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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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Применить Всего найдено 2608. Отображено 100.
16-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000010004U1

1. Сигнализатор предельной температуры, содержащий корпус, подвижный и неподвижный контакты и размещенный между подвижным контактом и корпусом термочувствительный элемент в виде замкнутой криволинейной фигуры, выполненный из материала с эффектом памяти формы, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительному элементу задана память формы таким образом, чтобы его поверхность, контактирующая с корпусом, соответствовала внутренней поверхности корпуса и имела максимально возможную площадь контактирования. 2. Сигнализатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент жестко соединен на подвижном контакте. 3. Сигнализатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент расположен между подвижным контактом и боковой поверхностью корпуса. (19) RU (11) 10 004 (13) U1 (51) МПК H01H 37/46 (1995.01) H01H 61/06 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 98115554/20, 17.08.1998 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1999 (72) Автор(ы): Виноградский В.В., Лукьянов В.А., Никишин С.П., Перова О.П., Чудаев А.М. 1 0 0 0 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Сигнализатор предельной температуры, содержащий корпус, подвижный и неподвижный контакты и размещенный между подвижным контактом и корпусом термочувствительный элемент в виде замкнутой криволинейной фигуры, выполненный из материала с эффектом памяти формы, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительному элементу задана память формы таким образом, чтобы его поверхность, контактирующая с корпусом, соответствовала внутренней поверхности корпуса и имела максимально возможную площадь контактирования. 2. Сигнализатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент жестко соединен на подвижном контакте. 3. Сигнализатор по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент расположен между подвижным контактом и боковой поверхностью корпуса. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СИГНАЛИЗАТОР ПРЕДЕЛЬНОЙ ТЕМПЕРАТУРЫ 1 0 0 0 4 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое ...

20-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000023525U1

1. Термочувствительный переключатель, содержащий корпус, в котором расположены подвижный и неподвижный контакты и термочувствительный элемент, выполненный из материала с эффектом памяти формы и установленный в изогнутом виде с возможностью воздействия на подвижный контакт, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительному элементу задана память формы в виде прямолинейного отрезка, и оба его конца жестко закреплены внутри корпуса переключателя. 2. Термочувствительный переключатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент закреплен в форме дуги. 3. Термочувствительный переключатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент закреплен в форме кольца. 4. Термочувствительный переключатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент закреплен на подвижном контакте. 5. Термочувствительный переключатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент расположен между корпусом и подвижным контактом, при этом оба его конца крепятся к корпусу, или к подвижному контакту, или один его конец крепится к корпусу, а другой - к подвижному контакту. (19) RU (11) 23 525 (13) U1 (51) МПК H01H 37/52 (2000.01) H01H 61/06 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001121826/20 , 07.08.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.08.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 20.06.2002 (72) Автор(ы): Пушин В.Г., Фетисов И.А. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Пушин Владимир Григорьевич, Фетисов Игорь Александрович Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 2 3 5 2 5 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Термочувствительный переключатель, содержащий корпус, в котором расположены подвижный и неподвижный контакты и термочувствительный элемент, выполненный из материала с эффектом памяти формы и установленный в изогнутом виде с возможностью воздействия на подвижный контакт, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительному элементу задана память формы в виде прямолинейного отрезка, и оба его конца жестко ...

27-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000042354U1

1. Электротепловое реле, содержащее корпус, имеющий в верхней и нижней частях n+1 ячейки (n - число полюсов реле), где в n ячейках расположены узлы термоэлементов, причем свободные концы узлов связаны с планками, соединенными между собой посредством рычага, в отдельной ячейке расположены контактный механизм, узел регулировки тока несрабатывания, узел температурной компенсации, кнопка “Возврат”, кнопка “Стоп”, указатель срабатывания, рычаг изменения способа возврата, отличающееся тем, что введено устройство контроля реле, установленное в ячейке исполнительного механизма, узлы термоэлементов расположены в верхней части корпуса, каждый из которых состоит из термобиметаллической пластины с держателем, выводной ламели и нагревательного элемента, одна сторона которого соединена с выводной ламелью, а другая сторона - с корпусом и имеет отогнутую вертикальную полку, выполняющую функцию выводной ламели для подсоединения внешних проводников, при этом нагревательный элемент связан с термобиметаллической пластиной гибким соединением, а держатель выполнен в виде угольника, одна сторона которого соединена с термобиметаллической пластиной, а другая сторона соединена с корпусом, причем элементы фиксации в корпусе выполнены в виде отверстий и направляющего паза, расположенного по крайней мере под углом 2-10°, в нижней части корпуса расположены зажимы для втычного подсоединения внешних проводников, выполненные по крайней мере в виде хомута с винтом, элементом фиксации, примыкающим к отогнутой вертикальной части нагревательного элемента, и плоской пружины, позволяющей увеличить зажимные усилия при подсоединении внешнего проводника, при этом верхние ячейки в основании корпуса соединены общим пазом, в котором размещены подвижные планки из изоляционного материала, по количеству соответствующие числу полюсов реле и соединенные между собой рычагом, контактный механизм, состоящий из пары неподвижных контактов, выполненных из ламелей и угольников с контактами, и перекидного мостика, ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067331U1

1. Термочувствительный выключатель, содержащий корпус, подвижный и неподвижный контакты, термочувствительный элемент, размещенный между подвижным контактом и корпусом, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент собран в корпусе в виде разомкнутого кольца, а память формы задана ему в виде отрезка прямолинейной фигуры. 2. Термочувствительный выключатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подвижный контакт выполнен из пружинящего электропроводящего материала в виде U-образного элемента, концы которого контактируют с электровыводами, а вершина огибает выступ, расположенный на основании. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 331 (13) U1 (51) МПК H01H 37/46 H01H 61/06 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007115100/22 , 20.04.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.04.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2007 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое Акционерное Общество "Производственное объединение "Спецавтоматика" (RU) U 1 6 7 3 3 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Термочувствительный выключатель, содержащий корпус, подвижный и неподвижный контакты, термочувствительный элемент, размещенный между подвижным контактом и корпусом, отличающийся тем, что термочувствительный элемент собран в корпусе в виде разомкнутого кольца, а память формы задана ему в виде отрезка прямолинейной фигуры. 2. Термочувствительный выключатель по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подвижный контакт выполнен из пружинящего электропроводящего материала в виде U-образного элемента, концы которого контактируют с электровыводами, а вершина огибает выступ, расположенный на основании. 6 7 3 3 1 (54) ТЕРМОЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ВЫКЛЮЧАТЕЛЬ R U Адрес для переписки: 659316, Алтайский край, г. Бийск, ул. Лесная, 10, ЗАО "ПО "Спецавтоматика", генеральному директору А.М. Чудаеву (72) Автор(ы): Лукьянов Виктор Алексеевич (RU), Чудаев Александр Михайлович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077104U1

Термочувствительный выключатель, содержащий корпус, подвижный и неподвижный контакты, электровыводы, термочувствительный элемент с эффектом памяти в виде прямолинейной фигуры, размещенный между подвижным контактом и корпусом, отличающийся тем, что имеется подвижный контакт, выполненный за одно целое с электровыводом, при этом часть этого подвижного контакта-вывода, прилегающая к корпусу, огибает термочувствительный элемент, концы которого свободны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 104 (13) U1 (51) МПК H01H 37/46 H01H 61/06 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008108789/22 , 06.03.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.03.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое Акционерное Общество "Производственное объединение "Спецавтоматика" (RU) U 1 7 7 1 0 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Термочувствительный выключатель, содержащий корпус, подвижный и неподвижный контакты, электровыводы, термочувствительный элемент с эффектом памяти в виде прямолинейной фигуры, размещенный между подвижным контактом и корпусом, отличающийся тем, что имеется подвижный контакт, выполненный за одно целое с электровыводом, при этом часть этого подвижного контакта-вывода, прилегающая к корпусу, огибает термочувствительный элемент, концы которого свободны. 7 7 1 0 4 (54) ТЕРМОЧУВСТВИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПЕРЕКЛЮЧАТЕЛЬ R U Адрес для переписки: 659316, Алтайский край, г. Бийск, ул. Лесная, 10, генеральному директору ЗАО "ПО "Спецавтоматика" А.М. Чудаеву (72) Автор(ы): Лукьянов Виктор Алексеевич (RU), Чудаев Александр Михайлович (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 77 104 U1 Полезная модель относится к термочувствительным устройствам, в частности к сигнализаторам предельной температуры, и может использоваться в качестве термодатчика в тепловом пожарном извещателе. В технике известны термочувствительные устройства, выполненные с ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000077105U1

1. Электротепловое реле, содержащее корпус, термоэлементы, контактный механизм, средства передачи перемещения к контактному механизму, узел регулировки тока несрабатывания, кнопку возврата, отличающееся тем, что в качестве узла регулировки тока несрабатывания введено устройство для дистанционного возврата электротеплового реле в рабочее положение, выполненное в виде электромагнита постоянного тока. 2. Электротепловое реле по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство дистанционного возврата реле в виде электромагнита постоянного тока закреплено на общей скобе вместе с электротепловым реле. 3. Электротепловое реле по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство дистанционного возврата электротеплового реле в рабочее положение после действия тока несрабатывания содержит электромагнит, включающий каркас катушки, на которой намотан провод, сердечник, размещенный в центральном отверстии каркаса катушки, вывода катушки, на которые подается напряжение, управляющее электромагнитом. 4. Электротепловое реле по п.1 или 3, отличающееся тем, что устройство дистанционного возврата реле в виде электромагнита размещено на скобе, соединенной с одной стороны с внешним поворотным якорем клапанного типа, воздействующим на кнопку возврата электротеплового реле, нажимая и освобождая ее с помощью пружины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 77 105 (13) U1 (51) МПК H01H 61/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008118870/22 , 13.05.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.05.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЗЭТА" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 7 1 0 5 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Электротепловое реле, содержащее корпус, термоэлементы, контактный механизм, средства передачи перемещения к контактному механизму, узел регулировки тока несрабатывания, кнопку возврата, отличающееся тем, что в качестве узла ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000153070U1

Тепловое реле, содержащее корпус, контактную систему, по меньшей мере две биметаллических пластины, отключающую рейку, отличающееся тем, что каждая биметаллическая пластина соединена с каждым входящим контактом посредством проводника, выполненного из материала высокого сопротивления, при этом каждая биметаллическая пластина контактирует с изогнутой токоведущей пластиной, содержащей дугообразный или трапециевидный выступ в сторону биметаллической пластины. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H01H 61/04 (13) 153 070 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2014142983/07, 24.10.2014 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.10.2014 (72) Автор(ы): Кашичкина Елена Евгеньевна (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Индивидуальный предприниматель Кашичкина Елена Евгеньевна (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.10.2014 (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2015 Бюл. № 18 R U 1 5 3 0 7 0 Формула полезной модели Тепловое реле, содержащее корпус, контактную систему, по меньшей мере две биметаллических пластины, отключающую рейку, отличающееся тем, что каждая биметаллическая пластина соединена с каждым входящим контактом посредством проводника, выполненного из материала высокого сопротивления, при этом каждая биметаллическая пластина контактирует с изогнутой токоведущей пластиной, содержащей дугообразный или трапециевидный выступ в сторону биметаллической пластины. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ТЕПЛОВОЕ РЕЛЕ 1 5 3 0 7 0 Адрес для переписки: 454092, г. Челябинск-92, а/я 9344, Угаеву Михаилу Анатольевичу U 1 U 1 1 5 3 0 7 0 1 5 3 0 7 0 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 153 070 U1 Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и касается электромеханического защитного реле, содержащего деформируемые биметаллические переключатели, срабатывающие в случае перегрузки в силовых линиях. По патенту RU 2121189 известно тепловое реле, содержащее термоэлементы, корпус с ячейками для ...

27-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000161608U1

Реле электротепловое, включающее корпус с четырьмя отсеками, в трех из которых установлены выводы для внешних проводников силовой цепи, соединенные между собой посредством нагревательных элементов, и биметаллические пластины, а в четвертом расположены выводы для внешних проводников вспомогательной цепи и связанный с концами расположенных в трех отсеках корпуса биметаллических пластин посредством подвижных планок механизм коммутационной части реле, содержащий коромыслово-ползунный механизм, выполненное из токопроводящего материала коромысло с подвижными электрическими контактами, закрепленные на выводах для внешних проводников вспомогательной цепи неподвижные электрические контакты с контактными элементами, коромысло с температурным компенсатором в виде биметаллической пластины, коромысло, ось которого установлена на коромысле с температурным компенсатором, регулятор уставки и выполненный из проволоки рычаг, при этом коромыслово-ползунный механизм содержит выполненное из электроизоляционного материала коромысло, одно плечо которого снабжено продольным пазом, в котором установлен цилиндрический выступ ползуна, снабженного возвратной пружиной сжатия, размещенной между поверхностями продольного паза, выполненного в ползуне, донной и боковой поверхностями корпуса и выступом, выполненным в корпусе, а другое плечо снабжено выступом, установленным с возможностью взаимодействия с отогнутой частью плеча коромысла с подвижными электрическими контактами, несущего нормально замкнутый подвижный электрический контакт, после размыкания нормально замкнутых электрических контактов выступом плеча коромысла коромыслово-ползунного механизма, при этом нормально разомкнутый подвижный электрический контакт находится в контакте с концом проволочной пружины изгиба, установленной на оси коромысла коромыслово-ползунного механизма, другой конец которой находится в контакте с боковой поверхностью перегородки, контактные элементы неподвижных электрических контактов закреплены неподвижно на ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Мембранный термобиметаллический магнитоуправляемый контакт

Номер: RU0000166022U1

Мембранный термобиметаллический магнитоуправляемый контакт, содержащий диэлектрический баллон, в котором помещены два контактных узла, состоящие из трех ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, из которых крайние закреплены в противоположных внутренних торцах диэлектрического баллона, а средний термобиметаллический упругий чувствительный элемент с верхним инертным и нижним активным слоями расположен в зоне перекрытия ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, причем зазор между одним ферромагнитным упругим чувствительным элементом и инертным слоем больше, чем зазор между другим ферромагнитным упругим чувствительным элементом и активным слоем, при этом рабочие поверхности всех трех упругих чувствительных элементов имеют полностью регулярный микрорельеф, отличающийся тем, что средний термобиметаллический упругий чувствительный элемент выполнен в виде термобиметаллической мембраны с тем же расположением активного и инертного слоев. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 166 022 U1 (51) МПК H01H 1/66 (2006.01) H01H 37/52 (2006.01) G08B 17/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016115033/07, 18.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.04.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.11.2016 Бюл. № 31 1 6 6 0 2 2 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Мембранный термобиметаллический магнитоуправляемый контакт, содержащий диэлектрический баллон, в котором помещены два контактных узла, состоящие из трех ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, из которых крайние закреплены в противоположных внутренних торцах диэлектрического баллона, а средний термобиметаллический упругий чувствительный элемент с верхним инертным и нижним активным слоями расположен в зоне перекрытия ферромагнитных упругих чувствительных элементов, причем зазор между одним ферромагнитным упругим чувствительным элементом и инертным слоем больше, чем зазор между другим ферромагнитным упругим ...

19-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000207844U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехнике, а именно к термовыключателям для электрических нагревательных элементов, предназначенных для тех условий, где требуются особые требования к механической прочности, безопасности и высокой степени защиты электрического нагревателя от внешних воздействующих факторов, и может быть использована, в частности в устройствах для предпускового подогрева масла в винтовом блоке компрессора. Техническим результатом заявленной полезной модели является упрощение конструкции и расширение области применения, упрощение демонтажа в полевых условиях. Технический результат достигается тем, что в термовыключателе, содержащем верхнюю и нижнюю детали, между которыми расположены термочувствительные предохранительные элементы, согласно полезной модели, нижняя пластинчатая деталь на внешней поверхности содержит цилиндрический выступ, при этом нижняя пластинчатая деталь, верхняя пластинчатая деталь и термочувствительные предохранительные элементы стянуты винтами через соосные сквозные отверстия. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 207 844 U1 (51) МПК H01H 37/04 (2006.01) H01H 37/32 (2006.01) H01H 61/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H01H 37/04 (2021.08); H01H 37/32 (2021.08); H01H 61/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021124955, 24.08.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Торговый Дом «Парка Инноваций и Развития» (RU) Дата регистрации: 19.11.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 19.11.2021 Бюл. № 32 2 0 7 8 4 4 R U (54) Термовыключатель (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к электротехнике, а именно к термовыключателям для электрических нагревательных элементов, предназначенных для тех условий, где требуются особые требования к механической прочности, безопасности и высокой степени защиты электрического нагревателя от внешних воздействующих факторов, и может быть использована, в частности в ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Power generation device

Номер: US20120013219A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A power generation device is disclosed, which includes a plurality of thermomagnetic generator and a flow controller. The thermomagnetic generators can acquire first fluids respectively. The flow controller can control flow rates of the second fluids flowing into the thermomagnetic generators respectively, wherein a fluid temperature of the first fluid is different from a fluid temperature of the second fluid.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Power disconnecting device

Номер: US20130093562A1

A power disconnecting device includes: two electrical contacts which are electrically conductively connected to one another via a conductor in a closed state of the conductor; and a holding unit which holds the conductor in the closed state, the conductor being pre-tensioned in the direction of an open position, the two electrical contacts not being electrically conductively connected via the conductor in the open position of the conductor. The holding unit has a thermosensitive element, and a heating element is assigned to thermosensitive element. The thermosensitive element changes its shape upon activation of the heating element, thus resulting in the conductor moving into the open position.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Protection element and method for producing protection element

Номер: US20130099890A1
Автор: Yoshihiro Yoneda
Принадлежит: Dexerials Corp

A protective element that is capable of promptly reliably disconnecting a current path by taking advantage of the erosion phenomenon of a solder in a melted state. A plurality of electrodes is formed by a first electrically conductive layer deposited on a substrate and by a plurality of second electrically conductive layers. A solder paste has a wetting performance for the electrodes higher than that for the substrate and is deposited on top of the first and second electrically conductive layers formed on the substrate. The solder paste melts by at least one out of heat generated by a resistor and heat generated by a stack of the electrodes and the solder paste. As the solder paste erodes the portion of the first electrically conductive layer intermediate between the electrodes, it is attracted towards the electrodes exhibiting higher wettability by it than that of the substrate.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106566A1
Принадлежит: STEGO-Holding GmbH

A bimetallic controller, having a switching device and at least one bimetal device which is or can be actively connected to the switching device such as to allow the switching device to be switched in a temperature-dependent fashion. The bimetal device includes at least one first bimetal element and at least one curved second bimetal element that are connected to each other in a zone of contact and are designed in said zone of contact such that the coefficient of thermal expansion of the first bimetal element increases from its bottom to the top and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the curved second bimetal element decreases from its bottom to the top, or vice versa. 1. A bimetal controller , comprising a switching device and at least one bimetal device , which is or can be actively connected to the switching device in such a way as to allow a temperature-dependent switching of the switching device ,characterized in that{'b': '8', 'the bimetal device has at least one first bimetal element and at least one arcuate, second bimetal element, which are connected to each other at a contact region and are formed at the contact region in such a way that the coefficient of thermal expansion of the first bimetal element decreases from the underside thereof to the upper side and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the arcuate, second bimetal element () increases from its underside to the upper side, or vice versa.'}2. The bimetal controller as claimed in claim 1 ,characterized in that{'sub': ΔT10', 'ΔT12', 'ΔT10', 'ΔT12, 'the bimetal elements are constructed from in each case at least two element layers with different coefficients of thermal expansion (α, α), the layer structure of the first bimetal element at the contact region progressing oppositely to the layer structure of the arcuate, second bimetal element with respect to the coefficients of thermal expansion (α, α).'}3. The bimetal controller as claimed in claim 1 ,characterized in thatthe bimetal device has ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Integrated Mechanical Device for Electrical Switching

Номер: US20130146873A1

An integrated circuit comprising a mechanical device for electrical switching comprising a first assembly being thermally deformable and having a beam held at at least two different locations by at least two arms, the beam and the arms being metal and disposed within the same metallization level, and further comprising at least one electrically conducting body. The first assembly has a first configuration at a first temperature and a second configuration at a second temperature different from the first temperature. The beam is out of contact with the electrically conducting body in one configuration in contact with the body in the other configuration. The beam establishes or breaks an electrical link passing through the said at least one electrically conducting body and through the said beam in the different configurations. 1. An integrated circuit , comprising:a plurality of metallization levels separated by an insulating region and disposed on a substrate; and a first assembly being thermally deformable and disposed within an enclosure and having a beam held at at least two different locations by at least two arms rigidly attached to edges of the enclosure, the beam and the arms being metal and disposed within a same metallization level; and', 'at least one electrically conducting body, the said first assembly having at least a first configuration at a first temperature and a second configuration when at least one of the arms is at a second temperature different from the first temperature;, 'a mechanical device for electrical switching comprisingwherein the beam is out of contact with the said at least one electrically conducting body in one of the first configuration and second configuration and in contact with the said at least one electrically conducting body in the other of the first configuration and the second configuration and establishing or breaking an electrical link passing through the said at least one electrically conducting body and through the said ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130207768A1

A thermomagnetic trip is disclosed for an electrical switching device, especially a circuit breaker. In at least one embodiment it includes at least one first and one second terminal, a first heating element, a conductor able to be influenced by temperature, a yoke and a clapper armature. A current path is formed through at least the first terminal, the conductor, the first heating element and the second terminal. The current path is disposed at least in sections on and/or in the yoke such that a magnetic field acting on the clapper armature is induced in the yoke by the current flowing through the current path and wherein a second heating element is disposed in the current path especially between the first terminal and the conductor. 1. A thermomagnetic trip for an electrical switching device , comprising:at least one first and one second terminal;a first heating element;a conductor, influenceable by temperature;a yoke and a clapper armature, wherein a current path is formable through at least the first terminal, the conductor, the first heating element and the second terminal and wherein the current path is disposable at least in sections at least one of on and in the yoke such that a magnetic field acting on the clapper armature is induceable in the yoke by the current flowing through the current path; anda second heating element, disposed in the current path between the first terminal and the conductor, influenceable by temperature.2. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein the conductor includes claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , a bimetal.3. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the two heating elements is embodied claim 1 , at least in sections claim 1 , in a meander shape claim 1 , a zig-zag shape or a serpentine shape.4. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein the conductor is disposed at least in sections within the yoke.5. The thermomagnetic trip of claim 1 , wherein the second heating element is disposed at least in ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Thermo-magnetic power generation system

Номер: US20130258593A1
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A thermo-magnetic power generation system includes a thermo-magnetic power generation device, a first circulating device, and a second circulating device. The first circulating device and the second circulating device are connected to the thermo-magnetic power generation device. The liquid is heated by the first circulating device and cooled by the second circulating device. The heated liquid and the cooled liquid transmitted to the thermo-magnetic element are recycled by the first circulating device and the second circulating device.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

RF Thermal Fuse

Номер: US20130278376A1
Принадлежит: Andrew LLC

Certain aspects are directed to a thermal fuse for preventing overheating of RF devices in a telecommunication system. The RF thermal fuse includes a body, a conductive bolt, and a driving mechanism. The body can be positioned on a transmission line between an RF signal source and an RF device. The conductive bolt is positioned in the body. The conductive bolt has a length sufficient to provide impedance at a point of protection on the transmission line in response to the conductive bolt contacting a live conductor of the transmission line. The impedance is sufficient to reflect a portion of the incident power of an RF signal from the RF source. The driving mechanism can cause the conductive bolt to contact the live conductor in response to a temperature at or near the point of protection exceeding a threshold temperature. 1. An RF thermal fuse comprising:a body adapted to be positioned on a transmission line between an RF signal source and an RF device;a conductive bolt positioned in the body, the conductive bolt having a length sufficient to provide an impedance at a point of protection on the transmission line in response to the conductive bolt contacting a live conductor of the transmission line, wherein the impedance is configured to reflect a portion of the incident power of an RF signal from the RF signal source; anda driving mechanism configured to cause the conductive bolt to contact the live conductor in response to a temperature at or near the point of protection exceeding a threshold temperature.2. The RF thermal fuse of claim 1 , wherein the driving mechanism is irreversible.3. The RF thermal fuse of claim 2 , wherein the driving mechanism comprises:a spring adapted to apply a force to the conductive bolt in a direction toward the live conductor; anda solder adapted to resist the force applied to the conductive bolt, wherein the solder comprises a soldering material having a melting temperature equal to the threshold temperature.4. The RF thermal fuse ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140022044A1
Принадлежит: NESTEC S.A.

A liquid food of beverage preparation machine that includes an electric supply circuit connectable to an electric power source; a heater powered by the electric supply circuit; and a thermal fuse device in thermal communication with the heater and associated with the electric supply circuit, the fuse device being arranged to interrupt the electric supply circuit from the power source when the heater exceeds a temperature limit. The thermal fuse device is reversible and includes a switch for automatically interrupting the electric supply circuit when the heater exceeds the temperature limit, the switch being operable by a user to close the electric supply circuit when the heater has a temperature that has returned below the temperature limit. 1. A liquid food of beverage preparation machine comprising:an electric supply circuit connectable to an electric power source;a heater powered by the electric supply circuit; anda thermal fuse device in thermal communication with the heater and associated with the electric supply circuit, the fuse device being arranged to interrupt the electric supply circuit from the power source when the heater exceeds a temperature limit,wherein the thermal fuse device is reversible and comprises a switch for automatically interrupting the electric supply circuit when the heater exceeds the temperature limit, the switch being operable by a user to close the electric supply circuit when the heater has a temperature that has returned below the temperature limit.2. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the fuse device comprises an actuator that is arranged to push out a pin claim 1 , rod or piston against the user switch when the temperature limit is exceeded by the heater so as to actuate the user switch and open the circuit.3. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the fuse device has an actuator that comprises a thermo-mechanical component that is in thermal communication with the heater and that mechanically actuates the user switch to open the ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220038035A1

A microrobot is disclosed. The microrobot includes a magnet configured to provide a motive force when magnetic force of one or more electrical coils act upon the magnet, a support member coupled to the magnet, a thermo-responsive polymer member coupled to each end of the support member at a proximal end, the thermo-responsive polymer member configured to articulate when heated, wherein the thermo-responsive polymer members configured to receive light from a microrobot structured light system and convert the received light into heat. 1. A microrobot articulation system , including:a substrate,one or more electrical coils each adaptable to provide a magnetic force in an XYZ coordinate system, a magnet upon which the magnetic force of the one or more electrical coils act,', 'a support member coupled to the magnet,', 'a thermo-responsive polymer member coupled to each end of the support member at a proximal end, the thermo-responsive polymer member configured to articulate when heated,', 'wherein the thermo-responsive polymer members configured to receive light from the microrobot structured light system and convert the received light into heat., 'one or more microrobots disposed on the substrate, each microrobot including2. The microrobot articulation system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more electrical coils are external to the substrate.3. The microrobot articulation system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more electrical coils are integrated into the substrate.4. The microrobot articulation system of claim 1 , where each microrobot further comprises an electrochromic polymer member coupled to a distal end of the thermo-responsive polymer member claim 1 , the electrochromic polymer members configured to change colors when coupled across an object having an electrical potential.5. The microrobot articulation system of claim 1 , wherein the thermo-responsive polymer member includes PNIPAM.6. The microrobot articulation system of claim 1 , the thermo-responsive polymer ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020291A1

A microrobot is disclosed. The microrobot includes a magnet configured to provide a motive force when magnetic force of one or more electrical coils act upon the magnet, a support member coupled to the magnet, a thermo-responsive polymer member coupled to each end of the support member at a proximal end, the thermo-responsive polymer member configured to articulate when heated, wherein the thermo-responsive polymer members configured to receive light from a microrobot structured light system and convert the received light into heat. 1. A microrobot system , comprising:a microrobot structured light system, comprising a structured light source adaptable to selectively shine structured light;a microrobot vision system adaptable to ascertain position and color of an object; and a substrate,', 'one or more electrical coils each adaptable to provide a magnetic force in an XYZ coordinate system,', a magnet upon which the magnetic force of the one or more electrical coils act,', 'a support member coupled to the magnet,', 'a thermo-responsive polymer member coupled to each end of the support member at a proximal end, the thermo-responsive polymer member configured to articulate when heated,', 'wherein the thermo-responsive polymer members configured to receive light from the microrobot structured light system and convert the received light into heat., 'one or more microrobots disposed on the substrate, each microrobot including], 'a microrobot articulation system, including2. The microrobot system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more electrical coils are external to the substrate.3. The microrobot system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more electrical coils are integrated into the substrate.4. The microrobot system of claim 1 , where each microrobot further comprises an electrochromic polymer member coupled to a distal end of the thermo-responsive polymer member claim 1 , the electrochromic polymer members configured to change colors when coupled across an object having an ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Micromechanical component having a bond joint

Номер: US20140117471A1

A micromechanical component includes a substrate and a first oxide layer on the substrate, the first oxide layer having an aperture. The component further includes a conductive functional layer, which is provided on the first oxide layer in the region of the aperture, and a metal layer, which is provided on the functional layer, for producing a bond joint. A second oxide layer is provided on lateral faces of the functional layer for insulating the functional layer. 1. A micromechanical component , comprising:a substrate;a first oxide layer on the substrate, the first oxide layer having an aperture;a conductive functional layer, which is on the first oxide layer in a region of the aperture; anda metal layer, which is on the functional layer for providing a bond joint; anda second oxide layer on lateral faces of the functional layer for insulating the functional layer.2. The micromechanical component of claim 1 , wherein the functional layer is embedded in a casting compound.3. The micromechanical component of claim 2 , wherein the functional layer is separated on all sides from the casting compound by the first oxide layer claim 2 , the second oxide layer and the metal layer.4. The micromechanical component of claim 1 , further comprising:a seismic mass, whose upper edge ends with the upper edge of the functional layer, wherein the seismic mass is made of a same material as the functional layer.5. A method for manufacturing a micromechanical component claim 1 , the method comprising:providing a substrate having a first oxide layer, the first oxide layer having an aperture, and a functional layer, which is provided on the first oxide layer in a region of the aperture;generating a trench in the functional layer in the region around the aperture; andfilling the trench with a second oxide layer.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the trench is filled with the second oxide layer with the aid of plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein a ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Circuit breaker heaters and translational magnetic systems

Номер: US20150035627A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A thermal-magnetic trip unit is provided for a circuit breaker. The thermal-magnetic trip unit includes a heater and a translational magnetic system coupled to the heater. The heater includes a first portion, a second portion, and a third disposed between the first portion and the second portion. The first portion has a first surface disposed in a first plane, and the second portion has a second surface disposed in a second plane that is substantially parallel to the first plane. The first surface is separated by a first predetermined distance from the second surface. The third portion has a third surface disposed in a third plane that is substantially perpendicular to the first plane. The third surface has a first predetermined length and is separated by a second predetermined distance from the second surface. Numerous other aspects are provided

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160035521A1

A circuit breaker comprises: a fixed-contact piece with a fixed contact ; a movable-contact piece with a movable contact ; a thermal actuator element thermally transformable to move the movable-contact piece so that the movable contact and the fixed contact are opened; a PTC thermistor for conducting electricity between the movable-contact piece and the fixed-contact piece through the thermal actuator element when the movable contact and the fixed contact are opened; a main body of a package provided with a holding recess housing the above-mentioned components; and a cover hermetically covering the holding recess . The fixed-contact piece is embedded between an internal wall and an external wall of the main body . The PTC thermistor is housed in an opened hollow penetrating through the internal wall under such a state that the PTC thermistor conductively contacts with the fixed-contact piece . In a planar view of the circuit breaker, a through-hole penetrating through the external wall overlaps with the opened hollow , but does not overlap with the centroid O of the opened hollow 2. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the fixed-contact piece has a tip end portion embedded in the package's main body between the internal wall and the external wall claim 1 , andthe through-hole is disposed on the tip end portion side of the centroid of the opened hollow.3. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the package's main body is formed by a resin injected through a gate of a die claim 1 , andthe through-hole is disposed on the gate side of the centroid of the opened hollow.4. The circuit breaker according to claim 2 , wherein the package's main body is formed by a resin injected through a gate of a die claim 2 , andthe through-hole is disposed on the gate side of the centroid of the opened hollow.5. The circuit breaker according to claim 1 , wherein the through-hole is provided at each of multiple positions.6. The circuit breaker according to claim 2 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Shape memory alloy actuated switch

Номер: US20210035748A1

A shape-memory alloy actuated switch (SMAAS) is provided that enables the stable switching of two separate circuits. The presently disclosed SMAAS includes a substrate, one or more electrical contacts attached to the substrate for connecting to load circuits, and one or more electrically conductive elements for selectively connecting the one or more electrical contacts. The disclosed SMAAS also includes one or more shape-memory alloy actuators attached to the substrate. The one or more shape-memory alloy actuators are configured to move the one or more electrically conductive elements. The shape-memory alloy actuators are self-heated by passing current through the shape-memory alloy material. The disclosed SMAAS may also include electrical contacts to connect an external control current to the shape-memory alloy material. In some examples, the provided SMAAS includes one or more retention mechanisms to prevent movement of the electrically conductive elements after actuation.

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150042205A1

A device for converting thermal power into electric power includes many conversion cells arranged inside and on top of a substrate. Each conversion cell includes a curved bimetal strip and first and second diodes coupled to the bimetal strip. The diodes are arranged in a semiconductor region of the substrate. 1. A device for converting thermal power into electric power , comprising: a curved bimetal strip; and', 'a first diode and a second diode coupled to said strip and formed in a first semiconductor region of the first substrate., 'a plurality of conversion cells arranged inside and on top of a first substrate, wherein each cell comprises2. The device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in each cell claim 1 , an anode of the first diode and a cathode of the second diode are electrically coupled to the strip by at least one first conductive track.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein said at least one first conductive track is formed in at least one metal level of the bimetal strip.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the cathodes of the first diodes are coupled to a same first node by at least one second conductive track claim 1 , and wherein the anodes of the second diodes are coupled to a same second node by at least one third conductive track.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein said at least one second and at least one third conductive tracks are formed in at least one metal level of the bimetal strip.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein each cell comprises a first capacitive electret transducer having a first electrode formed by said bimetal strip.7. The device of claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , in each cell claim 6 , a second semiconductor region of the first substrate located in front of the bimetal strip forms a second electrode of the capacitive electret transducer of the cell.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein each cell comprises an electret layer between said bimetal strip and the second semiconductor region.9. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a second ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160042898A1

In one aspect, circuit breakers including ventilation of heat generated by a bi-metal element are disclosed. Circuit breakers include a circuit breaker housing with a heat channel adjacent to a bi-metal element, and a vent exit from the heat channel configured to remove heat generated by the bi-metal element during use. According to another aspect, an electronic circuit breaker including an electronic module with heat ventilation is disclosed. The electronic circuit breaker includes an electronic module including a housing portion forming an electronic circuit chamber that contains electronic circuit components, wherein the housing portion includes one or more vent exits from the electronic circuit chamber configured to remove heat generated by the electronic circuit components during use. Circuit breaker housings and methods of operating circuit breakers are provided, as are other aspects. 1. A circuit breaker , comprising:a bi-metal element; and a heat channel adjacent to the bi-metal element, and', 'a vent exit from the heat channel configured to remove heat generated by the bi-metal element., 'a circuit breaker housing including'}2. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the heat channel extends from a bottom of the circuit breaker housing to a top of the circuit breaker housing claim 1 , and the vent exit is located at a top of the circuit breaker housing.3. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the heat channel includes a vent entry at a bottom of the circuit breaker housing.4. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , wherein the heat channel is separated from the bi-metal element by a side cover.6. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , comprising:a first mechanical module;a second mechanical module; andan electronic module located between the first mechanical module and the second mechanical module, andwherein the heat channel is formed between the first mechanical module and an electronic module, anda second heat channel is formed between the second mechanical ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044131A1

In aspects of the disclosure, a fuel cartridge wherein the fuel is in a powdered form is admixed with inert materials such as alumina or other ceramics to improve thermal conductivity. Said cartridge having fuel zones, heating zones, and controllers to selectively heat fuel zones and thereby generate hydrogen via decomposition of fuel is disclosed. 11. A fuel cartridge () comprising:{'b': 6', '5, 'a frame () and folded PCB () forming a box sealed together forming a substantially hydrogen impermeable enclosure;'}{'b': '16', 'a plurality of fuel regions (A-N)'}{'b': 11', '19', '19, 'affixed to inner wall () of the PCB are one or more switching thermal control mechanisms (A and B);'}{'b': '17', 'electrically connected to said switching thermal control mechanisms are resistance heater elements ();'}{'b': '100', 'fuel () within each of the plurality fuel regions;'}{'b': '15', 'a hydrogen output () fluidly communicating from inside the box to outside; and,'}{'b': '14', 'a power connection () electrically connected to said thermal control mechanisms communicating from outside the box to inside the box.'}2. The fuel cartridge of claim 1 , wherein said fuel is comprised of at least one of sodium borohydrate claim 1 , alane or ammonia borane.3. The fuel cartridge of wherein inert materials such as alumina or other ceramics are added to the fuel to improve thermal conductivity.4. The fuel cartridge of claim 1 , further comprising one or more bulkheads (DV) to separate fuel regions.5. The fuel cartridge of claim 1 , further comprising one or more switching mechanisms.6112. The fuel cartridge of cairn claim 1 , further comprising malleable regions () of the PCB whereby the PCB may be folded.7. The fuel cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the sealing is at least one adhesive bond claim 1 , membrane claim 1 , cover claim 1 , epoxy claim 1 , coating claim 1 , wrapping claim 1 , sonic weld claim 1 , weld claim 1 , high temperature silicone and will withstand the operating pressures to ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039880A1

A MEMS device includes a semiconductor support body having a first cavity, a membrane including a peripheral portion, fixed to the support body, and a suspended portion. A first deformable structure is at a distance from a central part of the suspended portion of the membrane and a second deformable structure is laterally offset relative to the first deformable structure towards the peripheral portion of the membrane. A projecting region is fixed under the membrane. The second deformable structure is deformable so as to translate the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane along a first direction, and the first deformable structure is deformable so as to translate the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane along a second direction. 1. A MEMS device , comprising:a support body formed at least partially from a semiconductor material;a first cavity extending within the support body;a membrane including a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, and the membrane including a peripheral portion fixed on first surface to the support body and a suspended portion extending above the first cavity;a projecting region fixed to the first surface of the membrane;a first deformable structure extending over the second surface of the suspended portion of the membrane at a distance from a central part of the suspended portion of the membrane), the first deformable structure projecting laterally relative to the projecting region towards the peripheral portion of the membrane and the projecting region projecting laterally relative to the first deformable structure towards the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane, the first deformable structure being deformable in an electrically controllable way to cause a deformation of the suspended portion of the membrane causing the central part of the suspended portion to translate along a first direction; anda second deformable structure extending at least partially over the ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200039812A1
Автор: Fu Hao, Liu Xinyu

It is provided a microfluidic analytical device and platform for autonomous immunoassays such as ELISA comprising a porous layer having at least one slot therein and a porous arm extending from the porous layer and pivotable about the arm's root, the porous arm being pivotable between an off position wherein the porous arm is spaced away from the slot and an on position wherein the porous arm is disposed in the slot and the hydrophilic element spans the slot to define a fluid flow path across the slot; a heat-responsive shaped memory polymer (SMP) disposed underneath the porous layer, the SMP being elastically deformable in response to being heated to move the porous arm between the on and off positions; and a heat source in heat-conducting contact with the SMP to elastically deform the SMP. 1. A microfluidic analytical device , comprising:a porous layer having at least one slot therein and a porous arm extending from the porous layer and pivotable about the arm's root, a distal end of the porous arm having a hydrophilic element, the porous arm being pivotable between an off position wherein the porous arm is spaced away from the slot and an on position wherein the porous arm is disposed in the slot and the hydrophilic element spans the slot to define a fluid flow path across the slot;a heat-responsive shaped memory polymer (SMP) disposed underneath the porous layer and abutting against the porous arm, the SMP being elastically deformable in response to being heated to move the porous arm between the on and off positions; anda heat source in heat-conducting contact with the SMP to elastically deform the SMP.2. The microfluidic analytical device of claim 1 , wherein the porous layer is selected from the group consisting of porous cellulose paper claim 1 , porous hydrophilic fabrics claim 1 , porous nitrocellulose paper and membrane claim 1 , porous glass microfiber membrane claim 1 , and porous carbon nanofiber membrane.3. The microfluidic analytical device of claim ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190052196A1
Автор: Stalford Harold L.
Принадлежит: MicroZeus, LLC

A micro machine may be in or less than the micrometer domain. The micro machine may include a micro actuator and a micro shaft coupled to the micro actuator. The micro shaft is operable to be driven by the micro actuator. A tool is coupled to the micro shaft and is operable to perform work in response to at least motion of the micro shaft. 1a micro actuator;a micro shaft coupled to the micro actuator;the micro shaft operable to be driven by the micro actuator; anda tool coupled to the micro shaft and operable to perform work in response to at least motion of the micro shaft.. A micro machine in or less than the micrometer domain, comprising: This application claims priority under 35 USC § 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/512,176 filed Oct. 10, 2014, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,912,257 issued on Mar. 6, 2018 (Attorney Docket No. 22660-0004002); which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/757,313 filed Jun. 1, 2007, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,884,474 issued on Nov. 11, 2014, (Attorney Docket No. 22660-0004001); which claims priority under 35 USC § 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/810,666, filed on Jun. 2, 2006, (Attorney Docket No. 22660-000P01); and claims priority under 35 USC § 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/757,321, filed on Jun. 1, 2007, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,915,158 issued on Dec. 23, 2014, (Attorney Docket No. 22660-0005001); and claims priority under 35 USC § 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/757,331 filed on Jun. 1, 2007, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,159,107 issued on Apr. 17, 2012, (Attorney Docket No. 22660-0006001); and claims priority under 35 USC § 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/757,341, filed on Jun. 1, 2007, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,156,674 issued on Oct. 13, 2015, (Attorney Docket No. 22660-0007001); and claims priority under 35 USC § 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/757,343, filed on Jun. 1, 2007, now issued as U.S. Pat. ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062795A1
Автор: Tanabe Yoshio

The object is to provide an actuator that moves in a shearing direction. 1. An actuator , comprising:an internal actuator comprising a first stator and a first mover opposed to the first stator, the first mover moving in a direction away from the first stator;a second stator having a fixation wall that is disposed in a direction in which the first stator and the first mover are opposed to each other and that is disposed along a first mover side and away from the first mover, the second stator being fixed with the first stator; anda second mover having a pressing wall to be inserted between the first mover and the fixation wall.2. The actuator according to claim 1 , further comprising a biasing unit that biases the pressing wall toward a first mover side.3. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereinthe second stator has a box shape for accommodating the internal actuator,the fixation wall is a side wall of the second stator, andthe second mover has a lid portion covering an opening of the second stator.4. The actuator according to claim 3 , whereinthe second stator has a ridge-like raised portion on an edge surface of a side wall adjacent to the fixation wall along a long side of the edge surface, andthe lid portion abuts against the ridge-like raised portion.5. The actuator according to claim 1 , whereinthe internal actuator includes a wire made of a shape memory alloy,the first stator includes a plurality of stator convex portions,the first mover includes a mover convex portion arranged between the stator convex portions, andthe wire is located between the first stator and the first mover along a direction in which the stator convex portions are aligned.6. The actuator according to claim 2 , whereinthe internal actuator includes a wire made of a shape memory alloy,the first stator includes a plurality of stator convex portions,the first mover includes a mover convex portion arranged between the stator convex portions, andthe wire is located between the first ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170062161A1
Автор: TAKEDA Hideaki

A movable flat surface portion, which rises in conjunction with the upward movement of a facing surface, first causes an edge of the movable flat surface portion to abut a flat surface portion, second brings an entirety of a surface of the movable flat surface portion into intimate contact with the fixed flat surface portion as a result of the movable flat surface portion acting against elastic resistance thereof in accordance with upward inertia, third forms, in accordance with a restoring force resulting from the elastic resistance thereof, a gap in the intimate contact with the fixed flat surface portion in a manner such that the forming of the gap starts with an end side continuous with the end of the facing surface, and fourth stabilizes a position shape such that the edge of the movable flat surface portion is a portion that ultimately comes into contact with the fixed flat surface portion. 1. A temperature switch comprising:a housing that includes an inner top surface having a fixed flat surface portion formed at one end of the inner top surface;a fixed contact located at an inner lower surface facing the fixed flat surface portion of the housing, and connected to an inner end of a first connection terminal extending out of the housing;a bimetallic element that warps in one direction at a temperature lower than a predetermined temperature and that inverts a direction of the warp at the predetermined temperature or higher; anda movable plate that includes a plate-like body consisting of a metal elastic plate with which the bimetallic element is combined, wherein one end of the plate-like body in a longitudinal direction is fixed to a support of the housing, an inner end of a second connection terminal extending out of the housing is connected to the one end, the movable plate holds a movable contact at a facing surface of another end of the longitudinal direction that faces the fixed contact, and the movable plate includes a movable flat surface portion ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180065846A1

A method for forming a microelectromechanical device is shown. The method comprises forming a cavity in a semiconductor substrate material, wherein the semiconductor substrate material comprises an opening for providing access to the cavity through a main surface area of the semiconductor substrate material. In a further step, the method comprises forming a support structure having a support structure material different from the semiconductor substrate material to close the opening at least partially by mechanically connecting the main surface area of the semiconductor substrate material with the bottom of the cavity. Furthermore, the method comprises a step of forming a lamella structure in the main surface area above the cavity such that the lamella structure is held spaced apart from the bottom of the cavity by the support structure. 1. A method for forming a microelectromechanical device , the method comprising:forming a cavity in a semiconductor substrate material, wherein the semiconductor substrate material comprises an opening for providing access to the cavity through a main surface area of the semiconductor substrate material;forming a support structure having a support structure material different from the semiconductor substrate material, to close the opening at least partially by mechanically connecting the main surface area of the semiconductor substrate material with the bottom of the cavity; andforming a lamella structure in the main surface area above the cavity such that the lamella structure is held spaced apart from the bottom of the cavity by the support structure.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the forming of the support structure comprises depositing the support structure material from the bottom of the cavity to the main surface area of the semiconductor substrate material.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the support structure material comprises an isolating material.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150077211A1
Автор: Baek Ki Ho
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

There is provided a circuit breaker including a heater configured to generate heat due to a conduction current induced to a moving contact of the circuit breaker; a bimetal configured to be deformed due to heat generated by the heater to separate a contact point of the moving contact; a magnet configured to generate a magnetic force to move an amateur bar when a current above a previously set reference current is induced; and a trip case configured to accommodate the bimetal and magnet, at least part of which is made of a synthetic resin material, a magnetic fixing portion integrally formed in the trip case, and made of a synthetic resin material; a magnet fixing means configured to fasten the magnet to the magnet fixing portion; and a bimetal fixing means configured to fix the bimetal to the heater. 1. A circuit breaker comprising a heater configured to generate heat due to a conduction current induced to a moving contact of the circuit breaker; a bimetal configured to be deformed due to heat generated by the heater to separate a contact point of the moving contact; a magnet configured to generate a magnetic force to move an amateur bar when a current above a previously set reference current is induced; and a trip case configured to accommodate the bimetal and magnet , at least part of which is made of a synthetic resin material , the circuit breaker comprising:a magnetic fixing portion integrally formed in the trip case, and made of a synthetic resin material;a magnet fixing means configured to fasten the magnet to the magnet fixing portion; anda bimetal fixing means configured to fix the bimetal to the heater, wherein a magnet-side separating portion exists between the magnet and the heater to be disposed such that the heater is not brought into contact with the magnet.2. The circuit breaker of claim 1 , further comprising:a heater fixing means configured to fix the heater to the trip case, wherein the heater fixing means is fastened to the magnetic fixing ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170076895A1
Автор: Ying Jeffrey

A controllable electronic switch for, e.g., controlling power distribution comprises a deformable member such as a bimetal arm that can be deformed to break an electrical path. The deformable member may be anchored at one end and in controllable contact with an electrical conductor at the other end. A heating element, such as a coil, can be used to selectively heat the deformable member. The controllable electronic switch can alternatively comprise a deformable member that is terminated in a wedge-shaped member. When the deformable member bends in response to being heated, the wedge-shaped member forces apart a pair of contacts thus breaking an electrical path. The wedge-shaped member and/or associated structures may be configured as a cam mechanism with multiple latching positions. 1. (canceled)2. A method for controlling an electronic switch and thereby connecting and disconnecting an incoming power signal from a load , comprising:providing a pair of electrical contacts;positioning a pair of opposing elongate heat-deformable members on opposing sides of a resting member disposed therebetween, said elongate heat-deformable members each associated with one of the pair of electrical contacts and oriented such that the electrical contacts are electrically coupled when the elongate heat-deformable members are at rest;controllably separating the pair of electrical contacts by allowing either of the elongate heat-deformable members to bend while inhibiting the opposing elongate heat-deformable member from following the bending elongate heat-deformable member by virtue of the resting member, and the inhibited elongate heat-deformable member remaining stationary while the other heat-deformable member bends and thereby connecting and disconnecting the incoming power signal from the load.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the elongate heat-deformable members each have a fixed end and a free end claim 2 , and wherein said pair of electrical contacts are respectively disposed ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170076899A1
Автор: Müllner Peter

A system includes a first electrically conductive electrode and a second electrically conductive electrode. The system further includes a magnetic field source. The system also includes a magnetic shape memory (MSM) alloy positioned within a magnetic field of the magnetic field source with a portion of the MSM alloy being coupled with the first electrically conductive electrode. The magnetic field causes the MSM alloy to bend to contact the second electrically conductive electrode when the MSM alloy is in a first state. The magnetic field has no or negligible effect on the MSM alloy when the MSM alloy is in a second state. 1. A system comprising:a first electrically conductive electrode;a second electrically conductive electrode;a magnetic field source; anda magnetic shape memory alloy positioned within a magnetic field of the magnetic field source, a portion of the magnetic shape memory alloy coupled to the first electrically conductive electrode and the magnetic field causing the magnetic shape memory alloy to bend to contact the second electrically conductive electrode when the magnetic shape memory alloy is in a first state, and the magnetic field having no or negligible effect on the magnetic shape memory alloy when the magnetic shape memory alloy is in a second state.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first state is a martensite state and the second state is an austenite state.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a third electrically conductive electrode, wherein the magnetic shape memory alloy unbends to contact the third electrically conductive electrode when in the second state.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic shape memory alloy includes a nickel-manganese-gallium (Ni-Ma-Ga) alloy.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a cooling block coupled to the magnetic shape memory alloy.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the cooling block is actively cooled.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic field source includes a ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Protection Device

Номер: US20160086753A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Japan G.K.

The present invention provides a protection device comprising a bimetal component and a PTC component. This protection device comprises a resin base, a first terminal, a second terminal, a PTC component, a bimetal component, an arm, an upper plate and a resin cover wherein 1. A protection device comprising a resin base , a first terminal , a second terminal , a PTC component , a bimetal component , an arm , an upper plate and a resin cover , whereina portion of the first terminal configures a first electrode, and a portion of a second terminal configures the second electrode,the first electrode and the second electrode are exposed outward at the bottom surface of the resin base,in a normal state, the first terminal, the arm and the second terminal are electrically connected in series, andwhen the bimetal component is activated, the first terminal and the arm becomes electrically cut off while the first terminal, the PTC component, the bimetal component, the arm and the second terminal are electrically connected in series in the mentioned order.2. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the bimetal component has been subjected to heat-treatment.3. The protection device according to claim 2 , characterized in that the temperature of heat-treatment is higher than a temperature of soldering the protection device.4. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first terminal and/or the arm has a contact part claim 1 , and at least one of these contact parts is formed by swaging a contact material through the first terminal and/or the arm.5. The protection device according to claim 4 , characterized in that the contact material is a silver-nickel alloy.6. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that at least a part of the first terminal has a rib.7. The protection device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the resin base is formed from a thermal resistant resin.8. The protection device ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Integrated Mechanical Device for Electrical Switching

Номер: US20140167908A1

An integrated circuit comprising a mechanical device for electrical switching comprising a first assembly being thermally deformable and having a beam held at at least two different locations by at least two arms, the beam and the arms being metal and disposed within the same metallization level, and further comprising at least one electrically conducting body. The first assembly has a first configuration at a first temperature and a second configuration at a second temperature different from the first temperature. The beam is out of contact with the electrically conducting body in one configuration in contact with the body in the other configuration. The beam establishes or breaks an electrical link passing through the said at least one electrically conducting body and through the said beam in the different configurations. 1. A device , comprising:a beam disposed in an enclosure, the beam having at least a first conductive portion;at least two arms disposed in the enclosure and attached to surfaces of the enclosure, wherein the at least two arms are thermally deformable and contact the beam at different locations;wherein the enclosure is disposed within a metallization level between dielectric layers; andwherein the at least two arms are configured to, at a first temperature, cause the beam to connect an electrical circuit from the beam through the first conductive portion, and, at a second temperature, cause the beam to disconnect the electrical circuit.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a first contact disposed in enclosure claim 1 , wherein the at least two arms claim 1 , at the first temperature claim 1 , move a first end of the beam into electrical contact with the first contact and connect the electrical circuit through the first conductive portion and the first contact.3. The device of claim 2 , further comprising a second contact disposed in the enclosure claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the at least two arms claim 2 , at a first temperature claim 2 , ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210090832A1
Автор: HOFSAESS Marcel P.

A temperature-dependent switch having a housing that comprises a cover part and an electrically conductive lower part. The switch further comprises a first external contact surface arranged on the upper side of the cover part, and a second external contact surface provided externally on the housing. Still further, the switch comprises a temperature-dependent switching mechanism that is arranged in the housing and that, depending on its temperature, establishes or opens an electrically conductive connection between the first and the second external contact surfaces. A circumferential cutting burr acting as a sealing means is furthermore provided, that penetrates into the insulating foil or the cover part, wherein the cutting burr is arranged on a sealing ring that is connected to the lower part by means of a non-positive, positive and/or firmly bonded connection. 1. A temperature-dependent switch , comprising:a housing that comprises (i) a cover part having a lower side and an upper side, (ii) an electrically conductive lower part, and (iii) an insulating foil that is arranged between the lower side of the cover part and the lower part, wherein a first external contact surface is arranged on the upper side of the cover part, a second external contact surface is provided externally on the housing, and wherein the switch further comprises a circumferential cutting burr that penetrates into the insulating foil, the cutting burr being arranged on a sealing ring that is connected to the lower part by means of a non-positive, positive and/or firmly bonded connection; anda temperature-dependent switching mechanism that is arranged in the housing and that, depending on its temperature, establishes or opens an electrically conductive connection between the first external contact surface and the second external contact surface.2. The switch according to claim 1 , wherein the cutting burr is circumferentially closed in itself.3. The switch according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220139652A1

A manufacture method of a concave disc-shaped structure of bimetal strip, particularly to one that is a coaxial positioning method of the guide hole which having elastic disc-shape structure bimetal strips not affected by external stress, which having a bimetal structure which outer edge will not be damaged and does not affect by stress while inner edge pulling closed to the outer edge, it includes: a bimetal strip, a lug, and an assembling jig, having two displaceable positioning holes, and use the guiding surface to make the two positioning holes gradually turn inside to condense to the combining surface of the lugs, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning and combination.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Low-stress doped ultrananocrystalline diamond

Номер: US20160101974A1
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

Nanocrystalline diamond coatings exhibit stress in nano/micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS). Doped nanocrstalline diamond coatings exhibit increased stress. A carbide forming metal coating reduces the in-plane stress. In addition, without any metal coating, simply growing UNCD or NCD with thickness in the range of 3-4 micron also reduces in-plane stress significantly. Such coatings can be used in MEMS applications.

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220148831A1

An infinite switch includes a front cover, a back cover, and a base secured between the front cover and the back cover. A floating shaft extending through the front cover and the base. A cam fixed to the base and slidingly receiving an end of the floating shaft. The floating shaft is moveable in an axial direction extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the floating shaft and the cam is fixed to prevent movement in the axial direction. 1. An infinite switch , the infinite switch comprising:a front cover,a back cover,a base secured between the front cover and the back cover;a floating shaft extending through the front cover and the base;a cam fixed to the base and slidingly receiving an end of the floating shaft;wherein the floating shaft is moveable in an axial direction extending parallel to a longitudinal axis of the floating shaft and the cam is fixed to prevent movement of the cam in the axial direction.2. The infinite switch of claim 1 , the floating shaft having a channel in a keyed end claim 1 , a spring extending from inside the channel to abut the cam.3. The infinite switch of claim 2 , wherein the keyed end has a square cross section and a cooperating cavity of the cam provides a square bearing surface that receives the keyed end such that rotation of the floating shaft rotates the cam.4. The infinite switch of claim 3 , the cam having a ramped cam surface claim 3 , wherein the rotation of the ramped cam surface moves a cam follower of a terminal within the infinite switch.5. The infinite switch of claim 1 , a washer having a cylindrical wall surrounding a through cavity of the washer claim 1 , the washer located between the front cover and the base.6. The infinite switch of claim 5 , wherein the cylindrical wall of the washer includes a notch.7. The infinite switch of claim 6 , wherein the floating shaft extends through the washer claim 6 , the floating shaft includes a ring having a detent claim 6 , the ring fixed to and surround the floating shaft ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190096618A1

A circuit breaker having a frame comprises a bimetal plate having a longitudinal length wherein the bimetal plate is cut along the longitudinal length into a narrow section and a wider section both being parallel to each other such that the bimetal plate is configured to control when and how a trip mechanism of a trip unit activates. The circuit breaker comprises a heating element coupled to the bimetal plate to heat the narrow section and the wider section when a current goes through the heating element. The narrow section and the wider section of the bimetal plate to deflect differently when a same amount of heat is applied in a same amount of time to control when and how the trip mechanism activates such that to allow to have two different current ratings in the frame in that the bimetal plate allows to increment a current protection level from a lower current rating to a higher current rating. 110.-. (canceled)11. A circuit breaker having a frame , the circuit breaker comprising:a trip unit including a trip mechanism having a trip bar with a tip;a bimetal plate having a longitudinal length, wherein the bimetal plate is cut along the longitudinal length into a narrow section and a wider section both being parallel to each other such that the bimetal plate is configured to control when and how the trip mechanism of the trip unit activates and wherein the bimetal plate comprises a union of two different metal layers with different thermal expansion coefficients;a heating element coupled to the bimetal plate to heat the narrow section and the wider section when a current goes through the heating element, wherein the narrow section and the wider section of the bimetal plate to deflect differently when a same amount of heat is applied in a same amount of time to control when and how the trip mechanism activates such that to allow to have two different current ratings in the frame in that the bimetal plate allows to increment a current protection level from a lower ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180102232A1

The disclosure relates to a temperature sensitive system. The system includes a powder, a detector, a first electrode, a second electrode and an actuator. The powder, the detector, the first electrode, the second electrode and the actuator are connected to form a loop circuit. The actuator can deform in response to temperature change so that the circuit to be on or off. The detector is connected to the actuator in parallel or in series and configured to show the current change of the loop circuit to the user. The actuator includes a carbon nanotube layer and a vanadium dioxide layer (VO) layer stacked with each other. Because the drastic, reversible phase transition of VO, the actuator has giant deformation amplitude and fast response and the temperature sensitive system has high sensitivity. 1. A temperature sensitive system comprising: a powder , a detector , a first electrode , a second electrode and an actuator; the powder , the detector , the first electrode , the second electrode and the actuator are connected to form a loop circuit; wherein the loop circuit is in an on state or an off state , the state of the loop circuit is switched by a deformation of the actuator in response to a temperature change of the actuator; the detector is connected to the actuator in parallel or in series and shows a current change of the loop circuit; wherein the actuator comprises a carbon nanotube layer and a vanadium dioxide layer on the carbon nanotube layer.2. The temperature sensitive system of claim 1 , wherein the actuator further comprises a carbon nanotube film located in the vanadium dioxide layer and spaced apart from the carbon nanotube layer claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the carbon nanotube film is less than 30 nanometers.3. The temperature sensitive system of claim 2 , wherein the actuator further comprises a plurality of carbon nanotube film located in the vanadium dioxide layer and spaced apart from each other claim 2 , wherein a distance between every two ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140185175A1
Принадлежит: RUDD LIGHTING, INC.

A thermal protection device includes a heating circuit that develops a first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature below a threshold and further develops a second heat magnitude greater than the first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature above the threshold. A thermal circuit breaker is disposed in heat communication with the heating circuit and has component having a holding temperature greater than the threshold and a trip temperature greater than the holding temperature. 1. A thermal protection device , comprising;a heating circuit that develops a first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature below a threshold and that develops a second heat magnitude greater than the first heat magnitude when exposed to a temperature above the threshold; anda thermal circuit breaker in heat communication with the heating circuit and including a thermal component having a holding temperature greater than the threshold and a trip temperature greater than the holding temperature.2. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , wherein the heating circuit includes an input adapted to receive electrical power and the thermal circuit breaker is coupled to an output adapted to provide electrical power to a load.3. The thermal protection device of claim 2 , wherein the heating circuit and the thermal circuit breaker are disposed within a housing.4. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , in combination with a LED luminaire.5. The thermal protection device of claim 4 , in further combination with a source of electrical power coupled to an input.6. The thermal protection device of claim 1 , wherein the thermal circuit breaker includes a controllable switch coupled between the heating circuit and a thermal fuse.7. The thermal protection device of claim 6 , wherein the controllable switch is operated by a control circuit wherein the controllable switch is opened by the control circuit at a particular temperature greater than the threshold and below the trip temperature.8 ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Integrated Mechanical Device with Vertical Movement

Номер: US20150116072A1

A device includes a thermally deformable assembly accommodated in a cavity of the interconnection part of an integrated circuit. The assembly can bend when there is a variation in temperature, so that its free end zone is displaced vertically. The assembly can be formed in the back end of line of the integrated circuit. 1. An integrated circuit , comprising:a substrate;insulating region overlying the substrate;a plurality of metallization levels within the insulating region;a via level within the insulating region, the metallization levels and the via level within an interconnection region; a first element located within a first metallization level of the plurality of metallization levels;', 'a second element secured to the first element and located within the via level, which is adjacent to the first metallization level, the first element and the second element respectively having materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion; and', 'an electrically conductive body arranged at least partly in the cavity, the assembly having different configurations corresponding respectively to different distances along a direction between the free end zone and the electrically conductive body, the assembly being activatable in order to change from one configuration to another., 'a device having a thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly extending at least partly in a cavity of the interconnection region and having a free end zone that is mobile in the cavity in a direction substantially perpendicular to mid-planes of the metallization levels, the assembly comprising2. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein the first element comprises aluminum and the second element comprises tungsten.3. The integrated circuit according to claim 1 , wherein one of the configurations corresponds to a zero distance such that the free end zone is in contact with the body so as to establish an electrical connection passing through the body and the assembly.4. ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117825A1

A microelectromechanical structure with electrothermal actuation including a fixed part, a moveable part, a first electrothermal actuating beam enabling an electric current to flow from the fixed part to the moveable part and a second electrothermal actuating beam enabling an electric current to flow from the fixed part to the moveable part, the beams being mechanically connected to the moveable part enabling a displacement of the moveable part by electrothermal actuation, an electrically conductive connecting element connecting the moveable part to the fixed part, a first connector for connecting the first actuating beam to a first polarisation source and a second connector for connecting the second actuating beam to a second polarisation source, such that the first and the second can be polarised differently and separately. 1. A microelectromechanical and/or nanoelectromechanical structure with electrothermal actuation comprising a fixed part , at least one moveable part with respect to the fixed part , at least one first electrothermal actuating beam enabling an electric current to flow from the fixed part to the moveable part and at least one second electrothermal actuating beam enabling an electric current to flow from the fixed part to the moveable part , said first and\or second actuating beam being a nanowire; said first and second actuating beams being connected at least mechanically to the moveable part and configured to displace the moveable part with respect to the fixed part by electrothermal actuation , at least one electrically conductive connecting element electrically connecting the moveable part to the fixed part , a first circuitry for connecting the first actuating beam to a first polarisation source and second circuitry for connecting the second actuating beam to a second polarisation source , such that the first and the second can be polarised differently and separately.2. The structure according to claim 1 , in which the first and second ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220266299A1
Автор: LIETCHI Romain

A MEMS speaker suitable for generating audible sound waves, includes a bimetallic strip actuation system extending in a first plane and an amplification capsule including a membrane extending in a second plane, parallel to the first plane, the membrane including a rigid interior zone and a flexible exterior zone, and a rigid coupling wall, fastened at the periphery of the bimetallic strip actuation system to make the exterior zone of the membrane integral with said actuation system. 1. A MEMS speaker adapted to generate audible sound waves , comprising a bimetallic strip actuation system extending in a first plane , and an amplification capsule comprising:a membrane extending in a second plane, parallel to the first plane, said membrane comprising a rigid interior zone and a flexible exterior zone, anda rigid coupling wall, fastened at a periphery of the bimetallic strip actuation system to make the flexible exterior zone of the membrane integral with said actuation system and, under the effect of an actuation voltage, generate a bending moment resulting in a translation of the rigid interior zone of said membrane.2. The MEMS speaker according to claim 1 , wherein the bimetallic strip actuation system comprises at least one piezoelectric actuator integrated into a layer of an elastic material.3. The MEMS speaker according to claim 1 , wherein the amplification capsule and the bimetallic strip actuation system are of circular shaped with claim 1 , at rest claim 1 , an identical outer diameter.4. The MEMS speaker according to claim 3 , wherein the bimetallic strip actuation system is of annular shape.5. The MEMS speaker according to claim 1 , wherein the amplification capsule has a disc shape and the bimetallic strip actuation system comprises at least one pair of rectangular-shaped actuators claim 1 , the actuators of each pair being positioned facing one another claim 1 , diametrically opposite.6. The MEMS speaker according to claim 1 , wherein the rigid interior ...

05-05-2016 дата публикации

Magnetically driven trip mechanism for an overload relay

Номер: US20160126039A1
Автор: Conrad S. Weiden
Принадлежит: Schneider Electric USA Inc

In an overload relay, a tripping actuator 12 has a first magnet 18 and a moveable contact carrier 20 has a second magnet 28 mounted opposed to the first magnet. A moveable contact 22 on the moveable contact carrier is urged by repulsion between the magnets, to make a normally closed connection with a stationary contact 24, when the tripping actuator is in an ON position 15 and the contact carrier in a first stable position 26′. The magnets pass through an over-center tripping position (T) when the tripping actuator is moved to an OFF position 23 in response to an overcurrent condition sensed by a bimetallic thermal overload sensor 16. The magnets repel each other after passing through the over-center tripping position, to thereby urge the moveable contact into a second stable position 26, away from the stationary contact, to break the normally closed connection with the stationary contact.

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150130584A1

A fuse unit comprising a resin housing formed by insulator, a circuit body formed by conductor, molded integrally with the resin housing and branching and transferring electricity from a power source side to a load side, and a fusible body provided on the circuit body and fusing at overcurrent to the load side; the circuit body is formed by a block side circuit body connected to the power source side, and a block side terminal body connected to the load side, a block side first connection end to which one side of the fusible body is detachably connected is formed on the block side circuit body, and a block side second connection end to which the other side of the fusible body is detachably connected is formed on the block side terminal body. 1. A fuse unit , comprising:a resin housing that is formed by an insulator;a circuit body that is formed by a conductor, is molded integrally with the resin housing and branches and transfers electric power from a power source side to a load side; anda fusible body that is provided on the circuit body and fuses at overcurrent to the load side, whereinthe circuit body is formed by a block side circuit body to be connected to the power source side, and a block side terminal body to be connected to the load side,a block side first connection end to which one side of the fusible body is to be detachably connected is formed on the block side circuit body, anda block side second connection end to which the other side of the fusible body is to be detachably connected is formed on the block side terminal body.2. The fuse unit according to claim 1 , whereineach of the block side first connection end and the block side second connection end is formed by a cut-upright base part that is cut upright from the circuit body, and a cut-upright elastic part that is bent from the cut-upright base part in a plane direction of the circuit body to insert one side of the fusible body into between the cut-upright elastic part and the circuit body so as ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190122845A1

A device includes a thermally deformable assembly accommodated in a cavity of the interconnection part of an integrated circuit. The assembly can bend when there is a variation in temperature, so that its free end zone is displaced vertically. The assembly can be formed in the back end of line of the integrated circuit. 1. An integrated circuit , comprising:a substrate;an interconnection region overlying the substrate, the interconnection region comprising a plurality of metallization levels and a via level; a first element located within a first metallization level of the plurality of metallization levels, the first element extending from the fixed end zone into the cavity;', 'a second element secured to an underside of the first element and located within the via level, which is adjacent to the first metallization level, the second element extending from the fixed end zone into the cavity, wherein a length of the first element is greater than a length of the second element; and', 'an electrically conductive body arranged at least partly in the cavity, the thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly having different configurations corresponding respectively to different distances along a direction between the free end zone and the electrically conductive body, the thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly being activatable in order to change from one configuration to another, wherein one of the configurations corresponds to a zero distance such that only the first element at the free end zone is in physical contact with the electrically conductive body so as to establish an electrical connection passing through the electrically conductive body and the thermally deformable electrically conductive assembly, wherein the first metallization level and the first via level have the same metal and wherein the second element comprises an insulating portion between two metal portions., 'a device comprising a thermally deformable electrically conductive ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200118777A1
Автор: TAKEDA Hideaki

A temperature switch includes a temperature detection unit configured to detect a temperature so as to move a movable contact to a position that is in contact with a fixed contact and to a position that is separated from the fixed contact, a first lead wire that is connected to the fixed contact and that includes a covering member, a second lead wire that is connected to the movable contact and that includes a covering member, and a first-insulation-case member and a second-insulation-case member each of which includes a first-lead-wire concave portion and a second-lead-wire concave portion, and which are fit into each other so as to form accommodation space S that accommodates the temperature detection unit, the movable contact, and the fixed contact, where first-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the first lead wire and the second-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the second lead wire. 1. A temperature switch comprising:a temperature detection unit configured to detect a temperature so as to move a movable contact to a position that is in contact with a fixed contact and to a position that is separated from the fixed contact;a first lead wire that is connected to the fixed contact and that includes a covering member;a second lead wire that is connected to the movable contact and that includes a covering member; anda first-insulation-case member and a second-insulation-case member each of which includes a first-lead-wire concave portion and a second-lead-wire concave portion, and which are fit into each other so as to form an accommodation space that accommodates the temperature detection unit, the movable contact, and the fixed contact, where the first-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the first lead wire and the second-lead-wire concave portion accepts insertion of the covering member of the second lead wire, whereinthe first-lead-wire concave portions and ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273491A1

A flow control device () having: an outer wall; a static part () enclosed by the outer wall and at least partially defining a fluid path (); a movable element which is movable relative to the static part () and arranged such that movement of the movable element relative to the static part () causes the fluidic resistance of the fluid path () to change; and an actuator arrangement (″) arranged such that when energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement it causes the movable element to move relative to the static part, wherein the actuator arrangement (″) and/or movable element are arranged such that the movable element does not move relative to the static part () when no energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement, and further wherein the actuator arrangement (″) and the movable element are positioned within the fluid path (). 1. A flow control device having:an outer wall;a static part enclosed by the outer wall and at least partially defining a fluid path;a movable element which is movable relative to the static part and arranged such that movement of the movable element relative to the static part causes the fluidic resistance of the fluid path to change; andan actuator arrangement arranged such that when energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement it causes the movable element to move relative to the static part,wherein the actuator arrangement and/or movable element are arranged such that the movable element does not move relative to the static part when no energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement, andfurther wherein the actuator arrangement and the movable element are positioned within the fluid path.2. A flow control device according to wherein the movable element does not move relative to the static part when no energy is supplied to the actuator arrangement due to friction between the movable element and the static part; and/orwherein the movable element does not move relative to the static part when no energy is supplied to the actuator ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180134191A1

A vehicle seat includes a seat bottom and a seat back. The seat back is coupled to the seat bottom to move relative to the vehicle seat. The vehicle further includes a support mechanism coupled to the vehicle and configured to vary support provided to an occupant sitting on the vehicle seat. 1. An occupant support comprisinga vehicle seat comprising a seat bottom and a seat back coupled to the seat bottom and arranged to extend upwardly away from the seat bottom, anda support mechanism coupled to the seat back to move relative to the seat back between a first position and a different second position,wherein the support mechanism includes a suspension mat, a plurality of adjustable arms coupled to the suspension mat that are movable to cause the support mechanism to assume one of the first position and the second position, and a temperature controller coupled to the suspension mat and configured to provide means for controlling the temperature of a plurality of wires in the suspension mat to cause the wires to change the amount of tension applied to each of the arms as the temperature changes such that the support mechanism is in the first contour position when the wires are at a first temperature and the support mechanism is in the second contour position when the wires are at a second temperature greater than the first temperature.2. The occupant support system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of wires are formed of smart shape memory alloy (S-SMA) material coupled to the adjustable arms and the temperature controller has a heater and a cooler to control the temperatures of the plurality wires.3. The occupant support system of claim 2 , wherein each adjustable arm is coupled to a different S-SMA wire so that each adjustable arm is individually adjusted.4. The occupant support system of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of adjustable arms further comprise pairs of adjustable arms claim 2 , each pair coupled to the same S-SMA wire so that one S-SMA wire drives a pair ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140225708A1
Автор: Usoro Patrick B.

An overloading protection system adapted for use with a shape memory alloy actuator, includes at least one shape memory alloy switching element congruently activated with the actuator, and further includes a releasable connector configured to automatically disconnect the actuator from its activation source and/or release a latch, so as to effect a secondary work output path for the actuator, when an overloading condition occurs. 1. An overloading protection system adapted for use with a shape memory alloy actuator , wherein the actuator is communicatively coupled to an activation source , drivenly coupled to a load , produces a driving force when activated by the source , and presents stationary and working ends , the system comprising:a shape memory alloy element communicatively coupled to the source and cooperatively configured with the actuator, such that the actuator and element are generally contemporaneously and coextensively activated; anda releasable connector interconnecting the actuator and element;wherein the actuator, element, and connector are cooperatively configured to drive the load when the load is less than a threshold and the actuator and element are activated, and disconnect the actuator and element when the load is equal to or greater than the threshold and the actuator and element are activated.2. The system as defined in wherein the connector is further to de-couple the actuator and source claim 1 , when the load is equal to or greater than the threshold and the actuator and element are activated.3. The system as defined in wherein the actuator and element are connected in series and activated through Joule heating claim 1 , and the actuator claim 1 , element claim 1 , connector claim 1 , and source compose an electric circuit.4. The system as defined in wherein the actuator and element present equivalent combinations of constituencies and geometric configurations claim 1 , so as to present congruent transformation temperature ranges.5. The ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160148771A1

An overload relay is provided for electrical equipment, such as a motor. The overload relay includes a set of electrical contacts, a trip mechanism and a single-arm, a set of monolithic compliant mechanism actuators. The trip mechanism has a normal position and a tripped position. The normal position allows electrical connection between the electrical contacts, and the tripped position interrupts electrical connection between the electrical contacts in response to detection of a high current condition. The single-arm actuator is formed of an electrically conductive material, and includes a compliant hinge and a single bar connected to the hinge. The single bar is electrically coupled to the line contact or the load contact. Under the high current condition, one of first and second ends of the single bar deflects relative to the compliant hinge to cause the trip mechanism to move into the tripped position. 1. An overload relay for electrical equipment , the overload relay comprising:a set of electrical contacts;a trip mechanism having a normal position and a tripped position, the normal position allowing electrical connection between the set of electrical contacts, the tripped position interrupting electrical connection between the set of electrical contacts in response to detection of a high current condition in order to interrupt power to the electrical equipment; and a mounting support,', 'a compliant hinge comprising a flexure member, and', 'a single bar connected to the compliant hinge with the flexure member connected between the mounting support and the single bar, the single bar having a first end and an opposing second end, the single bar being electrically coupled to a line side or a load side, the single bar having one of the first and second ends deflectable relative to the compliant hinge under the high current condition to cause the trip mechanism to move to the tripped position., 'a single-arm, monolithic compliant mechanism actuator formed of an ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140232510A1

A thermo magnetic trip unit is disclosed for a circuit breaker, in particular for a molded case circuit breaker. In an embodiment, the thermo magnetic trip unit includes a braid plate, a load plate and a heater arranged between the braid plate and the load plate, whereby the braid plate, the load plate and the heater form a current path. In an embodiment, the thermo magnetic trip unit further includes a bimetal positioned on the heater, a rotatable trip bar and an energy storage spring, whereby the trip bar can release the energy storage spring after being touched by the bimetal with certain power. Further, the bimetal is an arched or curved snap action bimetal which snaps over to an opposite direction as soon as a certain temperature is reached. Further, a circuit breaker, in particular molded case circuit breaker, including such thermo magnetic trip unit, is disclosed. 1. Thermo magnetic trip unit for a circuit breaker , comprising:a braid plate;a load plate;a heater arranged between the braid plate and the load plate, the braid plate, the load plate and the heater forming a current path;a bimetal positioned on the heater, the bimetal being an arched or curved snap action bimetal configured to snap over to an opposite direction upon a temperature, the temperature being dependent upon a nominal current flowing to the current path, being reached;an energy storage spring; anda rotatable trip bar, configured to release the energy storage spring after being touched by the bimetal with certain power, wherein the snap action bimetal is formed such that, in a normal position, the snap action bimetal is bent away from the trip bar.2. The thermo magnetic trip unit of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal is formed such that the bimetal remains in the normal position upon the current claim 1 , flowing through the current path claim 1 , varying from 0% to 105% of the nominal current.3. The thermo magnetic trip unit of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal is formed such that the bimetal ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140232512A1
Принадлежит: LITTELFUSE, INC.

Exemplary embodiments of the present invention are directed to a circuit protection device. A circuit protection device may comprise a housing defining a cavity and a metal oxide varistor (MOV) disposed within the cavity. The circuit protection device may further comprise a first terminal electrically attached at a first end to the MOV by solder and extending outside of the housing at a second end. An arc shield is disposed within the housing between the first end of the first terminal and at least partially over the solder. The circuit protection device may further comprise a spring configured to bias the arc shield against a micro switch having an indicator portion disposed at least partially outside of the housing. When a voltage surge condition occurs, the MOV changes from a non-conductive state to a conductive state and current flows between the first terminal and a second terminal where the heat generated by the current flowing through the varistor melts the solder and the first end of the first terminal electrically separates from the varistor. 1. A circuit protection device comprising:a housing defining a cavity;a metal oxide varistor disposed within said cavity;a terminal electrically attached at a first end to said metal oxide varistor by solder and a second end extending outside of said housing;an arc shield disposed within said housing between said contact lead and at least partially over said solder;a spring configured to bias said arc shield against a micro switch having an indicator portion disposed at least partially outside of said housing.2. The circuit protection device of wherein said metal oxide varistor is a pair of metal oxide varistors in an electrically parallel configuration.3. The circuit protection device of wherein a first end of said contact lead is electrically connected to said solder.4. The circuit protection device of wherein upon the occurrence of a fault condition claim 3 , current through said metal oxide varistor heats said ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180151319A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a system and a method for independently controlling a relay using bimetal which allow bimetal to operate based on a signal output from a micro controller unit when current of a predetermined threshold or more flows on a circuit to allow current which flows between a battery and the relay to flow bypassing the bimetal to independently control the relay regardless of whether a circuit pattern is abnormal. 1. A system for independently controlling a relay using bimetal , the system comprising:a bimetal unit configured to be connected with a relay provided in a circuit and shape-transformed by current; anda switching unit configured to apply specific current to the bimetal unit based on a signal output from a micro controller unit (MCU),wherein when a current value on the circuit is more than a predetermined threshold and the micro controller unit thus outputs a first signal,the bimetal unit is shape-transformed by the specific current applied from the switching unit and connected with the circuit and the current on the circuit is applied to the bimetal unit to change a state of the relay from an on state to an off state.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal unit includesa heating unit generating heat by the current, andbimetal bent in one direction by the heat.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein when the bimetal is bent in one direction claim 2 , one terminal portion of the bimetal contacts a contact of the circuit and the current on the circuit is applied to one terminal portion of the bimetal.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein when the current on the circuit is applied to the bimetal claim 3 , a current amount applied to the relay is reduced in the circuit to change the state of the relay from the on state to the off state.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a signal inversion unit inverting the signal output from the micro controller unit.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the signal inversion unit inverts a low ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200144807A1

A redundant fault protection architecture for a DC electrical system with a hybrid relay sensing current on a DC rail as primary protection, and a pyrofuse, either self-triggering or externally triggered, as secondary protection. The pyrofuse is set to trigger after a delay to enable the hybrid relay to clear the fault (overcurrent). If the hybrid relay fails to clear the fault within a certain time duration, the pyrofuse subsequently is triggered and clears the fault. 1. A fault protection architecture in a DC electrical system , the architecture comprising:a fault protection circuit positioned in series between a DC source and a DC rail, a hybrid relay; and', 'a pyrofuse in series with the hybrid relay;', 'the hybrid relay having a predetermined triggering condition and a known clearing time; wherein the hybrid relay triggers when the predetermined triggering condition is met on the DC rail;', 'the pyrofuse having a second predetermined triggering condition, wherein the second triggering condition is set such that the pyrofuse trigger is on a delay at least equal to the clearing time of the hybrid relay., 'the fault protection circuit comprising2. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined triggering condition is defined at least as a function of a current threshold.3. The fault protection architecture of claim 2 , wherein the predetermined triggering condition is defined at least as a function of time.4. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , wherein the pyrofuse is self-triggering.5. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , wherein a current sensing device is operable connected to the DC source and the hybrid relay.6. The fault protection architecture of claim 1 , further comprising a current sensing device claim 1 , a controller and at least one power supply claim 1 , the current sensing device operably connected to the DC rail and the controller claim 1 , the controller operably connected to the power supply and a ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180155184A1
Принадлежит: Innovative Micro Technology

We describe here a method that employs through substrate vias (TSVs) to frustrate the standing waves that are formed in the metal trace. TSVs may be formed at intervals in the first substrate, electrically coupling the metal bondline to the ground plane. 1. A microfabricated structure which supports signals having a characteristic wavelength less than or equal to λ , wherein , comprising:a metallic wafer bonding material that bonds a first wafer to a second wafer;a ground plane which is held at ground potential relative to the wafer bonding material; anda plurality of through wafer vias extending through at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate, that defines a conductive path between the ground plane and the metallic bonding material, wherein the through wafer vias are disposed at intervals of between about 2λ and λ/10.2. The microfabricated structure of claim 1 , wherein the ground plane is a layer of at least one of copper claim 1 , gold claim 1 , silver and platinum about 5 microns thick.3. The microfabricated structure of claim 1 , wherein the metallic wafer bonding material is at least one of gold claim 1 , a noble metal claim 1 , and a metal alloy.4. The microfabricated structure of claim 3 , wherein the metallic wafer bonding material is a gold/indium alloy.5. The microfabricated structure of claim 1 , wherein the interval is about λ/46. The microfabricated structure of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and the second substrate is a silicon-on-insulator substrate.7. The microfabricated structure of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and the second substrate is at least one of a silicon claim 1 , metal claim 1 , glass and ceramic substrate claim 1 , a metal and a metal alloy with at least one component of the alloy chosen from column II or III of the periodic table claim 1 , and another component chosen from column V and VI of the periodic table.8. The microfabricated structure of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации

Protecting device and battery pack

Номер: US20220301794A1
Принадлежит: Dexerials Corp

Provided is a protecting device that can prevent damage of the device by releasing the pressure inside the housing by providing openings in the housing and can secure appropriate insulation. The protecting device includes: a meltable conductor 3; first and second external connection terminals 7, 8 connected to both ends of the meltable conductor 3; and a housing 6 having a lower case 4 and an upper case 5, wherein one end of the first external connection terminal 7 and one end of the second external connection terminal 8 are led out from the housing 6, and the housing is provided with a first opening 24 formed facing a front surface of the first external connection terminal 7 and a second opening 25 formed facing a front surface of the second external connection terminal 8.

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200156929A1

A MEMS device includes a semiconductor support body having a first cavity, a membrane including a peripheral portion, fixed to the support body, and a suspended portion. A first deformable structure is at a distance from a central part of the suspended portion of the membrane and a second deformable structure is laterally offset relative to the first deformable structure towards the peripheral portion of the membrane. A projecting region is fixed under the membrane. The second deformable structure is deformable so as to translate the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane along a first direction, and the first deformable structure is deformable so as to translate the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane along a second direction. 1. A device , comprising:a support defining a cavity having a central axis;a membrane coupled to a first surface of the support and having a first portion extending over the cavity;a projection region extending from a first surface of the membrane into the cavity;a first actuator positioned on a second surface of the membrane opposite the first surface;a second actuator positioned on a second surface of the membrane further from the central axis than the first actuator and surrounding the first actuator and the projection region.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first and second actuators are collectively configured to deflect the membrane in either a first direction or a second direction responsive to a voltage applied between the first and second actuators.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the first and second actuators include a piezoelectric material.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the second actuator is positioned on the second surface of the membrane partially over the support and partially over the cavity.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the first actuator is positioned on the second surface of the membrane entirely over the cavity.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the membrane includes an ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150179376A1
Автор: OH Kyung Hwan
Принадлежит: LSIS CO., LTD.

A trip device for a circuit breaker comprises a first terminal; a second terminal; and a bimetal in which a slot with one side opened is formed at one end of the bimetal, the one end is divided into a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion is connected to the first terminal, and the second end portion is connected to the second terminal, wherein the bimetal generates heat with a current which flows between the first end portion and the second end portion, and a heating amount of the bimetal is changed based on a length of the slot. Accordingly, a desired rated current can be set, the bimetal can be prevented from being damaged by a fault current, and the fault current can be effectively detected by obtaining a sufficient amount of heat and a bending amount of the bimetal. 1. A trip device for a circuit breaker , the trip device comprising:a first terminal connected to a power source or a load;a second terminal connected to the load or the power source;a bimetal in which a slot with one side opened is formed at one end of the bimetal, the one end is divided into a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end portion is connected to the first terminal, and the second end portion is connected to the second terminal,wherein the bimetal generates heat with a current which flows between the first end portion and the second end portion, and a heating amount of the bimetal is changed based on a length of the slot.2. The trip device of claim 1 , wherein the slot is formed as a long hole which extends in one direction.3. The trip device of claim 2 , wherein the length of the slot is formed as a length in which the bimetal generates heat by a predetermined amount of heat under a specific current value.4. The trip device of claim 3 , wherein as the length of the slot increases claim 3 , the heating amount of the bimetal increases under the specific current value.5. The trip device of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal is formed to be symmetric ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210199914A1
Автор: Chiu Ching-Chung

The present disclosure provides a small and well-focused lens driving device, a camera including the lens driving device, and a portable electronic apparatus. The lens driving device includes a fixing base, a cover, a lens holder, a support frame, a support member, and a shape memory alloy portion. In the lens driving device, a receiving space is defined by the fixing base and the cover. The lens holder configured to receive a lens, as well as the support frame, the support member, and the shape memory alloy portion that cause the lens holder to move freely in an optical axis direction are provided in the receiving space. The shape memory alloy portion has a shape memory alloy and a crimping lug, and the shape memory alloy portion is provided on the fixing base and the support frame to cause the lens holder to move freely in the optical axis direction. 1. A lens driving device , configured to drive a lens to move in a direction parallel to an optical axis , the lens driving device comprising:a fixing base;a cover;a lens holder;a support frame;a support member; anda shape memory alloy portion,wherein the fixing base and the cover define a receiving space in the lens driving device,the lens holder, the support frame, the support member, and the shape memory alloy portion are received in the receiving space; the lens holder is configured to receive the lens; and the support frame, the support member, and the shape memory alloy portion are used to cause the lens holder to move freely in the direction parallel to the optical axis, andthe shape memory alloy portion comprises at least one shape memory alloy and crimping lugs, and the shape memory alloy portion is provided on the fixing base and the support frame in such a manner that the lens holder moves freely in the direction parallel to the optical axis.2. The lens driving device as described in claim 1 , wherein the support member is a leaf spring.3. The lens driving device as described in claim 1 , wherein two of the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210206625A1

A MEMS device includes a semiconductor support body having a first cavity, a membrane including a peripheral portion, fixed to the support body, and a suspended portion. A first deformable structure is at a distance from a central part of the suspended portion of the membrane and a second deformable structure is laterally offset relative to the first deformable structure towards the peripheral portion of the membrane. A projecting region is fixed under the membrane. The second deformable structure is deformable so as to translate the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane along a first direction, and the first deformable structure is deformable so as to translate the central part of the suspended portion of the membrane along a second direction. 1. A method , comprising:forming a first semiconductor layer on a first surface of a substrate;forming a first epitaxial layer on the first semiconductor layer and on the first surface of the substrate;forming a second semiconductor layer on the first epitaxial layer;forming a second epitaxial layer on the second semiconductor layer;forming a first piezoelectric actuator and a second piezoelectric actuator on the second epitaxial layer spaced apart from each other; andforming a cavity extending through the substrate, the first epitaxial layer and the second semiconductor layer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the cavity includes:exposing a first surface of the second epitaxial layer; andforming a first projecting region on the first surface of the second epitaxial layer and extending into the cavity.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein forming the first projecting region includes forming the first projecting region with first respective portions of the first epitaxial layer and the second semiconductor layer.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein forming the first projecting region includes forming the first projecting region with first respective portions of the first semiconductor layer claim 2 , the ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Shape Memory Alloy Actuators And Methods Thereof

Номер: US20210207587A1

SMA actuators and related methods are described. One embodiment of an actuator includes a base; a plurality of buckle arms; and at least a first shape memory alloy wire coupled with a pair of buckle arms of the plurality of buckle arms. Another embodiment of an actuator includes a base and at least one bimorph actuator including a shape memory alloy material. The bimorph actuator attached to the base. 1. A bimorph actuator comprising:a fixed end including a dielectric layer and a conductive metal base layer;at least one bimorph arm extending from the fixed end, the at least one bimorph arm is made up of the conductive metal base layer;at least one free end, each of the at least one free end extending from the at least one bimorph arm; andone or more SMA material extending between the fixed end and the at least one free end, the one or more SMA material is isolated from the conductive metal base layer.2. The bimorph actuator of claim 1 , wherein the conductive metal base layer is separated by gaps defined by the dielectric layer into a first conductive metal base element claim 1 , a second conductive metal base element claim 1 , and a common conductive metal base layer.3. The bimorph actuator of claim 2 , wherein the gaps are partially or fully etched gaps exposing the dielectric layer mounted to the first conductive metal base element claim 2 , the second conductive metal base element claim 2 , and the common conductive metal base layer.4. The bimorph actuator of claim 2 , wherein the at least one bimorph arm is made up of the common conductive metal base layer and the dielectric layer.5. The bimorph actuator of claim 2 , wherein the first conductive metal base element and the second conductive metal base element are electrically isolated.6. The bimorph actuator of claim 2 , wherein one of the one or more SMA material is electrically coupled to the first conductive metal base element of the fixed end and electrically coupled to a conductive metal base layer of the ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200169195A1
Принадлежит: SAES GETTERS S.P.A.

Actuator assemblies comprising a core made up of a shape memory alloy wire and a coating containing a distribution of Phase Changing Material (PCM) particles with a given weight ratio between said particles and said shape memory alloy wire, and active cloths incorporating one or more of said actuator assemblies. 116.-. (canceled)17. An actuator assembly comprising a core made up of a shape memory alloy wire and a coating made of an electrically insulating material applied or formed on at least a portion of said core , wherein said coating contains a distribution of Phase Changing Material (PCM) particles , wherein the ratio between the weight of Phase Changing Material particles dispersed in the coating and the weight of the portion of the shape memory alloy wire on which the coating is applied or formed is comprised between 1 and 30.18. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein said coating is applied or formed on at least 80% of the length of the shape memory alloy wire.19. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the diameter of the shape memory alloy wire is comprised between 0.1 mm and 0.8 mm.20. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the thickness of the coating is comprised between 0.1 mm and 3 mm.21. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein a ratio between the diameter of the coated shape memory alloy wire and the diameter of its core made up of shape memory alloy wire is comprised between 2 and 5.22. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the average size of the Phase Changing Material particles is comprised between 0.01 and 0.1 mm.23. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein the shape memory alloy wire is made of a Ni—Ti based alloy.24. The actuator assembly according to claim 17 , wherein said coating material is chosen among plastic and thermoplastic polymeric materials claim 17 , thermosetting polymeric materials claim 17 , resins and silicones.25. The actuator assembly ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183217A1

The present disclosure provides a displacement amplification structure and a method for controlling displacement. In one aspect, the displacement amplification structure of the present disclosure includes a first beam and a second beam substantially parallel to the first beam, an end of the first beam coupled to a fixture site, and an end of the second beam coupled to a motion actuator; and a motion shutter coupled to an opposing end of the first and second beams. In response to a displacement of the motion actuator along an axis direction of the second beam, the motion shutter displaces a distance along a transversal direction substantially perpendicular to the axis direction. 112-. (canceled)13. A thermally actuated displacement amplification structure , comprising:a motion actuator having a first thermally actuated beam and a second thermally actuated beam that are coupled at an output portion of the motion actuator;a motion shutter coupled to a first shutter beam and a second shutter beam, a first end of the first shutter beam coupled to a fixture site, and a first end of the second shutter beam coupled to the motion actuator at the output portion; andwherein, in response to a displacement of the motion actuator along an axis direction of the second shutter beam, the motion shutter displaces along a transverse direction relative to the axis direction.14. The structure of claim 13 , wherein the displacement of the motion actuator along the axis direction ranges from about 25 to about 50 microns and the motion shutter displaces a distance along the transverse direction of between 500 microns and 1000 microns.15. The structure of claim 13 , wherein the first shutter beam and the second shutter beam have a strip shape and comprise an elastic material.16. The structure of claim 13 , wherein the motion shutter has a shape selected from one of a square claim 13 , a rectangle claim 13 , a circle claim 13 , an oval claim 13 , and a polygon.17. The structure of claim 13 , ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации

Microelectromechanical displacement structure and method for controlling displacement

Номер: US20170184840A1
Автор: Jing Zhao, Luzhong Yin
Принадлежит: Agiltron Inc

The present disclosure provides a displacement amplification structure and a method for controlling displacement. In one aspect, the displacement amplification structure of the present disclosure includes a first beam and a second beam substantially parallel to the first beam, an end of the first beam coupled to a fixture site, an end of the second beam coupled to a motion actuator, and a motion shutter coupled to an opposing end of the first and second beams. In response to a displacement of the motion actuator along an axis direction of the second beam, the motion shutter displaces a distance along a transversal direction substantially perpendicular to the axis direction.

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190189897A1
Автор: ELATA David

Single bulk unimorph piezoelectric elements, with interdigitated electrodes aligned obliquely relative to the direction perpendicular to the axis of the element, such that a torsional response is induced into the element. When such elements are used as a beam structure, with angularly oriented electrodes on both opposite surfaces of the beam, and with their orientations at mutually opposite angles, motion ranging from pure torsional rotation to pure bending can be obtained, depending on the comparative level and polarity of the voltages applied to each of the two electrode sets. If such elements are used as the spiral support arms of a central platform, a large displacement of the stage can be achieved. Due to the oblique orientation of the IDE's, the piezoelectric transduction induces torsional deformation in the spirals, and this torsion is converted by the spiral arms to a parallel out-of-plane platform motion. 1. A planar device for generating motion , comprising:at least one piezoelectric element having an interdigitated electrode structure having interleaved fingers formed on each of its two opposite surfaces, each of said interdigitated electrode structures having its interleaved fingers aligned obliquely to the perpendicular to the axis along the length of said element,wherein said interleaved fingers of the interdigitated electrodes on said two opposite surfaces are oriented at mutually opposite angles relative to the axis along the length of said element.2. The planar device according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one piezoelectric element is a beam claim 1 , and said axis is the longitudinal axis along the length of the beam.3. The planar device according to claim 2 , wherein application of driving voltages to said interdigitated electrodes on said two opposite surfaces generates beam motion ranging from a substantially pure torsional motion to a substantially pure bending motion claim 2 , depending on the level and direction of voltages applied to ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Temperature switch and method for adjusting a temperature switch

Номер: US20150206687A1

The invention relates to a temperature switch comprising a housing (), a switching system () consisting of a first support () with a fixed contact () and a second support (), on which a switch spring () with a switch contact () is arranged and a switching arrangement (), which effects a positional change of the switch contact () as a function of the temperature. 12331323334354353133221232223231010313323214313321121. A temperature switch , comprising a housing () , a switching system () consisting of a first support (.) with a fixed contact (.) and a second support (.) , on which a switch spring (.) with a switch contact (.) is arranged , and a switching arrangement () , which effects a positional change of the switch contact (.) as a function of the temperature , characterised in that the first support (.) and the second support (.) are constructed in a bendable manner and in that the housing () is formed by at least one first housing section (.) having at least one housing opening (.) and a second housing section (.) closing the housing opening (.) , wherein the housing opening (.) is constructed for introducing and positioning adjustment means ( , ′) on the supports (. , .) , in that the housing opening (.) is provided at the end of the first housing section (.) housing at least to some extent the switching arrangement () , and in that the supports (. , .) extend laterally into an interior (..) formed in the first housing section (.).244142. The temperature switch according to claim 1 , characterised in that the switching arrangement () is formed by a switching element (.) and a shape changing bimetallic element (.).34142343542. The temperature switch according to claim 2 , characterised in that the switching element (.) is in operative connection with the bimetallic element (.) and the switch spring (.) in such a manner that a positional change of the switch contact (.) takes place when the bimetallic element (.) is deformed.421. The temperature switch according ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210227324A1

The invention relates to an amplifier unit for a MEMS sound transducer, which is operable as a microphone and as a loudspeaker, comprising at least one audio amplifier for sound reproduction and/or sound recording. According to the invention, the amplifier unit is designed in such a way that the MEMS sound transducer provided therefor is simultaneously operable as a loudspeaker and as a microphone. Moreover, the invention relates to sound-generating unit comprising a MEMS sound transducer, which is operable as a microphone and as a loudspeaker, and an amplifier unit coupled to the sound transducer for sound reproduction and/or sound recording. 112. An amplifier unit () for a MEMS sound transducer () , which is operable as a microphone and as a loudspeaker ,{'b': 3', '3, 'i': a,', 'b, 'comprising at least one audio amplifier () for sound reproduction and/or sound recording,'}characterized in that{'b': 1', '2, 'the amplifier unit () is designed in such a way that the MEMS sound transducer () provided therefor is operable simultaneously as a loudspeaker and as a microphone.'}2142. The amplifier unit as claimed in the preceding claim , characterized in that the amplifier unit () comprises a processor () , in particular a digital signal processor , with the aid of which the MEMS sound transducer () provided therefor can be utilized as a microphone at the same time as the sound generation.342. The amplifier unit as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims , characterized in that the processor () is designed , for sound cancellation , in such a way that it can filter out and/or suppress ambient noise on the basis of the emitted audio signal and the acoustic signal detected at the same time with the aid of the same MEMS sound transducer ().442. The amplifier unit as claimed in one or more of the preceding claims , characterized in that the processor () is designed in such a way that it separates an acoustic signal , which is detected by the MEMS sound transducer () ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170203955A1
Автор: GRAYBEAL Daniel

In some aspects the present invention embodies both the method and apparatus for converting a pattern of irradiation to a visible image. An embodiment of the present invention provides an array of micro-electro-mechanical sensors with each sensor includes a deflectable micro-cantilever, responsive to absorbed incident radiation and to an applied repulsive electrostatic field. Associated circuitry senses a change in an output signal of the sensor as it responds to incident radiation incident upon the cantilever and provides a biasing force to deflect the cantilever and maintain the detector output signal at a desirable level. The biasing element may be a piezoelectric element, a heater or a pair of electrodes and the corresponding biasing stimulus may be stress (expansion), heat, or electrostatic change. The stimulus compensates for the effect of the infrared radiation and maintains the chosen detector output level at the same level. 1. An apparatus , comprising:(a) a deflectable bi-material micro-cantilever, said micro-cantilever being deflectable in response to each of incident infrared radiation and a further stimulus, and having a reference position relative to the substrate when not exposed to said infrared radiation and said further stimulus;(b) a biasing mechanism to apply said further stimulus operatively coupled to the micro-cantilever, said biasing mechanism comprising a first and second conductive element with a piezoelectric element disposed there between;(c) a contact tip disposed adjacent one end of the micro-cantilever and in electrical communication with a power source;(d) a contact plate positioned on the substrate beneath the contact tip with a predetermined space there between with the micro-cantilever is in the reference position; and(e) a spacer between the micro-cantilever and the substrate.(f) wherein the piezoelectric element expands when a current is applied to at least one of the first and second conductive elements, said expansion causing ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for micro-cantilever actuation by base excitation

Номер: US20180201497A1
Принадлежит: Intrepid Visions Inc

A system and methods for base excitation of moderately high vibration of micro-cantilevers are disclosed. A micro-cantilever may be coupled to one or more actuators adjacent its base. The actuators may comprise bulk materials, bridges, or formed wires that expand and contract by application of electric currents, due to, for example, the effect of electro-thermal heating or piezoelectric effects. Single actuators or an array of actuators may be placed around the micro-cantilever to oscillate it and apply actuation pulses. The system and methods, and adjustments of the geometrical parameters, may be performed to yield a nominal natural frequency in the system. The excitation of actuators with signals corresponding to the natural frequency may induce resonance in the system and may result in high amplitude vibrations and displacement of the cantilever tip of the micro-cantilever. Various architectures of the actuators may be implemented to stimulate different frequencies of the beam and induce displacement in different direction and amplitudes.

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160211779A1
Автор: Stalford Harold L.

A micro assembly having a substrate and an operating plane coupled to the substrate. The operating plane is movable from an in-plane position to an out-of-plane position. One or more electric connections provide electric power from the substrate to the operating plane in the out-of-plane position. A tool is coupled to the operating plane. The tool is operable to receive electric power from the operating plane to perform work. 1. A micro assembly , comprising:a substrate;an operating plane coupled to the substrate and movable from an in-plane position to an out-of-plane position;one or more electric connections providing electric power from the substrate to the operating plane in the out-of-plane position;a tool coupled to the operating plane; andthe tool operable to receive electric power from the operating plane to perform work.2. The micro assembly of claim 1 , the electric connection comprising electric leads between the substrate to the operating plane.3. The micro assembly of claim 2 , the electric connection further comprising conductive elements in the operating plane extending from the electric leads to one or more power points for the tool claim 2 , wherein the power points may be at the top of the operating plane or otherwise located on the operating plane.4. The micro assembly of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a chip.5. The micro assembly of claim 1 , wherein the operating plane comprises an arm.6. The micro assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a tool connection connecting the tool to the operating plane.7. The micro assembly of claim 1 , the tool connection providing rigidity to the tool.8. The micro assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tool is integral with the operating plane.9. The micro assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tool is detachable from the operating plane.10. The micro assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tool comprises one of pliers claim 1 , cutting tool. extension device claim 1 , hot knife claim 1 , magnetic bead implanter gun ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140300445A1
Автор: TAKEDA Hideaki

A thermal protector has superiority in current responsiveness or thermal responsiveness with a simple configuration that does not need a separate manufacturing step of incorporating a resistor. At a stage of press processing for cutting from an original material, a movable plate body part of a movable plate is partitioned into a narrow-width part and a wide-width part by a slim hole. The movable plate is assembled to a fixed conductor with columns of an insulator, a bimetal is assembled to the movable plate, the entire configuration is pressed down by a resinous block, and the entire fixing part is fixed by melting tips of the columns. The wide-width part serves as a normal movable plate, whereas the narrow-width part serves as a conductor in a normal state and as a resistor against an overcurrent. 1. A thermal protector for opening/closing an electric circuit with a bimetal having a warpage direction that is inverted at a predetermined temperature in response to a change of an ambient temperature , comprising:a fixed conductor having a fixed contact provided at one end, and a first terminal for an external connection;an insulator, provided between the fixed contact and the first terminal of the fixed conductor, having columns integrally formed by being resin-molded; a fixed part having holes into which the columns are inserted on the insulator,', 'a second terminal, formed at the fixed part, for an external connection,', 'a movable contact formed at a position facing the fixed contact at an end on a side opposite to the fixed part, and', 'an inversion operation part, formed by being cut at a position closer to one of sides from a central line along the central line that links the movable contact and the fixed part so that the entire bimetal excluding an arrangement portion of the movable contact is partitioned into a wide-width part and a narrow-width part, and formed by performing tapering processing to take an upwardly convex shape in the wide-width part, for ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190214924A1

An actuator device includes an actuator member, a drive subject, a drive device, and a tension applicator. The actuator member is configured to be deformed in response to application of energy to the actuator member from an outside of the actuator member. The drive subject is coupled to the actuator member. The drive device is configured to apply the energy to the actuator member and thereby displace the drive subject in a deforming direction of the actuator member. The tension applicator is configured to apply the actuator member a tension, which enables correction of a tension change generated by at least one of elongation and contraction of the actuator member that is induced by natural deformation of the actuator member. 1. An actuator device comprising:a deformable actuator member that is configured to be deformed in response to application of energy to the deformable actuator member from an outside of the deformable actuator member;a drive subject that is coupled to the deformable actuator member;a drive device that is configured to apply the energy to the deformable actuator member and thereby displace the drive subject in a deforming direction of the deformable actuator member; anda tension applicator that is configured to apply the deformable actuator member a tension, which enables correction of a tension change generated by at least one of elongation and contraction of the deformable actuator member that is induced by natural deformation of the deformable actuator member, wherein: a correcting actuator member that is made of a material, which is the same as a material of the deformable actuator member, wherein the correcting actuator member is coupled to an end part of the deformable actuator member, and in response to application of energy to the correcting actuator member from an outside of the correcting actuator member, the correcting actuator member applies the deformable actuator member the tension, which enables the correction of the tension change ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210249974A1

A system for combined heat and electric power generation, preferably including a heat reservoir and one or more electric generators, each preferably including a heat source and an energy converter. A method for combined heat and electric power generation, preferably including activating an electric generator, deactivating the electric generator, and/or providing heat from a heat reservoir. 1. A method for combined heat and electric power generation , comprising:at a heat reservoir, while a heat reservoir temperature of the heat reservoir is greater than a first threshold temperature, heating a fluid;providing the heated fluid to an external heat demand element; a heat source of the electric generator generates heat and provides the heat to a solid-state energy converter of the electric generator;', 'the solid-state energy converter generates an electric power output; and', 'the solid-state energy converter rejects waste heat to the heat reservoir;, 'while the heat reservoir temperature is less than a threshold temperature, activating an electric generator thermally coupled to the heat reservoir, wherein, while the electric generator is activatedafter activating the electric generator, while the heat reservoir temperature is greater than the threshold temperature, deactivating the electric generator.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heated fluid is water.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the external heat demand element comprises a domestic hot water faucet fluidly coupled to the heat reservoir by a hot water pipe claim 2 , wherein providing the heated fluid to the external heat demand element is performed automatically in response to opening of the domestic hot water faucet.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the threshold temperature is less than 100° C.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining that the heat reservoir temperature is less than the threshold temperature claim 1 , wherein activating the electric generator is performed in response ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160233041A1

A switch module of built-in anti-surge disconnection structure mainly comprises an overcurrent protection switch and has an anti-surge and disconnection structure ingeniously built inside the heat-resisting housing. The present invention comprises at least one spring, at least one band, at least one metal oxide varistor, at least one thermo-sensitive piece, and a pushing rod. When the first connecting point is contacting the second connecting point and an overvoltage occurs, the temperature of the metal oxide varistor would suddenly rise up to a pre-determined degree, causing the thermo-sensitive piece to melt, loosening the band, counterbalancing the compressing force on the spring and further displacing the pushing rod upwardly, therefore forcing the first connecting point detaching from the second connecting point and turning off the switch instantly without having the binary alloy conductive plate deformed or being displaced, so as to ensure more of electricity safety. 1. A switch module of built-in anti-surge disconnection structure , comprising:a housing with a press button at the top thereof, a first conductive plate arranged at the lower section thereof, a second conductive plate and a third conductive plate, where said first conductive plate is connected to a binary alloy conductive plate that has a spring leaf and a first connecting point in the middle section thereof, and said second conductive plate has a second connecting point on the surface of the upper section thereof corresponding to said first connecting point;a moving rod linking up the bottom of said press button with one end and a movable end of said binary alloy conductive plate with the other end, whereby the press button would press said binary alloy conductive plate and the spring leaf thereon to connect the first connecting point with the second connecting point, turning on the switch, and when current overload occurs, the binary alloy conductive plate would deform due to high temperature, ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150243463A1

A circuit interruption device includes a support, a set of separable contacts, a first member movable between an OFF position and an ON position, a second member, and a transport mechanism that includes a shape memory alloy element. When the first member is in the OFF position, the second member is in an extended position, the shape memory alloy element is in its first shape, and the first surface and the another first surface are engaged with one another and resist movement of the first member away from the OFF position. Responsive to an electrical pulse, the shape memory alloy element transforms into its second shape and moves the first member toward the ON position. When the second member is in the extended position, the another second surface engages with the second surface to resist movement of the first member away from the ON position. 1. A circuit interruption device comprising:a support;a set of separable contacts being movable between an OPEN condition and a CLOSED condition;a first member situated on the support and being movable between an OFF position that corresponds with the OPEN condition and an ON position that corresponds with the CLOSED condition, the movable member being biased toward the first position and having a first surface and a second surface;a second member situated on the support and being movable between an extended position and a retracted position, the second member being biased toward the extended position and having another first surface and another second surface;a transport mechanism comprising a shape memory alloy element that is transformable between a first shape and a different second shape responsive to an electrical pulse;in a first configuration of the circuit interruption device, the first member is in the OFF position, the second member is in the extended position, the shape memory alloy element is in its first shape, and the first surface and the another first surface are engaged with one another and are structured to ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160240340A1

An electric current responsive circuit breaker device includes a housing formed from electrically insulating material and the housing has an internal compartment and an open end. The circuit breaker further includes a thermostatic snap-action blade and first and second electrically conductive contacts such that the first contact has a stationary position disposed within the internal compartment and the second contact is disposed on the thermostatic snap-action blade. Further, the first and second contacts are coupled such that electric current flows through the contacts when the temperature of the thermostatic snap-action blade is below a threshold level, and the thermostatic snap-action blade bends to uncouple the second contact from the first contact when the temperature of the thermostatic snap-action blade is at or above the threshold level so that electric current does not flow through the first and second contacts after the first and second contacts are uncoupled. The circuit breaker device further includes a flexible gasket and a cover interconnectedly arranged with the open end of the housing such that the flexible gasket is arranged between the cover and the housing, and the gasket has a throughhole disposed on an interior portion thereof. 1. An electric current responsive circuit breaker device comprising:a housing formed from electrically insulating material, the housing having an internal compartment and an open end;a thermostatic snap-action blade; wherein the first and second contacts are coupled such that electric current flows through the contacts when the temperature of the thermostatic snap-action blade is below a threshold level; and', 'wherein the thermostatic snap-action blade bends to uncouple the second contact from the first contact when the temperature of the thermostatic snap-action blade is at or above the threshold level, such that electric current does not flow through the first and second contacts after the first and second contacts are ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190228939A1

The present invention provides a relay with a shape memory alloy (SMA) wire driven mechanism. Conventional mechanical relays rely on electromagnetic principle to operate. Hence, magnetic fields of electromagnetic relays often interfere with magnetic fields of other electrical components, thus resulting in the components physically interfering with each other. The present invention utilizes the shape memory characteristics of a SMA wire to achieve the purpose of changing the operation of the relay. Specifically, when a SMA wire is in heat, it restores to its original shape or original length. Comparing to conventional mechanical relays, the relay provided by the present invention does not magnetically interfere with other electrical components, thus is able to function effectively. In addition, because the relay of the present invention does not require iron cores or coils, available space therein is increased and may be used to accommodate control circuits with various functions. 1. A relay with shape memory alloy (SMA) wire driven mechanism , comprising:a main body having an accommodating space, wherein the accommodating space does not accommodate any coils therein and is at least formed by a securing member, a movable member and a base that encompass the accommodating space, wherein a top side of the movable member is movably disposed at the securing member, a bottom side of the movable member is suspended above the base, two conductive pieces are disposed at the movable member, an end of each of the two conductive pieces is connected with a power source, a pair of normally open securing terminals and a pair of normally closed securing terminals are disposed on the base, and another end of each of the two conductive pieces is respectively located between the pair of normally open securing terminals and the pair of normally closed securing terminals; and a circuit board mounted at the securing member; and', 'a SMA wire connected between the circuit board and the ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150248986A1

A thermal magnetic circuit breaker is disclosed for protecting an electrical circuit from damage by overload, along with a thermal trip device and a switching device of the thermal magnetic circuit breaker and a method for protecting an electrical circuit from damage. In at least one embodiment, an electric conductive bimetal element is arranged with its first end next to a current conductive element for conducting electrical current and with its second end next to a tripping element adapted to trigger an interruption of a current flow. A resistor element is arranged between the bimetal element and the current conductive element in order to redirect the electrical current at least partially via the bimetal element, when an overload occurs. 1. Thermal trip device of a thermal magnetic circuit breaker for protecting an electrical circuit from damage by overload , the thermal trip device comprising:an electric conductive bimetal element, arranged with a first end of the electric conductive bimetal element next to a current conductive element, for conducting electrical current, and arranged with a second end of the electric conductive bimetal element next to a tripping element adapted to trigger an interruption of a current flow; anda resistor element, arranged at the electric conductive bimetal element between the electric conductive bimetal element and the current conductive element, to redirect the electrical current at least partially via the electric conductive bimetal element, when an overload occurs.2. Thermal trip device of claim 1 , wherein the resistor element is a thermistor.3. Thermal trip device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in order to enable a current path claim 1 , the second end of the electric conductive bimetal element is arrangeable at a first flexible connector element claim 1 , arranged at a connection end of a moveable blade element claim 1 , for interrupting an electrical current flow.4. Thermal trip device of claim 1 , wherein the resistor ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140333410A1

An overload release is disclosed, in particular for a circuit breaker, including a metal strip which is made of at least two different types of metal and around which a heat conductor is wound, wherein an electrical insulator is arranged between the metal strip and the heat conductor. In an embodiment, the heat conductor is welded onto the metal strip by way of arc welding. 1. An overload release , comprising;a metal strip, including at least two different types of metal;a heating conductor, wound around the metal strip and welded onto the metal strip by arc welding; andan electrical insulator, arranged between the metal strip and the heating conductor.2. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the electrical insulator is formed as a glass-fiber fabric.3. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the metal strip is formed as a trimetal strip.4. The overload release of claim 3 , wherein the trimetal strip includes copper or a copper alloy as the third metal layer.5. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the arc welding is formed as TIG welding.6. A method for producing an overload release including a metal strip claim 1 , the metal strip including at least two different types of metal and a heating conductor being wound around the metal strip claim 1 , and an electrical insulator arranged between the metal strip and the heating conductor claim 1 , the method comprising:welding the heating conductor onto the metal strip by tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG welding).7. The overload release of claim 1 , wherein the overload release is a circuit breaker.8. The overload release of claim 2 , wherein the metal strip is formed as a trimetal strip.9. The overload release of claim 8 , wherein the trimetal strip includes copper or a copper alloy as the third metal layer.10. The method for producing an overload release of claim 6 , wherein the overload release is a circuit breaker. This application is the national phase under 35 U.S.C. § 371 of PCT International Application ...

13-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140334055A1
Автор: Namikawa Masashi

A breaker is provided with: a movable piece () that has an elastically deformable elastic portion () and a movable contact on the tip of the elastic portion () and that presses the movable contact into contact with a fixed contact; a thermal actuator element () that is formed into a shape with a convex surface and is deformed by a change in temperature, thereby actuating the movable piece () so that the movable contact separates from the fixed contact; and a resin case () which houses the movable piece () and the thermal actuator element (). The bottom surface of the base end () of the movable piece () is positioned lower than the top () of the upper surface of the thermal actuator element () by a distance (D). Thereby, a stable temperature adjustability and a resistance value are ensured in a breaker used as a protection device for a secondary battery with miniturization brought into realty. 1. In a breaker comprisinga fixed piece having a fixed contact,a movable piece having an elastically deformable elastic portion and a movable contact in a tip section of the elastic portion, for pressing the movable contact to the fixed contact so as to contact therewith,a thermal actuator element for actuating the movable piece so that the movable contact is separated from the fixed contact by its deformation accompanying a temperature change, anda casing for housing the fixed piece, the movable piece and the thermal actuator element, the breaker is characterized in that a bottom surface of a base end portion of the movable piece is positioned lower than a top of an upper surface of the thermal actuator element while the fixed contact is in contact with the movable contact.2. The breaker in accordance with claim 1 , characterized in that the movable piece has a stepped bent part for arranging the elastic portion in the vicinity of the top of the upper surface of the thermal actuator element and the base end portion in a staggered manner.3. The breaker in accordance with claim ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150255238A1
Автор: Ying Jeffrey

A controllable electronic switch for, e.g., controlling power distribution comprises a deformable member such as a bimetal arm that can be deformed to break an electrical path. The deformable member may be anchored at one end and in controllable contact with an electrical conductor at the other end. A heating element, such as a coil, can be used to selectively heat the deformable member. The controllable electronic switch can alternatively comprise a deformable member that is terminated in a wedge-shaped member. When the deformable member bends in response to being heated, the wedge-shaped member forces apart a pair of contacts thus breaking an electrical path. The wedge-shaped member and/or associated structures may be configured as a cam mechanism with multiple latching positions. 1a pair of opposing elongate deformable members for controllably separating a pair of electrical contacts and thereby connecting and disconnecting an incoming power signal from a load; anda resting member disposed between said elongate deformable members, such that when either elongate deformable member bends, the opposing elongate deformable member is inhibited from following the bending elongate deformable member.. A controllable electronic switch, comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/103,023, filed May 6, 2011, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/569,349 filed Sep. 9, 2009, entitled “Controllable Electronic Switch”, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,961,073, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/849,064, filed Aug. 31, 2007, entitled “Controllable Electronic Switch”, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,688,175, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 10/900,971 filed Jul. 28, 2004, entitled “Controllable Electronic Switch,” now U.S. Pat. No. 7,265,652 which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/307,222 filed Nov. 27, 2002, entitled “Controllable Electronic Switch With Interposable Non-Conductive Element to Break Circuit ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180262000A1

A cable including a power conductor configured to transmit electrical power between a first device and a second device, a first data conductor configured to transmit data between the first device and the second device, and a first bimetallic switch coupled to the first data conductor and configured to mitigate current flowing through the first data conductor if a temperature of the first bimetallic switch exceeds a predefined first trip temperature, wherein the opening of the first data line indicates a fault condition to a device to which the cable is connected, whereby electrical power flowing through the power conductor is resultantly mitigated. 1. A cable comprising:a power conductor configured to transmit electrical power between a first device and a second device;a first data conductor configured to transmit data between the first device and the second device; anda first bimetallic switch coupled to the first data conductor and configured to mitigate current flowing through the first data conductor if a temperature of the first bimetallic switch exceeds a predefined first trip temperature, wherein opening of the first data conductor indicates a fault condition to a device to which the cable is connected, whereby electrical power flowing through the power conductor is resultantly mitigated.2. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first bimetallic switch is configured to be connected electrically in series with the first device and the second device when the cable is connected to the first device and the second device.3. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first data conductor is a configuration channel (CC) conductor configured to allow the first device and the second device to determine whether a connection has been established via the cable.4. The cable of claim 1 , wherein the first data conductor is rated to handle a maximum of 330 microamps.5. The cable of further comprising:a second data conductor configured to transmit data between the first device and the ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210336563A1

A nano manipulator comprises a base and a clamping structure. The clamping structure comprises two nanofiber actuators located on the base and spaced from each other. Each of the two nanofiber actuators comprises a composite structure and a vanadium dioxide layer. The composite structure comprises a carbon nanotube wire and an aluminum oxide layer. The aluminum oxide layer is coated on a surface of the carbon nanotube wire, and the aluminum oxide layer and the carbon nanotube wire are located coaxially with each other. The vanadium dioxide layer is coated on a surface of the composite structure, and the vanadium dioxide layer and the composite structure are located non-coaxially with each other. 1. A nano manipulator comprising:a base, anda clamping structure comprising two nanofiber actuators located on the base and spaced from each other, wherein each of the two nanofiber actuators comprises a composite structure and a vanadium dioxide layer, the vanadium dioxide layer is coated on a surface of the composite structure, and the vanadium dioxide layer and the composite structure are located non-coaxially with each other, the composite structure comprises a carbon nanotube wire and an aluminum oxide layer, the aluminum oxide layer is coated on a surface of the carbon nanotube wire, the aluminum oxide layer and the carbon nanotube wire are located coaxially with each other.2. The nano manipulator of claim 1 , wherein a ratio between a maximum thickness of the vanadium dioxide layer and a minimum thickness of the vanadium dioxide layer is in a range from 9:1 to 7:1.3. The nano manipulator of claim 2 , wherein the maximum thickness of the vanadium dioxide layer is approximately 72 nm claim 2 , and the minimum thickness of the vanadium dioxide layer is 9 nm.4. The nano manipulator of claim 1 , wherein a length of the carbon nanotube wire is in a range from 10 μm to 3 cm.5. The nano manipulator of claim 1 , wherein a diameter of the carbon nanotube wire is in a range from ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180265349A1
Автор: ITO Hisahiro

A vibrator device includes a base, a vibrator that includes a vibrator element and a vibrator element package, which accommodates the vibrator element and has a first terminal on a surface on a base side, a circuit element that is disposed between the base and the vibrator and has a first connection pad on a surface on a vibrator side, and a conductive connecting member that is disposed between the circuit element and the vibrator, bonds the circuit element and the vibrator together, and electrically connects the first connection pad and the first terminal together. 1. A vibrator device comprising:a base;a vibrator that is disposed so as to overlap the base and includes a vibrator element and a vibrator element package, which accommodates the vibrator element and has a first terminal on a surface on a base side;a circuit element that is disposed between the base and the vibrator and has a first connection pad on a surface on a vibrator side; anda conductive connecting member that is disposed between the circuit element and the vibrator, bonds the circuit element and the vibrator together, and electrically connects the first connection pad and the first terminal together.2. The vibrator device according to claim 1 , an active surface,', 'an insulating layer disposed on the active surface on the vibrator side, and', 'a wiring layer that is disposed on the insulating layer on the vibrator side and includes the first connection pad., 'wherein the circuit element has'}3. The vibrator device according to claim 1 ,wherein the base has a second terminal, and a second connection pad on the surface on the vibrator side, and', 'a wire that electrically connects the second terminal and the second connection pad together., 'the circuit element has'}4. The vibrator device according to claim 3 ,wherein the second connection pad is disposed so as not to overlap the vibrator in plan view seen from a direction where the base, the circuit element, and the vibrator are arranged.5. The ...

01-10-2015 дата публикации

Insulated Thermal Cut-Off Device

Номер: US20150279596A1

A thermal cut-off device includes a plastic base, two electrodes, a temperature sensing element, and a plastic cover that fits over the base. The temperature sensing element is curved downward, and may be a bimetal or a trimetal. When the device is subject to an over-temperature condition, the orientation of the curve flips such that the temperature sensing element is then curved upward. When the temperature sensing element is curved upward, it lifts an arm of one of the electrodes, which severs the electrical connection between the electrodes. In this manner the device shuts off during an over-temperature condition in order to protect the circuit in which the device is installed. To prevent corrosion of the temperature sensing element, a first moisture insulation layer is applied to the outer surface of the thermal cut-off device. The moisture insulation layer may be an epoxy adhesive or a UV/visible light-cured adhesive or light/heat cured adhesive. In some embodiments, a second moisture insulation layer is formed on the surface of the temperature sensing element. 1. A thermal cut-off device comprising:a base;a first electrode positioned above the base and comprising a terminal portion;a temperature sensing element positioned above a portion of the first electrode;a second electrode positioned above the temperature sensing element and comprising a terminal portion;a cover that fits over the base to form a structure that encloses the thermal sensing element and portions of the first and second electrodes, wherein the terminal portions of the first and second electrodes protrude from the structure formed by the cover and base; anda first moisture insulation layer formed on at least a portion of an outer surface of the structure formed by the cover and base.2. The thermal cut-off device of claim 1 , wherein the first moisture insulation layer comprises an epoxy adhesive.3. The thermal cut-off device of claim 1 , wherein the first moisture insulation layer comprises ...

11-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140361863A1

In a blade-type fuse () according to the present invention one of an upper casing () and a lower casing () includes a fixing post (K), the other casing includes a through-hole (K) through which the fixing post (K) is passed, and also the flat terminal portion () includes a through-hole (K) through which the fixing post (K) is passed. The flat terminal portion () is formed bilaterally symmetrically about a vertical line passing through a center of the blade-type fuse (), and vertically symmetrically about a horizontal line passing through the center of the blade-type fuse (). 1. A blade-type fuse comprising:an upper casing;a lower casing which is engaged with the upper casing; anda fuse body having a fusible portion which is housed between the upper casing and the lower casing, and a flat terminal portion which is exposed from between the upper casing and the lower casing, whereinone of the upper casing and the lower casing includes a fixing post, the other of the upper casing and the lower casing includes a through-hole through which the fixing post is passed, the flat terminal portion includes a through-hole through which the fixing post is passed, andthe flat terminal portion is formed bilaterally symmetrically about a vertical line passing through a center of the blade-type fuse, and vertically symmetrically about a horizontal line passing through the center of the blade-type fuse.2. The blade-type fuse according to claim 1 , whereina terminal guide groove which guides bifurcated tip parts of a bifurcated terminal is disposed in the flat terminal portion and extended in an insertion direction from a contact part of the terminal guide groove contact with the bifurcated terminal when the flat terminal portion is inserted.3. The blade-type fuse according to claim 2 , whereinfitting recesses are formed in parts of the terminal guide groove at which contact surfaces of the bifurcated tip parts of the bifurcated terminals are positioned respectively in an optimum stop ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150303834A1

An energy harvester includes a circuit for collecting an excess of electrical charges on a first connection terminal, wherein the circuit is equipped with a first controllable mechanical switch, and a control device for the first switch. There is a transducer suitable for directly transforming, without consuming the excess of electrical charges present on the first connection terminal, the variation of the energy to be harvested into a mechanical deformation which displaces the first switch from its open position to its closed position. 19-. (canceled)10. An Energy harvester suitable for transforming energy to be harvested into electrical energy , comprising:a first converter equipped with first and second connection terminals, the first converter being suitable for converting a variation of the energy to be harvested into a corresponding excess of electrical charges on the first connection terminal relative to the second terminal, an output terminal via which the collected charges are delivered, and', 'a first controllable mechanical switch connected to the first connection terminal, the first switch being suitable for switching between an open position in which it prevents the discharging of the electrical charges through the first connection terminal and a closed position in which it allows the discharging of the electrical charges through the first connection terminal, the closed position in the mechanical switch being obtained by the bearing of an electrical contact directly on another electrical contact so as to establish an electrical continuity and the open position being obtained by the mechanical separation of these two electrical contacts and the interposition between these two electrical contacts of an electrically insulating medium, and, 'a collection circuit for collecting the excess of electrical charges on the first connection terminal, the collection circuit includinga control device for the first switch designed to control the switching of the ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Thermal Metal Oxide Varistor Circuit Protection Device

Номер: US20200279701A1
Автор: Tang Hailang, Yang Wen, Yu Dong

A circuit protection device includes: a housing () defining a cavity (); a metal oxide varistor () disposed within the cavity; a movable electrode () attached to a first side of the metal oxide varistor by a solder connection (); an arc shield () disposed within the housing on the first side of the metal oxide varistor and adjacent to the movable electrode; and a spring () attached to the arc shield, wherein the arc shield is mechanically biased against the movable electrode along a surface direction parallel to the first side when the spring is in a compressed state. The device is easy to assemble in lower cost and provides fast response to overheating caused by a fault condition. 1. A circuit protection device comprising:a housing defining a cavity;a metal oxide varistor disposed within said cavity;a movable electrode attached to a first side of the metal oxide varistor by a solder connection;an arc shield disposed within the housing on the first side of the metal oxide varistor and adjacent the movable electrode; anda spring attached to the arc shield, wherein the arc shield is mechanically biased against the movable electrode along a surface direction parallel to the first side when the spring is in a compressed state.2. The circuit protection device of claim 1 , wherein the spring is in a compressed state when the movable electrode is disposed over the solder connection claim 1 , and wherein when the arc shield is disposed over the solder connection the spring is in an extended state.3. The circuit protection device of claim 1 , further comprising a first contact lead claim 1 , the first contact lead being electrically connected to the movable electrode and a second contact lead claim 1 , the second contact lead being electrically attached to a second side of the metal oxide varistor claim 1 , the second side being opposite the first side.4. The circuit protection device of further comprising a flexible conductive wire connected between the first contact lead ...

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160307718A1

An electrically controlled switching device includes a support, a first contact coupled to the support, a second contact coupled to the support, an SMA element operably connected with the second contact, a sensor positioned on or adjacent to the SMA element, and a controller in communication with the sensor. The SMA element is configured to transform between a first shape and a different second shape responsive to an electrical pulse heating the SMA element to a transformation temperature. The sensor is configured to detect a detected temperature of the SMA element. The controller is configured to control the electrical pulse heating the SMA element. The controller receives signals from the sensor indicative of the detected temperature of the SMA element. 1. An electrically controlled switching device comprising:a support;a first contact coupled to the support;a second contact coupled to the support;a shape memory alloy (SMA) element operably connected with the second contact and configured to transform between a first shape and a different second shape responsive to an electrical pulse heating the SMA element to a transformation temperature;a sensor positioned on or adjacent to the SMA element and configured to detect a detected temperature of the SMA element; anda controller in communication with the sensor and configured to control the electrical pulse heating the SMA element, wherein the controller receives signals from the sensor indicative of the detected temperature of the SMA element.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the electrical pulse based on the signals received from the sensor.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to control the electrical pulse while allowing for the delivery of the electrical pulse to the SMA element such that the detected temperature is less than the transformation temperature.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to control the electrical ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170301852A1

An energy generator including a material having a Curie temperature is provided. The energy generator includes a hot source at a first temperature, a cold sink at a second temperature, a means to couple the hot source to the material while the cold sink is insulated from the material, and a means to couple the cold sink to the material while the hot source is insulated from the material, wherein: the first temperature higher than the Curie temperature, and the second temperature lower than the Curie temperature. Also provided is an energy generator including elements as above, between the hot source and the cold sink. Further provided is a genset having an engine for producing electrical energy, a coolant system, an exhaust element, and an alternator, and an energy generator as above. A method for use an energy generator as above is also provided. 2. The energy generator of wherein an electric field is applied to the material from an external source.3. The energy generator of wherein the material is a pyroelectric material.4. The energy generator of wherein the material is a ferroelectric material.5. The energy generator of wherein the material is a single crystal.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The energy generator of further comprising surface electrodes on opposite sides of the material and a plurality of electrical switches in contact with the surface electrodes.10. The energy generator of further comprising an electrical storage device coupled to the electrical switches to store charge produced on the surface electrodes.11. The energy generator of wherein the hot thermal coupler moves the material into contact with the hot source.12. The energy generator of wherein the the hot thermal coupler is a gap thermal conductor placed between the hot source and the material.13. The energy generator of wherein the the hot thermal coupler is a variable reflectivity element.14. The energy generator of wherein the the hot thermal coupler comprises a fluid in ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160315564A1
Автор: KOTANI Kenichi

A rotary shaft supported by a housing so as to be capable of rotating in a forward rotation direction and a reverse rotation direction. A shape-memory alloy member having a wire-like shape urges, by thermally contracting, the rotary shaft by applying an external force in the forward rotation direction. A bias spring urges the rotary shaft by applying an external force in the reverse rotation direction. A wiper is displaced along with rotation of the rotary shaft. The shape-memory alloy member is arranged such that, when a thermal contraction force is divided into a first partial thermal contraction force in the forward rotation direction and a second partial thermal contraction force in a length direction of the rotary shaft, the first partial thermal contraction force is larger than the second partial thermal contraction force. 1. A driving device comprising:a rotary member supported in a housing of the driving device and configured to rotate in first and second directions opposite to each other around a reference axis;a shape-memory alloy member coupled to the rotary member and having a wire-like shape, wherein the shape-memory alloy member thermally contracts when heated urging the rotary member to rotate in the first direction;a biasing member coupled to the rotary member that urges the rotary member to rotate in the second direction; andan object coupled to the rotary member that is displaced when the rotary member rotates in the first direction and the second direction.2. The driving device according to claim 1 , wherein the shape-memory alloy member is configured such that claim 1 , when a thermal contraction force is divided into a first partial thermal contraction force in a direction orthogonal to a length direction of the reference axis and a second partial thermal contraction force in the length direction of the reference axis claim 1 , the first partial thermal contraction force is larger than the second partial thermal contraction force.3. The driving ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150318130A1
Автор: SCHMITZ Sander

A trigger device for a power switch includes a bi-metal which is arranged near to a current path of a power switch in order to control triggering, as well as a bi-metal mounting device into which the bimetal is inserted and which is designed to enclose the bi-metal, in an arrangement substantially parallel to a current path of a power switch, such that heat radiated from the current path heats the bi-metal more or less across its whole length. 1. A trigger device for a power switch , the device comprising:a bimetal, arranged near to a current path of a power switch, in a configuration so as to control triggering of the power switch; anda bimetal mounting device into which the bimetal is inserted,wherein the bimetal mounting device is configured to enclose the bimetal in an arrangement substantially parallel to a current path of the power switch such that heat radiated by the current path can heat the bimetal almost across a whole length of the bimetal, and such that the bimetal is shielded from one or more ambient influences,wherein the bimetal mounting device is configured to fully encloses the current path and the bimetal,wherein the current path and bimetal can be accommodated in a common housing formed by the bimetal mounting device, andwherein the bimetal mounting device includes a base on which the bimetal is attached at a foot thereof.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the base is bounded by a first and second side wall claim 1 ,wherein the first and second side walls extend substantially parallel to the bimetal, andwherein the first and second side walls are configured such that the bimetal is shielded from the one or more ambient influences.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the bimetal is fixed to the base such that an active side of the bimetal is facing the current path.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the side walls at least partly extend beyond the bimetal.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the bimetal mounting device is configured as a pocket.6. ( ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации

Lens driving apparatus

Номер: US20190302396A1
Автор: Gao Kaiyan, Zhu Bingke

The present disclosure provides a lens driving apparatus. The lens driving apparatus includes a base, a barrel, two elastic members sandwiched between the barrel and the base, and a conductive wire connecting the two elastic members to form a current loop with the two elastic members. The base includes a pedestal and a conductive terminal embedded in the pedestal and electrically connected to outside. The two elastic members are electrically connected with the conductive terminal for driving the barrel to reciprocate in a direction of an optical axis. At least one of the two elastic members is made of memory alloys. 1. A lens driving apparatus , comprising:a base comprising a pedestal and a conductive terminal, the conductive terminal having one end embedded in the pedestal and another end electrically connected with outside;an upper cover that covers the base to form an accommodating space;a barrel accommodated in the accommodating space;two elastic members sandwiched between the barrel and the base, the two elastic members being electrically connected with the conductive terminal for driving the barrel to reciprocate in a direction of an optical axis, wherein at least one of the two elastic members is made of memory alloys; anda conductive wire connecting the two elastic members to form a current loop with the two elastic members.2. The lens driving apparatus as described in claim 1 , wherein the two elastic members are disposed at corners of the lens driving apparatus along the optical axis.3. The lens driving apparatus as described in claim 1 , wherein the conductive wire is fixedly connected with the barrel.4. The lens driving apparatus as described in claim 1 , wherein the barrel comprises a first barrel wall disposed to be opposite to and spaced apart from the base claim 1 , a second barrel wall fixed to a side of the first barrel wall away from the base claim 1 , and a third barrel wall fixed to a side of the second barrel wall away from the first barrel ...
