aus den mehreren Abdunkelungsblöcken wenigstens eine Lichtquelle aus den mehreren Lichtquellen umfasst; undmehrere Ansteuervorrichtungen, wobei jede Ansteuervorrichtung aus den mehreren Ansteuervorrichtungen in einem entsprechenden Ansteuerbereich aus den mehreren Ansteuerbereichen vorgesehen ist und konfiguriert ist, einen Ansteuerstrom für die wenigstens eine Lichtquelle in jedem Abdunkelungsblock in dem entsprechenden Ansteuerbereich bereitzustellen,wobei jeder Ansteuerbereich aus den mehreren Ansteuerbereichen durch die wenigstens eine Lichtquelle in jedem Abdunkelungsblock in dem Ansteuerbereich, die einen Ansteuerstrom von einer entsprechenden Ansteuervorrichtung aus den mehreren Ansteuervorrichtungen ...

19-07-1990 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003700765C2

09-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008304450U1

01-12-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002304681C2
Принадлежит: SONY CORP., TOKYO, JP

14-01-2010 дата публикации

Complete display area controlling device for use in e.g. motor vehicle, for providing e.g. consumption data to user, has modules for controlling display areas of complete display area in two different formats, respectively

Номер: DE102009023447A1

The device has a module (1) for controlling a display area (2') of a complete display area (3') in a format of 16:9 and another module for controlling a display area of the complete display area in a format of 8:9. The former module is designed as a submodule (2) of the former module, and the latter module is designed as another submodule (3) of the former module. The former submodule is activated at an initial state, and is automatically inactivated during installation in a vehicle with the complete display area in a format of 16:9. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a method for controlling a complete display area (2) a method for producing and fitting a vehicle with a device for controlling a complete display area in a vehicle.

05-02-2004 дата публикации

Indicator screen in quasi-analog form shows readings and changes in them by means of tips of pointers in enlargement and second pointers for indicating secondary readings

Номер: DE0010232542A1

The readings and changes in readings appear on a screen in quasi analog form. The scale-markings and the figures on them are dynamically expanded by the pointer with the maximum reading on the tip of the pointer. /a second smaller pointer indicates a secondary reading and can be integrated in the scale.

03-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069923480D1

16-09-2021 дата публикации

Vorrichtungen und Verfahren zum Anzeigen eines Bildes mittels eines am Kopf eines Nutzers tragbaren Anzeigegeräts

Номер: DE102014003178B4
Принадлежит: AUDI AG

Steuerungsvorrichtung (SV) für ein Anzeigegerät (AG), das am Kopf (K) eines Nutzers (P) tragbar ist, wobei die Steuerungsvorrichtung (SV) eine erste Eingangsschnittstelle (SE1) zum Übernehmen (110) eines ersten elektronischen Bildes (eB1) von einer virtuellen Realität und eine erste Ausgangsschnittstelle (SA3) zum Ausgeben (140) eines Bildsignals (BS) von einem anzuzeigenden Bild (B3) aufweist; wobei die Steuerungsvorrichtung (SV) auch umfasst:- eine zweite Eingangsschnittstelle (SE2) zum Übernehmen (120) eines zweiten elektronischen Bildes (eB2), das von einem Teil einer Umgebung (U) des Nutzers (P) aufgenommen wurde;- eine Bildzusammenfügungsvorrichtung (BZ) zum Erzeugen (130) des Bildsignals (BS) von dem anzuzeigenden Bild (B3), das sowohl Bildinformationen des ersten elektronischen Bildes (eB1) als auch Bildinformationen des zweiten elektronischen Bildes (eB2) umfasst; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Bildzusammenfügungsvorrichtung (BZ) dazu vorbereitet ist, das zweite elektronische ...

28-07-1983 дата публикации

Method and device for verifying the display values in digital displays composed of display elements having a plurality of display segments

Номер: DE0003151057A1

In a method for verifying the display values of digital displays having one or more display elements each of which has a plurality of display segments, in which method the display values occurring on the display segments of the various display elements are detected and compared with the input values, in order to output an error message in the event of deviations from the desired values, it is provided that the display values are detected on all the segments of the display device consecutively in a prescribed sequence and are compared with the associated input values. In this way, it is possible to use for this method a display device which has monitor units for detecting the display values occurring on the segments of the display elements, as well as comparison devices for comparing the detected values with the input values, as well as an error indicator, and in which display device a control device is provided which consecutively connects a single monitor unit to all the segments of the ...

09-12-1999 дата публикации

Anzeigeeinheit und Projektionsvorrichtung für Bildsequenzen

Номер: DE0019642617C2

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Leuchtvorrichtung, Leuchtsystem, Verfahren zum Bestimmen einer Topologie einer Vielzahl von Sendern, System zur Bereitstellung von positionsbezogener Informationen auf einem Gerät

Номер: DE102014116580A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft eine Leuchtvorrichtung und ein Leuchtsystem, welche insbesondere als Anzeigemedium verwendbar sind. Ferner betrifft die vorliegende Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Bestimmen einer Topologie eine Vielzahl von Sender, wobei die Topologie der Vielzahl von Sendern räumliche Zusammenhänge zwischen Sendern der Vielzahl von Sendern repräsentiert. Ferner betrifft die vorliegende Erfindung ein System zur Bereitstellung von positionsbezogener Information auf einem Gerät, insbesondere auf einer erfindungsgemäß Leuchtvorrichtung oder einem erfindungsgemäßen Leuchtsystem.

17-09-2015 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung und Verfahren zum Präsentieren eines blickwinkelabhängig erkennbaren grafischen Inhaltes

Номер: DE102014204462A1

Es werden ein Verfahren sowie eine Anzeigevorrichtung (1) zur blickwinkelabhängigen Präsentation grafischer Inhalte vorgeschlagen. Die Anzeigevorrichtung (1) umfasst mindestens ein erstes transparentes Anzeigemittel (D1) und ein zweites Anzeigemittel (D2), wobei das zweite Anzeigemittel (D2) in einem vordefinierten Abstand (d) hinter dem ersten transparenten Anzeigemittel (D1) angeordnet ist, und wobei sowohl das erste transparente Anzeigemittel (D1) als auch das zweite Anzeigemittel (D2) eingerichtet sind, die grafischen Inhalte zumindest anteilig, und/oder senkrecht zum Abstand (d) versetzt zueinander darzustellen.

25-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002830115A1

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Anzeigeeinrichtung und elektronische Vorrichtung

Номер: DE102014019638B4

Anzeigeeinrichtung (1-5, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 104, 105, 701, 801, 901, 902), aufweisend:- eine Anordnung von Anzeigezellen (10), die mehrere Anzeigeuntereinheiten (10, ..., 10) umfasst;- mehrere Treiberleitungen einer ersten Art (20) und mehrere Treiberleitungen einer zweiten Art (30), wobei jede der mehreren Treiberleitungen der ersten Art (20) jede der mehreren Treiberleitungen der zweiten Art (30) schneidet, um ein Anzeigetreibersignal für jede Anzeigeuntereinheit (10, ..., 10) bereitzustellen, wobei die Schnittpunkte den Anzeigeuntereinheiten der mehreren Anzeigeuntereinheiten (10, ..., 10) entsprechen;- eine Anzeigetreibereinheit (40), die mit den mehreren Treiberleitungen der ersten Art (20) und den mehreren Treiberleitungen der zweiten Art (30) verbunden ist, um ein Anzeigetreibersignal für die mehreren Treiberleitungen der ersten Art (20) und die mehreren Treiberleitungen der zweiten Art (30) bereitzustellen; wobei mindestens eine Treiberleitung mindestens einer Art von Treiberleitungen ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Organische Leuchtdioden-Pixelschaltung und Display-Vorrichtung

Номер: DE102014114956A1

Die Ausführungsbeispiele der Erfindung schaffen eine organische Leuchtdioden-Pixelschaltung und eine Display-Vorrichtung, um das Problem der ungleichförmigen Anzeige eines Bildes auf dem gesamten Display-Panel infolge unterschiedlicher Schwellenspannungen der Treibertransistoren in unterschiedlichen Pixel-Elementen in einer organischen Leuchtdioden-Pixelschaltung am Stand der Technik zu bewältigen. Ein Ansteuersignal-Generierungsmodul in der organischen Leuchtdioden-Pixelschaltung gemäß dem Ausführungsbeispiel der Erfindung liest und speichert die Schwellenspannung eines Treibertransistors in einer Schwellenspannungs-Lesephase und empfängt in einer Signalladephase ein Bilddatensignal und generiert ein Ansteuersignal vom empfangenen Bilddatensignal und der in der Schwellenspannungs-Lesephase gespeicherten Schwellenspannung des Treibertransistors, so dass das Ansteuersignal von der Schwellenspannung des Treibertransistors abhängig ist.

25-01-1930 дата публикации

Elektrische Schaltvorrichtung zur Erzeugung leuchtender Wanderschrift

Номер: DE0000490051C
Принадлежит: GEORG MAURER

16-12-2021 дата публикации

Anzeigeeinrichtung und Beleuchtungseinrichtung davon

Номер: DE202021105375U1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Anzeigevorrichtung, die Folgendes umfasst: eine Flüssigkristalltafel; mehrere Lichtquellen, die konfiguriert sind, Licht zu emittieren; mehrere Ansteuerbereiche, wobei jeder Ansteuerbereich aus den mehreren Ansteuerbereichen mehrere Abdunkelungsblöcke umfasst und jeder Abdunkelungsblock aus den mehreren Abdunkelungsblöcken wenigstens eine Lichtquelle aus den mehreren Lichtquellen umfasst; und mehrere Ansteuervorrichtungen, wobei jede Ansteuervorrichtung aus den mehreren Ansteuervorrichtungen in einem entsprechenden Ansteuerbereich aus den mehreren Ansteuerbereichen vorgesehen ist und konfiguriert ist, einen Ansteuerstrom für die wenigstens eine Lichtquelle in jedem Abdunkelungsblock in dem entsprechenden Ansteuerbereich bereitzustellen, wobei eine erste Ansteuervorrichtung aus den mehreren Ansteuervorrichtungen an einer ersten Position in einem ersten Ansteuerbereich aus den mehreren Ansteuerbereichen angeordnet ist, wobei eine zweite Ansteuervorrichtung aus den mehreren Ansteuervorrichtungen ...

31-01-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001489526B2

21-09-2006 дата публикации

Control and display system for motor vehicle, has optical display unit to produce different image outputs for different viewing angle regions, and control and detector units detecting conveyance at and actuation operation of control unit

Номер: DE102005035111A1

The system has a centrally arranged optical display unit (20) for producing two different image outputs (B1, B2) for different viewing angle regions. A centrally arranged control unit (30) and a detector unit (40) detect a conveyance at the control unit and an actuation operation of the control unit. The detected actuation operation is associated with one of the viewing angle regions.

29-05-2013 дата публикации

Modulschaltung, Anzeigemodul und Verfahren zum Bereitstellen eines Ausgangssignals

Номер: DE102011119661A1

Eine Modulschaltung (11) umfasst einen Sensoranschluss (43) zum Zuführen eines Sensorsignals (SP) und einen Taktanschluss (41) zum Zuführen eines pulsweitenmodulierten Taktsignals (ST) mit einer ersten und einer zweiten Taktphase (A, B). Eine Signalverarbeitungsschaltung (40) der Modulschaltung (11) ist eingangsseitig mit dem Sensoranschluss (43) und dem Taktanschluss (41) gekoppelt und ausgelegt, ein Ausgangssignal (SAL) abhängig von dem in der ersten Taktphase (A) abgreifbaren Sensorsignal (SP) und unabhängig von dem in der zweiten Taktphase (B) abgreifbaren Sensorsignal (SP) bereitzustellen.

01-04-2010 дата публикации

Konfigurierbarer Prober zum Testen eines TFT LCD Arrays

Номер: DE102005032520B4

Ein konfigurierbarer Prober (400) für ein Testsystem (100) für elektronische Geräte, wobei der Prober (400) beinhaltet: einen Rahmen (410), der geeignet ist, oberhalb eines Großflächensubstrats platziert zu werden; zumindest einen Prober-Balken (420, 430, 1020) mit einem ersten Ende und einem zweiten Ende; ein Rahmen-Verbindungsmechanismus (412), der es dem zumindest einen Prober-Balken erlaubt, zum Versetzen an dem Rahmen an einer ausgewählten Koordinate entlang des Rahmens bereit zu sein; und eine Mehrzahl von Prüfstiften (480; 1080) entlang des zumindest einen Prober-Balkens, um ausgewählte elektronische Geräte in elektrische Verbindung mit einem System-Kontroller während des Testens zu bringen.

02-10-1969 дата публикации

Chromatische Anzeige- oder Speichervorrichtung

Номер: DE0001908118A1

31-07-2014 дата публикации

Haushaltsgerät mit einer Anzeigeeinheit und Verfahren zur Anzeige einer Information auf einer Anzeigeeinheit eines Haushaltsgeräts

Номер: DE102008043446B4

Haushaltsgerät mit einer Anzeigeeinheit (4), gekennzeichnet durch eine Bilderfassungseinrichtung (5), welche zur Detektion des Blickwinkels eines die Anzeigeeinheit (4) beobachtenden Beobachters (11) und/oder der Augenbewegung des Beobachters (11) der Anzeigeeinheit (4) ausgebildet ist, und einer Steuereinheit (7), welche abhängig von den detektierten Informationen der Bilderfassungseinrichtung (5) zur von dem momentanen Blickwinkel und/oder der Augenbewegung abhängigen Steuerung der Bewegung von auf der Anzeigeeinheit (4) angezeigten Informationen ausgebildet ist.

01-07-2010 дата публикации

Augmented reality image producing method for manufacturing technical component of land vehicle, involves selecting color and/or texture of virtual image component, and comparing component with part of real image to augmented reality image

Номер: DE102009008039A1

The method involves receiving a real image (RB) by a camera, and determining position of a virtual image component (VIRT) to the real image received by the camera. Color and/or texture of the real image at the position of the virtual image component is determined. Color and/or texture of the virtual image component is selected based on the color and/or texture of the real image at the position of the virtual image component. The virtual image component is compared with a part of the real image to an augmented reality image (ARB). Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a method for manufacturing a technical component of a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle component (2) a device for manufacturing a technical component of a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle component.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Anzeigeelement und Verfahren zum Ansteuern eines Anzeigeelementes

Номер: DE102009038469B4

Anzeigeelement, mit wenigstens einer farberzeugenden Zelle erster Art (1), die eine emissive Lichtquelle aufweist, und mit wenigstens einer farberzeugenden Zelle zweiter Art (2), die eine reflektive und/oder transmissive und/oder transflektive Lichtquelle aufweist, wobei die Zellen (1, 2) nebeneinander angeordnet sind und jede Zelle zweiter Art (2) entsprechend der Differenz von einem gewünschten Punkt im Farbraum zu einem tatsächlichen Punkt im Farbraum, der einem geänderten Farbeindruck aufgrund des Umgebungslichtes des Anzeigeelements entspricht, so ansteuerbar ist, dass sie wenigstens eine aus den bunten Farben Rot, Grün, Blau, Magenta, Cyan und Yellow und den unbunten Farben Weiß und Schwarz sichtbar macht, um das Ausbleiben des von der wenigstens einen farberzeugenden Zelle erster Art (1) hervorgerufenen Farbeindruckes zumindest teilweise zu kompensieren, wobei jede farberzeugende Zelle zweiter Art (2) aus einem Stapel übereinander liegender Reservoirs besteht von denen jedes Reservoir ...

31-01-1996 дата публикации

Display system

Номер: GB0009524259D0

03-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001332481A

... 1332481 Photographic type composing apparatus MEMOREX CORP 6 Oct 1970 [6 Oct 1969] 47497/70 Heading B6W [Also in Division G2] In apparatus for recording the output from a computer on a microfilm 40, there is provided means for advancing the film after each line of output has been recorded; a first optical system, formed by a scanning shutter wheel 34, a mirror 36 and lens 46, for imaging the output on to one side of the film; and a second optical system, formed by a lens 46, for imaging a form 24 on to the other side of the film, the second optical system being operated after a predetermined number of lines have been imaged on the microfilm. Character generation (Fig. 9).-A matrix of optical fibres 174 is connected to a character display line 176 and to a bank 178 of light emitting diodes, the fibres being arranged to give groups of thirty-five fibres in the line 176, the groups in turn being arranged in sets. Corresponding fibres in each set are connected to the same diode in the bank ...

23-10-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrically operated signs of the monogrammic type

Номер: GB0000336786A

... 336,786. Henkes, C. C. Oct. 14, 1929. Monogrammic signs.-In monogrammic signs wherein the making and breaking of the circuits of a field of electric lamps is controlled by a movable perforated strip D passing between movable contacts C with hemispherical heads and a contact plate B, the plate B is magnetized by permanent or electro magnets A<1>, A to attract the contacts C and to reduce the arc at the points of contact by the blow-out effect of the magnetic field. Springs L or mercury J may be used below the contacts 0 to secure positive contact with the guides H, which are connected to the lamps.

28-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001434075A

... 1434075 Alpha numeric displays C M SINCLAIR 25 June 1973 30053/73 Heading G5C An alpha-numeric display device comprises selectively energisable electroluminescent elements, a light transmissive or reflective screen S and optical means for forming a magnified image of the energized elements on the screen. A device comprises 8 figure-of-eight arrays D1 ... DB of LEDs on a printed circuit board and lenses L1 ... L8 formed in a single sheet of plastics material; alternatively a single lens can be used. The screen may be perpendicular to the light beams which are turned through 90 degrees by a prism. Spurious images are removed by opaque strips between each array and the corresponding lens. The screen may be covered with a filter to cut out ambient light and improve contrast.

12-07-1989 дата публикации

Data processing apparatus

Номер: GB0002211973A

A data processing apparatus has a scrolling function. With respect to a misspelled word entered through a keyboard, possible words are retrieved from a dictionary memory and are displayed in succession in a line with a space code between adjacent words. When scrolling is instructed, the possible words displayed are scrolled in the direction of the line and the scrolling is stopped when one of the possible words in a particular location has been replaced with an adjacent possible word. ...

26-10-1994 дата публикации

Error detection apparatus for an electro-optic display

Номер: GB0002277418A

An apparatus for detecting error conditions in an electro-optic display 1 of the type in which drive circuitry 4, 5, 6 applies a drive voltage across a capacitive display element 2, comprises means 8 for electrically isolating an element 2a from the drive circuitry 5, means 7, 9 for monitoring a potential difference across the element 2a when it has been isolated and generating an error signal 7a if the potential difference is below, or in a pre-determined period decays below, a reference voltage. The apparatus may be used in a fuel dispenser. The display may be liquid crystal or electro-luminescent. ...

12-06-1985 дата публикации

Aircraft display devices

Номер: GB0002149556A

An aircraft attitude display device comprising: a circular array of radially extending selectively activatable display elements (5), the radially inner ends of which constitute a boundary defining a central space; within the said central space, a fixed aircraft symbol (7); and means for selectively activating the said display elements in accordance with aircraft attitude so that the selected display elements form a visible pattern, e.g. a sector of the array, bearing a geometrical relationship with respect to the aircraft symbol indicative of the aircraft attitude. The device is suitable for implementation using liquid crystal display technology to give a stand-by display of aircraft pitch and roll which is readily understandable by pilots since it is similar to the display given by conventional rolling ball action aircraft attitude instruments.

15-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002246058A

A data display system includes a display unit for displaying characters (eg "ABCDEFGHIJKL") on a display field (eg 6 chars long), a memory for storing data on a chain of characters, a server for supplying to the display unit display data on a predetermined number of characters (eg 6) beginning from a read starting point in a chain of characters in the data stored in the memory, and a controller for controlling the serving means so that the read starting point on the chain of characters is periodically shifted by one character beginning from a leading end of the chain of characters and shifted toward a tail end thereof whenever the supplier supplies the display data to the display unit, whereby the display unit displays the characters corresponding to the display data supplied from the server which is controlled by the controller so that the characters displayed on the display field are periodically scrolled by one character. ...

05-04-2000 дата публикации

Testing circuit for TFT matrix

Номер: GB2342213A

A thin film transistor (TFT) matrix substrate has a testing circuit that can accurately detect the breaks in gate lines and data lines. In a substrate, TFTs 34 are provided to be connected at the intersections of the gate lines 30 and the data lines 32. A first shorting bar 36A, 36B is commonly connected to the gate lines 30 and a second shorting bar 36C, 36D is commonly connected to the data lines 32. A first test pad 38A receives a first test signal to be applied to the first shorting bar 36A, 36B and a second test pad 38B receives a first test signal to be applied to the second shorting bar 36C, 36D. A third shorting bar 42 is commonly connected to static electricity preventing devices 40 installed at the gate lines 30 and a fourth shorting bar 44 is commonly connected to static electricity preventing devices 40 installed at the data lines 32. Further test pads 38C, 38D allow a second test signal (ground potential or another suitable potential) to be applied to the third and fourth shorting ...

13-10-1949 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to stage or theatre lighting installations

Номер: GB0000630470A

... 630,470. Control systems for stage and theatre lighting. ETABLISSEMENTS A. DE BACKER SOC. ANON. Nov. 13, 1947, No. 30240. Convention date, Dec. 27, 1946. [Class 38 (iv)] In a system in which a common control means A actuates illumination control contacts C<1>, C<2> in unison, change-over switches, such as OS<1>, are provided in each circuit or sub-circuit so that the sense in which the illumination is varied may be determined independently for each circuit. As shown, each switch connects the return lead of a circuit selectively to one or other of the leads E<1>, E<2> supplying the autotransformer winding T. The switches may be remotely controlled by manual switches such as BS<1> installed adjacent to the respective mechanical control elements S<1>, S<2>. Dimmers may be used in association with the changeover switches to prevent undesired sudden changes in illumination. Direct or rectified current may be used for the operating circuits of the change-over switches, to avoid noise.

08-11-1989 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for displaying visual information

Номер: GB0002218249A

A method of producing information in the form of written text by means of light sources arranged on a surface in vertical columns of closely aligned points, whereby the columns are arranged in a manner of spacing less than 3 DEG as viewed by an observer from a given distance. The method includes dividing each letter of the text into vertical and horizontal rows of points and transmitting successively each vertical row of the text in the form of short electrical pulses to each column of light sources causing the latter to light up in short flashes, until the entire text has been transmitted. The observer then notices the text is moving across the surface in its entirety. The timing of the flashes in such that the inter-stimulas interval and the stimulas-on-duration are smaller then 100 msec.

14-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001442757A

... 1442757 Luminescence PLESSEY CO Ltd 13 Aug 1973 [18 Aug 1972] 38570/72 Heading C4S [Also in Division G5] An optical apparatus for 3D display and data storage comprises fluorescent material body 7 (liquid or solid), laser 8 (e.g. mode-locked) producing light pulses, an optical arrangement for feeding the pulses to opposite faces of the material, deflectors 13, 14 for defining the pulse positions in two dimensions, and a variable folded optical delay line adjustable for defining in a third dimension a position within the material where pulses intersect and fluorescence occurs. Scanning may be by a rockable mirror or Kerr Cell deflector. Fig. 5 (not shown) includes laser assembly (17) comprising light source (18), variable folded optical delay line (19), mirrors (20), (21) and mode locking device (22) (e.g. a dye cell). The laser may radiate at one frequency for writing and at a different frequency for reading when the material exhibits luminous persistence, the stored information being sampled ...

16-12-2009 дата публикации

Image formation on rotating wind turbine blades by persistence of vision of array of light sources supported by turbine blade

Номер: GB2460861A

A wind turbine, comprising one or more turbine blades 4 rotatable around a common axis, comprises an array of light sources, e.g. RGB LEDs, supported on at least one of the turbine blades and adapted to form an image visible to an observer by virtue of persistence of vision. Each light source in the array is connected to a controller 15 adapted to modulate the intensity of light emitted as it rotates around the common axis such that the light sources in combination cause the image to be formed. More than one of the turbine blades may support an array of light sources and the light sources of each separate array may be spaced apart such that their paths are interlaced. The system may use power generated by the turbine or it may be powered by solar cells. Batteries may be provided to store power and to drive the turbine and provide power for the controllers and light sources when there is insufficient wind. The light sources may be connected to the controller via an optical or infrared link ...

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Photographic-flash response system

Номер: GB0002528104B
Принадлежит: GREYWORLD LTD, Greyworld Limited

21-07-1982 дата публикации

Electronic timepiece with electronic game mode

Номер: GB0002091005A

A liquid crystal display in a timepiece apparatus comprises a figure displaying region and a numerical value displaying region. The figure displaying region is utilized for displaying a game pattern in a game mode and the numerical value displaying region is utilized for displaying the current time in a current time display mode. The timepiece apparatus comprises a setting switch for setting a desired alarming time so that an alarm is raised at the set time. An alarm is raised in terms of a sound audibly discernible or in terms of a visible indication visibly discernible. An alarm is raised in a different manner depending on whether an alarm is raised in the timepiece mode or the game mode.

28-01-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002143985B

01-10-2003 дата публикации

Multiple view display

Номер: GB0000320361D0

15-05-2019 дата публикации

Integrity monitoring

Номер: GB0002568296A

There is provided an integrity monitor for a display system, the display system comprising an image source and a display. The integrity monitor comprises a controller configured to analyse sensed characteristics at one or more predetermined positions in an image area of the display system and to relate the sensed characteristics to predetermined characteristics of a stimulus, when injected into the system, thereby to determine the presence of a fault in the system. The sensed characteristics may be sensed optically or non-optically. The stimulus may be optical or non-optical. The system may be used, for example, in a helmet mounted display system comprising a night vision camera (NVC), 10, and a head mounted display (HMD), 18. The system may inject an optical signal, via a fibre optic cable, 34, into the NVC for subsequent detection, via a further fibre optic cable, 38, at the HMD. The system is thus able to test the functionality of all the components in the system.

29-05-1930 дата публикации

Improvements relating to advertising sings

Номер: GB0000329911A

... 329.911. Durigneux, J. Vialard, L. Mougne et Cie, L. May 2, 1929, [Convention date]. Monogrammic signs.-In luminous advertising signs of the kind having a panel 1 of electric lamps 2, the circuits of which are controlled by the movement of a perforated insulating strip 11 over contacts 4, the contacts are arranged in the cover 7 of a trough 5 containing mercury 6 slightly above the level of the contact surfaces so as to maintain a light pressure on the strip. One side of each of the filaments and of the source of current 13 are earthed. The strip passes over curved surfaces 10 on the cover and is wound upon rollers 8, 8<1>, or alternatively is of the endless type.

06-08-1931 дата публикации

Improved apparatus for the control of electric circuits

Номер: GB0000354358A

... 354,358. Monogrammic signs. ZETSCHE, J., 11, Grabenstrasse, Hamburg, Germany, and ROSS, J. SINCLAIR-, 1, Morpeth Terrace, London. May 6, 1930, No. 13920. [Class 118 (ii).] To obtain various circuit connections for apparatus such as a monogrammic sign, a socket b, Fig. 1, of insulating material is provided with rings of contacts d which are connected to the lamps of the sign. For each circuit connection required a key c, Fig. 2, is provided having contacts k connected to a centre contact j, these contacts being so arranged that the appropriate lamps are connected across the mains e, f when the key is inserted in the socket. A bayonet joint is provided for retaining the key in position. The socket and key may be of rectangular or polygonal cross section.

08-03-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in advertising signs

Номер: GB0000284595A

... 284,595. Miller, E. Jan. 31, 1927, [Convention date]. Monogrammic signs. -An endless perforated band e is drawn by teeth d on a conducting drum a between the drum and an insulating segment h apertured to receive contact balls, &c., k. Contacts m connected to the balls are wired to lamps in a casing so that on movement of the band e letters k progress across the sign. The contact apparatus is housed within a casing.

28-02-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008929021D0

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display

Номер: US20120007848A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display includes a display unit including pixels coupled to scan lines, first control lines, second control lines, and data lines, a control line driver configured to supply a first control signal and a second control signal to the pixels through the first control lines and the second control lines, a first power source driver for applying a first power to the pixels of the display unit, and a second power source driver for applying a second power to the pixels of the display unit. At least one of the first power or the second power is applied to the pixels of the display unit as voltage values having different levels during one frame. The first and second control signals and the first and second powers are concurrently provided to all of the pixels of the display unit.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Image display device and method as well as program

Номер: US20120019532A1
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

Three-dimensional processing is applied to more than one images taken from different points of view to generate a stereoscopic image, and the stereoscopic image is stereoscopically displayed. An instruction to control a stereoscopic effect of the stereoscopically displayed stereoscopic image is received, and the three-dimensional processing is applied to the more than one images to achieve a stereoscopic effect according to the instruction. Then, control values of the stereoscopic effect according to the instruction are recorded in a recording unit with the control values being associated with the more than one images. At this time, if there are the control values of the stereoscopic effect recorded in the recording unit, difference values between the control values of the stereoscopic effect according to the instruction and the recorded control values of the stereoscopic effect are recorded in the recording unit.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20120032940A1

Noise on a current to be measured is removed. Horizontal power supply lines (PVDD) are arranged in a horizontal direction and supply a current to pixels in respective corresponding horizontal lines. A switch ( 8 ) connects a group of the horizontal power supply lines (PVDD) to a first power supply line (PVDDa) or a second power supply line (PVDDb) disposed outside a pixel region in a switchable manner. Only the horizontal power supply lines (PVDD) in a group to which a pixel to be measured belongs are supplied with power from the second power supply line (PVDDb) so as to measure a current of each pixel in the group, and a current flowing into a power source (PVDDa) connected to a group to which other pixels than the pixel to be measured belong is measured, to thereby calculate a pixel current based on a difference between the two measured currents.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Architecture For Rendering Graphics On Output Devices Over Diverse Connections

Номер: US20120050300A1
Принадлежит: Stragent LLC

A system for displaying graphical information. The system includes an asset server for storing information and a rendering server in communication with the asset server. The rendering server receives a graphics command and renders graphic display data in response to the graphics command and to the information. The rendering server is independently addressable from the asset server.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Displaying Images

Номер: US20120050839A1
Принадлежит: Texas Instruments Inc

System and method for simultaneous display of multiple images using a single light modulator array. A preferred embodiment comprises a light source that produces a light with desired spectral characteristics, a color filter optically coupled to the light source, and an array of light modulators optically coupled to the color filter. The color filter filters light from the light source to produce light of desired wavelengths and the array of light modulators simultaneously displays multiple images onto a display plane. Portions of the array of light modulators are designed so that each portion can independently display an image and the light source provides needed light to display the image.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Integrated circuit, test operation method thereof, and apparatus having the same

Номер: US20120086679A1

An integrated circuit is provided. The integrated circuit includes a plurality of output pads, a plurality of test pads, and a plurality of channel shift switches respectively connected between the plurality of output pads and the plurality of test pads and operated by a plurality of channel shift switch enable signals. A short path between the plurality of output pads may be detected when each of the plurality of channel shift switch enable signals are simultaneously at a high level.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Remote control systems that can distinguish stray light sources

Номер: US20120154268A1
Автор: Brett G. Alten
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Remote control systems that can distinguish predetermined light sources from stray light sources, e.g., environmental light sources and/or reflections are provided. The predetermined light sources can be disposed in asymmetric substantially linear or two-dimensional patterns. The predetermined light sources also can be configured to exhibit signature characteristics. The predetermined light sources also can output light at different signature wavelengths. The predetermined light sources also can emit light polarized in one or more predetermined polarization axes. Remote control systems of the present invention also can include methods for adjusting an allocation of predetermined light sources and/or the technique used to distinguish the predetermined light sources from the stray light sources.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Display device and method of testing the same

Номер: US20120161805A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A display device and a method of testing the display device. The display device includes a substrate including both a display region on which pixel cells are located and a peripheral region; test pads, main pins connected to the pixel cells, and dummy pins that are respectively connected to the test pads, the test pads, the main pins, and the dummy pins being on the peripheral region of the substrate, and visual test lines on the peripheral region of the substrate. The visual test lines include a first portion connected to the main pins and a second portion connected to the test pads, and the first and second portions are disconnected from each other.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for treating amblyopia

Номер: US20120179076A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method for treating amblyopic individuals through an engaging treatment modality which considers binocular function in adapting treatment. The present invention may be practiced by providing a dichoptic display having multiple sub-displays; providing a video game system and controller in communication with the dichoptic display; running a game program having a graphical presentation; using one sub-display to display a first view of the presentation and a second sub-display to display a second view of the presentation; and altering at least one of the first or second view of the presentation.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Inspection method

Номер: US20120212475A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An inspection method for an active-matrix substrate including the scanning lines, the data lines, the pixels disposed in matrix, and the power lines. The pixel includes: an organic EL device; a drive transistor; a capacitor; a selection transistor having a gate connected to the scanning line and connected between the data line and the gate of the drive transistor, and the guard potential transistor having a gate connected to a source of the selection transistor, a source connected to a drain of the selection transistor, and a drain connected to the power line. The inspection method includes: a writing process for writing a charge in the capacitor; a reading process for reading the written charged from the capacitor; and a holding process for holding the charge for a predetermined period from the end of the writing process to the start of the reading process.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Image display device, control method therefor, and image display system

Номер: US20120236044A1
Автор: Yoshiyuki Nagashima
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Included are a backlight having a plurality of light emitting blocks, a display panel, a calibration unit which carries out calibration of the display panel based on a result of measurement of the brightness and chromaticity of the display panel, a first measuring unit which measures individual temperatures of the plurality of light emitting blocks, a setting unit which sets a patch image display area in a region of the display panel corresponding to a light emitting block of which the magnitude of a change in temperature within a predetermined period of time is smaller than a threshold value, and a generation unit which generates a patch image to be displayed in the patch image display area, wherein the calibration unit carries out the calibration based on the result of measurement by the first measuring unit in cases where the patch image is displayed in the patch image display area.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Physical Property Measuring Method for TFT Liquid Crystal Panel and Physical Property Measuring Apparatus for TFT Liquid Crystal Panel

Номер: US20120242353A1
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp, Toyo Corp

There is provided a physical property measuring method for a TFT liquid crystal panel, includes an impedance setting step of setting the impedance between the source and drain of a TFT of the TFT liquid crystal panel to be less than or equal to a predetermined value, a voltage application step of applying a voltage that cyclically varies to a liquid crystal layer of the TFT liquid crystal panel. And the method further includes a physical property measuring step of measuring a transient current flowing through the liquid crystal layer to which the voltage that cyclically varies is applied in the voltage application step to measure physical properties of the liquid crystal layer.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Multi-functional active matrix liquid crystal displays

Номер: US20120293747A1
Принадлежит: RealD Inc

A direct view display provides a light modulating panel and a backlight including first and second sets of spectral emitters. The first set of spectral emitters generate a first light bundle and the second set of spectral emitters generate a second light bundle. Several modes of operation may be provided including (1) an advanced 2D mode, (2) an enhanced color gamut mode employing simultaneous illumination of the first and second set of spectral emitters, (3) a privacy screen mode, (4) a channel multiplexed mode, and (5) a stereoscopic image mode. The latter three modes utilize the first and second set of spectral emitters to alternately illuminate a portion of the light modulating panel. Images and representations generated by the direct view display operating in the latter three modes are viewed using appropriate eyewear having filters with passband characteristics to transmit the respective light bundle.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Auto-focusing apparatus and auto-focusing method using the same

Номер: US20120305746A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An auto-focusing apparatus and method, the apparatus including an emission unit, the emission unit being configured to irradiate light on the organic light-emitting display apparatus; an optical system between the organic light-emitting display apparatus and the emission unit, the optical system being configured to adjust a position of the optical system on an optical axis and focus the irradiated light on the pixel unit; a light-receiving unit, the light-receiving unit being configured to receive light reflected by the organic light-emitting display apparatus and measure an intensity and a wavelength of the reflected light; and a controller, the controller being configured to receive the intensity of light measured by the light-receiving unit, control the position of the optical system, determine that the auto-focusing apparatus is focusing light onto the pixel unit when the intensity of light received by the light-receiving unit is a maximum value, and determine the position of the optical system as an optimal focal length.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20120306932A1
Автор: Isamu Nakao
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

According to an illustrative embodiment, an image display method is provided. The method includes detecting a position of a user, detecting a position of a physical object, and defining a non-display area of a display based on the position of the user and the position of the physical object.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Testing Circuit of Dual Gate Cell Panel and Color Display Method for Dualgate Cell Panel

Номер: US20130002738A1
Автор: Tai-Fu Lu
Принадлежит: Hannstar Display Corp

A testing circuit of a dual gate cell panel and a color display method of the dual gate cell panel. There are many data lines and scan lines in the dual gate cell panel, and the data lines are divided into three groups, and the scan lines are divided into two groups. The data lines or scan lines of each group are connected respectively to metal wires with a test pad each. When an appropriate signal is inputted to each test pad, the dual gate cell panel shows red, green and blue colors individually, so that defects of the dual gate cell panel can be detected accurately to avoid any unnecessary waste on the defective dual gate cell panel incurred in the subsequent manufacturing processes.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Electro-optical device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20130010006A1
Автор: Akihiko Ito
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

In one unit period of a display period, each pair of two scanning lines is selected and a gray scale potential corresponding to an image signal of pixels of one scanning line of each pair of scanning lines is supplied to each signal line. In another unit period, the other scanning line of each pair of scanning lines is selected and a gray scale potential corresponding to an image signal of the pixels of the other scanning line is supplied to each signal line.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Stereoscopic Video Display Apparatus and Method Therefor

Номер: US20130010061A1
Автор: Shinzo Matsubara
Принадлежит: Individual

According to one embodiment, the stereoscopic video display apparatus includes a 3D processing module and a message insertion module. The 3D processing module converts a 3D video display signal of the twin type into the 3D video display signal of a glasses-less type. The message insertion module outputs a notification message making a notification that stereoscopic video of the glasses-less type is different from the stereoscopic video of the twin type.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Display device and method of driving display device

Номер: US20130016091A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A display device includes: a reference voltage setting unit, an organic EL display unit; a monitor wire and sample-and-hold circuit which detect at least one of a high-side potential and a low-side potential applied to at least one pixel inside the organic EL display unit; and a variable-voltage source which regulates at least one of a high-side output potential and a low-side output potential outputted from the reference voltage setting unit. The monitor wire and the sample-and-hold circuit perform the detection of the at least one of the high-side potential and the low-side potential in at least part of an image display period, and the monitor wire and the sample-and-hold circuit do not perform the detection of the at least one of the high-side potential and the low-side potential in a black display period.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for examining liquid crystal driving voltages in liquid crystal display device

Номер: US20130016132A1
Автор: Ya-Hui Chiang
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd

A method for examining liquid crystal driving voltages in a liquid crystal display device is provided. An image-sticking test frame is displayed on the liquid crystal display device. The image-sticking test frame includes at least one first pattern having a first gray level, at least one second pattern having a second gray level and at least one third pattern having a third gray level. The third gray level is between the first and second gray levels. The present invention uses the third gray level as a reference, so as to judge whether the liquid crystal driving voltage corresponding to the first gray level is accurate and whether the liquid crystal driving voltage corresponding to the second gray level is accurate.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Projection system with touch control

Номер: US20130027332A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A projection system with touch control includes a touch device, a projection device and a control module. The touch device has plural touch plates which can be combined to form a plane. The projection device has plural projection units which can project on the plane respectively so as to form a projection image on the plane. The control module is electrically connected with the touch plates and the projection units for controlling the projection device to change the projection image corresponsively as a user touches the projection image projected on the plane. Herein, the touch plates can be combined to form a plane, and the user can interact with the projection image projected on the plane.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Method for adjusting panel and associated display controller

Номер: US20130033526A1
Принадлежит: MStar Semiconductor Inc Taiwan

A method for adjusting a uniformity of a panel is provided. The panel includes a plurality of blocks. The method includes: comparing whether a color display component of each of the blocks in response to a first input value matches a target component, comparing whether a color characteristic value of each of the blocks in response to a second input value matches a target characteristic value, and providing a corresponding modified second input component and a modified third input component for each of the blocks. The target component is determined according to a plurality of main display components of a plurality of display values corresponding to the blocks, and the target characteristic value is determined according to the plurality of color characteristic values corresponding to the blocks.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Devices and methods for bit error rate monitoring of intra-panel data link

Номер: US20130036335A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Devices and methods for monitoring a bit error rate of an intra-panel data link (e.g., a chip-on-glass (COG) data link) between a timing controller and a display driver are provided. For example, an electronic display according to an embodiment may include a timing controller and display driver circuitry. The timing controller may send test data over a data link to the display driver circuitry. The test data may include a known or predictable stream of data. The display driver circuitry may receive the test data via the data link and detect bit errors based at least partly on the test data. An indication of the bit errors may be displayed on an array of pixels of the display or provided to the timing controller via a separate back channel data link.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Light unit and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130038232A1

A light unit includes: an integrated power (“IP”) board which receives power supply and converts the power supply into a high voltage and a supply voltage; a lamp; and a terminal board (“T board”) which receives the high voltage from the IP board to turn on the lamp, receives the supply voltage from the IP board to transfer the supply voltage to the IP board, in which the IP board transfers the high voltage to the T board after the IP board receives the supply voltage from the T board.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Display light leakage

Номер: US20130038740A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Embodiments include systems and methods for objectively grading/rating a display. One embodiment may take the form of a method for grading display quality including capturing an image of the display and computing first and second parameter values from the captured image. The method also includes comparing the first parameter value against a threshold and, if the first parameter value exceeds the threshold, computing a grade wherein the second parameter is given a first weighting. If, however, the first parameter value is below the threshold, the method includes computing a grade wherein the second parameter is given a second weighting which is greater than the first weighting.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Reduction of Pattern Glare

Номер: US20130050247A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

Techniques are provided for reducing pattern glare. A font size that reduces pattern glare may be determined through a series of tests. A density that reduces pattern glare may be determined through a series of tests. A color that reduces pattern glare may be determined through a series of tests. The determined parameters may be used to create a profile that is usable in different environments.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Virtual Load Board And Test System And Test Method for Liquid Crystal Display Control Board

Номер: US20130076386A1

A virtual load board includes a connection port, a conversion circuit, and an indication unit, wherein the connection port comprises at least one terminal. The terminal receives an output voltage from the liquid crystal display control board. The conversion circuit converts the output voltage into an operating voltage for the indication unit and supplies the operating voltage to the indication unit. A test system and a test method for liquid crystal display control board are also provided. With the above-discussed arrangement, the virtual load board replaces a liquid crystal display panel to carry out a reliability test of the liquid crystal display control board, and has the advantages of small volume and low cost and can be accommodated, together with the liquid crystal display control board, in reliability test equipment in order to carry out a reliability test of the liquid crystal display control board in a specific environment.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082903A1
Автор: MOMOSE Yoichi

An electro-optical device including: first display elements divided into at least a first region and a second region, for displaying a first image, and second display elements each divided into at least a third region and a fourth region, for displaying a second image, the first and second display elements being arranged such that each third region is disposed between the first region and the second region of the adjacent first display element and each second region is disposed between the third region and the fourth region of the adjacent second display element; a parallax barrier layer provided on a side of the display elements adjacent to a viewer, the parallax barrier having light transmitting regions at positions thereof corresponding to boundaries between adjoining first and third regions as well as between adjoining second and fourth regions; and a spacer layer separating the display elements from the parallax barrier layer. 2. The electro-optical device according to claim 1 ,the first first side being positioned a position opposite to the first second side.3. The electro-optical device according to claim 2 ,the second first side being positioned a position opposite to the first fourth side and the third first side being positioned a position opposite to the first sixth side.4. An electro-optical device according to claim 3 , further comprising:a first portion that connects the first pixel electrode and the second pixel electrode, and supplies same voltage to the first pixel electrode and the second pixel electrode; anda second portion that connects the third pixel electrode and the fourth pixel electrode, and supplies same voltage to the third pixel electrode and the fourth pixel electrode.5. An electro-optical device according to claim 4 ,the first portion is disposed between the first pixel electrode and the second pixel electrode;the second portion is disposed between the third pixel electrode and the fourth pixel electrode.6. The electro-optical device ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Image display device and image display method

Номер: US20130093802A1
Автор: Yuhji Tanaka
Принадлежит: Individual

When first and second region-processing sections ( 510, 520 ) calculate in parallel backlight luminances required for an input image halved by a regional image division section ( 505 ) included in an area-active drive processing section ( 5 ) of a liquid crystal display device, LED data (D b1 , D b2 ) are exchanged for each other, allowing reference to backlight luminances not calculated for one region but calculated for the other region. As a result, when an area is illuminated by surrounding backlight sources, the actual display luminance can be calculated correctly. Thus, pixel display can be provided with correct display tones across the entire screen, thereby preventing a reduction in display quality.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display and display driving method thereof

Номер: US20130100108A1

A liquid crystal display includes a date line for transmitting a data signal, a first gate line for transmitting a first gate signal, a second gate line for transmitting a second gate signal, a first sub-pixel unit for being written to by a first sub-pixel voltage according to the data signal and the first gate signal, a second sub-pixel unit for being written to by a second sub-pixel voltage according to the data signal and the first gate signal, a third sub-pixel unit for being written to by a third sub-pixel voltage according to the data signal and the first gate signal, and a charge sharing control unit. The charge sharing control unit is utilized for controlling a charge sharing operation over the first and third sub-pixel units according to the second gate signal, thereby adjusting the first and third sub-pixel voltages.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Content display system and method for displaying content

Номер: US20130100495A1
Автор: Tetsuya AKIBA
Принадлежит: Individual

Wallpaper serving as a screen and display content such as an image to be projected onto the wallpaper are created while maintaining their correlation. The created display content is projected on the wallpaper. The content display system creates a background image, which is a first image serving as a screen, and a second image for a predetermined area on the first image while maintaining their visual relationship, and forms a composite image of the second image on the first image by projecting the second image from a projector onto the predetermined area of the first image.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Display panel and display apparatus having the same

Номер: US20130106819A1

The display panel includes: a gate line; a data line which crosses the gate line and receives a data voltage from a data driver; a thin film transistor (TFT) which is formed at an intersection between the gate line and the data line; a common voltage unit which supplies a common voltage; a capacitor; and a switching unit which shuts off a supply of the data voltage and the common voltage and changes a charging electric potential of the capacitor into a black electric potential upon receiving a data signal corresponding to a black frame formed between image frames.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130120234A1
Автор: Atkins Robin

An HDR display is a combination of technologies including, for example, a dual modulation architecture incorporating algorithms for artifact reduction, selection of individual components, and a design process for the display and/or pipeline for preserving the visual dynamic range from capture to display of an image or images. In one embodiment, the dual modulation architecture includes a backlight with an array of RGB LEDs and a combination of a heat sink and thermally conductive vias for maintaining a desired operating temperature. 1. A high dynamic range display , comprising:an LCD panel;a set of LEDs disposed behind a plane of the LCD panel and positioned to backlight the LCD panel with an approximation of an image;a controller coupled to the set of LEDs configured to energize the set of LEDs so as to produce the image approximation, the controller energizing the set of LEDs with a Pulse-Width Modulation signal for each of individually controllable LEDs or groups of LEDs of the set of LEDs, the Pulse Width Modulation signal calculated based on an image signal comprising a desired image at a resolution lower than a resolution of the LCD panel;a power supply coupled to the set of LEDs and configured to maintain a supply voltage to the coupled LEDs in a range that provides a minimum amount supply voltage sufficient to cover peak demands of the set of LEDs when energized without creating a potential difference between the supply voltage and power utilized by the display which is greater than a maximum power dissipation capability of the power supply;a stack of optical films disposed between the set of LEDs and the LCD panel in an unconstrained manner so as to allow for heat related expansion, the stack of optical films comprising at least one diffuser that causes light from each of the individually controllable LEDs or groups of LEDs to spread into light from adjacent LEDs or groups of LEDs in an overlapping manner such that it causes the illumination on the LCD ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Liquid Crystal Display and A Broken Line Repairing Method

Номер: US20130141661A1

The present invention discloses a liquid crystal display (LCD) and a broken line repairing method. The LCD comprises multiple data lines, a data driven chip connected to the data lines, and a sequence control circuit connected to the data driven chip. The LCD is provided with at least one broken data line; the broken data line is provided with connection points on the end away from the data driven chip; and each connection point is connected and conducted to a vacant channel of the data driven chip and simultaneously transmits data information of the broken data line to the corresponding vacant channel to be output. The method can drive the data lines on both sides of the breakpoint and does not require an additional OP buffer. A repairing line need not to be reserved on PCBA; and one broken line only has one welding spot, which decreases the production procedure, increases the yield rate of TFT-LCD, and reduces the material and production cost.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Display driver and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20130147699A1
Автор: Hyungtae Kim, Myung-Ho Seo

Disclosed is a display driver which includes a serial-to-parallel converter outputting parallel RGB data in response to a clock and serial RGB data, a shift register unit sequentially shift the clock to store the shifted clocks, a data latch unit receiving the parallel RGB data based on the shifted clocks, a digital-to-analog converter converting data stored in the data latch unit to analog data using gamma reference voltages, and an output buffer unit outputting the converted analog data to corresponding output pads. The output buffer unit includes sharing switches respectively corresponding to the output pads, the output pads are connected to sharing pads via the sharing switches, and the sharing pads are interconnected via a film having a conductive material.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Coordinate-system sharing for augmented reality

Номер: US20130194304A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for presenting real and virtual images correctly positioned with respect to each other. The method includes, in a first field of view, receiving a first real image of an object and displaying a first virtual image. The method also includes, in a second field of view oriented independently relative to the first field of view, receiving a second real image of the object and displaying a second virtual image, the first and second virtual images positioned coincidently within a coordinate system.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130194317A1

A method of operating a data processing apparatus for testing visual acuity and/or visual contrast, the method comprising displaying symbols on a display device, the symbols displayed having luminance, colour and contrast, varying the luminance, colour and/or contrast or any one or combination of luminance, colour and/or contrast of the symbols displayed on the display device; and varying the time period for displaying the symbols. 1. A method of operating a data processing apparatus for testing visual acuity and/or visual contrast , the method comprising displaying symbols on a display device , the symbols displayed having luminance , colour and contrast , varying the luminance , colour and/or contrast or any one or combination of luminance , colour and/or contrast of the symbols displayed on the display device; and varying the time period for displaying the symbols.2. A method of testing visual acuity and/or visual contrast , the method comprising displaying symbols on a display device of a data processing apparatus , the symbols displayed having luminance , colour and contrast , varying the luminance , colour and/or contrast or any one or combination of luminance , colour and/or contrast of the symbols displayed on the display device; and varying the time period for displaying the symbols; and observing a patient response to the varying luminance , colour and/or contrast and the varying time period.3. A system for testing visual acuity and/or contrast , the system comprising a data processing apparatus and a display device , the data processing apparatus configured to display symbol on the display device , the symbols displayed having luminance , colour and contrast; wherein said luminance , colour and/or contrast or any one or combination of luminance , colour and/or contrast of the symbols when displayed on said screen can be varied; and the time period for displaying the symbols can be varied.4. The method according to wherein the time period for displaying ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adjusting liquid crystal display white point using column inversion

Номер: US20130241900A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and devices for adjusting a white point of a liquid crystal display (LCD) using column inversion are provided. In one example, a method includes measuring white points of an electronic display that occur when the display employs different column inversion schemes. The display may be programmed to perform the column inversion scheme that produces a white point closest to a desired white point.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Image processing system, image processing apparatus, and display apparatus

Номер: US20130241943A1
Автор: Takao Okamura
Принадлежит: Ricoh Co Ltd

An image processing system includes a display apparatus and an image processing apparatus that transmits image data to the display apparatus. The image processing apparatus includes a processing side memory unit that stores characteristic information of the image processing apparatus and the display apparatus, an image conversion process unit that converts input image data into converted image data that is optimized according to a display characteristic of the display apparatus based on the characteristic information, and a processing side transmission process unit that transmits the converted image data to the display apparatus. The display apparatus includes a display side reception process unit that receives the converted image data transmitted from the image processing apparatus, and an image display unit that displays the received image data.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for liquid crystal display column inversion using reordered image data

Номер: US20130241960A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

Systems, methods, and devices for performing column inversion using reordered image data are provided. In one example, an electronic display may include a display panel with columns of pixels and driver circuitry to drive the pixels using column inversion. The driver circuitry may drive pixels of a first superpixel in a first color order and drive pixels of an adjacent second superpixel in a second color order, such that more pixels are driven sequentially at a common polarity than would have been driven sequentially at the common polarity were the pixels of the first superpixel driven at the same color order as the pixels of the second superpixel.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130249889A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display device includes: a display unit including pixels coupled to scan lines and data lines; one or more control lines coupled to the pixels; a control line driver for supplying control signals to the pixels through the control lines; a first power driver for applying a first power having a low voltage level or a high voltage level to the pixels; and a second power driver for applying a second power having a low voltage level or a high voltage level to the pixels, in which each of the pixels includes: an organic light emitting diode (OLED); a driving transistor for controlling an amount of current supplied to the OLED; and an initializing transistor coupled to a gate electrode of the driving transistor and for supplying a reset voltage to the gate electrode of the driving transistor.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130249965A1
Автор: Nakamura Kazuo

A display device comprising a display panel that has a display region in which display pixels are two-dimensionally arranged, and a non-display region in which first and second dummy pixels are arranged. The display panel displays an image based on an input image signal. A drive section drives the first dummy pixels such that voltages provided to them are different magnitudes from each other, and drives the second dummy pixels such that currents provided to them are different magnitudes from each other. A measurement section outputs a first data based on respective current information of the first dummy pixels, and outputs second data based on respective luminance information of each of the second dummy pixels. A correction section determines a correction amount based on the first and the second data, and corrects the input image signal based upon the correction amount. 1. A display device comprising:a display panel including a display region in which a plurality of display pixels are two-dimensionally arranged, and a non-display region in which a plurality of first dummy pixels and a plurality of second dummy pixels are arranged; the display paned being configured to display an image based on an input image signal;a drive section configured to drive:each of the plurality of first dummy pixels such that voltages provided to the plurality of first dummy pixels are different magnitudes from each other, andeach of the plurality of second dummy pixels such that currents provided to the plurality of second dummy pixels are different magnitudes from each other;a measurement section configured to:output a first data based on respective current information of each of the plurality of first dummy pixels, andoutput second data based on respective luminance information of each of the plurality of second dummy pixels; anda correction section configured to determine a correction amount based on the first and the second data, and correct, based on the correction amount, the input ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Output driver, electrical device having the output driver, and method of evaluating the output driver

Номер: US20130257830A1
Автор: Daisuke Kadota
Принадлежит: Lapis Semiconductor Co Ltd

An output driver includes a data processing unit configured to perform a data processing on an input signal to generate processing result data; a D/A (Digital-to-Analog) conversion unit configured to apply D/A conversion on the processing result data to generate an analog signal; an output amplifier configured to amplify the analog signal to obtain an amplified analog signal as an output signal; a comparing unit configured to compare the processing result data with expected value data to obtain and output comparison result data; and an output control unit configured to select the comparison result data as the output signal instead of the amplified analog signal according to a comparison output selection signal.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Display device and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20130285889A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A display device includes an organic EL element and a capacitor. A driving transistor is connected to an anode of the organic EL element and passes a current to the organic EL element. The current corresponds to a voltage held in the capacitor. A first switch is between the capacitor and a data line, and the data line supplies the voltage to the capacitor. A voltage detector is connected to the data line for detecting an anode voltage applied to the organic EL element. A second switch is between the anode and the data line. A controller turns on the first switch, causes the organic EL element to emit light, and causes the voltage detector to detect the anode voltage by turning off the first switch and turning on the second switch while the organic EL element is emitting light.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display apparatus and method of inspecting the same

Номер: US20130285996A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display apparatus and a method of easily inspecting the apparatus to determine whether an electrical failure occurs are disclosed. The organic light emitting display apparatus includes a plurality of pixels each including a pixel electrode, an intermediate layer including an organic emission layer, and an opposite electrode, pluralities of scan lines and data lines corresponding to the plurality of pixels, first power supply lines connected to the plurality of pixels and extending in a first direction; second power supply lines connected to the first power supply lines, and a controller that simultaneously supplies control signals to the plurality of pixels, and includes a plurality of control lines and a common line. The common line is connected to a first end of each of the plurality of control lines and is separated from a second, opposing end of each of the plurality of control lines.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

3d display apparatus and 3d display system and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130293592A1

The present invention provides a 3D display apparatus, a 3D display system and a driving method thereof. The 3D display system comprises 3D display glasses and the 3D display apparatus. The 3D display apparatus comprises a liquid crystal display panel and a backlight module. In the driving method, when driving the liquid crystal display panel, the backlight module is turned on at least two times within a frame time. The present invention can improve a crosstalk problem and a flickering problem of the 3D display apparatus.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Backlight control method, apparatus and 3d display system

Номер: US20130308068A1
Автор: LIANG Xing, Lihua Xu, Wei Xu
Принадлежит: Shanghai AVIC Optoelectronics Co Ltd

A method includes dividing a backlight source and a liquid crystal panel into N row sections, preprocessing 3D images to output first images and second images of left and right eyes in a complementary format, while preserving odd and even row section images of original images of the left and right eyes, and sequentially scanning the first images and second images of the left and right eyes from top to bottom using the backlight source. The method further includes, after scanning a row section, controlling the backlight of the row section to be turned on and then turned off until the same row section of a next image starts to be scanned, and repeating until all images are scanned. The method thus provides a crosstalk-free 3D effect and reduces power consumption of the backlight source.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Stereoscopic image display device

Номер: US20130314457A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A light source portion includes a plurality of back lights provided corresponding to respective regions obtained by virtually dividing a liquid crystal panel screen into a plurality of parts, the back lights have a light emission intensity controlled based on a light emission intensity value and have ON and OFF operations controlled in response to a light emission driving signal, and the light emission driving signal is constituted to sequentially turn ON the plurality of back lights synchronously with a stereoscopic image signal and to turn ON the plurality of back lights at the same time in a predetermined timing, and is constituted to individually control a light emission period for the plurality of back lights based on image information about the stereoscopic image signal.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130321246A1
Принадлежит: SuperD Co., Ltd.

A 3D display system for displaying a 3D image includes a tracking unit, a pixel panel, a grating array, and a control unit. The tracking unit is configured to determine a spatial position of a viewer of the 3D display system. The pixel panel contains alternatingly arranged display units from two or more view images of the 3D image, and the grating array is coupled to the pixel panel to separate light from the view images from the pixel panel. The control unit is configured to adjust certain parameters of the grating array such that a maximum width of horizontal projection of edges of adjacent display units through the grating array is less than or equal to a inner-eye distance, and a minimum width of horizontal projection of two edges of a single display unit through the grating array is greater than or equal to an outer-eye distance. 1. A third-dimensional (3D) display system for displaying a 3D image , comprising:a tracking unit configured to determine a spatial position of a viewer of the 3D display system;a pixel panel containing alternatingly arranged display units from two or more view images of the 3D image;a grating array coupled to the pixel panel to separate light from the two or more view images from the pixel panel; anda control unit configured to adjust certain parameters of the grating array such that a maximum width of horizontal projection of edges of adjacent display units through the grating array is less than or equal to a inner-eye distance, and a minimum width of horizontal projection of two edges of a single display unit through the grating array is greater than or equal to an outer-eye distance.2. The 3D display system according to claim 1 , wherein the display units include:pixel groups, pixels, or sub-pixels.3. The 3D display system according to claim 1 , wherein:a black matrix is arranged as boundary of adjacent display units and connects display units from a first view image and a second view image; andthe display units and the black ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130335113A1
Автор: Apte Raj B.

An electronic test system to evaluate the pixel and array properties of active-matrix displays that use charge or current sensitive circuits attached to the array data lines is described. Leakage-current, charging time, and other metrics can be measured for all pixels in the array without electrical or optical connection to the interior of the array. Charge or current sensitive amplifiers and selected voltage drivers may be used in conjunction with variable timing and voltages to determine individual transistor properties over an entire array in just a few seconds. Signals to be measured may be injected in several ways. Ultimately, an output signal for each pixel is measured. Thus, based on the output signal, the charging time or current, the leakage time or current, and other pixel or transistor parameters may be characterized for the entire array. 1. A method for testing a transistor array comprising:selecting a first transistor row in the array to be tested;injecting a drive voltage into a gate terminal of a second transistor row operatively connected to the first transistor row;selectively detecting an output of the first transistor row; and, processing the output.2. The method as set forth in wherein the processing comprises measuring a charging time of the first transistor.3. The method as set forth in wherein the processing comprises measuring a discharging time of the first transistor.4. The method as set forth in wherein the processing comprises measuring a leakage time of the first transistor.5. The method as set forth in wherein the processing comprises measuring a turn-on voltage of the first transistor.6. A method for testing a transistor array comprising:selecting a transistor row to be tested from the array;injecting a drive voltage into a plate terminal of the transistor;selectively detecting an output of the transistor row; and, processing the output.7. The method as set forth in wherein the processing comprises measuring a charging time of the ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130342229A1

A liquid crystal display includes a liquid crystal display panel and a test circuit. The liquid crystal panel includes a number of scanning lines and a number of data lines cooperatively forming a pixel cell. The test circuit includes a control unit, a gate driving circuit, a data driving circuit and a detecting circuit. The gate driving circuit and the data driving circuit respectively provide a scan pulse and a test pulse to the pixel cells. The test pulse includes a first voltage. After a predefined period for providing the scan pulse and the test pulse to the pixel cells, the detecting circuit detects a voltage of the data lines, and determines the pixel cell is damaged if the voltage of the data lines is equal to the first voltage. A test circuit and a test method for detecting damaged pixel cells are also provided. 1. A liquid crystal display comprising: 'a plurality of scanning lines and a plurality of data lines cooperatively forming a plurality of pixel cells; and', 'a liquid crystal display panel comprising a control unit;', 'a gate driving circuit configured to output scanning signals to the scanning lines, wherein the scanning signal comprises a first voltage, and the scanning signals are sent to the scanning lines one by one;', 'a data driving circuit configured to output a test pulse to the data lines, wherein the test pulse comprises a second voltage; and', 'a detecting unit connected to the data lines to detect whether or not the pixel cells are normal;', 'wherein when one of the scanning lines is being scanned, and the scanning signals and the test pulses have been supplied to the pixel cells for a predetermined time interval, the control unit is configured to control the detecting unit to detect the voltage at each of the plurality of data lines and transmit the detected voltages to the control unit, the control unit is further configured to compare the detected voltages with the second voltage, and if determining that one of the detected voltage ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Calibrating a Display to Reduce or Eliminate Mura Artifacts

Номер: US20130342431A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Systems, methods, and devices are provided to reduce or eliminate mura artifacts on electronic displays. For example, pixels may be programmed to a uniform gray level before all or a substantial number of gates of the pixels are activated. The voltages on some or all source lines that supply the pixels may be measured. A mura artifact may be seen when voltage differences on the source lines are present. As such, operational parameters of the electronic display may be adjusted to reduce or eliminate the mura artifact by reducing the voltage differences. 1. A method comprising:programming pixels of an electronic display with a frame of pixel data of a uniform gray level;activating at least one gate line connected to the pixels, thereby causing voltages stored on the pixels to be detectable as source line voltages on respective source lines of the electronic display; a first positive source line voltage present on at least one source line of a first area of the electronic display;', 'a first negative source line voltage present on at least one other source line of the first area of the electronic display;', 'a second positive source line voltage present on at least one source line of a second area of the electronic display; and', 'a second negative source line voltage present on at least one other source line of the second area of the electronic display;, 'detecting a plurality of the source line voltages, the plurality of the source line voltages comprisingcomparing the first positive source line voltage and the second positive source line voltage to obtain a first difference signal;comparing the first negative source line voltage and the second negative source line voltage to obtain a second difference signal; andwhen the first difference signal or the second difference signal, or both, are outside a range of acceptable values, updating an operational parameter of the electronic display, wherein the updated operational parameter is configured to cause the first and ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Object-centric mixed reality space

Номер: US20130342570A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A see-through, near-eye, mixed reality display apparatus providing a mixed reality environment wherein one or more virtual objects and one or more real objects exist within the view of the device. Each of the real and virtual have a commonly defined set of attributes understood by the mixed reality system allowing the system to manage relationships and interaction between virtual objects and other virtual objects, and virtual and real objects.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Side-edge non-uniform duty ratio backlight driving method

Номер: US20140002769A1
Автор: Kuangyao Chang

A side-edge non-uniform duty ratio backlight driving method includes: conducting a simulation operation of driving a side-edge backlight module on the basis of uniform duty ratio according to predetermined liquid crystal panel signal and backlight scanning timing before an actual operation of driving the backlight module is performed; conducting analysis of the number of zones where an interference signal appears when each backlight sections is lit in the simulative operation and distance of the interference signal and ranking the backlight sections according to strength of cross-talking so that a backlight section having less strong cross-talking is set with a higher rank; and carrying out a driving operation according to predetermined scanning timing of the liquid crystal panel signal and the backlighting in actually driving a side-edge backlight module in such a way that a high duty ratio of backlight driving is set to a high-rank backlight section in lighting.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Capacitance measurement circuit

Номер: US20140009176A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A resistor having a known resistance is coupled in series with a device under test (DUT) having an unknown capacitance. An ac signal source having a known fundamental frequency is coupled to drive the resistor to thereby produce a first ac signal. A phase controllable signal generator produces a second ac signal. The first and second ac signals are fed to a mixer. An output of the mixer is low pass filtered. A peak detector monitors the low pass filtered output while sweeping the phase controllable signal generator, until a peak is detected. The set phase corresponding to the detected peak is then used to obtain an estimate of the unknown DUT capacitance. Other embodiments are also described and claimed.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Calibration apparatus and method for controlling the same

Номер: US20140009485A1
Автор: Tomoya Asanuma
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

The present invention is a calibration apparatus comprising a calibration unit configured to perform calibration for an image display apparatus; an acquiring unit configured to acquire a color deviation direction that represents a direction of deviation in a color space between a color measurement value and a theoretical value, for each of color patches of a plurality of colors after executing the calibration; and a control unit configured to determine degrees of similarity of the color deviation directions in relation to the color patches of at least some of the plurality of colors included in the plurality of colors and control whether or not the calibration unit is allowed to perform the calibration for the image display apparatus again, on the basis of a result of the determination.

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015824A1
Принадлежит: Ignis Innovation Inc.

A system and method for determining and applying characterization correlation curves for aging effects on an organic light organic light emitting device (OLED) based pixel is disclosed. A first stress condition is applied to a reference pixel having a drive transistor and an OLED. An output voltage based on a reference current is measured periodically to determine an electrical characteristic of the reference pixel under the first predetermined stress condition. The luminance of the reference pixel is measured periodically to determine an optical characteristic of the reference pixel. A characterization correlation curve corresponding to the first stress condition including the determined electrical and optical characteristic of the reference pixel is stored. Characterization correlation curves for other predetermined stress conditions are also stored based on application of the predetermined stress conditions on other reference pixels. The stress condition of an active pixel is determined and a compensation voltage is determined by correlating the stress condition of the active pixel with the curves of the predetermined stress conditions. 1. A method for determining a characterization correlation curve for aging compensation for an organic light emitting device (OLED) based pixel in a display comprising:applying a first stress condition to a reference device;storing a baseline optical characteristic and a baseline electrical characteristic of the reference device;periodically measuring an output voltage based on a reference current to determine an electrical characteristic of the reference device;periodically measuring the luminance of the reference pixel to determine an optical characteristic of the reference device;determining a characterization correlation curve corresponding to the first stress condition based on the baseline optical and electrical characteristics and the determined electrical and optical characteristics of the reference device; andstoring the ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Organic Light Emitting Diode Display Device for Sensing Pixel Current and Pixel Current Sensing Method Thereof

Номер: US20140022289A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

The present invention relates to an organic light emitting diode display device capable of sensing driving current of each pixel with a simple configuration to compensate for a luminance deviation between pixels and a pixel current sensing method thereof. The organic light emitting diode display device includes a display panel including 2N (N being a natural number) pixels that share a reference line though which a reference signal is supplied and are respectively connected to 2N data lines through which data signals are applied, and a data driver for driving the 2N pixels sharing the reference line in a time division manner through the data lines, sensing currents of the time-division-driven 2N pixels as voltages through the shared reference line and outputting the sensed currents, in a sensing mode.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Methods and systems for prioritizing dirty regions within an image

Номер: US20140028690A1
Автор: Juan Rivera
Принадлежит: Citrix Systems Inc

A method for identifying modified sections of a drawing region and selecting at least one modified drawing region section to transmit to a remote computer. A local computer can execute a prioritization module that can identify a first modified drawing region section and a second modified drawing region section. Each of the first and second modified drawing region section can have a corresponding priority. The prioritization module can determine whether the first priority of the first section is greater than the second priority of the second section and can select the greater priority. The local computer can then transmit the selected modified drawing region section that has the greatest priority to a remote computer that communicates with the local computer over a virtual channel.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140049524A1

A method for displaying error rates of data channels of a display is provided. A timing controller of the display repeatedly transmits a test signal with a specific format to a first and a second source drivers of the display via a first and a second data channels of the display. During testing, a first number and a second number of times of the first source driver and the second source driver determining that the received test signal does not have the specific format are counted respectively. The first and the second source drivers control displaying of a first area and a second area of a panel of the display respectively according to the counted first and second numbers of times. Accordingly, the error rates of the data channels are presented on the panel of the display in a way that the error rates could be recognized more easily. 1. A method for displaying error rates of data channels of a display , comprising:repeatedly transmitting a test signal with a specific format to a first and a second source drivers of the display via a first and a second data channels of the display by a timing controller of the display;receiving the test signal respectively from the first and the second data channels, and determining whether the received test signal being in a specific format or not by the first and the second source drivers;counting respectively a first number and a second number of times of the first source driver and the second source driver determining that the received test signal being not in the specific format during a testing period;controlling displaying of a first area of a panel of the display according to the counted first number of times by the first source driver; andcontrolling displaying of a second area of the panel according to the counted second number of times by the second source driver.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first area comprises a first sub-area and a second sub-area and wherein the second area comprises a third sub-area and a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062499A1

A testing apparatus for a display device according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a substrate; a driving chip mounted on the substrate; and a pad disposed on the substrate and electrically connected to the driving chip, wherein the pad includes a bottom layer electrically connected to the driving chip, and a sheet layer disposed on the bottom layer and electrically connected to the bottom layer, and wherein a lateral surface of the bottom layer is not covered by the sheet layer. 1. A testing apparatus for a display device , the testing apparatus comprising:a substrate;a driving chip mounted on the substrate; anda pad disposed on the substrate and electrically connected to the driving chip, a bottom layer electrically connected to the driving chip; and', 'a sheet layer disposed on the bottom layer and electrically connected to the bottom layer, and, 'wherein the pad compriseswherein a lateral surface of the bottom layer is not covered by the sheet layer.2. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a conductive adhesion layer disposed between the bottom layer and the sheet layer.3. The testing apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a first plating layer that is disposed on the bottom layer and covers top and lateral surfaces of the bottom layer.4. The testing apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising a second plating layer that covers a top surface of the sheet layer and lateral surfaces of the bottom layer.5. The testing apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the sheet layer comprises at least one of a Be—Cu alloy claim 4 , a Be—Ni alloy claim 4 , and palladium (Pd) claim 4 , the bottom layer comprises copper (Cu) claim 4 , the first plating layer comprises tin (Sn) claim 4 , and the second plating layer comprises gold (Ag).6. The testing apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a plating layer that covers a top surface of the sheet layer and lateral surfaces of the bottom layer.7. The testing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062520A1
Автор: Kim Hong-Bo
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A display device is disclosed. The display device has a display area for displaying images and a non-display area neighboring the display area. The display device includes a test element group (TEG) including a plurality of test pads provided in the non-display area and having different shapes. 1. A display device having a display area for displaying an image and a non-display area neighboring the display area , the display device comprising:a test element group (TEG) comprising a plurality of test pads in the non-display area and having different shapes.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein:the TEG further includes a test thin film transistor (TFT) including a test source electrode, a test gate electrode, and a test drain electrode; and a first test pad connected to the test source electrode;', 'a second test pad connected to the test gate electrode and having a different shape from the first test pad; and', 'a third test pad connected to the test drain electrode and having a different shape from the first test pad and the second test pad., 'the test pads comprise3. The display device of claim 2 , wherein corners of different ones of the test pads have different shapes.4. The display device of claim 3 , wherein the different shapes of the corners of the different ones of the test pads include a right angle shape claim 3 , a curved shape claim 3 , and a cut corner shape.5. The display device of claim 2 , wherein a first one of the test pads has an oval shape claim 2 , a second one of the test pads has a triangular shape claim 2 , and a third one of the test pads has a quadrilateral shape.6. The display device of claim 2 , further comprising a display in the display area claim 2 , the display comprising:a drive TFT having a gate electrode in a same layer as the test gate electrode; andan organic light emitting element connected to the drive TFT.7. The display device of claim 6 , wherein the drive TFT further comprises:a source electrode in a same layer as the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display device including inspection circuit and inspection method thereof

Номер: US20140078187A1
Автор: Moonjung Choi
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Disclosed is an LCD device having a structure such as a column inversion type or a Z-inversion type where a single data line can be shared by two neighboring pixels, and an inspection circuit and method thereof. The inspection circuit for outputting gate driving signals in a division manner into odd and even-numbered signals is provided between the gate driving unit and a pixel region, so that only color pixels to be inspected can be driven. This can allow pixels to be normally inspected in an LCD device having an enhanced column inversion structure.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20140084792A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

The present invention has been made in an effort to provide an organic light emitting display device comprising a panel; a power supply supplying power to the panel; a current detection unit detecting a current flowing through power line wiring of the panel and outputting the detected current; and a power controller comparing the detected current with a current value configured internally and outputting a shutdown signal which turns off the power supply if the detected current exceeds the predetermined current value.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084932A1
Принадлежит: Ignis Innovation Inc.

A system reads a desired circuit parameter from a pixel circuit that includes a light emitting device, a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device, a programming input, and a storage device to store a programming signal. One embodiment of the extraction system turns off the drive device and supplies a predetermined voltage from an external source to the light emitting device, discharges the light emitting device until the light emitting device turns off, and then reads the voltage on the light emitting device while that device is turned off. The voltages on the light emitting devices in a plurality of pixel circuits may be read via the same external line, at different times. 1. A method of extracting a circuit parameter from a pixel circuit including a light emitting device , a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device , a programming input , and a storage device to store a programming signal , the method comprising:turning on the drive device so that the voltage of the light emitting device rises to a level higher than its turn-on voltage,turning off the drive device so that the voltage on the light emitting device is discharged through the light emitting device until the light emitting device turns off, andreading the voltage on the light emitting device while that device is turned off.2. A method of extracting a circuit parameter from a pixel circuit including a light emitting device , a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device , a programming input , and a storage device to store a programming signal , the method comprising:programming the pixel circuit,turning on the drive device, and reading the current passing through the drive device while applying a predetermined voltage to the drive device, or', 'reading the voltage on the drive device while passing a predetermined current through the drive device., 'extracting a parameter of the drive ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Latency Measurement System And Method

Номер: US20140085459A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

The present disclosure is generally directed to a system for, and method operating a latency measurement system including an event generation device that generates an initial event used to measure system latency. A component test system receives the event and in response outputs a test component output signal and a zero-latency indicator. An electronics system including a multifunction display unit receives the test component output signal and displays a visible element on the multifunction display unit. A camera generates a series of recorded images, where each recorded image contains an image of the zero-latency indicator and an image of the visible element. A processor then determines the system latency by determining a time difference in the series of recorded images between a representation of an occurrence of the event in the image of the zero-latency indicator and a representation of the occurrence of the event in the image of the visible element.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091804A1

A method for detecting a leakage bright spot includes: providing a driving circuit of data lines and a gate drive of a gate side and connecting a terminal area of the gate side by conductive adhesive; dividing the terminal area of the gate side into a first area and a second area, turning on switches of pixel electrodes, and transmitting a driving signal to the data side; and detecting the leakage bright spot by optionally driving conductive terminals on the first area or the second area of the gate side. The present disclosure further provides a device for detecting a leakage bright spot. 1. A method for detecting a leakage bright spot , comprising:providing a driving circuit of data lines and a gate drive of a gate side and connecting a terminal area of the gate side by conductive adhesive;dividing the terminal area of the gate side into a first area and a second area, turning on switches of pixel electrodes, and transmitting a driving signal to a data side; anddetecting the leakage bright spot by optionally driving conductive terminals on the first area or the second area of the gate side.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of detecting the leakage bright spot by optionally driving conductive terminals on the first area of the gate side comprises:detecting the leakage bright spot on the second area by driving conductive terminals on the first area of the gate side rather than the conductive terminals on the second area of the gate side.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the step of detecting the leakage bright spot by optionally driving conductive terminals on the second area of the gate side comprises:detecting the leakage bright spot on the first area by driving conductive terminals on the second area of the gate side rather than the conductive terminals on the first area of the gate side.4. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the step of detecting the leakage bright spot on the second area comprises:driving the conductive ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

3d tv dimming system and dimming method

Номер: US20140092071A1
Автор: Xiang Yang

A three-dimensional (3D) television (TV) dimming system includes a TV control board, a light bar load controlled by the TV control board, and a power board that supplies power to the light bar load. The TV control board is directly coupled with the power board, and the TV control board feeds back the 3D signal to the power board when the TV control board outputs a 3D signal.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005391A1
Принадлежит: Sony Group Corporation

An image display device includes a use aspect information acquisition unit that acquires use aspect information regarding an equipment use aspect, an early period mode setting unit that sets a parameter related to processing or operation executed at a time of image display on the basis of the acquired use aspect information and causes image display operation to be executed as an early period mode, a later period mode setting unit that, in response to determination that it is the mode change timing, resets a parameter related to processing or operation executed at a time of image display and causes image display operation to be executed as a later period mode, and a timing determination unit that determines the mode change timing. 1. An image display device comprising:a use aspect information acquisition unit that acquires use aspect information regarding an equipment use aspect;an early period mode setting unit that sets a parameter related to processing or operation executed at a time of image display on a basis of the use aspect information acquired by the use aspect information acquisition unit and causes image display operation to be executed as an early period mode;a later period mode setting unit that, in response to determination that it is the mode change timing, resets a parameter related to processing or operation executed at a time of image display and causes image display operation to be executed as a later period mode; anda timing determination unit that determines the mode change timing.2. The image display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the later period mode setting unit performs a parameter setting to set an operating state in the later period mode suitable for a purpose of extending equipment lifetime.3. The image display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the later period mode setting unit performs, as a later period mode, a parameter resetting a plurality of times.4. The image display device according to claim 1 ,wherein the timing ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005422A1
Автор: Fu Yuhong, He Guanxian

A white balance adjusting system for a display device includes a control member including a register storing white balance control commands and a preset white balance lookup table. A built-in self-test module is coupled to the control member and configured to store a test pattern. A first storage element is disposed in the display device. An optical sensor is configured to measure brightness and chroma data of the screen according to the test pattern. An external control device is operated by the control member to execute the white balance control commands so that white balance adjustment is implemented according to the preset white balance lookup table and the brightness and the chroma data of the screen, and a corrected white balance lookup table is produced. The corrected white balance lookup table is stored in the first storage element and provided to update the preset white balance lookup table. 1. A white balance adjusting system for a display device , the white balance adjusting system connected to an external control device and comprising:a control member disposed in the display device, wherein the control member comprises a register storing white balance control commands and a preset white balance lookup table;a built-in self-test module coupled to the control member and configured to store a test pattern;a first storage element disposed in the display device; and 'wherein the external control device is operated by the control member to execute the white balance control commands so that white balance adjustment is implemented according to the preset white balance lookup table and the brightness and the chroma data of the screen, so that a corrected white balance lookup table is produced, wherein the corrected white balance lookup table is stored in the first storage element.', 'an optical sensor attached to a side surface of a screen of the display device and configured to measure brightness and chroma data of the screen according to the test pattern;'}2. ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Driving circuit and related display panel and display module

Номер: US20220005423A1
Автор: JING Yuan, Xiaofeng Liu

A driving circuit and a display panel are provided. The driving circuit includes a first processing module configured to process a working voltage detected by an XAO module, a second processing module configured to process an output voltage of a level shifter, and a calculation module electrically connected to the first processing module and the second processing module.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004770A1
Автор: Jin Yufeng

A three dimensional (3D) display system includes 3D display panel and a 3D shutter glasses. The 3D display panel includes pixel units, control circuits, a power supply, data lines and scan lines. The control circuit is used for controlling a supply voltage of the supply voltage terminal, based on a control signal, to determine whether the pixel unit display left or right eye images. 1. A three dimensional (3D) display system comprising: a power supply;', 'a plurality of data lines, for transmitting data signals;', 'a plurality of scan lines, for transmitting scan signals;', 'a plurality of pixel units, surrounded by the plurality of data lines and the plurality of scan lines, for display images according to the data signals and the scan signals, wherein each pixel unit comprises a data signal input terminal connecting one of the plurality of data lines, a scan signal input terminal connecting one of the plurality of scan lines, a supply voltage terminal connecting the power supply, and an organic light emitting diode (OLED) for pixel display, and wherein each pixel unit further comprises a third transistor and a fourth transistor, the third transistor comprises an input terminal coupled with a corresponding data line via the data signal input terminal, a control terminal coupled with a corresponding scan line via the scan signal input terminal, and an output terminal coupled with a control terminal of the fourth transistor, and the fourth transistor comprises an input terminal coupled with the supply voltage terminal, and an output terminal coupled with the OLED; and', 'a plurality of control circuits, for controlling a supply voltage of the supply voltage terminal, based on a control signal, to determine whether the pixel unit display left or right eye images, wherein the control circuit further comprises a first transistor and a second transistor, the first transistor comprises a control terminal coupled with the control signal, an input terminal coupled with a ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004773A1
Автор: Kim EungKyu, Park SinKyun
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

A display device is provided in which a control switching element arranged in a location to which a voltage used for driving a display panel is applied may identify whether an abnormal current has occurred in the display panel in an off-situation so as to easily and accurately detect whether or not a panel defect exists, in a panel defect detection interval wherein the panel defect detection interval is an interval having no abnormal current occurring therein when no panel defect exists. A panel defect detection system and a panel defect detection method are also provided. 1. A display device comprising:a display panel on which multiple data lines and multiple gate lines are arranged, and multiple subpixels are arranged;a control switching element electrically connected between an application node in which a voltage used for driving the display panel is applied to the display panel and a supply node configured to supply the voltage to be applied to the display panel; anda sensing module configured to sense a current flowing through the application node or a voltage according to the current, when the control switching element is turned-off.2. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the control switching element is turned-off in order to detect an abnormal current in the display panel.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein the control switching element is turned-off in an interval in which a screen having brightness equal to or lower than a predetermined particular value is displayed.4. The display device of claim 1 , further comprising a control module configured to supply a gate signal corresponding to a control signal to a gate node of the control switching element claim 1 , and control turn-on or turn-off of the control switching element.5. The display device of claim 4 , wherein the control switching element is located on the display panel or a printed circuit board claim 4 , the sensing module is located on the printed circuit board or included inside the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005342A1
Автор: PARK Soo-Ran

A method of detecting degradation of a display panel and a degradation detecting device for a display panel are disclosed. The device includes a light measuring unit configured to measure the brightnesses of light emitted at first and second areas of the display panel at a plurality of measurement temperatures and generate a plurality of first and second measured amounts of the light respectively emitted at the first and second areas. The device also includes a current amount calculator configured to calculate first and second current amounts of the light emitted at the first and second areas at a predetermined target temperature respectively based at least in part on the first and second measured amounts, and a determining unit configured to compare a first ratio of the first current amount to a first initial amount and a second ratio of the second current amount to a second initial amount. 1. A method of detecting degradation of a display panel , the method comprising:storing first and second initial amounts of light respectively emitted at first and second areas of the display panel at a predetermined target temperature;measuring the brightnesses of the light emitted at the first and second areas at a plurality of measurement temperatures so as to generate a plurality of first and second measured amounts of the light respectively emitted at the first and second areas;calculating first and second current amounts of the light respectively emitted at the first and second areas at the target temperature based at least in part on the first and second measured amounts; anddetermining whether to perform an image sticking compensation operation on image data based at least in part on a comparison of a first ratio of the first current amount to the first initial amount and a second ratio of the second current amount to the second initial amount.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the measuring includes:measuring the light emitted at the first and second areas at a first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160005348A1
Автор: Yanagi Michihisa

The apparatus calculates a first relation representing a relation of mapping from an image capturing coordinate system of a camera to a shading correction coordinate system of a display apparatus, by using a first captured image acquired by capturing a first display image, and calculates a second relation by removing, from the first relation, a part corresponding to an object located between the first display image and the camera. The apparatus calculates a first gradation value in the shading correction coordinate system by performing a mapping transformation using the second relation on a second captured image acquired by capturing a second display image, calculates from the first gradation value a first correction value for the shading correction coordinate system, and calculates through an interpolation using the first correction value a second correction value for a part thereof where the first gradation value is not calculated. 1. A shading correction calculation apparatus configured to calculate a correction value by using a captured image acquired from an image capturing apparatus that captures a display image displayed on a display surface by an image display apparatus , the correction value being used for a shading correction to be performed by the image display apparatus , the shading correction calculation apparatus comprising:a first mapping calculator configured to calculate a first mapping relation by using a first captured image acquired from the image capturing apparatus that captures a first display image displayed by the image display apparatus, the first mapping relation representing a relation of mapping from an image capturing coordinate system of the image capturing apparatus to a shading correction coordinate system of the image display apparatus;a second mapping calculator configured to calculate a second mapping relation by detecting an object part of the first mapping relation and removing the object part from the first mapping relation, ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013049A1
Автор: Pyun Kihyun, Sung Siduk

An organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display device includes a display panel including a plurality of pixels, the plurality of pixels being grouped into a plurality of pixel blocks, a nonvolatile memory configured to store previous accumulated block degradation information for the plurality of pixel blocks up to a previous driving period, a controller configured to calculate current block degradation information for the plurality of pixel blocks in a current driving period, to calculate current accumulated block degradation information for the plurality of pixel blocks up to the current driving period by adding the current block degradation information to the previous accumulated block degradation information in response to a power control signal indicating a power-off, and to determine whether a sensing operation for each of the plurality of pixel blocks is to be performed by comparing the current accumulated block degradation information for each of the plurality of pixel blocks with a sensing reference degradation amount, and a sensing circuit configured to selectively perform the sensing operation for each of the plurality of pixel blocks. 1. An organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display device comprising:a display panel including a plurality of pixels, the plurality of pixels being grouped into a plurality of pixel blocks;a nonvolatile memory configured to store previous accumulated block degradation information for each of the plurality of pixel blocks up to a previous driving period;a controller configured to calculate current block degradation information for each of the plurality of pixel blocks in a current driving period, to calculate current accumulated block degradation information for each of the plurality of pixel blocks up to the current driving period by adding the current block degradation information to the previous accumulated block degradation information in response to a power control signal indicating a power-off, and to determine whether a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013051A1

A chip pin connection status display method applied to a computer device is provided. The method includes generating a two-dimensional matrix with n rows and m columns according to a total number n of solder balls and a total number m of pins of a chip. Once an input signal and an input position of the input signal from the two-dimensional matrix are detected, display is performed at the input position on the two-dimensional matrix according to a type of the input signal and the input position of the input signal. 1. A chip pin connection status display method applied to a computer device , the method comprising:generating a two-dimensional matrix with n rows and m columns according to a total number n of solder balls and a total number in of pins of a chip, wherein each of the n rows of the two-dimensional matrix represents one of the n solder balls, and each of the in columns of the two-dimensional matrix represents one of the m pins;detecting an input signal and an input position of the input signal from the two-dimensional matrix; andperforming display at the input position on the two-dimensional matrix according to a type of the input signal and the input position of the input signal.2. The chip pin connection status display method according to claim 1 , wherein after the generating of the two-dimensional matrix claim 1 , the method further comprises:associating each row of the n rows of the two-dimensional matrix with a name of the solder ball represented by the each row; andassociating each column of the m columns of the two-dimensional matrix with a name of the pin represented by the each column.3. The chip pin connection status display method according to claim 2 , wherein the type of the input signal comprises a hover signal claim 2 , and a click signal.4. The chip pin connection status display method according to claim 3 , further comprising:displaying, when the input signal is hover signal and the input position of the hover signal is located on any row ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013092A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

A projection control device that controls a projection portion which projects an image to a projection surface includes a ray position detection portion that detects an irradiation position of a ray irradiated on the projection surface, and a specific image superimposition control portion that superimposes a predetermined specific image on a region corresponding to the irradiation position in the image. In a state where the specific image is superimposed on a first region corresponding to a first position detected by the ray position detection portion in the image, the specific image superimposition control portion, in a case where the irradiation position moves out of a predetermined range including the first position, moves the specific image to a region corresponding to the irradiation position that has moved, and in a case where the irradiation position moves within the range, continues superimposition of the specific image on the first region. 1. A projection control device that controls a projection portion which projects an image to a projection surface , the projection control device comprising:a ray position detection portion that detects an irradiation position of a ray irradiated on the projection surface; anda specific image superimposition control portion that superimposes a specific image on a region corresponding to the irradiation position in the image,wherein in a state where the specific image is superimposed on a first region corresponding to a first position detected by the ray position detection portion in the image in a state of covering the first position, the specific image superimposition control portion, in a case where the irradiation position detected by the ray position detection portion moves from a specific range overlapping with the specific image in the image to an outside of the specific range, moves the specific image to a region corresponding to the irradiation position that has moved to the outside of the specific range in the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005556A1
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

A test method of a display panel and a test device are disclosed. The test method includes outputting a data signal of a preset test image to the display panel to cause plural light emitting elements to emit light according to the preset test image; outputting a starting signal to a scan circuit in the display panel to cause the scan circuit to output an active level of a switching circuit to the plural rows of first scan lines as connected, successively, according to a preset timing sequence; receiving a sensing signal from a sensor circuit, including voltage value information of a first terminal of every light emitting element; comparing the voltage value information of the first terminal of every light emitting element with the preset test image to obtain a test result. The test method solves the problem of missing detection of Mura. 1. A test method for a display panel , the display panel comprising plural pixel regions each comprising a light emitting element connected to a switching circuit , the switching circuit being configured to conduct a voltage at a first terminal of the light emitting element to a second terminal of the switching circuit upon a first terminal of the switching circuit being at an active level; a scan circuit connected to plural rows of first scan lines; and a sensor circuit connected to plural columns of sensing lines; wherein any switching circuit having the first terminal connected to one row of first scan lines and the second terminal connected to one column of sensing lines , and any two switching circuits connected to a same row of first scan lines being connected to different columns of sensing lines ,the test method comprising:outputting a data signal of a preset test image to the display panel to cause the light emitting element to emit light according to the preset test image;outputting a starting signal to the scan circuit to cause the scan circuit to output the active level of the switching circuit to the plural rows of first ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005557A1

Methods and systems to provide baseline measurements for aging compensation for a display device are disclosed. An example display system has a plurality of active pixels and a reference pixel. Common input signals are provided to the reference pixel and the plurality of active pixels. The outputs of the reference pixel is measured and compared to the output of the active pixels to determine aging effects. The display system may also be tested applying a first known reference current to a current comparator with a second variable reference current and the output of a device under test such as one of the pixels. The variable reference current is adjusted until the second current and the output of the device under test is equivalent of the first current. The resulting current of the device under test is stored in a look up table for a baseline for aging measurements during the display system operation. The display system may also be tested to determine production flaws by determining anomalies such as short circuits in pixel components such as OLEDs and drive transistors. 114-. (canceled)15. A method for determining data for production of a display device having a plurality of pixels , the method comprising:applying a test signal to each of the plurality of pixels;measuring voltage and current characteristics for each of the pixels;determining if anomalies exist for each of the pixels;reading anomaly data from the pixels demonstrating anomalies; andstoring the anomaly data.16. The method of claim 15 , wherein the stored anomaly data is analyzed to determine flaws in the production process of the display device.17. The method of claim 15 , wherein the stored anomaly data is analyzed to determine flaws in the display device.18. The method of claim 15 , wherein the pixels include an organic light emitting device and a drive transistor and wherein the anomalies include a shorted organic light emitting device and a shorted drive transistor.19. A display system comprising: ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005558A1

A system reads a desired circuit parameter from a pixel circuit that includes a light emitting device, a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device, a programming input, and a storage device to store a programming signal. One embodiment of the extraction system turns off the drive device and supplies a predetermined voltage from an external source to the light emitting device, discharges the light emitting device until the light emitting device turns off, and then reads the voltage on the light emitting device while that device is turned off. The voltages on the light emitting devices in a plurality of pixel circuits may be read via the same external line, at different times. 113-. (canceled)14. A method of extracting a circuit parameter from a pixel circuit including a light emitting device , a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device , a programming input , and a storage device to store a programming signal , the method comprising:programming the pixel circuit,turning on the drive device, andextracting a parameter of the drive device by reading the current passing through the drive device while applying a predetermined voltage to the drive device.15. A method of extracting a circuit parameter from a pixel circuit including: a light emitting device; a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device; a programming input; and a storage device to store a programming signal; the method comprising:programming the pixel circuit;turning on the drive device; andextracting a parameter of the drive device by reading the voltage on the drive device while passing a predetermined current through the drive device.16. The method according to claim 14 ,wherein the drive device comprises a drive transistor, controllably coupling an electrical power source to the light emitting device for supplying a controllable electrical current to the light emitting device, said ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005559A1

Disclosed is a system and method to improve the extraction of transistor and OLED parameters in an AMOLED display for compensation of programming voltages to improve image quality. A pixel circuit includes an organic light emitting device, a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device, a programming input to provide the programming signal, and a storage device to store the programming signal. A charge-pump amplifier has a current input and a voltage output. The charge-pump amplifier includes an operational amplifier in negative feedback configuration. The feedback is provided by a capacitor connected between the output and the inverting input of the operational amplifier. A common-mode voltage source drives the non-inverting input of the operational amplifier. An electronic switch is coupled across the capacitor to reset the capacitor. A switch module including the input is coupled to the output of the pixel circuit and an output is coupled to the input of the charge-pump amplifier. The switch module includes a set of electronic switches that may be controlled by external control signals to steer current in and out of the pixel circuit and provide a discharge path between the pixel circuit and the charge-pump amplifier and isolating the charge-pump amplifier from the pixel circuit. A controller is coupled to the pixel circuit, charge-pump amplifier and the switch module. The controller controls input signals to the pixel circuit, charge-pump amplifier and switch module in a predetermined sequence to produce an output voltage value which is a function of a parameter of the pixel circuit. The sequence includes providing a program voltage to the programming input to either pre-charge an internal capacitance of the pixel circuit to a charge level and transfer the charge to the charge-pump amplifier via the switch module to generate the output voltage value or provide a current from the pixel circuit to the charge-pump amplifier via ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

System and method for external pixel compensation

Номер: US20180005578A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

An electronic device includes a display panel. The display panel includes a number of pixels, each of which includes a driving thin-film-transistor (TFT) and a light-emitting diode. Compensation circuitry external to the display panel applies offset data to pixel data for each pixel of the plurality of pixels before the pixel data is provided to the plurality of pixels.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Pixel circuits for amoled displays

Номер: US20180005583A1
Автор: Gholamreza Chaji
Принадлежит: Ignis Innovation Inc

A system is provided for controlling an array of pixels in a display in which each pixel includes a light-emitting device and a reference voltage source that controllably supplies a reference voltage having a magnitude that turns off the light-emitting device. While the reference voltage is coupled to a drive transistor, a control voltage is supplied to the gate of the drive transistor to cause the drive transistor to transfer to a node common to the drive transistor and the light-emitting device, a voltage that is a function of the threshold voltage and mobility of the drive transistor. During an emission cycle, the current conveyed through the light emitting device via the drive transistor is controlled by a voltage stored in the storage capacitor, which is a function of the threshold voltage and mobility of the drive transistor so that the current supplied to the light-emitting device remains stable.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005689A1
Автор: Wu Xinwan

The present application provides methods and systems for generating three-dimensional user experience from two-dimensional media content such as a sequence of image frames received by a mobile device. The mobile device recognizes locations of a moving object in the sequence of image frames and applies a user-selected foreground template to the sequence of image frames by covering at least a portion of each image frame rendered on the display. When there is an overlap between the location of the moving object within one of the sequence of image frames and the predetermined foreground template, the device identifies, within the image frame, at least a portion of the moving object covered by the foreground template, and renders the covered portion of the moving object in front of the foreground template while a remaining portion of the image frame is rendered behind the foreground template. 1. A method of generating three-dimensional (3D) effect on a two-dimensional display , comprising: receiving a sequence of image frames;', 'recognizing locations of a moving object in the sequence of image frames; and', when there is an overlap between the location of the moving object within a respective one of the sequence of image frames and the predetermined foreground template:', 'identifying, within the image frame, at least a portion of the moving object covered by the predetermined foreground template, and rendering, on the display, the covered portion of the moving object in front of the predetermined foreground template while a remaining portion of the image frame is rendered behind the predetermined foreground template., 'rendering, on the display, the sequence of image frames with a predetermined foreground template covering at least a portion of each image frame rendered on the display, further including], 'at a computing device having one or more processors and memory storing one or more programs for execution by the one or more processors2. The method of claim 1 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005690A1

An appliance and methods for operating the appliance in a safety-critical operation are provided. The appliance and methods for operating the appliance include features that provide safe and intuitive ways to initiate and cancel safety-critical operations performed by the appliance. 1. An appliance , comprising:one or more operational components configured to perform a safety-critical operation; a main controller;', 'a user interface panel comprising a first user control and a second user control;', 'receive a first initiation signal from the first user control to initiate the safety-critical operation;', 'a microprocessor communicatively coupled with the main controller and the first user control, the microprocessor configured to, 'receive a second initiation signal from the second user control to initiate the safety-critical operation;', 'a microcontroller communicatively coupled with the main controller and the second user control, the microcontroller configured to], 'a control system for operating the appliance in the safety-critical operation, the control system comprising receive, in response to the first initiation signal received at the microprocessor, a first activation signal from the microprocessor;', 'receive, in response to the second initiation signal received at the microcontroller, a second activation signal from the microcontroller; and', 'activate, upon receiving the first activation signal and the second activation signal, the one or more operational components to operate the appliance in the safety-critical operation., 'wherein the main controller is configured to2. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the microcontroller is UL 60730 Class B compliant.3. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the second user control becomes active only after the main controller receives the first activation signal.4. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the first user control is a touchscreen.5. The appliance of claim 4 , wherein upon or after receiving the first ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005691A1

An apparatus for testing a display panel and a driving method thereof. The apparatus includes: a driver for providing a test signal to a display panel; an image sensor for acquiring image data by photographing the display panel on which an image corresponding to the test signal is displayed; a luminance calculator for calculating luminance distribution data, based on the image data; and a compensation data generator for determining a compensation value with respect to pixels of the display panel, based on the luminance distribution data. The driver provides a test signal corresponding to a first gray scale level to a first region including a central portion of the display panel, and provides a test signal corresponding to a second gray scale level different from the first gray scale level to a second region. 1. An apparatus for testing a display panel , the apparatus comprising:a driver configured to provide a test signal to the display panel;an image sensor configured to acquire image data by photographing the display panel on which an image corresponding to the test signal is displayed;a luminance calculator configured to calculate luminance distribution data, based on the image data; anda compensation data generator configured to determine a compensation value with respect to pixels of the display panel, based on the luminance distribution data,wherein the driver is configured to provide a test signal corresponding to a first gray scale level to a first region comprising a central region of the display panel, and provide a test signal corresponding to a second gray scale level different from the first gray scale level to a second region.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second region comprises a portion of an edge region of the display panel claim 1 , andthe first region comprises the central region of the display panel and an other portion of the edge region.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second gray scale level comprises one or more gray ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005692A1
Автор: HU QI, JING Hui, LIAO Weijing

A display panel and a testing method thereof, a display device are provided. The display panel includes a plurality of data lines and a plurality of test signal lines, an even number of adjacent data lines are grouped as a data line group, one test signal line is provided at a middle position of the data line group, a plurality of data line groups are in one-to-one correspondence with the plurality of test signal lines, each of the plurality of test signal lines includes a first extending part and a plurality of second extending parts coupled to the first extending part, and each of the second extending parts extends symmetrically at both sides of the first extending part. 1. A display panel , comprising a plurality of gate lines , a plurality of data lines , a plurality of test signal lines , and a plurality of pixel units , wherein the plurality of pixel units are provided in regions arranged in rows and columns formed by intercrossing of the plurality of gate lines and the plurality of data lines , and each of the plurality of pixel units comprises an organic light emitting diode (OLED) , whereinan even number of adjacent data lines among the plurality of data lines are grouped as a data line group such that the plurality of data lines are grouped as a plurality of data line groups, one test signal line is provided at a middle position of the data line group such that the numbers of data lines at both sides of the test signal line are same,the plurality of test signal lines are provided at a different layer of the display panel than the plurality of data lines, and the plurality of data line groups are in one-to-one correspondence with the plurality of test signal lines, each of the plurality of test signal lines comprises one first extending part and a plurality of second extending parts coupled to the first extending part;the first extending part extends along a first direction parallel to the plurality of data lines;each of the second extending parts extends ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005693A1

A system and method for generate mura correction data comprises obtaining brightness values of a pixel-existing area and a pixel-absent area of a display panel. Further, updated brightness values are generated by replacing the brightness value of the pixel-absent area with a suitable value. Mura correction data is generated using the updated brightness values. A display driver is configured with the mura correction data for updating a display device. 1. A method , comprising:obtaining brightness values of a pixel-existing area of a display panel and a pixel-absent area of the display panel;generating updated brightness values by replacing at least one of the brightness values of the pixel-absent area with a suitable value;generating mura correction data based on the updated brightness values; andconfiguring a display driver with the mura correction data for updating the display panel.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein obtaining the brightness values comprises:capturing an image of the pixel-existing area and the pixel-absent area while supplying drive signals corresponding to a grayscale value to pixels of the pixel-existing area; andobtaining the brightness values of the pixel-existing area and the pixel-absent area from the captured image,wherein replacing the brightness value with the suitable value comprises determining the suitable value based on the grayscale value.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the suitable value is associated with a hypothetical pixel defined in the pixel-absent area claim 1 , andwherein replacing the brightness value with the suitable value comprises determining the suitable value based on a position of the hypothetical pixel in a vertical direction of the display panel.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the suitable value is associated with a hypothetical pixel defined in the pixel-absent area claim 1 , andwherein replacing the brightness value with the suitable value comprises determining the suitable ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005694A1

An apparatus and a method for sensing a display panel are provided. The apparatus includes a source driving circuit and a sensing circuit. The source driving circuit is coupled to data lines to drive the pixel circuits according to a display period comprising frame periods. The sensing circuit is coupled to a plurality of pixel circuits. The sensing circuit senses characteristics of the pixel circuits in the test data periods of the display period. The test data periods are periodically arranged in the display period. In each of the test data periods, a corresponding pixel circuit receives test data, and the sensing circuit senses the electrical characteristic of the corresponding pixel circuit. In the scan-line periods of each of the frame periods, the corresponding pixel circuit receives display data from a corresponding data line, and the sensing circuit does not sense the corresponding pixel circuit. 1. An apparatus for sensing a display panel , wherein the display panel comprises a plurality of scan lines , a plurality of data lines and a plurality of pixel circuits , a data input terminal and a gate terminal of a corresponding pixel circuit of the pixel circuits are coupled to a corresponding data line of the data lines and a corresponding scan line of the scan lines respectively , and the apparatus comprises:a source driving circuit configured to be coupled to the data lines to drive the pixel circuits according to a display period comprising a plurality of frame periods, wherein each of the frame periods comprises a plurality of display data periods, wherein the display period further comprises a plurality of test data periods periodically arranged in the display period and each existing between two of the frame periods; anda sensing circuit, configured to be coupled to the pixel circuits, and configured to sense characteristics of the pixel circuits in the test data periods of the display period;wherein in each of the test data periods within the display ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007183A1

The present disclosure describes a projector which has: an image projection portion; an image provision portion that provides a projection image to the image projection portion; a deviation movement detection portion that detects a deviation movement of the image projection portion; and an image process portion that based on detection by the deviation movement detection portion, shifts the image provided by the image provision portion in a direction where the deviation movement is corrected. According to this, even if an image projection function does not include a deviation correction function, it is possible to perform the deviation correction by means of the image process. 1. A projector comprising:an image projection portion;an image provision portion that provides a projection image to the image projection portion;a deviation movement detection portion that detects a deviation movement of the image projection portion;an image process portion that based on detection by the deviation movement detection portion, shifts the image provided by the image provision portion in a direction where the deviation movement is corrected; anda rectangular image display portion, wherein the image projection portion is disposed such that a projection optical axis of the image projection portion meets a long-edge direction of the image display portion at right angles.2. The projector according to claim 1 , wherein based on the detection by the deviation movement detection portion claim 1 , the image process portion further corrects a projection frame for the projection image provided by the image provision portion.3. The projector according to claim 2 , wherein based on the detection by the deviation movement detection portion claim 2 , the image process portion shifts the projection frame for the projection image provided by the image provision portion.4. The projector according to claim 2 , wherein based on the detection by the deviation movement detection portion claim 2 , the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220019301A1
Автор: Ando Masahiro

An image processing apparatus according to the present disclosure includes: a position detection illumination unit; an image recognition illumination unit; an illumination control unit; an imaging unit; and an image processing unit. The position detection illumination unit outputs position detection illumination light. The position detection illumination light is used for position detection on a position detection object. The image recognition illumination unit outputs image recognition illumination light. The image recognition illumination light is used for image recognition on an image recognition object. The illumination control unit controls the position detection illumination unit and the image recognition illumination unit to cause the position detection illumination light and the image recognition illumination light to be outputted at timings different from each other. The position detection illumination light and the image recognition illumination light enter the imaging unit at timings different from each other. The image processing unit determines switching between the position detection illumination light and the image recognition illumination light on the basis of luminance information regarding a captured image by the imaging unit. The image processing unit performs position detection on the position detection object on the basis of an imaging result of the imaging unit with the position detection illumination light switched on and performs image recognition on the image recognition object on the basis of an imaging result of the imaging unit with the image recognition illumination light switched on. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising:a position detection illumination unit that outputs position detection illumination light, the position detection illumination light being used for position detection on a position detection object;an image recognition illumination unit that outputs image recognition illumination light, the image recognition ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Test System for Semiconductor Array

Номер: US20150008964A1

In accordance with an embodiment, an integrated circuit includes a plurality of devices on the integrated circuit. Each device includes a driving circuit, an individual contact pad coupled to a first terminal of the driving circuit, and a switch having a first terminal coupled to the first terminal of the driving circuit. Also, the integrated circuit includes a shared contact pad coupled to a second terminal of each switch of the plurality of devices. The integrated circuit also includes a controller coupled to each switch of the plurality of devices, where the controller is configured to selectively control each switch to couple each driving circuit to the shared contact pad.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009218A1

A projector includes, a projecting unit that converts image data into light and projects the light at a predetermined angle of view, a projecting direction changing unit that changes the projecting direction of the projecting unit from a first projecting direction to a second projecting direction, a projection angle derivation unit that derives a projection angle between the first projecting direction and a projecting direction after changed, and an image cutting out unit that generates cut-out image data that a part of a region of an image of the inputted image data is cut out based on the angle of view and the projection angle as image data to be projected, when the projecting unit projects the image of the inputted image data stored on the storage unit across the first projecting direction and the second projecting direction. 1. A projector comprising:a projecting unit configured to convert image data into light and project the light at a predetermined angle of view;a projecting direction changing unit configure to move a projecting direction of the projecting unit from a first projecting direction to a second projecting direction;a projection angle derivation unit configured to derive a projection angle between the first projecting direction and a projecting direction moved by the projecting direction changing unit;a storage unit configured to store inputted image data that is inputted; andan image cutting out unit configured to generate cut-out image data that a part of a region of an image of the inputted image data stored on the storage unit is cut out as the image data projected by the projecting unit based on at least the projection angle and a number of pixels corresponding to a unit angle in the angle of view when the projection direction is moved by the unit angle, when the projecting unit projects the image of the inputted image data stored on the storage unit while moving the image of the inputted image data from the first projecting direction to the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026754A1
Автор: HUANG Shishuai, Li Wei
Принадлежит: HKC Corporation Limited

The shorting bar includes a test signal wiring layer, an insulating layer, a signal lead layer, a protective layer and a bonding lead layer that are sequentially stacked. The test signal wiring layer is arranged with test signal lines, and the signal lead layer is arranged with signal leads. The test signal lines are made of a transparent conductive material, and a coverage region of the insulating layer and a coverage region of the protective layer are staggered from coverage regions of the test signal lines; or, the signal leads are made of the transparent conductive material, the coverage region of the protective layer is staggered from coverage regions of the signal leads; or, the protective layer is arranged with a plurality of first through holes, and the first through holes correspond to the signal leads in a one-to-one correspondence. 1. A shorting bar , comprising a test signal wiring layer , an insulating layer , a signal lead layer , a protective layer and a bonding lead layer being sequentially stacked , the test signal wiring layer being arranged with test signal lines , and the signal lead layer being arranged with signal leads;wherein, the test signal lines are made of a transparent conductive material, and a coverage region of the insulating layer and a coverage region of the protective layer are staggered from coverage regions of the test signal lines; or, the signal leads are made of the transparent conductive material, the coverage region of the protective layer is staggered from coverage regions of the signal leads; or, the protective layer is arranged with a plurality of first through holes, and the first through holes correspond to the signal leads in a one-to-one correspondence, and are located directly above the signal leads, and the first through holes are filled with the transparent conductive material so that the signal leads can be disconnected by acid pickling.2. The shorting bar according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the first ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011108A1

A display apparatus includes a base substrate and a test device group. The base substrate includes a display area in which a plurality of pixels connected to a plurality of signal lines is disposed and a peripheral area disposed adjacent to the display area. The test device group includes a first pad on which a surface plasmon resonance is induced due to an electromagnetic wave incident to the first pad. The first pad is disposed in the peripheral area and completely covered by an insulating layer. 1. A display apparatus comprising:a base substrate comprising a display area in which a plurality of pixels connected to a plurality of signal lines is disposed and a peripheral area disposed adjacent to the display area; anda test device group comprising a first pad on which a surface plasmon resonance is induced due to an electromagnetic wave incident to the first pad, the first pad being disposed in the peripheral area and completely covered by an insulating layer.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electromagnetic wave is a polarization light in a transverse magnetic mode3. The display apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a prism disposed on a rear surface of the base substrate to overlap with the first pad and to receive the electromagnetic wave claim 2 , wherein the first pad is disposed on a front surface of the base substrate claim 2 , which is opposite to the rear surface.4. The display apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the prism has a shape integrally formed with the base substrate.5. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first pad is connected to at least one of the plurality of signal lines.6. The display apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the first pad is disposed on a same layer as the plurality of signal lines.7. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the test device group further comprises:a test circuit part connected to the first pad; anda second pad connected to the test circuit part.8. The display apparatus of claim 7 , wherein ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011674A1

A system and method for determining and applying characterization correlation curves for aging effects on an organic light organic light emitting device (OLED) based pixel is disclosed. A first stress condition is applied to a reference pixel having a drive transistor and an OLED. An output voltage based on a reference current is measured periodically to determine an electrical characteristic of the reference pixel under the first predetermined stress condition. The luminance of the reference pixel is measured periodically to determine an optical characteristic of the reference pixel. A characterization correlation curve corresponding to the first stress condition including the determined electrical and optical characteristic of the reference pixel is stored. The stress condition of an active pixel is determined and a compensation voltage is determined by correlating the stress condition of the active pixel with curves of the predetermined stress conditions. 127-. (canceled)28. A method for compensating of aging effects in a display system comprising a plurality of organic light emitting diode (OLED) based pixels configured to display images , the method comprising:storing, in a computer-readable non-transitory memory device, a first characterization correlation curve for a first stress condition and a second characterization correlation curve for a second stress condition, said first and second characterization correlation curves obtained using one or more reference devices;determining a stress condition on one of the OLED based pixels when displaying an image;determining a voltage compensation factor based on the determined stress condition and the characterization correlation curves of the first and second stress conditions; andadjusting a programming voltage to the one or more OLED based pixels configured to display images based on the compensation factor.29. The method of comprising obtaining the first and second characterization correlation curves during ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011569A1

A touchscreen resistive sensor includes a network of resistive sensor branches coupled to a number of sensor nodes arranged at touch locations of the touchscreen. A test sequence is performed by sequentially applying to each sensor node a reference voltage level, jointly coupling to a common line the other nodes, sensing a voltage value at the common line, and declaring a short circuit condition as a result of the voltage value sensed at the common line reaching a short circuit threshold. A current value level flowing at the sensor node to which the reference voltage level is applied is sensed and a malfunction of the resistive sensor branch coupled with the sensor node to which a reference voltage level is applied is generated as a result of the current value sensed at the sensor node reaching an upper threshold or lower threshold. 1. A device , comprising:a touchscreen resistive sensor comprising a network of resistive sensor branches coupled to a plurality of sensor nodes arranged at touch locations of the touchscreen; andan error detection circuit configured to sequentially apply a reference voltage to each sensor node one at a time and to jointly couple a common line to the sensor nodes other than the sensor node to which the reference voltage is applied.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the error detection circuit comprises:a plurality of switches; anda first comparator circuit coupled to the common line, the first comparator circuit configured to compare a voltage sensed at the common line with a short circuit threshold.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the first comparator circuit is further configured to generate a short circuit signal indicative of a short circuit condition of the touchscreen resistive sensor as a result of the voltage sensed at the common line reaching the short circuit threshold.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the error detection circuit comprises:a first plurality of switches and a second plurality of switches, each switch of the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012759A1

A display apparatus includes a background image estimator configured to restructure a plurality of pixel signals of a panel image corresponding to a plurality of pixels arranged in an (n×m) matrix array into a row dataset and a column dataset and generate a row background image and a column background image with a Mura defect removed from the panel image using the row dataset and the column dataset through a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a Mura image generator configured to generate a row binary image and a column binary image including a background and the Mura defect using differences between the panel image and the row background image and between the panel image and the column background image. 1. A vision inspection apparatus comprising:a background image estimator configured to restructure a plurality of pixel signals of a panel image corresponding to a plurality of pixels arranged in an (n×m) matrix array (‘n’ and ‘m’ are natural numbers) into a row dataset and a column dataset and generate a row background image and a column background image with a Mura defect removed from the panel image using the row dataset and the column dataset through a Principal Component Analysis (PCA);a Mura image generator configured to generate a row binary image and a column binary image including a background and the Mura defect resulted from differences between the panel image and the row background image and between the panel image and the column background image; anda Mura determiner configured to determine the Mura defect using the row binary image and the column binary image.2. The vision inspection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the row dataset is restructured into m row data of an n-dimension corresponding to m pixel rows of the panel image claim 1 , the column dataset is restructured into n column data of an m-dimension corresponding to n pixel columns of the panel image claim 1 , each of m row data comprise n pixel signals corresponding to n pixels in a pixel row ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160012760A1

According to an aspect, a display device comprising: a display unit; a plurality of electrodes arranged side by side in a first direction along a display surface of the display unit; a detecting unit that detects one of an electric resistance of the electrodes, a voltage, and a current; and a specifying unit that specifies temperature distribution of the display surface based on the one of the electric resistance of the electrodes, the voltage, and the current. The electrodes are tapered in a second direction along the display surface and orthogonal to the first direction, and the electrodes include a first electrode tapered toward one side in the second direction and a second electrode tapered toward the other side opposite to the one side. The first and second electrodes are alternately arranged side by side in the first direction. 1. A display device comprising:a display unit that displays an image;a plurality of electrodes arranged side by side in a first direction along a display surface of the display unit;a detecting unit that detects one of an electric resistance of the electrodes, a voltage, and a current, the voltage and the current corresponding to the electric resistance; anda specifying unit that specifies temperature distribution of the display surface based on the one of the electric resistance of the electrodes, the voltage, and the current, whereinthe electrodes are tapered in a second direction along the display surface and orthogonal to the first direction, andthe electrodes include a first electrode tapered toward one side in the second direction and a second electrode tapered toward the other side opposite to the one side, the first and second electrodes being alternately arranged side by side in the first direction.2. The display device according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrodes include a reference electrode having a uniform shape in the second direction, andthe reference electrode is arranged between the first electrode and the second ...
