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20-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2264679C2

Устройство предназначено для электрического контактирования электропроводящей части, в частности, продолговатого, например, по существу цилиндрического тела, например, трубы или кабеля, и содержит основную часть для прилегания к электропроводящей части контактирующего тела и контактный элемент, закрепленный на стороне основной части, обращенной в смонтированном положении к контактирующему телу, для обеспечения электрического соединения с электропроводящей частью контактирующего тела. Согласно изобретению основная часть выполнена, по крайней мере, частично из упругого материала, а контактный элемент выполнен из профилированного листа и содержит преимущественно язычковые выступы, которыми он прилегает в смонтированном положении к контактирующему телу. Такой контактный элемент прост и дешев в изготовлении и легко подключается к основной части устройства. 44 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил.

10-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2208278C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано для соединения проводов при подключении потребителей к сетям переменного и постоянного тока. Технический результат: снижение вероятности обрыва провода за счет предотвращения деформации неизолированной токопроводящей части провода и уменьшения механического воздействия на изолированную токопроводящую часть провода. Это достигается тем, что в способе соединения токопроводящих элементов при осуществлении электрического соединения неизолированной токопроводящей части провода дополнительно осуществляют зажим изолированной части провода между концами петли пружинной клеммы. Устройство для соединения токопроводящих элементов содержит пружинную клемму в виде зажимной изогнутой ленточной пружины в форме петли, массовую клемму П-образной формы и общее крепление обеих клемм, между которыми размещена неизолированная токопроводящая часть провода, причем на обоих концах пружинной клеммы сформированы отгибы для схватывания изолированной ...

16-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU10945U1

Вывод-зажим, состоящий из установленного в изоляционном основании плоского токопроводящего элемента, имеющего контактную площадку, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен из металлического листового пружинного материала в виде фигуры с поперечными изгибами, образующими контактную площадку и разделенные продольными пазами пружинящие зажимы, управляющиеся своими торцами в контактную площадку под углом, обеспечивающим ввод и закрепление проводника, причем внутрь фигуры с поперечными изгибами помещен вкладыш, ограничивающий угол изгиба пружинящих зажимов.

10-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2121739C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, в частности к электрооборудованию, установленному в комплектных распределительных устройствах, и может быть использовано на электрических станциях и подстанциях. Электрическое контактирование осуществляют с помощью цангового зажима, а осевое усилие, обеспечивающее необходимое давление в месте контактного соединения, осуществляют за счет веса съемного или выкатного электрического аппарата, например выключателя, подвешивая его непосредственно к хвостовой части гибкого токопровода цанговой розетки, ламели которой, опираясь на кольцевую обойму, зажимают неподвижный штыревой контакт. Технический результат - повышение надежности электрического контактирования. 6 ил.

10-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94038140A1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и может найти применение для передачи токовой нагрузки на подвижный токоприемник. Контактный узел содержит полый цилиндрический токоприемник 1 с возможностью установки на внутреннем выступе контактных лепестков 2. которые опираются на кольцо 4 и удерживаются пружинами 3. При вводе контактного штыря 5 создается надежный электрический контакт. Использование изобретения позволяет упростить конструкцию, не требует установки дополнительных удерживающих элементов, уменьшить вдвое, по отношению к прототипу, количество деталей.

23-08-1987 дата публикации

Контактный узел

Номер: SU1332426A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике . Цель изобретения - повышение надежности контактирования при работе с болышши токами. Контактный узел содержит подвижный контакт 1, воздействующий на подпружиненный относительно корпуса неподвижный контакт 2. После соприкосновения контак- тов 1 и 2 происходит их совместное перемещение внутри корпуса 4, при этом жестко закрепленные на контакте 2 упругие ламели 3 деформируются и осуществляют электрический контакт с контактом 1. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

30-03-1983 дата публикации

Соединение конструктивных элементов

Номер: SU1008828A1

... 1. СОЕДИНЕНИЕ КОНСТРУКТИВНЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ, содержащее соединяемые элементы с соосными отверстиями , на одном из которых, выполнена цилиндрическая проточка, а-на другом - коническая проточка, соединительный элемент из пружинящего материала , на одном конце которого выполнена головка, а на другс г - продольная прорезь и выступы, расположенные по наружной образующей, с конической заходной частью, отличающееся тем, что, с целью обеспечения разъемного соединения, в отверстии одного из соединяемых элементов выполнены симметрично расположенные выступы, при этом сечение отверстия в месте расположения выступов имеет форму эллипса. 2. Соединение поп. 1, о т л и- чающееся тем, что соединительный элемент снабжен конусным участком, выполненным со стороны, (Л обратной конической заходной части. ОС 00 ts3 СХ) ...

07-03-1988 дата публикации

Контактное соединение плоских шин

Номер: SU1379837A1

Изобретение относится к элек тротехнике. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности электрического контакта и расширение функциональных возможностей. Указанная цель достигается выполнением концов шин 1 в виде цилиндрической поверхности , направляющая которой представляет собой кубическую параболу со смещенными относительно друг друга ветвями, причем точки перегиба ветвей лежат в плоскости симметрии шин. Это позволяет избежать перегрев в зоне контакта и снизить влияние концентраторов механических напряжений при сжатии зажимом,2, 1 ил.

22-06-2011 дата публикации

Flexibler Zellverbinder

Номер: DE102009058723A1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen flexiblen Zellverbinder zum elektrischen Verbinden von Zellen eines Energiespeichers, bestehend aus einem Blech, wobei das Blech über Längsseitenkanten und Stirnseitenkanten und benachbart zu den Stirnseitenkanten über Kontaktierungsabschnitte verfügt zum Kontaktieren mit den Anschlüssen einer Energiespeicherzelle, wobei zwischen dem ersten Kontaktierungsabschnitt und einem zweiten Kontaktierungsabschnitt ein flexibler Biegeabschnitt angeordnet ist, der mehrere im wesentlichen parallel verlaufende Schlitze aufweist.

20-09-2007 дата публикации

Mäanderfeder zur Anordnung zwischen zwei Elementen

Номер: DE202006017125U1

Mäanderfeder (10) zur Anordnung zwischen zwei Elementen, mit zwei jeweils mindestens einem Federschenkelabschnitt (17 bis 21) umfassenden Federschenkeln (11, 12), die jeweils einenends ein Anordnungsmittel (15, 16) zur Festlegung der Mäanderfeder (10) aufweisen und anderenends mittels eines Zwischenschenkels miteinander verbunden sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Zwischenschenkel als Kraftumlenkschenkel (13) ausgebildet ist, der die unter Einwirkung eines Elementes aufgebaute Federspannung des ersten Federschenkels (11) unter Umkehrung der Auslenkrichtung der Federschenkelabschnitte auf den zweiten Federschenkel (12) überträgt.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012218608B4

Batteriemessklemme (10) aufweisend eine Schutzvorrichtung (15, 110, 105), einen Batteriesensor (56) und eine Batterieklemme (80) zur Bereitstellung einer Verbindung zwischen einem Batteriepol (85) einer Fahrzeugbatterie (90) eines Kraftfahrzeugs und dem Batteriesensor (56), wobei der Batteriesensor (56) durch die Schutzvorrichtung (15, 110, 105) zum Schutz des Batteriesensors (56) gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen umschlossen ist, wobei die Schutzvorrichtung (15, 110, 105) eine Trennschicht (110) einen geschlossenporigen Schaum (105) aufweist, der ausgelegt ist, einen Feuchtigkeitstransport aus einer Umgebung zum Batteriesensor (56) zu unterbinden wobei die Trennschicht (110) zwischen dem Schaum (105) und dem Batteriesensor (56) angeordnet und ausgelegt ist, den Batteriesensor (56) zu bedecken, um ein Eindringen des Schaums (105) in den Batteriesensor (56) zu blockieren.

15-03-2018 дата публикации

Klemme mit Kontaktplatte

Номер: DE102016010951A1

Gezeigt wird eine Vorrichtung umfassend eine Stromschiene, ein Auflager und ein dem Auflager gegenüberliegendes, beweglich gelagertes Klemmelement, wobei das Auflager und das Klemmelement dazu eingerichtet sind, eine Klemmstelle zum lösbaren elektrischen Verbinden eines elektrischen Leiters mit der Stromschiene zu bilden.

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Federklammer, Montagewerkzeug sowie Verfahren zum Fixieren von Kontaktpartnern und Verbindungssystem zum Herstellen einer elektrischen und mechanischen Verbindung zwischen Kontaktpartnern

Номер: DE102016208291A1

Es wird eine Federklammer (430) zum Fixieren von Kontaktpartnern (410, 420) vorgestellt, wobei die Kontaktpartner (410, 420) formschlüssig und elektrisch miteinander verbindbar sind. Die Federklammer (430) weist einen Sockelabschnitt (440) mit mindestens einer Führungsnase (442, 444) zum formschlüssigen Verbinden mit einem ersten Kontaktpartner (410), einen Rastabschnitt (450) mit mindestens einem Rasthaken (452, 454) zum Einrasten in einen zweiten Kontaktpartner (420) und einen Biegeabschnitt (460) zwischen dem Sockelabschnitt (440) und dem Rastabschnitt (450) auf. Dabei ist der Biegeabschnitt (460) zwischen einem entspannten Zustand und einem gespannten Zustand biegbar.

12-09-2012 дата публикации

System für die Unterstützung von elektrischen Leitern an Schienen

Номер: DE202012007253U1
Принадлежит: CEMBRE SPA, CEMBRE S.P.A.

System (1) zur Unterstützung eines elektrischen Leiters (2) an eine Eisenbahnschiene (3), umfassend einen seitlich am Fuß (5) der Schiene (4) anbringbaren Stützkörper (4) und eine Feder (6) zum Blockieren des Stützkörpers (4) am Fuß (5) der Schiene (3), wobei die Feder (6) einen ersten Endteil (7) aufweist, der einen ersten Haken (8) bildet, welcher am Stützkörper (4) einhakbar ist, und einen zweiten Endteil (9) der einen zweiten Haken (10) bildet, der auf einer dem Stützkörper (4) gegenüberliegenden Seite am Fuß (5) der Schiene (3) einhakbar ist, um den Stützkörper (4) elastisch an der Schiene (3) festzuklemmen, wobei der Stützkörper (4) bildet: A) eine zur Aufnahme mindestens eines elektrischen Leiters (2) geeignete Leiteraufnahme (11), B) einen Kopplungssitz (12) umfassend eine untere Auflagefläche (13), die geeignet ist sich in einer ersten Auflagerichtung (14) gegen eine untere Fläche (15) des Fußes (5) der Schiene (3) abzustützen, und eine...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Verbinder mit niedrigem Profil mit Federkontakten

Номер: DE212018000227U1

Verbinderanordnung, die betriebsfähig mit einer Leiterplatte innerhalb einer Rückblickvorrichtung gekoppelt ist, die Verbinderanordnung umfassend:einen Körper, der eine Vielzahl von elektrischen Leitungen beinhaltet, die sich davon erstrecken;eine Vielzahl von Kontaktaufnahmeöffnungen, die durch den Körper definiert sind; undeine Vielzahl von federvorgespannten Kontakten, die sich in die Kontaktaufnahmeöffnungen erstrecken und von einer Vielzahl von Säulen geführt werden, wobei die Vielzahl von federvorgespannten Kontakten beim Einsetzen in die Kontaktaufnahmeöffnungen des Körpers in elektrischer Kommunikation mit der Vielzahl von elektrischen Leitungen steht.

13-09-2007 дата публикации

Pin clamp for attaching electrical conductor at pin of motor vehicle battery, has tiltable lever for pressing clip in interlocked position by cam surface, where cam surface is formed in lever by recess and lugs of clip

Номер: DE102006010623A1

Clamp has a tiltable lever (5) for pressing a clip (4) in a interlocked position by a cam surface, where the cam surface is formed in the lever by a recess (6) and two lugs (7a, 7b) of the clip. The two lugs of the clip grip the recess, where the recess is elliptically formed. The lever in a non- interlocked position projects upward by a pin (3) of a battery of a motor vehicle, where the lever is lockable in the locked position.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Spring element for spring force clamp of spring force clamping assembly, has U-shaped bending region that is provided with through hole for protection of conductor which is held between support leg and clamping leg

Номер: DE102011054418A1

The spring element (1) has a support leg (3) and a clamping leg (4) which are interconnected through a U-shaped bending region (5). The support leg, clamping legs and U-shaped bending area are interconnected to form a clamping space (6) for a conductor (7). The conductor is held between the support leg and clamping leg in connected state. The U-shaped bending region is provided with a through hole (11) for protection of conductor. An independent claim is included for spring force clamping assembly.

20-11-2014 дата публикации

Ausziehbare elektrische Anschlussvorichtung für ein Arbeitsgerät

Номер: DE102013008319A1

Eine Anschlussvorrichtung (1) zum Anschließen eines Arbeitsgeräts an eine externe Stromquelle weist ein Kontaktelement (2) mit einer elektrisch leitfähigen Oberfläche auf. Eine Federeinrichtung (8) der Anschlussvorrichtung ist derart vorspannbar, dass das Kontaktelement (2) durch die vorgespannte Federeinrichtung (8) in einer Schutzposition haltbar ist. In der Schutzposition ist das Kontaktelement (2) von einem Schutzgehäuse umschlossen. An einer Stirnseite des Kontaktelements (2) ist eine gegenüber dem Kontaktelement (2) elektrisch isolierte Griffeinrichtung (3) angeordnet, durch die das Kontaktelement (2) gegen eine Vorspannung der Federeinrichtung (8) aus der Schutzposition in eine Anschlussposition bewegbar ist. In der Anschlussposition ist wenigstens ein Teil der Oberfläche des Kontaktelements (2) außerhalb des Schutzgehäuses angeordnet. Weiterhin weist die Anschlussvorrichtung eine an dem Kontaktelement (2) angeordnete elektrische Koppelvorrichtung (4) auf, an der ein elektrischer ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Hochstromkabelverbindung für Gradientenkabel eines Magnetresonanztomographen

Номер: DE102010032830A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Gradientenkabelverbindung für ein Magnetresonanztomographiesystem (101), welche Kabelschuhe (e, e) zweier Gradientenkabel (GK1, GK2) miteinander verbindet, wobei eine erste Befestigungseinrichtung (c, c) mit zwei Muttern (c) vorgesehen ist, durch welche erste Befestigungseinrichtung die Kabelschuhe (e, e) aneinander durch zwei auf einem Bolzen (b) auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten der Kabelschuhe (e) angeordnete Muttern (c) angepresst sind, und wobei zweite Befestigungseinrichtung (c; c, f) vorgesehen ist, durch welche der Bolzen (b) an eine Trägerplatte (a) durch den Bolzen (b) und eine Mutter (c) angepresst ist.

19-03-1929 дата публикации

Anschlussklemme mit Stecker

Номер: DE0000473660C

23-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008017318U1

Batteriemessklemme mit – einer Batteriepolklemme (2), – einem elektrisch mit der Batteriepolklemme (2) verbundenen Messwiderstand (12), – einer zumindest die Spannung über den Messwiderstand (12) auswertenden Auswertungsschaltung, – wobei die Auswertungsschaltung über zumindest zwei Messkontakte (18) mit dem Messwiderstand (12) elektrisch verbunden ist und zumindest zwei Datenleitungen (24) an der Auswertungsschaltung angeordnet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, – dass die Datenleitungen (24) in einem Verbindungsmittel (26) angeordnet sind, – dass ein Datenanschluss (32) mit einem mit dem Verbindungsmittel (24) korrespondierenden Anschlussmittel (26) monolithisch verbunden ist, und – dass zum elektrischen Kontaktieren des Datenanschlusses (32) mit den Datenleitungen (24) das Anschlussmittel (26) und das Verbindungsmittel (24) zusammengesteckt sind.

02-10-2008 дата публикации

Anschlussdose für insbesondere Photovoltaikpaneele

Номер: DE202008002426U1

Anschlussdose (10), insbesondere für Photovoltaikpaneele, umfassend einen Deckel (11) und ein Bodenteil (12), mit zumindest einer Einlassöffnung (40) für eingehende und zumindest einer Auslassöffnung (41) und ausgehende Versorgungsleitungen (54, 55), welche über eine Kontaktanordnung (31, 32) mittels Kontaktklemmen (33, 34, 42, 43) miteinander elektrisch verbunden sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kontaktanordnung (31, 32) zumindest einen schwenkbar in der Anschlussdose (10) gelagerten Anschlusskontakt (32) umfasst, der federrückstellelastische Klemmelemente (33, 34, 42, 43) aufweist, die mit jeweils einer Versorgungsleitung (54, 55) eine elektrische Verbindung eingehen, wobei die Klemmelemente (33, 34, 42, 43) mit dem Anschlusskontakt (32) bewegungsgekoppelt in dessen Offenstellung geöffnet sind und in dessen Geschlossenstellung eine sichere elektrische Verbindung mit der jeweiligen Versorgungsleitung (54, 55) eingehen.

12-10-2006 дата публикации

Connecting device for vehicle battery, has connecting pin and clamping ring made of soft and hard electrically conducting material, respectively, where pin is reinforced with ring and takes up clamping force when connecting pin and clamp

Номер: DE102005030992A1

The device has a connecting pin made of soft electrically conducting material such as lead, where the connecting pin is reinforced with a clamping ring made of hard electrically conductive material. The connecting pin takes up clamping force, when connecting a pin clamp of a vehicle battery to the connecting pin, and the hard electrically conductive material is a sheet metal of copper, brass or steel.

31-03-2011 дата публикации

Elektrisches Kontaktieren eines elektrischen Bauteils

Номер: DE102009041894A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Anordnung zum elektrischen Kontaktieren eines elektrischen Bauteils (2), insbesondere eines Kondensators für einen Stromrichter eines Schienenfahrzeugs, wobei das elektriscAnbringen und/oder Positionieren von Teilen der Anordnung aufweist, um den elektrischen Kontakt herzustellen, und wobei die Anordnung Folgendes aufweist: a) ein erstes Element (5), das eine sich in einer Längsrichtung durch das Element (5) erstreckende erste Durchgangsbohrung (21) zum Einführen des Stifts (8) aufweist, b) ein zweites Element (4), das eine sich in einer Längsrichtung durch das Element (4) erstreckende zweite Durchgangsbohrung (21) zum Einführen des Stifts (8) aufweist, c) ein Kontaktblech aus einem elektrisch leitenden Material, das einen Kontaktblechendbereich (6) aufweist, über das der elektrische Kontakt zu dem elektrischen Bauteil (2) hergestellt werden soll, wobei der Kontaktblechendbereich (6) einen sich von einem freien Ende in den Kontaktblechendbereich (6) hineinerstreckenden ...

06-05-1953 дата публикации

Plug-on means for securing electric conductors to terminals

Номер: GB0000691161A

... 691,161. Two-part couplings. WUYTS, J. L. G. July 18, 1951, No. 17113/51. Class 38 (i). Means for securing a cable conductor 5 to a terminal screw (not shown) comprises a rubber body 1 having an axial passage 2 into which the cable 4 is inserted, the bared conductor 5 being anchored in a bore 7 communicating through a groove 8 with the passage. The diameter of the passage 2 is such that it is a tight fit on the terminal screw, and the grip may be increased by forming threads 3 in the passage. In Fig. 3 (not shown) the bore 7 is replaced by a small recess into which a knotted end of the conductor can be laid.

17-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001225305A

17-03-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001225307A

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390734T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000358901T

27-05-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000356728B

10-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000371290B

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000461371T

15-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0008532002A

15-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000109180A

10-06-1970 дата публикации

Device for wedging at least one leader

Номер: AT0000281951B

25-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366205B

15-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000140583T

15-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000103419T

15-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000021584T

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000088839T

15-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0014452000A

15-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000500673A

15-03-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000118656T

15-02-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000117841T

15-09-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000056315T

15-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000033173T

15-09-2021 дата публикации

Leuchte oder Betriebsgerät mit Kommunikationsmodul

Номер: AT17212U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Leuchte (1) oder Betriebsgerät für eine Leuchte (1) zum Betreiben von Leuchtmitteln, aufweisend ein Gehäuse (5), ein in dem Gehäuse (5) angeordnetes Kommunikationsmodul (10), welches für eine drahtlose Kommunikation mit einer außerhalb der Leuchte (1) befindlichen Einheit ausgebildet ist, sowie eine mit dem Kommunikationsmodul (10) gekoppelte Antenne (20), wobei die Antenne (20) durch einen Draht (21) gebildet ist, der derart in das Gehäuse (5) eingeklemmt ist, dass er einen Kontaktierungsbereich (12) des Kommunikationsmoduls (10) kontaktiert.

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000027384T

15-02-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000317160T

15-12-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000229235T

15-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000194885T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284492T

15-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000266264T

10-11-1970 дата публикации

Fastener and procedure for the production of curved clamping plates for such fasteners

Номер: AT0000285701B

11-10-1971 дата публикации

Fork change over switch for telephone sets

Номер: AT0000293493B

02-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033893434T

11-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033574941T

04-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036841985T

27-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031100753T

26-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032202790T

04-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036955875T

06-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037881009T

23-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039602343T

02-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033229490T

10-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00037707346T

13-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033103879T

07-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00036472382T

22-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031914925T

07-02-2002 дата публикации

Flat surface-mounted multi-purpose wire

Номер: AU0005987801A

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Electric connector with a cable clamping portion

Номер: AU2012207019B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

An electric connector (1) comprises a connector body (2) and a plurality of contact elements (12) mounted within the connector body (2) and adapted to be coupled 5 with mating contact elements (12) at the front end (2a) of the connector body. The contact elements (12) are connected to respective wires (11) of an electric cable (10) provided with a sheath (1Oa). The electric cable (10) is clamped within the connector body (2) by means of a cable clamping tubular portion (6), having clamping longitudinal tabs (6al). A wedge-like locking bush (7) having a conical 10 inner surface is mounted above the longitudinal tabs (6al) of the clamping tubular portion (6). A locking ring-nut (9) is tightened on a threaded portion (2b3) of the rear end (2b) of the connector body (2) for urging axially the wedge-like bush (7) above the tabs (6al) of the cable clamping portion (6), so as to clamp the cable (10) within these tabs (6al). The electric connector further comprises a first 15 sealing ring (8) for ...

29-10-1997 дата публикации

Connection system for tube conductors

Номер: AU0002040097A

13-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002704681A1

The present invention relates to a cable termination system for connection of a cylindrical member, such as a cable, within a housing containing multiple bores. One or more bores of the housing are held in a radially expanded state by one or more retaining devices. The cable may be coupled to a coupling device, such as a metallic lug, and inserted into a first bore such that a connection is made with a first mating device inserted into a second bore. Additionally, a second mating device may be inserted into a third bore to finalize the connection. After the connection is completed, each retaining device is de-coupled from its respective bore causing the housing surrounding the bore to contract to its original state, thereby forming a tight seal between the housing and the cable or mating device.

11-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002725879C

An electrical connector including a first section adapted to receive a first electrical conductor; a second section, and a rotatable connection between the first and second section. The second section has a channel adapted to receive a portion of a frame of a solar panel. The second section is adapted to spring clip onto the solar panel frame and make an electrical connection therewith. The rotatable connection is adapted to rotate the first section relative to the second section to orient the first electrical conductor at a desired orientation relative to the solar panel.

06-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003042350A1
Принадлежит: EDWARDS, ANTONY C.

A grounding clamp includes a safety lock-out which locks the operation of the clamp in the absence of a cooperating hot-stick. The lock-out employs a clutch which prevents the translation of the clamping members relative to one another until the clutch is disengaged. The cooperating hot-stick is required for the disengagement of the clutch.

03-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002654984C

Disclosed herein is an electrical connector subassembly. The electrical connector subassembly includes a frame member and a first pad. The frame member includes a first leg section and a conductor receiving area connected to the first leg section. The first leg section is configured to be connected to an electrical isolator. A length of the conductor receiving area extends in a first direction. The conductor receiving area is configured to receive a first electrical conductor in a second direction. The first pad is movably connected to the frame member adjacent to the conductor receiving area. The first pad is configured to contact the first electrical conductor. The first pad is configured to be movable toward the conductor receiving area and the second direction.

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002964586A1

Electrical connectors used to ground and/or electrically bond objects such as panels having metal outer and inner walls. The electrical connectors use male and female posts having associated washers that facilitate the flow of electric current between the outer and inner walls while providing a watertight seal.

20-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2857012C

A connector (1) for a conductor (C) of a power cable is disclosed, comprising: - an hollow outer member (3) configured to at least partially surround an exposed section of the conductor (C) and configured to exert a force in an axial direction (X) onto at least one electrically conductive inner member (4), and - said at least one electrically conductive inner member (4) configured to be interposed between the outer member (3) and the conductor (C), and configured to exert a force in a radial direction onto said conductor (C) in response to said force in an axial direction (X). (Fig. 3) ...

29-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002793208A1

The present invention relates to an outlet box assembly for retaining and grounding an electrical termination device. The assembly includes an outlet box having an end wall and side wall extending outwards from the end wall. The assembly includes an L-shaped ground strap operatively connectable to the termination device. The ground strap has a first leg abutting the end wall and a second leg abutting the side wall. The assembly includes a pair of coupling members connected to and extending from one of the walls of the box. The coupling members have edges sloped inwardly towards the one of the walls and which connect to and extend upwards from the one of the walls. The edges of the coupling members are configured to press-fit with, frictionally engage with and abut the one of the legs of the ground strap for connecting the ground strap to the box.

21-05-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002029551A1

Connector comprising at least two connector parts for clamping a wire with an essentially rigid central conductor inbetween. One of the connector parts is provided with a contact strip being in mounted position in register with the rigid conductor. The other connector part is provided with at leat one recess at the point of overlap between the contact strip and the conductor. The opposed extremities of said recess provide in supports for the contact strip and conductor.

12-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002298378C

A back wired clamping arrangement in a contact terminal assembly for use in an electrical receptacle includes a base plate, a clamp plate, a screw an d an anti-vibration washer. The base plate is connected to a contact terminal assembly of the electrical receptacle The base plate has a pair of opposite forward side tabs formed on side edges of the base plate. The clamp plate interfits with the base plate The clamp plate has a pair of opposite rearwar d side tabs formed on side edges of the clamp plate and a front tab formed on a fro nt edge of the clamp plate. The rearward side tabs of the clamp plate and the forward side tabs of the base plate together form side walls. The front tab of the clamp plate is inserted within a recess of the base plate and forms a front wall. The clamp plate and base plate together define at least one channel for receiving a multi-stranded wire therethrough and substantially enclosing and making electrical contact with the strands of the wire. The screw is disposed ...

11-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002306988C

The invention involves a battery connector electrically connecting a multi- strand automotive-type cable to an automotive-type battery terminal where the batte ry connector is comprised of a connecting portion for engagement with an automotive-type battery terminal and a rigid cable-attachment portion that includes a non- deformable neck that extends from the connecting portion and defines a cavity having a depth, a closed inner end, an open outer end and a cross-sectional area th at is substantially equal along the entire depth between the inner end and the out er end as well as substantially equal to the diameter of the cable. Solder is secured within the cavity, and flux is secured within the cavity in contact with the solder. Th e solder and flux are both of amounts suitable for soldering engagement of the cable to t he cable-attachment portion, thereby facilitating soldering of the automotive- type cable to the battery connector.

15-03-1933 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000160554A
Принадлежит: SPORT AG, SPORT A.-G.

31-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000539956A

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130095705A1
Принадлежит: Preformed Line Products

Among other things, an apparatus and method for use with a high-voltage electrical connector are provided. The connector selectively connects a first electrical conductor to a second electrical conductor. The connector may comprise a body portion and a securing portion. The body portion and the securing portion may at least in part define an engaging aperture. A tensioning component may also be present to constrict and/or un-constrict the engaging aperture. The second electrical conductor may be received into or out of the engaging aperture in a direction lateral to the connector. 1. A high voltage electrical connector adapted to connect a first electrical conductor to a second electrical conductor , the connector comprising:a body portion;a securing portion; and at least one of the body portion or the securing portion adapted to connect to the first electrical conductor,', 'the body portion and the securing portion at least in part defining an engaging aperture in an interior of the connector,', 'the tensioning component adapted to at least constrict or un-constrict the engaging aperture, and', 'at least a portion of a surface defining the engaging aperture adapted to engage a complimentary portion of the second electrical conductor., 'a tensioning component,'}2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the surface defining the engaging aperture is adapted to engage the complimentary portion of the second electrical conductor to substantially mitigate rotation of the connector relative to the second electrical conductor when the engaging aperture is at least partially un-constricted.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the tensioning component at least in part defines the engaging aperture.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the engaging aperture receives the second electrical conductor in a direction lateral to a longest extent of the body portion.5. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the engaging aperture is claim 1 , at least when constricted claim 1 , ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Clamping Element

Номер: US20130122760A1
Автор: BAKOS Tibor
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A clamping element for fastening an electrical conductor to a printed circuit board, by which electrically conductive connection between the electrical conductor and the printed circuit board is produced. In order to achieve an inexpensive and completely automatable possibility for connection between electrical conductors and printed circuit boards, the clamping element is in the form of a stamped sheet-metal part and has at least two clamping wings and one clamping web, which is arranged between the clamping wings. The clamping web is capable of being bent in such a way that the clamping wings clamp in the conductor. At least one securing claw is formed on the clamping wings. The securing claw can be pressed into the printed circuit board. 1. A clamping element for fastening an electrical conductor to a printed circuit board , an electrically conductive connection being produced by the clamping element between the electrical conductor and the printed circuit board , the clamping element comprisinga stamped sheet-metal part including at least two clamping wings and one clamping web arranged between the clamping wings, wherein the clamping web is capable of being bent in such a way that the clamping wings clamp in the conductor; andat least one securing claw formed on the clamping wings, the securing claw being capable of being pressed into the printed circuit board.2. The clamping element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamping wings have a conductor pocket for surrounding the conductor.3. The clamping element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamping wings have a clamping wing arch for mounting the conductor in a sprung manner.4. The clamping element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the clamping wings have a contact face.5. A fastening system for an electrical conductor on a printed circuit board claim 1 , comprising a clamping element as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a receiving element with an electrically conductive surface is formed on the printed circuit ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130564A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A conductor crimp portion (11) before being crimped to a conductor (Wa) of an electric wire includes, in an inner surface (11R) of the conductor crimp portion (11), circular recesses (20) as serrations of the conductor crimp portion (11) scattered to be spaced from each other. At an inner periphery corner portion where an inner bottom surface (20A) and an inner periphery side surface (20B) of each of the recesses (20) intersect with each other, a roundness portion (20C) for connecting the inner bottom surface (20A) with the inner periphery side surface (20B) by a smooth continuous curved surface are provided. 1an electrical connection portion provided in a front portion in a longitudinal direction of the terminal; anda conductor crimp portion provided behind the electrical connection portion and crimped and connected to a conductor of an end of an electric wire, the conductor crimp portion having a cross section formed into a U-shape by a bottom plate and a pair of conductor crimping pieces provided to extend upwardly from both right and left side edges of the bottom plate and crimped to wrap the conductor disposed on an inner surface of the bottom plate,wherein the conductor crimp portion before being crimped to the conductor of the end of the electric wire includes, in an inner surface of the conductor crimp portion, circular recesses as serrations scattered to be spaced from each other, andwherein at an inner periphery corner portion where an inner bottom surface and an inner periphery side surface of each of the recesses intersect with each other, each of the recesses has a roundness portion for connecting the inner bottom surface with the inner periphery side surface by a smooth continuous curved surface.. A crimp terminal comprising: The present invention relates, for example, to an open barrel type crimp terminal used for an electric system of an automobile and having a conductor crimp portion having a U-shape cross section.is a perspective view showing a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130566A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A crimp terminal () includes a conductor crimp portion () having a cross section formed into a U-shape by a bottom plate () and a pair of conductor crimping pieces () provided to extend on both sides of the bottom plate () and crimped to wrap a conductor (Wa) of an electric wire (W) disposed on an inner surface () of the bottom plate (). The conductor crimp portion () is crimped and connected to the conductor (Wa) and includes serrations () at respective lattice points of a lattice () assumed in an inner surface () of the conductor crimp portion () and obliquely crossing in a longitudinal direction of the conductor (Wa). The serrations () are consisted of cylindrical recesses having the same shape. 1. A crimp terminal comprising a conductor crimp portion having a cross section formed into a U-shape by a bottom plate and a pair of conductor crimp pieces provided to extend on both sides of the bottom plate and crimped to wrap a conductor of an electric wire disposed on an inner surface of the bottom plate ,wherein the conductor crimp portion is crimped and connected to the conductor and includes serrations at respective lattice points of a lattice assumed in an inner surface of the conductor crimp portion and obliquely crossing in a longitudinal direction of the conductor, the serrations being consisted of cylindrical recesses having the same shape.2. The crimp terminal according to claim 1 , whereina first diagonal line of the lattice is located along the longitudinal direction of the conductor,a second diagonal line of the lattice is located perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the conductor, anda length of the first diagonal line is equal to a length of the second diagonal line.3. The crimp terminal according to claim 1 , whereina first diagonal line of the lattice is located along the longitudinal direction of the conductor,a second diagonal line of the lattice is located perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the conductor, anda length of the ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130567A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

In a crimp terminal () with a conductor crimp portion () having recessed serrations in the inner surface (R), circular recesses () as serrations are provided in an inner surface (R) of the conductor crimp portion () to be scattered so as to be spaced from each other before the conductor crimp portion () is crimped to a conductor (Wa) of an electric wire (W). A strip-shaped serration non-forming region () is provided in an intermediate portion in a front-back direction of the conductor crimp portion () and formed without the recesses (). 1an electrical connection portion provided in a front portion in a longitudinal direction of the crimp terminal; anda conductor crimp portion provided behind the electrical connection portion and crimped and connected to a conductor of an end of an electric wire, the conductor crimp portion having a cross section formed into a U-shape by a bottom plate and a pair of conductor crimp pieces provided to extend upwardly from both right and left side edges of the bottom plate and crimped to wrap the conductor disposed on an inner surface of the bottom plate, circular recesses as serrations scattered to be spaced from each other, and', 'a strip-shaped serration non-forming region provided in an intermediate portion in a front-back direction of the conductor crimp portion and formed without the recesses., 'wherein the conductor crimp portion before being crimped to the conductor of the end of the electric wire includes, in an inner surface of the conductor crimp portion,'}. A crimp terminal comprising: The present invention relates to an open barrel type of crimp terminal used, for example, in an electric system of an automobile and having a conductor crimp portion having a U-shaped cross section.is a perspective view illustrating a constitution of a related art crimp terminal described in Patent Document 1, for example.A crimp terminal is provided with an electric connection portion , which is provided in a front portion in a longitudinal ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130568A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A conductor crimp portion () before being crimped to a conductor (Wa) of an electric wire includes, in an inner surface (R) of the conductor crimp portion (), circular recesses () as serrations of the conductor crimp portion () scattered to be spaced from each other. The recesses () each has an inner bottom surface (A) in a form of a hemispherical surface. 1. A crimp terminal comprising:an electrical connection portion provided in a front portion in a longitudinal direction of the terminal; anda conductor crimp portion provided behind the electrical connection portion and crimped and connected to a conductor of an end of an electric wire, the conductor crimp portion having a cross section formed into a U-shape by a bottom plate and a pair of conductor crimping pieces provided to extend upwardly from both right and left side edges of the bottom plate and crimped to wrap the conductor disposed on an inner surface of the bottom plate,wherein the conductor crimp portion before being crimped to the conductor of the end of the electric wire includes, in an inner surface of the conductor crimp portion, circular recesses as serrations scattered to be spaced from each other, andwherein the recesses each has an inner bottom surface in a form of a hemispherical surface.2. The crimp terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the recesses each has an inner peripheral side surface claim 1 , in a form of a cylindrical surface claim 1 , connecting an area from a hole edge of the recess to a peripheral edge of the inner bottom surface in the form of the hemispherical surface. The present invention relates, for example, to an open barrel type crimp terminal used for an electric system and having a conductor crimp portion having a U-shape cross section.is a perspective view described in, for example PTL 1, and showing a structure of an associated crimp terminal.A crimp terminal has such a structure that, in the front portion in the longitudinal direction of a terminal (also the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000593A1

The invention relates to a vacuum deposition source heating system and to a vacuum deposition system having such a heating system. The vacuum deposition source heating system is mountable to a vacuum deposition system and comprises: a heating element () designed for heating a deposition source, a power supply element (), electrically connected to the heating element for providing electrical power to the heating element (); a connection member (), electrically connecting the power supply element () to the heating element, whereby the power supply element is mechanically mounted to the connection member () in an elastic manner, and whereby the connection member comprises a spring element () made of an elastic carbon material. 1. A vacuum deposition source heating system , mountable to a vacuum deposition system and comprising:a heating element designed for heating a deposition source,a power supply element, electrically connected to the heating element for providing electrical power to the heating element;a connection member, electrically connecting the power supply element to the heating element,whereby the power supply element is mechanically mounted to the connection member in an elastic manner, and whereby the connection member comprises a spring element made of an elastic carbon material.2. The vaccum deposition source heating system according to claim 1 , wherein the spring element is made of carbon fiber/CFC (carbon fiber reinforced carbon) and/or of pyrolytic carbon.3. The vaccum deposition source heating system according to claim 1 , wherein the spring element is made of carbon foam or carbon felt.4. The vacuum deposition source heating system according to claim 1 , wherein the spring element contains at least 50% claim 1 , 60% claim 1 , 70% claim 1 , 80% claim 1 , or 90% carbon claim 1 , or is substantially entirely made of carbon.5. The vaccum deposition source heating system according to claim 1 , wherein the power supply element is electrically connected ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006139A1
Автор: Diop Seydou, ZELAZNY Paul

A cable splice includes a casing, a jaw assembly, a biasing member, a guide, and a bullet cup. The casing has an opening and an interior cavity. The jaw assembly is positioned in the interior cavity and moveable between a loading position and a terminated position. The biasing member biases the jaw assembly towards the terminated position. The guide includes a receiving end and a shaft extending at least partially into the interior cavity. The bullet cup is positioned in the jaw assembly in the loading position. 1. A cable splice , comprising:a casing having an opening and an interior cavity;a jaw assembly positioned in said interior cavity and moveable between a loading position and a terminated position;a biasing member biasing said jaw assembly towards the terminated position;a guide having a receiving end and a shaft extending at least partially into said interior cavity, the shaft having a first section with a first diameter and a second section with a second diameter greater than the first diameter; anda bullet cup extending at least partially into said second section of said guide and positioned in said jaw assembly in the loading position.2. (canceled)3. The cable splice of claim 1 , whereinsaid bullet cup comprises a first chamber and a second chamber.4. The cable splice of claim 3 , whereinsaid bullet cup is removable from said guide and moveable past said jaw assembly to allow said jaw assembly to transition from the loading position to the terminated position.5. The cable splice of claim 1 , whereinsaid biasing member comprises a spring having a first coil and second coil with a pitch of approximately half the coil thickness.6. The cable splice of claim 1 , whereinsaid casing comprises a set of dimples positioned to center said guide in said casing.7. The cable splice of claim 1 , further comprisinga pilot cup positioned in said jaw assembly in the loading position distally of said bullet cup with respect to said opening.8. The cable splice of claim 1 , ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200014134A1

The invention proposes a method for manufacturing an assembly () consisting of a connector () and a multicore cable () that comprises a shielding braid () that surrounds the conductors, and an outer sheath (), said connector comprising a conductive rear portion to which the braid () is joined, said method consisting of jointing the conductors to the connector (); folding back a portion of the braid (); moulding a first material around the conductors; unfolding the shielding braid over the region moulded with the first material to bring the braid into electrical contact with the connector (); clamping the braid around the connector, with a collar (); moulding a second material () to constitute an outer envelope () of the assembly () that surrounds at least the shielding braid () from its front end () to a front portion () of the outer sheath () of the multicore cable surrounding the shielding braid (). 1. A method for manufacturing an assembly consisting of a connector and a multicore cable that comprises:a multicore cable comprising conductors including at least one electrical conductor, a peripheral metallic shielding braid that surrounds the conductors, and an outer protective sheath;a connector to which the front ends of the conductors of the multicore cable are connected,the connector comprising a conductive rear portion to which the free front end section of the shielding braid is connected electrically,wherein the method comprises:jointing the front free ends of the conductors to the connector;folding back a front portion of the shielding braid;moulding a first material at least around the conductors, in a region not surrounded by the folded-back shielding braid;unfolding said front portion of the shielding braid over said region to bring a front section of the shielding braid into electrical contact with the conductive rear portion of the connector;clamping the front section of the shielding braid radially around the conductive rear portion of the connector; ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Power busbar connection tool

Номер: US20200028310A1
Автор: Zhu Gong

The invention relates to an electric device, especially to a power busbar connection tool, said tool comprises an hydraulic cylinder drive unit and an electric control unit, a stationary portion removably connected to a busbar, a movable portion removably connected to a busbar and a loading portion for clamping connecting rods. Said movable portion is movably connected to a first and second stationary shaft of said stationary portion, said movable portion is fixedly connected to said hydraulic cylinder drive unit by a movable shaft, said movable shaft is driven to slide axially with respect to said first and second stationary shaft by said hydraulic cylinder drive unit, said loading portion is movably connected to said second stationary shaft and slides between a body of said stationary portion and a body of said movable portion, said loading portion rotates around said second stationary shaft. It is achieved that a plurality of connecting rods are simultaneously mounted to busbars and that two busbars are connected in a form of butt-and-butt connecting. 11521. A power busbar connection tool , said tool comprising an hydraulic cylinder drive unit () and an electric control unit () connected with an electrical power input; characterized in that{'b': 1', '2', '3, 'said tool further comprising a stationary portion () removably connected to a busbar, a movable portion () removably connected to a busbar and a loading portion () for clamping connecting rods;'}{'b': 2', '11', '12', '1', '2', '15', '1', '13', '13', '11', '12', '15', '3', '12', '1', '1', '2', '3', '12, 'said movable portion () being movably connected to a first and second stationary shaft (,) of said stationary portion (), said movable portion () being fixedly connected to said hydraulic cylinder drive unit () of said stationary portion () by a movable shaft (), said movable shaft () being driven to slide axially with respect to said first and second stationary shaft (,) by said hydraulic cylinder drive unit ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Junction Box for Snap Together Electrical Connections to Photovoltaic Panels

Номер: US20150038011A1

A junction box adapted to provide an electrical connection to an electrical wire attached to a photovoltaic panel. The junction box has a lower portion which has an entry slot to allow entry of the wire into the junction box and a raised protrusion over which the wire is bent and formed to be substantially in the same shape as the raised protrusion. The junction box also has a clamp adapted to be attachable to said lower portion, whereby the clamp holds the wire in place for providing the electrical connection. The wire is preferably bus ribbon. The lower portion preferably has an elastic polymeric element disposed between the raised portion and the wire. The raised protrusion may have an elastic polymeric element. 120-. (canceled)21. An apparatus comprising:a lower junction box assembly comprising a wall forming an mounting interface to a back side of a solar panel, the wall comprising a slot adapted to allow entry of ribbon wire existing a hole in the back side of the solar panel, the lower junction box assembly further comprising a raised protrusion over which the ribbon wire is bent and formed to be substantially in the same shape as the raised protrusion.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the raised protrusion comprises an elastic polymeric element.23. The apparatus of claim 21 , comprising a retainer clip connected to the lower junction box assembly and adapted to retain an upper junction box assembly in contact with the lower junction box assembly.24. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the lower junction box assembly comprises a cable gland.25. The apparatus of claim 21 , further comprising:the solar panel, wherein the lower junction box assembly is mounted to the back side of the solar panel.26. The apparatus of claim 25 , further comprising a clamp claim 25 , that when attached to the lower junction box assembly claim 25 , holds the ribbon wire in place over the protrusion.27. The apparatus of claim 25 , wherein the lower junction box assembly further ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Weight Reduced Swage Parallel Groove Clamp

Номер: US20190044255A1
Автор: Turner Kelvin

Provided is a parallel groove clamp with a body; at least one tap configured to engage with a cable; and at least one indentation provided on outermost surface of the body. 16-. (canceled)7. A method for installing a clamp , the method comprising:inserting at least one cable into at least one tap of the clamp, the clamp having a pre-installation size and including a body, the at least one tap defined in the body, and at least one indentation defined in an outermost surface of the body;providing the clamp into a radial swage press apparatus, the radial swage press apparatus comprising a yoke, a die block, and a die disposed between the yoke and the die block;crimping the clamp with the radial swage press apparatus such that the resulting crimped clamp has an installation size which is less than the pre-installation size and includes the body, the at least one tap, and the at least one indentation.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the at least one tap is a plurality of taps.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the plurality of taps is two parallel taps.10. The method of claim 7 , wherein the indentation is a plurality of indentations.11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the plurality of indentations is two opposing indentations.12. The method of claim 7 , wherein the indentation has a concave shape.13. The method of claim 7 , wherein after crimping the at least one cable is held tightly within the at least one tap such that there is no gap between the at least one cable and the at least one tap.14. The method of claim 7 , wherein the die has a circular shape.15. The method of claim 7 , wherein the radial swage press apparatus further comprises at least one die insert claim 7 , the at least one die insert having an inner surface which corresponds to a shape of the at least one indentation.16. The method of claim 7 , wherein the at least one die insert is a plurality of die inserts.17. The method of claim 7 , wherein the clamp is formed from one or copper or aluminum.18. ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Connector Visual Inspection Apparatus

Номер: US20220069484A1

A connector visual inspection apparatus comprises a rotatable clamp for clamping a connector to be inspected. A first camera of the apparatus is arranged on one side of the clamp for capturing an end face image of the clamped connector along an axial direction of the connector. A computing device calculates an angular difference between an initial loading orientation and a predetermined orientation of the clamped connector according to the captured end face image. A drive device rotates the clamp around an axis that coincides with a central axis of the clamped connector by the calculated angular difference and into the predetermined orientation. 1. A connector visual inspection apparatus , comprising:a rotatable clamp for clamping a connector to be inspected;a first camera arranged at one side of the clamp for capturing an end face image of the clamped connector along an axial direction of the connector;a computing device calculating an angular difference between an initial loading orientation and a predetermined orientation of the clamped connector according to the captured end face image; anda drive device rotating the clamp around an axis that coincides with a central axis of the clamped connector by the calculated angular difference and into the predetermined orientation.2. The connector visual inspection apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a second camera for capturing a circumferential face image of the connector held in the predetermined orientation along a radial direction.3. The connector visual inspection apparatus according to claim 2 , further comprising a quality judgment device determining whether the connector is of a predetermined sufficient quality according to the captured circumferential face image.4. The connector visual inspection apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the quality judgment device determines whether the connector is of predetermined sufficient quality according to the captured circumferential face image and the ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Electrical plug-in connection with knee lever actuation in order to clamp the wire end with the busbar

Номер: US20160056548A1
Автор: Andreas Wendt
Принадлежит: Phoenix Contact GmbH and Co KG

A connecting terminal includes a receiving body, a damping element configured to damp a conductor inserted into the connecting terminal against a busbar arranged in the connecting terminal, a first lever arm rotatably mounted on the clamping element, and a second lever arm rotatably mounted on the first lever arm. The second lever arm has an actuation region by way of which the second lever arm can be pivoted. The clamping element can be moved by the first lever arm into a damping position and into a non-damping position when the second lever arm is pivoted.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Screwless three piece vertical electronic device

Номер: US20170064842A1
Принадлежит: Thomson Licensing SAS

An electronic device and methods for assembling and disassembling the same are provided. The electronic device has a vertical orientation and has an outer casing that includes a case bottom piece, a case top front piece and a case top back piece. The electronic device further comprises a screwless engagement structure for attaching the case top front piece to the case top back piece to form a top structure. The electronic device also comprises a plurality of screwless clip and spring mechanisms for attaching the top structure to the case bottom piece.

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140148062A1

A retainer is provided to retain an electrically conductive terminal within a receptacle. The retainer has a longitudinal body sized to be received by the receptacle and engage the terminal to retain the terminal within the receptacle. The body has an aperture formed therethrough sized to receive a pin through the aperture to contact the terminal. A shoulder extends transversely from the body to engage a distal end of the receptacle and position the body relative to the receptacle. A fastener extends longitudinally from the shoulder and is spaced apart from the body to fasten the retainer to the receptacle. A receptacle assembly is provided with a barb formed externally on a body. An electrically conductive terminal is received within the receptacle assembly. A retainer is provided on an opening of the receptacle to retain the terminal therein in engagement with the barb to fasten the retainer to the body. 1. A retainer to retain an electrically conductive terminal within a receptacle , the retainer comprising:a longitudinal body sized to be received by the receptacle and engage the terminal to retain the terminal within the receptacle, the body having an aperture formed therethrough sized to receive a pin through the aperture to contact the terminal;a shoulder extending transversely from the body to engage a distal end of the receptacle and to position the body relative to the receptacle; anda fastener extending longitudinally from the shoulder and spaced apart from the body to fasten the retainer to the receptacle.2. The retainer of wherein the fastener is generally cylindrical.3. The retainer of wherein the fastener has a length that is greater than a length of the body.4. The retainer of wherein the fastener comprises a radial array of fasteners.5. The retainer of wherein the radial array of fasteners are spaced apa apart angularly.6. The retainer of wherein the fastener comprises an abutment surface to engage a corresponding abutment surface of the receptacle.7 ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170069976A1
Автор: HERRON Lee Scott

A temporary grounding assembly is provided that includes a ground clamp, a tensioning member, a tensioner device, a first conductor, and a ground rod. The ground clamp has a main body with a plurality of teeth that are configured to make electrical connection with an outer diameter of a pipe. The tensioning member is secured to one end of the ground clamp. The tensioner device is securable to the tensioning member and to an opposite end of the ground clamp. The first conductor is in electrical connection with the ground clamp. The ground rod is in electrical connection with the first conductor. 1. A temporary grounding assembly , comprising:a ground clamp having a main body with a plurality of teeth that are configured to make electrical connection with an outer diameter of a pipe;a tensioning member secured to one end of the ground clamp;a tensioner device securable to the tensioning member and to an opposite end of the ground clamp;a first conductor in electrical connection with the ground clamp; anda ground rod in electrical connection with the first conductor.2. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a grounding mat and a second conductor claim 1 , wherein the first electrical conductor is in electrical connection with the ground rod through the grounding mat and the second conductor.3. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth define a contact surface that has a diameter that conforms to the outer diameter of a single pipe.4. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth define at least two contact surfaces that each match an outer diameter of a different sized pipe.5. The temporary grounding assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of teeth are disposed on the main body so that a leading edge of the teeth have an orientation selected from the group consisting of facing away from one another claim 1 , facing towards one another claim 1 , perpendicular to a radius of ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150090489A1

A cable clamp is configured to fix an electric cable including an electric wire section and an outer layer section covering the electric wire section to a fixed member. The cable clamp includes a first cylindrical portion for the electric wire section to be inserted therein, and a second cylindrical portion formed around outside the first cylindrical portion to surround the first cylindrical portion. The second cylindrical portion includes a receiving portion formed between it and the first cylindrical portion to receive the outer layer section. The second cylindrical portion is swaged with the electric wire section inserted in the first cylindrical portion and with the outer layer section received in the receiving portion, so that the outer layer section is gripped by the first cylindrical portion and the second cylindrical portion. 1. A cable clamp , which is configured to fix an electric cable including an electric wire section and an outer layer section covering the electric wire section to a fixed member , the cable clamp comprising:a first cylindrical portion for the electric wire section to be inserted therein; anda second cylindrical portion formed around outside the first cylindrical portion to surround the first cylindrical portion, the second cylindrical portion including a receiving portion formed between it and the first cylindrical portion to receive the outer layer section,wherein the second cylindrical portion is swaged with the electric wire section inserted in the first cylindrical portion and with the outer layer section received in the receiving portion, so that the outer layer section is gripped by the first cylindrical portion and the second cylindrical portion.2. The cable clamp according to claim 1 , further comprising:an interlocking portion, which interlocks the first cylindrical portion and the second cylindrical portion together, and which is configured to be connected to the fixed member to thereby fix the cable to the fixed member.3. ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140179175A1

An asymmetrical contact terminal includes a root portion and at least one first branch and at least one second branch which are spaced apart. The first branch has a first arm portion and a first tip, and the second branch also has a second arm portion and a second tip. The first branch further has a protrusion selectively connects the second arm portion for deforming the force distribution and enhancing the engagement between the contact terminal and an associated housing. The instant disclosure also discloses a fabrication method for making the same. 1. An asymmetrical contact terminal comprising: a first branch having a first arm portion and a first tip, the first arm portion having a protrusion extending therefrom; and', 'a second branch having a second arm portion and a second tip;', 'wherein the first and second branches extend abreast and are spaced apart from each other., 'a root portion, and extending therefrom at least2. The asymmetrical contact terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the protrusion extends slantingly toward the second arm portion and connects thereto.3. The asymmetrical contact terminal according to claim 2 , wherein the protrusion further expands toward the root portion.4. The asymmetrical contact terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the protrusion extends toward the second arm portion yet joints with the root portion solely.5. The asymmetrical contact terminal according to claim 1 , wherein the protrusion points away from the second arm portion and joints with the root portion.6. A fabrication method for an asymmetrical contact terminal claim 1 , comprising:providing a contact terminal including a root portion;forming at least one first branch and at least one second branch which are spaced apart and stretching from the root portion, wherein the first branch includes a first arm portion and a first tip and the second branch includes a second arm portion and a second tip; andforming a protrusion that extends from the first arm portion. ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210098900A1
Автор: NAEMURA Ryo
Принадлежит: J.S.T. Mfg. Co., Ltd.

A connector includes multiple first terminals, multiple second terminals, and a housing that holds the terminals. The first terminals are arranged side-by-side in a width direction of the housing, and the second terminals are also arranged side-by-side in the width direction. In the housing, the first terminals are arranged side-by-side with the second terminals in a front-rear direction that is perpendicular to the width direction. In a state where first electrical wires are connected to the first terminals and second electrical wires are connected to the second terminals, the first electrical wires are drawn out to one side in the front-rear direction of the housing, and the second electrical wires are drawn out to the other side in the front-rear direction of the housing. 1. A connector comprising:a plurality of first terminals;a plurality of second terminals; anda housing configured to hold the first terminals and the second terminals,wherein the first terminals are arranged side-by-side along a width direction of the housing, and the second terminals are arranged side-by-side along the width direction of the housing,in the housing, the first terminals, which are arranged side-by-side along the width direction, are arranged side-by-side with the second terminals, which are arranged side-by-side along the width direction, along a front-rear direction that is perpendicular to the width direction of the housing, andin a state where first electrical wires are respectively connected to the first terminals and second electrical wires are respectively connected to the second terminals, the first electrical wires connected to the first terminals are drawn out from the first terminals to one side in the front-rear direction of the housing, and the second electrical wires connected to the second terminals are drawn out from the second terminals to another side in the front-rear direction of the housing.2. The connector according to claim 1 , a first support portion that ...

14-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160103147A1
Автор: Vich Gaetan

An automotive component assembly comprises an input circuit portion for a sensor and a component portion. The input circuit portion is aligned with the component portion in a desired assembly position. A pocket is at least partially defined by the component portion to receive the input circuit portion and a clamping force retains the input circuit portion between a first layer and a second layer of the component portion forming the pocket. An overmold material is applied to retain the input circuit portion and the component portion to one another. 1. A component assembly comprising:a input circuit portion for an electronic component;a component portion, wherein the input circuit portion is aligned with the component portion in a desired assembly position;a pocket at least partially defined by the component portion to receive the input circuit portion; andwherein a clamping force retains the input circuit portion between a first layer and a second layer of the component portion forming the pocket2. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein the component portion is a leadframe.3. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein the input circuit portion is an engine speed sensor.4. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein contact points on at least one of the first layer and the second layer are aligned with first and second terminals on the input circuit portion.5. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein a fold in the automotive component at least partially defines the pocket.6. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least the first layer is deformed at the contact points by the clamping force to increase electrical contact between the input circuit portion and the component portion.7. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second layer extends in a curved manner away from the first layer to received the input circuit portion therebetween.8. The component assembly of claim 1 , wherein an overmold material retains the input circuit portion and the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150107875A1

A cable splice includes a casing, a guide, and a pilot cup. The casing has a first opening and an interior cavity. The guide includes a receiving end and a shaft extending at least partially into the interior cavity. The pilot cup is integrally formed with the guide and frangibly connected to the shaft. The cable splice may also include a clamp positioned in the interior cavity and moveable between a loading position and a terminated position. A biasing member urges the clamp into the terminated position. During movement of the clamp from the loading position to the terminated position, the clamp contacts the guide causing at least a portion of the shaft to exit the interior cavity. The guide may also include a rib and a slot allowing the guide to fit in casings having different sized interior cavities. 1. A cable splice , comprising:a casing having an opening and an interior cavity;a clamp positioned in said interior cavity and moveable between a loading position and a terminated position;a biasing member biasing said clamp into the terminated position;a guide comprising a receiving end and a shaft extending at least partially into said interior cavity; anda pilot cup integrally connected to said guide and frangibly connected to said shaft and holding said clamp in the loading position against a force of said biasing member.2. The cable splice of claim 1 ,wherein said frangible connection comprises a series of openings formed between said pilot cup and said shaft.3. The cable splice of claim 1 ,wherein said pilot cup is initially placed in said clamp to maintain said clamp in the loading position.4. The cable splice of claim 3 ,wherein said pilot cup is detachable from said guide and moveable past said clamp to allow said clamp to transition from the loading position to the terminated position.5. The cable splice of claim 4 ,wherein during movement of said clamp from the loading position to the terminated position, said clamp contacts said guide causing at least a ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220271459A1
Автор: Wittmann Rolf

A contact element for inserting a mating contact element along an insertion direction. The contact element includes an insertion opening for inserting the mating contact element and at least one contact lamella for electrically contacting the mating contact element, and a clamping sleeve that is displaceable along the insertion direction, relative to the at least one contact lamella, between a first position and a second position. The clamping sleeve and the contact lamella are in an operational relationship with one another such that when the clamping sleeve moves from the first position into the second position, the contact lamella is moved in a radial direction perpendicular to the insertion direction. The clamping sleeve includes a run-up element, which in a projection along the insertion direction through the insertion opening at least partially covers the insertion opening. 112-. (canceled)13. A contact element for inserting a mating contact element along an insertion direction , the contact element comprising:an insertion opening for inserting the mating contact element;at least one contact lamella configured to electrically contact the mating contact element; anda clamping sleeve that is displaceable, along the insertion direction, relative to the at least one contact lamella, between a first position and a second position, the clamping sleeve and the at least one contact lamella being in an operational relationship with one another in such a way that when the clamping sleeve moves from the first position into the second position, the at least one contact lamella is moved in a radial direction perpendicular to the insertion direction, particular radially inwardly, the clamping sleeve including a run-up element, which in a projection along the insertion direction through the insertion opening, at least partially covers the insertion opening, so that upon insertion of the mating contact element into the contact element, the mating contact element strikes the ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160134029A1

A wire terminal connector is provided that includes a clamping portion that encircles a conductor exposed at an end of an electric wire in a clamping manner. The clamping portion also has a plurality of recesses that are formed on a portion thereof in contact with the conductor. In addition, the wire terminal connector includes a grip portion that encircles a sheath of the electric wire. 1. A wire terminal connector , comprising:a clamping portion that encircles a conductor exposed at an end of an electric wire in a clamping manner and includes a plurality of recesses formed on a portion thereof in contact with the conductor; anda grip portion that encircles a sheath of the electric wire.2. The wire terminal connector according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of recesses include vertical recesses formed to extend in a direction perpendicular to a direction in which the electric wire extends.3. The wire terminal connector according to claim 2 , wherein the plurality of recesses include intersecting recesses formed to intersect the vertical recesses.4. The wire terminal connector according to claim 3 , wherein the intersecting recesses include first intersecting recesses that intersect the vertical recesses at about 75 degrees.5. The wire terminal connector according to claim 4 , wherein the intersecting recesses include a second intersecting recess that intersect the vertical recesses at about 90 degrees.6. The wire terminal connector according to claim 5 , wherein the first intersecting recesses are formed on left and right sides with the second intersecting recess interposed therebetween.7. The wire terminal connector according to claim 6 , wherein the first intersecting recesses and the vertical recesses are connected to form one side of a trapezoid shape.8. The wire terminal connector according to claim 4 , wherein the clamping portion includes:an outer side wall portion that forms each vertical recess and is provided as a side wall in a direction of an end ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Device for attaching and contacting an electrical component and method for manufacturing the device

Номер: US20160141769A1

A device for attaching and contacting an electrical component, e.g., a sensor device, includes: at least two contact points which are electrically contactable via associated busbars, a contact point of the component being connected to the associated busbar via a respective connecting element, which at its respective free first end forms a mounting for the component and establishes the electrical connection to the contact point of the component in the mounting, and which at its respective second end is held on the busbar and is electrically connected thereto. 1. A device for attaching and contacting an electrical component having at least two contact surfaces which are electrically contactable via associated busbars , the device comprising:at least one connecting element connecting a contact point of the electrical component to an associated busbar, wherein the at least one connecting element has (i) a free first end which forms a mounting for the electrical component and establishes an electrical connection to the contact point of the electrical component in the mounting, and (ii) a second end which is held on the busbar and is electrically connected to the busbar.2. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the mounting at the free first end of the connecting element has at least one of a clamp-like claim 1 , fork-like claim 1 , and bracket-like configuration.3. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the electrical connection between the electrical component and the connecting element is established by a clamping contact within the mounting.4. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein at least two connecting elements are provided claim 1 , and wherein the electrical component is surrounded by a metal cage open at the end face claim 1 , the metal cage being formed by mountings of the at least two connecting elements.5. The device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one connecting element has a multi-piece design made up of multiple elements.6. The ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140227904A1
Принадлежит: Florida Power & Light Company

In accordance with one embodiment, an adapter for connecting a network device is provided. The adapter includes adapter housing. The adapter housing further includes a base and a wall, such that the wall extends axially from the base. The base of the adapter housing also includes an inner surface and an outer surface. The adapter includes a plurality of socket openings that extend across the base between the inner surface and the outer surface. The plurality of socket openings extend axially, the socket openings continue across the inner surface of the base through the first end of the rim and the second end of the rim. In one embodiment, the adapter includes a bypass circuit. The bypass circuit allows a network device to get power from a line side of a power meter and the consumer to get power from the load side of the power meter. 1. An adapter for connecting a power meter , the adapter comprising:an adapter housing having a base and a wall extending axially from the base;the base having an inner surface and an outer surface;the base having a plurality of socket openings extending across the base between the inner surface and the outer surface;the inner surface of the base having a plurality fortifying rims having a first end and a second end;the plurality of socket openings extending axially from the inner surface of the base, the first end of the rim and the second end of the rim; anda jaw blade pair configured to be securely insertable per each socket opening, where the jaw blade pair extends from the outer surface of the base and protrudes from the second end of the rim.2. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the wall has a first wall surface and a second wall surface;the first wall surface comprising a first recess and a second recess; andthe first recess securely fastens a first grounding plate and the second recess securely fastens a second grounding plate.3. The adapter of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the grounding plates provides a mechanism for ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Connection Element for Mechanical And Electrical Connection To A Contact Element Of An Electrical Storage Cell

Номер: US20190148703A1
Принадлежит: TE Connectivity Germany GmbH

A connection element for mechanical and electrical connection to a contact element of an electrical storage cell comprises a contact receptacle and a clamping device. The contact receptacle is open in a set-on direction and receives a portion of the contact element. The clamping device extends into the contact receptacle in a press-on position of the clamping device. The clamping device is formed from a shape memory alloy transferable by a phase transformation into the press-on position. 1. A connection element for mechanical and electrical connection to a contact element of an electrical storage cell , comprising:a contact receptacle open in a set-on direction and receiving a portion of the contact element; anda clamping device that extends into the contact receptacle in a press-on position of the clamping device, the clamping device is formed from a shape memory alloy transferable by a phase transformation into the press-on position.2. The connection element of claim 1 , wherein the contact element is a contact tab and the electrical storage cell is a pouch cell.3. The connection element of claim 1 , wherein the clamping device is transferable by the phase transformation from a set-on position into the press-on position claim 1 , the clamping device is arranged outside of the contact receptacle in the set-on position.4. The connection element of claim 3 , further comprising a pair of clamping jaws claim 3 , the contact receptacle is disposed between the pair of clamping jaws.5. The connection element of claim 4 , wherein the clamping device is arranged at one of the pair of clamping jaws.6. The connection element of claim 5 , wherein the clamping device is arranged in a plane of the one of the clamping jaws in the set-on position.7. The connection element of claim 5 , further comprising a pair of clamping devices claim 5 , each of the clamping devices is arranged at one of the pair of clamping jaws.8. The connection element of claim 7 , wherein the pair of ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160164228A1
Автор: Rushing TC

A ground clamp adapter for grounding electrical wire. The ground clamp adapter comprises a first section. The first section comprises a body having a platform extending laterally from the body. The platform having a lateral recess and a transverse recess orthogonally integrally formed in the platform. At least one bracket is adjustably coupled to the platform proximate one of the lateral recess and the transverse recess. The bracket and one of the lateral recess and the transverse recess are configured to clamp a grounding wire. A second section has a coupling portion configured to adjustably couple with the first section. The second section is configured to clamp onto a pipe shaped object to conduct electricity to ground. 1. A ground clamp adapter comprising:a first section, said first section comprising a body having a platform extending laterally from said body;said platform having a lateral recess and a transverse recess orthogonally integrally formed in said platform, said lateral recess and said transverse recess configured to receive a wire;at least one bracket adjustably coupled to said platform proximate one of said lateral recess and said transverse recess, said at least one bracket configured to secure said wire in one of said lateral recess and said transverse recess;a second section, said second section having a coupling portion configured to adjustably couple with said first section, said second section configured to clamp onto a pipe shaped object.2. The ground clamp of claim 1 , wherein said lateral recess and said at least one bracket form a lateral retainer configured to secure said wire for electrical grounding.3. The ground clamp of claim 1 , wherein said transverse recess and said at least one bracket form a transverse retainer configured to secure said wire for electrical grounding.4. The ground clamp of claim 1 , wherein first section and said second section are configured to conduct electricity to ground.5. The ground clamp of claim 1 , ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Connection Device

Номер: US20210194156A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics France SAS

A connection device electrically connects a textile to an electrical contact of a connector. The connection device is received in an insertion direction in the connector. The connection device includes a body and an attachment device. The body has a first end and a second end opposite the first end in the insertion direction. The body has a first surface extending between the first end and the second end and a second surface opposite to the first surface. The body has a portion at the first end extending essentially transversely from the first surface, the portion having an aperture into which the textile is inserted. The attachment device for the textile is connected to the second surface at the first end. 1. A connection device for electrically connecting a textile to an electrical contact of a connector , the connection device received in an insertion direction in the connector , comprising:a body having a first end and a second end opposite the first end in the insertion direction, the body having a first surface extending between the first end and the second end, and a second surface opposite to the first surface, the body having a portion at the first end extending essentially transversely from the first surface, the portion having an aperture into which the textile is inserted; andan attachment device for the textile connected to the second surface at the first end.2. The connection device of claim 1 , wherein the attachment device has a tongue extending essentially transversely from a surface of the attachment device.3. The connection device of claim 2 , wherein the tongue bears against the textile.4. The connection device of claim 3 , wherein the second surface of the body has a groove at the first end.5. The connection device of claim 4 , wherein the groove has a shape complementary to the tongue.6. The connection device of claim 1 , wherein the attachment device is a hinge pivotally connected to the body.7. The connection device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160190743A1

An apparatus for providing a temporary electrical grounding connection is described. The apparatus comprises a cable electrically joining first and second conductive couplings, the first and second conductive couplings each electrically coupled to a conductive surface using a clamp, magnetic component, or other connection component. A conductive coupling may be connected to the magnetic component using a clamp connected to a stub extending from the magnetic component, and there may be multiple clamps or magnetic components used in different combinations or series to provide an electrical bypass between two or more conductive surfaces. 1. An apparatus for providing a temporary electrical grounding connection , the apparatus comprising:an electrically conductive cable having first and second ends;a first conductive coupling electrically coupled to the first end of the cable and to a first magnetic component, the first magnetic component detachably coupled to the first conductive coupling and configured to be electrically and magnetically coupled to a first conductive surface; anda second conductive coupling electrically coupled to the second end of the cable, the second conductive coupling configured to be electrically coupled to a second conductive surface.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the second conductive coupling further comprises a clamp configured to engage a pipe.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the clamp further comprises a C-type clamp.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the first magnetic component is shaped to conform to a surface of a pipe.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first conductive coupling further comprises a clamp configured to secure the first conductive coupling to the first magnetic component at a conductive mount affixed to the magnetic component.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the conductive mount extends from a first location on the first magnetic component claim 5 , and wherein the first ...

07-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160197413A1
Автор: Turner Kelvin

Provided is a parallel groove clamp with a body; at least one tap configured to engage with a cable; and at least one indentation provided on outermost surface of the body. 1. A parallel groove clamp comprisinga body;at least one tap configured to engage with a cable; andat least one indentation provided on an outermost surface of the body.2. The parallel groove clamp according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one indentation is provided along an entire axial length of the body.3. The parallel groove clamp according to claim 1 , wherein the least one indentation comprises a concave shape.4. The parallel groove clamp according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one tap is provided inside the body.5. A radial swage press apparatus comprising:an apparatus body;a yoke provided on the apparatus body;a die block provided on the apparatus body;a die provided between the yoke and die block; anda die insert provided between at least one of the yoke and die block and a parallel groove clamp inserted into the apparatus,wherein an innermost surface of the die insert corresponds to a shape of an indentation of the parallel groove clamp inserted into the apparatus.6. The radial swage press apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the indentation comprises a concave shape. This application is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/891,740, filed Oct. 16, 2013, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.1. Field of the InventionApparatuses and methods consistent with exemplary embodiments relate to a swage parallel groove clamp, and more particularly, to a swage parallel groove clamp including an external channel/indentation for overall weight reduction.2. BackgroundIn the related art, a pre-press clamp with a cylindrical cross-sectional shape with two holes in the center is typically used as a parallel groove (PG) clamp. After two cables are inserted into the respective holes of the clamp, a radial ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160206891A1

An operating room cable assembly for electrically coupling at least one implantable electrical stimulation lead to a trial stimulator includes an elongated body; a trial stimulator connector disposed at one end of the elongated body; and a lead connector disposed at another end of the elongated body. The lead connector can include one or more buttons that can be pushed to load a lead into the lead connector and released to retain the lead. Alternatively, the lead connector can include a lever that can be operated to load the lead. A further alternative is a slider with a lead engagement element that can be slid between positions allowing loading of a lead and engagement of the lead. Other alternatives include a lead connector with doors that can swing open to allow loading of a lead or a collet/sleeve that can be tightened on the lead. 1. An operating room cable assembly for electrically coupling at least on electrical stimulation lead to a trial stimulator , the operating room cable assembly comprising:an elongated body having a first end portion and an opposing second end portion;a trial stimulator connector disposed along the second end portion of the elongated body; and a connector body,', 'at least one lead channel defined within the connector body and configured and arranged to receive a portion of the at least one electrical stimulation lead or lead extension,', 'at least one button, each button defining at least one button lead channel configured and arranged to receive a portion of the at least one electrical stimulation lead or lead extension,', 'at least one spring disposed within the connector body and biasing the at least one button outwards from the connector body, wherein the at least one spring biases the at least one button so that the at least one button lead channel is misaligned with the at least one lead channel and so that the at least one button can be pushed to align at least one of the at least one button lead channel with one of the at ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Connector For Magnetic Coil

Номер: US20170207550A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics AMP Italia S.R.L.

A connector for connecting to a magnetic coil wound onto a support is disclosed. The connector comprises a first resilient body formed of a conductive material and having a plurality of cutters disposed on a plurality of inner walls of the first resilient body. The first resilient body is inserted onto the support and held in an open position during insertion. The first resilient body is biased into a closed position. In the closed position, the plurality of cutters cut an insulating layer on the magnetic coil and the first resilient body retains the magnetic coil on the support while electrically connecting the magnetic coil and the support. 1. A connector for connecting to a magnetic coil wound onto a support , comprising:a first resilient body formed of a conductive material and having a plurality of cutters disposed on a plurality of inner walls of the first resilient body, the first resilient body inserted onto the support and held in an open position during insertion, the first resilient body biased into a closed position in which the plurality of cutters cut an insulating layer on the magnetic coil and the first resilient body retains the magnetic coil on the support while electrically connecting the magnetic coil and the support.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first resilient body has upper portions contacting the support and preventing the first resilient body from moving into the closed position during insertion.3. The connector of claim 1 , further comprising a tool holding the first resilient body in the open position.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of cutters do not contact the magnetic coil in the open position of the first resilient body.5. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first resilient body is formed by stamping and forming a plate of sheet metal.6. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the first resilient body is substantially U-shaped.7. The connector of claim 6 , wherein the first resilient body has a first ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160218447A1

A cable lug device includes a cable lug body and a cable receptacle provided thereon to attach a connecting cable, and a current bar which is provided on the cable lug body for insertion into a receptacle of a connecting terminal, where it serves as a current bar for contacting a conductor. 1. A cable lug device , comprising:a cable lug body and a cable receptacle provided thereon for attaching configured to attach a connecting cable; anda current bar provided on the cable lug body and configured to be inserted into a receptacle of a connecting terminal.2. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the current bar is integral with the cable lug body.3. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the cable receptacle comprises a tubular connection portion and is formed as a crimp connection.4. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the current bar comprises at least one folded longitudinal portion.5. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein at least one transverse groove is provided in the current bar.6. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein a clamping groove configured to mould in a conductor is provided in the current bar.7. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the current bar comprises an insertion aid on an insertion side thereof claim 1 , which aid encloses an insertion radius.8. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the current bar comprises a receiving groove for an anti-penetration unit.9. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the cable lug body comprises at least one laterally protruding guide nose.10. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein the current bar is at least twice as long as the cable receptacle and is wider and flatter than the cable receptacle.11. The cable lug device of claim 1 , wherein at least one fixing unit is provided on a bottom side of the cable lug body and on a bottom side of the current bar to fix the current bar to the connecting terminal.12. A connecting terminal claim 1 , comprising:a conductor receptacle;at ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140322995A1

An electrical terminal for automotive vehicle connectors comprising a cage extending in a terminal insertion direction between a front opening and a tail. A locking lance extends longitudinally substantially in the insertion direction above the top wall from a joint to a free end. The locking lance is astride an intermediate bar which extends substantially along the insertion direction from a front portion to a rear portion respectively linked to the front end and the rear end of the cage. 1. A terminal for automotive vehicle connectors , comprising:a terminal body made of a folded and stamped sheet of metal, the terminal body extending longitudinally along an insertion direction between a front end and a rear end, with a locking lance extending longitudinally along the insertion direction from a joint connected to the terminal body, in a vicinity of the front end, to a free end, wherein the locking lance is astride an intermediate bar which extends substantially along the insertion direction from a front portion to a rear portion respectively linked to the front end and the rear end of the terminal body.2. The terminal according to claim 1 , comprising a coding ridge made of a metal sheet folded in threefold thickness.3. The terminal according to claim 2 , wherein the coding ridge has a front part with a top wall and two lateral walls claim 2 , the two lateral walls sandwiching the front portion of the intermediate bar claim 2 , at least one of the two lateral walls comprising an opening located in front of the locking lance with regard to the insertion direction.4. The terminal according to claim 2 , wherein the coding ridge has a rear part with a top wall and two lateral walls claim 2 , the two lateral walls sandwiching the rear portion of the intermediate bar.5. The terminal according to claim 3 , comprising a slanted edge between the front end of the terminal body and the front part of the coding ridge.6. The terminal according to claim 2 , comprising an upper ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200220280A1
Автор: VantZelfde Dwayne

Various implementations include a method of connecting wire to conductive fabric. The method includes (1) providing a conductive fabric having a main portion and a protrusion extending along a protrusion central axis from the main portion, the protrusion having a distal edge spaced apart from the main portion along the central axis and side edges that extend between the main portion and the distal edge; (2) placing a wire along at least a portion of the protrusion, the wire having a first end and a second end opposite the first end; (3) folding the distal edge of the protrusion over the wire one or more times to form a folded portion of the protrusion; and (4) after folding the distal edge, securing the folded portion of the protrusion with a securing device. 1. A method of connecting wire to conductive fabric , the method comprising:providing a conductive fabric having a main portion and a protrusion extending along a protrusion central axis from the main portion, the protrusion having a distal edge spaced apart from the main portion along the protrusion central axis and side edges that extend between the main portion and the distal edge;placing a wire along at least a portion of the protrusion, the wire having a first end and a second end opposite the first end;folding the distal edge of the protrusion over the wire one or more times to form a folded portion of the protrusion; andafter folding the distal edge, securing the folded portion of the protrusion with a securing device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the securing device is one of a tie claim 1 , a heat shrink material claim 1 , or both.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the wire is placed along at least a portion of the protrusion such that a first end of the wire is adjacent the distal edge of the protrusion.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising rotating the folded portion of the protrusion 90° after folding the distal edge.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , after placing ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160240964A1
Автор: Clark Michael

A grounding assembly for sunken placement in a surface includes a housing for sunken placement in a surface. A top plate covers the interior space of the housing. The top plate defines an opening, and a hinging access panel when closed prevents access to the interior space of the housing by covering the opening. At least one grounded cable stored within the interior space of the housing can be deployed through the opening of the top plate. A strut spans the opening of the top plate and supports the access panel when in the closed configuration. An electrical contact such as a clamp is connected to a free end of the grounded cable for grounding an aircraft or other vehicle or equipment. 1. A grounding assembly for sunken placement in a surface , the grounding assembly comprising:a housing for sunken placement in a surface, the housing defining an interior space;a top plate covering the interior space of the housing, the top plate defining an opening;an access panel having a closed configuration, in which the access panel covers the opening of the top plate to prevent access to the interior space of the housing, and at least one open configuration, in which the access panel does not cover the opening of the top plate to permit access to the interior space of the housing; andat least one grounded cable at least partially within the interior space of the housing and configured to be deployed through the opening of the top plate.2. A grounding assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a strut spanning the opening of the top plate and supporting the access panel when the access panel is in the closed configuration.3. A grounding assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a bottom floor and four planar vertical side-wall sections.4. For example claim 1 , in at least one embodiment claim 1 , further comprising a strut having longitudinal ends connected to respective side-wall sections.5. A grounding assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180233833A1

An electrical cable splice includes a housing having a channel configured to hold a first signal conductor of a first electrical cable therein. The channel is configured to hold a second signal conductor of a second electrical cable therein in electrical engagement with the first signal conductor such that the first and second signal conductors are electrically interconnected. The second electrical cable has a greater diameter than the first electrical cable. A ground shield external to the housing such that the ground shield extends at least partially around the first and second signal conductors. The ground shield is electrically connected to electrical ground conductors of the first and second electrical cables. 1. An electrical cable splice comprising:a housing having a channel configured to hold a first signal conductor of a first electrical cable therein, the channel being configured to hold a second signal conductor of a second electrical cable therein in electrical engagement with the first signal conductor, wherein the first signal conductor is configured to overlap with the second signal conductor within the channel such that the first and second signal conductors are electrically interconnected, wherein the second electrical cable has a greater diameter than the first electrical cable; anda ground shield external to the housing such that the ground shield extends at least partially around the first and second signal conductors, the ground shield includes a tab configured to project radially inwardly from an external surface of the ground shield, the tab of the ground shield being electrically connected to electrical ground conductors of the first or second electrical cables, wherein the tab is sized to electrically connect to the electrical ground conductor of the first electrical cable having a smaller diameter than the second electrical cable or to electrically connect to the electrical ground conductor of the second electrical cable having the greater ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180254580A1
Автор: GOULDS Robert
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

An electrical connector arrangement comprises a metal mounting bracket for securing the arrangement to a structure; an electrically insulating mounting block abutting the mounting bracket; a clamp to secure an electrical cable to the mounting block, the electrical cable comprising a plurality of electrical conductors; and a plurality of spaced-apart terminals to accommodate the respective electrical conductors. 1. An electrical connector block comprising:a metal mounting bracket for securing the arrangement to a structure;an electrically insulating mounting block abutting the mounting bracket;a clamp to secure an electrical cable to the mounting block, the electrical cable comprising a plurality of electrical conductors;a plurality of spaced-apart terminals to accommodate the respective electrical conductors.2. The connector block of claim 1 , in which each electrical conductor comprises an end fitting which is mechanically secured to a respective terminal using a fastener.3. The connector block of claim 2 , in which the end fitting is a ring tag.4. The connector block of claim 2 , in which the fastener is a bolt and nut5. The connector block of claim 1 , in which each terminal comprises a conductive sleeve.6. The connector block of claim 5 , in which the sleeve extends through a thickness of the mounting block.7. The connector block of claim 6 , in which the length of the sleeve is greater than the thickness of the mounting block.8. The connector block of claim 7 , in which the respective sleeves of the plurality of terminals protrude different distances from the mounting block in the thickness direction so that the terminals are offset.9. The connector block of claim 5 , in which each sleeve is made from the same material as its corresponding electrical conductor.10. The connector block of claim 1 , in which the electrical cable is a thermocouple.11. The connector block of claim 1 , in which the clamp is attached to the mounting block by clamp bolts.12. The ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Conductive Terminal And Electrical Connector

Номер: US20190267725A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

An electrical connector comprises a housing having a receiving passage and a conductive terminal inserted and removably mounted in the receiving passage in an insertion direction. The conductive terminal includes a body portion having a first end and a second end opposite to the first end, a clamping portion disposed at the first end of the body portion and configured to clamp a wire of a cable, and a spring locking portion disposed on the body portion and obliquely extending from the body portion in a direction away from the body portion toward the second end. The locking portion is configured to engage a bottom wall of the receiving passage. The engagement of the locking portion with the bottom wall of the receiving passage is released by driving the locking portion with an external tool inserted in the insertion direction. 2. The electrical connector of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a locking recess formed in the bottom wall and configured to at least partially receive the spring locking portion when the conductive terminal is inserted into the receiving passage claim 1 , the locking recess preventing the conductive terminal from being released from the receiving passage in a direction opposite to the insertion direction.3. The electrical connector of claim 2 , wherein the locking portion includes a connecting arm extending obliquely from the body portion in a direction away from the body portion toward the second end and a locking head protruding from a side of a free end of the connecting arm in a direction perpendicular to the insertion direction.4. The electrical connector of claim 3 , wherein the locking recess includes a recess formed by recessing downward from the bottom wall of the receiving passage and a ramp that slopes downward from the bottom wall of the receiving passage and communicates with the recess claim 3 , the connecting arm is received in the ramp and the locking head is received in the recess when the conductive terminal is inserted ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140370724A1

An apparatus includes a flexible circuit cable to transport an electrical signal. The apparatus includes a mechanically floating contact integrated into the flexible circuit cable to facilitate connection of the electrical signal between a circuit and the flexible circuit cable. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a flexible circuit cable to transport an electrical signal; anda mechanically floating contact integrated into the flexible circuit cable to facilitate connection of the electrical signal between a circuit and the flexible circuit cable.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the mechanically floating contact is coupled along a single edge across which the edge passes an electrical trace to enable flexing of the floating contact in an upward claim 1 , downward claim 1 , or sideways direction in relation to the flexible circuit cable.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , further comprising a pressure pad to apply contact pressure to the mechanically floating contact.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , further comprising an adhesive layer fabricated on a contact surface of the pressure pad in order to hold it in a suitable position against an array of floating contacts.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , further comprising a component to apply a compressive force through the pressure pad and across the array of floating contacts claim 4 , wherein the component includes a screw or cantilever latch.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the mechanically floating contact wipes an associated contact pad when the mechanically floating contact is flexed.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an alignment post formed into a structure that frames or surrounds an array of floating contacts claim 1 , wherein the alignment post can serve to align the array of floating contacts with respect to electrical contacts formed on a second structure having a mating array of electrical contacts.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an active circuit that is integrated on to the flexible ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Connection Assembly For A Traction Battery In Particular For Electric Vehicles

Номер: US20180277819A1
Автор: Kioschis Kai, Toth Gerzson
Принадлежит: TE Connectivity Germany GmbH

A connection assembly for a traction battery comprises a busbar extending in an extension direction and a flexible electrical connection element extending along the busbar in the extension direction. The busbar has a compensation section in which the busbar extends perpendicular with respect to the extension direction. 1. A connection assembly for a traction battery , comprising:a busbar extending in an extension direction and having a first compensation section in which the busbar extends perpendicular with respect to the extension direction; anda flexible electrical connection element extending along the busbar in the extension direction.2. The connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the flexible electrical connection element has a second compensation section in which the flexible electrical connection element extends perpendicular with respect to the extension direction.3. The connection assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first compensation section is positioned within the second compensation section.4. The connection assembly of claim 3 , wherein the first compensation section and the second compensation section are disposed next to each other.5. The connection assembly of claim 2 , wherein an overall compensation section of the connection assembly includes the first compensation section and the second compensation section.6. The connection assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first compensation section and the second compensation section are spaced apart from each other in a direction perpendicular to a plane of the busbar.7. The connection assembly of claim 6 , wherein the busbar and the flexible electrical connection element are connected to each other outside of the first compensation section and the second compensation section.8. The connection assembly of claim 1 , further comprising at least three busbars spaced apart from each other by a pair of gap sections.9. The connection assembly of claim 8 , wherein the first compensation section of one of the at ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Radome - Reflector Assembly Mechanism

Номер: US20160294050A1

In one embodiment, a radome-reflector assembly for, e.g., a microwave antenna, has (i) two semi-circular rims that receive the peripheries of the radome and the reflector and (ii) fixed and adjustable clamps that secure the ends of the rims together. The rims are designed with slanted inner surfaces that engage the periphery of the reflector, such that, when the adjustable clamp is tightened circumferentially, the periphery of the reflector is forced laterally to abut other rim structure to form a metal-to-metal RF seal between the reflector and the rims. Certain assemblies with low profiles and low circumferential forces can be assembled without special tooling using plastic clamps and still achieve good RF seals. 1. Apparatus for securing a radome to a reflector , the apparatus comprising: (1) a circumferential body;', '(2) a first radial leg extending from a distal end of the body;', '(3) a second radial leg extending from an intermediate location of the body, wherein the body and the first and second legs define a first cavity for receiving a periphery of the radome;', '(4) a third leg extending from a proximate end of the body, wherein the body and the second and third legs define a second cavity for receiving a periphery of the reflector; and, '(a) one or more rims, each rim comprising 'the third leg has an angled portion configured such that, when (i) the one or more rims are applied to secure the radome to the reflector with the first cavity receiving the periphery of the radome and the second cavity receiving the periphery of the reflector and (ii) the one or more clamps are applied to connect the one or more pairs of adjacent rim ends together, the angled portion of the third leg forces the periphery of the reflector towards the second leg.', '(b) one or more clamps, each configured to connect one or more pairs of adjacent rim ends together, wherein2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the one or more rims comprise first and second rims; and a first clamp ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Connection Assembly For Connecting A Thin Conductor Piece To A Thick Conductor Piece

Номер: US20190296454A1
Автор: Don Tran-Son
Принадлежит: TE Connectivity Germany GmbH

A connection assembly generally comprising a thick conductor piece including a receptacle with an inner wall and a thin conductor piece. The thin conductor piece has a protrusion for insertion into the receptacle. A press-fit element can be inserted into the receptacle with the protrusion arranged in the receptacle between the press-fit element and the thick conductor piece. 1. A connection assembly comprising:a thick conductor piece including a receptacle having an inner wall;a thin conductor piece for electrically connecting to the thick conductor piece and having a protrusion for insertion into the receptacle; anda press-fit element inserted into the receptacle with the protrusion in the receptacle between the press-fit element and the thick conductor piece.2. The connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thin conductor piece has an insertion opening and the protrusion partly surrounds the insertion opening of the thin conductor piece for inserting the press-fit element.3. The connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the press-fit element has a disc-like shape claim 1 , a ring-like shape claim 1 , or a pill-like shape.4. The connection assembly of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in an assembled state of the assembly claim 3 , a press-fit connection between the protrusion and the inner wall is generated by the press-fit element and the thick conductor piece.5. The connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the receptacle is a through hole.6. The connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the thick conductor piece has claim 1 , in a vicinity of the receptacle claim 1 , a sealant and/or an adhesive sealant.7. The connection assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion protrudes essentially perpendicular from a neighboring section of the thin conductor piece.8. The connection assembly of claim 7 , wherein the protrusion and the receptacle have geometrically similar cross-sections in the plane of the thick conductor piece.9. The connection assembly of claim 1 , wherein the ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160338405A1
Автор: Liu Qiuming

An atomizing assembly and an electronic cigarette are provided. The atomizing assembly includes: an atomizer, and a tar container connecting to the atomizer and adapted to store tar, wherein a fume exhausting hole adapted to exhaust fumes is provided at an end of the atomizer away from the tar container; the atomizer includes an inner electrode, and outer electrode, an electric heating wire assembly adapted to atomize the tar, a tar conveyer adapted to convey the tar to the electric heating wire assembly for atomization, and a connection section adapted to connect the atomizer with a battery rod assembly of the electronic cigarette; where the outer electrode is provided outside the inner electrode; and the electronic heating wire assembly is connected with the inner electrode and the outer electrode. 1. An atomizing assembly , comprising an atomizer , and a tar container connecting to the atomizer and adapted to store tar , wherein a fume exhausting hole is provided at an end of the atomizer away from the tar container and adapted to exhaust fumes;the atomizer comprises an inner electrode, an outer electrode, an electric heating wire assembly adapted to atomize the tar, a tar conveyer adapted to convey the tar to the electric heating wire assembly for atomization, and a connection section adapted to connect the atomizer with a battery rod assembly of the electronic cigarette,wherein the outer electrode is provided outside the inner electrode; andthe electric heating wire assembly is electrically connected with the inner electrode and the outer electrode.2. The atomizing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the atomizer comprises:an atomizer holder, wherein the connection section is provided at a top of the atomizer holder, and the inner electrode and the outer electrode are fixed inside the connection section and electrically connected with the electric heating wire assembly; andan atomizing sleeve provided on the atomizer holder, wherein the tar conveyer is ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160338406A1
Автор: Liu Qiuming

The present application provides an electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarette includes: a body of the electronic cigarette, a suction end, a liquid storage, an atomizing assembly, and a battery rod assembly. The liquid storage is arranged on the body of the electronic cigarette at an end away from the suction end; the atomizing assembly is disposed between the battery rod assembly and the liquid storage, and two ends of the atomizing assembly are respectively provided with a first connection section and a second connection section which have different connecting structures; the atomizing assembly is connected to the battery rod assembly via the first connection section, and the atomizing assembly is connected to the liquid storage via the second connection section. When the electronic cigarette subjected an external screwing force along one direction, only one of the battery rod assembly and the liquid storage can be screwed out. 1. An electronic cigarette , comprising:a body of the electronic cigarette; whereinthe body of the electronic cigarette includes a suction end, a liquid storage for storing liquid, an atomizing assembly for atomizing the liquid and a battery rod assembly for supplying power to the atomizing assembly;the liquid storage is arranged on the body of the electronic cigarette at an end away from the suction end;the atomizing assembly is disposed between the battery rod assembly and the liquid storage, a first connection section and a second connection section are provided at two ends of the atomizing assembly, respectively, and the first connection section and the second connection section have different connecting structures; andthe atomizing assembly is connected to the battery rod assembly via the first connection section, and the atomizing assembly is connected to the liquid storage via the second connection section.2. The electronic cigarette according to claim 1 , whereinthe second connection section is a first threaded segment;an ...

24-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160338411A1
Автор: Liu Qiuming

The invention is related to a battery stick, one end of the battery stick is provided with an air inlet hole; the other end of the battery stick is provided with a first lower electrode used for electrically connecting to a atomizer; the first lower electrode is provided with a vent channel in communication with the air inlet hole; an air inlet of the vent channel is in communication with the air inlet hole; an air outlet of the vent channel is arranged on the side of the first lower electrode; an oil-blocking surface is formed on the top surface of the first lower electrode. The battery stick of the present invention can prevent non-vaporized electronic cigarette oil in the atomizer from entering the interior of the battery stick. Also provided is an electronic cigarette having the battery stick. 1102020720301030300207. A battery stick , used to form an electronic cigarette with an atomizer (); one end of the battery stick () is provided with an air inlet hole (); the other end of the battery stick () is provided with a first lower electrode () used for electrically connecting to the atomizer (); the first lower electrode () is provided with a vent channel () in communication with the air inlet hole ();{'b': 304', '300', '207', '302', '300', '30', '30', '10', '300, 'wherein an air inlet () of the vent channel () is in communication with the air inlet hole (); an air outlet () of the vent channel () is arranged on a side of the first lower electrode (); an oil-blocking surface is formed on top surface of the first lower electrode (); the oil-blocking surface is used for preventing non-vaporized electronic cigarette oil in the atomizer () from entering the vent channel ().'}230030130230330130303207. The battery stick according to claim 1 , wherein the vent channel () comprises a first lower vent channel () which is formed by extending along the opposite side of the air outlet () claim 1 , and a second lower vent channel () which is communicated with the first lower ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180358766A1

A clamp includes a clamp base part having a first step, a hinge part that is formed on a thinned portion connected continuously to the clamp base part, a clamp moving part having a second step, and a plurality of retention parts formed in a state that the clamp moving part is engaged with the clamp base part. The clamp base part is provided on a structure in which a cable and/or an electric wire is routed and formed such that the cable and/or the electric wire is placed thereon. One end of the clamp moving part is connected continuously to the hinge part, the other end of the clamp moving part is engaged with the clamp base part, and the cable and/or the electric wire is covered from the one end to a middle portion of the clamp moving part. 1. A clamp comprising:a clamp base part having a first step;a hinge part that is formed on a thinned portion connected continuously to the clamp base part;a clamp moving part having a second step; anda plurality of retention parts formed in a state that the clamp moving part is engaged with the clamp base part;wherein the clamp base part is provided on a structure in which a cable and/or an electric wire is routed and formed such that the cable and/or the electric wire is placed thereon,wherein one end of the clamp moving part is connected continuously to the hinge part, the other end of the clamp moving part is engaged with the clamp base part, and the cable and/or the electric wire is covered by a part from the one end to a middle portion of the clamp moving part,wherein the first step and the second step are positioned between the plurality of retention parts, andwherein one or multiple partition portions, which is positioned between adjacent two retention parts of the plurality of retention parts, are formed on the clamp moving part.2. The clamp according to claim 1 ,wherein the middle portion has a L shape.3. A bus bar module comprising:a plurality of bus bars connecting adjacent battery cells in a battery assembly in series ...

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190393623A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

A fixation structure includes an electrical wire, a board, and a stapler. The electrical wire includes a core wire and a cover member. The electrical wire includes a core-wire covered part covered by the cover member, and a core-wire exposed part exposed from the core-wire covered part. The board includes a junction part electrically connected with the core-wire exposed part. The stapler includes a contact part and a fixation part. The contact part has a plate shape, and is positioned at a boundary between the core-wire exposed part and the core-wire covered part while contacting the core-wire exposed part and the core-wire covered part from a side opposite to the board when the core-wire exposed part is connected with the junction part. A pair of the fixation parts are provided on both sides of the contact part and fix the contact part and the board. 1. A fixation structure comprising:an electrical wire including a core wire that is conductive and a cover member that covers the core wire, the electrical wire including a core-wire covered part covered by the cover member and a core-wire exposed part exposed from the core-wire covered part;a board including a junction part electrically connected with the core-wire exposed part; anda stapler including a contact part that has a plate shape and is positioned at a boundary between the core-wire exposed part and the core-wire covered part while contacting the core-wire exposed part and the core-wire covered part from a side opposite to the board when the core-wire exposed part is connected with the junction part, and a pair of fixation parts that are provided on both sides of the contact part and fix the contact part and the board.2. The fixation structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe pair of fixation parts penetrate through the cover member of the core-wire covered part and are fixed to the board.3. The fixation structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrical wire is a flat cable including a plurality of the ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200403326A1

An embodiment is directed to a grounding terminal for mounting on a grounding surface. The grounding terminal has a top wall having a first mounting opening and a bottom wall having a second mounting opening. The second mounting opening is in alignment with the first mounting opening to receive mounting hardware therethrough. A first side wall extends between the top wall and the bottom wall at angles other than 90 degrees. A second side wall extends between the top wall and the bottom wall at angles other than 90 degrees. As the mounting hardware is tightened, the shape and positioning of the side walls relative to the top wall and bottom wall reduces the amount of torque required to move the top wall toward the bottom wall to allow for the mounting hardware to be tightened without the need for special tooling. 1. A grounding terminal for mounting on a grounding surface , the grounding terminal comprising:a top wall having a first mounting opening;a bottom wall having a second mounting opening, the second mounting opening being in alignment with the first mounting opening to receive mounting hardware therethrough;a first side wall extending between the top wall and the bottom wall, the first side wall extending from the top wall and the bottom wall at angles other than 90 degrees;a second side wall extending between the top wall and the bottom wall, the second side wall extending from the top wall and the bottom wall at angles other than 90 degrees; anda side wall engagement portion extends from one end of the top wall, the side wall engagement portion extends from the top wall at an angle of greater than 90 degrees, the side wall engagement portion cooperates with the second side wall.2. The grounding terminal as recited in claim 1 , wherein the top wall is parallel to the bottom wall and the first side wall is parallel to the second side wall to form a trapezoidal shape.3. (canceled)4. The grounding terminal as recited in claim 1 , wherein the side wall ...

28-09-2021 дата публикации

Lightning protection grounding body connecting device and connecting method thereof

Номер: CN111934103B
Автор: 王建华
Принадлежит: Wuhan Dashengyuan Electric Power Co ltd


07-12-2018 дата публикации

A kind of copper bar connecting structure

Номер: CN108963487A


08-01-2016 дата публикации

Female and male connector formotor controlcenter

Номер: KR200479262Y1
Автор: 김진왕
Принадлежит: 김진왕

본 고안은 전동기 제어반에서 유닛을 인출 또는 인입 시 전기를 차단 및 공급하는 제어반 암수 커넥터에 관한 것이다. 본 고안에 따른 제어반 암수 커넥터는 전동기 제어를 위한 회로 부품을 수용하는 복수의 유닛과, 상기 복수의 유닛 후면 설치되는 복수의 암 커넥터와, 상기 복수의 암 커넥터 각각의 후방에 고정 설치되는 수 커넥터를 포함하여 이루어진 전동기 제어반의 암수 커넥터에 있어서, 상기 암 커넥터는 양 끝단에 오목홈이 형성된 접속부를 가지고, 상기 접속부를 감싸도록 형성되되, 양 끝단이 오목홈에 결합되는 탄성 돌기부가 형성된 탄성체를 가지며, 상기 접속부와 일체로 연장 형성되어 유닛측 전선과 연결되는 연결부를 가지는 복수의 접속단자와, 상기 각 접속단자가 수용 결합되며 전기적 절연 물질로 형성된 복수의 단자대, 그리고 상기 복수의 단자대 각각에 상기 접속단자를 고정시키기 위한 한 쌍의 너트 및 볼트를 포함할 수 있다. 본 고안에 따르면, 제어반 암수 커넥터는 암 커넥터의 접속단자의 두께를 크게 함으로써 수 커넥터의 전원단자와 결합 시 휘거나 뒤틀림을 방지하고 접촉면적을 넓힐 수 있어 유닛에 전원공급을 원활히 할 수 있다. The present invention relates to a control panel male and female connectors for interrupting and supplying electricity when a unit is drawn or drawn from an electric motor control panel. The control panel male and female connectors according to the present invention include a plurality of units for receiving circuit components for controlling the motors, a plurality of female connectors disposed on the rear surface of the plurality of units, and a male connector fixedly installed at the rear of each of the plurality of female connectors Wherein the female connector has an elastic body having a connecting portion formed with recessed grooves at both ends thereof and having an elastic protrusion formed at both ends thereof to be engaged with the recessed groove, A plurality of connection terminals formed integrally with the connection portion and having a connection portion connected to the unit-side electric wire, a plurality of terminal blocks accommodated in the connection terminals and formed of an electrically insulating material, And a pair of nuts and bolts for fixing the bolts. According to the present invention, by increasing the thickness of the connection terminals of the female connector, the male and female connectors of the control panel can prevent warping or warping when engaged with the power terminal of the male connector and widen the contact area.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Antenna contact

Номер: KR101254188B1
Автор: 유기준

PURPOSE: An antenna contact terminal is provided to prevent deformation of a resilient contact terminal by forming a bending part which is capable of supporting one end of the resilient contact terminal. CONSTITUTION: A fixing terminal(110) is formed with a fixing plate part(112) which is electrically connected to a PCB. A resilient contact terminal(120) is formed with a first sloped part(122) and a second sloped part(123). A supporting terminal(130) is supported while in a state of being closely surface-contacted to a contact part(124). The supporting terminal is formed in the shape of a curve having a radius of curvature corresponding to the radius of curvature of the contact part. A deformation prevention part is formed with a bending part to prevent deformation of the resilient contact terminal.

10-05-2013 дата публикации

Electric connecting device and connector

Номер: RU2481680C2
Принадлежит: АББ ШВАЙЦ АГ

FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to an electric connecting device (1; 20), which conducts high current, in particular, to a plug connection for operation in heavy mode with the first connector (2, 21) and the second connector (3, 22), every of which has a contacting element (4, 6; 25, 29) for provision of electric connection in connected condition of connectors. Connectors (2; 21; 3; 22) tightly adjoin each other in the area of connected in connected condition. At least one of connectors (2; 21; 3; 22) comprises a coolant line (8; 27, 28) with one or several points (9, 10) of access accordingly for supply and discharge of the coolant. The coolant line (8; 27, 28) is arranged in a contacting element to scatter heat from a point of contact between contacting elements (4, 6; 24, 29). All points (9, 10) of access in the coolant line (8; 27, 28) are arranged outside of the connection area. EFFECT: development of a split connecting device with sufficient cooling in a point of contact, which is characterised by low space requirements and may be connected and disconnected without any preparatory actions. 12 cl, 9 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 481 680 (13) C2 (51) МПК H01R 24/00 (2011.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2009109695/07, 17.03.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.03.2009 (72) Автор(ы): ЗАХЕР Роберт (CH), КНАПП Вольфганг (CH) (73) Патентообладатель(и): АББ ШВАЙЦ АГ (CH) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 18.03.2008 EP 08152900.0 (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.09.2010 Бюл. № 27 2 4 8 1 6 8 0 (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2013 Бюл. № 13 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: DE 1266383 В, 18.04.1968. ЕР 0005429 A, 28.11.1979. ЕР 0720420 А, 03.07.1996. DE 8801086 U1, 10.03.1988. RU 2068192 C1, 20.10.1996. 2 4 8 1 6 8 0 R U (54) ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЕ СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬНОЕ УСТРОЙСТВО И СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится к ...

04-02-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR2781934A1
Автор: Jean Marc Baffert
Принадлежит: RADIALL SA

The invention concerns a coaxial connector element, designed to be mounted at the end of a coaxial cable comprising a central conductor and an external conductor, the connector element comprising: a central contact (8) having a longitudinal axis and including a rear end (11) connected to the coaxial cable central conductor and a front end (14) arranged for a matching connection of the connector element with a connector element; and an external contact (6) connected to the coaxial cable central conductor. It comprises a connection (12) mounted on the coaxial central conduct, said connection (12) and the rear end (11) of the central contact (8) being shaped to interlock with each other independently of the central contact angular orientation relative to its longitudinal axis.

24-05-1921 дата публикации

Contact device for electrodes intended for strong currents

Номер: FR518383A
Автор: Filip Tharaldsen
Принадлежит: Individual

17-02-2000 дата публикации

Coaxial connector element comprising a connection for linking the central conductor of a coaxial cable to the contact of the connector element

Номер: WO2000008723A1
Автор: Jean-Marc Baffert
Принадлежит: RADIALL

The invention concerns a coaxial connector element, designed to be mounted at the end of a coaxial cable comprising a central conductor and an external conductor, the connector element comprising: a central contact (8) having a longitudinal axis and including a rear end (11) connected to the coaxial cable central conductor and a front end (14) arranged for a matching connection of the connector element with a connector element; and an external contact (6) connected to the coaxial cable central conductor. It comprises a connection (12) mounted on the coaxial central conduct, said connection (12) and the rear end (11) of the central contact (8) being shaped to interlock with each other independently of the central contact angular orientation relative to its longitudinal axis.

02-05-2023 дата публикации

Connector housing and terminal arrangement for a stacked-type wire harness

Номер: US11641069B2
Автор: Ryo NAEMURA
Принадлежит: JST Mfg Co Ltd

A connector includes multiple first terminals, multiple second terminals, and a housing that holds the terminals. The first terminals are arranged side-by-side in a width direction of the housing, and the second terminals are also arranged side-by-side in the width direction. In the housing, the first terminals are arranged side-by-side with the second terminals in a front-rear direction that is perpendicular to the width direction. In a state where first electrical wires are connected to the first terminals and second electrical wires are connected to the second terminals, the first electrical wires are drawn out to one side in the front-rear direction of the housing, and the second electrical wires are drawn out to the other side in the front-rear direction of the housing.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

joint assembly

Номер: DE112011103890A5
Автор: Andreas Altrichter
Принадлежит: Eaton Industries Austria GmbH

23-10-1991 дата публикации

Clip for anchoring clamps to terminals

Номер: EP0452929A2
Автор: Franco Paolo Pardini
Принадлежит: CGE Generale Elettromeccanica SpA

Clip for anchoring eyelet clamps (10) to terminal bars (14) of a machine or electric equipment or device comprised of a punched and double folded metallic resilient strip, consisting in a body (42) from which a downwardly turned leg (44), two parallel upwardly turned legs (50, 52) and a diasgonally lifted anchoring tang (54), to engage a through hole (56) of the terminal bar (14), depart, needing the tang (54) the intervention of a specific tool to be disengaged from the hole (56) of the terminal bar (14).

22-02-1961 дата публикации

Improvements relating to electric plugs

Номер: GB861678A
Принадлежит: Individual

861,678. Two-part couplings. YOUNG, S. G. May 9, 1957 [Feb. 10, 1956], No. 4324/56. Class 38 (1). A plug pin 1 has a rectangular head 2 rendered resilient by an axial slit 3 so that when the pin is inserted into an insulating base 5, the head can be compressed by a recess 6 to retain the pin in position and at the same time hold a lead trapped between the wall of a transverse bore 4 and the rim of the recess. The bore 4 may be replaced by an inclined slot 7, Fig. 5, various alternative shapes of which are shown. Fig. 9 shows another construction wherein the head is of the same cross-section as the pin and is prevented from passage entirely through the base by projections 9. Alternatively an enlargement 11, Fig. 11, at the end of the pin may prevent its passage through the base, this embodiment having a transverse bore 4 for the lead 8. A cover for the plug may assist in holding the pin in the base.

27-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: FR2730867B3

21-07-2015 дата публикации

Neutral-ground subassembly for electric meter assembly

Номер: CA2878770A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

An electric meter socket assembly includes a neutral-ground support and a neutral-ground terminal. The neutral-ground support includes a support body having a mounting surface and a support connector at the mounting surface of the body. The neutral-ground terminal includes a terminal body having a rear, an opening for receiving a neutral conductor, and a terminal connector at the rear of the terminal body configured to mate with the support connector such that the neutral-ground terminal is attachable to the neutral-ground support without use of a separate fastener.

27-08-2021 дата публикации

Ground wire clamp for electric welding

Номер: CN113314858A
Автор: 周青青


24-02-2016 дата публикации

Electrical plug-in connection with knee lever actuation in order to clamp the wire end with the busbar

Номер: EP2987206A1
Автор: Andreas Wendt
Принадлежит: Phoenix Contact GmbH and Co KG

Gegenstand der Erfindung ist eine Anschlussklemme mit einem Aufnahmekörper (1), einem Klemmelement (2), mittels welchem ein in die Anschlussklemme eingeführter Leiter gegen eine in der Anschlussklemme angeordnete Stromschiene (3) klemmbar ist, einem ersten Hebelarm (4), der drehbar an dem Klemmelement (2) gelagert ist, und einem zweiten Hebelarm (5), der drehbar an dem ersten Hebelarm (4) gelagert ist, wobei der zweite Hebelarm (5) einen Betätigungsbereich (6) aufweist, über welchen der zweite Hebelarm (5) verschwenkbar ist, wobei bei einem Verschwenken des zweiten Hebelarms (5) das Klemmelement (2) über den ersten Hebelarm (4) in eine klemmende Position und in eine nicht klemmende Position überführbar ist.

01-02-2022 дата публикации

Electric connector

Номер: RU2765651C2

FIELD: electrical engineering.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of electrical engineering; it can be used for the creation of highly reliable electric connectors. An electric connector contains a metal case, the first metal bushing fixed with one of its ends on the upper surface of the metal case, an electrical output of the first conductor fixed inside the first metal bushing, the second metal bushing installed in a groove made in the bottom of the metal case, and connected with its upper end to a corresponding site of the lower surface of the first metal plate located above the inner surface of the bottom of the metal case, an electrical output of the second conductor fixed inside the second metal bushing, and a fixator providing for the creation of an electric contact of the electrical output of the first conductor with the electrical output of the second conductor and installed inside the metal case.EFFECT: providing required and sufficient clamping forces between corresponding outputs of electrical conductors, providing a more reliable electric contact between them.1 cl, 2 dwg

13-03-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement for fixing a grounding electrod conductor buried into the ground or into concrete for the construction of a perimetric or foundation grounding

Номер: GR1007559B
Принадлежит: Ελεμκο Αβεε,

Αποτελείται από έλασμα που στο κάτω μέρος σχηματίζει μύτη (1) διευκολύνοντας την έμπηξή του. Στο πάνω μέρος φέρει υποδοχές (2) στήριξης του αγωγού ηλεκτροδίου γείωσης και στοιχεία ασφάλισής του (3) στην υποδοχή (2) που πραγματοποιείται λυγίζοντας το διαμορφωμένο στοιχείο ασφάλισης (3). Για οδηγό έμπηξης στο έδαφος ή στο σκυρόδεμα φέρει εγκοπή (4). Δύναται να φέρει στοιχείο ελέγχου παραμόρφωσης (5), που απορροφά τις ασκούμενες δυνάμεις κατά την τοποθέτηση του αγωγού στην υποδοχή (2) ώστε να προστατεύεται η παραμόρφωσή της. Πλεονεκτήματα της εφεύρεσης είναι: - Η στήριξη και ασφάλιση του αγωγού στον ορθοστάτη γίνεται ευκολότερα και σε σκάμματα με ανώμαλο πυθμένα. - Η συγκράτηση του αγωγού γίνεται με το εργαλείο που μπήγεται ο ορθοστάτης χωρίς τη χρήση πρόσθετων εργαλείων. - Διαθέτει εγκοπή που σημειώνει το βάθος έμπηξης του ορθοστάτη και έτσι απαιτείται λιγότερο υλικό και να είναι πιο οικονομική και φιλική προς το περιβάλλον.

24-01-2017 дата публикации

Electrical switching apparatus and retention system therefor

Номер: US9553373B2
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

A retention system is for an electrical switching apparatus. The electrical switching apparatus includes a frame having a number of slots, a cover coupled to the frame, an electrical component enclosed by the frame and the cover, separable contacts enclosed by the frame and the cover, and an operating mechanism to open and close the separable contacts. The retention system includes: at least one bundle of wires having a plurality of individual wires extending through a corresponding one of the number of slots to be electrically connected to the electrical component; and at least one restriction mechanism each including an insulative sleeve surrounding a corresponding one of the at least one bundle of wires, and a blocking member connected to the insulative sleeve. The blocking member engages the frame to prevent undesired movement of the individual wires with respect to the corresponding one of the number of slots.

14-07-2022 дата публикации

Terminal and wire with terminal

Номер: US20220224024A1

A terminal to be connected to a wire is provided with a terminal body including a sandwiching portion for sandwiching the wire, and a tubular slide portion for accommodating the terminal body inside, the slide portion being slidable with respect to the terminal body. The slide portion includes a wide portion located on a front side in a sliding direction of the slide portion and a narrow portion located behind the wide portion in the sliding direction, an inner shape of the slide portion being narrower in the narrow portion than in the wide portion. The narrow portion is provided with a pressurizing portion projecting inwardly of the slide portion. The pressurizing portion presses the sandwiching portion toward the wire with the slide portion 16 slid in the sliding direction with respect to the terminal body and the narrow portion located outside the sandwiching portion.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Weight reduced swage parallel groove clamp

Номер: WO2015057912A1
Автор: Kelvin TURNER

Provided is a parallel groove clamp with a body; at least one tap configured to engage with a cable; and at least one indentation provided on outermost surface of the body.

18-10-1999 дата публикации

Low insertion type electrical connector

Номер: JP2963969B2
Принадлежит: AMP Inc

16-08-2019 дата публикации

A kind of anchor tip of automotive wire bundle

Номер: CN108011198B8
Автор: 杨勇

The invention discloses a kind of anchor tip of automotive wire bundle, including rear casing, the front end of rear casing forms preceding pipe sleeve, and the front end of preceding pipe sleeve forms the guide head of cone, forms jack in guide head;Several arc-shaped bunch sets are formed on the outer wall of rear casing, the arc-shaped grooving of twice is formed on the outer wall of bunch set, the front tube, which is put on, forms several skewed slots, the outer wall of preceding pipe sleeve is run through in the rear end of skewed slot, the front end of skewed slot is connected with the jack of guide head, the fixing piece of cone is plugged in the jack of guide head, the rear end face of fixing piece forms stud, before stud is screwed onto pipe sleeve.The connector of use is realized the connection with harness, while facilitating the heat dissipation for realizing connector by the configuration of the present invention is simple.

05-10-2016 дата публикации

Connectiong assembly for cable terminals of electronic watt-hour meter

Номер: KR101662834B1
Автор: 김상수, 김현수

The present invention is characterized in that a copper wire of a cable is coupled to a terminal groove formed on an end face of a terminal block of a main body housing so that the first unit is engaged with a cover casing accommodating a plurality of terminal blocks, And the third unit restricts the operation of the second unit so that the assembling and fastening operations can be performed easily while the safety of the worker is given the highest priority by regulating the operation of the second unit.

30-12-2022 дата публикации

Wiring device of box-type substation and use method

Номер: CN115548708A
Автор: 胡辉, 马森源
Принадлежит: Individual


15-02-2017 дата публикации

Screwless three piece vertical electronic device

Номер: CN106415932A
Автор: W.P.德尼尔
Принадлежит: Thomson Licensing SAS


09-02-2018 дата публикации

A kind of ammeter weakness push type terminal block

Номер: CN107681292A
Автор: 刘剑, 潘环吉, 袁郭竣


20-04-2018 дата публикации

A kind of copper bar connects folder

Номер: CN107946787A
Автор: 归菊
Принадлежит: Wuxi Unite Energy Technology Co Ltd


08-09-1987 дата публикации

Solderless connection apparatus

Номер: US4691972A
Автор: Herman B. Gordon
Принадлежит: Rogers Corp

A solderless connector for effecting the connection between a multi-layer flexible circuit and other electronic circuit devices is presented. A first embodiment of the present invention is characterized by wrapping separated layers of a two or more layer flexible circuit about an elastomeric resilient member such that the terminal ends of each layer are provided on one side of the resilient member. In a second embodiment of the present invention, a multi-layer flexible circuit is provided with successive steps formed in each layer wherein the terminating portions of each circuit layer have a progressively longer length. This stepped multi-layer flexible circuit is then used in conjunction with a correspondingly stepped rigid retainer plate wherein a resilient elastomeric member is positioned between the stepped flexible circuit and the steps of the rigid retainer plate such that uniform pressure is maintained on all layers during interconnection with another electronic circuit device.

05-11-2019 дата публикации

A kind of quick jointing clamp of buckle-type

Номер: CN108879140B


22-12-2017 дата публикации

High-voltage earthing rod

Номер: CN107508058A
Автор: 林源标


15-12-2010 дата публикации

Antenna connection device

Номер: KR101001673B1
Автор: 박진우
Принадлежит: 박진우

PURPOSE: An antenna connecting device is provided to continuously maintain a stable contact state by properly distributing a deformation load through a supporting unit and an elastic unit. CONSTITUTION: A fixed terminal(12) comprises a supporting stand(10) and a stopper(11). The supporting board is connected to a PCB(Printed Circuit Board). A stopper is comprised of two vertical members and a circular member. A free end(18) includes an elastic unit, a contact unit, and a support unit. The elastic unit is extended from one end of the fixed terminal. The contact unit is surface-contacted with the antenna. The support unit is supported on the upper surface of the support of the fixed terminal. A protrusion(20) is formed between the stopper and the elastic unit.

01-12-1908 дата публикации


Номер: US905347A
Автор: James E Mcmeen
Принадлежит: Individual

26-02-2019 дата публикации

A kind of puncture fitting

Номер: CN105552582B
Автор: 胡小青
Принадлежит: Individual


31-05-2017 дата публикации

A kind of pad of outer openings

Номер: CN106785500A
Автор: 赵福涛
Принадлежит: Changge Huasheng Electric Co Ltd


16-05-2007 дата публикации

wire tap

Номер: DE60127600D1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Simel SAS

14-02-2020 дата публикации

Safety low-voltage converging clamp tool

Номер: CN109473794B


23-08-2011 дата публикации

Busbar connector

Номер: KR101058547B1
Автор: 여규철, 전영국
Принадлежит: 태일전기(주)

본 발명은 고정부스바(A)를 고정하는 몸체(110)와; 상기 몸체(110)에 고정된 고정부스바와 접촉되게 삽입되는 삽입부스바(B)를 고정하는 클램프(120)로 구성되는 부스바 커넥터에 있어서, The present invention and the body 110 for fixing the fixing boot bar (A); In the busbar connector consisting of a clamp 120 for fixing the insertion part bar (B) is inserted into contact with the fixing part bar fixed to the body 110, 상기 고정부스바(A)를 고정하는 몸체(110)의 일 측에는 상기 삽입부스바(B)를 고정하는 한 쌍의 클램프(120)가 상기 몸체와 일체로 마련되고, 상기 한 쌍의 클램프 중간에는 통공(121)을 형성시켜 그 통공에 회동축(122)을 매개로 회동되며 상기 삽입부스바를 압착하는 각각의 압착단자(130)가 설치되고, 상기 각각의 압착단자(130)에는 삽입부스바(B)가 삽입되었을 때 그 삽입부스바에 압착력을 부여하는 탄성체(140)를 설치하여 된 것으로, 외부의 충격으로 인하여 진동이 발생해도 부스바를 견고하고 안정적으로 압착하여 고정함으로써 통전을 안정적으로 함은 물론, 부스바의 압착면적을 극대화시켜 통전 효율을 향상시킬 수 있는 효과가 있다. One side of the body 110 for fixing the fixing boot bar (A) is provided with a pair of clamps 120 to secure the insertion boot bar (B) integrally with the body, the middle of the pair of clamps The through hole 121 is formed to be rotated through the pivot shaft 122 in the through hole, and each crimp terminal 130 for crimping the insert booth bar is installed, and each crimp terminal 130 has an insert booth bar ( When B) is inserted, it is provided with an elastic body 140 that imparts a pressing force to the insertion busbar, and even if vibration occurs due to external impact, the busbar is firmly and stably crimped and fixed to secure energization. By maximizing the compression area of the busbars, there is an effect to improve the current carrying efficiency. 부스바, 부스바커넥터, 압착단자, 탄성체, 압착력 Busbar, Busbar Connector, Crimp Terminal, Elastic Body, Crimping Force

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Clamping arrangement and spring clamp

Номер: DE102015106073A1
Автор: Heinz Reibke
Принадлежит: Phoenix Contact GmbH and Co KG

Gegenstand der Erfindung ist eine Klemmanordnung (100) für eine Federkraftklemme mit einer einen Halteschenkel (10) und einen Klemmschenkel (11) aufweisenden Schenkelfeder (12) und mit einer Stromschiene (14), welche eine Öffnung (15) aufweist, in welche die Schenkelfeder (12) in einem montierten Zustand zumindest bereichsweise mit ihrem Halteschenkel (10) und ihrem Klemmschenkel (11) eingetaucht ist, wobei der Halteschenkel (10) einen gebogenen Abschnitt (17) aufweist, mittels welchem der Halteschenkel (10) im montierten Zustand zumindest bereichsweise auf einer an einer Oberseite (16) der Stromschiene (14), benachbart zu der Öffnung (15) ausgebildeten Auflagefläche (19) aufliegt. The invention relates to a clamping arrangement (100) for a spring-loaded terminal with a holding leg (10) and a clamping leg (11) having leg spring (12) and with a busbar (14) having an opening (15) into which the leg spring (12) in an assembled state at least partially with its retaining leg (10) and its clamping leg (11) is immersed, wherein the holding leg (10) has a bent portion (17), by means of which the holding leg (10) in the assembled state at least partially on a on an upper side (16) of the busbar (14), adjacent to the opening (15) formed bearing surface (19) rests.

01-12-2022 дата публикации


Номер: DE102021113864A1

Vorrichtung (1) zum Kontaktieren eines elektrischen Leiters (2), insbesondere eines Leiters einer Stromleitung zur Übertragung von elektrischer Energie, umfassend eine Kontaktplatte (3), die einen Kontaktbereich (4) aufweist, mit dem ein stirnseitiges Ende (8) des Leiters (2) elektrisch kontaktierbar ist, einen Kontaktträger (5), der zur Aufnahme der Kontaktplatte (3) ausgebildet ist, einen Klemmkörper (6) zum Fixieren des zu kontaktierenden Leiters (2) bezüglich einer Längsachse (A) des Leiters (2), wenigstens ein Befestigungsmittel (7) mittels dem der Kontaktträger (5) und der Klemmkörper (6) miteinander verbindbar sind, wobei über das wenigstens eine Befestigungsmittel (7) eine definierte Kraft in die Verbindung des Kontaktträgers (5) und des Klemmkörpers (6) einleitbar ist und eine Kontaktkraft zwischen dem Kontaktbereich (4) der Kontaktplatte (3) und dem stirnseitigen Ende (8) des Leiters (2) hergestellt wird. Device (1) for contacting an electrical conductor (2), in particular a conductor of a power line for the transmission of electrical energy, comprising a contact plate (3) which has a contact area (4) with which a front end (8) of the conductor ( 2) can be electrically contacted, a contact carrier (5) designed to hold the contact plate (3), a clamping body (6) for fixing the conductor (2) to be contacted with respect to a longitudinal axis (A) of the conductor (2), at least a fastening means (7) by means of which the contact carrier (5) and the clamping body (6) can be connected to one another, with a defined force being able to be introduced into the connection of the contact carrier (5) and the clamping body (6) via the at least one fastening means (7). and a contact force is produced between the contact area (4) of the contact plate (3) and the front end (8) of the conductor (2).

08-03-2011 дата публикации

Clamp type connecter

Номер: KR200452563Y1
Автор: 김용우, 안성준
Принадлежит: (주)어플리컴

본 고안은 상부 하우징과 하부 하우징 사이에 전선을 인입한 후에 상기 상부 하우징과 상기 하부 하우징을 결착시키는 간소한 조작만으로 피복이 제거된 전선에 대한 전기적 연결을 가능하게 하는 클램프형 커넥터를 제공하는 것이다. 상기한 본 고안에 따르는 클램프형 커넥터는, 코어부분이 외부로 드러난 제1 및 제2전선의 일면을 안착하기 위한 홀인 제1 및 제2가이드부가 형성되며, 상기 제1 및 제2가이드부 중 상기 제1 및 제2전선의 코어부분의 일면이 각각 안착되는 부분에 제1 및 제2접속단자가 형성된 상부 하우징; 상기 코어부분이 외부로 드러난 제1 및 제2전선의 타면을 안착하기 위한 홀인 제3 및 제4가이드부가 형성된 하부 하우징; 상기 상부 하우징과 상기 하부 하우징의 제1 내지 제4가이드부에 의해 상기 제1 및 제2전선이 안착된 상태에서, 상기 상부 하우징과 상기 하부 하우징을 결착 고정시키기 위해 상기 상부 하우징과 상기 하부 하우징이 만나는 면에 설치되는 다수의 후크 부재; 상기 상부 하우징의 내측에 형성된 제1 및 제2접속단자와 연결되는 제1 및 제2 커넥터측 전선;을 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention provides a clamp-type connector that enables electrical connection to a stripped wire with only a simple operation of fastening the wire between the upper housing and the lower housing and then binding the upper housing and the lower housing. In the clamp-type connector according to the present invention, a first and a second guide part, which is a hole for seating one surface of the first and second wires, the core part of which is exposed to the outside, is formed, and the first and second guide parts An upper housing having first and second connection terminals formed at portions at which one surface of the core portions of the first and second wires are respectively seated; A lower housing having third and fourth guide parts, which are holes for seating the other surfaces of the first and second wires, wherein the core part is exposed to the outside; In the state where the first and second wires are seated by the first to fourth guide portions of the upper housing and the lower housing, the upper housing and the lower housing are connected to fix the upper housing and the lower housing. A plurality of hook members installed on the meet face; And first and second connector side wires connected to the first and second connection terminals formed inside the upper housing. 커넥터, 코어, 후크 Connector, core, hook

26-08-1971 дата публикации

Electrical clamp connection

Номер: DE2023171B1
Автор: Joachim Rott
Принадлежит: Krone KG

07-04-2008 дата публикации

An electric wire braket for solar cell having the bending part

Номер: KR20080030853A
Принадлежит: 한국에너지기술연구원

본 발명은 상호 접착면을 통해 접착되며 각각 서로 대향하는 홈이 형성되어 결합에 의해 삽입구가 형성되는 한쌍의 상,하부 플레이트로 이루어져, 상기 삽입구를 통해 솔라셀로부터 생산된 전원을 전자 기기에 공급하도록 연결되는 다수의 전선이 삽입되도록 함으로써, 배선 연결 작업을 용이하게 할 수 있는 솔라셀용 전선 브라켓에 관한 것이다. 이를 위한 본 발명의 솔라셀용 전선 브라켓은 상부면을 가로지르는 홈이 형성되며 상기 홈 둘레에 접착층이 형성된 하부 플레이트와, 상기 하부 플레이트의 홈에 대향하도록 하부면을 가로지르는 홈이 형성되며 상기 홈 둘레에 접착층이 형성된 상부 플레이트와, 상기 상부 플레이트의 접착층하부 및 하부 플레이트의 접착층 상부에 구비되는 이형지와, 상기 상부 플레이트의 홈과 상기 하부 플레이트의 홈 내에 구비되고 외피가 피복된 솔라셀용 전선의 도선이 접속되는 도전층을 포함하여 이루어져, 상기 상부 플레이트과 하부 플레이트의 결합에 의해 상기 솔라셀용 전선 삽입구가 형성되는 것이다. 솔라셀, 전선, 브라켓, 삽입구, 홈

09-02-2024 дата публикации


Номер: CN117543246A
Автор: 侯飞飞
Принадлежит: Dongguan Yuliang Electronics Co ltd


08-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: CN105938942B
Автор: 毛敏杰


26-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN107516783A


25-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111585071A
Автор: 张明, 杜军红, 汤肖迅
Принадлежит: Shanghai Longcheer Technology Co Ltd


21-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN113423174A
Автор: 刘梦杰, 李大鹏

