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10-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000014714U1
Автор: Усыскин З.С.

Устройство для контроля параметров аппаратуры для измерения вибрации, содержащее генератор синусоидального напряжения, регулятор напряжения генератора, регулятор частоты генератора, делитель напряжения генератора, переключатель диапазонов, первый линейный детектор, переключатель каналов, преобразователь постоянного напряжения, преобразователь тока в напряжение, переключатель рода работ, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, преобразователь двоичного кода, формирователь импульсов, первое цифровое табло, световые индикаторы канала проверки аппаратуры, блок проверки пьезодатчиков и световые индикаторы канала проверки пьезодатчиков, при этом первый выход генератора синусоидального напряжения подсоединен ко входу регулятора напряжения генератора, выход которого подсоединен к первому входу генератора синусоидального напряжения, второй выход которого подключен ко входу регулятора частоты генератора, выход которого подключен ко второму входу генератора синусоидального напряжения, второй выход регулятора напряжения подсоединен к первому входу делителя напряжения, ко второму входу которого подключен выход переключателя диапазонов, первый выход переключателя каналов подключен ко входу преобразователя постоянного напряжения, второй выход переключателя каналов подключен ко входу преобразователя тока в напряжение, выход переключателя рода работ соединен со входами световых индикаторов канала проверки аппаратуры, выход аналого-цифрового преобразователя подключен ко входу преобразователя двоичного кода, выход которого подсоединен ко входу первого цифрового табло, выход блока проверки пьезодатчиков подключен ко входам световых индикаторов канала проверки пьезодатчиков, отличающееся тем, что дополнительно содержит имитатор сигналов таходатчиков дифференциальный усилитель второй линейный детектор, первый и второй коммутаторы, частотомер, таймер и второе цифровое табло, при этом генератор синусоидального напряжения выполнен с полосой генерируемых частот от 10 Гц до 1000 Гц, его первый ...

20-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000015528U1

1. Контроллер ввода-вывода аналоговых и дискретных сигналов, состоящий из пластмассового корпуса с основанием, на котором расположены средства крепления его в общем щите управления, крышки с отверстиями для вывода контактных и сигнальных частей внутренней элементной базы, а также из внутренней печатной платы с расположенными на ней элементами общего схемного решения, электрической части, отличающийся тем, что задняя стенка основания имеет сплошное продольное горизонтальное углубление, причем верхнее ребро, ограничивающее это углубление, снабжено горизонтальными выступами, а нижнее ребро, ограничивающее упомянутое углубление, снабжено защелкой, имеющей возможность перемещения в пазах, выполненных в нижнем ребре, причем защелка снабжена фиксатором и служит для крепления основания на общем щите, при этом передняя крышка корпуса в верхней своей части слева имеет клеммник вывода питающего напряжения, за ним к середине имеется выступ с клеммой заземления и далее стык разъема подключения внешних устройств и лампочка индикатора режима обмена, при этом средняя часть крышки имеет продольно горизонтальный выступ положительной крутизны, а нижняя часть крышки снабжена горизонтальным рядом прорезей с установленными в них клеммниками для подключения сетей датчиков и вывода сигналов, при этом расположенная внутри корпуса основная печатная плата имеет кроме элементов, выходящих на переднюю крышку, расположенные в левой части микросхемы, ниже которых имеются разъемы для подключения дополнительных вертикально стоящих малых печатных плат (мезонинов), как с левой стороны основания, так и с правой, а также элементы эталонного напряжения, в средней части имеется дополнительно разъем для подключения дополнительной малой платы (мезонина), под которой на основной плате установлены два вертикальных ряда микросхем. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что основание выполнено более длинным, выступающим ниже лицевой передней крышки и не закрывается ею, причем эта выступающая часть основания с ...

10-09-2003 дата публикации

Устройство для определения акустических параметров приемников градиента давления

Номер: RU0000032349U1

1. Устройство для определения акустических параметров приемников градиента давления, содержащее жесткую трубу, на первом торце которой установлен первый излучатель, электрически соединенный с генератором сигналов, а внутри трубы установлены испытуемый приемник градиента давления и первый измерительный приемник давления, электрически соединенные соответственно с первым и вторым входами коммутатора, выход которого соединен со входом регистрирующей аппаратуры, отличающееся тем, что жесткая труба выполнена замкнутой и на ее втором торце установлен второй излучатель, идентичный первому, подсоединенный к генератору сигналов через фазовращатель, в центральной части жесткой трубы установлен испытуемый приемник градиента давления, состоящий из металлической втулки, в поперечном сечении которой установлен герметично и жестко скрепленный по контуру с внутренней поверхностью втулки биморфный изгибный чувствительный элемент, при этом металлическая втулка представляет собой стенку центральной части жесткой трубы, а в устройство введен второй измерительный приемник давления, идентичный первому, установленный с ним соосно и симметрично, по разные стороны от испытуемого приемника градиента давления и электрически соединенный с третьим входом коммутатора. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что первый и второй приемники давления выполнены в виде пьезокерамических цилиндрических преобразователей, образующих симметричные относительно испытуемого приемника градиента давления участки жесткой трубы. (19) RU (11) 32 349 (13) U1 (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002124960/20 , 11.09.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.09.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.09.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Кузнецов Г.Н., Светославский А.Е. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "АСКПро" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 3 2 3 4 9 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации

Измеритель коэффициента помехоустойчивости приемной гидроакустической антенны

Номер: RU0000035577U1

Измеритель коэффициента помехоустойчивости приемной гидроакустической антенны, содержащий последовательно соединенные приемную гидроакустическую информации (СПО), формирователь характеристик направленности (ХН) и индикатор, отличающийся тем, что в него введены последовательно соединенные первый анализатор энергетического спектра, вход которого соединен с выходом формирователя ХН, и вычислитель коэффициента помехоустойчивости, выход которого соединен со входом индикатора, также введены последовательно соединенные приемник гидроакустической антенны, одноканальный приемный тракт с СПО, второй анализатор энергетического спектра, выход которого соединен со вторым входом вычислителя коэффициента помехоустойчивости, также введены блок памяти чувствительности приемной гидроакустической антенны, блок памяти чувствительности приемника, блок памяти коэффициента концентрации приемника, выходы этих трех блоков памяти соединены соответственно с третьим, четвертым, пятым входами вычислителя коэффициента помехоустойчивости, также введен блок управления, синхровходы и синхровыходы которого соединены с формирователем ХН, первым и вторым анализаторами энергетического спектра, вычислителем коэффициента помехоустойчивости, индикатором, блоком памяти чувствительности антенны, блоком памяти чувствительности приемника, блоком памяти коэффициента концентрации приемника. (19) RU (11) 35 577 (13) U1 (51) МПК G10K 11/00 (2000.01) H04R 29/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003129383/20 , 07.10.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.10.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 20.01.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт "Морфизприбор" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 3 5 5 7 7 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Измеритель коэффициента помехоустойчивости приемной гидроакустической антенны, содержащий последовательно соединенные ...

20-01-2004 дата публикации

Измеритель коэффициента объемного рассеивания звука в океанической среде

Номер: RU0000035578U1

Измеритель коэффициента объемного рассеивания звука в океанической среде, содержащий последовательно соединенные приемную гидроакустическую антенну, многоканальный приемный тракт с системой предварительной обработки информации (СПО), формирователь характеристики направленности (ХН), индикатор, отличающийся тем, что в него введены последовательно соединенные первый интегратор, вход которого соединен с выходом формирователя ХН, блок приведения информации ко входу гидроакустической антенны, блок вычисления коэффициента объемного рассеивания звука, выход которого соединен со входом индикатора, также введены последовательно соединенные одиночный приемник гидроакустической антенны, одноканальный приемный тракт с СПО, второй интегратор, блок приведения информации ко входу одиночного приемника гидроакустической антенны, выход которого соединен со вторым входом блока вычисления коэффициента объемного рассеивания звука, также введены последовательно соединенные измеритель скорости звука, блок памяти значений скорости звука, вычислитель углов рефракционного минимума, выход которого соединен со вторым входом формирователя ХН, также введен блок управления, синхровходы и синхровыходы которого соединены с формирователем ХН, с первым интегратором, с блоком приведения информации ко входу антенны, с блоком вычисления коэффициента объемного рассеивания звука, с индикатором, со вторым интегратором, с блоком приведения информации ко входу приемника, с измерителем скорости звука, с блоком памяти значений скорости звука, с вычислителем углов рефракционного минимума. (19) RU (11) 35 578 (13) U1 (51) МПК G10K 11/00 (2000.01) H04R 29/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003129384/20 , 07.10.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.10.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 20.01.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт ...

27-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040827U1

Устройство для измерения звукового излучения объекта испытаний типа локальной вибрирующей зоны поверхности корпусной детали агрегата транспортного средства, содержащее измерительный микрофон с чувствительным элементом, размещенный в замкнутой звукоизолирующей оболочке, снабженной открытым измерительным окном, сопряженным с поверхностью объекта испытаний, отличающееся тем, что внутри звукоизолирующей оболочки размещен закладной элемент, выполненный в виде жесткого стержневого каркаса, металлической или полимерной сетки со сквозными отверстиями или ячейками, или перфорированных металлических или полимерных листов, по обе стороны закладного элемента размещены открытопористые звукопоглощающие футеровки, например, из листового вспененного открытоячеистого пенополиуретана, цельноформованного волокнистого материала из натуральных или искусственных волокон со связующими, или другого, аналогичного по своим физико-механическим свойствам пористого звукопоглощающего материала, звукоизолирующая оболочка снабжена уплотнительной частью, размещенной между торцем закладного элемента и поверхностью объекта испытаний, микрофон установлен в звукоизолирующей оболочке посредством втулки из упругого-демпфирующего материала (резины), смонтированной в закладном элементе, внешние поверхности пористого материала облицованы тонкой звукопрозрачной пленкой, например, полиэстеровой, уретановой, тканевой (типа малифриз), фольгой алюминизированной, или другого типа пленкой или покрытием с близкими акустическими и эксплуатационными характеристиками. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 40 827 U1 (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (2000.01) G01M 13/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004102498/20, 30.01.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 30.01.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 27.09.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "АВТОВАЗ" (RU) U 1 4 0 8 2 7 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ...

27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000051325U1

1. Устройство измерения и записи акустических параметров микрофонов "близкой речи", содержащее программируемый персональный компьютер, дисплей визуального наблюдения результатов измерения упомянутых акустических параметров, генератор синусоидальных электрических сигналов дискретных частот стандартного ряда, записывающее, вычислительное, измерительное устройство, установленные в программируемом персональном компьютере; регулируемый усилитель синусоидальных электрических сигналов, подключенный к выходу генератора синусоидальных электрических сигналов, измерительный акустический излучатель, подключенный к выходу упомянутого регулируемого усилителя; измерительный микрофон обратной связи, установленный в измерительной области упомянутого измерительного акустического излучателя и подключенный к регулировочному входу упомянутого регулируемого усилителя, измерительный усилитель с измерительным входом для подключения контролируемого (измеряемого) микрофона; устройство фильтрации акустических и электрических шумов, а также ограничения спектра контролируемого сигнала, на вход которого подключен измерительный усилитель, а выход которого подключен ко входу записывающего, вычислительного и измерительного устройства программируемого персонального компьютера, отличающееся тем, что упомянутый измерительный акустический излучатель выполнен в форме прибора "искусственный рот". 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на выходе прибора "искусственный рот" установлено губное кольцо. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что регулируемый и измерительный усилители установлены в общий (единый) корпус. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 51 325 (13) U1 (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005108233/22 , 23.03.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.03.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 27.01.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое Акционерное ...

10-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000052298U1

Излучающий измерительный тракт, содержащий генератор, выход которого подключен к жилам электрического кабеля на его входе, электроакустический излучатель, подключенный к одной из жил электрического кабеля на его выходе, электрический эквивалент электроакустического излучателя и фазосдвигающую цепь, обеспечивающую сдвиг фазы сигнала на 180°, отличающийся тем, что вход фазосдвигающей цепи подключен к одной из свободных жил электрического кабеля на его выходе, а выход фазосдвигающей цепи подключен к электрическому эквиваленту электроакустического преобразователя. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 52 298 (13) U1 (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005128926/22 , 15.09.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.09.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2006 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Федеральное Государственное унитарное предприятие "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт "Морфизприбор" (RU) U 1 5 2 2 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Излучающий измерительный тракт, содержащий генератор, выход которого подключен к жилам электрического кабеля на его входе, электроакустический излучатель, подключенный к одной из жил электрического кабеля на его выходе, электрический эквивалент электроакустического излучателя и фазосдвигающую цепь, обеспечивающую сдвиг фазы сигнала на 180°, отличающийся тем, что вход фазосдвигающей цепи подключен к одной из свободных жил электрического кабеля на его выходе, а выход фазосдвигающей цепи подключен к электрическому эквиваленту электроакустического преобразователя. 5 2 2 9 8 (54) ИЗЛУЧАЮЩИЙ ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ТРАКТ R U Адрес для переписки: 197376, Санкт-Петербург, Чкаловский пр., 46, ФГУП "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт "Морфизприбор" (72) Автор(ы): Андреев Михаил Яковлевич (RU), Охрименко Сергей Николаевич (RU), Рубанов Игорь Лазаревич (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 52 ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067370U1

Устройство для измерения характеристик параметрических излучающих антенн, содержащее последовательно соединенные акустический приемник, установленный на подъемно-поворотном устройстве с возможностью перемещения вверх-вниз по вертикали и вращения в горизонтальной плоскости, предварительный широкополосный усилитель, выполненный с возможностью усиления сигнала, в спектре которого одновременно присутствуют высокочастотные составляющие частот накачки f и f и низкочастотные составляющие разностной частоты , фильтр низких частот, низкочастотный усилитель и регистратор, отличающееся тем, что акустический приемник выполнен в виде направленной приемной антенны, минимум диаграммы направленности которой на частоте f=(f+f)/2 обращен в сторону направления прихода сигнала от параметрической излучающей антенны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 370 (13) U1 (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007117524/22 , 10.05.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.05.2007 (72) Автор(ы): Борисов Сергей Александрович (RU), Островский Дмитрий Борисович (RU) Адрес для переписки: 197376, Санкт-Петербург, Чкаловский пр., 46, ОАО "Концерн "Океанприбор" отличающееся тем, что акустический приемник выполнен в виде направленной приемной антенны, минимум диаграммы направленности которой на частоте f=(f1+f2)/2 обращен в сторону направления прихода сигнала от параметрической излучающей антенны. U 1 R U 6 7 3 7 0 , фильтр низких частот, низкочастотный усилитель и регистратор, Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для измерения характеристик параметрических излучающих антенн, содержащее последовательно соединенные акустический приемник, установленный на подъемно-поворотном устройстве с возможностью перемещения вверх-вниз по вертикали и вращения в горизонтальной плоскости, предварительный широкополосный усилитель, выполненный с возможностью ...

27-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000117762U1

Устройство для абсолютной градуировки излучающих и приемных акустических преобразователей, содержащее генератор непрерывных колебаний, усилитель мощности, измеритель амплитуды, излучающий преобразователь, акустически связанный через среду распространения с градуируемым приемным преобразователем, отличающееся тем, что в него дополнительно введены второй генератор непрерывных колебаний, хронизатор-модулятор, широкополосный усилитель, анализатор спектра, решающее устройство и блок управления, причем выходы обоих генераторов непрерывных колебаний соединены с двумя сигнальными входами хронизатора-модулятора, выход которого соединен со входом усилителя мощности, дополнительный вход хронизатора-модулятора соединен с выходом приемного преобразователя, дополнительный выход хронизатора-модулятора через последовательно включенные широкополосный усилитель, анализатор спектра соединен со входом решающего устройства; управляющие входы обоих генераторов непрерывных колебаний, хронизатора-модулятора, измерителя амплитуды, анализатора спектра и решающего устройства соединены с соответствующими выходами блока управления, причем излучающий преобразователь формирует в водной среде акустический пучок накачки с близким к гауссовому поперечным распределением амплитуды звукового давления. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (13) 117 762 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012104478/28, 08.02.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Волощенко Вадим Юрьевич (RU), Волощенко Александр Петрович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.06.2012 Бюл. № 18 1 1 7 7 6 2 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для абсолютной градуировки излучающих и приемных акустических преобразователей, содержащее генератор непрерывных колебаний, усилитель мощности, измеритель амплитуды, излучающий преобразователь, акустически связанный через среду распространения с градуируемым приемным ...

10-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000121113U1

Устройство для абсолютной самоградуировки электроакустического преобразователя, содержащее генератор непрерывных колебаний, усилитель мощности, эталонное сопротивление, децибельный делитель, усилитель, осциллограф, бассейн, отражающую поверхность и акустически связанный с ней через среду распространения обратимый градуируемый преобразователь, отличающееся тем, что в него дополнительно введены хронизатор-модулятор, приемный электроакустический преобразователь, предварительный усилитель, аналоговый ключ, счетно-решающий блок и блок управления; генератор непрерывных колебаний через хронизатор-модулятор соединен со входом усилителя мощности, дополнительный вход хронизатора-модулятора соединен через предварительный усилитель с выходом приемного электроакустического преобразователя, а дополнительный выход - с третьим входом аналогового ключа, первый и второй входы аналогового ключа соединены с выходом эталонного сопротивления и выходом обратимого градуируемого преобразователя (в режиме приема отраженного сигнала) соответственно, выход усилителя соединен со входом счетно-решающего блока, управляющие входы генератора непрерывных колебаний, хронизатора-модулятора, аналогового ключа, децибельного делителя, усилителя, осциллографа и счетно-решающего блока соединены с соответствующими выходами блока управления, причем приемный электроакустический преобразователь расположен на акустической оси градуируемого преобразователя и может перемещаться вдоль вертикали, что позволяет производить последовательно измерения уровней акустических сигналов на отражающей границе раздела как в водной, так и в воздушной средах для измерения ее акустической прозрачности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (13) 121 113 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012118296/28, 03.05.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.05.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Волощенко Вадим Юрьевич (RU), Волощенко ...

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000126246U1

Устройство для проверки микротелефонной трубки (МТТ), содержащее звукозащищенную камеру, размещенные внутри нее узел фиксации МТТ, искусственное ухо и искусственный рот с соответствующими усилителями, а также блок управления, расположенный вне упомянутой камеры и электрически связанный с МТТ, искусственным ухом, искусственным ртом и их усилителями, отличающееся тем, что внутри звукозащищенной камеры установлена жесткая перегородка, на которой с одной стороны размещены упомянутый узел фиксации МТТ, выполненный в виде ложемента для трубки, и разъем для ее подключения к блоку управления, а на другой стороне перегородки, соответственно расположению МТТ на ложементе, установлены упомянутые искусственное ухо и искусственный рот, напротив которых в ложементе и перегородке выполнены соосные отверстия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (13) 126 246 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012136969/28, 29.08.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.08.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2013 Бюл. № 8 1 2 6 2 4 6 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для проверки микротелефонной трубки (МТТ), содержащее звукозащищенную камеру, размещенные внутри нее узел фиксации МТТ, искусственное ухо и искусственный рот с соответствующими усилителями, а также блок управления, расположенный вне упомянутой камеры и электрически связанный с МТТ, искусственным ухом, искусственным ртом и их усилителями, отличающееся тем, что внутри звукозащищенной камеры установлена жесткая перегородка, на которой с одной стороны размещены упомянутый узел фиксации МТТ, выполненный в виде ложемента для трубки, и разъем для ее подключения к блоку управления, а на другой стороне перегородки, соответственно расположению МТТ на ложементе, установлены упомянутые искусственное ухо и искусственный рот, напротив которых в ложементе и перегородке выполнены соосные отверстия. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ...

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000130175U1

Устройство для оперативной проверки и калибровки датчиков звукового давления, установленных на испытываемой машине, содержащее переносной блок питания, излучатель тестового звукового сигнала с акустическим резонатором и средство для плотного прижатия резонатора к поверхности поверяемого датчика, отличающееся тем, что излучатель тестового звукового сигнала с акустическим резонатором выполнен на базе пьезокерамического излучателя с габаритами, не превышающими 40 мм по высоте и диаметру, содержащим внутри своего корпуса встроенные: источник звуковой частоты в виде генератора синусоидального сигнала с усилителем, пьезокристалл, мембрану и в торце своего корпуса - акустический резонатор в виде камеры, образованный мембраной, цилиндрическими стенками излучателя с боковыми отверстиями и герметизирующей кольцевой прокладкой с заданными толщиной и диаметром центрального отверстия на выходе излучателя; вход излучателя с помощью проводной линии связи соединен с выключателем B, установленным в блоке питания, и подключенного к последовательно соединенным преобразователю-стабилизатору напряжения DC-DC, индикатору на светодиодах и двухполюсному трехпозиционному переключателю П, обеспечивающему перевод питания от встроенной батареи на внешний источник. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (13) 130 175 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013109151/28, 01.03.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 01.03.2013 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Лётноисследовательский институт имени М.М. Громова" (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2013 Бюл. № 19 1 3 0 1 7 5 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для оперативной проверки и калибровки датчиков звукового давления, установленных на испытываемой машине, содержащее переносной блок питания, излучатель тестового звукового сигнала с акустическим резонатором и средство для плотного прижатия резонатора к ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000163181U1

Устройство калибровки первичных акустических преобразователей, содержащее безэховую камеру, соединяющую акустически эталонный и калибруемый микрофоны, звуковой анализатор спектра, эталонный микрофон, отличающееся тем, что в него введены двухканальный генератор, осуществляющий питание эталонного и калибруемого микрофонов, ЭВМ с программным обеспечением, осуществляющим управление звуковым анализатором спектра и двухканальным генератором и обработку измерительной информации через приборный интерфейс, переключающий контакт, соединяющий двухканальный генератор либо со звуковым анализатором спектра, либо с калибруемым микрофоном, замыкающий контакт, соединяющий или разъединяющий эталонный микрофон и звуковой анализатор спектра, при этом звуковой анализатор спектра соединен с эталонным микрофоном через замыкающий контакт, калибруемым микрофоном, двухканальным генератором через переключающий контакт, двухканальный генератор соединен с динамиком безэховой камеры, эталонным микрофоном, калибруемым микрофоном через переключающий контакт. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (13) 163 181 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016111822/28, 29.03.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.03.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2016 Стр.: 1 U 1 1 6 3 1 8 1 R U U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО КАЛИБРОВКИ ПЕРВИЧНЫХ АКУСТИЧЕСКИХ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЕЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области одинаковое напряжение питания на эталонный измерительной техники и может быть и калибруемый микрофоны, что исключает использована при калибровке первичных влияние измерительных каналов звукового акустических преобразователей (микрофонов). анализатора спектра и эффекта электрической Задачей данной полезной модели является нагрузки предусилителей. Это может быть повышение точности результатов измерений. устройство любого типа. Расстояние между Решение поставленной задачи достигается тем, выбирается ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000169312U1

Полезная модель относится к гидроакустике, в частности к измерительным камерам. Камера измерительная выполнена в форме толстостенного металлического цилиндра и содержит гидрофон сличения, излучатель звука. Для позиционирования градуируемых гидрофонов и гидроакустических приемников во внутреннюю полость камеры устанавливают специальную универсальную рамку, уплотнение внутренней полости камеры обеспечивают прокладками-кольцами, выполненными единого типоразмера и расположенными на верхнем торце корпуса камеры измерительной под крышкой, в качестве излучателя используют электродинамический излучатель звука, расположенный в верхней части камеры в крышке. Технический результат – упрощение конструкции. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 169 312 U1 (51) МПК H04R 29/00 (2006.01) G01H 3/00 (2006.01) G01V 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016146584, 28.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.11.2016 15.03.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 28.11.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 15.03.2017 Бюл. № 8 U 1 R U Стр.: 1 ФГУП "ВНИИФТРИ" для низкочастотной градуировки гидрофонов. Шестая международная научно-техническая конференция измерения и испытания в судостроении и смежных отраслях. Судометрика-2016. Материалы конференции. СПб., 11 - 13 октября 2016 г. (стр. 162-163). US 3121211 A1, 11.02.1964. SU 678723 A1, 05.08.1979. US 2918651 A1, (см. прод.) внутренней полости камеры обеспечивают прокладками-кольцами, выполненными единого типоразмера и расположенными на верхнем торце корпуса камеры измерительной под крышкой, в качестве излучателя используют электродинамический излучатель звука, расположенный в верхней части камеры в крышке. Технический результат – упрощение конструкции. 1 ил. U 1 (54) КАМЕРА ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНАЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к гидроакустике, в частности к измерительным камерам. Камера измерительная выполнена в форме толстостенного ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Измерительный стенд для исследования средств индивидуальной защиты слуха

Номер: RU0000204492U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам для контроля средств защиты от шума или подавления шума и может быть использована при исследованиях свойств средств индивидуальной защиты, применяемых при организации защиты от шумового воздействия. Основу стенда составляет манекен головы, внутри которого в держателе установлены микрофоны, ориентированные в направлении ушных проходов с перекрытием сечения отверстия в держателях, что исключает проникновение звуковой волны в зону за микрофоном. При выполнении держатель, выполненный в виде единого конструктива, располагается внутри манекена головы таким образом, чтобы занимать пространство между зонами расположения ушных раковин. При этом держатель может выполняться из пластичного материала, способного демпфировать колебания корпуса манекена под действием звуковой волны, падающей на всю поверхность манекена головы, что обеспечивает снижение влияния этих вибраций на микрофоны. Для выравнивания давления между зоной закрытого средствами индивидуальной защиты ушного прохода и внутренним объёмом манекена предусмотрены капиллярные каналы. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности исследования свойств индивидуальных средств защиты от шума в условиях, приближенных к реальным условиям применения. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 492 U1 (51) МПК H04R 5/027 (2006.01) H04R 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H04R 29/00 (2021.02); H04R 5/027 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019140386, 06.12.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 27.05.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 27.05.2021 Бюл. № 15 Адрес для переписки: 600000, г. Владимир, ул. Горького, 87, ВлГУ, патентная группа 2 0 4 4 9 2 U 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2018142769 A, 13.09.2018. EP 637188 A1, 01.02.1995. JPH 05153687 A, 18.06.1993. JPH 03168000 A, 19.07.1991. JP 2013066039 A, 11.04.2013. CN 205829940 U, 21. ...

01-06-2021 дата публикации

Устройство дистанционного измерения коэффициента преобразования пьезоэлектрического акселерометра в рабочем режиме

Номер: RU0000204614U1

Полезная модель относится к области измерительной техники и предназначена для периодического дистанционного измерения коэффициента преобразования пьезоэлектрического акселерометра (далее - пьезоакселерометра) путем возбуждения свободных колебаний его чувствительного элемента и определения их параметров без демонтажа пьезоакселерометра с объекта эксплуатации и без вывода объекта эксплуатации из рабочего режима.Устройство содержит разъем для подключения пьезоакселерометра, переключатель, источник тестового напряжения, усилитель заряда, аналого-цифровой преобразователь, блок измерения и контроля, блок коррекции коэффициента передачи, орган управления, интерфейсный блок, блок аппроксимации и блок определения исправности.Устройство позволяет дистанционно определить текущее значение коэффициента преобразования пьезоакселерометра с целью оперативной коррекции коэффициента передачи измерительного канала системы вибромониторинга. Основным преимуществом является повышенная точность определения коэффициента преобразования за счет снижения чувствительности к импульсным воздействиям и непериодическим помехам. 3 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 204 614 U1 (51) МПК G01H 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК H04R 29/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021101996, 28.01.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 01.06.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 01.06.2021 Бюл. № 16 2 0 4 6 1 4 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 99158 U1, 10.11.2010. RU 2271015 C1, 27.02.2006. RU 2176396 C1, 27.11.2001. RU 2701207 C1, 25.09.2019. RU 99182 U1, 10.11.2010. US 2017227381 A1, 10.08.2017. (54) Устройство дистанционного измерения коэффициента преобразования пьезоэлектрического акселерометра в рабочем режиме (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области контроля, блок коррекции коэффициента измерительной техники и предназначена для передачи, орган управления, ...

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Dust protection apparatus for flat loudspeakers

Номер: US20120033846A1
Принадлежит: Audio Pixels Ltd

A method for fabricating flat loudspeakers comprising manufacturing a flat loudspeaker including at least one microspeaker array, having first and second main surfaces; and covering at least one of the main surfaces of the loudspeaker with a cover member including an airtight sound-pressure wave transparent thin polymer film.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus, method, and program product for presenting moving image with sound

Номер: US20120076304A1
Автор: Kaoru Suzuki
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an apparatus for presenting a moving image with sound includes an input unit, a setting unit, a main beam former unit, and an output control unit. The input unit inputs data on a moving image with sound including a moving image and a plurality of channels of sounds. The setting unit sets an arrival time difference according to a user operation, the arrival time difference being a difference in time between a plurality of channels of sounds coming from a desired direction. The main beam former unit generates a directional sound in which a sound in a direction having the arrival time difference set by the setting unit is enhanced, from the plurality of channels of sounds included in the data on the moving image with sound. The output control unit outputs the directional sound along with the moving image.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Multiple superimposed audio frequency test system and sound chamber with attenuated echo properties

Номер: US20120243697A1
Автор: George J. Frye
Принадлежит: Frye Electronics Inc

A composite sound dampening structure includes a first base layer of sound dampening material extending around and against an inside surface of a container and a second wedge layer of sound dampening material attached to an inside surface of the first base layer. The composite sound dampening structure provides improved acoustic dampening in relative small sound chambers. An audio test system generates a composite audio signal of multiple different audio signals that are combined together using linear superposition. The composite audio signal allows a device to be simultaneously tested with multiple different audio frequencies.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Audio device and method for audio outputting

Номер: US20120250874A1
Автор: hua-lin Liu

An audio device includes a headphone jack to receive a headphone plug, an audio output unit connected to the headphone jack, a detecting unit, and a control unit. The detecting unit detects insertion of a headphone plug into the headphone jack when playing an audio file. The control unit directly decreases an output power of the output unit to a first preset value within a preset period in response to the detected insertion of a headphone plug into the headphone jack, and gradually increases the output power of the output unit to a second preset value after the preset period is elapsed. A related method is also provided.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Hearing aid device with a directional microphone system and method for operating a hearing aid device having a directional microphone system

Номер: US20120250916A1
Принадлежит: Siemens Medical Instruments Pte Ltd

A hearing aid device has a directional microphone system with a first microphone outputting a first microphone signal and a second microphone outputting a second microphone signal. A delay unit generates a directivity by delaying the second microphone signal or a fourth microphone signal derived therefrom by an internal time delay and associating it with the first microphone signal or a third microphone signal derived therefrom for generating a directional microphone signal. A cross-correlation analysis unit receives the first or the third microphone signal and the second or the fourth microphone signal and determines a value of a cross correlation of the two microphone signals. A control unit adjusting the time delay depending on the value of the cross correlation of the two microphone signals. A classifier determines audio conditions in which the hearing aid device is currently situated, and the time delay is adjusted depending on the audio conditions.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Audio testing system and method

Номер: US20120281846A1

An audio testing system is configured for receiving an audio signal from the an audio emitting device. The system samples the audio signal and obtains sampling points from the audio signal for determining if the audio signal has been distorted. A related method is also disclosed.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Fully supervised self testing alarm notification apparatus

Номер: US20120286946A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of testing audio emergency notification apparatuses which are provide to alert occupants of a building that an emergency condition which requires action is occurring, includes activating a control panel manually or automatically to test an audio apparatus, instructing the control panel to test the audio apparatuses either one by one, sequentially or simultaneously and generating a test signal for testing the apparatuses which is sent via closed circuit or radio frequency to each audio apparatus. The test signal causes each apparatus to generate an audio signal, the level or frequency of which from each apparatus is measured with a calibrated microphone and is sent to a selected destination.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Headset plug universal auto switcher

Номер: US20130044892A1
Автор: Alex Danielson, Carl Lafky
Принадлежит: Logitech Europe SA

One embodiment of the invention is directed to a switchable plug comprising a first incoming line configured to carry a signal from a source device, a second incoming line configured to carry a signal from the source device, a Mic Bias output line, a Ground output line, and a switch control. The switch control is operably connected with the first incoming line, the second incoming line, the Mic Bias output line and the Ground output line. The switch control is configured to detect a type of the signal carried on the first incoming line and a type of the signal carried on the second incoming line, from the source device. The switch control is further configured to automatically route a Mic Bias type signal to the Mic Bias output line and a Ground type signal to the Ground output line, without user intervention.

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130070929A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A sound pressure assessment system determines sounds to be presented by referring to a database retaining data of sounds, each of which is a pure tone. The system presents the determined sound as a first sound, and in a predetermined time after presenting the first sound, presents as a second sound a sound at least having the same frequency and the same sound pressure level as those of the'first sound to the user. The system extracts an amount of change from an N1 component in response to the first sound to that in response to the second sound. The N1 components are negative components of an user's event-related potential based on points of presenting the first and second sounds as respective starting points. The system determines whether the sound pressure level of the presented sound is excessive to the user, based on the amount of change. 1. A sound pressure assessment system comprising:a biological signal measurement section configured to measure an electroencephalogram signal of a user;a sound database retaining data of a plurality of sounds, each sound being a pure tone;a presentation sound determination section configured to determine a sound to be presented by referring to the sound database;an output section configured to present the sound determined by the presentation sound determination section as a first sound to the user, and in a predetermined time after presenting the first sound, configured to present as a second sound a sound at least having a same frequency and a same sound pressure level as those of the first sound to the user;an amount-of-change extraction section configured to extract an amount of change from an N1 component in response to the first sound to an N1 component in response to the second sound, the N1 component in response to the first sound being a negative component of an event-related potential of the electroencephalogram signal based on a point of presenting the first sound as a starting point, the N1 component in response to ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130077797A1
Принадлежит: InnovAlarm Corporation

A signal processing system and associated methods are disclosed for reliably detecting audible alert signals, such as Temporal-3 and Temporal-4 alert signals generated by commercially available smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide detectors. The system and methods are capable of detecting audible alert signals of different intensities in the presence of dynamic background environment (e.g., television programming, music, noise, and the like). The signal processing system and methods may, in some embodiments, be incorporated into a bedside or other unit that generates a supplemental alert signal capable of alerting individuals who might not otherwise respond to the audible alert signal, such as individuals who are asleep, hearing impaired, or intoxicated. 1. A method for detecting audible alert signals , the method comprising:generating a digital representation of a received audio signal;accessing a plurality of templates stored in a memory, each template corresponding to a respective audible alert signal timing pattern, said plurality of templates encompassing an acceptable range of timing pattern variations;generating, by signal processing circuitry, a plurality of matching scores, each of which represents a degree of match between the digital representation of the received audio signal and a respective template; anddetermining, based at least partly on the matching scores, whether an audible alert signal is present.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of templates comprises templates that correspond to variations in a Temporal-3 timing pattern.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of templates comprises templates that correspond to variations in a Temporal-4 timing pattern4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of templates includes at least ten templates.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the digital representation comprises applying band pass filtering such that the digital representation corresponds to a frequency band ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083931A1
Автор: Higure Kinichi

A wireless device capable of reliably detecting a tone squelch signal in a short time is provided. The wireless device which detects a tone squelch signal contained in received baseband signals is provided with: a frequency shifting unit (quadrature demodulation unit ()) which shifts the received baseband signal in the negative frequency direction by a preset frequency of a tone squelch signal; LPF (--) for eliminating unnecessary frequency components from the output of the frequency shifting unit; and an assessment unit () which assesses presence/non-presence of the tone squelch signal on the basis of the output from the LPF (--). 1. A wireless device for detecting a tone squelch signal contained in received baseband signals , comprising:a frequency shifting unit which shifts a frequency of the received baseband signal in a negative frequency direction by a preset frequency of the tone squelch signal;a LPF which removes unnecessary frequency components from an output of the frequency shifting unit; andan assessment unit which assesses a presence or absence of the tone squelch signal based on an output of the LPF.2. The wireless device of claim 1 , wherein the frequency shifting unit shifts the frequency by performing quadrature demodulation on the received baseband signal.3. The wireless device of claim 1 , further comprising:a frequency detection unit which detects a frequency based on the output of the LPF; anda power detection unit which detects a power of the output of the LPF,wherein the assessment unit assesses that the tone squelch signal is present if the detected frequency is within a predetermined frequency range, and the detected power is equal to or greater than a predetermined power.4. A wireless device for detecting a tone squelch signal contained in received baseband signals claim 1 , comprising:a frequency shifting unit which shifts a frequency of the received baseband signal in a negative frequency direction by a preset frequency of the tone ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130101124A1

A method and device are provided for detecting acoustic shocks in an audio stream. The method includes: breaking down the audio stream into audio frames; analyzing the audio frames in order to assign each audio frame a category value from among a plurality of predefined values; and determining the probability of an acoustic shock occurring in a current frame, based on a sequence of a given length of category values assigned to a set of frames, using a two-state Markov model, defined by a predetermined transition matrix and transmission matrix. 1. A method of detecting acoustic shocks in an audio stream , wherein the method comprises the following steps:breaking down said audio stream into audio frames;analysing said audio frames by a detection device in order to assign each audio frame a category value from a plurality of predefined values; anddetermining a probability of having an acoustic shock in a current frame by the detection device, based on a sequence of given length of category values assigned to a set of frames, using a two-state Markov model, defined by a predetermined transition matrix and transmission matrix.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein analysing an audio frame comprises determining at least one physical indicator of the frame and discretising the at least one indicator into category values by comparison with at least one predetermined set of thresholds.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the physical indicator is a frequency parameter defining an energy criterion by frequency band.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the method also comprises a step of determining the acoustic shock frequencies as a function of the energy criterion by frequency band.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the energy criterion is a function of the difference between a standardised energy spectrum of the frame and a percentile function of the standardised energy spectrum.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the physical ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Acoustic Shock Prevention Apparatus

Номер: US20130101125A1
Автор: Nevala Anton, Peters Achim
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

An apparatus including at least one processor and at least one memory including computer program code. The at least one memory and the computer program code is configured to, with the at least one processor, cause the apparatus at least to perform: determining a change of state in an apparatus within a first time period, wherein a first state operates with a first audio output having a first average sound pressure level and a second state operates with a second audio output having a higher average sound pressure level; and processing the second audio output signal such that the second audio output sound pressure level is acoustically continuous with respect to the first average sound pressure level immediately following the change of state. 1. A method comprising:determining a change of state in an apparatus within a first time period, wherein a first state operates with a first audio output having a first average sound pressure level and a second state operates with a second audio output having a higher average sound pressure level; andprocessing the second audio output signal such that the second audio output sound pressure level is acoustically continuous with respect to the first average sound pressure level immediately following the change of state.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein processing the second audio output signal comprises at least one of:muting the second audio output for a muting time period; andramping the second audio output for an audio ramp time period.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein ramping the second audio output for an audio ramp time period comprises at least one of:linear ramping; andnon-linear ramping.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein determining a change of state in an apparatus comprises:determining an ending of the first state, wherein the first state is a member of a first group of states; anddetermining a start of the second state, wherein the second state is a member of a second group of states.5 ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130108062A1
Автор: Hu Nan, Jiang Wei, Zuo Ziqiang

The present invention provides a device and method for diagnosing an audio circuitry, which is applied to a mobile terminal and its earphone. Both of the mobile terminal and its earphone include: a MIC circuit and a sounding circuit, wherein, this device includes: a MIC Circuit Diagnosis Module and a Sounding Circuit Diagnosis Module; A MIC Circuit Diagnosis Module is used for obtaining an amplitude and frequency of a sine wave signal sampled by the MIC circuit, determining whether the MIC circuit is qualified or not according to the amplitude and frequency and outputting the sine wave signal. A Sounding Circuit Diagnosis Module includes: a converter plate with a MIC circuit and a processor; the converter plate is used for sampling an analog signal output by the sounding circuit, converting the analog signal into a digital signal and sending it to a processor; and the processor is used for analyzing and processing the amplitude and frequency of the digital signal and determining whether the sounding circuit is qualified or not. According to the technical scheme provided by the present invention, the quality problem existing in the audio circuitry module of the mobile terminal can be solved, so as to reduce users' complaints and improve the customer satisfaction. 1. A device for diagnosing an audio circuitry , applied to a mobile terminal and its earphone , both of the mobile terminal and its earphone comprising a microphone (MIC) circuit and a sounding circuit , wherein the device for diagnosing an audio circuitry comprises:a MIC Circuit Diagnosis Module; anda Sounding Circuit Diagnosis Module;wherein the MIC Circuit Detection Module is configured for obtaining an amplitude and frequency of a sine wave signal sampled by the MIC circuit, determining whether the MIC circuit is qualified or not according to the amplitude and the frequency and outputting the sine wave signal;the Sounding Circuit Diagnosis Module comprises a converter plate with a MIC circuit and a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Method and an apparatus for a user to select one of a multiple of audio tracks

Номер: US20130116811A1
Принадлежит: Bang and Olufsen AS

A method and apparatus for having a user select from simultaneously provided audio tracks which are provided from different directions to the user. One of the tracks is provided from in front of the user and with a higher intensity than another track which is provided from a direction more to the side of the user. When the other track is selected, it is provided from in front of the user with a higher intensity, and a third track is now provided from the side of the user and at a lower intensity.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142344A1
Автор: Shuster Gary Stephen
Принадлежит: HOSHIKO LLC

A method for anticipating a user's desired information using a FDA device connected to a computer network is provided. This method further comprises maintaining a database of user tendencies within the computer network, receiving sensor data from the user's physical environment via the FDA device, generating query strings using both tendency data and sensor data, retrieving data from external data sources using these generated query strings, organizing the retrieved data into electronic folders, and delivering this organized data to the user via the FDA device, In particular, a data management module anticipates the type of information a user desires by combining real time data taken from a sensor unit within a FDA and data regarding the history of that particular user's tendencies stored within the data management module. 123.-. (canceled)24. A method , comprising:a computing device detecting ambient audio information via a sensor unit;the computing device analyzing the detected audio information; andbased on the analyzing, the computing device determining information regarding an origin of the detected audio information.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the analyzing includes performing a spectral analysis on the detected audio information.26. The method of claim 24 , wherein the detected audio information corresponds to a work of music claim 24 , and wherein the information regarding the origin of the detected audio information includes a name and artist of the work of music. This application claims priority pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/203,169, filed May 8, 2000, which application is specifically incorporated herein, in its entirety, by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to applications pertaining to information retrieval devices (IRD's) connected to the Internet. More specifically, this invention relates to a method and apparatus for anticipating a user's desired information and delivering ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Method for Determining a Transmission Quality when Receiving Audio Signals and Receiving Unit

Номер: US20130148816A1

There is provided a method of determining a transmission quality when receiving audio signals which are transmitted over a frequency-modulated path in analog form. For that purpose a frequency-modulated audio signal is received and IQ demodulation of the input signal is implemented. The I- and the Q-path of the demodulated baseband signal are subjected to analog/digital conversion. Alternatively the input signal can first be digitized and then subjected to IQ demodulation. A multiplicity of N samples is detected. The amount of the N samples is formed. A reference value is determined from the amount of the N samples. Each of the N samples is standardized to the reference value. A measurement in respect of the fluctuations in the standardized amounts is determined. The measurement in respect of the fluctuations indicates the quality of the transmission path. 1. A method of determining a transmission quality when receiving audio signals which are transmitted in analog form by way of a frequency-modulated transmission path , comprising the steps:receiving a frequency-modulated audio signal; performing an IQ demodulation of the frequency-modulated audio signal and subsequent digitization of the I- and Q-signals; or', 'digitizing the received frequency-modulated audio signal and subsequent implementation of a digital IQ demodulation; and, 'a step comprising acquiring a plurality of N samples of the digitized input signals;', 'calculating the amount (B) of the N samples;', 'determining a reference value (R);', 'standardizing each of the N samples of the amount (B) to the reference value (R); and', 'determining a measurement in respect of fluctuations in the standardized amounts of the N samples;', 'wherein the measurement, in respect of the fluctuations, indicates the quality of the path., 'performing digital signal processing with the digitized signals and checking amplitude fluctuations in the received analog frequency-modulated audio signal by2. The method as set forth ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130148817A1

An abnormality detection apparatus for a periodic driving system includes a detection unit; a data obtaining unit for time series data from the detected sound; a determinism derivation unit configured to derive a plurality of values representing determinism providing an indicator of whether the time series data is deterministic or stochastic or a plurality of intermediate variations in a calculation process of the values representing determinism at a predetermined interval from the time series data; a probability distribution calculation unit. The abnormality detection apparatus further includes a determination unit configured to determine existence or non-existence of abnormality in the periodic driving system based on the probability distribution of the values representing determinism or the intermediate variations. 1. An abnormality detection apparatus for a periodic driving system which is used for an operation of a processing apparatus , comprising:a detection unit configured to detect sound from the periodic driving system;a data obtaining unit for time series data that temporally varies from the detected sound;a determinism derivation unit configured to derive a plurality of values representing determinism providing an indicator of whether the time series data is deterministic or stochastic or a plurality of intermediate variations in a calculation process of the values representing determinism at a predetermined interval from the time series data that have been obtained by the data obtaining unit;a probability distribution calculation unit configured to calculate probability distribution of the values representing determinism or the intermediate variations; anda determination unit configured to determine existence or non-existence of abnormality in the periodic driving system based on the probability distribution of the values representing determinism or the intermediate variations.2. The abnormality detection apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising: a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130170658A1

An audio processor acquires processed sound data, which is obtained by processing original sound data according to a content of processing defined such that first sound is emitted under the standard sound emission condition, in association with a sound emission device, acquires a control signal, and acquires a device sound emission condition. In order to make second sound emitted by the sound emission device under the acquired device sound emission condition close to the first sound, the audio processor identifies the correction content of the processed sound data based on a difference between the device sound emission condition and the standard sound emission condition, the control signal, and the processed sound data acquired in association with the sound emission device. The audio processor corrects the processed sound data according to the correction content, and supplies the corrected processed sound data to the sound emission device. 1. An audio processor for being connected to a sound emission device that emits a sound according to supplied data , the audio processor comprising:a processed sound data acquirer that is adapted to acquire processed sound data, which is obtained by processing original sound data according to a content of processing defined such that determined first sound is emitted under a standard sound emission condition as a predetermined sound emission condition, wherein the processed sound data is acquired in association with the sound emission device;a control signal acquirer that is adapted to acquire a control signal including at least one of a parameter indicating the content of processing on the original sound data and information indicating a configuration of processed sound data obtained by processing the original sound data by means of the parameter;a sound emission condition acquirer that is adapted to acquire a device sound emission condition as a sound emission condition for the sound emission device;an identifier that is adapted ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Speaker Impedance Measurement

Номер: US20130170659A1
Принадлежит: ST-Ericsson SA

An integrated circuit for processing audio and voice signals in a telephone is disclosed. The integrated circuit comprises an audio output port having a first and a second output terminal for connection to a first and a second input terminal, respectively, of a speaker. The integrated circuit further comprises an audio input port having a first and a second input terminal for connection to a first and a second output terminal of an audio input source. The integrated circuit also comprises at least one audio output path and one audio input path. Moreover, the integrated circuit comprises a test impedance, such as a resistor, (RT) for measuring an electrical impedance of the speaker. 115-. (canceled)16. An integrated circuit for processing audio and voice signals in a telephone , comprising:an audio output port having a first and a second output terminal for connection to a first and a second input terminal, respectively, of a speaker;an audio input port having a first and a second input terminal for connection to a first and a second output terminal of an audio input source;at least one audio output path having a digital input port and an analog output port with at least one analog output terminal;an audio input path having an analog input port, comprising a first and a second input terminal, and a digital output port; and{'sub': 'T', 'a test impedance, such as a resistor, (R) having a first and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal is connected to a reference-voltage node of the integrated circuit;'}wherein the integrated circuit is configured such that: one of the at least one audio output paths is arranged to supply an audio output signal to the audio output port via the analog output port of that one of the at least one audio output path; and', 'the audio input path is arranged to receive an audio input signal from the audio input port via the analog input port of the audio input path; and', 'in a measurement mode of the integrated circuit', 'the at least ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188794A1

Provided is a device for detecting sound outside vehicle capable of detecting sounds outside the vehicle with high accuracy in various surrounding environments. 115.-. (canceled)16. A device for detecting sound outside vehicle comprising:a sound collecting unit that is provided in a vehicle and collects sounds outside the vehicle;a target sound detecting unit that detects a detection target sound from the sounds outside the vehicle which are detected by the sound collecting unit;a traveling road information detecting unit that detects traveling road information about a road on which the vehicle travels; anda sound collection characteristic adjusting unit that adjusts sound collection characteristics of the sound collecting unit on the basis of the detection result of the traveling road information detecting unit.17. The device for detecting sound outside vehicle according to claim 16 , further comprising:a direction detecting unit that detects the direction of the detection target sound on the basis of the detection result of the target sound detecting unit.18. The device for detecting sound outside vehicle according to claim 16 ,wherein the detection target sound is a traveling sound of an approaching vehicle which approaches the vehicle.19. The device for detecting sound outside vehicle according to claim 18 ,wherein the traveling road information detecting unit detects the shape of the road on which the vehicle travels as the traveling road information.20. The device for detecting sound outside vehicle according to claim 19 ,wherein the sound collection characteristic adjusting unit adjusts a directivity of the sound collecting unit as characteristics of the sound collecting unit on the basis of the shape of the traveling road.21. The device for detecting sound outside vehicle according to claim 20 ,wherein, when it is determined that the direction of the road on which the vehicle travels is decided on the basis of the shape of the traveling road, the sound ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130188795A1
Автор: Quan Ronald

A testing method or apparatus utilizes multiple frequencies applied to a device under test for measuring newly discovered frequency modulation effects. An embodiment may include a lower frequency signal combined with two (or more) higher frequency signals to test a dynamic change in frequency response, gain, and or phase of the lower frequency signal from an audio device. This dynamic test can reveal frequency modulation effects via the two higher frequency signals emulate a modulated signal that provides a phase or frequency modulation frequency related to the difference of the two higher frequency signals. Another embodiment may include the use of a higher frequency signal and pulsed waveform to dynamically induce a time varying phase or frequency distortion of the pulsed waveform or components of the pulsed waveform from the device that has differential phase distortion. In another embodiment, the device's output is then measured with an FM detector and or phase detector to measure a phase and or frequency shift in one or more signals of the frequencies related to the pulsed waveform, such as a signal of the fundamental frequency and or one or more harmonic related to the pulsed waveform the device. 1. Method of measuring an induced phase or frequency modulation effect of an audio device , wherein the audio device has an input and an output , comprising:providing a first signal comprising a pulsed waveform and a second signal whose frequency is higher than the frequency of the first signal to an input of the audio device;wherein the output of the audio device is coupled to a Wow and Flutter meter, a phase detector, and or a frequency modulation detector;measuring the induced phase or frequency modulation effect of one or more signals related to the pulsed waveform at the output of the audio device; andwherein the phase or frequency modulation effect on one of the input signals is caused or induced by the second signal coupled to the input of the audio device.2. A ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Loudspeaker Driver With Sensing Coils For Sensing The Position And Velocity Of a Voice-Coil

Номер: US20130202122A1
Автор: CITERIN Johann

This invention concerns a loudspeaker driver includes at least one actuator connected to a vibrating support to impart excitation to the latter when caused to move, wherein the loudspeaker driver further includes a plurality of sensing members arranged to move with the at least one actuator, each sensing member providing output sensing data dependent on the velocity of said at least one actuator, and means for determining the position of the at least one actuator based on at least one ratio (X/Y) of output sensing data or of linear combinations of output sensing data provided from the plurality of sensing members, said at least one ratio being independent of the velocity of the at least one actuator. 2. The loudspeaker driver of claim 1 , wherein the position of the at least one actuator within the whole range of actuator positions is based on at least two ratios of sensing members output sensing data claim 1 , each ratio covering a portion of the whole range of actuator positions.3. The loudspeaker driver of claim 2 , wherein the given sensing member is selected according to a predetermined criterion.4. The loudspeaker driver of claim 3 , wherein the selected sensing member is the sensing member for which the ratio X/Y is substantially linear as a function of the at least one actuator position over a portion of the whole range of actuator positions.5. The loudspeaker driver of claim 1 , wherein it comprises means for determining the velocity of the at least one actuator that is axially moving within a magnetic gap of the loudspeaker driver based on the determined position of said at least one actuator and at least some of the sensing members output sensing data.6. The loudspeaker driver of claim 1 , wherein the position of the at least one actuator is determined based on at least one ratio X/Y claim 1 , where X stands for output sensing data provided by a given sensing member or by a linear combination of sensing members output sensing data and Y stands for output ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Determining Meter Presence Utilizing Ambient Fingerprints

Номер: US20130202128A1
Принадлежит: ARBITRON INC.

Systems and methods are disclosed for providing portable device presence utilizing environmental ambient audio fingerprints. Portable devices provide media exposure data and environmental ambient fingerprints to a processing device, where the environmental ambient signatures provide at least one characteristic of the ambient audio surrounding each portable device. The environmental ambient signatures are then processed to determine if they match. Portable devices associated with matching signatures are identified. Ambient fingerprints may also be used to establish a logical location where media exposure took place. The ambient signatures are alternately combined with monitored data to provide more robust data sets for contextual processing. 1. A computer-implemented method for determining portable device presence , comprising the steps of:receiving media exposure data from a plurality of portable devices at a first input;receiving environmental ambient fingerprints from the portable devices at a second input, wherein the environmental ambient fingerprints represent at least one characteristic of an environment around each of the plurality of portable devices;processing the environmental ambient fingerprints in a processor to determine if at least two of the environmental ambient fingerprints match; andidentifying devices, via said processor, having matched environmental ambient fingerprints.2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 , wherein the characteristic comprises a level of ambient noise over each of a series of time periods.3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 , wherein the environmental ambient fingerprint comprises a value for each of the levels of noise claim 2 , and where in the environmental ambient fingerprint is formed using the values of the series of time periods.4. The computer-implemented method of claim 3 , wherein the value is dependent upon a determination if a level of noise in each of the series of time periods exceeds at least ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Sensor fault detection system and method

Номер: US20130207665A1
Принадлежит: Analog Devices Inc

Fault detection techniques for control of sensor systems. A sensor control integrated circuit (“IC”) may include a fault detection system for coupling to the sensor supply lines. The system may detect faults for each of the sensor supply lines. The fault detection system may level shift sensor supply line signals from a first voltage domain to a second voltage domain appropriate for the fault detection system of the controller IC. The fault detection system may level shift source potential voltages from the first voltage domain to the second voltage domain to detect predetermined fault types. The fault detection system may compare the second domain voltages from the sensor supply lines to voltages representing predetermined fault types and may generate fault status indicators based on the comparison.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208903A1
Автор: OJALA Pasi
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

A method comprising determining a reverberation time estimate for an audio signal from a first part of an encoded audio signal representing the audio signal. 1. A method comprising:determining a reverberation time estimate for an audio signal from a first part of an encoded audio signal representing the audio signal.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein determining a reverberation time estimate from an encoded audio signal further comprises:determining at least two candidate reverberation time values;determining an expectation value dependent on each of the candidate reverberation time values and the encoded audio signal; andselecting the candidate reverberation time value with the greatest expectation value as the reverberation time estimate.3. The method as claimed in claim 2 , wherein determining the expectation value comprises:determining a decay factor from the candidate reverberation time value; anddetermining a likelihood the decay factor fits the first part encoded audio encoded audio signal.4. The method as claimed in further comprising:selecting the first part of the encoded signal dependent on an activity indicator associated with the first part of the encoded signal.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the encoded signal further comprises a second part claim 1 , each first part having an associated second part and the method further comprising at least one of:selecting the first part of the encoded signal dependent on the associated second part having a value less than a first predetermined threshold value; andselecting the first part of the encoded signal dependent on the associated second part having an average value less than a further predetermined threshold value.6. The method as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the second part is at least one of:adaptive codebook gain; andLong Term Prediction gain.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:determining a decaying encoded audio signal event; andselecting the first part of ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130208904A1

In embodiments of the present invention improved capabilities are described for determining a multi-dimensional sound signature for a location within a hypothetical space, comparing the multi-dimensional sound signature to a known multi-dimensional sound signature, and modifying the hypothetical space such that the similarity between the multi-dimensional sound signature for the location within the modified hypothetical space and the known multi-dimensional sound signature is increased. 1. A method for decreasing the acoustic differences between a first room and a second room comprising: i) initiating at least one sound at a sound initiation location in the first room, and', 'ii) measuring selected characteristics of the least one sound at the sound measurement location to determine a plurality of sound reflection path characteristics of the first room between the sound initiation location and the sound measurement location;, '(a) generating a first sound signature for a sound measurement location within the first room, wherein generating the first sound signature comprises'}(b) providing a description of the second room that includes a plurality of acoustic characteristics of the second room; i) selecting a sound initiation location and the sound reception location in the second room,', 'ii) simulating a sound emission from the sound initiation location in the second room, and', 'iii) determining a plurality of sound reflection path characteristics of the second room between the sound initiation location and the sound reception location for the simulated sound emission;, '(c) calculating a second sound signature for a sound reception location within the second room, wherein calculating the second sound signature comprises'}(d) determining the differences between the first sound signature and the second sound signature;(e) adjusting the description of the second room to change at least one of the plurality of acoustic characteristics of the second room;(f) repeating ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216051A1
Автор: Goto Koichi
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An acoustic apparatus includes: a plurality of speakers, which are connected in parallel to each other; and a line break detector for detecting the number of line break in the speakers. The line break detector includes: a detection voltage generator for applying a reference voltage to the speakers; and a line break determination device for determining the number of line break according to an actual voltage of the speakers when the reference voltage is applied to the speakers or when application of the reference voltage to the speakers is stopped. Thus, without using an impedance measurement device, the number of line break is calculated based on the actual voltage of the speakers. The number of line break in the speakers is easily detected with low manufacturing cost. 1. An acoustic apparatus comprising:a plurality of speakers, which are connected in parallel to each other; anda line break detector for detecting the number of line break in the speakers, a detection voltage generator for applying a reference voltage to the speakers; and', 'a line break determination device for determining the number of line break according to an actual voltage of the speakers when the reference voltage is applied to the speakers or when application of the reference voltage to the speakers is stopped., 'wherein the line break detector includes2. The acoustic apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein each speaker is a capacitive speaker for generating a sound wave according to accumulation voltage change,wherein the reference voltage is a direct current voltage for saturating a total capacitance of all speakers.3. The acoustic apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a digital amplifier for driving the speakers based on an input signal having a PWM waveform, which is input into the digital amplifier,wherein the detection voltage generator applies a wave-height voltage having the PWM waveform to the digital amplifier so that the digital amplifier generates the reference voltage ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223635A1
Принадлежит: Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited

Devices and methods of detecting a predetermined audio signal in audio signals are provided. A device includes a processor coupled to a clock signal generator, a power controller and an audio detector. The power controller controls a clock rate provided to the processor by the clock signal generator, to control the device to operate in a low power mode having a relatively low power consumption or in a normal power mode having a relatively high power consumption. The audio detector receives audio signals and detects, in the low power mode, probable presence of a predetermined audio signal in the audio signals. The power controller controls the device to switch from the low power mode to the normal power mode responsive to the detected presence of the predetermined audio signal by the audio detector. 1. A method of detecting a predetermined audio signal in audio signals of a device , the device including a processor , the method comprising the steps of:controlling a clock rate provided to the processor, to operate the device in a low power mode having a relatively low power consumption;detecting, in the low power mode, probable presence of the predetermined audio signal in the audio signals; andswitching the device from the low power mode to a normal power mode responsive to the detected presence of the predetermined audio signal, by adjusting the clock rate provided to the processor, the normal power mode having a relatively high power consumption.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined audio signal includes a voice signal or a predetermined non-voice audio signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the clock rate includes a first clock rate corresponding to the low power mode and a second clock rate corresponding to the normal power mode claim 1 , the second clock rate having a higher accuracy than the first clock rate.4. The method of claim 1 , the method further including storing at least a portion of the audio signals responsive to the detecting of ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130223636A1

According to one embodiment, a measurement apparatus is configured to supply, to a output device, a second measurement signal to sweep the frequency, to receive a second received signal output from the output device when the second measurement signal is supplied to the output device, and to calculate an impulse response by convolving the second received signal and an inverted measurement signal having an inverted characteristic of the second measurement signal. The second measurement signal has a signal characteristic obtained by multiplying the first measurement signal by a characteristic of a characteristic of the amplitude spectrum. 1. A measurement apparatus configured to measure an impulse response by using an object system comprising an output device configured to output a first output signal corresponding to a supplied first measurement signal for sweeping a frequency , and a receiving device configured to output a first received signal by receiving the first output signal , the first received signal having a known characteristic of an amplitude spectrum , the apparatus comprising:an output module configured to output, to the output device, a second measurement signal obtained by multiplying the first measurement signal by a weight comprising an inverted characteristic of the amplitude spectrum;a receiving module configured to receive a second received signal output from the receiving device when the second measurement signal is supplied from the output module to the output device; andan impulse response calculator configured to calculate the impulse response by convolving the second received signal and an inverted measurement signal having an inverted characteristic of the second measurement signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first measurement signal comprises a sine sweep signal whose frequency sequentially varies with time.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the sine sweep signal comprises a time-stretched pulse (TSP) signal.4. The ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Piezoelectric Speaker Device

Номер: US20130223637A1
Автор: Ando Masamichi

A piezoelectric speaker device that includes an insulation layer having an electric insulation property formed on a user-side driving electrode, and flaw detection electrode lines formed on the insulation layer. If the flaw detection electrode lines are determined to be damaged due to the occurrence of a flaw, the driving voltage applied to the driving electrodes is lowered. In order to prevent electric-shock accidents, the driving voltage is lowered to below 42.4 V, preferably, and to 0 V, more preferably. 1. A piezoelectric speaker device comprising:an organic polymer piezoelectric film;at least one pair of driving electrodes provided in contact with the piezoelectric film and configured to apply a driving voltage to drive the piezoelectric film, the at least one pair of driving electrodes including a user-side driving electrode on a first side of the piezoelectric film;an insulation layer on the user-side driving electrode;a flaw detection electrode line on the insulation layer;a detection circuit configured to detect whether the flaw detection electrode line is in a normal electric conduction state; anda driving-voltage control circuit configured to control the driving voltage applied to the at least one pair of driving electrodes based on a result of detection by the detection circuit.2. The piezoelectric speaker device according to claim 1 , further comprising a protective layer on the insulation layer and overlaying the flaw detection electrode line.3. The piezoelectric speaker device according to claim 2 , wherein the protective layer is made of a resin selected from the group consisting of polyethylene terephthalate claim 2 , polyethylene naphthalate claim 2 , polymethylmethacrylate claim 2 , polycarbonate and polypropylene.4. The piezoelectric speaker device according to claim 1 , further comprising a notification circuit configured to notify a user when the detection circuit has recognized damage in the flaw detection electrode line.5. The piezoelectric ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

System and method for mapping and displaying audio source locations

Номер: US20130230179A1
Автор: BEATY John, SAWYER Jamaal

The present invention relates generally to a method and system for defining a reference sound position and producing an indicia proximate thereto in relation to one or more sound characteristics. The present invention, in one or more embodiments, provides for displaying a holographic image at a reference sound location which is determined in relation to the identification of one or more target sounds being associated with one or more identified sound characteristics. In other embodiments, the present invention provides for an indicia to appear to be interactive with a reference sound location and may be used in a variety of environments including but not limited to rock theatrics, homeland security and residential security. 1. A method for defining a reference sound position and producing an indicia proximate thereto in relation to one or more sound characteristics at a predetermined location , comprising:defining at least one sound characteristic to be detected;detecting at least one target sound in relation to the at least one sound characteristic;determining the referenced sound position in relation to the detected target sound; and,producing the indicia proximate to the determined referenced sound position.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sound characteristics are one or more of:frequency range, decibel level, pitch range, loudness range, directional location, and period of time.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the referenced sound position includes a two-dimensional position in relation to the predetermined location frame.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the referenced sound position includes a three-dimensional position in relation to the predetermined location frame.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the at least one target sound is detected using one or more of a soundwave detector claim 2 , acoustic camera claim 2 , or electronic control logic.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the soundwave detector is one of a(n): microphone claim 5 , electronic ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230180A1

A system for detecting motion comprising a first speaker, a first microphone separated from the first speaker by a distance D, a sound generator, an echo parameter measurement device and an echo parameter monitor, wherein the echo parameter monitor stores two or more sequential echo parameters and generates a motion indicator if the two or more sequential echo parameters indicate a change in an acoustic echo path that exceeds a predetermined threshold. 1. A system for detecting motion comprising:a first speaker;{'b': '1', 'a first microphone separated from the first speaker by a distance D;'}a sound generator;an echo parameter measurement device; andan echo parameter monitor, wherein the echo parameter monitor stores two or more sequential echo parameters and generates a motion indicator if the two or more sequential echo parameters indicate a change in an acoustic echo path that exceeds a predetermined threshold.2212. The system of further comprising a second speaker separated from the first microphone by a distance D claim 1 , wherein D is different from D.3212. The system of further comprising a second speaker separated from the first microphone by a distance D claim 1 , wherein D is substantially equal to D.4212. The system of further comprising a second microphone separated from the first speaker by a distance D claim 1 , wherein D is different from D.5212. The system of further comprising a second microphone separated from the first speaker by a distance D claim 1 , wherein D is substantially equal to D.6. The system of further comprising:{'b': 2', '1', '2, 'a second speaker separated from the first microphone by a distance D, wherein D is different from D; and'}{'b': 3', '3', '1', '2, 'a second microphone separated from the first speaker by a distance D, where D is different from D and D.'}7. The system of further comprising:{'b': 2', '1', '2, 'a second speaker separated from the first microphone by a distance D, wherein D is substantially equal to D; and'}{' ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243206A1

A system for monitoring sound pressure levels at the ear includes an ambient sound microphone (ASM) for receiving ambient sounds and an ear canal microphone (ECM) for producing audio signals as a function of ambient sound received at the ambient sound microphone and a sound signal received from an associated personal audio device. A logic circuit is operatively associated with the ASM and ECM calculates a total SPL_Dose experienced by the ear at a time t. The total SPL_Dose is calculated by determining SPL_Dose for periods Δt as measured at the ECM. The logic circuit may select an action parameter in response to the Total SPL_Dose. 1. A system configured to monitor a sound pressure level dose at an ear comprising:an ear canal microphone configured to measure an acoustic sound pressure level (SPL) within an ear canal of the ear; anda logic circuit operatively coupled to the ear canal microphone, where the logic circuit calculates a Total SPL_Dose at a time t as a function of the SPL.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the logic circuit calculates the Total SPL_Dose as a function of an estimated SPL_Dose during a time period Δt.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the estimated SPL_Dose is calculated as: SPL=SPL_Dose+Time of Sound Exposure/Time 100% claim 2 , where Time 100%=24 hrs/2̂((L−T)/3) claim 2 , where Lis a measured Ear Canal d/BA SPL by the ear canal microphone claim 2 , and where T is a threshold value related to noise level.4. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a readable memory operatively connected to the logic circuit claim 2 , at least one action parameter stored in the readable memory claim 2 , the logic circuit comparing the Total SPL_Dose to a threshold value claim 2 , and if the Total SPL_Dose is greater than the threshold value claim 2 , then the logic circuit reads the action parameter from the readable memory.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the logic circuit performs an action associated with the action parameter claim 4 , where the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243207A1

An analysis system and method for audio data related to a user is provided, so that the user can be classified as one of multiple classes with an assumed probability based on the analysis result. The analysis system comprises an audio transformer () adapted to transform the audio data related to the user into spectra data; a pattern recognizer () adapted to decompose the spectra data to predetermined eigenvectors to get the decomposition pattern of the spectra data; a scorer () adapted to calculate the assumed scores of the multiple classes related to the user based on the decomposition pattern of the spectra data and the attributes of the user using a trained model. 1. An analysis system for analysis of audio data related to a user , comprising:an audio transformer adapted to transform the audio data into a spectra data;a pattern recognizer adapted to decompose the spectra data to predetermined eigenvectors to get a decomposition pattern of the spectra data; anda scorer adapted to calculate assumed scores of multiple classes related to the user based on the decomposition pattern of the spectra data and attribute of the user using a trained model.2. The audio analysis system according to claim 1 , wherein the scorer is adapted to attribute the user to a class with highest assumed score among all of the multiple classes.3. The audio analysis system according to claim 1 , further comprising:a trainer adapted to train the trained model based on at least one history item each comprising a decomposition pattern of a spectra data corresponding to a history audio data of a history user, attributes of the history user, and an actual score of one of the multiple classes for the history user.4. The audio analysis system according to claim 3 , wherein the trainer is adapted to retrain the trained model based on the history items and a new item comprising the decomposition pattern of the spectra data claim 3 , the attributes of the user claim 3 , and an actual score of an ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Audio signal measurement method for speaker and electronic apparatus having the speaker

Номер: US20130251158A1
Принадлежит: HTC Corp

An audio signal measurement method for a speaker and an electronic apparatus having the speaker are provided. The electronic apparatus further has a processing circuit and a power amplifier. The processing circuit is coupled to the speaker and configured to execute a time domain to frequency domain transform according to a voltage value of an audio signal and a current value of current feedback from the speaker so as to obtain a frequency response curve. The power amplifier is coupled to the speaker and configured to drive the speaker according the voltage value of the audio signal. The processing circuit is capable of determining whether the frequency response curve is located within a predetermined area such that the processing circuit generates a signal when the frequency response curve is located out of the predetermined area. Thereby, the electronic apparatus may measure its transducer distortion and acoustic box leakage.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251161A1
Автор: Lott Phillip Dale

An in-ear monitor that can be customized for particular applications and individuals includes a housing formed from a body and a cover. A dynamic driver is mounted in a cavity in the housing on an angled mounting flange. The dynamic driver is acoustically coupled to a trumpet-shaped sound collector. The trumpet-shaped sound collector is coupled to a main sound bore that exits an opening in a nozzle portion of the body that is inserted into the ear canal of a user. An ambient sound port collects ambient sound and couples it to the sound bore. An additional bass post increases the bass response of the monitor. Ear impressions are used to customize the body of the monitor to the ear of a user and the location of the bass and ambient sound ports can be altered for different applications. 1. An in-ear monitor , said in-ear monitor comprising:a housing having a cover and a body;a trumpet-shaped sound collector;a main sound bore acoustically coupled to said trumpet-shaped sound collector;a nozzle having a nozzle opening in said body acoustically coupled to said main sound bore;a bass sound port acoustically coupled to said nozzle opening;an ambient sound port acoustically coupled to said nozzle opening; anda dynamic driver acoustically coupled to said trumpet shaped sound collector.2. The in-ear monitor of wherein said bass sound port further comprises a bass port valve that selectively restricts a sound flow through said bass sound port.3. The in-ear monitor of wherein said ambient sound port further comprises an ambient port valve that selectively restricts a sound flow through said ambient sound port.4. The in-ear monitor of wherein said nozzle includes a recessed channel and a sealing o-ring positioned on a tip of said nozzle.5. The in-ear monitor of further comprising a recessed cable connector.6. The in-ear monitor of further comprising a balanced armature receiver positioned inside said main sound bore.7. The in-ear monitor of wherein said dynamic driver further ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251162A1
Автор: HE Xiao-Lian, HO TEN-CHEN

An audio monitoring device for testing an audio device is provided. The audio device is placed in a shielding room which contains a signal emitter. The signal emitter emits electromagnetic waves which electronically interfere with the audio device. The audio monitoring device includes a sound collector, a sound transmitting tube, and a sound outputting element. The sound collector is positioned in the shielding room and collects sounds from the audio device produced whilst being subjected to the electromagnetic interference issued by the signal emitter. The sound transmitting tube has one end connected to the sound collector and the other end exposed from the shielding room, to connect to the sound outputting element. The sound transmitting tube transmits the sounds collected by the sound collector to the sound outputting element for analysis. 1. An audio monitoring device , the audio monitoring device being for testing an audio device which is placed in a shielding room having a signal emitter , the signal emitter emitting electromagnetic waves to interfere with the audio device , the audio monitoring device comprising:a sound collector positioned in the shielding room, the sound collector collecting sounds emitted by the audio device while the audio device being subjected to the interfering electromagnetic waves of the signal emitter;a sound outputting element; anda sound transmitting tube having one end connecting to the sound collector and the other end exposing from the shielding room to connect the sound outputting element, the sound transmitting tube transmitting the sounds collected by the sound collector to the sound outputting element for testing.2. The audio monitoring device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sound collector has an open claim 1 , trumpet horn-shaped end claim 1 , the open end is aimed at the audio device to collect the sounds claim 1 , the sound collector is non-metallic.3. The audio monitoring device as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251164A1
Автор: GAUTAMA Temujin
Принадлежит: NXP B.V.

A loudspeaker amplifier drive circuit performs analysis of various signals relating to the input and output of the amplifier such that the characteristics and/or diagnostics of a loudspeaker driven by the amplifier can be derived. These are then presented as outputs, so that different circuitry can make use of the information for audio signal processing. 1. A loudspeaker drive circuit for deriving at least one of characteristics and diagnostics of a loudspeaker driven by the drive circuit , comprising:an amplifier;an element for determining a clipping level of the amplifier;an element for sensing the current flowing into the loudspeaker;a processing module to determine the loudspeaker characteristics and/or diagnostics, based on an input audio, the sensed current and the clipping level of the amplifier; andan element for outputting the characteristics and/or diagnostics.2. A circuit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processing module is adapted to derive a loudspeaker temperature.3. A circuit as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the processing module is adapted to derive the amplifier output voltage which is supplied to the loudspeaker based on the audio input provided to the circuit and the known gain and clipping level of the amplifier.4. A circuit as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the drive circuit comprises a delay element between the audio input and the amplifier claim 3 , such that the derived amplifier output voltage is a predicted amplifier output voltage to be supplied to the loudspeaker after a delay of the delay element.5. A circuit as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the processing module is adapted to derive an electrical impedance function from the amplifier output voltage and the sensed current.6. A circuit as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the processing module is adapted to derive a voltage to displacement transfer function for the loudspeaker claim 5 , and thereby derive the loudspeaker excursion based on the amplifier output voltage.7. A circuit as claimed ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251165A1
Принадлежит: OTICON A/S

The application relates to a test device for a speaker module of a listening device, the speaker module comprising a speaker unit for converting an electric output signal to an output sound. The application further relates to a test system and to a data update device. An object of the present application is to provide an alternative scheme for identifying a receiver (speaker) in a listening device, e.g. a hearing aid. The problem is solved in that the test device being a separate device adapted for being electrically connected to the speaker module in a test situation, but not during normal operation of the listening device. An advantage of the invention is that it provides a flexible alternative to a receiver identification solution that is integrated into the listening device. 1. A test device for a speaker module of a listening device , the speaker module comprising a speaker unit for converting an electric output signal to an output sound , ["a communication interface to a programming device for modifying parameters of said listening device according to a user's needs, and/or", 'a communication interface to a network for exchanging data with a server connected to the network., 'the test device being a separate device adapted for being electrically connected to the speaker module in a test situation, but not during normal operation of the listening device, and the test device comprises'}2. A test device according to comprising a measurement unit for performing a measurement contributing to a characterization of the speaker module.3. A test device according to configured to identify a type of speaker unit.4. A test device according to wherein the measurement unit is adapted to measure an impedance of the speaker unit.5. A test device according to wherein the measurement unit is adapted to perform a measurement involving a separate electronic identification component of the speaker module.6. A test device according to wherein the separate electronic identification ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251166A1
Принадлежит: Starkey Laboratories, Inc.

An embodiment of a hearing assistance apparatus for performing a Real Ear Measurement (REM), comprises a hearing assistance device housing, a microphone within the housing, an earhook connected to the housing, and a flexible tube. The house has a first opening for guiding sound into the housing to the microphone. The housing and the connected earhook form an interface, where the earhook has a shape to provide a slot near the interface of the housing and the earhook. The tube guides sound, and has a first end and a second end. The first end of the flexible tube and the slot of the earhook cooperate to retain the first end of the flexible tube in the slot of the earhook and flush with the housing to provide a sound-tight connection with the first opening. 1. A method for performing a Real Ear Measurement (REM) for a user's canal using a hearing assistance apparatus with a receiver , a microphone , and a sound tube , comprising:presenting a periodic signal to the receiver to provide a calibrated sound in the user's ear canal;using the microphone and the sound tube to capture a plurality of samples from the sound in the ear canal for each desired frequency;producing a real-ear coupler difference (RECD) using the plurality of samples and a coupler response; andstoring the RECD in memory of the hearing assistance device.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transforming the samples into a frequency domain claim 1 , and checking for bad capture for each sample.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transforming the samples into a frequency domain claim 1 , and checking for body movements.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising transforming the samples into a frequency domain claim 1 , and generating an average on the samples.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:transforming the samples into a frequency domain;checking for temporal variations for each sample while in the frequency domain to find clean samples; andgenerating an average using ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130251168A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

An ambient information notification apparatus includes: an interior sound acquisition device acquiring an interior sound in a compartment of the vehicle; an ambient information presentation sound generator generating an ambient information presentation sound; and an ambient information presentation sound output device outputting the ambient information presentation sound. The ambient information presentation sound satisfies that a sound pressure level of the ambient information presentation sound is higher than the interior sound in a predetermined frequency band, and is lower than or equal to the interior sound in other frequency band, and that the ambient information presentation sound is provided by stereophony, in which a sound image localization direction approximately directs to a virtual sound source. 1. An ambient information notification apparatus for a vehicle comprising:an interior sound acquisition device that acquires a sound in a compartment of the vehicle, which is referred as an interior sound;an ambient information presentation sound generator that generates an ambient information presentation sound, which satisfies a first condition and a second condition with regard to the interior sound; andan ambient information presentation sound output device that outputs the ambient information presentation sound,wherein the first condition is that a sound pressure level of the ambient information presentation sound is higher than the interior sound in a predetermined frequency band, and is lower than or equal to the interior sound in other frequency band, andwherein the second condition is that the ambient information presentation sound is provided by stereophony, in which a sound image localization direction approximately directs to a virtual sound source.2. The ambient information notification apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:an exterior object detector that detects an exterior object disposed on an outside of the vehicle,wherein the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259244A1
Принадлежит: GN Store Nord A/S

A new hearing device is provided with an inertial measurement unit for determination of yaw of the orientation of a user's head, when the hearing device is worn in its intended operational position on the user's head. 1. A hearing device configured to be head worn for emission of sound towards at least one of the ears of a user and accommodating an inertial measurement unit positioned for determining head yaw , when the user wears the hearing device in its intended operational position on the user's head.2. The hearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the inertial measurement unit comprises a first gyroscope for determining the head yaw.3. The hearing device according to claim 2 , wherein the inertial measurement unit comprises a second gyroscope for determining head pitch claim 2 , when the user wears the hearing device in its intended operational position on the user's head.4. The hearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the inertial measurement unit comprises at least one accelerometer for determining displacement of the user claim 1 , when the user wears the hearing device in its intended operational position on the user's head.5. The hearing device according to claim 4 , wherein the inertial measurement unit comprises a plurality of accelerometers with mutually orthogonal measurement axes.6. The hearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the inertial measurement unit comprises an electronic compass.7. The hearing device according to claim 1 , wherein the inertial measurement unit comprises a GPS unit for determining the geographical position of the user claim 1 , when the user wears the hearing device in its intended operational position on the user's head.8. The hearing device according to claim 1 , comprising a processor that is connected with the inertial measurement unit and configured to process data from sensor(s) of the inertial measurement unit to determine head yaw value(s).9. The hearing device according to claim 8 , wherein the processor ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259246A1
Автор: Kang Seong-Geun
Принадлежит: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

An apparatus and method for interfacing with an earphone are provided. The method includes checking if the earphone is uninstalled promptly after the connection of the earphone is sensed in an external port and if it is sensed that the earphone is uninstalled, continuing to apply a voltage to a MIC_BIAS terminal. The generation of a noise of the MIC_BIAS terminal caused by applying of a periodic voltage resulted from loose insertion of the earphone is prevented. 1. An apparatus for interfacing with an earphone , the apparatus comprising:an external port configured to interface with the earphone; andat least one processor configured to control to apply a voltage to a MIC_BIAS terminal if connection of the earphone to the external port is sensed, and continue to apply the voltage to the MIC_BIAS terminal when disconnection of the earphone is sensed.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an output means configured to notify a user of loose insertion of the earphone through the processor.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the output means is a display unit configured to display an error message indicating the loose insertion of the earphone to the user through the processor.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the output means is a sound output means configured to notify claim 2 , by means of a sound claim 2 , the user of the loose insertion of the earphone through the processor.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the processor configured to set a timer with a predetermined time when disconnection of the earphone is sensed claim 2 , and drive the output means to notify the user it when the timer has expired.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein after driving the output means claim 5 , the processor is configured to release the output means upon one of a lapse of the predetermined time claim 5 , sensing user's key manipulation and sensing normal installation or uninstallation of the earphone.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130259288A1
Принадлежит: MOLEX LLC

The earphone of the Present Disclosure includes a driver for converting electric signals into sound waves, a cord connected to the driver, an elastic holder, a housing and an earpiece. The elastic holder integrally possesses a cylindrical driver housing portion for inserting the driver, and a cord housing portion for housing the end portion of the cord. The housing possesses a cylindrical main body for inserting at least the driver housing portion of the elastic holder, and a sound conduit provided in the end portion of the main body. The earpiece is fitted into the ear canal.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Electronic Devices for Reducing Acoustic Leakage Effects and Related Methods and Computer Program Products

Номер: US20130266148A1
Автор: Peter Isberg

An electronic device includes a housing comprising a speaker configured to be positioned adjacent an ear of a user, and a position-sensitive region on the housing that is configured to sense a position of the ear of the user relative to the housing when the ear is positioned adjacent the speaker and to generate an acoustic leakage position signal responsive to the sensed position of the ear of the user. A control unit is in communication with the speaker and the position-sensitive region and is configured to provide an electrical input signal to the speaker. The control unit is further configured to receive the acoustic leakage position signal and to adapt the electrical input signal responsive to the acoustic leakage position signal.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

In-Ear Audio Device Customization

Номер: US20130272530A1
Автор: Gauger, JR. Daniel M.

An in-ear audio device has a casing on which is disposed one or more bags are positioned to be filled with fillable material during a customization process in which a test sound is acoustically output into an ear canal by an acoustic driver of the in-ear audio device while the one or more bags are being filled, and a microphone acoustically coupled to the ear canal is employed to detect sounds within the ear canal that are indicative of the frequency response of the acoustic output of the acoustic driver to determine when the degree of sealing of the ear canal by the one or more bags is sufficient to achieve a desired quality of frequency response. 1. An apparatus comprising:a casing shaped to fit into a portion of an ear, the casing comprising a bag fillable with a filling material to customize the fit of the casing within the portion of the ear to create a seal between the casing and the portion of the ear that acoustically separates an ear canal of an ear from an external environment that is external to the ear and casing;an acoustic driver disposed within the casing to acoustically output a test sound into the ear canal; andat least one aperture formed in the casing to permit a portion of a microphone to be inserted therethrough from the external environment external and into the ear canal to acoustically couple the microphone to the ear canal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:structure of the casing forms an open interior portion within the casing that is interposed between the ear canal and the external environment, and that separates the open interior portion from the ear canal and the external environment;the at least one aperture formed in the casing comprises a first aperture coupling the open interior portion to the external environment and a second aperture coupling the open interior portion to the ear canal; andthe first and second apertures are sufficiently aligned to enable the portion of the microphone to be inserted through both the first and ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130279703A1

A mobile communication environment () can include a mobile device () to measure and send sound pressure level data. The mobile device () can initiate the collection of audio information responsive to detecting a trigger event. Mobile device () can measure or calculate the sound pressure level from the audio information. Metadata including time information and geographic location information can be captured with the collected audio information. Mobile device () can send the sound pressure level data and metadata through a wired or wireless communication path to a database (). 1. A sound pressure level measurement system comprising:a plurality of mobile devices each having a sound pressure level measurement for providing to a database; anda communication path for the plurality of mobile devices to couple to the database where a mobile device opens a communication path to the database and uploads the sound pressure level measurement to the database.2. The sound pressure level measurement system as recited in where the communication path comprises a radio frequency communication network having at least one base receiver for coupling the plurality of mobile devices to the database.3. The sound pressure level measurement system as recited in where the communication path comprises a wireless local area network coupling the mobile device having one or more sound pressure level measurements to the database for providing the sound pressure level measurements thereto.4. The sound pressure level measurement system as recited in where the communication path comprises a wired or fiber optic path coupling a mobile device having one or more sound pressure level measurements to the database for providing the sound pressure level measurements thereto.5. The sound pressure level measurement system as recited in where the plurality of mobile devices measure sound pressure levels automatically and where metadata is provided with each sound pressure level measurement including time ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Segmenting Audio Signals into Auditory Events

Номер: US20130279704A1
Автор: Crockett Brett G.

In one aspect, the invention divides an audio signal into auditory events, each of which tends to be perceived as separate and distinct, by calculating the spectral content of successive time blocks of the audio signal, calculating the difference in spectral content between successive time blocks of the audio signal, and identifying an auditory event boundary as the boundary between successive time blocks when the difference in the spectral content between such successive time blocks exceeds a threshold. In another aspect, the invention generates a reduced-information representation of an audio signal by dividing an audio signal into auditory events, each of which tends to be perceived as separate and distinct, and formatting and storing information relating to the auditory events. Optionally, the invention may also assign a characteristic to one or more of the auditory events. Auditory events may be determined according to the first aspect of the invention or by another method. 1. A method for processing a multi-channel audio signal , the method comprising:analyzing time concurrent samples of the multi-channel audio signal across at least two channels to determine auditory event boundaries in the at least two channels;identifying auditory event boundaries in the at least two channels, wherein an auditory event is between adjacent auditory event boundaries, and each auditory event boundary represents an end of a preceding auditory event and a beginning of a next auditory event; andidentifying a combined auditory event boundary for the multi-channel audio signal in response to the identifying auditory event boundaries in the at least two channels, wherein neither auditory event boundaries nor auditory events are known in advance of the identifying auditory event boundaries in the at least two channels of the multi-channel audio signal.2. The method of wherein at least one of the auditory event boundaries divides: (i) a portion of audio signal quiet relative to a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Scene Change Detection Around a Set of Seed Points in Media Data

Номер: US20130287214A1

Techniques for scene change detection around seed points in media data are provided. Media features of many different types may be extracted from the media data. One or more statistical patterns of media features in a plurality of time-wise intervals around a plurality of seed time points of the media data may be determined using one or more types of features extractable from the media data. At least one of the one or more types of features comprises a type of features that captures structural properties, tonality including harmony and melody, timbre, rhythm, loudness, stereo mix, or a quantity of sound sources as related to the media data. A plurality of beginning scene change points and a plurality of ending scene change points in the media data may be detected, based on the one or more statistical patterns, for the plurality of seed time points in the media data. 1. A method for scene change detection in media data , comprising:determining one or more statistical patterns of media features in a plurality of time-wise intervals around a plurality of seed time points of the media data using one or more types of features extractable from the media data, at least one of the one or more types of features comprising a type of features that captures structural properties, tonality including harmony and melody, timbre, rhythm, loudness, stereo mix, or a quantity of sound sources as related to the media data;detecting, based on the one or more statistical patterns, a plurality of beginning scene change points and a plurality of ending scene change points in the media data for the plurality of seed time points in the media data;wherein the method is performed by one or more computing devices.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of seed time points comprises at least one seed time point located inside a repeating section of the media data.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of seed time points comprises at least one seed time point located inside a ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287216A1

A harmonic echo power estimator estimates power of echo generated by harmonic loudspeaker nonlinearities in a user equipment having an echo path between a loudspeaker input and a microphone output. The estimator includes a frequency band mapper that maps each frequency band in a set of loudspeaker output signal frequency bands into a corresponding array of loudspeaker input signal frequency bands, where each frequency band in the set is mapped into several frequency bands in the corresponding array. A power estimator determines a power estimate of each input signal in each array of frequency bands. A power estimate combiner combines determined power estimates in each array of frequency bands into a corresponding estimate of loudspeaker input power generating harmonic loudspeaker nonlinearities. A power estimate transformer transforms the estimates of loudspeaker input power across the echo path into power estimates of the echo generated by the harmonic loudspeaker nonlinearities. 1. A method of estimating power of echo generated by harmonic loudspeaker nonlinearities in a user equipment having an echo path between a loudspeaker input and a microphone output , said method comprising the steps of:{'sub': lsp', 'lsp, 'mapping each frequency band in a set of loudspeaker output signal frequency bands (b) into a corresponding array of loudspeaker input signal frequency bands (b(b, k)), each frequency band in the set being mapped into several frequency bands in the corresponding array;'}{'sub': x', 'lsp, 'determining a power estimate ({circumflex over (P)}(b(b, k))) of each input signal in each array of frequency bands;'}{'sub': x', 'lsp', 'x,nl', 'lsp, 'combining determined power estimates ({circumflex over (P)}(b(b, k))) in each array of frequency bands into a corresponding estimate ({circumflex over (P)}(b)) of loudspeaker input power generating harmonic loudspeaker nonlinearities; and'}{'sub': x,nl', 'lsp', '{tilde over (s)},nl, 'transforming the estimates ({circumflex ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315405A1

According to one embodiment, sound processor includes: communication module; outputting module; recording module; display; input module; controller; and calculating module. The controller (i) displays, on display, message prompting user to move a sound input device to position proximate to speaker, (ii) causes the outputting module to output the test sound and causes the recording module to record first sound, (iii) displays, after the first sound is recorded, on the display, message prompting the user to move the sound input device to listening position, and (iv) causes the outputting module to output the test sound and causes the recording module to record second sound. The calculating module finds a first frequency characteristic of the first sound and a second frequency characteristic of the second sound, and calculates, based on a difference between the first and second frequency characteristics, a value for correcting the second frequency characteristic to a target frequency characteristic. 1. A sound processor comprising:a communication module configured to communicate with a sound device;a test sound outputting module configured to cause the sound device to output test sound through the communication module;a recording module configured to record sound collected with a sound input device;a display configured to display a message;an input module configured to receive a user input;a controller configured to (i) display, on the display, a first message prompting a user to move the sound input device to a position proximate to a speaker of the sound device so as to record first sound, (ii) cause the test sound outputting module to output the test sound in accordance with a user input made with respect to the input module in response to the first message and cause the recording module to record the first sound, (iii) display, after the first sound is recorded, on the display, a second message prompting the user to move the sound input device to a listening ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130315406A1

In order to solve the above-described problem, the present disclosure provides a system and a method for signal processing with an external smart device using an earphone port. The earphone port includes a speaker terminal and a microphone terminal and receives a signal from an earphone plug of the peripheral device connected to the smart device. The connection recognition unit recognizes a connection between the earphone plug of the peripheral device and the earphone port. The application operating unit receives an executive command of an existing signal processing application through an input module and executes the signal processing application in response to the executive command. The data processing unit performs a predetermined signal analysis on a data signal input from the peripheral device through the microphone terminal according to an operation of the executed signal processing application and outputs a result of the signal analysis through an output module. 1. A smart device for performing signal processing with respect to a peripheral device by using an earphone port , the smart device comprising:an earphone port that includes a speaker terminal and a microphone terminal and receives a signal from an earphone plug of the peripheral device connected to the smart device;a connection recognition unit that recognizes a connection between the earphone plug of the peripheral device and the earphone port;an application operating unit that receives an executive command of an existing signal processing application through an input module and executes the signal processing application in response to the executive command; anda data processing unit that performs a predetermined signal analysis on a data signal input from the peripheral device through the microphone terminal according to an operation of the executed signal processing application and outputs a result of the signal analysis through an output module.2. The smart device of claim 1 , further comprising: ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329895A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Digital signal processing microphone occlusion detection is described that can be used with a noise suppression system that uses two types of noise estimators, including a more aggressive one based on two audio signals (such as for non-stationary noises) and a less aggressive one based on one audio signal (such as for stationary noises). Decisions are made on how to select or combine the outputs of the noise estimators into a usable noise estimate, based on an occlusion function. The occlusion detection may alternatively be used to trigger an alert to users of multi-microphone audio processing systems, such as smart phones, headsets, laptops and tablet computers. Other embodiments are also described and claimed. 1. An electronic system for audio noise processing and for noise reduction , using a plurality of microphones , comprising:a first noise estimator to process a first audio signal from a first one of the microphones, and generate a first noise estimate;a second noise estimator to process the first audio signal, and a second audio signal from a second one of the microphones, in parallel with the first noise estimator, and generate a second noise estimate;a combiner-selector to receive the first and second noise estimates, and to generate an output noise estimate using the first and second noise estimates; anda microphone occlusion detector to process the first and second audio signals to generate a microphone occlusion signal that represents a measure of how much one of the microphones is occluded, andwherein the combiner-selector is to generate its output noise estimate also based on the occlusion signal.2. The system of wherein the combiner-selector selects the first noise estimate for its output noise estimate claim 1 , and not the second noise estimate claim 1 , when the occlusion signal indicates that the second one of the microphones is substantially occluded.3. The system of wherein the occlusion detector computes a power or energy ratio (PR) or a ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329899A1

According to one embodiment, a measuring apparatus includes: an output module configured to temporally exclusively output, to a measuring target system, a first output signal corresponding to a first measuring signal for sweeping frequency and a second output signal corresponding to a second measuring signal for sweeping frequency and having a different amplitude characteristic from an amplitude characteristic of the first measuring signal; and a frequency characteristic computation module configured to synthesize a first frequency amplitude spectrum obtained from a first reception signal when a sound output from the measuring target system based on the first output signal is received and a second frequency amplitude spectrum obtained from a second reception signal when a sound output from the measuring target system based on the second output signal is received to generate frequency characteristic data representing an acoustic characteristic. 1. A measuring apparatus comprising:an output module configured to temporally exclusively output, to a measuring target system, a first output signal corresponding to a first measuring signal for sweeping frequency and a second output signal corresponding to a second measuring signal for sweeping frequency and having a different amplitude characteristic from an amplitude characteristic of the first measuring signal; anda frequency characteristic computation module configured to synthesize a first frequency amplitude spectrum obtained from a first reception signal when a sound output from the measuring target system based on the first output signal is received and a second frequency amplitude spectrum obtained from a second reception signal when a sound output from the measuring target system based on the second output signal is received to generate frequency characteristic data representing an acoustic characteristic.2. The measuring apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe output module is configured to use, as the second measuring ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Sensor Fusion to Improve Speech/Audio Processing in a Mobile Device

Номер: US20130332156A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

The disclosed system and method for a mobile device combines information derived from onboard sensors with conventional signal processing information derived from a speech or audio signal to assist in noise and echo cancellation. In some implementations, an Angle and Distance Processing (ADP) module is employed on a mobile device and configured to provide runtime angle and distance information to an adaptive beamformer for canceling noise signals, provides a means for building a table of filter coefficients for adaptive filters used in echo cancellation, provides faster and more accurate Automatic Gain Control (AGC), provides delay information for a classifier in a Voice Activity Detector (VAD), provides a means for automatic switching between a speakerphone and handset mode of the mobile device, or primary microphone and reference microphones and assists in separating echo path changes from double talk. 1. A computer-implemented method performed by one or more processors of a mobile device , comprising:receiving data from one or more sensors of a mobile device;calculating an orientation and distance of a signal source relative to a first microphone of the mobile device based on the data;receiving a signal from the source through the first microphone; andprocessing the signal based on the calculated orientation and distance.2. The method of claim 1 , where processing comprises:calculating a gain based on the distance; andautomatically applying the gain to the signal received through the first microphone.3. The method of claim 2 , where automatically applying the gain claim 2 , comprises:comparing the calculated gain with an estimated gain; anddetermining whether to apply the calculated gain to the signal based on results of the comparison.4. The method of claim 3 , where processing comprises:determining a gain error based on the calculated gain and the estimated gain; andapplying either the calculated gain or the estimated gain to the signal received through the ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130336491A1
Принадлежит: NEC BIGLOBE, LTD.

Waveform generating section generates a waveform, and waveform collecting sections - to - collect the waveform generated by waveform generating section . Waveform comparing section compares waveforms collected by waveform collecting sections - to - with each other. Group generating section groups waveform collecting sections - to - which collected identical waveforms, into one group as a result of comparison. 1. A grouping system , comprising:a waveform generating section that generates a waveform;waveform collecting sections that collect the waveform generated by said waveform generating section;a waveform comparing section that compares waveforms collected by said waveform collecting sections with each other; anda group generating section that groups waveform collecting sections that collect identical waveforms into one group as a result of comparison by said waveform comparing section.2. The grouping system according to claim 1 , whereinsaid waveform comparing section compares feature values of the waveforms with each other, andsaid group generating section groups waveform collecting sections that collect waveforms identical in feature value into one group as a result of comparison by said waveform comparing section.3. The grouping system according to claim 1 , comprisinga waveform control section that controls generation of the waveform in said waveform generating section, whereinsaid waveform control section reports waveform information indicating the waveform generated by said waveform generating section to said waveform comparing section, andsaid waveform comparing section performs the comparison by using the waveform indicated by the waveform information reported from said waveform control section.4. The grouping system according to claim 1 , whereinsaid waveform collecting section outputs to said waveform comparing section timing information indicating timing during which the waveform was collected together with waveform information indicating the collected ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Detection of Device Configuration

Номер: US20130343553A1

Devices connected with a computer system are interrogated to detect whether they are configured and functioning. In an audio device implementation, a known audio sample is output to a loudspeaker. If the loudspeaker is properly configured and functional, an attached microphone will capture the sound corresponding to the audio sample generated by the loudspeaker. If sound corresponding to the audio sample is detected, an indication is provided to the user that the microphone and loudspeaker are operational. If no sound corresponding to the audio sample is detected, an indication is provided to the user that the loudspeaker is not enabled and additional configuration is required. 1. A method for detection of configuration of a device connected with a computer system , the method comprising:transmitting a sample signal for output via an output device connected with the computer system;capturing a captured signal via an input device connected with the computer system; andcomparing the sample signal to the captured signal to determine whether the captured signal substantially corresponds to the sample signal thus indicating whether the output device, the input device, or both are functional.2. The method of further comprising outputting the sample signal via the output device.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of comparing further comprises processing at least one of the sample signal and the captured signal to transform the sample signal claim 1 , the captured signal claim 1 , or both into a common format.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the output device comprises a loudspeaker and the input device comprises a microphone.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the output device comprises a video display device and the input device comprises a video input device.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the output device comprises a graphic output device and the input device comprises an optical input device.7. The method of further comprising providing an indication to ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Transmitting Environmental Acoustical Information in Digital Audio Signals

Номер: US20140010379A1
Автор: Wellman JOE

Disclosed are systems and methods for enhancing playback of an audio signal to approximate the listening experience at a recording site. A test signal is emitted into a recording environment and acoustic parameters for the recording environment are calculated according to the test signal and a response to the test signal. An encoded signal including a recording of an audio event in the recording environment and the acoustic parameters is then transmitted to a listening site or affixed to a medium. At the listening site the acoustic parameters are extracted and the recording is enhanced or corrected according to the acoustic parameters. Acoustic parameters for the listening site may also be calculated and the recording may be further enhanced therewith. During playback of the enhanced recording, the sound may be measured and the enhanced recording may be actively enhanced during playback according to the measurement. 1. A method for enhancing audio signals comprising:emitting a recording test signal into a recording environment;recording a response to the recording test signal using a recording system;extracting recording acoustic information according to analysis of the test signal and the response;recording an audio event in the recording environment to generate an original recording; andgenerating an enhanced recording including both an audio signal corresponding to the original recording and the recording acoustic information.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:receiving the enhanced recording by a playback system;extracting the recording acoustic information from the enhanced recording;correcting the audio signal according to the recording acoustic information; andaudibly presenting the corrected audio signal in a playback environment.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:emitting a playback test signal in the playback environment;recording a response to the playback test signal; andextracting playback acoustic information according to analysis ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140010380A1

Audio systems for a vehicle and methods of operating an audio device in a vehicle cabin are provided. A method of operating an audio device directs an acoustic signal to at least one vehicle cabin receiver (VCR) of the audio device; measures sound pressure levels (SPL) for acoustic energy received by at least one vehicle cabin microphone (VCM) of the audio device during a time period Δt; calculates a sound pressure level (SPL) dose (SPL_Dose) during the time period Δt using the sound pressure levels SPLof the at least one VCM; combines the SPL dose (SPL_Dose) with an SPL dose of a previous time period to form a total SPL dose (SPL_Dose); and performs an action to modify operation of the audio device when the total SPL dose is greater than a predetermined threshold. 1. A method of operating an audio device in a vehicle cabin comprising the steps of:directing an acoustic signal to at least one vehicle cabin receiver (VCR) of the audio device;{'sub': 'VCM', 'measuring sound pressure levels (SPL) for acoustic energy received by at least one vehicle cabin microphone (VCM) of the audio device during a time period Δt;'}{'sub': Δt', 'VCM, 'calculating a sound pressure level (SPL) dose (SPL_Dose) during the time period Δt using the sound pressure levels SPLof the at least one VCM;'}{'sub': Δt', 'total, 'combining the SPL dose (SPL_Dose) with an SPL dose of a previous time period to form a total SPL dose (SPL_Dose); and'}performing an action to modify operation of the audio device when the total SPL dose is greater than a predetermined threshold.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the action includes at least one of modifying the acoustic signal directed to the at least one VCR claim 1 , sending a notification signal claim 1 , setting a time after which the audio device shuts down or adjusting a system transmission loss (STL) of the audio device.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the modifying of the acoustic signal includes at least one of:reducing an ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Optimized Playback of Audio Signals through Headphones

Номер: US20140010381A1
Автор: Anthony S. Doy
Принадлежит: Maxim Integrated Products Inc

The application discloses a system and method for playback of audio signals though a large variety of headphone devices. To optimize playback, the specific headphone device is identified so the proper amplifier gain and equalization settings can be applied. Such identification is determined by measuring the headphone impedance as a function of frequency, and comparing the impedance data with data of know devices in a database. Once a match is found, the appropriate audio gain and equalization settings can be applied.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023198A1

The present invention relates to a method and a circuit for testing a tweeter, said tweeter being part of a loudspeaker system, wherein the method includes the steps of: applying a high-frequency voltage signal to one terminal of said tweeter, said high-frequency voltage signal being generated by first electronic means; applying a constant voltage signal to the other terminal of said tweeter, said constant voltage signal being generated by second electronic means; measuring a current Ithat flows through said tweeter into said second electronic means; determining a connect/disconnect state of said tweeter from the value of said current. 1. A method for testing a speaker , said method comprising:applying an AC voltage signal to a first terminal of said speaker, said AC voltage signal being generated by a first electronic circuit;applying a constant voltage signal to a second terminal of said speaker, said constant voltage signal being generated by a second electronic circuit;measuring a current that flows through said speaker into said second electronic circuit; anddetermining a connect/disconnect state of said speaker from a value of said current.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein:applying the AC voltage signal includes receiving an AC input signal at a first signal input of a first amplifier stage of the first electronic circuit; andapplying the constant voltage signal includes receiving a DC voltage at a first signal input of a second amplifier stage of said second electronic circuit.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:applying the AC voltage signal includes receiving a first feedback signal from the first terminal of the speaker at a second signal input of the first amplifier stage; andapplying the constant voltage signal includes receiving a second feedback signal from the second terminal of the speaker at a second signal input of the second amplifier stage.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein said DC voltage has a zero value.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140037096A1

Measurements of body sounds in the ear canal may be used for many applications. However, reliability is dependent on the ear canal being properly sealed to allow the body sounds to achieve a detectable level. An apparatus is therefore provided for determining a seal quality indication for a seal of an ear canal. An ear canal microphone () provides a microphone signal to an input () which is coupled to a circuit () for generating a first signal from the microphone signal. The first signal may be the same as the microphone signal. A circuit () then determines the seal quality in response to the frequency spectrum for the first signal. A frequency transformer () may perform a frequency transformation on the first signal to generate a frequency spectrum for the first signal and. The seal quality indication may specifically be generated based on a detection of a low frequency boost. 1. A method of detecting a seal quality indication for a seal of an ear canal , the method comprising:receiving a microphone signal from an ear canal microphone positioned in the ear canal;generating a first signal from the microphone signal; anddetermining the seal quality indication in response to a characteristic of a frequency spectrum of the first signal; wherein the seal quality indication is determined in response to a comparison of a combined signal level in a first frequency band having an upper frequency, and a combined signal level in a frequency interval including a second frequency band of frequencies above the upper frequency.2. The method of the seal quality indication is determined in response to a variation of a magnitude of the frequency spectrum with frequency.3. The method of where the seal quality indication is determined in response to a gradient of the magnitude as a function of frequency in a frequency interval.4. The method of wherein determining the seal quality indication comprises determining the seal quality indication to indicate an increasing value of quality ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Loudspeaker Calibration Using Multiple Wireless Microphones

Номер: US20140037097A1
Автор: LaBosco Mark
Принадлежит: Crestron Electronics, Inc.

An illustrative embodiment includes a method for use in performing acoustic calibration of at least one audio output device for a plurality of listening locations. An audio input device generates a data signal based on a series of one or more tones output by the at least one audio output device. The audio input device wirelessly transmits the data signal to a calibration device. The audio input device is one of a plurality of audio input devices deployed at respective ones of the plurality of listening locations. The data signal is one of a plurality of data signals generated by respective ones of the plurality of audio input devices based on the series of one or more tones output by the at least one audio output device. The plurality of data signals are wirelessly transmitted by the respective ones of the plurality of audio input devices to the calibration device. 1. A method for use in performing acoustic calibration of at least one audio output device for a plurality of listening locations , said method comprising the steps of:an audio input device generating a data signal based on a series of one or more audio tones output by said at least one audio output device; andsaid audio input device wirelessly transmitting said data signal to a calibration device;wherein said audio input device is one of a plurality of audio input devices deployed at respective ones of said plurality of listening locations; andwherein said data signal is one of a plurality of data signals generated by respective ones of said plurality of audio input devices based on said series of one or more tones output by said at least one audio output device; andwherein said plurality of data signals are wirelessly transmitted by said respective ones of said plurality of audio input devices to said calibration device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said audio input device comprises a wireless microphone and wherein said at least one audio output device comprises at least one loudspeaker.3. The ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140038460A1

An apparatus comprises a first connector, a second connector, a detection circuit and a logic circuit. The first connector and the second connector are configured for electrical communication with first and second conducting terminals, respectively, of an audio jack plug. The detection circuit is configured to apply a first value of current to the first connector, and apply a second value of current to the second connector. The logic circuit is configured to generate an indication that the audio jack plug is fully inserted according to a logic level detected at the second connector when electrical ground is detected at the first connector. 1. An apparatus comprising:a first connector and a second connector configured for electrical communication with first and second conducting terminals, respectively, of an audio jack plug; apply a first value of current to the first connector; and', 'apply a second value of current to the second connector; and, 'a detection circuit configured toa logic circuit configured to generate an indication that the audio jack plug is fully inserted according to a logic level detected at the second connector when electrical ground is detected at the first connector.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the detection circuit is configured to increase the value of current applied to the first connector when detecting electrical ground at the first connector claim 1 , and wherein the logic circuit is configured to generate the indication that the audio jack plug is fully inserted according to the logic level detected at the second connector when electrical ground is detected at the first connector when both the first value of current and the increased value of current are applied to the first connector.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the logic circuit is configured to generate an indication that a microphone connection is present in response to the detecting circuit detecting electrical ground at the first connector and detecting a high ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044268A1
Принадлежит: MAGIX AG

According to a preferred aspect, there is provided a system and method for controlled dynamics adaptation of audio works. The dynamics complexity of the audio is adapted depending on the listening environment and its dynamics properties. The instant invention utilizes a function of stepwise linear and logarithmical sections, which describe individual points of a curve and which therefore with the use of a parameter can be utilized to calculate and control the target value of the loudness range. The curve points are stored and provided as metadata of the musical program, which allows the dynamics scaling functionality to be implemented dynamically and not tied to a certain time or place. 1. A method of performing a digital audio work , comprising the steps of:(a) accessing said digital audio work;(b) determining a plurality of change points within said audio work;(c) using said plurality of change points to determine a piece wise continuous expansion curve;(d) using said expansion curve to scale said digital audio work, thereby creating a scaled digital audio work;(e) transmitting said scaled digital audio work and said expansion curve to a user;(f) selecting a target loudness range.(g) using said expansion curve and said selected target loudness range to at least approximately recover said digital audio work from said scaled digital audio work; and,(h) performing said at least approximately recovered digital audio work for the user.2. A method of performing a digital audio work according to claim 1 , wherein said expansion curve is determined either automatically claim 1 , semi-automatically or manually.3. A method of performing a digital audio work according to claim 1 , wherein each of said change points has a location within said audio work and wherein each of said change points represents the amplitude of said expansion curve at that location.4. A method of performing a digital audio work according to wherein said audio work is selected from the group consisting ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050327A1
Автор: Asada Kohei, KITAZAWA Yuji

An audio signal processing apparatus includes a tapping detection unit to which an audio signal picked up by a microphone is input and that detects a tapping input operation on the basis of an energy increase/decrease determination process for making a determination as to whether an increase and a decrease of an energy level of low-frequency components of the audio signal occur within a first time period; and a control unit that performs a certain control process that is set for a tapping input operation in response to a tapping input operation being detected by the tapping detection unit. 19-. (canceled)10. An audio signal processing apparatus comprising: detecting, at a first time, an increase in energy level of one or more components of the audio signal; and', 'determining whether a decrease in energy level of the one or more components of the audio signal occurs before an end of a first time period starting at the first time; and, 'a tapping detection unit comprising at least one first circuit configured to detect a tapping input operation from an audio signal picked up by at least one microphone, wherein detecting a tapping input operation comprisesa control unit comprising at least one second circuit configured to, in response to a tapping input operation being detected by the tapping detection unit, perform a control process corresponding to the detected tapping input operation.11. The audio signal processing apparatus of claim 10 , wherein the at least one first circuit of the tapping detection unit comprises at least one low-pass filter configured to filter the audio signal picked up by the at least one microphone to obtain the one or more components of the audio signal.12. The audio signal processing apparatus of claim 11 , wherein the tapping input operation comprises a first tap and a second tap claim 11 , and wherein the at least one first circuit of the tapping detection unit is configured to:detect the first tap at a second time; anddetermine whether ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050328A1
Автор: Fischer Eghart

An amplification factor for a hearing aid device is generated by way of the following steps: forming a numerator, wherein the numerator includes a total with a first total component which is formed by means of multiplication of a strength of an approximately undisturbed signal with a first weighting and a second total component, which is formed by multiplication of a strength of a disturbed signal with a second weighting; forming a denominator, which includes the numerator as a first summand and a strength of an interference signal as a second summand. The amplification factor is finally determined by forming a quotient from the numerator divided by the denominator. An apparatus is configured to implement and carry out the novel method. 1. A method of determining an amplification factor of a hearing aid device , the method which comprises:determining a strength of an approximately undisturbed signal;determining a strength of an interference signal;determining a strength of a disturbed signal; forming a numerator, the numerator including a total with a first total component formed by way of a multiplication of the strength of the approximately undisturbed signal with a first weighting and a second total component formed by way of a multiplication of the strength of the disturbed signal with a second weighting;', 'forming a denominator, the denominator including the numerator as a first summand and the strength of the interference signal as a second summand;', 'determining the amplification factor by forming a quotient from the numerator divided by the denominator; and, 'generating the amplification factor from the strength of the undisturbed signal, the strength of the interference signal, and the strength of the disturbed signal, bysetting an amplification of the hearing aid device with the amplification factor and amplifying an input signal of the hearing aid device in accordance with the amplification factor.2. The method according to claim 1 , which comprises ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140050329A1
Принадлежит: Merry Electronics Co., Ltd.

An assisting listening device having audiometry function includes an earphone, a testing signal generator, a feedback generator and a control box. The testing signal generator is controlled by a digital signal processor of the control box to provide a testing signal to a speaker of the earphone. The feedback generator will generate a feedback signal to the digital signal processor of the control box subject to the testing signal, enabling the digital signal processor to evaluate the user's hearing threshold level so that the user can adjust the functioning of the assisting listening device optimally subject to the evaluation result. 1. An assisting listening device , comprising:an earphone comprising a microphone for picking up external sound and generating a corresponding acoustic signal, an acoustic signal processor electrically coupled to said microphone for receiving and processing the acoustic signal, and a speaker electrically coupled to said audio signal processor for receiving the processed acoustic signal and emitting corresponding sound;a testing signal generator electrically coupled to said speaker of said earphone and adapted for providing a testing signal to said speaker, the testing signal generator being disposed outside the earphone;a feedback generator adapted for generating a feedback signal subject to the testing signal generated by said testing signal generator; anda control box comprising a digital signal processor electrically connected to said acoustic signal processor of said earphone, said testing signal generator and said feedback generator;wherein the assisting listening device is switchable between an audiometry mode for evaluating a hearing threshold level of a user, and an assisting listening mode when the speaker emits the sound corresponding to the acoustic signal that is processed subject to the hearing threshold level of the user.2. The assisting listening device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein when the assisting listening device is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064501A1
Принадлежит: BANG & OLUFSEN A/S

A method and system for providing information to a user positioned in a room with two independent listening areas where, in one area, an audio signal is output compensating for the sound from the other area, and where a position between the two areas is indicated to a user. When the user moves about, the position and size of one listening area may change, and the user may be made aware of any conflict with the other listening area. The areas may be defined by boundaries where a compensation quality is at a threshold quality. 1. A method of providing information to a user , the method comprising:determining or sensing a second audio signal provided in a second area in a predetermined space also comprising a first area,providing, in the first area, a first audio signal generated on the basis of the determined/sensed second audio signal, andindicating a position between the first and second areas.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of providing of the first audio signal comprises one or more sound providers providing the first audio signal claim 1 , and wherein the step of generating the first audio signal comprises accessing a target audio signal claim 1 , generating a feed signal by adapting the target audio signal on the basis of the determined/sensed second audio signal and feeding the feed signal to one or more sound generators.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of indicating the position comprises determining a position between the first and second areas where the first audio signal fulfils a predetermined parameter.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of indicating the position comprises determining a position between the first and second areas where the second audio signal fulfils a predetermined parameter.5. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the step of determining a first position of a user in the second area.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein the step of indicating the position ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140064503A1
Автор: KO Hanho, PARK Jeheon

A method and portable terminal for automatically controlling an output volume of audio output of a head phone when the head phone is connected to a portable terminal are provided. The method of controlling an audio output in a portable terminal, includes outputting a test audio signal to a head phone for a preset playback time when the head phone is connected to the portable terminal; collecting neighboring noise interval information and impedance interval information of the head phone while the test audio signal is output to the head phone; determining impedance of the head phone based on the neighboring noise interval information and the impedance interval information; determining a gain of an audio signal based on the determined impedance; and amplifying the audio signal in proportion to the determined gain, and outputting the amplified audio signal to the head phone. 1. A method of controlling an audio output in a portable terminal , the method comprising:outputting a test audio signal to a head phone for a preset playback time when the head phone is connected to the portable terminal;collecting neighboring noise interval information and impedance interval information of the head phone while the test audio signal is output to the head phone;determining impedance of the head phone based on the neighboring noise interval information and the impedance interval information;determining a gain of an audio signal based on the determined impedance; andamplifying the audio signal in proportion to the determined gain, and outputting the amplified audio signal to the head phone.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the neighboring noise interval information is a magnitude of a neighboring noise during time periods collected for the playback time claim 1 , and the impedance interval information is an impedance of the head phone during time periods collected for the playback time.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein determining the impedance of the head phone comprises:searching ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072126A1

An apparatus for determining a measure for a perceived level of reverberation in a mix signal consisting of a direct signal component and a reverberation signal component, has a loudness model processor having a perceptual filter stage for filtering the dry signal component the reverberation signal component or the mix signal, wherein the perceptual filter stage is configured for modeling an auditory perception mechanism of an entity to obtain a filtered direct signal, a filtered reverberation signal or a filtered mix signal. The apparatus furthermore has a loudness estimator for estimating a first loudness measure using the filtered direct signal and for estimating a second loudness measure using the filtered reverberation signal or the filtered mix signal, where the filtered mix signal is derived from a superposition of the direct signal component and the reverberation signal component. The apparatus furthermore has a combiner for combining the first and the second loudness measures to obtain a measure for the perceived level of reverberation. 1. Apparatus for determining a measure for a perceived level of reverberation in a mix signal comprising a direct signal component and a reverberation signal component , comprising:a loudness model processor comprising a perceptual filter stage for filtering the dry signal component, the reverberation signal component or the mix signal, wherein the perceptual filter stage is configured for modeling an auditory perception mechanism of an entity to acquire a filtered direct signal, a filtered reverberation signal or a filtered mix signal;a loudness estimator for estimating a first loudness measure using the filtered direct signal and for estimating a second loudness measure using the filtered reverberation signal or the filtered mix signal, where the filtered mix signal is derived from a superposition of the direct signal component and the reverberation signal component; anda combiner for combining the first and the second ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140072127A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An uncomfortable sound pressure estimation system includes: a biological signal measurement section for measuring an electroencephalogram signal of a user; a sound stimulation output section for presenting a sound stimulation group to the user, the sound stimulation group including a first sound, a second sound, and a third sound which are pure tones of the same frequency and which consecutively decrease in sound pressure within a predetermined range; an extraction section for, from the electroencephalogram signal in a predetermined zone defined based on a point of presenting at least one of the second sound and the third sound as a starting point, extracting an N1-P2-amplitude related or wavelet-coefficient related characteristic amount of event-related potential of the electroencephalogram signal; and a determination section for determining an uncomfortable sound pressure at the frequency of the sound stimulation group based on the characteristic amount extracted by the extraction section. 1. An uncomfortable sound pressure estimation system comprising:a biological signal measurement section configured to measure an electroencephalogram signal of a user;a sound stimulation output section configured to present a sound stimulation group to the user, the sound stimulation group including a first sound, a second sound, and a third sound which are pure tones of a same frequency and which consecutively decrease in sound pressure within a predetermined range;an extraction section configured to extract, from the electroencephalogram signal in a predetermined zone defined based on a point of presenting at least one of the second sound and the third sound as a starting point, an N1-P2-amplitude related or wavelet-coefficient related characteristic amount of event-related potential of the electroencephalogram signal; anda determination section configured to determine an uncomfortable sound pressure at the frequency of the sound stimulation group based on the characteristic ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Testing for defective manufacturing of microphones and ultralow pressure sensors

Номер: US20140076052A1

A method of testing a MEMS pressure sensor device such as, for example, a MEMS microphone package. The MEMS pressure sensor device includes a pressure sensor positioned within a housing and a pressure input port to direct acoustic pressure from outside the housing towards the pressure sensor. An acoustic pressure source is activated and acoustic pressure from the acoustic pressure source is directed to the pressure input port and to an exterior location of the housing other than the pressure input port. Based on the output signal of the pressure sensor, it is determined whether any defects exist that allow acoustic pressure to reach the pressure sensor through the exterior of the housing at locations other than the pressure input port.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079225A1

An approach is provided for efficiently capturing, processing, presenting, and/or associating audio objects with content items and geo-locations. A processing platform may determine a viewpoint of a viewer of at least one content item associated with a geo-location. Further, the processing platform and/or a content provider may determine at least one audio object associated with the at least one content item, the geo-location, or a combination thereof. Furthermore, the processing platform may process the at least one audio object for rendering one or more elements of the at least one audio object based, at least in part, on the viewpoint. 1. A method comprising facilitating a processing of and/or processing (1) data and/or (2) information and/or (3) at least one signal , the (1) data and/or (2) information and/or (3) at least one signal based , at least in part , on the following:at least one determination of a viewpoint of a viewer of at least one content item associated with a geo-location;at least one determination of at least one audio object associated with the at least one content item, the geo-location, or a combination thereof; anda processing of the at least one audio object for rendering one or more elements of the at least one audio object based, at least in part, on the viewpoint.2. A method of claim 1 , wherein the at least one audio object is captured substantially simultaneously claim 1 , at a same geo-location claim 1 , or a combination thereof as the at least one content item.3. A method of claim 1 , wherein the (1) data and/or (2) information and/or (3) at least one signal are further based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on the following:a processing of the at least one audio object for manipulating the one or more elements of the at least one audio object.4. A method of claim 1 , wherein the (1) data and/or (2) information and/or (3) at least one signal are further based claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , on the following:a processing of ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079227A1

An apparatus and method for selectively provide an automatic volume adjustment service considering an audio output signal in an electronic device. A method for adjusting a volume includes identifying a second signal which is output through a speaker while a first signal is input through a microphone, and determining whether a volume of an audio signal to be output through the speaker is increased, based on a correlation between the first signal and the second signal. 1. A method of operating an electronic device , the method comprising:identifying a second signal which is output through a speaker while a first signal is input through a microphone; anddetermining whether a volume of an audio signal to be output through the speaker is increased, based on a correlation between the first signal and the second signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining comprises:determining the correlation between the first signal and the second signal; andin response to the correlation between the first signal and the second signal being greater than a reference value, determining not to amplify the volume of the audio signal for outputting through the speaker.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , when the correlation between the first signal and the second signal is equal to or is less than the reference value claim 2 , determining to amplify the volume of the audio signal for outputting through the speaker.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the determining the correlation comprises identifying a correlation about frequency characteristics of the first signal and the second signal.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the determining the correlation comprises identifying the correlation between the first signal and the second signal through autocorrelation about the first signal and the second signal.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein the determining the correlation comprises identifying a correlation regarding pitch components of the first signal and the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079228A1
Автор: Doller Andrew J.

A microphone test fixture. The test fixture includes a test chamber, an acoustic source, a reference microphone, and an acoustic resistor. The acoustic source is configured to produce sound waves in the test chamber. The reference microphone is positioned to receive the sound waves in the test chamber. The acoustic resistor forms a contiguous space with the test chamber, and is sized to prevent resonances and echoes of the sound waves for a fixed high frequency limit. 1. A microphone test fixture , the test fixture comprising:a test chamber;an acoustic source configured to produce sound waves in the test chamber;a reference microphone positioned to receive the sound waves in the test chamber; andan acoustic resistor forming a contiguous space with the test chamber;wherein the acoustic resistor is sized to prevent resonances and echoes of the sound waves for a fixed high frequency limit.2. The test fixture of claim 1 , wherein the test chamber is sized as small as possible to contain a DUT and accommodate the reference microphone and the acoustic source.3. The test fixture of claim 1 , wherein the contiguous space contains a fluid.4. The test fixture of claim 3 , wherein the fluid is air.5. The test fixture of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic resistor has an acoustic compliance that includes a resistive component and a capacitive component claim 1 , the capacitive component being a potential energy storage claim 1 , wherein the acoustic resistor is sized such that the acoustic compliance resistive component exceeds the acoustic compliance capacitive component by several orders of magnitude fix the maximum frequency limit.8. The test fixture of claim 1 , wherein the acoustic resistor has an acoustic inertance that includes a resistive component and an inductive component claim 1 , the inductive component being a kinetic energy storage claim 1 , wherein the acoustic resistor is sized such that the acoustic inertance resistive component exceeds the acoustic inertance ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079229A1

Methods and systems are taught for testing microphone packages—including measuring non-acoustic noise for the package. A package positioner holds a microphone package such that an acoustic input port of the microphone package is aligned with a plug. An actuator moves the plug relative to the microphone package between a first position—where the plug does not obstruct the acoustic input port of the microphone package—and a second position—where the plug obstructs the acoustic input port and restricts acoustic pressures from entering the microphone package through the acoustic input port. A controller monitors an output of the microphone package and identifies the output as indicative of isolated non-acoustic noise when the plug is in the second position. 1. A method of testing a microphone package using a testing apparatus that includes a plug , the method comprising:positioning a microphone package on a testing apparatus such that an acoustic input port of the microphone package is aligned with the plug of the testing apparatus; a first position where the acoustic input port is not obstructed by the plug and', 'a second position where the plug obstructs the acoustic input port and restricts acoustic pressures from entering the microphone package through the acoustic input port; and, 'controllably moving the plug relative to the microphone package between'}analyzing the output of the microphone package with the plug in the second position.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein controllably moving the plug relative to the microphone package includes raising and lowering the plug while the microphone package remains stationary.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein controllably moving the plug relative to the microphone package includes raising and lowering the microphone package while the plug remains stationary.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein analyzing the output of the microphone package further includes identifying the output of the microphone package as isolated non- ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140079230A1
Автор: Mizuta Masato
Принадлежит: NINTENDO CO., LTD.

In a sound output system including: an information processing apparatus; a first output device; and a second output device, the information processing apparatus generates, based on predetermined information processing, a first sound signal to be outputted to the first output device, and a second sound signal that is a sound signal to be outputted to the second output device and has a content different from that of the first sound signal. When headphones are connected to the second output device, the second sound signal is generated such that at least a part of a first sound which is not outputted as a second sound when no headphones are connected, is contained in the second sound, and the second sound is outputted from the headphones. 1. A sound output system comprising an information processing apparatus , a first output device having a first sound output section , and a second output device having a second sound output section , 'a sound generation section configured to generate, based on predetermined information processing, a first sound signal to be outputted to the first output device, and a second sound signal that is a sound signal to be outputted to the second output device and has a sound content different from that of the first sound signal,', 'the information processing apparatus including'} a headphone connection section configured to connect headphones;', 'a second sound output control section configured to output, from the second sound output section, a second sound based on the second sound signal, and to output, when the headphones are connected to the headphone connection section, the second sound from the headphones; and', 'a connection notification section configured to notify the information processing apparatus whether or not the headphones are connected, and, 'the second output device includingthe sound generation section generating, when the connection notification section notifies that the headphones are connected to the second output device ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Hearing instrument

Номер: US20140079260A1
Принадлежит: PHONAK AG

A hearing instrument microphone device includes at least two microphone sound ports (or sound inlets), a pressure difference microphone in communication with at least two of the sound ports and a pressure microphone in communication with at least one of the sound ports, wherein the acoustic centers of the pressure difference microphone and the pressure microphone essentially coincide.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086420A1
Принадлежит: The Intellisis Corporation

A system and method may be configured to analyze audio information derived from an audio signal. The system and method may track sound pitch across the audio signal. The tracking of pitch across the audio signal may take into account change in pitch by determining at individual time sample windows in the signal duration an estimated pitch and a representation of harmonic envelope at the estimated pitch. The estimated pitch and the representation of harmonic envelope may then be implemented to determine an estimated pitch for another time sample window in the signal duration with an enhanced accuracy and/or precision. 1. A system configured to analyze audio information , the system comprising: an audio information module configured to obtain audio information derived from an audio signal representing one or more sounds, wherein the audio information includes audio information that corresponds to an audio signal during a first time sample window, and wherein such information includes transformed audio information that specifies a magnitude of an intensity coefficient related to an intensity of the audio signal as a function of frequency during the first time sample window;', 'an envelope vector module configured to determine, as a function of pitch in the first time sample window, an envelope vector having coordinates, wherein the envelope vector module is configured to determine the envelope vector for a given pitch in the first time sample window based on the values for the intensity coefficient at harmonic frequencies of the given pitch in the first time sample window;', 'an envelope correlation module configured to obtain an envelope vector for a sound represented by the audio signal during a second time sample window, and to determine, for the first time sample window, a correlation metric as a function of pitch, wherein the correlation metric for a given pitch in the first time sample window indicates a level of correlation between the envelope vector for the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086434A1

A method and apparatus for customizing audio signal processing for a user by a mobile device is provided. The method includes identifying hearing characteristics of the user by testing hearing abilities of the user, by the mobile device, at a plurality of frequencies; adjusting a dynamic range of each of the plurality of frequencies based on the hearing characteristics; processing a decoded audio signal based on the adjusted dynamic range of each of the plurality of frequencies; and outputting the processed audio signal. 1. A method for customizing audio signal processing for a user by a mobile device , the method comprising:identifying hearing characteristics of the user by testing hearing abilities of the user, by the mobile device, at a plurality of frequencies;adjusting a dynamic range of each of the plurality of frequencies based on the hearing characteristics;processing a decoded audio signal based on the adjusted dynamic range of each of the plurality of frequencies; andoutputting the processed audio signal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein testing the hearing abilities comprises identifying an auditory threshold for each of the plurality of frequencies.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein identifying the auditory threshold for each of the plurality of frequencies comprises:selecting one of the plurality of frequencies as a test frequency;selecting a test sound pressure from a test sound pressure region of the test frequency;outputting a test sound corresponding to the selected test frequency and the selected test sound pressure;receiving a user response to the test sound;dividing the test sound pressure region of the test frequency into an auditory threshold absence region and an auditory threshold presence region, based on the received user response and the selected test sound pressure;determining if the auditory threshold presence region is within a predetermined minimum range; anddetermining the auditory threshold based on the auditory threshold presence ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091642A1
Автор: Kim Chang Ho

A device for controlling the polarity of a microphone of a portable terminal includes: a microphone that includes a current control element that is connected between a first polarity terminal and a second polarity terminal; first and second connection terminals that are connected to the first polarity terminal and the second polarity terminal of the microphone; a control unit that detects the level of at least one of the first and second connection terminals and determines whether the polarity of the microphone has been normally connected; a codec that is connected to a first polarity terminal and a second polarity terminal and codes audio signals; and a polarity adjusting unit that is connected between the first and second connection terminals and the first and second polarity terminals of the codec, and switches the outputs of the first and second connection terminals under the control of the control unit in the case of an abnormal connection, so as to be connected to the codec to align polarity. 1. A polarity control device of a microphone of a portable terminal , the polarity control device comprising:a microphone having a current control element connected between a microphone first polarity terminal and a microphone second polarity terminal;first and second connection terminals connected to the first polarity terminal and the second polarity terminal, respectively, of the microphone;a controller that detects a level of at least one connection terminal of the first and second connection terminals and that determines whether the polarity of the microphone is normally connected;codecs that are each connected to the first and second connection terminals to code an audio signal; anda polarity adjusting unit that is connected between the first and second connection terminals and first and second polarity terminals of the codec and that switches an output of the first connection terminal and the second connection terminal by the control of the controller, when the ...
