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10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2562061C2
Принадлежит: АББ ФРАНС (FR)

Изобретение относится к области техники защиты от прямых воздействий молний. Диэлектрический защитный кожух (20) для молниеотвода (60) с устройством с упреждающей эмиссией стримера, содержащий активную часть (62), присоединенную к устройству с упреждающей эмиссией стримера для способствования запуску восходящего лидера из активной части, заземляемый токоотвод (80) и диэлектрическую часть, через которую активная часть установлена на токоотводе. Активная часть отделена от токоотвода воздушным пространством для образования между ними искрового промежутка, через который проходит ток молнии от активной части к токоотводу. Защитный кожух выполнен с возможностью быть прикрепленным к молниеотводу для защиты искрового промежутка от ухудшения его диэлектрических свойств окружающей средой, при этом оставляя активную часть молниеотвода открытой окружающей среде. Изобретение повышает надежность молниеотвода при риске ухудшения окружающей средой диэлектрических характеристик его искрового промежутка.

06-04-2021 дата публикации

Способы установки стержневого молниеприемника в вертикальном положении на типовые опоры (стойки) воздушных линий электропередач

Номер: RU2746051C2

Использование: в области электротехники и электроэнергетики для установки на типовой опоре воздушных линий электропередач стержневого молниеприемника. Технический результат – обеспечение надежной фиксации в вертикальном положении стержневого молниеприемника длиной до 7 метров на типовые опоры линий электропередач с использованием простого разборного устройства с возможностью, в случае необходимости, его демонтажа без дополнительных затрат, для повторного использования в дальнейшем. При первом варианте способа используют разборное устройство, включающее две вытянутые по горизонтали несущие детали с П-образным профилем, выполняющие функцию крепления к опоре воздушных линий электропередач, где одна из несущих деталей имеет съемный прижим для фиксации стержневой конструкции в вертикальном положении, который прикреплен к несущей детали при помощи болтового соединения и выполнен в виде дугообразно согнутой скобы с ушками. Сначала на верхней части на противоположных сторонах опоры (стойки) размещают ...

27-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128390C1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике, а именно к молниезащитным устройством для защиты промышленных объектов от поражений молний. Система молниезащиты содержит, как минимум, два ряда линейных контуров, каждый из которых представляет собой закрепленный на опорах трос 2, соединенный с заземлителем, между которыми расположены объекты защиты, трос 2 связан с опорой соответственно через изоляторы 4, тяговый трос 5 с сезонной температурной разметкой 6 и натяжным механизмом 8, а токоотвод 9 выполнен в виде гибкого проводника, соединенного одним концом с тросом 2 в пространстве между изоляторами 4, а другим - с заземлителем, трос 2 оснащен виброгасителями 12, опоры 1 выполнены в виде опор линии электропередачи, рассчитанных на тросовую нагрузку, оснащены площадками обслуживания 13, стержневыми молниеприемниками 15, сигнальными огнями 16, прожекторами 17 для наружного освещения защищаемых объектов, боковыми светильниками, по всей длине опоры установлены лестницы ограждения, кроме того, трос ...

21-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2767757C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Технический результат - обеспечение линейным разрядником возможности выдерживать грозовые импульсы и обрабатывать коммутирующие импульсы заданной величины без пробоя. Линейный разрядник с внешним искровым промежутком (EGLA) для линий электропередачи содержит: последовательный варисторный блок (1) (SVU), который выполнен с возможностью подсоединения между линией электропередачи и заземлением; блок (8) первичного искрового промежутка, последовательно соединенный с первым концом блока SVU; вторичный промежуток, расположенный между вторым концом блока SVU и заземлением. Вторичный промежуток последовательно соединен с вторым концом блока SVU. Закорачивающая перемычка (3) соединена в параллель с вторичным промежутком. Разъединитель (4) установлен в закорачивающей перемычке (3), причем этот разъединитель выполнен с возможностью размыкания закорачивающей перемычки в случае перегрузки блока SVU. Также описан способ защиты от импульсов, реализуемый ...

11-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU204790U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и может использоваться при защите оптических кабелей связи в зоне активной грозовой деятельности. Для решения задачи защиты оптического кабеля в зоне повышенной грозовой деятельности предлагается устройство защиты оптического кабеля от грозовых разрядов оптического кабеля с металлическими элементами, строительные длины которого соединены с помощью соединительных муфт, с помощью грозозащитного троса, проложенного над ним на половине глубины прокладки оптического кабеля, ось которого совпадает в вертикальной плоскости с осью оптического кабеля. Для повышения эффективности защиты от грозовых разрядов оптического кабеля, на грозозащитный трос в местах соединения строительных длин оптического кабеля с помощью соединительных муфт перпендикулярно трассе в горизонтальной плоскости на вводе и выводе оптического кабеля из соединительной муфты прокладывают линейный заземлитель, длина которого в каждую сторону от грозозащитного троса равна глубине ...

22-04-2022 дата публикации

Устройство усиленной защиты оптических кабелей связи с металлическими элементами от грозовых разрядов на опушке леса

Номер: RU210632U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и может использоваться при защите оптических кабелей связи с металлическими элементами от грозовых разрядов на опушке леса в зоне активной грозовой деятельности. Устройство усиленной защиты оптического кабеля с металлическими элементами от грозовых разрядов на опушке леса в зоне повышенной грозовой деятельности содержит оптический кабель связи с металлическими элементами, грозозащитный трос, проложенный над ним на половине глубины прокладки оптического кабеля, ось которого совпадает в вертикальной плоскости с осью оптического кабеля, отличающееся тем, что для усиления защиты оптического кабеля связи с металлическими элементами на опушке леса от грозовых разрядов вводится линейный заземлитель на половине расстояния в горизонтальной плоскости между опушкой леса и оптическим кабелем с металлическими элементами, параллельный оптическому кабелю связи с металлическими элементами и опушке леса, совпадающей с началом и концом сближения с оптическим ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU175047U1

Раскрыт грозозащитный разрядник, включающий в себя диэлектрический элемент, выполненный с использованием диэлектрика по меньшей мере два основных электрода, механически связанных с диэлектрическим элементом, и содержащий внутри себя по меньшей мере один стержневой электрод. Отличительным признаком разрядника является то, что диэлектрический элемент выполнен изгибаемым. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

10-02-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU124848U1

... 1. Устройство молниезащиты, содержащее грозозащитный трос в виде несущего провода и концентрически расположенных на нем повивов и, по меньшей мере, один заземляющий спуск в виде петли, имеющей подземный участок, при этом несущий провод и повивы выполнены из графитовых шнуров, армированных стеклонитью, несущий провод охвачен инконелевой оболочкой, повивы - общей инконелевой оплеткой, а заземляющий спуск выполнен из грозозащитного троса.2. Устройство молниезащиты, содержащее грозозащитный трос в виде несущего провода и концентрически расположенных на нем повивов и, по меньшей мере, один заземляющий спуск в виде петли, имеющей подземный участок, при этом в качестве несущего провода использован оптоволоконный кабель в стальной оболочке, повивы выполнены из графитовых шнуров, армированных стеклонитью, и охвачены общей инконелевой оплеткой.3. Устройство по п.2, в котором заземляющий спуск выполнен из отрезка троса, имеющего несущий провод и концентрически расположенные на нем повивы из графитовых ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Зажим для молниезащиты и заземления

Номер: RU209955U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и предназначена для контактного соединения элементов молниезащиты и заземления между собой, а также крепления элементов молниезащиты и заземления к элементам строительного объекта (конструкции). Зажим для молниезащиты и заземления содержит первую и вторую пластины (1, 2), в которых выполнены соосные центральные крепежные отверстия (3). При этом каждая пластина (1, 2) содержит первый желоб (4) и второй желоб (5) для размещения элементов системы молниезащиты и заземления. Первый желоб (4) выполнен прямолинейным и расположен у края пластины (1, 2), а второй желоб (5) имеет U-образную форму и огибает центральное крепежное отверстие (3). Кроме того, в центральных крепежных отверстиях (3) установлены элементы резьбового крепежного соединения. Упрощение монтажа зажима для молниезащиты и заземления достигается тем, что гайка (7) резьбового крепежного соединения приварена к первой пластине (1). 4 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

20-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU88862U1

Молниеотвод, содержащий заполненный диэлектриком корпус с боковыми стержнями, на котором установлен центральный стержень-молниеприемник, центральный стержень заземления, установленный в основании корпуса, при этом в корпусе размещены обкладки конденсаторов, соединенные с генераторными разрядниками, и резисторы, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен металлическим, в котором установлены повышающий трансформатор напряжения, формирующий конденсатор, блоки питания, каждый из которых образован из последовательно установленного накопительного конденсатора и генераторного разрядника и параллельно подсоединенного к ним резистора, при этом первичная обмотка трансформатора соединена с верхней обкладкой формирующего конденсатора, нижняя обкладка которого соединена с верхним блоком питания, а вторичная обмотка трансформатора соединена одним концом с центральным стержнем-молниеприемником, а вторым концом - с центральным стержнем заземления, нижний блок питания соединен с центральным стержнем заземления ...

29-11-2022 дата публикации

Тросовое устройство с линейными и вертикальными заземлителями для усиленной защиты от грозовых разрядов на опушке леса волоконно-оптических кабелей с металлическими элементами двухкабельной системы связи

Номер: RU2784742C1

Изобретение относится к устройству молниеотводов при прокладке оптических кабелей связи. Тросовое устройство с линейными и вертикальными заземлителями для усиленной защиты от грозовых разрядов на опушке леса волоконно-оптических кабелей с металлическими элементами двухкабельной системы связи содержит грозозащитный трос, размещенный над трассой защищаемых кабелей на половине глубины их прокладки, первый и второй линейные заземлители, которые расположены на глубине прокладки грозозащитного троса параллельно опушке леса и волоконно-оптическим кабелям, и четыре вертикальных заземлителя. Длина линейных заземлителей совпадает с длиной сближения волоконно-оптических кабелей с опушкой леса. Первый и второй вертикальные заземлители физически соединены с концами первого линейного заземлителя, а третий и четвертый физически соединены с концами второго линейного заземлителя. Грозозащитный трос физически соединен с линейными и вертикальными заземлителями своими начальными и концевыми перпендикулярными ...

10-01-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2071623C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники. Сущность изобретения: контур молниезащиты, содержащий прямоугольную рамку из металлического троса, замкнут на электрический конденсатор, прокладывается на почве слабой проводимости и обладает свойствами приемной антенны. Специфические свойства контура возникают в электромагнитном поле грозы и используются для отвода, канализации ствола молнии в плоскость контура. 1 ил.

27-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU2186448C1

Изобретение относится к устройству защиты от повреждений объектов различного назначения при интенсивном воздействии атмосферного электричества, в частности к средствам молниезащиты промышленных зданий и сооружений, а также электроэнергетического оборудования, находящегося на открытом воздухе. Молниеотвод содержит центральный стержень-молниеприемник, центральный стержень заземления, боковые стержни, многосекционный защитный разрядник, генераторный разрядник и диэлектрический корпус. Корпус молниеотвода имеет снаружи поперечную ребристость. Секции наружного защитного многосекционного разрядника посажены на боковые стержни и выступают за пределы поперечной ребристости корпуса. Внутри корпуса расположены накопительные блоки. Каждый из этих блоков образован цепочкой из последовательно включенных накопительного конденсатора и генераторного разрядника, определяющей последовательное соединение блоков между собой, при параллельном подключении к ней зарядного резистора в каждом блоке. Верхний накопительный ...

30-09-2024 дата публикации

Устройство для соединения гибких графитовых проводников-заземлителей

Номер: RU2827583C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и предназначено для контактного соединения элементов молниезащиты и заземления между собой. Устройство для соединения гибких графитовых проводников-заземлителей состоит из U-образного элемента с боковыми стенками, при этом в каждой из боковых стенок выполнены отверстия под штифты, штифтов, соединяющих боковые стенки, профильных клиньев, имеющих углубления, и прижимной пластины с U-образной поверхностью. Электрический и механический контакт между двумя соединяемыми проводниками, уложенными друг на друга внутрь U-образного элемента, обеспечивается прижатием с противоположной стороны прижимной пластиной с U-образной поверхностью путем расклинивания профильными клиньями, имеющими углубления, радиус которых соответствует радиусу штифтов, под которыми эти клинья забиваются с двух противоположных сторон U-образного элемента в стороны движения клина. Техническим результатом изобретения является простота конструкции при обеспечении надежного электрического ...

27-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2462802C1

Изобретение относится к средствам защиты объектов различного назначения при прямом или близком воздействии молниевых разрядов, электромагнитных импульсов, коротких замыканий и коммутаций электрооборудования и направлено на повышение эффективности защиты от воздействия молниевых разрядов за счет создания условий, препятствующих возникновению нисходящих разрядов и искрообразования при воздействии токов и напряжений импульсов больших значений. Безыскровой заземлитель выполнен в виде центрального вертикального электрода, расположенного ниже уровня грунта. Верхняя часть заземлителя выполнена в виде купола и соединена с молниеотводом. Нижняя часть центрального вертикального электрода соединена через лучеобразные горизонтальные электроды с не менее чем двумя заглубленными внешними вертикальными электродами, которые соединены шинами с шиной, образующей контур защищаемой площади, а нижние концы вертикальных электродов имеют вырезанные наружу клинья, расположенные в объеме искропоглощающей смеси.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006133827A

... 1. Молниеотвод с ускоренной ионизацией воздуха вокруг его острия, состоящий из главного ионизационного электрода, соединенного последовательно через высоковольтную катушку и магнето с заземляющим электродом, отличающийся тем, что высоковольтная катушка (4) расположена внутри металлического усиливающего электрода (3), верхний торец которого, имеющий заглушку, соединен с острием (2) главного ионизационного электрода (1).2. Молниеотвод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пространство между усиливающим электродом (3) и высоковольтной катушкой (4) заполнено твердым диэлектриком (9).3. Молниеотвод по п.1 или 2, отличающийся тем, что твердый диэлектрик предпочтительно является полиуретановой смолой.4. Молниеотвод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что диаметр усиливающего электрода (3) равен от 1,3 до 5,0 диаметров высоковольтной катушки (4),5. Молниеотвод по п.1, отличающийся тем, что усиливающий электрод (3) изготовлен из металла, предпочтительно из стального листа.6. Молниеотвод по п.1, отличающийся тем, ...

10-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004105819A

... 1. Устройство молниезащиты и отбора энергии молнии, содержащее молниеприемник, заземленный через обмотку трансформатора, отличающееся тем, что молниеприемник представляет собой вертикально расположенную токопроводящую цилиндрическую трубу, в которую снизу до уровня внутренней поверхности дна прочно вставлен цилиндрический толстостенный стакан из диэлектрического материала с большой относительной диэлектрической проницаемостью таким образом, чтобы верхняя часть трубы возвышалась над его краями, при этом на внутреннюю поверхность стенок стакана снизу от уровня дна до уровня, меньшего высоты стенок, нанесено заземленное токопроводящее покрытие, а оставшаяся свободной от покрытия внутренняя поверхность стенок стакана выполнена гофрированной горизонтальными круговыми канавками и выступами, токопроводящая труба изолирована от земли и электрически соединена с одним концом первичной обмотки трансформатора, другой конец которой заземлен, на уровне заземленного токопроводящего покрытия геометрическим ...

20-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011100469A

... 1. Конструкция для обеспечения молниезащиты электронного блока (5) воздушного судна, выполненная с возможностью, при ударе молнии, отвода тока молнии в электропроводную опорную конструкцию (17) фюзеляжа воздушного судна, при этом электронный блок (5) прикреплен к аэродинамическому обтекателю снаружи воздушного судна, содержащая: ! a) электропроводную монтажную плиту (9А), расположенную на наружной стороне сэндвич-панели (1) из композиционного материала на углеродоволокнистой основе (CFK) аэродинамического обтекателя; ! b) электропроводную заднюю панель (9В), которая расположена на внутренней стороне сэндвич-панели (1) из CFK аэродинамического обтекателя и имеет электрическое соединение с монтажной плитой (9А); ! c) электропроводные разъемные крепежные средства (14) для прикрепления электронного блока (5) к корпусу воздушного судна, обеспечивающие электрическое соединение между электронным блоком (5) и монтажной плитой и задней панелью, расположенными на сэндвич-панели (1) из CFK, таким ...

20-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98115337A
Автор: Батуев Г.А.

... 1. Способ для предотвращения возникновения пожара от молнии и устройство для его осуществления, заключающийся в заблаговременном отведении грозовых зарядов атмосферного электричества туч в землю без причинения вреда растительности на земле и животному миру, отличающийся тем, что на защищаемой площади устанавливают молниеотводы, высота которых и частота их размещения позволяет сделать разряд электрического заряда атмосферного электричества в нужном месте и в меньших объемных пределах. 2. Способ для предотвращения возникновения пожара от молнии по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что высота молниеотводов на защищаемой площади должна быть 30 - 40 м и более от земли, а расстояние между установленными молниеотводами должно быть в пределах 3 - 5 км друг от друга во всех направлениях. 3. Устройство для предотвращения возникновения пожара от молнии, содержащее стояк молниеотвода, включающий металлические оцинкованные трубчатые звенья (или звенья из нержавеющей стали), токоприемник (молниеприемник) для приема ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE202021100758U1
Принадлежит: SL RACK GMBH, SL Rack GmbH

Befestigungsvorrichtung zur Befestigung eines Solarpanels (10), eines Photovoltaikmoduls, eines Blitzableiters (36) und/oder eines Tragprofils (12), aufweisendein Klemmelement (14) zum Verklemmen des Solarpanels (10), des Photovoltaikmoduls, des Blitzableiters (36) und/oder des Tragprofils (12), und eine Schraubenkopfaufnahme (18) mit einem Einführabschnitt (20) und einem Befestigungsabschnitt (24), wobei der Einführabschnitt (20) wenigstens eine Rückhaltevorrichtung (22) aufweist, welche eine Öffnung des Einführabschnitts (20) im Vergleich zu einer Öffnung des Befestigungsabschnitts (24) verengt, wobeidie Rückhaltevorrichtung (22) derart zwischen einer Einführstellung und einer Rückhaltestellung verstellbar ist, dass die Öffnung des Einführabschnitts (20) in der Einführstellung größer ist als in der Rückhaltestellung.

03-06-2004 дата публикации

Lightening protection device for buildings, has capture rod joined orthogonally cross-wise to the capture conductor

Номер: DE202004005105U1

A lightening protection device consists of a plate-type, preferably circular apertured mounting foot (1) and a capture rod (2) with an attached clamp for connection of lightening protection conductors. The mounting foot (1) is formed from a flat plastics plate (3), in which the capture rod (2) is joined approximately orthogonally cross-wise with the capture conductor (4).

19-05-2005 дата публикации

Roof cable e.g. lightning conductor, holder, has clamp stretching longitudinally from center of ridge tile to border of tile and having set of raising foot, and fastener locked between two raising foot by screw

Номер: DE202005003250U1

The holder has a fastener (3) holding a lightning conductor. A clamp (1) stretches longitudinally from the center of a ridge tile to the border of the tile. The clamp has a set of raising foot (10) along its sides, where clamp ends are fixed to the border and a tension spring (2) by respective hooks (6, 8). The fastener runs along the length of a groove on the clamp and is locked between any pair of foot by a screw (4).

16-11-2006 дата публикации

Blitzschutzanlage an Gebäuden

Номер: DE0010254792B4

19-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010213925B4

Leitungshalter zum Halten der Leitungen von Blitzschutzanlagen auf Flachdächern umfassend einen Grundkörper aus Beton, Kunststein oder dergleichen und eine Halteeinrichtung zum Festlegen des Leitungsdrahtes an dem Grundkörper, wobei der Grundkörper an seiner Oberseite eine Ausnehmung aufweist, in die eine als Halteeinrichtung wirkende Halteklammer einrastbar ist, wobei der Leitungsdraht wiederum in der Halteklammer durch Einrasten festlegbar ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Ausnehmung (5) für die Halteklammer (6) beiderseits eine Hinterschneidung (11) aufweist, hinter welcher, jeweils ein nach oben-außen wegstehender Rastschenkel (10) der Halteklammer (6) einrastbar ist.

05-02-2004 дата публикации

Lightning conductor for electrically connecting collector to earthing system for external lightning protection has conductive casing with sections of different conductivities over its length

Номер: DE0010233528A1

The lightning conductor is embedded in an insulating envelope, which is enclosed by a conductive casing, and has a field control arrangement in the connection region to the collector for preventing discharges and increasing the pulsed voltage strength. The conductive casing has sections of differentiated, different conductivities over its length.

08-07-2004 дата публикации

Lightning protection conductor element has profile that is intrinsically stiff in longitudinal direction, foot region from which conducting section protrudes upwards with lateral attachment openings

Номер: DE0010261915A1

The lightning protection conductor element (1) has a profile that is intrinsically stiff in the longitudinal direction. It has a foot region (2) from which the conducting section (3) protrudes upwards. The foot region has lateral attachment openings (5) and can be at least partly laid flat on a supporting surface. The foot region has a distance holding section (4) protruding upwards with the conducting section on its upper end. AN Independent claim is also included for the following: (a) a lightning protection arrangement.

27-06-1996 дата публикации

Wind turbine generator with lighting protection

Номер: DE0004445899A1

The wind turbine generator has a mat (10) supporting an electricity generator at its top end, driven by a wind turbine rotor. The rotor blades (14) are each provided with at least one conductor path (17) extending along their length, which are galvanically separated from earth potential during normal operation. A low-ohmic connection is provided between the rotor blade conductor paths and earth in the presence of atmospheric lightning, via discharge paths (23,30,31) an earth line (29), to provide lightning protection.

25-02-1982 дата публикации

Fixing assembly fitting lightning conductor to line holder etc. - uses tightened nut to draw clamping piece against conductor

Номер: DE0003028814A1

The assembly consists of a clamping piece (3) with a threaded shank (9). The shank passes through a hole (2) in part of the line holder (1) or similar. A nut (10) screws onto the shank and draws the clamping piece towards the holder part so that the lightning conductor (22) is sandwiched and held between clamping piece and holder part. Numerous variations on this basic design are described and all permit rapid and easy fixing of conductors of various diameters. If the lightning conductor is flat, the clamping piece is L-shaped with one limb forming a flat face that presses against the conductor and the other limb forming the threaded piece may be an L-shaped hook with a curved limb hooking around the conductor or it may consist of a post with a sloping into which the conductor fits. Alternatively, the clamping part of the clamping piece is separate from the threaded shank and loosely coupled to it in a variety of ways, e.g. a pivot pin or a hexagonal head.

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE202014105477U1
Принадлежит: Philipp GmbH

Blitzschutzeinrichtung für Betonwände oder -Fertigteile mit innerer Stahlbewehrung (30), gekennzeichnet durch ein Drahtseil (1), auf dessen eines Ende eine Gewindehülse (10) aufgepresst ist und dessen anderes Ende eine Klemme (20) für das Umgreifen und Festklemmen eines im Inneren der Betonwand angeordneten Bewehrungsstahls (30) aufweist.

25-10-2018 дата публикации

Dachleitungshalter für den äußeren Blitzschutz

Номер: DE202018104993U1
Принадлежит: OBO Bettermann Hungary Kft.

Dachleitungshalter (1) für den äußeren Blitzschutz, bestehend aus einem Formkörper (2) aus Kunststoff mit einer Bodenfläche (3) und oberseitigen Haltelementen (4) zur Halterung von Blitzschutzleitern (5), wobei der Dachleitungshalter (1) mit der Bodenfläche (3) auf eine Dicht- und/oder Isolierschicht oder -folie (6) aus Kunststoff eines vorzugsweise als Flachdach ausgebildeten Daches aufgelegt ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Bodenfläche (3) eine Trennschicht (7) aus Metall aufweist, mit der der Formkörper (2) in Montagesolllage auf der Dicht- und/oder Isolierschicht oder -folie (6) aufliegt.

21-09-2006 дата публикации

Lightning arrester for use in building, has transient and contact section in direction of lightning catch unit, where section comprises conductive cover that stays in communication with the conductor

Номер: DE102005024222A1

The arrester has a metallic conductor (1) surrounded with a high voltage firm isolation coating or lamination (2) in a contact risk region. A transient and contact section is provided in a direction of a lightning catch unit, where the section comprises a conductive cover. The cover stays in communication with the conductor. A field intensity -transition region is realized between the isolation coating and the conductor.

26-03-1959 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001785776U

10-06-2010 дата публикации

Lightning protection casing for e.g. supports of building constructions, has shell-like segments made of glass fiber reinforced plastic and overlapped at joints and electrically connected in non-conducting manner

Номер: DE102008060189A1

The casing has shell-like segments (2, 7) made of glass fiber reinforced plastic. The segments are overlapped at joints and electrically connected in a non-conducting manner. The segments are provided with competitive offsets, where one of the offsets is displaced opposite to an outer circumference of one of the segments. The other offset is displaced opposite to an inner circumference of the other segment. The segments consist of two half shells, where one of the segments exhibits an increased wall thickness. An independent claim is also included for a method for producing a lightning protection casing.

03-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001358724A

... 1358724 Earth electrode; lightning conductor ENERGLYN, RT HON LORD 5 Dec 1972 [7 Sept 1971] 41619/71 Heading H2C An electrode, e.g. an earth electrode or lightning conductor comprises an elongate metal shank 18, e.g. of iron or steel with a tapered end portion 2, radially extendible members, e.g. frusto-conical discs 8 with radial slits on the shank between a movable abutment 14 and a fixed abutment, e.g. a shoulder 6 on end portion 2, means, e.g. a nut 16 on a threaded portion of the shank to move the displaceable abutment 14 towards the fixed abutment 6 and thus radially extend members 8 and a water absorbing material, e.g. carbon, silica gel, calcium chloride, or alumina arranged about and in contact with the shank 18. As shown annular metal cup members 12 are positioned between the discs 8 and contain the water absorbing material; the cups may be internally painted with an electro-chemical conductive paint. When used as an earth electrode the shank is driven into the ground and then ...

19-12-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232712A

A clip for securing strip form lightning conductors comprises a base (10) for fixing to a wall or the like adapted to receive a cover (14) comprising a body portion (16) and spaced resilient legs (19) having latches (21). Spaced apertures (23) in the base (10) receive the legs (19) such that when the clip is assembled with the legs (19) in the apertures (23) and the latches (21) are resiliently urged into retaining engagement with shoulders (25) of the base (10). A channel (28) between the apertures (22) is provided in which a lightning conductor tape (26) can be secured. The legs (19) are substantially enclosed by the base (10) to prevent access. The clip is readily assembled, firmly secures the tape (26) against lightning strike forces, and is resistant to tampering when assembled. ...

18-06-2008 дата публикации

Clip for securing lightning conductor.

Номер: GB0002444788A

A clip for retaining a lightning conductor strip and attaching it to a surface comprises a base 30 and a cap 31 which retain a lightning conductor strip. The base 30 and the cap 31 have mutually engageable connection elements 32, 33 for holding the base 30 and the cap 31 together at a first connection location and may be push fit or hinged, and a screw 36 for securing the base 30 and cap 31 at a second connection location. The first and second connection locations are spaced apart either side of where the lightning conductor is located.

02-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002127889B

22-04-2015 дата публикации

Improvements relating to lightning protection systems for wind turbine blades

Номер: GB0002519333A

A method of fabricating a pre-formed component 20 of a lightning protection system for a wind turbine blade, the method comprising providing a first fabric layer 82; applying a conductive layer 86 to the first fabric layer; and applying a second fabric layer 84 so as to sandwich the conductive layer between the first and second insulating layers. The stage of applying a conductive layer to the first fabric layer may comprise applying multiple conductive layer portions that overlap each other. Preferably reinforced zones are created by applying first and second metallic elements to either side of the conductive layer so that they are in registration. The conductive layer may be a metallic foil. A wind turbine blade comprising a conductive layer sandwiched between a first fabric layer and a second fabric layer is also claimed.

27-04-2016 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sealing assemblies

Номер: GB0002531675A

An apparatus 100 for providing a watertight seal between an earthing rod 106 and a building structure having a waterproof membrane 128. The apparatus comprises a tube 110 that allows the earthing rod 106 to pass through, a housing having a first seal 114 for preventing the passage of moisture between the earthing rod and the tube and a bore 104 for receiving the tube. The first seal is disposed between an inner surface of the housing bore and the earthing rod. A second seal 112 for preventing passage of moisture between the tube and the waterproof membrane is disposed between the housing and the tube. The apparatus also comprises a clamp having upper 120 and lower clamping members 130 for clamping the waterproof membrane therebetween. The upper clamp member forms part of the housing and the lower clamp member is an adjustable collar movably attachable to the housing so as to accommodate different thicknesses of waterproof membrane.

23-06-1999 дата публикации

Lightning Shelters

Номер: GB0002332458A

A lightning shelter comprises a plurality of elongate electrically conductive members (10) joined at one end (12), and extending away from each other to form a frame, with an electrically conductive spike (28, figure 4) at the lower end of each member. There may be a further conductive member (40) removably mounted where the others are joined. The upper part of each member (10) may be curved, and the lower part straight. The lower ends of the members may form a circle. Each member may also have another conductive member (32) adjacent to its lower end and extending radially outward. The outer surface of each member may be covered with an electrically insulating layer, such as polyethylene. The shelter may also contain a conductive floor (36), for example of welded metal mesh, which may be coupled to the spikes and the radially outward members (32). At least part of the frame may be covered by a waterproof fabric (42), and secured with ropes.

03-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002332458B
Принадлежит: H R SMITH, * H R SMITH

28-08-2002 дата публикации

Adjustable transmission line grounding lug

Номер: GB0002372643A

The grounding device includes an insert 12 connected to the exposed section 20 of the transmission line 18. A contact mechanism 24 is included on the grounding device and electrically connects the exposed section 20 of the transmission line 18. The contact mechanism 24 automatically adjusts to fit the diameter of the transmission line 18, so that an electrical contact may be maintained with transmission lines having a variety of diameters. The device also includes a grounding line 16 coupled to the insert 12, thus providing a ground for the transmission line. A jacket (14, Fig 1) may protect insert 12 from water and corrosion.

20-10-2010 дата публикации

Wind Turbine Lightning Protection And Monitoring Systems

Номер: GB0002469520A

A wind turbine hub 8 and nacelle 4 assembly includes means for conducting lightning between the hub and the nacelle. The hub is rotatably mounted on the nacelle and includes a hub conductor 26 connecting to a blade supported by the hub. The lightning conducting means includes a conductive track 40 and a terminal 30, 32 which confront and are displaceable relative to each other, one of the track and the terminal being mounted on the hub and connected to the hub conductor and the other being mounted on the nacelle. The terminal includes a terminal main body 30 spaced from the track and a sacrificial conductive terminal extension 32 e.g. a wire brush extending from the terminal main body towards the track. The brush wears with time to produce a gap. The brush is vapourised to plasma on a lightning strike. There is also an inductive sensor surrounding a conductor sending signals to a wind farm monitoring system to identify which turbine has been struck and which sacrificial elements need replacing ...

12-02-2014 дата публикации

Lightning energy storage system

Номер: GB0002504788A

A system for collecting and/or storing electrical energy in lightning comprises a lightning rod, a wire 102, a lightning energy harvester, and a ground rod 104. The lightning rod is configured to attract lightning and transfer electrical energy. The lightning energy harvester incorporates at least one magnetic capacitor 200 and a switch 2602. The ground rod is connected to the wire. A control signal controls the switch to direct the electrical energy to ground through the ground rod or to direct the electrical energy to charge the magnetic capacitor, in response to a charging state of the magnetic capacitor. A transformer 2603 may be provided to adjust the voltage of the electrical energy to charge the magnetic capacitor. A detector 2601 may be provided to detect the charging state of the capacitor and issue a control signal accordingly. A plurality of capacitors may be provided, connected in parallel.

07-06-1928 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to lightning conductors

Номер: GB0000291673A

... 291,673. Pickard, W., and Spencer, R. Nov. 1, 1927. Lightning-conductors.-A lightning- conductor comprises a forced rod a carried by bracket, c. A two-part band f, adjustable around a chimneystack &c. by bolts g, Fig. 5, is threaded through a slot e in the bracket c. A metal conductor b, twisted in a coil b<1> to allow for expansion, and attached to the chimney h by holdlasts j, is held in position on the lower end of the rod a by a nut i and is earthed in a perforated, inverted, vessel l. The rod a, and preferably the conductor b, are electrolytically coated with platinum, iridio-platinum or like non-oxidizing and non-fusible material. A suitable bath consists of 15 grammes of platinum ammonium chloride, 5 grammes of ammonium chloride and 120 grammes of citrate of soda. dissolved in water at a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit to make up one litre. Specification 296,647 is referred to.

05-10-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to methods of and apparatus for protection against electric discharges

Номер: GB0001044980A

... 1,044,980. Lightning conductors. COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE. Oct. 1, 1963 [Oct. 1, 1962], No. 38585/63. Heading H2C. In a system for giving protection from lightning or similar electrical discharges to a body or installation 1, 2, 3 which is buried underground or otherwise engulfed in a medium, a conductive array 5, comprising longitudinally and laterally extending members in combination, is interposed between the body and the surface. The array 5, which also comprises heavier peripheral and bracing members 10, 11, 12, 13 is connected to a remote earthing point 8 by a cable 7. It may extend beyond the boundaries of at least any conductive part of the protected body, although a non-conductive stack 6, such as an air intake, may project through it to the surface. The electrical resistance of the path for a discharge through the array and the cable 7 is made appreciably smaller than that of the shortest path through the earth to the body. In another embodiment (Fig. 3, not shown) the ...

15-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: ATA866675A

15-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA2512001A

25-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000385377B

26-06-1995 дата публикации

Holder for lightening conductor wires

Номер: AT0000399619B

The invention relates to a holder for lightening conductor wires between a holding part and a closure part, the two of which are latched to one another. In order to achieve secure retention but to prevent the lightening conductor wire 7 from being firmly jammed by the closure part 37 on the holding part 36, the invention provides that the closure part does not project into the space in the holding part intended for accommodation of the lightening conductor wire 7. The lightening conductor wire 7 can thus be moved in its longitudinal direction in the holding position. The holding part has an opposing bearing or a contact surface for the lightening conductor wire, which are formed by a wall region lying in the opposite direction to the direction in which the closure part 37 is fitted. ...

25-08-1972 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of new 14β-Hydroxy-15α-acyloxy-cardenoliden

Номер: AT0000301053B

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000493581T

25-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000401186B

15-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA110776A

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536475T

15-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000522966T

15-04-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000110776A

15-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000090188A

15-01-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000866675A

25-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000345534B

15-06-2014 дата публикации

Gebäude mit Blitzschutz

Номер: AT0000513695A1

Im Wesentlichen aus Holz bestehendes Gebäude, insbesondere ein Holzturm (1) für eine Windkraftanlage, mit einem Blitzschutz, der durch eine Auflage {2) auf den Turm (1) gebildet ist.

15-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509755A1

15-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509755B1

Der vertikale Mast (2) eines Windkraftwerkes trägt in seinem mittleren Bereich eine Photovoltaikanlage (1) und ein zur Oberfläche der Photovoltaik-Module beabstandetes, geerdetes Schutzgitter (3), womit mechanische Außeneinflüsse verhindert sind und auch ein Blitzschutz für die Photovoltaikanlage (1) besteht.

15-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000008551T

15-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000179840T

15-09-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009123T

10-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000334450B

14-11-1996 дата публикации

An improved lightning conductor

Номер: AU00PO307296D0

21-01-2002 дата публикации

Seal dam apparatus and method for electrical conduit

Номер: AU2001280518A8
Автор: Southwick, Mathew D.

06-01-2005 дата публикации

Lightning Protection Device and Method

Номер: AU2004235649A1

14-04-2005 дата публикации

Lightning protection system for wind turbine blade

Номер: AU2003266936A8

14-01-2010 дата публикации

A method of lightning-proofing a blade for a wind-energy plant

Номер: AU2004272684B2

25-07-1996 дата публикации

Improved lightning conductor and method

Номер: AUPO079196A0

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: AU2021201620A1

EARTH ENHANCING COMPOSITION Abstract The present invention relates to earth enhancing compositions and earth enhancing systems comprising the same, processes for their preparation and uses thereof.

08-06-2005 дата публикации

Member for potential equalising

Номер: AU2003304681A1

08-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001502383A

27-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004018472A

01-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001194538A1

11-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002761543C

There is provided a lightning-resistant fastener that can secure sufficient lightning-resistance performance at low cost and realize efficiency of field work and improvement of reliability. An insulating coat film 40 is formed in a region opposed to a structural member 22 in a shaft section 25c of a fastener main body 25 and an insulating layer is interposed between the structural member 22 and the shaft section 25c of the fastener main body 25, whereby an electric current is fed along a head section 25b side of the fastener main body 25 and a wing panel 21 when lightning occurs. This suppresses the electric current from flowing to the front end portion side of the fastener main body 25, i.e., the interior side of a wing 20 and prevents arc discharge from occurring inside the wing 20.

11-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA933615A

29-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: CA1196052A

An electrically conductive device (6) is positioned in the vicinity Or a lightning rod point (1, 2) where it is electrically isolated from the lightning rod (1) and the ground conductor (3). This device (6) comprises a first component (7) extending radially from the lightning rod (1) and having terminal spikes (8, 9, 10) for facilitating the adjustment of said component to the potential of the surrounding atmosphere the device (6) also comprises a second component (11) terminated by an electrode (12) which is positioned at a sufficiently short distance from the lightning rod (1) and in such a manner that a discharge takes place between the electrode (12) and the lightning rod (1) as a result of the voltage developing across the gap between said conductive device (6) and the lightning rod (1). The advantage of the system is that the efficiency of the lightning protector is greatly improved by comparison with lightning protectors provided with a radio-active source while operating without ...

07-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1011831A

30-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3081981A1

The present disclosure is directed to an exterior surface protective layer for protecting a composite structure from environmental conditions including: at least one curable film; such as at least two curable films, and an electrically conductive material, wherein the electrically conductive material comprises a wire-free electrically conductive material, and/or an electrically conductive polymer weave, wherein the at least one curable film includes at least one of polyurethane, polyimide, polyester or epoxy upon curing, and wherein a weight of the exterior surface protective layer ranges from about 0.02 pounds per square foot to about 0.1 pounds per square foot. An exterior surface protected composite structure and methods of forming an exterior surface protected composite structure are also provided.

21-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002500643C
Принадлежит: LM GLASFIBER A/S

A wind turbine rotor is provided, including a rotor hub and blades, where each blade root is connected to said rotor hub through a pitch bearing in such a manner that the pitch angle of the blade is adjustable by a turning of the blade about its longitudinal axis. The blade is provided with at least one electrically conducting lightning down- conductor extending in the longitudinal direction of the blade to the blade root and being electrically isolated from the pitch bearing. A spark gap is provided between the lightning down-conductor and the rotor hub, said spark gap being adapted to conduct a lightning current passing through the lightning down-conductor. A sliding contact connection is provided parallel to the spark gap between the lightning down-conductor and the rotor hub, said sliding contact connection ensuring electrical contact between said lightning down-conductor and said rotor hub irrespective of the pitch angle.

02-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002672296A1

An appliqué for forming a surface coating to a substrate (55) is disclose d. The appliqué contains a sectioned metal foil (20) that provides a large a rea electrical circuit for connecting electrical devices. The appliqué may p rovide additional functions including lightning strike protection. The subst rate may be an aircraft surface.

24-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002644077A1

16-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002644077C

A lightning resistive bush includes a cylindrical bush body. The bush body is composed of an inner insulative layer, a center electric-magnetic absorbing metal layer and an outer insulative layer, wherein the inner insulative layer, the center electric-magnetic absorbing metal layer and the outer insulative layer is integrated, and the center electric-magnetic absorbing metal layer is provided between the inner insulative layer and the outer insulative layer, and two axial edges of the center electric-magnetic absorbing metal layer Eire not connected to form cylindrical shape having radial openings.

10-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002927408C

The invention relates to a method for lightning warning with a large number of wind energy installations, in particular with a part of a wind farm, wherein the wind energy installations are each located at one location, and each of the large number of wind energy installations comprises a sensor arrangement for registering an environmental parameter, comprising at least an anemometer, a temperature sensor and/or a humidity sensor, wherein the sensor arrangement comprises a further sensor, in particular an electric field meter for registering electric fields, and the method comprises the following steps, namely a registration of at least one value for the environmental parameter, comprising at least an electric field, with the aid of the sensors of the sensor arrangement with the large number of wind energy installations; and an evaluation of the at least one value for the environmental parameter for the prediction of the lightning warning for the locations of the large number of wind energy ...

21-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002834544A1

A device for measuring a voltage of an electric power line conductor of a power system according to an exemplary aspect of the present disclosure includes, among other things, a first electrically conductive housing configured to be installed on a first power line conductor and a first virtual grounding member configured to electrically ground a first housing to a first power line conductor voltage. A first measuring resistor is electrically connected between the first virtual grounding member and an electrically isolated lead wire, the electrically isolated lead wire is electrically connected to a first voltage dropping device, the first voltage dropping device is configured to be electrically connected to a second power line conductor. A sensor electronics module is configured to measure a voltage drop across the first measuring resistor, the voltage drop being directly proportional to the voltage between the first power line conductor and the second power line conductor.

30-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002109365C
Принадлежит: HELITA S.A.

Paratonnerre (100) à dispositif d'amorçage comportant une électrode centrale (110) présentant une extrémité libre (111) et une extrémité reliée à la terre (112), une pièce (121) isolante entourant l'électrode centrale, e t présentant une surface extérieure (121a) venant se raccorder de manière continue à l'extrémité libre, et une électrode extérieure électriquement conductrice (122) recouvrant partiellement ladite surface extérieure de la pièce isolante de telle façon qu'une partie (121'a) non recouverte, raccordée à l'extrémité libre de l'électrode centrale, de la surface extérieure de la pièce isolante, définit un pont isolant entre ladite électrode extérieure et l'extrémité libre de l'électrode centrale, ladite partie de surface extérieure formant le pont permettant de guider une étincelle entre l'électrode extérieure, chargée électriquement dans des conditions atmosphériques appropriées, et l'extrémité libre de l'électrode centrale pendant la décharge de ladite électrode extérieure.

11-05-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002175475A1

A wiring structure for reducing a transient impedance in an electric current path by means of a simple work and an execution method. The structure comprises a first electric current path (1) having an entry point (o) of surge and a branch point (a) on a side opposite to the entry point of surge, a second electric current path (3) having both terminal ends (d, e) where reflected waves are caused by surge and connection points (b, c) which are respectively spaced distance (d2) from the both terminal ends (d, e) and branch electric current paths (2) of substantially the same length for connecting the branch point (a) to the both terminal ends (d, e).

25-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002140932A1

... 2140932 9402980 PCTABScor01 Disclosed is a lightning attractor apparatus for protecting secondary structures within the lightning protection zone of said lightning attractor apparatus, which is electrically grounded to the body of earth and ground water having reference potential. The apparatus includes a central conductive rod, one or more coaxial cylindrical conductors of decreasing height with the lowest cylindrical conductor on the outside, and a conducting base means onto which all above-ground conductors are rigidly mounted, and which provides the link with a common grounding rod. The grounding rod provides the electrical connection of the apparatus with the reference ground potential. Insulative concentric spacers, located at more or less regular intervals along the axis, separate and isolate the above-ground conductors from one another, their separation being such that arc-over between adjacent conductors are effectively suppressed. An insulating covering for the lower portion of ...

29-07-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002296672C

An aerial distribution cable consisting of insulated wire (1) is laid in parallel with an insulated wire (7) for field relaxation of double the lengt h that causes creepage flashover but does not cause AC dynamic current in the event of lightning surege. The insulated wire (7) for field relaxation is supported in the middle by a support insulator (3) for the insulated wire (1 ) and is connected with the conductor of the insulated wire (1) at both ends (8). The connections between the two wires are provided with insulating cove rs (9). This provides preventions against breaks in the insulated wire and instantaneous power failure.

28-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000178215U1

Полезная модель относится к конструкциям внешних молниеотводов, предназначенных для защиты от поражения молнией, а также к области исследования физических свойств вещества, в частности к исследованию процессов в плазме и в газоразрядных приборах, между анодом и катодом, в которых при фиксированном расстоянии между ними подается напряжение. Технический результат, достигаемый при использовании заявляемой полезной модели, заключается в обеспечении безопасности эксплуатации объектов охраны во время грозовых разрядов за счет устранения каналов растекания электрического заряда на проводящей поверхности электродов и фиксации положения разрядного канала на них в импульсном разряде при больших разрядных токах. Поставленная задача решается тем, что в молниеотводе, включающем соединенные в технологическом порядке токоприемник, выполненный с возможностью закрепления на объекте охраны, токопровод, представляющий собой тонкую металлическую проволочку, один конец которой выполнен с возможностью закрепления на токоприемнике, и заземлитель, выполненный в виде полого металлического цилиндра, при монтаже имеющий наземную и подземную части, при этом другой конец токопровода размещен внутри полости металлического цилиндра в его подземной части с обеспечением возможности касания земли. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 178 215 U1 (51) МПК H02G 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02G 13/00 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017129989, 24.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.03.2018 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 24.08.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 169660 U1, 28.03.2017. RU (45) Опубликовано: 28.03.2018 Бюл. № 10 1 7 8 2 1 5 R U (54) МОЛНИЕОТВОД (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к конструкциям внешних молниеотводов, предназначенных для защиты от поражения молнией, а также к области исследования ...

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Lightning conduction system for wind turbine blades with carbon fiber laminates

Номер: US20120134826A1
Принадлежит: Gamesa Innovation and Technology SL

Lightning rod system for wind turbine blades formed by various connections set up on carbon fiber laminates ( 2 ) on the blade ( 1 ), equipotentializing the surface of the flanges ( 4 ) of the beam ( 10 ) through the deviations of a primary cable ( 6 ) with the respective auxiliary cables ( 5 ), carried out with the use of a device ( 12 ) whose terminals are connected between the ends of the cited auxiliary cable ( 5 ). The use, given the elevated inductance of device ( 12 ) mounted on the connection between the carbon laminates ( 2 ) and the conductor cable or primary cable ( 6 ), is to reduce the passage of current across the carbon laminate and favor the conduction through the metal cable.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Rotor blade for a wind turbine

Номер: US20130078105A1

The invention relates to a rotor blade for a wind turbine, comprising a root of the rotor blade and a rotor blade aerofoil. The object of providing a rotor blade which can be easily and inexpensively produced even when of great lengths and which, what is more, enables a system for protection against lightning to be incorporated in a simplified way is achieved, for a rotor blade of the generic kind, by having the rotor blade consist of at least partly a fibre-reinforced plastics composite having metal inserts embedded in the matrix of the fibre-reinforced plastics composite.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130092410A1

A composite gasket for sealing, lightning strike protection and EMI shielding is provided. The gasket has a resilient conductive mesh sheet embedded with an elastomer gel layer. The conductive mesh is corrugated to provide a series of repeating waveforms, providing the gasket with a lower deflection force, better corrosion resistance, protection against lightning strikes and a higher EMI shielding capability. A second elastomer can be used around the edge portions of the gasket for improved abrasion resistance and increased tensile strength. A fiberglass sheet can be incorporated in the mesh for added reinforcement and support. The gaskets of the invention can be used on external aircraft components, such as external aircraft antenna mounts. 1. An EMI shielding and lightning strike protection gasket for compressible placement between a first interface surface and a second interface surface for providing electrical conductivity therebetween , the gasket comprising:a polymer gel layer; anda resilient, electrically-conductive mesh sheet embedded in the elastomer gel layer, the mesh having a mesh outer margin extending along an x-axis and a y-axis, said y-axis disposed generally normal to the x-axis, and having a thickness dimension extending along a z-axis, said z-axis disposed generally normal to the x-axis and the y-axis, the mesh sheet being corrugated to form a series of waveforms having amplitudes extending generally along the z-axis;whereby when the gasket is compressed between the first and the second interface surfaces, the mesh sheet provides electrical conductivity across the direction of the x-axis and the y-axis, and between the first and the second interface surface in the direction of the z-axis.2. The gasket of wherein the gel layer has a gel layer outer margin extending along the x-axis and the y-axis claim 1 , at least a portion of the gel layer outer margin extending beyond the mesh outer margin to define an edge portion.3. The gasket of wherein the ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098651A1
Автор: Muto Atsutoshi, SUZUKI Jun

A blade for wind power generation includes a lightning receptor configured to form a part of the surface of the blade, and a lightning receiving protrusion that protrudes outward from the surface of the lightning receptor. The lightning receiving protrusion is provided to a surface boundary between the blade and the lightning receptor. The surface boundary configured to protect against the lightning is positioned within a radius of a circle, which is centered on a tip of the lightning receiving protrusion and which has a radius of twice the length of the lightning receiving protrusion. A point where electric field concentration on the surface of the lightning receptor is greatest is moved from the boundary to the tip of the lightning receiving protrusion, so as to significantly reduce a possibility of blade damage associated with lightning striking the boundary when being stroke by the lightning. 1. A lightning protection structure of a blade for wind power generation , comprising:a lightning receptor configured to form a part of a surface of the blade; anda lightning receiving protrusion configured to protrude outward from a surface of the lightning receptor,wherein the lightning receiving protrusion is provided to a surface boundary between a blade body and the lightning receptor, andwherein the surface boundary configured to protect against lightning is positioned within a radius of a circle, which is centered on a tip of the lightning receiving protrusion and which has a radius of twice a length of the lightning receiving protrusion.2. The lightning protection structure of the blade for wind power generation according to claim 1 , wherein the lightning receptor is interposed between halves of the blade body claim 1 , or is provided to the tip of the blade body.3. The lightning protection structure of the blade for wind power generation according to claim 1 , wherein the lightning receiving protrusion has a cross-sectional area of 5 to 1000 mm.4. The lightning ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130105190A1

The invention relates to lightning strike protection means. The invention refers to a multilayer lightning strike protection material. 1. A multilayer lightning strike protection material which is configured adjoinable , at least partially , to an object to be protected and comprises a dielectric layer and an electrically conductive layer , characterized in that the material comprises a second dielectric layer , the electrically conductive layer being interposed between the dielectric layers and thickness d of at least one dielectric layer is not less than 0.1 mm.2. The material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that thickness d of the dielectric layers is from 0.5 mm to 15 mm.3. The material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that at least one dielectric layer is configured layered and comprises at least two sublayers of a material with a high dielectric strength.4. The material as claimed in claim 2 , characterized in that an interlayer space is present between the sublayers of the high dielectric strength material claim 2 , which can be filled with a gas claim 2 , for example claim 2 , air.5. The material as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the electrically conductive layer is configured layered and comprises at least two sublayers of an electrically conductive material.6. The material as claimed in any of to claim 1 , characterized in that at least one electrically conductive layer of the material is provided with a backing of a dielectric material. The invention relates to lightning strike protection means as well as to means of preventing both living objects and other objects such as automobiles, baby buggies, bicycles etc. from being possibly exposed to a lightning strike. The invention refers to a multilayer lightning strike protection material.The most widely used meaning in which the term lightning strike protection is regarded is the protection of various buildings as well as property and people, who are in said buildings, from ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for the automated manufacture of a fibre composite component with integrated lightning protection, and also a fibre composite component

Номер: US20130118770A1

A method for manufacturing a fiber composite plastic component with integrated lightning protection. The steps include, for a positive mold, automatically laying down a ribbon-form pre-preg material or dry ribbon-form reinforcing fiber strands onto the mold. Then, automatically laying down a ribbon-form lightning protection material onto the pre-preg material or the reinforcing fiber strands. For a negative mold, the steps include automatically laying down the lightning protection material on the negative mold, then automatically laying down the pre-preg material or the dry reinforcing fiber strands onto the positioned lightning protection material. The method also includes curing the laminate construction formed with the pre-preg material and the lightning protection material to form the fiber composite component, or infiltrating the dry reinforcing fiber strands with a plastic, and subsequently curing the laminate construction formed with the infiltrated reinforcing fiber strands and the lightning protection material to form the fiber composite component. 1. A method for the automated manufacture of a fiber composite component with integrated lightning protection , wherein the fiber composite component is formed with a fiber composite plastic , in particular with a thermosetting fiber composite plastic , comprising the steps:a) alternatively, if using a positive mold or a negative mold, automatically laying down at least one of a ribbon-form pre-preg material and dry ribbon-form reinforcing fiber strands, onto a positive mold, and then in at least some regions, automatically laying down an essentially ribbon-form lightning protection material onto the pre-preg material or the reinforcing fiber strands,or, in at least some regions, automatically laying down the ribbon-form lightning protection material on a negative mold and then in at least some regions automatically laying down the ribbon-form pre-preg material or the dry ribbon-form reinforcing fiber strands ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Stray voltage insulating device

Номер: US20130168130A1
Автор: Paul A. Richardson
Принадлежит: Individual

A device is provided having a body. The body being made from a flexible material that has an electrical insulating property of at least 1000 volts. A first fastener disposed on a first surface adjacent a first side. A second fastener is disposed on a second surface adjacent a second side, the second surface being opposite the first surface and the second side being opposite the first side. A plurality of straps is coupled to the body.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228357A1
Автор: MUNDLE Terry D.
Принадлежит: R U Grounded Energy Inc.

A ground fault protection device includes an electrically-conductive main body having downwardly-extending, ground-penetrating electrodes configured for minimal ground penetration. The device has one or more grounding terminals for connection of grounding cables, and may have handles for manual transportation. The device may be installed at a desired field location by applying downward force to the device to press the electrodes into the earth, thereby establishing an electrical connection between the grounding terminals and the ground via the main body and the electrodes. Grounding cables may then be connected between the grounding terminals and structures or equipment requiring grounding. Optionally, the main body may define a reservoir having a plurality of drainage ports. The reservoir may be filled with water, which will drip through the drainage ports and moisten the soil surrounding the electrodes, thereby decreasing the soil's electrical resistance and improving electrical conductivity between the electrodes and the soil. 2. A GFP device as in wherein the main body is made from an electrically-conductive material claim 1 , and wherein the grounding terminal means and the electrodes are physically connected to and in electrically-conductive communication with the main body claim 1 , such that the electrically-conductive communication between the grounding terminal means and the electrodes is effected through the main body.3. A GFP device as in claim 1 , further comprising one or more impact abutments associated with the main body.4. A GFP device as in claim 1 , further comprising handle means claim 1 , wherein the grounding terminal means is integral with the handle means.5. A GFP device as in wherein the electrodes are substantially perpendicular to the bottom surface of the main body.6. A GFP device as in wherein each electrode extends below the main body a distance not exceeding 11.5 inches claim 1 , as measured perpendicular to the bottom surface of the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006232A1

A lightning protection device for placing on a structure for protecting, and including a first coating including at least one layer of conductive paint; and a second coating deposited on the surface coating and including a material that is thermally insulating and electrically conductive. 1. A lightning protection device for placing on a structure for protecting , said device comprising:a first coating comprising at least one layer of conductive paint ; anda second coating deposited on the first surface coating and comprising a material that is thermally insulating and electrically conductive.2. A device according to claim 1 , wherein the second coating presents a thermal conductivity of less than 0.1 WmK.3. A device according to claim 2 , wherein the second coating presents a surface resistivity of less than 200 ohms.4. A lightning-sensitive structure that is to operate in high temperature environments claim 1 , wherein at least a portion thereof is provided with a lightning protection device according to .5. A structure according to claim 4 , wherein the structure constitutes at least one of the following thruster elements: a nozzle; an afterbody; and a shroud.6. A method of making a lightning protection device on a structure for protecting claim 4 , said method comprising:depositing on the structure for protecting a first coating comprising at least one layer of conductive paint;depositing a second coating on the first coating, the second coating comprising a material that is thermally insulating and electrically conductive.7. A method according to claim 6 , wherein the second coating presents a thermal conductivity of less than 0.1 WmK.8. A method according to claim 6 , wherein the second coating presents a surface resistivity of less than 200 ohms. The present invention relates to the field of protection against lightning for use in high temperature environments. A particular but non-exclusive field of the present invention is that of providing protection ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Rotor blade of a wind turbine, comprising an insulator layer and a protective layer

Номер: US20220018328A1
Автор: Urs Bendel

The invention relates to a rotor blade of a wind turbine, comprising at least one girder (2), at least one protective layer (4) which is arranged on the at least one girder (2) on the rotor blade outer side, wherein the at least one protective layer (4) is designed to be electrically conductive and connected to a lightning conductor (16), wherein at least one electrically insulating insulator layer (3) which is arranged between the at least one protective layer (4) and the at least one girder (2).

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Wind Turbine with Lightning Protection System

Номер: US20180010583A1

The present invention relates to a wind turbine comprising a lightning protection system comprising a waveguide interconnecting a communication device and a signal-carrying structure. In other aspects, the present invention relates to the use of a waveguide in a lightning protection system of a wind turbine, a power splitter and its use in a lightning protection system of a wind turbine. 2. A wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the signal-carrying structure comprises one or more signal-carrying coaxial cables claim 1 , each coaxial cable comprising a centre conductor surrounded by a first tubular insulating layer enclosed by a tubular shield conductor.3. A wind turbine according to claim 2 , wherein one or more of the signal-carrying coaxial cables is at least over part of its length integrated into a three-conductor cable comprising a second tubular insulating layer surrounding the tubular shield conductor claim 2 , the second tubular insulating layer being surrounded by at least part of the lightning down conductor.4. A wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the signal-carrying structure comprises at least one power splitter for splitting and transferring radio frequency power claim 1 , the power splitter comprising one input port and at least two output ports claim 1 , each port being adapted to connectively receive a signal-carrying cable claim 1 , wherein the input port is connected to each of the output ports such that a radio frequency signal received at the input port is split to the output ports.5. A wind turbine according to claim 4 , wherein the power splitter comprises a conductive housing connected to the input port to enable a direct current short circuit of the housing and the input port.6. A wind turbine according to claim 4 , wherein the signal-carrying structure is short-circuited with the lightning down conductor at the power splitter.7. A wind turbine according to claim 4 , wherein the input port and at least one of the output ports ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Lightning Protection System and Method

Номер: US20200011515A1

An equipotential bonding system can be provided for a lightning protection system that includes a mast assembly with an internal passageway that includes an internal surface, and a conductor that extends through the internal passageway. The equipotential bonding system can include a deflection member that is disposed at least partly within the internal passageway. The deflection member can be configured to urge the conductor into contact with the internal surface to form a conductive pathway between the mast assembly and the conductor. 1. A lightning protection system comprising:a mast assembly including an internal passageway that includes an internal surface;a conductor extending through the internal passageway and having an outer layer; anda deflection member arranged at least partially within the internal passageway and configured to deflect the conductor toward the internal surface so that the outer layer contacts the internal surface to form a conductive pathway between the mast assembly and the conductor.2. The lightning protection system of claim 1 , wherein the deflection member includes a biasing plate that extends into the internal passageway and is contoured to bias the outer layer into contact with the internal surface.3. The lightning protection system of claim 1 , wherein the mast assembly includes a first mast section claim 1 , a second mast section claim 1 , and a mast coupler arranged around at least a portion of the first mast section and the second mast section claim 1 , the mast coupler being configured to mechanically couple the first mast section to the second mast section; andwherein the deflection member is secured to the mast assembly to extend within the mast coupler.4. The lightning protection system of claim 3 , wherein the deflection member includes a fastening element that is threaded through the mast coupler to extend at least partially into the internal passageway.5. The lightning protection system of claim 3 , wherein the deflection ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150014015A1

An anchor for lightning protection systems includes a base and pad that extend over a sufficient area and a sufficient bearing length to hold in shear and in tension against the weight, shear force, and moment of cables, points, and other components of a lightning protection systems. A universal point mount includes a head presenting greater cross sectional area and greater contact surface area than any other part of the mounting system. Drilled and tapped to receive a point oriented vertically, the head mounts easily on a horizontal or vertical mounting surface by receiving studs from a cleat plate (mandible) whose teeth capture the cable against a relief slot in the head. Apertures and studs provide rotating arbitrarily to any necessary orientation. 1. An apparatus orienting arbitrarily a point of a lightning protection system , the apparatus comprising:a head having an outer surface defining a perimeter and characterized by an effective diameter extending across the outer surface;the head, having an inner surface defining a thickness extending between the inner and outer surfaces;the head, having a perimeter surface characterized by the perimeter and thickness;the head, further provided with a first penetration through the outer surface and a second penetration through the perimeter surface, each sized and configured to receive and secure the point;a mount securable to a mounting surface of a protected structure and having a mount orientation defined arbitrarily between vertical and horizontal by the mounting surface; anda mandible comprising a connector securing the head thereto in any selected position of a plurality of positions effective to orient the point vertically independently from the mount orientation and absent any substantial distortion of the head.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the head is maintained in contact over a contact area with a conductor by a force between the had and the mandible; andthe head provides a cross-sectional area for ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190013600A1

A method of installing an electrical grounding system at a site can comprise the steps of inserting a hollow electrode into a hole formed into native soil at the site, the hollow electrode comprising an electrically conductive tube configured for communication with a fault current source, and a carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive tube; positioning the hollow electrode in the hole circumferentially around a ground member driven into native soil at a bottom of the hole; and electrically interconnecting the ground member and the hollow electrode. 1. A method of installing an electrical grounding system at a site , comprising the steps of: an electrically conductive tube configured for communication with a fault current source, and', 'a carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive tube;, 'inserting a hollow electrode into a hole formed into native soil at the site, the hollow electrode comprising'}positioning the hollow electrode in the hole circumferentially around a ground member driven into native soil at a bottom of the hole; andelectrically interconnecting the ground member and the hollow electrode.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber layer comprises carbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive tube.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of claim 1 , prior to the step of inserting the hollow electrode into the hole claim 1 , fastening a salt replenishment tube to an undriven portion of the ground member claim 1 , the salt replenishment tube configured to contain electrolytic salt and having a tube wall defining an interior surface and an exterior surface claim 1 , the interior surface of the tube wall defining a salt chamber claim 1 , wherein the tube wall defines a weep hole extending from the exterior surface of the tube wall claim 1 , through the tube wall claim 1 , and ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Lightweight Bracket for Storm Hardening of Aircraft Components

Номер: US20220033101A1
Принадлежит: LOON LLC

The technology relates to techniques for lightweight brackets for storm hardening of aircraft components. A bracket flange for protecting an electronics assembly from electrical storm activity can include a leg element coupled to and extending from a component of a vehicle and a first bar element extending from another end of the leg element on a plane substantially parallel to the component and over a part of an electronics assembly. The location of the bracket flange can be determined using a lightning attachment survey configured to indicate a part of the electronics assembly to which a lightning streamer attaches during an electrical surge. The location and size of the bracket flange may be configured to divert surge current away from the part of the electronics assembly to which the lightning streamer attaches in the lightning attachment survey. 1. A bracket flange for protecting an electronics assembly from electrical storm activity , the bracket flange comprising:a leg element coupled to and extending from a base plate at one end of the leg element, an electronics assembly being mounted, at least in part, to the base plate; anda first bar element extending from another end of the leg element on a plane substantially parallel to the base plate and over a part of the electronics assembly,wherein the leg element is coupled to a location on an outer perimeter of the base plate, the location being determined using a lightning attachment survey configured to indicate a part of the electronics assembly to which a lightning streamer attaches during an electrical surge, the electrical surge configured to mimic the electrical storm activity;wherein the location is configured to place the leg element and first bar element in a configuration configured to divert surge current away from the part of the electronics assembly to which the lightning streamer attaches in the lightning attachment survey, andwherein the leg element and first bar element are formed of a ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160016673A1

A grounding sleeve for grounding an electrically insulated element disposed between two metal components includes an annular body extending between a first end and a second end. At least one window is formed in the annular body between the first end and the second end.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Lightning Protection for Spaced Electrical Bundles

Номер: US20140102757A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A shielded power feeder system may include at least one unshielded power feeder conductor, and at least one grounded guard wire conductor positioned adjacent to the at least one unshielded power feeder conductor, the at least one unshielded power feeder conductor and the at least one grounded guard wire forming a bundle. 1. A shielded power feeder system comprising:at least one unshielded power feeder conductor; andat least one grounded guard wire conductor positioned adjacent to the at least one unshielded power feeder conductor, with the at least one unshielded power feeder conductor and the at least one grounded guard wire forming a bundle.2. The shielded power feeder system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one grounded guard wire conductor includes a plurality of grounded guard wire conductors.3. The shielded power feeder system of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of grounded guard wire conductors includes ones of the grounded guard wire conductors spaced about the bundle.4. The shielded power feeder system of claim 3 , wherein the ones of the grounded guard wire conductors spaced about the bundle are spaced about a periphery of the bundle.5. The shielded power feeder system of claim 4 , wherein the ones of the grounded guard wire conductors spaced about the periphery of the bundle are positioned on either side of the at least one unshielded power feeder conductor.6. The shielded power feeder system of claim 5 , wherein the at least one unshielded power feeder conductor includes three unshielded power feeder conductors; and the ones of the grounded guard wire conductors spaced about the periphery of the bundle are positioned on either side of each of the three unshielded power feeder conductors.7. The shielded power feeder conductor of claim 6 , further comprising at least one spacer shaped to receive and hold the three power feeder conductors in a fixed claim 6 , spaced relation to each other.8. The shielded power feeder conductor of claim 7 , wherein the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019526A1

A grounding system includes an electrical connection device and a ground rod is provided. The electrical connection device includes a ground rod driver, such as a coupler, capable of being connected to the ground rod, and a conductor cable that is welded to the ground rod driver. 1. An electrical connection device comprising:a ground rod driver capable of being connected to a ground rod;a conductor cable having one end welded to the ground rod driver and a free end.2. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises a female coupler for attachment to the ground rod.3. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the female coupler comprises a threaded receptacle for attachment to the ground rod.4. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the female coupler comprises a tapered receptacle for press-fit attachment to the ground rod.5. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises a male coupler for attachment to the ground rod.6. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 5 , wherein the male coupler comprises a threaded coupler for attachment to the ground rod.7. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 5 , wherein the male coupler comprises an end for press-fit attachment to the ground rod.8. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises at least one of copper claim 1 , brass claim 1 , stainless steel and brass.9. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the conductor cable is connected to the coupler utilizing an exothermic welding process.10. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the ground rod driver comprises a coupler for joining ground rods.11. The electrical connection device as recited in claim 10 , wherein the coupler comprises a press-fit coupler.12. The electrical connection device as recited ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190020186A1
Автор: Cawood Matthew D.

A one-part or two-part air terminal for protecting a structure against lightning strikes. A flexible adapter, such as a spring, attaches an upper air terminal to a lower air terminal or a one-piece air terminal and base. The flexible adapter allows a flexible engagement between parts of the air terminal and has an internal passageway. A elongate tether couples parts of the air terminal in case the upper air terminal or one-piece air terminal breaks, so as to avoid a broken part from injuring individuals around. The elongate tether may be a ball chain or other type of chain. The elongate tether runs through the internal passageway of the flexible adapter. A base mounts to the one-part or two-part air terminal and mounts the air terminal to the structure. A grounding wire grounds the base to the grounding rod. 1. A flexible adapter for use with an air terminal for protecting a structure against lightning strikes comprising:an elongate body having a pair of connective ends and a central flexible portion with an internal passageway therethrough; andan elongate tether extending through said passageway, mechanically and electrically connected to the connective ends of the elongate body.2. The flexible adapter of claim 1 , wherein the elongate tether is a chain running through the internal passageway of the flexible adapter.3. The flexible adapter of claim 2 , wherein the chain is a ball chain.4. The flexible adapter of claim 3 , wherein the elongate body comprises a spring and the internal passageway is an internal passageway of the spring.5. The flexible adapter of claim 1 , wherein at least part of the air terminal is constructed of an aluminum alloy.6. The flexible adapter of claim 5 , wherein the aluminum alloy comprises a minimum of 90% aluminum.7. The flexible adapter of claim 1 , wherein at least part of the air terminal is constructed of a copper alloy.8. The flexible adapter of claim 7 , wherein the copper alloy comprises a minimum of 60% copper.9. The flexible ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150022932A1
Принадлежит: The Boeing Company

A fault-tolerant self-indicating surge protector system and methods are presented. An unwanted surge of electrical energy induced by a lightning strike is directed away from a sensitive electrical or electronic component, and the unwanted surge of electrical energy is directed through series connected pairs of varistors. A voltage signal is extracted from a center tap point between the series connected pairs of the varistors, and the voltage signal is monitored for a health of the varistors. A high impedance in a varistor among the varistors is provided for a low voltage across the varistor, and a low impedance in the varistor is provided and the unwanted surge of electrical energy is diverted through the varistor in response to a high voltage across the varistor. 1. A fault-tolerant self-indicating surge protector system , the system comprising: [ provide a first high impedance between the power line and the middle node if a first varistor voltage from the power line to the middle node is below a first voltage threshold; and', 'absorb a surge current from the power line if the first varistor voltage is above the first voltage threshold; and, 'a first varistor module configured to couple to the power line and a middle node, and comprising a first varistor configured to, provide a second high impedance between the middle node and the surge grounding line if a second varistor voltage from the middle node to the surge grounding line is below a second voltage threshold; and', 'absorb a surge current from the power line if the second varistor voltage is above the second voltage threshold; and, 'a second varistor module configured to couple to the middle node and the surge grounding line, and comprising a second varistor configured to], 'at least one surge protection module configured to couple to a power line and a surge grounding line, and comprisinga fault detection circuit configured to indicate a fault in the at least one surge protection module based on a tap ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of Launch Platform Isolation

Номер: US20210036500A1
Автор: McCowen Clint

Ion Harvesting Technology harvests high voltage electricity, including from atmospheric ions. A wire, or conductive tether, may be used to connect ion harvesting material (typically carbon, but including any materials such as metals, metamaterials, or others) located on or near an aerial platform to an anchor point. Because the harvested electricity is typically of high voltage, the electricity may arc between the conductive tether to nearby points of lesser or greater voltage. Such arcing represents a loss of power to the overall system, causing the overall system to be less efficient, or possibly non-operational, and in some cases may cause catastrophic system failure. Electrical isolators may be used to prevent the losses from the arcing. 1. A system comprising:at least one ion collection device electrically connected to a support structure;a conductive tether electrically connected to the support structure;a launch platform configured to secure the support structure; andelectrical isolators configured to isolate the launch platform from electrical ground.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ion collection device comprises at least one of carbon claim 1 , graphite claim 1 , graphene claim 1 , and silicene.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein launch platform comprises a winch configured to manipulate the altitude of the support structure.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the support structure comprises an aerial platform claim 1 , the aerial platform comprising at least one of an aerostat claim 1 , balloon kite claim 1 , helikite claim 1 , tower claim 1 , pole claim 1 , and building.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrical isolator at least one of an electrical claim 1 , mechanical claim 1 , and optical isolation barrier.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the electrical isolator comprises at least one of rope claim 1 , cable claim 1 , pipe claim 1 , straps claim 1 , extensions claim 1 , liquids claim 1 , gases claim 1 , material claim 1 , and ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150044925A1

An object of the invention is to provide a structural material for a structure which enables a reduction in weight, while reducing the time and effort required during production and ensuring favorable lightning resistance performance. The structural material for a structure comprises a carbon fiber reinforced plastic in which the reinforcing material comprises a carbon fiber, the matrix comprises a plastic, and the resistivity in the sheet thickness direction is at least 1 Ωcm but not more than 200 Ωcm. The carbon fiber reinforced plastic may have a resistivity in the thickness direction of not more than 100 Ωcm, and a metal foil or a metal mesh may be provided on the surface of the carbon fiber reinforced plastic. 1. A structural material for a structure , the structural material comprising a carbon fiber reinforced plastic in which a reinforcing material comprises a carbon fiber , a matrix comprises a plastic , and a resistivity in a sheet thickness direction is at least 1 Ωcm but not more than 200 Ωcm.2. The structural material for a structure according to claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber reinforced plastic has a resistivity in the sheet thickness direction of not more than 100 Ωcm.3. The structural material for a structure according to claim 1 , wherein a metal foil or a metal mesh is provided on a surface of the carbon fiber reinforced plastic.4. The structural material for a structure according to claim 2 , wherein a metal foil or a metal mesh is provided on a surface of the carbon fiber reinforced plastic. The present invention relates to a structural material for a structure comprising a carbon fiber reinforced plastic.Composite materials such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) are sometimes used as structural materials for structures such as aircraft, offshore wind turbines, automobiles and railway vehicles. CFRP uses carbon fiber as a reinforcing material, and uses a synthetic resin as a matrix.Patent Literature (PTL) 1 describes an invention ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170045216A1

The present invention relates to a bipolar lightning protection apparatus having a light emitting unit, and in the bipolar lightning protection apparatus configured of a rod member charged with ground charges and a charging plate or a charging tube charged by a thundercloud, the bipolar lightning protection apparatus includes a light emitting unit electrically connected between the rod member and the charging plate or the charging tube and emitting light by electrical energy charged in the charging plate or the charging tube by the thundercloud. 1. A bipolar lightning protection apparatus comprising:a rod member charged with ground charges;a charging plate or a charging tube charged by a thundercloud; anda light emitting unit electrically connected between the rod member and the charging plate or the charging tube and emitting light by electrical energy charged in the charging plate or the charging tube by the thundercloud.2. The bipolar lightning protection apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the light emitting unit is configured ofa light emitting element for performing a blinking operation while maintaining an electrical contact state with the rod member and the charging plate or the charging tube,a fastening bolt having a coupling/decoupling recess hole formed to fixedly support one end of the light emitting element, anda spring installed inside the coupling/decoupling recess hole to elastically support the light emitting element.3. The bipolar lightning protection apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein at least one or more light transmitting holes are formed in a circumferential direction of the charging plate or the charging tube so that light radiated from the light emitting element may be radiated to outside.4. The bipolar lightning protection apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein a light emitting unit connection block of a protruded structure for protecting the light emitting element and the fastening bolt in a state of wrapping is additionally ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053451A1

A ground rod cap is provided. The cap includes a body that fits around a ground rod, ground rod clamp and ground wire at their point of connection. The body retains a filler material within an internal cavity. In some embodiments, a portion of the body acts as a barrier to retain the filler material. In some such embodiments, the filler material is positioned within the body prior to installation of the cap on the ground rod connection components. In some embodiments, the filler material is located in an airtight cavity until installation. In some such embodiments, a shrink-wrap material is placed around the body to make the cavity airtight. In other embodiments, the filler material is retained within at least a portion of the cap by an internal barrier that breaks as the cap is installed to allow the filler material to flow around the components. 1. A protective cap comprising:a body including an inner cavity; anda filler material located within said cavity, wherein said filler material changes from a generally liquid state to a generally solid or semi-solid state within said cavity;wherein said body defines a first opening extending from an exterior of said body to said inner cavity, said first opening being configured for selectively receiving a first elongate member; andwherein said inner cavity includes a diameter substantially greater than 1 inches to accommodate a connection component coupled to the first elongate member;.2. The protective cap as claimed in further including a breakable barrier configured to break and expose said filler material to the connection component as the connection component is positioned within said inner cavity.3. The protective cap as claimed in wherein the first elongate member is a ground rod having a diameter of at least 0.5 inches and the connection component is a ground rod clamp that includes a main section for surrounding the ground rod and a bolt for electrically securing a ground wire to the ground rod.4. The protective ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050817A1

An aircraft component incorporated in a current return network (CRN) employs a composite structural element having a web. At least one flange is connected to the web. At least one metallic conductive layer is integrated with and extends the length of the web. The at least one metallic layer is configured to electrically bond to an aircraft system and provide a ground path. 1. A current return network (CRN) comprising:a composite structural element having a web;at least one flange connected to the web;at least one metallic conductive layer integrated with and extending the length of the web;wherein the at least one metallic layer is configured to electrically bond to an aircraft system and provide a ground path.2. The CRN as defined in wherein the at least one metallic conductive layer is co-cured in the composite structural element.3. The CRN as defined in wherein the at least one metallic conductive layer is an expanded metal foil.4. The as defined in wherein the expanded metal foil is configured to minimize induced stress from thermal expansion of the composite.5. The aircraft component incorporated in a CRN as defined in wherein the at least one metallic conductive layer comprises a conductor on flex.6. The aircraft component incorporated in a CRN as defined in wherein the at least one metallic conductive layer is applied to a surface of the composite structural element.7. The aircraft component incorporated in a CRN as defined in wherein the at least one metallic conductive layer comprises expanded metal foil or conductor on flex bonded to the composite structural element with high temperature adhesive to withstand heating caused by a short circuit or lightning.8. The aircraft component incorporated in a CRN as defined in wherein the at least one metallic conductive layer comprises a thermal spray layer claim 6 , a direct write metal printed layer or a conductive ink printed layer.9. A method for implementing a current return network comprising:establishing a ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130332A1

An anchor for lightning protection systems include a base and pad that extend over a sufficient area and a sufficient bearing length to hold in shear and in tension against the weight, shear force, and moment of cables, points, and other components of a lightning protection systems. The mounting anchor is non-penetrating, and adheres to a vertical surface almost immediately without requiring damage to structures, long term support over days waiting for cure, and works in overhang situations as well. An integrated clip may be constructed with the base from sheet material. Adhesion of the base to a cover material on a wall or parapet may be promptly followed by snapping cable into clips formed monolithically with the base. 1. A method for protecting a building against lightning , the method comprising:selecting a building erected to extend above the ground and having a height characterized by a first structure having a first surface and extending a first distance above the ground;identifying locations on the first surface, proximate the first distance;selecting a cable made of a first material;selecting an anchor having a second surface shaped to conform to the contour of the first surface;the selecting an anchor wherein the anchor further comprises a third surface, opposite the second surface and configured to retain the cable proximate thereto;selecting a pad shaped to match the second surface adhering the pad to the anchor;adhering the pad to a selected location of the locations; andconnecting the cable to the anchor, leaving the first structure integral and unpenetrated.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the anchor is formed of a second material claim 1 , distinct from the first material.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising providing a bracket securable to the anchor to receive the cable.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein providing the bracket further comprises securing the bracket to the anchor to urge the cable against the third surface.5. The method of ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057899A1

An anchor for lightning protection systems includes a base and pad that extend over a sufficient area and a sufficient bearing length to hold in shear and in tension against the weight, shear force, and moment of cables, points, and other components of a lightning protection systems. A universal point mount may be forged to optimize cross sectional area and contact surface area throughout the mounting system. Drilled and tapped to receive a point oriented arbitrarily, the head mounts easily on a horizontal or vertical mounting surface. Apertures and fasteners provide arbitrary positioning of a point at any necessary orientation. 120.-. (canceled)21. An apparatus operable to ground a lightning strike , the apparatus comprising:a base capable of being anchored to a structure to be protected from lightning by securement directly to a surface oriented as one of nominally horizontal and nominally vertical;a head, formed of a solid material in a single, integral piece having an inner face and an outer face, the inner face positionable proximate the base to be securable mechanically thereto and the outer face formed to receive therein a point capable of attracting the lightning strike;the head, provided with a relief channel formed in the inner face and sized to partially surround a conductor, holding the conductor in contact against the base, the head being tiltable about the circumference of the conductor; anda fastener capable of extending between the base and head to “trim” the head to position the point in a vertically plumb orientation and fix the head thereafter.22. The apparatus of claim 21 , wherein the head is formed in a single claim 21 , integral piece.23. The apparatus of claim 22 , wherein the piece is formed of a homogeneous material.24. The apparatus of claim 23 , wherein the head is forged of a metal.25. The apparatus of wherein the head comprises lugs surrounding corresponding apertures shaped to receive and secure the point claim 21 , in one of at least ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154496A1
Принадлежит: Cytec Industries Inc.

An electrically conductive surfacing material capable of providing sufficient conductivity for lightning strike protection (LSP) and/or electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding is disclosed. The conductive surfacing material is a multi-layered structure having a very thin conductive layer (e.g. solid metal foil) and a resin film formed on at least one surface of the conductive layer. The resin film is formed from a curable resin composition containing an epoxy novolac resin, a tri-functional or tetra-functional epoxy resin, ceramic microspheres, a latent amine-based curing agent, particulate inorganic fillers; and a toughening component. Optionally, the resin film further includes conductive additives to increase electrical conductivity of the surfacing material. The resin film exhibits high Tas well as high resistance to paint stripper solutions. Furthermore, the conductive surfacing material is suitable for co-curing with fiber-reinforced resin composite substrates. 1. An electrically conductive surfacing material capable of providing lightning strike protection or electromagnetic interference shielding , the surfacing material being a multilayered structure comprising:(a) an electrically conductive layer having two opposite surfaces and a thickness of less than 3 mils and resistivity less than 10 mΩ; an epoxy novolac resin having epoxy functionality of more than one;', 'a tri-functional or tetra-functional epoxy resin;', 'ceramic microspheres;', 'a latent amine-based curing agent;', 'particulate inorganic fillers; and', 'at least one toughening agent selected from a group consisting of: (i) a pre-react adduct formed by the reaction of an epoxy resin, a bisphenol, and an elastomer; (ii) a copolymer of polyether sulfone (PES) and polyetherether sulfone (PEES); (iii) core-shell rubber (CSR) particles; and combinations thereof, and, '(b) a resin film formed on at least one surface of the conductive layer, wherein the resin film is formed from a curable ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210083460A1

Disclosed are an installation device for air gap arrester and installation method thereof. The installation device includes a handheld pole, a wire clamping mechanism provided at the bottom end of the handheld pole for clamping a split wire, a tray provided on the handheld pole for lifting the arrester, an insulating rope provided on the tray, a fixing rope provided on the handheld pole for temporarily fixing the arrester, and a scale provided on the handheld pole for measuring the distance from the bottom end of the arrester to the bottom end of the handheld pole. The installation device for air gap arrester and installation method thereof have high installation efficiency. 1. An installation device for air gap arrester , comprising a handheld pole , a wire clamping mechanism provided at a bottom end of the handheld pole for clamping a split wire , a tray provided on the handheld pole for lifting the arrester , an insulating rope provided on the tray , a fixing rope provided on the handheld pole for temporarily fixing the arrester , and a scale provided on the handheld pole for measuring the distance from a bottom end of the arrester to the bottom end of the handheld pole.2. The installation device for air gap arrester of claim 1 , wherein an adjusting sleeve is sleeved on the handheld pole claim 1 , an adjusting bolt is threadedly connected to the adjusting sleeve claim 1 , an end of the adjusting bolt abuts against the handheld pole claim 1 , and the tray is fixedly connected to the adjusting sleeve.3. The installation device for air gap arrester of claim 1 , wherein a limit ring is fixedly connected to the handheld pole claim 1 , and the fixing rope passes through the limit ring.4. The installation device for air gap arrester of claim 1 , wherein a handle is provided at a top end of the handheld pole claim 1 , and a second limit protrusion is provided at an end of the handle close to the handheld pole.5. The installation device for air gap arrester of claim 1 , ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220099068A1

Provided is an electric charge dissipation system for a wind turbine blade in compliance with lightning protection system and/or with the capacity of mitigating dirt problems in wind turbine generator blades. Also provided is the wind turbine blade including the electric charge dissipation system. Further provided is a method for dissipating electric charges in a wind turbine blade. 1. An electric charge dissipation system for a wind turbine blade , wherein the wind turbine blade comprises a root , an internal surface , an external surface , and a first conductive paint disposed at least partially on the external surface , the system comprising:at least one metallic receptor assembly disposed at least partially on the external surface of the wind turbine blade;at least one conductor cable connected to the at least one metallic receptor assembly, and;at least one first anti-static element configured to electrically connect the first conductive paint disposed at least partially on the external surface of the wind turbine blade with the at least one metallic receptor assembly.2. The electric charge dissipation system according to claim 1 , wherein the wind turbine blade comprises a metallic plate for connecting the wind turbine blade to a hub of a wind turbine claim 1 , further wherein the at least one conductor cable is also connected to the metallic plate.3. The electric charge dissipation system according to claim 2 , further comprising at least one second anti-static element disposed between the at least one conductor cable and the metallic plate.4. The electric charge dissipation system according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one second anti-static element is disposed adjacent to the metallic plate.5. The electric charge dissipation system according to claim 3 , wherein the at least one second anti-static element is disposed claim 3 , at least partially claim 3 , on the internal surface of the wind turbine blade.6. The electric charge dissipation system ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220102957A1

A multifunctional surfacing material capable of providing lightning strike protection (LSP) and burn-through resistance. In one embodiment, the multifunctional surfacing material is composed of a conductive layer positioned between two resin layers, at least one of which contains one or more fire retardant compounds. In another embodiment, the multifunctional surfacing material is composed of a conductive layer positioned between two resin layers one of which is a thermally-stable layer. The surfacing material is co-curable with a composite substrate, e.g. prepreg or prepreg layup, which contains fiber-reinforced matrix resin. 113-. (canceled)14. A multifunctional surfacing material capable of providing lightning strike protection (LSP) and burn-through resistance , comprising a conductive layer positioned between a curable resin layer and a silicone layer ,wherein the silicone layer comprises a blend of silicone polymers, andwherein the curable resin layer and the silicone layer do not comprise any reinforcement fibers.16. The multifunctional surfacing material of claim 15 , wherein the one or more silicone homopolymers is/are selected from silsesquioxane polymer claim 15 , polydimethylsiloxane (or PDMS) claim 15 , polydiphenylsiloxane claim 15 , polydiethylsiloxane claim 15 , and silanol terminated polydimethyl siloxane.17. The multifunctional surfacing material of claim 15 , wherein the copolymer is phenylsilsesquioxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymer.18. The multifunctional surfacing material according to claim 14 , wherein the blend of silicone polymers further comprises an inorganic oxide filler.19. The multifunctional surfacing material according to claim 18 ,wherein the silicone layer comprises:phenylsilsesquioxane-dimethylsiloxane copolymer;silanol-terminated polydimethylpolysiloxane;silsesquioxane polymer;zinc octoate (as catalyst); andinorganic oxide filler.20. The multifunctional surfacing material according to claim 14 , wherein the curable resin layer ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Lightning strike protection means and fibre composite component

Номер: US20140168847A1

A lighting strike protection device for applying automatically to a fiber composite component. The protection device includes a reinforcement structure having a width that is less than a width of the metal strip. The fiber composite component having an integrated lighting strike protection. 1. A lightning strike protection means for applying automatically to a fiber composite component , comprising:a metal strip, anda bendable reinforcement structure for stabilizing the metallic strip during a laying process, the reinforcement structure being attached to the metal strip over the entire length of the metal strip and having a width that is less than a width of the metal strip.2. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure comprises at least one group of unidirectional fibers extending in the longitudinal direction of the metal strip.3. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure is positioned in a centerline area of the metal strip.4. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure is positioned in opposite border areas of the metal strip.5. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with wherein a fiber group of the reinforcement structure in the central area of the metal strip is narrower than the fiber groups in the border areas of the metal strip.6. The lightning strike protection in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure is positioned only on one side of the metal strip.7. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the reinforcement structure is positioned on both sides of the metal strip.8. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the metal strip is one of a metallic fabric and a metallic foil.9. The lightning strike protection means in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the metal strip comprises ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Isolator Protection Device

Номер: US20160094021A1
Принадлежит: Cooper Technologies Co

An isolator protection device can include a housing flaying at least one wall and a first coupling feature, where the at least one all forms a cavity, where the first coupling feature is configured to couple to an arrester, and where the at least one wall is configured to house an isolator body of an isolator within the cavity. The isolator protection device can also include a securing device disposed within the cavity, where the securing device is configured to secure a stud of the isolator to the isolator body during normal operating conditions.

05-05-2022 дата публикации

Conduit Cap

Номер: US20220140591A1
Принадлежит: East Coast Lightning Equipment Inc

Disclosed herein is a conduit cap. The conduit cap includes a cap, an outer clamp member, and a bolt. The cap defines a central first threaded axial blind opening and has a top and an interior cylindrical rim coaxial with the central threaded opening and has an outer clamp defining a transverse second threaded opening and has two outwardly projecting angularly spaced shoulders. The outer clamp member defines a third opening alignable with the transverse second opening and a pair of parallel recesses. The outer clamp member has two pairs of opposed wings. Each pair of wings at least defining a recess dimensioned to receive a shoulder. The bolt is insertable though the third opening and threadably engageable in the transverse opening to clamp the outer clamp member to the first clamp.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Lightning current transmission system for wind turbines

Номер: US20180097347A1
Принадлежит: Gamesa Innovation and Technology SL

A lightning current transmission system in a wind turbine between a metal band located at the root of each blade and a metal ring located at the nacelle through a lightning current transmission element comprising a conductive portion, an insulating portion and a supporting unit to be joined to the rotor hub. The metal band and the metal ring are configured with protruding parts extended towards the lightning current transmission element. The conductive portion of the lightning current transmission element comprises first and second receptors mounted on a base plate at different heights and oriented in a direction pointing, respectively, to the protruding parts of the metal band and the metal ring.

06-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170098930A1

A multilayer composite structure with integrated fastener-to-conductive layer surface lightning protection interconnection employs a conductive layer with an inner surface and a plurality of chamfered recesses forming countersinks in an outer surface. A carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite layer is disposed on the inner surface of the conductive layer and conforms to the surface shape. A plurality of holes extend through the plurality of chamfered recesses in the conductive layer and the adjoining CFRP composite layer in a manner such that the conductive layer defines a countersink portion extending into the openings of the plurality of holes. The chamfered recesses in the conductive layer provides an electrically conductive surface area that contacts conductive countersunk fasteners installed within the plurality of holes to enable current sharing between groups of neighboring fasteners. 1. A multilayer composite structure with integrated fastener-to-conductive layer surface lightning protection interconnection comprising:a conductive layer, having an inner surface and a plurality of chamfered recesses forming countersinks in an outer surface; andone or more carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite layers disposed on and conforming to the inner surface of the conductive layer; anda plurality of holes extending through the plurality of chamfered recesses in the conductive layer and the adjoining CFRP composite layer in a manner such that the conductive layer defines a countersink portion extending into openings of the plurality of holes,whereby the chamfered recesses in the conductive layer provide an electrically conductive surface area that contacts conductive countersunk fasteners installed within the plurality of holes.2. The multilayer composite structure with integrated fastener-to-conductive layer surface lightning protection interconnection as defined in further comprising a fiberglass or surfacing film layer cocured over the outer ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190097407A1

A dual protection inner seal washer employs a radially outward metallic portion having a dielectric coating and a radially inward polymeric portion engaging the metallic portion at an interface with an interference fit. The polymeric portion has at least one tapering compression surface to engage a surface of a structure proximate a hole and further has a fastener element contact surface to engage a mating surface on a fastener system element. Torqueing of the fastener element compresses the at least one compression surface inducing a predetermined pressure in the polymeric portion in a joint created by the fastener element and structure. 1. A dual protection inner seal washer comprising:a radially outward metallic portion having a dielectric coating;a radially inward polymeric portion engaging the metallic portion at an interface with an interference fit, said polymeric portion having at least one tapering compression surface to engage a surface of a structure proximate a hole and having a fastener element contact surface to engage a mating surface on a fastener system element, wherein torqueing of the fastener system element compresses the at least one tapering compression surface inducing a predetermined pressure in the radially inward polymeric portion in a joint created by the fastener system element and structure.2. The dual protection inner seal washer as defined in wherein the at least one tapering compression surface comprises an initial contact surfaces proximate an inner diameter (ID) of the radially inward polymeric portion.3. The dual protection inner seal washer as defined in wherein the at least one tapering compression surface additionally comprises a tapering segment extending from the initial contact surface to an outer diameter (OD) of the radially inward polymeric portion.4. The dual protection inner seal washer as defined in wherein the fastener system element is a nut and the fastener element contact surface comprises a second tapering ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200102937A1
Автор: Christiansen Poul

Provided is a wind turbine including a hub connected to a rotatable shaft extending in an axial direction and at least one bearing supporting the shaft against a housing, wherein the housing includes an electrically conductive cage section, which surrounds at least partially an axial segment of the shaft, wherein the cage section is connected to the shaft by at least one first conduction means and at least one second conduction means, wherein the at least one first conduction means and the at least one second conduction means are arranged spaced both from each other in the axial direction, wherein the at least one bearing is arranged between the segment of the shaft and the cage section of the housing at an axial position in between the at least one first conduction means and the at least one second conduction means. 1. A wind turbine comprising a hub connected to a rotatable shaft extending in an axial direction and at least one bearing supporting the shaft against a housing , wherein the housing comprises an electrically conductive cage section , which surrounds at least partially an axial segment of the shaft , wherein the cage section is connected to the shaft by at least one first conduction means and at least one second conduction means , wherein the at least one first conduction means and the at least one second conduction means are arranged spaced both from each other in the axial direction , wherein the at least one bearing is arranged between the segment of the shaft and the cage section of the housing at an axial position in between the at least one first conduction means and the at least one second conduction means.2. The wind turbine according to claim 1 , wherein the first conduction means comprises an electrically conductive plate member with a circular opening surrounding the shaft claim 1 , wherein the circular opening comprises a diameter larger than the diameter of the shaft claim 1 , so that at least partially a gap between the shaft and the ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122527A1
Автор: Chung Young-ki
Принадлежит: OMNI LPS. CO., LTD.

A bipolar lightning rod apparatus includes a fixation plate, a rod member configured to have one end connected to the fixation plate in a length direction thereof and charged with the electric charges of a ground, at least two insulators installed in the length direction, an electrification plate installed between adjacent insulators, electrically insulated from the rod member, and charged with electric charges having an opposite polarity to the electric charges of the ground, an electrification tube installed between the electrification plate and the insulators, electrically connected to the electrification plate, and charged with electric charges having an opposite polarity to the electric charges of the ground, and a rod cap connected to the top of the rod member and configured to induce the falling of a thunderbolt. The rod cap has an outside diameter greater than that of the insulators. 1. A bipolar lightning rod apparatus , comprising:a fixation plate;a rod member configured to have a first end connected to the fixation plate in a length direction of the rod member and charged with electric charges of a ground;at least two insulators installed in the length direction of the rod member;an electrification plate installed between adjacent insulators, electrically insulated from the rod member, and charged with electric charges having an opposite polarity to the electric charges of the ground;an electrification tube installed between the electrification plate and the insulators, electrically connected to the electrification plate, and charged with electric charges having an opposite polarity to the electric charges of the ground; anda rod cap connected to a top of the rod member and configured to induce a falling of a thunderbolt,wherein the rod cap is configured to have an outside diameter relatively greater than an outer diameter of the insulators so that discharge efficiency is increased by greatly increasing an area into which the falling of a thunderbolt is ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150124364A1
Автор: Chung Young-ki

The present invention relates to a lightning protection and grounding device for a vehicle including: a dipole lightning rod mounted on the vehicle to in advance remove the focusing of an electric field of a lightning strike and to induce the discharge of lightning current when the lightning strike is induced thereto; grounding means disposed on earth to allow the lightning current of the lightning strike induced to the dipole lightning rod to flow to the earth; a connection terminal box adapted to connect the dipole lightning rod and the grounding means with each other; and a lifting driving unit adapted to move the dipole lightning rod in upward and downward directions. 1. A lightning prevention and grounding device for a vehicle , comprising:a dipole lightning rod mounted on the vehicle to in advance remove the focusing of an electric field of a lightning strike and to induce the discharge of lightning current when the lightning strike is induced thereto;grounding means disposed on earth to allow the lightning current of the lightning strike induced to the dipole lightning rod to flow to the earth;a connection terminal box adapted to connect the dipole lightning rod and the grounding means with each other; anda lifting driving unit mounted on the vehicle to move the dipole lightning rod in upward and downward directions.2. The lightning prevention and grounding device according to claim 1 , wherein the lifting driving unit comprises:a housing box having an entrance/exit formed on the upper portion thereof;ladder members accommodated into the housing box in such a manner as to be telescopically extended and contracted; anddeviation prevention means adapted to prevent the ladder members adjacently disposed up and down from being deviated from each other.3. The lightning prevention and grounding device according to claim 2 , wherein each ladder member comprises:vertical members spaced apart from each other on one side and the other side thereof and having a hollow ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150124365A1
Автор: Chung Young-ki

The present invention relates to a lightning protection and grounding device for a vehicle including: a dipole lightning rod mounted on the vehicle to in advance remove the focusing of an electric field of a lightning strike and to induce the discharge of lightning current when the lightning strike is induced thereto; grounding means disposed on earth to allow the lightning current of the lightning strike induced to the dipole lightning rod to flow to the earth, the ground means being formed of a flat plate disposed behind the rear wheels of the vehicle in such a manner as to be fixed compressedly to earth by means of the driving pressure of the rear wheels; and a connection terminal box adapted to connect the dipole lightning rod and the grounding means with each other. 1. A lightning prevention and grounding device for a vehicle , comprising:a dipole lightning rod mounted on the vehicle to in advance remove the focusing of an electric field of a lightning strike and to induce the discharge of lightning current when the lightning strike is induced thereto;grounding means disposed on earth to allow the lightning current of the lightning strike induced to the dipole lightning rod to flow to the earth, the ground means being formed of a flat plate disposed behind the rear wheels of the vehicle in such a manner as to be fixed compressedly to earth by means of the driving pressure of the rear wheels; anda connection terminal box adapted to connect the dipole lightning rod and the grounding means with each other.2. The lightning prevention and grounding device according to claim 1 , wherein the grounding means comprises:first and second plates each having given thickness and area; anda ground wire having one end connected to the connection terminal box and the other end connected to the first and second plates, respectively.3. The lightning prevention and grounding device according to claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second plates comprises:a main plate;a first ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220181862A1

An anchor for components of a lightning protection system may rely on a bonding agent, such as an adhesive, needing time for curing, drying, or otherwise setting (increasing in adhesion, strength, mechanical stability, or any combination thereof) by remaining in place while setting. The anchor may be suspended by a lip extending horizontally past an edge (plane of intersection of two planar surfaces) where a base plate is adhered to a vertical surface and the lip rests, registers in translation, and squares in rotation against a horizontal surface sharing an edge or fold (corner, bend) with the vertical surface. Once set sufficiently, the adhesive supports loads in shear (along plane of adhesion) and tension (perpendicular to plane of adhesion) imposed by brackets holding a cable, point, or both at each base plate. 1. An apparatus adapted to mount lightning protection equipment to a structure to be protected , the apparatus comprising:a base plate, having a first edge, extending longitudinally in a straight line, and a contact surface extending away from the first edge in a direction corresponding to at least a first right angle orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the edge;a lip extending rigidly from the base plate at a second right angle, orthogonal to the first right angle and to the longitudinal direction of the first edge;a fastener, secured to extend from an outer surface opposite the contact surface, capable of securing a component of a lightning protection system to the base plate.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising an adhesive capable of application to the contact surface and securing the contact surface to the structure.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the structure forms a second edge as a junction between a horizontal surface and a vertical surface of the structure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the structure comprises a protective layer continuous through and perpendicular to the second edge, thereby presenting a horizontal ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220268015A1

An anchor for components of a lightning protection system may rely on a bonding agent, such as an adhesive, needing time for curing, drying, or otherwise setting (increasing in adhesion, strength, mechanical stability, or any combination thereof) by remaining in place while setting. The anchor may be suspended by a lip extending horizontally past an edge (plane of intersection of two planar surfaces) where a base plate is adhered to a vertical surface and the lip rests, registers in translation, and squares in rotation against a horizontal surface sharing an edge or fold (corner, bend) with the vertical surface. Once set sufficiently, the adhesive supports loads in shear (along plane of adhesion) and tension (perpendicular to plane of adhesion) imposed by brackets holding a cable, point, or both at each base plate. 1. An apparatus adapted to mount lightning protection equipment to a structure to be protected , the apparatus comprising:a base plate, having a first edge, extending longitudinally in a straight line, and a contact surface extending away from the first edge in a direction corresponding to at least a first right angle orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the edge;a lip extending rigidly from the base plate at a second right angle, orthogonal to the first right angle and to the longitudinal direction of the first edge;a fastener, secured to extend from an outer surface opposite the contact surface, capable of securing a component of a lightning protection system to the base plate.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , comprising an adhesive capable of application to the contact surface and securing the contact surface to the structure.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the structure forms a second edge as a junction between a horizontal surface and a vertical surface of the structure.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the structure comprises a protective layer continuous through and perpendicular to the second edge, thereby presenting a horizontal ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190120983A1
Автор: Amar Sara, Muller Lars

A seismic sensor assembly includes a sensor body; cable connectors operatively coupled to the sensor body; and a grounding clamp operatively coupled to the cable connectors. A lightning strike kit for a seismic sensor assembly can include the grounding clamp as an electrically conductive component for electrical coupling to a base and/or a spike of a seismic sensor assembly. 1. A seismic sensor assembly comprising:a sensor body;cable connectors operatively coupled to the sensor body; anda grounding clamp operatively coupled to the cable connectors.2. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the grounding clamp comprises a substantially U-shaped component.3. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the grounding clamp comprises a base portion and at least one arm that extends upwardly from the base portion.4. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the grounding clamp comprises at least two arms that extend upwardly from the base portion.5. The seismic sensor assembly of comprising a lightning protection unit that is electrically coupled to the cable connectors.6. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the lightning protection unit comprises at least one receptacle that receives at least one arm of the grounding clamp.7. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the seismic sensor assembly comprises two cable connectors claim 6 , wherein the lightning protection unit comprises two receptacles and wherein the grounding clamp comprises two arms.8. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the sensor body is disposed at least in part between a portion of the grounding clamp and a portion of the lightning protection unit.9. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the sensor body comprises a substantially funnel shape.10. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the grounding clamp does not directly contact the sensor body.11. The seismic sensor assembly of comprising a spike.12. The seismic sensor assembly of wherein the grounding clamp is electrically coupled to the spike.13. The ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Lightning Protection Device For An Aircraft, Aircraft Comprising Such A Lightning Protection Device

Номер: US20190135449A1
Автор: Gilles Peres, Ivan Revel
Принадлежит: AIRBUS SAS

A lightning protection device for an aircraft, includes an anti-corona element taking a rounded shape and having an electrically conductive surface, intended for enveloping an area of the airframe of the aircraft that is liable to receive a lightning strike, one or more electric charge dissipators attached to said anti-corona element.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210175698A1
Принадлежит: AT&T Intellectual Property I, L.P.

Aspects of the subject disclosure may include, a system that facilitates detecting a transient electrical signal on a transmission medium that facilitates propagation of electromagnetic waves induced by the waveguide system and generating signal data associated with the transient electrical signal. Other embodiments are disclosed. 1. A waveguide system , comprising:an inductive power supply including a magnetic core;a processing system including a processor; anda memory that stores executable instructions that, when executed by the processing system, facilitate performance of operations, the operations comprising:inducing electromagnetic waves that propagate along a physical transmission medium without relying on an electrical return path;detecting, via windings of the magnetic core of the inductive power supply an electrical pulse propagating along the physical transmission medium;generating pulse data associated with the electrical pulse; andsubmitting the pulse data to a network management system.2. The waveguide system of claim 1 , wherein the pulse data includes location information associated with the waveguide system.3. The waveguide system of claim 1 , wherein the pulse data includes timing information associated with the electrical pulse.4. The waveguide system of claim 1 , wherein the pulse data includes spectral information associated with the electrical pulse.5. The waveguide system of claim 1 , further comprising a suppressor circuitry claim 1 , wherein the electrical pulse is suppressed by the suppressor circuitry.6. The waveguide system of claim 5 , wherein the suppressor circuitry is coupled to Earth ground to facilitate suppression of the electrical pulse.7. The waveguide system of claim 5 , wherein the suppressor circuitry comprises a voltage-dependent resistor that facilitates shunting to ground transient energy caused by the electrical pulse.8. The waveguide system of claim 1 , wherein the network management system determines a source of the ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Electrical Wiring System and Method

Номер: US20150155694A1
Автор: Goodson Mark E.

An electrical wiring system/method implementing transient voltage suppression is disclosed. The system/method incorporates HOT, NEUTRAL, GROUND wiring in conjunction with a series drop resistor (SDR) on the HOT conductor that supplies current to the load device. Parallel shunting metal oxide varistors (MOVs) are used in conjunction with corresponding shunt diode rectifiers (SDRs) to suppress transients on the HOT conductor to either the GROUND conductor and/or NEUTRAL conductor. The parallel shunting MOV/SDR pairs may be integrated into a singular structure that is encapsulated in an insulating material to permit implementation of the transient protection wiring system/method into electrical loads and common power distribution equipment such as electrical outlets and power strips. 1. An electrical wiring system comprising:(a) HOT wire;(b) NEUTRAL wire;(c) GROUND wire;(d) series drop resistor (SDR);(e) first shunt diode (FSD);(f) second shunt diode (SSD);(g) first shunt metal oxide varistor (MOV) (FSV); and(h) second shunt metal oxide varistor (MOV) (SSV);whereinsaid HOT wire is insulated;said NEUTRAL wire is insulated;said HOT wire comprises a source end and load end;said NEUTRAL wire comprises a source end and load end;said GROUND wire comprises a source end and load end;said HOT wire source end, said NEUTRAL wire source end, and said GROUND wire source end are configured for electrical connection to a power source;said SDR comprises an input terminal and an output terminal;said SDR input terminal is electrically coupled to said HOT wire load end;said FSD and said FSV are electrically connected in series between said SDR output terminal and said GROUND wire with said FSD oriented such that rectified current in said FSD flows away from said SDR output terminal;said SSD and said SSV are electrically connected in series between said SDR output terminal and said GROUND wire with said SSD oriented such that rectified current in said SSD flows towards said SDR output ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации

Electrical Wiring System and Method

Номер: US20150155695A1
Автор: Mark E. Goodson
Принадлежит: Mark E. Goodson

An electrical wiring system/method implementing transient voltage suppression is disclosed. The system/method incorporates HOT, NEUTRAL, GROUND wiring in conjunction with a series drop resistor (SDR) on the HOT conductor that supplies current to the load device. Parallel shunting metal oxide varistors (MOVs) are used in conjunction with corresponding shunt diode rectifiers (SDRs) to suppress transients on the HOT conductor to either the GROUND conductor and/or NEUTRAL conductor. The parallel shunting MOV/SDR pairs may be integrated into a singular structure that is encapsulated in an insulating material to permit implementation of the transient protection wiring system/method into electrical loads and common power distribution equipment such as electrical outlets and power strips.

25-05-2017 дата публикации

Push On Arrester

Номер: US20170148553A1
Автор: Luzzi Glenn J.

An arrester is disclosed capable of coupling a cable accessory utilizing a push on method. The arrester comprises a body having a surge arrester portion, a receiving portion, and a conductive contact. The receiving portion is configured to couple to a coupling fastener comprising a first side, second side, and a latching mechanism. Various methods of engaging and disengaging the arrester to a cable accessory utilizing the coupling fastener are disclosed. 1. An arrester , comprising: a surge arrester portion,', 'a receiving portion, and', 'a conductive contact;, 'a body comprising,'} a first side,', 'a second side, and', 'a latching mechanism;, 'a coupling fastener comprising,'}wherein the first side of the coupling fastener is configured to couple to the conductive contact; andwherein the second side of the coupling fastener is configured to couple to a cable accessory.2. The arrester of claim 1 , wherein the latching mechanism comprises a snap ring and wherein the conductive contact comprises a detent.3. The arrester of claim 1 , wherein the latching mechanism comprises a detent and wherein the conductive contact comprises a snap ring.4. The arrester of claim 1 , wherein the latching mechanism comprises a plurality of segmented fingers and wherein each segmented finger includes a step.5. The arrester of claim 1 , wherein the receiving portion of the body comprises a coupling fastener second section claim 1 ,wherein the latching mechanism comprises a detent, andwherein the latching mechanism is configured to interference fits with the coupling fastener second section.6. The arrester of claim 5 , wherein the coupling fastener second section comprises a molded ring.7. The arrester of claim 1 , wherein the surge arrester portion comprises a metal oxide varistor (MOV) arrester block stack.8. The arrester of claim 1 , wherein the cable accessory comprises a 600 A male feature.9. An arrester claim 1 , comprising: a surge arrester portion,', 'a receiving portion, and', 'a ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148384A1

The present disclosure provides an aircraft (), as well as systems and methods for reducing current flow to electrical systems onboard an aircraft (). A signal return network () is spaced from a composite structure () and first and second non-conductive components () are attached between the signal return network () and the composite structure () at first and second attachment points (), respectively. A conductive component () is attached between the signal return network () and the composite structure () at a third attachment point () for electrically coupling the signal return network () to the composite structure (). 1. An aircraft , comprising:a composite structure;a signal return network spaced from the composite structure;a first non-conductive component attached between the signal return network and the composite structure at a first attachment point;a second non-conductive component attached between the signal return network and the composite structure at a second attachment point; anda conductive component attached between the signal return network and the composite structure at a third attachment point for electrically coupling the signal return network to the composite structure.2. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the third attachment point is located substantially at a midpoint of the signal return network.3. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the first and second attachment points are respectively located at first and second ends of the signal return network.4. The aircraft of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one electrical system located within the aircraft; andat least one electrical connector for electrically coupling the electrical system to the signal return network.5. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the third attachment point is a sole electrical path from the composite structure to the signal return network claim 1 , and wherein the remainder of the signal return network is electrically floating.6. The aircraft of claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150171612A1

A lightning protector device for laying on a structure that is to be protected the device comprises: a surface coating including at least one conductive paint layer. A plurality of electrically conductive elements is arranged in spaced-apart manner on the structure, and the elements are in contact with the conductive paint layer. A protective coating is arranged on the surface coating and comprises a material that is thermally insulating and electrically conductive. The protective coating covers the electrically conductive elements in part. 111-. (canceled)12. A lightning protector device for laying on a structure that is to be protected , said device comprising:a surface coating comprising at least one conductive paint layer;a plurality of electrically conductive elements arranged in spaced-apart manner on the structure, said elements being in contact with the conductive paint layer; anda protective coating arranged on the surface coating and comprising a material that is thermally insulating and electrically conductive, the protective coating covering the electrically conductive elements in part.13. A device according to claim 12 , wherein the electrically conductive elements comprise metal strips each including at least one edge projecting beyond the protective coating.14. A device according to claim 13 , wherein the metal strips present a section that is triangular.15. A device according to claim 12 , wherein at least some of the electrically conductive elements are interconnected.16. A structure that is sensitive to lightning and that is to operate in high temperature environments claim 12 , wherein at least a portion thereof is provided with a lightning protector device according to .17. A structure according to claim 16 , constituting at least one of the following elements of a thruster: a nozzle; an after-body; and a shroud.18. A method of making a lightning protector device on a structure that is to be protected claim 16 , said method comprising at least: ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140262410A1
Автор: Behr Lawrence V.

A portable lightning protection system is described for placement adjacent structures requiring lightning protection. The system includes a base mast section with an upper end and a plurality of radially extending, axially aligned ribs; a top mast section; preferably at least one intermediate mast section attachable to the upper end of the base mast section and to the lower end of the top mast section, the mast sections being axially aligned when attached; an air terminal having a conductive rod insertable into the bore of the top mast section; a base including a plurality of radially extending horizontal beams having inner ends attachable to the base mast section ribs and a plurality of inclined beams having inner ends attachable to the base mast section ribs and outer ends attachable to the horizontal beams; and grounding cables connecting the mast to the ground. 1. A portable lightning protection system for placement adjacent structures requiring lightning protection , said system comprising:a) a multi-section conductive mast including a base mast section, and a top mast section;b) an air terminal attachable to the top mast section;c) a base attachable to the base mast section; andd) at least one grounding cable to ground the mast.2. The system of claim 1 , further including at least one intermediate mast section.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein said top mast section includes an upper end with an axial bore claim 1 , said air terminal having a conductive rod insertable into said bore.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein said base mast section includes a plurality of radially extending ribs for attachment to said base.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein said base includes a plurality of radially extending horizontal beams having inner ends attachable to said base mast section and a plurality of inclined beams having inner ends attachable to said base mast section and outer ends attachable to said horizontal beams.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein said base is ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Overhead electrical grounding mesh and mechanical grid structure

Номер: US20140262412A1

An overhead electrical grounding mesh and mechanical grid structure for a data center includes a plurality of orthogonally arranged grid beams. Each of the grid beams is a rigid and electrically conductive grid beam to provide an overhead structure configured to be positioned over electronic equipment in the data center. The grid structure is configured to provide support for electronic equipment connected to the grid structure and to provide support for mechanical equipment in the data center that is connected to the grid structure. The grid structure is further adapted to be electrically coupled to the electronic equipment to provide an electrically conductive ground mesh for the electronic equipment in the data center.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190173203A1

An electrical grounding system can include an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source, wherein the electrically conductive column can include an open-ended copper tube, and carbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive column, the carbon fiber fabric having a conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive column. 1. An electrical grounding system , comprising:an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source, wherein the electrically conductive column comprises an open-ended copper tube; andcarbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive column, the carbon fiber fabric having a conductive relationship with least a portion of the electrically conductive column.2. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber fabric comprises a plain weave fabric.3. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , whereinthe electrically conductive column has an exterior surface, a cross-section of the electrically conductive column defining a perimeter of the exterior surface; andthe carbon fiber fabric surrounds the perimeter.4. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive column defines a column wall and a fill hole formed into the column wall claim 1 , and wherein the electrically conductive column is configured for placement into native soil in a horizontal position.5. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , further comprising a salt replenishment tube configured for attachment to a ground member claim 1 , the salt replenishment tube having a tube wall defining an interior surface and an exterior surface claim 1 , the interior surface of the tube wall defining a tube chamber claim 1 , wherein the tube wall defines a weep hole extending from the exterior surface of the tube wall claim 1 , through the tube wall claim 1 , and ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190173226A1
Автор: BAEK Min Su

Provided is a one-touch terminal for electric connection of an electric cable to industrial electrical equipment including a lightning arrester. The one-touch terminal includes a metal fitting cap and a biter capable of fastening and electrically connecting any of various electric cables (5 m PDC, etc.) including a lead wire to an upper-electrode-integrated-type coupling socket or to a coupling portion of an upper-electrode-separated-type metal fitting body of a lightning arrester in a one-touch manner. The metal fitting cap, in which a wedge-type biter having an elastic-pressing-type biting/releasing structure is mounted, is detachably mounted to a metal fitting body (or a coupling socket), thereby rapidly and precisely performing electric connection (fastening) of an electric cable (5 m PDC, etc.) to any of various connection metal fittings (a bushing terminal, a terminal clamp, a bus-bar-type terminal board, etc.). 1. A one-touch terminal for electric connection of an electric cable to industrial electrical equipment including a lightning arrester , the one-touch terminal comprising:a metal fitting cap comprising an assembly portion formed at one side thereof so as to be detachably coupled to an upper-electrode-integrated-type coupling socket or to a coupling portion of an upper-electrode-separated-type metal fitting body of a lightning arrester, and an opening hole formed therein so as to communicate with an accommodation recess, the opening hole having an inclined surface formed such that a diameter thereof gradually decreases toward an inlet port of the metal fitting cap, through which an electric cable is introduced; anda biter comprising a joint holder formed so as to be accommodated in the accommodation recess and the opening hole, the joint holder being formed to have a wedge-type hollow pipe configuration, being split into bodies in an axial direction, and being provided at one side thereof with a support protrusion, around which a coil-type elastic ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180180031A1

A connection and fastening unit for components of a lightning protection system, the connection and fastening unit being realized for the purpose of being integrated in a wind turbine rotor blade and for being connected to the components of the lightning protection system, wherein the connection and fastening unit includes a cavity which can be closed in an airtight manner and in which a connector for connection to at least one of the components of the lightning protection system are arranged. 1. A connection and fastening unit for components of a lightning protection system , the connection and fastening unit being configured to be integrated in a wind turbine rotor blade and to be connected to the components of the lightning protection system , the connection and fastening unit comprising:a connection and fastening body defining a cavity configured to be closeable in an airtight manner;at least one connector configured to connect to at least one of the components of the lightning protection system; and,said at least one connector being arranged in said cavity.2. The connection and fastening unit of claim 1 , wherein:said connection and fastening body includes a base body produced from an electrically insulating material and a connection body produced from an electrically conducting material;said base body and said connection body being fixedly interconnected; and,said cavity being arranged between said base body and said connection body.3. The connection and fastening unit of claim 2 , wherein:the connection and fastening unit defines an installation position;said base body, in said installation position of the connection and fastening unit in a wind turbine rotor blade, faces an outside surface of the wind turbine rotor blade; and,said connection body, in said installation position of the connection and fastening unit in a wind turbine rotor blade, faces an interior of the wind turbine rotor blade.4. The connection and fastening unit of claim 2 , wherein:said at ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170187176A1

An anchor for lightning protection systems include a base and pad that extend over a sufficient area and a sufficient bearing length to hold in shear and in tension against the weight, shear force, and moment of cables, points, and other components of a lightning protection systems. The mounting anchor is non-penetrating, and adheres to a vertical surface almost immediately without requiring damage to structures, long term support over days waiting for cure, and works in overhang situations as well. An integrated clip may be constructed with the base from sheet material. Adhesion of the base to a cover material on a wall or parapet may be promptly followed by snapping cable into clips formed monolithically with the base. 1. An apparatus for protecting a building against lightning , the apparatus comprising:an anchor having a second surface shaped to conform to a contour of a first surface selected to be protected on a solid, contiguous, non-penetrated skin of at least a portion of a building;the anchor, further comprising a third surface, opposite the second surface and shaped to retain a cable, sized to carry current from a lightning strike and secured in intimate, rigid, mechanical contact with the third surface;a pad preformed as a solid from a pad material selected to be an elastomeric polymer, distinct from the material of the first surface and sufficiently flexible to conform simultaneously to the contour and to the second surface;the pad, further treated to contact the first and second surfaces with an adhesive sufficiently mechanically stable to remain thereon from manufacture until after installation on the skin and to adhere to the anchor and the first surface exclusively by adhesive action absent penetration of the first surface, the second surface, and the pad; anda first bracket shaped to electrically connect to the cable and to mechanically constrain the cable between the anchor and the first bracket and in rigid mechanical contact therewith.2. The ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150200529A1

An underground, three-phase, high-voltage electrical line, includes three phase-conducting cables, each being made up of a succession of cable portions (, ) interconnected by a cross-bonding junction (). The line has a connection interface () connected to the screen of a first cable portion () and to the screen of a second butted cable portion (), a module () provided with a junction extension box () and equipped with an additional connection interface () connected to the connection interface () of each junction. A lightning arrester () is disposed in the module () and is electrically connected to the additional connection interface () of the module and the lightning arrester () is equipped with a device to monitor its condition disposed in said box () connected to a signal generator (). 1. Underground , three-phase , high-voltage electrical line , including three phase-conducting cables , each of said conducting cables being made up of a succession of cable portions interconnected by a cross-bonding junction , said line comprising:a connection interface connected to the screen of a first cable portion and to the screen of a second butted cable portion;a module provided with a junction extension box and equipped with an additional connection interface connected to the connection interface of each junction,wherein said line has a lightning arrester that is disposed in said module and is electrically connected to said additional connection interface of the module, and in that said lightning arrester is equipped with a device to monitor its condition disposed in said box connected to a signal generator.2. Electrical line according to claim 1 , wherein said monitoring device comprises a temperature sensor.3. Electrical line according to claim 1 , wherein said temperature sensor is a bimetallic thermal contact applied to said lightning arrester.42. Electrical line according to claim. claim 1 , wherein said temperature sensor is a miniaturized electronic temperature ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210231107A1
Автор: March Nomen Victor

Provided is an electrical protection system allowing transferring to the ground static electricity accumulated onto the blades of a wind generator, and the lightning current when a lightning strikes onto at least one of the blades or at the rotor, including a first discharging unit configured for continuously discharging to the ground the static electricity accumulated onto the blades, and a second discharging unit configured for discharging to the ground the lightning current when a lightning strikes in at least one of the blades or at the rotor. 1. An electrical protection system for wind turbines with blades rotating with respect to the hub of a nacelle , wherein the electrical protection system allows transferring to the ground static electricity accumulated at the blades and current from a lightning when a lightning strikes onto the blades or at the rotor , wherein the electrical protection system comprises:a first discharging unit configured for being in contact to some metallic part of the blade and continuously discharging to the ground, through the blade bearings or the metallic structure of the hub, the static electricity accumulated at the blades, anda second discharging unit configured for discharging to the ground the lightning current when there is a lightning strike event onto at least one of the blades or at the rotor.2. The electrical protection system according to claim 1 , wherein the second discharging unit comprises a first spark gap with a first gap breakdown voltage and a second spark gap with a second gap breakdown voltage.3. The electrical protection system according to claim 2 , wherein the first discharging unit comprises at least two solid elements selected from: a first solid element claim 2 , a second solid element claim 2 , a third solid element claim 2 , a fourth solid element or a combination thereof.4. The electrical protection system according to claim 3 , wherein the first unit comprises the first solid element claim 3 , the ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150214710A1
Автор: Arenas Humberto

The invention of the present application provides a portable grounding system that itself is an independent grounding system that can be placed to protect, independently or as a backup, an independent localized environment or an environment that is a subpart of a main environment for which the main environment grounding system could be failing because of broken joints between the wires that connect the main grounding system and its respective lightning rods. 1. A portable grounding system comprising:A. a portable hermetic enclosure, wherein the hermetic enclosure is made of an isolating material that does not conduct electricity;B. a first spiral electrical conductive wire that goes around along the length of the enclosure, wherein the first spiral electrical conductive wire has a first spiral ground wire lead from the outside of the enclosure;C. a second spiral electrical conductive wire that goes around along the length of the enclosure , wherein the second spiral electrical conductive wire has a second spiral wire lead to the outside of the enclosure, wherein there is no physical contact between the first spiral electrical conductive wire and the second spiral electrical conductive wire;D. a capacitive resistive compound that fills completely the inside of the hermetic enclosure, wherein the capacitive resistive compound suppresses any electrical current that could be carried by the first spiral conductive wire, and by the second spiral conductive wire, wherein the capacitive resistive compound fills between the first and the second spiral electrical conductive wires, and all other empty spaces inside the hermetic enclosure.2. The portable grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second spiral electrical conductive wires are made of copper.3. The portable grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the first spiral wire lead extends from outside the enclosure claim 1 , wherein said first spiral wire lead is to be connected to a power source ground lead claim ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150214711A1

The present invention relates to means for protecting various purpose facilities against damages when they are exposed to an intensive action of atmospheric electricity, in particular to means for protecting buildings and structures against lightning. The active lightning conductor comprises a housing with a cover, an active lightning-receiving unit connected in series to a high-voltage impulse generator excited by an external lightning-induced magnetic field, and to a contact element of a grounding system. The generator comprises at least two charging resistor circuits as well as a multiunit arrester made as at least one capacitive discharge circuit composed of in-line alternating capacitors each of them having two charging plates with arresters. The charging circuit resistors are divided into two groups the resistors of one of them being connected to the upper capacitor plates and the resistors of the second group being connected to the lower capacitor plates. The electromagnetic parameters of the lightning conductor provide for a possibility to charge the capacitors from an external electric field at a critical active lightning voltage of the last until a level sufficient to form and to execute a preventive discharge providing for the formation of a leader sent via the lightning-receiving unit to meet the striking leader from an external lightning, but in this case said capacitor electric capacitance and said ohmic resistance of the interlayers between the capacitor plates and the arrester protrusions are adopted with values providing for the possibility of a reach-through breakdown of the arresters in this circuit and the possibility of a short-circuit of the lightning-receiving unit with the contact element of the grounding system at a lightning discharge. The lightning-receiving unit is made as a multirod rim with a central rod and side rods. The lightning conductor is provided with an external discharge circuit composed of couples of current-carrying ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180205203A1
Принадлежит: Deep Science, LLC

Systems and methods for dynamically defending a site from lightning strikes are provided. The systems and methods involve dynamically altering electrostatic fields above the site and/or dynamically intervening in lightning. 1. A system comprising:a controller configured to control a biasing device to alter a potential of a lightning arrestor in response to a sensor detecting at least one of a lightning step leader and an upward earth streamer approaching an atmospheric charge accumulation, wherein altering the potential of the lighting arrestor is based on the overhead atmospheric charge accumulation and wherein the lightning arrestor is configured to intercept a lightning strike;wherein the lightning arrestor is a first lighting arrestor of a plurality of lighting arrestors.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each lighting arrestor of the plurality of lighting arrestors is coupled with a corresponding biasing device.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to alter the potential of the lighting arrestor based on a spatial distribution of the first lightning arrestor and a second lighting arrestor.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to alter the potential of the lighting arrestor based on a spatial distribution of the plurality of lighting arrestors.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the biasing device comprises a power supply configured to be energized by a solar photovoltaic array.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the biasing device to alter the potential of the lighting arrestor by altering a voltage.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the biasing device to alter the potential of the lighting arrestor by injecting a current to a ground.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to control the biasing device to alter the potential of the lighting arrestor by creating a polarizing field above the lighting arrestor.9. ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170214232A1

A device for protecting from lightning () is intended to form at least a portion of an external surface of a structure to be protected and comprises a ground plane (), a dielectric substrate () arranged on the ground plane, and an array of first metal elements () arranged on the dielectric substrate () and extending substantially parallel to the ground plane () in such a way that any pair of consecutive elements from said first metal elements () is separated by a distance comprised between 0.01 millimetres and 10 millimetres, said first metal elements being distributed in juxtaposed similar patterns, each of said patterns including first metal elements of different dimensions corresponding respectively to different electromagnetic resonant frequencies the juxtaposition of which defines an electromagnetic absorption band of the pattern. 1. A lightning protection device , said device being intended to form at least a portion of an external surface of a structure to be protected , characterised in that it comprises a ground plane , a dielectric substrate arranged on the ground plane , and an array of first metal elements arranged on the dielectric substrate and extending substantially parallel to the ground plane in such a way that any pair of consecutive elements from said first metal elements is separated by a distance of between 0.01 millimetres and 10 millimetres , said first metal elements being distributed in juxtaposed similar patterns , each of said patterns including first metal elements with different dimensions corresponding to different electromagnetic resonant frequencies , the juxtaposition of which defines an electromagnetic absorption band of the pattern.2. The lightning protection device according to claim 1 , in which every pair of consecutive elements among said first metal elements of a same pattern is separated by a distance between 0.3 millimetres and 3 millimetres.3. The lightning protection device according to either claim 1 , also comprising a ...

26-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180212414A1
Автор: Behr Lawrence
Принадлежит: LBA Group, Inc.

A lightning isolation support arm assembly for mounting an accessory unit, such as an antenna, sensor, camera, or any other suitable accessory/device, to a mast assembly of a lightning protection system. The support arm assembly may include a mast base adapter and one or more support arms attached to the mast base adapter. A portable lightning protection system including a multi-section conductive mast assembly including at least a base mast section and a top mast section; an air terminal attachable to the top mast section; a base assembly attachable to the base mast section via a hinge assembly, wherein the hinge assembly may be configured to allow the base mast section to hinge relative to the base assembly; and a support arm assembly attached to the mast assembly. 1. A support arm assembly , comprising:a. a mast base adapter; andb. one or more support arms attached to the mast base adapter.2. The assembly of wherein one or both of the mast base adapter and one or more support arms comprise hollow piping.3. The assembly of wherein the mast base adapter is configured to be attached between adjacent mast sections of a mast assembly.4. The assembly of wherein the mast base adapter is configured to be attached to a mast section of a mast assembly.5. The assembly of wherein one or more of the one or more support arms include an accessory unit attachment point configured to attach an accessory unit thereto.6. The assembly of wherein the accessory unit comprises any one or more of an antenna claim 5 , sensor claim 5 , and camera.7. The assembly of wherein the accessory unit attachment point is disposed substantial at an upper most portion of the one or more of the one or more support arms.8. The assembly of wherein one or more of the one or more support arms include a wire/cable port formed therein.9. The assembly of wherein the wire/cable port is formed in a sidewall of an upper portion of the one or more of the one or more support arms.10. The assembly of wherein the ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160226233A1
Автор: Chen Ming-Ching

A signal transmission device includes a metal plate and a metal rod passing through a hole in the metal plate. A radial gap between the metal rod and an inner surface of the hole is between 0.1 millimeters and 0.6 millimeters. An electric current is configured to be discharged from the metal rod to the metal plate when a voltage difference between the metal plate and the metal rod is greater than or equal to 1 kV. 1. A signal transmission device comprising:a first metal plate; anda first metal rod passing through a first hole in said first metal plate, wherein a first radial gap between said first metal rod and a first annular surface of said first hole is between 0.1 millimeters and 0.6 millimeters, wherein an electric current is configured to be discharged from said first metal rod to said first metal plate when a voltage difference between said first metal plate and said first metal rod is greater than or equal to 1 kV.2. The signal transmission device of claim 1 , wherein said first annular surface axially extends a first distance at a first diameter claim 1 , wherein said first distance is between 0.5 millimeters and 2 millimeters.3. The signal transmission device of claim 2 , wherein a second annular surface of said first hole axially extends a second distance at a second diameter claim 2 , wherein said second diameter is greater than said first diameter.4. The signal transmission device of further comprising a polymer ring plate sleeved on said first metal rod claim 3 , wherein said polymer ring plate has a peripheral sidewall contacting said second annular surface.5. The signal transmission device of claim 1 , wherein said first radial gap is between 0.2 millimeters and 0.3 millimeters.6. The signal transmission device of further comprising a second metal plate and a second metal rod passing through a second hole in said second metal plate claim 1 , wherein a second radial gap between said second metal rod and a second annular surface of said second hole is ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160228894A1
Автор: Chung Young-ki

Disclosed herein is an insulating electrification plate ferrite applicator for a dipole lightning rod. The ferrite applicator may include a compression air generation unit configured to generate and charge compressed air, a storage tank connected to the compression air generation unit and configured to stored a ferrite coating material, an applicator body equipped with a turntable configured to rotatably support an electrification plate and an operation control unit, a spray nozzle unit installed on top of the applicator body and configured to spray and supply the ferrite coating material, and a location tracking unit configured to guide the spray nozzle unit so that the spray nozzle unit performs a straight-line reciprocating motion horizontally and vertically. Accordingly, there are advantages in that a ferrite coating task for lowering a corona pre-discharge current and a corona preliminary discharge voltage can be automated and uniformly performed and the reliability and productivity of a task can be significantly improved. 1. An insulating electrification plate ferrite applicator for a dipole lightning rod , the ferrite applicator comprising:a compression air generation unit configured to generate and charge compressed air;a storage tank connected to the compression air generation unit and configured to store a ferrite coating material;an applicator body equipped with a turntable configured to rotatably support an electrification plate and an operation control unit;a spray nozzle unit installed on top of the applicator body and configured to spray and supply the ferrite coating material; anda location tracking unit configured to guide the spray nozzle unit so that the spray nozzle unit performs a straight-line reciprocating motion horizontally and vertically.2. The ferrite applicator of claim 1 , wherein the spray nozzle unit comprises:a nozzle body configured to have spray units formed at a bottom of the nozzle body,injection valves installed on both sides of ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180226782A1
Автор: Wang Kunsheng

A passive compound strong-ionization discharging plasma lightning rejection device. The device comprises a thundercloud charge gathering and eliminating unit, a strong-ionization discharging unit and an grounding conductor. A discharging electrode of the strong-ionization discharging unit has two poles, pole A being combined with the thundercloud charge gathering and eliminating unit into one piece, pole B being connected to the grounding conductor, and a discharging gap between the two poles. This device is excited by a thundercloud electric field , generates scores of mC/s dissipation electric charges by means of compound strong-ionization discharging, efficiently neutralizes cloud and earth electric charges ±Q gathered by the thundercloud charge gathering and eliminating unit and the grounding conductor, and effectively restrains the voltage V=Q/C of equivalent capacitance C between the cloud and the earth from increasing, without being charged by the thundercloud to the extent of being broken down by discharging towards the earth. 1. A passive compound strong-ionization discharging plasma lightning rejection device comprises a thundercloud charge gathering and eliminating unit , a strong-ionization discharging unit and a grounding conductor , wherein discharging electrodes of the strong-ionization discharging unit comprise two electrodes , an electrode A being connected with the thundercloud charge gathering and eliminating unit , an electrode B being connected to the grounding conductor , and a discharging gap between the two electrodes being separated and fixed by an insulating supporter; the thundercloud charge gathering and eliminating unit is a lightning eliminating array.2. The lightning rejection device of claim 1 , wherein the electrode A of the discharging electrode of the strong-ionization discharging unit is an arc surface electrode claim 1 , a flat plate electrode claim 1 , a thin line electrode or an annular electrode claim 1 , and wherein the ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200220344A1

The invention relates to a method for designing a lightning protection system for the exterior lightning protection of buildings and systems and to an insulated lightning arrester device related thereto. The lightning arrester of the lightning protection system is at least partly designed as an insulated electric conductor with a conductive layer or casing on the insulation, and conductive structures can be found in the respective building or the respective system, wherein the structures are potentially exposed to inductions which occur in the event of a lightning current to be arrested, and correspondingly the conductive layer on the insulated conductor together with the respective conductive structure forms a secondary loop. 1. A method for designing lightning protection systems for the exterior lightning protection of buildings and installations , wherein the lightning arresting device of the lightning protection system is at least partly designed as an insulated electrical conductor with a conductive layer or casing of the insulation , and conductive structures are located in the respective building or the respective installation , wherein the structures are potentially exposed to an induction occurring in the event of a lightning current to be arrested , and correspondingly the conductive layer on the insulated arresting device together with the respective structure forms a secondary loop , including the following steps:analyzing the spatial position of the conductive structures in the building or the respective installation to be protected and determination of potential secondary loops;determining critical distances of the insulated arresting device, and estimating the induction effect in the secondary loop from standard lightning surge current variables for the range of the critical distances which cannot be varied by increasing the separation distance, while considering the total length of the insulated arresting device and the total displacement current ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200224641A1
Автор: VINKE Daniel

A wind turbine rotor blade comprising a lightning protection system. The lightning protection system has at least one receptor, a lightning protection conductor and a further element. A portion of the lightning protection conductor is in electrical contact with the further element by a connector. The connector has a screw with a collar as well as a nut with a female thread and a collar. The nut and the screw can be screwed together. 1. A wind turbine rotor blade comprising:a rotor blade body; anda lightning protection system coupled to the rotor blade body and including a receptor, a lightning protection conductor, and a dissipation element, wherein a portion of the lightning protection conductor is in electrical contact with the dissipation element by a connector,wherein the connector includes a screw and a nut, wherein the screw has a first end with a collar, a second end with an elongated portion, and a male thread at the elongated portion, wherein the nut has a first end with a collar and a second end having an elongated portion and a female thread at the elongated portion, wherein the nut and the screw can be screwed together by the male thread and the female thread,wherein the screw has a through bore, andwherein the collar of the screw and the collar of the nut are disposed at mutually opposite sides of the connector when the screw is screwed into the female thread of the nut.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The wind turbine rotor blade according to claim 1 , wherein a ration between an outside diameter of the collars and an outside diameter of a portion of the nut is at least 2.5. A wind turbine rotor blade lightning protection system claim 1 , comprising:at least one receptor, anda lightning protection conductor and a dissipating element, wherein a portion of the lightning protection conductor is in electrical contact with the dissipating element by a connector,wherein the connector has a screw and a nut, wherein the screw has a first end with a collar and a ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190229514A1

An anchor for lightning protection systems includes a base and pad that extend over a sufficient area and a sufficient bearing length to hold in shear and in tension against the weight, shear force, and moment of cables, points, and other components of a lightning protection systems. A universal point mount may be forged to optimize cross sectional area and contact surface area throughout the mounting system. Drilled and tapped to receive a point oriented arbitrarily, the head mounts easily on a horizontal or vertical mounting surface. Apertures and fasteners provide arbitrary positioning of a point at any necessary orientation. 1. An apparatus to mount , to a structure to be protected , a point capable of conducting lightning , the apparatus comprising:an anchor securable to the structure without penetration thereof;a head, positionable on the anchor in any of a plurality of head positions;the head, provided with apertures capable of securing thereto the point, the apertures being mutually orthogonal;the anchor and head sized and shaped to capture therebetween and connect to the point a conductor capable of conducting lightning away from the point;a mandible between the anchor and the head, wherein the head has a head yield stress at which the head will yield, and the anchor has an anchor stress at which the anchor will yield, and the anchor and head are capable of orienting the point vertically without reaching the anchor yield stress in the anchor nor the head yield stress in the head; andthe anchor and head configured to secure to one another to be capable of orienting the point vertically, whether the anchor is secured to a horizontal surface or a vertical surface of the structure.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apertures extend into lugs formed on the head claim 1 , a first aperture thereof extending parallel to the surface of the structure when installed claim 1 , and a second aperture thereof extending perpendicular to the surface when installed.3. ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200227905A1
Автор: Walker Steven Paul

Aircraft wing composite ribs having electrical grounding paths are described. An example composite rib includes a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) panel, a metallic rib post, a metallic fitting, and a metallic grounding member. The metallic rib post is coupled to the CFRP panel and configured to be coupled to a spar of an aircraft wing, the spar being coupled to a current return network (CRN) cable. The metallic fitting is coupled to the CFRP panel and configured to be coupled to a skin panel of the aircraft wing. The metallic grounding member is positioned between the CFRP panel and the metallic fitting. The metallic grounding member provides an electrical grounding path extending from the metallic fitting to the metallic rib post. 1. A composite rib , comprising:a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) panel;a metallic rib post coupled to the CFRP panel and configured to be coupled to a spar of an aircraft wing, the spar coupled to a current return network (CRN) cable;a metallic fitting coupled to the CFRP panel and configured to be coupled to a skin panel of the aircraft wing; anda metallic grounding member positioned between the CFRP panel and the metallic fitting, the metallic grounding member providing an electrical grounding path extending from the metallic fitting to the metallic rib post.2. The composite rib of claim 1 , wherein the electrical grounding path is configured to carry lightning current from the metallic fitting to the metallic rib post claim 1 , the lightning current to be received at the metallic fitting from the skin panel claim 1 , to pass through the electrical grounding path claim 1 , and to pass from the metallic rib post through the spar to the CRN cable.3. The composite rib of claim 1 , wherein the electrical grounding path is configured to carry electrostatic charge from the metallic fitting to the metallic rib post claim 1 , the electrostatic charge to be received at the metallic fitting from the skin panel claim 1 , to pass ...

26-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210265829A1

A mounting device for mounting a line surge arrester on a power tower includes a base having at least one fastening structure for fastening to a tower-side component, and a joint unit for positioning the line surge arrester. The joint unit has a joint for pivoting the line surge arrester about a joint axis. At least one position is a mounting position and at least one other position is a working position of the line surge arrester. The mounting device furthermore has parts of a drive mechanism. The parts are permanently connected to the base and/or to the joint, for driving the pivoting of the line surge arrester. A line surge arrester unit includes a line surge arrester and the mounting device. A method provides for mounting a line surge arrester on a power tower. 1. A mounting device for mounting a line surge arrester on a power tower , the mounting device comprising:a base having at least one fastening structure to be fastened to a tower-side component; anda joint unit for positioning the line surge arrester, said joint unit having a joint for pivoting the line surge arrester about a corresponding joint axis between positions, at least one of said positions being a mounting position and at least one other of said positions being a working position of said line surge arrester; anda drive mechanism having parts permanently connected to at least one of said base or said joint for driving the pivoting of the line surge arrester.2. The mounting device according to claim 1 , wherein said drive mechanism is a toggle lever configuration including claim 1 , in addition to said joint claim 1 , at least two lever elements connected to one another in an articulated manner by said joint as parts of said drive mechanism.3. The mounting device according to claim 2 , wherein said drive mechanism includes a drive spindle acting on said at least two lever elements.4. The mounting device according to claim 3 , which further comprises a drive crank connected or configured to be ...

01-08-2019 дата публикации

Automatic bonding system for grounding mobile equipment

Номер: US20190234146A1
Принадлежит: Halliburton Energy Services Inc

In some aspects, the present disclosure includes methods and systems for grounding mobile equipment at a site, such as a hydrocarbon drilling and production site. In one embodiment, the system comprises a mobile unit; one or more ground rods configured to penetrate a portion of a grounded surface; one or more grounding connectors coupled to the one or more ground rods and the mobile unit; and one or more actuators coupled to the mobile unit. The one or more actuators may be used to drive the one or more ground rods into the portion of the grounded surface, thereby creating an electric flowpath to allow for the discharge of electricity.

24-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170244234A1
Автор: Behr Lawrence
Принадлежит: LBA Group, Inc.

A portable lightning protection system including a multi-section conductive mast assembly including at least a base mast section and a top mast section; an air terminal attachable to the top mast section; and a base assembly attachable to the base mast section via a hinge assembly, wherein the hinge assembly may be configured to allow the base mast section to hinge relative to the base assembly. A catenary lightning protection system including at least two lightning protection systems, each lightning protection system may include a multi-section conductive mast assembly including at least a base mast section and a top mast section; an air terminal attachable to the top mast section; a base assembly attachable to the base mast section; and may further include a catenary wire connected between the at least two lightning protection systems. 1. A lightning protection system , comprising:a. a multi-section conductive mast assembly comprising at least a base mast section and a top mast section;b. an air terminal attachable to the top mast section; andc. a base assembly attachable to the base mast section via a hinge assembly, wherein the hinge assembly is configured to allow the base mast section to hinge relative to the base assembly.2. The system of wherein the base assembly comprises a plurality of radially extending inner horizontal beams having inner ends attachable to the hinge assembly and a plurality of inclined beams having inner ends attachable to the base mast section and outer ends attachable to the radially extending horizontal beams.3. The system of wherein the base assembly further comprises a plurality of outer horizontal beams attachable between outer ends of the radially extending inner horizontal beams.4. The system of further comprising at least one grounding cable to ground the multi-section conductive mast assembly.5. The system of further comprising at least one ground rod to ground the at least one grounding cable to earth.6. The system of wherein ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации

Improvements relating to lightning protection systems for wind turbine blades

Номер: US20160258423A1
Принадлежит: Vestas Wind Systems AS

A blade tip assembly for a wind turbine blade, comprising a conductive blade tip module, a receptor arrangement spaced from the conductive blade tip module, a coupler that electrically couples the conductive blade tip module to the receptor arrangement and an insulating member that insulates the coupler. The invention also can be expressed as a method for assembling a blade tip assembly for a wind turbine blade, the method comprising providing a blade tip module; providing the blade tip module with a coupler for electrically coupling the blade tip module to a down conductor of a lightning protection system; and encasing the coupler with an insulating member.

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180254569A1

An electrical grounding system can include an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source and a carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with at least a portion of the electrically conductive column. The system can also include a salt replenishment tube configured for attachment to a ground member, the salt replenishment tube having a tube wall defining a weep hole. The system can further include electrolytic fill disposed within a column chamber at least partially-defined by the electrically-conductive column, the electrolytic fill comprising a material configured to conduct at least a portion of any fault current received by the ground member radially outwardly from the ground member. The system can further include a bus bar comprising electrically-interconnected bus bar connectors, wherein the bus bar electrically communicates with the electrically conductive column and with the fault current source. 1. An electrical grounding system , comprising:an electrically conductive column configured for communication with a fault current source; anda carbon fiber layer in conductive relationship with least a portion of the electrically conductive column.2. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon fiber layer comprises carbon fiber fabric assembled onto at least a portion of the electrically conductive column.3. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , whereinthe electrically conductive column has an exterior surface, a cross-section of the electrically conductive column defining a perimeter of the exterior surface; andthe carbon fiber layer surrounds the perimeter.4. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , wherein the electrically conductive column defines a column wall and a fill hole formed into the column wall claim 1 , and wherein the electrically conductive column is configured for placement into native soil in a horizontal position.5. The electrical grounding system of claim 1 , further ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264258A1
Автор: Han Zengli, Wang Long

The present invention relates to a static discharger, an aircraft, and an installation process for the static discharger. According to an aspect of the present invention, a static discharger is provided which includes: a basement; and a discharger body installed to the basement. An installation orientation adjusting mechanism is provided between the basement and the discharger body, and the installation orientation adjusting mechanism allows the discharger body to be rotationally orientated, with respect to the basement, to a predetermined installation orientation during an on-site-installation of the static discharger. The static discharger further includes a first fixing mechanism adapted to fix the discharger body, which has been oriented to the predetermined installation orientation, to the basement. According to the present invention, for example, installation adaptation and universality of the static discharger and adjustment and determination of installation orientation of the static discharger can be improved. 1. A static discharger , comprising:a basement adapted to be installed to a supporting and conductive structure of a moving body; anda discharger body adapted to be installed to the basement,wherein an installation orientation adjusting mechanism is provided between the basement and the discharger body, the installation orientation adjusting mechanism allowing the discharger body to be rotationally orientated, with respect to the basement, to a predetermined installation orientation during an on-site-installation of the static discharger, andthe static discharger further comprises a first fixing mechanism adapted to fix the discharger body, which has been oriented to the predetermined installation orientation, to the basement.2. The static discharger according to claim 1 , further comprising an indexing mechanism adapted to adjust a magnitude of a rotation angle of the discharger body with respect to the basement in an indexing manner.3. The static ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160268793A1

An anchor for lightning protection systems includes a base and pad that extend over a sufficient area and a sufficient bearing length to hold in shear and in tension against the weight, shear force, and moment of cables, points, and other components of a lightning protection systems. A universal point mount may be forged to optimize cross sectional area and contact surface area throughout the mounting system. Drilled and tapped to receive a point oriented arbitrarily, the head mounts easily on a horizontal or vertical mounting surface. Apertures and fasteners provide arbitrary positioning of a point at any necessary orientation. 1. An apparatus orienting arbitrarily a point of a lightning protection system , the apparatus comprising:a head having an outer surface;an inner surface;and a perimeter surface characterized by a perimeter defining an effective diameter;the head, further provided with a first penetration through the outer surface and a second penetration through the perimeter surface, each sized and configured to receive and secure the point;a mount securable to a mounting surface of a protected structure and having a mount orientation defined arbitrarily between vertical and horizontal by the mounting surface; anda mandible comprising a connector securing the head thereto in any selected position of a plurality of positions effective to orient the point independently from the orientation of the mounting surface and absent any substantial distortion of the head.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the head is maintained in contact over a contact area with a conductor by a force between the head and the mandible; andthe head provides a cross-sectional area for conduction between the point and the conductor greater than the contact area.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the point and the conductor define a direct conductive path therebetween that passes only through the head.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein:the apparatus defines a conductor contact ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Antenna Connecting Device

Номер: US20140355166A1
Автор: Lo Shan-Gow

An antenna connection device contains a receiving end, a discharge tube, a first aluminum box, a second aluminum box a copper post, and a device end. The receiving end is a connector for connecting with an antenna and has a copper post extending outwardly from an inner side thereof so as to connect with the discharge tube, and a distal end of the copper post couples with a capacitance so as to conduct electricity to the device end, between the receiving end and the device end are defined a first recess and a second recess corresponding to the first aluminum box and the second aluminum box, wherein between the first recess and the second recess is defined a quadrilateral space so that the copper post, the discharge tube, and the capacitance are covered in the first aluminum box and the second aluminum. 1. An antenna connection device comprising:a receiving end, a discharge tube, a first aluminum box, a second aluminum box a copper post, and a device end;wherein the receiving end is a connector for connecting with an antenna and has a copper post extending outwardly from an inner side thereof so as to connect with the discharge tube, and a distal end of the copper post couples with a capacitance so as to conduct electricity to the device end, between the receiving end and the device end are defined a first recess and a second recess corresponding to the first aluminum box and the second aluminum box, wherein between the first recess and the second recess is defined a quadrilateral space so that the copper post, the discharge tube, and the capacitance are covered in the first aluminum box and the second aluminum.2. The antenna connection device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the copper post extends to the device end so as to conduct electricity. The present invention relates to an antenna connecting device which has an anti-lightning function and stops DC current so as to prevent electronic product from being damaged by lightning.With reference to , one end of an ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180261915A1
Автор: Rogers William E
Принадлежит: Red Cloud Inc.

The present apparatus, system and method solves the problems of the prior art by enabling substantial dissipation of an electrical energy surge coming from communications antenna which has been struck by lightning. The apparatus is for mounting to an exterior of a building at or near communications antenna also located at the exterior of the building. The apparatus is connected with incoming coaxial cables extending from exterior mounted antenna and with outgoing coaxial cables which extend from the apparatus to communications equipment housed within a communications center. The lighting strike surge travels from antenna, along the incoming coaxial cable and is redirected within the apparatus by polyphasers which trip at capacity to redirect the surge to three separate grounding bars and prevent the surge from continuing along outgoing coaxial cables leading to communications equipment thus safely dissipating surge and shielding communications equipment. 1. A lightning surge dissipation apparatus for mounting to a building exterior and for connection with coaxial cable extending from communications antenna located on the building exterior and with coaxial cable extending to communications equipment located within the building interior , the apparatus comprising:an electrically insulated enclosure having top, bottom, right, left, front, and back side walls, each wall having an interior and exterior surface, the front side wall having an opening configured for closure by a door, the enclosure defining an electrically insulated interior space;an electrically insulated door configured for opening and closing the opening, the door mounted to the exterior surface of the front side of the enclosure using a hinge;an insulated universal power box disposed within the interior space of the enclosure, the power box containing a power supply apparatus and connecting electrical and grounding wires which extend from the power supply apparatus mounted within the power box through ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160285248A1

Variable electric field balancing device formed by a hollow assembly that, with geometric shapes that can be different on the outside, comprises an upper passive capture element (), as a capture electrode, a lower passive capture element (), as a reception electrode, and an insulator element () that keeps them separated from each other at a distance (d) dependent on the conductivity coefficient of the materials, and that, also, externally covers the lower element () like a skirt to the lower base of the same, preventing the impact of a lightning bolt on said lower element () from being able to induce the generation of an upward leader, and there is also an expansion and compression valve () that connects the outside to the inside of the hollow assembly and which expands in phases of passage of current and/or absorption of external induced surges, and compressed at the end of the compensation of the field. 1672323423234335. A variable electric field balancing device that , comprising conductive capture elements separated by an electrical insulator incorporated on a mast () with earth connection () , is characterised in comprising a hollow assembly comprising an upper passive capture element () , which acts as a capture electrode , and a lower passive capture element () , which acts as a reception electrode , and both elements ( , ) may have various geometric shapes on the outside , and an insulator element () arranged between said upper () and lower () elements maintaining them separated from each other at a variable distance (d) dependent on the conductivity coefficient of the of the materials said elements ( and ) are composed of , and the geometry of which , of the insulator element () is such that , in addition to internally separating the two elements , the insulator element externally covers the lower element () like a skirt to the lower base thereof , preventing the impact of a lightning bolt on said lower element () from being able to induce the generation of ...

15-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150292487A1
Автор: Ohlerich Nick

A wind turbine rotor blade has a blade root, a lightning protection conductor for dissipating a lightning current toward the blade root, a suction side, a pressure side, a lightning receptor arranged on the suction side, a lightning receptor arranged on the pressure side, and an integrally formed lightning receptor base, which is arranged in the wind turbine rotor blade and on which the two lightning receptors and the lightning protection conductor are fastened, wherein the lightning receptor base includes two fastening rings, which each have an internal thread, into which one of the two lightning receptors is screwed, and an outer diameter and an outer side, wherein the outer sides of the fastening rings are arranged with a spacing of less than one outer diameter from one another. 1. A wind turbine rotor blade comprising:a rotor blade body having a blade root, a suction side and a pressure side;a lightning protection conductor configured to dissipate a lightning current toward said blade root;a first lightning receptor arranged on said suction side;a second lightning receptor arranged on said pressure side;an integrally formed lightning receptor base;said lightning protection conductor, said first lightning receptor and said second lightning receptor being fastened to said lightning receptor base;said lightning receptor base having a first fastening ring and a second fastening ring;said first fastening ring having a first internal thread;said first lightning receptor being threadably engaged in said first internal thread;said second fastening ring having a second internal thread;said second lightning receptor being threadably engaged in said second internal thread;said first and said second fastening rings each having an outer diameter and an outer side; and,said first and said second fastening rings being arranged so as to define a spacing of less than one outer diameter between their respective outer sides.2. The wind turbine rotor blade of claim 1 , wherein said ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190276161A1

A composite structure includes a composite member and a fastener. The composite member has a through hole. The fastener is inserted in the through hole and couples the composite member and another part to each other. The composite member includes an electrically-conductive composite member provided at least in part or all of a through-hole portion. The through-hole portion is a portion, of the composite member, having the through hole. The electrically-conductive composite member has a thickness that is greater in a portion, of the electrically-conductive composite member, included in the through-hole portion than in a portion, of the electrically-conductive composite member, other than the through-hole portion. 1. A composite structure comprising:at least one composite member having a through hole; andat least one fastener that is inserted in the through hole and couples the composite member and another part to each other,the at least one composite member including an electrically-conductive composite member provided at least in part or all of a through-hole portion, the through-hole portion being a portion, of the at least one composite member, having the through hole,the electrically-conductive composite member having a thickness that is greater in a portion, of the electrically-conductive composite member, included in the through-hole portion than in a portion, of the electrically-conductive composite member, other than the through-hole portion.2. The composite structure according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the electrically-conductive composite member is gradually increased in a direction from a portion claim 1 , of the electrically-conductive composite member claim 1 , away from the through hole toward the through hole.3. The composite structure according to claim 1 , further comprisinga pair of brackets coupled, by the at least one fastener, to the at least one composite member on both sides of the at least one composite member, whereinthe thickness ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации

Electrical Wiring System and Method

Номер: US20150303673A1
Автор: Goodson Mark E.

An electrical wiring system/method implementing transient voltage suppression is disclosed. The system/method incorporates HOT, NEUTRAL, GROUND wiring in conjunction with a series drop resistor (SDR) on the HOT conductor that supplies current to the load device. Parallel shunting metal oxide varistors (MOVs) are used in conjunction with corresponding shunt diode rectifiers (SDRs) to suppress transients on the HOT conductor to either the GROUND conductor and/or NEUTRAL conductor. The parallel shunting MOV/SDR pairs may be integrated into a singular structure that is encapsulated in an insulating material to permit implementation of the transient protection wiring system/method into electrical loads and common power distribution equipment such as electrical outlets and power strips. 1. An electrical wiring system comprising:(a) HOT wire;(b) NEUTRAL wire;(c) GROUND wire;(d) series drop resistor (SDR);(e) first shunt metal oxide varistor (MOV) (FSV); and(f) second shunt metal oxide varistor (MOV) (SSV);whereinsaid HOT wire is insulated;said NEUTRAL wire is insulated;said HOT wire comprises a source end and load end;said NEUTRAL wire comprises a source end and load end;said GROUND wire comprises a source end and load end;said HOT wire source end, said NEUTRAL wire source end, and said GROUND wire source end are configured for electrical connection to a power source;said SDR comprises an input terminal and an output terminal;said SDR input terminal is electrically coupled to said HOT wire load end;said FSV is electrically connected in series between said SDR output terminal and said GROUND wire;said SSV is electrically connected in series between said SDR output terminal and said GROUND wire; andsaid SDR output terminal, said NEUTRAL wire, and said GROUND wire are configured to service an electrical load device.2. The electrical wiring system of wherein said GROUND wire has a larger cross-sectional area than said HOT wire.3. The electrical wiring system of wherein said ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200287370A1
Автор: Matsumoto Toshio

A region of a positive charge formed around an arrester is made as small as possible to effectively suppress generation of an upward streamer. An inner electrode body to be grounded, an outer electrode body provided to surround the inner electrode body with a predetermined gap, an electrical insulating layer provided in the gap to hold the inner electrode body and the outer electrode body in an electrically insulated state, and a support that supports at least one of the inner electrode body and the outer electrode body are included, in which the inner electrode body is formed in a rod shape, and the outer electrode body is formed in a cylindrical shape. 17-. (canceled)8. A lightning suppression type lightning discharger comprising:an inner electrode body to be grounded;an outer electrode body provided to surround the inner electrode body with a predetermined gap;an electrical insulating layer provided in the gap to hold the inner electrode body and the outer electrode body in an electrically insulated state; anda support that supports at least one of the inner electrode body and the outer electrode body,wherein the inner electrode body is formed in a rod shape or a cylindrical shape, and the outer electrode body is formed in a cylindrical shape.9. The lightning suppression type lightning discharger according to claim 8 , wherein the support radially penetrates the outer electrode body to protrude to an inside thereof and is coupled to the inner electrode body positioned inside the outer electrode body in an electrically conductive state claim 8 , and a spacer made of an electrically insulating material for supporting the outer electrode body on the support is interposed in a penetrating portion between the support and the outer electrode body.10. The lightning suppression type lightning discharger according to claim 8 , wherein the support is inserted into the outer electrode body from one longitudinal end thereof and coupled to the inner electrode body positioned ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150315810A1

A lightning protection and safety rail system comprising a number of bases, vertical posts, horizontal rails, caps, mounting brackets, and lightning cables. The bases anchor the system to an elevated surface. The vertical posts extend upward from the bases. The horizontal rails extend between the vertical rails. The caps are positioned at tops of the vertical posts. The lightning cables are connected to the caps via the mounting brackets and are configured to be connected to an electrical ground. Lightning current travels from the caps, through the lightning cables, and to the electrical ground. Lightning current may also pass through the horizontal rails to a lightning cable attached to another cap. 1. A lightning protection and safety rail system for grounding lightning and for preventing falls , the lightning protection and safety rail system comprising:at least two bases for anchoring the lightning protection and safety rail system;at least two vertical posts extending from the bases;at least one horizontal rail extending between the vertical posts; anda cap positioned at a top of one of the vertical posts for connecting a lightning cable to the cap for carrying lightning current from the cap to an electrical ground.2. The lightning protection and safety rail system of claim 1 , further comprising:a first connector on configured to be attached to a first end of the horizontal rail and attached to the cap via a fastener; anda second connector configured to be attached to a second end of the horizontal rail opposite the first end and attached to a cap on another one of the vertical posts via a fastener.3. The lightning protection and safety rail system of claim 2 , wherein each connector includes a cylindrical portion for connecting to the horizontal rail and a flange for connecting to one of the vertical posts.4. The lightning protection and safety rail system of claim 3 , wherein the ends of the horizontal rail are inserted into the cylindrical portions.5. The ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200300228A1

Provided is a direct drive wind turbine that includes: a hub, at least one blade fixed to the hub, a nacelle on which the hub is rotatably mounted for rotating about a rotational axis, the nacelle including an electrical generator connected to the hub in order to receive rotational energy from the hub, a tower on which the nacelle is mounted, and a lightning protection arrangement including a plurality of protection conductors extending between the at least one blade and the tower, the plurality of protection conductors including at least a first protection conductor mounted on an external surface of the electrical generator. 1. A lightning protection arrangement for a direct drive wind turbine , the wind turbine including: a hub , at least one blade fixed to the hub , a nacelle on which the hub is rotatably mounted for rotating about a rotational axis , the nacelle including an electrical generator connected to the hub in order to receive rotational energy from the hub , and a tower on which the nacelle is mounted , the lightning protection arrangement comprising:a plurality of protection conductors extending between the at least one blade and the tower, the plurality of protection conductors including at least a first protection conductor mounted on an external surface of the electrical generator.2. The lightning protection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical generator includes a rotor house rigidly connected to the hub for rotating about the rotational axis together with the hub claim 1 , and the plurality of protection conductors including the first protection conductor mounted on an external surface of the rotor house.3. The lightning protection arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of protection conductors includes at least a second protection conductor mounted on an external surface of the hub and electrically connected to the first protection conductor.4. The lightning protection arrangement according to claim 3 , ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170317433A1

A through roof connector assembly for connecting an air termination conductor to a conducting rod through a roof of a structure while limiting water ingress into the roof. The through roof connector assembly includes a universal top, a threaded stud, a conduit connection component with an upper threaded tap hole and a lower threaded tap hole which do not meet to provide a completely weatherproof connection, and a conduit extending through a roof membrane when installed in the roof. The conduit has within a conducting rod, the conducting rod threaded the lower threaded tap hole of the conduit connection component. The air terminal also threads into the threaded stud. An o-ring is located between the conduit connection component and the conduit to provide a further weatherproof connection. 1. A through roof connector assembly for connecting an air termination conductor to a conducting rod while limiting water ingress through a roof , the through roof connector assembly comprising:a universal top;a threaded stud;a conduit connection component having an upper threaded tap hole and a lower threaded tap hole, the upper threaded tap hole and lower threaded tap hole not meeting through the conduit connection component; anda conduit for extending through a roof membrane and a roof of a structure, the conduit having within a conducting rod, the conducting rod being threaded into the lower threaded tap hole of the conduit connection component.2. The through roof connector assembly of claim 1 , wherein the threaded stud extends through the universal top into the upper threaded tap hole of the conduit connection component.3. The through roof connector assembly of claim 1 , further comprising an o-ring claim 1 , the o-ring located between the conduit connection component and the conduit to provide a weatherproof connection.4. The through roof connector assembly of claim 3 , wherein the o-ring is composed of a natural or synthetic rubber.5. The through roof connector assembly of ...

09-11-2017 дата публикации

A Fully Insulated Tip Unit for a Lightning Protection System for a Wind Turbine Blade and a Wind Turbine Blade Comprising the Same

Номер: US20170321661A1

A fully insulated tip unit () for a lightning protection system for a wind turbine blade () is disclosed, comprising an electrically conducting tip (), which tip consists of an external part () and an internal part (), at least one side receptor base (), an internal tip unit conductor (), an insulated electric cable () for forming the outermost part of a down conductor (), and a connection element () for establishing electrical connection between the insulated electric cable and the other conducting parts of the tip unit, wherein the internal part of the tip, the side receptor base(s), the internal tip conductor, the connection element and one end of the insulated electric cable are all embedded by casting in an insulating material () leaving only the external part of the tip and the other end of the insulated electric cable uncovered by the insulating material. Furthermore, a wind turbine blade comprising such a tip unit is disclosed. 1. A fully insulated tip unit for a lightning protection system for a wind turbine blade , said tip unit comprisingan electrically conducting tip for a wind turbine blade, which tip consists of an external part and an internal part, the external part forming a tip receptor,at least one side receptor base made from an electrically conducting material for mechanical mounting of one or more side receptors arranged on an external surface of the blade in such a way that electrical connection is established between the respective side receptor(s) and the side receptor base(s),an internal tip unit conductor for forming an electrical connection between the internal part of the tip receptor and the side receptor base(s),an insulated electric cable for forming an outermost part of a down conductor extending internally within the wind turbine blade in a longitudinal direction thereof from the at least one side receptor base towards a root end of the blade, anda connection element for establishing electrical connection between the insulated ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Lightning Strike Protection Material for dry lay-up / dry fiber placement device

Номер: US20150336684A1

A flat metallic structure having a multiplicity of openings and having a width between 6 and 1000 mm, characterized in that the metallic structure is treated with a metallic impregnating means whose melting point is lower than that of the flat metallic structure, and in that the conductivity of the metal before the impregnation is at least 15 S/m;, a use of such a structure as lightning protection means for fiber composite components as well as fiber composite components having such a structure, and a method for the production of such fiber composite components. 113-. (canceled)14. A flat metallic structure comprising:a multiplicity of openings, 'the metallic structure being treated with a metallic impregnating material whose melting point is lower than that of the flat metallic structure, and', 'a width of between 6 and 1000 mm,'}a conductivity of the metal of the metallic structure before the impregnation is at least 15 S/m.15. The structure as recited in claim 14 , wherein a mean surface weight of the metallic structure is in the range of 10 to 600 g/m.16. The structure as recited in claim 14 , wherein the ratio of impregnating material to metallic structure is in the range of 1:10 and 1:100.17. The structure as recited in claim 14 , wherein the impregnation takes place through rolling or calendering of the flat metallic structure with impregnating material in the form of powder.18. The structure as recited in claim 14 , wherein the impregnation takes place by bringing the flat metallic structure into contact with the melted impregnating material.19. The structure as recited in claim 14 , wherein the impregnation is applied on at least one edge of the flat metallic structure claim 14 , and the impregnation has a width of at least 1.5 mm.20. The structure as recited in claim 14 , further comprising a fiber composite component on which the flat metallic structure is applied as a lightning protection member for such fiber composite components.21. A fiber composite ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Lightning Protection System and Method for Wind Turbine Blades

Номер: US20170328350A1

A lightning protection system can include a socket, a receptor plug, a tip receptor, and a tip receptor mount. The socket can extend at least partly through a blade wall, and can include a socket body, a first retention shoulder, and a plurality of first teeth. The receptor plug can include a plug body, a plug conductor, a second retention shoulder, and a plurality of second teeth. The first retention shoulder can engage the second retention shoulder to secure the receptor plug to the socket. The first plurality of teeth can engage the second plurality of teeth to resist rotation of the receptor plug. The tip receptor mount can include latticed bonding wings that can be secured to a wind turbine blade with bonding material. The receptor plug can be accessed to be secured to the socket via an opening in another socket that is foamed into the blade wall. 1. A lightning protection system for a wind turbine blade with a blade wall and a blade cavity , the lightning protection system comprising:a socket configured to extend at least partly through the blade wall, the socket including a socket body and a plurality of first teeth;a receptor plug configured to be secured to the socket with the receptor plug disposed at least partly within the blade cavity, the receptor plug including a plug body, a plug conductor at least partly enclosed by the plug body, and a plurality of second teeth;the plurality of first teeth engaging the plurality of second teeth, when the receptor plug is secured to the socket, to resist rotation of the receptor plug relative to the socket.2. The lightning protection system of claim 1 , wherein the socket is molded into the blade wall during manufacture of the blade wall.3. The lightning protection system of claim 2 , wherein the socket further includes a flange extending at least partly radially outward relative to the socket body claim 2 , the flange including an angled lip; andwherein the angled lip is disposed at least partly within the blade ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160352088A1
Автор: JAIN Prabhat K.

A surge arrester mounting bracket may be provided. A surge arrester mounting bracket may include a plate having an arrester mounting section, a transformer mounting section, and at least one bend disposed therein. A surge arrester mounting bracket may further include at least one support gusset configured to engage and reinforce the plate. 1. A surge arrester mounting bracket comprising:a plate having an arrester mounting section, a transformer mounting section, and at least one bend disposed therein; andat least one support gusset configured to engage and reinforce the orientation of the plate.2. The surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein the at least one bend is positioned to achieve a desired bracket height and bracket length.3. The surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 2 , further comprising a series of bends positioned to achieve a desired bracket height and bracket length.4. The surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein the plate is solid.5. The surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein the plate is metal.6. The surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein the at least one gusset is secured to the plate on both sides of one of the at least one bends to secure the bend.7. The surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 6 , wherein the at least one gusset is secured to the plate by welding.8. An adjustable surge arrester mounting bracket comprising:a solid plate configured to be bent to achieve a desired height and length; andat least one gusset configured to reinforce a bent orientation of the solid plate.9. The adjustable surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 8 , wherein the adjustable surge arrester mounting bracket has a width to accommodate an arrester mounting bolt.10. The adjustable surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 8 , further comprising at least one bend to achieve a desired height and length.11. The adjustable surge arrester mounting bracket of claim 8 , wherein the plate and at least one gusset are ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации

Lightning Protection System and Method for Wind Turbine Blades

Номер: US20190331095A1

A method of installing a lightning protection system can include forming a blade wall of a wind turbine to at least partly include a socket. A part of the socket can be removed, after forming the blade wall, to provide an opening through the blade wall. A receptor plug and a receptor element can be secured to the socket at the opening.

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170349297A1

A structural composite component, in particular for an aircraft or spacecraft, has a lightning strike protection layer, and a composite battery comprising a cathode layer, wherein the lighting strike protection layer is formed integrated with the cathode layer. 1. A structural composite component comprising:a lightning strike protection layer; anda composite battery comprising a cathode layer,wherein the lighting strike protection layer is formed integrated with the cathode layer.2. The structural composite component of claim 1 , wherein the structural composite component is configured as a painted multi-layer skin portion.3. The structural composite component of claim 2 , wherein the lighting strike protection layer formed integrated with the cathode layer is arranged as an outermost layer of the multi-layer skin portion.4. The structural composite component of claim 3 , wherein the lighting strike protection layer formed integrated with the cathode layer is arranged directly under the paint.5. The structural composite component of claim 1 , wherein the lighting strike protection layer is configured as the cathode layer.6. The structural composite component of claim 1 , wherein the lighting strike protection layer is configured such that it forms a single layer.7. The structural composite component of claim 5 , wherein the lighting strike protection layer configured as the cathode layer is formed as a metallic mesh.8. The structural composite component of claim 7 , wherein the lighting strike protection layer configured as the cathode layer is formed as a copper mesh.9. The structural composite component of claim 5 ,wherein the cathode layer comprises a composite battery, which further comprises an anode layer and a separation layer arranged between the anode layer and the lighting strike protection layer configured as the cathode layer, andwherein the anode layer and the separation layer are integrated into the structural composite component.10. The structural ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170350374A1

The invention provides a lightning protection system for wind turbine blades with optimized injection means of lightning currents in conductive components of their shells. The injection means comprise a current receptor element () connected to the input cable of lightning currents and arranged over an area of a shell close to an electrically conductive component () and a current injection element (′) arranged over the electrically conductive component () and connected to the current receptor element () by at least two distribution cables (). 120224262224262. Lightning protection system of a wind turbine blade () , whose shells include at least one electrically conductive component (; ; ) embedded into them , comprising injection means of lightning currents in said electrically conductive component (; ; ) upon receipt through an input cable connected directly or indirectly with one or more lightning receptors of the blade , characterized in that said injection means of lightning currents comprise:{'b': 27', '47', '67', '22', '42', '62, 'a current receptor element (; ; ) connected to said input cable and arranged over an area of the shells close to the electrically conductive component (; ; ); and'}{'b': 28', '48', '68', '69', '69', '22', '42', '62', '27', '47', '67', '31', '32', '51', '52', '53', '71', '72', '73', '74, 'a current injection element (; ; ; , ′) arranged over the electrically conductive component (; ; ) and connected to the current receptor element (, , ) by at least two distribution cables (, ; , , ; , , , ).'}22120. Lightning protection system according to claim 1 , wherein said input cable is a cable derived from a down conductor () disposed within the wind turbine blade () for carrying lightning currents to ground.3. Lightning protection system according to claim 1 , wherein said input cable is connected directly to a blade lightning receptor.4142747672848686969. Lightning protection system according to claim claim 1 , wherein the distance between ...

17-12-2015 дата публикации

Active lightning arrester

Номер: US20150364907A1
Автор: Young-Ki Chung
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to an arrester, comprising: a rod member coupled to a ground means at one end in the longitudinal direction and charged with charges of the ground; a plurality of insulators provided to be spaced from each other in the longitudinal direction of the rod member; an charging plates provided between the neighboring insulators separately from the rod member so as to be electrically insulated and charged with a polarity opposite to that of the charges of the ground; a charging tube provided between the charging plates and the insulators, electrically connected to the charging plates, and charged with charges having a polarity opposite to that of the charges of the ground; a needle electrode member provided to the upper end of the rod member and having a needle-shaped part; and a discharge induction conductor electrode electrically connected to the charging plates between the insulators and the charging plates so as to induce discharge between the needle electrode member and the discharge induction conductor electrode and emit ion charges through the discharge, thereby forming a discharge path between a thundercloud and the needle electrode.

14-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170356426A1
Автор: Nieuwenhuizen John

A lightning protection system of a wind turbine is provided, including a blade lightning conductor arranged in a rotor blade of the wind turbine to extend into the hub, a stationary conductor to provide a blade grounding path to ground during a lighting strike, a brush arranged to electrically connect the blade lightning conductor and the stationary conductor, and a discharge means arranged to provide a separate discharge path from the blade lightning conductor to ground. Furthermore, a wind turbine, and a method of equipping a wind turbine with a lightning protection system, is also provided. 1. A lightning protection system of a wind turbine , comprising:a blade lightning conductor arranged in a rotor blade of the wind turbine to extend into a hub,a stationary conductor to provide a blade grounding path to ground during a lighting strike;a brush arranged to electrically connect the blade lightning conductor and the stationary conductor; anda discharge means arranged to provide a separate discharge path for static charge build-up from the blade lightning conductor to ground.2. The lightning protection system according to claim 1 , wherein the discharge means is electrically connected between the blade lightning conductor and the hub.3. The lightning protection system according to claim 1 , further comprising a hub lightning conductor arranged to provide a hub grounding path to ground during a lighting strike claim 1 , and wherein the discharge means is electrically connected to the hub lightning conductor.4. The lightning protection system according to claim 1 , further comprising a rotary joint in the hub grounding path claim 1 , and wherein the separate discharge path is through the rotary joint.5. The lightning protection system according to claim 4 , wherein the rotary joint is a sealed rotary joint.6. The lightning protection system according to claim 1 , wherein the discharge means is configured to pass an electrical current in a range of 10 mA.7. The ...

22-12-2016 дата публикации

Lightning protection system for wind turbine blades with an effective injection area to carbon fiber laminates and a balanced lightning current and voltage distribution between different conductive paths

Номер: US20160369781A1
Принадлежит: Gamesa Innovation and Technology SL

A lightning protection system for a wind turbine blade with one or two carbon fiber laminates and one or more down conductors equipotentialized with them by one or more auxiliary cables comprising at least one local lightning current injection area in the carbon fiber laminates associated with one auxiliary cable having secondary cables derived from the auxiliary cable and connected to conductive devices embedded in the carbon fiber laminates which are configured for avoiding overcurrents in the carbon fiber laminates. The invention also provides a lightning protection system for achieving a balanced distribution of currents and voltages between the down conductors and the carbon fiber laminates.

21-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190356125A1

A ground rod cap is provided. The cap includes a body that fits around a ground rod, ground rod clamp and ground wire at their point of connection. The body retains a filler material within an internal cavity. In some embodiments, a portion of the body acts as a barrier to retain the filler material. In some such embodiments, the filler material is positioned within the body prior to installation of the cap on the ground rod connection components. In some embodiments, the filler material is located in an airtight cavity until installation. In some such embodiments, a shrink-wrap material is placed around the body to make the cavity airtight. In other embodiments, the filler material is retained within at least a portion of the cap by an internal barrier that breaks as the cap is installed to allow the filler material to flow around the components. 1. A protective cap comprising a body , the body defining:an inner cavity; anda first opening in communication with said inner cavity, said first opening being configured for selectively receiving a first portion of a first elongate member,wherein said inner cavity includes a diameter substantially greater than 1 inch to accommodate a connection component coupled to the first elongate member, andwherein said first opening is sized so as to prevent the connection component from passing through said first opening when the connection component is coupled to the first elongate member.2. The protective cap of claim 1 , further comprising:a filler material located within said inner cavity of said body, wherein said filler material changes from a generally liquid state to a generally solid or semi-solid state within said cavity; anda breakable barrier configured to break and expose said filler material to the connection component as the connection component is positioned within said inner cavity.3. The protective cap of claim 1 , wherein the first elongate member is a ground rod having a diameter of at least 0.5 inches and the ...
