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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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06-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2826255C2

Изобретение относится к способу переработки отработанных литий-ионных аккумуляторов, более конкретно, к способу удаления примесей из раствора выщелачивания отработанных литий-ионных аккумуляторов. Технический результат заключается в более эффективном удалении примесей с использованием меньшего количества оборудования и меньшим сокращением количества ценных металлов, доступного для извлечения. Способ обработки раствора выщелачивания, полученного из черной массы, включает доведение рН раствора выщелачивания до величины, примерно, от 1,2 до 2,15, добавление порошкообразного железа для осаждения меди, проводимое после осаждения меди добавление извести, проводимое после добавления извести изменение рН раствора выщелачивания до, примерно, 6 для отделения фторида кальция, гидроксида титана, гидроксида алюминия, гидроксида железа и фосфата железа. Система переработки черной массы включает реактор удаления примесей, предназначенный для приема исходного гидроксида натрия, исходного порошкообразного ...

27-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2573650C2
Принадлежит: АККУСЕР ЛТД (FI)

Изобретение относится к способу переработки выброшенных батарей путем измельчения или дробления для извлечения повторно используемых материалов, содержащему следующие этапы: сортировку множества батарей на группы по технологии батарей; удаление батарей с кнопочными элементами из упомянутых групп; измельчение упомянутых групп батарей на куски приблизительно одной четвертью дюйма или менее для получения конечной массы частиц; удаление ферромагнитного материала из упомянутой конечной массы частиц, передачу упомянутой конечной массы частиц в процесс очистки или переплавки для извлечения повторно используемых материалов; при этом измельчение батарей первоначально проводят при температуре от 40 до 50С с использованием циклона для удаления выделяющихся газов, после чего полученную смесь через воздухопроницаемую транспортировочную трубу подают на окончательное измельчение. Повышение степени извлечения повторно используемых материалов отработанных батарей при минимальном вредном воздействии на окружающую ...

20-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2379364C2
Принадлежит: ЭНДЖИТЕК С.р.л. (IT)

Изобретения относятся к десульфированию активной массы и решеток свинцовых аккумуляторов. Способ включает десульфирование в две стадии. На первой стадии сульфат свинца из активной массы приводят в контакт с Na2CO3 в растворе, получая дисперсию, содержащую карбонизированную активную массу на основе основных карбонатов свинца. На второй стадии эту дисперсию приводят во взаимодействие с СО2 с образованием дисперсии, содержащей десульфированную активную массу на основе РbСО3. Между этими двумя стадиями проводят гранулометрическое разделение с последующим десульфированием крупной фракции. Техническим результатом является эффективное удаление серы совместно с почти полным удалением натрия при десульфировании. 2 н. и 26 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU154386U1

Устройство восстановления емкости аккумуляторных батарей, состоящее из источника электроэнергии переменного тока, блока заряда-разряда аккумуляторной батареи (АБ), включающего в себя преобразователь напряжения переменного тока, датчик тока заряда, датчик напряжения заряда, микроконтроллер, коммутационный аппарат и нагрузочный элемент (резистор), коммутационного аппарата цепи питания нагревательного элемента, блока переключения цепи заряда АБ, блока автоматического контроля и управления, акустического сигнализатора, цифрового светового табло и термоизоляционного корпуса, внутри которого размещены нагревательный элемент, аккумуляторная батарея и термозависимый датчик напряжения, при этом вход-выход источника электроэнергии переменного тока по силовой цепи соединен с входом-выходом преобразователя напряжения переменного тока блока заряда-разряда аккумуляторной батареи (АБ), выход которого соединен со входом датчика тока заряда, выход которого соединен со входом датчика напряжения заряда, информационный ...

20-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU87044U1

Технологическая линия ремонта аккумуляторов, преимущественно щелочных, в составе взаимосвязанных между собой стола разборки аккумуляторов, стенда снятия чехлов, стола диагностики аккумуляторов, машины мойки аккумуляторов, стола отстоя, стенда надевания чехлов, стола сборки тележки и наполнения аккумуляторов электролитом, машины мойки чехлов, стенда испытания чехлов на герметичность и межоперационного транспортного средства, при этом стенды снятия и надевания чехлов выполнены в виде гидроподъемника с траверсой и приводом от пневмогидравлического бака, цангового захвата узла фиксации чехла в виде вилки со стержнями для снятия чехла и прямоугольного кольца для надевания чехла, фиксатора вилки или кольца, а нижняя часть стержней вилки на высоте 25-75% высоты стержня может иметь конусность от 1:50 до 1:100, цанговый захват выполнен в виде трубы для соединения с крюком траверсы и двух планок, изолированных друг от друга, конец одной планки охватывает резьбу борна по диаметру, а другой планки, ...

20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2373617C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, а именно к устройствам, преобразующим химическую энергию в электрическую. Техническим результатом изобретения является упрощение процесса восстановления щелочного негерметичного аккумулятора, снижение трудоемкости, повышение безопасности и эффективности восстановления, а также увеличение его срока службы. Согласно изобретению процесс восстановления электродов щелочного аккумулятора проводят непосредственно в аккумуляторе путем промывки водой, выдержки в водном растворе соляной кислоты 0,3-3,0%-ной концентрации в течение 20-30 мин. После чего электроды выдерживают в щелочном электролите 2-4 часа и проводят: заряд током (0,6-1,0) С в течение (1,0-1,5) часа до напряжения (1,60-1,65) В, разряд током 0,2С до напряжения (0,0-0,2) В. Заряд-разрядные циклы повторяют 3-12 раз.

15-03-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009578C1

Использование: химические источники тока. Сущность: приподнимают крышку аккумуляторной батареи вместе с электродами до устранения контакта с осадком, вставляют прокладку между корпусом и крышкой и герметизируют. 1 ил.

20-09-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2173920C1

Изобретение относится к прикладной электрохимии, в частности к эксплуатации химических источников тока, и может быть использовано при ремонте щелочных аккумуляторов. Техническим результатом изобретения является разработка экологически чистой, высокопроизводительной и экономически эффективной технологии регенерации щелочного аккумуляторного электролита. Согласно изобретению способ регенерации щелочного аккумуляторного электролита включает последовательные стадии механической фильтрации, разбавления электролита дистиллированной водой, декарбонизации и концентрирования очищенного электролита. Исходный электролит разбавляют до концентрации 30-50 г/л, стадию декарбонизации разбавленного электролита осуществляют путем пропускания его через анионит АВ-17 в OH--форме, регенерацию которого проводят чистым аккумуляторным электролитом плотностью 1,21-1,25 г/см3 с последующей переработкой регенерата. Стадию концентрирования очищенного аккумуляторного электролита целесообразно проводить путем двухступенчатого ...

10-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2108644C1

Изобретение относится к электрохимии, а именно к утилизации литийсодержащих отходов, в частности отработанных и бракованных литиевых химических источников тока. Отходы обрабатывают жидкими, не смешивающимися с водой высшими олифатическими спиртами, например н-бутиловым, втор-бутиловым или амиловым спиртами. Затем литий экстрагируют водой и выделяют его из водной фазы. Способ обеспечивает безопасность утилизации за счет снижения теплового эффекта реакции. 1 з.п. ф-лы.

27-02-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2180149C1

Изобретение относится к утилизации химических источников тока, например потенциально пожаро- и взрывоопасных литиевых аккумуляторов. Указанная утилизация проводится с целью извлечения из них ценных материалов, допускающих повторное использование, и традиционно осуществляется путем пенетрации их корпуса ударным или режущим инструментом. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение безопасности пенетрации корпуса химического источника тока и повышение производительности труда при выполнении указанной операции. Пенетрацию корпуса одного или одновременно нескольких химических источников тока осуществляют дистанционно пулей, выстреливаемой из стрелкового оружия, или монтажной скобой, выстреливаемой из монтажного пистолета.

27-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94045463A

Цель изобретения - повышение степени преобразования сульфата свинца в диоксид свинца и губчатый свинец в активной массе и интенсификация процесса отмывки активной массы от остатков серной кислоты с целью повышения экологической безопасности и упрощение последующей переработки металлсодержащей части аккумулятора в свинец. Способ заключается в сливе электролита из аккумуляторной батареи, удалении или перфорировании дна или стенок батареи, подключение полюсов аккумуляторной батареи к полюсам выпрямителя, полном погружении батареи в ванну, подаче на батарею, помещенную в электролит удаленным днищем вверх, электрического тока в режиме заряда аккумуляторной батареи. Батарея помещается в воду или раствор серной кислоты с рН, превышающей 7, а ток подается до начала газовыделения и батарея выдерживается при газовыделении в ванне 6-60 ч при концентрации серной кислоты в электролите, не превышающей 200 г/л. Новым в способе является совмещение процесса отмывки с процессом электрохимического преобразования ...

10-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012150537A

Способ ускоренного формирования и восстановления емкости никель-кадмиевых аккумуляторов переменным асимметричным током, заключающийся в заряде аккумуляторной батареи стабилизированным асимметричным током, отличающийся тем, что заряд батареи ведут разнополярными импульсами тока со стабилизированными амплитудами разрядного и зарядного токов при соотношении амплитуд разрядного и зарядного токов γ и соотношении длительностей разрядного и зарядного импульсов τ, определяемых индивидуально для каждого типа аккумуляторов с помощью двухфакторного эксперимента, в интервалах γ=1,1÷7 и τ=0,1 ÷0,9 соответственно, пауза между зарядным и разрядным импульсами равна длительности разрядного импульса, среднее значение переменного асимметричного тока заряда выбирают так, чтобы заряд проходил от 1 до 10 ч в зависимости от требований заказчика, заряд производят до достижения на батареи порогового значения, контроль напряжения на батарее производят в паузе между разрядным и зарядным импульсами, частота переменного ...

27-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009128229A

... 1. Устройство переработки целых свинцовых аккумуляторов, содержащее дробилку (10) для дробления аккумуляторов с целью получения фрагментов дробления, устройство (20) сортировки, установленное на выходе дробилки (10) и содержащее бак (21) с установленным в нем шнеком (22), при этом в стенке бака (21) выполнены отверстия (23) размером от 2 до 6 мм для отделения крупных фрагментов от мелких частиц. ! 2. Устройство по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что размер отверстий бака предпочтительно составляет от 3 до 5 мм, а преимущественно 4 мм. ! 3. Устройство по любому из пп.1 или 2, характеризующееся тем, что дробилка (10) выполнена с возможностью дробления аккумуляторов на фрагменты, размер которых не превышает 50 мм. ! 4. Устройство по п.1, характеризующееся тем, что содержит второе устройство (30) сортировки, установленное с возможностью сбора мелких частиц, выходящих из первого устройства (20) сортировки. ! 5. Устройство по п.4, характеризующееся тем, что в баке (31) второго устройства (30) сортировки ...

15-01-1993 дата публикации

Способ восстановления емкости окисно-никелевых электродов из отработанного герметичного кадмий-никелевого аккумулятора

Номер: SU1108987A1

СПОСОБ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНИЯ ЕМКОСТИ ОКИСНО-НИКЕЛЕВЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОДОВ ИЗ ОТРАБОТАННОГО ГЕРМЕТИЧНОГО КАДМИЙ-НИКЕЛЕВОГО АККУМУЛЯТОРА путем обработки в щелочи, отличающийся тем, что, с целью упрощения технологии , в качестве щелочи берут . ный раствор аммиака и обработку ведут в течение 0,1-0,5 ч с последующей отмывкой и сушкой.

15-06-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для удаления свинцовых перемычек

Номер: SU1098053A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УДАЛЕНИЯ СВИНЦОВЫХ ПЕРЕМЫЧЕК, содержащее конвейер , преимущественно подвесной, газовые горелки и направляющие, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения производительности, газовые горелки установлены вдоль направляющих сбоку от них на разных уровнях по высоте, верхние горелки разнесены относительно нижних вдоль направляющих, горелки ориентированы в сторону направляющих, а последние установлены с наклоном вниз в сторону горелок. luoi. со оо сд СлЭ ...

30-12-1991 дата публикации

Устройство и способ восстановления герметичных химических источников тока

Номер: SU1702878A3

Изобретение м. б. использовано для восстановления герметичных химических источников тока, бывших Б эксплуатации или на гарантийном хранении больше срока . Сущность изобретения: перед восстановлением источники моют, сушат, сортируют путем отбора разгерметизированных и деформированных. Затем устанавливают в устройство для восстановления, выдерживают некоторое время, сортируют и измеряют параметры напряжения и тока короткого замыкания, Устройство снабжено рамкой и платами с фольгированными дорожками и островками и S-обрэзными пружинящими токопроводящими лепестками, На плате устанавливаются .восстанавливаемые источники и через стабилизатор напряжения, выпрямитель и понижающий трансформатор подключаются к зарядному источнику. 2 с.п, ф-лы, 4 ил, ...

30-11-1990 дата публикации

Устройство для разделки отработавших аккумуляторных батарей

Номер: SU1611220A3

Изобретение относится к устройствам для промышленного восстановления материалов, входящих в состав аккумуляторных батарей, в частности свинца из отработавших аккумуляторных батарей. Целью изобретения является повышение производительности машины на единицу занимаемой площади. Основными частями устройства являются ротор, установленный с возможностью вращения вокруг вертикальной оси, система питающих и отводящих транспортеров, средства резки аккумуляторов, средства их промывки и встряхивания. Операции резки, встряхивания и промывки осуществляют в процессе движения обрабатываемых батарей вокруг ротора, причем каждая из обрабатываемых батарей прижимается к боковой поверхности ротора посредством бесконечного ремня, снабженного направляющими роликами и средствами натяжения. Периферийная часть ротора снабжена опорными элементами, установленными на цилиндрических шарнирах для возможности поворота под действием боковых поверхностей прижимаемых к ним батарей. Устройство снабжено средствами для отделения ...

30-07-1993 дата публикации

Способ разборки отработавших ресурс аккумуляторных батарей

Номер: SU1831737A3

Использование: утилизация свинцовых аккумуляторных батарей. Сущность изобретения: из отработанной аккумуляторной ба тареи сливают электролит, отделяют дно и подключают к выпрямителю , после чего промывают дистиллированной водой, сушат и погружают в ванну с электролитом. Обе клеммы аккумуляторной батареи подсоединяют к положительному полюсу выпрямителя и подают ток, не превышающий 40 А/кг веса металлосодержащей части. В ванне может быть установлена диафрагма, разделяющая катодное и анодное пространства. Нерастворившиеся металлсодержащие остатки отделяют от моноблока и сепаратора.

03-12-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Recycling und Behandeln von salzartigen und alkalischen Batterien

Номер: DE0060140231D1

15-07-1964 дата публикации

Improvements relating to lead-acid type electric accumulators

Номер: GB0000963760A

... 963,760. Batteries. CHLORIDE BATTERIES Ltd. Jan. 3, 1963 [Jan. 16, 1962], No. 1597/62. Heading H1B. Potassium permanganate is added to a battery having lead-antimony alloy grids to oxidize any stibine gas evolved. The permanganate is in a crystalline form, or alternatively an inert expanded or porous material such as silica gel or vermiculite is impregnated with a solution of permanganate, and the permanganate is placed either on perforated trays above the cells or in the air ducts above the cells. Alternatively, a capsule of permanganate is attached to the venting orifice of the battery.

10-05-1984 дата публикации

Treatment of accumulator scrap

Номер: GB0002128901A

In a method and apparatus for the recovery of lead acid accumulator scrap, scrap accumulators at (11) are crushed in a crusher (12) and fed to a chamber at (13) from which a primary conveyor (14) delivers solid components, a second conveyor (16) delivers oxide sludge, and acid is collected from a sump (17). The sludge is further separated into acid and oxide at (18) and the solids are separated into oxide, lead, rubber, and plastics, after further crushing at (15). ...

06-01-1982 дата публикации

A method of and apparatus for continuously separating off the acid contained in scrap accumulators when they are dressed.

Номер: GB0002078437A

A method of continuously separating the acid contained in scrap accumulators when they are dressed comprising crushing the scrap accumulators while full of acid, collecting the broken pieces of accumulator together with the acid escaping from them in an acid sump (13) tumbling the pieces and removing them from the liquid in the acid sump (13) and supplying the removed pieces to an accumulator dressing plant with only a small amount of acid adhering to them, the remaining acid and fine slurry being drawn off separately from the acid sump through an outlet (14). ...

30-12-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus

Номер: GB2568663B

26-10-2022 дата публикации

Coke powder as a discharging agent for waste battery recycling and method thereof

Номер: GB0002606108A

The invention discloses a discharging method and discharging agent for recycling waste batteries. Waste batteries are immersed with coke powder to form a discharging circuit and to remove the residual power off the waste batteries before destruction of the batteries. The discharging performance varies with resistivity of the coke powder, and can be measured by watching the temperature and/or the temperature change trend. The resistivity depends on the ratio of carbon composition of the coke powder and the contact quality between the coke powder and the waste batteries, and the pressure on coke powder can adjust the contact quality. Therefore, the method is able to adjust the discharging performance by adjusting the pressure to meet the discharging requirements of efficiency and safety.

06-12-2023 дата публикации

Aluminum-doped needle-like cobaltosic oxide and preparation method therefor

Номер: GB0002619445A

The present application belongs to the technical field of battery materials, and discloses an aluminum-doped needle-like cobaltosic oxide and a preparation method therefor. The preparation method comprises the following steps: mixing a waste battery powder and an amino acid, adjusting the pH until an alkaline state is reached, and subjecting same to solid-liquid separation to obtain an aluminum-removed battery powder and a first filtrate; adding an acid to the aluminum-removed battery powder, mixing same, and subjecting same to solid-liquid separation to obtain a cobalt-containing acid solution and a copper-containing slag; adding, in a dropwise manner, a templating agent to the cobalt-containing acid solution, then adding an alkali to adjust the pH, centrifuging same, and subjecting same to a heat treatment to obtain an aluminum-doped needle-like cobaltosic oxide. In the present application, aluminum in waste batteries is effectively recovered by using an amino acid; when the templating ...

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for the recovery of lithium cobalt oxide from lithium ion batteries

Номер: AP0201407373A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for the recovery of lithium cobalt oxide from lithium ion batteries

Номер: AP2014007373A0

31-10-1989 дата публикации

Process for the recycling of electrical batteries, assembled printed circuit boards and electronic components.

Номер: OA0000008900A

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Method for the recovery of lithium cobalt oxide from lithium ion batteries

Номер: AP0201407373D0

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: ATA253291A

15-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA467979A

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA291181A

15-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: ATA201391A

15-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000039778A

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000291181A

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000377847T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000516613T

15-11-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000144167T

15-03-1980 дата публикации


Номер: ATA39778A

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000026364T

15-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160825T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000321110T

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000227889T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000215265T

10-09-1968 дата публикации

Procedure and plant for the processing of used up lead-acid batteries

Номер: AT0000264630B

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000283551T

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Recycling method for treating used batteries, in particular rechargeable batteries, and battery processing installation

Номер: AU2017347388A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The invention relates to a method for treating used lithium batteries (10), having the following steps: comminuting the batteries (10) so that comminuted material (24) is obtained, and deactivating the comminuted material (24) by drying so that a deactivated comminuted material (42) is obtained. According to the invention, drying takes place at a pressure of at most 300 hPa and at most 80°C, and, after drying, the deactivated comminuted material (42) is not transferred to a transport container and/or further processed.

02-09-2021 дата публикации

Method of mineral recovery

Номер: AU2020209369A1

A process for the selective recovery of lithium values from feedstock is provided. The process includes concentration by one or more of air classification and flotation; selective leaching to remove Mg, Ca or Na formations; and leaching/sonication with an acid. Further, a method of beneficiating a lithium-containing ore is provided treating an aqueous pulp of the lithium-containing ore with a conditioning reagent; and floating, lithium values fraction of the lithium-containing ore from gangue slimes, wherein the treating improves the selectivity of an anionic collector to one or more of spodumene and said lithium values. Further, a process for the selective recovery of lithium from lithium ion batteries is provided.

10-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008758082A

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Recycling method and treatment device for battery pack

Номер: AU2012232832A1

A method of recycling a battery pack (10) that includes an assembled battery composed of a plurality of electric cells that are connected in series to one another includes a heating process of heating the battery pack (10) by supplying a vapor supplied from a vapor boiler (14) into a heat treatment bath (12) for heating the battery pack (10) to replace a space in the heat treatment bath (12) with the vapor, and a condensation process of condensing thermolysis products, which are discharged from the battery pack (10) through the heating process, by a condenser (18).

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Separation of materials from recycled electrochemical cells and batteries by froth flotation

Номер: AU2011253243A1

Materials in battery and electrochemical cells are separated in a form suitable for recycling by employing froth flotation techniques. Bulk materials, such as casings, are removed from converted battery scrap and the resultant pulp is subjected to froth flotation. Froth flotation agents, including frothers, collectors and/or depressants, are used to manipulate the hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature of the materials in the scrap. Hydrophobic materials are entrained in the air bubbles of the froth and float out of the froth flotation vessel while those that are hydrophilic remain in the vessel, thereby separating battery grid materials without resort to pyrometallurgical, energy intensive or other environmentally undesirable processes.

11-11-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008097675A

28-10-2021 дата публикации

A Reclaiming Method For Cathode Materials Of Retired Lithium-Ion Batteries

Номер: AU2021105816A4

Abstract The present invention discloses a reclaiming method for cathode materials of retired lithium-ion batteries, which comprises the steps of: putting the cathode material powder of the retired lithium-ion battery into a solution filled with supersaturated lithium salt, then, completing hydrothermal pressing to compensate lithium, and thus, the first heterogeneous suspension can be obtained; after that, filtering and drying the first heterogeneous suspension, and then, mixing the obtained reclaimed cathode material seed crystal with the precursor solution and the binder, and then, completing ball-milling, and thus, the second heterogeneous suspension can be obtained; after that, stirring the second heterogeneous suspensions evenly, then, collecting precursors after conducting spray drying; and then, conducting high temperature solid-phase reaction to the reclaimed precursors by means of being subjected to the first stage of calcination and the second stage of calcination in sequence ...

30-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001042088A

05-02-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000558591B2

10-03-1994 дата публикации

Method for the disposal of nickel-cadmium or nickel-hydride cells

Номер: AU0004609593A

19-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002391865C

The method relates to a pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical process for the recovery and recycling of lithium and vanadium compounds from a material comprising spent rechargeable lithium batteries, particularly lithium metal gel and solid polymer electrolyte rechargeable batteries. The method involves providing a mass of the material, hardening it by cooling at a temperature below room temperature, comminuting the mass of cooled and hardened material, digesting with an acid its ashes obtained by incineration, or its solidified salts obtained by molten salt oxidation, or the comminuted mass itself, to give a mother liquor, extracting vanadium compounds from the mother liquor, separating heavy metals and aluminium therefrom, and precipitating lithium carbonate from the remaining solution.

16-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002770727C

In a method of reclaiming constituent components of sealed batteries, the batteries are initially ground to form a ground feedstock. The ground feedstock is heated to form a dried feedstock. The dried feedstock is screen separated into a coarse fraction and a powder fraction, the coarse fraction including a magnetic fraction and a non-magnetic fraction. The coarse fraction and the powder fraction are further vibratorily segregated. The magnetic fraction may be magnetically extracted from the coarse fraction, while the powder fraction is outputted.

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3136875A1

The present disclosure concerns the production of precursor compounds for lithium battery cathodes. Batteries or their scrap are smelted in reducing conditions, thereby forming an alloy suitable for further hydrometallurgical refining, and a slag. The alloy is leached in acidic conditions, producing a Ni-and Co-bearing solution, which is refined. The refining steps are greatly simplified as most elements susceptible to interfere with the refining steps concentrate in the slag. Metals such as Co, Ni and Mn are then precipitated from the solution, forming a suitable starting product for the synthesis of new battery precursor compounds.

03-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA1094816A
Принадлежит: GOULD INC, GOULD INC.

A hydrometallurgical process for recycling the paste and electrolyte of junk lead-acid batteries begins by separating the paste and electrolyte from the junk batteries. The paste and electrolyte are then reacted to increase the lead sulfate content of the paste and reduce the acid content of the electrolyte. Sulfuric acid may be added to the mixture of paste and electrolyte if there is an insufficient amount of electrolyte to react with all the paste. Excess liquid is then remove from the mixture of paste and electrolyte, after which the paste is mixed with an aqueous ammoniacal ammonium sulfate solution to dissolve a substantial portion of the lead sulfate from the paste. The remaining solid materials are then separated from the resulting pregnant lead solution, after which lead carbonate is precipitated from the pregnant lead solution by the addition of ammomium carbonate, ammomium bicarbonate or carbon dioxide. The precipitated lead carbonate is removed from the spent liquid and either ...

12-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001169122A1

21-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001199502A1

19-02-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001072181A1

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003098826A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The present invention claims a process for the desulphurization of materials and/or residues containing lead sulphate, carried out in one or more stages. The main characteristic of this process is that the only desulphurising agent is an amino compound selected among urea, guanidine, guanine, arginine or another similar amino compound.

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092517A1

L'invention porte sur un procédé de valorisation de piles usagées telles que des piles salines, alcalines, des piles boutons et des accumulateurs usagés, par introduction des piles et/ou accumulateurs comme charge dans un four de fusion de métal, au gueulard de celui-ci. L'invention est caractérisée en ce que l'on soumet les piles et/ou accumulateurs à une opération de compression pour éliminer les électrolytes contenus dans les piles et/ou accumulateurs, préalablement à l'introduction des piles et/ou accumulateurs dans le four de fusion de métal. L'invention est utilisable pour la valorisation de piles et accumulateurs usagés.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3125089A1

Provided is a method for recovering at least cobalt from among the valuable metals cobalt and nickel from an acid solution containing cobalt ions, nickel ions and impurities, obtained by subjecting waste containing positive electrode material of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries to a wet process. The method comprises a first extraction step for recovering Co reverse-extracted when extracting cobalt ions by solvent extraction from the acid solution; and a second extraction step for recovering cobalt, in which cobalt ions are reverse extracted and extracted by solvent extraction from the post-reverse extraction liquid obtained in the first extraction step for cobalt recovery. The first extraction step for recovering Co has a solvent extraction process in which cobalt ions in the acid solution are extracted in a solvent; a scrubbing process in which the solvent used to extract the cobalt ions is scrubbed; and a reverse extraction process in which cobalt ions in the solvent after scrubbing ...

11-11-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002372985A1

The invention provides polymeric matrices and films comprising fixation reagents that are capable of reacting with solubilized metals to form less soluble metal compounds. The fixation reagents may include inorganic sulfides and phosphates, as well as adsorbents. The polymeric matrices may be compresed of polyvinyl alcohols and polyvinyl acetates. In some embodiments, the polymeric matrix is selected to be at least as soluble as the selected fixation reagent, particularly under the conditions in which the matrix is expected to come into contact with the solubilized metal.

26-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002124005A1

... 21 Lead-contaminated soil and battery casings are remediated using a plasma arc furnace which pyrolyzes the soil and waste battery casings so as to form a vitrified slag and a combustible gas, respectively. The combustible gas along with volatilized lead (and other heavy metals which may be present) are transferred to, and used as a primary fuel by, a conventional smelting furnace. The volatilized lead that is entrained in the combustible gas is thus transferred to the recovery and environmental protection/control equipment associated with the smelting furnace. The soil, on the other hand, is converted into a non-toxic (i.e., according to the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) vitrified slag by the plasma arc which may be crushed and used as a commercial material (e.g., roadway aggregate, asphalt filler material and the like) or simply transferred to a landfill where it poses no environmental threat.

05-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002207742C

An improved method for the recovery of lead from exhausted lead-acid storage batteries, comprising removal from the storage battery of the sulphuric acid solution, the coating element, the separators between the electrodes and the metal part i.e. grids, connectors and poles and milling of the remaining electrode paste of the storage battery to obtain an extremely fine powder (pastel), characterised by the following operations: a) treatment of the resulting powder with an aqueous saline solution, with a pH of between 0 and 8, capable of solubilising Pb (II) sulphate and oxide, leaving Pb (IV) oxide unsolubilised; b) reduction to metal lead of the bivalent lead ion, present in the soluble fraction, using metal iron, preferably in slight excess with respect to the stoichiometric proportions; c) reduction of the tetravalent lead oxide; and d) recovery of the salts used in the process step a) by elimination of the iron sulphate that has formed. Figure 1 is a block diagram showing an embodiment ...

14-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002207742A1

An improved method for the recovery of lead from exhausted lead-acid storage batteries, comprising removal from the storage battery of the sulphuric acid solution, the coating element, the separators between the electrodes and the metal part i.e. grids, connectors and poles and milling of the remaining electrode paste of the storage battery to obtain an extremely fine powder (pastel), characterised by the following operations: a) treatment of the resulting powder with an aqueous saline solution, with a pH of between 0 and 8, capable of solubilising Pb (II) sulphate and oxide, leaving Pb (IV) oxide unsolubilised; b) reduction to metal lead of the bivalent lead ion, present in the soluble fraction, using metal iron, preferably in slight excess with respect to the stoichiometric proportions; c) reduction of the tetravalent lead oxide; and d) recovery of the salts used in the process step a) by elimination of the iron sulphate that has formed. Figure 1 is a block diagram showing an embodiment ...

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130065092A1

Provided is a battery pack processing apparatus and a processing method with which discharge can be performed in a short time when a battery pack is discharged by immersing the battery pack in a discharge liquid. 1. A battery pack processing apparatus for discharging a battery pack having a single cell and a case accommodating the single cell by immersing the battery pack in a discharge liquid , comprising:a press machine forming in the case an aperture through which the discharge liquid can flow inside the case by pressurizing the battery pack.2. The battery pack processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinan applied pressure of the press machine for pressurizing the battery pack is adjusted so as to allow the aperture to be formed in the case and is smaller than a pressure under which ignition occurs before the single cell is immersed in the discharge liquid.3. The battery pack processing apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe press machine comprises a pair of pressure members sandwiching and pressurizing the battery pack.4. The battery pack processing apparatus according to claim 3 , whereina concave-convex portion is formed on either one of or each of the pair of pressure members.5. The battery pack processing apparatus according to claim 4 , whereinthe concave-convex portions are formed on both of the pair of pressure members, and the concave-convex portions of one of the pressure members and the other of the pressure members engage with each other.6. The battery pack processing apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising: a discharge vessel retaining the discharge liquid for immersing the battery pack having the aperture formed in the case in the discharge liquid.7. The battery pack processing apparatus according to claim 6 , whereinthe press machine forms the aperture in the case with the battery pack immersed in the discharge liquid in the discharge vessel.8. A battery pack processing method for discharging a battery pack having a single ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Lithium Extraction Method, and Metal Recovery Method

Номер: US20130206607A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

To provided a method for recovering lithium from a lithium ion battery using comparatively simple equipment and without using a cumbersome process. A lithium extraction method for extracting lithium from the positive electrode material of a lithium ion battery containing lithium and cobalt, the method being characterized in that the positive electrode material is immersed into an acidic solution at 50° C. or less, lithium ions are selectively leached into the acidic solution while inhibiting the leaching of cobalt ions, and the leaching of lithium ions is stopped while the amount of lithium contained in the positive electrode material is sufficient.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Recycling Batteries Having Basic Electrolytes

Номер: US20130302223A1
Автор: Sloop Steven E.

Embodiments related to recycling alkaline batteries are disclosed. In one disclosed embodiment, a method for recycling a battery having a basic electrolyte comprises rupturing the battery under anaerobic conditions and flooding the interior of the battery with carbon dioxide in an anaerobic chamber. 1. A method for recycling a battery having a basic electrolyte , the method comprising:rupturing the battery under anaerobic conditions; andflooding an interior of the battery with carbon dioxide in an anaerobic chamber.2. The method of claim 1 , where exposing the battery to carbon dioxide causes the battery to rupture.3. The method of claim 1 , where rupturing the battery comprises mechanically rupturing the battery.4. The method of claim 1 , where flooding the interior of the battery with carbon dioxide includes causing the carbon dioxide to react chemically with the basic electrolyte.5. The method of claim 1 , where the battery comprises a hydridic solid claim 1 , and where flooding the interior of the battery with carbon dioxide includes causing the carbon dioxide to react chemically with the hydridic solid.6. The method of claim 1 , where flooding the interior of the battery with carbon dioxide includes flooding the interior of the battery with one or more of liquid carbon dioxide and supercritical carbon dioxide.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subjecting the battery to predetermined temperature and pressure for a predetermined period of time while the interior of the battery is flooded with carbon dioxide.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising separating the battery into a plurality of cells before flooding the interior of the battery with carbon dioxide.9. The method of claim 8 , further comprising mechanically rupturing one or more of the plurality of cells.10. The method of claim 1 , where flooding the interior of the battery with carbon dioxide yields a solid residue claim 1 , the method further comprising collecting the solid residue ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312254A1

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a valuable-metal sulfuric-acid solution from a waste battery, and to a method for manufacturing a positive electrode active material. The method for manufacturing the valuable-metal sulfuric-acid solution includes: a step of obtaining valuable-metal powder containing lithium, nickel, cobalt, and manganese from waste batteries; a step of acid-leaching the valuable-metal powder under a reducing atmosphere in order to obtain a leaching solution; and a step of separating the lithium from the leaching solution so as to obtain a sulfuric-acid solution containing the nickel, cobalt, and manganese. 1. A method of manufacturing a valuable-metal sulfuric acid solution from a waste battery , the method comprising:obtaining valuable-metal powder including lithium, nickel, cobalt, and manganese from a waste battery;acid leaching the valuable-metal powder with an acid solution including a sulfuric acid solution in a reducing atmosphere to obtain a leaching solution; andseparating lithium from the leaching solution to obtain nickel, cobalt, and manganese sulfuric acid solutions.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing at least one impurity of copper claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , and iron by increasing pH claim 1 , after the obtaining of the leaching solution.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the separating of the lithium is performed by using a molecular sieve.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the separating of the lithium is performed by separating nickel claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , and cobalt from the leaching solution by using a solvent extraction method claim 1 , anda process of stripping the separated nickel, manganese, and cobalt with a sulfuric acid solution is further included.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising obtaining lithium carbonate by carbonating the separated lithium.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adjusting respective concentrations of nickel claim 2 , manganese ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313345A1
Принадлежит: AKKUSER LTD.

A method for recycling discarded batteries by chopping or crushing to recover reusable materials, the method comprising the steps, sorting a plurality of batteries into groups by battery technology; removing button-cell batteries from said groups; chopping said groups of batteries into pieces approximately one quarter inch or less, to produce final particule matter; removing ferro-magnetic material form said final particulate matter; transferring said final particulate matter to refining or smelting process to recover to recover reusable materials. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for recycling batteries , the method comprising:(i) sorting a plurality of batteries into groups by battery technology;(ii) removing button-cell batteries from said groups;(iii) chopping said groups of batteries into pieces approximately one quarter inch or less(iv) to produce final particulate matter;(v) removing ferro-magnetic material from said final particulate matter;(vi) transferring said final particulate matter to refining or smelting process to recover reusable materials; andwherein said chopping (iv) comprises:a first chopping into pieces of one inch or less wherein released gases are removed from said first chopping by a cyclonic air mover and crushing is performed at a temperature of between 40 to 50 degrees Celsius; and the resulting mix of battery pieces is passed through a transfer tube that is air tight to a second chopping into pieces of one quarter of an inch or less.7. A method for recycling batteries claim 7 , in accordance with claim 7 , wherein said removingferro-magnetic material is performed using a magnetic separator.8. A method for recycling batteries claim 7 , in accordance with claim 7 , wherein said removingbutton-cell batteries step is performed by passing them through a metal sieve. This Patent Application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/314,258, filed 16 Mar. 2010, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety.The ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140017621A1

A method of recycling a battery pack () that includes an assembled battery composed of a plurality of electric cells that are connected in series to one another includes a heating process of heating the battery pack () by supplying a vapor supplied from a vapor boiler () into a heat treatment bath () for heating the battery pack () to replace a space in the heat treatment bath () with the vapor, and a condensation process of condensing thermolysis products, which are discharged from the battery pack () through the heating process, by a condenser (). 1. A recycling method for a battery pack that includes an assembled battery composed of a plurality of electric cells that are connected in series to one another , comprising:supplying a vapor or an inert gas, which replaces a space in a heat treatment bath for heating the battery pack, into the heat treatment bath to heat the battery pack; andcondensing thermolysis products discharged from the battery pack by heating the battery pack.2. The recycling method according to claim 1 , whereinthe battery pack is heated to a temperature equal to or higher than 150° C. and lower than 180° C.3. The recycling method according to claim 1 , whereinthe battery pack is heated to a temperature equal to or higher than 160° C.4. The recycling method according to claim 1 , further comprising heating the vapor before the vapor is supplied into the heat treatment bath claim 1 , whereinthe heated vapor is supplied into the heat treatment bath to heat the battery pack.5. The recycling method according to claim 1 , whereinthe electric cells are nickel hydride secondary batteries or lithium-ion secondary batteries.6. A treatment device for recycling a battery pack that includes an assembled battery composed of a plurality of electric cells that are connected in series to one another claim 1 , comprising:a heat treatment bath for heating the battery pack;a supply unit that supplies a vapor or an inert gas, which replaces a space in the heat ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140068929A1
Автор: MIZUSAWA Atsushi
Принадлежит: Empire Technology Developement LLC

A disassembled battery and methods for disassembling the battery are provided. Holes are formed in an enclosure of the battery and a fluid is injected into the battery to inactivate an electrolyte inside the battery. The enclosure of the battery is then cut to define strips in the enclosure that can be peeled back to expose a core inside the battery. The core can be extracted and recycled. 1. A system configured to disassemble a battery , the system comprising:a support unit configured to support the battery during disassembly of the battery;a drill component configured to form at least one hole in the battery;an injection module configured to inject a fluid through the at least one hole, the fluid is configured to inactivate an electrolyte included in a core of the battery disposed inside an enclosure of the battery; anda cutting unit configured to cut an outer surface of the enclosure to produce cuts in the enclosure, the cuts are configured to enable manipulation of the enclosure to remove the core of the battery from the enclosure.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support unit comprises insulating material or metal.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support unit comprises at least one pressing member configured to maintain the battery in a fixed position.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the drill component is configured to drill the at least one hole in the battery between the enclosure and a cover of the battery.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cutting unit is configured to cut the outer surface of the enclosure in at least one of a vertical manner and a spiral manner.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a control module configured to automatically control the drill component claim 1 , the injection module claim 1 , and the cutting unit.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cutting unit is configured to cut through the outer surface of the enclosure to a depth that does not completely penetrate through the enclosure.8. The system of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150004443A1
Автор: Iwase Kosuke

An apparatus for controlling a lithium-ion battery is provided in which a power-generating element including a positive electrode element and a negative electrode element is housed in a case, wherein the case contains a compound releasing an electron toward the positive electrode element to provide a proton at an electric potential lower than a first electric potential being a positive electrode potential corresponding to a negative electrode potential at which precipitation of lithium occurs, the electric potential lower than the first electric potential being a second electric potential and being higher than a positive electrode potential corresponding to an upper limit value of working voltages of the lithium-ion battery, and the apparatus includes a controller configured to perform recovery processing of changing the lithium precipitated on the negative electrode element into a lithium ion using the proton by using a power source section supplying a power to the lithium-ion battery to bring the positive electrode potential to the second electric potential. 1. An apparatus for controlling a lithium-ion battery in which a power-generating element including a positive electrode element and a negative electrode element is housed in a case ,wherein the case contains a compound releasing an electron toward the positive electrode element to provide a proton at an electric potential lower than a first electric potential being a positive electrode potential corresponding to a negative electrode potential at which precipitation of lithium occurs, the electric potential lower than the first electric potential being a second electric potential, the second electric potential being higher than a positive electrode potential corresponding to an upper limit value of working voltages of the lithium-ion battery,the apparatus comprising a controller configured to perform recovery processing of changing the lithium precipitated on the negative electrode element into a lithium ion ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Lithium reservoir system and method for rechargeable lithium ion batteries

Номер: US20150004444A1

A lithium-ion battery cell includes at least two working electrodes, each including an active material, an inert material, an electrolyte and a current collector, a first separator region arranged between the at least two working electrodes to separate the at least two working electrodes so that none of the working electrodes are electronically connected within the cell, an auxiliary electrode including a lithium reservoir, and a second separator region arranged between the auxiliary electrode and the at least two working electrodes to separate the auxiliary electrode from the working electrodes so that none of the working electrodes is electronically connected to the auxiliary electrode within the cell.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220009793A1

A process for generating a metal sulfate that involves crystallizing a metal sulfate from an aqueous solution to form a crystallized metal sulfate in a mother liquor with uncrystallized metal sulfate remaining in the mother liquor; separating the crystallized metal sulfate from the mother liquor; basifying a portion of the mother liquor to convert the uncrystallized metal sulfate to a basic metal salt; and using the basic metal salt upstream of crystallizing the metal sulfate. So crystallized, the generated metal sulfate may be battery-grade or electroplating-grade. 1. A process for generating a metal sulfate , the process comprising:crystallizing a metal sulfate from an aqueous solution to form a crystallized metal sulfate in a mother liquor, the mother liquor comprising an uncrystallized metal sulfate;separating the crystallized metal sulfate from the mother liquor;basifying a portion of the mother liquor to convert the uncrystallized metal sulfate to a basic metal salt; andusing the basic metal salt upstream of crystallizing the metal sulfate.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein using the basic metal salt upstream comprises converting the basic metal salt back to the uncrystallized metal sulfate.3. The process of claim 2 , wherein converting the basic metal salt back to the uncrystallized metal sulfate comprises using the basic metal salt as a first neutralizing agent to neutralize acid upstream of crystallizing the metal sulfate.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein basifying the portion of the mother liquor to convert the uncrystallized metal sulfate to the basic metal salt further comprises:bleeding the mother liquor and controlling the bleed rate to produce an amount of the basic metal salt that is at least approximately equivalent to an amount of the acid to be neutralized upstream of crystallizing the metal sulfate.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein using the basic metal salt as the first neutralizing agent comprises using the basic metal salt as the first ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010407A1

The present disclosure relates to a process for the recovery of transition metals from batteries comprising treating a transition metal material with a leaching agent to yield a leach which contains dissolved salts of nickel and/or cobalt, injecting hydrogen gas in the leach at a temperature above 100° C. and a partial pressure above 5 bar to obtain a nickel and/or cobalt precipitate in elemental form, and separating the obtained nickel and/or cobalt precipitate. 116-. (canceled)17. A process for the recovery of transition metals from batteries comprising:treating a transition metal material with a leaching agent to yield a leach, wherein the leach comprises dissolved salts of nickel and/or cobalt,injecting hydrogen gas in the leach at a temperature above about 100° C. and a partial pressure above about 5 bar to obtain a nickel and/or cobalt precipitate in elemental form, andseparating the obtained nickel and/or cobalt precipitate.18. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the hydrogen gas is injected in the leach at a temperature ranging from 150° C. to 280° C.19. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the hydrogen gas is injected in the leach at a partial pressure ranging from 5 bar to 100 bar.20. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the hydrogen gas is injected in the leach at a pH-value above 4.21. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the leaching agent comprises an inorganic acid claim 17 , an organic acid claim 17 , a base claim 17 , or a chelating agent.22. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the transition metal material comprises about 1 wt % to about 30 wt % nickel.23. The process according to claim 17 , wherein claim 17 , at the treating step claim 17 , the leach comprises dissolved salts of nickel claim 17 , and claim 17 , at the injecting step claim 17 , elemental nickel is precipitated claim 17 , optionally in the presence of a nickel-reduction catalyst.24. The process according to claim 17 , whereinat the treating step, ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010462A1

Embodiments discloses herein relate to methods of processing coal. A method to process coal includes subjecting raw coal to a liquefaction process to form a pitch resin and refining the pitch resin to produce a mesophase pitch. The method further includes subjecting the mesophase pitch to a low crystallinity spinning process to form a raw fiber. The raw fiber is then further subjected to a stabilization process configured to oxygen cross-link the fiber to form a stabilized fiber and then subjecting the stabilized fiber to a carbonization process to form a carbon fiber. 1. A method of producing carbon fiber , the method comprising:subjecting raw coal to a liquefaction process to form a pitch or a pitch resin;refining the pitch or pitch resin to produce a mesophase pitch with a degree of anisotropy between 20% and 99%;subjecting the mesophase pitch or pitch resin to a low-crystallinity spinning process to form raw fiber;subjecting the raw fiber to a fiber stabilization process using oxygen to produce stabilized carbon fibers; andsubjecting the stabilized carbon fiber to a carbonization process to form a carbonized or calcinated carbon fiber.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pitch or pitch resin comprises an isotropic pitch.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising distilling coal tar to produce the pitch or pitch resin.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising heat treating coal tar to produce the pitch or pitch resin.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising utilizing a machine learning enabled regressive model to optimize parameters for producing carbon fiber.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising blending graphene with the mesophase pitch.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising stabilizing the raw fiber claim 1 , wherein stabilizing the raw fiber includes heating the pitch to a stabilization temperature of about 280° C. and maintaining the pitch at the stabilization temperature for about 2 hours.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Process for Recycling Li-Ion Batteries

Номер: US20170005374A1

The present invention concerns a process for the recovery of metals and of heat from spent rechargeable batteries, in particular from spent Li-ion batteries containing relatively low amounts of cobalt. It has in particular been found that such cobalt-depleted Li-ion batteries can be processed on a copper smelter by: feeding a useful charge and slag formers to the smelter; adding heating and reducing agents; whereby at least part of the heating and/or reducing agents is replaced by Li-ion batteries containing one or more of metallic Fe, metallic Al, and carbon. Using spent LFP or LMO batteries as a feed on the Cu smelter, the production rate of Cu blister is increased, while the energy consumption from fossil sources is decreased. 14-. (canceled)6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein the slag formers comprise SiOin an amount sufficient to comply with 0.5 Подробнее

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Battery recycling with electrolysis of the leach to remove copper impurities

Номер: US20220013820A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

The present disclosure relates to a process for the recovery of transition metals from batteries comprising treating a transition metal material with a leaching agent to yield a leach which contains dissolved copper impurities, and depositing the dissolved copper impurities as elemental copper on a particulate deposition cathode by electrolysis of an electrolyte containing the leach.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009358A1

The present invention relates to a method of simultaneously recovering cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) from lithium-based BATTERY, and more particularly, to a method that is capable of simultaneously recovering cobalt and manganese from lithium-based BATTERY, i.e., recycled resources that contain large amounts of cobalt and manganese, with high purities using multistage leaching and electrowinning methods. According to the method of the present invention, cobalt and manganese can be simultaneously recovered from lithium-based BATTERY as recycled resources, and a recovery method that is cost-effective compared to conventional methods can be provided. 1. A method of simultaneously recovering cobalt and manganese from lithium-based BATTERY , the method comprising:(1) heat-treating the lithium-based BATTERY;(2) grinding the heat-treated BATTERY to obtain ground particles, and separating particles having a particle size of 12 mesh or less from the ground particles;(3) subjecting the separated particles to multistage leaching;(4) adding 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (PC88A) to a product of the multistage leaching to obtain an electrowinning solution;(5) subjecting the electrowinning solution to electrowinning using circulation-type electrodes, the electrodes including a cathode made of stainless steel and an anode made of a 93% Pb-7% Sn alloy; and(6) washing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium-based BATTERY are a mixture of lithium-ion BATTERY and lithium primary BATTERY.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrowinning is performed in an electrolytic cell at a pH of 2 or more.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrowinning is performed in an electrolytic cell at a current density of 0.025-0.065 A/cm.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrowinning is performed in an electrolytic cell at a temperature of 30-60° C.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a concentration of cobalt ions in the electrowinning is 15-20 g/L or higher.7. ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220029217A1

A method includes processing at least one battery into a plurality of core sections. Each core section in the plurality of core sections includes an anode section, a cathode section including a cathode material, a separator section disposed between the anode section and the cathode section, and an electrolyte. The method also includes disposing the plurality of core sections into a solvent so as to produce a mixture of cathode materials from the plurality of core sections. The solvent and the electrolyte form an ionic conductive medium, and the mixture of the cathode materials is characterized by a substantially homogeneous distribution of an active element in the cathode material. 1. A method , comprising:processing at least one battery into a plurality of core sections, each core section in the plurality of core sections comprising an anode section, a cathode section including a cathode material, a separator section disposed between the anode section and the cathode section, and an electrolyte; anddisposing the plurality of core sections into a solvent so as to produce a mixture of cathode materials from the plurality of core sections, wherein the solvent and the electrolyte form an ionic conductive medium, and the mixture of the cathode materials is characterized by a substantially homogeneous distribution of an active element in the cathode material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one battery includes a lithium ion battery claim 1 , and the cathode material includes at least one of LiCoO claim 1 , LiMnO claim 1 , LiFeMPO(LFMP) claim 1 , or LiNiMnCoAO claim 1 , where a+b+c+d=1 claim 1 , A=Al claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , or Mg.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein disposing the plurality of core sections into the solvent includes disposing the plurality of core sections into at least one of dimethylformamide (DMF) claim 2 , dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) claim 2 , N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) claim 2 , or dimethylacetamide (DMAc).4. The method of claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170012328A1

The invention is directed to systems and methods for the recycling of lithium ion batteries or the like. The system methods include comminution and destruction of used batteries, controlling the explosive reaction of the battery components during processing, and processing the materials into a suitable form for sampling and recycling. 1. A process for the recycling of electrical storage batteries having hazardous anode , cathode and electrolyte combinations comprising:a) supplying a source of batteries,b) comminuting the batteries to generate a comminuted material and expose the volatile components thereof,c) introducing the comminuted material into a neutralizing medium to form a neutralized material;d) forming a substantially homogenous material from the neutralized material; ande) sampling of the substantially homogenous material.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of comminuting is performed prior to introduction into the neutralizing medium and after neutralization to generate the substantially homogenous material.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising screening of the comminuted material to form the homogenous material having a predetermined size distribution.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined size distribution is below about one inch.5. The process of claim 1 , further comprising drying the comminuted material after being disposed in the neutralizing medium.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of sampling system is automatically performed at predetermined intervals from the stream of neutralized material as it is created.7. The process of claim 1 , further comprising evacuating and scrubbing outgasses from the comminuted material.8. The process of claim 1 , further comprising performing at least a second comminuting step after being introduced into the neutralizing medium.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the at least second comminuting step forms a substantially homogenous material.10. The process of claim 1 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180013181A1
Принадлежит: GRST International Limited

Provided herein is a method for recycling lithium-ion batteries in a polar solvent such as an aqueous media or water. The method disclosed herein isolates a mixture of anode and cathode materials from waste lithium-ion batteries. The separated electrode materials can easily be collected with high recovery rate, providing a rapid, efficient and low-cost method for recycling electrode materials from waste lithium-ion batteries. 1. A method for recycling lithium-ion batteries , comprising the steps of:a) discharging the lithium-ion batteries;b) chopping the lithium-ion batteries into pieces to provide a mixture of a structural part, a first conductive metal part coated with a cathode layer, and a second conductive metal part coated with an anode layer;c) immersing the pieces of the chopped lithium-ion batteries into a polar solvent to form a heterogeneous mixture;d) processing the heterogeneous mixture with mechanical agitation for a time period from about 15 minutes to about 10 hours to dissolve a binder material;e) screening the processed heterogeneous mixture to separate the structural part, first conductive metal part, and second conductive metal part from finer electrode materials comprising cathode and anode materials to provide a suspension comprising the polar solvent and the finer electrode materials; andf) isolating the finer electrode materials in the suspension from the polar solvent.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium-ion batteries are chopped by a water jet cutting machine or a cutting device with teeth or blades.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pieces of the chopped lithium-ion batteries have an average length from about 0.5 inches to about 4.0 inches.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pieces of the chopped lithium-ion batteries have an average length of about one quarter inch or less.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second conductive metal parts is independently selected from the group consisting of an ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Method for recovering valuable metals

Номер: US20140102256A1

A method for recovering valuable metals is provided in which the degree of oxidation of molten waste batteries is stabilized and separation between slag and an alloy is ensured. The method includes a roasting step (ST 10 ) in which waste batteries are roasted beforehand at a low temperature of 300° C. or higher but lower than 600° C., an oxidation step (ST 20 ) in which the waste batteries are oxidized by roasting at 1,100-1,200° C., and dry step (S 20 ) in which the waste batteries that were oxidized in the oxidation step are melted, and slag and an alloy of valuable metals are separated from each other and recovered. By conducting the roasting step (ST 10 ), organic carbon, which impairs the stability of the oxidation step (ST 20 ) and which is contained, in plastic components, etc., is removed in advance prior to the oxidation step (ST 20 ), and the efficiency of slag/alloy separation can be improved.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140106185A1
Автор: Kruglick Ezekiel

Technologies for recycling rechargeable batteries are described. For example, a rechargeable battery may be recycled through a cycle that includes one or more of determining a battery condition while the rechargeable battery may be used in a networkable device, updating a rechargeable battery database with the battery condition over a network, determining recycling instructions, and outputting the recycling instructions on the networkable device. In other examples, multiple rechargeable batteries may be recycled by receiving battery conditions and identification codes over a network, updating a rechargeable battery database with battery conditions and identification codes, and assigning rechargeable batteries to recycling processes according to battery conditions and identification codes. 1. A method of recycling a rechargeable battery , the method comprising: adding charge to the rechargeable battery in an amount corresponding to at least about 10% of a present charge capacity of the rechargeable battery; or', 'adding charge to the rechargeable battery up to a charge level of at least about 90% of the present charge capacity of the rechargeable battery;, 'determining a battery condition of a rechargeable battery while the rechargeable battery is used in a networkable device, wherein the rechargeable battery is recharged byupdating a rechargeable battery database with the battery condition over a network connection;determining recycling instructions corresponding to the battery condition; anddirecting the recycling instructions to a data output interface of the networkable device.2. (canceled)3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the network connection includes one or more of: a passive or active electronic interface claim 2 , a passive or active optical interface claim 2 , a passive or active radio frequency interface claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the networkable device is a portable networkable electronics device.5. (canceled)6 ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190024212A1
Автор: Lien Larry

Methods of recovering lithium from a lithium source or a lithium-containing material using low pH solutions and membrane technologies to purify and concentrate the recovered lithium. The lithium sources may include a spent lithium-ion battery/cell, a lithium-containing mineral deposit, or other lithium containing materials. The processes described herein recovery the lithium after digestion of the lithium-containing material with a low pH solution through one or more acid-stable, semipermeable membranes. 1. A method of recovering lithium from a lithium-containing material , the method comprising:mixing a lithium-containing material in an acid solution to form an acidic lithium solution, the mixing at a temperature of about 10° C. to about 100° C., and the acidic lithium solution including at least one or more of the acid solution, lithium, soluble organics, soluble metals, and suspended solids;delivering the acidic lithium solution to an ultrafiltration pretreatment membrane to retain a majority of the suspended solids and to permeate a filtered acidic lithium solution including at least one or more of the acid solution, the lithium, the soluble organics, and the soluble metals;delivering the filtered acidic lithium solution to a nanofiltration membrane to form a retentate and a permeate, the nanofiltration retentate includes one or both of the soluble organics and the soluble metals and the nanofiltration permeate forms a filtered acid and lithium solution including the acid solution and the lithium;delivering the filtered acid and lithium solution to a reverse osmosis membrane to form a retentate and permeate, the reverse osmosis retentate includes the lithium and the reverse osmosis permeate includes the acid solution; andrecovering lithium salts from the reverse osmosis retentate to form the recovered lithium and, optionally, recycling the reverse osmosis permeate to the mixing step.2. The method of recovering lithium of claim 1 , wherein the acid solution ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180026318A1

The present invention relates to a waste battery treatment apparatus using continuous heat treatment, and a method for recovering valuable metals from lithium-based batteries using the same, the waste battery treatment apparatus comprising: a frame (); a reaction reservoir () which is disposed in the inner space of the frame () and has thereinside a treatment space (S) in which waste batteries to be treated are disposed; an inlet () in which a gas blocking door () is disposed so as to selectively communicate the treating space (S) with the outside, and which serves as a path through which an object to be treated is inputted to the treating space (S) of the reaction reservoir (). In addition, the waste battery treatment apparatus is provided with a vacuum forming means () which is connected to the treatment space (S) of the reaction reservoir () to vacuumize the treatment space (S). In the treatment apparatus of the present invention, since the inside of the reaction reservoir () is vacuumized and, at the same time, an inert gas is injected thereinto while a pretreatment process of waste batteries is performed in the reaction reservoir (), the waste batteries are prevented from exploding during heat treatment, whereby work stability can be improved. 1. A waste battery treatment apparatus using continuous heat treatment , comprising:a frame;a reaction reservoir which is disposed in the inner space of the frame and has thereinside a treatment space in which waste batteries to be treated are disposed;an inlet in which a gas blocking door is disposed so as to selectively communicate the treatment space with an outside, and which serves as a path through which an object to be treated is inputted to the treatment space of the reaction reservoir; anda vacuum forming means which is connected to the treatment space of the reaction reservoir to vacuumize the treatment space.2. The waste battery treatment apparatus using continuous heat treatment of claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025026A1
Принадлежит: Engitec Technologies S.P.A.

The present invention concerns a process for the recovery of lead from a lead pastel electrolytically, where the pastel contains lead sulfate. The process provides for the leaching of the non-desulfurised pastel and the subsequent removal of the sulfates by precipitation; the leachate containing the lead ions is then subjected to electrolysis for the recovery of metal lead. The present invention further relates to a process for the recovery of lead accumulator components, wherein the lead contained in the pastel of the accumulators is recovered according to the aforesaid process. 1. A process for recovering lead from a lead pastel comprising lead sulfate , the process comprising:{'sup': −', '+, 'sub': 4', '2, '(a) leaching said lead pastel with an aqueous leaching solution comprising chloride ions Cl and ammonium ions NH to produce an insoluble residue comprising PbOand a leachate comprising lead ions and sulfate ions;'}(b) separating said insoluble residue from said leachate;{'sub': '2', '(c) adding a precipitating agent selected from the group consisting of CaO, Ca(OH)and mixtures thereof to said leachate to form a precipitate comprising calcium sulfate and a supernatant comprising lead ions;'}(d) separating said precipitate from said supernatant; and{'sup': −', '+, '(e) applying an electrical potential to a cathode in contact with said supernatant to electrolytically produce metal lead and a regenerated leaching solution comprising chloride ions Cl and ammonium ions NH4.'}2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said supernatant claim 1 , before being fed to (e) claim 1 , is subjected to the following:(d1) adding to said supernatant a precipitating agent to form a precipitate comprising a calcium salt, said precipitating agent comprising an anion capable of forming a calcium salt with calcium ions remaining in solution after precipitation of calcium sulfate in (c), said calcium salt having a lower solubility than that of calcium sulfate; and(d2) separating said ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045372A1
Автор: Junger John, Schultz Bryan

A method of recycling battery packs having a plurality of battery units is disclosed. The battery units have positive and negative terminals combined with each other and are supported within a housing. The battery units are separated from battery packs subsequent to the one or more battery packs being judged as being degraded. Each of the battery units is tested with a battery test stand having a fixed resistance load to obtain battery operating data indicative of variable voltage and variable current. The battery units are matched based on the battery operating data to form sets of matching battery units. And, replacement battery packs are formed by connecting positive and negative terminals of the matching battery cells within the sets. 1. A method of recycling battery packs having a plurality of battery units , the plurality of battery units having positive and negative terminals combined with each other and supported within a housing , comprising the steps of:separating the plurality of battery units from battery packs subsequent to the battery packs being judged as being degraded;testing each of the plurality of battery units with a battery test stand to obtain battery operating data having a shape;matching battery units based on shapes of the battery operating data compared to predetermined templates to form sets of matching battery units; andforming replacement battery packs by connecting positive and negative terminals of the matching battery units within the sets.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the battery operating data includes multiple measurements obtained during a single discharge cycle.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the battery operating data is transformed by scaling a variable voltage with respect to a constant current claim 1 , and wherein matching the plurality of battery units based on the shapes of the battery operating data is accomplished with the battery operating data that has been transformed by scaling the variable voltage with ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045374A1

Method of separating individual cathode active materials from a mixture of cathode active materials by froth flotation has been developed. They are based on using appropriate chemical reagents that selectively hydrophobize individual cathode active materials to be recovered, so that they can be collected by air bubbles used in flotation and separated from other mixtures. The chemical reagents are amphiphilic molecules with specialized head groups have a strong affinity to metal elements on surfaces of cathode materials. This method enables a separation of individual cathode active material from a mixture of cathode active materials. 1. A method of processing lithium-ion batteries comprising:forming a cathode composite slurry comprising a liquid and 1-20 wt % of two or more cathode materials;modifying at least one of the two or more cathode materials to be hydrophobic;adding a frother chemical to the cathode composite slurry;aerating the cathode composite slurry, forming a froth and a tailing;separating the froth; anddrying the froth to collect a first cathode material of the two or more cathode materials.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cathode composite slurry has a pH of 7-12.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein modifying at least one of the two or more cathode materials comprises interaction of the at least one of the two or more cathode materials with a collector chemical.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the collector chemical is a chelating agent.5. The method of claim 3 , wherein the chelating agent is selected from the group consisting of N—O claim 3 , O—O claim 3 , S—N claim 3 , S—S claim 3 , and N—N.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein aerating comprises forming air bubbles with diameters less than 1 mm.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein aerating comprises bubbling inert gas or air at a rate of 1-5 liters per minute per 1 liter of cathode composite slurry for 5 to 20 minutes.8. The method of wherein the frother comprises methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220045375A1

A method for processing positive electrode active material waste of lithium ion secondary batteries, the waste containing cobalt, nickel, manganese and lithium, the method including: a carbon mixing step of mixing the positive electrode active material waste in the form of powder with carbon to obtain a mixture having a ratio of a mass of carbon to a total mass of the positive electrode active material waste and the carbon of from 10% to 30%; a roasting step of roasting the mixture at a temperature of from 600° C. to 800° C. to obtain roasted powder; a dissolution step including a first dissolution process of dissolving lithium in the roasted powder in water or a lithium-containing solution, and a second dissolution process of dissolving the lithium in a residue obtained in the first dissolution process in water; and an acid leaching step of leaching a residue obtained in the lithium dissolution step with an acid. 1. A method for processing positive electrode active material waste of lithium ion secondary batteries , the waste containing cobalt , nickel , manganese and lithium , the method comprising:a carbon mixing step of mixing the positive electrode active material waste in the form of powder with carbon to obtain a mixture having a ratio of a mass of carbon to a total mass of the positive electrode active material waste and the carbon of from 10% to 30%;a roasting step of roasting the mixture at a temperature of from 600° C. to 800° C. to obtain roasted powder;a dissolution step including a first dissolution process of dissolving lithium in the roasted powder in water or a lithium-containing solution, and a second dissolution process of dissolving the lithium in a residue obtained in the first dissolution process in water; andan acid leaching step of leaching a residue obtained in the lithium dissolution step with an acid.2. The method for processing positive electrode active material waste according to claim 1 , wherein the positive electrode active material ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190027794A1

The system for separating battery cell cores includes a cell core holder for receiving and holding a battery cell core. A cutter cuts an outer wrapping layer of the battery cell core to form an open loose end. A first roller rotates the battery cell core and a sheet opener engages the open loose end to unroll a laminate, which includes a cathode layer, an anode layer, and a polymer separator layer sandwiched therebetween. A pair of second rollers receive, grip and selectively drive movement of the laminate. A cathode breaker applies breaking force to the cathode layer to produce broken cathode layer pieces, which are then collected. An anode breaker then grasps and vibrates the laminate to produce broken anode layer pieces, which are also collected. Finally, a polymer separator layer cutter selectively cuts the polymer separator layer to produce cut polymer separator layer pieces, which are collected. 1. A system for separating battery cell cores , comprising:a cell core holder adapted for receiving and holding a battery cell core;a cutter for cutting an outer wrapping layer of the battery cell core to form an open loose end;a first roller for selectively rotating the battery cell core within the cell core holder;a sheet opener for engaging the open loose end of the battery cell core to unroll a laminate of the battery cell core, the laminate having a cathode layer, an anode layer, and a polymer separator layer sandwiched therebetween;a pair of second rollers adapted for receiving and selectively driving movement of the laminate;a cathode breaker for applying a breaking force to the cathode layer of the laminate to produce broken cathode layer pieces;a cathode layer collection box for receiving the broken cathode layer pieces;an anode breaker for grasping and vibrating the laminate to produce broken anode layer pieces;an anode layer collection box for receiving the broken anode layer pieces;a polymer separator layer cutter for cutting the polymer separator layer of ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030987A1
Автор: Riedewald Frank

Disclosed is a system and method for the recycling of waste composite feed materials such as printed circuit boards (PCBs), batteries, catalysts, plastic, plastic composites such as food packaging materials, for example Tetra Pak®, mattresses, compact disks (CDs, DVDs), automobile shredder residue (ASR), electric cable wastes, liquid display panels, mobile phones of various sizes or combinations of the above using a new pyrolysis system and method. 1. A system of recycling of waste composite feed materials such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) , batteries , mobile phones and the like , the system comprising:{'b': 1', '30', '8', '7, 'means for charging said feed material from said charging vessel (, ) into separation/pyrolysis chamber () comprising of a separation/pyrolysis liquid ();'}{'b': '7', 'means for allowing the heavy and light solid products associated with said feed material to separate within said separation/pyrolysis liquid ();'}{'b': 23', '22', '7, 'means for removing the product vapours and said light solid products via vapour/top dross removal line () or extractor () or both from the surface of said separation/pyrolysis liquid ();'}{'b': 7', '7', '15', '16', '17', '20', '21, 'means for removing said heavy solid products from the bottom or somewhere between the liquid surface of said separation/pyrolysis liquid () and the bottom of separation/pyrolysis liquid () with solids removal device (, , ) or alternatively by a drain (, ); and'}{'b': 32', '7, 'means for removing said light solid products via top dross removal device () from the surface of said separation/pyrolysis liquid ().'}2130. The system of characterised in that said feed material is cut or sliced or both prior to entering said charging vessel ( claim 1 , ).38. The system of characterised in that said separation/pyrolysis chamber () comprises a substantially U shaped structure.48. The system of characterised in that said separation/pyrolysis chamber () comprises of one or more interconnected ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210028515A1

A method for recovering an active metal of a lithium secondary battery according to an embodiment of the present application whereby a used lithium-containing mixture is prepared, and the used lithium-containing mixture is treated with a hydrogen reduction to prepare a preliminary precursor mixture. The preliminary precursor mixture is washed with water to generate a lithium precursor including lithium hydroxide. Lithium hydroxide can be obtained by the washing treatment with high purity. 1. A method for recovering an active metal of a lithium secondary battery , the method comprising:preparing a used lithium-containing mixture;treating the used lithium-containing mixture with a hydrogen reduction to prepare a preliminary precursor mixture; andwashing the preliminary precursor mixture with water to generate a lithium precursor including lithium hydroxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preparing the used lithium-containing mixture comprises preparing a cathode active material mixture from a used lithium secondary battery.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the preparing the cathode active material mixture comprises:separating a cathode including a cathode current collector, a cathode active material, a binder and a conductive agent from the used lithium secondary battery; andremoving the cathode current collector by grinding the separated cathode or treating the separated cathode with an organic solvent.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen reduction is performed through a fluidized bed reactor utilizing a hydrogen gas.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the preliminary precursor mixture includes a preliminary lithium precursor and a transition metal-containing product.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the preliminary lithium precursor includes lithium hydroxide claim 5 , lithium oxide and lithium carbonate.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein lithium oxide and lithium carbonate included in the preliminary lithium precursor are removed by the washing ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Systems and methods for regeneration of aqueous alkaline solution

Номер: US20170033382A1
Принадлежит: Arconic Inc, Arconic Ltd, PHINERGY LTD

This invention is directed to regeneration of solutions comprising metal ions, and production of valuable hydroxide compounds. Specifically, the invention is related to regeneration of spent electrolyte solutions comprising metal ions (e.g. Al ions), such as electrolyte solutions used in metal/air batteries. The invention is further related to production of layered double hydroxides, and, optionally aluminum tri-hydroxide from aluminate.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Recycling electrochemical cells and batteries

Номер: US20160036099A1
Автор: Timothy W. Ellis
Принадлежит: Rsr Technologies Inc

Methods for separating and recycling battery and electrochemical cell materials are disclosed.

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180034068A1
Автор: Perry James, PRIEST Lee

A battery recycling method used to recycle used batteries from one or more cell sites includes uniquely identifying and marking the used batteries at the one or more cell sites; packaging and removing the used batteries from the one or more cell sites to a staging facility; packaging the used batteries from a plurality of cell sites at the staging facility with a insulation material; providing the packaged used batteries from the plurality of cell sites to a recycling facility; tracking the used batteries at each foregoing step; and providing a recycling certificate to an operator of the one or more cell sites evidencing successful recycling of the used batteries. 1. A battery recycling method used to recycle used batteries from one or more cell sites , the battery recycling method comprising:uniquely identifying and marking the used batteries at the one or more cell sites;packaging and removing the used batteries from the one or more cell sites to a staging facility;packaging the used batteries from a plurality of cell sites at the staging facility with a insulation material;providing the packaged used batteries from the plurality of cell sites to a recycling facility;tracking the used batteries at each foregoing step including required Bill of Ladings for each leg of transportation andproviding a recycling certificate to an operator of the one or more cell sites evidencing successful recycling of the used batteries.2. The battery recycling method of claim 1 , wherein the tracking is via a mobile device in communication with one of a back-end server and a cloud system.3. The battery recycling method of claim 2 , wherein the one of a back-end server and a cloud system is integrated with a system associated with the operator for communicating status claim 2 , providing the recycling certificate claim 2 , and for scheduling the battery recycling.4. The battery recycling method of claim 1 , further comprising:providing a notification to the operator prior to, ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210032721A1

The invention relates to a method for recycling used lithium batteries containing the steps: (a) digestion of comminuted material (), which contains comminuted components of electrodes of lithium batteries, using concentrated sulphuric acid () at a digestion temperature (T) of at least 100° C., in particular at least 140° C., so that waste gas () and a digestion material () are produced, (b) discharge of the waste gas () and (c) wet chemical extraction of at least one metallic component of the digestion material (). 1. A method for recycling lithium batteries containing:{'sub': 'A', 'digesting comminuted material which contains comminuted components of electrodes of lithium batteries, using concentrated sulphuric acid at a digestion temperature Tof at least 100° C., so that waste gas and a digestion material are produced,'}discharging of the waste gas, andperforming wet chemical extraction of at least one metallic component of the digestion material.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe digestion is conducted in such a way that fluoride components in the comminuted material pass into the waste gas as hydrogen fluoride.3. The method according to wherein digesting is conducted until a concentration of water-soluble fluoride in the digestion material is lower than 100 mg/kg.4. The method according to wherein the concentrated sulphuric acid is utilised at least stoichiometrically during digestion.5. The method according to further comprising separating hydrogen fluoride from the waste gas.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:leaching of the digestion material, andseparating graphite from the digestion material, thereby producing a raw fluid.7. The method according to claim 6 , further comprising separatingcopper from the raw fluid so that a de-copperised raw fluid is obtained.8. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:{'sup': 2+', '3+, 'oxidizing Fe ions in the de-copperised raw fluid to Fe ions, and'}precipitating of iron and/ ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Chemical Dismantling Of Permanent Magnet Material And Battery Material

Номер: US20210036387A1

Certain method embodiments are described and useful for recycling permanent magnet materials (e.g. permanent magnet alloys) and battery materials (e.g. battery electrode materials) to extract critical and/or valuable elements including REEs, Co and Ni. Method embodiments involve reacting such material with at least one of an ammonium salt and an iron (III) salt to achieve at least one of a liquid phase chemical reaction and a mechanochemical reaction. 1. A method for dismantling a material comprising at least one of a rare earth metal , cobalt , and nickel , wherein the rare earth metal includes at least one of Sc , Y , La , Ce , Pr , Nd , Sm , Eu , Gd , Tb , Dy , Ho , Er , Tm , Yb , and Lu , comprising the step of reacting the material with at least one of an ammonium salt and iron (Ill) salt using at least one of liquid phase chemical reaction or a mechanochemical reaction.2. The method of wherein the dismantling is carried out a temperature from room temperature to about 100° C.3. The method of where the dismantling is carried in the absence of water or another solvent using mechanical milling in the presence of at least one of the ammonium salt and iron (Ill) salt at room temperature to achieve a mechanochemical solid state reaction.4. The method of where the dismantling is carried in the presence of water and of at least one of the ammonium salt and iron (III) salt using mechanical milling at room temperature to achieve the mechanochemical reaction.5. The method of where the dismantling is carried in an aqueous environment or in a solution containing water as one component.6. The method of where the dismantling is carried in aqueous environment at a temperature from room temperature to about 100° C. after mechanical milling of the material together with the salt.7. The method of wherein the material comprises at least one of a permanent magnet alloy and a battery alloy containing at least one of the rare earth metal claim 1 , cobalt and nickel.8. The method of ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039075A1

A process. The process includes forming a slurry comprising electrode active material particles of one or more lithium-ion electrochemical cells, magnetizing the electrode active material particles and separating the magnetized electrode active material particles from the slurry. 1. A process , comprising:forming a slurry comprising electrode active material particles of one or more lithium-ion electrochemical cells;magnetizing the electrode active material particles; andseparating the magnetized electrode active material particles from the slurry.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein forming the slurry comprises one of the following:suspending the electrode active material particles in a fluid; anddispersing the electrode active material particles in the fluid.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein magnetizing the electrode active material particles comprises subjecting the slurry to a magnetic field.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein subjecting the slurry to the magnetic field comprises passing the slurry through a magnetic filter.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein subjecting the slurry to the magnetic field comprises passing the slurry through a magnetic separator.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein separating the magnetized active electrode particles from the slurry comprises inducing a magnetic force between the magnetized electrode active material particles and an active magnetic surface in contact with the slurry.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein separating the magnetized active electrode particles from the slurry comprises pinning the magnetized active electrode particles to an active magnetic surface which is in contact with the slurry.8. The process of claim 1 , wherein separating the magnetized active electrode particles from the slurry comprises:inducing a magnetic force between the magnetized electrode active material particles and a magnetic flux converging matrix in contact with the slurry; andpinning the magnetized active electrode particles to the ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160043449A1

An efficient perovskite solar cells can be synthesized from used car batteries by using both the anodes and cathodes of car batteries as material sources for the synthesis of lead iodide perovskite materials. 1. A method of fabricating perovskite solar cells comprising:harvesting lead-derived materials from the anodes and cathodes of a car battery as a recovery solution;synthesizing recovered lead iodide from the lead-derived materials from the recovery solution;forming recovered lead iodide perovskite nanocrystals from the recovered lead iodide; anddepositing the recovered lead iodide perovskite nanocrystals on a substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the perovskite has the formula (I):{'br': None, 'sub': x', '1 -x', 'y', '1-y', '3±δ, 'AA′BB′O\u2003\u2003(I)'}whereineach of A and A′, independently, is a rare earth, alkaline earth metal, or alkali metal;each of B and B′, independently, is a transition metal;x is in the range of 0 to 1;y is in the range of 0 to 1; andδ is in the range of 0 to 1.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein A and A′ claim 2 , independently claim 2 , are selected from the group consisting of methylammonium claim 2 , 5-aminovaleric acid claim 2 , Mg claim 2 , Ca claim 2 , Sr claim 2 , Ba claim 2 , Pb claim 2 , and Bi; and B and B′ claim 2 , independently claim 2 , are selected from the group consisting of Pb claim 2 , Sn claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , Zr claim 2 , V claim 2 , Nb claim 2 , Mn claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Ru claim 2 , Co claim 2 , Rh claim 2 , Ni claim 2 , Pd claim 2 , Pt claim 2 , Al claim 2 , and Mg.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the perovskite is a strontium titanate.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the perovskite is a bismuth ferrite.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the perovskite is a tantalum oxide claim 2 , tantalum oxynitride or tantalum nitride.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the perovskite is sodium tantalate claim 6 , zirconium oxide/tantalum oxynitride claim 6 , zirconium tantalum oxynitride claim 6 , tantalum ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Recycling positive-electrode material of a lithium-ion battery

Номер: US20160043450A1
Автор: Steven E. Sloop
Принадлежит: Individual

Examples are disclosed of methods to recycle positive-electrode material of a lithium-ion battery. In one example, the positive-electrode material is heated under pressure in a concentrated lithium hydroxide solution. After heating, the positive-electrode material is separated from the concentrated lithium hydroxide solution. After separating, the positive electrode material is rinsed in a basic liquid. After rinsing, the positive-electrode material is dried and sintered.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170040651A1

Provided is a method by which the degraded performance of a lithium ion secondary battery containing phosphorus atoms (P) in a nonaqueous electrolytic solution can be restored by subjecting the lithium ion secondary battery in which a coating film including P is formed on a positive electrode surface, to a comparatively simple treatment. The degraded performance recovery method for a lithium ion secondary battery disclosed herein includes an ultrasound treatment step of applying ultrasound to the lithium ion secondary battery. In the ultrasound treatment step, the frequency of the generated ultrasound is 900 kHz or higher, and the period of time in which the ultrasound is applied to the lithium ion secondary battery continuously is 5 min or more. 1. A degraded performance recovery method for a lithium ion secondary battery including an electrode body having a positive electrode and a negative electrode and a nonaqueous electrolytic solution including phosphorus atoms (P) ,the method comprising:an ultrasound treatment step of applying ultrasound to the lithium ion secondary battery, whereinin the ultrasound treatment step, the frequency of the generated ultrasound is 900 kHz or higher, anda period of time in which the ultrasound is applied to the lithium ion secondary battery continuously is 5 min or more.2. The degraded performance recovery method for a lithium ion secondary battery according to claim 1 , whereinthe frequency of the generated ultrasound is 2000 kHz or less.3. The degraded performance recovery method for a lithium ion secondary battery according to claim 1 , whereinthe period of time in which the ultrasound is applied to the lithium ion secondary battery continuously is 30 min or less.4. The degraded performance recovery method for a lithium ion secondary battery according to claim 1 ,the method comprising, after the ultrasound treatment step, a confirmation step of acquiring an evaluation parameter with respect to the lithium ion secondary battery ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220056553A1
Автор: HUPKA Jan, HUPKA Lukasz

A crushing method for galvanic cells with high energy densities in which mixture of used cells is placed inside an insulated container and carbon dioxide as dry ice is added to this mixture as a cooling medium. Dry ice is added to the mixture of used galvanic cells at a volumetric ration of 0.5:1 to 2:1. The mixture of used cells with dry ice is cooled down from −20° C. to −50° C. and is subsequently fed to the crushing device and subjected to crushing. A stream of used galvanic cells and a stream of dry ice granules are preferably fed simultaneously to the insulated container of the crushing device, and this mixture is forwarded to the working part of the crushing device. At the end of galvanic cell crushing, the mixture of air and gaseous carbon dioxide is returned to the insulated container. 1. A method for galvanic cells with high energy densities , wherein a mixture of used cells is placed inside an insulated container and a cooling medium is added to this mixture , the temperature of used cells is decreased and the cooled mixture of used cells and of the cooling medium is added to this mixture , the temperature of used cells is decreased and the cooled mixture of used cells and of the cooling medium is then fed to the working unit of the crushing device , wherein the cooling medium is carbon dioxide as dry ice , added to the mixture , the temperature of used galvanic cells at a volumetric ratio between 0.5:1 to 2:1 , and the mixture of used cells with dry ice is cooled down from −20° C. to −50° C. , and the mixture of used cells with dry ice is subsequently fed to the working unit of the crushing device.2. The method according to claim 1 , t wherein said dry ice is a granulate claim 1 , with granule size of 1 mm to 100 mm.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said dry ice is a granulate claim 1 , with granule size of 14 mm to 18 mm.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein alternate layers of dry ice and of used cells are placed in the insulated ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045841A1
Принадлежит: Transtar Group, Ltd.

Eco-friendly systems, methods and processes/processing (EFSMP) or an integrated Matrix encompasses stand-alone and/or interconnected modules for completely self-sustained, closed-loop, emission-free processing of multiple source feedstock that can include pretreatment, with poisoning materials isolated during pretreatment being further recycled to provide useful materials such as, for example, separated metals, carbon and fullerenes for production of nano materials, sulfur, water, sulfuric acid, gas, heat and carbon dioxide for energy production, and production of refined petroleum, at a highly-reduced cost over the best state-of-the-art refining methods/systems that meets new emissions standards as well as optimizes production output with new ultra-speed cycle times. By-products from the petroleum refining process which were previously discarded also now are recycled as renewable sources of energy (water, waste oil and rubber/coal derived pyrolyic (pyrolysis) oil, carbon gases and process gases), or recyclable resources, such as metals and precious metals, oxides, minerals, etc., can be obtained. 1. A system comprising one or more matrix modules wherein the matrix modules are each configured to function together to achieve processing , separation and recovery , reforming , recycling and manufacturing and producing products , energy and feedstocks the system comprising modules adapted for receiving storage and routing of raw materials; modules adapted for processing; modules adapted for separation and recovery; modules adapted for reforming; and modules adapted for recycling and manufacturing and producing products , energy and saleable feedstocks.2. A system according to claim 1 , comprising an oil refinery module and one or more recycling and/or manufacturing modules wherein the matrix system is adapted to produce volume refined oil at a cost less than a prior art refinery.3. The matrix system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more modules include: a power ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing battery pack

Номер: US20180045785A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

(A) A used battery pack is prepared. (B) By disassembling the used battery pack, a cell etc. is collected from the used battery pack. The cell etc. are a nickel-metal hydride battery. (C) A state of charge of the collected cell etc. is adjusted to a state of charge within any of a first SOC range (0 to 3%), a second SOC range (3 to 20%), and a third SOC range (100 to 200%). (G) An amount of voltage lowering as a result of the cell etc. being left is calculated. (H) When the amount of voltage lowering is equal to or smaller than a reference value set in advance, the cell etc. is determined as a good product. (I) A battery pack including the cell etc. determined as the good product is manufactured.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200044295A1

The present invention relates to a method for treating lithium ion battery scrap containing Li, Ni, Co, Mn, Al, Cu and Fe, the method comprising carrying out a calcination step, a crushing step and a sieving step in this order, and after the steps, the method comprising: a leaching step of leaching the lithium ion battery scrap by adding it to an acidic solution to leave at least a part of Cu as a solid; a Fe/Al removal step comprising allowing a leached solution obtained in the leaching step to pass through a Fe removal process for separating and removing Fe by addition of an oxidizing agent and an Al removal process for separating and removing a part of Al by neutralization in any order; an Al/Mn extraction step of extracting and removing a residue of Al and Mn from a separated solution obtained in the Fe/Al removal step by solvent extraction; a Co recovery step of extracting and back-extracting Co from a first extracted solution obtained in the Al/Mn extraction step by solvent extraction and recovering the Co by electrolytic winning; a Ni recovery step of extracting and back-extracting, by solvent extraction, a part of Ni from a second extracted solution obtained by the solvent extraction in the Co recovery step and recovering the Ni by electrolytic winning; a Li concentration step of extracting and back-extracting, by solvent extraction, a residue of Ni and Li from a third extracted solution obtained by the solvent extraction in the Ni recovery step and repeating the operations of the extracting and the back-extracting to concentrate Li; and a Li recovery step of carbonating Li in a Li concentrated solution obtained in the Li concentration step to recover the Li as lithium carbonate. 113-. (canceled)14. A method for treating lithium ion battery scrap containing Li , Ni , Co , Mn , Al , Cu and Fe , the method comprising carrying out a calcination step , a crushing step and a sieving step in this order , and after the steps , the method comprising:a leaching step ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Methods for electrochemical cell remediation

Номер: US20200044296A1
Принадлежит: 24M Technologies Inc

Embodiments described herein relate generally to methods for the remediation of electrochemical cell electrodes. In some embodiments, a method includes obtaining an electrode material. At least a portion of the electrode material is rinsed to remove a residue therefrom. The electrode material is separated into constituents for reuse.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210050634A1

The invention relates to a method for recycling lithium-ion batteries which have at least one cathode and an anode and the cathode is made of a base material and an active material arranged thereon. 1. A method for recycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries , the batteries comprising at least one cathode and one anode , and the cathode comprising a base material and an active material provided on the base material , wherein the method comprises at least recycling the cathodes of the lithium-ion battery , wherein the cathode undergoes treatment in water or in an aqueous salt solution in order to separate the active materials from the base material of the cathode.2. The method for recycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries according to claim 1 , the treatment being conducted in an aqueous salt-solution claim 1 , which is preferably a sodium-hydrogen-carbonate based solution.3. The method for recycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries according to claim 1 , the aqueous salt solution containing 0.1 to 2 mol/L of hydrogen-carbonate of the alkaline metals lithium claim 1 , sodium claim 1 , or potassium or the alkaline earth metals magnesium claim 1 , calcium claim 1 , or barium.4. The method for recycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries according to claim 1 , the treatment being conducted in an aqueous salt solution at temperatures of 10 to 60 degrees Celsius.5. The method for recycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries according to claim 1 , further comprising separating from the coated anode and cathode foils adhering electrolyte components through an appropriate preceding process claim 1 , especially preferably a vacuum evaporation claim 1 , prior to the treatment in water or an aqueous salt solution claim 1 , and recycling the electrolyte components separately.6. The method for recycling rechargeable lithium-ion batteries according to claim 1 , the ratio of treated electrode material to water or to an aqueous salt solution being selected such that forming ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Method for processing fluorine-containing electrolyte solution

Номер: US20160049699A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A method for processing a fluorine-containing electrolyte solution including a gasification step of gasifying a volatile component of an electrolyte solution including a fluorine compound by heating the electrolyte solution under reduced pressure, a fluorine immobilization step of immobilizing the fluorine component included in the gasified gas as calcium fluoride by allowing the fluorine component to react with calcium, and an organic solvent component collection step of collecting an organic solvent component included in the gasification gas, in which, preferably, after a small amount of water, aqueous mineral acid solution, or the like is added to the electrolyte solution, the volatile component of the electrolyte solution is gasified by heating the electrolyte solution under reduced pressure.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049700A1

The present invention provides a method for removing copper and aluminum from an electrode material and a process for recycling electrode material from waste lithium-ion batteries. The method for removing copper and aluminum from the electrode material comprises: subjecting the electrode material containing electrode active material, copper and aluminum to reaction with an aqueous solution, wherein the aqueous solution has a pH value of higher than 10, and comprises base, oxidizing agent and complexing agent. The process for recycling electrode material from waste lithium-ion batteries comprises: a) harvesting an electrode material containing electrode active material, copper and aluminum from waste lithium-ion batteries; b) removing copper and aluminum from the electrode material according to the foresaid method; and c) further purifying and regenerating the electrode active material for reuse in new lithium-ion batteries. The present invention thus provides a practical and efficient method for recycling active materials from waste lithium-ion batteries. 1. A method for removing copper and aluminum. from an electrode material , comprising:subjecting the electrode material containing electrode active material, copper, and aluminum, to reaction with an aqueous solution, wherein the aqueous solution has a pH value higher than 10, and comprises base, oxidizing agent and complexing agent.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the base in the aqueous solution is one or more selected from a group consisting of inorganic bases with a pKb<1.3. The method of claim 2 , in which the base in the aqueous solution is one or more selected from a group consisting of lithium hydroxide (LiOH) claim 2 , sodium hydroxide (NaOH) claim 2 , potassium hydroxide (KOH) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)).4. The method of claim 1 , in which the pH value of the aqueous solution is higher than 11.5. The method of claim 1 , in which the oxidizing agent is dissolved oxygen.6. The method of claim 5 , in ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160049701A1

Herein is disclosed a process for preparing a cathode active material for lithium-ion batteries, comprising preparing a slurry by mixing a lithium-deficient cathode active material for lithium-ion batteries with a solution containing lithium-ions; and applying a direct current in the slurry using a working electrode and a counter electrode. A method for recycling the cathode active material from lithium-ion batteries is also provided. The process of the invention can be used to recycle the cathode active material from used or waste lithium-ion batteries efficiently and at low cost, and the recycled cathode active material can be used to prepare new lithium-ion batteries. 1. A process for preparing a cathode active material for lithium-ion batteries , comprising preparing a slurry by mixing a lithium-deficient cathode active material for lithium-ion batteries with a solution containing lithium-ions; andapplying a direct current in the slurry using a working electrode and a counter electrode.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the direct current is applied so as to establish an equilibrium voltage between the working electrode and the counter electrode corresponding to the fully lithiated state of the cathode active material.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein{'sub': 3', '2', '4, 'the solution containing lithium-ions is an aqueous solution of LiOH, LiNO, LiSO, or other lithium salt; or the solution containing lithium-ions is an electrolyte solution for lithium-ion batteries;'}the solution containing lithium-ions has a lithium-ion concentration of 0.1-5 mol/L.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the slurry is placed into an electrochemical vessel claim 1 , the walls of which act as the working electrode claim 1 , and the counter electrode is provided penetrating through parts of the walls of the electrochemical vessel while being electrically isolated from the vessel.5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the electrochemical vessel is provided with a mixing blade to stir ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050548A1

The invention relates to a process for the production of a recyclable product () made from a first material, wherein before or during the production of the product () a first marking material is added to the first material and the product () is produced from the first material with the admixed marking material, wherein the first marking material can be automatically detected in a recycling plant in the first material of the product () after the production thereof. The invention also relates to a process for the recycling of a product (), wherein the product () is manufactured from a first material, to which a first marking material is added, wherein the product () or pieces () of the product () are separated from one another and/or from other objects in a recycling plant, in that the first marking material is detected in the first material of the product () or the pieces () of the product (), and the product () or the pieces () of the product () are separated from one another and/or other objects, in which no marking material or a different, second marking material is detected. The invention also relates to a recyclable product and a recycling plant. 111-. (canceled)12. A process for the production of a recyclable product , comprising:manufacturing at least a first component of the recyclable product using a first polymeric material with an admixed first marking material; andmanufacturing at least a second component of the recyclable product using a second material with an admixed second marking material, wherein the first marking material and the second marking material are different, and wherein at least the first marking material is detectable during recycling of the product.13. The process of claim 12 , comprising before or during the production of the recyclable product claim 12 , admixing the first marking material to the first polymeric material and admixing the second marking material to the second polymeric material.14. The process of claim 13 , wherein ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220064757A1

Processes for the recovery or purification of lithium species from various sources are described. Such sources include natural sources or deposits, such as in mining applications, and synthetic or non-natural sources, such as in the recycling of lithium species from batteries. In embodiments, the process comprises treating a LiSO-comprising aqueous solution with one or more barium salts to form a precipitate comprising barium sulfate (BaSO). In embodiments, the processes may further comprise the preparation of a lithium sulfate-containing solution via treatment of the starting material or mixture with sulfuric acid. In embodiments, further treatments may be performed, for example prior to and/or subsequent to treatment with one or more barium salts, for example for initial or further sulfate removal, and/or removal of other metal species that may be present. The recovered lithium species be used directly, or converted into other forms, for use in a variety of applications.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150052739A1
Автор: DEB Nilanjan

Lithium metal oxides may be regenerated under ambient conditions from materials recovered from partially or fully depleted lithium-ion batteries. Recovered lithium and metal materials may be reduced to nanoparticles and recombined to produce regenerated lithium metal oxides. The regenerated lithium metal oxides may be used to produce rechargeable lithium ion batteries. 1. A method for regenerating a cathode material from a partially or fully depleted lithium-ion battery , the method comprising:recovering lithium metal oxide from the lithium-ion battery;converting at least a portion of the lithium metal oxide to lithium halide and a metal oxide;reducing the lithium halide and the metal oxide to respective lithium nano-particles and metal nano-particles; andcombining the lithium nano-particles with the metal nano-particles in the presence of oxygen to produce regenerated lithium metal oxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium metal oxide has a formula LiMO claim 1 , where M is one or more transition metals each having a stable formal oxidation state of +2 or +3 claim 1 , and (x+3−z)/2≦y≦(x+3+z)/2 claim 1 , where z is 0 claim 1 , 1 or 2.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein x is 1 and M is at least one of Mn claim 2 , Co claim 2 , and Ni.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium metal oxide is LiCoO.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the combining is performed at ambient temperature and under ambient atmospheric pressure.6. (canceled)7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the converting of at least a portion of the lithium metal oxide to lithium halide and the metal oxide comprises:oxidizing the lithium metal oxide to lithium oxide and the metal oxide;hydrating the lithium oxide to lithium hydroxide; andhalogenating the lithium hydroxide to the lithium halide.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein:the oxidizing comprises heating the lithium metal oxide under oxidizing conditions at a temperature and for a period of time sufficient for oxidizing the lithium metal ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Battery information processing system, battery information processing method, and battery assembly and method of manufacturing battery assembly

Номер: US20200049771A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

An analysis device determines, by the Maharanobis-Taguchi system using a plurality of explanatory variables, to which of a first group and a second group a module representing a nickel metal hydride battery will belong when the module is subjected to capacity restoration processing, the first group being defined as a group of modules of which battery capacity is lower than a reference capacity, the second group being defined as a group of modules of which battery capacity is higher than a reference capacity. The plurality of explanatory variables include a plurality of feature values extracted from a Nyquist plot of the module. The plurality of feature values include at least two AC impedance real number components plotted in a semicircular portion, at least two AC impedance imaginary number components plotted in the semicircular portion, and at least one AC impedance imaginary number component plotted in a linear portion.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170062883A1
Автор: NAKAYA Satoshi

The present invention serves to reduce the costs associated with the overall life cycle of storage batteries by performing support so that a plurality of batteries are transferred between and used at a plurality of facilities. This storage battery transfer support device comprises: a collection unit that collects battery information representing the status of each battery used at a plurality of facilities; a battery information storage unit that stores the battery information collected by the collection unit; and a deterioration prediction unit that, on the basis of the battery information stored in the battery information storage unit, predicts deterioration of storage batteries that have been transferred between and used at a plurality of facilities. 1. A storage battery relocation assistance method , performed by a storage battery relocation assistance apparatus comprising a processor having a plurality of sections configured to execute instructions stored in a memory , the storage battery relocation assistance method comprising the steps of:collecting battery information representing a state of a plurality of storage batteries used in a plurality of facilities, through a communication network or a storage medium;storing, in a battery information storing section, the battery information collected during the collecting step; andpredicting, by a deterioration prediction section, deterioration of the plurality of storage batteries when the plurality of storage batteries are relocated and used among the plurality of facilities, based on the battery information stored in the battery information storing section.2. The storage battery relocation assistance method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:storing, in a requirement information storing section, requirement information for a storage battery in the plurality of facilities;determining, by a relocation determination section, a relocation schedule including relocation time and a relocation ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Battery systems containing recyclable battery portions

Номер: US20220085446A1
Автор: Mohammed Alobaidi
Принадлежит: Green Cubes Technology LLC

Battery systems containing recyclable battery portions. The present disclosure includes disclosure of a battery system, comprising a housing configured to retain two or more battery portions; two or more battery portions configured to fit within the housing; wherein the housing is configured to fit within a battery compartment of a cart; wherein the two or more battery portions, when effectively connected together using a central connector of the battery system, collectively produce sufficient power to power electronic equipment of the cart; and wherein each of the two or more battery portions weigh at or below a desired threshold weight.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160072162A1

Herein is disclosed a process for recycling electrode material from lithium-ion batteries, comprising harvesting a mixture of anode and cathode electrode materials from waste lithium-ion batteries, and separating the anode electrode material from the cathode electrode material by means of dense liquid separation. The mixed anode and cathode material is suspended in a liquid that has a density between those of the anode material and cathode material, such that the anode material rises to the top of the dense liquid and the cathode material sinks to the bottom of the dense liquid. The thus separated materials can easily be collected and further purified and regenerated for reuse in new lithium-ion batteries, providing an efficient and low-cost method for recycling electrode active materials from waste lithium-ion batteries. 1. A process for recycling electrode material from lithium-ion batteries , comprising:1) harvesting the anode and cathode electrode materials from lithium-ion batteries, in the form of a mixed powder or slurry;2) separating the mixed powder or slurry into anode and cathode fractions by means of dense liquid separation.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the method for separating the mixed powder or slurry into anode and cathode fractions by means of dense liquid separation comprises:a) mixing the mixed powder or slurry in a high density liquid whose density lies between those of the anode and cathode material, respectively;b) after sufficient time so as to allow the anode material, low-density fraction to float to the top of the liquid mixture and the cathode material, high-density fraction to sink to the bottom of the liquid mixture, collecting the solid phases of the separated fractions;c) filtering and rinsing the collected solids with appropriate solvent to remove any residual high density liquid, and drying the collected solids.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the anode material is graphite anode material claim 1 , the ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Method of Mineral Recovery

Номер: US20220090231A1
Автор: DI CESARE Enrico
Принадлежит: St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp.

A process for the selective recovery of lithium values from feedstock is provided. The process includes concentration by one or more of air classification and flotation; selective leaching to remove Mg, Ca or Na formations; and leaching/sonication with an acid. Further, a method of beneficiating a lithium-containing ore is provided treating an aqueous pulp of the lithium-containing ore with a conditioning reagent; and floating, lithium values fraction of the lithium-containing ore from gangue slimes, wherein the treating improves the selectivity of an anionic collector to one or more of spodumene and said lithium values. Further, a process for the selective recovery of lithium from lithium ion batteries is provided. 1. A process for the selective recovery of lithium values from feedstock , the process comprising:(a) concentration by one or more of air classification and flotation;(b) selective leaching to remove one or more of Mg, Ca and Na formations; and(c) leaching/sonication with an acid.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said Mg and Ca formations are MgO and CaO respectively.3. The process of claim 1 , further comprising providing an added substance to enhance leaching.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the substance comprises HSO.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein said selective leaching comprises using Nitric acid.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the nitric acid is used in concentrations from 10% to 90%.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the acid is sulfuric acid.8. The process of claim 7 , wherein the acid is said nitric acid and the leaching/sonication is performed over a period ranging from about 5 minutes up to about 120 minutes.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the feedstock is ultra fine clay and said period is closer to said 5 minutes.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein said step of concentration by air classification approximately doubles the concentration of said lithium values.11. The process of claim 1 , wherein said step of concentration ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Recycling Volatile Battery Sources

Номер: US20150080630A1

The invention is directed to systems and methods for the recycling of lithium ion batteries or the like. The system methods include comminution and destruction of used batteries, controlling the explosive reaction of the battery components during processing, and processing the materials into a suitable form for sampling and recycling. 1. A system for processing of electrical storage batteries having hazardous anode , cathode and electrolyte combinations for recycling comprising:a) at least a first comminuting apparatus to receive batteries and cause exposure of the volatile components of batteries,b) a neutralizing medium in which the processed materials from the at least first comminuting apparatus are disposed,c) the at least first comminuting apparatus causing a size reduction of the materials to form a substantially homogenous particulate material, andd) a sampling system to take at least one sample of the substantially homogenous material after neutralization in the neutralizing medium to assess the components of the material.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least a second comminuting apparatus receiving the material from the neutralizing medium container to form the substantially homogenous material.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a screening system to receive the comminuted material and to form the homogenous material having a predetermined size distribution.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sensor to detect when the materials are substantially neutralized.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a scrubbing system to receive the volatile components generated from the comminuted material.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the scrubbing system uses an alkaline scrub solution and filters claim 5 , with any discharge materials from the comminuted material scrubbed and any washing solutions captured and cleaned for reuse.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the neutralizing medium is about a six percent ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Process, apparatus, and system for recovering materials from batteries

Номер: US20210078012A1
Принадлежит: Li Cycle Corp Canada

An apparatus for carrying out size reduction of battery materials under immersion conditions can include a housing configured to hold an immersion liquid comprising at least one of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide. A first feed chute may define an opening therein for receiving battery materials of a first type into the housing and a first submergible comminuting device may be disposed within the housing and submerged in the immersion liquid to receive the battery materials of the first type from the first feed chute. The first submergible comminuting device may be configured to cause a size reduction of the battery materials of the first type to form a first reduced-size battery material.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Process, apparatus, and system for recovering materials from batteries

Номер: US20210078013A1
Принадлежит: Li Cycle Corp Canada

An apparatus for carrying out size reduction of battery materials under immersion conditions can include a housing configured to hold an immersion liquid comprising at least one of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide. A first feed chute may define an opening therein for receiving battery materials of a first type into the housing and a first submergible comminuting device may be disposed within the housing and submerged in the immersion liquid to receive the battery materials of the first type from the first feed chute. The first submergible comminuting device may be configured to cause a size reduction of the battery materials of the first type to form a first reduced-size battery material.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160079636A1

The present disclosure relates generally to systems and methods for recycling lead-acid batteries, and more specifically, relates to systems and methods for selectively separating and separately processing portions of lead-acid batteries to improve efficiency and reduce costs. A lead-acid battery processing system includes an imaging system configured to perform imaging of a lead-acid battery and perform image analysis to determine a break point that divides top lead from a remainder of the lead content of the lead-acid battery. The system also includes a battery breaking device configured to break the lead-acid battery at the determined break point and separate the lead-acid battery into a first portion, which includes the top lead, from a second portion, which includes the remainder of the lead content, for separate processing of the first and second portions of the lead-acid battery. 1. A lead-acid battery processing system , comprising:an imaging system configured to perform imaging of a lead-acid battery and perform image analysis to determine a break point that divides top lead from a remainder of the lead content of the lead-acid battery; anda battery breaking device configured to break the lead-acid battery at the determined break point and separate the lead-acid battery into a first portion, which includes the top lead, from a second portion, which includes the remainder of the lead content, for separate processing of the first and second portions of the lead-acid battery.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the top lead comprises terminal posts claim 1 , bushings claim 1 , and straps of the lead-acid battery.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the imaging system is configured to determine the break point such that the break point traverses a plurality of lugs that couple one or more grids to one or more straps of the lead-acid battery.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the top lead comprises a portion of the plurality of lugs.5. The system of claim 1 , ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079495A1
Автор: Harris Bryn, White Carl

A processes is disclosed for the recovery of cobalt, lithium and associated metals from lithium-ion batteries, comprising (i) shredding and pulverising the batteries under an inert atmosphere, (ii) leaching the batteries with sulphuric acid and sulphur dioxide under reducing conditions with a sub-stoichiometric amount of acid, (iii) recovery of copper by cementation, (iv) purification of the leach filtrate to precipitate iron and aluminium, along with some of the manganese and nickel if they are at low levels in the feed battery, (v) ion exchange to remove residual copper, nickel and manganese, (vi) precipitation of the purified solution with soda ash to recover all of the cobalt, and (vii) recovery of lithium as carbonate. 1. A method for recovering metals from waste lithium and cobalt containing feeds , including:{'sub': '2', 'subjecting shredded and/or pulverised Li-battery waste to a sulphuric acid leach and sparging with SOgas to form a slurry including a leachate of soluble metal salts and a solid residue, wherein the soluble metal salts are a mixture of Co- and Li-salts and other metal salts in the form of metal sulphites and metal sulphates;'}separating the leachate and the solid residue;treating the leachate with an air sparge to oxidise and/or convert at least some of the soluble metal salts to insoluble metal salts, and form a Co- and Li-containing leachate and a precipitate of insoluble metal salts;separating the Co- and Li-containing leachate and the precipitate of insoluble metal salts;treating the Co- and Li-containing leachate with a precipitant to form an Li-containing leachate and a Co-containing precipitate; andseparating the Co-containing precipitate from the Li-containing leachate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sulphuric acid leach and sparging with SOare conducted under anoxic conditions.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein sufficient sulphuric acid solution is added during the leach to provide a cobalt concentration of about 40 g/L to ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200076017A1

A method and an apparatus for regenerating batteries containing fluid electrolytes are revealed. The method includes the steps of: removing a case of a battery to expose a core of the battery, immersing the core in a functional electrolyte suitable for removing solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer formed on surface of active materials, measuring characteristic parameters of the functional electrolyte during the period the core is immersed, adjusting concentration and electric conductivity of the functional electrolyte which the core is immersed therein by adding other suitable functional electrolytes according to the measured characteristic parameters until both the concentration and the electric conductivity are within a normal range of batteries or capacity of the core reaches the normal value of the battery. Thus the core is regenerated and re-packaged to form a regenerated battery. 1. An apparatus for regenerating batteries containing fluid electrolytes comprising:a container that is used to hold a core of the battery outside which a case is removed;a plurality of functional-electrolyte tanks used for storing different functional electrolytes therein respectively;a pump that is connected to the container and the functional-electrolyte tanks by pipelines;a controller electrically connected to the sensing unit and the pump, and used to control the pump to move one of the functional electrolytes suitable for removing solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer into the container so that the core is immersed in the functional electrolyte; anda sensing unit having a plurality of sensors that measure characteristic parameters of the functional electrolyte in the container during the period the core is immersed in the functional electrolyte;wherein the controller controls the pump to move one of the functional electrolytes from one of the functional-electrolyte tanks into the container according to the characteristic parameters measured by the sensors; the functional ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210083336A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

The present invention relates to a method of reusing a positive electrode material, and more particularly, the method includes: inputting a positive electrode for a lithium secondary battery comprising a current collector, and a positive electrode active material layer formed on the current collector and including a first positive electrode active material, a first binder and a first conducting agent, into a solvent; separating at least a portion of the positive electrode active material layer from the current collector; adding second binder powder to the solvent and performing primary mixing a resulting mixture; and preparing a positive electrode material slurry by adding a second positive electrode active material and a second conducting agent to the solvent and performing secondary mixing a resulting mixture. 1. A method of reusing a positive electrode material , comprising:inputting a positive electrode for a lithium secondary battery comprising a current collector, and a positive electrode active material layer formed on the current collector and including a first positive electrode active material, a first binder and a first conducting agent, into a solvent;separating at least a portion of the positive electrode active material layer from the current collector;adding second binder powder to the solvent and performing primary mixing a resulting mixture; andpreparing a positive electrode material slurry by adding a second positive electrode active material and a second conducting agent to the solvent and performing secondary mixing a resulting mixture,wherein a ratio of a total weight of the first positive electrode active material, the first binder and the first conducting agent, which are included in a separated positive electrode active material layer, to a total weight of the second positive electrode active material, the second binder powder and the second conducting agent ranges from 8:92 to 28:72.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least a ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078796A1

The present application provides a process to recover materials from rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, thus recycling them. The process involves processing the batteries into a size-reduced feed stream; and then, via a series of separation, isolation, and/or leaching steps, allows for recovery of a copper product, cobalt, nickel, and/or manganese product, and a lithium product; and, optional recovery of a ferrous product, aluminum product, graphite product, etc An apparatus and system for carrying out size reduction of batteries under immersion conditions is also provided. 1. An apparatus for carrying out size reduction of battery materials under immersion conditions , comprising:a housing configured to hold an immersion liquid;a first feed chute defining an opening therein for receiving battery materials of a first type into the housing;a second feed chute defining an opening therein for receiving battery materials of a second type into the housing;a first submergible comminuting device disposed within the housing to receive the battery materials of the first type from the first feed chute, wherein said first submergible comminuting device is configured to cause a size reduction of the battery materials of the first type to form a first reduced-size battery material; anda second submergible comminuting device disposed within the housing to receive the first reduced-size battery material from the first submergible comminuting device, wherein the second submergible comminuting device is configured to cause a further size reduction in the first reduced-size battery material to form a second reduced-size battery materiala delivering apparatus configured to deliver the battery materials of the second type from the second feed chute directly to the second submergible comminuting device, andwherein the second submergible comminuting device is configured to cause a size reduction in the battery materials of the second type.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. ( ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098702A1

A method for recovering at least cobalt of valuable metals, cobalt and nickel, from an acidic solution obtained by subjecting waste containing positive electrode materials for lithium ion secondary batteries to a wet process, the acidic solution comprising cobalt ions, nickel ions and impurities, wherein the method includes: a first extraction step for Co recovery, the first extraction step being for extracting cobalt ions by solvent extraction from the acidic solution and stripping the cobalt ions; an electrolytic step for Co recovery, the electrolytic step being for providing electrolytic cobalt by electrolysis using a stripped solution obtained in the first extraction step for Co recovery as an electrolytic solution; a dissolution step for Co recovery, the dissolution step being for dissolving the electrolytic cobalt in an acid; and a second extraction step for Co recovery, the second extraction step being for extracting cobalt ions by solvent extraction from a cobalt dissolved solution obtained in the dissolution step for Co recovery and stripping the cobalt ions. 1. A method for recovering a valuable metal , the method recovering at least cobalt of valuable metals , cobalt and nickel , from an acidic solution obtained by subjecting waste containing positive electrode materials for lithium ion secondary batteries to a wet process , the acidic solution comprising cobalt ions , nickel ions and impurities , wherein the method comprises:a first extraction step for Co recovery, the first extraction step being for extracting cobalt ions by solvent extraction from the acidic solution and stripping the cobalt ions;an electrolytic step for Co recovery, the electrolytic step being for providing electrolytic cobalt by electrolysis using a stripped solution obtained in the first extraction step for Co recovery as an electrolytic solution;a dissolution step for Co recovery, the dissolution step being for dissolving the electrolytic cobalt in an acid; anda second extraction ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180083325A1

The present invention provides a method for treating at least one lithium ion battery enclosed in a housing containing aluminum, comprising heating the lithium ion battery using a combustion furnace in which a combustion object is incinerated by flames, while preventing the flames from being directly applied to the housing of the lithium ion battery. 1. A method for treating at least one lithium ion battery enclosed in a housing containing aluminum , comprising:heating the lithium ion battery using a combustion furnace in which a combustion object is incinerated by flames, while preventing the flames from being directly applied to the housing of the lithium ion battery.2. The method for treating the lithium ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein a temperature of the lithium ion battery in the combustion furnace is increased in an air atmosphere.3. The method for treating the lithium ion battery according to claim 1 , wherein in the combustion furnace claim 1 , the lithium ion battery is disposed in a battery protection container for preventing the flames from being directly applied to the housing of the lithium ion battery claim 1 , and the flames are applied to an outer surface of the battery protection container.4. The method for treating the lithium ion battery according to claim 3 , wherein the battery protection container has at least one gas venting hole for discharging a gas flowing out from the inside of the housing of the lithium ion battery to the outside of the battery protection container.5. The method for treating the lithium ion battery according to claim 3 , wherein in the battery protection container claim 3 , a filling material is arranged together with the lithium ion battery.6. The method for treating the lithium ion battery according to claim 5 , wherein the filling material is in the form of powder.7. The method for treating the lithium ion battery according to claim 6 , wherein the powder is alumina powder.8. The method for treating the ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170084965A1
Автор: SONG Young Jun

Provided is a method of manufacturing a high-purity lithium phosphate by utilizing a lithium waste liquid of a wasted battery. Lithium phosphate is manufactured and refined by using a minimized amount of sodium hydroxide and by using phosphate, lithium hydroxide, and an optimized pH condition, so that it is possible to manufacture high-purity lithium phosphate from which fine impurities which cannot be removed by cleaning are effective removed. A waste water treatment process of processing waste water as to be immediately discharged is integrated, so that the method is very efficient and environment-friendly. Therefore, since the high-purity lithium phosphate can be manufactured by utilizing a lithium waste liquid discarded in a wasted battery recycling process, the method has an effect in that the method is applied to a wasted battery recycling industry to prevent environmental pollution and facilitate recycling resources. 1. A method of manufacturing high-purity lithium phosphate by using a lithium waste liquid of a wasted battery , comprising steps of:(a) allowing the lithium waste liquid to pass through active carbon to remove organic materials;{'sub': 3', '4', '2', '4', '2', '4', '3', '4', '3', '4, '(b) adding a soluble phosphate including NaPO, NaHPO, NaHPO, KPO, or HPOor an aqueous solution of the soluble phosphate with 0.9 to 1.2 molar equivalents with respect to a concentration of lithium existing in the lithium waste liquid to the lithium waste liquid from which the organic materials are removed and adding an aqueous alkali including NaOH or KOH or an aqueous solution of the alkali to produce a mixed solution of phosphate and lithium waste liquid of which pH is in a range of 13 to 13.9;'}(c) reacting the mixed solution of phosphate and lithium waste liquid in a temperature range of 50 to 100° C. for 30 to 120 minutes, and after that, performing first solid liquid separation to produce lithium phosphate which is precipitated in a solid state;{'sub': 3', '4 ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170084966A1
Автор: SONG Young Jun

Provided is a method of manufacturing high-purity, high-quality manganese sulfate which can be immediately used for manufacturing a lithium ion secondary battery from manganese sulfate waste liquid of a wasted battery. Since impurities are removed from the manganese sulfate waste liquid by using sulfides causing no secondary contamination in the manganese sulfate waste liquid and the manganese sulfate is manufactured by performing evaporation concentration through heating, the manufacturing method is very environment-friendly and economical. Since the manganese recovering process improving the manufacturing yield of the manganese sulfate and the waste water treatment process capable of recycling the source materials and discharging waste water are integrated, the manufacturing method is very efficient and environment-friendly. The manufacturing method is applied to the recycling industry, and thus, it is possible to obtain effects of preventing environmental pollution and facilitating recycling the resources. 1. A method of manufacturing high-purity manganese sulfate from manganese sulfate waste liquid of a wasted battery generated in a wasted battery recycling process , comprising:(a) producing manganese sulfate waste liquid from which an organic materials is removed by allowing the manganese sulfate waste liquid generated in a recycling process of the wasted battery to pass through active carbon;(b) adjusting pH of the organic-material-removed manganese sulfate waste liquid to be in a range of 4 to 7;(c) performing first solid liquid separation on the manganese sulfate waste liquid of which pH is adjusted to be in a range of 4 to 7 to separate first manganese sulfate filtrated liquid and first solid;(d) performing first evaporation concentration on the first manganese sulfate filtrated liquid in a temperature range of 90 to 100° C. to produce first manganese sulfate concentrated liquid;(e) cooling the first manganese sulfate concentrated liquid down to a ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации

Component replacement method and component replacement system

Номер: US20220101247A1
Автор: Junya KAMIJIMA

The present disclosure discloses a component replacement method and a component replacement system that require less labor of a user and are lower in cost as compared with the prior art. This component replacement method comprises: collecting a component log of the component; predicting replacement time of the component based on the component log that has been collected; ordering a new component at the replacement time that has been predicted, and storing the new component that has been delivered as an inventory; making, by the user, a request for component replacement when the component degrades or fails; and delivering, to the user, the component that has been added to the inventory in response to the request from the user.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Processing method for lithium ion battery scrap

Номер: US20190084839A1
Принадлежит: JX Nippon Mining and Metals Corp

A method for processing lithium ion battery scrap according to this invention includes a leaching step of leaching lithium ion battery scrap to obtain a leached solution; an aluminum removal step of neutralizing the leached solution to a pH range of from 4.0 to 6.0, then performing solid-liquid separation and removing aluminum in the leached solution to obtain a first separated solution; and an iron removal step of adding an oxidizing agent to the first separated solution and adjusting the pH in a range of from 3.0 to 5.0, then performing solid-liquid separation and removing iron in the first separated solution to obtain a second separated solution.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220102773A1

A method for recycling waste lithium iron phosphate is by selective oxidation-reduction, to obtain recycled lithium iron phosphate, and a lithium ion battery. The method includes: primarily sintering waste lithium iron phosphate under a condition where a mild oxidizing gas is introduced; separating a lithium iron phosphate powder material; supplementing lithium and supplementing carbon to the lithium iron phosphate powder material and regulating the composition of the lithium iron phosphate powder material using a lithium source and a carbon source by secondary sintering to obtain recycled lithium iron phosphate, wherein the mild oxidizing gas is water vapor, CO2 gas, or a mixed gas thereof. 1. A method for recycling waste lithium iron phosphate by selective oxidation-reduction , comprising steps of:performing primary sintering on the waste lithium iron phosphate under a condition where a mild oxidizing gas is introduced;separating a lithium iron phosphate powder material from a material obtained by the primary sintering; andsupplementing lithium and supplementing carbon to the lithium iron phosphate powder material and regulating a composition of the lithium iron phosphate powder material using a lithium source and a carbon source by secondary sintering, to obtain recycled lithium iron phosphate,{'sub': '2', '#text': 'wherein the mild oxidizing gas is water vapor, COgas, or a mixed gas thereof.'}2. The method according to claim 1 , having at least one of following situations (1) to (3):{'sub': ['2', '2'], '#text': '(1) the mild oxidizing gas is a mixed gas of water vapor and COgas, and a flow rate ratio of the water vapor and the COgas is from 1:9 to 9:1;'}(2) the water vapor is derived from at least one of deionized water and ultrapure water, and the water vapor has a resistance≥18 MΩ; and{'sub': '2', '#text': '(3) the COgas has a purity≥99.0%.'}3. The method according to claim 1 , having at least one of following situations (1) to (2):(1) the waste lithium iron ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220102774A1

A method for the extraction of lithium from an assembly of at least one cell of an electric battery including solid metallic lithium, such as a Lithium-Metal-Polymer battery, the method having an extraction phase including the following steps: 1. A method for the extraction of lithium from an assembly of at least one cell of an electric battery including solid metallic lithium , such as a Lithium-Metal-Polymer battery , said method having an extraction phase comprising the following steps:positioning said assembly in an orientation in which a first edge of said assembly from which extend(s) one or more negative electrode or electrodes is located below a second edge of said assembly, opposite said first edge, and from which extend(s) one or more positive electrode(s); andheating said assembly to a temperature, called treatment temperature, greater than or equal to the melting temperature of said solid metallic lithium.2. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the positioning step carries out a vertical positioning of the assembly of cell(s) claim 1 , in which the first edge is located downwards.3. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the step of heating the assembly of cell(s) is carried out under inert gas.4. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the step of heating the assembly of cell(s) is carried out under vacuum.5. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that it also comprises claim 1 , before the extraction phase claim 1 , a step of electrical charging of the assembly of cell(s) claim 1 , said extraction phase being applied to said charged assembly.6. The method according to claim 1 , characterized in that the extraction phase also comprises a step of compression of the assembly of cell(s).7. The method according to claim 6 , characterized in that the compression step applies a compression to the surface of the assembly by sweeping the surface of the assembly from the second edge to the first ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093611A1
Автор: Obata Hiroyuki

Secondary battery reuse method in which, when used secondary battery packs G and A in a lithium secondary battery have become unusable, the resistances and capacities of a plurality of secondary battery stacks constituting the secondary battery pack G are measured and a reusable secondary battery stack is selected and separated therefrom by comparing these measured resistances and capacities with a resistance threshold value H and a capacity threshold value I, respectively. In addition, a new secondary battery pack is rebuilt (constructed) by combining the secondary battery stack with a secondary battery stack that has been determined to be reusable in the secondary battery pack A in the same manner as in the secondary battery pack G. 1. A secondary battery reuse method for a secondary battery including a secondary battery pack having a plurality of modules , each module being formed of a secondary battery cell or a secondary battery stack containing a plurality of secondary battery cells , the method comprising:measuring a resistance and a capacity of each module;comparing the measured resistance of each module with a preset first threshold value;comparing the measured capacity of each module with a preset second threshold value;determining a module to be a reusable module when its measured resistance is less than or equal to the first threshold value and its measured capacity is greater than or equal to the second threshold value;determining a module to be a non-reusable module when its measured resistance is larger than the first threshold value or its measured capacity is less than the second threshold value; andconstructing a new secondary battery pack by combining the reusable module with an unused module or a module equivalent to the unused module, and placing a secondary battery provided with this new secondary battery pack in use,wherein the first threshold value and the second threshold value are set using as a condition that a degree of deterioration in ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Information management apparatus

Номер: US20210090034A1
Принадлежит: Honda Motor Co Ltd

An information management apparatus, including an electronic control unit including a microprocessor and a memory connected to the microprocessor. The microprocessor is configured to perform acquiring an information on a component to be dismantled within a predetermined period, setting a demand value representing a degree of a demand for a predetermined material, determining whether the demand value is greater than or equal to a predetermined value, and whether the predetermined material is included in the component based on the information, if it is determined that the demand value is greater than or equal to the predetermined value, and registering the component as an object of a recycle or a reuse, if it is determined that the predetermined material is included in the component.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086149A1

A battery thermal treatment apparatus including, a thermal treatment part, in which a battery is transferred and thermally treated through a closed tube; and a gas handling part, which cools and performs dust collection of gas generated in the thermal treatment part, and, 1. A battery thermal treatment apparatus comprising ,a thermal treatment part, in which a battery is transferred and thermally treated through a closed tube; anda gas handling part, which cools and performs dust collection of gas generated in the thermal treatment part.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the thermal treatment part includes claim 1 ,a first tube, wherein a battery is transferred in a downwardly inclined manner, provided with a first heating means at one end; anda second tube, communicating with the first tube and provided so as to be inclined downwards.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the first tube and the second tube has a form of a rotary kiln inclined at an angle ranging from 5° to 30° in respect to a ground surface.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 ,the first heating means,shoots flames at a same or opposite direction of a direction the battery is being transferred, or is provided at an outer circumferential surface of the closed tube to heat the closed tube.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,a battery hopper; and a conveyor for receiving a battery from the battery hopper and putting the battery into the thermal treatment part.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the gas handling part comprises claim 1 ,a gas heat-treatment part which communicates with an upper part of the thermal treatment part, to heat-treat gas from the thermal treatment part; a heat-exchange part communicating with the gas heat-treatment part to cool transferred gas therefrom; a cooling tower which circulates a coolant to the heat-exchange part; and a second dust collecting part which collects dust from gas emitted from the heat-exchange part.7. The apparatus of ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210091388A1
Автор: GARNIER Jean-Pierre

A method for recycling used cells such as saline cells, alkaline cells, button cells and used rechargeable batteries, includes the step of introducing the cells and/or rechargeable batteries as feedstock into a metal melting furnace, at the charging door thereof. The cells and/or rechargeable batteries are subjected to a compression operation in order to remove the electrolytes contained in the cells and/or rechargeable batteries, prior to introducing the cells and/or rechargeable batteries into the metal melting furnace. 1. A method for recycling used cells such as saline cells , alkaline cells , button cells and used rechargeable batteries , the method includes the steps of introducing the cells and/or rechargeable batteries as feedstock into a metal melting furnace , at the charging door thereof , wherein the cells and/or rechargeable batteries are subjected to a compression operation to remove the electrolytes contained in the cells and/or rechargeable batteries , prior to introducing the cells and/or rechargeable batteries into the metal melting furnace.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cells and/or rechargeable batteries are mixed with shavings of cast iron or steel to obtain a homogenous mixture claim 1 , the mixture undergoes the compression operation to form briquettes whereof the electrolyte has been removed claim 1 , and the briquettes are introduced into the metal melting furnace.3. The method according to claim 2 , further including the step of adding additional elements to the mixture of cells and/or rechargeable batteries and chips of cast iron and/or steel claim 2 , wherein additional elements such as a powder of Black Mass of cells or rechargeable batteries claim 2 , carbon and alloy elements in order to obtain a cast iron or steel with a desired composition claim 2 , before the briquetting operation.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the percentage of cells and/or rechargeable batteries and added elements does not exceed ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136079A1

The present disclosure refers to a method of obtaining metal ions from a battery, the method comprising adding a crushed battery to a leaching solution comprising fruit and organic acid, thereby obtaining a leachate comprising metal ions, wherein the method is performed at a temperature above 80° C.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136084A1

Process for the recovery of transition metal from cathode active materials containing nickel and lithium, wherein said process comprises the steps of (a) treating a lithium containing transition metal oxide material with a leaching agent (preferably an acid selected from sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, methanesulfonic acid, oxalic acid and citric acid), (b) adjusting the pH value to 2.5 to 8, and (c) treating the solution obtained in step (b)with metallic nickel, cobalt or manganese or a combination of at least two of the foregoing.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220140412A1

A system for and a method of processing a waste lithium-ion battery make it possible to improve heat treatment efficiency and to heat-treat a large-sized waste lithium-ion battery without disassembling the battery. One example of the system for processing a waste lithium-ion battery includes a heater that heat-treats a waste lithium-ion battery at a heating temperature of lower than 400° C. to decompose and remove an electrolyte solution from the waste lithium-ion battery.

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Method for recycling lithium-ion battery

Номер: US20190089025A1
Принадлежит: GRST International Ltd

Provided herein is a method for recycling lithium-ion batteries in a polar solvent such as an aqueous media or water. The method disclosed herein isolates a mixture of anode and cathode materials from waste lithium-ion batteries. The separated electrode materials can easily be collected with high recovery rate, providing a rapid, efficient and low-cost method for recycling electrode materials from waste lithium-ion batteries.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140174256A1

Provided is a method for stabilizing the degree of oxidation of molten battery waste, and definitively separating slag and alloy. The method is provided with a pre-oxidation step (ST) for roasting and oxidizing battery waste; and a drying step (S) for melting the battery waste oxidized in the pre-oxidation step, and separating and recovering the slag and the valuable metal alloy. By providing the pre-oxidation step (ST) for oxidizing the battery waste by roasting in advance of the drying step (S), it is possible to stably obtain the optimal degree of oxidization in a melting step (ST), and to improve the slag-alloy separation efficiency. 1. A method for recovering a valuable metal from a waste battery , comprising:a pre-oxidation step comprising subjecting the waste battery to an oxidation treatment by roasting the waste battery; anda dry step comprising melting the waste battery after the pre-oxidation step to separate and recover slag and an alloy of valuable metals.2. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the pre-oxidation step is performed at 600° C. to 1 claim 1 ,250° C.3. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , further comprising an additional oxidation step comprising performing an additional oxidation treatment in a melting step in the dry step.4. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein a kiln is used in the oxidation treatment in the pre-oxidation step.5. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the waste battery is a lithium-ion battery.6. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 2 , further comprising an additional oxidation step comprising performing an additional oxidation treatment in a melting step in the dry step.7. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 2 , wherein a kiln is used in the oxidation treatment in the pre-oxidation step.8. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 3 , wherein a kiln is used in the ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149450A1

Among other things, the present disclosure relates to re-purposing used lithium-ion batteries. The present disclosure includes treating an electrode using a solvent prior to electrochemically relithiating the electrode. In some embodiments, the relithiation may be done using a roll-to-roll device, wherein the electrode may be secured on a first pin and a second pin, then it may be unwound and submerged in an electrolyte solution. Lithium ions may be inserted into the electrode using a voltage. The layer of lithium may provide lithium ions to the electrode. 1. A method for repurposing a lithium-ion battery , the method comprising , in order:removing at least a portion of the electrode of the lithium battery;treating the portion of the electrode;recasting the portion of the electrode; andrelithiating the electrode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the electrode comprises a cathode or a material capable of performing as a cathode.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treating comprises exposing the portion of the electrode to a solvent.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the solvent comprises a ketone.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the ketone comprises acetone.6. The method of claim 3 , wherein the exposing comprises at least one of sonicating claim 3 , stirring claim 3 , or soaking the portion of the electrode in the solvent.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the lithium-ion battery comprises a layer of foil, andthe removing comprises scraping the electrode from the layer of foil.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the lithium-ion battery comprises a layer of foil, andthe recasting comprises attaching the electrode on the layer of foil.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lithium-ion battery comprises a wound or jelly roll design.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the relithiating comprises:securing a first end of the electrode to a first pin;securing a second end of the electrode to a second pin;positioning a chamber containing a layer of lithium and an ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149451A1
Автор: Burchardt Trygve

A device for enabling the reuse of a complete battery pack for electric vehicles (EV) is disclosed. The device allows reuse of a battery pack at a significantly lower cost than alternative methods that require the battery pack to be opened, batteries to be taken out and installed in a new pack with a new battery monitoring system (BMS), and undergoing certification as a new system. The disclosed device includes a controller having a software program operating therein and which is electrically coupled to a battery pack and provides electrical input and output signals to the BMS of the EV battery, which relate to optimal operating parameters of the battery pack including depth of discharge (DoD), depth of charge (DoC), charge rate, and temperature. The controller enables reuse of the complete battery pack without reopening and mimics electrical signaling compared to a car or other electric vehicles. 1. A method for reusing an unopened electric vehicle battery within a second life battery system , the method comprising:receiving, by a central controller, a signal from a control unit coupled to an electric vehicle battery;processing, by a processor in communication with the central controller, the signal received from the control unit;determining, by the processor, a status of the electric vehicle battery based on the processed signal;determining, by the processor, a desired use application for the electric vehicle battery based on the status of the electric vehicle battery;determining, by the processor, an operating condition for the electric vehicle battery based on the desired use application; andsending, by the central controller, responsive to the determination of the operating condition, a first control signal to the control unit coupled to the electric vehicle battery;wherein the control signal causes the control unit to operate the electric vehicle battery based on the desired operating condition.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sending claim 1 , by ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220149452A1

A process for removal of aluminium and iron in the recycling of rechargeable batteries comprising providing a leachate from black mass, adding phosphoric acid (HPO) to said leachate and adjusting the pH to form iron phosphate (FePO) and aluminium phosphate (AlPO), precipitating and removing the formed FePOand AlPO, and forming a filtrate for further recovery of cathode metals, mainly NMC-metals and lithium. 114-. (canceled)15. A process for removal of aluminum and iron in the recycling of rechargeable batteries , said process comprising:providing a leachate from black mass,{'sub': 3', '4, 'adding phosphoric acid (HPO) to the provided leachate,'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'adjusting the pH to form iron phosphate (FePO) and aluminum phosphate (AlPO),'}{'sub': 4', '4, 'precipitating and removing the formed FePOand AlPO, and'}forming a filtrate for recovery of cathode metals.16. The process according to claim 15 , wherein the rechargeable batteries are rechargeable lithium ion batteries.17. The process according to claim 15 , wherein the precipitation is performed in two steps at different pH levels.18. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the pH in a first precipitation step is adjusted to an interval of pH 1.5 to 4.19. The process according to claim 18 , wherein the interval of pH is either: 1.5 to 3.5 or 1.5 to 3.20. The process according to claim 17 , wherein the pH claim 17 , in a second step claim 17 , is adjusted to an interval of pH 2.5 to 6.5.21. The process according to claim 20 , wherein the interval of pH is either: 2.5 to 6 or 2.5 to 4.22. The process according to claim 17 , wherein crystallization seeds are added to precipitate FePOand AlPOin the first precipitation step.23. The process according to claim 22 , wherein the crystallization seeds comprise aluminum and iron phosphate crystals and wherein said seeds are added in an amount of 0.05-0.3 g/L.24. The process according to claim 23 , wherein the amount of added seeds is either 0.05-0.2 g/L or 0.05-0.15 g/ ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Methods for electrochemical cell remediation

Номер: US20220173446A1
Принадлежит: 24M Technologies Inc

Embodiments described herein relate generally to methods for the remediation of electrochemical cell electrodes. In some embodiments, a method includes obtaining an electrode material. At least a portion of the electrode material is rinsed to remove a residue therefrom. The electrode material is separated into constituents for reuse.

02-06-2022 дата публикации

Waste lithium-ion battery roasting apparatus

Номер: US20220173447A1
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

A waste lithium-ion battery roasting apparatus includes: a transport mechanism including a cylindrical body, the cylindrical body containing an internal atmosphere that is a reducing atmosphere or a low-oxygen atmosphere; a heating mechanism that heats an outer wall of the cylindrical body to increase an internal temperature of the cylindrical body, and controls heating temperatures individually at which the heating mechanism heats the outer wall at different respective positions in a transporting direction in which the transport mechanism transports a waste lithium-ion battery; and a controller that controls the heating temperatures, at which the heating mechanism heats the outer wall, in accordance with a transporting speed at which the transport mechanism transports the waste lithium-ion battery, such that a temperature increase rate of the waste lithium-ion battery transported inside the cylindrical body is a predetermined temperature increase rate.

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106768A1

A method for processing lithium ion battery scrap includes a leaching step of leaching lithium ion battery scrap and subjecting the resulting leached solution to solid-liquid separation to obtain a first separated solution; an iron removal step of adding an oxidizing agent to the first separated solution and adjusting a pH of the first separated solution in a range of from 3.0 to 4.0, then performing solid-liquid separation and removing iron in the first separated solution to obtain a second separated solution; and an aluminum removal step of neutralizing the second separated solution to a pH range of from 4.0 to 6.0, then performing solid-liquid separation and removing aluminum in the second separated solution to obtain a third separated solution. 1. A method for processing lithium ion battery scrap , the method comprising:a leaching step of leaching lithium ion battery scrap and subjecting the resulting leached solution to solid-liquid separation to obtain a first separated solution;an iron removal step of adding an oxidizing agent to the first separated solution and adjusting a pH of the first separated solution in a range of from 3.0 to 4.0, then performing solid-liquid separation and removing iron in the first separated solution to obtain a second separated solution; andan aluminum removal step of neutralizing the second separated solution to a pH range of from 4.0 to 6.0, then performing solid-liquid separation and removing aluminum in the second separated solution to obtain a third separated solution.2. The method for processing the lithium ion battery scrap according to claim 1 ,wherein the lithium ion battery scrap contains copper; andwherein the leaching step comprises leaving copper contained in the lithium ion battery scrap as a solid and removing the copper by the solid-liquid separation.3. The method for processing the lithium ion battery scrap according to claim 1 , wherein the oxidizing agent added to the first separated solution in the iron removal ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170110769A1
Автор: METZ François

The present invention relates to a process for recovering a metal salt of an electrolyte dissolved in a matrix, said process consisting in subjecting the electrolyte to a liquid extraction with water. 1. A process for recovering a metal salt of an electrolyte dissolved in a matrix , said process consisting in subjecting the electrolyte to a liquid extraction with water , wherein the metal salt is selected from the group consisting of sulfonimides , perchlorates , sulfonates , difluorophosphates and mixtures thereof.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal salt is an organic or inorganic salt of an alkali metal.3. The process as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the metal salt is a salt of an alkali metal selected from the group consisting of K claim 2 , Li claim 2 , Na and Cs.4. The process as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the metal salt is a lithium salt.5. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal salt is a sulfonimide having the formula (RfSO)(RfSO)NM claim 1 , Mrepresenting an alkali metal claim 1 , Rfand Rfindependently representing a fluorine atom or a group having from 1 to 10 carbon atoms.6. The process as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the metal salt is lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide claim 5 , lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide or lithium bis(perfluoroethanesulfonyl)imide.7. The process as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the metal salt is lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide.8. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal salt is selected from the group consisting of LiClOand LiOTf.9. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the matrix comprises a polymer or a gel.10. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the matrix of the electrolyte comprises an organic solvent claim 1 , this electrolyte being miscible with water claim 1 , and this electrolyte being successively or simultaneously subjected to a liquid extraction with water and with an organic extraction solvent which is water-immiscible.11. The process as ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210126294A1
Автор: YANG Szu-Nan

The invention discloses a recycling method for oxide-based solid electrolyte with original phase, method of fabricating lithium battery and green battery thereof, which is adapted to recycle the solid-state or quasi-solid lithium batteries after discard. The oxide-based solid electrolyte is only used as an ion transport pathway, and does not participate in the insertion and extraction of lithium ions during charge and discharge cycles. Its crystal structure dose not be destroyed. Therefore, the original phase recycle of the oxide-based solid electrolyte is achieved without damage the structure or materials. The recycled the oxide-based solid electrolyte can be re-used to reduce the manufacturing cost of the related lithium battery. 1. A recycling method for oxide-based solid electrolytes with original phase , comprising the following steps:{'b': '1', "step S: obtaining a battery with an oxide-based solid electrolyte with an original size and an original material's characteristics;"}{'b': '2', 'step S: disassembling the battery to obtain a processing part including at least one electrode and the oxide-based solid electrolyte;'}{'b': '3', 'step S: removing an organic substance of the processing part, so that the processing part essentially remains an inorganic substance composition;'}{'b': '4', 'step S: separating the inorganic substance composition to obtain the oxide-based solid electrolyte; and'}{'b': '5', "step S: purifying the oxide-based solid electrolyte to obtain a recycling oxide-based solid electrolyte with the original size and the original material's characteristics."}23. The recycling method of claim 1 , wherein the step S specifically comprises removing the organic substance of the processing part by a wet or dry process.343. The recycling method of claim 2 , further comprises a step of cleaning the processing part to remove a residual organic substance before the step S and after the step S.44. The recycling method of claim 1 , wherein the step S ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210126299A1
Автор: Ludtke Harold Aaron
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Various embodiments of the present invention are directed at a method and system for recharging batteries for wireless electronic devices. According to one embodiment, a battery charging and monitoring system is disclosed. The system includes a host machine providing a plurality of charging slots and a plurality of wireless devices coupled to and powered by a plurality of batteries. The host machine is adapted to communicate with the plurality of wireless devices through a plurality of wireless links to monitor the plurality of batteries coupled to the wireless devices. According to another embodiment, an electronic device is disclosed. The electronic device is adapted to couple with at least a rechargeable battery and to negotiate with the rechargeable battery for an agreed range of power parameters. The electronic device is further adapted to accept power from and to provide power to the rechargeable battery at the agreed range of power parameters. 1. A method of charging an electronic device , the method comprising:with the electronic device, detecting a magnetic field having a specific pattern;responsive to detecting the magnetic field having a specific pattern, receiving first charging information from a charging device;responsive to receiving charging information from the charging device, sending second charging information to the charging device; andreceiving charging power from the charging device.2. The method of further comprising:with the electronic device, attempting to negotiate with the charging device to receive a higher charging power.3. The method of further comprising:with the electronic device, in response to successfully negotiating with the charging device to receive a higher charging power, receiving a higher charging power from the charging device.4. The method of wherein in response to a failure to successfully negotiate with the charging device to receive a higher charging power claim 3 , not receiving the higher charging power from the ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210126300A1
Автор: TOGASHI Ryo, Yamashita Yu

Provided are: an alloy powder that can be obtained from a waste lithium ion battery, wherein the alloy powder can be dissolved in an acid solution and enables recovery of metals contained in the alloy powder; and a method for producing the alloy powder. This alloy powder contains Cu and at least one of Ni and Co as constituent components, wherein a portion having a higher concentration of the at least one of Ni and Co than the average concentration in the entire alloy powder is distributed on at least the surface, and the phosphorus grade is less than 0.1% by mass. The method for producing the alloy powder includes a powdering step for powdering a molten alloy using a gas atomization method, the molten alloy containing Cu and at least one of Ni and Co as constituent components and having a phosphorus grade of less than 0.1% by mass. 15-. (canceled)6. A method for producing an alloy powder , the method comprising:a melting step of melting a waste lithium ion battery so as to obtain a molten material;a slag separation step of separating slag including phosphorus from the molten material so as to recover an alloy material which contains Cu and at least one of Ni and Co; anda powdering step of powdering, with a gas atomization method, a molten alloy which is formed of the alloy material and in which a phosphorus grade is less than 0.1% by mass.7. The method for producing an alloy powder according to claim 6 , the method further comprising: a pre-heating step of roasting claim 6 , before the melting step claim 6 , the waste lithium ion battery at such a temperature that the waste lithium ion battery is not melted.8. The method for producing an alloy powder according to claim 6 , wherein a molten material of a copper-nickel-cobalt alloy is used as the molten alloy.9. The method for producing an alloy powder according to claim 7 , wherein a molten material of a copper-nickel-cobalt alloy is used as the molten alloy. The present invention relates to an alloy powder and a ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации

Lithium metal recovery and synthesis

Номер: US20200106127A1
Принадлежит: UChicago Argonne LLC

A process and system for creating a lithium ion anolyte from lithium alloys. Metal and lithium alloys are processed to remove the metal with lithium from the alloy remaining. A lithium ion anolyte formed may be used in a process to form lithium metal. Alternatively, a process and system for recovering lithium from sources such as lithium alloys and lithium metal oxides and other feedstock such as recycled batteries into a thin lithium metal film via electrodeposition in an organic electrolyte contacting both anode (holder for lithium source) and cathode (substrate for lithium deposition) in a single-compartment electrolysis cell.

27-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170117597A1

The present disclosure relates generally to systems and methods for recycling lead-acid batteries, and more specifically, relates to purifying and recycling the lead content from lead-acid batteries. A system includes a reactor that receives and mixes a lead-bearing material waste, a carboxylate source, and a recycled liquid component to form a leaching mixture yielding a lead carboxylate precipitate. The system also includes a phase separation device coupled to the reactor, wherein the phase separation device isolates the lead carboxylate precipitate from a liquid component of the leaching mixture. The system further includes a closed-loop liquid recycling system coupled to the phase separation device and to the reactor, wherein the closed-loop liquid recycling system receives the liquid component isolated by the phase separation device and recycles a substantial portion of the received liquid component back to the reactor as the recycled liquid component. 1. A system , comprising:a reactor that receives and mixes lead-bearing material, a carboxylate source, and a recycled liquid component to form a leaching mixture yielding a lead carboxylate precipitate;a phase separation device coupled to the reactor, wherein the phase separation device isolates the lead carboxylate precipitate from a liquid component of the leaching mixture; anda closed-loop liquid recycling system coupled to the phase separation device and to the reactor, wherein the closed-loop liquid recycling system receives the liquid component isolated by the phase separation device and recycles a substantial portion of the received liquid component back to the reactor as the recycled liquid component.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the closed-loop liquid recycling system comprises a purification device that removes at least one impurity from the received liquid component before recycling.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one impurity comprises dissolved sulfates.4. The system of claim 2 ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200115774A1
Автор: Lien Larry

Methods of recovering lithium from a lithium source or a lithium-containing material using low pH solutions and membrane technologies to purify and concentrate the recovered lithium. The lithium sources may include a spent lithium-ion battery/cell, a lithium-containing mineral deposit, or other lithium containing materials. The processes described herein recovery the lithium after digestion of the lithium-containing material with a low pH solution through one or more acid-stable, semipermeable membranes. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of recovering graphite from a lithium ion cell or battery , the method comprising:disassembling a lithium ion cell or battery to separate an anode from a cathode to form a disassembled lithium ion cell or battery;mixing the disassembled lithium ion cell or battery with an acid at a temperature of about 10° C. to about 100° C. to form an acidic solution including graphite, lithium, and optionally one or more of soluble organics, soluble metals, and suspended solids;wherein the acid has a pH of about 2.5 or less and includes hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, citric acid, or combinations thereof; andseparating the graphite from the acidic solution.22. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the dissembling including removing a shell surrounding the anode claim 21 , the cathode claim 21 , and an electrolyte of the lithium ion cell or battery.23. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the lithium ion cell or battery is a spent lithium-ion cell or battery.24. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the acid includes hydrochloric acid claim 21 , sulfuric acid claim 21 , nitric acid claim 21 , or combinations thereof and has an acid concentration of about 0.5 to about 30 weight percent in an aqueous solution with a pH of about 1 or less.25. The method of recovering graphite of claim 21 , wherein the mixing is for about 1 minute to about 120 minutes.26. The method of ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220271355A1

A method for producing clean black mass, anode or cathode for subsequent recycling is provided, the method comprising subjecting an intact battery to a shredding process to produce an aggregate, wherein the smallest particle generated is between 2.5 percent and 40 percent of original battery size. Also provided is a shredder for minimizing aggregation of whole batteries, the shredder comprising a shaft defining a longitudinal axis and a latitudinal axis; and a plurality of teeth disposed on said knives which fit on said shaft at an angle to the latitudinal axis selected from 15 degrees and 45 degrees, wherein the teeth have a first proximal end integrally molded to the shaft and a second free distal end. 1. A method for direct recycling a whole battery , the method comprising subjecting the battery to a shredding process to produce particles , wherein the smallest particle generated is between 2.5 percent and 40 percent of original battery size.2. The method as recited in wherein the method occurs in the absence of ambient air.3. The method as recited in wherein the method occurs at a pressure between 0 and −30 psig.4. The method as recited in wherein the method occurs below the freezing point of electrolyte present in the intact battery.5. The method as recited in wherein the particles comprise current collector foil laminated with electrode powder.6. The method as recited in wherein the shredding process utilizes teeth rotating at between 5 rpm and 400 rpm.7. The method as recited in wherein the teeth are positioned on a periphery of a rotating knife and each of said teeth define an edge arranged at between 0 degrees and 45 degrees relative to an arc formed by the periphery.8. The method as recited in wherein the teeth are arranged at 0 degrees relative to an arc formed by the periphery and the knife rotates about a single shaft.9. The method as recited in wherein particles have an aspect ratio between 2:1 and 1:1 with a single pass of the whole battery through ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации

Electrochemically recycling a lithium-ion battery

Номер: US20220271356A1
Принадлежит: Hulico LLC

Examples are disclosed that relate to methods and reactors for recycling a positive electrode material of a lithium-ion battery. One example provides a method of recycling a positive electrode material of a lithium-ion battery. The positive electrode material comprises a metal m having a n+ oxidation state (m n+ ). A reaction mixture is formed comprising the positive electrode material, an oxidizing agent, and lithium ions. The positive electrode material is electrochemically replenished with lithium via electrochemical reduction of the lithium ions while maintaining the n+ oxidation state of the metal m in the positive electrode material via the oxidizing agent.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Recycling apparatus for waste lithium battery

Номер: US20190123403A1
Автор: XU Min

This invention discloses a recycling apparatus for waste lithium battery, comprising a main body, a lithium battery recycling device disposed in the main body, wherein, the lithium battery recycling device comprises a dissolution device disposed in the main body, wherein the dissolution device comprises dissolution cavities symmetrically disposed in two sides of the main body; a pushing cavity communicated with the inner wall of the upper side of the dissolution cavities; a pushing device disposed in the pushing cavity; wherein the lithium battery is put into one of the dissolution cavities for alkaline dissolving through the solution in the dissolution cavity and part of the metals are extracted. The lithium battery is then pushed to the other one of the dissolution cavities for further acidic dissolution through the pushing device. Thus the recycling of the metals in the waste battery will be realized. 1. A recycling apparatus for waste lithium battery in this invention , comprisinga main body;a lithium battery recycling device disposed in said main body,wherein, said lithium battery recycling device comprises a dissolution device disposed in said main body,wherein said dissolution device comprises dissolution cavities symmetrically disposed in two sides of said main body,wherein, one of the dissolution cavities proceeds acidic dissolution with the acidic solution inside, and the other one of the dissolution cavities proceeds alkaline dissolution with the alkaline solution inside;a pushing cavity with an opening to one side communicated with the inner wall of the upper side of said dissolution cavities;a pushing device disposed in said pushing cavity,wherein said pushing device pushes alkaline dissolved waste of lithium battery to the dissolution cavity for acidic dissolution, while pushing acidic dissolved waste of lithium battery in said dissolution cavity to the outside of said pushing cavity through the opening;a lithium battery crushing device arranged in the ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Recovery of Lead from Lead Acid Batteries

Номер: US20180127852A1

Lead is recovered from lead paste of a lead acid battery in a continuous process. The lead paste is contacted with a base to generate a supernatant and a precipitate. The precipitate is separated from the supernatant, and is contacted with an alkane sulfonic acid to generate a mixture of lead ion solution and insoluble lead dioxide. The lead dioxide is reduced with a reducing agent to form lead oxide, and the lead oxide is combined with the lead ion solution to form a combined lead ion solution to so allow a continuous process without lead dioxide accumulation. Lead is recovered from the combined lead ion solution using electrolysis. 1. A method of recovering lead from a lead paste of a lead acid battery , wherein the lead paste comprises lead sulfate , the method comprising:contacting the lead paste with a base to thereby generate a supernatant comprising a soluble sulfate salt and a precipitate comprising an insoluble lead salt;separating the supernatant from the precipitate;contacting the precipitate with alkane sulfonic acid to generate a mixture comprising a lead ion solution and insoluble lead dioxide;contacting the insoluble lead dioxide with a reducing agent to thereby reduce lead dioxide to lead oxide;combining the lead oxide with the lead ion solution to form a combined lead ion solution;applying an electrical potential to a cathode in contact with the combined lead ion solution to thereby continuously form adherent lead on a first portion of the cathode and to generate regenerated alkane sulfonic acid; andremoving adherent lead from a second portion of the cathode while continuously forming adherent lead on the first portion of the cathode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base is added in an amount sufficient to produce the supernatant comprising the soluble sulfate salt and the precipitate comprising the insoluble lead salt without substantial production of plumbate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the base comprises at least one of an alkali or ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Process for the recovery of lithium from waste lithium ion batteries

Номер: US20220274841A1
Принадлежит: BASF SE

A process for the recovery of lithium from waste lithium ion batteries or parts thereof is disclosed. The process comprising the steps of (a) providing a particulate material containing a transition metal compound and/or transition metal, wherein the transition metal is selected from the group consisting of Mn, Ni and Co, and wherein further at least a fraction of said Ni and/or Co, if present, are in an oxidation state lower than +2, and at least a fraction of said Mn, if present, is manganese(II)oxide; which particulate material further contains a lithium salt and a fluoride salt, and which particulate material optionally contains calcium provided that the element ratio calcium to fluorine is 1.7 or less or is zero; (b) treating the material provided in step (a) with a polar solvent and an alkaline earth hydroxide; and (c) separating the solids from the liquid, optionally followed by washing the solid residue with a polar solvent such as water provides good separation of lithium in high purity, and recovery of valuable transition metals.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220275474A1
Принадлежит: Eco-Research

A method for processing accumulators, batteries and the like, which contain lithium, lithium ions, sodium, potassium and/or nickel as active components. According to the invention, the following steps are carried out; introducing an accumulator, a battery, cell or the like, that contains lithium, lithium ions, sodium, potassium and/or nickel, into a chamber/reactor (); introducing water (H2O) (B, B) in to the reactor (); bringing the content of the reactor () to a temperature between 120° C. and 370° C. at a pressure between 2 and 250 bar. 1. A method for the treatment of accumulators , batteries , cells , containing lithium , lithium ions , sodium , potassium and/or nickel as active components , consisting of the following steps:Insertion of an accumulator, battery, cell, containing lithium, lithium ions, sodium, potassium and/or nickel, into a reactor,Insertion of water into the reactor,Raising the contents of the reactor to a temperature between 120° C. and 370° C. with a pressure between 2 and 250 bar.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein inert gas is also introduced into the reactor with the water.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the contents of the reactor are raised to a temperature of at least 200° C. and to a minimum pressure of 16 bar.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the contents of the reactor are raised to a temperature of a maximum of 250° C. and to a maximum pressure of 40 bar.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ratio of water to the batteries/accumulators/cells to be treated is preferably 1/1 to 10/1 by weight. The invention relates to a method for treating accumulators, batteries and the like, which may contain lithium, lithium ions, sodium, potassium and/or nickel as active constituents, and to a system for carrying it out.Due to the increasing use of rechargeable batteries and accumulators, the problem of recycling and treatment of the same at the end of the life cycle and the recovery of the organic ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации

Method for recycling and refreshing cathode material, refreshed cathode material and lithium ion battery

Номер: US20190131673A1

Provided is a method for recycling and refreshing a cathode material, a refreshed cathode material and a lithium ion battery. The method for recycling and refreshing the cathode material includes: 1) a cathode material recycled from a waste battery is mixed with a manganiferous salt solution; 2) an alkali aqueous solution is added to the mixture to react to obtain a manganese hydroxide coating cathode material; and 3) the manganese hydroxide coating cathode material is sintered with a lithium resource to obtain a refreshed cathode material. The refreshed cathode material has no obvious impurity phase and has good crystallinity, high initial charge-discharge efficiency and good cycling performance. 1. A method for recycling and refreshing a cathode material , comprising:1) mixing a cathode material recycled from a waste battery with a manganiferous inorganic aqueous solution to obtain a mixture;2) adding an alkali aqueous solution into the mixture to react to obtain a manganese hydroxide coating cathode material; and3) sintering the manganese hydroxide coating cathode material with a lithium resource to obtain a refreshed cathode material.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a step for recycling the cathode material from the waste battery comprises: disassembling the waste battery to obtain a positive electrode; then claim 1 , soaking the positive electrode by a solvent to obtain cathode powder; and then claim 1 , calcining the cathode powder.3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a concentration of manganese ions in the manganiferous inorganic aqueous solution in the step 1) is 0.1 mol/L-2.0 mol/L.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a molar ratio of the cathode material to the manganese element in the step 1) is 1:0.01-1:0.10.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein in the step 2) claim 1 , the alkali aqueous solution is dripped to the mixture to react and a pH value of a reaction system is adjusted to 10-13 to obtain the manganese ...
