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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2323494C2

Рассматривается кабель, содержащий, по меньшей мере, один электрический проводник и, по меньшей мере, один экструдированный слой покрытия на основе термопластичного полимерного материала в смеси с диэлектрической жидкостью, в котором указанный термопластичный полимерный материал выбран из: (а) по меньшей мере, одного гомополимера пропилена или, по меньшей мере, одного сополимера пропилена с, по меньшей мере, одним олефиновым сомономером; (b) механической смеси, содержащей, по меньшей мере, один гомополимер или сополимер пропилена (а) и (с) по меньшей мере, один эластомерный сополимер этилена с, по меньшей мере, одним алифатическим α-олефином и, необязательно, полиен. Кабель данного изобретения обладает хорошими механическими и электрическими свойствами, включая высокую диэлектрическую прочность, в частности, обеспечивающими его использование при высокой рабочей температуре. 4 н. и 42 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 8 табл.

10-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2262145C2

Описываются электроизоляционная полимерная композиция, превосходная по электрическим эксплуатационным свойствам и технологичности, и электрический провод или кабель с покрытием из такой композиции. Электроизоляционная полимерная композиция содержит от 60 до 90 мас.% сополимера (А) этилена и α-олефина, полученного сополимеризацией с помощью одноцентрового катализатора, и от 40 до 10 мас.% иной полиолефиновой смолы (В), чем сополимер (А), и содержит полиолефин, содержащий привитые к нему заместители, имеющие дипольный момент 4 Д или выше. В одном из вариантов выполнения изобретения в качестве полупроводящего слоя использована полупроводящая композиция. В частном случае сополимер этилена и α-олефина получен сополимеризацией с помощью катализатора Циглера-Натти. Техническим результатом является улучшение технологичности. 4 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321911C2

Изобретение относится к кабельной технике, а именно к полимерным композициям на основе пластифицированного поливинилхлорида (ПВХ) с пониженной горючестью и выделением дыма, применяемым для изготовления изоляции и оболочек кабельных изделий. Композиция содержит, мас.ч.: суспензионный поливинилхлорид 100, сложноэфирный пластификатор 40-90, свинцовый стабилизатор 2-8, трехокись сурьмы 2-10, окись цинка 2-4, борную кислоту 2-5, охру 10-70, стеарат кальция 1-3, дифенилолпропан 0,1-0,4. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение теплостойкости композиции при соответствии требованиям по уровню дымообразования в условиях горения и тления и выделения хлористого водорода при горении. 2 табл.

20-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2231147C2

Изобретение относится к изоляции для электрических проводов или кабелей. Электрический провод или кабель, имеющий изоляцию, содержащую (1) по меньшей мере первый слой композиции на основе полиолефина, в которой по меньшей мере 20 мас.%, предпочтительно - по меньшей мере 40 мас.%, предпочтительнее - по меньшей мере 60 мас.% и очень предпочтительно - по меньшей мере 80 мас.% полимерной части указанной композиции состоит из карбонилсодержащего полимера (гомополимера или сополимера или тройного сополимера), полимер которого или по меньшей мере один составляющий мономер является сложным эфиром карболовой кислоты, предпочтительно акрилатом или ацетатом, в частности алкилакрилатом (предпочтительно, метилакрилатом, этилакрилатом, пропилакрилатом или бутилакрилатом), причем указанный мономер сам по себе при использовании составляет по меньшей мере 5 мас.%, предпочтительно - по меньшей мере 9 мас.%, предпочтительнее - 15 мас.% указанного сополимера или тройного сополимера, а остальная часть или большая ...

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2257395C2

Изобретение относится к приготовлению композиций для наполнения кабелей, используемых в области дистанционной передачи данных. Приготавливают композицию, включающую, мас.%: минеральное или синтетическое масло - 70-90, гидрированный блок-сополимер стирола и бутадиена с радиальной структурой - 2-15, полиэтиленовый воск - до 12. Блок-сополимер может быть синтезирован с помощью четыреххлористого кремния или четыреххлористого олова. Технический результат изобретения состоит в улучшении показателя испытаний на каплезащищенность и повышении стабильности композиций. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

25-08-2017 дата публикации

Электроизоляционный материал

Номер: RU2629175C2

Изобретение относится к кабельной технике, а именно к полимерным композициям на основе пластифицированного поливинилхлорида (ПВХ) с пониженной горючестью, выделением дыма и хлористого водорода при горении, предназначенным для изоляции внутренних и наружных оболочек проводов и кабелей, эксплуатирующихся в условиях повышенной пожароопасности. Электроизоляционный материал включает суспензионный поливинилхлорид (ПВХ), диоктилфталат (ДОФ), наполнитель - мел, смесь стабилизаторов на основе трехосновного сульфата свинца (ТОСС), бисфенола А и эпоксидированного соевого масла (ЭСМ), смазочные материалы - стеариновую кислоту и стеарат кальция, антипирены - дымоподавители борат цинка и оксид сурьмы, а также наномодификатор монтмориллонитовую глину. 2 табл.

20-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2214428C2
Принадлежит: ДИНЕОН ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к термопластичным полимерам, содержащим звенья тетрафторэтилена и звенья перфторалкилвиниловых эфиров, их смесям, а также к процессам и изделиям, в которых применяются такие полимеры. Смесь термопластичных фторполимеров, в основном содержащих звенья тетрафторэтилена и от 0,5 до 10,0 мол.% звеньев одного или более перфторалкилвиниловых эфиров, имеющих от 1 до 4 атомов углерода в перфторалкильном радикале, содержит по меньшей мере 20 и не более 90 мас.% по меньшей мере одного фторполимера А (компонент А) с индексом расплава ИТРА не менее 30 и не более 90 мас.% и по меньшей мере 10 мас.% фторполимера В (компонент В) с индексом расплава ИТРВ не более 15, причем компоненты выбирают таким образом, что отношение индексов расплава компонента А и компонента В ИТРА/ИТРВ находится в пределах 80 - 2500. Также изобретение относится к низкомолекулярному термопластичному фторполимеру, способу изготовления формованных изделий и формованному изделию. Изобретение позволяет значительно ...

19-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2772427C2
Принадлежит: ЭйДжиСи ИНК. (JP)

Изобретение относится к модифицированному политетрафторэтилену, предназначенному для экструзии пасты, имеющему звенья на основе тетрафторэтилена, звенья на основе мономера, представленного формулой CH2=CH–CnF2n+1 (1), где n – целое число от 2 до 6, и звенья на основе мономера, представленного формулой CF2=CFO(LO)mRf (2), где L – группа перфторалкилена, Rf – группа перфторалкила, имеющая от 1 до 4 атомов углерода, m является целым числом, равным 0. При этом содержание звеньев на основе мономера, представленного формулой (1), составляет от 0,020 до 0,040 мас.% относительно всех звеньев модифицированного политетрафторэтилена и содержание звеньев на основе мономера, представленного формулой (2), составляет от 0,003 до 0,008 мас.% относительно всех звеньев модифицированного политетрафторэтилена. Также предложены формованный продукт, материал покрытия электрического провода, электрический провод и способ производства модифицированного политетрафторэтилена. Предложенный модифицированный PTFE может ...

29-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2614767C2
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Изобретение относится к кабелю, в том числе к силовому кабелю, или силовому кабелю постоянного тока, или сшиваемому силовому кабелю, а также к способу изготовления кабеля. Кабель содержит проводник, окруженный по меньшей мере одним слоем, который выполнен из полимерной композиции. Полимерная композиция содержит (а) полиэтилен, полученный в присутствии катализатора полимеризации олефинов, (б) ненасыщенный гомополимер этилена низкой плотности (ПЭНП) или ненасыщенный сополимер этилена низкой плотности и (в) анионообменную добавку в количестве от 0,000001 до менее 1 мас.%. Причем полиэтилен (а) выбран из сополимеров этилена очень низкой плотности (ПЭОНП), линейных сополимеров полиэтилена низкой плотности (ЛПЭНП), сополимеров этилена средней плотности (ПЭСП) или гомополимеров или сополимеров полиэтилена высокой плотности (ПЭВП). Полученный кабель обладает низкой проводимостью. 2 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 2 табл., 5 пр.

20-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2544646C2

Изобретение относится к высокочастотным композиционным диэлектрическим материалам, используемым в антенной технике и высокочастотных линиях передачи. Композиционный материал содержит уплотненный порошок фторопласта-4 с размером частиц не более 5 мкм, пропитанный связующим. В качестве связующего используют эпоксидную смолу с отвердителем. Эпоксидная смола представляет собой продукт конденсации эпихлоргидрина и анилина в щелочной среде, с вязкостью не более 200 мПа·сек, а отвердитель используют с вязкостью не более 40 мПа·сек. Техническим результатом изобретения является создание диэлектрического материала с малой диэлектрической проницаемостью, малым значением тангенса диэлектрических потерь, а также улучшение таких свойств, как прочность, модуль упругости на сжатие. Пропитку связующим проводят под давлением и при вакуумировании объема порошка с последующим отверждением. 1 ил., 1 табл.

10-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2190639C2

Данное изобретение относится к обработанной саже, пригодной для использования в полупроводящих и изолирующих соединениях, например в электрических кабелях, а именно относится к саже, обработанной полиэтиленгликолем, известной также как гомополимер этилен оксида, и к полупроводящим соединениям, включая, например, полиолефин и обработанную сажу. Прямое внесение соединения полиэтиленгликоля в полимерную композицию уменьшает время до 50% отверждения и 90% отверждения (tc(50) и tс(90) соответственно), что снижает время подвулканизации (ts2) полимерного композита, а также снижает вязкость при сохранении объема выхода. 6 с. и 34 з.п.ф-лы, 16 табл., 1 ил.

20-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2141489C1
Принадлежит: Аусимонт С.п.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к новым термоперерабатываемым сополимерам тетрафторэтилена (ТФЭ), применяемым для покрытия электрического кабеля экструзией из расплавов. Сополимер ТФЭ состоит из звеньев: а) перфторметилового эфира, b) фторсодержащего мономера формулы T-Rf-O-CF2-CF2, где Rf - перфторалкиленовый радикал с С2-С12, Т - фтор, хлор, водород и с) тетрафторэтилена при определенном массовом соотношении звеньев. Сополимеры отличаются хорошим сочетанием термических и механических свойств при высоких температурах и повышенным сопротивлением напряжению. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2631881C1

Изобретение относится к области химической технологии, в частности к пластифицированным композициям на основе поливинилхлорида для кабельного пластиката. Композиция для трудногорючего пластиката содержит диоктилфталат, стеарат кальция, трехосновной сульфат свинца, эпоксидную смолу ЭД-20, дифенилолпропан, трихлорпропилфосфат, технический углерод и поливинилхлорид эмульсионный ЕП 6602-С. Техническим результатом является придание огнестойкости пластикату при сохранении его прочностных характеристик. 2 табл.

10-01-2017 дата публикации

Пероксидносшиваемая композиция для изоляции силовых кабелей

Номер: RU2606500C1

Изобретение относится к сшивающимся полимерным композициям для производства изоляционного слоя электрического кабеля среднего напряжения. В пероксидносшиваемую композицию для изоляции силовых кабелей, содержащую полиолефин и органическую перекись, дополнительно введены сополимер этилена с бутилакрилатом, сополимер этилена на основе бутена, или на основе гексена, или на основе октена, монометиловый эфир полиэтиленгликоля, тиодиэтилен-бис[3-(3,5-ди-трет-бутил-4-гидроксифенил)пропионат], диалкиловый эфир тиодипропионовой кислоты при следующем содержании компонентов, мас.%: полиолефин 80,0-93,0, сополимер этилена с бутилакрилатом 3,0-5,0, сополимер этилена на основе бутена, или гексена, или октена 2,5-4,0, монометиловый эфир полиэтиленгликоля 0,2-1,0, тиодиэтилен-бис[3-(3,5-ди-трет-бутил-4- гидроксифенил)пропионат] 0,1-1,0, диалкиловый эфир тиодипропионовой кислоты 0,1-1,0, органическая перекись 1,5-2,5. Увеличение морозостойкости изоляционной композиции с минус 21°С до минус 38°С является ...

22-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803930C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Настоящее изобретение относится к группе изобретений: полупроводящая полимерная композиция, изделие, способ получения полупроводящей полимерной композиции, способ получения кабеля и применение полиэтиленового воска. Полупроводящая полимерная композиция содержит базовый полимер сополимера этилена и винилацетата, по меньшей мере 25 мас.% сажи, 5–15 мас.% полиэтиленового воска и 0,1–5 мас.% поглотителя кислоты. Полупроводящую полимерную композицию получают смешением компонентов в смесительном оборудовании. Полиэтиленовый воска применяют для снижения потребления энергии при смешивании полупроводящей полимерной композиции. Изделие представляет собой слой в многослойном кабеле или кабель. Способ получения кабеля включает нанесение на один или более проводников слоя, содержащего данную полупроводящую полимерную композицию. Технический результат – разработка полупроводящей полимерной композиции, обеспечивающей меньшее потребление энергии во время смешивания без потери производительности смешивания ...

14-10-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2828570C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к полимерной композиции, содержащей первый полиолефиновый компонент, второй полиолефиновый компонент и необязательно наполнитель, изделию, содержащему полиолефиновую композицию, применению полиолефиновой композиции, кабелю, включающему по меньшей мере один слой, содержащий полимерную композицию, и способу получения кабеля. Полимерная композиция для получения провода или кабеля, содержащая (A) первый полиолефиновый компонент, где первый полиолефиновый компонент содержит мультимодальный полимер полиолефина, (B) второй полиолефиновый компонент, где первый полиолефиновый компонент (А) присутствует в количестве от 75 до 97 мас. % в расчете на общую полимерную композицию и второй полиолефиновый компонент (В) присутствует в количестве от 25 до 3 мас. % в расчете на общую полимерную композицию, где первый полиолефиновый компонент (А) представляет собой гомо- или сополимер линейного полиэтилена, имеющий плотность от 900 до 950 кг/м3, и второй полиолефиновый ...

01-10-2021 дата публикации

Термопластичная композиция

Номер: RU2756586C1

Изобретение относится к термопластичной композиции, предназначенной для использования в кабельной промышленности, в производстве упаковочного материала и других изделий. Композиция содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: 91,5-91,9 полиэтилена низкой плотности, 0,1-0,2 термостабилизатора фенольного или фосфитного типа, 8,0-8,3 УФ-светостабилизатора. В качестве термостабилизатора фенольного типа используют эфир 3,5-ди-трет-бутил-4-гидроксифенилпропионовой кислоты и пентаэритрита, в качестве термостабилизатора фосфитного типа используют смесь эфира 3,5-ди-трет-бутил-4-гидроксифенилпропионовой кислоты и пентаэритрита и три-(2,4-ди-трет-бутилфенил)фосфита в массовом соотношении 1:1, в качестве УФ-светостабилизатора используют 30%-ный концентрат технического углерода на основе полиэтилена низкой плотности. Изобретение позволяет повысить технологические показатели композиции, в частности повысить текучесть расплава, термостабильность и стойкость к растрескиванию, при сохранении на высоком уровне ...

27-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2074218C1

Использование: для изоляции электротехнических изделий. Сущность изобретения: пропиточный компаунд содержит: диметакрилат-бис-(этиленгликоль)-фталат 30 - 50, полиметилфенилсилоксановая смола, модифицированная ненасыщенным полиэфиром 15 - 25, инициатор полимеризации 1 - 2, диметакрилат-бис-(триэтиленгликоль)-фталат 30 - 50, ускоритель полимеризации 3 - 4. 1 табл.

09-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2746225C1
Принадлежит: БОРЕАЛИС АГ (AT)

Изобретение относится к полиолефиновой композиции, обладающей свойствами замедления горения и/или огнестойкими свойствами и подходящей в качестве замедляющего горения и/или огнестойкого слоя провода или кабеля. Полиолефиновая композиция по настоящему изобретению содержит гомо- или сополимер полиолефина, измельченный гидроксид магния, имеющий гранулометрический состав D50от 1,5 до 5,0 мкм, в количестве от 30 до 65 мас.% в расчете на массу полиолефиновой композиции и кремнийорганическую жидкость или смолу в количестве от 0,1 до 20 мас.% в расчете на массу полиолефиновой композиции. Изобретение дополнительно относится к проводу или кабелю, содержащему один или несколько слоев, где по меньшей мере один из слоев получен из полиолефиновой композиции по настоящему изобретению. Наконец, настоящее изобретение дополнительно относится к применению полиолефиновой композиции по настоящему изобретению в качестве замедляющего горение слоя провода или кабеля. Изобретение сочетает в себе превосходные замедляющие ...

27-01-2004 дата публикации

Электроизол ционна композици

Номер: RU2002119301A

Электроизоляционная композиция на основе блоксополимера этилена и пропилена с содержанием этиленовых звеньев от 6 до 15%, и комплексом добавок, отличающаяся тем, что композиция содержит нуклеатор: двуокись титана или карбонат кальция, или (1,3:2,4)дибензилиден сорбитол, или (1,3:2,4)дипараметилдибензилиден сорбитол и дополнительно содержит стеарат цинка при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Двуокись титана или карбонат кальция, или (1,3:2,4)дибензилиден сорбитол, или (1,3:2,4)дипараметилдибензилиден сорбитол 0,5-2,0 Бензолпропионовой кислоты, 3,5-бис(1, 1-димеилэтил)-4-гидрокси-2,[3-[3,5-бис(1,1диметилэтил)-4-гидроксифенил-]1-оксопропил гидразид (Ирганокс 1024) 0,2-0,6 Пропионовой кислоты, 3,3’-тиобис-,диоктадециловый эфир (Ирганокс PS 802) 0,2-0,6 Бензолпропионовой кислорты, 3,5-бис(1,1-диметилэтил)-4-гидрокси-,2,2-бис[[3-[3,5-бис(1,1-диметилэтил)-4-гидрокси-фенил]-1-оксопропокси]-метил]-1,3-пропандиииловый эфир 0,2-0,6 Фенола, 2,4-бис (1,1диметилэтил-,фосфит (3:1) 0,2-0,6 Стеарат ...

20-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2440632C1

Изобретение относится к кабельной техники, а именно к полимерным композициям на основе пластифицированного поливинилхлорида, применяемым для изготовления изоляции и оболочек кабельных изделий. Композиция содержит, мас.ч.: суспензионный поливинилхлорид 100, бутадиен-нитрильный каучук с содержанием акрилонитрила от 15 до 40 мас.% 10-30, гидрооксид магния 20-40, сложноэфирный пластификатор 20-40, свинцовый стабилизатор 3-7, трехокись сурьмы 3-10, окись цинка 1,5-3, борная кислота 0,8-1, Агидол 20,5-2,5, Ирганокс 1010 0,1-0,5, стеарат кальция 0,5-1,5, производное стеариновой кислоты, выбранное из группы: этиленгликоль моно- и дистеарат, изооктилстеарат, этиленаминдистеарат, 12 - оксистеарамид 0,5-4. Композиция может дополнительно содержать 0,5-3 мас.ч. технического углерода. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение физико-механических характеристик и стойкости к набуханию в нефтепродуктах при соответствии требований по уровню дымообразования в условиях горения и тления и выделения ...

25-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675843C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к компонентам волоконно-оптического кабеля типа буферных трубок, трубок сердечника или трубок профилированного сердечника, изготовленным из экструдированной композиции, включающей полиэтилен высокой плотности, кристаллический полипропилен и олефиновый блочный композит. Описана полимерная композиция для защитного компонента волоконно-оптического кабеля, включающая: (a) бимодальный полиэтилен высокой плотности в количестве, составляющем по меньшей мере 50 мас.% по отношению к общей массе полимерной композиции, (b) кристаллический полипропилен в количестве, составляющем более чем 0, но менее чем 50 мас.% по отношению к общей массе полимерной композиции, и (c) олефиновый блочный композит в количестве, составляющем от 1 до 20 мас.% по отношению к общей массе полимерной композиции. Также в изобретении раскрыты экструдированный защитный компонент волоконно-оптического кабеля, включающий вышеописанную экструдированную полимерную композицию, и волоконно-оптический ...

20-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542098C1

Изобретение относится полимерной композиции для изготовления герметизационных и электроизоляционных материалов для производства оболочки кабелей связи. Композиция содержит полиэтилен низкого давления, в качестве пластификатора смазку буксол и сыпучий наполнитель, представляющий собой оксид титана. Композиция характеризуется высокой термодинамической совместимостью компонентов, что позволяет получать материал с высокими механическими характеристиками и оптимальным сочетанием электро- и гидроизоляционных свойств. 2 табл.

10-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94022752A

Изобретение относится к новым термоперерабатываемым сополимерам тетрафторэтилена, в особенности подходящим для покрытия электрического кабеля экструзией из расплава. Эти полимеры состоят из (а) перфторметилвинилового эфира в количестве 0,5 - 13 мас.%; (в) одного или нескольких мономеров в количестве 0,05 - 3 мас.%, выбранных из определенных классов линейных перфторалкилвиниловых эфиров, содержащих один или несколько кислородных атомов эфира перфторвиниловых эфиров, содержащих цикл, имеющий 6 атомов и один или несколько кислородных атомов эфира, и α-фторалкилэтиленов; (с) тетрафторэтилена в таком количестве, что сумма содержаний различных мономеров равна 100 мас.%.

27-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000100036A

... 1. Компаунд для оболочки кабеля, коэффициент электрических потерь которого составляет менее 0,6%, вязкость по вискозиметру Муни равна менее 35 ML (1+8) при 100oС, степень вулканизации превышает 90 дН•м/мин, предел прочности при разрыве превышает 8,5 МПа, скорость вулканизации превышает 100 дН•м/мин и относительное удлинение составляет более 250%, включающий: а) этилен/пропилен/5-винил-2-норборненовый эластомерный полимер, показатель разветвленности которого составляет до 0,4, а Мw/Мn превышает 10, и б) 5-20 частей на 100 частей этого эластомерного полимера этилен/альфа-олефинового сополимера, значение Мw/Мn которого составляет менее 3, показатель ширины композиционного распределения (ПШКР) превышает 50%, а плотность находится в интервале от 0,86 до 0,92 г/куб.см. 2. Компаунд для оболочки кабеля по п.1, коэффициент электрических потерь которого составляет менее 0,5%, вязкость равна менее 33 ML (1+8) при 100oС, степень вулканизации превышает 112 дН•м/мин, предел прочности при разрыве превышает ...

27-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003119521A

... 1. Многофазная полимерная смесь, содержащая сополимер на основе винилиденфторида и, по меньшей мере, один другой полимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из поливинилиденфторидного гомополимера и сополимера на основе винилиденфторида. 2. Многофазная полимерная смесь, содержащая сополимер на основе винилиденфторида и поливинилиденфторидный гомополимер. 3. Полимерная смесь по п.2, содержащая гетерогенный сополимер на основе винилиденфторида и поливинилиденфторидный гомополимер. 4. Полимерная смесь по п.3, содержащая гетерогенный винилиденфторид/гексафторпропиленовый сополимер и поливинилиденфторидный гомополимер. 5. Полимерная смесь по п.4, где сополимер содержит около 10% масс. гексафторпропилена. 6. Полимерная смесь по п.3, содержащая гетерогенный винилиденфторид/хлортетрафторэтиленовый сополимер и поливинилиденфторидный гомополимер. 7. Многофазнная полимерная смесь, содержащая два сополимера на основе винилиденфторида. 8. Многофазная полимерная смесь по п.7, в которой, по меньшей мере, ...

10-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003110178A

Электроизоляционная композиция, содержащая сополимер пропилена с этиленом с содержанием этиленовых звеньев 8-15%, эфир 3,5-дитрет-бутил-4-гидроксифенил пропионовой кислоты и пентаэритрита бензолпропионовой кислоты - Ирганокс 1010, стеарат кальция, три-(2,4 дитрет-бутилфенол) фосфит - Иргафос 168, глицерилмоностеарат, отличающаяся тем, что она дополнительно содержит трис-[2-трет-бутил-4-тио-(2’-метил-4’-гидрокси-5’-трет-бутил)-фенил-5-метил]-фенилфосфит-Хостанокс OSP 1, 3,3-тио-ди (пропионат окси стеарил эфир)-Хостанокс SE 4, дималеимиды-4-метил-м-фенилен-бис-малеимид или м-фенилен-бис-малеимид, или N,N’-м-фенилен-дималеимид, органические перекиси -перекись дикумила, или перекись ди-трет-бутила, или 2,5-диметил-2,5-ди-(трет-бутил-перокси) гексан, или 2,5-диметил-2,5-ди-(трет-бутилперокси) гексин при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Эфир 3, 5-дитрет-бутил-4 гидроксифенил пропионовой кислоты и пентаэритрита бензолпропионовой кислоты Ирганокс 1010 0,12-0,63 Стеарат кальция 0,12-0,35 ...

10-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005138110A

... 1. Электрический элемент связи, содержащий провод и окружающую пенопластовую изоляцию, содержащую не более 20 вес.% полимера, имеющего сверхвысокую степень разбухания экструдата свыше 55%, и по меньшей мере один дополнительный полиолефиновый состав, имеющий высокую ускоряемую повышенной температурой стабильность, определяемую временем окислительной индукции (ВОИ) дольше 15 мин при 200оС в соответствии с методом 4568 стандарта ASTM. 2. Электрический элемент связи по п.1, в котором по меньшей мере один дополнительный полимер имеет время окислительной индукции свыше 20 мин. 3. Электрический элемент связи по п.1, в котором изоляция обладает стойкостью к ускоряемому повышенной температурой растрескиванию под напряжением, равной 100 ч при 100°С в свернутом в спираль состоянии, подвергаясь напряжению, уровень которого в 1 раз превышает наружный диаметр изоляции, без появления радиальных или продольных трещин. 4. Электрический элемент связи по п.1, в котором изоляция содержит полимер со сверхвысокой ...

20-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003127406A

... 1. Изоляция проводов или кабелей, содержащая, по меньшей мере, 30 мас.%, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, 40 мас.% гомополимера и/или сополимера полипропилена и, по меньшей мере, 2 мас.%, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, 4 мас.% сульфида цинка и/или, по меньшей мере, 5 мас.%, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, 10 мас.% окиси цинка, причем мас.% взяты от всей композиции изоляции. 2. Изоляция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что она содержит немного или по существу не содержит гидратированные пламегасящие наполнители и по существу не содержит меркаптобензимидазол, а большая часть массы или по существу все из любых представленных сополимеров пропилена являются сополимерами пропилена с сомономерами, не содержащими галоген. 3. Изоляция по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что содержание сульфида и/или окиси цинка достаточно для увеличения, по меньшей мере, на 25%, предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, на 50%, а более предпочтительно, по меньшей мере, на 75% времени теплового старения, которое изоляция на проводе ...

05-06-1976 дата публикации


Номер: SU441804A1

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Способ получения электродов

Номер: SU119209A1
Автор: Коган И.Н.

15-05-1983 дата публикации

Полиэтиленовые формовочные массы для изоляции металлических проводников

Номер: SU1018153A1

... 1. ПОЛИЭТИЛЕНОВЫЕ ФОРМОВОЧНЫЕ МАССЫ ДЛЯ ИЗОЛЯЦИИ МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИХ ПРОВОДНИКОВ из полиэтилена низкой и высокой плотности, полипропилена и сополимеров этилена с альфа-олефинами при добавлений стабилизаторов, о т л и ч а ю щ и е с я тем, что формо .вочные массы содержат 94 - 50 вес.%, предпочтительно 85 - 7 О, вес. %, полиэтилена высокого давления, 5-45 вес.%, предпочтительною - 25 вес.%, полиэтилена низкого давления и 10 вес.%,, предпочтительно 1 - 5 вес.%, сополимера олефина, содержащего гидроксильнме и/или эфирные группы 2.Формовочные массы по IB. I, о тл и ч а ю ц и е с я тем, что сополимер олефина состоят из этилена или его гомологов и эфиров ненасыщенных кислот, предпочтительно винилацетата, этилакрилата и/или метилметакрилата. 3.Формовочные массы па nq.l.и 2, отличающиеся тем, что сополимер олефина содержит 2-35 вес.%, предпочтительно 10 - 15 Ьес.%, эфирньрс групп. 4.Формовочные массы по пп. 1-3, от л и ч а ю щ и е с я тем, что сополимер олефина или смеси сополимеров олефина полностью ...

23-07-1983 дата публикации

Наполненная электроизоляционная композиция на основе поливинилхлорида

Номер: SU1030387A1

НАПОЛНЕННАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОИЗОЛЯЦИОННАЯ КОМПОЗИЦИЯ НА ОСНОВЕ. ПОЛИВИНИЛХЛОРИДА , включающая пластифика .тор, свинцовый стабилизатор и наполнитель - гидрофобный карбонат кальция модифицированный стеаратом кальция , от л и чающ ая с я тем, что, с целью повышения степени наполнения , улучшения термостабильности и удельного объемного электрического сопротивления наполненной композиции , она в качестве наполнителя содержит гидрофобный карбонат кальция со средним размером частиц 2 6 мкм, модифицированный 3,5-5,0 мае.% стеарата кальция, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мае.ч: Поливинилхлорид 100 50-80 Пластификатор Свинцовый стаби3 ,0-7,5 лизатор i Гидрофобный карбонат кальцря со (Л средним размером частиц 2-6 мкм, модифицированный 3,5-5,0 мас.% стеа50-300 5 рата кальция ...

15-06-1990 дата публикации

Способ получения конденсаторной пленки из фторопласта-4

Номер: SU1571051A1

Изобретение относится к технологии производства конденсаторных пленок и позволяет нормализовать ориентированную конденсаторную пленку из фторопласта-4, устранив усадку в поперечном направлении, и сохранить продольную усадку в пределах 2,5-8,0%. Способ включает прокатку неориентированной пленки, намотку на металлическую катушку и термообработку при 275-300°С в течение 1-2 ч. 1 табл.

05-07-1974 дата публикации

Поливинилхлоридная композиция

Номер: SU435255A1

01-01-1958 дата публикации

Способ изготовления гибкого магнито-диэлектрика

Номер: SU117871A1

30-05-1984 дата публикации

Высоковольтный электрический кабель

Номер: SU1095889A3

ВЫСОКОВОЛЬТПЬЙ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ КАБЕЛЬ с изоляцией в виде намотанной с натяжением вокруг сердечника ленты из полимерной пленки, отличающийся тем, что, с целью Повышения надежности эксплуатации и увеличения срока службы кабеля, изоляция выполнена из биаксиально плоско-вытянутой пленки толщиной 10-50 мкм из изотактического стереорегулярного полипропилена со средним молекулярным весом 200000-700000, коэффициентом полимолекулярности 2-10, коэффициентом кристалличности 40-90%, модулем упругости 1750-4500 Н/мм, пределом прочности на растяжение, равным или большим 50 Н/мм СО ...

16-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069511619T2

30-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002515511A1

03-06-1965 дата публикации

Waermehaertbare Formmassen aus AEthylen-polymeriasten

Номер: DE0001194137B

26-07-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002660933A1

26-08-1999 дата публикации

Mineralische Füllstoffe

Номер: DE0069229018T2

15-10-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002221329C2

09-09-1982 дата публикации

Insulating mixture for electrical cables

Номер: DE0003106147A1

To make a polyvinyl chloride-based insulating mixture flame resistant and low fuming, a polymer component is used as internal plasticiser, aluminium hydroxide is used as flame-resistant filler and, if appropriate, antimony trioxide is used as a further flame-resistant additive. The filler is added to the mixture, which may be crosslinkable, in an amount of 100 to 200 % by weight based on the PVC component. The new mixture is distinguished by an oxygen index of above 35%.

13-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003585086D1
Принадлежит: RAYCHEM CORP

29-10-1953 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Lackieren elektrischer Leiter

Номер: DE0000894867C

03-12-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003718449A1

06-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003603456A1

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Nicht-halogenhaltige flammwidrige Harzzusammensetzung und isolierter elektrischer Draht und Rohr unter deren Verwendung

Номер: DE112012001275T5

Es wird eine halogenfreie flammwidrige Harzzusammensetzung, die ein Basispolymer enthält, das hauptsächlich ein Harz auf Polyolefinbasis enthält, die einen Flammtest besteht und eine gute Wärmeresistenz und gute Wärmealterungsresistenz aufweist, die die 150°C-Bewertung erfüllen kann, und ein isolierter elektrischer Draht und ein Rohr unter Verwendung der halogenfreien flammwidrigen Harzzusammensetzung zur Verfügung gestellt. Die halogenfreie flammwidrige Harzzusammensetzung umfasst (A) ein Basispolymer, umfassend 90 Massen oder mehr einer Mischung eines Harzes auf Polyolefinbasis und eines Elastomers auf Styrolbasis, (B) ein Metallphosphinat, und (C) ein flammwidriges Mittel auf Stickstoffbasis. Die Isolationsbeschichtungsschicht und das Rohr sind bevorzugt durch Bestrahlung mit ionisierender Strahlung vernetzt.

16-07-1970 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Polymermassen

Номер: DE0002001205A1

23-03-1972 дата публикации

Elektrische Isolierung

Номер: DE0001771173A1

29-07-1971 дата публикации

Praeparat mit hoher Strangpressbarkeit

Номер: DE0001794103A1

07-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002336625A1

26-10-1978 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002504623B2

08-12-1994 дата публикации

Polymer mixture

Номер: DE0004318768A1

The invention relates to a polymer mixture for sheathing cables and lines. Part of this mixture is a propylene homopolymer or copolymer having a melt flow index of from 0.5 to 100 g/10 min, measured at 230 DEG C/216 kg. Polyethylene and/or synthetic rubber is admixed with this polymer as mixing partner. A further constituent of the polymer mixture is a flameproofing agent comprising an intumescent system based on ammonium polyphosphate or a metal hydroxide.

07-12-2017 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Kabelsatzes, Kabelsatz und Verwendung eines Mantelmaterials zur Herstellung eines Kabelsatzes

Номер: DE102016209622A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Kabels. Weiterhin betrifft die Erfindung einen entsprechenden Kabelsatz sowie eine Verwendung eines Mantelmaterials zur Herstellung des Kabelsatzes. Insbesondere aufgrund des verwendeten, speziellen, pastösen Mantelmaterials ist die Herstellung des Kabelsatzes verbessert.

07-04-2005 дата публикации

Polymerformulierung und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Dielektrikumsschicht

Номер: DE0010340609A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Polymerformulierung zur Herstellung einer Dielektrikumsschicht, insbesondere einer Gatedielektrikumsschicht eines OFET, gekennzeichnet durch DOLLAR A a) mindestens ein vernetzbares Basispolymer, DOLLAR A b) mindestens eine elektrophile Vernetzerkomponente, DOLLAR A c) mindestens einen thermischen Säurekatalysator, der bei Temperaturen zwischen 100-150 DEG C ein aktivierendes Proton generiert und DOLLAR A d) mindestens ein Lösungsmittel. Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Dielektrikumsschicht. Damit ist eine Herstellung von dielektrischen Schichten, insbesondere für OFETs, bei niedrigen Temperaturen möglich.

12-06-1980 дата публикации

Halogen-free fire-resistant strong olefin! copolymer mixt. - contains pptd. alumina hydrate having small particle size and given specific surface

Номер: DE0002849940A1

Flame-resistant halogen-free polymer mixts. contain, as basic polymers, (A), olefin copolymers with acrylate esters, C2H4-acrylate rubber, acrylate rubber, or their blends with one another or with other polymers, e.g. nitrile rubber, polyethylene or olefin copolymers, and, as additive, w.r.t. 100 parts (A), 90-200 (120-180) parts Al2O3 hydrate, (I), having particle size 6 mu, specific surface >6 m2/g and contg., w.r.t. Al2O3, >0.25 (>0.4)% Na2O including >=0.05 (>=0.10)% soluble Na2O. The polymer mixts. are used as insulating-, filler- and/or sheathing mixts. for electric cables and conduits, and also for the prodn. of floor and wall covers and technical articles, e.g. conveyor belts, seals, coated textiles. The mixts. are flame-resistant, stable to oil and sea-water, are non-smoking and have good workability. The structural surface of (I) has a favourable catalytic activity on (A), crosslinking and age-retarding.

09-10-1980 дата публикации

Extrudable polymer mixt. resisting water penetration - has very low content of water soluble and hygroscopic salt particles

Номер: DE0002911756A1

Extrudable mixt. based on (un)corsslinkable (co)polymers, e.g. (co)polyolefins, elastomers and/or thermoplastic rubbers, and the usual additives, has a content of finely-divided, water-soluble and/or hygroscopic salts or their precursors of under 10-1 (under 10-4) ppm. The compsn. can be made conductive by the addn. of salt-free C black or graphite and contains an antioxidant pref. a 4, 4'-thio-bis-(6-tert.-butyl-3-methyl)-phenol. The mixt. is specified for the prodn. of elongated goods, e.g. coverings for cables and pipes, films, sheets and profiles, esp. as insulation or intermediate conductive layer for medium or high voltage cables. Elimination of soluble salts prevents electrical and mechanical damage by moisture (water trees).

20-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060042523D1

26-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002250096A1

05-01-1995 дата публикации

Single-pin or multi-pin plug with injection-moulded housing

Номер: DE0004423677A1

To introduce insulated conductors or sheathed lines with an insulation or sheath of a fluorinated ethylene polymer into a housing produced from a thermoplastic material by injection-moulding in such a way that it is watertight, the conductor insulation or the sheath is provided with an outer coating of a thermoplastic material. ...

29-07-2010 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Kapselung einer elektronischen Anordnung

Номер: DE102008060113A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Kapselung einer elektronischen Anordnung gegen Permeanten, bei dem eine Haftklebemasse auf Basis von Butylenblockcopolymeren, insbesondere Isobutylenblockcopolymeren, bereitgestellt wird und bei dem die Haftklebemasse auf und/oder um die zu kapselnden Bereiche der elektronischen Anordnung appliziert wird.

18-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002218342A1

21-05-2014 дата публикации

Primary wire for marine and sub-sea cable

Номер: GB0002479371B

13-11-1963 дата публикации

A proces for coating electrical conductors

Номер: GB0000941672A

Electrical conductors are coated by applying thereto at least one layer of an aqueous dispersion of a copolymer of (i) 50 to 80% by weight of acrylonitrile, (ii) at least 10% by weight of a C1-C12 aliphatic monohydric alcohol ester of acrylic or methacrylic acid, and (iii) 0,1 to 15% of a monoethylenic carboxylic acid amide, or an N-methylol derivative of such an amide, or a Mannich base of an N-methylol ether of such an amide, or an acrylic or methacrylic acid amide of an aminobenzoic acid, and then heating the layer to a temperature of 100 DEG to 300 DEG C. The copolymers may contain minor proportions of other monomers. Also present in the coating compositions may be solvents, eg. dimethyl formamide, glycol carbonate and tetramethylene sulphone, and a water-soluble phenol formaldehyde resin. The electrical conductor, e.g. a wire, may be coated by a process which involves conveying it through the copolymer a plurality of times and hardening the resulting layer by passing the wire through ...

04-11-1964 дата публикации

Foamed polyvinylcarbazole

Номер: GB0000974371A

Moulded foamed polyvinylcarbazole is produced by impregnating granular polyvinylcarbazole by immersing it in a mixture containing at least one volatile solvent of boiling point not exceeding 180 DEG C. and one non-solvent which is miscible with and more volatile than the solvent, heating to drive off the non-solvent but retain a substantial amount of the solvent and subsequently moulding the granules at a temperature sufficient to drive off the residual solvent. The solvent should be such that expansion occurs during moulding, e.g. benzene, dioxan, tetrahydrofuran, dimethylformamide, pyridine or mixtures thereof. The diluent may be acetone. Azobis-iso-butyronitrile may be added to the solvent diluent mixture and impregnation may be carried out at least in part under reduced pressure. Granular polyvinylcarbazole may be produced by aqueous emulsion polymerization in the presence of a dispersing agent or protective colloid, azobisisobutyronitrile and ditertiary butyl peroxide. It may be expanded ...

22-04-1965 дата публикации

Improvements relating to organic semi-conductors

Номер: GB0000989803A

An organic semi-conductor consists basically of an emitter of ionizing radiation and a metallic salt Friedel-Craft catalyst dispersed in a copolymer of acrylonitrile and of one or more phosphonitriles substituted by halogen atoms or by hydroxy, alkoxy, aryloxy, amino, or substituted amino radicals. In the case of semi-conductor material used for rectifiers molybdenum sulphide or a mixture of this with lead sulphide is included in the composition in proportions of up to 20% by weight of the copolymer. The weight ratio in the copolymer of acrylonitrile residues to phosphonitrile residues is made between 0.5: 1 and 5.5: 1, and the metallic salt is present at between 0.1% and 2% by weight of the copolymer. The semiconductor is made by mixing solutions of the three components and by then evaporating the solvent or solvents. Radiation sources used are a -emitters such as compounds of U238 or b -emitters such as compounds of promethium or tritium. (Tritium is incorporated in compounds such as ...

25-11-1970 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001213218A

... 1,213,218. Polyolefin compositions. SUMITO CHEMICAL CO. Ltd. 14 June, 1968 [28 June, 1967], No. 28332/68. Heading C3P. Compositions comprise (1) 70 to 99.5 weight per cent of polyethylene of density not exceeding 0À94 and (2) 0À5 to 30 weight per cent of amorphous ethylene/propylene copolymer which amorphous polymer is the polymerization medium-soluble by-product in the manufacture of ethylene/propylene copolymers in the presence of a titanium halide/alkyl aluminium catalyst, has an ethylene content of 20 weight per cent or less, an intrinsic viscosity of 0À2 to 2À8 in tetralin at 135‹ C. and a crystallinity of less than 35 per cent, and contains 0À05 to 0À3 weight per cent ethylenic unsaturation. The compositions may be used for coating electrical conductors, and may be cross-linked by organic peroxides or irradiation.

16-10-1996 дата публикации

Wire coating composition

Номер: GB0009618488D0

20-12-2016 дата публикации

Кабель электрический силовой

Номер: RU0000166985U1

1. Кабель электрический силовой с пластмассовой изоляцией, содержащий изолированные токопроводящие жилы и изолированную жилу заземления, скрученные в сердечник, внутреннюю полимерную оболочку поверх сердечника и защитный покров, отличающийся тем, что токопроводящие жилы выполнены из меди, а жила заземления выполнена из алюминия.2. Кабель электрический силовой с пластмассовой изоляцией по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что защитный покров выполнен в виде наружной экструдируемой полимерной оболочки.3. Кабель электрический силовой с пластмассовой изоляцией по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что защитный покров выполнен в виде брони из стальных оцинкованных лент и защитного шланга из экструдируемого полимерного материала. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H01B 9/00 (13) 166 985 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016115442/07, 20.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2016 Бюл. № 35 1 6 6 9 8 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Кабель электрический силовой с пластмассовой изоляцией, содержащий изолированные токопроводящие жилы и изолированную жилу заземления, скрученные в сердечник, внутреннюю полимерную оболочку поверх сердечника и защитный покров, отличающийся тем, что токопроводящие жилы выполнены из меди, а жила заземления выполнена из алюминия. 2. Кабель электрический силовой с пластмассовой изоляцией по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что защитный покров выполнен в виде наружной экструдируемой полимерной оболочки. 3. Кабель электрический силовой с пластмассовой изоляцией по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что защитный покров выполнен в виде брони из стальных оцинкованных лент и защитного шланга из экструдируемого полимерного материала. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) КАБЕЛЬ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ СИЛОВОЙ 1 6 6 9 8 5 Адрес для переписки: 614113, г. Пермь, ул. Гальперина, 17в, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научнопроизводственная компания " ...

26-07-2017 дата публикации

Кабель силовой с увеличенной длительно допустимой температурой нагрева токопроводящей жилы, не распространяющий горение, пониженной пожароопасности

Номер: RU0000172840U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к кабельной технике, а именно к конструкциям силовых кабелей с пропитанной бумажной изоляцией, предназначенных для передачи и распределения электрической энергии в стационарных установках при переменном напряжении 10кВ и частотой до 50 Гц, которые могут применяться, в частности, в пожароопасных производственных помещениях, оснащенных компьютерной и микропроцессорной техникой, в жилых и общественных зданиях и сооружениях с массовым пребыванием людей (метрополитен).Задача, на решение которой направлена заявленная полезная модель, состоит в разработке конструкции однофазного силового кабеля с увеличенной длительно допустимой температурой нагрева токопроводящей жилы не менее 80°C, позволяющей повысить эксплуатационные характеристики и передаваемую мощность конструкции кабеля с пропитанной бумажной изоляцией на напряжение 10 кВ.Поставленная задача достигается тем, что кабель силовой с увеличенной длительно допустимой температурой нагрева токопроводящей жилы на напряжение 10 кВ содержит одну токопроводящую жилу, полупроводящий экран по жиле из ленты электропроводящей кабельной бумаги, с фазной бумажной изоляцией из термостойкой изоляционной кабельной бумаги с температурой нагревостойкости не менее 90°C, пропитанной нестекающим составом с кинематической вязкостью не мене 30 cst (сантистокс) при температуре 120°C и температурой каплепадения не менее 108°C, полупроводящий экран из ленты электропроводящей кабельной бумаги поверх изоляции, свинцовую оболочку, слой из термически стойких лент поверх свинцовой оболочки и наружную оболочку из трудногорючей полимерной композиции. Ц 1 172840 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) сеза г а = (13) < 9% *% хз & то (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ НОВ 9/00 (2006.0Т) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017110213, 28.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.03.2017 Дата регистрации: 26.07.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.03. ...

31-01-2018 дата публикации

Кабель электрический огнестойкий

Номер: RU0000176852U1

Полезная модель относится к огнестойким электрическим кабелям, характеризующимся материалом и расположением изоляции, а также использованием материалов изоляции, стойких к воспламенению.Кабель электрический огнестойкий, система изоляции которого включает слой термического барьера, содержащий первую спирально наложенную слюдосодержащую ленту, отличающийся тем, что указанный слой содержит вторую спирально наложенную слюдосодержащую ленту с взаимным частичным перекрытием указанных слюдосодержащих лент с образованием виртуальной ленты, при этом каждая слюдосодержащая лента имеет ширину N и наложена с шагом Z, а виртуальная лента имеет ширину Н, так что выполняются следующие отношения:Z>N>(Z-N),2N>Н>N. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 176 852 U1 (51) МПК H01B 7/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01B 7/0216 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017128388, 08.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 40527 U1, 10.09.2004. RU 58777 Дата регистрации: 31.01.2018 U1, 27.11.2006. RU 129291 U1, 20.06.2013. US 2002056569 A1, 16.05.2002. 1 7 6 8 5 2 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.08.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 31.01.2018 Бюл. № 4 R U (54) КАБЕЛЬ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИЙ ОГНЕСТОЙКИЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к огнестойким вторую спирально наложенную электрическим кабелям, характеризующимся слюдосодержащую ленту с взаимным частичным материалом и расположением изоляции, а также перекрытием указанных слюдосодержащих лент использованием материалов изоляции, стойких к с образованием виртуальной ленты, при этом воспламенению. каждая слюдосодержащая лента имеет ширину Кабель электрический огнестойкий, система N и наложена с шагом Z, а виртуальная лента изоляции которого включает слой термического имеет ширину Н, так что выполняются следующие барьера, содержащий первую спирально отношения: наложенную слюдосодержащую ...

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Shield conducting path

Номер: US20120279776A1
Автор: Yoshio Mizutani

A shield conducting path of the present invention includes a plurality of electric wires which is formed by enclosing electric conductors with insulation coatings, and a metallic pipe which protects and shields the electric wires by inserting them therethrough. The pipe has a tube main body which has a tubular shape and through which the electric wires are inserted, and a partition wall which is extended from an inner wall of the tube main body and partitions an inner portion of the tube main body. The present invention is characterized in that the partition wall has a cross section of a curved shape or a bent shape when cut in a direction orthogonal to an axial direction of the tube main body.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Primary wire for marine and sub-sea cable

Номер: US20130020107A1
Автор: Antonio Pagliuca
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics UK Ltd

Primary wire for marine or undersea cable comprises a conducting core ( 10 ), typically a multifilament core of copper, and an insulating sheath comprising an insulating inner layer ( 12 ) having a thickness of 0.35 to 1.0 mm, preferably 0.5 to 0.75 mm, and an outer protective layer ( 14 ) of polyvinylidene fluoride having a thickness of 0.15 to 0.3 mm, at least the outer layer being radiation crosslinked. The inner and outer layers are preferably crosslinked together using electron beam radiation. The combination of the inner and outer layers of the sheath enables marine and subsea cables and the like to be made with smaller diameters, without loss of capacity or electrical properties and with an increase in overall performance such as temperature range and mechanical properties.

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130115443A1

An electrical steel sheet () is provided with a base iron () and an insulating film () formed on a surface of the base iron (). The insulating film () contains: a first component: 100 parts by mass, the first component containing: a metal phosphate: 100 parts by mass; and one kind selected from a group consisting of an acrylic resin, an epoxy resin and a polyester resin which have an average particle size of 0.05 μm to 0.50 μm, or a mixture or copolymer of two or three kinds selected from the group: 1 part by mass to 50 parts by mass; and a second component composed of dispersion or powder of a fluorine resin having an average particle size of 0.05 μm to 0.35 μm: 0.5 parts by mass to 10 parts by mass. 1. An electrical steel sheet , comprising:a base iron; andan insulating film formed on a surface of the base iron,wherein the insulating film contains: a metal phosphate: 100 parts by mass; and', 'one kind selected from a group consisting of an acrylic resin, an epoxy resin and a polyester resin which have an average particle size of 0.05 μm to 0.50 μm, or a mixture or copolymer of two or three kinds selected from the group: 1 part by mass to 50 parts by mass; and, 'a first component: 100 parts by mass, the first component containinga second component composed of dispersion or powder of a fluorine resin having an average particle size of 0.05 μm to 0.35 μm: 0.5 parts by mass to 10 parts by mass.2. An electrical steel sheet , comprising:a base iron; andan insulating film formed on a surface of the base iron,wherein the insulating film contains: a colloidal silica: 100 parts by mass; and', 'one kind selected from a group consisting of an acrylic resin, an epoxy resin and a polyester resin which have an average particle size of 0.05 μm to 0.50 μm, or a mixture or copolymer of two or three kinds selected from the group: 40 parts by mass to 400 parts by mass; and, 'a first component: 100 parts by mass, the first component containinga second component composed of dispersion ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130161058A1
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corporation

A cable that comprises a core that has at least one conductor, a dielectric barrier layer that surrounds the core, and a conductive shield that surrounds the core. The dielectric barrier layer is formed of a substantially non-flammable material and is devoid of fluoropolymers. 1. A cable , comprising:a core having at least one conductor;a dielectric barrier layer surrounding said core, said dielectric barrier layer being formed of a substantially non-flammable material and said dielectric barrier layer being devoid of fluoropolymers; anda conductive shield surrounding said dielectric barrier layer.2. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid substantially non-flammable material is both a low smoke and zero halogen material.3. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid core includes a plurality of twisted insulated conductor pairs.4. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisinga separator separating said plurality of twisted insulated conductor pairs, said dielectric barrier layer surrounding said separator.5. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid dielectric barrier layer is a tape.6. A cable according to claim 5 , whereinsaid tape is formed of fiberglass.7. A cable according to claim 6 , whereinsaid fiberglass is woven or chopped.8. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid dielectric barrier layer includes a coating of a flame retardant material.9. A cable according to claim 8 , whereinsaid coating is formed of a low smoke zero halogen material.10. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisingan outer jacket that surrounds said conductive shield.11. A cable claim 1 , comprising:a core including a plurality of twisted pairs of conductors and a separator separating said plurality of twisted pairs of conductors;a dielectric barrier layer surrounding said core, said dielectric barrier layer being formed of a substantially non-flammable, low smoke, zero halogen material and said dielectric barrier layer being devoid of fluoropolymers;a conductive shield ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199820A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

The invention relates to a crosslinkable polymer composition comprising (a) a polyolefin bearing hydrolysable silane groups and a silanol condensation catalyst compound, as well as to an article, preferably a cable, thereof. Also the use of the silanol condensation catalyst compound for crosslinking an article, preferably a layer of a cable is provided. 2. A power cable according to claim 1 , wherein in compounds (I) and (II) Me is Ti claim 1 , Zr or Hf.3. A power cable according to claim 1 , wherein in compounds of formula (I): n is 1 to 3; m is 1 to 3 and claim 1 , o is 0 or 1; and wherein in compounds of formula (II): n is 1 to 3; m is 1 to 3 and claim 1 , o is 0 or 1.4. A power cable according to claim 1 , wherein in compounds (I) and (II) the heteroatom is selected from O claim 1 , S claim 1 , P claim 1 , N claim 1 , Si claim 1 , B or halogen.5. A power cable according to claim 1 , wherein in compounds (I) and (II) each Ris independently —X—R claim 1 , wherein w is 0 or 1; X is a heteroatom selected from O claim 1 , S claim 1 , P claim 1 , N claim 1 , Si claim 1 , B or halogen; and Ris selecteda linear or branched (C1-C50)alkyl group, a linear or branched (C1-C30)alkyl group, a linear or branched (C1-C20)alkyl group; or{'sub': p', 'p', 'e', 'f, 'a linear or branched (C1-C20)alkyl(O—(C1-C20)alkyl)or (C1-C20)alkyl(O—(C1-C20)alkenyl)or (C1-C20)alkyl-O(C1-C20)alkyl)(C1-C20)alkenyl), wherein each p is independently 1, 2 or 3, e is 0, 1 or 2 and f is 0, 1 or 2; or a linear or branched (C1-C12)alkyl(O—(C1-C12)alkyl)p or (C1-C12)alkyl(O—(C1-C12)alkenyl)p, wherein each p is independently 1 or 2.'}6. A power cable according to claim 1 , wherein in compounds (I) and (II) at least 1 of Ris independently —Y—R; Y is —OC(═O)— claim 1 , —C(═O)—O—C(═O)— claim 1 , —NRC(═O)— claim 1 , —OC(═O)NR— claim 1 , —OC(═O)O— claim 1 , —NRC(═O)OR— claim 1 , —C(═O)NC(═O)— claim 1 , —OS(═O)— claim 1 , —OP(═O)— claim 1 , —NRS(═O) claim 1 , —OS(═O)NR claim 1 , —SC(═O)— claim 1 , —OPR(═O)O claim ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202259A1

The present invention provides a coaxial cable which comprises a cable core encased in a polymeric layer, enclosing the cable core with a pair of shaped conductors; extruding a layer of polymer over the shaped conductors; and cabling armor wire layer about the layer of polymer to form the coaxial cable. 1. A cable as shown and described.2. A method for using a cable as shown and described.3. A method for manufacturing a coaxial cable , comprising:providing a cable core encased in a polymeric layer;enclosing the cable core with a pair of shaped conductors;extruding a layer of polymer over the shaped conductors; andcabling an armor wire layer about the layer of polymer to form the coaxial cable.4. The method of wherein providing a cable core comprises providing a polymer-insulated stranded metallic conductor.5. The method of wherein providing a cable core comprises providing a number of optical fibers encased in a soft polymer.6. The method of further comprising cabling a second armor wire layer about the armor wire layer to form the coaxial cable.7. The method of further comprising extruding a layer of polymer over the armor wire layer prior to cabling the second armor wire layer.8. The method of further comprising heating the polymeric layer prior to cabling the second armor wire layer.9. The method of further extruding a layer of polymer over the second armor wire layer.10. The method of further comprising heating the polymeric layer prior to cabling the second armor wire layer.11. The method of further comprising enclosing layer of polymer and the cable core with a second pair of shaped conductors and extruding a second layer of polymer over the second pair of shaped conductors.12. The method of wherein the second pair of shaped conductors is offset from the shaped conductors by a predetermined amount.13. The method of wherein the cable comprises a wireline cable.14. The method of wherein the cable comprises a seismic cable.15. The method of wherein the cable ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228358A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.

A multilayer insulated wire includes a conductor, an inner layer coated on an outer periphery of the conductor, the inner layer comprising a resin compound containing 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing modified-poly(2,6-dimethylphenyleneether) as a main component, and 10 to 100 parts by weight of calcined clay as additive, and an outer layer coated on an outer periphery of the inner layer, the outer layer including a polyester resin compound including 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing polyester resin as a main component, and 50 to 150 parts by weight of polyester block copolymer, 0.5 to 3 parts by weight of hydrolysis inhibitor, and 10 to 30 parts by weight of magnesium hydroxide. 1. A multilayer insulated wire comprising:a conductor;an inner layer coated on an outer periphery of the conductor, the inner layer comprising a resin compound containing 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing modified-poly(2,6-dimethylphenyleneether) as a main component, and 10 to 100 parts by weight of calcined clay as additive; andan outer layer coated on an outer periphery of the inner layer, the outer layer comprising a polyester resin compound comprising 100 parts by weight of base polymer containing polyester resin as a main component, and 50 to 150 parts by weight of polyester block copolymer, 0.5 to 3 parts by weight of hydrolysis inhibitor, and 10 to 30 parts by weight of magnesium hydroxide.2. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the base polymer containing the polyester resin comprises polyethylene terephthalate or polybutylene naphthalate.3. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the hydrolysis inhibitor comprises an additive comprising having a carbodiimide skeleton.4. The multilayer insulated wire according to claim 2 , wherein the hydrolysis inhibitor comprises an additive comprising having a carbodiimide skeleton. The present application is based on Japanese patent application No. 2012-047598 ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247487A1
Автор: Turner Bruce H.

An assembly for protecting a utility conduit passing through a hole in a stud used in building construction. A sleeve and a plate are provided. The sleeve has a body forming a hollow trough with a length, a circular side section and a width The circular side section is changeable to adapt to the hole in the stud. The body has opposed inserted and worked end to permit engagement of the sleeve into the hole in the stud. The body portion can include a sleeve fillant within the trough. A stop portion at the worked end of the body stops sleeve insertion a proximate stud. A retention portion then affirmatively retain the sleeve in the hole. The plate has a surface conforming to a stud face, an opening to receive the sleeve, and a mechanism to attach the plate to the stud. 1. An assembly for protecting a utility conduit passing through a hole in a stud used in building construction , comprising:a sleeve;a sleeve plate; a body portion forming a hollow trough longitudinally and defining a body length, wherein said trough has a circular side section with a diameter defining a body width, and wherein said circular side section is changeable to adapt said body width to coincide with a range of sizes of the hole in the stud;', 'said body portion further having an inserted end and a worked end at opposed ends of said trough to permit engagement of the sleeve into the hole in the stud by inserting said inserted end into the hole and pressing on said worked end;', 'said body portion within said trough including a sleeve fillant;', 'a stop portion at said worked end of said body portion to stop insertion of the sleeve into the hole beyond a proximate face of the stud; and', 'a retention portion in the sleeve to affirmatively retain the sleeve within the hole once inserted there in; and, 'said sleeve having a plate portion including a plate surface conforming to said proximate face of the stud;', 'a plate opening to insertably receive said sleeve; and', 'a plate attachment mechanism ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261248A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a charge retention medium having a surface potential at a practical level, although it is obtained from a composition containing a fluorinated copolymer having repeating units based on tetrafluoroethylene and repeating units based on ethylene. 1. A charge retention medium obtained from a composition containing:a fluorinated copolymer (A) having repeating units based on tetrafluoroethylene and repeating units based on ethylene; andat least one charge aid (B) selected from the group consisting of a compound having at least one amino group and at least one reactive functional group (excluding an amino group) and a compound having at least two amino groups and having no reactive functional group (excluding an amino group).2. The charge retention medium according to claim 1 , wherein the fluorinated copolymer (A) is a fluorinated copolymer having reactive functional groups.3. The charge retention medium according to claim 2 , wherein the fluorinated copolymer (A) has repeating units based on a monomer having a reactive functional group claim 2 , and the proportion of the repeating units is from 0.01 to 5 mol % based on all the repeating units (100 mol %).4. The charge retention medium according to claim 2 , wherein the reactive functional groups of the fluorinated copolymer (A) are at least one member selected from the group consisting of carboxylic acid groups claim 2 , acid anhydride groups and carboxylic acid halide groups.5. The charge retention medium according to any one of claim 1 , wherein the charge aid (B) is a silane coupling agent having an amino group or tris(2-aminoethyl)amine.6. The charge retention medium according to any one of claim 1 , wherein the amount of the charge aid (B) is from 0.1 to 10 parts by mass based on 100 parts by mass of the fluorinated copolymer (A).7. The charge retention medium according to any one of claim 1 , which is an electret.8. The charge retention medium according to any one of claim 1 , wherein the composition is ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130264090A1

The present invention provides a material based on high density polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and its applications, such as in the production of electric cable. The PTFE material of the invention includes PTFE, a metal oxide, a lubricant and a wetting agent. 1. A material based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) of normal density , prepared from a mixture comprising:PTFE;5% to 15% by weight of a metal oxide;15% to 30% by weight of a lubricant; and0.1% to 1% by weight of a wetting agent;the percentages by weight being given relative to the total weight of PTFE.2. A material based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) of normal density , comprising:PTFE;5% to 15% by weight of a metal oxide; andtraces of a lubricant and/or a wetting agent;the percentages by weight being given relative to the total weight of PTFE.3. A material according to claim 1 , wherein the lubricant is a liquid based on hydrocarbons claim 1 , such as an isoparaffinic hydrocarbon.4. A material according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent is a fatty alcohol such as dodecan-1-ol.5. A material according to claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide is selected from the group constituted by titanium dioxide claim 1 , alumina claim 1 , zinc oxide claim 1 , copper oxide claim 1 , magnesium oxide and silver oxide.6. A material according to claim 1 , further comprising 0 to 3% by weight of a pigment.7. A material according to claim 1 , in the form of a tape.8. A process for producing a material according to claim 1 , comprising the steps consisting in:mixing the PTFE, the metal oxide, the lubricant, the wetting agent and the optional pigment; andextruding the resulting product.9. An electric cable comprising a tape according to claim 7 , wound around a conductive core.10. A process for producing an electric cable according to claim 9 , by winding the tape around a conductive core and curing at a maximum temperature of 450° C.11. Use of a material according to claim 1 , as an electrical insulator. The present ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284491A1

A cable that comprises a cable core that includes a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein, the insulation of at least one pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, the inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, the outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and the insulation of at least another pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant. 1. A cable , comprising: a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein,', 'said insulation of at least one pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, said inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, said outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and said insulation of at least another pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant., 'a cable core including2. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisinga jacket surrounding said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors, said jacket being formed of a zero halogen material.3. A cable according to claim 2 , whereinsaid zero halogen material of said jacket is a mixture of substantially flame retardant material and non-flame retardant material.4. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid plurality of said insulated pairs of twisted conductors includes three pairs with insulation that is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant.5. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid plurality of said insulated pairs of twisted conductors includes two pairs with insulation that is formed of said inner and outer layers and two pairs with insulation that is formed of zero halogen material that is not ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130292155A1

A cable that comprises a cable core that includes a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein, the insulation of at least one pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, the inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, the outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and the insulation of at least another pair of the plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, wherein at least a portion of one of the inner layer and the outer layer is foamed. 1. A cable , comprising:a cable core including:a plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors wherein, said insulation of at least one pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors has inner and outer layers, said inner layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant, said outer layer being formed of a zero halogen material that is substantially flame retardant, and said insulation of at least another pair of said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant,wherein at least a portion of one of said inner layer and said outer layer is foamed.2. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid inner layer being entirely foamed.3. A cable according to claim 1 , further comprisinga jacket surrounding said plurality of insulated pairs of twisted conductors, said jacket being formed of a zero halogen material.4. A cable according to claim 2 , whereinsaid zero halogen material of said jacket is a mixture of substantially flame retardant material and non-flame retardant material.5. A cable according to claim 1 , whereinsaid plurality of said insulated pairs of twisted conductors includes three pairs with insulation that is formed of a zero halogen material that is not flame retardant.6. A cable according to ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306350A1

An electrical line with a temperature resistance of at most at least 90° C. and particularly fire properties which meet the Standard UL83 (corresponds to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 75-08) and are halogen free as a result, where the line has at least one electrical strand including a conductor and a flame retardant, temperature resistant halogen free insulating layer surrounding the conductor. The strand is surrounded by a casing of a polyamide containing polymer mixture, particularly of polyamide. The casing rests on the insulating layer of the strand or the line has an intermediate layer which forms an intermediate casing and borders the insulating layer of at least two strands and the casing which surrounds the intermediate layer and which is also called intermediate casing. 1. Electrical line with a temperature resistance of up to at least 90° C. , comprising:{'b': '1', 'at least one electrical strand which has a metal conductor and a flame resistant, temperature resistant insulating layer, surrounding the conductor (), wherein the strand is surrounded by a casing of a polyamide containing polymer mixture, resting on the material, of the flame resistant insulating layer,'}wherein the insulating layer surrounding the conductor includes a flame retardant, temperature resistant halogen free polymer mixture whose polymer component are polyolefins,wherein the flame retardant, temperature resistant halogen free polymer mixture includes95 to 80 phr polyolefin,5 to 20 phr polymer adhesion promoter 0 to 15 phr silicon', '0 to 15 phr of either one of an oxide or a stearate of a two-valent metal ion selected from the group consisting of calcium, magnesium, strontium, barium and zinc, and', '0.1 to 2 phr stabilizers and processing aids., '40 to 200 phr filler selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate and/or aluminum hydroxide and/or magnesium hydroxide,'}2. Electrical line according to claim 1 , wherein the casing of a polyamide containing polymer mixture claim 1 , ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Non Halogen Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Номер: US20130316174A1

Flame retardant thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) compositions are disclosed having a flame retardant package comprising an organo-phosphinate component, an organo-phosphate component, and a polyhydric alcohol. The flame retardant components may be present in an amount from about 5 to about 40 weight percent of the phosphinate compound; from about 5 to about 20 weight percent of the phosphate compound, and from about 0.1 to about 15 weight percent of the polyhydric alcohol, based on the total weight of the TPU composition. Processes are disclosed to make the TPU compositions and to make wire and cable constructions employing the TPU compositions as the jacket of the wire and cable constructions. The TPU compositions exhibit excellent flame retardant capabilities as measured by Limited Oxygen Index testing and/or UL 94 Vertical Burn tests. 1. A method of rendering a thermoplastic polyurethane composition flame retardant comprising:mixing a flame retardant package comprising (a) a first non-halogenated flame retardant compound comprising a phosphinate compound, (b) a second non-halogenated flame retardant compound comprising an organic phosphate compound, and (c) a third non-halogenated flame retardant compound comprising a polyhydric alcohol, with a thermoplastic polyurethane polymer wherein the flame retardant package is present in an amount sufficient to confer at least one predetermined flame retardant characteristic to the thermoplastic polyurethane composition.2. The method of wherein the at least one predetermined flame retardant characteristic comprises a limited oxygen index of at least about 35 as measured according to ASTM D-2863.3. The method of wherein the at least one predetermined flame retardant characteristic comprises a V-0 flame rating at a thickness of 75 mils (1.90 mm) as measured in accordance with UL 94.4. The method of wherein:the phosphinate compound is present at a level of about 5 to about 40 weight percent;the organic phosphate compound is ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319758A1
Автор: Toyama Eiichi
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

The invention provides a wire harness that is low cost and has versatility regarding a wire holding. 1. A wire harness comprising:a wire holder with stiffness and provided with a deformed strip, the wire holder holding a curvature of a bending part of one or a plurality of wires, or a curvature of an outer member provided in the bending part that is provided outside of the wires,the wire holder including a pair of retaining arms that retain opposite ends of the bending part and a connecting arm that connects the retaining arms, andwherein a first unbending stopper of which an intermediate part is contacted at an inside curvature forming portion closer than an outside curvature forming portion of the bending part is formed, or a second unbending stopper that holds the outside curvature forming portion and the inside curvature forming portion alternatively is formed at the connecting arm.2. A wire harness according to claim 1 , wherein the outer member is a colligated tube. The present invention relates to a wire harness having a wire holding function.A wire harness disclosed in the below described Patent Literature 1 is configured including three high voltage electric wires and three metal protection pipes that receive and protect each of the three high voltage electric wires. The high voltage electric wire is provided to connect a motor that is mounted at a front part of a vehicle and an inverter that is mounted at an intermediate part or a rear part of the vehicle each other.The wire harness is arranged through a floor body of the vehicle that is outside of a vehicle frame. Thus, the metal protection pipe is formed to protect the high voltage electric wire from stone splash or water splash. The metal protection pipe has a stiffness to protect the high voltage electric wire from stone splash or water splash and to prevent the high voltage electric wire from bending. Simultaneously, the metal protection pipe also has an electromagnetic shield function since it is ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327558A1

Halogen-free flame retardant compositions comprising copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers, melamine cyanurate and epoxy-containing compounds and cables and wires made from such flame retardant polymer composition provide good electrical insulation resistance during use. 1. A flame retardant polymer composition comprising:a) one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers;b) melamine cyanurate;c) at least one epoxy-containing compound; and 'with the proviso that i) when the flame retardant polymer composition comprises an aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant and a phosphite, the amount of epoxy-containing compound present is such that the total epoxy functional group equivalent weight is at least about 32 milliequivalents per kg of the combined weight of the one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers and the aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant and ii) when the flame retardant polymer composition comprises an aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant in the absence of phosphite, the amount of epoxy-containing compound present is such that the total epoxy functional group equivalent weight is at least about 56 milliequivalents per kg of the combined weight of the one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers and the aromatic phosphate ester flame retardant.', 'd) optionally at least one compound selected from the group consisting of phosphites and aromatic phosphate ester flame retardants and mixtures thereof;'}2. A flame retardant polymer composition consisting of:a) one or more copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers;b) an amount of melamine cyanurate that is at least from at or equal to 10 weight percent based on the total weight of the flame retardant polymer composition;c) one or more epoxy-containing compounds; and optionallyd) 0 to 2 weight percent based of the total weight of the flame retardant polymer composition of phosphite,e) 0 to 15 weight percent based on the total weight of the flame retardant polymer composition ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Flame Retardant Composition for Thermoplastic Polyurethane Polymers

Номер: US20130338279A1

The present invention relates to a formulation comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane polymer and a flame retardant composition, the flame retardant composition comprising 1. A formulation comprising at least one thermoplastic polyurethane polymer and a flame retardant composition , said flame retardant composition comprisingi) at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle selected from magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, silicon oxide, or aluminium oxide;ii) at least one phosphate component selected from the group comprising ammonium polyphosphate (APP), melamine phosphate, melamine pyrophosphate and melamine polyphosphate or mixture thereof, andiii) at least one oligomeric phosphate ester.2. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle selected from magnesium oxide claim 1 , silicon oxide claim 1 , or aluminium oxide.3. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle is magnesium oxide.4. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one oligomeric phosphate ester is resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate).5. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle has an average particle size D99 of less than 300 μm claim 1 , said average particle size D99 being measured by laser diffraction analysis.6. A formulation according to any one of to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle is present in the flame retardant composition in an amount ranging from 0.5 % to 11 % by weight based on 100% by weight of the flame retardant composition.7. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one metal or metalloid oxide particle is present in the flame retardant composition in an amount ranging from 0.5% to 11% by weight based on 100% by weight of the flame retardant composition.8. The formulation according to claim 1 , wherein the phosphate component is present ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011028A1

An insulated wire for vehicle use includes a conductor and an insulating layer disposed on an outer circumference of the conductor. The insulating layer comprises a halogen-free flame retardant cross-linkable resin composition containing a base polymer, and a silane coupling agent and a metal hydroxide which are added to the base polymer. The base polymer includes, as major components, (a) an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and (b) an acid-modified olefin resin having a Tg of −55° C. or lower at a ratio (a):(b) of 70:30 to 100:0 and has an acetic acid content (VA) of 50% to 70% by mass. The silane-coupling agent is added in an amount of 1 to 5 parts by mass and the metal hydroxide is added in an amount of 100 to 250 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base polymer. 1. An insulated wire for vehicle use comprising:a conductor; andan insulating layer disposed on an outer circumference of the conductor,wherein the insulating layer comprises a halogen-free flame retardant cross-linkable resin composition containing a base polymer, and a silane coupling agent and a metal hydroxide which are added to the base polymer;the base polymer includes, as major components, (a) an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) and (b) an acid-modified olefin resin having a glass transition temperature (Tg) determined by DSC of −55° C. or lower at a ratio (a):(b) of 70:30 to 100:0 and has an acetic acid content (VA) of 50% to 70% by mass;the silane-coupling agent is added in an amount of 1 to 5 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base polymer; andthe metal hydroxide is added in an amount of 100 to 250 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the base polymer.2. The insulated wire for vehicle use according to claim 1 , wherein the EVA includes two or more types of EVAs and includes 5% to 10% by mass of an EVA having a melt flow rate (MFR) of 15 g/10 min or more.3. A cable for vehicle use comprising:a conductor;an insulating layer disposed on an outer ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140016176A1

A hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting, which can drive a conductive liquid by using a low voltage and containing a vinylidene fluoride based polymer. 1. A hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting , comprising a vinylidene fluoride based polymer.2. The hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting according to claim 1 , wherein the vinylidene fluoride polymer is a vinylidene fluoride/tetrafluoroethylene based copolymer.3. The hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting according to claim 1 , further comprising high-dielectric inorganic particles.4. The hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting claim 1 ,wherein the high-dielectric inorganic particles are particles of at least one type of metal oxide selected from the group consisting of [{'br': None, 'sup': a', 'b, 'sub': na', 'nb', 'nc, 'MMO,'}, 'wherein', {'sup': 'a', 'Mis a metal element of Group 2 of the periodic table,'}, {'sup': 'b', 'Mis a metal element of Group 4 of the periodic table,'}, 'na is 0.9 to 1.1,', 'nb is 0.9 to 1.1, and', 'nc is 2.8 to 3.2; and, 'metal oxides represented by Formula (Ba) [{'br': None, 'sup': a', 'b′, 'sub': na', 'nb′', 'nc, 'MMO,'}, 'wherein', {'sup': 'a', 'Mis a metal element in Group 2 of the periodic table,'}, {'sup': 'b′', 'M is a metal element in Group 5 of the periodic table,'}, 'na is 0.9 to 1.1,', "nb' is 0.9 to 1.1, and", 'nc is 2.8 to 3.2., 'metal oxides represented by Formula (Bb)5. The hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting according to claim 4 , wherein the metal oxide is barium titanate.6. The hydrophobic dielectric film for electrowetting claim 3 , wherein the hydrophobic dielectric film comprises the high-dielectric inorganic particles in an amount of 10 to 100 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the vinylidene fluoride based polymer.7. An electrowetting device comprising:a first electrode;a second electrode;a conductive liquid movably disposed between the first electrode and the second electrode; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM- ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

High Speed Transmission Cable

Номер: US20140017493A1
Автор: Gundel Douglas B.

The present invention relates to a high speed transmission cable () that includes a first inner conductor () and a dielectric film () that is concentrically arranged around at least a portion of the first conductor (). The dielectric film () has a base layer () including a plurality of first protrusions () and second protrusions () formed on a first major surface of the base layer (), wherein the first protrusions () and the second protrusions () are different from one another. The first protrusions () of the dielectric film () are disposed between the first inner conductor () and the base layer (), the first protrusions () forming an insulating envelope around the first inner conductor (). 1. A high speed transmission cable comprisinga first inner conductor anda dielectric film comprising a base layer including a plurality of first protrusions and second protrusions formed on a first major surface of the base layer and a plurality of third protrusions formed on a portion of an opposing second major surface of the base layer, wherein the first protrusions and the second protrusions are different, andwherein at least a portion of the dielectric film is concentric with the inner conductor such that the first protrusions are disposed between the first inner conductor and the base layer, the first protrusions forming an insulating envelope around the first inner conductor, and wherein at least a portion of one of the first and second protrusions interlock with the third protrusions when the dielectric film is wrapped around the first conductor.2. The transmission cable of claim 1 , wherein the dielectric film is longitudinally wrapped around the first inner conductor.3. The transmission cable of claim 1 , wherein the dielectric film is spirally wrapped around the first inner conductor.4. A high speed transmission cable comprisinga first inner conductor anda dielectric film comprising a base layer including a plurality of first protrusions and second protrusions formed ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Power Cable System

Номер: US20140027152A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A technique facilitates the provision of electrical power in harsh environments, such as subterranean environments. The technique employs a power cable having at least one conductor and a polyimide insulation layer disposed about the conductor. A fluoropolymer tape layer is disposed about the polyimide insulation layer. The fluoropolymer tape layer is processed into a uniform, bonded layer. Additional cable layers also may be employed to help provide protection in the harsh environment.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034383A1

Some embodiments relate to a wire harness capable of constituting a two-phase or three-phase power line having superior heat radiating properties using very versatile round electric wires without requiring extra wires. A wire harness includes round electric wires, crimp terminals, a shield member, and a corrugated tube. The shield member and the corrugated tube cover the periphery of an electric wire bundle constituted by the round electric wires, the number of which is a multiple of six. The wire harness has a structure in which each of the crimp terminals is attached to one of a plurality of sub-groups of electric wires obtained by dividing the electric wire bundle into equal parts, each of which includes a plurality of the round electric wires. 1. A wire harness , comprising:an electric wire bundle including a multiple of six of the round electric wires covered with an insulation coating tied in a bundle;a plurality of terminals provided at both ends of each of a plurality of sub-groups of the electric wires, the sub-groups of the electric wires being units obtained by dividing the electric wire bundle into equal parts, each unit including a plurality of the round electric wires; anda tubular exterior member which covers a periphery of the electric wire bundle.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 , wherein the electric wire bundle includes:twelve of the round electric wire;a first electric wire group constituted by three of the round electric wires tied in a bundle such that each of the three round electric wires contacts the adjacent two round electric wires;a second electric wire group constituted by three of the round electric wires arranged at an outer edge of the three round electric wires constituting the first electric wire group, at such positions that three grooves formed between the three round electric wires of the first electric wire group are blocked; anda third electric wire group constituted by six of the round electric wires arranged at an ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051927A1

The present disclosure is directed to a cable assembly for a medical device. The cable assembly may include a plurality of conductors each defining a longitudinal axis. The plurality of conductors may be spaced so that the longitudinal axes of the plurality of conductors are parallel. The cable assembly may further include a layer of insulation material completely surrounding each of the plurality of conductors. The layer of insulation material may also extend between adjacent conductors to substantially fill areas between adjacent conductors along a length of the cable assembly, and at least one conductor may be electrically coupled to electronics at a distal portion of the electronic device. 1. A cable assembly for an electronic medical device , the cable assembly comprising:a plurality of conductors each defining a longitudinal axis, wherein the plurality of conductors are spaced so that the longitudinal axes of the plurality of conductors are parallel; anda layer of insulation material completely surrounding each of the plurality of conductors and extending between adjacent conductors to substantially fill areas between adjacent conductors along a length of the cable assembly, wherein at least one conductor is electrically coupled to electronics at a distal portion of the electronic medical device.2. The cable assembly of claim 1 , wherein the layer of insulation material completely fills areas between adjacent conductors along the length of the cable assembly.3. The cable assembly of claim 1 , wherein the layer of insulation material is arranged to exclude fluid from being introduced between the plurality of conductors when the cable assembly is in a fluidic environment.4. The cable assembly of claim 1 , wherein the longitudinal axes of the plurality of conductors are aligned in a single plane.5. The cable assembly of claim 1 , wherein a portion of at least one conductor is exposed.6. A medical device claim 1 , comprising:an elongate member having a distal end, ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140065418A1

An insulated wire including conductor, and a first resin layer formed on an outer periphery of the conductor, wherein the first resin layer includes an insulating resin including inorganic fine particles and an unreacted organic metal. An insulated wire including a conductor, a second resin layer formed on an outer periphery of the conductor and including an insulating resin that contains inorganic fine particles, and a third resin layer formed under the second resin layer and including an unreacted organic metal. 1. An insulated wire , comprising:a conductor; anda first resin layer formed on an outer periphery of the conductor,wherein the first resin layer comprises an insulating resin comprising inorganic fine particles and an unreacted organic metal.2. An insulated wire , comprising:a conductor;a second resin layer formed on an outer periphery of the conductor and comprising an insulating resin that contains inorganic fine particles; anda third resin layer formed under the second resin layer and comprising an unreacted organic metal.3. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the organic metal comprises one of metal alkoxide claim 1 , metal chelate and metal acylate.4. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the organic metal is included in a state of being encapsulated in a covering material constituting a capsule.5. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic fine particle comprises organo-silica sol.6. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , further comprising:an inorganic layer formed on the first or third resin layer by reaction between the organic metal and the inorganic fine particles, the organic metal and the inorganic fine particles being deposited on a surface of the first or third resin layer due to partial discharge.7. The insulated wire according to claim 2 , wherein the organic metal comprises one of metal alkoxide claim 2 , metal chelate and metal acylate.8. The insulated wire according to claim 2 , wherein ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069686A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI CABLE, LTD.

A foamed resin molded product includes not less than two fluorine resins that have a different melting point from each other. One of the not less than two fluorine resins comprises a fluorine resin that has a melting point of not more than 230 degrees C. An other of the not less than two fluorine resins comprises a fluorine resin that has a melting point of not less than 40 degrees C. higher than the fluorine resin having the melting point of not more than 230 degrees C. 1. A foamed resin molded product , comprising:not less than two fluorine resins that have a different melting point from each other;wherein one of the not less than two fluorine resins comprises a fluorine resin that has a melting point of not more than 230 degrees C., andan other of the not less than two fluorine resins comprises a fluorine resin that has a melting point of not less than 40 degrees C. higher than the fluorine resin having the melting point of not more than 230 degrees C.2. A foamed resin molded product , obtained by mixing and foaming a master batch comprising a fluorine resin that has a melting point of not more than 230 degrees C. and a chemical foaming agent , and a base resin comprising at least one fluorine resin that has a melting point of being not less than 40 degrees C. higher than the fluorine resin having the melting point of not more than 230 degrees C. by an extrusion molding method.3. The foamed resin molded product according to claim 1 , wherein the fluorine resin having the melting point of not more than 230 degrees C. comprises an ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer (EFEP) claim 1 , ethylene tetrafluoroethylene claim 1 , or an ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE).4. The foamed resin molded product according to claim 2 , wherein the fluorine resin having the melting point of not more than 230 degrees C. comprises an ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer (EFEP) claim 2 , ethylene tetrafluoroethylene claim 2 , or an ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069715A1

An insulator arrangement includes an insulating body. A phase conductor passes through the insulating body. The phase conductor is surrounded by an electrode. A gap is formed to pass through the electrode, in particular completely. The gap interrupts a completely closed circumference of the electrode. 117-. (canceled)18. An insulator arrangement , comprising:an insulating body having a first face side and a second face side;at least one phase conductor penetrating said insulating body in a direction of a main axis from said first face side to said second face side;an electrode encompassing said at least one phase conductor substantially perpendicular to the main axis;said electrode being penetrated by a gap formed to interrupt a completely closed circumference of said electrode.19. The insulator arrangement according to claim 18 , wherein said gap is formed to completely penetrate said electrode.20. The insulator arrangement according to claim 18 , wherein said gap penetrates said electrode in a radial direction.21. The insulator arrangement according to claim 18 , wherein a blind-hole pocket extends in a direction of said gap and opens out into one of the sleeve surfaces connecting said first and second face sides of said insulating body.22. The insulator arrangement according to claim 18 , which comprises an electrically conducting connection penetrating said insulating body and configured to make contact with said electrode.23. The insulator arrangement according to claim 18 , which comprises an electrically conducting frame enclosing said insulating body claim 18 , and an electrically conducting connection connecting said frame to said electrode.24. The insulator arrangement according to claim 23 , wherein said electrically conducting frame is a metal frame.25. The insulator arrangement according to claim 22 , wherein said electrically conducting connection makes contact with said electrode in a region of said gap.26. The insulator arrangement according to claim ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Foamed coaxial cable and multicore cable

Номер: US20140076608A1
Автор: Izumi Fukasaku
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

A foamed axial cable includes a pair of signal conductors, an insulation covering a periphery of the signal conductor and formed of a foamed material, a skin layer covering a periphery of the insulation and formed of a non-foamed material, and a shield conductor on a periphery of the skin layer. An outer surface of the skin layer or an inner surface of the shield conductor includes a fine groove formed thereon so as to have a void between the skin layer and the shield conductor.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079950A1
Автор: Aisenbrey Thomas

A moldable capsule includes a conductive element core and a resin-based material radially surrounding the conductive element core. The base resin host may include a single resin-based polymer material. The capsule may have a length of approximately 2-14 millimeters. 1103-. (canceled)104. A moldable capsule comprising:a conductive element core; anda resin-based material radially surrounding the conductive element core.105. The moldable capsule according to claim 104 , wherein the conductive element core comprises up to approximately 50% of a total weight of the moldable capsule.106. The moldable capsule according to claim 104 , wherein the conductive element core comprises between approximately 20% and 50% of a total weight of the moldable capsule.107. The moldable capsule according to claim 104 , wherein the conductive element core comprises between about 25% and about 35% of a total weight of the moldable capsule.108. The moldable capsule according to claim 104 , wherein the capsule has at least a generally cylindrical shape.109. The moldable capsule according to claim 108 , wherein the capsule has a length of approximately 2-14 mm.110. The moldable capsule according to claim 104 , wherein the conductive element core includes a bundle of micron conductive fibers.111. The moldable capsule according to claim 110 , wherein the conductive element core extends along a longitudinal axis.112. The moldable capsule according to claim 110 , wherein the conductive fibers are selected from the group consisting of nickel plated carbon fiber claim 110 , stainless steel fiber claim 110 , copper fiber claim 110 , silver fiber and combinations of any thereof.113. The moldable capsule according to claim 110 , wherein each conductive fiber has a diameter between approximately 3-12 μm.114. The moldable capsule according to claim 110 , wherein each conductive fiber has a length between approximately 2-14 mm.115. The moldable capsule according to claim 104 , wherein the conductive ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083738A1

A non-halogen flame-retardant insulated wire includes a conductor and an insulating coating layer including an inner layer and an outer layer. The inner layer includes an inner layer resin composition in which 50 to 95 parts by weight of a polyethylene with a density of 0.930 g/cmor more and 5 to 50 parts by weight of an ethylene copolymer are mixed. The outer layer comprises an outer layer resin composition including a base polymer in which 60 to 95 parts by weight of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer containing 60% by weight or more of vinyl acetate and 5 to 40 parts by weight of a maleic acid-modified ethylene-α-olefin copolymer are mixed, and also including 80 to 200 parts by weight of a metal hydroxide. At least the outer layer resin composition is crosslinked. 1. A non-halogen flame-retardant insulated wire comprising:a conductor; andan insulating coating layer disposed on an outer circumference of the conductor, the insulating coating layer including an inner layer and an outer layer,{'sup': '3', 'wherein the inner layer comprises an inner layer resin composition in which 50 to 95 parts by weight of a polyethylene with a density of 0.930 g/cmor more and 5 to 50 parts by weight of an ethylene copolymer are mixed so as to make the total 100 parts by weight;'}the outer layer comprises an outer layer resin composition comprising a base polymer in which 60 to 95 parts by weight of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer containing 60% by weight or more of vinyl acetate and 5 to 40 parts by weight of a maleic acid-modified ethylene-α-olefin copolymer modified with maleic anhydride are mixed so as to make the total 100 parts by weight, and also including 80 to 200 parts by weight of a metal hydroxide mixed with the base polymer; andat least the outer layer resin composition is crosslinked.2. The non-halogen flame-retardant insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the α-olefin constituting the maleic acid-modified ethylene-α-olefin copolymer is a comonomer having ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Downhole Cables and Methods of Making the Same

Номер: US20170004905A1
Принадлежит: Schlumberger Technology Corp

A cable that includes a cable core. The cable core has an inner armor wire layer disposed thereabout. The inner armor wire layer has an outer armor wire layer disposed thereabout. The inner armor wire layer and outer armor wire layer have torque removed therefrom during manufacturing.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170004907A1

A multi-core cable includes a plurality of electric wires, a jacket for covering the peripheries of the electric wires, and a strain relief to be mounted on the end of the jacket. The multi-core cable further includes a covering member to be fixed to the peripheries of the electric wires exposed from the jacket. The covering member is contacted with the strain relief to restrict the longitudinal-direction movement of the cable. Due to such characteristics of the multi-core cable, even when the cable is pulled, the connector attached to the cable tip end can be prevented against removal or breakage, thereby preventing the jacket against damage. 1. A multi-core cable , comprising:a plurality of electric wires;a jacket for covering the peripheries of the electric wires; anda strain relief to be mounted on the end of the jacket,wherein the multi-core cable further includes a covering member to be fixed to the peripheries of the electric wires exposed from the jacket, and the covering member is in contact with the strain relief to restrict a movement of the cable along a longitudinal-direction of the strain relief.2. The multi-core cable according to claim 1 , wherein the inner surface of the covering member and the outer surfaces of the electric wires are adhered to each other.3. The multi-core cable according to claim 1 , wherein the covering member is a shrinkable tube formed of shrinkable resin.4. The multi-core cable according to claim 1 , further comprising:a wrapping member for covering the electric wires, anda shield layer for covering the periphery of the wrapping member,wherein the jacket covers the periphery of the shield layer, and the covering member is arranged directly on the peripheries of the plurality of electric wires being exposed at the end portion of the cable in which the wrapping member, the shield layer and the jacket are removed.5. The multi-core cable according to claim 1 , wherein the tip ends of the electric wires are connected and fixed to a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005346A1

An insulated wire containing a thermoplastic resin layer (A) as a covering layer directly or indirectly on a rectangular conductor, in which the insulated wire has at least one protruding part which is continuous in a longitudinal direction of said insulated wire, on a surface of a portion of the thermoplastic resin layer (A), which portion corresponds to at least one side of a cross-section of the insulated wire, said protruding part and a flat part of the surface having the protruding part forms a curved portion with a radius of curvature of 0.01 to 0.75 mm in the cross-section of the insulated wire, and a lateral face of the protruding part has a slope of less than 90° to the flat part of the surface having the protruding part in the cross-section of the insulated wire, a coil produced by processing the insulated wire by winding, and an electric/electronic equipment comprising the coil. 1. An insulated wire comprising a thermoplastic resin layer (A) as a covering layer directly or indirectly on a rectangular conductor ,wherein the insulated wire has at least one protruding part which is continuous in a longitudinal direction of said insulated wire, on a surface of a portion of the thermoplastic resin layer (A), which portion corresponds to at least one side of a cross-section of the insulated wire,wherein said protruding part and a flat part of the surface having the protruding part forms a curved portion with a radius of curvature of 0.01 to 0.75 mm in the cross-section of the insulated wire, andwherein a lateral face of the protruding part has a slope of less than 90° to the flat part of the surface having the protruding part in the cross-section of the insulated wire.2. The insulated wire according to claim 1 , wherein the lateral face of the protruding part has a slope of 1 to 80° to the flat part of the surface having the protruding part.3. The insulated wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the height of the protruding part is 30 μm or more and 3000 μm or less ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005347A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A core wire for multi-core cables includes a conductor obtained by twisting a plurality of elemental wires, and an insulating layer coated on an outer peripheral surface of the conductor. The insulating layer contains polyethylene-based resin as a main component, and the product of a linear expansion coefficient C1 of the insulating layer in the range of 25° C. to −35° C. and an elastic modulus E1 at −35° C., namely (C1×E1) is 0.01 MPaKor more and 0.90 MPaKor less. The melting point of the polyethylene-based resin is 80° C. or higher and 130° C. or lower. 1. A core wire for multi-core cables comprising:a conductor obtained by twisting a plurality of elemental wires; andan insulating layer coated on an outer peripheral surface of the conductor,the insulating layer containing polyethylene-based resin as a main component,{'sup': −1', '−1, 'the product of a linear expansion coefficient C1 of the insulating layer in a range of 25° C. to −35° C. and an elastic modulus E1 at −35° C., namely (C1×E1) being 0.01 MPaKor more and 0.90 MPaKor less, and'}the melting point of the polyethylene-based resin being 80° C. or higher and 130° C. or lower.2. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating layer has an elastic modulus E2 of 100 MPa or more at 25° C.3. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': −4', '−1, 'the insulating layer has a linear expansion coefficient C2 of 5.0×10Kor less in a range of 25° C. to 80° C.'}4. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , wherein{'sup': 2', '2, 'the average area of the conductor in the cross section is 1.0 mmor more and 3.0 mmor less.'}5. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , whereinthe average diameter of the plurality of elemental wires in the conductor is 40 μm or more and 100 μm or less, andthe number of the plurality of wires is 196 or more and 2450 or less.6. The core wire for multi-core cables according to claim 1 , whereinthe ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005349A1

Disclosed is a high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station which is related to the technical field of mobile base station accessories. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station of the present disclosure comprises an inner conductor, a PTFE insulation layer, an outer conductor and a sheath successively, wherein the PTFE insulation layer has at least one hollow channel extending in an extending direction of the inner conductor. The plurality of hollow channels are parallel to and symmetrically distributed around the inner conductor. 1. A high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station comprising an inner conductor , a PTFE insulation layer , an outer conductor and a sheath successively , wherein the PTFE insulating layer has at least one hollow channel extending in an extending direction of the inner conductor.2. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 1 , wherein the PTFE insulating layer has a plurality of the hollow channels which are not communicated with one another.3. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of hollow channels are parallel to and symmetrically distributed around the inner conductor.3. (canceled)4. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 1 , wherein the outer conductor is a spiral copper tube.5. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 1 , wherein the PTFE insulation layer has an outer diameter of 2.0 to 20.0 mm.6. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 5 , wherein the PTFE insulation layer has an outer diameter of 3.0 to 20.0 mm.7. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 5 , wherein the hollow channel has a diameter of 0.20 to 5.0 mm.8. The high-temperature resistant cable for a mobile base station according to claim 7 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Probe Assembly Having Cable Assembly with Wire Pairs

Номер: US20200005967A1

Probe assembly includes an ultrasound probe and a cable assembly configured to communicatively couple the ultrasound probe to a control system and transmit signals therethrough. The cable assembly includes a cable jacket surrounding a channel of the cable assembly. The cable assembly also includes a plurality of wire pairs extending through the channel. The channel being sized and shaped to permit the wire pairs to move relative to one another within the channel when the probe assembly is moved. The wire pairs and the channel are configured to have a designated pack ratio (Area/Area). The Areaincludes a collective cross-sectional area of the wire pairs, and the Areais equal to a cross-sectional area of the channel. 1. A probe assembly comprising:an ultrasound probe; and a cable jacket surrounding a channel of the cable assembly; and', {'sup': WPS', 'C', 'WPS', 'C, 'at least 32 wire pairs extending through the channel, the channel being sized and shaped to permit the wire pairs to move relative to one another within the channel when the probe assembly is moved, the channel being an available space through which the wire pairs and other longitudinal elements, if any, are permitted to extend through during operation of the probe assembly, the wire pairs and the channel being configured to have a designated pack ratio (Area/Area), wherein the Areaincludes a collective cross-sectional area of the wire pairs and the longitudinal elements, if any, extending through the channel, and wherein the Areais equal to a cross-sectional area of the channel, the designated pack ratio being between 0.20 and 0.75.'}], 'a cable assembly configured to communicatively couple the ultrasound probe to a control system and transmit analog signals therethrough, the cable assembly comprising2. The probe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the wire pairs include first twisted pairs and second twisted pairs claim 1 , each of the first twisted pairs being twisted in a first direction about a central ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180006388A1
Автор: YAMADA Junya

An electronic circuit module includes: a substrate on which a wiring pattern having an electrode portion is formed; a cable having an external insulator and a conductor portion, at least a distal end side of the external insulator being removed to expose a conductor, an exposed portion of the conductor being defined as the conductor portion; and an electronic component having terminals at least on two opposed faces of the electronic component. At least one of the terminals of the electronic component is directly connected to the conductor portion, and is configured to be electrically connected to the electrode portion through the conductor portion. 1. An electronic circuit module comprising:a substrate on which a wiring pattern having an electrode portion is formed;a cable having an external insulator and a conductor portion, at least a distal end side of the external insulator being removed to expose a conductor, an exposed portion of the conductor being defined as the conductor portion; andan electronic component having terminals at least on two opposed faces of the electronic component, wherein at least one of the terminals of the electronic component is directly connected to the conductor portion, and is configured to be electrically connected to the electrode portion through the conductor portion.2. The electronic circuit module according to claim 1 , whereinthe cable comprises at least two solid wire cables, each of which has the external insulator removed on the distal end side to expose a core,an exposed portion of the core is defined as the conductor portion,the conductor portion is connected to the electrode portion, andthe electronic component is directly connected to one side of the conductor portion through each of the terminals, an opposite side of the conductor portion being in contact with the electrode portion.3. The electronic circuit module according to claim 1 , wherein 'the second conductor portion is connected to the electrode portion, and', ' ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006834A1

A seal structure for a multicore cable includes a multicore cable in which a plurality of electrical wires are enveloped by a sheath, the plurality of electrical wires extending out from an end portion of the sheath, and a rubber plug having a sheath fitting portion that is fitted around the end portion of the sheath, in which the plurality of electrical wires in a power electrical wire pair, a first signal electrical wire pair, and a second signal electrical wire pair are arranged point-symmetrically in a region in which the sheath fitting portion is fitted around the end portion of the sheath, in a cross section of the sheath that is orthogonal to a longitudinal direction of the multicore cable. 1. A seal structure for a multicore cable , comprising:a multicore cable in which a plurality of electrical wires are enveloped by a sheath, the plurality of electrical wires extending out from an end portion of the sheath; anda rubber plug having a sheath fitting portion that is fitted around the end portion of the sheath,wherein a plurality of electrical wire groups are arranged point-symmetrically in a region in which the sheath fitting portion is fitted around the end portion of the sheath, in a cross section of the sheath that is orthogonal to a longitudinal direction of the multicore cable, the plurality of electrical wire groups each being constituted by at least two of the plurality of electrical wires,the rubber plug has an electrical wire through-hole portion having a plurality of through-holes through which the plurality of electrical wires respectively pass, the plurality of electrical wires extending out from the end portion of the sheath,inner circumferential surfaces of the plurality of through-holes are each provided with electrical wire-side lips that are in intimate contact with outer circumferential surfaces of the plurality of electrical wires,the plurality of through-holes form a plurality of through-hole groups corresponding to the plurality of ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011822A1

A heat-resistant wire includes a conductor, and an insulation including not less than two layers and covering the conductor. An outermost layer of the insulation includes a flame-retardant resin composition having a melting point of not less than 200° C. and is cross-linked by exposure to ionizing radiation, the flame-retardant resin composition including a polyolefin grafted with polyamide as a base polymer. 1. A heat-resistant wire , comprising:a conductor; andan insulation comprising not less than two layers and covering the conductor,wherein an outermost layer of the insulation comprises a flame-retardant resin composition having a melting point of not less than 200° C. and is cross-linked by exposure to ionizing radiation, the flame-retardant resin composition comprising a polyolefin grafted with polyamide as a base polymer.2. The heat-resistant wire according to claim 1 , wherein a layer of the insulation other than the outermost layer comprises a resin composition claim 1 , and a base polymer of the resin composition comprises one or two or more selected from high-density polyethylene claim 1 , linear low-density polyethylene claim 1 , low-density polyethylene claim 1 , ethylene-α-olefin copolymer claim 1 , ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer claim 1 , ethylene-acrylic ester copolymer and ethylene-propylene-diene copolymer.3. The heat-resistant wire according to claim 1 , wherein the polyamide has a melting point of not less than 200° C.4. The heat-resistant wire according to claim 1 , wherein a total thickness of the insulation is not more than 0.5 mm and the outer diameter of the wire is not more than 2.5 mm.5. A heat-resistant cable claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a twisted wire formed by twisting a plurality of the heat-resistant wires according to ; and'}a sheath formed by extruding a flame-retardant resin composition to cover the twisted wire,wherein the sheath is cross-linked by exposure to ionizing radiation. The ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Structurally augmented cable

Номер: US20180012681A1
Автор: Noah P. Montena
Принадлежит: PPC Broadband Inc

A coaxial cable comprises inner and outer conductors disposed along an elongate axis, a dielectric insulating material disposed between the inner and outer conductors, a compliant jacket disposed over the inner and outer conductors, and a compliant reinforcing outer layer disposed over the compliant inner jacket, the outer layer being physically separate from the inner jacket and comprising off-axis fibers to react loads incurred during one of two operating modes, i.e., an aerial and an in-ground operating mode.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210020331A1

A wire harness includes an electrical wire, a sheet material welded to an insulating covering of the electrical wire disposed on a main surface, and a cover fixed to the sheet material. The cover covers at least part of the electrical wire disposed on the sheet material along a longitudinal direction of the electrical wire from an opposite side of the electrical wire from the sheet material. 1. A wire harness , comprising:an electrical wire;a sheet material welded to an insulating covering of the electrical wire disposed on a main surface; anda cover covering at least part of the electrical wire disposed on the sheet material along a longitudinal direction of the electrical wire from an opposite side of the electrical wire from the sheet material and fixed to the sheet material.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover is partially provided on the part of the electrical wire disposed on the sheet material along the longitudinal direction of the electrical wire.3. The wire harness according to claim 2 , whereinthe cover includes a plurality of small cover parts provided at intervals along the longitudinal direction of the electrical wire.4. The wire harness according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover is wholly provided on the part of the electrical wire disposed on the sheet material along the longitudinal direction of the electrical wire.5. The wire harness according to claim 1 ,the cover has a part thinner than the sheet material.6. The wire harness according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover includes a first part covering an end portion of the part of the electrical wire disposed on the sheet material along the longitudinal direction and a second part covering the part of the electrical wire closer to a middle portion in relation to the end portion along the longitudinal direction, and the first part is thicker than the second part.7. The wire harness according to claim 6 , whereina sheet-like base material constituting the cover is folded back, thus the ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210021114A1
Автор: KIM Dale

A flexible covering for wires, cables, and the like includes a flexible sleeve in a partially rolled natural state and capable of being unrolled, and at least one pliable rod or insert running through an entire length of the flexible sleeve capable of firmly holding the flexible sleeve in a bent shape while allowing the flexible sleeve to remain wrapped around a bundle of wires. 1. (canceled)2. The flexible covering of claim 9 , wherein the at least one pliable insert includes at least one rod.3. The flexible covering of claim 9 , wherein the at least one pliable insert includes a metal.4. The flexible wrap of claim 2 , wherein the at least one rod runs through the flexible wrap in a third direction that is diagonal to the first and second directions.5. (canceled)6. The flexible covering of claim 10 , wherein the at least one rod includes two or more rods arranged in parallel through the entire length of the flexible wrap.7. The flexible covering of claim 9 , wherein the flexible wrap includes a non-conducting rubber.8. The flexible covering of claim 9 , wherein the flexible wrap includes a mesh type material.9. A flexible covering comprising:a flexible wrap having a first edge and a second edge that extend between first and second ends in a first direction; andat least one pliable insert coupled to the flexible wrap, be in a rolled state in which the first edge of the flexible wrap overlaps the second edge of the flexible wrap when a first force is not applied to at least one of the first edge or second edge', 'be moved to an unrolled state in which the first edge of the flexible wrap does not overlap the second edge of the flexible wrap when the first force is applied to at least one of the first edge or second edge, and', 'be placed into a bent state in which the first end is moved relative to the second end when a second force is applied in a second direction that differs from the first direction, and, 'wherein the flexible wrap has a first rigidity such that ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170025204A1

A USB cable for transmitting data at superspeed at a frequency of at least 10 GHz is provided, comprising a jacket, and positioned within said jacket at least a power cable and a plurality of shielded insulated conductors for transmitting said data at speeds up to 10 Gbps per channel, the insulation of said insulated conductors exhibiting a dissipation factor of no greater than 0.00035 at 10 GHz, and comprising melt-fabricable perfluoropolymer, such as tetrafluoroethylene/hexafluoropropylene copolymer or tetrafluoroethylene/perfluoro(alkyl vinyl ether) copolymer. 1. A USB cable for transmitting data at superspeed at a frequency of at least 10 GHz , comprising a jacket , and positioned within said jacket at least a power cable and a plurality of shielded insulated conductors for transmitting said data at speeds up to 10 Gbps per channel , the insulation of said insulated conductors exhibiting a dissipation factor of no greater than 0.00035 at 10 GHz and comprising melt-fabricable perfluoropolymer.2. The cable of wherein said dissipation factor is no greater than 0.00031.3. The USB cable of wherein said insulated conductors are coaxial cables claim 1 , each of said insulated conductors being shielded.4. The USB cable of wherein the conductor in each said coaxial cables has a diameter of no greater than 9.8 mils (0.249 mm) and the thickness of the insulation of said insulated conductor insulation is no greater than 8.2 mils (0.21 mm).5. The USB cable of wherein said thickness of said insulation is no greater than 6.4 mils (0.16 mm).6. The USB cable of wherein the conductor in each said coaxial cables has a diameter of no greater than 7.9 mils (0.201 mm) and the thickness of the insulation of said insulated conductors is no greater than 6.4 mils (0.16 mm).7. The USB cable of wherein said thickness of said insulation is no greater than 4.9 mils (0.12 mm).8. The USB cable of wherein said insulated conductors are either twisted pair or twinaxial pair claim 1 , each of said ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Electrostatic Coating Cable Maintenance Device

Номер: US20150027370A1

A time period required for replacement work of a divided cable is shortened. An electrostatic coating cable () includes a power supply line () that supplies power to a high voltage generator (), a signal line () that controls the high voltage generator (), and a ground line (). The power supply line () and the ground line () are connected by a first inspection line (), the signal line () and the ground wire () are connected by a second inspection line (), a first diode () is interposed in the first inspection line (), and a second diode () is interposed in the second inspection line (). The first and the second diodes () and () inhibit a current from flowing through the first and the second inspection lines () and () during an operation of the electrostatic coater (). The first and the second inspection lines () and () and the first and the second diodes () and () are contained in a cable connecting section () that connects divided cables () adjacent to each other. During stoppage of the electrostatic coater (), a voltage for inspection is applied to the ground line (). 1. An electrostatic coating cable maintenance device for identifying a divided cable that is brought into a state immediately before breakage out of a plurality of divided cables that configure an electrostatic coating cable that electrically connects an electrostatic coater containing a high voltage generator with a control panel that controls the electrostatic coater , the electrostatic coating cable including a power supply line that supplies power to the high voltage generator , a signal line and a ground line , and the power supply line or the signal line that configures the cable being brought into a state immediately before breakage ,wherein in a plurality of lines that configure the power supply line, the signal line and the ground wire, two lines having a potential difference during an operation of the electrostatic coater are set as a pair, and the two lines that configure each pair are ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180025808A1

An insulated electric cable has a core member formed by stranding a plurality of core wires , each of the core wires including a conductor and an insulating layer covering the conductor , an inner sheath covering the core member , an outer sheath covering the inner sheath , and a paper tape disposed between the core member and the inner sheath in a state that it is wrapped around the core member , in which the outer sheath is formed by a flame-retardant polyurethane resin, and a cross-sectional area of each of conductors is within 0.18-3.0 mm. 15-. (canceled)6. An insulated electric cable comprising:a core member formed by stranding a plurality of core wires, each of the core wires including a conductor and an insulating layer covering the conductor;a first coating layer which is formed of extruded resin covering the core member;a second coating layer covering the first coating layer; anda tape member disposed between the core member and the first coating layer in a state that it is wrapped around only the core member,wherein the insulating layer does not include magnetic powder,wherein the first coating layer covers only the core member and the tape member,wherein the second coating layer is formed by a flame-retardant polyurethane-based resin, andwherein the core member has two first core wires respectively being discrete from each other and having a same diameter as each other and two second core wires respectively having a second diameter different from that of the two first core wires, andthe two second core wires are mutually stranded to form a subunit, and the subunit and the two first core wires are stranded to form the core member, and{'sup': '2', 'a cross-sectional area of each of the conductors is in a range of 0.18 to 3.0 mm, and a cross-sectional area of a conductor of the first core wires is greater than that of the second core wires.'}7. The insulated electric cable as in claim 6 , wherein the insulating layer of the core wires is formed by a flame- ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160033199A1

A method for manufacturing an enameled wire includes providing a conductor with an enamel coating thereon, and exposing the conductor to a light with a wavelength absorbable by a solvent included in the enamel coating to evaporate the solvent. The light includes a peak wavelength of less than 4 μm. 1. A method for manufacturing an enameled wire , comprising:providing a conductor with an enamel coating thereon; andexposing the conductor to a light with a wavelength absorbable by a solvent included in the enamel coating to evaporate the solvent,wherein the light comprises a peak wavelength of less than 4 μm.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the peak wavelength is in a range of 2.0 to 3.2 μm.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light is unabsorbable by a solute included in the enamel coating.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light comprises a near-infrared light.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the light comprises a laser light.6. An apparatus for manufacturing an enameled wire claim 1 , comprising a baking furnace comprising an irradiation unit that irradiates light with a peak wavelength of less than 4 μm onto a travelling conductor with an enamel coating thereon.7. The apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the baking furnace comprises an evaporation oven with the irradiation unit and a curing oven separate from the evaporation oven. The present application is based on Japanese patent application No. 2014-154327 filed on Jul. 29, 2014, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to method and apparatus for manufacturing an enameled wire.2. Description of the Related ArtEnameled wires are generally manufactured by conducting a step of evaporating a solvent contained in an enamel coating applied to a conductor to dry the enamel coating and a step of curing a resin contained in the enamel coating and baking it to form a film on the conductor. ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170032866A1

Provided are a thermoplastic polyurethane resin composition that achieves excellent flame retardancy, a conductor covering material having excellent characteristics, and manufacturing methods therefor. A thermoplastic polyurethane resin composition and a conductor covering material () according to embodiments of the present invention each include: 100 parts by weight of a resin component formed of 58.1 parts by weight or more and 73.9 parts by weight or less of a thermoplastic polyurethane resin, and 26.1 parts by weight or more and 41.9 parts by weight or less of core-shell polymer particles; and 42 parts by weight or more and 87 parts by weight or less of a phosphoric acid ester-based flame retardant. 1. A thermoplastic polyurethane resin composition , comprising:100 parts by weight of a resin component formed of 58.1 parts by weight or more and 73.9 parts by weight or less of a thermoplastic polyurethane resin, and 26.1 parts by weight or more and 41.9 parts by weight or less of core-shell polymer particles; and42 parts by weight or more and 87 parts by weight or less of a phosphoric acid ester-based flame retardant.2. The thermoplastic polyurethane resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein:the core-shell polymer particles each include one or more core layers and one or more shell layers;the core layers include an outermost core layer composed of a polymer having a glass transition temperature of less than 40° C.;the shell layers include a crosslinked shell layer composed of a copolymer obtained by polymerization of raw materials including one or more kinds selected from a group consisting of a (meth)acrylic acid ester and a vinyl cyanide compound, and a polyfunctional monomer, the copolymer having a glass transition temperature of 40° C. or more; and (a) core-shell polymer particles each including 50.1 wt % or more and 88.9 wt % or less of the core layers with respect to 100 wt % of a total of the core layers and the shell layers, and having a degree of ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Resin composition, inorganic filler, direct-current power cable, and method for producing direct-current power cable

Номер: US20210032434A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd

A resin composition including a base resin containing polyolefin, and an inorganic filler, wherein the inorganic filler includes: a core part containing Mg(OH) 2 , and a covering part containing a plurality of MgO particles provided on an outer periphery of the core part, the content of the inorganic filler in the resin composition is 0.1 parts by mass or more and 5 parts by mass or less with respect to 100 parts by mass of the base resin; and a volume fraction of Mg(OH) 2 in one particle of the inorganic filler is 10% or more and less than 50%.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190035608A1

A substrate support includes an edge ring, one or more heating elements, and a cable configured to provide power from a power source to the edge ring and the one or more heating elements. The cable includes a first plurality of wires connected to the edge ring, a second plurality of wires connected to the one or more heating elements, a filter module, wherein the first plurality of wires and the second plurality of wires are twisted together within the filter module, and an isolation device. The isolation device is connected to the first plurality of wires and disposed between the filter module and the edge ring. The isolation device is configured to compensate for a resonance frequency generated during operation of the edge ring and the one or more heating elements. 1. A substrate support , comprising:an edge ring;one or more heating elements; and a first plurality of wires connected to the edge ring,', 'a second plurality of wires connected to the one or more heating elements,', 'a filter module, wherein the first plurality of wires and the second plurality of wires are twisted together within the filter module, and', 'an isolation device connected to the first plurality of wires and disposed between the filter module and the edge ring, wherein the isolation device is configured to compensate for a resonance frequency generated during operation of the edge ring and the one or more heating elements., 'a cable configured to provide power from a power source to the edge ring and the one or more heating elements, wherein the cable includes'}2. The substrate support of claim 1 , wherein the second plurality of wires includes a plurality of pairs of wires claim 1 , each pair of wires configured to provide power to a respective heating element of the one or more heating elements.3. The substrate support of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of wires includes a pair of wires configured to provide power to the edge ring.4. The substrate support of claim 1 , further ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150041179A1

A pole part for medium voltage use, with an insulating coverage made of duroplastic or thermoplastic material, and a method for manufacturing the pole part are provided. To enhance the manufacturing of pole parts, such that the manufactured pole part could be more easily released out of the mold, and additionally that the interface between elements made of different materials are tightly closed, in order to generate reproducible dielectric withstand performance in the manufacture, the transition area between different elements of the pole part are commonly flat in such a way that rounded edges and/or steps are avoided. 1. A pole part for medium voltage use , comprising:an insulating coverage made of duroplastic or thermoplastic material, wherein transitions between different materials and topographic structures of at least one of a vacuum interrupter and connecting terminals are covered tightly by the insulating coverage commonly molded thereto,wherein a transition area between different elements of the pole part are commonly flat in such a way that at least one of rounded edges and steps are avoided.2. The pole part according to claim 1 , wherein the transition area between an inlay of the pole part and the mold are commonly flat in such a way that at least one of rounded edges and steps are avoided.3. The pole part according to claim 1 , wherein in the flat transition area claim 1 , negative or positive topographic structures are implemented into at least one of the mold a contact part of the pole part as one of a groove and a topographic ring claim 1 , such that the topographic structure creates claim 1 , under mechanical impact claim 1 , a force during mounting of the parts into the mold a complementary structure in the opposite part claim 1 , so that both corresponding topographies are creating a tight sealing effect during a molding process.4. The pole part according to claim 1 , wherein the transition area is located between the contact terminal of the pole ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Wire harness including shield member surrounding electric wires

Номер: US20190039539A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A wire harness includes: a wire part including a plurality of electric wires gathered in a same direction; and a shield member which collectively surrounds an outer periphery of the wire part. The shield member is disposed to be interposed between adjacent electric wires of the plurality of electric wires in the wire part. The adjacent electric wires in the wire part are arranged at a predetermined interval such that a predetermined value of electrostatic capacitance is established between the electric wires.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190043641A1

A data transmission cable includes a first wire and a second wire adjacent to each other, each of the first wire and the second wire has a central conductor and a cover layer enclosing the conductor, and the conductor of the first wire has an outer diameter same as the conductor of the second wire. The ratio of the center distance between the first wire and the second wire to the outer diameter of the conductor is in the range of 1.7 to 2.35. 1. A data transmission cable , comprising:a first wire and a second wire adjacent to each other, each of the first wire and the second wire having a central conductor and a cover layer enclosing the conductor, and the conductor of the first wire has an outer diameter same as the conductor of the second wire;wherein the ratio of the center distance between the first wire and the second wire to the outer diameter of the conductor is in the range of 1.7 to 2.35.2. The data transmission cable as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the first wire and the second wire are served as a differential pair claim 1 , and the cover layer is set to make the differential impedance between the first wire and the second wire be controlled in 78 to 107 Ohm when the ratio of the center distance between the first wire and the second wire to the outer diameter of the conductor is in the range of 1.7 to 2.35.3. The data transmission cable as claimed in claim 2 , wherein when the ratio of the center distance between the first wire and the second wire to the outer diameter of the conductor is in the range of 1.7 to 2.0 claim 2 , the differential impedance between the first wire and the second wire is controlled in 78 to 92 Ohm.4. The data transmission cable as claimed in claim 3 , wherein when the ratio of the center distance between the first wire and the second wire to the outer diameter of the conductor is in the range of 1.8 to 1.9 claim 3 , the differential impedance between the first wire and the second wire is controlled in 80 to 90 Ohm.5. The data ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Elastic Wiring Member

Номер: US20190045627A1
Автор: Kikuchi Kozue

To provide an elastic wiring member that is to be used in connection with an electronic component or an external electronic device and that is less likely to undergo a change in resistance when the member is stretched. An elastic wiring member includes a stretchable wiring line having stretchability and connected to a contact of an electronic device main body A and a contact of an electronic component, and a base sheet, formed of a rubber-like elastic body, holding the stretchable wiring line. The elastic wiring member further includes reinforcing members arranged in or on the base sheet. The reinforcing members are located adjacent to connection parts of the stretchable wiring line connected to the contacts and when the base sheet is viewed from above. The reinforcing members inhibit the base sheet from stretching and prevent deformation of the connection parts of the stretchable wiring line. 1. An elastic wiring member comprising:an elastic sheet formed of a rubber-like elastic body;a stretchable wiring line including a conductive line disposed inside the elastic sheet and connection part located on the conductive line; anda reinforcing member disposed adjacent to the connection part and made of a rigid material, the reinforcing member inhibiting the elastic sheet from stretching and contracting, or deforming around the connection part.2. The elastic wiring member according to claim 1 , further comprising:a connection target member in electrical communication with the stretchable wiring line through the connection part.3. The elastic wiring member according to claim 1 , wherein the stretchable wiring line includes a plurality of connection parts.4. The elastic wiring member according to claim 2 , wherein the connection target member is at least one of an electronic device claim 2 , an electronic component claim 2 , and a contact member.5. The elastic wiring member according to claim 2 , wherein the connection target member is fixed to the connection part.6. The ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053455A1
Автор: HAGI Masahiro

To enable a plurality of coated wires inserted in a tubular member to be positioned in a direction intersecting a length direction thereof. A conductive line includes a wire bundle having a configuration in which a plurality of coated wires are bundled together, a tubular member that is arranged so as to surround the wire bundle and that is bent in a state in which the wire bundle is inserted therein, and a spacer that has holding portions formed therein capable of holding the plurality of coated wires in a state in which displacement of the coated wires in a direction intersecting the length direction thereof is restricted, and that is housed in the tubular member. 1. A conductive line comprising:a wire bundle in which a plurality of coated wires are bundled together;a tubular member that is arranged so as to surround the wire bundle and that is bent; anda spacer that has holding portions formed therein, the holding portions being capable of holding the plurality of coated wires in a state in which displacement of the coated wires in a direction intersecting a length direction thereof is restricted,wherein the spacer is housed in the tubular member.2. The conductive line according to claim 1 , wherein conductors constituting the coated wires are made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy.3. A spacer for use in a conductive line including a wire bundle in which a plurality of coated wires are bundled together claim 1 , and a tubular member that is arranged so as to surround the wire bundle and that is bent claim 1 ,the spacer being provided with holding portions capable of holding the plurality of coated wires in a state in which displacement of the coated wires in a direction intersecting a length direction thereof is restricted, the spacer being configured to be housed in the tubular member.4. The conductive line according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of coated wires is exactly two coated wires.5. The conductive line according to claim 1 , wherein the tubular ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140131093A1

An attachment orientation of a fixating member is stabilized, and the fixating member is able to be attached in an accurate position in a case where a non-woven member is hot pressed around a wire harness main body to form a protective member. The wire harness includes a wire harness main body and a protective member. The protective member is formed by hot pressing a non-woven member in a state where the non-woven member covers at least a portion of the wire harness main body. A flat support surface is formed on at least a portion of an outer circumference of the protective member and at least one positioning surface is formed so as to be adjacent to the flat support surface in a direction orthogonal to an axis direction of the wire harness main body and so as to project further than the flat support surface. 1. A wire harness comprising:a wire harness main body; anda protective member, the protective member being formed by hot pressing a non-woven member in a condition in which the non-woven member covers at least a portion of the wire harness main body, the protective member including a flat support surface formed on at least a portion of an outer circumference, and at least one positioning surface formed adjacent to the flat support surface in a direction orthogonal to an axis direction of the wire harness main body and extending in a direction projecting from the flat support surface.2. The wire harness according to claim 1 , wherein a fixating member including an attachment plate having a long claim 1 , thin plate shape and a vehicle body fixation portion capable of fixating to a vehicle body claim 1 , is attached to the protective member in a condition in which the attachment plate is in surface contact with the flat support surface and at least one side of the attachment plate is in contact with the at least one positioning surface.3. The wire harness according to claim 2 , whereina width of the flat support surface is equal to or smaller than a width of the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190058249A1

The present disclosure provides a cable structure, a power cord structure and an electrical device. The cable structure includes: a power cord, a shell arranged on the power cord, and an antenna arranged in the shell. Because the antenna is arranged in the shell and does not need to be exposed to the outside, it works in a good environment and can be protected from being damaged easily and, thereby guaranteeing the working reliability and stability of the antenna. Because the shell is arranged on the power cord, the electrical device does not need to be provided with additional antenna devices, thereby improving the overall appearance, convenience for carrying and the user experience. The shell is arranged on the power cord, the position of the shell can be at the middle, the front or different positions depending on requirements of the power cord, therefore satisfying different user needs. 1. A cable structure , applied to an electrical device , comprising:a power cord;a shell arranged on the power cord; andan antenna arranged in the shell.2. The cable structure of claim 1 , further comprising:a communication module arranged in the shell and connected to the antenna.3. The cable structure of claim 2 , further comprising:a conducting wire, wherein one end of the conducting wire is connected to the communication module, and the other end of the conducting wire is connected to the electrical device.4. The cable structure of claim 1 , further comprising:a conducting wire, wherein one end of the conducting wire is connected to the antenna, and the other end of the conducting wire is connected to the electrical device.5. The cable structure of claim 4 , wherein claim 4 ,the shell is detachably mounted on the power cord.6. The cable structure of claim 5 , wherein claim 5 ,the power cord comprises a first portion and a second portion separated from the first portion; the first portion is connected to the second portion by a connecting element; and the connecting element is ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140139049A1

Methods and apparatus for plasma processing of a substrate to improve process results are proposed. The apparatus pertains to multi-layer segmented electrodes and methods to form and operate such electrodes. The multi-layer segmented electrode includes a first layer comprising a first plurality of electrode segments, whereby electrode segments of the first plurality of electrode segments spatially separated from one another along a first direction. There is also included a second layer comprising a second plurality of electrode segments, whereby the second layer is spatially separated from the first layer along a second direction perpendicular to the first direction and whereby at least two segmented electrodes of the first plurality of electrode segments are individually controllable with respect to one or more electrical parameters. 1. A multi-layer segmented electrode , comprising:a first layer comprising a first plurality of electrode segments whereby electrode segments of said first plurality of electrode segments spatially separated from one another along a first direction;a second layer comprising a second plurality of electrode segments, whereby said second layer is spatially separated from said first layer along a second direction perpendicular to said first direction and whereby at least two segmented electrodes of said first plurality of electrode segments are individually controllable.2. The multi-layer segmented electrode of claim 1 , wherein said first direction is a direction parallel to a layer plane of said first layer.3. The multi-layer segmented electrode of claim 2 , wherein said at least two electrode segments of said first plurality of electrode segments are controllable by different sets of electrical parameters when said multi-layer segmented electrode is employed in a plasma processing chamber for processing a substrate.4. The multi-layer segmented electrode of claim 2 , wherein said first layer is planar.5. The multi-layer segmented ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061526A1

An insulated wire that has a stranded wire conductor, and an insulator that covers an outer circumference of the stranded wire conductor. The stranded wire conductor is made up of at least a plurality of copper-based element wires twisted together, and has been heat-treated after circular compression. The copper-based element wire(s) has (have) an Ni-based plated layer on the surface. The Ni-based plated later has been compressed by the circular compression. The insulator is composed of a cross-linked ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene based copolymer, and has a heating deformation rate in the range of 65% or more, as determined under predetermined conditions using predetermined formulae in conformity with ISO6722. 1. An insulated wire comprising a stranded wire conductor , and an insulator that covers an outer circumference of the stranded wire conductor , whereinthe insulated wire is configured to be used in a state of being in contact with an oil composed of AT fluid or CVT fluid,the stranded wire conductor is made up of at least a plurality of copper-based element wires that are twisted together, and has been heat-treated after circular compression,the copper-based element wires have an Ni-based plated layer on a surface thereof,the Ni-based plated layer has been compressed by the circular compression, andthe insulator is composed of a cross-linked ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene based copolymer anda heating deformation rate of the insulator is 65% or more at the time after an edge of 0.7 mm in thickness is pressed against a surface of the insulator with a Load defined by Formula 1 and is kept under an atmosphere at 220° C. for 4 hours in conformity with ISO6722, Load [N]=0.8×√{i×(2D−i)} (Formula 1)where, D is a finished outer diameter [mm] of the insulated wire, and i is a thickness [mm] of the insulator, {'br': None, 'Heating Deformation Rate (%)−100×(Minimum Wire Outer Diameter [mm] after subjected to Heating Deformation Outer Diameter [mm] of Stranded Wire Conductor ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180061532A1

The invention provides a method for producing an electric wire with a low dielectric loss. The method for producing an electric wire includes a coating step of coating a core wire with a mixture of a high-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (A) and a non-fibrillatable low-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (B); a first heating step of heating the coated core wire up to the first melting point of the low-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (B) or higher; a second heating step of heating the coated core wire to 150° C. to 300° C.; and a cooling step of cooling the coated core wire. 1. A method for producing an electric wire comprising:a coating step of coating a core wire with a mixture of a high-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (A) and a non-fibrillatable low-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (B);a first heating step of heating the coated core wire up to the first melting point of the low-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene (B) or higher;a second heating step of heating the coated core wire to 150° C. to 300° C.; anda cooling step of cooling the coated core wire.2. The method for producing an electric wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the second heating step satisfies a temperature drop rate of 500° C./min or lower.3. The method for producing an electric wire according to claim 1 ,wherein the second heating step satisfies a heating time of 6 to 60 seconds. The invention relates to methods for producing electric wires.Cables for transmitting high-frequency signals, such as coaxial cables and LAN cables, always suffer dielectric loss.The dielectric loss is a function of permittivity (∈) and dielectric loss tangent (tan δ), and these parameters are preferably as low as possible. For the purpose of reducing the dielectric loss, high-frequency cables are proposed which include, as an insulating coating material, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) excellent in these electric properties.For example, Patent Literature 1 aims to provide a high ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180062364A1

A woven sleeve for routing and protecting an elongate member and method of construction thereof are provided. The sleeve has a woven wall with a circumferentially continuous outer periphery extending along a central axis between opposite ends. Warp yarns extend generally parallel to the central axis and fill yarns extend generally transversely to the warp yarns. At least a portion of the wall has a plurality of layers in abutment with one another. At least one of the fill yarns is provided as a shrinkable yarn that provides the wall with an ability to remain in a first, diametrically enlarged assembly state to facilitate assembly of the sleeve about the elongate member, whereupon the wall can be radially constricted to a second, diametrically constricted assembled state to maintain the sleeve in the desired location, while also minimizing the outer circumference to facilitate use of the sleeve in tight spaces. 1. A textile sleeve for routing and protecting elongate members , comprising:an elongate, woven wall having a circumferentially continuous, tubular outer periphery bounding a central cavity extending along a central axis between opposite open ends, said wall including warp yarns extending generally parallel to the central axis and fill yarns extending generally transversely to said warp yarns, said wall having separate first and said portions each extending about separate portions of said outer periphery, said first portion having a plurality of layers overlying and abutting one another and being attached to one another along a pair of interconnect regions that extend between said first and second portions and between said opposite ends, at least some of said fill yarns include shrinkable yarn allowing said wall to be radially constricted from a diametrically enlarged first state to a diametrically constricted second state.2. The textile sleeve of claim 1 , wherein said interconnect regions are formed by at least one of said fill yarns.3. The textile sleeve of ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140141244A1
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corporation

The present invention relates to materials for making cable jackets, particularly for riser and plenum cables. The materials provide low flammability and allow the cable to meet UL 910 or NFPA-262 or UL 1666 specifications. The composition contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin, a plasticizer, ammonium octamolybdate, a molybdate compound, a stabilizer, a lubricant, aluminum trihydrate, and either i) metal oxide particles, ii) a polytetrafluoroehtylene (PTFE), iii) an intumescent compound, or iv) combinations thereof. 1. A composition comprisinga) a PVC resin;b) a plasticizer;c) ammonium octomolybdate;d) a molybdate compound;e) a stabilizer;f) a lubricant;g) aluminum trihydrate; andh) metal oxide particles, PTFE, an intumescent compound, or combinations thereof.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide particles are silicon dioxide.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer includes tetrabromophthalate ester and isodecyl diphenyl phosphate ester.4. The composition of claim 3 , wherein the tetrabromophthalate ester is present at about 5-30 phr claim 3 , and the isodecyl diphenyl phosphate ester is present at about 10-40 phr.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein component a) is present at about 100 parts by weight claim 1 , component b) is about 15-70 phr claim 1 , component c) is present at about 10-40 phr claim 1 , component d) is present at about 10-40 phr claim 1 , component e) is present at about 0.1-10 phr claim 1 , component f) is present at about 0.1-2 phr claim 1 , or component g) is present at about 20-80 phr.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein component h) is present at about 1-10 phr for each of metal oxide particles claim 1 , PTFE claim 1 , and the intumescent compound.7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the metal oxide particles are solid claim 1 , non porous claim 1 , low surface area claim 1 , non ionic claim 1 , non hydrated claim 1 , micro mineral or metal oxide particles.8. The composition of claim 1 , further ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210065931A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

An insulated electric cable including: two first core wires, each of the two first core wires including: a first conductor; and a first insulating layer covering the first conductor; and two second core wires, each of the two second core wires including: a second conductor having a cross-sectional area smaller than that of the first conductor; and a second insulating layer covering the second conductor; wherein the two second core wires are mutually stranded to form a subunit, and wherein one of the two first core wires, another of the two first core wires, and the subunit are mutually stranded and are in contact with each other to form a core member. 1. An insulated electric cable comprising: a first conductor; and', 'a first insulating layer covering the first conductor; and, 'two first core wires, each of the two first core wires including a second conductor having a cross-sectional area smaller than that of the first conductor; and', 'a second insulating layer covering the second conductor;, 'two second core wires, each of the two second core wires includingwherein the two second core wires are mutually stranded to form a subunit, andwherein one of the two first core wires, another of the two first core wires, and the subunit are mutually stranded and are in contact with each other to form a core member.2. The insulated electric cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the first insulating layer is formed by a polyolefin-based resin, a cross-linked polyethylene, or a cross-linked fluorine resin.3. The insulated electric cable according to claim 1 ,wherein the second insulating layer is formed by a polyolefin-based resin, a cross-linked polyethylene, or a cross-linked fluorine resin.4. The insulated electric cable according to claim 1 , further comprising:a first coating layer covering the core member; and a second coating layer covering the first coating layer.5. The insulated electric cable according to claim 4 ,wherein the first coating layer is any of a polyolefin ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Tube and Conductor Set

Номер: US20170063060A1
Автор: Parkinson Michael

A tube and conductor set includes a polymeric tube having a radially outward facing surface and a conductor having a polymeric sheath in which the polymeric sheath has a radially outward facing surface. The radially outward facing surface of the polymeric tube is bonded to the radially outward facing surface of the polymeric sheath of the conductor over an axial length, except for one or more unbonded intermediate axial gaps. These one or more unbonded intermediate axial gaps provide a starting point for the separation of one of the ends of the polymeric tube from one of the ends the conductor. It is contemplated that more than one tube and/or conductor can be bonded and that each line of bonding could have such unbonded intermediate axial gaps to facilitate ease of separation. 1. A tube and conductor set comprising:a polymeric tube axially extending between a pair of ends, the polymeric tube having a radially outward facing surface and a radially inward facing surface, the radially inward facing surface defining a central passageway that places one of the pair of ends of the polymeric tube in fluid communication with the other one of the pair of ends of the polymeric tube; anda conductor axially extending between a pair of ends, the conductor having a polymeric sheath in which the polymeric sheath has a radially outward facing surface;wherein the radially outward facing surface of the polymeric tube is bonded to the radially outward facing surface of the polymeric sheath of the conductor over an axial length except for at least one unbonded intermediate axial gap along this axial length between a pair of bonded sections and wherein, along the at least one unbonded intermediate axial gap, the radially outward facing surface of the polymeric tube is not bonded to the radially outward facing surface of polymeric sheath of the conductor to provide a starting point for subsequent manual separation of one of the ends of the polymeric tube from one of the ends the ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150072109A1

Structures and manufacturing processes of an ACF array and more particularly a non-random particles are transferred to the array of microcavities of predetermined configuration, shape and dimension. The manufacturing process includes fluidic filling of conductive particles surface-treated with a block copolymer composition onto a substrate or carrier web comprising a predetermined array of microcavities. The thus prepared filled conductive microcavity array is then over-coated or laminated with an adhesive film. 1. An anisotropic conductive film (ACF) comprising: (a) an adhesive layer having a substantially uniform thickness; and (b) a plurality of conductive particles individually adhered to the adhesive layer , wherein the conductive particles are coated with an insulation layer comprising a block copolymer comprising a block or segment that is incompatible with the adhesive resin of the adhesive layer of the ACF and the plurality of conductive particles are arranged in a non-random array having an X and Y direction.2. The ACF of wherein the block copolymer includes a hard and a soft block or segment.3. The ACF of wherein the soft block or segment has a Tg or Tm lower than about 25° C.4. The ACF of wherein the hard block or segment has a Tg or Tm higher than about 50° C.5. The ACF of wherein said incompatible block or segment of the block copolymer has a difference in solubility parameter of at least about 1.2 (Cal/cc)as compared to that of the ACF adhesive resin.6. The ACF of wherein said insulation layer comprises a blend of a block copolymer and a thermoplastic polymer (TPP). that is incompatible with the ACF adhesive resin.7. The ACF of wherein said thermoplastic polymer is the same as or compatible with one of the blocks or segments of the block copolymer.8. The ACF of wherein the TPP has a difference in solubility parameter of at least about 1.2 (Cal/cc)as compared to that of the ACF resin.9. The ACF of wherein said block copolymer includes a block or ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220084714A1

A method for producing the fluororesin tube, the method including a step of subjecting a thermoplastic fluororesin to melt extrusion molding at a temperature of about 260 to 450° C., wherein the thermoplastic fluororesin is selected from the group consisting of a tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer and a tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoroalkyl vinyl ether copolymer, wherein in the melt extrusion molding, a flow path of the molten thermoplastic fluororesin is temporarily branched to form a weld line in a lengthwise direction in the fluororesin tube. In some cases, the fluororesin tube has tearing property in a lengthwise direction and the method includes subjecting the thermoplastic fluororesin, a filler and/or a contrast agent to the melt extrusion molding. 1. A method for producing the fluororesin tube , the method comprising a step of subjecting a thermoplastic fluororesin to melt extrusion molding at a temperature of about 260 to 450° C. , wherein the thermoplastic fluororesin is selected from the group consisting of a tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene copolymer and a tetrafluoroethylene-perfluoroalkyl vinyl ether copolymer , wherein in the melt extrusion molding , a flow path of the molten thermoplastic fluororesin is temporarily branched to form a weld line in a lengthwise direction in the fluororesin tube.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of expanding an inner diameter of the fluororesin tube by applying pressure from inside the fluororesin tube claim 1 , while heating the fluororesin tube provided with the weld line.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a tear strength of the fluororesin tube is less than 8.0 N/mm.4. A method for producing a fluororesin tube having tearing property in a lengthwise direction claim 1 , the method comprising a step of subjecting a thermoplastic fluororesin claim 1 , a filler and/or a contrast agent to melt extrusion molding at a temperature of from about 260 to 450° C. claim 1 , ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Electrical cable for the aerospace field

Номер: US20220084718A1

An insulated electrically conductive element () for the aerospace field has an elongate electrically conductive element surrounded by at least two layers, said two layers being an electrically insulating layer () surrounding the elongate electrically conductive element () and a first semiconductor layer () surrounding said electrically insulating layer (), at least one of the layers having at least one fluoropolymer. 1. An insulated electrically conductive element for the aerospace field , comprising:an elongate electrically conductive element surrounded by at least two layers, said two layers being an electrically insulating layer surrounding the elongate electrically conductive element; anda first semiconductor layer surrounding said electrically insulating layer, at least one of said two layers comprising at least one fluoropolymer.2. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the two layers comprise at least one fluoropolymer.3. The element according to claim 1 , wherein said element further comprises a third layer claim 1 , said third layer being a second semiconductor layer surrounding the elongate electrically conductive element and being surrounded by the insulating layer.4. The element according to claim 1 , wherein each of the three layers comprises at least one fluoropolymer claim 1 , preferably the same fluoropolymer.5. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the fluoropolymer is chosen from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) claim 1 , fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) copolymers claim 1 , perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA) copolymers claim 1 , perfluoromethoxy alkane (MFA) copolymers claim 1 , ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) claim 1 , and one of the mixtures thereof.6. The element according to claim 1 , wherein the fluoropolymer is chosen from perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA) copolymers.7. The element according to claim 3 , wherein each of the three layers comprises at least one perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA) copolymer.8. The element according to claim 1 , ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140147598A1

A coating method for producing an electrically insulating coating on a bearing component, wherein, in a first step, a substance mixture comprising at least a) a silane and/or siloxane compound, b) a metal alcoholate, and c) PEEK and/or PTFE in the form of a dispersion is applied to the bearing component and, in a second step, is solidified on the component surface by means of a laser beam. 110-. (canceled)11. A coating method for producing an electrically insulating coating on a bearing component , comprising:applying in a first step a composition including at least: a) a silane and/or siloxane compound, b) a metal alkoxide, and c) PEEK or PTFE as dispersion to the bearing component; andconsolidating the composition in a second step by a laser beam on the surface of the component.12. The coating method as recited in further comprising drying in an intermediate step claim 11 , located temporally between the first step and the second step claim 11 , the composition at a temperature of between 100 and 200° C.13. The coating method as recited in wherein the composition further comprises an organic colorant.14. The coating method as recited in wherein the organic colorant comprises carbon black.15. The coating method as recited in wherein the applied composition has a thickness at least twice a wavelength of the laser beam used in the second step.16. The coating method as recited in wherein the first and second steps are carried out under inert gas atmosphere or vacuum.17. The coating method as recited in wherein a temperature during the first and second steps does not exceed a tempering temperature of the material of the bearing component.18. The coating method as recited in wherein the coating method is used to apply a coating 1 to 10 μm thick to the bearing component.19. A coating for electrical insulation of bearing components claim 11 , comprising the coating produced by the method as recited in .20. The coating as recited in wherein the composition further ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220085589A1
Автор: Ito Yuto, SASAKI Keisuke

A waterproof construction of a three-phase line part includes a three-phase line part having three bus bar construction bodies, a first terminal block provided on one end side of the three-phase line part, a second terminal block provided on the other end side of the three-phase line part, and a tubular exterior member that covers a middle portion of the three-phase line part. One end of the tubular exterior member is water-tightly fixed to a first housing of the first terminal block, and the other end thereof is water-tightly fixed to a second housing of the second terminal block, in a state that the tubular exterior member covers the three-phase line part. 1. A waterproof construction of a three-phase line part , comprising:a three-phase line part having three bus bar construction bodies which are disposed side by side;a first terminal block provided on one end side of the three-phase line part;a second terminal block provided on the other end side of the three-phase line part; anda tubular exterior member that covers a middle portion of the three-phase line part,wherein one end of the tubular exterior member is water-tightly fixed to a first housing of the first terminal block, and the other end of the tubular exterior member is water-tightly fixed to a second housing of the second terminal block, in a state that the tubular exterior member covers the three-phase line part.2. The waterproof construction of the three-phase line part according to claim 1 ,wherein the tubular exterior member includes an exterior main body that is freely expanded and contracted in a longitudinal direction of the three-phase line part, and band members configured to be fixed to the first housing and the second housing respectively.3. The waterproof construction of the three-phase line part according to claim 1 ,wherein each of the three bus bar construction bodies has a first rigid part and a second rigid part to be connected to mating terminals respectively at portions located on the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200066422A1

A cable hose suitable for welding or cutting systems includes one or more conductors and monolithic tubing that extends around and between the one or more conductors. The monolithic tubing defines one or more discrete passageways for the one or more conductors that provide a closed path from a first end of the cable hose to a second end of the cable hose for the one or more conductors. The monolithic tubing also defines an inner conduit configured to allow a gas to flow from the first end of the cable hose to the second end of the cable hose. The cable hose may be formed by arranging the one or more conductors in a specific configuration and overmolding an insulator onto the one or more conductors to secure the one or more conductors in a specific configuration. 1. A cable hose suitable for welding or cutting systems , comprising:one or more conductors; andmonolithic tubing that extends around and between the one or more conductors to define: (1) one or more discrete passageways for the one or more conductors that provide a closed path from a first end of the cable hose to a second end of the cable hose for the one or more conductors; and (2) an inner conduit configured to allow a gas to flow from the first end to the second end.2. The cable hose of claim 1 , wherein the one or more conductors are a plurality of conductors and the monolithic tubing is formed around and between the plurality of conductors by molding an insulator over the plurality of conductors.3. The cable hose of claim 1 , wherein the one or more conductors are electrical conductors and the closed path is an insulated path that prevents electrical current introduced into the cable hose at the first end or the second end from exiting the cable hose radially.4. The cable hose of claim 3 , wherein the one or more electrical conductors are uninsulated electrical conductors.5. The cable hose of claim 1 , wherein the one or more conductors are optical conductors and the closed path prevents optical ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200066426A1

Three-wire communication cables useful for operation with a vehicle are disclosed. The cables can meet MIPI C-PHY℠ standard (Version 1.2) as well as ISO 6722-1 (2011) and 14572 (2011). Methods of making and using the cables are also disclosed. 1. A three-wire communication cable comprising:three insulated wires twisted together at a pitch rate, each of the three insulated wires comprising a conductive wire and an insulation layer; anda jacket layer surrounding the three insulated wires, the jacket layer comprising one or more of thermoplastic elastic (“TPE”) and thermoplastic polyurethane (“TPU”).2. The three-wire communication cable of claim 1 , wherein each of the conductive wires comprises copper or aluminum.3. The three-wire communication cable of claim 1 , wherein each of the insulated wires comprises a 24 American Wire Gauge (“AWG”) insulated wire or 26 AWG insulated wire.4. The three-wire communication cable of claim of claim 1 , wherein each of the insulation layers comprises a fluoropolymer.5. The three-wire communication cable of claim 4 , wherein the fluoropolymer comprises fluorinated ethylene propylene (“FEP”).6. The three-wire communication cable of claim 1 , wherein the pitch rate comprises a pitch of about 8 mm to about 30 mm.7. The three-wire communication cable of further comprises a cable separator configured to separate each of the three insulated wires.8. The three-wire communication cable of claim 1 , wherein the jacket layer comprises TPE.9. The three-wire communication cable of claim 8 , wherein the TPE has a dielectric constant of about 2.5 or less when measured at 1 MHz according to ASTM D150-18.10. The three-wire communication cable of claim 1 , wherein the jacket layer comprises TPU.11. The three-wire communication cable of claim 1 , wherein the jacket layer comprises a thickness of about 0.10 mm to about 0.50 mm.12. The three-wire communication cable of further comprises a shield surrounding the three insulated wires.13. The three-wire ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190074104A1

To obtain an insulating resin material serving as a material achieving both an excellent low specific dielectric constant and an excellent low linear thermal expansion coefficient, which has heretofore been difficult to obtain, and a metal layer-equipped insulating resin material and a wiring substrate each using the insulating resin material, provided is an insulating resin material, including: porous inorganic aggregates each having pores defined by a plurality of fine particles; and fibrils formed of polytetrafluoroethylene, wherein the fibrils are each multidirectionally oriented, wherein at least one of the porous inorganic aggregates and the fibrils are connected to each other, and wherein the insulating resin material is formed of a micro network structure having a porosity of 50% or more. 1. An insulating resin material , comprising:porous inorganic aggregates each having pores, the aggregates each comprising a plurality of fine particles; andfibrils comprising a fibril made from polytetrafluoroethylene,wherein each fibril of the fibrils is multidirectionally oriented,wherein the insulating resin material has at least one connection selected from the group consisting of (i) a connection among the aggregates; (ii) a connection among the fibrils; and (iii) a connection between the aggregates and the fibrils, andwherein the insulating resin material has a micro network structure with a porosity of 50% or more.2. The insulating resin material according to claim 1 , wherein the aggregates have a BET specific surface area of from 10 m/g to 250 m/g.3. The insulating resin material according to claim 1 , wherein the aggregates have an apparent specific gravity of 100 g/L or less.4. The insulating resin material according to claim 1 , wherein the particles have an average particle diameter of from 5 nm to 35 nm.5. The insulating resin material according to claim 1 , wherein the particles comprise a porous fine powder silica subjected to hydrophobic treatment.6. The ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180075945A1
Автор: Yasumoto Hiromi

An object of the present invention is to provide a high frequency cable which may, for example, be used in a high bandwidth of 70 GHz or more and has high heat resistance. 1. A high frequency cable for a high bandwidth of 70 GHz or more , comprising: one cable body which includes a central conductor and a dielectric layer provided at an outer side of the central conductor; and an outer tube which is provided at an outer side of the cable body , wherein the outer tube includes a first structure body in a helical shape and a second structure body in a helical shape , an inner diameter of the first structure body is smaller than an inner diameter of the second structure body , the first structure body and the second structure body are mutually fitted in helical pitches , and each of the first structure body and the second structure body includes a material having a thermal conductivity of 9 W·m·Kor more , and wherein in a bent state of the cable , a helix at an outer ring side of the second structure body is configured to move to an inner ring side of the second structure body so that the helix is fitted in a state of being embedded in a gap formed at an outer ring side of the first structure body and is contacted with the cable body.2. A high frequency cable for a high bandwidth of 70 GHz or more , comprising: a plurality of cable bodies , each of which includes a central conductor and a dielectric layer provided at an outer side of the central conductor; and an outer tube which is provided at an outer side of the cable body , wherein the outer tube includes a first structure body in a helical shape and a second structure body in a helical shape , an inner diameter of the first structure body is smaller than an inner diameter of the second structure body , the first structure body and the second structure body are mutually fitted in helical pitches , and each of the first structure body and the second structure body includes a material having a thermal conductivity of ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Multi-layer coaxial cable

Номер: US20150083459A1
Автор: Mitsuharu NAGAHASHI
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

A multilayer coaxial cable includes high-voltage circuits that are coaxially disposed with each other. The high-voltage circuits include high-voltage conductors and high-voltage insulators that are disposed on the outside of the high-voltage conductors. In addition, the multilayer coaxial cable includes a conductive shield member that is coaxially disposed on the outside of the high-voltage circuits, and an insulating coating member that is coaxially disposed on the outside of the shield member.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150083490A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Cable structures with localized foam strain reliefs and systems and methods for making the same are provided. In some embodiments, at least one localized foam strain relief may be incorporated into or positioned underneath a cover of a cable structure. For example, the ratio of base material to foam material may be varied during the manufacture of the cover, such that distinct portions of the cover may include more foam than other portions of the cover. This may provide localized strain relief properties to the cable structure while also obviating the need for additional strain relief components to be provided adjacent to or over specific portions of the cover. 1. A method for forming a cable structure , the method comprising:disposing an extrudable material in a processing space of a system, wherein the extrudable material comprises a base material and a foam material;extruding the extrudable material through a die of the system; andduring the extruding, changing a relationship between the base material and the foam material in the extrudable material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the changing creates a strain relief for the cable structure.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising feeding a conductor arrangement through the die during the extruding claim 1 , wherein the extruded material surrounds the conductor arrangement.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the changing varies an outer diameter of the cable structure.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the changing varies a density of the cable structure.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the changing does not vary an outer diameter of the cable structure.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base material comprises a thermoplastic elastomer.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the foam material comprises at least one of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising treating a portion of the extruded material to change the density of the portion.10. The method of claim 1 , ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210082601A1

It is made possible to perform data transmission through a cable satisfactorily. A cable is connected between first electronic equipment and second electronic equipment. The cable includes a current consumption unit that receives supply of current from the first electronic equipment through a power supply line, a current monitor unit that observes a current amount the first electronic equipment is capable of supplying to the power supply line, and an information transmission unit that transmits control information according to the observed current amount to the first electronic equipment. The first electronic equipment controls the state of data to be supplied to the cable, on the basis of the control information transmitted thereto from the cable. 1. A cable for being connected between first electronic equipment and second electronic equipment , comprising:a current consumption unit configured to receive supply of current from the first electronic equipment through a power supply line;a current monitor unit configured to observe a current amount the first electronic equipment is capable of supplying to the power supply line; andan information transmission unit configured to transmit control information according to the observed current amount to the first electronic equipment.2. The cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe current monitor unitobserves a current amount flowing through the power supply line when the current consumption unit is placed in a current consumption state, as a current amount the first electronic equipment is capable of supplying to the power supply line.3. The cable according to claim 1 , whereinthe current monitor unitincludes a variable current consumption circuit that receives supply of current from the first electronic equipment through the power supply line, andobserves maximum current that flows through the power supply line when a current consumption amount in the variable current consumption circuit is sequentially changed from a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180082766A1

A conductive wire has a peripheral disposition part disposed around a center member and an extension part integrally formed with the peripheral disposition part so as to extend from the peripheral disposition part. A plurality of conductive wires are disposed. A sheath is disposed so as to cover the center member and the peripheral disposition part. A tube is disposed so as to surround an end portion of the sheath and a part of the extension part, and is thermally shrinkable. An adhesive is disposed inside the tube and is melted or softened by heat. 1. A cable comprising:a center member,a plurality of conductive wires each of which has a perimeter disposition part disposed around the center member and an extension part integrally formed with the perimeter disposition part so as to extend from the perimeter disposition part,a sheath that covers the center member and the perimeter disposition part,a thermally shrinkable tube that surrounds an end portion of the sheath and a part of the extension part, andan adhesive melted or softened by heat disposed inside the tube.2. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,a melting point of the center member is higher than a melting point of the adhesive.3. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the conductive wire includes an electric conductive member formed of a conductor and an insulating member formed of an insulator that covers the electric conductive member, anda melting point of the insulating member is higher than a melting point of the adhesive.4. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,a shrinkage temperature, which is a temperature at which the tube starts to shrink, is higher than a melting point of the adhesive and is lower than a melting point of the center member.5. The cable according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 ,the center member is formed to have a circular sectional shape.6. The cable according to claim 5 , wherein claim 5 ,an outer diameter of the perimeter disposition part and ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Manufacturing a Conductor Part

Номер: US20150090473A1

A method for manufacturing a conductor part for a connector unit is provided. The conductor part includes a conductive core, an insulating sleeve, and at least a first conductive layer arranged between the conductive core and the insulating sleeve. The method includes equipping at least one section of a radially inner surface of the insulating sleeve with the first conductive layer, and equipping at least one section of a radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve with at least a second conductive layer. The second conductive layer is a metal layer or a conductive plastic layer. The method also includes inserting the conducting core in the insulating sleeve before or after equipping a surface of the insulating sleeve with a conductive layer. 1. A method for manufacturing a conductor part for a connector unit , wherein the conductor part comprises a conductive core , an insulating sleeve and at least a first conductive layer arranged between the conductive core and the insulating sleeve , wherein the method comprises:equipping at least one section of a radially inner surface of the insulating sleeve with the first conductive layer;equipping at least one section of a radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve with at least a second conductive layer, wherein the second conductive layer is a metal layer or a conductive plastic layer; andinserting the conducting core in the insulating sleeve before or after the equipping of the radially inner surface or the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve with the first conductive layer or the second conductive layer, respectively.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the equipping of the at least one section of the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve comprises plating the metal layer onto the at least one section of the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve claim 1 , spraying the second conductive layer onto the at least one section of the radially outer surface of the insulating sleeve claim ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140166339A1
Автор: Bates Eric W.
Принадлежит: General Cable Technologies Corporation

The present invention relates to lead-free, halogen-free, and antimony-free cables containing insulations made of (a) a polyolefin; (b) a maleic anhydride modified polyolefin; (c) a butadiene-styrene copolymer; (d) a non-halogen flame retardant; and (e) a silane compound. The cable contains a fire retardant tape between the conductor and the insulation when the insulation thickness is greater than about 75 mils for a 1/0 AWG cable. 1. A cable containing a conductor , a fire retardant tape , and an insulation having a thickness of greater than about 75 mils , the insulation being made of a lead-free , halogen-free , and antimony-free composition comprisinga) a polyolefin;b) a maleic anhydride modified polyolefin;c) a butyldiene-styrene copolymer;d) a non-halogen flame retardant; ande) a silane compound.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the insulation meets UL 44 LTIR at 90° C. requirement and the cable meets UL 1685 fire requirement.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein component a) is present at about 20 to about 50% by weight of the composition claim 1 , component b) is present at about 1 to about 15% by weight of the composition claim 1 , component c) is present at about 0.5 to about 20% by weight of the composition claim 1 , component d) is present at about 30 to about 75% by weight of the composition claim 1 , or component e) is present at about 0.2 to about 5% by weight of the composition.4. The cable of claim 1 , wherein component a) is ethylene butene claim 1 , component b) is maleic anhydride modified polyethylene claim 1 , component c) has a styrene content of about 20-30% by weight claim 1 , component d) is magnesium hydroxide claim 1 , or component e) is a polymer of vinyltriethoxysilane and propyltriethoxysilane.5. The cable of claim 1 , further comprising a crosslinking agent claim 1 , a filler claim 1 , an antioxidant claim 1 , or a processing aid.6. The cable of claim 5 , wherein the crosslinking agent is present at about 0.1 to about 5% by weight of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160093419A1

The present invention relates to a coaxial cable, and more particularly, to a coaxial cable that satisfies a required flame-retardant grade and electrical characteristics and that is inexpensive to manufacture, compared to the related art. 1. A coaxial cable comprising:an inner conductor formed of copper clad aluminum;an insulator configured to cover the inner conductor and formed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE);an outer conductor configured to cover an outer side of the insulator and formed of copper or aluminum; anda jacket configured to cover an outer side of the outer conductor and formed of flame-retardant polyvinyl chloride (PVC).2. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the inner conductor has a diameter of 3.0 mm to 5.0 mm.3. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the insulator has a crisscross structure in which the inner conductor is disposed to pass through a center of the insulator and a plurality of ribs extend in four directions.4. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein a cross-sectional area of the insulator is in a range of 10 mmto 16 mm.5. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the outer conductor has a corrugate tubular structure claim 1 , and has a thickness of 0.21 mm to 0.25 mm.6. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein a corrugate tubular structure of the outer conductor has a depth of 1.0 mm to 1.3 mm.7. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein flame-retardant polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used to form the jacket has an oxygen index of 40 to 70.8. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the jacket has an external diameter that is in a range of 15 mm to 17 mm.9. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein a loss in a 2-GHz signal per 100 meters is 13.2 dB or less.10. The coaxial cable of claim 1 , wherein the coaxial cable satisfies a PLENUM-grade flame-retardant rank in the NFPA 262 test claim 1 ,a loss in a 2-GHz signal per 100 meters is 13.2 dB or less, anda characteristic impedance of the coaxial cable is 52Ω.11. A coaxial cable which includes an ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096784A1

A vinyl chloride resin composition includes 55 to 70 parts by mass of a plasticizer, 20 to 65 parts by mass of a metal hydrate and 0.3 to 3 parts by mass of a polytetrafluoroethylene per 100 parts by mass of a vinyl chloride resin. The polytetrafluoroethylene includes a fibril-forming polytetrafluoroethylene and a non-fibril-forming polytetrafluoroethylene. 1. A vinyl chloride resin composition , comprising:55 to 70 parts by mass of a plasticizer, 20 to 65 parts by mass of a metal hydrate and 0.3 to 3 parts by mass of a polytetrafluoroethylene per 100 parts by mass of a vinyl chloride resin,wherein the polytetrafluoroethylene includes a fibril-forming polytetrafluoroethylene and a non-fibril-forming polytetrafluoroethylene.2. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein particles of the polytetrafluoroethylene have a multilayer structure comprising a core formed of a fibril-forming high-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene and an outermost shell formed of a non-fibril-forming low-molecular-weight polytetrafluoroethylene.3. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the polytetrafluoroethylene is dispersed in a fibrillated form.4. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the metal hydrate entirely or partially comprises either hydrotalcite claim 1 , aluminum hydroxide or a mixture thereof.5. The vinyl chloride resin composition according to claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer entirely or partially comprises either tri-2-ethylhexyl trimellitate claim 1 , tri-n-octyl trimellitate or a mixture thereof.6. An electric wire claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the vinyl chloride resin composition according to provided to cover the electric wire.'}7. A cable comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the vinyl chloride resin composition according to provided as a sheath to cover the cable.'}8. The cable according to claim 7 , further comprising ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Submarine Power Cable With Curvature Monitoring Capability

Номер: US20220139595A1
Принадлежит: NKT HV Cables AB

A multi-phase submarine power cable including: a plurality of power cores arranged in a stranded configuration, and a curvature sensor including: an elastic elongated member, and a plurality of Fibre Bragg Grating, FBG, fibres, each FBG fibre extending axially along the elongated member at a radial distance from the centre of the elongated member; wherein the elongated member extends between the stranded power cores along a central axis of the multi-phase submarine power cable.

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170092927A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A battery routing electric wire is routed between a battery having an alkaline electrolytic solution and a device. The battery routing electric wire includes: a conduction portion formed of a single wire; and a cover portion that covers the conduction portion and is made of polyvinyl chloride. 1. A battery routing electric wire that is routed between a battery having an alkaline electrolytic solution and a device , said battery routing electric wire comprising:a conduction portion formed of a single wire; anda cover portion that covers the conduction portion and is made of polyvinyl chloride.2. The battery routing electric wire according to claim 1 ,wherein when 72 hours have elapsed in a state in which one end surface of the electric wire is immersed in the alkaline electrolytic solution by 10 mm, and an entire electric wire is disposed to be substantially semicircular, a traveling length of a liquid between the conduction portion and the cover portion is equal to or less than 200 mm.3. The battery routing electric wire according to claim 1 ,wherein a polymerization degree of polyvinyl chloride is equal to or greater than 1000.4. A wire harness comprising;{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'the battery routing electric wire according to .'} This application is based on and claims priority from Japanese Patent Application (Application No. 2015-187728) filed on Sep. 25, 2016, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a battery routing electric wire and a wire harness.2. Description of Related ArtIn the related art, it is known that a battery that is formed by connecting a plurality of unit cells in series is mounted on a HEV vehicle and the like. As such a battery, for example, it is known that a nickel hydride battery is used. An electrolytic solution is sealed in the nickel hydride battery and some gas is generated in an inside of the nickel hydride battery during ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Thermoplastic Fluororesin Composition, Electric Wire and Cable

Номер: US20220145060A1

An electric wire uses a thermoplastic fluororesin composition as an insulating layer covering a periphery of a conductor. The thermoplastic fluororesin composition includes a fluororubber, a fluororesin and a compatibilizer. The fluororesin includes a first fluororesin constituted by perfluoroalkoxy alkane having a melting point of 280° C. or more and 290° C. or less, and the compatibilizer is a terpolymer of tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoropropylene and vinylidene fluoride. A weight ratio (%) of the fluororubber to the fluororesin ranges from 20:80 to 60:40, and the fluororubbers are crosslinked to one another by dynamic crosslinking. 1. A manufacturing method of a thermoplastic fluororesin composition , comprising the steps of:(a) kneading a mixture including a fluororubber, a fluororesin, a compatibilizer and a polyol crosslinking agent so as to be dynamically crosslinked; and(b) extruding the product obtained in the step (a) into a tubular shape,wherein the fluororesin includes a first fluororesin constituted by perfluoroalkoxy alkane having a melting point of 280° C. or more and 290° C. or less, andthe compatibilizer is a terpolymer of tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoropropylene, and vinylidene fluoride.2. The manufacturing method of a thermoplastic fluororesin composition according to claim 1 ,wherein a weight ratio (0) of the fluororubber to the fluororesin ranges from 20:80 to 60:40.3. The manufacturing method of a thermoplastic fluororesin composition according to claim 2 ,wherein the fluororesin further includes a second fluororesin having a melting point of 275° C. or less.4. The manufacturing method of a thermoplastic fluororesin composition according to claim 3 ,wherein the compatibilizer is the terpolymer of tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoropropylene, and vinylidene fluoride, in which a molar ratio of tetrafluoroethylene units to hexafluoropropylene units to vinylidene fluoride units ranges from 30:15:10 to 70:40:50.5. A manufacturing method of a ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160099088A1

The present disclosure is directed to laser-markable insulation material and cable or wire assemblies containing such insulation material. In certain embodiments, the laser-markable insulation material can include a fluoropolymer and an inorganic laser-markable pigment. The pigment can have a mean crystal size in a range of about 0.4 microns to about 2 microns and/or a median particle size (d) in a range of about 0.45 microns to about 2 microns. The insulation material can exhibit improved initial and heat-aged contrast ratios without diminishing the ability of a cable or wire containing the insulation material to meet industry standards for electric-arc tracking and propagation resistance. 1. A laser-markable insulation material comprising:a. a polymer material comprising a fluoropolymer; and{'sub': '50', 'b. an inorganic laser-markable pigment having a mean crystal size in a range of about 0.4 microns to about 2 microns and/or a median particle size (d) in a range of about 0.45 microns to about 2 microns.'}2. A laser-markable insulation material comprising:a. a polymer material comprising a non-melt-processable fluoropolymer; andb. an inorganic laser-markable pigment having a ratio of average particle size to average crystal size of no greater than about 2:1.3. A laser-markable insulation material comprising:a. a polymer material comprising a fluoropolymer; andb. an inorganic laser-markable pigment i. an initial contrast ratio of at least about 62% as measured according to Contrast Ratio Sample Test Construction 1; and/or', 'ii. a heat-aged contrast ratio of at least about 42% after aging for 168 hours at a temperature in the range of 290 degrees Celsius to 310 degrees Celsius as measured according to Contrast Ratio Sample Test Construction 1., 'c. wherein the insulation material has4. The laser-markable insulation material of claim 1 , wherein an insulated wire containing the laser-markable insulation material is resistant to wet electric-arc tracking and ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200090832A1
Автор: Revilak Michael

A direction indicating cord assembly includes a charge cord that has a first plug that is electrically coupled thereto and a second plug that is electrically coupled thereto. A textured layer is coupled around the charge cord. The textured layer has a smooth texture when the textured layer is rubbed in a first direction running between the second plug and the first plug. Alternatively, the texture layer has a rough texture when the texture layer is rubbed in a second direction running between the first plug and the second plug. In this way a user can use touch to determine the required orientation of the charge cord between an electronic device and a power source. 1. A direction indicating cord assembly having a textured surface for indicating which end of the cord connects to a device and which end of the cord connects to a power source , said assembly comprising:a charge cord having a first plug being electrically coupled thereto and a second plug being electrically coupled thereto; anda textured layer being coupled around said charge cord, said textured layer having a smooth texture when said textured layer is rubbed in a first direction running between said second plug and said first plug, said texture layer having a rough texture when said texture layer is rubbed in a second direction running between said first plug and said second plug.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said textured layer is positioned around an outer surface of said charge cord claim 1 , said textured layer having a plurality of fingers each extending outwardly therefrom claim 1 , each of said fingers having a distal end with respect to said charge cord claim 1 , each of said fingers angling upwardly from said charge cord having said distal end being directed toward said first plug on said charge cord.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , wherein each of said fingers is compressed against said textured layer when said textured layer is rubbed in said first direction wherein said ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200090910A1
Автор: Farrell Peter
Принадлежит: Volt Holdings, LLC

A transfer module for transferring power to a non-thermal plasma generator includes a power cable; a first epoxy; a second epoxy; an interface between the first epoxy and the second epoxy; and a well; the power cable including a conductor for conducting electrical power and an insulation layer for surrounding a portion of the conductor; the first epoxy being located within the well to surround the insulation layer; the second epoxy being located within the well to surround the conductor located within the well; the second epoxy being located outside the well to surround the conductor located outside the well. 1. A transfer module for transferring power to a non-thermal plasma generator , comprising:a power cable;epoxy; anda well;said power cable including a conductor for conducting electrical power and an insulation layer for surrounding a portion of said conductor;said epoxy having a first epoxy portion and a second epoxy portion, said first epoxy portion being located within said well to surround said insulation layer and a portion of said conductor not surrounded by said insulation layer, said second epoxy portion being located outside said well to surround said conductor.1. The transfer module claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first epoxy portion has a diameter equal to a diameter of said well;said second epoxy portion having a first diameter equal to a diameter of said well and a second diameter less than the diameter of said well.2. The transfer module claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said first epoxy portion has a diameter equal to a diameter of said well;said second epoxy portion having a diameter less than the diameter of said well.3. A transfer module for transferring power to a non-thermal plasma generator claim 1 , comprising:a power cable;a first epoxy;a second epoxy;an interface between said first epoxy and said second epoxy; anda well;said power cable including a conductor for conducting electrical power and an insulation layer ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220146284A1

A sensor device includes a first pair of connection terminals extended from a first sensor and a second pair of connection terminals extended from a second sensor. A first negative connection terminal that is a negative connection terminal of the first pair of connection terminals and a second negative connection terminal that is a negative connection terminal of the second pair of connection terminals are electrically connected to each other. 1. A sensor device , comprising:a first pair of connection terminals extended from a first sensor; anda second pair of connection terminals extended from a second sensor,wherein a first positive connection terminal that comprises a positive connection terminal of the first pair of connection terminals and a second positive connection terminal that comprises a positive connection terminal of the second pair of connection terminals are electrically connected to each other.2. The sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein the second sensor is arranged to be opposite to the first sensor in a plane including the first pair of connection terminals claim 1 , andwherein the first positive connection terminal and the second positive connection terminal are arranged to be adjacent each other.3. The sensor device according to claim 2 , further comprising:a connection member that electrically connects the first positive connection terminal with the second positive connection terminal.4. The sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein a first negative connection terminal that comprises a negative connection terminal of the first pair of connection terminals and the second positive connection terminal are arranged to be adjacent each other.5. The sensor device according to claim 4 , further comprising:a jumper member connecting the first positive connection terminal and the second positive connection terminal while jumping over the first negative connection terminal.6. The sensor device according to claim 1 , wherein the second sensor is ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150103497A1

An alternating current (AC) harness for a photovoltaic (PV) system includes a wire assembly having a first end and a second end, the wire assembly having a plurality of lead wires, and at least one AC connection module positioned at a location along a length of the wire assembly between the first end and the second end. Further, the at least one AC connection module includes a first connection terminal electrically coupled to the plurality of lead wires of the wire assembly and constructed to electrically couple the wire assembly with an output of a first PV module of the PV system. The at least one AC connection module also includes a second connection terminal electrically coupled to the plurality of lead wires of the wire assembly and constructed to electrically couple the wire assembly with an output of a second PV module of the PV system. 1. An alternating current (AC) harness for a photovoltaic (PV) system , the AC harness comprising:a wire assembly having a first end and a second end, the wire assembly comprising a plurality of lead wires; and a first connection terminal electrically coupled to the plurality of lead wires of the wire assembly and constructed to electrically couple the wire assembly with an output of a first PV module of the PV system; and', 'a second connection terminal electrically coupled to the plurality of lead wires of the wire assembly and constructed to electrically couple the wire assembly with an output of a second PV module of the PV system., 'at least one AC connection module positioned at a location along a length of the wire assembly between the first end and the second end, the at least one AC connection module comprising2. The AC harness of further comprising:a first AC junction wire assembly having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the first AC junction wire assembly is coupled to the first connection terminal of the at least one AC connection module; anda second AC junction wire assembly having a first ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095353A1
Принадлежит: AGC Inc

To provide a modified PTFE which can be formed under a low extrusion pressure and with which changes of the extrusion pressure are suppressed, even in paste extrusion at a high RR ratio, and its production method. 1. A modified polytetrafluoroethylene having units based on tetrafluoroethylene , units based on a monomer represented by the following formula (1) and units based on a monomer represented by the following formula (2) ,wherein the content of the units based on the monomer represented by the formula (1) is from 0.020 to 0.040 mass % to all units of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene, and {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'n', '2n+1, 'CH═CH—CF\u2003\u2003(1)'}, 'the content of the units based on the monomer represented by the formula (2) is from 0.003 to 0.080 mass % to all units of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene {'br': None, 'sub': 2', 'm, 'CF═CFO(LO)Rf\u2003\u2003(2)'}, 'wherein n is an integer of from 2 to 6;'}wherein L is a perfluoroalkylene group, Rf is a perfluoroalkyl group, and m is an integer of from 0 to 4.2. The modified polytetrafluoroethylene according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the units based on the monomer represented by the formula (1) is from 0.020 to 0.030 mass % to all units of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene claim 1 , andthe content of the units based on the monomer represented by the formula (2) is from 0.004 to 0.008 mass % to all units of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene.3. The modified polytetrafluoroethylene according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the units based on the monomer represented by the formula (1) is from 0.020 to 0.027 mass % to all units of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene claim 1 , andthe content of the units based on the monomer represented by the formula (2) is from 0.004 to 0.007 mass % to all units of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene.4. The modified polytetrafluoroethylene according to claim 1 , wherein the average primary particle size corresponding to D50 as measured by a laser ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182884A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A cable wherein it is possible to prevent a pair of conductors from coming into contact with one another by disposing an inner insulator between the pair of conductors, and to prevent damages to a power source circuit and such caused by the flow of overcurrent. A cable () is used when supplying power to a storage battery on a moving body. A first conductor () is connected to a positive electrode. A second conductor () is connected to a negative electrode. A third insulator () is disposed between the first conductor () and the second conductor (), thereby preventing the first conductor () and the second conductor () from coming into contact with one another. A fourth insulator () covers the first conductor (), the second conductor (), and the third insulator (). 14-. (canceled)5. A cable for use in supplying electric power to a storage battery mounted in a mobile object , the cable comprising:a first conductor that is connected to a positive electrode;a second conductor that is connected to a negative electrode;a first insulator that covers the first conductor;a second insulator that covers the second conductor;a ground wire that is arranged between the first conductor and the second conductor;a third insulator that covers the ground wire; anda fourth insulator that covers the first conductor, the second conductor, the first insulator, the second insulator, the ground wire, and the third insulator; wherein:the third insulator is configured so that a longest straight line connecting two points on an outer periphery of the third insulator traverses two imaginary tangential lines which each contact an outer periphery of the first conductor and an outer periphery of the second conductor and which do not cross each other between the first conductor and the second conductor, on a cross section orthogonal to an axis of the cable; andthe ground wire is configured so that a longest straight line connecting two points on an outer periphery of the ground wire traverses the two ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170101529A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Glass Company, Limited

To provide a fluororesin composition excellent in elongation deformability and excellent in mechanical strength of its molded product. The fluororesin composition comprises: a copolymer (A) comprising units derived from a monomer (a), units derived from a monomer (b) and units derived from a monomer (c); and a copolymer (B) comprising units derived from the monomer (a) and units derived from the monomer (b) but containing substantially no units derived from the monomer (c). In the copolymer (A), the molar ratio of units derived from the monomer (a) to units derived from the monomer (b) is from 20/80 to 80/20; the proportion of units derived from the monomer (c) to all units is from 0.2 to 3 mol %; MFR is at most 0.5 dg/min; the proportion of the copolymer (A) to the total of the copolymer (A) and the copolymer (B) is from 4 to 30 mass %; and fish eyes are present in an amount of less than 200 fish eyes per square meter. Monomer (a): tetrafluoroethylene; Monomer (b): ethylene; Monomer (c): a monomer containing two or more polymerizable carbon-carbon double bond. 1. A fluororesin composition made of a non-melt microblend of the following copolymer (A) and the following copolymer (B) , wherein the proportion of the copolymer (A) to the total amount of the copolymer (A) and the copolymer (B) in the non-melt microblend is from 4 to 70 mass %:Copolymer (A): a copolymer comprising units derived from the following monomer (a), units derived from the following monomer (b) and units derived from the following monomer (c), wherein the molar ratio [units derived from monomer (a) to units derived from monomer (b)] of units derived from the monomer (a) to units derived from the monomer (b) is from 20/80 to 80/20, and the proportion of units derived from the monomer (c) to all units is from 0.2 to 3 mol %,Copolymer (B): a copolymer comprising units derived from the following monomer (a) and units derived from the following monomer (b) and containing substantially no units derived ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Apparatus, method and system for electrical interconnection

Номер: US20200099203A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Shanghai Bell Co Ltd

Certain examples relate to an apparatus, method and system for electrical interconnection. Certain examples provide an apparatus comprising: an outer longitudinally extending member comprising a longitudinally extending perimeter region defining an inner longitudinally extending cavity; and at least a first longitudinally extending conductor and a separate second longitudinally extending conductor; wherein the at least first and second longitudinally extending conductors are embedded within the longitudinally extending perimeter region and extend along the length thereof.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220172866A1
Автор: Gibson Rodger L.

Disclosed herein is a transport system, comprising an electrified cable system, a carriage supported by a non-electrified static cable, an electrical drive system incorporated into the carriage, the electrical drive system being utilized to move the carriage along the non-electrified static cable, a transconnector configured to supply electrical power to the carriage, and a power distribution panel. Corresponding methods of making and using the system also are disclosed. 1. A transport system comprising: an electrified cable system , a carriage supported by a non-electrified static cable , an electrical drive system incorporated into the carriage , the electrical drive system being utilized to move the carriage along the non-electrified static cable , a transconnector configured to supply electrical power to the carriage , and a power distribution panel.2. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein the non-electrified static cable comprises a pair of parallel non-electrified static cables.3. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein the carriage is configured to carry passengers claim 1 , goods claim 1 , materials claim 1 , detection systems claim 1 , weapon systems claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The transport system of claim 1 , wherein the power distribution panel provides power to operate an engine of the transport system.5. The transport system of claim 1 , further comprising a locking mechanism configured to prevent and permit removal of the transconnector from the electrified static cable system.6. The transport system of claim 1 , further comprising a slot configured to permit a tether to move from a first end of the transconnector to a second end of the transconnector.7. The transport system of claim 6 , further comprising first and second bumpers configured to soften contact of the tether with a tether support track.8. The transport system of claim 1 , further comprising a weight attached to the transconnector providing stability and maintaining ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140190723A1
Принадлежит: Borealis AG

Power cable comprising a conductor surrounded by at least one layer comprising a polypropylene, wherein the polypropylene comprises nanosized catalyst fragments being evenly distributed in said polypropylene. 1. Power cable comprising a conductor surrounded by at least one layer (L) comprising a polypropylene (PP) , wherein the polypropylene (PP) comprises nanosized catalyst fragments (F) which originate from a solid catalyst system (SCS).2. Power cable comprising a conductor surrounded by at least one layer comprising a polypropylene (PP) , wherein the polypropylene (PP) has been produced in the presence of a solid catalyst system (SCS) , said solid catalyst system (SCS) has(a) a pore volume measured according ASTM 4641 of less than 1.40 ml/g,and/or{'sup': '2', '(b) a surface area measured according to ASTM D 3663 of lower than 30 m/g,'}and/or(c) a mean particle size d50 in the range of 1 to 200 μm.3. Power cable comprising a conductor surrounded by at least one layer comprising a polypropylene (PP) , wherein the polypropylene (PP) has been produced in the presence of a solid catalyst system (SCS) , said solid catalyst system (SCS) is obtained by(a) providing a solution (S) comprising an organometallic compound of a transition metal of one of the groups 3 to 10 of the periodic table (IUPAC),(b) forming a liquid/liquid emulsion system (E), which comprises said solution (S) as droplets dispersed in the continuous phase of the emulsion system (E),(c) solidifying said dispersed phase (droplets) to form the solid catalyst system (SCS).4. Power cable according to claim 1 , wherein said catalyst fragments (F) originate from a solid catalyst system (SCS) claim 1 , (a1) a pore volume measured according ASTM 4641 of less than 1.40 ml/g,', 'and/or', {'sup': '2', '(a2) a surface area measured according to ASTM D 3663 of lower than 30 m/g,'}, 'and/or', '(a3) a mean particle size d50 in the range of 1 to 200 μm,, '(a) said solid catalyst system (SCS) has'}and/or (b1) providing a ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Loom Assembly Providing Improved Electrical Isolation

Номер: US20180109090A1
Автор: McDonald Randy

A flexible, electrically insulating insert fits in a slit of a split loom tube to substantially increase the electrical path length between cables contained within the split loom tubing and the outside environment to provide improved electrical resistance therebetween. 1. A wire harness assembly comprising:a split loom tube providing an electrically insulating tube extending along a length and having a slot cut in one wall of the tube also extending along the length; anda flexible insert providing an electrically insulating radial wall fitting between edges of the slot to extend lengthwise therealong, the radial wall extending circumferentially in opposite directions at a proximal end of the radial wall to provide an inner circumferential wall fitting against an inner wall of the tube adjacent to the slot, the flexible insert operating to flex with flexure of the split loom tube,2. The wire harness assembly of wherein a flexibility of the flexible insert to bending of a lengthwise axis of the flexible insert is no less than a flexibility of the split loom tube to bending of a lengthwise axis of the split loom tube.3. The wire harness assembly of wherein the flexible insert is substantially straight in length in a relaxed state.4. The wire harness assembly of wherein the circumferential wall sits against the inner wall of the tube so as to preclude an introduction of electrical conductors having a diameter greater than 1/16 of an inch from passing between the flexible insert and an inner wall of the tube.5. The wire harness assembly of wherein the electrical path between the flexible insert and the split loom tube from inside of the split loom claim 1 , yet outside of a space between a circumferential wall and the inner wall of the tube claim 1 , to the outside of the split loom tube is greater than one-quarter inch.6. The wire harness assembly of wherein the circumferential inner wall and circumferential outer wall subtend an angle of at least 10 degrees about a ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170110216A1

In a splice connection member, a core wire holder is integrally formed on an interior of each of a plurality of depressions into which coated wires can be guided. A plurality of pressure blades are provided opposite each other on a wire introduction opening side of the depressions, the pair of pressure blades separated by a distance smaller than an inlet diameter of the wire introduction opening. Each of the pressure blades includes a plurality of blade tips separated by a distance in an axis direction of the coated wires smaller than a thickness of the coating, and the core wire holder includes a plurality of pressure portions. A communicating groove is formed in each of the depressions so as to be open on two ends, passing between the plurality of pairs of blade tips, the communicating groove extending in a circumference direction of each of the coated wires. 1. A wire harness comprising:a plurality of coated wires each having a portion of a core wire coated by an insulating coating material exposed to an exterior of the insulating coating material at an axis direction portion of the coated wire: anda splice connection member having a plurality of conductor contact portions in contact with the core wires of the plurality of coated wires, the splice connection member including:a plurality of depressions into which the coated wires can be guided, the plurality of conductor contact portions being integrally formed on an interior of each of the plurality of depressions,a plurality of pairs of pressure blades provided opposite each other on a wire introduction opening side of the plurality of depressions of the splice connection member, the pair of pressure blades being separated by a distance smaller than an inlet diameter of the wire introduction opening, each of the pressure blades including a plurality of blade tips separated by a distance in the axis direction of the coated wires smaller than a thickness of the coating, and the conductor contact portions including ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Transmission cable

Номер: US20210125744A1
Автор: James Cheng Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A transmission cable provided includes a conductor, a protective layer, and a wrapping layer. The protective layer covers the conductor. The wrapping layer surrounds the protective layer. The protective layer covers the conductor to increase a bending strength of the transmission cable.

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150118439A1

A robotic electrostatic painting system includes a barrier formed from an electrical insulating material and disposed between adjacent reservoirs for holding a conductive paint used in an electrostatic painting operation. The barrier is shaped and dimensioned with a central plate and upper and lower flanges to block every straight line path between the reservoirs to electrostatically separate the reservoirs and prevent the formation of a ground path or short circuit when there is a voltage difference between the reservoirs. The electrostatic separation of the reservoirs further prevents deterioration of conductive components of the robotic electrostatic painting system. 1. An apparatus for electrostatically separating two adjacent paint reservoirs in a robotic painting apparatus , comprising:a barrier formed from an electrical insulating material, the barrier being shaped and dimensioned wherein when the barrier is disposed between two adjacent paint reservoirs there is no straight line path between the reservoirs that does not pass through the barrier.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical insulating material has a dielectric strength greater than 300 V/mil.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical insulating material is a polytetrafluoroethylene material.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical insulating material is an acetal copolymer material.5. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier is shaped to limit a shortest path between the reservoirs that does not pass through the barrier to no less than 100 mm.6. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier has a length along a longitudinal axis greater than a longitudinal length of each the adjacent reservoirs.7. The apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the length of the barrier is greater than the longitudinal length of each reservoir by at least 10 mm at each longitudinal end of the reservoirs.8. The apparatus ...
