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20-10-2016 дата публикации

Устройство защиты электроламп от перегрузки

Номер: RU0000165381U1

Устройство защиты электроламп накаливания, состоящее из электронной схемы, лампы накаливания и переключателя, отличающееся тем, что электронная схема состоит из диодного моста VD1…VD4, который преобразует переменное напряжение в постоянное, гасящего резистора R1, однопереходного транзистора VT1, VT2 и схемы задержки включения лампы R5, С1, при этом диодный мост входными выводами своих полюсов соединен с лампой накаливания L1 и переключателем SA1, которые в свою очередь соединены с клеммами электропитания, а выходными выводами диодный мост соединен со схемой задержки включения лампы и через диод VD5 с однопереходным транзистором VT1, VT2, причем однопереходный транзистор также через сопротивление R4 и диод VD6 соединен со схемой задержки включении лампы накаливания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 165 381 U1 (51) МПК H02H 3/08 (2006.01) H05B 39/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016103722/07, 04.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.02.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2016 Бюл. № 29 1 6 5 3 8 1 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство защиты электроламп накаливания, состоящее из электронной схемы, лампы накаливания и переключателя, отличающееся тем, что электронная схема состоит из диодного моста VD1…VD4, который преобразует переменное напряжение в постоянное, гасящего резистора R1, однопереходного транзистора VT1, VT2 и схемы задержки включения лампы R5, С1, при этом диодный мост входными выводами своих полюсов соединен с лампой накаливания L1 и переключателем SA1, которые в свою очередь соединены с клеммами электропитания, а выходными выводами диодный мост соединен со схемой задержки включения лампы и через диод VD5 с однопереходным транзистором VT1, VT2, причем однопереходный транзистор также через сопротивление R4 и диод VD6 соединен со схемой задержки включении лампы накаливания. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ЗАЩИТЫ ЭЛЕКТРОЛАМП ...

18-01-2017 дата публикации

Централизованное устройство релейной защиты и управления подстанции с распределительным устройством высшего напряжения, выполненным по схеме мостик с выключателями в цепях линий и ремонтной перемычкой со стороны линий

Номер: RU0000168114U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электроэнергетики и может быть использовано для релейной защиты и управления подстанции с распределительным устройством 110 или 220 кВ, выполненным по схеме «мостик с выключателями в цепях линий и ремонтной перемычкой со стороны линий». Устройство предназначено для установки на панелях и в шкафах управления, расположенных на релейных щитах и пультах управления подстанций. Устройство предназначено для защиты присоединений и управления выключателями в схеме мостика в виде самостоятельного изделия. Устройство обеспечивает взаимодействие с выключателями, оснащенными различными типами приводных механизмов. Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлено предлагаемое техническое решение, является унификация технических средств и повышение надежности работы устройства при использовании на подстанции с упрощенной схемой распределительного устройства 110 или 220 кВ в виде мостика. Расширение функционального состава повышает степень унификации, поскольку одно и то же устройство используется для защиты и управления в объеме всех присоединений данного распределительного устройства, включающего линии электропередачи, силовые трансформаторы и их выключатели. Сущность: Технический результат достигается тем, что в централизованном устройстве релейной защиты и управления подстанции с распределительным устройством высшего напряжения, выполненным по схеме мостик с выключателями в цепях первой и второй линий и секционным выключателем, содержащем трансформаторы тока среднего и низшего напряжения первого и второго силового трансформаторов, трансформаторы тока первой и второй линий, трансформаторы тока секционного выключателя, трансформаторы напряжения среднего и низшего напряжения первого и второго силовых трансформаторов, блоки дифференциальной защиты первого и второго силовых трансформаторов, блоки максимальной токовой защиты высшего напряжения первого и второго силового трансформаторов, блоки максимальной токовой защиты ...

13-02-2017 дата публикации

Трансформаторная подстанция

Номер: RU0000168605U1

Полезная модель относится к электротехнике, объектам энергетики, ЛЭП, к устройствам для резервной релейной защиты ЛЭП и может быть использована при электроснабжении потребителей электроэнергии бытового, сельскохозяйственного и промышленного характера потребления.Для повышения надежности электроснабжения и уровня электробезопасности, а также повышения эффективности защиты в трансформаторной подстанции, содержащей фундамент, вертикальную опору для крепления проводов воздушных линий электропередачи, секции для размещения трансформатора, высоковольтное и низковольтное электрическое оборудование, заземляющее устройство, согласно полезной модели в средней секции установлено защитное устройство от перегрузки в линиях низкого напряжения, при этом в качестве защитного устройства использованы последовательно соединенные системы сигнализации и автоматического отключения при перегрузке ЛЭП, которые подключены к линии низкого напряжения в трансформаторной подстанции. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 168 605 U1 (51) МПК H02B 5/00 (2006.01) H02H 3/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016124823, 21.06.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.06.2016 13.02.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 21.06.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 13.02.2017 Бюл. № 5 Адрес для переписки: 350044, г. Краснодар, ул. Калинина, 13, Кубанский ГАУ, отдел организации и мониторинга научных исследований (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2420846 С1, 10.06.2011. RU 2189681 С1, 20.09.2002. EP 0933859 A1, 04.08.1998. SU 12293 U1, 16.12.1999. 1 6 8 6 0 5 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Кубанский государственный аграрный университет" (RU) R U Дата регистрации: (72) Автор(ы): Шаззо Аскер Байсланович (RU), Чернигин Роман Александрович (RU), Колесникова Татьяна Петровна ( ...

14-12-2017 дата публикации

Модуль защиты

Номер: RU0000175673U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к технике сетей электропитания, а более конкретно - к области защиты устройств (нагрузки) от перенапряжений, возникающих в сети питания. Полезная модель представляет собой модуль защиты, содержащий входную цепь для подключения сети питания, выходную цепь для подключения нагрузки, диодный выпрямитель, узел коммутации. Модуль дополнительно содержит источник опорного напряжения и узел анализа и управления, при этом диодный выпрямитель включен параллельно входной цепи модуля и электрически соединен с источником опорного напряжения и узлом анализа и управления таким образом, что выпрямленное постоянное напряжение поступает на вход источника опорного напряжения и на первый вход узла анализа и управления, источник опорного напряжения выполнен с возможностью преобразования выпрямленного постоянного напряжения в стабильные неизменные постоянные опорные напряжения: опорное напряжение для включения режима защиты нагрузки и опорное напряжение для выключения режима защиты нагрузки, которые соответственно поступают на второй и третий входы узла анализа и управления. При этом узел анализа и управления выполнен с возможностью сравнения выпрямленного постоянного напряжения с опорным напряжением для включения режима защиты нагрузки и опорным напряжением для выключения режима защиты нагрузки и связан с узлом коммутации. Узел анализа и управления выполнен с возможностью подачи на узел коммутации сигнала для размыкания сети нагрузки в случае, если выпрямленное постоянное напряжение становится больше опорного напряжения для включения режима защиты нагрузки и сигнала для замыкания цепи нагрузки, в случае, если выпрямленное постоянное напряжение становится меньше опорного напряжения для выключения режима защиты нагрузки. Полезная модель обеспечивает расширение функциональных возможностей модуля защиты электрических устройств, заключающееся в обеспечении возможности применения модуля защиты независимо от параметров сети питания с реализацией ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Устройство для защиты трехфазного электродвигателя от перегрузки по току

Номер: RU0000183431U1

Полезная модель относиться к электротехнике и предназначена для защиты электродвигателей от токов перегрузки.Устройство для защиты трехфазного электродвигателя от перегрузки по току, содержащее нелинейный преобразователь тока, электротепловое реле, отличающееся тем, что нелинейный преобразователь тока дополнительно содержит три датчика тока, блок управления, блок питания, силовой блок, три входных зажима, три выходных зажима, три силовые шины, при этом три датчика тока расположены на трех силовых шинах, имеющих три входных зажима и три выходных зажима, выходы трех датчиков тока подключены к входам блока управления, выходы которого соединены с входами силового блока, выходы которого являются выходами нелинейного преобразователя тока, подключенного к электротепловому реле, входы блока питания подключены к трем силовым шинам, выходы блока питания подключены к входам трех датчиков тока, блока управления и силового блока.Технический результат - возможность повышения чувствительности электротеплового реле. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 431 U1 (51) МПК H02H 5/04 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02H 3/00 (2006.01); H02H 5/04 (2006.01); H02H 7/08 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018124407, 03.07.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 03.07.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2018 Бюл. № 27 1 8 3 4 3 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2518057 C2, 10.06.2014. RU 97014 U1, 20.08.2010. RU 119183 U1, 10.08.2012. US 6522094 B1, 18.02.2003. EP 671798 A1, 13.09.1995. (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ТРЕХФАЗНОГО ЭЛЕКТРОДВИГАТЕЛЯ ОТ ПЕРЕГРУЗКИ ПО ТОКУ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относиться к электротехнике три выходных зажима, выходы трех датчиков и предназначена для защиты электродвигателей тока подключены к входам блока управления, от токов перегрузки. выходы которого соединены с входами силового ...

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Дискретное устройство сопряжения

Номер: RU0000191215U1

РефератНастоящая полезная модель относится к электронным устройствам, а именно к дискретным устройствам сопряжения, и может быть использована в составе программно-технических комплексов для цифровых электрических подстанций. Полезная модель создана в рамках работ по проекту «Разработка масштабируемого программно-технического комплекса для управления электрическими подстанциями на базе протокола МЭК 61850», реализуемому в рамках Соглашения № 075-02-2018-1219 от 15 ноября 2018 г. (внутренний номер соглашения 14.578.21.0226, дата начала реализации проекта 26 сентября 2017 г.) между Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации и ФГАОУ ВО «Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина», уникальный идентификатор работ (проекта) RFMEFI57817X0226, государственный номер учета НИОКРТ АААА-А17-117122990006-4, индустриальный партнер по проекту ООО "Прософт-Системы".Преобразователь дискретных сигналов содержит объединительную плату 1, с которой взаимодействуют модуль формирования питающих напряжений 2, модуль ввода дискретных сигналов 3 и процессорный модуль 4.Модуль формирования питающих напряжений 2 снабжен клеммами питания, модуль ввода дискретных сигналов 3 снабжен дискретными входами, процессорный модуль 4 снабжен интерфейсами Ethernet для конфигурирования и выдачи данных, при этом один из интерфейсов Ethernet, которыми снабжен модуль 4, выполнен с возможностью подключения к шине процесса по протоколу МЭК 61850-8-1 (GOOSE).Процессорный модуль 4 включает в себя взаимосвязанные блок ввода и преобразования дискретных сигналов в цифровой вид 5, блок выдачи значений дискретных сигналов по цифровым протоколам 6, блок индикации режима работы 7, блок самодиагностики 8, блок программного конфигурирования режима работы 9, блок защиты от несанкционированного доступа органов управления и конфигурирования 10, блок формирования диагностических сообщений о неисправностях 11.Технический результат – обеспечение возможности ...

31-07-2020 дата публикации

Цифровое устройство защиты с централизованным резервированием для электрической подстанции

Номер: RU0000198895U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электроэнергетики, в частности к средствам релейной защиты.Целью предложенной полезной модели является повышение достоверности и селективности работы устройства защиты за счет косвенных измерений и централизованного резервирования.Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в известном устройстве, содержащем датчики тока присоединений силового узла подстанции, датчик напряжения силового узла подстанции, цифровую шину передачи сигналов датчиков, выключатели присоединений силового узла подстанции, цифровую шину передачи сигналов управления выключателями, выходы датчиков тока присоединений силового узла подстанции и датчика напряжения силового узла подстанции присоединены к цифровой шине передачи сигналов датчиков, выключатели своими входами подключены к цифровой шине передачи сигналов управления выключателями, дополнительно введен блок управления присоединениями силового узла подстанции, первый порт которого предназначен для соединения с подстанционной цифровой шиной передачи данных, цифровая шина передачи сигналов датчиков присоединена к блоку управления присоединениями силового узла подстанции через его второй порт, цифровая шина передачи сигналов управления выключателями присоединена к блоку управления присоединениями силового узла подстанции через его третий порт. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 895 U1 (51) МПК H02H 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02H 3/00 (2020.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019127100, 27.08.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 31.07.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 31.07.2020 Бюл. № 22 1 9 8 8 9 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2693937 C1, 08.07.2019. RU 2468407 C1, 27.11.2012. US 4689752 A, 25.08.1987. (54) Цифровое устройство защиты с централизованным резервированием для электрической подстанции (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области датчика ...

28-04-2021 дата публикации

Устройство дистанционной защиты

Номер: RU0000203930U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электроэнергетики, в частности к средствам релейной защиты электрических сетей. Целью предложенной полезной модели является создание устройства, реализующего дистанционный принцип защиты более полно и более точно. Устройство дистанционной защиты содержит датчики тока и напряжения, блок управления выключателем, первый и второй блоки моделирования короткого замыкания, блок сравнения, первый вход которого соединен с выходом первой модели короткого замыкания, второй вход блока сравнения соединен с выходом второй модели короткого замыкания, дополнительно снабжено блоком регистрации, дистанционным органом, блоком отсчета выдержки времени, блоком индикации, первый вход блока регистрации соединен с выходом датчика тока, второй вход блока регистрации соединен с выходом датчика напряжения, выход блока регистрации соединен со входами первого и второго блоков моделирования короткого замыкания, вход дистанционного органа соединен с выходом блока сравнения, первый выход дистанционного органа подключен ко входу блока отсчета выдержки времени, второй выход подключен ко входу блока индикации, выход блока отсчета выдержки времени подключен ко входу блока управления выключателем. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 930 U1 (51) МПК H02H 3/00 (2006.01) G01R 31/08 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H02H 3/00 (2021.02); G01R 31/08 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020137512, 16.11.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 28.04.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 28.04.2021 Бюл. № 13 U 1 2 0 3 9 3 0 R U (54) Устройство дистанционной защиты (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области электротехники и электроэнергетики, в частности к средствам релейной защиты электрических сетей. Целью предложенной полезной модели является создание устройства, реализующего дистанционный принцип защиты более полно и более точно. Устройство ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Controller Circuit Including a Switch Mode Power Converter and Automatic Recloser Using the Same

Номер: US20120019971A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Electronics Corp

An autorecloser circuit including a relay circuit with an electromagnetic relay configured to be coupled between an AC power source and a customer location to deliver current from the AC power source to the customer location. A controller coupled to the relay circuit is configured to control the electromagnetic. A current sense circuit coupled to the controller is configured to detect an amount of the current that is delivered to the customer location and a reference voltage circuit coupled to the controller is configured to establish a reference level for the amount of the current that is delivered to the customer location. A power circuit coupled to the controller and to the relay circuit is configured to provide a DC power source to the controller and to the relay circuit from the AC power source. The controller is configured to disconnect or reconnect the AC power source from the customer location based on the detected amount of current.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Emergency frequency load shedding scheme

Номер: US20120041612A1
Автор: Nicholas C. Abi-Samra
Принадлежит: Electric Power Research Institute Inc

A load shedding system and method for controlling imbalances in a power system includes a signal generator adapted to generate a signal representative of a local system, and a modifying circuit adapted to adjust set frequencies. The system also includes a processing circuit adapted to process data received from the signal generator and modifying circuit and set load shedding priorities for the local system based on the processed data.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Switch, In Particular Circuit Breaker For Low Voltages, And Power Supply For An Electronic Tripping Unit Of A Switch

Номер: US20120050932A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A switch is disclosed, in particular a circuit breaker for low voltages. In at least one embodiment, the switch includes a conductor, an electronic tripping unit (ETU) which trips the switch when a current limit value is exceeded, the power supply of the electronic tripping unit including current transformers, with a first winding which is connected to the electronic tripping unit (ETU) forming the secondary side of the current transformer and the conductor forming the first primary side of the current transformer, the conductor supplying electrical power to the current transformer when the current varies over time. In order to ensure power is supplied to the tripping unit (ETU) even in modes of operation in which too little power is provided by the first winding, for example in the case of a direct current, small alternating currents, a pulsed direct current etc., a second winding which forms the second primary side of the current transformer is arranged on the current transformer in addition to the first winding, and a converter (DAW) taps off a voltage from at least two conductors when there is too little power, and supplies electrical power to the second winding and therefore also to the electronic tripping unit via the secondary winding.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Power distribution

Номер: US20120072043A1
Автор: Klaus Arzig
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A power distribution system has a field device level, a hierarchically higher station level, and an instrumentation and control level hierarchically higher than the station level. A function of field devices belonging to the field level, a function of station devices belonging to the station level, and a function of instrumentation and control devices belonging to the instrumentation and control level are defined by parameters. A plurality of separate computing devices are connected to each other by a communication network and form a distributed computer system. The field devices, the station devices, and the instrumentation and control devices are connected to the distributed computer system or are formed by individual or a plurality of computer devices. The parameters for determining the function of the devices are distributed over two different computer devices. The devices access the parameters via the communication network.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement For Protecting Equipment Of A Power System

Номер: US20120081817A1
Автор: Zoran Gajic
Принадлежит: Individual

An arrangement for protecting equipment of an AC electrical power system comprises first means configured to measure the frequency of the current and voltage at at least one location in the electrical power system along an interconnection between two theoretical electric machines of an equivalent two machine system. Fourth means are configured to use the values of the frequency of the current and voltage measured to determine whether a power swing has occurred and if an occurrence of a power swing has been determined determine whether the measuring location is located on a motor side or a generator side of a potential pole slip electrical centre along said interconnection, the electrical centre being defined as the location where the voltage becomes zero during a pole slip, and send this information further to third means for use in a control for protecting equipment of the electrical power system.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Server having memory dump function and memory dump acquisition method

Номер: US20120102358A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

A server having a plurality of system boards, comprising: a panic processing unit configured to stop (panic) the server; a system board information storage unit configured to store information to identify a system board having a memory used by a kernel; a system board detaching processing unit configured to detach the system board having the memory used by the kernel before server stoppage; and a reboot processing unit configured to reboot the server using system boards other than the separated system board among the plurality of system boards, after detaching the system board having the memory used by the kernel.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Method and device for detecting an entrapment situation

Номер: US20120112677A1
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

To detect an entrapment situation when a driven component is adjusted using a mechanical adjustment system which has an electric motor ( 2 ), a value (Fakt) relating to the force acting upon the driven component is compared with a threshold value (FTh) relating to a reference value (FRef). The reference value (FRef), and thus the threshold value (FTh), are continuously matched, for the purpose of force tracking, with the force value which changes during the movement of adjustment depending on the mechanical system.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Circuit Protection Device

Номер: US20120120538A1
Автор: Katsuaki Suzuki
Принадлежит: Katsuaki Suzuki

There is provided a circuit protection device with further improved possibility of protecting the circuit. In the circuit protection device ( 1 ) includes a bimetal switch ( 4 ) and a PTC component ( 2 ), the bimetal switch and the PTC device are electrically connected in parallel, and the PTC component has a resistance after activation that is equal to or less than 1.1 times as large as a specific resistance of an electric circuit to which the circuit protection device is to be incorporated, which specific resistance is calculated based on the rated voltage and the rated current of the electrical circuit from the following equation (1): Rated Voltage/Rated Current=Specific Resistance  (1).

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Circuit protection apparatus for photovoltaic power generation systems

Номер: US20120127621A1
Принадлежит: Mersen USA Newburyport MA LLC

A circuit protection device suitable for use with a photovoltaic power generation system. The circuit protection device includes an electronic control unit and a dual path fuse. The dual path fuse has a first current path defined by a main conductor and a second current path defined by a fuse element. In response to an overcurrent condition, the control unit activates the dual path fuse to open the first current path, thereby shunting current to the second current path. Residual follow-on current flows through the fuse element via the second current path until the fuse element melts. The control unit is programmable with multiple threshold current levels and associated time delays in order to provide different activation response times that are dependent upon the detected current level.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Overvoltage Protection for Inverters that Comprise an EMC Filter at Their Input End

Номер: US20120140363A1
Принадлежит: SMA Solar Technology AG

In an overvoltage protection apparatus before an inverter configured to feed electric energy from a DC voltage source into an AC power grid, the overvoltage protection apparatus includes a DC voltage input stage. The DC voltage input stage includes, at least two current-carrying lines and an EMC filter including interference suppressing capacitors and interference suppressing inductors, and surge arrestors configured to divert overvoltages with respect to ground are connected to the current-carrying lines after the EMC filter, from a point of view of the DC voltage source.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Protective circuit and charging device

Номер: US20120161712A1
Автор: Keisuke Saito
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A protective circuit includes a smoothing circuit in which a pulse-like charging output permitting signal is input in a normal charging state and the pulse-like charging output permitting signal is not input in an abnormal charging state, and a charging output control element that is controlled so as to permit or stop a charging output with respect to an electric storage device, permits the charging output by an output signal in which the charging output permitting signal is smoothened by the smoothing circuit, and stops the charging output when an abnormal charging state is detected.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Overcurrent protection device and overcurrent protection system

Номер: US20120170166A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

Provided are an overcurrent protection device and an overcurrent protection system which can provide time differences among the timings for executing the retry operations among a plurality of overcurrent protection devices connected to a common power supply. When a battery voltage (VBA) becomes a value equal to or lower than a threshold voltage after an FET (Q 1 ) of an IC circuit ( 51 - 1 ) is turned on, all FETs (Q 1 ) of the respective IC circuits are turned off, and a time until the battery voltage (VBA) reduces to a value lower than a threshold voltage after the turning-on of the FET (Q 1 ) is clocked. When the time is smaller than 400 μsec, the count value N is incremented. Further, turning-on of the FETs (Q 1 ) is repeated after the lapse of the standby time (Tp) set randomly. When the count value N reaches 7, the FET (Q 1 ) of the IC circuit 51 - 1 is held in the turned-off state. Accordingly, only the load-driving circuit at which the dead short occurs can be stopped and the driving of the other load-driving circuits can be continued.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for reducing feeder circuit loss using demand response

Номер: US20120173030A1
Автор: Jeffrey D. Taft
Принадлежит: Accenture Global Services Ltd

A system and method that analyzes at least one aspect of the power grid for demand response in order to reduce feeder circuit losses is provided. The system and method may use a demand response model to select one or more factors for the demand response, such as selecting a subset of customers for demand response from a larger pool of available demand response customers. The demand response model may include a grid structure component, such as an indication of the particular customer's position in the grid, and a dynamic operation component, such as a real-time measurement of current in the feeder circuit. By using the demand response model, feeder circuit losses may thereby reduced.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Electric device and power management apparatus for changing demand response (dr) control level

Номер: US20120209443A1
Автор: Do Gwan LEE, Jin Chul Shin

An electric device for changing a DR control level and a power management apparatus for the same are disclosed. An electric device for changing a demand response (DR) control level includes a memory unit to store a plurality of DR control levels classified according to power rates, a communication unit to receive a current power rate and a current power rate level related to the current power rate from a power provider in real time, a user interface which, upon receiving a request for changing a DR control level from a user, displays a list of pre-stored DR control levels and receives a DR control level to be changed from the user, and a controller to compare the current power rate level with the changed DR control level, and determine whether to perform a power saving operation. As a result, the electric device can decide whether to increase the usage of the electric device or to consider the power saving aspect using current power status information transmitted in real time, thereby adaptively adjusting a start level of the DR control.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Ground protection circuit and switch driving device using the same

Номер: US20120212863A1
Автор: Motohiro Ando
Принадлежит: ROHM CO LTD

A ground protection circuit ( 36 ) includes: a sensing resistor (R 3 ), disposed on a path which a charging current (IB) of a bootstrap circuit (D 1, C 1 ) flows through; a comparator ( 361 ), for comparing a voltage (ΔV) between two ends of the sensing resistor (R 3 ) and a specific threshold voltage (Vth) to generate a ground protection signal (S 1 ); and a logic gate ( 362 ), for enabling the ground protection signal (S 1 ) to be invalid in a normal charging operation of the bootstrap circuit.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Dc electrical power system

Номер: US20120228949A1
Принадлежит: Rolls Royce PLC

A DC electrical power system has a power generator converter system, a positive supply rail extending from the converter system, a negative supply rail extending from the converter system, and a midpoint earthing arrangement operatively connecting to the supply rails. The earthing arrangement is connected to earth by a solid earth connection. The network further has a first protective device on one of the supply rails which in case of a fault is operable to interrupt current flowing on that rail, and a second protective device on the earthing arrangement which in case of a fault is operable to interrupt current flowing to earth through the solid earth connection.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for distributed power management

Номер: US20120239216A1

A method and system for distributed power management with individual IEDs in a substation are disclosed. An exemplary technique can include providing multiple IEDs in a power network in the substation and integrating an intrinsic load shedding function in each IED. The technique can include identifying a power imbalance state at an individual IED and load shedding the individual IED using an intrinsic load shedding function when a power imbalance state is identified in a coordinated manner to achieve distributed power management in the substation.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for managing an energy distribution network

Номер: US20120245749A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system includes a first computer including an energy distribution network model. The first computer identifies a plurality of energy consumers associated with an energy distribution constraint within the energy distribution network. The system also includes a second computer configured to receive data from the first computer. The second computer is also configured to identify a plurality of customers subscribed to a demand response program and identify a subset of the plurality of energy consumers that are associated with the plurality of customers. The second computer is further configured to identify a device associated with each energy consumer of the subset of energy consumers and cause a demand response request to be transmitted to at least one identified device.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Multiple Phase Circuit Testing Closer Method

Номер: US20120250202A1
Принадлежит: S&C Electric Co

Upon detecting a fault, a circuit testing closer is operable to open contacts to isolate the fault. Next, the circuit testing closer tests the faulted phase to determine whether the fault has cleared. The circuit testing closer may employ one or more dynamic thresholds to determine the existence of a fault.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Fuse and breaker alarm device and method using a finite state machine

Номер: US20120280821A1
Принадлежит: ADC Telecommunications Inc

An alarm circuit and method of monitoring a circuit protection device are disclosed. The alarm circuit includes a circuit protection device connected in series at an input voltage of a load. The alarm circuit also includes a programmable circuit connected in parallel to the circuit protection device and including an alarm signal. The programmable circuit is programmed to include a plurality of functional states, and at least one functional state corresponds to activation of the alarm signal. The at least one functional state activating the alarm signal corresponds with an interruption condition in the circuit protection device.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Circuit and method for interrupting a current flow in a dc current path

Номер: US20120286589A1
Автор: Jadran Kostovic

A DC current path for DC power transmission includes a switchable element. An inductance is connected in series to the switchable element. When an interrupt scenario is detected, a resonance circuit is connected in parallel to the series connection of the switchable element and the inductance for charging a capacitance of the resonance circuit. An open state of the switchable element is effected and the resonance circuit is connected in parallel to the switchable element. By means of such arrangement and method, favorable fast interrupt times can be achieved.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Electric leakage sensing apparatus

Номер: US20120299599A1
Принадлежит: Omron Automotive Electronics Co Ltd

An electric leakage sensing apparatus includes a pulse generator that supplies a pulse to a coupling capacitor, a voltage detector that detects a voltage at the coupling capacitor, an electric leakage determination unit that compares the voltage detected by the voltage detector to a threshold and determines existence or non-existence of an electric leakage of a DC power supply based on a comparison result, a pre-check circuit that puts the DC power supply into a pseudo electric leakage state, a diagnostic unit that diagnoses whether the electric leakage determination unit determines that the electric leakage exists when the DC power supply is put into the pseudo electric leakage state, and terminals to which cables are connected. A current route from the pulse generator to the pre-check circuit through the coupling capacitor and the cables is formed when the DC power supply is put into the pseudo electric leakage state.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Intrinsically safe connection unit with a network interface, intrinsically safe appliance and network interface for it

Номер: US20120315793A1

An intrinsically safe connection unit with a network interface for intrinsically safe appliances in explosion-risk areas, having a housing, a voltage supply connection, plug connection for connecting an intrinsically safe appliance via a transmission cable, and a decoupling circuit. For allowing even a multiplicity of network subscribers to be connected in the explosion-risk area with less wiring complexity, a plurality of plug connections of the same type are provided as network interface, each being preceded by a separate decoupling circuit, and the voltage supply connection builds a central feed connection with separate supply cores for each plug connection each having at least two plug contacts for data communication and at least two plug contacts for supplying power to the connectable appliances via the transmission cable. The invention relates also to a Controller and a network interface for use therewith.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for grounding power line sections to clear faults

Номер: US20130003234A1
Принадлежит: SEARETE LLC

Systems and methods for dynamically clearing faults in a power transmission line involve automatically terminating ends of a section of the power line while preserving electrical and/or physical continuity of the power line. The terminating of the ends is reversed at about voltage zero-crossings in the power line to clear a fault.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

System and method for protecting an electrical grid against faults

Номер: US20130027829A1
Принадлежит: ABB SpA

A system and method are provided for protecting a power grid against electric faults. A first circuit breaker is associated with a first electronic unit and positioned at a first hierarchy level. One or more additional circuit breakers, each including a corresponding second electronic unit, are positioned at one or more additional levels hierarchically lower than the first level and cascaded to each other. The first circuit breaker includes at least one semiconductor electronic breaking device. The first electronic unit is configured to, upon the appearance of an electric fault in a grid area, drive the breaking device to limit the current flowing through it for a predetermined period of time, and send to the circuit breakers on lower hierarchy levels an intervention command to allow intervention, among the circuit breakers that detected the fault, of the closest circuit breaker positioned immediately upstream from the area where the fault occurred.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

High voltage dc breaker apparatus

Номер: US20130038975A1

A high voltage DC breaker apparatus configured to break a fault current occurring in a high voltage DC conductor includes a current limiting arrangement having at least one section with at least one semiconductor device of turn-off type and at least one arrester connected in parallel therewith, and a mechanical DC breaker connected in series with the current limiting arrangement and including a mechanical switch. The mechanical DC breaker is configured to enable breaking of a fault current in said DC conductor once said semiconductor devices of said arrangement have been turned off.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for transmitting operating cycle alerts

Номер: US20130049970A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An apparatus includes a memory device configured to store computer-readable instructions and data representative of at least an alert trigger time that represents a time before an end of an operating cycle of an appliance communicatively coupled to a home energy manager. The apparatus further includes a processor coupled to the memory device and configured to execute the computer-readable instructions, which when executed by the processor, cause the processor to determine a remaining cycle time for the operating cycle of the appliance, compare the remaining cycle time to the alert trigger time stored in the memory device, generate an alert when the remaining cycle time is equal to the alert trigger time, and transmit the generated alert to at least one remote device.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Current generating device

Номер: US20130057996A1

Even when a large-current, high-voltage load is applied, damage is prevented. A current generating device ( 1 ) supplies a current simulating a current flowing when lightning occurs to a test piece ( 9 ) subjected to a lightning resistance test using power supplied from a power supply device ( 2 ). The current generating device ( 1 ) includes electric double-layer capacitors that store and discharge power supplied from the power supply device ( 2 ), a semiconductor switch ( 3 ) that switches between supplying and not supplying the power stored in the electric double-layer capacitors to the test piece ( 9 ), and a protection unit ( 4 ) that is connected between the semiconductor switch ( 3 ) and the test piece ( 9 ) and that cuts the connection between the semiconductor switch ( 3 ) and the test piece ( 9 ) when a current larger than a predetermined value flows through the semiconductor switch ( 3 ).

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130070377A1

A power distribution and communication system includes nodes connected by power lines and communication links. The system receives power from one or more power sources. Each node contains at least one power port, data port and load port. Associated with each power port and load port is a port monitor for measuring current flowing into or out of the port and the voltage difference between the port outlet and ground, which measurements are passed to a processing element. The processing element and monitor analyze measured values to detect fault conditions. Upon fault condition detection, the port is disabled by opening a switch, disconnecting the port from the system voltage. The processing element receives power directly from the power line, thus receiving power from a live power line even if the associated power port is disabled allowing the processing element to enable a disabled node following a failure. 1. A power distribution system having an integrated communication network comprising:a plurality of nodes connected in a topology that enables current to flow bi-directionally between said nodes, said nodes additionally serviced by communication links therebetween for conducting data bi-directionally between said nodes; at least one port and an associated port monitor for measuring current flow into and out of said port; and', 'a processing element, wherein said processing element and port monitor analyze the measured current to detect one or more fault conditions and, responsive to detection of said one or more fault conditions, reversibly disable said port., 'each node comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said at least one port comprises any of:at least one power port for routing at least one power line;at least one data port for routing at least one data link; andat least one load port for routing at least one load line;wherein said associated port monitor comprises a port monitor associated with each of said at least one power port and said at least ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

High voltage dc breaker apparatus

Номер: US20130070492A1
Автор: Per Skarby

A high voltage DC breaker apparatus configured to interrupt a fault current occurring in a high voltage DC conductor comprises a mechanical interrupter, at least one semiconductor device connected in series with the interrupter, an arrester connected in parallel with the semiconductor device and an LC-circuit connected in parallel with the series connection of the semiconductor device and the interrupter. A control unit is configured to, upon detection of a fault current, control switching of the semiconductor device at a frequency adapted to the values of an inductance and a capacitance of the LC-circuit for charging the capacitance by the fault current while making the current through the interrupter oscillating with an increasing amplitude and the interrupter to open for having the mechanical contacts thereof separated when current zero-crossing is reached for obtaining interruption of the fault current through the interrupter.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088096A1
Принадлежит: HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.

A short-circuit protection method for a circuit having a plurality of power switching elements, includes, when a short-circuit of a first power switching element is detected by detection device that detects a short-circuit of the plurality of power switching elements, performing a cut-off process of cutting off a gate of a second power switching element through which a short-circuit current caused by the short-circuit of the first power switching element flows, and changing a resistance value of a gate resistor of the second power switching element while the cut-off process is performed. 1. A short-circuit protection method for a circuit having a plurality of power switching elements , the method comprising:when a short-circuit of a first power switching element is detected by detection device that detects a short-circuit of the plurality of power switching elements,performing a cut-off process of cutting off a gate of a second power switching element through which a short-circuit current caused by the short-circuit of the first power switching element flows; andchanging a resistance value of a gate resistor of the second power switching element while the cut-off process is performed.2. The short-circuit protection method according to claim 1 , further comprising: when a voltage between terminals of the second power switching element claim 1 , through which the short-circuit current flows claim 1 , is detected and the voltage between terminals of the second power switching element reaches a predetermined switching voltage claim 1 , which is set in advance claim 1 , while the cut-off process is performed claim 1 ,changing the resistance value of the gate resistor.3. The short-circuit protection method according to claim 1 , further comprising: when a temperature of the second power switching element is detected and the temperature of the second power switching element reaches a predetermined temperature claim 1 , which is set in advance claim 1 , while the cut-off ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Asset Condition Monitoring in an Electric Motor

Номер: US20130088799A1
Автор: Mark L. Zeller
Принадлежит: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

The motor monitoring system of the present disclosure uses several calculated monitoring values to determine a status of a motor and take a predetermined action when a threshold corresponding with the monitoring value is exceeded. The threshold may be calculated by an intelligent electronic device (IED) monitoring the motor. The predetermined action may include further monitoring of the motor. The predetermined action may include monitoring equipment not directly monitored by the IED.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Electrical surge protector and method of providing the same

Номер: US20130094111A1
Принадлежит: Belkin International Inc

Some embodiments include an electrical surge protector. Other embodiments of related systems and methods are also disclosed.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100560A1
Автор: ZOU Bill

A power plug, including: a shell, the shell having two sides, a reset button and a test button protruding from the first side, and a live wire pin and a neutral wire pin protruding from the second side; a circuit board; a stationary contact; a movable contact; a tripping device; a cross arm; and a push block. The stationary contact is connected with the live wire pin and the neutral wire pin; the movable contact can be connected to or disconnected from the stationary contact. The tripping device includes a sliding pedestal and a sliding part and controls the connection between the movable contact and the stationary contact. An elastic member is disposed on the push block. An ejector spring is disposed on one end of the movable armature. A reset spring is disposed between the sliding part and the sliding pedestal. 2. The plug of claim 1 , wherein:{'b': 1', '13', '14, 'the shell () comprises: an upper cover () and a lower cover ();'}{'b': 11', '12', '13, 'the reset button () and the test button () protrude from an upper surface of the upper cover (); and'}{'b': 3', '2', '14, 'the live wire pin () and the neutral wire pin () protrude from a lower surface of the lower cover ().'}375. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the push block () is L-shaped.474745722728728745. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the cross arm () comprises a second inclined plane () on an upper right; and the hook () comprises a third inclined plane () on a lower left claim 1 , and the third inclined plane () slidably fits with the second inclined plane ().5751. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the elastic member () is a torsional spring.6743. The plug of claim 1 , wherein the reset elastic member () is a leaf spring. This application is a continuation-in-part of International Patent Application No. PCT/CN2011/000589 with an international filing date of Apr. 6, 2011, designating the United States, now pending, and further claims priority benefits to Chinese Patent Application No. 201010586588.5 filed Dec. 5, ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130100563A1
Принадлежит: SK INNOVATION CO., LTD.

The apparatus for preventing a secondary accident by short of sensing lines in a high voltage battery using a fuse, includes: a plurality of battery modules provided with a plurality of battery cells; a battery pack including a plurality of battery modules; a battery management system (BMS) for monitoring and controlling voltage of each battery cell provided in each battery pack to monitor the status of each battery cell; sensing lines connected between the battery module and the battery management system to sense voltage of each battery cell of each battery pack; and a passive safety device to be connected in series to a terminal of each battery cell provided in each battery pack when a short accident that a closed circuit is formed in the sensing line occurs. 1. An apparatus for preventing a secondary accident by short of sensing lines in a high voltage battery using a fuse , comprising:a plurality of battery modules provided with a plurality of battery cells;a battery pack including a plurality of battery modules;a battery management system (BMS) for monitoring and controlling voltage of each battery cell provided in each battery pack to monitor the status of each battery cell;sensing lines connected between the battery module and the battery management system to sense voltage of each battery cell of each battery pack; anda passive safety device to be connected in series to a terminal of each battery cell provided in each battery pack when a short accident that a closed circuit is formed in the sensing line occurs.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the passive safety device is realized as a fuse or a positive temperature coefficient (PTC).3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the passive safety device is attached near the battery module.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , which is applied to a vehicle using a lithium ion high voltage battery.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sensing lines connected to each battery cell provided in each battery pack are ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Electronic overcurrent release for circuit breakers

Номер: US20130100569A1
Автор: Wolfgang Meid
Принадлежит: Eaton Electrical IP GmbH and Co KG

An electronic overcurrent release for circuit breakers includes a first setting device connected to at least one control input of a microcontroller and configured to set a selected suitable nominal current value in a range between a minimum nominal current value and a maximum nominal current value. A second setting device is connected to at least one control input of the microcontroller and configured to set a selected suitable lag level, the second setting device having a test position. In the test position, the microcontroller has a set fixed test current value, which is less than the minimum nominal current value, and a set fixed test delay time, the microcontroller providing a release signal at a release signal output upon at least one of the phase currents exceeding a value of the set fixed test current value and a time of the set fixed test delay time.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130107399A1

A harmonic protection method for a capacitor bank uses a harmonic protection apparatus, which includes a CPU unit, a current and voltage sampling unit, and a protection device. The CPU unit obtains effective value Iof fundamental wave current of the capacitor bank, and effective value Iof the n-th harmonic wave current of the capacitor bank, where n is harmonic order and ranges from 2 to ∞, and calculates the true effective value I of current of the capacitor bank by 2. The harmonic protection method according to claim 1 , wherein the harmonic protection apparatus further includes:a relay coupled to the CPU unit and used to control a circuit breaker and an isolating switch to disconnect the capacitor bank from a busbar.3. The harmonic protection method according to claim 2 , wherein the CPU unit further includes:an analog-to-digital conversion module,wherein the analog-to-digital conversion module uses a second-order passive RC anti-aliasing low-pass filter and a synchronous sampling A/D converter to form an analog acquisition system. The present invention relates to a harmonic protection method for a power capacitor bank in a power system.In recent years, with development of modern power system and the widespread use of power electronics technology, the electrical power load structure has undergone significant changes. A large number of non-linear power loads from applications of electric arc furnaces (EAFs), electric railways, thyristor-based voltage and frequency adjustment devices have become the main harmonic sources in a power grid, which input a large amount of harmonic currents into the power system and may lead to voltage waveform distortion in the power grid. Harmonics may, to different extents, adversely affect the normal operations of a variety of electrical equipment in the power system. Among them, the influence of harmonics on the capacitor bank is especially serious, which mainly includes increase of power loss in capacitor bank, harmonic resonance ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116845A1
Автор: Krug Florian

A method for controlling the stability of an electric supply grid is provided. A first device, designed to exchange electrical energy with the supply grid, locates a part of the supply grid, with which the first device is associated for an energy connection, by a geographic location of the first device. The first device determines parameters for an intended energy exchange. At least one second device associated with the part of the supply grid for energy exchange also determines parameters for an intended energy exchange. The first device performs the energy exchange considering the parameters of the first and the second device such that an electric stability of the part of the supply grid is ensured. 113.-. (canceled)14. A method for controlling the stability of an electric supply grid , comprising:locating a supply grid by a first device via a geographical location of the first device, wherein the first device is embodied to exchange electrical energy with the supply grid,determining, by the first device, first parameters for an energy exchange with the supply grid,determining, by a second device associated with the supply grid, second parameters for an energy exchange with the supply grid, andexchanging electrical energy between the first device and the supply grid based upon the first and second parameters such that an electrical stability of the supply grid is ensured.15. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein an end consumer claim 14 , as the first device and/or as the second device claim 14 , determines the first and/or second parameters for the energy exchange.16. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the second device is a power plant component.17. The method as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the end consumer is an electrically-powered car.18. The method as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the first and/or second parameters are selected from the group consisting of an intended power exchange with the first and/or second device claim 14 , a prevailing ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130124908A1

Systems and methods for automatic repair, replacement, and/or configuration of various network devices within a communications network are disclosed. The system may receive indication of a failed network device and automatically perform diagnostic on the network device to determine any problems associated with the hardware and/or software components within the network device. Subsequently one or more repair, replacement, and/or configuration procedures may be automatically initiated in an attempt to resolve the problems and restore the failed network device. 1. A method for automatic repair of network devices in a communications network comprising:identifying, at a processor, a network device in a communications network;identifying, in a database, a profile comprising device identification information corresponding to the network device;establishing, using the processor, communication with the network device based on the identification information to determine a status for the network device; andinitiating, using the processor, at least one repair procedure to restore the network device based on the status.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the status of the network device is unavailable.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one repair procedure comprises a replacement procedure to replace at least one component in the network device or a repair procedure for the network device.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the status of the network device is available claim 1 , the method further comprising:accessing, at the processor, the network device to obtain state information for the network device;parsing, at the processor, the state information to identify at least one application executable by the network device; andrestoring, at the processor, the at least one application to an acceptable state on the network device, wherein initiating the at least one repair procedure to repair the network device is based on the state information and the at least one ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Protective Device with Metering and Oscillography

Номер: US20130135780A1
Автор: III Edmund O., Schweitzer

A device, such as an intelligent electronic device (IED), provides a monitoring and protective function for a power system. The protective function uses stimulus acquired from the power system to detect power system conditions and to take one or more protective actions responsive thereto. The device may detect arc flash events in the power system based upon electro-optical and/or current stimulus measurements obtained therefrom. The stimulus measurements may be recorded to use in metering, validation, identifying detector misoperation, and/or event oscillography. 126-. (canceled)27. An intelligent electronic device (IED) , comprising:a first input configured to receive measurements of electro-optical (EO) radiation acquired at an electrical power system;a second input configured to receive measurements of a second type of stimulus acquired from the electrical power system; andan arc flash detection unit configured to assert an arc flash detection signal in response to EO radiation measurements indicative of an arc flash event and measurements of the second type of stimulus indicative of an arc flash event;wherein the arc flash detection unit is further configured to store EO radiation measurements indicative of nominal operating conditions of the electrical power system on a computer-readable storage medium.28. The IED of claim 27 , wherein the second input is configured to receive current measurements from the electrical power system claim 27 , and wherein the arc flash detection unit is further configured to store current measurements indicative of nominal operating conditions of the electrical power system on the computer-readable storage medium.29. The IED of claim 27 , wherein the arc flash detection unit is further configured to store a record of assertion of the arc flash detection signal and EO radiation measurements corresponding to the assertion on the computer-readable storage medium.30. The IED of claim 27 , further comprising a timestamp module ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Electrical switching apparatus with overvoltage protection

Номер: US20130135781A1
Принадлежит: Eaton Corp

An electrical switching apparatus includes a first terminal, a second terminal, a neutral conductor, separable contacts electrically connected between the terminals, an operating mechanism to open and close the contacts, a fused varistor electrically connected between the first terminal and the neutral conductor; and a trip mechanism including a trip coil cooperating with the operating mechanism to trip open the contacts. A second varistor is electrically connected in series with the trip coil between the first terminal and the neutral conductor. A thyristor is electrically connected in parallel with the second varistor. An overvoltage detection circuit is electrically interconnected with and causes the thyristor to energize the trip coil and cause the trip mechanism to trip open the contacts responsive to overvoltage between the first terminal and the neutral conductor.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Method for processing booting errors

Номер: US20130138939A1
Автор: Chia-Hsiang Chen
Принадлежит: Inventec Corp

A method for processing booting errors for a computer having multiple voltage regulator downs (VRDs) includes reading a boot sequence including multiple power-on stages, and each power-on stage corresponds to a boot voltage and one of the VRDs; performing the power-on stages according to the boot sequence, and determining whether an output voltage of the VRD corresponding to each power-on stage is equal to the corresponding boot voltage; and when the output voltage of any one of the VRDs is not equal to the corresponding boot voltage, performing a debugging procedure.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Preventing Disturbance Induced Failure in A Computer System

Номер: US20130138994A1

A method to prevent failure on a server computer due to internally and/or externally induced shock and/or vibration. The method includes acquiring, by at least one sensor, analog acceleration data of components in a server computer. The data is then converted to digital format and stored within a motor drive assembly processor memory unit. The processor analyzes the stored data for existence of machine degradation. In response to detecting the existence of machine degradation, the motor drive assembly processor initiates remediation procedures. The remediation procedures include controlling rotating speed of moving devices or performing a complete system shut down. 1) A method to prevent failure on a server computer due to disturbance , the method comprising:acquiring, by at least one sensor, analog acceleration data of at least one component in a server computer;converting, by a computer processor, the analog acceleration data to digital form;storing the converted data within a motor drive assembly processor memory unit;analyzing said stored data for existence of machine degradation; andin response to detecting the existence of machine degradation, initiating, by the motor drive assembly processor, remediation procedures.2) The method of claim 1 , wherein the sensors comprise tri-axial accelerometers imbedded in motor drives assemblies of rotating components within the computer.3) The method of claim 1 , wherein analyzing comprises an action selected from the group comprising: periodic monitoring and comparing of peak acceleration data points against a peak of a “known good” component acceleration claim 1 , periodic monitoring and comparing a FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) acceleration data against a FFT of a “known good” component acceleration claim 1 , and periodic monitoring and comparing a Kurtosis of acceleration data.4) The method of claim 1 , wherein initiating remediation measures comprises an action selected from the group comprising: slowing down at least ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

System and method for ground fault detection and fault type evaluation

Номер: US20130154660A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Safety Products Canada Ltd

The embodiments disclose a circuit for detecting and determining a type of ground fault in a security system. An operational amplifier (OA) having positive and negative inputs and an output may receive AC input signals having different frequencies, f 1 and f 2 at a positive input and provide an AC output signal at the output. An OA feedback loop may comprise a ground fault equivalent impedance connected at the OA negative input and a feedback resistor connected between the OA output and the OA negative input. A rectifier may convert the AC output signal to a DC signal and a filter to obtain a steady DC voltage from the rectified DC signal. A steady DC voltage for two different AC input signals may be obtained and converted to a relative voltage with respect to a constant input voltage amplitude. The relative voltages may be compared to detect and determine a type of ground fault condition.

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Pulse width modulated voltage measuring circuit and method

Номер: US20130158920A1
Принадлежит: Tyco Safety Products Canada Ltd

A voltage measuring circuit includes a rectifier to receive an alternating current (AC) voltage to be measured and to provide a rectified output; a comparator for comparing the rectified output and producing therefrom a square wave having a pulse width indicative of the rectified output exceeding a threshold; a calculation circuit for converting a measurement of the pulse width into a measurement of the voltage and optionally an opto-isolator interconnecting the comparator to the calculation circuit. The rectifier may provide operating power to the comparator and an input side of the opto-isolator, from the AC voltage signal being measured. The remainder of the measuring circuit may powered by a source isolated from the voltage to be measured.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Multi-directional electrical power protection system

Номер: US20130162035A1
Принадлежит: Sikorsky Aircraft Corp

A multidirectional electrical power protection system, includes a first power supply and at least a second power supply with each supply being configured for supplying power to a main bus circuit; a first load bus electrically connected to the first power supply and at least the second power supply, at least a second load bus electrically coupled with each of the first power supply and at least the second power supply, the first load bus and the second load bus configured for energizing devices connected to the respective first and second load bus; and at least one smart contactor in coupled with the main bus circuit, the at least one smart contactor being configured for sensing a first current flowing in a first direction through the main bus circuit and for sensing a second current flowing in a second direction through the main bus circuit.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Grounding apparatus

Номер: US20130163133A1
Автор: Eiichi Ikawa

A grounding apparatus includes a current detector configured to detect a current flowing in the ground line, a fuse inserted in series in a part of the around line and configured to melt when the current flowing in the ground line exceeds the first protection setting value, not destroying the current detector, and then exceeds the first protection setting value, causing a complete grounding fault, and a determination device configured to give an open command to the circuit breaker when the current detected by the current detector exceeds the first protection setting value of the circuit breaker.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130163138A1

With a wire protection method in accordance with the present invention, the method being used for supplying electric power from a power source to a load, an applied-current to the load is detected every predetermined time, A wire rise temperature is calculated using the detected applied-current I(n) and by a relational expression concerning heat radiation and heat generation of the wire. The calculated rise in temperature is added to a reference temperature so that a wire temperature is estimated. When the estimated wire temperature is lower than a predetermined upper limit temperature, the calculation of the rise in temperature is repeated. When the estimated wire temperature has become equal to or higher than the predetermined upper limit temperature, the electric power supply from the power source to the load is stopped so that the wire is protected. 1. A wire protection method of protecting a wire used for supplying electric power from a power source to a load , the method comprising the steps of:detecting an applied-current to the load every predetermined time;calculating a temperature change in the wire per the predetermined time using the detected applied-current;estimating a temperature of the wire, wherein the estimating includes calculating a rise in temperature of the wire using the wire temperature change per the predetermined time and adding the wire rise temperature to a reference temperature;determining whether the estimated wire temperature is lower than a predetermined upper limit temperature;newly estimating the wire temperature upon determination in the determining step that the estimated wire temperature is lower than the predetermined upper limit temperature, wherein the newly estimating includes calculating the wire temperature change per the next predetermined time, newly calculating the wire rise temperature using the calculated wire temperature change per the predetermined time, and adding the new wire rise temperature to the reference ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Robot and power consumption estimating system

Номер: US20130166069A1
Принадлежит: Eneres Co Ltd, Japan Research Institute Ltd

Provided is a robot comprising a device manipulating section that turns ON and OFF a plurality of devices that operate by receiving power from a power supply; a power value acquiring section that acquires a first total power value that is a power value before one of the devices is turned ON or OFF by the device manipulating section and a second total power value that is a power value after the device is turned ON or OFF, via a power sensor that measures a total power value supplied to the plurality of devices from the power supply; and a power consumption estimating section that estimates power consumption of the device based on the first total power value and the second total power value.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130166948A1

Techniques for managing a fused processing element are described. Embodiments receive streaming data to be processed by a plurality of processing elements. Additionally, an operator graph of the plurality of processing elements is established. The operator graph defines at least one execution path and wherein at least one of the processing elements of the operator graph is configured to receive data from at least one upstream processing element and transmit data to at least one downstream processing element. Embodiments detect an error condition has been satisfied at a first one of the plurality of processing elements, wherein the first processing element contains a plurality of fused operators. At least one of the plurality of fused operators is selected for removal from the first processing element. Embodiments then remove the selected at least one fused operator from the first processing element. 1. A method of managing a processing element , comprising:receiving streaming data to be processed by a plurality of processing elements, the processing elements processing at least a portion of the received data by operation of one or more computer processors;establishing an operator graph of the plurality of processing elements, the operator graph defining at least one execution path and wherein at least one of the processing elements of the operator graph is configured to receive data from at least one upstream processing element and transmit data to at least one downstream processing element;detecting an error condition has been satisfied at a first one of the plurality of processing elements, wherein the first processing element contains a plurality of fused operators;selecting at least one of the plurality of fused operators for removal from the first processing element; andremoving the selected at least one fused operator from the first processing element.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein selecting at least one of the plurality of fused operators further ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130166949A1
Автор: KIM Sang-Sik, UM Gi-Pyo
Принадлежит: SK HYNIX INC.

A semiconductor memory device includes, a memory cell array configured to include a plurality of memory cells each having a plurality of logic pages, an error detector configured to detect a recovery target data among the data stored in the memory cell array, and output a logic page information of the recovery target data, a data recoverer configured to recover the recovery target data by using adjustment of a read reference voltage in response to the logic page information of the recovery target data, and a page buffer configured to read the recovery target data output from the memory cell array and write a recovered data output from the data recoverer in the memory cell array. 1. A semiconductor memory device , comprising:a memory cell array configured to include a plurality of memory cells each having a plurality of logic pages;an error detector configured to detect a recovery target data among the data stored in the memory cell array, and output a logic page information of the recovery target data;a data recoverer configured to recover the recovery target data by using adjustment of a read reference voltage in response to the logic page information of the recovery target data; anda page buffer configured to read the recovery target data output from the memory cell array and write a recovered data output from the data recoverer in the memory cell array.2. The semiconductor memory device of clai wherein the data recoverer includes:a voltage control unit for increasing the read reference voltage for reading a lower-bit logic page when the recovery target data is a lower-bit logic page data; anda data transform unit for transforming the recovery target data by using the increased read reference voltage.3. The semiconductor memory device of claim 2 , wherein the voltage control unit includes a counter configured to control a level of the increased read reference voltage.4. The semiconductor memory device of claim 1 , wherein the error detector includes an Error ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130173959A1

Provided are a home/building fault analysis system and method using a resource connection map log which compares and analyzes a previous integrated resource state and a current resource state using resource connection map logging information based on a standard resource management model when a fault is generated, provides state information of the resource in which information having high association with a fault resource is mainly changed, and performs an effective fault analysis and process by restoring to the previous resource state, as necessary. According to the prevent invention, when the fault is generated, a synthetic state of resources within a home/building as well as a state of an individual resource may be known from the resource connection map. 1. A home/building fault analysis system comprising:a plurality of resources that include at least one of a plurality of devices, networks, and services; anda home/building log-based fault management device that is connected with each of the resources via a network to thereby collect information of each of the resources, generates and maintains a resource connection map based on the collected information of each of the resources, compares and analyzes, when a fault is generated, a previous integrated resource state and a current resource state using resource connection map logging information to thereby provide, to a user, state information of the resource in which information having high association with a fault resource is mainly changed, and performs an effective fault analysis and process by restoring the current resource state to the previous resource state, as necessary.2. The home/building fault analysis system of claim 1 , wherein the home/building log-based fault management device includesa plurality of resource information collection modules that are connected with the plurality of resources via the network to thereby periodically collect the information of each of the resources,a home/building resource ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184884A1
Принадлежит: Inventus Holdings, LLC

The present invention includes a system and method for generating, controlling and storing dispatchable renewable energy. The system may include one or more wind power generation facilities and one or more solar power generation facilities to generate power that can be stored by one or more storage facilities. The power can be supplied to a power grid at a level determined by actual or predicted weather conditions, based on variable power demands. The power generated by the renewable energy sources may be combined with power generated by conventional power generation facilities to provide power in a dispatchable manner. 1. An electrical power generation system comprising: said first output terminals having an electrical connection to a contractor, said contractor having an electrical connection to a circuit breaker, said circuit breaker having an electrical connection to a transformer, said transformer having an electrical connection to an electrical grid;', 'said second output terminals having an electrical connection to a power converter, said power converter further comprising first and second rectifier-inverters having alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) terminals, a generator control unit and a capacitor, said AC terminals of said first rectifier-inverter having an electrical connection to said second output terminals of said generator, said DC terminals of said first rectifier-inverter having an electrical connection to said DC terminals of said second rectifier-inverter, said capacitor being electrically connected across said electrical connections between said DC terminals of said first and second rectifier-inverters;, 'a wind turbine mechanically connected to an electrical generator having at least first and second electrical output terminals,'}a turbine control unit having means for controlling said wind turbine;an energy storage device having input and output terminals, said input terminals having an electrical connection to DC terminals of a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130185586A1
Принадлежит: LineRate Systems, Inc.

Methods, systems, and devices are described for managing virtual network services provided to a network. A number of processors in a self-contained network services module may execute a number of separate network service application instances associated with providing network services to the network. State information for each network service application instance may be stored within a shared memory, and a fault in one of the network service application instances may be identified based on the stored state information. The identified fault may be dynamically remedied in the one of the network service application instances. 1. A method of managing network services , comprising:providing network services for a network at a self-contained network services module comprising a number of processors, the processors executing a number of separate network service application instances;storing state information for each network service application instance within a shared memory;identifying a fault in one of the network service application instances based on the state information stored within the shared memory; anddynamically remedying the identified fault in the one of the network service application instances.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:discontinuing deliverance of tasks to the identified one of the network service application instances in response to the identified fault.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:restarting the identified one of the network service application instances in response to the identified fault.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:restoring a state of the identified one of the network service application instances to the restarted network service application instance based on the state information stored within the shared memory.5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising:resuming delivery of tasks to the restarted network service application instance.6. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:launching a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Method in a Gaming Machine for Providing Data Recovery

Номер: US20130185590A1
Автор: Crowder, JR. Robert W.
Принадлежит: Bally Gaming, Inc.

Disclosed is a gaming machine capable of data restoration. 1. In a gaming machine , including a memory for storing gaming data , divided into first and second equal-sized banks each storing copies of gaming data and each including error detecting data , a method for providing data recovery , comprising: writing the data set to the first bank then updating error detecting data associated with the data set after the data set is completely written;', 'writing the data set to the second bank then updating error detecting data associated with the data set after the data set is completely written; and, 'writing a data set by [ reading the data set;', 'reading error detecting data associated with the data set; and', 'calculating error detecting data associated with the read data set and comparing it to the read error detecting data and if they are different, detecting an error in the first bank;, 'in the first bank, reading the data set from the second bank;', 'reading error detecting data associated with the data set from the second bank; and', 'calculating error detecting data associated with the read data set and comparing it to the read error detecting data and if they are different, detecting an error in the second bank;, 'in the second bank], 'reading a data set byif no errors are detected, returning the data set read from one of the first and second banks;if errors are detected in both the first and second banks, reporting an unrecoverable error;if an error is detected in the first bank, copying the data set and error detecting data associated with the data set from the second bank to the first bank and returning the data set read from the second bank; andif an error is detected in the second bank, copying the data set and error detecting data associated with the data set from the first bank to the second bank and returning the data set read from the first bank.2. The method of wherein the error detecting data is a cyclical redundancy check (CRC) code.3. The method ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130191681A1

Certain embodiments of the invention may include systems, methods, and apparatus for signal processing-based fault detection, isolation and remediation. According to an example embodiment of the invention, a method is provided for detecting and remediating sensor signal faults. The method may include monitoring data received from one or more sensors; determining confidence values for one or more parameters associated with the one or more sensors based at least in part on the monitored data; determining a combined confidence for each of the one or more sensors; and outputting a remediated value and status based at least in part on the monitored data and the combined confidences. 1. A method for detecting and remediating sensor signal faults , comprising:monitoring data received from one or more sensors;determining confidence values for one or more parameters associated with the one or more sensors based at least in part on the monitored data;determining a combined confidence for each of the one or more sensors; andoutputting a remediated value and status based at least in part on the monitored data and the combined confidences.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more parameters comprise one or more of availability status; spike; shift; stuck; noise; disagreement; or drift.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the one or more sensors are redundant sensors.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising outputting the remediated value based at least in part on a sensor model.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising identifying sensor faults based at least in part on the one or more parameters.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein outputting the remediated value and status comprises outputting one or more protective logicals when confidence values are below a pre-determined threshold for at least one of the one or more sensors or when monitored data from two or more of the one or more sensors differs by more than a predetermined amount.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193757A1
Принадлежит: Briggs & Stratton Corporation

A method and system for managing electrical loads on a standby generator. The method includes utilizing a transfer switch control to selectively shed loads each associated with one of a series of priority circuits. Priority values are initially assigned to each of the electric loads based upon the initial hard-wired connection of the electric loads to a main breaker panel during set up. The control unit of a transfer switch allows the user to reassign priority values to each of the electric loads based upon a user preference. The control unit includes one or more predefined priority assignment programs that can be selected to modify the priority values assigned to the electric loads. 121-. (canceled)22. A method of managing a plurality of electric loads powered by a standby generator , the method comprising , the steps of:interconnecting each of the plurality of electric loads to one of a plurality of outputs such that the electric loads receive power through the outputs;providing a plurality of predefined priority assignment programs in a control unit;assigning a priority value to each of the electric loads between a highest priority value and a lowest priority value for each of the priority assignment programs, wherein the initial priority values assigned to the electric loads vary among the plurality of priority assignment programs;selecting one of the predefined priority assignment programs;monitoring a combined load on the generator;disconnecting the electric loads from the generator in a sequential order from the lowest priority value to the highest priority value based on the assigned priority values according to the selected priority assignment program when the combined load on the generator reaches a rated value for the generator, wherein the electric loads having the lowest priority value are sequentially disconnected from the generator until the combined load on the generator falls below the rated value for the generator; andreassigning the priority ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204453A1

A nuclear power control system includes: a safety protection apparatus which outputs a first safety mode operating signal while outputting a first unsafety mode operating signal; a CCF apparatus that outputs a second safety mode operating signal; and a signal input/output circuit that is connected to the safety protection apparatus and the CCF apparatus. The signal input/output circuit includes an OR circuit that outputs a third safety mode operating signal based on the presence or absence of an input of the first safety mode operating signal and the second safety mode operating signal; a NOT circuit that is connected to the output side of the OR circuit; and an AND circuit that outputs a third unsafety mode operating signal, and the presence and absence of an input of a first unsafety mode operating signal. 1. A control system for a nuclear power facility comprising:a safety main control device for outputting a first safety mode operating signal which operates an apparatus provided in the nuclear power facility to a safety mode when an abnormality occurs in the nuclear power facility, and outputting a first unsafety mode operating signal which operates the apparatus to an unsafety mode when the nuclear power facility normally operates;a normal auxiliary control device for outputting a second safety mode operating signal which operates the apparatus to a safety mode when an abnormality occurs in the nuclear power facility, and assisting the safety main control device; andan operating signal input/output unit for inputting various operating signals output from the safety main control device and the normal auxiliary control device, and outputting a third safety mode operating signal that operates the apparatus to a safety mode or a third unsafety mode operating signal that operates the apparatus to an unsafety mode based on the input various operating signals, an OR circuit for outputting the third safety mode operating signal based on the presence or absence of an ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208380A1

An active surge suppression or protection circuit for protecting hardware or equipment from electrical surges. During operation when no surge condition is present, the circuit passes signals from an input source to a connected load along a signal path. When a surge is present, the circuit automatically senses and diverts the surge away from the signal path. A switching component is provided along the signal path for either allowing transmission or preventing transmission of a signal along the signal path. Upon diverting the surge, the circuit automatically changes the switching component from a closed state (for allowing transmission) to an open state (for preventing transmission). After the surge has passed, the circuit automatically changes the switching component from the open state to the closed state. Other automatic circuit behaviors may also be achieved in response to the diversion of a surge condition from the signal path. 1. An automatic surge sensing protection device comprising:an input port;an output port;a first transistor having a first terminal, a second terminal and a third terminal, the first terminal connected to the input port and the second terminal connected to the output port, the first transistor configured to automatically switch from a conducting configuration to a non-conducting configuration, the conducting configuration for allowing signal propagation from the first terminal to the second terminal, the non-conducting configuration for preventing signal propagation from the first terminal to the second terminal;at least one resistor connected to the third terminal of the first transistor for biasing the first transistor;at least one diode connected to the input port for diverting a surge signal from the input port to a ground; anda second transistor connected to the third terminal of the first transistor for controlling the switching of the first transistor from the conducting configuration to the non-conducting configuration.2. The ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for planning and/or controlling an energy output to a consumer and/or an energy supply to an energy distribution network

Номер: US20130211609A1

A method for planning and/or controlling an energy output to a consumer and/or an energy supply to an energy distribution network includes generating at and transmitting from a first energy supplier first messages relating to current tariffs and/or planned tariffs to be expected and/or expected network loads, and relating to a value for a probability that the expected current or planned tariffs and the expected network capacity utilization will actually occur.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Self-test of over-current fault detection

Номер: US20130214805A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A system for testing over-current fault detection includes a first switch to connect a voltage to a load, a capacitor connected between the first switch and ground, a monitor circuit that monitors a current from the first switch to the load, and a microcontroller configured to detect an over-current fault condition based upon input from the monitor circuit. The microcontroller controls the state of the first switch to connect voltage to the load and verifies over-current detection based upon current generated during charging of the capacitor.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Self-test of over-current fault detection

Номер: US20130214806A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A system for testing over-current fault detection includes a first switch to connect a voltage to a load and a capacitor; a first monitor circuit that monitors a current from the first switch to the load; a second monitor circuit that monitors a voltage across the capacitor; and a microcontroller configured to control a state of the first switch to connect voltage to the load and verifies over-current detection based upon current generated during charging of the capacitor. The microcontroller detects an over-current fault condition based upon input from the first monitor circuit and detects a short-circuit fault condition based upon input from the second monitor circuit during test of the first monitor circuit.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130215545A1

An electric switch is disclosed, in particular an electric circuit breaker. In at least one embodiment, the switch includes a measuring channel for measuring an electric measured variable and is switched off when the result of a measurement reaches or exceeds a limit value. To test the mode of operation of the measuring channel, the electric measured variable is switched to a reference channel and a reference signal source is switched to the measuring channel and the reference result obtained via the reference channel is compared with a reference setpoint. The switch is also tripped if, to test the mode of operation of the measuring channel, the electric measured variable is switched to the reference channel and the result obtained via the reference channel reaches or exceeds the limit value. 1. An electric switch , the electric switch comprising:a multi-channel measuring device including a measuring channel configured to measure an electric measured variable;a tripping device, connected to the measuring device, configured to initiate tripping of the switch when a result of a measurement of the measuring device reaches or exceeds a limit value;a reference channel; anda reference signal source, wherein to test a mode of operation of the measuring channel upon a testing device being connected to the measuring device, the electric measured variable is switched to the reference channel and the reference signal source is switched to the measuring channel, wherein the result of the measurement obtained via the measuring channel is compared with a reference setpoint, and wherein the tripping device also initiates the tripping of the switch upon the result of a measurement, obtained via the reference channel, reaching or exceeding the limit value.2. The switch of claim 1 , wherein the testing device is configured to generate a comparison signal showing the result of the comparison claim 1 , which signals a fault in the measuring device.3. The switch of claim 1 , wherein ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222960A1
Автор: HWANG Kyu Min

Provided is an over-current protection apparatus including a current sensor configured to transform input current into a voltage signal, and output the voltage signal; an over-current sensing unit driven according to the voltage signal output from the current sensor; and an over-current determination unit configured to generate a switching unit driving signal, the logic level of which is determined according to a duration of an output signal of the over-current sensing unit. 1. An over-current protection apparatus comprising:a current sensor configured to transform input current into a voltage signal, and output the voltage signal;an over-current sensing unit driven according to the voltage signal output from the current sensor; andan over-current determination unit configured to generate a switching unit driving signal, the logic level of which is determined according to a duration of an output signal of the over-current sensing unit.2. The over-current protection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the current sensor is one of a hall sensor claim 1 , a current transformer claim 1 , and a resistor.3. The over-current protection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the over-current sensing unit comprises an optical switching device.4. The over-current protection apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the over-current sensing unit comprises:a current-amount control unit configured to determine an amount of current to be supplied to the optical switching device according to the voltage signal output from the current sensor;an optical switching device driven in response to the voltage signal, the level of which is controlled by the current-amount control unit; anda pull-down unit connected between an output terminal and an input terminal of the optical switching device.5. The over-current protection apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the optical switching device is a photo coupler.6. The over-current protection apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the switching device is a photo metal-oxide- ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130222966A1

An interface is disclosed for a self powered protection relay that uses mechanical switches for its configuration. The protection relay can include a base relay for measurement of line current and for generation of a trip signal, and a Human Machine Interface (HMI) unit for specifying, by a user, a base setting of an operating parameter of the protection relay. The base relay can be self-powered from the line and the HMI unit can include an auxiliary power supply. The protection relay is configured with mechanical switches provided in the protection relay. The HMI unit in the protection relay is designed to detect and alert the user of the relay of any change in the base setting carried out with one or more mechanical switches provided in the relay in powered and unpowered conditions of the base relay. 1. A protection relay for providing electrical protection in an electrical system , comprising:a base relay for measurement of line current in a medium voltage power line and for generation of a trip signal;a plurality of mechanical switches for specifying, by a user, a base setting of an operating parameter of the protection relay; and a Human Machine Interface (HMI) unit for detecting at least one change in the base setting made with at least one mechanical switch from among the plurality of mechanical switches of the protection relay.2. The protection relay according to claim 1 , comprising:a power supply module adapted to receive power from the medium voltage power line.3. The protection relay according to claim 1 , comprising:an auxiliary power supply for supplying power to the HMI unit.4. The protection relay according to claim 1 , wherein the HMI unit will record a change in the base setting made with at least one mechanical switch from the plurality of mechanical switches along with a time stamp information for every change made in the base setting of the protection relay.5. The protection relay according to claim 4 , wherein the HMI unit is configured to ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229732A1

A feed chain () has M feed outputs () for supplying a synchronous electric machine () with M phases. The feed chain comprises: a converter () for converting a direct input current into a polyphase alternating current; a storage bank; a detector () for detecting a short-circuit outside or inside the electric machine (), a device () for insulating the electric machine () from overvoltages and/or overcurrents of the polyphase alternating current, and a controller () for controlling the converter () and the insulating device (). The feed chain () includes short-circuiting device () capable of connecting the M power supply outputs () to each other, the controller () being capable of commanding the short-circuiting device () to perform that operation. 1. A feed chain having M feed outputs for supplying a synchronous electric machine with M phases , the chain comprising:a converter for converting a direct input current into a polyphase alternating output current including a plurality M of phases, the converter comprising two input terminals and M output terminals, and capable of delivering the polyphase alternating current to said electric machine,a storage bank including at least one storage capacitor arranged between the input terminals of the converter,a detector for detecting an outside short-circuit,an insulator device for insulating the electric machine from overvoltages and/or overcurrents of the polyphase alternating current, the insulating device being arranged between the converter and the M feed outputs, and including a plurality M of branches, each branch including at least one electric switch for disconnecting the considered phase, arranged between the converter and one of the M outputs, anda controller for controlling the converter and the insulating device,wherein the detector can also detect a short-circuit inside the electric machine, the feed chain also including a short-circuiting device capable of connecting the M power supply outputs to each other, the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229735A1
Автор: Rostron Joseph R.
Принадлежит: SSI Power, LLC

A high-impedance system that utilizes asynchronous, line-mounted single-phase current and voltage sensors with rolling data logs and a common clock or other event trigger to synchronize the signals to a common time scale whenever a fault event is detected. The use of asynchronous, single-phase current and voltage angle sensors with rolling data logs, along with a common clock to synchronize the signals to common time scale whenever a fault event is detected, avoids the need for simultaneous three-phase current measurement. Integration of information, triggered by the detection of a loss or sufficient change of current on three or four (with a neutral current) devices, is used to determine the presence and direction of high-impedance faults and then report it, typically to a central control center via SCADA or another communication system, which implements fault isolation. 1. A high-impedance fault detection and response system for a three phase electric power line having three phase conductors , comprising:a set of three current phase sensors, each electrically coupled to and asynchronously monitoring phase current flowing in an associated phase conductor;each current phase sensor having a data buffer for storing a recent history phase current waveform data file for its associated phase current;an event detector operative for event detection of a potential high-impedance fault on the electric power line;each current phase sensor operative for downloading its recent history phase current waveform data file in response to the event detection;a controller operative for receiving the recent history phase current waveform data files, computationally sequencing the phase current waveforms, and analyzing the sequence currents to verify that a high-impedance fault has occurred and identify a faulted phase involved in the high-impedance fault.2. The high-impedance fault detection and response system of claim 1 , wherein the controller or an associated remote controller is ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Integrated Bypass Apparatus, System, and/or Method for Variable-Frequency Drives

Номер: US20130235494A1

In the field of variable-speed motor control, a bypass circuit and corresponding bypass electronics can be integrated advantageously with a variable-frequency drive (“VFD”) circuit and corresponding electronics. Such an integrated bypass can be disposed within a single unitary enclosure housing the VFD. Some advantages of the integrated bypass include reduced size, cost, and/or complexity in the combined VFD/bypass assembly, the ability to manage airflow in bypass without running a fan motor full time, and support for integrated power metering. 1. An integrated bypass apparatus , comprising: a first contactor provisioned for controlling a motor in a operating mode;', 'a second contactor provisioned for controlling the motor in a bypass mode;', 'an overload protection circuit, including one or more current transformers, the overload protection circuit being configured to provide overload protection to the motor in either the operating mode or the bypass mode; and', 'a microprocessor-based control board including machine-executable instructions for selectively switching between the operating mode and the bypass mode through corresponding modulation of the first contactor and the second contactor., 'a housing including2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a power meter circuit configured for determining power consumption claim 1 , the power meter circuit using the one or more current transformers provided for overload protection.3. A method for selectively operating a bypass circuit in a drive controlling and protecting a motor claim 1 , the method comprising the steps of:detecting that a bypass is desired;modulating a first contactor to cease operation of a motor through a first circuit,modulating a second contactor to commence operation of the motor through a second circuit, wherein the second circuit bypasses the first circuit;provisioning overload protection circuit elements such that the motor is protected from overload when the motor is operated by ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Motor Protection and Control Apparatus, System, and/or Method

Номер: US20130242439A1

In the field of motor protection for industrial automation systems, HVAC systems, pumping systems, and/or similar implementations, improved motor starters and overload electronics can be configured to offer substantially automatic levels of protection for motors, independent of such starters and/or overload electronics first being calibrated for, or properly calibrated for, the motor. 1. A motor protection system , comprising:an overload circuit including a current sensor for sensing current supplied to a motor having a specified full load amperage value;a contactor provisioned for selectively supplying power to the motor; anda microprocessor-based control board, wherein the control board includes executable instructions for comparing one or more characteristics of current sensed by the current sensor to one or more corresponding characteristics expected for the motor, the expected characteristics being indicative of a normal operating condition for the motor, and, in response to an unfavorable comparison, indicating a fault condition.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the executable instructions further instruct the overload circuit to trip.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in response to the trip claim 2 , the contactor discontinues the supply of power to the motor.4. A method for protecting a motor claim 2 , comprising the steps of:measuring peak inrush current to a motor;measuring running current to the motor over time;comparing the peak inrush current and the running current to an indicated full-load-amperage value; andin response to a unfavorable comparison, initiating a protective action for the motor.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the protective action includes sending a trip signal.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the protective action includes annunciating a fault condition. This application is a nonprovisional of, and claims the benefit of priority from, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/531,610, filed Sep. 6, 2011, which is ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Protective device for protection of an electrical circuit against reversal of polarity, method, circuit arrangement and vehicle system

Номер: US20130242444A1
Автор: Stefan Zick
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

The present invention relates to a protective device for protection of an electrical circuit equipped with a smoothing capacitor against reversal of polarity of the input voltage, with an input via which the protective device can be connected to a voltage supply for coupling in an input voltage, with an output via which the protective device an be connected to the electrical circuit to be protected, with a controllable switch which is arranged between an input terminal of the input and an output terminal of the output having the same polarity and which is designed to interrupt a current flow between the input terminal and the output terminal which are connected to one another, and with a control unit which is designed to control the controllable switch, when an applied input voltage with reverse polarity is detected, in such a way that the interruption of the current flow takes place with a time lag relative to a time of the application of the input voltage with reverse polarity. The present invention further relates to a corresponding method, a circuit arrangement with a protective device according to the invention and a vehicle system.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Semiconductor device

Номер: US20130242449A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

A semiconductor device for protecting loads from power surges includes a first resistor having a first end connected to a first supply terminal, a capacitor connected to a second end of the first resistor and a second supply terminal. There is a first transistor with a source connected to the first supply terminal and a gate connected to a point between the first resistor and the capacitor. A second resistor is connected between the drain of the first transistor and the second supply terminal, and a first diode is connected between the gate and the source of the first transistor. A second transistor has a drain connected to the first supply terminal, a source connected to the second supply terminal, and a gate connected to the drain of the first transistor. There is a second diode connected between the gate and the source of the second transistor.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Error Location Specification Method, Error Location Specification Apparatus and Computer-Readable Recording Medium in Which Error Location Specification Program is Recorded

Номер: US20130246855A1
Автор: Nishiyama Kimihiro

A method for specifying an error location by an information processing apparatus that includes a plurality of devices connected to each other through a transmission path includes deciding, when an interrupt is generated, whether the interrupt is a periodic interrupt or an error interrupt, and storing, where the generated interrupt is a periodic interrupt, history information of errors of each of the devices, but analyzing, where the generated interrupt is an error interrupt, the stored history information of errors of the devices to specify a suspect location of the error. 1. A method for specifying an error location by an information processing apparatus that includes a plurality of devices connected to each other through a transmission path , comprising:deciding, when an interrupt is generated, whether the interrupt is a periodic interrupt or an error interrupt; andstoring, where the generated interrupt is a periodic interrupt, history information of errors of each of the devices; butanalyzing, where the generated interrupt is an error interrupt, the stored history information of errors of the devices to specify a suspect location of the error.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the error that is stored where the generated interrupt is a periodic interrupt is a recoverable error while the error that is analyzed where the generated interrupt is an error interrupt is an unrecoverable error.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the analysis of the history of errors claim 2 , the number of times of occurrence of a recoverable error for each location at which there is the possibility that an error may occur is counted for each of the devices claim 2 , and a location at which a maximum counted value is exhibited is specified as the suspect location.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , where a plurality of candidates for the suspect location at which a maximum counted value is exhibited are found claim 3 , a suspect location ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Leveraging inherent redundancy in a multifunction ied

Номер: US20130250458A1
Принадлежит: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

Disclosed herein are systems and methods for leveraging the inherent redundancy of electrical measurement inputs available to microprocessor-based intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). Specifically, an IED may receive a plurality of electrical measurements associated with an electric power delivery system, such as measurements associated with a generator. A first protection module may be configured to detect a first type of electrical disturbance using a first subset of the plurality of electrical measurements. A second protection module may be configured to detect a second type of electrical disturbance using a second subset of the plurality of electrical measurements. A first redundant protection module may be configured to verify the detection of the first type of electrical disturbance using at least a portion of the second subset of the plurality of electrical measurements.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Protection device with a sandwiched cantilever breaker mechanism

Номер: US20130250459A1
Принадлежит: Pass and Seymour Inc

The present invention is directed to a protective electrical wiring device that includes at least one first stop member disposed proximate at least one first conductor. The at least one first stop member is configured to limit the movement of the at least one first conductor when the circuit interrupting assembly moves between the reset position and the tripped position such that a gap is established between the plurality of circuit interrupting contacts in the tripped state, the gap being substantially greater than or equal to a predetermined distance.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130250466A1
Принадлежит: ENERDEL, INC.

An assembly is disclosed which may include a serviceable unit and a current limiting device coupled to the serviceable unit. The serviceable unit may include a positive electrical terminal connection, a negative electrical terminal connection, and a plurality of energy storage devices operatively coupled to the positive electrical terminal connection and the negative electrical terminal connection to form an electrical path of the serviceable unit. The current limiting device may include a current limiting component. The current limiting component being included in the electrical path of the serviceable unit. 1. An assembly , comprisinga serviceable unit including a positive electrical terminal connection, a negative electrical terminal connection, and a plurality of energy storage devices operatively coupled to the positive electrical terminal connection and the negative electrical terminal connection to form an electrical path of the serviceable unit; anda current limiting device coupled to the serviceable unit and including a current limiting component, the current limiting component being included in the electrical path of the serviceable unit.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the current limiting component is selected from the group of a resistor and a fuse.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the current limiting device is removably coupled to one of the positive electrical terminal connection and the negative electrical terminal connection.4. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the current limiting component is selected from the group of a resistor and a fuse.5. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of energy storage devices includes a plurality of prismatic cells electrically coupled together claim 3 , the plurality of electrical storage devices having a fully charged open circuit voltage of between about 12 volts and about 192 volts.6. The assembly of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of energy storage devices includes a plurality of prismatic ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method And System For Disconnecting A Generator From A Power System

Номер: US20130257178A1
Автор: Brncic Ivo, Forsman Soren

A method for disconnecting a generator from a power system when the generator and the thereto connected power system are non-synchronized. The method includes the steps of: determining that there is a loss of synchronization between the generator and the power system, which loss of synchronization provides an amplitude variation of an electrical parameter associated with the generator. The method further includes determining when a minimum amplitude of the electrical parameter will occur, wherein when the occurrence of the minimum amplitude has been predicted, providing a command signal for disconnecting the generator from the power system, wherein the command signal is provided prior to the minimum amplitude of the electrical parameter is attained, and disconnecting the generator from the power system approximately when the determined minimum amplitude of the electrical parameter occurs. It is also presented a protection system for a generator in a power system. 1. A method for disconnecting a generator from a power system when the generator and the thereto connected power system are non-synchronized , wherein the method comprises the steps of:determining that there is a loss of synchronization between the generator and the power system, which loss of synchronization provides an amplitude variation of an electrical parameter associated with the generator, wherein a frequency of the amplitude variation is proportional to a rotor angle variation of the generator, which variation of the rotor angle arises due to the loss of synchronization between the generator and the power system,determining when a minimum amplitude of the electrical parameter will occur, wherein when the occurrence of the minimum amplitude has been predicted,providing a command signal for disconnecting the generator from the power system, wherein the command signal is provided prior to the minimum amplitude of the electrical parameter is attained, anddisconnecting the generator from the power ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Power supply control apparatus including overcurrent detection circuit

Номер: US20130258530A1
Автор: Akihiro Nakahara
Принадлежит: Renesas Electronics Corp

A comparator includes a first potential supply terminal, a second potential supply terminal supplying a different potential from that of the first potential supply terminal, a first transistor of a first conductivity type coupled between the first potential supply terminal and a first node, and including a control terminal coupled to a first terminal, a second transistor of the first conductivity type coupled between the first potential supply terminal and a second node, and including a control terminal coupled to a second terminal, a third transistor of a second conductivity type coupled between the first node and a third terminal, and including a control terminal coupled to the second node, and a fourth transistor of the second conductivity type coupled between the second node and the second potential supply terminal, and including a control terminal coupled to the second node.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130262927A1
Автор: Chen Hui
Принадлежит: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Disclosed in the present invention are a method and an apparatus for restarting communication after registration of a subscriber identity module SIM card fails, which belongs to the field of mobile communications. The method includes: acquiring failure information about registration of the SIM card; displaying the failure information and prompt information on an interface, and receiving confirmation information that is replied by a user according to the prompt information; and restarting, according to the confirmation information, a communication processor under the condition of not turning off an application processor or not restarting the application processor, so as to re-register the SIM card. 1. A method for restarting communication after registration of a subscriber identity module SIM card fails , comprising:acquiring failure information about registration of the SIM card;displaying the failure information and prompt information on an interface, and receiving confirmation information that is replied by a user according to the prompt information; andrestarting, according to the confirmation information, a communication processor under a condition of not turning off an application processor or not restarting the application processor, so as to re-register the SIM card.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the confirmation information comprises immediate restart information claim 1 , and the restarting claim 1 , according to the confirmation information claim 1 , the communication processor comprises:restarting the communication processor according to the immediate restart information.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the confirmation information comprises restart delay information claim 1 , and the restarting claim 1 , according to the confirmation information claim 1 , the communication processor comprises:starting a timer according to the restart delay information; andrestarting the communication processor when the timer reaches a set time.4 ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Automatic and self-sustaining electronic system for the early detection of short circuit fault conditions

Номер: US20130265681A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This is a solid state switch device, capable of receiving and differentiating electrical signatures by a number of electronic and optical elements, the arrangement of which makes it possible to recognize the type of fault condition (short circuit), to interrupt the current and to restore the latter automatically or manually with no electric arcs, no falls in the threshold, and no heat dissipation, thus increasing the service life, reducing the response time, and restoring the operation of the installation or electrical apparatus to be protected.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265684A1
Автор: Fujikawa Kazuhiro
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

A switching circuit comprises a transistor a detection resistance connected to the transistor for receiving a current flowing through the transistor an overcurrent detection circuit for detecting from a voltage between both ends of the detection resistance whether or not the current flowing through the transistor is an overcurrent; a control circuit for switching control of the transistor the control circuit restricting the switching control when the overcurrent detection circuit detects that the current flowing through the transistor is the overcurrent; and a level-shift circuit disposed between the overcurrent detection circuit and the control circuit for level-shifting a signal from the overcurrent detection circuit and transmitting the level-shifted signal to the control circuit the overcurrent detection circuit having a ground potential different from that of the control circuit 1. A switching circuit comprising:a transistor;a detection resistance, connected to the transistor, for receiving a current flowing through the transistor or a current related to the flowing current;an overcurrent detection circuit for detecting from a voltage between both ends of the detection resistance whether or not the current flowing through the transistor is an overcurrent;a control circuit for switching control of the transistor, the control circuit restricting the switching control when the overcurrent detection circuit detects that the current flowing through the transistor is the overcurrent; anda level-shift circuit, disposed between the overcurrent detection circuit and the control circuit, for level-shifting a signal from the overcurrent detection circuit and transmitting the level-shifted signal to the control circuit;wherein the overcurrent detection circuit has a ground potential different from that of the control circuit.2. A half-bridge switching circuit having first and second transistors sequentially connected in series between higher and lower potentials , the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268805A1

A remote computer monitors virtual machines in cloud servers of a data center. The remote computer sends a monitoring program to cloud servers according to a configuration file and consists of a cloud server cluster using the monitoring program. The remote computer obtains parameters of each cloud server from the cloud server cluster by the monitoring program. The remote computer searches for an image file corresponding to a virtual machine installed in the cloud server from the remote computer, if the cloud server works abnormally. The remote computer sends the searched image file to another cloud server in the cloud server cluster and installs the virtual machine in another cloud server according to the searched image file. 1. A remote computer , the remote computer in communication with cloud servers of a data center , the remote computer comprising:a storage system storing a configuration file and one or more image files;at least one processor; andone or more programs stored in the storage system and being executable by the at least one processor, the one or more programs comprising:a sending module sends the monitoring program to the cloud servers according to the configuration file and consists of a cloud server cluster using the monitoring program;an obtaining module obtains parameters of each cloud server in the cloud server cluster by the monitoring program;a determination module determines if the cloud server in the cloud server cluster works abnormally according to the parameters;a search module searches for an image file corresponding to a virtual machine installed in the cloud server from the remote computer, if the cloud server works abnormally; anda sending module sends the searched image file to another cloud server in the cloud server cluster and installs the virtual machine in another cloud server according to the searched image file.2. The remote computer of claim 1 , wherein the configuration file comprises serial numbers of the cloud servers.3. ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130268814A1
Автор: Choi Yong-Seok

Disclosed herein are a deskew apparatus and method for Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express for compensating for a skew. The deskew apparatus includes a lane data input unit, a lane data alignment unit, and a lane data detection unit. The lane data input unit receives 18-bit data from each of lanes of the PCI Express. The lane data alignment unit aligns the 18-bit data using a COM symbol. The lane data detection unit detects a change in a state of alignment of the 18-bit data attributable to deletion or addition of an SKP symbol when the 18-bit data is aligned, and to perform synchronization between the lanes. 1. A deskew apparatus for Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express for compensating for a skew , the deskew apparatus comprising:a lane data input unit configured to receive 18-bit data from each of lanes of the PCI Express;a lane data alignment unit configured to align the 18-bit data using a COM symbol; anda lane data detection unit configured to detect a change in a state of alignment of the 18-bit data attributable to deletion or addition of an SKP symbol when the 18-bit data is aligned, and to perform synchronization between the lanes.2. The deskew apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the lane data alignment unit comprises:a 9-bit lower data input unit configured to receive 9-bit data, including the COM symbol, which is selected from the 18-bit data;a 9-bit upper data input unit configured to receive 9-bit data, including a symbol other than the COM symbol, which is selected from the 18-bit data;a 9-bit lower data register configured to store content of the 9-bit lower data input unit;a 9-bit upper data register configured to store content of the 9-bit upper data input unit;an alignment signal output unit configured to output an alignment signal by determining whether the pieces of received 9-bit data have been aligned; anda data control unit configured to control output of the pieces of 9-bit data based on results of the determination.3. The ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271876A1
Автор: HOSOTANI Tatsuya

In a switching control circuit, a length of a soft start period is set in accordance with a time constant of an external circuit connected to a soft start terminal of a switching control IC. A current flowing through a switching element is detected at a current detection terminal. When the value of the current exceeds a first predetermined current value, a second overcurrent protection function is performed, so that a switching operation is stopped. When the value of the current exceeds a second predetermined current value, a second overcurrent protection function is performed, so that the switching element is quickly turned off and a current peak value is limited. On the basis of a voltage at the soft start terminal after the soft start period has elapsed, one of the setting and non-setting of the first overcurrent protection function is selected. 1. A switching control circuit comprising:a plurality of external terminals;a semiconductor integrated circuit that is disposed in a power conversion circuit in a switching power supply apparatus and is configured to control a switching element;a feedback terminal into which a feedback signal used to detect and control an output voltage obtained from an operation of the switching control circuit is input;an output terminal from which a control signal used to control the switching element is output;a current detection terminal into which a current detection signal from a current detection circuit configured to detect a current flowing through the power conversion circuit as a result of the operation of the switching control circuit is input;a soft start terminal into which a signal used to set control processing for the switching element in a soft start period in a startup period from a start of operation of the power conversion circuit to a normal operation of the power conversion circuit is input;a soft start controller arranged and programmed to control an ON duration of the switching element in the startup period based ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Power management and distribution system having a fault detection and isolation assembly and method

Номер: US20130271884A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A power management and distribution system includes a source block having a power distribution line, wherein the power distribution line includes a distribution switch. At least one load block is in operable communication with the power distribution line and having a plurality of load block power output lines, wherein each of the plurality of load block power output lines includes a load switch. Further included is a plurality of loads each carried power by at least one of the plurality of load block power output lines. Yet further included is a protection logic unit comprising at least one algorithm for comparing a power characteristic to a power characteristic threshold at a plurality of locations, wherein the protection logic unit selectively determines which of the source block switches, distribution switches and the load switches of the plurality of load block power output lines are opened based on at least one comparison.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271889A1

A system for poling piezoelectric devices comprises a plurality of thin-film components, a plurality of piezoelectric devices, a poling pad for poling the piezoelectric devices, a plurality of traces, and a plurality of current-limiting elements. The thin-film components are separated by dice lanes to form an array, and the piezoelectric devices are formed on the thin-film components. The traces connect the piezoelectric devices across the dice lanes in parallel to the poling pad. Each current-limiting element is connected in series with one of the piezoelectric devices, in order to limit current to individual piezoelectric devices that experience current-related failure. 1. A system comprising:a poling source for poling a plurality of piezoelectric devices;a plurality of traces connecting the plurality of piezoelectric devices at least partially in parallel to the poling source; anda plurality of current-limiting elements, each current-limiting element being connected with one of the plurality of piezoelectric devices.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein each current-limiting element comprises a fuse that creates an open circuit when one of the individual piezoelectric devices experiences current-related failure.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a sacrificial pad connected in series with the fuse claim 2 , such that the fuse creates the open circuit when a forcing potential is applied to the sacrificial pad.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein each current-limiting element comprises a resistor that provides a current-limiting resistance when one of the individual piezoelectric devices experiences current-related failure.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein each piezoelectric device is connected between a single-ended electrode pad and a common ground pad on each of a plurality of thin-film components.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of traces connect each piezoelectric device to the poling source in a single-comb parallel trace configuration.7 ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Providing Fault Detection and Management

Номер: US20130275800A1

Methods and systems for providing fault detection and management are disclosed. A system includes a web-based interface that allows a user to access all elements of a customer service network, which spans multiple networks, departments, and external partners. The system, and thereby the user, is able to manage almost all aspects of the network, thereby giving the user end-to-end customer experience issue management. Real time and archived events are utilized, in some embodiments, for root cause analysis and/or process and/or performance improvement. Events from differing transport, platform, technology and OSI model levels are correlated for optimal customer experience monitoring alarming and analysis. 1. A method comprising:receiving, at a network management system, an instruction to gather network operational data;gathering, at a network management system, the network operational data, wherein gathering the network operational data comprises monitoring a network element executing a synthetic transaction to determine if the network element completes the synthetic transaction correctly;storing the network operational data at a storage location associated with the network management system;obtaining access control list data associated with the network element;comparing the access control list data to historical access control list data associated with the network element to determine if the access control list data and the historical access control list data are the same, the historical access control list data being stored at a data storage location associated with the network management system;determining if a network error exists, wherein the network error comprises a determination that the access control list data and the historical access control list data are not the same; andin response to determining that the network error exists, examining preferences and settings associated with the network management system to determine if the network management system is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130275828A1
Автор: Abbasfar Aliazam

A circuit, wherein an encoder circuit encodes a set of N symbols as a given codeword in a code space, where the given codeword includes a set of M symbols. M drivers are coupled to the encoder circuit and are coupled to M links in a channel, where a given driver outputs a given symbol in the set of M symbols onto a given link. An error-detection circuit coupled to the encoder circuit generates and stores error-detection information associated with the set of M symbols, facilitating subsequent probabilistic determination of a type of error during communication of the set of M symbols to another circuit. A receiver circuit receives feedback information from the other circuit, which includes error information about detection of another type of error in the set of M symbols based on characteristics of the code space. Control logic performs remedial action based on the feedback information. 1. (canceled)2. A method of operation in memory device , the method comprising:receiving write data from a memory controller that is encoded via a dynamic-bus-inversion (DBI) code;detecting errors in the write data based on constraints associated with the DBI encoding; andcommunicating error information associated with the detected errors to the memory controller.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:storing the error information in a memory prior to communicating the error information to the memory controller.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the DBI encoding constraints are applied to minimize states.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the DBI-encoded write data is further encoded via a cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC) code.6. A memory device comprising:receiver circuitry to receive write data from a memory controller that is encoded via a dynamic-bus-inversion (DBI) code;a DBI decoder coupled to the receiver circuitry to decode the write data consistent with a DBI coding constraint;error detection circuitry operative to indicate an error in the ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Current limiting systems and methods

Номер: US20130279057A1
Автор: Kyle Terrill, Trang VU
Принадлежит: Vishay Siliconix Inc

Presented systems and methods can facilitate efficient switching and protection in electronic systems. A system can comprise: an input operable to receive a signal; an adjustable component configurable to operate in a first mode which includes a low resistance and the component configurable to operate in a second mode which includes a current limiting operation in which the second mode enables continued operation in conditions that are unsafe for operation in the first mode; and an output operable to forward a signal. The adjustable component can be configurable to turn off if unsafe to operate in either the first mode or second mode. The first mode can include a relatively large component configuration with a relatively low drain to source on resistance. Utilizing a small component configuration in the second mode can include a relatively increased gate to source voltage compared to a large component configuration in the second mode.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Automated Fault and Recovery System

Номер: US20130283088A1

A mechanism is provided for handling incidents occurring in a managed environment. An incident is detected in a resource in the managed environment. A set of incident handling actions are identified based on incident handling rules for an incident type of the incident. From the set of incident handling actions, one incident handling action is identified to be executed based on a set of impact indicators associated with the set of incident handling rules. The identified incident handling action is then executed to address the failure of the resource. 1. A method , in a data processing system , for handling incidents occurring in a managed environment , the method comprising:detecting, by a processor, an incident in a resource in the managed environment;identifying, by the processor, a set of incident handling actions based on incident handling rules for an incident type of the incident;from the set of incident handling actions, identifying, by the processor, one incident handling action to be executed based on a set of impact indicators associated with the set of incident handling rules; andexecuting, by the processor, the identified incident handling action to address the failure of the resource.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:from the set of incident handling actions, identifying, by the processor, a subset of incident handling actions based on the set of incident handling rules;excluding, by the processor, the subset of incident handling actions from consideration when identifying the one incident handling action to be executed;from a remaining set of incident handling actions, identifying, by the processor, the one incident handling action to be executed based on impact indicators associated with the set of incident handling rules; andexecuting, by the processor, the identified incident handling action to address the failure of the resource.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:qualifying, by the processor, the failure as an incident by ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283089A1

An improved method provides fault handling in a distributed IT environment. The distributed IT environment executes at least one workflow application interacting with at least one application by using interface information about the at least one application. The method comprises: storing at least one fault handling description in a implementation-independent meta language associated with the at least one application; associating the interface information with the at least one fault handling description based on at least one defined fault handling policy, created based on at least one service definition; and the workflow application if a fault response from the at least one application is received: retrieving at least one associated fault handling description based on at least one fault handling policy, and interpreting and executing a particular meta language code of the at least one associated fault handling description in order to continue the defined workflow application. 12104040. A method for fault handling in a distributed IT environment that executes at least one workflow application () interacting with at least one application () by using interface information about said at least one application () , [{'b': 9', '40, 'storing at least one fault handling description () in an implementation-independent meta language associated with said at least one application ();'}, {'b': 40', '9', '7', '5, 'associating said interface information about said at least one application () with said at least one fault handling description () based on at least one defined fault handling policy (), which is created based on at least one service definition ();'}, {'b': 40', '210, 'claim-text': [{'b': 9', '7', '7, 'retrieving at least one associated fault handling description () based on at least one fault handling policy (, ′), and'}, {'b': 9', '210, 'interpreting and executing a particular meta language code of said at least one associated fault handling description () in order to ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130283090A1

Resolving virtual machine (VM) issues, by executing VM and operating system (OS) diagnostic monitors, including, monitoring a set of VM and OS health status metrics of a system at a first level, analyzing data of the monitored health status metrics to determine that an instability has occurred when the data exceeds defined bounds for the health status metrics, responding to the instability by monitoring additional VM and OS health status metrics, whereby a level of monitoring of the system is increased from the first level to a second level, greater than the first level, identifying the instability, repairing the system by taking corrective action based on the identified instability; and removing at least one of the set of monitoring and profiling tools to reduce the level of monitoring to a third level once the instability has been resolved, wherein the third level is less than the second level. 1. A computer-implemented method for resolving a computing system issue , comprising:monitoring a set of computing system health status metrics of a system at a first level;analyzing data of the monitored computing system health status metrics to determine that an instability has occurred when the data exceeds defined bounds for the computing system health status metrics;responding to the instability by monitoring additional computing system health status metrics, whereby a level of monitoring of the system is increased from the first level to a second level, greater than the first level;identifying the instability;repairing the computing system by taking corrective action based on the identified instability; andremoving at least one of the set of monitoring and profiling tools to reduce the level of monitoring to a third level once the instability has been resolved, wherein the third level is less than the second level.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein a user defines the sets of computing system health status metrics to be monitored and the bounds ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Fault Protection for Aircraft Power Systems

Номер: US20130286515A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A system and method for protecting a power system. A generator is tripped in response to identifying a current on the generator that is greater than a first current threshold for a first time delay. The generator is also tripped in response to identifying the current on the generator that is greater than a second current threshold for a second time delay. The first current threshold is larger than the second current threshold and the first time delay is shorter than the second time delay.
